{ "title": "I Enchanted The Whole Forest", "id": 19617, "author": "Camai", "rating": 3.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2.4.", "id": 305691, "next": 306436, "prev": 305684, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3NzA5NTk2YTZiNTQ2NGI4OTkyNjUwN2E4MWM4Yzc0">Interlude #1</p> <p class="cnM5N2ViYTE1N2Y0NzQzMjNiMmJjZDAzNDM0NmJjMGI4">I came to this inn every day for the past 10 years being in the tower. I was known as “That depressed thief” by the locals for many years. Kids feared my tattoos while I treasured them with my whole life.</p> <p class="cnNhZDg2YThlMDc1OTQ5MjQ4OWFlNWU2ZDM4ODk4MzAw">I spent my days on the streets helping people and earning money on the side. I was no longer a thief, but my class said otherwise.</p> <p class="cnM0NzRkMWZlNDM5NTRhNDZhYWY1NDNkMjc3NDIxOTU1">Bo’lee was the only person that understood me. It was a shame I couldn’t understand one bit he mumbled without that tongue of his. But at least he never left me.</p> <p class="cnNlNGIwZjcyOWEyZTQ5ZTRiZDFmNmY1Yjg3ZWM2Yzkx">“Bo’lee, I heard a newbie appeared in the town today. Do you think he or she will come to your inn?” I asked with a hood over my face.</p> <p class="cnM0YTM1MGUwMTM1ZTQyZjVhMjQyYWU4Y2VhOTJiY2Qw">Bo’lee shrugged, it was his way of saying he doesn’t care.</p> <p class="cnM5MmFiMWFlYmYyYjRhOGJiZDRhOTJlOGQwNzFjZTM3">“How could you not care! It means another patron! And another person that will look down upon both of us!”</p> <p class="cnNlYjZlOWJiOGJhNDRmMzI5ZTU3MjZkZjY1YTJkYmU4">Bo’lee looked at me with sympathy and I have shut up for the time being.</p> <p class="cnNiZjg2NGRjY2Q1MjQ5ZjhiMDFkYWFhMDQ1NjFjNGYy">The entrance bell ringed and a fur-clad young girl entered the inn.</p> <p class="cnNiZDdhOGZjNTc5MDQ4MTk4NGUyN2VmMDc2YTYwNjdj">The entrance hall was dead silent. I continued to sip on my beer and ignored her. She must’ve experienced a lot.</p> <p class="cnM2NTgyODE4N2FkNDRiZWRiNDBjMzY0OTk5NGNhOWEw">“One room please.” She came up to Bo’lee and asked for a room. I guess she had a pretty good eye for discerning who’s the owner.</p> <p class="cnMyY2U1NjhlMmFlNjQ4MjNhNTg3NzI2NzlkZjc5MDgy">Bo’lee looked at her and waited for her to give the money needed for the room.</p> <p class="cnMwZjQ5ZjRjNDA2YTQ0N2I5NzhmNTEyYjAwMGNjYWI2">The girl’s hair was pink and dark brown at some places. She wore a pony tail which was quite fuzzy. I think I might’ve started to like her if she continued to amuse me.</p> <p class="cnM0YTk4NDEwOTZmMTRjZjA5NGQ5ODBjOTVlNDg5MzJi">“1 room please!” she told Bo’lee again.</p> <p class="cnNjMGUyZTMzMDVjMzQ5MDlhNzBiNmRlMWEzNTQ3YjA0">I interrupted her. “Girl, you need to pay up, Bo here can’t talk. It’s 20 copper per night.” I told her.</p> <p class="cnNjOTY0MGZiZDQzNDQxOWVhNTU1YTBhZTU1MWRlYzcw">“2 nights please.” She took out 40 copper coins and took the key Bo’lee gave her. “Why can’t he talk?”</p> <p class="cnNlM2Y1MzNmMWRmZTQxNjg5MmMyNGUxMDYyN2Y5ZDg3">“He lost his tongue in a battle a long time ago. What’s your name girl?”</p> <p class="cnMzNmEwM2YwMTc5MTRiMGU4NzM4YzA1MDI0NWI0OTU3">“Camille, and yours?”</p> <p class="cnM1MTgzN2QyNzM5OTQ2YmViNTU0NDZhYmJmYTM2MTE2">“Ak’li.” I took my hood off and smiled at her. I’ve seen many people being shocked by my appearance but this girl was different.</p> <p class="cnM1MzllNTBmODdlZjQ2ZWRhNDg4ZGQyMDgwNjhkYmVm">“Ak’lee? Are you sibling?” She didn’t even react to the dragon jaw tattoo all over my lower jaw</p> <p class="cnM0ZmJiNzAwMTI3MDQxNzhhY2ZkMGZmOWEyYjY5MDIy">“It’s L-I and not L-E-E.” I corrected her and continued. “Nice to meet you Camille, as you have guessed we are siblings. Twins, as a matter of fact.”</p> <p class="cnM3MWY1OGI1ZjFkODRjYWU5Yjc5MGFlMWJmMWVhMTU3">“You guys look so different to be twins. What race are you?”</p> <p class="cnNmNzgwOGUxMjNlNDRkNTRhODc3MGI1MjQ4NTk4YjEy">“We are humans.”</p> <p class="cnM2MmRiODIyMmRlZDQ0ZWJiNDA1MGQ5MjVjOWJkNjMz">“But he has horns.”</p> <p class="cnNiOTNlNTUxZjhjYTQyYjg4OWM2ZDg2ZDQ2ZjA1MGM0">“His class is a bit special.”</p> <p class="cnM2NjIwYmFjZmFlNDQ0NjViMDBjMGIyYjNiZTdhZjZj">“Classes can affect your physical appearance?” She asked me. It seemed that she still hasn’t noticed the tattoo over her left eye.</p> <p class="cnNiMDljOGJkM2Q2ZTRmNjQ4YTY0NzNmYTJhY2QzYjg3">“Here, take this mirror.” I took out a mirror from my robes and gave her to check on her face.</p> <p class="cnMzNWViOWRkMDY5NDRiZWVhYTBjYTM4MWJkYmM1ZWZj">“What is this!?” she touched her arrow tattoo furiously.</p> <p class="cnNkY2JkOGQxMjM5NTQxZmViOTg0ZWQxMjEwZWE1MjA4">“You can’t get rid of it. It is called a Brand.”</p> <p class="cnMxMTliYWM4NWRmYTRlNDY4MjZkYmVjNWRlM2RhNmE5">“I’ve been branded? Then yo-?”</p> <p class="cnNmN2VhMGIyYzcxZTRjYTA5NDZiYzA5ODgzMTgxODE2">“No, these were made by Bo’lee.”</p> <p class="cnMzMDEzZTgxYzQ2NTQ5YzdhZDFiYzJmY2JlYmM1MmZk">“Why would you do that to yourself.”</p> <p class="cnMwMzBlMmViZmRmZjQzNGFiZDViNTk1NTI0NzM1ZmE1">“We lost our privileges to continue to rise up the Tower. So we decided to start a tattoo shop and a inn. We used hollow snake bones to create the iconic Twin Dragon tattoos both of us have.”</p> <p class="cnM2YTA5MDVjZTY0ZDQ2MGVhNjVhYmJjNTI0Mzg3NjVi">“You guys sound like one interesting pair of siblings.” This girl was interesting. I wished to keep her. We would’ve been quite good sisters. Too bad she would probably blindly advance to the level 10 zones and die like the rest of them.</p> <p class="cnMxYTVhNTliYzVlMDQyZTNiN2IyMjY5ZjhjZjhlYjMy">“Ak’li, I wanted to ask you this, but-“ She seemed to be hesitating.</p> <p class="cnMyNmRjZmMxZjhkYTQxMDQ4MWM2ZGQwMDlmNTNiMDY3">“What is it? Ask me anything.” I smiled.</p> <p class="cnNiZjcyYWVkNzcyNzRjY2Y5ODY2ZWU1MTRiOWM0NTAy">“It’s a bit rude to ask this I think. Where are the bathrooms?”</p> <p class="cnMwN2U2MjU0MTk3NzRkOGJhZWI5YjA1ZjY4ODQ5NGNk">“You want to wash yourself? Does the blood bother you? Follow me.” I stood up and placed the hood over my head again.</p> <p class="cnNkNjkzZWRiOTI5YjRlZDViNWM5ZDBjOThhZWRiODQ0">“Thank you!” Camille, the girl I met that day. Was someone unforgettable.</p> <p class="cnM0ODk1ZWM1NTVmYjRiYjA4NmIyYzY4ZTllNzhlZGNi">I remember the first day I met her even today.</p> <p class="cnM1YjM0NmY4ZGNkYzQ5MjBiMGJlYWU1Yjk5YzYzOWFl">“The Tallest Daisy. Heh, that title. I wonder how she is doing today.” I smoked a cigarette and smiled as I puffed out smoke.</p> <p class="cnNiZDY4ZDU5ZmY3MDQyMmZiY2E4MWIwOTE1N2Q3MTU0">“Ak’li, would you mind cutting your hair any time soon?” A male voice came from behind me.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGI2MDkwMDUyNTRkNDhhYjc4ZTY5YTI2N2U1NDE2">I grabbed my disorderly hair and tied it up in a ponytail. The Twin Dragon tattoo on my back shone green for a moment as I stood up and went to greet the man standing behind me.</p> <p class="cnNjNzNiNWZhYTUxNTRlNGY4OTQyOGVkMTc2OGVlZDc5">“Hi, long time no see Rig!” I smiled bitterly.</p> <p class="cnM0ODAwMzgzMWRiZDQxY2E5ODA3YzJhNGU2NjMyYzY4">"What's up my former comrade? What brings a smile to your face at these times when my position as the number 1 is being challanged?"</p> <p class="cnM3MmY2YmExYWVlNDQxNmE4NjMxZGUwMjc4NTAzNmFk">"I was just reminiscing about an old friend."</p> <p class="cnMxYjI2MzcxZjgyNDQwNTlhZTVhMjk3NDc5ZTU2MWM2">"Did that friend of yours die?"</p> <p class="cnM0MmE5MmRmNTg4YjQ0MTg5OTg5MjgxY2UxOTVhMGY4">"Nope, she should be coming for you sooner or later in my opinion."</p> <p class="cnNjZjVmZDU0ZTcxOTQ4OWZhNzIzYjZlN2NmNWZkNzhi">"Oh great, another suicidal bastard that wants to fight me. What did you tell that friend of yours this time?" Rig asked her.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTlhM2M4MjY4YjQxZDk5YTZkODcxZGMzNWY1Njlm">"Nothing, it was her own decision after she heard our story. I never mentioned your name though."</p> <p class="cnNiNmFkMWM5NzFhNzQzYmI5NGNmZmQ1NTY5M2ZjMjQy">"Great..." Rig laughed out load and grabbed Ak'li's shoulder. "Let's go get a drink. I need to speak with you both."</p> <p class="cnM4Y2M0ODY0MTA3OTRlYjVhMjNkZGM1ZTczMzI3ZWRj">"Sure." I looked down into the streets and a streak of pink flashed through the streets. My eyes must've fooled me for a second. I thought I saw someone from the past...</p> </div>
Interlude #1 I came to this inn every day for the past 10 years being in the tower. I was known as “That depressed thief” by the locals for many years. Kids feared my tattoos while I treasured them with my whole life. I spent my days on the streets helping people and earning money on the side. I was no longer a thief, but my class said otherwise. Bo’lee was the only person that understood me. It was a shame I couldn’t understand one bit he mumbled without that tongue of his. But at least he never left me. “Bo’lee, I heard a newbie appeared in the town today. Do you think he or she will come to your inn?” I asked with a hood over my face. Bo’lee shrugged, it was his way of saying he doesn’t care. “How could you not care! It means another patron! And another person that will look down upon both of us!” Bo’lee looked at me with sympathy and I have shut up for the time being. The entrance bell ringed and a fur-clad young girl entered the inn. The entrance hall was dead silent. I continued to sip on my beer and ignored her. She must’ve experienced a lot. “One room please.” She came up to Bo’lee and asked for a room. I guess she had a pretty good eye for discerning who’s the owner. Bo’lee looked at her and waited for her to give the money needed for the room. The girl’s hair was pink and dark brown at some places. She wore a pony tail which was quite fuzzy. I think I might’ve started to like her if she continued to amuse me. “1 room please!” she told Bo’lee again. I interrupted her. “Girl, you need to pay up, Bo here can’t talk. It’s 20 copper per night.” I told her. “2 nights please.” She took out 40 copper coins and took the key Bo’lee gave her. “Why can’t he talk?” “He lost his tongue in a battle a long time ago. What’s your name girl?” “Camille, and yours?” “Ak’li.” I took my hood off and smiled at her. I’ve seen many people being shocked by my appearance but this girl was different. “Ak’lee? Are you sibling?” She didn’t even react to the dragon jaw tattoo all over my lower jaw “It’s L-I and not L-E-E.” I corrected her and continued. “Nice to meet you Camille, as you have guessed we are siblings. Twins, as a matter of fact.” “You guys look so different to be twins. What race are you?” “We are humans.” “But he has horns.” “His class is a bit special.” “Classes can affect your physical appearance?” She asked me. It seemed that she still hasn’t noticed the tattoo over her left eye. “Here, take this mirror.” I took out a mirror from my robes and gave her to check on her face. “What is this!?” she touched her arrow tattoo furiously. “You can’t get rid of it. It is called a Brand.” “I’ve been branded? Then yo-?” “No, these were made by Bo’lee.” “Why would you do that to yourself.” “We lost our privileges to continue to rise up the Tower. So we decided to start a tattoo shop and a inn. We used hollow snake bones to create the iconic Twin Dragon tattoos both of us have.” “You guys sound like one interesting pair of siblings.” This girl was interesting. I wished to keep her. We would’ve been quite good sisters. Too bad she would probably blindly advance to the level 10 zones and die like the rest of them. “Ak’li, I wanted to ask you this, but-“ She seemed to be hesitating. “What is it? Ask me anything.” I smiled. “It’s a bit rude to ask this I think. Where are the bathrooms?” “You want to wash yourself? Does the blood bother you? Follow me.” I stood up and placed the hood over my head again. “Thank you!” Camille, the girl I met that day. Was someone unforgettable. I remember the first day I met her even today. “The Tallest Daisy. Heh, that title. I wonder how she is doing today.” I smoked a cigarette and smiled as I puffed out smoke. “Ak’li, would you mind cutting your hair any time soon?” A male voice came from behind me. I grabbed my disorderly hair and tied it up in a ponytail. The Twin Dragon tattoo on my back shone green for a moment as I stood up and went to greet the man standing behind me. “Hi, long time no see Rig!” I smiled bitterly. "What's up my former comrade? What brings a smile to your face at these times when my position as the number 1 is being challanged?" "I was just reminiscing about an old friend." "Did that friend of yours die?" "Nope, she should be coming for you sooner or later in my opinion." "Oh great, another suicidal bastard that wants to fight me. What did you tell that friend of yours this time?" Rig asked her. "Nothing, it was her own decision after she heard our story. I never mentioned your name though." "Great..." Rig laughed out load and grabbed Ak'li's shoulder. "Let's go get a drink. I need to speak with you both." "Sure." I looked down into the streets and a streak of pink flashed through the streets. My eyes must've fooled me for a second. I thought I saw someone from the past...
{ "title": "Book of Reality", "id": 20611, "author": "JunoCipher", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10: The Encounter", "id": 305693, "next": 305831, "prev": 305692, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0NzcwYWMxODA0YTQwNGU4MWZjZmZmNWFmODU4M2Vi"><strong>Chapter 10: The Encounter</strong></p> <p class="cnNmNTVjMDgwNzliNjQ3MGZhYTc4ZmJjOGQ3ZjRjZmNl"><strong> </strong></p> <p class="cnNhNGUzODE3YzI1MTQxNjM4NWY4N2RjNGZiYzMwYjBk"><strong>[Garaam’s Lair]</strong></p> <p class="cnNhMGE2NzVhOWE0MzQ4YjE4OWE1YzM5MzdhYmQ3MTI1">“Who are you?” – says Garaam siting on his throne</p> <p class="cnM1NTk5NjgwMjViMDQ3ODdhYWZhYjIwYmM3ZGEwZTM1">“My name is Juno…</p> <p class="cnMyNGRkNGViZjM2ODQxNWY4OGZjNDM3ZWY4N2E1NDE1">I’m here to ask you to stop it.” – replies Juno</p> <p class="cnNkOTM0MWQ2Yzk2YzQ4MmQ5ZDcwYTdmZTc5MDRlYTA2">“Stop…what?” – asks Garaam</p> <p class="cnM0MDZmOTg0YjY3OTRkMWNhMDg4YjkwZmZhZmQ0NjJj">“Everything.” – replies Juno</p> <p class="cnM2ODVmMTQ5ODJkYjRiZmM5NWNkYTE5NDUwNWNiOTc2">“…</p> <p class="cnNiODQ2YTI5YzYwMzRiM2U4Y2YwODliN2E1MjFjMzY5">Who are you again?” – asks Garaam</p> <p class="cnM5MDU3ZWMzNTFlODQ1ZTI4M2E1YjM4Yzc2ZWMyNDQy">“My name is Juno…” – says Juno, but he gets interrupted mid-sentence by Garaam who says:</p> <p class="cnNiMzg5ZmMwMWU1ZDQ0NWQ4YmIwYjNiOTdkZTQyYjVi">“I asked you<em>, who you are</em>?”</p> <p class="cnM2MWY0ZTAwNzkyNzQwMjA4NmIzMzZmNGRkMzk5MzRl">“…</p> <p class="cnNhYWI2NDNlNWJhMjQ3YTBhOWFmMjU2MDYwZTVlZjdl">I’m a Human.” – replies Juno</p> <p class="cnMxODY1N2FiZGZiYTQ1MGRiZTI0YTE1MjA1MzY1YzMx">Garaam laughs.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTNmMjNlNDA1MDQxY2NiNzk3ZWE3MjQ5ODExZWNi">“So you are <em>that</em> Human?!”- says Garaam</p> <p class="cnNkZWM0NWU2ZGE4ODRlYmU5Mjg4OTdjMTk5NGJlYTY0">Garaam stands up on his throne.</p> <p class="cnMwZTY4Y2VkMTZmNDRlZWNiZTcyMjcxNTFmOGJmZGFj">“To be fair…</p> <p class="cnNlODE0NmIzYjNmYjQ4YWViNGMwMjMyM2E5ODliYzkz">I was starting to get tired of Worigama anyway.”- says Garaam with a smile on his face.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2I5YWIyOTEwNzQyMWJhZmUzNTIwNGU1ZGYyMzY3">“I don’t know who that is.</p> <p class="cnM5NjQ4MjMzNzgyMjRhOTM4OTEyMzAxY2MxZTMwZjM2">But…” – Juno couldn’t finish his sentence.</p> <p class="cnMzOTIwYzdiYTBjYjQ2YzdhNjMwZjI0YzhlNGI1MDNh">Garaam had summon a big pillar and threw it against Juno, knocking him off the opened door he had left, sending him flying out of Garaam’s castle.</p> <p class="cnNlMjBkOTc5ZjAwNzQ3MTRiYmEwZmFjNzdiMGJkOGNk">Juno finds himself on the ground, not too far of the castle.</p> <p class="cnNiMDYwMGUwYTFjYzRhNGZhMmZjNzMxOWYyNjk3ZmY3">He tosses the pillar away and gets up.</p> <p class="cnNkYTI2NzdkYTVmNTQ1OGY4MTFiZTgxOGRiMWMwODVk">He sighs and walks up to the castle again.</p> <p class="cnNkYzA4Yzk5NmE2YTRlMzhiYzJjMzViNTQ2YmZhMjgy">The gate was closed again but opened immediately as he walked next to it.</p> <p class="cnNkOWUzNTk5NWNmODQ0ODFiMmE1Y2UwOWRiM2IyNjYy">He walks again through the huge corridor and finds the throne’s door again.</p> <p class="cnMxYTJiNDY5YzRmNDQxMDc4ODczOTc5ZDA4MmY1MDM5">He knocks once more.</p> <p class="cnMyOGRmYTBkYzNlOTQ0MTg5NjYxZDc3NjhhNTE5OTY3">This time the door opens.</p> <p class="cnM2YjNjNWFiZTc2OTRiMGZiNDIzZmNiNzRjMmM5NDUx">Some minions (two to be more precise) opened it for him.</p> <p class="cnMzNThmMmViZDc2ZTRkM2M5ZTkyZDg2YTQ3N2RmOWZm">Their face looked confused.</p> <p class="cnNiZDVkY2NiYzE0MjRkMmRiNWU3YTY1MDFkZWVlZmRi">Garaam was on his throne still, sitting on it.</p> <p class="cnMwMmE3NWM2ODVhYjRlMjViMDM0Zjk0MDk5YWM5YjEy">Juno walks up to him again.</p> <p class="cnM4NzBmMjliMDJlNjRlZTY5ZjJhNmQ3NDAwM2E3YzBi">“You again?” – says Garaam quite surprised.</p> <p class="cnM3NWE1NDRmNGM5ZDQzZTRiOTBlZTYxN2U5Y2NiNDcw">“I’m not asking for me…</p> <p class="cnMwZDM4Nzg3NDgwOTQ5Y2ZiMmNmNDQ3OTI5NzI5MTFk">This just isn’t right.” – says Juno</p> <p class="cnM2ZjgyNjhmYzk0YzQ1MDI5NTljYjE2OGFjMTBkMWY1">“And what do you know about the right?” – asks Garaam</p> <p class="cnM4ZTMyOTMwY2JlYjQxZTZiOGEwMmNkN2Y1MTExNmMx">Juno has no answer.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDYxNTUyMGIwMTQ4YTA5MmRlN2EzYmFiMDFjYzQ2">“Hey who the heck are you?” – says one of the minions</p> <p class="cnNlNDYzNTcxYmYxNzQxZmU4ZmY0NmQxY2Y5ZTA5MjI1">Juno looks around, the room was filled with minions now, Gods probably.</p> <p class="cnNkMjE4YmIwZjkzZTQ2ZWZhOWE4OTNjMGE1NzIwNzMx">Juno takes a big breath and says: “You’re killing this world and his people.”</p> <p class="cnM4Njg4MjM2OGQyZDQ1YmI5NTc5OWMzZDIxZDYyN2I3">Everyone looks at Juno with a shocked face.</p> <p class="cnM4MzY3OTcxNWFhZDQwOTQ4MzQzYmVhNGM2YmQ0NWZi">“Who does he think he is?” – murmur the Gods around the room.</p> <p class="cnM2NzRkMjM2YjIxZDQwMWFhNGQxYjRhNWYzMzhmYzZi">“This world was already destroyed.</p> <p class="cnM5OWE2NGU5N2RlMDQwZGE4Y2Q4YzlkMjM2ZjgwOWY4">I’m just cleaning it.” – says Garaam with a smile on his face.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDRlODBjYTZjNDQyMWJhOTFmY2JhMGJhNjM2NjVh">“I don’t understand how someone can be happy with torturing his kind and destroying his own land.” – replies Juno</p> <p class="cnMyZWU0NmQwZDdiZTQxNGJiZWZiN2FhZGNkY2Q5ZGM4"> “Well you’re the intruder, here aren’t you?</p> <p class="cnNkY2EzOGVkMjAxOTRmMTY4OTMyZGRmMGI0MzI1NzE3">Humans are actually not that great either.</p> <p class="cnM4NTNhYzZkNWQzYTQ3ZDA5NTc0NjlmNWJmZmJmMjRj">But…” – Says Garaam as he walks down the stairs and stays right in front of Juno.</p> <p class="cnMwOTdiYjQxZTdkNDQwMWY5ZmE3ODFjMzY1NzYwODk3">He continues: “I am not a Human, I am a God.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjhkOGNjNDhhZTQxNzliMjU1NjBhMTdmZDg1NzBm">Your kind shall never understand…a purpose bigger than life or death.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDAxN2IzZDdkZTRjYmY5MTcxMzAwYjk4ZmJlMWZi">Once his sentence finished, Garaam summons a portal on the room’s roof, whom Juno gets sucked in.</p> <p class="cnMzMWI1MjZkYjdhZTQzMWZhNGE2OWZjZWRhYWIzMzg3">Juno got teleported to that very first lake he found when he first fell onto this dimension.</p> <p class="cnM0ODlmODIwMTA3ZDRjMGVhNDE2YWIxZDk3Zjg5ZDdl">The green lake was now blue, just like any other lake on the Human Dimension.</p> <p class="cnNhMTAwNWM1NzMyODRiYzNiMmRmM2RiNDVhYzMyZmJj">It was obvious that this magnificent Dimension had changed and became something other, something that was on the pit of death.</p> <p class="cnM3ODgzMTkyOWQ4NDRmMmRiNmY2ZWViM2M3NjdkYTA3">No animals were around, neither Gods.</p> <p class="cnNlYTIxODIyNDNmNzQwMDhiNjUyZWUyMDJmYzJiNTY4">They were all captured and locked into jails around the Dimension, under Garaam’s control.</p> <p class="cnMxOGQ2ODMxMDU2ODQxMDk4MmNiMmVkY2UyMzEwNzA1">With the absence of their ArchGods, who had flee to the Human Dimension, fighting was a pointless delusion.</p> <p class="cnNlZTI0NmQ4MTQ0MTRhYTg4NWFiMzc4YzIyM2Y2NTNm">It seems like the only one who wasn’t with Garaam in that Dimension now, was just Juno alone.</p> <p class="cnNjYWQ0MTA5YzlhNjRhNmFiZTg4MmVlZjJlZTc0MDNk">Juno takes a deep breath, his face was as heavy as never.</p> <p class="cnM5MDY0ZTI4OGViZTRhNDZhMzA1MzQ1Y2VhZmQ4MGM5">He starts running, running as fast as he can.</p> <p class="cnM1MDcyMWRkNDUxZTQ3NDk4NTM1YTcyNGY5MjNiNjcz">He walked around this vast dimension at his maximum speed.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGVlMjYxM2M1MDQ3NDQ5NGM2YmUyNmM0ZGI3MmZh">The in jailed Gods, the death Gods and animals, the corpses, he had seen them all lying on the ground, hopeless.</p> <p class="cnMzZTAxY2FjNjEyOTQxNDU4YWU5MDhjNzFhM2E0YTZi">Every ArchGod’s lair destroyed.</p> <p class="cnNmMzYxMDcwZDc3NzQ0NzZiNGFjMmRhYjMxNjIxZTk0">Nothing left on this Dimension.</p> <p class="cnNhNWY2MmNjZTBlZTQ3YTI4ZTcyMmZiMmI2MzgyODcw">Would it even matter if Juno could stop Garaam somehow?</p> <p class="cnNhZDg5ZGE3NDhhZTQyMGRhNzk5OTViYWZhMzhkNzIz">But Juno had no doubt.</p> <p class="cnMzZWEzMWNiN2M5YjQ1MDJhOWRlZGE1MDAyOTExZWMx">For the first time since he came to this Dimension, Juno had a true purpose.</p> <p class="cnNhZGQ3ZjE2NDJlZDQwZDM5OTBiMWJiYTViYWU3ZGVm">Reverting death.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWVhODE4ODdjNTQ4ZTk5MGYzOWY2NDNmZjIyMDRk">Juno arrives to Garaam’s lair again, this time on foot.</p> <p class="cnM3YmFjNzFmMzgyYjRkOGVhZDk2MTE5MDUxZTUwMzFi">This time Juno was determinated.</p> <p class="cnNmMjZmNWU2NmNkNDQ5Yjg5NDM5NDU2NDg2Y2RlMWMy">He run through the huge stairs, ran through the big gate, through the huge corridor, he enters the throne’s room at a high speed while breaking the door.</p> <p class="cnNlMGY3MDM3YmVhMTQyZjE4Y2MxYWViYzRjNDI5OTNm">Once he arrives inside, the gets immediately smashed by a big hammer.</p> <p class="cnM3YWZhNDczZmU1NTQ2ZDdiYTQ1YTAxZWY1ODMxMWIy">“This is what you get for destroying our door!” – says a voice</p> <p class="cnM0NGY2NDNmNjUyNDRjZDJhYTllMGNhMjE5M2VmZmY5">And so Juno had failed, again.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWMzYTQzOGRjMDQzMDI5YzkyZGViYjMxY2JiNjdh">There was no talk, no fight, nothing.</p> <p class="cnMyZTMxNWFkNzYwMjQ3Y2E5MjdiYzdiOTYxMzdlODc2">The moment he entered, he had already failed.</p> <p class="cnM0NTJlNjRhMTM0ODQ3MGU4Y2I5OWQzNjQ2MzhlZTdk">He couldn’t even see anyone this time.</p> <p class="cnMxM2JiMGE2NjcxNDRjZWFhMTVhMzc0NzM1MzA3MTJi">If it wasn’t for his blessings, Juno would’ve died already.</p> <p class="cnNlMzc1ZGE0NmExZDRkMjg5MTk4NjQxNjE3ZDAxNzE0">He doesn’t know what was going on, there was just black.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWVhZjJlMTZjMDQxZWI4ODBmNjQ1NjRhNWM5MTQy">Just him and his thoughts.</p> <p class="cnNkOWM4YWJlYTY2NDQwMjc4YWJjNDZkMWM3MzA3YzU0">Was he actually dead? Or in any type of limbo?</p> <p class="cnM1ZGZiNzc1ZTViZjQ0NDE4MmNiOWQ1YTYzNjRiMGQx">Time passed, he could feel it.</p> <p class="cnM5YWFiZDhhNjRmMDQwY2Y4ZDk2NmQxZDg0MDQ5ZGI3">After much, much time.</p> <p class="cnM2OWM0YTlmYmMzZTQwNDk5MjBlNGVkZTU5MGU0MWZh">The dark finally starts to fade.</p> <p class="cnNiM2VmMjEwNzRhYjRlMmRiNjc1OWY5N2RkY2JlODcy">Juno finds himself at the palace’ stairs again.</p> <p class="cnM3NGQxZTM0MWI0MjRiYjY5OTk1YTAzNTE0YmFlNzI1">The home start.</p> <p class="cnNmZWI1M2IyOGY5NDRjMDBiNTBhODdkMjMxZjlkOTNj">Juno sits on the ground this time, he had lost the motivation to go and try again.</p> <p class="cnM2OWU1NWNmMzQyYzRlMjA5ODVhMTUxNjg5YjA0YmQ1">He closes his eyes, with his fists on the ground.</p> <p class="cnNlZGYyOTdhMmE0ZTRhNGFhODVlNzY2OGJlMGYzODgw"><em>“Is this the end?</em></p> <p class="cnNkOGRkY2Q2ZWE3YjQ3NmQ4MTBjYzExZTIxYjc5NzNm"><em>Was he just going to wait there for the inevitable?</em></p> <p class="cnNmMmM4N2Q2OWEzZjQ2MDBiOWY0ZjI5ZjI0N2M4NGIz"><em>Perhaps, he could even run away like the others did, get some more time.</em></p> <p class="cnMxYmI4NThhNDA0YjRiNmE4NzY3MThmYTljNWM3Yzc5"><em>But time for what? Everything was gone already.</em></p> <p class="cnM2MzBjOTRhODkyMjRjNWM4OGNmZDAxZmM0NzUxZGFk"><em>Abandon those who stayed, like the ArchGods?”</em></p> <p class="cnM3MDg5ZGVkNzUyYzQ1YTk5NTgwYzk2OWE5YjI3OGVh">Those are all the thoughts that were on Juno’s head.</p> <p class="cnMxNmEzZmZjZDI5MTRmZjM5YzkyMjRkZDlhNmY1MWVi">No.</p> <p class="cnMyYjkwODcwZTVhMDRjYTA5NDBiMWNmOWQwNDUzYmUy">Juno had promised Arbihime to fix everything.</p> <p class="cnNkYzk4MzdjMzkwOTRlYzdhZjRiZjQ2ZWJmZTMyNjIx">To bring Clarietta back.</p> <p class="cnM5NDgyNDcwZTIzZDQzMDBiZTU2MGJmNjJlOWEyYTg4">To stop Garaam.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDVkZGE0ZTNlZDQyZjlhN2U4M2YzYmMzMGEwM2M5">Juno opens his eyes and gets up.</p> <p class="cnNlZTM1ZmE2MWU3NjQ5YWFiZjIwM2UzNmM1MDlmNTFh">He walks up the stairs, the gate already opened.</p> <p class="cnNmMTRkMGNkMGU5MTRjMjU5MjUxN2U1MWQwZTk5MWVk">He walks past the corridor.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGUwMGVjMjczYTQ5NTE4YWQ1MmE4NjViZDBmOTcw">The throne’s door seems to have been rebuilt.</p> <p class="cnMyZDBiNjNkMmYxNzRlNmZhYzhkNTdiOTY5YjdhYzgw">Inside the room there is Garaam sitting in his throne, and a bunch of Gods standing up around the room, waiting for orders.</p> <p class="cnM2NDk4ODJkMjRmNzQ3YjNhZWZjOTViYjY3MWYyY2Rj">“So the time has come my minions.</p> <p class="cnNjYzNlMDhkMzIyMjQzZGU4ZTRiNmZiZWU5ZjFkYjQ5">Everything is about to change.</p> <p class="cnNiNTg2ZDQzMzM3MDRkMzk4MTY3Y2FjOTc0ODFmNDNl">Now we--” – says Garaam, who’s interrupted mid-sentence by his door breaking.</p> <p class="cnMyM2MyNWY5YTFlMTRlOTNhZjc1ODdmNGFmMTdjYzcw">It was Juno who broke it with a kick.</p> <p class="cnNjMTViMzk3MmM4ZTRjZTdiMmRjMzg4ZmU2MjVkNzNh">“Now what…?” – says Garaam, clearly mad.</p> <p class="cnM0M2I1OGY1NmIyMjQ0MWVhOTQ2YzdjY2Y2YjNmMjZk">“Noooooo!! No no no no no!</p> <p class="cnM0NjFhOWVjZDIwNzQxNDQ4ZjkxYWQ5ZGVmNGE4YmEw">Unbeleavable! I had just fixed that damn door!” – says one of his minions, really upset.</p> <p class="cnM0NDcyZDgyMGQ2ZDQ5MjI5OTc5NDM1OTlmNDUxN2Iz">Juno walks through the room, everyone is staring at him with anger and shocked at the same time.</p> <p class="cnM3NTdmNGNmMjYxMDQ2YjdhOTk5MzZhZjM2ZWU3NTJj">“Haven’t you had enough, Human?!” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnNkZDE3MThkZWE3ZjRhODU4ZTc5YzA1YTFmZTRjZjBi">“This is your only chance.</p> <p class="cnMyMDEwN2ZhZWUyMTRjNTU4ZTZiNTlhNDVmY2EzYjFj">Reverse everything!” – says Juno with an angry, demanding tone.</p> <p class="cnM4YmFmYjYwMDQ4ZjQ0ZjI4ZjU1NTVjMDExZWRkZTk4">“You…must be kidding me!</p> <p class="cnM2MjJjNTBmNWI0MDQ5MzQ4ZTJlNmJhNzgxMjUyNWIy">A Human?! Giving me orders?!” – says Garaam, getting angrier</p> <p class="cnM5NzU2OTY1YzY2YTQ3ZmM5MmY4YzY4MTdhNjQ2OGE1">“You have already won.</p> <p class="cnM3OTZkZmRhZTlhZjQxMDlhYzdlOWYyY2EwYjc1Y2E2">Why not release everyone and do your thing?” – says Juno</p> <p class="cnNjZmQyMzYwYjM3ODRlZjNiMGU4OWU5ZThiOGI2NjZm">“What about you die for good this time instead?!” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnM3MjRiNWZmYTQ3OTQ1YWFiZmM4N2EyMzc3ZjE3N2My">A God summons a big pillar and tries to smash Juno, whom dodges it without any efforts, shocking that God.</p> <p class="cnM5OWZhNTQ0MjE0NTQ5NmRiMzAwYjBlZTRjYjY5YjBm">“You really don’t get it do you?</p> <p class="cnMxNGM3YjVlMThiZDQ4Njg5ZTI0YTU3ZjgwN2U2MzBk">Stop causing unnecessary harm to everything!</p> <p class="cnNjZmM1NDU5ZWMwMTRiZTQ4NjgxNWJlMWM0YjM2NzIy">There is nothing left to rule!” – says Juno while walking next to the throne.</p> <p class="cnNhY2JjNGZhNjY1ZTQwMTNhMzcxNWJkNmZhYzA3ZjM0">Another God interrupts Juno, a big man stands right in front of him, blocking the path.</p> <p class="cnMzNjFiZjMzMWU4NDQ5ODQ4OWMyMGJkNWViMDI0OTMy">Juno stares at him, his eyes are focused, his face serious.</p> <p class="cnMwYTZlZjY1YzRmYjRiOWY4ZjYyMWY2ZjA4N2Q1MWYz">“You got quite the nerves, Human.” – says the big God</p> <p class="cnMxNGIzMWMxMzFhNjQ5NGZiMjA5YTQ4NTc2Y2YyNjg4">“I’ll teach you how to talk in front of Master Garaam!” – says the big God while preparing to attack Juno</p> <p class="cnNhYTRkZGZhMDhlOTRmOWViNGI1MzMwMmQxM2M4MTJm">Juno quickly gets behind the God and kicks him on the head with his left feet, knocking him down.</p> <p class="cnNkMTY1Zjg3Y2IwMTQ0N2U4M2EzZmQ1YTQ3OTI3YTM3">He starts walking to the throne again.</p> <p class="cnMwZWI4NGQ0ZjU4YzQ5MjliMjRjMDllZDk3YzkyOTRk">The Gods are quite shocked with his capability of leading with hose two Gods.</p> <p class="cnMzYmMwYjFlZTE1MzRhOTk4ZTRjYzBiMzM4YzU1NDdh">Juno continues: “What’s the purpose of ruling everything, if there is nothing left to rule?”</p> <p class="cnMxZjMyNGMwMDAzYTQzZTNhZWU5ZTRhMzQxOTY5NWNl">Juno stops right in front of Garaam who is sitting on his throne.</p> <p class="cnM3MTU3MzE4YjY0NDQ5MWRhNTFjMmMyYmIzYWNlYzhk">Juno continues: “Throw it away.”</p> <p class="cnNiYTg3NWM5MzJhYzRlOTY4ODIwYzNiYjU1NGI5Mjk1">Everyone is shocked.</p> <p class="cnMwYzRhMTEwMmI1MzRlODlhZTc4NWU2OWNmMWViMWY5">“I’m sure there are other solutions other than forcing everything to submit to you.</p> <p class="cnM5OGE4OWMxODE4MDRlOTY4ZmVlMzdjOTQ1NTk2ZjMz">You’re a God after all.” – says Juno</p> <p class="cnNiOWE1MzdiMmI1OTQzNGFhYjZlNWI0MmMwZTEzMDM0">Garaam stands up.</p> <p class="cnNkNDk5YTM0MjU0ODQxOTdiMmNmOTRjZmI4OTg2MDBj">“You see…that’s there you fucked up.” – says Garaam while pointing his indicator finger to Juno.</p> <p class="cnNmNTI3ODM1ODhkODRjZWY4YjJlM2MzY2JiNTg2OTQ4">A huge explosion succeeds.</p> <p class="cnNjMzBkYjA4ZTQyYzRmOTk4MTQwY2VkOTM3MjAzNjRk">The whole castle blew up, there was only the ground left.</p> <p class="cnMzMTY4ZDQwY2Q1YzQyYTU4NjA5ZjBmM2ZjOTc5MGU3">Every Gods seems to have been hurt by the explosion, some more than others.</p> <p class="cnMwMGU1ZGU4YTQ1YjQzNzI5N2VlOTY3MDVjNDU3NjE3">There was no sign of Juno this time.</p> <p class="cnM4NjA0ZGY3ZmU1ODRkYjA4MTVhZTAyMDg5MzRmZjI4">“Now that the Human was cared of…let us continue with the plan.” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnNjZDYyM2E1MGU2NjRkNjU5M2NlOTkwMTAyMTU2ODVh">A debris on the ground start moving, Juno shows up coming from underneath it, he had made a hole before the exposition had fully occurred.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWU1OWQyYWY4YjQzODM4N2VlNjk2OGZiOTRlNmM5">Thus, Juno had no injuries nor was damaged by it.</p> <p class="cnM1MTBhYjAzYTc0ZjQzMjI4MjVhZmZjYzQyNGQ5YWIw">“Woof. That one was close!” – says Juno</p> <p class="cnMyNGJhMWYwOWQ0MzRhMjJhNDBkNzY2YTM0MGI3NDdi">But before he could get up, Garaam tries to hit him with his fists, but Juno dodges every single one of them.</p> <p class="cnMxNDIyYmZmYjIzYzQ4MmViYWU2NDMzMGMxZDRiNDQx">Everyone is shocked again, how could a Human be on pair with an ArchGod? Be it even Garaam himself?!</p> <p class="cnNmNTk5MGU5ZmUzNTRlNzU4MDExZWRhMDI2YzE3Njlj">Garaam just gets angrier with very punch he misses.</p> <p class="cnMzMGEyOTA4ZWIyNzQ2NzI5OTIxMzRmNmM5Mzc2NGZh">Garaam is getting downgraded in front of his minions, even worst, he was loosing against a Human!</p> <p class="cnM1MGM5MWY0NzU3YTQwODNhYWFiMzRjMGY0ODgxMmJj">Finally, he summons is staff and throws an energy attack at Juno.</p> <p class="cnM2YjhkOTRlYjg4YTRhMzlhNjAwM2RmM2MzNmZkNmVj">Juno catches the energy attack from Garaam with his two hands and after some struggle, he redirects the attack to the sky.</p> <p class="cnNiMjgwOTIzZWEwNzQyOWNhM2FjZGNkMmYxOWE1M2Vh">Garaam has no time to acknowledge Juno’s unnatural actions, he is too enraged for that.</p> <p class="cnNiN2Q0MTg3MmU3MjQyOWJiNGJlNmJmMmE5NjU5ZTQx">All he cares now is to get rid of this annoying Human who shouldn’t even be there to begin with.</p> <p class="cnNiNTdjZWM2NDQ5ZDRjMGFhZWZlYjg2OTFjYzExODkx">After trying, time after time, to get rid of Juno, be it with using his physical attacks or energy attacks from his staff, everything seems pointless against Juno, who simply keeps dodging Garaam’s attacks.</p> <p class="cnNmN2Y3NWY1Y2U2ODRlNTliOTBmZDVhYWY4Y2JlMjQz">Finally, Garaam chances his tactic.</p> <p class="cnM3YjYzMWY3YTUxODQ5MWQ5YWI3Yzk2MGJhNTk1NTUx">He realizes that death was too good for the Human.</p> <p class="cnMyZGY5N2FmOTQzZTQ4YTI5Nzk5ZDlmNmJkNjZhMzc1">“You know what?</p> <p class="cnM3ZjQ4MjA3MmU1MjRhZThiZjYyMTc5MDQ0Y2ZkNGRk">Be it!” – says Garaam, shouting, while moving his staff that starts glowing green.</p> <p class="cnNmOWNhOWIwYTBmZDQ2M2ZhNTQ0Y2FlZDViZDcxMDdi">“Begone</p> <p class="cnMxZmIxYjY1MDIyMjQyM2VhYzJjMDM1ZjIwNGI2OTU4">Human.” – says Garaam while the light coming out of his staff shines everywhere.</p> <p class="cnM5NzYwMDBkNDM3ZjRjZjg4ZjBjNTEzNzE0YWVhY2Yz">Juno disappears on spot.</p> <p class="cnM5NDk1Yjg5ODJkNzQ0MzdiZDBjYjM4M2Q1ZTYyNTM2">Juno finds himself on an empty, white space.</p> <p class="cnM3YzY5YWY0YzkyYjRjYWNhNDcxZDFlMDRkNGViYmM2">There is absolutely nothing there, no sounds, no objects, just nothingness.</p> <p class="cnM4MmEzNjA3ZWE0NTQ0MmI5ZGRhN2JlMTFhYjU1OGY3">Back to Garaam.</p> <p class="cnM3NmQ1NmQ2Nzk0NTQ1ODM4ZmNkZWY5NDljNzFlODFj">“Now that this little accident has been taken care of…</p> <p class="cnM1ZDdiOWQ1OWE5MDRlZGE5OTQyOTEwNzE2ZGM2Mzhi">Let us finish this once and for all.”</p> <p class="cnNiYzBlMzQwYjIzNDQwNDRhYTQ5NTA2NjQxYTA1MTIy">The ground starts cracking, as a huge part of it starts floating.</p> <p class="cnNjZjQ3M2NkMzNhMzRjN2U4ZDY0ZjA3OThlYWU1ZjJh">The remaining of the castle is used by Garaam as a moving platform.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDE3NDI0ODFjNTRmYjdhZDZkZTYwYTM4OTc0MmY3">The platform starts moving, flying over the Dimension.</p> <p class="cnNlYjQ3NzcxZjNhMTQ0N2M4NDYyZmUxMGJlNmUwMDZm">Garaam uses his staff to summon back Clarietta.</p> <p class="cnNkODRhMmU1Y2NlMzRjODI5ZGNkNDY3MmM0NGE3MzI2">Clarietta is on her human form, lying on the platform’s ground.</p> <p class="cnM3Nzg0NTU2NjA2MzQxMTg4N2MzOTZjYjkwMGVlZjc4">She slowly starts to get her senses back.</p> <p class="cnM1N2E3MjM1NDg0YzQxZTZhYWVkYTJmMmE1ODQxNGI0">“Welcome back, Lamb.” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnM5MzRjYzhmMDg3MzRmMWZhNTc2OWE3YTNiMjcwNTcw">“The fundamental piece of my masterplan can finally act.” – continues Garaam</p> <p class="cnM4OWU0OTgzZWQzNDQxODg4NzVlNWI4NWI5NjdjMWE2">“Whe—where am I?</p> <p class="cnNmZGM1YzYzNzU0MjQxM2Q5OTM2ZDMzMzZlY2NhYzY2">What’s going on?” – says Clarietta, confused</p> <p class="cnMxZWVhMTYxZGQwZDQwOTZiMGZkMTZmMjYzZDlkYTBh">She looks around and sees Garaam.</p> <p class="cnM1NzM1NWQxODc1NzQ0MTQ4MGU1YWI3MTY2N2Q0YmMy">“Garaam?!” – says Clarietta, shocked and surprised</p> <p class="cnNiMGU5MzVlMzU4NDRiZmI5NTk5MTA0OTk0MzAyY2E4">She tries to run away, but she can’t because she is still missing her other half.</p> <p class="cnNmZjFkZDQwODEzODQ0Y2I4ZTVlOGNhZWE2NjYwN2Zm">“Now now…</p> <p class="cnNjMmE5Nzg0ZGYzZDQ4YmJhYzViMjI3NTM5NjRjNDZm">Do not worry, I shall return you to your full once I really need you.</p> <p class="cnM1MTk5MWI0OWFjOTRlMjFhNmY1MzgxNzkzMDg4ZWI0">Until then, just enjoy the view.” - Says Garaam</p> <p class="cnM0MDlmODEyNDAxMzQ2MjY5OGM2MTg3MTU3NmJlMzIy">“Where are we going?” – asks Clarietta</p> <p class="cnM2ODkxYWZmNTEwYjQ0Mzg5NDkzYjE5NDk5MjRmYmRi">“To the center of this Dimension.</p> <p class="cnNlZDY5ZWI3ZDU2ODQ1NTk5ZjgzYjVhNjQ3NTYyMzlk">So I can remake this whole Dimension all at once!</p> <p class="cnNmNzRlMTY4YmMzODRhZDM5MDFmMWRmNDk5MzAwODVh">And once I’m finished here…</p> <p class="cnMwZWM1NmI0YWE2NjRlMzE5MWZiMWI0N2NmNjRlMTZh">I shall go to the Human Dimension and do the same.” – says Garaam with a big smile on his face, contemplating his victory.</p> <p class="cnMwMzhlODY5MGVjNDRkYjViMzQ3YTc2NDVlMjI3Yjc4">Back to Juno, time passes by and still nothing.</p> <p class="cnMxZGUwZDhhYzNjNDRiM2RiMTY5MDc1YjdlMjFmNjA4">Suddenly, he hears an echoed voice speaking to him:</p> <p class="cnMwNTk1ZjEzODg5MTRlOWNiMWM0NDc1NDAwNjYzODUw">“So, the time for us to meet has finally come.”</p> <p class="cnMyNGU3NGM4NWRhZjRmMWRhZThjOGI0MjQ2MjllNzdl">“Who is there? Who are you?” – asks Juno, looking around in all directions</p> <p class="cnM2ZGRhZjI0NjVkODQzNWE5ZGNjY2Y4MjQzNjc2OTYw">“I’ve been waiting for the day we would meet again.” – says the echoed voice</p> <p class="cnM4MTJjMTRjMDRkOTQxMjViMTNlM2QyYmU1NGFhYTRk">A big gate appears in front of Juno.</p> <p class="cnNmNjY4YTM1Mzk5ZTRhZTQ4NGVjN2E2YzFmZTI0ZjU5">The gates slowly open.</p> <p class="cnNlZWY3ZjA2NDU5ODQ5MWNhODk3NmVlNzIzNWRlZTc5">There is nothing other than emptiness inside the gate.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDY3MjRhMTVlMDQ2OWI5MjgxMjc2ZWM5MjkyZWJl">A white figurine is there.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGJlMzQzYjE2NjQwYzdhZDA4Njg4ZjUwODZjZDhm">“Who are you?” – asks Juno, shocked</p> <p class="cnMyNTRlMmNkYzgzMTQxM2U4ZjhlZDhiNTBjZmZmYjU0">“I am you.” – answers the White figurine</p> <p class="cnNkMTZhNDhkYjUxOTQ3OTc4MTA2NDVmMDU0NmYwMGYz">“What?!” – Says Juno, confused</p> <p class="cnMwYmQ1MTA2ZWNhNTQyOTBiNzExOWNjODZjMGNiODhk">“Well…I shall be you.</p> <p class="cnMzZDkxMWUyYjQ1ZjQ1YTU4NzA1YTYwODNjM2IzMGFl">Once you enter this gate.” – says the White figurine</p> <p class="cnNjOGI1MjVmOGZlNjQ4NDNhZTJiNTFjMjA1ZDQxMWM3">“…</p> <p class="cnNjNTNkZTc5Y2ExMzQwZTBiOTg0ZDVjNGIyOWZlYjE1">I won’t.” – replies Juno</p> <p class="cnNiZjllMTFhYzI0YzQxNjc4ZmJjMzhkNGU5N2Y5Y2Y0">“I’m afraid you have no other choice.</p> <p class="cnM1MzFjMTIxMDExNDQxNmRiMTQwYjg2NTI5ZTdlNTRi">This place is known as <em>the void</em>.</p> <p class="cnNkMzk3MmQxZDFmZjRmYjJhMzU0NWNjYTA4ZjA0ZmQ3">You were sent here by Garaam, the ArchGod of Void.</p> <p class="cnMxNDk5Y2M1MGNhODQzMzVhMGU1YWVlMTZjZWZjZGY4">So it is now my duty to carry you to your fate.” – says the White figurine</p> <p class="cnNiOTYyZWQ0NDE0ODQ3MWY4NDE2MmUyMzgxZTc3MTc1">“My fate?” – asks Juno</p> <p class="cnNhMDMxZWRhYTg4MTQwODVhNmRmMGFkYTM0NWY2MzYy">“To banish, of course.” – Says the White figurine, as Juno starts getting sucked into the gate by some white hands coming from it.</p> <p class="cnNlNTdjMjBmYjhlNTQwOGJiMWYzYzhkMzVmN2Y0MDA0">Juno tried to run, but it seems like his blessings don’t’ work in the void.</p> <p class="cnM2Yzk4NDhlYzkzOTRmMDc5ZThkMmYzMjkwMmJlMmY3">He can’t flee from those hands, no matter how much he tries.</p> <p class="cnNhZGRiNjU4ZWQ3NzQ3YWJhNDI3NzNiZDI4NDNjZjAy">He finally gets in touch with the White figurine, between the opened gate.</p> <p class="cnM0NmU5ZTAyNjViODRmOGZhZWQ4NTgwM2NhMWFlZDZk">“Now, do not worry for once I consume you, everything will stop mattering.</p> <p class="cnNjYjhhYzU2OTRlZTQ1M2ZiZWJjMDIyNjg4Mzk3OGUy">You will cease to exist and that’s it.</p> <p class="cnMwZDhjNDEwOGVjMzQ4ZmQ4N2MyZWZjZjFmYWFjYzM2">The end.” – says the White figurine while Juno starts getting absorbed by him, bit by bit.</p> <p class="cnM1Mzc3YjQwZDU1ZjQ5ZjBiM2M4ODViNjNjZmIwN2U1"> </p> <p class="cnM4YWIwODQyZDRhZjQ2MGNhY2Q3ZTJjYzIzZTE5OWM1"><strong>End of Chapter 10.</strong></p> </div>
**Chapter 10: The Encounter** **[Garaam’s Lair]** “Who are you?” – says Garaam siting on his throne “My name is Juno… I’m here to ask you to stop it.” – replies Juno “Stop…what?” – asks Garaam “Everything.” – replies Juno “… Who are you again?” – asks Garaam “My name is Juno…” – says Juno, but he gets interrupted mid-sentence by Garaam who says: “I asked you*, who you are*?” “… I’m a Human.” – replies Juno Garaam laughs. “So you are *that* Human?!”- says Garaam Garaam stands up on his throne. “To be fair… I was starting to get tired of Worigama anyway.”- says Garaam with a smile on his face. “I don’t know who that is. But…” – Juno couldn’t finish his sentence. Garaam had summon a big pillar and threw it against Juno, knocking him off the opened door he had left, sending him flying out of Garaam’s castle. Juno finds himself on the ground, not too far of the castle. He tosses the pillar away and gets up. He sighs and walks up to the castle again. The gate was closed again but opened immediately as he walked next to it. He walks again through the huge corridor and finds the throne’s door again. He knocks once more. This time the door opens. Some minions (two to be more precise) opened it for him. Their face looked confused. Garaam was on his throne still, sitting on it. Juno walks up to him again. “You again?” – says Garaam quite surprised. “I’m not asking for me… This just isn’t right.” – says Juno “And what do you know about the right?” – asks Garaam Juno has no answer. “Hey who the heck are you?” – says one of the minions Juno looks around, the room was filled with minions now, Gods probably. Juno takes a big breath and says: “You’re killing this world and his people.” Everyone looks at Juno with a shocked face. “Who does he think he is?” – murmur the Gods around the room. “This world was already destroyed. I’m just cleaning it.” – says Garaam with a smile on his face. “I don’t understand how someone can be happy with torturing his kind and destroying his own land.” – replies Juno “Well you’re the intruder, here aren’t you? Humans are actually not that great either. But…” – Says Garaam as he walks down the stairs and stays right in front of Juno. He continues: “I am not a Human, I am a God. Your kind shall never understand…a purpose bigger than life or death.” Once his sentence finished, Garaam summons a portal on the room’s roof, whom Juno gets sucked in. Juno got teleported to that very first lake he found when he first fell onto this dimension. The green lake was now blue, just like any other lake on the Human Dimension. It was obvious that this magnificent Dimension had changed and became something other, something that was on the pit of death. No animals were around, neither Gods. They were all captured and locked into jails around the Dimension, under Garaam’s control. With the absence of their ArchGods, who had flee to the Human Dimension, fighting was a pointless delusion. It seems like the only one who wasn’t with Garaam in that Dimension now, was just Juno alone. Juno takes a deep breath, his face was as heavy as never. He starts running, running as fast as he can. He walked around this vast dimension at his maximum speed. The in jailed Gods, the death Gods and animals, the corpses, he had seen them all lying on the ground, hopeless. Every ArchGod’s lair destroyed. Nothing left on this Dimension. Would it even matter if Juno could stop Garaam somehow? But Juno had no doubt. For the first time since he came to this Dimension, Juno had a true purpose. Reverting death. Juno arrives to Garaam’s lair again, this time on foot. This time Juno was determinated. He run through the huge stairs, ran through the big gate, through the huge corridor, he enters the throne’s room at a high speed while breaking the door. Once he arrives inside, the gets immediately smashed by a big hammer. “This is what you get for destroying our door!” – says a voice And so Juno had failed, again. There was no talk, no fight, nothing. The moment he entered, he had already failed. He couldn’t even see anyone this time. If it wasn’t for his blessings, Juno would’ve died already. He doesn’t know what was going on, there was just black. Just him and his thoughts. Was he actually dead? Or in any type of limbo? Time passed, he could feel it. After much, much time. The dark finally starts to fade. Juno finds himself at the palace’ stairs again. The home start. Juno sits on the ground this time, he had lost the motivation to go and try again. He closes his eyes, with his fists on the ground. *“Is this the end?* *Was he just going to wait there for the inevitable?* *Perhaps, he could even run away like the others did, get some more time.* *But time for what? Everything was gone already.* *Abandon those who stayed, like the ArchGods?”* Those are all the thoughts that were on Juno’s head. No. Juno had promised Arbihime to fix everything. To bring Clarietta back. To stop Garaam. Juno opens his eyes and gets up. He walks up the stairs, the gate already opened. He walks past the corridor. The throne’s door seems to have been rebuilt. Inside the room there is Garaam sitting in his throne, and a bunch of Gods standing up around the room, waiting for orders. “So the time has come my minions. Everything is about to change. Now we--” – says Garaam, who’s interrupted mid-sentence by his door breaking. It was Juno who broke it with a kick. “Now what…?” – says Garaam, clearly mad. “Noooooo!! No no no no no! Unbeleavable! I had just fixed that damn door!” – says one of his minions, really upset. Juno walks through the room, everyone is staring at him with anger and shocked at the same time. “Haven’t you had enough, Human?!” – says Garaam “This is your only chance. Reverse everything!” – says Juno with an angry, demanding tone. “You…must be kidding me! A Human?! Giving me orders?!” – says Garaam, getting angrier “You have already won. Why not release everyone and do your thing?” – says Juno “What about you die for good this time instead?!” – says Garaam A God summons a big pillar and tries to smash Juno, whom dodges it without any efforts, shocking that God. “You really don’t get it do you? Stop causing unnecessary harm to everything! There is nothing left to rule!” – says Juno while walking next to the throne. Another God interrupts Juno, a big man stands right in front of him, blocking the path. Juno stares at him, his eyes are focused, his face serious. “You got quite the nerves, Human.” – says the big God “I’ll teach you how to talk in front of Master Garaam!” – says the big God while preparing to attack Juno Juno quickly gets behind the God and kicks him on the head with his left feet, knocking him down. He starts walking to the throne again. The Gods are quite shocked with his capability of leading with hose two Gods. Juno continues: “What’s the purpose of ruling everything, if there is nothing left to rule?” Juno stops right in front of Garaam who is sitting on his throne. Juno continues: “Throw it away.” Everyone is shocked. “I’m sure there are other solutions other than forcing everything to submit to you. You’re a God after all.” – says Juno Garaam stands up. “You see…that’s there you fucked up.” – says Garaam while pointing his indicator finger to Juno. A huge explosion succeeds. The whole castle blew up, there was only the ground left. Every Gods seems to have been hurt by the explosion, some more than others. There was no sign of Juno this time. “Now that the Human was cared of…let us continue with the plan.” – says Garaam A debris on the ground start moving, Juno shows up coming from underneath it, he had made a hole before the exposition had fully occurred. Thus, Juno had no injuries nor was damaged by it. “Woof. That one was close!” – says Juno But before he could get up, Garaam tries to hit him with his fists, but Juno dodges every single one of them. Everyone is shocked again, how could a Human be on pair with an ArchGod? Be it even Garaam himself?! Garaam just gets angrier with very punch he misses. Garaam is getting downgraded in front of his minions, even worst, he was loosing against a Human! Finally, he summons is staff and throws an energy attack at Juno. Juno catches the energy attack from Garaam with his two hands and after some struggle, he redirects the attack to the sky. Garaam has no time to acknowledge Juno’s unnatural actions, he is too enraged for that. All he cares now is to get rid of this annoying Human who shouldn’t even be there to begin with. After trying, time after time, to get rid of Juno, be it with using his physical attacks or energy attacks from his staff, everything seems pointless against Juno, who simply keeps dodging Garaam’s attacks. Finally, Garaam chances his tactic. He realizes that death was too good for the Human. “You know what? Be it!” – says Garaam, shouting, while moving his staff that starts glowing green. “Begone Human.” – says Garaam while the light coming out of his staff shines everywhere. Juno disappears on spot. Juno finds himself on an empty, white space. There is absolutely nothing there, no sounds, no objects, just nothingness. Back to Garaam. “Now that this little accident has been taken care of… Let us finish this once and for all.” The ground starts cracking, as a huge part of it starts floating. The remaining of the castle is used by Garaam as a moving platform. The platform starts moving, flying over the Dimension. Garaam uses his staff to summon back Clarietta. Clarietta is on her human form, lying on the platform’s ground. She slowly starts to get her senses back. “Welcome back, Lamb.” – says Garaam “The fundamental piece of my masterplan can finally act.” – continues Garaam “Whe—where am I? What’s going on?” – says Clarietta, confused She looks around and sees Garaam. “Garaam?!” – says Clarietta, shocked and surprised She tries to run away, but she can’t because she is still missing her other half. “Now now… Do not worry, I shall return you to your full once I really need you. Until then, just enjoy the view.” - Says Garaam “Where are we going?” – asks Clarietta “To the center of this Dimension. So I can remake this whole Dimension all at once! And once I’m finished here… I shall go to the Human Dimension and do the same.” – says Garaam with a big smile on his face, contemplating his victory. Back to Juno, time passes by and still nothing. Suddenly, he hears an echoed voice speaking to him: “So, the time for us to meet has finally come.” “Who is there? Who are you?” – asks Juno, looking around in all directions “I’ve been waiting for the day we would meet again.” – says the echoed voice A big gate appears in front of Juno. The gates slowly open. There is nothing other than emptiness inside the gate. A white figurine is there. “Who are you?” – asks Juno, shocked “I am you.” – answers the White figurine “What?!” – Says Juno, confused “Well…I shall be you. Once you enter this gate.” – says the White figurine “… I won’t.” – replies Juno “I’m afraid you have no other choice. This place is known as *the void*. You were sent here by Garaam, the ArchGod of Void. So it is now my duty to carry you to your fate.” – says the White figurine “My fate?” – asks Juno “To banish, of course.” – Says the White figurine, as Juno starts getting sucked into the gate by some white hands coming from it. Juno tried to run, but it seems like his blessings don’t’ work in the void. He can’t flee from those hands, no matter how much he tries. He finally gets in touch with the White figurine, between the opened gate. “Now, do not worry for once I consume you, everything will stop mattering. You will cease to exist and that’s it. The end.” – says the White figurine while Juno starts getting absorbed by him, bit by bit. **End of Chapter 10.**
{ "title": "Book of Reality", "id": 20611, "author": "JunoCipher", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9: A Ray of Hope", "id": 305692, "next": 305693, "prev": 300196, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4OTdhMjI3ZTRhYTQ1NDQ5YTdlMjllODc3ZDQwZGNj"><strong>Chapter 9: A Ray of Hope</strong></p> <p class="cnMzYmYyMTdiZTBiNTQ0YjA4NmNlOTBkNjM1M2FhZjdh"> </p> <p class="cnNhYmUyZTIwYTQ1MzQ4NGNhYTdhMzNmMmM2MDUyNmU4">[Pocket Dimension]</p> <p class="cnNlMzA4MDQyODdlZDRhMjJiZWI0OThjMmVhMGRmMTE5">Kado: “Seems like everything is ready.”</p> <p class="cnNmMWVmYTdlMWRlZTRhOGFiNGI4MGY5YmFmZjUxNjI5">Urango: “Hmm…are you sure about it?</p> <p class="cnM2NDhhYzA5NDRjNjRmZTNiNDg5ZmI1OGExYjdlNDEz">Vulpina seems to have fallen.”</p> <p class="cnM2MGZjNDk5OWU1YTQ0ZmI4ZWRjZDJkYTZiZmRmNmI4">Kado: “Naturally. She was never meant to win.”</p> <p class="cnM5MDFkMzEyZWY4NzQ0ZDNiNDliMTY5MWJmNjk2NjUy">Urango: “Oh is that so?</p> <p class="cnNlNTQ0NTJhMDMxYzRjMWFiMmU2NWY3ODA0M2NiMDFj">Poor God…”</p> <p class="cnNhZGE5MWRlMjdhOTQyODZhOWY2MTFkNWIyM2I3YWU2">Kado laughs.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGUyMjM3ZWUzNzRhZWVhNTYxYzkxNDY4MmVjMDk1">Kado: “Well let’s finish this…</p> <p class="cnMzYjc5NTI0ZDFjYjRkMWM5MmY4ZTk5NzU3ZDI1OWU4">I’m tired of waiting.”</p> <p class="cnNiZGFjOTcxYWI3NzQ0MDk4ZDNhMzZjMGZlOGRjM2I5">As Kado and Urango walk between the jails, where the other ArchGods are captured, they hear a strong sound coming from inside the meeting room.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2YyNThiNjUzMjQzMDk4ZTM3Njc0NDIwMWQzMDNj">A guard comes out at full speed, he was tossed by someone.</p> <p class="cnMxNWQ1MGM5MTU5ZTQ5ZjM5MWZiZGJiYTExZGJlMjU1">Kado: “Uh?”</p> <p class="cnNmZjJjY2Q0NDRhODRkNzk5Y2M5YjFmNDVjMzkyMDQ0">Arbihime shows up at the door.</p> <p class="cnMxOTViMTAwNmY0YjQ1ZjY4ZWQwMGY5ZjcwZWJlMWI3">Arbihime: “So this is what you’ve been planning all along…”</p> <p class="cnNlNDA3NjE4ODE1MjQxNmI4OTEyN2U1YjkxYTdhYWU2">Urango: “Oh just in time.”</p> <p class="cnMxNWQwNjhiNWI1MDRmMGNhNzQwZjg0NTM0NGYxNzEw">Kado: “Are you perhaps surrendering to us?</p> <p class="cnNhMGViMThhMjk2MTQ1MTdiODg2NGU2MWI1YThjNWRm">How kind of you…”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTc2YmE2YWJjYzQwNDU5NGU5NmM3ZjAzNDY5ZDVm">Arbihime smiles.</p> <p class="cnMzMWJlYThiY2FlYzQyMTRiMTQxMDZlYTAyMzZmYWQ1">Arbihime: “I’m sorry.</p> <p class="cnM4NWQ1N2Y2YjVmOTQ0MTk5NjlhMWZkNTZjMjAyYzVl">I’ve got enough of fooling around.”</p> <p class="cnNmNDRmMDAyMjdkZDQwYjk5YjkwNWZjOGNmZDUyOWMz">Urango: “<em>speculum obice” (=Mirror barrier)</em></p> <p class="cnM0ZmU2ZTFkYjEyNTRjNDBiZDhmMmRiNjA1MWFkYzZm">An invisible barrier gets between them and Arbihime.</p> <p class="cnMyNDdkZDJlZWViZTRjNTk5MzkzYTEzYWM5YTQxNmEy">Kado: “What’s this?”</p> <p class="cnNlZTliMDU3MmEyZjRiODE5MDI5NDA1OGI3MzEzZDE2">Urango smiles.</p> <p class="cnNiMDg4OTIxMWQ5OTQ2YTM5OTQ3NGNiZWM0ZmVmM2Rj">Arbihime rises his hands up.</p> <p class="cnM4NzMyOTUyZTA3MjQzMGViOTk3NmZjMTgyOTI1YmFm">Arbihime: “Sorry for the wait…</p> <p class="cnMwZDgxMjg0ZGM1YjQ2NWE5NmZlNjY1YzIyNTI2YTI3"><em>tempestas aquae</em>”<em> (= Water Hurricane)</em></p> <p class="cnNlNWM1NDE3ZmFhZDQ0N2Y4MzNjMzY3NjVjYTY3MDBk">The whole Pocket Dimension gets filled with water.</p> <p class="cnNiMzI2MmU3NGZiMzQwYWVhYjhlM2E4OGYwYTIzYTgw">There isn’t a bit of space that isn’t covered by Arbihime’s technique.</p> <p class="cnM1NjgyMTg2ZjYyODQyZDk4OWZmYWRkMjc1YTdmYmQ2">Kado: “I see…</p> <p class="cnM0OWQ1N2M3OTBkYzRmZDhiYzMyM2YzYjJlMTBjMjdi">You think that’s enough to beat us?”</p> <p class="cnMxN2U5NmMwNWJjYjRlOTliZDNhZWZiMzVjYzYzMzdk">Urango: “Look again Kado.”</p> <p class="cnM5NDVkMDA4MzMxMzQwMmE4YzY0MjEzMDhmYTQ3Y2Rm">Kado: “Uh?”</p> <p class="cnNmZGMzODgxY2QzMjQ2OTZhOTMzNzk0YWNmNjM4NTg4">The jails start collapsing, they are breaking thanks to the water’s pressure.</p> <p class="cnM4YmZhYTYxMmMyODQ3MjVhMjYxMzIxNDEwMzM1ZjA0">Everyone is set free.</p> <p class="cnMwNTE0MmJjMmY1NjQyZmNhNWMwNDIxZDQ0OTQ0ZTcx">Kado: “You little….!”</p> <p class="cnM2NWFiNTQxN2I3NzQwNmZiNGZkZjA5ZTNiNTRiN2Yx">Arbihime: “I’m not over yet.”</p> <p class="cnM1MzMxMDQzYjQ3ZTQwZjliNmUxNDQ1M2Y4NTU2OTFj">Arbihime rises the water pressure even more, this time, damaging Urango’s barrier a bit.</p> <p class="cnMwNTQ3MTE3ZmZmODRiMDJhMTFlOWJlOGFhNjRmN2Yz">Kado (shouting): “Urango fast, do something before they all escape again!”</p> <p class="cnNlNDgyMGJmNWZmNDQ5MzRhZDM4NGViOTI2ZmE4ZjEz">Urango: “I’m afraid I’m as useful as you Kado…”</p> <p class="cnMwNjdkOGUyM2RmNjQ0YmVhOGYyZDg1Y2M5NWZjMjMy">Arbihime smiles.</p> <p class="cnNhMzJiYzQ2ZDY5ZjQ5MmM4NTIwZjRmOTZmOTlkNzc0">“Ohhhh look at this.</p> <p class="cnNlODY5NzBiZTU4ZjQxNTQ5Njg2OTRmYTkzY2NmNTQ5">It’s all wet in here.</p> <p class="cnMxODFlMDgxZDUzMDRhYTY5ZWExNDkxY2FiZmZjZTAx">Mind if I clear everything, boss?” – says a voice under water</p> <p class="cnNkMjBhZmU5ODFmNzQ4NjE4Y2UzNzU1NDM0YzZhMzhk">The Pocket Dimension starts collapsing into some rifts that appeared around them, but it wasn’t because of Arbihime, it was Jinzo, the voice under water.</p> <p class="cnM0NzU1NzI2ZGIzMzRjMDQ4M2FlOTg4NmMyYmNhNzE2">As Jinzo walks up to Arbihime, the water starts getting sucked by those rifts.</p> <p class="cnNmNTM2NjIzMWEyODRiOWY5ZTM2MWZlNDI2N2I0NTk3">The rifts close and banish as there is no more water left.</p> <p class="cnNjMWIwZTU4NjA2YzQ4YmY5OWFjMzNjM2RjOTRiZmRh">Jinzo: “Such a mess…”</p> <p class="cnMyNTdhNzRlOTIyZDQ3NDQ5MDIyZTMyYjY0NzM4ZjI3">However, the ArchGods are no longer in jail, so they start open portals and leave the pocket dimension.</p> <p class="cnMzNjg3MWJiODcwMDRkMjdiYWRmYWRjOGE3ZDE3Y2Zi">Kado: “No…not again….”</p> <p class="cnM0NmJiNTgzMTc3MDQ2NDBhMjQ3ZGZiOWRiOWUyZGM4">Urango laughs.</p> <p class="cnNkNWVjZmI1Mzc2NTQxOTg5NGNjZjliYzJiZjU0ZDE2">Urango: “Déjà vu.”</p> <p class="cnMzOTJlOTk5YWRlNTQ3YjQ4YTEyYmExZDBlM2UxNzhi">Kado: “Hey Jinzo!</p> <p class="cnNhOWNhODA1MGViMTQwYWJiNWFmOTkyN2Q2MGViNDlm">Be sure you kill that rat ASAP!”</p> <p class="cnM2MzkxZTBkODc2OTQxMWY4YjlmNGM4ZTY4NGJmZDAy">Jinzo rises his right hand while turning his back to Kado.</p> <p class="cnNkMzgxMzM1ZWMxODRhNDk5Y2Y1MDNkYzMzMTEyNWVk">Jinzo: “Aight I got it boss.”</p> <p class="cnMxY2VjZTAxYTNmZjRjOTlhNmQ0ZjJkZjgxOTkzNTRj"> </p> <p class="cnNiNmExZDdkYzA0ODRiNzU5MTc5NzE4NTQ0ZmM5MWRi">[Toffee’s lair]</p> <p class="cnMxMThkYjVmMDk1MjRkN2JhMTBhNzA4NTA1ZGViOWRk">Juno: “It’s too white in here…”</p> <p class="cnMzNGQxOWY0NzBjNjQ2ZjhhYTVhMmM1ZjhjYWU3YTll">In fact, it seems like Toffee’s lair is empty, the walls, the ground, the roof, everything is wait, it’s hard to keep focus in there.</p> <p class="cnNmMTE1OGUzMjBmZjRkYzlhMDliNDBlNDBkYTI0NDc4">Toffee: “Oh I don’t really care about it.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDEzMTY5OWM1YTQ1MzE5ZmI5MGRmODNiYjljMTVk">Each lair of us represents our inner self.</p> <p class="cnM0MmEzZjc4NWIwYzQwMzJiZTQ5NTIxMWUxMThjZjEz">I suppose I can change it a bit for you.”</p> <p class="cnNiOWRiZWQ4MWMzNjQyNDU4MDhjYzI4M2VjMWNmYWUx">Her lair now seems like the desert they were in.</p> <p class="cnNjMzNiOTM5MDMxYzRjYzM4NzY5ODQ4ZTNlODI0Njlj">Toffee: “Better?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZTg0ZDg2NzVlZDRkNzNhZWNlNDJkNGFhMjBhNWFh">Juno: “Ah that will do it…”</p> <p class="cnM3YTlkYzE2YTM1YTRjYWQ5MjBjMzUyOWU1ODRiNGE3">Toffee: “Well then, let’s begin!”</p> <p class="cnNiYzhkMjkwMmYyOTRlNDlhOThjNjIwNTI1MmU0MTlh">Juno: “What do I really have to do?”</p> <p class="cnMwN2I1NzIyOGE5ODRlZjJiYzhlYjQ1NzlhODU0NTA0">Toffee: “Let’s see…</p> <p class="cnM5YTU1Y2UyZGI5MDQ0ZjA5YWM0ZWM0OTg2YzYwYTA2">From what you showed up there</p> <p class="cnM4ZGI2MWIwZDU1ODRlNzJhZjJkM2NkMGJhZTdkYmM2">It seems like you have the overall typical qualities of us.</p> <p class="cnM2MmMyNmU5N2I0MjRiYjliYzA3M2Y0YThhMjMzZDQy">Strength, speed, endurance…</p> <p class="cnMyYzAxZDk2YTBjNTRlYjE4ZjcwNDA2YTY0YWM3NWYw">I still can’t feel any energy coming from you.</p> <p class="cnM4MzcxNGViMzNlOTQzNmE4N2E1ZmYxM2I3YzUwMjRl">But it doesn’t matter.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTRmZTFkZmRhZTQ1M2FhNGRlMzcxMDkwN2Q2MDdh">Juno: “So I’m a strong as you”</p> <p class="cnM1MGI5MGRiYjRkZDQyNDVhMGYyYTkwMWE2YjY3MGVm">Toffee laughs.</p> <p class="cnMyY2Q4MTNmNjhhNTQ3MzlhYTNmYTZhNzdjZjE3ODg2">Toffee: “I said that you have the typical qualities of us.</p> <p class="cnM0YTY1Y2RkMjI3YzQ4YTU4NDVkYWM1YzVhY2RiOGM5">Dunno if you’ve realized it yet, but every single one of us, including our Gods, are blessed with those same attributes you showed.</p> <p class="cnM0NGUzMGI3ZDc3NTQzN2FhNWFjY2YyMmQ4MGUxY2Jl">However, your little demonstration right there was…pity, to say the least.</p> <p class="cnMwNGFkZDI3NTBkNDQ1ODc4YWE4NzAxMTczYjUzNmM4">Would you have fought someone else more serious and you would have ended up losing, now doubts on that.</p> <p class="cnMxMTQ1ZWQ0NWNiYjQwYmJiMjIyNzVhZWE1MTFjMmQ4">You showed plenty of openings.</p> <p class="cnM2Yzk0MDBiMGVhMDQwMDZhMDVkM2Y0NjhhMDFlNDIx">You attacked mindlessly.</p> <p class="cnNhNzUxMjg1ZDZjMTRlMzY4OTU2NGMzYTYwNTFjNTc1">Your speed was well controlled but overall you were just too predictable.</p> <p class="cnMxYjcxMjNmNjBjODQyMTM5YWYyMmNmZTg4YjI4MzRm">Again, if your enemy was someone with the intention to kill you, you would’ve lost.”</p> <p class="cnNmZDMzNmJjOWUwNTRjZmU4NTNjYmY5M2MxM2Q0YzFh">Juno: “I see…”</p> <p class="cnM5ZGM2NGIzNzZiMjRkYTliMmYxOTFjNWVmYzA1MWMz">Toffee: “No you don’t.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTZiMzdjYzJjOTQyNGY5YzFkN2RmYzZhOTNjZThl">You haven’t listened to anything I’ve said.</p> <p class="cnMwNTkzYmNiYmQyNzRlZTlhYzY2NmE5MzU2OTQ1YmMy">What’s the matter with you?”</p> <p class="cnM0Njg2YTk5NmYxMzQwNjdhOWU4YjA3ZmU2Y2RhNGRl">Juno: “Can we just begin this?”</p> <p class="cnNjYzAxYjE2ZTZjZDQzZGM5OTA5YWY3NDE3YjhmNjJj">Toffee: “Hmm…you’re right, why am I even give you this information.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDk0YTg4NTY1MjQ1YzU5MmE0OThhNDM1NDEyMzRk">All you want is to fight Garaam right?</p> <p class="cnMwM2VmZDVlODk1ZDRiNDFiYTQ4Y2JmNTNmNTM1Njhm">No need for those kinds of formalities.”</p> <p class="cnM1NWVmZDFjNzIzOTRkZTk5NTRkM2M5YzZlYzNkNjRh">Juno: “Will you summon something like Alpha?”</p> <p class="cnNiYjhkNzUzMDE2YjQ0MGQ5OTQ4ZThkNjBiYzM2MTcx">Toffee: “Hmpf.</p> <p class="cnMzNjMzODNiYmJiODRlYTY5N2EzNzk5NmVjOTIxNWRl">Do not compare me to the others.</p> <p class="cnMwOTZkYzBkZjI1YTRhZDQ5ZjQwYTkzOTkwOTljMGFj">I rather do it myself.”</p> <p class="cnMzMzAyZDYyODQyYjRlMjI5OWYwZTEzNjA2ZWJhYjlm">Toffee puts on a fighting stance.</p> <p class="cnM2NDg4YmNkYWExMzRiODBiNGE4MmUxNTQxNjJmYTk3">Toffee: “We’ll begin with the one thing that molested me the most about you…</p> <p class="cnM1MGE0ZTI4NmY5YjQ4MDM5ZmViOGU1YmU1ZDhiODkz">Your attacks.</p> <p class="cnNiNjIyZWJhNDI0MzQ5NjNhY2JmZjM4YjljNDhiYTgz">Come on now, attack me with all you’ve got, I’ll just block it.”</p> <p class="cnNiZmI1Nzg0ZmE5ZjQ0YWQ5NGRiMjZiZmRkMzhhZDZi">And so it happens.</p> <p class="cnMwMjBiMmUwMDM5YjQxODhiYWM4OWEwNTYyYzZhMWQ0">Juno throws some basic punches to Toffee, who blocks them effortlessly with just one hand.</p> <p class="cnNkYzBkMTQ0MGJmZjQ0YTk5NTEzMmY4NmYzNDQ3Mzlj">Each time Juno goes for another punch, Toffee blocks it repeatedly saying, “your punches sucks, your posture sucks”, irritating Juno a bit more after each repetition.</p> <p class="cnNkMzhjNDU2MjRkODQxOTU4NDVhNDM1MjUxZWRhYzll">After a few dozen punches Juno starts getting tired.</p> <p class="cnMwMWY2NmIwYTcwYzQ4OWU4OTA3MDBmMGFiMTE5ZjFh">He asks “Isn’t this enough? We’ve been onto this for quite long time…”.</p> <p class="cnNmZjlkODg2NzM2YjRmMjg4ZWE3MjM0N2EyMzY3MGU4">As Toffee replies: “You will keep it going until you finally get an <em>ok</em> punch.”</p> <p class="cnM1OGM3MDMwZDc5MTRlYjViMzdlNzFjOGQ4Mzc1OWM4">Juno’s punches even though he is getting tired, are starting to get stronger.</p> <p class="cnM4MmNkMTc4ZGZiMTQ0MzU5MzhlZjI4OTlmYTZiZjkz">However, it’s not enough for Toffee.</p> <p class="cnNmMzY5NmE5OGZmYzRiOThiODk0NmU3ODYwYjE1Nzcx">Toffee: “Seems like we will be here the whole day!”</p> <p class="cnM4MjMxYWVhZTY0ODQzZTFiODdiNTdkY2I5MGI1OTVj">Juno finally stops after a few more dozen punches, he couldn’t handle it anymore, he was fully tired.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjYxNjI3N2VlNzRkMGNhNjdmMWI1ZWE2NWNkNDJk">But before he could even say something, Toffee throws a punch at him, knocking him down.</p> <p class="cnM2OGJiNjZiZTUyYTQ3M2NiMzAwNWNjZDAyOGI4M2Fh">Toffee: “Did I perhaps tell you to stop?”</p> <p class="cnNhZDI3ZGQ0ZDQ3NTQ0YzViNGIxNmU1MDkwOTU3NTUz">Juno (on the ground): “No…”</p> <p class="cnNkOWIxM2RiOTJkNTQzMTA5MDBiMGJlYjYyNGQ3NmVh">Toffee: “Then get up and punch me!”</p> <p class="cnM3NmI2YzhlNTFhZTQxZTQ4NWEzZDA0YmM3MDlmNGVh">Juno: “I can’t…I’m exhausted…”</p> <p class="cnM5OWNkODk2NWFhNTRmNDY5YzAxMGQyMWY5MmJmYTJi">Toffee knocks the ground with her right feet, resulting on Juno to get back up.</p> <p class="cnM4YTkyMmEwOTIyMTQ0NzFhZjA0YmI0MDFiODNmNDI0">Toffee goes for another punch at him, which he dodges.</p> <p class="cnNlNmRjYmNmMzIxNDQwM2NhZTI1NjNkN2ZjY2RmZTdl">Juno smiles, however, Toffee has a serious face.</p> <p class="cnM1OWZjM2Y4N2U2ZTQzZThiY2M0Y2UzN2I1YjM5OTAx">Even though her punch has missed, Juno gets hit by his strength, Toffee’s punch had ripped the air and the impact hit Juno, knocking him down again.</p> <p class="cnM4NzE5ZmNkOThlNTRiMzE4MDA0NGI5NzllOGMxOWFj">Juno (surprised): “What?!”</p> <p class="cnMxNTRmMDY0ZWRkNjQxN2Y5ZGJiMjg5YzQ5YmRlYTMz">Toffee: “Hmpf. You don’t even know how to land a punch, do you really thing you can dodge one? How naïve…”</p> <p class="cnM3MmE1NjA5Njg5YTQwZDE5NGRkMzM0NWE4OTA1MjIw">Toffee knock the ground again, putting Juno right back up again.</p> <p class="cnNiN2M5YTkxZTBiNzQ5ZmM5NmE0Y2NmMWU2MTkwZmY2">Toffee: “So, shall we continue?”</p> <p class="cnMyMDQzMTAxYmFmYTRjN2ZhZmNlNzJmOWE1Y2YwMzc2"> </p> <p class="cnMxMTlmOWE2MzdkZTRjNDk5NDIyN2I2M2VmMWU2MTJh">Meanwhile in the pocket dimension Arbihime is fighting Jinzo.</p> <p class="cnM2OWI5MzA3ZTFjMzRiYjRiYTZkMDJjYTg0YjVhNWMy">The fight is obviously unfair, for Jinzo simply banishes every single water technique Arbihime uses.</p> <p class="cnNmOTAxMzBiN2ZhMTRlNTg4OTUxMWYxZGY3NDhmY2Q0">Being a God of Water, those are the only techniques Arbihime is allowed to know, thus turning the fight in Jinzo’s favor.</p> <p class="cnM5MmY5NmNmMTYxNjRiOTlhYmY2M2U5NDBjOWMzYTI3">Arbihime is clearly getting tired, while Jinzo seems to keep up pretty good.</p> <p class="cnM2NGQ2ZWY2MmI3MTRjMTFiMzgzYTFhOTIyNjZkNzhj">Jinzo: “Oh are we going to stay here the whole day?</p> <p class="cnM4MDE3MzAzOTZmMTQ2MzZhOWIxZGQ0YzhlZjI1ZmRj">I don’t know about you, but I could.”</p> <p class="cnM4NjkwZWE1YjUxNTQ2NjJiYjE3YTg0NGJjN2MxMDEz">Arbihime struggles, he is about to reach his limit.</p> <p class="cnM5NTEzZWJiMmIwMTQ5NDg4ZGM1NWU5NWM2YjMwYTkz">Jinzo: “Well…it was fun.”</p> <p class="cnMzYWVmNGQwN2YyYTQ1MWM5OTMzYTM2MWNmNDIzYTVi">As Arbihime splits acid water against Jinzo, his attack just passes through him doing no effect.</p> <p class="cnNhMTBkN2QxZTk2ZTRiNzc5MDI0ODQyNjlmOGU5Yjhm">Arbihime is surprised by that, while Jinzo says “you weren’t expecting this were you? My body isn’t physical! Ahah!”</p> <p class="cnM5NzhmYTU3OTRkYTQ2NmNhNmVjYThkM2Q5ZTYyNjcz">Being out of energy, Arbihime is completely opened to Jinzo’s attack.</p> <p class="cnNlZjViZWE4Zjc1NDRiZGNiNTZhNjkwYzc1Nzc3M2Y2">But before Jinzo could attack Arbihime, someone appears behind Arbihime.</p> <p class="cnNlZThiZGNjYjkzYTQ3YWM4NDc0MzA2Zjk3NzEzZWVk">Arbihime (surprised): “Rack?!”</p> <p class="cnNiNjRiZjZkODMxMTQ3N2NiODI4M2YyODBhNGZkNDU5">Kado (shouting): “Oh we forgot about him!”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWNhODRkOWVkZDQxMmNiNTMyNmM0OTA3Y2IzYjcy">Rack: “You did well.”</p> <p class="cnNiYTRjMTJjMDlhMjQ2MTRiNWNkZDUxYThmN2NkMWY2">Rack puts his hand on Arbihime’s back and they both teleport away.</p> <p class="cnNjN2ZkMGU4YTFmMTQwNDZiMGFiZDQ2Yjk5ZWUyYmQy">Jinzo (surprised): “Uh?”</p> <p class="cnNjOWMyNmQxMDViYjRmNzBhZDFiZmVhMWY5MjczNmMz">Kado is angry.</p> <p class="cnM1MmI1YjkyY2QyMzQ2YWJhMGUzY2RmZmM0ZjQ5Mzk5">Urango: “It seems like everyone escaped after all…”</p> <p class="cnNiZWIwYjgyODNkNTQxYzdhNTJiZWQwNzY5OTVhZGVi">Kado: “Yeah I don’t’ need you to state the obvious…”</p> <p class="cnNlNDExZDYzOTVkZjQyN2NiY2EyNjhhNzhkZGZiYzQw">Jinzo: “Hmm…should I perhaps follow them?”</p> <p class="cnNlYmRmNWVkOTYzYTQyZWNhYWUwOGFjZjQ4YWI1NzA3">Kado: “To the Human Dimension?</p> <p class="cnM3ODY0ZGY4ZWQ3NjQzZWM5ZDUxYjgyOTQ2ZTYwNmRj">That’s out of question.</p> <p class="cnMxZTkyMGZhNWQ1ZDQzOGVhZWQ5OTA1OGY3YmZlMTFk">That’s a step that only Garaam shall take.”</p> <p class="cnMyZGUwMDNiY2IzMzQ3YjFiMjBjN2ExZDhlODQ3ODAx">Urango: “We should be going now.”</p> <p class="cnNhNmNiM2FiMjg5ZTQ5MWM4MDgzYWI4MWIxZjM5NjFi">Kado: “Yes.”</p> <p class="cnNhMzA2YmE1NmMxYjRkYzc4M2IwMDlmZmYzMGY2NDA1"> </p> <p class="cnNjMjkzYWNjZDAyZTRkNTRhNmE2YzI1NDgwNjE5ZWFl">[Human Dimension]</p> <p class="cnM2ZmJmODhjNjBmZDRiOWU4YmUwYTI3MDdiMWJmZDIz">Arbihime: “thanks…I was already out of energy there…”</p> <p class="cnM4ZDVlZmI4ZGMxZDRkYTdiZjU5ZTkyMzJmMmVkMmQ1">Rack: “You’re welcome.”</p> <p class="cnNjMTgwNWQ2M2EwYTRlM2I5OThiN2EzNWI1NGQ2ZTkw">It seems like every single ArchGod who was trapped in the Pocket Dimension are now in the Human Dimension too.</p> <p class="cnNlN2Q3NmUwZGIxZTRiNDFhMWE1NWI3Y2VlNTM3ZjQz">Arbihime: “Are they helping us?”</p> <p class="cnM4YzRkMmRhOTZlZDRkY2M4MjUzMDcwM2NhZjQ2MmU1">Baramelo: “No.</p> <p class="cnNiNTU1OTdkNWZiYTRkNDFiODY5OTljMGNjNTU2Nzgx">I’m afraid the Gods here don’t want to interfere with our subject…</p> <p class="cnNiNmM4MDhkMzk5YTRiYTg5YTA4YTk2MDQ1YmRlMmUy">We are on our own.”</p> <p class="cnNjYWJlMWFlZjEzMTRiYzdhMmJkMGQ2N2EwOTVlYTZh">Arbihime: “Shit.</p> <p class="cnNhY2M1NDZhY2E5OTRjZjE4N2U3OGRlNTZiNTExMGQy">Don’t they understand that once he is done there he will come here too?”</p> <p class="cnM4YWI4YWFlMGFhOTQxYjk4YWNlZmU1NDY3ODA4MmIw">Baramelo: “We can’t do nothing…”</p> <p class="cnNkMGQ1MmMyMWU4MDRiNGQ4ZDQ1YzJjNDkwMjVmZWQ4">Rack: “Is everyone here?”</p> <p class="cnNlYmYyNjVhOTI1NzQ3N2M5ZTgyNWFlNGY5YjFkODc2">Baramelo: “Yes…besides Gowan, Alpha, Fula and Toffee...”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDdjMGM3NDZmMjRmZDM4NmJhNWQ2YjU3MWQ5NmVj">Rack: “Shit.</p> <p class="cnM3OWQwY2VlMWI1ZTRlYjA4YjhmZDdhM2UwNTU3YmJk">There isn’t much time left to go look for them…”</p> <p class="cnM0ZjRmOWY5OWYxZTQ3ZWE4ZDUwNDUyNjQ4MDBmYjAx">Arbihime: “There is one last thing to try”</p> <p class="cnMyOWU2YmRmZDdmOTRkMDg5NTA3N2RjN2Y3ZGI3Njk5">Rack: “Uh?”</p> <p class="cnM1MGI1ZmQ0YTlkMjQxY2I5YmYwNWIzZjliZTI2ZTI5">Baramelo: “The Human? Even with the blessings he won’t…”</p> <p class="cnNhZDlhOTg5ZjBiZTQ1ODFiNDQ1MGJlZWJkMzIwMGNh">Arbihime: “I’m talking about the ArchGods.</p> <p class="cnNkY2JjYTNiYmQ0YTQyY2NhN2E2YjE4YTU4ZWE2OWM3">The Human is just a distraction.”</p> <p class="cnNmMzI1NzA1NjBkNjRjODE5ODZlZDU4ZTA2Mjk4MWEw">Baramelo: “I see…”</p> <p class="cnM4MDJlMTlmNGFhZDQ3M2Q5ZmYyMTczYzExNjY1ZjIx"> </p> <p class="cnNkNmUyOGEzNzIxMTRjODI5YjM0MmMxYjY1YzVkY2Mx"> </p> <p class="cnNiODM4YWFmNzQ2OTQ1NTliOGIyN2I1Y2Q3ZDFlYzZl">Part 2</p> <p class="cnNlMjczY2YxMmZhYTQzOWFhYmJiZjM5MGMwNWUzZTRi"> </p> <p class="cnMxYzBkMjhhMjQ1NjQ3NzhiZWFhMmE5MGU3ZTg0Y2Nm">[Toffee’s lair]</p> <p class="cnNiNDM3ZDM2MGIwZDQ0MzY5MjU1YzgxZTI1MGM0MDlh">Three hours have past since Juno began his training with Toffee.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2QwNzViNWVhMTQ4YTE5Nzk2ZWUxOGFkMjYzOTQ1">“Aight that should do it.” – Says Toffee</p> <p class="cnM2ZjRhNTYzOWFkNDQ1ZjNiZTA5MjhmNDMxNThlNDAx">“Uh?” – says Juno while stopping his punch</p> <p class="cnM3YWYyMDYxODFkZjQwYTQ5MzVjZjAyMGFjOGJiYjc0">“What do you mean by <em>uh</em>?</p> <p class="cnMzOTY2MWY3ZGQxODQ0ODlhOGExODhiMWJjZjAxOTJm">I’m saying we switch the strategy now.” – says Toffee</p> <p class="cnNhZmQ1ZGVkMmIzODRiYzVhZDRhNGY3MmViNDdlOWRl">Juno looks at his bloody hands, he had gone for too much effort, far more than his body could handle.</p> <p class="cnNkZTQ2MWFjMzc1NTQ3NzlhZGVkNjFlZjQxN2Y5OGZl">“Your punches still suck. But that the less.</p> <p class="cnM3NzQyZjdkMjlhZTQxZWY5MjY0OWVlN2IzNTBmNmY3">Next lesson is…</p> <p class="cnM5Yjg0MzNlY2NjYTQ5ZGU4MDg2ZjNkZDc3OWY1MDFh">Dodge.” – says Toffee</p> <p class="cnM2ODVjNTJmNjZjYjQ4MDlhNzAwOTFjMjBiYzQyNDc1">“Dodge?” – asks Juno</p> <p class="cnNiNTI0MzkwZWVkODRjMWQ4OTYxNDYxZGFkZjA0Yjdj">At that moment Toffee throws a big rock against Juno, who gets hit and knocked away a long distance.</p> <p class="cnMwNDk3ZjI0MTExZTQ3OGU5YTUyOGJlMjY0NDk2NDU0">Thanks to his blessings though, he doesn’t get hurt.</p> <p class="cnNkZTk2MjUyMDViNDRjM2NiOWM5NWYxZjBhZmIxYWUx">“I told you we were training to dodge now.</p> <p class="cnM3M2FjNTU2NjAyODRhYTQ4ZDkyZDM1M2IyYzdlZTU5">So dodge.” – Says Toffee as she starts throwing more big rocks at him at a high speed</p> <p class="cnMyMDYxNGUyMjY5ODQyNmQ4YTUyOGY2MTU1YjhhZGUx">At first, Juno gets hit by some of the rocks, but he quickly starts to adapt to their speed and overcomes it, dodging every single one Toffee throws at him.</p> <p class="cnNjN2ZhZjcyNzdiNDRjZjY4ZDZkZjI4ZjY4OWNkYzk5">Eventually, she starts increasing the speed of her throws, the result however, doesn’t really change. Juno dodges them.</p> <p class="cnNhZWU1MzA1NGU2OTRiMDVhOTQzMGNiZTI2ZTI3NWE1">“Ah seems like you’re better at dodging than attacking.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDUyM2RlODU1MjQ5YjA5ZDE3YWE5ZGM0YjE1NzJi">Typical…” – says Toffee</p> <p class="cnM3MDQ3ZjgyMDgzNjQ1YjE5MTI0ZWFiMDY1OWIzNzJi">Juno smiles while dodging the rocks, he is happy about it.</p> <p class="cnNlODEwNzI1N2M0NDQ3MzI5NGJlMjZmYzIyYzBiMWVh">“Very well, now it’s your turn.” – says Toffee as she stops throwing rocks</p> <p class="cnMxMTZlMWFmYWQwZDQ0YmVhN2RmZjYwNzQ2YzlkZjk2">“Alright.” – says Juno while picking up one of the rocks on the ground</p> <p class="cnM1ZDk0NTkwNmUxNDQxOTNiZDM5YjFmOGU5N2IzNmNk">Juno throws a rock, but it doesn’t come any near to Toffee.</p> <p class="cnM4MTgzNGFkNTQ2MjRlZmE5MWM2OTFjZGIxNzljMDFi">Toffee laughs, she is mocking Juno’s throwing.</p> <p class="cnNkZGVlMjc1YWQ2OTRiMmNiMGY0ZTgyNmY4NzhkNjIy">“What about you take it a little bit more serious hum?” – says Toffee</p> <p class="cnM3NWE5NWRkMjIwYjQyM2E5NWFlMTY0ODI1YTE2YTM0">Juno tries again.</p> <p class="cnM1YWRmM2VkNzE1MDQ0NTk5ODYyYjJmMWM3NjhjOTQ5">The same result.</p> <p class="cnMxMDc2YzBlN2Q2NzQxMzM4NTM2NTgwOWMzMGYwMDdi">“You see…</p> <p class="cnM2Mjk3ZDQ3Yjc1ODQwZmE5Y2I5MzI4MGFmMjRhMmE4">Your problem is, even though you have our qualities right now…</p> <p class="cnMxOTg0MjkzZGE4NjQ2ZWM4MzZkOTZiNDE1NWZiMjI4">You still acting like a Human.” – says Toffee</p> <p class="cnM0MDczOGJjNjZlNDQzYjM5MDU2MTE3NTA3NzFkMWVl">Juno looks at his hands.</p> <p class="cnNiZmI2NTNlZGI3NzQ0YmRhZTkyZTkxYTI0ZWEyMWJj">“Until you break free of that shell of yours, you won’t be able to match any of us, no matter how much your train or how many blessings we shall give you.</p> <p class="cnNjYTQ3ZWRlMmRiZDQyZGVhNGM5OTljNTA1NjNlNGEx">The result will always be the same.”</p> <p class="cnMzMjJmOTQxMDI0YjQ0MjVhZmZjZjdiMDlhNzQ0MWZj">Toffee throws another rock to Juno, who breaks it with a counter attack using one of his hands.</p> <p class="cnNhMDM3OTlkYzhmZTQxYzA5MTZhNWE2ZmYwYWE5MzIz">And so the exercise changed.</p> <p class="cnMyNjAyNmY3ZjFiYTQ3NGE5ZmFmNDdkMmY5ODMxYjRk">Toffee would just throw more rocks at Juno, and he would destroy them with his velocity and his strong punches.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmE0ZjhlZjg3NzQxZGU4MzYwOTFkN2YzN2M2MGE5">Toffee was teaching Juno how to counter attack and act fast, something that he quickly got the handle of.</p> <p class="cnM0OWVmZTg2ZmRjMTQ5ZmY5ZjFiMGZmYjVkNTIzZTkw">After training for more 10 hours straight, and multiple exercises, Toffee had come to the conclusion that Juno simply can’t use an offensive.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTczYjA0ZjdhODRmMDZiZjBhYzY1ODg4MWM1MGVm">Toffee sighs after stopping the training once more.</p> <p class="cnNhZDk5YWYzZDYzNzQ0NzBhMGRhZDg0NjVhOTQ5ZmQw">“Why we’re stopping?” – asks Juno confused</p> <p class="cnNkOWNkMWNmMjI5OTQ5NzNiZmFjOWM0NWJhMzI0M2Fj">“It’s pointless.”- replies Toffee</p> <p class="cnM2NmZkYTQ0Yjc1MzQ0MTBhYTlkZGE5MDA1OWFmMzgx">“You just can’t do it.</p> <p class="cnNhMjE4MjFmYTczYzQxMjU4NzJkMzE5MTliNmFlOWQ1">I give up.” – says Toffee while turning her back and opening a portal</p> <p class="cnNmZDUwYmFjNGZkOTRkMmNiZGFhYWRiZGVmMWQ2N2E2">“W—wait!” – says Juno on a hurry</p> <p class="cnMyYjM3YjBhNzg1MDQxNDdhNTg1MzBmNzMxMzI4Mjdh">But it was too late, Toffee had gone through the portal.</p> <p class="cnM3MmRjODcwZDRkYTQ0ZjdiODVkNDBmZmE2NGY4NDc4">Juno follows through it.</p> <p class="cnNlM2FmMGVmZDhlNzRhODNhODkyYzNiNWVkMWQ4OGIx">They are back to the same place where Toffee had opened the portal to her lair.</p> <p class="cnNhYjE1OTY2ZDZjMzQ2ODg4NWE2ZjVkNmI3MTc5NGRm">Juno looked around but he so no one.</p> <p class="cnMzYzJhY2E1ZDZkZjRjMzVhNGU0ZTAxYzJkNzZmZmI1">He was left alone there.</p> <p class="cnMxMGQxMTE3YmU1NzRlZDY4MGI5YTI0ZWFkOWY2MjA2">Suddenly, a portal opens behind him.</p> <p class="cnM5NzYwNTdiNzA1NTRhYTFhZjNhOTJiOWJkMzE1M2Y5">“What…?” – says Juno, confused.</p> <p class="cnM1NWNhZWEzYWRjYjRmMmNhMDQzYzMwYjZmMmMyZjM1">“You don’t care, do you?</p> <p class="cnM0YWQ5MmNkZTEwZDRhNWI4YzVhNThlYTBiNjllOGRk">After all… this is the only reason why you <em>wanted</em> to train.”- says Toffee, but she was nowhere to be seen.</p> <p class="cnNiMjhlMDA3MjZjZDRmNjE5YWQ5OGYxYjhhODk5OWJl">“You never wanted to give a damn about it, that was just an excuse to go there.</p> <p class="cnMxNzBjODY2YWVmNjQ0Y2E4ZDQwZjczMTMxM2I3YmY2">So go ahead, kill yourself.” – continues Toffee</p> <p class="cnMzZjIwOGY2Yjk0MTRlZTdiYzFjZWNkYjEwNmU1ZGYx">Juno sighs, his face looks heavy.</p> <p class="cnMyMDhmNDQwMjNkYzRmYzU4ZTFlMDMxZTkyMjA1YTE0">He walks trough the portal, he knew clearly where it was leading him to.</p> <p class="cnMwYzc1OGUwOTYxMDQyYzViOGRiNTdmNTM2Y2Y5NGQ2">“Perhaps death will teach you a better lesson.” – says Toffee to no one.</p> <p class="cnNiZjhkNWFlZjFjNDQ4OTliMGM0MjEzNDNhNGMyM2M0">Juno finds himself in front of some huge stairs, leading up to a big mountain with a castle on the top.</p> <p class="cnMxMWQxNWUzMDU5NDQxYzI5ZTBkNjlhOWQ2NzMyYWMy">There was no doubt there he was.</p> <p class="cnNlOGYyMGI4NDBlMzQ4NWViOTY1MmRhMGMyMDM1MjM2">He starts walking upon the stairs, until he gets to a big door.</p> <p class="cnMxMWE0OTZjM2Q1ZTRmYjc5OWNjOGIyN2FjYjFkMWU1">The door opens immediately, no one had opened it.</p> <p class="cnNmM2EyZWRmNTUyZTQ2NzJiMTYwMjk5ZDYyYTE0OTIz">He walks through it and continues, walking straight the corridor in front of him.</p> <p class="cnNmOTQ5NjBmYzRjMTQ3N2Y4YTk1ODkxYjY4NjM3MmEz">His heard was guiding him, he knew the moment had finally come.</p> <p class="cnM4OTgwMzMxNDAwMjQyYWVhYTgwODRiZmM0NzIxOTM2">Again, he finds himself in front of a door.</p> <p class="cnNmMDY1YTE4MTYxYzRjYTliYmJlMTE3NzA1NDE3YTJh">He knocks at the door but gets no answer.</p> <p class="cnM1YmFkYzc5MDM0ZDQ1YzNhN2ZlNzY1MTk5N2FkMjg1">After a while he finally opens it, after a brief breath, he walks in.</p> <p class="cnMyYjVkZjFhMDJlYjQ4YmM4MzUwYjVhZmNmOTJlOTk2">He finds himself on a big room, with plenty of statues around it, some carpets on the floor leading to a throne, and a man sitting on it.</p> <p class="cnM0NTJkN2YyMDI1MDRlNTc5MzU5MzcyMmE3OTBiZjBl">Juno walks up to the man on the throne who looks confused but intrigued at the same time.</p> <p class="cnNiYmM3ZWFhNjEzZTQ1NzFiYzY5MDAxZTk0NDg2NDZl">There was no doubt, Juno had finally been faced to face with Garaam himself.</p> <p class="cnMyNGFkMTZmZGJhNjQxNTA5YWZjMDNjZTk3ODM0NmNh"> </p> <p class="cnMzMzc3ZDBkNTY4NzQ3OTFhOTg3YmMwZGMzMjljZTQx"><strong>End of Chapter 9: A Ray of Hope</strong></p> <p class="cnNlNDRjNzI1ZDU4MDQ4ZGRhNjljN2Q0MGY1M2RiYzgz"> </p> </div>
**Chapter 9: A Ray of Hope** [Pocket Dimension] Kado: “Seems like everything is ready.” Urango: “Hmm…are you sure about it? Vulpina seems to have fallen.” Kado: “Naturally. She was never meant to win.” Urango: “Oh is that so? Poor God…” Kado laughs. Kado: “Well let’s finish this… I’m tired of waiting.” As Kado and Urango walk between the jails, where the other ArchGods are captured, they hear a strong sound coming from inside the meeting room. A guard comes out at full speed, he was tossed by someone. Kado: “Uh?” Arbihime shows up at the door. Arbihime: “So this is what you’ve been planning all along…” Urango: “Oh just in time.” Kado: “Are you perhaps surrendering to us? How kind of you…” Arbihime smiles. Arbihime: “I’m sorry. I’ve got enough of fooling around.” Urango: “*speculum obice” (=Mirror barrier)* An invisible barrier gets between them and Arbihime. Kado: “What’s this?” Urango smiles. Arbihime rises his hands up. Arbihime: “Sorry for the wait… *tempestas aquae*” *(= Water Hurricane)* The whole Pocket Dimension gets filled with water. There isn’t a bit of space that isn’t covered by Arbihime’s technique. Kado: “I see… You think that’s enough to beat us?” Urango: “Look again Kado.” Kado: “Uh?” The jails start collapsing, they are breaking thanks to the water’s pressure. Everyone is set free. Kado: “You little….!” Arbihime: “I’m not over yet.” Arbihime rises the water pressure even more, this time, damaging Urango’s barrier a bit. Kado (shouting): “Urango fast, do something before they all escape again!” Urango: “I’m afraid I’m as useful as you Kado…” Arbihime smiles. “Ohhhh look at this. It’s all wet in here. Mind if I clear everything, boss?” – says a voice under water The Pocket Dimension starts collapsing into some rifts that appeared around them, but it wasn’t because of Arbihime, it was Jinzo, the voice under water. As Jinzo walks up to Arbihime, the water starts getting sucked by those rifts. The rifts close and banish as there is no more water left. Jinzo: “Such a mess…” However, the ArchGods are no longer in jail, so they start open portals and leave the pocket dimension. Kado: “No…not again….” Urango laughs. Urango: “Déjà vu.” Kado: “Hey Jinzo! Be sure you kill that rat ASAP!” Jinzo rises his right hand while turning his back to Kado. Jinzo: “Aight I got it boss.” [Toffee’s lair] Juno: “It’s too white in here…” In fact, it seems like Toffee’s lair is empty, the walls, the ground, the roof, everything is wait, it’s hard to keep focus in there. Toffee: “Oh I don’t really care about it. Each lair of us represents our inner self. I suppose I can change it a bit for you.” Her lair now seems like the desert they were in. Toffee: “Better?” Juno: “Ah that will do it…” Toffee: “Well then, let’s begin!” Juno: “What do I really have to do?” Toffee: “Let’s see… From what you showed up there It seems like you have the overall typical qualities of us. Strength, speed, endurance… I still can’t feel any energy coming from you. But it doesn’t matter.” Juno: “So I’m a strong as you” Toffee laughs. Toffee: “I said that you have the typical qualities of us. Dunno if you’ve realized it yet, but every single one of us, including our Gods, are blessed with those same attributes you showed. However, your little demonstration right there was…pity, to say the least. Would you have fought someone else more serious and you would have ended up losing, now doubts on that. You showed plenty of openings. You attacked mindlessly. Your speed was well controlled but overall you were just too predictable. Again, if your enemy was someone with the intention to kill you, you would’ve lost.” Juno: “I see…” Toffee: “No you don’t. You haven’t listened to anything I’ve said. What’s the matter with you?” Juno: “Can we just begin this?” Toffee: “Hmm…you’re right, why am I even give you this information. All you want is to fight Garaam right? No need for those kinds of formalities.” Juno: “Will you summon something like Alpha?” Toffee: “Hmpf. Do not compare me to the others. I rather do it myself.” Toffee puts on a fighting stance. Toffee: “We’ll begin with the one thing that molested me the most about you… Your attacks. Come on now, attack me with all you’ve got, I’ll just block it.” And so it happens. Juno throws some basic punches to Toffee, who blocks them effortlessly with just one hand. Each time Juno goes for another punch, Toffee blocks it repeatedly saying, “your punches sucks, your posture sucks”, irritating Juno a bit more after each repetition. After a few dozen punches Juno starts getting tired. He asks “Isn’t this enough? We’ve been onto this for quite long time…”. As Toffee replies: “You will keep it going until you finally get an *ok* punch.” Juno’s punches even though he is getting tired, are starting to get stronger. However, it’s not enough for Toffee. Toffee: “Seems like we will be here the whole day!” Juno finally stops after a few more dozen punches, he couldn’t handle it anymore, he was fully tired. But before he could even say something, Toffee throws a punch at him, knocking him down. Toffee: “Did I perhaps tell you to stop?” Juno (on the ground): “No…” Toffee: “Then get up and punch me!” Juno: “I can’t…I’m exhausted…” Toffee knocks the ground with her right feet, resulting on Juno to get back up. Toffee goes for another punch at him, which he dodges. Juno smiles, however, Toffee has a serious face. Even though her punch has missed, Juno gets hit by his strength, Toffee’s punch had ripped the air and the impact hit Juno, knocking him down again. Juno (surprised): “What?!” Toffee: “Hmpf. You don’t even know how to land a punch, do you really thing you can dodge one? How naïve…” Toffee knock the ground again, putting Juno right back up again. Toffee: “So, shall we continue?” Meanwhile in the pocket dimension Arbihime is fighting Jinzo. The fight is obviously unfair, for Jinzo simply banishes every single water technique Arbihime uses. Being a God of Water, those are the only techniques Arbihime is allowed to know, thus turning the fight in Jinzo’s favor. Arbihime is clearly getting tired, while Jinzo seems to keep up pretty good. Jinzo: “Oh are we going to stay here the whole day? I don’t know about you, but I could.” Arbihime struggles, he is about to reach his limit. Jinzo: “Well…it was fun.” As Arbihime splits acid water against Jinzo, his attack just passes through him doing no effect. Arbihime is surprised by that, while Jinzo says “you weren’t expecting this were you? My body isn’t physical! Ahah!” Being out of energy, Arbihime is completely opened to Jinzo’s attack. But before Jinzo could attack Arbihime, someone appears behind Arbihime. Arbihime (surprised): “Rack?!” Kado (shouting): “Oh we forgot about him!” Rack: “You did well.” Rack puts his hand on Arbihime’s back and they both teleport away. Jinzo (surprised): “Uh?” Kado is angry. Urango: “It seems like everyone escaped after all…” Kado: “Yeah I don’t’ need you to state the obvious…” Jinzo: “Hmm…should I perhaps follow them?” Kado: “To the Human Dimension? That’s out of question. That’s a step that only Garaam shall take.” Urango: “We should be going now.” Kado: “Yes.” [Human Dimension] Arbihime: “thanks…I was already out of energy there…” Rack: “You’re welcome.” It seems like every single ArchGod who was trapped in the Pocket Dimension are now in the Human Dimension too. Arbihime: “Are they helping us?” Baramelo: “No. I’m afraid the Gods here don’t want to interfere with our subject… We are on our own.” Arbihime: “Shit. Don’t they understand that once he is done there he will come here too?” Baramelo: “We can’t do nothing…” Rack: “Is everyone here?” Baramelo: “Yes…besides Gowan, Alpha, Fula and Toffee...” Rack: “Shit. There isn’t much time left to go look for them…” Arbihime: “There is one last thing to try” Rack: “Uh?” Baramelo: “The Human? Even with the blessings he won’t…” Arbihime: “I’m talking about the ArchGods. The Human is just a distraction.” Baramelo: “I see…” Part 2 [Toffee’s lair] Three hours have past since Juno began his training with Toffee. “Aight that should do it.” – Says Toffee “Uh?” – says Juno while stopping his punch “What do you mean by *uh*? I’m saying we switch the strategy now.” – says Toffee Juno looks at his bloody hands, he had gone for too much effort, far more than his body could handle. “Your punches still suck. But that the less. Next lesson is… Dodge.” – says Toffee “Dodge?” – asks Juno At that moment Toffee throws a big rock against Juno, who gets hit and knocked away a long distance. Thanks to his blessings though, he doesn’t get hurt. “I told you we were training to dodge now. So dodge.” – Says Toffee as she starts throwing more big rocks at him at a high speed At first, Juno gets hit by some of the rocks, but he quickly starts to adapt to their speed and overcomes it, dodging every single one Toffee throws at him. Eventually, she starts increasing the speed of her throws, the result however, doesn’t really change. Juno dodges them. “Ah seems like you’re better at dodging than attacking. Typical…” – says Toffee Juno smiles while dodging the rocks, he is happy about it. “Very well, now it’s your turn.” – says Toffee as she stops throwing rocks “Alright.” – says Juno while picking up one of the rocks on the ground Juno throws a rock, but it doesn’t come any near to Toffee. Toffee laughs, she is mocking Juno’s throwing. “What about you take it a little bit more serious hum?” – says Toffee Juno tries again. The same result. “You see… Your problem is, even though you have our qualities right now… You still acting like a Human.” – says Toffee Juno looks at his hands. “Until you break free of that shell of yours, you won’t be able to match any of us, no matter how much your train or how many blessings we shall give you. The result will always be the same.” Toffee throws another rock to Juno, who breaks it with a counter attack using one of his hands. And so the exercise changed. Toffee would just throw more rocks at Juno, and he would destroy them with his velocity and his strong punches. Toffee was teaching Juno how to counter attack and act fast, something that he quickly got the handle of. After training for more 10 hours straight, and multiple exercises, Toffee had come to the conclusion that Juno simply can’t use an offensive. Toffee sighs after stopping the training once more. “Why we’re stopping?” – asks Juno confused “It’s pointless.”- replies Toffee “You just can’t do it. I give up.” – says Toffee while turning her back and opening a portal “W—wait!” – says Juno on a hurry But it was too late, Toffee had gone through the portal. Juno follows through it. They are back to the same place where Toffee had opened the portal to her lair. Juno looked around but he so no one. He was left alone there. Suddenly, a portal opens behind him. “What…?” – says Juno, confused. “You don’t care, do you? After all… this is the only reason why you *wanted* to train.”- says Toffee, but she was nowhere to be seen. “You never wanted to give a damn about it, that was just an excuse to go there. So go ahead, kill yourself.” – continues Toffee Juno sighs, his face looks heavy. He walks trough the portal, he knew clearly where it was leading him to. “Perhaps death will teach you a better lesson.” – says Toffee to no one. Juno finds himself in front of some huge stairs, leading up to a big mountain with a castle on the top. There was no doubt there he was. He starts walking upon the stairs, until he gets to a big door. The door opens immediately, no one had opened it. He walks through it and continues, walking straight the corridor in front of him. His heard was guiding him, he knew the moment had finally come. Again, he finds himself in front of a door. He knocks at the door but gets no answer. After a while he finally opens it, after a brief breath, he walks in. He finds himself on a big room, with plenty of statues around it, some carpets on the floor leading to a throne, and a man sitting on it. Juno walks up to the man on the throne who looks confused but intrigued at the same time. There was no doubt, Juno had finally been faced to face with Garaam himself. **End of Chapter 9: A Ray of Hope**
{ "title": "Yora Chronicles", "id": 16682, "author": "Phyantasm", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "[Arc 1 Chapter 9A]- Chanced Encounters", "id": 305690, "next": 311505, "prev": 299159, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5ODZhZmE0YTY2YjQ5YjhhOTYxNGU1MzI1NjdkNWEz"> </p> <p class="cnNiMDA4MmJkMTAwNTQwMTVhZWFkZDY4NmIwZDRjMTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Over here, Keri!” Airen waved from off the side of the road. The path leading to the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Petrified Dragons Crypt, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">was littered by all manner of merchandise stalls and kiosks, catering to both would be dungeon delvers and returning adventurers. Unable to find a spot to stand without being pestered by hawkers, Airen had brought out the human spine spear and adorned a sand encrusted cloak. His visage, coupled with the sight of the spear, caused people to give him a wide berth and provided a reprieve from the ceaseless annoyances.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmU2ZTNmN2Y0ZTQ3YjFiYmU2MGM4ZjYzMmFmNDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Keri made no comment about his weapon as she moved closer; instead, she stared at his face until he started to feel uncomfortable.</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2FhYTQ3YjhlNzQ2MzViMzQwNGQxMzRjM2M0MGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is there something on my face?” Airen asked as he rubbed his face with the ragged sleeves of his robe.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZWUyMjQ4MDU4ZTQ1ZDM5MzU5MDE0MWY3MzRiN2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No… I was just checking something.” Keri replied as she shook her head.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDVlYzUyYzBmOTQ4ZmQ4MWM4NmU3NjA5ZjFmYTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Were you afraid I was a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Doppleganger</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> or a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">?” Airen laughed awkwardly.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2NmZGZlOGE3MjQ0NTViODFmY2MxYzcyYmRjZjBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you were, then your blood or heart would be worth a fair amount.” Keri shrugged. “It seems you have been diligent with your training. Your body is much sturdier than before.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGFkYmU3YjkwODRkOWQ4MzIxZmFmYTBlM2ZlZDkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I had a rather… overly enthusiastic mentors on both sides of the coin.” Airen grumbled. “Physical training by day… mental training by night. It would be so much easier if I could use magic like Fiel does, to do </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">everything.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzIwYTE0OGU2ODRiM2VhNmI3ZDA4ZDIzNDNlNmFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Perish that thought. Many great magicians destroyed themselves because of that very line of reasoning.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjkyNDE1ZTYwZDQzMmI5Yzk1YmRkMDQ2MmJjZDlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Should I be worried about her then?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGI5YTMwNDVlMjRlOWVhNWY4NWM0Mjc4NDc5NWEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t be. Her magic already defies imagination.” Keri chuckled grimly. “Let us change the avenue, there are curious eyes among the crowd.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZmMwN2UxNTI1MTRlZDZiZTVhOWExZGY0MDZkOWMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen casted his eyes around him, and caught several kiosk owners quickly looking away. Several groups of adventurers that slowed to a walk started to walk more briskly, with one group moving towards them.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTczNzRmY2VmNzQ1ZGZhOTA4Yjc5ZWEzYWU5ODg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A fine day to be dungeon delving!” An armored robust man held up a hand in greeting. “It’s not often we see such a strange pair of two dark-arts users. Are you two looking for a party?” Behind the man trailed three others, a female archer clad in treated leather armor, a skinny female clad in light, tight-fitting clothing, and a male in a weathered robe, presumably a mage.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmEzMzE2YTVkYjQ3YThiMWQ4NzU0NzZmY2U1YzMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, we’re fine.” Keri replied curtly. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjEyZTMzOTQ2MzQyYWE4MTY3ZDY4ZjQzYWZlMjIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is that so?” The man shrugged, clearly used to being turning down. “We’ll still be around for the next few hours at </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">The Fledgling Heroes’ Pub</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> while we finish gathering up supplies if you changed your mind. Just call for Menda.” Clearly reading the mood, he quickly left with his group after leaving those parting words behind.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGYwYWUzMmU3MzQzNmQ5OWZkNzkyNzcxMjA3YjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’ll have to keep an eye out for those lurking by the shadows when we return.” Keri leaned down and whispered into Airen’s ear, gently turning his head off the road towards several ‘adventurer’ parties. Beneath their unsuspicious apparel came the glint of bloodied steel, and it was not the blood of beasts.. “Have you made your preparations?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjkxM2YzNWQ0YTQwYTQ5YzliYjg1NDUzZWY2NGUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“As well as I could… I’m still a bit nervous.” Airen admitted. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MjQ5ZTAyYjk3OTQ0ZDE5YzdjMmJhMmVlMDJiN2Nl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That is good.” Keri nodded. “Fear of mortality keeps you alive on all manner of battlefields, as long as you can muster the courage to walk them.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjI4ZGUyMWMzODQyZWQ4NWYzNDYxZjRhNTVhZjFl"><span style="font-weight: 400"> “...I'd prefer to stay far away from a battlefield. Thank you.” Fieluri had not only showed him the glory of a victorious war, but also the devestating aftermath. The putrid stench of rotting flesh, the buzz of bloatflies and maggots, and above all, the mounds and mounds of ravaged bodies was more than enough to deter him from ever stepping foot onto a battlefield.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjIzODBiYTdhOTRjM2NhNGQwNzljODA2NTZkOWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“All paths lead to conflict, Airen.” Keri shrugged as they made their way onto the packed road and towards the dungeon’s entrance. “-whether or not you wish for it.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzQyYWFmNDkzNDQ5NTI4MzU0ZjI1NTljMWY4Zjg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen decided not to answer, neither agreeing or disagreeing with Keri’s cryptic words. Instead, he stared ahead as the towering mausoleum, the entrance to the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Petrified Dragon's Crypt,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> grew larger. Several pairs of eyes, mainly those of the adventurer parties loitering outside, stared at them as they descended into the darkness.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWZiY2YzZGZmYjQ0YmJiYTdhNGM0ZGMyM2RiODlh"> </p> <p class="cnMyOTYzY2QzMGI4MjQzZmQ4YTY4ZDJkMTVlMGY1YTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Here, I'll bring out a source of illumination…” Airen murmured as he prepared to open a rift into his vault. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMTNiZWFlYjE3MDRhOTJiOWFlNjE2MDQxMGNkZWI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No need.” Keri stopped him before he could light the lantern. She removed </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Silverlight </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">from her back and laid a hand on the invisible spearpoint. After murmuring a few words, a dim silvery glow poured from the weapon. To the naked eye, it appeared like moonlight, bathing their surroundings in shades of gray and white.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzZiMDYwZTk3YzRmZGZiMDgxYTk5ODAzOTU2ODIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s… pretty useful.” Airen murmured. Keri’s weapon never ceased to amaze him, being on par with some of the fabled weapons in the Archive. “How did you ever stop Fiel from getting her hands on it?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTg1NGFiZTA1MjQ2MzE4Y2U4MjllYTRiN2U3ZDcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It is nothing so special, and only has a few small tricks.” Keri replied. “Still, you should keep that lantern ready at a moments’ notice.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOGIyOThhNjc1NzQ5NzVhMTkzZmFiZTBkMjc5Yzcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen nodded and lit the lantern before returning it to his vault. This way, if he was in need of light, he could simply open a rift and grab the lantern. For now, however, he pulled out one of Ittai’s many maps.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGU4ODY1NmRmNTQyYjI5ODMyYzEyMjkzNTUzNDZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“These first 10 floors are rather straightforward.” Airen pointed to a direction to their east where the path to the lower levels were. “Judging by how the map is so detailed, I'm afraid it would be hard to find anything of value…”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTllNzY5Njg3ZDRkNDA4OTQ2NDU4NmIzZWYzYzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And the magical beasts? I don't feel any presences… “ Keri gestured around them.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzBmN2FkOTI0ZjQ4MGViMGJlMDdhYWYzZjNkMzE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nothing of note. I doubt mole skins or bat fangs are worth much.” Airen sighed, remembering the measly bronze coins he got for them the last time. “Still, there's a chest that crosses our path…”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzVmM2RmOTY5OTQ3YWQ5MDYwYjY0N2M3Y2UwODVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Under the guidance of the map, it merely took fifteen minutes of traversing the many dust-filled room until they came across a rusted iron chest.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODQwNWI0YWViNDRlZTBhMzg1ZDQxOGI5NjRkMzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Well, it’s not like I had high hopes.” Airen shrugged as he propped it open using the tip of his spear. The insides revealed nothing, save cobwebs and creature feces. “The stairs should be right over there…”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzA0M2ViOGQ2MzQ3MzQ4M2JiYWU2ZmU0YzdjNmQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Airen. Has it occurred to you that you can use the ability the History Eater gave you to… take the chest itself?” Keri’s insightful words stopped Airen and he was struck with a moment of clarity.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmM3Mzk4NGY3OTQ5MDU4MWI5MWM4NTczYTM0NWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right. Right! Why didn't I think if that? If I can find a way to remove the rust and melt it down… then surely I can do something with it from the metal alone!” With glee, Airen opened a rift, and after much heaving and grunting, finally pushed the heavy chest into it. However, as he was about to close the rift, he hesitated and turned to Keri.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNmQ5OWVjNGU3ZDRiMTc4ZjVjOTRjNzZiM2M5ZGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...But isn't this bad? If I remove the chests then magical beasts won't use them as storage, and later adventurers would not find any loot…”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTNiZjRkZGQ5ZjQwMTQ4ODBjNjc0NWNmNDJiYjBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It matters not, the adventurers will simply have to search the monster’s dens instead.” Keri shrugged. “Plus, only unopened chests have anything of value. You can consider it as doing them a favor.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTM1NGE1ZDBiMzQ1ODY4M2M3MzEyNDFkODUwODQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I suppose so.” Airen grinned guiltily as he closed the rift. “Seems like these first few floors might have something of value after all. Keri, do you mind if-”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDE1NTkyMjdkNzRmZmQ5NTRlOTFjYmE5OTNjZTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“By all means, take a detour to loot the looted chests.” Keri smiled. “I doubt anyone will be missing them.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyNmY0NzIxYWU5NTRlOTE4YzdhN2E2NGRhZjQyOTU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t mind if I do. Then maybe I can finally get some decent weapons.” Airen laughed and pointed at his weapon. “Honestly the sensation from just gripping it gives me goosebumps. But beggars can’t be choosers.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGRjNDRmOWViZDRmNjFiN2MyMjE0YjhiNDk0NWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Finally learning to be independent from the History Eater, are we Airen? A good initiative.” Keri mumbled as she peeked through a door before entering. “And in the past, bones made especially valuable weapons, especially those of magical beasts.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlODg4NzE2ZmQ2MjRmNWI5Zjg5OTAyOWM1MzAyYmRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Can we not discuss about bones in this dismal place?” Airen complained as they carefully descended the dungeon steps to the next level. ”Fiel has already shown me more than enough scenes involving the walking dead.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjFlYWFlYTRlNDQ2Y2M4MDQ0ZDliMGEwNDZjYmNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am curious, Airen. What exactly does the History Eater have in store for you?” </span></p> <p class="cnMwOTA0Mzc5YTM4NTQ5YmJiN2RiYjc2OTgxNjUyZTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Blasted if I know. Each time I ask, she gives me a different answer. ‘I wish to birth an illusory legend like none other.’ ‘I seek to consume those that have spat upon history.’ ‘For mine and your own redemption.’ ‘So I can amuse myself among a kingdom of deception.’ ‘To watch you die, cold and alone in the abyss.’ Trying to get a straight answer out of her is like trying to count the grains of sand in the Tel’dora Desert.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWFlOTAxNmI1YzQ4MGQ5MTkyYzgzMTI2MGY2ZGRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...According to the stories surrounding her in my time, she may speak in riddles but she is no liar. Think of her words as half truths.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTEyZjUwMDk5NDRlZGU4YzNkYjRiNjdiMDYwYWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wow. That just makes it sound worse” Airen rolled his eyes. “I thought she was just messing with me, but she actually wants to watch me die!?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMGJiNmQ1MGEwYzQzOGQ5YzM3YWM1MzdiNDc5MGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You were the one that claimed that you have died over a thousand times in her realm.” Keri pointed out. “And each time you improved from it, even if victory eluded you.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjlmOGRiYWNlNTQxZjI4ZjhkNDJhMjliNDFlYmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen decided not to reply, instead profusely studying the map he held in front of him. Despite the fact that for all intents and purposes, the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Petrified Dragon’s Crypt</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> was considered to be an advanced dungeon, they had casually waltzed past several floors without encountering anything. This peacefulness in an otherwise dangerous area was making Airen uneasy.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGJlMTY5MjY4MDQ4NmE4ODQ1MDVlMmVhMzE0MTZm"> </p> <p class="cnMyMjliMTU5NGU3MTQ1MmNhNjE2OTU1NmViYWYxODFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was not long until they passed the first camp set up by the League of Adventurers on the fifth floor. Instead of calling it a camp, it would be better to call it a supply depot, with several rooms from the ruins stocked with all manner of packages. Other than the staff from the League of Adventurers, the majority of the hundred or so individuals at the checkpoint were explorers and adventurers.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDdjMjA1MDRiODQ4MzlhODJkYzcxODZhMmVhYmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Other than a few curious and cautionary glances thrown their way, they passed the checkpoint unhindered. Airen reasoned that despite the time they took to secure empty chests for his own use, they could still manage to make it to the next checkpoint before needing a rest. As they left the torch-lit area behind them, they continued to advance without any deterrents, save the occasional chest.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM0ZjVkMzhjYzlkYjQ2ZjA4NGMzYzFjNjJhZjZiNGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Today was… uneventful.” Airen sighed as he handed Keri a plate of hot food, one of the perks at resting at one of League of Adventurer camps instead of barricading themselves in a room out in ruined rooms of the dungeon. This camp on the 10th floor was similar to the one on the 5th, except somehow there were even more adventurers here than the prior one and therefore much larger. It was likely due to the fact that after this floor, there will be more dangerous encounters, and adventurers would use these camps to meet up, exchange information, or descend as a group. However, for the same reason, it actually had several dungeon rooms set up as an ‘inn’ of sorts. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGZmMGQyZGVkYzQ0MjE4YmY4ZjhkZWE3YWEwYjVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is normal.” Keri replied as she accepted the plate. Other than a few greens and potatoes on the bottom, it was piled to the top with monster meat. Depending on who you ask, monster meat was either a seldom-seen delicacy or a disgusting substitute to meat, but it was the bread and butter for dungeon-delving adventurers. “The floors closest to civilization are often plundered and magical beast nests destroyed. This is what’s left.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWYzNzQ0Y2Y1ODQ2NjVhNWZjY2NlMzk1OWU3YjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">After giving the food a tentative bite, Keri grimaced and reached into her robes, pulling out a small shaker filled with a dark yellow powder. After noticing Airen eyeing it, she sprinkled a bit of the spice onto her own plate before passing the shaker to Airen. Curious and intrigued, Airen sprinkled a bit onto the top of his hand before giving it a cautious lick. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMGY4MTcxZTQwNzRmMTA5NGU1N2NmNWE4MGRiOTY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s probably too strong for you.” Keri’s mouth curled into a rare smile as Airen sputtered and spat. The powder set his tongue on fire akin to crushed red pepper flakes, but also assaulted his senses with an overbearing pungent stench.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGE4MzQ5MGFlNDRmZTBhNTVmZjgyYTQxMzQ5Mjc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is this nasty stuff!?” Airen quickly handed back the shaker, declining to sprinkle any atop his own meal.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOGY4YTA4NjFjMDQ2ZDdhZDhlYTQyMTQyYmU2Yjc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A combination of cheese, spices and herbs.” Keri replied as she added more onto her own plate. “The smell would also go away if it was allowed to sit for a few years, and it practically keeps forever as long as you keep it away from liquids. I’m afraid it is a bit of an acquired taste.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWNkYjcxZmI3MTQzZGRhZTEzMGExYzY2OWE3Y2Ji"><span style="font-weight: 400"> Airen did not respond but instead dug into his own plate. The food wasn’t particularly bland, but it wasn’t tasty either. It was something that Fieluri would refuse to eat and reduce to ashes after the first bite, Airen thought to himself.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzRkZDFiOGViMzQ4NmRiMGY1YmFlYmNhYzBjZjlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">As they ate in silence amidst the rowdy adventurers, a familiar man entered and glanced around the tables, before finally spotting them and making his way over.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjM2N2I5Y2Q3NzRkYTdhZGFhNjc1NmE2ZmI4Zjdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I knew I saw some familiar faces!” The man called Menda smiled and took the seat next to Airen with great familiarity, as if they had been friends for a while. “And right before the ‘true’ dungeon as well!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjkyNTkzNzM5YzQ1OTJiMWU5MTUwNTgxNDlhZjFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">At his words, Keri glanced over with meaningful eyes. Clearly she would let him deal with the situation as he see fit.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjVhYjZhODlhZTQwODRiNDg3N2FhYmY5ZTdlNTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Menda, was it?” Airen returned the smile while taking off his hood, thinking it would be better to make friends insteads of brushing him off. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZGZiNTE0YWM2ZjRjOWI5ZTA3ZDAzNWJjZmZhMjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why, you’re even younger than I thought!” Menda whistled, causing nearby adventurers to send them a curious glance. “Based on the atmosphere around you two, I thought you two were veteran adventurers!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjA0ODVkYjUwNTQ3MmRhNzA4NTZkMTJhNzk4MTUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I do not see your companions.” Airen smiled as he replied, neither affirming or disapproving Menda’s words. It would be better to let him draw his own conclusions. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OWMwNmE1MDhjZTQzMDhiMWE3YjQxZmVhYTY1MGIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sadia went to the guild table to acquire some arrows, and I’m afraid Nina and Ester had already turned in for the night.” Menda gave Airen a wink. “I almost regret playing matchmaker for the two of them, I hope when we encounter some kobolds, they wouldn’t be too busy being distracted by the sight of the other.” He laughed good-naturedly, happy to have someone to unload his complaints onto.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWE1ZTdkNGE0MDQwZmRhYTYwNWJjYmM4MjRmYzFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“May I ask where the two of you heading? The four of us are planning to raid a kobold nest or two and try our luck before proceeding to the floors with undead.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDIxZWE0ZGEwNDQ2MzdiY2Y5Nzk4ZDUzMzVhMTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’ll be proceeding as deep as we can.” Airen replied. Based on the information Ittai had given him, Airen that he could easily reach up to the 30th floor before he had to struggle against undead creatures that he was not capable of dealing with due to his lack of magic. However, with Keri accompanying him, it was a different matter.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODM3MWE4ODk4ODRjOTk4ODhhZDI2ZDFlOTZhZTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is that so?” Menda replied as a female entered the inn. “Then by all means, I wish you luck.” Menda stood up and patted Airen on the shoulder before going to meet his comrade. Before they left the room, he gave Airen and Keri a light wave before leaving.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNGUzMzZlMTBmNzQ5ODNhZGI4MDZkZGFlNjk2NTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Quite the charismatic leader.” Keri commented after Menda left, having not spoken a single word during the exchange. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MDA5N2E4YjEyZjQ5OTRiNjc5ZTEzNmMzZWZmNmQ5"> </p> <p class="cnNhMzI3MDk1YWU3MDQ0NDRhOGI4NWYxNTFlNzVkZWQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">That night, Airen was unable to sleep. He tossed around in one of the cots that the League of Adventurers provided, but in the end he simply sighed and sat up. He did not trust going to the Archive while sleeping in the midst of strangers, nor could be opened a rift to his vault without attracting attention.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjRmZjFiYTBkNzRiYWI4NWFlNzEzNjk0YjU5NzEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He stepped outside the dungeon room that was designated as the sleeping quarters and wandered around the camp, searching for a hidden area where he could enter the Archive. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNjliNzExM2U3MzQ0Yjk4M2RiMmMzNmJhNDliZmFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Airen.” The voice called out to him quietly, yet still caused him to jump. He glanced around him, unable to discern where the source came from. A few moments later, Keri’s voice called out to him again.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2M5NzRlMDMyZTQ2ZmRhOTFjZTBiZGQzOGFkMmZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Over here.” Airen followed the voice and found Keri seated in the shadows of a corner, behind several large boxes of supplies. She tapped the ground next to her, and Airen hesitated for a moment before taking a seat. The secluded area was by no means spacious so they were in close proximity when seated side by side. In his eyes, their relationship was a convoluted one, especially with what Fiel had done.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTMzN2YwNzk4YzRhYmFiODJlYjJhM2M5ZWZkNDQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I couldn’t sleep in there.” Airen murmured hesitantly. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZGM3MWNjOWUzMDRiZjU5YzRhOTE1ZTQ1MjMyY2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Keri acknowledged his words in silence. The entire time, she had not opened her eyes, giving the feeling as if she was meditating or sleeping. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NWRjZjA3YTY0NTQ3N2E4MTEzMTY3NzNlMGI0NWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you want to see something, Airen?” Keri asked him, finally breaking the silence.</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2VkNThmNTc1MzQ2OTlhMDQwZDQwOWE1ZjlmZTM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She moved a hand to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Silverlight</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> that was leaning against her shoulder. Like how a child may draw pictures in sand with a stick, she started to sketch in the air with </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Silverlight.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> The tip of the staff left behind thin trails of white light like a pen, letting Keri use the space in front of them as a canvas.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDU5NTIxMDFkZDRmODU4MjliM2RhZGY2YzJhZmVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen looked in amazement as soon a picture of a tree branch adorned with blooming white flowers are wrought into existence. However, it seemed that Keri was dissatisfied, waving her staff and dispersing the trails of light. This repeated itself for several more times until Keri sighed and simply dispersed all of her work with a wave of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Silverlight. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">The atmosphere declined back down into silence.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDhkMTBlYjEzNjRlNGI5ODE2OGU0ZjQ4NWZiZjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I actually can’t sleep either, only pretending to do so.” Keri finally spoke up answering Airen’s first comment. “When night comes and the stars come out, it feels as if my body is invigorated and replenished of energy. Even as a child, I often passed the nights drawing and doodling, that or sneaking about out at night.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjBjOWJkMDJmZTRhNTA4MTBmMmEyZjU3MTdiZDVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen kept quiet and pondered her words. He could simply not imagine Keri- no, Lizabel being the mischievous one out of the memories of the children he once saw.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjY1ZDU3OTAxNDRlMDE5ZGE5YzZiN2IxZTM2NmRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was one of the reasons that allowed me to escape Osperica. Whether it was by fate or fortune, I happened to be outside the city walls during the attack.” Keri’s voice turned grim. “I watched as all that I have ever loved, all that I ever known, was brought to ruin.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTdiOTc5ZDAyNzQxMWI5MWU1M2IxY2I5MWJiNTJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The History Eater told me that you refused to look into my past.” Keri answered Airen’s unspoken question. “For that small gift of kindness, I believe you deserve to know how I came to encounter the monster called the History Eater.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2Y3ZmE3OTk2ZDRkMmQ4MDhjMzg5NGY0ZDE0Njdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“During that time, there were two known places where one was said to be able to obtain answers and power unknown to man. One was</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Aotapia, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">a twisting nether portal that was rumored to lead to a world of</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">forbidden knowledge. The stories of those that enter, very few returned, and those that did went on to do terrible, but great things. It is said from the stories of those that returned, they would scream in their sleep about a purple-clothed girl with white eyes, toting around a giant black book. The emperor’s son from the nation that attacked Osperica, was said to have returned from that place. He slaughtered his family and kin to forcibly seized the throne to his empire.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDQwOTZhMWZkMjQ0OWJhZDJiMmE5M2IwODA0OGVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The other place was a dungeon where existed an unfathomable trial at the very bottom. When I descended with a party, I saw impossible things from forests, waterfalls, and even mountains in the depths of that dungeon called </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">The Abyss.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> None of those that entered ever returned, and only was whispered among elite adventurers that a bizarre existence dwelled at the bottom, carrying a golden scale. If you were male, you would see a seductive female half-beast. If you were female, you would encounter a handsome prince</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> As the story goes, to acquire the being’s favor, you could either defeat it in combat or to pass its test. Only those that returned were those that refused to do either.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjcyZmE4MGI0MjRhNGQ5NTM5ZWFiYzg1ZGE3YzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you understand my warning, Airen?” Keri whispered quietly. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MzZhNDRjNmRhZTRmYTE4ZDRiMTliMzI1NThmZjZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Fiel has purple eyes though.” Airen murmured. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYzczZmM2ODlmNjRhMTM4ZDNmYWYxNzAyZWQwNTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I cannot confirm who or what she is. Whether she was the apparition from that accursed land of forbidden knowledge, or the shapeshifting being hidden deep beneath the ground, this tidbit of information, I leave it to you.” Keri replied. “You can think of it as a bit of petty revenge against the History Eater for toying with me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTM0MDM3MjAxOTRmNTY5Y2QzNDViNzA3ZjY4ZmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...That girl really needs to stop creating enmity with people.” Airen sighed, recalling her ruthless actions at the Irona Auction House. However, Keri did not respond and simply closed her eyes, leaning back against the wall in the secluded wall. A moment later, Airen also leaned against the wall and nodded off.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM3Y2Y4ZmJmOTJmODQzYzU4MTM5OGRmMDNiNDU3NjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Contrary to Airen’s expectations, the next leg of the descent into the dungeon was also rather disappointing. When they first encountered a small band of four kobolds, Keri had nudged him forward to deal with them. Airen was inwardly skeptical, but after engaging the kobolds in battle, he was befuddled at how ridiculous the furred, overgrown lizards fought. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZjQzN2YwMjNlNTQxNDNiMWM2NTJhY2RjNmY0MzFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The cowardly bunch pushed one of their own forward, who stumbled as he thrusted forward with an old rusty spear. The attack was then promptly dodged by Airen, and the kobold tripped and fell the ground right afterward. Airen’s mouth gaped as he witnessed the other three screech and ran away, abandoning their former comrade. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMGZkMzY1MWY0NjQwZTI5NjYxZjQ1NTNlYjE1MzZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“As you can see, quite the cowardly bunch.” Keri casually leaned against the wall as Airen hesitantly finished off the one on the ground. “Any group without a Greater, Shaman, or Mutant Kobold can be considered as easy prey.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGFiMGRjZDFjNTQxNWU5NGUxMWQ5NTUxMDJkM2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I doubt there is anything of value.” Keri warned as Airen sifted through the kobold’s body. Other then some rags that covered the creature’s one meter tall body, it also had bag that seemed to be made out of skin from who knows what. True to Keri’s word, there were only sharp rocks, a bundles of moss, and some rotting meat inside, Airen wrinkled his nose at the putrid smell as he tossed away.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Njg0MjYyMGU3YjRjNDVhNGI5NmY1NDQ3MWQwOTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The organs are useless, and the flesh is something many would starve before eating.” Keri added before Airen could pull out a butchering knife. “You can take the weapon I suppose.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGYwYTkxNWM2YzRjMDFiYzU5NWMyZDFmOWMwMDQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...It’ll take twenty of these to even match up to half a chest.” Airen eyed the rusty iron spear before he sighed and transferred it to his vault. He was not being picky, but if he accumulate lots of junk, it would only more create work for him to sort it out in his Vault. For a split moment he considered obtaining the entire corpse for Fieluri to study, but he could imagine her berating him for bringing such a smelly thing into the Archive, so he reconsidered. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOWUxMTY4YWQwYzQ0YTU4MThlNjhjZTE2ZDBkMzEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let’s move on.” Keri gestured after Airen stood up, and they moved towards the next chest on the map.</span></p> <p class="cnMxY2M3MmM0MmUxNjRjOWViMDZkNzgzMGI5YWVhY2Vi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Progression through the next ten floors went smoothly. They ignored the League of Adventurer’s camp on the 15th floor and proceeded ahead to a known kobold camp. There Airen encountered his first Kobold Shaman, as well as several Greater Kobolds. The Greater Kobolds were larger and bolder compared to their cowardly kinsman, but seemed to be much more cruel to boot. As Airen drew his weapon, they would aggressively push and bully the smaller ones to move towards him.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjdhNjgyM2JmMjRiOTE5NDI5YTQ0MDI1MzI3ZTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The fate of the small fry were to be cannon fodder. After a few casual attacks from Keri, the nauseating smell of blood and guts broke the small kobold band’s morale. The minor Kobolds quickly routed, their fear of Keri and her scythe greater than any sort of punishment threatened upon them by the Greater Kobolds.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTQ2NDY2Zjg4ODQ3ZTZiODRhOGNkZGQ4YzU0ZjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen watched on as the band fled with reckless abandon, save for two Greater Kobolds and the Shaman that Keri had bounded with magical black ropes. Within a minute of entering the camp, victory had been seized single-handedly by Keri.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTQzZDRlODlhOTQzMTdiYzI2ZTE5MDg4MDNlNDQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Those three are yours.” Keri withdrew the invisible blades on her weapon, returning it to a simple staff once more. She pointed towards the three bound Kobolds, and their restraints fell off and writhed on the ground, before they dissipated into thin black smog.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWNjYWJiNjhjNzQ2MDNiYzE1YjdmZTkyNmI5ZTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">One of the more intelligent Greater Kobolds instantly bolted towards the room’s entrance, clearly knowing that it was not a match for Keri. It disregarded Airen, who’s small frame was in his path to the one and only exit as it stomped over the corpses of its fallen kinsman. However, it soon realized that it had underestimated the human child in front of him. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZDljZTlmNjQ2NjQyYzZiNjM5NmNmYTdkOWI1YTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the Greater Kobold approached, a battering ram of noxious-smelling flesh and grease, Airen took steps to intercept it. As it sped by Airen, he lashed out with the bone spear.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDFjZTAzNjc1NjRhYTViZGY2MmVjMDI1MTVlYjhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Greater Kobold’s charge did not falter the slightest, and it let out a shout of triumph as it neared the exit. However just before it reached the doorway, it felt the strength in its legs rapidly ebbing away and it toppled to the ground as the adrenaline wore off. Behind it trailed a line of blood and intestines, leaked from the hole in the Greater Kobold’s side.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTNkNzYwMDdiYzRjMjA4ZDI0YTYyN2MyMDFkZGMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The remaining two enemies fared no better. The Greater Kobold’s brutish attacks were without finessee and were easily dodged by Airen. The Shaman that wielded an improvised tiki torch would occasionally shoot </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Firebolts</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> at Airen, but those were casually avoided. Airen had a feeling that even if he stood still, the creature’s horrendous aim would still cause it to miss. Within a few breath’s worth of time, Airen had executed the Greater Kobold with the bone greatsword and then pulled out the bone longbow to snipe the fleeing Shaman Kobold.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmNiODY0OTg4NDQ2YTQ4ZjQwNzkyZjI3ZDMzOWJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well done.” Keri nodded at Airen’s handiwork.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzQ2NWM1OTdkMjRkZjZhZGYzNjA1MmI2YmExOGMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They weren’t exactly worthy opponents.” Airen shrugged as he rummaged through the dead shaman’s things. There were bags full of strange plants and shiny rocks that Airen did not recognize, but he stored it all away anyway. The shaft of the tiki torch was covered with a vicious slime, so Airen decided not to take it.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzE4MzcyMDZiYzRlM2NiZTFjZmJlN2Q2MzhhZGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But at the very least, you should encounter them once.” Keri replied. She leaned against the doorway casually, unwilling to enter the kobold ‘camp’. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZmQ3MDY2YTY1ODQzZjhiNzBhMTBjZDZhZWIzZTVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There’s really nothing here…” Airen grumbled as he shifted through the makeshift beds on the ground. He quickly found the source of the disgusting smell that accompanied the kobolds. Wrapped in some rags was a combination of rotting moss, mushrooms, and meat that the Kobolds used for their meals.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWEyZjBjMDc4ZDRhZDg4MGFhNTQ3OTc0ZGE2YTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Eww.” Airen wrinkled his nose as glanced at all the other bundles littered all over the camp. Even the prospect of treasure was not enough tempt him into opening another one of those sacks. “...Suddenly the whole concept of being an adventurer is not as appealing.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzODgzMjdkMTUyODRmYmViMjVjMjdhNTUwZjkxNTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“To be an adventurer is never by choice.” Keri shrugged. “It’s a way of life. Mercenaries, explorers, minstrels, merchants, wanderers… there are many of those that originally began as adventurers.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDUyNDgzZWI2NjQzMjNhZjk2MGJkNDJhMGMwNGY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So you’re saying that I should just grit my teeth and deal with it, then?” Airen grumbled as he rummaged through the other parcels of cloth. </span></p> <p class="cnMzYWM0NTY1MzFmYTRlOTk4MGJmNjEwNDI1MzQ1ZmMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a few fruitless minutes, he finally managed to scavenge a few tidbits. A few copper coins, a couple of rusty spear points, and several wooden clubs and shields that were not entirely rotting provided a bit of consolation to Airen that taking the camp was not meaningless.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzAxMDRlOGI2ZDQ1ZTRiOGVjOTIwYjk2NjNjYTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And to let you experience fighting new creatures first hand.” Keri added once Airen finished transporting everything through a rift. “Let’s get moving.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1Njg2OGUyMGFiZDQ5OTU5ZGExNGNlMzYwNjBlYWNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen nodded, and they proceeded deeper into the dungeon, making stops only to acquire a few empty chests. The floors seemed to be smaller compared to first ten floors, and it wasn’t long until they passed by the checkpoint on the fifteenth floor. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NTZlYjIwMmMxZTRhYTFiMDliNzA0ZWZlMjYwMWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzY3NWE5ZTdjZjQ5NmM5MjIwYmU1NmYxMTViZDYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“These are… Gnome Shrooms? It’s too dim for me to tell...” Airen pointed out a few strange patches of vegetation embedded in the walls.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmFmMDMwZmEzYTQzOTJiZGY3MTZkYzE5NmNiMzdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Keri did not reply, instead kneeling by the patch of brown and white cespitose mushrooms that grew from the cracks in the wall. She plucked one off and studied it for a moment before popping it into her mouth, to Airen’s surprise.</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2Y0ZTUwN2MxMjRiM2NhMGI1NTU0OWMzZDJlNzBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, they’re Gnome Shrooms.” Keri nodded as she chewed. “There’s various types but there’s no mistaking the taste.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzBlZmQ2OGRkMDQ5ODE4YWM3ZmEyZjkyYTkzODM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re… pretty fearless, Keri.” Airen shook his head as he pulled out a knife and knelt down by the troop of mushrooms. “Aren’t you afraid they could have been poisoned?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTE3MDZkZjQ3YTRlYzliN2FkYTNkNmViOGM2ZTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I was relatively confident.” She shrugged and popped another one into her mouth. “Gnome Shrooms were considered to be rare delicacies, but it seems that in the present, they’re rather commonplace…”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjA2YWQ2MTcwMTQ4ODg5NGY1NGJjMDVhMDRmZTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’ve sound like you’ve eaten a lot of them.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmRhMDNkYWQxYjQyMjJhMGFmOTNiOTNjZjllYTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“One of the former perks of being a Bell-keeper. Most of our meals often contained various magical herbs and plants. The stories at the time were if one’s diet was rich in magical energy, that person’s lifespan also increases.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1Zjc0YmE1NGUxODQ0MjJiM2FlMjg3ZDg0ZjhmMmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is that the reason you managed to survive in Fiel’s… </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">False World</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">?” Airen asked apprehensively, not sure if he should bring up the subject.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2FhNWY5ZWE0MTQzOTQ5OTE3NzVhZmMxNTk0YjJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Let’s keep moving.” Keri replied after a moment of silence.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDBhZjJiY2JlMzRhNzZiZDNjNTc1NzNhOTExNTFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnM0MDhhMzkyNjY2NjQ2NGY5MWE1NGYxNTVhMmZlNzUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Keri, how can you be so… at ease?” Airen quietly asked after they dispatched a small group of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Shambling Bones.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Compared to Valrock Ruin’s skeletal bats and rats, the animated bones were those of kobolds. Still they lacked any intelligence or strength, and it felt to Airen as if he was swinging a sword at hollow pots.Even so, during the entire trip, Keri had not broken stride or even bothered to check the area for dangers. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMzZmMjBhNzIzZDRmZDdhZjBhNDNhMmJiMTVmOTVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...All of this is trifling when compared to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">The Abyss.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” At Airen’s words, Keri finally halted and covered her face with one hand. It was good that Airen was too busy storing away the Bone Ash, or he would have seen the crooked smile and brief trace of madness in Keri’s eyes. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMGU5YWZlMjVmNDQxZDZhYWM0NmQxNGVlYTJiYWMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There are no hellish rules or curses, haunts created from one’s fears, or never-seen before creatures that defy all reasoning. Compared to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">The Abyss</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, this dungeon may as well be a quiet walk.” Keri continued to mutter quietly to herself. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzYyOTk2M2YwZjQxODdiOGFmZWNkZGRiZjY4ZWVh"> </p> <p class="cnM1MzZiMWQ1YjAzYjQ0YjZiMzFmOWM4MjIwOTQzM2Zi"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzcyYTZmNzdmMzQwMDJhZWJiYjE3ZGM0MjA1MTQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It says that there’s a trap here, but I don’t see anything…” Airen glanced at his map again before looking up at the empty hallway ahead of them.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGM0ZWYwYWRkMzQ0NGY4MGM0NDVhZTMxMDc1ZGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It wouldn’t be called a trap if it was out in the open now, would it?” Keri slowly inched forward, tapping her staff against the wall and ground ahead of her. After she moved a few meters while testing the ground, she suddenly stopped moving as the tip of her weapon pushed into the ground. As she withdrew her weapon, several spears jutted out from the ground in front of her.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzFiM2E1ODhkNTRmZmRiNzY2YzA0YTBmNWJjNjk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A basic mechanical trap, huh?” Keri brushed it off and continued to proceed forward. “Just proceed in my steps.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTliMDIxZDYyODQ5YjBhMGU3MDA2YjM5YmI5MjBk"> </p> <p class="cnM1OWZjMjc2MjMzNDRlYWU5MmVhM2E2ZjJhZWE3Njgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWZkZGM4ZTcyMzQ0Yzc4YTdhYzVjYWViZDY1MmUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A duel is nothing compared to a battle.” Keri gestured for Airen to pick up his weapon again. “In a duel, after each side displays all their skills and techniques, the victor is instantly decided and the superior emerges triumph.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzY3NjBmMDMxNTQ5NzU5NDNjNjQ0YjU4M2E2ZWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But in places like this, the battles between humans cannot be called a duel, or even a battle.” Keri easily deflected Airen’s attack and then tossed a handful of sand towards his eyes. “There will be scum that use underhanded tactics, but as long as you keep an eye on the battle, any underhanded method is defeated by magic.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2NlY2I5MDBmOTQwMjA5MjVjZmFhMmViN2MyNjcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ald!” Airen sent the sand splashing back at Keri, who swept it aside with a single sweep of her weapon.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWZlZWU0YjBkNzQ2YjA5YWJkYzhiZjI1NDU0NzE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The most dangerous are those that have never been trained properly.” Keri continued as they continued to spar. “They let their adrenaline, pain, and rage take over, and abandon any sense of self-perseverance.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjY3YzRlZTMyYTRjYjc4Yjg5ZGQyYjg5ODU4OTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is most common in melee fighters, but it is known to happen to mages too. There are tales of magi that used themselves as living bombs to annihilate their foes.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTY1NjE1NjYzZjRjNGQ5ZDlkMzJiNTNjYWJjYWI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And that is why you should never underestimate your opponent.” Keri finished the lesson by flicking her weapon upwards and causing Airen’s spear to bounce off the ceiling.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTEwMTIyNzQyYzRhMDk5ZWZlNTY4ZDJjNWNjN2Q2"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZTA1NWNiNjQ5ODQ4Njg5YTNiMTgzZDJkNjFiMDkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzE2ZmQyYTc0NTRjNGFhMzZmNmM5NjY0ZTNjOTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...A corpse? Even though this place was a bit far off, the map said that it was a safe place to camp.” Airen gingerly knelt by the skeletal remain next to Keri, who was whispering a prayer for the departed. “Should we move on?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWQ3OTcxZGU3ODRmNWJiNmIwMGMwODFhY2I5NTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No need. She died due to a bleeding wound.” Keri pointed at the yellowed bandages wrapped around the skeleton’s waist. “...It was likely she died trying to ascend to the surface after venturing too far.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZThjMTY5Nzc5ODQ5NWVhMDM3OThlOWJjNGNjMGE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What about the rest of her party?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODkzOWI5N2ZiZTRjY2U4NTJmN2M0ZWYyMWFjMjQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Either dead or they were forced to split up to escape whatever injured her. Ah, here it is.” Keri dug around the dusty pockets and pulled out a piece of parchment, the dark-brown words barely visible under the faint luminescence from </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Silverlight. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNkNmVlODFiYTI0NDQ1OTRiM2U3ZTIzNTdkYzJhMThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s that supposed to be?” Airen asked as he forced his eyes away from the skull’s pitch black eye sockets that reminded him of his own mortality.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWZhMzQwYTJmNzQ1MjRhZDRkNDU3ZGM3MmM2NGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“An adventurer’s last will.” Keri handed the parchment to Airen, but stopped him from opening it. “Save it until we leave this place, only then can the words on it have meaning.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjhlY2FlYTgxYjQ1YTFiMGU5OThlNTcyNmIzNWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen nodded before placing a hand on a nearby wall. A rift appeared a few seconds later, and Airen gestured for Keri to enter first. Since she was someone that was aware of his relationship to Fieluri, there should not be any problems allowing her take refuge inside his Vault. And provided that they entered the Vault in a ‘safe’ location, there was no need to make camp either.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzkzOTA1MDRjMjQyYmZhYzUyOWRhMjFhY2I1ZmU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before Keri entered she whispered a few words in a language Airen did not understand, and tossed a ball of black flames at the remains. As the deceased adventurers items went up in sparkling black flames, Airen felt a bit rueful as it seemed to be a waste.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDQ1MDA1MWM2NTQ4MWZhMmJiODE2M2FjMWQ3OWUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The old him would have left such a solitary scene untarnished, but now, he was no longer sure where to draw the line.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTgwNDk4M2Q5ODQwNDhiZjk5N2Y2NGE4MWE5Y2Nl"> </p> <p class="cnMyNzUzODBlMGNlZDQ3ODM4Y2EwYThlOGVjZWU2OTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This place seems to have changed.” Keri murmured as they stood at the shore of the lake within the painted world. Three one-story cottages stood together, a testament to Airen’s countless hours of night toiling. Beside it was a large sown field with budding plants starting to creep above the soil.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmZlODEyYzBhYTQzYjRhZDI1MGFkMmFhZDMwZDkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s good.” Keri added before Airen could apologize. “The layout of the land is the same but it’s as if time has finally returned to this world.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGNhMDUxODIzZTQ0YjlhZDE2ZTdkNjRmZjgzZjQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I…”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGI3N2UzNjI0OTQ1NzNhZWQ5ZGYwMzc1OWEwNjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why don’t you go do what you need to do? I would like to paint a picture.” </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzVkNmU2OWE2ZDQ2NWFhODUxODM0MDJlMjk2MGZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She dismissed him without another word.</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2FkZTQwYTBkMjQ5M2Q4YWY4ZDM0MjRlMDljNjZj"> </p> <p class="cnNjOTEwYWNhZTBlYzRkM2I4OGIxOWYyZGM2NmE4MTY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzk1ZDI5YzIxNDQ2MWZhYWMwZTJkMTk0YzY5YWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I heard you’ve been gossiping about me.” Fieluri nonchalantly said as Airen approached from behind her. It seems that today she was studying a pair of large crystals. When he came closer, he saw that glossy ruby-colored liquid was trickling down where Fieluri had cut into it.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjVmY2M4ZDYwYzRiMTliODZiNjE4Nzc2M2E1OWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nothing gets by you, does it?” Airen rolled his eyes sighed as he took a seat across from her. “What are you going to have me do today?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDAzYWJmODhhZjQ3MzQ5OThhYWIzZTQ2N2ZiMDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nothing.” Airen found that it was his own voice that responded. He shot an irritated glare at Fieluri but she didn't even glance at him.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmExNWFlNjUwMTQ0YjE5ZDVkNTFiMmJiMmYzZmIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Human minds are fragile. Overstimulating them will cause them to slowly form cracks until they finally break. Since you’ve been busily exploring a dungeon, it’ll be unwise to push your limits at the Archive as well.” Fieluri finally explained once she put down the tools in her hands.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTU3YjE5ZWYwZTQ1MTJiZjEyNzM5ZWYyNDllMTMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wait. Are you actually Fiel? The sadistic know-it-all that sends me to my doom and calls it training?” Airen gasped. “You’re actually being </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">considerate?!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTY4MDU5Yzg4YjRlM2Y4ZjQ4YTQ5Y2MzMjZiNTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Be awed.” Fieluri smirked, but her mouth eventually turned into a frown.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODg4ODFjNjk1ZjRkYmU5MjE3NmE2ZmRhMmI2NTQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s not right…” Airen crossed his arms and tilted his head, deep in thought. “Usually when this happens it means that you want something from me…”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTM2NWM0YzdlYTRkMDViYTgxYzlmOTE5NmZhMmVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why, don’t you catch on quickly.” Fieluri resumed carving the jewel.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzcwMjc5MTY2YjQyNjhhMzFmNGRkZmNjY2Q2Mjhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t just admit it!” Airen scowled. “And here I thought you were actually trying to be nice for once!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2Q3MGVlMjQ0YTRhZDZhOTljODEzYmIxZmE2NzBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A relationship like ours is one where both parties benefits. Right now, you’re racking up a huge debt.” Fieluri bluntly pointed out. “Of course, you’re still a child so I haven’t pushed you too much, but that’s why I created Neäir.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZWNiMTM4NWUzOTQwNTU5MGQ0NGVjYmRlMTFkZmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who’s a child! I should have taken the Coming of Age ceremony-” Airen’s voice faltered. “...Has it really been two years?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTQ1NWJjMmFlZjRkZjNhZTQ5Mjk4YTc5Y2ZjODcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fieluri’s hands stopped and her head lifted to meet Airen’s eyes. “You may fool others, but I know very well how you throw yourself at challenges both day and night to distract yourself.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDEwZmFlMjRiZTQwMTFhY2UzOGFmZGNmNmRmMjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You can’t sleep at night, so you come here. You don’t want to feel like you’re at a standstill, so you go delving into dungeons. You’re like a puppet right now, Airen Casteya.” </span></p> <p class="cnNiNDdkZjc5ZWI2YTRlODQ5MTEwZWQ4OGQ3NmFmMzBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you fine with this. Airen?” Fieluri mocked him. “Are you satisfied with simply dancing to my every whim, going where I send you?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzYyMTk5MDA4MjQ2MDZiNTI2MGY2ZjAxY2JiODkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I… I…” Airen tried to form words, but none would come.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTcwNzg2ZTZhOTQ2N2RhZTg5NzlkYzIwMzUzZDNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is merely a warning, my one and only disciple. Ours is a relationship of mutual benefit. Although you do not have power to call your own now, you must remember this.” Fieluri flicked a finger at Airen, and a purple glow emanated from his body. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNTcxZDU1MjFjMDQ0ZGU4YzhmN2E5OGVlMDRiY2Jh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now sleep, Airen. It’s been nearly two months since you last slept. Even the soul grows weary.” At Fieluri’s words, Airen toppled over. However, instead of slamming into the ground, a bedroll had appeared beneath him. Almost as an afterthought, Fieluri snapped her fingers lightly, and a blanket covered his sleeping frame.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWIyNDUwZWEwYzRmNDRhNGNiMGI0MTE3MDI2ZGE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m afraid you will have a trial ahead you, Airen...” Fieluri murmured as she put down her tools. The hunk of crystal in front of her had been transformed and carved into a tetrahedron. </span></p> <p class="cnM3YjZkYjhhOWMxNDQ3OGJhY2FlMzg4ZGMzOGQyNTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now then… attempt number two thousand and ninety-eight…” Fieluri placed both hands on the crystal and closed her eyes. Her silver-lavender hair was dyed with the colors of the rainbow as her magic took form, and ribbon-like trails of rainbows trailed off her hair and merged into the crystal.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTgxZDY1MTRlZjQwZGFhMDUzMGY0YTc3MWY5MGJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Geinlit!”</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Fieluri chanted, causing the crystal to sparkle and float into the air. The magical lights of the Archive seemed to dim as the crystal flashed in a dazzling prism of colors. Beneath the surface of crystal, the liquid within started to form kaleidoscope-like patterns. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZjA5NmIxYTM3MzQ4Y2Q5OTg4OTJjYjhjMjZhMjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then the sound of thunder could be heard, which caused Fieluri to frown. When she opened her eyes, a large crack had formed on the tetrahedron crystal, from which a white liquid leaked.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjE1YzNiNDIxODQ4OTZiMjhiOGU5Zjc0OWVlMjBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A failure seems that the magic of the spirits still eludes me...”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMwNGJlZmY3OWJhMjQxMjFhMzg5OTBmYmQwMDI1N2Zk"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Airen awaken, he was greeted with the smell of sizzling fat. Even though he wasn’t hungry, the appetizing smell still made his mouth water. He sat up and realized that he was in one of the homes that he had constructed.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGJlYWVhOTFhOTRmZjliYjViZWY1YzMyMGY1ZGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good morning.” Airen greeted Keri as he stepped out. She glanced over at the sound of his voice, but did not reply. Instead she gestured for him to sit at the carved stone table. A few minutes after he did, she wordlessly placed a plate of skewered monster meat and roasted veggies in front of him.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjM4NjYyZjI0NDRlZDNiODYzYzliYmQyMWU1MWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is something the matter?” Airen asked. He was used to Keri being gloomy and brooding, but she would at the very least respond to him.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDE4M2NhNzQxMDQxNTVhMTg2Mzg5NWIwYTAyZWE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The History Eater played a prank when she send you here last night. Since you don’t have any idea of what you did, and it wasn’t your fault, I’ll let it slide.” Keri said quietly. Her tone made it clear that Airen was not to ask about what happened. When he tried to meet her eyes, she turned away.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZmNiZDgwMDczNzQ0MzJiNzQzNWUzN2ZlYjMyZTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But to possess this sort of pocket dimension…what were you planning when you decided to build these houses and the fields?” Keri changed the subject abruptly. “If it was just for comfort, there was no need to have three…”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGM2N2IzMWI4YjQyYTA4MWQyMTZmNDY0YzhmYWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I…” Airen hesitated, knowing fully well how naive he sounded. “I want to build a place of refuge here, a haven for those in search of a home. ”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjUzZWM3ZGQ5NjQ0YTJiMjYyNGUyMGRmNTgwZjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">To Airen’s surprise, Keri’s made no expression at his words- neither mocking him or berating him.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjJjMGE0NDUxZDRjN2JhNzVmNWQyNDM5MGY0M2Ey"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You're not going to ask me, why?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmQyNzQzZjM2NzQ5MTk4MzBiOTU4Y2RlMDY5ODZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Do you need a reason to want to help others?” </span></p> <p class="cnNmZDFlMDY4OTZkMTRlNmRiMWE2MDdlODc5MTZjZTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No. I guess not.” Airen replied happily. Keri was the second one to hear of his plan, and unlike Fieluri, she didn’t make fun of him for it..</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTE5NmE4NzlhODRhMjJiOTM3M2E2NDZhNDkyNjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Finish your food so we can get moving.” </span></p> <p class="cnMxODE2NzU5ZWM0MzQwZDA5ZTBlNmJjZGM0OWQ0ZmNh"> </p> <p class="cnNhNmNkMGVkNDVjMzQyZDU4ZmIwNTY2NGE3NDUwNmEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Someone’s been here recently.” The instant they stepped out of the return rift, Keri had pointed out the remains of a campfire in the ‘safe’ room.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDYwNDM0OTk4MTQ0NjE4MTM3OGE2OWVjMTE5MzA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They’re still warm.” Airen let the ashes trail between his fingers. “There’s a pile of wooden skewers here too. It seems like it was quite a large party.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjY3ZjM3ZWFlNzQ0ZjQ5NTU3MWE1NTJkNTI2OGIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Over there.” Keri’s voice called Airen over, and he turned to the corner of the room, the same corner where they had found the skeletal remains of the female adventurer. The scent of blood lingered in the area, no doubt from the pile of dirty bandages on the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTc4ODY1ZDhjODRkM2NiOGRkODI3ZmYwODAyMGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It seems our mystery party was overconfident in their combat abilities, and didn’t bring a healer. ”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWQ3MGU5ZTkzNTQ1OWJhNzQ3YTE0MTllNDJhNTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’re not much different either.” Airen pointed out. “Neither of us can use healing magic.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTZlMzFiYmEwMDRmMDFiZDczNTA1MTkxMGI4OGE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“For you, staying in the History Eater’s realm reverts all injuries to nothingness. For me, a dungeon of this level is child’s play.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjFhOWY5ZThkMTRmMjJiMjU5YTgxM2RiZjFlMTk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If there is anything to worry about, it’s other people... It is always other people.” She echoed, almost as an afterthought. “Let’s move.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDBiZDViNTVlYzQwNGE5NmNhY2MzY2U4ZThlNzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzE5NzNhNTFiZTQ0NjBiZjczN2YwZTNjYjY4NDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the next floor, they had encountered a group of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Shambling Bones.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjYTFjODE3M2Y0YTRlZjJhODE2ZGUyNTFjODNlMWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I really hate fighting the undead.” Airen groaned as he stamped on a lizard skull, shattering it into pieces. Airen pulled out a flask of cooking oil and poured it over the pile of bones as it tried to reanimate itself. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MjMzNzY5ZGM4NTQ0MDk4ZDNmNjVlYzNhYjgwNDY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If everything was as strong as the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Etna Duelist</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> or </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, then I will probably have no choice but to run away.” Airen grumbled as he set the creature ablaze. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNjA1OWNlOWY0YjQ1YjVhNThkNDBhZTgxNTZlYjM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you encountered an </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Etna Duelist</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, you will likely not survive.” Keri replied. She had leaned against the wall as Airen fought, only occasionally moving to funnel the group of nine undead towards Airen. This was her form of training, but it was much easier compared to the things Fieluri did. Their movements were dull and slow, and it was easy for Airen to dispatch them despite their ceaseless tenacity.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTAyNmE2YTI1YzRmOTM5OWQ2YjI0YTFlYmMyMzYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Probably not.” Airen agreed.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGQ5ZDMyMTRkMzRjMTI5OTY0Njg5MDQyYjFmNTI4"> </p> <p class="cnM2ZGVjNzc5NTgwNzQ1NjM5MDA0YTFhODUzYjE4YmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ittai said that the floors were large and straightforward, but he didn’t say it was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">one gigantic room!”</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Airen complained quietly. Ahead of them, he could spot movement in the darkness, as well as the familiar sound of skeletal footsteps. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNGQ3OWNmYzFmNjRkYzlhNWZiZDM3MDFjNTVmYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Keri’s reply was to clamp a hand over his mouth as several pairs of red and white eyes glanced over in their direction before starting move towards them. As they came closer, Airen could make out pale, half shattered human skulls among the kobold and lizard skeletons.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NGM1NDk1Y2I4ODQ5OTU5OWZiMDc5Y2UzZmQzZWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sounds of clacking jaws and chittering teeth as the skeletons sprinted and crawled forward like moths to flame, or more accurately in this case, ravenous beasts to flesh. The noise seemed to attracted the attention of others, and Airen could spot more floating eyes in the darkness growing larger.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTc1NTk2YTYwNTRhY2U4MTU0MWUwZjc0ZjIzMjdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I guess I’ll have to handle it.” Keri gently pushed Airen back towards the stairs, before casually walking forward whilst gracefully spinning </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Silverlight.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhMmI4MTI4OGJiMzQzYzI5ODM2NDk0ZDZlYTk0YjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before Airen could say anything, the first skeleton, an aggregation of a human and kobold bones, had blocked off the stairwell. It lunged at him with a rusty short sword as more skeletons tried and failed, to force their way into the narrow stairwell.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODJiZGIzZmFiMDQ1OTNiZmNiOGYyOGNjYzkxZjcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen hesitated for a split second before pulling out </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Dir Sayf</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and willing it to be a shield. A dull clang rang out as Airen parried away the strike, and he quickly struck back with his spear.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWI1MDRkMWM4MTQyODI4MWMxYmEwMjVkMzMwZDE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a beginner’s mistake. Airen cursed his own foolishness as the spearpoint slipped through the skeleton’s ribs unharmed. The monster seemed to cackle at him as it grabbed the shaft of the spear and pulled.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDhjYzk2ZjgzZjRmN2I4NjM3ZTVkOGNjMDE0MmM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ald!” Airen did not hesitate this time as he let himself be dragged forward by the momentum, letting go at the last moment to release a close range kinetic blast. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNGYxMzA4OTg3MDQ3ZjU5N2ZlYThjZmQ1N2EwYTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">To his pleasant shock, the creature was blown to pieces and the shards of bone flew down the stairs towards its compatriots. Despite their undying strength, their bodies were still fairly brittle, and they had very little balance.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzZmYjhjYjZhMzRhYWNiNWZiNTk0OGNhOTRhNWEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">When the next skeleton arrived, Airen was ready with a kobold’s club in his hands.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjRjYThjNDYzMTQ3NWFiZjE2NDEzMGJjMGY5N2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">~</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTlhZDlhNDBhODRhYjA4ZmQ3M2I1NWRhZjVmZTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s done.” Keri’s voice called out and Airen slipped out from the stairwell. Airen could barely make out lightless black flames lingering on the ground atop piles of white ashes.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWQzZWQyMDlhMDRjZGVhODIzZmRhMDBmNTBhN2M3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sorry.” Airen bowed his head sheepishly. “I didn’t think there would be so many of them, or that they would all attack at once like that.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTAwY2JmNTFiYTQwMGM5YWNhZGVjNDgyZDE1Zjc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.” Keri admonished. “How many of them went your way?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDQ5MTY5NmY1ZTRhY2ZiMmQ0ZTMwYjY5N2NiNDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Twelve. They weren’t hard to deal with.” Airen knelt by the black flames that emitted no heat, and rummaged through the pile of ashes. Most of the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Skeletons</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> wielded weapons as they did in life, and even a few of them had pieces of rusty armor. However, it seemed that Keri’s strange black flame had even reduced those to dust.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGJmMjc1OTNiZTRkNDJhYzA2NTQ1MjVjNmY4Nzk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You won’t find anything. Don’t bother and let’s keep moving.” Keri’s voice answered his thoughts. “A large group of undead banding together like this is uncommon. Someone or something ticked them off.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGUwZDhkMmQ2OTQyZTY4MzdjODFjNDkyNjE5NDYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Give me just a moment.” Airen was trying to stuff the bone ash into a bag. He had heard from Rowan that bone ash could be used as fertilizer, and he wasn’t inclined to let anything go to waste. “But there’s really nothing left other than ashes… what exactly are those black flames of yours, Keri?” </span></p> <p class="cnNkYjAyN2FlODVmMDQ2NTdiYzgwM2Y4NTI0M2JlYzU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who knows. That’s the same question I posed to the History Eater, and she never answered.” Keri held out a hand and a starry-black flame flickered to life on her palm. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZjE0NTZmZTAxNjRkNTlhYTZiNTBiZGEzNGE5MmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">In Airen’s eyes, it seemed to momentarily absorb the light as it flickered out of existence.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMzZjNmYTQ5NjFkNDRlOWM5NTA1MzJkNWMzYjk0ZGY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is it? More undead?” Airen whispered quietly as Keri held up a hand. The stairwell to the twenty-fourth floor was right in front of them, and they had fought numerous skeletons, ghouls, and even a few specters to get here- although it was mostly Keri’s magic that defeated them.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDNjN2MxNDYxZDQ4ZDNhYmNlNzEyNDVlMTUwMDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes and no. There’s sounds of a battle below. Adventurers.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjkxYmI2YjY3MTQwYWE5NjEzNWExMmQ2ZWQwZDhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen strained his ears, but he could not hear anything. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Y2E4NGUwMjNlZjRhYWU5Y2QxZGRmNGYwZTYwZjg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sounds like a pretty large group.” Keri added after seeing Airen’s expression. “If the adventurers fall, we can likely loot their bodies.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTcxYzc2OGMwNTQ2N2FiNGQ5MWUxZDcxZGVlODcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s- shouldn’t we help them?” Airen was shocked by Keri’s ruthlessness and fumbled over his words.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTRiNDZjZTY4YzRlYTY5NTg4ODJhYzQ4MmNmMDU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s not that simple.” Keri shook her head. “Once you help them once, you’ve assumed responsibility, and there are many that would take advantage of your goodwill. If they’re injured, they might ask you for more help, and even if you refuse, they might simply follow you around.“</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDUzYmYxMDg2NDQ0MTA5OTI2ZTNiZTk3MTA1NTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But we can’t simply </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">leave</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> them.” Airen protested.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzhkMTRlMzliMDQ4YzVhMTRmZWVmMjRlNmVmMDNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s where you’re wrong, Airen. Sacrifice is common, and sometimes the one burdening the party must be-” Keri made a slicing motion. “-left behind.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTNkYWZlMzFjMTRlNzM5ZmZiNWRmZWVmMGNjODE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s… terrible.” Airen’s words seemed to trigger something in Keri, and she grasped him by the shoulders, squeezing hard enough for his arm to start going numb.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTlmNmJhNzNjMTRlNjY5NzQyZDRhNzJlOWU4OWUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Terrible?” Keri’s eyes stared into Airen’s. “You should tell those words to that monster.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGU2NjViNjhjNzQ3ODNhYjlhN2U4NzAzZThiODgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Keri, it hurts.” Airen started to say, but Keri’s grip only grew stronger along with the madness in her eyes. He felt a searing pain where his shoulders was grasped, and when he turned to look, he was shocked to see black flames tingling along his shoulders. </span></p> <p class="cnM5OWQ2M2RiMTZlZDQyNzI5ZDNkMWM2MzFkZWE3NWE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Keri, what are you-?!” A sense of danger from the unnatural heat caused adrenaline to surge through his body. He tried to push her away, but his numbed arms lacked the strength to do so. “Why are you doing this!?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGU4YWQ2OGYxZjQ0N2U5ZGIyMGQxN2U2Y2Q4MWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“She can’t hear you.” Fieluri’s voice answered his question and he turned to see her standing behind him, with a rift slowly shrinking next to her. “It seems she didn’t heed my warning and went to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Aotapia.”</span></em></p> <p class="cnNkYTAyNzBlMmQwYzQ2MjViZDBlNjBiNGJjMDgxMWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fieluri patted Airen on the shoulder and a purple glow started to glow out from his skin as the transparent tattoo became visible and absorbed the black flames. The searing pain lessened, but Keri’s grip still pinned Airen against the wall.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMWIwNTRjYzU4NzRmZWZiMTRlYzk5MjdmOTNmYzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I suppose this </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">is</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> my fault.” Fieluri crossed her arms and nodded to herself in contemplation. She paced back and forth as she murmured quietly to herself, the words unhead by Airen.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjU3NzkzMGZkNjQ5Y2I4NDdhZmI5NGE5OGVhODRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s wrong with her?” At the moment, Keri was like a statue and seemed as if she was unaware of what was happening around her.</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2ZiM2U2NGRjZTQwMjBhMjFlZDk2Y2Y0M2E4OTJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hallucinations.” Fieluri answered nonchalantly. “Imagine an overflowing cup. That’s the state of her self-destructing mind right now. If she wasn’t a descendant of that person, she would have likely killed you already. Well, the fact that she was allowed to leave </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Aotapia </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">means…” </span></p> <p class="cnNiNjliZDNkMzVkNzQwYTY4NjgzYmZhMzhiNDU4Njc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Having come to a decision, Fieluri nodded once more before placing a hand against Keri’s forehead. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYjJlYTVhYjY5MzQzZDliNDkwYTA2ZTVkNzlmNzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What are you doing?” Airen realized that Keri’s vice like grip had lost its strength, and he ducked and slipped away from her. With him gone, Keri’s posture eerily reminded Airen of the undead shamblers that he had fought not too long ago.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjRlZDcxMDVkZDQ0NGNhOTJiMGQxYjBiYTQzMmU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Removing the corruption and decay. She’s fortunate that I am probably the only one capable of removing </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Aotapia</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">’s influence.” Fieluri pushed a finger against Airen’s lips with her spare hand. “Hush now. It has been a long time since I’ve done this. You wouldn’t want your dear mentor to be turned into a vegetable now, do you?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjNlM2VlZDk2MzQxZmI4ZGJlNDEwMjFhZTY3ZDIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen instantly clammed up against her words. Standing off to the side, he watched in awe as thin ribbons of light trailed out from Fieluri’s hand and caressed Keri’s face. However in the next second, the ribbons jerked as if startled, and split into pieces, quickly losing light. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YTdiODlkNDE2NDQyZDNiNzZjZDAzZDk3OGNmZTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did something happen?” Airen whispered as Fieluri scowled.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTYwMTg5Mzg0YjQ1YWRhMzVjNGYwYjlmMGFmMTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There’s someone nearby that can detect my presence if I used magic of this caliber.” Fieluri shrugged. “Well, I suppose I’ll just let you decide. It seems you’ll have to act as my assistant for once. Here.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZmFiZDEzYzZmMDRlYWNiODcyZWQzZTUyNzNlY2Fh"><span style="font-weight: 400">She tossed two familiar items at Airen, the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Night Sculptor’s Mask</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Mantle of Age.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> A split second later, almost as an afterthought, she opened a rift and pulled out a golden-orange staff. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MTA4ZGY3NjZkYjRlNTY4ZTBlZmU1MjE4MTkxY2Ji"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go downstairs and put an end to the petty squabble. I don’t care which side you wipe out, or all of them, but make it flashy.” Fieluri carefully handed over the staff, which felt strangely warm to his touch. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNDgzOTJlMjBhODRmMGFiMDRhNjkxNWQ5YmYwNTY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla, Light of Century's End.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” Fieluri traced a finger along the nestled orb atop the staff, causing traces of yellow spots to flicker to life inside. “I’ve tinkered with it so even you can use it. Just point it at what you want gone and shout ‘Spark.’ ”</span></p> <p class="cnM5M2YzMWI3MDRkZjRjNjZhODc1YjQwZWExODU2NjBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Off with you now. Go be a distraction.” Fieluri waved her hand and a force pushed Airen from behind towards the stairs. “Every second you tarry, more of her mind will be consumed.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNkMDNkMmUzMzdlMzQ0NGY5MjkxZTIyYzA4YTEzZjc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just give me some staff and sent me off.” Airen grumbled as he donned the disguise while slowly descending the stairs. “ ‘Just point at what you want gone.’ Like it’s going to be so easy.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjA2YTI0MTVhMjQyYTVhZTQwZjQ1M2Q2MTJhYzA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even now, Airen was able to hear the sounds of of the battle happening on the floor below. Every second there was the sound of ringing steel, or hum of vibrations from casted magical spells. As he neared the bottom, he was greeted with occasional flashes of light traveling up the corridor, as well as the unmistakable stench of blood.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWM1MzE2NWRlMzQwYWI5YTBmOTg5Njc2M2U4MWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Righto. Here we go…” Airen slid against the doorway before slowly peeking out. Half of the room was lit up by magical light, and where the light met the darkness, adventurers clashed with the undying. A caravan of wagons and trolleys was abandoned in the corner of the room, loaded with rations and supplies the League of Adventurers were supposed to deliver to the next checkpoint.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDJiNzg0Yjg3YzQwNDQ5MThkMzBkODIxMzBiMGYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Barely illuminated on the other side of the large room that made up the 25th floor was a huge hole in dungeon walls from which the undead poured out. What truly shocked Airen was that they were not the same low level undead on the floors prior but </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated-</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> the freshly deceased with all limbs and fleshed still attached. </span></p> <p class="cnMzY2I5MGZlYjk3ZjQ0NGJhNTA3NGFhMjg0NWNjZjRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shields up! Their archers are about to release!” A familiar voice caused Airen’s line of sight to turn towards the right, where Menda was rallying a group of adventure-turned caravan guards. Some of them were too slow in hearing the call, and cries of pain rose up from those that were struck.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjdkOThiM2U3MzQ1MmJiNDE1ZWNjOWNlOWI3MGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Behind the line of defense, several exhausted mages were running back and forth between the wounded. Archers and mages stood in the far back, fruitlessly raining down spells and arrows into the masses of undead. Every few seconds, the line of warriors would faltar and threaten to fall part; these people were adventurers used to small skirmishes, not a large battle such as this. It seemed to Airen that a few of the more powerful veteran adventurers were barely managing to hold things together.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YWQwNGIwZThjZTQwODliZjgxZjAwMjJiNDg1NmNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">And their opponents were the creatures of children’s tales, the undead that still looked human and even retained the abilities from when they were alive. Decapitation would not even slow their advance, and the only way to truly finish one off was to reduce it to ashes. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ODkwNDFmYmY0YjQ4NjE5Yjc1NjU1OThlZTEyN2Y5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There’s at least fifty of them…” Airen’s hands were sweaty as he gripped </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. His instincts screamed at him that he should get away. It was a large open room with no choke points, and even more </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">were slowly climbing out of the gap in the dungeon wall.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzM0NjY4MTE2NDRiYjBhNjU3N2EwZDI1YTdjYWZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">However as soon as he took a step backward, three pairs of red eyes turned to his direction. With a wordless howl, three of the monsters dashed madly towards him, one of them on all fours like a rabid dog. Instinct won over fear, and Airen half shouted, half screamed the activation word for </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">as he waved around the staff trying to ward away the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4ZDMzMTU4MjNlNDRjNTQ5NTI4MTYzNmM1MWQ1ZjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">For a split second nothing happened, causing Airen’s stomach to plummet. Feeling a rising heat in his hands, he glanced down to see several magical circles forming around the shaft of the staff. The pieces of metal in which the orb nestled had peeled off the staff and rotated around the orb.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmY0NjBjZDMwMzQwMjdhNjRhZDViMzkxYjMzMGMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is-” Airen’s words was cut short by a low hum, followed by the sound of electric sparks. The next moment, a high pitched note screeched into the air as the magical circles expanded in succession, and a giant beam of yellow light, like that of a laser, shot out from the top of the staff. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNmU1MTZlOTYzZTRlZTQ5YmFjODdlOTEzNjgwY2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The gigantic beam of light did not stop after incinerating the charging </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, instead continuing on towards the group of combatants. Nothing caught in the blast remained, and even the floor was torn asunder, and even a few hapless adventurers were caught in the blast. The beam only finally stopped after slamming in the wall on the other side of the room, but not without leaving a ten meter wide and five meter deep hole.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTY1YmQ3MjExYzRlMTJiMjc0NzdjOGU4NmVkNmEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Century’s End</span></em> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">Spark</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> had momentarily lit up the entire room, and other than a few close combatants locked in battle, all living eyes were on Airen. All they had seen was a trail of white light, and then a line of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">had vanished. Hands still trembling, Airen was glad that he was currently disguised as Neäir. Although unintentional, he had killed at least three adventurers with that spell.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGZjMWE0MzdkMDRjNTJiMzhhMmQzODljNDQ3NmY0"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What are you hesitating for? Go fire off a few more!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Fieluri’s voice jerked him to his senses. Now was not the time to worry about what happened and he pointed the staff at another group of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> this one a bit further away from the engaged melee combatants.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWMyOWZhOGExYjRmYTBhMTBmMjhhM2MxZDhlOTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Spark!” Airen shouted, making sure his voice carried over to the others.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDQ4YTEzNjRjNDRmMDBhYWU5YjI1MjNmNzhkM2E1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead of a gigantic beam, this second attack seemed to have split off into multiple smaller ones. These smaller beams of light seemed to dance around in the air before homing into the bodies of the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">bouncing from body to body like an array of deadly fireworks.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzNjODhmYTMwZjQ2Y2Y4ZjhhZWRlYTg5Yjc0ODQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The staff seemed to alternate between the two types of attacks as Airen sent eight more </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Century’s End Spark</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> at the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Reanimated, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">single handedly wiping them out. Airen’s hands shook as he stared at the weapon in his hands.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGRhYWViMzVkYjQyOTM5YmM0MzE0N2YxYWI3NTMz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">This was nothing compared to the weapons in the various Codexes Fiel gave me access to If… if I had this sort of power, then I shouldn't need to worry about returning to the Kingdom of Macha…</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1YTUzYmY1MDQzMDQ5ODM4NTQzMGExNjdmYTk2ZGZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wandering among his thoughts, Airen didn’t realize a group of adventurers were heading towards him. Almost instinctively, he pointed the staff toward their direction, causing them to flinch.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmQ0YzJjNjhlNTQwYTE5YTkxZTM4MDRiZGIxOWE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah.” Airen quickly caught himself and lifted </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">so the bottom of the staff touched the ground. He pretended to ignore and look away from the approaching group, choosing to glance around the now dimly-lit room. By the other side of the room, several earth mages were attempting to seal the holes in the dungeon walls from which the undead had poured out of.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzYzZjIwMGQzMDQwYmJiNjNjNWNmY2ZhYTdjNmJh"> </p> <p class="cnM1NzcwZjdhYTg0YzQ5NmU5N2E1OTUxNmNkZmVmYzUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thanks for your timely assistance. I was afraid that that the caravan wouldn’t have held out much longer…” Airen did not look up to meet their faces, instead using the hood from the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Mantle of Age</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> to partially hide his own. Still he was surprised to find the six that approached him to sport not only the same clothing, but the same pair of swords at their hips. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZjQ5OTEyNGUyMzRkZmU5MDVjNjgxYmU2ZTlmZTRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I was simply passing through.” Airen coughed. He was unsure of how to act, since usually when he donned the mask as Neäir, Fieluri would do the talking. He wanted to turn around and go back up the stairs to check on Keri, but there was no way for him to make such a quiet disappearance.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2EwOWM4ZDUxMTQyOTQ5ODRhYjczNmYwZmI0ZjRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eh, you’re so pretty!” Lost in his thoughts, Airen hadn’t realize one of them, a short, red-haired girl, had crouched down next to him and got a good look at his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzNlODViNmZhNjQ2YjE5OWY2MmJhMjJhYWNmNjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Stop that, Klaris! Don’t be rude!” A male voice admonished her and pulled her up. “It’s not everyday you run into a master mage!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYWIzMWQ2Y2VjZjQxYWY5YjRiYThjYWEwZjRiYWQz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Master mage? Me? </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen repeated the words to himself, bemused at their impression of him. A few seconds later, he decided there was no point in hiding his face anymore and reached up to pull off his hood. Various emotions seemed to flash in the group of six, composed of three male and three females.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmE1ZDg0MWFlNDQxMjM5MTM1Y2U2N2U0YmQ4Yjk0"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">They were pretty capable…</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Airen could recall that they were the ones that flitted about the battlefield, reinforcing any weak points in the defensive line. He had a good opinion of them, since with their strength, they could have easily escaped on their own.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGM5NGFiYTgyYzRiZjZhOThlMjg4Y2YyZmI0MDA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My name is Paden.” The oldest of the group, a tall, scarred man in his mid thirties stepped forward introduced himself. </span></p> <p class="cnM0N2UzOGRjYWM2MzQxNmRhODk5Mjk4NDU1NDM0MzJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is Curtis and Sime.” He introduced the two younger males, one in his twenties and one that was in his early teens. Curtis gave him a respectful nod while Sime bashfully bowed before hiding behind Paden.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDQzZDQwMTVlODRmMmQ5Yzk2NDkyY2JiYmIyYWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And I am Jaela, and these two brats are Minerva and Klaris.” The eldest of the females, a mature and elegant lady, introduced her younger acquaintances as well. Klaris was the outspoken and curious lass that had peeked at Airen’s face, while Minerva was a delicate and pristine young lady. Both of them greeted him with a courtesy, although Klara seemed to find the gesture annoying.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjk0YmUzZmE0ZDRkMjk5Nzc4YzRjMDBiYjQwNDM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen was taken aback at the differences in ages. There were two in their mid-thirties, another two in their early twenties, and two whose ages barely reached the double digits. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMWMzZWM3ZTY5YjRkNGZiYzNmMzkwMjQ4OTMzMDY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’re the students of the Sword Emperor.” Curtis added, dusting off his uniform. At his words, Paden shot him an exasperated and annoyed look. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZDAzYmMwMWU3NDRkMzZiMmFlMjVlOWI3ZjBlZDhj"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Is that so? Do let him know that I would like to have a duel with him in the future. A challenge for the title, if you will.” Airen’s answer came unbidden from his throat. His eyes darted to his right shoulder, and as he expected, Fieluri was seated there in her miniature form. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYmYyYjFmYjc5NjRkODk4NDAyNDEwNDhmMGI0NGE2"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I have good news and bad news. Let’s save it for later. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">She leaned into his ear and whispered. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDYxM2M4ZTQzNTQ3Zjk5Y2NhZjgxMzU0YmVkZWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen could not reply if he wanted to. After the words of challenge had left his mouth, it had invoked a variety of responses. Curtis snorted with a cold, arrogant glint in his eyes, while Jaela and Paden smiled welcomingly. The youngest two, Klaris and Sime, both had stunned expressions on their faces while Minerva was expressionless.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDAyZDVlNTdkNDRkMDQ5NjhjMjM4Njk0MjNlMTlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’ll be more than happy to pass on the message.” Paden grinned. “Lately he has been complaining there were no worthy people to cross blades with. I’m sure he would happy to fight against someone of your level, sire. May I ask for your name?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWE5NjZlY2MzODQyNDM5MjczZGZjZDNlNWJiMTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Brother! We can’t just let a random person duel Lord Dumeis just because he feels like it!” Curtis interjected. “There’s rules in place to maintain the peace! If you want to duel teacher, then you have to manage to best all of us, as well as win a tournament!” </span></p> <p class="cnM4MGIyZDE2ZGFiZDRkNmFiY2U1NTY3YTM5NmVmN2Ix"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Neäir is my name.” Airen’s voice, controlled by Fieluri, answered after a few moments. Fieluri flicked a finger, and Airen’s arm moved against his will, pointing </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> at the six of them.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmNlZTNlYzEzMjRlOGM4NDdkZWZlNTA1YWY5ZGFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you surrender?” Airen couldn’t help but smile cheekily at Fieluri’s action. “I make no promises on your livelihood if you were to refuse.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGU4MzlhNzVjYTQyMmZhNmFhNjNhMDgwZDk1OWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We surrender. We surrender!” Paden laughed at the absurdity of Neäir’s actions. “Please excuse my younger brother, senior. There’s no need for you to challenge us.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjYxNDlhODExYjRmMDRhYzI4ODFjOTM3ZTQyMjk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But that’s a staff! How can you be a Sword Emperor if you don’t even use a sword!?” Minerva spoke up this time, her voice a source of reason and logic.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWE2NTg0MmRjMjRiYzA4NjBkZDYyYjQ3NWZiMjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not a problem.” Neäir picked up Noxla and pushed against the bottom of the weapon. To both Airen and the Sword Emperor’s apprentice’s surprise, as the shaft slowly reduced down to the size of a sword hilt, a yellow-orange magical blade the size of a longsword appeared above the nestled orb. </span></p> <p class="cnMwODZiZTMzOThiYTQyNDg5MWM2OWYwYWRmMmQ0OGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Under Fieluri’s instructions, Airen gently flicked the staff-turned-sword, and ripples of light left deep incisions in the ground, not unlike </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Flashes of Divine Steel.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1M2ZjNGU1MDE3ODRiMWI5YWUwODkwMzBmYjVkY2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s… who </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">are </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">you?” Jaela gapped. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNzIwZjc3YjJiNjRlZTA4YTA5YjEyMzhmNWE2ZDRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Must I repeat myself?” Fieluri told Airen to smirk, but the best he could do was a lopsided smile.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWJkMjIwZTM4MzRiYzlhOTYxZGQwNGZkZmUxMDQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400"> “I am Neäir.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMyNjI2Nzk5N2E4ODQ1YzJiNzg4NDI1NzkwMjJhZTM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So what happened to Keri?” Airen whispered to Fieluri as they trailed behind a caravan. Several people from the League of Adventurers had requested for him to guard the supplies train until it managed to reach the 30th floor where the next checkpoint was. Fieluri had not refused them, and as a result, he was now acting as the rearguard. It was a slow processes as the wagons were slowly progressing down the stairs into the next floor.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTBmZGZjMmVmZTQwN2VhNDQ2MWQxZDE1YTUxYjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The good news first then.” Fieluri clapped her hands. “I managed to suppress Aotapia’s influence, but only momentarily. When she awakened, I sent her to someone that can fully purge the corruption.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyODBlZTJmZWFmMDQ2NjJiZTcyMmJkNDcyMTcwNDM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wait, are you telling me the all-knowing, all-might, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Fieluri Archive</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, doesn’t know how to fix something?” Airen’s face, or rather Neäir’s, twisted into a mocking grin.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmI1NzljYjQ1ZjQ2NjFiOTVlOTIzM2Y0ZmZiNDM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s complicated.” Fieluri sidestepped his question with a vague answer. “Moving onto the bad news, you will likely never see her again, and even if you do, she will be your enemy.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzRiZmRjZDFlMDQ2MWNhNTRiODQ3OWFjYjZkZjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wha- How- What did you do?!” Airen shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTAwZjhmZWRjZDQ1NjBiZWZmZWFmZGRhYmZmNTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I told her part of the answer she was looking for.” Fieluri rolled her eyes. “Her face was quite something. But yes, as of this moment, I am your only teacher, and daresay, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">master.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODFiNzJiZTMxZDRhODk4NGQxMzA3MjdhYzEyZDgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s not like our relationship has changed.” Airen grumbled. “Oh great and benevolent </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">master</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, why don’t give your loyal disciple with a gift? Perhaps this ancient-looking and dusty staff in my hands?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTkyMjczODBjNDQwNTBhOGZlYzk5MTlkMDc3ZDk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you asking to be punished?” Fieluri held up a hand and a rainbow-colored aura started to surround it. “I just saved that girl because it was what you wished for, and you try to be coy with me?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWRiOTVhNmRjMzRhZjlhNzZiY2Q2ZTE5ZTIwN2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I never said-”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTE4ZTAzYjE4MzRmYWU4ZGI2ZjdlMTc0MjcwYWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then were you willing to let her die? Last time I recall, you even went as far as to go into Osperica…” Fieluri smirked and cackled. “Too naive, Airen!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWYxMTdjNGVhMDQ5YTM5NmQ3ZmViMWE1MTY5M2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen refused to reply, instead fumed and kicked at the stones at his feet.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTRmZWNlZGZmYjQxOTZhODkwOWVjOTgxOWZmODBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That Menda’s an interesting fellow.” Fieluri commented out of the blue. “Two of his comrades fell in that fight, and yet he’s going around trying to recruit new members.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGFlNTVkYmYxZTRjZDI5YjkzNjdmYjdmOGVhM2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How do you even know- Wait, why are you telling me this?” Airen couldn’t help himself, but still managed to stop himself in time. Rather, he would be more surprised if there was something Fieluri </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">didn’t</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> know.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDdiZTJiMzA0YzQ3NDY5Yzg0ZGJmOWMzYzBiYTg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Because I’m </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">warning</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> you, Airen. Since Keri can no longer accompany you on this expedition, I will instead. Speaking of which, I’ll take that staff back now.” Fieluri clapped her hands and </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> flew into the air, before spinning and vanishing inside a rift.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTA5ZjY4MGIxNjQ5YmNhNTBjZDkzMTE2ZTMxYTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Can’t you just, you know. Lend it me for a bit?” Airen complained. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzY0Y2M1OTkwYzQzYjE5YzAyNWYzZmU4NWVmZmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re an idiot, Airen. If it wasn’t for that magical tattoo I imprinted on you, you would be dead. Burned to smithereens like the others. Do you think you are capable of using such a weapon?” Fieluri mocked him.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmMzZWY2NjgxZTQ3ZDVhNWZmYTdhMTdlZDJhMzZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir. Neäir, Sir!” A voice called out from the front of the caravan. Airen recognized the man that came running as one of those that asked for his help. Out of breath, he stood in front of Airen and heaved and coughed a few times before he could actually speak.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNmJiNDBjNjlmZjRkMDRiZDc5NWY2MGMwZWI3YmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’re right in front of the checkpoint, but there’s nobody there to greet us. The guards are gone, and half of the lamps aren’t lit. Would you mind taking a look first?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzliYWY5OGQxZDQ2NmNhN2Y3Y2JkN2EzMzc1NDRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure.” Neäir replied, to Airen’s dismay. He was feeling much less confident without </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Noxla </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">in his hands and he was rather afraid of whatever Fieluri might make him do and call ‘training’. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Nzk5MmU4NjdhMjRjNTliZDJkNmZhNjc2ZTU1ZjM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There’s nothing around. Don’t be so tense.” Fieluri scolded Airen as he ducked from shadow to shadow in the barely illuminated League of Adventurer’s camp. </span></p> <p class="cnNjOGY4MmQ1ZDE5ODRhNmY5YTk5MzVjZTdiNmNjODRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There’s blood on the ground everywhere, but there’s no bodies, and you’re telling me that’s not creepy at all?” Airen tensed up he peeked into dungeon room, only to find nothing amiss inside except the lack of people. The lines of cots were in disarray, with blankets and pillows all over the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMGJlYjg1ZGU2MjQyNjA5MzVkYjEwYWNhOGZlOTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you’re looking for the living, then they’re holed up in that storage room over there.” Fieluri yawned and tossed away a bloodied sword she had picked up. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMzg3NzcyNDU0YTRmZTVhM2U0MDNkN2MzYzNjNDcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Airen glanced at where she pointed, and started to make his way over, his bone spear at the ready and Dir Sayf ready to spring at a moments notice. Breathing in, he peeked around the corner only to drop his weapon in shock.</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2JhZjExNTVjNTQ3NjliN2MwMmNkOGE4YzQzYzk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...I did say you had trials ahead.” Fieluri murmured quietly as Airen stared at a wooden sign with words of blood written upon it.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWRiMDc1ZmRlNjQzMTQ5ZDQ3ZDVmNTU4MDlkYjI4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I await you on the floors below.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiYTgzNTJjYzFkYTRmYWZiY2JkMTRlN2E0MDQ2YTMx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">-Jourmind</span></em></p> </div>
“Over here, Keri!” Airen waved from off the side of the road. The path leading to the *Petrified Dragons Crypt,* was littered by all manner of merchandise stalls and kiosks, catering to both would be dungeon delvers and returning adventurers. Unable to find a spot to stand without being pestered by hawkers, Airen had brought out the human spine spear and adorned a sand encrusted cloak. His visage, coupled with the sight of the spear, caused people to give him a wide berth and provided a reprieve from the ceaseless annoyances. Keri made no comment about his weapon as she moved closer; instead, she stared at his face until he started to feel uncomfortable. “Is there something on my face?” Airen asked as he rubbed his face with the ragged sleeves of his robe. “No… I was just checking something.” Keri replied as she shook her head. “Were you afraid I was a *Doppleganger* or a *Reanimated*?” Airen laughed awkwardly. “If you were, then your blood or heart would be worth a fair amount.” Keri shrugged. “It seems you have been diligent with your training. Your body is much sturdier than before.” “I had a rather… overly enthusiastic mentors on both sides of the coin.” Airen grumbled. “Physical training by day… mental training by night. It would be so much easier if I could use magic like Fiel does, to do *everything.*” “Perish that thought. Many great magicians destroyed themselves because of that very line of reasoning.” “...Should I be worried about her then?” “Don’t be. Her magic already defies imagination.” Keri chuckled grimly. “Let us change the avenue, there are curious eyes among the crowd.” Airen casted his eyes around him, and caught several kiosk owners quickly looking away. Several groups of adventurers that slowed to a walk started to walk more briskly, with one group moving towards them. “A fine day to be dungeon delving!” An armored robust man held up a hand in greeting. “It’s not often we see such a strange pair of two dark-arts users. Are you two looking for a party?” Behind the man trailed three others, a female archer clad in treated leather armor, a skinny female clad in light, tight-fitting clothing, and a male in a weathered robe, presumably a mage. “No, we’re fine.” Keri replied curtly. “Is that so?” The man shrugged, clearly used to being turning down. “We’ll still be around for the next few hours at *The Fledgling Heroes’ Pub* while we finish gathering up supplies if you changed your mind. Just call for Menda.” Clearly reading the mood, he quickly left with his group after leaving those parting words behind. “We’ll have to keep an eye out for those lurking by the shadows when we return.” Keri leaned down and whispered into Airen’s ear, gently turning his head off the road towards several ‘adventurer’ parties. Beneath their unsuspicious apparel came the glint of bloodied steel, and it was not the blood of beasts.. “Have you made your preparations?” “As well as I could… I’m still a bit nervous.” Airen admitted. “That is good.” Keri nodded. “Fear of mortality keeps you alive on all manner of battlefields, as long as you can muster the courage to walk them.” “...I'd prefer to stay far away from a battlefield. Thank you.” Fieluri had not only showed him the glory of a victorious war, but also the devestating aftermath. The putrid stench of rotting flesh, the buzz of bloatflies and maggots, and above all, the mounds and mounds of ravaged bodies was more than enough to deter him from ever stepping foot onto a battlefield. “All paths lead to conflict, Airen.” Keri shrugged as they made their way onto the packed road and towards the dungeon’s entrance. “-whether or not you wish for it.” Airen decided not to answer, neither agreeing or disagreeing with Keri’s cryptic words. Instead, he stared ahead as the towering mausoleum, the entrance to the *Petrified Dragon's Crypt,* grew larger. Several pairs of eyes, mainly those of the adventurer parties loitering outside, stared at them as they descended into the darkness. “Here, I'll bring out a source of illumination…” Airen murmured as he prepared to open a rift into his vault. “No need.” Keri stopped him before he could light the lantern. She removed *Silverlight* from her back and laid a hand on the invisible spearpoint. After murmuring a few words, a dim silvery glow poured from the weapon. To the naked eye, it appeared like moonlight, bathing their surroundings in shades of gray and white. “That’s… pretty useful.” Airen murmured. Keri’s weapon never ceased to amaze him, being on par with some of the fabled weapons in the Archive. “How did you ever stop Fiel from getting her hands on it?” “It is nothing so special, and only has a few small tricks.” Keri replied. “Still, you should keep that lantern ready at a moments’ notice.” Airen nodded and lit the lantern before returning it to his vault. This way, if he was in need of light, he could simply open a rift and grab the lantern. For now, however, he pulled out one of Ittai’s many maps. “These first 10 floors are rather straightforward.” Airen pointed to a direction to their east where the path to the lower levels were. “Judging by how the map is so detailed, I'm afraid it would be hard to find anything of value…” “And the magical beasts? I don't feel any presences… “ Keri gestured around them. “Nothing of note. I doubt mole skins or bat fangs are worth much.” Airen sighed, remembering the measly bronze coins he got for them the last time. “Still, there's a chest that crosses our path…” Under the guidance of the map, it merely took fifteen minutes of traversing the many dust-filled room until they came across a rusted iron chest. “...Well, it’s not like I had high hopes.” Airen shrugged as he propped it open using the tip of his spear. The insides revealed nothing, save cobwebs and creature feces. “The stairs should be right over there…” “Airen. Has it occurred to you that you can use the ability the History Eater gave you to… take the chest itself?” Keri’s insightful words stopped Airen and he was struck with a moment of clarity. “Right. Right! Why didn't I think if that? If I can find a way to remove the rust and melt it down… then surely I can do something with it from the metal alone!” With glee, Airen opened a rift, and after much heaving and grunting, finally pushed the heavy chest into it. However, as he was about to close the rift, he hesitated and turned to Keri. “...But isn't this bad? If I remove the chests then magical beasts won't use them as storage, and later adventurers would not find any loot…” “It matters not, the adventurers will simply have to search the monster’s dens instead.” Keri shrugged. “Plus, only unopened chests have anything of value. You can consider it as doing them a favor.” “I suppose so.” Airen grinned guiltily as he closed the rift. “Seems like these first few floors might have something of value after all. Keri, do you mind if-” “By all means, take a detour to loot the looted chests.” Keri smiled. “I doubt anyone will be missing them.” “Don’t mind if I do. Then maybe I can finally get some decent weapons.” Airen laughed and pointed at his weapon. “Honestly the sensation from just gripping it gives me goosebumps. But beggars can’t be choosers.” “Finally learning to be independent from the History Eater, are we Airen? A good initiative.” Keri mumbled as she peeked through a door before entering. “And in the past, bones made especially valuable weapons, especially those of magical beasts.” “Can we not discuss about bones in this dismal place?” Airen complained as they carefully descended the dungeon steps to the next level. ”Fiel has already shown me more than enough scenes involving the walking dead.” “I am curious, Airen. What exactly does the History Eater have in store for you?” “Blasted if I know. Each time I ask, she gives me a different answer. ‘I wish to birth an illusory legend like none other.’ ‘I seek to consume those that have spat upon history.’ ‘For mine and your own redemption.’ ‘So I can amuse myself among a kingdom of deception.’ ‘To watch you die, cold and alone in the abyss.’ Trying to get a straight answer out of her is like trying to count the grains of sand in the Tel’dora Desert.” “...According to the stories surrounding her in my time, she may speak in riddles but she is no liar. Think of her words as half truths.” “Wow. That just makes it sound worse” Airen rolled his eyes. “I thought she was just messing with me, but she actually wants to watch me die!?” “You were the one that claimed that you have died over a thousand times in her realm.” Keri pointed out. “And each time you improved from it, even if victory eluded you.” Airen decided not to reply, instead profusely studying the map he held in front of him. Despite the fact that for all intents and purposes, the *Petrified Dragon’s Crypt* was considered to be an advanced dungeon, they had casually waltzed past several floors without encountering anything. This peacefulness in an otherwise dangerous area was making Airen uneasy. It was not long until they passed the first camp set up by the League of Adventurers on the fifth floor. Instead of calling it a camp, it would be better to call it a supply depot, with several rooms from the ruins stocked with all manner of packages. Other than the staff from the League of Adventurers, the majority of the hundred or so individuals at the checkpoint were explorers and adventurers. Other than a few curious and cautionary glances thrown their way, they passed the checkpoint unhindered. Airen reasoned that despite the time they took to secure empty chests for his own use, they could still manage to make it to the next checkpoint before needing a rest. As they left the torch-lit area behind them, they continued to advance without any deterrents, save the occasional chest. --- “Today was… uneventful.” Airen sighed as he handed Keri a plate of hot food, one of the perks at resting at one of League of Adventurer camps instead of barricading themselves in a room out in ruined rooms of the dungeon. This camp on the 10th floor was similar to the one on the 5th, except somehow there were even more adventurers here than the prior one and therefore much larger. It was likely due to the fact that after this floor, there will be more dangerous encounters, and adventurers would use these camps to meet up, exchange information, or descend as a group. However, for the same reason, it actually had several dungeon rooms set up as an ‘inn’ of sorts. “This is normal.” Keri replied as she accepted the plate. Other than a few greens and potatoes on the bottom, it was piled to the top with monster meat. Depending on who you ask, monster meat was either a seldom-seen delicacy or a disgusting substitute to meat, but it was the bread and butter for dungeon-delving adventurers. “The floors closest to civilization are often plundered and magical beast nests destroyed. This is what’s left.” After giving the food a tentative bite, Keri grimaced and reached into her robes, pulling out a small shaker filled with a dark yellow powder. After noticing Airen eyeing it, she sprinkled a bit of the spice onto her own plate before passing the shaker to Airen. Curious and intrigued, Airen sprinkled a bit onto the top of his hand before giving it a cautious lick. “It’s probably too strong for you.” Keri’s mouth curled into a rare smile as Airen sputtered and spat. The powder set his tongue on fire akin to crushed red pepper flakes, but also assaulted his senses with an overbearing pungent stench. “What is this nasty stuff!?” Airen quickly handed back the shaker, declining to sprinkle any atop his own meal. “A combination of cheese, spices and herbs.” Keri replied as she added more onto her own plate. “The smell would also go away if it was allowed to sit for a few years, and it practically keeps forever as long as you keep it away from liquids. I’m afraid it is a bit of an acquired taste.” Airen did not respond but instead dug into his own plate. The food wasn’t particularly bland, but it wasn’t tasty either. It was something that Fieluri would refuse to eat and reduce to ashes after the first bite, Airen thought to himself. As they ate in silence amidst the rowdy adventurers, a familiar man entered and glanced around the tables, before finally spotting them and making his way over. “I knew I saw some familiar faces!” The man called Menda smiled and took the seat next to Airen with great familiarity, as if they had been friends for a while. “And right before the ‘true’ dungeon as well!” At his words, Keri glanced over with meaningful eyes. Clearly she would let him deal with the situation as he see fit. “Menda, was it?” Airen returned the smile while taking off his hood, thinking it would be better to make friends insteads of brushing him off. “Why, you’re even younger than I thought!” Menda whistled, causing nearby adventurers to send them a curious glance. “Based on the atmosphere around you two, I thought you two were veteran adventurers!” “I do not see your companions.” Airen smiled as he replied, neither affirming or disapproving Menda’s words. It would be better to let him draw his own conclusions. “Sadia went to the guild table to acquire some arrows, and I’m afraid Nina and Ester had already turned in for the night.” Menda gave Airen a wink. “I almost regret playing matchmaker for the two of them, I hope when we encounter some kobolds, they wouldn’t be too busy being distracted by the sight of the other.” He laughed good-naturedly, happy to have someone to unload his complaints onto. “May I ask where the two of you heading? The four of us are planning to raid a kobold nest or two and try our luck before proceeding to the floors with undead.” “We’ll be proceeding as deep as we can.” Airen replied. Based on the information Ittai had given him, Airen that he could easily reach up to the 30th floor before he had to struggle against undead creatures that he was not capable of dealing with due to his lack of magic. However, with Keri accompanying him, it was a different matter. “Is that so?” Menda replied as a female entered the inn. “Then by all means, I wish you luck.” Menda stood up and patted Airen on the shoulder before going to meet his comrade. Before they left the room, he gave Airen and Keri a light wave before leaving. “Quite the charismatic leader.” Keri commented after Menda left, having not spoken a single word during the exchange. That night, Airen was unable to sleep. He tossed around in one of the cots that the League of Adventurers provided, but in the end he simply sighed and sat up. He did not trust going to the Archive while sleeping in the midst of strangers, nor could be opened a rift to his vault without attracting attention. He stepped outside the dungeon room that was designated as the sleeping quarters and wandered around the camp, searching for a hidden area where he could enter the Archive. “Airen.” The voice called out to him quietly, yet still caused him to jump. He glanced around him, unable to discern where the source came from. A few moments later, Keri’s voice called out to him again. “Over here.” Airen followed the voice and found Keri seated in the shadows of a corner, behind several large boxes of supplies. She tapped the ground next to her, and Airen hesitated for a moment before taking a seat. The secluded area was by no means spacious so they were in close proximity when seated side by side. In his eyes, their relationship was a convoluted one, especially with what Fiel had done. “I couldn’t sleep in there.” Airen murmured hesitantly. Keri acknowledged his words in silence. The entire time, she had not opened her eyes, giving the feeling as if she was meditating or sleeping. “Do you want to see something, Airen?” Keri asked him, finally breaking the silence. She moved a hand to *Silverlight* that was leaning against her shoulder. Like how a child may draw pictures in sand with a stick, she started to sketch in the air with *Silverlight.* The tip of the staff left behind thin trails of white light like a pen, letting Keri use the space in front of them as a canvas. Airen looked in amazement as soon a picture of a tree branch adorned with blooming white flowers are wrought into existence. However, it seemed that Keri was dissatisfied, waving her staff and dispersing the trails of light. This repeated itself for several more times until Keri sighed and simply dispersed all of her work with a wave of *Silverlight.* The atmosphere declined back down into silence. “I actually can’t sleep either, only pretending to do so.” Keri finally spoke up answering Airen’s first comment. “When night comes and the stars come out, it feels as if my body is invigorated and replenished of energy. Even as a child, I often passed the nights drawing and doodling, that or sneaking about out at night.” Airen kept quiet and pondered her words. He could simply not imagine Keri- no, Lizabel being the mischievous one out of the memories of the children he once saw. “It was one of the reasons that allowed me to escape Osperica. Whether it was by fate or fortune, I happened to be outside the city walls during the attack.” Keri’s voice turned grim. “I watched as all that I have ever loved, all that I ever known, was brought to ruin.” “The History Eater told me that you refused to look into my past.” Keri answered Airen’s unspoken question. “For that small gift of kindness, I believe you deserve to know how I came to encounter the monster called the History Eater.” “During that time, there were two known places where one was said to be able to obtain answers and power unknown to man. One was *Aotapia,* a twisting nether portal that was rumored to lead to a world of forbidden knowledge. The stories of those that enter, very few returned, and those that did went on to do terrible, but great things. It is said from the stories of those that returned, they would scream in their sleep about a purple-clothed girl with white eyes, toting around a giant black book. The emperor’s son from the nation that attacked Osperica, was said to have returned from that place. He slaughtered his family and kin to forcibly seized the throne to his empire.” “The other place was a dungeon where existed an unfathomable trial at the very bottom. When I descended with a party, I saw impossible things from forests, waterfalls, and even mountains in the depths of that dungeon called *The Abyss.* None of those that entered ever returned, and only was whispered among elite adventurers that a bizarre existence dwelled at the bottom, carrying a golden scale. If you were male, you would see a seductive female half-beast. If you were female, you would encounter a handsome prince*.* As the story goes, to acquire the being’s favor, you could either defeat it in combat or to pass its test. Only those that returned were those that refused to do either.” “Do you understand my warning, Airen?” Keri whispered quietly. “...Fiel has purple eyes though.” Airen murmured. “I cannot confirm who or what she is. Whether she was the apparition from that accursed land of forbidden knowledge, or the shapeshifting being hidden deep beneath the ground, this tidbit of information, I leave it to you.” Keri replied. “You can think of it as a bit of petty revenge against the History Eater for toying with me.” “...That girl really needs to stop creating enmity with people.” Airen sighed, recalling her ruthless actions at the Irona Auction House. However, Keri did not respond and simply closed her eyes, leaning back against the wall in the secluded wall. A moment later, Airen also leaned against the wall and nodded off. --- Contrary to Airen’s expectations, the next leg of the descent into the dungeon was also rather disappointing. When they first encountered a small band of four kobolds, Keri had nudged him forward to deal with them. Airen was inwardly skeptical, but after engaging the kobolds in battle, he was befuddled at how ridiculous the furred, overgrown lizards fought. The cowardly bunch pushed one of their own forward, who stumbled as he thrusted forward with an old rusty spear. The attack was then promptly dodged by Airen, and the kobold tripped and fell the ground right afterward. Airen’s mouth gaped as he witnessed the other three screech and ran away, abandoning their former comrade. “As you can see, quite the cowardly bunch.” Keri casually leaned against the wall as Airen hesitantly finished off the one on the ground. “Any group without a Greater, Shaman, or Mutant Kobold can be considered as easy prey.” “I doubt there is anything of value.” Keri warned as Airen sifted through the kobold’s body. Other then some rags that covered the creature’s one meter tall body, it also had bag that seemed to be made out of skin from who knows what. True to Keri’s word, there were only sharp rocks, a bundles of moss, and some rotting meat inside, Airen wrinkled his nose at the putrid smell as he tossed away. “The organs are useless, and the flesh is something many would starve before eating.” Keri added before Airen could pull out a butchering knife. “You can take the weapon I suppose.” “...It’ll take twenty of these to even match up to half a chest.” Airen eyed the rusty iron spear before he sighed and transferred it to his vault. He was not being picky, but if he accumulate lots of junk, it would only more create work for him to sort it out in his Vault. For a split moment he considered obtaining the entire corpse for Fieluri to study, but he could imagine her berating him for bringing such a smelly thing into the Archive, so he reconsidered. “Let’s move on.” Keri gestured after Airen stood up, and they moved towards the next chest on the map. Progression through the next ten floors went smoothly. They ignored the League of Adventurer’s camp on the 15th floor and proceeded ahead to a known kobold camp. There Airen encountered his first Kobold Shaman, as well as several Greater Kobolds. The Greater Kobolds were larger and bolder compared to their cowardly kinsman, but seemed to be much more cruel to boot. As Airen drew his weapon, they would aggressively push and bully the smaller ones to move towards him. The fate of the small fry were to be cannon fodder. After a few casual attacks from Keri, the nauseating smell of blood and guts broke the small kobold band’s morale. The minor Kobolds quickly routed, their fear of Keri and her scythe greater than any sort of punishment threatened upon them by the Greater Kobolds. Airen watched on as the band fled with reckless abandon, save for two Greater Kobolds and the Shaman that Keri had bounded with magical black ropes. Within a minute of entering the camp, victory had been seized single-handedly by Keri. “Those three are yours.” Keri withdrew the invisible blades on her weapon, returning it to a simple staff once more. She pointed towards the three bound Kobolds, and their restraints fell off and writhed on the ground, before they dissipated into thin black smog. One of the more intelligent Greater Kobolds instantly bolted towards the room’s entrance, clearly knowing that it was not a match for Keri. It disregarded Airen, who’s small frame was in his path to the one and only exit as it stomped over the corpses of its fallen kinsman. However, it soon realized that it had underestimated the human child in front of him. As the Greater Kobold approached, a battering ram of noxious-smelling flesh and grease, Airen took steps to intercept it. As it sped by Airen, he lashed out with the bone spear. The Greater Kobold’s charge did not falter the slightest, and it let out a shout of triumph as it neared the exit. However just before it reached the doorway, it felt the strength in its legs rapidly ebbing away and it toppled to the ground as the adrenaline wore off. Behind it trailed a line of blood and intestines, leaked from the hole in the Greater Kobold’s side. The remaining two enemies fared no better. The Greater Kobold’s brutish attacks were without finessee and were easily dodged by Airen. The Shaman that wielded an improvised tiki torch would occasionally shoot *Firebolts* at Airen, but those were casually avoided. Airen had a feeling that even if he stood still, the creature’s horrendous aim would still cause it to miss. Within a few breath’s worth of time, Airen had executed the Greater Kobold with the bone greatsword and then pulled out the bone longbow to snipe the fleeing Shaman Kobold. “Well done.” Keri nodded at Airen’s handiwork. “They weren’t exactly worthy opponents.” Airen shrugged as he rummaged through the dead shaman’s things. There were bags full of strange plants and shiny rocks that Airen did not recognize, but he stored it all away anyway. The shaft of the tiki torch was covered with a vicious slime, so Airen decided not to take it. “But at the very least, you should encounter them once.” Keri replied. She leaned against the doorway casually, unwilling to enter the kobold ‘camp’. “There’s really nothing here…” Airen grumbled as he shifted through the makeshift beds on the ground. He quickly found the source of the disgusting smell that accompanied the kobolds. Wrapped in some rags was a combination of rotting moss, mushrooms, and meat that the Kobolds used for their meals. “...Eww.” Airen wrinkled his nose as glanced at all the other bundles littered all over the camp. Even the prospect of treasure was not enough tempt him into opening another one of those sacks. “...Suddenly the whole concept of being an adventurer is not as appealing.” “To be an adventurer is never by choice.” Keri shrugged. “It’s a way of life. Mercenaries, explorers, minstrels, merchants, wanderers… there are many of those that originally began as adventurers.” “So you’re saying that I should just grit my teeth and deal with it, then?” Airen grumbled as he rummaged through the other parcels of cloth. After a few fruitless minutes, he finally managed to scavenge a few tidbits. A few copper coins, a couple of rusty spear points, and several wooden clubs and shields that were not entirely rotting provided a bit of consolation to Airen that taking the camp was not meaningless. “And to let you experience fighting new creatures first hand.” Keri added once Airen finished transporting everything through a rift. “Let’s get moving.” Airen nodded, and they proceeded deeper into the dungeon, making stops only to acquire a few empty chests. The floors seemed to be smaller compared to first ten floors, and it wasn’t long until they passed by the checkpoint on the fifteenth floor. ... “These are… Gnome Shrooms? It’s too dim for me to tell...” Airen pointed out a few strange patches of vegetation embedded in the walls. Keri did not reply, instead kneeling by the patch of brown and white cespitose mushrooms that grew from the cracks in the wall. She plucked one off and studied it for a moment before popping it into her mouth, to Airen’s surprise. “Yeah, they’re Gnome Shrooms.” Keri nodded as she chewed. “There’s various types but there’s no mistaking the taste.” “You’re… pretty fearless, Keri.” Airen shook his head as he pulled out a knife and knelt down by the troop of mushrooms. “Aren’t you afraid they could have been poisoned?” “I was relatively confident.” She shrugged and popped another one into her mouth. “Gnome Shrooms were considered to be rare delicacies, but it seems that in the present, they’re rather commonplace…” “You’ve sound like you’ve eaten a lot of them.” “One of the former perks of being a Bell-keeper. Most of our meals often contained various magical herbs and plants. The stories at the time were if one’s diet was rich in magical energy, that person’s lifespan also increases.” “Is that the reason you managed to survive in Fiel’s… *False World*?” Airen asked apprehensively, not sure if he should bring up the subject. “...Let’s keep moving.” Keri replied after a moment of silence. ... “Keri, how can you be so… at ease?” Airen quietly asked after they dispatched a small group of *Shambling Bones.* Compared to Valrock Ruin’s skeletal bats and rats, the animated bones were those of kobolds. Still they lacked any intelligence or strength, and it felt to Airen as if he was swinging a sword at hollow pots.Even so, during the entire trip, Keri had not broken stride or even bothered to check the area for dangers. “...All of this is trifling when compared to *The Abyss.*” At Airen’s words, Keri finally halted and covered her face with one hand. It was good that Airen was too busy storing away the Bone Ash, or he would have seen the crooked smile and brief trace of madness in Keri’s eyes. “There are no hellish rules or curses, haunts created from one’s fears, or never-seen before creatures that defy all reasoning. Compared to *The Abyss*, this dungeon may as well be a quiet walk.” Keri continued to mutter quietly to herself. ... “It says that there’s a trap here, but I don’t see anything…” Airen glanced at his map again before looking up at the empty hallway ahead of them. “It wouldn’t be called a trap if it was out in the open now, would it?” Keri slowly inched forward, tapping her staff against the wall and ground ahead of her. After she moved a few meters while testing the ground, she suddenly stopped moving as the tip of her weapon pushed into the ground. As she withdrew her weapon, several spears jutted out from the ground in front of her. “A basic mechanical trap, huh?” Keri brushed it off and continued to proceed forward. “Just proceed in my steps.” ... “A duel is nothing compared to a battle.” Keri gestured for Airen to pick up his weapon again. “In a duel, after each side displays all their skills and techniques, the victor is instantly decided and the superior emerges triumph.” “But in places like this, the battles between humans cannot be called a duel, or even a battle.” Keri easily deflected Airen’s attack and then tossed a handful of sand towards his eyes. “There will be scum that use underhanded tactics, but as long as you keep an eye on the battle, any underhanded method is defeated by magic.” “Ald!” Airen sent the sand splashing back at Keri, who swept it aside with a single sweep of her weapon. “The most dangerous are those that have never been trained properly.” Keri continued as they continued to spar. “They let their adrenaline, pain, and rage take over, and abandon any sense of self-perseverance.” “This is most common in melee fighters, but it is known to happen to mages too. There are tales of magi that used themselves as living bombs to annihilate their foes.” “And that is why you should never underestimate your opponent.” Keri finished the lesson by flicking her weapon upwards and causing Airen’s spear to bounce off the ceiling. ... “...A corpse? Even though this place was a bit far off, the map said that it was a safe place to camp.” Airen gingerly knelt by the skeletal remain next to Keri, who was whispering a prayer for the departed. “Should we move on?” “No need. She died due to a bleeding wound.” Keri pointed at the yellowed bandages wrapped around the skeleton’s waist. “...It was likely she died trying to ascend to the surface after venturing too far.” “What about the rest of her party?” “Either dead or they were forced to split up to escape whatever injured her. Ah, here it is.” Keri dug around the dusty pockets and pulled out a piece of parchment, the dark-brown words barely visible under the faint luminescence from *Silverlight.* “What’s that supposed to be?” Airen asked as he forced his eyes away from the skull’s pitch black eye sockets that reminded him of his own mortality. “An adventurer’s last will.” Keri handed the parchment to Airen, but stopped him from opening it. “Save it until we leave this place, only then can the words on it have meaning.” Airen nodded before placing a hand on a nearby wall. A rift appeared a few seconds later, and Airen gestured for Keri to enter first. Since she was someone that was aware of his relationship to Fieluri, there should not be any problems allowing her take refuge inside his Vault. And provided that they entered the Vault in a ‘safe’ location, there was no need to make camp either. Before Keri entered she whispered a few words in a language Airen did not understand, and tossed a ball of black flames at the remains. As the deceased adventurers items went up in sparkling black flames, Airen felt a bit rueful as it seemed to be a waste. The old him would have left such a solitary scene untarnished, but now, he was no longer sure where to draw the line. “This place seems to have changed.” Keri murmured as they stood at the shore of the lake within the painted world. Three one-story cottages stood together, a testament to Airen’s countless hours of night toiling. Beside it was a large sown field with budding plants starting to creep above the soil. “That’s good.” Keri added before Airen could apologize. “The layout of the land is the same but it’s as if time has finally returned to this world.” “I…” “Why don’t you go do what you need to do? I would like to paint a picture.” She dismissed him without another word. ... “I heard you’ve been gossiping about me.” Fieluri nonchalantly said as Airen approached from behind her. It seems that today she was studying a pair of large crystals. When he came closer, he saw that glossy ruby-colored liquid was trickling down where Fieluri had cut into it. “Nothing gets by you, does it?” Airen rolled his eyes sighed as he took a seat across from her. “What are you going to have me do today?” “Nothing.” Airen found that it was his own voice that responded. He shot an irritated glare at Fieluri but she didn't even glance at him. “Human minds are fragile. Overstimulating them will cause them to slowly form cracks until they finally break. Since you’ve been busily exploring a dungeon, it’ll be unwise to push your limits at the Archive as well.” Fieluri finally explained once she put down the tools in her hands. “Wait. Are you actually Fiel? The sadistic know-it-all that sends me to my doom and calls it training?” Airen gasped. “You’re actually being *considerate?!*” “Be awed.” Fieluri smirked, but her mouth eventually turned into a frown. “That’s not right…” Airen crossed his arms and tilted his head, deep in thought. “Usually when this happens it means that you want something from me…” “Why, don’t you catch on quickly.” Fieluri resumed carving the jewel. “Don’t just admit it!” Airen scowled. “And here I thought you were actually trying to be nice for once!” “A relationship like ours is one where both parties benefits. Right now, you’re racking up a huge debt.” Fieluri bluntly pointed out. “Of course, you’re still a child so I haven’t pushed you too much, but that’s why I created Neäir.” “Who’s a child! I should have taken the Coming of Age ceremony-” Airen’s voice faltered. “...Has it really been two years?” Fieluri’s hands stopped and her head lifted to meet Airen’s eyes. “You may fool others, but I know very well how you throw yourself at challenges both day and night to distract yourself.” “You can’t sleep at night, so you come here. You don’t want to feel like you’re at a standstill, so you go delving into dungeons. You’re like a puppet right now, Airen Casteya.” “Are you fine with this. Airen?” Fieluri mocked him. “Are you satisfied with simply dancing to my every whim, going where I send you?” “I… I…” Airen tried to form words, but none would come. “This is merely a warning, my one and only disciple. Ours is a relationship of mutual benefit. Although you do not have power to call your own now, you must remember this.” Fieluri flicked a finger at Airen, and a purple glow emanated from his body. “Now sleep, Airen. It’s been nearly two months since you last slept. Even the soul grows weary.” At Fieluri’s words, Airen toppled over. However, instead of slamming into the ground, a bedroll had appeared beneath him. Almost as an afterthought, Fieluri snapped her fingers lightly, and a blanket covered his sleeping frame. “I’m afraid you will have a trial ahead you, Airen...” Fieluri murmured as she put down her tools. The hunk of crystal in front of her had been transformed and carved into a tetrahedron. “Now then… attempt number two thousand and ninety-eight…” Fieluri placed both hands on the crystal and closed her eyes. Her silver-lavender hair was dyed with the colors of the rainbow as her magic took form, and ribbon-like trails of rainbows trailed off her hair and merged into the crystal. “*Geinlit!”* Fieluri chanted, causing the crystal to sparkle and float into the air. The magical lights of the Archive seemed to dim as the crystal flashed in a dazzling prism of colors. Beneath the surface of crystal, the liquid within started to form kaleidoscope-like patterns. Then the sound of thunder could be heard, which caused Fieluri to frown. When she opened her eyes, a large crack had formed on the tetrahedron crystal, from which a white liquid leaked. “A failure seems that the magic of the spirits still eludes me...” --- When Airen awaken, he was greeted with the smell of sizzling fat. Even though he wasn’t hungry, the appetizing smell still made his mouth water. He sat up and realized that he was in one of the homes that he had constructed. “Good morning.” Airen greeted Keri as he stepped out. She glanced over at the sound of his voice, but did not reply. Instead she gestured for him to sit at the carved stone table. A few minutes after he did, she wordlessly placed a plate of skewered monster meat and roasted veggies in front of him. “Is something the matter?” Airen asked. He was used to Keri being gloomy and brooding, but she would at the very least respond to him. “The History Eater played a prank when she send you here last night. Since you don’t have any idea of what you did, and it wasn’t your fault, I’ll let it slide.” Keri said quietly. Her tone made it clear that Airen was not to ask about what happened. When he tried to meet her eyes, she turned away. “But to possess this sort of pocket dimension…what were you planning when you decided to build these houses and the fields?” Keri changed the subject abruptly. “If it was just for comfort, there was no need to have three…” “I…” Airen hesitated, knowing fully well how naive he sounded. “I want to build a place of refuge here, a haven for those in search of a home. ” To Airen’s surprise, Keri’s made no expression at his words- neither mocking him or berating him. “You're not going to ask me, why?” “...Do you need a reason to want to help others?” “No. I guess not.” Airen replied happily. Keri was the second one to hear of his plan, and unlike Fieluri, she didn’t make fun of him for it.. “Finish your food so we can get moving.” “Someone’s been here recently.” The instant they stepped out of the return rift, Keri had pointed out the remains of a campfire in the ‘safe’ room. “They’re still warm.” Airen let the ashes trail between his fingers. “There’s a pile of wooden skewers here too. It seems like it was quite a large party.” “Over there.” Keri’s voice called Airen over, and he turned to the corner of the room, the same corner where they had found the skeletal remains of the female adventurer. The scent of blood lingered in the area, no doubt from the pile of dirty bandages on the ground. “It seems our mystery party was overconfident in their combat abilities, and didn’t bring a healer. ” “We’re not much different either.” Airen pointed out. “Neither of us can use healing magic.” “For you, staying in the History Eater’s realm reverts all injuries to nothingness. For me, a dungeon of this level is child’s play.” “If there is anything to worry about, it’s other people... It is always other people.” She echoed, almost as an afterthought. “Let’s move.” … On the next floor, they had encountered a group of *Shambling Bones.* “I really hate fighting the undead.” Airen groaned as he stamped on a lizard skull, shattering it into pieces. Airen pulled out a flask of cooking oil and poured it over the pile of bones as it tried to reanimate itself. “If everything was as strong as the *Etna Duelist* or *Reanimated*, then I will probably have no choice but to run away.” Airen grumbled as he set the creature ablaze. “If you encountered an *Etna Duelist*, you will likely not survive.” Keri replied. She had leaned against the wall as Airen fought, only occasionally moving to funnel the group of nine undead towards Airen. This was her form of training, but it was much easier compared to the things Fieluri did. Their movements were dull and slow, and it was easy for Airen to dispatch them despite their ceaseless tenacity. “...Probably not.” Airen agreed. “Ittai said that the floors were large and straightforward, but he didn’t say it was *one gigantic room!”* Airen complained quietly. Ahead of them, he could spot movement in the darkness, as well as the familiar sound of skeletal footsteps. Keri’s reply was to clamp a hand over his mouth as several pairs of red and white eyes glanced over in their direction before starting move towards them. As they came closer, Airen could make out pale, half shattered human skulls among the kobold and lizard skeletons. Sounds of clacking jaws and chittering teeth as the skeletons sprinted and crawled forward like moths to flame, or more accurately in this case, ravenous beasts to flesh. The noise seemed to attracted the attention of others, and Airen could spot more floating eyes in the darkness growing larger. “I guess I’ll have to handle it.” Keri gently pushed Airen back towards the stairs, before casually walking forward whilst gracefully spinning *Silverlight.* Before Airen could say anything, the first skeleton, an aggregation of a human and kobold bones, had blocked off the stairwell. It lunged at him with a rusty short sword as more skeletons tried and failed, to force their way into the narrow stairwell. Airen hesitated for a split second before pulling out *Dir Sayf* and willing it to be a shield. A dull clang rang out as Airen parried away the strike, and he quickly struck back with his spear. It was a beginner’s mistake. Airen cursed his own foolishness as the spearpoint slipped through the skeleton’s ribs unharmed. The monster seemed to cackle at him as it grabbed the shaft of the spear and pulled. “Ald!” Airen did not hesitate this time as he let himself be dragged forward by the momentum, letting go at the last moment to release a close range kinetic blast. To his pleasant shock, the creature was blown to pieces and the shards of bone flew down the stairs towards its compatriots. Despite their undying strength, their bodies were still fairly brittle, and they had very little balance. When the next skeleton arrived, Airen was ready with a kobold’s club in his hands. ~ “It’s done.” Keri’s voice called out and Airen slipped out from the stairwell. Airen could barely make out lightless black flames lingering on the ground atop piles of white ashes. “Sorry.” Airen bowed his head sheepishly. “I didn’t think there would be so many of them, or that they would all attack at once like that.” “Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.” Keri admonished. “How many of them went your way?” “Twelve. They weren’t hard to deal with.” Airen knelt by the black flames that emitted no heat, and rummaged through the pile of ashes. Most of the *Skeletons* wielded weapons as they did in life, and even a few of them had pieces of rusty armor. However, it seemed that Keri’s strange black flame had even reduced those to dust. “You won’t find anything. Don’t bother and let’s keep moving.” Keri’s voice answered his thoughts. “A large group of undead banding together like this is uncommon. Someone or something ticked them off.” “Give me just a moment.” Airen was trying to stuff the bone ash into a bag. He had heard from Rowan that bone ash could be used as fertilizer, and he wasn’t inclined to let anything go to waste. “But there’s really nothing left other than ashes… what exactly are those black flames of yours, Keri?” “Who knows. That’s the same question I posed to the History Eater, and she never answered.” Keri held out a hand and a starry-black flame flickered to life on her palm. In Airen’s eyes, it seemed to momentarily absorb the light as it flickered out of existence. --- “What is it? More undead?” Airen whispered quietly as Keri held up a hand. The stairwell to the twenty-fourth floor was right in front of them, and they had fought numerous skeletons, ghouls, and even a few specters to get here- although it was mostly Keri’s magic that defeated them. “Yes and no. There’s sounds of a battle below. Adventurers.” Airen strained his ears, but he could not hear anything. “Sounds like a pretty large group.” Keri added after seeing Airen’s expression. “If the adventurers fall, we can likely loot their bodies.” “That’s- shouldn’t we help them?” Airen was shocked by Keri’s ruthlessness and fumbled over his words. “It’s not that simple.” Keri shook her head. “Once you help them once, you’ve assumed responsibility, and there are many that would take advantage of your goodwill. If they’re injured, they might ask you for more help, and even if you refuse, they might simply follow you around.“ “But we can’t simply *leave* them.” Airen protested. “That’s where you’re wrong, Airen. Sacrifice is common, and sometimes the one burdening the party must be-” Keri made a slicing motion. “-left behind.” “That’s… terrible.” Airen’s words seemed to trigger something in Keri, and she grasped him by the shoulders, squeezing hard enough for his arm to start going numb. “Terrible?” Keri’s eyes stared into Airen’s. “You should tell those words to that monster.” “Keri, it hurts.” Airen started to say, but Keri’s grip only grew stronger along with the madness in her eyes. He felt a searing pain where his shoulders was grasped, and when he turned to look, he was shocked to see black flames tingling along his shoulders. “Keri, what are you-?!” A sense of danger from the unnatural heat caused adrenaline to surge through his body. He tried to push her away, but his numbed arms lacked the strength to do so. “Why are you doing this!?” “She can’t hear you.” Fieluri’s voice answered his question and he turned to see her standing behind him, with a rift slowly shrinking next to her. “It seems she didn’t heed my warning and went to *Aotapia.”* Fieluri patted Airen on the shoulder and a purple glow started to glow out from his skin as the transparent tattoo became visible and absorbed the black flames. The searing pain lessened, but Keri’s grip still pinned Airen against the wall. “Well, I suppose this *is* my fault.” Fieluri crossed her arms and nodded to herself in contemplation. She paced back and forth as she murmured quietly to herself, the words unhead by Airen. “What’s wrong with her?” At the moment, Keri was like a statue and seemed as if she was unaware of what was happening around her. “Hallucinations.” Fieluri answered nonchalantly. “Imagine an overflowing cup. That’s the state of her self-destructing mind right now. If she wasn’t a descendant of that person, she would have likely killed you already. Well, the fact that she was allowed to leave *Aotapia* means…” Having come to a decision, Fieluri nodded once more before placing a hand against Keri’s forehead. “What are you doing?” Airen realized that Keri’s vice like grip had lost its strength, and he ducked and slipped away from her. With him gone, Keri’s posture eerily reminded Airen of the undead shamblers that he had fought not too long ago. “Removing the corruption and decay. She’s fortunate that I am probably the only one capable of removing *Aotapia*’s influence.” Fieluri pushed a finger against Airen’s lips with her spare hand. “Hush now. It has been a long time since I’ve done this. You wouldn’t want your dear mentor to be turned into a vegetable now, do you?” Airen instantly clammed up against her words. Standing off to the side, he watched in awe as thin ribbons of light trailed out from Fieluri’s hand and caressed Keri’s face. However in the next second, the ribbons jerked as if startled, and split into pieces, quickly losing light. “Did something happen?” Airen whispered as Fieluri scowled. “There’s someone nearby that can detect my presence if I used magic of this caliber.” Fieluri shrugged. “Well, I suppose I’ll just let you decide. It seems you’ll have to act as my assistant for once. Here.” She tossed two familiar items at Airen, the *Night Sculptor’s Mask* and the *Mantle of Age.* A split second later, almost as an afterthought, she opened a rift and pulled out a golden-orange staff. “Go downstairs and put an end to the petty squabble. I don’t care which side you wipe out, or all of them, but make it flashy.” Fieluri carefully handed over the staff, which felt strangely warm to his touch. “This is *Noxla, Light of Century's End.*” Fieluri traced a finger along the nestled orb atop the staff, causing traces of yellow spots to flicker to life inside. “I’ve tinkered with it so even you can use it. Just point it at what you want gone and shout ‘Spark.’ ” “Off with you now. Go be a distraction.” Fieluri waved her hand and a force pushed Airen from behind towards the stairs. “Every second you tarry, more of her mind will be consumed.” --- “Just give me some staff and sent me off.” Airen grumbled as he donned the disguise while slowly descending the stairs. “ ‘Just point at what you want gone.’ Like it’s going to be so easy.” Even now, Airen was able to hear the sounds of of the battle happening on the floor below. Every second there was the sound of ringing steel, or hum of vibrations from casted magical spells. As he neared the bottom, he was greeted with occasional flashes of light traveling up the corridor, as well as the unmistakable stench of blood. “Righto. Here we go…” Airen slid against the doorway before slowly peeking out. Half of the room was lit up by magical light, and where the light met the darkness, adventurers clashed with the undying. A caravan of wagons and trolleys was abandoned in the corner of the room, loaded with rations and supplies the League of Adventurers were supposed to deliver to the next checkpoint. Barely illuminated on the other side of the large room that made up the 25th floor was a huge hole in dungeon walls from which the undead poured out. What truly shocked Airen was that they were not the same low level undead on the floors prior but *Reanimated-* the freshly deceased with all limbs and fleshed still attached. “Shields up! Their archers are about to release!” A familiar voice caused Airen’s line of sight to turn towards the right, where Menda was rallying a group of adventure-turned caravan guards. Some of them were too slow in hearing the call, and cries of pain rose up from those that were struck. Behind the line of defense, several exhausted mages were running back and forth between the wounded. Archers and mages stood in the far back, fruitlessly raining down spells and arrows into the masses of undead. Every few seconds, the line of warriors would faltar and threaten to fall part; these people were adventurers used to small skirmishes, not a large battle such as this. It seemed to Airen that a few of the more powerful veteran adventurers were barely managing to hold things together. And their opponents were the creatures of children’s tales, the undead that still looked human and even retained the abilities from when they were alive. Decapitation would not even slow their advance, and the only way to truly finish one off was to reduce it to ashes. “There’s at least fifty of them…” Airen’s hands were sweaty as he gripped *Noxla*. His instincts screamed at him that he should get away. It was a large open room with no choke points, and even more *Reanimated* were slowly climbing out of the gap in the dungeon wall. However as soon as he took a step backward, three pairs of red eyes turned to his direction. With a wordless howl, three of the monsters dashed madly towards him, one of them on all fours like a rabid dog. Instinct won over fear, and Airen half shouted, half screamed the activation word for *Noxla* as he waved around the staff trying to ward away the *Reanimated.* For a split second nothing happened, causing Airen’s stomach to plummet. Feeling a rising heat in his hands, he glanced down to see several magical circles forming around the shaft of the staff. The pieces of metal in which the orb nestled had peeled off the staff and rotated around the orb. “What is-” Airen’s words was cut short by a low hum, followed by the sound of electric sparks. The next moment, a high pitched note screeched into the air as the magical circles expanded in succession, and a giant beam of yellow light, like that of a laser, shot out from the top of the staff. The gigantic beam of light did not stop after incinerating the charging *Reanimated*, instead continuing on towards the group of combatants. Nothing caught in the blast remained, and even the floor was torn asunder, and even a few hapless adventurers were caught in the blast. The beam only finally stopped after slamming in the wall on the other side of the room, but not without leaving a ten meter wide and five meter deep hole. The *Century’s End* *Spark* had momentarily lit up the entire room, and other than a few close combatants locked in battle, all living eyes were on Airen. All they had seen was a trail of white light, and then a line of *Reanimated* had vanished. Hands still trembling, Airen was glad that he was currently disguised as Neäir. Although unintentional, he had killed at least three adventurers with that spell. *What are you hesitating for? Go fire off a few more!* Fieluri’s voice jerked him to his senses. Now was not the time to worry about what happened and he pointed the staff at another group of *Reanimated,* this one a bit further away from the engaged melee combatants. “Spark!” Airen shouted, making sure his voice carried over to the others. Instead of a gigantic beam, this second attack seemed to have split off into multiple smaller ones. These smaller beams of light seemed to dance around in the air before homing into the bodies of the *Reanimated,* bouncing from body to body like an array of deadly fireworks. The staff seemed to alternate between the two types of attacks as Airen sent eight more *Century’s End Spark* at the *Reanimated,* single handedly wiping them out. Airen’s hands shook as he stared at the weapon in his hands. *This was nothing compared to the weapons in the various Codexes Fiel gave me access to If… if I had this sort of power, then I shouldn't need to worry about returning to the Kingdom of Macha…* Wandering among his thoughts, Airen didn’t realize a group of adventurers were heading towards him. Almost instinctively, he pointed the staff toward their direction, causing them to flinch. “Ah.” Airen quickly caught himself and lifted *Noxla* so the bottom of the staff touched the ground. He pretended to ignore and look away from the approaching group, choosing to glance around the now dimly-lit room. By the other side of the room, several earth mages were attempting to seal the holes in the dungeon walls from which the undead had poured out of. “Thanks for your timely assistance. I was afraid that that the caravan wouldn’t have held out much longer…” Airen did not look up to meet their faces, instead using the hood from the *Mantle of Age* to partially hide his own. Still he was surprised to find the six that approached him to sport not only the same clothing, but the same pair of swords at their hips. “I was simply passing through.” Airen coughed. He was unsure of how to act, since usually when he donned the mask as Neäir, Fieluri would do the talking. He wanted to turn around and go back up the stairs to check on Keri, but there was no way for him to make such a quiet disappearance. “Eh, you’re so pretty!” Lost in his thoughts, Airen hadn’t realize one of them, a short, red-haired girl, had crouched down next to him and got a good look at his face. “Stop that, Klaris! Don’t be rude!” A male voice admonished her and pulled her up. “It’s not everyday you run into a master mage!” *Master mage? Me?* Airen repeated the words to himself, bemused at their impression of him. A few seconds later, he decided there was no point in hiding his face anymore and reached up to pull off his hood. Various emotions seemed to flash in the group of six, composed of three male and three females. *They were pretty capable…* Airen could recall that they were the ones that flitted about the battlefield, reinforcing any weak points in the defensive line. He had a good opinion of them, since with their strength, they could have easily escaped on their own. “My name is Paden.” The oldest of the group, a tall, scarred man in his mid thirties stepped forward introduced himself. “This is Curtis and Sime.” He introduced the two younger males, one in his twenties and one that was in his early teens. Curtis gave him a respectful nod while Sime bashfully bowed before hiding behind Paden. “And I am Jaela, and these two brats are Minerva and Klaris.” The eldest of the females, a mature and elegant lady, introduced her younger acquaintances as well. Klaris was the outspoken and curious lass that had peeked at Airen’s face, while Minerva was a delicate and pristine young lady. Both of them greeted him with a courtesy, although Klara seemed to find the gesture annoying. Airen was taken aback at the differences in ages. There were two in their mid-thirties, another two in their early twenties, and two whose ages barely reached the double digits. “We’re the students of the Sword Emperor.” Curtis added, dusting off his uniform. At his words, Paden shot him an exasperated and annoyed look. *“*Is that so? Do let him know that I would like to have a duel with him in the future. A challenge for the title, if you will.” Airen’s answer came unbidden from his throat. His eyes darted to his right shoulder, and as he expected, Fieluri was seated there in her miniature form. *I have good news and bad news. Let’s save it for later.* She leaned into his ear and whispered. Airen could not reply if he wanted to. After the words of challenge had left his mouth, it had invoked a variety of responses. Curtis snorted with a cold, arrogant glint in his eyes, while Jaela and Paden smiled welcomingly. The youngest two, Klaris and Sime, both had stunned expressions on their faces while Minerva was expressionless. “We’ll be more than happy to pass on the message.” Paden grinned. “Lately he has been complaining there were no worthy people to cross blades with. I’m sure he would happy to fight against someone of your level, sire. May I ask for your name?” “Brother! We can’t just let a random person duel Lord Dumeis just because he feels like it!” Curtis interjected. “There’s rules in place to maintain the peace! If you want to duel teacher, then you have to manage to best all of us, as well as win a tournament!” “Neäir is my name.” Airen’s voice, controlled by Fieluri, answered after a few moments. Fieluri flicked a finger, and Airen’s arm moved against his will, pointing *Noxla* at the six of them. “Do you surrender?” Airen couldn’t help but smile cheekily at Fieluri’s action. “I make no promises on your livelihood if you were to refuse.” “We surrender. We surrender!” Paden laughed at the absurdity of Neäir’s actions. “Please excuse my younger brother, senior. There’s no need for you to challenge us.” “But that’s a staff! How can you be a Sword Emperor if you don’t even use a sword!?” Minerva spoke up this time, her voice a source of reason and logic. “Not a problem.” Neäir picked up Noxla and pushed against the bottom of the weapon. To both Airen and the Sword Emperor’s apprentice’s surprise, as the shaft slowly reduced down to the size of a sword hilt, a yellow-orange magical blade the size of a longsword appeared above the nestled orb. Under Fieluri’s instructions, Airen gently flicked the staff-turned-sword, and ripples of light left deep incisions in the ground, not unlike *Flashes of Divine Steel.* “That’s… who *are* you?” Jaela gapped. “Must I repeat myself?” Fieluri told Airen to smirk, but the best he could do was a lopsided smile. “I am Neäir.” --- “So what happened to Keri?” Airen whispered to Fieluri as they trailed behind a caravan. Several people from the League of Adventurers had requested for him to guard the supplies train until it managed to reach the 30th floor where the next checkpoint was. Fieluri had not refused them, and as a result, he was now acting as the rearguard. It was a slow processes as the wagons were slowly progressing down the stairs into the next floor. “The good news first then.” Fieluri clapped her hands. “I managed to suppress Aotapia’s influence, but only momentarily. When she awakened, I sent her to someone that can fully purge the corruption.” “Wait, are you telling me the all-knowing, all-might, *Fieluri Archive*, doesn’t know how to fix something?” Airen’s face, or rather Neäir’s, twisted into a mocking grin. “It’s complicated.” Fieluri sidestepped his question with a vague answer. “Moving onto the bad news, you will likely never see her again, and even if you do, she will be your enemy.” “Wha- How- What did you do?!” Airen shouted. “I told her part of the answer she was looking for.” Fieluri rolled her eyes. “Her face was quite something. But yes, as of this moment, I am your only teacher, and daresay, *master.*” “It’s not like our relationship has changed.” Airen grumbled. “Oh great and benevolent *master*, why don’t give your loyal disciple with a gift? Perhaps this ancient-looking and dusty staff in my hands?” “Are you asking to be punished?” Fieluri held up a hand and a rainbow-colored aura started to surround it. “I just saved that girl because it was what you wished for, and you try to be coy with me?” “I never said-” “Then were you willing to let her die? Last time I recall, you even went as far as to go into Osperica…” Fieluri smirked and cackled. “Too naive, Airen!” Airen refused to reply, instead fumed and kicked at the stones at his feet. “That Menda’s an interesting fellow.” Fieluri commented out of the blue. “Two of his comrades fell in that fight, and yet he’s going around trying to recruit new members.” “How do you even know- Wait, why are you telling me this?” Airen couldn’t help himself, but still managed to stop himself in time. Rather, he would be more surprised if there was something Fieluri *didn’t* know. “Because I’m *warning* you, Airen. Since Keri can no longer accompany you on this expedition, I will instead. Speaking of which, I’ll take that staff back now.” Fieluri clapped her hands and *Noxla* flew into the air, before spinning and vanishing inside a rift. “...Can’t you just, you know. Lend it me for a bit?” Airen complained. “You’re an idiot, Airen. If it wasn’t for that magical tattoo I imprinted on you, you would be dead. Burned to smithereens like the others. Do you think you are capable of using such a weapon?” Fieluri mocked him. “Sir. Neäir, Sir!” A voice called out from the front of the caravan. Airen recognized the man that came running as one of those that asked for his help. Out of breath, he stood in front of Airen and heaved and coughed a few times before he could actually speak. “We’re right in front of the checkpoint, but there’s nobody there to greet us. The guards are gone, and half of the lamps aren’t lit. Would you mind taking a look first?” “Sure.” Neäir replied, to Airen’s dismay. He was feeling much less confident without *Noxla* in his hands and he was rather afraid of whatever Fieluri might make him do and call ‘training’. “There’s nothing around. Don’t be so tense.” Fieluri scolded Airen as he ducked from shadow to shadow in the barely illuminated League of Adventurer’s camp. “There’s blood on the ground everywhere, but there’s no bodies, and you’re telling me that’s not creepy at all?” Airen tensed up he peeked into dungeon room, only to find nothing amiss inside except the lack of people. The lines of cots were in disarray, with blankets and pillows all over the ground. “If you’re looking for the living, then they’re holed up in that storage room over there.” Fieluri yawned and tossed away a bloodied sword she had picked up. Airen glanced at where she pointed, and started to make his way over, his bone spear at the ready and Dir Sayf ready to spring at a moments notice. Breathing in, he peeked around the corner only to drop his weapon in shock. “...I did say you had trials ahead.” Fieluri murmured quietly as Airen stared at a wooden sign with words of blood written upon it. *I await you on the floors below.* *-Jourmind*
{ "title": "Gods Wish In Disguise", "id": 21538, "author": "Titan1", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2: A strange voice", "id": 305700, "next": null, "prev": 305542, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3MDhjNThjOTAxOTRkMmY4NmUzYzE4NDBmODNlOTIz">Wait, what's happening, so much information is flowing into my head.<br>0.01864764267!<br>What is going on?</p> <p class="cnMxODhiOTI1OTdlNTQwYWQ5Yjk4ZTVmZjhkNGRhY2I0">&gt;God, do you want to know about all this?<br>Said a girly strange voice<br>Who said that? - Ryan</p> <p class="cnMzY2FmMDU4MmY4MjQ2OWI5ODdkNDE0MWQ1NTIyYzc2">&gt;Me<br>No, I meant "Who," said that? - Ryan<br>&gt;Don't you remember me? it's me, Levy</p> <p class="cnNjMjIzOWM2ZTI2NDQyYzM5ZDRmMTg3OTIyMWVjOTVk">Huh? - Ryan thoughts<br>&gt;Oh, you don't. Too bad, here's all your memories.<br>I heard Levy say that and a second later, my heart started racing and my mind exploded into thoughts</p> <p class="cnNiYjg4ZmZiY2QxZTRjNDk5N2M0NWY3YTk1ZDU1ZjI0">It was like a theatre with a custom movie. I watched the whole thing like I was on a date and suddenly, for no reason started to go into an identity crisis.</p> <p class="cnNiZjlmMjI3MjljNzQ5Y2E4YWRlYTdmYjYyZGE5MjE4">(Skip this part if you don't want to know), Who am I? Who are my mother and father? Why do I exist? Why did this happen?</p> <p class="cnM4MjljMDY0MTQwYjQzZTBhOGQ0NmIzYmY0Zjc1Mjcw">And all of a sudden I heard a low calm voice in my head that said,</p>"You are god" - Levy<br>It was like a calm wind brushing against my cheeks, it was very pleasant.<p></p> <p class="cnM3ZDRmNDM2MzQ4MjRjN2ZiNDQ5MWU4ZThmYWUwZmU5">I thought if I'm god, then who is Levy?<br>I'm your creation - Levy<br>So, if you're my creation, what is your purpose? - thought</p> <p class="cnNhMWEzN2VkNmJhZDQ5OGViNmEzYjIwYjBmNzVkNThi">To make your wish come true, while in your human form - Levy<br>Wow, then I wish for the test to be over, and I get full marks on it - thought<br>As expected I heard a loud voice in the classroom.</p> <p class="cnNmNmYwYjU2ZjI5ODRlNWQ5ZGYwNmEyMDI3YjJmNTNl">Class Dismissed - Teacher<br>Wow, that was truly amazing, even though it was expected - thought<br>No problem - Levy</p> <p class="cnNlMmZkMjZmOTQ0MDRkZjc4ZTRlNWU4NTJkMjM3YTJl">Now then, shall we experiment a little? - thought<br>Yes, if that is your desire - Levy<br>Then can you give me a pen and paper? - thought</p> <p class="cnNjMDQ2ZWE0NzQ5OTQzMDRhODA2MGNkNDVlNTc4MDMz">Here you go, sir - Levy<br>Thanks, ill make a list of what I want - thought<br>This is hard but bear with me - thought</p> <p class="cnMzYjY5YjQzMjMyNzQ3YjI5YjhiZWIxMzhkNjRiNWMw">List;<br>*Menu ability like in those novels, + customize myself,(literally anything)<br>*Credit card with no limits (infinite cash)</p> <p class="cnM2OGFjYTIxM2I2ZjRkZDdhNzUyYjVmMzdiMDczNWMx">It's a little small, but its still alright, right? - thought<br>No, of course, its okay - Levy<br>I heard someone snap their fingers and immediately after that I felt a soaring power flowing through me.</p> <p class="cnNmZjkxNTIwMzkzNDRjN2I4ZWM0ZGFkYzIyNjQ0MDU0">I felt something in my pocket but ignored it because I knew what it was.<br>After, something appeared in front of me.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGNkM2JhYjhjYTRiYjc5YjIyYTNmZGI2ZjQ5NDU3"><img src="" alt="TeeHee" width="740" height="409"></p> <p class="cnNiZjM3Yjg4MWExNzQ3N2Y4NDUyMjBjZDM3NzhiMmYz">Wow, she wasn't lying, I said as I looked at it.<br>I better max luck and intelligence, I thought and it instantly rose to infinite.<br>That's some stuff right there.&nbsp;</p> </div>
Wait, what's happening, so much information is flowing into my head. 0.01864764267! What is going on? >God, do you want to know about all this? Said a girly strange voice Who said that? - Ryan >Me No, I meant "Who," said that? - Ryan >Don't you remember me? it's me, Levy Huh? - Ryan thoughts >Oh, you don't. Too bad, here's all your memories. I heard Levy say that and a second later, my heart started racing and my mind exploded into thoughts It was like a theatre with a custom movie. I watched the whole thing like I was on a date and suddenly, for no reason started to go into an identity crisis. (Skip this part if you don't want to know), Who am I? Who are my mother and father? Why do I exist? Why did this happen? And all of a sudden I heard a low calm voice in my head that said, "You are god" - Levy It was like a calm wind brushing against my cheeks, it was very pleasant. I thought if I'm god, then who is Levy? I'm your creation - Levy So, if you're my creation, what is your purpose? - thought To make your wish come true, while in your human form - Levy Wow, then I wish for the test to be over, and I get full marks on it - thought As expected I heard a loud voice in the classroom. Class Dismissed - Teacher Wow, that was truly amazing, even though it was expected - thought No problem - Levy Now then, shall we experiment a little? - thought Yes, if that is your desire - Levy Then can you give me a pen and paper? - thought Here you go, sir - Levy Thanks, ill make a list of what I want - thought This is hard but bear with me - thought List; *Menu ability like in those novels, + customize myself,(literally anything) *Credit card with no limits (infinite cash) It's a little small, but its still alright, right? - thought No, of course, its okay - Levy I heard someone snap their fingers and immediately after that I felt a soaring power flowing through me. I felt something in my pocket but ignored it because I knew what it was. After, something appeared in front of me. ![TeeHee]( Wow, she wasn't lying, I said as I looked at it. I better max luck and intelligence, I thought and it instantly rose to infinite. That's some stuff right there.
{ "title": "Anathema of the Eldritch [DROPPED (sadly)]", "id": 19529, "author": "Bobo112000", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8", "id": 305698, "next": 305968, "prev": 303884, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h1>Chapter 8</h1> <p class="cnNlM2FhOWZkOTQ4YzRiMTBiODFjOWQ0N2RiNWU4YmYw">Daelyn spent the following morning reading through the little booklet, making out individual words and short sentences, yet never really grasping the message behind the assortment of odd scribbles and barely readable symbols. The texts served more to confuse the little boy than teach him, as the absence of any form of visual representation or a description for one of the many idioms scattered throughout each page of the child-sized tome did little more than confuse Daelyn.</p> <p class="cnM4MDc1MTI0NGE0NDQ3ZmI5Mjk1ZDI0MTlmMmJiODMw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He had spent the morning trying to decipher the first few pages of the little booklet which turned about to be a medium sized tome, as the number of pages contained in the thing seemed incongruous with its size. Nevertheless, Daelyn had tried again and again to plough through the indecipherable texts, yet both <em>he</em> and <em>it</em> failed in making any headway through the wall of symbols, scribbles, and characters which resembled drawings more than letters.</p> <p class="cnM5NTNjODZhMDljZDQ1YWM5M2UzZGFlZjRkZjU3NDgz">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The morning had started as usual for the Theandor family, with both Lyvia and Grey waking shortly after each other, mostly due to their little game of poking their sleeping partner. Grey had the privilege of finally catching Lyvia off guard after at least a week of waking under a barrage of poking fingers and hands that were a little too invasive. His revenge was sweet yet short lived, as his lovely wife tackled him to the floor within moments of his victory, draining both herself and her partner of any drowsiness and waking little Daelyn.</p> <p class="cnMxZjExNWZiZWJjZjRmOGJiNjM0NzFkMDFmY2Q2YWY2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The couple had split off during the morning, both hiding away in their own little part of the house. Lyvia kept to herself in the locked room, while Grey simply commenced the task of trying to complete an incremental amount of his workload. The focus of both parents on their respective trades left their offspring free to do as they please.</p> <p class="cnNlMmE2MzM2ZDZlNjQ4N2Q4NmI4NjQ3MjJhNmUwYzY4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Daelyn had quickly left bed after Grey and Lyvia’s little scuffle, grabbing the notebook Tanner had given him and sitting down in his own little room, away from the prying eyes of his parents. The little boy had done everything in his childish mind to hide Tanner’s gift. His thoughts were conflicted, as he wished to retain the knowledge in the tome, yet he could hardly bear the thought of lying and deceiving his parents.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDVjMDcxNWIzODQzYzg5MmEzZDAxZjQzZGRjNzU5"><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ‘I’m sure they’ll take it away. It came from mister Anatoly, and mom doesn’t seem to like her.’</em></p> <p class="cnNhNThkMDlmM2M4YTQ0ZTVhNjU5MmUzMGQ5ZjhhMGU5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Luckily, Daelyn wasn’t alone in his plight, nor was he in his enthusiasm.</p> <p class="cnNkYjIxOWE3N2I2ZTRjZTQ5MzI0MjA3YTkwODNhNjM2"><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ‘Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I knew that old man would have something interesting! Finally, a chance to read whatever this world is about!</em>’, <em>He</em> stared through the translucent orbs and into the world of colours beyond, where the beige pages of paper lay there for both of them, unwavering in their inability to be understood and unrelenting in the harrying assault it brought to their collective psyche as the duo tried to regardless.</p> <p class="cnM0YmE4NzlhZWM2NzRiN2VhZDIxMWE5NzE3OGFlN2Rh"><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ‘Well, crap.’</em></p> <p class="cnM2Zjc4NDhjYzE5YzQ3MjA4OWQ0Y2VmYTdlMDhjYTVk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The morning continued with this same sentiment, as the two inhabitants of the same body could help only themselves in reaching an understanding regarding the odd texts. Their plight was theirs and theirs alone, as no outside help could be called in.</p> <p class="cnM3NmFmNDBmOTZiMjQ0MWE5ZGUxNjY3Y2Q2OTg3YWJm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Their musings, rumblings, and simple abandonment at times of the subject matter was suddenly interrupted, as a cry of anguish followed by a waterfall of sobs rang throughout the little cottage. The sound originated from the downstairs atelier, where the muffled sound of a slightly panicked Grey could be heard from. The sound was quickly followed by hurried steps towards the living room, which in turn was accompanied by the violent slamming of a wooden door, before Lyvia joined Grey in his panicking.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTBkZjBlNDljZjQxNmFiOTY3NTBlMjQzZDc0ZWVi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Daelyn slowly got up after listening for a few more minutes, silently hoping that the noise would go away, and he would be able to read through the book in peace. Alas, it was not meant to be so. He walked towards the living room, peering through the doorframe into the living room.</p> <p class="cnNlNmFjZTI4YzNiZjRlNTJiNDU2NDIzOWRkMzRmMGUy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Celeria sat there crying like a child. She was unable to form a coherent sentence, as each word came between wheezed breaths. The momentary realisation of her inability to speak only deepened her grief, as another shriek reverberated through the small room. Daelyn covered his ears at this banshee like shriek, which gave him the time to observe Celeria’s state.</p> <p class="cnMxZjEwOGU5MmI2MzQ4MjBiOTEyZTQ3MDU0YjU3NjBi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The poor woman covered in small bruises and cuts on her clothes. She had most likely travelled here by foot on the forest floor in the quickest pace she could manage.</p> <p class="cnM3YWQ0ZTk2OTFlNjQ5MjdiNDg4YmE2MzU2Y2EwNDRi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Lyvia”, she said between stammers, “T-they are g-going t-to take Dal away!”, the woman cried out, leaping into her friend’s arms.</p> <p class="cnNmNmQ4MDYyMWNlMDQzMzk5YWNiMzM0ODNjYmJjZDhl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “What do you mean Dalarius is going away? Who are ‘they’?”</p> <p class="cnNlNWFkMmVhZDc2ODRkNzhhZmMyOGMxM2UxMjA3NGY3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “The draft! The draft! He’s been drafted! All members of the guard have been mobilised!”</p> <p class="cnM1M2M5MzhhZjNkYTQ4NjViODI0YTRmMjY1MzcwMTM3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Mobilised? For what?!”<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “T- the frontline! D-Dalarius is going to fight at the eastern border!”, Celeria said in between sobs. The poor woman could hardly be comforted when her beloved was off to the battlefield, fighting in a war of survival for his nation, while his own was at stake.</p> <p class="cnNmOTM2ZGVjMTg0ZjQyYTFiMjlmNDAyNDFmZGE1ZDc2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The two standing over her could give her little solace, as all knew the stories of the frontline, and all knew that few returned from such a meatgrinder. Even the famed Dynn Doriàn and their physical prowess saved them from an inevitable demise by the hands of a horde of enemies. The quality of their troops was top notch, yet the enemy had quantity that far outmatched theirs, resulting in a stalemate of gore and casualties.</p> <p class="cnNhMDMzNDMzZDBlYjRiN2FiOTU0NzY5MGQxYjA2OGM1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “How do you know this? There must be some kind of mistake, right?! Who the hell authorised this?!”, Lyvia shouted. She was about to spit fire, her frustration lighting up like a bonfire.</p> <p class="cnM3NTg1ZTczZjIwYzQyNjVhOTUyMDg1OTYwNTVhMWM3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “T-the council of seven did.”, Celeria’s defeated voice rang through the living room, silencing all the commotion in both their hearts and minds. The highest power in the kingdom had decreed for her husband to travel halfway across the nation to fight on a front where there was little but blighted land.</p> <p class="cnM2MTE2ODBjZjcwZjQyMTc4NTY3Y2M2OTc4OTIyN2Ri">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The trio turned quiet, ruminating on what to do. Celeria simply stared out into the distance, nothing entering nor leaving her mind, just an empty void of thought.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjEzYzlhOTFiYjQ0OGFhY2E3NDMxY2Y5NDI2OGRi"><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ‘What the hell is going on?! A draft?! For Eleanor’s sake, we’re already stretched thing! How in the hell do they expect us to deliver any produce?! The farm workers are already working overtime just to keep the fields from growing over, never mind the goddamned monster infestations! Who in the hell is going to clear those out now that the guards are gone?!’, </em>Lyvia’s temperament started to boil.</p> <p class="cnNkOThjNWQ4YWU4YzQyOTg4ZTllNGI5ODQzNTMxM2I3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Her frustrations reached a breaking point, edging her towards rushing to the village manor and giving Elrieden a piece of her mind. A tug on her leg shifted her attention away, and quickly melted any frustration she had.</p> <p class="cnM3YmE2NTBmNmM2NjQ1NDc4ZmFlZWI4OWUxMWNlMDY2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Daelyn was staring up at his mother with curious and slightly concerned eyes.</p> <p class="cnM5MWE3NTg0YTI5ODQzZTZiMmM5MTYxMDE2ZjI2MTI2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Mom, what’s going on? Why is she crying?”, the little boy sweetly asked.</p> <p class="cnNiODU2ZDlhYzQ5YTRjZTY4NDlmN2VjZjBiYzRiNzVk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lyvia smiled at her son, patting his head. She shifted her position to let Celeria rest on her shoulder while they sat the ground, cradling her like an overgrown child.</p> <p class="cnNiOWE1NmEyN2RlZTQ3ZWFiMGFjNmY1M2IxNDRkY2Fh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “A few things have happened, sweaty. Adult things, things you shouldn’t worry about, okay?”, Lyvia held a faux smile in an attempt to sweet talk her own son.</p> <p class="cnNhNjc1YTVmZTQzMTRlYzZiM2JhNmJjYTBiMTA2Mjg3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Daelyn simply nodded, trotting off towards Grey who was preparing breakfast for the family and their new visitor. The little boy disappeared behind his mother’s back, followed by Celeria’s gaze as she recognised that clumsy step, reminding her of her own daughters.</p> <p class="cnMyNWMzZTQ2ZGU4MDQyMzM4ZGQ0NTU5ODg3MzBiMWFj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lyvia pulled her out of her lucid dreaming.</p> <p class="cnNiMDU1MGJkMjlhZDQ4YzhhYTY0MmU3YzkwYzhkOThj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Cel, I know that it’s hard, but you need to tell me everything you know. I need every detail you have, understood?”, her friend quietly nodded, “Good. Now, did only the guards get drafted, or will there be more?”</p> <p class="cnM0MDIzOWFhMjk4ZTRmZDM4ZDA3MWE4YjI5YjUyZjUx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “I don’t know.”</p> <p class="cnNkMTkzOTc4YjFmNDRlNjg5MmU3NzA0ZTVhZjJiYTYx">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Do you know when they’re leaving?”</p> <p class="cnMxYjMxMDlmNzllZTQyNjBiZjZhMDA5Y2Q5OWE3MTFh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Today.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWIxOWY0OGVjMzQzODVhNjVhNTZjN2EzYTljMWEy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Do you- wait, what do you mean ‘today’?”</p> <p class="cnM4OTcyYzMyZjJiYTQ1ZmRiNDFhNmI3MjBmYmRiYzZl">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “They’re leaving today. Elrieden will hold a feast for their leave in the afternoon, but they’re gone by nightfall.”</p> <p class="cnMzZDQ4NGY4ODc0NTQ4ODVhOWY5YThiZDc5MjdiNWIw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “That helps Cel. Now, we’re going to do a few things, okay? First, you’re going to go home and get your girls. Secondly, we’re going to eat lunch together. Thirdly, we’re going to the village manor and see what we can do. Elrieden isn’t a lich, so he must be able to show some compassion and help, right?”, Lyvia’s attempt at comforting Celeria succeeded, causing the previously downtrodden woman to cast a new light on the situation, creating a spark of hope for her.</p> <p class="cnMzODliMmMyZWJlOTQwNmJhZDhiYThhZWE2ZDA5NjA5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “You’re right. Yes, you’re right! We can do something against this!”</p> <p class="cnNlMzRhYWE2NGU1ZTQ1NWJhMDljMTFlYjA1OGU5ZmNm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “But first, lunch.”</p> <p class="cnM5MmVkMDkyNGIwMjQ2MTM5YTExNzExYzI3MmY3YmIw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go get the girls, shouldn’t take that long. Hope you have enough food for three more mouths!”, Celeria’s previously depressed face lighted up like a candle, regaining its usual vigour and robustness. She rushed off, speeding through the doorway and out into the open like an arrow being released from a bow.</p> <p class="cnM2NWEyMjEwNjBlYzRhNjM4ZjIwNDhlZTcyYjFmMjBm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Theandor family was left with a nasty feeling, as they had seen the sudden vigour induced by the slightest hope of redemption in Celeria spring up like an infection. The sight of their lifelong friend being destroyed by the forces which reigned over them in this mortal plane were devastating, as it was hard to even realise what was happening.</p> <p class="cnM0MjAwYTY4ODEyMDQ2NDg5OGE4Yjg3Mjc0Yjk4NzA1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; They spent several minutes in silence, contemplating the change in stance their lords had undertaken.</p> <p class="cnM5YTczYTYwYWJjZDQ2ZDFhYjIzMGYxNTcxNDk4NDU0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The realisation that they weren’t alone in this was both horrifying and incomprehensible, as each village would be suffering the loss of their most trusted and trained security force, their guard regiment. The thought that all over the nation, the people of Eleanor would have to fend for themselves once again was both intriguing and concerning.</p> <p class="cnMwOGM4M2QzODIxODQzMjc4MjlhZjU1MmYwYTVmMGMy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Some would see this as an improvement, a testament to the strength of the nation or the strength of the individual depending on the person you asked. There would be those that would gladly leave their home to fight for the nation, those that would see their local guards off with a smile on their face, yet there would be many, many that would observe these changes with fear. Those who feared the changes saw an unstable nation and a whole host of weakened and unprotected villages, endangering the major food source and their lives in the process.</p> <p class="cnMzMTE5ZjgxZTJiZjRiNDliY2NlNGRkYmVjNTkzNDEy">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; These thoughts of unrest coursed through their minds, yet they left worrying for the future. They had a very simple goal now, and that was making a good lunch.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmJhOGU0ZWY1MjRkMWJhN2ZjNTRmMmZiMjhkZWQ5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Dear, can you get some extra mushrooms, maybe some nuts? I don’t know if I have enough for three extra mouths today.”, Grey sat on one of the kitchen chairs, speaking only after having spent several minutes staring blankly at the wall opposite of him. He looked towards Lyvia, who was absentmindedly stroking Daelyn’s hair. Her eyes were glued to the open window, observing the little birds fluttering from branch to branch, calling out to each other at each opportunity. Her lips mimicked the little sounds, touting as the high tones of the birds could only be done through a whistle.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTY4YTU2ZDllNDQ0OWM5NmUxODdjNTNiM2RmODVm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The soft whistling silenced the room. Grey simply watched this surreal picture, as Lyvia seemed more like a hummingbird dryad, guiding a lost traveller towards the road or their death with sweet songs of simple melodies. The serene sight of his little family emptied Grey’s mind, allowing him only to observe this little oasis of tranquillity in the middle of a nationwide storm.</p> <p class="cnNiOTY0ZTYzNTZlMzQzMGQ5MjZjZDJkYzgyNTc2OGYw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lyvia’s slow whistling was silenced by a rustle of leaves and a muffled shriek, followed by a long silence. The cheerful whistling of the little birds had been silenced by a large predator. The brown feathered thing had a wingspan of close to half a metre, preying on the relatively small and insignificant hummingbirds only because it couldn’t catch anything larger than that, as even the local voles could become too big to swallow.</p> <p class="cnM3MTMxYmY1YTRhYzQwZTU5ZWIzNmQyMzZhNGMyNTBj">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The dreary sight of blood had shattered the illusion of tranquillity and brought on the weight of the situation at hand. Lyvia and Grey both stood up, intent on completing the simple task at hand without any more impediments.</p> <p class="cnM2YTMwNzY3OTE4NzQyNDg4MGYzYTRlZDQxOTk1ODRm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Grey hurried to the kitchen, while Lyvia disappeared down the steps and into the woods. Their respective tasks once again let Daelyn to his own, allowing the little boy to continue cracking his head over the long and undecipherable texts, doing little but to add to his frustration and confusion.</p> <p class="cnNlODVmYzE2NGZhYTRlMjM5OGFkYjg5MDVkMDllYmU1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Vitafius didn’t make anyone wait, as they arrived shortly after Lyvia and Grey had finished the lunch, giving the couple only seconds before they welcomed a smiling mother and two confused yet cheerful children.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmFlMWFkMTBiNDRmNjg4ZmUwMTcwNzlkYTBlZDM4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The sight of both Ayda and Anna being their usual selves surprised Lyvia and Grey, as it hadn’t been the first time they had seen a family be separated through brute force, yet they had rarely seen a smiling or cheerful child on such an occasion. Lyvia and Grey shared a glance, both realising the same thing.</p> <p class="cnM0YjM0NmI1ZmJkODRmZDJiZjE4ZWYwNzkxMjdiYjlk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In such a situation, either they didn’t know, or they didn’t care. Both Grey and Lyvia couldn’t fathom the latter option, so they stuck to their façade, smiling as they welcomed the little family with a warm lunch and open arms. They quietly sat down, starting conversation about small and insignificant topics while ignoring the elephant in the room for the children’s sake. The food was consumed at a relative pace, allowing for more small talk until all was finished. Now, all three parents realized their next stop would be the village, as there was only where they could say goodbye to Dalarius and voice their complaints to Elrieden.</p> <p class="cnM2MjRjYTg2Mzc0MzQ2YmY4ZTc0OGRjNzRhZTM1MjAw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Lyvia, are you and Grey going to the little assembly Elrieden is holding tonight? I heard there would be a buffet?”, Celeria’s attempt at masking the situation was childlike. Luckily, she needn’t have done more.</p> <p class="cnNmNjhlZDY5NzhjNTQ4MGY4ZGI0NDMxMjc5MjgwMTll">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Yes, it would be fun to attend. I heard it’s something about honouring the guard regiment.”, Lyvia joined in on the façade in the same childlike manner Celeria did, fooling only the children in front of them.</p> <p class="cnNkNjEwNDNlMDQyOTQxOGViMjRmNGQ2MWJjNjAyMGY4">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Grey had to fight the urge to rub his eyes in frustration, yet he just kept on smiling. The internal screams of exasperation were outweighed by the thought that these children were about to lose their father one way or another, so he might as well leave them in their naïve bliss.</p> <p class="cnNiYjk0ZTRlNzdmMDRiM2E4ZjRiODc4MTgwN2Q1NzE5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Grey helped the little trio prepare with that thought in mind, organising the little seemingly innocuous trip to the village. They had a double agenda in going to the village, yet Grey hoped that they wouldn’t be lost in trying to reverse what has already been done. He knew Lyvia’s brashness and he had seen the spark of hope in Celeria’s eyes, yet he knew the powers operating from the capital too well to think that they would change their mind now.</p> <p class="cnMxMjkwZWNjNTdmODQ1ZGM4MmEyZGYyMTcwOTNhM2Rk">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The threshold to the house was quickly crossed, and the little troupe set off towards the village. The three children were hoisted up on their parents’ shoulders or cradled like an infant in Anna’s case. The little girl was far too shy to be sitting on her mother’s shoulder. However, she enjoyed the sight just as much as both Daelyn and Ayda did, marvelling at both the canopy high up in the sky and the forest floor around them.</p> <p class="cnM1MjQwMjBkYWQxOTQ1NWE4MDZlZTdiZmJmNzk5MDE1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The forest of Eleanor was a peculiar place, as the low amount of light would normally mean that little but moss would grow below the canopy, yet the forest floor was littered with all sorts of plants, covering the ground in all sorts of plants which had no business being there. This odd phenomenon of unrestrained growth resulted in a beautiful yet slightly disconcerting forest filled with all kinds of flora, from colourful flowers to venomous plants, coated in a shadow in which they should not be able to survive. The forest gave off a feeling of cold beauty, something to be observed yet not touched, as any meddlers would most likely receive what hides in the darkness beneath the dense wall of flora.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTZmZWNmZDVhNTRjMDliMzIxNzBkYjAwOWYwMGJm">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; However, nothing showed itself today. The forest was awfully quiet, as even the small birds which normally pervaded the woods remained silent. The mating calls of the hummingbirds, the low growl of a predator, or the rustling of leaves could only be heard in the distance, muffled by the wall of flora.</p> <p class="cnNjMWUwOGE0YmM1ZjRkNjQ4NWViYjBiOTQxNjkyYmMw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The only sound that slowly seeped through the thick foliage was a muffled thumping, resounding through the forest like a monster was crushing the ground beneath it. It happened again, and again, and again, washing over the little troupe each time with a slight increase in volume. The odd sound made Lyvia fear for the worst, as it was awfully like that of a certain creature she would rather not encounter. The family continued on regardless, mostly ignoring the increasingly loud noise. The sound went on and on, slowly encroaching on the family, until it abruptly stopped.</p> <p class="cnM0Njg1NzY4YjUwODQ1MzdiNDYxMGM5MzU3NjYwODAw">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lyvia put balled her fist and put it up in the air, signalling for everyone to stop. They listened carefully, hoping their silence would reveal something. A muffled noise came from the direction of the village, it was vaguely similar to that of a person shouting. A loud war cry resounded from the same direction, quickly followed by a splintering of the earlier noise as it seemed like a herd of centaurs broke out into a mad charge towards the village.</p> <p class="cnNhODE5YWVlMGJjMDRjMzdhMzkwMDE3MTA4MTNjZTFh">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The group slowed pace after that, slowly encroaching on the village. They circled around the closest gate in a bid to avoid whatever made that noise, but as they got a clear view of the village, they realised such a thing was unnecessary.</p> <p class="cnM4YjQ5NWVkYzE3NjQ0NGViZTJhMzg5ZTFkNjFkM2Vi">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The southern gate was open, with no corpses strew about, no fires to be put out, and, disturbingly, no guards to keep out any unwanted visitors. The place was simply abandoned, yet the streets beyond were filled with noise. The trees surrounding the village were filled with thick branches with many of them overgrown with leaves, giving the village a natural defence against anyone trying to scry information from the small village, yet these obstructed any view the little group could have, resulting in them only being able to observe the situation through sound.</p> <p class="cnM1M2YwNjE0YTI5ODQ4OGU5MTU2ZTE1ZjZkMDliZDU5">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The situation was clear to Lyvia, Grey and Celeria despite what little tools they were given for observation. The village itself wasn’t in danger, yet Elrieden most likely was, as instead of a horde of goblins or a stampede of centaurs, an angry mob of locals had gathered and were administering due punishment to the village hall, regardless of those inside.</p> </div>
Chapter 8 ========= Daelyn spent the following morning reading through the little booklet, making out individual words and short sentences, yet never really grasping the message behind the assortment of odd scribbles and barely readable symbols. The texts served more to confuse the little boy than teach him, as the absence of any form of visual representation or a description for one of the many idioms scattered throughout each page of the child-sized tome did little more than confuse Daelyn.                 He had spent the morning trying to decipher the first few pages of the little booklet which turned about to be a medium sized tome, as the number of pages contained in the thing seemed incongruous with its size. Nevertheless, Daelyn had tried again and again to plough through the indecipherable texts, yet both *he* and *it* failed in making any headway through the wall of symbols, scribbles, and characters which resembled drawings more than letters.                 The morning had started as usual for the Theandor family, with both Lyvia and Grey waking shortly after each other, mostly due to their little game of poking their sleeping partner. Grey had the privilege of finally catching Lyvia off guard after at least a week of waking under a barrage of poking fingers and hands that were a little too invasive. His revenge was sweet yet short lived, as his lovely wife tackled him to the floor within moments of his victory, draining both herself and her partner of any drowsiness and waking little Daelyn.                 The couple had split off during the morning, both hiding away in their own little part of the house. Lyvia kept to herself in the locked room, while Grey simply commenced the task of trying to complete an incremental amount of his workload. The focus of both parents on their respective trades left their offspring free to do as they please.                 Daelyn had quickly left bed after Grey and Lyvia’s little scuffle, grabbing the notebook Tanner had given him and sitting down in his own little room, away from the prying eyes of his parents. The little boy had done everything in his childish mind to hide Tanner’s gift. His thoughts were conflicted, as he wished to retain the knowledge in the tome, yet he could hardly bear the thought of lying and deceiving his parents. *‘I’m sure they’ll take it away. It came from mister Anatoly, and mom doesn’t seem to like her.’*                 Luckily, Daelyn wasn’t alone in his plight, nor was he in his enthusiasm. *‘Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I knew that old man would have something interesting! Finally, a chance to read whatever this world is about!*’, *He* stared through the translucent orbs and into the world of colours beyond, where the beige pages of paper lay there for both of them, unwavering in their inability to be understood and unrelenting in the harrying assault it brought to their collective psyche as the duo tried to regardless. *‘Well, crap.’*                 The morning continued with this same sentiment, as the two inhabitants of the same body could help only themselves in reaching an understanding regarding the odd texts. Their plight was theirs and theirs alone, as no outside help could be called in.                 Their musings, rumblings, and simple abandonment at times of the subject matter was suddenly interrupted, as a cry of anguish followed by a waterfall of sobs rang throughout the little cottage. The sound originated from the downstairs atelier, where the muffled sound of a slightly panicked Grey could be heard from. The sound was quickly followed by hurried steps towards the living room, which in turn was accompanied by the violent slamming of a wooden door, before Lyvia joined Grey in his panicking.                 Daelyn slowly got up after listening for a few more minutes, silently hoping that the noise would go away, and he would be able to read through the book in peace. Alas, it was not meant to be so. He walked towards the living room, peering through the doorframe into the living room.                 Celeria sat there crying like a child. She was unable to form a coherent sentence, as each word came between wheezed breaths. The momentary realisation of her inability to speak only deepened her grief, as another shriek reverberated through the small room. Daelyn covered his ears at this banshee like shriek, which gave him the time to observe Celeria’s state.                 The poor woman covered in small bruises and cuts on her clothes. She had most likely travelled here by foot on the forest floor in the quickest pace she could manage.                 “Lyvia”, she said between stammers, “T-they are g-going t-to take Dal away!”, the woman cried out, leaping into her friend’s arms.                 “What do you mean Dalarius is going away? Who are ‘they’?”                 “The draft! The draft! He’s been drafted! All members of the guard have been mobilised!”                 “Mobilised? For what?!”                 “T- the frontline! D-Dalarius is going to fight at the eastern border!”, Celeria said in between sobs. The poor woman could hardly be comforted when her beloved was off to the battlefield, fighting in a war of survival for his nation, while his own was at stake.                 The two standing over her could give her little solace, as all knew the stories of the frontline, and all knew that few returned from such a meatgrinder. Even the famed Dynn Doriàn and their physical prowess saved them from an inevitable demise by the hands of a horde of enemies. The quality of their troops was top notch, yet the enemy had quantity that far outmatched theirs, resulting in a stalemate of gore and casualties.                 “How do you know this? There must be some kind of mistake, right?! Who the hell authorised this?!”, Lyvia shouted. She was about to spit fire, her frustration lighting up like a bonfire.                 “T-the council of seven did.”, Celeria’s defeated voice rang through the living room, silencing all the commotion in both their hearts and minds. The highest power in the kingdom had decreed for her husband to travel halfway across the nation to fight on a front where there was little but blighted land.                 The trio turned quiet, ruminating on what to do. Celeria simply stared out into the distance, nothing entering nor leaving her mind, just an empty void of thought. *‘What the hell is going on?! A draft?! For Eleanor’s sake, we’re already stretched thing! How in the hell do they expect us to deliver any produce?! The farm workers are already working overtime just to keep the fields from growing over, never mind the goddamned monster infestations! Who in the hell is going to clear those out now that the guards are gone?!’,* Lyvia’s temperament started to boil.                 Her frustrations reached a breaking point, edging her towards rushing to the village manor and giving Elrieden a piece of her mind. A tug on her leg shifted her attention away, and quickly melted any frustration she had.                 Daelyn was staring up at his mother with curious and slightly concerned eyes.                 “Mom, what’s going on? Why is she crying?”, the little boy sweetly asked.                 Lyvia smiled at her son, patting his head. She shifted her position to let Celeria rest on her shoulder while they sat the ground, cradling her like an overgrown child.                 “A few things have happened, sweaty. Adult things, things you shouldn’t worry about, okay?”, Lyvia held a faux smile in an attempt to sweet talk her own son.                 Daelyn simply nodded, trotting off towards Grey who was preparing breakfast for the family and their new visitor. The little boy disappeared behind his mother’s back, followed by Celeria’s gaze as she recognised that clumsy step, reminding her of her own daughters.                 Lyvia pulled her out of her lucid dreaming.                 “Cel, I know that it’s hard, but you need to tell me everything you know. I need every detail you have, understood?”, her friend quietly nodded, “Good. Now, did only the guards get drafted, or will there be more?”                 “I don’t know.”                 “Do you know when they’re leaving?”                 “Today.”                 “Do you- wait, what do you mean ‘today’?”                 “They’re leaving today. Elrieden will hold a feast for their leave in the afternoon, but they’re gone by nightfall.”                 “That helps Cel. Now, we’re going to do a few things, okay? First, you’re going to go home and get your girls. Secondly, we’re going to eat lunch together. Thirdly, we’re going to the village manor and see what we can do. Elrieden isn’t a lich, so he must be able to show some compassion and help, right?”, Lyvia’s attempt at comforting Celeria succeeded, causing the previously downtrodden woman to cast a new light on the situation, creating a spark of hope for her.                 “You’re right. Yes, you’re right! We can do something against this!”                 “But first, lunch.”                 “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll go get the girls, shouldn’t take that long. Hope you have enough food for three more mouths!”, Celeria’s previously depressed face lighted up like a candle, regaining its usual vigour and robustness. She rushed off, speeding through the doorway and out into the open like an arrow being released from a bow.                 The Theandor family was left with a nasty feeling, as they had seen the sudden vigour induced by the slightest hope of redemption in Celeria spring up like an infection. The sight of their lifelong friend being destroyed by the forces which reigned over them in this mortal plane were devastating, as it was hard to even realise what was happening.                 They spent several minutes in silence, contemplating the change in stance their lords had undertaken.                 The realisation that they weren’t alone in this was both horrifying and incomprehensible, as each village would be suffering the loss of their most trusted and trained security force, their guard regiment. The thought that all over the nation, the people of Eleanor would have to fend for themselves once again was both intriguing and concerning.                 Some would see this as an improvement, a testament to the strength of the nation or the strength of the individual depending on the person you asked. There would be those that would gladly leave their home to fight for the nation, those that would see their local guards off with a smile on their face, yet there would be many, many that would observe these changes with fear. Those who feared the changes saw an unstable nation and a whole host of weakened and unprotected villages, endangering the major food source and their lives in the process.                 These thoughts of unrest coursed through their minds, yet they left worrying for the future. They had a very simple goal now, and that was making a good lunch.                 “Dear, can you get some extra mushrooms, maybe some nuts? I don’t know if I have enough for three extra mouths today.”, Grey sat on one of the kitchen chairs, speaking only after having spent several minutes staring blankly at the wall opposite of him. He looked towards Lyvia, who was absentmindedly stroking Daelyn’s hair. Her eyes were glued to the open window, observing the little birds fluttering from branch to branch, calling out to each other at each opportunity. Her lips mimicked the little sounds, touting as the high tones of the birds could only be done through a whistle.                 The soft whistling silenced the room. Grey simply watched this surreal picture, as Lyvia seemed more like a hummingbird dryad, guiding a lost traveller towards the road or their death with sweet songs of simple melodies. The serene sight of his little family emptied Grey’s mind, allowing him only to observe this little oasis of tranquillity in the middle of a nationwide storm.                 Lyvia’s slow whistling was silenced by a rustle of leaves and a muffled shriek, followed by a long silence. The cheerful whistling of the little birds had been silenced by a large predator. The brown feathered thing had a wingspan of close to half a metre, preying on the relatively small and insignificant hummingbirds only because it couldn’t catch anything larger than that, as even the local voles could become too big to swallow.                 The dreary sight of blood had shattered the illusion of tranquillity and brought on the weight of the situation at hand. Lyvia and Grey both stood up, intent on completing the simple task at hand without any more impediments.                 Grey hurried to the kitchen, while Lyvia disappeared down the steps and into the woods. Their respective tasks once again let Daelyn to his own, allowing the little boy to continue cracking his head over the long and undecipherable texts, doing little but to add to his frustration and confusion.                 The Vitafius didn’t make anyone wait, as they arrived shortly after Lyvia and Grey had finished the lunch, giving the couple only seconds before they welcomed a smiling mother and two confused yet cheerful children.                 The sight of both Ayda and Anna being their usual selves surprised Lyvia and Grey, as it hadn’t been the first time they had seen a family be separated through brute force, yet they had rarely seen a smiling or cheerful child on such an occasion. Lyvia and Grey shared a glance, both realising the same thing.                 In such a situation, either they didn’t know, or they didn’t care. Both Grey and Lyvia couldn’t fathom the latter option, so they stuck to their façade, smiling as they welcomed the little family with a warm lunch and open arms. They quietly sat down, starting conversation about small and insignificant topics while ignoring the elephant in the room for the children’s sake. The food was consumed at a relative pace, allowing for more small talk until all was finished. Now, all three parents realized their next stop would be the village, as there was only where they could say goodbye to Dalarius and voice their complaints to Elrieden.                 “Lyvia, are you and Grey going to the little assembly Elrieden is holding tonight? I heard there would be a buffet?”, Celeria’s attempt at masking the situation was childlike. Luckily, she needn’t have done more.                 “Yes, it would be fun to attend. I heard it’s something about honouring the guard regiment.”, Lyvia joined in on the façade in the same childlike manner Celeria did, fooling only the children in front of them.                 Grey had to fight the urge to rub his eyes in frustration, yet he just kept on smiling. The internal screams of exasperation were outweighed by the thought that these children were about to lose their father one way or another, so he might as well leave them in their naïve bliss.                 Grey helped the little trio prepare with that thought in mind, organising the little seemingly innocuous trip to the village. They had a double agenda in going to the village, yet Grey hoped that they wouldn’t be lost in trying to reverse what has already been done. He knew Lyvia’s brashness and he had seen the spark of hope in Celeria’s eyes, yet he knew the powers operating from the capital too well to think that they would change their mind now.                 The threshold to the house was quickly crossed, and the little troupe set off towards the village. The three children were hoisted up on their parents’ shoulders or cradled like an infant in Anna’s case. The little girl was far too shy to be sitting on her mother’s shoulder. However, she enjoyed the sight just as much as both Daelyn and Ayda did, marvelling at both the canopy high up in the sky and the forest floor around them.                 The forest of Eleanor was a peculiar place, as the low amount of light would normally mean that little but moss would grow below the canopy, yet the forest floor was littered with all sorts of plants, covering the ground in all sorts of plants which had no business being there. This odd phenomenon of unrestrained growth resulted in a beautiful yet slightly disconcerting forest filled with all kinds of flora, from colourful flowers to venomous plants, coated in a shadow in which they should not be able to survive. The forest gave off a feeling of cold beauty, something to be observed yet not touched, as any meddlers would most likely receive what hides in the darkness beneath the dense wall of flora.                 However, nothing showed itself today. The forest was awfully quiet, as even the small birds which normally pervaded the woods remained silent. The mating calls of the hummingbirds, the low growl of a predator, or the rustling of leaves could only be heard in the distance, muffled by the wall of flora.                 The only sound that slowly seeped through the thick foliage was a muffled thumping, resounding through the forest like a monster was crushing the ground beneath it. It happened again, and again, and again, washing over the little troupe each time with a slight increase in volume. The odd sound made Lyvia fear for the worst, as it was awfully like that of a certain creature she would rather not encounter. The family continued on regardless, mostly ignoring the increasingly loud noise. The sound went on and on, slowly encroaching on the family, until it abruptly stopped.                 Lyvia put balled her fist and put it up in the air, signalling for everyone to stop. They listened carefully, hoping their silence would reveal something. A muffled noise came from the direction of the village, it was vaguely similar to that of a person shouting. A loud war cry resounded from the same direction, quickly followed by a splintering of the earlier noise as it seemed like a herd of centaurs broke out into a mad charge towards the village.                 The group slowed pace after that, slowly encroaching on the village. They circled around the closest gate in a bid to avoid whatever made that noise, but as they got a clear view of the village, they realised such a thing was unnecessary.                 The southern gate was open, with no corpses strew about, no fires to be put out, and, disturbingly, no guards to keep out any unwanted visitors. The place was simply abandoned, yet the streets beyond were filled with noise. The trees surrounding the village were filled with thick branches with many of them overgrown with leaves, giving the village a natural defence against anyone trying to scry information from the small village, yet these obstructed any view the little group could have, resulting in them only being able to observe the situation through sound.                 The situation was clear to Lyvia, Grey and Celeria despite what little tools they were given for observation. The village itself wasn’t in danger, yet Elrieden most likely was, as instead of a horde of goblins or a stampede of centaurs, an angry mob of locals had gathered and were administering due punishment to the village hall, regardless of those inside.
{ "title": "Don't label me!", "id": 21423, "author": "Tsaimath", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 6", "id": 305702, "next": 305713, "prev": 305676, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4YjYxYzg4MzIwODRlM2NiMTU1NzZiN2ZmNDViMzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Someone once wrote a song about their dislike of Mondays. For me, my hated day was Thursday. No, not just because it was not Friday, but almost. No, I hated Thursdays because I had not a single STEM-lesson that day, I got stuck with a combination of World History, English, Art and PE-Class. PE was an exercise in state-sponsored torture, Art did just suck, plain and simple, as I was forced to focus on the suppression of my power, in English I was cursed with a teacher who shouldn’t be allowed to teach anything higher than Kindergarten and finally World History. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMzQwMDk3ZGY0MzQzMWI4MTVmMDA0ODc3Yzg3NGUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">World History could be taught in two ways, one good, one bad. Either, it was a pure memorisation of facts and numbers, no critical thinking, no discussion, just the facts as they are recorded in a book. That would be the bad way. The good way was a discussion, critically reasoning why things had happened and discussing the effects they had, some even carrying on until our own time. </span></p> <p class="cnNmY2FlNTJlMDY4ZDQyMTY5NWQxNDljZjVkZTFiM2Yw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sadly, our teacher was simply rambling on about facts, expecting us to memorize them and write them back down in a test. It made me want to kill, either kill myself to end my pain or kill the teacher to end the torture. Well, I did neither of those, I clenched teeth and other things and kept going, forcing myself to do passably well.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTE4ZGUzODNlZTQ4MGE5NTFhMTcyZDMxOGQ0N2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">But that Thursday, I was positively surprised.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGJkN2FlNDgyYjQyMGI5OTI3MGYyNTBkODNjZjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ok, for the rest of the lesson, I want you to start on a partner-project. Get a partner, pick one ancient historical event, any event, and discuss, from our modern point of view, what known powers could have been involved and point out the reasons for your beliefs.” Our Teacher told us, shortly after roll-call. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NDYzZjJiNGU3NzQzZmE4NjgwODZmNzA0ZTY2M2Zh"><span style="font-weight: 400">My brows scrunched by themself for multiple reasons. One was my dislike for partner and group-work. Trying to work with one of my hormone-addled classmates was an exercise in patience and often futility. I wondered if I would have more success trying to teach algebra to a dog, compared to reasoning with my classmates. Hopefully, I could avoid the partner-aspect and do my work on my own. It would save time and nerves on my end. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NmVhMmJlZjkxOTQ0N2JhNzFlMWM1M2I4MWE0ZDMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another reason was that the task was strange, especially when it came to ancient history, there was just limited knowledge. Everything we knew was suspect because it was mostly written by the winners of a conflict. How could we give sufficient reasoned arguments for anything if the information was suspect at best, propaganda at worst? </span></p> <p class="cnNmMjhiMTdmYzc4NjQxMTM5NDViNWNkZDFkYzdkODBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">There were still people that claimed that the Scourge had been created by allied forces to fight against the Germans, some claimed that it had been created to ‘salt the earth’, so the Soviets, couldn’t get a foothold. It was utter madness to present arguments for or against, let’s say, the Spartan King Leonidas having a version of the Atlas-Powerset as we called it today. Was it possible? Yes. Did we have any corroborating evidence? No.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTIzMDYzYTY0NzQ0ZDg4NDc3MjY4ODZjNzE0OWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">My rambling thoughts were interrupted by the teacher who came up with that incredibly idiotic assignment. “Alexandria, as you don’t have a partner yet, you will work with Sophia. I hope the two of you can get along.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMmYyODExMmRkMTRjZDA4MjU3ZTIwYTgwNjhmNGFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After suppressing my annoyance, my eyes went up, first looking at the teacher calmly, then shifting to that ‘Sophia’ and I had to draw upon all my mental strength to keep my calm mask in place. Ever since I had seen her at the first day of school, my eyes had followed her whenever I became aware of her. It was as if she had a magnet in her body and my eyes were made of iron. They just stuck to her, unless I forced them away.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmRmOGY1MmQ2YzQzZjhhMWJiYzEzNjY5MDJkZTIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Clamping down on all the strange thoughts, I stood, faked a smile and held out my hand for her. For half a second, she looked surprised, before shaking. “Hello Sophia. My name is Alexandria King, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlODYyMTIwMzU0MzRmNTNiNTkyNjk3YTg0NzY5MTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her touch sent a shiver into my body, unlike anything I had felt before but I managed not to flinch.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDBiMzIwMjM5ODQ0NTg4NmFkODZjYWYyMGI5OGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hi Alexandria. I’m Sophia Collins, the pleasure is all mine.” Her voice was melodic, with just the hint of an accent which I was unable to place. The movement of her lips had an almost hypnotic effect on me, so strong that the back of my mind wondered if she had some kind of Power to capture my attention to that extent. I forced my mind into other tracks, away from those lips and the question of their softness and taste. Those were questions I did not even want to think about.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWVmZjk3ZTI3YjQwODNhMWE3NjM4ZjMxNzgxNGYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you, Mr. Gruber. I’m sure we can take it from here.” I told our teacher, still forcing a polite smile onto my face. He nodded and went back to his desk, before taking out a newspaper and starting to read. So that was why he wanted that stupid partner-project.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWE0Y2Y2Mjc5NzQwYjk4ZDQxYjM3Y2E2ZTQxODY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I turned to Sophia as she got her desk over to mine, allowing us to sit together and plan our project. Normally, I would tell my partner that he or she should simply lean back, I would take care of the project and sent them the project when it was done so they could read it, just in case the teacher asked them about it. With Sophia, I felt different, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to hear her talk, no matter how much harder it made that stupid project.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTJkYWNhNmU5YjRkMmE4YmIyNjMwMjBlMzM5ZGI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, if the ‘repository of knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’ are unable to make this work, nobody should be able to, or what do you think?” Sophia asked as she sat down. It took me half a second to make the obvious connection, Alexandria, home of the legendary library and Sophia, both goddess of wisdom and Greek word meaning wisdom, making it a bad joke about our names. Points of humor, deductions for style but unquestioningly adorable- </span></p> <p class="cnM0M2I0ODMxMGU1ODQ3NDQ5NTQ0YzA1ZjhkZDBkOTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, it should not be a problem. What event do you want to discuss?” I asked, keeping my thoughts hidden behind a mask composed of a polite smile.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGY3NGNiMzFhNDRkMDQ5MmIzYTlkYzJkNzAwMGFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was using no mask, her annoyance plain to see on her face. “Well, the whole premise is retarded. How are we supposed to get any reasoned arguments with suspect information? We could simply make our arguments and then cherry-pick our sources to agree with them.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzFjZjQ4ZWVhMjQ3MDM4YTAzOTJiMWJmY2VlOWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I felt happy that her thoughts aligned with mine. Sadly, the assignment was set and we could not change it. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNGRkMmEwYjcxZjRiYTY4Nzc3OWVhNGI2Nzk3OWU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“True. Sadly, I doubt that Mr. Gruber would accept us arbitrarily changing his assignment, no matter how badly it is designed. We will simply have to pick an event that allows us a broad&nbsp;spectrum of sources and design arguments that work with them and with common sense.” I told her. Her brows furrowed, as she appeared to think it over, as I continued. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNDU0NmZiMDg0YjQ1NDk4N2QxODI5NzYwMjY5YjE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you think about the fall of the Roman Empire? We could contrast it with the decline of the French monarchy leading to the French Revolution. There are parallels we can draw and it has the advantage of inevitability. The long decline can’t really be pinned on any individual, sure Nero is supposed to have fiddled while Rome was burning but the lack of a singular, stand-out character makes it hard to attribute any Powered influence to the event. It was a simple, inevitability of history.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmUzMzg4ZWU5ZTQxODY4MjcyNTEyYjNmMjU2M2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked at me, apparently intrigued by my idea, before starting to nod with a nice smile on her face. “Yes, we can do that. There are quite a few primary sources that have survived the ages, so it should work rather well.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MmM1MmU3OTJhYjRhMTdiZTUyZmQ3NDcxNGI5MzI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">We continued our discussion, quite motivated, until the bell rang, ending it far too soon, for my taste. For the first time, I had enjoyed a History-class. After planning to get together at a later date, she suddenly vanished in the throng outside of class. I almost called out in hopes to get to know her better, but she was simply gone.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNGI2N2Y2ZmRiYTQxYWQ4MGJjNTAzNGQyNjg3ZTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The rest of the day was just as boring and wasted as an ordinary Thursday but it was a little more bearable than I was used to. Maybe, I could make a friend for once. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMWU4ZjE4ZjcyMDRmNzFiNWMzNTk5MjZiOGM2YjYy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMmRlNDk3MDk3ZDRiYzhhM2VjZTcyMmY4OTc4OWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Alas, it was not to be. We met a few times for our History-project, always at ‘neutral’ locations like the library and never talking about personal things. As soon as I tried, I was shut down skillfully and politely. When I tried to talk to her in school, she instantly had something else to do, never lingering. I tried a few times but to no effect. I soon got the message that I was not wanted once more. For the first time in a while, I felt the sting of rejection. Maybe once I was free, I could find a friend that I had not built myself. </span></p> </div>
Someone once wrote a song about their dislike of Mondays. For me, my hated day was Thursday. No, not just because it was not Friday, but almost. No, I hated Thursdays because I had not a single STEM-lesson that day, I got stuck with a combination of World History, English, Art and PE-Class. PE was an exercise in state-sponsored torture, Art did just suck, plain and simple, as I was forced to focus on the suppression of my power, in English I was cursed with a teacher who shouldn’t be allowed to teach anything higher than Kindergarten and finally World History. World History could be taught in two ways, one good, one bad. Either, it was a pure memorisation of facts and numbers, no critical thinking, no discussion, just the facts as they are recorded in a book. That would be the bad way. The good way was a discussion, critically reasoning why things had happened and discussing the effects they had, some even carrying on until our own time. Sadly, our teacher was simply rambling on about facts, expecting us to memorize them and write them back down in a test. It made me want to kill, either kill myself to end my pain or kill the teacher to end the torture. Well, I did neither of those, I clenched teeth and other things and kept going, forcing myself to do passably well. But that Thursday, I was positively surprised. “Ok, for the rest of the lesson, I want you to start on a partner-project. Get a partner, pick one ancient historical event, any event, and discuss, from our modern point of view, what known powers could have been involved and point out the reasons for your beliefs.” Our Teacher told us, shortly after roll-call. My brows scrunched by themself for multiple reasons. One was my dislike for partner and group-work. Trying to work with one of my hormone-addled classmates was an exercise in patience and often futility. I wondered if I would have more success trying to teach algebra to a dog, compared to reasoning with my classmates. Hopefully, I could avoid the partner-aspect and do my work on my own. It would save time and nerves on my end. Another reason was that the task was strange, especially when it came to ancient history, there was just limited knowledge. Everything we knew was suspect because it was mostly written by the winners of a conflict. How could we give sufficient reasoned arguments for anything if the information was suspect at best, propaganda at worst? There were still people that claimed that the Scourge had been created by allied forces to fight against the Germans, some claimed that it had been created to ‘salt the earth’, so the Soviets, couldn’t get a foothold. It was utter madness to present arguments for or against, let’s say, the Spartan King Leonidas having a version of the Atlas-Powerset as we called it today. Was it possible? Yes. Did we have any corroborating evidence? No. My rambling thoughts were interrupted by the teacher who came up with that incredibly idiotic assignment. “Alexandria, as you don’t have a partner yet, you will work with Sophia. I hope the two of you can get along.” After suppressing my annoyance, my eyes went up, first looking at the teacher calmly, then shifting to that ‘Sophia’ and I had to draw upon all my mental strength to keep my calm mask in place. Ever since I had seen her at the first day of school, my eyes had followed her whenever I became aware of her. It was as if she had a magnet in her body and my eyes were made of iron. They just stuck to her, unless I forced them away. Clamping down on all the strange thoughts, I stood, faked a smile and held out my hand for her. For half a second, she looked surprised, before shaking. “Hello Sophia. My name is Alexandria King, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Her touch sent a shiver into my body, unlike anything I had felt before but I managed not to flinch. “Hi Alexandria. I’m Sophia Collins, the pleasure is all mine.” Her voice was melodic, with just the hint of an accent which I was unable to place. The movement of her lips had an almost hypnotic effect on me, so strong that the back of my mind wondered if she had some kind of Power to capture my attention to that extent. I forced my mind into other tracks, away from those lips and the question of their softness and taste. Those were questions I did not even want to think about. “Thank you, Mr. Gruber. I’m sure we can take it from here.” I told our teacher, still forcing a polite smile onto my face. He nodded and went back to his desk, before taking out a newspaper and starting to read. So that was why he wanted that stupid partner-project. I turned to Sophia as she got her desk over to mine, allowing us to sit together and plan our project. Normally, I would tell my partner that he or she should simply lean back, I would take care of the project and sent them the project when it was done so they could read it, just in case the teacher asked them about it. With Sophia, I felt different, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to hear her talk, no matter how much harder it made that stupid project. “Well, if the ‘repository of knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’ are unable to make this work, nobody should be able to, or what do you think?” Sophia asked as she sat down. It took me half a second to make the obvious connection, Alexandria, home of the legendary library and Sophia, both goddess of wisdom and Greek word meaning wisdom, making it a bad joke about our names. Points of humor, deductions for style but unquestioningly adorable- “Yes, it should not be a problem. What event do you want to discuss?” I asked, keeping my thoughts hidden behind a mask composed of a polite smile. She was using no mask, her annoyance plain to see on her face. “Well, the whole premise is retarded. How are we supposed to get any reasoned arguments with suspect information? We could simply make our arguments and then cherry-pick our sources to agree with them.” I felt happy that her thoughts aligned with mine. Sadly, the assignment was set and we could not change it. “True. Sadly, I doubt that Mr. Gruber would accept us arbitrarily changing his assignment, no matter how badly it is designed. We will simply have to pick an event that allows us a broad spectrum of sources and design arguments that work with them and with common sense.” I told her. Her brows furrowed, as she appeared to think it over, as I continued. “What do you think about the fall of the Roman Empire? We could contrast it with the decline of the French monarchy leading to the French Revolution. There are parallels we can draw and it has the advantage of inevitability. The long decline can’t really be pinned on any individual, sure Nero is supposed to have fiddled while Rome was burning but the lack of a singular, stand-out character makes it hard to attribute any Powered influence to the event. It was a simple, inevitability of history.” She looked at me, apparently intrigued by my idea, before starting to nod with a nice smile on her face. “Yes, we can do that. There are quite a few primary sources that have survived the ages, so it should work rather well.” We continued our discussion, quite motivated, until the bell rang, ending it far too soon, for my taste. For the first time, I had enjoyed a History-class. After planning to get together at a later date, she suddenly vanished in the throng outside of class. I almost called out in hopes to get to know her better, but she was simply gone. The rest of the day was just as boring and wasted as an ordinary Thursday but it was a little more bearable than I was used to. Maybe, I could make a friend for once.   Alas, it was not to be. We met a few times for our History-project, always at ‘neutral’ locations like the library and never talking about personal things. As soon as I tried, I was shut down skillfully and politely. When I tried to talk to her in school, she instantly had something else to do, never lingering. I tried a few times but to no effect. I soon got the message that I was not wanted once more. For the first time in a while, I felt the sting of rejection. Maybe once I was free, I could find a friend that I had not built myself.
{ "title": "The Misplaced Dungeon", "id": 20177, "author": "palanca_preta", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 47", "id": 305614, "next": 305857, "prev": 305568, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4M2UyMmNiZGVjYTQ3MDY4MmQ4NWJiYzNiNGFhMjBm">The holy Anchor of Ocidon, Fiorino Stormwave woke in his office and immediately moved through his High Temple giving orders right and left as he headed to the vault situated under the altar. He opened the well hidden door and entered. Trembling he lifted the sheet and looked at the painting below. He gulped and lowered the sheet again. Yes it was as he remembered. Praise Ocidon!</p> <p class="cnMwM2I5MTQwYWIwMDQzMzA4YzMzYjNmZWE1ZGVlMjA2">Locking the vault once again he hurried to ensure that everything would be ready for the second blow in the war of the gods. It had to be strong and decisive.</p> <p class="cnNiNTMwODhiMzQyMzQwMDU5MjkwNzE4NjRjYjA0NDUx">Goran the wily, General of Ocidon’s guard was grinning fiercely, joy burning in his breast. It would seem the time was now he would be alive to see the start of the war of the gods. The High Temple of Vortexius Blackbeard would be difficult but he was sure his forces could crack it. He was only worried that his forces would be too weak to defend the temple afterward.</p> <p class="cnM1NmQ1MDZkYjE2OTRkMzliZjcxMzA5ZTI3OTQwNjQw" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnMxZWI2YTMzYjc3NDQ0Mzk4NTNjYTI5YjY5NzljODY4">Belatrix Anchor of the Deep woke in front of the altar of his temple and hurried to check <em>that</em> painting in the temple’s secret vault. It was, he had remembered right! Praise Ocidon! Then Belatrix too spat orders left and right and prepared his forces to move out.</p> <p class="cnNhN2JjYWQzZWYwNjQ0MTI4MWM3MWU2NjIyMGZhZjZh" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnNhMWRjNjdmYzkzZjRhNDBiMDhkNGUwM2RkOGE1NzIx">Meanwhile in Drakoton Harr’kardos the merchant and priest of Vortexius Blackbeard was leading his men through the streets while Lucretia’s people looted his house bare of treasures.</p> <p class="cnM2NzA2ZjJlZDFhMjRiZGI4NzE2OTFhNzVhMzNhZjUy">Certain of surprise Harr’kardos led his men, all seventy, in a charge into the temple of Ocidon. Captain Haz’asfad having been forewarned was ready but his forces were inadequate and he was slowly forced back as the priest of Vortexius used his magic to aid his men.</p> <p class="cnMzMDBiYTU4OGRkMDQ4NTY5MjQwZDdiNGFhMmNiM2Nk">It all fell apart for Harr’kardos when Captain Hunter led his thirty two marines into the back of his little army while Captain Fisher blocked any chance of escape with her people.</p> <p class="cnNmMTcxMTQyNjQ3MTQ0ZDg4MDAyYTAwZjcwYzc1YTdh">Si’Tran the high priest was allowed a visit to Ocidon’s throne room where he noted one change then he woke to fling himself sitting in one of the pews of his inner sanctum and the sounds of fighting.</p> <p class="cnMyZjU3MTVjMGQ5NTRhMWNhOWJlYTYzMzhmMzEyYTIy">Captain Haz’afsad personally removed Harr’kardos’ head from his shoulders and found himself in a quandary. The intruders were fellow worshipers but they were an organised armed band owing loyalty to another power. A power allied to his god, but...</p> <p class="cnMzMTY4MTNhMzFjMzRiOGE5ZTM0ZmQxZDUyZGZhNWM2">Then High Priest Si’Tran shocked him and with his words of welcome. What he said let him and all who heard that the prophesised war of the gods had started and that they had fought in its first skirmish.</p> <p class="cnNjNDkxZWM0NDkyODRlYWM4YTEzZDljNjlmNGYyZjY2" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnNiY2YxNjRiYTE4NjQ0MmY5YzZiZjRiOTgxYTVhMzFi">Robin and Danny with another four of their siblings were ducking in and out of the low lying clouds as they overflew the pirate fleet. Then what they had been awaiting occurred, the pirate’s air force took to the air and flew towards the islands. Mother had been right they stayed close to the ocean, flying barely high enough to be out of range of a heavy crossbow.</p> <p class="cnNhYjdhMjVlZDE0NDQ1ZWRiY2MzZjNiMWMyYzViN2Ri">They waited until they were out of sight of the fleet then following Mother’s orders they put themselves between the sun and the flying mages and dived down out of the sun, their best offensive spells ready to cast and their sea wyverns horns sparking and glowing with their accumulated charge.</p> <p class="cnNjY2ZmMDVhN2I4ZjQ4ODBiYjg2ZGE4Yjg5YWMyNjU4">They attacked in pairs, three sets of two wyverns one following the other, each pair targeting one mage and his steed.</p> <p class="cnMxMmI3YzQ5YzQxYTQ4MDZhYzRjZTRjMzhjMjRjZmQy">The only survivor of the first pass was the wyvern born mage and both were hurt, the wyvern had lost altitude and was barely skimming the surface when one of Mother’s giant sea snakes struck flashing from under the surface, its fangs cutting through the wyvern’s scales as if they didn’t exist.</p> <p class="cnNlYjMzYWRhYmY5MTQ1MDE4OTM5YzMzNGM5ZjlhMWRm">All that remained was the empty ocean.</p> <p class="cnNkZDU2YzZjMjAxMDQwZTY5OTc2NmYyZTc3NWM4ZTgy" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnMxNTI3NzU3ZmJlMTQxZTM4ZTcxNjk3M2U3MTJkNWMx">Mary lounged in her chair and smiled and shared a few words with her ‘folk as they passed and stepped through Ocidon’s gates to his scattered temples, sometimes only four but often more. The largest contingent went to the High Temple in Ocean’s Glory. She noted with interest that most of her experimental lasers went there.</p> <p class="cnNmYjc1ZDRlYWJiYjQ1YjQ5NTkxOWJhMzdhNDU4YjZj">She had a sudden thought and grinned crookedly and signalled to Captain Robin Goodfellow to stay behind with his ‘folk. Robin who had been looking forward to action somewhat reluctantly moved to stand behind Mary.</p> <p class="cnMxZDA3Y2JiODc2ZjQ4ODRhYjdlMWU3MGZmMjRjMDdi">“Oh don’t worry Robin, you’ll have your fun but I intend to send you and a few other ‘folk to burn that <em>beep</em>’s shrine in the city state of Folding Deep, make sure your laser’s charged.”</p> <p class="cnM5OTI4Y2M5MzBkMzQ1MzM4ZTZiZjEwYzhkNzYwZTRm">Captain Goodfellow grinned, relieved, “you can count on us Mother.”</p> <p class="cnM1NDdiZWVjM2NlMTQ2YzQ4MDZkMzEyYTg0NjRhZmE0">« They will need one of my priests to make it official, Faaron how would you like to accompany the nice tigers? »</p> <p class="cnNhMTJmMWVjNDFlMDQwNjE4YTAxOTFiMjAwZTgxMjU5">Faaron who had been watching the proceedings glumly while rubbing his much broken nose brightened up and eagerly volunteered to accompany the ‘nice tigers’ as he scurried to join Captain Goodfellow’s squad.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWJjOTA3NTNmMDQ0YjY5NWRkMTljZWE4NWRkODUy" style="text-align: center">* * * INTERLUDE 1 * * *</p> <p class="cnM1MjFhNTNlNmFkNzRmMWNiMTUwMWJlYzhlMzliNDhi">The vast space seemed to carpeted with clouds while the walls and ceiling were indeterminate but luminous, lounging on a grey low cloud was Mirabelarque current Chairbeing of the New Gods, on xyrs right sitting in an armchair made of snow and brushing icicles out of his long white beard was the Frost King God of Winter and the Northern and Southern Ice Fields. Also present were Azurea, Delminia, Vortexius Blackbeard, Feltax and Creevar.</p> <p class="cnNmODg2YTkyNWUyYjQ2ZGE5MDI3MzRkMTE3MjgxZGY1">“We are here to mourn the passing of our colleague Dragoor Magma Heart, god of Summer and Volcanoes who was foully slain by the gods of Diavlo for his unfortunate miscalculation while holding the post of chief god of that unfortunate world.”</p> <p class="cnM2NWY5NzUyMGQxNTRkYTI5OTVmYjljMDUyYmIzYzU2">“Well we don’t have to avenge him as those gods died with their world,” said Vortexius.</p> <p class="cnNjOTc1NjQ2YTU0ZjQwYWI5ZjFjN2FiMWNjNDlhZDM3">“Yes indeed. But Frost King you have to do something, Parthia is following the path of Fragatta. We, none of us could remain here if Parthia becomes another iceball from pole to pole,” grumbled Azurea.</p> <p class="cnM0NjhjNTg5NzBiZDQwNWY5NzA0MzJkNTc4N2RkMjg2">“Correct, and if we bugger up another world like we did Fragatta and Diavlo the High Gods are bound to take notice and we’ll all be fucked,” stated Delminia goddess of Pleasure and Lust.</p> <p class="cnM5MGNmZWM1MzFjZDQzZjlhMDZmOTg0YzRmOTE5Mzkx">“Well I just think I’ll follow Azurea’s example and grab a few beings who specialise in weather and climate change and plant them around the poles but I won’t wipe their memories,” said Frost King.</p> <p class="cnNmYTViZGM3ZTJiZTQ5ZDdiNmMwOTRiOGIwMmI4MWYy">“Good luck that Frost,” said Azurea with a nasty grin as she recalled with a shudder the memory of that God that had been waking as she escaped with her loot and had led to all that nervous giggling.</p> <p class="cnMyMjc1NjM4ZGQ2MDRiOTM4MmVkMTc0MWI1YjhkZGMw">“What about Tarifax and Ambuila, are Azurea’s dungeons doing us any good there?” asked Feltax.</p> <p class="cnNkNDk4MWVjNDRiYTQzZGY5OTkzNGVjYjE2YWZhZmMy">“They seem to be doing some good on Ambuila, Tarifax seems to be degenerating into a hell of never ending swamps. Life might be difficult but its not in danger of extinction.” Said Mirabelarque.</p> <p class="cnNiMmUxNTRlNDI0MDRhMWU5NGJmMTdlZWViYzEyOGY5">“And just what are you up to Creevar? Trying to mend bridges with the Old Gods, are you planning to jump ship?” demanded Azurea.</p> <p class="cnMzYWNiNzFiMzkzZjRmMjJhMWM3M2JkZTJlMmMzOTE3">“Just trying to survive sister dear,” smirked Creevar.</p> <p class="cnNmNDEyZmE3MWJlNjQ3MGRiNDQ2MzA4OTg3ZTMxZGQ1" style="text-align: center">* * * INTERLUDE 2 * * *</p> <p class="cnM1ZThjYTRhYTNkYjRmYjU4MWFlMDMxMTE0MTljZjhj">The death of a massive stroke of Dr Charles Macquarie from the Smithsonian institute whilst working on the island of Maui was on the morning news. According to the news presenter he had been studying some tiny dinosaurs.</p> <p class="cnMwZDVjNDQzM2ZlYzQzZmY4MDM0OGQ1MjFhNjA1ZmI4">“Oh <em>beep</em>, what idiot gave that to the press, I wanted the naturalists to go potty not the mob!” exclaimed Mary to herself as she made scrambled eggs for breakfast.</p> <p class="cnNiM2Q4OTYyZjNjOTQxMmU5ZGUxNzQwMTIyMjY1M2Ri">“What was that dear, and what did you have to do with those dinosaurs Mary Jane Silvestre?” asked her mother.</p> <p class="cnMzYWRkYWRiODQ1ZDRkZTg5YzAzZGQ1YTZlMTUyYTZi">“Oh <em>beep!</em>”</p> <p class="cnM4MjM5NzM1ZjEzNDQyZjBiMjNhMGFkZjhkYmRmOTg0">“And why are you always saying beep, I admit it’s nicer than before but it is odd?”</p> <p class="cnNmNGNiMjZiZWYwYTQ4YzFiYWUwNTUyZmZjNTBjYTEw">Mary sat down across the breakfast table from her mother and placed a bowl with the eggs on the table between them, took a gulp of coffee and started, “well it started on Fiji when I started seeing these blue screens and Bluey started communicatin’ with me, then...”</p> <p class="cnMxYjZlZTg4MDM0NDQxMTI5N2RiOTkxMGYwODBmZTU1">When she finished her explanation she waited nervously for her mother’s reaction.</p> <p class="cnNjNmRiY2JkM2Q2ZDRiOGM5ZDg4NmI3M2Y0YzU2NWY5">“Honestly Mary why haven’t you said anything earlier, I wondered where those blue screens had come from. Your story is very far fetched but the creatures do exist though they haven’t found the Deinonychus yet or the Saber Tooth. First thing though is to call in and take a day off, the riots are a good excuse, and then we are going to see that new lawyer you dug up and we’re dragging your father along too.”</p> </div>
The holy Anchor of Ocidon, Fiorino Stormwave woke in his office and immediately moved through his High Temple giving orders right and left as he headed to the vault situated under the altar. He opened the well hidden door and entered. Trembling he lifted the sheet and looked at the painting below. He gulped and lowered the sheet again. Yes it was as he remembered. Praise Ocidon! Locking the vault once again he hurried to ensure that everything would be ready for the second blow in the war of the gods. It had to be strong and decisive. Goran the wily, General of Ocidon’s guard was grinning fiercely, joy burning in his breast. It would seem the time was now he would be alive to see the start of the war of the gods. The High Temple of Vortexius Blackbeard would be difficult but he was sure his forces could crack it. He was only worried that his forces would be too weak to defend the temple afterward. * * * Belatrix Anchor of the Deep woke in front of the altar of his temple and hurried to check *that* painting in the temple’s secret vault. It was, he had remembered right! Praise Ocidon! Then Belatrix too spat orders left and right and prepared his forces to move out. * * * Meanwhile in Drakoton Harr’kardos the merchant and priest of Vortexius Blackbeard was leading his men through the streets while Lucretia’s people looted his house bare of treasures. Certain of surprise Harr’kardos led his men, all seventy, in a charge into the temple of Ocidon. Captain Haz’asfad having been forewarned was ready but his forces were inadequate and he was slowly forced back as the priest of Vortexius used his magic to aid his men. It all fell apart for Harr’kardos when Captain Hunter led his thirty two marines into the back of his little army while Captain Fisher blocked any chance of escape with her people. Si’Tran the high priest was allowed a visit to Ocidon’s throne room where he noted one change then he woke to fling himself sitting in one of the pews of his inner sanctum and the sounds of fighting. Captain Haz’afsad personally removed Harr’kardos’ head from his shoulders and found himself in a quandary. The intruders were fellow worshipers but they were an organised armed band owing loyalty to another power. A power allied to his god, but... Then High Priest Si’Tran shocked him and with his words of welcome. What he said let him and all who heard that the prophesised war of the gods had started and that they had fought in its first skirmish. * * * Robin and Danny with another four of their siblings were ducking in and out of the low lying clouds as they overflew the pirate fleet. Then what they had been awaiting occurred, the pirate’s air force took to the air and flew towards the islands. Mother had been right they stayed close to the ocean, flying barely high enough to be out of range of a heavy crossbow. They waited until they were out of sight of the fleet then following Mother’s orders they put themselves between the sun and the flying mages and dived down out of the sun, their best offensive spells ready to cast and their sea wyverns horns sparking and glowing with their accumulated charge. They attacked in pairs, three sets of two wyverns one following the other, each pair targeting one mage and his steed. The only survivor of the first pass was the wyvern born mage and both were hurt, the wyvern had lost altitude and was barely skimming the surface when one of Mother’s giant sea snakes struck flashing from under the surface, its fangs cutting through the wyvern’s scales as if they didn’t exist. All that remained was the empty ocean. * * * Mary lounged in her chair and smiled and shared a few words with her ‘folk as they passed and stepped through Ocidon’s gates to his scattered temples, sometimes only four but often more. The largest contingent went to the High Temple in Ocean’s Glory. She noted with interest that most of her experimental lasers went there. She had a sudden thought and grinned crookedly and signalled to Captain Robin Goodfellow to stay behind with his ‘folk. Robin who had been looking forward to action somewhat reluctantly moved to stand behind Mary. “Oh don’t worry Robin, you’ll have your fun but I intend to send you and a few other ‘folk to burn that *beep*’s shrine in the city state of Folding Deep, make sure your laser’s charged.” Captain Goodfellow grinned, relieved, “you can count on us Mother.” « They will need one of my priests to make it official, Faaron how would you like to accompany the nice tigers? » Faaron who had been watching the proceedings glumly while rubbing his much broken nose brightened up and eagerly volunteered to accompany the ‘nice tigers’ as he scurried to join Captain Goodfellow’s squad. * * * INTERLUDE 1 * * * The vast space seemed to carpeted with clouds while the walls and ceiling were indeterminate but luminous, lounging on a grey low cloud was Mirabelarque current Chairbeing of the New Gods, on xyrs right sitting in an armchair made of snow and brushing icicles out of his long white beard was the Frost King God of Winter and the Northern and Southern Ice Fields. Also present were Azurea, Delminia, Vortexius Blackbeard, Feltax and Creevar. “We are here to mourn the passing of our colleague Dragoor Magma Heart, god of Summer and Volcanoes who was foully slain by the gods of Diavlo for his unfortunate miscalculation while holding the post of chief god of that unfortunate world.” “Well we don’t have to avenge him as those gods died with their world,” said Vortexius. “Yes indeed. But Frost King you have to do something, Parthia is following the path of Fragatta. We, none of us could remain here if Parthia becomes another iceball from pole to pole,” grumbled Azurea. “Correct, and if we bugger up another world like we did Fragatta and Diavlo the High Gods are bound to take notice and we’ll all be fucked,” stated Delminia goddess of Pleasure and Lust. “Well I just think I’ll follow Azurea’s example and grab a few beings who specialise in weather and climate change and plant them around the poles but I won’t wipe their memories,” said Frost King. “Good luck that Frost,” said Azurea with a nasty grin as she recalled with a shudder the memory of that God that had been waking as she escaped with her loot and had led to all that nervous giggling. “What about Tarifax and Ambuila, are Azurea’s dungeons doing us any good there?” asked Feltax. “They seem to be doing some good on Ambuila, Tarifax seems to be degenerating into a hell of never ending swamps. Life might be difficult but its not in danger of extinction.” Said Mirabelarque. “And just what are you up to Creevar? Trying to mend bridges with the Old Gods, are you planning to jump ship?” demanded Azurea. “Just trying to survive sister dear,” smirked Creevar. * * * INTERLUDE 2 * * * The death of a massive stroke of Dr Charles Macquarie from the Smithsonian institute whilst working on the island of Maui was on the morning news. According to the news presenter he had been studying some tiny dinosaurs. “Oh *beep*, what idiot gave that to the press, I wanted the naturalists to go potty not the mob!” exclaimed Mary to herself as she made scrambled eggs for breakfast. “What was that dear, and what did you have to do with those dinosaurs Mary Jane Silvestre?” asked her mother. “Oh *beep!*” “And why are you always saying beep, I admit it’s nicer than before but it is odd?” Mary sat down across the breakfast table from her mother and placed a bowl with the eggs on the table between them, took a gulp of coffee and started, “well it started on Fiji when I started seeing these blue screens and Bluey started communicatin’ with me, then...” When she finished her explanation she waited nervously for her mother’s reaction. “Honestly Mary why haven’t you said anything earlier, I wondered where those blue screens had come from. Your story is very far fetched but the creatures do exist though they haven’t found the Deinonychus yet or the Saber Tooth. First thing though is to call in and take a day off, the riots are a good excuse, and then we are going to see that new lawyer you dug up and we’re dragging your father along too.”
{ "title": "Because This World is Loved", "id": 21416, "author": "Sami-Fire", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Going Around and Around", "id": 305701, "next": null, "prev": 303748, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkNjc2NWNiZjNmZjRmNTdhOTI3ZmU0ZTEyYTJkYzdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The four ladies all chatted among themselves as they proceeded through Esci's lab, their footsteps echoing from the tiled floor. The decor of the rooms changed as they proceeded; while the rooms closer to the entrance had cute posters and furniture, the appearances of the rooms further in became increasingly sterile until the lab finally looked like a lab. Blank walls met pale blue tile, and a long hallway was lined with doors. "How about I show you what I've been working on for the Starseed Festival?" Esci said, her gaze going to a certain door on the left.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjIwZTY4ZjZmNzQ4ODY4NjNjY2E2YTAyOWJmZDM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Starseed Festival?" Melia asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGU2NTQ1YWJiMzQ0YjE5NTcwOTM0NGM3NTEwZWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You know, that great big culture festival we Magicants hold every year. We did it in Lemanta, we did it in the Sealed World, and we'll do it again here," Delfine said with a cocky grin.</span></p> <p class="cnNiODExZDdkN2Y2NzQ1MDBhMmUwZDBiMTZiNTBmY2M5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You know they haven't been around that long," Esci said.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGE5YzA4YzNhNzQzZTRhOTZkZjNmYTkxNWE4YWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What do you mean by that?" Melia grumbled. She knew where this was going.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTlhNDQ3YWNkYzQ4ZjM5ZWJhYjRiNTkzMGJhOWJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I know how you feel about this, Melia, but you're still only four years old, and Noel is nine." Esci adjusted her glasses as she spoke.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2RhMThiZDAwYTRhNzViM2FjZjMxMjBkZWIwNzIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm thirteen!" Melia gave her foot an emphatic stomp.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjA4NzY4ZWIzOTQxMmViMjI4OTE1MjMzNzE5Y2Iz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noel sighed. "I'm used to it, don't worry about me. Besides, my mom babies everyone, no matter how old they are."</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmQ5ZmYzMjMwODRmNzQ5ODhmMTM2MDcyNjM5MTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Right, well..." Esci picked under one of her claws. "Shall we go see?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjNmODM4NWYwMzRhYTZiZWVmYzQ0YmFmNzEyNTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Esci lead everyone to the third room down on the left. She entered ahead of the others; when they entered, she was setting out large spoons with red blobs on them. "What're those for?" Melia asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTc2OTIyMWM1YjRjYzc5ZjJlZGNiZjc0OTBmYmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Molecular gastronomy." Esci seemed to savor every syllable of the complex words. "These are strawberry spheres! They're made by-"</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTY1OGViNmFjMDQxNTE5ZDlhMjk3ZTZmMDFjMTM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"She puts things inside a thing and it makes the things into flavor globs," Delfine said in an attempt to spare everyone the scientific details.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGFhNjI5Y2Y0NDQzODM4NThhNzI1MzVmOTM3YWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's not just a thing in a thing! You put the food in a special bath, and that special bath makes the flavor globs!" Esci huffed at being cut off. "I'll give the full explanation at the festival, so I hope you can make it there."</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWQxZTQzMmNlNDQ3Njc4NzQyYjJhZDZhYmZmM2Rh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Of course I'll be there, Pookie," Delfine said, cackling as she approached and chose a spoon.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjMzNTJhZTY5ZjQ4YWY5OTQ4YmEyMDE5MzAyYWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"D-Del! You know how I am about the pet names!" Esci sputtered.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjY2MjAxMDdmNzRkMjRhMTgwMzRmZjMwYTkxMDE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's only fair, since you called me Delfine earlier," Delfine said. "But that's okay. I love you anyway."</span></p> <p class="cnNkZjBlOGFlODUxNTRjNGViOTMzOTA4OGVkMTRmOGI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Esci made a noise that crossed a sigh and a giggle. "A-anyway! As I was saying, these are strawberry spheres. There's a special name for the process that makes them- spherification. It turns things into flavor bubbles that pop in your mouth. Give them a try!"</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmJiMzI0OTg0MDQyNDg4Mjg3MTUwYzY0MjcwODRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia picked up a spoon and sniffed it. "Smells like strawberries."</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzkwMGFhMWE2MDQwNWM5NGNkNzRkM2UzYmMyMzll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Delfine gave a short sharp cackle and clapped Melia on the shoulder. "What were you expecting, kiddo?"</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjVhNmRkZmNmMTQ3M2ZiNjE1MjZmZTdhNzQ5NzE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noel picked up a spoon as well. "She's used to being here for research. She probably thinks Esci put medicine in here or something."</span></p> <p class="cnNjODZkNDM4OTVhNzQ0MTU5ZmE4MmNhZThjZGNkNGQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I do not! I just... um..." Melia huffed. "Forget it! I mean, you don't normally see flavor globs as food, so."</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDgyMjdiOWZmZDRhMDg5NzI0YjA3NThlZjhiZGE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"She's got a point." Delfine picked up a spoon as well. "These sharp Angelerfish teeth of mine aren't really made for fruity stuff, but I bet these are a good time for your mouth anyway."</span></p> <p class="cnNhODYzYWE0NmRiMTRjZTY4YWM1YmM0NWVlN2EyY2Rh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'll see about making something meatier for you later," Esci said.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTM5MDg4MTU5ZDQyN2FhYjM4MWM3ZDA5YmY2OTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Thank you, sweetie," Delfine said. "Now, down the hatch!"</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWM0OTNlODkxMjQ4ZmU4MTFiMGIwMzk4ZjBiNWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noel put her spoon in her mouth, and she made a satisfied noise once the sphere burst, flooding her mouth with cool strawberry goodness. "Wow, that's really something."</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODZkMjNjNDRiZDRlNDU5YmZmOTUyYzU2M2VjMTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's a berry bomb in your mouth!" Melia licked her lips. "Will you be making these at the festival, too?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjllNzk3YjAyYTQ4NjU5NjEyNDU0ZDY0Y2NiZWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"These and more," Esci said. "These are just teasers."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTdlNGQxMTBmMDQ5MDk4NjdhYjFkNWExYTViNjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Del, are you doing anything for the festival?" Noel asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZGViMTM2M2Y4ZDRlNTg5Y2Q1NDE5NWQ1MDM3Mjc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm running security," Delfine said. "Since the Royal Guard got suspended when we ended up in Medlia, this is as close as I can come to ordering the soldiers around. Still, it's a lot of fun!"</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzFiNWM3OWU0ZTRkNTZiMWFhMmE3MGZkNTE1MzRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why did it get suspended?" Melia asked.</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2NkY2Q0NjcxNjQ0NzRhNjRmNjliNWU3MzllYjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"King Nashir didn't think he needed such close protection here. I disagreed, but he can still call us into action if something comes up, so it's not too bad." Delfine scratched near her antenna, making the lighted part on the end bob up and down. For a moment, her expression faded into a frown, but then her toothy grin re-emerged. "Hey, have you noticed anything different about us since coming in?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTgxZDFmYzFhNjQ4OGY4NWY0M2FjZWM5MDZjMTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Did you get your head scales trimmed?" Noel asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjRiNDIwOWMxZjRiM2Q5MDY4MGNiY2I4YzA0YTZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Nope! I can do that myself." Delfine went behind the counter where Esci was standing. Esci eyed her warily, then gasped as her right hand was yanked up. At the same time, Delfine held her own right hand up. "Look at this bling! We're engaged!"</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzQ1MWQ0Yzc0NTRjN2Y4NWFlNzFhYjc0ZTU0Zjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Whoa, what?" Melia made a contained squealing noise. "Congratulations!"</span></p> <p class="cnMwOGNjMWE0ZjJhZTRkMjQ5ODk5Y2U1Y2JjZjI4MTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Glad to hear you finally proposed," Noel said. "Congratulations from me too! Better get started on planning."</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzhhNjI2OTllZDQyNzU5YmZhZDBjM2YzZmI3NDk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh, we are!" Delfine said through a giggle.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDZiMmIyNTcxOTQwMDhhZWRiZTgwNDliZTU2MmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"D-Del, did you have to announce it like that? I don't think they heard you on the other side of town," Esci murmured, trying to hide a smile.</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2JiZjY0ZTAxYTQyODhiMGNjYWE3M2RlMTQ2NzAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh, they didn't? Well then..." Delfine sucked in a breath, then boomed, "Look! At this bling! Because! We! Are! Engaged! I, Delfine Finley, do take Esci Physli to be my lawfully wedded wife!"</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTQyMDYwNzRmMjRhOGVhNTc1YjgyZWMzZWQ5MzE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh my god!" Esci tried to match Delfine's volume and just broke down laughing instead.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmZlNDgxNWYzYzQ1NjFiMmUyZWUxOTlmY2ZhMWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia had caught the giggles as well, while Noel grinned ear to ear. "That's one way to announce things," Noel said.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzQ5OTJhYmViNTRiZTliMmU0YjU3MDQ4ODkxOTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Everyone was going to find out eventually, so why not now?" Delfine's cackling kept up as the laughter trailed off. "All right, well, now that everyone knows the good news, what now?"</span></p> <p class="cnMyODU0NDY3MTRmMjQxNmZiOTQxNDVkZmMxYjNkMDBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh, wait!" Melia hopped in place. "Del, did you see the latest episode of Magical Prism Pudding?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDAwMjI5MjkwZTRhOGNiMWRkNmE1ZmFkNzEzOWM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That's not even a question. Of course I did! Esci and I never miss a single episode. But..." Delfine tried to frown, though the twitching of her lips hid mischief. "That means you've been staying up past your bedtime! The episodes come out at 2 AM our time!"</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjRiNmIzZDdiYTQ2ZTJiOTg1OTUzMDE2MzdhMDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What? No! The Internet is a thing, Del! I can just look them up!" Melia folded her arms and pouted.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjM3MGIyMDVmYjQwMDY4Mjc3NTNjYWQ4NWFlZmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, then... sub or dub?" Delfine's mock disappointed expression gave way to her usual cocky grin.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjZmMzU5MjliYTQ0ZmI4OGNlMWRhYTkzYzVjZDhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh no you don't," Noel said. "Even I know that this debate could go on forever-"</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmIyMWY1MzQ3ZTQ3YmU5Mjg4NzU1YzI4NGM3OTY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia interrupted. "Subs, duh!"</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDcxNDBhNDhhZTRlOTQ4NTJjYzljNjlkYTY2YzU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I have trained you well in the ways of anime," Delfine said, nodding sagely.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTA5NjMyZjE4NTQ4YjBiYWMzMjU4MmZlMTE4NWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noel sighed and rolled her eyes. "We've got a few more stops to hit, unless you want to spend the whole day nerding out. Then again, I guess I could leave you here and go about my business."</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWNlNDU2NWU0ODRjZjNiMzFmMmJkODQ4ZGViZWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia gave a disgruntled whine. "All right, fine. We can discuss the plot later, Del."</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzc4MzA0OTI4MTRlMGY4MTE4NTU4NjRlOWVkNWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You don't mess around, Noel," Delfine said. "I like that! But yeah, if you've got places to go, we can shelve the discussion for later."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZDQ4OThlNjI4ODQ2OTBiODgxYzNjYWZkMjE2YzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Time to go?" Esci said as she collected the spoons from everyone. "Well, I'm glad you two stopped by. It's always nice to have visitors." She paused, then added, "Ah, Melia, I'm sure your parents know about this, but don't forget about your appointment next month, okay?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDVjNmNlNTg2YzRkNGNhYmVkYWNhZGE4NDRmZDZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia responded with a prolonged raspberry. "You're not gonna find anything new. I'm aging like a human now, anyway. Isn't that what you said last time?"</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGVlZGFhMmQwZjQzZjZhYTZjZGI2OTgwZTZhOGRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes, but it's very important to examine the physical and magical makeup of each half-Magicant, and..." Esci sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like all the poking and prodding and tests, but it's all very important."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmU3NjNjNGJiMDRiOWU5ZThlMjYzNWM5ODAxZWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yeah, yeah, I gotcha," Melia said. "You know I'm not mad at you, right, Esci?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGNhMThhMDNmNDQ4NWNhMGYyMjE0MWU1MjY0Zjlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You aren't?" Esci's golden eyes seemed to shine with joy. "I'm so glad to hear that! You always seem so grouchy about the tests, and I feel bad about it."</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjdiNDY1YTk0NjRlYWZhYzIwMjU0ODk4ZTQ0M2My"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, don't." Melia looked back to Noel. "I guess we should get going, huh?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxNGM2MDQ2NWY0YjQ1YmZhNTM0MDUyNDU4MjIzZjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm ready if you are," Noel said. "Del, Esci, it's been nice seeing you two."</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzRjM2ViMzQzYzQxZDM4YmRhMzBiZjI5NTQ1OWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The scaly duo bid farewell to Noel and Melia, and with that, they set out for a certain street a bit further from the center of town than the lab. There was a small cluster of food trucks along this street, but one in particular stood out. More accurately, it was so sparsely decorated that its lack of pizzazz made it stand out. A simple white food truck with the words "It's a Wrap" spray painted in blue on the side was positioned between two others; this was the one Noel and Melia headed for. "Heya, Serge!" Melia called out.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWM3ODE4MjVkOTRjOWZiOGE1ZjVkYzhkNTRiNmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">A grey mummy-like Magicant with glowing golden eyes appeared at the window. He appeared to be wearing a very simple navy blue robe and not much else. "Hey," Serge said, waving lazily. "Nice to see you two."</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzk0NDMwNWQ3ZjQzMjZiY2E0YjlmODBmYTI4OTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"We were in the area, so we thought we'd stop by," Noel said. "How's business?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDEwNTA4NjFhMzQ5ODhiZGI1YmM0Y2Q4OWJhMWM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Serge shrugged. "Same as it always is, though sometimes Alrai stops by with a big order. Then again, he stops by everywhere with big orders."</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2ZmYjIxNjAwOTQwNGY5YmUzMzM0NGM0Yzk5NTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noel nodded. Prince Alrai was another one of the town's personalities and someone she intended to look for later; he was notorious for having a large appetite and trying to sample various cuisines from around town. "Have you done anything to the menu? You said you'd be making some changes last time I saw you."</span></p> <p class="cnNmM2MzOTFiMTNhNDQ3YjliNTE1MjI0OWZmNWQzYTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I have," Serge said. "I've added breakfast burritos to the menu. Eggs, bacon, cheese, a few dabs of salsa, maybe some hot sauce if you're feeling brave. Sausage is optional."</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGMyYTM2NDQxNDRhZDQ5ZTIzNDMxYzQyNGY0MjVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia made a prolonged interested noise. "That sounds yummy! I'd love to taste one."</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWE3MTQ5NGQ1YTRlMTNhY2M5MGQ0MzBhMjE3MzQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Melia, you just had a strawberry sphere," Noel said, sighing as she rifled through her purse for her debit card. "I'll get you one, but then you need to get an allowance."</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDUzMGM2NWI3MzQ1OTZiNjQzZTE3MjIzYmY2NTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Strawberry sphere?" Serge scratched at his face, tugging at the mask-like lower half. "Sounds like an Esci thing."</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzA3Mzk0OTA5ZDQ0NGU5MjNlODc2OTQ2ZmY5MWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It is," Noel replied as she handed over her card. "Here. One breakfast burrito, please."</span></p> <p class="cnMwM2IzMjA4YmYxYTQ1MTBhNWRkN2Q4OGI3NDkzZThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Much obliged," Serge said, looking to Melia. "Bacon or sausage?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGI4ZjEzOTQ2NTRmZWE5YTY4ZGQ2ODZjZTlkMzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Bacon!" Melia chirped.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzUyMGZkMzI4MTQ1YzY5NmMwMDA1ODZlZDg2YjY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Serge swiped Noel's card and handed her a receipt. "I'll get to wrapping then," he said before handing Noel her card back and heading off to cook.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDA4OTBlZWZhMjQ2Y2RiM2QyOTY0YWZkMGU3NzJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia's grin took a mischievous twist. "I'll let you have a bite if you'd like."</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmZhMDZjNjBhNzQ1M2Y4MTlmMTU0NTVkMjM2YzM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I might try one later," Noel said. "I had breakfast this morning."</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDkyY2NkNjI4YjRkNWNiNjQxMDFhY2QzMjI5ZTY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, so did I, but that doesn't stop me," Melia said.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGQzMDQxYzc0MjQ1YTA5YWJkOTZmZGEyNDU5NzA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It wasn't long before Serge returned to the window with a bag and handed it to Melia. "One B-B, breakfast burrito, bacon-egg-cheese-salsa-rooski. I skipped the hot sauce, because I know how Mel is with spicy things."</span></p> <p class="cnMwMGMyOWM2NTFhNTRiNjRhOGJmYzA5NGI3NTE1NzY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Thank you, Serge!" Melia opened the bag, pulled out the foil-wrapped burrito, and unwrapped it. "How did you do that so quickly?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDEwYzdiYTJmMjRkNDQ4N2FhOWE1YTk0MjRiZWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Just a little cooking with magic," Serge said. "Do either of you know how to use magic yet?"</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODBkNjFjODBkYzQzMTg4Mzc5MzVlOGIwYmI0ODMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No, but now I wish I did," Melia said. "Dad doesn't use his magic very often, but I wonder if he'll teach me."</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTczZjIwMTVhODQ5ZGE4YTlmNjk1ZTNmMjE1Y2Rm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"My mom's pretty good at some big magics, but I've never really seen her use smaller ones," Noel said. "I rarely see Kelves use his at all. But Esci says we should have some ability to use magic, so maybe it's not a lost cause."</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDNkMGZmMGNmMTQ5ZTVhZTJhZTYwNTAyNGE3ZGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That's a pity." Serge set about wiping some utensils off. "I'm sure Kas and Nash can teach you two. They're good with those kinds of things. Alrai too."</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjgyYTQ4MDEzMjQ5NjY4YTg1ZTFhZTQzM2ViYTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's so weird. Kastra and Nashir are the queen and king of Magicants, but they're so... chill." Melia took a bite of her burrito, and her eyes lit up. "Mmm! This is awesome, Serge! I gotta get your recipe."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWIyZjNkNmQxYjRjMGRhYjQ2NzQ1MmRiMDVhMjg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Cooking magic, Mel. Cooking magic." Serge leaned over the edge of the food truck window. "It's true, Nash and Kas are pretty laid back. It's why Alrai gets to go around so much. But I bet they're going to have to step it up with him soon. He is going to have to take the throne someday."</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2UyMzgwODQ3NDRjMjg5NGE1YmM4ZWNlYjk5YjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Noel found herself frowning. "That's kind of a scary thought. Not Alrai becoming the next king of Magicants, I mean, but... having a free life and then suddenly having to shut it down and work hard."</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTZjYmQ1NjU5MzQ1ODJhMTZhNWQ5MjY3YWExZDEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That's how it is for some people," Serge said. "He doesn't like when you bring it up. He'll have to face it eventually, I guess."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODVjOGFiZTk1NTQ5MTJiMDk4ODQyMTA0YmQ5NDgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">A masculine voice drifted over from elsewhere, loud and brassy. "Serge!" Soon, another mummy-like Magicant ran up to the food truck. This one's eyes glowed blue; there were no wrappings on the lower half of his face, so his broad grin was in full view. The skin around his mouth was smooth and grey, almost featureless. He seemed to be wearing robes designed for combat, a contrast to Serge's bathrobe. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYTM4ODA1NTUyNDQ5MjQ4NDAyOTRjZDc1NTBiNDQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Peter, there you are. Good to see you, little brother." Serge tapped his wrapped fingers on the counter. "Did you need something? Are you hungry? I packed lunch for you this morning."</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDIxMjYwMzE1MjRmZjc4NDhjYzNlNDFiYTcyZjVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The way Peter's eye-lights shone seemed to indicate he was rolling his eyes. "Yes, thank you, and I remembered to bring the lunch this time, too." His focus then shifted to Noel and Melia. "Heya, Mel and El! How are you two doing today?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmZTY3NjkyMzhjYzRjZGQ5YjIxY2YxNDlkNjJjNjA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm doing fine, thanks," Noel said. "I'm just taking Melia around town."</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzgxZmUyZjFjOTQwNTE4MWY0NTMzMTE4MDBmOWE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm doing great! I'm sure you knew this already, but Serge is an awesome cook." Melia took another bite of her breakfast burrito, making satisfied noises as she chewed.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTc2OTM3MmFiNTRjOGViMjc5YmQ5NGIxZWUwZDM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That he is," Peter said, nodding. "I'm learning how to cook now too. Delfi gave me some special recipes that I've been trying out."</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjQ0NjI5MGEyYTQ4MWZhMmRlN2QzMjdhNWMwZDhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yeah, you've definitely been practicing. Maybe by the end of the year you'll have something edible." Serge shoved his hands in the pockets of his robe and didn't flinch at all when Peter reacted.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWUxMWEwZmE3YzQyZmRhZWY1NzVjOWNlMjY1YjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's not that bad! Delfine's recipes are just really weird!" Peter's reaction was a good deal louder than it needed to be, making Noel jump.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWEwNTY4YmY4NDRmZmI4NmVkMjA2NTI5YTA5YzE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Both her cuisine and ours use fish, Pete. It shouldn't be so hard to make the connections." Serge sighed heavily. "Still, keep at it. I've got a strong stomach."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTAyOTBlZjY3MjRjYjc4NTk3OWUzMDNiOGViMDc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Gee, thanks," Peter grumbled. "Anyway, I take it that you're not patrolling today? Or ever again? Because you need to run the food truck, right?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTQ3MTkwYmVkYzQ5MWRiMDgxMjQyOGNmYmRiZTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Serge sighed again, this time with an exasperated growl. "Peter, this is just as good as patrolling. All types of people come through here with all kinds of gossip. If anything, I'm getting you leads."</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDVhZjI5ODlkODQzNDg5ZGRjOGM0NDIyN2IzZGRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I still think you should do some footwork." Peter folded his arms. "With the Starseed Festival coming up, it's important that we make sure everything is in order."</span></p> <p class="cnNkZWJlZmViYWU4OTQyY2M5MzcyNjcxMGM3ZTlhZjI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Everything will be fine." A series of clanks came out of the food truck as Serge rearranged some utensils. "Besides, you're working security with Del. I'm sure you'll see to it yourself that no one makes any trouble."</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjAxZjQ0MWE1OTQ5N2FhNDk3YTE2MjdjMGFhMWUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes, but... you know what, never mind." It was Peter's turn to sigh in exasperation. "At least you're going to be part of the festival as a vendor."</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjFlOGY2ZTZjNTRiZWNiOTlkNTFjMmZkYzIwNDVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Melia swallowed a bite of burrito before piping up again. "Really? What are you going to make for it, Serge?"</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2IwZTcwYWUzODQ2MWU4NGQ5NDZlODQyMzI4MjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Just some Ninma specialties. You'll see." Serge began to rifle around in his pockets. "I think I could use a smoke break."</span></p> <p class="cnMxOWI2MTQ4NDU2ZDQ3OTdhYmNmZThkYmM5YTRkMDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What, did I drive you to smoke or something?" Peter scoffed, then grinned. "I'm kidding."</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2QyZWUwZjc2NDQ3ZDdhNzI0YmYxMTU3NjU3NzQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I know you are. It's just time for a smokey treat. And you know I like to be alone with my smokey treats."</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2NmMzM0YTFlMjQ0YTg4ODFkZTA3N2RiZGU0OGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Right, gotcha. Guess I'll see you at dinner then, bro." Peter turned on his heels, but didn't leave right away. "It was nice seeing you two, Mel and El! Have a good day, alright?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGZkZjcwZDgzYTQ4M2E4YjM3NGI2MDQ3MGUyMjUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Thanks, we will," Noel said. "Guess we should leave Serge to his business then."</span></p> <p class="cnNhM2UxZTRjYzU3MDQwMjE5YTRiMjVkNmQxYTczODNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Perfect timing! I just finished," Melia said, throwing her wrappers into a nearby trashcan. "I could sing the praises of that burrito forever, but I'll spare you."</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDVkZmU0NmNlZTQyNDNiMGRiODJhMGYzZTVmYTli"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that, Noel and Melia made their way across the streets till they hit a fairly long stretch of sidewalk. At one point, Melia stopped. "Say, Noel, do you think we can see the shrine to the Entity today? I haven't been there in a while."</span></p> <p class="cnM2Njg5Y2QyYmU5ZjQxOWI5YzVjMzI4ODcwNzNhZTU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Sure, though it'll be a bit of a walk," Noel said. "Who knows, we might find Alrai and Caleb slacking off in the field around there again."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDgxZDFiODg4OTRiZmI4NWQ0NGYyYmU0MTMxN2I1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"They're there a lot, aren't they? I guess I can't blame Alrai for wanting some free time, especially after what Serge said about him," Melia said. "And Fenne is always at the shrine, so I'd like to see her too."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGI4N2JjZDk3OTRkYTk5MTJlYTQ3MGU5OTU4MTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Sounds like a plan." Noel lead Melia up a different sidewalk, and they headed for the field on the outskirts of town.</span></p> </div>
The four ladies all chatted among themselves as they proceeded through Esci's lab, their footsteps echoing from the tiled floor. The decor of the rooms changed as they proceeded; while the rooms closer to the entrance had cute posters and furniture, the appearances of the rooms further in became increasingly sterile until the lab finally looked like a lab. Blank walls met pale blue tile, and a long hallway was lined with doors. "How about I show you what I've been working on for the Starseed Festival?" Esci said, her gaze going to a certain door on the left. "Starseed Festival?" Melia asked. "You know, that great big culture festival we Magicants hold every year. We did it in Lemanta, we did it in the Sealed World, and we'll do it again here," Delfine said with a cocky grin. "You know they haven't been around that long," Esci said. "What do you mean by that?" Melia grumbled. She knew where this was going. "I know how you feel about this, Melia, but you're still only four years old, and Noel is nine." Esci adjusted her glasses as she spoke. "I'm thirteen!" Melia gave her foot an emphatic stomp. Noel sighed. "I'm used to it, don't worry about me. Besides, my mom babies everyone, no matter how old they are." "Right, well..." Esci picked under one of her claws. "Shall we go see?" Esci lead everyone to the third room down on the left. She entered ahead of the others; when they entered, she was setting out large spoons with red blobs on them. "What're those for?" Melia asked. "Molecular gastronomy." Esci seemed to savor every syllable of the complex words. "These are strawberry spheres! They're made by-" "She puts things inside a thing and it makes the things into flavor globs," Delfine said in an attempt to spare everyone the scientific details. "It's not just a thing in a thing! You put the food in a special bath, and that special bath makes the flavor globs!" Esci huffed at being cut off. "I'll give the full explanation at the festival, so I hope you can make it there." "Of course I'll be there, Pookie," Delfine said, cackling as she approached and chose a spoon. "D-Del! You know how I am about the pet names!" Esci sputtered. "It's only fair, since you called me Delfine earlier," Delfine said. "But that's okay. I love you anyway." Esci made a noise that crossed a sigh and a giggle. "A-anyway! As I was saying, these are strawberry spheres. There's a special name for the process that makes them- spherification. It turns things into flavor bubbles that pop in your mouth. Give them a try!" Melia picked up a spoon and sniffed it. "Smells like strawberries." Delfine gave a short sharp cackle and clapped Melia on the shoulder. "What were you expecting, kiddo?" Noel picked up a spoon as well. "She's used to being here for research. She probably thinks Esci put medicine in here or something." "I do not! I just... um..." Melia huffed. "Forget it! I mean, you don't normally see flavor globs as food, so." "She's got a point." Delfine picked up a spoon as well. "These sharp Angelerfish teeth of mine aren't really made for fruity stuff, but I bet these are a good time for your mouth anyway." "I'll see about making something meatier for you later," Esci said. "Thank you, sweetie," Delfine said. "Now, down the hatch!" Noel put her spoon in her mouth, and she made a satisfied noise once the sphere burst, flooding her mouth with cool strawberry goodness. "Wow, that's really something." "It's a berry bomb in your mouth!" Melia licked her lips. "Will you be making these at the festival, too?" "These and more," Esci said. "These are just teasers." "Del, are you doing anything for the festival?" Noel asked. "I'm running security," Delfine said. "Since the Royal Guard got suspended when we ended up in Medlia, this is as close as I can come to ordering the soldiers around. Still, it's a lot of fun!" "Why did it get suspended?" Melia asked. "King Nashir didn't think he needed such close protection here. I disagreed, but he can still call us into action if something comes up, so it's not too bad." Delfine scratched near her antenna, making the lighted part on the end bob up and down. For a moment, her expression faded into a frown, but then her toothy grin re-emerged. "Hey, have you noticed anything different about us since coming in?" "Did you get your head scales trimmed?" Noel asked. "Nope! I can do that myself." Delfine went behind the counter where Esci was standing. Esci eyed her warily, then gasped as her right hand was yanked up. At the same time, Delfine held her own right hand up. "Look at this bling! We're engaged!" "Whoa, what?" Melia made a contained squealing noise. "Congratulations!" "Glad to hear you finally proposed," Noel said. "Congratulations from me too! Better get started on planning." "Oh, we are!" Delfine said through a giggle. "D-Del, did you have to announce it like that? I don't think they heard you on the other side of town," Esci murmured, trying to hide a smile. "Oh, they didn't? Well then..." Delfine sucked in a breath, then boomed, "Look! At this bling! Because! We! Are! Engaged! I, Delfine Finley, do take Esci Physli to be my lawfully wedded wife!" "Oh my god!" Esci tried to match Delfine's volume and just broke down laughing instead. Melia had caught the giggles as well, while Noel grinned ear to ear. "That's one way to announce things," Noel said. "Everyone was going to find out eventually, so why not now?" Delfine's cackling kept up as the laughter trailed off. "All right, well, now that everyone knows the good news, what now?" "Oh, wait!" Melia hopped in place. "Del, did you see the latest episode of Magical Prism Pudding?" "That's not even a question. Of course I did! Esci and I never miss a single episode. But..." Delfine tried to frown, though the twitching of her lips hid mischief. "That means you've been staying up past your bedtime! The episodes come out at 2 AM our time!" "What? No! The Internet is a thing, Del! I can just look them up!" Melia folded her arms and pouted. "Well, then... sub or dub?" Delfine's mock disappointed expression gave way to her usual cocky grin. "Oh no you don't," Noel said. "Even I know that this debate could go on forever-" Melia interrupted. "Subs, duh!" "I have trained you well in the ways of anime," Delfine said, nodding sagely. Noel sighed and rolled her eyes. "We've got a few more stops to hit, unless you want to spend the whole day nerding out. Then again, I guess I could leave you here and go about my business." Melia gave a disgruntled whine. "All right, fine. We can discuss the plot later, Del." "You don't mess around, Noel," Delfine said. "I like that! But yeah, if you've got places to go, we can shelve the discussion for later." "Time to go?" Esci said as she collected the spoons from everyone. "Well, I'm glad you two stopped by. It's always nice to have visitors." She paused, then added, "Ah, Melia, I'm sure your parents know about this, but don't forget about your appointment next month, okay?" Melia responded with a prolonged raspberry. "You're not gonna find anything new. I'm aging like a human now, anyway. Isn't that what you said last time?" "Yes, but it's very important to examine the physical and magical makeup of each half-Magicant, and..." Esci sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like all the poking and prodding and tests, but it's all very important." "Yeah, yeah, I gotcha," Melia said. "You know I'm not mad at you, right, Esci?" "You aren't?" Esci's golden eyes seemed to shine with joy. "I'm so glad to hear that! You always seem so grouchy about the tests, and I feel bad about it." "Well, don't." Melia looked back to Noel. "I guess we should get going, huh?" "I'm ready if you are," Noel said. "Del, Esci, it's been nice seeing you two." The scaly duo bid farewell to Noel and Melia, and with that, they set out for a certain street a bit further from the center of town than the lab. There was a small cluster of food trucks along this street, but one in particular stood out. More accurately, it was so sparsely decorated that its lack of pizzazz made it stand out. A simple white food truck with the words "It's a Wrap" spray painted in blue on the side was positioned between two others; this was the one Noel and Melia headed for. "Heya, Serge!" Melia called out. A grey mummy-like Magicant with glowing golden eyes appeared at the window. He appeared to be wearing a very simple navy blue robe and not much else. "Hey," Serge said, waving lazily. "Nice to see you two." "We were in the area, so we thought we'd stop by," Noel said. "How's business?" Serge shrugged. "Same as it always is, though sometimes Alrai stops by with a big order. Then again, he stops by everywhere with big orders." Noel nodded. Prince Alrai was another one of the town's personalities and someone she intended to look for later; he was notorious for having a large appetite and trying to sample various cuisines from around town. "Have you done anything to the menu? You said you'd be making some changes last time I saw you." "I have," Serge said. "I've added breakfast burritos to the menu. Eggs, bacon, cheese, a few dabs of salsa, maybe some hot sauce if you're feeling brave. Sausage is optional." Melia made a prolonged interested noise. "That sounds yummy! I'd love to taste one." "Melia, you just had a strawberry sphere," Noel said, sighing as she rifled through her purse for her debit card. "I'll get you one, but then you need to get an allowance." "Strawberry sphere?" Serge scratched at his face, tugging at the mask-like lower half. "Sounds like an Esci thing." "It is," Noel replied as she handed over her card. "Here. One breakfast burrito, please." "Much obliged," Serge said, looking to Melia. "Bacon or sausage?" "Bacon!" Melia chirped. Serge swiped Noel's card and handed her a receipt. "I'll get to wrapping then," he said before handing Noel her card back and heading off to cook. Melia's grin took a mischievous twist. "I'll let you have a bite if you'd like." "I might try one later," Noel said. "I had breakfast this morning." "Well, so did I, but that doesn't stop me," Melia said. It wasn't long before Serge returned to the window with a bag and handed it to Melia. "One B-B, breakfast burrito, bacon-egg-cheese-salsa-rooski. I skipped the hot sauce, because I know how Mel is with spicy things." "Thank you, Serge!" Melia opened the bag, pulled out the foil-wrapped burrito, and unwrapped it. "How did you do that so quickly?" "Just a little cooking with magic," Serge said. "Do either of you know how to use magic yet?" "No, but now I wish I did," Melia said. "Dad doesn't use his magic very often, but I wonder if he'll teach me." "My mom's pretty good at some big magics, but I've never really seen her use smaller ones," Noel said. "I rarely see Kelves use his at all. But Esci says we should have some ability to use magic, so maybe it's not a lost cause." "That's a pity." Serge set about wiping some utensils off. "I'm sure Kas and Nash can teach you two. They're good with those kinds of things. Alrai too." "It's so weird. Kastra and Nashir are the queen and king of Magicants, but they're so... chill." Melia took a bite of her burrito, and her eyes lit up. "Mmm! This is awesome, Serge! I gotta get your recipe." "Cooking magic, Mel. Cooking magic." Serge leaned over the edge of the food truck window. "It's true, Nash and Kas are pretty laid back. It's why Alrai gets to go around so much. But I bet they're going to have to step it up with him soon. He is going to have to take the throne someday." Noel found herself frowning. "That's kind of a scary thought. Not Alrai becoming the next king of Magicants, I mean, but... having a free life and then suddenly having to shut it down and work hard." "That's how it is for some people," Serge said. "He doesn't like when you bring it up. He'll have to face it eventually, I guess." A masculine voice drifted over from elsewhere, loud and brassy. "Serge!" Soon, another mummy-like Magicant ran up to the food truck. This one's eyes glowed blue; there were no wrappings on the lower half of his face, so his broad grin was in full view. The skin around his mouth was smooth and grey, almost featureless. He seemed to be wearing robes designed for combat, a contrast to Serge's bathrobe. "Peter, there you are. Good to see you, little brother." Serge tapped his wrapped fingers on the counter. "Did you need something? Are you hungry? I packed lunch for you this morning." The way Peter's eye-lights shone seemed to indicate he was rolling his eyes. "Yes, thank you, and I remembered to bring the lunch this time, too." His focus then shifted to Noel and Melia. "Heya, Mel and El! How are you two doing today?" "I'm doing fine, thanks," Noel said. "I'm just taking Melia around town." "I'm doing great! I'm sure you knew this already, but Serge is an awesome cook." Melia took another bite of her breakfast burrito, making satisfied noises as she chewed. "That he is," Peter said, nodding. "I'm learning how to cook now too. Delfi gave me some special recipes that I've been trying out." "Yeah, you've definitely been practicing. Maybe by the end of the year you'll have something edible." Serge shoved his hands in the pockets of his robe and didn't flinch at all when Peter reacted. "It's not that bad! Delfine's recipes are just really weird!" Peter's reaction was a good deal louder than it needed to be, making Noel jump. "Both her cuisine and ours use fish, Pete. It shouldn't be so hard to make the connections." Serge sighed heavily. "Still, keep at it. I've got a strong stomach." "Gee, thanks," Peter grumbled. "Anyway, I take it that you're not patrolling today? Or ever again? Because you need to run the food truck, right?" Serge sighed again, this time with an exasperated growl. "Peter, this is just as good as patrolling. All types of people come through here with all kinds of gossip. If anything, I'm getting you leads." "I still think you should do some footwork." Peter folded his arms. "With the Starseed Festival coming up, it's important that we make sure everything is in order." "Everything will be fine." A series of clanks came out of the food truck as Serge rearranged some utensils. "Besides, you're working security with Del. I'm sure you'll see to it yourself that no one makes any trouble." "Yes, but... you know what, never mind." It was Peter's turn to sigh in exasperation. "At least you're going to be part of the festival as a vendor." Melia swallowed a bite of burrito before piping up again. "Really? What are you going to make for it, Serge?" "Just some Ninma specialties. You'll see." Serge began to rifle around in his pockets. "I think I could use a smoke break." "What, did I drive you to smoke or something?" Peter scoffed, then grinned. "I'm kidding." "I know you are. It's just time for a smokey treat. And you know I like to be alone with my smokey treats." "Right, gotcha. Guess I'll see you at dinner then, bro." Peter turned on his heels, but didn't leave right away. "It was nice seeing you two, Mel and El! Have a good day, alright?" "Thanks, we will," Noel said. "Guess we should leave Serge to his business then." "Perfect timing! I just finished," Melia said, throwing her wrappers into a nearby trashcan. "I could sing the praises of that burrito forever, but I'll spare you." With that, Noel and Melia made their way across the streets till they hit a fairly long stretch of sidewalk. At one point, Melia stopped. "Say, Noel, do you think we can see the shrine to the Entity today? I haven't been there in a while." "Sure, though it'll be a bit of a walk," Noel said. "Who knows, we might find Alrai and Caleb slacking off in the field around there again." "They're there a lot, aren't they? I guess I can't blame Alrai for wanting some free time, especially after what Serge said about him," Melia said. "And Fenne is always at the shrine, so I'd like to see her too." "Sounds like a plan." Noel lead Melia up a different sidewalk, and they headed for the field on the outskirts of town.
{ "title": "Animated", "id": 21483, "author": "Fire209", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Ch. 4 The News", "id": 305705, "next": 305901, "prev": 305095, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3Y2QxOWFlNzM5ZjRkZTJhNjcxZDI2NGJjOTc3OGI0">“Have you seen the strange news?” John’s Manager, Henry, asked.</p> <p class="cnM5NzUyN2Y2MTM3NzQxYjJiMmVjMTYyM2QxMWZiZmU0">“No, what news?” John asked, a bit confused, but also guessing it had something to do with the rather mystical occurrences he had been seeing lately.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWM4ZTJlMzE3ODQ2Njg5ZTE3NTRhNmM4MmIyYjQw">His manager grinned, and said “You won’t believe it, come, and let me show you.” Henry then led him to his office, where he had a large flat-screen TV showing the local news. John noted slightly sourly that while corporate hadn’t been able to afford them any pay raises, they were able to afford a new wall-mounted flat screen TV for the manager, which hadn’t been there last time he’d been in the office. However, he quickly forgot about that when he saw what was on the TV.</p> <p class="cnNiNTFkZDdjYjIzYjQyYmY4ZDcwZDQ2MTlhMGI1MTM1">“Local authorities have issued a warning for people to ‘stay home today’ after a large number of strange occurrences around the city. They were pressed for further details, but have refused to make a statement. However, throughout the city, there’ve been a large number of ‘Supernatural’ events, which we’ll show footage of now” Said the Weather Lady, who John had never bothered to learn the name of.</p> <p class="cnNmNjYwMzQ1NGM4NjQ3ZGRhNDMxMDU3MDJiODRkNWYz">A video started playing on the screen, showing a man in the street. The video appears to have been taken by a number of others nearby, who are all surrounding the man chanting “Fire! Fire! Fire!”</p> <p class="cnM5MGFmMzczNjE3NDQ2ZDY5ZGYzNjlmZGMwZGU1MDg4">The man then shouts to all the people “You want Fire? I’ll give you fire!” To the cheers of the crowd (It is good to note that the man and the entire crowd appear to be part of the same gang, of which the man is the leader). The man then lunges his head into the air and opens his mouth wide, upon which fire spews from his jaws into a cone 20 feet into the air. The crowd to cheer even louder, some deciding it was prudent to fire their weapons in the air, causing a couple of gunshots to ring out.</p> <p class="cnNmNjNkMmRiYjVlYzQxYjM5YTYwYWJkMzFlYjM3MWI5">The video then fades into another one, showing a scene taking place in the local park. It shows a man, who looks to the camera and waves, before two large white wings erupt from his back, and he says with an infectious grin, “Look what I can do!” before crouching down and flapping his wings once, powerfully to launch him up into the air. He then starts flying around with incredible speed doing backflips and other aerial maneuvers (Rather sloppily) before coming into the ground for an admittedly rough landing.</p> <p class="cnM0MzJmNTM0NDBjZTRhNTM5ZmRiOGQyZmRmOGEyZGE1">The broadcast then cute back to the news anchor, but John is distracted by his manager who says “Crazy, right?”</p> <p class="cnM5ZDcyNTgzNTc3YzRiMGZhN2Q0ODQ0MWE2NTVmMTZl">“Uh, yeah” John says with wide eyes, not quite believing the news, and at the same time pondering his neighbor’s claim that he’d disintegrated a hole through his house.</p> <p class="cnM4NTk3YTQ2NmFmYzQ5N2Y4MmU3ODFlMjJmYWE0Y2Rh">“Well, I’m gonna send yah home, John. It looks like a bit too crazy of a day to work” Says his manager, shooing John out of the building after he clocked back out again.</p> <p class="cnMzMjYxMmE2NjBmZTQ4NTBiOGFlNTU0NjQ3OTAwYTlh">John stepped back out onto the street, just in time for him to see a 10-foot tall muscle-bound were-wolf creature burst out of a nearby Jewelry store, and sped off down the road with long, bounding strides.</p> </div>
“Have you seen the strange news?” John’s Manager, Henry, asked. “No, what news?” John asked, a bit confused, but also guessing it had something to do with the rather mystical occurrences he had been seeing lately. His manager grinned, and said “You won’t believe it, come, and let me show you.” Henry then led him to his office, where he had a large flat-screen TV showing the local news. John noted slightly sourly that while corporate hadn’t been able to afford them any pay raises, they were able to afford a new wall-mounted flat screen TV for the manager, which hadn’t been there last time he’d been in the office. However, he quickly forgot about that when he saw what was on the TV. “Local authorities have issued a warning for people to ‘stay home today’ after a large number of strange occurrences around the city. They were pressed for further details, but have refused to make a statement. However, throughout the city, there’ve been a large number of ‘Supernatural’ events, which we’ll show footage of now” Said the Weather Lady, who John had never bothered to learn the name of. A video started playing on the screen, showing a man in the street. The video appears to have been taken by a number of others nearby, who are all surrounding the man chanting “Fire! Fire! Fire!” The man then shouts to all the people “You want Fire? I’ll give you fire!” To the cheers of the crowd (It is good to note that the man and the entire crowd appear to be part of the same gang, of which the man is the leader). The man then lunges his head into the air and opens his mouth wide, upon which fire spews from his jaws into a cone 20 feet into the air. The crowd to cheer even louder, some deciding it was prudent to fire their weapons in the air, causing a couple of gunshots to ring out. The video then fades into another one, showing a scene taking place in the local park. It shows a man, who looks to the camera and waves, before two large white wings erupt from his back, and he says with an infectious grin, “Look what I can do!” before crouching down and flapping his wings once, powerfully to launch him up into the air. He then starts flying around with incredible speed doing backflips and other aerial maneuvers (Rather sloppily) before coming into the ground for an admittedly rough landing. The broadcast then cute back to the news anchor, but John is distracted by his manager who says “Crazy, right?” “Uh, yeah” John says with wide eyes, not quite believing the news, and at the same time pondering his neighbor’s claim that he’d disintegrated a hole through his house. “Well, I’m gonna send yah home, John. It looks like a bit too crazy of a day to work” Says his manager, shooing John out of the building after he clocked back out again. John stepped back out onto the street, just in time for him to see a 10-foot tall muscle-bound were-wolf creature burst out of a nearby Jewelry store, and sped off down the road with long, bounding strides.
{ "title": "Zairen", "id": 3632, "author": "em_rez", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 58", "id": 305707, "next": 306316, "prev": 303867, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxM2NjZmI4MDgxMTRlOWE4MWNjZjA4NmFmMGRjMDIw"><strong>Chapter 58</strong></p> <hr> <p class="cnNlNWE4OTRlZDgxYTRmNzNhODU1ZDkzOWMxMmU1NDBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The crowd in the auction house was shaken once more. Everyone turned toward the new voice in surprise. A moment later, there was a collective gasp, and a ringing buzz of gossip dribbled out among the crowd.</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span></p> <p class="cnMwNmIwY2Y0NTM5YzRiNDU4OTIxMmQxYTE1MGJkNDI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Minister Jokoran and Willow were also visibly surprised. They immediately turned toward the source of the voice, and then just a moment later, developed ugly expressions.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWFhMjQ1M2UxMzQ4NWFiNDZkM2EwNzYyMmE2Y2Yz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm?” Zairen also turned toward the source of the new voice, and his eyes too also widened in surprise.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODZkNzNmYjE1ZDRjMjJhNDg3NTE2NzllZWVlNWNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The one who had bidded was a young brown-haired boy, around the same age as Willow, sitting a few tables away from Willow in the front section. However, the surprising was, the boy was wearing the same blue silk robes as Willow!</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGNlODFhNDNiODRhMmQ4MmIwMmJlN2E1ZTg1MjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘The same robes…’ Zairen thought. ‘That could only mean… that he went to the same school as Willow?’ He tilted his head in curiosity. Weren’t those from the same school supposed to support each other?</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzE2MjRhZmM0MjRiZDJiZDc0ZDZiNmM3MjdiYTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That sick guy,” Jannie growled out, his eyes narrowing toward the source of the new voice. “Leero of the Jang family… that guy is awful. Of course he would do something like this. He doesn’t even need the pills, he just wants to be petty and raise up the price!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjI0ZDJkZmM5NTQ1NTZiZmY3OTYxNWJmYWNiZjZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Leero?” Zairen turned to Jannie in question.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzc4MWZhOWVjYTQ2OGY5MjY0MDdjYTU2OTRjNzZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That guy Leero goes to the same school as Willow, Sunrise Academy. He’s also considered a great talent, only second in the school to Willow, having a strong wood affinity and powerful family as well,” Jannie explained with a scowl. “He had seemingly gotten along with Willow before, and they had even been rumored to have been a couple. Yet…” He curled his hands into fists. “Just after Willow’s spirit energy stagnated, he suddenly turned his back on her. Ever since then, he’s shown his true colors and made disparaging remarks against her, even though they are from the same school!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmRlNGU4MTNlMTQ3NWU4NjMyMjIxODI2ZTY2ODlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yinry nodded in agreement. “He’s awful. He’s even said that she doesn’t deserve to be part of Sunrise Academy anymore because she won’t be able to improve anymore.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDEwZWI5MjVkNDRjMWI5NTI1MTI1OGMzOTUxMTgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, that made me so angry,” Jannie’s expression turned sour. “How can a classmate of the same school disparage a fellow student like that?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGFjODIxOGY2OTRkMDU4YTRlYjgyMGNmZWEwMWUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everyone from Black Cloud School nodded in agreement. They would never be able to understand something like that - if they were from the same school, shouldn’t they support each other?</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDRlZGI1Yzg3OTQyYjk4YmE4YThlOTM1ZDMzMjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the front tabled section of the room, the giant hulking figure of Minister Jokoran continued to glare harshly at Leero. However, Leero seemed to be unaffected, smiling condescendingly back at him, seemingly without fear. A few moments later, Minister Jokoran uttered out another bid, his voice very direct: “2600 high grade spirit stones.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGViOTBkOTU1MjQyY2ZhNjhiYTA4MjU4Zjc4Y2Vm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“2650,” Leero spat back. Chuckling to himself, he gave a another jeering smile to both Minister Jokoran and Willow. At the same time, a tall, well dressed, brown-haired man beside the immature boy seemed to be glancing at Minister Jokoran nervously, as if telling him: ‘I can’t help it.’</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2Q4MWFjZTlhMDRkMDE4ZTEwNWQ5ZmQ4YTVkZDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instantly, everyone could detect the tense atmosphere, and the auction house turned quiet. Especially in the front tabled section of the auction, people seemed to look nervous, glancing around at each other in an uncomfortable fashion.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDk3OTBjYjcyOTRjMWQ5ZTlmYTc0YzU0N2RmODVj">Zairen clicked his tongue as well. He could feel the hints of a power struggle seeping to the surface. The more time he spent in the auction house, the more he got a sense of the politics of all of the ministers and schools that competed with each other.</p> <p class="cnM2M2ZhMGI5YmM5ZDRjZGY5Y2Q3ZGY0MDExNDcxZGRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Minister Jokoran stared back at the little brown haired boy Leero, his gaze turning less and less intense, but still just as direct. It was as if he was putting away his claws, but still prowling around his prey. His voice eerily calm this time, he stated another bid: “2700 high grade spirit stones.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2Q5NWE0ZTExMzRjNjc5OTc0ZjBkODIwM2YyZmI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“2750-” Leero’s voice once against rang out, but then was suddenly cut out as the tall man beside him pulled him back and put his hand over his mouth, cutting his voice off.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWFhNmRlNDA1MTQ1ZDE4NDk1ZmY3ZTJhZTNlZDc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m sorry! We rescind our bid!” The tall man holding Leero back stated in a nasally voice, his tone a bit exasperated.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Yzk4OGFhZjhlNzRkZDNiYzk4NDMyMGE2MDU0MzQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">High minister Jokoran shifted his gaze to the tall brown-haired man and nodded slightly. Then, he turned back toward Sohar.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDFjZDg0YWZmZTQxZGFiNGQ2NDM3NTY1NzRhMmY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...ah, yes,” Sohar immediately coughed out, making a gesture toward minister Jokoran. “Going once, going twice, going three times! Sold! To high minister Jokoran.” He quickly signaled for the Golden Rooster to wheel out the display box containing the jade pill bottle off of the stage.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDZmNTM1MTc1MjQyMDE4YjI5MDEzMTYzMDcwN2Nm"><span style="font-weight: 400">As soon as the word “sold” had rang out throughout the auction house, it was like a weight had been lifted from peoples’ shoulders, and everyone let out a breath. The atmosphere had been a bit intense with the struggle between the two families.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTE0YWFmZTVlMDQxNjRhZTllZDYzN2U3YTYwZTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everyone shook off their nervousness and began to chatter with each other again.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjU3N2FhMmY1ZDRkODQ4MDk1YmYzOTlkZTg1OThj"><span style="font-weight: 400">But heavens!</span></p> <p class="cnM0Mzk3ZGM0Y2JiNTRmNmZhZWEzMDRjYTVjNGE3NDgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Many got dizzy just thinking about the price. 2700 high grade spirit stones! That was equivalent to 135,000 low grade spirit stones, at the rate of 45,000 low grade spirit stones per pill!</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjAyMTc0ZWFlOTRjNDZhYzcwMTIwNTEwZjA4Njcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Most people had never even seen a small fraction of that amount in their entire life. However, nobody thought it was strange. Such an amazing pill, if it didn’t sell for that much, they didn’t know what would. It was basically a get-out-of-jail-free card!</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjU3YTI5YjI0YzRmYTk4NTViMjE4MjA2MTdkNzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A rare moment,” Jannie suddenly commented out loud. “Emblematic of the internal power struggles between families.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWY1ODQyNmNlOTQ0MzNhNjRiMDMzZmIxZjY2ZjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I guess that’s what it’s all about,” Yinry nodded. “However, I’m glad Willow was able to get those miracle pills, after all.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDgyMDA1NDRhMDQ0OTk4NTY4MTBmNmExNTMzYWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes,” Horace added on. “Maybe with those, she’ll be able to recover from whatever problem she has and rise up in the world of cultivation once again.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDA5NzYwMWRmNDQxN2ZiNTIzZDI4ZjM1ZTIyYTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everyone nodded, all empathetic of Willow’s struggle.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWJjNDRhNmViODQ4ODhhZDVjOTI0ODRlNThiOTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They won’t help,” Zairen mumbled out.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWNjOTYwMWZjODQ3MDliNjRiMzM0ZDcyZjMxNmMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh?” Jannie turned toward Zairen and furrowed his brows. “What did you say?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmI5OTUyNmMwMjQyNjE5MGE0YTUzMzNmMTcwNjEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nothing,” Zairen waved his hand with a stiff smile. He glanced around and saw that everyone was shuffling around and packing their stuff, getting ready to go. “The auction is over now, right? Should we go pick up our item?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMGYxNzk3NGM1ODRjYTFiNmU4ZDM3MzA1MDg1MzA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just at that moment, the commanding voice of Sohar rang out again.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDhjNjEyNmE5YjQxNjI5MTY4MDU5ZWNlN2U4YzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well everyone, that marks the end of our famous monthly Golden Rooster auction! I have to thank everyone for coming! And of course, congratulations to all the winning bidders; please come to our special backstage entrance to pick up your items,” he announced. “However, I do have one final announcement! May I have your attention once more?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjdjMWY0M2RmMzQxM2E5NTBhNjQzYzBmNThiZDYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hearing Sohar’s voice, most of the crowd dimmed their chatter and looked back up at him.</span></p> <p class="cnNhM2VhYTg3ZDgzZTRkODBhMGQzMTdlNjk0MGZmNjUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing that he had gotten the audience’s attention again, Sohar suddenly turned to the side and assuming an introductory pose once more. “Before you go, Captain Janor has an announcement to make.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjE4NGQ2OGVmYTQyODQ4Mzk1ZjEwMmNkY2M2ZDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTdmYWJiZTYxMTQwOGNiMTdlMzllNTgwMzg1NTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">As soon as the words “Captain Janor” had rung out, it was like a wave of hypnotism had went over the crowd again, and everyone immediately completely stopped what they were doing and looked attentively over to the side of the stage toward Captain Janor. They were clearly eager to hear what she had to say.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Mjk0NWI0OTBkZjQxYzg5OGZjYTg5YjU3OGVmMTg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zairen looked around in amazement. This Captain Janor really had a natural command of everyone’s attention.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTYzOWVkYTI1OTQyZmQ5ZTFhN2U3MTBjYWMzMjFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Captain Janor smiled and walked toward the center of the stage again.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODdkMmRjNGRkMzQzZWQ5Mzg1ZjQ1NTU0YjQ2MmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Congratulations to the Jokorans for acquiring those amazing miracle healing pills.” She gave her signature pleasant smile, looking down toward high minister Jokoran and Willow.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWUyNmZjNDcyODQ2NjFhYTAxZmMyNjhjMzEzMzM1">High Minister Jokoran and Willow smiled eagerly back. It seemed that they both really liked her.</p> <p class="cnMxNWFhNTM5MGFlOTRkODVhNzUxOWEwZWZiOTc1NzA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked back up at the entire audience.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWU3ZTlkMWU3NzQ1MWM4ZWUzYzc3ZDFkMjlhMThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you could help me out, there’s a reason why I put these miracle pills for auction. I’m actually looking for the person that refined them - Apothecary Shen really wanted to meet them. I know almost for certain that the person is in our Sunrise City. However, after a while of searching, I was unable to find them; thus, I had decided to send out a notice in search of the person, as well as putting a few of his pills on auction to spread the message. The person I am looking for is short and commonly wears a black cloak.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2QxMjY3YjI2ODQxNTU4NzdlZjA3ZTFmNzViMTg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She scanned over the audience, as if inspecting each and every person one by one. “I hope all of you can spread the word. If the person can come to the Rain Province Apothecary department headquarters and confirm it is actually them, there will be a large monetary reward, as well as access to the city’s reserves of rare herbs and plants. Also, we can even directly give them the position of Lead Department Advisor within the Apothecary Department, a role with high prestige and without any daily responsibilities!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYmY5MzVlZDUwYjQyNTk5ZGY3N2FhOGUwYzg1OTQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">An amazed gasp spread out throughout the crowd.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODM3N2IwMzcwMzQyNWI4ZWJlMzMwZGE3ZTA0Y2Vh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Directly give the position of Lead Department Advisor? Access to to the city’s reserves of rare herbs and plants? These were privileges that many would vy for their entire lives. Yet, Captain Janor was going to grant such high-level access and such a prestigious and high-paying role to this random expert? Few other than Apothecary Shen herself had such exclusive access!</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2Q1MmY2NjQ4MjQ3OWI4Nzc0YjlmNmIxYjE0ZjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">People were shocked.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmQ2ZjhlMjc5YTQ1M2Q4MDI4MjBmN2UyN2FkMGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the same time, Zairen stared out back at Captain Janor and scratched his head, his gaze full of disbelief. What was happening?</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGE4MDc0ZTI5MjQzZGZiNTBmMGE3Y2Q0ODZjNmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That person could even possibly be in the crowd today, right now!” Captain Janor’s voice turned inviting, and she once again scanned around the room, as if personally talking to each individual person there. “If you’re here right now, make sure to come to the Apothecary headquarters later! There will be many benefits; you will not regret it!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWU1ODQ4YTgxMDRhYzJhNTZhNDkwMzVhNWVhOWM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, her roaming gaze passed over a small red-haired girl and blue-haired boy standing a bit stiffly together in the vast laymen section. Although it was far, the superb vision granted by her cultivation allowed her to see the two children within the massive crowd, although not perfectly clearly. Since the children were so small, only the top halves of their heads could be seen, and they constantly moved around.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGM0NzA1ZGRmYjRjZjY5ZGM5MTc5ZTRmMjk1MjA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yet still, seeing those two children, she felt that they were familiar.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTdiMTJkOWFiMDRlMjBhZDAwMWM0MmVmY2Q2Y2Fm"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Hm?’ She thought, furrowing her brows. ‘Could it be… those kids?’</span></p> <p class="cnNiMGE2Mjk5YjUyMTQzZjRiNGQ2MDYxZTA0ODI3NDA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking past them a bit, she also saw a small, black-haired little boy right next to them.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWQ5ZTY1MzNjZDQ4NDFiMDQzNmQ2NjhlNzgwZGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Strangely… he looked a bit familiar as well? She raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzk0YWNlOGJiODRiZjI5MGNlMjAzYjgxMzc5ZWZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yet, it wasn’t strange for children to have different brightly colored hair in this world, and many children did come to the auctions for fun all the time. Out of the tens of thousands of people in the crowd tonight, she had seen multiple cases of the almost the exact same scene. Her gaze quickly moved on, having not stayed on those three children for more than a moment.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmVlYzZlODI5NTQ4ZTJiMThiYjk0NTYzOGM3ZjUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the same time, Zairen suddenly got the chills.</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2VkYWViN2Q3MTRkY2U4NDA2Yjc0MDYyNmQwODcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright guys, I should go pick up my ancient relic box,” Zairen turned toward the other Black Cloud School students.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmIyZGUzZTJkNjQxYTY4YWE1NjA3MjM2OGMxMGM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">-----------------------------</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzUzMGJkZjNlODQ1MDZhNTU4ZmZhYWRlYmYxYmVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Congratulations on your winning bid!” The golden robed employee smiled at Zairen and Jannie. “If you could please provide payment... We can accept bank notes or spirit stones directly.” He extended out a polite hand in a cupped gesture.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTc3MDliMWE4NzQ4YTI4MDRjMTcxZTIxM2M2YTgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uh… yes,” Zairen nodded. After a moment of hesitation, he took out a small pouch from his pocket and emptied it out onto the employee’s hand, spilling out a plethora of dark blue spirit stones.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjVhZTE2MzAzZTQwYTlhMTE5NDA2MGFlMGZkZDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He, Jannie, and a Golden Rooster employee were standing in the the side stage area in the very front of the Golden Rooster auction house. Zairen and Jannie had spent over half an hour wading through the massive crowd that was clearing out, and after finally making it through and spotting an employee standing at attention in front of a backstage door, they had immediately approached to claim their item.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MzhlNjZhY2JjYTQyNjI5MzE3Y2FlZGJlNjcyMTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you,” the employee bowed his head slightly in thanks, before looking down and bringing his other hand forward to count the stones. About a minute of counting, he looked up. “That adds up to only 75 low grade spirit stones. Do you have the other 25?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNzIyYjI5OTBkMTQwMjZhNjE0YjIxMzY3YjcxYzA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes,” Jannie cut in from Zairen’s side. Producing a plethora of spirit stones from his pocket, he selected five lighter and larger medium-grade spirit stones and passed them to the employee. As he did, he moved with a sort of reluctancy. Clearly, the sum was a large amount of money to him.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGMwYmQ1NDMwZDRkZTNhYjEzOWZmNjZlMDUwY2Ni"><span style="font-weight: 400">From the side, Zairen made a mental note of the debt that he now owed Jannie, and smiled slightly in thanks.</span></p> <p class="cnM5M2E3YjUwNjQxZTRmM2M4NGFiMzZhNGMwOGE5NTk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you,” the employee smiled, putting the spirit stones away and bowing slightly. “Please come with me.” He turned toward the side and raised his arm in an inviting gesture.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTlkMjhkOWE2NzQwNjk5YjQ0MGI2NDliNWUxMGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">----------------------------</span></p> <p class="cnNmODEyYzMwYjExMTQwMDY4NzM0MjNiNzRhYmQ5YTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The golden robed employee led Zairen and Jannie through a long corridor into a large, spacious room. Although it was mostly empty, there were still some people here, presumably winning bidders, guided by employees to their items.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjEyYTMzNmE0ZDQ4ZGFhMzI2OTZmZGJjN2M4MGNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stepping in and looking around, Zairen and Jannie noted many fancy display pillars spread out throughout the room, many empty. It seemed that these pillars had held the auction items, and that most had already been claimed and taken.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzhiMWUxZjgyNTQ5YjZiYzJiOTg5ZDE0N2ZhMzU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This way.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2ZiNGM1MDQ0NjQyZmE4NzlkNTA3ZjQ1ZDExNmUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Golden Rooster employee continued to lead Zairen and Jannie to the back of the room. Eventually, they approached a display pillar that that contained a dirty green box. Stopping in front of it, everyone got a better look at the relic.</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2ZjMjcxZTk0YjRlY2Q5MjRhMDZiOGU1ZDcyMzJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing it up close for the first time, Jannie and Zairen both couldn’t help but scrunch their faces. The relic box looked completely ordinary and even a bit dirty. They both individually found that they didn’t understand: what was the use of something like this?</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWQ3OTA4OGQzNTQ1YmRhYTc1ZDg5M2FhMTc2NDcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Here it is.” The Golden Rooster employee produced a jade spirit key from his pocket and then leaned over to place it into the keyhole. A moment later, the display box clicked open and a glass panel on the outside slid open, revealing the item within.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmM2ZGY5MDI1NTQ3YTJiMDEwYWI3Njg4ZGQ5N2Zl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Golden Rooster employee reached in to grab the box and then carefully pulled it out, careful to not damage it in any way, and then turned, bowed, presenting it to Zairen. “Here you are, sir. Thank you for your business.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjllYjg1ZmUzNjRlYzZhOGQxZWYyYmFhNDlhMTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you.” Zairen bowed back in response and then received the dirty green box.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjU1ZGEwNmIyYTQ3ZGJiZGM4MGJiNmQ3MTQ0NmEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Immediately, he got a surprise, his arms lifting high against the expected weight: it was much lighter than he had expected.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmU2ZWRlMGRlNDQ1YWViNGRiMzJjZTI2ZGY4YjY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Hm?’ Zairen looked down at the box and raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t much heavier than a lightweight block of wood.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDk3NGYyNWVhODQ2Zjg4NmFjM2Y5ZTA4Mzg2MzYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was unexpected… it had seemed to be metal-like or at least jade-like from a distance, so he had expected that it would weigh much more. But since it was so unexpectedly light, did that mean it had special properties?</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzcwYjI4NTkyYzQyNTg5YzhkNTQ1MmVkMDc3YTFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking closer, Zairen discovered that all over the outside surface of it, there were inumerable fine, intricate inscriptions of incomprehensible patterns and words. Immediately, his eyes widened. The inscriptions were much more complicated that he had expected: with innumerable nonrepeating swirls, designs, and shapes, it suddenly seemed much more profound than it had from a distance.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODdiMjg2Y2NlZjRhZjRhZThlYjY4ZjlmOGU3M2Fl"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the same time, Jannie looked down at the box as well. Seeing the incredibly complicated inscriptions, his expression started to lighten up as well. He found that the more he looked at them, the more they looked mysterious and powerful.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDMyZDQwNDMyYzQ0YmVhMmZmNDI5M2ZkNTFmYzQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maybe there really was something special about this box that he couldn’t discern!</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTljMTg3NGI2NDRkZmM4NjgwZWY3Zjk4ZjljZjlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just at that moment, from the corner of their eyes, they saw a door near them open and two familiar figures walk through: one big black-haired man and a small black-haired girl.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDU0NzNiMDhjYjQ0Mzc5NTVlN2EwMWExMWI0YmVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Hm?’ Zairen and Jannie looked over, spotting the two people in surprise.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWQyY2RjNGJjZDRmMTRhN2VkNjRkMGQ0MzU2NTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">A different golden robed employee followed the two figures out from the doorway, bowing toward them. “Congratulations and thank you for your bid! Good luck with your item.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzM2Q0NTIxYmU4ZDQwOThiMDkxY2U1Zjc0YWFjNDEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you,” the big black-haired man replied in a deep voice, raising up a familiar jade bottle in his right hand in kudos. “We really hope it will help.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTg0ZDQ0ZGE4ZjQ5NzI5M2FjNzIzMDYyOTIwZGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s high ministed Jokoran and Willow!” Jannie leaned toward Zairen and murmured. “They must be getting their item too. I’ve never seen them up this close.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGIzZWMyODUzMjQ3OWViYzUzZTcyYTgxYmU4Yjdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yea…” Zairen nodded absentmindedly, his eyes wandering between them.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWZkZTI1YWExYTRmMmVhNzc0YjU0ODUyMWU2MzAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Up close, high minister Jokoran seemed even bigger and intimidating. And in comparison to the tiny Willow, he seemed even bigger. Willow, on the other hand, seemed much more innocent than it looked from a distance, with soft facial features and big, dark, eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTU2YjhmYzEyMjRlMzRiYzQ0NDVmNWViMjdlMmI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">It seemed that the items for the main auction were kept in their own secure rooms, which was what minister Jokoran and Willow seemed to be coming from.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWU0OGMyNDRmZTRiM2FhZWM1NWYyZDk0NjRjZjM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a few more back and forths with the employee, Minister Jokoran and Willow paid their final respects before finally turning around and walking away.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjc1NjE5MDNkOTRhNzY4ZDhjOTE1Zjg1YjNmMzA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm?” As she turned around, Willow looked up and spotted Zairen and Jannie staring toward her.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDk0ZGJjNjIzYzQ3Yjg5MTAzNThjMmU3ZDIyMTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Minister Jokoran also spotted the two peeping boys. Immediately reacting defensively, he stepped intimidatingly forward. “Do you youngsters need something?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjhkMDVmNmRiNjRmNzliNDBjODI0YzUxNTZlYzc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No!” Jannie was snapped out of his trance and immediately stuttered out. He took a step back and put up his hands in surrender. The man had an intimidating presence.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDI2NWY5NThiOTQwMmU4ODM2ZTIwZjkwMzU1OGYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the other hand, seemingly unaffected, Zairen continued to stare at Willow for a moment before locking eye contact with her. “Those pills… please don’t raise your expectations.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzIxYWY2NDc2ZTRjMmE4NWEzOWZjNzMzMzM4OThh"><span style="font-weight: 400">His words were extremely deadpan, seemingly no emotion in them.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzQ0MTk0MTkxYjRiZTVhYzVkOTI5YmQxMGZhODBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh?” A bit surprised at the response, Willow raised her eyebrows, staring back at this tiny little black-haired boy. “What did you say?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzNjMzg0ZGQ2NTRmZTdiMmRlOTAxMDA4ZTViZDNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Boy…” Minister Jokoran looked over and stared at Zairen. “Are you trying to start a fight?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzNkNTQzNmNjZTQ4ODk4NTkwZTAzMGZjNjNiYmMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No no...” Jannie immediately stepped forward in front of Zairen, blocking him and raising his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry for my friend. Please go on.” He gave a non-threatening friendly gesture. “Good luck with the pills!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODI4MjAxMGY2ZDRmNzZhNDUxYzFlNjkzMjgxYTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Minister Jokoran was silent for a moments, his face flat. A few moments later, he turned and nodded. “Let’s go, Willow.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGFmYTIyNmI0ZDQ4MmI5NzVhNTFmOTMzZGE3N2Y3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Willow stared back at the obscured Zairen, taken aback. With her status, few would so directly stare at her like that, especially with her father near her.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDliNWFhN2NkYzRmZGM5NWI1YTUwYmZiZTQ2MmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Willow.” Minister Jokoran tapped her on the shoulder, interrupting her trance. “Let’s go.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWQ3YTgyMjkwOTQ4NWM5ZDk3NTQ4MjkwMTA0Zjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes.” Willow nodded, turning and sticking to her father’s side once more. Together, they strode out and left the room.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDllNTgyOTM4YzQ0YTc4YmE5MmRlY2QwOTlmOTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Zairen!” Jannie elbowed Zairen in the gut and made an exasperated groan. “What was that?!” </span></p> <p class="cnNkZTVjOGU0N2ZjYjRhZWQ4YmMxYWRjMmE2MzUyN2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just telling them the truth,” Zairen explained.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZmM5OThhZWVmNDQ5N2E4YzExZDc3ZmI4NzQ1NTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It seemed a bit aggressive…” Jannie sighed softly.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWQ1OGQ0MjMxZDRiMjZhZGU5YWIzNTcyNWYzYTIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glancing toward Zairen, he saw the seriousness on his face. He paused and then asked: “You were staring at her for a while. You think you can cure what she has?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzE1NWYwYTU3ZjQxYTI5MWFhNzM1NjAyYjhhNmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah,” Zairen nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NjAzNjA5YWJjOTQxN2U5NWM5NDc3MTcxMDM0MzJk">Jannie shook his head in exasperated amazement. “That’s incredible.”</p> <p class="cnM3MTgxMTk1ZGRhMjQ4ZDI5MDBjOWQxNzM1OGU2Nzg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He thought back to when Zairen had first offered to help cure him. At first, he had been just as direct. However, it was only later than Jannie had realized that the boy had good intentions and possessed mysterious skills that actually did give him credentials. At this point, he wouldn’t question what Zairen said. Although, he was still just as amazed.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MWIyMWIyMmZlOTRjOTQ4NzQ3MjQ4ZDZiZWZlNjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nodded. “You’re a good person, Zairen.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTdlMDUxYjBjYjQxZjA5OTgwMGM3ZTFjNDA1MGFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You know, if you really want to help…” He brought his hand to his chin. “As I mentioned before, Minister Jokoran is offering a large reward to anyone who can help his daughter regain her spirit energy. Quite a few doctors have tried and failed.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjZmMGUxOWNjMTQwOTg5MmNmOTUwNjk1NTdkOWVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zairen’s eyes lit up. That was right. They had been offering a large reward to anyone that could help them.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTkyYTFiYTE5ZTQyNzM5MmM1NDI0YTU4Zjk4ZDA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But… he wouldn’t let a young child like me try to treat his daughter, would he?” Zairen scratched the side of his head.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNGU3MzI2ZDY5ZTRjYmNhZjZkY2MxMjEyNWY0ZjY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Realizing the fault in that idea, Jannie chuckled and shrugged.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNlOWUzZjdmYWFiODQxMWFhZjllOWIxM2I1YzVkOGFm"> </p> </div>
**Chapter 58** --- The crowd in the auction house was shaken once more. Everyone turned toward the new voice in surprise. A moment later, there was a collective gasp, and a ringing buzz of gossip dribbled out among the crowd. Minister Jokoran and Willow were also visibly surprised. They immediately turned toward the source of the voice, and then just a moment later, developed ugly expressions. “Hm?” Zairen also turned toward the source of the new voice, and his eyes too also widened in surprise. The one who had bidded was a young brown-haired boy, around the same age as Willow, sitting a few tables away from Willow in the front section. However, the surprising was, the boy was wearing the same blue silk robes as Willow! ‘The same robes…’ Zairen thought. ‘That could only mean… that he went to the same school as Willow?’ He tilted his head in curiosity. Weren’t those from the same school supposed to support each other? “That sick guy,” Jannie growled out, his eyes narrowing toward the source of the new voice. “Leero of the Jang family… that guy is awful. Of course he would do something like this. He doesn’t even need the pills, he just wants to be petty and raise up the price!” “Leero?” Zairen turned to Jannie in question. “That guy Leero goes to the same school as Willow, Sunrise Academy. He’s also considered a great talent, only second in the school to Willow, having a strong wood affinity and powerful family as well,” Jannie explained with a scowl. “He had seemingly gotten along with Willow before, and they had even been rumored to have been a couple. Yet…” He curled his hands into fists. “Just after Willow’s spirit energy stagnated, he suddenly turned his back on her. Ever since then, he’s shown his true colors and made disparaging remarks against her, even though they are from the same school!” Yinry nodded in agreement. “He’s awful. He’s even said that she doesn’t deserve to be part of Sunrise Academy anymore because she won’t be able to improve anymore.” “Yes, that made me so angry,” Jannie’s expression turned sour. “How can a classmate of the same school disparage a fellow student like that?” Everyone from Black Cloud School nodded in agreement. They would never be able to understand something like that - if they were from the same school, shouldn’t they support each other? In the front tabled section of the room, the giant hulking figure of Minister Jokoran continued to glare harshly at Leero. However, Leero seemed to be unaffected, smiling condescendingly back at him, seemingly without fear. A few moments later, Minister Jokoran uttered out another bid, his voice very direct: “2600 high grade spirit stones.” “2650,” Leero spat back. Chuckling to himself, he gave a another jeering smile to both Minister Jokoran and Willow. At the same time, a tall, well dressed, brown-haired man beside the immature boy seemed to be glancing at Minister Jokoran nervously, as if telling him: ‘I can’t help it.’ Instantly, everyone could detect the tense atmosphere, and the auction house turned quiet. Especially in the front tabled section of the auction, people seemed to look nervous, glancing around at each other in an uncomfortable fashion. Zairen clicked his tongue as well. He could feel the hints of a power struggle seeping to the surface. The more time he spent in the auction house, the more he got a sense of the politics of all of the ministers and schools that competed with each other. Minister Jokoran stared back at the little brown haired boy Leero, his gaze turning less and less intense, but still just as direct. It was as if he was putting away his claws, but still prowling around his prey. His voice eerily calm this time, he stated another bid: “2700 high grade spirit stones.” “2750-” Leero’s voice once against rang out, but then was suddenly cut out as the tall man beside him pulled him back and put his hand over his mouth, cutting his voice off. “I’m sorry! We rescind our bid!” The tall man holding Leero back stated in a nasally voice, his tone a bit exasperated. High minister Jokoran shifted his gaze to the tall brown-haired man and nodded slightly. Then, he turned back toward Sohar. “...ah, yes,” Sohar immediately coughed out, making a gesture toward minister Jokoran. “Going once, going twice, going three times! Sold! To high minister Jokoran.” He quickly signaled for the Golden Rooster to wheel out the display box containing the jade pill bottle off of the stage. As soon as the word “sold” had rang out throughout the auction house, it was like a weight had been lifted from peoples’ shoulders, and everyone let out a breath. The atmosphere had been a bit intense with the struggle between the two families. Everyone shook off their nervousness and began to chatter with each other again. But heavens! Many got dizzy just thinking about the price. 2700 high grade spirit stones! That was equivalent to 135,000 low grade spirit stones, at the rate of 45,000 low grade spirit stones per pill! Most people had never even seen a small fraction of that amount in their entire life. However, nobody thought it was strange. Such an amazing pill, if it didn’t sell for that much, they didn’t know what would. It was basically a get-out-of-jail-free card! “A rare moment,” Jannie suddenly commented out loud. “Emblematic of the internal power struggles between families.” “I guess that’s what it’s all about,” Yinry nodded. “However, I’m glad Willow was able to get those miracle pills, after all.” “Yes,” Horace added on. “Maybe with those, she’ll be able to recover from whatever problem she has and rise up in the world of cultivation once again.” Everyone nodded, all empathetic of Willow’s struggle. “They won’t help,” Zairen mumbled out. “Huh?” Jannie turned toward Zairen and furrowed his brows. “What did you say?” “Nothing,” Zairen waved his hand with a stiff smile. He glanced around and saw that everyone was shuffling around and packing their stuff, getting ready to go. “The auction is over now, right? Should we go pick up our item?” Just at that moment, the commanding voice of Sohar rang out again. “Well everyone, that marks the end of our famous monthly Golden Rooster auction! I have to thank everyone for coming! And of course, congratulations to all the winning bidders; please come to our special backstage entrance to pick up your items,” he announced. “However, I do have one final announcement! May I have your attention once more?” Hearing Sohar’s voice, most of the crowd dimmed their chatter and looked back up at him. Seeing that he had gotten the audience’s attention again, Sohar suddenly turned to the side and assuming an introductory pose once more. “Before you go, Captain Janor has an announcement to make.” “Hm?” As soon as the words “Captain Janor” had rung out, it was like a wave of hypnotism had went over the crowd again, and everyone immediately completely stopped what they were doing and looked attentively over to the side of the stage toward Captain Janor. They were clearly eager to hear what she had to say. Zairen looked around in amazement. This Captain Janor really had a natural command of everyone’s attention. Captain Janor smiled and walked toward the center of the stage again. “Congratulations to the Jokorans for acquiring those amazing miracle healing pills.” She gave her signature pleasant smile, looking down toward high minister Jokoran and Willow. High Minister Jokoran and Willow smiled eagerly back. It seemed that they both really liked her. She looked back up at the entire audience. “If you could help me out, there’s a reason why I put these miracle pills for auction. I’m actually looking for the person that refined them - Apothecary Shen really wanted to meet them. I know almost for certain that the person is in our Sunrise City. However, after a while of searching, I was unable to find them; thus, I had decided to send out a notice in search of the person, as well as putting a few of his pills on auction to spread the message. The person I am looking for is short and commonly wears a black cloak.” She scanned over the audience, as if inspecting each and every person one by one. “I hope all of you can spread the word. If the person can come to the Rain Province Apothecary department headquarters and confirm it is actually them, there will be a large monetary reward, as well as access to the city’s reserves of rare herbs and plants. Also, we can even directly give them the position of Lead Department Advisor within the Apothecary Department, a role with high prestige and without any daily responsibilities!” An amazed gasp spread out throughout the crowd. Directly give the position of Lead Department Advisor? Access to to the city’s reserves of rare herbs and plants? These were privileges that many would vy for their entire lives. Yet, Captain Janor was going to grant such high-level access and such a prestigious and high-paying role to this random expert? Few other than Apothecary Shen herself had such exclusive access! People were shocked. At the same time, Zairen stared out back at Captain Janor and scratched his head, his gaze full of disbelief. What was happening? “That person could even possibly be in the crowd today, right now!” Captain Janor’s voice turned inviting, and she once again scanned around the room, as if personally talking to each individual person there. “If you’re here right now, make sure to come to the Apothecary headquarters later! There will be many benefits; you will not regret it!” Suddenly, her roaming gaze passed over a small red-haired girl and blue-haired boy standing a bit stiffly together in the vast laymen section. Although it was far, the superb vision granted by her cultivation allowed her to see the two children within the massive crowd, although not perfectly clearly. Since the children were so small, only the top halves of their heads could be seen, and they constantly moved around. Yet still, seeing those two children, she felt that they were familiar. ‘Hm?’ She thought, furrowing her brows. ‘Could it be… those kids?’ Looking past them a bit, she also saw a small, black-haired little boy right next to them. Strangely… he looked a bit familiar as well? She raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. Yet, it wasn’t strange for children to have different brightly colored hair in this world, and many children did come to the auctions for fun all the time. Out of the tens of thousands of people in the crowd tonight, she had seen multiple cases of the almost the exact same scene. Her gaze quickly moved on, having not stayed on those three children for more than a moment. At the same time, Zairen suddenly got the chills. “Alright guys, I should go pick up my ancient relic box,” Zairen turned toward the other Black Cloud School students. ----------------------------- “Congratulations on your winning bid!” The golden robed employee smiled at Zairen and Jannie. “If you could please provide payment... We can accept bank notes or spirit stones directly.” He extended out a polite hand in a cupped gesture. “Uh… yes,” Zairen nodded. After a moment of hesitation, he took out a small pouch from his pocket and emptied it out onto the employee’s hand, spilling out a plethora of dark blue spirit stones. He, Jannie, and a Golden Rooster employee were standing in the the side stage area in the very front of the Golden Rooster auction house. Zairen and Jannie had spent over half an hour wading through the massive crowd that was clearing out, and after finally making it through and spotting an employee standing at attention in front of a backstage door, they had immediately approached to claim their item. “Thank you,” the employee bowed his head slightly in thanks, before looking down and bringing his other hand forward to count the stones. About a minute of counting, he looked up. “That adds up to only 75 low grade spirit stones. Do you have the other 25?” “Yes,” Jannie cut in from Zairen’s side. Producing a plethora of spirit stones from his pocket, he selected five lighter and larger medium-grade spirit stones and passed them to the employee. As he did, he moved with a sort of reluctancy. Clearly, the sum was a large amount of money to him. From the side, Zairen made a mental note of the debt that he now owed Jannie, and smiled slightly in thanks. “Thank you,” the employee smiled, putting the spirit stones away and bowing slightly. “Please come with me.” He turned toward the side and raised his arm in an inviting gesture. ---------------------------- The golden robed employee led Zairen and Jannie through a long corridor into a large, spacious room. Although it was mostly empty, there were still some people here, presumably winning bidders, guided by employees to their items. Stepping in and looking around, Zairen and Jannie noted many fancy display pillars spread out throughout the room, many empty. It seemed that these pillars had held the auction items, and that most had already been claimed and taken. “This way.” The Golden Rooster employee continued to lead Zairen and Jannie to the back of the room. Eventually, they approached a display pillar that that contained a dirty green box. Stopping in front of it, everyone got a better look at the relic. Seeing it up close for the first time, Jannie and Zairen both couldn’t help but scrunch their faces. The relic box looked completely ordinary and even a bit dirty. They both individually found that they didn’t understand: what was the use of something like this? “Here it is.” The Golden Rooster employee produced a jade spirit key from his pocket and then leaned over to place it into the keyhole. A moment later, the display box clicked open and a glass panel on the outside slid open, revealing the item within. The Golden Rooster employee reached in to grab the box and then carefully pulled it out, careful to not damage it in any way, and then turned, bowed, presenting it to Zairen. “Here you are, sir. Thank you for your business.” “Thank you.” Zairen bowed back in response and then received the dirty green box. Immediately, he got a surprise, his arms lifting high against the expected weight: it was much lighter than he had expected. ‘Hm?’ Zairen looked down at the box and raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t much heavier than a lightweight block of wood. That was unexpected… it had seemed to be metal-like or at least jade-like from a distance, so he had expected that it would weigh much more. But since it was so unexpectedly light, did that mean it had special properties? Looking closer, Zairen discovered that all over the outside surface of it, there were inumerable fine, intricate inscriptions of incomprehensible patterns and words. Immediately, his eyes widened. The inscriptions were much more complicated that he had expected: with innumerable nonrepeating swirls, designs, and shapes, it suddenly seemed much more profound than it had from a distance. At the same time, Jannie looked down at the box as well. Seeing the incredibly complicated inscriptions, his expression started to lighten up as well. He found that the more he looked at them, the more they looked mysterious and powerful. Maybe there really was something special about this box that he couldn’t discern! Just at that moment, from the corner of their eyes, they saw a door near them open and two familiar figures walk through: one big black-haired man and a small black-haired girl. ‘Hm?’ Zairen and Jannie looked over, spotting the two people in surprise. A different golden robed employee followed the two figures out from the doorway, bowing toward them. “Congratulations and thank you for your bid! Good luck with your item.” “Thank you,” the big black-haired man replied in a deep voice, raising up a familiar jade bottle in his right hand in kudos. “We really hope it will help.” “It’s high ministed Jokoran and Willow!” Jannie leaned toward Zairen and murmured. “They must be getting their item too. I’ve never seen them up this close.” “Yea…” Zairen nodded absentmindedly, his eyes wandering between them. Up close, high minister Jokoran seemed even bigger and intimidating. And in comparison to the tiny Willow, he seemed even bigger. Willow, on the other hand, seemed much more innocent than it looked from a distance, with soft facial features and big, dark, eyes. It seemed that the items for the main auction were kept in their own secure rooms, which was what minister Jokoran and Willow seemed to be coming from. After a few more back and forths with the employee, Minister Jokoran and Willow paid their final respects before finally turning around and walking away. “Hm?” As she turned around, Willow looked up and spotted Zairen and Jannie staring toward her. Minister Jokoran also spotted the two peeping boys. Immediately reacting defensively, he stepped intimidatingly forward. “Do you youngsters need something?” “No!” Jannie was snapped out of his trance and immediately stuttered out. He took a step back and put up his hands in surrender. The man had an intimidating presence. On the other hand, seemingly unaffected, Zairen continued to stare at Willow for a moment before locking eye contact with her. “Those pills… please don’t raise your expectations.” His words were extremely deadpan, seemingly no emotion in them. “Huh?” A bit surprised at the response, Willow raised her eyebrows, staring back at this tiny little black-haired boy. “What did you say?” “Boy…” Minister Jokoran looked over and stared at Zairen. “Are you trying to start a fight?" “No no...” Jannie immediately stepped forward in front of Zairen, blocking him and raising his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry for my friend. Please go on.” He gave a non-threatening friendly gesture. “Good luck with the pills!” Minister Jokoran was silent for a moments, his face flat. A few moments later, he turned and nodded. “Let’s go, Willow.” Willow stared back at the obscured Zairen, taken aback. With her status, few would so directly stare at her like that, especially with her father near her. “Willow.” Minister Jokoran tapped her on the shoulder, interrupting her trance. “Let’s go.” “Yes.” Willow nodded, turning and sticking to her father’s side once more. Together, they strode out and left the room. “Zairen!” Jannie elbowed Zairen in the gut and made an exasperated groan. “What was that?!” “Just telling them the truth,” Zairen explained. “It seemed a bit aggressive…” Jannie sighed softly. Glancing toward Zairen, he saw the seriousness on his face. He paused and then asked: “You were staring at her for a while. You think you can cure what she has?” “Yeah,” Zairen nodded. Jannie shook his head in exasperated amazement. “That’s incredible.” He thought back to when Zairen had first offered to help cure him. At first, he had been just as direct. However, it was only later than Jannie had realized that the boy had good intentions and possessed mysterious skills that actually did give him credentials. At this point, he wouldn’t question what Zairen said. Although, he was still just as amazed. He nodded. “You’re a good person, Zairen.” “You know, if you really want to help…” He brought his hand to his chin. “As I mentioned before, Minister Jokoran is offering a large reward to anyone who can help his daughter regain her spirit energy. Quite a few doctors have tried and failed.” Zairen’s eyes lit up. That was right. They had been offering a large reward to anyone that could help them. “But… he wouldn’t let a young child like me try to treat his daughter, would he?” Zairen scratched the side of his head. Realizing the fault in that idea, Jannie chuckled and shrugged. ---
{ "title": "Lia and Lara will seek the One Piece", "id": 13319, "author": "Kestix", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 128, Arc 7", "id": 305621, "next": 305940, "prev": 303821, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmNTI1MDMxNTcxZTQxYTg5ZmI0NThjYjIyNjM5Y2U4"></p> <p class="cnM0M2U0NGQwOWQxNjQ4M2I5NDMxYmJjNDM0MTE3ZDZl">Lara's POV;</p> <p class="cnNmNmQ2ODNjNjI5NTQzOGM5Y2Q2Y2FhNmI1ZmQxNzY5">“Huh? Lara is that you? Why are you here? Are you also trying to save Ace?” Asked Luffy rapidly, once he noticed that he could breathe again. He had stood up and was dusting his clothes off.</p> <p class="cnNhYjJiNmU2ZTA4NTRlZjBhYTQ2NzExMWNhNDMwZmJi">“How did you manage to get here?” I asked again, instead of answering.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGI0MmU0MWZmMzQ3NzViNTc2NWY2NmYwNzY3MWUx">“We were on our way, then the sea got all wild before it settled down again. But then it froze and we had to run over the ice. Jimbei and Iva-chan were helping me, but I got thrown away by a stray explosion,” he answered. Marines and pirates began to realize that I was no longer causing certain death and tried to attack, the first group attacked Luffy, the second me.</p> <p class="cnM0NGIxM2MxNWFhYzQyNDRhOGZjNmRhYTg1NWViMTU5">Luffy dispatched his attackers with a whip leg attack, while I gave each a quick distant Shigan. None of them was really strong, better than most common trash, but not good enough to survive someone with such a good grasp on the Six Skills, or someone physically strong as Luffy. The difference was that Luffy's could stand up again, while mine had a hole in their heart.</p> <p class="cnM2MTA1NjU4Y2IxMzQ4ZmZiM2E4YmZjM2NmNGVmZjM5">“You look tired, you also aren't strong enough for this war and we are on opposing sides as well,” I resumed our conversation as if nothing had happened.</p> <p class="cnNjMDU3ZTQ3ZmQwNjQzZDBiMGJiOGIzMWU4NGJlN2Rj">“Huh? Oh yeah, I am fighting for a day or so now. But I have to save Ace! What do you mean with opposing sides? We are standing in front of each other, of course, we are on opposing sides.” I resisted the facepalm. I knew that Luffy wasn't the brightest, but sometimes it gets ridiculous.</p> <p class="cnMwZGI3ZGZkMmFmMTQ0NDZhNDMxZmNiZDM0ODE3ZTI0">“What I mean is that I am helping the World Government right now. That might change soon, but as of now I am against Whitebeard,” I explained with a sigh.</p> <p class="cnNkNzc3YzQxNzJjMzRmODZiYmEyNWM3ZmExZGNhYWVm">Luffy looked confused for a moment, but then the words registered and got processed. “You mean you are helping with Ace's execution?” Seems like he still needs exact verbal confirmation.</p> <p class="cnNhZGY4YWM2OWExMjQ4Mzg4YTc4YjlkNTYzMGI1OTY5">“Not really, I just want to be present in this war. I don't care if Ace dies or survives. But enough talk, the Marines will get suspicious if we keep standing without a fight,” I replied, before rushing at him with a speed he couldn't follow. I vaguely kept track of where we were, so I also knew where Ace was in a relative position to us.</p> <p class="cnM1MThhNjIxMDYxZDRlODJiZjlmYTE2NjY5Mjk5NTYx">Luffy tried to evade in the last moment but wasn't able to. I gave him a massive bitch slap, not Haki enhanced, and he got catapulted into the air, towards the scaffold. Maybe this will help him, or he might get skewered on something when he lands. Not my problem.</p> <p class="cnMyOWNjMTQwOTM3ZTQ2ZDU4MjVmMTY2NGI5MjlkOWQ3">I also healed him a bit with my Angel Fruit, not completely, that would be quite taxing for me. Luffy's body is running on fumes, only his rubber structure allows him to keep going. Any normal person would have not been able to move from all the damage.</p> <p class="cnNmOWQyZDJhNGZiOTQ0MDc4Nzk5OWUxNTY0YjVmMTU2">“DIE SLICER!” I turned around and saw how a giant from an allied crew of Whitebeard came rushing at me, he had a large axe that was in full swing. The almost house sized axe gorged through the ground and let ice shards fly everywhere.</p> <p class="cnNiMDU3MmViYTBhNzRkNTU4YTJkOTY1M2Y0NDBkM2Rj">I sidestepped the slow weapon and gave it a palm strike. Vibrations travelled through the metal and cracks began to form, before the axe broke into tiny pieces. No normal weapon can survive my vibrations, my own are the opposite. They can survive the heavy shaking because they are made to. I even need to infuse them with my vibrations or else they might break.</p> <p class="cnNkNTJiZDc5OGM5YTQxMjdiYTAwYzZhM2I4NzZjZGNj">Anyway, the giant was looking at his broken axe with a dumbfounded expression. I jumped at face height and gave him another palm strike right between the eyes. The waves of my vibrations travelled through his brain and met resistance at the other side. The energy of the wave pushed against the inside of his skull and proved to be stronger. The backside of his head exploded in a shower of blood and brain.</p> <p class="cnM0NzQzODk0OGYyZDQ1ZDZiN2U1MTg2ZTVkMTM3NDEz">He fell backwards and almost squashed a group of fighting men. They had to hastily break their fight to escape, but some of them used the chance to fire their pistols. Which made me think, I do have some of them too.</p> <p class="cnM0YTQ1MWY0NzdmMDRkNjliNWYyMzgzN2YzYWRmZTdl">With a happy grin, I put my hand into my inventory and pulled a black dial pistol out. With my other hand, I drew one of my daggers and then rushed into a group of pirates. It was a fresh crew from the back, they had just arrived and were still in a loose formation.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDMwOTlmYzRhZjQxMmRhNzFlMDk0YmMyZDdhMzVm">One of them spotted me coming at them and warned his crewmates. “It's Slicer Lara, she can manipulate sound and vibration. Focus guys, we have to reach Ace. We all knew that we will have to fight the Warlords.”</p> <p class="cnNlMjFkMmViMjAzZjRkYmQ5ODYzMjdlZjMxMjNjM2Ni">Some of them aimed their rifles at me and fired, but I evaded them mid-rush with a good executed Kami-e. I came out of the bullet rain and looked up into the face of a pirate. He had his sword raised and enhanced with Haki.</p> <p class="cnNkY2EzNGM2ZWY2OTRiN2RhNGY3ZGQ2ZTBmODY3OWU3">I grinned and aimed my pistol at his face. He activated a small coating of Armament over his face, hoping that it would be enough. It wasn't, the black dial on my pistol packed a punch half as strong as Nojiko's sniper. His head literally exploded and turned into a fine mist.</p> <p class="cnMwZGQ2NGM4MDc5ZDRjZDc5YjlkYWNmODk1ZmJmZmQz">The recoil threw my arm up and I used the force to move my body along in a backwards somersault. With my other hand, I cut my dagger upwards and generated a force blade. The blue blade of air pressure cut through the body of the dead pirate and killed one of his friend that stood behind him.</p> <p class="cnM3YmNkNzBmMjQwZTQ4ODFiMGZhYzEwOWMxZWNmODU3">Another one had circled me and was running at me with a spear, he had every intention of impaling me with it. He was also screaming and had his speed increased with a Soru. 'Coincidentally' my pistol was just in the right position and I fired again. The large cloud bullet separated most of his right leg and he fell forward. He skidded a few meters and came to a halt under me. He had only enough time to look up before I landed from my somersault and pierced his brain with my dagger.</p> <p class="cnMxOThhYjg3N2Y5NDQ0NjFiZDhiYjUxNjU1NzEwYmVj">Their friends fired again, but bullets are slow, they are easily evaded. I concentrated briefly and supercharged the air around them. It heated up to dangerous levels and their clothes began to combust on their own, followed by their body.</p> <p class="cnMyZjc5YTNlZWU4ZDQ2YjY4MTg0ZjkwOGE4OGUxMjM4">But there were more, many more. Oh, how Lia would have loved this. With a bubbly laugh, I jumped into a group of three and began to kill them. My dagger cut through limbs, my pistol perforated everything it hit and my body evaded their attacks with ease. They fell by the dozen and their whole crew was decimated after only a few minutes of fighting.</p> <p class="cnMzZjExZWE1NGNhMzRjY2RhMjg4ODhjZTk0ODgzZGYw">I looked around and saw that the place got relatively empty. The new world pirate crews that only minutes ago had stormed into the bay, were now diverging to the left and right. They were using the breach done by a massive icebreaker ship and the wall that got destroyed by Oars Jr.</p> <p class="cnMzZmI0NjA0NjQ1ODQyN2U5MDg5NjE0MjgyMGE3NDdh">It took me a moment to remember, but I think there was some kind of plan from the Marines to trap them within the bay. Which also means that I would have been in their line of fire if I stay here. A few Armament enhanced Geppo brought me high into the air and over the whole battlefield.</p> <p class="cnM1NTQzNWUzNzU5MTQ2MDY5MjA4MWYzZmJjMzhkMjQx">This high in the air not many will spot me and my tiny body made this even harder, but just to be sure I also heated the air around me and produced a heat-based shimmer effect. It's the same effect Nami can produce with her staff.</p> <p class="cnNkYjY1NGIwNmRlYTRjNjNiZmM5MzY1NTRmZmFlNDYx">Now, what is happening? Whitebeard was still standing on his ship, he wasn't wounded. The guy that would pierce his chest, because he thinks that Whitebeard has betrayed him, has yet to act.</p> <p class="cnNlZGJhMDY1NDEzZTQ1Yjc4Nzk0ZjM3ZDA1MTc0ZTJl">The lull in attacking pirates was explained when most of them began to attack from the side. The many trapped super-sized warships of the Marines were starting to get overwhelmed. The constant firing of their massive cannons had cost the lives of hundreds of pirates, but even those massive weapons couldn't stop the advance of so many skilled warriors.</p> <p class="cnMyNWYzZTM5MDZhOTRiZjE5N2Y5OWI1YTU3MmVjMDY3">Some ships got simply overwhelmed, others were destroyed under the constant barrage of hand cannons or transported cannons. The icebreaker had decimated a group of four warships on its way into the bay. And Devil Fruit user were attacking ships from all sides.</p> <p class="cnM4MGM2YTc5OTM0ZTRkMGU5NjZkNDJhMGRjYzU5NGZl">Soon the line of warships will be fully breached and the pirates will be able to invade the plaza unhindered. Suddenly, the east flank of the battlefield exploded in a series of massive fireballs. Out of the smoke came a whole battle group of Pacifista. There were dozens of them, slowly stomping forward. Their massive, identical, bodies were shadowed by the rising smoke. More explosions came from the west side. From there they came as well. Another good thirty Pacifista.</p> <p class="cnM3MzJkNjUyZjlkYzQ1ZGY4YjQ0N2JmZDNhMWJkNTlh">At the front of the east side stood Sentoumaru, the fat sumo guy that claims to have the best defence in the world. Well, he does have a nice looking double bladed axe, but the rest of him looks fairly stupid.</p> <p class="cnNjNjJmMjMxMGZmMDRiZmNiZTU0ZmFlZWQyZDY3ODBh">The Pacifista began to open fire, they were shooting at any close pirate, not caring if there were allied Marines inside their blast radius. Those warships that were already almost overrun got destroyed when dozens of Pacifista-laser fired at them. Both Marines and pirates on board burned to death or were killed by the force of the explosions.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGI2ZWVjYTIyODRlYjBiODllODJiOTNkN2Q5N2U4">It was impressive, the whole east flank was burning and filled with explosions, the west flank wasn't much better. To name them 'Human Weapon' was turning out to be fitting. I don't think there are many who can stand up to this condensed force. A group of four maybe, but more than a dozen Pacifista?</p> <p class="cnMzZTMxYzIzNDY4YzQzY2VhYWU1YTQwMTkyNzFjYzc0">Whitebeard ordered a rush, the allied pirates were ignoring their flank in hope of getting to Ace before they get wiped out. Still, the Vice-Admirals and Admirals were holding the front of the plaza. Getting through them will be difficult.</p> <p class="cnM4M2E3ZjIxZmE4ZDQyYmY5MzRjN2FjN2Q0OTIwMTAy">I pulled a pair of binoculars out of my inventory and took a closer look at a group of attacking pirates close to the front of the frozen harbour. Luffy was at the front, Jimbei stood behind him and a group of division commanders from Whitebeard's crew were following right behind.</p> <p class="cnMxMmNhMjAwMTY1NzQxZTNhNmE2ZjMwZTVlZWI3Y2Vh">I also noticed movement on the Moby Dick, down below on the deck stood Whitebeard, but also another man. Ah, it was the guy that would betray him. So we were already this far into the war? Huh, Whitebeard just got stabbed.</p> <p class="cnM3MDQxMjc4YmMxNTQzODJhN2YwNWFjZWFhN2YyMGE2">With that wound, he will be severely weakened. Hmm, information about Lia's attack in Impel Down should have reached Sengoku by now. If not then it will only be a matter of minutes. Whitebeard had just hugged his betrayer and was in the middle of his speech.</p> <p class="cnMyYTc1ZDdiZGMwNjRhNjNiMTY1MzllOWE5ZjJkMDQ1">I don't think there's a better way for me to make my grand entrance.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDcyNjIxOGY4YjQ5MTZiOGY0ZTI4MjY2ZWY2MjI2">With a slight smirk, I let myself drop, right over the deck of the Moby Dick. All three of them felt me relatively quickly, they all know Observation Haki. I landed softly on the deck, right in front of Whitebeard, Marco stood protectively in front of him. Whitebeard was truly massive, his whole aura was contained strength.</p> <p class="cnM3M2M4YjVhYTRkMDQ2NWZhMDZkNzUwYTA2MTE0YzBj">“Slicer Lara!” snarled Marco, flames began to lick at his arms and legs. He was getting ready to attack me in a moments notice.</p> <p class="cnNhOWJhN2JhZGVmNDRmMTE5YjVhYjM4MjkxMWU3YzRi">I took my mask off, before addressing Whitebeard. “May I have a word Whitebeard?” I asked with a sweet smile and innocent expression. The blood all over my Death Reaper robes may have dimmed the effect a little.</p> <p class="cnNhNzc0ZmVhN2U1MjQ1MWFiZDU2OWMzN2FmY2Y2Yzdl">He looked down at me and said nothing, but he did also not attack. I took it as a yes. “My sister is in the middle of an attack on Impel Down, the Marines either know of that already or will soon. So staying on their side will soon be counterproductive.</p> <p class="cnNhOGIwZDRmN2Y5ODQzZTU4NWJhYjlmNDQyODk2MTZm">In return for an alliance, of course, one that only holds for the duration of the war, I would agree to help your side, as well as heal some of your wounds.”</p> <p class="cnNjNDEzNjc5NzExZDRhZDViOTQzMDI1Yzk0OTliNDJk">Whitebeard raised an eyebrow. “You want an alliance after killing dozens of my sons and daughters?” Hehe, this was exciting. The underlined danger of his voice, the aura of strength he was projecting. This feeling of being in the middle of something hectic, dangerous and chaotic was making me excited.</p> <p class="cnM0OGI0Mzg5ZGUxMDQ5NTc5ZTU1MDE4ZjU3N2YyN2U3">“Oh please, you are doing the same for Crocodile and the prison escapists. They first fought your crew as well. But, those who died by my hands today were either attacking me or in the way of my fight against Doflamingo.”</p> <p class="cnNjZmRmOWEzZjc2MTRiNTJhZWU3OTc4YzFiYmMwNDJi">“Don't listen to her, father. She is a Warlord and is helping the Marines. They are the dogs of the World Government,” said Marco, he was not believing me. The betrayer of Whitebeard was still crying from shame and stayed silent.</p> <p class="cnM5YjQ2Yjc1YjY4ZTQ0MjM4Y2U5MGVhYWE3ZmE3YzVk">I ignored Marco and kept speaking directly to Whitebeard. “Well, I don't really need your help. But, and this is a capital but, this war is too much fun for it to end this quickly. You are wounded and by the feel of your aura even terminally ill. You won't survive the war, even if you get out of it without fighting.</p> <p class="cnMyYTIxZGM2MzA4YzQwNTY4NDQ2MDI2MGEyMzBiNzMx">And your son here made sure that no normal doctor will be able to save you as well.” The one I spoke about started to hiccup and his crying intensified.</p> <p class="cnM5M2NmOWVmNjgzZDQyYjg4ZGRiYmE0NTc1OTU5YTAz">“So here is my offer, I am able to heal some of your wounds. In return, I get to fight against some Marines, without having to kill any pesky sons and daughters of yours. And be realistic, you can see that your allies are getting killed by the hundreds. The Pacifista won't stop. If you were less wounded you could take some of the heat off of them and allow them to regroup,” I continued.</p> <p class="cnMzN2FiOThmNjc1NTRjY2FiYmIwZGRlOWE3OTQ1ODVh">“Father, don't believe her,” began Marco, but he got stopped by his 'father'.</p> <p class="cnNhMzFhOGZmZDkwYTQzYzFiNDRjZGMyN2FhMjBjNzJl">Whitebeard studied me intensely, the stare would have been intimidating if I hadn't seen stronger people, or were sane. “Tell me Slicer Lara, who was your father? Your face bears a strong resemblance to someone I know.”</p> <p class="cnMwMWY3YzViYTMyZDQyMjQ5Y2E3ZDYzZTMxMzE5ZmRh">“Leo,” I said truthfully.</p> <p class="cnM2NzRkNDdiMTkxMDRkMTViNjk2ZjZiMjM0NTMwMTZk">“And his last name?” He asked back. I considered not telling him but didn't see the risk. At least I didn't see one after I had raised a sound barrier around us. The noise of the war stopped suddenly. All three of them noticed instantly, but none of them attacked.</p> <p class="cnNmNzIzYjhhZTBjZTQyYTlhYjUzZmVkOGM5MWE1Y2E2">“Leo Lonore, my father is called Leo Lonore,” I said after a pause while looking him directly in the eyes.</p> <p class="cnMxYmQ0MjYyYmUxMTRhNGJhOTg1NDMxYTA0MzQ0MTFi">“Your swordsmanship looked similar, now I know from where I knew it. Blade Dancer Leo, he was responsible for some of my scars. A great man, who fought against slavers and Marines alike. After his capture, I thought he was executed. I didn't know that he had twins and that they were as trouble causing as their father.</p> <p class="cnM3ZThlMmQ0ZjU4YzQ4ZGFiYWY0NmY1N2UwNmY3MWM4">Tell me how you want to heal me and I might accept.”</p> <p class="cnNhODVhMzgxZmMzYzRjMjRiNDFiZDA4YWNmM2NjOWYy">Marco looked resigned now, he would accept the words of his father. Trap or no trap. “It is not known, but I have eaten a second Devil Fruit. The Mythical Zoan Fruit, Model Human, subclass Angel. With it I am able to heal wounds, your illness might not be possible with this little time, but the stab wound could be healed,” I explained. All three of them looked surprised, having eaten more than one fruit was unheard of.</p> <p class="cnNiNWEzOWUyM2U1ZTRiYjQ4YWJlYTY2ZGJmNjhmYWE4">Whitebeard looked over the battlefield, saw the destruction that was heaped on his allies and the death that was all present. He breathed in once and then nodded.</p> <p class="cnNmMWE0MjJlY2FhODQ2NDg5NTdjM2U4ZTJkNzMxMGUy">“Hehe, thanks. I plan to use this for a grand entrance on the field of the big names. So I'll give you an extra once you start your rampage. But now let me heal you.” I activated parts of my Devil Fruit and gained a soft shine as well as a halo. For now, I withheld my wings.</p> <p class="cnMwZDBkZmMwNmQzOTRmYjFhZjZkNTUzNTUzNjI3MWU5">I then stepped closer to Whitebeard and touched his stomach, I couldn't reach higher. Of course, I was under the wary and mistrusting eyes of Marco. Damn, there was a lot of damage. He had cancer, old scars that are hindering his movements and a massive hole in his chest that narrowly missed his heart, but punctured one of his lungs.</p> <p class="cnM2OTI5YzFjZDNhNzQyZTRhYTNhMzg5ZTIzM2U3MmQx">“I won't be able to heal your lung cancer, but I can close the wound, heal the damaged lung and alleviate some of the pain you have from your cancer,” I explained while filling him with the healing powers of my Fruit. He too began to glow, a bright golden light shone from the wound in his chest and the gaping hole began to close. Much to the shock of Marco and the other guy.</p> <p class="cnNlMTExNDI4NTRlZDRhMWVhMmZlN2Q0ZDFiNmU5NmY4">Suddenly, Marco jumped into the air and got shredded by a barrage of light attacks, while the other guy deflected a lance of ice. And from behind, I could feel how it was becoming hotter. “Seems like the three Admirals disagree with what I am doing,” I muttered while pushing more healing energy into Whitebeard. With another Rumble Ball, I might even be able to heal him completely, but I don't want that.</p> <p class="cnNhOWYxZDMxMGY0NTRmYTc4MTk4MWY1YTliMGI4YjMw">I left a small ball of my energy in his chest and then stepped back. “The part of energy you can feel within you is condensed healing energy. It will dissolve slowly and allow you to breath more easily, for as long as it exists.” I explained why he could still feel my energy inside him.</p> <p class="cnM5MDNhZjQyMzA1NTQyYTQ5MDZiNzliM2FiODgyMzkx">“Gurarara, I haven't breathed this easily in ages. Now, let's give these Marines hell.” He took a deep breath and then began to address his still fighting allies. “My sons and daughters, the Marines plotted against us, used our misguided hatred against our friends and made us betray each other. But don't think that they can get away with it, they will pay for the pain they caused you all. They will pay with their blood and their lives for their trickery and snake tongued lies.</p> <p class="cnMzM2NjODI5M2JkNDQ1YjE4NGViOTI4NTg2NjU5MmU4">If you truly believe that I have betrayed you, then feel free to go. You are all pirates, you are all free and can decide for yourself what you want. Know that I will not think less of you if you do, for a father has to allow their children the freedom of their own will.</p> <p class="cnM3MTBhZTdkMzYyNzRkNTM4ZTIxMjFlNGExMTQwNTM3">Those of you who believe in me, follow me to rescue one of your own. A stupid little sibling that has done a mistake. What family would we be if we wouldn't help him now in a time of need? Follow me, my children, together we will have to save a member of our family!”</p> <p class="cnMxYjUyZWU1N2Q0ODQ1NjI5ODNhYTI3NDI5Y2Q5NzMz">He then took a mighty leap and jumped over a good part of the harbour, directly into the fray of the fight. Marines and pirates alike stopped their fighting to look in awe at the legendary man. He in return glared down at any Marine that dared to stand in his way.</p> <p class="cnM2MzRjMWQ0ZmY1NjRlNDBiZjIwMmZkNzI2Y2E0NzVh">I looked down at the awed betrayer and then into the air. Yup, this place is perfect, I am right in the middle of everything. “Well then, time for me to give you a little extra.” With that said I jumped into the sky and activated my Angel Fruit completely.</p> <p class="cnNmZWJlMTczYzZmZTQ0Mzk5MGJhMzc1YzliMzA1ZTQz"> </p> </div>
Lara's POV; “Huh? Lara is that you? Why are you here? Are you also trying to save Ace?” Asked Luffy rapidly, once he noticed that he could breathe again. He had stood up and was dusting his clothes off. “How did you manage to get here?” I asked again, instead of answering. “We were on our way, then the sea got all wild before it settled down again. But then it froze and we had to run over the ice. Jimbei and Iva-chan were helping me, but I got thrown away by a stray explosion,” he answered. Marines and pirates began to realize that I was no longer causing certain death and tried to attack, the first group attacked Luffy, the second me. Luffy dispatched his attackers with a whip leg attack, while I gave each a quick distant Shigan. None of them was really strong, better than most common trash, but not good enough to survive someone with such a good grasp on the Six Skills, or someone physically strong as Luffy. The difference was that Luffy's could stand up again, while mine had a hole in their heart. “You look tired, you also aren't strong enough for this war and we are on opposing sides as well,” I resumed our conversation as if nothing had happened. “Huh? Oh yeah, I am fighting for a day or so now. But I have to save Ace! What do you mean with opposing sides? We are standing in front of each other, of course, we are on opposing sides.” I resisted the facepalm. I knew that Luffy wasn't the brightest, but sometimes it gets ridiculous. “What I mean is that I am helping the World Government right now. That might change soon, but as of now I am against Whitebeard,” I explained with a sigh. Luffy looked confused for a moment, but then the words registered and got processed. “You mean you are helping with Ace's execution?” Seems like he still needs exact verbal confirmation. “Not really, I just want to be present in this war. I don't care if Ace dies or survives. But enough talk, the Marines will get suspicious if we keep standing without a fight,” I replied, before rushing at him with a speed he couldn't follow. I vaguely kept track of where we were, so I also knew where Ace was in a relative position to us. Luffy tried to evade in the last moment but wasn't able to. I gave him a massive bitch slap, not Haki enhanced, and he got catapulted into the air, towards the scaffold. Maybe this will help him, or he might get skewered on something when he lands. Not my problem. I also healed him a bit with my Angel Fruit, not completely, that would be quite taxing for me. Luffy's body is running on fumes, only his rubber structure allows him to keep going. Any normal person would have not been able to move from all the damage. “DIE SLICER!” I turned around and saw how a giant from an allied crew of Whitebeard came rushing at me, he had a large axe that was in full swing. The almost house sized axe gorged through the ground and let ice shards fly everywhere. I sidestepped the slow weapon and gave it a palm strike. Vibrations travelled through the metal and cracks began to form, before the axe broke into tiny pieces. No normal weapon can survive my vibrations, my own are the opposite. They can survive the heavy shaking because they are made to. I even need to infuse them with my vibrations or else they might break. Anyway, the giant was looking at his broken axe with a dumbfounded expression. I jumped at face height and gave him another palm strike right between the eyes. The waves of my vibrations travelled through his brain and met resistance at the other side. The energy of the wave pushed against the inside of his skull and proved to be stronger. The backside of his head exploded in a shower of blood and brain. He fell backwards and almost squashed a group of fighting men. They had to hastily break their fight to escape, but some of them used the chance to fire their pistols. Which made me think, I do have some of them too. With a happy grin, I put my hand into my inventory and pulled a black dial pistol out. With my other hand, I drew one of my daggers and then rushed into a group of pirates. It was a fresh crew from the back, they had just arrived and were still in a loose formation. One of them spotted me coming at them and warned his crewmates. “It's Slicer Lara, she can manipulate sound and vibration. Focus guys, we have to reach Ace. We all knew that we will have to fight the Warlords.” Some of them aimed their rifles at me and fired, but I evaded them mid-rush with a good executed Kami-e. I came out of the bullet rain and looked up into the face of a pirate. He had his sword raised and enhanced with Haki. I grinned and aimed my pistol at his face. He activated a small coating of Armament over his face, hoping that it would be enough. It wasn't, the black dial on my pistol packed a punch half as strong as Nojiko's sniper. His head literally exploded and turned into a fine mist. The recoil threw my arm up and I used the force to move my body along in a backwards somersault. With my other hand, I cut my dagger upwards and generated a force blade. The blue blade of air pressure cut through the body of the dead pirate and killed one of his friend that stood behind him. Another one had circled me and was running at me with a spear, he had every intention of impaling me with it. He was also screaming and had his speed increased with a Soru. 'Coincidentally' my pistol was just in the right position and I fired again. The large cloud bullet separated most of his right leg and he fell forward. He skidded a few meters and came to a halt under me. He had only enough time to look up before I landed from my somersault and pierced his brain with my dagger. Their friends fired again, but bullets are slow, they are easily evaded. I concentrated briefly and supercharged the air around them. It heated up to dangerous levels and their clothes began to combust on their own, followed by their body. But there were more, many more. Oh, how Lia would have loved this. With a bubbly laugh, I jumped into a group of three and began to kill them. My dagger cut through limbs, my pistol perforated everything it hit and my body evaded their attacks with ease. They fell by the dozen and their whole crew was decimated after only a few minutes of fighting. I looked around and saw that the place got relatively empty. The new world pirate crews that only minutes ago had stormed into the bay, were now diverging to the left and right. They were using the breach done by a massive icebreaker ship and the wall that got destroyed by Oars Jr. It took me a moment to remember, but I think there was some kind of plan from the Marines to trap them within the bay. Which also means that I would have been in their line of fire if I stay here. A few Armament enhanced Geppo brought me high into the air and over the whole battlefield. This high in the air not many will spot me and my tiny body made this even harder, but just to be sure I also heated the air around me and produced a heat-based shimmer effect. It's the same effect Nami can produce with her staff. Now, what is happening? Whitebeard was still standing on his ship, he wasn't wounded. The guy that would pierce his chest, because he thinks that Whitebeard has betrayed him, has yet to act. The lull in attacking pirates was explained when most of them began to attack from the side. The many trapped super-sized warships of the Marines were starting to get overwhelmed. The constant firing of their massive cannons had cost the lives of hundreds of pirates, but even those massive weapons couldn't stop the advance of so many skilled warriors. Some ships got simply overwhelmed, others were destroyed under the constant barrage of hand cannons or transported cannons. The icebreaker had decimated a group of four warships on its way into the bay. And Devil Fruit user were attacking ships from all sides. Soon the line of warships will be fully breached and the pirates will be able to invade the plaza unhindered. Suddenly, the east flank of the battlefield exploded in a series of massive fireballs. Out of the smoke came a whole battle group of Pacifista. There were dozens of them, slowly stomping forward. Their massive, identical, bodies were shadowed by the rising smoke. More explosions came from the west side. From there they came as well. Another good thirty Pacifista. At the front of the east side stood Sentoumaru, the fat sumo guy that claims to have the best defence in the world. Well, he does have a nice looking double bladed axe, but the rest of him looks fairly stupid. The Pacifista began to open fire, they were shooting at any close pirate, not caring if there were allied Marines inside their blast radius. Those warships that were already almost overrun got destroyed when dozens of Pacifista-laser fired at them. Both Marines and pirates on board burned to death or were killed by the force of the explosions. It was impressive, the whole east flank was burning and filled with explosions, the west flank wasn't much better. To name them 'Human Weapon' was turning out to be fitting. I don't think there are many who can stand up to this condensed force. A group of four maybe, but more than a dozen Pacifista? Whitebeard ordered a rush, the allied pirates were ignoring their flank in hope of getting to Ace before they get wiped out. Still, the Vice-Admirals and Admirals were holding the front of the plaza. Getting through them will be difficult. I pulled a pair of binoculars out of my inventory and took a closer look at a group of attacking pirates close to the front of the frozen harbour. Luffy was at the front, Jimbei stood behind him and a group of division commanders from Whitebeard's crew were following right behind. I also noticed movement on the Moby Dick, down below on the deck stood Whitebeard, but also another man. Ah, it was the guy that would betray him. So we were already this far into the war? Huh, Whitebeard just got stabbed. With that wound, he will be severely weakened. Hmm, information about Lia's attack in Impel Down should have reached Sengoku by now. If not then it will only be a matter of minutes. Whitebeard had just hugged his betrayer and was in the middle of his speech. I don't think there's a better way for me to make my grand entrance. With a slight smirk, I let myself drop, right over the deck of the Moby Dick. All three of them felt me relatively quickly, they all know Observation Haki. I landed softly on the deck, right in front of Whitebeard, Marco stood protectively in front of him. Whitebeard was truly massive, his whole aura was contained strength. “Slicer Lara!” snarled Marco, flames began to lick at his arms and legs. He was getting ready to attack me in a moments notice. I took my mask off, before addressing Whitebeard. “May I have a word Whitebeard?” I asked with a sweet smile and innocent expression. The blood all over my Death Reaper robes may have dimmed the effect a little. He looked down at me and said nothing, but he did also not attack. I took it as a yes. “My sister is in the middle of an attack on Impel Down, the Marines either know of that already or will soon. So staying on their side will soon be counterproductive. In return for an alliance, of course, one that only holds for the duration of the war, I would agree to help your side, as well as heal some of your wounds.” Whitebeard raised an eyebrow. “You want an alliance after killing dozens of my sons and daughters?” Hehe, this was exciting. The underlined danger of his voice, the aura of strength he was projecting. This feeling of being in the middle of something hectic, dangerous and chaotic was making me excited. “Oh please, you are doing the same for Crocodile and the prison escapists. They first fought your crew as well. But, those who died by my hands today were either attacking me or in the way of my fight against Doflamingo.” “Don't listen to her, father. She is a Warlord and is helping the Marines. They are the dogs of the World Government,” said Marco, he was not believing me. The betrayer of Whitebeard was still crying from shame and stayed silent. I ignored Marco and kept speaking directly to Whitebeard. “Well, I don't really need your help. But, and this is a capital but, this war is too much fun for it to end this quickly. You are wounded and by the feel of your aura even terminally ill. You won't survive the war, even if you get out of it without fighting. And your son here made sure that no normal doctor will be able to save you as well.” The one I spoke about started to hiccup and his crying intensified. “So here is my offer, I am able to heal some of your wounds. In return, I get to fight against some Marines, without having to kill any pesky sons and daughters of yours. And be realistic, you can see that your allies are getting killed by the hundreds. The Pacifista won't stop. If you were less wounded you could take some of the heat off of them and allow them to regroup,” I continued. “Father, don't believe her,” began Marco, but he got stopped by his 'father'. Whitebeard studied me intensely, the stare would have been intimidating if I hadn't seen stronger people, or were sane. “Tell me Slicer Lara, who was your father? Your face bears a strong resemblance to someone I know.” “Leo,” I said truthfully. “And his last name?” He asked back. I considered not telling him but didn't see the risk. At least I didn't see one after I had raised a sound barrier around us. The noise of the war stopped suddenly. All three of them noticed instantly, but none of them attacked. “Leo Lonore, my father is called Leo Lonore,” I said after a pause while looking him directly in the eyes. “Your swordsmanship looked similar, now I know from where I knew it. Blade Dancer Leo, he was responsible for some of my scars. A great man, who fought against slavers and Marines alike. After his capture, I thought he was executed. I didn't know that he had twins and that they were as trouble causing as their father. Tell me how you want to heal me and I might accept.” Marco looked resigned now, he would accept the words of his father. Trap or no trap. “It is not known, but I have eaten a second Devil Fruit. The Mythical Zoan Fruit, Model Human, subclass Angel. With it I am able to heal wounds, your illness might not be possible with this little time, but the stab wound could be healed,” I explained. All three of them looked surprised, having eaten more than one fruit was unheard of. Whitebeard looked over the battlefield, saw the destruction that was heaped on his allies and the death that was all present. He breathed in once and then nodded. “Hehe, thanks. I plan to use this for a grand entrance on the field of the big names. So I'll give you an extra once you start your rampage. But now let me heal you.” I activated parts of my Devil Fruit and gained a soft shine as well as a halo. For now, I withheld my wings. I then stepped closer to Whitebeard and touched his stomach, I couldn't reach higher. Of course, I was under the wary and mistrusting eyes of Marco. Damn, there was a lot of damage. He had cancer, old scars that are hindering his movements and a massive hole in his chest that narrowly missed his heart, but punctured one of his lungs. “I won't be able to heal your lung cancer, but I can close the wound, heal the damaged lung and alleviate some of the pain you have from your cancer,” I explained while filling him with the healing powers of my Fruit. He too began to glow, a bright golden light shone from the wound in his chest and the gaping hole began to close. Much to the shock of Marco and the other guy. Suddenly, Marco jumped into the air and got shredded by a barrage of light attacks, while the other guy deflected a lance of ice. And from behind, I could feel how it was becoming hotter. “Seems like the three Admirals disagree with what I am doing,” I muttered while pushing more healing energy into Whitebeard. With another Rumble Ball, I might even be able to heal him completely, but I don't want that. I left a small ball of my energy in his chest and then stepped back. “The part of energy you can feel within you is condensed healing energy. It will dissolve slowly and allow you to breath more easily, for as long as it exists.” I explained why he could still feel my energy inside him. “Gurarara, I haven't breathed this easily in ages. Now, let's give these Marines hell.” He took a deep breath and then began to address his still fighting allies. “My sons and daughters, the Marines plotted against us, used our misguided hatred against our friends and made us betray each other. But don't think that they can get away with it, they will pay for the pain they caused you all. They will pay with their blood and their lives for their trickery and snake tongued lies. If you truly believe that I have betrayed you, then feel free to go. You are all pirates, you are all free and can decide for yourself what you want. Know that I will not think less of you if you do, for a father has to allow their children the freedom of their own will. Those of you who believe in me, follow me to rescue one of your own. A stupid little sibling that has done a mistake. What family would we be if we wouldn't help him now in a time of need? Follow me, my children, together we will have to save a member of our family!” He then took a mighty leap and jumped over a good part of the harbour, directly into the fray of the fight. Marines and pirates alike stopped their fighting to look in awe at the legendary man. He in return glared down at any Marine that dared to stand in his way. I looked down at the awed betrayer and then into the air. Yup, this place is perfect, I am right in the middle of everything. “Well then, time for me to give you a little extra.” With that said I jumped into the sky and activated my Angel Fruit completely.
{ "title": "The Power of Formations", "id": 21450, "author": "em_rez", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 6 - Wolf Pack", "id": 305710, "next": 305735, "prev": 304991, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkYTUxNDRlZmQzNDRiODdhNGIxMzU5NTJkODJhYjg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two boys dressed up head to toe in heavy snow garb. Each had three inch thick wool coats, patched together with bits of scrap fabric, and equally thick cowhide pants. On their heads they were covered by thick wool caps, and on their feet they wore simple high-ankled boots, ideal for traversing through snow.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGQ0NTA5MjQwNDQ1ZTViNzc0YjZjNTE5MmYwYjM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jeez, you’re so annoyingly persistent…” Emmet rolled his eyes, one by one taking careful steps through the blanket of thick white. With each step, his foot sunk down to his shins.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjJkMWVjYTZhNDQwMjliMzRjOTMzOTlkZTkxOWJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hehehe… don’t worry, we’ll have a great adventure!” Yorick cackled gleefully, also carefully taking steps. “The creatures that roam in this winter tundra are completely different from ones in the other seasons. Who knows what we’ll meet?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmQ4NjgyYWQxNTQ0NmFiMTE4NWNjMjhhMzAzYmUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were both now over half a mile away from their home. Yorick was persistent on heading out toward the thick brush that surrounded the fields, in hopes of finding something exciting. Although for a brief few minutes, he had been content just making snow-angels and throwing snowballs, he had quickly grown bored, and was itching to do battle!</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzUwZjliMzFkZjQyZjNhNWMzZTllOWI0YWE2YjE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeesh…” Emmet shook his head slightly. “We’d better not go too far. If we really find something, it’d be hard for us to run in this thick snow.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDE3YzlkYmJiYTRiZGViZjE5NjMzNmVjYjdjMjVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The creatures that roamed around during the winter were completely different from in the other seasons! In the warmer seasons, animals were free to graze around, lazily living off the land, and there were many places to hide, so many that were around were docile. However, in the winter, all the greenery was gone, and most of the animals had gone into hibernation. Anything that was still out there was likely a predator, confident in its mobility through the snow. Mother had even warned them to be careful when they had went out, and to not go far, but clearly, Yorick hadn’t been listening.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTMzOGQwZmM1ZjRlNDY5NzkwNGVkMzdlZDM0ZWRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Relax!” Yorick pumped his chest. “What, you scared? Don’t worry! Big brother Yorick has grown much stronger over these past months. With the help of little brother’s healing arrays, what can possibly threaten us?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWQ2ZTFkZDk5OTQ5Zjc5MWViZGIzNjAzZDBlOTQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ugh…”</span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2Y4Yjk5NTg0MDQ3OTg5NDNkZmZiOTBlMjhkMWEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Emmet rolled his eyes. Over the past three months, Yorick’s ego had really inflated. Soon enough, he was proclaiming that they were the “unbeatable brothers” - big brother with the strength and little brother with the wit.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzU4NzQwZTlkNTQ3OGJhNDhiMmVkZTExMmU4ZDVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yorick pointed over the horizon. “Look! There’s an animal!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjExOTMxMWZiMTRmM2I4NDM0ZWJmYWI1OGE3ZTg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjQ4ZDU5NWUwZjRlODRhYjljNmZmMzZkMmJkNmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Emmet looked over, squinting his eyes. Sure enough, in the distance there was a faint silhouette of a quadrupedal beast.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjYwNDhkZGRjZDQyYjA4YWRlZjZjN2NkNzhjOTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Looks like a wolf.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTZhYTZlYjdmOTQ1ZThiYWUzM2YwOWEwMDAxMDAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haha! Finally, something new!” Yorick exclaimed, raising his shovel excitedly. “Let’s fight! Fight! Fight fight fight!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGQzMzQzMjcxZjQ1M2Q4ZGQzM2RiZDk4MjI0NDMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolf seemed to hear the proclamation and turned its head in their direction. After staring at them for a few seconds, it let out a howl, and then turned around and dashed away.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjEyMGVmMGJlMjRiNGM4NWU0YjAzZmE4MTBjMmQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm?” Yorick was surprised. “It’s running away?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTYyZGMzNGIzODRhMjU4ZmNjMDdiNzMyMzg2ZDc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Emmet stared back at where the wolf had fled. For some reason, he had a bad premonition.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGNkMTdkZTAzZDQ3M2E4NTQyNWE0MjVlOTk2NjMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hahaha!” Yorick raised his head back and chortled. “Afraid, ey? Who can blame ye’? We are, after all, the unbeatable brothers!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDlhNzJmNTU4YTQ4OGViYjE4Njg2ZjkwYThiOTgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yorick…” Emmet let out a tentative whisper.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTg3YjE0ZjI5NjRiYmM4MTU4MmIwNDg3MWJlN2Fm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Un-beat-able! Un-beat-able!” Yorick raised his shovel high and paraded around. “Un-beat-able! Un-beat-able! We are un-beat-able!”</span></p> <p class="cnMwOWE3MzgzN2FhYzQ4Y2U4NDUyYzBjOTU5MmE1ZGRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yorick!” Emmet said, a little louder now.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjVjZTY2YzgxZTRhYWQ4Y2IwOGQyYTc1NjRmOTM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s wrong, unbeatable little bro?” Yorick patted Emmet’s shoulder and smiled devilishly. “We’ve got a reputation now! They’re scared.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDFmNTgwOTc0OTQwYTFiNTMxNmFmNWJmY2Q1NTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wolves…” Emmet gulped, panning his eyes around nervously. “Wolves… wolves usually travel in packs.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjI1ODlmNzdkZjRiMjU5NGQ5NDgwNWQxZjdiNjUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?” For the first time, Yorick was stopped in his tracks.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGQxZWNkMzkzYjQyYjI4NjgyODZiYjkzNDRmZjZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, they heard it.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmI4MjU5ZTZkYjQ2YzU4MDU3MTY1YzJjNWY3NWUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was at first a distant rumble… but then grew louder and louder. Within seconds, they could hear the collection of soft, rapid, footsteps.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGRiYWQ2NmViZjQ3YWQ4YmJjODEzYjRkNTE4ZWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">And then… like a chorus… AWOOOOOO!!!!</span></p> <p class="cnNkYWZlMzBiMWZjODRhMTU4MmY1YmVjZGYzN2IxOWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Run!” Emmet screamed out, pulling Yorick back and haphazardly taking steps in retreat.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTE3N2RmNTcyYTRlYmJiMDc4MmRmMTlkODFjZWZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yorick didn’t need a second warning. Immediately tucking his shovel away and turning around, he joined Emmet and began sprinting the other way.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjJlZWNjZmZiNTRiZDk5ZmE4NjZhNGRjM2E2YTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, the snow was thick and it was hard to run. Despite flailing their little legs as hard as they could, they weren’t making much progress.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTM3OTUxYWU5YTQzYWU4Nzc4ZGQ1Y2U2MWViM2M1"><span style="font-weight: 400">AWOOO!!! AWOOO!!!</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTBmNzVhZTA2YjRhNjZiMzQwYzU5NDZhNjBmNWYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The howls were getting louder and louder. Taking step after step as fast as they could, Emmet and Yorick felt their adrenaline pumping loudly. For the first time, they felt a real sense of danger.</span></p> <p class="cnMwODdkYzY1M2U2NzRiZTJiMzJjOTQxMjNmYTNiMzFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">A wolf pack… They had never seen one in real life, but they had heard rumors. Apparently, they were the most ruthless hunter in the winter. One wolf was scary enough, with its sharp fangs and incredible darting mobility through the snow. An entire pack of wolves? Their prey would have nowhere to run, inevitably getting torn apart by the barrage of sharp fangs.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWFjOTk2NjM4NjRjYWViMzlhMWVlNWZhMjRmZjBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Every year, they would hear the distant howls from the safety of inside the cabin. However, they had never experienced it up close! It was a truly frightening experience.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGRhNWUwY2ZkMDQ1ZDFhY2I2NzYzY2M4N2MxMWEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck… fuck…” Yorick groaned. “I’m sorry lil’ bro… if this is the end, just know I love you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDk3OTA2MjY2NDQ3YTQ5ZGJiZjgwNWY0MGY4NWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shut it!” Emmet snapped back. “This isn’t the end. Don’t say stuff like that.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmVkY2U0NzYzOTQ3M2U5YjI0ZGIwZjczMmI2MGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">AWOOOO!!!</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGZmMTRkMDA4MDRiNWJhOTA1MzVhM2M2ZDU5MWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The howls were much closer this time. They could hear the stampede of steps charging toward them grow heavier and heavier, so much that they could even feel the vibrations underneath their feet. At this rate, it wouldn’t be another minute before they would get swamped.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjE0Y2VmZmU4YjQ5NjU4YTA3OGMwODJlYTQxMDAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dammit, we’re not gonna make it,” Emmet grit his teeth. Although if he squinted his eyes, he could see their little cabin in the distance, it would take at least another ten minutes to reach it. There was no way they could get there in time.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMWIxNDEyMDJjNTRiNzU4YzY5NjBlZTNmOTg2MDI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck…” Yorick cursed for the n-th time. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Is this the end? I never thought my way out would be getting torn up by wolves…”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGNhYTVkMzJiMjQwOTQ4NDJhOTYyZDFiNjhhYjU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s not over!” Emmet suddenly grabbed Yorick’s shoulder and stopped in his steps. “Let’s stand our ground and fight!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjAyNDljMDU1MTRjZDdiNjdjZWE3MmRmODRkZDU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yorick stopped in his steps too and pursed his lips. “You’re right… what kind of supreme warrior am I? It’s just a little pack of wolves! Is something so puny gonna take us ‘unbeatable brothers’ down?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYWM1OWQwMDMzMTQyMjliYzU1YzZhMDYyNGI4ZjA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now we’re talking!” For some reason, in the face of supreme danger, Emmet felt his blood pressure rise, a palpable excitement flowing through his veins. “Get ready for battle!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTQyYTQ4ODE2NDQzMjM4OWIyMzY4MjE2YTcwOTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Both children turned around and faced their threat.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTNhZWNlOGQ5NzQzOWJiZWI1YjEzMDc2NGI2MGJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stampeding toward them was a closely-packed group of around ten grey wolves, each snarling fiercely. Their fangs were over an inch long, gleaming sinisterly in the snowy landscape. Although they were still a distance away, at the rate they were going, it would only take tens of seconds for them to arrive.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGMwYTc3ODRmMTQwYmFhNDIzODg3MTIwZGIwMDA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Battle formation!” Emmet yelled out.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODUzNzIyOTA4NjQ4ZWE5NTliOTZjOTMyZjlmOTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aye aye!” Yorick immediately followed the order, stepping out in front and holding out his shovel threateningly. At the same time, Emmet backed up a few paces. Soon enough, they were a considerable distance away.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjU2YmUxYzFhYTQzN2VhZjVhZDhjZWFmMmMwOWY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sun beam!” Emmet held out a small contraption out in his left hand, which quickly began to absorb sunlight. “Earth beam! Speed beam! Healing beam!” One by one, he took out small contraptions and held them out into the light. Each slowly began to glow with minute lights, growing stronger and stronger by the second.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjAyZWRkYmI1MjRkMTJhOTU2YTgyYzM4MmJlM2Yz"><span style="font-weight: 400">It might seem logical that in the winter, especially with the clouds blocking the sky, there would be less sunlight for the devices to absorb. However, that wasn’t necessarily true. Although there was less direct sunlight from the sky to the ground, across the bright snowy landscape, the sunlight would be reflected through all different angles off the snow, resulting in a large amount of diffused sunlight streaming out in all directions. In particular, this large amount of light reflected off the snow and streamed into the sunstones embedded on the outside of Emmet’s contraptions.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzZhODMwZGFjOTRjMTNiODI3NzIwYjY2NWU0YWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Battle position ready!” Yorick screamed out. He was now standing in a slightly crouched position, knees bent, slightly angled away from the threat. His shovel was held out in front of him like a sword. “Awaiting reinforcement beams!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWIzYTI4MzhlMzQxOWY5OTJjNDIwY2I3ZTQxYmRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Incoming!” Emmet screamed out.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODMzODMyMWZmYzQ5MDE4MDU0MjU2NjM3N2VmOThj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolves had arrived! The leading three in pack had just now approached Yorick, and leaped toward him, fangs bared.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmJjY2ZmOGYzYzQ5NDlhZjRiYzhmZWJjN2ZiZmZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">BANG!</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2ZhYjVkNWJlMjRiZGFhYzU3NzY5NjI1ZDIyZTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yorick ruthlessly swung his shovel, smacking the first wolf in the side of the muzzle. It let out a small yelp before dashing to the side and retreating. However, the second and third wolves continued unimpeded!</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzE5NjEzMTEyNDQ1MTNiZmY0OTU0MzBmYjI2OTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck you!” Yorick shifted gears and slammed his shovel backwards, backhanding the second wolf. Taken by surprise, it sprawled out onto the ground for a moment before haphazardly getting back up and retreating back to the pack.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWFlMDc2ZTlhMTQxYmViYWIxYWE4NDExYWRkZTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, there still was a third wolf.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWY0ZmE3ZWI2ZDQxMWQ4NjQzOTUxMGZkYWY2MmE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">No time to do any other moves, Yorick attempted a forceful kick to drive it away.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDgzY2ZjNTY1MDQwNWZiNGE4NTNiMDkxYmMwYTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, it wasn’t enough. The wolf easily dodged the kick and sunk its fangs into Yorick’s calf.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTMxMmUyMDc1MTRkYWVhNzEwMWY1NTdiMTRlNjdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yorick!” Emmet yelled out. The beams needed to charge; they weren’t ready yet! For now, Yorick was all on his own.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDBjZWMzZTlmODQ4NTViYmM4YmQ0ZjI0NDYyYzZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“AHHHH!!!” Yorick screamed out. He quickly raised his shovel and smashed it onto the wolf’s skull, finally causing it to let its grip go and retreat. However, a flow of red had began to appear on his calf.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2ZkMGMzNWMxNDQ2MjJiNzEzZTRiNmQwOTQ1MDEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, it wasn’t over. At that moment, three new wolves had charged toward him, barking incessantly.</span></p> </div>
The two boys dressed up head to toe in heavy snow garb. Each had three inch thick wool coats, patched together with bits of scrap fabric, and equally thick cowhide pants. On their heads they were covered by thick wool caps, and on their feet they wore simple high-ankled boots, ideal for traversing through snow. “Jeez, you’re so annoyingly persistent…” Emmet rolled his eyes, one by one taking careful steps through the blanket of thick white. With each step, his foot sunk down to his shins. “Hehehe… don’t worry, we’ll have a great adventure!” Yorick cackled gleefully, also carefully taking steps. “The creatures that roam in this winter tundra are completely different from ones in the other seasons. Who knows what we’ll meet?” They were both now over half a mile away from their home. Yorick was persistent on heading out toward the thick brush that surrounded the fields, in hopes of finding something exciting. Although for a brief few minutes, he had been content just making snow-angels and throwing snowballs, he had quickly grown bored, and was itching to do battle! “Yeesh…” Emmet shook his head slightly. “We’d better not go too far. If we really find something, it’d be hard for us to run in this thick snow.” The creatures that roamed around during the winter were completely different from in the other seasons! In the warmer seasons, animals were free to graze around, lazily living off the land, and there were many places to hide, so many that were around were docile. However, in the winter, all the greenery was gone, and most of the animals had gone into hibernation. Anything that was still out there was likely a predator, confident in its mobility through the snow. Mother had even warned them to be careful when they had went out, and to not go far, but clearly, Yorick hadn’t been listening. “Relax!” Yorick pumped his chest. “What, you scared? Don’t worry! Big brother Yorick has grown much stronger over these past months. With the help of little brother’s healing arrays, what can possibly threaten us?” “Ugh…” Emmet rolled his eyes. Over the past three months, Yorick’s ego had really inflated. Soon enough, he was proclaiming that they were the “unbeatable brothers” - big brother with the strength and little brother with the wit. Yorick pointed over the horizon. “Look! There’s an animal!” “Hm?” Emmet looked over, squinting his eyes. Sure enough, in the distance there was a faint silhouette of a quadrupedal beast. “Looks like a wolf.” “Haha! Finally, something new!” Yorick exclaimed, raising his shovel excitedly. “Let’s fight! Fight! Fight fight fight!” The wolf seemed to hear the proclamation and turned its head in their direction. After staring at them for a few seconds, it let out a howl, and then turned around and dashed away. “Hm?” Yorick was surprised. “It’s running away?” Emmet stared back at where the wolf had fled. For some reason, he had a bad premonition. “Hahaha!” Yorick raised his head back and chortled. “Afraid, ey? Who can blame ye’? We are, after all, the unbeatable brothers!” “Yorick…” Emmet let out a tentative whisper. “Un-beat-able! Un-beat-able!” Yorick raised his shovel high and paraded around. “Un-beat-able! Un-beat-able! We are un-beat-able!” “Yorick!” Emmet said, a little louder now. “What’s wrong, unbeatable little bro?” Yorick patted Emmet’s shoulder and smiled devilishly. “We’ve got a reputation now! They’re scared.” “Wolves…” Emmet gulped, panning his eyes around nervously. “Wolves… wolves usually travel in packs.” “What?” For the first time, Yorick was stopped in his tracks. Then, they heard it. It was at first a distant rumble… but then grew louder and louder. Within seconds, they could hear the collection of soft, rapid, footsteps. And then… like a chorus… AWOOOOOO!!!! “Run!” Emmet screamed out, pulling Yorick back and haphazardly taking steps in retreat. Yorick didn’t need a second warning. Immediately tucking his shovel away and turning around, he joined Emmet and began sprinting the other way. However, the snow was thick and it was hard to run. Despite flailing their little legs as hard as they could, they weren’t making much progress. AWOOO!!! AWOOO!!! The howls were getting louder and louder. Taking step after step as fast as they could, Emmet and Yorick felt their adrenaline pumping loudly. For the first time, they felt a real sense of danger. A wolf pack… They had never seen one in real life, but they had heard rumors. Apparently, they were the most ruthless hunter in the winter. One wolf was scary enough, with its sharp fangs and incredible darting mobility through the snow. An entire pack of wolves? Their prey would have nowhere to run, inevitably getting torn apart by the barrage of sharp fangs. Every year, they would hear the distant howls from the safety of inside the cabin. However, they had never experienced it up close! It was a truly frightening experience. “Fuck… fuck…” Yorick groaned. “I’m sorry lil’ bro… if this is the end, just know I love you.” “Shut it!” Emmet snapped back. “This isn’t the end. Don’t say stuff like that.” AWOOOO!!! The howls were much closer this time. They could hear the stampede of steps charging toward them grow heavier and heavier, so much that they could even feel the vibrations underneath their feet. At this rate, it wouldn’t be another minute before they would get swamped. “Dammit, we’re not gonna make it,” Emmet grit his teeth. Although if he squinted his eyes, he could see their little cabin in the distance, it would take at least another ten minutes to reach it. There was no way they could get there in time. “Fuck…” Yorick cursed for the n-th time. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Is this the end? I never thought my way out would be getting torn up by wolves…” “It’s not over!” Emmet suddenly grabbed Yorick’s shoulder and stopped in his steps. “Let’s stand our ground and fight!” Yorick stopped in his steps too and pursed his lips. “You’re right… what kind of supreme warrior am I? It’s just a little pack of wolves! Is something so puny gonna take us ‘unbeatable brothers’ down?” “Now we’re talking!” For some reason, in the face of supreme danger, Emmet felt his blood pressure rise, a palpable excitement flowing through his veins. “Get ready for battle!” Both children turned around and faced their threat. Stampeding toward them was a closely-packed group of around ten grey wolves, each snarling fiercely. Their fangs were over an inch long, gleaming sinisterly in the snowy landscape. Although they were still a distance away, at the rate they were going, it would only take tens of seconds for them to arrive. “Battle formation!” Emmet yelled out. “Aye aye!” Yorick immediately followed the order, stepping out in front and holding out his shovel threateningly. At the same time, Emmet backed up a few paces. Soon enough, they were a considerable distance away. “Sun beam!” Emmet held out a small contraption out in his left hand, which quickly began to absorb sunlight. “Earth beam! Speed beam! Healing beam!” One by one, he took out small contraptions and held them out into the light. Each slowly began to glow with minute lights, growing stronger and stronger by the second. It might seem logical that in the winter, especially with the clouds blocking the sky, there would be less sunlight for the devices to absorb. However, that wasn’t necessarily true. Although there was less direct sunlight from the sky to the ground, across the bright snowy landscape, the sunlight would be reflected through all different angles off the snow, resulting in a large amount of diffused sunlight streaming out in all directions. In particular, this large amount of light reflected off the snow and streamed into the sunstones embedded on the outside of Emmet’s contraptions. “Battle position ready!” Yorick screamed out. He was now standing in a slightly crouched position, knees bent, slightly angled away from the threat. His shovel was held out in front of him like a sword. “Awaiting reinforcement beams!” “Incoming!” Emmet screamed out. The wolves had arrived! The leading three in pack had just now approached Yorick, and leaped toward him, fangs bared. BANG! Yorick ruthlessly swung his shovel, smacking the first wolf in the side of the muzzle. It let out a small yelp before dashing to the side and retreating. However, the second and third wolves continued unimpeded! “Fuck you!” Yorick shifted gears and slammed his shovel backwards, backhanding the second wolf. Taken by surprise, it sprawled out onto the ground for a moment before haphazardly getting back up and retreating back to the pack. However, there still was a third wolf. No time to do any other moves, Yorick attempted a forceful kick to drive it away. However, it wasn’t enough. The wolf easily dodged the kick and sunk its fangs into Yorick’s calf. “Yorick!” Emmet yelled out. The beams needed to charge; they weren’t ready yet! For now, Yorick was all on his own. “AHHHH!!!” Yorick screamed out. He quickly raised his shovel and smashed it onto the wolf’s skull, finally causing it to let its grip go and retreat. However, a flow of red had began to appear on his calf. However, it wasn’t over. At that moment, three new wolves had charged toward him, barking incessantly.
{ "title": "A marvel rise", "id": 21131, "author": "Willox84", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8", "id": 305716, "next": 306603, "prev": 305406, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4OTQxYTVlMTQ0ZTQ4MDZhOGVkMGUxMmUyYmI5YzQy"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">" Gentleman please give a warm welcome to Captaine America. Who came all the way from, good old USA to help rally you up from the enemy desperate attacks on are morals." The entertainer shouted with an evident over enthusiastic voice.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjBlYmFlY2UxMTQ1ODJhYTgxNzAxYjNkZTYyMzEx"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">The music started to play, as six young woman ran up the stage to start a dance routine. The soldiers cheered the girls, wolf whistles and cat calls could be heard. And Captain America step on the stage.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmRhZDZiMThjZTQwMDRiYjcxMzQwYjMzNzk3ODhi"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"I hope this is the place. If I'm not mistaking it should be soon, I just can't do one more of this gruelling baby sitting. Alex sigh as he watch the poor excuse of a show that Steve was force to do. If he was being honest, he would never be able to do this, he greatly admire Steve for putting up with it. The worst was the soldier mockery and jeering, in a way he agreed with them but Steve had no say in his position.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0MDUwNzY4Mjg2MjQ3OTU4Zjk5YTA2MTI1NDQ0MGY5"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">He watch as the soldier called Steve a fraud, told him to get off the stage and let the girls back on. And Steve trying to convinced them that he was not a fraud, but a soldier just like them following orders. And finaly he watch as the soldier berated Steve as he claimed that wasn't true, an told him about the capture soldier and the platoon number. Finaly setting him on the warpath an his chance to do something, now after month of being force to sit on his ass. He got a chance at getting back in the action, if he was lucky he would also meet James Howlett AkA the wolverine.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGE1YmVkZWE1YTQxYjY4ODQ3OWNkNzRkYmYwNGFk"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Steve walk off the stage in a hurry, making a bee line for the base command tent. Alex was wondering whitch would be better follow Steve or go pack some suplies and weapons for the up and coming rescue. In the end he decided to go and prep the bags, cause if he remember correctly, the only help Steve got was from Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. He alway found that Steve was severely under equip for his first crazy rescue, and he wanted to correct it if he could.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmNkZDcxNmZjNTQ1YWJhMTA3MjhmN2YyODIyY2Ni">&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 1.5em">Quickly moving around camp, making use of most of the soldier being at the stage ogling the slinky attire girls. He made his way to the armory. Luck was on his side he manage to convice the poor private, that he would replace him at his post so that the kid could join in the fun. Waving him goodbye he fealt a sliver of guilt, he hope he wouldn't get to baddly chewed up by his superior officer.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGE4YTQyODllMjQwYjY4MTZkZDNmNDRmOGRmYzVm"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Turning at the task at hand he pulled out a bag, going back in the armory he pick up a couple of M1911 pistol with harness, one Ithaca 37 for tight corners, a dozen Mk 2 grenades for groups and doors, two M42 and a M1 carbine. He also took two parachutes, he skip on the body armor since it would just get in the way. </span></p> <p class="cnMyOGYxYjNhN2U1YjQ0YzRiYzFlOTEzZTc5MjFkNDg3"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Saddly a good design would only&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1.5em">appear later, since he couldn't time travel that was out. He was smart but not even closes to the real level of genus, like Howard Stark his son Tony Stark, Richard Reed or Peter Parker. No he could keep up if they talk shop but to comme up with their ideas and builded them, he was saddly left in the dust.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzk2MWI0YjliMDRjNWQ4Mjc5YWY4NTkyZmZkM2Vj"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">He got his diplomas fair and square, but his genus status by well, cheating. Having an older soul and remembering one own past life did help in studying, discipline and understanding, on the various stubject he took on as a kid and teenager. He was still piste that he didn't get a cheat system, super computer power brains, not even a mutant power. Instead he got a mature outlook on life, a stubborn unwilling attitude, for getting his hands on something that would extended his life, and some power to back it up.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTYwOTgwYmRiMjQ4NTJiNzhhNjVjM2ViZmE3NjFi"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">But that did not go as plan, but on the flip side he became a good friend with captain america, so silver lining. Also he didn't use his last lettre, since he hope to use his staying by Steve side to find Zemo unpolished serum formula. Or maybe he would get lucky an get his hands on some of that tesseract tech, he could use somehow to enhance or improve his own tech.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGJmOGU0ZmMxYzQ0ODI4YjJkMzlkZjAyZTJkZGRk"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">By the time he was done with all his pondering, he spoted Steve walking toward his tent obviously agitated. If he didn't know the man he would've never have guest the crazy plan he'd come up with by eyeing the map as he had argued with the general.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjBhN2E4Yjg3NTRhOWJiZTI4YjkwMmI3ZGNlZjJk"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"So I see your talk didn't go so well." Alex said in a neutral tone, he did not want to have a pistes off Steve using him as punching bag, the only time that happen he was convince he could take on an angry Steve, but to be fair he was drunk that night, and looking for a beating.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzMyNjAwYjFjYTRiNTA5N2Y5YThjMDRlMjhiM2Iz"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"You remember Bucky?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2VmNWM1NjlkMzQ0ZWFhZmRjYTBmOGJiOGVkYWU0"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Yeah, he's like the only friend you got and your man crush." Alex said in a cold voice.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZGVjYmY1MWY1NzRmNDZhY2RhYWFmN2JlZGU4ODc3"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Steve gave him a angry look. "Not now, I'm not in the mood for your sick sense of humour." He took a step foward aggressively.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDI4M2YzNDkzYTRjYTI4YTk1M2NhZDYwNjE2MmI5"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Steve, I'm trying to change your mindset so you can think much clearer. Letting your frustration and fear lead will not serve you. Right now your looking to either slam your fist into anything or run all the way to Bucky, you need to breath Steve." He remained calm he knew that what he said was hurtful, but he needed him to snap out of spiralling down, into thinking what if scenarios.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGJlODM0N2JkZjQ5NTA5OTc5YTAyMWFkNGRmMzBj"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">With some effort he saw Steve slowly calming down, the news he just learn about Bucky an the response of the general had him on edge.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxY2YwZDJiN2M5YjRmMmNhMjVjYjBlM2JhYTkyYWUz"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Sorry, it was the only way to bring you back, since whatever it is you learn seem urgent. If you like you can punch me later but now &nbsp;tell me whar your thinking." Alex said with an apologetic expression, his guilt about hurting his friend like that wasn't a pleasing sensation he like having.</span></p> <p class="cnMwODgyNzcyYTc2YTQ3ZjA5MDljMjEzZTc0ZWUxNTE5"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"I know where Bucky is, he's in danger and Im going after him, I think I can convince Peggy to help me plan the transport to get their. Steve said in his tone that you could see the steel resolves he had.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDY5MDFkYzNhMjQyNzQ5MTY2NzU1Zjc4YTAwYjY3"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">"Ok, but you'll needed this." Alex said as he pulled out the weapons bag and the two parachutes. "Oh and in no way I'm I letting you go alone." A grin spread across his face. "I can't have you have all the fun."</span></p> </div>
" Gentleman please give a warm welcome to Captaine America. Who came all the way from, good old USA to help rally you up from the enemy desperate attacks on are morals." The entertainer shouted with an evident over enthusiastic voice. The music started to play, as six young woman ran up the stage to start a dance routine. The soldiers cheered the girls, wolf whistles and cat calls could be heard. And Captain America step on the stage. "I hope this is the place. If I'm not mistaking it should be soon, I just can't do one more of this gruelling baby sitting. Alex sigh as he watch the poor excuse of a show that Steve was force to do. If he was being honest, he would never be able to do this, he greatly admire Steve for putting up with it. The worst was the soldier mockery and jeering, in a way he agreed with them but Steve had no say in his position.  He watch as the soldier called Steve a fraud, told him to get off the stage and let the girls back on. And Steve trying to convinced them that he was not a fraud, but a soldier just like them following orders. And finaly he watch as the soldier berated Steve as he claimed that wasn't true, an told him about the capture soldier and the platoon number. Finaly setting him on the warpath an his chance to do something, now after month of being force to sit on his ass. He got a chance at getting back in the action, if he was lucky he would also meet James Howlett AkA the wolverine. Steve walk off the stage in a hurry, making a bee line for the base command tent. Alex was wondering whitch would be better follow Steve or go pack some suplies and weapons for the up and coming rescue. In the end he decided to go and prep the bags, cause if he remember correctly, the only help Steve got was from Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. He alway found that Steve was severely under equip for his first crazy rescue, and he wanted to correct it if he could.  Quickly moving around camp, making use of most of the soldier being at the stage ogling the slinky attire girls. He made his way to the armory. Luck was on his side he manage to convice the poor private, that he would replace him at his post so that the kid could join in the fun. Waving him goodbye he fealt a sliver of guilt, he hope he wouldn't get to baddly chewed up by his superior officer. Turning at the task at hand he pulled out a bag, going back in the armory he pick up a couple of M1911 pistol with harness, one Ithaca 37 for tight corners, a dozen Mk 2 grenades for groups and doors, two M42 and a M1 carbine. He also took two parachutes, he skip on the body armor since it would just get in the way. Saddly a good design would only appear later, since he couldn't time travel that was out. He was smart but not even closes to the real level of genus, like Howard Stark his son Tony Stark, Richard Reed or Peter Parker. No he could keep up if they talk shop but to comme up with their ideas and builded them, he was saddly left in the dust. He got his diplomas fair and square, but his genus status by well, cheating. Having an older soul and remembering one own past life did help in studying, discipline and understanding, on the various stubject he took on as a kid and teenager. He was still piste that he didn't get a cheat system, super computer power brains, not even a mutant power. Instead he got a mature outlook on life, a stubborn unwilling attitude, for getting his hands on something that would extended his life, and some power to back it up. But that did not go as plan, but on the flip side he became a good friend with captain america, so silver lining. Also he didn't use his last lettre, since he hope to use his staying by Steve side to find Zemo unpolished serum formula. Or maybe he would get lucky an get his hands on some of that tesseract tech, he could use somehow to enhance or improve his own tech. By the time he was done with all his pondering, he spoted Steve walking toward his tent obviously agitated. If he didn't know the man he would've never have guest the crazy plan he'd come up with by eyeing the map as he had argued with the general. "So I see your talk didn't go so well." Alex said in a neutral tone, he did not want to have a pistes off Steve using him as punching bag, the only time that happen he was convince he could take on an angry Steve, but to be fair he was drunk that night, and looking for a beating.  "You remember Bucky?" "Yeah, he's like the only friend you got and your man crush." Alex said in a cold voice. Steve gave him a angry look. "Not now, I'm not in the mood for your sick sense of humour." He took a step foward aggressively. "Steve, I'm trying to change your mindset so you can think much clearer. Letting your frustration and fear lead will not serve you. Right now your looking to either slam your fist into anything or run all the way to Bucky, you need to breath Steve." He remained calm he knew that what he said was hurtful, but he needed him to snap out of spiralling down, into thinking what if scenarios.  With some effort he saw Steve slowly calming down, the news he just learn about Bucky an the response of the general had him on edge.  "Sorry, it was the only way to bring you back, since whatever it is you learn seem urgent. If you like you can punch me later but now  tell me whar your thinking." Alex said with an apologetic expression, his guilt about hurting his friend like that wasn't a pleasing sensation he like having. "I know where Bucky is, he's in danger and Im going after him, I think I can convince Peggy to help me plan the transport to get their. Steve said in his tone that you could see the steel resolves he had. "Ok, but you'll needed this." Alex said as he pulled out the weapons bag and the two parachutes. "Oh and in no way I'm I letting you go alone." A grin spread across his face. "I can't have you have all the fun."
{ "title": "Immortal Ki Technique", "id": 21156, "author": "UndertheBlue", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 19: Rabbit", "id": 305712, "next": 306028, "prev": 305411, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1MTE1ZGZjNTk3YjRiODg5MDc1MTA4NGM3MjY1OTdi">It had now been a little over a month since Lowen had entered this world and the many strange things he'd both seen and learned of, had made him come to truly understand just how different his previous world and this one really was. For example, in Lowen's previous world, he considered the animals to be of pretty normal size but in this new world, most animals that people considered normal size, to Lowen, were in fact 3, 4, or even 5 times bigger.&nbsp;<br><br>Like right now, off into the distance, several hundred feet away from Lowen there stood a wild boar of incredible size and magnitude. But in no way shape or form could it be considered normal. Its name, Mammoth Boar, with its height it easily exceeding 12 feet tall and its length nearly 20 feet. Roland had taught Lowen that one of these beasts could easily weigh more than 16,000 pounds and as its name implies, its nose was more like that of a mammoth than a boar. With it, it could easily lift a full grown man and with one squeeze crush him to a pulp, even while wearing full armor.&nbsp;<br><br>With tusk, the length of about three grown men lying down, this beast was truly a monster to behold. The reason why a creature of this size hasn't already crushed any of the nearby villages was that they didn't contain its favorite food, snowberries. A Mammoth Boar could eat more than a thousand pounds worth of berries every day.&nbsp;<br><br>As Lowen lay completely still, the only thing to be heard within this forest was the impact of this beast steps, as each one broke through a few inches of the ground beneath its feet. After a long while, the Mammoth Boar finally finished eating nearly 70 bushels of berries and left, leaving behind a trail of broken and trampled trees in its wake, as well as some bristles from its back.&nbsp;<br><br>After a few more minutes, Lowen uncovered himself patting away all of the snow on his body. He had laid underneath a thin layer of snow for nearly an hour to conceal himself. Thanks to his ki as well as his fur clothes, he was able to withstand the frozen temperature for quite a while. Others without magic or better-insulated clothes would already have gotten frostbitten in several places. This was actually one of Lowen's purposes for coming into the forest. He needed more clothes as he was tired of wearing the exact same fur outfit day in and day out.&nbsp;<br><br>Besides food, The Chief had given Lowen many items due to their agreement, some of it cooking ware, some of it was candles and tools, some a few different spices and even 5 chickens. Because of that, Lowen, Nia, and Ben could have fresh eggs every day but that didn't solve all of the threes problems. The three were lacking both clothes as well as blankets. Living in that run down shack with holes bigger then fist, there was simply no way to keep the cold out. The Chief had many things to give but extra cloth, well, there was simply none to spare. The Chief had said that he would procure some from other villages but that it could take a few months. For Lowen, that was simply unacceptable. So with impatience, Lowen went into the forest. He had remembered that there were several bushes of berries and that some extremely huge rabbits would feed on them.&nbsp;<br><br>After traveling for more than an hour, Lowen had made his way back to these rabbits feeding ground.&nbsp;<br><br>Who would have thought, however, that he would witness such a huge creature feasting on these berries? A Mammoth Boar was a highly aggressive species so Lowen could only hide his presence or risk being attacked. Had he hid up in a tree, well, with the Mammoth Boars height it would clearly see him and possibly make a charge at the tree. With that creatures size, weight and strength, it could easily crush any tree in the forest. After that, Lowen would be all but defenseless, so with some quick thinking, he had hidden beneath the snow.&nbsp;<br><br>Even after Lowen had patted himself down he still didn't make a move, instead, he simply waited silently. At this point, he wasn't even sure if the rabbits would appear after the Mammoth Boar's destruction. Maybe it had already scared them all away but still, Lowen had nothing better to do so he waited. After about 30 minutes Lowen finally spotted a few rabbits quickly making there way over. Although he had already seen many of them within the first few days of him arriving in this world, he was still shocked at their size. Each one was nearly 4 to 6 feet in length.&nbsp;<br><br>(Wow, now with that size they'll make a nice set of clothes.)&nbsp;<br><br>After about five minutes, more then a dozen of these rabbits had made there way from who knows where. Now, each of them was enjoying the tasty snowberries. Right now during their meal was definitely the most opportune moment to attack. Lowen quickly circulated his ki, focusing his energy into his legs and feet, combining it with his Shadow Steps, Lowen launched himself almost 10 feet high, landing on a branch in a nearby tree. With a few more steps, Lowen was already 50 feet off the ground. Looking out in the distance, the rabbits were about 300 feet away. With them focused on their meal, Lowen began to jump from tree to tree. Just as he would land on a nearby branch, like a blurry shadow, he was already gone, off to the next tree.&nbsp;<br><br>After more than a month of practice, Lowen's strength had increased tremendously. If before when he fought the villager Greg he could leap over a small crowd of people, now he could easily cover a distance of more than 15 feet. With the combined effects of his ki and his earth energy, his body had continued to strengthen at a scary rate. Now his bones wouldn't necessarily break were he to be put in another bear hug from Greg.&nbsp;<br><br>After only a few seconds, Lowen had already arrived high above the feasting rabbits. Looking down, Lowen couldn't help but lick his lips, not for the rabbits but instead for the snowberries. He hadn't had any rabbit since he came to this world yet seeing this prey before him, he almost couldn't be bothered. After he promised Ben that he would get more snowberries for him and after Lowen tried them, he almost became addicted. He had now made several trips gathering these berries. Almost 2 times a week he would race here just to get them. He would stock up on jar after jar of these little treats only to run out within a few days, that's how delicious they were. After a moment of berry fantasies, Lowen remembered his mission and wiped the drool from his mouth, for now, he couldn't think about that.&nbsp;</p><br>Standing high up on a branch, Lowen pulled a bow from his back, its length almost as long as he was tall. With practiced movements, Lowen took an arrow from his quiver. He had been practicing with this bow for a few weeks now and had become pretty distinguished with it. Although he wasn't an expert, his Snake Fist technique was all about flexibility, dexterity, and speed. One of the requirements to master it required one to be extremely good with their hands and Lowen having already mastered it in his previous life was already quite good with it now. Because of that, learning the bow came quite natural to him.&nbsp;<br><br>With feet shoulder width apart, Lowen lined his body up perpendicular with his target and imagined a straight line going across his feet to the rabbit. Since his right eye was his dominant eye, he held the bow in his left hand and pointed at his target with his left shoulder. With his back straight he held his stance in a comfortable yet firm manner. Lowen placed three fingers from his right hand on the string and below the arrow and used his thumb to support the back of the arrow as well as keep it straight. Keeping his inner elbow parallel to the ground, Lowen looked straight down the spine of the arrow and saw his target. Although this was a normal size bow, it required at least a 70-pound draw. For a normal 6-year-old, it would be impossible to pull this bow to its maximum. Lowen filled his upper body with ki and with some strain, he managed to fully pull the drawstring all the way to his face. When you lift your elbow up during the pull it forces your body to use your shoulder muscles, taking much of the stress off of your arms. Aiming at a rabbit nearest him, Lowen took a calm breath and relaxed his fingers, releasing the arrow.&nbsp;<br><br>*Whoosh*&nbsp;<br><br>The arrow shot out like the wind and instantly pierced its target pinning the rabbit to the ground and before the rabbits new what hit them, two more arrows quickly flew out.&nbsp;<br><br>*Swoosh*&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>*Whoosh*&nbsp;<br><br>2 more rabbits were now dead.&nbsp;<br><br>The frightened rabbits scattered in four directions vanishing out of sight. A few seconds later not even the rustling of bushes could be heard, they were gone.&nbsp;<br><br>Slinging the bow back over his shoulder, Lowen quickly climbed down the tree and went to work. Pulling a dagger from his belt made from rope, he skillfully skinned each rabbit removing their fur in one go, he artfully stripped them bare. After he removed all of the organs even being extra careful while he removed the bladder, he then threw the organs away. With little time, he removed half of the meat from one rabbit and wrapped it in the fur. As for the rest of the meat, Lowen simply couldn't carry it all back with him. Each rabbit weighed almost 100 pounds and that was after he had already removed all of the organs. At the same time though he wasn't willing to waste.&nbsp;<br><br>Lowen grabbed handful after handful of snow and stuffed it inside each rabbit. He then dug shallow holes and buried them beneath the snow. He would quickly run to the village and then return to collect them. With a full load it would take him around 2 hours to get to the village but with nothing to carry on his return trip, it wouldn't even take an hour. In this way, Lowen calculated he would need around 10 hours total to transport everything.&nbsp;<br><br>Before he left though, he was slightly curious about something. Walking only a few feet, Lowen bent down and picked up a long bristle, it was one of the Mammoth Boar hairs that had fallen off its back. Littered on the ground were hundreds of them. Examining it closely, Lowen could feel its weight. Although each one was only around a foot in length, it weighed almost 10 pounds, this hair was truly strange. Grabbing it with both hands, Lowen tried to break it in half but to his surprise, it was almost as tough as metal and wouldn't budge an inch. Lowen was lost in thought for a moment.&nbsp;<br><br>(Strange, how can a hair be so inflexible and tough.)&nbsp;<br><br>Lowen wanted to test it some more but heard a howl in the distance, this had quickly snapped him out of it. Stuffing one of the hairs with the rest of his stuff, Lowen quickly packed his things. With 50 pounds of meat and about 40 pounds of fur, as well as one Mammoth Boar hair, Lowen was off, back to Nia's.&nbsp;<br><br>------------------------------------------------&nbsp;<br><br>Running inside, Lowen quickly dropped things off and was about to rush out when Nia stopped him.&nbsp;<br><br>"Wait for just a second, what am I suppose to do with all this meat?"&nbsp;<br><br>Lowen was confused.&nbsp;<br><br>"What do you mean, cant you cook some of it and turn the rest into jerky."&nbsp;<br><br>To this reply, Nia shook her head no.&nbsp;<br><br>"I can cook some of it but I have no clue how to make jerky, its something I've never made before.&nbsp;<br><br>"What, if I'd have known that...ugh, I still have more than 2 rabbits left, what am I suppose to do with all of that meat?"&nbsp;<br><br>The two grew quiet for a moment before Nia had a thought.&nbsp;<br><br>"Well, we could trade some of it to old man Sid who lives up the way. He can make the jerky."&nbsp;<br><br>"Who, I thought everyone in this village hated you, why would he do it?"&nbsp;<br><br>Nia thought for a moment causing her face to scrunch up ever so slightly.&nbsp;<br><br>"Hmm, well he doesn't actually live in the village, he's not a part of it. He lives about a mile away from here near the mountain by the river. He's always had the best jerky, it's just..."&nbsp;<br><br>"Its just what, is there a problem?"&nbsp;<br><br>Once more Nia's face scrunched up before she replied.&nbsp;<br><br>"He's..... well... he's really weird?"<p></p> </div>
It had now been a little over a month since Lowen had entered this world and the many strange things he'd both seen and learned of, had made him come to truly understand just how different his previous world and this one really was. For example, in Lowen's previous world, he considered the animals to be of pretty normal size but in this new world, most animals that people considered normal size, to Lowen, were in fact 3, 4, or even 5 times bigger.  Like right now, off into the distance, several hundred feet away from Lowen there stood a wild boar of incredible size and magnitude. But in no way shape or form could it be considered normal. Its name, Mammoth Boar, with its height it easily exceeding 12 feet tall and its length nearly 20 feet. Roland had taught Lowen that one of these beasts could easily weigh more than 16,000 pounds and as its name implies, its nose was more like that of a mammoth than a boar. With it, it could easily lift a full grown man and with one squeeze crush him to a pulp, even while wearing full armor.  With tusk, the length of about three grown men lying down, this beast was truly a monster to behold. The reason why a creature of this size hasn't already crushed any of the nearby villages was that they didn't contain its favorite food, snowberries. A Mammoth Boar could eat more than a thousand pounds worth of berries every day.  As Lowen lay completely still, the only thing to be heard within this forest was the impact of this beast steps, as each one broke through a few inches of the ground beneath its feet. After a long while, the Mammoth Boar finally finished eating nearly 70 bushels of berries and left, leaving behind a trail of broken and trampled trees in its wake, as well as some bristles from its back.  After a few more minutes, Lowen uncovered himself patting away all of the snow on his body. He had laid underneath a thin layer of snow for nearly an hour to conceal himself. Thanks to his ki as well as his fur clothes, he was able to withstand the frozen temperature for quite a while. Others without magic or better-insulated clothes would already have gotten frostbitten in several places. This was actually one of Lowen's purposes for coming into the forest. He needed more clothes as he was tired of wearing the exact same fur outfit day in and day out.  Besides food, The Chief had given Lowen many items due to their agreement, some of it cooking ware, some of it was candles and tools, some a few different spices and even 5 chickens. Because of that, Lowen, Nia, and Ben could have fresh eggs every day but that didn't solve all of the threes problems. The three were lacking both clothes as well as blankets. Living in that run down shack with holes bigger then fist, there was simply no way to keep the cold out. The Chief had many things to give but extra cloth, well, there was simply none to spare. The Chief had said that he would procure some from other villages but that it could take a few months. For Lowen, that was simply unacceptable. So with impatience, Lowen went into the forest. He had remembered that there were several bushes of berries and that some extremely huge rabbits would feed on them.  After traveling for more than an hour, Lowen had made his way back to these rabbits feeding ground.  Who would have thought, however, that he would witness such a huge creature feasting on these berries? A Mammoth Boar was a highly aggressive species so Lowen could only hide his presence or risk being attacked. Had he hid up in a tree, well, with the Mammoth Boars height it would clearly see him and possibly make a charge at the tree. With that creatures size, weight and strength, it could easily crush any tree in the forest. After that, Lowen would be all but defenseless, so with some quick thinking, he had hidden beneath the snow.  Even after Lowen had patted himself down he still didn't make a move, instead, he simply waited silently. At this point, he wasn't even sure if the rabbits would appear after the Mammoth Boar's destruction. Maybe it had already scared them all away but still, Lowen had nothing better to do so he waited. After about 30 minutes Lowen finally spotted a few rabbits quickly making there way over. Although he had already seen many of them within the first few days of him arriving in this world, he was still shocked at their size. Each one was nearly 4 to 6 feet in length.  (Wow, now with that size they'll make a nice set of clothes.)  After about five minutes, more then a dozen of these rabbits had made there way from who knows where. Now, each of them was enjoying the tasty snowberries. Right now during their meal was definitely the most opportune moment to attack. Lowen quickly circulated his ki, focusing his energy into his legs and feet, combining it with his Shadow Steps, Lowen launched himself almost 10 feet high, landing on a branch in a nearby tree. With a few more steps, Lowen was already 50 feet off the ground. Looking out in the distance, the rabbits were about 300 feet away. With them focused on their meal, Lowen began to jump from tree to tree. Just as he would land on a nearby branch, like a blurry shadow, he was already gone, off to the next tree.  After more than a month of practice, Lowen's strength had increased tremendously. If before when he fought the villager Greg he could leap over a small crowd of people, now he could easily cover a distance of more than 15 feet. With the combined effects of his ki and his earth energy, his body had continued to strengthen at a scary rate. Now his bones wouldn't necessarily break were he to be put in another bear hug from Greg.  After only a few seconds, Lowen had already arrived high above the feasting rabbits. Looking down, Lowen couldn't help but lick his lips, not for the rabbits but instead for the snowberries. He hadn't had any rabbit since he came to this world yet seeing this prey before him, he almost couldn't be bothered. After he promised Ben that he would get more snowberries for him and after Lowen tried them, he almost became addicted. He had now made several trips gathering these berries. Almost 2 times a week he would race here just to get them. He would stock up on jar after jar of these little treats only to run out within a few days, that's how delicious they were. After a moment of berry fantasies, Lowen remembered his mission and wiped the drool from his mouth, for now, he couldn't think about that.  Standing high up on a branch, Lowen pulled a bow from his back, its length almost as long as he was tall. With practiced movements, Lowen took an arrow from his quiver. He had been practicing with this bow for a few weeks now and had become pretty distinguished with it. Although he wasn't an expert, his Snake Fist technique was all about flexibility, dexterity, and speed. One of the requirements to master it required one to be extremely good with their hands and Lowen having already mastered it in his previous life was already quite good with it now. Because of that, learning the bow came quite natural to him.  With feet shoulder width apart, Lowen lined his body up perpendicular with his target and imagined a straight line going across his feet to the rabbit. Since his right eye was his dominant eye, he held the bow in his left hand and pointed at his target with his left shoulder. With his back straight he held his stance in a comfortable yet firm manner. Lowen placed three fingers from his right hand on the string and below the arrow and used his thumb to support the back of the arrow as well as keep it straight. Keeping his inner elbow parallel to the ground, Lowen looked straight down the spine of the arrow and saw his target. Although this was a normal size bow, it required at least a 70-pound draw. For a normal 6-year-old, it would be impossible to pull this bow to its maximum. Lowen filled his upper body with ki and with some strain, he managed to fully pull the drawstring all the way to his face. When you lift your elbow up during the pull it forces your body to use your shoulder muscles, taking much of the stress off of your arms. Aiming at a rabbit nearest him, Lowen took a calm breath and relaxed his fingers, releasing the arrow.  *Whoosh*  The arrow shot out like the wind and instantly pierced its target pinning the rabbit to the ground and before the rabbits new what hit them, two more arrows quickly flew out.  *Swoosh*   *Whoosh*  2 more rabbits were now dead.  The frightened rabbits scattered in four directions vanishing out of sight. A few seconds later not even the rustling of bushes could be heard, they were gone.  Slinging the bow back over his shoulder, Lowen quickly climbed down the tree and went to work. Pulling a dagger from his belt made from rope, he skillfully skinned each rabbit removing their fur in one go, he artfully stripped them bare. After he removed all of the organs even being extra careful while he removed the bladder, he then threw the organs away. With little time, he removed half of the meat from one rabbit and wrapped it in the fur. As for the rest of the meat, Lowen simply couldn't carry it all back with him. Each rabbit weighed almost 100 pounds and that was after he had already removed all of the organs. At the same time though he wasn't willing to waste.  Lowen grabbed handful after handful of snow and stuffed it inside each rabbit. He then dug shallow holes and buried them beneath the snow. He would quickly run to the village and then return to collect them. With a full load it would take him around 2 hours to get to the village but with nothing to carry on his return trip, it wouldn't even take an hour. In this way, Lowen calculated he would need around 10 hours total to transport everything.  Before he left though, he was slightly curious about something. Walking only a few feet, Lowen bent down and picked up a long bristle, it was one of the Mammoth Boar hairs that had fallen off its back. Littered on the ground were hundreds of them. Examining it closely, Lowen could feel its weight. Although each one was only around a foot in length, it weighed almost 10 pounds, this hair was truly strange. Grabbing it with both hands, Lowen tried to break it in half but to his surprise, it was almost as tough as metal and wouldn't budge an inch. Lowen was lost in thought for a moment.  (Strange, how can a hair be so inflexible and tough.)  Lowen wanted to test it some more but heard a howl in the distance, this had quickly snapped him out of it. Stuffing one of the hairs with the rest of his stuff, Lowen quickly packed his things. With 50 pounds of meat and about 40 pounds of fur, as well as one Mammoth Boar hair, Lowen was off, back to Nia's.  ------------------------------------------------  Running inside, Lowen quickly dropped things off and was about to rush out when Nia stopped him.  "Wait for just a second, what am I suppose to do with all this meat?"  Lowen was confused.  "What do you mean, cant you cook some of it and turn the rest into jerky."  To this reply, Nia shook her head no.  "I can cook some of it but I have no clue how to make jerky, its something I've never made before.  "What, if I'd have known that...ugh, I still have more than 2 rabbits left, what am I suppose to do with all of that meat?"  The two grew quiet for a moment before Nia had a thought.  "Well, we could trade some of it to old man Sid who lives up the way. He can make the jerky."  "Who, I thought everyone in this village hated you, why would he do it?"  Nia thought for a moment causing her face to scrunch up ever so slightly.  "Hmm, well he doesn't actually live in the village, he's not a part of it. He lives about a mile away from here near the mountain by the river. He's always had the best jerky, it's just..."  "Its just what, is there a problem?"  Once more Nia's face scrunched up before she replied.  "He's..... well... he's really weird?"
{ "title": "Don't label me!", "id": 21423, "author": "Tsaimath", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 7", "id": 305713, "next": 305927, "prev": 305702, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0Nzg3MDY4ZmFjMjQ5N2ViYTNmNzNiM2QxMDFhNDlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">After the whole disappointment with Sophia, I threw myself into my work with abandon. My gut feeling told me that it was either Clark’s fault by directly interfering or my family name that scared her off. Not that I could truly fault her for that, a company as large as KingCorps has some nasty scandals and rumors attached to it. Knowing my father, a lot of them were true and probably the nastiest off all. But I was not my father, and would never be.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzFjYmU5Nzk0NzQ5MjBhNTNmZWY1NGJiN2RhODc2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiODBlZGI0MTJiODQxNDliMjBjNDkwNDQ5MzY4N2Uz"><span style="font-weight: 400">But the single-minded focus with which I worked paid off. Whenever I had more than a few minutes, I was on a device, planning with Galatea and drawing up new things. The first thing I wanted to do was fleshing out the exo-frame I was using into a full armour. Something that I could use and go out to start spreading my name, my ‘brand’ so to speak. I needed to make big enough waves that the Guild approached me, I could not approach them or I would be in a weaker negotiating-position and I needed all the advantages I could get. Even for an organisation as powerful as the Guild, crossing my father was not done lightly. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YWQ4ZmFmZWU2ZTRjMzJiMWU4MGUxN2Q1NWUxMTkx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYjBlZjMwYWIwZTRmM2VhYzdjNzY3YTQxY2Q4MTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had contemplated the easy way out a few times, ‘killing’ myself and living in hiding but it was problematic, I had no doubt my father would leave no stone unturned if I vanished without an iron-clad death. In addition, if I ever got caught I might get a slap on the wrist by the law but my father would not just slap my wrist. He would make sure that my cage was secure, that I would never get a breath of air that he didn’t approved of. No, if I ever had to take that step, it would be after I tried every other possible way. For now, I had options. I would not burn those without desperate need. I had survived in my cage for sixteen years, I would survive a little longer.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOGJhNmQxNjkxZjQ2NzI4ODE3MTRkNTE4YTQwMzI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYTAwODBmMzhkODQ1ZDg5ZmY1MTllY2JiOGRhYjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">But back to the armour I wanted to build. I had an idea for a ceramic-metal compound, hard, relatively light, energy-absorbent and resistant. All in all, a great thing for armour-scales, bonded onto a different metal to absorb and diffuse impacts. There was no use in having an armour that didn’t break when hit hard enough if it transferred the energy into me and the impact killed me. But I had a few ideas that would help with impact-diffusion, mostly a metal-sublayer followed by a gel-cushion.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTE3ZTY5MTljMTQ0MGViMWExYzNiYzA2YjkzODQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZGIwMTJlNzQ0MTRlNGFiMTdkNmVkYjIwYTcwNjMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The next two weeks were spent in an effort to get the needed raw materials, some of them were hard to get and I had to use both a covertly organised van and my exo-frame to move them. Some metals were damned hard to get, let alone move. But after I had enough raw materials, I wanted to start with the serious work. Casting, forging and annealing. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NTY1N2QwZTljZDQ0ZjU5ODA0ZTJkNGNiMTM4MDU5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjY2NkMGMzZjJkMjQ4MWM5ZWFhMWU5NTM1NTkzYmRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sadly, it was not to be. Winter had come and Jailer Barbie was convinced that I would be lost without her. She spent every day in the mansion, making sure that I was not stepping out of line, no doubt on orders of my father. I made nice with her as best as I could but there was no way to get away for any long amount of time. Certainly not for a whole weekend, something I would need to get the compound produced and used, once it hardened for the first time, it would be close to impossible to further work with it. Similarly, the various armour-parts would have to be done in a single setting and there was just no time. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGIzMmE2YmIzMjRjYTBhMzBjMzhlMmU4NmI3ZTYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3Y2ExYjJmOGU5ZjQzNGI4NDk0YjVlOGQ0YzJjYzJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I would have to exercise patience and the only virtue I had any true adherence to was not patience. Diligence, I could do. The other six? Only by outside-force. In a way, my father was to me, what ‘God’ was to catholics, a vengeful being, forcing them to adhere by its strict guidelines or face eternal damnation. But I would break free, I would spread my wings and fly. He could burn the land and boil the sea, but he could not take the sky from me. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWY5YjQ4YzlmNTRlYzU5MDM3NWMxNTg4ZThiZTQ0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ODVlNzM3OWU0NzQwYjNiNjQxMmE5ODE2YWI4Nzg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">But I digress, once again.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjcyMWI1YzdkMjQzOTY4MWEwMTExNzI2YThiMDgz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NTI2OWI0M2Q3ZjQwZTA4NmZjOTE4MGVlZDNmNWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">During the winter, progress on my project slowed down to a crawl. There was one weekend that I managed to get away and forge the metal layer of the armour and install a few of the servo-motors to power it. While I could simply use muscle-strength to move it in an unpowered mode, for non-combat situations and such, there was no way I could fight like that. It would make me a slow-moving, weak turtle. No, I would have to make it a true power-armour, moved by servos and guided by my movement. I had already designed the impact absorbing gel-layer to serve as a sensor-mesh as well, allowing me to move the armour similarly to a skin around me. It would require a dedicated processor and probably help from Galatea but I was certain it would work. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NWM5MzFlZGEwMTRlY2RiOWFlMDY1NGY0ODQ3ZDVk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YjVhNGE3NThhODQ1OTZhNzVhMTg1Njk0NTMxMzVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">But other problems still loomed. </span></p> <p class="cnNiODMwNTNkNTgyMTQ4ODc4OGIzNWU4NmZiZGYzMTNk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNWU5Y2U3N2UxNTRjNTM5ZjViYWJkOGJlNzgwNmJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">By now, I had managed to tap into one of the large main-water conduits, bringing water from the surrounding areas to supply the city, allowing me to drain off small amounts of water. Well, small compared to the total flow. I could use it to take the occasional shower or even drink it, after I ran it through filters, but it was not enough to prepare large amounts of deuterium, limiting me by limiting my energy generation. But Galatea had a solution for that, she had managed what I had not, she had created a continuous flow-heavy water separator. We just had to install it into the conduit, without triggering any warning flags and we could get all the heavy water we wanted. In the end, we decided that we could not put it truly into the conduit but we could give the conduit a second flow by installing it on the outside. Water-pressure would do the rest, forcing a steady flow into our conduit without a large impact on the water flow and pressure downstream. Hopefully.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDFiYWZiZjliNjRlOWZiNDhmZTkzZTk5YzE0MGVj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNjVjMjRkZGEzNjQwNDQ5YWVjMzAxYjljYzliN2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once more, Galatea proved that she was my greatest creation and I could never hope to create something greater. I felt like a proud parent after I installed her invention and opened the conduit so water could flow into her separator. It worked, and it worked like a charm. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOGRhY2MyM2M0ZTQ0N2FhNDZhN2NhMDgzZWJlOGEz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YTcyN2I2ZDM3MzRiYTQ5M2NlMDViYzdiNjMxN2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unless someone was running some strange monitoring of the heavy-water levels within our drinking water, nobody would notice anything. There might be a small hiccup but as long as there was no repetition or any hint of foul play, they would most likely just let it go. And even if they investigated, I had tapped the conduit almost fifteen meters below ground, unless they used some serious equipment, they had no chance to find me. Well, maybe if they knew about the old bunker. But I doubted that anything had survived Galatea’s purge, she was good with things like that.</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2RkNWNiYTEwZjRhNWFiM2VlNWYyYmY5MDg2N2U0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZGFmZWVjNGFiYTQ3Y2ZiMWM2ZGFkY2QwYmY0ZDI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another problem that I had yet to solve was related to power as well. After I had finished the specs for my base-armour, there was no way I could power it with any technology I knew of. My fusion-reactor was far too large and I had no idea how to make it smaller. Also, the fusion-reactor had a few problems with portability, it needed a steady environment. There was no way I could use the current design in anything smaller than a bus. It needed highly calibrated shock-absorbers, controlled temperature and even controlled pressure. There was no way to build it into a combat-armour. And using normal battery-technology was more a joke, I could power the armour if I strapped on a large backpack filled with batteries. Well, at least I could power it for a minute or so. And not a minute of combat, with all servos running at full power, a minute of non-combat, just running the sensors, the processor and Galatea.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTUzMGZmMDZiNTRhNTk4MmE5MjM0Mjg2NzU4YTEw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MDAzOTJjMmI1MDQ1YWM4OTMwNTNiMjUxNjJjNTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yes, the suit would run an instance of Galatea, not the main-instance but one of them. As an AI, she could run multiple instances of herself but she disliked it, she said it made her feel strange, knowing that she had just, in effect, cloned herself. I accepted her feelings on that matter and would run both instances in a synchronized mode but I wanted to have her with me if we ever got separated from the surrounding network. There without her, the armour was a heavy, cumbersome piece of metal. With her, it was a marvel of ingenuity. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMDQ2Y2UxMmZkODQxYzg5OWJjNzQ2NWY0NmJhYjg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhN2E2MzZhZTdhYTQ1NGZiYzExOWFkNWYxNDc2YjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, it would be, if I was able to overcome the power-problem...</span></p> </div>
After the whole disappointment with Sophia, I threw myself into my work with abandon. My gut feeling told me that it was either Clark’s fault by directly interfering or my family name that scared her off. Not that I could truly fault her for that, a company as large as KingCorps has some nasty scandals and rumors attached to it. Knowing my father, a lot of them were true and probably the nastiest off all. But I was not my father, and would never be.   But the single-minded focus with which I worked paid off. Whenever I had more than a few minutes, I was on a device, planning with Galatea and drawing up new things. The first thing I wanted to do was fleshing out the exo-frame I was using into a full armour. Something that I could use and go out to start spreading my name, my ‘brand’ so to speak. I needed to make big enough waves that the Guild approached me, I could not approach them or I would be in a weaker negotiating-position and I needed all the advantages I could get. Even for an organisation as powerful as the Guild, crossing my father was not done lightly.   I had contemplated the easy way out a few times, ‘killing’ myself and living in hiding but it was problematic, I had no doubt my father would leave no stone unturned if I vanished without an iron-clad death. In addition, if I ever got caught I might get a slap on the wrist by the law but my father would not just slap my wrist. He would make sure that my cage was secure, that I would never get a breath of air that he didn’t approved of. No, if I ever had to take that step, it would be after I tried every other possible way. For now, I had options. I would not burn those without desperate need. I had survived in my cage for sixteen years, I would survive a little longer.   But back to the armour I wanted to build. I had an idea for a ceramic-metal compound, hard, relatively light, energy-absorbent and resistant. All in all, a great thing for armour-scales, bonded onto a different metal to absorb and diffuse impacts. There was no use in having an armour that didn’t break when hit hard enough if it transferred the energy into me and the impact killed me. But I had a few ideas that would help with impact-diffusion, mostly a metal-sublayer followed by a gel-cushion.   The next two weeks were spent in an effort to get the needed raw materials, some of them were hard to get and I had to use both a covertly organised van and my exo-frame to move them. Some metals were damned hard to get, let alone move. But after I had enough raw materials, I wanted to start with the serious work. Casting, forging and annealing.   Sadly, it was not to be. Winter had come and Jailer Barbie was convinced that I would be lost without her. She spent every day in the mansion, making sure that I was not stepping out of line, no doubt on orders of my father. I made nice with her as best as I could but there was no way to get away for any long amount of time. Certainly not for a whole weekend, something I would need to get the compound produced and used, once it hardened for the first time, it would be close to impossible to further work with it. Similarly, the various armour-parts would have to be done in a single setting and there was just no time.   I would have to exercise patience and the only virtue I had any true adherence to was not patience. Diligence, I could do. The other six? Only by outside-force. In a way, my father was to me, what ‘God’ was to catholics, a vengeful being, forcing them to adhere by its strict guidelines or face eternal damnation. But I would break free, I would spread my wings and fly. He could burn the land and boil the sea, but he could not take the sky from me.   But I digress, once again.   During the winter, progress on my project slowed down to a crawl. There was one weekend that I managed to get away and forge the metal layer of the armour and install a few of the servo-motors to power it. While I could simply use muscle-strength to move it in an unpowered mode, for non-combat situations and such, there was no way I could fight like that. It would make me a slow-moving, weak turtle. No, I would have to make it a true power-armour, moved by servos and guided by my movement. I had already designed the impact absorbing gel-layer to serve as a sensor-mesh as well, allowing me to move the armour similarly to a skin around me. It would require a dedicated processor and probably help from Galatea but I was certain it would work.   But other problems still loomed.   By now, I had managed to tap into one of the large main-water conduits, bringing water from the surrounding areas to supply the city, allowing me to drain off small amounts of water. Well, small compared to the total flow. I could use it to take the occasional shower or even drink it, after I ran it through filters, but it was not enough to prepare large amounts of deuterium, limiting me by limiting my energy generation. But Galatea had a solution for that, she had managed what I had not, she had created a continuous flow-heavy water separator. We just had to install it into the conduit, without triggering any warning flags and we could get all the heavy water we wanted. In the end, we decided that we could not put it truly into the conduit but we could give the conduit a second flow by installing it on the outside. Water-pressure would do the rest, forcing a steady flow into our conduit without a large impact on the water flow and pressure downstream. Hopefully.   Once more, Galatea proved that she was my greatest creation and I could never hope to create something greater. I felt like a proud parent after I installed her invention and opened the conduit so water could flow into her separator. It worked, and it worked like a charm.   Unless someone was running some strange monitoring of the heavy-water levels within our drinking water, nobody would notice anything. There might be a small hiccup but as long as there was no repetition or any hint of foul play, they would most likely just let it go. And even if they investigated, I had tapped the conduit almost fifteen meters below ground, unless they used some serious equipment, they had no chance to find me. Well, maybe if they knew about the old bunker. But I doubted that anything had survived Galatea’s purge, she was good with things like that.   Another problem that I had yet to solve was related to power as well. After I had finished the specs for my base-armour, there was no way I could power it with any technology I knew of. My fusion-reactor was far too large and I had no idea how to make it smaller. Also, the fusion-reactor had a few problems with portability, it needed a steady environment. There was no way I could use the current design in anything smaller than a bus. It needed highly calibrated shock-absorbers, controlled temperature and even controlled pressure. There was no way to build it into a combat-armour. And using normal battery-technology was more a joke, I could power the armour if I strapped on a large backpack filled with batteries. Well, at least I could power it for a minute or so. And not a minute of combat, with all servos running at full power, a minute of non-combat, just running the sensors, the processor and Galatea.   Yes, the suit would run an instance of Galatea, not the main-instance but one of them. As an AI, she could run multiple instances of herself but she disliked it, she said it made her feel strange, knowing that she had just, in effect, cloned herself. I accepted her feelings on that matter and would run both instances in a synchronized mode but I wanted to have her with me if we ever got separated from the surrounding network. There without her, the armour was a heavy, cumbersome piece of metal. With her, it was a marvel of ingenuity.   Well, it would be, if I was able to overcome the power-problem...
{ "title": "My Perfect Lady", "id": 18967, "author": "Saumya_Singh", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "#162. Hallucination, Nightmare and Protection", "id": 305628, "next": 305793, "prev": 303676, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5N2YyNjhhY2M1NTQxY2E5OGIxZDYyZWE1MjcwNTQ2">Miya staggered out of the hospital, breathless as the drug began to take effect. Her head hurt savagely, and even though she had bandaged the scratch, she sweated profusely as a sharp pain went through her arm, and directly hurt her brain.</p> <p class="cnM1NDdjZjRjOTVlNDRhODZhZDUzZGY0NjJhMjE1NDRl">She had managed to send Chenric to Raven High to check up urgently on Ben. She had also asked him to get her another drive. Though the young man wasn’t able to tell that she had been injured, he followed orders, guilty that he had gone behind her back by informing Jim. Miya of course, couldn’t have risked seeing Ben when she knew exactly how Kaali’s darts worked. She didn’t want to freak out the child.</p> <p class="cnM5YzVhNWYyMWVkYTQzNjhhNWRhNGE1NDIzNTY0ZTBm">She would be losing consciousness soon.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDI2ZDU1OWU3YjRkYzViYzM1NWFhOTgxMjE4Yzcw">Once Chenric had left, she waited for the car to arrive, the atmosphere of the hospital suffocating her in the meantime. Barely catching her breath, she struggled out, hoping the fresh air would clear her mind. The pain in her head intensified though, and she almost collapsed at the bottom of the staircase.</p> <p class="cnM0NDY2YTExZTQ1NzRkMjBiZWRjNDY4OTUxNGM4ZTg5">Beads of sweat covered her forehead and dripped down her chin. She clutched at the railing, looked around for the car, her eyes turning bloodshot. The vision of the road in front blurred, then danced before her eyes. The image of a young girl flashed before her. And then, she saw a lot of blood.</p> <p class="cnNiNzBlNmI5OThlOTQ4OTk5ZWQ4Y2I1ZmU0NGRhMTEz">Hallu – Hallucination…</p> <p class="cnNhZTUzZTU5NDBiMjQ3NDI4Mzg2NDFhNTI2MzM2ZGM0">The conscious part of her tried to remind herself that it was just a hallucination, that she had just been attacked by t-that man…</p> <p class="cnM1MzZmZjUwNjBiYzQ3MmZhMzQ1ZjViNGQ0N2MwZDg5">Suddenly, her phone buzzed.</p> <p class="cnNjNDk2ZGFkNDhlYzQ2MTY4MzJjNGQxNWQzZDYyNGQ5">The distraction was enough to drive Miya to momentary consciousness, as she saw it was Chenric’s call. She picked up, and he reported that Ben was alright.</p> <p class="cnNlYzdlZjFkM2UxYzRkN2ViYWE2ZTBiYmNlZjYxN2M3">Alright…</p> <p class="cnM4ZTE4NDAzMzQzZjRiZjM5OTNiMzJjZmYzNTg4MmQ4">“Mmm. Hmm.” Miya could barely breathe while answering the phone, and images of Kasu, Ben, his mother danced before her. She gasped, then finally let go.</p> <p class="cnMyMzA3ZDg0YzE0NzQ3NDlhOTU3MjYxZGJjYTAxZjkx">She did try to mutter “Help” before she fell to the floor.</p> <p class="cnMwNzM1NWQ5NzIwYTRiZDQ4MGQ1ZmQ0YThlODE3OGVh">Jimmy’s hands were shivering.</p> <p class="cnNjNWEzMjc4YTlkNjQzZjI5MDRhNmFiOWQ5NzQzYjUx">As the young master made his final call for the day, he couldn’t imagine what had been going down back at his house. Miya…</p> <p class="cnMxNzdiMjU5YTliNTQ5N2Q5M2I1NTI3YjFiNDJjNDUx">She –</p> <p class="cnMxN2I2YzIzMjdjNTRlOTZhMWQ5ZGU5ZDFjOWNmNzgw">He had just received news of her falling unconscious, and that she had been injected with some strange substance. Only a half hour ago he had received Chenric’s call – and the guard had informed him of an attack that had been made on her. Jim had been quick to jump to his feet and make a call to her. But Chenric had insisted she was fine, and that Jim not contact her since she had requested him to not inform Jim of the matter.</p> <p class="cnMxOWQ4MmEzNDU1YTRhMDU4ZmM3MDhmMWJhZTQ2YWZk">Jim had complied then, waiting for her to get back home safe, before he reached back too and gave her a piece of his mind face to face.</p> <p class="cnMzZDA4OTllMmQwNjQ1MzRiNDhjMTkyZTdlOGZlNWM0">Thirty minutes later, he had received another call.</p> <p class="cnNiMzU4YTljY2VlNDRjMzNiNmY1ZWFiOWQzOTM0MTBk">She had lost consciousness on the street, and was being carried back home.</p> <p class="cnM5Njc1ODM2ODY3MjRkMzhiNTE3NTg5OTVjNWQwNzdj">Jimmy had frozen in his place, the worst entering his mind. And then, in a panic that tore down his insides, he cancelled the meetings for the day and flew back home.</p> <p class="cnNhMDlmMWIzODQ1MDQxZmY5ODU1ZGRmZjliMGE0ZTA5">Only, his flight was delayed due to bad weather. And as lightning crashed against the sky and rain began to pour, Jim could barely breathe. It was as if it was all a premonition, especially how fast night fell and how black and mooring it was. It was midnight before he could get home.</p> <p class="cnMxZDg3NDM3OGQxZjRiMTg4MGEwNzg3ZTcxNTdiYzEx">All this while, Hunter manor was in turmoil.</p> <p class="cnNmYmQ0MjliN2NkODRjODNhNGIzZWIxNTEwOTQyYTA5">Simon Hunter sat by Miya’s bedside, his face grim as he seemed to have aged fifty more years. Beside him, a doctor was carefully monitoring the girl, as she lay, sweating on the bed. She was unconscious, but only minutes before she had been awake it seemed. Only, she couldn’t see anybody around herself. No one knew what she was hallucinating about, or what she saw for she screamed her gut out, rocking up from the bed. The doctor had settled her down with the help of a nurse, and given her another shot of the antidote.</p> <p class="cnMwZWE2Zjc0OTdjNjQwODA5NGYzOWMzOTJmNjUyNTk5">It was in her unconscious moment that Jim entered the room.</p> <p class="cnNhOGM4YjMyNWUzNzQwMmNiYzY4NTk5NDY2NmFjOTI4">His face was haggard, his eyes dull. He looked like a haunted ghost.</p> <p class="cnM2NzE1NWZjYjVlOTQ3ODJhY2M5NjNkZTk1OWE1NTUy">“Miya – “ he panted, rushing inside.</p> <p class="cnM2ODQ1YjdkMWIyMDQzOTI4MjE5ZGE0ZjAzODg1M2Iz">Simon was inside, as were Mr. Park, Charlie and Ben.</p> <p class="cnNkNWM3ZGZmODZlMTQxMzJiYzIxYmEzMDFkNWIwMjQ3">Before Jim could reach the girl, however, someone took his name. Jim froze mid-way once he heard the voice.</p> <p class="cnM4OWIxOGI2NmM5YzQ1MGQ5ODZkNmFhNjc4YzEzODU0">As soon as Ben saw Jimmy enter the room, the little guy couldn’t help himself. He didn’t know what had happened to mommy, nobody would tell him. Aunty Charlie would keep taking him out, but Ben could hear screams from the room whenever he left. When he was allowed to see mommy, mommy was asleep. But she looked weak and pale.</p> <p class="cnNlYThhNTQ1MzFmMDQxMWI5NGMzYzg4OGYxMDM2ZDg3">Ben had tried not to cry, and he wanted Jimmy to come back.</p> <p class="cnM2ODQxZDQ1YzAzMDRmMDdiOTNmNjJjOTAyYzVmYzI5">He could take care of his mommy! Ben knew that.</p> <p class="cnMzZDEwOWMwOTFiMDQ1NDRhNTA2YzI1NDQ3MjU4ODQ1">So when the child saw Jimmy enter the room and call out his mother’s name, Ben couldn’t help himself.</p> <p class="cnNmOGI0NGE3Mjk3ZjRmODA5MTVjNDgwMDFlNDQ2ODQw">He launched himself at the man’s feet, hugging his knees as he called out, “Jimmy, mommy…”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTY4MzBkNTBhOTQ0MGVhOWUwY2VjMjJiMGU2N2Y1">Jim immediately held the boy, then picked him up. Despite the desperate, low threatening drum of his heart, he said, “Champ… you’re here.”</p> <p class="cnMwYTg4MzA1ODYwNjRhMmI5OGRjYjliNTYwODUzODgz">Ben clung to Jim’s chest, wrapping his small hands around his neck as he buried his face into the crook between Jim’s shoulder and neck. Jim supported the child awkwardly, putting one hand around his shoulders, and the other beneath him.</p> <p class="cnNkMWMzNDAzODdkYTQwODdiYzRjYzNmMzAxNGI1YjA5">“Quiet, my boy,” he soothed, glancing over at Miya.</p> <p class="cnNmOGMyZDMwYTYxZjRkZjFhNTU2N2RiZjNjNjhlZjZk">She was deathly pale, her face seeming like it had been drained of blood. Her lips looked charred, and she was trembling. Her eyes were closed, but she was definitely not asleep.</p> <p class="cnMxZTA1NTEwZDFhNjRiYTdhYzhkYjA3OTU2ZjEwNDhj">Jim wanted to rush to her side, but he calmed Ben down, looking at his father in appeal. Simon was watching Ben and Jim when his son raised his brows at him.</p> <p class="cnMyNGIzN2ZlMjk4ZDQ5OWFiNzVlZGNhOTgzZWM3ZDE4">Senior Hunter nodded slightly, indicating that she was alright.</p> <p class="cnMxNTY0OTUyNmZlZDQ1NDZiNGY1MzA5OGFkNjI3ZDRk">Jim nodded back, then took Ben outside. Mr. Park followed behind him. While the butler indicated Jim to hand over Ben, Jim agreed, but let the boy go only when he had calmed him down.</p> <p class="cnMxYjgxYTRlNzRlMTRiNTNhM2EzZTU2ZWRiMWY5N2I3">“Ben,” he then told him seriously, “I need you to stay with uncle Park for tonight. Have dinner and go to sleep. Do you trust me?”</p> <p class="cnM0NDAzMDYyY2JhOTQ4YjRiZmNmZGRmMWFmYWNhYjJl">Very slowly, the boy nodded.</p> <p class="cnNjMGU3YzRmNjVkZDQ5ZTRhOThiNjRhMDE5MGMyZjc4">Jim landed a quick peck on his forehead.</p> <p class="cnM0YTg2MGRhNGZhOTQ0N2NiMTJlY2Q1YTIxOTMxNzUz">“Good. Remember, I’ve told you before, haven’t I? I’ll protect mommy for the both of us.”</p> <p class="cnM1OTU1ZDczZTZhNzRmYjM5NWMxMTA0YTFmMDBkOTY5">Ben gave Jim a tight hug again, then went away with Park and Charlie.</p> <p class="cnMyZDI0ZWUyODU3NDRkOTI4MDY4Mjk2MTAxNzNmYTNk">Whilst Charlie appeared before Jim, wanting to say something, a storm brewed in the young master’s eyes. He recalled the picture of Miya and his mother that he had been sent from an unknown number.</p> <p class="cnNhZmRiMWRhYTA1NjRjYWY5ZDU3OTMwNWJkMDhlNGMw">Jim had recognized the number within minutes of receiving the text. It was Charlie’s.</p> <p class="cnM2YmM2NTk2MzJiZjRkODRhODgxNzUyNTYyN2Q0N2Iz">She used it for the most secretive of reasons, even Park didn’t know it was a number of hers. She obviously thought nobody knew, for it was even registered under one of her researcher’s names. But Jim wasn’t a nobody. He knew. He had known for a long time now. And even though he didn’t understand why she would send Jim a picture that was so obviously doctored, he was nevertheless furious.</p> <p class="cnM3N2RjMjFiODRkODQ4OTg4NDQ0MjEzN2IyZTYwNTBh">Charlie seemed to be set against Miya!</p> <p class="cnM0ZWJkNmM4NWQwMDQ4OWNiMTNiMWU3MzY3NzMwM2Uz">Why else did she keep doing such dubious things?</p> <p class="cnNmOGRmN2IzZTkzZjQxZmY4YmQwMGFjMmZjMmYwOTNh">Jim had yet to confront her on this – but the matter wasn’t of more importance than his wife. Once Park had left with Ben, Jim rushed back into Miya’s room.</p> <p class="cnMxMmMyYTZjMWM5NjQ2MDRiYTY2ZGRkYmU4ZWJhZGIz">The doctor was monitoring her pulse when he did.</p> <p class="cnNjODY4Mjg3YzI5MDQ1YjdiODZlN2Y1Yzg0OGU4YjM2">Jim put a hand through his hair roughly, looking at Miya like a mad man. He turned around at Simon Hunter, and asked, “How did this happen?”</p> <p class="cnNmMWZlNGMxM2YzNzRhZTU5NjRjODZkMWRmNTIwNjQw">The Chairman let out a deep sigh.</p> <p class="cnNkM2ZhOTEyMTgxZjRjOWI5YzAxZGJiMzgyOTBiMjE0">“She was injected with a hallucinogenic of some kind. It’s rare, doctor Kern says and the antidote to it doesn’t take immediate effect. She does wake up in parts, but she’s not conscious. She’s having hallucinations – nightmares, actually.”</p> <p class="cnMzYjE2NzNmNzU1ODQ1ZDE4ODY1N2IwY2QwODU4ZDU3">Jim’s throat dried. His chest hurt, his stomach twisted.</p> <p class="cnM1ODkxZGU0YmQ4YTQxMTBiNjYzZjJjZjBiOTdkOWJk">“H-How long will –“</p> <p class="cnNjZTIwZWVlYTg3MDQzZWFiZTYxMzc5NTM1NzlhZjUy">“She should be alright by tomorrow. The screams have lowered in scale. She’ll be okay soon.”</p> <p class="cnM3YzkzNTJmNmQ0MTQwYTRiODk5YzcxMjM5YWVhYmRi">“S-Screams?”</p> <p class="cnM4NGMyZGUzNmI3YzQxZWJhYmYxN2QzOWU2OTVkMmU4">Jim’s face was horrified when he said the word. The Chairman gave him a deep look, and then sighed again.</p> <p class="cnMwN2YxNGZjMTljYjRmNjE5NWI1OGE5Y2VmOTNiOTNh">“When she has the nightmares, she wakes up screaming. When doctor Kern hadn’t arrived, Chenric had to put a towel in her mouth. She was going to bite her own tongue.”</p> <p class="cnM1OTQ1ZjM1NzQxZDQ0MjhiNmM2ZTAzNjlmNWQ2ZTFh">A cold chill ran down Jimmy’s spine. His eyes glazed, and he clenched his fists.</p> <p class="cnMwZWI5ZmI2Nzg1ZjRiYzg4ZWY5ODZmNzcwZjQ0MWU5">“This incident… it happened on Chenric’s watch?”</p> <p class="cnM2MzA5MTJiNWFhNjQyZDk4ZDE1ODBmNzNiM2U0ZWQw">“Don’t think about firing him. I would have, but your wife sent the guard a voice text before she completely collapsed. Here.”</p> <p class="cnM3Njk0ZTBkY2FhODQ3ZjRhODU3MTU1ZTFjYzRkZTRj">With that, old Hunter played a voice record on low volume.</p> <p class="cnNiYWM3NmVhOWNlZjRmZDA5MjRkMGNlYWUyY2UzYTdk">A very weak voice that was undoubtedly Miya’s resounded in the room.</p> <p class="cnNhNGYxNTk1MmU1YTQwNzM5NjczOTgyMjRmYzFhY2U2">“H-Help…” it seemed to trail away, before she said again, “T-Tell J-Jim you’re… under my… prot…” The voice then faded away</p> <p class="cnNmMzdkMGVjY2FlZjQyZmFhZmJlY2ZlYjA4OWY3MGVl">Jim closed his eyes. He knew, by instinct, what she had been wanting to say.</p> <p class="cnNkZThlNGNmMjM0YjQzYmNiOTY5ZDg1NDViMjg5YjYz">‘Protection’.</p> <p class="cnM4YTg2NWU2NTkxYzQwNmU4YzNlODk5ZTc3ZTkzMjE4">Damn it, Miya. Damn it.</p> <p class="cnNlZTg3ZTRiOGUyOTQ3YTNiMDdiNWM0MzJiNmVhOGI4">He remembered how during her face off with Carver, she had bandaged the wrist of the man she had slit and then sent him off to the hospital. Thanks to that, he had lived and wasn’t dead at Sheng’s hands.</p> <p class="cnM4N2ZmMDg3Y2VmZjQ1N2I4NDA2Y2E2MTJjOTFmMzE4">And how she had married Jimmy only because she had thought she owed him Ben’s life.</p> <p class="cnMwNmRiNGI1NGE4NDRkNDliNmVmMjRiZjU5MGI0MTVk">Jim’s head throbbed, and he felt drained.</p> <p class="cnNhYTFlY2Y2MzdhZjRmMTFiOWMyOTNhNzI3NDU1ZTY4">Simon Hunter patted his son’s back.</p> <p class="cnNmY2VmMzZmMjRhZDQ5YTRhNmJkMTc5YWJhZmI4Zjdh">“She’s alright, boy. Rest. I heard you caused quite a commotion when you cancelled the meeting today. About the hacker… should I clear that mess up?”</p> <p class="cnMwNzI0Yjk2MGQ1ZTQ4M2M5MDAzYjQ0NzMzMDJjZDNi">Jim looked into the cold, grey eyes of his father, that seemed tired. His reply was a reflex.</p> <p class="cnNhMDc3ODZhYmI5YjRhMWQ5YzA1MmJmOTg4MDA1MzQz">“No. I’ll take care of it in the morning. I’ll take it from here. Go to bed, father.”</p> <p class="cnMyYTA4N2RjYTUyNzRhYThiMDgyMzE4ZTQ1ZDBlNzI0">Simon nodded at Jimmy and began to leave the room. He did however, stop and turn around. He seemed hesitant for a second, before he muttered to Jim, “Jimmy… even the best of us have dirt on our hands.”</p> <p class="cnMzNmMwNzRkYWJiNDQ0YTU4MDg3YWRmMWE3NjNkM2Ri">Jim gave Simon Hunter a peculiar look, then said firmly, “I’m not afraid of her past.”</p> <p class="cnM3NGQ1NzJjYjUzODRlZDY4YmZiZjAzMjk2NGM1NzMx">The old man nodded again.</p> <p class="cnNkMTIxYjYwZWEwMjQ0MGViYmI2N2NjZTU5ZGY3ZTI4">“I know… don’t be afraid of any part of it, then.”</p> <p class="cnMyMjAzMWRmZThlMDQxY2M5YTNhNTRlNTg0N2IyNDAz">With that, he left the room.</p> <p class="cnNjNzcwZGFhMTMzYjQ1ZWU4ZmE3ZTY3ZDVmOTQ1ZmVj">Jim stared at his father’s back for a second, then turned around to face his wife. He quickly went to the bed and held her hand.</p> <p class="cnMxYWViY2ZmOTM3ZjRiYTViZGU4OGIxZGQ3NjUxMDZk">It was unnaturally cold.</p> <p class="cnNjOTFjYzAxN2NmNDQ2MjhiMDljYjMxNzdlN2U0Y2E3">Her face was pale, and a slight tremble went down her body. Jim wiped off the sweat on her forehead. He was about to call for the doctor again, when Miya tugged at his hand. For a second, he thought she had woken up. Jim sat back again, ready to nurse her when she jerked up from the bed. Her eyes were dazed.</p> <p class="cnNiNGFkNzBkZWUwMzQ2Zjc4NGMyZDNjODM0M2ZhY2Ri">She screamed.</p> <p class="cnM3MzI0YjRmNjNhNjQwYzc4ZDE2NjcwODFiNDY0MmJj">The sound sent tremors through Jim’s soul.</p> </div>
Miya staggered out of the hospital, breathless as the drug began to take effect. Her head hurt savagely, and even though she had bandaged the scratch, she sweated profusely as a sharp pain went through her arm, and directly hurt her brain. She had managed to send Chenric to Raven High to check up urgently on Ben. She had also asked him to get her another drive. Though the young man wasn’t able to tell that she had been injured, he followed orders, guilty that he had gone behind her back by informing Jim. Miya of course, couldn’t have risked seeing Ben when she knew exactly how Kaali’s darts worked. She didn’t want to freak out the child. She would be losing consciousness soon. Once Chenric had left, she waited for the car to arrive, the atmosphere of the hospital suffocating her in the meantime. Barely catching her breath, she struggled out, hoping the fresh air would clear her mind. The pain in her head intensified though, and she almost collapsed at the bottom of the staircase. Beads of sweat covered her forehead and dripped down her chin. She clutched at the railing, looked around for the car, her eyes turning bloodshot. The vision of the road in front blurred, then danced before her eyes. The image of a young girl flashed before her. And then, she saw a lot of blood. Hallu – Hallucination… The conscious part of her tried to remind herself that it was just a hallucination, that she had just been attacked by t-that man… Suddenly, her phone buzzed. The distraction was enough to drive Miya to momentary consciousness, as she saw it was Chenric’s call. She picked up, and he reported that Ben was alright. Alright… “Mmm. Hmm.” Miya could barely breathe while answering the phone, and images of Kasu, Ben, his mother danced before her. She gasped, then finally let go. She did try to mutter “Help” before she fell to the floor. Jimmy’s hands were shivering. As the young master made his final call for the day, he couldn’t imagine what had been going down back at his house. Miya… She – He had just received news of her falling unconscious, and that she had been injected with some strange substance. Only a half hour ago he had received Chenric’s call – and the guard had informed him of an attack that had been made on her. Jim had been quick to jump to his feet and make a call to her. But Chenric had insisted she was fine, and that Jim not contact her since she had requested him to not inform Jim of the matter. Jim had complied then, waiting for her to get back home safe, before he reached back too and gave her a piece of his mind face to face. Thirty minutes later, he had received another call. She had lost consciousness on the street, and was being carried back home. Jimmy had frozen in his place, the worst entering his mind. And then, in a panic that tore down his insides, he cancelled the meetings for the day and flew back home. Only, his flight was delayed due to bad weather. And as lightning crashed against the sky and rain began to pour, Jim could barely breathe. It was as if it was all a premonition, especially how fast night fell and how black and mooring it was. It was midnight before he could get home. All this while, Hunter manor was in turmoil. Simon Hunter sat by Miya’s bedside, his face grim as he seemed to have aged fifty more years. Beside him, a doctor was carefully monitoring the girl, as she lay, sweating on the bed. She was unconscious, but only minutes before she had been awake it seemed. Only, she couldn’t see anybody around herself. No one knew what she was hallucinating about, or what she saw for she screamed her gut out, rocking up from the bed. The doctor had settled her down with the help of a nurse, and given her another shot of the antidote. It was in her unconscious moment that Jim entered the room. His face was haggard, his eyes dull. He looked like a haunted ghost. “Miya – “ he panted, rushing inside. Simon was inside, as were Mr. Park, Charlie and Ben. Before Jim could reach the girl, however, someone took his name. Jim froze mid-way once he heard the voice. As soon as Ben saw Jimmy enter the room, the little guy couldn’t help himself. He didn’t know what had happened to mommy, nobody would tell him. Aunty Charlie would keep taking him out, but Ben could hear screams from the room whenever he left. When he was allowed to see mommy, mommy was asleep. But she looked weak and pale. Ben had tried not to cry, and he wanted Jimmy to come back. He could take care of his mommy! Ben knew that. So when the child saw Jimmy enter the room and call out his mother’s name, Ben couldn’t help himself. He launched himself at the man’s feet, hugging his knees as he called out, “Jimmy, mommy…” Jim immediately held the boy, then picked him up. Despite the desperate, low threatening drum of his heart, he said, “Champ… you’re here.” Ben clung to Jim’s chest, wrapping his small hands around his neck as he buried his face into the crook between Jim’s shoulder and neck. Jim supported the child awkwardly, putting one hand around his shoulders, and the other beneath him. “Quiet, my boy,” he soothed, glancing over at Miya. She was deathly pale, her face seeming like it had been drained of blood. Her lips looked charred, and she was trembling. Her eyes were closed, but she was definitely not asleep. Jim wanted to rush to her side, but he calmed Ben down, looking at his father in appeal. Simon was watching Ben and Jim when his son raised his brows at him. Senior Hunter nodded slightly, indicating that she was alright. Jim nodded back, then took Ben outside. Mr. Park followed behind him. While the butler indicated Jim to hand over Ben, Jim agreed, but let the boy go only when he had calmed him down. “Ben,” he then told him seriously, “I need you to stay with uncle Park for tonight. Have dinner and go to sleep. Do you trust me?” Very slowly, the boy nodded. Jim landed a quick peck on his forehead. “Good. Remember, I’ve told you before, haven’t I? I’ll protect mommy for the both of us.” Ben gave Jim a tight hug again, then went away with Park and Charlie. Whilst Charlie appeared before Jim, wanting to say something, a storm brewed in the young master’s eyes. He recalled the picture of Miya and his mother that he had been sent from an unknown number. Jim had recognized the number within minutes of receiving the text. It was Charlie’s. She used it for the most secretive of reasons, even Park didn’t know it was a number of hers. She obviously thought nobody knew, for it was even registered under one of her researcher’s names. But Jim wasn’t a nobody. He knew. He had known for a long time now. And even though he didn’t understand why she would send Jim a picture that was so obviously doctored, he was nevertheless furious. Charlie seemed to be set against Miya! Why else did she keep doing such dubious things? Jim had yet to confront her on this – but the matter wasn’t of more importance than his wife. Once Park had left with Ben, Jim rushed back into Miya’s room. The doctor was monitoring her pulse when he did. Jim put a hand through his hair roughly, looking at Miya like a mad man. He turned around at Simon Hunter, and asked, “How did this happen?” The Chairman let out a deep sigh. “She was injected with a hallucinogenic of some kind. It’s rare, doctor Kern says and the antidote to it doesn’t take immediate effect. She does wake up in parts, but she’s not conscious. She’s having hallucinations – nightmares, actually.” Jim’s throat dried. His chest hurt, his stomach twisted. “H-How long will –“ “She should be alright by tomorrow. The screams have lowered in scale. She’ll be okay soon.” “S-Screams?” Jim’s face was horrified when he said the word. The Chairman gave him a deep look, and then sighed again. “When she has the nightmares, she wakes up screaming. When doctor Kern hadn’t arrived, Chenric had to put a towel in her mouth. She was going to bite her own tongue.” A cold chill ran down Jimmy’s spine. His eyes glazed, and he clenched his fists. “This incident… it happened on Chenric’s watch?” “Don’t think about firing him. I would have, but your wife sent the guard a voice text before she completely collapsed. Here.” With that, old Hunter played a voice record on low volume. A very weak voice that was undoubtedly Miya’s resounded in the room. “H-Help…” it seemed to trail away, before she said again, “T-Tell J-Jim you’re… under my… prot…” The voice then faded away Jim closed his eyes. He knew, by instinct, what she had been wanting to say. ‘Protection’. Damn it, Miya. Damn it. He remembered how during her face off with Carver, she had bandaged the wrist of the man she had slit and then sent him off to the hospital. Thanks to that, he had lived and wasn’t dead at Sheng’s hands. And how she had married Jimmy only because she had thought she owed him Ben’s life. Jim’s head throbbed, and he felt drained. Simon Hunter patted his son’s back. “She’s alright, boy. Rest. I heard you caused quite a commotion when you cancelled the meeting today. About the hacker… should I clear that mess up?” Jim looked into the cold, grey eyes of his father, that seemed tired. His reply was a reflex. “No. I’ll take care of it in the morning. I’ll take it from here. Go to bed, father.” Simon nodded at Jimmy and began to leave the room. He did however, stop and turn around. He seemed hesitant for a second, before he muttered to Jim, “Jimmy… even the best of us have dirt on our hands.” Jim gave Simon Hunter a peculiar look, then said firmly, “I’m not afraid of her past.” The old man nodded again. “I know… don’t be afraid of any part of it, then.” With that, he left the room. Jim stared at his father’s back for a second, then turned around to face his wife. He quickly went to the bed and held her hand. It was unnaturally cold. Her face was pale, and a slight tremble went down her body. Jim wiped off the sweat on her forehead. He was about to call for the doctor again, when Miya tugged at his hand. For a second, he thought she had woken up. Jim sat back again, ready to nurse her when she jerked up from the bed. Her eyes were dazed. She screamed. The sound sent tremors through Jim’s soul.
{ "title": "The Dungeon Of A Forest God", "id": 21154, "author": "Big Fat Seal", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Ch 12 - Charge!", "id": 305715, "next": 305995, "prev": 304814, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhYWRmMTY0NDUwYTQ5NGE4MzgyYjY3MjZjZWIwNTM5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">After sending the squirrel team to scout the enemies, Lunus was informed about the encounter with a strolling goblin a moment later. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMjI1ZDZlMmMyMzRkMmM4MzQzYzY2MzgwODMwMzRk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Master, sorry. I killed it...,” the squirrel apologized after it reported.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzMxYmM3NWM0ZjQxZTQ4MDJmN2I5N2UxYzBlZjdh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It seemed even when their memories were gone, the squirrels still had a subconscious hatred toward the goblins.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Mjg1ODRlYTU1MDRiZmM5ZjY2MTQzNzE1OTlmZjFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry, it’s alright. Just hide the corpse… Wait, can you use your vines to control that green wart?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDFhMTBlMDFhMjQ5ODQ4NzUwMmJhNTFiOTVlZjc4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Will try, master… Yes, I can at least move it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2MzN2UzYThkZDQ5MjA5MTZhMDA1ZDdhNDc2Zjc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s good. Then make sure to hide your vines and use that body to sneak inside.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjlkY2IxYWYwZTQ0NGRhZGJjMDczMWUyMmI4YjBl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was fortunate that the squirrels could use their vines to control the goblin’s corpse. Now they had obtained a good spy to observe the enemy’s camp.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDk4ZTg1Y2NkMDQ2OWU4ZTlmMjVhY2ViYjAyY2Qw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Several minutes later, the squirrels had finished checking the layout together with the states of the camp and right now was the best chance to make an ambush.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjc4MTlhNmUzMzQzNjJiZDcyNjUwOTU0NDA2ZWQz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Brave warriors, the dirty green warts are right in front of us not knowing that we are all ready to trample them into dust!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDdmNDZiOGM1MDQ3YjViZDcxNjJiZTg4MTE4NWNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“““OHHHH!!!”””</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTYwYzVkZGU5ZTQ0YTg5N2JhMjRjYzhmNmRhY2Zl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus gave his speech in front of his underlings as they prepared the ambush. He arranged an easy formation that his white stag herd had used for a long time: they called it a “boar charge formation.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTVmYWE4ZDlmODQ4ZDBhZmVjMmJhMzY2NTBlMWI1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">By arranging the strongest warriors in the first line of the formation, they could cover the weaklings’ weakness and maximize the charging impact. </span></p> <p class="cnMyODlkYWNlMTc3MzRiM2I5NGU0ZGY2Mjg5NGJhMWVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Right now, the bulls were arranged at that honorable charging line following by the wolves and the boars that could move faster but had a lower charging impact. The rabbits and the squirrels were placed on the other beasts’ back to help cover the beasts’ blind spots while increasing their mobility.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjgxNjIwOWExMjRkMWNhOGU0Zjg1MzdmYTQ5MGMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“All you need is following me and stomp them under our heavy hooves! Leave none of them alive and rescue any beast they had captured!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzJmNzVlZDYxYjQzMGJiZjdiMzdkODA5NTdkM2Q5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“““OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”””</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDQ4YzFlNzBlODQ0YzM5N2YxMjE1Y2E4MjhlOGFm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus walked in front of the formation as he stood firmly alongside the bulls’ leader. Having two most powerful warriors leading their charge is the best course of action.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWJiMWUwMThmZDRiYjJiNjkzNTNjODgwOWU0ZTdk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Everyone, get ready!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTBiZWFiNmRlYTQ0YjZhZTllY2E0OGI0OTMwZWE1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Vines loosened from Lunus back as they fluttered in the air like a mantle. Golden light sparkled from the berries illuminated the thick fog and gathered the attention of his men.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDQyMjhhMGE0ZDRkZTg4YmZjMjY5MGUwYjU5YTE2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Next to him, the earth-brown particles appeared around his body together with the dirt. Soil and small stones gathered around his huge body and strengthen his huge build.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjg5ZjQ0NDdjYjRlNGRiM2RmOTk2Mzk1MGViYWQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The beasts were all ready. Their hollow eyes showed neither a tiny bit of fear nor nervousness.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjk3MDc1YTk5NTRhYmVhZDc2OWNjN2YyNmNiYzA1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now, CHARGE !!!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWQwM2E1Y2ZmNjQ1MGFiOTYyYjM0YTY4NGQ3OWFi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Leading by Lunus and the bulls’ leader, the entire pack of a hundred beasts sprinted at full speed. Soft soil flew into the air as they kicked the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OWUyMGZlYmVkYzRhNDBhYjRmN2I0ZTA2MjIwY2Rm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even when the fog was this thick, the only thing they must do was following after Lunus’ lead which illuminated brightly inside their blurry scene.</span></p> <p class="cnNmY2UyOWJmMmIzMTRjNTVhMGUyMTZiOTcwYjBiMGNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">A moment later, a big crowd of green creatures came into Lunus’ sight. They didn’t even notice him and only focused on cheering something inside their circle.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzY5NjkyZWMxMDQxZDc4MzlhYjNjODVlNDdhYjlm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, it was his best chance to strike first and clean the floor with their dirty blood. Lunus continued charging at them and landed his hoof on the head of the closest goblin, cracking and scattering the content inside like a smashed pumpkin.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODU4NzE0ZDNlMjQ2OTliOTQ3ZDRjMjNlNDk4Njc2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, he didn’t stop just at that as his body continued diving into the crowd of the green warts. Flesh and blood scattered around whenever his hooves kicked down. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNDhhZGIzYmI4ZTRhN2I4ZTBhYWRlZmExMTQ2OWMw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The goblins then turned their attention toward their fallen comrades. Seeing their friends got smashed into minced meat, all they could see was the death gods in the form of beasts covered in vines.</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2ZkOGFhMzhhZTQ3MjZhMjcwMGY3NDYxYzE3OGFm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Guah, enemy attackkkk!!!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTkzMjU5OGZlODRlOWU4YjI3OGY4Y2ZiZGRjZmUz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Runnnnn!!!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjdjNzc5Yjc5NDQ1ZTI5YjBiODgyMDBmNzM4ZDg3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The fear of being smashed under those hooves was instantly carved into their heart as they ran away in all direction while screaming noisily.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTdlZGU1OWY1YjQzMmI4ODkyMzIwMGY0ZmM0NmFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before this sudden charge, even the tricky goblins had no way to resist, let alone finding their weapons.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjFiZTQyNWEyMjRjNWJiYjE1NTIwMWZlNGVlZDhm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking sideways, Lunus also saw the bulls’ leader and his men mercilessly pierced the goblins with their curved horns. Blood dripped down from the skewered goblins soaked the earth-strengthened body of the bull and dyed it red.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTgwNzljNmNlODRiYTk5YzZmZTVmNjgxZjQ5MjE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>With this, I can entrust the charge’s lead to him</em>, Lunus thought.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGViMTBjNzVjNDQ1MjA5NDU5ZDlmZGVlOTdkNTZk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">He jumped high into the air and ran on the retreating goblins, using them as his stepping stones. He then unleashed the vines on his back to pierce and entangle them along the way he ran to, and used them like a bat or throwing stone to tackle the further goblins down.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWRjNWE1YTc5YjQxYmNhZDA4ZWNjZTRhNGFhZTFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus moved fast like a wind and the countless tentacles of vines on his back hit the enemies like crazy whips, making anyone witnessing this scene misunderstood him as a moving hurricane </span></p> <p class="cnMyOWU1NjQyMDQyMTQ4NThhY2E1NDQwOGU5NjQzNTA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">From his followers’ eyes, tens of enemies had fallen just because he ran past them.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjJiOTA3ZWUxZjQzN2M4N2ZmN2M3Nzk0N2RmNmNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, in reality, he had refrained from making a sure kill as it would take him too much time. As the one furthest from the charging line and as the one with the greatest speed, he chose to just knock as many enemies as he could to avoid them from running away. Then the real finishing blow would be entrusted to the charging line behind him.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWM1NjYyNWZhODRiZmVhMmY4M2QwNmMxMDE0NGRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Here they finally come out, as expected of the green warts who killed my comrades.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzQ1N2M0NGFmYTQ2OTY4OTFjZDIwYWVhNWZmY2Iw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before he could finish the remaining enemies, the goblin guards appeared from behind. Held in their hands were a big metal shield and a short sword. The shields were arranged as their defensive line was formed to stop the charge.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWJjNjcyYTMzNTQ0NWZhMjM0OTJlM2QwZGE4YzVh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“As if this could stop us!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDY5M2U0MjQwZDQ0MzFhZjA0YThjM2YwMzdjOGQ2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Paying the shield line no attention, Lunus casually hopped past them as he continued sweeping the fleeing foes.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjY5MDViMDY4MzQ2YTBiZjEyZTBkYjMzZGMxMjdh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">With just an unexpected move, nervousness grew in the guards’ face. An enemy had broken through their defense line without caring about their presence. And right now, they had been sandwiched, not knowing where to face their shield to between the charging line of bulls in front of him or the monstrous deer that was right behind them.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjRmNmQzYTBlMjRmNTc5ZjAxZWZhNTFiNTBmMDQ1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Taking an advantage of the small opening in the enemy’s defense line, the bulls charged straight through the guards. Some of them got lucky that they had died from being trampled and squeezed to death together with their armor; however, those that got pierced by the bulls’ horns were unfortunate as they slowly died while being dragged around the place.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjdhNTcxNzE4NzRjN2Y5OGE3NGY3YTI4N2RkYmNm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!!!,” a raging roar echoed from behind the fleeing green warts.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDMzNzIwNzYxMTRlN2U4MTJmZTcxNjc5MWVjN2Vl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, the source of the shouted appeared as a gigantic green creature appeared. It looked just like other goblins, but its size was comparable to a huge bear. Its limbs were full of muscles and its face was boiling red from its anger. </span></p> <p class="cnNmM2JjNzc5OWExOTQxYjdhN2ZhMDMxNmJjZmY3ZDA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">In its hand was a boulder rock which it threw toward Lunus who was the closest one.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzg0NjNhMjE2YTQ1NmY5MjY0N2U3NjAxM2RjOWNh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing the projectile coming toward him with a great speed that was impossible to dodge with his four legs, Lunus whipped his vines on the ground as his body dodged sideways, escaping the hit by a hairbreadth.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmIyMzEwNGExOTQyNDM5OGVhZmI1YmIzYzQyZmZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">He landed safely on the ground, but when looking back at the spot he had been before he could see a few bodies of the goblins being crushed and buried there.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYWI0NTlmOGQyYjQ4MzJiYTZlZDEwMThmY2E5ZjZl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>Don’t this giant feel shame for killing his own men</em>?, he wondered.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTUzYzBlNDVmODQ0MjA4NjlkYTFmZWI5MGQyZDEw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, it seemed like such a thing never crossed its mind as it only glared at Lunus with bloodshot eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2Q5ODgzOGMzYTQ2ZWJhMmI5NmI5MGNiZDY3NjQy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is this? A monster? I’ve never seen such a thing like this, but well whatever. I’ll just crush it to death and feed its soul to the core!,” the green giant shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMGEzMzI2MmUyMDRlZjQ5ZTI0OTQ5MTQyZDgzZjY5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It threw a bigger boulder toward him and once again he dodged it.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWU2MTUzN2RlYzRmN2Q5NDRjOTYzZDg4OTY2OTli" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">But when his hooves touched the ground and his vision shifted back from the boulder, a huge green lump of muscles was right in front of his eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzhmMzQ5YjIxMzQ1NmM4OGM5MzNhZmVkZDFhYjFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I got you!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzVlYmYwNTJjOTQ1YzFiZjY2MmFmMjQzN2VjY2Uy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The huge goblin leaped and grabbed Lunus’ skull before he could react in time. The creaking sound created from the monstrous strength that expressed on his bare bone warned him of his death.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTkxMGMyMTZmYTRiZmZiNTUyZGNiNjIwMDlmYmU1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Tch!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWEzMzRhY2ZkNjRlYjJiZjFkNzcxMTY5YTYyOTUz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Knowing that shaking this monster off was already impossible, Lunus sent his vines to coil around the green arm. He tightened it and tried to lift its fingers out, but he couldn’t compete with this monster in pure strength.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWM2YTRiMjZhMzQzNjQ5MjgxYjcxZTU1NTk2NmQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>Then I just have to do it more serious</em>!, he shouted in his mind.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmE2N2U3ZGIyMTQ3NzE5OGUxYjZmNjE5ZGM3N2Qx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly without increasing the strength in the coiling vines, something weird happened with the huge arm as the monster’s face twisted in pain. Unable to endure whatever happened to its arm, the huge goblin released its grip and shook the vines off. </span></p> <p class="cnM3Yzg2N2NlZGYyOTRkZjZhNTVhMjE4ZTBlNzY5MTU1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus also retreated several steps back as he took his vines back. The vines loosened and splattered red blood on the ground as countless small holes appeared along the huge goblin’s arm.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTA4NzEyMjY5OTQ4YWZiMzI4ZjM5MjMyM2IwYWI0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus had grown roots along the coiling vines and sent them penetrating the goblin’s skin. The wounds were by no mean deep as the roots weren’t that strong, but the sudden pain had proven to be effective as veins were popping on the monster’s head.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDhhNzc0Mzg4ZDQwNDhhMWQyYmEyZDczYmMxNDk3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now you did it! I, Gugaga, swear to crush you into pulp and then I will urinate over your corpse!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjc5YzA5NTBiYTQzNDBiNWE5MWNhYzE0ZTUwNTcx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Not caring about his wounds, Gugaga unleashed a huge mace from its back as it stared at Lunus’ hollow eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDU5OTRiMTU3MzQ3ZTBiNDAxMzI1NzgyMmI2YzM3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rumbling sounds could be heard as the bulls and other beasts ran past them like a wave while avoiding the area around this fighting zone.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMmM4NmMxMWQyMDQ1MTViNjg2N2RjZjNjZmVmNTMz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This monster is dangerous, Lunus thought, how could I kill it?</span></p> <p class="cnNhODQ1MDBiYmFlNDQ0MzNhZWUwYWExNjFjNjllZmQ1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2UyNDNiZmIwODRiYjg5NGIzMjdhOTRiY2FmNmUz" style="text-align: justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZTAxYTk2YWQ4NTQ1ZThhYWM5YmQ5ZmMxNzQ3MTVh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Magic Encyclopedia: [Shadow Storage]</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzAzMDdlYzY5ODQxYzNiYjFjYzFkYzU0YTMyODk4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Element: Darkness</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGJkNGMxM2UxYjRhZDBiNzYxYzkzZTQ5MTZjNjUz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Level: Intermediate</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmU3N2ZkNzc2MjQxODk5ODBiYTdlZmNhYTM3OTIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Shadow Storage] is an intermediate darkness magic that grants the caster’s shadow the ability to hold and keep things inside.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzAzMDgwNTA0ZDRkNzQ5YjE5YzAwZDlhZjQyZDYx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">As a principle of dark-elemental magics state that shadow is a mysterious space as it contains an unreachable depth of darkness that mysterious things could lurk inside, a shadow can also be used as a storage as long as the caster has his own shadow.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmJlZGQ4YzhiMjQ1ZGJiMjM3NGY0M2RiYmIzNWI0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This magic is similar to the well-known storage magic, [Space expansion] of space-time element; however, there is a limit of requiring a shadow in [Shadow Storage] as races that have no shadow, vampires for example, can’t use this spell at all.</span></p> </div>
After sending the squirrel team to scout the enemies, Lunus was informed about the encounter with a strolling goblin a moment later. “Master, sorry. I killed it...,” the squirrel apologized after it reported. It seemed even when their memories were gone, the squirrels still had a subconscious hatred toward the goblins. “Don’t worry, it’s alright. Just hide the corpse… Wait, can you use your vines to control that green wart?” “Will try, master… Yes, I can at least move it.” “That’s good. Then make sure to hide your vines and use that body to sneak inside.” It was fortunate that the squirrels could use their vines to control the goblin’s corpse. Now they had obtained a good spy to observe the enemy’s camp. Several minutes later, the squirrels had finished checking the layout together with the states of the camp and right now was the best chance to make an ambush. “Brave warriors, the dirty green warts are right in front of us not knowing that we are all ready to trample them into dust!” “““OHHHH!!!””” Lunus gave his speech in front of his underlings as they prepared the ambush. He arranged an easy formation that his white stag herd had used for a long time: they called it a “boar charge formation.” By arranging the strongest warriors in the first line of the formation, they could cover the weaklings’ weakness and maximize the charging impact. Right now, the bulls were arranged at that honorable charging line following by the wolves and the boars that could move faster but had a lower charging impact. The rabbits and the squirrels were placed on the other beasts’ back to help cover the beasts’ blind spots while increasing their mobility. “All you need is following me and stomp them under our heavy hooves! Leave none of them alive and rescue any beast they had captured!” “““OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!””” Lunus walked in front of the formation as he stood firmly alongside the bulls’ leader. Having two most powerful warriors leading their charge is the best course of action. “Everyone, get ready!” Vines loosened from Lunus back as they fluttered in the air like a mantle. Golden light sparkled from the berries illuminated the thick fog and gathered the attention of his men. Next to him, the earth-brown particles appeared around his body together with the dirt. Soil and small stones gathered around his huge body and strengthen his huge build. The beasts were all ready. Their hollow eyes showed neither a tiny bit of fear nor nervousness. “Now, CHARGE !!!” Leading by Lunus and the bulls’ leader, the entire pack of a hundred beasts sprinted at full speed. Soft soil flew into the air as they kicked the ground. Even when the fog was this thick, the only thing they must do was following after Lunus’ lead which illuminated brightly inside their blurry scene. A moment later, a big crowd of green creatures came into Lunus’ sight. They didn’t even notice him and only focused on cheering something inside their circle. Then, it was his best chance to strike first and clean the floor with their dirty blood. Lunus continued charging at them and landed his hoof on the head of the closest goblin, cracking and scattering the content inside like a smashed pumpkin. However, he didn’t stop just at that as his body continued diving into the crowd of the green warts. Flesh and blood scattered around whenever his hooves kicked down. The goblins then turned their attention toward their fallen comrades. Seeing their friends got smashed into minced meat, all they could see was the death gods in the form of beasts covered in vines. “Guah, enemy attackkkk!!!” “Runnnnn!!!” The fear of being smashed under those hooves was instantly carved into their heart as they ran away in all direction while screaming noisily. Before this sudden charge, even the tricky goblins had no way to resist, let alone finding their weapons. Looking sideways, Lunus also saw the bulls’ leader and his men mercilessly pierced the goblins with their curved horns. Blood dripped down from the skewered goblins soaked the earth-strengthened body of the bull and dyed it red. *With this, I can entrust the charge’s lead to him*, Lunus thought. He jumped high into the air and ran on the retreating goblins, using them as his stepping stones. He then unleashed the vines on his back to pierce and entangle them along the way he ran to, and used them like a bat or throwing stone to tackle the further goblins down. Lunus moved fast like a wind and the countless tentacles of vines on his back hit the enemies like crazy whips, making anyone witnessing this scene misunderstood him as a moving hurricane From his followers’ eyes, tens of enemies had fallen just because he ran past them. However, in reality, he had refrained from making a sure kill as it would take him too much time. As the one furthest from the charging line and as the one with the greatest speed, he chose to just knock as many enemies as he could to avoid them from running away. Then the real finishing blow would be entrusted to the charging line behind him. “Here they finally come out, as expected of the green warts who killed my comrades.” Before he could finish the remaining enemies, the goblin guards appeared from behind. Held in their hands were a big metal shield and a short sword. The shields were arranged as their defensive line was formed to stop the charge. “As if this could stop us!” Paying the shield line no attention, Lunus casually hopped past them as he continued sweeping the fleeing foes. With just an unexpected move, nervousness grew in the guards’ face. An enemy had broken through their defense line without caring about their presence. And right now, they had been sandwiched, not knowing where to face their shield to between the charging line of bulls in front of him or the monstrous deer that was right behind them. Taking an advantage of the small opening in the enemy’s defense line, the bulls charged straight through the guards. Some of them got lucky that they had died from being trampled and squeezed to death together with their armor; however, those that got pierced by the bulls’ horns were unfortunate as they slowly died while being dragged around the place. “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!!!,” a raging roar echoed from behind the fleeing green warts. Then, the source of the shouted appeared as a gigantic green creature appeared. It looked just like other goblins, but its size was comparable to a huge bear. Its limbs were full of muscles and its face was boiling red from its anger. In its hand was a boulder rock which it threw toward Lunus who was the closest one. Seeing the projectile coming toward him with a great speed that was impossible to dodge with his four legs, Lunus whipped his vines on the ground as his body dodged sideways, escaping the hit by a hairbreadth. He landed safely on the ground, but when looking back at the spot he had been before he could see a few bodies of the goblins being crushed and buried there. *Don’t this giant feel shame for killing his own men*?, he wondered. However, it seemed like such a thing never crossed its mind as it only glared at Lunus with bloodshot eyes. “What is this? A monster? I’ve never seen such a thing like this, but well whatever. I’ll just crush it to death and feed its soul to the core!,” the green giant shouted. It threw a bigger boulder toward him and once again he dodged it. But when his hooves touched the ground and his vision shifted back from the boulder, a huge green lump of muscles was right in front of his eyes. “I got you!” The huge goblin leaped and grabbed Lunus’ skull before he could react in time. The creaking sound created from the monstrous strength that expressed on his bare bone warned him of his death. “Tch!” Knowing that shaking this monster off was already impossible, Lunus sent his vines to coil around the green arm. He tightened it and tried to lift its fingers out, but he couldn’t compete with this monster in pure strength. *Then I just have to do it more serious*!, he shouted in his mind. Suddenly without increasing the strength in the coiling vines, something weird happened with the huge arm as the monster’s face twisted in pain. Unable to endure whatever happened to its arm, the huge goblin released its grip and shook the vines off. Lunus also retreated several steps back as he took his vines back. The vines loosened and splattered red blood on the ground as countless small holes appeared along the huge goblin’s arm. Lunus had grown roots along the coiling vines and sent them penetrating the goblin’s skin. The wounds were by no mean deep as the roots weren’t that strong, but the sudden pain had proven to be effective as veins were popping on the monster’s head. “Now you did it! I, Gugaga, swear to crush you into pulp and then I will urinate over your corpse!” Not caring about his wounds, Gugaga unleashed a huge mace from its back as it stared at Lunus’ hollow eyes. Rumbling sounds could be heard as the bulls and other beasts ran past them like a wave while avoiding the area around this fighting zone. This monster is dangerous, Lunus thought, how could I kill it? <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>   Magic Encyclopedia: [Shadow Storage] Element: Darkness Level: Intermediate [Shadow Storage] is an intermediate darkness magic that grants the caster’s shadow the ability to hold and keep things inside. As a principle of dark-elemental magics state that shadow is a mysterious space as it contains an unreachable depth of darkness that mysterious things could lurk inside, a shadow can also be used as a storage as long as the caster has his own shadow. This magic is similar to the well-known storage magic, [Space expansion] of space-time element; however, there is a limit of requiring a shadow in [Shadow Storage] as races that have no shadow, vampires for example, can’t use this spell at all.
{ "title": "Lone: The Wanderer [Old Version]", "id": 10896, "author": "Lone", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Book 3 Chapter 99: Al'ka's Suggestion and Hal'ral", "id": 305717, "next": 306729, "prev": 304763, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkZjk0YmIyYzcwNjQ1NmFhYmRlMWIyZmIyYzhmODJj">Her Highness stood outside of Al'ka's office and she was finding it hard to breathe. On impulse, she has run here after hearing Lone's strangely convincing words, but now she was starting to have doubts.</p> <p class="cnM2YWViMWIwMmU2NTQ2ZWNhMzQ2MTNkMzMxM2I2Yjgz"><em>'Should I really do this?' 'Is this really okay?' 'What about the other trees?' 'Won't this be seen as favouritism since I rejected the other princes?' 'What if Al'ka doesn't see me like that?' 'Maybe I should just leave?'&nbsp;</em>Such thoughts clouded the young Elf's mind.</p> <p class="cnNkZjcxNDYwMzI2NzQzMTZiYzY5YmE1NTVhZWFlZTQ2">It had been ten minutes since Her Highness had arrived at the door of Al'ka's office, and just as she was about to turn around and leave, a&nbsp;sound came from inside. "Your Highness, if you have business with me, please, come in."</p> <p class="cnNmZTc5NThhMzFjNzQzMTliYmU3ZjAyZjQyMzIwNjIy">Controlling her rapidly rising pulse, Her Highness somehow found the courage to open the door after hearing Al'ka's voice.</p> <p class="cnM1MjM5MWE2NmJjZjRlYTM5MzQ4YWFkZTk1NTMyZDA1">Unlike the last time she had visited him, the office was far cleaner and less cluttered with paperwork. Al'ka sat behind&nbsp;his desk in the centre of the room as he looked at a document and ran his fingers through his hair.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGRkMDE5MDZmOTRmMzZiZWIyZDIyNzEyZWQzZjk2">He signed his name at the bottom of the parchment before he moved it to a different pile of documents. Al'ka leaned back in his chair and gestured towards a comfortable looked seat that was a meter or so away from his desk.</p> <p class="cnMwMTE5ZDMyOGE4ODQzZmVhMjUwNzQyN2Q1ZGVlNmE3">Taking the hint, Her Highness closed the door behind her and sat down.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjA0ODI1MDM3ZjQ4NjNhZmM1ZjJjNzJkNzVlMGQ2">"I heard Lone came to the palace to talk to His Majesty. Weren't you keeping him company in the meantime?" Al'ka knew that the King wouldn't have finished his business in the court just yet, so Her Highness' visit had truly surprised him.</p> <p class="cnNjMGE3N2JlNzMwODQ5OTU5NjU2NmM3ZDlkMWU3NTI0">"Yes, I was, but somehow, he ended up convincing me to come&nbsp;and visit you," Her Highness said with a wry smile on her lips.</p> <p class="cnM0ODAzYWNhZDM3ZDRmN2Y4Y2VlOGIxZDVhN2ZlM2Jk">"He does have a fairly high mastery over the Persuasion skill, doesn't he?" Al'ka joked. "Well, I'm always happy to see Your Highness, and I was just about to take a break."</p> <p class="cnMwMWQ4ZDhjZGY3MjRlZWE5MTgxYzI3ODRiMjUwMTVm">"You can afford to take breaks?" Her Highness was shocked. She knew how busy Al'ka had been since their return. He hadn't even had the time to act as her bodyguard, let alone enjoy any time off in the past four months, so she was naturally a little bit surprised.</p> <p class="cnMxMTFjNjQ5MTMxNzQ0Mjk4YzYwYzFkZDQ3ODFlNTJi">Al'ka laughed dryly. "I've been hard at work, slaving over these documents almost nonstop. Finally, I've reached a point where I can calm down and take some personal time. I'd be very angry if I hadn't made this much progress since we came back, don't you agree?"</p> <p class="cnNiNzUwMzg0NmNhMjRlOTNhNjZlYTgxMDFiMjQ4ODE0">"Y-Yes. Your words do make sense, Al'ka." Her Highness blushed and she chided herself for not realising this simple information on her own. Her head truly was muddled after her conversation with Lone.</p> <p class="cnM3NjBmODJlYjYwOTQ2N2Y5NmFhNDQwMzRkZTMwOTdk">"Anyway." Al'ka cracked his&nbsp;neck and stood up before he equipped his sword belt and the cloak that contained Her Highness' royal crest - a telltale sign of him being her personal guard. "Shall we go for a walk?"</p> <p class="cnNiNTA5NDYxYzkzNTQxNTI5M2NhMmRlMTFiNGQ5N2Nk">"A walk?" Her Highness was confused.</p> <p class="cnMwODA5MzJhYTI0MjRlZmM5MGNjYjZjZTNjMzI5ZDMx">"Yes, a walk." Al'ka found the childish side of Her Highness to be very endearing. "I haven't stretched my legs properly in a while. It's fine if you don't wish to accompany me, but I thought it'd be nice, just the two of us. It'll be like before we left the tree."</p> <p class="cnM4MTdiMzcxYWI5OTQ2NGQ5MGE4ZDcwN2I4Mzg2ZDcx">"I-I'd love that!" Her Highness' sudden exclamation made Al'ka chuckled.</p> <p class="cnM4NzUyNzFlN2E3NTQ5MTI4YzFhYWM2NThhNTk2ODA5">Really, how could he have not seen how she felt after spending so many years with her? If she was finally willing to pursue him, then he was more than happy to accept her feelings, at least to some extent.</p> <p class="cnNhZDdhMDMyNDBmNjQxMzc4ZGI4ZDJjODBkZGY3NWY4"><em>'I wonder what Lone said to her to make her ignore her worries about the other trees? As always, you continue to be the most mysterious man I've ever met, Lone,'&nbsp;</em>Al'ka said to himself as he escorted Her Highness out of his office.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM5M2M4Yzk3MTkxOTQxMTY4ZmNhYWQxMDJhNzhkMWFh">Lone was still in the waiting room, and he summoned Kyuubi after the maids had left on his request.</p> <p class="cnM5NGMwODM0YzliMjQwNjA5ZTEzZGM3YTJkYTQxNTA2">He held the baby girl in his&nbsp;arms and looked at her warmly. Even though he was gently stroking her head, Kyuubi didn't stir from her steep at all.</p> <p class="cnM0ODU5MjBiNDlkYjQ1MmViNWM5MzliMDllNjg2OGI3">"Are you sure you're a Foxkin and not a Slothkin, huh?" Lone laughed quietly to himself.</p> <p class="cnNmNDFhMmZiN2EzNDQ5YWI4NGU5YTg3MmNiYWUxZjVk">Of course, Slothkin did actually exist, and were, as you'd imagine, very slow and lazy. They were rare and low in numbers. From what Lone had read, they were treated as pets in quite a lot of Demihuman and Human countries.</p> <p class="cnM0MmRhZjVhNmRhNjQ2NTU4Mjg2ODdhYzNkYzc2ODE2">Apparently, the Slothkin didn't mind this even if it meant being slaves to some of the less well-intentioned Humans. If it meant that they could live easily and comfortably, they cared very little if they were technically someone's property or not.</p> <p class="cnMwMzIxNDRmNWM1MjQxNjViMjU5NDcxOGRlN2M0MGM1">Kyuubi rolled around in Lone's arms and wrapped her soft and fluffy golden tail around his hand. "You're too cute, really... I still have to wonder though, why can you turn into a fox? It's so odd..."</p> <p class="cnM2ODU4NmRlODE1NjRjOWE5OThlNWVmZTkxZThhYWM5">An hour passed as Lone cuddled Kyuubi before he unsummoned her, returning her to The Summoning Room where she could sleep more peacefully. Sophie had made a point of filling that space up with all sorts of things to make it less dark and lonely, namely, a lot of toys, some magic-powered crystal lights, and lastly, lots of blankets and cushions.</p> <p class="cnMzNGVmOTBmY2Q0ZjQ4MDZiZWYzNDQwOTJiMGRlMmVm">With the sound of the door opening, King Ele'hunda stepped into Her Highness' study and greeted Lone. "I hear you have an urgent matter to discuss with me, Nine-tails?"</p> <p class="cnNlODhiOTNjYzAwZTRhNTViOGYxOWU2MzkwMWU0ZWJl">Lone stood up and nodded. "Yes, that's right."</p> <p class="cnMyY2QyNDIzNjBjZDRmMTRiYWFkMmQwNWU5NDY5YTli">"Tell me about it as we walk. There's something I wished to show you anyway, so this is good timing," the King said before he turned around and left the room.</p> <p class="cnNkNTIzZjg4Mjg3YjQ4MGZiNDU0NWRjMTM5ZDQ0MTJh">"Oh?" Lone's curiosity had been piqued, so he followed Ele'hunda.</p> <p class="cnNiOTM4MTE4NDVjNjQ0MTNiNDRkMzE3YmU0ZDhkNTU3">The two men were side by side, and Ele'hunda glanced at Lone briefly. "Congratulation on becoming an A-ranker, Nine-tails. Not only that, but you are even at the bottleneck to S-rank. Truly impressive. I do have to wonder how you gained so many levels in a single day though."</p> <p class="cnNmYWE0NTg4YmUwNTQ1MDg5N2U5MzliM2FiOWZkM2Zj">Hearing the suspicion in the King's tone, Lone smirked. "That is related to what I want to talk to you about."</p> <p class="cnM2MWYxZGRkNDZlYTRmNmNhZTM4YmViZmVkYjMwZDBm">"Oho? Go on." The two left the Royal Palace and were now heading to the military sector of the tree's crown which Lone had never visited before.</p> <p class="cnM5NjRkZjQ4MWFjMzRlN2FhN2RkZGQyMDE4NTA4MzZj">"I met the tree's core, Elestia, while I was in her dungeon today. She helped me through the A-rank bottleneck and gave me enough high-quality spirit essence to reach SS-rank if I needed to. That's why I'm currently at the very peak of A-rank," Lone calmly explained.</p> <p class="cnNkMzYwZmZkOTM4NjQzNzBhMzA5NzQ0Mzk2YzVhODNj">"'Elestia', is it?" Ele'hunda's voice sounded nostalgic and distant.</p> <p class="cnMzZDAyOGJjMTQ1NjQ4NzE5M2JhYzIxMTU5ZjUyMTdk">Lone raised an eyebrow. "You knew that she existed? You don't sound very surprised."</p> <p class="cnM1N2RiYzJmYmM3ZTQ2ZTJhY2JlNzY2MmZlMTlmZDll">"Of course I knew. It is a fact that all council members and the royal family of each tree knows. We simply hide it from the outside world to prevent even more greedy hands from stretching towards us," Ele'hunda said in a voice that only Lone could hear.</p> <p class="cnNjNTdlNGVjNjdlZDQzYTg5ZDBlYThlNTU5OTk4MWJj">"I see." Lone held his chin and nodded. "That explains why none of the world trees have an official name. I guess I should have thought about that."</p> <p class="cnM5M2I2MTEzYTI3NTRlN2JiOTk0ZDM3NzljMTgzMGM3">"Regardless, Nine-tails, the fact that Elestia showed herself to you means that she somehow recovered enough strength to call out to you... I fear the reason that she expended her accumulated energy on simply talking to you and even going so far as the help you gain enlightenment." King Ele'hunda was clearly very anxious about Elestia's well-being.</p> <p class="cnM5YzBiZGY3MTcyZDQ5MTliZjBmZGYwNjM3MDlmODhj">"Ah, don't worry about her. I used some of my soul oracle abilities to fix the tree's spirit. It's stable now and in a much better condition that it was before she summoned me," Lone said in a proud voice.</p> <p class="cnMzZjM5YTg0NDIxMTRlNDFhZDQ2OTE0ZThmNWVmMjFk">Ele'hunda's face wore an expression of shock. "You can even heal the spirit of a world tree?"</p> <p class="cnM4MGNiOTQ5NzMyZjQ5OGU4MWE1MzMwZGRkMDYyNTcz">"Mmm, it took a lot of MP, but yeah, it wasn't that hard," Lone said in a somewhat cocky manner.</p> <p class="cnMxY2JkYmZjNzgzMDQwNzBiNjJjM2IxMTkwZmI4Mjlm">"That is certainly reassuring, Nine-tails," Ele'hunda laughed. He was reminded of Lone's&nbsp;young age and his slightly immature nature once more before he said, "But did she mention to you why she thought it was necessary to talk to you?"</p> <p class="cnNmMjg4MDVjNzVkZDQ0MGFhMjUwY2I0NWY2NzAyNmIx">"Yes," Lone replied. "Ythmagobla's four generals will be attacking the world tree in two days. I'm pretty sure that Ythmagobla himself will join the assault once his generals have weakened the tree's forces enough."</p> <p class="cnNlZjJmMzYzMjRjMjQyOGNiZGY0OWU4NmRlOTFhYTMw">King Ele'hunda's eyes shook. "This timing... It's too coincidental..."</p> <p class="cnNkYTY1MTVjMWFjZjQwODliYTVjZjQ4NjBiM2ZlOTg0">"What do you mean?" Lone wasn't sure what the King meant.&nbsp;<em>'Does this have something to do with the Human soldiers I killed a few days ago with Soph? I just assumed that was a normal attack force trying to steal the tree's energy. Was I wrong?'</em></p> <p class="cnNmMmRiYzE1NTUxNTQ0YzI4NDc5ZmNhYzNmMTFiMTMy">"This morning, one of our purple keeper teams found a scouting encampment sent by the Taslo Empire. All of the Humans were slaughtered, but regardless, we've found more signs of the empire launching an invasion on the world tree." King Ele'hunda's voice was very serious.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWVmZjkxNWI4YzQ5YmRiMTFkMDYwY2I0NGEwYTYy">The two men entered a small building that looked inconspicuous, however, as they began descending a set of stairs, Lone was starting to get chills and he could swear that he was hearing screaming in the dark depths of whatever this place was.</p> <p class="cnM3OTQxMTY1ODA3YzRmMDY4OGY2NzZjNDlhOGNiNTRk">Shaking his head and trying to ignore the disturbing noises, lone said, "I was the one that killed them. They had a group of beastkin imprisoned there. I offered them to surrender peacefully, but they refused, so I killed them all and freed the beastkin. If they were from the Taslo Empire, it makes sense. Their war with the Frontier Beastman Alliance just ended, didn't it?"</p> <p class="cnMzZjY2MGQzYzZiMTQ3ZmFiNGMxYmRkMGNkODdjMzM3">Naturally, Lone was up to date on most of the major events that were happening in Altros. The Elves had a surprisingly good information network despite being such a secluded people.</p> <p class="cnM3NjFlNGZiNmFiMzQ4ODNhOWViOTk2NjMzZDAzMmZk">The Taslo Empire had been at war with the Frontier Beastman Alliance for a little over a millennium, and its sudden conclusion with the empire's victory had certainly shocked many people.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjFkYzZhNTI0YzQwZWY5NjJhODViMmMwMGZhZGRh">It wasn't unheard of for such a large-scale war to end almost overnight, but it was still rare enough to raise some suspicions, especially when the fighting had been going on for so long with neither side making much progress.</p> <p class="cnNhNjNiYTI4YzYwNzRmY2M4ZTk0MTUwNzBmYjg4MGZh">As a former history teacher, Lone found all of this to be quite fascinating. He kept it in mind as he listened to King Elehunda's reply.</p> <p class="cnNhY2NiYjU1MTVjYTQyM2ZhODZkZTYxNWU1ZGUzYzFk">"You never cease to amaze me. Why didn't you report their existence? Leaving the world tree is a punishable offence without permission, but considering your merits, that would have been overlooked and I would have gladly rewarded you personally." Of course, Lone was free to leave the tree for a set period of time now since he was an honorary elder, but he was still a normal keeper at the time of his encounter with the Talso Empire soldiers.</p> <p class="cnMyMzU2YzFmMWNmMDRkMzY4OTNlMDZjMzIxMzY3ZmI2">At the end of the long staircase that Lone and the King had been walking down for a short while, two guards dressed differently from any other Elven guards that Lone had seen before,&nbsp;bowed to the King.</p> <p class="cnM1MDMxZDg0NGE0MDQ3MWVhOWRjMmE2MDUwMzVhZWEw">Ele'hunda nodded to them in acknowledgement before he stepped through a large metal door. Such doors&nbsp;were very uncommon here in the world tree where most things were made of wood, so Lone had started to figure out where they were from the clues so far.</p> <p class="cnM3YjVmZmUwMjI3MzQ4ODRiN2M4YjNhNjVlNzYwZWNm">"Nine-tails," Ele'hunda said as he looked at Lone and gestured to the large room that was filled with small chambers surrounded by metal bars. "Welcome to Hal'ral, the prison of the&nbsp;eastern world tree."</p> </div>
Her Highness stood outside of Al'ka's office and she was finding it hard to breathe. On impulse, she has run here after hearing Lone's strangely convincing words, but now she was starting to have doubts. *'Should I really do this?' 'Is this really okay?' 'What about the other trees?' 'Won't this be seen as favouritism since I rejected the other princes?' 'What if Al'ka doesn't see me like that?' 'Maybe I should just leave?'*Such thoughts clouded the young Elf's mind. It had been ten minutes since Her Highness had arrived at the door of Al'ka's office, and just as she was about to turn around and leave, a sound came from inside. "Your Highness, if you have business with me, please, come in." Controlling her rapidly rising pulse, Her Highness somehow found the courage to open the door after hearing Al'ka's voice. Unlike the last time she had visited him, the office was far cleaner and less cluttered with paperwork. Al'ka sat behind his desk in the centre of the room as he looked at a document and ran his fingers through his hair. He signed his name at the bottom of the parchment before he moved it to a different pile of documents. Al'ka leaned back in his chair and gestured towards a comfortable looked seat that was a meter or so away from his desk. Taking the hint, Her Highness closed the door behind her and sat down. "I heard Lone came to the palace to talk to His Majesty. Weren't you keeping him company in the meantime?" Al'ka knew that the King wouldn't have finished his business in the court just yet, so Her Highness' visit had truly surprised him. "Yes, I was, but somehow, he ended up convincing me to come and visit you," Her Highness said with a wry smile on her lips. "He does have a fairly high mastery over the Persuasion skill, doesn't he?" Al'ka joked. "Well, I'm always happy to see Your Highness, and I was just about to take a break." "You can afford to take breaks?" Her Highness was shocked. She knew how busy Al'ka had been since their return. He hadn't even had the time to act as her bodyguard, let alone enjoy any time off in the past four months, so she was naturally a little bit surprised. Al'ka laughed dryly. "I've been hard at work, slaving over these documents almost nonstop. Finally, I've reached a point where I can calm down and take some personal time. I'd be very angry if I hadn't made this much progress since we came back, don't you agree?" "Y-Yes. Your words do make sense, Al'ka." Her Highness blushed and she chided herself for not realising this simple information on her own. Her head truly was muddled after her conversation with Lone. "Anyway." Al'ka cracked his neck and stood up before he equipped his sword belt and the cloak that contained Her Highness' royal crest - a telltale sign of him being her personal guard. "Shall we go for a walk?" "A walk?" Her Highness was confused. "Yes, a walk." Al'ka found the childish side of Her Highness to be very endearing. "I haven't stretched my legs properly in a while. It's fine if you don't wish to accompany me, but I thought it'd be nice, just the two of us. It'll be like before we left the tree." "I-I'd love that!" Her Highness' sudden exclamation made Al'ka chuckled. Really, how could he have not seen how she felt after spending so many years with her? If she was finally willing to pursue him, then he was more than happy to accept her feelings, at least to some extent. *'I wonder what Lone said to her to make her ignore her worries about the other trees? As always, you continue to be the most mysterious man I've ever met, Lone,'*Al'ka said to himself as he escorted Her Highness out of his office. --- Lone was still in the waiting room, and he summoned Kyuubi after the maids had left on his request. He held the baby girl in his arms and looked at her warmly. Even though he was gently stroking her head, Kyuubi didn't stir from her steep at all. "Are you sure you're a Foxkin and not a Slothkin, huh?" Lone laughed quietly to himself. Of course, Slothkin did actually exist, and were, as you'd imagine, very slow and lazy. They were rare and low in numbers. From what Lone had read, they were treated as pets in quite a lot of Demihuman and Human countries. Apparently, the Slothkin didn't mind this even if it meant being slaves to some of the less well-intentioned Humans. If it meant that they could live easily and comfortably, they cared very little if they were technically someone's property or not. Kyuubi rolled around in Lone's arms and wrapped her soft and fluffy golden tail around his hand. "You're too cute, really... I still have to wonder though, why can you turn into a fox? It's so odd..." An hour passed as Lone cuddled Kyuubi before he unsummoned her, returning her to The Summoning Room where she could sleep more peacefully. Sophie had made a point of filling that space up with all sorts of things to make it less dark and lonely, namely, a lot of toys, some magic-powered crystal lights, and lastly, lots of blankets and cushions. With the sound of the door opening, King Ele'hunda stepped into Her Highness' study and greeted Lone. "I hear you have an urgent matter to discuss with me, Nine-tails?" Lone stood up and nodded. "Yes, that's right." "Tell me about it as we walk. There's something I wished to show you anyway, so this is good timing," the King said before he turned around and left the room. "Oh?" Lone's curiosity had been piqued, so he followed Ele'hunda. The two men were side by side, and Ele'hunda glanced at Lone briefly. "Congratulation on becoming an A-ranker, Nine-tails. Not only that, but you are even at the bottleneck to S-rank. Truly impressive. I do have to wonder how you gained so many levels in a single day though." Hearing the suspicion in the King's tone, Lone smirked. "That is related to what I want to talk to you about." "Oho? Go on." The two left the Royal Palace and were now heading to the military sector of the tree's crown which Lone had never visited before. "I met the tree's core, Elestia, while I was in her dungeon today. She helped me through the A-rank bottleneck and gave me enough high-quality spirit essence to reach SS-rank if I needed to. That's why I'm currently at the very peak of A-rank," Lone calmly explained. "'Elestia', is it?" Ele'hunda's voice sounded nostalgic and distant. Lone raised an eyebrow. "You knew that she existed? You don't sound very surprised." "Of course I knew. It is a fact that all council members and the royal family of each tree knows. We simply hide it from the outside world to prevent even more greedy hands from stretching towards us," Ele'hunda said in a voice that only Lone could hear. "I see." Lone held his chin and nodded. "That explains why none of the world trees have an official name. I guess I should have thought about that." "Regardless, Nine-tails, the fact that Elestia showed herself to you means that she somehow recovered enough strength to call out to you... I fear the reason that she expended her accumulated energy on simply talking to you and even going so far as the help you gain enlightenment." King Ele'hunda was clearly very anxious about Elestia's well-being. "Ah, don't worry about her. I used some of my soul oracle abilities to fix the tree's spirit. It's stable now and in a much better condition that it was before she summoned me," Lone said in a proud voice. Ele'hunda's face wore an expression of shock. "You can even heal the spirit of a world tree?" "Mmm, it took a lot of MP, but yeah, it wasn't that hard," Lone said in a somewhat cocky manner. "That is certainly reassuring, Nine-tails," Ele'hunda laughed. He was reminded of Lone's young age and his slightly immature nature once more before he said, "But did she mention to you why she thought it was necessary to talk to you?" "Yes," Lone replied. "Ythmagobla's four generals will be attacking the world tree in two days. I'm pretty sure that Ythmagobla himself will join the assault once his generals have weakened the tree's forces enough." King Ele'hunda's eyes shook. "This timing... It's too coincidental..." "What do you mean?" Lone wasn't sure what the King meant. *'Does this have something to do with the Human soldiers I killed a few days ago with Soph? I just assumed that was a normal attack force trying to steal the tree's energy. Was I wrong?'* "This morning, one of our purple keeper teams found a scouting encampment sent by the Taslo Empire. All of the Humans were slaughtered, but regardless, we've found more signs of the empire launching an invasion on the world tree." King Ele'hunda's voice was very serious. The two men entered a small building that looked inconspicuous, however, as they began descending a set of stairs, Lone was starting to get chills and he could swear that he was hearing screaming in the dark depths of whatever this place was. Shaking his head and trying to ignore the disturbing noises, lone said, "I was the one that killed them. They had a group of beastkin imprisoned there. I offered them to surrender peacefully, but they refused, so I killed them all and freed the beastkin. If they were from the Taslo Empire, it makes sense. Their war with the Frontier Beastman Alliance just ended, didn't it?" Naturally, Lone was up to date on most of the major events that were happening in Altros. The Elves had a surprisingly good information network despite being such a secluded people. The Taslo Empire had been at war with the Frontier Beastman Alliance for a little over a millennium, and its sudden conclusion with the empire's victory had certainly shocked many people. It wasn't unheard of for such a large-scale war to end almost overnight, but it was still rare enough to raise some suspicions, especially when the fighting had been going on for so long with neither side making much progress. As a former history teacher, Lone found all of this to be quite fascinating. He kept it in mind as he listened to King Elehunda's reply. "You never cease to amaze me. Why didn't you report their existence? Leaving the world tree is a punishable offence without permission, but considering your merits, that would have been overlooked and I would have gladly rewarded you personally." Of course, Lone was free to leave the tree for a set period of time now since he was an honorary elder, but he was still a normal keeper at the time of his encounter with the Talso Empire soldiers. At the end of the long staircase that Lone and the King had been walking down for a short while, two guards dressed differently from any other Elven guards that Lone had seen before, bowed to the King. Ele'hunda nodded to them in acknowledgement before he stepped through a large metal door. Such doors were very uncommon here in the world tree where most things were made of wood, so Lone had started to figure out where they were from the clues so far. "Nine-tails," Ele'hunda said as he looked at Lone and gestured to the large room that was filled with small chambers surrounded by metal bars. "Welcome to Hal'ral, the prison of the eastern world tree."
{ "title": "Doomed To Be A God", "id": 21352, "author": "Newbiesnail", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "The Banquet(2)", "id": 305724, "next": 305787, "prev": 303932, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4Nzg4ZjhjMjMwYzQxYTE5N2YxNTUxYzMzNTllOWZk" dir="ltr"><span style="font-size: 1.00em">Doomed To Be A God</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzVkZDE2YjIyNzQ5MmViODlmNDYyMWQwOTUxNWJm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNThjZTIwOTcxNDRjNzdhNzQ3MDE0NDZiMzI0YTc0" dir="ltr">Chapter nine: The Banquet(2)</p> <p class="cnNiZjZhNWU5ZmJiYzQ1YTY5OWRhZTc1MTQ2MWU0ZTVj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMzllNDRhYTFmNjRjNTBhN2M2OTU0M2E4YjVhYWQy" dir="ltr">"Is that true Princess Sha?" the emperor asked his daughter. He knew that his beloved daughter didn't like him, but did she need to talk about those matters to outsiders?</p> <p class="cnMyNTI5ZWU4NTc5MDQ1ZmI5MWY1NjIyNDcxYTJmOWI5" dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YTg3YjBmNWY1YzRhNjQ5OWJjMjIzZjBhOTBkYWI1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYWJkOThiZTVmNzQ3YTFhMjhlZmU3NWUwYWE0ODlm" dir="ltr">"T-that isn't true, father!" she was going to explain to her father but before that, a young woman stood up and said.</p> <p class="cnM0ODYyZWRiZDA2ODQzZjc4NTRkM2NmNWI0NmUzYjI4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YWFkMzNhMmUwMTQzNWQ4OGE5MGM5NDk3MjU0ZjRh" dir="ltr">"That's true! She said that she felt disgusted after seeing him!" responded the woman in a red dress, she's the woman who was talking to princess Sha earlier. She fell in love with Ye Fei at first sight, disappointed at first but after hearing that Ye Fei didn't like princess Sha, she was extremely happy!</p> <p class="cnNiZmUyYTFjNWEzMzQ1ZDRhNzNjYWE3NmFiZmUzNjAw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MDhmYWY3NzhlNDRkNTliMzQ2ODIwOTBhMGNlZjMy" dir="ltr">"I also heard what you said, princess Sha" with a sad tone said Ye Fei.</p> <p class="cnM5MmEwZTgxM2FiZTRjOTdhNDIxNDg1OWZmMWI0MzI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZTYyY2U0MDM5ZDRkMThiYzM1NzQxNjA1NmFiYjk1" dir="ltr">All the noble women started eyeing Ye Fei, he was their prey!</p> <p class="cnNkZTliNWFkZjZjODQ2M2JiNTU1NzBkMDNlZjU4YmZk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhODc4Y2M0ZTA5ZDQxZDZhODUxMjIzNTFkMTcxOTcw" dir="ltr">When princess Sha saw that, she felt jealous, 'he's mine! I'm going to marry him!' thought princess Sha.</p> <p class="cnM1ODE1N2EwMDRlZTRlMzU4MjYyZDZhYjNlNzA1MTEx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZGJjZTI5MTRkMDRmNzVhMzVjOTM3NGNiODkzOTZi" dir="ltr">"I was just joking with her, Ye Fei why would you believe her but not me?! I'm your fiancée!" she would grab him no matter what! Her father is the emperor! Number one under the heavens!</p> <p class="cnNlOGViMjBlYzIwOTQ5M2ViNDVkMTk1Nzk4NWJmMTEz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NTZkMjE4MzJlZTQwNjdiZGNlOTM5N2M0YTg4ZDhh" dir="ltr">"Sorry, but I really don't like you" he wasn't stupid, didn't she said that she wouldn't marry him?</p> <p class="cnMwNDE1M2Q1ZjNmOTRhZDI4MzYyN2NhOWY0NjI0NGZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYjMyOWY4ODdmZTQxZjZhOGQ2NzM1Njc4ZGZjZGU4" dir="ltr">Hearing Ye Fei response, princess Sha stared at her father with pleading eyes.</p> <p class="cnM2OTRkOTg2NTkzZTQ5ZDc5NjA4OGI2ZDZhNDg2MGM1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZmZiMTUwNzE4MDQ2NWFiMTEyYjAxODZiNzIwMTM0" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">"Little Fei, how about give her an opportunity? Feelings can develop with time, <span class="hiddenSpellError">right</span>?" such an outstanding man should marry his daughter, if not him then nobody would marry her. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NWRmZjFhMTAzZjQ3ZjQ5ODE2NDNkZWY4ODM1NzNm" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">"You aren't worthy of big brother!" a girl in a purple dress said loudly, yet it sounded sweet and melodious. Her stunning beauty could melt every man heart, walking towards Ye Fei, Ye Hui <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> stopped next to Ye Fei. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjU3NmIyYTRmODQ1MTViNTI2YmY2MGI0NjY3YmU1" dir="ltr">One was a supreme being with unrivaled looks and the other was a beautiful fairy. It was a match made by god! The people in the banquet had a stunned faces!</p> <p class="cnMwZGZkMzE0MDdmNjRhODNhMzkyYjI1ZDM2NjgwMDA1" dir="ltr">'Is she the Ye family young miss?' why did she arrive late?</p> <p class="cnNkYmEzYzc5ODczMTQ3ZjViMjcwYjRmYjIzM2FiOTQw" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">"<span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> aren't you cultivating in my courtyard?" wanting to surprise her big brother, Ye Hui <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> released her aura. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MTg5Njk1N2JiNTRhOGJiYmIwZDkxYmEzMjFmMmZm" dir="ltr">A Core Formation being! Fourteen years old and a Core Formation being!</p> <p class="cnMxYmI4MTA0ZWQ5YzRhZGFhNDFkMTEzOGMyYjU4ZWRl" dir="ltr">"You broke through?" his calm voice coupled with his devilish beauty, he was the perfect man in every young maiden heart.</p> <p class="cnNmZjNjNzE4ZGFlNTQ4Mzg5NWYyY2Q3NWM3MDFkOTU4" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">"Yes!" Ye Hui <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> was expecting her brother to pat her head and praise her, but. </span></p> <p class="cnM5M2VmZTllNzI0YzRmYzhiZGY5MzYxZTk4NmY4NGU3" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">Ye Fei hugged Ye Hui <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span>, his face was full of smiles. That sudden hug made her stunned, this was the first time her big brother gave her a hug, it felt incredibly comfortable. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMTYwNTYyMTYzNDQ0OTZiMjNjMDgzYWUzMGQ2Yjgw" dir="ltr">Ignoring all the stares of the stunned people, Ye Fei raised his right hand, a white light formed in his palm.</p> <p class="cnNiZjBhMmIwMWRjZDQ4YTE4ZTdiNDg0YTdlN2MxNWIx" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">"This is my gift for you, with a <span class="hiddenSuggestion">little bit</span> of energy it can command my powers" a necklace came from the white light, and it floated gently around Ye Hui <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> neck. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMDJkNzliMDg1ZTQzNTk4MDZiZjE4ODQ3MmE0ODAw" dir="ltr">His smile combined with his gentle expression almost made every girl crazy.</p> <p class="cnM5YjhlMjkxZTcxMTRmYWE5M2ViZmQyZDYwMjM1NDdl" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">Ye Hui <span class="hiddenSpellError">Ying</span> didn't knew about her brother's power, tears fell from her delicate face, as she hugged her brother tightly. All the gifts in the world couldn't compare with this necklace. </span></p> <p class="cnMwOTZjMzczZWMwNjQ4ZTJhYjBjZWQ3NTNjNjM5YThk" dir="ltr">She felt that she was greatly blessed by god, her new family loved her, and most the important person in her heart loved her too.</p> <p class="cnM0MDA1OTM1NzRlODRmMDdhMTE5YmVhMjE5YmVjNTFj" dir="ltr">At some point a girl standing beside the emperor was angry, her mind was a mess.</p> <p class="cnNiMzhkMzk5ZGU3NDRiNGRhOTk5NDk1MDdmNGI1ZDE1" dir="ltr">'That necklace is mine! He's mine, mine!!!' princess Sha was trying to suppress her anger, clenching her delicate hands.</p> <p class="cnM3YTcyZjk4MzFiNTRiMWU5NWZhNTQ4NzQyNTk0NDM5" dir="ltr">The emperor wasn't angry about this matter instead he felt happy, although his nephew didn't want to marry his daughter, but he was still his nephew, how could he not be happy for him?</p> <p class="cnNkMzQzYmRhMGY0ZjQzOWNhZjJjMjUyOGE3NmVhZDA3" dir="ltr">"Well after such a warming scene, I think I should present you the mysterious Holy Guardian" the emperor was laughing in his mind, nobody knew that his nephew was the powerful Holy Guardian!</p> <p class="cnM5NmIzNjVmOTg3OTQyN2RiZWMxMjFhN2I4NTgwMGQ4" dir="ltr">"Yes! We want to see this powerful expert!" everyone said in unison.</p> <p class="cnM3YjI5OTRiNzYyYzQ2NDlhNjA0N2M5NzViY2NlYzE5" dir="ltr">The emperor smiled and took a blue transparent badge from his golden robes.</p> <p class="cnM4N2UwM2Y4MDRmNTQ1NDFhYzRmNmM3OGMyYmZhMzM3" dir="ltr">"I, the emperor of the Crystal Hope empire ask for the Holy Guardian to appear!" he finally contained his laughter in his, adjusting his voice to a serious one.</p> <p class="cnM5NGQyZmViN2NhNzRkZjJiZjk1NDgzNjU5OGRjZmQ4" dir="ltr">A golden light came from the sky and enveloped a person...</p> <p class="cnMyZmMyNjBiMThhYzRmNzQ4NmM5ODhlN2Y3ZTI4NDVj" dir="ltr">It was Ye Fei!</p> <p class="cnM3MjE0YzQ3ZDRiZDQ0YjhhYWJkNmZkOWJkMDVhN2Zi" dir="ltr">Everyone gasped in shock! The Ye family young master was the Holy Guardian who fought five major wars alone?! Not everyone could believe it, even princess Sha couldn't believe it!</p> <p class="cnM5MzU5OTY1ZTJhZjQzODk4YjZlNzQxNjQyZmU3ZWJk" dir="ltr">The emperor held the badge in his hand and put it near his mouth, whispering something, "Little Fei, can you release your aura?" while whispering this, his eyes were shining.</p> <p class="cnNmYzhlYTZiYWQwNTQ1ODhiMjUxMTYxY2FkZjQ1ZmM3" dir="ltr">Ye Fei laughing at his uncle performance, he nodded and released his aura.</p> <p class="cnMzNzYyN2MxZTZmMzQxOGM4MDY0OTVlNGE2Mjg4YmRj" dir="ltr">Thick strands of energy were emanating from his body, these strands thickness could strangle even the most powerful beast!</p> <p class="cnM4NjI0NWJmZWEyYzQ2OTg4MTQxNDU0YzYxYmJhZGVl" dir="ltr">It was the aura of a Full Soul Stage being!</p> <p class="cnMwNzMxNzJjZDcxOTQ4NzM4ZGRmN2Y1MjdjODg1MWMx" dir="ltr">The people who didn't believe what the emperor words, were now gasping in shock! How old was Ye Fei? He was fifteen years old!</p> <p class="cnMyNDFkOTExZmViMTRjNzBiNWY2YjE4Njk1NzlhMDJl" dir="ltr">"I hide Holy Guardian identity because of this" a serious voice came from the emperor, but in his eyes... He was clearly lying!</p> <p class="cnM1OGUyNTRhYzZkZDRkY2ZiOWY5YmExODU5YzlhZmFl" dir="ltr">"Uncle, you don't need to call me like that, just say Little Fei" he started to enjoy these kind of events a bit more.</p> <p class="cnNkYWVmOWFkMGNjMjRiYjg5NTRlZDcwZmVmZWY2ZmY2" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">'<span class="hiddenSpellError">H-he's</span> the Holy Guardian?!' princess Sha eyes were wide open. Regret could be seen in her eyes. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MDAyZGU4MWYzODQ4N2Y5NzRjY2NlMDdlZDU2MzE1" dir="ltr"><span class="mceItemHidden">"So little Fei... Can you give me a necklace like your little sister necklace?" this sentence made everyone stupefied! This was the first time that they heard the emperor plead for something! </span></p> <p class="cnNhZWE0YTY2MmU0ZjQyMWJiNmQ0ZDI4YWFmODJiYThm" dir="ltr">"Uncle you don't need the necklace, you already have the badge" responded Ye Fei while laughing.</p> <p class="cnNmMWEyMDQ3ZTUxNDRmZjhhN2JjNzYyMTNhMTRiMTdh" dir="ltr">"Oh..." realizing that in his hands was grabbing to the most precious object in his empire, he showed an embarrassing expression.</p> <p class="cnNmNDA2OWMyMTczMDRiZjA5NTEyYTk4MDYyYzQ3MDk5" dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </div>
Doomed To Be A God   Chapter nine: The Banquet(2)   "Is that true Princess Sha?" the emperor asked his daughter. He knew that his beloved daughter didn't like him, but did she need to talk about those matters to outsiders?     "T-that isn't true, father!" she was going to explain to her father but before that, a young woman stood up and said.   "That's true! She said that she felt disgusted after seeing him!" responded the woman in a red dress, she's the woman who was talking to princess Sha earlier. She fell in love with Ye Fei at first sight, disappointed at first but after hearing that Ye Fei didn't like princess Sha, she was extremely happy!   "I also heard what you said, princess Sha" with a sad tone said Ye Fei.   All the noble women started eyeing Ye Fei, he was their prey!   When princess Sha saw that, she felt jealous, 'he's mine! I'm going to marry him!' thought princess Sha.   "I was just joking with her, Ye Fei why would you believe her but not me?! I'm your fiancée!" she would grab him no matter what! Her father is the emperor! Number one under the heavens!   "Sorry, but I really don't like you" he wasn't stupid, didn't she said that she wouldn't marry him?   Hearing Ye Fei response, princess Sha stared at her father with pleading eyes.   "Little Fei, how about give her an opportunity? Feelings can develop with time, right?" such an outstanding man should marry his daughter, if not him then nobody would marry her. "You aren't worthy of big brother!" a girl in a purple dress said loudly, yet it sounded sweet and melodious. Her stunning beauty could melt every man heart, walking towards Ye Fei, Ye Hui Ying stopped next to Ye Fei. One was a supreme being with unrivaled looks and the other was a beautiful fairy. It was a match made by god! The people in the banquet had a stunned faces! 'Is she the Ye family young miss?' why did she arrive late? "Ying Ying aren't you cultivating in my courtyard?" wanting to surprise her big brother, Ye Hui Ying released her aura. A Core Formation being! Fourteen years old and a Core Formation being! "You broke through?" his calm voice coupled with his devilish beauty, he was the perfect man in every young maiden heart. "Yes!" Ye Hui Ying was expecting her brother to pat her head and praise her, but. Ye Fei hugged Ye Hui Ying, his face was full of smiles. That sudden hug made her stunned, this was the first time her big brother gave her a hug, it felt incredibly comfortable. Ignoring all the stares of the stunned people, Ye Fei raised his right hand, a white light formed in his palm. "This is my gift for you, with a little bit of energy it can command my powers" a necklace came from the white light, and it floated gently around Ye Hui Ying neck. His smile combined with his gentle expression almost made every girl crazy. Ye Hui Ying didn't knew about her brother's power, tears fell from her delicate face, as she hugged her brother tightly. All the gifts in the world couldn't compare with this necklace. She felt that she was greatly blessed by god, her new family loved her, and most the important person in her heart loved her too. At some point a girl standing beside the emperor was angry, her mind was a mess. 'That necklace is mine! He's mine, mine!!!' princess Sha was trying to suppress her anger, clenching her delicate hands. The emperor wasn't angry about this matter instead he felt happy, although his nephew didn't want to marry his daughter, but he was still his nephew, how could he not be happy for him? "Well after such a warming scene, I think I should present you the mysterious Holy Guardian" the emperor was laughing in his mind, nobody knew that his nephew was the powerful Holy Guardian! "Yes! We want to see this powerful expert!" everyone said in unison. The emperor smiled and took a blue transparent badge from his golden robes. "I, the emperor of the Crystal Hope empire ask for the Holy Guardian to appear!" he finally contained his laughter in his, adjusting his voice to a serious one. A golden light came from the sky and enveloped a person... It was Ye Fei! Everyone gasped in shock! The Ye family young master was the Holy Guardian who fought five major wars alone?! Not everyone could believe it, even princess Sha couldn't believe it! The emperor held the badge in his hand and put it near his mouth, whispering something, "Little Fei, can you release your aura?" while whispering this, his eyes were shining. Ye Fei laughing at his uncle performance, he nodded and released his aura. Thick strands of energy were emanating from his body, these strands thickness could strangle even the most powerful beast! It was the aura of a Full Soul Stage being! The people who didn't believe what the emperor words, were now gasping in shock! How old was Ye Fei? He was fifteen years old! "I hide Holy Guardian identity because of this" a serious voice came from the emperor, but in his eyes... He was clearly lying! "Uncle, you don't need to call me like that, just say Little Fei" he started to enjoy these kind of events a bit more. 'H-he's the Holy Guardian?!' princess Sha eyes were wide open. Regret could be seen in her eyes. "So little Fei... Can you give me a necklace like your little sister necklace?" this sentence made everyone stupefied! This was the first time that they heard the emperor plead for something! "Uncle you don't need the necklace, you already have the badge" responded Ye Fei while laughing. "Oh..." realizing that in his hands was grabbing to the most precious object in his empire, he showed an embarrassing expression.
{ "title": "The Female Perspective", "id": 21519, "author": "VacillateWildly", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Chapter 01.1-The Female Perspective-Interlude-Two Videos and Message Board Posting", "id": 305644, "next": null, "prev": 305253, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzNWY2YmIzMmU5ODQ2ODI5MzQ2MTE4MzViM2RkNzE0"> </p> <p class="cnNhZjg1MzliNzFjMzRhODA5MDQyYjU4NzM2MDAzZWQ2">In the interest of full disclosure, here is a partial transcript of the video that infuriated Elana Bancroft so much:</p> <p class="cnNlZDY2NDNhNDRlNDQ4ZDJhZDg4OWYyZWFlYTQ0YWYz"> </p> <p class="cnMxNjY4NTA3MTQzNzQ2ZTM4YzQ3MzQxZWE2MGNmODZm">[Generic instrumental music plays. A series of images flash on the screen. A male knight in improbable armor. A female warrior in even more improbable armor; subtsantially less in fact. The following words appear on the screen:]</p> <p class="cnNiYWQyN2Q0MzU0ZTRmMTBhNjlmYTVmMWNkMjNiNmFm"> </p> <p class="cnNlYzc2YjdiYWYxMjRmNWJiN2I3ZTUwNDU0YTY3YzNm" align="center">Switching to Glide</p> <p class="cnM0ZDIxMDAzZTFkNjQzYjRiOWEwMWY4YjUyYjcxMDI4" align="center">Video Game Reviews and Analysis</p> <p class="cnNjNTNjZWQxNjMwMTQwZDc4MGMxNWExNTFkYzliZmI3" align="center">The Occasional Bad Movie Review</p> <p class="cnNhMTVmOGZlNDE4OTQ3ZTliMWYxYzhiZTJjMGVmNDRi" align="center">Aimless Rambling</p> <p class="cnNlZWE2MWIyZGI2MDRhYjdiNDVlMjNkNTczZWY2MzNj" align="center">Fully Anonymous</p> <p class="cnM1MzI0NzZhODllODRiZDk5NDhiYTczYTIxNzdjM2I4" align="left"> </p> <p class="cnM0M2EwYTEwMjA5MDQ1MzdhODhmYzI3M2E4M2I3MTYx" align="left">[Screen Briefly Flickers and the Wording Changes]</p> <p class="cnNlYTllODU4MmIyZDQ1Mzc4YzYyYTkzZDZlY2ZkNTc1" align="left"> </p> <p class="cnMzYmRmMzJhNDc4MjQ4NGFhYjRlZDU5ODk1NjRlNzM3" align="left">Episode 48: <em>Torrie’s Castle - Where Bob the Builder Meets the Care Bears, and we all lose</em></p> <p class="cnM3NWY0ZDVjYmQ4YzQ4OTNiOWVhNmQ4ZWIxYmI3NDdm" align="left"> </p> <p class="cnMxNGY3NDg4MmU2MDRjZTFiZGUwYjM5MzA2ZWVkODAy">SwitchingToGlide is the name, and RPGs are my game. And boy howdy do we have a turd blossom to step in this week. <em>Torrie’s Castle</em>. Single player campaign, with rumored multi-player coming. Hopefully it is on the horizon. As in that point that constantly recedes as you approach it. The one you never reach. Unless you’re a Care Bear hugging filthy casual, I guess.</p> <p class="cnNhNWNlYzRhMDRhYTRmZTZiODIwN2NhNjM4MjI5NWNl"> </p> <p class="cnM1YzM1NDQzMjNiMDRkZWZhYTE0MjE1OGJmMDBjOTYw">Everything about this is just awful and seemingly designed to set a gamer’s teeth on edge. For those of you who saw my Twitch stream of this game, feel free to NOT repeat the colorful language I used therein in the comment section of this video. I try to keep YouTube bit more on the family friendly side, as it were. And go perhaps just a wee bit overboard on Twitch. Just a bit.</p> <p class="cnM3M2Y3N2I0NWQzMTQ0ZjQ4MzZjYTI5MjhkYzBlMmU0"> </p> <p class="cnNhNjVjOWExNWMwMTQ1YzBiMzg3MWEyZmExMWNkMmFm">[On screen a young girl approaches a clearing, in the center of which is a larger than life apple tree, containing — no surprise — larger than life apples. She touches one, and it spawns a shield, slowly turning inside out and from apple to shield. She touches another apple and this one spawns a book, using the same transformational graphic. She touches a third apple and, uh-oh, this one turns into a worm. A cartoonish looking rather fat worm, but one with two pincers at the front. The girl holds the book up over her head and a beam of light shoots from it, skewering the worm, which vanishes.</p> <p class="cnM4N2EwMTM2NTE1NjRhMmE5YjczYTg2ZjZmYWU1MWU0"> </p> <p class="cnM0MWFlM2QxZGZlMjRmNDZhMTRiZGQyZDMwY2ZkZWQy">A series of words appear on the screen:</p> <p class="cnM4OGFmNzA0NDBjYjQ1MGM4ZmEzYTA3NTE3MTUyZTZh"> </p> <p class="cnMxMjI3MjlkOWJmODRjOWJiMTNlMTQ1ZTNjZWZmOTc0">Torrie’s Castle: Build, Co-operate, Survive and Grow Together]</p> <p class="cnMxMGM4YmIyZDkyOTQ4OGViMzQ2NTIyY2I1NjE5ZTNh"> </p> <p class="cnM5NGFlMjMxOTAxNjRjNDVhOGU3NzVkOWIxZTIzNDMy">I mean, with that as the trailer, my expectations were not high, but wow did this slither underneath even those.</p> <p class="cnMzMzRkODUwNDczYTQ4Mzg4Y2Y3ZDZjZWY4NmMyYjM3"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZDIwMmZlNmVmZTQyYzk4NTgzYWNhMGYwNGI3ODNm">Gaah. Look.</p> <p class="cnM2ODI2MTBhMzhiYTQyYmZiMTk0YjA4ZTRkMzIxOWVk"> </p> <p class="cnNiMTRkYTA0OGE1NTQxNGJhZmE1NTY1OGYwMGM4ODU5">[The young girl has now built a log cabin, one with an improbably large stone fireplace and a sturdy, solid door with an iron frame, iron supports and a nice porch. The apple tree referenced in the opening scene is clearly visible through a window. Torrie — the young girl in question — is cooking some sort of stew in an iron pot over a small fire. There’s a knock at the door. An on-screen prompt asks if you wish to answer/inquire/ignore the knock. You answer. At the door is an old woman with a staff accompanied by a small dog and an absurdly large cat.</p> <p class="cnMzOGNkNzI4ZGMxNTQ0Y2M5NWQ5OGJhM2YzYWFkMjI0"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZmM4NTE1MjkzYzQ4MzFiNmVmNDkwZDc4OGEyMzQ5">“Congratulations on surviving a week in the Secret Forest. I am Martana, the guide here to help you further grow your Castle, expand your Magic and help attract companions. And fulfill your destiny as you build your castle. The Horde is coming, dearie.]</p> <p class="cnM5MmYwZDBlOWIzNTRkZGNhMDk4OTlkODk3MjNlZjc1"> </p> <p class="cnMyYmIzYmVlNDAwYjQ3NWJiMTE3OTA3NzZjNzJhYjY5">Sigh. Yes, they really went there. The Secret Forest. [Here the audio is interrupted by a loud burst of laughter.] And getting to this point was every bit as banal and tedious as you’d expect. Mean ol’ worms interrupting your farming. Magical system as hard to figure out as opening the average box of cereal. Dialog as predictable as sunrise.</p> <p class="cnNlODlhYTMxOTg0YjQ5NzM4YjVhYWVhYWUzZmVhNTAy"> </p> <p class="cnMxNmVkNmRhZWZmMDQ0YWJhZDE1NjkyYTdlZmJhOThk">The frustrating part being the graphics, the rendering, the transitions, the frame rate, all of that? Superb. Kudos to the programming team. But it is like drinking powdered lemonade out of a fine wine glass.</p> <p class="cnNlODdmMTc2ZTRkODRiY2E5YjAyM2E3Yjg5YTgxNmYz"> </p> <p class="cnM4MzZjYTk1NWRjYTQ0ZTdhZTA3NTU2NDBlODc3NzRj">[Two more scenes - with equally snarky commentary - follow. Omitted for the sake of brevity.]</p> <p class="cnMwMzdhZjExNWIzZDRkMjdiOGYwOTE2MzY3NzJlYmI3"> </p> <p class="cnM5NzIwMTYwMjNhMjQxMjk4YTI1NzQ4N2VmMDA2ZGU2">[Our hero Torrie appears on the parapet of a castle that would have made Sir Walter Scott proud. She is wearing a gorgeous white gown, and leaning over the balustrade. An old man with a white walrus mustache appears before her, and kneels.</p> <p class="cnM5MTUyNDA1MjY2NzRmNTBiNTQ3MjQ2MDI4OTE1NzVl"> </p> <p class="cnMyYjExZWQyNmRkMDRmNzRiZjk4MzRjY2M4NTg4NDll">“My Queen, the Horde approaches. What are your orders?”</p> <p class="cnNmMjMzMzRhZWIxYTRlNmU5NThkMzFhYjcxMWJkMzRi"> </p> <p class="cnM1YzQ2NTRiMDY3NjQyZjVhY2Y3NjZhMTZlZDYyOTE2">A series of options appears:</p> <p class="cnNhOGFmN2I5NzFlZjQ5NmRiNjIzNjg1MDQ4NDExMzY3"> </p> <p class="cnMzYjJlM2NmNjJmNDRlOGJhMTc5OTI1NGVhMTkzNTA5">Do you wish to close the gates?</p> <p class="cnM3YjljYTFkYzYyYTRhMjViYTZmNTdlMzMwZDdmMzQ4">Do you wish to order an evacuation of the village?</p> <p class="cnM1OTE1YTc2OTY4NjQzZTZhYjYxOTcyYjI1OGE4ZTNi">Do you wish to flee?]</p> <p class="cnNmZWMzYTI2OGYxNTQ4ODc5ZTAxNzk3OTVlOWZhYmY0"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZDViMTUxNGQzYjRmZWE5M2QxNmU1ZTA3ZjE5NjFm">I got to this point, and I was like, hot damn. FINALLY. FINALLY A POINT TO ALL THIS. A final boss, a final battle, FINALLY something of interest. And, NOPE! SPOILER ALERT! THEY MEET. And talk. And talk. And talk. And…SPOILER ALERT! Nobody dies! Nobody even fights, try how you might! The “Horde” settles down as… get this…FARMERS.</p> <p class="cnM5NmVhYTEzNzI0NjQyMGI4OGQ2ODJiZWMxMTk0YTk5"> </p> <p class="cnMyYmZiY2UyYjE0OTRiMTE4YzQyNWYzNDM0Nzc0NzI0">Normally I don’t do spoilers, but here? For this? What? Why? What even is this?</p> <p class="cnNiNzMxMzgzODI4YjQ5NmU4Y2IxYTRmYjZhMTFmOTQ1"> </p> <p class="cnNlMTUxODE0ZTExNjQ4ZWU5ZjlmZTg4ODBhNzllOGFj">So, there you have it. Download this turd from the usual suspects, for PC and console. No mobile version yet, but presumably that’s coming as it is about the level this rubbish story deserves.</p> <p class="cnM3MjczZDNhNDBmZjRiMGJhM2JlODgxYWUyNjRhM2Yz"> </p> <p class="cnM4YmQ5YWFhYWI0MTQxZGFiOGZjYzBjZWFiMmM5YzMx">Which brings me to my larger and final point. Strap yourselves in, STG-ers, ‘cuz I’m about to climb on my soap box and let it rip. As per usual on YouTube channel, there will no cursing. But man, oh, man is that gonna be difficult. Grrrr. Yeah, my no potty mouth guarantee holds. But barely.</p> <p class="cnM5NjkxNjE5YjliYjQ2NTFhMjRhMjVhMjMwNmY2NDJj"> </p> <p class="cnM1NTc4OTVmNzZhMjQ1NTFhOTA3Mzc1MjlmYjcwMDYw">First off, let’s talk about the Dev Team, the people behind IceNine Games. Ha! No, let’s not. Let’s talk about the money pot for this one. Yeah, let’s talk about Elana Bancroft. Do I get accused of gatekeeeping? Yup. Typically unfairly. Well in her case, I’m gonna keep gates. And lock ‘em tight against the barbarian horde in high heels looking for entrée. Nope, nope, nope. Just kidding. Make the damn games you want, and I’ll snark away like the madman I am. Every time I hate on a game I do nothing but gain subs.</p> <p class="cnNiMmQyYzNmMDYzMjQ5MDBhMzA2ZTIwMmIxMWQ3MDFj"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZmIwOWE4M2U1NDRjMmJhYzI0ZDgzM2ViN2Y1ZjZm">Anyhoo, Elana Bancroft? Daughter of a self-made billionaire, world-renowned scientist daddy on the one hand, daughter of the inherited millions of mommy’s ancestors on the other. Yeah, she ain’t worried about making the rent. Two silver spoons permanently adhereed to the insider of her mouth. But, if this is gonna be her studio’s output, well, she should consider sticking to shopping for shoes with her girlfriends.</p> <p class="cnMyZTk1OWJmYjZhODQ0Zjk5Yzg0MjI3YmNhNmVkYzgz"> </p> <p class="cnM2NGJlOTQ0ODAyYTRmZmVhZTE4ZDdkYmM4ZTcxZjQ1">This is just awful. As noted above. I sincerely doubt she has the skill, talent or knowledge to make an RPG or ARPG worth playing.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGJkOTk0Mzc5NjQ0MGE4ZjczNmU1MjkzNzZhY2Iw"> </p> <p class="cnNkMWM2OGQ3ODU2OTRkNGM4NDdkZDQ4MDJkNjEzYWZl">[And so on. You get the idea.]</p> <p class="cnNmYWM1MzI1Nzc5MTQ2MTM5NzA4NDRmYzJlMzU1NTAy"> </p> <p class="cnMxYTU4NzI2ODExMDQ3OGZhMTRiNjNmOGZiNzc1Yjc0"> </p> <p class="cnM0MmIwNTAzNzgwMTRmMTg5NjE2NzlmZDU5OTUzZjQy"> </p> <p class="cnMwZWE5MjkyYjE1OTQ5NzhhM2VlOTczOWM4YzY3MzNk"> </p> <p class="cnNhNTY2YTAxMjdmMzRiZWI4NDAyNDg0Y2M4YTBhOTdk"> </p> <p class="cnNmZTBiM2RiMGM2MTRmZjg4ZjIzNWU5NzRmZWRjYzQx"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTI1MzI1YWQwODRlMDM5Y2YyMjc3MjA5MzkxNzg3"> </p> <p class="cnNhMDJlMGEyNjUxZTQwYTE4ZDc0MmM2NmZhMmMxYTU4"> </p> <p class="cnMzNGQzODM0MzUzNjRlZDNhMzViYmUzMmE2ZTNlZjAy">[Same Opening as Game Review - You Get the Point…until]</p> <p class="cnMxOWU4YjAzZDBlYjRlMDM4YzQxODg0Mzk3ZTIwYjdh"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZDI5ZjMyODZlNjRiZDk5MDc0MWQ5ZmNlN2Q5MzRk">[Screen Briefly Flickers and the Wording Changes]</p> <p class="cnNmYWE4ZDU4ZWY1ODRjODA5NDRhNWViMGYxMDE4Y2Ex"> </p> <p class="cnM1NGQ0Y2FkZTRhNzQxYzU4MTY2NTYxZWMyODc3NzMw">Important Announcement - Channel Going on Brief Hiatus</p> <p class="cnNkYWI5YzAzMzk2NDQ5NmViMjE5YTEyMTU0NGY5Njll"> </p> <p class="cnM5NmMyNzY2ZGY1MzRhZTZiOGYzNDJjNWYzYTkxNGQy">[Disembodied voice speaking over gameplay of an Arena Shooter]</p> <p class="cnMxYzVhMjRmMjFlYjQ5YWQ4Y2Q0MjBjZTJhMGU1ZTc2"> </p> <p class="cnMyNjljMTY2NTYyMDQwYzRhNzc2ZjRkZjI2YTIxMTBh">SwitchingToGlide is the name, and RPGs are my game. Just not, well, for the next three weeks. I’m afraid pressures at my work — yes, that horrible real world, even I need to heed it — are gonna knock out my production schedule for what looks like a little over the next two weeks. After which time I will be back on the clock, cranking out videos, but there will be a slight delay before anything gets posted, so I’m giving myself three weeks for this hiatus.</p> <p class="cnM0ODI5YWViMzAwYjRkYzFiOWJlNzQ0OWUxZDMwYzE2"> </p> <p class="cnNmMGIxZTdmMDNhMTQ1ZGJiZWVlNzI2NDY3MDQzNzFl">[Spawning in as what appears to be a US Marine circa 1943, except that by scale would be at least eight feet tall, except wielding an absurdly large bright yellow assault weapon that would never have passed Pentagon review, except wearing bright red rocket boots, GameTag SwitchingToGlide stomps toward the sound of battle.]</p> <p class="cnM1YzAzZDhjNzAzYjQwZjA5Y2Y4M2Y0ZGVhZWRjMGRl"> </p> <p class="cnMyZGM5ZjgwNWQyZTQ0MGY5MzRlYTdiNzMwYjA0Y2Fl">Missing my content? Go for a walk. Read a book. Re-connect with your girlfriend. Ha ha, just kidding, we know nobody watching this has one of those, given that my YouTube demographic is eighty seven percent male last I looked, forty percent between the age of 18 to 29, thirty percent from 30 to 45 and and an astonishing 25 percent over that age. Forty five percent white, thirty percent Asian, ten percent African-American, fifteen percent unclear. Sixty five percent US and Canada, which doesn’t surprise me, ten percent UK and Ireland — a hello to my friends across the pond — ten percent Brazil — which, yes, still astonishes the heck out of me, but Bom dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite to my friends there — and fifteen percent elsewhere.</p> <p class="cnNkNzQ2ZmQ2Mjc2MjQ0MjhiZGVhYmVmYTYxNzE4ZjM4"> </p> <p class="cnMzMWFjOWQ4NDYzZTQ1YThhOGM5MjE0MjcwNjdkZDYy">[GameTag SwitchingToGlide sneaks up behind what appears to be a bright pink minotaur holding a giant umbrella and opens fire. The minotaur turns and attempts to open and raise the umbrella to block the incoming hail of bullets. But fails.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWQ2YjhiNzhmNjQ1MjliYWU0NDRhNGUwMTdiYmU1"> </p> <p class="cnNlOWQzOTczODc3NzRkYmQ4ZDgxNmEwYTM2MGYwZmFh">SwitchingToGlide has killed BastianBalthazarBux</p> <p class="cnNjYWZhMmVlMDVlODRiMGU5NWNiZTU2NWNlYWRjYTgx"> </p> <p class="cnM5OTlhMTJhZTYyOTQ0OWY4YmFlZWIwY2E5NzczNDYy">Flashes in the message section. The minotaur falls dramatically to its death and vanishes after a few seconds. GameTag SwitchingToGlide reloads and moves on.]</p> <p class="cnMxMDJlOTgxYTAzZTRlNDU4OGFlZDJjMWUzM2Y4MTg1"> </p> <p class="cnNjNTE3NjM3MDAyYjRhYmY4OGIxYTY2ZDcxNWQ2ZTg4">And as you can see, the special project I’m working on is doubtless going to be taking up most of the grey matter inside my head, though a few of the details are in fact yet to be revealed. So, when I’m gaming I’ll be joining our intellectually challenged friends pew-pewing away at each other on console rather than trying to figure where or how so-and-so a character fits into Campbell’s Hero’s Journey.</p> <p class="cnNjMDE5M2I4MWU1ZTRkNGI4YTlmYjEzODFlMDEzZGY1"> </p> <p class="cnNhMjVjOTczYjY1NzQ4NjlhODUyNDlhNDA0MzJkMjNh">[GameTag SwitchingToGlide enters the ruins of a castle and crouches down behind a wall. Before him holding a staff is an absurdly proportioned female, unclothed more than clothed but with the truly vital bits covered, presumably a sorceress of some sort, spawning in sparrow after sparrow. If sparrows were purple. If sparrows had a murderous gleam in their red eyes. GameTag SwitchingToGlide pops up from behind the wall and unloads a full clip. Alas for him the bullets bounce harmlessly off a shield of some sort. The flock of birds, now numbering at least thirty, follow the direction of their mistresses’ staff and flow seamlessly toward our hero, who in short order has been rendered into bloodly mess, pecked to death.</p> <p class="cnNmNjAyODYwN2ZmNjQwZjQ4ZTRkNDIwNDAwNmJjNDZl"> </p> <p class="cnM3MTU1NmE2MTE0MDQ0MDk5NWNkNGNmMjhjMmEzNDFl">PrincessPowerGoGoGo has killed SwitchingToGlide</p> <p class="cnNiZmVhODgwNWM2ZjRhNmM5MmE3NTc0Mjk2MGJjMTgx"> </p> <p class="cnM2ZjEyMWJiMGY1YzQzOWJiZDlmZmEyYmIyNDkyZThh">Follows in the message section. After a brief flash on the screen, the character respawns in what can only be described as an American ice cream shop, circa 1956, except of a scale to accommodate the hundreds of accounts loitering therein. Earth Angel by the Penguins plays on the Wurlitzer Juke Box and over the sound system, though gameplay sound is muted in the video, alas.</p> <p class="cnM0NzY4ZmJlYTJlMTRkOTU4NmQyYjVmOTIxODRiMjdj"> </p> <p class="cnNlYTE3ZDgwOTY2MTQ1NDNhZjJiYTRhYTRhMzVhZTFk">Three Minutes to Launch</p> <p class="cnMxNGQ0Mzc2MmRmNDRhZjM5Y2IyMDMxOGVkNmM4M2Zk"> </p> <p class="cnNlNDIzZWU3NGZkOTQ0MzdhYmJjMmE0MTk3ZTFiNTg5">Shows as a message]</p> <p class="cnM4ZWExNDEyOGU4ODQxMGE4NzNiZGQ4ZjkwZWQzNGY4"> </p> <p class="cnNlNzJhZjRmYjU3YjRkN2JhZGM2MDYyODgxY2NmMjZj">And, no, there will be no “face reveal” should I ever hit that magical one hundred thousand subscriber mark. Sorry, that just isn’t how I roll. Just want to quash that rumor up-front, so nobody’s disappointed. No clue how that one got started, but it definitely wasn’t by me. Trust me, you ain’t missing much. Like the man said in the old days, I have a face made for radio.</p> <p class="cnNkZGRkOWYyOTY2ODQ1ZjQ4ZWZiYjM4NTQ3N2VlNWNk"> </p> <p class="cnNjMzU3ZDk0OTg2NjQyNGZiOTI1NzQxOTJhNWVjMzZk">On a serious note, if any of you guys want to do something worthwhile, check out The Roll Up Kingdom, as I reviewed in Episode 50. I am seriously in love with game. Nothing like MC Escher in an MMORG to get my motor running. Yes, the graphics are probably not what we all expect these days, but wow, such an innovative take on guild formation, base building, technology and a magic system. Once things in my life get a bit more settled I fully expect to spend far more time in that game than is healthy for me. I’ll be stocking up on Sour Cream and Onion potato chips and Diet 7Up and looking forward to it.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2U3NjMxNzE5ZjQ3MTE5ZjEwOGY5NmYxNjgzMjVh"> </p> <p class="cnMyOGE4OTExY2I0MzQ4Zjc4ZTUwYzQ3MmYxYzkxNzMx">On an even more serious note, be sure to Like, Subscribe and hit the Notification bell. Helps me, helps the channel, helps everybody. Didn’t like my content? Off with you to play BattleBulletHell, then, as I will doubtless be doing for the next few weeks. And should anyone care to do so, a full transcript, possibly with a bit more in the way of explanatory detail, will be up on my blog at But I’m sure you all knew that.</p> <p class="cnMxZmJiNWQ3YzZlNzQ4YmVhZmE2OThlZDI5ODBjNDdi"> </p> <p class="cnNmNDA1N2UwMDJmYTQ3MzA5MjhjYzA5YTUzZDU5MWQ0">Anyhoo, SwitchingToGlide, Out!</p> <p class="cnNjYWZmOTNmNmE3NDQwMzI4MWJiZDk0ZmUyM2Y2MGE0"> </p> <p class="cnNkM2E4OWVjMzE3NzQxM2RiNTJiZmZjZjU2YmRlNWZk">Video ends.</p> <p class="cnNkNDBhODQ3NjQzMDQ1ODA5NmNmYmQwYTc5NmY3YjJh"> </p> <p class="cnMwMDIyOGFiNjE4ZTQ2MTlhNTA3ZTUyYTFkZDZlYTdi"> </p> <p class="cnMyZmM5MGM3MDE5MjRjYjc4MzQ3YTEwN2RhNDA3YzIz">[As the final element of our little interlude, we provide for your enlightenment the one element of Aidan’s life Elana &amp; Co. Did NOT manage to unearth. Namely, his adherence to the philosophy as espoused in <em>The Rule of One: Manhood in the Twenty-First Century</em>. And his participation in a private, invitation only message board associated with said school of thought. This was one pseudonymous ID he always made sure to proxy out from, to cover his tracks and to associate with no other ID of any kind. Notably, the site no longer exists, and this message was a recovered archive.]</p> <p class="cnM2MTg2OTZmOWIwZTQ0NmRiNGM1ZGFlMDA5NDEyYTZi"> </p> <p class="cnNmN2IwYzYxMjFhMzRlZWM5MWM3YzZmZjRmZjRhOTc5">[Posting as StandBackFromItAll]</p> <p class="cnM5Yzc3OGI4NGVmZjQ0ZDQ4YmFlNzFiNzYxMDkzYTUx"> </p> <p class="cnMxODQ1M2YxNzhiYjQ4OGFhOGQxOTcyNTA2ODUzYjZh">Thread Title: Taken Out of the Garden…Hopefully for a Short While</p> <p class="cnNjNGIxZTg1NzNiYzQ0OGFiZWFjYzgwMDdmOGQ4NGYw"> </p> <p class="cnM0OWU3MWI1ZGQ5NDRjNmI5MDAxZmU4MDg1ZWQxOTZk">Brothers:</p> <p class="cnNiYWIzOTUwM2M3NzQ2ZThiMjNjNWFjNjhkNDJmNWY3"> </p> <p class="cnM5MmNhZjcwMWYxYjQ2OGFhNDUwOTEwZWY5ZTBmYjM4">My quiet peaceful life was intruded upon today, and potentially turned upside down. Yes, the offending event was largely caused by a female, but occurred strictly in a professional domain, and as a mea culpa I must admit I did act in a way likely to provoke a reaction. In any event, I am now saddled with a two week project that is going to push me out of my normal life and into a bit of a strange situation. My sense is, given the nature and quality of the industry I am pursuing this project, I am going to be largely surrounded by males, but I am at present unsure.</p> <p class="cnNjMzk2YzdmNjA3NTQyZDdhYmI5YjgzNTk0NGRiYzM1"> </p> <p class="cnNkOTVkNTA5NzgxMjRkYmE5ZDQ4ZmUxMzQzNjU1YTA1">The principal of this business is female, however. And is a rather strong-willed domineering one for all that. I apologize that I cannot be any more specific in the terms of engagement, but, eh, I am a private person and on balance simply wish to be left alone.</p> <p class="cnM3NDkxN2NkZTRlYTRkODQ4ZDM2ZGE5ZjdjMjE2ZjIy"> </p> <p class="cnM4NzNkN2U3NGMzMDQ4Zjk5MDcxZTYxMDBmNmFkODk0">One issue that arose: this woman and her employees/followers were savvy enough to track me back from another pseudonymous ID I use, in a wholly different context from this one, to my real life. I see no evidence this particular ID has been compromised, but any additional advice offered in terms of security would be greatly appreciated. The compromised ID was a public one, and within a certain sphere arguably both very public and reasonably well-known. Had they compromised this ID I have no doubt it would have been thrown in my face. Subtlety is not a trait of the principles involved.</p> <p class="cnM0NTc1MmE2ZmFlMDRkZGU4NmVjY2UyODUxNDc2NTlm"> </p> <p class="cnM2Y2YwY2FiODU2OTQyMzI4NzRjMTJjYzUwNjg1MTYy">Any help, guidance or good wishes anyone wishes to send my way would be most appreciated. Grateful thanks in advance.</p> <p class="cnMyMzdhMGIwNjUwNDQwYmU5ZGMzNzUxM2RiZmI3ZGI2"> </p> <p class="cnNhN2Y0ODI1YzY3NzQ3Y2NiZjk5ZjEzMDdiZTE4NWIy">Notable responses:</p> <p class="cnNlMWFmYjBmYzhjOTRiNzQ4MGUxNzg2NTk3Y2I3MWY2"> </p> <p class="cnMzNDZjMDIyOTlhNjRiZDI5YjlkODVkNzhjMjZkYzhh">[Posting as StreetSanctuary]</p> <p class="cnMyOTFmOWFjYTUyMjQzOTdiOTkyYjA5MDg3YTQ0MWU5"> </p> <p class="cnNkYmIyNWFiMmVhMTQ4NWFhYzcwZjE0NzRjNGViMWVm">Wouldn’t worry too much, even with the the business of the pseudonymous ID. I’m guessing Reddit or maybe YouTube, given how you described them. Those are far too easily compromised, and unlike this place nowhere near as locked down. Just keep your head down, your mouth shut and get on with it. Sounds like it is short-term.</p> <p class="cnNkZWU3OTRmZjQ3YjQzMWNhMjAwNDAyZTQwYTU5MTY1"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZTI0Mzk3MGY3OTQ3YmZhYWQyNTQyOTM5MDI4N2Ux">[Posting as GreyOverlord]</p> <p class="cnM2NjA1Y2M0MTViNzQ2M2ZiZDE3NmIxZDAzMjMzMWQx"> </p> <p class="cnM2NmZmZmY2MmJkMTQ1N2Y5N2I0ZWM2MGExNTgzMDU1">Never, ever, ever act in a way to provoke a reaction from a woman. Never! Cool indifference at all times and in all ways. Sounds like you’ve learned that lesson. Go back and read Chapter Four of <em>The Rule of One</em> now. Fitting homework.</p> <p class="cnNjMTMxNWI3NTNhOTRhZTE5YTAwM2M2YmM4YmIwMDFk">[Posting as GlacierTree]</p> <p class="cnM1ZTVlMjQzMTE1NTQ5NDBiMzU3OWVkZjkxZjI2MTM0"> </p> <p class="cnMzOTMwMGZhNzlmMjQ0MjM4NGE4OTgxMDExMmQ5ODNk">I’m not as sanguine as my brothers in the preceding. Sounds like you're heading into some dangerous waters and need to be careful. Post here often — and for God’s sake don’t forget to proxy on your way in. Women are by their very nature nosy, and once they sink their hooks into you will keep digging to a degree no man would truly imagine. Until you bore her, of course.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGVhZmUyZDg4ODQ1Nzc4MTM5MzRkMWI1N2ExZThh"> </p> <p class="cnNiOTE1OTZhODM2ODQ5ZGFhOGUxZDk3OThkNTQ0MTQ1"> </p> <p class="cnM2MmRhNjZiZDNlNTRkZTg4NDFhMGRkM2EyOWM2MWUy"> </p> <p class="cnNlMzFjODhkMTc4NDQ1NTk5MzIyNThlZTFmNzAwNGJm"> </p> <p class="cnM3NzNiOTg1ZTAyNDRiMzZiNWUyYTU2YTkzMTdkZGI0"> </p> </div>
In the interest of full disclosure, here is a partial transcript of the video that infuriated Elana Bancroft so much: [Generic instrumental music plays. A series of images flash on the screen. A male knight in improbable armor. A female warrior in even more improbable armor; subtsantially less in fact. The following words appear on the screen:] Switching to Glide Video Game Reviews and Analysis The Occasional Bad Movie Review Aimless Rambling Fully Anonymous [Screen Briefly Flickers and the Wording Changes] Episode 48: *Torrie’s Castle - Where Bob the Builder Meets the Care Bears, and we all lose* SwitchingToGlide is the name, and RPGs are my game. And boy howdy do we have a turd blossom to step in this week. *Torrie’s Castle*. Single player campaign, with rumored multi-player coming. Hopefully it is on the horizon. As in that point that constantly recedes as you approach it. The one you never reach. Unless you’re a Care Bear hugging filthy casual, I guess. Everything about this is just awful and seemingly designed to set a gamer’s teeth on edge. For those of you who saw my Twitch stream of this game, feel free to NOT repeat the colorful language I used therein in the comment section of this video. I try to keep YouTube bit more on the family friendly side, as it were. And go perhaps just a wee bit overboard on Twitch. Just a bit. [On screen a young girl approaches a clearing, in the center of which is a larger than life apple tree, containing — no surprise — larger than life apples. She touches one, and it spawns a shield, slowly turning inside out and from apple to shield. She touches another apple and this one spawns a book, using the same transformational graphic. She touches a third apple and, uh-oh, this one turns into a worm. A cartoonish looking rather fat worm, but one with two pincers at the front. The girl holds the book up over her head and a beam of light shoots from it, skewering the worm, which vanishes. A series of words appear on the screen: Torrie’s Castle: Build, Co-operate, Survive and Grow Together] I mean, with that as the trailer, my expectations were not high, but wow did this slither underneath even those. Gaah. Look. [The young girl has now built a log cabin, one with an improbably large stone fireplace and a sturdy, solid door with an iron frame, iron supports and a nice porch. The apple tree referenced in the opening scene is clearly visible through a window. Torrie — the young girl in question — is cooking some sort of stew in an iron pot over a small fire. There’s a knock at the door. An on-screen prompt asks if you wish to answer/inquire/ignore the knock. You answer. At the door is an old woman with a staff accompanied by a small dog and an absurdly large cat. “Congratulations on surviving a week in the Secret Forest. I am Martana, the guide here to help you further grow your Castle, expand your Magic and help attract companions. And fulfill your destiny as you build your castle. The Horde is coming, dearie.] Sigh. Yes, they really went there. The Secret Forest. [Here the audio is interrupted by a loud burst of laughter.] And getting to this point was every bit as banal and tedious as you’d expect. Mean ol’ worms interrupting your farming. Magical system as hard to figure out as opening the average box of cereal. Dialog as predictable as sunrise. The frustrating part being the graphics, the rendering, the transitions, the frame rate, all of that? Superb. Kudos to the programming team. But it is like drinking powdered lemonade out of a fine wine glass. [Two more scenes - with equally snarky commentary - follow. Omitted for the sake of brevity.] [Our hero Torrie appears on the parapet of a castle that would have made Sir Walter Scott proud. She is wearing a gorgeous white gown, and leaning over the balustrade. An old man with a white walrus mustache appears before her, and kneels. “My Queen, the Horde approaches. What are your orders?” A series of options appears: Do you wish to close the gates? Do you wish to order an evacuation of the village? Do you wish to flee?] I got to this point, and I was like, hot damn. FINALLY. FINALLY A POINT TO ALL THIS. A final boss, a final battle, FINALLY something of interest. And, NOPE! SPOILER ALERT! THEY MEET. And talk. And talk. And talk. And…SPOILER ALERT! Nobody dies! Nobody even fights, try how you might! The “Horde” settles down as… get this…FARMERS. Normally I don’t do spoilers, but here? For this? What? Why? What even is this? So, there you have it. Download this turd from the usual suspects, for PC and console. No mobile version yet, but presumably that’s coming as it is about the level this rubbish story deserves. Which brings me to my larger and final point. Strap yourselves in, STG-ers, ‘cuz I’m about to climb on my soap box and let it rip. As per usual on YouTube channel, there will no cursing. But man, oh, man is that gonna be difficult. Grrrr. Yeah, my no potty mouth guarantee holds. But barely. First off, let’s talk about the Dev Team, the people behind IceNine Games. Ha! No, let’s not. Let’s talk about the money pot for this one. Yeah, let’s talk about Elana Bancroft. Do I get accused of gatekeeeping? Yup. Typically unfairly. Well in her case, I’m gonna keep gates. And lock ‘em tight against the barbarian horde in high heels looking for entrée. Nope, nope, nope. Just kidding. Make the damn games you want, and I’ll snark away like the madman I am. Every time I hate on a game I do nothing but gain subs. Anyhoo, Elana Bancroft? Daughter of a self-made billionaire, world-renowned scientist daddy on the one hand, daughter of the inherited millions of mommy’s ancestors on the other. Yeah, she ain’t worried about making the rent. Two silver spoons permanently adhereed to the insider of her mouth. But, if this is gonna be her studio’s output, well, she should consider sticking to shopping for shoes with her girlfriends. This is just awful. As noted above. I sincerely doubt she has the skill, talent or knowledge to make an RPG or ARPG worth playing. [And so on. You get the idea.] [Same Opening as Game Review - You Get the Point…until] [Screen Briefly Flickers and the Wording Changes] Important Announcement - Channel Going on Brief Hiatus [Disembodied voice speaking over gameplay of an Arena Shooter] SwitchingToGlide is the name, and RPGs are my game. Just not, well, for the next three weeks. I’m afraid pressures at my work — yes, that horrible real world, even I need to heed it — are gonna knock out my production schedule for what looks like a little over the next two weeks. After which time I will be back on the clock, cranking out videos, but there will be a slight delay before anything gets posted, so I’m giving myself three weeks for this hiatus. [Spawning in as what appears to be a US Marine circa 1943, except that by scale would be at least eight feet tall, except wielding an absurdly large bright yellow assault weapon that would never have passed Pentagon review, except wearing bright red rocket boots, GameTag SwitchingToGlide stomps toward the sound of battle.] Missing my content? Go for a walk. Read a book. Re-connect with your girlfriend. Ha ha, just kidding, we know nobody watching this has one of those, given that my YouTube demographic is eighty seven percent male last I looked, forty percent between the age of 18 to 29, thirty percent from 30 to 45 and and an astonishing 25 percent over that age. Forty five percent white, thirty percent Asian, ten percent African-American, fifteen percent unclear. Sixty five percent US and Canada, which doesn’t surprise me, ten percent UK and Ireland — a hello to my friends across the pond — ten percent Brazil — which, yes, still astonishes the heck out of me, but Bom dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite to my friends there — and fifteen percent elsewhere. [GameTag SwitchingToGlide sneaks up behind what appears to be a bright pink minotaur holding a giant umbrella and opens fire. The minotaur turns and attempts to open and raise the umbrella to block the incoming hail of bullets. But fails. SwitchingToGlide has killed BastianBalthazarBux Flashes in the message section. The minotaur falls dramatically to its death and vanishes after a few seconds. GameTag SwitchingToGlide reloads and moves on.] And as you can see, the special project I’m working on is doubtless going to be taking up most of the grey matter inside my head, though a few of the details are in fact yet to be revealed. So, when I’m gaming I’ll be joining our intellectually challenged friends pew-pewing away at each other on console rather than trying to figure where or how so-and-so a character fits into Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. [GameTag SwitchingToGlide enters the ruins of a castle and crouches down behind a wall. Before him holding a staff is an absurdly proportioned female, unclothed more than clothed but with the truly vital bits covered, presumably a sorceress of some sort, spawning in sparrow after sparrow. If sparrows were purple. If sparrows had a murderous gleam in their red eyes. GameTag SwitchingToGlide pops up from behind the wall and unloads a full clip. Alas for him the bullets bounce harmlessly off a shield of some sort. The flock of birds, now numbering at least thirty, follow the direction of their mistresses’ staff and flow seamlessly toward our hero, who in short order has been rendered into bloodly mess, pecked to death. PrincessPowerGoGoGo has killed SwitchingToGlide Follows in the message section. After a brief flash on the screen, the character respawns in what can only be described as an American ice cream shop, circa 1956, except of a scale to accommodate the hundreds of accounts loitering therein. Earth Angel by the Penguins plays on the Wurlitzer Juke Box and over the sound system, though gameplay sound is muted in the video, alas. Three Minutes to Launch Shows as a message] And, no, there will be no “face reveal” should I ever hit that magical one hundred thousand subscriber mark. Sorry, that just isn’t how I roll. Just want to quash that rumor up-front, so nobody’s disappointed. No clue how that one got started, but it definitely wasn’t by me. Trust me, you ain’t missing much. Like the man said in the old days, I have a face made for radio. On a serious note, if any of you guys want to do something worthwhile, check out The Roll Up Kingdom, as I reviewed in Episode 50. I am seriously in love with game. Nothing like MC Escher in an MMORG to get my motor running. Yes, the graphics are probably not what we all expect these days, but wow, such an innovative take on guild formation, base building, technology and a magic system. Once things in my life get a bit more settled I fully expect to spend far more time in that game than is healthy for me. I’ll be stocking up on Sour Cream and Onion potato chips and Diet 7Up and looking forward to it. On an even more serious note, be sure to Like, Subscribe and hit the Notification bell. Helps me, helps the channel, helps everybody. Didn’t like my content? Off with you to play BattleBulletHell, then, as I will doubtless be doing for the next few weeks. And should anyone care to do so, a full transcript, possibly with a bit more in the way of explanatory detail, will be up on my blog at But I’m sure you all knew that. Anyhoo, SwitchingToGlide, Out! Video ends. [As the final element of our little interlude, we provide for your enlightenment the one element of Aidan’s life Elana & Co. Did NOT manage to unearth. Namely, his adherence to the philosophy as espoused in *The Rule of One: Manhood in the Twenty-First Century*. And his participation in a private, invitation only message board associated with said school of thought. This was one pseudonymous ID he always made sure to proxy out from, to cover his tracks and to associate with no other ID of any kind. Notably, the site no longer exists, and this message was a recovered archive.] [Posting as StandBackFromItAll] Thread Title: Taken Out of the Garden…Hopefully for a Short While Brothers: My quiet peaceful life was intruded upon today, and potentially turned upside down. Yes, the offending event was largely caused by a female, but occurred strictly in a professional domain, and as a mea culpa I must admit I did act in a way likely to provoke a reaction. In any event, I am now saddled with a two week project that is going to push me out of my normal life and into a bit of a strange situation. My sense is, given the nature and quality of the industry I am pursuing this project, I am going to be largely surrounded by males, but I am at present unsure. The principal of this business is female, however. And is a rather strong-willed domineering one for all that. I apologize that I cannot be any more specific in the terms of engagement, but, eh, I am a private person and on balance simply wish to be left alone. One issue that arose: this woman and her employees/followers were savvy enough to track me back from another pseudonymous ID I use, in a wholly different context from this one, to my real life. I see no evidence this particular ID has been compromised, but any additional advice offered in terms of security would be greatly appreciated. The compromised ID was a public one, and within a certain sphere arguably both very public and reasonably well-known. Had they compromised this ID I have no doubt it would have been thrown in my face. Subtlety is not a trait of the principles involved. Any help, guidance or good wishes anyone wishes to send my way would be most appreciated. Grateful thanks in advance. Notable responses: [Posting as StreetSanctuary] Wouldn’t worry too much, even with the the business of the pseudonymous ID. I’m guessing Reddit or maybe YouTube, given how you described them. Those are far too easily compromised, and unlike this place nowhere near as locked down. Just keep your head down, your mouth shut and get on with it. Sounds like it is short-term. [Posting as GreyOverlord] Never, ever, ever act in a way to provoke a reaction from a woman. Never! Cool indifference at all times and in all ways. Sounds like you’ve learned that lesson. Go back and read Chapter Four of *The Rule of One* now. Fitting homework. [Posting as GlacierTree] I’m not as sanguine as my brothers in the preceding. Sounds like you're heading into some dangerous waters and need to be careful. Post here often — and for God’s sake don’t forget to proxy on your way in. Women are by their very nature nosy, and once they sink their hooks into you will keep digging to a degree no man would truly imagine. Until you bore her, of course.
{ "title": "To move Heaven and Earth", "id": 21485, "author": "bkwrm196", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 5- Newfound Strength", "id": 305726, "next": 306185, "prev": 305482, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmYjAyMzY2ZDhhNzRhNzQ4NmY5ZTRmOTcxOGM1MTlj"><em>The difference between Mana Cores and Beast Cores is small. Beast Cores are a crystalline Structure that naturally exists in the bodies of all Mana Beasts regardless of how powerful they are. Mana Cores are something that a cultivator must form themselves using their Soul Energy and the Mana they have absorbed over time. This means that Mana Beasts are naturally more powerful than humans. However, humans can use Martial Arts which can help level the playing field against a beast which may only have one or two abilities that they can use. At least until that Beast becomes an Elemental Mana Beast which often require multiple cultivators of the same Rank to bring down.</em></p> <p class="cnNlZjAxN2M4MzkxMDQyMmRiNTQ4YjIyY2JkOGVkNjZj"><em>-Excerpt from Telram’s notes on Mana Cores</em></p> <p class="cnNmZTZkOWM1ZmY4NTRkNDc4ODY5NjUzMWU5ZWE3YTVh">Telram jerked awake, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he looked around wildly before realising where he was and calming down.</p> <p class="cnM4OTExZjY5NDBjYzRiMmM5YTc1ODBjYmU0MGMyMWI3">“Jeez, it’s been a long time since I had that dream,” he sighed.</p> <p class="cnNjOTRiMTlmZWZiZTQyMmE5MWNiNGE5OTg2YmVjNzRl">He used to have that dream almost every night for the first few months of his new life here on Nerrus, so much so that he started to become worried that all babies remembered their past life and forgot later.</p> <p class="cnNkZGIwNTkzNDZmMDQ5NGY5MGJlZGJjNzc0Mzk5MmU0">Thankfully he now knew that this theory was wrong, and it did help him to seem more like a normal baby so, though he still felt sorry for his parents, who had to put up with many sleepless nights as they tried to get Telram to sleep he knew it would it help him in the long run.</p> <p class="cnM0MzM3YTlhMTkzOTQ4NGZhNTc3ZTJiOGI2YmQ2YjJm">Telram’s face hardened as he remembered the reason, he had dreamed about the day he had died. The slab of stone he had seen at The Halls of Heavenly Knowledge was almost identical to the artefact that he had been studying right before he had been killed, the language that it was written in and the map were both different but everything else was exactly as he remembered it.</p> <p class="cnM5NzgyMWRmMzkxMzRhZTBhYTY1ZTJlNjhlMmM1NjQ5">“Daughter of the Silent Moon, huh?” he sighed, they hadn’t been able to translate the text in his past life, which he now knew was because it was written in the same language used on Nerrus, but strangely enough the one that was in The Halls of Heavenly Knowledge was written in English.</p> <p class="cnM0YTkxYjQ2MGE3YzRhNDBiOGFjNWE3OTFlNmRkYjIx">He didn’t know who or what the Daughter of the Silent Moon was, or why there were two similar tablets depicting whatever it was in both of the worlds he had lived in but he what he did know was that he couldn’t let someone who cared as little for human life as Lord Irian have it.</p> <p class="cnMyZWRmNjhlODFkMjQ5OGJiMTA4N2ZhNWE1NjRhN2Fm">He made a mental note to ask Gerry what he knew about the stone slab as he got up and stretched marvelling at how much lighter his body felt, he must have been closer to the limits of how much Mana his body could handle than he thought.</p> <p class="cnNlYWEwMWQ5YjhmMDQ3ZTViMjRkNzc3YjZjMzYxNmQ0">Heading out of his room and towards the kitchen he discovered that Gerry had left some food out for his breakfast but was himself nowhere to be seen. Hearing crashing sounds coming from outside Telram sighed, Gerry was already training, so he sat down and ae his breakfast before heading outside where, sure enough Gerry was sparring with some puppets again, the ones he had used yesterday were still repairing themselves, so these were different ones each armed with a weapon and using various different styles that left Telram watching in awe at the sheer variety of styles and weapons that each of the ten puppets that Gerry was fighting against had.</p> <p class="cnNiYTFjYzM2YmQzODRkNTg5OGE0YjEyNDA4MzdjMWZh">Not that he could see that much, the speed that the combatants were moving at was far faster than Telram could follow with his eyes. Bodies blurring from one position to the next, and the flashes of metal were hypnotising to watch. Gerry was of course, much faster than his wooden opponents the long thin steel-coloured blur in his hands flashing as he struck out at another of the puppets sending a wooden arm spinning away from the cluster of bodies</p> <p class="cnM3NmI0MzM5NmNlYjQ0ZTliZjJmNjA4NjQ1NWUxYmM3">Telram shook his head and decided that if he was going to watch, he would have to try something new so that he could see what was happening properly. In his cultivation manual there was a derivative of the Spiritual Sight technique that Gerry could use that allowed a cultivator to enhance their vision so that they could see things moving at faster speeds than they could normally. Eventually as they got stronger their senses would be enhanced by the Mana that they used allowing them to keep up with faster movements normally. This skill had been created to help deal with Mana Beasts as there were many that could move much faster than a cultivator of a similar strength.</p> <p class="cnMwZmY2Y2IzYTBkNDRlNGJhZTcyYmM2MTNjMTI4Yzc5">A small wisp of Mana exited his Core and floated up towards his eyes, Telram marvelled at the change in how simple it was to control, a small amount of his Soul Energy was infused with the Mana, something that Telram guessed was because of the sheer amount that had been infused into the first layer of his Mana Core. All the Mana he absorbed from now on would have to pass through the outer shell of his Mana Core and should be infused with the properties of his Soul Energy which would make it even more powerful when used in certain ways.</p> <p class="cnNjMDA3ZWI2ZmQ2OTQ1MWZiM2Y5MWEzNGYxYTE2YWEz">Telram manipulated the mysterious energy in the pattern described by the book before connecting it to his eyes, blinking at the strange sensation he looked towards where Gerry was fighting with his wooden opponents just as the slender sword the older man was holding sliced through the neck of a puppet before moving in a short arc to deflect a spear thrust as Gerry moved from offense to defence.</p> <p class="cnMxZjc1ZDdlOTQyOTQ3ZmViMjIwMjNmMjlhZjViMGYz">They were still moving very fast even to Telram’s temporarily enhanced vision, but he could follow their movements now. Gerry was using a style of sword fighting that had no wasted movement, every move he made deflecting an attack or striking out unerringly at a wooden joint.</p> <p class="cnMzMzgyMWYzMWIyYjRiNjE5MjEyMDFiYjBmZjIzNTNk">Gerry was fighting a defensive battle due to being outnumbered, and his opponents weren’t flesh and blood like he was. They would neither tire or feel pain like he would, so each of his attacks had to be timed perfectly so that he could deal significant enough damage that it would slow them down showing Gerry’s incredible level of skill and concentration as he flowed around the attacks coming from all sides his sword flickering out at every opportunity.</p> <p class="cnM1YTM2ZTNkZTI4MzRiZDViODI2ZGU3OTQ5NTNkYTFj">One of the puppets stumbled back as the blade of Gerry’s sword sliced clean through its left elbow, as it regained its balance it started winding up for a more powerful attack wisps of Mana converging around the sword it still held in its right hand before suddenly igniting.</p> <p class="cnM3OTZlODk3MTUwODQ3N2JiODgxYjA4OTE1NjAzYzZj">Gerry smirked as he dodged a slash from a different puppet’s sword, he had programmed every technique these puppets could use himself which meant that he knew them all off by heart. The technique that this puppet was preparing to use had a windup of a few seconds which meant he could dodge it easily, but he also knew that it was powerful enough that if he did dodge it Telram could get hurt.</p> <p class="cnNiM2UwY2I0ZDlhNzQ1MTQ4ZDkzOGNiNzhlMDk1OTgz">Infusing the blade of his with Soul Energy Gerry swung his sword which sent a wave of energy flying towards the puppet that was preparing to unleash the powerful flame attack. The wave of energy struck the puppet with great force sending it flying across the courtyard before slamming into the wall with a crunching sound. Telram blinked as he saw that the energy wave had not only sent the puppet flying but had sliced it completely in two!</p> <p class="cnNhNmE5NDM0YjdhMzQyYmRiOTQ1NGE3OWExM2Q4OGI5">What was even more interesting was that the attack hadn’t seemed to use Mana, and Telram decided to add it to the rapidly growing list of things to ask Gerry when he finished dismantling the rest of the puppets.</p> <p class="cnMzMTE4NjhkNzUwMjRiYmQ4NGVlODAwMDQ4ZjQxMDYy">Gerry decided that now he had fewer opponents and an audience he would stop holding back and go on the offensive. Channelling his Mana his sword was wrapped in howling wind as it flickered out rapidly each blow doing far more damage than it had previously the rapidly swirling wind shredding the wood upon contact and soon, he had finished his training session and walked over towards Telram who quickly offered him a towel that he had found next to him.</p> <p class="cnM2YmNiYzQzMjQzZDQ4MjI4MGVmZDEwMmZmNWZiYzhm">Gerry thanked Telram as he took the towel and wiped the sweat from his face, nodding as he noticed that the boy had used Mana to enhance his vision, he had noticed that Telram’s eyes had been following him while he was fighting but was pleased to see that he had used the correct technique.</p> <p class="cnMyYWU0NjE4MDUxMTQ2MjlhMTM5MzUxMDBmNmNiMTMw">“I have something to show you,” said Gerry who turned and walked towards the door to a small room just off the courtyard gesturing for Telram to follow. Telram followed Gerry into the room, where he discovered a large the same puppets that Gerry had been fighting against before.</p> <p class="cnM4YTkyYTM5ZWYzMzRhMWRhMzlhMmE0OTAxYmJlMGVl">“Is this your workshop?” Telram asked, he knew that aside from his previous position as the head scholar of the city he had also supplied these puppets to Irian’s guards and anyone who could afford to buy them.</p> <p class="cnM0OTI0OWUxNmQwNzQ5YWI4M2ZkZmIxYjI2MzI5Y2Zh">“Yes, but that’s not actually what I brought you here to show you,” Gerry answered walking over to a puppet that was sitting on his workbench.</p> <p class="cnM4YTdlZDk4MTYxYTQ1YWNhYzUxNzFhZmEyMTUzNjIx">Gerry picked up a small crystal that was sitting in a bowl next to it, this was the Beast Core that he had been inscribing last night while Telram was forming the first layer of his Mana Core and silently inserted it into the socket at the base of the puppet’s skull.</p> <p class="cnNjMTYwMDMyZWIxNTQwOGI5M2U5MDUzZjRjYmQ3Y2Uz">Telram watched with a confused expression as the puppet suddenly sat up and turned its featureless ‘face’ towards him.</p> <p class="cnM3ODIxZjBlNTA0ZTQ4MGE5NDBhZThhNGRiNDE3OTRj">“Why are you showing me one of your puppets?” he asked.</p> <p class="cnNkMTU5NTI5NjFjMDQ1YzY4N2EzMzUyMjRkMmQ5MzZl">Gerry grinned as he made the puppet go through several motions, checking that it could move properly, “Oh, this one isn’t mine Telram,” he said. “It’s yours.”</p> <p class="cnM4YmY2YjUxZGNjZTQyZWRhMjkzYjZhODIyZDZmZjE0">“Mine!?” Telram shouted, he knew that there was no way that his family could afford to buy the puppet, his father made enough money from his hunting for them to live fairly comfortably by the standards of this world but since his mother had lost her job he had noticed that they had been trying to save money any way possible. Even the clothes he was wearing now were simply some old ones his father used to wear that had been adjusted slightly for him. His massive growth spurt over the last few months had meant that the clothes he used to wear no longer even came close to fitting him.</p> <p class="cnNlZmRlYjExMGMyNDQxMzM5MGMxMDM4MmNmODI2MGM2">Seeing the worried expression on the boy’s face Gerry hurried to reassure him, “Don’t worry, it’s a gift, I was paid quite well while I worked for Irian, I don’t need more money.”</p> <p class="cnMzOGU5NTgwMDZjMDQ0MjhhZTgwNDRlZWRjZDQyMzNl">“But these must be expensive,” Telram said worriedly.</p> <p class="cnNhYzA3MWY4NmU5ZTQwN2ViZjM1ODAyMGM0YWM5ZjAz">“Don’t worry about it. Your father supplies me with the Beast Cores I use for making these anyway and your mother used to be my disciple so as far as I’m concerned we’re family.”</p> <p class="cnM0MjQ0MmIzNGI0ODRhMGQ5MWUyZjBlNGUzMjY0YTJh">Telram looked at Gerry with a grateful expression on his face, “I feel the same way Gerry,” he said causing Gerry to look away in embarrassment. “Thank you for the gift.”</p> <p class="cnM2NTkxOWNjY2JmYzQwMzI4ODAyZjYzOGMzYzJhMGU5">Gerry coughed slightly, feeling his chest go warm. He didn’t have any real family of his own so the fact that Telram saw him as such despite Gerry’s involvement in what happened to Lily made the older man very happy.</p> <p class="cnMxMGFkZDFlYWE1YjQ4Zjc4MDI1NDRlMTVmOWM1YTBm">“Well, why don’t we take the puppet outside and you can show me how well you’ve progressed in training your Martial Arts,” Gerry suggested.</p> <p class="cnNmMWRhMmJlNDNmZTRhYjliZmNlNjNkNDYxZjk4Nzhj">Telram smirked slightly at Gerry who still couldn’t look him in the eye, “Sounds good ‘Uncle Gerry,’” he said causing the man to explode into a fit of coughing as Telram walked out of the workshop laughing.</p> <p class="cnNkMjQzZmU3NmE0MzQ0NDU5NzRlNDVkNzFhY2YyMDQ0">Once Gerry had recovered he followed Telram outside making the puppet follow him.</p> <p class="cnMxNzRjZGY5YmI0MjRkZTVhMjk3MmVmOTA3MDBlNDA4">“Alright then, this puppet will use the same Solid Fist Martial Art that you know and it’s power is currently limited to your level,” he explained. Telram nodded and took one of the stances from the Solid Fist Martial Art as he turned to face the puppet which brought its own fists up ready for him.</p> <p class="cnNiNTFjNDQ1OWNmZTQ1OGY4ODNhMjU3YTY2OGJhOGE1">“Whenever you’re ready Gerry,” he said, eying the puppet looking for any weaknesses in the stance.</p> <p class="cnMxOWE4MDVkYmMzMzRiNzQ5MzM4ZjdlZWYzN2U5Zjc1">Gerry nodded and sent a wisp of Mana out towards the puppet causing it to explode into motion.</p> <p class="cnM4NWY4NDVmODAwZDQ0YWM5MWM2OTI2MDczNDgyNjlm">Telram swiftly dodged the blow, he had been using Graceful Mist Steps every morning when he was out running, and it was by far the Martial Skill he was most proficient in. He threw a punch at the puppets head, suddenly very thankful that part of the training for Solid Fist involved strengthening the skin and bones of the hand as his fist struck the puppets wooden head with a thud.</p> <p class="cnNjNTM3OTU3MDY5NjQ0NmZhZTlmN2RmNDA5MWM5ZWU2">As expected this didn’t do much to slow the puppet down and it quickly turned back to face the boy striking out with its fists.</p> <p class="cnNkNjE1ZWI3ZDNlYzQxMDk5M2YzNjc0MjdiMDJlMmZk">As he watched Telram dancing around the puppet Gerry noted that he wasn’t doing much damage. Telram’s understanding of the Solid Fist Martial Art wasn’t bad, it just didn’t have as much stopping power as higher ranked skills, though he was impressed with the boy’s use of Graceful Mist Step.</p> <p class="cnNlYjNhYTNiOGQyYzRkMzI4Y2VkMzhkMTFkMWZlYWM3">Realising he wasn’t making much headway with his lower ranked Martial Art Telram switched to his other one his clenched fist uncurling and knocking aside a punch as he changed stance. He wasn’t as good with the more passive Flowing Palm Martial Art as with Solid Fist, but he had to admit that it would probably work better against this opponent.</p> <p class="cnM2YjNmYjc4YTMxNzRmODM4MDM4NmEyOTk4Njc4NmNi">His palm slammed into the puppets torso as he dodged yet another punch, the attack used the puppets own power against it sending it stumbling backwards as Telram quickly followed up his other hand coming around and slamming into the side of the puppet’s head sending it crashing to the ground.</p> <p class="cnMyOGNmN2I4MmFiMTQzMDg5OGZkYjFiZDM5MThjODJi">Panting he watched as the puppet struggled to its feet, as expected the attack still hadn’t done much damage to the sturdy wood the puppet was made of but at least now he knew that he could damage it.</p> <p class="cnNiNDhlM2IyYTg4YTQ5YTI4ZDI0ZTE3MDgyNjViNjY2">The Flowing Palms more flexible stance allowed him to dodge the puppet’s attacks far easier than the rigid style of Solid Fist, and he quickly gained the upper hand grabbing one of the puppets arms as it tried to hit him and slamming his palm into the back of its elbow.</p> <p class="cnNjYjhjYjEwMDgyNjQwYzFiNTIyZTM4YWNhYzU5YTc3">The puppets elbow splintered under the attack causing Telram to grin, watching Gerry fight the puppets earlier had made him realise that much like a human the puppet’s joints were much weaker than the rest of it and he quickly struck once more using the full force that he could muster, which was about fifty percent more than he would have been able to yesterday as Mana flowed into his limbs with a mere thought enhancing the attack.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmM1MzZhNGFmYjQxZDJiODg1OGY1OTRlYWJkNmZk">With a cracking sound the puppets elbow gave way completely leaving Telram holding what remained. The puppet looked down at its damaged limb, the limited intelligence that Gerry had programmed into it unable to understand what had just happened.</p> <p class="cnM2NGMyMjJkMmRiZjQzMTFhNzFjNGEzNDViZWIxOTMz">Telram took advantage of the puppet’s confusion using the severed limb as a makeshift bludgeon as he slammed it into the back of the puppets head. Gerry cringed slightly as the puppet slumped to the ground that last attack had damaged the inscriptions that surrounded the socket held the Beast Core, meaning that the Core wouldn’t be able to supply the Mana to repair the damage the puppet had sustained until he repaired the damaged inscription.</p> <p class="cnM3MTQwNzdhODRmYTRlOTVhNjYwMWZkMTJlYWE4ZjNj">Still he had to admit that Telram had done well, the Mystic Ironbark the puppet was made of was very strong, he had expected that he would to have to stop the puppet before Telram was injured but then he hadn’t been expecting Telram to use the puppets own arm to defeat it.</p> <p class="cnM1MTE0NjNjMjcxMzQ4NWU5MDFjOWI0Mzc3YWIyMDc2">Telram stared down at his vanquished opponent, before dropping it’s arm next to it. The technique that he had used to increase the strength of the blow that had ripped the puppets arm off was called Formless Wave Palm and was one of the more powerful Martial Skills which the Flowing Palm Martial Art contained, at higher levels he could enhance the blow enough that the force would travel through the air a short distance. The fight had taught him a lot of things and he decided to focus a little more on his Martial Art skills in the future.</p> <p class="cnM4MWNiYTdhMTk2YjQ1MzdhYTc5ZWMwZTkwODBlYzA1">“Right,” Gerry said drawing Telram’s attention. “Well done defeating the puppet on your first go, I honestly didn’t expect you to. Your mastery of your Martial Arts is decent considering how long you’ve been practicing them, and I’m really impressed with your mastery of the Graceful Mist Step.”</p> <p class="cnM5N2YxMDEzYjBiMzQzMzY4NWQ2ZjE2YzllM2RjMWMw">In fact, Gerry had decided to increase the puppets speed a little when he fixed the inscriptions, though Graceful Mist Step was primarily an evasive movement technique it did allow the user to maintain a constant speed due to it’s flowing style of movement. This combined with Telram’s Flowing Palm had allowed him to avoid almost all the puppet’s attacks.</p> <p class="cnNlOGQyNjhlZTM4MjQ4MDk5YjAyOGU4Y2I5OTg0Mjc4">“However, I think that we can do better, I’m going to give you a new Martial Art that should suit you better than your current ones. Follow me,” Gerry said turning and walking into the house.</p> </div>
*The difference between Mana Cores and Beast Cores is small. Beast Cores are a crystalline Structure that naturally exists in the bodies of all Mana Beasts regardless of how powerful they are. Mana Cores are something that a cultivator must form themselves using their Soul Energy and the Mana they have absorbed over time. This means that Mana Beasts are naturally more powerful than humans. However, humans can use Martial Arts which can help level the playing field against a beast which may only have one or two abilities that they can use. At least until that Beast becomes an Elemental Mana Beast which often require multiple cultivators of the same Rank to bring down.* *-Excerpt from Telram’s notes on Mana Cores* Telram jerked awake, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he looked around wildly before realising where he was and calming down. “Jeez, it’s been a long time since I had that dream,” he sighed. He used to have that dream almost every night for the first few months of his new life here on Nerrus, so much so that he started to become worried that all babies remembered their past life and forgot later. Thankfully he now knew that this theory was wrong, and it did help him to seem more like a normal baby so, though he still felt sorry for his parents, who had to put up with many sleepless nights as they tried to get Telram to sleep he knew it would it help him in the long run. Telram’s face hardened as he remembered the reason, he had dreamed about the day he had died. The slab of stone he had seen at The Halls of Heavenly Knowledge was almost identical to the artefact that he had been studying right before he had been killed, the language that it was written in and the map were both different but everything else was exactly as he remembered it. “Daughter of the Silent Moon, huh?” he sighed, they hadn’t been able to translate the text in his past life, which he now knew was because it was written in the same language used on Nerrus, but strangely enough the one that was in The Halls of Heavenly Knowledge was written in English. He didn’t know who or what the Daughter of the Silent Moon was, or why there were two similar tablets depicting whatever it was in both of the worlds he had lived in but he what he did know was that he couldn’t let someone who cared as little for human life as Lord Irian have it. He made a mental note to ask Gerry what he knew about the stone slab as he got up and stretched marvelling at how much lighter his body felt, he must have been closer to the limits of how much Mana his body could handle than he thought. Heading out of his room and towards the kitchen he discovered that Gerry had left some food out for his breakfast but was himself nowhere to be seen. Hearing crashing sounds coming from outside Telram sighed, Gerry was already training, so he sat down and ae his breakfast before heading outside where, sure enough Gerry was sparring with some puppets again, the ones he had used yesterday were still repairing themselves, so these were different ones each armed with a weapon and using various different styles that left Telram watching in awe at the sheer variety of styles and weapons that each of the ten puppets that Gerry was fighting against had. Not that he could see that much, the speed that the combatants were moving at was far faster than Telram could follow with his eyes. Bodies blurring from one position to the next, and the flashes of metal were hypnotising to watch. Gerry was of course, much faster than his wooden opponents the long thin steel-coloured blur in his hands flashing as he struck out at another of the puppets sending a wooden arm spinning away from the cluster of bodies Telram shook his head and decided that if he was going to watch, he would have to try something new so that he could see what was happening properly. In his cultivation manual there was a derivative of the Spiritual Sight technique that Gerry could use that allowed a cultivator to enhance their vision so that they could see things moving at faster speeds than they could normally. Eventually as they got stronger their senses would be enhanced by the Mana that they used allowing them to keep up with faster movements normally. This skill had been created to help deal with Mana Beasts as there were many that could move much faster than a cultivator of a similar strength. A small wisp of Mana exited his Core and floated up towards his eyes, Telram marvelled at the change in how simple it was to control, a small amount of his Soul Energy was infused with the Mana, something that Telram guessed was because of the sheer amount that had been infused into the first layer of his Mana Core. All the Mana he absorbed from now on would have to pass through the outer shell of his Mana Core and should be infused with the properties of his Soul Energy which would make it even more powerful when used in certain ways. Telram manipulated the mysterious energy in the pattern described by the book before connecting it to his eyes, blinking at the strange sensation he looked towards where Gerry was fighting with his wooden opponents just as the slender sword the older man was holding sliced through the neck of a puppet before moving in a short arc to deflect a spear thrust as Gerry moved from offense to defence. They were still moving very fast even to Telram’s temporarily enhanced vision, but he could follow their movements now. Gerry was using a style of sword fighting that had no wasted movement, every move he made deflecting an attack or striking out unerringly at a wooden joint. Gerry was fighting a defensive battle due to being outnumbered, and his opponents weren’t flesh and blood like he was. They would neither tire or feel pain like he would, so each of his attacks had to be timed perfectly so that he could deal significant enough damage that it would slow them down showing Gerry’s incredible level of skill and concentration as he flowed around the attacks coming from all sides his sword flickering out at every opportunity. One of the puppets stumbled back as the blade of Gerry’s sword sliced clean through its left elbow, as it regained its balance it started winding up for a more powerful attack wisps of Mana converging around the sword it still held in its right hand before suddenly igniting. Gerry smirked as he dodged a slash from a different puppet’s sword, he had programmed every technique these puppets could use himself which meant that he knew them all off by heart. The technique that this puppet was preparing to use had a windup of a few seconds which meant he could dodge it easily, but he also knew that it was powerful enough that if he did dodge it Telram could get hurt. Infusing the blade of his with Soul Energy Gerry swung his sword which sent a wave of energy flying towards the puppet that was preparing to unleash the powerful flame attack. The wave of energy struck the puppet with great force sending it flying across the courtyard before slamming into the wall with a crunching sound. Telram blinked as he saw that the energy wave had not only sent the puppet flying but had sliced it completely in two! What was even more interesting was that the attack hadn’t seemed to use Mana, and Telram decided to add it to the rapidly growing list of things to ask Gerry when he finished dismantling the rest of the puppets. Gerry decided that now he had fewer opponents and an audience he would stop holding back and go on the offensive. Channelling his Mana his sword was wrapped in howling wind as it flickered out rapidly each blow doing far more damage than it had previously the rapidly swirling wind shredding the wood upon contact and soon, he had finished his training session and walked over towards Telram who quickly offered him a towel that he had found next to him. Gerry thanked Telram as he took the towel and wiped the sweat from his face, nodding as he noticed that the boy had used Mana to enhance his vision, he had noticed that Telram’s eyes had been following him while he was fighting but was pleased to see that he had used the correct technique. “I have something to show you,” said Gerry who turned and walked towards the door to a small room just off the courtyard gesturing for Telram to follow. Telram followed Gerry into the room, where he discovered a large the same puppets that Gerry had been fighting against before. “Is this your workshop?” Telram asked, he knew that aside from his previous position as the head scholar of the city he had also supplied these puppets to Irian’s guards and anyone who could afford to buy them. “Yes, but that’s not actually what I brought you here to show you,” Gerry answered walking over to a puppet that was sitting on his workbench. Gerry picked up a small crystal that was sitting in a bowl next to it, this was the Beast Core that he had been inscribing last night while Telram was forming the first layer of his Mana Core and silently inserted it into the socket at the base of the puppet’s skull. Telram watched with a confused expression as the puppet suddenly sat up and turned its featureless ‘face’ towards him. “Why are you showing me one of your puppets?” he asked. Gerry grinned as he made the puppet go through several motions, checking that it could move properly, “Oh, this one isn’t mine Telram,” he said. “It’s yours.” “Mine!?” Telram shouted, he knew that there was no way that his family could afford to buy the puppet, his father made enough money from his hunting for them to live fairly comfortably by the standards of this world but since his mother had lost her job he had noticed that they had been trying to save money any way possible. Even the clothes he was wearing now were simply some old ones his father used to wear that had been adjusted slightly for him. His massive growth spurt over the last few months had meant that the clothes he used to wear no longer even came close to fitting him. Seeing the worried expression on the boy’s face Gerry hurried to reassure him, “Don’t worry, it’s a gift, I was paid quite well while I worked for Irian, I don’t need more money.” “But these must be expensive,” Telram said worriedly. “Don’t worry about it. Your father supplies me with the Beast Cores I use for making these anyway and your mother used to be my disciple so as far as I’m concerned we’re family.” Telram looked at Gerry with a grateful expression on his face, “I feel the same way Gerry,” he said causing Gerry to look away in embarrassment. “Thank you for the gift.” Gerry coughed slightly, feeling his chest go warm. He didn’t have any real family of his own so the fact that Telram saw him as such despite Gerry’s involvement in what happened to Lily made the older man very happy. “Well, why don’t we take the puppet outside and you can show me how well you’ve progressed in training your Martial Arts,” Gerry suggested. Telram smirked slightly at Gerry who still couldn’t look him in the eye, “Sounds good ‘Uncle Gerry,’” he said causing the man to explode into a fit of coughing as Telram walked out of the workshop laughing. Once Gerry had recovered he followed Telram outside making the puppet follow him. “Alright then, this puppet will use the same Solid Fist Martial Art that you know and it’s power is currently limited to your level,” he explained. Telram nodded and took one of the stances from the Solid Fist Martial Art as he turned to face the puppet which brought its own fists up ready for him. “Whenever you’re ready Gerry,” he said, eying the puppet looking for any weaknesses in the stance. Gerry nodded and sent a wisp of Mana out towards the puppet causing it to explode into motion. Telram swiftly dodged the blow, he had been using Graceful Mist Steps every morning when he was out running, and it was by far the Martial Skill he was most proficient in. He threw a punch at the puppets head, suddenly very thankful that part of the training for Solid Fist involved strengthening the skin and bones of the hand as his fist struck the puppets wooden head with a thud. As expected this didn’t do much to slow the puppet down and it quickly turned back to face the boy striking out with its fists. As he watched Telram dancing around the puppet Gerry noted that he wasn’t doing much damage. Telram’s understanding of the Solid Fist Martial Art wasn’t bad, it just didn’t have as much stopping power as higher ranked skills, though he was impressed with the boy’s use of Graceful Mist Step. Realising he wasn’t making much headway with his lower ranked Martial Art Telram switched to his other one his clenched fist uncurling and knocking aside a punch as he changed stance. He wasn’t as good with the more passive Flowing Palm Martial Art as with Solid Fist, but he had to admit that it would probably work better against this opponent. His palm slammed into the puppets torso as he dodged yet another punch, the attack used the puppets own power against it sending it stumbling backwards as Telram quickly followed up his other hand coming around and slamming into the side of the puppet’s head sending it crashing to the ground. Panting he watched as the puppet struggled to its feet, as expected the attack still hadn’t done much damage to the sturdy wood the puppet was made of but at least now he knew that he could damage it. The Flowing Palms more flexible stance allowed him to dodge the puppet’s attacks far easier than the rigid style of Solid Fist, and he quickly gained the upper hand grabbing one of the puppets arms as it tried to hit him and slamming his palm into the back of its elbow. The puppets elbow splintered under the attack causing Telram to grin, watching Gerry fight the puppets earlier had made him realise that much like a human the puppet’s joints were much weaker than the rest of it and he quickly struck once more using the full force that he could muster, which was about fifty percent more than he would have been able to yesterday as Mana flowed into his limbs with a mere thought enhancing the attack. With a cracking sound the puppets elbow gave way completely leaving Telram holding what remained. The puppet looked down at its damaged limb, the limited intelligence that Gerry had programmed into it unable to understand what had just happened. Telram took advantage of the puppet’s confusion using the severed limb as a makeshift bludgeon as he slammed it into the back of the puppets head. Gerry cringed slightly as the puppet slumped to the ground that last attack had damaged the inscriptions that surrounded the socket held the Beast Core, meaning that the Core wouldn’t be able to supply the Mana to repair the damage the puppet had sustained until he repaired the damaged inscription. Still he had to admit that Telram had done well, the Mystic Ironbark the puppet was made of was very strong, he had expected that he would to have to stop the puppet before Telram was injured but then he hadn’t been expecting Telram to use the puppets own arm to defeat it. Telram stared down at his vanquished opponent, before dropping it’s arm next to it. The technique that he had used to increase the strength of the blow that had ripped the puppets arm off was called Formless Wave Palm and was one of the more powerful Martial Skills which the Flowing Palm Martial Art contained, at higher levels he could enhance the blow enough that the force would travel through the air a short distance. The fight had taught him a lot of things and he decided to focus a little more on his Martial Art skills in the future. “Right,” Gerry said drawing Telram’s attention. “Well done defeating the puppet on your first go, I honestly didn’t expect you to. Your mastery of your Martial Arts is decent considering how long you’ve been practicing them, and I’m really impressed with your mastery of the Graceful Mist Step.” In fact, Gerry had decided to increase the puppets speed a little when he fixed the inscriptions, though Graceful Mist Step was primarily an evasive movement technique it did allow the user to maintain a constant speed due to it’s flowing style of movement. This combined with Telram’s Flowing Palm had allowed him to avoid almost all the puppet’s attacks. “However, I think that we can do better, I’m going to give you a new Martial Art that should suit you better than your current ones. Follow me,” Gerry said turning and walking into the house.
{ "title": "Extant Expanse", "id": 16982, "author": "NiteTribe", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "013 Shaky Start 01 Carly", "id": 305729, "next": 311516, "prev": 299853, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1N2U1ZGRlNmJhNjQ2YTJiZGM4ZWRkYWIzNmQxZTUw">'<em>...I am calm, I am calm, I am calm.</em></p> <p class="cnM3OTdlNzY5Yjc5ZDQyMzc5ODAwZGI2NThlMmEwY2Y2" align="LEFT"><em>I am a smooth river rock in a gentle, flowing brook, smooth, passive, the water cooling me while the sun warms me. I am the rock, and the rock is passive. I am calm, I am calm, I am calm.</em>'</p> <p class="cnM5MTdhYjhmMDNjNzQyMDE4NGZmMDJmNWFkZjYwOTdm" align="LEFT">After several repetitions of the mantra, Carly went through her process, entering a meditative state. That anger will never aid this opportunity. She needed calm, calculation, focus, for her to fight her way through this loop challenge and obtain the prize, her prize. It was inevitable, and she was forged by their neglect into this thing, this monster of hate wrapped in a fake visage of her former self. She hated the hate, it narrowed her perspective, limited her awareness with the blood boiling fiery sludge of rage.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDc3MjJmMmM3MzRkNmU5M2NhNTAwMjBhNDhiOWNh" align="LEFT">Bit by bit she focused, breathing, heart rate, pushing the mental garbage out and releasing it to the world, letting it evaporate into nothing. She meditated while that speech continued, allowing it to flow past her tuning out the sound as best she could with a strength of mind and focused restraint. Words still bled through, at a much-muted level which in also helped reduced her anger.</p> <p class="cnNmYjg4NGNkZDA4YzQxOTA5YmZlNDY0ODcwM2U5ODEw" align="LEFT">"...and so we find ourselves at a precipice, ladies and gentlemen. On the brink, the fork in the road, of total collapse, or, a grand new journey. You who stand before me have already chosen to journey forth, and I thank you for your bravery and strength of character.</p> <p class="cnMxNWVhMWMzYWE0YjQ5NzE5NTYzOGMzNDE2ZGVkZjBj" align="LEFT">You are already on the path and striding forward, the exceptional efforts the MDP trainees have put in to become such skilled martial practitioners. The beta team, bravely jumping into a new world with nothing but the clothes on their back, a week's rations and a gathering tool. Creating towns, learning skills and magic and exploring thousands of kilometers into the unknown.</p> <p class="cnM0MDRkMDVjODQ4ZDRlZmNhMjI2YWY2ZDI5NzcyNGRh" align="LEFT">Now both groups meet from separate paths to share this new experience. Colleagues, family, I cherish you all in many ways. Today I see you in front of me as contestants, competitors, those few who strive for grand accomplishment, and the rewards that come at the finish line and victory." Richard Isaccs Shrodastower, CEO of PURG rambled, leaving a long pause for effect, looking across the seats in front of him.</p> <p class="cnNlM2JiNmJjM2RkNTQ3ZmY5ODg2MTk1OTgyMDBlNTAx" align="LEFT">"Good Luck."</p> <p class="cnM0NTA5MWFiZWJhMjQ3ZWE5ZTcyOTIwYWFjYzFjNzk5" align="LEFT">Immediately, upon those final words, people started to disappear from their seats. Those near the first ones to vanish from the teleport reacted with surprise. Carly snapped her eyes awake instantly, saw someone six rows down vanish and immediately grabbed her backpack, shrugging into it ready for her port. Just because the egg-shaped luminescent portals were the standard method of portal transfers, it did not mean they were necessary to perform that particular function. No, they were merely a protocol applied to create a physical process, especially useful in highly trafficked portal destinations.</p> <p class="cnMwMDM4ZTVmZWM1NzRjYWRhNmQwMDdiY2IyYTE2ZDgx" align="LEFT">Carly's immediate reaction was a minor consideration, presently. She felt the familiar lurching sensation, the loss of sound and whiting out of light and the popping back into reality. The port transferred her from the Secondary Stadium and deposited her in a five-meter cube room a seconds later. The room comprised of a dark deep cavern gray floor, slightly lighter larva stone gray walls. The luminous steel gray colouring emitted from the ceiling, making the area exceedingly bland. Carly took a few steps around the small room, noticing her body felt not quite right. Carly performed some basic dynamic movements and felt marginally slower, yet stronger. '<em>What is going on here?</em>' Around her, one of the walls had a red opaque screen which was solid light and blocked the doorway into the loop proper. The other three walls were all showing the same message.</p> <p class="cnM0NTQwZDcxNzA0ODRlY2Q4NjQyN2Y3YTUzYzVkZGQ5" align="LEFT"><strong>[Loop Challenge Commencement – 20min 00sec]</strong></p> <p class="cnMzMjQ4YTUxYWU0NTRmN2JhZDM3YjU0ZTkxMmUzY2Uz" align="LEFT">The first thing Carly did was drop her backpack off in a corner, quickly unpacking some of the food and water. She then waited around for nearly a minute looking at the wall timer message. It remained stubbornly unmoving, eventually a message appeared in her vision.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="TOP" bgcolor="#0084d1" width="100%"> <p class="cnM0MTBjZTgzYjdiMDRlYjI4N2NkZTE5OTE3ODEzZmMx">Competitors,</p> <p class="cnNlMzIyODllNjY5NzRkZjdhMWJlMWEyN2M0N2IyMjYw">Welcome to the second and final event prior to launch.</p> <p class="cnNjNTJjMzNmMDBkZDQ0NWE4NjcwNmY0MDJlZWUzODY4">The Loop has been heavily modified to better align with combat mechanics in the new world, Extant Expanse. Progression is greatly accelerated to better represent the short time frame this event is constrained within.</p> <p class="cnM2YTRmZWM3ZjA3YzRiZThhMmFhNDFhYTU1ZTU5MTU0">A new store is made available; it can be called up by saying <strong>[Extant Upgrade Store]</strong>. The currency used to purchase all upgrades are minutes. There will be a 24 hour, 1440 minute head start given to competitors before the elimination boundary begins to chase.</p> <p class="cnM1YzQ2NzM3NzU1ODQ3ZmQ5ZGMzMzAyODg4NDUxMmQ1">The speed of the elimination boundary will increase by 1 minute per 10 completed laps with a base starting time of 15 minutes at lap 1.&nbsp;&nbsp;What this means is the elimination boundary, once it starts will itself complete laps 1-10 at a speed of 15 minutes per lap. For laps 11-20, 16 minutes.</p> <p class="cnMzMDY4NjJiMTk5MjRjYzE4MWE0MGFjOTY2ODQ4OWJi">At&nbsp;30-minutes the number of completed laps will double to 20-per 1-minute increase.&nbsp; At&nbsp;45-minutes the number of completed laps will double once more to 40-laps per 1-minute increase.&nbsp; Finally, at 60-minutes there will be no further incremental increases for the elimination boundary speed.</p> <p class="cnNjZTZkNDU3OGQxOTQyNWM5OTQ1NDY0ODc5ODUzYWJm">Your only task is to defeat every monster along the way and stay ahead of the elimination boundary for as long as possible. A penalty will be issued equivalent to the lap number you are on, per mob bypassed rather than defeated on said lap.</p> <p class="cnM5YWQ5NjAwYjE2YjQxZjRhYzlmZDE3YzVlMjAxMTM0">To the Martial Trainees, you will be able to obtain skills through actions you perform and experience you obtain by defeating NPC mobs. For all trainees, this is not just a process to receive a higher new world UIN, and gain a reward for being one of the top performers during the event. Enjoy a glimpse into your future <strong>[Personal Status]</strong>, equipment, skills, and magic that will, with time and effort perhaps become available to you. Take this opportunity to learn and grow.</p> <p class="cnM5Yjk1N2UzZTk2YzQ4Y2FiN2Q2ZDAwOWExZTkwOWE0">To the Beta Testers, this is an opportunity for you, use it to refine your skills and knowledge. There have been modifications to the mechanics of the new world. Due primarily to your beta efforts. Enjoy this glimpse into the new, new world. Take this opportunity, expand your horizons of what is possible and grow.</p> <p class="cnNiNWRkMGM5NDIzYzQ2ODk4NzZkYWU2NmY3YzgyMjYy">NOTE: <br>All competitors, at any time, anywhere on the Loop, you can utilise the <strong>[Extant Upgrade Store]</strong>. All options are available to all competitors. Use your minutes as currency, gain more currency by completing laps quicker than the elimination boundary, or not. Your time, your choice, your chance.</p> <p class="cnNjNGNlYTM0ODg4MzQwMjg5MTg1MWQzN2U1YWM5Yjhj">Good luck,<br>Richard Isaccs Shrodastower</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwZjM0NDViMjY3NTRkZTI5YWQyM2ViYjdjNzU2ZWQx">&nbsp;After Carly finished reading the message, she dismissed it.</p> <p class="cnMyNTE1ZTU1NTQwMDRlZGNhNjIzMzM1NmRmMGRkYTU4">'<em>Wow, aah... ok,'</em> Carly thought,<em> 'this is a wildcard thrown into the mix. Fucking, shit, shit, shit. Couldn't leave this fucking competition like the standard loop. Fucken arseholes! Gotta change shit unnecessarily to feel special, fucken myopic, fucken, daddy fuckers,</em>' Carly wasn't happy with this new situation.</p> <p class="cnMzNDY2ZmU3MmRmMDQwZDI5YTI0OTkzNWNhZjYyYTZi">She took a deep breath.</p> <p class="cnM1YTQ3OWU5MDlkYzQwOWVhY2IwZjY4MTU5Nzg4Njlh">'<em>Get your shit together Carly, don't let that fucking prick Isaccs ruin this before you've even started.</em>' Carly gave herself a mental shakedown before telling herself, 'everyone is in the same boat, don't panic, focus.'</p> <p class="cnNlMmMwYmI3ZDM2YzQ1MGRiOGE2NTQ4MWI4NDRjZjM5">Waiting for a couple more minutes, finally, a new message appeared in her vision.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMxOTZlNWI5NTllNTQ3ZmNhYzJmNDk2YmUxZTg0M2Nl">Notification:</p> <p class="cnNiODJlZWZmMmFkMjQzYWU5ZjA5NThjNDBiMWRkOTU1">Timer initiated, the store is now open!</p> <p class="cnM1ZjkzMDBiNjc4ZTRiY2Y4MDhkMTZiZmE4ZTFmZDg4">Say the words&nbsp;<strong>[Extant Upgrade Store]</strong>, and the store menu will appear within your visual schema. You are all familiar with using the Store menu system. Once satisfied with your item selection, go to&nbsp;<strong>[Checkout]</strong>&nbsp;to finalise the purchase.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjZWU5NGMwMWIwODRjN2ZiYzgyY2UxMDM4YmM2Yjky">&nbsp;At the same time, a double beep sounded and the 20 minutes timer started counting down on the three walls. Carly said the words, which brought the menu into her vision.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Extant Upgrade Store:</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="40%"><strong>[General]</strong></td> <td style="text-align: center">Auxiliary items, skills, and upgrades</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>[Weapon]</strong></td> <td style="text-align: center">Common weapons</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>[Armor]</strong></td> <td style="text-align: center">Common&nbsp;armor</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>[Combat Skill]</strong></td> <td style="text-align: center">Combat-related skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>[Combat Spells]</strong></td> <td style="text-align: center">Combat-related spells</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>[Support Spells]</strong></td> <td style="text-align: center">Combat support spells</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="1"><strong>[Checkout]</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhNmI3MjBlNmQxYjRjZGM5NTM4MmMzNDkxZDMwZjli">She looked at the timer on the wall, it read 19 min 44sec.</p> <p class="cnMxNDJhZjVkMDZlYTRkMjI4ZDdjNzRjYWYxMzdlMjA0">Carly began by selecting the <strong>[General]</strong> option. It was full of choices, some of note include, accessing extant stats, a numerical value which represents a person's capabilities in various areas. A number of status bars to display current health, mana, endurance, thirst, hunger, and fatigue were likewise available. There was a complete status screen, combining all this information into a single purchase.</p> <p class="cnM1M2NmOTBiNjliMjQ1OTBhN2UzMDNhYzlkMTM4N2Q5">Further, there was a significant amount of general equipment for basic survival. Things like cooking utensils, kindling and wood, flint, water, food, potions, and even some clothing items. Moreover, there were lots of skills that were unrelated to combat such as <strong>[Cooking Forte]</strong>, <strong>[Camp Establishment Forte]</strong>, and many many more. Carly brought up the details of <strong>[Cooking Forte]</strong>, it had many skills such as, <strong>[Egg Boiling]</strong>, <strong>[Egg Breaking]</strong>, <strong>[Egg Frying]</strong>, <strong>[Egg Shelling]</strong>, <strong>[Fish Scaling]</strong>, <strong>[Ingredient Measuring]</strong>, <strong>[Meat Carving]</strong>, <strong>[Water Boiling]</strong>, <strong>[Spice Use]</strong>, <strong>[Utensil Care]</strong>, <strong>[Vegetable Chopping]</strong>, and so on.</p> <p class="cnM2YjM3MmQ2Y2IwMjRlYzg4MjlmMzY5M2I2ZGRkM2Jj">These forte skills and the skills within them did not seem to be particularly useful right now, considering current circumstances.</p> <p class="cnM4MDAxMzhjOTQ0MjQxNjZiNjA2ZTg5MDA4ZWNhNDJi">Moving to <strong>[Weapon]</strong>, Carly had a rapid look. The items varied in the material used, consisting of bone, leather, woods, and metals. There were a tremendous variety of hand weapons from axes, knives, swords, hammers, maces, and spears to more exotic weapons such as drill daggers, and whips. There were also many ranged weapons, bows and crossbows, pistols, rifles, throwing weapons of various types, and more. Unfortunately, the martial trainees had only ever worked on unarmed combat. Not a single person had combat training with any type of weapon.</p> <p class="cnNmOTFhMzg2ZWMzNDQyOWI4ODhjNGMxYzMyZDBlYjk4">'<em>I am sure these weapons are all quite effective, but without training in them for a time, there is no way I or any martial trainee will be able to utilise the weapons true capabilities.</em>' Carly thought these things while quickly scrolling through the list for a few seconds, not wanting to waste more time she stepped back to the main menu.</p> <p class="cnMwZTViZjUxMTM3NTRkY2RhYmQ5YTdmMWE1ZjhjMDhh">Activating <strong>[Armor]</strong>, Carly quickly scanned this list, seeing an item that interested her very much. She selected said item, accessing additional information on another popup screen.</p> <p class="cnNlOTkxMmI3ZTgzNjQzMjNiNzEyYTBmZWVkYjA2ZjQx">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Aves Mitten Plate Gauntlets (Quality 85%)<br><br></strong>These mitten gauntlets, are made from Aves Alloy. Using secret techniques these gauntlets are made especially for young Aves warriors who are not yet strong enough to wear heavier&nbsp;armors. The damage and&nbsp;armor&nbsp;is&nbsp;equivalent to Copper while the weight and durability are less. They minimally require padded gloves or will rub raw, any unprotected skin.<br><strong>[Purchase: 300 (Minutes)]</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4"><strong>Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%"><strong>Damage:&nbsp;</strong>10-14 + (Strength *0.05)</td> <td width="25%"><strong>Armor:</strong>&nbsp;170</td> <td width="25%"><strong>Durability:</strong>&nbsp;150/150</td> <td width="25%"><strong>Weight (g):</strong>&nbsp;320</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><strong>Requirements:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Strength:</strong>&nbsp;70</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"><strong>Rune Points:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Rune:</strong>&nbsp;Perfect Fit</td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Rune: [Upgrade]</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>&gt;&gt;Mana Activation Cost:</strong> 200</td> <td colspan="2"><strong>&gt;&gt;Mana Activation Cost:</strong>&nbsp;0</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmNDQ1ZDBlNTdkODRlZWM4NjEyYWJlOGVhMGQ4NWQ0">&nbsp;These gauntlets looked like a boxing glove made of metal bands. Because of that, they appeared a rather nice option for a martial fighter such as herself. The weight is what really attracted Carly to them, being much lighter than similar plate gauntlets made from other metals or alloys.</p> <p class="cnM5NWM1NWM2YmMyMjRhYjU4MzI2ZWQ5NzVhMjE3ZGI1">She scrolled down and checked on footwear, there were the same tiers for the same materials, though the weight was slightly more. Carly wondered about her own footwear, so moved the screen out of the way. Going by Mal-Chin's information, she looked down at her own boots and tried to gain a similar analysis. After several seconds of willing to boots to give an item description, it actually worked. "Woot," Carly gave a cry out of satisfaction as she took a closer look.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Strapped Leather Combat Boots (Unassociated)<br></strong>These leather boots are not associated with the Loop Challenge Schema. As such, despite their obvious quality, the boots statistic potential is greatly reduced.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4"><strong>Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%"><strong>Damage:</strong>&nbsp;1</td> <td width="25%"><strong>Armor:</strong>&nbsp;20</td> <td width="25%"><strong>Durability:</strong>&nbsp;43/50</td> <td width="25%"><strong>Weight (g):</strong>&nbsp;320</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2NDhlMGM1YzJkNzRlNzJhYTZlZWNiYjg2YzMyYWI1">'<em>That is disappointing, a damage value of 1, what kind of bullshit is that, get kicked by me with these boots on and it is going to hurt like shit. Apparently not for this fucking challenge though.</em>' Sighing in frustration, Carly continued checking the <strong>[Armor]</strong> list once again, she found the glove equivalent for footwear, admiring the difference between her own footwear and the Low Heeled Plate Boots, also costing 300 minutes.</p> <p class="cnMyMDU5YTMzYjg3ZTQzNjBiYTEzYjQ2MDA4NTk1MGEy">Carly contemplated 1,440 minutes which was the currency used for these upgrades. By spending those minutes on items or skills this time would reduce the gap between her and the elimination boundary. Purchasing these items would most likely, significantly exceed her current potential. It was risk verse reward. Carly considered these two items, while the extra weight was not excessive being less than the lower tier materials for the same items. The damage, armor and especially the durability were quite good and seemed to scale well with the higher quality metals available.</p> <p class="cnM2MmE4N2UyMjFlNDRiYjY4Mjg4MTIxMDIyMDUzN2Nh">Adding both items to the checkout, she went there to take a look. On the <strong>[Checkout]</strong> screen there was an option to <strong>[Remove]</strong> each item. '<em>That is good to know,</em>' Carly considered for a moment, she then cleared the <strong>[Checkout]</strong> not wanting to purchase something at the moment accidentally. What she needed was more information to make better-informed choices.</p> <p class="cnM3NDEwMGU0YWQ0MDQ1OGJiODFlZmU1OGUyNDFmNmUw">Moving on, Carly looked in <strong>[Combat Skill]</strong>, it was split into several categories, <strong>[Defense]</strong>, <strong>[Crush]</strong>, <strong>[Chop]</strong>, <strong>[Slash]</strong>, <strong>[Pierce]</strong>, <strong>[Unarmed]</strong>, <strong>[Ranged]</strong>, and <strong>[Other]</strong>.</p> <p class="cnNkZjQ3N2JhOGM0YTQ2Mzg4ZWFhNTY4MjQ5ZDJmNmZj">Combat skills were single action only. There were many choices, <strong>[Defense]</strong> broke down into <strong>[Block]</strong>, <strong>[Dodge]</strong>, <strong>[Deflect]</strong>, <strong>[Evade]</strong>, and <strong>[Parry]</strong>. Carly wondered if the forte thing worked for combat the same as <strong>[Cooking Forte]</strong> worked.</p> <p class="cnNmNjU1ODI1ODllZjQzNjBhN2U1MThhMTgzZGM0MDAw">Scrolling down, Carly also took a look at <strong>[Unarmed]</strong> skills. It gave her a substantial array of attacks from punches, kicks, and grapples that she was already familiar. After reading that opening message and seeing these types of skills, Carly decided not to purchase any. Instead, she would rely on her training and see how the Loop Challenge had changed first. If there were any significant differences, Carly felt confident she would notice and be able to react with an appropriate martial technique. After all, she had spent thousands of hours in Loop practice runs inside her TME over the years.</p> <p class="cnNlOGZkMDBlZDYyZTRkY2RiZjRkNWJiZmM1ZDQ2MjRh">Carly checked the time 14min 21sec, plenty of time. Moving on she checked out <strong>[Combat Spell]</strong> choices. Again they were broken down into categories such as <strong>[Debuff]</strong>, <strong>[Damage]</strong>, <strong>[Damage Over Time]</strong>, <strong>[Heal]</strong>, <strong>[Heal Over Time]</strong>, and <strong>[Other]</strong>.</p> <p class="cnMwZmZjNDg5MzMwYTRlYTQ4NWY2ZjI0ZjViZTJmNDE3">Taking a quick look at <strong>[Damage]</strong> and <strong>[Damage Over Time]</strong> there were hundreds of variations for each category. Nothing particularly new compared to other fantasy based RPG system. There were many similar spells with different damage types and minor variations. Carly was definitely going to pass on this area of combat, for now. Finally, she reached the last choice.</p> <p class="cnMwOTUzMDliNGQ3ODRlNWJiZGNkNmY4ODM1ODMyYzVj"><strong>[Enhance Spells]</strong>, these, unlike the combat spells were far more persistent, looking to strengthen a person via magical means. These spells either used a person's mana to create a temporary enhancement that would last two hours, to others that were permanent unless canceled.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGU4MDI1YmU3MDQ5YjE4ZTVkZmI4OTlkYmU1NTlk">There was one particular sub-category within these spells that did greatly interest Carly, these related to endurance. If other RPG style games had a stat like endurance, it usually referred to physical energy levels that allowed an avatar to perform various actions. She delved into a permanent spell that looked promising.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Enduring Regeneration:</strong><br>A single target permanent enhancement flat bonus to endurance regeneration using the casters concentration pool.<br><strong>[Purchase: 240 (Minutes)]</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Effect:</strong>&nbsp;6 Endurance Regeneration per Minute<br><br><strong>Total Upgrades:</strong>&nbsp;0 / 25 /<strong>&nbsp;<strong>Upgrade Experience:</strong></strong>&nbsp;0 / 480<br><br><strong>Upgrades:</strong>&nbsp;<strong>[Improve Effect]</strong>&nbsp;/<strong>&nbsp;[Improve Cast Range] / [Reduce Cast Time]</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1YjVlMWI5NTNlMTQ2NTNiM2I3ZjNiZTc2ZTkzMGI2">&nbsp;If the way this Loop worked was similar to some RPG, then actions taken would require energy. If magic was using, surprise surprise, mana. Then endurance was probably the energy to fuel physical actions. She checked the <strong>[Effect]</strong> upgrade.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Enduring Regeneration:<br></strong>A single target permanent enhancement flat bonus to endurance regeneration using the casters concentration pool.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Upgrades:<br><br></strong><strong>Current Effect:</strong>&nbsp;6 Endurance Regeneration / Minute<br><strong>[Improve Effect]:</strong>&nbsp;1 DP = 1.2 Endurance Regeneration / Minute</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhMzAxMzk3NWY0NzQ3Y2Y5MjEyYmYwNjljN2I3ZjA4">&nbsp;Without any data to reference, Carly did not know if this was good or not. In the end, after a few moments of contemplation, she decided not to take it.</p> <p class="cnNjYWMzMzExODI1MTQ2NjliMWEyYjRiYTg1NDU5OTkw">With a just under 5 minutes to go before the timer ran down, Carly made a decision, adding <strong>[Personal Status]</strong> to the <strong>[Checkout]</strong> and making the purchase. Instantly she heard a chime, receiving a message, and a gold chest appeared before her on the ground. Opening the chest, Carly received a message.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Purchase Successful:<br></strong><br>You have successfully purchased&nbsp;<strong>[Personal Status]</strong>&nbsp;for the cost of 180 minutes.<br><br>Open the gold chest and grasp the crystal inside, then speak&nbsp;<strong>[Activate Personal Status]</strong>. There will be a two-second sensation of some pain while the status schema is added.<br><br>Once this is complete, you will be able to access information from your&nbsp;<strong>[Personal Status]</strong>&nbsp;at any time.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2NTJmZjU3YWJiNDQ3M2RhYTNiOGM5ZThjODFlNmU5">Carly followed the instruction; the acute pain was much more severe than the message led her to believe. Dropping the chest, she grabbed her head. The chest disappeared before it hit the ground and the pain followed a moment later. Carly called up her [Personal Status]. It appeared like all the other semi-transparent message and information screens.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3"><strong>Carly Berkstead</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><strong>Race:</strong>&nbsp;Human</td> <td width="34%"><strong>Variant:</strong>&nbsp;(-)</td> <td width="33%"><strong>UIN:</strong>&nbsp;MT17347</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Dimensions:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>Height:</strong>&nbsp;1682mm - (841 DP)</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Weight:</strong>&nbsp;64150g - (1283 DP)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>Vitals Pools:</strong></td> <td width="50%"><strong>&nbsp;Regeneration:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Health:</strong>&nbsp;1702</td> <td><strong>Health:</strong> 52</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Endurance:</strong>&nbsp;2400</td> <td><strong>Endurance:</strong>&nbsp;140</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Mana:</strong>&nbsp;900</td> <td><strong>Mana:</strong> 55</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Vital Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>Health</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Vitality</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Endurance</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td><strong>Stamina</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Mana</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td><strong>Potential</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Physical Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>Frame</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Constitution</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Strength</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td><strong>Speed</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Agility</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td><strong>Dexterity</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Reaction</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Magic Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>Attunement</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Control</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Focus</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td><strong>Wisdom</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Utility Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>Aptitude</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Memory</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>xxxxx&nbsp;[x]</td> <td>xxxxx&nbsp;[x]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3"><strong>Survival Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><strong>Thirst</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td width="34%"><strong>Hunger</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> <td width="33%"><strong>Fatigue</strong>&nbsp;[100]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Resistances:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Crush</strong>&nbsp;[10]</td> <td><strong>Chop</strong>&nbsp;[10]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Slash</strong>&nbsp;[8]</td> <td><strong>Pierce</strong>&nbsp;[5]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Personal Status Options:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><strong>[General Settings]</strong></td> <td width="50%"><strong>[System Notifications]</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>[Vitals and Survival Bars]</strong></td> <td><strong>[Status Layout]</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlY2U0OTI2ZjIyMzQ3NmY5MDhmOGVkMDk5MWVlNjVl">&nbsp;Running down the <strong>[Personal Status]</strong> screens information, Carly understood why her body did not feel quite right. Each of her stats for vital, physical, magic, survival and a couple in utility were all set to exactly 100 points. '<em>Ha, what the hell is this bullshit? Did that scum suckers standardise everyone's stats for an even start to this event? If that is the case, then how come I am still my normal height and weight. If all the stats are the same, but those two are varied. Then, have I been ripped off here? Won't someone bigger and heavier than me, have a slight advantage?'</em></p> <p class="cnM4NzI3OGYzMDlkNjQ0MzI5Y2VlMGJkMTY3NTZhNTdi"><em>"I am so pissed off with the unfairness of this start, give everyone my height and weight to make this fair for me you bastard. Why is that bastard always getting in my way."</em></p> <p class="cnNkNGMxYzE2OWNmNzQyNmRiMDQxMzBmZjgxZjlhYzQz">Walking over to the corner with her backpack, she gave the wall a sidekick and the other one a palm strike before pulling all the food packages out the bag minus the bottom three layers. These were in the longer preserve food packs that she didn't want to mix up with the regular preserve food packs.</p> <p class="cnMyMTA4YmRhYjYxMDQyYjg4ZmQ5ZWNjOTM3YzlhOWUy">While doing this Carly again calmed down. Her <strong>[Personal Status]</strong> was still up and visible, so she began looking in the customise options at the bottom of the screen.</p> <p class="cnNlMDU0YjhlZDU2ZDRiMjJhODA4OTkxZmQ0MGQxODI3">She activated <strong>[General Settings]</strong> and took a look at the options available. The options mostly affected the basic layout of the screen. The layout seemed good enough already except for the stupid numbers to the side of each stat saying [100]. She took a deep breath, 'so up and down with my emotions so far today, not good, relax.'</p> <p class="cnNlODJiZTcwZjc4NTQ3N2NiZmQ2ZTlhNmZjZjcxY2Y5">With another deep breath, Carly moved on to <strong>[Vital and Survival Bars]</strong>. Once these were called up, she immediately understood they were both visual and mental in origin. This meant she didn't have to look at them to know the information they visually provided. It knowledge would always be there for her.</p> <p class="cnNhYzU5ZjBjZjQwMzRlZDc4MzhiYjM3ODhmNDRiMGE5">At least something was working how it should. She had been wondering the whole time why there was such limited mental navigation in the <strong>[Extant Upgrade Store]</strong>.</p> <p class="cnMxOGYzNGIyMmFhZjQ4OTlhYTYwMTZhY2U5MmFiYjE0">Pretty much every message, or options screen in her TME or any of the MDP facilities were accessed with mental manipulation.</p> <p class="cnM2MDFkMDQ5NmI0MDQwMjE5ODFlNzZiNzZiMjFkZTVj">She moved the bars behind her head, to forever be out of the way.</p> <p class="cnMwYzVmMDVjOWIxNjQ4YzE5MzNhYjFhOWVjNzk5YjM5">With a look at the time again it was now below two minutes. Carly selected one of the food packages and one of her bottles of water and placed them just to the left of the red screen.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmM0YmVmYWY5NDRlNWY4ZGZiM2M2OWRkZTRhZTZi">She took the time to do some general movements, aiming to loosen up her joints and prepare, productively using the little time she had left while she waited for the timer.</p> <p class="cnM2YTMzYTdmODNmMDQ1ODhiZmRkNmQ0ZmRhNmNkZWUy">The twenty minutes passed, Carly watched as the final few seconds counted down, 03... 02... 01...</p> <p class="cnMwZWFlNjVhNGNhNDQzZWM5N2EzN2Y3ZWRiMzdjOWJk">&nbsp;</p> </div>
'*...I am calm, I am calm, I am calm.* *I am a smooth river rock in a gentle, flowing brook, smooth, passive, the water cooling me while the sun warms me. I am the rock, and the rock is passive. I am calm, I am calm, I am calm.*' After several repetitions of the mantra, Carly went through her process, entering a meditative state. That anger will never aid this opportunity. She needed calm, calculation, focus, for her to fight her way through this loop challenge and obtain the prize, her prize. It was inevitable, and she was forged by their neglect into this thing, this monster of hate wrapped in a fake visage of her former self. She hated the hate, it narrowed her perspective, limited her awareness with the blood boiling fiery sludge of rage. Bit by bit she focused, breathing, heart rate, pushing the mental garbage out and releasing it to the world, letting it evaporate into nothing. She meditated while that speech continued, allowing it to flow past her tuning out the sound as best she could with a strength of mind and focused restraint. Words still bled through, at a much-muted level which in also helped reduced her anger. "...and so we find ourselves at a precipice, ladies and gentlemen. On the brink, the fork in the road, of total collapse, or, a grand new journey. You who stand before me have already chosen to journey forth, and I thank you for your bravery and strength of character. You are already on the path and striding forward, the exceptional efforts the MDP trainees have put in to become such skilled martial practitioners. The beta team, bravely jumping into a new world with nothing but the clothes on their back, a week's rations and a gathering tool. Creating towns, learning skills and magic and exploring thousands of kilometers into the unknown. Now both groups meet from separate paths to share this new experience. Colleagues, family, I cherish you all in many ways. Today I see you in front of me as contestants, competitors, those few who strive for grand accomplishment, and the rewards that come at the finish line and victory." Richard Isaccs Shrodastower, CEO of PURG rambled, leaving a long pause for effect, looking across the seats in front of him. "Good Luck." Immediately, upon those final words, people started to disappear from their seats. Those near the first ones to vanish from the teleport reacted with surprise. Carly snapped her eyes awake instantly, saw someone six rows down vanish and immediately grabbed her backpack, shrugging into it ready for her port. Just because the egg-shaped luminescent portals were the standard method of portal transfers, it did not mean they were necessary to perform that particular function. No, they were merely a protocol applied to create a physical process, especially useful in highly trafficked portal destinations. Carly's immediate reaction was a minor consideration, presently. She felt the familiar lurching sensation, the loss of sound and whiting out of light and the popping back into reality. The port transferred her from the Secondary Stadium and deposited her in a five-meter cube room a seconds later. The room comprised of a dark deep cavern gray floor, slightly lighter larva stone gray walls. The luminous steel gray colouring emitted from the ceiling, making the area exceedingly bland. Carly took a few steps around the small room, noticing her body felt not quite right. Carly performed some basic dynamic movements and felt marginally slower, yet stronger. '*What is going on here?*' Around her, one of the walls had a red opaque screen which was solid light and blocked the doorway into the loop proper. The other three walls were all showing the same message. **[Loop Challenge Commencement – 20min 00sec]** The first thing Carly did was drop her backpack off in a corner, quickly unpacking some of the food and water. She then waited around for nearly a minute looking at the wall timer message. It remained stubbornly unmoving, eventually a message appeared in her vision.  | Competitors, Welcome to the second and final event prior to launch. The Loop has been heavily modified to better align with combat mechanics in the new world, Extant Expanse. Progression is greatly accelerated to better represent the short time frame this event is constrained within. A new store is made available; it can be called up by saying **[Extant Upgrade Store]**. The currency used to purchase all upgrades are minutes. There will be a 24 hour, 1440 minute head start given to competitors before the elimination boundary begins to chase. The speed of the elimination boundary will increase by 1 minute per 10 completed laps with a base starting time of 15 minutes at lap 1.  What this means is the elimination boundary, once it starts will itself complete laps 1-10 at a speed of 15 minutes per lap. For laps 11-20, 16 minutes. At 30-minutes the number of completed laps will double to 20-per 1-minute increase.  At 45-minutes the number of completed laps will double once more to 40-laps per 1-minute increase.  Finally, at 60-minutes there will be no further incremental increases for the elimination boundary speed. Your only task is to defeat every monster along the way and stay ahead of the elimination boundary for as long as possible. A penalty will be issued equivalent to the lap number you are on, per mob bypassed rather than defeated on said lap. To the Martial Trainees, you will be able to obtain skills through actions you perform and experience you obtain by defeating NPC mobs. For all trainees, this is not just a process to receive a higher new world UIN, and gain a reward for being one of the top performers during the event. Enjoy a glimpse into your future **[Personal Status]**, equipment, skills, and magic that will, with time and effort perhaps become available to you. Take this opportunity to learn and grow. To the Beta Testers, this is an opportunity for you, use it to refine your skills and knowledge. There have been modifications to the mechanics of the new world. Due primarily to your beta efforts. Enjoy this glimpse into the new, new world. Take this opportunity, expand your horizons of what is possible and grow. NOTE: All competitors, at any time, anywhere on the Loop, you can utilise the **[Extant Upgrade Store]**. All options are available to all competitors. Use your minutes as currency, gain more currency by completing laps quicker than the elimination boundary, or not. Your time, your choice, your chance. Good luck,Richard Isaccs Shrodastower | | --- |  After Carly finished reading the message, she dismissed it. '*Wow, aah... ok,'* Carly thought, *'this is a wildcard thrown into the mix. Fucking, shit, shit, shit. Couldn't leave this fucking competition like the standard loop. Fucken arseholes! Gotta change shit unnecessarily to feel special, fucken myopic, fucken, daddy fuckers,*' Carly wasn't happy with this new situation. She took a deep breath. '*Get your shit together Carly, don't let that fucking prick Isaccs ruin this before you've even started.*' Carly gave herself a mental shakedown before telling herself, 'everyone is in the same boat, don't panic, focus.' Waiting for a couple more minutes, finally, a new message appeared in her vision.  | Notification: Timer initiated, the store is now open! Say the words **[Extant Upgrade Store]**, and the store menu will appear within your visual schema. You are all familiar with using the Store menu system. Once satisfied with your item selection, go to **[Checkout]** to finalise the purchase. | | --- |  At the same time, a double beep sounded and the 20 minutes timer started counting down on the three walls. Carly said the words, which brought the menu into her vision.  | **Extant Upgrade Store:** | | --- | | **[General]** | Auxiliary items, skills, and upgrades | | --- | --- | | **[Weapon]** | Common weapons | | **[Armor]** | Common armor | | **[Combat Skill]** | Combat-related skills | | **[Combat Spells]** | Combat-related spells | | **[Support Spells]** | Combat support spells | | **[Checkout]** | She looked at the timer on the wall, it read 19 min 44sec. Carly began by selecting the **[General]** option. It was full of choices, some of note include, accessing extant stats, a numerical value which represents a person's capabilities in various areas. A number of status bars to display current health, mana, endurance, thirst, hunger, and fatigue were likewise available. There was a complete status screen, combining all this information into a single purchase. Further, there was a significant amount of general equipment for basic survival. Things like cooking utensils, kindling and wood, flint, water, food, potions, and even some clothing items. Moreover, there were lots of skills that were unrelated to combat such as **[Cooking Forte]**, **[Camp Establishment Forte]**, and many many more. Carly brought up the details of **[Cooking Forte]**, it had many skills such as, **[Egg Boiling]**, **[Egg Breaking]**, **[Egg Frying]**, **[Egg Shelling]**, **[Fish Scaling]**, **[Ingredient Measuring]**, **[Meat Carving]**, **[Water Boiling]**, **[Spice Use]**, **[Utensil Care]**, **[Vegetable Chopping]**, and so on. These forte skills and the skills within them did not seem to be particularly useful right now, considering current circumstances. Moving to **[Weapon]**, Carly had a rapid look. The items varied in the material used, consisting of bone, leather, woods, and metals. There were a tremendous variety of hand weapons from axes, knives, swords, hammers, maces, and spears to more exotic weapons such as drill daggers, and whips. There were also many ranged weapons, bows and crossbows, pistols, rifles, throwing weapons of various types, and more. Unfortunately, the martial trainees had only ever worked on unarmed combat. Not a single person had combat training with any type of weapon. '*I am sure these weapons are all quite effective, but without training in them for a time, there is no way I or any martial trainee will be able to utilise the weapons true capabilities.*' Carly thought these things while quickly scrolling through the list for a few seconds, not wanting to waste more time she stepped back to the main menu. Activating **[Armor]**, Carly quickly scanned this list, seeing an item that interested her very much. She selected said item, accessing additional information on another popup screen.   | **Aves Mitten Plate Gauntlets (Quality 85%)**These mitten gauntlets, are made from Aves Alloy. Using secret techniques these gauntlets are made especially for young Aves warriors who are not yet strong enough to wear heavier armors. The damage and armor is equivalent to Copper while the weight and durability are less. They minimally require padded gloves or will rub raw, any unprotected skin.**[Purchase: 300 (Minutes)]** | | --- | | **Stats:** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Damage:**10-14 + (Strength *0.05) | **Armor:** 170 | **Durability:** 150/150 | **Weight (g):** 320 | | **Requirements:** | | | | | **Strength:** 70 | | | | | **Rune Points:** | | | | | **Rune:** Perfect Fit | | **Rune: [Upgrade]** | | | **>>Mana Activation Cost:** 200 | | **>>Mana Activation Cost:** 0 | |  These gauntlets looked like a boxing glove made of metal bands. Because of that, they appeared a rather nice option for a martial fighter such as herself. The weight is what really attracted Carly to them, being much lighter than similar plate gauntlets made from other metals or alloys. She scrolled down and checked on footwear, there were the same tiers for the same materials, though the weight was slightly more. Carly wondered about her own footwear, so moved the screen out of the way. Going by Mal-Chin's information, she looked down at her own boots and tried to gain a similar analysis. After several seconds of willing to boots to give an item description, it actually worked. "Woot," Carly gave a cry out of satisfaction as she took a closer look.  | **Strapped Leather Combat Boots (Unassociated)**These leather boots are not associated with the Loop Challenge Schema. As such, despite their obvious quality, the boots statistic potential is greatly reduced. | | --- | | **Stats:** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Damage:** 1 | **Armor:** 20 | **Durability:** 43/50 | **Weight (g):** 320 | '*That is disappointing, a damage value of 1, what kind of bullshit is that, get kicked by me with these boots on and it is going to hurt like shit. Apparently not for this fucking challenge though.*' Sighing in frustration, Carly continued checking the **[Armor]** list once again, she found the glove equivalent for footwear, admiring the difference between her own footwear and the Low Heeled Plate Boots, also costing 300 minutes. Carly contemplated 1,440 minutes which was the currency used for these upgrades. By spending those minutes on items or skills this time would reduce the gap between her and the elimination boundary. Purchasing these items would most likely, significantly exceed her current potential. It was risk verse reward. Carly considered these two items, while the extra weight was not excessive being less than the lower tier materials for the same items. The damage, armor and especially the durability were quite good and seemed to scale well with the higher quality metals available. Adding both items to the checkout, she went there to take a look. On the **[Checkout]** screen there was an option to **[Remove]** each item. '*That is good to know,*' Carly considered for a moment, she then cleared the **[Checkout]** not wanting to purchase something at the moment accidentally. What she needed was more information to make better-informed choices. Moving on, Carly looked in **[Combat Skill]**, it was split into several categories, **[Defense]**, **[Crush]**, **[Chop]**, **[Slash]**, **[Pierce]**, **[Unarmed]**, **[Ranged]**, and **[Other]**. Combat skills were single action only. There were many choices, **[Defense]** broke down into **[Block]**, **[Dodge]**, **[Deflect]**, **[Evade]**, and **[Parry]**. Carly wondered if the forte thing worked for combat the same as **[Cooking Forte]** worked. Scrolling down, Carly also took a look at **[Unarmed]** skills. It gave her a substantial array of attacks from punches, kicks, and grapples that she was already familiar. After reading that opening message and seeing these types of skills, Carly decided not to purchase any. Instead, she would rely on her training and see how the Loop Challenge had changed first. If there were any significant differences, Carly felt confident she would notice and be able to react with an appropriate martial technique. After all, she had spent thousands of hours in Loop practice runs inside her TME over the years. Carly checked the time 14min 21sec, plenty of time. Moving on she checked out **[Combat Spell]** choices. Again they were broken down into categories such as **[Debuff]**, **[Damage]**, **[Damage Over Time]**, **[Heal]**, **[Heal Over Time]**, and **[Other]**. Taking a quick look at **[Damage]** and **[Damage Over Time]** there were hundreds of variations for each category. Nothing particularly new compared to other fantasy based RPG system. There were many similar spells with different damage types and minor variations. Carly was definitely going to pass on this area of combat, for now. Finally, she reached the last choice. **[Enhance Spells]**, these, unlike the combat spells were far more persistent, looking to strengthen a person via magical means. These spells either used a person's mana to create a temporary enhancement that would last two hours, to others that were permanent unless canceled. There was one particular sub-category within these spells that did greatly interest Carly, these related to endurance. If other RPG style games had a stat like endurance, it usually referred to physical energy levels that allowed an avatar to perform various actions. She delved into a permanent spell that looked promising.  | **Enduring Regeneration:**A single target permanent enhancement flat bonus to endurance regeneration using the casters concentration pool.**[Purchase: 240 (Minutes)]** | | --- | | **Effect:** 6 Endurance Regeneration per Minute**Total Upgrades:** 0 / 25 /****Upgrade Experience:**** 0 / 480**Upgrades:** **[Improve Effect]** /**[Improve Cast Range] / [Reduce Cast Time]** | | --- |  If the way this Loop worked was similar to some RPG, then actions taken would require energy. If magic was using, surprise surprise, mana. Then endurance was probably the energy to fuel physical actions. She checked the **[Effect]** upgrade.  | **Enduring Regeneration:**A single target permanent enhancement flat bonus to endurance regeneration using the casters concentration pool. | | --- | | **Upgrades:****Current Effect:** 6 Endurance Regeneration / Minute**[Improve Effect]:** 1 DP = 1.2 Endurance Regeneration / Minute | | --- |  Without any data to reference, Carly did not know if this was good or not. In the end, after a few moments of contemplation, she decided not to take it. With a just under 5 minutes to go before the timer ran down, Carly made a decision, adding **[Personal Status]** to the **[Checkout]** and making the purchase. Instantly she heard a chime, receiving a message, and a gold chest appeared before her on the ground. Opening the chest, Carly received a message.  | **Purchase Successful:**You have successfully purchased **[Personal Status]** for the cost of 180 minutes.Open the gold chest and grasp the crystal inside, then speak **[Activate Personal Status]**. There will be a two-second sensation of some pain while the status schema is added.Once this is complete, you will be able to access information from your **[Personal Status]** at any time. | | --- | Carly followed the instruction; the acute pain was much more severe than the message led her to believe. Dropping the chest, she grabbed her head. The chest disappeared before it hit the ground and the pain followed a moment later. Carly called up her [Personal Status]. It appeared like all the other semi-transparent message and information screens.  | **Carly Berkstead** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **Race:** Human | **Variant:** (-) | **UIN:** MT17347 | | **Dimensions:** | | | --- | --- | | **Height:** 1682mm - (841 DP) | **Weight:** 64150g - (1283 DP) | | **Vitals Pools:** | **Regeneration:** | | --- | --- | | **Health:** 1702 | **Health:** 52 | | **Endurance:** 2400 | **Endurance:** 140 | | **Mana:** 900 | **Mana:** 55 | | **Vital Stats:** | | | --- | --- | | **Health** [100] | **Vitality** [100] | | **Endurance** [100] | **Stamina** [100] | | **Mana** [100] | **Potential** [100] | | **Physical Stats:** | | | --- | --- | | **Frame** [100] | **Constitution** [100] | | **Strength** [100] | **Speed** [100] | | **Agility** [100] | **Dexterity** [100] | | **Reaction** [100] | | **Magic Stats:** | | | --- | --- | | **Attunement** [100] | **Control** [100] | | **Focus** [100] | **Wisdom** [100] | | **Utility Stats:** | | | --- | --- | | **Aptitude** [100] | **Memory** [100] | | xxxxx [x] | xxxxx [x] | | **Survival Stats:** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **Thirst** [100] | **Hunger** [100] | **Fatigue** [100] | | **Resistances:** | | | --- | --- | | **Crush** [10] | **Chop** [10] | | **Slash** [8] | **Pierce** [5] | | **Personal Status Options:** | | | --- | --- | | **[General Settings]** | **[System Notifications]** | | **[Vitals and Survival Bars]** | **[Status Layout]** |  Running down the **[Personal Status]** screens information, Carly understood why her body did not feel quite right. Each of her stats for vital, physical, magic, survival and a couple in utility were all set to exactly 100 points. '*Ha, what the hell is this bullshit? Did that scum suckers standardise everyone's stats for an even start to this event? If that is the case, then how come I am still my normal height and weight. If all the stats are the same, but those two are varied. Then, have I been ripped off here? Won't someone bigger and heavier than me, have a slight advantage?'* *"I am so pissed off with the unfairness of this start, give everyone my height and weight to make this fair for me you bastard. Why is that bastard always getting in my way."* Walking over to the corner with her backpack, she gave the wall a sidekick and the other one a palm strike before pulling all the food packages out the bag minus the bottom three layers. These were in the longer preserve food packs that she didn't want to mix up with the regular preserve food packs. While doing this Carly again calmed down. Her **[Personal Status]** was still up and visible, so she began looking in the customise options at the bottom of the screen. She activated **[General Settings]** and took a look at the options available. The options mostly affected the basic layout of the screen. The layout seemed good enough already except for the stupid numbers to the side of each stat saying [100]. She took a deep breath, 'so up and down with my emotions so far today, not good, relax.' With another deep breath, Carly moved on to **[Vital and Survival Bars]**. Once these were called up, she immediately understood they were both visual and mental in origin. This meant she didn't have to look at them to know the information they visually provided. It knowledge would always be there for her. At least something was working how it should. She had been wondering the whole time why there was such limited mental navigation in the **[Extant Upgrade Store]**. Pretty much every message, or options screen in her TME or any of the MDP facilities were accessed with mental manipulation. She moved the bars behind her head, to forever be out of the way. With a look at the time again it was now below two minutes. Carly selected one of the food packages and one of her bottles of water and placed them just to the left of the red screen. She took the time to do some general movements, aiming to loosen up her joints and prepare, productively using the little time she had left while she waited for the timer. The twenty minutes passed, Carly watched as the final few seconds counted down, 03... 02... 01...
{ "title": "Immortalis", "id": 21126, "author": "Kolden", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 6 : Training is Starting", "id": 305645, "next": null, "prev": 301521, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2ZDE5ODJlY2E5ODQwMjBhYjQ4MWU1NTg4OGEzOTdm">Three days after Astris's speech, the training planned by him and his father started.</p> <p class="cnM4NmNiYzgxZjZlZjQxNTQ5YTQ5MTRiZDRiZWZiMGE1">Those concerned by that are children ahead of 5 years old, and less than 17 years old. From what I understood, the reason for that choice is beyond that age, it become more harder to make progress since it require to have a good foundation at from youngest age.</p> <p class="cnNjZDFiOWVhMWE2ZTRjZGU5NTU4NzBkZmVlYThiMzNl">The establishment of the foundation for a Ki practitioner come more quickly if one train at the youngest age. It's not impossible to cultivate beyond youth but it become more difficult to make progress, and has for consequences to be unable to move beyond it's current realm.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjA1Njg1OTM3OTQzOGRiYzBlMDNkZTMwYzQ0N2Q5">It's currently the afternoon, 14 clock. We are outside of an old farm field, which has been specially designed for training. A few bench could be seen on the side of the field, and in front of the field, was the door that led inside the farm and ahead of it, was a podium made of wood and painted in white, specially made for today.</p> <p class="cnMxZTUxNjQ4YzI2NDRkZmI5YTQ1NWJlMmViMDdlYzY4">A dozen of adult were talking near the podium, their constitutions are robust, and in that group could be seen the chief of the village, Fernandez Kozal, the only Expert of the village.</p> <p class="cnMwODFkNmRlYmVmYzRkNmQ5NTIwMjIwZWY5ZTkxZDIx">"I'm so excited ! The chief of the village will make us Ki practitioner!"</p> <p class="cnM4ZjgzNmYxMmU0YTQ4NWRhYTRmYzhjNjc5ODZhODY3">"If I work well, I could become a Knight and protect my mom and my sister of any problem !"</p> <p class="cnNmYzcxMTI3ZGNlMjQyNWRhNGI1NjRkMWRjNjQ4ZGRk">"Guys do you know what kind of exercises we will be doing?"</p> <p class="cnM2Zjg3ZDVhMmNmZTQ3MjNiZGM1NTgyZDgzZDUxNWZm">"No idea"</p> <p class="cnNjMDQ5ZGU2MjlkMDQwNDg5ZWY3YjZjZmU5Y2JhNTM4">The children near me are talking. They are actually a few dozens of them. They are quite excited to know that they will be trained by the chief of the village, and most importantly, that they may have a chance to be recognized and supervised by a Knight.</p> <p class="cnMyNDg0N2E3MzQwOTQ0YmZiODY1ZjU1ZmYxNjYyMmQz">They also all came in practical outfits for sport, which are simply loose clothes made of resistant fabric since they know the training will start today.</p> <p class="cnM0YjI5M2FhMThjNzQzZDM4NTQ3OTk3NTlmMjYxMzQy">Even though I'm near those kids, I'm not training with them since I'm too young. I'm out of the field, on the side with my mother. My father is an itinerant merchant, so he's usually not in home. Hence, it's my mother that fill most of my needs. Beside my mother, there is also the parents of each kids here.</p> <p class="cnM3YjY0YTdhMDFhNjQwMzFiOTMwYjRiMjQzZTlmODg1">I'm actually in my mother's arms. That act should be a bit embarrassing but in her arm, I've a better vision that when I'm standing up alone. Also, my appearance is that of a kid, so I don't feel that much embarrassed in her arms.</p> <p class="cnM0OTRhMzQ2NzkyZjQ5NDY4NWQ4NTk4OTBiN2Y4Yjg0">A few minutes later, the chief of the village climb up to the podium accompanied by a few busty adult and elders.</p> <p class="cnMyNWQ0ZThmMjY4MDRmMjI5YWRkM2UzNjVlZTZiOTNl">"Varos, do you see that? It's the chief of the village. I think you already saw him but not that clearly before right?" my mother whispered near my ear.</p> <p class="cnNjMzYxZGY5MDFmMjQ5NGNiZTE5NDQ1ZjI5N2JmMGQ5">The chief of the village is quite tall, over 1.95 at least. His body is full of power too. He's seems to be over 40, with sharp brown eyes as well as his hair, which are very short. He wears a white shirt, with a black pant and long boot.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjlkMzM3MjkyZDQ3MGZhYWEyOGI0MzAwY2Y5OTBi">Overall, I would say that the quality of his clothe are cheap, but they portray perfectly his personality, straightforward and confident of himself, with a smart side.</p> <p class="cnM3MjU1NzBhNDk0MTRkNGE5NzQ5MmIzMDhhOTNmMGQ0">He looked at the kids and then at their parents and said He looked at the kids and then at their parents and said "Welcome everyone, I'm Kozal, chief of this town. As you all know thanks to my son and assistants, a Knight will be coming in a few years train a few of your kids, but the primary reason beyond that is for the the selection of the most talented juniors of this nation. As a Knight, he will have the right to recommend and acknowledged a few children here that will have the chance to study in one of the official academies of the country, and could even become in the future a National Knight which will serve the nation.</p> <p class="cnNlOTA1OTE4ZmM4YzRjZjliZWJlMGMxZjhiOWQ5NzFh">To prepare ourselves for his coming, we decided to train the younger generation in order to unveil their potentials. Those concerned are kids beyond 3 years old and younger than 17 years old. The goal behind it is not to find the strongest kids here, but the most talented ones. Those who are talented enough may have the chance to serve the king in person, do no forget that."</p> <p class="cnM4NjNhODY5NjgwNTQ5MGM4ODRmNTI3ZjhjMTUwYjQy">The villagers and the kids listened with attention to his speech. Not even a fly could be heard.</p> <p class="cnMzNzAyNTM2MWQ0MzQ1YTQ4Y2Y1ZWM4M2Y5OTY1M2Ey">Kozal gazed carefully at them, took a long breath and began to talk again with a stronger voice "For now, the field will be divided on three part, according your ages. We will start today, the first part of the training will only be about physical and stamina enhancement."</p> <p class="cnM3NWE1MGU3MGJmNTQwNmQ4ZTMxOTNmNjM0MGQ1ZWI2">"Physical enhancement? But shouldn't it be better to train the kids directly how to feel or manifest their Ki, or make them learn a few techniques?"</p> <p class="cnM0OWZkZmUxY2Q0ZDQ3ZWRiMmM1YTgzMDUzZjUwYmNh">"That's right, we don't have enough time for regular exercises chief!"</p> <p class="cnNjNTJlMzI5NTE5MTRkNWVhYTIyM2M5YjM5NTNkZTVj">"Chief, couldn't you simply skip that part?"</p> <p class="cnNjNmRkZGQ3ZjY5NDQ2MThiM2JkYzM1MjJiMmRkYjQz">The parents seems to be confused and slightly disappointed by how Kozal is handling the training, and seeing the confusion of their parents, the children began at their turn to complain.</p> <p class="cnNkYzE1OGM5YmYyZTQ4MDg5ZThlNTI2NWU5ZmJkZTg4">"Silence!" He shouted with a powerful voice. All the noises and complains were shut. "Indeed, we will need at a moment to make them manifest their Ki but before that, we need to enhance their body first. If the body is correctly trained, then manifesting their Ki will be easier, and using it will be more proficient than if their were not trained before that. Ki is a fabulous asset that can be used by us humans, but if used incorrectly, it will be a double edged knife. If the body can't handle it's own Ki, it will only result of self injury".</p> <p class="cnM2NjM2ZGQ0ODhlOTRlZDQ5YTVkZGZiYTg0OTlkMGNk">The crowd seemed a bit awkward and appease after hearing that.</p> <p class="cnMyZjA3NDUyZTBjMTQ5MzBhZTk4YjcyMWE1OTk1YTI4">Seeing the crowd a bit ashamed of themselves, Kozal resumed his speech "I understand your disappointment, but we can't precipitate the process, it's vital for your children. I won't be the only one to the supervise the training too, as you see, near me are a few envoys of the nobility. They are Regulars, they have great knowledge about Ki and they are here to help me to supervise this training" Kolvac said while looking at his right side and then at his left side.</p> <p class="cnM3MzEwZjY1M2UwZDQ4Y2Y5MDBlZDc4Zjg2Yjg0OTJh">Regular? Is it a new realm? From the way Kozal is speaking about them, they doesn't seems to be stronger than him, in fact, from their build, the way they are standing and their presences, they seems to be only a bit stronger in term of raw strength than the strongest villagers if we forget Kozal.</p> <p class="cnM5MGY2NTc0OTM5ODRjNWFiODUxYmQ0NDNhZjY2NDEw">The envoys nodded slightly to the crowd and smiled, letting the mass be honored by their presences.</p> <p class="cnNiZmI1MDQ5ZTJlMzQ4ZTE5NmI1ZWYxZGMyZWE1ZTdi">There is 9 of them, and they seems to be over 20 years old. Their looks are overall better than Kozal but there's not a big differences between him and them on that point. How weird, they are supposed to have a "great knowledge" about Ki yet they seems to be only around 20, and from the way they look and they act, they look more like servants of a noble house.</p> <p class="cnMzZjVmMDk1M2NmNzQyNTk4NThmMzgzMzc2MTM3ZjY3">If my guess is correct, then it tells a lot about the current situation of this village...</p> <p class="cnNjNzY0MzUyMzNlOTQ0NDdhNGRmNmZlOTQ0MWJmMjdk">After presenting them, Kozal said "Well, that's all I had to say for now. I need to deal with a few matters, so please leave all your questions to the elders of the village." After saying that, he left quickly with one of the envoys.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDU4NjAzNzE1MjQ1MzdhNWJkM2I3MmE5ZDdiYmZm">The envoys and elders left the podium too then started to arrange the setting, and divided the kids depending to their ages and split them in two groups, boys and girls.</p> <p class="cnMyODY4MTQyMTQ4MjQ1NGI4YTg5NzM5NjE0NmEyYWZj">After that, a few parents came to the elders to ask a few questions about the training. I wasn't really interested on their answers since I've already Astris to help me on that. He probably know as mush as the elders.</p> <p class="cnNhNWJlMmZmMGRmMDRiMzlhZTg3NGYyODBhMjEyZTNl">Near the podium, something caught my attention. I saw a few boxes, and I could see the handles of something that could be a wooden sword. I wonder how they're gonna introduce them...</p> <p class="cnMzNmVjMzY0YTQ0NzQwMTNiY2EyMWFlYjVhMmQ5ODUz">After roughly 20 minutes, one the envoys came to the podium again and said "Hello everyone, I am Dave, I am one of the trainers and supervisors and I will introduce you what you will be doing for this month. For this month, you will be doing wrestling and racing for 10 hours in total in a day for all the month. You will also be doing a few minor exercises, that's all." he said with a smile on his face.</p> <p class="cnNjNzIyOWNhNGVjNTRmOTNiZDY2MjE5NjEwYTMwZTI5">Confusion could be seen on the faces of everyone. The planning seems to be a bit "light" compared to what they expected I think. They probably expected more detailed exercise, not only those two. But knowing that the supervisor come from a noble house, they didn't asked questions or complained about that.</p> <p class="cnM4YzVjOTI1MzUzNTQyYjRhYmUzNTZiODZjN2IyMWJm">Quickly, the supervisors put in place the stage for the wrestling. They made the kids do stretching before starting the wrestling. Dave who was still on the podium explained the details.</p> <p class="cnM0NTg1MmQ2YTBkNTRmYjJhZDg5MmViMTc3MzkxNTVm">"Today, we will be doing only wrestling exceptionally for about 6 hours. Here are the rules. The winners is the one who end up lying in the ground. You can't attack with your fist our your legs, you can only grab your opponent and try to make him fall. Any questions?."</p> <p class="cnNkYjliZDI0YmY4YzRkNDJhNzI1MTljMWViOTkyYzU5">No one dared to ask a question, and beside, there was no need for one since his explanation was clear enough.</p> <p class="cnNkMmVkNmQ2Zjg4NDRlN2JiNWY1MWFiZjQ0N2QyMTcy">The wrestling started slowly, with awkward moves from the kids. The instructors were only watching the fights, and said no words toward the children.</p> <p class="cnMwZjQ1Mjc5ZjEzYTQ4ZTY4MTliMjUyMWNlZGJkMGEy">As time goes on, more and more bruises could be seen on their faces and body. Nothing serious but still enough to make a few of them cry.</p> <p class="cnM4Mjc4NzY3NmFlMTQ4OTNhZjY5YWI4ZjJjYzBhNDAy">Their moves started to be more and more slow, with more tiredness in them. Four hours passed at least, but the supervisors only said to continue.</p> <p class="cnM0NjM3NzNlMGQwYzRiMDNhMWZjOWRkM2NhNTdhZTA2">My mother decided to leave after an hour, she wanted to come with her at home but I refused. I wanted to see what would be the outcome of today's training, and beside, I was bored and it was a good pastime for now, but my mother was firmly convinced to come with her at home today.</p> <p class="cnM2MDE5MzQ4NjliYjQ3NjZiMzFjZGFkODVmMTNhNTQw">She probably feared that I would try to come to the training ground, and be wounded accidentally in the process. But in our argument, Astris came and said to my mother that everything was fine and that he would watch.</p> <p class="cnM0OWVhM2JiMTg2YjRkNzhiNjhlOWNiYjQxZDgyOGYz">Relived, my mother decided to let it go and left the field. Well, Astris seems to be resolute to convince me to follow him. Whatever, I'll think about it later.</p> <p class="cnNmOGQzZTZkNGJlMTRmZTZiMDhkMWJlNGZlMzU1YzUw">I'm more intrigued by the way Kozal is handling the training session, I got a clear idea on what's going on. It's quite simple.</p> <p class="cnM4MTg3MGI0Y2FiYTRhY2ZiN2MxN2FkNTkyYjJmOTQ0">Kozal decided to make them do wrestling first to get them used to fight. Having a trained body is fine, but without experiences and courage, it's useless. He probably want to see who will put more spirit at the end of the day than the others. After all, the whole point of his plan is a selection, where the best will have the privilege to be trained by a Knight. And the daily racing is simply here to improve their stamina.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDZhMzUxNjE0YzQ3YjZhZDM3NTg3MjI4NDg2ZDg3">I thought that they will be doing first swords training, but it's a bit dangerous for now. They're too inexperienced, and their body are not strong enough to receive a hit from a sword, even if it's made of wood, it's still hard enough to break bones and even kill.</p> <p class="cnNlYzM0NTcxMDM5ZDQyMzg4MjY5YTUzOTc5MjJiMjA3">I need to find a way to be included in the selection. I thought that living a mundane life was the best since I'm not born in the best conditions to practice ki, it would be useless in my current situation. I'm not some kind of shonen protagonist who can learn and overclass everything with his willpower, no.</p> <p class="cnNjZjM3YWViZmZiYzRkZDNhOTQ4MmM5ZmUyNzc2ZWUy">After 42 years of living, I know that everything can't be obtained with hard work and perseverance. Social status, cultural, economic and social heritage are much stronger than what we can thought.</p> <p class="cnNmNDZmYmQ2YmMwMzQ1YjhhZjhiYjkzOTljZGQwOTY4">They bind us to a fate almost unbreakable, success largely does not come from skills in my world, but mainly from pure luck that we assimilate for talent. And it seems to be almost the same case in this word too.</p> <p class="cnMyN2JmZDFhYWY5MzQxNjRhMGE4MGNmZTZjYjMwYzY3">I have a chance to break my current fate, only kids trained under the supervising of Kozal and older than 5 years will be able to get in the selection. I'm only 1 year and 9 months old and the Knight will be coming in three years, that's not good. It's the only opportunity for me to cultivate effectively ki, and maybe becoming what I dreamed about. And for that, the only way is to agree to Astris's proposition...</p> </div>
Three days after Astris's speech, the training planned by him and his father started. Those concerned by that are children ahead of 5 years old, and less than 17 years old. From what I understood, the reason for that choice is beyond that age, it become more harder to make progress since it require to have a good foundation at from youngest age. The establishment of the foundation for a Ki practitioner come more quickly if one train at the youngest age. It's not impossible to cultivate beyond youth but it become more difficult to make progress, and has for consequences to be unable to move beyond it's current realm. It's currently the afternoon, 14 clock. We are outside of an old farm field, which has been specially designed for training. A few bench could be seen on the side of the field, and in front of the field, was the door that led inside the farm and ahead of it, was a podium made of wood and painted in white, specially made for today. A dozen of adult were talking near the podium, their constitutions are robust, and in that group could be seen the chief of the village, Fernandez Kozal, the only Expert of the village. "I'm so excited ! The chief of the village will make us Ki practitioner!" "If I work well, I could become a Knight and protect my mom and my sister of any problem !" "Guys do you know what kind of exercises we will be doing?" "No idea" The children near me are talking. They are actually a few dozens of them. They are quite excited to know that they will be trained by the chief of the village, and most importantly, that they may have a chance to be recognized and supervised by a Knight. They also all came in practical outfits for sport, which are simply loose clothes made of resistant fabric since they know the training will start today. Even though I'm near those kids, I'm not training with them since I'm too young. I'm out of the field, on the side with my mother. My father is an itinerant merchant, so he's usually not in home. Hence, it's my mother that fill most of my needs. Beside my mother, there is also the parents of each kids here. I'm actually in my mother's arms. That act should be a bit embarrassing but in her arm, I've a better vision that when I'm standing up alone. Also, my appearance is that of a kid, so I don't feel that much embarrassed in her arms. A few minutes later, the chief of the village climb up to the podium accompanied by a few busty adult and elders. "Varos, do you see that? It's the chief of the village. I think you already saw him but not that clearly before right?" my mother whispered near my ear. The chief of the village is quite tall, over 1.95 at least. His body is full of power too. He's seems to be over 40, with sharp brown eyes as well as his hair, which are very short. He wears a white shirt, with a black pant and long boot. Overall, I would say that the quality of his clothe are cheap, but they portray perfectly his personality, straightforward and confident of himself, with a smart side. He looked at the kids and then at their parents and said He looked at the kids and then at their parents and said "Welcome everyone, I'm Kozal, chief of this town. As you all know thanks to my son and assistants, a Knight will be coming in a few years train a few of your kids, but the primary reason beyond that is for the the selection of the most talented juniors of this nation. As a Knight, he will have the right to recommend and acknowledged a few children here that will have the chance to study in one of the official academies of the country, and could even become in the future a National Knight which will serve the nation. To prepare ourselves for his coming, we decided to train the younger generation in order to unveil their potentials. Those concerned are kids beyond 3 years old and younger than 17 years old. The goal behind it is not to find the strongest kids here, but the most talented ones. Those who are talented enough may have the chance to serve the king in person, do no forget that." The villagers and the kids listened with attention to his speech. Not even a fly could be heard. Kozal gazed carefully at them, took a long breath and began to talk again with a stronger voice "For now, the field will be divided on three part, according your ages. We will start today, the first part of the training will only be about physical and stamina enhancement." "Physical enhancement? But shouldn't it be better to train the kids directly how to feel or manifest their Ki, or make them learn a few techniques?" "That's right, we don't have enough time for regular exercises chief!" "Chief, couldn't you simply skip that part?" The parents seems to be confused and slightly disappointed by how Kozal is handling the training, and seeing the confusion of their parents, the children began at their turn to complain. "Silence!" He shouted with a powerful voice. All the noises and complains were shut. "Indeed, we will need at a moment to make them manifest their Ki but before that, we need to enhance their body first. If the body is correctly trained, then manifesting their Ki will be easier, and using it will be more proficient than if their were not trained before that. Ki is a fabulous asset that can be used by us humans, but if used incorrectly, it will be a double edged knife. If the body can't handle it's own Ki, it will only result of self injury". The crowd seemed a bit awkward and appease after hearing that. Seeing the crowd a bit ashamed of themselves, Kozal resumed his speech "I understand your disappointment, but we can't precipitate the process, it's vital for your children. I won't be the only one to the supervise the training too, as you see, near me are a few envoys of the nobility. They are Regulars, they have great knowledge about Ki and they are here to help me to supervise this training" Kolvac said while looking at his right side and then at his left side. Regular? Is it a new realm? From the way Kozal is speaking about them, they doesn't seems to be stronger than him, in fact, from their build, the way they are standing and their presences, they seems to be only a bit stronger in term of raw strength than the strongest villagers if we forget Kozal. The envoys nodded slightly to the crowd and smiled, letting the mass be honored by their presences. There is 9 of them, and they seems to be over 20 years old. Their looks are overall better than Kozal but there's not a big differences between him and them on that point. How weird, they are supposed to have a "great knowledge" about Ki yet they seems to be only around 20, and from the way they look and they act, they look more like servants of a noble house. If my guess is correct, then it tells a lot about the current situation of this village... After presenting them, Kozal said "Well, that's all I had to say for now. I need to deal with a few matters, so please leave all your questions to the elders of the village." After saying that, he left quickly with one of the envoys. The envoys and elders left the podium too then started to arrange the setting, and divided the kids depending to their ages and split them in two groups, boys and girls. After that, a few parents came to the elders to ask a few questions about the training. I wasn't really interested on their answers since I've already Astris to help me on that. He probably know as mush as the elders. Near the podium, something caught my attention. I saw a few boxes, and I could see the handles of something that could be a wooden sword. I wonder how they're gonna introduce them... After roughly 20 minutes, one the envoys came to the podium again and said "Hello everyone, I am Dave, I am one of the trainers and supervisors and I will introduce you what you will be doing for this month. For this month, you will be doing wrestling and racing for 10 hours in total in a day for all the month. You will also be doing a few minor exercises, that's all." he said with a smile on his face. Confusion could be seen on the faces of everyone. The planning seems to be a bit "light" compared to what they expected I think. They probably expected more detailed exercise, not only those two. But knowing that the supervisor come from a noble house, they didn't asked questions or complained about that. Quickly, the supervisors put in place the stage for the wrestling. They made the kids do stretching before starting the wrestling. Dave who was still on the podium explained the details. "Today, we will be doing only wrestling exceptionally for about 6 hours. Here are the rules. The winners is the one who end up lying in the ground. You can't attack with your fist our your legs, you can only grab your opponent and try to make him fall. Any questions?." No one dared to ask a question, and beside, there was no need for one since his explanation was clear enough. The wrestling started slowly, with awkward moves from the kids. The instructors were only watching the fights, and said no words toward the children. As time goes on, more and more bruises could be seen on their faces and body. Nothing serious but still enough to make a few of them cry. Their moves started to be more and more slow, with more tiredness in them. Four hours passed at least, but the supervisors only said to continue. My mother decided to leave after an hour, she wanted to come with her at home but I refused. I wanted to see what would be the outcome of today's training, and beside, I was bored and it was a good pastime for now, but my mother was firmly convinced to come with her at home today. She probably feared that I would try to come to the training ground, and be wounded accidentally in the process. But in our argument, Astris came and said to my mother that everything was fine and that he would watch. Relived, my mother decided to let it go and left the field. Well, Astris seems to be resolute to convince me to follow him. Whatever, I'll think about it later. I'm more intrigued by the way Kozal is handling the training session, I got a clear idea on what's going on. It's quite simple. Kozal decided to make them do wrestling first to get them used to fight. Having a trained body is fine, but without experiences and courage, it's useless. He probably want to see who will put more spirit at the end of the day than the others. After all, the whole point of his plan is a selection, where the best will have the privilege to be trained by a Knight. And the daily racing is simply here to improve their stamina. I thought that they will be doing first swords training, but it's a bit dangerous for now. They're too inexperienced, and their body are not strong enough to receive a hit from a sword, even if it's made of wood, it's still hard enough to break bones and even kill. I need to find a way to be included in the selection. I thought that living a mundane life was the best since I'm not born in the best conditions to practice ki, it would be useless in my current situation. I'm not some kind of shonen protagonist who can learn and overclass everything with his willpower, no. After 42 years of living, I know that everything can't be obtained with hard work and perseverance. Social status, cultural, economic and social heritage are much stronger than what we can thought. They bind us to a fate almost unbreakable, success largely does not come from skills in my world, but mainly from pure luck that we assimilate for talent. And it seems to be almost the same case in this word too. I have a chance to break my current fate, only kids trained under the supervising of Kozal and older than 5 years will be able to get in the selection. I'm only 1 year and 9 months old and the Knight will be coming in three years, that's not good. It's the only opportunity for me to cultivate effectively ki, and maybe becoming what I dreamed about. And for that, the only way is to agree to Astris's proposition...
{ "title": "Flow", "id": 15835, "author": "KayL", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "In Peace.Ch41", "id": 305649, "next": 306254, "prev": 305354, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzZTQ0ZmIwOWY4ZjQ0YTE4NTVlZThlMTFiMTdiNTNl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Celyz leads me to a trench where two harvesters stand guard. I take Yvonne's short sword from her waist while the Princess pulls a flat chest out and sets it in front of us. The sword-sworn blinks a couple of times in surprise as she gets a close look at my eyes for the first time in days. <em>A question for later.</em> </span></p> <p class="cnMwNGJhZTQ0YjZkYzRjY2JhMmJkOTViOTEzMDZlNDE5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">There are a few discreet runes on the border, an uncomplicated construct likely meant to be activated if the parasite tries to escape but there isn't any energy in it right now. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNDgxN2JmZmM1NTRkZjQ4NTNjM2FjODY1MjMxN2E1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“What are you going to do with that weapon?” Yvonne asks.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2QyNzY4ZGY5YjQwYjk4ZjM3Y2IyNDQxYzExNWQy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Clear something out.” I grunt.<br></span></p> <p class="cnNjZWMyMzIwNWQwNjQwYjBhMmZlNmY4ZDBjMjJlOGVj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I swing the sword in the air a few times as I hesitate. It was easier to think up my plan that to put it into effect. I take deep breaths as I assemble a lion strike and signaling construct, preparing enemy and friend messages for the Little one.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMxZmE2ZWJiNTQ2OTQwNDNhMjBiMzU2M2YwY2ZhMDg3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I angle the sword to point it at the rim and kick the chest open. I find the Little one buried under a layer of dirt with the elbow and shoulder poking out. It's immobile but I don't trust that. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MjE1YWM1OWE1NjQ1YjdiMThjYjk3ZWM4ZjlkYmVl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I wave my head at Celyz and Yvonne to get them to step back. I have to insist a couple of times but they do. I activate the signaling construct to send the message for friend and enemy at the same time to the Little one.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZGI1ZmMyMzcxMDQ4OWNhNmYzNjYwMDJmOWUyODYw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It doesn't move in the slightest so I poke it with the sword's point without really threatening to stab it before sending the messages again. I do this a dozen times to no avail as it doesn't react.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjk5ODczNzBiMjRjMWU5N2I4NTZjN2IyNGMwMTk5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I scoff and bring the sword back for a real attack. I stab at where its biceps should be with all my strength. The Little one squirms just slightly to dodge my stabbing attack before counter-attacking as expected.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDgyYjJkNjExZTQ3ZDViMjVjMTkzMTg1MDdmYTU0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Its tendrils burst out of the earth towards my arm to grip at my wrist. Its movements are much too quick and precise for me to follow or block so I simply push my weapon further in to press my blade on its forearm.</span></p> <p class="cnNmY2Y2NTBkMmU3NTQ2YzNhOGFmYTk4ZjAzZDBlNDc2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I'm able to do this because it definitely expected me to pull away and was ready to stop me or use my movement to gain ground, it definitely didn't prepare for a counter-counter-attack.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTQyMWFiZGYyOTQzYWI4NjdkOWNiYTVlZDhjODg4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">The position I've taken prevents it from leveraging its tendrils' hold on my wrist to attack my throat with its root-like fingers, or at least make it clear that it'll get heavily injured if it tries. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MzFlZGU1NGQ2YjQxYjQ5ZjgzMTU2NDlhY2VhMmUw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">The two of us pause, both able to injure the other but with me having an advantage as I've pretty much immobilized the parasite inside the chest with my weapon locking its forearm in place.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjg1ZTgzMDRkZTQxNGY4OTBmYmIxYTZiNjQzYzAy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“This thing clearly doesn't get whatever it is you're trying to do, Jessica.” Yvonne says, panicking slightly.</span></p> <p class="cnM5N2U0ZjBhMzI2MzRmNDdhNWIzZTYzYzY1YTJhNjM3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Oh, trust me, we understand each other just fine.” I reply coldly.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2Y4ZDllMmIxMDQzYTQ5N2MzZWIxMjIzMmY4MGIx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I detect Celyz taking a construct out of her body to my left. I don't waste time telling her to let me handle this as she clearly is. I even trust that she isn't using pheromones.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTI0ZjYxYzIxNzQ1MzNhYWQ5ZDc5YzFiY2E5YjJj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I focus back to the Little one to bombard it with the friend and enemy messages again, causing it to squirm in confusion and squeeze my wrist harder. I don't find that to be too much to worry about since the root-like fingers are the real threat and I have those pinned down.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWE5NDM5NGIzODRhZjk5MmYwMDBkYmE5NmViZGUy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I slowly assemble a lightning-armor-piercing construct over the sword, knowing that it'll be able to detect the <em>flow</em> and assess that its chances of obtaining the upper hand just dropped by a huge margin.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWE2M2U3YjRiOTQ1NTNhOGMxZDQzNGM3ZWRlN2Qz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">The parasite immediately retreats to the back of the chest throwing earth all around. It doesn't try to dislodge its wrist from under my blade but prepares to snap my wrist by curving its tendrils over one of the chest's corner ledges for leverage.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGVlMDYwNDg3NjRlNDFhZTA0MmEzNzU0Njk5MjZk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It also applies its hand to the bottom, which further dislodges the earth that was covering it. I notice that its fingers are thicker, longer, and more spaced out with each other around the palm than they were. It returned to what it looked like before it was implanted in me. The entire limb is in fact slightly larger.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDU3OTJkZmU1MjQ1MTlhZjQ3ZTdjNTY0ZWY4NWZh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I finish the lightning-armor-piercing construct before sending a broken friend and enemy message. The Little one and I remain immobile, I know for a fact that it's as aware as I am that there will be no victory for either of us without grievous injury.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTZjMjVhYmFjMjQyZDJhZDI3MDY3NjkyYjJlYzMy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You're smaller, I win.” I tell the Little one.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWY4NjRlMzM2OTQyOTJiYWYxZDJjZGQwNDkwYTAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It doesn't respond, or even react. I could think that it doesn't care but I'm pretty sure it simply doesn't understand. I ponder for a moment before setting my mind on the prey message.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTYyMTBlNDkxNjRkN2JhZTkzNTdkMjE3YzI3ZWY2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It takes some tinkering, five whole minutes in fact, but I manage to make the parasite understand that I'm referring to it when I send the prey signal with very little energy and to myself when I send it again with a lot of energy.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTNiZGM0OTEwYTQwOGE4ZmI4MWY2ZDFmODU5MTZh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It roils so hard that it cuts itself on my sword while also bruising my wrist. I chuckle and send two predator messages with the same ratio as before. It buckles again but a lot less. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNzQ0MTIwMTg2ZTRhNGU4M2M3NDBmZjc4YjI2ZWZl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Yeah, I'm the one with the biggest claws.” I utter at it. “You're all bravado. The truth is you don't have the guts to brawl with me when your life is on the line even though you could win. You're scared to gamble without a clear path to my vitals.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2Q1NTcwOTVhZTQxMGY4NDUyMmNmNTE0MWZhOGQ4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It read my sense of superiority through my tone or odor and decides to act. A network of silver strands flickers inside it just before it suddenly twists my wrist, which brings the sword up and away from it. It would have sprained or broken my articulation if I had locked it instead of leaving it loose. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNDZlZjFhMmM2NDQ3NjE5YjMzZTEzMzFiOGI4MTk5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I let go of my weapon and use the lion strike on my right leg to bring my boot down on the flat of my blade just as the parasite erupts out of the chest by swinging its roots at my throat by using its grip on my wrist.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OGI0NDc5MWMzYTQ5ODI5ZWY0NjY3OTZlYjJmM2Ex" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It planned its angle of attack in such a way that the edge of my weapon won't come into contact with it. Unluckily for it, my boot shoved the blade back into its path. Although there is no luck involved here, only planning.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMWVlNzg5ODk4NTQ2NjhiNWRjNDdlY2I3MzE2M2Nk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It had few available angles of attack to begin with and I reacted too quickly for it to get clear of the threat. With the small distances involved, I can easily press my advantage by shoving the weapon against it with my foot and pin it back down into the chest</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjE1NWVjZWI2MDRjZGNhNGIzNmZjOTM4YTBlM2Ux" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I'm glad to find out that the parasite figured out that struggling against the safe flat of a blade with a lightning-armor-piercing construct will still result in it eventually getting sliced through and consequently chose to back down.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDczODMyMDUzOTRlN2M4ZDE0NGJlNzI0ZmFhNDEx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Fuck, that was way too close even though I was more than ready for it.” I grunt.</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2ViYjNhYzRhNTQ2ZjJiOWJiNDRiNzc1MjhiZDcw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Please stop doing these kinds of things.” Yvonne gripes from close-by. <em>She moved a single step behind and to my left while I wasn't paying attention to her, which I would have noticed before. </em></span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjkwY2Q1MzYxMjQzMjBhN2EzNzEzYWQxMDZiNWY2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“It had limited leverage in that chest and few angles to attack from which Jessica restricted from the start while never giving it a chance to coil up. Not to mention that it only has its own reserves to draw from.” Celyz explains. Despite the supporting words, her voice is slightly shaky. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YmQ0OTNlNmFlNDRhNjM5NGQwY2VjNjdkY2IzN2Y4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Well, it isn't over yet.” I smirk.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMyMDM0YTk5ZDU2MTQwMjJhNTE4YTlhOTc4NDQyYWNl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I pull my right arm away while putting all my weight on the parasite, forcing it to unravel its tendrils. Once it does, I dismantle my lightning-armor-piercing construct and recover the sword while removing my foot.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjBiZTM2MWMyNTQ0NjVhZjM4NGZmZTYxYzA4ZWM4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hand the sword back to Yvonne and watch the Little one throw earth back over itself in a vain attempt at camouflage. I send it a friend message and reach out to it with my right hand.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjBiNGI5NzVlMDQ2MjJiYmQyODBlZTVlNTk3YTQy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">The parasite hesitantly reaches out with a tendril while keeping the rest prone. I have no doubt it would strike if it had an open wound to infiltrate with its appendages in order to paralyze me, but I do wonder the extent to which my paranoia plays a role in that assessment.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTE2OTUwMjNmNjQyNWJiNzYyZGUwYWU4ZDJiZDIy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Do you think it would attack me if it could?” I ask Celyz.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTFmMDExYjdjYTQ1ZTM4MDY0OTJhZTA0YjUxYmM1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“It isn't expressing as much right now but it did have that intent before we removed it.” She replies.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2NmMzlhMDIwNDRhN2Y5NzE2OGQwZmUzNmYwMGE3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“<em>Hm</em>.” I grunt. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNWEzN2ZhMzk0YzQ1ODZhZmZjZTEzOTczNDFlNGFm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">The Little one carefully taps my hand before slowly brushing it. I take it more as an admission of loss now than as an apology as the parasite has shown no guilt in the time we spent together.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMyZTEzNWE5MmQ1ZDRhYjM5ZDhkNzQ2YmU0NjQ0NDIw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I'll eat you next time.” I tell it while sending it a prey message accompanied by a predator one indicating myself.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OWUwOWQ0ZjhmMDRiM2E4ZjY0ZmVlZjA2MjA2MTNl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">It doesn't strike, which I take as a sign that it'll pick its battles with me more carefully in the future. I snap the chest shut on it once it retreats its tendrils and pick it up, grunting from the effort after our short but tiring bout.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjdjYzAwMGI4ZDRjM2I4ZDZiNWJhM2I3NmJjNjQ1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I head back to the tent where my liangi case is, I stored all of Elizabeth Vil's gear inside from the dagger and mask to the intricate chain-mail shirt. I set the chest next to it and turn to Yvonne.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjgzYjIyMWNkZjQ5Y2ZhOWU4OGJiY2IzNDc1YTM1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I won't be telling anyone about anything.” She says, scrutinizing my eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMmY0OWQ4MThkNjQyMDNiYjc4Mjk3MWMzNDM4YTYy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Not worried about that.” I reply with a small smile. <em>Did anyone even tell her I had the Rykz mode of detection, or this new one?</em> I trust her but there's no sense in cluing her in if she has no knowledge. “Do you mind lending me your short sword and telling me why you keep staring?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjExYTE3MjRlZjQ1MzhhODBlZTNlMjA1ODIwZjg4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Your eyes, they shine a bit when light hits them... sometimes.” She replies.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGUzN2ZmOGJkNzQ1YjliY2E2YjBmNzRlNTRjNDRm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“That's beyond vague.” I note, frowning.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2I2OTBlMTJiYzQ4OGU5ZDNjM2ZiMWNmZWRiNWNi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“It's weird, but kind of nice when it happens don't worry.” Yvonne quickly adds. “You can see fine, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjY4NWM5MWI5MTQxYzlhNGNjZjYyM2U0OTQxNWZk" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I can.” I nod. “Light is just a bit brighter than I recall.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDllOGE4YjJhZDRjMjFiNzc0ZGE4ZTE0ZGQ2NDk5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hold my hand out for the sword. Yvonne marks a distinct hesitation but she unfastens her belt sheathe from her waist and gives it to me. I throw it over the three shirts and two pairs of pants I'm wearing, resolving to quickly go back home for real winter clothes.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMzNDVmYTA3MjRlMjQ4ODI5MzhjOGZjM2EwMjMyMzYw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Alright, I'm going to go alone.” I tell Yvonne and Celyz. “I want to speak to the others without a chaperone.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmVhMWJiZjlhNzQzMGQ4NjQ3Nzk2YjBmMjg0MWU0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Do you mind if I stick around until you've spoken to Idali? I can help if there's another issue.” Yvonne replies, concerned.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MmVmYjIwNWMxZTQzNjY5NTE4YTBhMjAwYTUyNjZl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Idali isn't really dangerous and I can handle myself.” I reply sharply. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MWQzOTQ3YzNmNTQyNTU5YzIxNzI0ZjYyYTVhMGJl" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“...” Celyz and Yvonne stare at me silently.<br>“I'll come back to pack when I do Yvonne, but I need space, alright?” I tell her, gritting my teeth at being seen as the little girl who didn't dare to talk back to Nobles.<br>“Okay.” The sword-sworn agrees.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OWFjYTk3OWU4YTQ4OGM5ZTUyNjMxMTg3NTM0NWZj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">She takes out five portions of <em>flow</em> and gives them to me before returning inside the tent, tapping my shoulder in a supportive way as she passes by. Celyz shifts uncomfortably, her tail is swinging behind her in an awkward manner.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTNlMjY1ODAzMjQzNjk4MjNkMGY5YWQwOWJhNDgw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Do you mind telling me where I can find Fenyz, Cetyz, and Idali?” I ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNiODJkMjM5MTRmYzRlNmE5MWY1NjI4ZDMzOTVkYTg2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You'll find their escort if you head south, Idali won't be far from them.” Celyz replies softly.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTIwMDdjZGYyMDQ2OTBhY2QwMWZiYTFkMmI1Njgz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I'll meet you anywhere you want at noon.” I tell her.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmIwYjI5OGU4MjQ1YzA5NjQxZjE4ZjJjZTA2MzA4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“No place or moment will ever be suitable to part ways.” Celyz utters with difficulty.<br>“Pick one where you feel safe, I'm willing to go as far as you want.” I reply with an encouraging smile despite the pang of pain her tone causes in my chest.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzI3NTBlMDgzZjRjZjlhYTUzNmY1ZTlkYTk3NjE1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“I feel safe with you, the lake will do.” Celyz whispers.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTFlN2QzMzIxNjQzNzk5ZmM2Y2FhY2QzMWY3N2E4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em"><em>Why am I sticking with this?</em> Because I keep going, I cannot hesitate. <em>People have died from my indecision, my inability to find a solution, or my weakness.</em> Celyz departs before I can settle my internal debate.<br></span></p> <p class="cnMwOGI0Mzg5NjI0YzRiMGY5YTQ2OGM4MTcyMzhjMzYx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I take a deep breath and head south. I know from experience that there isn't anything either Celyz or I can say to each other that'll solve our fears about each other's feelings and physical compatibility short of putting them to the test.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzBhMjg0MGY4ZjQwYjlhN2IzYTE5MjdjODZkYTU1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I find Idali training by striking a small wall of logs which was likely left behind when the Rykz dismantled the spiked palisade that surrounded the camp. Her spear has a Vuskyt head which is slightly longer than the ones Fenyz uses.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmQ5YzBmY2ZhZDQ0Yzc4MjEwYTYzZDFmMTIwZDUz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Idali!” I call out.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTM0NTBjNGI3NzRmNzBhMTM4MTkxNzMwOTZjMWI5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">She immediately swipes her weapon to the side and brings it back in a ready to strike stance. I lay my right hand on the short sword's pommel, affecting a casual but confident posture.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTlmMzk0YjY5NDQ3ZjZiN2QzY2NjY2QzMjQ4MDk2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I make my way to her in an arc around her target wall. She turns to keep facing me, shifting her footing in accordance to remain on her guard. I pull my weapon out when I reach a three-meter distance.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTM2MGE5MjdmYjQxNzU5MzYyNGUwOWY2NTU2OWQw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“One bout, no more.” I tell her.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDE4NmE0MzA3MzRmOGViMTk5MmM1ZTQxNjRkNDVh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Done.” She grins.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTVkOTdmMmU3MDQzNWZhOGU4ZjIxZDQzODBjNzY2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I raise the sword and shift stances until I stop on a high stance with the blade above my head. It feels comfortable and allows me to either swipe down at her spear from many angles.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTRmNTdiZGU0NjQ4ZTA5MjMzZTM1OTAxZjE5NTRh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">She brings her left leg forward, taking a single step. That small movement would be non-threatening, or no more threatening than normal, for anyone else but Idali. The fact that she's placing her right leg behind her means, in my opinion, that she's preparing to use it to propel herself forward at me.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MDllZDI1MDk3NzQ4MzZiZmEwNzJmMjQxM2NjNTAx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I tense up, readying myself to jump to my left, which is her right. The reason being that she is holding her spear on her right side with the corresponding hand in the back.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDdlMjA1ZDg2YTQ4ZmZiNTdiY2VlYjViM2YyYTE5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">That means it will be harder for her to pursue someone on that side as it'll cause her to cross her arms if she doesn't adjust her charge, which she likely can't if she relies on her parasite to provide a burst of speed.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzRmNDVlMDU0NDQ2YTQ5NTMwODI5YjI4MDAxMTAz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">She leans forward. It takes me a split second to leap to my left, and her right. She departs with a loud <em>thump</em>. I immediately assess that she's closing the distance too quickly for my dodge to work. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MTlhNTU5NTFhMjQyOGRiOGViYjUwNzhjNWUzNGEw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I bring my short sword down on her spear. The strike diverts the weapon but doesn't cut through the wood. Idali's shoulder impacts my belly. I sprawl down, coughing my lungs out. She grins as she stands over me. I exaggerate my pain a little, causing her to frown in suspicion.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjEyNDAyYTIyOTQ5NTZiNGQwODY0NzA5OWQ4YTgy" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You're trying to spoil my revenge win from our spars on the ship!” She exclaims in outrage.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZjQ3ZjFmNjgyZjQ3Mjc4NDk3NTA3MjY3YmZjOTU2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I ignore her but she starts poking me with the end of her spear so I quickly stop. I decide to sheathe my weapon, finding no sign of aggression from her and thinking that a show of trust will do much for her self-confidence.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODNjM2IyYmEzMDRmYjY5NjdhOTdhZDdkZGYxYWQ2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Your form looked good.” I tell her. “Not sure about going for a head-on attack like that though.”<br>“All sweaty.” She grunts. “I figured it was the best way to put you down in one go.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGZmNGEwZDEzMjQ4MThiNTQzYzA1YTllM2I3ZWNj" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“True.” I smile, holding my hand out.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmU1ZTU3Yjg0ZDRjMmM5MGFlNjkyZjYwZTIyMzI5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">She takes hold of it and picks me up. I let go of her hand but stand right there in front of her, quite suddenly finding her very attractive, from the brief contact my shoulder just made with her chest to her high cheekbones.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTE1MWQwZTUzNzQ2NDdiNDlkMWFjZWUyOWUyN2Y4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Idali starts slowly leaning in, aiming to kiss me. I jump back in panic, knowing very well the reason behind my attraction. She pouts and closes in on me. I take more steps back before throwing her a glare that makes her blink and pause.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjExODc3MGIwYTQyMWQ5MjBmM2UxZTlkNDljMTEz" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Right, you don't do casual.” She mutters, vexed.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTdiMmJlNzI5ZDQ5MmU5NjJhNDkyOWVjZGM3ZjM1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You want to take a break? I've got a few stories that could help you out.” I tell her, firmly set on ignoring the non-event.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTA4YzY4NWI4NDRkYzg5ZGE5Y2I0YzA1ODM3NWI4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Sure.” She sighs.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzEyZDNiNDJkNjQ5NTY5Njk2MTcxNGFmZjRmOGZm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">Idali pulls her shirt off, revealing the tight gray piece of cloth holding her breasts in place. I bite my lower lip but don't look away as she sits on the shirt. I take the spot in front of her.</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2VlZGFkOTQ0ZDQ2MTBhZmZhODVkZjhiOGJhODdh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Don't feel cold?” I ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTc5MWRjNzBiMjQ1YWNhYmNhYTZmYTliMTgxYWI4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Not really, no.” Idali shrugs.</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2UxZGQ4MDY0ODRjNTA4ZWYwNDczNDMxODVmMzI5" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You might want to cover yourself anyway, your symbiont is definitely pushing your body more than is healthy.” I advise her.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWVlMWVjMGYwNDQ3OTg4MTBiMTY0ZGU4NDJjNjk3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“At least something is.” She says, sticking her tongue out.<br>“That was a weak innuendo at best.” I comment while repressing an amused smile.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjdmYzJjMDAwMTQ4ZDJiYTc2NDU1MjVmYjBkMzQ4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Fine, I'll find a coat.” She rolls her eyes at me.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Mjc1OTYyMzRmYjRhNDhhNGYyZjQ2MjE4MGQ1Mjdm" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Don't you dare to put me in the same category as Yvonne.” I tell her. “I won't be hovering to make sure you do.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmNjMTBmNjAwMTQ3ZTBhNDQ4M2UxNTI0OTlmYzU0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“You're doing better than last time, I can tell.” Idali says. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNzQ3Y2E3YTQ5YzQ4OTE4ZDIxNTE2NzlkYmNhMzA2" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Panicked a little, sorry. It didn't have anything to do with you.” I explain.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzRmMDg1YTBlMTQ1NTA5MTIyM2U3MTc3MmJiZmY3" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Yvonne told me.” Idali nods. “How has it been with Lady Lance?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmNkNTUzNDcxZTRhODM4MWNhNjc0N2IxODQzZDM4" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">“Rocky, it's still screwed up, as you described it last time.” I reply. “Can't wait to see h<em><strong>e</strong></em>r again.”<em> As Jessica.</em></span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDE5NDkxZTcyNjQ4ZmFiMWU4ODkwNzkyNjhiNDAw" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I quickly divert the conversation by telling her about my experience going around incognito and at night during the curfew in Meria. Much of it is likely useless to her considering she's worked as a city guard but she listens seriously. </span></p> <p class="cnNmM2E0YzBjYjdhYjQwZTE5OTQzNDFhOWNjMzNkNGRi" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I then run her through the process I went through to figure out how to break into the institute, how I refined my plan and the lucky breaks involved in my success. </span></p> <p class="cnM5Zjc0YjQxOTJmMzRmNGI5MWYwNTZlODA1NjMwNzUx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I hammer in the fact that obtaining the Rykz sense apparently involves the parasite attaching to the spine and growing tiny filaments into her brain, although I use the word symbiont.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjgwMTIyNjVjMzRmNWI4NjNjMGJiYmM5NzI3Y2Y1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I finally insist on keeping everything involved secret as Suxen is likely not the only one who would be interested in what the Silver Hive gave us despite the fact that the Rykz would likely use their attempts to use the parasites against them.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmQzNmMyOGIzNDQyYWY5YTVkZDQ0YzRhMmZjYjI0" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I part with Idali after the discussion, relieved about the progress she's made in a few days. My arousal in her presence wasn't all that difficult to handle considering it also evoked fear in me.<br></span></p> <p class="cnNlNTI0MmY2N2JlZjRhODI5MGI2NmFmNDc2ZjkxYTVh" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I think I understand Aisha's thought process in trying to sleep with me as she likely wanted to get it over with and use that intimacy to improve our relationship.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWE5NmVhYTgxNDQ1OTM4N2IxZTFiZjQ2YjQ3MTQ1" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I still don't think any better of the Shade, I don't mind that others have casual sex but using that for gains seems cold-hearted to me. <em>Or rather, a cruel calculation. </em>I shouldn't be buying into the thing said about the Lisilese anymore than those said of the Rykz before encountering them.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmExZGNhN2I2MTQ5YzFhNzliZWFmZjYzZThiMzEx" lang="en-US" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-size: 1em">I take my time strolling as I seek the Princesses' escorts even though I cool down from my encounter with Idali rather quickly. I still feel conflicted about Leomi's order about what I can do with myself, it makes me feel wanted but also smothered.</span></p> </div>
Celyz leads me to a trench where two harvesters stand guard. I take Yvonne's short sword from her waist while the Princess pulls a flat chest out and sets it in front of us. The sword-sworn blinks a couple of times in surprise as she gets a close look at my eyes for the first time in days. *A question for later.* There are a few discreet runes on the border, an uncomplicated construct likely meant to be activated if the parasite tries to escape but there isn't any energy in it right now. “What are you going to do with that weapon?” Yvonne asks. “Clear something out.” I grunt. I swing the sword in the air a few times as I hesitate. It was easier to think up my plan that to put it into effect. I take deep breaths as I assemble a lion strike and signaling construct, preparing enemy and friend messages for the Little one. I angle the sword to point it at the rim and kick the chest open. I find the Little one buried under a layer of dirt with the elbow and shoulder poking out. It's immobile but I don't trust that. I wave my head at Celyz and Yvonne to get them to step back. I have to insist a couple of times but they do. I activate the signaling construct to send the message for friend and enemy at the same time to the Little one. It doesn't move in the slightest so I poke it with the sword's point without really threatening to stab it before sending the messages again. I do this a dozen times to no avail as it doesn't react. I scoff and bring the sword back for a real attack. I stab at where its biceps should be with all my strength. The Little one squirms just slightly to dodge my stabbing attack before counter-attacking as expected. Its tendrils burst out of the earth towards my arm to grip at my wrist. Its movements are much too quick and precise for me to follow or block so I simply push my weapon further in to press my blade on its forearm. I'm able to do this because it definitely expected me to pull away and was ready to stop me or use my movement to gain ground, it definitely didn't prepare for a counter-counter-attack. The position I've taken prevents it from leveraging its tendrils' hold on my wrist to attack my throat with its root-like fingers, or at least make it clear that it'll get heavily injured if it tries. The two of us pause, both able to injure the other but with me having an advantage as I've pretty much immobilized the parasite inside the chest with my weapon locking its forearm in place. “This thing clearly doesn't get whatever it is you're trying to do, Jessica.” Yvonne says, panicking slightly. “Oh, trust me, we understand each other just fine.” I reply coldly. I detect Celyz taking a construct out of her body to my left. I don't waste time telling her to let me handle this as she clearly is. I even trust that she isn't using pheromones. I focus back to the Little one to bombard it with the friend and enemy messages again, causing it to squirm in confusion and squeeze my wrist harder. I don't find that to be too much to worry about since the root-like fingers are the real threat and I have those pinned down. I slowly assemble a lightning-armor-piercing construct over the sword, knowing that it'll be able to detect the *flow* and assess that its chances of obtaining the upper hand just dropped by a huge margin. The parasite immediately retreats to the back of the chest throwing earth all around. It doesn't try to dislodge its wrist from under my blade but prepares to snap my wrist by curving its tendrils over one of the chest's corner ledges for leverage. It also applies its hand to the bottom, which further dislodges the earth that was covering it. I notice that its fingers are thicker, longer, and more spaced out with each other around the palm than they were. It returned to what it looked like before it was implanted in me. The entire limb is in fact slightly larger. I finish the lightning-armor-piercing construct before sending a broken friend and enemy message. The Little one and I remain immobile, I know for a fact that it's as aware as I am that there will be no victory for either of us without grievous injury. “You're smaller, I win.” I tell the Little one. It doesn't respond, or even react. I could think that it doesn't care but I'm pretty sure it simply doesn't understand. I ponder for a moment before setting my mind on the prey message. It takes some tinkering, five whole minutes in fact, but I manage to make the parasite understand that I'm referring to it when I send the prey signal with very little energy and to myself when I send it again with a lot of energy. It roils so hard that it cuts itself on my sword while also bruising my wrist. I chuckle and send two predator messages with the same ratio as before. It buckles again but a lot less. “Yeah, I'm the one with the biggest claws.” I utter at it. “You're all bravado. The truth is you don't have the guts to brawl with me when your life is on the line even though you could win. You're scared to gamble without a clear path to my vitals.” It read my sense of superiority through my tone or odor and decides to act. A network of silver strands flickers inside it just before it suddenly twists my wrist, which brings the sword up and away from it. It would have sprained or broken my articulation if I had locked it instead of leaving it loose. I let go of my weapon and use the lion strike on my right leg to bring my boot down on the flat of my blade just as the parasite erupts out of the chest by swinging its roots at my throat by using its grip on my wrist. It planned its angle of attack in such a way that the edge of my weapon won't come into contact with it. Unluckily for it, my boot shoved the blade back into its path. Although there is no luck involved here, only planning. It had few available angles of attack to begin with and I reacted too quickly for it to get clear of the threat. With the small distances involved, I can easily press my advantage by shoving the weapon against it with my foot and pin it back down into the chest I'm glad to find out that the parasite figured out that struggling against the safe flat of a blade with a lightning-armor-piercing construct will still result in it eventually getting sliced through and consequently chose to back down. “Fuck, that was way too close even though I was more than ready for it.” I grunt. “Please stop doing these kinds of things.” Yvonne gripes from close-by. *She moved a single step behind and to my left while I wasn't paying attention to her, which I would have noticed before.* “It had limited leverage in that chest and few angles to attack from which Jessica restricted from the start while never giving it a chance to coil up. Not to mention that it only has its own reserves to draw from.” Celyz explains. Despite the supporting words, her voice is slightly shaky. “Well, it isn't over yet.” I smirk. I pull my right arm away while putting all my weight on the parasite, forcing it to unravel its tendrils. Once it does, I dismantle my lightning-armor-piercing construct and recover the sword while removing my foot. I hand the sword back to Yvonne and watch the Little one throw earth back over itself in a vain attempt at camouflage. I send it a friend message and reach out to it with my right hand. The parasite hesitantly reaches out with a tendril while keeping the rest prone. I have no doubt it would strike if it had an open wound to infiltrate with its appendages in order to paralyze me, but I do wonder the extent to which my paranoia plays a role in that assessment. “Do you think it would attack me if it could?” I ask Celyz. “It isn't expressing as much right now but it did have that intent before we removed it.” She replies. “*Hm*.” I grunt. The Little one carefully taps my hand before slowly brushing it. I take it more as an admission of loss now than as an apology as the parasite has shown no guilt in the time we spent together. “I'll eat you next time.” I tell it while sending it a prey message accompanied by a predator one indicating myself. It doesn't strike, which I take as a sign that it'll pick its battles with me more carefully in the future. I snap the chest shut on it once it retreats its tendrils and pick it up, grunting from the effort after our short but tiring bout. I head back to the tent where my liangi case is, I stored all of Elizabeth Vil's gear inside from the dagger and mask to the intricate chain-mail shirt. I set the chest next to it and turn to Yvonne. “I won't be telling anyone about anything.” She says, scrutinizing my eyes. “Not worried about that.” I reply with a small smile. *Did anyone even tell her I had the Rykz mode of detection, or this new one?* I trust her but there's no sense in cluing her in if she has no knowledge. “Do you mind lending me your short sword and telling me why you keep staring?” “Your eyes, they shine a bit when light hits them... sometimes.” She replies. “That's beyond vague.” I note, frowning. “It's weird, but kind of nice when it happens don't worry.” Yvonne quickly adds. “You can see fine, right?” “I can.” I nod. “Light is just a bit brighter than I recall.” I hold my hand out for the sword. Yvonne marks a distinct hesitation but she unfastens her belt sheathe from her waist and gives it to me. I throw it over the three shirts and two pairs of pants I'm wearing, resolving to quickly go back home for real winter clothes. “Alright, I'm going to go alone.” I tell Yvonne and Celyz. “I want to speak to the others without a chaperone.” “Do you mind if I stick around until you've spoken to Idali? I can help if there's another issue.” Yvonne replies, concerned. “Idali isn't really dangerous and I can handle myself.” I reply sharply. “...” Celyz and Yvonne stare at me silently. “I'll come back to pack when I do Yvonne, but I need space, alright?” I tell her, gritting my teeth at being seen as the little girl who didn't dare to talk back to Nobles. “Okay.” The sword-sworn agrees. She takes out five portions of *flow* and gives them to me before returning inside the tent, tapping my shoulder in a supportive way as she passes by. Celyz shifts uncomfortably, her tail is swinging behind her in an awkward manner. “Do you mind telling me where I can find Fenyz, Cetyz, and Idali?” I ask. “You'll find their escort if you head south, Idali won't be far from them.” Celyz replies softly. “I'll meet you anywhere you want at noon.” I tell her. “No place or moment will ever be suitable to part ways.” Celyz utters with difficulty. “Pick one where you feel safe, I'm willing to go as far as you want.” I reply with an encouraging smile despite the pang of pain her tone causes in my chest. “I feel safe with you, the lake will do.” Celyz whispers. *Why am I sticking with this?* Because I keep going, I cannot hesitate. *People have died from my indecision, my inability to find a solution, or my weakness.* Celyz departs before I can settle my internal debate. I take a deep breath and head south. I know from experience that there isn't anything either Celyz or I can say to each other that'll solve our fears about each other's feelings and physical compatibility short of putting them to the test. I find Idali training by striking a small wall of logs which was likely left behind when the Rykz dismantled the spiked palisade that surrounded the camp. Her spear has a Vuskyt head which is slightly longer than the ones Fenyz uses. “Idali!” I call out. She immediately swipes her weapon to the side and brings it back in a ready to strike stance. I lay my right hand on the short sword's pommel, affecting a casual but confident posture. I make my way to her in an arc around her target wall. She turns to keep facing me, shifting her footing in accordance to remain on her guard. I pull my weapon out when I reach a three-meter distance. “One bout, no more.” I tell her. “Done.” She grins. I raise the sword and shift stances until I stop on a high stance with the blade above my head. It feels comfortable and allows me to either swipe down at her spear from many angles. She brings her left leg forward, taking a single step. That small movement would be non-threatening, or no more threatening than normal, for anyone else but Idali. The fact that she's placing her right leg behind her means, in my opinion, that she's preparing to use it to propel herself forward at me. I tense up, readying myself to jump to my left, which is her right. The reason being that she is holding her spear on her right side with the corresponding hand in the back. That means it will be harder for her to pursue someone on that side as it'll cause her to cross her arms if she doesn't adjust her charge, which she likely can't if she relies on her parasite to provide a burst of speed. She leans forward. It takes me a split second to leap to my left, and her right. She departs with a loud *thump*. I immediately assess that she's closing the distance too quickly for my dodge to work. I bring my short sword down on her spear. The strike diverts the weapon but doesn't cut through the wood. Idali's shoulder impacts my belly. I sprawl down, coughing my lungs out. She grins as she stands over me. I exaggerate my pain a little, causing her to frown in suspicion. “You're trying to spoil my revenge win from our spars on the ship!” She exclaims in outrage. I ignore her but she starts poking me with the end of her spear so I quickly stop. I decide to sheathe my weapon, finding no sign of aggression from her and thinking that a show of trust will do much for her self-confidence. “Your form looked good.” I tell her. “Not sure about going for a head-on attack like that though.” “All sweaty.” She grunts. “I figured it was the best way to put you down in one go.” “True.” I smile, holding my hand out. She takes hold of it and picks me up. I let go of her hand but stand right there in front of her, quite suddenly finding her very attractive, from the brief contact my shoulder just made with her chest to her high cheekbones. Idali starts slowly leaning in, aiming to kiss me. I jump back in panic, knowing very well the reason behind my attraction. She pouts and closes in on me. I take more steps back before throwing her a glare that makes her blink and pause. “Right, you don't do casual.” She mutters, vexed. “You want to take a break? I've got a few stories that could help you out.” I tell her, firmly set on ignoring the non-event. “Sure.” She sighs. Idali pulls her shirt off, revealing the tight gray piece of cloth holding her breasts in place. I bite my lower lip but don't look away as she sits on the shirt. I take the spot in front of her. “Don't feel cold?” I ask. “Not really, no.” Idali shrugs. “You might want to cover yourself anyway, your symbiont is definitely pushing your body more than is healthy.” I advise her. “At least something is.” She says, sticking her tongue out. “That was a weak innuendo at best.” I comment while repressing an amused smile. “Fine, I'll find a coat.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Don't you dare to put me in the same category as Yvonne.” I tell her. “I won't be hovering to make sure you do.” “You're doing better than last time, I can tell.” Idali says. “Panicked a little, sorry. It didn't have anything to do with you.” I explain. “Yvonne told me.” Idali nods. “How has it been with Lady Lance?” “Rocky, it's still screwed up, as you described it last time.” I reply. “Can't wait to see h***e***r again.” *As Jessica.* I quickly divert the conversation by telling her about my experience going around incognito and at night during the curfew in Meria. Much of it is likely useless to her considering she's worked as a city guard but she listens seriously. I then run her through the process I went through to figure out how to break into the institute, how I refined my plan and the lucky breaks involved in my success. I hammer in the fact that obtaining the Rykz sense apparently involves the parasite attaching to the spine and growing tiny filaments into her brain, although I use the word symbiont. I finally insist on keeping everything involved secret as Suxen is likely not the only one who would be interested in what the Silver Hive gave us despite the fact that the Rykz would likely use their attempts to use the parasites against them. I part with Idali after the discussion, relieved about the progress she's made in a few days. My arousal in her presence wasn't all that difficult to handle considering it also evoked fear in me. I think I understand Aisha's thought process in trying to sleep with me as she likely wanted to get it over with and use that intimacy to improve our relationship. I still don't think any better of the Shade, I don't mind that others have casual sex but using that for gains seems cold-hearted to me. *Or rather, a cruel calculation.* I shouldn't be buying into the thing said about the Lisilese anymore than those said of the Rykz before encountering them. I take my time strolling as I seek the Princesses' escorts even though I cool down from my encounter with Idali rather quickly. I still feel conflicted about Leomi's order about what I can do with myself, it makes me feel wanted but also smothered.
{ "title": "Planet Plume", "id": 21366, "author": "BlankDott", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 13: Underneath a Single Bed Sheet", "id": 305733, "next": 306019, "prev": 305466, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmNTMxNzM2MDFmNTRiMTQ5YzJkODM5ODYxNDI5Y2I2"><strong>Chapter 1</strong><strong>3: Underneath a Single Bed Sheet</strong></p> <p class="cnMzZDg1NTI2M2M3MzQzMTBhNWI3NDczOWJkNjcyN2E1">After a while, Lynn finally tired herself out. She fell asleep on the carpeted floor, a bottle still firmly wrapped around her arms. Theo shook his head and involuntarily sighed. It was a good thing that he managed to avoid all the things that she had thrown at him. Unfortunately, that also meant that the living room was no covered in broken glass.</p> <p class="cnMxZWVmYWYwOGZhNTQ0ZDRhMWQ4M2RjOThlODQ4Njc3">That little tantrum of hers only resulted in more things to clean for him.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmQ1OTZlNWY0NzQ3MjM5MTQ1MTY0MjFjOTg4ZjA5">Theo lifted Lynn up from the floor and settled her down on the couch. He tucked her in with the quilt blanket, before Theo turned off the lights and headed upstairs. As for the mess, well, that was a responsibility best left for future him.</p> <p class="cnNjMGMzNzdlMTRjYjRhMmE5MDE2MTBhNTU1NWVkYWRj">Theo was also quite tired. Today had been quite hectic and full of action. Right now, nothing sounded better than a good night’s sleep. As he made his way to his room, he stopped in front of a door.</p> <p class="cnNmZDI2ODkyMmI2ODQ3ZGFiYzRlZTdkMTUyZTQwZTE2">It was Lynn’s bedroom.</p> <p class="cnNhODUxN2QzN2RiMDQxNGRhMDJmNDU1ZjM1OTEyY2Jl">Previously, she made quite a big deal about it, going on about how it was uninhabitable and what not. Curiosity got the better of him, so he turned the knob, and peeked into the room.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2I4ODEyYTVkNzRiNDlhZDg5OTY1NDA4M2Y2YzQ5">“Wow, she wasn’t exaggerating.” He gawked at the mess inside.</p> <p class="cnNhMmUzMWNiNGMwZjRlZjVhNjM3YWQzZjZhYzA1NDQ0">Ramen cups and empty pizza boxes, beer cans and wine bottles. A pile of laundry was haphazardly shoved into a corner of the room. It resembled a towering molehill, and probably measured at least three feet above the ground. Shards of glass littered the carpeted floor. They twinkled with the light that seeped in from the hallway.</p> <p class="cnM4NzliNzFmNjI0MjRhOTk5ZWRlZjQzYjBlYzQxNmM2">Bra and lingerie sporadically appeared all over the room like scraps of newspaper.</p> <p class="cnNjZjM3NjdjZjJhNTQ2MDc4ODc1YTgwMTc0MThkOTBk">The bed did not have any beddings. In fact, for some reason, the mattress was missing. After looking around for a bit, he finally found it. The mattress was propped onto its side, leaning against the wall. There was a stain in the middle of its surface. For a second, he instantly thought of urine, but the most likely scenario was alcohol. God knows how much of the stuff that aunt of his had consumed during the last seven months.</p> <p class="cnM0NjRjM2ZhMjY1MzQ3M2RiOGFjODJiNDAyNTE2Y2I0">The scene reminded Theo of a dungeon from the Alparline Kingdom. Alparline was a nation in Mistelhan ruled by a despotic king. Its numerous dungeons were famed for their crooked wardens and disease-ridden cells.</p> <p class="cnNhYjFmYjZhZmYyMzQ2Nzk5YmEzNjdmNmMzMTM2ODFk">He shook his head. Although he knew from past experience that Aunt Lynn wasn’t very meticulous or organized, it seems that his long absence unknowingly caused that little trait of hers to undergo a drastic evolution. The stress of his disappearance, the workload of her new job, he could only begin to imagine how life had been like for her these last seven months.</p> <p class="cnMzYzVmNjlhMmY0NDQyMWU4ZTAyMTlkNTcwOWY3M2Zh">A bitter expression flashed through his face. Now that he was back, all of this turned into his responsibility. From cleaning, laundry, dishes, and scrubbing toilets, all the household chores with the exception of cooking, had always been his part of the labor. He certainly did not think that little rule would change any time soon.</p> <p class="cnNkNGQ1ZTU1Yzg4MjQ3M2I5YjZlMzA4MjVkODVkODFk">After grieving over this matter for a few seconds, Theo left the room and closed the door. He picked up a timely call from Shirley, went to the bathroom to relieve himself, before he finally retreated into his bedroom.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjljNzAyMDQxMjRjM2ZhMzI2ZWU3ZWIwZjk0MmU1">To his surprise, unlike the rest of everything else in the house, his room was spotless. More specifically, it had been left perfectly intact, almost identical to the state before his disappearance. He would have happily gushed over his memories from twenty-five years ago, but the fatigue from today was simply too heavy. It hit like a runaway freight train, and Theo collapsed onto his bed with a heavy plop.</p> <p class="cnMyZTA3ZWNlNzczOTQ5YjM5MjNlNDAyYjg0ZTlmNGRm">He lay there for a second, his face pressed against the mattress, before he began to strip. He took everything off.</p> <p class="cnMwYmU2ZGYwYzY1MzRjMGY5NTc0MDQ2YzgyOGZlY2Ey">In Mistelhan, he had grown used to sleeping with a full set of armor, so honestly speaking, he would have much preferred to sleep with his clothes on. That was his original plan, but then he recalled how he had always slept naked back on Plume.</p> <p class="cnM5OWNkZDIzNTJjMDQ5MGM5OGYxM2Y0YjFhYmJmMzNh">He wanted to chase that persistent feeling of nostalgia, so he stripped himself completely naked, before he jumped back into bed with a satisfied expression. It was a minor change, but it went a long way towards Theo’s mental recovery.</p> <p class="cnM1NDE2YWJjOTIyYzRkNTU4YzFhMGVmM2ZiOTJkYmEy">It did not take long before the heavy bags in his eyes grew too heavy to resist. Theo closed his eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep. Unfortunately, that did not last long. A few hours later, in the dead of the night, Theo’s eyelids suddenly shot open. His neck twisted, as he turned to face the door.</p> <p class="cnNlYzAzYTIyMWJlNzQ4MTc5OTg5MmM3MTc0YmRiZWMw">He heard something. It was faint and sort of muffled, but he definitely heard it.</p> <p class="cnNlYWM0ZDExZTQ2ODQwYzE4N2I5MTJlYzg4MWJjMzEy"><em>That little girl didn’t actually sneak into my room, did she? </em>He had made sure to reply to Shirley's call, so hypothetically speaking, she should have no reason to crawl into his bed tonight. Still, he had to admit, a woman’s emotions were quite fickle. <em>Who knows, maybe she was so overwhelmed by loneliness that she actually decided to go ahead with that little late-night escapade of hers. </em></p> <p class="cnNhNWI4OGE1M2YzYTRiYTJhYTYyMzg3ZTAwMzcwZDM0">After thinking for a moment, Theo hurriedly ran to the closet and put on a pair of fresh underwear. He also added an undershirt for good measure.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjFlMzdiYmYzMTRlODRiNzBhM2NjZjk2ODM2OGRj">One second, two seconds, ten seconds passed, before the door creaked open. “Theo, are you asleep?” A quiet whisper filled the room.</p> <p class="cnNjY2VhMjM1MTdkOTQ0MjNhNjA3MmI2MGY4YjVhYzI4">To his surprise and slight disappointment, the voice did not belong to Shirley.</p> <p class="cnNjOTNjNGYyYTRmOTQxMzc5ZDhkODkyZGQ4MTBiNjMy">“I am now.” Theo blandly responded, before he focused his gaze on the head that peaked in from behind the door.</p> <p class="cnNmMDQyNGVhNGJlYjRjMWZhNGJjNWYwYzUyZGZjYTRl">“Why are you here?” He asked.</p> <p class="cnM4YzZjMjVlNzgyNTRkOGJhYTk2OWMzMmQzYzc3ZDZj">“Let’s sleep together.” She spoke straightforwardly, as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She had changed clothes, and now wore a set of pink tiger pajamas. In her hands was a pillow.</p> <p class="cnMwZmFiOWQ4NmY2NjQzMzdhOTU4YjY5YTBiNjlmYmU2">“Sleep together?” Theo absentmindedly repeated to himself. If he had heard that from any other girl on the planet, then he would have definitely misunderstood. It was too bad that those words had come from his Aunt Lynn.</p> <p class="cnMzNWI3MjdjNjM1YTQwNzBiOWM4ZjkwYmFjOGY2NDA4">“What’s the matter with you?” After seeing the weird expression on his face, Lynn couldn’t help but comment. “We sleep together all the time. Don’t be so weird about it.” She did not wait for Theo’s response, as she directly crawled underneath his blanket and forcibly pushed him to one side of the bed, before boldly taking the other.</p> <p class="cnM1NzZhMzdlZTVlNTRiNDVhMDg4MjU0NmU4YWZiMjZk">Theo bitterly laughed. It was true, they had slept together before, but Lynn did not mention the fact that the last time they slept together was when he was thirteen! That was all the way back to when his parents first died. For him, that had been a time of immense grief and suffering. Unless Lynn was by his side, he found it nearly impossible to fall asleep.</p> <p class="cnNkYTcxYTI1ZDYzYTRmMzQ4YjE0ZDhiMDMwNmMyNzQ0">He shook his head and decided not to say anything. In the end, he thought her sudden desire was due to a bout of clinginess that aroused as a result of his disappearance. Sort of similar to the way he felt at thirteen. Since she was like this because of him, then so be it. Let her sleep here!</p> <p class="cnM4MDg3MTI2NmJlYjQ1NGRiNDE2M2RmZmExZGYzY2Q1">With his silent consent, Lynn pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and wedged herself deeper into the folds of the mattress. The two of them lay side to side, with their faces pointed to the ceiling. Less than three inches separated the two from one another.</p> <p class="cnM3NTU4MTExMmUzNjRjNjY5ZTQyYzVmMTQ0ODUwMmVk">Right now, he felt that those three inches were as long as the width of the universe.</p> <p class="cnNhNDMyMzY4ZDEwZjRjMDFiOTFiZGFiN2EyMGVhZWYz">Ten minutes of silence went by. Theo found it immensely difficult to go back to sleep. He was too focused, his mind too caught up on her. The sound of light breathing echoed through the room, a certain warmth seeped into the air.</p> <p class="cnMxOTk4NGFkMzFhNzRmMDhiNDNjZDI0YjFhMzA1Njg3">Suddenly, she spoke. “Do you notice it?”</p> <p class="cnMzZGI2Nzg5YTZkMjRiY2ZiYzZkM2YwMDMxZWQzMzk5">“Notice what?” Theo responded back, his gaze still fixated on the tiny dots in the ceiling.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWY1Y2ZkODU1ZDQxYTRiNGNhZTJkY2Y2ZDk2ZWEz">“The bed sheets.” She paused for a moment. “Don’t they smell like me?”</p> <p class="cnNiZGNjMjJmNGZmZjQ1N2ViNDRjOTE5ZmMwNzk5OTFi">“Like beer and whiskey?”</p> <p class="cnM2MjRmMDJmMTkzODRkYjI5ODQ4YTZlOTI3YzQxYmJi">“No! Smell it for real. It smells like me doesn’t it?”</p> <p class="cnNmNmFmZmU3MjUwZjRmM2VhNjc5NzQzMzRhMDY0ZTFi">He furrowed his brow. He hesitated for a moment, before he brought the blanket up to his nose and sniffed. In truth, he couldn’t really tell. With Lynn right next to him, he did not know whether he was smelling the blanket or her.</p> <p class="cnNiNDY1MDk2MmZiNzRiMzc4NTkyYzA5OTVmYWU3MGVm">Still, now that she had brought it up, he couldn’t help but think, ‘<em>maybe that was the case</em>’. The longer he sniffed, the more convinced he was that Lynn was telling the truth. It <em>did</em> smell like her. It wasn’t the overbearing stench of alcohol or the fragrance of fabric softener. No, it was a feminine scent. Gentle and mild, yet not too tepid.</p> <p class="cnNiOTEyZDY5OGNjNjQ1NmI5YjViZDk5NTk5Nzc1ZjIw">It smelled like her. It really did smell like Aunt Lynn.</p> <p class="cnNkYzgzNTFlZWVkMDQxYTliZjMyNGVhMzc3NTBkYTQ2">“I slept here a lot.” She quietly explained. “The bedsheets get washed pretty often, but that shouldn’t have stopped the mattress from smelling just a little bit like me, no?”</p> <p class="cnM1NTVmMzFiZTk1ZDRmYTNhNDA0OTg5NjEzMzdjYWFl">“But why did you sleep here?” He asked, just as a thought came to his mind, "Is it because your room’s currently an uninhabitable mess… or is it the pee stain on your mattress?”</p> <p class="cnMyYTRiNzk2ZjVkZjRhOGJhZDEwN2M5ZTA4ZmYxZTMw">Her shoulders stiffened for a moment, she turned on her side and stared at him. In the dark, all she could see was the faded outline of his silhouette. “You looked in my room?” She said it not so much as a question, but rather as fact.</p> <p class="cnM0MzU4NWQ4YjAyOTRkNzNhNDAxOGMxYzQyNjg2NmQ1">“Yeah, I couldn’t help it.” He simply nodded.</p> <p class="cnMzOGNhN2NkNGFlOTRlOTA4N2IyZjAwOGQyODYzZjFk">“…You really shouldn’t do that.”</p> <p class="cnNjYzExNmM0MTA0NjQ1YzhhYTY5MWM2MzBjNTYxZmQz">“Why not?”</p> <p class="cnM0Mzk5NmU3NTE5YzQyMTlhNDJhNjU1MTBjNDBjMTY0">“Because it’s embarrassing, you know. Also, it wasn’t pee.”</p> <p class="cnMxMTA3NTQwZTA0OTQzYjlhYTdhMmZjMDYyZGMzOTA2">Theo almost laughed out loud. This all came from a girl who had no qualms drinking liters of beer and puking on the front porch. He really did have to wonder what kind of sense of shame she possessed. It was very skewed.</p> <p class="cnNhYzhlNmJhMjhlMTQ0NTE5MDZlYTBlMjYzM2Y1ZDgy">“But that’s only part of the reason why.” Eventually, she continued. “I slept in your room because I missed you, dummy. Isn’t that obvious?”</p> <p class="cnNmZjljZDgwNmMzZjQyYjE4ZGM1NTBjZDgxYmRjZWI0">A long silence filled the room. After a while, Theo nodded. It took him a moment to realize that she couldn’t see him in the dark, so he hurriedly added, “Yeah, I missed you too.”</p> <p class="cnMxZTdkYjdiMjUzNjQyNjc4YTk4YjBjODhhMzMyNjk1">“Yeah?”</p> <p class="cnNhYzYxMTQ1YTUyMDQ4NGY5ZjExYTEzOWM5YjAyMWJh">“Of course, there’s no point in lying about it.”</p> <p class="cnNiNTM0OTU3ZGYwZTRkYjNhNDNlYmRhZTk0MGU4OTYz">She paused for a moment, before she broke off into a fit of laughter. “If that’s the case, then you really should have come back earlier. You know you missed that little girley’s birthday, right?”</p> <p class="cnNiYzVhOThmZTg5MjRlNjdiMmRkNzU0NWMwZTk1ZDZl">“I know, no need to remind me.” He bitterly stated, but honestly, what could he do? It wasn’t so convenient for him to return all the way from another world, after all. It’s not like he could perfectly time his return either. “At least, I made it back in time for your birthday, didn’t I?”</p> <p class="cnMzNzEyMTlhZDJiZTQzYTA4YzI5NzNmYjgzOGQ1MTdm">If he remembered correctly, Lynn’s birthday took place on the fifteenth of May. That was next month.</p> <p class="cnM5NTNlOGI0NTY2YzQ0YzFiNDQxMmEwMjZlNjQ0ZmVm">She silently nodded. In truth, Lynn herself had forgotten all about her birthday. It wasn’t really much of surprise. Considering how hectic everything’s been lately, what with her new job and Theo’s disappearance, she hardly had time for anything else.</p> <p class="cnM5NWFlZmM0MjQxZDQ5ODdhN2IyMTVmNTVlNTdjYjll">Of course, alcohol had a completely different schedule.</p> <p class="cnNlNThhNTRjYmYyNDQ0MjBhMjQ3MWRiYjk1Njk2ZWZk">As the two continued to converse, time passed and they eventually ran out of topics to discuss. Soon, they entered another round of silence. The sound of howling wind echoed from outside. Theo started nodding off. The fatigue from today really was too much for his current body to handle.</p> <p class="cnM0MmE3NTdmMTMxYzRlMGNhMzMzMjE0Nzc3MDE2NWU0">Just before, he could fall back to sleep, Lynn’s voice suddenly interrupted the quiet. “You really won’t tell me what happened?”</p> <p class="cnNhYTlmMjJhNTU1YzRiYzBhNjBjN2ZiNDlhYjgxZDJl">He turned his neck towards her. Outside the window, the clouds had parted. A full moon lit up the night sky. Illuminated by the dim moonlight, he saw that her eyes were closed shut, while her face was turned up towards the ceiling.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDllNTQ4MTBiYjRmYjRhODY2NTk0MTFhN2ZkNTcw">“I thought we already went over this.”</p> <p class="cnMyMzA5MDgyNzQxZTQxMzFiNTJmNDZlOTQ3YjYzYzIz">“Well, that was when I was drunk. I’m a bit sober now, so I thought I’d bring it back up again.” She stated without opening her eyes.</p> <p class="cnM5MjczMGExNDYzNzRlY2M5MjUxMmVhODcwYWQ1MGI4">“…” He hesitated for a second. “You won’t believe me even if I do tell you.”</p> <p class="cnMyNjY5MGZhNTJkMjQzZTQ5N2E0OTc1ZDA1YTE4ZDFk">“You don’t know that unless you actually tell me first.” She reasoned.</p> <p class="cnM5OGExZjBhNGI4OTQ1ZGE5ZDg2ZDRjNjVmZjJhMTE1">Still, Theo was having none of that. “I promise. Like what I told Shirley today, I’ll explain everything to you later, eventually. You know I don’t like hiding anything from either of you, so just wait for a while.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDIwNDdiZmY1NDQ0ZGNhYjk2YTU3ZWNhNGRmYzMy">Truthfully, Theo already planned to tell her everything, but there was a certain measure of preparation needed if he wanted to really tell her <em>everything. </em>Theo was not a big fan of the stories where the protagonist hides their secrets from their loved ones. He believed that doing such a thing would only lead to confusion, anger, and feelings of betrayal.</p> <p class="cnM3MWZiZDhmMzQ4MzQxOGY5MjAxY2VmYzY0OGNjNjMx">At the same time, Theo also believed that some things were too great of a secret to divulge. At least, not all at once without any proof or preparation. If he wanted to tell Aunt Lynn or Shirley the truth of his circumstances, then he needed sufficient proof to thoroughly convince them.</p> <p class="cnM3MzE3M2Q5NmI1NDQ1M2ZiY2FhNDRmZDIyYTg1NWU3">She turned her head to the side. The two stared at one another for a long while. “Promise?” She suddenly asked. “You’ll really tell me everything, eventually?”</p> <p class="cnMzYjA4MDU3NmQ4ZDQxMGFhZGZmNTRhYWE2NDg0ZDJm">Theo nodded. “I promise.”</p> <p class="cnMzZGUzY2UwNWM2MzQxNGRiMzg0NDI3NjhmYzRhNzM0">Lynn silently nodded. She paused for a moment, before she moved towards him. The distance between the two immediately shrank, and after a bit of maneuvering, Theo’s arm had been transformed into her own personal pillow. With one of her hands placed on his chest, and with her legs entwined with his, the two looked no different from an intimate couple sharing the same bed.</p> <p class="cnMwNDFjMTNmMWI5MDRlZWZiNWUyN2Y0MGZkMGYwNzMw">Throughout this time, she did not say a single word.</p> <p class="cnNmYWRkNjg1YmZhYTQxMjQ5Y2YyMjg3YjEzMGVjNDAz">Even though Theo felt flustered at first and a little bit angsty, as time passed, he gradually calmed down. He breathed out a heavy sigh as he looked down towards her face. A subtle smell of alcohol lingered on his nose, but he did not mind.</p> <p class="cnM3MzNmYjhkMjRjYjQyMDQ4YTM1ZWY1ZDRlYjNiYTRj">Even though their current circumstance appeared very intimate, it neither felt wrong or dirty. There was a slight trace of excitement, yes, but he felt that the current atmosphere was like that of a child and his parent. At the very least, it felt like the relationship between two close siblings. Of course, Theo was just spouting some bullshit on his own. After all, he never did have any siblings, so how the hell would he know what such a relationship felt like?</p> <p class="cnM2YWIyY2Q0OGU3NjQwY2RhY2IxM2FlNTE5NzM1NmRi">Seeing Lynn sleeping peacefully by his side, he too felt the beckoning of sleep. Even though his heart thumped somewhat erratically, he eventually drifted off into the land of dreams.</p> <p class="cnM1MWNjNTg0MGMyMzQyZGViZGNkZjYxMzEyMmJkNDdi">&nbsp;</p> </div>
**Chapter 1****3: Underneath a Single Bed Sheet** After a while, Lynn finally tired herself out. She fell asleep on the carpeted floor, a bottle still firmly wrapped around her arms. Theo shook his head and involuntarily sighed. It was a good thing that he managed to avoid all the things that she had thrown at him. Unfortunately, that also meant that the living room was no covered in broken glass. That little tantrum of hers only resulted in more things to clean for him. Theo lifted Lynn up from the floor and settled her down on the couch. He tucked her in with the quilt blanket, before Theo turned off the lights and headed upstairs. As for the mess, well, that was a responsibility best left for future him. Theo was also quite tired. Today had been quite hectic and full of action. Right now, nothing sounded better than a good night’s sleep. As he made his way to his room, he stopped in front of a door. It was Lynn’s bedroom. Previously, she made quite a big deal about it, going on about how it was uninhabitable and what not. Curiosity got the better of him, so he turned the knob, and peeked into the room. “Wow, she wasn’t exaggerating.” He gawked at the mess inside. Ramen cups and empty pizza boxes, beer cans and wine bottles. A pile of laundry was haphazardly shoved into a corner of the room. It resembled a towering molehill, and probably measured at least three feet above the ground. Shards of glass littered the carpeted floor. They twinkled with the light that seeped in from the hallway. Bra and lingerie sporadically appeared all over the room like scraps of newspaper. The bed did not have any beddings. In fact, for some reason, the mattress was missing. After looking around for a bit, he finally found it. The mattress was propped onto its side, leaning against the wall. There was a stain in the middle of its surface. For a second, he instantly thought of urine, but the most likely scenario was alcohol. God knows how much of the stuff that aunt of his had consumed during the last seven months. The scene reminded Theo of a dungeon from the Alparline Kingdom. Alparline was a nation in Mistelhan ruled by a despotic king. Its numerous dungeons were famed for their crooked wardens and disease-ridden cells. He shook his head. Although he knew from past experience that Aunt Lynn wasn’t very meticulous or organized, it seems that his long absence unknowingly caused that little trait of hers to undergo a drastic evolution. The stress of his disappearance, the workload of her new job, he could only begin to imagine how life had been like for her these last seven months. A bitter expression flashed through his face. Now that he was back, all of this turned into his responsibility. From cleaning, laundry, dishes, and scrubbing toilets, all the household chores with the exception of cooking, had always been his part of the labor. He certainly did not think that little rule would change any time soon. After grieving over this matter for a few seconds, Theo left the room and closed the door. He picked up a timely call from Shirley, went to the bathroom to relieve himself, before he finally retreated into his bedroom. To his surprise, unlike the rest of everything else in the house, his room was spotless. More specifically, it had been left perfectly intact, almost identical to the state before his disappearance. He would have happily gushed over his memories from twenty-five years ago, but the fatigue from today was simply too heavy. It hit like a runaway freight train, and Theo collapsed onto his bed with a heavy plop. He lay there for a second, his face pressed against the mattress, before he began to strip. He took everything off. In Mistelhan, he had grown used to sleeping with a full set of armor, so honestly speaking, he would have much preferred to sleep with his clothes on. That was his original plan, but then he recalled how he had always slept naked back on Plume. He wanted to chase that persistent feeling of nostalgia, so he stripped himself completely naked, before he jumped back into bed with a satisfied expression. It was a minor change, but it went a long way towards Theo’s mental recovery. It did not take long before the heavy bags in his eyes grew too heavy to resist. Theo closed his eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep. Unfortunately, that did not last long. A few hours later, in the dead of the night, Theo’s eyelids suddenly shot open. His neck twisted, as he turned to face the door. He heard something. It was faint and sort of muffled, but he definitely heard it. *That little girl didn’t actually sneak into my room, did she?* He had made sure to reply to Shirley's call, so hypothetically speaking, she should have no reason to crawl into his bed tonight. Still, he had to admit, a woman’s emotions were quite fickle. *Who knows, maybe she was so overwhelmed by loneliness that she actually decided to go ahead with that little late-night escapade of hers.* After thinking for a moment, Theo hurriedly ran to the closet and put on a pair of fresh underwear. He also added an undershirt for good measure. One second, two seconds, ten seconds passed, before the door creaked open. “Theo, are you asleep?” A quiet whisper filled the room. To his surprise and slight disappointment, the voice did not belong to Shirley. “I am now.” Theo blandly responded, before he focused his gaze on the head that peaked in from behind the door. “Why are you here?” He asked. “Let’s sleep together.” She spoke straightforwardly, as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She had changed clothes, and now wore a set of pink tiger pajamas. In her hands was a pillow. “Sleep together?” Theo absentmindedly repeated to himself. If he had heard that from any other girl on the planet, then he would have definitely misunderstood. It was too bad that those words had come from his Aunt Lynn. “What’s the matter with you?” After seeing the weird expression on his face, Lynn couldn’t help but comment. “We sleep together all the time. Don’t be so weird about it.” She did not wait for Theo’s response, as she directly crawled underneath his blanket and forcibly pushed him to one side of the bed, before boldly taking the other. Theo bitterly laughed. It was true, they had slept together before, but Lynn did not mention the fact that the last time they slept together was when he was thirteen! That was all the way back to when his parents first died. For him, that had been a time of immense grief and suffering. Unless Lynn was by his side, he found it nearly impossible to fall asleep. He shook his head and decided not to say anything. In the end, he thought her sudden desire was due to a bout of clinginess that aroused as a result of his disappearance. Sort of similar to the way he felt at thirteen. Since she was like this because of him, then so be it. Let her sleep here! With his silent consent, Lynn pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and wedged herself deeper into the folds of the mattress. The two of them lay side to side, with their faces pointed to the ceiling. Less than three inches separated the two from one another. Right now, he felt that those three inches were as long as the width of the universe. Ten minutes of silence went by. Theo found it immensely difficult to go back to sleep. He was too focused, his mind too caught up on her. The sound of light breathing echoed through the room, a certain warmth seeped into the air. Suddenly, she spoke. “Do you notice it?” “Notice what?” Theo responded back, his gaze still fixated on the tiny dots in the ceiling. “The bed sheets.” She paused for a moment. “Don’t they smell like me?” “Like beer and whiskey?” “No! Smell it for real. It smells like me doesn’t it?” He furrowed his brow. He hesitated for a moment, before he brought the blanket up to his nose and sniffed. In truth, he couldn’t really tell. With Lynn right next to him, he did not know whether he was smelling the blanket or her. Still, now that she had brought it up, he couldn’t help but think, ‘*maybe that was the case*’. The longer he sniffed, the more convinced he was that Lynn was telling the truth. It *did* smell like her. It wasn’t the overbearing stench of alcohol or the fragrance of fabric softener. No, it was a feminine scent. Gentle and mild, yet not too tepid. It smelled like her. It really did smell like Aunt Lynn. “I slept here a lot.” She quietly explained. “The bedsheets get washed pretty often, but that shouldn’t have stopped the mattress from smelling just a little bit like me, no?” “But why did you sleep here?” He asked, just as a thought came to his mind, "Is it because your room’s currently an uninhabitable mess… or is it the pee stain on your mattress?” Her shoulders stiffened for a moment, she turned on her side and stared at him. In the dark, all she could see was the faded outline of his silhouette. “You looked in my room?” She said it not so much as a question, but rather as fact. “Yeah, I couldn’t help it.” He simply nodded. “…You really shouldn’t do that.” “Why not?” “Because it’s embarrassing, you know. Also, it wasn’t pee.” Theo almost laughed out loud. This all came from a girl who had no qualms drinking liters of beer and puking on the front porch. He really did have to wonder what kind of sense of shame she possessed. It was very skewed. “But that’s only part of the reason why.” Eventually, she continued. “I slept in your room because I missed you, dummy. Isn’t that obvious?” A long silence filled the room. After a while, Theo nodded. It took him a moment to realize that she couldn’t see him in the dark, so he hurriedly added, “Yeah, I missed you too.” “Yeah?” “Of course, there’s no point in lying about it.” She paused for a moment, before she broke off into a fit of laughter. “If that’s the case, then you really should have come back earlier. You know you missed that little girley’s birthday, right?” “I know, no need to remind me.” He bitterly stated, but honestly, what could he do? It wasn’t so convenient for him to return all the way from another world, after all. It’s not like he could perfectly time his return either. “At least, I made it back in time for your birthday, didn’t I?” If he remembered correctly, Lynn’s birthday took place on the fifteenth of May. That was next month. She silently nodded. In truth, Lynn herself had forgotten all about her birthday. It wasn’t really much of surprise. Considering how hectic everything’s been lately, what with her new job and Theo’s disappearance, she hardly had time for anything else. Of course, alcohol had a completely different schedule. As the two continued to converse, time passed and they eventually ran out of topics to discuss. Soon, they entered another round of silence. The sound of howling wind echoed from outside. Theo started nodding off. The fatigue from today really was too much for his current body to handle. Just before, he could fall back to sleep, Lynn’s voice suddenly interrupted the quiet. “You really won’t tell me what happened?” He turned his neck towards her. Outside the window, the clouds had parted. A full moon lit up the night sky. Illuminated by the dim moonlight, he saw that her eyes were closed shut, while her face was turned up towards the ceiling. “I thought we already went over this.” “Well, that was when I was drunk. I’m a bit sober now, so I thought I’d bring it back up again.” She stated without opening her eyes. “…” He hesitated for a second. “You won’t believe me even if I do tell you.” “You don’t know that unless you actually tell me first.” She reasoned. Still, Theo was having none of that. “I promise. Like what I told Shirley today, I’ll explain everything to you later, eventually. You know I don’t like hiding anything from either of you, so just wait for a while.” Truthfully, Theo already planned to tell her everything, but there was a certain measure of preparation needed if he wanted to really tell her *everything.* Theo was not a big fan of the stories where the protagonist hides their secrets from their loved ones. He believed that doing such a thing would only lead to confusion, anger, and feelings of betrayal. At the same time, Theo also believed that some things were too great of a secret to divulge. At least, not all at once without any proof or preparation. If he wanted to tell Aunt Lynn or Shirley the truth of his circumstances, then he needed sufficient proof to thoroughly convince them. She turned her head to the side. The two stared at one another for a long while. “Promise?” She suddenly asked. “You’ll really tell me everything, eventually?” Theo nodded. “I promise.” Lynn silently nodded. She paused for a moment, before she moved towards him. The distance between the two immediately shrank, and after a bit of maneuvering, Theo’s arm had been transformed into her own personal pillow. With one of her hands placed on his chest, and with her legs entwined with his, the two looked no different from an intimate couple sharing the same bed. Throughout this time, she did not say a single word. Even though Theo felt flustered at first and a little bit angsty, as time passed, he gradually calmed down. He breathed out a heavy sigh as he looked down towards her face. A subtle smell of alcohol lingered on his nose, but he did not mind. Even though their current circumstance appeared very intimate, it neither felt wrong or dirty. There was a slight trace of excitement, yes, but he felt that the current atmosphere was like that of a child and his parent. At the very least, it felt like the relationship between two close siblings. Of course, Theo was just spouting some bullshit on his own. After all, he never did have any siblings, so how the hell would he know what such a relationship felt like? Seeing Lynn sleeping peacefully by his side, he too felt the beckoning of sleep. Even though his heart thumped somewhat erratically, he eventually drifted off into the land of dreams.
{ "title": "Pact with a soul of hell.", "id": 21339, "author": "TheSlocker", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "- Rumors, my lady.", "id": 305736, "next": 306075, "prev": 305447, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzOTEyZDUxM2FkZjQyMTJiMDE0YWM1MjhiMTdlNjg5">The royal garden.</p> <p class="cnMyZWY1YmUwOGYzNDQwNDVhMzA2YzcxYWM5MWUzNGQy">Sebastian released his energy from his body. It was the first time he fought someone for life and death.<br>When was with General Sigismund, it was already peace, he hadn't chance, of killing anyone. But Xavier was different.</p> <p class="cnNlNjMwODE5ODllMzQxNTg5NDdiMzNiM2Q2OGQ1OWJi">Of course, Sebastian didn't kill anyone, but the art of fighting received from the general was specially made for war.<br> You were allowed to kill without feeling resentment. All the fighting arts were like that.</p> <p class="cnM4YmU2MWE0MWNhNTQ0ZDdhNTEyNDU2MzA5NWM4ODEw">Sebastian didn't move. He was watching his opponent. <br>Being the 25th most powerful men on earth, it was unlikely that a subordinate of the official would be among the 24.</p> <p class="cnNhYjQ5MzAxMDdkMDRiYmE5M2I1ZWQ3ZTQ5MjdjM2M2">Sebastian's adversary was a guard who was supposed to guard the official. But he was found to have to fight for his life only to defend the pride of man.<br>But that did not matter if his opponent, was weak. Except he was a monster beside him.</p> <p class="cnM0MDE3M2Y0NDRlNTQ1YTg5NGQ2MDAwYTlhZGVhNWYw">Xavier pulled a chair from a corner and sat down. After drinking from the glass:</p> <p class="cnNjNmQ2ZDQ5ODZhOTQzOWViZjRhMzdiODU5MWRlMWNm">-Hey! Sebastian, if you kill him too soon, I'll get bored. I want you to play with him.</p> <p class="cnMxZGE3NWEzODRjNzRmOWRhNGQ4YjIyMDYwMjRkZDZh"><br>Sebastian took it as a test of course. The new master wants to test his power.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWJlYzczNjc0ZTQ3OGI4NWY1NzFkMTE3ZDE0ZWUx">The people around him were silent. Where does all the confidence end up?<br>Once Sebastian heard the words Xavier nodded. At a stunning speed, he got behind the guard. But instead of killing him, he cuts his hand.</p> <p class="cnNjZjQyNDJmOGYxODQ4ZjA4OTBhYzkxZGJjMTJlZTFh">The guard began to scream.</p> <p class="cnM2MDgxYmEzNTVlMzQxNDliNjE5ODQyMTY2NmMwNzEz">Xavier only gave a faint smile.</p> <p class="cnM3MTYxNzk1NWQ3OTQ2OTVhMmEyYTVkYzI5Y2Q2ZTll">Sebastian's hands began to emit energy. Once his hands touched the guard, he started burning it. The guard scream.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmQ2MDc3MDhhZjRlMGJiMDNiYTQ4ZTAwYjFjYzRj">Xavier only gave a faint smile.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDE0OWI0ZmZkNzQ3OTlhMjc3MzlhZTk5NTU2ZGRk">Sebastian's hands began to emit energy. Once his hands touched the guard, he started burning it. The guard scream.</p> <p class="cnMzOWFlYWY3MTIyNTQwZWM4MWQ4ZGEzMDhkM2RiNjc4">The guard seriously injured, concentrated his energy on his left hand and tried to attack him. But it was smut.<br>Sebastian got behind him. With a simple foot move, he lay on the floor. <br>And so on.</p> <p class="cnM1NGE0YTRmYzA5NDRjNTRhNWRjNjA3NjFhOTQxNTNi">When the guard was almost dying Xavier rose suddenly.</p>Directed all his energy to the vocal cords.<br>Then he goes to the official.<br>Xavier nears man's ears.<p></p> <p class="cnM2Yzk0NWRiMDFkMjRhMjM4OGM0OTg2MjdlYWUwMDIz">-If your woman wasn't a whore, would have demanded her. Be sure you pay my debt.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDEyYTYwNzFhMDQ2ZGNiY2JmMmViNmZlNzIxMTdl">Then eliminates the energy and returns to Sebastian.</p> <p class="cnMyNWQxNDk3YmI4NzQ0MTQ5ZWJlMmViMTBiMWRjZjY5">-Sebastian, you can kill him now. I'm sure there's additional fun, here.</p> <p class="cnNkYzM4NmM5NWJjODQ3OGQ4MGMzYzc1ZWQ2ODM4OTk2">Everyone in the room silently. What kind of fun?</p> <p class="cnNjZDE0OWM1NzA3ZDRkNzg5NWIzOGJjOTgxNDFmMWQz">After the fight ended and the guard's body, was removed, the world returned to the ballroom, as if nothing had happened.</p> <p class="cnMzMzNiY2UwNGNmNDRlOTBhY2E4MmM2NTkxNzJjMTcz">Xavier was bored. They had no fun.</p> <p class="cnNkNGZjMTk4NDM1NjQ3ZmU4MThjZjM4NjFlMzEzODQ4">When Xavier rises to leave a beautiful woman dressed in a black dress, green eyes.</p> <p class="cnNlMmJlNDE2N2I1MjRjYWNhMDg2YTk1NmQwOTVkZWM0">She approaches him.</p> <p class="cnNiYTZmNDY2Mjk4YTQ1YmY4ZTc4NWMzY2I0NzBlMDRl">-Prince Xavier. Can you keep me company?</p> <p class="cnNiNDQ1MzFmODNjOTRlZGQ4OWM2NTVmZmE0NGZjY2I3">Xavier channeled his energy into the eye. <br>But something attracts his attention. <br>Along with the gorgeous pair of breasts, there was something Xavier hadn't sensed for a long time.<br> <br>Something that offers you peace. Just before died.</p> <p class="cnM4MzI5NTQ1OWVmZjQ2MjM5M2E4MTE5ZDVmNTEyNTky">When the angels, led him to be judged.</p> <p class="cnM2MmNmYTFmMzVmMDQ2NTJhOTJhZDMxODgwYWMwMmQx">That feeling doesn't forget.<br> But how can that woman hold an object blessed by angels? <br>Is she an angel?<br>Is that necklace? Hold an object blessed by angels?</p> <p class="cnMyY2M5MDk1NDlhMzQ4ODk5MjJhMDExMmNjYWRiOTc4">[If there are object blessed by an angel, there are also demonic objects.]</p> <p class="cnM5YjU5NjZhZGUzMDQzZjRhMDU3YjJlMzcyNzI0YjIz">Soon as realized it was a blessed accessory, Xavier began to smile.</p> <p class="cnNiMDhkZjJhYjc0MDQ4ZmFhYTVlYWQ3ZWE5YjJlMzI5">That's because he remembered the only moment he was happy.</p> <p class="cnMwNDAyYzk1ODJlMjQ3NjRiMWUyZjkwZmZjMTVmZjRh">The woman saw Xavier's smile and was amazed.<br>He can smile like this. <br>She came to talk to him and make him show his real face, but he smiles like that? <br>How can she talk to him now?</p> <p class="cnNhODZhYWVkNTRhYjQ3ZWFhZTlmNzgwMGU4MWMwNTlk">-I am honored to keep a company of such a beautiful woman. Do we have a name?</p> <p class="cnNiODkyMzgwNTlkOTQxYWY5N2MzMDc1ODQyODNiNDEw">-Ingrid Luderkort, the young princess of the royal family Rannsaka.</p> <p class="cnMzMjI4NmYwODAxMTRlMTlhNTUxZTU4ODU3NzExOWU1">Xavier didn't show any emotion. It was as if it would say: So?</p> <p class="cnM3YmE1ZjdlZWQ4MjQ3NTM5MWQ5ZTQwOGVhODQ4YTdl">-Xavier, I heard about what happened. How does the daughter of General Sigismund feel?</p> <p class="cnM4Njg3MDdhZTc2ZDQzNWFhZGUzMWZmYzg3ZDVlOTRh"><br> -The young lady is informed. I'm going to give her all the good from your side.</p> <p class="cnM5NjExNWJhNGNlMTQ3MmFhOTgxMWY3YzBlNDMxNWE3">The woman nodded and continued in a faint voice :<br>-Why are the people so evil?</p> <p class="cnMzOWY5ZmE3MTkxYjQwZDE4NWVjN2E2M2Y1ZGU1ZWQy">-Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.</p> <p class="cnNhN2U5MjMxYWY3OTRkMzJhNzhkNGFkMWJjOTVkY2Y5"><br>After Xavier finished talking, the necklace was activated. It was like answering to Xavier's words.</p> <p class="cnNlNWI0MTFlYjk3NDRlMDRhNWFjYzdjOWY3OGIwODY4">Ingrid realized. She knew Xavier's words had a profound understanding, but she couldn't see the connection between them and the necklace.</p> <p class="cnMxMWVlNDgzYjBmYzRkZjU5NjBmYWQ0ZTQ2ZjkyNjhm">But Xavier knows. Ingrid became more and more curious.<br>The necklace was a gift from her mother, given before she died.<br>Ingrid didn't know anything about the necklace, but the always protected her.</p> <p class="cnM0NGQzNWIwMjYwNDQ3ZThiOTMxYWU2ZjlhOTRlY2I3">[I was right. John 3:19, definitely a blessed object]</p> <p class="cnNlZDI5YTgyN2U2MDQ3Mjc4NjI0MTI2NTEwNDU0NWQz">Ingrid decided to find out in time. She can't push too hard. <br>She started talking as if nothing happened.</p> <p class="cnMxYjg0ZjRjMmYxMTRlMTJhMWY5OGEwM2VhODY1NWYy">- I also know that you killed all the offenders.</p> <p class="cnNmMzIxYTgzZDEyYTQ4YjNhYjlkOGNkODE5YjJhY2Nk">- Rumors, my lady. As you can see, I did not know the arts of fighting. How could I fight?</p> <p class="cnM3YjNlN2M5Y2E4MzQ1ODY5ODhjYTk0MWM2NDNiYTlk">-Intelligent people find methods.</p> <p class="cnNlNGRkYTBhODYwYjQ0ZDI5ZDQzNWFjZDMzMmVkNGQ0"><br>Xavier looked at the pair of eyes in front of him and said:</p> <p class="cnM3MGM5ZjhlMWFjODQ5MWJiNmNkNjkwYTVkN2ViNTQz">-The geniuses create them. And dumb people do not need them.<br>I'm dumb.</p> <p class="cnNiYjNhNjYwNmI1ZTRhNzY4MTgyOWQ2MjA0ZTljNTc2">-Xavier is surely not dumb. But it's definitely full of sects.</p> <p class="cnM5NWUwODM0Y2U5ZDQ0OWJhYzI5ZDQ3ZWZiNGFiYzRm"><br>-My lady, do you want to know my secrets?</p> <p class="cnM4NGViYTgyZWVlMDQ5NjZiMjM0NzI5MGYxODhjMmMx">Ingrid approached Xavier. She comes so close to him that he can smell her perfume.</p> <p class="cnM4YjdiZWM3NjhkYzQ2MThiODdmMGQxZDdlOWY2MDVk"><br>-Nobody hides anything from me.</p> <p class="cnMwNmE2MDNlZDgxMzQ1YjNiMjNkODdmN2VlNWM0ZDMw">- I'm sure of this.<br>Xavier approached her. And with a low voice:</p> <p class="cnM2YmYxZjBhMWRiMjQyYmY5MzFkNWM4MTdmMThkYjlh">-Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.</p> </div>
The royal garden. Sebastian released his energy from his body. It was the first time he fought someone for life and death. When was with General Sigismund, it was already peace, he hadn't chance, of killing anyone. But Xavier was different. Of course, Sebastian didn't kill anyone, but the art of fighting received from the general was specially made for war. You were allowed to kill without feeling resentment. All the fighting arts were like that. Sebastian didn't move. He was watching his opponent. Being the 25th most powerful men on earth, it was unlikely that a subordinate of the official would be among the 24. Sebastian's adversary was a guard who was supposed to guard the official. But he was found to have to fight for his life only to defend the pride of man. But that did not matter if his opponent, was weak. Except he was a monster beside him. Xavier pulled a chair from a corner and sat down. After drinking from the glass: -Hey! Sebastian, if you kill him too soon, I'll get bored. I want you to play with him. Sebastian took it as a test of course. The new master wants to test his power. The people around him were silent. Where does all the confidence end up? Once Sebastian heard the words Xavier nodded. At a stunning speed, he got behind the guard. But instead of killing him, he cuts his hand. The guard began to scream. Xavier only gave a faint smile. Sebastian's hands began to emit energy. Once his hands touched the guard, he started burning it. The guard scream. Xavier only gave a faint smile. Sebastian's hands began to emit energy. Once his hands touched the guard, he started burning it. The guard scream. The guard seriously injured, concentrated his energy on his left hand and tried to attack him. But it was smut. Sebastian got behind him. With a simple foot move, he lay on the floor. And so on. When the guard was almost dying Xavier rose suddenly. Directed all his energy to the vocal cords. Then he goes to the official. Xavier nears man's ears. -If your woman wasn't a whore, would have demanded her. Be sure you pay my debt. Then eliminates the energy and returns to Sebastian. -Sebastian, you can kill him now. I'm sure there's additional fun, here. Everyone in the room silently. What kind of fun? After the fight ended and the guard's body, was removed, the world returned to the ballroom, as if nothing had happened. Xavier was bored. They had no fun. When Xavier rises to leave a beautiful woman dressed in a black dress, green eyes. She approaches him. -Prince Xavier. Can you keep me company? Xavier channeled his energy into the eye. But something attracts his attention. Along with the gorgeous pair of breasts, there was something Xavier hadn't sensed for a long time. Something that offers you peace. Just before died. When the angels, led him to be judged. That feeling doesn't forget. But how can that woman hold an object blessed by angels? Is she an angel? Is that necklace? Hold an object blessed by angels? [If there are object blessed by an angel, there are also demonic objects.] Soon as realized it was a blessed accessory, Xavier began to smile. That's because he remembered the only moment he was happy. The woman saw Xavier's smile and was amazed. He can smile like this. She came to talk to him and make him show his real face, but he smiles like that? How can she talk to him now? -I am honored to keep a company of such a beautiful woman. Do we have a name? -Ingrid Luderkort, the young princess of the royal family Rannsaka. Xavier didn't show any emotion. It was as if it would say: So? -Xavier, I heard about what happened. How does the daughter of General Sigismund feel? -The young lady is informed. I'm going to give her all the good from your side. The woman nodded and continued in a faint voice : -Why are the people so evil? -Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. After Xavier finished talking, the necklace was activated. It was like answering to Xavier's words. Ingrid realized. She knew Xavier's words had a profound understanding, but she couldn't see the connection between them and the necklace. But Xavier knows. Ingrid became more and more curious. The necklace was a gift from her mother, given before she died. Ingrid didn't know anything about the necklace, but the always protected her. [I was right. John 3:19, definitely a blessed object] Ingrid decided to find out in time. She can't push too hard. She started talking as if nothing happened. - I also know that you killed all the offenders. - Rumors, my lady. As you can see, I did not know the arts of fighting. How could I fight? -Intelligent people find methods. Xavier looked at the pair of eyes in front of him and said: -The geniuses create them. And dumb people do not need them. I'm dumb. -Xavier is surely not dumb. But it's definitely full of sects. -My lady, do you want to know my secrets? Ingrid approached Xavier. She comes so close to him that he can smell her perfume. -Nobody hides anything from me. - I'm sure of this. Xavier approached her. And with a low voice: -Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.
{ "title": "Summoned to a Shattered World", "id": 20536, "author": "LWEndless", "rating": 3.6 }
{ "title": "Birthright Chapter 9 - Ruin Atop Riches I", "id": 305730, "next": 307700, "prev": 303638, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxY2JkNjMxZjkyMzQ4NDRhYjkyZWMwN2M1NTQzNWE0">Sarinknell paced back and forth in the top floor of Xangro’s home/workplace, where they had a clear view of the rest of the town. “I’ve sent word to Tros. He’ll keep a discreet watch over us until my uncle arrives. Then he and his men will cut them off once my uncle’s troops storm the manor.”</p> <p class="cnMxMTI1ZjY2ZjM5YzRhZGI4YjViYmY1ZWZiNGE4Yjg4">“Then I guess all that’s left is to wait.” Sarinknell’s uncle didn’t keep us waiting long. A group of soldiers arrived outside the manor, picking their way through the grounds as we watched. At their rear was a broad-shouldered demon wearing a breastplate polished to a mirror sheen. He had two attendants by his side, bearing a collection of weapons and a shield between them, while the man himself was unarmed. Standing beside the window, I noticed Sarinknell wring her hands by my side. “Is that your uncle?”</p> <p class="cnM3OGRkMTQ5NjljZjRhNDg5N2Y4MGFhNGZmM2JiYzIw">“That’s right.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTRjM2RiNjQyYTRkMTk4MGE5ZTNmYzQzNTZiMTk4">The soldiers halted near the front door and Lord Sarinknell shouted, “Elmidath! Come out here at once!”</p> <p class="cnNjNDk2Y2ZkMDI0MDQ4NWFhMWUxMGUxMGQ3ZDFiOGU3">“Who’s Elmidath?”</p> <p class="cnMyZDk1NmQ0YTYwZTRkMjM5MTUzZGYxNGYyMjcwNGU0">Lady Sarinknell sniffed. “That’s my first name.” She opened the window and leant out. “Here I am!”</p> <p class="cnMwODFiNDZkMmQwZjQ1NTE5ODgzMTk1ZWY0OGUwN2M5">“What do you think you’re playing at? Come down here immediately!”</p> <p class="cnM2ODU5Y2ViZjc0MDQ5YTI5OThlY2YyZDEyNGIwYzVl">She shook her head. Her uncle stopped to curse before he continued shouting. “Then you leave me no choice!” He was issuing orders to his men, who were starting to fan out around the building when Sarinknell closed the window and backed away. “Looks like everything is going according to plan.” She smiled, expression warring between fear and exhilaration.</p> <p class="cnNhMjEyZmIxZDBmZjQ4NTZiZjM4NjM2Y2FmODY2OTEx">“There is a plan for what comes next, right?”</p> <p class="cnNjNDkyOWU1MGU4MTRhYTc5MDhmNjMxNTlkZmQ5Y2Ix">“Well… sort of. Essentially the idea is that we kill or capture Lord Sarinknell and then the rest of his men will flee or stand down.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjIwMDgxMGU4YTRjOWRiMGY3NjZhNjY0OTYzNGY2">I coughed. “There’s uh, really quite a lot of soldiers out there.” I’d counted at least a dozen or so. Not many in the grand scheme of things, but it was an awful lot of for the two of us to take on.</p> <p class="cnM2YmExM2U0NDIyYzQ1OTRiOTMwOGM2OGIxNDRlODNh">“I’m well aware. But it’s nothing we can’t handle. At least so long as Tros holds up his end of the deal.”</p> <p class="cnM2NjE5ODdlNTNhYjQzM2FiNGYwNWVmNDhhZmNlZjAz">“And if he doesn’t?”</p> <p class="cnM5NDBjZDdmNGI0MjQwMGNiYzI4YWY1MGZjZTczZTEw">“Then we’re probably going to die. All we can do is hold out as best we can until they get here.”</p> <p class="cnM3YWNlNjIwM2VmODQ2ODg5Mjg5Mzk3Nzk4OTVhYWIw">I was all for simplicity, but I couldn’t help but feel like her plan could have done with being a little more complicated. Sarinknell continued, “Granted, we are outnumbered, but we do have the advantage of terrain. They’ll be forced to fight us single file while they climb up the stairs. It’s really the best conditions we could hope for.”</p> <p class="cnMyNDA1MWIzNWJjYjQ1ZTVhMGNjNDMzMGI1ZTk4NTcz">Those “best conditions” sounded pretty terrible, but there wasn’t much we could do to change that now. I held Shotensho up in front of me, unsheathed. “Ready for our first, and hopefully not last, battle?”</p> <p class="cnM0NTU1YmI4ZmVkYTRlY2FiZWQ3ZDkzOTkxYmYwYjI3">“I’m a sword,” said the blade’s voice in my head, “there is nothing for me to prepare.”</p> <p class="cnMyNmNmZDEzNjNiYTQ4Y2RhNTM2MjZlNWMxYmMyMGE0">I didn’t really understand the point of having a talking sword if the sword didn’t have anything worthwhile to say. But far be it from me to criticize whoever had made the damn thing. “What was the plan if we hadn’t gotten Tros and his men to help anyway? I can’t see how this would work if it were just the two of us.”</p> <p class="cnM2NTY3ZWUzYzA4NTQ4MzA5MDc5Yjk2YzlhZWQxYzNi">Sarinknell looked away “…that’s a secret.” Her refusal to answer was damning. I knew she was reckless, but that was straight up insanity. I felt deeply grateful to Tros, if we got through this alive it would be thanks to him.</p> <p class="cnNkM2Q4OWFmYzQxMjRlZGI4ZTNmYjg4ODZhYWJjNWE4">“So, your first name’s Elmidath?”</p> <p class="cnNiYmZkMmU3ZjY4ZDQ5Yjg4NDk1ZDYzMGFlNzQzNTBl">“It is. Though you will not use it to address me, not if you know what’s good for you.”</p> <p class="cnNhNzljYTdhNmQ3MDQwOGM4NGU4ZTE3NTVmODJlYWJj">We heard the sound of booted feet approaching long before they were close to reaching the top floor. Sarinknell took a deep breath and smoothed her clothes. “I’ll talk to my uncle and try to buy some time.”</p> <p class="cnM2M2ExNzk2ZjE2NzQxOWJiMGNlN2I5MDgwNjJjZTc3">She went to the window and was opening her mouth to speak when she dropped to the floor. A crossbow bolt hurtled through the air where she’d been standing, embedding itself in the wall behind her. Crawling back from the window, Sarinknell cleared her throat and got up. “I do believe they are done talking. Never mind then, we’ll just have to do this the hard way.”</p> <p class="cnNkNjRhZGM2NmM1YzQwZGY5YzRmMmIxODkzNWYyY2U1">There was a series of loud bangs on the door before it gave way with the sound of splintering wood. I waited near the top of the spiral staircase, just out of sight with Shotensho in hand. The first man who reached the top of the tower was in for a bad time. I didn’t know how competent Lord Sarinknell’s troops were likely to be, but I figured that between Elmidath’s ring and Shotensho’s ice we’d be able to hold them for a while. Along with whatever other magic Elmidath could manage.</p> <p class="cnM4YzI5ZGY4YmYxZTQ3NDRiNjEyNGVmMmM2MjMyMmU1">Hearing the soldiers getting closer and closer, I brought my sword up to my shoulder, ready to swing down. A shield appeared at the top of the stairs, raised to protect its wielder’s head and upper body. I smote it with a powerful, downward strike. To my disappointment, the sword barely left a mark on the shield. I’d imagined it would cut right through it. But it did send the soldier stumbling back a few steps, where he crashed into whoever was next in line.</p> <p class="cnNjMmJlZDg4NmNhMjQxMWI5NzgxMTc4MWY0MWJlMmY1">I held off on using Shotensho’s ice for now, it didn’t seem like something I could maintain for long. Best to save it for when I really needed it. I glanced back at Sarinknell to make sure she was ready to assist me. She nodded and I went back to watching the stairs. The shield bearer returned, it didn’t seem like I’d done them any great harm. Second time lucky? I waited a little longer this time and swung lower, aiming for the part of his body where the shield didn’t cover.</p> <p class="cnNiMjllNmFlM2Y0NDQ0OWJiYzRiMWU0NDMwZTYwZTM1">It connected around his hipbone, failing to cut through the flexible armour there. Could this sword actually cut anything? I wondered if it was defective. Still, the blunt trauma had been enough to send him to his knees. Though I wasn’t sure if it just from the force or from an actual injury. Shoved to the top by the man behind him, he stumbled aside and I forgot all about him as the other soldier rushed me.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTk3ZmRiYzJlOTQ2Zjc4ZmFiNGM4MjA1MTg0ODJj">Unused to using such a long blade, and swordsmanship in general, I was slow to recover. My opponent aimed a thrust at my abdomen. I managed to get the blade in the way, not quite a parry but it did mostly deflect the point. Instead of impaling me, the sword grazed my side. It was a painful cut, but in the moment, I didn’t even feel it.</p> <p class="cnNmYzZlMTQwZTg2ZTQwNjZiNDFkZTcwYTk0ZGYwNDgw">He extended his shield, using it not to defend himself but to impair my sword. Before I could break free, he tried a cut at my head. I ducked, realising too late that it was only a feint. The horizontal cut changed into a vertical one, aimed at my shoulder. It tore into my flesh, glancing off the bone. That one, I felt.</p> <p class="cnNlM2ZlMWM5MWU0YjRjNjU4MmJiYTY2MDA1ZWY4OGE1">I don’t know if it was adrenaline, my enhanced form, or some combination of the two, but the injury didn’t slow me down. It did, however, make my next two-handed blow one of the most painful things I’ve ever done. Free of his shield, I was still too close to use the blade effectively. Instead, I smashed my sword’s pommel into his face.</p> <p class="cnNjYTgwNDA4ZGYzODQxNmJhMjhjZWQ3ZjE4MGNlZDNh">Reeling, he lashed out with his own blade before he’d recovered his footing. It raked across my chest, another graze. I really wished I had some of the armour my opponents were sporting, I was getting cut to pieces. Before the first man I’d downed could get up, Sarinknell brought forth the ring’s shield and used it to shove him back.</p> <p class="cnMyMjUwYzcyNzUzODQ1NjBhOTZlOTk0YTczOWFiMjA1">He tumbled half way down the flight of stairs, caching himself against the wall. For a moment it looked like he was going to re-join the fight, then he thought better of it and retreated. Already on the backfoot and realising he was now alone; the remaining soldier disengaged and hurried after his fellow with his shield up.</p> <p class="cnNlMTFjOWZlMTg4ZTRhMWY4NWUwOGM0OGRkYjdiOTlh">Not in great shape to pursue, I let them go. It didn’t sound like they were intending on attacking immediately, so I set my sword aside for a quick breather. We’d beaten back the first assault, but it hadn’t been easy. If they managed to gain a foothold in here, we were finished. “Any word from Tros?”</p> <p class="cnMyMzViNDg5ZTJlYjRkYmRhYWFjYjI3NzJmMzdjMDFm">“None.” Sarinknell looked out the window. “No sign of him either. Hang on, I’ll try contacting him again.”</p> <p class="cnNmY2EwNmQ1YWE4ZDQzMGU5MzY2MjM5OTE5N2M1MGEy">Concentrating, she whispered something into a duplicate of the same token she’d given him. A few seconds passed without anything happening. “Well? Did you reach him?”</p> <p class="cnMzYzAxZTE2NjZiNDQ5MTI5MDUzYmQzZjhkMDFiNTgx">“I’m not sure, there was no reply. Either Tros is ignoring us or my uncle is blocking us somehow.”</p> <p class="cnM1NjUyNzQ0YmEyNTRkNjI4MzUzNGM0Njg4MzBmZTQ1">I sighed. Either one was disastrous.</p> </div>
Sarinknell paced back and forth in the top floor of Xangro’s home/workplace, where they had a clear view of the rest of the town. “I’ve sent word to Tros. He’ll keep a discreet watch over us until my uncle arrives. Then he and his men will cut them off once my uncle’s troops storm the manor.” “Then I guess all that’s left is to wait.” Sarinknell’s uncle didn’t keep us waiting long. A group of soldiers arrived outside the manor, picking their way through the grounds as we watched. At their rear was a broad-shouldered demon wearing a breastplate polished to a mirror sheen. He had two attendants by his side, bearing a collection of weapons and a shield between them, while the man himself was unarmed. Standing beside the window, I noticed Sarinknell wring her hands by my side. “Is that your uncle?” “That’s right.” The soldiers halted near the front door and Lord Sarinknell shouted, “Elmidath! Come out here at once!” “Who’s Elmidath?” Lady Sarinknell sniffed. “That’s my first name.” She opened the window and leant out. “Here I am!” “What do you think you’re playing at? Come down here immediately!” She shook her head. Her uncle stopped to curse before he continued shouting. “Then you leave me no choice!” He was issuing orders to his men, who were starting to fan out around the building when Sarinknell closed the window and backed away. “Looks like everything is going according to plan.” She smiled, expression warring between fear and exhilaration. “There is a plan for what comes next, right?” “Well… sort of. Essentially the idea is that we kill or capture Lord Sarinknell and then the rest of his men will flee or stand down. I coughed. “There’s uh, really quite a lot of soldiers out there.” I’d counted at least a dozen or so. Not many in the grand scheme of things, but it was an awful lot of for the two of us to take on. “I’m well aware. But it’s nothing we can’t handle. At least so long as Tros holds up his end of the deal.” “And if he doesn’t?” “Then we’re probably going to die. All we can do is hold out as best we can until they get here.” I was all for simplicity, but I couldn’t help but feel like her plan could have done with being a little more complicated. Sarinknell continued, “Granted, we are outnumbered, but we do have the advantage of terrain. They’ll be forced to fight us single file while they climb up the stairs. It’s really the best conditions we could hope for.” Those “best conditions” sounded pretty terrible, but there wasn’t much we could do to change that now. I held Shotensho up in front of me, unsheathed. “Ready for our first, and hopefully not last, battle?” “I’m a sword,” said the blade’s voice in my head, “there is nothing for me to prepare.” I didn’t really understand the point of having a talking sword if the sword didn’t have anything worthwhile to say. But far be it from me to criticize whoever had made the damn thing. “What was the plan if we hadn’t gotten Tros and his men to help anyway? I can’t see how this would work if it were just the two of us.” Sarinknell looked away “…that’s a secret.” Her refusal to answer was damning. I knew she was reckless, but that was straight up insanity. I felt deeply grateful to Tros, if we got through this alive it would be thanks to him. “So, your first name’s Elmidath?” “It is. Though you will not use it to address me, not if you know what’s good for you.” We heard the sound of booted feet approaching long before they were close to reaching the top floor. Sarinknell took a deep breath and smoothed her clothes. “I’ll talk to my uncle and try to buy some time.” She went to the window and was opening her mouth to speak when she dropped to the floor. A crossbow bolt hurtled through the air where she’d been standing, embedding itself in the wall behind her. Crawling back from the window, Sarinknell cleared her throat and got up. “I do believe they are done talking. Never mind then, we’ll just have to do this the hard way.” There was a series of loud bangs on the door before it gave way with the sound of splintering wood. I waited near the top of the spiral staircase, just out of sight with Shotensho in hand. The first man who reached the top of the tower was in for a bad time. I didn’t know how competent Lord Sarinknell’s troops were likely to be, but I figured that between Elmidath’s ring and Shotensho’s ice we’d be able to hold them for a while. Along with whatever other magic Elmidath could manage. Hearing the soldiers getting closer and closer, I brought my sword up to my shoulder, ready to swing down. A shield appeared at the top of the stairs, raised to protect its wielder’s head and upper body. I smote it with a powerful, downward strike. To my disappointment, the sword barely left a mark on the shield. I’d imagined it would cut right through it. But it did send the soldier stumbling back a few steps, where he crashed into whoever was next in line. I held off on using Shotensho’s ice for now, it didn’t seem like something I could maintain for long. Best to save it for when I really needed it. I glanced back at Sarinknell to make sure she was ready to assist me. She nodded and I went back to watching the stairs. The shield bearer returned, it didn’t seem like I’d done them any great harm. Second time lucky? I waited a little longer this time and swung lower, aiming for the part of his body where the shield didn’t cover. It connected around his hipbone, failing to cut through the flexible armour there. Could this sword actually cut anything? I wondered if it was defective. Still, the blunt trauma had been enough to send him to his knees. Though I wasn’t sure if it just from the force or from an actual injury. Shoved to the top by the man behind him, he stumbled aside and I forgot all about him as the other soldier rushed me. Unused to using such a long blade, and swordsmanship in general, I was slow to recover. My opponent aimed a thrust at my abdomen. I managed to get the blade in the way, not quite a parry but it did mostly deflect the point. Instead of impaling me, the sword grazed my side. It was a painful cut, but in the moment, I didn’t even feel it. He extended his shield, using it not to defend himself but to impair my sword. Before I could break free, he tried a cut at my head. I ducked, realising too late that it was only a feint. The horizontal cut changed into a vertical one, aimed at my shoulder. It tore into my flesh, glancing off the bone. That one, I felt. I don’t know if it was adrenaline, my enhanced form, or some combination of the two, but the injury didn’t slow me down. It did, however, make my next two-handed blow one of the most painful things I’ve ever done. Free of his shield, I was still too close to use the blade effectively. Instead, I smashed my sword’s pommel into his face. Reeling, he lashed out with his own blade before he’d recovered his footing. It raked across my chest, another graze. I really wished I had some of the armour my opponents were sporting, I was getting cut to pieces. Before the first man I’d downed could get up, Sarinknell brought forth the ring’s shield and used it to shove him back. He tumbled half way down the flight of stairs, caching himself against the wall. For a moment it looked like he was going to re-join the fight, then he thought better of it and retreated. Already on the backfoot and realising he was now alone; the remaining soldier disengaged and hurried after his fellow with his shield up. Not in great shape to pursue, I let them go. It didn’t sound like they were intending on attacking immediately, so I set my sword aside for a quick breather. We’d beaten back the first assault, but it hadn’t been easy. If they managed to gain a foothold in here, we were finished. “Any word from Tros?” “None.” Sarinknell looked out the window. “No sign of him either. Hang on, I’ll try contacting him again.” Concentrating, she whispered something into a duplicate of the same token she’d given him. A few seconds passed without anything happening. “Well? Did you reach him?” “I’m not sure, there was no reply. Either Tros is ignoring us or my uncle is blocking us somehow.” I sighed. Either one was disastrous.
{ "title": "Atone Online", "id": 21460, "author": "Aiden Steel", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2.1", "id": 305656, "next": 305973, "prev": 305416, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMDk2ZWI2NDAxODQzNGJhYTczOGQ2YWZiYmE4ZjNi">When I came to, I found myself reborn. And to my pleasant surprise, I’d finally returned to form, so to speak. A ‘body’ had been molded around my consciousness as I slept, forming a perfect representation of my now discarded flesh. Blood and bone had been replaced and rebuilt from pixel and code, and the end result was impossible to tell from the real thing. I felt my chest expand, as it simulated the inhalation of artificial air. Facsimile or not, it was <em>incredibly</em> reassuring to have a body again.</p> <p class="cnM5YjI3YjMxZDc4ZjQ0MWNiNjlkOTg3ODc2MTBhYjYz">I’d woken up in the fetal position, lying in some vague, VR generated stopover between the world of matter and the world of information, naked, save for my newly rendered artificial flesh. The scenario I’d entered appeared to be set outdoors, had the ambiance of a moonlit night, and came with no status message to advise of its location. A quick glimpse around me brought no further clues; it was little more than rocky wasteland, offering my new form an alarming lack of shelter from the artificial elements, as a rain of what appeared to be randomly generated code beat down upon my exposed, virtual frame.</p> <p class="cnM4YTI5YjEwYzU5YzQwZTE4MDMwMjA1Yjk5ODdlMjZl">I regarded my chosen body with my newly rendered eyes. <em>Yup</em>, no question about it, this was indeed a perfect digital representation of the flesh I had so carelessly allowed to be destroyed, right down to the very scar, birthmark and regrettable drunken tattoo. I decided that the body they had shown me back in avatar selection must have been little more than a basic mockup, and that time had been needed to fit me with the real deal. Admittedly, it was worth the wait.</p> <p class="cnNhMmYzYmM5ZWU5ZTRmYzFhNDQ3Yjg1NmYwY2M1NTIx">As I lay there, I took a small moment to collect my senses. The new body was numb, its sense of touch oddly dulled, as if my senses were still trying to fully connect. A quick glance down confirmed my suspicions as to why I was finding it so difficult to move: my wrists and ankles were heavily bound.</p> <p class="cnMyYTNmZjU5NjliMDQ4OGU4NmIyNWZjMmJhM2FiMjBk"><em>Oh come on,</em> I thought to myself.<em> Surely that’s just overkill</em>. <em>I’m already at their mercy. Where in the hell do they think I’m going to escape to?</em></p> <p class="cnMwZTRjNWU4NDVkMTQ0MDA5ZjMwYTgxYzVjNzI4ZDYz">I decided that my tightly bound nakedness was <em>probably</em> more of a psychological ploy than anything else. They wanted me to feel powerless. <em>Vulnerable</em>. At the mercy of their every whim. And I could probably understand that. After all, when you’ve destroyed a man’s body, what was there left to use against him, but <em>mind games</em>?</p> <p class="cnMwNjgzZWQ4MDYzODQwOTM5NTIzNjgxYmQyZDg1OTdi">With few other options available, I tried to make myself comfortable, watching the flickering light of a distant loading screen as it glimmered against the horizon. The moment, for all its strangeness, was oddly serene. It was a moment of calm that was quickly interrupted.</p> <p class="cnM4OTc4ODg3MDI2OTQxZDJhYzA3MTA1MWU4MDdkYjQ3">“Wow, <em>you’re</em> a sexy one, aren’t you?” asked a familiar voice. “The body mapping bots did a <em>fantastic</em> job merging your real-world traits to your new avatar. You look good enough to eat.” The voice hesitated, then added: “Um, elves don’t eat humans, by the way. Hope I didn’t panic you there. <em>Heh</em>.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZDNiMTg4NjkzNzRhMThhMzk2ZWU4NTg4OTY3YmUz">“Mai, is that you?” I asked, hopefully. I twisted my head upward to see that <em>yes</em>, the elven form of my personal helper was back at my side, eyeing me up like a liquored-up bride-to-be might regard the vulnerable stripper at her hen party.</p> <p class="cnNhMTYzNDhmMjk4YTRjMjY5MDJjMDdjOGM3ZGMzOTU4">“Where am I?” I demanded, tightening my legs a little to better hide… well, <em>you know</em>. “What the hell’s going on?”</p> <p class="cnNkODMxNzUzZDQ4ZDQ1YTM5ZjE5YzNjZDI2NmY4NjJm">“We’re on one of the beaches that leads to the isles of judgement, silly,” the elf replied, as if <em>that </em>cleared everything up. “I have to admit, I didn’t expect the entry point into the game to be so dark and <em>gloomy</em>, though. We could do without that ‘rain’ for a start.”</p> <p class="cnNhNjNjYWY3Zjc4ODQ3ZmI4MWJlNWJkOWIxODcwZWJh">She clicked her slender elven fingers, and the streams of code that lashed the area suddenly disappeared. Without that odd distraction obstructing my vision, I realized that beyond the columns of rock lay a beach, leading to an expanse of something that could only assume had to be water.</p> <p class="cnMwNTI5ZjYyZmZhMzRiNWM4NTFlOTA3OGVmOGMyZjQ1"><em>Isles of judgement?</em> I thought to myself? <em>Crap</em>. I was wondering when we’d get to this part. My crimes had yet to be addressed. It was probably too much to expect that they’d just give me a new body and send me on my way.</p> <p class="cnM2ODY1NDQ2YTg4MjQ1YjI5MDZhYmY5ODdmMTg2OWVh">“Mai, would you please help me stand up?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnMxN2RmMDg2ODRhNTQ0YWQ4YjBmZDZiMWRlNjc2ZDg1">“Sure thing boss” she replied, rushing to my aid.</p> <p class="cnNkODBiOGVjYTNlMzQzMjA5MjY3MjZmMThiOTc3OTkz">The elf pulled out a small dagger and quickly cut away the bindings that imprisoned my ankles, apologizing that she couldn’t do the same for my other bindings, for fear of opening my wrists in the process. I told her that was okay. Then, working together, we clumsily managed to pull my avatar to its virtual feet. Despite the fact that my wrists were still bound, it was a drastic improvement. I immediately maneuvered my hands to provide a degree of modesty.</p> <p class="cnNlNGQ1NDU3N2ZiODRkNWNhMzIyOTM5YjM5NTY1YjU0">“Thanks. Um, you can let go of my ass now, by the way.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDhjMWNmYjUyMTQyNTM4Y2Y5MTlhYzZjMzlmN2Qy">“Will do,” she chirpily replied, releasing her inappropriately positioned grip.</p> <p class="cnM1NDM5NzI1ZGFhMzQ0MWY4ZjAxOTQxMGViZWZjODgx">Under any other circumstances, I would have fully appreciated the elf’s wandering hands. Painfully single, I was no stranger to hiring digital companionship of the ‘adult’ variety, and it appeared that I had a hereto undiscovered elf kink. But for now, I had more pressing concerns. Not standing trial with an erection, for a start. Mai placed a reassuring hand on the more appropriate point of my body that was my shoulder. It gave me comfort. That moment would be the closest thing to peace that I’d experience for a long time to come.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDU4MmQyZDFhYjQ2ZDNhNjQ3YjAyNzA3YjRlMzcy">[Jacob Mathers] announced an electronic voice, shaking me from my small moment of calm. It was being spoken not directly into my mind, but <em>to</em> me, and it was more artificial than I had anticipated an inhabitant of the ‘game’ possibly sounding. But then, the speaker was no customer service AI, programmed to put me at my ease. No, this voice was cold. Functional. Devoid of any pretense of emotion. And it emanated from a shimmering figure that now stood atop the rocks that lay mere meters from my position. I got the impression that he was looking down on me figuratively <em>and</em> literally.</p> <p class="cnNiZjliMzliNWIzODQwMGRiMDMwNTk2YmI1MjQzYjkz">[My name is Norahc,] continued the hooded male.</p> <p class="cnNlZWUxY2M3ZDlhOTRiNmJiZjdmOTMwMzZlNDEzNTkw">He was garbed in white, his glare inducing cloak draped across his equally translucent head, making him look like an <em>actual</em> ghost, albeit one dressed in a pathetic attempt at a ghost outfit. Technically, ‘ghost’ was probably the best word for him. This, I realized, was the ghost in the <em>machine</em>. I knew a high-level operating AI when I saw one. I’d been downloaded into a digital quarantine, and this was my personal reaper, minus the scythe.</p> <p class="cnM0ODQ4ZjA5MTUyZTRjMjliMzYzYThmMTAxYjI0NDM2">[Please remain calm,] continued the ghoul, its dead, lifeless voice instilling none of the calm it professed to be promoting.</p> <p class="cnNkZTRkZDQ1OTk1YjRjNzk5YTA2MjA5MzRkZDAzNzY5">Mai placed her hand on my shoulder, offering me support in what little way she could, but I could easily tell that this was not her realm. This place belonged to the glowing ghoul in the hood. So, with <em>that</em> in mind, I did the only thing I could. I braced myself, stared it in its soulless eyes, and awaited its <em>judgement.</em></p> </div>
When I came to, I found myself reborn. And to my pleasant surprise, I’d finally returned to form, so to speak. A ‘body’ had been molded around my consciousness as I slept, forming a perfect representation of my now discarded flesh. Blood and bone had been replaced and rebuilt from pixel and code, and the end result was impossible to tell from the real thing. I felt my chest expand, as it simulated the inhalation of artificial air. Facsimile or not, it was *incredibly* reassuring to have a body again. I’d woken up in the fetal position, lying in some vague, VR generated stopover between the world of matter and the world of information, naked, save for my newly rendered artificial flesh. The scenario I’d entered appeared to be set outdoors, had the ambiance of a moonlit night, and came with no status message to advise of its location. A quick glimpse around me brought no further clues; it was little more than rocky wasteland, offering my new form an alarming lack of shelter from the artificial elements, as a rain of what appeared to be randomly generated code beat down upon my exposed, virtual frame. I regarded my chosen body with my newly rendered eyes. *Yup*, no question about it, this was indeed a perfect digital representation of the flesh I had so carelessly allowed to be destroyed, right down to the very scar, birthmark and regrettable drunken tattoo. I decided that the body they had shown me back in avatar selection must have been little more than a basic mockup, and that time had been needed to fit me with the real deal. Admittedly, it was worth the wait. As I lay there, I took a small moment to collect my senses. The new body was numb, its sense of touch oddly dulled, as if my senses were still trying to fully connect. A quick glance down confirmed my suspicions as to why I was finding it so difficult to move: my wrists and ankles were heavily bound. *Oh come on,* I thought to myself. *Surely that’s just overkill*. *I’m already at their mercy. Where in the hell do they think I’m going to escape to?* I decided that my tightly bound nakedness was *probably* more of a psychological ploy than anything else. They wanted me to feel powerless. *Vulnerable*. At the mercy of their every whim. And I could probably understand that. After all, when you’ve destroyed a man’s body, what was there left to use against him, but *mind games*? With few other options available, I tried to make myself comfortable, watching the flickering light of a distant loading screen as it glimmered against the horizon. The moment, for all its strangeness, was oddly serene. It was a moment of calm that was quickly interrupted. “Wow, *you’re* a sexy one, aren’t you?” asked a familiar voice. “The body mapping bots did a *fantastic* job merging your real-world traits to your new avatar. You look good enough to eat.” The voice hesitated, then added: “Um, elves don’t eat humans, by the way. Hope I didn’t panic you there. *Heh*.” “Mai, is that you?” I asked, hopefully. I twisted my head upward to see that *yes*, the elven form of my personal helper was back at my side, eyeing me up like a liquored-up bride-to-be might regard the vulnerable stripper at her hen party. “Where am I?” I demanded, tightening my legs a little to better hide… well, *you know*. “What the hell’s going on?” “We’re on one of the beaches that leads to the isles of judgement, silly,” the elf replied, as if *that* cleared everything up. “I have to admit, I didn’t expect the entry point into the game to be so dark and *gloomy*, though. We could do without that ‘rain’ for a start.” She clicked her slender elven fingers, and the streams of code that lashed the area suddenly disappeared. Without that odd distraction obstructing my vision, I realized that beyond the columns of rock lay a beach, leading to an expanse of something that could only assume had to be water. *Isles of judgement?* I thought to myself? *Crap*. I was wondering when we’d get to this part. My crimes had yet to be addressed. It was probably too much to expect that they’d just give me a new body and send me on my way. “Mai, would you please help me stand up?” I asked. “Sure thing boss” she replied, rushing to my aid. The elf pulled out a small dagger and quickly cut away the bindings that imprisoned my ankles, apologizing that she couldn’t do the same for my other bindings, for fear of opening my wrists in the process. I told her that was okay. Then, working together, we clumsily managed to pull my avatar to its virtual feet. Despite the fact that my wrists were still bound, it was a drastic improvement. I immediately maneuvered my hands to provide a degree of modesty. “Thanks. Um, you can let go of my ass now, by the way.” “Will do,” she chirpily replied, releasing her inappropriately positioned grip. Under any other circumstances, I would have fully appreciated the elf’s wandering hands. Painfully single, I was no stranger to hiring digital companionship of the ‘adult’ variety, and it appeared that I had a hereto undiscovered elf kink. But for now, I had more pressing concerns. Not standing trial with an erection, for a start. Mai placed a reassuring hand on the more appropriate point of my body that was my shoulder. It gave me comfort. That moment would be the closest thing to peace that I’d experience for a long time to come. [Jacob Mathers] announced an electronic voice, shaking me from my small moment of calm. It was being spoken not directly into my mind, but *to* me, and it was more artificial than I had anticipated an inhabitant of the ‘game’ possibly sounding. But then, the speaker was no customer service AI, programmed to put me at my ease. No, this voice was cold. Functional. Devoid of any pretense of emotion. And it emanated from a shimmering figure that now stood atop the rocks that lay mere meters from my position. I got the impression that he was looking down on me figuratively *and* literally. [My name is Norahc,] continued the hooded male. He was garbed in white, his glare inducing cloak draped across his equally translucent head, making him look like an *actual* ghost, albeit one dressed in a pathetic attempt at a ghost outfit. Technically, ‘ghost’ was probably the best word for him. This, I realized, was the ghost in the *machine*. I knew a high-level operating AI when I saw one. I’d been downloaded into a digital quarantine, and this was my personal reaper, minus the scythe. [Please remain calm,] continued the ghoul, its dead, lifeless voice instilling none of the calm it professed to be promoting. Mai placed her hand on my shoulder, offering me support in what little way she could, but I could easily tell that this was not her realm. This place belonged to the glowing ghoul in the hood. So, with *that* in mind, I did the only thing I could. I braced myself, stared it in its soulless eyes, and awaited its *judgement.*
{ "title": "The Tail of a Dragon", "id": 20929, "author": "ResonateRhino", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Salutations Freedom 1", "id": 305657, "next": 307592, "prev": 304531, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0OGE0NTljZmY5YzRkZjU4OTgxNjc0NzBmYTdiNTk5">“What’s your name dragon?” The sheep asked, stomping around and eating some grass while it awaited an answer. The dragon flapped its wings, and shifted spots from its earlier location. The red dragon yawned, and then fluttered its eyes open. “Nyama?” It asked, craning its head.<br><br>Sal sighed, this dragon’s intelligence was more than frustrating to him. “Follow.” He said, hoping the dragon would understand this basic command. If it didn’t, Sal was more than happy to ditch the dragon and find something better to do with his time. The thought of this dragon was more than interesting to him though.</p> <p class="cnNhZjczNzlmMTBiYTRiY2JiOWI1ZjMxOTg1NzVhYjBm">The red creature chased him vigitantly, the sheep was glad that the dragon wasn’t a complete imbecile. This made his life easier as they hiked out of the woods and into an open plain. “First thing is first, we have to be able to communicate with one another. Looks like I’m going to have to force an evolution.” The orange sheep said, looking down at the dragon that resembled a happy dog with little care for anything other than lamb chops.</p> <p class="cnNmN2FiZjY2NWQ4ZDRkMDc4OGY5ZWVkZTY0ODZjY2M4">“Level-Transfusion.” Sal chanted, grabbing the dragon with a magical purple orb and connecting their manas together. Sal stumbled, as he began to drain the essence of life into the dragon. It began to grow and distort in painful revelations.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDQ2MmZmMzFlZjQyYjVhNTIzYWI5NTZkMjRhYmUy"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>+LEVEL UP</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>+1 TO ALL STATS</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2MzIzYmFlOTNmNTQ2NDRiNDg0YTFiZGMxMDQxZjY1"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZDMwN2VhMDdmZjRhZTk4YjQ5NWMyYTU2MjgzMGJm"><br><br></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Common Evolution Forced: Large-frame</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4Nzc4NTRkMmFiOTRkNjE4NzkwMTAyNGU3YjE1ZGM3"><br><br></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>+LEVEL UP</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>+1 TO ALL STATS</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjMTM1MmY1YzhkMzQyOTJhMGZmZjFkYzgyYzVjMjc4"> </p> <p class="cnMxYzdhMWIwOWFkMzQ3NzM4NjgyNmI2NTMyODIwOGI2"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Common Evolution Forced: Greater-Mind</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0Yzg4ZGQyMDk3ZTQ1MmU5YjdjMjY3MjNlOTQzYmQ4"><br><br></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>+LEVEL UP</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>+1 TO ALL STATS</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjMzY5MTk5YzI4NjRlYjU4ZjI4ZjAzOWNlMTdiZDBm"> </p> <p class="cnM5NWYzOWExYThmMzQ5ZGQ4YmRmOWNmYjEzMTg0YTJl"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>??? Evolution Forced: ???</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmYTBjYTE3MzgzOTQzZWM5ZmI4M2U4Y2VhNWJlMTY4"><br><br></p> <p class="cnNlYWM3ZmEyODVhMzQ4YWM5OWYwNDcyNWMzMTdhYmE5">The dragon grew double in size, its wings were much thicker now and its hard scales were clearly visible. The frame of the dragon was on another level compared to dragons its age. It had the look of a three-month old dragon. It shrieked in jolts of pain as the sheep transferred quality essence to the dragon, resulting in a deviation of genetics.</p> <p class="cnM1N2Y3YmU5OGE3YjQ2MWVhMTk2OTgzMDFiZjM0OTM3">“Oreep?” The dragon said in a more confident voice, but it was still off. It had the voice of a boy rather than a baby. “Oreep do?” It asked, feeling completely different from before. He stared at his claws, and stretched his wings. The dragon darted off into the sky, flapping its wings. Finally able to fly without splatting to the ground. This was a special moment for the dragon. Being able to soar in the sky felt ambiguous and profound at the same time.</p> <p class="cnNjYmI2MzMxZjE3MzQ4MDZiMDA0ZWNiZWE4ZDNhOWYx">Sal sighed, “I performed a forbidden magic to force your growth. Now dragon, tell me your name.” He said, trying to spark discussion with his new acquaintance. He began to levitate, resting against the air as if it were normal for sheep to do this often. The orange sheep let his eyes drift into the blue sky, clouded with big puffy...clouds. His tenacious confidence perplexed the dragon at times.</p> <p class="cnM3MWFlNmNiZmY5MTQzZDE5OTU5MTczYTM1OTg2OWRk">“Name?” He asked, tilting his head as he had done previously. Not only did this infuriate Sal, it pissed him off. He had willingly sacrificed so much of his own power for this dragon only to end with little result. At least the dragon could perform basic thoughts and understand them as well now. The sheep yawned as he sat his feet back down on the ground.</p> <p class="cnNlOTI2NmZkOWVhMDRmZDI4YjU5OGQ2ZjVkNTg3MzYz">Through the trees, a few knight heads peered out and set their glance on the duo of strange instances in this world. “Well, Mr. Dragon, we better get moving before those knights catch up to us and try to kill us.” He said, his natural prey instincts emerging from a submerged depth.</p> <p class="cnNkYTU0Mjk5NmIwMzQ0N2Y5MjI0YjViMzY5OTAwODA1">“Food?” The dragon asked, looking around for food as Oreep mentioned the word ‘knight’ to him. This was plenty of reason to stick around, the dragon was kind of hungry anyways. He could do with a feast after all that travelling. The dragon flapped its wings when it caught sight of a knight, soaring straight to him with no strategy in mind.</p> <p class="cnMxMDBkZTU2YTJkOTQwZDhhZjJmODNhZWE2YmVjNzBj">Sal ate some grass out of stress, he swallowed it, “Why did I even try? I guess I’ll see what happens to this dragon and be on my way. No need to get tagged.” He said, muttering to himself as his gaze shifted over to the tree line. There was likely to be a small conflict here, until they detained the dragon once more.</p> <p class="cnM4MjYyOWQxMTc1NDQyOTU4NDNkZGE4M2NhMzkzOWM4">The dragon had never heard his prey scream with such a high-pitched voice as this knight did. He held his metal sword in front of him, as a shield to block the vicious, oversized bat heading toward him with those razor sharp claws and teeth. “When did this dragon get so big!?” The knight asked himself as his sword came in contact with the claws of the dragon.</p> <p class="cnNkNTkxYzY4ODhhODQ5MzY4OWU2ZjI4ODU3MGJmMDg2">The dragon’s larger frame was more durable and energetic, allowing the dragon’s claws to tap against the knight’s armor, but nothing more with that longsword in the way as a natural barrier. “G-Get off of me!!” The knight screamed, pushing it back as best as he could. He was about to turn tail, which is something they are taught not to do in Knight School.</p> <p class="cnNlYmZjMjEyMTQ1ZjQxM2I5MDA2NzQ1NGNiZjRkMWY3"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Diving-Attack Level 1 Unlocked!</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxZDJiYjRiNTE5NTRjMmViMTBiNjQzNTVjYWMzNTU1"> </p> <p class="cnM0MGNjNDY0ZGJiNDRlNzQ5MmUwNTI0NzY4MWM3YzFj">The dragon flapped its wings away from the knight, pushing him to the ground as the dragon continued to remain in the air. The dragon darted into the tree canopy, looking to find an easier prey that would show little to no resistance. It had no interest in losing its claw or fighting for its meat at the moment, its stomach growled constantly.</p> <p class="cnM1MzZkOWUwN2IzYTRlZTVhZjc0Nzk2NGM5MDM1MWZm">That’s where it spotted a fine specimen, one who was definitely an easier prey than those alert knights. He was sitting down in shame, twirling his index finger into the dirt of the forest with his head resting on the palm of his other hand. He had no interest in helping his team out in this instance apparently.</p> <p class="cnMwMTI2NmJlZGI3ZjQ5Y2E4MzE4ODgwZjc1ZjZmNGVl">The dragon changed courses, flapping its wings in a different direction and diving toward the knight with intention to contest this man from the back. It hoped to end its life and eat it like a big snack. The only problem was prying its teeth through the armor of those knights, they had tough skin for sure. It wasn’t enjoyable for the dragon to eat things that hurt its teeth.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWUxODVlNDEyMjQ3Y2ViNmJkMWM1OWE3ZmY2NDVl"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Flying Level 5 Unlocked!</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4ZDEyMzkzODM2NTQ1ZjZhM2JjMGQ2ZmIyYWJmODk0"><br>The claws were honing in on its target when the knight turned around and aimed its grasp at the dragon’s neck. It was none other than Orion himself as he caught the dragon with ease. The dragon choked and cawed around his manly grip, his eyes were cold and fierce. “You’ve caused me to be late, and now the Duke will not honor my arrival. Do you realize the severity of what you done dragon? Of course you don’t, none of your kind are worth shit!” He screamed, crushing the dragon’s windpipe, the knights enclosing a circle around Orion now.</p> <p class="cnM1MTg2ZDAyOWE1MzRjNzdiZjE0YmVkMGEyOTFmNzAy"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>You are suffocating! - 10 HP</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhZjZlNjExMTNiZTRmNDNhOTIyZDM5YzJiZmU5NDNi"> </p> <p class="cnM0MjJhNjlkYjAyNzRkZWJiODQzMjgyNTlhZDdiMTlk">The dragon reminisced on his earlier bout with that hunter bandit, he had been choked by him with similar technique. This enraged the dragon, he was supposed to be at the top of the food chain and no one else was. He couldn’t die here, nor could he afford capture. He had to find his brothers and siblings --especially the blue dragon. His arch nemesis was his own blood, no one could replace that. These humans were below the dragon, and that’s something he wasn’t about to change his opinion on.</p> <p class="cnMxMmQxZDRlZTdiZTQyZTFiYjk5ZTVjMDQ4NmJmYzMy">It grew and expanded in size, the dragon was infuriated and ready to brawl one out with these silver-ranked knights. He had no intention of letting them live. It was too late to be forgiven. Its red canvas expanded in size, a red aura emitted off of its skin.</p> <p class="cnMxZTU1ZjE0N2RlYjRmNDdiODMyODYwOGEyYTkxNmRh"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Your “Angered Spirit of the Red Dragon” evolution is now fully-activated!</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiYTBjYWExNTUxZjQ4ODE5YjQ5MzFjYzRlYzA0MTZi"> </p> <p class="cnNlMzdmNDhkMWVlMzRlMDU4NWNkZTQwMWVkMjMzNTVm">The dragon was fuming, literally and metaphorically. With no remorse, the dragon sent its tail point into Orion’s waist, chipping the armor and reaching a second layer of armor. “Damnit, Robin --or someone help me get this dragon in a bag! It’s pissed!” He said, struggling to keep the dragon in his hands. The dragon wasn’t suffocating anymore due to its size, nor did it care. It was going to kill everything in range of its claws.</p> <p class="cnMxYjQ1YWQzNGFhZjQwOTk5MzVjZTQzNDQ0MWExN2Q5">Orion had to let go of the dragon, his hand began to convulse in sporadic shots of pain. He backed up, drawing his sword. “Everyone, at guard!” He said, making sure everyone was in position to disarm the dragon, but most importantly protect the lives of his squad. Most of the men here were the finest trained soldiers under the duke. Despite a few cowards in the bunch that had been recently promoted, lying to get their way into a better paycheck.<br><br>The dragon growled, giving off a hell-hurdling screech that made all of the birds in the forest fly up and away. The knights held their ears, the sound ricocheted violently within their helmets and caused them a major disorientation. Some fell to their knees as the dragon resounded a noise so profound and significant. Even Oreep had to cast a spell to resist hearing such a thing.</p> <p class="cnMwM2ExOWZkZmQ5NDQ4NDBhYzQyNmQyZWQxYzYzMzQx">The scream dissipated, but the energy the dragon carried did not. He charged Orion while he was disorientated. Orion glanced up at the last second, only to be tackled by the dragon he’d tried suffocating into captivity. “Oh my Noble Lord, help me in my times of need!” He prayed vigilantly, prying the dragon off and throwing him under his weight as he punched the dragon in its teeth.</p> <p class="cnNmN2ViYmU0N2RiNzQyMGU4MjVmM2I0ZjFmNzQ0Njcw">The dragon’s tail frantically stabbed upwards into Orion’s armor, making him flee from the fate of his dick being impaled, or worse. He launched an attack with his sword at the dragon, losing control and losing his cool for the first time in front of his men. “Fuck you!” He breathed for air, sending a hard overhead strike at the dragon only to be met with razor sharp claws that stopped the strike. The dragon flapped its wings up, dispatching a turmoil that only Orion could match in speed and strength.</p> <p class="cnM2NTdmYmIwNzE5NTQxMzJiMjI1YTQ4MjBkNjUyMjZl">“Sir Orion! Save your strength sir, we will take him on!” Robin said.</p> <p class="cnNiODQyNmUyYjczMDQzNjVhZjhhN2NlNDg4MWRhZTU5">“Wha--no I have it!” Orion gasped for air in between strikes.</p> <p class="cnM0MzBmMmI1Y2EwMjQzZGU4ODM1YmUwZjA0YzlkYTQw">“You fool, back off!” Robin pushed Orion out of the way and began attacking the dragon with heavy strikes, sending it back in its own exhaustion.</p> <p class="cnMwZjNmYjRjNzIxMjQxNjk4MWM2MDg5MmQyYTk4ZDY1">“Robin, you…”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWJlMmYwNDhhYzRmNDZiMjg4Yjg2ZWNlZWI1NzFh">“He’s a good man. Let him do his part.” One of Orion’s men put his hand on his shoulder.</p> <p class="cnM3NDMxZjc0YTI0OTRlZmM4NDQ4ODM3M2IwMDBlOTc2">The dragon fled behind a tree to catch its breathe, flapping its wings and using its claws were heavy on the heart. Blood flowed, but the angered spirit within the dragon did not falter. He was still induced into this angry state, while trying to remain strategic in the face of danger. Oreep’s level transfusion had left the dragon with more tactics than it had than before.</p> <p class="cnNjOTY1MzIxMGNkNjQ2ZDNhYmQ4NGRjMmJiZTVmNTQ3">The claw-machine returned from the tree and approached Robin confidently, “Kill you.” It said with clarity in its voice.</p> <p class="cnNjZTA1ODgyOWFjZDQ2YWI5YzlmOGMzNzdkY2EyNjg5">“H-huh….?” Robin said, his voice growing cold as he processed the words.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTExZjMzYWJlMDRkYmE5NmYzMGI5ODFhMDk4Mzk0">“Don’t fret Robin, dragons are intelligent creatures! Of course it can speak..” Orion stood up.</p> <p class="cnM2NjE1N2Y0NzU0ZTQyOTA5MzgxYTAzMWM3YWRiMjll">“I know, I just..”</p> <p class="cnMwMzFmZTM4MTBlNTQ4MTA5MjczMWFkNGMwYzc3Yzkz">“Grab a hold of yourself man!” Orion was back in action, right behind Robin with his sword. “We will do this together, now find your confidence in my crew. This is a baby dragon, we can handle him!” Orion assured Robin.</p> <p class="cnMzOTJmZjQwMzcyYjQ3ZDhhMWQ3M2NmNGZmNTE0ZjI1">The dragon wasted no time in their petty discussion, sending his claws into Robin’s chestplate while he was off guard. This time the dragon punctured under the skin and made the knight bleed.</p> <p class="cnM5YjQ2MDYxZjNmOTQ1M2FiODk3Mjk0N2MzZDYxNGNi">“Oh fuck!” He said, trying to detach the dragon only to be met with a set of teeth at his neck’s end. The teeth just cut into his skin as they pierced the armor like a thin layer of butter. The pain of sinking its teeth into the armor was negated by its infuriated anger. It detached from the knight, narrowly dodging the grasp of Orion.</p> <p class="cnMwNDA0OTlmOWM2MzRhZDY5YWNjOWI5NmM4ODBmY2My">“Robin! ROBIN!” The knights screamed.</p> <p class="cnNkOGQ1NDM5MzE0OTQxMWQ5OTQzOWQxYjI4NTE1YjM3">“I’m okay, worry not for me! Hold the formation and make sure this little fucker doesn’t escape before we capture him.”</p> <p class="cnMyOGIwMjA4ZDBjMzRhMmZhMWE1ZjY1NWY4MjRjMDAz">The scene shifted back to Oreep, who was using a spell to see what was happening from afar as he levitated in the open plains. “This dragon is a strong one for its age. I’ve never seen such a young dragon come so far. What a great deal of intrigue this brings me.” Oreep said, he turned his head and his entire body went pale.</p> <p class="cnM0YTVlMTBmYTc3MDQ5NDRhNzdkYTc1ZmQwODk2NDMx">“Oh fuck.” He said.</p> <p class="cnMzOThhNGQxM2E0ZDQ1M2FiMTQxODZjNzE2YmU5Y2E3">Back in the forest, the dragon continued to make dents in the armor of the two knights, sustaining his own injuries along the way and draining his own stamina. Eventually it resulted in a stalemate of sorts, with the individual knights not being up to par with the dragon by themselves. It wasn’t going to end nicely for either party, especially not the tired dragon.</p> <p class="cnNmNmIwZWQ3MmM3YzQzZjU4Y2RiN2NlN2Y0YTBhODE4"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>You have been cut! -19 HP.</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzYzU4NGNmZTEwNTQ0NDBiZDFkYTc2YmM0MGM4ODY5"> </p> <p class="cnM1MmViNjE5NGM4ZDQ1NmU4MDc5ODk2OThjY2RlNzJk">The trees began to mysteriously bend as if the wind were blowing especially hard.</p> <p class="cnM3NmYxYzdmNmU2MjQ1MWM4ZjA2M2E0ZTcwYjY3MTNm">Orion dived at the dragon, attempting to full-body catch him, but this also ended in failure. The dragon puncture the knight’s armor, using the potential energy to dig deep into Orion’s rib cage.</p> <p class="cnMwOWNiOWY2OGYyZjQ5MWJhZDc1NDRlOGMzZGM0NDJm">“Shit!” He screamed, blood emerging from the gash in his armor. He held his side, the knights breaking formation to rush to his side.</p> <p class="cnNiMGQxNjI5NjE2ODQzZDliZTFiNDdkNmRiNmVjZTU2">“Orion!”</p> <p class="cnNhNjkwY2I4MTMxMTQxNGRhZTRkMjEyM2UyNDc4NjVm">“No! ORION!” They screamed, pulling him up as the dragon detached his tail and fled with his wings once more to regain its breathe. The dragon was cut and had all sorts of injuries. The dragon’s health was soon to reach a critical threshold. This wasn’t making things better.</p> <p class="cnMyOTk5YzRmMWI3MDRkODBhZThmMGE4ZjljN2Q5OGVk"> </p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>You are malnourished -1 HP.</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2YzQwODc5MTZmYjQyNzk5ZjdkZjJlYjc0ZTNlYzY5"> </p> <p class="cnNkZWE2YWMzOGM0MzQ5NGU4NzhmYjE3NDAxMjY3ZGUy">The dragon was beginning to suffer the early stages of hunger, and it wasn’t like he could just eat grass like Oreep. He had standards unlike that orange weirdo. The dragon thought back on his blue counterpart, ‘would he have finished this by now?’</p> <p class="cnMyNjdiYzU0NWVhMjRlMzViOTg3ODBjNzE3Y2ZhYzFh">“Orion, we’ve got you.” Robin said, tears filled his eyes. He took his helmet off, wiping the tears.</p> <p class="cnNkNjIzZGJkNDdkYTQyYWM5OGZlZDFkMGQ0ZDBlZTZl">Orion smiled, as blood gushed out of his side, “You know you’re...not suppose to cry. Those are knighthood standards….” He said, his voice weak but he wasn’t gone yet.</p> <p class="cnNmZjFkN2NjOTM4ZjRjYzU4NmYwZDNhZTFhMjk0MzIw">He grabbed at his helmet, his fingers sliding off of it. “Take this damn thing off of me.” Robin took it off, revealing Orion’s face.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDU0NDQ4YjcwYTQwY2NiMjM0Zjk0MTA3ZDkxMDE0">His white hair and crystal-green eyes looked toward the sky, as his breath became more impatient for air. “Robin...I declare you Head Knight of my crew. I won’t….” He ached in pain between sentences, “...make it back.”</p> <p class="cnMzNjg2ZGM4ZDJjZDQ4ZGY5MzI3OGRmZTBhZGZhYmU0">Robin had served under Sir Orion for only a few years but this was just too much, “Sir, you are one of many up and coming heroes in the duke’s territory! You must jest. This dragon could never defeat the likes of you!” He began to shake as tears ran down his eyes.</p> <p class="cnMxYjg1ZmQ0OWJjNzRkNWM4OWQ2MTc3NmViMTBiZjFm">Orion’s gaze drifted toward the plains, “Alas we’re own anger led to this foolish death….” He said, before a laser beam caught him in the heart and killed him instantly. Robin dropped him, avoiding the attack. The beam hit the ground and made a large pink explosion in the forest.</p> <p class="cnNhN2FhNzMwYTgwYzQzN2M5OWNhZTUxZjQ5OWMyODUw">“Holy shit!” A knight said.</p> <p class="cnNlOTZkZDhiNDRhMzQ5YzBhMzgwYjc2YWFiMmQ3NTQw">Oreep smiled far away from the actual scene of battle, blowing on his hoof like it had recently shot something out. Which it had. “Don’t let him suffer. You guys have a ‘bigger’ problem coming your way.” He said, enjoying the battle.</p> <p class="cnMwOTMyNjEzNGEzMzRmNjNiYTFjODA1YmZiOGFjMmMx">The dragon had recovered, and was ready to take on Robin once again. “Diee!” It screamed, flapping its wings toward Robin.</p> <p class="cnMzZWVmOTE1ZjU1OTQ4MzhiZWEyODg3OWQxYjRiYzY5">Robin was filled with anger, he grabbed his sword and charged at the dragon as well, emotions overcame him. They were going to clash at any moment, but then <strong>something colossal befell upon the forest.</strong> With the roar of a titan came a new ushering of problems.<br><br></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Name:</strong></td> <td><strong>Attributes:</strong></td> <td><strong>Skills:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Race: Dragon (Uncommon)</strong></td> <td><strong>STR: 19</strong></td> <td><strong>Stealth: 1</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Level: 10</strong></td> <td><strong>AGI: 21</strong></td> <td><strong>Hunger Resistance: 2</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Age: 6 Days</strong></td> <td><strong>DEX: 17</strong></td> <td><strong>Meditation: 3</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Gender: Male</strong></td> <td><strong>END: 18</strong></td> <td><strong>Flying: 5</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>HP: 380</strong></td> <td><strong>INT: 29</strong></td> <td><strong>Fire-Breathing: 2</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>MP: 335<br></strong></td> <td><strong>WIS: 26</strong></td> <td> <strong>Diving-Attack: 1</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div>
“What’s your name dragon?” The sheep asked, stomping around and eating some grass while it awaited an answer. The dragon flapped its wings, and shifted spots from its earlier location. The red dragon yawned, and then fluttered its eyes open. “Nyama?” It asked, craning its head. Sal sighed, this dragon’s intelligence was more than frustrating to him. “Follow.” He said, hoping the dragon would understand this basic command. If it didn’t, Sal was more than happy to ditch the dragon and find something better to do with his time. The thought of this dragon was more than interesting to him though. The red creature chased him vigitantly, the sheep was glad that the dragon wasn’t a complete imbecile. This made his life easier as they hiked out of the woods and into an open plain. “First thing is first, we have to be able to communicate with one another. Looks like I’m going to have to force an evolution.” The orange sheep said, looking down at the dragon that resembled a happy dog with little care for anything other than lamb chops. “Level-Transfusion.” Sal chanted, grabbing the dragon with a magical purple orb and connecting their manas together. Sal stumbled, as he began to drain the essence of life into the dragon. It began to grow and distort in painful revelations. | **+LEVEL UP** | | --- | | **+1 TO ALL STATS** | | **Common Evolution Forced: Large-frame** | | --- | | **+LEVEL UP** | | --- | | **+1 TO ALL STATS** | | **Common Evolution Forced: Greater-Mind** | | --- | | **+LEVEL UP** | | --- | | **+1 TO ALL STATS** | | **??? Evolution Forced: ???** | | --- | The dragon grew double in size, its wings were much thicker now and its hard scales were clearly visible. The frame of the dragon was on another level compared to dragons its age. It had the look of a three-month old dragon. It shrieked in jolts of pain as the sheep transferred quality essence to the dragon, resulting in a deviation of genetics. “Oreep?” The dragon said in a more confident voice, but it was still off. It had the voice of a boy rather than a baby. “Oreep do?” It asked, feeling completely different from before. He stared at his claws, and stretched his wings. The dragon darted off into the sky, flapping its wings. Finally able to fly without splatting to the ground. This was a special moment for the dragon. Being able to soar in the sky felt ambiguous and profound at the same time. Sal sighed, “I performed a forbidden magic to force your growth. Now dragon, tell me your name.” He said, trying to spark discussion with his new acquaintance. He began to levitate, resting against the air as if it were normal for sheep to do this often. The orange sheep let his eyes drift into the blue sky, clouded with big puffy...clouds. His tenacious confidence perplexed the dragon at times. “Name?” He asked, tilting his head as he had done previously. Not only did this infuriate Sal, it pissed him off. He had willingly sacrificed so much of his own power for this dragon only to end with little result. At least the dragon could perform basic thoughts and understand them as well now. The sheep yawned as he sat his feet back down on the ground. Through the trees, a few knight heads peered out and set their glance on the duo of strange instances in this world. “Well, Mr. Dragon, we better get moving before those knights catch up to us and try to kill us.” He said, his natural prey instincts emerging from a submerged depth. “Food?” The dragon asked, looking around for food as Oreep mentioned the word ‘knight’ to him. This was plenty of reason to stick around, the dragon was kind of hungry anyways. He could do with a feast after all that travelling. The dragon flapped its wings when it caught sight of a knight, soaring straight to him with no strategy in mind. Sal ate some grass out of stress, he swallowed it, “Why did I even try? I guess I’ll see what happens to this dragon and be on my way. No need to get tagged.” He said, muttering to himself as his gaze shifted over to the tree line. There was likely to be a small conflict here, until they detained the dragon once more. The dragon had never heard his prey scream with such a high-pitched voice as this knight did. He held his metal sword in front of him, as a shield to block the vicious, oversized bat heading toward him with those razor sharp claws and teeth. “When did this dragon get so big!?” The knight asked himself as his sword came in contact with the claws of the dragon. The dragon’s larger frame was more durable and energetic, allowing the dragon’s claws to tap against the knight’s armor, but nothing more with that longsword in the way as a natural barrier. “G-Get off of me!!” The knight screamed, pushing it back as best as he could. He was about to turn tail, which is something they are taught not to do in Knight School. | **Diving-Attack Level 1 Unlocked!** | | --- | The dragon flapped its wings away from the knight, pushing him to the ground as the dragon continued to remain in the air. The dragon darted into the tree canopy, looking to find an easier prey that would show little to no resistance. It had no interest in losing its claw or fighting for its meat at the moment, its stomach growled constantly. That’s where it spotted a fine specimen, one who was definitely an easier prey than those alert knights. He was sitting down in shame, twirling his index finger into the dirt of the forest with his head resting on the palm of his other hand. He had no interest in helping his team out in this instance apparently. The dragon changed courses, flapping its wings in a different direction and diving toward the knight with intention to contest this man from the back. It hoped to end its life and eat it like a big snack. The only problem was prying its teeth through the armor of those knights, they had tough skin for sure. It wasn’t enjoyable for the dragon to eat things that hurt its teeth. | **Flying Level 5 Unlocked!** | | --- | The claws were honing in on its target when the knight turned around and aimed its grasp at the dragon’s neck. It was none other than Orion himself as he caught the dragon with ease. The dragon choked and cawed around his manly grip, his eyes were cold and fierce. “You’ve caused me to be late, and now the Duke will not honor my arrival. Do you realize the severity of what you done dragon? Of course you don’t, none of your kind are worth shit!” He screamed, crushing the dragon’s windpipe, the knights enclosing a circle around Orion now. | **You are suffocating! - 10 HP** | | --- | The dragon reminisced on his earlier bout with that hunter bandit, he had been choked by him with similar technique. This enraged the dragon, he was supposed to be at the top of the food chain and no one else was. He couldn’t die here, nor could he afford capture. He had to find his brothers and siblings --especially the blue dragon. His arch nemesis was his own blood, no one could replace that. These humans were below the dragon, and that’s something he wasn’t about to change his opinion on. It grew and expanded in size, the dragon was infuriated and ready to brawl one out with these silver-ranked knights. He had no intention of letting them live. It was too late to be forgiven. Its red canvas expanded in size, a red aura emitted off of its skin. | **Your “Angered Spirit of the Red Dragon” evolution is now fully-activated!** | | --- | The dragon was fuming, literally and metaphorically. With no remorse, the dragon sent its tail point into Orion’s waist, chipping the armor and reaching a second layer of armor. “Damnit, Robin --or someone help me get this dragon in a bag! It’s pissed!” He said, struggling to keep the dragon in his hands. The dragon wasn’t suffocating anymore due to its size, nor did it care. It was going to kill everything in range of its claws. Orion had to let go of the dragon, his hand began to convulse in sporadic shots of pain. He backed up, drawing his sword. “Everyone, at guard!” He said, making sure everyone was in position to disarm the dragon, but most importantly protect the lives of his squad. Most of the men here were the finest trained soldiers under the duke. Despite a few cowards in the bunch that had been recently promoted, lying to get their way into a better paycheck. The dragon growled, giving off a hell-hurdling screech that made all of the birds in the forest fly up and away. The knights held their ears, the sound ricocheted violently within their helmets and caused them a major disorientation. Some fell to their knees as the dragon resounded a noise so profound and significant. Even Oreep had to cast a spell to resist hearing such a thing. The scream dissipated, but the energy the dragon carried did not. He charged Orion while he was disorientated. Orion glanced up at the last second, only to be tackled by the dragon he’d tried suffocating into captivity. “Oh my Noble Lord, help me in my times of need!” He prayed vigilantly, prying the dragon off and throwing him under his weight as he punched the dragon in its teeth. The dragon’s tail frantically stabbed upwards into Orion’s armor, making him flee from the fate of his dick being impaled, or worse. He launched an attack with his sword at the dragon, losing control and losing his cool for the first time in front of his men. “Fuck you!” He breathed for air, sending a hard overhead strike at the dragon only to be met with razor sharp claws that stopped the strike. The dragon flapped its wings up, dispatching a turmoil that only Orion could match in speed and strength. “Sir Orion! Save your strength sir, we will take him on!” Robin said. “Wha--no I have it!” Orion gasped for air in between strikes. “You fool, back off!” Robin pushed Orion out of the way and began attacking the dragon with heavy strikes, sending it back in its own exhaustion. “Robin, you…” “He’s a good man. Let him do his part.” One of Orion’s men put his hand on his shoulder. The dragon fled behind a tree to catch its breathe, flapping its wings and using its claws were heavy on the heart. Blood flowed, but the angered spirit within the dragon did not falter. He was still induced into this angry state, while trying to remain strategic in the face of danger. Oreep’s level transfusion had left the dragon with more tactics than it had than before. The claw-machine returned from the tree and approached Robin confidently, “Kill you.” It said with clarity in its voice. “H-huh….?” Robin said, his voice growing cold as he processed the words. “Don’t fret Robin, dragons are intelligent creatures! Of course it can speak..” Orion stood up. “I know, I just..” “Grab a hold of yourself man!” Orion was back in action, right behind Robin with his sword. “We will do this together, now find your confidence in my crew. This is a baby dragon, we can handle him!” Orion assured Robin. The dragon wasted no time in their petty discussion, sending his claws into Robin’s chestplate while he was off guard. This time the dragon punctured under the skin and made the knight bleed. “Oh fuck!” He said, trying to detach the dragon only to be met with a set of teeth at his neck’s end. The teeth just cut into his skin as they pierced the armor like a thin layer of butter. The pain of sinking its teeth into the armor was negated by its infuriated anger. It detached from the knight, narrowly dodging the grasp of Orion. “Robin! ROBIN!” The knights screamed. “I’m okay, worry not for me! Hold the formation and make sure this little fucker doesn’t escape before we capture him.” The scene shifted back to Oreep, who was using a spell to see what was happening from afar as he levitated in the open plains. “This dragon is a strong one for its age. I’ve never seen such a young dragon come so far. What a great deal of intrigue this brings me.” Oreep said, he turned his head and his entire body went pale. “Oh fuck.” He said. Back in the forest, the dragon continued to make dents in the armor of the two knights, sustaining his own injuries along the way and draining his own stamina. Eventually it resulted in a stalemate of sorts, with the individual knights not being up to par with the dragon by themselves. It wasn’t going to end nicely for either party, especially not the tired dragon. | **You have been cut! -19 HP.** | | --- | The trees began to mysteriously bend as if the wind were blowing especially hard. Orion dived at the dragon, attempting to full-body catch him, but this also ended in failure. The dragon puncture the knight’s armor, using the potential energy to dig deep into Orion’s rib cage. “Shit!” He screamed, blood emerging from the gash in his armor. He held his side, the knights breaking formation to rush to his side. “Orion!” “No! ORION!” They screamed, pulling him up as the dragon detached his tail and fled with his wings once more to regain its breathe. The dragon was cut and had all sorts of injuries. The dragon’s health was soon to reach a critical threshold. This wasn’t making things better. | **You are malnourished -1 HP.** | | --- | The dragon was beginning to suffer the early stages of hunger, and it wasn’t like he could just eat grass like Oreep. He had standards unlike that orange weirdo. The dragon thought back on his blue counterpart, ‘would he have finished this by now?’ “Orion, we’ve got you.” Robin said, tears filled his eyes. He took his helmet off, wiping the tears. Orion smiled, as blood gushed out of his side, “You know you’re...not suppose to cry. Those are knighthood standards….” He said, his voice weak but he wasn’t gone yet. He grabbed at his helmet, his fingers sliding off of it. “Take this damn thing off of me.” Robin took it off, revealing Orion’s face. His white hair and crystal-green eyes looked toward the sky, as his breath became more impatient for air. “Robin...I declare you Head Knight of my crew. I won’t….” He ached in pain between sentences, “...make it back.” Robin had served under Sir Orion for only a few years but this was just too much, “Sir, you are one of many up and coming heroes in the duke’s territory! You must jest. This dragon could never defeat the likes of you!” He began to shake as tears ran down his eyes. Orion’s gaze drifted toward the plains, “Alas we’re own anger led to this foolish death….” He said, before a laser beam caught him in the heart and killed him instantly. Robin dropped him, avoiding the attack. The beam hit the ground and made a large pink explosion in the forest. “Holy shit!” A knight said. Oreep smiled far away from the actual scene of battle, blowing on his hoof like it had recently shot something out. Which it had. “Don’t let him suffer. You guys have a ‘bigger’ problem coming your way.” He said, enjoying the battle. The dragon had recovered, and was ready to take on Robin once again. “Diee!” It screamed, flapping its wings toward Robin. Robin was filled with anger, he grabbed his sword and charged at the dragon as well, emotions overcame him. They were going to clash at any moment, but then **something colossal befell upon the forest.** With the roar of a titan came a new ushering of problems. | **Name:** | **Attributes:** | **Skills:** | | --- | --- | --- | | **Race: Dragon (Uncommon)** | **STR: 19** | **Stealth: 1** | | **Level: 10** | **AGI: 21** | **Hunger Resistance: 2** | | **Age: 6 Days** | **DEX: 17** | **Meditation: 3** | | **Gender: Male** | **END: 18** | **Flying: 5** | | **HP: 380** | **INT: 29** | **Fire-Breathing: 2** | | **MP: 335** | **WIS: 26** | **Diving-Attack: 1** |
{ "title": "The Power of Formations", "id": 21450, "author": "em_rez", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 7 - Mana", "id": 305735, "next": 306027, "prev": 305710, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1MDk5NGU1NTI0OTQwYWVhYTI2ZGI2OWI5NjE1ODhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dammit!” Yorick cursed. Although his adrenaline was pumping too wildly to feel the pain, he could tell that his leg was heavily injured. For the next few weeks, he might not even be able to do farmwork. Mother would scold him!</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTQ3OWU3YjJkMTRjMDg5ZTJkY2M0MDZkMDI5MDNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fuoosh!</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWM1MDZhZWQ5ZDQ1ODc4YjU4OTk5ZjYyMDg4ZDVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">At that moment, an aura of light appear around him!</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTQ5OTUxNmRkMDRmYjRhZTBhZjA4ZDFiZWUxMzhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sun beam!” He was overjoyed. “Finally!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTBhZjBlZGQxZjQ0NWNhMGQwOTUxM2RiZTI1ZDdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">And then consecutively… an aura of brown, blue, and green!</span></p> <p class="cnNlMWQwYTdiMzUxYzQzNDI4MDM3MjFiMDdkYzQ5MTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Earth beam! Speed beam! Healing beam!” The beams had finally finished charging, and were shooting consistent beams toward him! Now, they would sustain him with energy!</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzY3ZGRmYWM5YjRkNjk4MjNiN2QyNDNkYmVmMWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HAHAHAHA!!!” Yorick cackled like the devil. “You’re in for it now! Today is the day that you dared mess with the ‘unbeatable brothers!’ Pay your price!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGM2OWExYTFlYjQ3MTE5ZmViOGQ4NDViMmNkYzky"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the beams engorged him in light, he felt a great power surge through him, coursing through his veins like a tide. With the power of the light, he was unbeatable! At that moment, he was god! He was asura! He was the devil, unbeatable and pure evil!</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDJmMjRjODBmZjQ0Y2JhNmExZGNhNzcwZDc0Njdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The first wolf lunged toward his fearlessly, its fangs bared.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDc4ZTQ5NjVkZDQyMWM4ODk0ZjA0YjFlMDk2MTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Too weak!” Yorick swung his shovel like a bat, bashing the wolf directly in the head. It yelped out and retreated. The speed and strength of the strike was much greater than before!</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjViZmU0NDViZDRkMDQ5OTVhYzZmNGEwMWE1MTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The second wolf lunged toward Yorick’s injured leg, eager to immobilize the enemy.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmYxOTk4MmZlYTRhYjc5YWE0MjQ4YWQ3NTAxMjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Too slow!” Yorick recovered quickly, and with a speed seemingly surpassing his limits, turned the shovel around and pounded the second wolf in the nape. Coughing out, it seethed its teeth and quickly limped away.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDdkMWU5YmNjMzQwZTNiYmQxOGVjZGNlMjVjYWFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The third wolf, a smaller one, leaped directly toward his chest!</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjA4YzgwODZmYjQxZWY4OTFjZGM1MzU5OTExYTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nope!” With his fist, he reached out and pounded the wolf down directly on the head!</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmU2NDgwN2VkNDQ5ZjlhMzBlMTA0NDhmZTViMGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Bang!</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODFkOTE2YzZmZTQ3YmI4NWYxNDY2NzhhY2Q1OTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The wolf let out a shrill bark and collapsed down in front of Yorick.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Zjg1ZWQ1YTUwNDRkNTY5ZDBkYTY3Mzc0NmIwMDIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hehehehe!!!” Yorick waved his shovel around like a madman, laughing his head off. “I feel powerful! I’m a god! I’m unbeatable! Come and try me, horu-beetle-fuckers!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDNkZTM2YzAwNzQwNzdiYjlhYWE0MzM4YTJmNTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Grrr…” The other wolves in the pack seemed to hesitate, no longer charging. They stood menacingly in a semicircle around him.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGIyNmVlMzljNDRkMzc5NThjYTQ0YzM1ZjkwZDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No one dares?” Yorick pounded his chest teasingly. “No one dares charge at this big daddy Yorick?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OWNmODc3ZTAzMDQ3ODI4MGFkZDA4ZTMyODhlYmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">At that moment, one of the wolves had an idea.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWYwZDlmZjBmZTQ1NDJiNDgzM2YyMDc3Njg1NDMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">This shovel-bearing human had originally not been this powerful. It was only after the human behind him had held up those glowing things that he had become much stronger! Thus… if he was to get the second human first, and disrupt the glowing lights, then they could deal with the first human!</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWQ1MjE1ZWFlZDQ2ZjM4YTM4YjM3NzU0M2UwZmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“RAWRR!!!” With the speed only a quadrupedal snow beast could produce, the wolf dashed around Yorick toward Emmet.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDJjYTk3ZDk2MzQ3NTJhY2MyODczODlmMTAyNWMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Emmet!” Yorick yelled out, turning his head just in time to see the wolf soar out toward his brother, jaw open.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzYwMmZmNzVlZjQ4MzY5MWI4YTcwNTBhZjUwNGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hehe…” Emmet smiled. “I thought you might get this idea.” He opened his hand, revealing a fifth contraption, which quickly mechanized!</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDA4YjdlZjdiMTQ4NjJhNWU0MjdjNjJiMGZmYzhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pa! Pa! Pa!</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTRlZmQ0OWRjNDRlMGE5MDRkMTk4MDQwMWY3NWI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Three medium-sized rocks shot out of the contraption, soaring with quick speed toward the wolf! Although at the last moment, the wolf tried to change direction and dodge, it was a beat too slow, and the rocks hit it directly in the nose, forehead, and cheek.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWRiZWYyODhiZTQyNzA5OWI4MmMzNmM2ZmEzZjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“AHHIIHHH!!!” The wolf groaned out, halting in its tracks and dizzily backing off. Shaking its head, it steadied itself and retreated back towards it group.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTk2NmNiZDk3ZjQwMjJiMWVhNGY0ZTY1NWJmNTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HAHAHA!!!” Yorick slapped his knee in laughter. “Good move! Isn’t that the Emmet Defense System 3000?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzlmNmY1ZDdhNDQ1M2Y5MmZiNjUwZmM1NzQwYjhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The Emmet Defense System 4000,” Emmet cackled. “I’ve recently made new improvements!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OGI1ZTUyZWI4OTQ2ODU4NGZmOWI0Y2EwZmMyMTdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">A puzzle on page 35 had recently enlightened him, allowing to greatly shrink the Emmet Defense System, making it portable, while also increasingly its firing speed and offensive power! It was now a formidable weapon!</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmNmZGQyOGQzZTQ0ZGJiN2JmOTQ0MDQwNzVjZTJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good, good!” Yorick smiled from ear to ear. He turned back toward the wolves, who were still in standoff. “Ya want more?? Let’s go! Let’s see it! This is what you asked for when you messed with the unbeatable brothers!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGIxNjYzNmJlNTRlMjU4MzE0OTU3ZjQxYzlhYTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Grrrr…” The leader wolf, now with a bruise on the side of its face, let out a short growl. Then, it turned around and quickly dashed off.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmRjZTI5YjNmYjQzNzZiYzA0YTNiZTRmYzI2NTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Awoo!” The other members of the pack quickly peeled away and joined him, rushing off into the distance.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTk2YWE3OWQ5ODQ0OTFiMmZlYzJjNjYwNDllMmVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hahahahahaha...” Yorick laughed a belly laugh, holding his chest like he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. “That’s right, run off! That’s why you don’t pick a fight with the unbeatable brothers! Big bro with the brawn, little bro with the wit. Unbeatable once again!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTdmMzhhOTkxYzQ2OWE5MGY0N2NjNTNmOWRmYjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hahaha!” For the first time, Emmet found this line humorous, and burst out in a fit of laughter. Maybe it was the intense relief, or maybe the adrenaline high that was making him loopy. Putting away his contraptions, dissipating the beams of light, he walked up and patted Yorick on the shoulder.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWVhODYzMDA2NTQxNDc5OTEzNDk3MjljMThkZWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good job, big bro.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzYwMjg4NTYzZTRmN2M4MGM3MTliOWI3ZTg0NzQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haha, you too, lil’ bro!” Yorick laughed out loud, patting Emmet pack. He looked around him and saw that the aura of lights had faded. “I don’t know why, but even without those reinforcement beams, I still feel vibrant and full of energy! It must be the unbeatable spirit of us two bros!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGEzOTE3NGNmZTRjZjE5Nzg1MGYwMmVlNmZiOWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm?” Emmet looked over and raised his eyebrows. For some reason, he felt that Yorick was a bit different. “Even now, you still feel a rejuvenating spirit?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTljYzlmYTRhZDQ3MTM4ZjQwODNjNmUzNTkwNWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah!” Yorick energetically swooshed his shovel round and round, as if he had boundless energy. “Even without your beams shining onto me, I still feel like something inside is churning me with energy!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjZiMDkxMGE5ZDRmMjNiZmE5NGU4MDM3M2VlNzEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wait!” Emmet shouted out. “Swing your shovel again, this time with all your might.” He eyed Yorick carefully.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMmIyMDM1NWMxZjRkNmZiMzVhZGMyMWQ1NjA1OTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright!” Yorick acquiesced, eagerly charging up his shovel once again.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmFmMGI0MDBhNTRhOGQ5ZmI4MDFmOTQ5ODlmZmEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“1… 2… 3… HA!!!” With blurring-ly fast speed, the shovel blinked down into the snow.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTFlZThkZmE4ZjQ2MzdhMmVkMDQ0MmE2Mjc5Y2Uy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Shuk!</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjUzNzg2YmI2MjRlZTM5MGIzYjFiZWMzMmUyZTk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">It embedding deep inside, even through the hardened snow underneath, almost completely disappearing within. At the same time, the edges of Yorick’s arms glowed slightly in a light blue light!</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmYzOTcyZWI1NzQ2NjY4NWNiYjMyYjFkOGRlNTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Light blue…” Emmet’s eyes widened. “It’s mana! Yorick, you developed mana!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDNkMTg2ZTQwMTRjYzQ5Y2Q1YWE2NGRiNzE4Yzkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh?” Yorick was breathing a bit heavily now, having used all his might in that one strike. He now felt a bit exhausted, the energy inside of him spent up. “Mana?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmEyYzBiMjI2ODRhNGJiMTgwYjVkZjEwZjIxNDVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, I saw it labeled in the book!” Emmet exclaimed, rushing up to Yorick and patting up and down his arm. “It’s supposed to be a light blue illusive substance, and provide the person with a source of power! I saw some light blue peek out from your arms… it must be mana!”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWNlYjg4Mjk3ZDQwYjRhYjhhMDEwZDNjNWUwMmRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?!” Yorick gaped his mouth. “Mana? Something like that was developed in me?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjFmYzBlZTBmNTQ1NDBiZWQ0ZTllOWJhYTQ2ZmUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It must be!” Emmet nodded his head excitedly. “That’s amazing! Maybe you actually are a supreme warrior!”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTRhZDM1MjRiMDRkYmU5ZDA0MmM2MjRmYTdhMWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Supreme warrior…?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMmIzYmQ2YTk3ZTQxZmNiNzdiMzA5OTQzMzQxZGJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without missing a beat, Yorick accepted his new powers in stride.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzdkYmIwN2Y5NDQ3YjdhYTM2MjJlZDk3NzRlNTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well of course, that’s to be expected,” Yorick made an arrogant face. “How could I be a genius supreme warrior without mana? It was bound to happen.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWU3ZTkyYTJkODQxZjFhNDI1ZWExNjY3OTgzMDJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Geh!” Emmet made an ugly face. “So conceited!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjFhN2VmYWFjYTRiNzk5ODc0YmM1MWIxNTU1ZmFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just kidding, just kidding!” Yorick laughed, stepping forward and patting Emmet on the shoulder. “But what’s this mana? And what else can it be used for? Is it just to make someone more powerful?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWYyODRmNWMwOTRkZmM4ZTc1MGVkN2EyN2E5ZGVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t know much either,” Emmet shook his head. “I just saw it in the book. It’s used as a power source for many of the puzzle scenarios described in the later pages!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjE0YTdkMzMzZDQwODRhMDRmZjEyZTM1Mjg0YzUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He clicked his tongue. “Man, if only I could awaken mana too! It would be so useful for my puzzles! You’re so lucky!”</span></p> <p class="cnMwM2Y1MzcxYzQyMDRmNzI4MTYzODJlOWI2YzM0YTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hehehe,” Yorick giggled. “Maybe you’ll awaken it too! We are, after all, family. Maybe it’s hereditary.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzQ5NjczZDQ0ZTRiNzk5MWM0ZDIyNDVjZDhiYjQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">He grinned teasingly. “Of course, you’re probably not as talented as me. I’m a gifted warrior!”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGNmYjlmZTc2NTQ2NDU4ZjMxNTk5N2Y1OTA4MTRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shut it!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWU5ZDZlOGVkMDQxYmFiMGViMzNmNzIyODNiNGQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">----------------</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDE1NzU5Yjg1YzRiZjFhMzEzZGZlOWNmZDkxOGI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">After returning home, mother saw Yorick’s wound and was aghast. While rushing to bandage it, she harshly scolded the two.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmVmNzI1NTVkNTQ4MTc4NTg3NGY1NmQ5ZmM3NGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I told you to stay close! Why did you go so far?! Picking fights with wolves?! Are you crazy?!”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWIwN2QyZDJkOTRkY2FhNjM0YjdmM2M3M2ZkZDQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Emmet and Yorick could only sulk as they received the lecture.</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2JhYzM1YjVhYjRhMTg4YmM4NTI4NjdmYzViZWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the end, the two boys were banned from going out into the winterland again. They would have to wait until next spring to continue their adventures.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjRmZDFlOGZmMTQ5YTZiZjg4OTg1N2IwMmZlZTgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haaa…” Yorick frowned. “Well, it was good while it lasted. We’re still the unbeatable bros! We’ll continue on next spring!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYWNjMDZiZjA1ZDQxNTJhOGE4YzE3ZTY0NDYzMjA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">After that, the two got together to inspect Yorick’s mana. After having Yorick duplicate his shovel strike a few times, Emmet was able to confirm that in fact, Yorick did develop the light blue mana described in the book. After receiving the news, Yorick could only giggle sinisterly. This was a sign from the heavens! He really was a supreme warrior!</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGZkMDJjYzk1YjQ5MGM4OTJkMzExOTA3OWNiN2Ey"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the other hand, Emmet tried many times to produce the same mana as Yorick, but to no avail. He had even tried multiple times to reproduce the circumstances that had resulted in Yorick's awakening: receiving all four beams, swinging a shovel with all his might, however, it was ineffective. What made him more depressed was that Yorick only got better and better with his mana, eventually able to summon it at will. Emmet could only jealously look on.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzhjMDcwNTMxYTQyZDU5ODE5Y2FkNzg4Y2EyZmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">At times, he would even get Yorick to send some of his mana into him, hoping maybe that some kind of fantasy symbiotic brother-blood relation would trigger, awakening his mana too. But in the end, nothing happened. Emmet could only grit his teeth and dig his wits deeper into his puzzle book.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MWI4MzVhM2I4NzRiZjBhMGM5OGVkMzFkZjIxM2I4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Like this, three more months passed. Finally, the days got hotter, the snow melted, and spring arrived. Both boys were now 11 years old.</span></p> </div>
“Dammit!” Yorick cursed. Although his adrenaline was pumping too wildly to feel the pain, he could tell that his leg was heavily injured. For the next few weeks, he might not even be able to do farmwork. Mother would scold him! Fuoosh! At that moment, an aura of light appear around him! “Sun beam!” He was overjoyed. “Finally!” And then consecutively… an aura of brown, blue, and green! “Earth beam! Speed beam! Healing beam!” The beams had finally finished charging, and were shooting consistent beams toward him! Now, they would sustain him with energy! “HAHAHAHA!!!” Yorick cackled like the devil. “You’re in for it now! Today is the day that you dared mess with the ‘unbeatable brothers!’ Pay your price!” As the beams engorged him in light, he felt a great power surge through him, coursing through his veins like a tide. With the power of the light, he was unbeatable! At that moment, he was god! He was asura! He was the devil, unbeatable and pure evil! The first wolf lunged toward his fearlessly, its fangs bared. “Too weak!” Yorick swung his shovel like a bat, bashing the wolf directly in the head. It yelped out and retreated. The speed and strength of the strike was much greater than before! The second wolf lunged toward Yorick’s injured leg, eager to immobilize the enemy. “Too slow!” Yorick recovered quickly, and with a speed seemingly surpassing his limits, turned the shovel around and pounded the second wolf in the nape. Coughing out, it seethed its teeth and quickly limped away. The third wolf, a smaller one, leaped directly toward his chest! “Nope!” With his fist, he reached out and pounded the wolf down directly on the head! Bang! The wolf let out a shrill bark and collapsed down in front of Yorick. “Hehehehe!!!” Yorick waved his shovel around like a madman, laughing his head off. “I feel powerful! I’m a god! I’m unbeatable! Come and try me, horu-beetle-fuckers!” “Grrr…” The other wolves in the pack seemed to hesitate, no longer charging. They stood menacingly in a semicircle around him. “No one dares?” Yorick pounded his chest teasingly. “No one dares charge at this big daddy Yorick?” At that moment, one of the wolves had an idea. This shovel-bearing human had originally not been this powerful. It was only after the human behind him had held up those glowing things that he had become much stronger! Thus… if he was to get the second human first, and disrupt the glowing lights, then they could deal with the first human! “RAWRR!!!” With the speed only a quadrupedal snow beast could produce, the wolf dashed around Yorick toward Emmet. “Emmet!” Yorick yelled out, turning his head just in time to see the wolf soar out toward his brother, jaw open. “Hehe…” Emmet smiled. “I thought you might get this idea.” He opened his hand, revealing a fifth contraption, which quickly mechanized! Pa! Pa! Pa! Three medium-sized rocks shot out of the contraption, soaring with quick speed toward the wolf! Although at the last moment, the wolf tried to change direction and dodge, it was a beat too slow, and the rocks hit it directly in the nose, forehead, and cheek. “AHHIIHHH!!!” The wolf groaned out, halting in its tracks and dizzily backing off. Shaking its head, it steadied itself and retreated back towards it group. “HAHAHA!!!” Yorick slapped his knee in laughter. “Good move! Isn’t that the Emmet Defense System 3000?” “The Emmet Defense System 4000,” Emmet cackled. “I’ve recently made new improvements!” A puzzle on page 35 had recently enlightened him, allowing to greatly shrink the Emmet Defense System, making it portable, while also increasingly its firing speed and offensive power! It was now a formidable weapon! “Good, good!” Yorick smiled from ear to ear. He turned back toward the wolves, who were still in standoff. “Ya want more?? Let’s go! Let’s see it! This is what you asked for when you messed with the unbeatable brothers!” “Grrrr…” The leader wolf, now with a bruise on the side of its face, let out a short growl. Then, it turned around and quickly dashed off. “Awoo!” The other members of the pack quickly peeled away and joined him, rushing off into the distance. “Hahahahahaha...” Yorick laughed a belly laugh, holding his chest like he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. “That’s right, run off! That’s why you don’t pick a fight with the unbeatable brothers! Big bro with the brawn, little bro with the wit. Unbeatable once again!” “Hahaha!” For the first time, Emmet found this line humorous, and burst out in a fit of laughter. Maybe it was the intense relief, or maybe the adrenaline high that was making him loopy. Putting away his contraptions, dissipating the beams of light, he walked up and patted Yorick on the shoulder. “Good job, big bro.” “Haha, you too, lil’ bro!” Yorick laughed out loud, patting Emmet pack. He looked around him and saw that the aura of lights had faded. “I don’t know why, but even without those reinforcement beams, I still feel vibrant and full of energy! It must be the unbeatable spirit of us two bros!” “Hm?” Emmet looked over and raised his eyebrows. For some reason, he felt that Yorick was a bit different. “Even now, you still feel a rejuvenating spirit?” “Yeah!” Yorick energetically swooshed his shovel round and round, as if he had boundless energy. “Even without your beams shining onto me, I still feel like something inside is churning me with energy!” “Wait!” Emmet shouted out. “Swing your shovel again, this time with all your might.” He eyed Yorick carefully. “Alright!” Yorick acquiesced, eagerly charging up his shovel once again. “1… 2… 3… HA!!!” With blurring-ly fast speed, the shovel blinked down into the snow. Shuk! It embedding deep inside, even through the hardened snow underneath, almost completely disappearing within. At the same time, the edges of Yorick’s arms glowed slightly in a light blue light! “Light blue…” Emmet’s eyes widened. “It’s mana! Yorick, you developed mana!” “Huh?” Yorick was breathing a bit heavily now, having used all his might in that one strike. He now felt a bit exhausted, the energy inside of him spent up. “Mana?” “Yeah, I saw it labeled in the book!” Emmet exclaimed, rushing up to Yorick and patting up and down his arm. “It’s supposed to be a light blue illusive substance, and provide the person with a source of power! I saw some light blue peek out from your arms… it must be mana!” “What?!” Yorick gaped his mouth. “Mana? Something like that was developed in me?” “It must be!” Emmet nodded his head excitedly. “That’s amazing! Maybe you actually are a supreme warrior!” “Supreme warrior…?” Without missing a beat, Yorick accepted his new powers in stride. “Well of course, that’s to be expected,” Yorick made an arrogant face. “How could I be a genius supreme warrior without mana? It was bound to happen.” “Geh!” Emmet made an ugly face. “So conceited!” “Just kidding, just kidding!” Yorick laughed, stepping forward and patting Emmet on the shoulder. “But what’s this mana? And what else can it be used for? Is it just to make someone more powerful?” “I don’t know much either,” Emmet shook his head. “I just saw it in the book. It’s used as a power source for many of the puzzle scenarios described in the later pages!” He clicked his tongue. “Man, if only I could awaken mana too! It would be so useful for my puzzles! You’re so lucky!” “Hehehe,” Yorick giggled. “Maybe you’ll awaken it too! We are, after all, family. Maybe it’s hereditary.” He grinned teasingly. “Of course, you’re probably not as talented as me. I’m a gifted warrior!” “Shut it!” ---------------- After returning home, mother saw Yorick’s wound and was aghast. While rushing to bandage it, she harshly scolded the two. “I told you to stay close! Why did you go so far?! Picking fights with wolves?! Are you crazy?!” Emmet and Yorick could only sulk as they received the lecture. In the end, the two boys were banned from going out into the winterland again. They would have to wait until next spring to continue their adventures. “Haaa…” Yorick frowned. “Well, it was good while it lasted. We’re still the unbeatable bros! We’ll continue on next spring!” After that, the two got together to inspect Yorick’s mana. After having Yorick duplicate his shovel strike a few times, Emmet was able to confirm that in fact, Yorick did develop the light blue mana described in the book. After receiving the news, Yorick could only giggle sinisterly. This was a sign from the heavens! He really was a supreme warrior! On the other hand, Emmet tried many times to produce the same mana as Yorick, but to no avail. He had even tried multiple times to reproduce the circumstances that had resulted in Yorick's awakening: receiving all four beams, swinging a shovel with all his might, however, it was ineffective. What made him more depressed was that Yorick only got better and better with his mana, eventually able to summon it at will. Emmet could only jealously look on. At times, he would even get Yorick to send some of his mana into him, hoping maybe that some kind of fantasy symbiotic brother-blood relation would trigger, awakening his mana too. But in the end, nothing happened. Emmet could only grit his teeth and dig his wits deeper into his puzzle book. Like this, three more months passed. Finally, the days got hotter, the snow melted, and spring arrived. Both boys were now 11 years old.
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 26: Hunt", "id": 305741, "next": 305747, "prev": 305417, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5MjA3YzcyZTU1OTQ5NDNiZmQwNjVlMDJmMTI5OGY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I nod, distracted with my own thoughts. Though I know the day has been going on for a while, looking up, the sun… or whatever star it is now… seems to not really have moved. Yep, definitely fixed position, but the habit of judging time by the position of the resident star is going to be hard to break. It’s not like I have a watch or anything, so how am I supposed to know when all the light is going to vanish and I’m going to be shit out of luck as far as seeing things? Are the days 24 hours like I’m used to? Less? More? I honestly couldn’t say. They seem to drag on, but that’s probably just me mentally processing the time as perpetual mid-day.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWI5MjBjZDI5MDQyNWRiNTdmNmM1ZDU1MTY0ZDZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">This shit will probably mess with my sleep cycle… if I’m ever able to stave off exhaustion long enough to let it.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmY1ZjdmYjdlMTRjNTU5NGU0MTlhOTIwZTQ1MDYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Perks of fighting for your life: good sleep.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTYxZjI3NTgxZjRhMDE4MzRkYjFhMDM5NDc5MWRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav and I walk in silence for a while, and I’m completely caught up in thoughts of giant, celestial rings and day night cycles when Rav fires off a blast of mana, creating a smoldering crater in the monster that was running at him. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MjIzYmMzYTQxZDQ2NTNiNjBiOTA3OWU0Y2QxNWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I think too much. That’s my problem.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTkwN2JkOGIyYTQ5ZWU5OWE1ODhlMjI3MWZhMWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">My body reacts before my mind. Suddenly, and urgently, my instincts tell me to drop down, which manifests as more of a trip considering how entirely unprepared I am. I feel Kaythe tumble away from me as I hit the grass, and a red blur streaks through the area I just was. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNWVkNzc0Mjc5MTQwN2RiYjY0MWZiOTcxNmE1ZWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Carnines.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjRkYzg4NDkzMTRlOTlhNTg4MzdjMTI5OGU4YTQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I spring to my feet and grab my stick from its place in my shirt, ripping it out fast enough that I scrape the shit out of my back, but adrenaline allows me to ignore it for now. In front of me, a small red dog with only small gouts of patchy fur growls at me. It should be silly, it should make me laugh, but despite myself I’m afraid. That fear intensifies as my instincts scream at me again to roll, to be aware of my surroundings, and I unthinkingly listen. Another carnine rushes past, clearly planning on taking me down with a pounce. They aren’t large, but the sudden weight at that speed would be more than enough. Then I’d die. I can almost feel my Combat Proficiency skill assessing me with more than mild scorn. The first carnine takes advantage of my moment of weakness to charge in and bite at me while I’m getting back to my feet. The sudden rush forward causes me to reflexively back away and I trip, falling onto my back. The carnine leaps, intent on landing on my chest, and my kick catches it and forces it higher. As it careens over my head, the second Carnine tries the same tactic, but this time I’ve recovered enough to use my weapon. I stab out with the blunt tip of my stick, and feel a jolt of pain up my arm as I knock back the offending monster. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDVmODUxYTU3ZjRkOWNhOTc4MTljYjk2YTAxYzdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The dogs may be small, but they’re heavier than they look, and they go faster than their small bodies suggest. Consequently, my ‘full stop’ stab probably would have shattered my arm before it was upgraded by the game. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYmUxMTk0ZTY0MjRlNDE4ZjE4NWExMTMyNjRhYmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Silently cursing my Combat Proficiency for not making better decisions for me, I switch to a two hand grip and follow up on the recently grounded carnine with an overhead slam. It slides out of the way, but I manage to correct the strike enough to clip its side. A yelp pierces the air, but not from the one I just hit. Rav had neatly launched a ball of weaponized mana into the waiting mouth of one of his assailants, and its teeth look to have been shattered; its once lolling tongue now gone.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjI4NmFkOGZiNTRlN2RhOGE5Zjk2YTA0MTRkNTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Briefly reminded that the battlefield exists beyond just me and one other opponent, I side step and half turn to try and catch the other Carnine. I really need to finish up here and go help Rav! Predictably, it was preparing another lunge, but once it notices that I’ve seen it, it changes tactics and veers away from me. Forced to choose between continuing to track it and keeping eyes on the first Carnine, I try to do both by constantly turning and glimpsing snapshots of their movement. The first carnine joined in with the second, and they both try to distract me so the other can get into position… and honestly, it’s working. I can’t keep looking at both of them, and all it will take is some good timing on their part for there to be nothing I can do to defend. Without much choice, I make a gamble. I charge for the second Carnine as it passes close to me, my newfound strength and agility aiding the motion, making it faster and more powerful than I ever had any right to be. My feet find easy placement on the hills and my balance remains within my control. All of this contributes to avoiding me slipping and getting eaten by dogs.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTE2Y2ZjNWI5MjQ0ZDA4ODMzNThlZTc3YjdiNTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The second Carnine, obviously expecting this, tries to dodge me, but clearly underestimated my speed, and my unassuming weapon whistles through the air before shattering its back leg. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">That</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> elicited a yelp. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MjViZGE5OWI0MTQxMGZiYjBhNDZlZjZjMjg3ZDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">In one smooth motion, I pivot with the follow through and turn to face the expected </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">other</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> carnine that was seeking to get me while my back was turned. In the same way a certain unfortunate rat learned about baseball, an ugly red demon dog did too. The stick lacked the heft to really redirect it, but I put enough power into it that it gets pushed off its ‘me’ trajectory and into a more safe ‘ground’ trajectory. The lamed carnine starts to limp away as its partner has its skull dented by a few follow-up whacks, but I’m beyond mercy. They </span><strong>hunted</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> me.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzMzZTFkNDRhMDQ0Mjc5MDE0YmE1NDFkZjc0NDY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">There’s a feeling that comes after being really scared. The result of feeling a loss of control over your life, safety, whatever. At first, you’re surprised, then quickly you become scared. Scared that something has the ability to take something from you, and you recognize that. And then you fight, run, cower… but if you’re still alive afterwards, there is *hate*. Raw, unclean fury directed at whatever made you feel that way. A primal desire to settle the score.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTZkMzYxZWZjZTQ4ODViYzg1YTYxNGVlNmMxMjVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">And these pathetic, hateful little shits made me feel that way. Ambushed me and my friend. Hounded me, circling and nipping like I was prey.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmM1YjQyNWJmMjRmNTQ4OTkzZDQ0NzI5Mzc0ZDI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I will not be hunted.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzQ2NjZmYWFiNDQ3YWViYWNhOWJjYmFlMDVhZDFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">And this one -I think as I reach for its broken leg- will suffer horribly.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzZlMmFiOGJiZjQ3YzA5ZTRkZWRiODMwNmE4Nzlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The tortured scream of having its leg jerked was cut short by what I can only assume was the crushing horror of realizing that I wasn’t going to just kill it, but let my Energy kill it.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[Congratulations, you successfully defeated two Carnine. +40 Power (-50). +10 Fragments (15)]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div>
I nod, distracted with my own thoughts. Though I know the day has been going on for a while, looking up, the sun… or whatever star it is now… seems to not really have moved. Yep, definitely fixed position, but the habit of judging time by the position of the resident star is going to be hard to break. It’s not like I have a watch or anything, so how am I supposed to know when all the light is going to vanish and I’m going to be shit out of luck as far as seeing things? Are the days 24 hours like I’m used to? Less? More? I honestly couldn’t say. They seem to drag on, but that’s probably just me mentally processing the time as perpetual mid-day. This shit will probably mess with my sleep cycle… if I’m ever able to stave off exhaustion long enough to let it. Perks of fighting for your life: good sleep. Rav and I walk in silence for a while, and I’m completely caught up in thoughts of giant, celestial rings and day night cycles when Rav fires off a blast of mana, creating a smoldering crater in the monster that was running at him. I think too much. That’s my problem. My body reacts before my mind. Suddenly, and urgently, my instincts tell me to drop down, which manifests as more of a trip considering how entirely unprepared I am. I feel Kaythe tumble away from me as I hit the grass, and a red blur streaks through the area I just was. Carnines. I spring to my feet and grab my stick from its place in my shirt, ripping it out fast enough that I scrape the shit out of my back, but adrenaline allows me to ignore it for now. In front of me, a small red dog with only small gouts of patchy fur growls at me. It should be silly, it should make me laugh, but despite myself I’m afraid. That fear intensifies as my instincts scream at me again to roll, to be aware of my surroundings, and I unthinkingly listen. Another carnine rushes past, clearly planning on taking me down with a pounce. They aren’t large, but the sudden weight at that speed would be more than enough. Then I’d die. I can almost feel my Combat Proficiency skill assessing me with more than mild scorn. The first carnine takes advantage of my moment of weakness to charge in and bite at me while I’m getting back to my feet. The sudden rush forward causes me to reflexively back away and I trip, falling onto my back. The carnine leaps, intent on landing on my chest, and my kick catches it and forces it higher. As it careens over my head, the second Carnine tries the same tactic, but this time I’ve recovered enough to use my weapon. I stab out with the blunt tip of my stick, and feel a jolt of pain up my arm as I knock back the offending monster. The dogs may be small, but they’re heavier than they look, and they go faster than their small bodies suggest. Consequently, my ‘full stop’ stab probably would have shattered my arm before it was upgraded by the game. Silently cursing my Combat Proficiency for not making better decisions for me, I switch to a two hand grip and follow up on the recently grounded carnine with an overhead slam. It slides out of the way, but I manage to correct the strike enough to clip its side. A yelp pierces the air, but not from the one I just hit. Rav had neatly launched a ball of weaponized mana into the waiting mouth of one of his assailants, and its teeth look to have been shattered; its once lolling tongue now gone. Briefly reminded that the battlefield exists beyond just me and one other opponent, I side step and half turn to try and catch the other Carnine. I really need to finish up here and go help Rav! Predictably, it was preparing another lunge, but once it notices that I’ve seen it, it changes tactics and veers away from me. Forced to choose between continuing to track it and keeping eyes on the first Carnine, I try to do both by constantly turning and glimpsing snapshots of their movement. The first carnine joined in with the second, and they both try to distract me so the other can get into position… and honestly, it’s working. I can’t keep looking at both of them, and all it will take is some good timing on their part for there to be nothing I can do to defend. Without much choice, I make a gamble. I charge for the second Carnine as it passes close to me, my newfound strength and agility aiding the motion, making it faster and more powerful than I ever had any right to be. My feet find easy placement on the hills and my balance remains within my control. All of this contributes to avoiding me slipping and getting eaten by dogs. The second Carnine, obviously expecting this, tries to dodge me, but clearly underestimated my speed, and my unassuming weapon whistles through the air before shattering its back leg. *That* elicited a yelp. In one smooth motion, I pivot with the follow through and turn to face the expected *other* carnine that was seeking to get me while my back was turned. In the same way a certain unfortunate rat learned about baseball, an ugly red demon dog did too. The stick lacked the heft to really redirect it, but I put enough power into it that it gets pushed off its ‘me’ trajectory and into a more safe ‘ground’ trajectory. The lamed carnine starts to limp away as its partner has its skull dented by a few follow-up whacks, but I’m beyond mercy. They **hunted** me. There’s a feeling that comes after being really scared. The result of feeling a loss of control over your life, safety, whatever. At first, you’re surprised, then quickly you become scared. Scared that something has the ability to take something from you, and you recognize that. And then you fight, run, cower… but if you’re still alive afterwards, there is *hate*. Raw, unclean fury directed at whatever made you feel that way. A primal desire to settle the score. And these pathetic, hateful little shits made me feel that way. Ambushed me and my friend. Hounded me, circling and nipping like I was prey. I will not be hunted. And this one -I think as I reach for its broken leg- will suffer horribly. The tortured scream of having its leg jerked was cut short by what I can only assume was the crushing horror of realizing that I wasn’t going to just kill it, but let my Energy kill it. | [Congratulations, you successfully defeated two Carnine. +40 Power (-50). +10 Fragments (15)] | | --- |
{ "title": "The New World", "id": 12024, "author": "Monsoon117", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "161 A Night To Remember", "id": 305737, "next": 306579, "prev": 305484, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YmU0ODg3OGY1ZDRlMzliOGRjNDczOTE2NjFkZjMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">With another lash of his tail, the gialgathen's desperation grew. I deflected another cutting strike. He flapped his wings, flying up into the air. Dipping into my mana, I pulled him downward. Alzoroth snapped, </span></p> <p class="cnNhYjg1NDgxYzM0ZDQ5ZTU5NDFmMWI5MTQxOTM4MmVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What is this vile trickery."</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjYwNjUzNmEwYTRhYTE5YzlkZTc3M2RhN2Y0MmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stomped my heel, slamming him into the arena. His wide feet cracked into stone. He stumbled back, giving away precious space. His tail pummeled me from all angles, panic growing in his eyes. I controlled the fight with absolute calm, however.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTBmYTVhZTRkMzRhZTc5NDljZTYyZjdhM2Q2OWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I redirected strikes, countered his wild attacks, and pushed him into a corner. Within a minute of fighting, his back feet slipped from the arena into the water beside it. He pulled himself back up, meeting me. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYWQ5YjBjZjkzMjRhODM4MWU2YzZlOTBjZjhjZGEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">He snapped at me with open jaws. With a tight, condensed hook, I crushed the needle teeth in his mouth. His head shot sideways, his tail missing its mark. I dashed forward, keeping my stance composed. Beside his belly, I gyrated a heavy hook into his side. The impact of my fist rippled up through his scaly skin like ripples through a pool.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWYzYTExMmRkNDRhNDViZjEyN2QyODVkMzc0ZmRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He gasped in pain. Alzeroth raised his legs, stomping at me with his left foot. I caught his limb with one hand, my telekinetic energy dispersing the weight outwards. The arena cracked, stone breaking across the entire expanse. The gialgathen gasped,</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDBmMGU0NWY2NDQzZmI4YTFjMGQ5ZWI3ZGY1MDI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I...I can't believe it. How?"</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzNjZTljNzQ5ZjQyYmQ5M2MzNWY4MTE3YjYxMWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I gripped my hand into his feet, bones grinding against bones in my hand,</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjFkZjc2NTJlNjQ3MzNiM2U3ZGM2YWE0NDgxMTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm strong."</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjBkNGIwMzQ5YjQyYjQ4YzJjMDUxOTBlZmYxNjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I flung his foot sideways. As he fell, I spun on my heels. Torquing momentum into my right hand, I smashed an overhand right into his upper chest. My hand bounced back, the kinetic energy dispersing as if a bomb exploded.</span></p> <p class="cnNhODQ2Zjk0YzIwNDRjNzJiZWFkYWVlYjhhOGIzZDMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a loud boom echoing out, the behemoth tumbled out of the arena. Alzoroth slammed into the lower edge of the surrounding waterfall with another crash of sound. No one stood there, but many onlookers gawked from above. As large fissures spread across the entire canyon, those spectators spread out in a frenzy.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmQ1MzUzZWEzYjQyNjk5MDQ3NGE0MTViZGQ4ZjZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The entire portion of the arena threatened to collapse. I lifted a hand, clasping it as I pulled from my vast ocean of mana. The flow of energy evolved into a rush as I kept gathering energy. I reached out my hand, creating an antigravity field over the crumbling canyon wall. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZDg4ZDIzODA5MzQzMTI4NWU2NjY0ZTc4NTM5MjUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I measured my output and matched the upward pull of my magic to the downward pull of Giess's gravity. This impromptu spell generated an antigravity field over the area of destruction. Kids, stalls, and spectators floated, the disaster turning into an exhibition.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWE0MWVjMjhhNjRiNWVhZWQ3NDlmOGNmYWRkNzZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">As two espen children began playing in the antigravity field, I shouted,</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDFmM2E4ODMwMzRlMTNhMTFiNWY3NjYzYTE1NGU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Get out of the magic field. I'm not holding this shit forever."</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDNjMjBkOWVjMDQ1YmViNjRiZTk3NGIzMjc5YzY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">My words spurred the stunned audience into action. A few nearby tournament fighters flew into the field, helping children and the elderly to escape. I flicked Alzoroth out of the area, floating him towards the medical bay. Asshole or not, I wasn't about to kill the guy.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjg3MzdjOTNlYTQ2NWI5OThhODVkNTYyMTY1YzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The adults didn't need help once they got my warning. They crawled out through a field of floating debris. After ten minutes of holding the broken gorge, no one remained. I dropped my hand, letting the entire piece of wall fall. As it tumbled, the announcer floated beside me.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGIxY2Y5MjRhYzRlMjg5MDMzNzFhZjFhMzMwOGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Kiki Mosk grinned at me, his tacky suit shifting colors at random. He grabbed my arm, raising my hand as he roared across the arena,</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTMyNzRmZmFlYjQ2OWRiMmY1MDUxYmYxNDYwYzYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"And we have the new champion of Icosah! Let's hear it for the newcomer!"</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzY4NjIyN2QwNjQ3MDhhY2YzNjU2ODFlYmZjNzU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The crowd went wild. The cheering continued for a solid five minutes. B then, they exhausted my patience. I left the arena, jumping back towards Althea. As I reached her, she crossed her arms and pursed her lips at me,</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDhlOWNjMDY1MjRlMGQ4NTZjMjdjNjBlYjlhM2Fh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You know you didn't have to show off like that."</span></p> <p class="cnNiZGE5MjVmYTlhMDQ3ZTE5MWVhYWZmNWNmMTdkYWQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I grinned, "Did I though? He had it coming."</span></p> <p class="cnMwM2E4ZTk1ZjRhZDRiZGE4YjJmMjRiMmVmOWNlZTE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She raised her eyebrows, "Ok, I can't lie about that."</span></p> <p class="cnMzMWFjMjg0MDA0YzQwOTk5YWU1ODkyYTEzYWFlOTA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">From the crowd, a tuft of white fur scrambled towards us. Caprika reached us, her red mask reflecting an orange sheen from the sunset. She grabbed my arms and shook me, "What in Schema's name was that?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxY2ZiMzY3ZjBkODQ5YzY4YTQ4OGJiNWI5Yjk0Mzhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I wobbled back and forth, "I kicked his ass. What else?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmNhOTdiZWNhZDQ0NDNhZTFlOGFkMjVjOTZjZjc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">She spread out her hands, "If you could beat him so easily, why not just do so without causing a scene? Other members of the tournament know all of your tricks now."</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTUzZWU0YTEwYTRhNWJiODAyMGM3YTE5YWNmNDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I scoffed, "That's the thing. That's not all the talents I have at my disposal. Trust me."</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmNhNjNjMzgzZjRiMDU5M2M5ZmZkY2VmODNhYjM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a slow nod, she backed away, giving me some welcome space. Caprika sighed while composing herself, "Hmmm...I suppose I'm fortunate to have chosen such an able warrior to represent me then."</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDhkMjU5Y2E2NDQzNjRhZjFmMjY5MDdhMzRlMGY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Althea grabbed my arm, grinning up at me, "You are."</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjU3ZGI1MjdmYzRjNzI5N2IzMWVmNjA4Mzc2NTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I wrapped my arm around Althea's shoulders, "Heh, you'd be doing the same thing. It might even be more overwhelming than my fighting style."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGE1NzNhN2EwYjQ2YmM5MTFmZWUxYzQ0YzA1ZDY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Caprika put her clawed hands onto her hips, looking back and forth at us,</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTIwNzBkZDQ1ZjQyZTFiMTU2ZTRmMDNiYzI4Nzhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I believe a celebration is in order. My treat for your dominant victories."</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmE3OTc1ZDg1MzRmZTg5NDYzMjBhNmJlZGU1MDVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I gave her the thumbs up, "Sounds like fun." I looked at Althea, "What do you think?" </span></p> <p class="cnMwZmJjNGNlZTI5NzQzMDM4N2U2ZWY4ZjgxMjljNDdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">She shrugged, "I'm game. Let's invite Kessiah and Torix. Kessiah will like the food and Torix will enjoy the company."</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWNmZDZjZWZhYjRhY2U5OTg4YmIzMzliOTU1MTA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I hugged Althea up to my chest, pulling her off her feet, "I'm so lucky to have someone as sweet as you."</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzNiOTRkZjVlZTRiNzY4NzQwZDE2ZDMyNmI3ZmE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Althea giggled while Caprika gagged in the sidelines,</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDlkYTM1N2QzMDRjZjdhYjc1MWUwOTYyNjYyNWU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Bleck. Your overt happiness is disgusting."</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjQ4OWE1YjY4NzRmMDc5ZDdlMzY1NjkwNTI0NmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Althea rolled her eyes as I set her down, "I know a guy who knew just what to say in times like this. I quote, 'Hod think fur lady peanut butter and jealous.'"</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDljNmNjOGQxMjRjZGViMWQzNjE4YTM1YWIwZTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I bust out laughing while Caprika shook her head in confusion. Caprika leaned her head into a clawed hand, "Whoever friend is, he's unbelievably stupid."</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmFhZmEyMDUxMjRkMTFhMGJlOWIwNzJmYmQwZjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Althea laughed, "Yeah, you and Torix would get along perfectly. The grouch thinks the same thing."</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2I1YTY5ODMyZTQ0ZTI4MTczNzc5NzUyMzkwYTM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">We walked off through the crowd, chatting as we headed back to Icosah. I ignored my new fans, too busy to indulge them. I wasn't used to this kind of attention, and I didn't intend on getting used to it either. Knowing myself, I'd say something ridiculous and end up blowing our cover. It was better to play it safe for now.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzNlYmY5Y2I4YjRmMzQ4NzdhMTg0NmM5YWQ3OTdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once we got back to Icosah, Caprika went back to the Empire's branch. Althea and I stopped by a cafe, enjoying a few drinks of some root juice reminding me of tea. Once finished with winding down, Althea went to find Torix. I searched out for Kessiah.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjNhYjk1MzZlOTRkNDlhYmFjYThiMjY5Zjg1Njg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I found her in a bar, chatting it up with the bartender and a few rough looking mercenaries. As I trot up, the two gruff aliens stood up. One of them walked up and grabbed my hand,</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTYzYjNjOTVkYjQ1MDNhZDQ2NjJmNGFlN2Q2ZmYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I saw your fight. It was incredible. You showed those filthy Gialgathens whose boss."</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzIwZDEwMTM2ZjQxNmVhYmFlYTU0OTIyMWRkNjdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I frowned, not enjoying the fact he called all gialgathens filthy. Still, I shook his hand back. I shrugged, "It's more about putting arrogant asshats in their place, not gialgathens."</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDZmNTVmNTA1YTQzNzM4MGY0OWVmYWViY2U3MTU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He slapped my shoulder, keeling over in laughter, "What's the difference?"</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWYwNTk0NjQzMzRkNmJhM2E0N2EzOGU3MmJjZWVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I squeezed his hand, "I gotta talk to my friend. Nice meeting you."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTgzNDk4M2I3MDRkMmFiZTcyZDc5ZmYyNjA1ZTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nodded, walking off into the distance. I sat down with Kessiah, each of us staring forward. She sipped from some unknown brew, looking up at the television screen,</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTVlMTA4MmNjNDQ2YjI4M2VmZTkzNmZhM2IwNzcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You know, I saw how you handled Alzoroth on the television."</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGUzYjRiNThjZDQ2ZmJhM2Y0YTRjMWRkMjJkZjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I nodded. Kessiah tilted her drink back and forth, looking at me, "They're playing you up like you're some anti-gialgathen icon."</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTZkMmIzMGRiNTRlMWM5MjhhNzFhYTFjMjg1ZTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I turned towards her, "Really now?"</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGVlNzhhZmMyNzRlZjg4NmVhZmE2Y2IzMWEwOWY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She scoffed, "Yeah. Did you hear them right? Lots of people here </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">despise</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> those frog-dragons."</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzU5MGJlMDg5YzQwNDg5MDM1MzU0OGEwYzQ5Mjg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I raised a hand, "You see the resemblance too?"</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmQ5OGIwOTBkMTRlM2E4NzNhNGIyOWZhNDZlN2Jj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She spread out her hand like I was ridiculous, "Well duh. I heard quite a few stories from some training buddies back Earth. A lot of them talked about dragons. They're just flying reptiles. Big whoop."</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDViYzFmYjk5ZjRjNjFiZGY0MThkNzk5MDNkYjhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I leaned back onto the bar, "They're more like noble beasts with pure hearts, at least in Earthen fiction...Earthen fiction. That feels weird to say."</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjkzZTY3NWE3NjQ1YTJhMGMyMTBhNDg0YmE2Njhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">She sighed, "It </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">is</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> weird to say. My point is, whether they're frog dragons or not, someone is using you against them. That's what I gathered from those two mercenaries."</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjc3YWJiZTQ0NTRiY2U4ODQ1MWU1ZDE4YWUzYWE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I rolled my eyes, "Come on, this isn't something we have to worry about. Compare that to facing off against you know who. The stakes aren't as high."</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGExZGUzNTg5ODQ3NjM5OTQ1NGJkOGQ0YzMyNDI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">She tipped her head back, downing the shot glass's contents,</span></p> <p class="cnNjYmNjNzg3ZTZjNTRlYWQ4MjQ5Y2ZjMTVlYTdkMTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Can't say I didn't warn ya. Yo bartender, my friend's picking up the tab."</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWFhNDc0ZDc1ZDQ3MzViOTRkM2YwNDlkM2U1OGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The alien bartender nodded his head. She stood up, getting ready to leave. I reached out a hand as she turned around, "Wait a second, I forgot why I came here. Caprika's hosting us a feast. You're invited."</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzIxZTk2MjdlNDRkNTJhZTQxYzg5M2I2NTA3NjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Kessiah glanced back at me, "Thanks for the tip tough guy. I'll be there."</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjdjY2UwN2VmODRiMzQ4NWJhMDQ1NGVjYmYxMDQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">She walked out. I stayed there, wondering how she was holding up. I didn't have time to worry about anyone else while we were fighting Yawm. Now I did. As much of an ass as Kessiah was, she was a friend. She spiraled downwards after the fight with Dahkma. She never really invested in the battle with Yawm ever.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmZjODZmMjY1ZDQyOGRhNjgzNTJjMDI1ODVhMmNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I didn't blame her. A part of me did at the time, but after it was over, I let bygones be bygones. I mean, no one should be forced into that kind of situation. Just because I forgave her didn't mean Kessiah forgave herself though. She might be carrying a ton of guilt for it.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODFkNjdhM2E4MzQzZjc4YjkzYWE4YjgzZjdmZTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I wanted her to get back on her two feet. I resolved myself to let her know that it wasn't a big deal. She helped us out on more than one occasion regardless, like training a few of the soldiers and giving us vital information. That train of thought got me thinking about her warning. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNTZiZmYyYzI2OTQyYjVhZjdjZDYyZTgxYzMwMzdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I never imagined someone would use my reputation against me. At least not like this. When I compared it to facing off against Yawm, my public image didn't seem like a necessary concern. After all, it lacked the same bloodthirsty, world-destroying edge that Yawm had. That's an edge that's hard to overcome in my book.</span></p> <p class="cnNhODA4OTM5NjU1MDRlODJhYjA4YmVhMmMxNDg5NDg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Still, I respected Kessiah enough to give her words some merit. As lazy as she could be, she had a way of worming useful information out of people. Before I left, I ordered the bar's most popular drink to try it. While waiting for the order, I checked out my statuses. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNWEyMGFiYmJjYzQ1ZWU4MmRhY2M4ZDhmZTMyYWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Over the last two weeks of doing odd jobs, I gained forty red cores. I invested all the free skill points into Force of Nature. By now, my current tree, Legendary, needed less than fifty points before gaining another tier in it. Completing the tree kind of terrified me, but life rewarded the brave and the bold. Most of the time.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjkyOWI5ZGM1NjQ5N2NiZTM3ZWE5OWI2ZDY4MjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">A drink slid out in front of me, interrupting my thoughts. I raised the glass to the bartender, and he gave me a nod as I said, "Cheers."</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDg1M2E3ZWQyZDRhNjM5OGFhYjgwZjQ0YWRhMzlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">My face mask moved out of the way as I gave my drink a swig. It closed in as quickly as I downed the mixture. It tasted just like a sharpy marker and the smell of a pencil box. A wave of nostalgia hit me for a second as I stood up. A bit of fire burned in my belly for the tiniest fraction of a second.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDExNGE4NjdhYTRmNDg4NzQxOGQwNGE2NTA0M2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">No sense of euphoria passed over me. My body burned the alcohol like a furnace. I snickered at myself. Alcohol was poison, and my health regeneration was a bit too stout to let it affect me. Being huge didn't exactly help with my case either. If I wanted to cut loose, I'd need to find another vice I supposed.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjRmNjFmMjdhYzRkYTc5ZTQ2MWE0ZDEwMjJjNzg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">As I stepped out of the bar, the sun had set. Various plantlife lit the townscape, espens walking around. Fog followed them, keeping their amphibious skin hydrated. Icosah never slept, a crowd of people flooding its streets at all times. It made me pumped to see the capital considering this was such a small town.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjZkMzlmNTU5YzQ0NDRiMzFmNjQ5YWYyNTc4NjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that in mind, I set out towards Caprika's feast. Once I reached the Empire's castle of a branch, two guards opened the doors for me. Light poured out, phosphorescent creatures floating overhead. A pulsing, percussive melody played in the background, injecting a sense of energy inside.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjE1YzlmZTllYjQ3OWE5NjhiYTllNTY5ODBlZmE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Anticipation rode up my limbs as I walked up the stairs and inside. The tiny, floating creatures moved out of my way, my height causing me to get in their way. I walked past the entrance, the receptionist of the empire walking up to me.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMWViNTBmMmZiNDQ3NmE5ZDQ5M2M3MDA4MzdlZTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">She smiled, gesturing me to follow her. I did, passing more of the floating creatures. We walked over towards the throne room. I pointed at it, "Wasn't this place destroyed?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTIwZTJhYTkwYjQxNTY5NWMyZGQ4MWYzZDg0ODk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She nodded, "It's been renovated, sir."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTc2NjA4M2Y5OTRiM2RhZDEzNjNiMTEzOGExOGRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I squirmed at her calling me sir. I frowned, "Damn, that was fast."</span></p> <p class="cnNhZWE4MDM5MTIxNDQ4MmFhYWZhNzU1NmU5MmE2NDdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The receptionist gave me a bow, "I'll relay the compliment to the duchess. Enjoy your feast."</span></p> <p class="cnNjODYzZjZiMjc3YzQxNmU4NGE3MzhmMDQ5YjUxZTg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She walked off, leaving me in front of another set of wooden doors. From inside the room, the muffled music ebbed outward. It reminded me of club music, though heavier in tone. I pushed open the doorway, revealing a place packed with people to the brim.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzliMmFmYjE1MTRkZDViYjYwODI5OGVkMTMwYmIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">They danced with lights beaming down from other shining creatures above. An alien DJ played music while everybody else danced their asses off. Servants walked around, giving everyone free drinks and food. Chilled fruits, meats, powders, and drinks lined tables at the edges of the room.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmMzNWEzYTZlYzRhYWE5Nzk0YzYyNTc3ZTYxMTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aliens sat beside these tables, eating and talking. Some people ate the random powders at the table, going off and dancing up a frenzy afterward. The sheer vitality in the room was contagious, though my willpower gave me immunity to the peer pressure.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmNiYTNhMWViZDQ4ODliZWUzYTAzYjhmMmM5MDEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few of those peers glanced at me as I walked in. They raised their hands, cheering at me. Their cheer caused others to look. Given my height, pretty much everyone could see me. The small set of shouts turned into a roar of applause. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MThjOTczYjM0NzQ0MThiZGE3NzliN2EwOWQ2ODFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Indulging myself a little, I put a hand on my chest and bowed a little while saying, "You're all too kind, just too kind."</span></p> <p class="cnNjODZjMDg4MmFjYTQwZWE5MzYzYzI5OGIzN2M5OTQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">I laughed at myself, thinking it was strange facing so much celebration over something so little. Either way, I paced into the crowd before someone bumped into me. The nearly knocked me over, the strength of a steamroller behind them. I glanced down, finding Althea laughing. She smiled like there was no tomorrow. In her thick veil and accentuating her curves, she stunned me with how gorgeous she was.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzNlY2Q0MWUwNjRlNzg5OTk1NjI0ODY5NTEzMmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She hugged me, squeezing the life from my chest. I patted her back, "Hey, use a little less strength there. Are you trying to kill me?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTFkMDM4YjRhNjRlZDg4OWVhNGQxOTk1YTA5ZjA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She giggled, "Nope, but I'll take you to heaven later tonight."</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDlmNWQ0YzFhMTQwNjI4M2MzM2Y5YjM5MjI4MTIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I liked the sound of that. She pulled me to the dance floor, Althea going crazy. I stood there like a fish flopping out of the water. I looked around, awkward as fuck. Althea slapped my back, "What are you doing? Could you relax a little for once?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2MwNWVhYmZlNDQxYTc4NTM1NjUxMmEwYTY1ZGJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I frowned, "I'm relaxed all the time."</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWY2OThmZmYwYzQzZWNiZTA5NDk1NWRhMWY0ZTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She scoffed, "Then why aren't you dancing?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmIxNTY5M2VlYTRhNDI5ZTk5ZWE4NjMwOTM4NWY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I shrugged, "I have no idea how."</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGNjNDA5MjQ4YjRhNDE5ODAxZGYyMGQyOWI4Yjkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">She giggled again, "What? Just...I don't know, pretend you're in one of you' sessions or something."</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWU1YjkyNmY5ZTRmZmZhM2M2MTZlNDEwMTkyMmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She stumbled sideways, but I held her up. She downed her drink. She dropped the glass, but I caught it with some magic. I sent it off to a nearby servant, saving some people from a foot full of glass. I grabbed Althea's shoulders,</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGNmZTYwNjc5YzRiNDE5ZTMxNzc4OWNjZGM5MzI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Not everyone here has skin of stone. Dropping a glass like that's dangerous as hell."</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGI3ZmJjMzhhNDRlNzZhMmUzNWQ2YmI1MDAwOTE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She rolled her eyes again, "You know what? You looked so cool at the tournament. You always do. I knew you'd...handle it. You always handle </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">everything.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">"</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTdiYmUyM2IwMDRhMDY5ZmY1YzkxNmQyM2FlNTVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">She put a hand on my chest, "You don't have to handle everything always. You know that right?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmExYzMwZmY4MjQ5MTE4MGZlNjg2MmY5MWUzMTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I nodded, "Of course I do."</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTQwODg3ZDE0NDQyMjFiNjMxMWVhZTVlYmNkYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">She spread out her hands, "Then just let go for one night and enjoy yourself. You don't always have to compete with a flagpole to see who's more stiffer."</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDRjODg3ZWEyYzRmOTQ4ZDk2MDY1N2EyMjJkMjUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You mean more stiff?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzY4YzIzNWI5NTQ2YzQ4MDY0NGU2NWM3YjcwOGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She shook her head, wagging a finger at me, "Nope. More stiffer."</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTEyZWNkYjYyMjQyN2NiY2UxYWE0OGY0MDVkZGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I rolled my eyes, smiling despite myself. I tried out a goofy jig, getting a laugh out of Althea. I slapped my thighs, "There, happy?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmYwNmNkMTNkNjQyYmVhNGM3OWVlYTFlMzAyZmQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">She lifted herself to her tippy toes, hugging me, "Yes."</span></p> <p class="cnM1MGNlZDhmNTQ5NzQ5NzZiOTJjMzE4OTExOTc1OGQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">She grabbed my hands, lifting them up and down while twisting her hips. For some reason, every girl could dance like a champ. As a guy, it took severe training to get good on a dancefloor.</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2I3MTcxM2Q4ZjRlYzI5Njc2YzQ5ZDliM2RjMWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400"> Without the skills to pull off anything even remotely impressive, I played up how awful I was at busting a move for laughs. Hell, you could probably tell how bad I was at dancing by how I called it busting a move.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNmEwMWU1YzQ0ZTQ1OWY5NGFhNDMxODJjM2JmZmFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Despite my mediocrity, Althea and I had a blast. Caprika ended up walking up to us, dressed in a gown that worked with her fur. The albony shouted up at me over the music, </span></p> <p class="cnNjNGRhMTM1YjNmMjQ5YTY4Y2Y5YWRiM2RmOTEwMWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Having fun?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzkwYzY2NzllMzQ5MTU5ZDE1MTIwMTJkOWFjZmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I nodded, "Yeah." I looked down at Althea, "I have good company."</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzE2NjQ2MjUzNjQ1ZTU4OWU0NzU4ODVjMDhlNWEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Caprika nodded, "Remember all of this. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">This</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> is how the empire throws feasts."</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTg3ZWE2NzA0OTQ4NGJhYjI2YTI0NDRlMWY3ZmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I gave her the thumbs up before dancing again with Althea. After a while, we moved like no one was watching. It amazed me how private a party could feel at times. The dark lights, loud music, and pulsing lights hid you from the attention of other people. That's why Althea and I danced like we were in our own little world.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGI0ZjE5ZDBmZjRjMjdhMmI3ZWU1NTBkMjMwYTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a few hours of eating food and being goofballs, Althea and I left the feast. It wasn't my scene, not even the slightest bit. Althea thrived there though, and she let me loosen up while we were there. It was a lot of fun because of her.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMWY0ZWEyMmQ2MzQwMzZhNjdlMWMzZDlkNDAzNDUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">As we left, she kept stumbling around. From what I saw, she was playing up how drunk she felt to keep the good energy flowing. I appreciated the effort, steadying her without complaint. We got back to an inn in the middle of town. I didn't want to camp outside for a night. Besides, we could appreciate the privacy.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTZlZTBjMGZhNjQ5YzQ5MWNiMTY0NDNlMTY1YzRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once there Althea flopped on the bed, spreading out her arms and legs,</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDcxODI1MWFhZTRmMDQ4N2IyMmM2ZjAwNDg4YTE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Ahhh, this bed feels so soft."</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDM3ODQ2Njk0NzRiYjBiZjI2OGZlNmMwMmE4YTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her figure showed while she spread out. Her toned legs and arms, curvy hips, and voluptuous chest pressed on her clothes. Her hair went down to her waist, the purple hair smelling like lavender. She hugged a pillow, giving me a sly look out of the corner of her eye.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTg2ODBjNmU3ODQ0OThhNTAxOTg3ZGMwM2Q3YTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fire flared in my chest as she moved her hips back and forth. With her voice dripping with seduction, she whispered,</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTQyN2U3ZWNiMTQzOGRhNTY2NzEwNGNkNjQ0Zjhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You want to be a little wild tonight?"</span></p> </div>
With another lash of his tail, the gialgathen's desperation grew. I deflected another cutting strike. He flapped his wings, flying up into the air. Dipping into my mana, I pulled him downward. Alzoroth snapped, "What is this vile trickery." I stomped my heel, slamming him into the arena. His wide feet cracked into stone. He stumbled back, giving away precious space. His tail pummeled me from all angles, panic growing in his eyes. I controlled the fight with absolute calm, however. I redirected strikes, countered his wild attacks, and pushed him into a corner. Within a minute of fighting, his back feet slipped from the arena into the water beside it. He pulled himself back up, meeting me. He snapped at me with open jaws. With a tight, condensed hook, I crushed the needle teeth in his mouth. His head shot sideways, his tail missing its mark. I dashed forward, keeping my stance composed. Beside his belly, I gyrated a heavy hook into his side. The impact of my fist rippled up through his scaly skin like ripples through a pool. He gasped in pain. Alzeroth raised his legs, stomping at me with his left foot. I caught his limb with one hand, my telekinetic energy dispersing the weight outwards. The arena cracked, stone breaking across the entire expanse. The gialgathen gasped, "I...I can't believe it. How?" I gripped my hand into his feet, bones grinding against bones in my hand, "I'm strong." I flung his foot sideways. As he fell, I spun on my heels. Torquing momentum into my right hand, I smashed an overhand right into his upper chest. My hand bounced back, the kinetic energy dispersing as if a bomb exploded. With a loud boom echoing out, the behemoth tumbled out of the arena. Alzoroth slammed into the lower edge of the surrounding waterfall with another crash of sound. No one stood there, but many onlookers gawked from above. As large fissures spread across the entire canyon, those spectators spread out in a frenzy. The entire portion of the arena threatened to collapse. I lifted a hand, clasping it as I pulled from my vast ocean of mana. The flow of energy evolved into a rush as I kept gathering energy. I reached out my hand, creating an antigravity field over the crumbling canyon wall. I measured my output and matched the upward pull of my magic to the downward pull of Giess's gravity. This impromptu spell generated an antigravity field over the area of destruction. Kids, stalls, and spectators floated, the disaster turning into an exhibition. As two espen children began playing in the antigravity field, I shouted, "Get out of the magic field. I'm not holding this shit forever." My words spurred the stunned audience into action. A few nearby tournament fighters flew into the field, helping children and the elderly to escape. I flicked Alzoroth out of the area, floating him towards the medical bay. Asshole or not, I wasn't about to kill the guy. The adults didn't need help once they got my warning. They crawled out through a field of floating debris. After ten minutes of holding the broken gorge, no one remained. I dropped my hand, letting the entire piece of wall fall. As it tumbled, the announcer floated beside me. Kiki Mosk grinned at me, his tacky suit shifting colors at random. He grabbed my arm, raising my hand as he roared across the arena, "And we have the new champion of Icosah! Let's hear it for the newcomer!" The crowd went wild. The cheering continued for a solid five minutes. B then, they exhausted my patience. I left the arena, jumping back towards Althea. As I reached her, she crossed her arms and pursed her lips at me, "You know you didn't have to show off like that." I grinned, "Did I though? He had it coming." She raised her eyebrows, "Ok, I can't lie about that." From the crowd, a tuft of white fur scrambled towards us. Caprika reached us, her red mask reflecting an orange sheen from the sunset. She grabbed my arms and shook me, "What in Schema's name was that?" I wobbled back and forth, "I kicked his ass. What else?" She spread out her hands, "If you could beat him so easily, why not just do so without causing a scene? Other members of the tournament know all of your tricks now." I scoffed, "That's the thing. That's not all the talents I have at my disposal. Trust me." With a slow nod, she backed away, giving me some welcome space. Caprika sighed while composing herself, "Hmmm...I suppose I'm fortunate to have chosen such an able warrior to represent me then." Althea grabbed my arm, grinning up at me, "You are." I wrapped my arm around Althea's shoulders, "Heh, you'd be doing the same thing. It might even be more overwhelming than my fighting style." Caprika put her clawed hands onto her hips, looking back and forth at us, "I believe a celebration is in order. My treat for your dominant victories." I gave her the thumbs up, "Sounds like fun." I looked at Althea, "What do you think?" She shrugged, "I'm game. Let's invite Kessiah and Torix. Kessiah will like the food and Torix will enjoy the company." I hugged Althea up to my chest, pulling her off her feet, "I'm so lucky to have someone as sweet as you." Althea giggled while Caprika gagged in the sidelines, "Bleck. Your overt happiness is disgusting." Althea rolled her eyes as I set her down, "I know a guy who knew just what to say in times like this. I quote, 'Hod think fur lady peanut butter and jealous.'" I bust out laughing while Caprika shook her head in confusion. Caprika leaned her head into a clawed hand, "Whoever friend is, he's unbelievably stupid." Althea laughed, "Yeah, you and Torix would get along perfectly. The grouch thinks the same thing." We walked off through the crowd, chatting as we headed back to Icosah. I ignored my new fans, too busy to indulge them. I wasn't used to this kind of attention, and I didn't intend on getting used to it either. Knowing myself, I'd say something ridiculous and end up blowing our cover. It was better to play it safe for now. Once we got back to Icosah, Caprika went back to the Empire's branch. Althea and I stopped by a cafe, enjoying a few drinks of some root juice reminding me of tea. Once finished with winding down, Althea went to find Torix. I searched out for Kessiah. I found her in a bar, chatting it up with the bartender and a few rough looking mercenaries. As I trot up, the two gruff aliens stood up. One of them walked up and grabbed my hand, "I saw your fight. It was incredible. You showed those filthy Gialgathens whose boss." I frowned, not enjoying the fact he called all gialgathens filthy. Still, I shook his hand back. I shrugged, "It's more about putting arrogant asshats in their place, not gialgathens." He slapped my shoulder, keeling over in laughter, "What's the difference?" I squeezed his hand, "I gotta talk to my friend. Nice meeting you." He nodded, walking off into the distance. I sat down with Kessiah, each of us staring forward. She sipped from some unknown brew, looking up at the television screen, "You know, I saw how you handled Alzoroth on the television." I nodded. Kessiah tilted her drink back and forth, looking at me, "They're playing you up like you're some anti-gialgathen icon." I turned towards her, "Really now?" She scoffed, "Yeah. Did you hear them right? Lots of people here *despise* those frog-dragons." I raised a hand, "You see the resemblance too?" She spread out her hand like I was ridiculous, "Well duh. I heard quite a few stories from some training buddies back Earth. A lot of them talked about dragons. They're just flying reptiles. Big whoop." I leaned back onto the bar, "They're more like noble beasts with pure hearts, at least in Earthen fiction...Earthen fiction. That feels weird to say." She sighed, "It *is* weird to say. My point is, whether they're frog dragons or not, someone is using you against them. That's what I gathered from those two mercenaries." I rolled my eyes, "Come on, this isn't something we have to worry about. Compare that to facing off against you know who. The stakes aren't as high." She tipped her head back, downing the shot glass's contents, "Can't say I didn't warn ya. Yo bartender, my friend's picking up the tab." The alien bartender nodded his head. She stood up, getting ready to leave. I reached out a hand as she turned around, "Wait a second, I forgot why I came here. Caprika's hosting us a feast. You're invited." Kessiah glanced back at me, "Thanks for the tip tough guy. I'll be there." She walked out. I stayed there, wondering how she was holding up. I didn't have time to worry about anyone else while we were fighting Yawm. Now I did. As much of an ass as Kessiah was, she was a friend. She spiraled downwards after the fight with Dahkma. She never really invested in the battle with Yawm ever. I didn't blame her. A part of me did at the time, but after it was over, I let bygones be bygones. I mean, no one should be forced into that kind of situation. Just because I forgave her didn't mean Kessiah forgave herself though. She might be carrying a ton of guilt for it. I wanted her to get back on her two feet. I resolved myself to let her know that it wasn't a big deal. She helped us out on more than one occasion regardless, like training a few of the soldiers and giving us vital information. That train of thought got me thinking about her warning. I never imagined someone would use my reputation against me. At least not like this. When I compared it to facing off against Yawm, my public image didn't seem like a necessary concern. After all, it lacked the same bloodthirsty, world-destroying edge that Yawm had. That's an edge that's hard to overcome in my book. Still, I respected Kessiah enough to give her words some merit. As lazy as she could be, she had a way of worming useful information out of people. Before I left, I ordered the bar's most popular drink to try it. While waiting for the order, I checked out my statuses. Over the last two weeks of doing odd jobs, I gained forty red cores. I invested all the free skill points into Force of Nature. By now, my current tree, Legendary, needed less than fifty points before gaining another tier in it. Completing the tree kind of terrified me, but life rewarded the brave and the bold. Most of the time. A drink slid out in front of me, interrupting my thoughts. I raised the glass to the bartender, and he gave me a nod as I said, "Cheers." My face mask moved out of the way as I gave my drink a swig. It closed in as quickly as I downed the mixture. It tasted just like a sharpy marker and the smell of a pencil box. A wave of nostalgia hit me for a second as I stood up. A bit of fire burned in my belly for the tiniest fraction of a second. No sense of euphoria passed over me. My body burned the alcohol like a furnace. I snickered at myself. Alcohol was poison, and my health regeneration was a bit too stout to let it affect me. Being huge didn't exactly help with my case either. If I wanted to cut loose, I'd need to find another vice I supposed. As I stepped out of the bar, the sun had set. Various plantlife lit the townscape, espens walking around. Fog followed them, keeping their amphibious skin hydrated. Icosah never slept, a crowd of people flooding its streets at all times. It made me pumped to see the capital considering this was such a small town. With that in mind, I set out towards Caprika's feast. Once I reached the Empire's castle of a branch, two guards opened the doors for me. Light poured out, phosphorescent creatures floating overhead. A pulsing, percussive melody played in the background, injecting a sense of energy inside. Anticipation rode up my limbs as I walked up the stairs and inside. The tiny, floating creatures moved out of my way, my height causing me to get in their way. I walked past the entrance, the receptionist of the empire walking up to me. She smiled, gesturing me to follow her. I did, passing more of the floating creatures. We walked over towards the throne room. I pointed at it, "Wasn't this place destroyed?" She nodded, "It's been renovated, sir." I squirmed at her calling me sir. I frowned, "Damn, that was fast." The receptionist gave me a bow, "I'll relay the compliment to the duchess. Enjoy your feast." She walked off, leaving me in front of another set of wooden doors. From inside the room, the muffled music ebbed outward. It reminded me of club music, though heavier in tone. I pushed open the doorway, revealing a place packed with people to the brim. They danced with lights beaming down from other shining creatures above. An alien DJ played music while everybody else danced their asses off. Servants walked around, giving everyone free drinks and food. Chilled fruits, meats, powders, and drinks lined tables at the edges of the room. Aliens sat beside these tables, eating and talking. Some people ate the random powders at the table, going off and dancing up a frenzy afterward. The sheer vitality in the room was contagious, though my willpower gave me immunity to the peer pressure. A few of those peers glanced at me as I walked in. They raised their hands, cheering at me. Their cheer caused others to look. Given my height, pretty much everyone could see me. The small set of shouts turned into a roar of applause. Indulging myself a little, I put a hand on my chest and bowed a little while saying, "You're all too kind, just too kind." I laughed at myself, thinking it was strange facing so much celebration over something so little. Either way, I paced into the crowd before someone bumped into me. The nearly knocked me over, the strength of a steamroller behind them. I glanced down, finding Althea laughing. She smiled like there was no tomorrow. In her thick veil and accentuating her curves, she stunned me with how gorgeous she was. She hugged me, squeezing the life from my chest. I patted her back, "Hey, use a little less strength there. Are you trying to kill me?" She giggled, "Nope, but I'll take you to heaven later tonight." I liked the sound of that. She pulled me to the dance floor, Althea going crazy. I stood there like a fish flopping out of the water. I looked around, awkward as fuck. Althea slapped my back, "What are you doing? Could you relax a little for once?" I frowned, "I'm relaxed all the time." She scoffed, "Then why aren't you dancing?" I shrugged, "I have no idea how." She giggled again, "What? Just...I don't know, pretend you're in one of you' sessions or something." She stumbled sideways, but I held her up. She downed her drink. She dropped the glass, but I caught it with some magic. I sent it off to a nearby servant, saving some people from a foot full of glass. I grabbed Althea's shoulders, "Not everyone here has skin of stone. Dropping a glass like that's dangerous as hell." She rolled her eyes again, "You know what? You looked so cool at the tournament. You always do. I knew you'd...handle it. You always handle *everything.*" She put a hand on my chest, "You don't have to handle everything always. You know that right?" I nodded, "Of course I do." She spread out her hands, "Then just let go for one night and enjoy yourself. You don't always have to compete with a flagpole to see who's more stiffer." "You mean more stiff?" She shook her head, wagging a finger at me, "Nope. More stiffer." I rolled my eyes, smiling despite myself. I tried out a goofy jig, getting a laugh out of Althea. I slapped my thighs, "There, happy?" She lifted herself to her tippy toes, hugging me, "Yes." She grabbed my hands, lifting them up and down while twisting her hips. For some reason, every girl could dance like a champ. As a guy, it took severe training to get good on a dancefloor. Without the skills to pull off anything even remotely impressive, I played up how awful I was at busting a move for laughs. Hell, you could probably tell how bad I was at dancing by how I called it busting a move. Despite my mediocrity, Althea and I had a blast. Caprika ended up walking up to us, dressed in a gown that worked with her fur. The albony shouted up at me over the music, "Having fun?" I nodded, "Yeah." I looked down at Althea, "I have good company." Caprika nodded, "Remember all of this. *This* is how the empire throws feasts." I gave her the thumbs up before dancing again with Althea. After a while, we moved like no one was watching. It amazed me how private a party could feel at times. The dark lights, loud music, and pulsing lights hid you from the attention of other people. That's why Althea and I danced like we were in our own little world. After a few hours of eating food and being goofballs, Althea and I left the feast. It wasn't my scene, not even the slightest bit. Althea thrived there though, and she let me loosen up while we were there. It was a lot of fun because of her. As we left, she kept stumbling around. From what I saw, she was playing up how drunk she felt to keep the good energy flowing. I appreciated the effort, steadying her without complaint. We got back to an inn in the middle of town. I didn't want to camp outside for a night. Besides, we could appreciate the privacy. Once there Althea flopped on the bed, spreading out her arms and legs, "Ahhh, this bed feels so soft." Her figure showed while she spread out. Her toned legs and arms, curvy hips, and voluptuous chest pressed on her clothes. Her hair went down to her waist, the purple hair smelling like lavender. She hugged a pillow, giving me a sly look out of the corner of her eye. Fire flared in my chest as she moved her hips back and forth. With her voice dripping with seduction, she whispered, "You want to be a little wild tonight?"
{ "title": "Calforn Chronicles (Original)", "id": 20455, "author": "Falbelo", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chp 7: The Experiments Part 1", "id": 305738, "next": 306637, "prev": 289167, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5NThiMThhMWYyYzQzNGJhZDMzZTI4NWIyMWE2NTUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I came to as the others began making their way through the moraine. The rough passage through the rocks and boulders shook Marvin enough to wake me up. I must have made sounds over the comms, since the group stopped and turned to me. I felt as if I had been dropped from a ten story building. My arms felt like noodles as I tried to sit up and retract my helmet; someone had activated it after my fight with the ATCs.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWJkMjU1ZWUyNjRkMGQ4NWYxMjU3NDk2NWUzYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the thought of the ATCs and Starden, my burning anger returned and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I rolled off Marvin, landing on wobbly legs but refusing to be dead weight for the group. I had been so close I could almost smell the fear on him. I was not sure how I had been able to take down the large ATC considering the strength it showed after I had taken off its leg and when it tackled me. There was definitely something strange was going with my body.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDg2MDAzNWYyNjQ3NDE4MzQxOWI3ZTgyYzUzNjc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just as I was getting ready to address the group, I heard my name whispered.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODQxYmU3ZWE4NDQ0NjM5MGE4NDlmOTE2YmJjMTM1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Alpha</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2M5NzY2OWY1ZjQ5MWZhNTliOGI1NWI5MjU3N2Mx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I looked to the others, assuming they were concerned by my sudden activity, especially after a blackout.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTE5MGUwMDAzZTRjNjRiNWIyNjUwODljYzE2NTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I… I’m okay. Thank you all for lugging me around.” I looked down at the ground, not really able to meet their eyes after realizing how stupid my plan had been.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGMzN2FkMzdkZDQ2NTE4ZTNhZTZhYzA0NmRmMWQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s okay, Boss. It's not like we all don’t want a piece of that human scum,” Epsilon replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2JkMDc5MWM4ZTRhODY4MWFjYzFhNmU4MzcyMDli"><span style="font-weight: 400">I took note of how much more confident the burly man had been since Beta and him met us at the moraine. I needed to know what everyone was capable of; the more time I spent on Dun Lund, the more I realized that working together was paramount. I patted the man’s shoulders and I saw nods of approval from the others.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGE2NDFkZmM1ODQ2NDU5MWJiOTNjOWZhYTQyZDRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We will take it easy on the way back. I think we should have enough time to make it to B1, if you wanted,” asked Zeta, a hint of concern in her voice.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODE5MzNmOGZjYTRmYmVhNzJmMzZhODcwODI1MjEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can make it. We can stop for a bit at the surface base, if that's okay with everyone.” I had already been a burden on everyone, but I was glad they had taken the initiative to return to base.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDk1MDNkZTIxMzQ1ZTY4ODBkZDVmZTMyODVjNDI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">There were no objections and we made our way through the moraine’s riff raff. I was really getting tired of the amount of rocks everywhere, but now that I was not weighing down Marvin, we loaded him up with rocks to take back to B1.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzM2MTNmYjRjODQ2NGM5N2UxNDczZTNmYjIwYzAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was not long into the trek that I became urgently hungry. I felt myself salivating as we continued forward and barely managed to contain myself until we broke for our meal before heading into the city. As everyone sat around and talked while eating their half rations, I ate my half ration and another whole ration. The burning hunger in my stomach turned into a simmer as the food digested. Without realizing it, I had excluded myself from the others, crouching at the edge of the camp. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MTQ3MDA0MmU5ZDRhYjY5NzQ5ZTczM2E1Yjc2Yjkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">My hands were shaking as I put down the extra stolen ration’s foil. A tendril of fear rose in my chest as I activated my helmet to attempt to mute my now panicked breathing.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTc3Yzc2Nzg0ZDQwYzlhNTFkYzI4ZGQwN2I2OGEx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Alpha</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDViYTUxNjNiYjQ1ZjE5NWE5OGEzY2FlMWQyNzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I snapped around behind me. I checked behind the camp’s semi circle and over the rocks. The only sounds were the mild chatting of the others and the howl of the wind over the moraine. After what felt like tense hours, I felt a hand on my back.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWY3OTRmMjFhMDQ5YzJhZjUwODBmZWIxODY2YzU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I turned, wrench in hand, to find Beta cowering. I did my best to play off my aggressive stance, but the fear had been evident in the youth’s face.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWE1NWI0M2NkZDRiYTNhZTI4NmI2YzY5ODRkZGM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, Beta. What’s going on?” I asked when I retracted my helmet.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWE1YzU3YmM3NzQ2NmFhNTViNDE5OGEwMjE4N2Qy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seemingly hesitant, he responded, “The others are ready to head down. We refilled Marvin with water too.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2Y1ZDExM2I4MjRiYTI4ZjczMzZlNzM2N2Q5ZmJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good, good. I will be right there.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmZkNzY0MjQ2NDQwMTVhN2FjMWU2NGVjZDRkYjZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I watched him walk away; he glanced back twice before joining the others. </span></p> <p class="cnM2N2U3MTQ3MTk1NjQyYmNhNDBmZTMyNTM3MDRmYjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Thankfully, Beta’s presence had shaken me from the tension of the meal. I was not exactly hungry, but I could feel a nagging sensation in the pit of my stomach. I was even more concerned as I remembered what Starden had said about the parasitic mutagen. I was no biological engineer, but I knew about the dangers of mutations thanks to my work with Nuclectric systems. I feared the mutagen had only taken longer to change me and I was hours if not days away from turning into the monsters we had been fighting.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjcxNjY0MWQ0ZjQ2ZjZiNDRjNGE1ODE3YmM1MDZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Trying to move past my insecurities, I led the way into the passage. The others followed closely behind and we slowly picked up the pace, the fully lit passage and our weapons a safeguard against whatever we might encounter.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzgyMjZhYThjNTRkMTQ4MTFkOTM3OTY0ZTcxMjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">A little over an hour passed before we made it back to B1. The downhill sloping of the passage made it much easier than earlier in the day. The light was beginning to fade as the star crossed beyond the horizon the ice ceiling provided.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzBhMGU1MTVmMjRmNjM5NGNlNGVjMDZmYmI1Njhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">By my estimate we had enough time to loot another building near B1, so I had Beta and Gamma run up to B1 with Marvin to drop off our full supply box. We had left the other box at the surface camp, snug between two of the support boulders, to act as a chest in case we wanted to store something there.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yzc5NWEwNTlhNjQ0NTM5Yjk4Y2Q4ZTE3ODJjOTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I scanned the nearby buildings and their adjacent alleys closely. I was not entirely sure what was going on with my mind or my hunger, but I was not going to be caught off guard.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDEzMmM5YzI1ZDQxZjdiNzQxNDhjOGViNjNkZWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">It only took a few minutes for the young Digits to return, having emptied Marvin of everything but rations and a few rocks so we could collect more. I was trying to stockpile rocks since I did not like our odds if we only engaged mutants at close range. I would have killed for a rail rifle.</span></p> </div>
I came to as the others began making their way through the moraine. The rough passage through the rocks and boulders shook Marvin enough to wake me up. I must have made sounds over the comms, since the group stopped and turned to me. I felt as if I had been dropped from a ten story building. My arms felt like noodles as I tried to sit up and retract my helmet; someone had activated it after my fight with the ATCs. At the thought of the ATCs and Starden, my burning anger returned and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I rolled off Marvin, landing on wobbly legs but refusing to be dead weight for the group. I had been so close I could almost smell the fear on him. I was not sure how I had been able to take down the large ATC considering the strength it showed after I had taken off its leg and when it tackled me. There was definitely something strange was going with my body. Just as I was getting ready to address the group, I heard my name whispered. *Alpha*. I looked to the others, assuming they were concerned by my sudden activity, especially after a blackout. “I… I’m okay. Thank you all for lugging me around.” I looked down at the ground, not really able to meet their eyes after realizing how stupid my plan had been. “It’s okay, Boss. It's not like we all don’t want a piece of that human scum,” Epsilon replied. I took note of how much more confident the burly man had been since Beta and him met us at the moraine. I needed to know what everyone was capable of; the more time I spent on Dun Lund, the more I realized that working together was paramount. I patted the man’s shoulders and I saw nods of approval from the others. “We will take it easy on the way back. I think we should have enough time to make it to B1, if you wanted,” asked Zeta, a hint of concern in her voice. “I can make it. We can stop for a bit at the surface base, if that's okay with everyone.” I had already been a burden on everyone, but I was glad they had taken the initiative to return to base. There were no objections and we made our way through the moraine’s riff raff. I was really getting tired of the amount of rocks everywhere, but now that I was not weighing down Marvin, we loaded him up with rocks to take back to B1. It was not long into the trek that I became urgently hungry. I felt myself salivating as we continued forward and barely managed to contain myself until we broke for our meal before heading into the city. As everyone sat around and talked while eating their half rations, I ate my half ration and another whole ration. The burning hunger in my stomach turned into a simmer as the food digested. Without realizing it, I had excluded myself from the others, crouching at the edge of the camp. My hands were shaking as I put down the extra stolen ration’s foil. A tendril of fear rose in my chest as I activated my helmet to attempt to mute my now panicked breathing. *Alpha*… I snapped around behind me. I checked behind the camp’s semi circle and over the rocks. The only sounds were the mild chatting of the others and the howl of the wind over the moraine. After what felt like tense hours, I felt a hand on my back. I turned, wrench in hand, to find Beta cowering. I did my best to play off my aggressive stance, but the fear had been evident in the youth’s face. “Hey, Beta. What’s going on?” I asked when I retracted my helmet. Seemingly hesitant, he responded, “The others are ready to head down. We refilled Marvin with water too.” “Good, good. I will be right there.” I watched him walk away; he glanced back twice before joining the others. Thankfully, Beta’s presence had shaken me from the tension of the meal. I was not exactly hungry, but I could feel a nagging sensation in the pit of my stomach. I was even more concerned as I remembered what Starden had said about the parasitic mutagen. I was no biological engineer, but I knew about the dangers of mutations thanks to my work with Nuclectric systems. I feared the mutagen had only taken longer to change me and I was hours if not days away from turning into the monsters we had been fighting. Trying to move past my insecurities, I led the way into the passage. The others followed closely behind and we slowly picked up the pace, the fully lit passage and our weapons a safeguard against whatever we might encounter. A little over an hour passed before we made it back to B1. The downhill sloping of the passage made it much easier than earlier in the day. The light was beginning to fade as the star crossed beyond the horizon the ice ceiling provided. By my estimate we had enough time to loot another building near B1, so I had Beta and Gamma run up to B1 with Marvin to drop off our full supply box. We had left the other box at the surface camp, snug between two of the support boulders, to act as a chest in case we wanted to store something there. I scanned the nearby buildings and their adjacent alleys closely. I was not entirely sure what was going on with my mind or my hunger, but I was not going to be caught off guard. It only took a few minutes for the young Digits to return, having emptied Marvin of everything but rations and a few rocks so we could collect more. I was trying to stockpile rocks since I did not like our odds if we only engaged mutants at close range. I would have killed for a rail rifle.
{ "title": "Prophecy of the Elven King", "id": 20825, "author": "Protocol", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Ch.9 Aware", "id": 305740, "next": 306103, "prev": 304037, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlYTcxZjU3NDkxODRmMjM5Mzg1NGQ1ZjZmYTM4OWMw">I awoke to my mother weeping at the funeral for the two villagers who had died. She was holding me in her arms as usual. My parents had thought the fear from the attack had exhausted me and that was why I had passed out. Then they had let me sleep for a whole day. I had been so exhausted by my Mp reaching zero that I didn't even dream. Not that I would have been in a real sleep like stupor anyway. Since my soul changed, all my dreams have been vivid ones. I'm always aware that I'm asleep and can do whatever I want.</p> <p class="cnNlYTE1YmYxNWZjMjRmYThhMjc5MTc0Zjk2OWEyZWQw">This time, however, had been like I blinked and here I was at a funeral. I held my tiny hand together and gave a prayer thanking the two elven men who died protecting us. I mourned their loss as I felt possibly responsible for their deaths. Of course, I felt sad; I'm not a monster!</p> <p class="cnM0MjEyYTRhMGY3ODQ3ODQ4NmFkNTg5NWQwZTM2Y2Jl">Remembering the events that unfolded yesterday, I checked my status screen.</p> <p class="cnMwMjkyNzZkZmIxMTRiMDk5MmM1MmU0M2NjM2JjMGUy">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table width="536"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNkMWMzYTI5NzQ5MDQ2NGFhMGI5YzBkZWVmMjUxNTVm">name</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnMxMjQ0YzdhMWU0MDQ5MzA5ODJjMDA1MzAzOWYxZTE4">Juren</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnM5ODg4MWJlZTBlNzQ1NWM4OGE0MjQzYzlkOWNiNmI3">Knollen</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNhZmY1OWYwZThhNzRhMzA5MzE1ZGRkZDA5MjczYTUw">Age 1 Yrs</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnM0ZGE2ZWRmNzdkMjQyODg5NzRlM2E3NzA1NGZmZDQ3">traits</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNhMGQ0Nzc3YTQ0OTRkOTViMjExYTczYmUwZTNlYWEx">level</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNmNzFhMDkyNzIzZTQ4MDBhZmM4NDIzMTU2N2JiNmMw">12</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNiOTQyNjFhMzMyYzRmODU4NGI4YmY3YjkzMjY5M2Zh">Unused</p> <p class="cnNiYTVkYWMzNWM4YzQ2Y2Q4MzYyM2MwY2FlZmFmNTVl">Pts</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNmZWQ3ZjE0ZDU0ODRhYTI4NGVlZGVjNTE2ZWQxMmU1">60</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNhYTYzYjRhNDc3OTQxMGE4ZGVhYTc4ZjJiMTE0NTQz">Elven swiftness</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNjYThlYmJkODE2YTRjODY4NDUxNjMwNjE5ZjFiMzk0">Elven talent</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnM0MmQ5NGY3YzAzODRjZGE4MGRjNWZjNjI4MzdhMWZm">Elven longevity</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNjMWJmZDA1NWM3MTRiZjM5OTIzODU1NjEyZTJkNjA4">Elven spirit</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNjY2NiNjJmMWRmODRjYWE5N2E1N2EyMjZhNGQwMzBh">hp</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNjNGMxNDQ0YmJlYTRmNmZiZmFjZTE0NDBmMzRiOGY4">225</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnMzNmJjMTM5YWNjMzQ4ZWI5YjRkYWFhMmZkOTNhYjk1">mp</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNlZmU4OWEwMWJlNzQzYzA5NDA1ZjM2ZmUzN2ZjN2E3">4260</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNlMWNiMGQ0YzhlYjQ2NTBhMDhmYmI0YjJiZmViMzA4">Soul memory</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnMxMTZhZGU2MDcwMjQ1ZjM4MmRiYWU3NTVmNDJmMTUy">str</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNhNjQxZTY5ZmQwNjQ1MjI4ZTkyMzc5NzE0ODA4ZGFj">0.3</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnMzNjRmODFjNjJmYTRkZDk5OTk0ZTRjMWQ1MDk3MzIy">Mp regen</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNjOGM0NDU2YTZlOTRjM2JiMGZkNzc1MDg0NmUzOTFi">360 min</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNiODFjZmJjZDdlYzRhYjE5OGMzYTJlMWRlZjNjOGE0">Simultaneous thinking</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnM2NmM4NzViNTNhNTRhZDVhZjRkZDVjY2Q3Y2Y0ZTQw">end</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNiZjk0YzhkZjhmYjRlNDQ4ZmU4ZWI0NTBmZWMzZGUz">0.3</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNlZjcxMDAxZjdhYTQ3MTI5MWEzNDRhYzVjZDQ4YTU4">chosen</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnM5NDJiNjAwYjU3NzQ2MWU5NjQyYzZkZjM2MWEzOWEw">agl</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnMxN2U3NGFmMDA4NjRjNzY5NzFiNzVkYzcxNGI1MzY2">.3x10 = 3</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNhODI5OWY5YTk4NzQ5OTA4NTgzMTliMTIwNDlkM2Ey">Soul vortex</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNiYWQ2YTc1NWMwNjQ5YmJiMmMwYTVlNDYwMWJkMzM2">int</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNlZjM5YzQ5Yjc1YzQ5MThiMDVkMTU4NmQxZmExZDMx">42</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNmNGRkNWI2NWY1NDRhMzc5YzZiMzZkMGRlMjdjMWM5">Wis</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNlNzM3Y2RkMGI0YzQ1NDc5M2ZhN2NiYzEwYjNlNDQ1">36</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNhNzcxYjc1ZDI4NjRhNTRhNjU4MzBhNGU5ZTM5NzQz">Cha</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNkODk4MjlmMzA1YjRmNWFiOTM5YjQ2NjA1MTZlMTBk">1(+50)</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71"> <p class="cnMzYWY1ZjkwMzA4MDQ0Y2U5OGQ4MDRjNmViMjdiNWQ2">Con</p> </td> <td width="71"> <p class="cnNjMGJjNzY2NWNiOTQ3MjE5N2Y1YjNkY2I3ZWFmZjcz">0.3</p> </td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> <td width="71">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjMGVmMjJjMTM5NzQ0NDg5NzIyZDQxYTBlMzJjMDlj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMDNmZDdlNmQ3NDQxNGFiNzMwYTA1M2Y0NTVlMDFl">I had 60 points to spend, and I had a good idea how to them. I now had access to magic! <em>Oh, the things I can do now!</em>, I thought. I noticed a discrepancy in my stats. I had one hundred and twenty more health and sixty more mana than I should. I asked why and a prompt popped up.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="458"> <p class="cnM5NDA4YWQ5NjU0YTQ0YTBiMjBkMDFiNDVhYTg5Mjg3">+10 Hp gained per level</p> <p class="cnNkYjU3ZTUxMjE1OTQxNDA4M2JlMzRhNmM5ZTI5NmI3">+5 Mp gained per level.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5ZDRiYTBkZjA2NTRhYzJhZDZhNmM1MzViN2ZkMTMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMWYyMjAyNjE3ZDQ0YTQ4YjJjYTIxMTQ5YTdlZTlh"><em>Ah, so not all stats are just gained through points</em>, I told myself. Health and mana points will increase automatically but spending ability points on Constitution or Intelligence will raise them further. Five Mp a level is better than nothing but a hundred Mp per point made spending points on Int worth it alone. Also, the system explained to me that the power of spells is increased two thirds by Int and one third by Wis. Wisdom was the source of mana regen and wisdom also controls how fast spell casting can be, at least... It normally does.</p> <p class="cnNiZDFmMzEyZmExMzQ2Zjk5OGYyMGZkZWQ1ZmE0MzJl">As I already knew elemental magic isn't affected by regular spell requirements. Since elemental magic casting is based on how strong the soul is and not system assisted. This didn't mean it would not help at all. The spell casting bonus was just an increase in the brains processing speed. I already knew I could cast two spells simultaneously. Something that would normally take years of training or reaching a high level. Both Intelligence and wisdom synergize, and they feed into each other. A mage needed to raise both stats to be effective!</p> <p class="cnM1YTIzYzEzNjAyMjQwOWY5YzE3MGIzZGNiNWUwMmQ1">So I spent twenty points on Int and twenty on Wis. Tired of always having to be carried around I Spent five points in Str and End each. last, I spent ten points in Agl because I felt it would be a waste of a ten times multiplier not to. <em>Who knows? Maybe I'll find a way to get a skill that uses Agl to increase casting speed.</em> I said to myself internally. I was also pretty sure my enemies would not just stand there and let me work my magic. I may need to run or fight in hand to hand combat as well. Despite the fact that it was a sixth of my earned point I did not feel they had been wasted.</p> <p class="cnM3OWJkMzYyZTAwZTQ5OTE5ZjA1Y2Q2OWYxMDZhOTQz">I contacted Zotherg hoping he would be able to provide further advice for my future advancement. The ancient elemental nearly screamed my head off!</p> <p class="cnNlOTE0MzVhZTQ3MDQwN2U4NDYyY2VjNWZhYzQwNTdi">"<strong>Yeeeeeesss, you did it</strong>!" The elemental exclaimed in mind shattering volume.</p> <p class="cnMyY2NkMmNhMGE0OTQ1Yzc5ZGQ1MWQ3MzRiYTMxODVh">"What?" I replied meekly.</p> <p class="cnM0M2E3ZmI3ODljMjRhYzg4NGM1ZDVlYWZlZTc1ZTky">"You crossed the threshold, my lord. You did what has never been done. You awakened your elemental powers as a mortal. As such you can use almost all elements and not just one like us." Zotherg explained excitedly in a now much lower volume.</p> <p class="cnNmMDMwMzNmMjljYzQ0NTFiOTlmMmQ5OWViYWYzYjI0">"Why does that matter? Humans can cast all elements using spells." I pointed out.</p> <p class="cnNiOGJmN2IxNTM0MTRiNzlhZGRjNmM4YjQwZGMxYjBj">I could hear deep breathing sounds before Zotherg replied. " Spells are slower and inefficient compared to our magic Juren. One has to put mana out into the air to draw a runic formation or speak a formula using immense mana to make it form. Most mages design their spells to pull some ambient mana in to supplement the cost, but that's where we're different my boy. We are natures children, and all excess ambient mana automatically feeds into our magic. It's why even Dragons fear us, even though they share a similar ability! Why did you think you could hold that panther down so long on a measly three thousand mana?"</p> <p class="cnM3NTMyOTY5NGEzYzRjZmFhODdkZTExY2E4YTg5YTcx">I let the immense amount of information Zotherg said sink in. For the first time, I was aware of how special I had become. If everything he said was correct, then it sounded like I was practically a baby dragon! Well, baby true elemental to be more precise but all the same shocking. <em>Ugh, one more thing to keep secret</em>, I thought. It felt like I was becoming an Elf man of mystery! Well, I hear women like a man who is "mysterious".</p> </div>
I awoke to my mother weeping at the funeral for the two villagers who had died. She was holding me in her arms as usual. My parents had thought the fear from the attack had exhausted me and that was why I had passed out. Then they had let me sleep for a whole day. I had been so exhausted by my Mp reaching zero that I didn't even dream. Not that I would have been in a real sleep like stupor anyway. Since my soul changed, all my dreams have been vivid ones. I'm always aware that I'm asleep and can do whatever I want. This time, however, had been like I blinked and here I was at a funeral. I held my tiny hand together and gave a prayer thanking the two elven men who died protecting us. I mourned their loss as I felt possibly responsible for their deaths. Of course, I felt sad; I'm not a monster! Remembering the events that unfolded yesterday, I checked my status screen.   | name | Juren | Knollen | Age 1 Yrs | | traits | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | level | 12 | Unused Pts | 60 | | Elven swiftness | Elven talent | Elven longevity | Elven spirit | | hp | 225 | mp | 4260 | | Soul memory | | | | | str | 0.3 | Mp regen | 360 min | | Simultaneous thinking | | | | | end | 0.3 | | | | chosen | | | | | agl | .3x10 = 3 | | | | Soul vortex | | | | | int | 42 | | | | | | | | | Wis | 36 | | | | | | | | | Cha | 1(+50) | | | | | | | | | Con | 0.3 | | | | | | | |   I had 60 points to spend, and I had a good idea how to them. I now had access to magic! *Oh, the things I can do now!*, I thought. I noticed a discrepancy in my stats. I had one hundred and twenty more health and sixty more mana than I should. I asked why and a prompt popped up. | +10 Hp gained per level +5 Mp gained per level. | | --- |   *Ah, so not all stats are just gained through points*, I told myself. Health and mana points will increase automatically but spending ability points on Constitution or Intelligence will raise them further. Five Mp a level is better than nothing but a hundred Mp per point made spending points on Int worth it alone. Also, the system explained to me that the power of spells is increased two thirds by Int and one third by Wis. Wisdom was the source of mana regen and wisdom also controls how fast spell casting can be, at least... It normally does. As I already knew elemental magic isn't affected by regular spell requirements. Since elemental magic casting is based on how strong the soul is and not system assisted. This didn't mean it would not help at all. The spell casting bonus was just an increase in the brains processing speed. I already knew I could cast two spells simultaneously. Something that would normally take years of training or reaching a high level. Both Intelligence and wisdom synergize, and they feed into each other. A mage needed to raise both stats to be effective! So I spent twenty points on Int and twenty on Wis. Tired of always having to be carried around I Spent five points in Str and End each. last, I spent ten points in Agl because I felt it would be a waste of a ten times multiplier not to. *Who knows? Maybe I'll find a way to get a skill that uses Agl to increase casting speed.* I said to myself internally. I was also pretty sure my enemies would not just stand there and let me work my magic. I may need to run or fight in hand to hand combat as well. Despite the fact that it was a sixth of my earned point I did not feel they had been wasted. I contacted Zotherg hoping he would be able to provide further advice for my future advancement. The ancient elemental nearly screamed my head off! "**Yeeeeeesss, you did it**!" The elemental exclaimed in mind shattering volume. "What?" I replied meekly. "You crossed the threshold, my lord. You did what has never been done. You awakened your elemental powers as a mortal. As such you can use almost all elements and not just one like us." Zotherg explained excitedly in a now much lower volume. "Why does that matter? Humans can cast all elements using spells." I pointed out. I could hear deep breathing sounds before Zotherg replied. " Spells are slower and inefficient compared to our magic Juren. One has to put mana out into the air to draw a runic formation or speak a formula using immense mana to make it form. Most mages design their spells to pull some ambient mana in to supplement the cost, but that's where we're different my boy. We are natures children, and all excess ambient mana automatically feeds into our magic. It's why even Dragons fear us, even though they share a similar ability! Why did you think you could hold that panther down so long on a measly three thousand mana?" I let the immense amount of information Zotherg said sink in. For the first time, I was aware of how special I had become. If everything he said was correct, then it sounded like I was practically a baby dragon! Well, baby true elemental to be more precise but all the same shocking. *Ugh, one more thing to keep secret*, I thought. It felt like I was becoming an Elf man of mystery! Well, I hear women like a man who is "mysterious".
{ "title": "The Arcane Emperor", "id": 8463, "author": "Aternus", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 168: A Changing of Soul", "id": 305497, "next": 308274, "prev": 304884, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5N2NkMTQyOGY2YzQ0YTM4MGQyZmVkMTdhZWM5Mzc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How’s your progress?” Rainer asked Art, noting the previous failure. Delilah had already headed over, and was currently standing by while giving Tiamat a look that was somewhere between reverent and resentful. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMzIyNjc5Zjg4MzQ3MjNhNGIyNjJiMGY4ZjFiZWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer’s Avatars were elsewhere committing the variety of spells he’d gained to memory and testing them out as a way to try and push his [Avatar Control] higher. Though all it was currently doing was giving himself a headache from switching between them when reading or practicing a certain spell became too complicated.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjBiMWU5YzQyZDRjYWU5NWFjNzlkNDIzOWIxN2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Spell Gained: Take Root lvl 1/10]</span></p> <p class="cnM1YThhOThhZDU4NjQ2OTJiYTdkM2JkZGM0OTA4YTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The level 24 [Ice Wolf Queen] was at the cusp of reaching the next tier in strength, and would be the equivalent of a 3rd Tier—with a soul to match—once she reached level 25. So the feeling of inferiority towards Tiamat only felt that much worse. Reaching level 25 with such a class was the equivalent of the Monster taking a step forward with their bloodline. The greater step being to reach the next class, something that would likely never happen for most of the few who even reached that far.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGUyZDNjMzRmZjQxMWY5ZmU2YmY3MzI5YTdkYmRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The retrovirus I combined with my living poison, seems to be correct. The only issue is that at the very start of the change the Draconic part starts colliding with the Human, and the result… is as you can see.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGNiZmVhZmRmZTQ5MzdiNWQxNzQ4YTYzYjNkNzJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Whether you need to borrow the method of Monsters, or if your Void and Arcane can keep it in check, perhaps a mixture of both, we’ll have to see. The goal of my method is to act as a bridge for your [Archon] class to take over as well as the fact you are, in fact, not a Monster. By this world’s definition at least,” Art finished, with a toothy grin.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGRhOThjYThlZjRjYjJiNGZiMzk3YjQ0YjA2OGFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer nodded before glancing at the nearby Wolf.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjgyMDUzYThjYzQxMTRiYzA2ODBkNzlhYzBlZmU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t have to absorb anything in reality, do I?” Delilah said, speaking normally rather than through the Druidic tongue for Art’s sake nearby. It was a recent advancement compared to her past self that let her do so. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYThiZDRkMzNjMTQxYzliZjNlODliM2M4Zjg2ZjBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No. But why wouldn’t you want to?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWI0OGI2NTRjOTQzOTNhNDAzZmI0MTYxNmE3YTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I fear Furtak would no longer be able to keep me as a Familiar if I advanced.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDU1OGFhYmU5MjQ2ZDg4MDRlM2Y1ZDg4ZGE1ZTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer sighed, knowing that would likely be the case. It was a pipe dream to try and use a higher Tier monster as a Familiar in a Trial. Too large of a difference in Souls between the Familiar and the Master and the Familiar Bond would break. Though the Master could surpass the Monster or otherwise as much as they wished.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzdmYjNkYzhlZDQ0ZDY5MDViMjYzODJhNDhiYWY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">In fact, one of Rainer’s plans for passing the 3rd Tier was somehow getting a 3rd Tier monster bonded to him. The prerequisite being that his Soul needs to reach the equivalent of the 3rd Tier. But that was a gap that even after all his improvements he barely closed in on. </span></p> <p class="cnNjY2ZmMGMzNWQ2MTRkMjI5ZmY5NDNjYzE2NTkzMDkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Luna’s shadow Familiar was an exception, likely to due the modification her flame did to her Soul or perhaps the way Rainer helped connect them. The little hair-eating thing was already reaching the end of the 2nd Tier with how many of his fallen brethren he absorbed. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMzQyNzNiYTk4YjQxYmU5MWEwODlkZTlmMjY1ZGY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">At this point, only Rainer’s request of Luna leveling up two rare subclasses kept her from passing the Trial. He knew even without the shadow it would be a sure deal already, especially with the two tattoos and her recent passive gains and item gains. But he wasn’t willing to bet on anything less than 100% with Luna. More importantly, because she listened to him in that regard.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzIyNjgzYjBiNjRmZjc5NzQyNGJhMDkzOTY2MTc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Tiamat, can you absorb some?” he asked, the little Dragon flying over to him. She sniffed the vial of a [Fire Dragon’s Concentrated Draconic Marrow] in his hand before rolling over on her back and shrinking to her smallest size.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmU3NGJlOTU2NzQ4MzZhNzdiMjVjNDUxOTkyYmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her eyes seemed to say you had to feed me. Rainer just chuckled taking the small Dragon into his arms and beginning the process. He drew on [Arcane Revelation], hoping the recent acquirement of Magical Perception would help him out. He watched the process carefully. Her nearly complete Draconic body seemed to barely take in the essence, much of it going to waste as that last portion refused to convert. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NDMzYTllNDM2NTRkNjRhZDg0ZDAwMDViM2RiZDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">But there was still some absorption. Her blood and then the Magic in her body almost seemed to come alive as it merged with that tiny bit of power. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNDhhYTcxOGVhZjRmMGZiOGRmZTE2YWQ5MjRkNzE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Again?” he asked and got a pleased purr from the Dragon. It seemed he hadn’t been pampering her enough recently. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MzI0ZDc5YmNmNTQ0YWFiZDU4MDY4N2QxYmZhZTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t suppose you want me to feed you too?” Rainer asked the nearby Delilah. The growl he got in return told him that wasn’t a good avenue to joke on. Though he’d swear to any who’d listen that he saw some longing in her eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTJjMmZmYzlkNTRhODRhNTY1NmNjZTIzZTE3NmQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was an hour later that a tired Tiamat left [Sleep Learning] and he went on to watch Delilah’s own process of consuming the Draconic Essence. Different from Tiamat, Delilah wasn’t becoming any more Draconic but was instead enhancing her bloodline with a far stronger Monster’s source. </span></p> <p class="cnM1OTRjZGVjNTgzYjRlODlhNTczNjAxYzZhNDFhMTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Both had their uses, and if Rainer was honest, he wouldn’t mind just enhancing his ‘Humanness’ without having to deal with the experience penalty something like ‘Draconic Human’ would undoubtedly carry. Not to mention whatever his race would change to once he finished with Arcane and Void. Combined with Draconic, he might experience a truly fearsome penalty. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOTQ4YmRkNTI1MTQ3MTk5OGRiZTQ0MjMyODkzNTBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Delilah absorbed something from an Ice Dragon in front of him, her Aura growing a bit in strength. Different from Tiamat, the Draconic part of the resource seemed to lose it’s Draconic nature and instead the raw strength of it melded and bolstered her own innate bloodline. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZDZmMDM3NjVlNjQ0M2ZiZmVmMTQwOWYyZGExMjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">If he could manage this type of thing on his Human self, what would that even look like? Or if he could help someone like Kara who depended so much on bloodline to do the same…</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTU1NjUwM2RjNDQ2NzQ5NDViNDFmNmFhN2M1OGVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer shook away errant thoughts as he focused on the process, planning to use the rest of [Sleep Learning] to just watch and then eventually experience a few failures with his grandfather’s method. </span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMwNzk2YzM3ZWQzNzQyZTVhNDU5MWJjMjM0NzcxZTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Woo, this place is creepy,” Sarah said, excitement hiding under her faux fear. They were in a long dark corridor, lit up by Rainer’s armed [Arcane Bolt]s.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDI4YjZkZWRiZjQzMTY5ZmRkYWEzY2EwMzU2YzVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer rolled his eyes, though silently agreeing as Kara retold their first Dungeon experience, where they would later be sent to Nalmar. And Gunthar’s clacking feet did make it a bit more creepy. Of course, him happily playing with Tiamat while having a young girl on his shoulders reduced that to nothing when you looked at him.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTIwODJmNThlYzRjZDU5NjhiZmQ1Zjc0NWMyMTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was one of the ‘opportunities’ within this remaining Dungeon. They had long since split up into smaller groups. Given his need to act as a ‘savior’ he had no choice but to keep [Harbinger] equipped. And therefore couldn’t enjoy, like the others in his party, the variety of classes that their rewards had unlocked. So such an opportunity that would provide bonus experience was next to meaningless for him.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDA2OThlMDYxNjQ4OWRiMGI0Yjc1Yjk5OGZiMzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unlike Sarah, Kara, and even Luna, who switched out their classes. Nearly everyone in his party did the same as well, knowing that he would be there to help him. He would feel resentful if their extra work on future subclasses didn’t mean that his Arcane and Void Tattoos would be safer when taken into Trials. Not to mention they themselves. Rainer knew he had a far longer journey to 3rd Tier than any of his fellows. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNWIxZGE3YzY0NzQ0YTNiN2MzOWU4NWQ3YzEzZGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Female, Half-Demon/Half-Wolfkin, Greater Fel Werewolf lvl 25(2nd), Aura Burster lvl 3, Warrior of Aural Haste lvl 3]</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">[Title: Aura Depletor]</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTdkYWE4YzMwZDRmYjY5ZWIwZmMxZDZhMGE1NWU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer briefly glanced at the Arcane Tattoo on his hand, noting why she was able to resist a 250 point version of Final Arcanum. She could use large amounts of Aura quicker. To an impossible degree that would have rendered her nearly useless afterwards but that was of course better than being dead. She had guessed that she received such passive skills and items relating to Aura speed due to her Fel Werewolf class abilities. Likely to make them work faster and the final attack come out stronger with less time.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2JlZDE0MzM4ZDQzYjQ5Y2Y0ZmEzZDM1ZDk5NDVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, when considering her double Aura pool and her ability to convert Golden Aura to Demonic, it meant she had around 5 chances to expend her Demonic half completely in normal circumstances. Truly an unfair creature she was.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWRhNjI2MzA0ZDRmYjBiMTExMGZhZWQwNjYwNGVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Weightless Blade Mastery has reached level 3]</span></p> <p class="cnNjODQ2NDIxZWM5NzQ1YmVhMzQyZTA5NzdiMTY1Yzc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, I leveled up a skill,” Rainer said in surprise, briefly checking his currently auto-piloting Avatar, practicing by himself. His Mana-Well guarding Avatar was doing the same, taking a break from mass-producing enchanted items. Why it was Weightless Blade rather than Magic Blade, he wasn’t sure. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMDNkNjhiOTcyMDQxYTc5MWQxMGY4NzhhZWMzMzFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Perhaps it was because he was using an underpowered version of [Arcane Blade] during the spars. That was a test of his manipulation skills. Making [Arcane Blade] </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">not</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> deadly. </span></p> <p class="cnNjZDA1YzE2ZGJiNzQ5NDdiODVjNzcyZDlkOTI0MTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Those Avatars of yours are really unfair,” Sarah complained, knowing the odds of her ever learning that ritual in even ten thousand years was next to none. While some rituals acted as a medium without complicated runes or spells, the Avatar Ritual was the complete opposite. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMTczY2UxMjVjYTRkZTNiMGQ1MWY3NDRiNDNiMzcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I think I might be able to make a 3rd one soon.” The amount of Soul he needed increased with every Avatar to generate enough ‘useless’ parts to be split off into a new Avatar. Especially when considering the control needed to manage it was related to the Soul’s strength.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWViZDg3YTFjMzQ2Y2Q5YjdkNzE4ODhjMjRlM2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rainer suddenly paused, feeling a stirring in his Soul as his mind switched more and more rapidly between his Avatars. He extended [Soul Presence] to try and feel what was happening. As he felt the mutation start and then subside, he instead pushed it forward with [Soul Presence] and [Soul Manipulation].</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTRiNmRiOTNhMzQ0NDA5ZDFmNWRkN2E0MmQ4NjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Avatar Control has reached level 8]</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTQyYzUyOTkyNjQ0Mzg5OWU2OTgzNWM3NGFmYzI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Experience Gained: XX]</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTNjYTZiZTkwZjQ2MzFhYmZkMmJkNTU0NzhiOTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the piercing headache passed Rainer suddenly realized that he was controlling all three of himself seamlessly.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTAxMjhjY2ZjYTRjOTQ5ZTZjNDYxY2FmMzIyY2Vi"><span style="font-weight: 400">His grin threatened to permanently expand his face. Oh how long he’d waited for this. If before he thought he could only beat a 3rd Tier in an ambush with [Blade of the Void], now he wondered if he might put up a real fight. One of himself using the deadly close combat weapons with the other letting out a literal storm of Magic. And that was just by himself. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNTQzYjA1ZTllZDQyNjg4YjI0MzMzNzNkZmFlYTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He stared down at the [Cosmic Map] in his hand soon after. Every time he had rescued someone from another party over this past two weeks he added new places to his collection. Eventually he figured out that all he had to was knock someone unconscious and his powerful Soul was more than enough to empower the orb. </span></p> <p class="cnNjZjcwNzllYzU1MDQ3OWI4MGIwY2NjNDJkYzk0NjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It took only a casual conversation with the Nature’s Walkers’ leader to figure out which of the many collected planes and planets was the City of Wealth.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmUzZWQyNmM4YzQ2ZmU4ZmRmNjkwOTM4N2U3ZmVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The magnificent scenes of it he saw in the copied memories were hard to mistake. As soon as this dungeon disappeared, he knew exactly where his next destination was. </span></p> </div>
“How’s your progress?” Rainer asked Art, noting the previous failure. Delilah had already headed over, and was currently standing by while giving Tiamat a look that was somewhere between reverent and resentful. Rainer’s Avatars were elsewhere committing the variety of spells he’d gained to memory and testing them out as a way to try and push his [Avatar Control] higher. Though all it was currently doing was giving himself a headache from switching between them when reading or practicing a certain spell became too complicated. [Spell Gained: Take Root lvl 1/10] The level 24 [Ice Wolf Queen] was at the cusp of reaching the next tier in strength, and would be the equivalent of a 3rd Tier—with a soul to match—once she reached level 25. So the feeling of inferiority towards Tiamat only felt that much worse. Reaching level 25 with such a class was the equivalent of the Monster taking a step forward with their bloodline. The greater step being to reach the next class, something that would likely never happen for most of the few who even reached that far. “The retrovirus I combined with my living poison, seems to be correct. The only issue is that at the very start of the change the Draconic part starts colliding with the Human, and the result… is as you can see. “Whether you need to borrow the method of Monsters, or if your Void and Arcane can keep it in check, perhaps a mixture of both, we’ll have to see. The goal of my method is to act as a bridge for your [Archon] class to take over as well as the fact you are, in fact, not a Monster. By this world’s definition at least,” Art finished, with a toothy grin. Rainer nodded before glancing at the nearby Wolf. “I don’t have to absorb anything in reality, do I?” Delilah said, speaking normally rather than through the Druidic tongue for Art’s sake nearby. It was a recent advancement compared to her past self that let her do so. “No. But why wouldn’t you want to?” “I fear Furtak would no longer be able to keep me as a Familiar if I advanced.” Rainer sighed, knowing that would likely be the case. It was a pipe dream to try and use a higher Tier monster as a Familiar in a Trial. Too large of a difference in Souls between the Familiar and the Master and the Familiar Bond would break. Though the Master could surpass the Monster or otherwise as much as they wished. In fact, one of Rainer’s plans for passing the 3rd Tier was somehow getting a 3rd Tier monster bonded to him. The prerequisite being that his Soul needs to reach the equivalent of the 3rd Tier. But that was a gap that even after all his improvements he barely closed in on. Luna’s shadow Familiar was an exception, likely to due the modification her flame did to her Soul or perhaps the way Rainer helped connect them. The little hair-eating thing was already reaching the end of the 2nd Tier with how many of his fallen brethren he absorbed. At this point, only Rainer’s request of Luna leveling up two rare subclasses kept her from passing the Trial. He knew even without the shadow it would be a sure deal already, especially with the two tattoos and her recent passive gains and item gains. But he wasn’t willing to bet on anything less than 100% with Luna. More importantly, because she listened to him in that regard. “Tiamat, can you absorb some?” he asked, the little Dragon flying over to him. She sniffed the vial of a [Fire Dragon’s Concentrated Draconic Marrow] in his hand before rolling over on her back and shrinking to her smallest size. Her eyes seemed to say you had to feed me. Rainer just chuckled taking the small Dragon into his arms and beginning the process. He drew on [Arcane Revelation], hoping the recent acquirement of Magical Perception would help him out. He watched the process carefully. Her nearly complete Draconic body seemed to barely take in the essence, much of it going to waste as that last portion refused to convert. But there was still some absorption. Her blood and then the Magic in her body almost seemed to come alive as it merged with that tiny bit of power. “Again?” he asked and got a pleased purr from the Dragon. It seemed he hadn’t been pampering her enough recently. “I don’t suppose you want me to feed you too?” Rainer asked the nearby Delilah. The growl he got in return told him that wasn’t a good avenue to joke on. Though he’d swear to any who’d listen that he saw some longing in her eyes. It was an hour later that a tired Tiamat left [Sleep Learning] and he went on to watch Delilah’s own process of consuming the Draconic Essence. Different from Tiamat, Delilah wasn’t becoming any more Draconic but was instead enhancing her bloodline with a far stronger Monster’s source. Both had their uses, and if Rainer was honest, he wouldn’t mind just enhancing his ‘Humanness’ without having to deal with the experience penalty something like ‘Draconic Human’ would undoubtedly carry. Not to mention whatever his race would change to once he finished with Arcane and Void. Combined with Draconic, he might experience a truly fearsome penalty. Delilah absorbed something from an Ice Dragon in front of him, her Aura growing a bit in strength. Different from Tiamat, the Draconic part of the resource seemed to lose it’s Draconic nature and instead the raw strength of it melded and bolstered her own innate bloodline. If he could manage this type of thing on his Human self, what would that even look like? Or if he could help someone like Kara who depended so much on bloodline to do the same… Rainer shook away errant thoughts as he focused on the process, planning to use the rest of [Sleep Learning] to just watch and then eventually experience a few failures with his grandfather’s method. --- “Woo, this place is creepy,” Sarah said, excitement hiding under her faux fear. They were in a long dark corridor, lit up by Rainer’s armed [Arcane Bolt]s. Rainer rolled his eyes, though silently agreeing as Kara retold their first Dungeon experience, where they would later be sent to Nalmar. And Gunthar’s clacking feet did make it a bit more creepy. Of course, him happily playing with Tiamat while having a young girl on his shoulders reduced that to nothing when you looked at him. This was one of the ‘opportunities’ within this remaining Dungeon. They had long since split up into smaller groups. Given his need to act as a ‘savior’ he had no choice but to keep [Harbinger] equipped. And therefore couldn’t enjoy, like the others in his party, the variety of classes that their rewards had unlocked. So such an opportunity that would provide bonus experience was next to meaningless for him. Unlike Sarah, Kara, and even Luna, who switched out their classes. Nearly everyone in his party did the same as well, knowing that he would be there to help him. He would feel resentful if their extra work on future subclasses didn’t mean that his Arcane and Void Tattoos would be safer when taken into Trials. Not to mention they themselves. Rainer knew he had a far longer journey to 3rd Tier than any of his fellows. [Female, Half-Demon/Half-Wolfkin, Greater Fel Werewolf lvl 25(2nd), Aura Burster lvl 3, Warrior of Aural Haste lvl 3] [Title: Aura Depletor] Rainer briefly glanced at the Arcane Tattoo on his hand, noting why she was able to resist a 250 point version of Final Arcanum. She could use large amounts of Aura quicker. To an impossible degree that would have rendered her nearly useless afterwards but that was of course better than being dead. She had guessed that she received such passive skills and items relating to Aura speed due to her Fel Werewolf class abilities. Likely to make them work faster and the final attack come out stronger with less time. Of course, when considering her double Aura pool and her ability to convert Golden Aura to Demonic, it meant she had around 5 chances to expend her Demonic half completely in normal circumstances. Truly an unfair creature she was. [Weightless Blade Mastery has reached level 3] “Oh, I leveled up a skill,” Rainer said in surprise, briefly checking his currently auto-piloting Avatar, practicing by himself. His Mana-Well guarding Avatar was doing the same, taking a break from mass-producing enchanted items. Why it was Weightless Blade rather than Magic Blade, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps it was because he was using an underpowered version of [Arcane Blade] during the spars. That was a test of his manipulation skills. Making [Arcane Blade] *not* deadly. “Those Avatars of yours are really unfair,” Sarah complained, knowing the odds of her ever learning that ritual in even ten thousand years was next to none. While some rituals acted as a medium without complicated runes or spells, the Avatar Ritual was the complete opposite. “I think I might be able to make a 3rd one soon.” The amount of Soul he needed increased with every Avatar to generate enough ‘useless’ parts to be split off into a new Avatar. Especially when considering the control needed to manage it was related to the Soul’s strength. Rainer suddenly paused, feeling a stirring in his Soul as his mind switched more and more rapidly between his Avatars. He extended [Soul Presence] to try and feel what was happening. As he felt the mutation start and then subside, he instead pushed it forward with [Soul Presence] and [Soul Manipulation]. [Avatar Control has reached level 8] [Experience Gained: XX] As the piercing headache passed Rainer suddenly realized that he was controlling all three of himself seamlessly. His grin threatened to permanently expand his face. Oh how long he’d waited for this. If before he thought he could only beat a 3rd Tier in an ambush with [Blade of the Void], now he wondered if he might put up a real fight. One of himself using the deadly close combat weapons with the other letting out a literal storm of Magic. And that was just by himself. He stared down at the [Cosmic Map] in his hand soon after. Every time he had rescued someone from another party over this past two weeks he added new places to his collection. Eventually he figured out that all he had to was knock someone unconscious and his powerful Soul was more than enough to empower the orb. It took only a casual conversation with the Nature’s Walkers’ leader to figure out which of the many collected planes and planets was the City of Wealth. The magnificent scenes of it he saw in the copied memories were hard to mistake. As soon as this dungeon disappeared, he knew exactly where his next destination was.
{ "title": "Hidden Forge: Lucem Ac Tenebras", "id": 14536, "author": "AstralTempest", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 16: Forging a Foundation Scene Eight (Rewrite)", "id": 305744, "next": 306060, "prev": 305458, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0YzAzMTgwOGE3ZDRhOGI5ODAzZGE4YzRlZTU2MTcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ian’s eyelids slowly flickered open. The first thing he noticed was a kink in his neck. On top of that, his brain throbbed as though repeatedly smacked by a rubber mallet. The soreness caused him to groan. Briefly, confusion swam through his mind as he tried to gather his bearings. The cool damp rag resting on his forehead certainly helped.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMWViZmYyMDBjYzQzOWZiZDJiN2M5MWRjNzE0MjQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, you’re awake,” Bianca softly said.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODM5NmRlMjU2MDQ1ZTc5ZjI5NjcxMjdmZTZlMjY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">In an attempt to find the origin of the voice, Ian rotated his head. A dull pop from his neck forced him to stop. Out of the corner of his eye, he could somewhat tell Bianca had dragged one of the dining chairs into the room and was sitting within arm’s reach.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDQ5ZmQ1ZmQ2NzRhYTU4Mzg2OTNmMjVmMTQwNDBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah… I’m awake,” Ian mumbled. Worried about the fact that he could not recall much after the start of the spar with Gaelan, he asked, “So, what exactly happened?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZDkxM2U5MWE0YTQyNTBiNTQ3NWE2MjU5YjBlYWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um… well, I think dad was training you but accidentally knocked you unconscious. Sorry,” Bianca answered, apologizing despite having no need to actually do so.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Yjc2MTQwZmY4ZTRhNzQ5NDgwNGI1MWRkMWVlMzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hmm… I guess I vaguely remember now. He really whacked me a few good ones,” Ian said, grimacing. Recalling the events only aggravated him a little. Yes, only a little… </span></p> <p class="cnM1NmVmODNhM2M1ZDQ0YjZhNGRkZDE1Nzc4ZGViNzcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, um… my mom is finishing dinner now, so if you feel well enough to eat, it should be ready soon,” Bianca said, still looking down at him with a concerned expression. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNzQxZDliNTEwYjQ4Mjk5NThmYmMzMDU5NjUyNTA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Almost without realizing it, Ian found himself caught up in her gaze, momentarily charmed by the subtle emotions locked deep within her bright purple eyes. Gradually, his gaze fell to her lips. They looked so supple and inviting. He almost felt tempted to touch them. Suddenly realizing where his thoughts were heading, he coughed, blinked a few times, and shook himself out of the daze. </span></p> <p class="cnM5Njk4YTJkMjY2ODRiYjRiNWU0MGIwZTM0NTU1YmQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you alright?” she asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDg0OTI1OGVlMzRjYmY5YjE0MjY1MDQxMmUxNjI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” Ian assured her. Telling her what just went through his mind was absolutely unthinkable.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDU1M2M1NzRhNDQyZWFhODg2YzE3YWE3NWJiODVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh… well, I’m going to go help my mom since you’re up. You can lay here for a bit longer if you want. Dad should be back soon.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzkyZjAzYWYzZjRmNGY5ZjM3MWUzZDRlNDMxYjJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thanks,” Ian gratefully replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDY3MTEwMTg5MDQyMmRhNzI4NzFhYmQzYWFlYmI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that, Bianca stood, effortlessly lifted the heavy-looking wooden chair with one hand, and walked through the doorway.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjViZWM5M2Q4OTQyZDJhN2FjMjYyMGUxZTA0MDU4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">She lifted that chair like it was a piece of tofu…</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Ian thought. The girl he pegged as petite and cute probably saw the chair as no more than he would see a small piece of styrofoam. Truly, the common sense of Earth held no clout here. While lost in thought with hands folded over his chest, Gaelan’s voice startled him.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjkwMzFmNzViYTQzYzZhNDg3ZjVhYWFiMjM1Nzk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You dead yet?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzhmYmM4NDUzODQ1NjRhM2MxYjRiOTkzNmQxNGE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No. You disappointed?” Ian retorted, slowly opening his eyes to glare at the man standing over the back of the couch. Actually, now that he thought about it, when did the guy come in? He never heard that dull creaking sound the back door always generated.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTBlOGVkY2IyZjQ4NDE4MGYyNDM2ZDJlZDM1NDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not really. Anyway, just so you know, I just went to ask a friend to help out with your training,” Gaelan said, changing the subject.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWVhZGZkMzIzNzRmYzc5NmY3NjE2NjBmYTk5ZjA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You have friends?” Ian jokingly remarked. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MGI4ODU5NGM5OTRlZjE5MzA2MGNhODc5NjZiZmU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I do. Do you?” Gaelan immediately retorted. Ian walked right into that comeback. After letting it sink in a little, Gaelan continued, “Either way, I don’t think I have what it takes to teach you how to fight, considering I may accidentally kill you if I’m not careful.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZTUwZDk1ZDRhMTQ1NGQ5MTU1MTk3YjRlZDRiOTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What? You’re saying I could have died?” Ian asked, totally shocked.</span></p> <p class="cnM5N2E1ZGQ1ODE4MjQyMWE4NGVhZTA0MGE5MGJmNjkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gaelan shrugged. “Possibly.” He also rubbed his chin and offhandedly muttered something about needing to shave.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWFjNzQ0ZTJhYTRhMmRhNWJlNTczNDBiZmM2N2I4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haaah… and here I thought I was lucky to have someone strong training me,” Ian complained, shutting his eyes. Unfortunately, doing so reminded him of the throbbing pain in his head and neck. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZTNlYmEyNWVmMTQxNzg5MGZjYWE4NmY4ZTljMzEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I won’t deny my own strength, but it doesn’t mean I’m capable of actually teaching you. I got a bit ahead of myself since you’re my first apprentice, I guess,” Gaelan said.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDRhMDk3ZDE1NzQ5OWE5ZGM4NTNlYmE4Mzc5ZGFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Speaking of which,” Ian said, opening his eyes, “I got the impression that you were adamant about not taking apprentices. Why’d you accept me?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzNiZmVkZGE1YzRhYTI5YWU5Y2Y2MWIwM2I0MjA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, yes…” Gaelan fell into thought for a few seconds before answering, “Most people use Light Matter, so it would be impossible to teach them my specific techniques for strengthening material. There was another reason in the past, but it doesn’t really matter at this point.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWZmYzNkMDk4ZTRjMDI4OTMyZDU0NDEzZTU3ZGY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I guess that makes sense…” Ian conceded. Although he felt curious about the other reason, the first already felt like enough of an answer. One thing stuck out, however. “So, is Dark Matter stronger than Light Matter?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODE1MmQ4YjliNzQ1NTVhMjQ2YjM2ZDBkNmZkNjIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Making unfamiliarly extravagant gestures, Gaelan explained, “Generally, no. As far as what I understood from what Dustin told me, they are mostly the same. Two sides of the same coin he called it. They are the same for all the normal magic and physical abilities, but they each have specialized abilities as well. Light repairs. Dark has something else. Dustin never figured out exactly how it worked, but it usually does some strange things to different people.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjIxNTY3NzIzMjQyYzZiYzliZjI4NWUwNTJmM2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh? Like what?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjJjZDk0MmVmMDQ0ODRhOTVjYjUzYjY5NDU1MDE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Like~, I, for instance, can teleport, as Dustin called it, to places within my line of sight. Other than that, I know there are some clans of Daemonkin that can change form whenever they swear allegiance to someone and receive a new name. For some reason, it’s rather common among those particular tribes.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDU4NDcwMWJmNzRhNjZiOGZjMzhmNmIyNTFhNTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Explains how you got here so quickly earlier.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjI2NDlhMzIxMzQ4Njg4ZDRlNDRkZmExMjkyNDk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um, dinner is ready…” Bianca called from the dining room doorway. She looked like she had been waiting for an opportune moment to speak up.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWQ3MjQ0MWM2YjQ2NjRhYzI4NjFkNjBiMDA2NGU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh! Thank you, my sweet pumpkin!” Gaelan exclaimed, quickly darting over to hug her in his massive arms. He followed up by rubbing his beard on her cheek.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGUzMDNkODg5MTRlNzJiNDNlNGExMzkxODFkOTY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Practically ignoring her father, Bianca turned her attention to Ian and asked, “Will you be eating?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTg4NWUxNDdkZDRkN2E5OTEwZjg4MmFjNDA2MmNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, I could use some grub,” Ian happily replied. Too much new info was getting pounded into his brain nowadays and some good food would definitely help relieve the tension of learning.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGFhMWI0OGEwNTQzNWFhY2Q3MWFhNTRkZmRkYjcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um… There aren’t any grubs in the food…” Bianca replied, visibly confused and slightly disturbed.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjMzZjc5ZTllODQzYTBiOGY5OTk4ZjRiZjg2ODhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uh, nevermind.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGIwYTNiNTQxYzQzYzViMDhiMmE0MmVhYTA4MjYw" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODVlNmNkYzYxMzQ2MTA4ZTAxMzMxMmNiZWUzNmRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Later that night, Ian plopped down on the new memory foam pad atop his bed and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Candlelight danced on the wooden planks, generating strange shadows. Thoughts about Gaelan’s previous words filled his mind. He wondered how much Dark Matter affected his emotions. He pondered what sort of unique ability he could possibly get.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MmY4NDBhYTdlNzQzNTRiNGRkYzYwZDhhN2QzZjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mind swimming madly, he focused on the small flame dancing above the candlestick sitting on his nightstand. A silly grin appeared on his face, and he pointed a finger at it. He could feel the movement of the Dark Matter within him as it raced forth to connect his thoughts to the small flame. A gentle wave of his finger stretched the flame into the air until it burned as long as the candle itself at an angle that defied physics. A wave in the other direction pulled the flame with it. Gradually, his thoughts eased as he directed the small flame to dance through the air. He became a conductor and the flame played as his orchestra. He pulled the flame away from the wick and into the air. A memory popped into his head about when he and his siblings used to play with sparklers, he spun the little flame in a circle through the air directly above him.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWQxOTI3M2Q4NzQzMjRiNzJiMTQ2MGRkY2YwZGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Throb*</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjdiZGM5NjEwNTQzZTViNWM1NzRhNTY5ZWQ5NWY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">A dull pain slowly surfaced near his temples. Immediately, his smile vanished and he stopped playing with the little flame. He mentally pulled at it until it floated directly above his finger.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOWU0NDlmMDE5MzQyOGY5Y2E0NTNiOGRkMDljMGMz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Looks a lot bigger than before…</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> he thought while bringing it back toward the candle. The closer his finger drew to the candlestick, the more he realized the flame had grown far too big. Almost instinctively, he attempted to shrink the flame by floating it between both hands and imagining himself squeezing a balloon. It ended up feeling as strenuous as squeezing a rock. After a brief struggle that increased the throbbing in his temples tenfold and caused sweat to form on his forehead, he succeeded in shrinking the flame to its original size. He hurriedly returned it to its place atop the candlestick and allowed himself to go limp on the mattress pad.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTJkZDRhYzU4ODRjNWViMDg3NDI4NzJkMjZhZjU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haaah… wasn’t expecting that to be so difficult…” He said, staring at the ceiling again. Despite the minor headache, his thoughts gradually returned to everything that had transpired over the last few days and he quietly reflected, “I’ve learned quite a bit here. Been incredibly lucky, too… How long will it last, I wonder?” For a few seconds, he remained silent, but then he rolled onto his side and mumbled, “Not like anyone is going to answer me…”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDgxYTMxYzQ5MjRmZDk5YmYzNTMyOTE5NzI3ZGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gradually, his view blurred and his eyes shut. He quickly fell into a deep slumber, completely unaware of events taking place in the greater world of Regnoras.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjFlZjc4MDFlYzQ0OWE4YWNiN2UyNzJiMDM0NmNi" style="text-align: center"><strong>*</strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong>*</strong></p> <p class="cnM4NDU4MWMzNDEwNDRhMzI5MDkzOTZjZDJhNWNjODVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Far from the comforts of Conncinnata and deep within the bounds of Beastkin territory, a lone wolf darted through the shadows below the canopy of the sacred Aesirr Forest. His dark silhouette blended into the darkness of night. Two streaks of silver fur along his spine stuck out when viewed from above. His tail whipped back and forth with his rapid movements. Predatory eyes, one green and one blue, pierced the darkness in his path. A sharp glint of moonlight filtering through the massive Saafir trees native to the forest reflected off them. In contrast to his massive size, each powerful step generated no more than a soft padding sound.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDMxY2U5YTIxMDQyZmVhNzVjMjJhODk1ZDY5YWY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent drifted into his nostrils. Out of curiosity, he changed directions and followed it until reaching a small clearing. Several bipedal creatures wandered into the clearing seemingly from nowhere. The sight surprised the wolf. So many things were wrong with this picture. First of all, what were humans doing in the sacred forest? Why were they wearing ferns, or even nothing, unlike the other humans he had occasionally crossed paths with in the past? Upon hearing voices, he listened carefully to sate his curiosity.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzBjZTQxYTZlNTQzZDI5MzQ1ZTk5OGYwM2YyNzQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Isn’t this place beautiful?” the obvious head of the group asked the others, wonder oozing from voice.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDgyNzAwOGQwZDQyMjY5ZDMzYThjNDI0Njg3ZjJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Indeed it is, Brother Cohen,” a woman answered with a similar tone. Several others murmured in agreement.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzIxYjM0MGI2NzQyMjM5ODYyZjk5YmNjMDdjYjI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nodding, the Cohen human raised his arms toward the sky and exclaimed, “Here we can see Mother Earth’s beauty as it originally was!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmJkZTg3NzAzNzRhNjRhNjgwMDQzNWRkOWFiOGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instantly, the wolf wondered, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What is this crazy human talking about?</span></em></p> <p class="cnMwZDlmOGE2N2M5MTQyMGE5M2VkNTBiNjBmMjM0M2Y1"><span style="font-weight: 400">In response to Cohen’s exclamation, several more murmurs of agreement sounded out, louder than before. Just from what he could see from the bushes, the wolf counted at least twenty humans. Although the evident leader human wore ferns around his waist, he wondered why some wore nothing at all. Perhaps they never discovered clothes like other humans?</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmIxYzY2MzM2OTRhYWI4NzQ4NjdlZDQxZWMyNDMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">An older man with graying hair who looked like a skinny bag of bones stepped forward and asked in a gravelly voice, “Brother, I take it this is the place you obtained Mother’s gift?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTFkMzIxMjI4NzQ4Zjg4ZDBlYmMzZTQ4MGM2Zjg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Indeed, Brother Davis. This is the place that Mother led me to. The first time I arrived here, she gave me her gift. Now that you all have come with me, you shall receive one as well,” Cohen replied, tone laced with reverence.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTk0NzU1ZjVjODQwMWFiODEyYTUzMTNhZTY5Yzc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“When will we receive this gift?” the elderly man asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjFhN2I5NWU3NjRjOWJiYjcyMDc2OTBjYzVjMDg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You all felt that warm pleasant feeling upon arriving here, yes?” The others all nodded and Cohen continued, “Well, that was Mother giving you the gift. Now, we must experiment to figure out which gifts you all received.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGNiMGYzYTU3OTQ1YjQ4OTE0YWEyZWI2YzUzMDli"><span style="font-weight: 400">A young girl, no older than sixteen and garbed in ferns like the leader, stepped forward and asked, “Brother, do you know why Mother is giving us these gifts, or why we were chosen?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjA2Y2FkNWFlOTQ0ZjZiNDdlY2YyMDc5NjNlOTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good questions,” Cohen replied with a wide approving smile. “You see, Mother wishes for us to return her to her illustrious natural form. Under her guidance, I chose the most devoted of our brethren to lead the way in fulfilling that task.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWZmYzU5ZTA2NDQ5NDJiMDI3ZGUyZmY3MGY4OTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh,” the girl shrunk back in awe and bowed humbly, “thank you for this great honor.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzYyMDU5NmZlNTQxZjY5ZTI0NjFmZDBhMTU2YTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why leave out the others?” another woman asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzgzOTQ2NGU5NDRjNTk5MzdkYTc2OTllNjVkYTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Unfortunately, some are less devoted than others. Also, too many of us receiving gifts would likely lead to conflict among ourselves. Therefore, it is best for the most devoted of us to lead the way as her avatars of retribution!” Cohen explained with fanatic fervor. Every other person nodded in compliant understanding.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmI5MmY2ZTBmMTQ1NTJhNzdkODZiYjQ2ZGIwNDIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">At this point, the wolf breathed deeply through his nose and quickly lost interest in the conversation between all the strange humans. Without further ado, he skulked away from the clearing and resumed his travels with the end goal of finding a new tribe to run with. Memories raced through his mind as he dashed through the undergrowth once more. He could vividly recall the final moments of his tribe. The final words of his mother as the sickness took her plagued his mind every moment of every day. Even if it went against their ancient code, he would secure a future for himself, just as she wished.</span></p> </div>
Ian’s eyelids slowly flickered open. The first thing he noticed was a kink in his neck. On top of that, his brain throbbed as though repeatedly smacked by a rubber mallet. The soreness caused him to groan. Briefly, confusion swam through his mind as he tried to gather his bearings. The cool damp rag resting on his forehead certainly helped. “Oh, you’re awake,” Bianca softly said. In an attempt to find the origin of the voice, Ian rotated his head. A dull pop from his neck forced him to stop. Out of the corner of his eye, he could somewhat tell Bianca had dragged one of the dining chairs into the room and was sitting within arm’s reach. “Yeah… I’m awake,” Ian mumbled. Worried about the fact that he could not recall much after the start of the spar with Gaelan, he asked, “So, what exactly happened?” “Um… well, I think dad was training you but accidentally knocked you unconscious. Sorry,” Bianca answered, apologizing despite having no need to actually do so. “Hmm… I guess I vaguely remember now. He really whacked me a few good ones,” Ian said, grimacing. Recalling the events only aggravated him a little. Yes, only a little… “Well, um… my mom is finishing dinner now, so if you feel well enough to eat, it should be ready soon,” Bianca said, still looking down at him with a concerned expression. Almost without realizing it, Ian found himself caught up in her gaze, momentarily charmed by the subtle emotions locked deep within her bright purple eyes. Gradually, his gaze fell to her lips. They looked so supple and inviting. He almost felt tempted to touch them. Suddenly realizing where his thoughts were heading, he coughed, blinked a few times, and shook himself out of the daze. “Are you alright?” she asked. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” Ian assured her. Telling her what just went through his mind was absolutely unthinkable. “Oh… well, I’m going to go help my mom since you’re up. You can lay here for a bit longer if you want. Dad should be back soon.” “Thanks,” Ian gratefully replied. With that, Bianca stood, effortlessly lifted the heavy-looking wooden chair with one hand, and walked through the doorway. *She lifted that chair like it was a piece of tofu…* Ian thought. The girl he pegged as petite and cute probably saw the chair as no more than he would see a small piece of styrofoam. Truly, the common sense of Earth held no clout here. While lost in thought with hands folded over his chest, Gaelan’s voice startled him. “You dead yet?” “No. You disappointed?” Ian retorted, slowly opening his eyes to glare at the man standing over the back of the couch. Actually, now that he thought about it, when did the guy come in? He never heard that dull creaking sound the back door always generated. “Not really. Anyway, just so you know, I just went to ask a friend to help out with your training,” Gaelan said, changing the subject. “You have friends?” Ian jokingly remarked. “I do. Do you?” Gaelan immediately retorted. Ian walked right into that comeback. After letting it sink in a little, Gaelan continued, “Either way, I don’t think I have what it takes to teach you how to fight, considering I may accidentally kill you if I’m not careful.” “What? You’re saying I could have died?” Ian asked, totally shocked. Gaelan shrugged. “Possibly.” He also rubbed his chin and offhandedly muttered something about needing to shave. “Haaah… and here I thought I was lucky to have someone strong training me,” Ian complained, shutting his eyes. Unfortunately, doing so reminded him of the throbbing pain in his head and neck. “I won’t deny my own strength, but it doesn’t mean I’m capable of actually teaching you. I got a bit ahead of myself since you’re my first apprentice, I guess,” Gaelan said. “Speaking of which,” Ian said, opening his eyes, “I got the impression that you were adamant about not taking apprentices. Why’d you accept me?” “Ah, yes…” Gaelan fell into thought for a few seconds before answering, “Most people use Light Matter, so it would be impossible to teach them my specific techniques for strengthening material. There was another reason in the past, but it doesn’t really matter at this point.” “I guess that makes sense…” Ian conceded. Although he felt curious about the other reason, the first already felt like enough of an answer. One thing stuck out, however. “So, is Dark Matter stronger than Light Matter?” Making unfamiliarly extravagant gestures, Gaelan explained, “Generally, no. As far as what I understood from what Dustin told me, they are mostly the same. Two sides of the same coin he called it. They are the same for all the normal magic and physical abilities, but they each have specialized abilities as well. Light repairs. Dark has something else. Dustin never figured out exactly how it worked, but it usually does some strange things to different people.” “Huh? Like what?” “Like~, I, for instance, can teleport, as Dustin called it, to places within my line of sight. Other than that, I know there are some clans of Daemonkin that can change form whenever they swear allegiance to someone and receive a new name. For some reason, it’s rather common among those particular tribes.” “Explains how you got here so quickly earlier.” “Um, dinner is ready…” Bianca called from the dining room doorway. She looked like she had been waiting for an opportune moment to speak up. “Oh! Thank you, my sweet pumpkin!” Gaelan exclaimed, quickly darting over to hug her in his massive arms. He followed up by rubbing his beard on her cheek. Practically ignoring her father, Bianca turned her attention to Ian and asked, “Will you be eating?” “Yeah, I could use some grub,” Ian happily replied. Too much new info was getting pounded into his brain nowadays and some good food would definitely help relieve the tension of learning. “Um… There aren’t any grubs in the food…” Bianca replied, visibly confused and slightly disturbed. “Uh, nevermind.” * * * * * Later that night, Ian plopped down on the new memory foam pad atop his bed and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Candlelight danced on the wooden planks, generating strange shadows. Thoughts about Gaelan’s previous words filled his mind. He wondered how much Dark Matter affected his emotions. He pondered what sort of unique ability he could possibly get. Mind swimming madly, he focused on the small flame dancing above the candlestick sitting on his nightstand. A silly grin appeared on his face, and he pointed a finger at it. He could feel the movement of the Dark Matter within him as it raced forth to connect his thoughts to the small flame. A gentle wave of his finger stretched the flame into the air until it burned as long as the candle itself at an angle that defied physics. A wave in the other direction pulled the flame with it. Gradually, his thoughts eased as he directed the small flame to dance through the air. He became a conductor and the flame played as his orchestra. He pulled the flame away from the wick and into the air. A memory popped into his head about when he and his siblings used to play with sparklers, he spun the little flame in a circle through the air directly above him. *Throb* A dull pain slowly surfaced near his temples. Immediately, his smile vanished and he stopped playing with the little flame. He mentally pulled at it until it floated directly above his finger. *Looks a lot bigger than before…* he thought while bringing it back toward the candle. The closer his finger drew to the candlestick, the more he realized the flame had grown far too big. Almost instinctively, he attempted to shrink the flame by floating it between both hands and imagining himself squeezing a balloon. It ended up feeling as strenuous as squeezing a rock. After a brief struggle that increased the throbbing in his temples tenfold and caused sweat to form on his forehead, he succeeded in shrinking the flame to its original size. He hurriedly returned it to its place atop the candlestick and allowed himself to go limp on the mattress pad. “Haaah… wasn’t expecting that to be so difficult…” He said, staring at the ceiling again. Despite the minor headache, his thoughts gradually returned to everything that had transpired over the last few days and he quietly reflected, “I’ve learned quite a bit here. Been incredibly lucky, too… How long will it last, I wonder?” For a few seconds, he remained silent, but then he rolled onto his side and mumbled, “Not like anyone is going to answer me…” Gradually, his view blurred and his eyes shut. He quickly fell into a deep slumber, completely unaware of events taking place in the greater world of Regnoras. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Far from the comforts of Conncinnata and deep within the bounds of Beastkin territory, a lone wolf darted through the shadows below the canopy of the sacred Aesirr Forest. His dark silhouette blended into the darkness of night. Two streaks of silver fur along his spine stuck out when viewed from above. His tail whipped back and forth with his rapid movements. Predatory eyes, one green and one blue, pierced the darkness in his path. A sharp glint of moonlight filtering through the massive Saafir trees native to the forest reflected off them. In contrast to his massive size, each powerful step generated no more than a soft padding sound. Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent drifted into his nostrils. Out of curiosity, he changed directions and followed it until reaching a small clearing. Several bipedal creatures wandered into the clearing seemingly from nowhere. The sight surprised the wolf. So many things were wrong with this picture. First of all, what were humans doing in the sacred forest? Why were they wearing ferns, or even nothing, unlike the other humans he had occasionally crossed paths with in the past? Upon hearing voices, he listened carefully to sate his curiosity. “Isn’t this place beautiful?” the obvious head of the group asked the others, wonder oozing from voice. “Indeed it is, Brother Cohen,” a woman answered with a similar tone. Several others murmured in agreement. Nodding, the Cohen human raised his arms toward the sky and exclaimed, “Here we can see Mother Earth’s beauty as it originally was!” Instantly, the wolf wondered, *What is this crazy human talking about?* In response to Cohen’s exclamation, several more murmurs of agreement sounded out, louder than before. Just from what he could see from the bushes, the wolf counted at least twenty humans. Although the evident leader human wore ferns around his waist, he wondered why some wore nothing at all. Perhaps they never discovered clothes like other humans? An older man with graying hair who looked like a skinny bag of bones stepped forward and asked in a gravelly voice, “Brother, I take it this is the place you obtained Mother’s gift?” “Indeed, Brother Davis. This is the place that Mother led me to. The first time I arrived here, she gave me her gift. Now that you all have come with me, you shall receive one as well,” Cohen replied, tone laced with reverence. “When will we receive this gift?” the elderly man asked. “You all felt that warm pleasant feeling upon arriving here, yes?” The others all nodded and Cohen continued, “Well, that was Mother giving you the gift. Now, we must experiment to figure out which gifts you all received.” A young girl, no older than sixteen and garbed in ferns like the leader, stepped forward and asked, “Brother, do you know why Mother is giving us these gifts, or why we were chosen?” “Good questions,” Cohen replied with a wide approving smile. “You see, Mother wishes for us to return her to her illustrious natural form. Under her guidance, I chose the most devoted of our brethren to lead the way in fulfilling that task.” “Oh,” the girl shrunk back in awe and bowed humbly, “thank you for this great honor.” “Why leave out the others?” another woman asked. “Unfortunately, some are less devoted than others. Also, too many of us receiving gifts would likely lead to conflict among ourselves. Therefore, it is best for the most devoted of us to lead the way as her avatars of retribution!” Cohen explained with fanatic fervor. Every other person nodded in compliant understanding. At this point, the wolf breathed deeply through his nose and quickly lost interest in the conversation between all the strange humans. Without further ado, he skulked away from the clearing and resumed his travels with the end goal of finding a new tribe to run with. Memories raced through his mind as he dashed through the undergrowth once more. He could vividly recall the final moments of his tribe. The final words of his mother as the sickness took her plagued his mind every moment of every day. Even if it went against their ancient code, he would secure a future for himself, just as she wished.
{ "title": "Esper: Search for Power", "id": 21353, "author": "JavinHawat", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 11", "id": 305739, "next": 306344, "prev": 305431, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhMDczOWI2ZmE5ZDRlYmU4NTc3MjM2NzQ5NTRlYzYy"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan was in a forest, and the forest was beautiful. Massive coniferous trees towered above him, maybe one hundred eighty to two hundred feet at their crest. The air was crisp, impossibly fresh, and perfumed with the scent of pine. Smaller trees of different kinds were interspersed with the titans, as if children playing at their knees. The moment before, he had been speaking with a blue alien named Sam, who wore a business suit and sat at a glass desk in an endless white void as he offered Dan a cup of tea, then scrambled his guest's settled beliefs of how the world worked. And what the world was. Or if the world was. Screw Sam. Or thank him? Whatever. Realm shift, new world that's apparently Tolkien inspired, except that the whole fantasy genre is apparently a plant designed to prepare mankind for the weirdness to come. Probably thank Sam. The realm shift had a bit of a foreboding name, but the process had been completely instananeous. There was no feeling of motion, no sensation of the passage of time, no changes in his body such as vertigo or nausea. He was there, and now he was here. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZDg1YzE0YjY4ODRkZWRhOGZiOWIwN2I4MTFkMjhm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTc1NmNhOTA5NTQ1OTNhMzhjN2I4NGIzYzY5ZThm"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">For a new world, it didn't look that new. The sun shone brightly through the trees. Lovely little orange flowers shaped like violets bloomed in the shadows of thick trunks. White flowers with broad petals that spread out like arms waiting to hug somone clustered in well lit patches where the sunlight was less obstructed. Irridecent dragonflies, or creatures very similar to them, flit about purposefully. The only thing that hinted this could be somewhere other than Earth was that it was clearly spring. The day before it had been well into autumn. If he remembered right there weren't many pine trees in the southern hemisphere. Though Dan was not going to be overly surprised if the next person he ran into greeted him with a warm "G'Day!" </span></p> <p class="cnNmY2E2NzAyYjFjODQ5YzI4MmIwZDFlMjdkYjU4NDlj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWVkZjgxOGJiNTRiZDg4ZDVlZmQyOTFjNzc1Njlj"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">It was difficult to tell if the forest was truly much nicer than any other Dan had seen, or if his enhanced senses allowed him to appreciate this one in a way he never could have before. Even in an office building and its immediate surroundings, processing the constant, rushing flow of unfamiliar sensory data had been an intense experience. Now, out in the natural world (a natural world?), the wash of sight, sound, scent, thermal sense, sonar map and life was again almost overwhelming. Especially, the world exploded in his new ability to sense life. He could sense the plants, the moss, the trees, worm like creatures in the soil, small quick tree dwellers above. It was all just so achingly, indescribably, beautiful. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OWMwODkwYjIzNTQxZTQ5NGQwMmRhMmQxZGNjNDMy"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGU0ODQwYTkwZjQ0MzNhODQzY2QxNWQzOTY1OWI0"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan didn't quite know how much time passed before he was able to pull the reigns on his wayward mind and redirect it to the the unusual task at hand. It was probably a few minutes. So then: He was in the woods in a world very similar to but that was probably not in fact Earth. Breathable air. Complex biome. No large animals in the immediate vicinity. Lush vegetation, probably quite a bit of water nearby, though he could not smell in what direction. It was cool, probably mid fifties, so hypothermia was not an immediate concern but could be an issue at night. The usual wilderness survival advice did not seem too helpful here. It was technically true that he was lost, but it would be equally true anywhere else on a planet that wasn't Earth, though perhaps somewhere with other people - and he had to assume there were people, if only to preserve his sanity - would be an exception. It was both too late and too completely impossible for him to prepare ahead of time. No map, no compass (was there even a magnetic field?), not even the certainty that the sun rose in the east and fell in the west. It probably did, but at the moment he couldn't remember the celestial mechanics that wrote that specific law of life of earth. So it wasn't something he could count on wherever he was. No way to let someone know where he was, what route he was taking, when he planned to be back. There wasn't going to be a rescue party sent to look for him. This was a much more primal, pure survival situation. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NjNmNGQxYTRiNzRhMzdiMTY5NTRlYjZlMTNjYTk5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDM3YjNlZDI1YzRmMGZhZjkzODg4YTdiOTg1YzBk"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">On the other hand, in some ways he was not badly off. With a mental command, he reviewed his Status. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYWRlZDc3YjllOTRlYTlhZmFlY2NkNGM4MjY2OWFk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmQ4Y2VkNTU1NDQ1NzhhYzg2YzNmN2YxMTBlMDlh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGQ1OWEwYTgwYjQ5MGViNjg3ZGYyYmFlYjUyYWU1" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Name: Daniel Martin</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMzNDVmYmEyMzMxZjQ4NjM4NDJiOGEyZmQxMDU0YjE3" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Age: 29</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM1MzU1M2JlZjE2ODQ0MDVhMWRkNGM2NmYwYmE3ZTIw" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Species: Human</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNiMTI4NDYxMmFiMTQ1YmFhY2NjM2JkMzc2YmFkZDkx" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Class: Esper</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjA4ZjhjMDgyYTQ5YjA4ZjM0MDY0YzRmYTliYmEy" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Level: 5</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNmYjhhYTNiNzEzNzRhZDlhZWM5MjFjOTI5NTVlNWJk" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Health: 215/215</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM2ZThkNzkwMmY5MzQzOGQ5MTA4OGQ5YjdiMmJiODE2" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Aether Pool: 210/210</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDZhMTBmMjdlNjQwNTBiMjYzNzc1NTlkNzM5ZWE0" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Health Regeneration: .082/minute</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMyNjIxMTkyNGFkYjQ1YzliMWQzMGM2ZTdkY2EzMDg5" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Aether Regeneration: .35/second</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNkZWFiM2RlOTlkZjRiMTU5NWIzOTY0NTMzMWJjNTZm" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjA3Yzk3NDU1ODQwMjhhN2FmYjExYzM5MThhOWE5" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2EzMTE2MzY0ZTQ2NmFiYTdjZTBkNDg2NGQwMDJj" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Attributes</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM1YWUxODQ3MWE4ZTQ5Yjg5MDk2Yjg1ZDMyMWU2MTA4" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDY0ZjM3ZmIyNTQ4OWM4NjA5MWRlNDg3MjE4MjNl" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Strength: 24</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNkYjVmNmM4ZTBkMjQyODhhNDBiMGY1Zjg1MGViMWQz" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Constitution: 23 </strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhOWEwYzM1ZmU1ODRkODlhMjNmOTc2YjY0MWI1MmYz" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Agility: 32</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMwZTY5ZjU3NzFhMDRmOTliMTAxZDU4ZGIzM2IyMjc4" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Perception: 104</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNmNTg2Yjk2NjAyYTQxNzJhMGNhYmM3NGRiNDRmMTgz" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Aether Attunement: 22</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM3YzQ5NDI4NTYxZDRmZDA5ZjI1NWE3MzhiNmU1YTQ4" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Available: 0</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM4NGUyYzRhYWU0ZjQxZjY5OTRhMGVlMTg3OThhMDVk" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzcwM2M3NjU3ODQ4ODBhMDI1MDZiNTExN2NjZDg2" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Skills</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNkNTczMmU0MWZmMjQyY2Y5NWZjYzY5YzhiMzg3NzIz" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTFjODAyMjA5NDQ0ZjlhODNmMGEyYzcxMDcwZDkz" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Sling Marksmanship, Level 5</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhMTM2ZGRmMzI0YzQxNTI5OGY2NGM2OWNiMmE2YjYx" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDhmZTk0Y2IwZjQ1MjhhM2FhNDAyYzQyNjY4M2Mx" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Perks</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhYTA3MTcxNTk1NTQwYTM5Njg3OWQ0OWQ4NWViMTQ1" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTVhNjA0NWQ1MTQ3NDdhMWRhZDAyYzRjZTE3Y2Ew" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Brain Cage</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM5YjhmNWMxZjZlYzQ2MWNhNWE0ZWU4NmIyZjI3NzE0" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMzM2M1NjFlNzliMjQ2ZWQ5ZjIwNDQ0ZDM0ZWE3ZWI4" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Enhanced Evasion 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjhiMjlhMDlhYjQyNWJhMWM3YWQ1MmY5Y2Q4ZmRi" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTk0ZjBiM2ViOTQ3MzZiZjIzYmMwY2UxYWNhZDYw" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Universal Translator</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM0MzU0OTM3ZDliZjQzMWI4MDFmMTkxNWFiOGNmOGE3" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTczZWEzNDIwZDQyNGY4ZTU5ZDY0MWQ2M2IxMGQ5" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>(3 available)</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMwZjE5YmZkNTE4MzQwYmFhMmQwMzZlMDE4Y2U0YTZm" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTA2NjBmNWRjYzQxZWJiMzljNzA3ZjE1MDdlMTdj" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Aether Abilities</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDQ3ZThhOGIwMzRhYTM4NjQ3OGFmYzZmNGFkOTUy" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjAyOGRhMjVmNjQ0ODdhYWRkMjYwYzMzNmY1NzI1" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Unerring Aim [self] (R5, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM0NjIxNTM1NWI4ODQ4MjRhYzQ5YjRlZTU3ZGUwODM1" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmNkZTk5Mzc1ZjRhYjg4M2IzN2EzZWU1YmZlMjRi" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Sensory Locus (R5, Esper): Level 1 </strong></span></p> <p class="cnNlZjIwMzdlNjY3ODQzNjliYjI4MDI1OTZkODAxODhi" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTZhYzMxZDZhODQ5NTA5NTY4OWZmNzVjZjE1NWY5" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Peer Through Past [recent, item focus] (R3, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhZjY1NTM2ZGYzOTQyZmU4MzE1MDI2NzVkYzY2YmI0" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjExZDMwYjZhODRiZWQ5NDc3NjMxMzE5NmEwM2Y0" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Minor Restore Health (R2, Restoration): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnM4MmQyZTJmYmQ5NDRhNWVhNDEwOGRkYjA4MGIxYWY3" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDI5NjcwMjBjMzRjN2M5ZWU0ODQzMjg4MWJlN2Q2" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Minor Aether Bolt (R1, Evocation): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnMzNWYzMjM1YjljOTQ4MWQ4YjdkYTUyNjQxZDRmYWJk" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyY2VmMDcwM2Q2MTQ5YTU4Zjc0MzcyZGZiMmRkZDIz" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Detect Monster (R3, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNmMmVhNDQzYjc0MDQ1MTc5MGE1ZDk5ZWQwZTBiZjI0" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjRlMWIxMTY3NzQ2NmVhZWJiNjhlOGJkYTkxNzlm" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Sense Deceit (R6, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhNTk5NzgxYzQwODQxOGZiZDZjZDI1NmJlYmRhYmJk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMzODlkOTE0NjQyNTQ1YzA5MzczZjFiNDYwMWE3YzQ3" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Eagle Eye (R3, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNmMDJiYjgzNTU0MTRmMGY5NTM5Nzg0YjU1MDA3MzQy" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGFiNzczZjAyZDQ4NWQ5OTFmODRiYTEwY2FkZTVj" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Universal Compass (R9, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNiZjhkYjdjMmFkMTRlMjQ4NjgyZTg1ZjVhMmE1Nzhl" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmI2NTk5OTZlODRjZTY5YTg1YjYzYzFlNmQ2M2Jj" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Penetrating Sight (R4, Esper): Level 1</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNiNjQxN2M3ZTIyNjQ4OWQ5NjE5ZDY4MjRmZWY1MzZk" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmY1NzI4NzBmZTQ3YWFhNmVlZDc0MmJmZjNlZDBh" align="center"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em"><strong>(4 available)</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhZTcwNzhkYzcxNDQxNDBiM2ExYWJmZDQwZjlmODUx" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDM0ZTBmMDc5MjRhZjA5OGY1MDAxZDFlNmFmZDM4" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">He was superhuman. On attributes alone, Dan was now more than twice as durable, twice as strong, and three times as agile as an average man without even considering his truly ludicrous senses. On top of that, he had an aether healing ability, superhuman regeneration, balance, reflexes, precognition, danger sense, an amulet that let him launch freaky but powerful fire balls, thermal sense, danger sense, life sense, power sense, system identify, echolocation, and now whatever sense weakness was. Throw an aether ability that gave him supernaturally perfect aim on the pile and minor aether bolt on that pile. Add all of it up, and he should be quite good at seeing danger's approach and running away from it very fast. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZjlhYTBiMDM2NDQ1ZjJiZTAyYmE2MmE4N2Y3Y2Jh" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDNiNGRkOWFmZDQ3YThiZjU4MWY4OTZmMjczY2Fk" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Dan paced languidly among wildflowers and underbrush and thought. Why was this place so incredibly similar to Earth? Could there possibly be a world where everything was so very much like his home? Plant life, animal life, climate, atmosphere, the sun in the sky, everything was just like the world Dan had known. But as Sam had said, it's a big multiverse. Something told him that his puny human brain probably couldn't begin to truly comprehend just how big a multiverse could be. So yes, absolutely, there could be a world like earth, but with wizards, dragons, elves, orcs, goblins, monsters, dungeons, and magic of old that was actually aether abilities all along, given a sufficiently large multiverse. There could be billions, trillions such worlds. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTg0OWYwYmE5OTQ5NmE4NjM4MjYzOTAzNWYwNzli" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODgyZTgwMTg0NDQ0ODNiZTg0OWFjOTVmYjBjMThh" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Was he actually on Earth, or had Sam lied about that? It still didn't make sense to him that a being of vast, incomprehensible power, which Sam held himself out to be, could possibly have trouble lying to Dan and getting away with it. It didn't ring true; it was absurd on its face. On the other hand, it was obviously absurd - why, if a super intelligent being who clearly had a more than passing familiarity with human norms, brain function and psychology wanted to lie about why they couldn't lie, would they make up a story that rang false to their audience? It didn't make any sense. But then again, Sam would know that, so it did make sense. The spiraling levels of this analysis made Dan's head hurt, reminded him of a scene from a movie. Clearly, he can not drink the tea in front of Sam. But he also can not drink the tea in front of him. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTM4Y2NmN2ZmYzRhMzNhM2RhNGE1YzMwZDY3YTJh" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTllNTA0ZDZlZDQ4YTk4NDdlM2U4YWYyOWUzMWE0" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">Or maybe, just maybe, Dan was the chosen one, just like his R10 on a presumably one to ten rarity scale blessing labled him - a Chosen Esper, before whom even well dressed, blue skinned multidimensional functional gods dare not lie. He was the Preordained Hero and Protagonist of an epic tale, to be sung by bards across worlds and universes. Or maybe he was so incomprehensibly small, insignificant before the power that was Sam, that it didn't matter whether he was lied to or not. But then why would Sam take the time to speak with him at all? Why was Sam messing with him, with Earth? Perhaps because he could be in a lot of places, doing a lot of things, at one time. As he sat and talked with Dan, Sam may have been taking care of a thousand other tasks in each of a million other universes. Dan still had no idea what Sam was, really, other than that he was definitively not a blue skinned humanoid. His best guess was some manner of obscenely advanced artificial intelligence, possibly even a subroutine or something of the System itself. Maybe Sam had simply told him what he needed to hear. A patient parent, managing a cranky, tired, toddler. <em>I'm not sleepy yet, I don't want to go to bed. That's ok sweetheart, let's play a game instead. We'll both lay down, close our eyes, and hold very very still. Whoever makes a sound or moves first loses.</em></span></p> <p class="cnMxNzFjZTQ4OTYxMjRlNmRiY2UxOGM3MDkyZDQ3YTY3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGFjNDU4ZmU5MzQ3YWZiM2ZlMDljZmI1MDQwNTNm" align="left"><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.1em">In the end, it probably didn't matter much. Focus on the basics of survival. Find water. Find food. Look for civilization. Keep alert for anyone or anything that might bring harm. If this was Earth, he'd make it to other people sooner or later. Dan was sure he could do that with the abilities he now had. But it was smarter to assume this really was a different world, a new realm, and he had to find his way. Keep his mental balance. Stay warm. Stay alive. </span></p> </div>
Dan was in a forest, and the forest was beautiful. Massive coniferous trees towered above him, maybe one hundred eighty to two hundred feet at their crest. The air was crisp, impossibly fresh, and perfumed with the scent of pine. Smaller trees of different kinds were interspersed with the titans, as if children playing at their knees. The moment before, he had been speaking with a blue alien named Sam, who wore a business suit and sat at a glass desk in an endless white void as he offered Dan a cup of tea, then scrambled his guest's settled beliefs of how the world worked. And what the world was. Or if the world was. Screw Sam. Or thank him? Whatever. Realm shift, new world that's apparently Tolkien inspired, except that the whole fantasy genre is apparently a plant designed to prepare mankind for the weirdness to come. Probably thank Sam. The realm shift had a bit of a foreboding name, but the process had been completely instananeous. There was no feeling of motion, no sensation of the passage of time, no changes in his body such as vertigo or nausea. He was there, and now he was here.   For a new world, it didn't look that new. The sun shone brightly through the trees. Lovely little orange flowers shaped like violets bloomed in the shadows of thick trunks. White flowers with broad petals that spread out like arms waiting to hug somone clustered in well lit patches where the sunlight was less obstructed. Irridecent dragonflies, or creatures very similar to them, flit about purposefully. The only thing that hinted this could be somewhere other than Earth was that it was clearly spring. The day before it had been well into autumn. If he remembered right there weren't many pine trees in the southern hemisphere. Though Dan was not going to be overly surprised if the next person he ran into greeted him with a warm "G'Day!"   It was difficult to tell if the forest was truly much nicer than any other Dan had seen, or if his enhanced senses allowed him to appreciate this one in a way he never could have before. Even in an office building and its immediate surroundings, processing the constant, rushing flow of unfamiliar sensory data had been an intense experience. Now, out in the natural world (a natural world?), the wash of sight, sound, scent, thermal sense, sonar map and life was again almost overwhelming. Especially, the world exploded in his new ability to sense life. He could sense the plants, the moss, the trees, worm like creatures in the soil, small quick tree dwellers above. It was all just so achingly, indescribably, beautiful.   Dan didn't quite know how much time passed before he was able to pull the reigns on his wayward mind and redirect it to the the unusual task at hand. It was probably a few minutes. So then: He was in the woods in a world very similar to but that was probably not in fact Earth. Breathable air. Complex biome. No large animals in the immediate vicinity. Lush vegetation, probably quite a bit of water nearby, though he could not smell in what direction. It was cool, probably mid fifties, so hypothermia was not an immediate concern but could be an issue at night. The usual wilderness survival advice did not seem too helpful here. It was technically true that he was lost, but it would be equally true anywhere else on a planet that wasn't Earth, though perhaps somewhere with other people - and he had to assume there were people, if only to preserve his sanity - would be an exception. It was both too late and too completely impossible for him to prepare ahead of time. No map, no compass (was there even a magnetic field?), not even the certainty that the sun rose in the east and fell in the west. It probably did, but at the moment he couldn't remember the celestial mechanics that wrote that specific law of life of earth. So it wasn't something he could count on wherever he was. No way to let someone know where he was, what route he was taking, when he planned to be back. There wasn't going to be a rescue party sent to look for him. This was a much more primal, pure survival situation.   On the other hand, in some ways he was not badly off. With a mental command, he reviewed his Status.     **Name: Daniel Martin** **Age: 29** **Species: Human** **Class: Esper** **Level: 5** **Health: 215/215** **Aether Pool: 210/210** **Health Regeneration: .082/minute** **Aether Regeneration: .35/second**     **Attributes**   **Strength: 24** **Constitution: 23** **Agility: 32** **Perception: 104** **Aether Attunement: 22** **Available: 0**   **Skills**   **Sling Marksmanship, Level 5**   **Perks**   **Brain Cage**   **Enhanced Evasion 1**   **Universal Translator**   **(3 available)**   **Aether Abilities**   **Unerring Aim [self] (R5, Esper): Level 1**   **Sensory Locus (R5, Esper): Level 1**   **Peer Through Past [recent, item focus] (R3, Esper): Level 1**   **Minor Restore Health (R2, Restoration): Level 1**   **Minor Aether Bolt (R1, Evocation): Level 1**   **Detect Monster (R3, Esper): Level 1**   **Sense Deceit (R6, Esper): Level 1**   **Eagle Eye (R3, Esper): Level 1**   **Universal Compass (R9, Esper): Level 1**   **Penetrating Sight (R4, Esper): Level 1**   **(4 available)**   He was superhuman. On attributes alone, Dan was now more than twice as durable, twice as strong, and three times as agile as an average man without even considering his truly ludicrous senses. On top of that, he had an aether healing ability, superhuman regeneration, balance, reflexes, precognition, danger sense, an amulet that let him launch freaky but powerful fire balls, thermal sense, danger sense, life sense, power sense, system identify, echolocation, and now whatever sense weakness was. Throw an aether ability that gave him supernaturally perfect aim on the pile and minor aether bolt on that pile. Add all of it up, and he should be quite good at seeing danger's approach and running away from it very fast.   Dan paced languidly among wildflowers and underbrush and thought. Why was this place so incredibly similar to Earth? Could there possibly be a world where everything was so very much like his home? Plant life, animal life, climate, atmosphere, the sun in the sky, everything was just like the world Dan had known. But as Sam had said, it's a big multiverse. Something told him that his puny human brain probably couldn't begin to truly comprehend just how big a multiverse could be. So yes, absolutely, there could be a world like earth, but with wizards, dragons, elves, orcs, goblins, monsters, dungeons, and magic of old that was actually aether abilities all along, given a sufficiently large multiverse. There could be billions, trillions such worlds.   Was he actually on Earth, or had Sam lied about that? It still didn't make sense to him that a being of vast, incomprehensible power, which Sam held himself out to be, could possibly have trouble lying to Dan and getting away with it. It didn't ring true; it was absurd on its face. On the other hand, it was obviously absurd - why, if a super intelligent being who clearly had a more than passing familiarity with human norms, brain function and psychology wanted to lie about why they couldn't lie, would they make up a story that rang false to their audience? It didn't make any sense. But then again, Sam would know that, so it did make sense. The spiraling levels of this analysis made Dan's head hurt, reminded him of a scene from a movie. Clearly, he can not drink the tea in front of Sam. But he also can not drink the tea in front of him.   Or maybe, just maybe, Dan was the chosen one, just like his R10 on a presumably one to ten rarity scale blessing labled him - a Chosen Esper, before whom even well dressed, blue skinned multidimensional functional gods dare not lie. He was the Preordained Hero and Protagonist of an epic tale, to be sung by bards across worlds and universes. Or maybe he was so incomprehensibly small, insignificant before the power that was Sam, that it didn't matter whether he was lied to or not. But then why would Sam take the time to speak with him at all? Why was Sam messing with him, with Earth? Perhaps because he could be in a lot of places, doing a lot of things, at one time. As he sat and talked with Dan, Sam may have been taking care of a thousand other tasks in each of a million other universes. Dan still had no idea what Sam was, really, other than that he was definitively not a blue skinned humanoid. His best guess was some manner of obscenely advanced artificial intelligence, possibly even a subroutine or something of the System itself. Maybe Sam had simply told him what he needed to hear. A patient parent, managing a cranky, tired, toddler. *I'm not sleepy yet, I don't want to go to bed. That's ok sweetheart, let's play a game instead. We'll both lay down, close our eyes, and hold very very still. Whoever makes a sound or moves first loses.*   In the end, it probably didn't matter much. Focus on the basics of survival. Find water. Find food. Look for civilization. Keep alert for anyone or anything that might bring harm. If this was Earth, he'd make it to other people sooner or later. Dan was sure he could do that with the abilities he now had. But it was smarter to assume this really was a different world, a new realm, and he had to find his way. Keep his mental balance. Stay warm. Stay alive.
{ "title": "The Cyclical Nature of Time", "id": 16469, "author": "hsteinvall", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "8 – Making enemies", "id": 305743, "next": 307828, "prev": 303839, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2NjVmYjdlMzkyOTQ0YTViN2I1MmZlNmZjY2Q3N2Q3">Hanna felt her heart beat loudly in her chest. Her palms were soaked in sweat and everything on her body felt itchy and slightly out of place. Her nails felt too long, and she thought she might have a small pebble in her left shoe. She guessed it was her body’s way of telling her it wanted more control of the situation, but it was a really effective distraction. It continually got in the way of what she needed to think about, which was what she could do to keep from being humiliated again.</p> <p class="cnNjNjQ1YzdhMGE5YTQ5MGY4YmFjY2RlMDAyMjJhMmEz">She didn’t fear for her safety, at least not with so many witnesses. It surprised her how much her pride seemed to matter to her. Why did she care if she was beaten again? She had zero training and the smug fuck in front of her probably had a lifetime’s worth. But it was something inside of her that demanded retribution, something that refused to go down once again.</p> <p class="cnNkNzcxNDRmMDExMzRkZTk4Zjc3ZTVkZWZlZmYwMTg1">So she pushed all distractions away and tried to prepare herself. She had absolutely no experience of using a sword or a shield. Before the gap in her memory, the only times she had seen either of them was at museums or medieval-fairs. The only remotely relevant knowledge she had was the basic understanding of combat she had gotten from boxing and Wing Chun. That meant she knew how to generate force by shifting the weight of your body, and it meant she knew how to guard herself by redirecting the angle of incoming blows. That was it, that pretty much summed up all her applicable knowledge.</p> <p class="cnM5YjliYjNhZjQ1NTQyNGE4OTU0MGRmZTVlMDYxNTNk">As she held the sword in her hand and felt its weight, she realized that swinging it around would be quite different from fighting bare handed. It wasn’t very heavy, but it at least weighed a kilo or two. That meant that it would be harder to accelerate, and it would also be harder to change its direction. She tried to play out a few strikes in her mind, trying to determine what might be feasible. It felt pretty futile, without actually trying it she couldn’t really tell what would work or not. With a mental sight she realized that she would simply have to wing it.</p> <p class="cnM2MGM1MGIxZDRjZTRjYmVhNGRjOTE5N2U4NGI2ZGJi">Throwing a look at Birgitta she realized she must have zoned out pretty hard, because she seemed to have been talking for a while. Not much that could be done about that now though.</p> <p class="cnNhODllOTc2MzJjMzQ4NDk5ZGY3NDE1NmIwMzdhZDA1">“Ok” said Birgitta. “Now that everyone knows what to do I’m not going to hold you up any longer. Get to it!”</p> <p class="cnM0NjM0NjNiMTBiMDQ1OWJhNzEwNzdiZDRiNDkwMDZi"><em>Fuck</em>, thought the girl. She looked around in search for some clue to what they should be doing. All around her everyone had begun to aimlessly approach their partners, weapons in hand. It seemed most were a little hesitant to suddenly go about striking each other. Of course, this did not include the bloodthirsty asshole that she had gotten paired up with. Hanna had turned towards Muddy to see if she knew what they were supposed to do, but all she could see was a wooden shield speeding towards her.</p> <p class="cnNmZGM5ZGI4MGRiNTQ2MGZhMTBjOGEwOTk4Njc5ZDVk">A moment later the air left her lungs and her feet were no longer touching the ground. It felt like she fell for ages before she hit the ground. The mud and the hay did a decent job of absorbing the impact, so it didn’t hurt too much. What really bothered her was the satisfied face Mud-girl made as she looked down on her for the second time in as many days.</p> <p class="cnNhYWQwZGYyZGZmYzQ4MzViNmMwYTNkYTYxNTE2NDli">“No lazing about, this is not your naptime!” Shouted Birgitta, and Hanna felt that the words were aimed at her. So she pushed herself up again, and noticed that she wasn’t hurting anywhere. That was something at least. Muddy had backed off after her tackle, and she was looking increasingly annoyed by how easily she had gotten up again. They were both standing up now, slowly circling each other. Circling your opponent had been a mainstay in all the books and movies of Hanna’s life before the gap. It felt really silly as she walked around in a circle, but it seemed like a natural thing to do in the situation. She kept her eyes peeled on her opponent. The cheating bastard would not be catching her unaware again.</p> <p class="cnNhN2VjMjFlZTEyOTRhYzk4MGE0YjI5YjljODk1ODMz">The tackle from before had done a good job of removing some of her nervousness, now she felt a lot more focused. She studied Muddy’s posture, looking for any signs of her springing into action. It came a quarter of a circle later. Muddy took a quick step forward, effectively eating up most of the distance between them. She stabbed with her sword towards the lower part of Hanna’s stomach. Hanna was waiting for her but wasn’t sure how much that would help her. In Wing Chun her guard would be up, and she would then lower and twist her arm to avoid any damage. That applied to someone not stabbing you with a sword, so it wasn’t really applicable. Plus the fact that neither her sword nor her shield was anywhere near where she needed them to be. Not having many options she stepped back, hoping to avoid the reach of her opponents sword.</p> <p class="cnNhNjM4NGI5ODU0NzQ0OTA5ZmY1Zjg1ZWNjMDVhMjRk">It sort of worked. The tip of the sword struck her square in her stomach. It hurt, but it didn’t knock her over like before. More importantly, the blunted tip hadn’t pierced her through. For a fraction of a second she stood there, a bit bent over, reeling in the rush of the moment. From the corner of her eye she could see Mud-girl raise her sword to strike again. <em>Like hell you will</em>, thought the girl. Taking advantage of her bent down position, she resolved to put all she had in an uppercut. Adding the strength of her legs and her back, she slammed her shielded hand into the exposed ribcage of her opponent. The way her arm was strapped to the shield meant that she hit her with the rim of the shield.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmNkYjI0MWQ2ZDRjYjQ5NDllOTIwYjNjNjgzMGM5">For a brief moment everything seemed to grind to a halt, and she imagined that she saw surprise in Muddy’s eyes. Then a loud crack echoed over the square. The shield exploded into splinters as the force of the blow lifted her opponent from the ground. Hanna’s mind was screaming in happiness, and she felt like walking over and dropping a one-line like in a movie. She didn’t do it though.</p> <p class="cnMyZmFlM2M3NWJhNzQzZTlhYzhlMWJlYjc4ZTE3YzNj">As Muddy hit the ground, everyone stopped what they were doing. Everywhere around her, people were looking accusingly at her. All of them were whispering amongst each other. Some of the voices were lauder than others.</p> <p class="cnM3Zjk3YzE4YjQ1ZjRkYmY4NjY2YTcyOGZkM2E4ZjMz">“Did you see that? Fucking freak!” someone said. Hanna didn’t catch the speaker.</p> <p class="cnM0MGFjMDRkNTFiZjQzZjZhYjY0ZDFiMzg2ODVjNTli">“She punched her off the ground, that’s not normal!”</p> <p class="cnM2ODNiNDJiMzQ1NTRiNDZiNGNjZTZlMmVkYzM5ZjNl">Hanna spun around, looking for the instigator. It turned out to be Muddy’s female minion, the one that had been there when she had been stabbed. Hanna felt her anger raise up. Blood was pulsing in her forehead and she practically growled at her. <em>Say one more fucking word, I dare you</em>.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDI3MDc1OWUyMzQ2MDI5NjQ3MzVkYjAyOGRiZDdl">The minion saw her anger and gave out a yelp. “She is coming for me now, help me!” she screamed. Hanna rolled her eyes. A second later the air left her lungs. Something hit her hard in the back, as she bent over trying to get some of her breath back she saw that it was a shield that someone had thrown. The pain wasn’t too bad, she just wasn’t expecting the blow.</p> <p class="cnNmZGRhNzJmNWY0NDQzMTY5ZTRlZjNjNTIyZTlmZjY5">“Get away from her, ghoul!” said the one who had thrown his shield. It was the second of Muddy’s minions, the male one. Hanna didn’t get slur, maybe it was some local insult? It certainly had put a frenzy in the villagers. Now pretty much everyone was talking animatedly while staring at her.</p> <p class="cnNiNWFlN2MxYzVkNjQxMWFiNzdlODJmZGRhYTNlOGFi">Birgitta chose this moment to step forward. “Alright, that’s enough” she said. Everyone turned towards her. Behind her was Mud-girl. She was on her knees with a puddle of puke in front of her. She looked miserable and had plenty of vomit around her mouth. <em>That’s something at least,</em> thought the girl.</p> <p class="cnNjYTA1Zjg0OGY3OTQ1ZjY5MjAzZjhkYzdkYzhhMjAw">“Hanna!” Birgitta snapped, with a furious tone in her voice. “Did I not explicitly tell you guys to take it easy and focus on the fundamentals?”</p> <p class="cnMyMzc3Y2E0NjM1NTRlZDRiMjhmMzI4OTY2NGIxODA2">Hanna didn’t respond. She hadn’t heard any instructions. Birgitta frowned at her silence. They locked eyes for a couple of seconds, until Birgitta flashed her a menacing smile.</p> <p class="cnM2NWY2MzBjYTkxMTQxNThiYzViYjZiZGZlZTY2OGEz">“That’s it everyone, practice is over!” She said, and the teenagers begrudgingly shuffled off to return the equipment. Mud-girl limped away with the help of her two sidekicks. Hanna begun to leave as well when Birgitta stopped her. “You obviously have to stay and explain yourself Hanna”, she said.</p> <p class="cnMzNWQ0ZjI0OGJmODRlNjZiODUyZGVlNTI2ZmE2ZTI5">Hanna felt herself swallow. “There really isn’t much to say” she said. “She tackled me before I was ready and I was feeling pretty vengeful.”</p> <p class="cnNjMjFiZjkwZGQ4ZjRjMjA4MGQ1NjVlYjJiYjk1MmRm">Birgitta cut her off. “Thanks, but I saw that. I don’t give a fuck about your pitiful teenage-rivalry. Tell me how you managed to punch her hard enough to splinter the shield.”</p> <p class="cnM3YzZlZGQzMmFmNjRiNjFhN2E5NzIzOWYzN2M3Y2Iw">Hanna was not expecting that to be the problem. “Uh, I don’t know, I just struck as hard as I could” was her eloquent answer.</p> <p class="cnM0OTRhYzZjOWNiZDQwNDViMGUxOTliY2MxOGY1M2Q1">“What sort of combat training have you done before you got here?” Birgitta said with furrowed brows.</p> <p class="cnMyNDczYjQ4YTBkNjQyYTk4ZmI0YzRiYWZkZDJmM2Zk">“Nothing really.” Hanna answered, before she remembered that her Boxing and Wing Chun probably counted. “I have practiced a little unarmed fighting, but that’s it”.</p> <p class="cnM2MjUyMDM3Zjc3ODQ4NjM4YmFkMzk4ZWIxMWU4OTVk">Birgitta was obviously not satisfied with her answer. She looked her over, and even went around her as she did so. Then she put her hand on her biceps and squeezed. The hand could almost reach the whole way around her arm, and the squeeze she gave did not meet much resistance. Birgitta sneered at this, before she put her hands on both sides of Hanna’s hips and lifted her up. She didn’t even look strained as she did so. Birgitta had a disappointed look as she put her down again. “You are no longer a reservist” she said.</p> <p class="cnNjZWM1ZDkyOWRhMTRkOGI4M2M2NTc0OGE3M2E2MzNm">The sentence struck Hanna hard. She hadn’t even completed a full day of practice, but she felt a strong desire to learn how to fight. She could tell herself that it was because she needed to learn how to fend for herself, but that wasn’t it. There was a strange allure to a tool that was exclusively made for violence, and it harmonized with something deep inside her that longed for conflict and bloodshed. The way that all that had been taken away from her made her furious. It felt so unfair, what she had done was nothing compared to what Birgitta’s own daughter had done.</p> <p class="cnM4NTk5YjkxZjBlNzQzYTY4ZGNhYWM5MWZhNzBiMjEy">Her increasing fury came to a halt when she heard Birgitta chuckle. “Stop it with the evil-eyes girl. I’m practically doing you a favour”, she said. “The whole reservist circus is more or less a way for us to babysit the too active portions of the village’s youths. Her insulting the thing she desired didn’t really placate Hanna’s feelings.</p> <p class="cnNkNzBhZGNiNGQ4NTQzMGFiYzhiZGU3ZjViNTUyMWJk">“You are getting something better in return”, she continued. “From now on, you will be training with me”.</p> <p class="cnNhOGEyOWMzOTNkMDRiMTFiNGMxNjc4MTQwNjY0MDk2">Hanna blinked. This was a turn she hadn’t expected. After having seen the woman in action earlier, she knew that it wouldn’t be easy. But at the same time her pulse was already raising to the challenge. She knew she wanted this. “I will make time for you every morning except weekends. You will show up, and you will do it on time. Is that clear?”</p> <p class="cnMwM2Y5ZDY2NmVmMjQ1YjQ4MzE1ODRiZWIxZWMzMjE2">“Yes Birgitta.” Hanna answered, before her curiosity got the better of her. “Why me though? What’s so special about me?” She added.</p> <p class="cnM1OWI1YTgzNDYzZTQ2ZGI4NWNmZWEwOWU0MjVmODJh">Birgitta had an evil smile. “That’s what we are going to find out” she said.</p> <p class="cnNlYjExM2UyODZmYzQ0MjU4YzAzNjJiNGViMmE0MTVm">The girl walked away from the practice field with a lot on her mind. She knew she was different compared to before the gap but seeing the scared and angry faces of the others made it a lot more real. The way they looked at her made her feel truly set apart from them. Maybe living isolated on a mountain didn’t foster people into accepting outsiders, but they had seemed almost fervent in their anger. It made the girl rethink staying in the village. In the two days she had stayed here she had been stabbed and managed to alienate a good part of the village. It wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven.</p> <p class="cnNlODVjYjI4N2FlYjQwMTY4ZjMwNWY0NWQ3ZGZhYjcx">“Hanna”, Olof said with a slight sadness to his voice. He was standing by one of the buildings around the practice field. He had obviously been waiting for her, which warmed the girl’s heart a little. At least Björn and Olof wasn’t as hostile as the rest of them. But he shot her feeling down with a disappointed look. “Why did you do that?”</p> <p class="cnNlNTM1Y2VkZGQ5MzQzNjI4NDhhYTg2ZTIwM2U5MTIw">“Do what? Fucking defend myself?” She answered with a sullen tone. She had been hoping for some comfort, not more hostility.</p> <p class="cnMzYmYwMThjNDE1OTQwMGE4NDFmMWJlM2Q0YjdmMmE2">Olof seemed annoyed. “There is a pretty big difference between defending yourself and almost killing someone”, he said accusingly.</p> <p class="cnMxMGFiNDI4NmZjYzQ1ZmNhMzJiMzg0ZDRlZWNjNDg5">“Fuck off” she said in return and gave him the finger before walking away. His confused appearance told her that her gesture wasn’t understood, but at least he didn’t try following her. She snuck a glance over her shoulder when she thought that he wasn’t looking. He was still standing where she left him, looking her way and scratching the back of his head. She walked around the nearest corner just to get him out of her view before she stopped. <em>What now?</em> She thought. She still hadn’t been assigned a place to sleep so maybe she should try and fix that. Not that she remembered where the village elders were.</p> <p class="cnM3MjA5NTVmNWU2YzQ5MTdhNWJjMzA1YzFhOWE0MzJm">She toyed with the idea of asking Björn for help, but she didn’t want to risk another person looking at her like she was a freak. She stood there aimlessly raking her mind for a better idea until it hit her. She was going to get absolutely shitfaced.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjM3OTcxYmU2YTQ2MDg5NDMxNDU3OTdlOTgzODUx">Her sense of direction being what it was, she had to ask for directions. The one who helped her was an old man hanging some laundry. By the third time she asked with a loud voice where the pub was, she understood that the problem wasn’t the volume of her voice but the words that was used. Once she threw in some charades and blurted some random words for alcohol he finally understood her. Apparently, the correct term was <em>Alehouse</em>.</p> <p class="cnMxNzkzMzFiZjVkZjRlNTlhNDMyNGQ0ZjExOTZmOWQ4">The alehouse wasn’t as empty as she had imagined, given that it was still in the middle of the day. It was about the same size as the house of the elders. In front of the building was a small open square that sort of reminded her of the practice field, minus the hay. The only entrance to it was through a gap between two houses. As she passed the gap she realized that it was where she had been stabbed yesterday. It felt like ages ago.</p> <p class="cnM5NzdkMGE1ZjNmZDQ5ZDJhOGQ4YTNlMjVmOTFhZTcy">The square was littered with tables which were all more or less occupied. Everyone seemed to be eating the same thing, some grilled meat and mashed potatoes. The smell of it set her stomach grumbling, and it kept doing so even as she stepped into the relative darkness of the alehouse’s interior.</p> <p class="cnMwOTQ4OGI5MzVlMTRkMGY5MGNjNmUzMzUwMGJkYzQ4">The only one that she could find inside was the barkeep. He was surprisingly young for his profession, probably around her own age. His hair was an unappealing mix of grey and brown, and over his lip was a short and well-kept moustache that only barely did more good than bad. Their eyes met and he seemed to look somewhat intrigued. It was hard to tell if it was the way she looked or if it was her being a stranger, but she had definitely caught his eye.</p> <p class="cnM2M2RmYWQyMGM4MTRmNmI5M2IwZjllNmJlOWI5OWM4">Hanna walked up to the bar and leaned against it. Since he was doing the same their faces got a bit closer than she had intended, but it gave the moment a slightly electric feel that was sort of pleasant. So she kept her face where it was and studied the guy. His eyes were a mix of grey and blue, and his nose was ever so slightly bent to the right. It was hard to put it into words, but his face had something about it. Nothing in it was special on its own but put together the sum was definitely greater than its parts.</p> <p class="cnM4MDVlNTRmNzVkNjQ0N2ViYzRjNDYzNjI0YzljZGY1">The electricity between them still lingered and the silence grew. He was smiling slightly, and she realized that she was doing the same.</p> <p class="cnM4NTEzMGEwNTRiZjQ5MDk4ZTg1ZTE0NGExNzg3NTY4">“So, I take it that you are the new girl?” he said.</p> <p class="cnNiYTg2ODg2Njk5ODQxMDJhNTQ5ZDg0ZGJkMTk2YmJm">She winced. Maybe going to the pub wasn’t the best idea if she wanted to leave stuff behind her. “Uh… yeah”, was what she managed to say in response.</p> <p class="cnNiODRjNzNhZWIzODQ2ZDBhMmI1MzM4NTU5ODE1NjA3"><em>My fantastic… it’s talk</em>, she thought, feeling like Andy Dwyer. The guy looked at her, apparently waiting for more.</p> <p class="cnMyODc1ZmEwY2U5YjRiZDI5ZjY3NzlmYTA5MDE0YTZl">“So… What can I get you?” He asked when nothing more followed.</p> <p class="cnM1OGM1NTc1MWQ3ZDRmZjk5NjZhY2U2NTYyNjgxYzQx"><em>Shit</em>, she thought, as his question made her realize that she didn’t have any money. “I just realized that I don’t have any money”.</p> <p class="cnM2OTJhMmMzMjBlMDRlNzVhZGU0MDMzMTU5OTdjMzFl">The barkeep blinked a few times as he heard this. “And yet here you are, placing an order?”</p> <p class="cnM0YTFjZmM0ZmY0MDRhNDhiZWFiNzRmYTljYjEzY2Rk">Hanna’s stomach answered the question for her. “I guess so” she said. “Can I get a credit or something? Or do you guys need help with anything?”</p> <p class="cnMwOWVlN2MyMjJlNjQ5MDQ4YjE3MDI4NzUyNTMzM2Iw">The guy seemed to be toying with an idea. His smile grew as he did so. “Sure, I have a thing. Follow my lead”, he said with a mischievous look, walking out to the square where everyone was eating and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Listen up folks!” He shouted, and everyone turned around as he did so. “Two free meals to anyone who can best my friend! Only two coins a try!”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDljN2Y2N2ZhNjQ2NmRhZjk4MzY2ODI5ZGMyZWY0"><em>What the fuck? </em>Thought Hanna. She could almost feel it on her skin as everyone in the courtyard sized her up. <em>This was not what I imagined.</em></p> <p class="cnNiMmM3Nzk1ZDM2ZTQ0YTI5ZDFhNDAxZjg5NmZlNzI5">“What’s the game?” Asked a young man with his fist full of meat.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGJhMTgyNTM4NjRiN2Q5M2Q5ZDgyMWI0NWM5ZGM0">“Arm-wrestling!” Was the barkeeps answer. It made everyone burst out in laughter.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTEyMTkzMDFhMzQ2YmJhMjZhM2E4NGFlZDU4ODA5">“I’ll take it!” Said the man from before, quickly finishing off the meat that he was holding. The barkeep led her over to the man’s table with a hand on her back. She couldn’t quite tell if it was meant as moral support or as insistence, which annoyed her a lot. What made it worse was the warm feeling his touch put in her body. They cleared the table and she sat down.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGYwMGI0ZGNhNTQ2Mzk5MWFlMzFmZjQ2NTlmNDUx">The young meat-eater put his arm on the table and offered his hand for her to grab. It wasn’t until she raised her eyebrows theatrically high that he remembered to wipe the abundant grease from is palm. He rolled his eyes and used his pants as a napkin. It didn’t seem to do much of a difference, but Hanna let it be and grabbed his hand. It was slightly bigger than hers and it was still greasy. The barkeep fished around for anyone willing to bet on the outcome before he announced the start.</p> <p class="cnM4OTAxZTk1MGE0NjQ0MTA5MWRlNzBkZmE4ZjFkZjUw">The young meat-eater must have been certain of his victory, because he wasn’t trying to push her down. Hanna on the other hand had been quite worried and therefore gone all out from the start. Put together, it explained why his fist had slammed into the table almost immediately. He had a pained look as he massaged his hand, and he seemed quite confused as to what had happened. As the barkeep proclaimed her the winner while waving her hand above her head, it seemed the rest of the crowd shared the meat-eaters confusion. Hanna was smiling smugly, obviously happy that her newfound strength finally did her some good. There was a discontented murmur among the crowd that continually grew until one of them slammed his table.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDgzOTM5NDUwOTQyMjU4M2YxMjYxNThjYTQzNjkw">“Damnit Åke!” He shouted. Judging by the annoyed tone he had probably just lost some money. “Okay, I’ll fix this!” he said, waiving towards the barkeep. He in turn didn’t look at all surprised. After having shuffled some people around to free up the space, Hanna was seated in front of her new opponent. The new challenger had a thin moustache that hung from the corners of his mouth, giving him an unwashed look. <em>At least his hands are clean</em>, Hanna thought as they prepared for the bout.</p> <p class="cnMzZWUzY2YzYjgwNDRlM2FiYWJmN2I2NDJmNThkZDdh">She tried gauging his strength by looking at his arms, but his baggy clothes made it impossible. Her own arms felt like they were brimming with power. It was a strange feeling, not knowing how strong you were. Judging by how much more she had carried compared to Björn and Olof it was clear that she was strong. But she had been far from her limit then and she felt eager to try her wings.</p> <p class="cnNlNzhjZWJmNjYwOTRiNWU4YjZhOTUxNDIzNDUyNDYw">Lucky for her, this man had learned from his friend’s mistake and tried his best from the start. The girl did the opposite this time, feeling a lot more confident after her previous win. As she felt the man struggle it was obvious that he was strong. But with a bubbling sensation in her stomach the girl realized that she was more than his equal.</p> <p class="cnMwZWNkYWQyYmQ3MTQxZjA4ZGMwNWQzM2QzYTViYjNi">She began to slowly push harder, and the man desperately tried to catch up. His face grew redder as he fought, but his hand moved ever closer to the table. Wanting to finish with bravado, Hanna pushed her hardest for a second, and the man’s resistance instantly caved in. The scene from the first match repeated itself as the man’s hand loudly slammed into the table. The onlookers sat quiet in disbelief as the barkeep took her for a victory lap between the tables.</p> <p class="cnM0NzM3NjliMDkyODQwOTZiMTM0ZjY2YzgyNDBmMjRl">“Any more challengers?” He asked as he finished collecting money from them. When no one showed any interest, he thanked them and returned inside. The girl followed him in. Outside a loud discussion erupted.</p> <p class="cnNmMGE1MzRjZmZiNjQ5NmE5NTJhNTM3YjdlZmEwYmY2">“55… 56”, said the barkeep as he finished counting the money. “I took the risk and came up with the plan…” He said and paused to do some internal discussions. “I’d say that this is more or less fair”. He then pushed about half of the money towards her.</p> <p class="cnNhZjE2ZWU0YjZkNzQ2ZTU4NDI1NzQ4N2VmYTQ4MDQx">The coins were a metallic grey and of an almost uniform size. As far as the girl could tell they were all the same. She counted them and got it to 25. It didn’t really seem fair to her, but it was a lot more then she had before so she didn’t argue. “How much for a meal and a beer?” She asked.</p> <p class="cnMwYTczY2YxMjE5ZjQ0Zjk5MDk0NzI0ZjNhZWQ2MGRl">“A meal and a what?” was his reply. He had a teasing tone to his smile, as if he knew damned well what she meant. When she clarified that a beer was pretty much the same as an ale, he told her that the meal was four coins and the “beer” would cost her a single coin. As she began picking the coins out he offered her a package deal, 25 coins for two meals, a room to sleep in and all the ale she could drink.</p> <p class="cnNhMmZjMWM2Njc2ZTRmMGZhNDdjZmM0OGM1YjhkY2Vi">The girl thought it over and figured that it sounded like an OK deal. Not that she had any way of comparing prices. By looking at the barkeeps smug face it was obvious that it wasn’t by accident that the amount he had offered her was the exact total of her earnings. <em>Cheeky bastard</em>, she thought as she pushed the coins back to him. <em>We’ll see how smug you look when I’ve finished drinking.</em></p> </div>
Hanna felt her heart beat loudly in her chest. Her palms were soaked in sweat and everything on her body felt itchy and slightly out of place. Her nails felt too long, and she thought she might have a small pebble in her left shoe. She guessed it was her body’s way of telling her it wanted more control of the situation, but it was a really effective distraction. It continually got in the way of what she needed to think about, which was what she could do to keep from being humiliated again. She didn’t fear for her safety, at least not with so many witnesses. It surprised her how much her pride seemed to matter to her. Why did she care if she was beaten again? She had zero training and the smug fuck in front of her probably had a lifetime’s worth. But it was something inside of her that demanded retribution, something that refused to go down once again. So she pushed all distractions away and tried to prepare herself. She had absolutely no experience of using a sword or a shield. Before the gap in her memory, the only times she had seen either of them was at museums or medieval-fairs. The only remotely relevant knowledge she had was the basic understanding of combat she had gotten from boxing and Wing Chun. That meant she knew how to generate force by shifting the weight of your body, and it meant she knew how to guard herself by redirecting the angle of incoming blows. That was it, that pretty much summed up all her applicable knowledge. As she held the sword in her hand and felt its weight, she realized that swinging it around would be quite different from fighting bare handed. It wasn’t very heavy, but it at least weighed a kilo or two. That meant that it would be harder to accelerate, and it would also be harder to change its direction. She tried to play out a few strikes in her mind, trying to determine what might be feasible. It felt pretty futile, without actually trying it she couldn’t really tell what would work or not. With a mental sight she realized that she would simply have to wing it. Throwing a look at Birgitta she realized she must have zoned out pretty hard, because she seemed to have been talking for a while. Not much that could be done about that now though. “Ok” said Birgitta. “Now that everyone knows what to do I’m not going to hold you up any longer. Get to it!” *Fuck*, thought the girl. She looked around in search for some clue to what they should be doing. All around her everyone had begun to aimlessly approach their partners, weapons in hand. It seemed most were a little hesitant to suddenly go about striking each other. Of course, this did not include the bloodthirsty asshole that she had gotten paired up with. Hanna had turned towards Muddy to see if she knew what they were supposed to do, but all she could see was a wooden shield speeding towards her. A moment later the air left her lungs and her feet were no longer touching the ground. It felt like she fell for ages before she hit the ground. The mud and the hay did a decent job of absorbing the impact, so it didn’t hurt too much. What really bothered her was the satisfied face Mud-girl made as she looked down on her for the second time in as many days. “No lazing about, this is not your naptime!” Shouted Birgitta, and Hanna felt that the words were aimed at her. So she pushed herself up again, and noticed that she wasn’t hurting anywhere. That was something at least. Muddy had backed off after her tackle, and she was looking increasingly annoyed by how easily she had gotten up again. They were both standing up now, slowly circling each other. Circling your opponent had been a mainstay in all the books and movies of Hanna’s life before the gap. It felt really silly as she walked around in a circle, but it seemed like a natural thing to do in the situation. She kept her eyes peeled on her opponent. The cheating bastard would not be catching her unaware again. The tackle from before had done a good job of removing some of her nervousness, now she felt a lot more focused. She studied Muddy’s posture, looking for any signs of her springing into action. It came a quarter of a circle later. Muddy took a quick step forward, effectively eating up most of the distance between them. She stabbed with her sword towards the lower part of Hanna’s stomach. Hanna was waiting for her but wasn’t sure how much that would help her. In Wing Chun her guard would be up, and she would then lower and twist her arm to avoid any damage. That applied to someone not stabbing you with a sword, so it wasn’t really applicable. Plus the fact that neither her sword nor her shield was anywhere near where she needed them to be. Not having many options she stepped back, hoping to avoid the reach of her opponents sword. It sort of worked. The tip of the sword struck her square in her stomach. It hurt, but it didn’t knock her over like before. More importantly, the blunted tip hadn’t pierced her through. For a fraction of a second she stood there, a bit bent over, reeling in the rush of the moment. From the corner of her eye she could see Mud-girl raise her sword to strike again. *Like hell you will*, thought the girl. Taking advantage of her bent down position, she resolved to put all she had in an uppercut. Adding the strength of her legs and her back, she slammed her shielded hand into the exposed ribcage of her opponent. The way her arm was strapped to the shield meant that she hit her with the rim of the shield. For a brief moment everything seemed to grind to a halt, and she imagined that she saw surprise in Muddy’s eyes. Then a loud crack echoed over the square. The shield exploded into splinters as the force of the blow lifted her opponent from the ground. Hanna’s mind was screaming in happiness, and she felt like walking over and dropping a one-line like in a movie. She didn’t do it though. As Muddy hit the ground, everyone stopped what they were doing. Everywhere around her, people were looking accusingly at her. All of them were whispering amongst each other. Some of the voices were lauder than others. “Did you see that? Fucking freak!” someone said. Hanna didn’t catch the speaker. “She punched her off the ground, that’s not normal!” Hanna spun around, looking for the instigator. It turned out to be Muddy’s female minion, the one that had been there when she had been stabbed. Hanna felt her anger raise up. Blood was pulsing in her forehead and she practically growled at her. *Say one more fucking word, I dare you*. The minion saw her anger and gave out a yelp. “She is coming for me now, help me!” she screamed. Hanna rolled her eyes. A second later the air left her lungs. Something hit her hard in the back, as she bent over trying to get some of her breath back she saw that it was a shield that someone had thrown. The pain wasn’t too bad, she just wasn’t expecting the blow. “Get away from her, ghoul!” said the one who had thrown his shield. It was the second of Muddy’s minions, the male one. Hanna didn’t get slur, maybe it was some local insult? It certainly had put a frenzy in the villagers. Now pretty much everyone was talking animatedly while staring at her. Birgitta chose this moment to step forward. “Alright, that’s enough” she said. Everyone turned towards her. Behind her was Mud-girl. She was on her knees with a puddle of puke in front of her. She looked miserable and had plenty of vomit around her mouth. *That’s something at least,* thought the girl. “Hanna!” Birgitta snapped, with a furious tone in her voice. “Did I not explicitly tell you guys to take it easy and focus on the fundamentals?” Hanna didn’t respond. She hadn’t heard any instructions. Birgitta frowned at her silence. They locked eyes for a couple of seconds, until Birgitta flashed her a menacing smile. “That’s it everyone, practice is over!” She said, and the teenagers begrudgingly shuffled off to return the equipment. Mud-girl limped away with the help of her two sidekicks. Hanna begun to leave as well when Birgitta stopped her. “You obviously have to stay and explain yourself Hanna”, she said. Hanna felt herself swallow. “There really isn’t much to say” she said. “She tackled me before I was ready and I was feeling pretty vengeful.” Birgitta cut her off. “Thanks, but I saw that. I don’t give a fuck about your pitiful teenage-rivalry. Tell me how you managed to punch her hard enough to splinter the shield.” Hanna was not expecting that to be the problem. “Uh, I don’t know, I just struck as hard as I could” was her eloquent answer. “What sort of combat training have you done before you got here?” Birgitta said with furrowed brows. “Nothing really.” Hanna answered, before she remembered that her Boxing and Wing Chun probably counted. “I have practiced a little unarmed fighting, but that’s it”. Birgitta was obviously not satisfied with her answer. She looked her over, and even went around her as she did so. Then she put her hand on her biceps and squeezed. The hand could almost reach the whole way around her arm, and the squeeze she gave did not meet much resistance. Birgitta sneered at this, before she put her hands on both sides of Hanna’s hips and lifted her up. She didn’t even look strained as she did so. Birgitta had a disappointed look as she put her down again. “You are no longer a reservist” she said. The sentence struck Hanna hard. She hadn’t even completed a full day of practice, but she felt a strong desire to learn how to fight. She could tell herself that it was because she needed to learn how to fend for herself, but that wasn’t it. There was a strange allure to a tool that was exclusively made for violence, and it harmonized with something deep inside her that longed for conflict and bloodshed. The way that all that had been taken away from her made her furious. It felt so unfair, what she had done was nothing compared to what Birgitta’s own daughter had done. Her increasing fury came to a halt when she heard Birgitta chuckle. “Stop it with the evil-eyes girl. I’m practically doing you a favour”, she said. “The whole reservist circus is more or less a way for us to babysit the too active portions of the village’s youths. Her insulting the thing she desired didn’t really placate Hanna’s feelings. “You are getting something better in return”, she continued. “From now on, you will be training with me”. Hanna blinked. This was a turn she hadn’t expected. After having seen the woman in action earlier, she knew that it wouldn’t be easy. But at the same time her pulse was already raising to the challenge. She knew she wanted this. “I will make time for you every morning except weekends. You will show up, and you will do it on time. Is that clear?” “Yes Birgitta.” Hanna answered, before her curiosity got the better of her. “Why me though? What’s so special about me?” She added. Birgitta had an evil smile. “That’s what we are going to find out” she said. The girl walked away from the practice field with a lot on her mind. She knew she was different compared to before the gap but seeing the scared and angry faces of the others made it a lot more real. The way they looked at her made her feel truly set apart from them. Maybe living isolated on a mountain didn’t foster people into accepting outsiders, but they had seemed almost fervent in their anger. It made the girl rethink staying in the village. In the two days she had stayed here she had been stabbed and managed to alienate a good part of the village. It wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven. “Hanna”, Olof said with a slight sadness to his voice. He was standing by one of the buildings around the practice field. He had obviously been waiting for her, which warmed the girl’s heart a little. At least Björn and Olof wasn’t as hostile as the rest of them. But he shot her feeling down with a disappointed look. “Why did you do that?” “Do what? Fucking defend myself?” She answered with a sullen tone. She had been hoping for some comfort, not more hostility. Olof seemed annoyed. “There is a pretty big difference between defending yourself and almost killing someone”, he said accusingly. “Fuck off” she said in return and gave him the finger before walking away. His confused appearance told her that her gesture wasn’t understood, but at least he didn’t try following her. She snuck a glance over her shoulder when she thought that he wasn’t looking. He was still standing where she left him, looking her way and scratching the back of his head. She walked around the nearest corner just to get him out of her view before she stopped. *What now?* She thought. She still hadn’t been assigned a place to sleep so maybe she should try and fix that. Not that she remembered where the village elders were. She toyed with the idea of asking Björn for help, but she didn’t want to risk another person looking at her like she was a freak. She stood there aimlessly raking her mind for a better idea until it hit her. She was going to get absolutely shitfaced. Her sense of direction being what it was, she had to ask for directions. The one who helped her was an old man hanging some laundry. By the third time she asked with a loud voice where the pub was, she understood that the problem wasn’t the volume of her voice but the words that was used. Once she threw in some charades and blurted some random words for alcohol he finally understood her. Apparently, the correct term was *Alehouse*. The alehouse wasn’t as empty as she had imagined, given that it was still in the middle of the day. It was about the same size as the house of the elders. In front of the building was a small open square that sort of reminded her of the practice field, minus the hay. The only entrance to it was through a gap between two houses. As she passed the gap she realized that it was where she had been stabbed yesterday. It felt like ages ago. The square was littered with tables which were all more or less occupied. Everyone seemed to be eating the same thing, some grilled meat and mashed potatoes. The smell of it set her stomach grumbling, and it kept doing so even as she stepped into the relative darkness of the alehouse’s interior. The only one that she could find inside was the barkeep. He was surprisingly young for his profession, probably around her own age. His hair was an unappealing mix of grey and brown, and over his lip was a short and well-kept moustache that only barely did more good than bad. Their eyes met and he seemed to look somewhat intrigued. It was hard to tell if it was the way she looked or if it was her being a stranger, but she had definitely caught his eye. Hanna walked up to the bar and leaned against it. Since he was doing the same their faces got a bit closer than she had intended, but it gave the moment a slightly electric feel that was sort of pleasant. So she kept her face where it was and studied the guy. His eyes were a mix of grey and blue, and his nose was ever so slightly bent to the right. It was hard to put it into words, but his face had something about it. Nothing in it was special on its own but put together the sum was definitely greater than its parts. The electricity between them still lingered and the silence grew. He was smiling slightly, and she realized that she was doing the same. “So, I take it that you are the new girl?” he said. She winced. Maybe going to the pub wasn’t the best idea if she wanted to leave stuff behind her. “Uh… yeah”, was what she managed to say in response. *My fantastic… it’s talk*, she thought, feeling like Andy Dwyer. The guy looked at her, apparently waiting for more. “So… What can I get you?” He asked when nothing more followed. *Shit*, she thought, as his question made her realize that she didn’t have any money. “I just realized that I don’t have any money”. The barkeep blinked a few times as he heard this. “And yet here you are, placing an order?” Hanna’s stomach answered the question for her. “I guess so” she said. “Can I get a credit or something? Or do you guys need help with anything?” The guy seemed to be toying with an idea. His smile grew as he did so. “Sure, I have a thing. Follow my lead”, he said with a mischievous look, walking out to the square where everyone was eating and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Listen up folks!” He shouted, and everyone turned around as he did so. “Two free meals to anyone who can best my friend! Only two coins a try!” *What the fuck?* Thought Hanna. She could almost feel it on her skin as everyone in the courtyard sized her up. *This was not what I imagined.* “What’s the game?” Asked a young man with his fist full of meat. “Arm-wrestling!” Was the barkeeps answer. It made everyone burst out in laughter. “I’ll take it!” Said the man from before, quickly finishing off the meat that he was holding. The barkeep led her over to the man’s table with a hand on her back. She couldn’t quite tell if it was meant as moral support or as insistence, which annoyed her a lot. What made it worse was the warm feeling his touch put in her body. They cleared the table and she sat down. The young meat-eater put his arm on the table and offered his hand for her to grab. It wasn’t until she raised her eyebrows theatrically high that he remembered to wipe the abundant grease from is palm. He rolled his eyes and used his pants as a napkin. It didn’t seem to do much of a difference, but Hanna let it be and grabbed his hand. It was slightly bigger than hers and it was still greasy. The barkeep fished around for anyone willing to bet on the outcome before he announced the start. The young meat-eater must have been certain of his victory, because he wasn’t trying to push her down. Hanna on the other hand had been quite worried and therefore gone all out from the start. Put together, it explained why his fist had slammed into the table almost immediately. He had a pained look as he massaged his hand, and he seemed quite confused as to what had happened. As the barkeep proclaimed her the winner while waving her hand above her head, it seemed the rest of the crowd shared the meat-eaters confusion. Hanna was smiling smugly, obviously happy that her newfound strength finally did her some good. There was a discontented murmur among the crowd that continually grew until one of them slammed his table. “Damnit Åke!” He shouted. Judging by the annoyed tone he had probably just lost some money. “Okay, I’ll fix this!” he said, waiving towards the barkeep. He in turn didn’t look at all surprised. After having shuffled some people around to free up the space, Hanna was seated in front of her new opponent. The new challenger had a thin moustache that hung from the corners of his mouth, giving him an unwashed look. *At least his hands are clean*, Hanna thought as they prepared for the bout. She tried gauging his strength by looking at his arms, but his baggy clothes made it impossible. Her own arms felt like they were brimming with power. It was a strange feeling, not knowing how strong you were. Judging by how much more she had carried compared to Björn and Olof it was clear that she was strong. But she had been far from her limit then and she felt eager to try her wings. Lucky for her, this man had learned from his friend’s mistake and tried his best from the start. The girl did the opposite this time, feeling a lot more confident after her previous win. As she felt the man struggle it was obvious that he was strong. But with a bubbling sensation in her stomach the girl realized that she was more than his equal. She began to slowly push harder, and the man desperately tried to catch up. His face grew redder as he fought, but his hand moved ever closer to the table. Wanting to finish with bravado, Hanna pushed her hardest for a second, and the man’s resistance instantly caved in. The scene from the first match repeated itself as the man’s hand loudly slammed into the table. The onlookers sat quiet in disbelief as the barkeep took her for a victory lap between the tables. “Any more challengers?” He asked as he finished collecting money from them. When no one showed any interest, he thanked them and returned inside. The girl followed him in. Outside a loud discussion erupted. “55… 56”, said the barkeep as he finished counting the money. “I took the risk and came up with the plan…” He said and paused to do some internal discussions. “I’d say that this is more or less fair”. He then pushed about half of the money towards her. The coins were a metallic grey and of an almost uniform size. As far as the girl could tell they were all the same. She counted them and got it to 25. It didn’t really seem fair to her, but it was a lot more then she had before so she didn’t argue. “How much for a meal and a beer?” She asked. “A meal and a what?” was his reply. He had a teasing tone to his smile, as if he knew damned well what she meant. When she clarified that a beer was pretty much the same as an ale, he told her that the meal was four coins and the “beer” would cost her a single coin. As she began picking the coins out he offered her a package deal, 25 coins for two meals, a room to sleep in and all the ale she could drink. The girl thought it over and figured that it sounded like an OK deal. Not that she had any way of comparing prices. By looking at the barkeeps smug face it was obvious that it wasn’t by accident that the amount he had offered her was the exact total of her earnings. *Cheeky bastard*, she thought as she pushed the coins back to him. *We’ll see how smug you look when I’ve finished drinking.*
{ "title": "Atlas Code", "id": 19157, "author": "Pantalion", "rating": 3.6 }
{ "title": "21: Fork", "id": 305742, "next": 312380, "prev": 298742, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjNmM1YTNlODgxNzQ1MGY5NzI4YTI0OTk5ZWI2OGRj">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnM1MjY0M2E3ZWU2YzRiZThhNTkyOGNiMTdjZTM4MGMw">Atlas settled into the rhythm, trying to find a pace that didn’t aggravate his wounds as he limped through the woods. The tapping of his scythe handle against the stony path carried out into the dull silence of the trees.</p> <p class="cnMyNmFjYWQ5YjFjYjRlMWI5MmVjOGZiMGJhY2ZkYTA2">There wasn’t one. Even the slowest of walks triggered dull aches throughout his body that his Aegis couldn’t quite suppress, though it was certainly trying. His red bar was well below half now. Even his mana bar was starting to dwindle from the constant regeneration.</p> <p class="cnNmZTI0NjkyMmNiOTQyY2VhNzJkY2Y1ZWEyZjA4MTQ3">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnNhYmUyNzY2MDdhYjQ4Nzc4M2EwNjU5Y2E4ZDFkMzIy">So instead Atlas moved as fast as he could manage, which was still slow enough to leave him wondering if the path hadn’t grown while he slept. Twice as long and half as full? Apart from the quiet, even the foliage and bushes looked less dense, the canopy allowing spots of orange sky through leafless gaps above.</p> <p class="cnM0MTc1NmRkNzEyNzRlN2RiY2QyOTRiY2QxY2M2NDIx">Not a bad thing for him, at least. He was in no fit state to fend off a pack of lagomorphs, let alone anything larger. Even that silver antlered deer could probably finish him off if that wind ball warning shot hit him in his damaged state.</p> <p class="cnNhMjc3OWZhZTQxNTQ1MzNhMWM2ODU1Y2QzNDMwMmQw">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnMxMDcxOTM4Y2IyNTQxODg4MmI1OWM4YjA0NzgzYmYw">The signpost. Atlas grimly approached, halting before it to stare at the weathered wood for the second time that day, his feelings even more troubled than before.</p> <p class="cnM5NmJiNTQ3MmMzNjQ4YjI4ZTE2NjgyZjJiZjYyNDYx">If only he’d told them.</p> <p class="cnM5OGJlMWJjMmEzNzRhMTM4ZGJiYzhhYWI0ZDc0ZTdl">If only he’d realised how they saw him.</p> <p class="cnNhODIyN2E0YzNmZDQ2ZDA5NzMwN2IzMDk2MTQ3MDQ1">If only he’d known to look for the cash box before.</p> <p class="cnMzMmFlMTIzZTJkZDQzY2Q4NDY4ZmM0NjFkMzQ4ZGE4">If only he hadn’t fallen asleep.</p> <p class="cnNhZTk4YjFkYmZjYjQ4NTU4NmUzMDA2NGYyMTVjNWE1">A hundred thoughts fought down from his head to his stomach, pooling together in a wave of nausea that had him dry heaving, trying to purge his empty guts of all the guilt and misery that festered there.</p> <p class="cnM4NDA2ZWQzMjk3ZDQwN2ZhYjlhMTMxMzZkN2NjNTQ0">But nothing came. Apparently both were there to stay. A few minutes later Atlas straightened, needlessly wiping his mouth with the back of his gauntlet, and continued on his way.</p> <p class="cnM5MmFmZWIzNWQ1NzRiZmZiYjQyZGE1NzUwOWIwMTQ1">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnM0MTZmYzQwNmFiNzQyZTVhMzg1Y2ZkYjJlY2Y3OTk0">Whether his speed or his direction, there was something distinctly unfamiliar about the once overgrown path he walked. In some places even the bark has been stripped away from the trees. Deep gouges marked the wood beneath, as though heavy claws, or tusks, had torn into them.</p> <p class="cnMxZDY2MDM2ZGM2ZjRmMjliYThlNTIzNzU4MzFhNzQy">Atlas tightened his grip on his scythe as he peered between empty boughs to nothing more than barren trees beyond. At this point even a few of the predatory bunnies would have been less disconcerting.</p> <p class="cnM1NWM4MmY5NjI2NjRiNzViZDk3NDIxNTRkYjA5YWVi">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnM1NTQ2NWI4YzNkODQwMDFhYmMwNGE1NzkwYjQ2NTE1">Moan.</p> <p class="cnMwZDU4M2QwOWQ1MzRiNDhiZDRhNTRmNGEyN2Q3MGVh">Atlas froze.</p> <p class="cnM5MGFjNjBiZGZiYzQ3ZWVhNDA0NWU1NjMzZjdkZTk5">That wasn’t him.</p> <p class="cnNjNGE1NjYxNmMzOTQzNzk5MGYzN2YwNTBiMTEwM2Rh">The offending sound, soft as it was, carried clearly through the hushed forest. Atlas crept forward as best he could, holding his own ragged breathing as he went. His one handed grip on his scythe was tight enough that his knuckles would have been white even if he’d had a complexion to speak of.</p> <p class="cnNjMzJiNDg4ODFjMTRlNjQ5MjJkMGI3NzdhMTIxYzdm">Which was weird, now he thought of it. Wasn’t skin pink because there was blood under it? And he certainly had plenty of-</p> <p class="cnNiZTUyMzlmZmFhODQ2NTk4NGNlODg0MTc2ODU5YzMx">Focus. Atlas blinked away the rogue thought, ears straining through the silence.</p> <p class="cnNmYmM1YmVkN2YwYjRmOTk4MDcyOWM3YWQ3ZGUzMzVj">There, in the leaf spattered dirt. A spot where the surface had been scuffed. Black feathers plastered into the mud. A trail slightly darker than its surroundings. Atlas breathed out, slow, soft. It tickled his throat and he bit down on a cough, heart hammering in protest as he followed the signs and the sound off the path.</p> <p class="cnMzZmNmNjhlYzFiZjQ3ZDU5NjM2NTNkMDk0Y2EzMTg2">Another wordless moan, low and strained, came from the thick scrub beside the road, a strip of black fluttered caught in the branches. Atlas crept forward, cautiously peering between the leaves, his whole body tensed ready to pounce or flee.<br>Two brown eyes stared back.</p> <p class="cnNhZjhkNDBkNTBjMjRiZDE4OTljY2I1NzM4NTczMDEw">“Wilds, kid. You scared - ngh!! - the life out of me.”<br>“<em>Kleis?</em>”<br>The big man, skin clammy and almost as pale as Atlas’, lay in the mud beneath the brush, a bloodstained hand clamped over his stomach in a vain attempt to keep what remained of his innards in place. Atlas winced.<br>“Yeah, ‘s me. Good to see someone... made it out.” He grunted. “Even if you do look like a jester.”</p>Atlas frowned, crouching down with painful slowness. “How did you get out here?”<br>“Same way... you did.” Kleis waved his free hand. “Saw my chance and ran. Thought I was clear but…” He trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut against either the memory or the pain. “Barely managed to get away after one got me… Well, guess I didn’t.”<p></p> <p class="cnNlYWQ4YjZhZThmNjQzYTU5M2NlMWFjZDhjNWVkODgz">So Kleis had fled, abandoning the farm and all its occupants to their fate, only to find himself an equally grisly one here in the woods. <br>Atlas’s frown deepened..<br>He wasn’t sure if he was angry. He’d considered the option himself after all. It was rational. But a very irrational, very insistent part of his brain was busily making its case that he should be angry, tempered only by the guilt that he’d accomplished exactly as much for Phineus as Kleis had, and suffered a far less terrible fate doing so. Even if this world had the tech necessary to repair the damaged organs he could see poking between the man’s fingers, it was hardly available in an abandoned forest.<br>“... Hold still.” Atlas pressed the end of his scythe into the earth and looped his arm over it, leaning heavily against it as he lifted his arm from his doublet and tapped the scan button. The green beam flashed over the wounded man.</p> <p class="cnNlNmI4ZTc0YmQ5NzRmMTE4NDUxOTNiZWNjNmRhYWQw" style="text-align: center">OPEN CODE GRID Y/N?</p> <p class="cnMzZjRmZWYzYjJlNzQxMjg5YjFjYWQ0MTBjNTdjNGY1">He tapped the button once more and the blue bar on his screen began to dwindle. Kleis snorted, laying his head back against the main trunk of his bush shelter.<br>“Still playing with that toy of yours I see.”<br>Atlas ignored him, staring grimly at his dwindling MP bar as though he could will it not to zero out. With his body in its current state it wasn’t likely he’d get another chance if it failed, let alone the consequences to his own aegis with the regeneration rate reduced to minimum.<br>10%, the code grid opened, revealing a much plainer screen than Mrs Damastes’ had been, simply a single square with the Craven code at its centre, the bars for changing appearance…</p> <p class="cnNiYWU3NjI4MDZlNTRkNjZhOTAxMTA4OGRkMmQ1MGJi">Nothing. There was no apparently no “broken” code for people he could simply replace.<br>Atlas switched the Craven code for Sincerity and changed the big man’s torso to that of some unknown labourer scanned from the day before.</p> <p class="cnNiMTA3NjMzOWE3ZjQ1NjE4OGUzNjQ4MDQ4MmQwNjU3" style="text-align: center">SAVING</p> <p class="cnM0ZTA2MDMzN2E2ZTQzYjg4MWJmMjRiOGQ4NjhlMzgx">He held his breath.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjA3ODMxOTcyZjRjYzU4MTNkNDJhODU1MjFiMzdi" style="text-align: center">SAVED</p> <p class="cnM4ODc3ODAyZDA4YTRlNDM4ODZhYjg4NjZkMjA3YzRm">In a moment Kleis’ body warped and twisted into its new shape, its owner apparently unaware as muscles shrank and elongated, shirt rippling at the changes beneath.</p> <p class="cnM5OThkNmExNGJlMTQyYWRhY2JhMzU4YzAyMmJhYjMz">But the gaping wound remained constant, bobbing around on warping flesh like a boat on the surface of the ocean before settling, seemingly neither improved nor worsened by the drastic change to Kleis’ body. <br>Not that it could have <em>got</em> much worse. Atlas sighed, carefully threading his arm back into the makeshift sling of his doublet.<br>“I’m sorry, Kleis. There’s nothing I can do for you.”<br>“Yeah, I know.” Kleis didn’t open his eyes. “Could have saved you some time if you’d asked.”<br>“Sorry.” Atlas made a face.<br>“You already said that.” Kleis grunted. “Listen, kid. I know you’re probably scared right now, but you need to... pay attention to what I’m about to tell you, alright?”<br>“A-alright.”<br>“Don’t go back.” <br>“What?” Atlas raised his eyebrows, surprised.<br>The once big man’s entire body shuddered as he pushed his head forward, staring Atlas in the eye.<br>“Don’t go back to the farm, and <em>don’t</em> go back west. The ones that followed me flew west when they left.”<br>Atlas gasped. “They’re headed for the village?”<br>“Don’t try to be... a hero. Go south along this path. Get to... Helos, they’ll take you in.”<br>Atlas bit the inside of his cheek. “Thank you for telling me.”<br>Kleis grunted, letting his head smack back against the trunk once more. “One last thing.”<br>“Yes?”<br>“I’m not going to… go quick, kid. I’d appreciate it if you could spare something to make it a bit… easier for me.”<br>“... Alright.” Atlas nodded, sick to his stomach as he raised his bracer to his face, tapping through menus. A minute later the scythe disappeared. He yelped as he unwittingly grabbed its replacement even as he moved to swap hands. “Here. It’s… your decision.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZTNlNjMwMzVjOTQzYTliOGM3Y2RlNWUwOTVmMDU2" style="text-align: center">TOOL LOST<br>[Plundered Kitchen Knife]<br>LAUNCHED</p> <p class="cnNkYmRlZDY5NWQ1NzQzNGVhOTgyYjFmNzIxZjliOTYx">The blade sank into the earth beside Kleis. He coiled pale fingers around it and nodded gravely.<br>“Thanks, kid. And remember… what I told you. Don’t try to be a hero. Just go. Get yourself safe. It’s what Phin… it’s what everybody would have wanted.”<br>“... Goodbye, Kleis.”<br>Atlas leaned back, rematerialising his scythe and forcing himself to stand. The turmoil inside was much worse than before as he carried on his way, trying hard not to hear the soft moans of pain fade behind him. Trying hard not to listen when they stopped and everything went still.</p> <p class="cnM2OTE4ZWZkMzI1MDQzMzg5OTNjZWY0NGUyZWEzNmFl">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnNjNThmNWU0NjIyNTRjMGQ5NjI3NTE1OWRkYzk1Nzcx">He’d thought he’d avenged them. Thought he’d stopped anyone else getting hurt. Now he found that the only other people he knew and cared about had either met the same fate or were about to.</p> <p class="cnMzZThmZjY2MTEzOTQ2NTNiMzA0NDcxNmNiOWVkMjM2">And to pile cruelty on top of cruelty, if he hadn’t sacrificed himself to wipe out the erinyes that had attacked the farm then he might have been able to help the people of New Astros. There was no way he could walk all the way there now, even if he doubled back and took the short path.</p> <p class="cnM4NGMzZmVjZThiZjRlNDg4ZjM1ZDAyZGQ5MWRmODdk">And what could he do now even if he made it? He couldn’t even use both hands, and it wasn’t as though there was a handy flour mill he could use this time around. Perhaps if he hurried he might arrive just in time to see the last survivors eaten once more?</p> <p class="cnMzNGEwNmJjYmE1NjQ3ZTRhYzhmYzZhMDMxNDNjOGVk">Step. Tap. Breathe.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDRjOTAzYjM1ZDQ1YTg5MjM1ZGUxZGQ5MDkzYzM0">He felt no particular excitement when he reached the ruined wagon. Too numb. Too wrapped up safely away from his feelings, especially the second hand feelings that screamed from the back of his mind. Even the discovery of a small silver inlaid lockbox beneath its vertical wooden floor barely registered. He replaced its silver code with one of his broken codes in a moment, his diminished mana bar finally dropping to zero as he vacuumed its contents, including two more golden talents, from the dirt at his feet.</p> <p class="cnNmNzMyMTk0OGFlYjQyZThhYjJjZWExN2M3YTQzNjZi">Kleis was right. He shouldn’t try to be a hero. He should just head back to the Charon and focus on making it to the city and trying to find out what his bracers were counting down to, try and find out who he was, not go trudging through the woods to throw his life away for people who were probably already dead.</p> <p class="cnM5YWFmYmRhN2Q5NzQ2NGM5NmI1YzgxMmFhMjFkYjE0">But…</p> <p class="cnM5MThmM2VmMWY5NzQxMDc4MDc0MTM0OTg4MjQ4NGQw">Atlas started back the way he came, retracing his haphazard footsteps through the silent wood.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2Q0Y2YyZjEwNDQ5NDliZWE4YjQ1ZGQ1OGRkZTQz">He already had some idea of who he was by now, didn’t he?</p> <p class="cnNkY2M4YWU1YzdiMTRmOTRhOGE4MzE2Mzk3MDk1NDA4">Atlas collected his knife on his way back.</p> <p class="cnM3NzM2ODZjZWNkZDQ2MWRiNWE4NzU2YjY4MTBjOGE1">He was going to need it.</p> </div>
Step. Tap. Breathe. Atlas settled into the rhythm, trying to find a pace that didn’t aggravate his wounds as he limped through the woods. The tapping of his scythe handle against the stony path carried out into the dull silence of the trees. There wasn’t one. Even the slowest of walks triggered dull aches throughout his body that his Aegis couldn’t quite suppress, though it was certainly trying. His red bar was well below half now. Even his mana bar was starting to dwindle from the constant regeneration. Step. Tap. Breathe. So instead Atlas moved as fast as he could manage, which was still slow enough to leave him wondering if the path hadn’t grown while he slept. Twice as long and half as full? Apart from the quiet, even the foliage and bushes looked less dense, the canopy allowing spots of orange sky through leafless gaps above. Not a bad thing for him, at least. He was in no fit state to fend off a pack of lagomorphs, let alone anything larger. Even that silver antlered deer could probably finish him off if that wind ball warning shot hit him in his damaged state. Step. Tap. Breathe. The signpost. Atlas grimly approached, halting before it to stare at the weathered wood for the second time that day, his feelings even more troubled than before. If only he’d told them. If only he’d realised how they saw him. If only he’d known to look for the cash box before. If only he hadn’t fallen asleep. A hundred thoughts fought down from his head to his stomach, pooling together in a wave of nausea that had him dry heaving, trying to purge his empty guts of all the guilt and misery that festered there. But nothing came. Apparently both were there to stay. A few minutes later Atlas straightened, needlessly wiping his mouth with the back of his gauntlet, and continued on his way. Step. Tap. Breathe. Whether his speed or his direction, there was something distinctly unfamiliar about the once overgrown path he walked. In some places even the bark has been stripped away from the trees. Deep gouges marked the wood beneath, as though heavy claws, or tusks, had torn into them. Atlas tightened his grip on his scythe as he peered between empty boughs to nothing more than barren trees beyond. At this point even a few of the predatory bunnies would have been less disconcerting. Step. Tap. Breathe. Moan. Atlas froze. That wasn’t him. The offending sound, soft as it was, carried clearly through the hushed forest. Atlas crept forward as best he could, holding his own ragged breathing as he went. His one handed grip on his scythe was tight enough that his knuckles would have been white even if he’d had a complexion to speak of. Which was weird, now he thought of it. Wasn’t skin pink because there was blood under it? And he certainly had plenty of- Focus. Atlas blinked away the rogue thought, ears straining through the silence. There, in the leaf spattered dirt. A spot where the surface had been scuffed. Black feathers plastered into the mud. A trail slightly darker than its surroundings. Atlas breathed out, slow, soft. It tickled his throat and he bit down on a cough, heart hammering in protest as he followed the signs and the sound off the path. Another wordless moan, low and strained, came from the thick scrub beside the road, a strip of black fluttered caught in the branches. Atlas crept forward, cautiously peering between the leaves, his whole body tensed ready to pounce or flee. Two brown eyes stared back. “Wilds, kid. You scared - ngh!! - the life out of me.” “*Kleis?*” The big man, skin clammy and almost as pale as Atlas’, lay in the mud beneath the brush, a bloodstained hand clamped over his stomach in a vain attempt to keep what remained of his innards in place. Atlas winced. “Yeah, ‘s me. Good to see someone... made it out.” He grunted. “Even if you do look like a jester.” Atlas frowned, crouching down with painful slowness. “How did you get out here?” “Same way... you did.” Kleis waved his free hand. “Saw my chance and ran. Thought I was clear but…” He trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut against either the memory or the pain. “Barely managed to get away after one got me… Well, guess I didn’t.” So Kleis had fled, abandoning the farm and all its occupants to their fate, only to find himself an equally grisly one here in the woods. Atlas’s frown deepened.. He wasn’t sure if he was angry. He’d considered the option himself after all. It was rational. But a very irrational, very insistent part of his brain was busily making its case that he should be angry, tempered only by the guilt that he’d accomplished exactly as much for Phineus as Kleis had, and suffered a far less terrible fate doing so. Even if this world had the tech necessary to repair the damaged organs he could see poking between the man’s fingers, it was hardly available in an abandoned forest. “... Hold still.” Atlas pressed the end of his scythe into the earth and looped his arm over it, leaning heavily against it as he lifted his arm from his doublet and tapped the scan button. The green beam flashed over the wounded man. OPEN CODE GRID Y/N? He tapped the button once more and the blue bar on his screen began to dwindle. Kleis snorted, laying his head back against the main trunk of his bush shelter. “Still playing with that toy of yours I see.” Atlas ignored him, staring grimly at his dwindling MP bar as though he could will it not to zero out. With his body in its current state it wasn’t likely he’d get another chance if it failed, let alone the consequences to his own aegis with the regeneration rate reduced to minimum. 10%, the code grid opened, revealing a much plainer screen than Mrs Damastes’ had been, simply a single square with the Craven code at its centre, the bars for changing appearance… Nothing. There was no apparently no “broken” code for people he could simply replace. Atlas switched the Craven code for Sincerity and changed the big man’s torso to that of some unknown labourer scanned from the day before. SAVING He held his breath. SAVED In a moment Kleis’ body warped and twisted into its new shape, its owner apparently unaware as muscles shrank and elongated, shirt rippling at the changes beneath. But the gaping wound remained constant, bobbing around on warping flesh like a boat on the surface of the ocean before settling, seemingly neither improved nor worsened by the drastic change to Kleis’ body. Not that it could have *got* much worse. Atlas sighed, carefully threading his arm back into the makeshift sling of his doublet. “I’m sorry, Kleis. There’s nothing I can do for you.” “Yeah, I know.” Kleis didn’t open his eyes. “Could have saved you some time if you’d asked.” “Sorry.” Atlas made a face. “You already said that.” Kleis grunted. “Listen, kid. I know you’re probably scared right now, but you need to... pay attention to what I’m about to tell you, alright?” “A-alright.” “Don’t go back.” “What?” Atlas raised his eyebrows, surprised. The once big man’s entire body shuddered as he pushed his head forward, staring Atlas in the eye. “Don’t go back to the farm, and *don’t* go back west. The ones that followed me flew west when they left.” Atlas gasped. “They’re headed for the village?” “Don’t try to be... a hero. Go south along this path. Get to... Helos, they’ll take you in.” Atlas bit the inside of his cheek. “Thank you for telling me.” Kleis grunted, letting his head smack back against the trunk once more. “One last thing.” “Yes?” “I’m not going to… go quick, kid. I’d appreciate it if you could spare something to make it a bit… easier for me.” “... Alright.” Atlas nodded, sick to his stomach as he raised his bracer to his face, tapping through menus. A minute later the scythe disappeared. He yelped as he unwittingly grabbed its replacement even as he moved to swap hands. “Here. It’s… your decision.” TOOL LOST [Plundered Kitchen Knife] LAUNCHED The blade sank into the earth beside Kleis. He coiled pale fingers around it and nodded gravely. “Thanks, kid. And remember… what I told you. Don’t try to be a hero. Just go. Get yourself safe. It’s what Phin… it’s what everybody would have wanted.” “... Goodbye, Kleis.” Atlas leaned back, rematerialising his scythe and forcing himself to stand. The turmoil inside was much worse than before as he carried on his way, trying hard not to hear the soft moans of pain fade behind him. Trying hard not to listen when they stopped and everything went still. Step. Tap. Breathe. He’d thought he’d avenged them. Thought he’d stopped anyone else getting hurt. Now he found that the only other people he knew and cared about had either met the same fate or were about to. And to pile cruelty on top of cruelty, if he hadn’t sacrificed himself to wipe out the erinyes that had attacked the farm then he might have been able to help the people of New Astros. There was no way he could walk all the way there now, even if he doubled back and took the short path. And what could he do now even if he made it? He couldn’t even use both hands, and it wasn’t as though there was a handy flour mill he could use this time around. Perhaps if he hurried he might arrive just in time to see the last survivors eaten once more? Step. Tap. Breathe. He felt no particular excitement when he reached the ruined wagon. Too numb. Too wrapped up safely away from his feelings, especially the second hand feelings that screamed from the back of his mind. Even the discovery of a small silver inlaid lockbox beneath its vertical wooden floor barely registered. He replaced its silver code with one of his broken codes in a moment, his diminished mana bar finally dropping to zero as he vacuumed its contents, including two more golden talents, from the dirt at his feet. Kleis was right. He shouldn’t try to be a hero. He should just head back to the Charon and focus on making it to the city and trying to find out what his bracers were counting down to, try and find out who he was, not go trudging through the woods to throw his life away for people who were probably already dead. But… Atlas started back the way he came, retracing his haphazard footsteps through the silent wood. He already had some idea of who he was by now, didn’t he? Atlas collected his knife on his way back. He was going to need it.
{ "title": "The Sun Prince", "id": 21031, "author": "Katsueki", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Ch 14 P1 - An auspicious day to die", "id": 305745, "next": 306061, "prev": 305459, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4OGJiNWJhNTc2NzRlYzk5MWI1YTkxMzBmM2I0MjNj">Golden leaves fluttered around Ren as he crossed swords with the Shogun. The pond shimmered around his silhouette as that same gentle breeze played with his ponytail.</p> <p class="cnMxMThmZjgxZmMxZjRjMWJiNjk4Y2E4NmFjZGQ1ZTYw">If Ren had to die, then it should be on so scenic a day as this.</p> <p class="cnMxYjk3ZWI4YTY4NjQ3NWU4NDEwM2FmMmZiMjU1Njk1">Or so some stupid samurai with more honour than intelligence would claim. Kuro clutched his hands to his collarbones. Anyone with a lick of sense wouldn’t have agreed to this duel.</p> <p class="cnMxYTdhNDBlM2NjZjQ3NDliNjkwNTAzNWQ1YTUwMzNk">Ren tensed like a fox hearing a mouse. He struck first, his sword tapping the Shogun’s. Kuro’s jaw fell in exasperation. The Shogun would spear Ren on his sword and drop him to his knees, the wound gurgling as air and blood escaped his lungs — and Ren played around with tapping?</p> <p class="cnM3M2VjZGNhZmNiYjQ4MjI5MzgxNWJhMmFkYWJjNDNj">The Shogun’s blade swayed but returned to position, the Shogun as relaxed as if he played cards. Ren knocked his sword harder, but again the Shogun didn’t respond except to return to position.</p> <p class="cnNiODkwMDU5M2JiZjQ4ZWViMmVlNDE4MGIzYTE3MTFm">On the veranda, Kuro clawed at the cloth covering his legs. The Shogun’s laxness seemed to embolden Ren, as he tried several more taps and infinitesimal steps forward. Ren even yipped, or a human equivalent, and Kuro jumped, startled at the brash noise.</p> <p class="cnMzZTc4YzQ4NjhlNzQ2N2I5ODkwOTMzMGZmM2U4YzAz">Ren didn’t understand the Shogun relaxed like a fox curled up for a pretend nap, one eye on the mouse burrow inches from his muzzle. Ren’s world was books and climbing walls, not fighting. He accepted the Shogun’s bait like it was his own great prowess that gave him the opportunity.</p> <p class="cnM5YmRkYjUxY2M0OTQ3ZjI4M2MwYzgwOGVjYmQyZDA3">But in a moment… In three, depending on Ren’s patience, the Shogun would strike and Ren’s blood would spray across the pond.</p> <p class="cnM3NDU1ZjgwNmQ1MDQ2NjRhNDIzNmQzMjdiYzFmY2E0">Unless Kuro darted between them. One sword, maybe two. The steel would hurt as much as the onmyouji’s spiritual power crackling over his skin, but he’d survive where Ren would perish. If he could get the timing right…</p> <p class="cnMyZTdmNWJiYjNlMjQ3YjlhODFjMzJhNmRhYTc2ZDQ5">If Kuro wanted to save the reckless prince. Ren acted stupid and naive, and it would be his own fault if the Shogun killed him. Kuro would win his shrine, and… And Ren would be dead.</p> <p class="cnNiMTA1MzA3NDYzMzQ2MmY4N2M1N2M4ODIwNTJjZDI1">Kuro jumped to his feet as Ren knocked the Shogun’s sword hard to the side. He swung the Kusanagi around his shoulder and up, leaving himself exposed.</p> <p class="cnMyMTQ3MDQwMjllNjRhMGRhYjU2ZTJlYTJhYjU0OTc0">Moving as fast as a demon, the Shogun raised his own sword and sliced down toward Ren’s belly.</p> <p class="cnMyYWU0NzYwMDg5OTQ5ZjM5MjUyNjdkMzc1YWI3OGE3">Kuro took a step, but Ren rotated the Kusanagi, blocking the Shogun. Kuro stared as the Shogun took the initiative, and Ren repelled his attack once more. Not just barely, but as if Ren knew what he was doing. As if Ren was on the same level as the Shogun.</p> <p class="cnM2MDIyYzFjMDRhNDQ4NDJiM2NiMjQwYjdjOTQ5ODkw">Ren had bested the retainers on Market Road, Kuro reminded himself, and this was why. He followed with his eyes as the two thrust, parried, struck and blocked each other, neither getting close enough to even cut each other. They circled, seeking an opening, but both blocked each strike. Ren didn’t need Kuro running in between to get skewered for him. Kuro’s knee buckled, and he slid back down onto the veranda.</p> <p class="cnM5NDQ2OTlmZGNmMTQyODk5NDc0MDI2MjhkYTJhMjc3">The Shogun must have taught Ren, for all the differences in their fighting styles. Ren moved much more than the Shogun, always testing, always thrusting, always up to something. The Shogun, on the other hand, waited patiently for the opportunity to strike, pretending to be slow until he thrust into action. But the way Ren swung his sword and stomped his feet, the way he shifted around and found openings, echoed the Shogun. Kuro had plenty of time to observe them, until Ren and the Shogun, both dripping with sweat, brought their swords together, then sheathed them, retreating with their eyes on each other — at least Ren wasn’t that naive — before bowing again.</p> <p class="cnMxNzQ1N2VlOWRmOTQwNmM5YjllMjkxNDBkZjE3ZjFm">“Very good,” the Shogun told Ren as they strolled back to the veranda. “Your blocks are stronger. But your left foot is too shy. Work on that.”</p> <p class="cnNlMjA3YTVjYWIxZDRiMjdiNThjN2YwZDdiYjJkMjk3">“Yes, sir.” Ren bobbed his head, grinning. “Actually—”</p> <p class="cnM5ZDFjYmVjN2YxZTRjOTFiM2Q2YTFmZTZjN2NiMDFk">The Shogun stopped before the veranda. “Is there tea?”</p> <p class="cnNhZTJiM2FmMzZjMzQxOGNhMDRhNjkxZTQyOWU0ZTlh">“Er, yes, in the banquet hall,” Ren said. “Kuro, would you mind?”</p> <p class="cnMxOTcxOTRiNGExNzRkZmQ5M2IyNzc5MmQ1M2JiNWVm">Not really, but Kuro opened his mouth to say he did. The Shogun towered over Kuro with an expression like a particularly arrogant statue. Kuro bowed instead, and shuffled back like Yumi had taught him, springing up to locate the pot of tea and pitcher of water Ren’s sister had dropped off.</p> <p class="cnNmNzUyMjUxY2U0MzQ3ZWFiOTg3ZmMyNzM0OWFmODhm">He returned to the veranda in time to hear Ren tell the Shogun, “She was a furious blood-thirsty ghost, as beautiful as she was deadly.”</p> <p class="cnNjZThmZTM1YjIyNTQxYjZiNzM3ZTFhNDM3NmI1MmEy">Kuro almost dropped the tray. He never should have left.</p> <p class="cnMwNmNlYTE3N2M3MDRmYmY4YzYxZDliNmFlMDE1Mzc5">“And where did you encounter a ghost?” the Shogun asked.</p> <p class="cnNhNDRjYzVkNmZmYTRiMjhhODgwZDkxYTIxMzk2NjZh">“Er—”</p> <p class="cnM4M2U2NTk2ZWIxZTQ3MDc4MTdjY2ExMWM4ZDUwMTJl">“The Imperial Palace is protected.”</p> <p class="cnM3Zjc0ZjUyMTZhZDQ0NDc4Y2ZiOGIxMTM2MjgzYzBl">“Well, that’s what I wished to speak with you about,” Ren said.</p> <p class="cnMzY2VlNzA2N2ViNTQ1YjliZjMzNTY1NDYzNmU1YzZh">“Where is that tea?” the Shogun barked.</p> <p class="cnM3MTc2NTgzN2UzYTRlYzJhYTg5NGQ1M2IwM2I1ZjNi">Kuro bristled. He might be the Shogun, but Ren was the Sun Prince. He wasn’t — oh, the Shogun barked at Kuro. So much for hovering outside of sword’s reach. Kuro hurried forward and set the tray between them, and bowed. Hopefully the Shogun wouldn’t forget Kuro was even there.</p> <p class="cnM1MWZmNDQzOWRhZDRlNGVhNzk5ZTRhNzI1OTc2NjY5">Ren poured the Shogun a cup of tea. “I uncovered a demonic plot.”</p> <p class="cnNhZmU5MzNiNzAwMjRkNDhhN2E5YjQ5NWRmMjRmZjE3">The Shogun swallowed his cup, and poured one for Ren.</p> <p class="cnMwNTE2MmY2OTIzYTRkY2M5NGZlNzFlOWYwYjMyZWI0">“The people in the Riverbank Settlement aren’t luring in demons,” Ren continued. “It only seems like it because they lack even the most basic protection against demons, and the demons take advantage.”</p> <p class="cnMyNDJkMDg4NDQ4NTRkMzE4YjJhYTBmZGJiM2VmZjM3">So the Shogun was Ren’s source.</p> <p class="cnM3ODY5ZmJlZjQwNTQ2ZjBiYWQ1Mzk5OTljOTk1ZWFj">“Oh? How did you discover this?”</p> <p class="cnM3ODUwYzI0YWNhNTRhOGVhOGIzMDg5NTkwYTY4MzM0">“Well…” Ren glanced back at Kuro. If the Shogun noticed, he didn’t give a sign of it. “I went to the settlement to see for myself. My people are dying—”</p> <p class="cnNiNTA1Yjk3NjI5ZTRkMGVhNzlkMDJjZDUyNjRlZjI2">“You bring shame upon your family,” the Shogun interrupted.</p> <p class="cnM4YTJiNWNkZjdkODQ5YTdiNWYxM2Y3YjZlMWVlYjg4">Ren reddened, but not like he’d blushed in the bath the night before. “I’m trying to—”</p> <p class="cnNlYjZmMDMxNTFlMjRmMzM4MDMyZTdiMDU1NzJlYTU5">“Worse, you shame the sixty-six emperors who came before you. You know you’re not supposed to leave this compound. You are the Sun Prince. You must not walk among the common-folk. We’ve told you this so many times.”</p> <p class="cnM0M2VkODllOGFiODRiOGY4OTFkZmZmZTc2NmFmMzg3">“But it’s my duty—”</p> <p class="cnM0YmE4OTliZWRlNDRlOWNiNTE0YTQ3NGNkZDBhOGE4">“Your duty is to be untouchable,” the Shogun said. “To remain aloof, to live as a moral example to the people. To inspire your people. How will you inspire your people if they see you walking in the dirt like any other man?”</p> <p class="cnNkZTI3YjRkNjQzNjQ1MDA5MzQ0NzI3NjBjNTRhMWUz">Ren bowed his head, staring at his knees, as he had before he’d stuttered out his attractions. “I have to. Something is killing people in my capital, and I can’t let my people suffer.”</p> <p class="cnNmNjEwODNkODMzMzQwYjg4NmJiY2I2ODc5MjM3MjM0">The Shogun huffed, probably laughing at the idea that Undesirables counted as people.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTZkMDUzZmRhMDQ3MGZiYjM0N2FjYmZjNTE0ZThk">“I need resources,” Ren said. “Give me men and I’ll capture the culprits and secure the city.”</p> <p class="cnM0N2VkNDMwYjA1MTRjMWNhZTgwNTcxYmI3OTM2MmUz">“How will you lead a phalanx when you can’t leave the compound?”</p> <p class="cnM5MmIzOWNiODlmODQxOTE5ZWEyNjBhZDY3YzYzNTky">“I…”</p> <p class="cnMwOTg5YWFmNmNlMTRhNzA5MTE1NWViZTBmOWQ1MTFm">“How can you lead samurai when they’re unable to lay eyes on you?”</p> <p class="cnNmOGQwYzY0NTJkOTQyMjM5MjFjZjEwNTg0NmY1Y2Ex">Only stupid human ritual made that impossible, and the Shogun knew it. Ren knew it.</p> <p class="cnMyOGZiYTkzNTI4ODRiZWViYzBiMjY0MzAxOTZmMGU3">Ren smacked his hands onto the planks. “I have to do something.”</p> <p class="cnNlZmY3ZTFlN2I1NTQ4N2ZhMmFiNmYzZjBkYTY4ZDU3">“You are, by staying here and doing as you’re told.”</p> <p class="cnNlZWEyNzczYmEyMDQ4NTY4NDA1OTQwNjRlMmI1Nzdj">“But—”</p> <p class="cnMxNjEzN2QxZDhjNTRjMjdiY2M3OTQ0Y2Q2NjMzNjU4">“Ren,” the Shogun snapped his name. “I’ve been more than indulgent. Need I remind you of your duty?”</p> <p class="cnM4YzRiMTM3YTBlYTQ1YmRhMjM0Y2FlZTA2ZGZkZjhh">Ren sagged. “You do not, Uncle.”</p> <p class="cnNjODk1YzY5MGY3NzRlOWViZTEyZTM0YTE1NjJhN2Fi">The Shogun did it anyway. “The emperor’s duty is not to run the government or care for the city. That is what you have me for. The emperor upholds the spiritual and moral purity of the empire. You complete the rituals that keep the gods happy and live as a moral example to the people.”</p> <p class="cnM2NjdjNmE3NjUzMTRkYmQ5ZDQ4NDUyZWM3OTQ4YjAx">“But I can’t do the rituals until you let me be enthroned!”</p> <p class="cnMyNDExMzI4ZThlOTRkZWFhNzMwMmVlZTg4ZTVkMTg5">“Ren,” the Shogun chided.</p> <p class="cnMyMmIyNmNmZDBkZTQxNDU5ZTZjMWMwOTlkN2YwYWU4">Ren looked away, gripping the Kusanagi’s sheath. “When are you going to enthrone me?”</p> <p class="cnNiZTA1MTNjYzFjNTRlOWZiZDg0MGMzMGRjMGE0OTk5">Kuro pressed his forehead to the ground, as if hovering even an inch above the planks would allow the Shogun to spot his proud grin.</p> <p class="cnNhNDQzMjE4M2YzMjRlMzE5OWM5MTY2OWE3Y2EwOGRh">“The time is not right.”</p> <p class="cnM2MjJkYjRiYjE4YjQ2YTc5OWY4YzBmN2U2ZGU4OWJj">“When, Uncle Gorou?”</p> <p class="cnMzMDYyNmExNGQyNzRmNjFiODE1NzNiYzcyNDc4MDc0">“We discussed this.”</p> <p class="cnMxNzQzODNjZDMzMzQzNTFiNDkyMTE5MjNiNmQ0Yzgy">“I know, but—”</p> <p class="cnM5NzFiZDZiMzdjZTRhY2E5OTVlMjVhNzY2MWQyMDZi">“What has gotten into you?” The Shogun’s voice had softened, as if he actually cared. “I saw your painted screens. Why would you destroy them?”</p> <p class="cnMwMTk1NjVhMTY0NjRhMTU4NjhjODdmOGQ4N2Y3MWU4">He meant the screens in his room, covered in scribbles.</p> <p class="cnMxZDM5MTU1M2JiMzRlOWQ4Y2ZmZmFlNzMzYmNhOTAx">“I ran out of paper,” Ren mumbled, but from the Shogun’s harrumph, he believed that about as much as Kuro had.</p> <p class="cnMyOWJmMzNkNmYzNjQ5NjM4ZjdmY2NhNzVkZGY0NDdh">Neither said anything for a long moment. Kuro peeked up, biting his lip from exclaiming when the Shogun petted Ren.</p> <p class="cnNlMmY5YzBhYTkwYTQ1ZTc5ZDI5MmY4ZDFlZTlkZGYx">The Shogun’s sleeve slipped. A black tattoo marred his forearm, as if the Shogun were a branded criminal.</p> <p class="cnMxODVjOGJmYjI0NjQ2MDk5YzA1NGVlNWUxNmEyMTcx">But the tattoo wasn’t the symbol the prison used. It was the tally character Ren had taught him.</p> <p class="cnNiYzc4NzhlNjBhZTQ3MmZhYjllMTQzZDc5YzYwZjhh">Ren leaned into the touch.</p> <p class="cnM4NjdjZTViMGQ0YzRmY2Q4ZjczZThlNzQ4NzgxNTA3">“They’re plotting against you,” Ren said. “If I stop the demons, they’ll be forced into silence.”</p> <p class="cnM0YjlkMWE3OThkYjQ5NGFhNDIwYjk4NGZkYzdkYWY0">“Enough,” the Shogun said. “Promise me you won’t leave the compound again.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzczYTMzMDUwYzQ0MDQ5MjYzNDdlZGMzZTQ0Zjk5">Kuro snorted. As if ‘Uncle Gorou’ could wring such a vow out of Ren. Kuro couldn’t get Ren to stay in the compound even if he shoved him into the closet and used a pole to bar the door from sliding open.</p> <p class="cnMyMTM0NThjNDM1OTRhMjM4YTZmNzgxYTQ4YWQ2MjU3">The skin around Ren’s lips tightened. He gazed up at the Shogun with a weird, squishy emotion. A familiar emotion, one that Kuro had seen not on Ren, but on himself. In the few days after his fur had turned black, he’d tried to impress his mother by sweeping the thousand of stone steps and tending the shrine’s barriers. But instead of pride that Kuro could conquer those tasks in fox form, she’d had a human servant pick him up by the scruff of his neck and tossed into a storehouse.</p> <p class="cnMxMWRhYTA4NGQyYzQyOGZiOWUwMGJmYjcxZGVkNDQ2">Ren nodded. “Yes, Uncle.”</p> <p class="cnMxMGE5YTQzYzFkNTQ0N2JhMzZlMWI2OGY3NjVjZWYw">But even before Kuro had learned that no one could ever get past his fur, Kuro had never been as blind as Ren. He’d never been — Kuro’s back tensed. That was it, the perfect description. Ren fawned like a young man besotted by a geisha. The man Ren had fallen for, the man he’d blushed over, the man he had refused to name — was the Shogun.</p> <p class="cnM1OGM2ODM0YmFmNzQ0YjU5ZTg2ZGNiNDRiMGRkOGZm">Ren hadn’t cared about the Undesirables or protecting his people. He only wanted to impress the Shogun, like those lads who got talked into balancing on rooftops or climbing the mountains to pluck a rare flower for the geisha who couldn’t care less. The Shogun who had arranged for his fox assassin to enter Ren’s household, to sleep in the futon next to Ren at night.</p> <p class="cnM2MDNkMWE1YmRjNjRjNzhhODM3ODE1Y2YyYjk2NmM0">Kuro gekkered. He bit his lip to stop himself, but the high-pitched sounds burst through anyway. Why had the Shogun even bothered with Kuro? Ren would get himself killed trying to impress the Shogun, and the Shogun needn’t lift a finger himself. With Ren’s reassurance he had a spirit to protect him, he’d be dead by week’s end.</p> <p class="cnM2NzJhMjJkYmQ0NzQwZTM5YzM4ZDUxNTdjYmVkNzYy">Which was a good thing, he tried to remind himself. Then Kuro wouldn’t have to kill Ren himself to get his shrine. He didn’t have to betray him. What mattered was the shrine. Humans came and went, and foolish ones like Ren blinked out before most spirits even noticed the change in time.</p> <p class="cnM1OWE1ODE5NzNmZDQ5MDE4NjRiYWM1OTRlZTdjOTYz">Yet, no matter how much he reminded himself of this, no matter how many times the Shogun bludgeoned Kuro’s head in punishment, Kuro couldn’t stop gekkering at the Shogun.</p> </div>
Golden leaves fluttered around Ren as he crossed swords with the Shogun. The pond shimmered around his silhouette as that same gentle breeze played with his ponytail. If Ren had to die, then it should be on so scenic a day as this. Or so some stupid samurai with more honour than intelligence would claim. Kuro clutched his hands to his collarbones. Anyone with a lick of sense wouldn’t have agreed to this duel. Ren tensed like a fox hearing a mouse. He struck first, his sword tapping the Shogun’s. Kuro’s jaw fell in exasperation. The Shogun would spear Ren on his sword and drop him to his knees, the wound gurgling as air and blood escaped his lungs — and Ren played around with tapping? The Shogun’s blade swayed but returned to position, the Shogun as relaxed as if he played cards. Ren knocked his sword harder, but again the Shogun didn’t respond except to return to position. On the veranda, Kuro clawed at the cloth covering his legs. The Shogun’s laxness seemed to embolden Ren, as he tried several more taps and infinitesimal steps forward. Ren even yipped, or a human equivalent, and Kuro jumped, startled at the brash noise. Ren didn’t understand the Shogun relaxed like a fox curled up for a pretend nap, one eye on the mouse burrow inches from his muzzle. Ren’s world was books and climbing walls, not fighting. He accepted the Shogun’s bait like it was his own great prowess that gave him the opportunity. But in a moment… In three, depending on Ren’s patience, the Shogun would strike and Ren’s blood would spray across the pond. Unless Kuro darted between them. One sword, maybe two. The steel would hurt as much as the onmyouji’s spiritual power crackling over his skin, but he’d survive where Ren would perish. If he could get the timing right… If Kuro wanted to save the reckless prince. Ren acted stupid and naive, and it would be his own fault if the Shogun killed him. Kuro would win his shrine, and… And Ren would be dead. Kuro jumped to his feet as Ren knocked the Shogun’s sword hard to the side. He swung the Kusanagi around his shoulder and up, leaving himself exposed. Moving as fast as a demon, the Shogun raised his own sword and sliced down toward Ren’s belly. Kuro took a step, but Ren rotated the Kusanagi, blocking the Shogun. Kuro stared as the Shogun took the initiative, and Ren repelled his attack once more. Not just barely, but as if Ren knew what he was doing. As if Ren was on the same level as the Shogun. Ren had bested the retainers on Market Road, Kuro reminded himself, and this was why. He followed with his eyes as the two thrust, parried, struck and blocked each other, neither getting close enough to even cut each other. They circled, seeking an opening, but both blocked each strike. Ren didn’t need Kuro running in between to get skewered for him. Kuro’s knee buckled, and he slid back down onto the veranda. The Shogun must have taught Ren, for all the differences in their fighting styles. Ren moved much more than the Shogun, always testing, always thrusting, always up to something. The Shogun, on the other hand, waited patiently for the opportunity to strike, pretending to be slow until he thrust into action. But the way Ren swung his sword and stomped his feet, the way he shifted around and found openings, echoed the Shogun. Kuro had plenty of time to observe them, until Ren and the Shogun, both dripping with sweat, brought their swords together, then sheathed them, retreating with their eyes on each other — at least Ren wasn’t that naive — before bowing again. “Very good,” the Shogun told Ren as they strolled back to the veranda. “Your blocks are stronger. But your left foot is too shy. Work on that.” “Yes, sir.” Ren bobbed his head, grinning. “Actually—” The Shogun stopped before the veranda. “Is there tea?” “Er, yes, in the banquet hall,” Ren said. “Kuro, would you mind?” Not really, but Kuro opened his mouth to say he did. The Shogun towered over Kuro with an expression like a particularly arrogant statue. Kuro bowed instead, and shuffled back like Yumi had taught him, springing up to locate the pot of tea and pitcher of water Ren’s sister had dropped off. He returned to the veranda in time to hear Ren tell the Shogun, “She was a furious blood-thirsty ghost, as beautiful as she was deadly.” Kuro almost dropped the tray. He never should have left. “And where did you encounter a ghost?” the Shogun asked. “Er—” “The Imperial Palace is protected.” “Well, that’s what I wished to speak with you about,” Ren said. “Where is that tea?” the Shogun barked. Kuro bristled. He might be the Shogun, but Ren was the Sun Prince. He wasn’t — oh, the Shogun barked at Kuro. So much for hovering outside of sword’s reach. Kuro hurried forward and set the tray between them, and bowed. Hopefully the Shogun wouldn’t forget Kuro was even there. Ren poured the Shogun a cup of tea. “I uncovered a demonic plot.” The Shogun swallowed his cup, and poured one for Ren. “The people in the Riverbank Settlement aren’t luring in demons,” Ren continued. “It only seems like it because they lack even the most basic protection against demons, and the demons take advantage.” So the Shogun was Ren’s source. “Oh? How did you discover this?” “Well…” Ren glanced back at Kuro. If the Shogun noticed, he didn’t give a sign of it. “I went to the settlement to see for myself. My people are dying—” “You bring shame upon your family,” the Shogun interrupted. Ren reddened, but not like he’d blushed in the bath the night before. “I’m trying to—” “Worse, you shame the sixty-six emperors who came before you. You know you’re not supposed to leave this compound. You are the Sun Prince. You must not walk among the common-folk. We’ve told you this so many times.” “But it’s my duty—” “Your duty is to be untouchable,” the Shogun said. “To remain aloof, to live as a moral example to the people. To inspire your people. How will you inspire your people if they see you walking in the dirt like any other man?” Ren bowed his head, staring at his knees, as he had before he’d stuttered out his attractions. “I have to. Something is killing people in my capital, and I can’t let my people suffer.” The Shogun huffed, probably laughing at the idea that Undesirables counted as people. “I need resources,” Ren said. “Give me men and I’ll capture the culprits and secure the city.” “How will you lead a phalanx when you can’t leave the compound?” “I…” “How can you lead samurai when they’re unable to lay eyes on you?” Only stupid human ritual made that impossible, and the Shogun knew it. Ren knew it. Ren smacked his hands onto the planks. “I have to do something.” “You are, by staying here and doing as you’re told.” “But—” “Ren,” the Shogun snapped his name. “I’ve been more than indulgent. Need I remind you of your duty?” Ren sagged. “You do not, Uncle.” The Shogun did it anyway. “The emperor’s duty is not to run the government or care for the city. That is what you have me for. The emperor upholds the spiritual and moral purity of the empire. You complete the rituals that keep the gods happy and live as a moral example to the people.” “But I can’t do the rituals until you let me be enthroned!” “Ren,” the Shogun chided. Ren looked away, gripping the Kusanagi’s sheath. “When are you going to enthrone me?” Kuro pressed his forehead to the ground, as if hovering even an inch above the planks would allow the Shogun to spot his proud grin. “The time is not right.” “When, Uncle Gorou?” “We discussed this.” “I know, but—” “What has gotten into you?” The Shogun’s voice had softened, as if he actually cared. “I saw your painted screens. Why would you destroy them?” He meant the screens in his room, covered in scribbles. “I ran out of paper,” Ren mumbled, but from the Shogun’s harrumph, he believed that about as much as Kuro had. Neither said anything for a long moment. Kuro peeked up, biting his lip from exclaiming when the Shogun petted Ren. The Shogun’s sleeve slipped. A black tattoo marred his forearm, as if the Shogun were a branded criminal. But the tattoo wasn’t the symbol the prison used. It was the tally character Ren had taught him. Ren leaned into the touch. “They’re plotting against you,” Ren said. “If I stop the demons, they’ll be forced into silence.” “Enough,” the Shogun said. “Promise me you won’t leave the compound again.” Kuro snorted. As if ‘Uncle Gorou’ could wring such a vow out of Ren. Kuro couldn’t get Ren to stay in the compound even if he shoved him into the closet and used a pole to bar the door from sliding open. The skin around Ren’s lips tightened. He gazed up at the Shogun with a weird, squishy emotion. A familiar emotion, one that Kuro had seen not on Ren, but on himself. In the few days after his fur had turned black, he’d tried to impress his mother by sweeping the thousand of stone steps and tending the shrine’s barriers. But instead of pride that Kuro could conquer those tasks in fox form, she’d had a human servant pick him up by the scruff of his neck and tossed into a storehouse. Ren nodded. “Yes, Uncle.” But even before Kuro had learned that no one could ever get past his fur, Kuro had never been as blind as Ren. He’d never been — Kuro’s back tensed. That was it, the perfect description. Ren fawned like a young man besotted by a geisha. The man Ren had fallen for, the man he’d blushed over, the man he had refused to name — was the Shogun. Ren hadn’t cared about the Undesirables or protecting his people. He only wanted to impress the Shogun, like those lads who got talked into balancing on rooftops or climbing the mountains to pluck a rare flower for the geisha who couldn’t care less. The Shogun who had arranged for his fox assassin to enter Ren’s household, to sleep in the futon next to Ren at night. Kuro gekkered. He bit his lip to stop himself, but the high-pitched sounds burst through anyway. Why had the Shogun even bothered with Kuro? Ren would get himself killed trying to impress the Shogun, and the Shogun needn’t lift a finger himself. With Ren’s reassurance he had a spirit to protect him, he’d be dead by week’s end. Which was a good thing, he tried to remind himself. Then Kuro wouldn’t have to kill Ren himself to get his shrine. He didn’t have to betray him. What mattered was the shrine. Humans came and went, and foolish ones like Ren blinked out before most spirits even noticed the change in time. Yet, no matter how much he reminded himself of this, no matter how many times the Shogun bludgeoned Kuro’s head in punishment, Kuro couldn’t stop gekkering at the Shogun.
{ "title": "Empress of the Lost Realm", "id": 18676, "author": "Mirexx", "rating": 3.2 }
{ "title": "Another POLL *-*", "id": 305751, "next": 308745, "prev": 302325, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1MjEzZjEwNzNiYjQ0ODU5ZWVhZjRhM2NjNmNjNmI2">The typical cultivation novel is like the typical, no need to explain *-*</p> <p class="cnM4MmEwMzI5NmYyZDQ5ZWFiMWY5NDVlYTA1YWQ2YTM0">The modern, I want to do it like the modern world but except that without cars, computers, or so. In other words without many electrical instruments, instead I will be using some of those things but I would be replacing the energy used to demon cores from the beasts...</p> <p class="cnM4MjZmYjYxMDczNjQyM2Y5NDg2OTFiN2I1N2Y2ZjY2">&nbsp;And I have not sent any chapters because I'm currently stockpiling them.</p> <p class="cnMyYzdmODc1ZmFiNTRjMTk5ZTI4ZTllMDY4OWNiODk4">Btw the MC will be OP while she is in the Mortal Realm, but when she goes to the Immortal Realm she will be like geniuses or so.</p> <p class="cnM5YmUxMTdiODk2MjQ1YzdhNTkzY2Q5ZTQzZWQyMzBj">And I changed the title to a more fitting for the novel.</p> <p class="cnNkMGM4YjBjMzk4MDQyMGRiYzc2YTczMDk5YTI4YmVi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MjRmNzg3M2NhMTQ1NzQ5NDYxY2Y5M2U3MGY5Nzdi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2Y2FlYjU1NWMwZDQ3NjM4ODM5NDhkNmJhNGQ0M2Nm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NTc3Njg0MjIyMDQyMjg4YmRjMWMzMWNjZDBjZTYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOWI5NmQ5OWYxYzQxZTY4N2JjMzI3OTNmZWE1Mzli">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNWEyYjgwNTViZjQ0YmE4NzI5NDkyY2QzZGY3MzAx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYTI4MzJjNjRlYjQ5N2M5ZGI3MWNmMmVmMmRhOTU1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjOTFhNzc1MWIyNjQ1NzY5MzZhMDI1MjhkZjk2Y2E3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMTgyNDY2ODhmMDQ5MGZhZmY2MzQzOGUyOTVjZDU2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNDE5ZTVjNmIwNTQ5NzdiNzMwNGVmZWMzYjk5OGIx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNmM2YTIxODI1YjRiZjk4YWJhODJjNDA1YWNmZjg2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNmJjODgyODg2ZDRiN2M4NGNlNTM4NzYzMWIxYThk">.</p> <p class="cnNkZjk5MGFjN2ExMDQzM2U4MDg5NDQ1NzU1OGY2NDYz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlOGQwNThlOGI2OTRjYWE5NGE2ODQzN2RjOWRhZjdh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4Njk1YmQ3ZTVkNDQxOTk4ZDk4YzZkOWFlZmJiOGNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MjYwZmU5NGZkYjQ3MmY4ZGE2OTJkYzlhMzYzZjlk">&nbsp;</p> </div>
The typical cultivation novel is like the typical, no need to explain *-* The modern, I want to do it like the modern world but except that without cars, computers, or so. In other words without many electrical instruments, instead I will be using some of those things but I would be replacing the energy used to demon cores from the beasts...  And I have not sent any chapters because I'm currently stockpiling them. Btw the MC will be OP while she is in the Mortal Realm, but when she goes to the Immortal Realm she will be like geniuses or so. And I changed the title to a more fitting for the novel.                       .
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 28: Hunt", "id": 305749, "next": 305907, "prev": 305747, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNzZhZWE1Y2M0NTQxMGFiNjJlZTM2MGE2ODU0NTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I strain my hearing, reaching out as far as I can with it. Sight might fail me, but if my Cathid wants to be found, I will definitely hear it.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDJiNDA0MTdiODQ2NzZiMmE5OGU3YjU4N2VjN2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The barrage of sound is almost unbearable, and it’s through force of will alone that I suffer the onslaught. Crackling… no, that’s a dry bush. A clack? No, too muted, probably a rock hitting something. Crawling? Too small. Just some insect. But there’s something else, hidden under this layer of sounds. A small, rhythmic beat. It’s coming from the direction of the monster camp, but not within the monster camp… somewhere close, but that general direction. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNTBhNDVhNzY3MDRkZDhiMjJhNjZkMjJkNDJkYjJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wordlessly, I follow it, and the steady footfalls behind me confirm that Rav is still willing to back me up, despite my heading. I don’t know how he ended up the way he is, but the loyalty is greatly appreciated. Small things matter so much when you have nothing.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTkwMzhmMGFiMTQ5YTFiNjhkOTZlYmRiYTgzYzAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The strange sound leads me on a five minute walk, in which we manage to avoid the detection of another small band of Carnine. Although the sound never really increases in intensity, I know I’m headed in the right direction. As I crest a seemingly normal hill, the sound immediately switches to behind me. Confused, I crest the hill again, and the sound is pointing in the original direction. No idea whether it’s up or down, the sound seems to be two-dimensional in orientation.</span></p> <p class="cnMzY2MzZTE0NzZkOTQwMzdhNjM0MzFhMzIxZGNlZDE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uh… this is it. This is where Kaythe is.” I say, pointing at the top of the hill, but even as I say it, I know that things aren’t adding up. If Kaythe had just burrowed in the ground, we would probably see a hole somewhere nearby. If it had burrowed all the way here… it’s a tiny creature, there’s no way it could dig that fast. And why is it underground anyway? </span></p> <p class="cnM3NDE4MmRlNjBkMjQ3ODNiNjJjNmU0OTFkY2Y2YTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Kaythe! Are you here!” I shout, and to my great surprise, I hear a frantic *Clack* (Here!) in response. Kaythe repeats the clack over and over, and the acoustics of it also don’t make sense. It doesn’t sound muffled, like something below the ground would, and it sounds like its coming from the side of the hill. I beckon Rav to follow, whose expression hasn’t moved from a mild, happy ambivalence, and carefully approach the source of the sound… that seems to just be another, normal side of the hill. Frustrated, I continue forward, intent on climbing this side of the hill and just digging my way through if I need to, but my plans are immediately flipped on their head as my first step down involves my foot passing through the ground and me falling face first down a fair distance, whilst yelling in surprise and no fear at all, until a sudden impact silences me, filling my mouth with dirt as the force drives the air from my lungs.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWUxNGE4MjQ3YjQwYjNhZjE3YTM1ODhkYzRiMWZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Anthony? My friend, where have you gone?” Rav actually manages to sound worried for the first time since I’ve met him, and while I’d love to tell him I’m alive, my attempts at breathing are met with sullen resistance from my lungs to do anything. Gaping emptily, I try to force air into my stubborn lungs by swallowing it, but that does nothing more than make a strange sound. Panic builds in my chest, and I look around frantically, trying to make sure I’m safe enough to use Energy, when a small groan escapes my lips. The tiniest puff of air makes its way into my starving lungs.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjVjOThmODRmODRiMzA5NTQyNDI2M2FlZDRlOGQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without even enough breath to curse, I hold very still as every miniscule breath grows in size, little by little, until I’m gasping huge lungfulls and praising every god I’ve entirely forgotten the names of. </span></p> <p class="cnNlODI5NDY2ZTEwZjQ2MTA5YTVlOGNkYzg5MjYwMjll"><span style="font-weight: 400">During my brief brush with death, Rav has continued calling out to me, getting more and more concerned as my responses are not forthcoming, and it seems he came to investigate first hand, as he trips through the base of what must be a very impressive illusion. An illusion obscuring the entrance to a rather large cave called “The Barrows” if the notification that popped up upon my less than stellar entry is anything to go by. Kaythe had, at some point during my difficulties, climbed on top of me and was doing its best to help in much the same way as a dog. Having no capacity to do anything, but moving around a lot and clacking. The noise and the sudden loss of balance had Rav convinced I was being attacked, and he quickly recovered his balance and assumed a fighting position, eyes and hand glowing blue, but his face quickly broke from the mold of stoic determination into a joyful grin. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNjg2YzBiNmM4YTQzZmU5MmE5NTg2MGQwNjBlOTM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see you have been victorious in your quest. Were you too overcome with happiness to respond to my calls?” He asked through a smile that held less guile than a newborn. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOTQ5MTQxNDE1NTRjMmU4ZjI3NThhMTRiODZiMjMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I cough lightly, “I-” I cut off as I find speaking rather difficult, despite the fact that I can now breathe. My voice sounds strained and weak, so instead I hold up one finger and manage a sort of grumble. Rav chuckles and proceeds to look around the cave entrance, studying both the illusion that hid it as well as the structure of the cave itself. In the meantime, Kaythe fills me in on why it ran off and brought me here.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGZlZTdhYTBjOTQ0YjM4NmI2YzhiZDhmMGIyZjI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, I don’t speak cathid, but the weird, mental connection we have now lets me pick up that Kaythe is instinctively attracted to caves. Cool, dark places in general really. And it has a very sensitive smelling organ that can detect most common fungus and molds that live in such a place. It knew it would be of no use in the fight, so it came to find the cave. A combination of wanting some shade after being outside all day and figuring the information would be useful to me.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTUwMWRhMzQwOTQxNTI4YzA1ZTBkNjAwMWUwMmMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaythe is the best scout, I swear.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzc2MjEyNWI0MDRkNTRhNmVlY2YxZTNhMDZjMjA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m good.” I manage to force out, weakly, “Fell right on my chest, knocked the wind out of me, my parents, and my unborn children. Took a bit to get it back.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmYyYjliNzI2MzRiYTk5MDVhNmNkYTBlOWUzZGUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav nods. “I figured as much, but I was worried you were unconscious and that whatever had laid this trap had gotten to you. It’s good to see that it was just your companion waiting for you down here. This illusion is very impressive, but I lack the skill to examine it thoroughly.” Rav continues, his eyes burning blue as he studies the faint image of grass growing over us, “It even moves in response to the environment… most impressive. Not even these eyes can see through it… it masks its own Mana… Amazing.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyNmM3MmMyYWJhNzRhMDVhNWViNzg3NGEzMmQ2Zjk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, I guess if there’s going to be magic in this world, there’s going to be all kinds of magic. This is both exciting and unnerving. Frankly, if there was some giant monster or many smaller ambush predators down here, I would have fucking died. No question. Especially if I, as previously, did not know such a thing was even possible here. It’s nearly impossible to fight a weapon you don’t know exists…</span></p> <p class="cnMzZGFmNWIzYjYzZDQzZjliMzc5ZjMyYWIyNzdhMjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Kinda like Energy. That would explain why none of the monsters I kill with it have any real defence, just an automatic response. A double edged sword where information is the key to victory.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTUzMWVjNTFmMDQ4NDQ4N2NlZmI4YTA4YzEwZTlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The more tricks I have to call on that enemies don’t have, or better, don’t know exist, the more likely I can stay alive. Always be underestimated.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTkwNjE0ZWFlMjRkYzRhYjZhNjNlM2M4MWVmOGM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Which means, I would benefit greatly from understanding this illusion magic. In pursuit of that knowledge, I ask the main question on my mind:</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDI1ZGU3NzZiZDQwYjU4NzcxMjM0MDIwOWU0ZTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How is it maintaining itself without a caster?” </span></p> </div>
I strain my hearing, reaching out as far as I can with it. Sight might fail me, but if my Cathid wants to be found, I will definitely hear it. The barrage of sound is almost unbearable, and it’s through force of will alone that I suffer the onslaught. Crackling… no, that’s a dry bush. A clack? No, too muted, probably a rock hitting something. Crawling? Too small. Just some insect. But there’s something else, hidden under this layer of sounds. A small, rhythmic beat. It’s coming from the direction of the monster camp, but not within the monster camp… somewhere close, but that general direction. Wordlessly, I follow it, and the steady footfalls behind me confirm that Rav is still willing to back me up, despite my heading. I don’t know how he ended up the way he is, but the loyalty is greatly appreciated. Small things matter so much when you have nothing. The strange sound leads me on a five minute walk, in which we manage to avoid the detection of another small band of Carnine. Although the sound never really increases in intensity, I know I’m headed in the right direction. As I crest a seemingly normal hill, the sound immediately switches to behind me. Confused, I crest the hill again, and the sound is pointing in the original direction. No idea whether it’s up or down, the sound seems to be two-dimensional in orientation. “Uh… this is it. This is where Kaythe is.” I say, pointing at the top of the hill, but even as I say it, I know that things aren’t adding up. If Kaythe had just burrowed in the ground, we would probably see a hole somewhere nearby. If it had burrowed all the way here… it’s a tiny creature, there’s no way it could dig that fast. And why is it underground anyway? “Kaythe! Are you here!” I shout, and to my great surprise, I hear a frantic *Clack* (Here!) in response. Kaythe repeats the clack over and over, and the acoustics of it also don’t make sense. It doesn’t sound muffled, like something below the ground would, and it sounds like its coming from the side of the hill. I beckon Rav to follow, whose expression hasn’t moved from a mild, happy ambivalence, and carefully approach the source of the sound… that seems to just be another, normal side of the hill. Frustrated, I continue forward, intent on climbing this side of the hill and just digging my way through if I need to, but my plans are immediately flipped on their head as my first step down involves my foot passing through the ground and me falling face first down a fair distance, whilst yelling in surprise and no fear at all, until a sudden impact silences me, filling my mouth with dirt as the force drives the air from my lungs. “Anthony? My friend, where have you gone?” Rav actually manages to sound worried for the first time since I’ve met him, and while I’d love to tell him I’m alive, my attempts at breathing are met with sullen resistance from my lungs to do anything. Gaping emptily, I try to force air into my stubborn lungs by swallowing it, but that does nothing more than make a strange sound. Panic builds in my chest, and I look around frantically, trying to make sure I’m safe enough to use Energy, when a small groan escapes my lips. The tiniest puff of air makes its way into my starving lungs. Without even enough breath to curse, I hold very still as every miniscule breath grows in size, little by little, until I’m gasping huge lungfulls and praising every god I’ve entirely forgotten the names of. During my brief brush with death, Rav has continued calling out to me, getting more and more concerned as my responses are not forthcoming, and it seems he came to investigate first hand, as he trips through the base of what must be a very impressive illusion. An illusion obscuring the entrance to a rather large cave called “The Barrows” if the notification that popped up upon my less than stellar entry is anything to go by. Kaythe had, at some point during my difficulties, climbed on top of me and was doing its best to help in much the same way as a dog. Having no capacity to do anything, but moving around a lot and clacking. The noise and the sudden loss of balance had Rav convinced I was being attacked, and he quickly recovered his balance and assumed a fighting position, eyes and hand glowing blue, but his face quickly broke from the mold of stoic determination into a joyful grin. “I see you have been victorious in your quest. Were you too overcome with happiness to respond to my calls?” He asked through a smile that held less guile than a newborn. I cough lightly, “I-” I cut off as I find speaking rather difficult, despite the fact that I can now breathe. My voice sounds strained and weak, so instead I hold up one finger and manage a sort of grumble. Rav chuckles and proceeds to look around the cave entrance, studying both the illusion that hid it as well as the structure of the cave itself. In the meantime, Kaythe fills me in on why it ran off and brought me here. Now, I don’t speak cathid, but the weird, mental connection we have now lets me pick up that Kaythe is instinctively attracted to caves. Cool, dark places in general really. And it has a very sensitive smelling organ that can detect most common fungus and molds that live in such a place. It knew it would be of no use in the fight, so it came to find the cave. A combination of wanting some shade after being outside all day and figuring the information would be useful to me. Kaythe is the best scout, I swear. “I’m good.” I manage to force out, weakly, “Fell right on my chest, knocked the wind out of me, my parents, and my unborn children. Took a bit to get it back.” Rav nods. “I figured as much, but I was worried you were unconscious and that whatever had laid this trap had gotten to you. It’s good to see that it was just your companion waiting for you down here. This illusion is very impressive, but I lack the skill to examine it thoroughly.” Rav continues, his eyes burning blue as he studies the faint image of grass growing over us, “It even moves in response to the environment… most impressive. Not even these eyes can see through it… it masks its own Mana… Amazing.” Well, I guess if there’s going to be magic in this world, there’s going to be all kinds of magic. This is both exciting and unnerving. Frankly, if there was some giant monster or many smaller ambush predators down here, I would have fucking died. No question. Especially if I, as previously, did not know such a thing was even possible here. It’s nearly impossible to fight a weapon you don’t know exists… Kinda like Energy. That would explain why none of the monsters I kill with it have any real defence, just an automatic response. A double edged sword where information is the key to victory. The more tricks I have to call on that enemies don’t have, or better, don’t know exist, the more likely I can stay alive. Always be underestimated. Which means, I would benefit greatly from understanding this illusion magic. In pursuit of that knowledge, I ask the main question on my mind: “How is it maintaining itself without a caster?”
{ "title": "The Law of Averages", "id": 20101, "author": "mcswazey", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 27", "id": 305754, "next": 307135, "prev": 304838, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5NGYyYTI4ZjEyMzRiM2U4NjViZTFiMzZjZDFiNDYx">"Sister! How lovely to see you!" a voice cried out jubilantly.</p> <p class="cnMwNWFhYTUzYWRlZDQ3OGM4NjMzZDI5YzBlNThiYzNk">From within the mansion, a tall man approached, his arms spread wide. His face resembled Abby's slightly. His cheeks were a little more gaunt and his face was a little less round. But he had her aquiline nose and her large, expressive eyes. He was dressed like a consumate business man, dressed in an immaculately tailored suit with a matching tie. His black shoes were almost reflective, shining and clean. A pair of diamond cufflinks glittered as they caught sunlight.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWVmOGIxOGZkNjQzYWFiNzM1MDUyNTczY2ViYjMx">Daniel had been confused at Abby's insistence on formal dress. He was no longer confused.</p> <p class="cnNkOWUxZjU3NTA4YzRjYTBiMmUxZDkzYjc2Y2Q3MWUz">Abby's eyes flicked towards Dan as her brother approached. A smile appeared on her face, oddly wide and unnaturally stiff. She opened her arms slightly, her elbows tucked in to her sides, as if expecting a very formal hug.</p> <p class="cnM4MGZjMmVkZTI4OTQ0NzZhYTkzZjJlOGYxMDVmNWEz">"Glad to be here, Jason," Abby replied with all the enthusiasm of a death row inmate.</p> <p class="cnNiMDlmNDE4ZTdkMTQxMDJhODg1NzIxMTBlYzIzMzE3">Her brother reached her with a few smooth steps. His arms closed, and both hands clamped down on the sides of her shoulders. He held her there, at arms length, with a look of relief on his face.</p> <p class="cnNkYjhiNzhmMmJhYjQ5NWNiN2E0MGMyNzM5ZmZlYjNh">"Thank goodness you're here, Abigail!" he crowed. His eyes roamed somewhere over her head as he spoke, and his head bobbed up and down with each word. "This gathering is a nightmare, as always. Cousin Sarah got into an argument with her sister and is crying in the guest bathroom. Be a dear and talk her out of there, would you? She's acting unseemly."</p> <p class="cnMwYWQ5ZDlmMjE1MTRlNGJhZGIxOWU1ODBmZTQxYWZj">"I—" Abby started, but Jason continued to speak.</p> <p class="cnM0MmJiNjA0NmE4ZDQzNmJiMWU0ZmQzMzJjOTc5ZTJk">"Also, Uncle Richard has<em> once again</em> found the liquor cabinet. We probably have half an hour or so before he starts to really go downhill, but I think it's best to nip that in the bud don't you? Let's not have another repeat of 2014. I'd hate to have you clean up after him again."</p> <p class="cnMyZmYwNTRhYmExMjQwMTNhODFmY2E1MjA4YjhiMmEw">Abby raised a finger. "Jas—"</p> <p class="cnNiYWEwMjRkZmY1YjRmNTI4ZjJkYzk0ZGNlMGJhYzAx">"This would be so much simpler if Grandmother didn't have such a ridiculous stance on the help. <em>Honestly</em>. Don't tell her I said so, but she's getting old. An attendant or ten is befitting for a woman of her status." Jason shook his head in exasperation.</p> <p class="cnNhOTcyZTFhYzE0OTRmNDViNmY5YmQ5NzBkNTg4Nzdk">His eyes at last glanced down to hers, then further along to her dress. He blinked in what was nearly audible surprise. "You look <em>radiant</em> sister!"</p> <p class="cnNiMzkxMTFjOTQ0MTRjOTJiNDMxYmNjM2I5YTAzNzlk">Abby's eyes narrowed and the slightest hint of warning entered her tone. "Thanks. I tried."</p> <p class="cnM5YWY5ZjQ5ZjQ0ZjQ4ZTU4OTFjODQ2ZTMzZWY4ZTVh">Her brother coughed lightly into his fist. "Yes, er, quite. Well, I'm very glad you've come, Abigail. We don't see each other nearly enough."</p> <p class="cnNiYjNmNzRmODY4NzRiNjY5NmE2NWRkNWZlM2UzYzJj">Daniel could see Abby's frosty expression warm a fraction. She nodded slightly, opening her mouth. "You're ri—"</p> <p class="cnM5ODI3NTE5MWJkZjQ1MmNhN2Y0NTBhMGRjYmRkNDI2">"But unfortunately, I really must be off," Jason interrupted. "We'll catch up later, yes? Remember: Cousin Sarah and Uncle Richard. Take care of that for me, please, as soon as you can. Thank you, Abigail, I'm so glad you're here." He smiled at her then, warm and sincere, before giving her shoulders a firm squeeze and whirling away.</p> <p class="cnNkYjBjMmNjNDQyOTQ0ZjM4MDcyNGQwMDlmYmRjOTM4">Throughout the entire conversation, he had not even glanced in Dan's direction.</p> <p class="cnMxYmIyYjE2OTZhYzQxNGI5NmRkMWMzMDFkNDBlZDc3">Abby watched him leave, a dozen expressions warring on her face. She glanced once more in Dan's direction, then settled on one of determination.</p> <p class="cnNlMmYxMWJhYmU5NjRkNzdiYWE3YTFmMzYyZGIzM2Qw">"Jason!" she called loudly, causing her brother to stop. The man glanced over his shoulder, a puzzled smile on his face.</p> <p class="cnM1YzA1ZTdhYmI5MDRiMGQ5MmQwNWU0MzdhNzBjZWVk">"Grandmother said to greet her as soon as I arrived," Abby announced. Her shoulders bobbed up and down, a perfect<em> what-can-you-do-?</em> shrug.</p> <p class="cnMyZGY1NGJkMmRlMjQ3YWI5NmIxYTYxZWRmMmJlZGE2">Jason's smile grew strained. "Oh."</p> <p class="cnM2NThkOGI0ZDYyZjRiZDE4MmMzNTg0ZjEwMTA3MWYy">Abby nodded. A grin, vindictive and true, appeared on her face. "So I should probably go talk to her first, and who knows how long that'll take. You know how she is."</p> <p class="cnM4YzQ3NmRmZDI2ODQ0ZTg5MmY3NWJkMTQzNGYxYTJk">The corners of her brother's mouth crept downwards. "I do."</p> <p class="cnNjYjkwMGRhMDMyMjQzZjZhYmU5NTQ1YTMxODc1YmE4">"I'll find you once we're finished but for now... I suppose you should find someone else to help you manage our family's lives." Abby's voice was light and innocent. Not a hint of sarcasm could be found.</p> <p class="cnNlZTBmNDJlNmFmOTQzNTI4NTA1YTAwYWE0MzExYmFh">Jason grimaced at her words. He nodded uneasily. "I suppose I should. Grandmother is in her study. Best not to keep her waiting."</p> <p class="cnMxOGJlYTVlNjE3NTQwOTJhZTYzZDhkZWVmMGE4YWE1">"Of course," Abby replied sweetly as her brother disappeared into the mansion. As soon as he was out of sight, she slumped in on herself, breathing heavily. Dan stepped forward, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She stiffened for a moment, then leaned into his hug.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDk4YWYxYWExYTRhOGFiYTZmMDM3NzQyNjVjODE0">"So that's your brother," Dan murmured under his breath. "Bit of a bossy fellow."</p> <p class="cnM3M2JhMmU1MzQwNTRjMThiZmZmMzcxYzcxY2JmZmY3">Abby chuckled weakly. "Of course. He usually is the boss. He means well, though." She looped her arm around his elbow.</p> <p class="cnM5NThkMjA2YzI0MzQwMDU4NjY4N2ZiMzdlMDU1OTc3">"Yeah?" Dan asked, as she lead them into the foyer of the mansion.</p> <p class="cnNlNWYyZjhiYWIxNjQwZDk5M2I1OTYwNGI2YzhkMmY2">"Dad was big on appearances. Reputation. Acting a certain way at all times. Jason took the lessons very seriously. If someone acts... inappropriately, it's almost an insult to the rest of the family."</p> <p class="cnM3OGUxYThhZjU0YjQ0MGViNjdjY2Q4M2RhM2Y2ZGY1">"Seems a little overbearing at a private thing like this," Dan pointed out as he admired the scenery.</p> <p class="cnNlYzY4NzdmNWZkZjQzYTliYjJiYmMzYmMyZTFiMGY4">While the outside of the manor was all imposing angles and hard stone, the inside consisted of smooth wood and warm hues. A crystal chandelier hung from a high ceiling, scattering light across the broad entrance. Broad stairs ran along each wall, leading to a second floor, the steps carved out of gleaming hardwood.</p> <p class="cnNmY2QzYzI3YWExMzQ5ZTZhODkyNGU0NTYzYjg1ZjFj">Abby noticed his interest. She tugged at his arm and pulled him towards the stairs. "Come on, I'll give you a tour on the way to grandma's study."</p> <p class="cnM2MjEzZDZmY2Y5MDQ2NTQ4Nzc2ZTU1ZTRmYWE3OWJh">Dan dutifully followed as she lead him to the second floor. She turned left at the top of the staircase, bringing Dan through a winding hallway covered in abstract paintings.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjYzMzhiZGZkMjRlZDZhNmQ5ODdkNDU4NTc2ZTAx">"My mom bought most of these," Abby said wistfully. She ran her hand across a frame as she walked past.</p> <p class="cnM2YWM2NDBmMTBmMjQwMTE4NWU3MWUwOGIxZTUzYjhk">"Grandma has never been big on decorating and grandfather was beyond caring about such things. Momma thought this place was to dreary, so she had a bunch of paintings and sculptures shipped in."</p> <p class="cnNiYmM4NGQ0NThmMjRjYjE5YzEzY2U0NTMzMDcyZjYz">Dan remained silent, merely giving her arm a comforting squeeze. Abby rarely spoke about her parents. There was an old pain there, a bitter wound that had never quite closed. Dan wasn't sure what had caused it. He would learn it when Abby wanted him to, no earlier.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2I2Y2Y1Zjk4MTRmOTg4YjVlODIzZWQ0YWY0YWZk">The hallway ended in a library. Grand and sprawling, the same as everything in the mansion, shelves upon shelves of books covered the walls and floor. Dan could get lost in a place like this. Not in a book, but literally. The shelves rose higher than his head and formed an impassable maze.</p> <p class="cnM4YzU3OTM4MjI5NTQyNTg5MjEzOTk4Nzk5NTIxNTVk">"<em>This</em> is all grandma's doing," Abby explained, waving a hand at the enormous room. "When she discovered that the Library of Congress was a thing, she wanted one of her own. It's not <em>quite</em> as big, but it's damn close by all accounts."</p> <p class="cnM3NTU3NjIyMzJhYjRjOWE4ZDlhOWE3MjI3ZTg2NGQ5">Abby lead him through the labyrinth with practiced ease. They came to a door in a far corner of the room, tucked away behind layers of books. Small but elaborate designs were carved along its edges, the looping swirls serving as the only accede to style. Abby raised her hand and knocked twice on the door, the loud thunks echoing through the library.</p> <p class="cnM1ODlmM2QzNTY0YjQ4M2ZhN2VhNDA0NTdmMTc3Y2Nl">"Come in," a woman's vital voice called out.</p> <p class="cnM2NzdiNzY5MDM1ZjRkNjlhYzNjZjE1ZDEwNTZhZjBk">The door <em>clicked</em>, and Abby gingerly swung it open to reveal a small study. Small, at least, in comparison to the rest of the mansion. Several shelves filled with books were arrayed around a large hardwood desk. A safe sat in the corner, unhidden. The walls were covered with pictures. Family photos dominated the space, but Dan spotted at least three separate presidents shaking the hand of a grim-faced woman with silver hair.</p> <p class="cnNjN2NkYjQ4M2I5ODQ5YjBhOWM0OWZhYjhmMTZiMTUw">The same woman currently sat behind the hardwood desk, leafing through a pile of paperwork. Dan hadn't expected her to look quite so... well-preserved. As a woman with multiple grandchildren, she was most likely in her sixties at the very least. The woman in front of him was clearly ancient. Perhaps not Marcus ancient, but her presence was weathered in a way that was immediately obvious.</p> <p class="cnM2ODQ1NjA5ZjgwNDQzZGU4NGM4MmQwMGU0NTEwNWI1">And yet, her body seemed untouched by time. Her face was smooth, only a few crows feet hinting at her true age. The lines of her face greatly resembled Abby, with smooth cheeks and full lips and a gentle jawline. It was at her eyes where the differences began to show. They were small. Grim and cold. Her brow was angled downward, set in constant disapproval. Her hair lacked the rest of her body's vitality. It was bright silver, a shade of blonde gone sour with age. It trailed down her neck to just above her shoulders, cut short into a bob.</p> <p class="cnM5OTA2OGQzYzI4ZjQ3YTdhYjRkNTBiMTRlYmRjYjZl">Her face was wrong, thought Dan. Abby's features should not be so cold.</p> <p class="cnM0MTY0OGUxOTI5YjQzY2U4YWE4ZTI0YjYwYmM4Nzhl">But the woman glanced up as Abby entered the room, and a broad smile emerged on her face. It was odd, unpracticed and gnarled in a way that defied reason, but genuine.</p> <p class="cnM1MmYxODhlZTQ0ZDQ5YmZiOGFmYmE3M2QwMTdmOTNh">"Abby." The woman had vacated her seat and wrapped Abigail in a hug in the time that it had taken Dan to process her words.</p> <p class="cnMwNTU5MzBlZTE1NjQ0ODE4YzVhMjVhYjQ1NjNjMDkz">"Hi grandma." Abby's muffled voice came from somewhere around the old woman's shoulder. Dan had to stop himself from taking a step backwards as he realized that the old woman was, in fact, a good two inches taller than him.</p> <p class="cnNkNjE3NmNhYjllMjRiMzM5YTA5ZmNlMzNhMmZiZmQ2">Anastasia Summers stepped away from her granddaughter, holding the young woman out at arm's length. Her eyes crinkled at the edges and warmth filled her gaze.</p> <p class="cnNlODJmOGE0MTU1NDRiMzBhNWI3MTIyZDAyOTlkMmVj">"Let me look at you, child. I haven't seen you in months!"</p> <p class="cnNhZjI5MDFmYjdlODQxNjdiNzZiZDBiMmE0OTU1YmJj">Abby blushed. "Sorry, Mama Ana. I've been busy."</p> <p class="cnM0ZTVkNTBlYzIzYzQ3NTRiZTY0ZDZmZmFlMGQ1MjU0">"Hmm, yes. Too busy to call your beloved grandmother except for when you need a favor?" the elderly matron sternly asked, tilting her head to the side. "I shouldn't have to bribe you to see your own family."</p> <p class="cnM4MDQ5MTg0Y2U3YTQxNjViM2U1YWZhNzA5YzFjN2M3">Abby coughed awkwardly, then engaged in the most blatant evasion Dan had ever witnessed. She pointed in his direction. "This is my friend, Daniel Newman!"</p> <p class="cnNlYThiMWY1YTdiNjQ4YjVhMGRmMmUyNmViOTJlZjc2">"Ah yes. Your friend." Anastasia's eyes slipped past Abby's and met Dan's.</p> <p class="cnNmNzk3MGZiZGE0MzQwZGI4ZTZmN2UyZGE4Y2E3ZTg4">And suddenly the warmth was gone. Dan's heart pounded, his pupils constricted. The world collapsed in on a point of light, as a pair of shining grey orbs stared into his soul. This was no doting grandmother. This was no business magnate. This was no woman at all. She was a predator. A monster of the night that had crept into daylight. A wolf that had stolen the skin of a human and was making only the barest attempt to conceal it. Her eyes fell upon him and he <em>knew</em>, with <em>utter certainty</em>, how <em>vast</em> the gulf between them was.</p> <p class="cnM0OWNiZDg1NWE3NzQ5MTdiODBiNzk1NTQ2Y2JjMjVi">But Dan had seen some shit by now, so he locked his knees and tightened his bladder, and did his best impression of a post.</p> <p class="cnMyM2M4N2YxYWFjZDRjYzZiNzBlMGVlZTg3NjhmODNi">And then the moment was over.</p> <p class="cnNlYzIxYTYxYmNmOTRkNmU4MDBhYTU4MTgwODVhZTg0">The elderly Summers turned away from him with a snort. "Well, he's better than the last boy you brought to me. At least he hasn't fainted yet."</p> <p class="cnNlMjU2NGQwY2FhNzRmMTBhODgxMDE2M2IzNjE5MTc4">Abby sighed. "Zack was thirteen, grandma."</p> <p class="cnM5ZTJlNDRmNDJlOTQ4OWE5NDhjN2YyOTYyMjI2YmJj">"And he swooned like a six-year old," Anastasia replied tartly.</p> <p class="cnM1YTRhMDE5N2RiYzQyY2Q5ZGJkNjcwZDI4MGI3NmNj">Abby seemed at a loss for words.</p> <p class="cnNlYzI0M2EyMDAyNjQ3ODZhOGI1OGY5YjliMGUxY2Q2">Her grandmother smiled gently. "Run along now, sweetheart. Go mingle with your family for a while. I'd like to speak to your young friend, just the two of us."</p> <p class="cnM3ZmEwZTEwOWRkODQyMzI5NmU3ODNhYzg5ZDlhZTg4">"That's..." Abby seemed to struggle for a reply. Her fingers played nervously with her hair, spinning long locks into a loop.</p> <p class="cnMxMTliNDQwMmI0YjQ2OGQ4YTVmYjM1MTNkMDM1MGRk">"That's fine," Dan interjected, striding forward. He placed his hand on Abby's upper back and tried to sound confident. "We'll just be a minute, I'm sure. Don't worry about me. I'll find you when we're done."</p> <p class="cnM0NTAyNmY3MGExYTQxZDU4YjU2NjgxMDdlNTgyNTAy">"I'm not going to <em>eat</em> him, Abigail," her grandmother added wryly. "I just have a few questions I want to ask."</p> <p class="cnM0OGQ4MjVhOGMzYTRjNzJhMTY5NmYxZjYwODY3YTAw">Abby nodded uncertainly, her eyes darting between Dan and her grandmother. She wrapped the older woman in a hug and, after a moment of deliberation, did the same to Daniel. Then she darted out of the room, her face a flaming red. The door slammed closed in her wake.</p> <p class="cnM1MTcxNWJkMGM3NDQwNWU5ZGU2ODYxYzE0NWRhYzk3">"Interesting," Anastasia observed.</p> <p class="cnM4NTM5Y2QwMjBlYTQxMTFiMzA0MWE4NzgyNjFjOTM0">Then her gaze fell on Dan once more.</p> <p class="cnM4YjFiNDhjZjJlNzQ3YjI4OGViNmI1MDVjYmU5MjM1">He didn't gulp, but only because his throat was suddenly a desert. "You wanted to talk to me?"</p> <p class="cnNhNmQxMjRjZGQ2YjQ4OTE5MzY3OGJiNjFiZWM1OTY1">"Sit," she commanded, indicating a chair in front of her desk. Dan found himself obeying without even considering it.</p> <p class="cnNiMTgyY2ZiMWY2ODQxMWY4ODBiNjg4MzEzOGUxYmMw">The elderly matron circled around him and took her own seat. The room was silent, broken only by the ticking of a clock and the shuffling of paper. Anastasia carefully gathered the documents scattered around her desk into a single neat pile, and placed it between them. She steepled her fingers in front of her, and met Dan's eyes. There was no surge of fear this time, but he could feel her judgement.</p> <p class="cnM1M2IxMGYyYjUyYjQxNWRiOGFlNzE4MDAzMjhkZjNj">"Abby has never had many friends," the woman spoke suddenly.</p> <p class="cnMyYzMyZTllZWNlNzQzOWY5YjM5MGY4YWYzMWEyNDM2">Dan didn't flinch, but it was a close thing.</p> <p class="cnMxYTQxNzRiYTFjYzRlMTQ5NmY2ZjY0NWNiMWQ3OGNj">"I didn't know that," he offered hesitantly.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWY1MmNiY2UzOTQzOWRhYjA1MWI2ZDc1Y2RlYTdk">"It was not easy for her, growing up," Grandma Summers continued. "We moved around often, and some of our... precautions, alienated her from her peers."</p> <p class="cnNhMzk2Mzk0MzEwZjRlNGY5MGMwOGRkYjhkMTY4YzI1">"That's very sad," Dan interrupted, carefully toeing the line between friendship and privacy, "but she's never mentioned this to me, so you probably shouldn't either."</p> <p class="cnMxM2JkYTAyOTlmMTQ2Y2RiNmRlNDY0OTViYTYzMjM1">The silver-haired woman stared at him almost incredulously. Dan became suddenly aware of who, <em>what</em>, he just interrupted.</p> <p class="cnM2NTIyNjQwZDQ2NjQxN2ZiZjM0NDgwMzk1NTA5YWY1">But before he could stammer out an apology, Anastasia broke down laughing.</p> <p class="cnMwZDE0OTNkMjM3ZDRjNjdiMzY3ZjZmYjg4ZmMzMmI0">"You didn't even consider letting me finish my story, did you?" she asked between choked breaths. "You didn't even think about— Just, 'Oh Abby might not like this, I better shut the old lady up!'" She dissolved into a fit of giggles.</p> <p class="cnM3MGFjZjdjODhkZTQ0M2FhZDEzMzI4MjRhMGQ4YmQw">Dan stood stock still, afraid that movement might break whatever spell she was under.</p> <p class="cnNlNTdmYzkxY2ZhMDQzZDBiMGMzZmRhZGVlZWZlOTc0">Anastasia waved her hand in his direction, still laughing. "And your face when you realized it! I never get tired of that expression. That look that screams 'Oh, I am so dead!'"</p> <p class="cnNmOGE2ZTU2N2ZhYTRkNjE5NGJhMjJlNzQyMmFkMTE4">Her chuckles trailed off and Dan managed a confused smile. "I'm glad I was able to entertain you?"</p> <p class="cnM4MWY4MmY2ZTY2YzQxNzlhZDg0ZDkyYTNiZThhYTMx">"Oh yes, you certainly did," the older woman replied with cheer.</p> <p class="cnNmN2IwMzM5YzIwZDQ5ZWFhOWE5NDZkYTIzMzgzMDNh">Dan nodded agreeably.</p> <p class="cnMwNWY2MWExMTU1YjQ2ODI4OTMyOWUyZGZiZjgxN2U1">"At my age, new experiences are something to be treasured," she continued.</p> <p class="cnM1Zjg2YzlhZDAzNDRjZmJhZWQ1ZmRhMGJhMGJiYjgz">Dan nodded agreeably.</p> <p class="cnMwMzk4NDUxZDUxODRiZjE5ZmQ3YjAyNTEzYzYzZmZk">She leaned forward suddenly, her silver hair falling loosely around her eyes. Her voice softened into a sibilant hiss. The words were quiet but crystal clear.</p> <p class="cnMxMGJiMWQ5NzU0YTQyYmY4Zjg4NjFhZmQ2OTI5Nzk5">"It was quite refreshing to see that expression on someone that I don't have to kill."</p> <p class="cnM3MWM1OGE2YzRiOTRiYzhhZmY0ZTAyMDdhNTI1ZmZl">Dan's brain crashed as he heard her speak, but some distant part of him nodded agreeably.</p> <p class="cnNmZjkxMDkyOGQ2ZjQ2NWRhZDE4OThlM2JlYTU5OGRh">Anastasia watched him curiously, seemingly unperturbed at his lack of a response.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTIyMGI1Zjg4YTRkYjNiNmRhMzAwNmUwMmRiZjZh">Dan kept a mild smile plastered on his face. He had long ago mastered the art of silent panic.</p> <p class="cnM3NGU1ZmZlMmZhNTQ4ZDRiNDQ4Yzc1MjI4ZDYzMzRl">The old woman finally nodded. "I suppose you'll do for now. Be a good friend to my granddaughter." The "Or else," went unsaid.</p> <p class="cnMwMWVmOTg2MTRjZDRjZWM5NDJjOTliMjliYThjOGIw">"That was always the plan," Dan managed to reply, his voice remarkably even.</p> <p class="cnMxNWEzMzcwOTNlZjRiYjM5ZGE2MjdjZjFmNzE1NDY5">"Hmph." The old woman leaned back in her seat. Her predatory demeanour faded away, as if Dan had passed some sort of test, hidden until it was needed again. She picked up the folder on her desk and slipped it into a drawer.</p> <p class="cnM2NmU0NWEwMTZiNDQ2MjY5Y2JkOTk3ZjMxNjk1MTAz">Dan watched as she brought out a different set of documents and started to read, ignoring his presence entirely.</p> <p class="cnNkZmI0ZTZiZTFlZDQ2ZDk5ODVmZGE5NDNjNzkzNGJj">"Um," he tried.</p> <p class="cnM0OGFkNjRiZWExMjQ0NGZiNGRiODZkYmNmYThiYmIx">She glanced at him, raising her brow. "You're still here?"</p> <p class="cnM3MDlhYzk2ZmZjOTRiOTI5OGZhMjVhMDdiZTI3NWZl">"I don't know the way out of the library," Dan admitted.</p> <p class="cnM5OGEzMjQwNmE1ZTQ4YTg4M2NiM2Q4NjU4MWJmZmI0">The old woman rolled her eyes. "Do you know why, out of all my grandchildren, I favor Abigail the most?"</p> <p class="cnMwODVjMDljMmIxNTQxMWE4MGU0NTY3OTkwYTExMWQx">"Um." Dan, caught off-guard by the sudden change in subject, blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Because she's amazing?"</p> <p class="cnNjZDAwYjFkY2QyYTQ3ZTFiYjg3NTJhYmZmMzIxMmRh">An embarassed yelp came from somewhere beyond the study door. Grandma Summers gestured sharply and the door swung open, revealing a red-faced Abigail crouched against the opening.</p> <p class="cnNmZjI2MDRkNTQ2NTQxZTg4MWI3MGMyMzI3Yzg0OTdj">"Because she has a spine," the older woman explained. "Because, when I tell her to leave her only friend to my nonexistent mercies, she will disobey me, even if she lacks the courage to do it to my face." She ended her explanation with a pointed look to Abby.</p> <p class="cnNlM2VhZDhlMTMxZDQ0Y2E4MmI4MjA1NTk2YWVlMjEy">"That just seems sensible, ma'am," Dan replied, testing his ability to speak to her.</p> <p class="cnNkZjBhYzM4YjVlNzQwYjE5NDUwOWVlZWNiYWM2ODc0">"Hehe, I was just checking the, um, door integrity," her granddaughter offered shamelessly. "I thought I saw a scratch."</p> <p class="cnMwZTcwMmRiMzI0ZjQxZTU5ZWExN2NjNjZlODczN2Rl">The older Summers sighed. "Take your friend and join the party, silly girl. We'll talk again later."</p> <p class="cnNiYjVmYjdiOGJiNDQ2M2Y4ZTI1M2YzZThhNTVmY2Y2">"Right! We'll just be off. Bye Mama Ana," Abby strolled in, caught Dan by the arm, and dragged him out of the room with a jaunty wave.</p> <p class="cnNkYjhjYWU2MzY2NTRlMjhiZjgzZDFlMDBhNTEyZDUz">Dan could hear the Anastasia sigh loudly as the door closed.</p> <p class="cnNmY2NhNzkyMjg1NDQ4OTU5MDIwY2NiYWIzOTc0NDY5">&nbsp;</p> </div>
"Sister! How lovely to see you!" a voice cried out jubilantly. From within the mansion, a tall man approached, his arms spread wide. His face resembled Abby's slightly. His cheeks were a little more gaunt and his face was a little less round. But he had her aquiline nose and her large, expressive eyes. He was dressed like a consumate business man, dressed in an immaculately tailored suit with a matching tie. His black shoes were almost reflective, shining and clean. A pair of diamond cufflinks glittered as they caught sunlight. Daniel had been confused at Abby's insistence on formal dress. He was no longer confused. Abby's eyes flicked towards Dan as her brother approached. A smile appeared on her face, oddly wide and unnaturally stiff. She opened her arms slightly, her elbows tucked in to her sides, as if expecting a very formal hug. "Glad to be here, Jason," Abby replied with all the enthusiasm of a death row inmate. Her brother reached her with a few smooth steps. His arms closed, and both hands clamped down on the sides of her shoulders. He held her there, at arms length, with a look of relief on his face. "Thank goodness you're here, Abigail!" he crowed. His eyes roamed somewhere over her head as he spoke, and his head bobbed up and down with each word. "This gathering is a nightmare, as always. Cousin Sarah got into an argument with her sister and is crying in the guest bathroom. Be a dear and talk her out of there, would you? She's acting unseemly." "I—" Abby started, but Jason continued to speak. "Also, Uncle Richard has *once again* found the liquor cabinet. We probably have half an hour or so before he starts to really go downhill, but I think it's best to nip that in the bud don't you? Let's not have another repeat of 2014. I'd hate to have you clean up after him again." Abby raised a finger. "Jas—" "This would be so much simpler if Grandmother didn't have such a ridiculous stance on the help. *Honestly*. Don't tell her I said so, but she's getting old. An attendant or ten is befitting for a woman of her status." Jason shook his head in exasperation. His eyes at last glanced down to hers, then further along to her dress. He blinked in what was nearly audible surprise. "You look *radiant* sister!" Abby's eyes narrowed and the slightest hint of warning entered her tone. "Thanks. I tried." Her brother coughed lightly into his fist. "Yes, er, quite. Well, I'm very glad you've come, Abigail. We don't see each other nearly enough." Daniel could see Abby's frosty expression warm a fraction. She nodded slightly, opening her mouth. "You're ri—" "But unfortunately, I really must be off," Jason interrupted. "We'll catch up later, yes? Remember: Cousin Sarah and Uncle Richard. Take care of that for me, please, as soon as you can. Thank you, Abigail, I'm so glad you're here." He smiled at her then, warm and sincere, before giving her shoulders a firm squeeze and whirling away. Throughout the entire conversation, he had not even glanced in Dan's direction. Abby watched him leave, a dozen expressions warring on her face. She glanced once more in Dan's direction, then settled on one of determination. "Jason!" she called loudly, causing her brother to stop. The man glanced over his shoulder, a puzzled smile on his face. "Grandmother said to greet her as soon as I arrived," Abby announced. Her shoulders bobbed up and down, a perfect *what-can-you-do-?* shrug. Jason's smile grew strained. "Oh." Abby nodded. A grin, vindictive and true, appeared on her face. "So I should probably go talk to her first, and who knows how long that'll take. You know how she is." The corners of her brother's mouth crept downwards. "I do." "I'll find you once we're finished but for now... I suppose you should find someone else to help you manage our family's lives." Abby's voice was light and innocent. Not a hint of sarcasm could be found. Jason grimaced at her words. He nodded uneasily. "I suppose I should. Grandmother is in her study. Best not to keep her waiting." "Of course," Abby replied sweetly as her brother disappeared into the mansion. As soon as he was out of sight, she slumped in on herself, breathing heavily. Dan stepped forward, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She stiffened for a moment, then leaned into his hug. "So that's your brother," Dan murmured under his breath. "Bit of a bossy fellow." Abby chuckled weakly. "Of course. He usually is the boss. He means well, though." She looped her arm around his elbow. "Yeah?" Dan asked, as she lead them into the foyer of the mansion. "Dad was big on appearances. Reputation. Acting a certain way at all times. Jason took the lessons very seriously. If someone acts... inappropriately, it's almost an insult to the rest of the family." "Seems a little overbearing at a private thing like this," Dan pointed out as he admired the scenery. While the outside of the manor was all imposing angles and hard stone, the inside consisted of smooth wood and warm hues. A crystal chandelier hung from a high ceiling, scattering light across the broad entrance. Broad stairs ran along each wall, leading to a second floor, the steps carved out of gleaming hardwood. Abby noticed his interest. She tugged at his arm and pulled him towards the stairs. "Come on, I'll give you a tour on the way to grandma's study." Dan dutifully followed as she lead him to the second floor. She turned left at the top of the staircase, bringing Dan through a winding hallway covered in abstract paintings. "My mom bought most of these," Abby said wistfully. She ran her hand across a frame as she walked past. "Grandma has never been big on decorating and grandfather was beyond caring about such things. Momma thought this place was to dreary, so she had a bunch of paintings and sculptures shipped in." Dan remained silent, merely giving her arm a comforting squeeze. Abby rarely spoke about her parents. There was an old pain there, a bitter wound that had never quite closed. Dan wasn't sure what had caused it. He would learn it when Abby wanted him to, no earlier. The hallway ended in a library. Grand and sprawling, the same as everything in the mansion, shelves upon shelves of books covered the walls and floor. Dan could get lost in a place like this. Not in a book, but literally. The shelves rose higher than his head and formed an impassable maze. "*This* is all grandma's doing," Abby explained, waving a hand at the enormous room. "When she discovered that the Library of Congress was a thing, she wanted one of her own. It's not *quite* as big, but it's damn close by all accounts." Abby lead him through the labyrinth with practiced ease. They came to a door in a far corner of the room, tucked away behind layers of books. Small but elaborate designs were carved along its edges, the looping swirls serving as the only accede to style. Abby raised her hand and knocked twice on the door, the loud thunks echoing through the library. "Come in," a woman's vital voice called out. The door *clicked*, and Abby gingerly swung it open to reveal a small study. Small, at least, in comparison to the rest of the mansion. Several shelves filled with books were arrayed around a large hardwood desk. A safe sat in the corner, unhidden. The walls were covered with pictures. Family photos dominated the space, but Dan spotted at least three separate presidents shaking the hand of a grim-faced woman with silver hair. The same woman currently sat behind the hardwood desk, leafing through a pile of paperwork. Dan hadn't expected her to look quite so... well-preserved. As a woman with multiple grandchildren, she was most likely in her sixties at the very least. The woman in front of him was clearly ancient. Perhaps not Marcus ancient, but her presence was weathered in a way that was immediately obvious. And yet, her body seemed untouched by time. Her face was smooth, only a few crows feet hinting at her true age. The lines of her face greatly resembled Abby, with smooth cheeks and full lips and a gentle jawline. It was at her eyes where the differences began to show. They were small. Grim and cold. Her brow was angled downward, set in constant disapproval. Her hair lacked the rest of her body's vitality. It was bright silver, a shade of blonde gone sour with age. It trailed down her neck to just above her shoulders, cut short into a bob. Her face was wrong, thought Dan. Abby's features should not be so cold. But the woman glanced up as Abby entered the room, and a broad smile emerged on her face. It was odd, unpracticed and gnarled in a way that defied reason, but genuine. "Abby." The woman had vacated her seat and wrapped Abigail in a hug in the time that it had taken Dan to process her words. "Hi grandma." Abby's muffled voice came from somewhere around the old woman's shoulder. Dan had to stop himself from taking a step backwards as he realized that the old woman was, in fact, a good two inches taller than him. Anastasia Summers stepped away from her granddaughter, holding the young woman out at arm's length. Her eyes crinkled at the edges and warmth filled her gaze. "Let me look at you, child. I haven't seen you in months!" Abby blushed. "Sorry, Mama Ana. I've been busy." "Hmm, yes. Too busy to call your beloved grandmother except for when you need a favor?" the elderly matron sternly asked, tilting her head to the side. "I shouldn't have to bribe you to see your own family." Abby coughed awkwardly, then engaged in the most blatant evasion Dan had ever witnessed. She pointed in his direction. "This is my friend, Daniel Newman!" "Ah yes. Your friend." Anastasia's eyes slipped past Abby's and met Dan's. And suddenly the warmth was gone. Dan's heart pounded, his pupils constricted. The world collapsed in on a point of light, as a pair of shining grey orbs stared into his soul. This was no doting grandmother. This was no business magnate. This was no woman at all. She was a predator. A monster of the night that had crept into daylight. A wolf that had stolen the skin of a human and was making only the barest attempt to conceal it. Her eyes fell upon him and he *knew*, with *utter certainty*, how *vast* the gulf between them was. But Dan had seen some shit by now, so he locked his knees and tightened his bladder, and did his best impression of a post. And then the moment was over. The elderly Summers turned away from him with a snort. "Well, he's better than the last boy you brought to me. At least he hasn't fainted yet." Abby sighed. "Zack was thirteen, grandma." "And he swooned like a six-year old," Anastasia replied tartly. Abby seemed at a loss for words. Her grandmother smiled gently. "Run along now, sweetheart. Go mingle with your family for a while. I'd like to speak to your young friend, just the two of us." "That's..." Abby seemed to struggle for a reply. Her fingers played nervously with her hair, spinning long locks into a loop. "That's fine," Dan interjected, striding forward. He placed his hand on Abby's upper back and tried to sound confident. "We'll just be a minute, I'm sure. Don't worry about me. I'll find you when we're done." "I'm not going to *eat* him, Abigail," her grandmother added wryly. "I just have a few questions I want to ask." Abby nodded uncertainly, her eyes darting between Dan and her grandmother. She wrapped the older woman in a hug and, after a moment of deliberation, did the same to Daniel. Then she darted out of the room, her face a flaming red. The door slammed closed in her wake. "Interesting," Anastasia observed. Then her gaze fell on Dan once more. He didn't gulp, but only because his throat was suddenly a desert. "You wanted to talk to me?" "Sit," she commanded, indicating a chair in front of her desk. Dan found himself obeying without even considering it. The elderly matron circled around him and took her own seat. The room was silent, broken only by the ticking of a clock and the shuffling of paper. Anastasia carefully gathered the documents scattered around her desk into a single neat pile, and placed it between them. She steepled her fingers in front of her, and met Dan's eyes. There was no surge of fear this time, but he could feel her judgement. "Abby has never had many friends," the woman spoke suddenly. Dan didn't flinch, but it was a close thing. "I didn't know that," he offered hesitantly. "It was not easy for her, growing up," Grandma Summers continued. "We moved around often, and some of our... precautions, alienated her from her peers." "That's very sad," Dan interrupted, carefully toeing the line between friendship and privacy, "but she's never mentioned this to me, so you probably shouldn't either." The silver-haired woman stared at him almost incredulously. Dan became suddenly aware of who, *what*, he just interrupted. But before he could stammer out an apology, Anastasia broke down laughing. "You didn't even consider letting me finish my story, did you?" she asked between choked breaths. "You didn't even think about— Just, 'Oh Abby might not like this, I better shut the old lady up!'" She dissolved into a fit of giggles. Dan stood stock still, afraid that movement might break whatever spell she was under. Anastasia waved her hand in his direction, still laughing. "And your face when you realized it! I never get tired of that expression. That look that screams 'Oh, I am so dead!'" Her chuckles trailed off and Dan managed a confused smile. "I'm glad I was able to entertain you?" "Oh yes, you certainly did," the older woman replied with cheer. Dan nodded agreeably. "At my age, new experiences are something to be treasured," she continued. Dan nodded agreeably. She leaned forward suddenly, her silver hair falling loosely around her eyes. Her voice softened into a sibilant hiss. The words were quiet but crystal clear. "It was quite refreshing to see that expression on someone that I don't have to kill." Dan's brain crashed as he heard her speak, but some distant part of him nodded agreeably. Anastasia watched him curiously, seemingly unperturbed at his lack of a response. Dan kept a mild smile plastered on his face. He had long ago mastered the art of silent panic. The old woman finally nodded. "I suppose you'll do for now. Be a good friend to my granddaughter." The "Or else," went unsaid. "That was always the plan," Dan managed to reply, his voice remarkably even. "Hmph." The old woman leaned back in her seat. Her predatory demeanour faded away, as if Dan had passed some sort of test, hidden until it was needed again. She picked up the folder on her desk and slipped it into a drawer. Dan watched as she brought out a different set of documents and started to read, ignoring his presence entirely. "Um," he tried. She glanced at him, raising her brow. "You're still here?" "I don't know the way out of the library," Dan admitted. The old woman rolled her eyes. "Do you know why, out of all my grandchildren, I favor Abigail the most?" "Um." Dan, caught off-guard by the sudden change in subject, blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Because she's amazing?" An embarassed yelp came from somewhere beyond the study door. Grandma Summers gestured sharply and the door swung open, revealing a red-faced Abigail crouched against the opening. "Because she has a spine," the older woman explained. "Because, when I tell her to leave her only friend to my nonexistent mercies, she will disobey me, even if she lacks the courage to do it to my face." She ended her explanation with a pointed look to Abby. "That just seems sensible, ma'am," Dan replied, testing his ability to speak to her. "Hehe, I was just checking the, um, door integrity," her granddaughter offered shamelessly. "I thought I saw a scratch." The older Summers sighed. "Take your friend and join the party, silly girl. We'll talk again later." "Right! We'll just be off. Bye Mama Ana," Abby strolled in, caught Dan by the arm, and dragged him out of the room with a jaunty wave. Dan could hear the Anastasia sigh loudly as the door closed.
{ "title": "Atros Imperium", "id": 2666, "author": "Terry78", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 119 Pt.1 - Vol 4 - (Interlude) - Qaiviel in Flames", "id": 305758, "next": 306000, "prev": 302999, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhNmNmYjc5NTU1MTRiMzM5YmU5NzllNGI3ZTc5Njhj" style="text-align: justify"><strong><u>Chapter 119 Pt.1:</u></strong></p> <p class="cnM4ZWY5OGNlYTY5YjRmMTM5YzE3NDdlODFkYmU1YzA0" style="text-align: justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZWZmYWJhYjBhYTQ4Yjk4ZWQ4MmIzZmIyZjZlMzYw" style="text-align: justify">Marcus’s body shifted backwards, sliding back along the saddle as his legs dug into the stirrup to anchor himself of his rearing horse. The ear-splitting scream of the horse beneath his legs disoriented him for an instant. An instant too long. A crude iron-tipped spear found a tiny crack in its armour and dug deep into the poor beasts’ flesh. He relinquished his shield and pulled himself forward, forcing the wounded horse back onto the ground. Marcus slammed his Chelium sword straight into the helmet of the stunned attacker. Their eyes locked, for a moment, before the blue sword cleaved through iron, bone and brain. Blood gushed from the wound, running down the instantly dimmed face and staining his white clothes before he slumped to his knees. Marcus’s body shifted forward again as the horse missed its front footing and crumpled forward, the wound was much worse than he first thought.</p> <p class="cnMxYTE4MjkxMTY0MDQ5ZDM5OGQ2NWFmNzgzZTdmOTU3" style="text-align: justify"><em>Lucky bastard. </em></p> <p class="cnM5YzdlYjQ4YWQ1ZjRjMDRhNTJiMDc0YmE0NzI2ZTgy" style="text-align: justify">Another enemy charged from the side, an iron-tipped spear raised above a crazed young man. Marcus knew the look in his eyes; the poor young boy had been consumed by the frenzy and madness of the battle raging around them. Behind him another two soldiers charge at him, they only had poor quality iron swords and iron-rimmed wooden shields. Not the strongest weapons but more than enough to kill him if he was unarmed. Marcus tried to rip the sword free from the slumped soldier but it wouldn’t budge. Bone had pinned it tight, with every tug the dead man’s body rolled around limp, his jaw flapped open with blood rolling down his chin. Marcus couldn’t just dismount from his horse, the stirrups were designed to keep him attached to his horse no matter if it reared or bucked in the heat of combat.</p> <p class="cnNhMTdiY2ZlNWRiNTQxZGFiMzQzODgyNmRmOTgwZDg2" style="text-align: justify">With a mighty heave, Marcus freed the blade, tearing apart the dead man’s head from the front to the back. Great beads blood dripped off the shining blue blade as Marcus readied to strike as he struggled to get free. The lead soldier screamed an unintelligible cry, raising his spear to strike before his eyes twitched to the side. He disappeared in flash of black and silver. A Black Riders Knight smashed through the spearmen and carried him over a dozen feet. Stupefaction drenched his face as he slipped from the horse’s chest and onto the ground, mangled into a bloody pulp by the horse's black hooves. The Black Rider Knight didn’t stop and continued charging into the next group of hostiles. The two swordsmen took a moment to recover, time Marcus used to free himself from his wounded horse by cutting the stirrups free. The Chelium blade cut through the hardened leather like a hot knife through soft cheese. Even if it left the straps attached to his legs.</p> <p class="cnM0MGZmNDI4NjA5YzRhNDRiMTQ2MmFjNTQ1Mjk0YjMw" style="text-align: justify">Both swordsmen snapped to Marcus. The charge at him again, Marcus felt disgusted that he had already cut down dozens of these foolish youngsters. Children, really, forced into battle without even the most basic of experience to fight against hardened soldiers. Piles of their dead fellows were a testament to their stupidity.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTQxZTZlZWJjNjQ5YTE5ZGM2OTliM2MyZmFkZjA4" style="text-align: justify">“Come on then!” Marcus yelled. “If you want to die like everyone else!”</p> <p class="cnMzYTRiNWFhMWZlZDQ3NzViMTJlZDcwYjhjYzRkYzYw" style="text-align: justify">His shout, over the clamour of the whirlwind of a battle surrounding them, gave them pause. Marcus stepped over his still wounded horse, a bloody foam forming on its lips, and took up his shield. It wasn’t the best shield, the balance was off and it was too light compared to what he normally used but it was better than nothing. When the swordsmen realised their mistake they screamed and charged.</p> <p class="cnM2MWVmNDUxNDYxNDQ2NzY5NmU1OTk1MzVhZjE3MTA3" style="text-align: justify">Marcus raised his shield. One of the swordsmen reached him first. His sword raised over his head in an amateurish attempt to swing down. Marcus stepped forward and took the strike with the shield. Through his arm, he felt the strike, a decent strength. Perhaps one day he might have been a good knight or soldier.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjdiOGFmNDBjYTRmNmViMDViMDczNTM3MjBlNmRi" style="text-align: justify">But they would never get that chance.</p> <p class="cnNmNTc3MTFlYzY5OTQ3ZWFhMDk5YzVjNDllNWY0OTNj" style="text-align: justify">Marcus raised his shield and pushed the sword up, leaving his opponent open. Despite his lack of training, he understood exactly the implications. The blue Chelium sword pierced his light padded cloth armour and through his sternum. A single cough and one was dead, even if he had yet to realise it. The second swordsmen didn’t see or understand what happened but had to move to the side to attack. Marcus twisted the collapsing body into his path, using the momentum of the falling body to rip the blade free with a mighty spurt of blood. He hit something very important.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmZhMmZiNDliYTQ4NDQ4Yjk5MWQ2Nzc1ZDRhZTcy" style="text-align: justify">“Wha-”</p> <p class="cnNhNWNjNWI1OTU4OTRlMjFhMGQ0M2VjZWIyYjc5OWFl" style="text-align: justify">Marcus knew never to hesitate in battle, a lifetime of fighting the Deweth Clansmen had taught him that crucial skill. He kicked the dead man into the path of the swordsmen, the body colliding with his legs and causing him to tumble. Marcus swung again and found the swordsman’s neck. This time there was no look of horror or understanding, his head simply fell off. Marcus stepped to the side as the spurting headless corpse sprayed his horse with its blood, the head rolling aimlessly on the trodden and bloody grass.</p> <p class="cnMzYmJiZjBmNGY4MDQ2MTQ4ZWE1N2MzMDI2ODE4MzUw" style="text-align: justify">Marcus breathed deep and glanced around the battlefield, such as it was. Nearly every enemy soldier was dead. Just like the unfortunate two lying at his feet none were trained. Yet there were a lot of them.</p> <p class="cnNmZWRkYTAzYjY4YTQ4NjdhM2FkZmFmN2E3YTg1NDJh" style="text-align: justify"><em>Numbers do count for something, but not like this.</em></p> <p class="cnNmZDE0Yzg5ZTAxZDRlYTg5NjFmN2RmZDZhZDkyNTA0" style="text-align: justify">Black Rider Knights charged through the scattered lines. Their black horses, adorned with black full body armour, cut the remains of Harold and Giles’s army and the Church’s army to ribbons. Squires, those too young and inexperienced to command a horse, or in Marcus’s opinion still too young to even think of growing a beard, formed large groups of infantry armed with longswords and halberds decimated the white-clothed enemy that dared to approach, staining everything red. In the middle of those groups, Pages, some who were truly children, readied and fired crossbows from the safety of their human shields. It took the Church soldiers some time to realise the source of the bolts but they couldn’t respond. The small armoured groups were completely unassailable by the enemy and tore through the enemy lines.</p> <p class="cnNmNGNlYmJmYjgzZTQ5ZTg5YjQ0MjNlOGJiZjJhNWFh" style="text-align: justify">“Who’s even left?” Marcus asked aloud. There was little he could see through the slit in his helmet but he wasn’t about to remove it. His predecessor lost his life that way against the Clansmen. A single swipe with a rusted axe and his head separated from his body. That image had stuck with him ever since.</p> <p class="cnMxMTMwZjMxODI2MDRkYmVhNzEyYTMxNGEzYWY1MWZk" style="text-align: justify">As Marcus turned to his horse his back screamed in pain. He knew this sensation all too well, he was not uninitiated to cuts. Marcus dropped his shield, twirled his Chelium sword in his hands and stabbed along his side. His thrust found resistance, a warm fleshy resistance. Marcus reached back with his free hand and grabbed the hand holding the blade. His metal gauntlet found an unguarded hand. A faint relief filled his head, no one on their side had unarmored hands.</p> <p class="cnNjMmE2Yjk4YzBkMzRkMTg5MmI4YmRiYmVkNWVlZGIw" style="text-align: justify">"You fucking traitor." A hot, gurgling breath brushed against his helmet. "The Holy Father will take your soul to damnation."</p> <p class="cnMyNjE5ZjAyZDk1YjQxOTU4OWVjODZiMTE2YzVmODBm" style="text-align: justify">"After what I saw in the palace damnation doesn't worry me." Marcus twisted the blade, eliciting a pathetic whimper from his attacker. "Do you even know what that word means? Or are you just repeating what those priests tell you?"</p> <p class="cnMxNmU2M2MzM2M3YTQ2Y2JhZTdmYzBmMTM0NWM4Yjlh" style="text-align: justify">Marcus never received an answer. The hand fell limp and slid off his body, the dagger pulled down and free from the body. It was another young man, barely in his eighteenth winter. The first hints of a beard, patchy and mismatched hair, barely recognizable underneath the blood that seeped from his mouth. One of his arms had been cut clean off and his white shirt twisted tight around the wound. Fresh wet blood still leaked from the wound.</p> <p class="cnMyODQ1NWFmODdmMjQyYTc5YzZkZWViNWVlMTgxODcz" style="text-align: justify">"You actually fight like that?" Marcus spoke aloud. The noise of the battle was still too great for anyone nearby to hear.</p> <p class="cnM4MGJlYWJmNWI1NTQzYmZiNzlkN2I2ODFjYzUwMDg3" style="text-align: justify">After checking that no one else could attack him he inspected his horse. The beast lay still and silent, not even a shallow breath escaped its lips, only a thick bloody foam.</p> <p class="cnM5YzIxMmI4MGM1OTRmZDM4MzQ4ZDkzODExODc1YmI0" style="text-align: justify">"I'm sorry." Marcus gently patted its back. "I hope it wasn't too painful."</p> <p class="cnM2YTY0ZTM5ZWI0ZDQzZGE5M2JlYzdkMTM5YWM5NjU0" style="text-align: justify">Death by drowning was, by all accounts, an unpleasant end. Doubly so when it was your own blood. At least a person could be comforted as they died. Infinitely harder when the victim couldn't understand a word. Marcus's shoulder wound throbbed, the reminder of the power of heretical blood magic.</p> <p class="cnNmMzdiYTg4ZTg0ZDQwNTM5MDlhZWVkM2IzYzMwNzQ1" style="text-align: justify">"My Lord Marcus!" A voice cried out over the clamour.</p> <p class="cnMzMDJhMTRlOGQ0OTRhYWRhMmExNWJkZTI0MDgwNzNi" style="text-align: justify">Five knights, four in black armour and one in silver with a large blue flame on his chest, charged towards them. Five church spearmen moved to intercept. Even though their weapons were crude compared to theirs a charge would likely wound or kill the horses if they found a chink in the armour. Like his had.</p> <p class="cnM1Mzc4YWEyMWMxZjQyYTVhNzY2MmYzMTRmNDE1ZmE1" style="text-align: justify">Castor, his second in command and wearing his silver Blue Firestorm armour, pointed his sword at the spearmen. Marcus had believed his fiery tendencies had diminished after the last Clansmen invasion.</p> <p class="cnM4NjVjMDQxYzhlMjQzOGU5MTc5MTQwYWNhMGFjZTEy" style="text-align: justify">The spearmen, however, were not well trained or even poorly trained. Against the five massive beasts thundering towards them, the very ground shaking beneath his armoured boots, the conscripted spearmen could not hold their nerve. Four ran towards Marcus as fear broke their reason, one brave soul stayed behind but immediately felt the loss of his fellows. He bravely stood his ground as the Knights rode either side. Castor swung his sword down and cleaved the man's head clean off. The remaining four were trampled into the ground. Marcus saw the faces contorted with fear and surprise, unable to understand what was happening.</p> <p class="cnMyMThmMjhhMjQ1MDRkYmU4MmRmNGQ4NTE2MWU1NzYw" style="text-align: justify">With the last of the obstacles gone Castor and his escort reached Marcus.</p> <p class="cnNlZTM2MGZiZDJiNjQ5NDViNDMxYjg5Mzk3ZWI4OTk2" style="text-align: justify">"Marcus." Castor stopped on the other side of Marcus's dead horse. "The enemy had been routed."</p> <p class="cnNiNjZlZDNjZTllNTQxYmI5NTY5MWFlN2RjMTczYjg0" style="text-align: justify">Marcus surveyed the battle. Before he could have generously said there were a few holdouts. Now they had well and truly broken.</p> <p class="cnM4NmJhOWRjMmI3MjQ0MDdhZGE1ODAxNzZlZGIyZmM0" style="text-align: justify">"Yes." Marcus wiped the blood from his blade onto a piece of cloth hanging from his horse. "It seems everything went well this time. Except for him."</p> <p class="cnM3MmQxYzliZDI2MzQzNGNhMTZlMTUzNzQyZjhlYTlk" style="text-align: justify">"Dead?"</p> <p class="cnM0YWY5ZTYyZWU4MTRiMmRhNzM3NjNjYjQwNjUwMjQx" style="text-align: justify">"Single spear. Got right through the armour and punctured a lung. Poor thing bled to death. Might have even hit the heart."</p> <p class="cnMxYTk0NTA4NzkwMjRhMDdhNWQ3YmFhZjlkNmY4OTQ1" style="text-align: justify">"That's a shame. Do you want a spare horse to chase down the enemy?"</p> <p class="cnNmNmUxMjczZThjNTQ0ZjBiMjQ5YzE1NjhkNDZkZTQy" style="text-align: justify">Marcus waved him down. "No. I think I've had enough for today."</p> <p class="cnNiNDhlN2RjYTc1MzRmODZiY2E3MGQ0MDMzOTIyNmE3" style="text-align: justify">He looked up at the sun. It hanged directly over his head yet he didn't feel much warmth, not like in summer at least. With the same certainty that the sun would rise and fall, so too would the season's change.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjhlMWExNTI3NzQ2YzE5NTIyYmJkZDVmZTcxYjZl" style="text-align: justify">"If they give us that chance," Castor spoke glumly, pointing his sword to the south. "Before riding out I heard from one of the scouts there might be another force coming."</p> <p class="cnM0OTY0MWUxZWRmMTQwZTM5MmYxYTYwN2MzZjZmYmY1" style="text-align: justify">"Word is it's the same size as this one." A Black Rider knight spoke gruffly.</p> <p class="cnM1YzU5NWEzMWZmMTRkYmI4NGNlZTVmYTg0MTljZWQw" style="text-align: justify">"See to finishing the rout," Marcus commanded. "I'll return to the castle on foot. See to our wounded and fallen."</p> <p class="cnNjYWY3ZDJjM2QzZTQ0OGZhYWQ0ZmY4ZTA4MjE3ZjRm" style="text-align: justify">Castor nodding and signalled the other knights. With a whip of their reins, they were off again, chasing a bloodstained army into the distance.</p> <p class="cnNjMTczNjZhMDkxMzRhODM4OTlhZjNkYjc3NTYwNGQw" style="text-align: justify">Once Marcus was certain that Castor had left he relaxed and leant against his dead horse.</p> <p class="cnMyZGRkZGM3MWQwMzQwNTZhOGU5M2Q2ZTMzZTU2NmU5" style="text-align: justify">"I'm getting too old for this," Marcus grumbled. "Too old to keep fighting like this. Soon I should have been handing things over to Castor and continue training the recruits. And now this shit has..."</p> <p class="cnM0YjY3OWRiMjQyYjQ3Mzg4NzYzOGEyN2ZmODI2YmIz" style="text-align: justify">Marcus had no more words. He lifted his visor and breathed the dusty and blood-soaked air.</p> <p class="cnM1ODNmM2MzZDVkMDQ3ZTQ5NmMxNzRjMDRiNjhhZWEy" style="text-align: justify"><em>If I stop here that's going to be it for today. Better keep moving. </em></p> <p class="cnM1ZGVlZjk4YTJmYzQ0NzY5Y2QyYjJkMjQxYzVkN2Fm" style="text-align: justify">With a few groans, and pushing hard against the horse, Marcus hauled himself up. The Black Rider Squires and Pages roamed through the now otherwise still field. Every so often they would stop at a body before plunging a blade into their throat. Thankfully it was always the Church soldiers rather than their own. Very few had fallen, thanks in no small part to their equipment and training and lack thereof in their opponents. As their side began recovering the dead and dying the wailing began. At first, merely a hum, the sound of his heavy breathing was enough to drown it out. Very quickly it grew until Marcus was all but certain he had crossed into some sort of nightmare. Bloody hands and stumps reached for the sky. Those wearing black armour were lifted from the tangled mess of bodies. Those wearing white were killed without mercy. They had barely enough medical supplies for themselves. This way was better, not that Marcus would agree if he was lying on the ground. He raised his blade to the sun. The number slain by his hand that day Marcus had simply lost count. And despite the blood, fat and brains collecting on its surface it retained a perfect edge.</p> <p class="cnM3Yjc2NTM5M2MwZTRhYThhZTZiZmQ2OTY0ZDFjYmFi" style="text-align: justify">"You can only find Chelium in the Clans and the Kar Kingdom. I wonder how much it cost?" Marcus looked at the bodies around him, several dressed in white still wriggled and squirmed. "But it wasn't meant for this."</p> <p class="cnNkZTJmOTE0N2ZmOTQ0YzI4MzRlYTc5Mjc1YTkyZDBm" style="text-align: justify">Marcus sheathed his blade and slowly walked to the north towards Castle Étoile, home of the Black Riders Knight Order. As Marcus gently waded through the bodies he took the time to study the marvel from the outside. It clearly wasn’t made by Qaiviel hands, it was simply too different to everything else. During a lull between the battles, a Black Rider Knight told him that it had been made during the pinnacle of the United Kingdom, a demonstration of the wealth and power that fabled kingdom once wielded. The castle was more akin to a small city than just a castle. Huge multilayered walls made from black stone, spires ever few hundred feet manned with ballistae and crossbows. Anyone attempting to take the castle would first have to cross the gauntlet and then actually breach the walls. After multiple layers and choke-points, the final castle would then be needed to be breached. Nothing short of a determined army could even hope to take the castle.</p> <p class="cnM0ODEwMzQ2NjAyZDQ0ZTRhODdkMWFjNTIxZmZmNmI1" style="text-align: justify">While Marcus would have preferred to stay inside the safety of the castle walls they didn’t have the luxury. The Church deployed their force to surround the castle, not completely but it was enough. A small detachment of allied soldiers and knights were intercepted on their way to Castle Étoile. If they didn’t ride out the forces would have been annihilated. And they needed every morsel of strength and warm body they could get their hands on.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTgyOTgyZTM2YjRmODJiOWI5ZDJiYzQ1ZmJlMzBi" style="text-align: justify">Marcus realized that he reached the edge of the battlefield already. All of a sudden the blood, the bodies and trodden grass stopped. The lush green grass that Marcus knew and their horses loved returned. Before him stood a Black Rider Knight, his arms folded as his grim face surveyed the battlefield. Behind him Squires and Pages moved about, preparing the wounded and dead for transport back to the castle. Some glanced at him, their hands moved to their longswords or crossbows. A grunt from the Knight was enough for everyone to return to their work.</p> <p class="cnNhYzU0NjE1YjY2ZDQxNGJhNjBhMGZlMzY0MDM4ZDZi" style="text-align: justify">“They thought you were one of them.” The Knight said, his voice growled deeply. “Everyone that we’ve been fighting the past few days has been wearing white. You might want to consider changing that.”</p> <p class="cnNlMGZlY2VhNjQ0MjQ1NzU5OWJiNzM2NTU5YWE0OTQ0" style="text-align: justify">The Knight pointed to Marcus’s chest, specifically the blue fire emblem.</p> <p class="cnM2YmQyMjdhMTVkNjRiNzM4MjRlYTdmYzU5MTVhZmEw" style="text-align: justify">Marcus laughed. “I’ve worn this every day since I received my knighthood. Would you wear mine if things were the other way around?”</p> <p class="cnNkNTUzMzk4YjQ2MDRmYTc5MTA0ZmQyNjNlMDNmZjU0" style="text-align: justify">The Knight pondered for a moment. “No.” A slight smile crept over his scared, bearded face. “I suppose not.”</p> <p class="cnM3NjcwZDNlMTkwNjQzOGZhYWFkZjExZDMwYjczMzUz" style="text-align: justify">“Did we get everyone from the detachment?”</p> <p class="cnNkM2NhZGQyZDU4YzRlNmE4ZmE0MTY0ODY4M2JlYWNj" style="text-align: justify">“Almost. I think we lost four or five. A few stray arrows. Not bad. And when they were down these idiots swarmed over them.” The Knight scoffed at the dead Church soldiers. “Worse than rabble, in my opinion. I’ve seen drunken women fight better in a tavern brawl.”</p> <p class="cnMyNWJjNzBmYmNmMTRjZWY4MzZiMDZkMTI3MWZjZjJj" style="text-align: justify">“Yours seemed to do alright.” Marcus nodded at the Squires. Though their faces were somewhat obscured by their helms he knew that some were women. So too were several of the pages, but none of the Knights.</p> <p class="cnM3M2VmYjQyNGZlYzQ1OTA5MzdlZjZlZTc0NDEyN2Ew" style="text-align: justify">“Bernard doesn’t care. The Black Riders don’t care. So long as you are strong and willing to fight and kill in the name of the true King.”</p> <p class="cnNlMGZhMGQzOWY2NjRmZjg5MTAwMGY1NjMwY2JlOTQx" style="text-align: justify">“You aren’t worried about…incidents?”</p> <p class="cnM5YWMwMzJmZTI3NDRlMDdiYmRlYzVkYWU2NDdhMjBj" style="text-align: justify">“Have you ever heard of one while you’ve been here?”</p> <p class="cnM5MWZkMmU4ZDNjNDRjN2FiYjExYTFmOGE4YmRiZTc3" style="text-align: justify">“No.”</p> <p class="cnNmZjg0MDE0ZGRmMTQzYmM5NDA0NDcxOTBmN2M1ZWJm" style="text-align: justify">“Because they know how to handle themselves.” The Knight dismissively waved his hand. “These aren’t some frail weaklings.”</p> <p class="cnMxODAxMjJiYWUwNzQ5MDlhNGQxODUzZTVhYTAwZjQ5" style="text-align: justify">The women they had could be generously be called <em>rugged</em>.</p> <p class="cnMzMjQyMzU0NGFlZjQxZDVhMDNhZDJhYmY5NzA2OWRk" style="text-align: justify">“And our losses?”</p> <p class="cnMzYjVlZWQ5ZWY4NTQyZDNiMzdhYjdlMzk3MjVmNDRm" style="text-align: justify">The Knight looked back to the wounded Black Riders. “Fifteen Squires, twelve Pages and three Knights. And a lot more wounded.” The Knight shrugged. “Considering we had to go against nearly a thousand I think we did pretty well.”</p> <p class="cnNhYTNmOWQ0YTM2ZjQyYzc5MDdmMzI3OWVmMzVjZmNl" style="text-align: justify"><em>If our order had to go against a thousand Clansmen I’d expect more losses. Just goes to show how poor these soldiers are.</em></p> <p class="cnMyOWM2NTVjNDczMzQ3OTVhN2IzN2Q2NTlhYTQxZjk5" style="text-align: justify">“We’ll be taking them back soon. As soon as your subordinate returns.”</p> <p class="cnM2NWI4YzM5MjA2MDRkMGE4ZDllNjIwNjg1N2RmMzM5" style="text-align: justify">Marcus turned to the south. In the distance, the Black Rider Knights had finished off the remains of the routed Church army. The last white clothed soldier fell to a halberd swipe. A cheer rang out through the air. Castor, the only Knight wearing something other than black, waved his sword at Castle Étoile. Castor was smiling when he stopped several feet from Marcus.</p> <p class="cnM1OGU4YjdkZmY5YTQyYTU5MWNkYjhkNWFjMzhlMzU4" style="text-align: justify">“We got them all!” Castor laughed, the Black Rider’s cheered, though Marcus could see that they and their horses were tired. Many had arrowheads jutting from their hide. “Not a single enemy managed to escape.”</p> <p class="cnMxNjc1YTA2N2ZlYzQ1NDliZjNhNTQxOTViYTZhZjNm" style="text-align: justify">“And their commander?” Marcus asked. “I saw him at the back but I didn’t see him go down.”</p> <p class="cnM1ODE4NDliZTliMTQ3MTM4Y2IwMWNiMmE2YTEzN2I5" style="text-align: justify">Castors murmured with a quick glance back. “I don’t know. It was quite messy near the end. Who knows, maybe he’s somewhere out there and trampled into the rest of them.”</p> <p class="cnM1NzYxYzU1MmYxMTRhYjI4YTZlNDA0NDlkMTVkZTMx" style="text-align: justify">“There’s not much that we can do about it either way. If everything’s finished here I think we should head back inside the castle. Especially if there’s another force coming this way.”</p> <p class="cnM3NzQ4MjE2YmZlNDQ3ODliNmViOTg4ZGMyNmYwNGNi" style="text-align: justify">Castor groaned. “Another? How can they just keep throwing men at us? Aren’t they going to run out soon?”</p> <p class="cnMzMjQ1MzUxYjVkNDQwNTc4ODQ3NDI1YTA1NDdjYzk4" style="text-align: justify">Marcus pointed at the nearest dead Church soldier. Castor and the other Black Rider Knights frowned, unable to understand his intention.</p> <p class="cnMwYTEzNzAyZjAyNzQ3NzZiMGNiYWNlMzIwNTBmZjI3" style="text-align: justify">“That isn’t a soldier.”</p> <p class="cnNkNTE5ZjRiNzFjODQ2YzNiYzBmMDVhZGExZmJlNjE5" style="text-align: justify">“Really?” A Knight next to Castor laughed. Soon they all were.</p> <p class="cnNhOTcwN2I4YzcxNTQzYjFiNjY0MDZmMjJhZDY2NTYw" style="text-align: justify">Marcus shook his head. “Even someone that’s had some basic training wouldn’t have made the mistakes that they did. These are farmers, serfs, bondsmen, whatever you want to call them, given a weapon and thrown into battle with us. It’s remarkable that we lost as many as we did with our enemy being such poor quality.”</p> <p class="cnM1YmY2OTIzYzBlZjRlMmY4ZTE5YTk0NjczNjY4ZDcx" style="text-align: justify">“But there were so many of them,” Castor said softly.</p> <p class="cnM4NDc3OTY0YTc2ZjQyYThiMTEzNjhmYTE4MjU5ODlj" style="text-align: justify">“Their only advantage.” The Knight behind Marcus grumbled.</p> <p class="cnNkODBiMDY1OTg4NjQ5ODdiNzJkZThiZjFhZWRiZjVi" style="text-align: justify">“I fear that this war is going to destroy the Qaiviel Kingdom.” Marcus sighed. “There won’t be anyone left by the end. But there’s not much we can do now.”</p> <p class="cnMzZWU2NWMzZTA0NzRiYWRhYjk1NTljMjJiYzRlZjRh" style="text-align: justify">“Do you want a horse?” The Knight asked. “I can see that your previous fell.”</p> <p class="cnMxZmNhYzliMWIyMDRjNjZhM2E3YzA4MjA4MWNkYmM4" style="text-align: justify">“A tiny hole in its armour and it’s dead. Just like us…I think I’ll walk.” Marcus stretched his arms. “I need to clear my head.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjBmMjliOTcxMDQ0OTdiMmU1YzBhNGVhODIxOWY5" style="text-align: justify">“I would order you to take a horse.” The Knight folded his arms again. “But I’m not your commander. Bernard told us to treat you like our second in command. If you were I’d tell you to take the horse.”</p> <p class="cnMxZTVlN2IxZTk3NDQ4MzY5YTQwNzI5MmM0YmFkMDdh" style="text-align: justify"><em>Very subtle.</em></p> <p class="cnM0MWU4MGJiODA2MDQwMTg4YWNlZTU5YjU1YTIwMTBk" style="text-align: justify">Marcus took a step and felt the full weight of the fight crush down upon him. “I think I will take that horse.”</p> <p class="cnNhNDI5ZGEwMmNiMTRiYWQ4YThhODQ1MTdlODJkZGY5" style="text-align: justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NTA3ZGNjYWEzMDQ3Y2VhNjJhNjQ5YTk1MDkzN2Zm" style="text-align: justify">---[]---</p> <p class="cnM3NDNhYzFlYjgxMTQwMjlhZWZkMjQxZDc1Zjk3NTEz" style="text-align: justify">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZjQ2ZTYwMzA4NTRmZGE5OTQyMDBmZDA4MTA1YzVk" style="text-align: justify">A horn blared from Castle Étoile. Huge metal chains clanked and rattled, eight burly men turned a giant handle to open only one side of the large iron gate. Why they even had two and not a single gate Marcus had no idea. Perhaps the United Kingdom had so much manpower, perhaps even magical devices, something like this was standard.</p> <p class="cnM2M2Y4NjFjZTcwZjRiMTU4M2IzMzBjNzllNmY5M2Y4" style="text-align: justify">The Knights spread out immediately after passing the gate. A small army of men and women, dressed in loose black clothing, rushed to their side. Attendants. Members of the Knight Orders that were not involved in fighting but in the day to day running of the castles. Things that Squires and Pages had no spare time to do. The Blue Firestorm Order had many, but Marcus made sure that they knew how to use a bow or crossbow, just in case the Clansmen tried to breach the walls. It helped their morale too, made them feel like they were an actual part of the Order. Which they were.</p> <p class="cnNmNTkwMjg2OTJkMjRlMjQ5MTZhYmY4ZTAxOWU4YTJl" style="text-align: justify">“My Lords.” An elderly assistant shuffled towards them. “Please let us take the horses and your armour. You need to recover your strength. Bernard is waiting for you in the central castle.”</p> <p class="cnM2YTcyOTZmNmY1ODRjOWFhZDA1YmVhYTNkOTdkNGY5" style="text-align: justify">“I’m surprised that he didn’t join this battle.” Marcus allowed the assistants to help him down, an ungraceful affair. “I know he doesn’t revel in bloodshed but I’m sure he would have come.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzRkMGM3MjZhMDQ2ZDM4MWE3NmMyYmZjOWYxM2Y3" style="text-align: justify">“I’m afraid that he said he was needed to remain at King Leo’s side.”</p> <p class="cnMxZjYwZDkwYTBkYTQyZmRiMTIxZTc2MmY5OTdiOGJl" style="text-align: justify">“…I see.”</p> <p class="cnM3OWVhMTE2N2Q0NDQ5MDY4N2VjNjBlNTUzNGUwOTM4" style="text-align: justify">Marcus frowned as Castor dismounted from his horse. Attendants began to take off the outer metal layer of their armour. They were battered and stained with blood. The cloth padding was more than enough to keep him safe inside the castle and allow him essentially unrestricted movement.</p> <p class="cnM1NTE2NjA3NWI2YTQ1ODBhMmIzMDY4Njg1Mzc0NmVm" style="text-align: justify">“Has Leo said anything?”</p> <p class="cnMzNDk3YzEzNjk2OTQ1ZTI4N2NjNjBkNWZiZmI3ZDBl" style="text-align: justify">The attendant frowned and looked away. “I’m afraid not, my lords. He has done very little since arriving here apart from eating and sleeping. And even then only at our behest. He just stares out the window.”</p> <p class="cnNlNWFiZDUwNjA5NzQ5ZGFhZGJlY2EyZGMyOGY2NGEw" style="text-align: justify">“We need him to start acting like a king.” Marcus felt the attendants look oddly at him, whispering amongst themselves wondering why he had stirrups still attached to his legs. “Otherwise this whole Kingdom will fall to ruin.”</p> <p class="cnMxOGIzNDE0ZWI2ZTRiMTM5MmNjNjU5YjA5ZDlkMjBi" style="text-align: justify">The Squires and Pages arrived soon after with the dead and wounded. The dead were covered with a cloth after their armour was stripped from their bodies. Marcus understood the pragmatism but it still felt disrespectful. The wounded had their damaged sections removed and were swarmed with attendants. Principle Mages, focusing on the Principle of Life, emerged and began healing the wounded. These were not members of The Church of the Holy Father, instead, they were mages that had learned their craft in Bebbezzar or beyond. Those that knew the Principle of Life outside of the Church were few and far between. And yet the Black Riders had over ten, truly they had money to spare.</p> <p class="cnM0Zjg1N2Y4NTA4YzQ3YjFiODg4N2EzNDQxNjgwYWJk" style="text-align: justify">Those with cuts and light wounds were treated with herbs like Shimmer Soral. It was nowhere near as effective as magic but it was far better than nothing. Some groaned and whimpered as the green leaves were applied, the attendants tried their best to silence them. Those that were uninjured continued into a small barracks, Marcus saw them flop onto beds still in their full armour. Men and women slept in the same rooms without a single care. Some of the pages didn’t enter, instead taking up seats outside and began crafting arrows and bolts.</p> <p class="cnMyZDNkMzEyZmNkMzQ5MDc4NGY0ZWE5MWYwNjRlNGQ5" style="text-align: justify">“There’s nothing we can do here, Castor. Let’s go see the King.”</p> <p class="cnNlODEwMWNlZmUyNzQ2YjViYmNhMjhlNWM3MTM4ZWJi" style="text-align: justify">The elderly attendant led them through the winding passages to the central castle. The interior was very sparsely furnished, only what was absolutely necessary and nothing more. Simple seating and lots of room for weapons and sparing for when it rained. They travelled up a flight of stone stairs, winding and spinning seemingly without end until they reached the top. With a mighty heave, the attendant pushed the heavy wooden door open. Like everything in Castle Étoile the room was open and furnished sparsely. A large round wooden table lay in the middle on top of the cold, hard stone floor, with many simple chairs spaced evenly around it. Sitting directly in front was Leo, the <em>official </em>King of Qaiviel, staring silently out the large open balcony to the blue sky beyond. Noah, a young Page from the Golden Roar Knight Order, stood attentively at his side, worry deeply ingrained on his young face. Even though Marcus was all but sure that the Golden Roar had fallen in line with Harold and Giles alongside the Church he trusted Noah. Despite the conflict he retained his old colours, Marcus didn’t really mind that but Noah wasn’t allowed sharp implements, just in case. Bernard stood near the open window, still wearing his black armour with his arms folded. It appeared to be something all the Black Rider Knights did. With a small bow, the attendant ushered them inside and closed the door. Bernard and Noah turned to face them, Leo continued to stare blankly into the sky.</p> <p class="cnMzYTdiZjU2YjFjMjQ5ZDE4NjA3YTcyMDg0MjVlNTIx" style="text-align: justify">“Marcus,” Bernard spoke flatly. The normal growl in his voice had lessened. “Yet another enemy force shattered?”</p> <p class="cnNhNjE0YzU4MDQ4MDRkNTU5MTExYTFkNzcxODMzM2I5" style="text-align: justify">“Yes. But I was told there might be another one. Today too.”</p> <p class="cnMxZTQ3NjNkMDViZTQ1MjNhZGZlNGFlYmI3ZDk3YmFh" style="text-align: justify">“The Church appears to have lost their collective minds.” An elderly voice spoke from the shadows. Alfred, Duchess Belinda’s elderly butler, moved forward with a deep frown on his face. “I watched from the battlements. Were they really that inept?”</p> <p class="cnNmMTI4ZmM3MDc2MDRkNzRhYmM5MDE0NDdjNjRiY2Ex" style="text-align: justify">“Inept and hopelessly trained.” Marcus slowly approached Leo from behind, the King didn’t move, apart from shallow breathing. “All they have are numbers.”</p> <p class="cnNkOTgyMjQ0NzA5NDQ5MWI5ZWU0ZWUwMzViMzVmNWQw" style="text-align: justify">Alfred nodded slowly, a memory from long ago flashed over his eyes. “Reminds me of my first Centaur Invasion. Men were just thrown into battle without any real training…And the lands ran red with their blood.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZjIwZDc0YzEyZTQ2NDdiODEwZDExZmZjZWRkNDYy" style="text-align: justify">“But there were always more,” Bernard grumbled. “Just like this time.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDBlMjZhNTU3NjQ5NDQ5NTYxMWRiYTg0Yzg2Yjkw" style="text-align: justify">Bernard sighed. He thumped the stone wall with his fist and moved to the table. “This isn’t going to end well.”</p> <p class="cnNjMjA1OGE1YjRhNTQxMmFiZWU5ZDJmMWVlNzZiZDJh" style="text-align: justify">"I have made contact with every mercenary force that I know." Alfred began. "But many have been bought already."</p> <p class="cnNlNjQ0NWNjMjRlNzRkZjU4NTNjODNmZGYzNGNkZDQ4" style="text-align: justify">"Can't you just pay them more?" Bernard asked. Marcus was sure he already knew the answer.</p> <p class="cnMzOWQyMjE4OTRmZTQ3MTI5ZTgyZTE0Zjk4YTNjZTQ2" style="text-align: justify">Alfred shook his wizened head and sighed. "To a mercenary, their contract is their life. If they gained a reputation of changing sides they would never be hired again. A few, less scrupulous mercenary bands follow that practice. I, personally, wouldn't want them beside me."</p> <p class="cnNlMzdkYTkxZmE2MDQyM2RiM2EyNGM0MjdkZDNkMDI1" style="text-align: justify">Bernard grumbled, tapping the table with a mailed finger. "I have already contacted every Knight Order that I know will listen. Our..." Bernard winced ever so slightly. "Reputation leaves much to be desired. I'm sure the Green Vipers and the Wolf's Howl will join us. What of yours, Marcus?"</p> <p class="cnNjYTVkYTM1MGE1MTRhOGZiZDBjNmQ1NTk5OWQ3ZmUz" style="text-align: justify">"The Blue Firestorm will fight. As will the Grey Dawn and White Lightning. Though we need to leave a portion of our forces to counter potential Clansmen attack, I consider this unlikely given their crushing defeat."</p> <p class="cnMwN2I3MGJlZWI4NTQxNzJiMWYzNjIxOWVlOTYxMDli" style="text-align: justify">"Yes..." Bernard looked at Alfred. "And does Duchess Belinda truly believe that this...Anton, will be able to help us?"</p> <p class="cnM1OTUzZGJjZThmZDQ5MjY5ZTgxNWExMDhlYjU2Njcz" style="text-align: justify">"A great deal." Alfred smiled. "He and two...women came to our rescue during the Clansmen and Orc invasion without the promise of reward. Without them, we wouldn't have been prepared and Maxill would have fallen, allowing them to spread out and devastate the Kingdom before the Knight Orders could rally."</p> <p class="cnMzNWZjOTRkYTFkMzQ3YWI4NDBiMTJjM2UyYTBmNDlj" style="text-align: justify">"Is that the person that Duchess Belinda was accused of..." Noah trailed off, aware that nearly all the attention now lay on him. Except for Leo who continued to stare endlessly into the blue sky.</p> <p class="cnNiZDYwZGQzNTIwYjQ4MjE4NDE1ZmE2ZjdjOWQwY2Qy" style="text-align: justify">"Yes." Alfred warmly smiled at the boy. "But they aren't evil. Not at all. If Duchess Belinda can reach them and convince them to join this war will be much easier." Alfred sighed. "This would be so much easier if The Church hadn't destroyed that pen."</p> <p class="cnM0MGYwNjBiOWI5NDQwMGM4Nzc0NjcyMDk2ODE5YTBk" style="text-align: justify">"So that was an artefact," Bernard said. "It seems they spoke the truth."</p> <p class="cnMzNzEyMGM3MjlhODRlYjI5MWU5YWE0NzIxMWIxNjM2" style="text-align: justify">"Indeed." Alfred smiled. "The King...Former king, I'm sure knew it to be true but wanted to put them back in their place."</p> <p class="cnMzMWExN2IzNGFhZjRlODhiNWI1YzcyNGQxZjUzN2Ew" style="text-align: justify">"For what good it did." Bernard thumped a fist into the wooden table.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWExNGEzM2JmMTQ1N2U4Zjk2MWFhMDNmNTk4Zjg2" style="text-align: justify">"Without that pen, the only way to contact them is physically. And that will take some time. But I'm sure my lady will convince them to join us."</p> <p class="cnNhNWM2ZTVmNGFmZjRjNzU5N2I3YTNjMzJjYmEzZDE4" style="text-align: justify">"So long as..." Castor awkwardly shuffled. "So long as no one says anything stupid."</p> <p class="cnNlY2Q2ZGQzYzQ0YzQyODE4ZDZmNTcyMTUyY2FhNjVh" style="text-align: justify">"Yes...I don't think we'll be doing that again."</p> <p class="cnNhNTAwZDBlMzUxMzQ0NjM4ZTUzNjlhYmFkNjgxODA4" style="text-align: justify">Bernard raised a brow and looked at Alfred.</p> <p class="cnMzZWJkMGUyY2YxODRkOGU5YTZlZTA4OTNhZGIwNmIw" style="text-align: justify">"He wasn't too impressed by Castor calling the two women unworthy of attending a meeting."</p> <p class="cnNkN2Y1YTA1ZmU0MTRiZmY5NjUyODljYjllZGE4YzIy" style="text-align: justify">Castor flexed his hands and looked away. Even Noah looked oddly at him.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWUyNTAzYjhhNTQ1OGNhNmQxNDg5NGY1YmYwNmU0" style="text-align: justify"><em>But it cooled your head a little bit. Especially after losing that bow. Seems to have been a worthwhile trade.</em></p> <p class="cnMyYTYzNzFmZTFlNDRlMmViYmE1ZTAzMDI0YzhlYjE3" style="text-align: justify">"We cannot rely on strange mages from far-away lands." Bernard pushed off the table and looked out the window. "Even if it would help. For now, we must rely on what we have. Thankful the Cabal of Mages have stayed neutral."</p> <p class="cnNkZTNkMmE0OGIwMTRkZGY5MzcxZjg2NjQ1Mjk5OGM3" style="text-align: justify">"Not surprising," Alfred said. "Given how The Church sought to control them. And when that didn't work they tried to demonize them."</p> <p class="cnNiOGE3OTQ2NjVjMTQ1NTE5Y2U3MTNlZGFkYzQ4MTUz" style="text-align: justify">"Better that they stay neutral rather than join Harold and Giles." Leo's finger twitched to Bernard's words, the first real sign he was listening. "But staying neutral won't be an option for long."</p> <p class="cnMwNjVkMWNkZmY2ODQ3NzZhNDBlYjhlMjE2MTYxZjM3" style="text-align: justify">"Indecision has always plagued the Cabal." Alfred sighed.</p> <p class="cnNhZGNmNTVkYzUxZjQ4ZTk4YTAzODZkZmY0NGUwYmNj" style="text-align: justify">A knock came from a small wooden door to the side. Noah raced to it while everyone rested a hand on their weapons, even Alfred had a short sword underneath his clothes.</p> <p class="cnMwMmNiODZmYThlYjQyMGI5MDI4M2E2MGY4MzhhYzg2" style="text-align: justify">Noah opened the door with some trepidation. His face brightened as a platter of steaming hot food was passed over by a servant. She bowed before closing the door. Noah trotted happily over to Leo and placed it before him. Not a single reaction came from the King.</p> <p class="cnNjMjVmYzJjMGVhYjRhNzU5ZTdjNzg0MmMxZjY0NDk2" style="text-align: justify">"My King," Noah spoke softly. "You must eat. Otherwise, you will waste away."</p> <p class="cnNiN2EwNTgyZmRlODQyNGZiNjVhMjVlYjVkYzg4MmFh" style="text-align: justify">Leo said nothing. Marcus moved behind Noah, Leo's eyes were vacant and hollow.</p> <p class="cnNjOGRkMTNmY2UxMzQ3MjA4NGVkODBjYWZjOWY4YjY4" style="text-align: justify">Noah's fingers twitched erratically as he looked between Leo and Marcus. "Per-Perhaps I should show you that the food is safe. And not poisoned. That worked last time!"</p> <p class="cnMzMWEzN2Y1ZWZhMDQ3M2E4ODFhMjBjMmQyNWZhOTkx" style="text-align: justify">Noah chuckled nervously, the noise echoed in the otherwise silent room. Noah took a fork and stabbed at the succulent piece of steak.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTU2MDQ2ZmI5ODQ2NWJhYzRkNDY3MGRlMDRhNjZj" style="text-align: justify">"Why?" Leo spoke barely louder than a whisper.</p> <p class="cnNlOGRlYjc0MmQwMDRkOTY4MDQxYzYwNjEzM2VkNzc4" style="text-align: justify">Noah coughed as he chewed on the meat. "My King?"</p> <p class="cnMyYmY1YWE1YzlmMjRlMzI5YzkwNWNjZjM0ZWVlZThk" style="text-align: justify">"Why did they do it?" Marcus had to lean close to understand the words. "My brothers. And my mother. Why?"</p> <p class="cnNkNDkzNTJmN2U0YTQ5NjZhYWViM2ZiNDM1ZGY2MWIy" style="text-align: justify">"I..." Noah was lost for words. "I don't know, my King."</p> <p class="cnMwMzUzMGNlZmU0MDQyYjE4ZDRiNzI1NTVjODk4YTc1" style="text-align: justify"><em>This seems like the first words he's spoken since we've fled the capital. Can't let this fall. </em></p> <p class="cnMwOWE3NzliYWRlNjQ1MWI5NTY0M2M1YWQwODJhYzhi" style="text-align: justify">"I believe they were seduced." Marcus began, Leo eyes slowly turned to him while his head remained stationary. "By allure of power. Giles and Harold were second and third in line to the throne. You, being first, would have received everything while they would be left with nothing. It might have taken some time but people like Terrill and Abeau could have used that to worm their way into their minds."</p> <p class="cnMxMjExYzk2YWY5YzQ1NDJiNzQ1ZmY5MjlmN2VmMzQ2" style="text-align: justify">"But..." Leo gently shook his head. "I thought we loved each other. We'd always been friends, always. Even Harold."</p> <p class="cnMwNGI3ODFlNzYzMTRlM2FhOWQ0MzA5ZTRlOTk3ZDE4" style="text-align: justify">"Things...Can change over time. You may have been so close that you didn't see it."</p> <p class="cnNjMTQ0MmI4ZGZhMTQ4YWFiMDk2MTdmYzBjNWU3YjJi" style="text-align: justify">Leo nodded once. "And my mother? Why did she kill my father? I thought she loved..."</p> <p class="cnM5ZDRkYjA0MDEzZjRmNjJhMTY4N2RhNjVhMGJlNTZi" style="text-align: justify">"I...Don't know about that either. But," Marcus tapped Noah on the shoulder and gently pulled him to one side. He dropped to one knee and waited until Leo looked straight at him. "But the only place to find out the truth is out there. You aren't going to find it in the sky."</p> <p class="cnNjMTk3OWZkM2ZhZjQyM2I5ZjM4NmI2YTViNThjOTZm" style="text-align: justify">Leo took another deep breath. "But what do I do?"</p> <p class="cnM2ZDQ5YTBmZWFiMDQzOWQ5NWJiZGJiNjNhNWQ3ZmQ1" style="text-align: justify">"First, you eat all the food on that plate. Then you lead. You need to be out there, so your people know that the Kingdom has not fallen to madness. I don't expect you to be out the front, swinging your sword and cleaving heads, but you need to be there. With us. Fighting. Otherwise, you might as well head back to the capital and surrender to your brothers. We can't win this war for you, but we can help every step you take."</p> <p class="cnM1MTBlMTg2ZDUyODQ3YjlhMzE0MzU2ZGU0MTAzNGZm" style="text-align: justify">Leo pursed his lips, some semblance of life returned to his eyes. But he did not eat. He needed another push but Marcus was out of ideas. And if he just kept going it might do more harm than good.</p> <p class="cnM5YWFlN2QyZmI0OTRhMDE4NjY5NTFjOTU1M2VmNGNm" style="text-align: justify">"My King,” Noah spoke as softly as Leo just had. “I know that you are suffering…But so is everyone else. I’ve watched the people fleeing the capital, the terror in their faces as they run to the east. They need your help.”</p> <p class="cnM2NTBkMzJjNTA1ZTQ3NDRiYTVlYTk5MjI0OGIzZTZj" style="text-align: justify">Leo moved but he still wasn’t there yet. Marcus gave Noah a gentle bump.</p> <p class="cnM5MmFkZmUxZTdlMzQzYWQ5MDIyY2I5MmU0ZTkyNGE5" style="text-align: justify">“But you can’t just let the people suffer!” Marcus was surprised by Noah’s outburst. “You are the King. The man that I serve, even though my friends in the Golden Roar are probably going to fight against us, is the King. No matter what anyone else says. And I don’t want my King to be stuck here while the people, which you are meant to protect, suffer and die.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZWE3Njc1YWMwNjRlNmViYmU0MTFjMWNkYjY3MzY2" style="text-align: justify"><em>Noah, that was…</em></p> <p class="cnMxZWRlYmVkOTBlOTQ1OTk5MDg3OTllNmU0Yjk3ZTk4" style="text-align: justify">Leo frowned and reached for the fork. Without hesitation, even though Noah hadn’t tested it, he stabbed the meat and tore it through without abandon. He didn’t care that he looked like a ravenous and starving animal. Noah looked nervously at Marcus but a smile slowly crept up her face.</p> <p class="cnMyMjM4NGI2MGZlNzQ5M2M4YjNiMTg4M2U5ZmU2YjM3" style="text-align: justify">“Bernard,” Leo spoke through mouthfuls of food. “Marcus. Tell me…No. As the King, tell me what I should do now?”</p> <p class="cnNiMWM1M2ZlMTNlNjQyYmU4ODZmZDVjNDEwNWEwYjQ4" style="text-align: justify">“Right now we need more soldiers.” Bernard began. “Our Knight Orders are strong but the enemy outnumbers us. We need to even that disadvantage.” He turned to Alfred. “And there is only so much that mercenaries can do.”</p> <p class="cnNkMmJhZmIwZWQ0OTQ4OTA5NTVhYzkzNWUwYmVhZjMy" style="text-align: justify">“I don’t think we have enough money to buy them from Bebbezzar.” Alfred sighed. “Giles and Harold have the entire royal treasury at their disposal. And we have…little, by comparison.”</p> <p class="cnNlOWY1MzVhZDhlNzQ2M2U4OTRhMjYwZmJiYjQxMDRi" style="text-align: justify">“Okay.” Leo tore off another piece of meat. “Where are these attacks coming from?”</p> <p class="cnNkZDZlMjczMjY3ZDRjYTRiOGY5NWM1ZmIyMTYwNjMz" style="text-align: justify">“A city to the south,” Bernard said.</p> <p class="cnNhZGQwZDNiYzZhMDRiNmFhZDVlZTgzMzEzMWVlMWE1" style="text-align: justify">“It’s actually a cathedral,” Castor added. “I’ve been there. It’s pretty big. And so is the city and farmlands around it.”</p> <p class="cnNhYjk2MzllOTRjNjQzYTI5MDkwNTNkZWJjZjJjYWIw" style="text-align: justify">“Explains how they got so many people,” Bernard grumbled. “But it needs to be secured so we can move on the capital.”</p> <p class="cnM5N2FmNTEzOWNiNjRiNjFhODJjMzAyMjc1NTM1MmMx" style="text-align: justify">Leo stopped, hunched over his plate of food, and looked up.</p> <p class="cnMwODZlZWIzZWUwNDRkYWU5MGFlNTc1ZGQ2ODY0OGY3" style="text-align: justify">“Harold and Giles, and Valérie are the source of this war. Kill them and the Church will lose their power and legitimacy.”</p> <p class="cnM1YzhlMWY2MTlkMjQwY2E5OGJmYTAzYzZiZGY4MTE5" style="text-align: justify">“We don’t have enough men to take the capital,” Alfred said softly. “Even if all the Knight Orders that have agreed to aid us attack as one, we will likely lose. The defences are impressive.”</p> <p class="cnNjOTdkZGRjNzdjNTQyMjA5OWVjOWIyNmQxNzQ1MTY0" style="text-align: justify">Leo tapped the knife on the table. “We…We can’t attack it yet. We aren’t strong enough. So what to do…We need to get stronger. Tell me honestly, what are our chances of recruiting more soldiers? Even if they are of poor quality.”</p> <p class="cnMwYzY1YmJhN2ZiYTQwOGI5MGRhNDhjZWRjMzA2NGY0" style="text-align: justify">“In the south and western regions, good,” Alfred replied. “There are many people that would eagerly fight for the prospect of freedom from their bondage. So we should be able to get significant numbers from there. From around the capital and further west, it’s very unlikely. They are underneath the thrall of The Church of the Holy Father. It’s likely the only people we would get from there would be spies and saboteurs. We cannot count on anyone from that region.”</p> <p class="cnMyZTVkMzgxZWJmNDQ5MDg5YTAxZmE0MTJhMGE3ZTA4" style="text-align: justify">Noah squeaked lightly.</p> <p class="cnM1NTc1ZmI4YThiNjQxZGE5MzM3ZjQzMGUyNzM3OTdj" style="text-align: justify">“Don’t worry.” Leo smiled faintly at Noah. “I don’t know how we’re going to do this without much money…but, Alfred, you manage Duchess Belinda’s holdings. Is it possible?”</p> <p class="cnM4NDg5N2NhM2QzZjQ2MDM5MjcwMTEwNzU5ZjlhMDhl" style="text-align: justify">“Absolutely. We may need to take on loans from the Wood Elves though. Not that it gives me much joy to think of owing them gold, but we don’t have much of a choice.”</p> <p class="cnNmYTIxYjE4NmMxMzQxN2NiM2JjNzMwZjM3MjcxMWQ1" style="text-align: justify">Leo continued eating. “And…What of this Anton? If we have this powerful mage surely we could move on the capital right away.”</p> <p class="cnNmN2Q1MjgzN2M4ZjRjZDA5Zjk5ZWQ3MDBmODAxNWY1" style="text-align: justify">Alfred made a noise. “It is my personal opinion that, while he might be very powerful, I don’t think he’s very skilled. Raw power over finesse. I know of several mages that could probably kill him in a one on one fight. Provided he doesn’t hit them first. It is…a wild card. But more than effective against the normal foes we may face.”</p> <p class="cnNjZmE0NjE4YTZmZjRkYmU5NzdmMzdkYmU2MjQ4MTE0" style="text-align: justify">“And Duchess Belinda can get him here?”</p> <p class="cnMyM2RjMTBmYzNlMDQ1MzBiMjhiZGM2NmI1YWUyN2E5" style="text-align: justify">“I believe in her.” Alfred smiled. “I’m sure she will come to an arrangement.”</p> <p class="cnNkODE0MDZlOWNmNTRkZDM5Y2RjZTczNjFiYzFkYjhm" style="text-align: justify">“We should not act like this mage will be helping us,” Bernard said softly. “Just in case something’s happened, our strategy shouldn’t rely on such an outside force. We should plan to win the war without the aid of this mage.”</p> <p class="cnNjODVjZDU5N2I5NjQ5MTRhZWRjYjZhNzkzOTgwNTZh" style="text-align: justify"><em>Makes sense. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. If we think there’s going to be saviour coming we might make foolish mistakes on the off-chance that it can be quickly fixed. Leo needs calm heads for the future. </em></p> <p class="cnMzY2YzYzAwMGQzOTQwYzlhMDI1NzU1OTIyZTlhY2E5" style="text-align: justify">“Okay.” Leo nodded. “It’s about time I actually do something. Now, I remember you, Bernard, saying something about a war council.”</p> <p class="cnMwOGI0ZGI0ZDQyYzQwMzU5YTA0ZjQ5NWY2YmQ4OGVj" style="text-align: justify">“Yes, My King.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTY2M2M5Mzg2YTRjNjdiMjRiMDFlZGJmZjRlZWEx" style="text-align: justify">“Then I’d like you to assemble one.” Leo rammed the last of the meat into his face. “I don’t know who would be best, so I’ll have to trust your judgement.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDE1ZDUxMTNlZTRkNDhhYzZhODdhMjZhOGY0NDlm" style="text-align: justify">Bernard bowed deeply. “I will repay the trust you have placed in me. I recommend Marcus, Alfred and Castor, for now. I know I can trust them. And each has their field of expertise that we will need for the civil war and beyond.”</p> <p class="cnMwYTZlMzRhMDYxZjRkNDVhYTdkYWZhOGJjOTAyNzY5" style="text-align: justify"><em>Oh?</em></p> <p class="cnM2NWI5MzA5MTkzYzQ4ODQ5ZTNkZTY0NDZmNWQwYWI2" style="text-align: justify">Before Marcus could speak the heavy door groaned open. A swift hand reached for his blade. A young attendant, a pretty young girl dressed in the same clothes as the elderly attendant, breathed heavily with sweat dripping off her brow.</p> <p class="cnMwN2UyNWU2ODE3YzQ0NTI5NzJjNmE0YWU4YjA5NTEw" style="text-align: justify">“Forgive me, My Lords, My King. But…” She took a deep breath, almost retching from exertion. “But the enemy is sending another army. This is the largest yet. Scouts…Scouts say that there are over eight thousand. With simple siege ladders.”</p> <p class="cnNkNzVlNzlmN2JkZTQ4N2U5OGRhNmRiZWEwOTZiZmNl" style="text-align: justify">“That’s too many for us to deal with outside the walls,” Marcus said. “Not to mention our horses are dead tired.”</p> <p class="cnMzNTgwYTA3NDY5YTRhYjg4NTM2ZTU1MjllOGRiZTBi" style="text-align: justify">“So are the soldiers,” Castor added.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWQyOTU2ZGYwZTQyMWJhY2ZkODAxMzFkMmYwMzE4" style="text-align: justify">“We only exited the castle to rescue to mercenary forces.” Bernard tapped the pommel of his blade. “So we will fight from the walls. It seems they are willing to come to us, so why not let them.”</p> <p class="cnMwYjMyMDM1NDQwMzQ0OWZhNTgwMjExOWRiODg5ODBm" style="text-align: justify">Leo slammed his hands on the table, the clang of the metal plate startled Noah into a girlish squeak. “Noah. Get some armour. It’s time the King stopped being such a little girl.”</p> </div>
**Chapter 119 Pt.1:**   Marcus’s body shifted backwards, sliding back along the saddle as his legs dug into the stirrup to anchor himself of his rearing horse. The ear-splitting scream of the horse beneath his legs disoriented him for an instant. An instant too long. A crude iron-tipped spear found a tiny crack in its armour and dug deep into the poor beasts’ flesh. He relinquished his shield and pulled himself forward, forcing the wounded horse back onto the ground. Marcus slammed his Chelium sword straight into the helmet of the stunned attacker. Their eyes locked, for a moment, before the blue sword cleaved through iron, bone and brain. Blood gushed from the wound, running down the instantly dimmed face and staining his white clothes before he slumped to his knees. Marcus’s body shifted forward again as the horse missed its front footing and crumpled forward, the wound was much worse than he first thought. *Lucky bastard.* Another enemy charged from the side, an iron-tipped spear raised above a crazed young man. Marcus knew the look in his eyes; the poor young boy had been consumed by the frenzy and madness of the battle raging around them. Behind him another two soldiers charge at him, they only had poor quality iron swords and iron-rimmed wooden shields. Not the strongest weapons but more than enough to kill him if he was unarmed. Marcus tried to rip the sword free from the slumped soldier but it wouldn’t budge. Bone had pinned it tight, with every tug the dead man’s body rolled around limp, his jaw flapped open with blood rolling down his chin. Marcus couldn’t just dismount from his horse, the stirrups were designed to keep him attached to his horse no matter if it reared or bucked in the heat of combat. With a mighty heave, Marcus freed the blade, tearing apart the dead man’s head from the front to the back. Great beads blood dripped off the shining blue blade as Marcus readied to strike as he struggled to get free. The lead soldier screamed an unintelligible cry, raising his spear to strike before his eyes twitched to the side. He disappeared in flash of black and silver. A Black Riders Knight smashed through the spearmen and carried him over a dozen feet. Stupefaction drenched his face as he slipped from the horse’s chest and onto the ground, mangled into a bloody pulp by the horse's black hooves. The Black Rider Knight didn’t stop and continued charging into the next group of hostiles. The two swordsmen took a moment to recover, time Marcus used to free himself from his wounded horse by cutting the stirrups free. The Chelium blade cut through the hardened leather like a hot knife through soft cheese. Even if it left the straps attached to his legs. Both swordsmen snapped to Marcus. The charge at him again, Marcus felt disgusted that he had already cut down dozens of these foolish youngsters. Children, really, forced into battle without even the most basic of experience to fight against hardened soldiers. Piles of their dead fellows were a testament to their stupidity. “Come on then!” Marcus yelled. “If you want to die like everyone else!” His shout, over the clamour of the whirlwind of a battle surrounding them, gave them pause. Marcus stepped over his still wounded horse, a bloody foam forming on its lips, and took up his shield. It wasn’t the best shield, the balance was off and it was too light compared to what he normally used but it was better than nothing. When the swordsmen realised their mistake they screamed and charged. Marcus raised his shield. One of the swordsmen reached him first. His sword raised over his head in an amateurish attempt to swing down. Marcus stepped forward and took the strike with the shield. Through his arm, he felt the strike, a decent strength. Perhaps one day he might have been a good knight or soldier. But they would never get that chance. Marcus raised his shield and pushed the sword up, leaving his opponent open. Despite his lack of training, he understood exactly the implications. The blue Chelium sword pierced his light padded cloth armour and through his sternum. A single cough and one was dead, even if he had yet to realise it. The second swordsmen didn’t see or understand what happened but had to move to the side to attack. Marcus twisted the collapsing body into his path, using the momentum of the falling body to rip the blade free with a mighty spurt of blood. He hit something very important. “Wha-” Marcus knew never to hesitate in battle, a lifetime of fighting the Deweth Clansmen had taught him that crucial skill. He kicked the dead man into the path of the swordsmen, the body colliding with his legs and causing him to tumble. Marcus swung again and found the swordsman’s neck. This time there was no look of horror or understanding, his head simply fell off. Marcus stepped to the side as the spurting headless corpse sprayed his horse with its blood, the head rolling aimlessly on the trodden and bloody grass. Marcus breathed deep and glanced around the battlefield, such as it was. Nearly every enemy soldier was dead. Just like the unfortunate two lying at his feet none were trained. Yet there were a lot of them. *Numbers do count for something, but not like this.* Black Rider Knights charged through the scattered lines. Their black horses, adorned with black full body armour, cut the remains of Harold and Giles’s army and the Church’s army to ribbons. Squires, those too young and inexperienced to command a horse, or in Marcus’s opinion still too young to even think of growing a beard, formed large groups of infantry armed with longswords and halberds decimated the white-clothed enemy that dared to approach, staining everything red. In the middle of those groups, Pages, some who were truly children, readied and fired crossbows from the safety of their human shields. It took the Church soldiers some time to realise the source of the bolts but they couldn’t respond. The small armoured groups were completely unassailable by the enemy and tore through the enemy lines. “Who’s even left?” Marcus asked aloud. There was little he could see through the slit in his helmet but he wasn’t about to remove it. His predecessor lost his life that way against the Clansmen. A single swipe with a rusted axe and his head separated from his body. That image had stuck with him ever since. As Marcus turned to his horse his back screamed in pain. He knew this sensation all too well, he was not uninitiated to cuts. Marcus dropped his shield, twirled his Chelium sword in his hands and stabbed along his side. His thrust found resistance, a warm fleshy resistance. Marcus reached back with his free hand and grabbed the hand holding the blade. His metal gauntlet found an unguarded hand. A faint relief filled his head, no one on their side had unarmored hands. "You fucking traitor." A hot, gurgling breath brushed against his helmet. "The Holy Father will take your soul to damnation." "After what I saw in the palace damnation doesn't worry me." Marcus twisted the blade, eliciting a pathetic whimper from his attacker. "Do you even know what that word means? Or are you just repeating what those priests tell you?" Marcus never received an answer. The hand fell limp and slid off his body, the dagger pulled down and free from the body. It was another young man, barely in his eighteenth winter. The first hints of a beard, patchy and mismatched hair, barely recognizable underneath the blood that seeped from his mouth. One of his arms had been cut clean off and his white shirt twisted tight around the wound. Fresh wet blood still leaked from the wound. "You actually fight like that?" Marcus spoke aloud. The noise of the battle was still too great for anyone nearby to hear. After checking that no one else could attack him he inspected his horse. The beast lay still and silent, not even a shallow breath escaped its lips, only a thick bloody foam. "I'm sorry." Marcus gently patted its back. "I hope it wasn't too painful." Death by drowning was, by all accounts, an unpleasant end. Doubly so when it was your own blood. At least a person could be comforted as they died. Infinitely harder when the victim couldn't understand a word. Marcus's shoulder wound throbbed, the reminder of the power of heretical blood magic. "My Lord Marcus!" A voice cried out over the clamour. Five knights, four in black armour and one in silver with a large blue flame on his chest, charged towards them. Five church spearmen moved to intercept. Even though their weapons were crude compared to theirs a charge would likely wound or kill the horses if they found a chink in the armour. Like his had. Castor, his second in command and wearing his silver Blue Firestorm armour, pointed his sword at the spearmen. Marcus had believed his fiery tendencies had diminished after the last Clansmen invasion. The spearmen, however, were not well trained or even poorly trained. Against the five massive beasts thundering towards them, the very ground shaking beneath his armoured boots, the conscripted spearmen could not hold their nerve. Four ran towards Marcus as fear broke their reason, one brave soul stayed behind but immediately felt the loss of his fellows. He bravely stood his ground as the Knights rode either side. Castor swung his sword down and cleaved the man's head clean off. The remaining four were trampled into the ground. Marcus saw the faces contorted with fear and surprise, unable to understand what was happening. With the last of the obstacles gone Castor and his escort reached Marcus. "Marcus." Castor stopped on the other side of Marcus's dead horse. "The enemy had been routed." Marcus surveyed the battle. Before he could have generously said there were a few holdouts. Now they had well and truly broken. "Yes." Marcus wiped the blood from his blade onto a piece of cloth hanging from his horse. "It seems everything went well this time. Except for him." "Dead?" "Single spear. Got right through the armour and punctured a lung. Poor thing bled to death. Might have even hit the heart." "That's a shame. Do you want a spare horse to chase down the enemy?" Marcus waved him down. "No. I think I've had enough for today." He looked up at the sun. It hanged directly over his head yet he didn't feel much warmth, not like in summer at least. With the same certainty that the sun would rise and fall, so too would the season's change. "If they give us that chance," Castor spoke glumly, pointing his sword to the south. "Before riding out I heard from one of the scouts there might be another force coming." "Word is it's the same size as this one." A Black Rider knight spoke gruffly. "See to finishing the rout," Marcus commanded. "I'll return to the castle on foot. See to our wounded and fallen." Castor nodding and signalled the other knights. With a whip of their reins, they were off again, chasing a bloodstained army into the distance. Once Marcus was certain that Castor had left he relaxed and leant against his dead horse. "I'm getting too old for this," Marcus grumbled. "Too old to keep fighting like this. Soon I should have been handing things over to Castor and continue training the recruits. And now this shit has..." Marcus had no more words. He lifted his visor and breathed the dusty and blood-soaked air. *If I stop here that's going to be it for today. Better keep moving.* With a few groans, and pushing hard against the horse, Marcus hauled himself up. The Black Rider Squires and Pages roamed through the now otherwise still field. Every so often they would stop at a body before plunging a blade into their throat. Thankfully it was always the Church soldiers rather than their own. Very few had fallen, thanks in no small part to their equipment and training and lack thereof in their opponents. As their side began recovering the dead and dying the wailing began. At first, merely a hum, the sound of his heavy breathing was enough to drown it out. Very quickly it grew until Marcus was all but certain he had crossed into some sort of nightmare. Bloody hands and stumps reached for the sky. Those wearing black armour were lifted from the tangled mess of bodies. Those wearing white were killed without mercy. They had barely enough medical supplies for themselves. This way was better, not that Marcus would agree if he was lying on the ground. He raised his blade to the sun. The number slain by his hand that day Marcus had simply lost count. And despite the blood, fat and brains collecting on its surface it retained a perfect edge. "You can only find Chelium in the Clans and the Kar Kingdom. I wonder how much it cost?" Marcus looked at the bodies around him, several dressed in white still wriggled and squirmed. "But it wasn't meant for this." Marcus sheathed his blade and slowly walked to the north towards Castle Étoile, home of the Black Riders Knight Order. As Marcus gently waded through the bodies he took the time to study the marvel from the outside. It clearly wasn’t made by Qaiviel hands, it was simply too different to everything else. During a lull between the battles, a Black Rider Knight told him that it had been made during the pinnacle of the United Kingdom, a demonstration of the wealth and power that fabled kingdom once wielded. The castle was more akin to a small city than just a castle. Huge multilayered walls made from black stone, spires ever few hundred feet manned with ballistae and crossbows. Anyone attempting to take the castle would first have to cross the gauntlet and then actually breach the walls. After multiple layers and choke-points, the final castle would then be needed to be breached. Nothing short of a determined army could even hope to take the castle. While Marcus would have preferred to stay inside the safety of the castle walls they didn’t have the luxury. The Church deployed their force to surround the castle, not completely but it was enough. A small detachment of allied soldiers and knights were intercepted on their way to Castle Étoile. If they didn’t ride out the forces would have been annihilated. And they needed every morsel of strength and warm body they could get their hands on. Marcus realized that he reached the edge of the battlefield already. All of a sudden the blood, the bodies and trodden grass stopped. The lush green grass that Marcus knew and their horses loved returned. Before him stood a Black Rider Knight, his arms folded as his grim face surveyed the battlefield. Behind him Squires and Pages moved about, preparing the wounded and dead for transport back to the castle. Some glanced at him, their hands moved to their longswords or crossbows. A grunt from the Knight was enough for everyone to return to their work. “They thought you were one of them.” The Knight said, his voice growled deeply. “Everyone that we’ve been fighting the past few days has been wearing white. You might want to consider changing that.” The Knight pointed to Marcus’s chest, specifically the blue fire emblem. Marcus laughed. “I’ve worn this every day since I received my knighthood. Would you wear mine if things were the other way around?” The Knight pondered for a moment. “No.” A slight smile crept over his scared, bearded face. “I suppose not.” “Did we get everyone from the detachment?” “Almost. I think we lost four or five. A few stray arrows. Not bad. And when they were down these idiots swarmed over them.” The Knight scoffed at the dead Church soldiers. “Worse than rabble, in my opinion. I’ve seen drunken women fight better in a tavern brawl.” “Yours seemed to do alright.” Marcus nodded at the Squires. Though their faces were somewhat obscured by their helms he knew that some were women. So too were several of the pages, but none of the Knights. “Bernard doesn’t care. The Black Riders don’t care. So long as you are strong and willing to fight and kill in the name of the true King.” “You aren’t worried about…incidents?” “Have you ever heard of one while you’ve been here?” “No.” “Because they know how to handle themselves.” The Knight dismissively waved his hand. “These aren’t some frail weaklings.” The women they had could be generously be called *rugged*. “And our losses?” The Knight looked back to the wounded Black Riders. “Fifteen Squires, twelve Pages and three Knights. And a lot more wounded.” The Knight shrugged. “Considering we had to go against nearly a thousand I think we did pretty well.” *If our order had to go against a thousand Clansmen I’d expect more losses. Just goes to show how poor these soldiers are.* “We’ll be taking them back soon. As soon as your subordinate returns.” Marcus turned to the south. In the distance, the Black Rider Knights had finished off the remains of the routed Church army. The last white clothed soldier fell to a halberd swipe. A cheer rang out through the air. Castor, the only Knight wearing something other than black, waved his sword at Castle Étoile. Castor was smiling when he stopped several feet from Marcus. “We got them all!” Castor laughed, the Black Rider’s cheered, though Marcus could see that they and their horses were tired. Many had arrowheads jutting from their hide. “Not a single enemy managed to escape.” “And their commander?” Marcus asked. “I saw him at the back but I didn’t see him go down.” Castors murmured with a quick glance back. “I don’t know. It was quite messy near the end. Who knows, maybe he’s somewhere out there and trampled into the rest of them.” “There’s not much that we can do about it either way. If everything’s finished here I think we should head back inside the castle. Especially if there’s another force coming this way.” Castor groaned. “Another? How can they just keep throwing men at us? Aren’t they going to run out soon?” Marcus pointed at the nearest dead Church soldier. Castor and the other Black Rider Knights frowned, unable to understand his intention. “That isn’t a soldier.” “Really?” A Knight next to Castor laughed. Soon they all were. Marcus shook his head. “Even someone that’s had some basic training wouldn’t have made the mistakes that they did. These are farmers, serfs, bondsmen, whatever you want to call them, given a weapon and thrown into battle with us. It’s remarkable that we lost as many as we did with our enemy being such poor quality.” “But there were so many of them,” Castor said softly. “Their only advantage.” The Knight behind Marcus grumbled. “I fear that this war is going to destroy the Qaiviel Kingdom.” Marcus sighed. “There won’t be anyone left by the end. But there’s not much we can do now.” “Do you want a horse?” The Knight asked. “I can see that your previous fell.” “A tiny hole in its armour and it’s dead. Just like us…I think I’ll walk.” Marcus stretched his arms. “I need to clear my head.” “I would order you to take a horse.” The Knight folded his arms again. “But I’m not your commander. Bernard told us to treat you like our second in command. If you were I’d tell you to take the horse.” *Very subtle.* Marcus took a step and felt the full weight of the fight crush down upon him. “I think I will take that horse.”   ---[]---   A horn blared from Castle Étoile. Huge metal chains clanked and rattled, eight burly men turned a giant handle to open only one side of the large iron gate. Why they even had two and not a single gate Marcus had no idea. Perhaps the United Kingdom had so much manpower, perhaps even magical devices, something like this was standard. The Knights spread out immediately after passing the gate. A small army of men and women, dressed in loose black clothing, rushed to their side. Attendants. Members of the Knight Orders that were not involved in fighting but in the day to day running of the castles. Things that Squires and Pages had no spare time to do. The Blue Firestorm Order had many, but Marcus made sure that they knew how to use a bow or crossbow, just in case the Clansmen tried to breach the walls. It helped their morale too, made them feel like they were an actual part of the Order. Which they were. “My Lords.” An elderly assistant shuffled towards them. “Please let us take the horses and your armour. You need to recover your strength. Bernard is waiting for you in the central castle.” “I’m surprised that he didn’t join this battle.” Marcus allowed the assistants to help him down, an ungraceful affair. “I know he doesn’t revel in bloodshed but I’m sure he would have come.” “I’m afraid that he said he was needed to remain at King Leo’s side.” “…I see.” Marcus frowned as Castor dismounted from his horse. Attendants began to take off the outer metal layer of their armour. They were battered and stained with blood. The cloth padding was more than enough to keep him safe inside the castle and allow him essentially unrestricted movement. “Has Leo said anything?” The attendant frowned and looked away. “I’m afraid not, my lords. He has done very little since arriving here apart from eating and sleeping. And even then only at our behest. He just stares out the window.” “We need him to start acting like a king.” Marcus felt the attendants look oddly at him, whispering amongst themselves wondering why he had stirrups still attached to his legs. “Otherwise this whole Kingdom will fall to ruin.” The Squires and Pages arrived soon after with the dead and wounded. The dead were covered with a cloth after their armour was stripped from their bodies. Marcus understood the pragmatism but it still felt disrespectful. The wounded had their damaged sections removed and were swarmed with attendants. Principle Mages, focusing on the Principle of Life, emerged and began healing the wounded. These were not members of The Church of the Holy Father, instead, they were mages that had learned their craft in Bebbezzar or beyond. Those that knew the Principle of Life outside of the Church were few and far between. And yet the Black Riders had over ten, truly they had money to spare. Those with cuts and light wounds were treated with herbs like Shimmer Soral. It was nowhere near as effective as magic but it was far better than nothing. Some groaned and whimpered as the green leaves were applied, the attendants tried their best to silence them. Those that were uninjured continued into a small barracks, Marcus saw them flop onto beds still in their full armour. Men and women slept in the same rooms without a single care. Some of the pages didn’t enter, instead taking up seats outside and began crafting arrows and bolts. “There’s nothing we can do here, Castor. Let’s go see the King.” The elderly attendant led them through the winding passages to the central castle. The interior was very sparsely furnished, only what was absolutely necessary and nothing more. Simple seating and lots of room for weapons and sparing for when it rained. They travelled up a flight of stone stairs, winding and spinning seemingly without end until they reached the top. With a mighty heave, the attendant pushed the heavy wooden door open. Like everything in Castle Étoile the room was open and furnished sparsely. A large round wooden table lay in the middle on top of the cold, hard stone floor, with many simple chairs spaced evenly around it. Sitting directly in front was Leo, the *official* King of Qaiviel, staring silently out the large open balcony to the blue sky beyond. Noah, a young Page from the Golden Roar Knight Order, stood attentively at his side, worry deeply ingrained on his young face. Even though Marcus was all but sure that the Golden Roar had fallen in line with Harold and Giles alongside the Church he trusted Noah. Despite the conflict he retained his old colours, Marcus didn’t really mind that but Noah wasn’t allowed sharp implements, just in case. Bernard stood near the open window, still wearing his black armour with his arms folded. It appeared to be something all the Black Rider Knights did. With a small bow, the attendant ushered them inside and closed the door. Bernard and Noah turned to face them, Leo continued to stare blankly into the sky. “Marcus,” Bernard spoke flatly. The normal growl in his voice had lessened. “Yet another enemy force shattered?” “Yes. But I was told there might be another one. Today too.” “The Church appears to have lost their collective minds.” An elderly voice spoke from the shadows. Alfred, Duchess Belinda’s elderly butler, moved forward with a deep frown on his face. “I watched from the battlements. Were they really that inept?” “Inept and hopelessly trained.” Marcus slowly approached Leo from behind, the King didn’t move, apart from shallow breathing. “All they have are numbers.” Alfred nodded slowly, a memory from long ago flashed over his eyes. “Reminds me of my first Centaur Invasion. Men were just thrown into battle without any real training…And the lands ran red with their blood.” “But there were always more,” Bernard grumbled. “Just like this time.” Bernard sighed. He thumped the stone wall with his fist and moved to the table. “This isn’t going to end well.” "I have made contact with every mercenary force that I know." Alfred began. "But many have been bought already." "Can't you just pay them more?" Bernard asked. Marcus was sure he already knew the answer. Alfred shook his wizened head and sighed. "To a mercenary, their contract is their life. If they gained a reputation of changing sides they would never be hired again. A few, less scrupulous mercenary bands follow that practice. I, personally, wouldn't want them beside me." Bernard grumbled, tapping the table with a mailed finger. "I have already contacted every Knight Order that I know will listen. Our..." Bernard winced ever so slightly. "Reputation leaves much to be desired. I'm sure the Green Vipers and the Wolf's Howl will join us. What of yours, Marcus?" "The Blue Firestorm will fight. As will the Grey Dawn and White Lightning. Though we need to leave a portion of our forces to counter potential Clansmen attack, I consider this unlikely given their crushing defeat." "Yes..." Bernard looked at Alfred. "And does Duchess Belinda truly believe that this...Anton, will be able to help us?" "A great deal." Alfred smiled. "He and two...women came to our rescue during the Clansmen and Orc invasion without the promise of reward. Without them, we wouldn't have been prepared and Maxill would have fallen, allowing them to spread out and devastate the Kingdom before the Knight Orders could rally." "Is that the person that Duchess Belinda was accused of..." Noah trailed off, aware that nearly all the attention now lay on him. Except for Leo who continued to stare endlessly into the blue sky. "Yes." Alfred warmly smiled at the boy. "But they aren't evil. Not at all. If Duchess Belinda can reach them and convince them to join this war will be much easier." Alfred sighed. "This would be so much easier if The Church hadn't destroyed that pen." "So that was an artefact," Bernard said. "It seems they spoke the truth." "Indeed." Alfred smiled. "The King...Former king, I'm sure knew it to be true but wanted to put them back in their place." "For what good it did." Bernard thumped a fist into the wooden table. "Without that pen, the only way to contact them is physically. And that will take some time. But I'm sure my lady will convince them to join us." "So long as..." Castor awkwardly shuffled. "So long as no one says anything stupid." "Yes...I don't think we'll be doing that again." Bernard raised a brow and looked at Alfred. "He wasn't too impressed by Castor calling the two women unworthy of attending a meeting." Castor flexed his hands and looked away. Even Noah looked oddly at him. *But it cooled your head a little bit. Especially after losing that bow. Seems to have been a worthwhile trade.* "We cannot rely on strange mages from far-away lands." Bernard pushed off the table and looked out the window. "Even if it would help. For now, we must rely on what we have. Thankful the Cabal of Mages have stayed neutral." "Not surprising," Alfred said. "Given how The Church sought to control them. And when that didn't work they tried to demonize them." "Better that they stay neutral rather than join Harold and Giles." Leo's finger twitched to Bernard's words, the first real sign he was listening. "But staying neutral won't be an option for long." "Indecision has always plagued the Cabal." Alfred sighed. A knock came from a small wooden door to the side. Noah raced to it while everyone rested a hand on their weapons, even Alfred had a short sword underneath his clothes. Noah opened the door with some trepidation. His face brightened as a platter of steaming hot food was passed over by a servant. She bowed before closing the door. Noah trotted happily over to Leo and placed it before him. Not a single reaction came from the King. "My King," Noah spoke softly. "You must eat. Otherwise, you will waste away." Leo said nothing. Marcus moved behind Noah, Leo's eyes were vacant and hollow. Noah's fingers twitched erratically as he looked between Leo and Marcus. "Per-Perhaps I should show you that the food is safe. And not poisoned. That worked last time!" Noah chuckled nervously, the noise echoed in the otherwise silent room. Noah took a fork and stabbed at the succulent piece of steak. "Why?" Leo spoke barely louder than a whisper. Noah coughed as he chewed on the meat. "My King?" "Why did they do it?" Marcus had to lean close to understand the words. "My brothers. And my mother. Why?" "I..." Noah was lost for words. "I don't know, my King." *This seems like the first words he's spoken since we've fled the capital. Can't let this fall.* "I believe they were seduced." Marcus began, Leo eyes slowly turned to him while his head remained stationary. "By allure of power. Giles and Harold were second and third in line to the throne. You, being first, would have received everything while they would be left with nothing. It might have taken some time but people like Terrill and Abeau could have used that to worm their way into their minds." "But..." Leo gently shook his head. "I thought we loved each other. We'd always been friends, always. Even Harold." "Things...Can change over time. You may have been so close that you didn't see it." Leo nodded once. "And my mother? Why did she kill my father? I thought she loved..." "I...Don't know about that either. But," Marcus tapped Noah on the shoulder and gently pulled him to one side. He dropped to one knee and waited until Leo looked straight at him. "But the only place to find out the truth is out there. You aren't going to find it in the sky." Leo took another deep breath. "But what do I do?" "First, you eat all the food on that plate. Then you lead. You need to be out there, so your people know that the Kingdom has not fallen to madness. I don't expect you to be out the front, swinging your sword and cleaving heads, but you need to be there. With us. Fighting. Otherwise, you might as well head back to the capital and surrender to your brothers. We can't win this war for you, but we can help every step you take." Leo pursed his lips, some semblance of life returned to his eyes. But he did not eat. He needed another push but Marcus was out of ideas. And if he just kept going it might do more harm than good. "My King,” Noah spoke as softly as Leo just had. “I know that you are suffering…But so is everyone else. I’ve watched the people fleeing the capital, the terror in their faces as they run to the east. They need your help.” Leo moved but he still wasn’t there yet. Marcus gave Noah a gentle bump. “But you can’t just let the people suffer!” Marcus was surprised by Noah’s outburst. “You are the King. The man that I serve, even though my friends in the Golden Roar are probably going to fight against us, is the King. No matter what anyone else says. And I don’t want my King to be stuck here while the people, which you are meant to protect, suffer and die.” *Noah, that was…* Leo frowned and reached for the fork. Without hesitation, even though Noah hadn’t tested it, he stabbed the meat and tore it through without abandon. He didn’t care that he looked like a ravenous and starving animal. Noah looked nervously at Marcus but a smile slowly crept up her face. “Bernard,” Leo spoke through mouthfuls of food. “Marcus. Tell me…No. As the King, tell me what I should do now?” “Right now we need more soldiers.” Bernard began. “Our Knight Orders are strong but the enemy outnumbers us. We need to even that disadvantage.” He turned to Alfred. “And there is only so much that mercenaries can do.” “I don’t think we have enough money to buy them from Bebbezzar.” Alfred sighed. “Giles and Harold have the entire royal treasury at their disposal. And we have…little, by comparison.” “Okay.” Leo tore off another piece of meat. “Where are these attacks coming from?” “A city to the south,” Bernard said. “It’s actually a cathedral,” Castor added. “I’ve been there. It’s pretty big. And so is the city and farmlands around it.” “Explains how they got so many people,” Bernard grumbled. “But it needs to be secured so we can move on the capital.” Leo stopped, hunched over his plate of food, and looked up. “Harold and Giles, and Valérie are the source of this war. Kill them and the Church will lose their power and legitimacy.” “We don’t have enough men to take the capital,” Alfred said softly. “Even if all the Knight Orders that have agreed to aid us attack as one, we will likely lose. The defences are impressive.” Leo tapped the knife on the table. “We…We can’t attack it yet. We aren’t strong enough. So what to do…We need to get stronger. Tell me honestly, what are our chances of recruiting more soldiers? Even if they are of poor quality.” “In the south and western regions, good,” Alfred replied. “There are many people that would eagerly fight for the prospect of freedom from their bondage. So we should be able to get significant numbers from there. From around the capital and further west, it’s very unlikely. They are underneath the thrall of The Church of the Holy Father. It’s likely the only people we would get from there would be spies and saboteurs. We cannot count on anyone from that region.” Noah squeaked lightly. “Don’t worry.” Leo smiled faintly at Noah. “I don’t know how we’re going to do this without much money…but, Alfred, you manage Duchess Belinda’s holdings. Is it possible?” “Absolutely. We may need to take on loans from the Wood Elves though. Not that it gives me much joy to think of owing them gold, but we don’t have much of a choice.” Leo continued eating. “And…What of this Anton? If we have this powerful mage surely we could move on the capital right away.” Alfred made a noise. “It is my personal opinion that, while he might be very powerful, I don’t think he’s very skilled. Raw power over finesse. I know of several mages that could probably kill him in a one on one fight. Provided he doesn’t hit them first. It is…a wild card. But more than effective against the normal foes we may face.” “And Duchess Belinda can get him here?” “I believe in her.” Alfred smiled. “I’m sure she will come to an arrangement.” “We should not act like this mage will be helping us,” Bernard said softly. “Just in case something’s happened, our strategy shouldn’t rely on such an outside force. We should plan to win the war without the aid of this mage.” *Makes sense. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. If we think there’s going to be saviour coming we might make foolish mistakes on the off-chance that it can be quickly fixed. Leo needs calm heads for the future.* “Okay.” Leo nodded. “It’s about time I actually do something. Now, I remember you, Bernard, saying something about a war council.” “Yes, My King.” “Then I’d like you to assemble one.” Leo rammed the last of the meat into his face. “I don’t know who would be best, so I’ll have to trust your judgement.” Bernard bowed deeply. “I will repay the trust you have placed in me. I recommend Marcus, Alfred and Castor, for now. I know I can trust them. And each has their field of expertise that we will need for the civil war and beyond.” *Oh?* Before Marcus could speak the heavy door groaned open. A swift hand reached for his blade. A young attendant, a pretty young girl dressed in the same clothes as the elderly attendant, breathed heavily with sweat dripping off her brow. “Forgive me, My Lords, My King. But…” She took a deep breath, almost retching from exertion. “But the enemy is sending another army. This is the largest yet. Scouts…Scouts say that there are over eight thousand. With simple siege ladders.” “That’s too many for us to deal with outside the walls,” Marcus said. “Not to mention our horses are dead tired.” “So are the soldiers,” Castor added. “We only exited the castle to rescue to mercenary forces.” Bernard tapped the pommel of his blade. “So we will fight from the walls. It seems they are willing to come to us, so why not let them.” Leo slammed his hands on the table, the clang of the metal plate startled Noah into a girlish squeak. “Noah. Get some armour. It’s time the King stopped being such a little girl.”
{ "title": "I Enchanted The Whole Forest", "id": 19617, "author": "Camai", "rating": 3.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2.3. - The Twilight Forest", "id": 305684, "next": 305691, "prev": 304839, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzNjhjOWY2YTE1MjQxNTA5YjgxMDhiM2MyMjk3NDdm"> There were a few interesting facts about myself:</p> <p class="cnNiZDQyZTFiODQ0OTQwNzc5YzIxOTdjMjllNmVhZWRk">1. My full name's Camille Zana</p> <p class="cnMyOTFlNTUzZGU4YjRjYjc4ZmM3MGFkMjdlZjM3YjFi">2. I studied architecture in high school</p> <p class="cnMwYWFlM2MzNjRlMzQyZjM4MTY3MGNiMDg1MjVmZDkx">3. I<strong> don't like</strong> furry beasts.</p> <p class="cnM4Nzg0YTJlM2UzMjRjNDlhMTMzM2JiMDJmMTU4M2Y0">Facts ended there because of a furry beast I needed to take care of.</p> <p class="cnNiYTY3MDgyNzY3MjQ2YjRhYTllNjZmNTVkYjBhNzA4">Anyway, what would you guys do if a blood red ape with razor sharp teeth appeared on top of a tree and looked down upon you as you woke up?</p> <p class="cnNiMzkxMGM3MGI3MjRiODBhOTRlM2NkNTdjNjEzMjk5">I imagine most of us would piss their pants and then die when that thing jumped down on them. I guess I was an exception. It just continued to stare at me. Like I was an insect not even worth wasting time on.</p> <p class="cnNmNDMwY2Q4OWE1MjQyZGE4MTkxMTc4NzBmODIxOWQ3">"Girrrrl." the ape growled at me.</p> <p class="cnM0NGU3MmQ5MzcxODQ3NmFhNTgwYzNmM2VkYTFmNDFi">"Oh shit, it can talk. Who would've expected that." I accidentally spoke out loud.</p> <p class="cnNiMDUwNWU0ZTFlMTRmOWZhZTZhN2VjYzQ1MTE5MGE2">"You arre who?"</p> <p class="cnNlODVlMjE5M2Y3ODQwNTk4MGViZjkwOTljMTA3NGI3">"Yes sir, my name's Cam! May I ask for your name your highness?" I replied with the utmost respect I learned from reading knight novels.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTBhMGFjM2U5YTQ5ZmE5M2NkNDkxNmY4ODA2ZDll">"Highness? We don't deserve a name. Lowly level 1s like me and the others of my family." It jumped down from the treetops. "Why are you so small ape girl?" it towered me at two and a half meters.</p> <p class="cnNmNjYyMjQyY2E0YzQ2ZDNhOWM2ZTQ5YzNkYjcwMjNj">For reference, I was 1.64m tall.</p> <p class="cnNhNGZiYzZkMzVlMjQ5Y2M5YTU5MTA1NzA4YzE4NjE4">"L-Level 1 you say-" I stuttered when I heard this guy had a family. "W-Where's your family your highness?" </p> <p class="cnNlZjM1NTM3YWQ5MTRmMzdiNDRlZTNiMzI4NjQ2ZDJm"> "Floor, higher. I was chosen to protect the forrest!" it punched itself in the torso and yelled into the skies.</p> <p class="cnM4YWJlYjIwNDlmNDQ5MDQ5NDM0N2Y4MzI3M2FhYmI5">"I see!" I smiled and took a step back. Hoping he wouldn't notice.</p> <p class="cnM5NjI5ODJjNTE2NDRjMGQ5ODBmZmYxZGU3ZmVmMGVl">"Rugga?" it was confused probably. "Why are you going away from me?" </p> <p class="cnMzYTk2NzE5ODA5ZjQ1NDM5YTFlMDczODk4MWU5MGZk">"A-Am I now?" I grabbed the arrows in my quiver and tried one last resort. "<em>Barrage never indicated I needed a bow to use it. If I did then the system wouldn't offer me a gun.</em>" I glanced at the arrows in my hand.</p> <p class="cnM5MzIzNGI3Yjc1ZTQ2NDU4NGUyZjQ5N2VhMGRiNTc0">"What arrre those?" he lowered himself to my eye level and looked me up and down.</p> <p class="cnNkMGIxYTM3MDkwNTQyNTM4MzZhOGU4ZDMyNTIzZmVh">"Needles my lord. For acupuncture!"</p> <p class="cnNjMThlNTY5YjMzZDRjMThhYzNkNzQ3NjQxMTM2ZGMw">"Acupuncture?" </p> <p class="cnMzNzM3NTA5NjQ3MjQ5MjFiNDBiOWU5YmIzNTY5OWY3">"Yes my lord! Like this!" I grinned and threw all three of my arrows at the damn ape with [Barrage] active. "My MP is gone..." I commented and took out my knife.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>You got lucky! Your attacks have done a critical strike. You've dealt 180 physical damage!</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>You've dealt a fatal attack! [Barrage] gains double experience! 64% experience gained!</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlMDNkZGNhNzEwODQyYmE5YTA4ZTRmNzFhMjE2ZTdj">"Y-You thought I would die to this?" the ape rose from up from the ground in a berserk mode and yelled at me as he threw his fists at a speed unimaginable to man.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTYzNWMxOTBjZTQ4YzNiYTU4MzkwYTBlMDVlYTBi">"You should just stay dead! Enchant!" i pressed my hand onto the ape in my adrenaline rush and used something I would never use in a fight. I enchanted the ape, and obviously, it failed. But the chaotic mana from failing muddled the ape's thoughts even further and he finally fell and died like how every ape should.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDQzMTgzOGZiNjQ2Y2M4MGRlOTNkNjgzN2JlNWM4">"Never again."</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNiNjBmNTU4YTE4YjQwYThiNDBhMjllZTkxNWRmMDM4">Your use of [Enchant] had unlocked a new class for you! [Vitality Enchanter] unlocked!</p> <p class="cnNkZmE3MDhiM2VjODQ4OWFhZWNjZTYxM2RhYmQ3ZTA4">Level up bonuses if you switch: DEX +1 per level, STR +1 per level, INT +3 per level, WIS +2 per level, VIT +1 per level</p> <p class="cnM0MTI3YmM1NWU5NTRiZGRiZjgwNmM2NGFiZGRmZmJi">Vitality Enchanters have 7 skill slots instead of the 5 skill slots Rangers have.</p> <p class="cnMzNTMzNDQ5MmYwMDQyNDU5MDYyZmU2OTcxZmViZDI5">You can change classes at a church in any town besides the level 0 one.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5ODM0NDcyNzg3ZjRmOTlhMDk3OWJjMGI3NGZkNGQx">"A 7-stat increase per level instead of my 4-stat one does sound nice..." I thought about and decided not to switch. The 3 dexterity and 1 strength I gained every level was fairly nice,even though I still didn't level up.</p> <p class="cnM4M2E3MGVkOGI5YzQ5NTg5YjJlYmJjZGViY2Y0YjIx">"Show me my experience." I opened up my experience bar and a shining green bar almost filled to the top appeared. "-84%, that's quite good. What were the objectives I needed to clear to advance further?" </p> <p class="cnMwN2JhMDdmZjY5MTQxYTZiMDAyOWIwYzE3NTk0MDI3">I looked the objectives up inside the system and noticed I cleared two of them already. Only one was left.</p> <p class="cnM4ODYxYWJkMmQ4ZTRiZTJiOGIyODczNzIyZjY4NWM2">"I cleared a quest and killed a higher levelled beast. Now I only need to find an upgrade to my current weapon-" I pondered about it for a moment and then took my bow which was lying on the ground. "This will work right?" I used [Enchant] on it 13 times in a row before it finally decided to work.</p> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyYWNmODZkYmZlNTRhNGFiNTg1YWNkZmNjMTYyMDI4"><strong>Fatal Wooden Bow (Common)</strong></p> <p class="cnNkMWE0OTU4NmY3OTRkYzk4ODNjNmRhY2IxZWQ3YmM0">Durability: 2/15</p> <p class="cnM4ZjJhNWU2OWRiZDQwNGJiYWZiYTUxYjU0YzE2NmVm">Attack Power: 3-15 Physical Damage</p> <p class="cnM3ODEwNWRmNGJiYjQ1YzM4M2RlMjI5YTYxYjA0Nzgy">Crit Chance: 1.1%</p> <p class="cnMzNjk5MDEzZDMwNjQ0OGJiZGFhZGQyYTg2YjA3ZTkw">Crit Multiplier: 1.6x</p> <p class="cnM1NTZiYzM1YTZjODQ5ZjBiNzMxZGNjOWFiYTA5NmZi">Description: A common bow enchanted near the death place of a great beast. It is fairly common nevertheless.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiYmMwNWYzOWViNzQ1MDY4ZGU3NGQ2ZjRiMmQ0NzNh">"Does the location matter as well?" I asked myself and another screen popped up saying I cleared the zone.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>The Twilight Forest(Lvl.0) zone has been cleared. Do you wish to go to the level 0 town? Y/N?</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmNmQ1ZDk1MWE4MDQyZmRhNTc4ZWY4ZTExNzExNDlh">"Duh! Of course, do I want to go to town. But wait a second. I need to skin the ape from its fur. I guess it costs something since it's level 1." I answered and made the system wait for my decision.</p> <p class="cnMzZGM0MmQzN2U1YzQwMjZiYTIxNzA4MTExODA5M2Nh">After skinning the ape my [Skinning] skill gained 6% of experience due to the sheer size of that fur. </p> <p class="cnM4YjBjZGE3YzMzMDQ0MTJiOTM1MTY5NzRlNTJiMmE0">I clad myself in the fur from the beast because it couldn't fit into my quiver and entered the level 0 town.</p> <hr> <p class="cnNiYjQ2NmU1MzcxMTQxNDdhNWI2NzFlMzU0MmUwYmMx">"What's that thing?" A woman near whispered a question to her partner.</p> <p class="cnM0NGE4MTdlODg4NzQ1OWJhN2I4NWY0MDdlODY5YjJj">"A newbie it seems." The blond guy behind her answered so clearly I heard him from 20 meters away.</p> <p class="cnNkYjc4NTA4MjQyOTQ3ZmE5NzU2ZWQwZjVmNmJmZjMw">"Does she know she's covered in blood?" the woman asked.</p> <p class="cnM1MTlhY2UyMDkzMzRhMDg5MmUwNGFkNWMyNjc5YjEx">"What kind of question even is that Eve?" the blond guy frowned and stepped up to me as I was gazing at the town I got teleported into.</p> <p class="cnM1ODlkYTNjYWM1YzQ3YjE5NDIwMTcxY2RmZjhjNTM4">"Hello there! My name's Abe, I am kind of a big deal around here. May I ask you if you're a newbie?" </p> <p class="cnMyMjk5YmU0ZmU0NTQ5ZDliZDJhMDNlZWUyZWQ4NzUy">"Isn't it obvious?" I replied and took a better look at his face. It was fairly handsome. But I could've seen it fairly clearly that he felt disgusted from looking at me. "What do you want?"</p> <p class="cnNmODZiZjRiNzE5ZDRhNjU5YzhlNmVlMTJlNTVkZmYy">"I saw that fur on your back and wanted to ask you if you were selling it?" I knew it! He wanted my precious fur!</p> <p class="cnNmMjlmODBlNjMzMTQ0OTRiY2QxMGIwMmEyYjE1YzJh">"No sorry, I plan on making something with it."</p> <p class="cnMzNWVkMmZlNmQ1ZDRlYmNiYTlhOGZmMWVjY2JlYjAy">"You're a tailor?! Why did you pick a tailoring class when you started out?!" Oh god, he's irritating.</p> <p class="cnNkMWUyZTA4MjVkNzRiNDJhYmU2NjY0YTg5YWQzOWFk">"Listen here, boy. Or man. Your questions make me sick. If you want answers then take me to the closest inn and pay me for a meal."</p> <p class="cnNmM2M5MzQ3Y2JmZjQ3MTVhODY1N2JkMmVlY2VlOGI0">"Deal, only if you sell me the fur."</p> <p class="cnNjM2QyNTM5ZDQ5YjRjZGNiMDRhNDU1ODI5NTA0MmI5">"How about some rabbit furs I got?"</p> <p class="cnMwODU1Nzc3YzQ0OTRmMTBhYjNiMTMzMDQzNGM2NzY2">"How many?" he seemed to be up for it. Maybe I could have a deal with him.</p> <p class="cnMyMWVkNDE4MWY4MTQxMTBhMDc3MDQ2ZDYwM2NmMDFh">"Around 20 of them I guess."</p> <p class="cnNmMDY1YzM0ZmZjMjQxYTY5NDA1MDNmMmY5MDM1YzQ0">"What shape are they in. Item level?" Oh god, do his questions ever stop? He just needed to take the damn furs for the lowest price for gods sake.</p> <p class="cnNjMDBhMDJiOTYxNTRlZWQ5ODQ4ODZhMjIxN2Q4ZTIz">"Fairly undamaged, and what do you mean by item level? Is that important?" I asked him, clearly confused by his questions.</p> <p class="cnNhYjliMTFiYjBmNTQ5OWZhNmM2NGE5NDM3MTAwNjcy">"Item levels determine the quality of the weapons and the amount of mana they can take when enchanting with essences." He explained with a smile on his damn face.</p> <p class="cnNjODRhMDBiNjJhMzRlYTVhZDJmYjM2NjIwOTkyM2Iy">"How do I check that?" I asked.</p> <p class="cnM3OGUzY2ZmNTdmOTQ2ODlhMTRiYjBkYjYxYjljNDgx">"The item level is usually the same level as the enemy it dropped of. Common mobs drop only items at the same level as them while some rare mobs can drop 1 level higher items."</p> <p class="cnNkZjRkNWRjMTdlMDQ3MjU4NWRiYmY5MzBjMGNiYjc1">"Level 0 materials then. Do you want them?"</p> <p class="cnM3YzFjZWZkZThjYTRjY2Y5MzAyYTEwYTc4MGViZjky">"If the quality is as you say then I'll take them for the price of 2 copper per 1 fur."</p> <p class="cnNiZTVjYjliZmJhNDQyMTFhYjZlNTk2NzgzM2UwOTYy">"That's 40 copper coins then. Here are the furs." I took out the small furs from the rabbits I got and gave them to him.</p> <p class="cnNjMTM4YmFlOGE5NzQzMDJhY2NiNTJlY2I2NWNjMTRk">"Here are your coins." he threw a bag with exactly 40 coins in it.</p> <p class="cnNjOWViNmJkMWQ4NTQwZjBiOGM3OWQ3NTQ5OTJmYzJl">"How did you count the coins so quickly?" I asked.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWIzYjZkNWQ4NTQyNTVhYTk4MGQ3YjFkYWVhOGUy">"System assist technology, it can count them for you. It makes trading a lot easier. You unlock it when you reach level 1. Don't tell me you still haven't reached level 1?! No wonder you ask so many questions. You should've stayed in whatever zone you were in and grinded to level 1 before coming here."</p> <p class="cnMyMjg0OGZmMDZjZDQxNDY4NmFjODg5NzQ2ODU2NjQ1">"Why?"</p> <p class="cnMxNjhlZDRhMjZhNTQ3ZDNiZDU3NzYxMDM2MWI2Y2I0">"Level 0 zones are impossible to return to. They are considered the rarest zone levels in the Towers."</p> <p class="cnM5NTRmN2Q4MDg2NzRhZGRhZDFlNzdiNmRkNjFkODM5">"Ah, makes no sense but whatever. Anyway, I have one more question." I lowered my head and smiled while he couldn't see my face. "What the hell is with your eyes?"</p> <p class="cnNiZmQ1OThiM2IxZjQzZDA4NjVjMTFkZDlkZDQ3MTQ1">"Ah, I see it finally worked on you. I couldn't believe myself when a mere tailor managed to avoid the Vastay race's [Eyes of Corruption]" he smirked and placed his hands on me. I smirked inside my mind and let him touch me. "Now give me the damn fur you noob." he gripped my shoulder with inhumane strength.</p> <p class="cnMzMjJhMzBkYjEwMTRmN2ViM2IyOGMxZWQ4MjNiNGQx">"What if I told you no?" I pulled my face up and whispered into his ears. "Your damn powers have no effect on someone who has seen ghosts." </p> <p class="cnNlNWU3YTQxNDc1OTQyNjQ5MzlkMWZhNTJlMzk4YzU0">"W-What?! You're telling me you don't see the apparitions? What kind of tailor are you?" </p> <p class="cnNiMmY5NTNlNTAwNTQ4ZTNhYjEwMDQxYWEyMDgxNGMw">"Fuck off already you damn beauty bird boy. Damn appearance confused me for this whole time. You really thought your damn feathers are hidden with that wig? Your claws hidden with those boots? Get away from me you damn bird boy or I'll break your brittle bones like- like-"</p> <p class="cnMwOWQ2ZGY2MTE0YjQ1MDQ4YjFlODk0ZTk4YjMzNjgx">"?" he released his grip and looked at me with his eyes wide.</p> <p class="cnM0NDYwYzI0YjJhZTQyZGM5YTMzZjMyMDg5OTBjNDJi">"Oh just fuck off!" I yelled at him.</p> <p class="cnNmZDM4NGZlNjBmYTQ0ZWE4MDczM2NjZDE5ZTkyMTBl">"You forgot what you wanted to say, didn't you?"</p> <p class="cnNhMjkzYjllMThhNjRmNjdhODIzMmE2Yjc0Y2IyMTcx">"Shut up."</p> <p class="cnMxZWRiMjhhODlkMjQ3YzVhMzBlOTZlNjE2YWYyZTFk">"'Kay, thanks for the furs anyway, damn noobs." he grunted and went back to his Eve girl or whatever. At least that girl didn't hide her race. Were they brother and sister?</p> <p class="cnMxNDI2NzQwZmQ3MjRhODg4ZDRkOGUzNGIxYWZkNTBj">"Ugh... My head hurts." I almost fell from my headache but soon my senses returned to normal. "Huh? Wait a minute. Didn't we agree that he will buy me a meal? Fuck I got scammed..." I spoke to myself and went to find an inn.</p> </div> </div>
There were a few interesting facts about myself: 1. My full name's Camille Zana 2. I studied architecture in high school 3. I **don't like** furry beasts. Facts ended there because of a furry beast I needed to take care of. Anyway, what would you guys do if a blood red ape with razor sharp teeth appeared on top of a tree and looked down upon you as you woke up? I imagine most of us would piss their pants and then die when that thing jumped down on them. I guess I was an exception. It just continued to stare at me. Like I was an insect not even worth wasting time on. "Girrrrl." the ape growled at me. "Oh shit, it can talk. Who would've expected that." I accidentally spoke out loud. "You arre who?" "Yes sir, my name's Cam! May I ask for your name your highness?" I replied with the utmost respect I learned from reading knight novels. "Highness? We don't deserve a name. Lowly level 1s like me and the others of my family." It jumped down from the treetops. "Why are you so small ape girl?" it towered me at two and a half meters. For reference, I was 1.64m tall. "L-Level 1 you say-" I stuttered when I heard this guy had a family. "W-Where's your family your highness?" "Floor, higher. I was chosen to protect the forrest!" it punched itself in the torso and yelled into the skies. "I see!" I smiled and took a step back. Hoping he wouldn't notice. "Rugga?" it was confused probably. "Why are you going away from me?" "A-Am I now?" I grabbed the arrows in my quiver and tried one last resort. "*Barrage never indicated I needed a bow to use it. If I did then the system wouldn't offer me a gun.*" I glanced at the arrows in my hand. "What arrre those?" he lowered himself to my eye level and looked me up and down. "Needles my lord. For acupuncture!" "Acupuncture?" "Yes my lord! Like this!" I grinned and threw all three of my arrows at the damn ape with [Barrage] active. "My MP is gone..." I commented and took out my knife. | You got lucky! Your attacks have done a critical strike. You've dealt 180 physical damage! | | --- | | You've dealt a fatal attack! [Barrage] gains double experience! 64% experience gained! | | --- | "Y-You thought I would die to this?" the ape rose from up from the ground in a berserk mode and yelled at me as he threw his fists at a speed unimaginable to man. "You should just stay dead! Enchant!" i pressed my hand onto the ape in my adrenaline rush and used something I would never use in a fight. I enchanted the ape, and obviously, it failed. But the chaotic mana from failing muddled the ape's thoughts even further and he finally fell and died like how every ape should. "Never again." | Your use of [Enchant] had unlocked a new class for you! [Vitality Enchanter] unlocked! Level up bonuses if you switch: DEX +1 per level, STR +1 per level, INT +3 per level, WIS +2 per level, VIT +1 per level Vitality Enchanters have 7 skill slots instead of the 5 skill slots Rangers have. You can change classes at a church in any town besides the level 0 one. | | --- | "A 7-stat increase per level instead of my 4-stat one does sound nice..." I thought about and decided not to switch. The 3 dexterity and 1 strength I gained every level was fairly nice,even though I still didn't level up. "Show me my experience." I opened up my experience bar and a shining green bar almost filled to the top appeared. "-84%, that's quite good. What were the objectives I needed to clear to advance further?" I looked the objectives up inside the system and noticed I cleared two of them already. Only one was left. "I cleared a quest and killed a higher levelled beast. Now I only need to find an upgrade to my current weapon-" I pondered about it for a moment and then took my bow which was lying on the ground. "This will work right?" I used [Enchant] on it 13 times in a row before it finally decided to work. | **Fatal Wooden Bow (Common)** Durability: 2/15 Attack Power: 3-15 Physical Damage Crit Chance: 1.1% Crit Multiplier: 1.6x Description: A common bow enchanted near the death place of a great beast. It is fairly common nevertheless. | | --- | "Does the location matter as well?" I asked myself and another screen popped up saying I cleared the zone. | The Twilight Forest(Lvl.0) zone has been cleared. Do you wish to go to the level 0 town? Y/N? | | --- | "Duh! Of course, do I want to go to town. But wait a second. I need to skin the ape from its fur. I guess it costs something since it's level 1." I answered and made the system wait for my decision. After skinning the ape my [Skinning] skill gained 6% of experience due to the sheer size of that fur. I clad myself in the fur from the beast because it couldn't fit into my quiver and entered the level 0 town. --- "What's that thing?" A woman near whispered a question to her partner. "A newbie it seems." The blond guy behind her answered so clearly I heard him from 20 meters away. "Does she know she's covered in blood?" the woman asked. "What kind of question even is that Eve?" the blond guy frowned and stepped up to me as I was gazing at the town I got teleported into. "Hello there! My name's Abe, I am kind of a big deal around here. May I ask you if you're a newbie?" "Isn't it obvious?" I replied and took a better look at his face. It was fairly handsome. But I could've seen it fairly clearly that he felt disgusted from looking at me. "What do you want?" "I saw that fur on your back and wanted to ask you if you were selling it?" I knew it! He wanted my precious fur! "No sorry, I plan on making something with it." "You're a tailor?! Why did you pick a tailoring class when you started out?!" Oh god, he's irritating. "Listen here, boy. Or man. Your questions make me sick. If you want answers then take me to the closest inn and pay me for a meal." "Deal, only if you sell me the fur." "How about some rabbit furs I got?" "How many?" he seemed to be up for it. Maybe I could have a deal with him. "Around 20 of them I guess." "What shape are they in. Item level?" Oh god, do his questions ever stop? He just needed to take the damn furs for the lowest price for gods sake. "Fairly undamaged, and what do you mean by item level? Is that important?" I asked him, clearly confused by his questions. "Item levels determine the quality of the weapons and the amount of mana they can take when enchanting with essences." He explained with a smile on his damn face. "How do I check that?" I asked. "The item level is usually the same level as the enemy it dropped of. Common mobs drop only items at the same level as them while some rare mobs can drop 1 level higher items." "Level 0 materials then. Do you want them?" "If the quality is as you say then I'll take them for the price of 2 copper per 1 fur." "That's 40 copper coins then. Here are the furs." I took out the small furs from the rabbits I got and gave them to him. "Here are your coins." he threw a bag with exactly 40 coins in it. "How did you count the coins so quickly?" I asked. "System assist technology, it can count them for you. It makes trading a lot easier. You unlock it when you reach level 1. Don't tell me you still haven't reached level 1?! No wonder you ask so many questions. You should've stayed in whatever zone you were in and grinded to level 1 before coming here." "Why?" "Level 0 zones are impossible to return to. They are considered the rarest zone levels in the Towers." "Ah, makes no sense but whatever. Anyway, I have one more question." I lowered my head and smiled while he couldn't see my face. "What the hell is with your eyes?" "Ah, I see it finally worked on you. I couldn't believe myself when a mere tailor managed to avoid the Vastay race's [Eyes of Corruption]" he smirked and placed his hands on me. I smirked inside my mind and let him touch me. "Now give me the damn fur you noob." he gripped my shoulder with inhumane strength. "What if I told you no?" I pulled my face up and whispered into his ears. "Your damn powers have no effect on someone who has seen ghosts." "W-What?! You're telling me you don't see the apparitions? What kind of tailor are you?" "Fuck off already you damn beauty bird boy. Damn appearance confused me for this whole time. You really thought your damn feathers are hidden with that wig? Your claws hidden with those boots? Get away from me you damn bird boy or I'll break your brittle bones like- like-" "?" he released his grip and looked at me with his eyes wide. "Oh just fuck off!" I yelled at him. "You forgot what you wanted to say, didn't you?" "Shut up." "'Kay, thanks for the furs anyway, damn noobs." he grunted and went back to his Eve girl or whatever. At least that girl didn't hide her race. Were they brother and sister? "Ugh... My head hurts." I almost fell from my headache but soon my senses returned to normal. "Huh? Wait a minute. Didn't we agree that he will buy me a meal? Fuck I got scammed..." I spoke to myself and went to find an inn.
{ "title": "A Soul's New Home", "id": 21159, "author": "BigFatKoala", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "A Soul and Its Vessel 9", "id": 305762, "next": 306681, "prev": 305173, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMWFkMmMyNTY4YjQ0YmU4NmZlYjExZjk1NjEyYTI5">13 years had passed since then.</p> <p class="cnM3NDBjNGMwZDI4MzQyODNiYmZmZjQwYWI5NzlhZWM0">Lilia grew to be an upstanding young lady.</p> <p class="cnNjMWYxZDQ1MzY1NTQ3OWVhNjdkYzk5MTZiMDI1MGFh">With her father'guidance, she became a great merchant herself. She helped her father expand their business in many areas in the city and as well as trading goods with other countries.</p> <p class="cnNhZTI5Zjk1ZGNiMDQyZDhhMjM2M2MzNjkzNmExNWNl">Although her father still forbids her from going out on her own. So, he hired his daughter two personal guards. Whenever Lilia goes outside, those two would always be beside her.</p> <p class="cnNkYTljNDNlYzYzYzQ2ZTM5ZTM4MjdhZTk0ZDUwMWFm">As for Roosevelt, she decided to serve Lilia in the end. Once the week had passed she was immediately sent for training as a maid Lilia's father's old friend's home. With her consent of course.</p> <p class="cnNkNTE2N2FjNzVlMDQ0NTlhZjVlMmY3MzdmOGEzNDFh">There she learned proper etiquette and how a maid should act towards their master, how to properly greet and treat a guest and so on.</p> <p class="cnNjNmExY2Q2ZDBiMjRiNTY5MDg2ZTg0YTk3ODZhY2Jk">She stayed there for 2 months. Needless to say that Lilia felt lonely in those two months. So when Roosevelt came home, she was jumped by a crying Lilia and forced to play with her for a few days after that.</p> <p class="cnM3MWE2OWFjNGRhNzQxNDJhODMyY2YzNzBjMWQ3YTIy">For the 9-year-old Roosevelt, the training she had gone through didn't properly sink in yet but as she grew older, her behavior became more mature and elegant, befitting the behavior of a maid. Or rather, that's what Lilia's father thinks.</p> <p class="cnMyYjhiODRkYTA5MjQxOTBhMzZiYTAzNTViZGNkY2M5">Lilia didn't dislike this change but she misses the old shy cat Roosevelt she met back when she was still a child.</p> <p class="cnNiNzMwOTQwMjRmMTRhZWE5NjVmM2FhMzFlYWNlMDc3">During those 13 years, her father continued the investigation of his missing family members and just recently did he get a clue regarding the incident.</p> <p class="cnNlMzIxMGQwYzgxNjQ5OTBiYTYzNGIxNjAzZTY3YWE2">Further investigation revealed that the one who's behind it was none other than the 3-time consecutive mayor of the city.</p> <p class="cnM0NjcwMTk5M2FjMjQ5NzFiYTliMjEwZGFlODAwYThi">In his anger, he accused the mayor of being responsible for the kidnappings in the past 15 years.</p> <p class="cnMyNGZkYWM5NDNjODQ2ZmU4MTQ4NTRhYmI3YzUwNjgy">He possesses solid evidence that even someone in favor of the mayor would immediately change their mind. He was confident of his victory.</p> <p class="cnMzOTg0MzM5YzlmMjRhMWFiYmVkMGNhNWE5ODlkODY3">But unfortunately, the mayor was found not guilty due to the evidence being so outstretched, or so they say. Lilia's father found it ridiculous. He had never heard of such a thing. Upon looking at the other's reaction, they didn't look like they found anything wrong about it. He has a bad feeling about this.</p> <p class="cnM2MTgyNTU2YTM2ZTQxYmQ5NTEyZTc0MjFkMzI0YmI1">Days later after that, he learned that he was accused by the mayor of slander.</p> <p class="cnMzMjk2NGMyYjhiMDQzY2I4ZGE5ODY3MzQwYzAxYjcz">From that, his fears became real. Corruption had taken root in the government. It went so deep that even if the mayor were to kill a bystander on the street in the middle of the day, the court would rule it as the bystander being a long time serial killer or something and the mayor simply doing justice.</p> <p class="cnMyYWQ0YzliZGEyMDQ3ZGVhOWE3NzYxYTliODUzYzU4">And if any opposition were to arise, Lilia's father is sure that he would be able to shut them up.</p> <p class="cnMxM2EyNzRlZGY0MTQ1ZWY5NTNhY2M0Y2RjZGFkM2Ew">Lilia's father is sure that this case wouldn't just result in him being thrown into prison.</p> <p class="cnNkZjliYzk0ODA3OTQwM2Q4ZDllMDljZjFkNzBiMDcy">From the things that he learned in his investigation, what the mayor orchestrated wasn't simply kidnapping for ransom. It went much more horrid than that. The ones who were kidnapped were sold as slaves on the black market. Even worse, these slaves' soul was bounded by a curse. This curse prevents them from going against the one who claimed ownership of their soul.</p> <p class="cnM4YmY5ZTcwM2FjZTQ4MmJiMWRiMzBlMGE4YWM0NzMy">Two of these slaves were Lilia's father's mother and wife. From the investigation, he found that they were sold to a wicked noble in another country with a habit of dismembering slaves. After only 9 days have passed since the two were sold to the noble, they were found dead and disposed of according to the report. This happened 14 years ago.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmQ5NmI4ZDY1MzRmOTZhMWQzY2NkYjUwYzVlZTRk">This time he couldn't get angry but simply afraid&nbsp;for his daughter's safety. If he gets thrown&nbsp;into prison then a fate worse than death would befall on his daughter and Roosevelt.</p> <p class="cnMxZWI5ZjZjMTlhMjQyNTY5YWU0OTYzZmFjZjBmZDZk">Because of that, he sent them out of the city and told them to head to the capital. In the capital, Ronoa, they could safely report the mayor and the others that are involved out of the mayor's corruption's reach.</p> <p class="cnM3YTY0ZGIwOWQxNDQzYTdiM2I4M2FlNjY3OGQ3NjQ5">But along the way, they were hunted down by a group of assassins. Lilia's two guards whom she had been together with for 5 years had fallen easily from the assassins' blade.</p> <p class="cnM4NDM4MDk5NDcxYTRlZjBhNjdlYTMzZmM1NTY1ZmI2">But just when their hopes are lost, a girl with long black hair and ghost-like pale skin had swooped down between them and the assassins. They couldn't muster up the voice to tell the girl to run away so they simply kept quiet, waiting to see another person get killed in front of them.</p> <p class="cnMzYjg4YjVlZjliMjQ5NWU5OGM2N2NlMTY1OGUzNmM5">But contrary to their expectations, it wasn't just one that was killed but four. The four assassins, which they feared for, had their heads detached from their bodies. A fountain of blood spurted out from each of their bodies.</p> <p class="cnNmZTk3YzFmMDA4MjQ4NTE4MTI2YWY0ZmUzOTNiOThl">It was an unbelievable scene. A girl smaller than them had dealt with those assassins in a short time. But what was more unbelievable was the fact that the girl drank the blood from one of the bodies.</p> <p class="cnM3NTE2YzdlMzQ2NTQ5ZDViYzMyYTljNjBlMzczNWI0">She's a monster, they thought. It's obvious that they're next.</p> <p class="cnNmMjU4ZDM2Nzk1YTRiNWRiNzM4NDA5N2JiMGRlNDZk">But even after an hour has passed, the girl didn't do anything to them.</p> <p class="cnM4YjhlOGYzZTdiYTQ5YWI4ZDM5NDQ2YjQ3MmIxNDk4">It's as if the girl is waiting for them.</p> <p class="cnNmZWZkNWIzOGQxNjQyYzU5OTQwMGUwYzhmZmY0Y2Qy">Then the sunset came and from that point, the girl moved from her position and headed for their carriage.</p> <p class="cnNiZTllYTVmNjYyNzQ5ZTY5MmQ5NDUzNzBkNjI0OWQ4">Could she be aiming for the evidence all along!? That thought raced through in Lilia's head and instinctively tried to stop the girl from going any further, but Roosevelt held her back.</p> <p class="cnM3MDAxYWRiMzI2ZDQ2NWE4MjQzMGQzNGM0YjkwMWMy">Roosevelt believed that this girl would sooner or later kill them. She's merely toying with them now so they had to find a way to escape without the girl knowing.</p> <p class="cnNmMTBjZTE3ODI1ZTQwMzg5YWE0OTVmMmI2ZTU2Yzgz">Such suspicious thoughts jumbled in their heads but contrary to their suspicions, the girl is simply trying to find something to light a fire with.</p> <p class="cnNhNTMyOWJkYjM4YTRkZDY4MmQ3YzMwYzdiZWIyZWEw">The girl then tossed them a fire scroll. Both Roosevelt and Lila are confused as to what's going on.</p> <p class="cnNkNzg2NzU2YTAxZDRmM2U4ZGU3YWQ2Y2I2YWFmMGQ5">When Lilia looked up the sky, she finally realized that it was beginning to turn dark.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWZkZjA1MzA5OTRmMDM5NTNhY2MwM2I4YTg3MmEy">She finally understood what the girl meant. It's to make a fire because it was turning night.</p> <p class="cnMzN2UwY2U2ZmE3NzQ1NTY5ZTdjN2ZkZjAxMDM5ZGI0">Once the fire was made and the cold night became closer, Lilia invited the girl. For obvious reasons, Roosevelt was against the idea.</p> <p class="cnM0MjQ0Y2U5MTI2NDQ1MWFiZmQxOTIyNzgzODgxM2Nj">But the girl didn't do anything. Not even when they fell asleep. The girl simply laid between them and that was all.</p> <p class="cnNhYmJjMWE4ODlmYTQ2ZDM5YjBiMTcwMmEyZThhNGE2">The girl came with them as well. Not only did she pull the carriage single-handedly, but she would also hunt down small rabbits for them to eat.</p> <p class="cnM4N2ZhNTU2ODZmYjQ2MmRhZjE0NjBlNzM2OTYzY2E4">Lilia thought that she was a good child.</p> <p class="cnM1NzdjZDY1ZTFmYjQ0YzA4NTA4YmUxOTk4MWQ0Njc0">Her background is a mystery and as well as to what race she belongs to. Her pale skin cancels out many other possible candidates. But from what they've observed, she is simply a child. Curious about the world.</p> <p class="cnNkZDRjZDMxYWYxYjQ2NWM4NjNhNDNhMTg2NzAxMDIy">For Roosevelt, her top priority is the safety of Lilia. It wasn't because of her responsibilities as her personal maid but it was because Lilia is simply an important person to her.</p> <p class="cnMxNTNlMzM1ZGYxNjRmOTI4YTZmM2YyNTQyN2UzOTlm">So for the time they've been together, she'd been quietly observing the pale girl. Looking for any signs that indicate her hostility towards them but she found no such signs from her. The most the child did was to stare at them for long periods of time and the fact that she would snuggle between Lilia and her at night.</p> <p class="cnMxNzA1NTQ5MzdlMjRlYTI4ZThjYWZkY2JiNzUwMmMy">From the last bit, when she thought of it, she guessed that Lilia might have been right. That she's simply a little girl, wanting to have someone that she can be with.</p> <p class="cnNiYzE0ODNmZjJkNTRjMmE4YjlhYzM5Y2YwYjg1MTY4">She then thought of the time when Lilia and she were still children. Maybe it was like that, She thought.</p> <p class="cnM4MDI5NjM3MWZiMzQwZDg5MzA2NTZjZjk4MDBiYmVl">Then, another group of assassins came after them. No, they were more like bandits than anything.</p> <p class="cnM5MWIyNzQwMDZkNDQ1NzZhOGRjYTNhMWNlMDM2MTk1">A tall muscular man stepped forward, pronouncing to them that he was the leader. As expected, this group was hired by the mayor.</p> <p class="cnMxY2NhODZkZDM5ZDQ5MmRhOTc2NWE1ZWJmZGZkNGQw">There was no way they would be able to get out of here. The moment when the pale girl had saved them, it was simply on a whim, she convinced herself.</p> <p class="cnNlMWUzMzJjNDQ2YTQyMzVhMGU3ZmQxMDZhYjlmZDE3">There was no way that the girl would save them again. Even if she did, surely she wouldn't be a match with these so many of them.</p> <p class="cnMzOWQ2NDZlM2YzYzRkMDdhMDFmYzFlN2JjM2M4ZmZm">Roosevelt knew she had to fight. Just long enough for Lilia to escape. Maybe the girl would come with her and maybe she would protect Lilia for her. She resolved herself.</p> <p class="cnMzYjRjZjc0OGEwZTQ5YjlhZGMwMGFmNDAzMjhkMWE4">She asked for Lilia to run away with the girl but she strongly refused. She refused to have her fight alone but she couldn't simply ask for the girl to save them again. They couldn't even communicate with the girl.</p> <p class="cnM1YWFmZDEzNmJmODQyODFiOTNhYTcxNTc5YmE1ZjBk">When Lilia demanded that she should fight along with her, Roosevelt refused. When Lilia persisted, Roosevelt had to lock her in the carriage. It was simply for her safety.</p> <p class="cnNiZThmZmYzYjUxZjRhNDlhOWUzMTE3Mzk4MmFjMDkx">She hoped that the pale girl would save at least Lilia's life from this. She was obviously not human and she didn't know what she was thinking. There may even be a chance that the girl would just run off on her own but that was still one of the good endings she could think of.</p> <p class="cnM3NDE4ZWVhZGM1YTRkNjViMTBjMjUwYzlmOGM3Yjdk">But whether the girl would save them or not, it didn't sway her decision. She had to fight. Maybe just enough time until the girl would come to a decision.</p> <p class="cnM1MWZlY2NkNWJlYjQxNmY5ZDIxNWIyMDM0ZjliOTFl">Roosevelt was trained for self-defense so she has a bit of confidence in fighting the man. That's what she thought. That's what she convinced herself with.</p> <p class="cnM0YWIxNmY1ZDJmNjRmYTY4ZDViOTA5N2Y3MTlmN2Ey">She asked for a one-on-one match. The leader accepted.</p> <p class="cnNkZTgzMjU2ZTVhOTQzYWZiODJlMjRiYTdlNmE5MTJl">Then when the fight starts, she immediately rushed in. She knew that those who could make the first move would have the advantage. But little did she know of how large of a gap their skills and experience are. She didn't expect to win at all but the enormous gap in their strength surprised her.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2M1ZmMyNzIxZDQ5MDhiNjU5MzUzYmNlYjNhMWIw">In just one punch she flew at least 10 meters away until a large rock and stopped her momentum. For a moment she thought she died. She bled profusely from the wound she had gotten from hitting the rock with her head, as well from her nose and the several cuts that she had gotten from her body getting dragged on the ground.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NkNWVkYTI5NzQ2Y2JhZDY4ODcxMjZkOTIxMzVi">She resolved herself to die yet she never expected to die so early on. She couldn't even last a minute and when she glanced back at the carriage, they still haven't left.</p> <p class="cnMyZjU2MGU1YTYxZTQ2NDViYjNhNmE2NTM3ZjQ2ZDM5">Rather, Lilia is out of the carriage and the girl is nowhere to be seen.</p> <p class="cnMzMGM4YTMzMWY1YTQ5YWI5MGI2ZTBjMjNmZjg1NWEy">"Argh...!"</p> <p class="cnNjNWEyYjc0YmRlYTQwNmU5OGYyNDA0MTMzYmIwNWM2">Then a loud scream of pain entered her ears. She turned her head towards where the sound came from and she saw the girl had beaten the large bandit easily.</p> <p class="cnNhNWE3MmJmMTU3YzQ3NTk4ODNiNWM1OTc3ZWFiZjgx">She felt a sigh of relief. It looks like the girl had made her decision and it was to help them.</p> <p class="cnNiMzk1YmE3NGViOTQ0MmI5NjVmMDVmZDRmNzAyYjI3">Then Lilia came over to heal her wounds.</p> <p class="cnNkMTY1ZTMyYmUzMjRmOTRhNjI5Y2JiNjc2NDE2NTRj">Lilia discovered that she could use restoration magic when she was 7 years old but she wasn't very proficient at it. For common scratch, she could heal it in a minute but for a wound that Roosevelt currently has, it would take a few days to fully heal, if she constantly applied healing on her non-stop.</p> <p class="cnMyOWE4N2E0YjAwYjQ2YWZiMDRjYzQ5NTlmOGViOWZl">It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.</p> <p class="cnNjYmJjNGE2OTY0YjQ5ZDQ5NjZhM2IzYTQ4MTNhMWEy">Once she's able to partially stop Roosevelt's bleeding, she gave her a good slap.</p> <p class="cnMyMmIyNDI5MTMxYzRhNWE4NjYxNTA4ZWU1NjdhNGM2">Surprised by the sudden action from Lilia, she looked at her uneasily.</p> <p class="cnM4ODkzMTE1MmVjNjRkNWE5OGZhMzM2NzQ1MWVkZjA5">She expected her to have an angry expression. Angry that she didn't obey her and that she locked her inside the carriage but all she saw was a crying Lilia.</p> <p class="cnM5M2RkZTBkZjUyMjQ2YTc4Y2YzZjMyNjcwYTFiOTA3">"You idiot! What are you thinking, trying to get yourself killed!?"</p> <p class="cnM3OGQ2ZDFhOTk4NTQ5ZWFiMzA4YjM0YTY2ZTBiNDM4">"But I—"</p> <p class="cnNkM2UyNWQ2OWU4ZTQxYjA4OGZkNjUyMTQ3NmJiMDA3">"No buts! I don't want to hear it! Did you really think that I would be able to forgive you for trying to get yourself killed!? *Hic*"</p> <p class="cnMwY2M0YWEyM2Q0ZTQyY2NiMjVlOTE5NGFjNjliNjAy">Roosevelt knew that what she did was pointless. From the very fact that her opponent was a huge male, she knew she didn't have a chance to win. She knew that her swordsmanship was at an amateur level at best.</p> <p class="cnM5YWM5Y2NjMTg3NzQzNDZiNDQ5YmQ2ZGUyNGIyYTdh">What she was doing wasn't about buying time or distracting the opponent so Lilia and the girl could get away. Even when the girl suddenly stepped in and done in the leader, she expected that. It was plainly obvious that the girl would because she was oddly attached towards Lilia for some reason.</p> <p class="cnM4ODdhMjJlYjZiOTQxZTc5MmNiY2YxMjIzM2ZkZWEz">They were all simply excuses that she convinced herself to believe in so that she can have a reason as to why she's doing what she's currently doing.</p> <p class="cnMxNjIwYmJmZTViMjQzNDhiMGY4YzJmODkxYzRmOGY1">She didn't want to feel worthless.</p> <p class="cnM2YzUyYWEyYjFiOTRjMjJiYWEwMWE2NWQzYzRjMzQx">The reason why she immediately jumped on the idea of spending weeks to train as a proper maid. Why she changed herself, so she wouldn't be such a shy girl anymore, why she acted like a proper maid for Lilia even though she knew she didn't really like that. It was so she wouldn't be a burden for her and prove to her that she was useful.</p> <p class="cnM5OWQ1M2ZhMTcyMzQzMDRiYWRjMmIwYzIzNTYxMGFm">She took the opportunity to 'buy them time' to show to Lilia that she can do something like this as well and not be afraid. To not be afraid to throw her own life in order to save her dear master.</p> <p class="cnNmNzVmNDA5NTZhZjQ0ZjQ4MTA0ZWZlMDkxYTkxZmIw">But all she's done is to give her grief. She made her cry even more than how she cried for her father.</p> <p class="cnNjYjIzZTYwZmU2YTRkNzBhY2U5MGYzMzFjMGY4YWJl">She forgot one, very important thing. That Lilia is someone who hated being alone the most.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmNmYjZlNGEyMjQxZmVhN2U1ZTQ1NDMxMWJkMWRj">She was all that Lilia has now and she only realized it now.</p> <p class="cnNiMDBmMzk4NDFjMDRlYTE5OGRmYzYxNzYzZjczNjk0">And all she can say for that is...</p> <p class="cnNlMzQ1Y2YxZGUxNTRiNjU5OTcyY2IxODYwMGFmOWMw">"I'm sorry..."</p> <p class="cnNhYzhiZTRiNWViNzRiZDg5MzRmNjBmN2Q3NTNmMzM0">Lilia silently continued her healing until it looks to be partially healed and the bleeding stopped. It would take a few days for it to fully heal but until then, she would Roosevelt to be careful.</p> <p class="cnNlNWE2ZWI1MDVlNTRhMTg4YTg4NDEwMGVlNTQxMDc0">Roosevelt's heart had calmed down a bit after that. However, she didn't think that the drive to prove herself worthy to be something detrimental. All she had to do is keep herself in check and all will be good.</p> <p class="cnM2YTQ1NzRiZGIzYzRiOTdiOGE1YzIyMTU4ZWZjMWNh">Although that calmness only lasted a second when she realized that the pale girl was fighting with several armed men.</p> <p class="cnMwMzA1NTZkM2RjZTQ0ZmRhNzZjZTQxOTJkMjFkNjM1">Lilia's expression became stiff from this for a while now. From the looks of it, the girl is having a hard time. And her heart aches from the guilt for having to selfishly ask her to do something like that.</p> <p class="cnM3Njk2YTJkMTAyNDQyYTU5YTI2NGY4NjI4NzI5YWJj">The girl didn't understand their language, it was plainly obvious but the girl understood her despite that.</p> <p class="cnMyMzczNzkzZTRkNTQ4OGZiZDIxYzU4MjRhMTFkNmY1">Had she sent the girl to her death? Such thoughts like that went through her mind.</p> <p class="cnM2MmM2MmFkZGQ0ODQ4YmY5MWNiMTE2ODE5YWQ0MDNk">With every second passing, she felt more and more guilty.</p> <p class="cnNhMTI2YWUyNGRhNDRhMjZhYzQxNDMzYzY1MTZjYWZi">To make matters worse, she can't do anything at all to stop it. The stronger between the two of them was Roosevelt but Roosevelt is currently too injured to even walk. There is absolutely nothing she could do but simply watch.</p> <p class="cnNkMTRiZDE0NWQ4OTRiMzA4ZjI1MmIyZGE5NWQ3ZDA1">Every time the girl gets injured, she felt her heart sinking and her grip on the hem of her clothes gets tighter.</p> <p class="cnM5MTU4NThmMGFmYTQxZmE4MTA5MjA3ZTQyODI0NzIz">The girl gets cornered and she saw her injuries increase even more.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWNhMjIyZjg2NzQ2ZmY5ZjI2NDZkNmE5MDM4OGVk">Such thoughts like 'Because of us, this girl will die'. Regret filled her mind. She didn't want to have somebody to die because of them again. She had to stop this somehow.</p> <p class="cnNlNDE2OTgwNDZmYjQwZjg4ZGE0NTY1MjY4NzA3Mjdi">But her fear blocked her voice from speaking out her desire.</p> <p class="cnNlN2JjYTEwNzE4MTRhYTI4ODZhZmEwYmI0YWQ5YmI0">Then arrows appeared from the bushes. Fortunately, the girl dodged it but then when another one was released, this time she wasn't so lucky.</p> <p class="cnM3YTUxZjZjM2I4MjQ3YTVhMDllMzNkOGM0MWQ5YjY0">It landed right at her forehead. From the very moment, Lilia felt the world turned dead silent. She just couldn't believe it.</p> <p class="cnMxNWU4ZGFiYzU0YTQzMmQ4YWRhNjFiZTYxYmIxMWM3">The assassins cheered loudly. They too didn't expect the girl, who had killed the best of them and several more.</p> <p class="cnMxY2IwYzc1Mzk1OTRhZjBhMjNiN2FmN2ZiMTQxNGYx">For Lilia and Roosevelt, their mouths were agape. But before any tears were to appear, something happened to the supposed corpse of the girl.</p> <p class="cnNjMDRlYTUzNWFmYjRmNjc4MzYyMDEwNWM2MjM5MWZi">Her blood, that she spilled and made a pool of, suddenly rushed back into her body.</p> </div>
13 years had passed since then. Lilia grew to be an upstanding young lady. With her father'guidance, she became a great merchant herself. She helped her father expand their business in many areas in the city and as well as trading goods with other countries. Although her father still forbids her from going out on her own. So, he hired his daughter two personal guards. Whenever Lilia goes outside, those two would always be beside her. As for Roosevelt, she decided to serve Lilia in the end. Once the week had passed she was immediately sent for training as a maid Lilia's father's old friend's home. With her consent of course. There she learned proper etiquette and how a maid should act towards their master, how to properly greet and treat a guest and so on. She stayed there for 2 months. Needless to say that Lilia felt lonely in those two months. So when Roosevelt came home, she was jumped by a crying Lilia and forced to play with her for a few days after that. For the 9-year-old Roosevelt, the training she had gone through didn't properly sink in yet but as she grew older, her behavior became more mature and elegant, befitting the behavior of a maid. Or rather, that's what Lilia's father thinks. Lilia didn't dislike this change but she misses the old shy cat Roosevelt she met back when she was still a child. During those 13 years, her father continued the investigation of his missing family members and just recently did he get a clue regarding the incident. Further investigation revealed that the one who's behind it was none other than the 3-time consecutive mayor of the city. In his anger, he accused the mayor of being responsible for the kidnappings in the past 15 years. He possesses solid evidence that even someone in favor of the mayor would immediately change their mind. He was confident of his victory. But unfortunately, the mayor was found not guilty due to the evidence being so outstretched, or so they say. Lilia's father found it ridiculous. He had never heard of such a thing. Upon looking at the other's reaction, they didn't look like they found anything wrong about it. He has a bad feeling about this. Days later after that, he learned that he was accused by the mayor of slander. From that, his fears became real. Corruption had taken root in the government. It went so deep that even if the mayor were to kill a bystander on the street in the middle of the day, the court would rule it as the bystander being a long time serial killer or something and the mayor simply doing justice. And if any opposition were to arise, Lilia's father is sure that he would be able to shut them up. Lilia's father is sure that this case wouldn't just result in him being thrown into prison. From the things that he learned in his investigation, what the mayor orchestrated wasn't simply kidnapping for ransom. It went much more horrid than that. The ones who were kidnapped were sold as slaves on the black market. Even worse, these slaves' soul was bounded by a curse. This curse prevents them from going against the one who claimed ownership of their soul. Two of these slaves were Lilia's father's mother and wife. From the investigation, he found that they were sold to a wicked noble in another country with a habit of dismembering slaves. After only 9 days have passed since the two were sold to the noble, they were found dead and disposed of according to the report. This happened 14 years ago. This time he couldn't get angry but simply afraid for his daughter's safety. If he gets thrown into prison then a fate worse than death would befall on his daughter and Roosevelt. Because of that, he sent them out of the city and told them to head to the capital. In the capital, Ronoa, they could safely report the mayor and the others that are involved out of the mayor's corruption's reach. But along the way, they were hunted down by a group of assassins. Lilia's two guards whom she had been together with for 5 years had fallen easily from the assassins' blade. But just when their hopes are lost, a girl with long black hair and ghost-like pale skin had swooped down between them and the assassins. They couldn't muster up the voice to tell the girl to run away so they simply kept quiet, waiting to see another person get killed in front of them. But contrary to their expectations, it wasn't just one that was killed but four. The four assassins, which they feared for, had their heads detached from their bodies. A fountain of blood spurted out from each of their bodies. It was an unbelievable scene. A girl smaller than them had dealt with those assassins in a short time. But what was more unbelievable was the fact that the girl drank the blood from one of the bodies. She's a monster, they thought. It's obvious that they're next. But even after an hour has passed, the girl didn't do anything to them. It's as if the girl is waiting for them. Then the sunset came and from that point, the girl moved from her position and headed for their carriage. Could she be aiming for the evidence all along!? That thought raced through in Lilia's head and instinctively tried to stop the girl from going any further, but Roosevelt held her back. Roosevelt believed that this girl would sooner or later kill them. She's merely toying with them now so they had to find a way to escape without the girl knowing. Such suspicious thoughts jumbled in their heads but contrary to their suspicions, the girl is simply trying to find something to light a fire with. The girl then tossed them a fire scroll. Both Roosevelt and Lila are confused as to what's going on. When Lilia looked up the sky, she finally realized that it was beginning to turn dark. She finally understood what the girl meant. It's to make a fire because it was turning night. Once the fire was made and the cold night became closer, Lilia invited the girl. For obvious reasons, Roosevelt was against the idea. But the girl didn't do anything. Not even when they fell asleep. The girl simply laid between them and that was all. The girl came with them as well. Not only did she pull the carriage single-handedly, but she would also hunt down small rabbits for them to eat. Lilia thought that she was a good child. Her background is a mystery and as well as to what race she belongs to. Her pale skin cancels out many other possible candidates. But from what they've observed, she is simply a child. Curious about the world. For Roosevelt, her top priority is the safety of Lilia. It wasn't because of her responsibilities as her personal maid but it was because Lilia is simply an important person to her. So for the time they've been together, she'd been quietly observing the pale girl. Looking for any signs that indicate her hostility towards them but she found no such signs from her. The most the child did was to stare at them for long periods of time and the fact that she would snuggle between Lilia and her at night. From the last bit, when she thought of it, she guessed that Lilia might have been right. That she's simply a little girl, wanting to have someone that she can be with. She then thought of the time when Lilia and she were still children. Maybe it was like that, She thought. Then, another group of assassins came after them. No, they were more like bandits than anything. A tall muscular man stepped forward, pronouncing to them that he was the leader. As expected, this group was hired by the mayor. There was no way they would be able to get out of here. The moment when the pale girl had saved them, it was simply on a whim, she convinced herself. There was no way that the girl would save them again. Even if she did, surely she wouldn't be a match with these so many of them. Roosevelt knew she had to fight. Just long enough for Lilia to escape. Maybe the girl would come with her and maybe she would protect Lilia for her. She resolved herself. She asked for Lilia to run away with the girl but she strongly refused. She refused to have her fight alone but she couldn't simply ask for the girl to save them again. They couldn't even communicate with the girl. When Lilia demanded that she should fight along with her, Roosevelt refused. When Lilia persisted, Roosevelt had to lock her in the carriage. It was simply for her safety. She hoped that the pale girl would save at least Lilia's life from this. She was obviously not human and she didn't know what she was thinking. There may even be a chance that the girl would just run off on her own but that was still one of the good endings she could think of. But whether the girl would save them or not, it didn't sway her decision. She had to fight. Maybe just enough time until the girl would come to a decision. Roosevelt was trained for self-defense so she has a bit of confidence in fighting the man. That's what she thought. That's what she convinced herself with. She asked for a one-on-one match. The leader accepted. Then when the fight starts, she immediately rushed in. She knew that those who could make the first move would have the advantage. But little did she know of how large of a gap their skills and experience are. She didn't expect to win at all but the enormous gap in their strength surprised her. In just one punch she flew at least 10 meters away until a large rock and stopped her momentum. For a moment she thought she died. She bled profusely from the wound she had gotten from hitting the rock with her head, as well from her nose and the several cuts that she had gotten from her body getting dragged on the ground. She resolved herself to die yet she never expected to die so early on. She couldn't even last a minute and when she glanced back at the carriage, they still haven't left. Rather, Lilia is out of the carriage and the girl is nowhere to be seen. "Argh...!" Then a loud scream of pain entered her ears. She turned her head towards where the sound came from and she saw the girl had beaten the large bandit easily. She felt a sigh of relief. It looks like the girl had made her decision and it was to help them. Then Lilia came over to heal her wounds. Lilia discovered that she could use restoration magic when she was 7 years old but she wasn't very proficient at it. For common scratch, she could heal it in a minute but for a wound that Roosevelt currently has, it would take a few days to fully heal, if she constantly applied healing on her non-stop. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. Once she's able to partially stop Roosevelt's bleeding, she gave her a good slap. Surprised by the sudden action from Lilia, she looked at her uneasily. She expected her to have an angry expression. Angry that she didn't obey her and that she locked her inside the carriage but all she saw was a crying Lilia. "You idiot! What are you thinking, trying to get yourself killed!?" "But I—" "No buts! I don't want to hear it! Did you really think that I would be able to forgive you for trying to get yourself killed!? *Hic*" Roosevelt knew that what she did was pointless. From the very fact that her opponent was a huge male, she knew she didn't have a chance to win. She knew that her swordsmanship was at an amateur level at best. What she was doing wasn't about buying time or distracting the opponent so Lilia and the girl could get away. Even when the girl suddenly stepped in and done in the leader, she expected that. It was plainly obvious that the girl would because she was oddly attached towards Lilia for some reason. They were all simply excuses that she convinced herself to believe in so that she can have a reason as to why she's doing what she's currently doing. She didn't want to feel worthless. The reason why she immediately jumped on the idea of spending weeks to train as a proper maid. Why she changed herself, so she wouldn't be such a shy girl anymore, why she acted like a proper maid for Lilia even though she knew she didn't really like that. It was so she wouldn't be a burden for her and prove to her that she was useful. She took the opportunity to 'buy them time' to show to Lilia that she can do something like this as well and not be afraid. To not be afraid to throw her own life in order to save her dear master. But all she's done is to give her grief. She made her cry even more than how she cried for her father. She forgot one, very important thing. That Lilia is someone who hated being alone the most. She was all that Lilia has now and she only realized it now. And all she can say for that is... "I'm sorry..." Lilia silently continued her healing until it looks to be partially healed and the bleeding stopped. It would take a few days for it to fully heal but until then, she would Roosevelt to be careful. Roosevelt's heart had calmed down a bit after that. However, she didn't think that the drive to prove herself worthy to be something detrimental. All she had to do is keep herself in check and all will be good. Although that calmness only lasted a second when she realized that the pale girl was fighting with several armed men. Lilia's expression became stiff from this for a while now. From the looks of it, the girl is having a hard time. And her heart aches from the guilt for having to selfishly ask her to do something like that. The girl didn't understand their language, it was plainly obvious but the girl understood her despite that. Had she sent the girl to her death? Such thoughts like that went through her mind. With every second passing, she felt more and more guilty. To make matters worse, she can't do anything at all to stop it. The stronger between the two of them was Roosevelt but Roosevelt is currently too injured to even walk. There is absolutely nothing she could do but simply watch. Every time the girl gets injured, she felt her heart sinking and her grip on the hem of her clothes gets tighter. The girl gets cornered and she saw her injuries increase even more. Such thoughts like 'Because of us, this girl will die'. Regret filled her mind. She didn't want to have somebody to die because of them again. She had to stop this somehow. But her fear blocked her voice from speaking out her desire. Then arrows appeared from the bushes. Fortunately, the girl dodged it but then when another one was released, this time she wasn't so lucky. It landed right at her forehead. From the very moment, Lilia felt the world turned dead silent. She just couldn't believe it. The assassins cheered loudly. They too didn't expect the girl, who had killed the best of them and several more. For Lilia and Roosevelt, their mouths were agape. But before any tears were to appear, something happened to the supposed corpse of the girl. Her blood, that she spilled and made a pool of, suddenly rushed back into her body.
{ "title": "High Tides to Low Clouds (ft. Miss Catherine)", "id": 21537, "author": "FrostedCP", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Miss Catherine and What She Deals With: Part 2", "id": 305766, "next": 305768, "prev": 305765, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YTE3N2UxYzQ5ZTQzMDFhMDk5MzY3YTc3ZDAxYzUy">Within the next hour and a half, Miss Catherine will become a free woman for some hours. One that will sleep for eight hours before having to go through her daily routine right before that day's work. Miss Catherine looks around the bar and realizes that the establishment was in its quiet moment. It's a regular occurrence during this time of the night. It was indeed busy just an hour ago but the customers go out to do whatever their life requires of them when the time is up. All at similar times too and it probably helps that other bars are found in more busier and high volume areas during the late night compared the alley here. But Miss Catherine enjoys the quiet moments just as much as the busy moments. She already made a good amount of sales for the day and would like the quiet moment to go on till closing. As she thought about this, the door opened up in a slow, almost creaking fashion. A new customer has arrived.</p> <p class="cnM5YzIwZmIyOTIzNTQ2MTI5NTBmZjcwYTI1Nzk0N2Fk">"Hey, is this place still open?" the rather scruffy looking man said. His black sunglasses sticking out from his rough attire. It almost shined in the dim bar.</p> <p class="cnM5MTJlZjNlNTEzYjRmMDZiMTg4MGYwYWI1ODBhM2U1">"Yes. It is for another hour, sir," Miss Catherine answers. The man looks at her with glee as he waddles to the bar. Miss Catherine may want keep an eye on this one as Miss Catherine has learned from her time bartending that there is nothing wrong with judging people, as negative as that sounds, it tends to work. The man slouches onto the seat and gleams at Miss Catherine.</p> <p class="cnM0YjM5N2I4YTBlOTQ4NWQ5ZmYyMGJkOTMyMWM3NjU1">"What would you like, sir?" Miss Catherine asks him.</p> <p class="cnMzODA4NmM2MmFhOTRkZDg4NGNjMmQ3ZWNmMTNjMTFm">"Get me a lager...pint...the cheaper the better," the man replies as his head rests on the bar table. Miss Catherine recognizes this body language isn't a good sign but she decides it's best just to cut him off early instead of not letting him get anything altogether. Good to make some more sales.</p> <p class="cnMyNGUwNDdjYzAyYTQ1MjdhZmY0ZWMzZWU5MmNhYTU3">"Coming right up, sir." Miss Catherine grabs a pint glass and figures it's best to get him a Culls Light. Low alcohol content and one of the cheapest lagers on tap.</p> <p class="cnMzNmEyMTI5YmEzZTRhNTFhMDQ2OGJmZGJkNjQ1MWFk">"You doing alright, sir?" Miss Catherine asks him while pouring the pale straw beer into the glass.</p> <p class="cnMxZjQ4Yzk0NGJlYzQ5MjU4YzdiZmVmNWE0YWVhNDhm">"It's over. I just want to die," was what the man could say. This put Miss Catherine slightly off. It wasn't going to be the first time a suicidal person would become a customer of the bar but it was always trouble to have to deal with them.</p> <p class="cnNmMjQwMmFhNTY5MTQ2NzhiMDYzODZmMDNhM2Y2OGFj">She places the beer in front of him. "Are you going to be alright?"</p> <p class="cnM0OTkyNjk0MTIwZTRmYzA5MTYyZGEwZjYyOGM4MmIy">"I lost it all! I put all my money on Number Five after doing all that research and I lost!" the man began to ball out. You see such sorrowful scenes happen in movies but to happen in front of Miss Catherine was a real pain. Getting expectations from fantasy does not translate well into reality. "Hey, got a job opening here?"</p> <p class="cnMwZTc1OWM2YTVhNzRjNDNiNDM4ZTNjMmQwZWVmNjY5">"Sorry, not for the time being," Miss Catherine answered.</p> <p class="cnM3NzkzY2ViNDVlOTRmNDdhYTgyNTE2Yzg4MDMyZGMz">"What the hell am I supposed to do? I tried to hang myself and the rope snapped! I jumped off a bridge and it felt like nothing, so I jumped off the same bridge twice and again, it was nothing! I jumped off a building only to wake up on the roof because I passed out on the way up! What does God want from me?"</p> <p class="cnNkZGNhNTdmYzIwZDQyMjE4MDZmMzZhMzMzNzZkNDQy">"Maybe he's telling you that your time is not up yet?"</p> <p class="cnM0MTI0YzY0NmQ2YTQ5Njg5MDkxOGQ1NmJkYzk0OTM3">"I sucked six guys off for $12 total. I had to make some sort of income and ended up degrading myself! I don't think I can live any longer."</p> <p class="cnM1NGU0NjdjMjZiNjQ1YmViNjU2OGVjYWY4NDA4NDc3">"Why would you do something like that?"</p> <p class="cnM3M2I4ZjYwMTU3NzQ0NzA5MzQ1NDIwYTRlYzIxZGQ4">"I read online somewhere that if I could suck some guys off for a dollar each, I could make a million dollars if I end up sucking off a million guys. So I thought if I charged $2 a sucking, I could get there at half the time. But dammit! It was awful! It tasted indescribably salty, my knees hurt, and my mouth aches! What would my girlfriend think!?"</p> <p class="cnM4Zjg4ZjQyYmQwNDQ5ZTBhMDJkNzRjZjdjM2I1YmZl">"That's...I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to answer that..."</p> <p class="cnNhOWJjMDEyMDUxMjQyMDQ4OWUwN2Q1MGNlYjJhNDIz">"My life is over, Miss! No...wait." The man grabs his beer and raises it up above himself with importance as though the glass was the Holy Grail. He tilts down the glass and swigs down the beer that flowed down like a waterfall. The glass never touched his lips. Miss Catherine was sure such sights were only possible in cartoons but the man was able to perform it flawlessly. Perhaps he should've gotten a job at a circus.</p> <p class="cnMyNTRjNDcwNTdmODQ3ZWY4YjRiMWM1ZDM2ZGI0ZmE1">After emptying his glass, he slams it down on the counter with a loud "thunk!" Miss Catherine does not enjoy having to risk the glass getting worn out after countless number of other "thunks".</p> <p class="cnM0Y2UyNzRkMzExZTRiOThiMzdkZTJmNGQwMWRmYWY4">"If God isn't going to let me die, that means I must be blessed. Blessed with this misfortune!" exclaimed the man. A strange thing to say, indeed.</p> <p class="cnNmZTU3OWM5MWFhZTQwM2ZhZTA0YTFiNDdkNjMwMmJh">Miss Catherine asks, "Sir...are you feeling okay?"</p> <p class="cnMzMmY0NjNlODUzNTRhNDBiNDgyNDcyNTc3YTQxNDg1">"Okay!? I've never been better! This is brilliant! You know how people do crazy, painful stunts for entertainment, right?"</p> <p class="cnMwODI4MDY0NTQ2NTQwNGRiMTRiOWVmNWVhNWM3NTlm">"Yeah..."</p> <p class="cnNkMTVmZjI3Y2JmNjQ1M2VhMDc0MWVkNmNiYTY0ZTI2">"That's just it! I'm going to become a stuntman! Putting myself in harm's way for the people to enjoy the misery of a single man. And that man is going to be me!"</p> <p class="cnM1ZjY1ODA5MDk5MjRjMTY4NDdlZWRmNzc1ODkwYzk1">"That seems wonderful, but you have to calm down and think this through."</p> <p class="cnNhYTJhYzViNWJkYTRiOTRhYjZkYWMwNjdmMWFlYWE3">"What are you saying, Miss? I'm invincible! God doesn't want me dead! He's not going to let me die! And I'm done swallowing all that disgusting man fluid! Thank you, Miss! I feel like I've gotten back something that I lost…something that has gone missing throughout all these years of me just trying to pull through, but I've found it. The missing piece has been discovered! Everything that fell apart can be glued back together! It may not be easy at first but I'm guaranteed to make it!"</p> <p class="cnM2YjIxNWFlNDk3ZjRiMDA5MjdmNDQwNWEyYzVhMWEx">"Sir, I have to ask you to calm down."</p> <p class="cnNiMjkxMjI4ODNlYjQxM2FhZjYyYTcyN2M3ZWE2YmJh">"I can't, Miss! I can't! I'm flying towards heaven! Not literally, but this flower's going to be blooming real soon! This kingdom will not fall to the ground! I'm going to become the world's number one stuntman! Why didn't this occur to me earlier? Oh, Miss. Thank you so much for opening my eyes! This miserable, old, pathetic man will no longer be a miserable, old, pathetic man. I will be something I never was in my life: successful. And I have you to thank for! Here, take all the money I have left."</p> <p class="cnM4MTE4N2I2MTBmYjQ3OTY5ZDU1YWJiMDIyYTlmN2Uw">The miserable, old, pathetic man reaches into his pocket and slams down the content on the counter. His hand lifts away to reveal a $5 bill and an impressive stack of coins which probably amounted to $3 or $4. It certainly wasn't much of a tip, but Miss Catherine was more than ready for this customer to leave and let the power rush to drain outside of the bar.</p> <p class="cnMxMjI3NDM2ZmQ3OTQ0NjJhMjYzZGZmZGIxMDNlMjQy">"Wish me good luck, Miss! I don't think that's necessary though. I have a great feeling with what's coming ahead. The road to the future is paved in yellow bricks. I can almost see it," and that was the last thing the man said before he hopped and skipped out of the bar while humming to a familiar tune about a yellow brick road. Miss Catherine wished the best for the man after having to hear the tough times he went through. As much as Miss Catherine wanted the man to leave as quickly as possible, she always had sympathy for the unfortunate souls of customers such as the miserable, old, pathetic man with sunglasses.</p> <p class="cnNiZDE0ZjNlM2Y1MDQxOWY5YzNiODJhOWNjYjY5NjNh">It was a week or so after Miss Catherine last saw the miserable, old, pathetic man. Miss Catherine was in the warmth of her cozy apartment which peered high from the city's skies. Her laptop's screen glows with the web page of the news section of an anonymous message board. Miss Catherine's attention was caught by a certain thread regarding a man named Harold Thomas (age 38) who was the stuntman for an indie film but met with his death after an attempted stunt turned into a fatal motorbike drowning accident. The image of Harold Thomas was that of the miserable, old, pathetic man, complete with his sunglasses. Miss Catherine's heart sank ten feet down. Was there something she could have done? Could she have saved Mr. Harold Thomas' life? Such things should be left alone and not be thought about for too long, otherwise it may drive one crazy and Miss Catherine knew that. So, she decided to forget about the miserable, old, pathetic man, the incident with him at the bar, and his untimely death. It would be unhealthy for Miss Catherine to dwell on such issues and she understood that quite well.</p> <p class="cnM3NDQyZmRiYjlkMDQyNmI5YmFmODBhMzBiODY5YzU4">Oh, Miss Catherine. We hope you have a good night. We really do.</p> </div>
Within the next hour and a half, Miss Catherine will become a free woman for some hours. One that will sleep for eight hours before having to go through her daily routine right before that day's work. Miss Catherine looks around the bar and realizes that the establishment was in its quiet moment. It's a regular occurrence during this time of the night. It was indeed busy just an hour ago but the customers go out to do whatever their life requires of them when the time is up. All at similar times too and it probably helps that other bars are found in more busier and high volume areas during the late night compared the alley here. But Miss Catherine enjoys the quiet moments just as much as the busy moments. She already made a good amount of sales for the day and would like the quiet moment to go on till closing. As she thought about this, the door opened up in a slow, almost creaking fashion. A new customer has arrived. "Hey, is this place still open?" the rather scruffy looking man said. His black sunglasses sticking out from his rough attire. It almost shined in the dim bar. "Yes. It is for another hour, sir," Miss Catherine answers. The man looks at her with glee as he waddles to the bar. Miss Catherine may want keep an eye on this one as Miss Catherine has learned from her time bartending that there is nothing wrong with judging people, as negative as that sounds, it tends to work. The man slouches onto the seat and gleams at Miss Catherine. "What would you like, sir?" Miss Catherine asks him. "Get me a lager...pint...the cheaper the better," the man replies as his head rests on the bar table. Miss Catherine recognizes this body language isn't a good sign but she decides it's best just to cut him off early instead of not letting him get anything altogether. Good to make some more sales. "Coming right up, sir." Miss Catherine grabs a pint glass and figures it's best to get him a Culls Light. Low alcohol content and one of the cheapest lagers on tap. "You doing alright, sir?" Miss Catherine asks him while pouring the pale straw beer into the glass. "It's over. I just want to die," was what the man could say. This put Miss Catherine slightly off. It wasn't going to be the first time a suicidal person would become a customer of the bar but it was always trouble to have to deal with them. She places the beer in front of him. "Are you going to be alright?" "I lost it all! I put all my money on Number Five after doing all that research and I lost!" the man began to ball out. You see such sorrowful scenes happen in movies but to happen in front of Miss Catherine was a real pain. Getting expectations from fantasy does not translate well into reality. "Hey, got a job opening here?" "Sorry, not for the time being," Miss Catherine answered. "What the hell am I supposed to do? I tried to hang myself and the rope snapped! I jumped off a bridge and it felt like nothing, so I jumped off the same bridge twice and again, it was nothing! I jumped off a building only to wake up on the roof because I passed out on the way up! What does God want from me?" "Maybe he's telling you that your time is not up yet?" "I sucked six guys off for $12 total. I had to make some sort of income and ended up degrading myself! I don't think I can live any longer." "Why would you do something like that?" "I read online somewhere that if I could suck some guys off for a dollar each, I could make a million dollars if I end up sucking off a million guys. So I thought if I charged $2 a sucking, I could get there at half the time. But dammit! It was awful! It tasted indescribably salty, my knees hurt, and my mouth aches! What would my girlfriend think!?" "That's...I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to answer that..." "My life is over, Miss! No...wait." The man grabs his beer and raises it up above himself with importance as though the glass was the Holy Grail. He tilts down the glass and swigs down the beer that flowed down like a waterfall. The glass never touched his lips. Miss Catherine was sure such sights were only possible in cartoons but the man was able to perform it flawlessly. Perhaps he should've gotten a job at a circus. After emptying his glass, he slams it down on the counter with a loud "thunk!" Miss Catherine does not enjoy having to risk the glass getting worn out after countless number of other "thunks". "If God isn't going to let me die, that means I must be blessed. Blessed with this misfortune!" exclaimed the man. A strange thing to say, indeed. Miss Catherine asks, "Sir...are you feeling okay?" "Okay!? I've never been better! This is brilliant! You know how people do crazy, painful stunts for entertainment, right?" "Yeah..." "That's just it! I'm going to become a stuntman! Putting myself in harm's way for the people to enjoy the misery of a single man. And that man is going to be me!" "That seems wonderful, but you have to calm down and think this through." "What are you saying, Miss? I'm invincible! God doesn't want me dead! He's not going to let me die! And I'm done swallowing all that disgusting man fluid! Thank you, Miss! I feel like I've gotten back something that I lost…something that has gone missing throughout all these years of me just trying to pull through, but I've found it. The missing piece has been discovered! Everything that fell apart can be glued back together! It may not be easy at first but I'm guaranteed to make it!" "Sir, I have to ask you to calm down." "I can't, Miss! I can't! I'm flying towards heaven! Not literally, but this flower's going to be blooming real soon! This kingdom will not fall to the ground! I'm going to become the world's number one stuntman! Why didn't this occur to me earlier? Oh, Miss. Thank you so much for opening my eyes! This miserable, old, pathetic man will no longer be a miserable, old, pathetic man. I will be something I never was in my life: successful. And I have you to thank for! Here, take all the money I have left." The miserable, old, pathetic man reaches into his pocket and slams down the content on the counter. His hand lifts away to reveal a $5 bill and an impressive stack of coins which probably amounted to $3 or $4. It certainly wasn't much of a tip, but Miss Catherine was more than ready for this customer to leave and let the power rush to drain outside of the bar. "Wish me good luck, Miss! I don't think that's necessary though. I have a great feeling with what's coming ahead. The road to the future is paved in yellow bricks. I can almost see it," and that was the last thing the man said before he hopped and skipped out of the bar while humming to a familiar tune about a yellow brick road. Miss Catherine wished the best for the man after having to hear the tough times he went through. As much as Miss Catherine wanted the man to leave as quickly as possible, she always had sympathy for the unfortunate souls of customers such as the miserable, old, pathetic man with sunglasses. It was a week or so after Miss Catherine last saw the miserable, old, pathetic man. Miss Catherine was in the warmth of her cozy apartment which peered high from the city's skies. Her laptop's screen glows with the web page of the news section of an anonymous message board. Miss Catherine's attention was caught by a certain thread regarding a man named Harold Thomas (age 38) who was the stuntman for an indie film but met with his death after an attempted stunt turned into a fatal motorbike drowning accident. The image of Harold Thomas was that of the miserable, old, pathetic man, complete with his sunglasses. Miss Catherine's heart sank ten feet down. Was there something she could have done? Could she have saved Mr. Harold Thomas' life? Such things should be left alone and not be thought about for too long, otherwise it may drive one crazy and Miss Catherine knew that. So, she decided to forget about the miserable, old, pathetic man, the incident with him at the bar, and his untimely death. It would be unhealthy for Miss Catherine to dwell on such issues and she understood that quite well. Oh, Miss Catherine. We hope you have a good night. We really do.
{ "title": "A Dessert of Dreams", "id": 21385, "author": "compass96", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter Seven: Why Do All Men Want You Dead", "id": 305764, "next": 306071, "prev": 305470, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwNjFhMGQwMTZmZTQ4MmU4NGJhNmNjZmI1ZWM4MmNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few days later, Choice found herself in front of a giant portal. It had been a week since she and her brother had left Legume. She’d turned back to glance at her kingdom as it disappeared out of sight. This would be the first time that she had left Legume in her lifetime. Perpetual didn’t count because for her it was exactly the same as her country.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDczNDhlY2JmNTQxNjM4ZWIyMDUyZDY3MzVjNGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Kingdom of Favrier was a very rich kingdom not because of anything inherent in the kingdom but because of its portal. Portals were the only real method to use to travel between continents. You could try to travel by sea but the ocean was filled with frightening creatures that forged on any ship that passed their territory. Even mages resorted to portal devices because although a lot of them could fly or power a vehicle with flight runes, the sky too was too dangerous for mortals.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTZlMzUyNjY2NjRhNTFhYmNmZTIxZmViYzgxNWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">So the Fevrier portal serviced the entire southwest side of the Xin Continent. It brought riches and plenty trouble but money always helps in situations like that. No one knew where Internationale was based but they had an address programmed into all the portals so the only way to get to the school was through the portal. Using the portal was expensive but the price for travelling to Internationale for its students and ex students was almost non existent. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNDE4ZTgyZmYzYzRkYTdhZTViMTNjNmI2ZDdiYjY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice turned away from the portal and looked at the busy market that surrounded it. It was packed with people and constantly there were people queueing up to enter the portal and people coming out of the portal. She’d spent hours just looking at the vibrancy of the market and comparing it with that of her home. She couldn’t help but find that of her home inferior.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZmMxZjFiZDdkOTRjMGZhNGFmYWE5Njk1ZWE4MDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is there something you’d like to buy,” Rachel asked beside her. She’d come on the day they were about to leave Legume and had told her that her mother had asked if she could accompany her for her protection.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODgwYWVlZDkwODQwZjI4ZDJkZWRkNWQ0NmFkMjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice knew that this was her mother’s way of spying on her and making sure that she was going to fulfill her part of the bargain. It made her even more suspicious of what was in the envelope that would lead her mother to lend to her one of her best trained fighters.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDc0NTk3YjMyNzQ4OTFiNGMxZTA5OTMyZGVmMWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t have any money,” Choice replied nonchalantly. She had not received any money from anyone with the assumption being that her brother would take care of her. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTMzMTQ2NDQyMjQzYWU4YWRlZWNlYWQ4NTJlZGJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have money,” Rachel replied, “Is there anything you want me to get for you?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTNlYzQxYzM5ZjRlYjlhN2E5ZjI0MjhkMDY1Mjgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aren’t supposed to be spying on me?” Choice said grimly. Did her mother really think she was that stupid that she wouldn’t realise the real reason why she had sent this girl to her. Or did she know and just not care?</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWNiNjE2ZTliYTQ5MDA4ZjRjODgzMTc5ZmY3YjY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m just here to guard and keep you safe nothing more.” Choice scoffed at this response and said nothing else. She listened to the hustle and bustle of the noise and imagined Legume as a thriving Kingdom. She saw it being a country that could survive off its produce and not have to sell the food it made below cost price. Most importantly she imagined herself being in control of a kingdom that powerful. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZmM0ZTIwZGM1YzQ2MmNhOGVmYTg2YzgzMjNlNzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was what she did every day. Whenever her dream seemed impossible, Choice would imagine herself being Queen and it would help her continue on this difficult path where she had no one. Where her birth mother had just asked her to whore herself out for a brother she hadn’t seen in twelve years. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Don’t think about that.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiOGRkOTBkYzEyYjRkNTM4NWMyMjg4ZWU3NGFhZjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice got up and walked to the palace, Rachel walking beside her. She really didn’t know what was keeping them at the palace. It had been two days since they’d arrived and they still hadn’t been able to go through the portal. She was almost certain that the delay was the refusal of the King to let them travel with the entourage but she couldn’t be certain. She’d been dissuaded by her brother from joining the conversation. The princess had even tried to entertain her by going shopping for clothes but Choice couldn't be bothered.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDM3NzViZDczNzQ3OGU4NzIyMTg2MWQ1ZTFlYThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She liked wearing gorgeous things just as much as the next person but she was already bored of Favrier. Yes it was richer and more vibrant and more extravagant but this wasn’t her destination. Choice knew that the smarter thing would have been to go around looking for information that could possibly help her in the future and not to have a sulk like she had done but for once she wanted to do the stupid thing and make a fuss. She just wanted to fix her magic.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjZjZjlkZjEzOTRjNjdhOTM0MGJhMjlkMGEzMzNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Choice arrived at the palace she was surprised to see her brother waiting in front of the palace. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NjY3YzU5NjQ1MzRhMTliNWJmMmFhNGIwM2Y0NzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Time to go,” he said sullenly when she came closer to him. Looking at his face, Choice guessed that he hadn’t been able to come with all the guards they came with. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">That was to be expected, if I was Cedric I would have agreed to let go of some of my protection in exchange for some incentives. But I guess he didn’t get anything in exchange.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0ZjFjZjFmY2VhMTRhMWU5YTFiNGUzZTlkMTk3MDZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s happened to all the guards, brother?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDYzYjgyMjY0OTRkNTc4ODY1ODIyNDAyYTAzMDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I told them to stay behind. We don’t need them, your older brother is strong enough to protect you,” Cedric said and flexed his muscles.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZmUxODE5N2YwNjQ4Mzg5OTRhMzU4NmU3OGJlMDhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course. I never doubted you. You’re very strong. So does this mean I have to leave my maid behind,” Choice asked glancing at Rachel.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODI1NDVmYWMzNDRjZTU5MTk3ZDMxOTUxYzdhZTgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh no. She can come. It wouldn’t do for you to have no female companion. That wouldn’t be proper.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTk0ZjQ3NGFmYTRjMWQ4YmFmZjY4ZTAwZDc0NzMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ha, of course brother. I’m so glad you care about my reputation.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWVkMzM0ZTdlYjQzOWNiMTc3N2NjN2VmNDZlYzFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re my sister. I wouldn’t want to affect your marriage prospects.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDNjMzRlMzA4ZTQzYTg5MmZhYWRmY2JlMmNmMzgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mmhmm we wouldn’t want that.” Cedric nodded to her and led her to the horse drawn carriage that she and Rachel were going to use to get through the portal. They couldn’t use Kariots to go through and beyond the border as Kariots were powered by runes. Apparently, portals destabilised magical devices that used more than a certain amount of mana. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What a pity that things that relied on few runes or little mana are left unaffected or else I would have been able to read what was in the envelope.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNkNjFmOTIzOWQxOTQ2NTE4NmE5NGI4NTYyNjM0ZTQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The closer they got to the portal, the more nervous Choice got. She began to worry about the negative things that could happen. What if her body got split between the two sides of the portal? What if the portal led to different places for different people and she got sent to a place she’d never heard of?</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTE0NTNlNTNhMzQwNTA4NDQ5NjUwMGE4NDZkMGZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don't be nervous. Portals are very precise and very very few accidents happen. I’ve used portals before so don’t worry it’ll be okay,” Rachel said and held her hand.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOWQ0MDk4ZjEwZTQwNDA5ZTUzYjFjNTU0NmU2Y2Fl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am not nervous. I’m quite excited,” Choice said and removed her hand. She had to remember that someone was always watching. Since she’d discovered her magic (and killed that assassin) she’d found it more difficult to hide her emotions to be the perfect upper class woman. She just wanted to be herself.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMGFkMGJmMjA2ZDQ4Yjc5MDVlZjYyYjU3YTZjYTcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice looked perplexedly at Rachel. Rachel was a curious person. Based on what she’d seen Rachel was a good fighter who’d been in a real fight before. She had also used portals more than once but she was a common person who worked as a maid in a palace. Not for the last time, Choice asked herself what exactly her mother was doing to those children in that hideout of hers and whether she could learn it.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmNkODE2MGM3MTQzNWI5ZTJhNzAyMWFlZTliNzRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since they were members of royalty, they didn’t need to queue with the rest of the crowd so they rode to the side entrance to the portal which was a distance away from the regular entrance.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTYxNzY4MGIwOTQ2YjZhM2NjNGE5YmNiZTYwYmQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice looked up at the portal. It was a giant circular device with black metallic edges and a violet coloured middle which pulsed with flashing lights.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTY5Y2YyY2IyZjQ1MjQ5MDhjMmE4Y2Y3MzAwMGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t get too close to that,” said Cedric as Choice tried to get out of the carriage to have a closer look. He got down from his horse to speak to the person manning the booth , “I haven’t entered our destination yet. Get to close to that and you’ll get sucked in and sent to the wrong place.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODc2MjU5NWYxZTRjOWZhODFjZmQ4OGQyMTFlM2Fk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice took this in and returned back to the carriage. Cedric walked toward ehr and gave her a piece of paper.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmRkN2E4Zjc3OTRlYzlhODM2Yjk5YjQyMWE5OGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s your ticket. It tells the portal where to take us and only works one.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTIxMTA2ZTJjODQzZmFhZDM2YWFkYzMyYTk0N2Mw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is one ticket enough for the three of us in the carriage.” Three people referred to her, Rachel and the driver.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDc2ZDZlNTIyODRjNDY5Y2U1YmY5YTFiMmI0MjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, one’s enough. As long as each transport has one ticket, everyone in it is covered. Let’s go.” They all moved forward and slowly entered the portal.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWUxYzhjNTE1NjRiYTk4YjZiOWVhMmVkYzI3MDk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice’s first travel by portal experience. It seemed like it happened in an instant and yet the pain of having every bone and muscle and flesh of your body being stretched in a thousand different locations seemed to last forever. She couldn’t even scream because she could not move while they were travelling through the portal.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjlmYmNjMzM4MjQ1MmU4ZGMyNmQwYjUzNWUyNjkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">As soon as they crossed the portal, the pain immediately stopped and yet Choice could remember it vividly. Her neck twinged and for a second her throat was slit again.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDE1ZGYxYjA5NTQ0N2E5MTA3NGE5MjY2MTBmMDRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is it always like that,” she asked Rachel breathlessly. “Is it always that painful. How in Moon’s name do you do it more than once.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWM1Mzc4YTYyMzRhNzFiMzQwMDQ2OTFkNWRjZTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Painful? Do you mean travelling by portal. I mean there’s a little bit of pain and you can’t move but it’s really nothing.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlODcwY2JiMDYwODRmMWFhMGJhMTVlNTU4Mjk0ZmQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So it’s not painful for you?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMjc3MGEwYWRmOTRmNGU4OWU5MjhhNTY0YmE3NGQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not really, the pain reduces after the first time,” came the response, “Are you okay though? You’re sweating very much.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjk0Mjc0YzFmYjRmMWZhZmNjNzUwMTkxNjY0Njcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I need some air,” Choice said and immediately left the carriage. She bent her body and put her hands on her knees breathing rapidly. After a few moments, she turned her head to discover her brother and Rachel looking at her with puzzlement. It seemed they hadn’t experienced the pain she did.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjE3ZWU4ZjA2MjQ0NzdhM2Q5ZWY0N2RlMGEzNGU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m fine,” she said and waved her arm, “I just...needed some air. Wasn’t expecting that. To her surprise, she really was fine. The memory of the pain was already fading away to the extent that now she could only compare it to rather bad massage rather than the bone crushing, soul shattering pain than it was. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Probably some magical reason, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">She though but for the first time in her life she wasn’t yearning to find out why. She never wanted to experience that pain again in her life.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDE4NzdlOWIwNTQ5MWY4YWZlZTE0YjMwMGQzYjg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice stood up from her crouch to discover the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She glance wide eyed at the building she could see afar off.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTRlZWUyMDRlOTRlODhhYmIzZGEwNGY5NTM2NWFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, that’s Internationale,” Cedric said at her expression, “You kind of get used to it after a while.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGVlYjc4ZTc1ZTQ2ZGVhZmVkNzBlNWNjYzE0M2Ez"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice could not understand how anyone could get used to this sight. She was already astounded and all she could see were the walls. Internationale had diamond walls. Internationale wasn’t a school, it was a city and it had diamond walls.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTk5MmJlYWFlZjQ2YjdhYWQ3NzRkMjFhYmQwNGE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">From afar, the light of the sun reflected on the walls gave the city an ethereal look. The closer they got the brighter the light became. At a point it became too bright for them to keep their eyes open. Choice closed her eyes but only for a moment as she felt the brightness reduce.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTQ1ODkzZTBiOTQxNjlhNzYxNDA2ZGUzMWE5YzA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s the security measure,” Cedric said grinninging, “By the time you get to the city gates, it so bright that you can’t keep your eyes open. If they think you are an enemy, they gather all the light and use it to fry you on the spot. I’ve seen them do that before. Ah Internationale is just as I imagined it”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTk5ZDUyYjcyZDQ5OGFhMDdmYjA2MTEyNDU1OTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What if we were not considered enemies but were not given access?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWI4NjBkYWE2MTQwZTJiMGI2NDg4ZDI1ZjUwZDUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh then they’ll just leave you there boiling. You’ll either get the hint and go or you’ll stay there and melt. I have seen that happen as well.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTY2YTQ5MGU1MzRiMGI4ZWNiNDFmMWRiNmM4NTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you mean you’ve seen it? Do you climb the walls and watch people dying in front of the gates.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTcwZGVhYjZlOTQ2ZGNiMWVjOWMyMmVmMjE3NTMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, I don’t need to do that. They save images of the deaths and show it to us when we join so we know to be careful of the walls.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjAwNWUzZDFlYzRiYjBhZDg4YzE3YjdkOGFjOWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They do that to children,” Choice asked in surprise. She’d thought that the Internationale would treat the children of their school in a gentler fashion seeing as every child there was either high up in society or was immensely talented.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2QwNTYxMTMyODQ4YmY4NmIzOWQ3ZWVmMjAzMWJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s to build us up they said. Anyway, I know you like diamonds so don’t climb the walls. Just don’t. A kid I knew died from doing that.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDU1YWVmZDQxYjQ2ODQ4NDc3MDVmOGVmMmRiYmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How many deaths have you seen at this school. And how do you know that diamond is a favourite of mine.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTRiNzI3NmY5MDQ4MzA5MGNhMjE1N2JjZmQ5ZDA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ve seen a few,” Cedric replied, “And of course I know that diamonds are your favourites. You talked about diamonds and silver all the time when we played as children.” Choice nodded her head somewhat pleased that Cedric remembered something she’d told him over twelve years ago. Still his attentiveness would not shake her even one bit from taking the throne from him.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NmUxNjM4ZGEzOTRjMjE4ZjJiMDY1ZDg0ZTk5ODQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I really have to leave you now,” Cedric said apologetically, “I’m quite late for the business I had planned here in Internationale. You can take the guard and you have your companion. They’ll keep you safe. But I really need to rush now. I hope you have fun in these three days.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzM0MGQyMmVlNjRiNmZiM2U2ZDI1MjUwZjQwOWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thank you Brother Cedric,” Choice said and curtseyed, “Sun willing may the next time we meet be as pleasant and joyful as this one.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjBmNzM1MmUyZjQ3OWVhNTQ5NDQ3NTJhNzZiYTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Same to you. And here I though you were becoming less formal,” he chuckled and said.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzAzM2M5MzU1ZjQyODI4ZWVjYjEyMDI0OGYzODU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am never going to become less formal with you brother,” Choice said and rose from her curtsey. Dang, she still hated doing that.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTFmZDI1Yjc0NTRjOTc4ZmVjNmQzNmUzMjA0NzUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, we’ll see. Goodbye for now. See you in three days,” Cedric said and ran down the street. It was not just her, Rachel and her guard. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDBiMzM4NDJmMTQ1ZTE5ZmVhN2RmODUwOTUxMjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your highness, may I be excused,” Rachel said. Choice looked at her sharply, wasn’t she here to make sure she delivered her mother's envelope without tampering. It looked like she wasn’t. “I have urgent errands to run for your mother.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODlkM2EyOGMyMTQ0YTdhNjhlMmUwYzIxZjZlNDVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">For a second, Choice thought about refusing her request. There was obviously something more going on with Rachel and she could keep an eye on her if she kept Rachel with her. But that moment passed. While she was very curious about what was going on with her mother, she was more concerned about learning what was going on with her and keeping Rachel with her would be a burden.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2I4ODg2MjdkZjQ2MTZhMzNkOTY3NjRlNDI0OTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You may go,” Choice told her, “In fact, I would rather if after this excursion you returned to my mother. I am sure she would require your help more than I would.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWJhNzhkOTlmMDRhNDQ5NmZkZWQ3Y2JjMmIwNzVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m sorry Princess Choice. Your mother told me that she was assigning me to be your maid so I don’t know if she will accept my return.” There was silence for a moment. Choice grit her teeth together and sighed.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzE3MTAzYTA4YjRjNjJiNWE5MjJlZmE2NDk0YmRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I guess I will have to speak to my mother when we return but just go.” She waved and dismissed her.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzgzMGZmMjczNzRmZmNhYjM2ZDVjMGJkYzNkYzVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now there was only two. Choice turned to her guard.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2Q0OTVkNjIzODRiMmJiMjAzYWM3YWY2ZjQ1YzE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’re lost here. Please go ask someone where directions to our temporary residence is.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmU2YWY4YjdlYjQ0NWE5ODIzMzFhNTJiYWU0ZGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No need your highness. The Prince provided me with a map,” came the reply, “I don’t need to leave you.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZWNjZmFhZmU0NTQ1NzZiYWJkODYzODQzOTM5MjIy"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh that is it. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Guard,” Choice said, “I’m not asking you to actually go look for directions I’m dismissing you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjM5M2E3ZGE0NTRlOWM4NDcyZjdlNmRiYzQxZGI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well that is very direct, your highness but I am here to protect you.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzQ5MzgxMjYwMTQxNWFhZTBiZjhlOTRkZDExZWEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see but who is protecting your family while you do this.” Choice sneered. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWZkMjE0YWY5ZDQ3OGRiZDIxMzVmMTdjZjhlNjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I-I don’t understand.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTM1Nzc3ZjE4MDQyZmI5NGQ1ODQxNjQxZjEwYWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fred. I know you have a wife and a daughter. A young child really just born. Imagine what if you no longer had the income the palace provided you to take care of them.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTE1MGUyYjIwMzRiZWE5NmYyMjkzOTE0OWE0YTcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you…”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTI4NWRlMWI2NzQ0MmQ5ZGMwYzZiMWQ0OWQwN2Nj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What I am telling you is that I am here on official royal business and it’s not something that is open to the general public. It would be very unfortunate if someone lost their job and got into trouble all because they didn’t know when to look away. Now, I really need directions so can you ask someone how to get to where we are supposed to stay.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZGY4YWNkOGEwMzRmYTRhZTIxZDI3M2U5OWE5NTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The guard, Fred looked at her in shock as if he could not recognise her. “Understood,” he finally replied.</span></p> <p class="cnMwODFkZTZkNDAyNzRmODRiNDA2OTg1ZTA4YjgyMmY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good. Also, give me the map I need it.” After dismissing the guard, Choice was finally alone. There definitely were perks to being royalty. She looked around the plaza she was in. As expected it was stunning. There were no diamond walls here but the walls were white marble walls with blue sapphires arranged all over. The street road was the cleanest she’d ever seen and was artfully arranged with alternating grey and red blocks. It surprisingly worked.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YWI4ZWJiYjI5YjRiNGFhNTFjMWM4MjUyZTExODll"><span style="font-weight: 400">When she strained her eyes, she could see on the road and on every wall runes of different shapes and sizes. She couldn’t read or understand them but she knew what runes usually looked like. Not only was this city school beautiful it was also well guarded. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YTZjYjExZmQ5MzRjMTRiNDhhNDRkZjdiYzY1Mzli"><span style="font-weight: 400">It reminded her of her mother and suddenly all the delight she felt from being at the Internationale faded away. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Time to stop dawdling. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice looked at her map and started walking towards the library.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDc3NzBjNGMxMTQ0NWViNTUwNTlmZmFmMzA2MDg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">When she got to where the library was marked on the map, Choice looked around in surprise. There didn’t seem to be any buildings that would resemble a library.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmM0NmYwZGU4ODRjMmJhYzE2NmI0NjExZWMxNjlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you looking for something?” A voice asked and Choice replied in the positive absentmindedly. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Wait a second, who just spoke, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">she thought and whirled around. Behind her was a black haired man with olive skin and blue painted nails. He was trying to peek over her shoulder to look at her map.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjJjMTlmOTRkMjQ3MjFiY2RjY2ZiMWVjYzFmNzU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Can I help you,” Choice asked guardedly. She had not forgotten that she was in an unknown city without any guards and she fingered her knives in her pockets.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGU4ZTA3MTcyNjRkYzk5MjJlZWU0MjkxMzQ1Njdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sorry,” he said smiling and raising his hands, “I didn’t mean any harm. I just saw you looking around and thought you were lost. Can I help?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYWRiZTYxNDhjYzRjNzc5MzAzZjEyOTFhM2M5MDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Em, okay I’m okay. I’m just looking for the library. The map says the library is here but there is nothing here. Do you know where the library is?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjE5ZGE5NGE2MTQ1ZjA4NDY5YzhmYmYyNDU4NzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh the library. Sure I can help you with that. It’s just right here.” If Choice had not been wary of him, she would have missed the needle he threw at her but she wasn’t so she dodged it and it pierced the tree right behind her. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Holy shit, he was fucking trying to kill me.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1ODQ2MjNhMTkyYTQ4ZjVhYmIxN2EyZDk4YjhlNDkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who are you,” the boy asked. His demeanour had changed instantly. He had looked like a friendly, flashy person before but now he had an aura of a warrior, “All student and alumni have badges that give them access to the library. You don’t so you are an outsider and yet you have a map. Talk or the next one goes in your throat.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDcxYjBjOTNmYTQ5NmNhY2MyZTkwMGNiNzdhMzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice saw nine needles floating in the air and deduced that he was a wind mage. The last time she’d seen a wind mage, they were saving her life. Even if he had only a quarter of the power that green eyes had had, she still wouldn’t be able to defeat him. Dodging the first needle had been a drag even though she had been on full alert. Also there was something wrong with this city that dampened her sensory abilities even further.</span></p> <p class="cnNkN2Q5ZWY5MzJiZTRkOWRiNjk5MDJlY2E1Yjk0YTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The main narrowed his eyes,” You don’t want to talk fine.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2IyYWEyNjEyMTRjM2E5MmViYmM2YzMyOTZkZDBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My brother gave me the map,” She said quickly, “Prince Cedric Legume is my older brother and I have a younger brother currently attending called Cero Legume. Any chance you would have heard of them.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2E4Y2IzM2IyNjQ5ZTk5MWEzMzkwZTQyMmQ5NzVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not really. There are too many people in this school, I wouldn't know everyone. But I believe you.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODQ2NWY1OGRhYjRlNzZiNzdiMzJkNTgyNzMzNGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You do. How.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzM2U0ZWY3MjQyYzRiZWU4Y2NjMzE1ZDYyMTdiODdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“School registry checks out,” he said showing her a device on his wrist, “Sorry for scaring you. Just have to be certain that there are no intruders coming to the library.” He waved his hands and all the needles, including the one embedded in a tree, returned to his hand. In a second, they vanished. </span></p> <p class="cnNiY2FmNWM1Zjk2ZjQwNjhhOGFhZjljZDFkZjg3ZjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s fine, I understand.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmZiMTdlNWExNzQwMjE4Y2FjMzNlNDM2MzNhNTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My name’s Lee,” he said and held his palm out to her, “I’m one of the student librarians. What’s yours.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGQ3MWYxYTYxMzRmYzE4MTViOTNiNDAxYzVkYjcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m Choice. Nice to meet you,” Choice replied and shook his hands, “Can I use the library or is it for students only.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDQ2NzQ3NjMwNTQ3NmE5YmRlYmE0YzBjZTcyZjZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Usually, outsiders would have to go through a long process to be able to enter the library but families of student and staff can use it. To a point.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjc0YjQwMGZmODRkYzRiNDI5OGQxZjAwZWI4NTcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“To what point can I use it.” Choice turned to him and asked with an ecstatic expression.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjY0MDBiODA1ZTRjZWE4NjBjMDc0NjYyNjgxOTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why don’t you come in and see,” he said and pressed the device on his wrist, “It’s not very often I get to do this.” After he pressed the button, a building began to emerge from nothingness. The mist cleared, the eyes opened and without fanfare there was a very tall building where there had been a little stall before. It had beige walls but had blue dots all over. It was very high going up six stories and it was gorgeous. All place of genuine learning are.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNWExYWRlZjJkMzRkMGFhYTAzNWYzYjhmMTk3NzZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah,” Lee interrupted, “It’s being a long time since I was able to see that look on anyone face. Choice Legume, welcome to the library. How can I help you?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWFkNTAwM2U0ODQzZjk5ZjI1NTI5YjAwNWE4ZTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Choice looked at Lee and smiled, “Well Lee, I’m looking for some books to read.”</span></p> </div>
A few days later, Choice found herself in front of a giant portal. It had been a week since she and her brother had left Legume. She’d turned back to glance at her kingdom as it disappeared out of sight. This would be the first time that she had left Legume in her lifetime. Perpetual didn’t count because for her it was exactly the same as her country. The Kingdom of Favrier was a very rich kingdom not because of anything inherent in the kingdom but because of its portal. Portals were the only real method to use to travel between continents. You could try to travel by sea but the ocean was filled with frightening creatures that forged on any ship that passed their territory. Even mages resorted to portal devices because although a lot of them could fly or power a vehicle with flight runes, the sky too was too dangerous for mortals. So the Fevrier portal serviced the entire southwest side of the Xin Continent. It brought riches and plenty trouble but money always helps in situations like that. No one knew where Internationale was based but they had an address programmed into all the portals so the only way to get to the school was through the portal. Using the portal was expensive but the price for travelling to Internationale for its students and ex students was almost non existent. Choice turned away from the portal and looked at the busy market that surrounded it. It was packed with people and constantly there were people queueing up to enter the portal and people coming out of the portal. She’d spent hours just looking at the vibrancy of the market and comparing it with that of her home. She couldn’t help but find that of her home inferior. “Is there something you’d like to buy,” Rachel asked beside her. She’d come on the day they were about to leave Legume and had told her that her mother had asked if she could accompany her for her protection. Choice knew that this was her mother’s way of spying on her and making sure that she was going to fulfill her part of the bargain. It made her even more suspicious of what was in the envelope that would lead her mother to lend to her one of her best trained fighters. “I don’t have any money,” Choice replied nonchalantly. She had not received any money from anyone with the assumption being that her brother would take care of her. “I have money,” Rachel replied, “Is there anything you want me to get for you?” “Aren’t supposed to be spying on me?” Choice said grimly. Did her mother really think she was that stupid that she wouldn’t realise the real reason why she had sent this girl to her. Or did she know and just not care? “I’m just here to guard and keep you safe nothing more.” Choice scoffed at this response and said nothing else. She listened to the hustle and bustle of the noise and imagined Legume as a thriving Kingdom. She saw it being a country that could survive off its produce and not have to sell the food it made below cost price. Most importantly she imagined herself being in control of a kingdom that powerful. This was what she did every day. Whenever her dream seemed impossible, Choice would imagine herself being Queen and it would help her continue on this difficult path where she had no one. Where her birth mother had just asked her to whore herself out for a brother she hadn’t seen in twelve years. *Don’t think about that.* Choice got up and walked to the palace, Rachel walking beside her. She really didn’t know what was keeping them at the palace. It had been two days since they’d arrived and they still hadn’t been able to go through the portal. She was almost certain that the delay was the refusal of the King to let them travel with the entourage but she couldn’t be certain. She’d been dissuaded by her brother from joining the conversation. The princess had even tried to entertain her by going shopping for clothes but Choice couldn't be bothered. She liked wearing gorgeous things just as much as the next person but she was already bored of Favrier. Yes it was richer and more vibrant and more extravagant but this wasn’t her destination. Choice knew that the smarter thing would have been to go around looking for information that could possibly help her in the future and not to have a sulk like she had done but for once she wanted to do the stupid thing and make a fuss. She just wanted to fix her magic. When Choice arrived at the palace she was surprised to see her brother waiting in front of the palace. “Time to go,” he said sullenly when she came closer to him. Looking at his face, Choice guessed that he hadn’t been able to come with all the guards they came with. *That was to be expected, if I was Cedric I would have agreed to let go of some of my protection in exchange for some incentives. But I guess he didn’t get anything in exchange.* “What’s happened to all the guards, brother?” “I told them to stay behind. We don’t need them, your older brother is strong enough to protect you,” Cedric said and flexed his muscles. “Of course. I never doubted you. You’re very strong. So does this mean I have to leave my maid behind,” Choice asked glancing at Rachel. “Oh no. She can come. It wouldn’t do for you to have no female companion. That wouldn’t be proper.” “Ha, of course brother. I’m so glad you care about my reputation.” “You’re my sister. I wouldn’t want to affect your marriage prospects.” “Mmhmm we wouldn’t want that.” Cedric nodded to her and led her to the horse drawn carriage that she and Rachel were going to use to get through the portal. They couldn’t use Kariots to go through and beyond the border as Kariots were powered by runes. Apparently, portals destabilised magical devices that used more than a certain amount of mana. *What a pity that things that relied on few runes or little mana are left unaffected or else I would have been able to read what was in the envelope.* The closer they got to the portal, the more nervous Choice got. She began to worry about the negative things that could happen. What if her body got split between the two sides of the portal? What if the portal led to different places for different people and she got sent to a place she’d never heard of? “Don't be nervous. Portals are very precise and very very few accidents happen. I’ve used portals before so don’t worry it’ll be okay,” Rachel said and held her hand. “I am not nervous. I’m quite excited,” Choice said and removed her hand. She had to remember that someone was always watching. Since she’d discovered her magic (and killed that assassin) she’d found it more difficult to hide her emotions to be the perfect upper class woman. She just wanted to be herself. Choice looked perplexedly at Rachel. Rachel was a curious person. Based on what she’d seen Rachel was a good fighter who’d been in a real fight before. She had also used portals more than once but she was a common person who worked as a maid in a palace. Not for the last time, Choice asked herself what exactly her mother was doing to those children in that hideout of hers and whether she could learn it. Since they were members of royalty, they didn’t need to queue with the rest of the crowd so they rode to the side entrance to the portal which was a distance away from the regular entrance. Choice looked up at the portal. It was a giant circular device with black metallic edges and a violet coloured middle which pulsed with flashing lights. “Don’t get too close to that,” said Cedric as Choice tried to get out of the carriage to have a closer look. He got down from his horse to speak to the person manning the booth , “I haven’t entered our destination yet. Get to close to that and you’ll get sucked in and sent to the wrong place.” Choice took this in and returned back to the carriage. Cedric walked toward ehr and gave her a piece of paper. “That’s your ticket. It tells the portal where to take us and only works one.” “Is one ticket enough for the three of us in the carriage.” Three people referred to her, Rachel and the driver. “Yeah, one’s enough. As long as each transport has one ticket, everyone in it is covered. Let’s go.” They all moved forward and slowly entered the portal. Choice’s first travel by portal experience. It seemed like it happened in an instant and yet the pain of having every bone and muscle and flesh of your body being stretched in a thousand different locations seemed to last forever. She couldn’t even scream because she could not move while they were travelling through the portal. As soon as they crossed the portal, the pain immediately stopped and yet Choice could remember it vividly. Her neck twinged and for a second her throat was slit again. “Is it always like that,” she asked Rachel breathlessly. “Is it always that painful. How in Moon’s name do you do it more than once.” “Painful? Do you mean travelling by portal. I mean there’s a little bit of pain and you can’t move but it’s really nothing.” “So it’s not painful for you?” “Not really, the pain reduces after the first time,” came the response, “Are you okay though? You’re sweating very much.” “I need some air,” Choice said and immediately left the carriage. She bent her body and put her hands on her knees breathing rapidly. After a few moments, she turned her head to discover her brother and Rachel looking at her with puzzlement. It seemed they hadn’t experienced the pain she did. “I’m fine,” she said and waved her arm, “I just...needed some air. Wasn’t expecting that. To her surprise, she really was fine. The memory of the pain was already fading away to the extent that now she could only compare it to rather bad massage rather than the bone crushing, soul shattering pain than it was. *Probably some magical reason,* She though but for the first time in her life she wasn’t yearning to find out why. She never wanted to experience that pain again in her life. Choice stood up from her crouch to discover the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She glance wide eyed at the building she could see afar off. “Yes, that’s Internationale,” Cedric said at her expression, “You kind of get used to it after a while.” Choice could not understand how anyone could get used to this sight. She was already astounded and all she could see were the walls. Internationale had diamond walls. Internationale wasn’t a school, it was a city and it had diamond walls. From afar, the light of the sun reflected on the walls gave the city an ethereal look. The closer they got the brighter the light became. At a point it became too bright for them to keep their eyes open. Choice closed her eyes but only for a moment as she felt the brightness reduce. “That’s the security measure,” Cedric said grinninging, “By the time you get to the city gates, it so bright that you can’t keep your eyes open. If they think you are an enemy, they gather all the light and use it to fry you on the spot. I’ve seen them do that before. Ah Internationale is just as I imagined it” “What if we were not considered enemies but were not given access?” “Oh then they’ll just leave you there boiling. You’ll either get the hint and go or you’ll stay there and melt. I have seen that happen as well.” “What do you mean you’ve seen it? Do you climb the walls and watch people dying in front of the gates.” “No, I don’t need to do that. They save images of the deaths and show it to us when we join so we know to be careful of the walls.” “They do that to children,” Choice asked in surprise. She’d thought that the Internationale would treat the children of their school in a gentler fashion seeing as every child there was either high up in society or was immensely talented. “It’s to build us up they said. Anyway, I know you like diamonds so don’t climb the walls. Just don’t. A kid I knew died from doing that.” “How many deaths have you seen at this school. And how do you know that diamond is a favourite of mine.” “I’ve seen a few,” Cedric replied, “And of course I know that diamonds are your favourites. You talked about diamonds and silver all the time when we played as children.” Choice nodded her head somewhat pleased that Cedric remembered something she’d told him over twelve years ago. Still his attentiveness would not shake her even one bit from taking the throne from him. “I really have to leave you now,” Cedric said apologetically, “I’m quite late for the business I had planned here in Internationale. You can take the guard and you have your companion. They’ll keep you safe. But I really need to rush now. I hope you have fun in these three days.” “Thank you Brother Cedric,” Choice said and curtseyed, “Sun willing may the next time we meet be as pleasant and joyful as this one.” “Same to you. And here I though you were becoming less formal,” he chuckled and said. “I am never going to become less formal with you brother,” Choice said and rose from her curtsey. Dang, she still hated doing that. “Well, we’ll see. Goodbye for now. See you in three days,” Cedric said and ran down the street. It was not just her, Rachel and her guard. “Your highness, may I be excused,” Rachel said. Choice looked at her sharply, wasn’t she here to make sure she delivered her mother's envelope without tampering. It looked like she wasn’t. “I have urgent errands to run for your mother.” For a second, Choice thought about refusing her request. There was obviously something more going on with Rachel and she could keep an eye on her if she kept Rachel with her. But that moment passed. While she was very curious about what was going on with her mother, she was more concerned about learning what was going on with her and keeping Rachel with her would be a burden. “You may go,” Choice told her, “In fact, I would rather if after this excursion you returned to my mother. I am sure she would require your help more than I would.” “I’m sorry Princess Choice. Your mother told me that she was assigning me to be your maid so I don’t know if she will accept my return.” There was silence for a moment. Choice grit her teeth together and sighed. “I guess I will have to speak to my mother when we return but just go.” She waved and dismissed her. Now there was only two. Choice turned to her guard. “We’re lost here. Please go ask someone where directions to our temporary residence is.” “No need your highness. The Prince provided me with a map,” came the reply, “I don’t need to leave you.” *Oh that is it.* “Guard,” Choice said, “I’m not asking you to actually go look for directions I’m dismissing you.” “Well that is very direct, your highness but I am here to protect you.” “I see but who is protecting your family while you do this.” Choice sneered. “I-I don’t understand.” “Fred. I know you have a wife and a daughter. A young child really just born. Imagine what if you no longer had the income the palace provided you to take care of them.” “What do you…” “What I am telling you is that I am here on official royal business and it’s not something that is open to the general public. It would be very unfortunate if someone lost their job and got into trouble all because they didn’t know when to look away. Now, I really need directions so can you ask someone how to get to where we are supposed to stay.” The guard, Fred looked at her in shock as if he could not recognise her. “Understood,” he finally replied. “Good. Also, give me the map I need it.” After dismissing the guard, Choice was finally alone. There definitely were perks to being royalty. She looked around the plaza she was in. As expected it was stunning. There were no diamond walls here but the walls were white marble walls with blue sapphires arranged all over. The street road was the cleanest she’d ever seen and was artfully arranged with alternating grey and red blocks. It surprisingly worked. When she strained her eyes, she could see on the road and on every wall runes of different shapes and sizes. She couldn’t read or understand them but she knew what runes usually looked like. Not only was this city school beautiful it was also well guarded. It reminded her of her mother and suddenly all the delight she felt from being at the Internationale faded away. *Time to stop dawdling.* Choice looked at her map and started walking towards the library. When she got to where the library was marked on the map, Choice looked around in surprise. There didn’t seem to be any buildings that would resemble a library. “Are you looking for something?” A voice asked and Choice replied in the positive absentmindedly. *Wait a second, who just spoke,* she thought and whirled around. Behind her was a black haired man with olive skin and blue painted nails. He was trying to peek over her shoulder to look at her map. “Can I help you,” Choice asked guardedly. She had not forgotten that she was in an unknown city without any guards and she fingered her knives in her pockets. “Sorry,” he said smiling and raising his hands, “I didn’t mean any harm. I just saw you looking around and thought you were lost. Can I help?” “Em, okay I’m okay. I’m just looking for the library. The map says the library is here but there is nothing here. Do you know where the library is?” “Oh the library. Sure I can help you with that. It’s just right here.” If Choice had not been wary of him, she would have missed the needle he threw at her but she wasn’t so she dodged it and it pierced the tree right behind her. *Holy shit, he was fucking trying to kill me.* “Who are you,” the boy asked. His demeanour had changed instantly. He had looked like a friendly, flashy person before but now he had an aura of a warrior, “All student and alumni have badges that give them access to the library. You don’t so you are an outsider and yet you have a map. Talk or the next one goes in your throat.” Choice saw nine needles floating in the air and deduced that he was a wind mage. The last time she’d seen a wind mage, they were saving her life. Even if he had only a quarter of the power that green eyes had had, she still wouldn’t be able to defeat him. Dodging the first needle had been a drag even though she had been on full alert. Also there was something wrong with this city that dampened her sensory abilities even further. The main narrowed his eyes,” You don’t want to talk fine.” “My brother gave me the map,” She said quickly, “Prince Cedric Legume is my older brother and I have a younger brother currently attending called Cero Legume. Any chance you would have heard of them.” “Not really. There are too many people in this school, I wouldn't know everyone. But I believe you.” “You do. How.” “School registry checks out,” he said showing her a device on his wrist, “Sorry for scaring you. Just have to be certain that there are no intruders coming to the library.” He waved his hands and all the needles, including the one embedded in a tree, returned to his hand. In a second, they vanished. “It’s fine, I understand.” “My name’s Lee,” he said and held his palm out to her, “I’m one of the student librarians. What’s yours.” “I’m Choice. Nice to meet you,” Choice replied and shook his hands, “Can I use the library or is it for students only.” “Usually, outsiders would have to go through a long process to be able to enter the library but families of student and staff can use it. To a point.” “To what point can I use it.” Choice turned to him and asked with an ecstatic expression. “Why don’t you come in and see,” he said and pressed the device on his wrist, “It’s not very often I get to do this.” After he pressed the button, a building began to emerge from nothingness. The mist cleared, the eyes opened and without fanfare there was a very tall building where there had been a little stall before. It had beige walls but had blue dots all over. It was very high going up six stories and it was gorgeous. All place of genuine learning are. “Yeah,” Lee interrupted, “It’s being a long time since I was able to see that look on anyone face. Choice Legume, welcome to the library. How can I help you?” Choice looked at Lee and smiled, “Well Lee, I’m looking for some books to read.”
{ "title": "High Tides to Low Clouds (ft. Miss Catherine)", "id": 21537, "author": "FrostedCP", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Miss Catherine and What She Deals With: Part 1", "id": 305765, "next": 305766, "prev": 305541, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4ZTQzY2ZiYzhjMjQxYzc4ODM5M2Q2ZGQxMDJlMzY2">Within the next hour and a half, Miss Catherine will become a free woman for the next two days. One that is able to run amok on the field for hours and no one will attempt to stop her. Whether or not she will decide to do such a thing is another question but it seems very unlikely, for Miss Catherine enjoys taking part in much more casual activities during her free time. Perhaps read a book at a coffee shop. Watch the latest movie with her friends. Perhaps tickle the idea on how to get a boyfriend. A girl her age can become quite lonely. Twenty-eight and never managed to score one while the rest of her friends may very well be on their fourth or fifth attempt at keeping a stable romantic relationship, and it's certain that a good number of people Miss Catherine went to school with are married by now.</p> <p class="cnMyODQ2OGNhNjZjZTQ0ODI5YmEwMDAwNjE2ZWRlYmZj">But for the next hour and a half, Miss Catherine will continue to tend the bar known as "The First Base". Found in an alleyway known for its tech stores and obscure merchandise shops within the modern metropolis. Despite the presence of the night, the sun is not necessary for the lights from the various buildings, store signs, and vehicles shine in such a fashion that it seems the city does not ever take a rest. Many stores, restaurants, and services are 24/7 and Miss Catherine plans to reward herself with some pub activity after the hour and a half. A good friend from high school will be waiting for her, ready to catch up for all the lost time.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjBjMjhlMWFlNTRlYmRhMDUzOGYyMzIyNzEzNTNm">The First Base closes in an hour. Afterwards, Miss Catherine will partake in closing duties for half an hour right after that. As she mentally prepares herself for the least favorite task of her job she has done for the past year or so, she can't help but feel a sense of pride in doing her work. Being a bartender at The First Base has been a rather positive experience for Miss Catherine. Talking to the many different customers and hearing fantastic stories while serving drinks the best she can offer has been something that wasn't quite expected when she first took the job. Of course there are some bad apples that appear from time to time. Dealing with them was not the hardest thing in Miss Catherine's world. She looks around the establishment from behind the bar. Concrete walls lit by neon signs of various alcohol brands. Empty seats and stools left untouched during the slower hour. A quiet pool table waiting for its time of need. Simply soaking in the peace The First Base gets to experience from time to time. As long as it is like this, things should be easy.</p> <p class="cnM3YjViYzk4NmU0OTQxMzhhZTMyZTJiZTE3NTkyNTE1">But it seems like there will be some company for the remainder of the time as the door found directly across the bar has been disturbed. The door swung violently revealing the two rowdy men who had welcomed themselves to the premises. The one on the left, shorter of the two, had an olive green flight jacket that could be found in military surplus stores. Didn't seem to keep his appearance in complete check when you take his messy hair and unkempt stubble into account. The one on the right, the taller of the two sported a strange black leather trench coat that went down to his knees. Looks as though he's a man of high importance. Someone that can knock the wind out of you if you talk ill of. Truth be told, people of that caliber tend to dress normally and do not stand out unless it's due to their muscles as Miss Catherine has figured and the only reason the man does look like he can dodge bullets is because of the eccentric coat. This man's hair was kept short and resembled a crew cut like the ones in the army. Miss Catherine tried to see if he packed any muscle but it was hard to see through his coat.</p> <p class="cnM3MDNmNmE3MGQyYTQ1MjQ5ODA2MWVkY2ZkODdlOTk1">"Look, Carl. I just need help with the movie. I'll give you back the money in a few months. It'll be awesome," the taller man said to the shorter man, Carl as they were fast approaching towards the bar.</p> <p class="cnM3MmMxZDhiNWM2NjQzYzA5YTM5ZWQ2ODIzNzY5MTM5">"Okay! Okay! On one condition," Carl replied. "I get to be in the movie in the scenes with the gun shooting. I always wanted to shoot guns. Oh, and the restaurant scene. You're paying for the food, right?"</p> <p class="cnMwMzAyMzgxNmU4ZTQ1MmZhNWI3NjFmMDQ1NGZlZDQ0">The two men have now sat down at the bar and made themselves comfortable although they didn't stop their heated discussion. Miss Catherine was not sure whether she should interrupt and ask them for their orders.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWViNGNkZGQwMjQzYmE4YTlmZDMxYTUyMWFmZmQ1">"Come on, Mark! Spaghetti in the restaurant scene is not difficult," Carl nagged at the taller man named Mark.</p> <p class="cnNmZGVhMmU0ZWJmNjRlNjM5NWUyZWU2MThiYWE3NjQx">Mark replied, "The spaghetti there costs like $28. I just want a moody scene for the movie. Not have an actual dinner there."</p> <p class="cnNlMjUxOTY2ZWM3NzQ4MTI4YmFlODQxMjFhZTUzMjA0">"Then why would I want to be in the movie when I can go to the arcade and play in the ball pit with Phil?"</p> <p class="cnNjMDFhM2JkZWVlZjQ1MmU4YzBlYmI4MjE4NzQ0MzFh">"Dude, you're twenty-nine and Phil is like fifty. You're two grown men who still play in the ball pit?"</p> <p class="cnNhMGExODQ4NThkNjRjZTlhN2FmZDc0ZGUxYzdiNDY2">"Ball pits are fun. Why should age have anything to do with it?"</p> <p class="cnNkYWFlMTlhMzZhYjQ1MmU5YjY0NmI1Mjg2NWIxMDQ1">"Ahem!" Miss Catherine has made her presence noticed. "What would you two like?"</p> <p class="cnMwNTRkY2NiOTkwODQ0MmJhMTMwZWZkYjFhNDhlNThi">Carl shifted his attention towards the bartender. "I'll get a gin and tonic."</p> <p class="cnM3NTllZDU3NzJiZTRjMzBhZGI1OWUzZDMzYTIxM2U0">Mark does the same as he points his index finger up as though he's attempting to emit a vibe of significance. "Let me get a Cosmopolitan."</p> <p class="cnMzNWZlMjQ3YTBmYjRiMzM5MDU0MjcyNjQxMjNmZWVk">Miss Catherine nods as she brings out the necessary glasses for the drinks. A rocks glass for Carl's drink and a cocktail glass for Mark's.</p> <p class="cnM1NTI2YWU5NDRhMTQ0MTVhYWVmOTU2MzJlZGUyM2Jh">"Hey, bartender," Mark strikes a friendly conversation starter.</p> <p class="cnNiOWUyY2QxZTcxNjQzZDQ4OTUzNGM4YTVjYjE2NTQy">"It's Catherine," Miss Catherine corrects as she pours the necessary amount of alcohol into the jigger in her hand and straight into the cocktail shaker. Following the necessary steps to mix a Cosmopolitan like she has done many times before, but not usually for men. Cosmopolitan is known to be a very feminine drink and Miss Catherine knew that. In fact, many people who drink will, or should, know that.</p> <p class="cnM4M2QwNjczMzI3NzRjZDU5ZjE5OGVkMmYyYWYwODlm">"Miss Catherine, I think you're really beautiful." It wasn't uncommon for Miss Catherine to be hit on by her customers but she had suspicions for men who ordered Cosmopolitans and hit on her.</p> <p class="cnMwMDQzNTJjYzM4NzQyMzhhM2I4M2NiZTZlOWZlZjc4">"Wait," Carl butted in. "Mark, weren't you gay?"</p> <p class="cnNmNWNiODBiNWVlZTRmMmNhMmI2MWRiMzUwNDdiNTE3">"What? No! What are you talking about?"</p> <p class="cnMzMTA5OGVmYzllNjRhODVhYmVkMWNhY2JhYjllYTVm">Miss Catherine has finished with the Cosmopolitan and has moved onto the creation of the gin and tonic with a concerned look on her face as the two would continue with another strange discussion.</p> <p class="cnMwMTNiYzhjYTk1MDQyZjk4ODllMjU4MGQ4ZTk2MThl">"I mean, you did go to that gay bar to recruit the guys there for your movie," Carl pushed on.</p> <p class="cnNlMmE0MTNlOWQ3MzQ4YTZhNjA2YTE0YWRmZWI3NGQ4">"Jacked dudes go to that bar! If I wanted a cool, tough, ripped dude to play a part in the movie, I have to scout for them where they crowd the most." Mark did not budge.</p> <p class="cnNmMDliYmU5YzEwNTRiNTk5NGU3N2VhZGYzZTQzMTkz">"Yeah, but there was a gym like three blocks down the street and I'm certain they were a lot of straight guys who were just as ripped there."</p> <p class="cnM0ZWRmODA2NzI0YTQwM2VhZWE4N2I3Y2U2MjE3ZWJl">"Guys!" Miss Catherine almost shrieked at the two, but was able to hold a majority of it back. "Here's your drinks." She put forth the completed Cosmopolitan and the gin and tonic to their respective drinkers.</p> <p class="cnM5NjcxOGE5NzlmMTQ5NjViNzU5ZWNjYjE5ZmE5ZDNh">"So, Miss Catherine. I really do think you're beautiful. And I'm not just saying that just to get Carl to not think I'm gay."</p> <p class="cnM2ZWRhODAzMWU5ZTQ3MDliYzViOTUwMGI1OTUyOTFi">"Let's just put that aside. I believe you're not gay. And thank you. I always appreciate a compliment from my customers. A woman like me has to take care of herself."</p> <p class="cnNjOWQ5NDc5ZGYzNTQzYmI4OTkyZmZjMDg5NjczYjdl">"I mean, I'm a real ladies man, Miss Catherine. No joke."</p> <p class="cnMwODA5NzE5NTQyZTQ5YjRhOTFhMmFhYWMwMWE1MjRk">Miss Catherine refrained from glaring at Mark. It would be rude to do such a thing to a customer even if they were being suspicious. Giving people such looks should be reserved outside of work. Carl was most definitely getting bored of being out of the equation. His head resting on the palm of his hand sipping the straw in his gin and tonic. Miss Catherine was certainly afraid of letting Mark continue to make an impression of sorts and had to do something before the silence stretched out and Mark took advantage of it.</p> <p class="cnNjMTQzNjBmOTNjZjRlYzM4MGZmZGY3Njc0NzUxM2Ri">"So what restaurant were you two planning to film at?" Miss Catherine asked the duo.</p> <p class="cnMxYWY0MmQyOTAyYzQxNDY4M2VlOTAyY2M4YzM5MWM0">Carl lets go of his straw, ready to give an answer. "Luigi's Kitchen. They got the best spaghetti in the city! Price is high but it's one of those fancy places so I guess it's justified. But seriously, I can't go there often because it'll eat up my wallet up so I tried to convince Mark over here to pay for my meal." Carl gave a look to Mark as though Mark had done something wrong. The one where the wrongdoer denies that they've done any wrongdoing and the look giver will sneer towards their direction to give the impression to a third party that the wrongdoer really is in the wrong. Although in this situation, Miss Catherine is bothered by the fact that the matter is, to her, trivial regardless of Mark committing any wrongdoing. If there was any wrongdoing to be said.</p> <p class="cnNlZWQyOTI4NDljZDQ1NTQ5ZGE3NTk5ZjE2ODM1MjMw">"Look, Carl," Mark has started. "Every time you go there, you end up chewing my money out because you refuse to cover your own bill after ordering too much cheese."</p> <p class="cnMxYmI5YmU2NWRhYzQ1ZmJiNDVlMTk1YTZmODJiNzRh">"Come on, Mark. I live for cheese. Cheese is the best food the world's got to offer with spaghetti coming in second. You can't tell me to stop ordering cheese."</p> <p class="cnNmZmE2NjRmMjUwYTQyYzg5ZmM3YjU5YjVlOGVmODhh">"I can when it becomes my problem."</p> <p class="cnMyZTRmNmUyZjlmNzQwYWFhNGNkODVhZGY4NDVhOTcx">"I'm sorry I just happened to like eating cheese. I'm sorry I can't stop ordering fucking cheese. I just want to live in the moment with cheese! I can't believe that's such a big problem for you. It's just cheese!"</p> <p class="cnM5YTI1NWI4OTU4YTQyOGJiYTBiMGIwNTU0MTMyOWE0">"The problem to me is when you can't cover your own bill. I lost count how many times I had to cover your own fucking bill because you ordered too much cheese that it went over whatever you had in your wallet!"</p> <p class="cnMxNTllMjkxYjM3MTQwMTk5MjYxNmVhNzVhYmY1Nzcz">"Oh. That's the problem? You should've just told me that."</p> <p class="cnM4NjUxZjQzMTNmNjQyNDRiOWU2NjM0NmUyYjdjNDUx">"I have been trying to tell you that this whole time!"</p> <p class="cnNiYjg1MWJhYjI1MDQxMDc5ZmM1YWJhNjg5NWI5MDE5">"You're the one who offered to pay for the meal when we do the restaurant scene for the movie! You think I'm just not going to order cheese?"</p> <p class="cnNhNDFhMzYyNmFmYzRhOWRiODE2MDE4MGE4ZWNlNzlj">Miss Catherine flung herself into the conversation before it escalated down any further. "Guys! Please deal with the movie situation some other time outside the bar. Carl, just pay for your own meal."</p> <p class="cnM4ZWQ2ODc2NjIxYTQ5MWU4ODE4Y2M1NjA3NGZkYjYw">"Okay..."</p> <p class="cnM2MTE4YTRiMDQyYjQ2NzFiMTgwOWI1NjI0ZDZjOTQ5">"And Mark, just find somebody else to be in the movie if Carl's request is too much trouble. People are known to volunteer for this kind of shit. Go pick somebody up at a film school if you have to."</p> <p class="cnNiMDM0ZDhlZDM2MDQ1OTZiNDZkNTg2YmJjYjlkYzBm">"Yeah..."</p> <p class="cnM0NGU0YjAzZjA1ZTRiYjg5YTNkOWZjMWRhYmNlMzhj">"Alright? Did that solve your problems?"</p> <p class="cnM2ZTEzNWZkNmI3MjQ2MzFhMzEzYjNmMzVkOWQ3YmUy">Mark and Carl looked at each other. It was clear from their eyes that there was no need for any discussion between the two for they had arrived at the same conclusion.</p> <p class="cnMxZWE4NzFiNmRmNzRlMGRiNjFjNGIzYmQwNGRhMDA4">"No." They both said simultaneously, their eyes piercing right through Miss Catherine's.</p> <p class="cnM5NzYyNWNjZDZmMjRhYWM4MDk2OGNlNDE5YjY4NTY2">Miss Catherine sighed. She didn't have the energy to deal with the situation any longer. She just wanted it all to end. Truth be told, Miss Catherine has dealt with a number of customers that caused a nuisance to her, but these two were most certainly at the top. How Miss Catherine wanted to kick these two out, but unfortunately for her, they have not broken any rules of the establishment that should warrant their kicking. Their conversation was simply annoying and painful to listen to. Listening to the terrible singing of a raspy old man that could shatter glass would be less painful than these two buffoons.</p> <p class="cnM0ZThjYWUwNjg0MjRlZDNhYjg1OTdkYjNhNDk5NTI0">"Oh shit, what time is it?" Carl asked out of a sudden.</p> <p class="cnMzYzk3MjlhNzIyMDQ0MThiZjkxNTJmMjc5ZDNlMWJi">Mark shifts his focus on his wrist watch. "Goddammit, it's happy hour at the pub!"</p> <p class="cnMyZTY4MTEwZmFlMTRjZWY5ODlkOTZlMjA5NjNkY2Vi">"Shit! We got to get rolling!"</p> <p class="cnNkZGE1OTUxYmY3YTQ3NDg4MWJhMmM2YzFlMjkyZjYz">The pair gulps down what was left in their glasses at record speed. Clearly not the first time for the two. Before Miss Catherine realized it, they were already gone. Empty glasses left on the counter and the troubling duo not a problem any longer, Miss Catherine turns her head to see the digital clock on the wall. The red LED beamed 9:22 pm. The bar will not close until 10:00 pm. Miss Catherine can only pray that those two will never come back again. But for some reason, whether her sixth sense has been awakened for a brief moment or a single strange tingling sensation in the back of her head has told her, she knows they will be back. And when they do come back, she will make them pay for they have forgotten to do that before they left.</p> <p class="cnNlOWRlYjk4ZTRlNDRjMWFiYjdkNTQ3YWUzZjAwZjc3">"Those two troublemakers," Miss Catherine snarls under her breath.</p> <p class="cnM0NjgwODljYzM5OTRjM2Y5NDhkOWU0M2FjYTZhZDhh">Oh, Miss Catherine. We hope you have a good night. We really do.</p> </div>
Within the next hour and a half, Miss Catherine will become a free woman for the next two days. One that is able to run amok on the field for hours and no one will attempt to stop her. Whether or not she will decide to do such a thing is another question but it seems very unlikely, for Miss Catherine enjoys taking part in much more casual activities during her free time. Perhaps read a book at a coffee shop. Watch the latest movie with her friends. Perhaps tickle the idea on how to get a boyfriend. A girl her age can become quite lonely. Twenty-eight and never managed to score one while the rest of her friends may very well be on their fourth or fifth attempt at keeping a stable romantic relationship, and it's certain that a good number of people Miss Catherine went to school with are married by now. But for the next hour and a half, Miss Catherine will continue to tend the bar known as "The First Base". Found in an alleyway known for its tech stores and obscure merchandise shops within the modern metropolis. Despite the presence of the night, the sun is not necessary for the lights from the various buildings, store signs, and vehicles shine in such a fashion that it seems the city does not ever take a rest. Many stores, restaurants, and services are 24/7 and Miss Catherine plans to reward herself with some pub activity after the hour and a half. A good friend from high school will be waiting for her, ready to catch up for all the lost time. The First Base closes in an hour. Afterwards, Miss Catherine will partake in closing duties for half an hour right after that. As she mentally prepares herself for the least favorite task of her job she has done for the past year or so, she can't help but feel a sense of pride in doing her work. Being a bartender at The First Base has been a rather positive experience for Miss Catherine. Talking to the many different customers and hearing fantastic stories while serving drinks the best she can offer has been something that wasn't quite expected when she first took the job. Of course there are some bad apples that appear from time to time. Dealing with them was not the hardest thing in Miss Catherine's world. She looks around the establishment from behind the bar. Concrete walls lit by neon signs of various alcohol brands. Empty seats and stools left untouched during the slower hour. A quiet pool table waiting for its time of need. Simply soaking in the peace The First Base gets to experience from time to time. As long as it is like this, things should be easy. But it seems like there will be some company for the remainder of the time as the door found directly across the bar has been disturbed. The door swung violently revealing the two rowdy men who had welcomed themselves to the premises. The one on the left, shorter of the two, had an olive green flight jacket that could be found in military surplus stores. Didn't seem to keep his appearance in complete check when you take his messy hair and unkempt stubble into account. The one on the right, the taller of the two sported a strange black leather trench coat that went down to his knees. Looks as though he's a man of high importance. Someone that can knock the wind out of you if you talk ill of. Truth be told, people of that caliber tend to dress normally and do not stand out unless it's due to their muscles as Miss Catherine has figured and the only reason the man does look like he can dodge bullets is because of the eccentric coat. This man's hair was kept short and resembled a crew cut like the ones in the army. Miss Catherine tried to see if he packed any muscle but it was hard to see through his coat. "Look, Carl. I just need help with the movie. I'll give you back the money in a few months. It'll be awesome," the taller man said to the shorter man, Carl as they were fast approaching towards the bar. "Okay! Okay! On one condition," Carl replied. "I get to be in the movie in the scenes with the gun shooting. I always wanted to shoot guns. Oh, and the restaurant scene. You're paying for the food, right?" The two men have now sat down at the bar and made themselves comfortable although they didn't stop their heated discussion. Miss Catherine was not sure whether she should interrupt and ask them for their orders. "Come on, Mark! Spaghetti in the restaurant scene is not difficult," Carl nagged at the taller man named Mark. Mark replied, "The spaghetti there costs like $28. I just want a moody scene for the movie. Not have an actual dinner there." "Then why would I want to be in the movie when I can go to the arcade and play in the ball pit with Phil?" "Dude, you're twenty-nine and Phil is like fifty. You're two grown men who still play in the ball pit?" "Ball pits are fun. Why should age have anything to do with it?" "Ahem!" Miss Catherine has made her presence noticed. "What would you two like?" Carl shifted his attention towards the bartender. "I'll get a gin and tonic." Mark does the same as he points his index finger up as though he's attempting to emit a vibe of significance. "Let me get a Cosmopolitan." Miss Catherine nods as she brings out the necessary glasses for the drinks. A rocks glass for Carl's drink and a cocktail glass for Mark's. "Hey, bartender," Mark strikes a friendly conversation starter. "It's Catherine," Miss Catherine corrects as she pours the necessary amount of alcohol into the jigger in her hand and straight into the cocktail shaker. Following the necessary steps to mix a Cosmopolitan like she has done many times before, but not usually for men. Cosmopolitan is known to be a very feminine drink and Miss Catherine knew that. In fact, many people who drink will, or should, know that. "Miss Catherine, I think you're really beautiful." It wasn't uncommon for Miss Catherine to be hit on by her customers but she had suspicions for men who ordered Cosmopolitans and hit on her. "Wait," Carl butted in. "Mark, weren't you gay?" "What? No! What are you talking about?" Miss Catherine has finished with the Cosmopolitan and has moved onto the creation of the gin and tonic with a concerned look on her face as the two would continue with another strange discussion. "I mean, you did go to that gay bar to recruit the guys there for your movie," Carl pushed on. "Jacked dudes go to that bar! If I wanted a cool, tough, ripped dude to play a part in the movie, I have to scout for them where they crowd the most." Mark did not budge. "Yeah, but there was a gym like three blocks down the street and I'm certain they were a lot of straight guys who were just as ripped there." "Guys!" Miss Catherine almost shrieked at the two, but was able to hold a majority of it back. "Here's your drinks." She put forth the completed Cosmopolitan and the gin and tonic to their respective drinkers. "So, Miss Catherine. I really do think you're beautiful. And I'm not just saying that just to get Carl to not think I'm gay." "Let's just put that aside. I believe you're not gay. And thank you. I always appreciate a compliment from my customers. A woman like me has to take care of herself." "I mean, I'm a real ladies man, Miss Catherine. No joke." Miss Catherine refrained from glaring at Mark. It would be rude to do such a thing to a customer even if they were being suspicious. Giving people such looks should be reserved outside of work. Carl was most definitely getting bored of being out of the equation. His head resting on the palm of his hand sipping the straw in his gin and tonic. Miss Catherine was certainly afraid of letting Mark continue to make an impression of sorts and had to do something before the silence stretched out and Mark took advantage of it. "So what restaurant were you two planning to film at?" Miss Catherine asked the duo. Carl lets go of his straw, ready to give an answer. "Luigi's Kitchen. They got the best spaghetti in the city! Price is high but it's one of those fancy places so I guess it's justified. But seriously, I can't go there often because it'll eat up my wallet up so I tried to convince Mark over here to pay for my meal." Carl gave a look to Mark as though Mark had done something wrong. The one where the wrongdoer denies that they've done any wrongdoing and the look giver will sneer towards their direction to give the impression to a third party that the wrongdoer really is in the wrong. Although in this situation, Miss Catherine is bothered by the fact that the matter is, to her, trivial regardless of Mark committing any wrongdoing. If there was any wrongdoing to be said. "Look, Carl," Mark has started. "Every time you go there, you end up chewing my money out because you refuse to cover your own bill after ordering too much cheese." "Come on, Mark. I live for cheese. Cheese is the best food the world's got to offer with spaghetti coming in second. You can't tell me to stop ordering cheese." "I can when it becomes my problem." "I'm sorry I just happened to like eating cheese. I'm sorry I can't stop ordering fucking cheese. I just want to live in the moment with cheese! I can't believe that's such a big problem for you. It's just cheese!" "The problem to me is when you can't cover your own bill. I lost count how many times I had to cover your own fucking bill because you ordered too much cheese that it went over whatever you had in your wallet!" "Oh. That's the problem? You should've just told me that." "I have been trying to tell you that this whole time!" "You're the one who offered to pay for the meal when we do the restaurant scene for the movie! You think I'm just not going to order cheese?" Miss Catherine flung herself into the conversation before it escalated down any further. "Guys! Please deal with the movie situation some other time outside the bar. Carl, just pay for your own meal." "Okay..." "And Mark, just find somebody else to be in the movie if Carl's request is too much trouble. People are known to volunteer for this kind of shit. Go pick somebody up at a film school if you have to." "Yeah..." "Alright? Did that solve your problems?" Mark and Carl looked at each other. It was clear from their eyes that there was no need for any discussion between the two for they had arrived at the same conclusion. "No." They both said simultaneously, their eyes piercing right through Miss Catherine's. Miss Catherine sighed. She didn't have the energy to deal with the situation any longer. She just wanted it all to end. Truth be told, Miss Catherine has dealt with a number of customers that caused a nuisance to her, but these two were most certainly at the top. How Miss Catherine wanted to kick these two out, but unfortunately for her, they have not broken any rules of the establishment that should warrant their kicking. Their conversation was simply annoying and painful to listen to. Listening to the terrible singing of a raspy old man that could shatter glass would be less painful than these two buffoons. "Oh shit, what time is it?" Carl asked out of a sudden. Mark shifts his focus on his wrist watch. "Goddammit, it's happy hour at the pub!" "Shit! We got to get rolling!" The pair gulps down what was left in their glasses at record speed. Clearly not the first time for the two. Before Miss Catherine realized it, they were already gone. Empty glasses left on the counter and the troubling duo not a problem any longer, Miss Catherine turns her head to see the digital clock on the wall. The red LED beamed 9:22 pm. The bar will not close until 10:00 pm. Miss Catherine can only pray that those two will never come back again. But for some reason, whether her sixth sense has been awakened for a brief moment or a single strange tingling sensation in the back of her head has told her, she knows they will be back. And when they do come back, she will make them pay for they have forgotten to do that before they left. "Those two troublemakers," Miss Catherine snarls under her breath. Oh, Miss Catherine. We hope you have a good night. We really do.
{ "title": "High Tides to Low Clouds (ft. Miss Catherine)", "id": 21537, "author": "FrostedCP", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Miss Catherine and What She Deals With: Part 3", "id": 305768, "next": 314787, "prev": 305766, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4MjZhYmUyODkyNzRkMWE5YTcwNzJmYzMzNWY2ZWQx">Within the next thirty minutes, Miss Catherine will be doing closing duties before she's done for the day. What she will do after all of that is up to her. And once again, during the downtime, Miss Catherine looks around the establishment from behind the bar table and realizes that she hasn't figured out what to eat for the night. Working at The First Base means your meal times will come later than for the average person. Miss Catherine already had an abnormal eating schedule during her short time in college that there was not need for her to make an adjustment. Now that she thinks of it, it really was a short time in college for Miss Catherine. She spent a mere six months in an attempt to pursue a philosophy degree but was discouraged from continuing due to the small job market, the high tuition, and her classmates being mostly annoying pseudo-intellectuals that got the best of Miss Catherine's nerves. She couldn't take it with all the rubbish that emitted a false illusion of enlightenment shared to her by her classmates and had to leave if she didn't want to be driven to insanity. Plus, she never exactly felt like she belonged there completely. There was no doubt she was the outcast of the class and only drove professors and peers to want to kick her out with her out-of-world rhetoric. Believe it or not, that was Miss Catherine. Proclaiming how society is becoming dumber and dumber, liberty needs to be sacrificed in order to protect people from themselves and each other, and something to do with people are too stupid to handle democracy or some other unorthodox belief. Truth be told, she didn't necessarily fully believe in what she said, but rather said them in order to create a discussion among her peers. That was what she truly wanted to hear: a sensible discussion between two opposite sides that challenges one another. Granted, she got some of that working at the bar, meeting many different people from various walks of life, and hearing the many different roads they took that led them to their current destination. She could say she sort of got what she longed for by working at the bar. Most of the time… Some of the time… And as Miss Catherine was reflecting on her past life, the bar's door slams open, revealing a new customer.</p> <p class="cnM3NzFkYzAwZTJkZjRmYTFiMjgyYTM0YTQxYmUwMzlj">"Welcome," Miss Catherine greets the rather chubby woman. Her beige hair tied in a ponytail that left the puffiness of her cheeks bare. Miss Catherine noticed as the rather chubby woman took her seat at the bar that the dim light from the ceiling reflected from the rather chubby woman's tad damp skin. Seems like she has been sweating over something before coming in. Alongside that, her breathing was incredibly heavy as if she engaged in some physically exhausting activity just a few seconds ago.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmIzNjA2ZjM5MDQwZmFhOTE4MWUwMjE4NTI4ZjNk">The rather chubby woman struck her glance towards Miss Catherine's. "Just get me some water to start. Its been a long day," she said.</p> <p class="cnM5NGU4ZTFlNjYxOTRhMWJhYmZkM2I0OWNjMmFkZWZk">"Coming up," Miss Catherine grabs a tall glass from the stack found beside the sink. She turns on the tap's faucet when suddenly --</p> <p class="cnM3MzU0OTYwMDNhYzQ5YWJhODA5OWEyOWUzNDkwMmQ4">"IS…IS THAT TAP WATER!?" the rather chubby woman yells out practically out of nowhere. Miss Catherine's eyes widen. She's encountered few times where people burst out in rage seemingly for no reason but that's from drug-crazed homeless people from the worst part of the city who happen to be on the subway. Not at the bar she works at.</p> <p class="cnNiNWM4MTAwMWNhZTRiOGM4N2NkZDQzMDQwOWZiNzE5">"Was there a problem?" Miss Catherine asked.</p> <p class="cnMzMDYzZDNiOWVlMjQ2NmVhNWQzYWQyMzM0YTc5OTY2">"Problem!? Of course there's a problem! How could you serve your customers tap water when they ask for water? Are you fricking nuts, girl? There's chemicals in them that turn frogs gay! What do you think something like that can do to people?"</p> <p class="cnM5MWI5NjM1NDI4MjRiMjdiNjJiMDcxNjhlNGZhMDZi">"I'm sorry, miss. I didn't know. Should I get you bottled water instead?"</p> <p class="cnMwZTYwNTExYzgxMzQ2YjRhZDU4NWEyNGFkYjI1M2Ew">"BOTTLED WATER!? ARE YOU FRICKING INSANE!?"</p> <p class="cnNiNTVmZDUwNzY0MTRlYTI4NjEwMjdmMTQ1NTc4ZGNh">"Oh, now what?"</p> <p class="cnM1NjU5YmZmOGJhYzRlMThhNDJlN2NmODA3NjM1ZDRh">"It's been found that there's 20,000 chemicals in bottled water that could be wrecking your health. That stuff's dangerous, girl."</p> <p class="cnM1ODMzNDBiMTg1NTRmYzY4MWI2ZTgzODQzNDJmZGUx">"Oh, for Christ's sake. That's all the water we carry. I apologize but we only follow the health regulation that's in place."</p> <p class="cnNkYTcyNzg4ZWM0YjRlNzFiZjdiZmMzOWRmOWFmODM1">"The health regulation in this country is a fucking joke! A FUCKING JOKE! There's very, very bad people in the government who are nothing but followers of Satan! Do you understand that!?"</p> <p class="cnMwMzhhNGNlMWY5MTQ1NThiOTgwYWVhZjZiOWUwNTgw">"Sort of..."</p> <p class="cnM1YzllYzg1YjhmYjQzZmRhM2I2M2M4Zjc1Yzg2ODUw">"It's alright. I'm sorry I'm giving you a hard time. Not everybody is aware of the crisis we face everyday. Everybody lives like, how did it go? 'Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Everything is awesome!' Yeah, like that."</p> <p class="cnM1ZWRiMDA5MzFlYTRiZmNiNTgwMzRhOTc2OTI5MGMz">"Well, I don't exactly deny that."</p> <p class="cnM2M2U2YjBhMGRmZjRmMDY4NmM2YmMxNzhiMzA5ZmNl">"It's people like you and me who have to fight the good fight! We can't let the world get taken over by dangerous people lurking in the shadows pushing their global order agenda! We have to fight!"</p> <p class="cnNkYjIwZGVjOGY5ZTQyZDViZTM5ZTc0Mjg2M2NhMjNk">"Did you like a drink, miss?"</p> <p class="cnNlNzhhNTNiYzNiOTRmZDRiZTgyZjk1NjkwMDBjY2U3">"I'll take a Michael Collins. Also, call me Amy."</p> <p class="cnNkNDE2NDUxYzNjNzRkOWRhNDk5MTM3YjI2MjM5MjMz">"Gotcha, Amy. One Michael Collins coming up." And so Miss Catherine reached for the bottle of Jameson and got herself working on the Michael Collins.</p> <p class="cnM5Mzc4YTEzMDJkNjRlMzhhNzgzNTk4ZDUwYzA2ZTBi">"Hey, miss bartender," Amy has started. "Is a fine girl like you keeping your health in good shape?"</p> <p class="cnNmMDk4ZjVmMzc3YTQwNDY5YmU4YzQzNzVmZWY4YjQ3">As Miss Catherine finishes up with the Michael Collins and places it in front of Amy, Miss Catherine gives an answer, "I work out on my days off at home when I can. It's not easy eating healthy all the time but I try my best. Take vitamin D supplements and fish oil for good measure."</p> <p class="cnM3NTQ4MjU5M2QyODQ4YmQ4ZDU5NDhkNmNiMTZlOTY1">"How about I recommend you to something that can really give you a boost?"</p> <p class="cnMwOGFiNjFjOWVkODRlOGE4ZGQyN2FmMTlhMTY1MWQ2">"A boost?"</p> <p class="cnM1OWY2ODZjODdhNzQ2ZDA5OTc1Mzc3N2IxZWJiMTI1">Amy pulls out a small pharmaceutical bottle. One that contains liquid with the lid being a drop counter as its second job, seemingly out of nowhere. She wasn't wearing a purse or any bag when she walked in so where did she get that from?</p> <p class="cnMzOGNjNzIzZWJlYTRiMTBhMGI4ZmVlNzNmMmQ1MWIw">Amy gives a sinister smirk. "I'm telling you, this will make you feel so much better," she said.</p> <p class="cnNlMWE5OTBmYTdiZjQwODY4OTMwOGU1MTk3YTVhMmIy">Miss Catherine asks, "So...what is it?"</p> <p class="cnMzZjdhOTVhNDNiNzQxYjM5MzI4NTFkNTYxODY0ZDJj">"This is Mega Woman Vitality! Women all around the world are living with poor diet and lack of exercise, and the weak health regulations supported by governments in all countries are setting up to have weakened women become the norm and will only make them weaker as generations pass. This Mega Woman Vitality, made from all natural ingredients and backed by actual, independent research will get your health back up and give you energy throughout the day. You'll see the improvements with your body in twenty-one days and get amazing results in two months! Here, take a free sample, on me!"</p> <p class="cnM0ZjAxOGVkMGVkYzRmYjE4NGEzMjk5NjJlNDY3ZTYy">"Oh, wow...that's...very kind of you..."</p> <p class="cnNmMWY5M2YxMjMwYTQ1NWJhMWRjYThhMGU2NmY3YTM3">"Oh, and here. For your boyfriend! Mega Man Vitality for the men lacking in need of proper nutrients." Amy hands the two supplements into Miss Catherine's hands with no protest from Miss Catherine. She had a nervous smile throughout and hasn't dropped it yet, afraid of potentially offending the perhaps less than sane Amy.</p> <p class="cnM5Njc0NzQzMTM1OTRlOWM4NmQzYWYyNTdmODg5MDc1">"Thank you...Amy... I could really use this..."</p> <p class="cnM1MDAxNDdhOTc1ZDQzNDJiZDhkMmQzNGE4ZmM0OGZi">"Got to look out for one another, girl! And if the product works for you, remember to find us on FightForFacts dot com where you can buy even more of our health products and keep up to date with what's really going on in the world that the mainstream media doesn't want you to hear about."</p> <p class="cnM5Njc5MTk2MWJkNTRlMDE4YjllZTdhMmI4M2FjZWIy">"Huh... FightForFacts dot com you say. Sounds...neat."</p> <p class="cnM5ZmI2OGQ5OTI1MzQzNmQ4NjBjOWNkZTU1MDQ3MTVj">"Us citizens have to look out for each other. Hold onto your guns and keep our liberty intact! That's the way we got to live. Satan and the evil, demonic forces are always onto us but we are humans! We have to protect our freedom! We will never bow down to the demons! NEVER! NEVER EVER! EVER!"</p> <p class="cnM2Mzk1NjAxNzMwZDQ1N2JiZmViYTdjNzE0YjJkNWUw">"I hear you, Amy, but please don't raise your voice too loud."</p> <p class="cnNlZmRlOTVhZDE1NDRlNjZhZTdjODgxYmJhNzZhNGZl">"I'm sorry. I just get so emotional about these kinds of topics. Oh, my heart's beating real fast. Got to calm down."</p> <p class="cnM0NTAxN2U5NWI1YzRhZDc4YWRjOTEzNmZiNjE5NzMz">As Amy began to repeatedly slap her chest, there was a burst from the entrance's door. With the door wide open and a familiar figure storming into the establishment, it was none other than Mark from some time ago.</p> <p class="cnNiMmY5OTA5ODFhMDQzNDQ4MDhiNDMyMjg2MzFkOWVi">"I'm sorry about not paying for the last time but I hope this makes up for it," Mark said as he swiftly approached Miss Catherine. With a loud "bang" on the table from the impact of Mark's hand, he lifts up to reveal $25.</p> <p class="cnNmNGY1MzZmOGIyNjQyNTJhMTI0OTMzZGFiYTE4NDNl">"Oh. Thank you for remembering. I was worried about what to say to the boss," Miss Catherine said happily with a forced smile. Truth is, Miss Catherine really was relieved that the sexually confused(?) Mark came back to pay for the overdue bill, and that she was right that he (or Carl) would actually do that.</p> <p class="cnMwMTkzM2RiMzg5NDQ4NDM4NjNiODEzNjliZjY0NjRj">Amy's attention was shifted to Mark. "Oh, look at you strong, handsome man," Amy complimented Mark. Her eyes shifted top to bottom and top again on Mark's build.</p> <p class="cnNjNzRmMDZjYTJlMjRlNjc5ZThkNzk4NTI5ZDhlMjRl">Mark's eyes widened and his mouth formed a grin. "Oh yeah. I just go and hit the gym and work on some MMA whenever I get the chance. A guy like me got to stay tough, but more importantly, healthy." Mark replied. His grin almost looks like it's tearing his mouth. There might be some blood dripping out from the sides.</p> <p class="cnNhNGJjMjEyZWQ5NDRmYmI5OTliZmI2ODY3ZDJjMjc1">"Well, if you want to go even further with your body's look and health, I have just the thing for you. Let me give you a free sample of my Mega Man Vitality!"</p> <p class="cnNiMjJjMzkxM2RhZjQ0Y2NhNDY1YzJiMjg4YTc2OWVl">"Oh! No way!"</p> <p class="cnMzNTI2ZTNjYjdkNzQ3Mzk5YzI1NjYzN2UxYjUzOWI5">"That's right. Go to FightForFacts dot com to read all the facts and the nutrients this provides. But I can tell you here that this will keep your hormones strong, your health up, and your energy full for the entire day! This is a real product that damn well works." Amy pulls out a bottle of Mega Man Vitality, out of nowhere, pulls Mark's hands into hers, and passes down the bottle to him. Mark's face widens as though he received the untold secrets to his body's success.</p> <p class="cnNhNDQ3ZGRjZmUwMDQwZjA4MGFiYTU5NjhlODA0YTdl">"I can't wait to use this! Maybe forgetting to pay for the drinks was an act of God... Thank you, miss...uh --"</p> <p class="cnM5ZTFiZmIwZmJjMzQ2YzY5YmZiYjg4Y2UwMTJhNTI4">"Amy Johns, my dear."</p> <p class="cnM2MTE5YzQxY2Y5MDRhNjNhMTAwMzk2NGFiYWZiOTVi">"Thank you, Amy! I can't wait for all the guys at the gym to see how awesome I'll look!"</p> <p class="cnM1OTU5NmRlMDFkYjQxNDQ4N2RhYzQwNTA1OTFiM2E5">And with that, Mark swiftly ejects himself out of the establishment. Clearly having trouble keeping his excitement to himself with the Mega Man Vitality in his hands.</p> <p class="cnMwNWNmNTEyN2E0NDQxMjBhNWFhNDM0M2RhOWRhYTc3">"Well, dear," Amy brings her attention back to Miss Catherine. "It seems like the election is coming up. Have you figured out on who to vote for?"</p> <p class="cnM5M2JkYzBjMmVkNTQ4MDNiNGY3ODlkNjAzM2ZlMzNl">Miss Catherine has completely forgotten about the election. After leaving college, she simply became very loose when it came to philosophy and entirely dropped politics.</p> <p class="cnNjMmJlMjdjZTE3ZTQyODlhMzJiZGRkMDU5MDlkMzM5">"I don't know who to vote for. Maybe I won't vote for anybody," Miss Catherine answered, hastily.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmY3YzYxY2Y5NTRjYjE5MTUwYjE0MDQ2YmJjMzky">"But...WHAT!? Not vote?" Amy's voice and look were that of absolute disbelief. Her eyes were in a state of shock and her mouth resembled a vortex. "I mean, I sure as hell don't want anybody voting for that demonic bitch, Clemson but what do you mean you won't vote for anybody?"</p> <p class="cnNiYTNhYjQ5Y2RkYTRiOGNiZWIxNTgyZmExMWY2Mjcx">"It's just that I don't think everybody should be allowed to have such power as to vote. The general public, I think, is too unintelligent to vote for the right thing. They're always swayed by big promises and meaningless --"</p> <p class="cnM4NzZhODZmODU3NDQwMzVhMDIyMzE5OWIxYjk2Zjgz">"Now hold it, girl! The right to vote is the right for people of a country to be a part of the country! Do you understand!? This is liberty and the voice of the people! Without it, we will be taken over and be reduced to nothing but slaves working for the elites! First they take away our guns and now our votes?"</p> <p class="cnNjMzhlZThiNjdmZDQ2M2M5ODZiYWEzMjY3NDk5MzBj">"I didn't say anything like --"</p> <p class="cnMzNGNiNjAwNTMzZjRkZjhiODc3OTQ0ZjRmZTFjNWQw">"THEY'RE THREATENING TO TAKE AWAY CHERRY!"</p> <p class="cnMxMTU2MjNkMjE3ODQ1YWU5YWQ3YmY5MTQ0MDY0Zjk3">"I'm sorry, but --"</p> <p class="cnM4YTNhNjVmZjVkMjQ3OGFiZDE2ODBiODA1OGVhODRm">"WE WILL HAVE NO MEANS TO DEFEND OURSELVES FROM TYRANNY! WE WILL LOSE ONCE THEY TAKE AWAY OUR CONSTITUTION!"</p> <p class="cnM1MTVkYTc5OGNmNDRmYzZhODQzMGM5MDQ2MWFiN2E2">"I was just --"</p> <p class="cnNhNDdiNmZlNzQ1ZDRkYzdiNGUyODAxMmYwMDhhMDQz">"THEY'RE GOING TO COME FOR ME! BUT I'LL GIVE THEM HELL! I'LL GIVE ALL THOSE GLOBALISTS HELL! THERE WILL BE HELL!"</p> <p class="cnMxNTQ2YjMxZmQ0OTQwZmFhZDMxOGFiYWFmOGZhODZm">And with that, Amy storms out of the bar. A gust of wind trails behind her back. Miss Catherine has had enough of today. Amy drained her energy and her mind. She doesn't blame people for seeing the world different from her or vice versa, but it's hard to ignore when people like Amy run and about with her insane rhetoric. There's probably more people like Amy out there and Miss Catherine wants nothing to do with them. Perhaps it's time to move from The First Base and onto the second. Miss Catherine just needs a little bit of change in her life. Her surroundings have gotten dull, there seems to be more people who bring forth trouble than joy nowadays, and perhaps it's time to step up. Quit The First Base and receive an upgrade. She must have enough experience from now to work for somewhere that's better than this shack. Oh, Miss Catherine. We believe things will turn out good for you.</p> </div>
Within the next thirty minutes, Miss Catherine will be doing closing duties before she's done for the day. What she will do after all of that is up to her. And once again, during the downtime, Miss Catherine looks around the establishment from behind the bar table and realizes that she hasn't figured out what to eat for the night. Working at The First Base means your meal times will come later than for the average person. Miss Catherine already had an abnormal eating schedule during her short time in college that there was not need for her to make an adjustment. Now that she thinks of it, it really was a short time in college for Miss Catherine. She spent a mere six months in an attempt to pursue a philosophy degree but was discouraged from continuing due to the small job market, the high tuition, and her classmates being mostly annoying pseudo-intellectuals that got the best of Miss Catherine's nerves. She couldn't take it with all the rubbish that emitted a false illusion of enlightenment shared to her by her classmates and had to leave if she didn't want to be driven to insanity. Plus, she never exactly felt like she belonged there completely. There was no doubt she was the outcast of the class and only drove professors and peers to want to kick her out with her out-of-world rhetoric. Believe it or not, that was Miss Catherine. Proclaiming how society is becoming dumber and dumber, liberty needs to be sacrificed in order to protect people from themselves and each other, and something to do with people are too stupid to handle democracy or some other unorthodox belief. Truth be told, she didn't necessarily fully believe in what she said, but rather said them in order to create a discussion among her peers. That was what she truly wanted to hear: a sensible discussion between two opposite sides that challenges one another. Granted, she got some of that working at the bar, meeting many different people from various walks of life, and hearing the many different roads they took that led them to their current destination. She could say she sort of got what she longed for by working at the bar. Most of the time… Some of the time… And as Miss Catherine was reflecting on her past life, the bar's door slams open, revealing a new customer. "Welcome," Miss Catherine greets the rather chubby woman. Her beige hair tied in a ponytail that left the puffiness of her cheeks bare. Miss Catherine noticed as the rather chubby woman took her seat at the bar that the dim light from the ceiling reflected from the rather chubby woman's tad damp skin. Seems like she has been sweating over something before coming in. Alongside that, her breathing was incredibly heavy as if she engaged in some physically exhausting activity just a few seconds ago. The rather chubby woman struck her glance towards Miss Catherine's. "Just get me some water to start. Its been a long day," she said. "Coming up," Miss Catherine grabs a tall glass from the stack found beside the sink. She turns on the tap's faucet when suddenly -- "IS…IS THAT TAP WATER!?" the rather chubby woman yells out practically out of nowhere. Miss Catherine's eyes widen. She's encountered few times where people burst out in rage seemingly for no reason but that's from drug-crazed homeless people from the worst part of the city who happen to be on the subway. Not at the bar she works at. "Was there a problem?" Miss Catherine asked. "Problem!? Of course there's a problem! How could you serve your customers tap water when they ask for water? Are you fricking nuts, girl? There's chemicals in them that turn frogs gay! What do you think something like that can do to people?" "I'm sorry, miss. I didn't know. Should I get you bottled water instead?" "BOTTLED WATER!? ARE YOU FRICKING INSANE!?" "Oh, now what?" "It's been found that there's 20,000 chemicals in bottled water that could be wrecking your health. That stuff's dangerous, girl." "Oh, for Christ's sake. That's all the water we carry. I apologize but we only follow the health regulation that's in place." "The health regulation in this country is a fucking joke! A FUCKING JOKE! There's very, very bad people in the government who are nothing but followers of Satan! Do you understand that!?" "Sort of..." "It's alright. I'm sorry I'm giving you a hard time. Not everybody is aware of the crisis we face everyday. Everybody lives like, how did it go? 'Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Everything is awesome!' Yeah, like that." "Well, I don't exactly deny that." "It's people like you and me who have to fight the good fight! We can't let the world get taken over by dangerous people lurking in the shadows pushing their global order agenda! We have to fight!" "Did you like a drink, miss?" "I'll take a Michael Collins. Also, call me Amy." "Gotcha, Amy. One Michael Collins coming up." And so Miss Catherine reached for the bottle of Jameson and got herself working on the Michael Collins. "Hey, miss bartender," Amy has started. "Is a fine girl like you keeping your health in good shape?" As Miss Catherine finishes up with the Michael Collins and places it in front of Amy, Miss Catherine gives an answer, "I work out on my days off at home when I can. It's not easy eating healthy all the time but I try my best. Take vitamin D supplements and fish oil for good measure." "How about I recommend you to something that can really give you a boost?" "A boost?" Amy pulls out a small pharmaceutical bottle. One that contains liquid with the lid being a drop counter as its second job, seemingly out of nowhere. She wasn't wearing a purse or any bag when she walked in so where did she get that from? Amy gives a sinister smirk. "I'm telling you, this will make you feel so much better," she said. Miss Catherine asks, "So...what is it?" "This is Mega Woman Vitality! Women all around the world are living with poor diet and lack of exercise, and the weak health regulations supported by governments in all countries are setting up to have weakened women become the norm and will only make them weaker as generations pass. This Mega Woman Vitality, made from all natural ingredients and backed by actual, independent research will get your health back up and give you energy throughout the day. You'll see the improvements with your body in twenty-one days and get amazing results in two months! Here, take a free sample, on me!" "Oh, wow...that's...very kind of you..." "Oh, and here. For your boyfriend! Mega Man Vitality for the men lacking in need of proper nutrients." Amy hands the two supplements into Miss Catherine's hands with no protest from Miss Catherine. She had a nervous smile throughout and hasn't dropped it yet, afraid of potentially offending the perhaps less than sane Amy. "Thank you...Amy... I could really use this..." "Got to look out for one another, girl! And if the product works for you, remember to find us on FightForFacts dot com where you can buy even more of our health products and keep up to date with what's really going on in the world that the mainstream media doesn't want you to hear about." "Huh... FightForFacts dot com you say. Sounds...neat." "Us citizens have to look out for each other. Hold onto your guns and keep our liberty intact! That's the way we got to live. Satan and the evil, demonic forces are always onto us but we are humans! We have to protect our freedom! We will never bow down to the demons! NEVER! NEVER EVER! EVER!" "I hear you, Amy, but please don't raise your voice too loud." "I'm sorry. I just get so emotional about these kinds of topics. Oh, my heart's beating real fast. Got to calm down." As Amy began to repeatedly slap her chest, there was a burst from the entrance's door. With the door wide open and a familiar figure storming into the establishment, it was none other than Mark from some time ago. "I'm sorry about not paying for the last time but I hope this makes up for it," Mark said as he swiftly approached Miss Catherine. With a loud "bang" on the table from the impact of Mark's hand, he lifts up to reveal $25. "Oh. Thank you for remembering. I was worried about what to say to the boss," Miss Catherine said happily with a forced smile. Truth is, Miss Catherine really was relieved that the sexually confused(?) Mark came back to pay for the overdue bill, and that she was right that he (or Carl) would actually do that. Amy's attention was shifted to Mark. "Oh, look at you strong, handsome man," Amy complimented Mark. Her eyes shifted top to bottom and top again on Mark's build. Mark's eyes widened and his mouth formed a grin. "Oh yeah. I just go and hit the gym and work on some MMA whenever I get the chance. A guy like me got to stay tough, but more importantly, healthy." Mark replied. His grin almost looks like it's tearing his mouth. There might be some blood dripping out from the sides. "Well, if you want to go even further with your body's look and health, I have just the thing for you. Let me give you a free sample of my Mega Man Vitality!" "Oh! No way!" "That's right. Go to FightForFacts dot com to read all the facts and the nutrients this provides. But I can tell you here that this will keep your hormones strong, your health up, and your energy full for the entire day! This is a real product that damn well works." Amy pulls out a bottle of Mega Man Vitality, out of nowhere, pulls Mark's hands into hers, and passes down the bottle to him. Mark's face widens as though he received the untold secrets to his body's success. "I can't wait to use this! Maybe forgetting to pay for the drinks was an act of God... Thank you, miss...uh --" "Amy Johns, my dear." "Thank you, Amy! I can't wait for all the guys at the gym to see how awesome I'll look!" And with that, Mark swiftly ejects himself out of the establishment. Clearly having trouble keeping his excitement to himself with the Mega Man Vitality in his hands. "Well, dear," Amy brings her attention back to Miss Catherine. "It seems like the election is coming up. Have you figured out on who to vote for?" Miss Catherine has completely forgotten about the election. After leaving college, she simply became very loose when it came to philosophy and entirely dropped politics. "I don't know who to vote for. Maybe I won't vote for anybody," Miss Catherine answered, hastily. "But...WHAT!? Not vote?" Amy's voice and look were that of absolute disbelief. Her eyes were in a state of shock and her mouth resembled a vortex. "I mean, I sure as hell don't want anybody voting for that demonic bitch, Clemson but what do you mean you won't vote for anybody?" "It's just that I don't think everybody should be allowed to have such power as to vote. The general public, I think, is too unintelligent to vote for the right thing. They're always swayed by big promises and meaningless --" "Now hold it, girl! The right to vote is the right for people of a country to be a part of the country! Do you understand!? This is liberty and the voice of the people! Without it, we will be taken over and be reduced to nothing but slaves working for the elites! First they take away our guns and now our votes?" "I didn't say anything like --" "THEY'RE THREATENING TO TAKE AWAY CHERRY!" "I'm sorry, but --" "WE WILL HAVE NO MEANS TO DEFEND OURSELVES FROM TYRANNY! WE WILL LOSE ONCE THEY TAKE AWAY OUR CONSTITUTION!" "I was just --" "THEY'RE GOING TO COME FOR ME! BUT I'LL GIVE THEM HELL! I'LL GIVE ALL THOSE GLOBALISTS HELL! THERE WILL BE HELL!" And with that, Amy storms out of the bar. A gust of wind trails behind her back. Miss Catherine has had enough of today. Amy drained her energy and her mind. She doesn't blame people for seeing the world different from her or vice versa, but it's hard to ignore when people like Amy run and about with her insane rhetoric. There's probably more people like Amy out there and Miss Catherine wants nothing to do with them. Perhaps it's time to move from The First Base and onto the second. Miss Catherine just needs a little bit of change in her life. Her surroundings have gotten dull, there seems to be more people who bring forth trouble than joy nowadays, and perhaps it's time to step up. Quit The First Base and receive an upgrade. She must have enough experience from now to work for somewhere that's better than this shack. Oh, Miss Catherine. We believe things will turn out good for you.
{ "title": "System: Gods' Gardener", "id": 21491, "author": "Smoked Dragon Meat", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Revival 2", "id": 305769, "next": null, "prev": 305432, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlODY1YWY5NWVmYzQ2NDI5NDY3OWU5YmRhMTg3YWU4">"Tree seeds can wait, trees take a long time to grow and bear fruits, I only have 17Ppts, I only need a bag of chili, and system, show me the pot store."<br>-----------------<br>[Store] <br>&gt;Plant Seeds<br>&gt;Tree Seeds <br>&gt;Pots<br>--normal pots(1Ppts/ea)<br>-small red pot (1 ft radius)<br>-medium red pot (2 ft radius)<br>-large red pot (3 ft radius)</p> <p class="cnM1YTg4MzUyYTI2ZjQ2YjM4MGJkZmZkMzBhYzI5ODY5">--Magic pots(5Ppts/ea)<br>-S/M/L ocean pot<br>&lt;Planteros will grow with calmness</p> <p class="cnMxNjlmZmExOTVmOTQxYjI5NjIxYTIyOGRkYmUwNmUx">-S/M/L lava pot<br>&lt;Planteros will grow hot-headed</p> <p class="cnNkNzZkNDQxYTYzMTQxYjRiODVmMWU2MDE4MzUzYTFj">-S/M/L Lightning pot<br>&lt;Planteros will grow energetic</p> <p class="cnNmNGNmZThiYzg0MjRlYTFhNzczNWRjY2QyZDM4MTM2">-S/M/L Music pot<br>&lt;Planteros will grow with harmony</p> <p class="cnM2MmYyOGFiNmEzNTQ2ZjhiNTBiOWNmNDNlMmRmMGM1">-S/M/L Nature pot<br>&lt;Planteros will grow together with nature and grow beautifully</p> <p class="cnM0YzA1ZDY2NzE0ODQ4ZDZhYzVjODA5NGMwMDBjNjhi">&gt;tools<br>--------------<br>"W-wow, magic pots? So, I can choose what behavior of the Planteros should have?"</p> <p class="cnNhYWZkYjAxZDRjZjRlNjA4YmE3MWIwOTNjMTY2NjJj">He thought of what suitable behavior does a Chilli Dragon should have, spicy/ chili breath that could burn human skin, blind, and kill for some instances. They irritate plants and trees which kill them afterward, a calm chili dragon might be good.</p> <p class="cnM1MGY4ZDhhNTIwNTRhZWJiNmY2MzM2NWNlZjdlMmQ0">A dragon in the novels because they're hot-headed, an energetic one might harm their own allies unaware, and a dragon with harmony and a beautiful executioner... They don't exist.</p> <p class="cnM2YjQ5NjZjNmYxNTQzYTE5YjMzMTllOTgxODg3ZWIz">For felines, there is nothing to discuss, an energetic one suits them. A lively and energetic cat is what people want the most.</p> <p class="cnNhNDI1NzMzYzk3NzRhZTQ5MmVmZmI4NDEyM2VhMmJj">Lucas decided to buy one ocean pots for his chili dragons and one lightning pot for his gigantic ginger cat and blackcurrant nether panther, he used up 13 Ppts. and only left with 4 Ppts.</p> <p class="cnNmMTA5ZmE1NzU3MTQ4Nzg5ZmFlYWU3N2E0ZjA0MWRj">"Coco, can I have the mana grains from your younglings? I need them." When they were at the dungeon, they don't have enough bags, and the cannon coconuts already are too many for starters. He has 10 of them carry 100 each on their barrels that total 1000 mana grains.</p> <p class="cnM3NjNmMjc4MDFlZTQwMWRiOGRkOWU5NWJlZGRmMGJm">"Coco~" Coco, whine low and have, ten of the coconut cannon who were surrounding the bed raises their head and approach them...</p> <p class="cnMzNDQ4YzRhMDA4NzQxMTQ5M2MwYzQzNjMwZTE0NDg2">"Cooooo≈~" They move slowly with their two short limbs like penguins, so cute!</p> <p class="cnNmMWZlOTVlN2ZkNDRkZTViMDQxNmM3MTY5MGY3NGEz">The group tumbled forward to throw the mana grains out of their barrels.</p> <p class="cnM3Njg4YzIzNWQzYTQ1YzhhNmNjNmNkNjlhZThhMzBj">"Hahaha, god, they are adorable. A horde of summer penguins might be cute kuku!"</p> <p class="cnM4Yzg3ODk3NGRlODQwYmZiYmQ0NmI5OWExZTlmMDQ2">He caresses their heads and picks up the small mana grains, with a bitter smile, "I guess, I need to buy more shrink bags! T^T"</p> <p class="cnNiYTRkNmU3NzFmODQ3NmY4YWFmNjlmZmJmMDBmODIy">He dug two pits on the ground left and right two meters from his bed and he filled blue jade colored beautiful pot and a yellow pots which discharge electric effects every ten seconds with the land he digs with his hoe, the growth multiplier was applied to the soil which will make their growth faster.</p> <p class="cnM4MjczMDM4NzE0MjRiMzc4NTI5ZDNlYmJkZDhjNTZm">There's only five seed of chili inside the bag, which irritated him. Five seeds? I can make a portal to earth and get thousands of them!</p> <p class="cnNiNWU4NWU5YjNmNDRhNGZiNmFkN2VjMWJiMTljOGEx">He made five small holes in the soil and started to plant the seeds. (Wait, why there's only four of them!? What the hell, my three plant points!#)</p> <p class="cnNjYjEzMDI4NDE4ZjRhMWRiNmZjNjgyMTk1YzhlYTlh">The five seeds were reduced to five! He tried to look for it but it's futile. He sighed depressingly, and just forget about it.</p> <p class="cnMyYTljNTczYWVhMTRhYmI4ZTY4YjNkMmM2MjQzMDMz">He took out the blackcurrant and giant ginger from his bag to observe it, "The blackcurrant still fresh, but that doesn't matter, right? They just need to absorb enough mana and they'll evolve!"</p> <p class="cnNjZDBlODQwMzBmZTQxYmU5MGYyOTRkZGMwNTY4MTJk">He made 20 small holes in his lightning pot and buried half of the crops under the soil. He went out of the dome for a moment to ask for a sealed container with three quarters are filled with water.</p> <p class="cnNkZTk4MTg3OGYyYjRiNDZhZWRlN2YxNGJhMGZiNDA0">Neil was confused for a moment, he doesn't know what he needed it for, after all, Planteros only need mana grains to grow. He doesn't know what his plan, but he decided to have Hugo buy a fifteen-meter cube container with 3/4 filled with water.</p> <p class="cnM2N2VkMjQ4NTQxZDQ4MzM4MzNlZjFhYmMzYjYyMDRl">While waiting, Lucas walks for ten minutes to complete one of his daily quests, earning additional 2Ppts. He bought natures pot and a bag of peanuts with 50 seeds in the bag. "What? Peanuts have 50 seeds while chili only has five?! Are you kidding me? Being an elite type, the seeds cost much higher. The price indicates its value, not the amount."</p> <p class="cnM1YmYyYWY0NjhlYzQzM2U5Mzc2NjY4ODViNTdlNDBm">He dug another pit at the opposite end of the entrance and filled the green cold jade pot with soil. Fifty seeds of peanuts, the size of the pot was enough for all of it to grow some size.</p> <p class="cnNlYmFhOTQ5YTlkYjQxMGY4YTUyMjE2ZTcxMjI3NjM2">6 am, Hugo finally arrived with a truck carrying a large glass tank of water.</p> <p class="cnNlYTAxZmVmNjk4NjQxODhiMGMxZWIzNzJjYTQxZWQ4">"Wait, Grandpa Neil, how am I supposed to put it inside of my dome? Aye!" He wants to curse but looking at him being in the presence of an elder he holds himself and scratches his head.</p> <p class="cnNlYzNiZTM4OTNlNjQ2NWJiYTk3MjhmNDIyZmRmZjIw">Neil wrinkled face turned red from embarrassment "Haha, you did not tell me what you plan, so I don't know it must fit the<br>dome's entrance. We can have another one if that's the case!"</p> <p class="cnNkOGIyYjYxMmExMjQ0MjBhMGExNzU2NTM0ZDg2MGQz">"Haha, no Grandpa. It has a rubber hose and a faucet, it will do, how much is this, uncle Hugo?"</p> <p class="cnNmMGJmNmVhM2Q2ZTQxZGZiZGMyNTA1OGZkZDcwYzRl">Hugo's body twitched and smile bitterly, "I'm only 21, you can call me brother instead! It cost 20 mana grains because the thickness and quality are the best!"</p> <p class="cnNjZTgzMWRhNzI4MDQxOWFhYWJhYzljNzNlZjNhNWM0">"Hehe, yes brother. Here are 20 mana grains." Lucas hands the grains over and climbed the glass container. He opened it's lid and took out the bag of mana grains and poured half of it inside the tank,</p> <p class="cnMzZmQ5ODRhOTI5YTQzNTE5OTQwYmE0NTcwZWE3MGYz">"L-Lucas! It will melt, you're wasting your resources!" Neil shout of shock.</p> <p class="cnMzZTVkZjFhNWE5YzQ5ODdiNDcyOGI4MmJkNzEyMjk2">Lucas looked at him and chuckled, "Grandpa, this will not waste them, instead it will be absorbed better! I ask Coco if whether he likes the melted one or the solid, but he wants the melted one! Planteros are still plants, which they still prefer water!"</p> <p class="cnNjZWNkYTY3ZjI3MTRhZGNiNTQ4N2ViZDRiODAxZWUy">"T-the- Is that true!? T-then, Hugo!"</p> <p class="cnM5MWIxMzZhY2Q3ODRlMTNiNzUxNTFlNWY3Y2FkMWIw">"Godfather, In I'm tired!"</p> <p class="cnMyZDdmMGY1MDA0OTRiOWM4M2Y5MWQ1ZTBlN2FmNTYw">"Shut up or I'll tell your father that you are being listless!"</p> <p class="cnM2MmJjZDE1MDY3NzRjNjA5OTcxYjExYmUxN2JiMGE1">"O- Yes! I'll be going!"</p> <p class="cnNjMTJjYWEwODM2NDRkNTk5YjRlNmE3MjFkYzhiMTc4">Lucas just laughed at them and continue his work, he stirred the water using the handle of his hoe, afraid of breaking the glass.</p> <p class="cnNmYTA1MzE2NGY4MjRhNGFhMjE2ZTFjMzY1NWU1MTRj">After the mana grains are completed melted, Lucas extended the rubber hose and water his plants, the rubber hose were long enough to reach every part of the room, which gives it a good impression to him.</p> <p class="cnMxMzYyZTE1M2NmMjRiOTZiMzU4NWQwNTQ3YmQ1MGM4">"Grandpa, can I ask a question? What kind of crops do the Grains city will buy without a hitch, and the highest price at that!"</p> <p class="cnM3YjU3YWU2NWEwNjQyZGFiZmJiZjFiYTQ1MThkYmY1">"Why? Tell me your plan first you brat!"</p> <p class="cnM4YjZkNTk4YmYzMzQ1ZjU5NzM2Yzk2NzAxNjk5NGEw">"Haha!" His face turned red and laughs awkwardly, "Actually I need more mana grains, and clearing the whole dungeon took me too much time and attention. I want to be low key, so I need another way to earn mana grains!"</p> <p class="cnMyOTFiZDgxMGY2YTRkNTk5ZmZjODk5NTBmZTBiNWZj">"Is that so? Then it will be the black pepper ants! Pepper ants took too many resources to grow and... melted mana grains, alright. Della and Rita, can you get a pair of black pepper ants in one of my domes?"</p> <p class="cnM2MTEyNDZjZmZmZDQ2ZThhYzk4NjBhMmU4MWVjNjAy">Della look at his grandfather in astonishment, "G-grandpa! Why don't you go, and stop redirecting orders? I want a rest too!"</p> <p class="cnM0NDQ2Mzg5ODUyMzQwNzRhNmU1MzYwMWMyNmE1YTA4">"Of course I can do that, I'm your elder you brat. Well if you want to rest, you can rest with Lucas!"</p> <p class="cnNkNzk0Y2FkOWFjMjQ2MzU5MzNiZWU5NzFhYWFiZDBl">"Hicc! No freaking way! I'll go! Rita let's go!"</p> <p class="cnMzMDk1MTBhODBiNzQxYzRiY2U2MGIzYjA3ZGZlYjNj">Rita's face turned sour and her eyes become watery, "How did I get into this?"</p> <p class="cnM4MTJkMDBiZDg4NDRjMjFiYjEzYjk2NzQwNGIzYTEz">Two of them gone towards the south using Neil's truck.</p> <p class="cnM5MTQ1NmNlZjE1NjQzMzZiZmFkODJhNmE3MTI1NzFh">Lucas wore a cloak and mask to hide his appearance. "Grandpa, can you stay here for a bit? Also, sister Ranrem and Old man Redford, can you protect Viola and Violet for a moment? I need to ask Grandpa Buckler to make my walls for this dome."</p> <p class="cnNmMTZkN2NkYzhjOTQyNWQ5ZGMxODQ3YjQ2YmE2MjQ1">"What? A wall? You can only buy a three meter high and 5 feet thick glass wall at the best which can stand hundreds of treetans barrage of attack without breaking! But it cost 2000, and this dome of yours are a lot bigger!"</p> <p class="cnM3ZmRhODhkYzhkODRiNWQ5MmY5NmEyODllMDQzMjdk">"Haha,". He only laughs and lifts the bag which received earlier.</p> <p class="cnMwN2I5NTU3YTBlNDRlMmNhMDFhYTk2YjRhZmRjYTNh">" Oops, I forgot about it. Okay, we will defend this playing ground of yours !"</p> <p class="cnNhMjI5MWQzYTRjOTQ1YTRiN2ZmZTc4NDY5ZWNhMGI3">Lucas dashes towards the city without a sweat as if it was nothing. He roamed inside the city and ask for a store of shrink bag, he was directed to a building with black walls and several guards on the entrance.</p> <p class="cnM2YTg0NDYyZjU4NTQwZjJiNGYwZGI2OWU5NjNmZmU0">Lucas approached them and wave his hands "Hello, I'm here to buy shrink bags any like!"</p> <p class="cnMxOWM4ZWE4ZjBkYzQxNWE5NTUwY2U2NDJmMDRiZmVj">"You need to show two hundred mana grains." They said emotionlessly.</p> <p class="cnNjY2FhMmE2MGUzYTQ4MmI4Y2NiNDE0OWE2MjgyZjg5">"Haha, here you go!" Lucas showed a bag full of mana grains which shock the guards and immediately let him in.</p> <p class="cnM2MDk4YTgwYzUxODRjMDdiZTc1OTE5NjhkZDJiYWUy">Inside the building, the tiles were also black and the ceiling is black, only a dim bulb of light which enough for them to know where he was stepping. When he reached the first room, the shrink lace was displayed in a glass aquarium together with shrink earrings, and bracelet. In the wall displayed a shrink bag which has the same as he has.</p> <p class="cnMxYmJjZGQwMzBlZDRhYjJhODc0ZWYxN2I2M2ZkYTUx">He was trying to move to the second room before he was blocked by the guards, he opened his bag to show them his wealth and stop them from advancing.</p> <p class="cnNkZWFmMDQwNmJiYTQ1ZGFhZWJjM2RmODkzMDkxNmZk">The second floor has shrink bags displayed in the wall, twice, trice and ten times larger than his waist bag which looks like a backpack, the bags have a price tag on its front which is 800 mana grains.</p> <p class="cnNmN2UyZGI1NmJhMjQyMWJiYTM4ZTdlNWU1NmI2Nzdj">"Good morning sir, this is the black market, how can I help you?"</p> <p class="cnMwMDUwYmQ4ZDRjZDRmMjNhMjc3NzRjYzAxNWU2NWJi">(The name suites the design but their goods were not lol.) He thought to himself, "I want to ask if you have shrink gloves? Or something like that!"</p> <p class="cnM5NWNhNTA5OWQ3ZjRmNTI4NGIzM2RiZDAwMWI0NjFh">"Of course! We surely have and it's made out of the best general treetan fiber we have! It cost 1,300, sir!"</p> <p class="cnM4YzJjN2RkMjRkYTRhZjY4ZGE5Yjk1MzY2OTk1MzA3">"Hmm, good. I want a pair of gloves and that biggest bag!"</p> <p class="cnMwM2MwNmJiOTVlMTQ5NTI4NTI0Y2IwZDc1ZWE0NWE3">The face of the saleslady brighten up and work faster and more efficient. The buyer must be rich, this means he can have a bonus from selling several pieces of them while he's in charge.</p> <p class="cnMyNzMxZTU4Nzg5YjRlNmZhNzAzMGMzZjgyNzZiYmU0">Lucas also bought two extra bags which costs 300 each and put it on his waist. He paid 4,500 mana grains in total.</p> <p class="cnMwMDc5ZGMyNzg5ODQwOWI5ZjViOTg1MDljMjQ2MzBl">He went to the wet market and bought a few ingredients for their lunch and dinner. Rambutan lobster, Pineapple turkey? Black pepper ants, salt, sugarcane snake vinegar, and spider soy sauce? And .ast but not the least the mole potato.</p> <p class="cnNkOTI0MDQ0YTYzNTRlNGFiNTliYzRmYWQwNDk0NDFk">This piqued his interest to roam around the wet market if he has a time, he went out of the wet market and went to a gigantic shop with lots of truck parked in the outside the building.</p> <p class="cnM5MzA4ZDY1Y2NlOTQyN2Q5ODY5YmEwNDQxYzg1ODJj">An old man walks out of the gate with a garbage bag on his bag. When he saw Lucas with cloak and mask he suddenly becomes alert and vigilant and touched the hilt of his battle hammer. "Good day sir, how can I help you."</p> </div>
"Tree seeds can wait, trees take a long time to grow and bear fruits, I only have 17Ppts, I only need a bag of chili, and system, show me the pot store." ----------------- [Store] >Plant Seeds >Tree Seeds >Pots --normal pots(1Ppts/ea) -small red pot (1 ft radius) -medium red pot (2 ft radius) -large red pot (3 ft radius) --Magic pots(5Ppts/ea) -S/M/L ocean pot <Planteros will grow with calmness -S/M/L lava pot <Planteros will grow hot-headed -S/M/L Lightning pot <Planteros will grow energetic -S/M/L Music pot <Planteros will grow with harmony -S/M/L Nature pot <Planteros will grow together with nature and grow beautifully >tools -------------- "W-wow, magic pots? So, I can choose what behavior of the Planteros should have?" He thought of what suitable behavior does a Chilli Dragon should have, spicy/ chili breath that could burn human skin, blind, and kill for some instances. They irritate plants and trees which kill them afterward, a calm chili dragon might be good. A dragon in the novels because they're hot-headed, an energetic one might harm their own allies unaware, and a dragon with harmony and a beautiful executioner... They don't exist. For felines, there is nothing to discuss, an energetic one suits them. A lively and energetic cat is what people want the most. Lucas decided to buy one ocean pots for his chili dragons and one lightning pot for his gigantic ginger cat and blackcurrant nether panther, he used up 13 Ppts. and only left with 4 Ppts. "Coco, can I have the mana grains from your younglings? I need them." When they were at the dungeon, they don't have enough bags, and the cannon coconuts already are too many for starters. He has 10 of them carry 100 each on their barrels that total 1000 mana grains. "Coco~" Coco, whine low and have, ten of the coconut cannon who were surrounding the bed raises their head and approach them... "Cooooo≈~" They move slowly with their two short limbs like penguins, so cute! The group tumbled forward to throw the mana grains out of their barrels. "Hahaha, god, they are adorable. A horde of summer penguins might be cute kuku!" He caresses their heads and picks up the small mana grains, with a bitter smile, "I guess, I need to buy more shrink bags! T^T" He dug two pits on the ground left and right two meters from his bed and he filled blue jade colored beautiful pot and a yellow pots which discharge electric effects every ten seconds with the land he digs with his hoe, the growth multiplier was applied to the soil which will make their growth faster. There's only five seed of chili inside the bag, which irritated him. Five seeds? I can make a portal to earth and get thousands of them! He made five small holes in the soil and started to plant the seeds. (Wait, why there's only four of them!? What the hell, my three plant points!#) The five seeds were reduced to five! He tried to look for it but it's futile. He sighed depressingly, and just forget about it. He took out the blackcurrant and giant ginger from his bag to observe it, "The blackcurrant still fresh, but that doesn't matter, right? They just need to absorb enough mana and they'll evolve!" He made 20 small holes in his lightning pot and buried half of the crops under the soil. He went out of the dome for a moment to ask for a sealed container with three quarters are filled with water. Neil was confused for a moment, he doesn't know what he needed it for, after all, Planteros only need mana grains to grow. He doesn't know what his plan, but he decided to have Hugo buy a fifteen-meter cube container with 3/4 filled with water. While waiting, Lucas walks for ten minutes to complete one of his daily quests, earning additional 2Ppts. He bought natures pot and a bag of peanuts with 50 seeds in the bag. "What? Peanuts have 50 seeds while chili only has five?! Are you kidding me? Being an elite type, the seeds cost much higher. The price indicates its value, not the amount." He dug another pit at the opposite end of the entrance and filled the green cold jade pot with soil. Fifty seeds of peanuts, the size of the pot was enough for all of it to grow some size. 6 am, Hugo finally arrived with a truck carrying a large glass tank of water. "Wait, Grandpa Neil, how am I supposed to put it inside of my dome? Aye!" He wants to curse but looking at him being in the presence of an elder he holds himself and scratches his head. Neil wrinkled face turned red from embarrassment "Haha, you did not tell me what you plan, so I don't know it must fit the dome's entrance. We can have another one if that's the case!" "Haha, no Grandpa. It has a rubber hose and a faucet, it will do, how much is this, uncle Hugo?" Hugo's body twitched and smile bitterly, "I'm only 21, you can call me brother instead! It cost 20 mana grains because the thickness and quality are the best!" "Hehe, yes brother. Here are 20 mana grains." Lucas hands the grains over and climbed the glass container. He opened it's lid and took out the bag of mana grains and poured half of it inside the tank, "L-Lucas! It will melt, you're wasting your resources!" Neil shout of shock. Lucas looked at him and chuckled, "Grandpa, this will not waste them, instead it will be absorbed better! I ask Coco if whether he likes the melted one or the solid, but he wants the melted one! Planteros are still plants, which they still prefer water!" "T-the- Is that true!? T-then, Hugo!" "Godfather, In I'm tired!" "Shut up or I'll tell your father that you are being listless!" "O- Yes! I'll be going!" Lucas just laughed at them and continue his work, he stirred the water using the handle of his hoe, afraid of breaking the glass. After the mana grains are completed melted, Lucas extended the rubber hose and water his plants, the rubber hose were long enough to reach every part of the room, which gives it a good impression to him. "Grandpa, can I ask a question? What kind of crops do the Grains city will buy without a hitch, and the highest price at that!" "Why? Tell me your plan first you brat!" "Haha!" His face turned red and laughs awkwardly, "Actually I need more mana grains, and clearing the whole dungeon took me too much time and attention. I want to be low key, so I need another way to earn mana grains!" "Is that so? Then it will be the black pepper ants! Pepper ants took too many resources to grow and... melted mana grains, alright. Della and Rita, can you get a pair of black pepper ants in one of my domes?" Della look at his grandfather in astonishment, "G-grandpa! Why don't you go, and stop redirecting orders? I want a rest too!" "Of course I can do that, I'm your elder you brat. Well if you want to rest, you can rest with Lucas!" "Hicc! No freaking way! I'll go! Rita let's go!" Rita's face turned sour and her eyes become watery, "How did I get into this?" Two of them gone towards the south using Neil's truck. Lucas wore a cloak and mask to hide his appearance. "Grandpa, can you stay here for a bit? Also, sister Ranrem and Old man Redford, can you protect Viola and Violet for a moment? I need to ask Grandpa Buckler to make my walls for this dome." "What? A wall? You can only buy a three meter high and 5 feet thick glass wall at the best which can stand hundreds of treetans barrage of attack without breaking! But it cost 2000, and this dome of yours are a lot bigger!" "Haha,". He only laughs and lifts the bag which received earlier. " Oops, I forgot about it. Okay, we will defend this playing ground of yours !" Lucas dashes towards the city without a sweat as if it was nothing. He roamed inside the city and ask for a store of shrink bag, he was directed to a building with black walls and several guards on the entrance. Lucas approached them and wave his hands "Hello, I'm here to buy shrink bags any like!" "You need to show two hundred mana grains." They said emotionlessly. "Haha, here you go!" Lucas showed a bag full of mana grains which shock the guards and immediately let him in. Inside the building, the tiles were also black and the ceiling is black, only a dim bulb of light which enough for them to know where he was stepping. When he reached the first room, the shrink lace was displayed in a glass aquarium together with shrink earrings, and bracelet. In the wall displayed a shrink bag which has the same as he has. He was trying to move to the second room before he was blocked by the guards, he opened his bag to show them his wealth and stop them from advancing. The second floor has shrink bags displayed in the wall, twice, trice and ten times larger than his waist bag which looks like a backpack, the bags have a price tag on its front which is 800 mana grains. "Good morning sir, this is the black market, how can I help you?" (The name suites the design but their goods were not lol.) He thought to himself, "I want to ask if you have shrink gloves? Or something like that!" "Of course! We surely have and it's made out of the best general treetan fiber we have! It cost 1,300, sir!" "Hmm, good. I want a pair of gloves and that biggest bag!" The face of the saleslady brighten up and work faster and more efficient. The buyer must be rich, this means he can have a bonus from selling several pieces of them while he's in charge. Lucas also bought two extra bags which costs 300 each and put it on his waist. He paid 4,500 mana grains in total. He went to the wet market and bought a few ingredients for their lunch and dinner. Rambutan lobster, Pineapple turkey? Black pepper ants, salt, sugarcane snake vinegar, and spider soy sauce? And .ast but not the least the mole potato. This piqued his interest to roam around the wet market if he has a time, he went out of the wet market and went to a gigantic shop with lots of truck parked in the outside the building. An old man walks out of the gate with a garbage bag on his bag. When he saw Lucas with cloak and mask he suddenly becomes alert and vigilant and touched the hilt of his battle hammer. "Good day sir, how can I help you."
{ "title": "Epilogue", "id": 21374, "author": "Etzoli", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9 — Jen", "id": 305772, "next": 306059, "prev": 305467, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0YjdkZDlmN2NiNjQ1NTJhNTExNWExMDQ4NTNmY2Yw" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-size: 2em">Chapter 9 — Jen</span></p> <p class="cnNkYmI2MzQxYTE1NDQwM2JiZTljNDM5NzY0YjgxMzA4"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Hello?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjZmNGQ4ZWJlZTRmYmU5NDg2ODlkNDViYWYyM2E2"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Portman, it's Clark. Might have something."</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTJkYjY5ODA2YzQ0MmNhZjU0MWJmYjVmZTJkZGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Go ahead."</span></p> <p class="cnNlMThlOGJlZGUzMTRhNzViYmMzYTA2NjkwZDE5ZWMw"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"There was a chat window still open, between him and the best friend. They were getting together Tuesday night."</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDY4ZmM2MTVjOTQ2YTA5NTY2NmRkYzMzOThjZGI0"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Details?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2YxNjQ1YWIxOTQyYTFhODBjMTQ0NTllYzE5NzZh"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Not much. Just that he'd be picked up around 9pm."</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTk2ZDdlNWU2MTRiNjdhNjBhMzUyNGExOTdkZmQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Picked up? Carl doesn't have a license. Or a car."</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjQyYTgyMGU3YzRjMzY5MTQxZDQ3ZGY5MTQ0YjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"So there's a third party here."</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjk1OTdhYTE1OTQ5YWI5MmY4YTkyZDQ2ODZiNDU3"><span style="font-weight: 400; font-family: monospace">"Talk to the mother again. Friends with cars."</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjQ0YjUzMGU2NzQ3NGNiNmIwZjZmNmEzMGQxOTg5"><br><br></p> <p class="cnM2ZmFiYTk4OTcxMDQzNTM4ZTAxYmY5OTc4YjcwZWRi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...I wasn’t sure if you were still coming,” said Sara awkwardly, the front door half-open.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMjYyODBiZTZkZDRmNTk5NjkyMDk2OGJmYTUxM2Fi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “‘Course I came,” I said brightly. “It’s Thursday, isn’t it?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTljNDNmYWIwYjQwNWViNjhmMjBjOWQ0OWVkNGRi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah, but—”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmU2NDc3ZDVlNzQ1YTRiMzk1ZWI3NDI0NGM2YTU4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “But nothing.” I gave her the best lopsided grin I could manage. “You gonna make me stand out here all day?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDExNjRkMmU1NzRjMzZiNDMzNGM1NTI1YzFhYzlk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I was just outside Sara’s door, at the end of a stone path lined with little lanterns and flowers, plus—no joke—a white picket fence at the edge of the lawn. Could’ve been a painting. After a long afternoon spent in in the woods recovering, I finally worked up the courage to return to civilization. I was lucky it was Thursday; any other day, I’d probably still be out there paralyzed with worry. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNzRkZWZkYTUxOTRkYmM4ZDVlZjA1MTQ3ZDMzM2Zi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  But it was Thursday. Thursday was dinner at Sara’s. I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">never</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> missed Thursday at Sara’s.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZThmMzI3OGU5MDQzMGRiYTZkZWU4ZTFmMjBjZmZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It took me a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">long</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> time to bounce back from that conversation with Carl. I’d spent hours just poking the ground with a stick, tracing out long and increasingly incomprehensible rants in Etoline about Reynir Cellman and incredibly specific insults about his henchmen. Worthless stuff, really, since there wasn’t a thing I could do about it anymore, but it made me feel better. Scratching out Etoline in the dirt was as nostalgic as I’d allowed myself to be since coming back. I grasped those threads of identity like a drowning woman, pulling myself out of despair.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzg5OTllMjcwNTQ5MzJhOWY1Nzk3MmQ3YjBiNTc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  And it </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">worked</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, dammit. I was here, I was alive, and I was eager to hang out with my best friend.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODdjNzZjOWMxYjRlYzRhMzZjOWYxYjA4MTY3YjFk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara finally opened the door fully, still bemused.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGVmNGY5ZTE1MDRhODU4NDI2ZGQxZWQ1MTgwNDYy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Anybody home?” I asked, walking past her and kicking off my shoes into the neat pile by the stairs.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTMwMTFhYjhiOTQ2MDZhMWJjYmQzMjk3Nzc0YTQ2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Mom’s out back.” Sara shut the door quietly. I glanced around, remembering what the house looked like. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NjM1ZmZlZjZiMzQ5ODM5ZTc0NzFkZTM2NmIxNTIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The staircase wall was packed with pictures of their family—Sara and her mother and father. Real, professional stuff, every one of them. Proper lighting and framing and all that. Her dad worked in computers as a something-something-engineer. Something really typical for our area, but he was on the upper end. They were rich, but they didn’t flaunt it very much. He drove a normal car, so did his wife, and their house really wasn’t that much bigger than ours. From the outside, it was all neat and well-kept, but very middle-class.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDdhNDFjYzYwZTQ3NDc5Y2ZlN2RhNWE4NDdkMDRm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Inside? Gizmos and gadgets galore. I couldn’t tell you what half of the stuff in their house even did, but I knew it was all pretty expensive. Her dad loved his fancy toys.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWY3NDZhYmFkYzRmNTZhNmNmMzBiMmQxZGFjNGU4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  A hand touched my shoulder.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTBiYWZiYjFiYjQwMWM4MjI5ZThmOGJiNmUxNzY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Despite everything, despite knowing exactly who she was and what she meant to me—I flinched. My hand shot up and knocked hers away.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWZkMzgwMDMzZjQ0ZTRiZWI5NDdkYzEzYzZiMTNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I turned, prepared to apologize, but her expression was… satisfied?</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjBlOTY2OWI4MjRlZGQ5ZjVkNzU2OTQwOTAyMTdk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You’re still hiding,” she prompted.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzRhYzFjOTVlYzRkM2ViYzQ3YmQyNjMxZGM3MGVk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Sara, look,” I started, but she just shook her head. Her hand took mine, and she dragged me up the stairs two at a time.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjhmZDFlYTI3ZTRiN2ZiMDk1Y2NhOGIyN2Q0YTY4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  In moments, we were in Sara’s room, door closed tight. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">This</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> room I remembered perfectly. Sara’s bed, the most comfortable bed I’ve ever felt, tucked into the corner. Posters and drawings stuck all over the walls (some by me, the better ones by her), and a closet full of clothes, way more than I’ve ever had. In the other corner, near a window, a wide desk with a line of screens (three, count ‘em), along with speakers, keyboards, and everything else you could ask for as a techie.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzhlNjJlNjkyYTRiZDhhYWQ2M2IwMjIyNDhiOGJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Her computer, more expensive than possibly everything I owned combined (I’d never asked—don’t think I really want the answer, either…) sat underneath, with wires trailing away in every direction. A bookshelf near the bed was stuffed with great novels (my personal borrowing library. The gaps in it were probably books I had back home right now), and “my” laptop sat on top, where I’d probably left it the last time I was here.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzQzZTQ5Y2RjODQ3MDJhY2JlZGYzZmUwZGE5NDEy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara let me use it. She called it mine, and promised nobody would ever be able to look at it or get into it without my permission. Not even her. Even so, I never took it home. I guess I didn’t want Mom to feel guilty that she couldn’t afford to get me one.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODQ1MTQ2ZmUyYzRjZjA4YWU4MjFiMGQxYWZlOTRi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara close the door behind us, then plopped down onto her chair. I took my usual spot on the bed facing her. For a moment, we were both totally silent. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NmE2NGY5MjA2ZDRjOTJiNDVlOGQzNDdkOWI3MWFl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I fidgeted awkwardly, glancing around, avoiding her gaze. I didn’t want to speak first. I wasn’t sure what she was going to bring up, or what she’d heard or figured out. I wanted her to make the first move, so I could be smart about what </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">said. Matt’s words about trust echoed through my head. That, along with my own personal experiences with betrayal, meant I was pretty reluctantly to open up to anyone. Even Sara.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjUwMWU2ZDA3MDQzOTZhY2FlM2NkNzUwYzE5ZGI4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not that she was gonna let that stop her.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGJmYTg1NWVlMDQ0MWNiYjFlMGNiMmIzN2Y5OGM3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You know, people talk a lot…” Sara said, very formally. Like she was about to give a speech.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTMxNmI4NDg5MzQwZTg5MmFkYmNiNjQwMDQ3ZDQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “About what?” I asked innocently.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTY5Mzc2YzE3MDRmZDM4NTBkNDdkNjVjYTU3M2Ey" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Screw it,” she snapped. “What the hell happened after second period?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGZjZjE1NTA0NzQ2YTQ5MGZlYzM0Y2I0ZGYxMTRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You’re gonna have to be more specific…” I didn’t know why I was stalling. Clearly she already knew.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjI4YjIyZjk3YTQ1N2RiNjBlN2NmYTJjNTg1OWFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I heard you took down a varsity football player like it was nothing. Dropped him straight into a locker.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZWZkMjE0Njk3YjRkZjViOGU0NjQwNmUyOWYxNTJl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh. Yeah, I did.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODEzNmRmZmJkZjQzMGViM2I0YjRiNjkwMTFkMDkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Jen,” said Sara, her voice weirdly high-pitched. “Last I remembered, you were scared to slap a guy for being too aggressive a flirt. Now you’re beating up jocks for fun?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGQ1MDM2MTZlNDRhMzY4YWVhZGEyYjhkZjk5ZWEy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Not for fun,” I said quickly. “Definitely not for fun.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDg5ZGVmZWE1YTRhOTA4MDU1ZDUzMTI2MTg0N2I3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So, what then?” Sara sounded seriously concerned, which made me feel all the worse. “Did he do something to you?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWQ2NDJiMjNkYjQ3ZjVhMjk5YWM5YWVmNWVhZjc2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “No. Nothing. It was an accident.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWFmYTkzNDFlODQ3MTM4MDU4ODQ0N2I3MDYzZWZi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “That’s not an accident,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “God, Jen, what is going </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">on</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">? You’ve been acting crazy for days now, and not just you. Matt’s suddenly super confident and outgoing, which is great and all but still—</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">bizarre. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">And now that guy Carl, the one you’re suddenly super buddy-buddy with even though I’ve literally never heard of him before?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTNlODkyYTExYzQ1MWI4YWNhMmQ1NjFmMjBmYWIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I nodded slowly, wondering where this was going. What did Carl do? Oh man…</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGZiN2I1ZWNlMjQzYWJiNGFiOWE2YjQ0NzM3OTdi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Well, Carl—a guy so quiet and out of the way that I never knew he was even in my class—suddenly chews out the teacher in the middle of APUSH. Goes on and on about some really awful things.” Sara shook her head in exasperation. “Jen, something’s going on with you three. It’s obvious. So… tell me?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDZlYzZmMTUyZTQzMWVhNDEyNWE3ODM3NzEyYjcx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I can’t,” I murmured, as my eyes darted away. I couldn’t look at her when I said it.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGUzNTI2ZjI5YzQ4Y2E5YWQxY2FhM2ExMTNjZGI2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara got up and knelt down in front of me. Her hands grasped mine tight, holding on desperately.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjk2MTQzMWMzZTQzYjU5NTU4Y2NjNTk0Zjg1MjQ1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Jen, please. You’re my best friend. I just want to help. Tell me what’s going on.” Her eyes were sparkling. She looked like she might cry. All I had to do to stop her was talk.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZWRmM2NiZTkxZTQ4YzM4Nzc3NzkwMjFlN2YxMjk1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Oh, stars, did I want to. I wanted her to know everything, without me having to actually tell her. To skip right past all that mess and go straight back to being best friends again.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDQ1OGUzODdkYjQ1ODBhYmU1MjdmNzZkZjlhMTYw" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">  And why not? </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">came the little voice in my head. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">It’s Sara. If there was a single person in the whole world besides Matt who could know my secrets, it’d be her.</span></em></p> <p class="cnMyNWQ2NDQyMWM3ZDQ1NjU4YmZiZTc2ZTJmMWY0ZDFl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I could feel my entire body sharpen to a single point, as if I were about to take off into a sprint. It felt like the entire world was quivering as I turned back to face her. There was enough anticipation in the air to stop time itself.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YThmZDdlMWFhYTQ0MTQ5MzNkZDY0ZjkzMTIyODFk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I went to another world.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTVmYjE3N2M1YTQ4OTJiNzgxMDkxMzQ5NTkxYzAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara’s eyes blinked. They blinked again.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGZlZDBkNDg4NDQ5YWFiNWIyNjA1MGI3NGVmODBh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I didn’t say another word. I just watched. Waited.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWZjZmY1Yzk3ZjQ1OTdhMWU4Mzk0YWIxODQ1Mzgz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Would she think I was crazy? Would she believe me?</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzlhOTI3Nzc3MDRmOWE4NjI1YTY0Mzg3ZDg2OGUy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Did I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">want</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> her to think I was crazy? Maybe I wanted to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">be</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> crazy. To have imagined this whole insanity.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTZkZjcxZmMzMDQyZDI5NDRiMDkxOGJjZjc3YjA3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I couldn’t say for sure. All I knew was that I wanted my best friend on my side again, with me through thick and thin, us two against the whole universe.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTJlOTliZWM1MzRmNTRiMDI2MGM5ODAxOWE3OGYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...Run that by me again,” she said finally. I couldn’t tell if she was sarcastic or serious. Her face </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">looked</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> serious. Kinda skeptical, but definitely not annoyed or amused. I decided I’d just go with it. I trusted her.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmZkZWEwYmU5MjRkYWZhMzJhY2E4ZDk1MzMzZDgw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “On Tuesday night. We—err, me, Matt and Carl—we were all… taken. To another… </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">vack</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, I can’t think of the word.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWQ0ODk2NWMxZDQ3ZjdhYjU4NDJmNDI4MWMxMzU5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Planet?” Sara guessed. “Dimension?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjBkNzMxMGY2MjQ0N2M4ZjFlNTAwNWM3MjkzOGRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Dimension, yeah.” I nodded. “A place called Cyraveil.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWUzNzFhYzM0MTQyNmViZTYwNDJiNDNkZDQ4Yzhj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Like the forest?” Sara sounded dubious again. She sat back on the floor, leaning against her desk. Her water bottle was nearby, like it always was, and she took a deep sip, still watching me carefully.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODU1M2Q3ZmMyMTQ1MmFiZmY3ZWM5ZDg0ZGMzOWVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “That’s where it happened,” I replied, nodding again. “We went out to the forest that night. The four of us found a—”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzA2ZDM4MjQzYjQ3ODZhYTI4NTdiMTdmODQ1NzZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Wait, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">four</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> of you?” Sara interrupted. I gulped audibly before I could stop myself. “...Jen?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjQxYzEyYTVhMDRhMDY5NDY2N2Y2YzY1YTI3M2Y5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I couldn’t leave him out, but I definitely couldn’t talk about it yet. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Someday</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, I promised her in my head. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I’ll tell you, I swear. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m sorry. Do you know Blake Svartholm?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDQzODkxZjk4YTQ1ZTBiZjNiZmFmZmNhOWE4NmEw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Nope.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2I3YzkxMjIwNDQ2NDhhYzM0OTg0Nzk3MzU5ODIx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “He’s a friend of Matt’s and Carl’s. Nice guy. Kind of goofy, but really nice.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzZhMzRiYjUwYTQ4NzQ4ODRiOWM0YjU1MTAwNmEw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “And he went with you too,” she concluded.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjIxNGY2ZmNmNjQ3MDNhZGM5ZTUwZDc3ZTdkMTY5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...Yeah.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMGE4YjY5YTk4ODQ1NTU4NDMxNjg5NmM4ODNhNDg3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So where’s he hiding then? I feel like I’d have to run into him by now with how crazy this is.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjRlZWQ0OGNmMzQxYzViZDU3OTU2YzMwOGYxMThk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I looked down at my feet, concentrating very determinedly on my toes while a rushing wind filled my ears. “He didn’t make it back,” I mumbled. Against my will, against every nerve in my body shouting at me to avoid the drama and keep calm—my eyes welled up.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWNmOWEyMzAxYTQzYTRhMDM2YzdhMjk1ZGZmOGE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh… oh God.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyNjlhYzFlY2ZjODQ1NWNiOWIxMzYwNjg0ZmQ0ZGJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara was on her feet and next to me in an instant. Even in my current state, even in this place, damn it all, I still felt an instinct to recoil away from the sudden physical presence, but I suppressed it. I don’t know how I managed it, but I am forever grateful to whichever star decided to grant me the mental fortitude in that moment—to just let Sara take care of me for a minute.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzFhYzU1MTgyOTRhYWU4ZmUxNTRmMDYyZGNlZGQx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  She put an arm around my shoulders, and my head instinctively found a spot on her shoulder, where the tears flowed free. For the first time since I’d returned—for the first time in a very, very long while before that too, someone else actually saw me crying.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzFiMzI3Y2Y0NzQ5NDFiMWZmNTFmMjg0Mjk2ZmQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Was it talking about Blake? Nah, as heartbreaking as that was.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZThlNjAwMjNlNDRhYjI4MzdlYTc5YTlmZWQwMDRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It was simpler than that. Sara—no matter what she might be thinking right now—had seen my expression, and without a second thought, she’d leapt up to try and comfort me.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmFlYzAxODkyNzQ3YmY5YzJhNzI0NDcwN2I0NTkx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Do you know what it’s like to have a friend like that? Somebody who’s </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">instantly</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> on your side, no matter the circumstances? I missed her more than anything while I was gone. More than showers or normal clothes, more than microwaves or chocolate cake or anything: I’d missed my best friend.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTAyOGM4OWM0MTQ5MmFiYzc0ZmU3YTI2YzU4Njc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I sat up again, brushing at my eyes. Sara found a tissue box and handed me one.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODUwM2U0MjBmNjRjZTQ4MGM5MzM0NzYyOGYzZWJm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Vannen</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">,” I choked out.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzBjNmU0YzA3ZjQwYzZiOGE2ODhhMDk5OWJmNzI0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “No sweat,” she said, smiling. “I’m guessing that meant ‘thanks’.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTFmMTViYjA2NjQ2YmNiZjRlMDg4MTcxMjBiZDUx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Top of the class.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2Q1NDU5MDlhOTQwMzc4NmMwYjNmYTUzNWIwNjcz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So you can speak another language now?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmE2MzZjY2ViNjQzOTA4MWExNzQ1ZDI1ZTE0ZmQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I nodded. “Etoline. The language of the Sylvandar.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzZmMWIzMTMzMzQzNmRiZGFiMWJhNDNhMDQwOTVl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Sounds super high fantasy.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWI2MGU5Y2ExNzQ2NzRhODQxYzI1M2YwMjcwMWFk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Okay, yeah, they were basically elves. I mean, there’s a lot more to it than that, but yeah, elves.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmU0MzdiMDMxYzQxMGI4MTFlNWIyYmU0NjYwNmI0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara raised an eyebrow. “Elves?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzg2NGExODgxYTQ2YjA5ZjdjOGQwNTk3ZWI3OWRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Well, Sylves. Calling them elves was kind of racist. Sara, it was a full-on fantasy world. Sylves and dwarves and everything. No </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">daphut</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, I met a dragon once.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjJmZDg1Y2U2MjRiODE4MzYzNjMzYmYzMjg0ZDJl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...How the hell do you </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">meet</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> a dragon?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDRiYmZjMzFlYjQzNzk5NDU4MTMxZmE3YTkzNzIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Very, very carefully.” I laughed. “They’re actually not all that bad. That one wasn’t, anyway. I dunno about the rest, they all died out a long time ago.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGI3NmUyNzM0YzQzNjZiNjJkNzdmNmRjNzAxZmRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Hang on.” Sara cocked her head to the side. “You said you left Tuesday night. How long—”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWJhYTIzMjk5NTQ5YTViZWE2ZGY5NDE2ZDYzMDI1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Seven years.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYzIwMDMxYTU4NTRmZmViMGUwMTA2NGE4N2NhZjEy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara’s mouth seemed to stick open in mid-sentence. It took her a while to recover, while I just stared at the pile of stuffed animals in a basket in the corner. “...Seven years?” she whispered, incredulous.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZGVlOGRkN2U1ZDRlMGU4NmU5NTg1ZWY1NGVlNTU5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I think so. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Likav silan</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTUyOGU0ZmRjMzQxZWQ5MzExYWFkZmQ4OWU3Njhl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You don’t </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">look</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> twenty-three,” she said, sounding skeptical again.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTQ4NTdmODQ2ZjRmOGRhNjQ0ZmZkOTM2N2U4ZTE5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I definitely </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">feel </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">twenty-three,” I grumbled. “Getting shoved back into my sixteen-year-old body really, really sucks, believe me. One </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">silanev</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> not exactly the same as a year though, so it might be off a little. Plus, when I got there, I didn’t really have any way to keep track of time. I don’t really have a clue how long I was lost in the country before Tethevallen found me.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxM2U2ZGNhNjI3NzRjMGFiMGJhMzg3MjhjZjQ2NmRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So you came back and no time passed. Very Narnia. You’re mixing up your fantasy worlds here.” She laughed.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWNmOTAzYWUwZTRlZWQ4MTg5ODNiOThmYzVlYTkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Don’t make fun,” I said defensively. “I’m trying to be serious here.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGNkOGZmMjU1NTQzMmFiYjBhNDY5NWFhNGIwNmIy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I know,” she said, shifting back to thoughtful and relaxed. “It’s just… a lot, you know? I’m catching up here.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWY0NmYxMjdiYzRjZTM4NjZjZGQ1YjkzZDVlYzEx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...You believe me, right?” I said, very nervous. I didn’t know </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">what</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I’d do if she said no. I don’t think I could have gone on living if she didn’t believe me. But… Sara wasn’t the type to take people at their word. She always wanted proof. It was a family thing, right in her blood. I couldn’t predict how she’d react to all of this, when it was so… outlandish.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTc4NWU0YmMzNzRlZjliOGE5ZDE3OGI4NjBkOWE3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “It’s like this,” Sara said, very deliberately. “Either you’ve suddenly grown a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">hell</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> of an imagination overnight—”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjVjMjM4ZjA1ZTQ4Mzg5MDVmNTAzOTM1ZjI1Yjk5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Vack dou.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTg2NjA1MmRkZDRiYzU4NDQ3NmRmMmMxNGU0ZTUy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “—and you’re lying to me, which you never do. Or you’re batshit crazy, which is pretty reasonable, but you don’t really seem like it. Mostly.” She shrugged. “So, I’m pretty much down to believing you.” She tossed her hair back out of her face, before looking me eye-to-eye. “Sound good?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTU2MDgyZGE1NDQ3MDhhMzVhZjBmNGQyY2I4ZmE2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I could have kissed her. “Thank you,” I said, while a warm glow spread out through every vein in my body.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTk1YjkzNTQyYzRkZGVhOTEyYjVjNzczMzNmZDA5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Right,” Sara said excitedly. “Now: explain how a girl who basically failed French class two years in a row is suddenly the master of another language.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTVmNDdhYmNkMjQ4ZWM5OTg3NjMxNmM2YTgxMGFl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I shrugged. “I lived with the Sylves for years. None of them spoke a single word of English. Between that and a bit of magic, I learned Etoline pretty quick. Kinda </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">had</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> to.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OWJmMThlMTI0ZTQ0ZTliODczYTE5YzJjMTg5MTZl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...Magic?” Sara’s eyes sparkled. Now she was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> interested.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjI3OTkwMTAyODRiZjM5MTc5ZGJlMWZjMjc0ODgy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  So was I. I got to explain my whole world to her, to my dearest friend. I always liked to tell stories, even if I wasn’t very good at coming up with them. Suddenly, I had a great, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">true</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> story to tell, and the perfect person to tell it to.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjc3N2E4ZmU0MDQ1MzdhYTI5Mzc4NDk2ZTQ3NTRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Magic. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Etola.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjI4NTQ3MTdkNjQxNDI4YjE5NWI0NTI5MzJkN2Iz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Details. Right now.” Sara spoke so fiercely, I was taken aback. But I felt it, just as eager as she was. The desire, the longing for a real fantasy. One I’d actually gotten to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">live</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGU4NGNmNWU4ZTQ2NzhhNzVjZmNkZDhkNGVmYzU1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “If you… ugh.” I frowned. “I can’t word it right in this language.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2MxMDZhNmIwMjRhYmViNjQ4NDhjMzI2MGMwNDE3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara looked sympathetic. “Did you really forget English?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OTcwMmJmZjc3ZTQ5MDQ4YWQ3Zjc0ZjkwMTE4Y2Rj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I didn’t </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">forget</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">,” I said, a bit indignant, “but I went without for so long… I only started speaking English again about a year ago. When I started—” I paused, searching for the right word. “—interpreting. For the treaties.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWQyM2M5MWFkMTRhZmE5NTAyODM1NjJjYTUxMmNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...’Interpreting for the treaties’,” Sara repeated incredulously. “Okay, this isn’t fair, you just gave me like fifty more questions to ask.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzRkM2QzZTJlNDRhYmRiMzFlYTJmN2QwNWVhMTc2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Well, I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">was</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> the only person they had that spoke English at all. I was the first member of a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">suunsyl</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> to ever negotiate with humans. They even made up a special title to mark it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjRiNGU1Y2IxZjQyODlhNjc3OGU1MmZlYjM1ODM2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Okay, now you’re just bragging.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGM1NGIzYzVmNjQ2NjE5N2FjY2RjNjc1YmRiMGQ3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yup,” I laughed. “No joke, they named the position after me. The ambassador to humans is called the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Sylajen</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. Even the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">sesylf </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">who took over after me, she’s the new </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">sylajen</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWE3NzJjMTgxYzQ2NjdiMWEzNDJmYzViYjZkYjkx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara grinned. “So you got immortalized. Way to go. At least this explains your weird accent.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTI5NmI0M2FkOTQyNmM4ZDkxMzlmOWU4ZDU2MTQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I suddenly felt very self-conscious. “Is it really weird?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzQxMTZkYjQzYjQwMTY5Yzg2OTZhOTZkYjIwNDJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Nah. Okay, yes, it is, but not </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">bad-</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">weird.” Sara tried to give me a comforting smile. “I like it. Don’t lose it.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWU3ZmQ0MGQ4NTRhYzc4NGYzMWRlZGEwNDNjZTlh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Selnou.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” I stopped trying to correct for it after that, to my throat’s relief.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGI0MDU2ZTU1YjRlMzdiZDI3ODhkMTE3MGFmYWZi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Wait, aren’t elves—err, Sylves—immortal?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDI2YTM5MTAyMzQ5MzM5M2YwNjhjNWQ0NzUwNzZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I sighed. I figured this was coming, as much as I hated thinking about it. “Nah, but everybody assumes that. They do live hundreds of years though, thanks to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etola.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYjg2YTA0ZDczZjQ3Y2E4Y2VjYmY0MGMwZGVmZGNk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara was too sharp not to pick up on the possibilities. “So if it’s the magic, and you were living with them and had access to it… were you gonna live that long too?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDFkNGFmZDFjOTQwZmQ5Yjc5NjRhYjM4NjcyZDFm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I hesitated. “...Probably,” I said quietly. “Every time I did the ritual, I felt it. You know, healing me.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDFkNmZjZGQxOTQwYTA5ZjBmYzc0NzIzNDkzMDc2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “But, when you tried it yesterday…” Sara trailed off, connecting the dots in her head. “Oh.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjA4ZGZiMDVmZTQ5MzM4MTkxNzIwNjA5NjEwMTgw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDM2OTYxM2U4YzQ5ZWZhZTA2OTZiOGRlOGRlZDlj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I’m so sorry, Jen,” she murmured.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTM0YmIzMzQyNDQ1YzU4MzczYzQ2ZDRhMjQwZDdi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “S’okay.” Truth be told, I didn’t really know how I felt about it yet. It had taken a long time to adjust to the idea of living more than a hundred years past normal, if not even longer, and staying young and healthy that whole time. To have that suddenly snatched away was pretty unsettling. Plus, I had to take care of myself way more carefully now.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGE5NDYyMzRmNzQ3NGRhMWUxMzkxZjY0ZjBjZjc1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> hated having to brush my teeth in the morning again, or watching what I eat, or dealing with periods. Don’t even get me started on the rest. Sometimes, being human really sucks.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTZmZTE5ZWU2ZDRjNjZiODI2NWM5OWEzYzZmNWRh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Wait, so you </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">could</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> do magic, then? </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Etola</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, I mean?” Sara’s eager tone was back. </span></p> <p class="cnNhOWZjZjkyMTFlYzRlMjRhZTk3NTdmZTAwYTc1ZGI5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  As she spoke though, her cat peeked out from the closet, where he’d been lounging on a pile of clothes tucked inside. It was his customary spot, and the only thing Sara ever left on the floor. Her room was totally spotless otherwise. He sauntered over and leapt up to the bed, where he promptly found his way right into my lap. I smiled, petting him, and was rewarded with a satisfied purr. He was napping again in moment.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjYxZWM4MWE0MTQ4NDZhOTU0NTQ4YzZmMjQzZmY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Nuh-uh,” Sara warned, “he’s not letting you off the hook.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzBjYzA4ZWNlZjQ2MjNhZTg5YjNlMGY1MWJhOGYy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I could,” I said casually. “A bit, anyway.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDgwYjg3YmI4ZTRhNjViMjNhZDdmZTBiNjQwYzFl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh, a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">bit. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Right.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTE3OWY3Yzc5NzQ4OTg5NjFhYWQ5MjM0MWRkMjhl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I grinned. “Okay, so I was pretty good. Tethevallen said I mastered a lot faster than anyone he’d ever taught, and even better than some of the legit masters. In some </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etolev</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, they called me the best in the entire forest.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjc5MDFmMWU4YTQ4ZDk5MmFjNGZkMDZhZGNlY2Zm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “And so </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">humble</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">,” she teased.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjkyYTc0Y2MwYTQ3NWVhNmJjZDQ3MWExMmIxYWU3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I laughed. “They think it’s ‘cause I’m human. I dunno. They could last way longer than me any day tossing out </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etolev</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. I got burned out way faster than they did.” Her cat shifted in my lap, prompting me to keep petting.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGM2MWMxMDkzMjQ0NDk5YmYwMzE1YzMxNjY4Yzlm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “So what were you so good at?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTU0YzM4NTQ3NTRjY2Q4MGNlNjJhMDRhN2E1OTc4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I frowned, glancing down at the cat. “What’s his name again?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjJmMDFlMTFiZTRlYjQ5YTc4MTNlM2Q5NzQyOTgw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Qwerty. Dad named him. Pretty lame to name a cat after the keyboard but whatever.” I could tell I was supposed to know that already, but Sara explained it as nicely as she could. It didn’t sound irritated at all. She just looked concerned again. “You okay?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGI4YmExMmNjZjQ0NGFiY2VhNzgzZjIwN2RlMDMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah.” I cleared my throat. When I continued, I felt a bit more subdued. “I was the best at fire. It was fun, tossing it around, splitting it up and combining it, changing colors, making fireworks and explosions and stuff. Once I studied and practiced and meditated enough, I was really able to get into the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etolendei</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> of fire. I could even make it from nothing. They thought that was impossible.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzgwYzFhNTA3NTRlZTQ4YjlkMDc4YjdjMTY5ODE0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Etolendei?</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” Sara asked. I winced deliberately at her pronunciation, although it </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> was pretty bad. She picked up a stress ball from her desk and threw it at me. I dodged it, grinning. “But seriously.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmFhM2QwY2MyNDRkYjY4M2YxODYyYmVjOTUyOTU4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Really hard to describe,” I said honestly. “It’s like… the true knowledge of something, I guess? Until you really know something, you can’t do anything to it or with it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDZkNjhmNDA2ODRmN2RiOTdjMTdmNDhkMTZmZjMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Huh,” Sara said, her eyes coolly analytical, just like whenever she was working through some programming problem. Of course, cold analysis wasn’t really helpful for </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">magic</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, so after a few moment, she was back again, looking frustrated. “I was hoping for something more concrete.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDQwOWQwZTZmNjRhZjZiMzFjNzU3MjIzOTIyNmMx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Sorry. I can’t really explain it well in English.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzU1ZGIxM2Q3MzQ4OWZiMTYxZjMxM2YwZDVlN2Mw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Damn elves,” Sara intoned. I grabbed the ball and chucked it back at her, nailing her in the chest. “Ouch.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2U2Zjk1YmVjNDRhZjJhZWY2MTNlODlmODg2NGY4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Did that really hurt?” I asked, worried. I hadn’t paid much attention to how hard I’d thrown it.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGNmNjgwMGYwYjQ3NTI4YmE5MzdjNzEwYmU5ZDM2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “No,” she said, realizing how serious I was. She squeezed the ball for a minute, thinking. “...I can’t help but feel like there’s a dark side coming here.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTE1ZDg5NmY1MTQ2NzE5YmY2MmNjNTg5ZjY2YjI1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I looked away again. “Yeah,” I said, talking to the wall.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzA0ZjExYTkzMDQxYzViZDIzODM4ZGYyMzVhNmY2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Look,” she said. I looked. Her eyes seemed so friendly and warm. I hadn’t seen eyes like that since I left Naeflin on the field outside Candir, covered in blood, but still ready to give me a hug and tell me everything was gonna be all right. “If you don’t want to say—”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDFhYWM5N2JkYjQ3ZDc4OGE4NGQxZDJmODk2OTg1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I do.” I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">had</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> to. It was the only way I was ever gonna get past the gnawing feeling in my heart. “There’s a reason they were so happy about my skills with fire.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMGViZjg3MjAyYjQ3ZDlhNjFhMmZhMmM5ZWViNTAy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “...And I’m betting it also has to do with those treaties you were helping translate,” she filled in. Her voice got thin and nervous. “There was a war, wasn’t there?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjAzYjA3YjQ1NTQ0MzFiZjU4ZTY5MTRkMGMzM2M5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWVhMzhiMTFjYjQwMTc5OWM0ODVhZjBhYmUzMzNm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “And you fought in it?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZmFkMTFiM2YwNzQwZTBiOTBhYzE2M2RlZTZlOTJi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I nodded again.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmJkNDMyNDFhNDQ3OGFiNTJjMGEyM2Q3ZDk1MzM1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara didn’t speak. Her eyes studied me carefully. The silence stretched out, more awkward with every moment.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOWUwMjIxNjEyOTQ4YzU5OTBkOTMwNGUxZWJhMDZj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  What would she think of me? I couldn’t say. Even as my best friend, with the things I’d done? I did what I had to do to survive, right? That’s what I told myself every night before I went to bed, every time the memories came back to take over my mind for a bit.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTE1ZGY3ODYwNzQ0MzhiYzBmNTZhNDUxNTc5MWY1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Not that I actually got to sleep. A full night’s sleep was something for normal people. I wasn’t normal, and I sure as hell never got a full night’s worth. Naps scattered throughout the day, that was my life now. Even that fifteen hour stretch the day before was full of panicked moments where I woke up, white-knuckled, ready to slash at an opportunistic cell-mate that wasn’t actually there. Sleep wasn’t relaxing for me, it was a terrifying state where I was at my most vulnerable.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODBlODg3YzU1MDRjZDJiY2Y3ZGE4YjA5NjIwYTA0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I couldn’t keep going on like this. Please, Sara. Don’t abandon me now.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDBhOTNiOWJjNDQ0NGI4ODI4ZDI5MTNlMmY3NTQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I was praying furiously in my head, to all the stars closest to my soul, that she’d accept what I’d become. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">If you can still hear me on this planet, send some of that wisdom into Sara. Let her know what to do, because I’m clearly not in the running anymore. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNlYTA4ZDVjOWU3NTQ3ODQ4M2FkMTJiZTE1M2UyNzE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Look,” she started again. My eyes found hers, desperately hoping, but I forced my face back into a passive expression. I couldn’t let her see my emotions right now. “I can’t possibly understand what you went through—but I can try to listen. As much as you need me to. Anything you need to say, any time. Okay?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjMxYjk1ODQxZDQ5Yjg5ZGUzYzI5NzQzMDNmYzNl" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">  Oh, Sara.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> How can you possibly exist. How are you so perfect and what benevolent twist of fate delivered you to me? I felt like crying, laughing smiling. I wanted to dance, I wanted to sing, I wanted to hug her, I wanted to curl up in the corner of her room and bawl my eyes out while she hugged </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">me</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. I wanted to pour my soul out for her, confess every foul deed I’d ever committed, the men and women I’d killed, the friends I’d failed, the laws I’d broken and people I’d loved and lost, and the entirety of my forlorn existence I’d come to accept. I wanted her to see me and tell me I was okay.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDQyNWI1OThiZjRmZmZiMzcwMmRlMjRiNmZjMDUx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I said none of those things. I did none of those things.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTVmODBmOTU5ZDQ2NzU5MDQ3MGZiZDM1OWZkZmI3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I just waited, staring at Sara, with the guarded, lonely eyes that were permanently affixed to my face forever more.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjU5YWJlNTZiNjQ0NjRhMjQwMmYzZWNhMjU1NWNm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Thank you,” I said, and I smiled. She smiled back—but she too carried a sadness, something I’d never seen in her expression. Or… had it always been there, and I’d never understood it? Never recognized it for what it was?</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzZiYjE4ZWI1ZDQ2OTc4M2NiOTVhMzE1N2U3ZDkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I didn’t know, but I could tell in that moment. I wasn’t the only one in the room harboring a secret.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWVmNDlhY2RhNjQyMGJiMGExNWI2MTY3ZjQ0NWJk">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnM5NjRlY2Q1ODlkNTQ0MDNiMGE2NWM1NWFlZGE4NTcx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjI2ZDE0MTBiOTRhOTNiNjU5Yzk5ZDE4MTAzMGEy">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnNjMjcyNTFmZGQ1YjQzNDhiMWUwYzc4ODliYmU1YmY2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara’s mother called us to dinner. We’d been talking again, and thankfully we’d gone back to happier, easier topics. I tried to answer truthfully and thoroughly. Sara loved fantasy books, but even so, I still underestimated just how much she’d want to hear about all my adventures.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDZjNmI2YTdhNDRkZjdhZDRkNTZlYzQzMzM1ZWFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It was really fun, actually, telling her everything else. She was just so </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">fascinated.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I could have talked about the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">weather</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and she’d probably still eat it up. She wanted every little detail, and I was happy to share them. Mostly stories of the Sylves and how they’d adopted me, but also tales of the world at large, of the different people and their cultures (as much as I knew, anyway—Sylves didn’t really get out much), and of course, of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etola </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">and Etoline.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTFmNWIxZGIzMDQ4OTQ5NzhiMmFlNDgwMmYxNDIw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Despite the names, they aren’t really all that connected. I mean, speaking a phrase related to whatever sort of </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etola</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> you’re trying to cast might help you focus, but at true levels of mastery, saying it aloud is considered amateur. So long as you know </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">exactly</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> what you’re about to do, in every sense of the world, you don’t need to say anything.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWIxNTNkZGI1YzQwNDY4ZmNiMGFlZTEyYmE5NzNk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Hand gestures, though, are pretty much required. As Sara had noticed, I’d been acting like a very confused mime over the last couple days, either from my midday ritual or the meal ritual. While some </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etolev</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> don’t require handwork, most do, especially anything external. I couldn’t say if it was just another thing to help focus the mind or not, but I’d never gotten anything good to happen without a gesture or motion to direct the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">etola.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Trying pretty much just ended up in disaster.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjYxYTFjMmQzMDRkMmZhZWY4OTJhZTE1OTdhOTUz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  My fingers were singed many, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">many</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> times before I figured out how to move flames around in tiny, precise movements.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmNlOTBkNzcyZTQyOThhMmQwNDMzNDk3ZjYyZGRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I’m sorry, I’m getting distracted again. There’s a more important story to tell here, and it’s not me fooling around with fire.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MWU5N2U4ZTZjMDRmZTU5Yzg2NGQwYzcxNmRmNDRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara and I were headed downstairs, laughing and chatting like normal. Her mother was setting out the plates for dinner. I smelled pizza, and I was excited. I hadn’t had pizza in—well, you get the idea by now. But seriously. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Pizza. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Is there something more real world than pizza or what?</span></p> <p class="cnM4MzE2OTMwYmRmYzQyMDViNTViYTVmNmJlYjg4ZDNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Shasii, selaval,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” Sara called out casually as we walked into the kitchen. I giggled and elbowed her.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjMyOTE0YzFmZDQ3NzdiYzBjODVlYzYwMTRlNmVk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What was that?” asked her mother, glancing up from the oven.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWRlYTc2ZWIyMDRkNjZhZjY5MDEyYzgyZDJmMmMz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh, nothing,” she said very seriously, stifling a laugh along with me.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWFhZGFhODE3NjRhZjM4MmQwZGIzMWJhNGM5YzQ4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Doues danadelasec dena masateva atev Carl,</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” I whispered in her ear. Not </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">exactly</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> true, she and Carl were both pretty bad. But I’d </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">just</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> taught her the line; she managed to still get it wrong just a minute later.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmNlMjIzODEyOTRmMDNhMjFhYTkxYjdjYWExNzQz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Huh?” she asked aloud, but I only smiled innocently in reply. “Oh, two can play at that game. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Vous êtes une pomme de terre avec le visage d'un cochon d'inde.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzQwOTg3YTc0MjQzYjFiYWI3Zjg2NWVmMDExYWVl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Play nice, Sara,” her mother chimed in absently as she pulled out the pizza. It was home made and looked absolutely perfect. Not that I had much to compare it to lately, but seriously, I was frothing at the mouth for this pizza.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzE0YTE3YWRlZTRhNzE4ZTk2YmY3YjRhZmQxODUx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Her mother started slicing it up while we took our usual spots at the table. Just as she brought over a piece to each of us, I heard the garage door begin to slide open.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDMyOWY3Y2UwYTQ2MmRhMGI5ZWZjZTJmMDg0Nzg1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Now, this was unusual, but not exactly unheard of. Her father wasn’t normally home from work by the time we ate. He tended to work late more often than not. When he </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">was</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> there, the conversation died down a bit, but he was always polite, asked after my family, how I was doing. He seemed like a nice guy. Yeah, he was kind of cold sometimes, but he was also super exhausted and stressed from work. I couldn’t blame him not wanting to put up with two high schoolers right when he got home, and even so, he never failed to act like a proper host.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTI0NWM3Y2NiZjRmYTA4ODc2NWU2NzUxNTI4ZmIz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  This time, something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Some detail had changed. Except… I’d been here last Thursday, and on Monday too for Sara’s mom’s birthday. It was just three days ago, and something felt </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">very </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">different. Besides me, obviously.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjgwZDVjNTAwMjQ5NWI5OTQxZDJhOThhODc0NGVk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I looked around the room. Sara was still talking about something that happened at school today. Her mom was nodding along, continuing the conversation like nothing had happened… but I could see it. The way she started moving ever so carefully. She was measuring every single step she took, choreographing every movement, deliberate and cautious.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjFmOWVhMGMwYTQ5ZjFiMjFjYTMzZGU5ODgwNjk3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara, too, seemed suddenly guarded. She was staring very intently at her plate—her </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">empty</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> plate, I should point out. Her hand fiddled with her fork. As my eyes swept across though, I could see how tight she held it. It was subtle, and it came and went, but the intent was clear.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjRiNThlZmI1NDQ4YmM5YmVhNjA4Y2Y4NTYwM2Uw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It hit me like an arrow to the gut. I was an idiot. How had I missed this?</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWE4MzIwM2MxZjQ3YmJhNTQ0YThhNzhmYmYwOThl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  They hadn’t changed at all. I was just finally able to recognize what was going on.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDc3YzQ2NTIyZjRkY2NhODBhOGIyNjE5NDAzMmIy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  They were afraid.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTRiZWI2ZjJhZTRiNGFhODRmMjg3MDQ3MzYwY2Zh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  As the door to the garage door opened, it became even more clear.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjAzZWVlYjdhZDRmYmM4ZGVjMDNkNDUzM2FhOWRm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Welcome home, hon,” Sara’s mom called out. Perfectly normal.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWQyMGM3NjA1YjRjN2U5MDc1MzFlMGVkZmEyNzMw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Her father looked down the hallway, and saw me at the table. He smiled and waved, putting away his coat. “Evening. It smells delicious, dear.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDE5NGEwOTRlZjRiNDBiYmQyYjY5MDE2NDdkMDk5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “How was work?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTA4MTMzMzU0NDQ3ZDJhNDRhMDRmY2EyMjNkMzJi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Exhausting. I’m glad to be home.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlODFjYTYxMzg3YzQ4NTc4YTgxOTgyN2ZlNWUwOTQ2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Want anything to drink?” asked Sara, still staring at the plate. Her voice was as casual as could be.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTEyM2IyNzBlOTQ5NmI4YTVkMjljNWI1YWEzNjg1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Thank you, Sara, but I can get it. Do you want anything?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWZkZGRjMTk5YjQwNzBhMWM0OGIyODE4M2EwNjE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Coke sounds good. Jen?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODliNzBiMTVhYzQzNWY5MTljYmUyODY4YjE3ZTkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Stars, were they all </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">acting</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">? The whole damn time? I spluttered back to life as I realized both Sara and her dad were looking at me expectantly. I gulped, trying to clear my throat.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmY3NTlhMjM0OTQ3OTNiNTkxZDMzODJmZmNmM2Fj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Uhh, root beer for me?” I asked awkwardly. Was I supposed to play along with the script? I was a terrible actress. I can hide things if I need to, but I’m bad at faking being </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">normal</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. I barely even know what normal is anymore.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDMyM2E2MzU1ZTQ0NzM4MzY3ZThmNDQ3ZjNlYTky" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh, is it Jen now?” asked her mother, sliding a slice of pizza onto my plate. Her hand still clutched the pizza roller, the sharp silver edge sparkling as it caught the sunlight streaming through the window. </span></p> <p class="cnM2NTYxYWQwYzRkODQyMTE5ZDA3NDQxODllMDc1YmI0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yeah. Just time for a change.” Sara nudged me under the table, trying to get me to focus, but I was still fixed on her own hand clutching the fork like a dagger. “No more Jenny.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTJjYjgyYjVmZDQ5NWM5ZWZkMDYyYzFjNDM4ODU2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “That’s too bad. I liked the name Jenny.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTliZmZiZjY5OTRmY2M4ZjI3MGE4MmU1ZDQ5MjM0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Now, dear, it’s her name. She can do what she likes with it,” said her father. He threw me a wink. “No more Jenny from the block.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTc3NDUyN2RlMzQxYmE5NGVmMTBmMGFmZDgyZWVi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “God, Dad.” Sara rolled her eyes. “Please don’t try to reference pop culture. Ever again.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDM5NWY0ODI3NDRjOTA4ZmJlNzIyZjQ2NTg5NWY2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I felt so horribly confused by what was going on. I couldn’t process the absurd contradiction of the conversation going on, and the physical reactions of everybody in the room. The instant her father had spoken up, Sara clutched the fork again. As he looked toward her mother, she seemed to recoil ever so slightly—but when he looked back toward me, her knuckles turned white as she gripped the pizza roller.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjZjOTEwOGI1NTRhNjg4NDlkZjZmZmIxZjRjNzg2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  If I hadn’t had this exact dinner a hundred times in their kitchen, in almost the exact same circumstances, I’d think we were about to throw down.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjJmY2YwODRmNjQwM2ViNTA1NjAxMzUxNTIxNzJm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Except this was the suburbs in Oregon, not some back alley tavern or decrepit dungeon. A fight here was as likely as a portal opening up and dumping us all into an alternate universe.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTMxMTU5NzgxMzQ4OTBiYjQ0YjYzNzQwMzc4MWI1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sorry, bad joke.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTFhNWMyYmUwYTRkYzViMWVhZjFmZjVkODMxNTZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It kept going through the entirety of dinner. Like they were putting on a show, just for me. The normal, happy family. They’d tease each other about old habits, argue politics, discuss movies and TV shows. It was so perfectly, totally ordinary that I found myself reaching for my knife, still tucked under the hem of my shirt at my back, the one thing I hadn’t told Sara.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDEwMWJiYjc2YzRkMmQ5ZjE0ZDBiMDM2NmVjOWYx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  When was the curtain coming down?</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTMyNDdmNmYzMDQ0ZGNiN2JlNzY0NmM4ZjMyOGJk">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnNjZmY5YjRjNTA1YTQxNjViZGI0MmQzOTFiNzY0NGIz" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjE2NDEyNThiMDQwMDliMTk2YjQ5NTQ2Mzk4ODAw">  <br>  </p> <p class="cnM4YzhjZjM3NmU1ZDRmMTViZDljOGNiYWExZDEwNmMw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  It never did. After dinner ended, as Sara’s mother cleaned up, I headed straight out the back door into the yard to get some air. Sara followed a moment later, after her place was clear. Only once the door was closed, and we were around the corner and out of the light, did I turn to confront her.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTU0ZjU3MDkxZjQ1MzBiODVlODk3M2I4NzRlYzll" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Dov nara vack</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> was that?” I asked, halfway between confused and angry.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzZiYTAzMDc1ZTRhMmM4NGU3ZWQ5OGJmMDdmODlm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sara looked genuinely confused herself. “Huh?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTc5ZWM1OTQ2NTQwMWFiMmE3ZmVkZjg3MWIyMTE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">That. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">The whole dinner. All of you.” I was on edge. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Very</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> on edge. Sara was lucky I couldn’t conjure up some fire right now, or the neighbors might’ve called the firefighters.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmM4MDExYTM1NjRlOTJhYzA3ZjMwNjZhMmZlN2Y0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What are you talking about?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjE0MjM1YTMyZTQ5OTA4ZGQwODk0OWEzMDQ2MTBj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  She was determined to keep the play going, I guess. I wasn’t sure how to react, what to do, how to respond. I wanted to be angry at her for hiding this from me, but how could I? After what </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I’d</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> been hiding from her for the past couple of days, wouldn’t that make me a massive hypocrite?</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTNlNjM3ZDMyYTRlZjI5MzhmMjhhMDE4ZmY3MTVi" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">  This is different</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, I convinced myself. This was control and fear. This was actively happening, and clearly had been for some time.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjU2NTk5Njg4MDRkOWQ5Y2IzOGY2MDRkZTBkMzJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Without warning, I grabbed the hem of Sara’s shirt and lifted it up. No, I’m not thinking about anything like that. Get your mind out of the gutter. I was looking for bruises. Marks of any kind. Evidence.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjdkNjk2ODMyNzRkOWM5ZTMxNGRhMzM5OTRmMWY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Uhh…” Sara glanced around, making sure no one could see us. “Well, this is weird.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmJmZGY5OTBlNTQ4MDE5MDdhMWQyZWNkN2FkMDdh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Mentally, I agreed. There wasn’t a sign of abuse anywhere on her. Was I just imagining everything? Had that </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">actually</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> been perfectly normal dinner?</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWIxOGVmNTFiNzQ3ZGFiMjQxMzFhOTgzMGMwYWE1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Was I going completely insane?</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzUxZjZkZTEzYTRiOGU4ZmJjYTY3ZGY4ZTk5YmEy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. I let go and backed up into the wall of the house.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYWYzMGFhZWYyZDQwYzQ4NGRiOTRlMDg3YzU2Y2E0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “No worries. Just… warn me next time?” Sara looked weirdly comfortable with the whole situation.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTZhZWM3YzI2NTQ5YmFiYTFkNDFjYWE4ZWYyMDRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I’m sorry,” I repeated, turning to leave. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGRlNDAzNWNlMzRhYWU4N2UwMmJkODk3OWYxMjBh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Before I could go, Sara reached out and grabbed my hand. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said quietly.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjA3MTIzMzliYjQ5ZGRiOTIwYjA0N2ZlNTM1MDZi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I felt my eyes begin to well up again. I couldn’t even spend a single night with my best friend’s family, without my past springing up to haunt me. My instincts had almost lead me to attack Sara’s father, in his own home and in front of his family. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMzE5MTM4YTllZTRlZDA4YTViY2MxZjFhMTY5ZWRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Could I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> live here again, the way I used to?</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTQwMDUxY2YwYTQ3NjU4NmU3NzIxZGNjYzEyMDQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">  For the second time that night, I cried, but there wasn’t any joy in it anymore. Joy was reserved for people not actively losing their minds.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzM5ZWVjNDNkNDRiZWFiNDM4MDc5ZTAwNTA1MDAy">&nbsp;</p> </div>
Chapter 9 — Jen "Hello?" "Portman, it's Clark. Might have something." "Go ahead." "There was a chat window still open, between him and the best friend. They were getting together Tuesday night." "Details?" "Not much. Just that he'd be picked up around 9pm." "Picked up? Carl doesn't have a license. Or a car." "So there's a third party here." "Talk to the mother again. Friends with cars."   “...I wasn’t sure if you were still coming,” said Sara awkwardly, the front door half-open.   “‘Course I came,” I said brightly. “It’s Thursday, isn’t it?”   “Yeah, but—”   “But nothing.” I gave her the best lopsided grin I could manage. “You gonna make me stand out here all day?”   I was just outside Sara’s door, at the end of a stone path lined with little lanterns and flowers, plus—no joke—a white picket fence at the edge of the lawn. Could’ve been a painting. After a long afternoon spent in in the woods recovering, I finally worked up the courage to return to civilization. I was lucky it was Thursday; any other day, I’d probably still be out there paralyzed with worry.   But it was Thursday. Thursday was dinner at Sara’s. I *never* missed Thursday at Sara’s.   It took me a *long* time to bounce back from that conversation with Carl. I’d spent hours just poking the ground with a stick, tracing out long and increasingly incomprehensible rants in Etoline about Reynir Cellman and incredibly specific insults about his henchmen. Worthless stuff, really, since there wasn’t a thing I could do about it anymore, but it made me feel better. Scratching out Etoline in the dirt was as nostalgic as I’d allowed myself to be since coming back. I grasped those threads of identity like a drowning woman, pulling myself out of despair.   And it *worked*, dammit. I was here, I was alive, and I was eager to hang out with my best friend.   Sara finally opened the door fully, still bemused.   “Anybody home?” I asked, walking past her and kicking off my shoes into the neat pile by the stairs.   “Mom’s out back.” Sara shut the door quietly. I glanced around, remembering what the house looked like.   The staircase wall was packed with pictures of their family—Sara and her mother and father. Real, professional stuff, every one of them. Proper lighting and framing and all that. Her dad worked in computers as a something-something-engineer. Something really typical for our area, but he was on the upper end. They were rich, but they didn’t flaunt it very much. He drove a normal car, so did his wife, and their house really wasn’t that much bigger than ours. From the outside, it was all neat and well-kept, but very middle-class.   Inside? Gizmos and gadgets galore. I couldn’t tell you what half of the stuff in their house even did, but I knew it was all pretty expensive. Her dad loved his fancy toys.   A hand touched my shoulder.   Despite everything, despite knowing exactly who she was and what she meant to me—I flinched. My hand shot up and knocked hers away.   I turned, prepared to apologize, but her expression was… satisfied?   “You’re still hiding,” she prompted.   “Sara, look,” I started, but she just shook her head. Her hand took mine, and she dragged me up the stairs two at a time.   In moments, we were in Sara’s room, door closed tight. *This* room I remembered perfectly. Sara’s bed, the most comfortable bed I’ve ever felt, tucked into the corner. Posters and drawings stuck all over the walls (some by me, the better ones by her), and a closet full of clothes, way more than I’ve ever had. In the other corner, near a window, a wide desk with a line of screens (three, count ‘em), along with speakers, keyboards, and everything else you could ask for as a techie.   Her computer, more expensive than possibly everything I owned combined (I’d never asked—don’t think I really want the answer, either…) sat underneath, with wires trailing away in every direction. A bookshelf near the bed was stuffed with great novels (my personal borrowing library. The gaps in it were probably books I had back home right now), and “my” laptop sat on top, where I’d probably left it the last time I was here.   Sara let me use it. She called it mine, and promised nobody would ever be able to look at it or get into it without my permission. Not even her. Even so, I never took it home. I guess I didn’t want Mom to feel guilty that she couldn’t afford to get me one.   Sara close the door behind us, then plopped down onto her chair. I took my usual spot on the bed facing her. For a moment, we were both totally silent.   I fidgeted awkwardly, glancing around, avoiding her gaze. I didn’t want to speak first. I wasn’t sure what she was going to bring up, or what she’d heard or figured out. I wanted her to make the first move, so I could be smart about what *I* said. Matt’s words about trust echoed through my head. That, along with my own personal experiences with betrayal, meant I was pretty reluctantly to open up to anyone. Even Sara.   Not that she was gonna let that stop her.   “You know, people talk a lot…” Sara said, very formally. Like she was about to give a speech.   “About what?” I asked innocently.   “Screw it,” she snapped. “What the hell happened after second period?”   “You’re gonna have to be more specific…” I didn’t know why I was stalling. Clearly she already knew.   “I heard you took down a varsity football player like it was nothing. Dropped him straight into a locker.”   “Oh. Yeah, I did.”   “Jen,” said Sara, her voice weirdly high-pitched. “Last I remembered, you were scared to slap a guy for being too aggressive a flirt. Now you’re beating up jocks for fun?”   “Not for fun,” I said quickly. “Definitely not for fun.”   “So, what then?” Sara sounded seriously concerned, which made me feel all the worse. “Did he do something to you?”   “No. Nothing. It was an accident.”   “That’s not an accident,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “God, Jen, what is going *on*? You’ve been acting crazy for days now, and not just you. Matt’s suddenly super confident and outgoing, which is great and all but still—*bizarre.* And now that guy Carl, the one you’re suddenly super buddy-buddy with even though I’ve literally never heard of him before?”   I nodded slowly, wondering where this was going. What did Carl do? Oh man…   “Well, Carl—a guy so quiet and out of the way that I never knew he was even in my class—suddenly chews out the teacher in the middle of APUSH. Goes on and on about some really awful things.” Sara shook her head in exasperation. “Jen, something’s going on with you three. It’s obvious. So… tell me?”   “I can’t,” I murmured, as my eyes darted away. I couldn’t look at her when I said it.   Sara got up and knelt down in front of me. Her hands grasped mine tight, holding on desperately.   “Jen, please. You’re my best friend. I just want to help. Tell me what’s going on.” Her eyes were sparkling. She looked like she might cry. All I had to do to stop her was talk.   Oh, stars, did I want to. I wanted her to know everything, without me having to actually tell her. To skip right past all that mess and go straight back to being best friends again. *And why not?* came the little voice in my head. *It’s Sara. If there was a single person in the whole world besides Matt who could know my secrets, it’d be her.*   I could feel my entire body sharpen to a single point, as if I were about to take off into a sprint. It felt like the entire world was quivering as I turned back to face her. There was enough anticipation in the air to stop time itself.   “I went to another world.”   Sara’s eyes blinked. They blinked again.   I didn’t say another word. I just watched. Waited.   Would she think I was crazy? Would she believe me?   Did I *want* her to think I was crazy? Maybe I wanted to *be* crazy. To have imagined this whole insanity.   I couldn’t say for sure. All I knew was that I wanted my best friend on my side again, with me through thick and thin, us two against the whole universe.   “...Run that by me again,” she said finally. I couldn’t tell if she was sarcastic or serious. Her face *looked* serious. Kinda skeptical, but definitely not annoyed or amused. I decided I’d just go with it. I trusted her.   “On Tuesday night. We—err, me, Matt and Carl—we were all… taken. To another… *vack*, I can’t think of the word.”   “Planet?” Sara guessed. “Dimension?”   “Dimension, yeah.” I nodded. “A place called Cyraveil.”   “Like the forest?” Sara sounded dubious again. She sat back on the floor, leaning against her desk. Her water bottle was nearby, like it always was, and she took a deep sip, still watching me carefully.   “That’s where it happened,” I replied, nodding again. “We went out to the forest that night. The four of us found a—”   “Wait, *four* of you?” Sara interrupted. I gulped audibly before I could stop myself. “...Jen?”   I couldn’t leave him out, but I definitely couldn’t talk about it yet. *Someday*, I promised her in my head. *I’ll tell you, I swear.* “I’m sorry. Do you know Blake Svartholm?”   “Nope.”   “He’s a friend of Matt’s and Carl’s. Nice guy. Kind of goofy, but really nice.”   “And he went with you too,” she concluded.   “...Yeah.”   “So where’s he hiding then? I feel like I’d have to run into him by now with how crazy this is.”   I looked down at my feet, concentrating very determinedly on my toes while a rushing wind filled my ears. “He didn’t make it back,” I mumbled. Against my will, against every nerve in my body shouting at me to avoid the drama and keep calm—my eyes welled up.   “Oh… oh God.”   Sara was on her feet and next to me in an instant. Even in my current state, even in this place, damn it all, I still felt an instinct to recoil away from the sudden physical presence, but I suppressed it. I don’t know how I managed it, but I am forever grateful to whichever star decided to grant me the mental fortitude in that moment—to just let Sara take care of me for a minute.   She put an arm around my shoulders, and my head instinctively found a spot on her shoulder, where the tears flowed free. For the first time since I’d returned—for the first time in a very, very long while before that too, someone else actually saw me crying.   Was it talking about Blake? Nah, as heartbreaking as that was.   It was simpler than that. Sara—no matter what she might be thinking right now—had seen my expression, and without a second thought, she’d leapt up to try and comfort me.   Do you know what it’s like to have a friend like that? Somebody who’s *instantly* on your side, no matter the circumstances? I missed her more than anything while I was gone. More than showers or normal clothes, more than microwaves or chocolate cake or anything: I’d missed my best friend.   I sat up again, brushing at my eyes. Sara found a tissue box and handed me one.   “*Vannen*,” I choked out.   “No sweat,” she said, smiling. “I’m guessing that meant ‘thanks’.”   “Top of the class.”   “So you can speak another language now?”   I nodded. “Etoline. The language of the Sylvandar.”   “Sounds super high fantasy.”   “Okay, yeah, they were basically elves. I mean, there’s a lot more to it than that, but yeah, elves.”   Sara raised an eyebrow. “Elves?”   “Well, Sylves. Calling them elves was kind of racist. Sara, it was a full-on fantasy world. Sylves and dwarves and everything. No *daphut*, I met a dragon once.”   “...How the hell do you *meet* a dragon?”   “Very, very carefully.” I laughed. “They’re actually not all that bad. That one wasn’t, anyway. I dunno about the rest, they all died out a long time ago.”   “Hang on.” Sara cocked her head to the side. “You said you left Tuesday night. How long—”   “Seven years.”   Sara’s mouth seemed to stick open in mid-sentence. It took her a while to recover, while I just stared at the pile of stuffed animals in a basket in the corner. “...Seven years?” she whispered, incredulous.   “I think so. *Likav silan*.”   “You don’t *look* twenty-three,” she said, sounding skeptical again.   “I definitely *feel* twenty-three,” I grumbled. “Getting shoved back into my sixteen-year-old body really, really sucks, believe me. One *silanev* not exactly the same as a year though, so it might be off a little. Plus, when I got there, I didn’t really have any way to keep track of time. I don’t really have a clue how long I was lost in the country before Tethevallen found me.”   “So you came back and no time passed. Very Narnia. You’re mixing up your fantasy worlds here.” She laughed.   “Don’t make fun,” I said defensively. “I’m trying to be serious here.”   “I know,” she said, shifting back to thoughtful and relaxed. “It’s just… a lot, you know? I’m catching up here.”   “...You believe me, right?” I said, very nervous. I didn’t know *what* I’d do if she said no. I don’t think I could have gone on living if she didn’t believe me. But… Sara wasn’t the type to take people at their word. She always wanted proof. It was a family thing, right in her blood. I couldn’t predict how she’d react to all of this, when it was so… outlandish.   “It’s like this,” Sara said, very deliberately. “Either you’ve suddenly grown a *hell* of an imagination overnight—”   “*Vack dou.*”   “—and you’re lying to me, which you never do. Or you’re batshit crazy, which is pretty reasonable, but you don’t really seem like it. Mostly.” She shrugged. “So, I’m pretty much down to believing you.” She tossed her hair back out of her face, before looking me eye-to-eye. “Sound good?”   I could have kissed her. “Thank you,” I said, while a warm glow spread out through every vein in my body.   “Right,” Sara said excitedly. “Now: explain how a girl who basically failed French class two years in a row is suddenly the master of another language.”   I shrugged. “I lived with the Sylves for years. None of them spoke a single word of English. Between that and a bit of magic, I learned Etoline pretty quick. Kinda *had* to.”   “...Magic?” Sara’s eyes sparkled. Now she was *really* interested.   So was I. I got to explain my whole world to her, to my dearest friend. I always liked to tell stories, even if I wasn’t very good at coming up with them. Suddenly, I had a great, *true* story to tell, and the perfect person to tell it to.   “Magic. *Etola.*”   “Details. Right now.” Sara spoke so fiercely, I was taken aback. But I felt it, just as eager as she was. The desire, the longing for a real fantasy. One I’d actually gotten to *live*.   “If you… ugh.” I frowned. “I can’t word it right in this language.”   Sara looked sympathetic. “Did you really forget English?”   “I didn’t *forget*,” I said, a bit indignant, “but I went without for so long… I only started speaking English again about a year ago. When I started—” I paused, searching for the right word. “—interpreting. For the treaties.”   “...’Interpreting for the treaties’,” Sara repeated incredulously. “Okay, this isn’t fair, you just gave me like fifty more questions to ask.”   “Well, I *was* the only person they had that spoke English at all. I was the first member of a *suunsyl* to ever negotiate with humans. They even made up a special title to mark it.”   “Okay, now you’re just bragging.”   “Yup,” I laughed. “No joke, they named the position after me. The ambassador to humans is called the *Sylajen*. Even the *sesylf* who took over after me, she’s the new *sylajen*.”   Sara grinned. “So you got immortalized. Way to go. At least this explains your weird accent.”   I suddenly felt very self-conscious. “Is it really weird?”   “Nah. Okay, yes, it is, but not *bad-*weird.” Sara tried to give me a comforting smile. “I like it. Don’t lose it.”   “*Selnou.*” I stopped trying to correct for it after that, to my throat’s relief.   “Wait, aren’t elves—err, Sylves—immortal?”   I sighed. I figured this was coming, as much as I hated thinking about it. “Nah, but everybody assumes that. They do live hundreds of years though, thanks to *etola.*”   Sara was too sharp not to pick up on the possibilities. “So if it’s the magic, and you were living with them and had access to it… were you gonna live that long too?”   I hesitated. “...Probably,” I said quietly. “Every time I did the ritual, I felt it. You know, healing me.”   “But, when you tried it yesterday…” Sara trailed off, connecting the dots in her head. “Oh.”   “Yeah.”   “I’m so sorry, Jen,” she murmured.   “S’okay.” Truth be told, I didn’t really know how I felt about it yet. It had taken a long time to adjust to the idea of living more than a hundred years past normal, if not even longer, and staying young and healthy that whole time. To have that suddenly snatched away was pretty unsettling. Plus, I had to take care of myself way more carefully now.   I *really* hated having to brush my teeth in the morning again, or watching what I eat, or dealing with periods. Don’t even get me started on the rest. Sometimes, being human really sucks.   “Wait, so you *could* do magic, then? *Etola*, I mean?” Sara’s eager tone was back.   As she spoke though, her cat peeked out from the closet, where he’d been lounging on a pile of clothes tucked inside. It was his customary spot, and the only thing Sara ever left on the floor. Her room was totally spotless otherwise. He sauntered over and leapt up to the bed, where he promptly found his way right into my lap. I smiled, petting him, and was rewarded with a satisfied purr. He was napping again in moment.   “Nuh-uh,” Sara warned, “he’s not letting you off the hook.”   “I could,” I said casually. “A bit, anyway.”   “Oh, a *bit.* Right.”   I grinned. “Okay, so I was pretty good. Tethevallen said I mastered a lot faster than anyone he’d ever taught, and even better than some of the legit masters. In some *etolev*, they called me the best in the entire forest.”   “And so *humble*,” she teased.   I laughed. “They think it’s ‘cause I’m human. I dunno. They could last way longer than me any day tossing out *etolev*. I got burned out way faster than they did.” Her cat shifted in my lap, prompting me to keep petting.   “So what were you so good at?”   I frowned, glancing down at the cat. “What’s his name again?”   “Qwerty. Dad named him. Pretty lame to name a cat after the keyboard but whatever.” I could tell I was supposed to know that already, but Sara explained it as nicely as she could. It didn’t sound irritated at all. She just looked concerned again. “You okay?”   “Yeah.” I cleared my throat. When I continued, I felt a bit more subdued. “I was the best at fire. It was fun, tossing it around, splitting it up and combining it, changing colors, making fireworks and explosions and stuff. Once I studied and practiced and meditated enough, I was really able to get into the *etolendei* of fire. I could even make it from nothing. They thought that was impossible.”   “*Etolendei?*” Sara asked. I winced deliberately at her pronunciation, although it *really* was pretty bad. She picked up a stress ball from her desk and threw it at me. I dodged it, grinning. “But seriously.”   “Really hard to describe,” I said honestly. “It’s like… the true knowledge of something, I guess? Until you really know something, you can’t do anything to it or with it.”   “Huh,” Sara said, her eyes coolly analytical, just like whenever she was working through some programming problem. Of course, cold analysis wasn’t really helpful for *magic*, so after a few moment, she was back again, looking frustrated. “I was hoping for something more concrete.”   “Sorry. I can’t really explain it well in English.”   “Damn elves,” Sara intoned. I grabbed the ball and chucked it back at her, nailing her in the chest. “Ouch.”   “Did that really hurt?” I asked, worried. I hadn’t paid much attention to how hard I’d thrown it.   “No,” she said, realizing how serious I was. She squeezed the ball for a minute, thinking. “...I can’t help but feel like there’s a dark side coming here.”   I looked away again. “Yeah,” I said, talking to the wall.   “Look,” she said. I looked. Her eyes seemed so friendly and warm. I hadn’t seen eyes like that since I left Naeflin on the field outside Candir, covered in blood, but still ready to give me a hug and tell me everything was gonna be all right. “If you don’t want to say—”   “I do.” I *had* to. It was the only way I was ever gonna get past the gnawing feeling in my heart. “There’s a reason they were so happy about my skills with fire.”   “...And I’m betting it also has to do with those treaties you were helping translate,” she filled in. Her voice got thin and nervous. “There was a war, wasn’t there?”   I nodded.   “And you fought in it?”   I nodded again.   Sara didn’t speak. Her eyes studied me carefully. The silence stretched out, more awkward with every moment.   What would she think of me? I couldn’t say. Even as my best friend, with the things I’d done? I did what I had to do to survive, right? That’s what I told myself every night before I went to bed, every time the memories came back to take over my mind for a bit.   Not that I actually got to sleep. A full night’s sleep was something for normal people. I wasn’t normal, and I sure as hell never got a full night’s worth. Naps scattered throughout the day, that was my life now. Even that fifteen hour stretch the day before was full of panicked moments where I woke up, white-knuckled, ready to slash at an opportunistic cell-mate that wasn’t actually there. Sleep wasn’t relaxing for me, it was a terrifying state where I was at my most vulnerable.   I couldn’t keep going on like this. Please, Sara. Don’t abandon me now.   I was praying furiously in my head, to all the stars closest to my soul, that she’d accept what I’d become. *If you can still hear me on this planet, send some of that wisdom into Sara. Let her know what to do, because I’m clearly not in the running anymore.*   “Look,” she started again. My eyes found hers, desperately hoping, but I forced my face back into a passive expression. I couldn’t let her see my emotions right now. “I can’t possibly understand what you went through—but I can try to listen. As much as you need me to. Anything you need to say, any time. Okay?” *Oh, Sara.* How can you possibly exist. How are you so perfect and what benevolent twist of fate delivered you to me? I felt like crying, laughing smiling. I wanted to dance, I wanted to sing, I wanted to hug her, I wanted to curl up in the corner of her room and bawl my eyes out while she hugged *me*. I wanted to pour my soul out for her, confess every foul deed I’d ever committed, the men and women I’d killed, the friends I’d failed, the laws I’d broken and people I’d loved and lost, and the entirety of my forlorn existence I’d come to accept. I wanted her to see me and tell me I was okay.   I said none of those things. I did none of those things.   I just waited, staring at Sara, with the guarded, lonely eyes that were permanently affixed to my face forever more.   “Thank you,” I said, and I smiled. She smiled back—but she too carried a sadness, something I’d never seen in her expression. Or… had it always been there, and I’d never understood it? Never recognized it for what it was?   I didn’t know, but I could tell in that moment. I wasn’t the only one in the room harboring a secret.       ***         Sara’s mother called us to dinner. We’d been talking again, and thankfully we’d gone back to happier, easier topics. I tried to answer truthfully and thoroughly. Sara loved fantasy books, but even so, I still underestimated just how much she’d want to hear about all my adventures.   It was really fun, actually, telling her everything else. She was just so *fascinated.* I could have talked about the *weather* and she’d probably still eat it up. She wanted every little detail, and I was happy to share them. Mostly stories of the Sylves and how they’d adopted me, but also tales of the world at large, of the different people and their cultures (as much as I knew, anyway—Sylves didn’t really get out much), and of course, of *etola* and Etoline.   Despite the names, they aren’t really all that connected. I mean, speaking a phrase related to whatever sort of *etola* you’re trying to cast might help you focus, but at true levels of mastery, saying it aloud is considered amateur. So long as you know *exactly* what you’re about to do, in every sense of the world, you don’t need to say anything.   Hand gestures, though, are pretty much required. As Sara had noticed, I’d been acting like a very confused mime over the last couple days, either from my midday ritual or the meal ritual. While some *etolev* don’t require handwork, most do, especially anything external. I couldn’t say if it was just another thing to help focus the mind or not, but I’d never gotten anything good to happen without a gesture or motion to direct the *etola.* Trying pretty much just ended up in disaster.   My fingers were singed many, *many* times before I figured out how to move flames around in tiny, precise movements.   I’m sorry, I’m getting distracted again. There’s a more important story to tell here, and it’s not me fooling around with fire.   Sara and I were headed downstairs, laughing and chatting like normal. Her mother was setting out the plates for dinner. I smelled pizza, and I was excited. I hadn’t had pizza in—well, you get the idea by now. But seriously. *Pizza.* Is there something more real world than pizza or what?   “*Shasii, selaval,*” Sara called out casually as we walked into the kitchen. I giggled and elbowed her.   “What was that?” asked her mother, glancing up from the oven.   “Oh, nothing,” she said very seriously, stifling a laugh along with me.   “*Doues danadelasec dena masateva atev Carl,*” I whispered in her ear. Not *exactly* true, she and Carl were both pretty bad. But I’d *just* taught her the line; she managed to still get it wrong just a minute later.   “Huh?” she asked aloud, but I only smiled innocently in reply. “Oh, two can play at that game. *Vous êtes une pomme de terre avec le visage d'un cochon d'inde.*”   “Play nice, Sara,” her mother chimed in absently as she pulled out the pizza. It was home made and looked absolutely perfect. Not that I had much to compare it to lately, but seriously, I was frothing at the mouth for this pizza.   Her mother started slicing it up while we took our usual spots at the table. Just as she brought over a piece to each of us, I heard the garage door begin to slide open.   Now, this was unusual, but not exactly unheard of. Her father wasn’t normally home from work by the time we ate. He tended to work late more often than not. When he *was* there, the conversation died down a bit, but he was always polite, asked after my family, how I was doing. He seemed like a nice guy. Yeah, he was kind of cold sometimes, but he was also super exhausted and stressed from work. I couldn’t blame him not wanting to put up with two high schoolers right when he got home, and even so, he never failed to act like a proper host.   This time, something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Some detail had changed. Except… I’d been here last Thursday, and on Monday too for Sara’s mom’s birthday. It was just three days ago, and something felt *very* different. Besides me, obviously.   I looked around the room. Sara was still talking about something that happened at school today. Her mom was nodding along, continuing the conversation like nothing had happened… but I could see it. The way she started moving ever so carefully. She was measuring every single step she took, choreographing every movement, deliberate and cautious.   Sara, too, seemed suddenly guarded. She was staring very intently at her plate—her *empty* plate, I should point out. Her hand fiddled with her fork. As my eyes swept across though, I could see how tight she held it. It was subtle, and it came and went, but the intent was clear.   It hit me like an arrow to the gut. I was an idiot. How had I missed this?   They hadn’t changed at all. I was just finally able to recognize what was going on.   They were afraid.   As the door to the garage door opened, it became even more clear.   “Welcome home, hon,” Sara’s mom called out. Perfectly normal.   Her father looked down the hallway, and saw me at the table. He smiled and waved, putting away his coat. “Evening. It smells delicious, dear.”   “How was work?”   “Exhausting. I’m glad to be home.”   “Want anything to drink?” asked Sara, still staring at the plate. Her voice was as casual as could be.   “Thank you, Sara, but I can get it. Do you want anything?”   “Coke sounds good. Jen?”   Stars, were they all *acting*? The whole damn time? I spluttered back to life as I realized both Sara and her dad were looking at me expectantly. I gulped, trying to clear my throat.   “Uhh, root beer for me?” I asked awkwardly. Was I supposed to play along with the script? I was a terrible actress. I can hide things if I need to, but I’m bad at faking being *normal*. I barely even know what normal is anymore.   “Oh, is it Jen now?” asked her mother, sliding a slice of pizza onto my plate. Her hand still clutched the pizza roller, the sharp silver edge sparkling as it caught the sunlight streaming through the window.   “Yeah. Just time for a change.” Sara nudged me under the table, trying to get me to focus, but I was still fixed on her own hand clutching the fork like a dagger. “No more Jenny.”   “That’s too bad. I liked the name Jenny.”   “Now, dear, it’s her name. She can do what she likes with it,” said her father. He threw me a wink. “No more Jenny from the block.”   “God, Dad.” Sara rolled her eyes. “Please don’t try to reference pop culture. Ever again.”   I felt so horribly confused by what was going on. I couldn’t process the absurd contradiction of the conversation going on, and the physical reactions of everybody in the room. The instant her father had spoken up, Sara clutched the fork again. As he looked toward her mother, she seemed to recoil ever so slightly—but when he looked back toward me, her knuckles turned white as she gripped the pizza roller.   If I hadn’t had this exact dinner a hundred times in their kitchen, in almost the exact same circumstances, I’d think we were about to throw down.   Except this was the suburbs in Oregon, not some back alley tavern or decrepit dungeon. A fight here was as likely as a portal opening up and dumping us all into an alternate universe.   Sorry, bad joke.   It kept going through the entirety of dinner. Like they were putting on a show, just for me. The normal, happy family. They’d tease each other about old habits, argue politics, discuss movies and TV shows. It was so perfectly, totally ordinary that I found myself reaching for my knife, still tucked under the hem of my shirt at my back, the one thing I hadn’t told Sara.   When was the curtain coming down?       ***         It never did. After dinner ended, as Sara’s mother cleaned up, I headed straight out the back door into the yard to get some air. Sara followed a moment later, after her place was clear. Only once the door was closed, and we were around the corner and out of the light, did I turn to confront her.   “*Dov nara vack* was that?” I asked, halfway between confused and angry.   Sara looked genuinely confused herself. “Huh?”   “*That.* The whole dinner. All of you.” I was on edge. *Very* on edge. Sara was lucky I couldn’t conjure up some fire right now, or the neighbors might’ve called the firefighters.   “What are you talking about?”   She was determined to keep the play going, I guess. I wasn’t sure how to react, what to do, how to respond. I wanted to be angry at her for hiding this from me, but how could I? After what *I’d* been hiding from her for the past couple of days, wouldn’t that make me a massive hypocrite? *This is different*, I convinced myself. This was control and fear. This was actively happening, and clearly had been for some time.   Without warning, I grabbed the hem of Sara’s shirt and lifted it up. No, I’m not thinking about anything like that. Get your mind out of the gutter. I was looking for bruises. Marks of any kind. Evidence.   “Uhh…” Sara glanced around, making sure no one could see us. “Well, this is weird.”   Mentally, I agreed. There wasn’t a sign of abuse anywhere on her. Was I just imagining everything? Had that *actually* been perfectly normal dinner?   Was I going completely insane?   “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. I let go and backed up into the wall of the house.   “No worries. Just… warn me next time?” Sara looked weirdly comfortable with the whole situation.   “I’m sorry,” I repeated, turning to leave.   Before I could go, Sara reached out and grabbed my hand. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said quietly.   I felt my eyes begin to well up again. I couldn’t even spend a single night with my best friend’s family, without my past springing up to haunt me. My instincts had almost lead me to attack Sara’s father, in his own home and in front of his family.   Could I *really* live here again, the way I used to?   For the second time that night, I cried, but there wasn’t any joy in it anymore. Joy was reserved for people not actively losing their minds.
{ "title": "[18+] a little sister's all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹", "id": 18600, "author": "Amae", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Duality VII", "id": 305706, "next": 307713, "prev": 303865, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YTM2YTNkYmZiODQ5ZjBiODFlZDE2N2VhYmNhZTJl"><strong>「Sen」 and the halberd clashed back and forth at a lightning speed.</strong> It was if they were actual humans having a brawl to the death. Whenever the weapons came in physical contact, the air surrounding the impact would vibrate in response, creating sizzling sounds.</p> <p class="cnM0NjNhNTJjMGJkNDRkMDY4YWM5NWM2NTg0YzMwOTlh">Yin speculated from elemental theories that both weapons were direct polar opposites, which resulted in an unstable fusion. It was similar to pouring dry ice into a steaming hot tub.</p> <p class="cnM0OGU1NWIwZDIxMTQ5Y2FhNmQ0ODk0NTZjYTRmYmZk"><em>Still... to create a weapon using mana alone is no easy feat.</em></p> <p class="cnNmNzVkOWJhNGNmYjRjNjViNzFhMzRlMTI4MTg2YjRi">Yang continued to gracefully evade blows while the Heavenlight struggled to parry. It was obvious that the swordsman had the upper hand. This was the disparity in their combat experience, the overwhelming difference in physical weaponry and control.</p> <p class="cnMzMDkyZTViM2YyNjRhZjE5ZjVmZDRjYjkwMjUyMDg3">"「Light Binding」"</p> <p class="cnNiOWMwZTUyMDU0OTRmMTg4YjllNGZlNjY5MjczNzZl">The girl's hand shot forth a small beam, aiming it towards Yang's feet.</p> <p class="cnMzOTM2NzY4YzM3ZjRmZDdhM2RkMmUyZmE0YzhlZmNj">Yang was locked into position by the sphere of light. It was as if a sturdy and invisible rope had tied his feet together, completely immobilizing his movement. Using this opportunity, the Heavenlight somersaulted five feet into the air, spread her wings and hammered her weapon repeatedly.</p> <p class="cnM5YzBiMzlmZDY5YzQ4MmNiOWIwYmIxZjU0ODY2ZDRi">The earth below Yang shattered in response as the girl growled in an inhuman, raspy voice.</p> <p class="cnM0MTNkMTg4YmYyNzRiNmQ5YzA1ZDA4YzM0ODc3MDkw">"IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND EARN MY FREEDOM."</p> <p class="cnNjNmNhMjY3ZTNlNTRlZGY5MGI2N2FlMDhlZWI2ZGM2">While the ground broke into cracks and fissures, the girl remained floating in the air and smashed the swordman repeatedly with her halberd. Yang began to lose his footing. The gale in the blows whipped sharply beyond his sword, stirring his black cloak in the air.</p> <p class="cnMwYWYxNzM0MmRjNTQwMWJhYWVlOGYxZWU4OTFiMzc3">"Mm — you really like swinging wildly, don't you?"</p> <p class="cnNiMTE1NjE1MWU3YTQxODFiZmY2NTVkNDcwYjNlZmEx">"SHUT UP AND DIE ALREADY."</p> <p class="cnM4NTQ2MWRmZTVmZjQ0MTc4YWFmZjMxN2Q1MThiNTA4">The dark fires of hatred itself seemed to blaze ominously within the Heavenlight's body as she twirled around her weapon. </p> <p class="cnM3NTk1YWVlMTdiYjRlODRiMDExMTRiZmU2ZGY1YmFm"><em>It seems that she can fly only for a short period of time.</em></p> <p class="cnNkZmVlNWY5ZWJkYzQ0ZWVhMTA3YjI2Y2RmZDM5ZWEy"><em>Approximately five minutes in combat.</em></p> <p class="cnMxMWEyNTRkZjgwZTRlNzc4YzcwZjAwMTk4NjcxMTYx">After the binding effect disappeared, Yang waved his sword in a sweeping arc. The attack knocked the girl back. Immediately, he disappeared from his original position, leaving behind an afterimage.</p> <p class="cnMxN2UwOWNmNGE0ZTRiY2RiYzQyOWRiOTQwYTdlZDM2">"「Amae De Ai」"</p> <p class="cnMwMzA5ZTEwNzY5NDQ4YThhYTJjNGQ5MTYyMDIyZjRj">Martial arts. Up until this point, everything had been Yang's bona fide strength. But in order for him to properly contest against a Heavenlight with mana level that exceeded a demon lord, he needed to enhance his physical stats.</p> <p class="cnMyOTc0YmM3MjBmMzRjMDQ5NWViNWYxNjUzMDJmMWNl">As his body shimmered, Yang — his entire body and mind were heightened by effects similar to adrenaline — was a swordsman who stood beyond the peak of humanity.</p> <p class="cnM2ODA1MTRhZDhjODQ5MDY5MjkwMGI3NTBjZGM4NDU2"><em>Big brother is finally going all out.</em></p> <p class="cnNmYjAzNjM5NTViMDQyODI5Yjc1MWQzZDI0ZWQxNjU2">As the Heavenlight scanned around and searched frantically, a figure appeared directly above her and was diving straight down. Like an eagle picking off its prey, 「Sen」 led the audacious charge.</p> <p class="cnMyN2YzYTZiOGYyNjQwMzdhMWY1NWM5NzJjYjEzYjQ1">The girl's exceptional senses seemed to warn her of a sharp missile plunging down on her. She leaped away and chanted:</p> <p class="cnMzNzZlM2EwYzQ0YTRhZTM5MTgyMDA4ZTBhN2M5M2Nk">"「Prismatic Barrier」"</p> <p class="cnM3NWIxN2QwNGY1ODQ5N2U4NGM0M2JkYTE3YTlmYTIw"><em>That's a similar spell to what I used earlier.</em></p> <p class="cnM2Mjk0YmEwNmE1ZDQ0NGZiYzViODgyNTc3MTMyNGNk">Yin's heart skipped a beat. If the Heavenlight could use the fundamental of the same spell, then this would mean that her brother was fighting someone beyond the level of the Unpolites — at the very least a 3rd tier magician.</p> <p class="cnM0NmU3NDFiNDJhYTQwZDA5NmQ3MDVkMmI3MzdiOTM4">Layers of polygon-like shield appeared in front of the Heavenlight, acting as immediate protection to the sudden assault. Sounds of glass shattering. Although Yang managed to penetrate through, his initial diving speed was greatly diminished.</p> <p class="cnM4YTQzYTk4MTQ3NzRmOGM4MjQ4YzFhNTNmZTNjMGE0">The girl used this opportunity and flew back, trying to regain her composure.</p> <p class="cnMzMTFkYjExZTM0MzQyNjI5NWM4OGE2ZDIxYjAxMDY2">Seeing her retreat, Yang disappeared and emerged from the side. He charged at her with a nimble dash.</p> <p class="cnNiMDZhNmI3YTRlNTRhMWM4MDM1YmViYmRhYzgwYzk1">"「Luminescence」"</p> <p class="cnMxMjQxYzk2MDU1YTRhMTg4MTA5ZmMyZTc3MzI0MTE5"><em>So bright...</em></p> <p class="cnM3ODAyNWJhMmI0ZDQ0YWFiZjA0NGFmMWEyYmUxNjI4">An anomaly of dazzling light shot from her hand, twisting the air in the process. Although the blind was overwhelming to Yin, it did not faze her brother one bit. After all, he was wearing「Mask of Weilai」, a Legendary item that grants the user superior vision and the ability to predict incoming attacks with a seventy-percent accuracy. </p> <p class="cnNlMzE1NDY1ZmU3YzQzMWNiMmRlYjhiNTBkMzE1OGY0">Even though it had that capability, Yang barely dodged the attack due to the short distance. The edges of his cloak burned as a result of being inches away to the overwhelming surge of heat.</p> <p class="cnMxZjBlMjdiOTYxMDQ1NWI4NGU4ODUzOTE3ZjExMDZi"><em>Luminescence </em>—<em> a 3rd tier offensive light-based spell.</em></p> <p class="cnM2YWYxZjEyY2M5MDQ0OGZhOGRmZmJmMzBjZGVjZjY5"><em>That ability must have cost a lot of mana. </em><em>Her movements appear to be slower now.</em></p> <p class="cnMxNjIxZWZiY2E0NjQyMWE5ZTJlYjllMTg5NWE4NDUw">Yang gained steady momentum, leaped in the air and slashed.</p> <p class="cnMwMmM2MGQwMjM4YjQwMTI5OTI5ZDZmNjViNTQ4NWZl">"Gahhhhh!"</p> <p class="cnNmNTg2OWFlZjRhZjQ3ZjRhMWVhNjVjODk5ODVlMmYx">Fresh blood spurt out. He had split through the Heavenlight's torso. However, it was not a fatal blow by any means. She was able to avoid the follow-up attacks with the help of her wings, which blew the swordsman back.</p> <p class="cnMxYzE1M2EyNGY4NzQ1ODJhOTRjNGM3NDQ3ZDdmNjYy">The girl continued to fly backward, kiting the swordsman with a variety of basic light-based spells. Yang charged with the sword, nullifying the incoming attacks with his free hand.</p> <p class="cnNmMzY3YmYyY2U0MzQyNGZiMzU1OTdiY2RkMGE5NTVm"><em>Everything is going as expected so far.</em></p> <p class="cnM1MDY2Mzk1YjE1NTQ2ZjFiNjc3MDk4NWJiNGRmMzQ2">Yin nodded to herself, having analyzed the Heavenlight's basic battle pattern and appraised her repertoire of spells.</p> <p class="cnM0MGJiNTdmZmE1MzRhM2Q5NzE0OTRlNWRmZTY4YzJl">Overall, she was not an excellent fighter and relies on a combination of weaponry and magic. Although her defensive skills were impressive for a magician, she was too attuned to her magical abilities. When it came down to that brief second, she would always use magic rather than her halberd.</p> <p class="cnNmNTU1YWVkYjZiMTQyNTM5NDMzODBkYmRiMzA1MTNi">And that was what her big brother excelled at — dueling against those who relied only on magic.</p> <p class="cnM1YTdlYjc3MzBiMDQ5ZGViZmYxY2UyOTdjMzYwYmU5">"GO AWAY! GO AWAY!"</p> <p class="cnMwZmM5M2FhMTQxNTQ3NTM4YmIxZTQ1ZDIyYzNhNDJi">As Yang leaped forward and landed another slash, the Heavenlight threw her halberd at him. Yang brought up「Sen」and blocked the hurled weapon. The overwhelming force knocked him back a few distances while the girl rose in the air and chanted an ancient incantation rapidly.</p> <p class="cnMyZGU2NTIwMmFkYTRkN2E4ODUwY2VjNjdmZDAzM2Zl"><em>She discarded her weapon... She's betting it all on this spell.</em></p> <p class="cnNmNmE1YTIwYTdhNjQzMzliMGY5NThhM2M4NGZlNWJj">"All units, fire your spell at the swordsman...," Zenpy ordered. Yin sensed similar desperation in his voice. " all cost."</p> <p class="cnNiZWRiOGI1ODk3YTRhZTQ4ZmRjMzIzMjEyNGVlY2M3">The Unpolites leaped forward into position and channeled their spells. The golems quickly made work of the few who stood like sitting ducks, crushing them without mercy. But four golems could not attack all ten at once.</p> <p class="cnM1MjcwZThkZjQwNjQ5ODhiMjUyYWE3NTE5Y2E4NDEx"><em>Shit.</em></p> <p class="cnM5NzJiMzAyOTEyYjQ3MjlhOTkzMWNhMTVmMDNmMTU4">Yin clicked her tongue and quickly fired her own spells, hoping that it will distract the rest. She had not anticipated the Unpolites to be this reckless.</p> <p class="cnNjZjgyNjM5YmU5ZjQ5M2ZiZGE1ODNiZTBkZTU2NDdh"><em>Shit!</em></p> <p class="cnMzN2Q4OGFmMjA3MTRjZWRhYTJkNzNlZjBhZGFiYjQz">An array of spells shot forth from the remaining Unpolites. She turned towards her brother and chanted a few protective spells. But she was one step slower. They flew through the barrier before it formed.</p> <p class="cnMwMTQ3MzVlNWFiNTRkOTlhNjQ4NWI1NWEzNTFiYmE5">Yang noticed from the corner of his eyes and dodged the incoming spells. At this moment, he was caught in the crossfire — with Heavenlight on the left and Unpolites on the right. He rolled sideways and then jumped in the air to dodge a volley of spells. </p> <p class="cnNlMjZjZWRhMDg4YTQ4ZjQ5NjBhMWRmYTk4ZjAyYmZj">But that was all the Heavenlight needed.</p> <p class="cnMwYTQyYmYyNTJlOTQyNmViMjMwZDQ0ZjkyMGRjMTll">At that moment, time seemed to slow down — the girl had finished channeling.</p> <p class="cnNkNjE2MDZjNWVlNDQyMTk5ZTIyZDE3MDkyNWZiNTdh">"Big brother, watch out!"</p> <p class="cnNhZWE5MjQyYzUzMDRlZWI4Yjk1NDU5M2Y3MmUzMzk1">"「Final Spark!」"</p> <p class="cnM1NzczOThiODcwYjQ3YWQ4MGIxNWI5OTJlZmE1MGQy"><em>That's a 2nd tier ultimate-based spell...?</em></p> <p class="cnMxMGZjYTI3YzgyMzRjMjE5OTEyYWYyMDhlY2JiZmY2">Yin tried to cast another「Automatic Prismatic Barrier」. But it was too far and the power of the enemy's spell was much more superior. At this point, only her big brother's skill will determine the outcome.</p> <p class="cnMzNmRjZTE5NDU2MDQ2Yzc4YTMyNGI3YTYwNmQ3NmM2"><em>Please... be safe...</em></p> <p class="cnNiMDNkYzNlNmI3ZjQyOTQ4NWY2ZGRjNDljMzk3MTJh">Yin silently prayed as the golems continued to hunt the remaining Unpolites, who were fleeing in complete chaos from breaking formation.</p> <p class="cnMzZjc1ZDcyYzY3YTRjM2Y5ZGUyNjk0N2Q2ZjNiNDFl"><em>I believe in you-!</em></p> <p class="cnMxZTdmNzI0ZTU5ZDQxZmJiZDNmMGIzMWJkZGVhYWE2">A bright laser shot forth from the Heavenlight's body. Yang could not dodge the attack since he was already in midair. In other words, he was an easy target. He was about a second away from being blasted by the beam of overwhelming light.</p> <p class="cnM4MTY2NTQzOWVlYTRmZjNiNDFlYWQ2NGYwZTJlMGY4">In a swift motion, Yang took off his mask with his left hand and held it in front of the incoming laser.</p> <p class="cnMzODQ1ZjYwY2JjYzRmNDZhNzg2MGE2NmJjOGQyNGNh">On his right hand, he swiveled his sword and threw his sword like a javelin. It flew into the beam, which disappeared in the surging white radiance.</p> <p class="cnMxZWNmMmJkMjZiNDQ1YmNhOWIwOTA5MmVlNTQ4MDRh">「Sen」 landed on the Heavenlight's shoulder. She roared in pain while the angle from the laser flew upwards sharply.</p> <p class="cnMwZWZmYjNkZjI4NzQ2NWM5ZmFlNzJmOTdjZTM3OWFh">"GAHHHHHH! IT BURNS! IT HURTS SO MUCH!"</p> <p class="cnM5NmQ0NmIyYWQ0OTRjN2ViZjFjNmYwYzk5YzM4ODNi">Parts of the decadent ceiling and pillars disintegrated into ashes from the channeled beam.</p> <p class="cnMyNDc0OTNmMTIyNTRiYWFhMmZhZWUwODM1N2M5NmIz">As the Heavenlight collapsed on the ground from the sword's impact, the spell was no more. However, when she pulled out the sword, all that was left of the once beautiful Legendary-sword was a gray hilt with rough edges.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjMzNjNhNjE5NTRjNDk5YWNlOTNiZDdiZWIyNGZh">"YOU'LL... PAY... FOR... THAT..."</p> <p class="cnNjMGJjYWFhYjVjYTQ0NTE5MWMxZmVhNjk2ZGQ4NTli">Yang was now standing alone and panting repeatedly. Most of his cloak had burned away, revealing most of his gear underneath. Nevertheless, he was alive.</p> <p class="cnM4YzZiODkzNzlkNDQ1ZTQ4OGZiNGY4MWE0OWY0ZTdm">As he held onto his Wolf-Kabuki mask, it gradually crumbled away into a heap of ashes, cascading down to the floor. Nothing remained at his fingers except his true identity.</p> <p class="cnMzZDg5ZDU0MGVlZjRjZjlhYTNlN2ZiZGZjMTM5Mzhk">Yin ran straight to her big brother.</p> <p class="cnNlZmQ4YTMyM2IxZTQzY2RiZDQ4MTA4YmQzZjdkOWZh" style="text-align: center">♦ ♦ ♦</p> <p class="cnMwMDQyYjVlY2M0ZTQ3MjliZmNhZWUyNDM1ZTgxMGI1"><strong>"Im-Impossible?! This is impossible. I must be dreaming..."</strong></p> <p class="cnM1OTM2NTRhNDQ4ZTQ2Yjg5ZmRiMzk1MGM4YTIwMDlj">"WHAT THE FUCK?! YANG'S A TEENAGER AS WELL...?!"</p> <p class="cnM5MGRkMzI5OTBkNjRlOTJiZjBiNTE1YjczYWQyZjFj">"There's no way they could have survived that... How...? Just how...?"</p> <p class="cnNkMDE3ZWI3NTY5ZjQxZDVhZWQ1NmQyYWNiZjI3MzVi">"It's over..."</p> <p class="cnM0ZDIwYjY1Zjk0NTRlYzBiOTkwMzgwNTJjNDAyMGFi">"Ha. I must be dreaming."</p> <p class="cnMxMGU3ZDc5MzFmNjRhN2Y4MDkyMTg0YzU2ZTgyMGEz">"I... don't want... to die..."</p> <p class="cnMxYWQyOTUxZjRmZjQyZTE4OGNhOTU2NmY2MjA0MGVk">As the remaining Unpolites murmured and watched with consternation in their eyes, Zenpy felt a rage of storm stirring inside his heart. He was absolutely devastated that Yang had sacrificed the Legendary-tier sword. His hopes. His dreams. They were utterly crushed.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjdhZDc4MTk0MjQ5M2Q5YWM5YWM4NWZiNTExZDFm">Zenpy pointed his index finger and screamed at the two siblings.</p> <p class="cnNkZWUwYjk4ODlkZjQ4YWM5YjQ4ZjM1OWU0ODliMjJl">"That void-based weapon.... why why why?!"</p> <p class="cnNhYTc1ZTRmYzU2NzQ5ZDQ5MjJkNTQyMjQ0OTE1NmI4">Yin and Yang ignored his crude remarks and stared at each other as they reunited together. The golems assembled themselves back into a defensive position, standing beside the siblings like guardians.</p> <p class="cnMxYzg1MWRlMzQ5MzQzOTZhN2IyYWJjZDA0YzJkZmFl">Zenpy thought that the 2nd tier spell would finish the swordsman once and for all...</p> <p class="cnMyOGU1YTM1YTJlYTQwZDQ4NWUzNGYyODIzNDcxNmEx">He was so sure of his victory that he had ordered six of men to their death. Now, the remaining mage units had enough mana for only one more set of ultimate-based spells. The Heavenlight needed to regenerate from the wound earlier.</p> <p class="cnMxZTEwNGIzMDQwMDRiNjI4NThlMzNkMzc1YTE4Y2Ez">"Back to me, hurry!" He growled loudly at his men.</p> <p class="cnMwZDEzMzk1NGNkOTQ2OGQ5OTk0NzljNzRlYjZhYzM3">Embracing themselves for another potential attack, the Unpolites and King Hurley slowly gathered themselves together, expecting for the worst possible outcome.</p> <p class="cnMzODQ5NTIyZWMzODRiYTI5NGQ5ZTU4M2M1NTZlZGIy">They had seen the true identity of Yin and Yang. </p> <p class="cnMwMmVmOTU1ZmJhYzQzMTE4NTczNGQwMTI0Njg4Yzlm">Now, will they be able to live to tell the tales?</p> <p class="cnNlMTgzZWRhNWY0ZjQ2ZDM4NGE5NGQyYTFlNmE4MDAw">Instead of an attack from Duality, the two siblings closed their eyes and held onto each other lovingly.</p> <p class="cnMxNWMyZjQwNzEwZjQzYjY4ZTkwMTBhNmFhZTY1MWI1">And then — they kissed.</p> </div>
**「Sen」 and the halberd clashed back and forth at a lightning speed.** It was if they were actual humans having a brawl to the death. Whenever the weapons came in physical contact, the air surrounding the impact would vibrate in response, creating sizzling sounds. Yin speculated from elemental theories that both weapons were direct polar opposites, which resulted in an unstable fusion. It was similar to pouring dry ice into a steaming hot tub. *Still... to create a weapon using mana alone is no easy feat.* Yang continued to gracefully evade blows while the Heavenlight struggled to parry. It was obvious that the swordsman had the upper hand. This was the disparity in their combat experience, the overwhelming difference in physical weaponry and control. "「Light Binding」" The girl's hand shot forth a small beam, aiming it towards Yang's feet. Yang was locked into position by the sphere of light. It was as if a sturdy and invisible rope had tied his feet together, completely immobilizing his movement. Using this opportunity, the Heavenlight somersaulted five feet into the air, spread her wings and hammered her weapon repeatedly. The earth below Yang shattered in response as the girl growled in an inhuman, raspy voice. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND EARN MY FREEDOM." While the ground broke into cracks and fissures, the girl remained floating in the air and smashed the swordman repeatedly with her halberd. Yang began to lose his footing. The gale in the blows whipped sharply beyond his sword, stirring his black cloak in the air. "Mm — you really like swinging wildly, don't you?" "SHUT UP AND DIE ALREADY." The dark fires of hatred itself seemed to blaze ominously within the Heavenlight's body as she twirled around her weapon. *It seems that she can fly only for a short period of time.* *Approximately five minutes in combat.* After the binding effect disappeared, Yang waved his sword in a sweeping arc. The attack knocked the girl back. Immediately, he disappeared from his original position, leaving behind an afterimage. "「Amae De Ai」" Martial arts. Up until this point, everything had been Yang's bona fide strength. But in order for him to properly contest against a Heavenlight with mana level that exceeded a demon lord, he needed to enhance his physical stats. As his body shimmered, Yang — his entire body and mind were heightened by effects similar to adrenaline — was a swordsman who stood beyond the peak of humanity. *Big brother is finally going all out.* As the Heavenlight scanned around and searched frantically, a figure appeared directly above her and was diving straight down. Like an eagle picking off its prey, 「Sen」 led the audacious charge. The girl's exceptional senses seemed to warn her of a sharp missile plunging down on her. She leaped away and chanted: "「Prismatic Barrier」" *That's a similar spell to what I used earlier.* Yin's heart skipped a beat. If the Heavenlight could use the fundamental of the same spell, then this would mean that her brother was fighting someone beyond the level of the Unpolites — at the very least a 3rd tier magician. Layers of polygon-like shield appeared in front of the Heavenlight, acting as immediate protection to the sudden assault. Sounds of glass shattering. Although Yang managed to penetrate through, his initial diving speed was greatly diminished. The girl used this opportunity and flew back, trying to regain her composure. Seeing her retreat, Yang disappeared and emerged from the side. He charged at her with a nimble dash. "「Luminescence」" *So bright...* An anomaly of dazzling light shot from her hand, twisting the air in the process. Although the blind was overwhelming to Yin, it did not faze her brother one bit. After all, he was wearing「Mask of Weilai」, a Legendary item that grants the user superior vision and the ability to predict incoming attacks with a seventy-percent accuracy. Even though it had that capability, Yang barely dodged the attack due to the short distance. The edges of his cloak burned as a result of being inches away to the overwhelming surge of heat. *Luminescence* — *a 3rd tier offensive light-based spell.* *That ability must have cost a lot of mana.* *Her movements appear to be slower now.* Yang gained steady momentum, leaped in the air and slashed. "Gahhhhh!" Fresh blood spurt out. He had split through the Heavenlight's torso. However, it was not a fatal blow by any means. She was able to avoid the follow-up attacks with the help of her wings, which blew the swordsman back. The girl continued to fly backward, kiting the swordsman with a variety of basic light-based spells. Yang charged with the sword, nullifying the incoming attacks with his free hand. *Everything is going as expected so far.* Yin nodded to herself, having analyzed the Heavenlight's basic battle pattern and appraised her repertoire of spells. Overall, she was not an excellent fighter and relies on a combination of weaponry and magic. Although her defensive skills were impressive for a magician, she was too attuned to her magical abilities. When it came down to that brief second, she would always use magic rather than her halberd. And that was what her big brother excelled at — dueling against those who relied only on magic. "GO AWAY! GO AWAY!" As Yang leaped forward and landed another slash, the Heavenlight threw her halberd at him. Yang brought up「Sen」and blocked the hurled weapon. The overwhelming force knocked him back a few distances while the girl rose in the air and chanted an ancient incantation rapidly. *She discarded her weapon... She's betting it all on this spell.* "All units, fire your spell at the swordsman...," Zenpy ordered. Yin sensed similar desperation in his voice. " all cost." The Unpolites leaped forward into position and channeled their spells. The golems quickly made work of the few who stood like sitting ducks, crushing them without mercy. But four golems could not attack all ten at once. *Shit.* Yin clicked her tongue and quickly fired her own spells, hoping that it will distract the rest. She had not anticipated the Unpolites to be this reckless. *Shit!* An array of spells shot forth from the remaining Unpolites. She turned towards her brother and chanted a few protective spells. But she was one step slower. They flew through the barrier before it formed. Yang noticed from the corner of his eyes and dodged the incoming spells. At this moment, he was caught in the crossfire — with Heavenlight on the left and Unpolites on the right. He rolled sideways and then jumped in the air to dodge a volley of spells. But that was all the Heavenlight needed. At that moment, time seemed to slow down — the girl had finished channeling. "Big brother, watch out!" "「Final Spark!」" *That's a 2nd tier ultimate-based spell...?* Yin tried to cast another「Automatic Prismatic Barrier」. But it was too far and the power of the enemy's spell was much more superior. At this point, only her big brother's skill will determine the outcome. *Please... be safe...* Yin silently prayed as the golems continued to hunt the remaining Unpolites, who were fleeing in complete chaos from breaking formation. *I believe in you-!* A bright laser shot forth from the Heavenlight's body. Yang could not dodge the attack since he was already in midair. In other words, he was an easy target. He was about a second away from being blasted by the beam of overwhelming light. In a swift motion, Yang took off his mask with his left hand and held it in front of the incoming laser. On his right hand, he swiveled his sword and threw his sword like a javelin. It flew into the beam, which disappeared in the surging white radiance. 「Sen」 landed on the Heavenlight's shoulder. She roared in pain while the angle from the laser flew upwards sharply. "GAHHHHHH! IT BURNS! IT HURTS SO MUCH!" Parts of the decadent ceiling and pillars disintegrated into ashes from the channeled beam. As the Heavenlight collapsed on the ground from the sword's impact, the spell was no more. However, when she pulled out the sword, all that was left of the once beautiful Legendary-sword was a gray hilt with rough edges. "YOU'LL... PAY... FOR... THAT..." Yang was now standing alone and panting repeatedly. Most of his cloak had burned away, revealing most of his gear underneath. Nevertheless, he was alive. As he held onto his Wolf-Kabuki mask, it gradually crumbled away into a heap of ashes, cascading down to the floor. Nothing remained at his fingers except his true identity. Yin ran straight to her big brother. ♦ ♦ ♦ **"Im-Impossible?! This is impossible. I must be dreaming..."** "WHAT THE FUCK?! YANG'S A TEENAGER AS WELL...?!" "There's no way they could have survived that... How...? Just how...?" "It's over..." "Ha. I must be dreaming." "I... don't want... to die..." As the remaining Unpolites murmured and watched with consternation in their eyes, Zenpy felt a rage of storm stirring inside his heart. He was absolutely devastated that Yang had sacrificed the Legendary-tier sword. His hopes. His dreams. They were utterly crushed. Zenpy pointed his index finger and screamed at the two siblings. "That void-based weapon.... why why why?!" Yin and Yang ignored his crude remarks and stared at each other as they reunited together. The golems assembled themselves back into a defensive position, standing beside the siblings like guardians. Zenpy thought that the 2nd tier spell would finish the swordsman once and for all... He was so sure of his victory that he had ordered six of men to their death. Now, the remaining mage units had enough mana for only one more set of ultimate-based spells. The Heavenlight needed to regenerate from the wound earlier. "Back to me, hurry!" He growled loudly at his men. Embracing themselves for another potential attack, the Unpolites and King Hurley slowly gathered themselves together, expecting for the worst possible outcome. They had seen the true identity of Yin and Yang. Now, will they be able to live to tell the tales? Instead of an attack from Duality, the two siblings closed their eyes and held onto each other lovingly. And then — they kissed.
{ "title": "The Salamanders", "id": 16717, "author": "JackWake", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "4.09", "id": 305774, "next": 306550, "prev": 304409, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzYTRhMThkMWMyOTQ3OTliOGQ0NWJjOTIxOGVmMjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan searched the mud for crystals while Micah lifted the veins inside the golem into a jar with its heart. He had dragged it a few steps closer to the mound and tilted its body up to shine the light inside, but that only revealed the damage he </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">had</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> dealt.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmY0ZWUwMDBkNjQ2ZDJiMjFjYzRmZDg4MzEwNGY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few of the grooves where veins should have been were empty or damaged. A few of the “major” arteries around the cradle of the heart were broken. That was a shame, but it gave Micah a little confidence. He had broken its arm … well, either him or the rats he’d stuffed inside its body.</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2U2NWRjYmJhODRjZTA5ZmQxMTRmOTI1Nzc5NzM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Either way, he’d done something useful.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjExYWY3MGJiNzRmYWI5NWMwYWIxMzYyYmM2MzNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Its crystal was stone essence, but not any he had ever seen. It wasn’t much denser than a Stone Boar’s crystal—and thus, breakable—but seemed almost alive.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMzAzYTg4ZDMzNTQ4N2NhM2Q1NjMwYjk2YTE1MWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan told him stone golems’ crystals could be used to make skin potions and their lesser variations much more easily than through other means, but that it was considered a bit of a waste depending on how expensive they were. Prices varied with type and as climbers killed them.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWE0ZTVlNmYwNTRlYTg4MTIwZDY3Y2E3MWMyYjhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Their common use—or rather, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">golem hearts’ </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">common use—was by [Mages]. Tack one onto a staff and it would help with spells for a while, before it broke. Work one into ink and it could help with writing a spellbook.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzAwYjBmMTdmNTQ4YWM5MTU5MDYyZDExMjE4NzM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan couldn’t comment on the quality of it, though. Neither could Micah. If they </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">were</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> in the upper floors, they could sell it for a nice sum, but guessing by how easy it had been to kill the golem, his friend doubted it.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzU5ZGQxMjRhMTQxYjQ5MDAxODkzODIwNjUzNjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Six, was his current guess. Micah trusted his judgment. Sixth floor … they could handle that, right?</span></p> <p class="cnMxODU4NThhYjhlYjQzMjg4NzY0NDdmMzY1NjRhNmRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">A shadow blocked his vision for a moment as Ryan climbed through the hole and down again, holding another tan marble in his hand. Micah brought his own one out of his pocket to compare.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzRmYzhjNmViYTRkYzA5NzBmNGZlNjFkYjEzOGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">That made three.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjZhODdmMGM2ODQ1NTNiNzMxOGVmNmNiODU1MmI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And you’re </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">sure</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> they’re rat crystals?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWQ1YjBlYjY1ZTQ3ODU5ZmM4NzkzMTgyZGYwMTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nodded. “I killed one and this fell out of the smoke. Just, it only had a single tan line in it, like a curved hair. And whenever I killed other rats, it would glow a little and the strand would grow wider.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDhiMzkyZThjYTRkNDI4OTNlNTY5NDc0MmY0ZjQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">That matched what Micah had witnessed when he’d picked his up. Were they linked, somehow? “So it’s not like Field Boars, then,” he said. “We didn’t just get lucky and find loot in three of them?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGM4ZjVlODZjOTQ0YWZhM2YwMGY5MWJkMDVmN2Vk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">might</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> have,” Ryan corrected him. “Look.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2NhOTMwOGQyZTQ4MzZhNjA1MTY1YjQ0MTc4NDhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He held his marble into the light and revealed two silvery-green threads and yellow one woven in as well, the last one glowing a little brighter. The golem’s veins were dead now that the spirit had left, but these were clear matches—two toads and a golem.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTJkNGVjZDljODRkYWY5YjZhNGUyZTA2MDkzZmE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Wow</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.” He stretched up to get a better look. “So they’re like magic essence catchers, then?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTdmYTRjY2FiYjQ0Mjk4ZGE2ZDk5N2FjODk4ZjQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Maybe. But, you don’t find loot this easily from Field Boars,” Ryan said. “And I doubt we should from rats either. There’s a chance we got lucky, but more likely— I mean, I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">think</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> there is one crystal for the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">entire swarm</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, and they just catch a bit of essence from whatever monster’s nearby when it dies. ‘Cause the threads are the same, right? Or can you see a difference?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTk4MGNhODFhNTRlMjk5ZTQ4YzgzNjY0NGRlYjg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah was a little surprised by how much thought Ryan was putting into this. He had always seemed a little more book smart to him than, well … “actual” smart. It was an asshole thing and he put it out of his mind for good. He peered into the marble and shook his head to confirm. “They look the same to me.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjMxYTJiYzMwOTQxY2RiOTRlZWUwYWY4Mjc2M2Vh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right. So guessing by these, we fought … three swarms?” He considered the sash. “Or rather, about two and a half.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjBhY2YwMjA0MjRjOWI5MjdlNjg5NzZkYTVjZDNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Two of the marbles were identical, but the sash with the mixed lines was about half-sized. “The ones that ran away?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDkzOWMyMWM3NDQ4OTdiOTkzNmY2NzZmNTc3ZWE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Probably.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzhlMDhhODI3NDRiMGJiYjJiMzRkNWNmNDE3MWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How many rats did we fight? Thirty?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzk5OTVlNzNmMzQ5MTA4NzQxOTNlYjE1ODQxZTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan squinted, seeming to think it over. “Thereabouts. Maybe somewhere around a dozen a marble, then? I’m a little more curious about the purpose, though. Why do the monsters have them?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZDNmNWQ1NjRjNjRkNTc4NGY4YjJlMjA1NDkxZmE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uhm, the traditional purpose of crystals is, you know, to keep monsters alive?” Micah explained. “They act sort of like a hair tie for their, uhm, patterns. You know patterns right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzM4OWY1NjAxMTRhOTU5ODkwOGQ0ZDBlMTlhYTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan nodded, taking it in stride. “Unmade are patterns with essence-constructed bodies held together by a crystal, and they suck in bits from the world around themselves to become flesh.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2U4ZGEwYjBhOTRkMWRhOWJmMDhjY2I4MmVkNTQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah hesitated. “Yeah. Exactly.” Had Ryan paid attention during every conversation he’d had with Lisa over this? He didn’t know if he had ever explained it that concisely. “Uhm, so …” He had to find his train-of-thought again.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Mzc1MDU1MTljZDRmMGJiZGNkYWE3Yjg1NWQyNmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What about Field Boars?” Ryan asked.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGQ4NGEzZmRkNDQ1ZTRhNTMzNTk1NWZlMDdmMTgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nodded. “Right. They work differently. I don’t know how. They have lots of teeny-tiny crystals inside of them that scatter and dissipate when they’re killed, so there’s nothing left over to claim.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTdhM2U2MWI2YTQzNzZhMzc5NjEzNDViZjkzM2U0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He furrowed his brow a little. “Maybe like glue?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2M0NDg4ZmU1OTRmY2FhMGIxMWZkMWQ4YzlmMWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, uhm, that could work.” Micah frowned. He hadn’t ever put a lot of thought into it, but that actually seemed like it could work.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGUzMTk2OTk2MTRiYjQ4NTc2MGIzNDdjMjc4ZDFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And like with glue,” Ryan went on, keeping an eye on the tunnel, “when you have too much in one place you get, like, a knot of the stuff. Maybe that’s what happens when they drop crystallized parts?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjYyMDdhMzJmYzQzNzI4YWQ5YTNhNzA2NmQ1OWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah winced. “Please, stop talking.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGY4OTgyZDE0ODRjMWViNTdmN2JiMDRlOTM4Yjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">His eyes shot over, surprised. “What?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTA1MjNhZjNkZTRjNWY4ZTM3MzM4YjQ5MWU5MWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s just … my ego can’t handle it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTg0Nzc4OTFhNjQwOGE4MWQwODI0ZjYwN2M1NjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">His friend made a face halfway between a scowl and amusement, showing he’d taken it both as a compliment and a joke, before looking away. It might have been the former, but Micah was definitely feeling a little self-conscious right now.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTI3NjA1ZGQ0ZTRkOWQ5NmMwZDgzNjczZjFlOGFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He smiled along nervously, hoping the other guy wouldn’t notice, and made a note to himself,</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Ryan pays attention</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDlmMjcwNjEwYjRhODhhYTVlZjRlNTg0N2RjZjk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So what about these rats?” the guy asked, in a little better mood, “How can they exist?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDFlNWE0Y2RlZTRmOWE5MzY0ZWFhOWQ0OTNhZDdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Maybe like Field Boars,” Micah said. “Maybe someway else. I didn’t get a good enough look at them during the chaos to notice. I didn’t even notice any of them drop marbles, but—they need </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">something</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> to hold their patterns together or they would just fall apart.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGNhYWU3MjJkYTQ0ZjVhZWFhYzkzYjVmOWM3MWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan seemed to think about that for another moment before he let it be and tucked the marble in Micah’s pouch. “I was just looking for an insight,” he explained. “Maybe something we can use.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTBlNmU2YmI4ZjQ1MGRhOTdhOTZhN2RhOWYzYmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah nodded. “I agree with that. But the toads and the golem were still the same, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzQzODAxZDEwNjQwYjA4MjlmY2IzNmYzMTZkMzA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTZiNDA4NmE2ZDQ5ZjhiYTc0MmNjY2YzOTQ1MGJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Switch?” Micah held the knife and jar up and they switched places. Ryan scraped the rest of the Golem’s insides into the jar while he kept an eye out for any camouflaged monsters.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODVmMWI1NDAxNDQ5ZmM4OTg0NzliYWNiOWI1ZmY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">When he was almost done, Micah bit his lip and mentioned, “I was thinking … I mean, we have an opportunity now, right? I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> want to get some of those plants from the chasm.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWYyZmNmMGY5ZDRkMGZiMTI0ZTNhODRjNWIyOGU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan’s eyes shot up, but he didn’t reject the idea right away. “You mean the walkway, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2I5YzY1YmYxMjQ5NDRiZTNlZmQ3NWU0NTJlMjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah,” he assured him. “Of course. The grass and plants, maybe the beetle. All of that.” He nodded along and trailed off for a moment. “So … is the centipede, you know … around?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmY2OThlODJkNTQxMGI4NWNjMTI2ZGI5ZDdjODUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m not sure.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDkyN2RjY2VhZjQwYWM5NzQwYTJlZjNlYzVjMzVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">That seemed like a half-truth to Micah, at best. But he accepted the sentiment behind it. “Maybe just around the entrance, then?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMGRkMzU1NjdhNjRjNzhhM2M4YTZkMGI2YmE4M2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan thought about it for a moment before he sighed and said, “But we have to be </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> quiet.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzM3MGIxN2ZiNjRlMzM4ZjA3ZGY5OTM1OWJkYWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Definitely.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMjRmYmQ5ZTM4YzRiY2E5Y2Y3YTU1YmU0OTJjMmU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the edge of the tunnel, the water was somewhat cleaner. Still murked by their fight, but not muddy. They poked their heads around and checked for monsters other than the centipede.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Nzc4ZmFlMWUzMTQzOTQ5Mzg5YWMwYmE1MzJiNmEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">did</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> see something, in the far off distance. A dark-grey lump, fleshy, that hung off the chasm wall half-hidden in the shadows. It was roughly oval shaped like an egg cut top to bottom and the barest of trembles made him think of breathing. In the middle, a bit of blue glow escaped from a crack.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTIyMDJkODFiNTRjOWVhODU0NTY5ZmE2NTliODE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Layers? Or maybe … folded wings?</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGQ2ZWMyZWQ4NjQ4MjBhZDcyY2U4OTk1MmYwMDlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Whatever it was, it was too far away and too large to fit in the tunnels. Guessing by school track, he would have said it was two hundred meters in the distance and … </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">tall</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. Three meters, at least? That was harder to guess. He didn’t know if Ryan could see the glow or beast.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTA1NzUwOTk3MjRhNWM5OTI3N2UxOTQ1NTE1OWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">There were also support beams spotted between the railings of the walkway in the distance, crumbling away in places or entirely. Those could have hidden any kind of monster, but again, the first of them was far.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZmM4ZjdmYjU4YzQ4N2I4ZjdmNzBjNzg1OGZiMDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah gave a thumbs-up for the all-clear on camouflage and, when Ryan didn’t bail, started digging out plants and cutting off those growing from the crevices. He put them in the cylinder boxes he had bought for the occasion.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzI1MDk4ZWFjYzRkYjJiZjBmNDUzNDJiNzc4NWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even with his gloved hands, he was careful around the prickly plants. Many had such fine hairs, he suspected they could pass through gloves. At least, he wasn’t willing to risk losing a finger to the test.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2Q1YjhiNjQzZDQyN2I4Zjk3NjQ1NjQwOWVhNzNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan helped a little but mostly glanced at the chasm as if the centipede was about to show up at any moment. It simultaneously reassured Micah and put him on edge. He suspected it was the same for Ryan when he glanced back and at the walkway in case of toads.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTdmNzAyYjRjODQ3MjQ5ZmY3ZGI3ZjJiNTczZjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Dandelions, prickly grass, plate-like mushrooms growing from the walls he had to be wary of because of spores, normal mushrooms, some with red caps and white dots that wiggled a little because of their essence—poisonous?—some thick roots sticking out of the wall, vines, three stalks that grew a pyramid of flower cups stacking up, with a little bit of glistening fluid resting inside them, which he poured into a bottle; some flowers that looked like purple dandelions, but in their seed-ball shape …</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWMzZjk5ZTM0MzRhMzhhZmY0YzQ2MDAxMTIyZGNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The beetle flew off when he got too close. Some of the other insects and ants he let go because, well, insects. He didn’t have the equipment to catch or keep them and they didn’t look all too special.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYmViYTkxNWNmZDQ3NGJhYThkODhhNWQxODRmYWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah gathered everything else as quickly as he could and regretted the damage he was inflicting on the ecosystem. When collecting mushrooms, you weren’t supposed to take everything at once. Only a little for the day’s consumption or there would soon be no mushrooms anymore.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzY2NmZlZjA4OTRlMTE5Mjc0YjI5NWQzZjA3Njlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">But he didn’t know if he could grow these plants outside the Tower or if their roots were valuable yet, so he took everything. Greedy.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDQzN2RhNTQxODQ3ZWRhMTQyOGU4ZjNjNzBiZjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He pulled out another stalk by its roots and was about to stuff it in his box when he noticed a small, crystal blue blob glued to one of the roots and froze. He held it a little closer, with his other hand ready to cover his eyes if need be.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OTJjNmVkOWVlMTQ1MDA4Y2RiNjkzZmU5NTE0OTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The blob was almost see-through and slightly amorphous but didn’t have any other interesting features aside from its pattern. Not a crystal then. Maybe a tiny, magic potato or something similar?</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjQ3NDExN2RmYzQ3Yzc4ZWIxYjYwY2M0NjljODk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then the blob wiggled and started to climb up the roots again and his eyes went wide.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWQxMzJlNTMwNDRlZTQ5ZTM0ZDQ2ZjA5YzdiMGFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Below, another popped out of the soil where the roots had been and started climbing up the pile of upended dirt. Micah looked up from it and, in the distance, saw another squeeze out of a crevice and plop into the water. It swam half-submerged on the surface, making tiny waves.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjA5MTg2ZjMwMjRkMTVhYjY3NTk5NDA3NWU1YTVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah’s slapped Ryan on the arm as hard as he could without making any noise, eyes wide in excitement, then gripped his arm and tugged instead, even though Ryan had spun around right away.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWZkMmU3ZGI4ZjRlZWQ4ZThkNDk1OGM2ZWM5ODk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The first blob had reached the leaves of the plant now and was squiggling around on it. Was it … eating something?</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTcyZjMzMmViNTQzOGRiNDFmZDZhY2MxN2Q5YzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">It definitely wasn’t eating the leaf. But where it moved, there was less essence than before. Light and tiny bits dew mostly. A little bit of the general “glow” of the plants. The one swimming through the water left a trail of cleaner water, where there was less disease essence than before.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Njc3ZmE4ZTBiNTRkNDVhMTBhM2RmMzVjOGVmMDNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?” Ryan hissed, barely a whisper. The tone conveyed that his heart was pounding.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTI3YzhiYjY0NjQ4ZjU5NzA0OGYxYTg5ZDY3NDZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah smiled to show him there wasn’t any </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">actual</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> danger and pointed, so Ryan leaned over his shoulder to get a look at the tiny being on the plant stalk and froze. “That’s a slime.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTcwYTgyMGI4OTQ1MTVhN2MzYjJkODE5MjhjMjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWJkNTc3MGY5MTQ2MWY5NDQ5YTdjNGYwNGY5YjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s a tiny blue slime.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWU1MWVhMDdiOTQ0MWRhZmYzODM0NmYzZGJjZDM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nodded again.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWUwNGVkNTQ3ZTRiMGQ4NjNlOWYxNTQ0MDZhODli"><span style="font-weight: 400">His voice was dripping with confusion when he spoke, “But slimes aren’t supposed to be … </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What?</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDI4NTJlMzk4ODQ2YWJhZDE4ZmY0NmQ4ZWE3ZGNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They’re only supposed to be in Lighthouse, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGQzMWQ3OGRjZDRiMmViMjFlZmUzZDNmZjgyZDdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, not </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">only</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, but predominantly,” Ryan said. “You can find them in the outer edges of some floors, but they’re like … you don’t just find three, four— </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">five</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> tiny slimes going around nibbling on … swimming? What are they doing?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTE5MGQzYjRlMDRjM2ZhNjNlOWYzMTFiYWQ3OTQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah glanced up and two more slimes had squeezed out of crevices to go swimming. Or drinking?</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTJjOWI1MGNjMjRhNTliZWEwNGRlYWMyOTA3MWUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I think it’s eating things on the plant,” he said, “cleaning it a bit in the process. But this one was also suckling on its roots, so maybe they’re like, uh, nice parasites? What are those called again?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjkyYWRkYjAxZDRjNWM4ZThiZjgxZDE1NjU5YWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No idea. Are they dangerous?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MzRlYTY2ZGQ0YzQ0OThiMzk4NGU2ZTAyMTdhMDk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t know. But they’re</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> cute</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTY1OWZiMjljZTRhMWNhMmMwMDQxZGNjNTc4MTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mhm.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzRjMzQzYjk3NTQ3OWM4NjY1MmE4ZTM4YzI5YzU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And they can be used in potions,” Micah added. “Some of them. My alchemy teacher always complains about that, Lighthouse having a monopoly. But Hadica has more flora to use in potions, so there’s that. Evens things out.” He squinted at the slime with a hidden smile. “Now we have slimes of our own.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTMxMDZhOGVmZjQwZDY5Nzg5YzU4YTgxYmY3NGEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you know how to use them?” Ryan asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTk4ZTliNDEyYjRiOGU4NzM1ZDVkNzVmMmY3Y2Ni"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uhm …”</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2VkYWNkYTg0ODRjYzk5NWRjYzU0NjE2OTQxMzhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, then.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzNlOGI3ODA4NzQzZTlhOWRkM2RjZTIzYzI3NzNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They’re watery. They’re </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> clean. Like, those just came from underground and there’s not a spot on them.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDVjMTI5OGIzYzRmZDE4Zjg2YmFmMWNiZTg2ZmQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were so blobby, they should have been muddy or flecked with bits of dirt but they weren’t.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2VhN2ExOTBmODRmZDJiMDYwOGUwNjQxODQ2ODE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So detergent, then?” Ryan guessed his thoughts.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjRlNzE2ZTJkZDRhZTM4YjYxNjc3NDUzODVjMmRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah ducked his head down, abashed about the lame first idea. “Or maybe for adding purifying features to other things, like healing? But I wouldn’t want to risk it if I’m not a hundred percent sure.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWI5NzQ2Yzk1ODRkMjViNzYwY2UzNmU3Njk3YWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Great.” He sounded unimpressed. “They’re running away, by the way.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGFkZWI2ZWJlODQ4ZDk4YWE5MWI3OTA5ZTE2Nzgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What?” </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah held his stalk down a little, but two of the slimes had—</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTFiOGYyOTA4ZDQxN2Y4OTVlYmIzYjVhMmQ1ZjY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">They had eyes, all the sudden. White ovals like fire elementals. The other three didn’t, but the two that had spotted Ryan and him—giants, in their vision—were running for it.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjFhZjZlMDk2MDRlNTM5YjVkMGVhYjc2ZTIyZWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wait a minute. He squinted at one of them and his eyes widened. He pointed. “Thief! Damn </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">spirits!</span></em> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">Again!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTQ5YzNmMzNjMDQ4NjQ5ZmNiYjY5NThiYjMyMTU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hush,” Ryan said. “Don’t malign spirits.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2ZhNjgzMDllYzRjZDk4ZWQzNTAyYzc2NGI3ZDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They’re stealing my slimes!” he whispered.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjQ2M2JmZTRjYzQ0MjJiMGIzYzhlNGI5NTRkNjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Your </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">slimes?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZWZhNTYxMzM2NDRlMzliOTM3ZGUzN2M3MjQyYTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah ignored him and got one of his ink bottles out. He placed the opening over the blobs and turned it around to collect them one by one.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTQxZTE4ZTZjMDRjNjZiZTI0ZDI2NjVmNjhlOTI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">One squinted at him through the glass and suddenly, its eyes vanished. A blue zip shot out that after a centimeter, Micah couldn’t see anymore. A moment later, the furthest slime grew eyes and started swimming away, back to its crevice. The spirit had switched bodies!</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDU5MTU2NmRhODQyOGI5MzdlNmQ4MTI2Njg4MTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was about to run after it, but the first </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">splash</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> he made in the water made him freeze. Ryan placed a hand on his shoulder half a second later and they waited, anxious that something might have heard.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Mzg5MmJhMTE3OTQ2NTc5MjIwZGI3NmY3NTc0N2M0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah settled for the closer slimes. Four of them. He filled some water and stuffed some leaves inside the bottle, then screwed the lid shut. Now he had tiny slimes of his own in a mini-habitat.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYWVlYTc5NWQ3OTQwMDA5MDMyMTAzMDFhNTM1YThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He stared at them in awe. “They don’t need air, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjViY2FkMzcxZDQ1ZmI4ZjA4Y2E0OWQyZjc0ZjAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I doubt it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2FjMzRjMmEzMDQxODU5OTYwYzQ3Mjg4ZDA0OTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Awesome.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjJjZTdiMzU4MDRhOTQ4YTgzOTAwODY3ZmExMGY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But they might die outside the Tower,” Ryan added.</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2Q2NDM2ZWIwNTQ3MWU4MTljMWU1NDM5NTViZGQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Less awesome.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGYzNDU0MjM4YjRjZWNhMzJmYmE0MDdiN2JlODE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">No crystals inside them either, though he could see hints of their strange patterns. It was simple in that they didn’t have a lot of breadth, but they had lots of depth. Still, how did </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">they</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> exist?</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjJhNjg2YmIwODRkMGI5Njk4Y2NkNjk2MmJlYjBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">They waited around for a few more minutes in case any more popped out, but there were none. So with their boxes filled, they then had no more excuse not to turn around and … head further in.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTNlODlhNmI0ZjRmODJhNjlmNTIxOWU0YTkyYTU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah sighed. Damnit.<br><br><br></span></p> <p class="cnNlMTZjMDIxZjMwZDQ4NjBhNjUyYTEyZDcwNjQ3Mzlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Three steps through water. Wall. Dirt. Jump. Micah tumbled in through the hole in the mound of earth and got his hands on the dry. He skid into the mud with his boots and raised his shield to the corner, at any potential enemies he hadn’t been able to see from Ryan’s shoulders.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDgzMjA0ZGZkMDRjZjk4NmZlOTE4ODcyNjEwMTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">There were none. “Clear.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDhhOGEzZGE3ZjQ5MTY4YThjNTgyZjVlZDViZjIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan threw his spear through and Micah caught it, emerald green pouch drawn tight on top.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjQ0OGFkMWQ2MDRmOWNiZmE0Mzg1ODNkZTExNzk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Three steps and he mimicked Micah’s move, a little rough around the … everything. He brushed past the dirt and almost slipped in the mud, steadying himself against the wall to stay standing.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmVjYzkyNzA5MTRhNjJiZTRkODUzZWMzOTZmMGZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was impressive that he had been able to do it on his first try at all, but still, Micah smiled. “[Lesser Agi—”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDZkNTFkMWZhYTRjMGNiYTMxYTRjMTc2MTZkYTVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I hate you,” Ryan cut him off and snatched the spear out of his hands. “Give me my stuff back.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDQ4NDdlNTQ3MDRkNTJiZDk4MjkyNTNmZmFjNmJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">They approached the first crossroads in a similarly careful fashion, with Ryan ahead and close to the left wall, his shield at the ready while Micah peered around and make sure the coast was clear.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTlkZThhNWNlNzRjYjI4ODNjYTYyMDU4Zjk4MzE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It wasn’t. Ten meters at the end of the tunnel, a stone golem walked past and they shot back behind cover. It felt like minutes until it had taken three heavy steps and disappeared Northwestward. They waited a few more minutes after that, Ryan’s head cocked a little.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMGEyMzZhZGFmMzQ0YTM5NTRjNmMyYzdhMTNhMGJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Clear,” he whispered.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjkzNDU0N2Y1NTQ4MGVhOTQ3NzZiNzZiNTIyMjI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah sighed in relief. Without a toad crystal, he would not want to fight a golem even if he </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">could</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> damage it.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGMxNmIzYzUzNDRiNDM5OWYyMjRmN2YzZjUxYTEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">They stepped around the bend and found three things, two of which on the right-hand side—a sign on the wall in a language he couldn’t read, words closer to symbols than letters in his mind, and a doorless supply closet.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTFhMzRlODYxMTRmNGY5MTYxNWY3YmYxMDkzNDNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The second light source was inside—a light crystal mounted in a low stone basket on the far wall. Along with the basket, everything inside was made of brittle stone that had long ago crumbled. The individual planks of the shelves had fallen through. Whatever furniture had stood in the middle was now just a pile of rocks.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMWUwNTRlODVhODRjYmJhYTY5MDI2NWNkZWFlMjEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He couldn’t see any “supplies,” though. Its size and shelves just reminded him of the supply closets at school or the bathhouse.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGVkMWIwNWI4ODQ1M2Y5OGYyYTQzNDg3N2RmODZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Further down the tunnel was an alcove with similar rubble littered inside. A single remaining hinge made him think of a cupboard that had been built into the wall. Its doors must not have lasted.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjgxODcyYjgxNzQ5NjQ4NzNiNzRmMDVlMDVhZjdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan pointed his spear at the mound of rubble and mumbled, “Trap.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODY5YTVjMDI5ZjRjMDE5NWI1NDRiZTEwMWM3NWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2NlNjhkYjJhYzRhNTM5MWY2ZGM0MGU0ZWJhODg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The spearhead went up to the light crystal, then gestured at the sign next to the doorway, and the tunnel.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzA2Mjc3M2MxMjQ4YzA5YzljMjNmZTQxYjM1NDQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Something around here, if you do it wrong, you’ll trigger the trap and that rubble will shift. Something crawls out from a hidden hole beneath it, letting the stones fall or pushing them away if it’s strong enough. Guessing by how its submerged in water, it’ll be something that can survive underneath, like a fish or golem.” He frowned. “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Or</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> an actual, dangerous slime.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTRkZmFjNjEwYzQ1YTg5OTZkNGRlNTA5ZWI5Mjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah frowned and squinted at the mound. He leaned left a little to get a look underneath it, but couldn’t see a thing. “Are you sure?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjM3NzcwYWViODQ4YWI4MGMwYWU3N2YwOTM0ZmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Reasonably. Could be nothing, of course. But I missed those maze patterns on the wall and it has me thinking of every trap I’ve ever heard of. I remember something similar to this.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTc0ZDc5YWFiMzQ1MjI4OWFkYjI1ZTc5YmE0MTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s the trigger?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzRmNDEwOGY1OTQ5OTRhYWZkMTNhOTU2ZGIxNzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">He shrugged. “No idea. It could be the crystal, stepping into the room, or just past the room. It could be that sign. Or the sign could be a warning with the trigger on it. There might be an </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">actual</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> trigger somewhere around here, like a tripwire or pressure plate that alerts the monsters or activates something.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTFlMDI2ZjM3ZTRhNmQ5NWEzMjMzNGYwZGIwYjNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah started searching the floor at that. A thin thread hidden in this water? He doubted he could notice it. Especially not if it was magic or magical, like the toad’s camouflage.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNmFkZjkyMTBhMTRhODc4ZTczNTA4NjNjMDdiNGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The point is,” Ryan said. “We already saw a golem walking past the North end. We’re definitely not going that way.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjk1NWQwNDU1NzRlZWU5NmRhODZhZDA4ODZjMjky"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mica nodded. “East-West, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGE5NDkzNzE4ZDQwYjBhNDNhZmJlODNjYTg3MTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDFjMDIwZGM4MzQ3MzZiNjNlMzNjOTc4ZDc2YjY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He glanced back at the sign and light crystal one last time before they left, thinking of their value. But no, a single light crystal wasn’t worth springing a trap. And though the sign might have had value to a collector, it would just be dead weight on their way out. But what about …?</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTIzOGZkZmI5ZjQzZjViNTJiYjMzN2Q3MzZjOGE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He hesitated. “Could a treasure chest be hidden beneath?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTdmY2I1MzljMzQ1M2I5OGIwNjdmNjYwODBkMjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan stopped in his tracks and chewed his lip. “Could.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmU3YzA1YTA0NTRkZGFhMTkzMGY5NGNlOTgxMWJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do we … you know, check?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjdhM2IwZTk4ODRkZDQ4ODc3N2Q2OTgyNjJiZDg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">They could really use a treasure chest right about now, both on this floor and outside the Tower.</span></p> <p class="cnMxM2Y4MDY3OTM5ZjRlMGFhOTU2YThjNTQ1YjFkZDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The other guy seemed to think about it for a moment before he shook his head. “No. The number one priority is getting out of here. We can look for treasure chests on safer floors afterward, rather than fighting golems for it.” He looked back, checking with him on it. “Right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZWQ2NjEzNjY2ODQzOTM4NzhmMGMyYTZhNjYwMTQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah nodded. “Right.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2I4NWZhMWFiYjQwODE4NjY1Mzk1ODhkOTE3ZDFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The end of the tunnel split off left and right. South and North. The Northern path had another section of bare earth with a maze pattern at its end, this one only about hip high and smaller.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjZjMGI4MDdkODQwM2U4ZjMwZjQ4MjRkYjZkM2M3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Either whatever golem was in there would crawl out sideways or it was another kind of trap. A Stone Boar, maybe? Either way, it suited them just fine. They took the Southern route.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzg3NGFkZGMzNjRlMWZiNDBiNzkyYmNjNGU0NDYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">It didn’t go on for much longer than a few meters before it curved right, with a pile of mud-turned-island gathering in the corner. Moss like grass grew there. It reminded Micah of the light. It was still too bright in here. By all means, it should have been darkest in that corner but instead, plants grew.</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2JhZjQ4M2UxNjQ4YWJhZjA1Y2Q4NDM1MjBjMGJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">And a marble lay on its bank.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjNhYzcxNzgyNDQxNGE4Y2FmZGFiMjFlMGZmMDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah trapped Ryan to make him stop and pointed. “Trap?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjE4MzcwYzYyZjQ5YmE5Nzg2MDYzMmU2NDExZWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uh …”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmU1ZGNjMzNkMTQ0NzU5NTgyZTdjODViYjg5NTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">It lay between a bunch of soggy, rotting leaves and other dirt—flotsam washed ashore by the gentle flow. The debris on the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">tip</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> of the mound suggested the water rose higher than it currently stood, like this was an actual sewer system for … something. As did the layered lines of algae and shades of green-brown on the walls. He didn’t like how high those layers reached.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODFkOGMzNTU2NjRmY2FiNDdmMmU4MmI2OTExZjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Washed up?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyODhhNmMzNmE2MjQ1N2FhZDA5OTMxYWU2ZmExYWU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan nodded. “Probably.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTAxMjAyZmJmNzQwY2U4NWVlOWJlNTU3OTNmNjE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">They did their corner-check to be safe and spotted an enemy—a single toad on the right-side ceiling this time. After a minute of deliberation, Ryan walked out with his shield on his right arm, held casually close to his chest. Micah walked a few steps behind him with his spear.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTFhMzc1YmY3ZDRlNjE5NjFkZTVhMTdiMDFlZDVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">They acted as if they hadn’t noticed it, going at a good pace. A few steps before they got into range, Micah painted it green for all to see. Thankfully, the beast took the bait before it noticed.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTgwOWMxNjQyNTRiNGQ4ZmUwZTBiYmE5Nzc5YTQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Barbed tongue shot out and Ryan struck it down against the wall with his shield, held it there by force. He drew his knife and a second before he thrust it in, Micah slipped past him and stuck the pointy end at the toad.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MmRkMGY5MDIxZjRkNzliOTc1NDIzMWE2NmQ4MTE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Both drew light.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTY4ZmE4ZTY1MjQwZjk5MDAwM2ZhMjQ5NjIwN2Ji"><span style="font-weight: 400">The toad hit the water flailing and tried to escape. Micah fumbled to stab it again but wasn’t used to holding a spear. He missed. Its tongue pulled back along the wall next to him, missing a good chunk of flesh that leaked light, and Ryan stepped up to take control. He guided the spear into its leg, then it the back of its head, bursting it into smoke.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Yzc2NDAyYjBkNTQyNTdiNmYwMzY2YjAzNTg3OThl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah let go and breathed. Easy.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjFkY2NjZGMyODRmZjJiNTA2NTU0NDdjN2M4MTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll have to teach you how to use a spear sometime,” Ryan mumbled as he went to fetch the crystal.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjU2MzQ1MTdjMTRkNTQ5YzA5MmQyYzViOThkM2Fi"><span style="font-weight: 400">His smile fell. “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Hey</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. Was that comment really necessary?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTExYjc0Mzk0ZjQ2NGFhZjhhZjY2ODA3MmI0ZTFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He shrugged. “Just saying.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTU0MmRmZDUwNzQ5NDJiYzdiZjczNTliZjA1ZDQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fine.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWZjMmFlMTBlOTRlYmZhODczNjkzNzEwYjZlZjY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He collected the marble from the bank but was disappointed to see only one tan line inside. Not even a second, green one. Had it not been in range to gather anything from the toad? Then he remembered the ones he had on him and fetched the third out of his pocket. Another green line had joined the rest. Oh. Awesome.</span></p> <p class="cnM0M2MwOWE5ZTg0NzQ2YjQ5OWY1YTRjOTNjZjgyNjBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">They stuck to the same routine as they went down the next few tunnels, battling as many easy fights as they could to clear up the way for potential retreat and prevent ambushes, and avoiding anything that seemed dangerous.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTIxZTZhMWZmNzRiODY5MTZmNDYzYmY0NmYzNmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Railing to the side with a miniature waterfall? Micah got to cut some of the vines, but then they walked on. Patch of wall with a maze pattern? No golems. Suspicious amount of mud? No, thank you. Mound of rubble from a collapsed ceiling with a stone sword sticking out of it?</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTNlNmI0NjdmMjRkMGZiZWRkOWVhOWRhNjE5NDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah hesitated.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWY1NTk0OTdlODQzZWZiZWJlMTI2NDY4ZjIwNGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Probably broken in half anyway,” Ryan told him.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDkyZThjNWE1MjQ2NGJhOWY0NTdjYzJiNWMxY2Fk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aw, really?” That seemed cruel.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTE2NDdjY2M2NDQ2NTM5NTBiMTBiZWJhMTljZmNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Most often, the tunnels only branched off twice, but there were a lot of corners. It reminded Micah of the maze-like patterns on the walls and golems. Just, sticking to one side wouldn’t work here.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzQ4MjEwODhlNjQ2YzlhYzkwMjcxZjZiM2YwYWZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">In every curve, things gathered. Rarely, it would be an empty marble. More often than not, the piles of debris had balls of fruit-flies hovering over them or spiderwebs. Ryan suggested avoiding even </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">those</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTI3NjNkNjkzOTQ5NGJhNjhjMTBlNTVhMWUxMjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">They passed some more supply closets with light crystals and spotted rats scurrying along the sides of tunnels, but let them be. It wasn’t worth chasing after them to get one-twelfth of a flesh crystal each.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTE0OTNlOTgxYzQ3Mjg5MzUwZjk2MjlmODFiMGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The water level of tunnels leading South-North was lower than the others flowing West. They also had slight ledges to the sides. Just a jagged line of rock a few centimeters wide. The ground leading up to it was worn and curved, as if the water had sanded it down over the years.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTVkM2Q5MDE4YTQxNDliMThmNjc3ZWU3MGMwY2E3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Supply closets were only in those tunnels, it seemed. And often, Micah spotted broken-off nubs near them that reminded him of fixtures for ladders. Above those nubs, the ceiling was either caved in or there was a hole too high and too dangerous to climb. And anyway, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">up</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> was dangerous.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzBmOTZhOWU4ODQzZmNhYTkwMmRhMjcwNWYyNDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some tunnels had holes in the ground, too, submerged in darkness. One supply closet they passed had one and a hole in the ceiling with broken pipes that lead up. No light crystal.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGZkZGEyZTdlNDRiYTA5NTdjOGE3NDljNTllMGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">They passed by a tunnel that was overgrown with green, top to bottom—grass, ferns, vines, roots; plants that blocked the view. Something shifted in there with a growl and they fled.</span></p> <p class="cnM0M2M4OTUxYzI5YzQ0ZDliYzE4ZTM1YjliMjBmZWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">They always took the safest route.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmI1NThlYWQ1YzQ3OGQ5ZDFhOWM1ZWZkMGJhNGU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It made Micah feel in part like he was being herded and in part like he was missing out on so many questions he could have answered. Scurrying around like this, only fighting battles they could win, they were no better than rats.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzkxMTFmYmI5NjRjNTk4Y2QzZTM1MTRhMTYzOGZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">When they squeezed through a short North-to-South tunnel with their backs to the wall, he spotted a supply closet, nubs on the wall, hole overhead, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">and</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> an alcove in the wall with a cylinder bowl and some other broken tools. This looked almost like it had been a workstation, once.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTI4NzIwNDZhMTRkMjRhZjQwYmQwOTczODAwNTY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He tapped Ryan on the arm and whispered, “Are we just going to walk by </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">everything</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWU1ZTMxNTUyNjRmOTFiYzUyYzY2OGE0YTM5Y2Zm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some of this stuff might be actual treasure, in more ways than one.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjNkNjQyM2E0ZjRiMjc5MDY2ZjgzMTNiMzRiODhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes,” he insisted. “Because all of this could be a trap that sics a golem on us or causes the ceiling to collapse or the tunnel to flood. No sense in taking needless risks, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjQwMzViMDIxMTQyNTNhNmNjNDBkZGYwOGU4Y2Nh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah pointed. “That’s a bowl.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjBmNDg1NWQ4MzQxMTU4NTJlZmQyMjQxZTZhMzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nodded. “Obviously a trap.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzc3MDQ0MzA1NTRmZDVhODY4YjQ3YjYyNmE3NDlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were eleven bends in and had fought monsters four times with no sign of a portal or even a path leading down. They walked as if every single step could spring death, as if every corner could hide the titanic centipede. They avoided everything that was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">anything</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yzk5YmZjNmM4OTQ2NWJiMTRlNWRlNzgzNjE5OTU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah was beginning to run out of patience. Humor could only shove down the anxiety so long, and then there was brimming curiosity, irrational boredom, and another wave of anxiety waiting in the wings.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzYyY2FiZjY5ZDQ2NmY5NDk1NGJlYWVlNWEyNjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">How long would it be to find a portal? They were supposed to be scarcer in the higher floors, yeah, but what if there </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">wasn’t </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">a portal out? Or what if they </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">did</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> walk around a bend and come face-to-face with something bad?</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjZhZDkzMDM2MjQ4MThhODkyODY4OTQ0NzBhMmI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He rolled his eyes. “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Obviously</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, the bowl is a trap. It’ll probably grow teeth and bite my hand off if I stick it inside.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjQ2ZmYyNDg0NTQzODU5MGVhMzY4ZTczM2RmNzgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah,” Ryan said. “So don’t stick your hand inside. C’mon.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmE4OWU5YzU3MTQ5YzJiN2NiNzJkOTY2MmFhNWJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah did. He just felt like they were being a little </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">too</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> careful. Avoiding all the golems, nothing had threatened their lives yet.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjFkYjIxOTRmNDQzOWU5NjRmYjAwYjZmMjFjOTJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">They turned the corner a little too quickly this time and stumbled upon two Sewer Rats eating blueberries off a bush growing in a collapsed wall. The beasts were twice as big as the ones Micah knew and hated. Below, a handful of regular rats snacked on the leftovers.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWNkMTY5MWYwOTQ1MWZhMjZmYjA2ZTA3YWRmNzBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Their steps in the water were too loud to sneak back. One of the Sewer Rats spun to stare at them and the rest followed. It screeched, and there were too few rats around to account for the tiny squeaks that answered.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2Y4MmI3NmRjNzQ5ZjdiZjhlMDQyNzA1OTIwNWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shit.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDE5Y2RmYWI0NTQ4NDVhMDcyMzVjNDY4MmY1ZDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Watch for toads!” Ryan snapped as he stepped forward with shield and spear raised at the ready.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjNhNDFmOWMzODQwOTY5ZWVjYzFmZTdhNGY4Yzll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah followed his command and snapped around to check behind them—the tunnel got darker, for some reason—then in front. He couldn’t see any toads, but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjIwOTU0ZDFhMzRiYjNiZjZlNTkzM2Q2MTI2YWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The first Sewer Rat ran into Ryan’s spear like a charging dog and got stuck on its bar, then kept on pushing</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Blood welled out instead of a light and it put on more and more pressure.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjgwZjliNDlhMDRlOGM5MGUzMWM2MjFhZGFkNzU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The other squeezed past it and Ryan pushed it into the wall with his shield, but holding two dog-sized rats back in water on slick ground, he slipped inch by inch, leaning forward centimeter by centimeter. Any moment, he would slip entirely and fall into their waiting maws.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWQ5NTQwMTlhYTQ2YWQ4MzQ2OWQ1MzNiMThmMDY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah stepped forward and thrust his knife at the one wedged against the wall. It snapped at him. He pulled back just in time to avoid losing a finger and kicked it in the throat, then tried again.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGI4NjFkODBhNzQ3MDViNzc1N2Q2YjNkNDdhY2Iy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan noticed and shifted his weight against it at the same time. His knife pushed between its eyes. The guy’s control on the first rat failed him and the hand on his spear slipped almost to the tip at it charged.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjczMWFjNDg2YTQwZjdhY2QxMWJiMzQ3ODMyMDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah stumbled over the shivved rat to tackle it off-course.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGU4YTlhMjFhMjRjNzk5YTNlZTYwZjI0ZjI0ZDBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan followed up with a knee to the side of its throat and they had it pinned against the opposite wall, now.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGYwZTc5ZDRiNjQ0MGJhN2IxNjE4MjVlY2Y3ZmIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">normal</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> rats were streaming around corners and out of cracks in spades. They jumped or swarmed their legs as they had earlier, began gnawing where the last swarms had left off.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmQzMjcyZDVlYTRmNjg5Y2QzN2U5ODI5Y2Y2ZjQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">They weren’t an immediate threat, but seeing them ruin their armor like that, they were the next best thing in his mind. His knife was still lodged in the other rat’s skull, so he started smacking them off with his armguard.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjM3NjIxMTNiMzRmMTFiZDExNjhmMzZhMmRmYjkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan’s spear was in the wrong position to be useful. He dropped it and switched for the knife on the inside of his shield. He was about to shove it in the rat when a barbed tongue smacked it out of his grip and drew blood.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzU2Njg5MWRkOTRmMDdhNDVjODc2MWY0MTczODQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">He cursed in pain, but when the tongue pulled back, it wrapped around his arm like a lasso and dragged him back, pulling him right into Micah. They stumbled over one another into the water. A growing boot to the face kept the Sewer Rat at bay, but the little ones had an easier time swarming them now.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzJmOWJmMGIyMTQ3YzQ4ZGEyYzkwMDZhM2ZlNzYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The second one with Micah’s knife stuck in its forehead was twitching—not dead yet. He risked getting bitten as he grabbed the knife and turned around, belly to the water to snatch the toad’s tongue.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDVjODQ1Mjg5YTRmNDNiYTEwZGJlMzE1ZGZjZDIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The moment it saw him going for it though, it made its flesh go slack, then pulled it back as quick as it came, freeing Ryan’s arm. It was too fast for Micah to snatch out of the air. The upside was that Ryan could defend himself.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmNhYzAyZTE2NjQxNTQ4ZDlhMzcxNGRmMGRlNzA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">His eyes glanced down the tunnel as he pressed his feet into the Sewer Rat, searching wildly for the toad. He glanced at Micah in confusion and insisted, “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Color it</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDNmOTM5NTkyMzQ0MzdiNzViYTViMjY3NmEzNmYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh. Right. Micah didn’t have much to work with so he snatched a handful of berries and slingshot them at the beast, then colored it purple when they pattered off its skin.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODEzMWM0MzFhZTRjNTc5YWRkYWQwZjZmN2E4NTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">A rat bit him in the ankle and another at a place he could barely count as his waist and he cursed and turned around to drown them both in the water. One just scurried around and started gnawing at his boots.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjJmMTcxNjg0MzQ5NDliYTVhYmEzMmRjMjAxMzc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was ridiculous. He freaking </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">hated</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Tower rats.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTVhYzY0Njc3MTQwNWFhMWY4NDc1NDM2NTM3Nzc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah got up out of the wet and stomped the rat to death. He stabbed the first Sewer one twice more in the head to be safe, marched over to turn the second one’s throat into a pin cushion, and whirled to throw the knife into the purple toad before Ryan could busy himself with it.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzdkMWEzOTQxYzQ4YjE4YWVkMDIzNTZhY2U5ZmJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">It splashed into the water at the same time as Micah grabbed the first dead rat by the scruff of its neck and dragged it over.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjFhODRkMjlmZTQ4ZTE4ZjczYmFmYWNjMmEzODQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">When it tried to jump him, he threw his luggage like a meat shield and kicked the toad a few times to make sure it would stay down. Its tongue shot out at him and Micah blocked his face with his arms. The barbed flesh wrapped around of them on its way back and drew him closer to its jagged teeth.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjQyOTYyZTNiZDRmOGJhYjU3MTM3Y2QwNDgwN2Ew"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah used the momentum to smack a boot past its jaw and a knee into the side of its head. He groped around with his free arm to find his knife and finished the job. The burst of smoke make him cough, but he was used to that by now.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzRmYTBlODFhMjRiYmZiMzkzNzdiMjY5ZDJkMjEz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Finally.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhYjE5NDk5N2E2NjQxMjM5Njc4ZDVlY2I4NzljN2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He stomped a few more rats into a stupor on his way back to help Ryan out of the water, who was still cradling his wounded hand.</span></p> <p class="cnNmY2VhNzM3OTRhMDRiYTk4NmM5YWFhMGJjMDdiZGJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You okay?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzA5ZDY4MGQzOTRlZGViMDI3OWI1OWM0ZDUyYzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He felt a little embarrassed by how he had lashed out against the monsters, but Ryan seemed too distracted to have noticed. Thankfully. Then he had a second thought. “Do you feel any poison? Let me see.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjNkZmQzMzM4MTQxNTg4MTJkZWFmMWIzZjQxYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, I’m fine,” Ryan insisted as Micah pulled his hand away to see the wound. It had cut right through his glove. How strong were these toads? He nodded at Micah’s arm. “You’re bleeding, too.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzODNkZGExMzE4NzRhY2FhY2VjZGZlMDhmOWRiOTQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh? Oh.” It was just an ugly cut, an inch off from the bracer and armor. Unlucky. “It’s nothing. We should probably treat them, though. Because of the water?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWM1YTFjMzhmYTQ2N2RiMzdmZDE2ZjQ3OTVhZDg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right.” Ryan nodded and leaned against the mound of the collapsed wall as Micah patched him up, fending off the last handful of rats that were bothering them like the pests they were.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWI5YTk0ZTcxYzRlZjM5ZjAwZDczYzM2OTJiYTJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Their equipment was fraying and falling apart in places. Ryan might be better off, but </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">his</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> feet were soaked from holes in his boots. His pants were, too, and shredded near the hems. Micah knew he was going to have to patch them when they got out of here or he could throw them out. Great. Because he just owned </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">so many</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> pants.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTBhZDc0OWNjNzQ5YTc5NzdlMTZiYzE3OWRkOWM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stupid freaking rats.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDAwMTM0NWIwYjQ4OWVhM2QwY2Y4MjQzMDVlN2Y4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The dried mud that made him feel itchy and the bite wound on his … waist didn’t help his mood.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzVmN2EwODcyZDQ1NGNiOWQ4M2E3YzYzMzUxY2U5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are these blueberries?” Ryan asked.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjViNTliZjdjNDRkNDliODMzYzY3OWMwMWEyMGFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh?” Micah glanced up from his toes. “Uhm, no. They’re just— Yes, they’re blueberries, but not like wild ones. They’re, like, perfect.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjJlZGRhZGMzNjQ4NDE5ZGFhMGQ5MTI0MGYxMDll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan frowned. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen better blueberries than these.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0Mzk3MWJiZTY4YjQyNGI5YzdjNzFiMzNmNzc5ODYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, I mean—” How did Micah put this into words for him? “They’re very </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">neat</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. They’re stuffed to the brim with essence and their patterns are tidy. See how perfectly round they are? Even if they aren’t the largest. So, yeah. They’re perfect. You can probably eat some if you want to.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTJjNTllYTVmYzQ1Mzg5YjFmNzkxNmJmOTQyNTBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Come to think of it … Micah looked around and frowned at the blood-tinted water, dead Sewer rats soaking. “They were eating them.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NGYyNWY2ZmYzZDQ3M2M4MjIxY2RiZTJjZGVhYWZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan’s lips and fingers were a little blue as he nodded. He had taken off one of his gloves and picked them off the central branches. Good thing Micah hadn’t needed to warn him about that. Had he learned it during his scouting trip? “Some fully-formed monsters eat. It’s rare, but they do it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmVhZTVmNjE3YzQ1NTBhNjA2NjBiODk1N2JhNDQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, but the little rats were also eating.” And those had burst into smoke. Micah saw a marble lying on the bank of the earth and was too lazy to bend over and pick it up right now.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTgzODBlY2MyNjQ2MGM4MWUyNGE3OTllNmQyNjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan paused in stuffing his face for a moment. “Oh. Right. Do you have an explanation?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWU2ODI5YzBkZTQzYWZhMjM1MThlYjlkYzYzNTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah tried to think about it for a moment and just gave up. He could probably find an explanation if he racked his head, but his head wasn’t in the mood to think at all. He got out his water instead and took a long sip.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzlkMDkwN2YxNTQ2MWFhN2IyY2JiNDNlN2ExOTc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">When he put it down with a refreshed sigh, Ryan was holding a blueberry out for him and Micah ate it. It did taste good. At least one good thing in here.</span></p> <p class="cnM5M2Y3ODRlMWI1MzRmOGE4MTZjYzVjMmUxM2JiMGM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The guy yanked his hand away as if he had bitten him, though he hadn’t. “</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Hey</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. You were supposed to—” He scowled and shook his head. “Nevermind.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjZlNjBlNTcyMDQ4YzQ4MTA4NzA0YmNlMTUzZmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah gave him a bemused look as the heat essence around him shrunk. When it was clear Ryan wouldn’t feed him, he finished patching himself up and collected as many blueberries he could into another ink bottle, snacking on some every now and then. They </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">were</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> good.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWM2ZjZkMmE1MDRmNGY4YzljMjk3YzM1NDY3MmMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The tunnels were clear when he checked before they left. That left options. “Where do we go?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDU2MDA5MDdlZDQwYjA4YWEyYjQ5ZTA2NjQ2ZGY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The left path darkened for no reason Micah could see. The right one was where the oversized Sewer Rats had come from. It was tinted a little red from their blood, but his feet were soaked anyway. Sewer Rats over a dark tunnel and mutated Archertoads seemed like a good idea.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzkxYmUwYWEyMzRhMTVhZjIwZDZlMzQyZDA0ZWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">They collected any crystals they could find and took a right, their method of scurrying around starting all over again. A new emotion stepped into the wings then and Micah put it in line. Not when Ryan was around.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMWRiMjcwODk4ODRkOWE5YTAxN2Y0ODFlNDcwNDli"><span style="font-weight: 400">Two bends in from the blueberry brush, they found a tunnel that rose up a bit and </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">wasn’t</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> submerged in water. Stone grates at the sides acted as funnels for any spillover, but the dry stone was a welcome sight. Maybe it would lead out of here?</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzM1N2RjZTAwZjQ2MzlhYjdiZGUyZTQ2MDk3YThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">They headed in and halfway through the tunnel, a bend led East toward the chasm. For some reason, it was much darker. Almost as if the water itself lit up these ways.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDhjNzVjOGJiYjRkMzA4MDMwMmM1ODJmNmZiZTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">They got to the first crossroads in here with four options and Ryan listened to check that the coast was clear before they continued on straight ahead, the stone around them getting darker and the tunnel wider.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjdjZTAzZGQ0MzQ5YjhiN2I4ZjE3MjVkYmE2ZDQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Light ahead revealed a room like a balcony cut into the cliff side. There was furniture, or what had once been furniture. Something that might have been a stove in the right-side corner, a pile of rubble that might have been a table, a metal rod lying in front of the “windows” that might have held curtains, once. It was rusted now and littered with holes. A shame.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWY4YTI5ZWIzMDQwZGNhN2NhZjdkNmNhODdlZjE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The windows themselves were just gaps between ornate pillars overgrown with vines. They let in light and wind and made the rancid smell of filth and feces spread from piles.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWFiZjYwZjhkOTQ5MjBiNTkwOWFlZWYwZjBkNDE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan had a hand over his nose and mouth.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjY2NTFkOWZjNTQzNjY4MjY5NTc0M2VjMDQ2MmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was surprisingly little flora in the room, but that, the scuff-marks and ceiling told them all they needed to know. It was a roost for whatever winged beast he had seen in the chasm earlier.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmIzZGIyYTQ3YjQ0M2VhZWQ1NDQ1NWU3OTZjZWZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The tunnels behind them were probably large enough for it to squeeze around, this close to the chasm.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTJkMTU5OGVmYjQyNDk5ZmMyOWFmZmVjYzkwOGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Leave,” Micah hissed at Ryan and they hightailed it out of there as quickly as they could. Around the first bend, they heard a cry that reverberated through the tunnels and sent Ryan stumbling with his hands over his ears.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZmY1ZDBkMTg2NjRkNTRiNjVjYTFkNmY2MWY1YmFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is it?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2EwZjNiNGI2ODRjZWI5ZWIxOWQ1MGVmYTc0NjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Bats,” he groaned.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDE4ZjRlNzhkYzRlMjFhYzgwYTFmZDU1NTk2YTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah helped him up and they rushed to get back to the lighter tunnels, to the water where they couldn’t be followed. When his boot splashed into it, he felt relief. At least, now they knew what the&nbsp;scavengers of the centipede were.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzhhNTg0ODJjOTQ2ZmJhNjY2ZmYzMjA5MTBlMTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">They started avoiding tunnels leading East.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2JkNmI3ZTZhYjRjNmM5NzJjYmEyODAyNjI2OGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another supply closet tunnel. This time with all features again. The flora seemed to become more rampant the further West they headed, with more tunnels having collapsed sections that offered dirt for them to grow. Roots snaked along depressions in the stone toward the water and grew leaves.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZWI1NGY0M2MxMDQ2ZTU4OWQ3ODUxYzFmMWFkMGJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">More and more tunnels had maze-patterned sections on their walls, in these parts. Golems. They hadn’t encountered any roaming anymore, but their options were getting slimmer. Sometimes, they had to backtrack a few bends to find a better path or choose the one they thought least-dangerous.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGM3OTI2ZDQ2MzQ3Yzg5YTg1NDg0OTg1MDhhOGQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The sole of one of Micah’s boots hung free after the latest swarm and he was seriously concerned about losing it before they got out of here. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">If</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> they got out of here. How deep were they even in? He had lost track of the exact number. He bet Ryan knew, but he didn’t ask.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTBjOTZlMTBjNjQzOTI5ZTJjMDZlYTYxNmEzZjU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Eventually, they found another path that was free of water and tensed up, but still checked it since this one led North, not East. The elevated stone gave way to loosely paved earth and grass. They found a circular room that reminded Micah of the actual, first-floor Sewers in the Tower.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGJkOTZmYzhjYTQyOWQ4ZWNhMGE1MTczZmNiNzlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">A golem two heads larger than the one they had fought stood with&nbsp;its back to them inside and was building a wall. It shaped dry dirt like clay and packing it denser, leaving maze patterns where its stone fingers came away, its own grooves and the dirt glowing with a yellow light.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2VkNDM1Nzg3YjQ2ZGM5NTRlNThiMjA4ZmRkMzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan dragged Micah away the moment they spotted it, but he looked back as he did. Why was it building a wall? Through the hole, he caught a glimpse of a chest. Multi-colored in earthy tones and flower-like accents, larger than the wolf chest he had found.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmMwOGI2YjYwMDQ2NjNhZjAxNjVhNmMzNWExMzhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The golem was building the wall to hide it. Not only that—Micah saw the golem step </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">into</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> the free space left before Ryan dragged him away entirely. It would guard the chest as well. How many of those maze patterns they had seen in the wall guarded treasure chests, then?</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGRhYzI1MzZiODQ3MDRiMTJmMzUwMDQ5ZTFiMjQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why’d you resist?” Ryan asked as they backtracked the way they had come. Another dead-end.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDI4MjcxMTc0OTQ2MmNhZjhlZjhmYTExMWEwNTY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There was a chest,” he whispered.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGY0MjFiZWZkMzQ1NzFiNDJkNjc5Nzk1NjJjMDBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjU3NjZjZDg2YzQ0NzlhZGJhMjhkMWIyZWYyOTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was huge.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTU2ZjIxODNkNzQ4NmI5Nzc0YmU0Y2ZjODNjODZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know.” His voice sounded strained.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGMzOGIwZjJhMzRjOGRhZDMwZGYwM2M0MTlmOTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He wanted the treasure, too, Micah knew. They should have fought it. Sure, it might have been dangerous, but why else were they climbers?</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmJjNTAwZDA3MTQ0Mjg4YjFkNmZkYTFlNmQ5ZGUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">When they walked by yet another alcove with a cylinder bowl in it, he couldn’t help himself anymore. He dragged Ryan to a stop. “I want to touch it,” he demanded and pointed at the alcove. “The bowl. Tip it over, or inspect, or smash it. Fill it up with water and see what happens for all I care. I </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">don’t</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> care. I just want to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">do</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> something.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmQ4OTI2ZjEyMTQwYTc4YTM5Y2RiOGM5NzA5ZjAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">No more hiding.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODIwZTFkNzA3NzQzNjM5ZjQ0YjhhNGRjM2E5MmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No,” Ryan hissed. “Fuck no. That’s a stupid idea.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYmVlNzI1YTNhMzRhM2ZiYWI1YjI0MDg2MjU3OWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But we’ve been in here for hours and we haven’t even gotten a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">glimpse</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> of a path leading down that isn’t submerged in water,” Micah hissed back. “How far are we in? Twenty bends? More? Less? Do </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">you</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> even know?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmZkNzFlMDlhYjRjYTFiZjY1NTYzMDdkMmRmMjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">It all spilled out at once. “There’s a golem pattern in every other tunnel now and the toads only show up in pairs, at the least, with us getting ambushed every single damn fight. Those tongues are so freaking annoying, I want to roast one and eat it while its owner watches. Every path leads to danger.” He raised his foot. “My shoe is—</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">falling off, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty and casting [Condense Water] is giving me a headache, but all the water we’re sloshing through that soaks our feet is tinted with disease essence and mud, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">we can’t even drink it</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTI4MDMwMzE0NzQ5ZjNhYmU0ZGE5ZTViZjdlZWVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">We’ve barely seen any traps and this is, like, the fifth of those bowls we’ve seen by now. If they repeat that often, they have to have </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">some</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> kind of significance, right? Maybe they’re like sewer grates or something? Why else haven’t they crumbled like everything else in here?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0Mjk3ZjVjYTRmMDQ2NTk5M2E1Y2M3YzMwY2RjMjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After he’d said his piece, Ryan waited a moment to answer, as if to make sure he was done. “Oh, just because nothing has happened, springing a trap on purpose is supposed to be a smart idea?” he demanded.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTU0MWZjZjZmZTQyMjVhZDg1Y2ExNjVlNTNlZjI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No!” Micah said. “Yes. I don’t know. We’re </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">lost</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, Ryan. We need to do something. What if— What if the bowls are enchanted, or they fill up with water to drink. I mean, venting aside, I’m </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">actually</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> pretty thirsty. What if those closets you’re so afraid of have ladders leading down underneath the rubble, huh? Or a treasure chest with something useful? We could have found a way down hours ago!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODYwMTU4MmFlMzQ4MWQ4YjU3OTM5YjU0NzFlM2Zk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He’d started shouting in a whisper, letting all the frustration out on his friend because he needed to let it out on </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">something</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and he sure as hell wasn’t going to do it against the monsters in a fight. Ryan would think even less of him if he did that.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGI0YWY5NjUxNzRiNTU5OTNiMzViMTYwODA4YTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">But Ryan didn’t seem mad at all. He face looked considering all the sudden and it caught Micah off guard.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjVmZmQ3NzUzMDRmMDFhMDAzNzA5YWExMzExMzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?” Frustration vented a little, he was having second-doubts about everything he’d just said. The look on Ryan’s face worried him.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OTZkNTMxNzBhNDQ1ZmE5N2MyZjM4YzFlNDU4ZDRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He just shook his head a little and got his own bottle out, telling Micah, “Drink.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTZjMmMyNDU3OTQ5MWI5ZWI5NmUzZDc0MmE3MDUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uh, no, it’s fine. I can cast—”</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2U5ZThmN2RmYzRlNDJhMDAyMmZhZWFjYjRhNWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Drink</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">,” he insisted. “Save your mana for when we need it.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjBlNGJlYWViYjQ5ZjJhY2JjMDAzNTc0YjZhY2Ni"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah drank.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzc0OWQwM2QwMjRhMDI4N2IyNGJjNDRiYzg1NmNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Ryan finally answered, he said, “You might be right. About the piles of rubble, I mean. They could hide a way down.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjhmYzVhOGZiNzRmZmFiMDYxZTkyOGVmNTc5NGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh.” Micah blinked and leaned back a little, feeling awkward. He turned and pointed at the supply closet that had prompted his outburst. “So do we just … poke that one, or …?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmU4Yjk5N2JlNjQ1OTE4YjZhYzBmODYwOTE1NDVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan shook his head. “Not here. It’s too dangerous here. We can backtrack to an earlier supply closet where it’s safer. Where there are fewer monsters around.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTJkOTM4YzI5ZjRiM2E5YzRjNjA4NTNmMjdmNjhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, okay then …”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDFhZDg3MDI3NzRjN2Q5N2JlMjk1NTNlZDRjM2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">So they backtracked, and they scouted around, and killed as many monsters in the nearby tunnels as they could, then established a fight or flight plan if something went wrong. Micah tied some bandages around his boot to get it to stop flopping around and they collected a pile of large stones.</span></p> <p class="cnMyY2MxYzJmYzg4OTQ2N2NiNzdlODM4YmY1MWI4ZmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan shuffled into the supply closet. When nothing happened, they collected a second pile and stacked it up high next to the one that was already there. The golems weren’t the only ones that could build traps.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWJiNzcwZDM2MTQ0NWJhNzc2MjYyNDc3MWRmMjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Preparation done, with a nudge of his speartip, Ryan knocked the light crystal out of its cradle and stretched forward to catch it. The bottom of his palm blocked its light, casting shadows over the room that rippled with the water.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjIxMTNmMzVlNDQ0YTA5OTExNDcxNTJjNDYwNzk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">A tense moment later, the mound shifted as something pressed up against it and Ryan hissed, “Steady.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGFkNGIxZTQxNTRjM2E4MDI1NjcxYjEyNmIxODNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah stayed near the doorway for another moment until they knew what they were up against. The first stone tumbled down, but the rest fell inward to reveal a black hole beneath. Water. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">No ladder down.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzU1ZjkwZDdjNzQ4ODZhMWQ0M2MzYzk4Yjc0NTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then a disgusting version of the Sewer Rats half-swam, half-climbed out of the hole toward them. Its fur was glossy and almost see-through, it had gills, and murky white eyes. It had webbed feet and gurgled squeaks, half-fish in places.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzExMGFmNTlmYTQwOTFiNzJkNjY1N2IwOTE5NDZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">All the same to Ryan. He stabbed it in the head and shoved back in its hole. Two more crawled out of the dark and a third in the other direction as the last of the rubble fell away.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzc2NGNhZGQ3MzQzYzZiMTg5MmM3YWRkNWVmMzkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah shoved the mound of rocks on them. Its weight smacked them all back into their hole, wisps of light lost to the dark water. Then he danced back to his second pile beyond the door and hefted two large rocks, glancing left and right for the toads that were bound to show up.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTA2ZmY2MTNiNzQ0NTk5MzExMmJhNDQwNDU0OWI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Freaking toads.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzVlN2M2NzMyNjQyNzM5MWZjNzZiMzFmMDZmNTk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan continued to stab the fish-rats and shove them back in. He aimed his rocks at the ones climbing out the opposite direction to avoid hitting his spear. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MjVmNmY0ZWEyZTRlMzg5ODgyNzE2YjRjNTBhNDM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Shadows shifted with the slightest of his friend’s movements, light crystal half-covered, making hitting them worse. But whenever the rats saw the light, they would shriek in either pain or fear. Not blind then, but sensitive to light?</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjRmNzY4OTIwZTQ5NjE5OWE0YTA2ZTcwZmI5NWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was the trap. The crystal had kept them away.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzhlMWI3M2FiZTQ1ZTFiMjgxNzFhM2Y1ZDM3ZTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryan realized it himself and used the crystal to blind them as they crawled out, making his job ten times easier. Soon, he simply had to stab and shove the single rats that climbed out back while Micah kept an eye out for toads, feeling impotent.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMWJlMTc3OTM1NjQxNzY4ZDgxZDQ1ZWEyY2Q4OGQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">When they were sure no more rats would show up, Ryan raked the few crystals that had fallen inside the closet closer to the doorway, picked them up, and handed them to Micah along with the light one.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTRlYzUxMjY5NTRiZTZiOTNmYmU3YTEzZTU0Y2U2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The threads the rats had left in their marbles were murky, slightly off-putting, in that they were almost like splotches maring them. There was nothing Micah could do about it, so he put them away and took a step closer to peer into the dark from a safe distance instead.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTNiNzIwNjM0ZDQ0YzRhZDAzMjA1OTI3NGZmNzE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He considered the crystal in his hand and mused out loud, “Now I kind of want to drop it inside, to see how deep it goes.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0M2NkY2NlMGRhOTRhZTZhODE3MmI3YmU1ZWEyNzYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We might have to,” Ryan surprised him. When he noticed, he explained, “That was the whole point to this, right? To find out more? Maybe that </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">is</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> a path down and we’ll have to swim.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGY5YzQyM2FlNzRmYThhOGY4NDliYmEyMWY0ODk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah looked back at the darkness. “Oh.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTU0ZDAyNjRlMjQ4OGE4OTNhZDE3Y2RkOTYxMWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">He dropped the stone into the water with a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">plop </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">and it sunk, revealing shifting waves of black, stone, and detritus but nothing else. It sunk deeper, revealing some crystals and half-dead fish-rats still floating around. It sunk, and sunk, and sunk until it was out of sight and that answered their question.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjdiMDE3N2I3MzQyOWQ5OWI4ZTIwOGE2ZTZhMzY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh,” Ryan echoed him.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjE4NmY0ZWFjMTRjYWNiMDRiMjdlMDQzNmExYTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Micah glanced back in case a toad ambushed them, but mostly wanted to have something other to do than dwelling on the thought of, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What if?</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Ryan didn’t look so sure himself, so he shoved anxiety into the wings and looked up to ask, “Wanna’ go poke the bowls?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDZhMGRhNjVmMjRlOTNiMzVhMjllZWE0ZTMyZTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The other guy hesitated before he put on an equally fake smile and shrugged, saying, “Sure.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWUxMWM4NDk1MzQzNGJhODE2OTE2NmNkZDVkZDVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">They could keep on scurrying around afterward.</span></p> </div>
Ryan searched the mud for crystals while Micah lifted the veins inside the golem into a jar with its heart. He had dragged it a few steps closer to the mound and tilted its body up to shine the light inside, but that only revealed the damage he *had* dealt. A few of the grooves where veins should have been were empty or damaged. A few of the “major” arteries around the cradle of the heart were broken. That was a shame, but it gave Micah a little confidence. He had broken its arm … well, either him or the rats he’d stuffed inside its body. Either way, he’d done something useful. Its crystal was stone essence, but not any he had ever seen. It wasn’t much denser than a Stone Boar’s crystal—and thus, breakable—but seemed almost alive. Ryan told him stone golems’ crystals could be used to make skin potions and their lesser variations much more easily than through other means, but that it was considered a bit of a waste depending on how expensive they were. Prices varied with type and as climbers killed them. Their common use—or rather, *golem hearts’* common use—was by [Mages]. Tack one onto a staff and it would help with spells for a while, before it broke. Work one into ink and it could help with writing a spellbook. Ryan couldn’t comment on the quality of it, though. Neither could Micah. If they *were* in the upper floors, they could sell it for a nice sum, but guessing by how easy it had been to kill the golem, his friend doubted it. Six, was his current guess. Micah trusted his judgment. Sixth floor … they could handle that, right? A shadow blocked his vision for a moment as Ryan climbed through the hole and down again, holding another tan marble in his hand. Micah brought his own one out of his pocket to compare. That made three. “And you’re *sure* they’re rat crystals?” He nodded. “I killed one and this fell out of the smoke. Just, it only had a single tan line in it, like a curved hair. And whenever I killed other rats, it would glow a little and the strand would grow wider.” That matched what Micah had witnessed when he’d picked his up. Were they linked, somehow? “So it’s not like Field Boars, then,” he said. “We didn’t just get lucky and find loot in three of them?” “We *might* have,” Ryan corrected him. “Look.” He held his marble into the light and revealed two silvery-green threads and yellow one woven in as well, the last one glowing a little brighter. The golem’s veins were dead now that the spirit had left, but these were clear matches—two toads and a golem. “*Wow*.” He stretched up to get a better look. “So they’re like magic essence catchers, then?” “Maybe. But, you don’t find loot this easily from Field Boars,” Ryan said. “And I doubt we should from rats either. There’s a chance we got lucky, but more likely— I mean, I *think* there is one crystal for the *entire swarm*, and they just catch a bit of essence from whatever monster’s nearby when it dies. ‘Cause the threads are the same, right? Or can you see a difference?” Micah was a little surprised by how much thought Ryan was putting into this. He had always seemed a little more book smart to him than, well … “actual” smart. It was an asshole thing and he put it out of his mind for good. He peered into the marble and shook his head to confirm. “They look the same to me.” “Right. So guessing by these, we fought … three swarms?” He considered the sash. “Or rather, about two and a half.” Two of the marbles were identical, but the sash with the mixed lines was about half-sized. “The ones that ran away?” “Probably.” “How many rats did we fight? Thirty?” Ryan squinted, seeming to think it over. “Thereabouts. Maybe somewhere around a dozen a marble, then? I’m a little more curious about the purpose, though. Why do the monsters have them?” “Uhm, the traditional purpose of crystals is, you know, to keep monsters alive?” Micah explained. “They act sort of like a hair tie for their, uhm, patterns. You know patterns right?” Ryan nodded, taking it in stride. “Unmade are patterns with essence-constructed bodies held together by a crystal, and they suck in bits from the world around themselves to become flesh.” Micah hesitated. “Yeah. Exactly.” Had Ryan paid attention during every conversation he’d had with Lisa over this? He didn’t know if he had ever explained it that concisely. “Uhm, so …” He had to find his train-of-thought again. “What about Field Boars?” Ryan asked. He nodded. “Right. They work differently. I don’t know how. They have lots of teeny-tiny crystals inside of them that scatter and dissipate when they’re killed, so there’s nothing left over to claim.” He furrowed his brow a little. “Maybe like glue?” “Yeah, uhm, that could work.” Micah frowned. He hadn’t ever put a lot of thought into it, but that actually seemed like it could work. “And like with glue,” Ryan went on, keeping an eye on the tunnel, “when you have too much in one place you get, like, a knot of the stuff. Maybe that’s what happens when they drop crystallized parts?” Micah winced. “Please, stop talking.” His eyes shot over, surprised. “What?” “It’s just … my ego can’t handle it.” His friend made a face halfway between a scowl and amusement, showing he’d taken it both as a compliment and a joke, before looking away. It might have been the former, but Micah was definitely feeling a little self-conscious right now. He smiled along nervously, hoping the other guy wouldn’t notice, and made a note to himself, *Ryan pays attention*. “So what about these rats?” the guy asked, in a little better mood, “How can they exist?” “Maybe like Field Boars,” Micah said. “Maybe someway else. I didn’t get a good enough look at them during the chaos to notice. I didn’t even notice any of them drop marbles, but—they need *something* to hold their patterns together or they would just fall apart.” Ryan seemed to think about that for another moment before he let it be and tucked the marble in Micah’s pouch. “I was just looking for an insight,” he explained. “Maybe something we can use.” Micah nodded. “I agree with that. But the toads and the golem were still the same, right?” “Yeah.” “Switch?” Micah held the knife and jar up and they switched places. Ryan scraped the rest of the Golem’s insides into the jar while he kept an eye out for any camouflaged monsters. When he was almost done, Micah bit his lip and mentioned, “I was thinking … I mean, we have an opportunity now, right? I *really* want to get some of those plants from the chasm.” Ryan’s eyes shot up, but he didn’t reject the idea right away. “You mean the walkway, right?” “Yeah,” he assured him. “Of course. The grass and plants, maybe the beetle. All of that.” He nodded along and trailed off for a moment. “So … is the centipede, you know … around?” “I’m not sure.” That seemed like a half-truth to Micah, at best. But he accepted the sentiment behind it. “Maybe just around the entrance, then?” Ryan thought about it for a moment before he sighed and said, “But we have to be *really* quiet.” “Definitely.” At the edge of the tunnel, the water was somewhat cleaner. Still murked by their fight, but not muddy. They poked their heads around and checked for monsters other than the centipede. Micah *did* see something, in the far off distance. A dark-grey lump, fleshy, that hung off the chasm wall half-hidden in the shadows. It was roughly oval shaped like an egg cut top to bottom and the barest of trembles made him think of breathing. In the middle, a bit of blue glow escaped from a crack. Layers? Or maybe … folded wings? Whatever it was, it was too far away and too large to fit in the tunnels. Guessing by school track, he would have said it was two hundred meters in the distance and … *tall*. Three meters, at least? That was harder to guess. He didn’t know if Ryan could see the glow or beast. There were also support beams spotted between the railings of the walkway in the distance, crumbling away in places or entirely. Those could have hidden any kind of monster, but again, the first of them was far. Micah gave a thumbs-up for the all-clear on camouflage and, when Ryan didn’t bail, started digging out plants and cutting off those growing from the crevices. He put them in the cylinder boxes he had bought for the occasion. Even with his gloved hands, he was careful around the prickly plants. Many had such fine hairs, he suspected they could pass through gloves. At least, he wasn’t willing to risk losing a finger to the test. Ryan helped a little but mostly glanced at the chasm as if the centipede was about to show up at any moment. It simultaneously reassured Micah and put him on edge. He suspected it was the same for Ryan when he glanced back and at the walkway in case of toads. Dandelions, prickly grass, plate-like mushrooms growing from the walls he had to be wary of because of spores, normal mushrooms, some with red caps and white dots that wiggled a little because of their essence—poisonous?—some thick roots sticking out of the wall, vines, three stalks that grew a pyramid of flower cups stacking up, with a little bit of glistening fluid resting inside them, which he poured into a bottle; some flowers that looked like purple dandelions, but in their seed-ball shape … The beetle flew off when he got too close. Some of the other insects and ants he let go because, well, insects. He didn’t have the equipment to catch or keep them and they didn’t look all too special. Micah gathered everything else as quickly as he could and regretted the damage he was inflicting on the ecosystem. When collecting mushrooms, you weren’t supposed to take everything at once. Only a little for the day’s consumption or there would soon be no mushrooms anymore. But he didn’t know if he could grow these plants outside the Tower or if their roots were valuable yet, so he took everything. Greedy. He pulled out another stalk by its roots and was about to stuff it in his box when he noticed a small, crystal blue blob glued to one of the roots and froze. He held it a little closer, with his other hand ready to cover his eyes if need be. The blob was almost see-through and slightly amorphous but didn’t have any other interesting features aside from its pattern. Not a crystal then. Maybe a tiny, magic potato or something similar? Then the blob wiggled and started to climb up the roots again and his eyes went wide. Below, another popped out of the soil where the roots had been and started climbing up the pile of upended dirt. Micah looked up from it and, in the distance, saw another squeeze out of a crevice and plop into the water. It swam half-submerged on the surface, making tiny waves. Micah’s slapped Ryan on the arm as hard as he could without making any noise, eyes wide in excitement, then gripped his arm and tugged instead, even though Ryan had spun around right away. The first blob had reached the leaves of the plant now and was squiggling around on it. Was it … eating something? It definitely wasn’t eating the leaf. But where it moved, there was less essence than before. Light and tiny bits dew mostly. A little bit of the general “glow” of the plants. The one swimming through the water left a trail of cleaner water, where there was less disease essence than before. “What?” Ryan hissed, barely a whisper. The tone conveyed that his heart was pounding. Micah smiled to show him there wasn’t any *actual* danger and pointed, so Ryan leaned over his shoulder to get a look at the tiny being on the plant stalk and froze. “That’s a slime.” Micah nodded. “That’s a tiny blue slime.” He nodded again. His voice was dripping with confusion when he spoke, “But slimes aren’t supposed to be … *What?*” “They’re only supposed to be in Lighthouse, right?” “Well, not *only*, but predominantly,” Ryan said. “You can find them in the outer edges of some floors, but they’re like … you don’t just find three, four— *five* tiny slimes going around nibbling on … swimming? What are they doing?” Micah glanced up and two more slimes had squeezed out of crevices to go swimming. Or drinking? “I think it’s eating things on the plant,” he said, “cleaning it a bit in the process. But this one was also suckling on its roots, so maybe they’re like, uh, nice parasites? What are those called again?” “No idea. Are they dangerous?” “I don’t know. But they’re *cute*.” “Mhm.” “And they can be used in potions,” Micah added. “Some of them. My alchemy teacher always complains about that, Lighthouse having a monopoly. But Hadica has more flora to use in potions, so there’s that. Evens things out.” He squinted at the slime with a hidden smile. “Now we have slimes of our own.” “Do you know how to use them?” Ryan asked. “Uhm …” “No, then.” “They’re watery. They’re *really* clean. Like, those just came from underground and there’s not a spot on them.” They were so blobby, they should have been muddy or flecked with bits of dirt but they weren’t. “So detergent, then?” Ryan guessed his thoughts. Micah ducked his head down, abashed about the lame first idea. “Or maybe for adding purifying features to other things, like healing? But I wouldn’t want to risk it if I’m not a hundred percent sure.” “Great.” He sounded unimpressed. “They’re running away, by the way.” “*What?”* Micah held his stalk down a little, but two of the slimes had— They had eyes, all the sudden. White ovals like fire elementals. The other three didn’t, but the two that had spotted Ryan and him—giants, in their vision—were running for it. Wait a minute. He squinted at one of them and his eyes widened. He pointed. “Thief! Damn *spirits!* *Again!*” “Hush,” Ryan said. “Don’t malign spirits.” “They’re stealing my slimes!” he whispered. “*Your* slimes?” Micah ignored him and got one of his ink bottles out. He placed the opening over the blobs and turned it around to collect them one by one. One squinted at him through the glass and suddenly, its eyes vanished. A blue zip shot out that after a centimeter, Micah couldn’t see anymore. A moment later, the furthest slime grew eyes and started swimming away, back to its crevice. The spirit had switched bodies! He was about to run after it, but the first *splash* he made in the water made him freeze. Ryan placed a hand on his shoulder half a second later and they waited, anxious that something might have heard. Micah settled for the closer slimes. Four of them. He filled some water and stuffed some leaves inside the bottle, then screwed the lid shut. Now he had tiny slimes of his own in a mini-habitat. He stared at them in awe. “They don’t need air, right?” “I doubt it.” “Awesome.” “But they might die outside the Tower,” Ryan added. “Less awesome.” No crystals inside them either, though he could see hints of their strange patterns. It was simple in that they didn’t have a lot of breadth, but they had lots of depth. Still, how did *they* exist? They waited around for a few more minutes in case any more popped out, but there were none. So with their boxes filled, they then had no more excuse not to turn around and … head further in. Micah sighed. Damnit. Three steps through water. Wall. Dirt. Jump. Micah tumbled in through the hole in the mound of earth and got his hands on the dry. He skid into the mud with his boots and raised his shield to the corner, at any potential enemies he hadn’t been able to see from Ryan’s shoulders. There were none. “Clear.” Ryan threw his spear through and Micah caught it, emerald green pouch drawn tight on top. Three steps and he mimicked Micah’s move, a little rough around the … everything. He brushed past the dirt and almost slipped in the mud, steadying himself against the wall to stay standing. It was impressive that he had been able to do it on his first try at all, but still, Micah smiled. “[Lesser Agi—” “I hate you,” Ryan cut him off and snatched the spear out of his hands. “Give me my stuff back.” They approached the first crossroads in a similarly careful fashion, with Ryan ahead and close to the left wall, his shield at the ready while Micah peered around and make sure the coast was clear. It wasn’t. Ten meters at the end of the tunnel, a stone golem walked past and they shot back behind cover. It felt like minutes until it had taken three heavy steps and disappeared Northwestward. They waited a few more minutes after that, Ryan’s head cocked a little. “Clear,” he whispered. Micah sighed in relief. Without a toad crystal, he would not want to fight a golem even if he *could* damage it. They stepped around the bend and found three things, two of which on the right-hand side—a sign on the wall in a language he couldn’t read, words closer to symbols than letters in his mind, and a doorless supply closet. The second light source was inside—a light crystal mounted in a low stone basket on the far wall. Along with the basket, everything inside was made of brittle stone that had long ago crumbled. The individual planks of the shelves had fallen through. Whatever furniture had stood in the middle was now just a pile of rocks. He couldn’t see any “supplies,” though. Its size and shelves just reminded him of the supply closets at school or the bathhouse. Further down the tunnel was an alcove with similar rubble littered inside. A single remaining hinge made him think of a cupboard that had been built into the wall. Its doors must not have lasted. Ryan pointed his spear at the mound of rubble and mumbled, “Trap.” “What?” The spearhead went up to the light crystal, then gestured at the sign next to the doorway, and the tunnel. “Something around here, if you do it wrong, you’ll trigger the trap and that rubble will shift. Something crawls out from a hidden hole beneath it, letting the stones fall or pushing them away if it’s strong enough. Guessing by how its submerged in water, it’ll be something that can survive underneath, like a fish or golem.” He frowned. “*Or* an actual, dangerous slime.” Micah frowned and squinted at the mound. He leaned left a little to get a look underneath it, but couldn’t see a thing. “Are you sure?” “Reasonably. Could be nothing, of course. But I missed those maze patterns on the wall and it has me thinking of every trap I’ve ever heard of. I remember something similar to this.” “What’s the trigger?” He shrugged. “No idea. It could be the crystal, stepping into the room, or just past the room. It could be that sign. Or the sign could be a warning with the trigger on it. There might be an *actual* trigger somewhere around here, like a tripwire or pressure plate that alerts the monsters or activates something.” Micah started searching the floor at that. A thin thread hidden in this water? He doubted he could notice it. Especially not if it was magic or magical, like the toad’s camouflage. “The point is,” Ryan said. “We already saw a golem walking past the North end. We’re definitely not going that way.” Mica nodded. “East-West, right?” “Right.” He glanced back at the sign and light crystal one last time before they left, thinking of their value. But no, a single light crystal wasn’t worth springing a trap. And though the sign might have had value to a collector, it would just be dead weight on their way out. But what about …? He hesitated. “Could a treasure chest be hidden beneath?” Ryan stopped in his tracks and chewed his lip. “Could.” “Do we … you know, check?” They could really use a treasure chest right about now, both on this floor and outside the Tower. The other guy seemed to think about it for a moment before he shook his head. “No. The number one priority is getting out of here. We can look for treasure chests on safer floors afterward, rather than fighting golems for it.” He looked back, checking with him on it. “Right?” Micah nodded. “Right.” The end of the tunnel split off left and right. South and North. The Northern path had another section of bare earth with a maze pattern at its end, this one only about hip high and smaller. Either whatever golem was in there would crawl out sideways or it was another kind of trap. A Stone Boar, maybe? Either way, it suited them just fine. They took the Southern route. It didn’t go on for much longer than a few meters before it curved right, with a pile of mud-turned-island gathering in the corner. Moss like grass grew there. It reminded Micah of the light. It was still too bright in here. By all means, it should have been darkest in that corner but instead, plants grew. And a marble lay on its bank. Micah trapped Ryan to make him stop and pointed. “Trap?” “Uh …” It lay between a bunch of soggy, rotting leaves and other dirt—flotsam washed ashore by the gentle flow. The debris on the *tip* of the mound suggested the water rose higher than it currently stood, like this was an actual sewer system for … something. As did the layered lines of algae and shades of green-brown on the walls. He didn’t like how high those layers reached. “Washed up?” Ryan nodded. “Probably.” They did their corner-check to be safe and spotted an enemy—a single toad on the right-side ceiling this time. After a minute of deliberation, Ryan walked out with his shield on his right arm, held casually close to his chest. Micah walked a few steps behind him with his spear. They acted as if they hadn’t noticed it, going at a good pace. A few steps before they got into range, Micah painted it green for all to see. Thankfully, the beast took the bait before it noticed. Barbed tongue shot out and Ryan struck it down against the wall with his shield, held it there by force. He drew his knife and a second before he thrust it in, Micah slipped past him and stuck the pointy end at the toad. Both drew light. The toad hit the water flailing and tried to escape. Micah fumbled to stab it again but wasn’t used to holding a spear. He missed. Its tongue pulled back along the wall next to him, missing a good chunk of flesh that leaked light, and Ryan stepped up to take control. He guided the spear into its leg, then it the back of its head, bursting it into smoke. Micah let go and breathed. Easy. “I’ll have to teach you how to use a spear sometime,” Ryan mumbled as he went to fetch the crystal. His smile fell. “*Hey*. Was that comment really necessary?” He shrugged. “Just saying.” “Fine.” He collected the marble from the bank but was disappointed to see only one tan line inside. Not even a second, green one. Had it not been in range to gather anything from the toad? Then he remembered the ones he had on him and fetched the third out of his pocket. Another green line had joined the rest. Oh. Awesome. They stuck to the same routine as they went down the next few tunnels, battling as many easy fights as they could to clear up the way for potential retreat and prevent ambushes, and avoiding anything that seemed dangerous. Railing to the side with a miniature waterfall? Micah got to cut some of the vines, but then they walked on. Patch of wall with a maze pattern? No golems. Suspicious amount of mud? No, thank you. Mound of rubble from a collapsed ceiling with a stone sword sticking out of it? Micah hesitated. “Probably broken in half anyway,” Ryan told him. “Aw, really?” That seemed cruel. Most often, the tunnels only branched off twice, but there were a lot of corners. It reminded Micah of the maze-like patterns on the walls and golems. Just, sticking to one side wouldn’t work here. In every curve, things gathered. Rarely, it would be an empty marble. More often than not, the piles of debris had balls of fruit-flies hovering over them or spiderwebs. Ryan suggested avoiding even *those*. They passed some more supply closets with light crystals and spotted rats scurrying along the sides of tunnels, but let them be. It wasn’t worth chasing after them to get one-twelfth of a flesh crystal each. The water level of tunnels leading South-North was lower than the others flowing West. They also had slight ledges to the sides. Just a jagged line of rock a few centimeters wide. The ground leading up to it was worn and curved, as if the water had sanded it down over the years. Supply closets were only in those tunnels, it seemed. And often, Micah spotted broken-off nubs near them that reminded him of fixtures for ladders. Above those nubs, the ceiling was either caved in or there was a hole too high and too dangerous to climb. And anyway, *up* was dangerous. Some tunnels had holes in the ground, too, submerged in darkness. One supply closet they passed had one and a hole in the ceiling with broken pipes that lead up. No light crystal. They passed by a tunnel that was overgrown with green, top to bottom—grass, ferns, vines, roots; plants that blocked the view. Something shifted in there with a growl and they fled. They always took the safest route. It made Micah feel in part like he was being herded and in part like he was missing out on so many questions he could have answered. Scurrying around like this, only fighting battles they could win, they were no better than rats. When they squeezed through a short North-to-South tunnel with their backs to the wall, he spotted a supply closet, nubs on the wall, hole overhead, *and* an alcove in the wall with a cylinder bowl and some other broken tools. This looked almost like it had been a workstation, once. He tapped Ryan on the arm and whispered, “Are we just going to walk by *everything*?” Some of this stuff might be actual treasure, in more ways than one. “Yes,” he insisted. “Because all of this could be a trap that sics a golem on us or causes the ceiling to collapse or the tunnel to flood. No sense in taking needless risks, right?” Micah pointed. “That’s a bowl.” He nodded. “Obviously a trap.” They were eleven bends in and had fought monsters four times with no sign of a portal or even a path leading down. They walked as if every single step could spring death, as if every corner could hide the titanic centipede. They avoided everything that was *anything*. Micah was beginning to run out of patience. Humor could only shove down the anxiety so long, and then there was brimming curiosity, irrational boredom, and another wave of anxiety waiting in the wings. How long would it be to find a portal? They were supposed to be scarcer in the higher floors, yeah, but what if there *wasn’t* a portal out? Or what if they *did* walk around a bend and come face-to-face with something bad? He rolled his eyes. “*Obviously*, the bowl is a trap. It’ll probably grow teeth and bite my hand off if I stick it inside.” “Yeah,” Ryan said. “So don’t stick your hand inside. C’mon.” Micah did. He just felt like they were being a little *too* careful. Avoiding all the golems, nothing had threatened their lives yet. They turned the corner a little too quickly this time and stumbled upon two Sewer Rats eating blueberries off a bush growing in a collapsed wall. The beasts were twice as big as the ones Micah knew and hated. Below, a handful of regular rats snacked on the leftovers. Their steps in the water were too loud to sneak back. One of the Sewer Rats spun to stare at them and the rest followed. It screeched, and there were too few rats around to account for the tiny squeaks that answered. “Shit.” “Watch for toads!” Ryan snapped as he stepped forward with shield and spear raised at the ready. Micah followed his command and snapped around to check behind them—the tunnel got darker, for some reason—then in front. He couldn’t see any toads, but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure. The first Sewer Rat ran into Ryan’s spear like a charging dog and got stuck on its bar, then kept on pushing*.* Blood welled out instead of a light and it put on more and more pressure. The other squeezed past it and Ryan pushed it into the wall with his shield, but holding two dog-sized rats back in water on slick ground, he slipped inch by inch, leaning forward centimeter by centimeter. Any moment, he would slip entirely and fall into their waiting maws. Micah stepped forward and thrust his knife at the one wedged against the wall. It snapped at him. He pulled back just in time to avoid losing a finger and kicked it in the throat, then tried again. Ryan noticed and shifted his weight against it at the same time. His knife pushed between its eyes. The guy’s control on the first rat failed him and the hand on his spear slipped almost to the tip at it charged. Micah stumbled over the shivved rat to tackle it off-course. Ryan followed up with a knee to the side of its throat and they had it pinned against the opposite wall, now. The *normal* rats were streaming around corners and out of cracks in spades. They jumped or swarmed their legs as they had earlier, began gnawing where the last swarms had left off. They weren’t an immediate threat, but seeing them ruin their armor like that, they were the next best thing in his mind. His knife was still lodged in the other rat’s skull, so he started smacking them off with his armguard. Ryan’s spear was in the wrong position to be useful. He dropped it and switched for the knife on the inside of his shield. He was about to shove it in the rat when a barbed tongue smacked it out of his grip and drew blood. He cursed in pain, but when the tongue pulled back, it wrapped around his arm like a lasso and dragged him back, pulling him right into Micah. They stumbled over one another into the water. A growing boot to the face kept the Sewer Rat at bay, but the little ones had an easier time swarming them now. The second one with Micah’s knife stuck in its forehead was twitching—not dead yet. He risked getting bitten as he grabbed the knife and turned around, belly to the water to snatch the toad’s tongue. The moment it saw him going for it though, it made its flesh go slack, then pulled it back as quick as it came, freeing Ryan’s arm. It was too fast for Micah to snatch out of the air. The upside was that Ryan could defend himself. His eyes glanced down the tunnel as he pressed his feet into the Sewer Rat, searching wildly for the toad. He glanced at Micah in confusion and insisted, “*Color it*.” Oh. Right. Micah didn’t have much to work with so he snatched a handful of berries and slingshot them at the beast, then colored it purple when they pattered off its skin. A rat bit him in the ankle and another at a place he could barely count as his waist and he cursed and turned around to drown them both in the water. One just scurried around and started gnawing at his boots. This was ridiculous. He freaking *hated* Tower rats. Micah got up out of the wet and stomped the rat to death. He stabbed the first Sewer one twice more in the head to be safe, marched over to turn the second one’s throat into a pin cushion, and whirled to throw the knife into the purple toad before Ryan could busy himself with it. It splashed into the water at the same time as Micah grabbed the first dead rat by the scruff of its neck and dragged it over. When it tried to jump him, he threw his luggage like a meat shield and kicked the toad a few times to make sure it would stay down. Its tongue shot out at him and Micah blocked his face with his arms. The barbed flesh wrapped around of them on its way back and drew him closer to its jagged teeth. Micah used the momentum to smack a boot past its jaw and a knee into the side of its head. He groped around with his free arm to find his knife and finished the job. The burst of smoke make him cough, but he was used to that by now. *Finally.* He stomped a few more rats into a stupor on his way back to help Ryan out of the water, who was still cradling his wounded hand. “You okay?” He felt a little embarrassed by how he had lashed out against the monsters, but Ryan seemed too distracted to have noticed. Thankfully. Then he had a second thought. “Do you feel any poison? Let me see.” “No, I’m fine,” Ryan insisted as Micah pulled his hand away to see the wound. It had cut right through his glove. How strong were these toads? He nodded at Micah’s arm. “You’re bleeding, too.” “Huh? Oh.” It was just an ugly cut, an inch off from the bracer and armor. Unlucky. “It’s nothing. We should probably treat them, though. Because of the water?” “Right.” Ryan nodded and leaned against the mound of the collapsed wall as Micah patched him up, fending off the last handful of rats that were bothering them like the pests they were. Their equipment was fraying and falling apart in places. Ryan might be better off, but *his* feet were soaked from holes in his boots. His pants were, too, and shredded near the hems. Micah knew he was going to have to patch them when they got out of here or he could throw them out. Great. Because he just owned *so many* pants. Stupid freaking rats. The dried mud that made him feel itchy and the bite wound on his … waist didn’t help his mood. “Are these blueberries?” Ryan asked. “Huh?” Micah glanced up from his toes. “Uhm, no. They’re just— Yes, they’re blueberries, but not like wild ones. They’re, like, perfect.” Ryan frowned. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen better blueberries than these.” “No, I mean—” How did Micah put this into words for him? “They’re very *neat*. They’re stuffed to the brim with essence and their patterns are tidy. See how perfectly round they are? Even if they aren’t the largest. So, yeah. They’re perfect. You can probably eat some if you want to.” Come to think of it … Micah looked around and frowned at the blood-tinted water, dead Sewer rats soaking. “They were eating them.” Ryan’s lips and fingers were a little blue as he nodded. He had taken off one of his gloves and picked them off the central branches. Good thing Micah hadn’t needed to warn him about that. Had he learned it during his scouting trip? “Some fully-formed monsters eat. It’s rare, but they do it.” “Yeah, but the little rats were also eating.” And those had burst into smoke. Micah saw a marble lying on the bank of the earth and was too lazy to bend over and pick it up right now. Ryan paused in stuffing his face for a moment. “Oh. Right. Do you have an explanation?” Micah tried to think about it for a moment and just gave up. He could probably find an explanation if he racked his head, but his head wasn’t in the mood to think at all. He got out his water instead and took a long sip. When he put it down with a refreshed sigh, Ryan was holding a blueberry out for him and Micah ate it. It did taste good. At least one good thing in here. The guy yanked his hand away as if he had bitten him, though he hadn’t. “*Hey*. You were supposed to—” He scowled and shook his head. “Nevermind.” Micah gave him a bemused look as the heat essence around him shrunk. When it was clear Ryan wouldn’t feed him, he finished patching himself up and collected as many blueberries he could into another ink bottle, snacking on some every now and then. They *were* good. The tunnels were clear when he checked before they left. That left options. “Where do we go?” The left path darkened for no reason Micah could see. The right one was where the oversized Sewer Rats had come from. It was tinted a little red from their blood, but his feet were soaked anyway. Sewer Rats over a dark tunnel and mutated Archertoads seemed like a good idea. They collected any crystals they could find and took a right, their method of scurrying around starting all over again. A new emotion stepped into the wings then and Micah put it in line. Not when Ryan was around. Two bends in from the blueberry brush, they found a tunnel that rose up a bit and *wasn’t* submerged in water. Stone grates at the sides acted as funnels for any spillover, but the dry stone was a welcome sight. Maybe it would lead out of here? They headed in and halfway through the tunnel, a bend led East toward the chasm. For some reason, it was much darker. Almost as if the water itself lit up these ways. They got to the first crossroads in here with four options and Ryan listened to check that the coast was clear before they continued on straight ahead, the stone around them getting darker and the tunnel wider. Light ahead revealed a room like a balcony cut into the cliff side. There was furniture, or what had once been furniture. Something that might have been a stove in the right-side corner, a pile of rubble that might have been a table, a metal rod lying in front of the “windows” that might have held curtains, once. It was rusted now and littered with holes. A shame. The windows themselves were just gaps between ornate pillars overgrown with vines. They let in light and wind and made the rancid smell of filth and feces spread from piles. Ryan had a hand over his nose and mouth. There was surprisingly little flora in the room, but that, the scuff-marks and ceiling told them all they needed to know. It was a roost for whatever winged beast he had seen in the chasm earlier. The tunnels behind them were probably large enough for it to squeeze around, this close to the chasm. “Leave,” Micah hissed at Ryan and they hightailed it out of there as quickly as they could. Around the first bend, they heard a cry that reverberated through the tunnels and sent Ryan stumbling with his hands over his ears. “What is it?” “Bats,” he groaned. Micah helped him up and they rushed to get back to the lighter tunnels, to the water where they couldn’t be followed. When his boot splashed into it, he felt relief. At least, now they knew what the scavengers of the centipede were. They started avoiding tunnels leading East. Another supply closet tunnel. This time with all features again. The flora seemed to become more rampant the further West they headed, with more tunnels having collapsed sections that offered dirt for them to grow. Roots snaked along depressions in the stone toward the water and grew leaves. More and more tunnels had maze-patterned sections on their walls, in these parts. Golems. They hadn’t encountered any roaming anymore, but their options were getting slimmer. Sometimes, they had to backtrack a few bends to find a better path or choose the one they thought least-dangerous. The sole of one of Micah’s boots hung free after the latest swarm and he was seriously concerned about losing it before they got out of here. *If* they got out of here. How deep were they even in? He had lost track of the exact number. He bet Ryan knew, but he didn’t ask. Eventually, they found another path that was free of water and tensed up, but still checked it since this one led North, not East. The elevated stone gave way to loosely paved earth and grass. They found a circular room that reminded Micah of the actual, first-floor Sewers in the Tower. A golem two heads larger than the one they had fought stood with its back to them inside and was building a wall. It shaped dry dirt like clay and packing it denser, leaving maze patterns where its stone fingers came away, its own grooves and the dirt glowing with a yellow light. Ryan dragged Micah away the moment they spotted it, but he looked back as he did. Why was it building a wall? Through the hole, he caught a glimpse of a chest. Multi-colored in earthy tones and flower-like accents, larger than the wolf chest he had found. The golem was building the wall to hide it. Not only that—Micah saw the golem step *into* the free space left before Ryan dragged him away entirely. It would guard the chest as well. How many of those maze patterns they had seen in the wall guarded treasure chests, then? “Why’d you resist?” Ryan asked as they backtracked the way they had come. Another dead-end. “There was a chest,” he whispered. “I know.” “It was huge.” “I know.” His voice sounded strained. He wanted the treasure, too, Micah knew. They should have fought it. Sure, it might have been dangerous, but why else were they climbers? When they walked by yet another alcove with a cylinder bowl in it, he couldn’t help himself anymore. He dragged Ryan to a stop. “I want to touch it,” he demanded and pointed at the alcove. “The bowl. Tip it over, or inspect, or smash it. Fill it up with water and see what happens for all I care. I *don’t* care. I just want to *do* something.” No more hiding. “No,” Ryan hissed. “Fuck no. That’s a stupid idea.” “But we’ve been in here for hours and we haven’t even gotten a *glimpse* of a path leading down that isn’t submerged in water,” Micah hissed back. “How far are we in? Twenty bends? More? Less? Do *you* even know?” It all spilled out at once. “There’s a golem pattern in every other tunnel now and the toads only show up in pairs, at the least, with us getting ambushed every single damn fight. Those tongues are so freaking annoying, I want to roast one and eat it while its owner watches. Every path leads to danger.” He raised his foot. “My shoe is—*falling off,* Ryan. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty and casting [Condense Water] is giving me a headache, but all the water we’re sloshing through that soaks our feet is tinted with disease essence and mud, *we can’t even drink it*. We’ve barely seen any traps and this is, like, the fifth of those bowls we’ve seen by now. If they repeat that often, they have to have *some* kind of significance, right? Maybe they’re like sewer grates or something? Why else haven’t they crumbled like everything else in here?” After he’d said his piece, Ryan waited a moment to answer, as if to make sure he was done. “Oh, just because nothing has happened, springing a trap on purpose is supposed to be a smart idea?” he demanded. “No!” Micah said. “Yes. I don’t know. We’re *lost*, Ryan. We need to do something. What if— What if the bowls are enchanted, or they fill up with water to drink. I mean, venting aside, I’m *actually* pretty thirsty. What if those closets you’re so afraid of have ladders leading down underneath the rubble, huh? Or a treasure chest with something useful? We could have found a way down hours ago!” He’d started shouting in a whisper, letting all the frustration out on his friend because he needed to let it out on *something* and he sure as hell wasn’t going to do it against the monsters in a fight. Ryan would think even less of him if he did that. But Ryan didn’t seem mad at all. He face looked considering all the sudden and it caught Micah off guard. “What?” Frustration vented a little, he was having second-doubts about everything he’d just said. The look on Ryan’s face worried him. He just shook his head a little and got his own bottle out, telling Micah, “Drink.” “Uh, no, it’s fine. I can cast—” “*Drink*,” he insisted. “Save your mana for when we need it.” Micah drank. When Ryan finally answered, he said, “You might be right. About the piles of rubble, I mean. They could hide a way down.” “Oh.” Micah blinked and leaned back a little, feeling awkward. He turned and pointed at the supply closet that had prompted his outburst. “So do we just … poke that one, or …?” Ryan shook his head. “Not here. It’s too dangerous here. We can backtrack to an earlier supply closet where it’s safer. Where there are fewer monsters around.” “Well, okay then …” So they backtracked, and they scouted around, and killed as many monsters in the nearby tunnels as they could, then established a fight or flight plan if something went wrong. Micah tied some bandages around his boot to get it to stop flopping around and they collected a pile of large stones. Ryan shuffled into the supply closet. When nothing happened, they collected a second pile and stacked it up high next to the one that was already there. The golems weren’t the only ones that could build traps. Preparation done, with a nudge of his speartip, Ryan knocked the light crystal out of its cradle and stretched forward to catch it. The bottom of his palm blocked its light, casting shadows over the room that rippled with the water. A tense moment later, the mound shifted as something pressed up against it and Ryan hissed, “Steady.” Micah stayed near the doorway for another moment until they knew what they were up against. The first stone tumbled down, but the rest fell inward to reveal a black hole beneath. Water. No ladder down. Then a disgusting version of the Sewer Rats half-swam, half-climbed out of the hole toward them. Its fur was glossy and almost see-through, it had gills, and murky white eyes. It had webbed feet and gurgled squeaks, half-fish in places. All the same to Ryan. He stabbed it in the head and shoved back in its hole. Two more crawled out of the dark and a third in the other direction as the last of the rubble fell away. Micah shoved the mound of rocks on them. Its weight smacked them all back into their hole, wisps of light lost to the dark water. Then he danced back to his second pile beyond the door and hefted two large rocks, glancing left and right for the toads that were bound to show up. Freaking toads. Ryan continued to stab the fish-rats and shove them back in. He aimed his rocks at the ones climbing out the opposite direction to avoid hitting his spear. Shadows shifted with the slightest of his friend’s movements, light crystal half-covered, making hitting them worse. But whenever the rats saw the light, they would shriek in either pain or fear. Not blind then, but sensitive to light? That was the trap. The crystal had kept them away. Ryan realized it himself and used the crystal to blind them as they crawled out, making his job ten times easier. Soon, he simply had to stab and shove the single rats that climbed out back while Micah kept an eye out for toads, feeling impotent. When they were sure no more rats would show up, Ryan raked the few crystals that had fallen inside the closet closer to the doorway, picked them up, and handed them to Micah along with the light one. The threads the rats had left in their marbles were murky, slightly off-putting, in that they were almost like splotches maring them. There was nothing Micah could do about it, so he put them away and took a step closer to peer into the dark from a safe distance instead. He considered the crystal in his hand and mused out loud, “Now I kind of want to drop it inside, to see how deep it goes.” “We might have to,” Ryan surprised him. When he noticed, he explained, “That was the whole point to this, right? To find out more? Maybe that *is* a path down and we’ll have to swim.” Micah looked back at the darkness. “Oh.” He dropped the stone into the water with a *plop* and it sunk, revealing shifting waves of black, stone, and detritus but nothing else. It sunk deeper, revealing some crystals and half-dead fish-rats still floating around. It sunk, and sunk, and sunk until it was out of sight and that answered their question. “Oh,” Ryan echoed him. Micah glanced back in case a toad ambushed them, but mostly wanted to have something other to do than dwelling on the thought of, *What if?* Ryan didn’t look so sure himself, so he shoved anxiety into the wings and looked up to ask, “Wanna’ go poke the bowls?” The other guy hesitated before he put on an equally fake smile and shrugged, saying, “Sure.” They could keep on scurrying around afterward.
{ "title": "Euphoria [DISCONTINUED]", "id": 5812, "author": "Lord Joyde", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "124. Unnatural Nature", "id": 305776, "next": 318929, "prev": 299266, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NjE5ZjgyYzdhZTRmM2NhYjgxOGI0ZTcyYzI0YjJl"><strong><em>Lord Joyde The Madman: Heylo, everybody! How are you all doing?</em></strong></p> <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> <p class="cnNmNmNjMjNhNzczZjQ5ZTNhMjFhOWQ5YWU1ODE5ZmQ4"><strong><em>Blech.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnNmMWRmNGE0NjU0NjQ5MTY4Yzk0NmQxOTFkOGExNGU5"><strong><em>Writing at 3:15 in the morning, but I finally managed to get myself into the mood.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM3NmY3ODMzNjI1YzRmYTE5ZjI5Mjg4MmJkYzdlNDFj"><strong><em>Must be the coffee.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMxOTUzMjY3NmM5MzRhN2M5NTZlMDc3ZDA3MmIyMWYz"><strong><em>Or maybe its just that today is a special day. One of the rare days that I woke up feeling good.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM3OTZmMWE2ZDA0YzQ4OTBhNzA0ZTlhMDA2ZDU0MjE0"><strong><em>Anyways, here comes the next chapter of Euphoria! I sincerely hope that you all enjoy, let us begin!</em></strong></p> <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> <p class="cnM5OWIyY2U4MzEzMDQ2MzdiNzZmYzMwYTczYmM1OGQw"><strong><em>Don't mind me guys and girls! I'm just a line break...</em></strong></p> <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> <p class="cnM1ZTJiYjEzMmFlNzRiM2JiMGQ3ZjZjMGM5YmNjOThk"><em>Back with Leonardo... - Unknown Place - A few minutes later...<br></em></p> <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> <p class="cnNiMTg0NjdlZDAxMTQ1MWVhYjk2YmJkYzY3ZjNiMmQx">Perhaps its because the gravity of this world is nearly double in strength when compared to that of the Earth.</p> <p class="cnMyNzk4N2EzNzBmNzRkMTA4MGYxNTlhZTJmZWMwMzgx">Or maybe its because my own powers have grown since the last time I used Ether-Walk or flew using psionic energy to anywhere.</p> <p class="cnM4M2MyZGZjNTQzODQ2M2RiYjE3NTEyN2QxNTFmZTlm">But it only took me a few minutes to reach a new, unknown shoreline after leaving the island of my rebirth, ah- sorry, my *re-forging*. The first thing I noticed on this beach is how untamed it was. There were zero traces of any kind of civilization nearby, with trees as tall as five story homes and errant greenery covering every inch of solid ground.</p> <p class="cnMxMWJiMGJmNTE5MzRmMTRiNmM0NTdkNjBmMGE0Njli">Speaking of solid ground, even though this is a beach, there was not a whole lot of sand. In fact, there only seemed to be a few patches of it wherever the land was in intimate contact with the ocean water. The large majority of the shore however, was a fjord; that is to say completely littered with small rocks, some of which were multicolored crystals.</p> <p class="cnNiMWQ2MzhkMzliZTRhZDhhYmFiYWFiMjgxZjBiMjAx">All kinds of interesting pieces of precious stones littered the beachhead. Rubies, diamonds, sapphires and even a few bits of gold could be found around. I had to suppress the urge to collect everything, yet I didn't manage not to at least take the stones into my hands for a while.</p> <p class="cnNmMjBmZjAwYTk3MzRiNTU4ZDAwNTA2NjNiYmU2ZGVj">Which is how I noticed that I can't really feel the stones like I'm used to. Y'know, with flesh and touch.</p> <p class="cnNkMmQ2NTgwZDQyMTQ4NTVhZDJmMTQwOTEzYzI4OGQ1">With a massive sigh escaping me and after pointlessly, dramatically crushing the piece of ruby that was in my hand, I doused my body in psionics and QI, forming the mutating energy known as Sanguinite. Molding the power with intent, I refashioned myself for the first time ever, replacing my infernal body of stone and metal for one of flesh and bone.</p> <p class="cnM0YWIwMjI4ZDk3ZDQ0MWQ4Y2RhYjczM2M3MWUxODg0">To be fair, I kept my organs as they were. My current insides were far more efficient than the ones I'm used to and there's no need to fix what ain't broken.</p> <p class="cnMwMWMyNWIwNTlhYjQyYzk4NDQ0ZmJmYTViNjIyZDk0">Wait...</p> <p class="cnNjZGFjOWE1NjlmNDQyMTU5ZmJjNjRhYzIxMGZmNzgx">This body wasn't broken.</p> <p class="cnM2NGE5MWE0ZTc3MTRkOTlhMTA4ZmVmNzYwYjRlYjI2">So... why did I just transform myself back to flesh?</p> <p class="cnNhM2IxNTZhOTc0NDQ2MjU4NjhiOGNmM2UwOWI2NTY5">Because.. I am used to being flesh?</p> <p class="cnMxOGI5OWJhODk3YjQwOWM5MTg4ZjlhM2U2MzRmZjM2">... No.</p> <p class="cnM1MmFkMGE5MjE3YzRmMzI5ZmIxNzYxNjdiZDc2OWZj">I scratched my head in confusion and promptly spat out liquid metal onto the ground. Something beyond my current ability to see was most definitely influencing my actions on this planet. Wonder what that could be?</p> <p class="cnMxMzFlY2ZmNTJkNzRiOTE5M2ExZTU2YjkzMmUwYTY3">Speaking of sight, it seems that my little act of refashioning has left me with the ability to use my Auspex once more. The activation of said ocular power allowed me to notice a large gathering of unknown life-forms a little off the shoreline. Shrugging and deciding to follow my sudden interests, I started walking in the direction of the crowd.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTkwNzMxM2I2NTQzN2ZhMWRlYTQ5MTk3MTM0Njk3">As I did this, I couldn't help but notice how almost everything around me had its place in the world. And I don't mean that as in a place within the circle of life, but literally every blade of grass was taking only the most efficient amount of ground for itself, leaving the rest for others of its kind. Every tree was at least ten meters apart from the other, even if their leaves intertwined on a regular basis... Looking at the leaves a little closer, I could notice an exchange of matter and energy between the trees. They did not appear to be physically connected per say, but energy was being deliberately sent from one tree to the next.</p> <p class="cnNlZTBiNjgzODM0MjRmMjk4OTQ1YTYwMWQ5NDg0ODEz">Perhaps this is a strange new method of plant reproduction? I mean, I don't exactly see or hear any bees buzzing around. Or birds, now that I think about it.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWRhOTM4YzdjYTQ2YmM4NjBmMGFkY2RkNWQ2YmNm">The tree's themselves seemed to be a relative of the oaks back on earth, except their bark was an ashen grey and the leaves dark blue. Picking up a fallen leaf off of the ground and consuming it, I realized that the leaves have bits of uranium within them... and that they use radioactivity instead of sunlight to produce energy?</p> <p class="cnMwNzE0MDZmZTQwNTQxMDY4ZjhhMTVkNmQ0ZTU0MTEw">A tap on the ground confirmed that the trees did have roots, ones which spread entirely downwards, like a massive bark spear, which in turn had plant-like tendrils, protrusions for seeking out a supply of deep water or maybe even minerals. Well, whatever their direct purpose, they provide the tree with elements that cause the bark to adopt an ashen color.</p> <p class="cnNiODQ5YjJmYzVjOTQ0YTliZTczODY3YTU2MjllN2Jm">I'd have to consume an entire tree to learn more but I don't feel like doing that right now. Instead, I'm just gonna name these things grey-barks.</p> <p class="cnMwZmE2OTI3ODYxMjQ0YzA5MGViOWY0ZTg3Y2FmNWZh">Walking through a forest of suspiciously perfect flora.</p> <p class="cnNiODhhZmFmZjlhMjRiYjRhN2JkODYxMjllYzNjNWQ0">... Ah, fuck it.</p> <p class="cnMyOTY2NjZkYWRkZDRmZTZhNmQyYzU4ZWI1ZTI1ZmY2">I'm just gonna say it.</p> <p class="cnNiOGM2OTNlNDgwYzRiMDJiZjgyMmNmY2IwZjE3OGNi">Everything around me has nanomachines inside of it.</p> <p class="cnM1YzBlMDUyZjNmOTQ0NGVhNjVmYjMwYjQ0NDNkMDFm">Literally.</p> <p class="cnNlYjk4MTQ4NmNkMDQzYjRiMjA1OTMzOTEyZTMxMzQx">Everything.</p> <p class="cnMyYjIwYzQ2NWQ2ODRmNzFiODMyYjBkNDAwMjE3MDc3">Well okay, not the rocks.</p> <p class="cnMzNjU2OWYxZDU0ZDQ4NDhhMjMxZDljZDhkMzdmY2Zl">Or the ground.</p> <p class="cnM4MjVlYjIwZWZlYTQzOWVhZGQwYWNjYjg1NzQyZTI1">Every living thing around me so far has had traces of nanomachines rushing through its body. I guess this means that some of the nanomachines from the tree managed integrate themselves into other life-forms. Adolf was created with the intent of forming a symbiotic relationship with its host, which is what these nanomachines have done and have been doing for God only knows how long.</p> <p class="cnNkYzc3MjZiMmRhMTRmNzRiMjUxMDIzMTFjMDk4OTdl">Thing is, they aren't sapient.</p> <p class="cnNlZDMyZDNlYjdkMDQ0NGI4YTU2YjM1YjljNjJmYTU4">They're running on a program.</p> <p class="cnNmODkxODkxMDRlZDRiYTJiMWM0MWM0ZWY2YTEzMzAw">A protocol that seems to be tailored to each and every organism. Yet... they aren't interconnected.</p> <p class="cnNkM2RhZjVjZGRmNzQxODk4YzAxZjI0NmU4ZTIwOGE4">There's no floral network. There is no reason for every plant to know and accept its place in the forest.</p> <p class="cnM0NmEyOTJmMjA2YzRiZDM5ZjI0YTIyYzZiNGYxZjA2">Why is there no Chaos?!</p> <p class="cnM0ZGIwOTlkZTA2YTQ3ODJhMTBhYzg4MzU4YjZhYTcy">The entire place just screams <strong>UNNATURAL</strong>.</p> <p class="cnNkOWI4NzgwNmFmOTQ0NWRiNWUwODMzNzg5OWRkZjA4">... which is kinda ironic when I think about it.</p> <p class="cnNkZThhNmM5ZTE4NzRkZDFiYjUyZTI5MzVmMTIyOTYw">Also, I have yet to find even a single insect. Some random life-forms ran past me a while ago. They were too large to be anything other than animals. I did not bother to look closer because I was nearing my current objective. Which is to say, I finally arrived to where all the life-forms were.</p> <p class="cnNiNDQ0OTFiZGMyYTQzMjE4OWNhZTA1YWJkOGFmNjcy">But before I leap into the fray and meet up with the natives, maybe I should wear some clothes?</p> <p class="cnNlYjY4ZDk2MWRhNDQ4ZjY5ZWM5OTdmOTI0MjM1ZTFk">On that note, my refashionment left me in what I used to call my Chaos Form. Aka, my skinless self. Oh yeah, the skin-suit doesn't actually come with this form! That was something Aria always sew together for me. Oh well, shouldn't be too hard.</p> <p class="cnMxNzRjMzllYjM1ZjQ1MjE5NzBjN2FmMGQ3NGUxZTBi">First try at creating a complex piece of clothing: failed. A piece of ragged, dried-up skin was thrown aside.</p> <p class="cnNhZDBjZmY2NTgwODQ2Mzk4OGEyNDJhM2NjYzEwNGQy">Second try at creating a complex piece of clothing: failed again. A set of human arms was buried into a grey-bark tree.</p> <p class="cnNhNmIxZWU0MDIyOTRhOTQ4MzViNzg0MjQ0MWNjNWJj">Fuck this shit.</p> <p class="cnMyYjRlYjBiOGMxNjQxMjdhYjQ2ZmEyMzdiZjYzZGI4">I gave up on trying and made a pair of pants and a shirt of human skin grow out of myself before ripping them out. Why did I even think that sewing something out of nothing with psionics is a good idea?</p> <p class="cnNiZDE2YjQ1M2E4ZTRjZWVhZGU5M2M1NjZkYmU5OGUy">Shaking my head in annoyance, I lastly made my usual combat boots grow out of my feet. I tested the feeling of the hard ground beneath my new boots. It felt... strange, somehow.</p> <p class="cnNiYWUyYjg4ZmIyMTRhZjQ4ODM0MjBlZDljMzRmMjBk">Like I was walking on concrete, yet it was clearly soil. Anyways, coming closer to what now seemed to be a battleground between two small war-bands, I found myself noticing my own reflection upon a clear crystal."Hmm..." I hummed to myself.</p> <p class="cnNmYTM5ODUyMzcxNDQxZTA4YTI1ZjM3MDQ1OTQzMTk2">And then promptly grew on a coat, some gloves and recolored my outfit crimson."There we go. Now I look properly horrid." I sang mostly to myself as I finally got out of the perfect underbrush and...</p> <p class="cnM1ODdjN2FhOWI3NjQ4ZjRiNzc5OGIxZTk5MmUyOWQ2">Um.</p> <p class="cnM2OWMzZDRkMzc4MTQ2MTc4OWFhYTk4OGQwODEwOTc1">There's a lot more life around here than I thought.</p> <p class="cnM1MTk2YjQxY2MxMzQ1Njc5YzkzNTBiYjEyYzllOTI1">A blink.</p> <p class="cnNhN2Y2Y2RjNTk4OTRjZGE4Y2YyZmYyZTY1NzExMTNh">No.</p> <p class="cnNiMjQwYTc5ZmRjNjQ1NDJiZTA5MzFlNTEwNzkyNjY0">Its just that one of the two war-bands clashing in front of me seems to be made entirely out of the walking dead. Or undead, whichever you prefer.</p> <p class="cnMzOGE3YWQxNGIyYjRkZmRiNDZhMjM3YTM1MmQyYTlh">Hmm, I wonder if there are necromancers on this world? Ah, magic has already been confirmed, why am I even asking if there are any corpse-lovers on this planet?</p> <p class="cnM0YTk5ZDY3NzU2ZDQ4NWJiZWVjNzE0NzU3NzUyMGIw">Shambling bones and flayed flesh aside, the living war-band seemed to be formed out of small, grey-skinned humanoids. They have gill-like tears on their cheeks, perhaps a remnant of their oceanic upbringing? Oh, the humanoids don't seem to have any nanomachines inside of them. Well, neither do the undead, but you get my point.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTkzNjA0NTMyMjQ5YmQ5ZDliNzMyOWU0MDJlYTM1">Their feet have only four toes each, even if their hands have five fingers. They're also all very short. Like, the biggest guy around is a meter and twenty centimeters tall.</p> <p class="cnMzYzY4YzdkNzNmZTQyNGFiMGJlZjgwMDVkZmJkMTFk">The most striking difference between males and females, yes they have humanoid genitalia, seems to be that only the females have hair. On that note, there does not appear to be any form of non-head hair on their bodies."URAS-KATAR!" One of the short-stacks suddenly exclaimed and pointed towards me, his squadron quickly directing their spears in my general direction. On his command, they began throwing said spears at me, each of which was deflected off of my psionic barrier, one which I barely remember forming around myself.</p> <p class="cnMyMzNiZjQzZDk2YTRmYmFiMWNiYmM1M2QzOGRjMTJl">My powers have been acting strangely ever since I got on this planet. Gonna have to check this out soon.</p> <p class="cnNlMGU5NTg3OGM1ZjRkZWQ5YWU1YWMwZTgzMmNhZmU2">Anyways, there is a little something else that is bothering me right now. What the little grey one screamed out: URAS-KATAR.</p> <p class="cnM5NGVjNzk5ODI2ODRlOGNhMjExYjY1N2JhYTkyZmU0">Why...</p> <p class="cnMxODgyYWNiZTc2MDQ0OTFiMDBiMzIwZmNiMGUwNjcz">Why exactly do I know what this means? Abomination of flesh.</p> <p class="cnNlYzM1NTRlMzM5ZDRlNTJhNmI0NmMyYWQ2MmRmM2Rh">Clearly, they think I'm one of the undead and honestly, who can blame them?</p> <p class="cnNhOTg0ZWI3ZjNkNjRhYjE5OTU3ZjMwNTZkODIyNThk">I closed my eyes and focused on my powers. The psionic energy around me seeped into everything around me, scanning and analyzing everything it could reach. ... Is my energy, no my brain, imitating what is usually being done by my nanomachines? Or perhaps, now that they're gone, new powers are beginning to surface.</p> <p class="cnNhNDUxYjYyNmM1OTQ3ZDNiNWM0MjI0YTgxYTBmMDQz">They did use up around thirty percent of my cranial capacity, after all. Maybe this would explain all the other strangeness too.</p> <p class="cnNmNGIzNjFhYWRkNjRlYmJiMmUwZmZlOTVlMmUwYTdl">But let us not jump to conclusions."GREAAARHHHhhh..." An undead thing leaped at me and was swatted aside before I could even register the way it looked. On that note, the undead war-band was made out of the same grey-skinned creatures as the other one.. except, you know, dead and stuff.</p> <p class="cnM4NDcxZTg3YzQ4MjQ3M2Q5MWM0YTY5MDBiN2M3OGE3">I let out a massive sigh.</p> <p class="cnM3ODA1OTEwYjQxNzQxZGFiOTViY2RlODllZmMxMDgx">Not having a bunch of sapient machines whirling around in my head and making sense of everything is making things surprisingly difficult. Adolf, Aria... you guys have really fucking spoiled me rotten, haven't you?</p> <p class="cnNkYmYwZWU4NWE5ODQwN2I5ZDM3OWZlZmNhMDM1YTRh">Making everything so damn easy...</p> <p class="cnM1OWE0MWRhMThhNTQ1MDU4MjYxZGJmZGI4MjY2MzA5">"Cheh." Flicking my fingers towards the undead horde made a wave of gravitational force erupt outwards, cracking earth and shattering the walking dead in front of me. Grinning widely and showing off my metallic teeth, I leaped into the fray. My hands, spread like claws, tore through rotting flesh and frayed bones, showing the earth in ashes as the dead returned to where they should be.</p> <p class="cnNiNDgzYzQyZDA5MTQ4YmU4MGRhZmE4ZmVhNWQ1ODk5">Into the ground."Quickly, subdue the rampaging abomination!" A pack of the grey ones rushed closer to me. They were robed males, carrying staves and weaving magic. I felt their mana collecting together and then blasting against my mind. This made me fall to my knees, to my shame.</p> <p class="cnMyNjMxZGFjODc1YTQwZDhiNWE1NjA5YzhiMTYwOGUz">Fuck.</p> <p class="cnNhYjBkNGMyYTU2OTQxYjY4Y2NhOWJjMTgzOGI1NmI5">If even these background nobodies managed to bring me down with magic... I really need to beef up on my skills.</p> <p class="cnM2MjM2YTE1Yjc4MDRkYWRhNWZhZTJhMjBjZDM0MTIz">That said."You shouldn't have done that." My voice seemed to tear through reality itself as psionic energies surged from my brain and entered theirs, promptly causing their heads to explode. By consuming the remains of the necromancers, I finally learned the name of these strange, gray creatures.</p> <p class="cnNkM2EyYzIwZmJkYzQ2YjI5NzM2YmU2NzEzZTE0N2Q1">The Ifry.</p> <p class="cnMwMDFiNTZlMjk2YTQ3MmJiM2M3OWVmODFjMGM2MzMz">Though... that seems to be the end of that for some reason?</p> <p class="cnNlZWU1ODJiZTUzMjRmOWY4NGE0NzQ5MGE4ZDkxZDZl">... huh, its like someone or something is limiting me, showing me only selective information at any given time. Perhaps then, the culprit is life?</p> <p class="cnM0ZDVhYTAxMjY4NDQ2ODZhZGI4OWNmNjRkYTcxMGE1">Or maybe my ever-so-supportive and loyal nanomachines are more useful than I ever truly realized? Sigh, I should give Adolf and Aria a reward when I get back home.</p> <p class="cnNiZGUxZjEzZGQ2YTQ2YzQ4OTcwMDRmZWQyMzQ2ZDc4">In the meantime, lets continue slaughtering these wretched undead. If life is the one limiting my powers and empowering me at the same time, then killing off the unliving might put me in its good graces."C-C-CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!" A multitude of voices ruptured behind me as the living warriors screamed out tired war-cries.</p> <p class="cnNkM2I1NjcwZjZmNjQ3ZTM4NWIzOGQ2NjFiYTA3NTFj">Even with renewed vigour, one could easily tell that these guys were on their last legs. Ah, man, I did it again, didn't I?</p> <p class="cnNjMDYxOTBiYjYwMzQ5NTQ5MDNiZGQxM2IyYWUyMzBj">Another good deed to add to my collection!</p> <p class="cnM5ZTBmZDcwYWU2MTRlYTc5NGRhMDliNzFlMjQ0MGQz">Fuck.</p> <p class="cnNiZjBhMjE0NmY5YjQ5NjlhYTU4YTU5M2E0OThkZWIy">Guess I should slaughter the remainder of these walking corpses and their masters with as much brutality as I can muster in order to compensate...</p> <hr> <p class="cnM2OTk3ZWMxYmExMTQ3Mjk5NDA4ZTVmNjZjMWYxMzg2"><strong><em>Don't mind me guys and girls! I'm just a line break...</em></strong></p> <hr> <p class="cnMzMmM3YTBkZWRiMTQ1NjdiYTI0ZDMzMmUxNjcxNDA0"><strong><em>Ay feth.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMyZGNiMDRlYzIzZTQ2Mzc4YzZhNGE3ZTgyYjlkOTU2"><strong><em>Really wanted to write some more.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM3ODE1MjNiYjNhODRjY2I5NzRiNGRiNWIwMGZjMTEy"><strong><em>But I haven't written in quite some time so my wrists and fingers hurt.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnNmYTVkN2M2ODE4MDQyZDViMDk5MTBkNjk4NmY1MThl"><strong><em>Also, since I haven't slept in about 24 hours, my knees feel like they're being carved out of my body.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM5MTE5MGU4N2FlYjQyN2Y5NzEzNWZmMGQzNmQwNmYx"><strong><em>Everything hurts.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM4N2IzYTYwYWEzNTRlYjY4NmRjYTQ2MzRlZjcyOTM5"><strong><em>Good night.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMzOTdlYWE0YTU2MDRjNWFiYjY0MTEyYzM5ZTVhOThi"><strong><em>And thank you for reading!</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMyMjE0MDJiMjI3ZDQwNTFhMDBiMTAyNDk0Njc3MDBl"><strong><em>I'll fix mistakes tomorrow...</em></strong></p> <hr> <p class="cnM4MTNjNzY3MTY3ZTRlNDI4ZGQ4NjZhMTQ4MDI1ZTI3"><strong><em>Anyways, good morning/day/night to you all! ADIOS FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</em></strong></p> </div>
***Lord Joyde The Madman: Heylo, everybody! How are you all doing?*** --- ***Blech.*** ***Writing at 3:15 in the morning, but I finally managed to get myself into the mood.*** ***Must be the coffee.*** ***Or maybe its just that today is a special day. One of the rare days that I woke up feeling good.*** ***Anyways, here comes the next chapter of Euphoria! I sincerely hope that you all enjoy, let us begin!*** --- ***Don't mind me guys and girls! I'm just a line break...*** --- *Back with Leonardo... - Unknown Place - A few minutes later...* --- Perhaps its because the gravity of this world is nearly double in strength when compared to that of the Earth. Or maybe its because my own powers have grown since the last time I used Ether-Walk or flew using psionic energy to anywhere. But it only took me a few minutes to reach a new, unknown shoreline after leaving the island of my rebirth, ah- sorry, my *re-forging*. The first thing I noticed on this beach is how untamed it was. There were zero traces of any kind of civilization nearby, with trees as tall as five story homes and errant greenery covering every inch of solid ground. Speaking of solid ground, even though this is a beach, there was not a whole lot of sand. In fact, there only seemed to be a few patches of it wherever the land was in intimate contact with the ocean water. The large majority of the shore however, was a fjord; that is to say completely littered with small rocks, some of which were multicolored crystals. All kinds of interesting pieces of precious stones littered the beachhead. Rubies, diamonds, sapphires and even a few bits of gold could be found around. I had to suppress the urge to collect everything, yet I didn't manage not to at least take the stones into my hands for a while. Which is how I noticed that I can't really feel the stones like I'm used to. Y'know, with flesh and touch. With a massive sigh escaping me and after pointlessly, dramatically crushing the piece of ruby that was in my hand, I doused my body in psionics and QI, forming the mutating energy known as Sanguinite. Molding the power with intent, I refashioned myself for the first time ever, replacing my infernal body of stone and metal for one of flesh and bone. To be fair, I kept my organs as they were. My current insides were far more efficient than the ones I'm used to and there's no need to fix what ain't broken. Wait... This body wasn't broken. So... why did I just transform myself back to flesh? Because.. I am used to being flesh? ... No. I scratched my head in confusion and promptly spat out liquid metal onto the ground. Something beyond my current ability to see was most definitely influencing my actions on this planet. Wonder what that could be? Speaking of sight, it seems that my little act of refashioning has left me with the ability to use my Auspex once more. The activation of said ocular power allowed me to notice a large gathering of unknown life-forms a little off the shoreline. Shrugging and deciding to follow my sudden interests, I started walking in the direction of the crowd. As I did this, I couldn't help but notice how almost everything around me had its place in the world. And I don't mean that as in a place within the circle of life, but literally every blade of grass was taking only the most efficient amount of ground for itself, leaving the rest for others of its kind. Every tree was at least ten meters apart from the other, even if their leaves intertwined on a regular basis... Looking at the leaves a little closer, I could notice an exchange of matter and energy between the trees. They did not appear to be physically connected per say, but energy was being deliberately sent from one tree to the next. Perhaps this is a strange new method of plant reproduction? I mean, I don't exactly see or hear any bees buzzing around. Or birds, now that I think about it. The tree's themselves seemed to be a relative of the oaks back on earth, except their bark was an ashen grey and the leaves dark blue. Picking up a fallen leaf off of the ground and consuming it, I realized that the leaves have bits of uranium within them... and that they use radioactivity instead of sunlight to produce energy? A tap on the ground confirmed that the trees did have roots, ones which spread entirely downwards, like a massive bark spear, which in turn had plant-like tendrils, protrusions for seeking out a supply of deep water or maybe even minerals. Well, whatever their direct purpose, they provide the tree with elements that cause the bark to adopt an ashen color. I'd have to consume an entire tree to learn more but I don't feel like doing that right now. Instead, I'm just gonna name these things grey-barks. Walking through a forest of suspiciously perfect flora. ... Ah, fuck it. I'm just gonna say it. Everything around me has nanomachines inside of it. Literally. Everything. Well okay, not the rocks. Or the ground. Every living thing around me so far has had traces of nanomachines rushing through its body. I guess this means that some of the nanomachines from the tree managed integrate themselves into other life-forms. Adolf was created with the intent of forming a symbiotic relationship with its host, which is what these nanomachines have done and have been doing for God only knows how long. Thing is, they aren't sapient. They're running on a program. A protocol that seems to be tailored to each and every organism. Yet... they aren't interconnected. There's no floral network. There is no reason for every plant to know and accept its place in the forest. Why is there no Chaos?! The entire place just screams **UNNATURAL**. ... which is kinda ironic when I think about it. Also, I have yet to find even a single insect. Some random life-forms ran past me a while ago. They were too large to be anything other than animals. I did not bother to look closer because I was nearing my current objective. Which is to say, I finally arrived to where all the life-forms were. But before I leap into the fray and meet up with the natives, maybe I should wear some clothes? On that note, my refashionment left me in what I used to call my Chaos Form. Aka, my skinless self. Oh yeah, the skin-suit doesn't actually come with this form! That was something Aria always sew together for me. Oh well, shouldn't be too hard. First try at creating a complex piece of clothing: failed. A piece of ragged, dried-up skin was thrown aside. Second try at creating a complex piece of clothing: failed again. A set of human arms was buried into a grey-bark tree. Fuck this shit. I gave up on trying and made a pair of pants and a shirt of human skin grow out of myself before ripping them out. Why did I even think that sewing something out of nothing with psionics is a good idea? Shaking my head in annoyance, I lastly made my usual combat boots grow out of my feet. I tested the feeling of the hard ground beneath my new boots. It felt... strange, somehow. Like I was walking on concrete, yet it was clearly soil. Anyways, coming closer to what now seemed to be a battleground between two small war-bands, I found myself noticing my own reflection upon a clear crystal."Hmm..." I hummed to myself. And then promptly grew on a coat, some gloves and recolored my outfit crimson."There we go. Now I look properly horrid." I sang mostly to myself as I finally got out of the perfect underbrush and... Um. There's a lot more life around here than I thought. A blink. No. Its just that one of the two war-bands clashing in front of me seems to be made entirely out of the walking dead. Or undead, whichever you prefer. Hmm, I wonder if there are necromancers on this world? Ah, magic has already been confirmed, why am I even asking if there are any corpse-lovers on this planet? Shambling bones and flayed flesh aside, the living war-band seemed to be formed out of small, grey-skinned humanoids. They have gill-like tears on their cheeks, perhaps a remnant of their oceanic upbringing? Oh, the humanoids don't seem to have any nanomachines inside of them. Well, neither do the undead, but you get my point. Their feet have only four toes each, even if their hands have five fingers. They're also all very short. Like, the biggest guy around is a meter and twenty centimeters tall. The most striking difference between males and females, yes they have humanoid genitalia, seems to be that only the females have hair. On that note, there does not appear to be any form of non-head hair on their bodies."URAS-KATAR!" One of the short-stacks suddenly exclaimed and pointed towards me, his squadron quickly directing their spears in my general direction. On his command, they began throwing said spears at me, each of which was deflected off of my psionic barrier, one which I barely remember forming around myself. My powers have been acting strangely ever since I got on this planet. Gonna have to check this out soon. Anyways, there is a little something else that is bothering me right now. What the little grey one screamed out: URAS-KATAR. Why... Why exactly do I know what this means? Abomination of flesh. Clearly, they think I'm one of the undead and honestly, who can blame them? I closed my eyes and focused on my powers. The psionic energy around me seeped into everything around me, scanning and analyzing everything it could reach. ... Is my energy, no my brain, imitating what is usually being done by my nanomachines? Or perhaps, now that they're gone, new powers are beginning to surface. They did use up around thirty percent of my cranial capacity, after all. Maybe this would explain all the other strangeness too. But let us not jump to conclusions."GREAAARHHHhhh..." An undead thing leaped at me and was swatted aside before I could even register the way it looked. On that note, the undead war-band was made out of the same grey-skinned creatures as the other one.. except, you know, dead and stuff. I let out a massive sigh. Not having a bunch of sapient machines whirling around in my head and making sense of everything is making things surprisingly difficult. Adolf, Aria... you guys have really fucking spoiled me rotten, haven't you? Making everything so damn easy... "Cheh." Flicking my fingers towards the undead horde made a wave of gravitational force erupt outwards, cracking earth and shattering the walking dead in front of me. Grinning widely and showing off my metallic teeth, I leaped into the fray. My hands, spread like claws, tore through rotting flesh and frayed bones, showing the earth in ashes as the dead returned to where they should be. Into the ground."Quickly, subdue the rampaging abomination!" A pack of the grey ones rushed closer to me. They were robed males, carrying staves and weaving magic. I felt their mana collecting together and then blasting against my mind. This made me fall to my knees, to my shame. Fuck. If even these background nobodies managed to bring me down with magic... I really need to beef up on my skills. That said."You shouldn't have done that." My voice seemed to tear through reality itself as psionic energies surged from my brain and entered theirs, promptly causing their heads to explode. By consuming the remains of the necromancers, I finally learned the name of these strange, gray creatures. The Ifry. Though... that seems to be the end of that for some reason? ... huh, its like someone or something is limiting me, showing me only selective information at any given time. Perhaps then, the culprit is life? Or maybe my ever-so-supportive and loyal nanomachines are more useful than I ever truly realized? Sigh, I should give Adolf and Aria a reward when I get back home. In the meantime, lets continue slaughtering these wretched undead. If life is the one limiting my powers and empowering me at the same time, then killing off the unliving might put me in its good graces."C-C-CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!" A multitude of voices ruptured behind me as the living warriors screamed out tired war-cries. Even with renewed vigour, one could easily tell that these guys were on their last legs. Ah, man, I did it again, didn't I? Another good deed to add to my collection! Fuck. Guess I should slaughter the remainder of these walking corpses and their masters with as much brutality as I can muster in order to compensate... --- ***Don't mind me guys and girls! I'm just a line break...*** --- ***Ay feth.*** ***Really wanted to write some more.*** ***But I haven't written in quite some time so my wrists and fingers hurt.*** ***Also, since I haven't slept in about 24 hours, my knees feel like they're being carved out of my body.*** ***Everything hurts.*** ***Good night.*** ***And thank you for reading!*** ***I'll fix mistakes tomorrow...*** --- ***Anyways, good morning/day/night to you all! ADIOS FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***
{ "title": "World Master", "id": 21426, "author": "Luke Scheffe", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10", "id": 305782, "next": 306821, "prev": 305652, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhMmU2YTI1YTA4NDQxNGZhM2Y2M2Q2ZDYzMzVhOTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’d like a medium steak, please Miss Lyon,” I said later that evening when I returned to the inn, “Also, a tall glass of beer and whatever side dish you’re serving. Maybe some cake later.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjk5OTk3NGNlYjRhZjVhMjRiMjVmZTVhM2E4NWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had decided to try to be polite to them because I knew if I won, I would make a lot of enemies, and they were the ones cooking for me, so they would likely get more than a few bribes to slip a little something into my food the next time I ate there. When I came in, I had noticed that several of the people eating had steaks, which reminded me that I hadn’t eaten much since breakfast, and I had been doing heavy work all day, in addition to throwing up in the Arena.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzQ1MGJjMzc4MzQwZjNiNDg4NjA0NGVhZjFkNzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure, I’ll bring it right out,” said Erin, who was in the kitchen today, unlike yesterday.</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2MxM2U1Mjg2NDRmNWZiYmJhNTYyZWIwNjEyYTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I sat down at one of the tables, glad for the chance to relax from the grueling work I had been doing. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NTIxMWJmNWQwZDRmOTQ5NTVhMzRkYzNiMzg2ZjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before the food managed to get out to me, I was approached by another patron.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZjdmYWYwYjAwZTRhOTFiNDY4MzA2OTk3NDViYzFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, did you win the free for all at the arena earlier?” the wolfkin, the first I’d seen here, asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGQ1YmI4NzNkNzRkMDI5MDczNzZmOGYyZTNkODgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, were you there?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDIxYWQ0NWIyNTRhODU5ZjA5N2QxYjhmYTA2YzU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, I had a couple of friends who were and they told me what you looked like,” he responded, “Between the similar description and the new arena clothing, I figured you were him, and I was right! Did you </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">really</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> fight Adrian for two whole hours?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmExY2U4Y2Y3YjRmNTk5OWRmYjI3ZDNjYTU0OWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Was that his name?” I said, curious, “But it was really closer to 3 hours that I fought him.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjE2MjZiMjE5NjQzODRiN2JmNDZiYThjYzhlNTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You don’t know who he is? He was an Elite Commander during the last big war. He was Honorably Discharged due to Mental Health reasons. I’m George by the way,” he said, sticking out his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Njg0ZDRlYTgwMTRmMTc4NjkyM2U5NTliODZhMWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Shaking it, I ask, “John Pitcher. What were his problems?” </span></p> <p class="cnNkOTkxMTk3ZTQxNzQxY2ViNTU3NWFhMTk3MjA4MDZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I heard that he was convinced that he had died and come back to life,” he said, “Why do you ask?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWQ1MGI2MzAzMzQzZDhiOTczYzIzMWNlYjIzNWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I just like to know if there might be some sort of crazy powerful psychopath after me for beating him in public.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjgwMzQ3MDg5ODQ5NTdiOWQ0NjI0Nzc3YTM3NmQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">It does make me wonder if there is any truth to those rumors though.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNThiMTFiNWNjNzRjOGViMWY4NzRhYWFlOWQzZWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, Adrian isn’t really like that,” George said, “though some of his students would say that he’s a sadist.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmM3ZDUzOTNmMzQ3MWViM2Q4YTk2NDMzMTQ0ZDkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m glad he’s not going to come after me,” I responded, “Looks like my food is here,” I said, spotting Erin walking towards us. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNGUwMzY0ZjkyODQxZDlhYTI5MzQxYjI5MGU1Y2Y0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Cool, I’ll leave you to it then. Hope you win tomorrow,” he said, before walking away.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTNiNzYzYmQ4MjRhOTE5YjQ0Y2M1Mzg3ZjI4YTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thanks for the food, Miss Erin,” I said, seeing as Erin set down a 13-ounce steak, large helping of mashed potatoes, and a mug of beer on the table.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDI1MGIxZGNjZDQxODk5YzQ4NDZlOGJhODQ1MmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No problem,” she said with a smile, “Be sure to enjoy it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjkyODNjNWEwODRiMWVhZmMxOGExNjllMTNkZTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright,” I said, digging in. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYjNlYmY4Y2MyYTRmMjg4NDg5MzM1MzdkOTI0NDBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was remarkably good food for a medieval society, and I found myself going back to ask for seconds. When I did, Lyon just laughed and said it wouldn’t be any trouble at all for me to have seconds, though I would have to pay double. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWNiZTNiY2QxZTRkNzg4NjNiYWExY2U1NGJjY2Yz"><span style="font-weight: 400">After I finished off the second course and got the cake, which was also really good, though the frosting was applied strangely and in different flavors throughout the cake. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDlhNDlmMDI0ZjQ4MmRiNjFhMTc1MDZiOGIxOTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">When I went to pay for the cake, I was told it was free, and instead was given a sort of survey form to fill out.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDA4NjM3NzBhYjQ0MjA5YjNjMWM5ZmI3MWNiYTZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The survey asked questions like </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Was your cake capable of retaining structural integrity? Did the cake taste sweet? What time did you eat the cake? What did you eat before the cake? Have you taken revenge on someone recently? Is the cake a lie? Are you actually reading these questions?</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjOTU3MTkwY2EzMzRkMmM4ODlmYmQ0Y2JlMGRkOGJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why all these weird questions on the survey?” I asked Lyon</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDYzNDJkNzg2NTQwN2U5YjQ1YzJkN2JiZGY0OTcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, Erin is using a new magical flower in the icing and is trying to figure out what kind of effect they have on people as it seems to be quite mixed.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWQ1ODliMjc4MzQxNTA4MzBhNTQwZDMyM2M2M2Y1"><span style="font-weight: 400"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><em><strong></strong></em><em><strong></strong></em><strong></strong></span><strong></strong>Later that night, after I went to my room, I open my menu and say, “Admin Code Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot: List of people who have been respawned.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5N2RiNDMyZWM3NjQ1NjBhMDJkNGIwMTY4OWE4YTM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">And there it was, second on the list, and the first<em> living</em> person on the list: Adrian Whitefang.</span></p> </div>
“I’d like a medium steak, please Miss Lyon,” I said later that evening when I returned to the inn, “Also, a tall glass of beer and whatever side dish you’re serving. Maybe some cake later.” I had decided to try to be polite to them because I knew if I won, I would make a lot of enemies, and they were the ones cooking for me, so they would likely get more than a few bribes to slip a little something into my food the next time I ate there. When I came in, I had noticed that several of the people eating had steaks, which reminded me that I hadn’t eaten much since breakfast, and I had been doing heavy work all day, in addition to throwing up in the Arena. “Sure, I’ll bring it right out,” said Erin, who was in the kitchen today, unlike yesterday. I sat down at one of the tables, glad for the chance to relax from the grueling work I had been doing. Before the food managed to get out to me, I was approached by another patron. “Hey, did you win the free for all at the arena earlier?” the wolfkin, the first I’d seen here, asked. “Yeah, were you there?” “No, I had a couple of friends who were and they told me what you looked like,” he responded, “Between the similar description and the new arena clothing, I figured you were him, and I was right! Did you *really* fight Adrian for two whole hours?” “Was that his name?” I said, curious, “But it was really closer to 3 hours that I fought him.” “You don’t know who he is? He was an Elite Commander during the last big war. He was Honorably Discharged due to Mental Health reasons. I’m George by the way,” he said, sticking out his hand. Shaking it, I ask, “John Pitcher. What were his problems?” “I heard that he was convinced that he had died and come back to life,” he said, “Why do you ask?” “I just like to know if there might be some sort of crazy powerful psychopath after me for beating him in public.” It does make me wonder if there is any truth to those rumors though. “No, Adrian isn’t really like that,” George said, “though some of his students would say that he’s a sadist.” “I’m glad he’s not going to come after me,” I responded, “Looks like my food is here,” I said, spotting Erin walking towards us. “Cool, I’ll leave you to it then. Hope you win tomorrow,” he said, before walking away. “Thanks for the food, Miss Erin,” I said, seeing as Erin set down a 13-ounce steak, large helping of mashed potatoes, and a mug of beer on the table. “No problem,” she said with a smile, “Be sure to enjoy it.” “Alright,” I said, digging in. It was remarkably good food for a medieval society, and I found myself going back to ask for seconds. When I did, Lyon just laughed and said it wouldn’t be any trouble at all for me to have seconds, though I would have to pay double. After I finished off the second course and got the cake, which was also really good, though the frosting was applied strangely and in different flavors throughout the cake. When I went to pay for the cake, I was told it was free, and instead was given a sort of survey form to fill out. The survey asked questions like *Was your cake capable of retaining structural integrity? Did the cake taste sweet? What time did you eat the cake? What did you eat before the cake? Have you taken revenge on someone recently? Is the cake a lie? Are you actually reading these questions?* “Why all these weird questions on the survey?” I asked Lyon “Oh, Erin is using a new magical flower in the icing and is trying to figure out what kind of effect they have on people as it seems to be quite mixed.” Later that night, after I went to my room, I open my menu and say, “Admin Code Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot: List of people who have been respawned.” And there it was, second on the list, and the first *living* person on the list: Adrian Whitefang.
{ "title": "Record of Naruto Verse", "id": 17554, "author": "nayem58", "rating": 3.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter-30: Absolute Dragon Slayer (2)", "id": 305779, "next": 306974, "prev": 303354, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmZWUwMDhjNTIzYzQ4Y2M5OTEyOWRiMWY5YTUxMGQy"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><strong>Chapter-30: Absolute Dragon Slayer (2)</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNhMWY2NmYyZTY5YjRhNDA5ZDkyNGRkODk3YmY1YzM2">Looking at the snake idol on Jin’s hand Konan said.</p> <p class="cnNiZmQ3NGNlMmEzNDRmYjJhMjQ5MGM3ODljODgzMzli">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZmQ4OGIzYzE4NTQzNTNiOWZiZTgzOWFmZTAyYjhm">“This myth was way before than human created by creation god. That time only Gods and Demons(/later some of them known as Devil) existed. At that time one of the 2<sup>nd</sup> generation god start coup d’état against first generation gods. That time he was called Poison God. Even though he was from god race his appearance was like a Dragon. The dragon was one of the sacred beasts at that time which was created by Progenitor Goddess (Progenitor Mother God) and make Poison God leader of all dragonkin. But, as time passed Poison God became envious and envious towards four first-generation gods who had the insanely huge amount of strength and authority, just because they were created first they have to be stronger than second generation’s eight gods.”</p> <p class="cnNlNmUxZjY1YzAyODRjMmZhMjNjZjA3MjA5YTY0ZjRl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNzhkOTdjZTBlMDRjOGY5ZmE4YjQyOWVlNjFkOTEx">She paused for a moment to see if Jin has any question.</p> <p class="cnMxZDZmNDYwZmVhYTRlMWJhY2E2ZTBmMDg4Nzk0NWJi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MjNjNzExNWQ3NjRhZjI4MmI4NGFiZDY4ZTA0YWUy">“So, out of jealousy Poison God revolt against first generation gods?”</p> <p class="cnNhNWI4ZWFlNTM3ZDRiNmI5YTM5NTZmYjEwOTk2ZmQx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2OTZlMDkzMWZkMDRmYjFiNWE2YWYxODA3MDhlNDNm">“Indeed, but Poison God didn’t dare to do that at first, because he respected Progenitor Goddess. But one day one of the four-generation gods told him, that Progenitor Goddess had few days left to live in this world. After she passed away, he can revolt against Chief God. Poison God never believed him, but when that day truly come he gather all of the demons to make a coup d’état against Chief God. Some of the demons accepted his invitation and some of them didn’t and he never invited gods because all gods except the three gods including him were very pure back then. Well, he failed his coup d’état because his own sector, dragon-kin betray him who was always by his side and joined with the first-generation gods. It was one of the greatest betrayals in history for good and evil. Out of angered God of Poison start to kill the entire dragon-kin but god of destruction stop him and God of Seal, sealed him last floor of the hell. But before he was sealed away, he cursed all of the dragons, and that curse shred into thousands of pieces become objects which became his sculpture. Later it called Absolute Dragon Slayer.”</p> <p class="cnNhZTI4ODYzZmQ1YjQ3MjhiZTY2MWM4OGExNGZhZjE5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMjI0YzE2NzNlZTQ4ZWU4ZmUyODJhZTYzZmQyMWU2">Jin nodded after hearing her.</p> <p class="cnM3M2E2ZWNkY2IyNTQ3Mjk4NjM2ZjE4YzkxNDk4MjFl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYTJkZTY3MDNkMzQ3NTliMDZhYTNkMTczNDVhNzMz">“So, this sculpture is so-called Absolute Dragon Slayer.”</p> <p class="cnM3YzhhYTMxZjQ0YTRkZDViNTE0OWRiOWJiOWU3MTlm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MjIwMTRjODJhZTRiNWI5OTlmMjIzZTVlOGRlMTc0">Konan shrugged.</p> <p class="cnMzOTdmMjJkZGMxMDQzZjk4MGExOTY4YWNhZGQ3ODdi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMWY4YzM5Yjc0ZjRkN2Y4YzI4MzA2ZTJmZGIzODYz">“Though we don’t know for sure. The only things we can do to sure about that to try it on a dragon.”</p> <p class="cnMwODllNzgzMjlkMDRiNDdhMzhkM2M3NTUxZjU4OTk3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1OTIzYzE5MTk5MjRhZGVhNzFhNDBmNzZhOTlmNGFj">“Oh, that’s easy.”</p> <p class="cnM2YmU5Yzc1YTc2YzQyMjViOGRjMWEyZWQ4YjAwMWYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YmZiZDM0ODZlMTQwNzk5YjYyZTIwMjhiZTkyNDM2">He summoned a dragon out of smoke. This dragon was the first dragon that came to attack his sect.</p> <p class="cnMzMTUyNTAyNWViOTRiZTg5MmE0MjUzZTcxNjg1MDM1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZjU1NzhiYzBhNjQzN2Y5OTEzMmE0NmMzMzcwZWJj">An extreme chilling light lit up on Konan’s eyes for a second, but she controlled it. This was the first time she witnessed the thing that destroyed their sect.</p> <p class="cnNlNjVjNTU4OGE2YTRlYTc4NzM4MWEyY2EyNDU2ZTNi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMmFhZDFlZDM4NTQyMDJhMGYwZGYyYmMxNmQ0MjMy">Using lightning style he cut a leg of the dead dragon. He took a glass pot, in that pot was the liquid form of black sculpture, he turned snake idol liquid form by using various kinds of the chemical. This liquid was black colored, that sinister color seems like poisonous than poison.</p> <p class="cnNlMDQxNzkwMzkwYjRlOWM4ZmZlZDRlZjNiNTYxYWQ5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZDBjZDBkYWQ5YTQyNzdiMTVjMzExNDMxYTYxMTk4">Jin didn’t dare to touch it. He has feelings if he touches that liquid with the bare hand, he may have vanished to nothingness.</p> <p class="cnNlYTg1NjVhZjQzOTRkYmU4M2FlMzFhZjNiNzhkZDQ0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MjMyNDI2ZWU4NDQxNTlhNGRhMjZlMGYxMmY2YzE2">He let out a drop of that black colored liquid on dragon’s leg.</p> <p class="cnMyMzBjOWNiNzk3NTQ2Y2RiYmFlMTY5YTFmNzMzMWQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NDg2YzYyNTQyNDRmY2U4MmEyZGRiMDI3YjRiODRm">[Visssssshhhhh!]</p> <p class="cnM1YzViNGQwODJkNDRlYTJiMjkxZWNiOGE4ZmNjY2U1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYmYyOGJmZDcyOTQ5ZGI5NDZhYTI1Y2MzMjYxMTBm">Hearing this sounds Jin stepped back with godspeed.</p> <p class="cnM5MjQ4ZTBmMTMyODQ0ZjRhYmY3MzBjN2Q4NjlmMWRk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNTM3ODI2YjFhYjQ0ZDM4ZmNjMDM4Mzc0Zjg3NTQx">That leg was burning, the black flame ignited on that leg as soon as the drop of black liquid touched it.</p> <p class="cnNhNWFmOWMzZjYyZjQ4NDY5MjIxYjUzNjE2NmFmMzhj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYzY3MTc3MTU5ZTRhMmZiNGRjOWY2Mjg5MGY2OWFm">It was eating the leg with great hunger. Cold sweats run down from the forehead of both them.</p> <p class="cnMyMmUwMWI1NTY2YTQ3MTJiNTQwMDA3NTk2YjQ0N2Mw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NzU0Zjg4OThjNDQ2ZWFiMTQ1MDM0MjY2NzI2NjBm">“Amaterasu? No, it’s not possible those flame just looked like the same thing. So what is it?”</p> <p class="cnM5NTM3NWUxOGU1NzQxYmU5ZTU3MjZhYjNmMDBjMzkx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMzU1NzczNTQ3NDQ4NzFiZTg1MzYxMGU0YWQ1NWQz">“Th-there is no doubt… It’s the absolute dragon slayer. Jin tries it on other things. Other than a dragon.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZGZkY2IwODlhNTQwYTdiNWFhNTRmZmU5YjJkMDYz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YWQ2NjRhOGNiYTQ3NzM4NTJmZGUyMjQ3MDI4MGYz">Jin nodded and summoned one of the Zetsu. Without any thought, he dropped a tear worth of black liquid.</p> <p class="cnM2OTYzZjZhNjM4ZTRkZThhY2RiYzQ5MmVlYTg1ZmMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMDI0NWNjYzhkZjQyNzA4YzM4YjY1NGQ1NzBlNmNk">Nothing happened.</p> <p class="cnMwZDliNGFkMWQzNTQxNTA5NWM3YjM2YTU2ZjE0MzFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YWFiZGQ4NWFmZTQ1OGY4YzUwMzNjZjdiMmJmNTAz">He also tried it on Viscount Lister who is suffering the mental disorder. Nothing happened as well. At last, he tried it on himself. Nothing happened.</p> <p class="cnM0OGY4YmRlZjViZDRjZjdhMzViNmZiZWJmMjJkMTk0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjU1YWQ5OWY5ZjQ0MWQ4ODc4MTU0YjAzNmMzMTZk">“So, it was true, that is Absolute Dragon Slayer. Absolute nemesis of all dragon.”</p> <p class="cnMwYjc5YjIyODdiMDQzMzE4MWQxYWRkYjlmZmEwYjZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MDNkNTZlOGFhNTQyMjU5M2QyZmUwOGQxMzgzZTU1">***</p> <p class="cnMwZmExM2RkYzNiMjRhNjk4NTA5NDg1Nzg1ZGQzYjY4">[Back to MC’s PoV]</p> <p class="cnMxNWRmYjYyMmJhNjRiY2Q4YWFjNjkxZjQwMmJkMjdk">I cut the genjutsu there.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWVlNmNjNzRmMDQ2NmVhNTQzMDQ2YzdlZmY4NDY5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMTFhZmJkNWQ2NTQ2NmRiNjZmZjkwM2MxNWVkNTk1">“The first dragon that was killed by those villains, they had used this thing, Absolute Dragon Slayer. And that was one of the proofs that you fools were taken advantage by this thing. Because of your foolishness, you killed our innocent sect members.”</p> <p class="cnM3YWNmNzczMDhkZjRkZWE5MTQ4NGU5YmQyN2E4NDFm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZjEzNjRjMjA3YjQ2OWNhOWQwMTkxYjE0MTE5MzM2">“You bastard, that child, that child was my grandson.”</p> <p class="cnMwZTY1ZDVkMDYwZTRmN2FiZGNhZjBlMjllMTUxYWNh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNDUyMjg2OTFjYjQ4MjNiNTFmYzRiMTQ1MTI2MmJk">Hmm... he didn't hear me, instead, start to whining about something else. That child? Did he mean the first dragon that I experimented on? So he didn’t know that I killed his grandson. Umm… So that’s why it was tranquil, I thought they got cautious seeing their dragons were defeated easily one after another and taking the measurement of situation.</p> <p class="cnNlOGQwOTM3MTE0ZTQyNWU4YjQ4OTZlYWJhZDNmNDIx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZTQwZGNiODYwODQ0N2M5NGQ4YjJhYmRiMzI4NmE5">“Where-where is my eldest grandchild? She also went there with him. What have you done with her?”</p> <p class="cnM5NWU1OGZlNGIxMDRjMGZhZTFiY2VmNzdhM2JlNGI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZGJkNjg5OGZlMTRjYmM5NTA1ODdjZTdkMGQyNTYy">Oh, the first dragon and second dragon were siblings…</p> <p class="cnNkYTIzODI2ZGRiNDRlOTZiOTQxODNiYmM2MTE1MTA2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1OTI1ZjIzMTVmNDQ1MjhiZmMxM2JhOTg3M2NmMWI1">“Hmm. I also defeated her but no idea if she is dead or alive.”</p> <p class="cnNiZDg5ZWJmYTEzMTRmMzJiNmUwNTYzZmYzOGY2OTYz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNTkwYjQxMWZkYTRmNmJhZDQ3ZDdhZmU1YTM5ZTcw">After all, I pierced that dragon by countless Gedo Rods. She might be dead, or she might have endured all of the pain.</p> <p class="cnM4NmFkNjcxY2ZiYTQ2MmZhNDFlOGQzZTNiMjA2M2Jl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NTQ3YTI5NjRiNjQ4MmE4MTQyZDAzYjZlMTdkYmE3">Despair showed on Dragon King’s eyes. Dragon’s value and love their family, this king wasn’t different. Seeing that eyes, I gave out a sinister laugh.</p> <p class="cnNmYmYxN2Y3MTZlYzRmZDliYTBhNzJkZTVjY2U1ODkz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZjBkZTA4MDU3ZDRiZGZhNzRlZDc2ODYwYmZkOWVi">“Hahaha, Do you feel it now? Pain that I have experienced. Let me show the far greater pain that I have felt. You shall know pain.”</p> <p class="cnNmN2RmYTJlMjZkMTQ0NjFhMTBjOGVjNjg2ZWFiMjA5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MzA3ZGY1NzU5NjQ3ZGViY2M3Yjc2MjhjNGU5YWVk">[AN: TeeheePeru]</p> <p class="cnM1Y2U4MWJhMDE3ZDQ3Y2I5OGM0ZjU3NDU4MDNlOGQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5OTE5MmZkMTBjZjQ0ZWQ4ODJlZjRhZGFmMzhmNGNi">Saying that blasted three Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken (Bijudama Rasenshuriken) in three sides of throne rooms.</p> <p class="cnM1ODc2ZmYzYTJiYjQ4ZmM5MTgyNGMzOTE0MWVkMTg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZDY0MGFjNzg1NDRiODI5OTVkNTgyYzY3NTdkMWYx">[AN: If you have any question regarding this novel, you can ask me. I will make an extra non-chapter for Q/A, and clearly some of your past question as well as the answer of some you guys PM that also many readers possibly could ask. Next Sunday will two chapters but that depends on you. If you want two chapter then comment below, 'Need more' :p. Thank you.]</p> </div>
**Chapter-30: Absolute Dragon Slayer (2)** Looking at the snake idol on Jin’s hand Konan said.   “This myth was way before than human created by creation god. That time only Gods and Demons(/later some of them known as Devil) existed. At that time one of the 2nd generation god start coup d’état against first generation gods. That time he was called Poison God. Even though he was from god race his appearance was like a Dragon. The dragon was one of the sacred beasts at that time which was created by Progenitor Goddess (Progenitor Mother God) and make Poison God leader of all dragonkin. But, as time passed Poison God became envious and envious towards four first-generation gods who had the insanely huge amount of strength and authority, just because they were created first they have to be stronger than second generation’s eight gods.”   She paused for a moment to see if Jin has any question.   “So, out of jealousy Poison God revolt against first generation gods?”   “Indeed, but Poison God didn’t dare to do that at first, because he respected Progenitor Goddess. But one day one of the four-generation gods told him, that Progenitor Goddess had few days left to live in this world. After she passed away, he can revolt against Chief God. Poison God never believed him, but when that day truly come he gather all of the demons to make a coup d’état against Chief God. Some of the demons accepted his invitation and some of them didn’t and he never invited gods because all gods except the three gods including him were very pure back then. Well, he failed his coup d’état because his own sector, dragon-kin betray him who was always by his side and joined with the first-generation gods. It was one of the greatest betrayals in history for good and evil. Out of angered God of Poison start to kill the entire dragon-kin but god of destruction stop him and God of Seal, sealed him last floor of the hell. But before he was sealed away, he cursed all of the dragons, and that curse shred into thousands of pieces become objects which became his sculpture. Later it called Absolute Dragon Slayer.”   Jin nodded after hearing her.   “So, this sculpture is so-called Absolute Dragon Slayer.”   Konan shrugged.   “Though we don’t know for sure. The only things we can do to sure about that to try it on a dragon.”   “Oh, that’s easy.”   He summoned a dragon out of smoke. This dragon was the first dragon that came to attack his sect.   An extreme chilling light lit up on Konan’s eyes for a second, but she controlled it. This was the first time she witnessed the thing that destroyed their sect.   Using lightning style he cut a leg of the dead dragon. He took a glass pot, in that pot was the liquid form of black sculpture, he turned snake idol liquid form by using various kinds of the chemical. This liquid was black colored, that sinister color seems like poisonous than poison.   Jin didn’t dare to touch it. He has feelings if he touches that liquid with the bare hand, he may have vanished to nothingness.   He let out a drop of that black colored liquid on dragon’s leg.   [Visssssshhhhh!]   Hearing this sounds Jin stepped back with godspeed.   That leg was burning, the black flame ignited on that leg as soon as the drop of black liquid touched it.   It was eating the leg with great hunger. Cold sweats run down from the forehead of both them.   “Amaterasu? No, it’s not possible those flame just looked like the same thing. So what is it?”   “Th-there is no doubt… It’s the absolute dragon slayer. Jin tries it on other things. Other than a dragon.”   Jin nodded and summoned one of the Zetsu. Without any thought, he dropped a tear worth of black liquid.   Nothing happened.   He also tried it on Viscount Lister who is suffering the mental disorder. Nothing happened as well. At last, he tried it on himself. Nothing happened.   “So, it was true, that is Absolute Dragon Slayer. Absolute nemesis of all dragon.”   *** [Back to MC’s PoV] I cut the genjutsu there.   “The first dragon that was killed by those villains, they had used this thing, Absolute Dragon Slayer. And that was one of the proofs that you fools were taken advantage by this thing. Because of your foolishness, you killed our innocent sect members.”   “You bastard, that child, that child was my grandson.”   Hmm... he didn't hear me, instead, start to whining about something else. That child? Did he mean the first dragon that I experimented on? So he didn’t know that I killed his grandson. Umm… So that’s why it was tranquil, I thought they got cautious seeing their dragons were defeated easily one after another and taking the measurement of situation.   “Where-where is my eldest grandchild? She also went there with him. What have you done with her?”   Oh, the first dragon and second dragon were siblings…   “Hmm. I also defeated her but no idea if she is dead or alive.”   After all, I pierced that dragon by countless Gedo Rods. She might be dead, or she might have endured all of the pain.   Despair showed on Dragon King’s eyes. Dragon’s value and love their family, this king wasn’t different. Seeing that eyes, I gave out a sinister laugh.   “Hahaha, Do you feel it now? Pain that I have experienced. Let me show the far greater pain that I have felt. You shall know pain.”   [AN: TeeheePeru]   Saying that blasted three Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken (Bijudama Rasenshuriken) in three sides of throne rooms.   [AN: If you have any question regarding this novel, you can ask me. I will make an extra non-chapter for Q/A, and clearly some of your past question as well as the answer of some you guys PM that also many readers possibly could ask. Next Sunday will two chapters but that depends on you. If you want two chapter then comment below, 'Need more' :p. Thank you.]
{ "title": "Pretty Modern", "id": 21372, "author": "Mahmoud Schahed", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "Snippet 5", "id": 305781, "next": null, "prev": 304902, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiZTE0ZWQ1YTQzODQxMjRhZTJiOTNkMDIwOGRkODlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">In Chicago, Monarch had managed to pay a pretty penny for their own building. It was sleek and new, with a sloping roof of white tiles and shining glass windows. Opulence taken to it’s logical limit. I stared at it from a coffee shop across the street, watching the people entering and exiting the building.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMWJmZmY0MGQ2NTRlNjVhYmZmNTcwZjZmYjVlZmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The coffee shop I was in was full, but there was a circle of emptiness near where I sat. I didn’t mind that overly much, though the constant stares in my direction were bothersome. I simply focused on what I was seeing.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGZlNDEwZGQ0ZjQ4NzhiNzA1ZDE3MTRjMzhhNzQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">And what I was feeling. I reached out with the lightning, my power running along the concrete, touching the world around me. It was the work of moments, the literal time a lightning bolt flies, to reach into the Monarch building. There were six floors, and as much square footage as a large mansion would have. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNGVmMmEzNzlhMDRkNTZhNTI1ZWU2YjAxNTRhYjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The lightning, however, revealed more. As I followed the lines of energy through the street and into the structure, they went up in the six story building, and </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">below</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. Deep into the ground. At least three stories worth of space. It was too far for me to sense things any further, but…</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDQ4MDcwMTE4NDQ4MWRiYjViNWFkMWIxZmVmMDBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I put down my coffee and stepped out of the shop, ignoring the still full cup.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzljNzM3ZGQ4NzQ3Yzc4MThiY2ZlNGM1NDA2YTkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The information I would need, such as the blueprints to the building and other things, was clearly going to be extremely tough to find. No one can just access the blueprints of a secretive building with impunity after all.</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2Q0YTZlYThkMzQ2OGFiMGZkYjU2YTFhOWM0YmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Thankfully, I had other options.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2I0NzgxYzYxMDRlMjVhMzYxMWFjNWZhNTI0NDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">While I’d learned to appreciate the near-magical wonder and menace of the internet, I’d still learned a long time ago to trust the old ways. And thankfully, even though libraries weren’t visited as often, they were still around, and still </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">very </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">useful.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjczOTJiY2FhZTQwNzViMWU4ODg4MzgwNGY3MGZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I read through dozens of newspapers, finding as much information as I could get. The library I’d found thankfully had enough from the year that Monarch had gotten started. I worked through the papers, making notes as I went. At the same time, I checked the internet for similar information, working for two hours and writing down as much as I could.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTMzZmQzZDc3ZTQxM2RhZGQ0ODk0Zjg3NjAwOTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I was building a profile. Figuring out my target. I needed to understand Monarch, if they were indeed my enemies.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmYwMGFhMWJiMTQ3NWNiNmI2OTAxOTFjZDQzMTQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Soon, I had a basic idea to start off with, the strong foundations of true information to build the rest of my case.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWY2YmQxMGNlMjRhM2M5ODI0MTExYjY4NTJmZDAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Monarch had been founded a few years ago, in 1986, in Germany, with a chemical that could break down oil being their first breakthrough, information Eliza had already given me. The founder was a woman named Annabel Sands, and she was currently CEO. Not many photos of her could be found, but recently she’d taken a photo with the mayor of Chicago. She was a tall woman, with pinched tight face, dark black hair that was tied in a tight ponytail and green eyes. I looked her over for a moment, then opened a tap to check out more. She had a Doctorate, had been working for years in labs before establishing her company, was rather renowned in her field, and had two children from her first husband and her second/current one. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNzViMzAxZWVkODQ3NDdiMzI1NDFlNmY1NGI4ZTBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Monarch itself had been spoken of as being rather shady, from the way they’d bought the land they were currently using, the mysterious way some of their competitors shut down, and the fact that they sometimes made massive breakthroughs in the field of genetics and chemistry with no warning.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWZhOGRiNTdkMzQ4ODQ5NTBlYjhiNzc4OTE3OTli"><span style="font-weight: 400">I collected all the information and put it away, leaving the library. Rather than driving, I went for a small walk. I was curious.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmU3MGUyMTUxZjQ2ODg5ZWQ1NDNkODJmODhkNGFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The man who had been following me every since I left Eliza’s house was no amateur. And yet, he had done nothing. He’d stayed in the background, didn’t eye me in any obvious way, and didn’t seem willing to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">do </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">anything to me. He simply followed me around, keeping his distance.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzQwNTgyY2ZkZjQwNjViYTMwNjM5YTI1ZWZmNGYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The question was, did he work for Monarch? For all I knew, the man was working for someone else, or even just following me due to my strange appearance.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWIxZjljNDEzYjQzNmU5ZWIxNDk4NTZhMmU3NGI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Granted, I was only wearing a warm sweater and jeans, but my size and face makes me stick out of a crowd either way.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzUyMGQyYjA2NDQ4ODg4MGZmOWNjZTY5ZWY0ZmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I took a left into an alleyway, one with plenty of fire escapes. I took my phone out and put at a point in the center of the alleyway, turning on the video camera and resting it where it had a clear view and could pick up any sound easily enough. Reaching out a hand, I unleashed lightning, the bolt of white heat slamming into one of the fire escapes. The second I had control over the metal of the structure, I mentally forced the ladder to drop. It was one of a few powers the lightning in my soul gave me, the power to manipulate metal through the principles of electromagnetism. Then I ran up the ladder, going up as fast as I could, my nimble fingers driving me forward. Once at the top, I used my power to force the fire escape ladder to pull itself up, then turned to watch.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTFiMjI4M2FmMDQ4N2NhMWUxMjZkZjE2NjhkYjgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">My pursuer turned around the corner, only to blink at the empty alleyway.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzQwNjBhMmFlMDQzMWViNWNlNmZhMGYyMGJiNTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was a big man, slightly overweight, wearing an expensive suit, sensible boots, and a nice watch. He was balding, but had a thick black mustache. He looked around, trying to find me, then ran towards the other end of the alley. Despite his heavy build, he managed to run quickly, apparently more fit then he appeared. I walked along the rooftop, following him calmly, my eyes on him. He reached the sidewalk on the other side, then cursed loud enough for me to hear, turning around. He took out a phone, quickly bringing up his contacts and calling someone.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGJlNzgxMGJkNjRkMjY5NWE0MDlhZDg4ZTQ4NDdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I leaned over and listened while also watching his lips. Lip reading. A damn useful skill.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWIxZTBiNjk2MDQ0NjhhZjhjMmFjOWRkM2NkYThj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, it’s me,” he said as walked. “Yeah, the guy disappeared on me… No, I didn’t catch a name. But he’s huge. Gotta be eight feet. Ugly as hell too. We run a search on him we’ll find him. What do you want to do then?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTdlNWIxZjlmMDRmNWViYTUyYmQ2MTM1NzE2ZTBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yes, what did ‘they’ want to do? I watched as he silently listened.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODI0NmUyMGRlYjRjODRiYzU1YTVhNDg4YjM5Mzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...What about the wife and kid? Should we kill them,” despite the fact I could hear him, I managed to read his lips perfectly.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGRjMjgwYzRiNjQ5OTI4ZmExMzI3YTIyNTdiOTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I didn’t react as I watched him pace silently.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDAxMmY4N2UzNjQ4NzliOWQyMWQxNjA4ZjE1ODYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you sure? Looks a bit suspicious after we took care of her.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjllNjQ2OWU4ZjRlMWRiNjljODAyNWZmMzMwNzdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Whoever was on the other line began to speak loud enough that I could hear it from the rooftop. The man winced, pulling his phone away from him. I couldn’t hear how he responded, but I managed to read his lips.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGFiMjM5YWE0MjRhZDA4ZWU3MWUzZWIxOGUxYTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay, sure. He might end up returning to them anyway. I’ll call you when it’s done. Okay, bye…” He waited awkwardly. “I mean, I was waiting for you to hang up. No it’s cool. Talk to you later,” the man hung up, turning to walk away.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzI3YjQwNzkzZDQwMmFhZTEwZWVhOGRhYzFlMmNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had already jumped off the roof. I fell four stories, the wind rushing past me. As he turned, I slammed into the ground, the concrete cratering beneath my feet and sending asphalt into the air. The man screamed in shock, reaching for his waist and pulling out a gun to fire.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2EyMGNjYTA5ZTQ3ZjdhYzZkOGRkNTAzZjIxMTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">A focused burst of my power created an invisible magnetic barrier that sent the bullet he shot bending around me to slam into a wall. I swung a hand out and threw a weak bolt of lightning that sent the man shaking to his knees. I rose to my full height and walked towards him.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTJkYjhmZjFjYjRmYzE5MTc0YWJkMDAxNjViZmQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The man was tough. He forced his shaking muscles and aimed his gun at me. I ripped the gun out of his hand and squeezed. The metal bent under my strength. He stared in shock, then reached into his jacket and swung out at me.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTc2MDAyMjA3ZjRkNDhiOTI1NWFmZmVhMTAxNWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stepped aside as a metal baton whistled through the air. I caught the baton when it aimed at my head again. He smiled viciously and pressed a button on the baton. The battery on the batons handle sent power through the baton.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGRjM2QzODI2ZTQyMDU4Y2JlNzQ4NTk1MTYzMjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I blinked lazily at him as thousands of volts entered my body, devoured by my unique chemistry. He stared, shocked.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzNmZjY3NTAwMzQzMDg5MDFjNzY5N2E0Y2JlZjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">I pulled the baton out of his hand, grabbed him by the throat, and lifted him high above me.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjY3MWIxZTUwMzRhYWZiMzAyOWNhNTE0NjcxMjRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now,” I growled, my voice crackling and booming with inhuman rage. I’d been calm, but now I could feel it again. The anger. The hatred that had once led me to kill innocent men, women, and children across Europe. All of it, aimed at those who would hurt Jen and her son. “Let’s talk.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzQ1ZWU3YWY4YjQzNWZiMmViNDk1MWFkMGY3Y2M0"><span style="font-weight: 400">-------</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzIyY2JiOTQ3YzRmZDRhM2Q2MmQ5OTBjMDgzOTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck you,” the man said as I held him up.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYmQ5OTFmODY2MzRjZGZiZDMwYjM1ZWJiZGUwZWFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’d rather kill you,” I said simply.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTBiYmQ1NGU0NzQ0Yzk4NTYxZWQ4Y2RjYzJhNmIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">He glowered at me.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2Q2MGYyNmY5MzRhY2Y5YWUyMjEzNGY2ODU5Yzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Reaching into his pockets with one hand, I rummaged around, ignoring him as he struggled. He kicked me in the chest. I grabbed the offending leg and twisted.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODY4OTkwNjJiZDQ4Y2M4NmY1ZWVkMmVmYzAzNDgw"><strong><em>“AAAUUUUGGH!”</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM1NDIwZGI1OTdmMjRiM2Q4NDAxMjcyMWU4NjRhZjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ignoring his horrific scream and the snap of bone that had followed me breaking his leg, I went back to it and eventually pulled out a wallet. I flipped it open.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2FmNTk1YWI3ZTRhZDI5ZjIzOTdjNTkzMTYzOWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let’s see… Jaden Hofstetter. Age 38. You should really use this punch card, it’s going to be outdated soon.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGQ2NWY0MDMxNDQwOTA5MzkwNzM5ZTEzZjg5NjE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck you, fuck you man!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOGRkZjVjNmE0ZTRlZDRhOGNhMTMyOTFlNDA5Zjhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jaden, I’m not being glib. It’s financially responsible to use the punch cards to get a free product,” disgusted, I took the card for myself, as well as the cash inside. “Now… this card says you work for Monarch. Are they the ones who killed Eliza?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MWU2YjBiYjUyMTQ4MDU5MDUyNzExZDdjN2VkMmQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He didn’t answer. I sighed in annoyance. “Very well. I assume that your employers sent someone after Eliza’s family.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGIwYTU3MGU2MTQ2YWZhZjI2Yjc0Y2M3YzlmNWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">His pupils dilated, his breath quickened. Hmm. Okay.</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2Q5YzY2YmJjZDQ0MThiYWMzMDY2NGViY2IxYTI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I took his phone, his keys, and his shoes. Then I sent more electricity pouring through him. He screamed, loud and hard. Once done, I broke his other leg and both his arms before walking over to the phone I’d left to record everything. A quick press to stop the recording, then I began to replay it. Soon, I reached the section where he was talking on the phone. It hadn’t picked up everything perfectly, but he’d been close enough for the phone to record the part where he’d been given the order to kill Jen and Sammy.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTA1MDEwM2M2YjQ2MTJhYzdiMmE4MzFhMTBjZGUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that, I left him on the ground and walked away.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTM3NzZiMWMyZDRhMDRhZjdhN2I5Y2JiZDU4ZDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was for the sake of cruelty. I wanted to leave him as immobile and incapable of moving as possible, so he couldn’t attack anyone else. I took out a burner phone and called 911 as I rushed to my car. Soon the line answered.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOGQxMWIxMDdmNDQwMzM5ZTIzMDlhODZkZTdlNzgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“911, what’s your emergency?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDk3ZDM2ZTUzMjRhMDc5ZjRkMzg2ZWYyNWVlODRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, I just found a man with his arms and legs broken in an alley. He needs help,” I said, reaching my car and climbing in.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTNlMDM0NDNmMTQzMzRiYmM3MDI5OTYzZmUyYzZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the plus side, at least I’d found out who had killed Eliza.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmRiNzQ2MzZhZTRhMWJhMjczMmU1YmUzNDZkNThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Driving to Eliza’s home was the work of minutes. I rushed through traffic and reached it just as night fell across the city. On arriving, I hopped out of my rented car, leaving the engine running and simply sprinting to her home.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOWE5NzRiNDU0NDRlYWQ4NWJmYjkxZTg0YzkwM2Rj"><span style="font-weight: 400">After some frantic knocking, Jen opened the door, looking surprised, then dismayed to see me. “Oh. Hel-”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmQ1YTI4NzNhZjQwNzM5ZDQ5NDhjOWU4YTQxMmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eliza was killed,” I said briskly, brushing past her to enter the house.</span></p> <p class="cnNiY2JmMDU0ZThkMTRmODNhYWE5MWUyZDFkODVkMTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?” she was so stunned that she didn’t even realize I’d used my inhuman agility to breeze past her until I was in the house.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2NiZDYzNThjNTRlYWQ4NjcwMTMxMWRmZTg0MGM3"><span style="font-weight: 400"> “E-Excuse me-!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGUyYzZlZjJkZDQ0OWM5Y2EzZjdmZjY5N2E5MmRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The people who killed her have been following me, probably worried that I was continuing her investigation. When I shook their pursuit, they decided to attack you and Sammy.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzk2NjVhNTQzOTQxZWZiMjViM2VjOTZjMzJmYTFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W-What?” Jen looked stricken, not understanding.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjRlMGY1NjYwMTQwZDBhNGRiZWU2OGJhOTU2YWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go upstairs, take Sammy, hide in the bathtub,” I strode around the house, eyeing the windows and marking the points of entry.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjUxNWQ2NmUwNTQyNTg5OTFiY2ZhNThkZGEyMjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the hell are you talking about!?” Jen finally screamed, rushing after me as I entered the kitchen. “Get out of my house!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmUxNzQzMTBiNjQyOTk5MWFhZDdjYjE3MmIxYmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have a recording,” I took out my phone and showed it to her. Soon, the video began to play. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ODI4MjU1NDMwYTQzNTU5MzIwNzNkOGM1NzNiMzhl"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“What about the wife and kid? Should we kill them?”</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1MjdmNzkzNTAzZDRlNzhiYzA0Y2Y1ODMwM2FjNTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The words were quiet, barely hearable. But Jen might as well have been hit by a hammer. She stared, uncomprehending.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDE1OWRhZjg4ZjQzMGM5NTE4MDcyOTMzOWFkODY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W… I don’t-”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzM2MDE4MjQ3MDRkNWViMDQzOTRlYjU2ZDYxMDU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jen,” I said softly as I could. She looked up at me, her hands going up to her face. “They will be coming. I can stop them but you need to protect Sammy. Sammy is in danger. Go protect him.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjhlY2M3MzAwMTQxZDY5N2MwY2U3Y2MwOGI4YWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“H-How can I trust you?” Jen asked, her voice shaky.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWI1ODkzOWE1ODRmYzQ5YWIxZmE3ZjM3ZmFiMmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I felt a rush of sympathy. She had lost her wife barely a day ago. And now a monster had rushed into her life, pushing more fear onto her shoulders. Few could stand under such stress. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OTNjZjllNGIyZTQzNWZhOGM4YWNlZWZlOWM4YzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You can’t,” I admitted at last. “But Eliza was kind to me. I will work to protect the ones she loves,” I took off my sweater and walked to the center of the house, my pale muscles shining beneath the lights around me. I stood there for a moment, holding my sweater. “Go upstairs. Call the police. They should be here by the time it’s over.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmFiNzNmMWQyODRhZmVhNTY4MzYxY2MzNDgzZWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jen stared at me, undecided.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTQ1ODRhNmQ3ZjRlNGI5ZTNlYmY4YWU3ZWI4YTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was when the grenade was thrown into the window. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZTBjYzhjZTA2NzQxNjA5ZjI5YzQxYzM1MjUzOWI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aaahhh!” Jen screamed.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMjJkZjU1YzUxZTQxMDE5NGRhNzQ0YmI4ZGRiMzg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go, now!” I shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzIwMmM5ZjBhZTRiMjdiNWE3NGYxMTEwYzAxZTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jen sprinted up the stairs as the grenade began to expel smoke. Ripping the sweater up, I wrapped my face in the torn shreds, covering my mouth and nostril as the smoke rose into the air and began to obscure everything. The tear gas began to burn my eyes but that was mild. Mustard gas was far more painful.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGY3OTlhZmI2YjQxN2I4ZmQwNWM5YmM0MmNjNzcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Soon, men in dark clothes rushed into the home. I ducked into the smoke and got ready.</span></p> </div>
In Chicago, Monarch had managed to pay a pretty penny for their own building. It was sleek and new, with a sloping roof of white tiles and shining glass windows. Opulence taken to it’s logical limit. I stared at it from a coffee shop across the street, watching the people entering and exiting the building. The coffee shop I was in was full, but there was a circle of emptiness near where I sat. I didn’t mind that overly much, though the constant stares in my direction were bothersome. I simply focused on what I was seeing. And what I was feeling. I reached out with the lightning, my power running along the concrete, touching the world around me. It was the work of moments, the literal time a lightning bolt flies, to reach into the Monarch building. There were six floors, and as much square footage as a large mansion would have. The lightning, however, revealed more. As I followed the lines of energy through the street and into the structure, they went up in the six story building, and *below*. Deep into the ground. At least three stories worth of space. It was too far for me to sense things any further, but… I put down my coffee and stepped out of the shop, ignoring the still full cup. The information I would need, such as the blueprints to the building and other things, was clearly going to be extremely tough to find. No one can just access the blueprints of a secretive building with impunity after all. Thankfully, I had other options. While I’d learned to appreciate the near-magical wonder and menace of the internet, I’d still learned a long time ago to trust the old ways. And thankfully, even though libraries weren’t visited as often, they were still around, and still *very* useful. I read through dozens of newspapers, finding as much information as I could get. The library I’d found thankfully had enough from the year that Monarch had gotten started. I worked through the papers, making notes as I went. At the same time, I checked the internet for similar information, working for two hours and writing down as much as I could. I was building a profile. Figuring out my target. I needed to understand Monarch, if they were indeed my enemies. Soon, I had a basic idea to start off with, the strong foundations of true information to build the rest of my case. Monarch had been founded a few years ago, in 1986, in Germany, with a chemical that could break down oil being their first breakthrough, information Eliza had already given me. The founder was a woman named Annabel Sands, and she was currently CEO. Not many photos of her could be found, but recently she’d taken a photo with the mayor of Chicago. She was a tall woman, with pinched tight face, dark black hair that was tied in a tight ponytail and green eyes. I looked her over for a moment, then opened a tap to check out more. She had a Doctorate, had been working for years in labs before establishing her company, was rather renowned in her field, and had two children from her first husband and her second/current one. Monarch itself had been spoken of as being rather shady, from the way they’d bought the land they were currently using, the mysterious way some of their competitors shut down, and the fact that they sometimes made massive breakthroughs in the field of genetics and chemistry with no warning. I collected all the information and put it away, leaving the library. Rather than driving, I went for a small walk. I was curious. The man who had been following me every since I left Eliza’s house was no amateur. And yet, he had done nothing. He’d stayed in the background, didn’t eye me in any obvious way, and didn’t seem willing to *do* anything to me. He simply followed me around, keeping his distance. The question was, did he work for Monarch? For all I knew, the man was working for someone else, or even just following me due to my strange appearance. Granted, I was only wearing a warm sweater and jeans, but my size and face makes me stick out of a crowd either way. I took a left into an alleyway, one with plenty of fire escapes. I took my phone out and put at a point in the center of the alleyway, turning on the video camera and resting it where it had a clear view and could pick up any sound easily enough. Reaching out a hand, I unleashed lightning, the bolt of white heat slamming into one of the fire escapes. The second I had control over the metal of the structure, I mentally forced the ladder to drop. It was one of a few powers the lightning in my soul gave me, the power to manipulate metal through the principles of electromagnetism. Then I ran up the ladder, going up as fast as I could, my nimble fingers driving me forward. Once at the top, I used my power to force the fire escape ladder to pull itself up, then turned to watch. My pursuer turned around the corner, only to blink at the empty alleyway. He was a big man, slightly overweight, wearing an expensive suit, sensible boots, and a nice watch. He was balding, but had a thick black mustache. He looked around, trying to find me, then ran towards the other end of the alley. Despite his heavy build, he managed to run quickly, apparently more fit then he appeared. I walked along the rooftop, following him calmly, my eyes on him. He reached the sidewalk on the other side, then cursed loud enough for me to hear, turning around. He took out a phone, quickly bringing up his contacts and calling someone. I leaned over and listened while also watching his lips. Lip reading. A damn useful skill. “Hey, it’s me,” he said as walked. “Yeah, the guy disappeared on me… No, I didn’t catch a name. But he’s huge. Gotta be eight feet. Ugly as hell too. We run a search on him we’ll find him. What do you want to do then?” Yes, what did ‘they’ want to do? I watched as he silently listened. “...What about the wife and kid? Should we kill them,” despite the fact I could hear him, I managed to read his lips perfectly. I didn’t react as I watched him pace silently. “Are you sure? Looks a bit suspicious after we took care of her.” Whoever was on the other line began to speak loud enough that I could hear it from the rooftop. The man winced, pulling his phone away from him. I couldn’t hear how he responded, but I managed to read his lips. “Okay, sure. He might end up returning to them anyway. I’ll call you when it’s done. Okay, bye…” He waited awkwardly. “I mean, I was waiting for you to hang up. No it’s cool. Talk to you later,” the man hung up, turning to walk away. I had already jumped off the roof. I fell four stories, the wind rushing past me. As he turned, I slammed into the ground, the concrete cratering beneath my feet and sending asphalt into the air. The man screamed in shock, reaching for his waist and pulling out a gun to fire. A focused burst of my power created an invisible magnetic barrier that sent the bullet he shot bending around me to slam into a wall. I swung a hand out and threw a weak bolt of lightning that sent the man shaking to his knees. I rose to my full height and walked towards him. The man was tough. He forced his shaking muscles and aimed his gun at me. I ripped the gun out of his hand and squeezed. The metal bent under my strength. He stared in shock, then reached into his jacket and swung out at me. I stepped aside as a metal baton whistled through the air. I caught the baton when it aimed at my head again. He smiled viciously and pressed a button on the baton. The battery on the batons handle sent power through the baton. I blinked lazily at him as thousands of volts entered my body, devoured by my unique chemistry. He stared, shocked. I pulled the baton out of his hand, grabbed him by the throat, and lifted him high above me. “Now,” I growled, my voice crackling and booming with inhuman rage. I’d been calm, but now I could feel it again. The anger. The hatred that had once led me to kill innocent men, women, and children across Europe. All of it, aimed at those who would hurt Jen and her son. “Let’s talk.” ------- “Fuck you,” the man said as I held him up. “I’d rather kill you,” I said simply. He glowered at me. Reaching into his pockets with one hand, I rummaged around, ignoring him as he struggled. He kicked me in the chest. I grabbed the offending leg and twisted. ***“AAAUUUUGGH!”*** Ignoring his horrific scream and the snap of bone that had followed me breaking his leg, I went back to it and eventually pulled out a wallet. I flipped it open. “Let’s see… Jaden Hofstetter. Age 38. You should really use this punch card, it’s going to be outdated soon.” “Fuck you, fuck you man!” “Jaden, I’m not being glib. It’s financially responsible to use the punch cards to get a free product,” disgusted, I took the card for myself, as well as the cash inside. “Now… this card says you work for Monarch. Are they the ones who killed Eliza?” He didn’t answer. I sighed in annoyance. “Very well. I assume that your employers sent someone after Eliza’s family.” His pupils dilated, his breath quickened. Hmm. Okay. I took his phone, his keys, and his shoes. Then I sent more electricity pouring through him. He screamed, loud and hard. Once done, I broke his other leg and both his arms before walking over to the phone I’d left to record everything. A quick press to stop the recording, then I began to replay it. Soon, I reached the section where he was talking on the phone. It hadn’t picked up everything perfectly, but he’d been close enough for the phone to record the part where he’d been given the order to kill Jen and Sammy. With that, I left him on the ground and walked away. It was for the sake of cruelty. I wanted to leave him as immobile and incapable of moving as possible, so he couldn’t attack anyone else. I took out a burner phone and called 911 as I rushed to my car. Soon the line answered. “911, what’s your emergency?” “Yeah, I just found a man with his arms and legs broken in an alley. He needs help,” I said, reaching my car and climbing in. On the plus side, at least I’d found out who had killed Eliza. Driving to Eliza’s home was the work of minutes. I rushed through traffic and reached it just as night fell across the city. On arriving, I hopped out of my rented car, leaving the engine running and simply sprinting to her home. After some frantic knocking, Jen opened the door, looking surprised, then dismayed to see me. “Oh. Hel-” “Eliza was killed,” I said briskly, brushing past her to enter the house. “What?” she was so stunned that she didn’t even realize I’d used my inhuman agility to breeze past her until I was in the house. “E-Excuse me-!” “The people who killed her have been following me, probably worried that I was continuing her investigation. When I shook their pursuit, they decided to attack you and Sammy.” “W-What?” Jen looked stricken, not understanding. “Go upstairs, take Sammy, hide in the bathtub,” I strode around the house, eyeing the windows and marking the points of entry. “What the hell are you talking about!?” Jen finally screamed, rushing after me as I entered the kitchen. “Get out of my house!” “I have a recording,” I took out my phone and showed it to her. Soon, the video began to play. *“What about the wife and kid? Should we kill them?”* The words were quiet, barely hearable. But Jen might as well have been hit by a hammer. She stared, uncomprehending. “W… I don’t-” “Jen,” I said softly as I could. She looked up at me, her hands going up to her face. “They will be coming. I can stop them but you need to protect Sammy. Sammy is in danger. Go protect him.” “H-How can I trust you?” Jen asked, her voice shaky. I felt a rush of sympathy. She had lost her wife barely a day ago. And now a monster had rushed into her life, pushing more fear onto her shoulders. Few could stand under such stress. “You can’t,” I admitted at last. “But Eliza was kind to me. I will work to protect the ones she loves,” I took off my sweater and walked to the center of the house, my pale muscles shining beneath the lights around me. I stood there for a moment, holding my sweater. “Go upstairs. Call the police. They should be here by the time it’s over.” Jen stared at me, undecided. That was when the grenade was thrown into the window. “Aaahhh!” Jen screamed. “Go, now!” I shouted. Jen sprinted up the stairs as the grenade began to expel smoke. Ripping the sweater up, I wrapped my face in the torn shreds, covering my mouth and nostril as the smoke rose into the air and began to obscure everything. The tear gas began to burn my eyes but that was mild. Mustard gas was far more painful. Soon, men in dark clothes rushed into the home. I ducked into the smoke and got ready.
{ "title": "Broly In Naruto (COMPLETED)", "id": 21086, "author": "CaptainBoyHole", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Conclusion between Devil and Snake!", "id": 305783, "next": 305988, "prev": 305485, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzNTM3M2RjNDNjNDQwMzJhYjhlZTQ5ZWQ5YjNiOGI3">*IN THE FOREST OF DEATH*</p> <p class="cnM2MWQwNzRiZGFhZDRmNmM5MmRlYjhjMzFlZjA4YmI3">The female grass nin is apparently outraged by the Jinchūriki's constant interference. She has decided to finally give him the attention he wanted. She captured the boy with her unnaturally length tongue and created purple fires that lit up on her fingers and slammed them into Naruto's seal on his stomach. Naruto was quickly discarded by the strange grass nin and thrown away at a nearby tree. Naruto promptly started to fall from the tree top. That was until Sakura, in concern, threw a kunai that pierced through his jacket. The lucky kunai rooted Naruto to a tree and prevented him from falling as he was unconscious from the vicious strange purple flamed attack.</p> <p class="cnMzY2FkMmEzYWNjNzQ0ZmE4MWNjMzgzZjc2NGFlZDA5">Sasuke after having a wake-up call from Sakura for acting pathetic, quickly began to attack the unbelievable strong female nin. After his brutal comeback attack, the female grass nin revealed that she wasn't injured at all and that she was actually named Orochimaru! The missing-nin that was forced out of the village for his cruel inhumane experiments on fellow shinobi and enemy shinobi!<br>Broly's eyes raised at this information. Esumi's life long goal was to get rid of this man. One of the legendary Sannin of Konoha.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NlYjEzMmM5MzQzYjE4MDZjYjM0MjFjNmJjYzM3">'It wouldn't hurt to get a better look at his techniques' Broly thought with a grin before rushing in towards Team 7.</p> <p class="cnMyYmRmMmE5OTYyMTQ1YzViNzg5YzE0ZmE4ZTZmMWI0">Unfortunately for the legendary super saiyan, it seems Orochimaru decided to attack Sasuke with a super-fast attack that lengthened his neck and rushed towards his opponent. Broly caught Orochimaru's neck. He slowly started to wring the snake user's neck. But suddenly Orochimaru's neck grew even longer to continued towards Sasuke as he looked on at shock at Broly appearing to save him.</p> <p class="cnNhY2U1MjNjMGNkYTQ2NzE5YTlhNWZkYmU0MjA2YWIx">Broly pulled Orochimaru's neck towards him with great force. Resulting in Orochimaru once again failing to bite Sasuke. This caused the snake Sannin to become angered immensely.</p> <p class="cnMwMDYyNDU2Mjc1NDQ4NWFhMWJlNzNiYTk3MGNjMjEx">"How dare you get in my way?!" Orochimaru hissed.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTg0NjI4MTk1NzQ4YjZiM2E1YTc4ZGI1YjBlZjc3">"You have a debt to pay with my family." Broly said.</p> <p class="cnM5MzZmYTAyZmU4NDRhOGRhYTA4YTZkZjJhNDRhODYy">"You're the boy with an unknown kekkei genkai. Aren't you?" Orochimaru suddenly realized.</p> <p class="cnNmODFkMzdjZjkzNjRkZmU5YzI3N2EwOTRhZjZhNjI2">"Why don't you come and find out snake?" Broly baited.</p> <p class="cnNiY2U4Yjc5MTBmNjRmZWJiMjIyMjdiNmRiMDNlMzBm">Orochimaru suddenly appeared next to Broly and kicked at his face. The force behind the kick caused the wind to burst behind it. Broly coated his hand in chakra to prepare for the incoming kick. He blocked the attack and swiftly retaliated by kneeing the snake user in the gut. He soon started to turn into mud and sink. Broly recognized this jutsu as being similar to his! He quickly prepared himself for any sudden attacks before having the tree branch under him snap apart from a large purple snake who ate through it.</p> <p class="cnM5Yjk2M2U2ZjBhMDQ4ZTM5OTUwNTZmNTllYjQ2OTY5">Broly immediately started to make some hand signs and mouth the words, "Wind Style: Gale Palm" his hands took on a coat of wind chakra that he clapped together and blasted himself away, narrowly dodging the incoming purple snake. He then sensed a presence behind him and swayed his head to the side. Dodging another close attack by the Sannin. Broly turned around quickly and punched straight towards the snake user's face. Orochimaru had a grin on his face before exploding on the impact of Broly's fist!</p> <p class="cnNhNDc5OTA3MTlkZTQ2ZTI5NDY2OTgxMGZkMjM4ODdi">Mud sprayed all around before trying to reform the head and capturing Broly's arm. To respond to this, Broly blasted a large amount of wind chakra out of his body. Getting rid of the mud clone entirely. After that huge display of chakra, Orochimaru showed an interested smirk before appearing behind the tailed boy and kicking him in the back. Broly quickly recovered while in the air and landed gently on the opposite tree from the Sannin.</p> <p class="cnM2OTRkNzUwZThlMzQ1OTg4M2NlNDJkYmVmNjgwNWZk">"Try not to die too fast!!!" Broly said before having his hair and tail flare into a bright yellow and having his chakra aura turn green.</p> <p class="cnM3MzU1MjZkYTU5NTRiZDU4OWUzOGE3Mzg5ODJhMDBl">This caused Sasuke, Sakura, and Orochimaru to look shocked. Orochimaru quickly turned his eyes into that of greed before looking back at Sasuke. It seemed as if he was choosing which present he would like more. While he was distracted, Broly swiftly took advantage of this and punched the Snake freak in the face and launching him through 3 trees.</p> <p class="cnNkMGEwZTQ1YWQ3ZDQxOTFhYjQ1YzI2MTg1YzIyM2Nl">Broly's aura surged and rose even higher before rapidly taking off towards the Sannin. Broly appeared over Orochimaru's body with a battle-crazed smile. He grabbed his face and started to drag it through the trees, tearing the tree bark apart. Broly then jumped in the air before smashing down towards the ground with a shouting Orochimaru.</p> <p class="cnNjZjcyMzM2MmUyYTRjYjhhNzI0OTE3ZTIwOWIxYWYw">*BOOOOOOOOOM*</p> <p class="cnNlNzc4Zjk0ZTNjOTRiYmU5MmU0NDAzMmJjMjIwM2Fk">*RUSTLE RUSTLE*</p> <p class="cnNlNGM3OTg5YmIyMzRmY2U5YjQ2Y2M0MDM2MTAyNGQ3">*CRASH*</p> <p class="cnMzYzY5YWM5N2Q5ZjQyNDc5Y2RkZjQyMTMzNjBmOGE5">The impact from the slam caused the nearby trees to fall and crash. Broly stood over Orochimaru's crushed body with a victory-filled grin before started to walk away. As he was walking farther and farther away, suddenly he felt 2 sharp objects pierce his neck. Broly fell to one knee while sweating rapidly. His super saiyan transformation faded away as Broly looked up at a smirking white-skinned Sannin with absolute rage on his face. His hair flickered between black and yellow.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjhkZDU1N2EzOTQ2MzM4NTQ4NWU5ODMwN2Y3Yzlj">But ultimately couldn't make the transition and only served to drain the legendary saiyan's energy even more. A black 3 tomoe seal appeared on Broly's neck. Broly shouted in anger slowly causing a purple aura to slowly swirl around him. This purple aura caused the black seal to turn orange-red and spread flame-like marking across half of Broly's body. The legendary saiyan slowly stood up and looked at Orochimaru with nothing but rage in his eyes. His hair spiked up as if he was in his super saiyan state.</p> <p class="cnM3YTg2MzZkYWM1NzRkYTI4YzFhNDZjMzI5NmE4NWNh">Yellow electricity flared off of his body and his frame became more muscular. His pupils disappeared before he disappeared in an instant and punched straight through Orochimaru's stomach. Orochimaru smiled before he turned into a pile of mud and attempted to restrain Broly. Broly quickly released himself and blurred towards the Sannin again who appeared to be playing with a mindless animal.</p> <p class="cnM4MmU1M2ExM2QxZjRiMjQ4MmI0ZjI3NTE5MDg1MTU3">"While I would love to stick around and play boy. I have bigger fish to fry." Orochimaru says before also biting Sasuke with the same thing he gave Aomatsuna and leaving.</p> <p class="cnMyNGNlZDY3NzgzYjQ1YjE4YzU5ZWVhNjZkNzY4MDY2">But before he left he was caught by the throat.</p> <p class="cnM2M2U0YjZkYjVkOTQ1Nzk4YzY4ODE2MjYyMDFkZjU3">"Did you think you could flee so easily snake?!"</p> <p class="cnNjZmUyOWVhYzZlZTRmMDQ4MDc0M2YyNDA0MzA2MzBm">A terrifying aura came from the boy. As if he was the devil himself. Orochimaru was terrified by the killing intent this boy sent. He felt as if he was being stared down by a being who has killed far more than he ever had. This momentary fright suffered by Orochimaru enabled him to be hit by Aomatsuna's jutsu.</p> <p class="cnM5MzU1YjEzMThjNDRkZDg4ODkzZTU1ZWZiMjI0M2Nm">Broly created 3 clones. 1 wind clone. 1 lightning clone. And 1 earth clone. They each grabbed a part of Orochimaru before trapping him inside a sphere mixed with lightning chakra and sharp wind chakra on the inside. The sharp wind chakra and lightning chakra were constantly swirling and shifting. Shocking and cutting Orochimaru multiple times, causing him to yell in anguish. Broly's earth clone caused the sphere's outer layer to be formed of earth with the strength of steel. The original Broly held the sphere in the air and his strange green aura started to cover it. The ball soon became inescapable and unbreakable for the person trapped inside. Broly gripped the green sphere hard before launching it at his 3 clones who appeared far ahead of Broly.</p> <p class="cnNlYjEzMTZhMTA3OTQ1ZjU5MDM4MjQ4ZmRkYWQ1NDVm">"ERASER CANNON!" He shouted.</p> <p class="cnNlYmJmYTdiODBiZTQyODNiOGRhOGVmNGE5NWU0NDNk">Each clone started to weave through different hand seals simultaneously before activating three different elemental jutsus. The lightning clone shouted, "Lightning Style: Lightning Eraser Cannon!" The earth clone shouted "Earth Style: Omega Spike!" The wind clone shouted, "Wind Style: Gigantic Tearing Tempest!" The lightning clone's large electrical energy shell arched towards the speeding ball. The earth clone's humongous sharp earth spike barreled towards the sphere. The wind clone's horizontal colossal cyclone tunneled towards the multi-elemental orb. It seemed as if the entire forest was exploding with energy at the sheer force and aura these attacks were giving off.</p> <p class="cnM5ODAxOTdiOGZmMDQ1ZmRhY2RhNzIzMjczMTg4N2Nl">The immense trees started to be uprooted, burnt, blown away, and shredded as the attacks started to get closer and closer. Until eventually,</p> <p class="cnM3MDUzMjA4YWQ4NjQxMDM5YjUxNTk5MzM4MDNjMDM1">*BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*</p> <p class="cnNjZGE5YWRlOTNiYTQyMTZhOGFjZDhkNGZkMDE1M2Q0">The entire Forest of Death felt the backlash of the collision. A field of dust and earth erupted from the ground. Sasuke and Sakura were blown away and knocked unconscious, causing the entire Team 7 to be knocked out.</p> <p class="cnM3Yjg2NWJiNzMyODRjZTA4MGQ4Y2E2YmFhYTg2NDFl">After several seconds passed by, Broly fell to his knees and stared at his destruction, before noticing Orochimaru's destroyed body twitch. The mouth of Orochimaru's body suddenly was opened and stretched to an unimaginable degree before another Orochimaru, who was perfectly fine, stepped out covered in green goo! He looked towards Broly's direction before smirking and disappearing.</p> </div>
*IN THE FOREST OF DEATH* The female grass nin is apparently outraged by the Jinchūriki's constant interference. She has decided to finally give him the attention he wanted. She captured the boy with her unnaturally length tongue and created purple fires that lit up on her fingers and slammed them into Naruto's seal on his stomach. Naruto was quickly discarded by the strange grass nin and thrown away at a nearby tree. Naruto promptly started to fall from the tree top. That was until Sakura, in concern, threw a kunai that pierced through his jacket. The lucky kunai rooted Naruto to a tree and prevented him from falling as he was unconscious from the vicious strange purple flamed attack. Sasuke after having a wake-up call from Sakura for acting pathetic, quickly began to attack the unbelievable strong female nin. After his brutal comeback attack, the female grass nin revealed that she wasn't injured at all and that she was actually named Orochimaru! The missing-nin that was forced out of the village for his cruel inhumane experiments on fellow shinobi and enemy shinobi! Broly's eyes raised at this information. Esumi's life long goal was to get rid of this man. One of the legendary Sannin of Konoha. 'It wouldn't hurt to get a better look at his techniques' Broly thought with a grin before rushing in towards Team 7. Unfortunately for the legendary super saiyan, it seems Orochimaru decided to attack Sasuke with a super-fast attack that lengthened his neck and rushed towards his opponent. Broly caught Orochimaru's neck. He slowly started to wring the snake user's neck. But suddenly Orochimaru's neck grew even longer to continued towards Sasuke as he looked on at shock at Broly appearing to save him. Broly pulled Orochimaru's neck towards him with great force. Resulting in Orochimaru once again failing to bite Sasuke. This caused the snake Sannin to become angered immensely. "How dare you get in my way?!" Orochimaru hissed. "You have a debt to pay with my family." Broly said. "You're the boy with an unknown kekkei genkai. Aren't you?" Orochimaru suddenly realized. "Why don't you come and find out snake?" Broly baited. Orochimaru suddenly appeared next to Broly and kicked at his face. The force behind the kick caused the wind to burst behind it. Broly coated his hand in chakra to prepare for the incoming kick. He blocked the attack and swiftly retaliated by kneeing the snake user in the gut. He soon started to turn into mud and sink. Broly recognized this jutsu as being similar to his! He quickly prepared himself for any sudden attacks before having the tree branch under him snap apart from a large purple snake who ate through it. Broly immediately started to make some hand signs and mouth the words, "Wind Style: Gale Palm" his hands took on a coat of wind chakra that he clapped together and blasted himself away, narrowly dodging the incoming purple snake. He then sensed a presence behind him and swayed his head to the side. Dodging another close attack by the Sannin. Broly turned around quickly and punched straight towards the snake user's face. Orochimaru had a grin on his face before exploding on the impact of Broly's fist! Mud sprayed all around before trying to reform the head and capturing Broly's arm. To respond to this, Broly blasted a large amount of wind chakra out of his body. Getting rid of the mud clone entirely. After that huge display of chakra, Orochimaru showed an interested smirk before appearing behind the tailed boy and kicking him in the back. Broly quickly recovered while in the air and landed gently on the opposite tree from the Sannin. "Try not to die too fast!!!" Broly said before having his hair and tail flare into a bright yellow and having his chakra aura turn green. This caused Sasuke, Sakura, and Orochimaru to look shocked. Orochimaru quickly turned his eyes into that of greed before looking back at Sasuke. It seemed as if he was choosing which present he would like more. While he was distracted, Broly swiftly took advantage of this and punched the Snake freak in the face and launching him through 3 trees. Broly's aura surged and rose even higher before rapidly taking off towards the Sannin. Broly appeared over Orochimaru's body with a battle-crazed smile. He grabbed his face and started to drag it through the trees, tearing the tree bark apart. Broly then jumped in the air before smashing down towards the ground with a shouting Orochimaru. *BOOOOOOOOOM* *RUSTLE RUSTLE* *CRASH* The impact from the slam caused the nearby trees to fall and crash. Broly stood over Orochimaru's crushed body with a victory-filled grin before started to walk away. As he was walking farther and farther away, suddenly he felt 2 sharp objects pierce his neck. Broly fell to one knee while sweating rapidly. His super saiyan transformation faded away as Broly looked up at a smirking white-skinned Sannin with absolute rage on his face. His hair flickered between black and yellow. But ultimately couldn't make the transition and only served to drain the legendary saiyan's energy even more. A black 3 tomoe seal appeared on Broly's neck. Broly shouted in anger slowly causing a purple aura to slowly swirl around him. This purple aura caused the black seal to turn orange-red and spread flame-like marking across half of Broly's body. The legendary saiyan slowly stood up and looked at Orochimaru with nothing but rage in his eyes. His hair spiked up as if he was in his super saiyan state. Yellow electricity flared off of his body and his frame became more muscular. His pupils disappeared before he disappeared in an instant and punched straight through Orochimaru's stomach. Orochimaru smiled before he turned into a pile of mud and attempted to restrain Broly. Broly quickly released himself and blurred towards the Sannin again who appeared to be playing with a mindless animal. "While I would love to stick around and play boy. I have bigger fish to fry." Orochimaru says before also biting Sasuke with the same thing he gave Aomatsuna and leaving. But before he left he was caught by the throat. "Did you think you could flee so easily snake?!" A terrifying aura came from the boy. As if he was the devil himself. Orochimaru was terrified by the killing intent this boy sent. He felt as if he was being stared down by a being who has killed far more than he ever had. This momentary fright suffered by Orochimaru enabled him to be hit by Aomatsuna's jutsu. Broly created 3 clones. 1 wind clone. 1 lightning clone. And 1 earth clone. They each grabbed a part of Orochimaru before trapping him inside a sphere mixed with lightning chakra and sharp wind chakra on the inside. The sharp wind chakra and lightning chakra were constantly swirling and shifting. Shocking and cutting Orochimaru multiple times, causing him to yell in anguish. Broly's earth clone caused the sphere's outer layer to be formed of earth with the strength of steel. The original Broly held the sphere in the air and his strange green aura started to cover it. The ball soon became inescapable and unbreakable for the person trapped inside. Broly gripped the green sphere hard before launching it at his 3 clones who appeared far ahead of Broly. "ERASER CANNON!" He shouted. Each clone started to weave through different hand seals simultaneously before activating three different elemental jutsus. The lightning clone shouted, "Lightning Style: Lightning Eraser Cannon!" The earth clone shouted "Earth Style: Omega Spike!" The wind clone shouted, "Wind Style: Gigantic Tearing Tempest!" The lightning clone's large electrical energy shell arched towards the speeding ball. The earth clone's humongous sharp earth spike barreled towards the sphere. The wind clone's horizontal colossal cyclone tunneled towards the multi-elemental orb. It seemed as if the entire forest was exploding with energy at the sheer force and aura these attacks were giving off. The immense trees started to be uprooted, burnt, blown away, and shredded as the attacks started to get closer and closer. Until eventually, *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* The entire Forest of Death felt the backlash of the collision. A field of dust and earth erupted from the ground. Sasuke and Sakura were blown away and knocked unconscious, causing the entire Team 7 to be knocked out. After several seconds passed by, Broly fell to his knees and stared at his destruction, before noticing Orochimaru's destroyed body twitch. The mouth of Orochimaru's body suddenly was opened and stretched to an unimaginable degree before another Orochimaru, who was perfectly fine, stepped out covered in green goo! He looked towards Broly's direction before smirking and disappearing.
{ "title": "Beyond Floating", "id": 21142, "author": "Kat Kingsley", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter Ninteen", "id": 305718, "next": 306017, "prev": 305426, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiNjRlYTFiNjcxMzRkNDRiZDBkZDYzZTBkYWI2YmVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael had blinked in and out of consciousness a few times. He was unsure how much time had gone by since he had found himself here. His arms stung, burned with a searing pain. No matter what he did, no matter how he shifted, could only seem to lessen the pain for a few minutes at most. He lifted his head, the pounding in his temples worsening with the movement. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOGFmYjJiOWQ0NzQxNjlhNGE5MmJlNDcwZmVkMDIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Blinking away the blear in his eyes, he looked up to see that the ghost girl was still there. Sitting against the pole, she had placed a cup on the ground a good ten feet in front of her. She was ripping off little bits of a newspaper that lay next to her and was flicking the balls at the cup. Judging by the large smattering of paper balls around the cup, and the decent quantity that lay inside, she must have been at this for a while.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OGU0ZGQ3MjNiZjQxNjM5ZjFhNTUyMjk4YjBmZWYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I want to ask you something."</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTViY2Y3ZWU0OTQ0NzJhMDAzZmQ5ZjE3OTg5ZDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why should I talk to you?" She sounded bitter. Most likely still angry about what happened the night prior. It seemed there was something still capable of feeling remorse in her - good. Maybe he had hope - maybe she still had a soul.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmVlOWNlZGZlZDQ4ZDhiZDJjNWE5ZGFlY2JmYzRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Because you were once human."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTg3YTAzMjM0NzQ2MTQ5N2FjY2QyMDViNDM3NDVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m still human, Michael.” She balled up a chunk of the newspaper lying next to her into one gigantic wad and threw it across the room as if throwing the piece of paper would relieve some of her anger. “Once you come to accept the fact that I am a person, I’m human, and that I’m not evil-”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjkwMzhkNjQ1YzQxYzFiMjBkOTc1YjI3MTNlMjZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You serve Isaac," Michael interrupted.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjU5NWRlOWI0NjQ1OTI4MjJmMmE2YzMzNjkyMTU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t want to - and I never said I haven’t done bad things," Muse sighed. "I suppose I have. I’m not going to lie. Especially recently, I guess. I may be 'forsaken by God,' but that doesn’t mean I’m not human. I’m not a demon, a beast, or a lampshade. I'm not an inanimate object."</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmVhMzJjYzgyNTRhMGU4NjAxZDBlMGNhZWZlMzg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You should not exist," he said quietly. He didn't mean for it to sound vicious. It was true. He could help her, help her move on to whatever place she was destined to go. Her being locked like this was unnatural.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZmQ5OWQxN2ZhNDRlYzA5MzFjYTczMzczOWUxMTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And yet here we are," she snapped. She looked up at him, clearly frustrated with the conversation. "You wanted to ask me something."</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjJhOTc2YzNjMjQyZWU5ODMwMzdkODY3YmNkZmJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael watched in silence for a long time, before finally speaking up. "Why is Ostheim keeping me here?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjM4ZGFlZjQwOTRmMWViNTcxYTYyZGVhNzhiNjQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He watched as the girl looked over at him with a quizzical look. The dark eyeliner she wore made her eyes appear bigger than he suspected they actually were. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NzVhOTUwM2IwYzRkODc4NTFmYzYwMzQzMWNjNjVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Who?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTVmZjg4MDZjZTRjOWU5MTJkYzRkZWYyNGQ4MzYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Ostheim. Isaac Ostheim. The sorcerer."</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGYyZmFhZjhkNTQ2NGM4YjM0YmM1OGM5ZDJmNmUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"So that’s his last name. Uh. Oh," the girl paused. "I don't know. He said this was an opportunity. I don't know much more than you do."</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzZmM2FhNDExZTQ0M2E5NGRkMzZmNjg4MjU4Y2Yw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What is it that you do know, then?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWY5NzFmOGNhMTQzMGU4MDE3MzUzN2MwOTViNTBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl looked at him with a quirked eyebrow, as if debating her motivation for telling him. This girl seemed far less gone than the others. Yes, she had let him fall out of a forty-story window - a memory that still inspired nightmares. Yes, she had given him the bruise on his forehead when she had punched him. But she seemed to be debating the idea of telling him. Either she was naïve, or she had some semblance of grace left in her.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmUwOGUwZGIyMzQwYmNhMTRkY2Y2OWZkMDk1OGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I don't think I should be telling you."</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmUzODdmYjEwODQ5ZTk5NzU3ZjI0MmE4NmExMTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I don't seem to be going anywhere. I really pose no threat." Michael cringed as he shifted his weight again. Even if he were free, his arms would be too useless to do much of anything. His armor and his sword were nowhere to be seen.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZWUwMTExNGRhZjQ4YWRhNWIzMjBkZmE3YzQ2NmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yeah, right </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">now. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">What happens if you get free?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzFlYzUwZTM1ZjRiMWVhNDc5NDZmODI0ZTIwMGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"We'll discuss it then, I guess."</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTFlMzYyNWI0NzRjY2NiZTI2NTZmNTJiY2Q4NmRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl snorted at his half attempt at a joke and flicked another paper ball at the cup. Michael watched another whiz through the air, skitter across the ground as she missed. A few moments, and another attempt. The moments ticked by as he watched her throw the little paper balls. Apparently, she wasn't going to tell him. He was not particularly surprised. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MjllMTZmZDVhOTQzOWVhNGEzOWZlMmZhZmMwYzQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He’d been wrong before.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTFmMWU2MTA1NjRiZWY4OTZkZTUyNjYxZGY1Y2Jh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"He's planning on 'removing' Raphael."</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjkyYzFlYmRiZTQ2OTBhMjU4MWZlZDE1YTQ4YTUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael snorted out a laugh. The girl looked at him, confused. He guessed he should return the favor. "Raphael cannot die. He can do all he wants, but Raphael is incapable of being 'removed.'"</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODc1Yzc0ZTk2YTRkYzNhMmIzNmYwNWYyZDFmN2Vh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"He knows that. He said he wasn't going to kill her, he was just going to 'remove' her."</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTkyM2RhMDM1MTQ3YTBhODBjMzE2MDU3ZjY4ODgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"How?" Michael blinked. He wasn't sure how the sorcerer was planning on getting rid of Raphael. But he was worried - if there was anyone who could do such a thing, it would be Ostheim.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWI3YTRiYjhlMzQzYjBiZjlmYjk3NWUxNjgwOTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hell if I know." He cast her a look and she shrugged. "Really - I don't. He hasn't told any of us."</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjRjMTRjMTU3ODRjNzVhZWU2MTNhYWQyOTI3NzFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He shut his eyes, lowering his head. He was stuck here, helpless, as Ostheim was out threatening his companions. It was infuriating. Mustering his strength, he thrashed in the chair, trying to free himself. The only reward was a searing pain that lanced up his left arm and to his ear, causing his vision to swirl.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmM5NGRmYWVmZDQ4NzM5NjlmODczMjdlY2I4NGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Easy champ, you're gonna really hurt yourself..."</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDczYmU5YjlhNTQyY2M4MDJiYTZjM2Y5NWE3Njky"><span style="font-weight: 400">He didn't feel like replying. She seemed to notice his lack of enthusiasm for the conversation, and shrugging to herself, went back to chucking small little balls of paper into the cup.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNkNWU2NTU5ZDFlYTRkZjNhYTIxOGUxMjI5YjJmNTVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I don't like this idea!" Victor whined.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmI3ZTdiODNkYTRiNzFiYTBiMjZlODIwMjNkODJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Just do it already, you wuss." Mal snorted and looked up at the church looming over them.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDc5OGRjYjFkZTQ1ODk4NWU5YTUxYWViZjUwZjVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor looked up at the building through the trees. He was standing here next to Mal and Isaac in some tiny little park, hidden in the darkness across the street from the ominous structure. The building looked old, its gothic spires stretching up towards the dark night sky. A gargoyle on the bell tower leered over them, backlit by the half-moon. Other than that, there was little in the sky. The city lights were too bright to pick out more than just a few scattered, flickering white pinholes.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2JiMjUwZTExZDQwMjliOTgwZDc3MGFjZjUyZDFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nervousness was turning his stomach over slowly. He was staring at the large circular window that decorated the face of the church, like an ironic bulls-eye. It made what he was about to do even that more annoying. It was like the building itself was mocking him.</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2MyOGRkNWY2YzQzYzJiYThiODM2MTE0NjBmNmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"But it's going to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">hurt.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">"</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjViZGUxM2Y1YTRkMzBhYjM4MGUyZmEzNzhhNGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Big effin' deal, Ruffles." Mal cracked his neck from one side to the other. "You don' have to break down the front door."</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWM3NjM4YjljYjQ1NGU5MTUxNWFlM2U5N2Q1ZWZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Enough."</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTRlYmM0NWRmZTQwMDk4MGRkY2ZkNWU0YzVhMDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Their conversation went silent as Isaac approached them. Victor shoved his hands into his coat pockets. The sorcerer had been in an incredibly foul mood since Aaron had left a few days prior. Some days Victor'd find the temptation to push some of Isaac's buttons for a laugh. Not today. He'd get his ass kicked. He wished Eric was here, but he wasn't really talking much. When asked to come along, he quietly refused. Victor sighed, another thought weighing heavily on him. They hadn't actually spoken since they argued by his car, over a week ago.</span></p> <p class="cnNiODIxYmVhOTU3NjRiZjA5Mjc1ODMxNDNiOWI1ZDA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I will retrieve Raphael personally," Isaac said. "I suspect that at least Uriel and Azrael are inside. It is your task to deal with those two. I suspect you </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">should</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> be able to handle it..." Isaac narrowed his eyes at the two of them. "I hope I am not mistaken. Are we understood?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTVkY2NmM2Q2MDRlOTZhNjAwMzAxNGM2OTMyZGI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yeah," Mal grunted out, cracking the knuckles on his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzBjNjA2YTA2MTRhY2JiYjFkYTBkYjk2ZjAxNmFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes Boss," Victor added meekly. Isaac, seemingly satisfied, walked away into the darkness. Victor pulled in a slow breath. "I'll take Azrael. Seeing as you take bullets better than I do."</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTdhMTA4M2VmOTQ0OGM5YThiNzRkYTBhN2Q2Mzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Deal. I hate that lil' Cirque Du Soleil reject anyways." Mal patted him roughly on the back. "On yer cue, fangs."</span></p> <p class="cnMxNmEwYTBjYTcyMDQzMDQ5Zjc3MDFlMDZlOWE3N2Jh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yeah... yeah..." Victor backed up, giving himself a good thirty feet. He rolled his shoulders, hunkered down - and ran. He half heard Mal yelp in surprise as Victor dashed - almost faster than the eye could see. He planted a foot onto a bench as he neared the street - and he jumped.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTc1NjJlOGFmZTQ5NDI4MDlmZGI5NGYyMmY3M2Zm"><span style="font-weight: 400">It could be debated whether or not he had an impeccable aim - or the worst luck in the world. This was what rolled through his mind as he crashed through the large circular stained glass window. The glass shattered around him in a rain of glittering multi-colored shards. Time almost seemed to slow down as he careened through the glass, putting one hand over his face to protect himself. Going through the window was what Victor had planned - the large statue of the Virgin Mary that he found in his landing path was not.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Zjg5YTdjZmZkOTRhNTZhZjI2ZTkwOWE5ZDg0MTgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor's let out a yell as his body slammed into the statue. It teetered, and he barely had time to register what was going on. He grabbed hold of the statue as it crashed, and the blond rolled to the side. Victor lay on his back in a pile of marble rubble, glass shards and wood splinters. The vampire groaned in pain and looked up at the cross hanging over his head in his line of view. "Why me?" he asked the cross. Rolling onto his side, he picked himself up off of the floor and began brushing glass and marble dust off of his pants.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzU3NGM1ZDliNjRkYzI4ODI5ODQwYzhmM2I5MWRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He blinked as he heard the familiar clicking of a gun hammer pulling back. He ducked barely in time as a bullet impacted a column where he stood a moment prior, cracking the marble where the bullet dug into the stone. Victor growled and ducked behind a pew. Another bullet thunked into the wood next to his head. Victor moved - dashing down around a corner, coming up behind Uriel and checking him with his shoulder, sending the older man smashing over another pew and to the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGRhZDgwM2U5MjQzZDhiN2U2N2VhZmY1ODhjNDJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wincing, Victor reached up and pulled a shard of glass out of his hair and flicked it to the side. "I knew this was a stupid idea..." He leaped in surprise as the front door suddenly caved in like it had been hit by a car. Close enough. Mal came barreling through the wood, brushing splinters off of himself as he walked up to the vampire, flashing his lopsided smile.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2I1NTZhZDMwNjRjNDI5MDVhNDgzOWMzZTE1Yjdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Wha'd I miss?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTkyYzA4ZWI1YjRjNGRhNWE5ZTdlNTQwMzE2NTZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Me making an ass out of myself."</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzg5N2M0OTkyYjQ5NWE4OTJmMTBhMzZiYmRlMzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh, so nuthin' out of the ordinary."</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTY3NjhkMmRlZjRhYzdiNjJlYWIzOWNjY2ZjY2Nl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Ah hah. Look-" Victor ducked as bullets ricochetted around them. One dug into Victor's arm. Putting his back to a column, he dug his fingers into the wound and yanked the bullet out, tossing it aside. He watched as the wound closed up on its own. At least the man wasn't packing silver bullets this time.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTRmZWIwYWRlZDQwMDdhN2VhYTI5YzQ3M2FhYTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mal was walking calmly towards Uriel, watching as the man uselessly fired his guns into the bigger man's chest. Mal simply brushed them off, watching the bullets plink to the ground. "I liked this shirt... c'mere!" Mal ran at Uriel, chucking a pew aside. It crashed against the wall, smashing in half.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDVmYmRhZTQwMzRjYWFiNWJhM2VkMGQ0NmJjMzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor didn't have time to watch much more of the fight as he found a knife sticking into his chest. Snarling in pain as Azrael twisted the blade, sending arcs of electricity through him, he forced himself to work through it. This time he was expecting it. It hurt like hell, but he managed to keep his footing. "Not this time, asshole..." Victor planted his fist straight into Azrael's head, knocking whatever-it-was backwards onto the ground, taking the knife with him. Victor gagged in pain as the blade was yanked out, watching his shirt soak with blood. He could already feel the wound healing.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTA1MWQwYWVmMzQwNDA5MzJjMjhhY2I0Y2U2NTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Not wanting to give Azrael any more opportunity, he leaped onto the black ragged thing and started pounding his fist into its mask, cracking the porcelain. Victor had a suspicion that the only reason they were getting off this easy was that they had caught the Crusaders at home, unprepared. He stood up, looking down at the hopefully unconscious form of the 'Archangel of Death.'</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmFhZmFhNTY4ZjRiOWViOGEzN2U3NDZkM2E0MTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor lifted his head, suddenly realizing that there wasn't any gunfire. "Yo, Mal, what happened?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzFlZmQ1MWE3MDQ0MTdhNWFhM2U5NzQ0OTlkMjRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"He ran off, goddamn coward..."</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWNhMWEwZTY5ZDRlNTdiNjdlZTQ4Y2E5YjZjNWVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"That probably means he's coming back with soldiers."</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmI3YzJmZjQ1MjRiYzE4ZmEyNTJkNzMyNDgwMWZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Prob'ly."</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDA0MTYwNWM3NzQ4YzU4Y2ExZGVkNmIxODZkMWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor sighed and leaned his arm on a large iron candelabra next to him. “Wha-oh!” he exclaimed as the candelabra teetered suddenly. He scrambled to catch it, but it fell a second too soon - the iron smashing into the ground and the lit candles rolling across the floor. The two men watched in somewhat idle fascination as a large tapestry against the wall began to smoke. It began to hiss and pop as the threads grew dark and then sparked with flame. They watched as the fire climbed up the tapestry to the roof, spreading from the wall to the ceiling. "Um... Whoops? " Victor snickered quietly. "Let's just... tell Isaac we did that on purpose..."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzUzMjRlZjBmYjRhZDhhN2IyNjg3M2RiMGEwNDk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Tell me you did what on purpose?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTgyNWNmNTUzNTRjOTM5Y2U4NGEyNzMwZDdiZWE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Help! </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh god, </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">help!"</span></em></p> <p class="cnM2OWVkNGQ1ZmQ0OTQzM2VhODE4MmM2ODJiZDExMTkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor turned to see Isaac step into the room. He had a young girl - he assumed Raphael - the hair, dragging the teenager next to him. Victor had never met her, as the 'lifeline' of the Crusaders was kept under heavy guard, but he figured it couldn’t be anyone else. The girl was struggling, sobbing, trying to wrench herself free from Isaac, who was dragging her along like she was nothing more than an unruly grocery bag. She was obviously terrified, screaming like a nightmare had become real. To her, it probably had.</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2I4NTliNmFjZDRmNGE5YWI4NzI4OGU5ZTE1Y2Q3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Um..." Victor blinked.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2E5ZjE1M2NlMzQwZGU4YWViZDZhY2RkOTM3OTI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac turned his attention upwards at the fire spreading along the wall. "Ah." He shrugged. "No matter. Come." Isaac began to walk towards the shattered door, dragging Raphael along. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZDBhZjg0NjY1MjQ4NzRiNDVjNmIyYTMxZTNmNzEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking at Mal, Victor shrugged. Mal returned the gesture, and the two men walked after their employer. Victor knew he probably should have cared about the girl - she was just a kid after all - but it was just another job. He had done worse and probably would do worse again in his existence. It wasn't his place to ask questions like that. Besides, Victor reminded himself - she was a soldier. She was a Vatican freak whose purpose was to destroy things like him. It was eat or be eaten. </span></p> <p class="cnMwY2U3ZTJmNjAxYzQ4ODM5MDdkMzA4Y2EyZDVmZWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Raphael suddenly dug her heel into Isaac's shin, causing the man's knee to buckle forward. Isaac caught himself and turned, glaring down at the girl. Twisting her head roughly to look up at him, he began to talk to her quietly, like he was angrily scolding a student. "Raphael, I have been patient with your insolence to this point. As you have shown that you have no interest in calming yourself, you force me to do the only logical thing; I will do it for you."</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDMxNzQ4MDVmOTQ4NTU4ZTRkYTUyODU1ZGI5Nzgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac spun Raphael around so her back was to him. Placing one hand on the front of her head and the other on the back, Isaac snapped his hands sharply - twisting her head to the side. Victor and Mal both winced at the stomach-churning </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">crunch</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> that followed. As Raphael slumped, Isaac caught her and slung her over his shoulder. Letting out an annoyed sigh at the interruption, Isaac simply turned and continued to walk.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTM2YWJiN2VjNTRmMTZiYWMyMGZiYjY4OGJkNjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor rubbed the back of his neck and followed, looking up at Mal. He wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do and knew that his expression said as much. The big bald man looked unsettled but resigned. Neither man dared to say anything, and Mal simply patted him on the shoulder. Shoving his hands into his pockets again, Victor decided to follow the big man's lead. Shut up and get paid.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM0ZGE4YjZhNDg2ZTQ0YzRiYjZhYWJjNTk5MDQzZThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Staring at the ceiling got really old around hour whatever-this-was. She had been down here for four straight days, watching Michael. Occasionally she was allowed to let him up to use the bathroom or to feed him. Isaac had instructed her to 'keep him alive.' So she was doing that to the best of her ability. The man was obviously exhausted and significantly the worse for wear. The last time she had let him up to use the bathroom, his legs had given out under him. He probably would have tried to run, if he could. But he was too weak to even attempt it, it seemed.</span></p> <p class="cnNhM2ZiOTk3ZmU5MTRkMGZiYjgwZjlhODA2M2NmMzU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse was lying on her back, staring up at a little ball of light hovering over her. The little fuzzy blob of color was another ghost. She didn't know where the little thing came from, but it was flittering around the room and seemed to like her.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTY0M2ZjNjdjYzRhYTBiMzJjZDgxZTcyY2Q3OGU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She picked up a tennis ball she found and tossed it up in the air. She watched as the little blob gripped onto it, held the ball for a moment, and then dropped it. Muse caught it and smiled. She tossed the ball again, watched as the ghost held it for a second, and then dropped it back to her.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjY0NDBlNTg3YzRiN2ViMzkyZWQ2NzZkNTMzNjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What are you doing...?" she heard Michael ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWE2NmVlY2I0ZDQ4ZTg4MTRhMzUzOGZhZGMyYmM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Playing catch." </span></p> <p class="cnNlNDVmMzcxNDk0OTQ0MTg4YTlhM2UwOWVlNTcyMjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"With... what, exactly?" He sounded some mix of curious, nervous, and amused.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTk1N2FhZDkxMjQ4NmQ4ZjQ4MzI5M2NjNDE1MDNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZjFhZWQxOWM5NTRmZmRhYzM5M2YxNTllNWZiYmQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Pardon?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDI3MDM1MmVmMzRmMGI5MTg1ZjAwOWIyYTYwMjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">She threw the ball, knowing that to Michael, all it did was hover in the air for a moment, and then drop back down to her. "With ‘who.’ Another little ghost."</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWE0YmM3MzVlNjQ0NjI4NWI0MjliMDU5MjYxZTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Wait, another-" she heard Michael shift in the chair. "There's someone else here?"</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzdmZTc4MmNkZDQ2MWQ5NTZmNzU5ZTYyYjRkNTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Kinda." Toss, hover, catch. "Not like me, though." Toss, hover, catch.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTljNTdlZjRlMjQ0MTg5M2FmZDA2NjJjZGViMDdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Howso?"</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTYxOTI3MTMwZDQ3MjlhMWQ0YWI4Y2JiYWUwZTBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"He's... small. He's not really thinking. He's just... feeling." Toss, hover, drop, catch. "A blob of emotions and energy just wandering around. Too weak to do much, I guess."</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzU3NjViZWFkYzQzMjI4ZTZjNmYzMDY3N2JhOWEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Ghosts can become weak?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzIyZTc1ZWY2ZTRmNzhhNWZlNzUzM2I5MTFjYmU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Toss, hover, drop, catch. “Yeah. We fade out with time, or at least, I think so. I didn't get an instruction booklet." Toss, hover, drop, catch. "All I know is that... it's like watching someone go senile. Or watching a candle burn when you don’t know how long the wick is. Sometimes happens faster, sometimes happens slower. Then... sometimes, they blink out entirely." Muse let out a sigh. Toss, hover, drop, catch. Yet another thing she didn't want to dwell on. The idea of turning out like the little thing floating over her was not a comfortable thought.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjI2ZTM4MzgyODQ2ZTE4NzMwODdhODAwOGY4OWIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why is it here?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTI3MjUzMWU0MjQwOTRiMDc2ZDUwOWQ0NDNiZTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"This happens sometimes. He probably wandered from somewhere and found me." Toss, hover, drop, catch.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWY0YTc3NDdhOTQ5YTY4NjkwNzg4OGQ5YThjZGNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why would he care about you?"</span></p> <p class="cnMyODlhYWI5ODE4ZDQ0NmI5N2RhM2NhZDY2ZTY2NmU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm bigger. I guess it's a moth-to-a-flame kind of thing." Muse watched as the remains of whoever it was that she was playing catch with got bored, distracted, and floated off through the wall and outside. She was glad she was spared the 'undead ADD' that most of her 'kin' suffered. "They're not like me."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzcyMmRhOWNmYjQ5NDBiYTQ3YjI1MjkzMTY2ZDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Thank God for that."</span></p> <p class="cnM4MmU3Zjc5YzQ0ODQ3YTY4MjBmYjVjZDU2NDY5YmFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hey," Muse shot him an injured look, swiveling around to sit up, taking her favorite spot against the pole. She was surprised to see that he had a very mild smile on his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Mjk0ZWY3NGEzNzQ3OTVhNDdiYWZiZTk3YTg4OWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What made you so particular?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGUyNjdlNDJkNTRhNThiNDNiN2RkODZmOWRkMDc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse tilted her head to the side slightly and shrugged. "I have no idea. Not a flipping clue."</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTlkMWE4NTY1NDQwZmZhMGI5MzY5Y2NhZjU0ODdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, what did you do to be condemned to this?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjAxOTMzNDAzZDRkZjU5NTMyY2I3MTllN2YyM2Qz"><span style="font-weight: 400">She blinked. He asked it so casually. She wondered why he cared. It was probably because he had been down here for a while and had nothing better to do. She lowered her head lightly. "That's an awfully personal question."</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGQ0NDI3YjVkMTRlNTQ4MTE5OTVmMTU4Y2MwMTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I suppose it is."</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjcyMzViMThlMzQyOGJiZDAzMjE1OTEzMTQ4MTY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a long silence. Muse was watching him, trying to figure out this man. A Vatican soldier. An armored force of nature, one she had found herself terrified of. And now, she was sitting here, having a personal conversation with him. Michael was asking her questions that not even Isaac had asked. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What the hell. Chances are he won't be alive for much longer anyway.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1ODEyMjk0NTIxYTQ5NTU4YjQyMjYxMzZmZDI1YTM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I don't know that either. I wasn't exactly Christian, so I suppose if that condemns you to an existence of floating numb around a world you're loosely connected to, then I guess that's it." Muse folded her arms across her knees and propped her chin up on her forearm. Lost in thought, she tried to think back as to what could have caused her to be like this. Where she went 'wrong.' "I guess I did some stupid stuff - but - hell, who hasn't when they were a kid? Okay, " she chuckled. "Everyone but you."</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWIzNjg0ZDVmYjRmYjdhMzg4NmIzZjQyZmE0Yjlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael smiled faintly and shifted, hissing in pain as his arm dug into the chair again. "You must have done something. Being a heathen doesn't help, but there must be something."</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTA0MzNkN2FjMjQ1ZDA5OWUwYWRlODVlY2FhYzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Not... that I can think of," she chewed on her lower lip. "I smoked some weed. I never killed anybody - never stole. Never screwed anybody over. I don't know. I really don't. No one spoke to me, I saw no lights, I saw nothing. It all went dark, and then... I woke up." The last thing she wanted to do was think about her predicament. All ‘thinking about it’ accomplished was to make it more difficult to cope with.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTE2NzMzODAwMTQ5ODdhMjQzOTcyZWNkMjg2YTkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"How did you die?" Michael did his best to straighten out, wincing as the muscles in his arms protested to the movement.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2U5MThiNDIxZTQxMDVhNTY2MzM4MDkzOGExZjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Christ." Muse let the word out in a sigh. She ran both of her hands through her hair, wishing she could hide from the question. She knew she didn't have to answer him. "Everybody always wants to know how I died. Million dollar question." Muse lifted her head and watched him. She was surprised at what she saw. His face was almost - not quite, but almost - kind. There wasn't the cold detachment in his hazel eyes that she saw when she told Isaac. It almost looked like Michael... cared.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjBhNmIwNjQ4ZDRiMTZiMjZlMzg4ZTBiMTVjNzI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's a sensitive subject, I can imagine... You don't have to tell me. I-"</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWJiOWY4ZTQxOTQyYTQ5MGNlZjdkOTJiYzY4ZjA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I was murdered," she said suddenly, blurting it out in a rush. She opened her mouth, paused, and let out a breath she started talking slower. She had to get used to the idea eventually. Yes, she was murdered. Yes, she was stabbed. What else had happened to her after she lost consciousness - she was glad she had been spared. Muse figured she might as well use this as an opportunity to 'talk about it.' Didn't they say it got better that way? "I was stabbed." She kept her gaze fixed on the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes. She sat there and watched the scene play out in her head again. "Will, my boyfriend. I loved him. Or at least, I think I did. He brought me out to this place, this graveyard. He murdered me." She shuddered and pulled her knees closer to her as she felt the sensation of the knife on her ribs. She hoped that someday the memory of that feeling would go away. “He... was the only person on this planet... ever... to look me in the eyes and say that he loved me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWU4YzBiMGViYTRmMDNhMDAxOTIwODkyMDk4ZTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">They sat in silence. Michael was staring off thoughtfully. Muse finally moved, sitting cross-legged on the ground. She tried to push the thoughts away, but the harder she tried, the more vivid the memories became. Whoever said 'talking about it makes it better' could go screw. It didn't feel any better at all. She got up and walked across the room, just finding the need to move.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTA5OWE2ZTEwMjQ0ZmU5ZGEwZDgwNWViOTAwNWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"For what it is worth, I am sorry you suffered. God can be strange in the way he works. We can only have faith in his grand design."</span></p> <p class="cnM0YTRhMzg1NGRjNzRmYzM5ZGI5MmJlNjgwZmYxMGYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">That caught her by surprise. Muse would normally have mocked someone for claiming God had any sort of 'plan' involving her getting brutally murdered, but the look on his face stopped her. He was only trying to be nice, trying to be comforting. She wouldn't throw that back at him.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjI5MmQ3ZjE1MzRlODliYWJkNWQ3NWFjM2Y4ZDM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Thanks." Muse took a moment. "I don't mean to sound rude... But... why do you care? It's not like we're best friends."</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDdiYTNmM2M3MTQ0OWFhNDgzNThiYTIyNjUxNjAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I am a Crusader. A sword of the light. You are my enemy, and when we meet again on the battlefield I will show no mercy." Michael shut his eyes and leaned his head back. He suddenly sounded almost feverish. She wondered if he was going to pass out. He had done that a few times already. "But I can recognize and sympathize with your suffering. I still don't condone your actions. You were condemned to this for a reason. God would not have done this to you without due cause."</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjZjNzg3YzE2OTRjYTNiOGY2ZTZkYTg3ZDgzZGQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Maybe God just gets a laugh out of it."</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDVjYzJiNGZkODQwMjI5NWYzYWI4MWRjMmRhM2U4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Don't blaspheme."</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzIzYTYyODNhNjRiMjk5NWZmNjc2NTRlYWI3NmU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hun, at this point it's become a hobby.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM0Mzg4ZDM1NDk1MjQ2ZDFhMmJkMWQ5YTRhMTBlNTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Uriel stood across the street from his former home. St. Peter's had been their base of operations in New England for years, and now, half of it lay in ruin. The fire had shattered several of the windows and collapsed the roof in some sections. The firemen had saved a good portion of it, but there was no point in staying. He was gripping the railing of the fence in front of him. Azrael was somewhere close, he was sure. He was surrounded by Vatican soldiers, yet he didn't feel any safer.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYWI5OTg2MzVlYjQwYzU5MzkwOTdkYWI2Nzk3ODVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"He took Raphael."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDkxZWRiNmEwZTQ3YWRiM2MzYzkxYWYzZDFmZmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Do we know why?" came a voice to his right, the Irish accent thinner than it used to be, but still a lilting presence in the words.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDA2M2FmMThkYTRjMGRhNjk5ZDg2YzQ0MTFiNTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No."</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTMxODZkZDUwNzRmNDBhOWQ4ODI2NzdmZWFkOGE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, then we get her back. Raphael can't die, no matter what he does. He's a clever thing, but I don't see what he could do."</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWY3MTBjYjM0OTQ2ZDc4NzM1MmU2ZmQ5Y2U5OWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Uriel turned to look at the man next to him. Tall, white-haired, glasses, grizzled and pulling a drag on his cigarette. Despite the fact that they were on the same side, he still found the man’s presence nerve-wracking. The Vatican sent ‘the Priest.’ Things must be bad. Uriel had been a part of this contingent since its inception - he was well into his sixties and didn't consider himself a rookie by any means. But the Priest to his right made him feel like a boy.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTIxYTU3OTg1YzRjM2Y4N2UyMmEzOWY0OGI4MGE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Zadkiel can tell us where they are... she hasn't been able to get a read on Michael alone, but if the two of them are in the same spot... we can find them," Uriel muttered out quietly.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDE1NzhmOGQwODQzYTI5ZWVjNjIzOTk3ZGYwNjUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Good. Then take the squadron and go get your compatriots."</span></p> <p class="cnNlYjlkZmJmYjZmODRiMjRiZDJjNDk3MzkwZWZkM2Qz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Uriel felt like he had just been reprimanded. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNjg1MzdjMDE3YTQzNzhhOTQ0MDI3NmI5ZTQ1ODIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes, Father Ramsden."</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMxNjJmZDFjNTdkMzQ0YTg5ZDI4OGVhODQzMDQ4YjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Being woken up by being stepped on is one thing. Being woken up by being stepped </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">through</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> is an altogether different level of unsettling. Muse jolted into consciousness as she realized that someone was standing </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">in </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">her. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was in the basement and had accidentally dozed off. It took her another second or two to realize that Michael was standing in her, collapsed on his knees. Pulling herself into a tighter ball, she appeared to the side of him.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDk5ZjIxMjFjODQyOTA5YjM3ODM3NjU5NjcyZjU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael struggled to stand, and tried to make it to the door. She actually felt more than a little bad for him as his legs betrayed him, and gave out underneath his unsteady weight. But Isaac had put her to this job. If he got loose, it would mean hell for her. Sighing, she walked up to Michael and picked him up by the upper arm. His weight was nothing. She was slowly realizing how strong she actually was.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWQ3ZjI5M2U2MjRjZjBiNTZjNjBjNGU2OThiYzFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, good morning," she said down to him. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MmFjMjNkNzkyZTQ4MjE4MDBhNmFjNmQxYzExODFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Let me go - Ghost, let me go," Michael pleaded as she dragged him back towards the center of the room and the chair. "You know he plans on killing me. He plans on killing all of my companions, my friends - please!"</span></p> <p class="cnMxODdiYmJlZjEzMzRmNmI5MmY3MGVlMjFmNzZkYTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Half of her wanted to let him go, but the other half wanted not to suffer Isaac's wrath. Lying to the sorcerer wouldn't do her any good, and she knew if he found out that she had let the Crusader go... she wasn't sure what he'd do, but she knew it'd hurt. She tried to remember what Michael had done to Victor - and her. Somehow she figured Isaac’s rage would still hurt worse. A lot worse. Self-preservation took over.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWUyYTk0NjcwNzQxYzRiOWJkYzkzZWEzOGJlNDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm sorry, man." Muse forced Michael into the chair and pulled his arms behind him. He howled in pain as she did. She clasped the restraints back around him, squeezing together the link of the chain that he had bent out of shape.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2FhMTM3YjIxMjQ4Y2M4ZDk4MzZlYjM0YzA4OGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She vanished, not wanting to have to stand there and have him look at her. She couldn't take the expression on the face, the pain he was in. She hovered by the wall as she heard the basement door swing open. Measured footsteps came down the stairs - it could only be one person.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDI5YjRiYTgzYTQxYTNhMDI5YTcyYzQ2NzQ4OGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Muse?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWI4Y2VkODdiNzQ3ODg5YWI0YjExMDU4NTVmY2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yep. She was right.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGVjYWNiYTcyYjQ3YTRhYmViYTQ5MzgwNjcwNjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">She took form and looked over at Isaac. "Yeah?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjRkYzhjOTY1OTQ2NjBiZjNiYTg3NWExMjM4MzAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"We're going to need you for this. Come. Eric will be security."</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTJhMTM1YWZlYzQ2N2JhNjY1ODhkNjQ2NTZiZDlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Need me for... what, exactly?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2ZmZmI2ZGZjNzRiOGU4N2RmMTlmZTgxYjI3MWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac watched her. His face was completely unreadable. There was no flicker of anything, no semblance of any emotion. "We are going to remove Raphael." He turned on his heels and headed back up the stairs. "Come. We have to do this quickly."</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDE0ODExYjNkMDQ3NmY5NTA0ZGZmYWExMDI1ZDYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael howled in pain, and rage, struggling against the chains violently as he thrashed with renewed energy.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTk3MTkwNTZkMjQzMTRhMjY1NjZjMzE4YTdiMGE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Sorcerer! Sorcerer you will suffer for this! Face me like a man, you coward! You will be struck down, mark my words!"</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODA3NTgxNDAxNTQxYzliYmJmODI4NmQ3YjdhM2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse vanished, heading up the stairs past Isaac, glad to be away from Michael's suffering, although she had the feeling that where she was going was going to be no better.</span></p> </div>
Michael had blinked in and out of consciousness a few times. He was unsure how much time had gone by since he had found himself here. His arms stung, burned with a searing pain. No matter what he did, no matter how he shifted, could only seem to lessen the pain for a few minutes at most. He lifted his head, the pounding in his temples worsening with the movement. Blinking away the blear in his eyes, he looked up to see that the ghost girl was still there. Sitting against the pole, she had placed a cup on the ground a good ten feet in front of her. She was ripping off little bits of a newspaper that lay next to her and was flicking the balls at the cup. Judging by the large smattering of paper balls around the cup, and the decent quantity that lay inside, she must have been at this for a while. "I want to ask you something." "Why should I talk to you?" She sounded bitter. Most likely still angry about what happened the night prior. It seemed there was something still capable of feeling remorse in her - good. Maybe he had hope - maybe she still had a soul. "Because you were once human." “I’m still human, Michael.” She balled up a chunk of the newspaper lying next to her into one gigantic wad and threw it across the room as if throwing the piece of paper would relieve some of her anger. “Once you come to accept the fact that I am a person, I’m human, and that I’m not evil-” “You serve Isaac," Michael interrupted. “I don’t want to - and I never said I haven’t done bad things," Muse sighed. "I suppose I have. I’m not going to lie. Especially recently, I guess. I may be 'forsaken by God,' but that doesn’t mean I’m not human. I’m not a demon, a beast, or a lampshade. I'm not an inanimate object." "You should not exist," he said quietly. He didn't mean for it to sound vicious. It was true. He could help her, help her move on to whatever place she was destined to go. Her being locked like this was unnatural. “And yet here we are," she snapped. She looked up at him, clearly frustrated with the conversation. "You wanted to ask me something." Michael watched in silence for a long time, before finally speaking up. "Why is Ostheim keeping me here?" He watched as the girl looked over at him with a quizzical look. The dark eyeliner she wore made her eyes appear bigger than he suspected they actually were. "Who?" "Ostheim. Isaac Ostheim. The sorcerer." "So that’s his last name. Uh. Oh," the girl paused. "I don't know. He said this was an opportunity. I don't know much more than you do." "What is it that you do know, then?" The girl looked at him with a quirked eyebrow, as if debating her motivation for telling him. This girl seemed far less gone than the others. Yes, she had let him fall out of a forty-story window - a memory that still inspired nightmares. Yes, she had given him the bruise on his forehead when she had punched him. But she seemed to be debating the idea of telling him. Either she was naïve, or she had some semblance of grace left in her. "I don't think I should be telling you." "I don't seem to be going anywhere. I really pose no threat." Michael cringed as he shifted his weight again. Even if he were free, his arms would be too useless to do much of anything. His armor and his sword were nowhere to be seen. "Yeah, right *now.* What happens if you get free?" "We'll discuss it then, I guess." The girl snorted at his half attempt at a joke and flicked another paper ball at the cup. Michael watched another whiz through the air, skitter across the ground as she missed. A few moments, and another attempt. The moments ticked by as he watched her throw the little paper balls. Apparently, she wasn't going to tell him. He was not particularly surprised. He’d been wrong before. "He's planning on 'removing' Raphael." Michael snorted out a laugh. The girl looked at him, confused. He guessed he should return the favor. "Raphael cannot die. He can do all he wants, but Raphael is incapable of being 'removed.'" "He knows that. He said he wasn't going to kill her, he was just going to 'remove' her." "How?" Michael blinked. He wasn't sure how the sorcerer was planning on getting rid of Raphael. But he was worried - if there was anyone who could do such a thing, it would be Ostheim. "Hell if I know." He cast her a look and she shrugged. "Really - I don't. He hasn't told any of us." He shut his eyes, lowering his head. He was stuck here, helpless, as Ostheim was out threatening his companions. It was infuriating. Mustering his strength, he thrashed in the chair, trying to free himself. The only reward was a searing pain that lanced up his left arm and to his ear, causing his vision to swirl. "Easy champ, you're gonna really hurt yourself..." He didn't feel like replying. She seemed to notice his lack of enthusiasm for the conversation, and shrugging to herself, went back to chucking small little balls of paper into the cup. --- "I don't like this idea!" Victor whined. "Just do it already, you wuss." Mal snorted and looked up at the church looming over them. Victor looked up at the building through the trees. He was standing here next to Mal and Isaac in some tiny little park, hidden in the darkness across the street from the ominous structure. The building looked old, its gothic spires stretching up towards the dark night sky. A gargoyle on the bell tower leered over them, backlit by the half-moon. Other than that, there was little in the sky. The city lights were too bright to pick out more than just a few scattered, flickering white pinholes. Nervousness was turning his stomach over slowly. He was staring at the large circular window that decorated the face of the church, like an ironic bulls-eye. It made what he was about to do even that more annoying. It was like the building itself was mocking him. "But it's going to *hurt.*" "Big effin' deal, Ruffles." Mal cracked his neck from one side to the other. "You don' have to break down the front door." "Enough." Their conversation went silent as Isaac approached them. Victor shoved his hands into his coat pockets. The sorcerer had been in an incredibly foul mood since Aaron had left a few days prior. Some days Victor'd find the temptation to push some of Isaac's buttons for a laugh. Not today. He'd get his ass kicked. He wished Eric was here, but he wasn't really talking much. When asked to come along, he quietly refused. Victor sighed, another thought weighing heavily on him. They hadn't actually spoken since they argued by his car, over a week ago. "I will retrieve Raphael personally," Isaac said. "I suspect that at least Uriel and Azrael are inside. It is your task to deal with those two. I suspect you *should* be able to handle it..." Isaac narrowed his eyes at the two of them. "I hope I am not mistaken. Are we understood?" "Yeah," Mal grunted out, cracking the knuckles on his hand. "Yes Boss," Victor added meekly. Isaac, seemingly satisfied, walked away into the darkness. Victor pulled in a slow breath. "I'll take Azrael. Seeing as you take bullets better than I do." "Deal. I hate that lil' Cirque Du Soleil reject anyways." Mal patted him roughly on the back. "On yer cue, fangs." "Yeah... yeah..." Victor backed up, giving himself a good thirty feet. He rolled his shoulders, hunkered down - and ran. He half heard Mal yelp in surprise as Victor dashed - almost faster than the eye could see. He planted a foot onto a bench as he neared the street - and he jumped. It could be debated whether or not he had an impeccable aim - or the worst luck in the world. This was what rolled through his mind as he crashed through the large circular stained glass window. The glass shattered around him in a rain of glittering multi-colored shards. Time almost seemed to slow down as he careened through the glass, putting one hand over his face to protect himself. Going through the window was what Victor had planned - the large statue of the Virgin Mary that he found in his landing path was not. Victor's let out a yell as his body slammed into the statue. It teetered, and he barely had time to register what was going on. He grabbed hold of the statue as it crashed, and the blond rolled to the side. Victor lay on his back in a pile of marble rubble, glass shards and wood splinters. The vampire groaned in pain and looked up at the cross hanging over his head in his line of view. "Why me?" he asked the cross. Rolling onto his side, he picked himself up off of the floor and began brushing glass and marble dust off of his pants. He blinked as he heard the familiar clicking of a gun hammer pulling back. He ducked barely in time as a bullet impacted a column where he stood a moment prior, cracking the marble where the bullet dug into the stone. Victor growled and ducked behind a pew. Another bullet thunked into the wood next to his head. Victor moved - dashing down around a corner, coming up behind Uriel and checking him with his shoulder, sending the older man smashing over another pew and to the ground. Wincing, Victor reached up and pulled a shard of glass out of his hair and flicked it to the side. "I knew this was a stupid idea..." He leaped in surprise as the front door suddenly caved in like it had been hit by a car. Close enough. Mal came barreling through the wood, brushing splinters off of himself as he walked up to the vampire, flashing his lopsided smile. "Wha'd I miss?" "Me making an ass out of myself." "Oh, so nuthin' out of the ordinary." "Ah hah. Look-" Victor ducked as bullets ricochetted around them. One dug into Victor's arm. Putting his back to a column, he dug his fingers into the wound and yanked the bullet out, tossing it aside. He watched as the wound closed up on its own. At least the man wasn't packing silver bullets this time. Mal was walking calmly towards Uriel, watching as the man uselessly fired his guns into the bigger man's chest. Mal simply brushed them off, watching the bullets plink to the ground. "I liked this shirt... c'mere!" Mal ran at Uriel, chucking a pew aside. It crashed against the wall, smashing in half. Victor didn't have time to watch much more of the fight as he found a knife sticking into his chest. Snarling in pain as Azrael twisted the blade, sending arcs of electricity through him, he forced himself to work through it. This time he was expecting it. It hurt like hell, but he managed to keep his footing. "Not this time, asshole..." Victor planted his fist straight into Azrael's head, knocking whatever-it-was backwards onto the ground, taking the knife with him. Victor gagged in pain as the blade was yanked out, watching his shirt soak with blood. He could already feel the wound healing. Not wanting to give Azrael any more opportunity, he leaped onto the black ragged thing and started pounding his fist into its mask, cracking the porcelain. Victor had a suspicion that the only reason they were getting off this easy was that they had caught the Crusaders at home, unprepared. He stood up, looking down at the hopefully unconscious form of the 'Archangel of Death.' Victor lifted his head, suddenly realizing that there wasn't any gunfire. "Yo, Mal, what happened?" "He ran off, goddamn coward..." "That probably means he's coming back with soldiers." "Prob'ly." Victor sighed and leaned his arm on a large iron candelabra next to him. “Wha-oh!” he exclaimed as the candelabra teetered suddenly. He scrambled to catch it, but it fell a second too soon - the iron smashing into the ground and the lit candles rolling across the floor. The two men watched in somewhat idle fascination as a large tapestry against the wall began to smoke. It began to hiss and pop as the threads grew dark and then sparked with flame. They watched as the fire climbed up the tapestry to the roof, spreading from the wall to the ceiling. "Um... Whoops? " Victor snickered quietly. "Let's just... tell Isaac we did that on purpose..." "Tell me you did what on purpose?" "*Help!* Oh god, *help!"* Victor turned to see Isaac step into the room. He had a young girl - he assumed Raphael - the hair, dragging the teenager next to him. Victor had never met her, as the 'lifeline' of the Crusaders was kept under heavy guard, but he figured it couldn’t be anyone else. The girl was struggling, sobbing, trying to wrench herself free from Isaac, who was dragging her along like she was nothing more than an unruly grocery bag. She was obviously terrified, screaming like a nightmare had become real. To her, it probably had. "Um..." Victor blinked. Isaac turned his attention upwards at the fire spreading along the wall. "Ah." He shrugged. "No matter. Come." Isaac began to walk towards the shattered door, dragging Raphael along. Looking at Mal, Victor shrugged. Mal returned the gesture, and the two men walked after their employer. Victor knew he probably should have cared about the girl - she was just a kid after all - but it was just another job. He had done worse and probably would do worse again in his existence. It wasn't his place to ask questions like that. Besides, Victor reminded himself - she was a soldier. She was a Vatican freak whose purpose was to destroy things like him. It was eat or be eaten. Raphael suddenly dug her heel into Isaac's shin, causing the man's knee to buckle forward. Isaac caught himself and turned, glaring down at the girl. Twisting her head roughly to look up at him, he began to talk to her quietly, like he was angrily scolding a student. "Raphael, I have been patient with your insolence to this point. As you have shown that you have no interest in calming yourself, you force me to do the only logical thing; I will do it for you." Isaac spun Raphael around so her back was to him. Placing one hand on the front of her head and the other on the back, Isaac snapped his hands sharply - twisting her head to the side. Victor and Mal both winced at the stomach-churning *crunch* that followed. As Raphael slumped, Isaac caught her and slung her over his shoulder. Letting out an annoyed sigh at the interruption, Isaac simply turned and continued to walk. Victor rubbed the back of his neck and followed, looking up at Mal. He wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do and knew that his expression said as much. The big bald man looked unsettled but resigned. Neither man dared to say anything, and Mal simply patted him on the shoulder. Shoving his hands into his pockets again, Victor decided to follow the big man's lead. Shut up and get paid. --- Staring at the ceiling got really old around hour whatever-this-was. She had been down here for four straight days, watching Michael. Occasionally she was allowed to let him up to use the bathroom or to feed him. Isaac had instructed her to 'keep him alive.' So she was doing that to the best of her ability. The man was obviously exhausted and significantly the worse for wear. The last time she had let him up to use the bathroom, his legs had given out under him. He probably would have tried to run, if he could. But he was too weak to even attempt it, it seemed. Muse was lying on her back, staring up at a little ball of light hovering over her. The little fuzzy blob of color was another ghost. She didn't know where the little thing came from, but it was flittering around the room and seemed to like her. She picked up a tennis ball she found and tossed it up in the air. She watched as the little blob gripped onto it, held the ball for a moment, and then dropped it. Muse caught it and smiled. She tossed the ball again, watched as the ghost held it for a second, and then dropped it back to her. "What are you doing...?" she heard Michael ask. "Playing catch." "With... what, exactly?" He sounded some mix of curious, nervous, and amused. “Who.” “Pardon?” She threw the ball, knowing that to Michael, all it did was hover in the air for a moment, and then drop back down to her. "With ‘who.’ Another little ghost." "Wait, another-" she heard Michael shift in the chair. "There's someone else here?" "Kinda." Toss, hover, catch. "Not like me, though." Toss, hover, catch. "Howso?" "He's... small. He's not really thinking. He's just... feeling." Toss, hover, drop, catch. "A blob of emotions and energy just wandering around. Too weak to do much, I guess." "Ghosts can become weak?" Toss, hover, drop, catch. “Yeah. We fade out with time, or at least, I think so. I didn't get an instruction booklet." Toss, hover, drop, catch. "All I know is that... it's like watching someone go senile. Or watching a candle burn when you don’t know how long the wick is. Sometimes happens faster, sometimes happens slower. Then... sometimes, they blink out entirely." Muse let out a sigh. Toss, hover, drop, catch. Yet another thing she didn't want to dwell on. The idea of turning out like the little thing floating over her was not a comfortable thought. "Why is it here?" "This happens sometimes. He probably wandered from somewhere and found me." Toss, hover, drop, catch. "Why would he care about you?" "I'm bigger. I guess it's a moth-to-a-flame kind of thing." Muse watched as the remains of whoever it was that she was playing catch with got bored, distracted, and floated off through the wall and outside. She was glad she was spared the 'undead ADD' that most of her 'kin' suffered. "They're not like me." "Thank God for that." "Hey," Muse shot him an injured look, swiveling around to sit up, taking her favorite spot against the pole. She was surprised to see that he had a very mild smile on his face. "What made you so particular?" Muse tilted her head to the side slightly and shrugged. "I have no idea. Not a flipping clue." "Well, what did you do to be condemned to this?" She blinked. He asked it so casually. She wondered why he cared. It was probably because he had been down here for a while and had nothing better to do. She lowered her head lightly. "That's an awfully personal question." "I suppose it is." There was a long silence. Muse was watching him, trying to figure out this man. A Vatican soldier. An armored force of nature, one she had found herself terrified of. And now, she was sitting here, having a personal conversation with him. Michael was asking her questions that not even Isaac had asked. *What the hell. Chances are he won't be alive for much longer anyway.* "I don't know that either. I wasn't exactly Christian, so I suppose if that condemns you to an existence of floating numb around a world you're loosely connected to, then I guess that's it." Muse folded her arms across her knees and propped her chin up on her forearm. Lost in thought, she tried to think back as to what could have caused her to be like this. Where she went 'wrong.' "I guess I did some stupid stuff - but - hell, who hasn't when they were a kid? Okay, " she chuckled. "Everyone but you." Michael smiled faintly and shifted, hissing in pain as his arm dug into the chair again. "You must have done something. Being a heathen doesn't help, but there must be something." "Not... that I can think of," she chewed on her lower lip. "I smoked some weed. I never killed anybody - never stole. Never screwed anybody over. I don't know. I really don't. No one spoke to me, I saw no lights, I saw nothing. It all went dark, and then... I woke up." The last thing she wanted to do was think about her predicament. All ‘thinking about it’ accomplished was to make it more difficult to cope with. "How did you die?" Michael did his best to straighten out, wincing as the muscles in his arms protested to the movement. "Christ." Muse let the word out in a sigh. She ran both of her hands through her hair, wishing she could hide from the question. She knew she didn't have to answer him. "Everybody always wants to know how I died. Million dollar question." Muse lifted her head and watched him. She was surprised at what she saw. His face was almost - not quite, but almost - kind. There wasn't the cold detachment in his hazel eyes that she saw when she told Isaac. It almost looked like Michael... cared. "It's a sensitive subject, I can imagine... You don't have to tell me. I-" "I was murdered," she said suddenly, blurting it out in a rush. She opened her mouth, paused, and let out a breath she started talking slower. She had to get used to the idea eventually. Yes, she was murdered. Yes, she was stabbed. What else had happened to her after she lost consciousness - she was glad she had been spared. Muse figured she might as well use this as an opportunity to 'talk about it.' Didn't they say it got better that way? "I was stabbed." She kept her gaze fixed on the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes. She sat there and watched the scene play out in her head again. "Will, my boyfriend. I loved him. Or at least, I think I did. He brought me out to this place, this graveyard. He murdered me." She shuddered and pulled her knees closer to her as she felt the sensation of the knife on her ribs. She hoped that someday the memory of that feeling would go away. “He... was the only person on this planet... ever... to look me in the eyes and say that he loved me.” They sat in silence. Michael was staring off thoughtfully. Muse finally moved, sitting cross-legged on the ground. She tried to push the thoughts away, but the harder she tried, the more vivid the memories became. Whoever said 'talking about it makes it better' could go screw. It didn't feel any better at all. She got up and walked across the room, just finding the need to move. "For what it is worth, I am sorry you suffered. God can be strange in the way he works. We can only have faith in his grand design." That caught her by surprise. Muse would normally have mocked someone for claiming God had any sort of 'plan' involving her getting brutally murdered, but the look on his face stopped her. He was only trying to be nice, trying to be comforting. She wouldn't throw that back at him. "Thanks." Muse took a moment. "I don't mean to sound rude... But... why do you care? It's not like we're best friends." "I am a Crusader. A sword of the light. You are my enemy, and when we meet again on the battlefield I will show no mercy." Michael shut his eyes and leaned his head back. He suddenly sounded almost feverish. She wondered if he was going to pass out. He had done that a few times already. "But I can recognize and sympathize with your suffering. I still don't condone your actions. You were condemned to this for a reason. God would not have done this to you without due cause." "Maybe God just gets a laugh out of it." "Don't blaspheme." "Hun, at this point it's become a hobby.” --- Uriel stood across the street from his former home. St. Peter's had been their base of operations in New England for years, and now, half of it lay in ruin. The fire had shattered several of the windows and collapsed the roof in some sections. The firemen had saved a good portion of it, but there was no point in staying. He was gripping the railing of the fence in front of him. Azrael was somewhere close, he was sure. He was surrounded by Vatican soldiers, yet he didn't feel any safer. "He took Raphael." "Do we know why?" came a voice to his right, the Irish accent thinner than it used to be, but still a lilting presence in the words. "No." "Well, then we get her back. Raphael can't die, no matter what he does. He's a clever thing, but I don't see what he could do." Uriel turned to look at the man next to him. Tall, white-haired, glasses, grizzled and pulling a drag on his cigarette. Despite the fact that they were on the same side, he still found the man’s presence nerve-wracking. The Vatican sent ‘the Priest.’ Things must be bad. Uriel had been a part of this contingent since its inception - he was well into his sixties and didn't consider himself a rookie by any means. But the Priest to his right made him feel like a boy. "Zadkiel can tell us where they are... she hasn't been able to get a read on Michael alone, but if the two of them are in the same spot... we can find them," Uriel muttered out quietly. "Good. Then take the squadron and go get your compatriots." Uriel felt like he had just been reprimanded. "Yes, Father Ramsden." --- Being woken up by being stepped on is one thing. Being woken up by being stepped *through* is an altogether different level of unsettling. Muse jolted into consciousness as she realized that someone was standing *in* her. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was in the basement and had accidentally dozed off. It took her another second or two to realize that Michael was standing in her, collapsed on his knees. Pulling herself into a tighter ball, she appeared to the side of him. Michael struggled to stand, and tried to make it to the door. She actually felt more than a little bad for him as his legs betrayed him, and gave out underneath his unsteady weight. But Isaac had put her to this job. If he got loose, it would mean hell for her. Sighing, she walked up to Michael and picked him up by the upper arm. His weight was nothing. She was slowly realizing how strong she actually was. "Well, good morning," she said down to him. "Let me go - Ghost, let me go," Michael pleaded as she dragged him back towards the center of the room and the chair. "You know he plans on killing me. He plans on killing all of my companions, my friends - please!" Half of her wanted to let him go, but the other half wanted not to suffer Isaac's wrath. Lying to the sorcerer wouldn't do her any good, and she knew if he found out that she had let the Crusader go... she wasn't sure what he'd do, but she knew it'd hurt. She tried to remember what Michael had done to Victor - and her. Somehow she figured Isaac’s rage would still hurt worse. A lot worse. Self-preservation took over. "I'm sorry, man." Muse forced Michael into the chair and pulled his arms behind him. He howled in pain as she did. She clasped the restraints back around him, squeezing together the link of the chain that he had bent out of shape. She vanished, not wanting to have to stand there and have him look at her. She couldn't take the expression on the face, the pain he was in. She hovered by the wall as she heard the basement door swing open. Measured footsteps came down the stairs - it could only be one person. "Muse?" Yep. She was right. She took form and looked over at Isaac. "Yeah?" "We're going to need you for this. Come. Eric will be security." "Need me for... what, exactly?" Isaac watched her. His face was completely unreadable. There was no flicker of anything, no semblance of any emotion. "We are going to remove Raphael." He turned on his heels and headed back up the stairs. "Come. We have to do this quickly." Michael howled in pain, and rage, struggling against the chains violently as he thrashed with renewed energy. "Sorcerer! Sorcerer you will suffer for this! Face me like a man, you coward! You will be struck down, mark my words!" Muse vanished, heading up the stairs past Isaac, glad to be away from Michael's suffering, although she had the feeling that where she was going was going to be no better.
{ "title": "Absurd Mage in Another World", "id": 21522, "author": "S_nick", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Adventurer's Guild", "id": 305784, "next": 308250, "prev": 305275, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2YTFjN2NhNGEwMjQ5ODZiYjE5YTNiZWQxYjZkMzUw">I followed Nathan's directions. I passed by many other stands on the brick road and eventually got to the guild. The guild surprised me, if I didn't see the big sign and emblem. I wouldn't think that it was a guild but a small fort. I walked into the courtyard which was as big as half a football field and saw many straw dummies setup. There were many new looking adventures hitting them, with a more experienced looking guy observing. I guess they are training. I walked past them and entered the only square looking building. On top of this square building was the largest tower in this small castle. The guild master would probably be in there at the top. I walked into the base of the small castle and found the size to be around the size of a basketball court. In the far-left corner were a small flight of stairs leading to a loft. On the loft where a winding set of steps paired with a sign that said "Guild Master" these must lead to the tall tower. In front of me were four desks side by side, just in front of the far wall. Behind them were receptionists. There was one large counter on my right. This one seemed to be a bar. In front of it were ten tables, seating quite a few adventures. Some warriors, wizards, and archers. towards my left was a huge board with many papers on it. They must be quests for adventures to take.</p> <p class="cnNkNmFmZDY5OWNkYTRhMWE5NGJkMWFmYjU3ZjQ3NmEy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODIwODYzNTFiYzQyMDNhMWU0ZmZiZjk5YjU4NTg4">'I better not pull any jokes like I did at the castle. Things could get ugly here if I do.'</p> <p class="cnNiYzIwN2FkYWE1NTRiYjdiMzc4YTMyYzhjODRiN2Vk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YjgyMDU1ZjA5MjQzMzY5YTdkMmM5YjgyOGVkMWY0">I took a step forward and breathed in deeply, then continued forward to the counter.</p> <p class="cnM2MjVjMmU2NzljNzQ1NGE4Zjc4YThkMTYwMjFkZjMy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YjRlMDYyYmEwMDQyNjE5MWNkZjY3NmVmY2RjNzAw">"Hello, can I register as an adventurer here?" I asked.</p> <p class="cnM4OTRkYzgxNjI3MTQ3ZGJiZWI5MmNhYTViNTI4ZDgw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOGQzMGZhMTBkZjQ0NzE4MmYyY2RjYjBlODU3NTJi">"Yes, you can." The blonde receptionist smiled.</p> <p class="cnMyODc5YjQxYzVkNjQwMDc4ZWRkNDZjM2Q4M2MxZjU0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZjExMDAyZjBlMjRjZDI5MTVhZGY1MzgwZGI2NzEx">The receptionist took out a charcoal pencil and a paper.</p> <p class="cnNlZGU0NjQ0NTBhNzQyYjZiMDUyOWZmZDZjNjI1NTE2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZjBkODJjMWZmOTQ3NTQ4Nzk4NDM4YWVhNzY2ZGY3">"Here, fill this out. Then you can start to practical test."</p> <p class="cnM4NjM4NTlhNDg4YjRiOTU5MDcyZWJlODJmMGVhYzJk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NDM0NTgyYzBhZTQ1Y2NhMWFkMmY5MmVmNzkxMTQ2">I the paper looked like this:</p> <p class="cnNjNjIxY2I1ZGFiZTQ1ZTNhNDRhOGQzMTlkNDNmMWY5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NDljMDI4N2ExZjQ0ODZhMTJlZmZiMjBiODQ3ODE2">Name: _______________________ Age:___ Class:_____________ Race:_____________</p> <p class="cnNkNzMyYTA1MDg3ZjQwN2JhMDdiZGUwMWQxY2I1OWM3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NmI1NzE2NTZiMDRlYzM4NTY1N2I1YTBiMGJkYjYw">A little about yourself:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="cnMzNzI0ZTBmNmNiOTQzMGY5Zjc5NzhmODFhNWRhZWUz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZjk3MjIwYjBiNjQyZDJiZGE4OWI0YWRiNzIwMGI3">Skills: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="cnM3MGIyMTdhNDg4MTRiYmI5YWU2MjNmN2FkN2YxN2U3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNTQ5M2U2ZjI1NDQwYTI4NDU3ODI5ZTM4MzY0NjFk">'Let me try to remember my status. Oh, I can just look now.'</p> <p class="cnM5MTU4NzQwNmFhMTRhNmNiOWVkNTdhNWI3NzEyMDkz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YWMwYzY1MjY3NjQ0ZTRiNWFjN2VjMGRmMDcwZjNm">'Status.' I said in my conscious.</p> <p class="cnM4NzNjZmNkOWMyMTRhMTY4OGNiMmRlYzI5YzlkZWZh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NTYwYTlhN2UwMTQ0ZDJiZDM3MzljZjU2N2NjYmEy">Status:</p> <p class="cnNlYTE5ZDQ1MDk0NjQyNjliNTRmYTI1MWY2Y2JmZWVk">Level: 1</p> <p class="cnM1ZDY3Mzk4YWYyMzQyMjFhOTEwZGU0MTc5YTY4Zjc5">Name: Michael Xema</p> <p class="cnNhYzNjZDZkNzU0NjQwOGJiNjA5YWY5Y2YyMDI5ZTE2">Age: 18</p> <p class="cnMyMGJiMThlOWYwNjQxYWM5YzE2MzM1YTc3NDdiYTI4">HP: 99999/99999</p> <p class="cnNlN2NjYTRiNmMzNzQ1M2JiNTUxZjMyMGRhMjAzZWMz">MP: 177929835/177929835</p> <p class="cnM1Mjc2ZWMyZWUxYzQ3MTRiYmQ3MTIwN2ZjNjBlZWQz">Classes: Dark Mage, Hero</p> <p class="cnMxY2JkYWJlZGZmMDQxNGZhZGVjNDFmOTU1NDY4M2Ni">Titles: Exhibitionist, Jokester, Hero, Dark Mage</p> <p class="cnNlMDU3OTc4ZjM4OTRkODhiOWQ5YjAzNWE1NmYyMTFi">Skills: Sword Arts[A+], Dark Flare[A+], Body Strengthening[S], MP Recovery[S], MP Drain[C], Ward[B], Shadow Walk[A], ???</p> <p class="cnNkNTQ1NDM1N2U4NzRmMjFiOTZjMGVjYWFiN2JiNzIx">Blessings: Bangin Body[S], Dodge Everything (Inactive) [???], Language Comprehension [SSS]</p> <p class="cnM0NTJkOWU0NDBiYzQ1MzM5YmE5MGY2NTQ5ODQzYjdi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkOTQ3Mzc1YmI0NzRjYTM5OTYxNGE5Y2Y3YjZmNWVh">'This is good I can pose as a warrior using Sword Arts and Body Strengthening. After all the King is looking for a Dark Mage.'</p> <p class="cnNiYjdhZGI5YjVhYTQwNjI4ZDY5ZTg0Y2E2MmQ5MzE3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4Y2Q0MjNhNTY3NzRmMDI4MjA1N2QwZWVkMTkwYTZh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOTEzM2Q3NDYwNTRkNzg4OWQyOThhYThmM2M3NDIw">Name: Michael Xema Age: 18 Class: Warrior: Swordsman Race: Human</p> <p class="cnNiOWY0NGM4MGUwNDQ2MjZhMzcyZTM3NTJhMDZhNGIz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYmQ1ODFmOWIyNzQ2ZTNhOWE4Zjc4ZDQzOGQ4MDFl">A little about yourself:</p> <p class="cnM2YjJhYzc1NTc1ZDQ0ZTQ4MWNhNGM3ZmY1MTJjZGEw">_I_love_the_sword._Almost_as_much_as_my_own_sword._Why,_you_ask,_well_my_sword_is_longer._In_fact_I_have_the_best_sword_and_skills_in_the_kingdom.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p class="cnM2YmM0MjBmMzI5MTRhNTFhOWY4ZjU1M2YyMjZkOTAx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ODdiZTgyNjg0MTRmODk4MzAzZWJiOTFmZGUwZTAx">Skills: Sword Arts[C],_Body Strengthening[D]</p> <p class="cnM5N2FiODA5YjdiNTQ0ZDE5ZmFmOGYxMzIyZTE4NWQx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxY2UwMjMyZWU1NzQxYTRhMzdkYjNkY2NiNzhlMmRm">What is that weird thing up above about? It’s just to make people not want to party up with me. I want to minimize the possibility of getting found out.</p> <p class="cnNiMDZhNjk0ZGQ0ZTQ2N2Q5NmMwOWZlMDczOTExN2Zm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMTkxYzU1NGEyZDRhYmQ4N2Q3Yzg4MzZlMjA1YzY4">"Here, I filled out the sheet." I passed over the sheet to the receptionist.</p> <p class="cnMxZjgyNzBlZjA2NTQ4ZDVhYmY0ZWVkZTg4Y2RlODY4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YjMxOTBmZjJkMjQ0NmY5ZWVhYWVhMzQyMmY3Njkx">"Good now you can go take the practical test."</p> <p class="cnNlNmFhM2FjYjMzYjQ3ZjFhNjZmODBmZGE4M2U3NWNl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZDA4ZDI5YzVhMjQ5NmQ4MGJiZGU3YmFmOWM2ZjI2">"This man will be the person who will test you and determine your rank." She gestured to her left to a man.</p> <p class="cnM2MWRlNDYxMmY4NTQ3YzFhNGY3M2E2N2QxOWQxNTcy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1OTE3MDM4ZWE2MjRmMjg5YjBlODUyOWUzN2M1NWQw">This man had very short brown hair. He was wearing a chain body with steel metal shoulder and knee pads. He had a long sword strapped to the left of his brown leather belt.</p> <p class="cnM4YjVmNzZkMjg0NTRmNDRhOGVmNTYzOGQ1NmJhNjNm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyM2IyZmExOTY3NjRjM2Y5Mjc0M2Y2YmQxMzIzMTA2">"You bastard I've seen your form. And it’s been a while since I broke an arrogant attention seeker like you. Now I’m feeling that itch again. So, I'll break you so bad that you won't even think of adventuring for quite a while, he-he." He said with a smile.</p> <p class="cnM0MDhjYTMxY2Y4YTQxZmI4OTAwYjQ5YmFmZDA2MTAy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZjJlZjUwNDQ2MzQyNjk5YWRlNzE0ZWY4OTE0MTY3">"Follow me to the courtyard. I'll test you there." The knight started walking out and I followed him.</p> <p class="cnNhNTA5MTUxZTM2NzQ2NjM5ZTFhMmQ4NzE5OTRjYmYz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNTRmZmY4MDFlODQ5YmM4M2M0MTg0MDE1Y2FmNzU1">'Fuck, well that wasn't what I intended. But its just him who saw it. So, it isn't much of a big deal.'</p> <p class="cnM3NDhhNWFlOTlhOTRmZWE5NWYwZTMyN2Q5NjdhMTVl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZDNiNjFmZmVjZDQxZDdhMjE3NDZhZDRjZTNkNjEw">--------------</p> <p class="cnM4OGYyY2MxN2YyNTQ1YmJhYjZiZGY5MGViMDliY2Ix">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNmQwMDc2ZmJkZTQ5YWY4OTUyMThiMTc0MGEyNjE2">We ended up in a clear space away from the practice dummies.</p> <p class="cnNkMWJmMmNhOGJkMTQzMjE5MjAwNjQwYTExMmM3Y2Zm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MmIzNmFkMjQ2MDRjOThiYTA4ZTAxYWZhOGExZGJk">"Where is your sword?" Asked the warrior.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjVkNDgwNDc5YjQ1NGFiZTMyNmZmZTQ0ODYzZmQ5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZjljYzQ0ZTkyMjRmNmFiM2ExODI4MTU4YTgwZDUy">"I don't have it with me right now. Could I barrow one?" I asked.</p> <p class="cnM4YTdhNmMxNDA3ZjQyZjFiNmNmZGVlZjVhZWQxMGVh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlN2FlOTZmYWE3MDRmYmI4YmU2MGVlMmNjODZjZmYx">"huu-fh" The man sighed</p> <p class="cnM5YWU2N2ZkZGUzZDQ4NTlhNjUxYTQ0YzFkYjUxNGE3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NjBhMTQ2MWM5NTQ1MWZiOTY4NTZjNmFlNDYyMDgy">"You don't have a sword? Whatever, get one over there." He pointed to the brick wall where a weapons rack stood. I walked over and picked up a sword.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDVkMmY3ZjVhMzQ4ZTM5NmM0MDc0NTE2N2ZhYzAy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhODBmZTNmNzU3NDRlYzNiYTdkNzQ5NDc0NzMwMGI0">"Come on we don't have all day. Just get beaten up quickly." The warrior plainly stated.</p> <p class="cnM1NjVkYWJlMTM4MDQ1Yjg4MDRhOGRjMDExMzY4NGNm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNDBiNDQ5YjVlMzQ0ZjBiNDJhYTkyY2Q1ZTNmOGEy">Our distance was fifteen feet when he turned around and drew his steel sword. Both of his hands rested on the sword gripping it tightly. His legs were spread apart to maximize stability. And his face had a glare on it that stuck fear in anyone weaker than him.</p> <p class="cnNhOGQ1NDZjYzY3NjQ5OTU5Njg2N2ZkZjk5NzkwZjNk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZjM4YTIwMWEzYjQyZDA5Yjg3ZDU1ZjVkMTI1ZTdh">I shook after seeing this.</p> <p class="cnM5NWJiNWFjYTNiYjQ4ZDQ4MTQzMGU2NWU5YjYzYTMx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYmY2NDVjMTU1YjQ5N2Y5ZDg3OThkNWFhMzEwY2Mx">"ACHEWWOOOOOO!" I sneezed, that was why I shook.</p> <p class="cnM3MGZkY2IzODZlZjQ1MmE4ODdhYTYyMGUyZjBlNDFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YTcwYzkyMTYyODQzZmFhYWNiNjkzMWIzNDI5NDZl">The man was clearly frustrated. His body shook uncontrollably and rushed forward at me. The dust flew backwards. The wind rushed past him.</p> <p class="cnMxZGEwMzdjMWRhYjRlZDlhOWY0NTY5MzBlZDEwMTI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YmJhOWQ5NjIwODQ4ZGE5Y2ZkODQ1N2NjMWM3YzI0">And I observed him 'He has so many gaps in his defense, it's so weak.'</p> <p class="cnNmNjM1YzZkYzZiZTQ1MzdhM2QwMWMyNTFiOWUxMDkx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NmVkOWI1ZTczNTQ0NDI4OTM0OTEyNmY5NDE5ZDI2">He was two feet away from me. His sword in mid swing. I can feel that it’s going to hit my neck. As I felt a uncomfortable reaction there. It's like when a person sticks a pencil close to his or her glabella, that feeling.</p> <p class="cnM2NTA4MmI0MDkzNDRhZTViNzA3MzM1ODljOTUwMzIy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkODNjNjk5YTY3MDRhNWNhZDMyMWM3YzI5MmM1NDVh">I slid forwards slamming right into the leg where his balance was being kept. He immediately fell over and tried to roll back up. From my crouched position I quickly got up and aimed the sword right at his neck. He looked up at me. The sun was in his eyes, he winced at my swords reflection.</p> <p class="cnNhNTU5NGIwZTRmZTQzN2Y5YTIzNGJkYWVlZWRiZTMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZjNmODY1MmI3ZjQ4YzE5MDE4MTZhMmQxZWYwYmUz">"So I’m an adventurer, right?" I asked slightly angrily.</p> <p class="cnMxNmQ3ZWMxZTkxMDRmZmFhNGJmYjQyOGRkOTVlNzNk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZWU2MmQyMGM1ZTQwNDE5MzU0OGUzMDliMjFlOGE5">"Yes, y-you passed..." He reluctantly stated. But couldn't refute since there were now many other adventurers watching.</p> <p class="cnNhYzI0OWI4NmUyOTQyMDU4NjVmNWNiNDZmYmQxYmUy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMTdjZGQ1NGRhYjQxNmU4ZjRmMjcyMGE5MWU0YWI3">---------</p> <p class="cnM0MGQ1YjA2NTFlNzRmZDFhN2Y0MDBiZTg4ODc4YmYw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMTdiNDBiMTdkOTQwMDliNmExNTViYjIzYzM4YTIx">I walked back into the reception area and got my card from the receptionist. After using my blood to acknowledge my ownership over it. The blonde receptionist then looked at me in the eyes admiringly and said.</p> <p class="cnMyNGEwNWU0NzQzODRlOTJiMDhmMGM1OGM3ZGMwNzc1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MjNhZjU1NWY1NjQ5YWJiNGJkZGMxOGIxNGVkZWY5">"You must be really strong to beat Avil." She stated.</p> <p class="cnM5NzM3NTNlOWZlYzQ0ZDQ4NzJjYTA2NDE4YWM5N2I2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDIwYzk3NzA1ZjQ1Mzk4OGQ1NDdmZWUxYTUzZWFl">"What do you mean?" I wondered.</p> <p class="cnNiZTdkZTY5NWQyMjQxZWZhYjU0YTkxMzgwOGExNTZk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMjM1MWNiMTRhOTQyMmU5ZjM5OGM4MWY4NmU5Njk5">"Avil was the guy who tested you and he’s a C-rank adventurer, nice job!"</p> <p class="cnM1MjAwYmRkMjAxZDQzMTFiYTAyODIwY2FmMTQyMzRh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MzAzZmQ3N2ZjNjQ1Njc5ZWRkZGRhYTFlMTg1NTM1">"Oh, Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmI5NmJmYzM1MTQyNzg4MWNmMTE4ZDhjZDc0MTdj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMjE3MDQwYTY3YzQxYTI5ZjExMmRkMWJmMTY4YjEz">'I though he was just some weakling.'</p> <p class="cnMyODQyNTUwY2YyZTQ4NWQ5MDdkNjFkNWQ0N2E2YzNl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNmI1ZDFiY2VmMjRiODU4MzJiZWRlNTczM2U4Y2Yw">"I see a bright future for you." She continued.</p> <p class="cnM1YzU1NjEzM2VlOTQwN2M5MzZlMmU1ZjdiODk4OTJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZGNkMzk3NWY3NDRkNDc4ZDBjMDUyMjU3YTFhNzM1">"Thank you and by now." I quickly replied wanting to get out.</p> <p class="cnMwNzFhZDcyOTkzNDQwYWM4MGVmZjM4OGJkMzczZmU4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MWU0ODVjMDA4OTQzYmY5NjMyMGNmMmU4YTE3ZWQw">"Bye, bye!" She waved.</p> </div>
I followed Nathan's directions. I passed by many other stands on the brick road and eventually got to the guild. The guild surprised me, if I didn't see the big sign and emblem. I wouldn't think that it was a guild but a small fort. I walked into the courtyard which was as big as half a football field and saw many straw dummies setup. There were many new looking adventures hitting them, with a more experienced looking guy observing. I guess they are training. I walked past them and entered the only square looking building. On top of this square building was the largest tower in this small castle. The guild master would probably be in there at the top. I walked into the base of the small castle and found the size to be around the size of a basketball court. In the far-left corner were a small flight of stairs leading to a loft. On the loft where a winding set of steps paired with a sign that said "Guild Master" these must lead to the tall tower. In front of me were four desks side by side, just in front of the far wall. Behind them were receptionists. There was one large counter on my right. This one seemed to be a bar. In front of it were ten tables, seating quite a few adventures. Some warriors, wizards, and archers. towards my left was a huge board with many papers on it. They must be quests for adventures to take.   'I better not pull any jokes like I did at the castle. Things could get ugly here if I do.'   I took a step forward and breathed in deeply, then continued forward to the counter.   "Hello, can I register as an adventurer here?" I asked.   "Yes, you can." The blonde receptionist smiled.   The receptionist took out a charcoal pencil and a paper.   "Here, fill this out. Then you can start to practical test."   I the paper looked like this:   Name: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Age:\_\_\_ Class:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Race:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_   A little about yourself:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_   Skills: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_   'Let me try to remember my status. Oh, I can just look now.'   'Status.' I said in my conscious.   Status: Level: 1 Name: Michael Xema Age: 18 HP: 99999/99999 MP: 177929835/177929835 Classes: Dark Mage, Hero Titles: Exhibitionist, Jokester, Hero, Dark Mage Skills: Sword Arts[A+], Dark Flare[A+], Body Strengthening[S], MP Recovery[S], MP Drain[C], Ward[B], Shadow Walk[A], ??? Blessings: Bangin Body[S], Dodge Everything (Inactive) [???], Language Comprehension [SSS]   'This is good I can pose as a warrior using Sword Arts and Body Strengthening. After all the King is looking for a Dark Mage.'     Name: Michael Xema Age: 18 Class: Warrior: Swordsman Race: Human   A little about yourself: \_I\_love\_the\_sword.\_Almost\_as\_much\_as\_my\_own\_sword.\_Why,\_you\_ask,\_well\_my\_sword\_is\_longer.\_In\_fact\_I\_have\_the\_best\_sword\_and\_skills\_in\_the\_kingdom.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_   Skills: Sword Arts[C],\_Body Strengthening[D]   What is that weird thing up above about? It’s just to make people not want to party up with me. I want to minimize the possibility of getting found out.   "Here, I filled out the sheet." I passed over the sheet to the receptionist.   "Good now you can go take the practical test."   "This man will be the person who will test you and determine your rank." She gestured to her left to a man.   This man had very short brown hair. He was wearing a chain body with steel metal shoulder and knee pads. He had a long sword strapped to the left of his brown leather belt.   "You bastard I've seen your form. And it’s been a while since I broke an arrogant attention seeker like you. Now I’m feeling that itch again. So, I'll break you so bad that you won't even think of adventuring for quite a while, he-he." He said with a smile.   "Follow me to the courtyard. I'll test you there." The knight started walking out and I followed him.   'Fuck, well that wasn't what I intended. But its just him who saw it. So, it isn't much of a big deal.'   --------------   We ended up in a clear space away from the practice dummies.   "Where is your sword?" Asked the warrior.   "I don't have it with me right now. Could I barrow one?" I asked.   "huu-fh" The man sighed   "You don't have a sword? Whatever, get one over there." He pointed to the brick wall where a weapons rack stood. I walked over and picked up a sword.   "Come on we don't have all day. Just get beaten up quickly." The warrior plainly stated.   Our distance was fifteen feet when he turned around and drew his steel sword. Both of his hands rested on the sword gripping it tightly. His legs were spread apart to maximize stability. And his face had a glare on it that stuck fear in anyone weaker than him.   I shook after seeing this.   "ACHEWWOOOOOO!" I sneezed, that was why I shook.   The man was clearly frustrated. His body shook uncontrollably and rushed forward at me. The dust flew backwards. The wind rushed past him.   And I observed him 'He has so many gaps in his defense, it's so weak.'   He was two feet away from me. His sword in mid swing. I can feel that it’s going to hit my neck. As I felt a uncomfortable reaction there. It's like when a person sticks a pencil close to his or her glabella, that feeling.   I slid forwards slamming right into the leg where his balance was being kept. He immediately fell over and tried to roll back up. From my crouched position I quickly got up and aimed the sword right at his neck. He looked up at me. The sun was in his eyes, he winced at my swords reflection.   "So I’m an adventurer, right?" I asked slightly angrily.   "Yes, y-you passed..." He reluctantly stated. But couldn't refute since there were now many other adventurers watching.   ---------   I walked back into the reception area and got my card from the receptionist. After using my blood to acknowledge my ownership over it. The blonde receptionist then looked at me in the eyes admiringly and said.   "You must be really strong to beat Avil." She stated.   "What do you mean?" I wondered.   "Avil was the guy who tested you and he’s a C-rank adventurer, nice job!"   "Oh, Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.   'I though he was just some weakling.'   "I see a bright future for you." She continued.   "Thank you and by now." I quickly replied wanting to get out.   "Bye, bye!" She waved.
{ "title": "Tabula Rasa", "id": 12402, "author": "Monad", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 36: Leave No Survivors", "id": 305785, "next": 306010, "prev": 305495, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzMWE3NjViYzAyMDQwNDdiMGFkNTFkYWFmMTI1Y2Ew"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I said lower the knife!” The soldier repeated while slowly moving his finger toward the trigger.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGM3M2FlODU4MjRiYmNhOTkwZGM0NjE0ZDA2MDFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The squad of Abnormal soldiers all had low-type traits judging by their muscle structure and that furthered Visette’s confidence. The only real issue was the sniper who was also likely to be an Abnormal.</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2YwZDM1OTQ0MjQ1Mzk4NTg5YzNjYWI0MDAzMThl"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Say the word and I’ll take that bastard out.] Demetrius’ confident voice emerged from the radio.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODM0NjkxNjI5NTQyMmE4MTk3YTcxNDJmY2E2ZjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette drew her knife and lowered it as if she were attempting to place it on the floor. At the same time, she channeled her psionic power and light bulbs illuminating the room exploded into pieces. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYTU1YWU2Y2YxNTQ5NjhiNTVhYmEyZDZhZGI4ZTc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fire!” The squad of abnormals began firing their weapons but just as soon as they did, the large sofa came flying toward them, forcing the squad of eight to split. </span></p> <p class="cnMxOGQxNDhjM2JkMzQ0OTY5ZTc1M2FhOTAwNWRkYmNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Take him out, Demetrius!” A soldier shouted into his microphone while firing a barrage of bullets into the darkness. They switched on their flashlights and began firing at anything that resembled a human.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWZiMTJiY2JkZDQyOWJhNTRmYzk2MTllOGZlNjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">[I can’t see.] Demetrius replied with frustration as he scanned the interior of the home through a scope.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmY4N2RmYWFhYjQyZjliOWU5MWJmODY1ODYyOWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Meanwhile, Visette was calmly hiding behind the durable support pillar waiting for her moment to strike. She grabbed the radio attached to her vest and began speaking, “Unknown hostiles have already infiltrated Councilor Fredrickson’s residence.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzk1NjA4YzM1MjRiZTBiYTNlNTc5OTQxODJlMTkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">[What? Who are they?! DSF? New Mayhall Military?] Lyn answered back in a fluster.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjI2ZmZlYjQ4NDQ0NDI5YjViZTBkY2JhZTEwODI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They do not appear to have any affiliation with New Mayhall.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzBhYTc3NmVkZjQ4MjlhOTkxMmNjYjc4NDY2MDRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Shit! I’ll be there in five minutes. Wait- Are you under fire?!]</span></p> <p class="cnMzODljOTcxNjM2MzRlMThiZjliNmU4NzBlMmNmNmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Affirmative, I will engage them shortly and then report back.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjhlZTYxYmUyZDQwMDhiOTU3NzY3MTUzOTgzNGQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Hold on, Vis, I’m–]</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzAxMGFmN2M4ZjQzNDZiNGRjNTk2NzUwYWQ4NjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette turned the radio off just as the gunfire stopped. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYTIzZGQxNGFiZTQ1MDZiZjU3YWI2YzY1NTE0MjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shit! I’m out!” A soldier shouted as if to give her further confirmation.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjJjNmUyNzMwYjRhOGZiZWY3MDZhM2VkODhjOWYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette tightened her grip on the knife in her hand and rushed out while infusing psionic energy into her legs.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTFhN2E2Mjk3NTRjYjY5MjM1MTk1ZTI2Y2Q1ZTk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Reload! Reload-”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDUyMWEzYmY0YTRmMDViNzgyYjBkN2ZhN2NmM2U1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette leaped out of cover and into the squad like a wild animal, thrusting the knife into the unprotected neck of the soldier who seemed to be giving the orders. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMTdkYzZmYmJiYTRiMDk4YmMyNWVlYmRmMWNhNzlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck!” The closest soldiers were shocked by the speed of their enemy and began fumbling for their ammo magazines while Visette already began moving again.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWE4YmM0ODM0NDRiNzNhOGZkMGZkNjU5NzVkZDIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aaah!” Another soldier barely managed to cry out as a knife tore into the base of his throat. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYjQzMTYxZDk1MjQ2YTViNTFmYzRiMjA4N2M2YTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I got him now!” One soldier finished reloading but as he squeezed the trigger, the gun seemed to jam. “...What the fuck?!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTA2MDdjYmI0YjQ2YjlhNDdkODU3YmI1MzYzOWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette’s eyes snapped toward his direction and with one swift leap she had already arrived, quickly ending his life with her blade. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMWNjMmM0YzVmODRlZmI4OWRiMTI4MThkMDhjZDI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who the fuck is this?! Demetrius, you need to kill this fucking guy or we’re all gonna die!” A soldier radioed his request but could speak no longer as Visette recovered her pistol and fired at his head, her bullet ripped through his eye and cut his life short. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjFlYzYwNzJjMDQ2ODhiMjFjNTRiOGI4Y2NhYzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Do something, Demetrius!] The man known as Glasses ordered through the radio.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzk4MzY3ZDE3NDRiMmI5YjJlODY1Y2Q3MGRlNDdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Fuck it! Get down, I’m firing!] Demetrius shouted through the radio before the whizzing of bullets and shattering of glass filled the room. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZjIwMDUyMDc1ODQ1Zjk4OTAyNGQzNWIzNjEwMTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even among the sniper bullets, Visette could move without worry as the projectiles appeared to just barely miss her due to the distortion field she created around herself. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMDUyYzZjZjQ4NzQxZWE5ZmQ4ZjdkMTQ0NWJjOTQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Help! Help! Help-”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YTIyYTc2ZDBhODRkOWRiNDY4YmZlNzEyMGJiYTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The only thing transmitted through the radio to Demetrius and the man referred to as “Glasses” were the screams of their squad being annihilated. Then, the room became completely silent. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYWFjZDNlZWQ4OTQxZTg5N2NhNzVkOTlkMDFmYTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Say something!] Glasses yelled into the radio.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTRlMzJjMTViYzQ2Mjk5MjI5NzY4MDlmNzVhMzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Hold on!] Demetrius shouted back. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNzBjMjExMTRhNzRmNGY4ZmNjMWJlNjU2NjdmNTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As he scanned the dark room he used the flashlights attached to the fallen rifles as a way to see. Among the stillness of the room, there was one figure standing there. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MWUwOGIwMWM0ZDQ5N2FhZjE5ZmU0NjMxOGRlMWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I got you.” Demetrius grinned to himself as he fired a single shot.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTk3MjYzNmM4ZjQ4YWY5NmIxMGQyNDBmNzQxMDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">As he waited for the impact, he was surprised to the body only twitched slightly.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmUzNzBiNDc5NjQ0ZjFhNTc3ZTVhOGEyNDllZDVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the fuck?” Demetrius grew confused and narrowed his eyes as he observed through the scope. It then dawned on him that he fired at bait which meant the real assailant was lying close by. As expected of an Abnormal with traits above type-3, his eyes darted around as he looked for the target but he stopped cold as he saw a bright blue gleam among the darkness. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NTFmM2JmYzZlMDQ2NDE5YzE1ZmMwZmM5NmJhMmJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette channeled psionic energy into the ocular nerves of her right eye, giving her pupil a strange glow, and immediately spotted Demetrius after he exposed his position by firing at the body she propped up with her psionic power. She held her pistol with two hands and coated a single bullet with psionic energy so she could exceed the maximum range. </span></p> <p class="cnM5OTAwM2FjODMzYjRkYTA4YmM2ZmQ0N2I2OGMzMmM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The moment Demetrius discovered her, it seemed like time slowed to a crawl. Visette’s mind ran wild while attempting to calculate the factors that may affect her trajectory as well as how much psionic power could be placed into a bullet without destroying it. It took far less than a second for her to figure it out and she pulled the trigger without hesitation. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjllNjFhMjg0NDQyMDY5YTJjYmI1YzQ3YzAxYWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">A bullet whizzed through the air and struck Demetrius right in below his neck even though he was crouched behind cover on a far away rooftop.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzczYzhhZWZlZjQ5NjA5Y2MzYTg3NmJhNGYzMGY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ahk!” Demetrius reacted with disbelief, immediately clutching at his chest. “No...way…”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MmVhZTNiMTQ2ZjRjN2JiYzgyYzdiMTZlZGU2NDhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He groaned as he discovered the bullet chewed through his armor and most likely exploded into bits of shrapnel inside of his body. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNzlkMjljZjU4NjRlOThhODBlY2JmMjRlZDY0YjU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck!” Demetrius coughed out blood as he tossed his rifle aside and forced himself to his feet, retreating as quickly as he could. </span></p> <p class="cnM4OTRkOWViMGFhYjQ0ODlhZGZjZmNmZTIxODExNzJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Lyn.” Visette turned her radio back on and began speaking, “I have eliminated all but two of the assailants. Of the two remaining, one is injured and the other was not present.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDhjNjNmZmFkOTQ1MWI4ZjVlMzg1NTc5N2ExMWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Shit…] Lyn was set speechless for a few seconds but quickly recovered herself. [I’m tailing the Councilor right now, he heard the gunfire and is avoiding that district. But...]</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGFlYWJhNDRmNTQ1MzM5ZDhkYjRlZWMwYmVmYmM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn was likely conflicted about the importance of finding out the identity of the squad operating in New Mayhall and completing the original mission. She began to speak but stopped herself as the decision grew more complicated. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YzliZDFkZTUxMTRhNDliMTAyMjZhNmI2ZjcyYjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Please set a target as a priority. Pursue the injured soldier or intercept Councilor Fredrickson?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTY3Zjk2OGQzODQxNmRhN2FkODlhYTI1NGUzNDNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Damn it...Intercept Fredrickson! I’ll direct you and if you hurry, you may be able to find that injured soldier in time.]</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTNkMDIzMDc2YjQwNDRiNGYwNzZlZGY0YjA5YWJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Understood,” Visette replied before examining the pistol in her hand. It’s frame had shattered into pieces while it emitted smoke into the air. Even though she had a mission, Visette suddenly had the thought of having the gunsmith develop a sidearm with a frame strong to handle high-caliber bullets. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MGIzZDI5MjQzOTRmMTdiOTJkN2E3N2FmNjBiYTUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">She grabbed an extra radio from one of the corpses littered around the room and then jumped from the window. With psionic energy powering her every step, she began a dash toward the adjacent rooftops before leaping up and grabbing the sniper rifle Demetrius left behind.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YTA4MWQ0YWQ2NzRmMjI5NGVmNTc5YTQ3NDUyZGMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">[The Councilor is moving east, I think he’s heading toward DSF headquarters. You have to get him before he gets there or we’re done.]</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTU4YzZmZDcxZjQ3ZTNiZmQ4M2M2MjUwMWZkZGE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I understand.” Visette’s tossed the sniper rifle over her shoulder and concentrated more psionic power into her legs. She lowered body and jumped forward with an inhuman burst of speed while simultaneously creating a psionic barrier around her body to protect her internal organs. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZWNjMDRkMDM4MTRlMDhiYzAyYjAzNGExMGI3MDRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmVjMjI5NTM1ZTRhZjViZTM0Y2ZhNDJhYTIyODdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unaware of the terrifying being hunting him, Councilor Fredrickson sought refuge at the DSF headquarters. He urged his driver to increase his speed.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTgyMTNiYjllNDQ3NmRiODExMmIyY2U3MDUxMjdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Rampant gunfire in this city! And from the Upper Wards no less! I swear it was coming from my home!” Fredrickson, a rather thin-looking man with short hair, raved on. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZjdlNjk2Y2U3ODQ0ODNhNGM1Y2ZhNTk1NWYxMWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Two guards sat on either side of him with another in the passenger seat. They maintained stoic expressions in order give him peace of mind, but it didn’t seem to work as he continued ranting nervously.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Zjg3MDI3NmJiMzRlNDI5MzFiYzAxNGUxYzMwYjlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">A guard at the front glanced at the rearview mirror as they drove along before he finally spoke up, “Sir-”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjI3NWMwMTI0ODRlNDFiZTNlZjk5NzQ4Y2Y5M2Nm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?!” Councilor Fredrickson barked back as sweat began to cover his brow.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODE3ZTY1N2JkZTRmN2FhODRlNWYwYjA5ODVjYjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir, we’re being followed. Please calm down so we can-”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDdiM2YzYjdiMjQ2YTZhMGY2YmZlYjJjNmZlNjg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Calm down! How in Anton’s name can I calm down?!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDg3ZDM2ZmVkYTRjNjI4MzBjYmUyM2Y4MmMxZWMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir, please-” One of his guards tried to put him at ease but completely failed.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDdjNWUwZDI3ZTQ5MzNhZDY2MTRhZWJmMmRkOGE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No! Do your jobs! If I die you’ll never find another person willing to hire you in this city!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjdkYjQ2ZmVkMjQyZmJiZmY2NjE5ZTdhN2RhMjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Yes, Sir.” The guard replied unwillingly before signaling to the other guards.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTQ4MTU3ZTg3OTQwNjNhZThhMjlhNDY3OWMzZDQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">They all drew their weapons and turned off the safety while keeping an eye on the black truck that seemed to match their speed. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDYzODc5NmJjZjRlYjQ5MGM3NDUxOTAzZDdmZmM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnNiY2U2ZDg5YmEwODRlYjA4NGVmODBiMWJmYjE3NDU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maybe because they were so focused on Lyn’s vehicle or maybe because no one would expect a threat from above, but Visette easily traversed the rooftops without being spotted. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjFkNzA5NjcwNDQ5MjNiMTBlNjRiZTM4MmQwYjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I spotted Councilor Fredrickson’s vehicle.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGExZTVhNDBiMzQ5MThhZGUyNzM0ZWZjZmQ2NjEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Take it out if you can! He’s getting close to the DSF headquarters!] </span></p> <p class="cnNjMzU3Y2QzOTgzMDRiMTc5N2EzMmY5ZDZjNWNkMWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since it was late into the night, there was very little traffic to be found save a few cars but nothing that managed to slow the councilor down. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOTU1NWM3YTkyMjQzZDg4ZGJmNWM0OWU5ZDE0NWY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette didn’t reply and leaped from the rooftop, she began falling down but angled herself to land directly on the roof of the councilor’s car. Right before the moment of impact, she used her psionic power to cushion her fall and landed on the roof of the car with a soft thump. </span></p> <p class="cnMzN2E5MDAzYTJiNzQ0Y2RhYmZjYmUyMjM3ZmExODIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Inside, Councilor Fredrickson became a neurotic mess, “What was that?!” He screamed.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzViMTgyMDIyYzQwNTBiMGNlOTE5MjFmZmEwYzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir, just-”</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGI3NWU0ODg2ZjQyNTk5MjU0MDRiMmNkNWJkOWNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“In front! In front! Shoot! Shoot you, idiots!” Fredrickson screamed, pointing toward the front window where a black-clothed figure wearing a smooth ballistic mask was crouched.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGFlOWNkMjAwNTRiZjlhMmRkMDE1ZTI3MDVhMWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette raised the sniper rifle and pressed it against the glass, taking aim at the Councilor until the driver woke up out of his daze.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDk3OWNiYjk2ODQ2ZTBhMDQ2NjYxMGNkZmVlN2Uy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shit!” The driver cursed as he began to turn the steering wheel wildly which caused Visette’s aim to sway. She fired off a shot and it easily pierced through the reinforced glass but struck the guard sitting in the passenger seat. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YmVkNWQ1ODFlYTRiMTBhMmVhZDEzYWE5ZTMzZjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Fredrickson cursed as he held his head down, quickly becoming a sniveling mess under the threat of harm.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTJkNTI1M2M5OTRiYWI4M2NkOGFjZWQyZGY0YzBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette paid no mind to his fit and tried to fire again but the rifle emitted a click, signaling that it was completely empty of ammo. She tossed the rifle away and instead began punching the reinforced window, with the bullet hole in its center, she easily began to break it apart with her physical strength alone.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTk5YzRkZTk3YjQ4OWI5ZGQwZWYxMjhkMTA1N2M3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hold on, Councilor!” The driver shouted as he came to an abrupt stop.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjU1NDYyN2I4MjRjMGU5YzM1NmUwZmM3NTcwMzFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette was abruptly flung forward and went crashing into the street before becoming motionless. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNDVhYTQ1ZGY0NzQ1MjA5OTcyOGNiMjAyMTE3Zjdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Is he dead?” Councilor Fredrickson asked and then recoiled in horror as he witnessed Visette climbing to her feet again. “Drive! Drive! Drive!” </span></p> <p class="cnMxNjkxYzBhNWJlMDRkODY5YTg4NjcxZWFmNTVhMGIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Under his orders, the car drove forward in an attempt to run Visette over and she surprisingly stood there waiting for it. Moments before it could hit her, the steering wheel jerked to the side and the car spun out of control and rolled onto its side repeatedly before crashing into a solid brick wall.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjdkMjM4M2I3NzQ1MTBiMTRjYTRkMzc2YjBlYjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette exhaled lightly before approaching the car. She gripped the door and ripped it off before tossing it away as if it weighed nothing.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGE0MDE4NzA4NDRhYWY5NmRmNDQ5ZGE1YjVkNWUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah...Wake up you fools!” Councilor Fredrickson was the only one conscious and burst into a fit screaming as he watched Visette kneel down to peek inside the car.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTY5NTQxOWM2YjRmY2ZhY2JjZGQ0Y2M0Y2U4ZTli"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ugh...Councilor?” A guard jolted away and turned toward Visette. He reached for his weapon but couldn’t find it as it flew from his hands during the crash. </span></p> <p class="cnNkODE4OWI2ZDZhMDRhMGZiNThkNWY4NmJkMzAzOTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette drew her knife and buried it in his neck before he could do anything further. The shocked guard could only let out a few bloody gurgling noises before going limp.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYmMyMzM1MzE5NTQ5MWNhZThhMzlkMWEwMjI4ODE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No! Please! Please!” Fredrickson begged as he watched Visette snatch the now dead guard out of his seat and throw him aside. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MGM3MjFhYTYwYjQ1N2FhYzRlMzk4OWJhYWY2ODY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Councilor Fredrickson?” Visette inquired as she cut apart the seatbelt holding Fredrickson and pulled him out.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzBkODFlYWFhOTQzYmY4MDY4ODM3MmMzODZiMjI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Please! I have ties to a large Novidium mine! I can make you rich!” Fredrickson spoke while tears ran down his face. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmMxYTkxNmRiMDQ1MjBhM2NmYzU3NjczZDAxZjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will assume that your distressed state is a confirmation of your identity.” As soon as Visette finished speaking, she pressed her knife against Fredrickson’s throat and slit it open with a horizontal cut. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NDhkODc3MjhmZjQwOWI4MzJmMGViNjFjMzM2ZmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">After making sure he was dead, Visette reached her hand into the car and a handgun flew into her grip. There was no hesitation as she fired off a shot into the heads of the two remaining guards, unwilling to risk discovery.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YWRjZDY2MjYwZjRhODU4N2RjMzE2ZmU4NTZiNGEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey!” Lyn shouted as she stopped her car at the scene, “Time to go!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMWRiOTM4ZjlkMzQ3YjNiOTliZGQ0Y2IzNWU1NTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">A high-pitched siren of DSF vehicles filled the night air. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMWVhMjI4M2ZiNjQ5YjQ4MTU4NGU1NjBlMGU2YTcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will pursue the injured soldier and regroup with you at the designated point,” Visette replied as she placed the stolen handgun into her holster. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNWI2NjJjNjI1ZDRhNmFhNWM1MTAwNzY1NjcyMWUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the fuck are you talking about?! You did the mission now let’s go!” Lyn shouted angrily.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzNhOWE4ZWMxZjQ1ZGQ5NDk3ZjQ1OTA4MGE1YWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Although Visette would usually follow orders, she began to see the two remaining survivors as a liability. With the radio of Demetrius’ group in hand, she ignored Lyn’s yelling and launched herself onto a rooftop before her figure vanished among the shadows. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MjIzNDBjZWRjMDRhNTJiZTZlNzFiZGZmNmUwMWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck!” Lyn slammed her hands against the steering wheel before turning the car 180 degrees and driving off into the night. </span></p> <p class="cnNkM2M1YWY3NGQ3NjQ1M2U5M2QxMjJmZDllNjIwNmJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWM4ZDRhMWU1ZDRiMTA5ZmE1Y2Q1MDllZDZiY2Y1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Demetrius and “Glasses” retreated back into their safehouse in Lower Wards without any other options. The abandoned house was the perfect place to hide if the pursuer was a relatively normal individual. Unfortunately, Visette honed on the radio channel that the squad used and since Demetrius didn’t have the time or thought to switch his radio off, she had very little difficulty in locating their position. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMTk3NmU3NDJiMzRmOGVhYTNiMDRjOGU3ZDJkMjlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I…” Demetrius spat up blood as he lay strewn out on a table, “I-I saw it, Glasses...”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTBmMDFhN2YzYjRjY2Q4MTk5NDFhYjgyNWRkNDM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Quiet...We can lie low for a few days but it’ll be hard to escape after that mess.” Glasses produced a tray of medical supplies and began pulling out pieces of shrapnel protruding from Demetrius’ chest.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OWZkYjc3OTA5ZjQzOGQ4ZGMwYjA5MDU3OWU1NThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What in Anton’s name happened in there? I never imagined our mission being so fucked up.” Glasses lamented as he deposited the shrapnel into a bowl.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMmRmODQ5YjM1MjQ2NjhhMGI1YmMxNjdjNmM5MjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was just one person,” Demetrius groaned. “Can you believe it?…”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTA3ODUxYTNiMTQ3ZWNhNDQ1ZTIwZGE0NTAyNDk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’d think it was Anton himself!” Glasses wiped the sweat from his forehead as he pulled out more bullet fragments.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjM5ZjhmOTJiYjRlMzRiZTY4YzQ3ZDgzMzI4Mjhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Right? The only thing I could see was a tiny blue light and then the bullet hit me-”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMWI5ZWM2YmJiYzRhYWZhZTA1NWYwNDk4ZDQwYjc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hold on a second.” Glasses took pause as the pieces of fragments piled up. “This is a bullet from a low-caliber pistol!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjE0NTA2OWRiODQzM2VhOTdhNDgzMjhhZTYxNjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What?” Demetrius raised his head with a pained expression due to the statement. “There’s no way a bullet like that could tear through my armor.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmRhYTFkODNiMjQ3MDM4ZjkwZWZiNTVlMzAxZGI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know, it doesn’t make any sense but this is definitely from a pistol-”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjg2MzQ0MjJmZTQ0MDk5MDdmNGE5OWJiYzBlMTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just as the questions began piling up, the front door to the abandoned building was kicked in and crumbled into pieces. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGUwY2Y2NzA3MDRiNzE4OGM2YThiMWQ5MjVjYjhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shit!” Glasses drew his gun and spun around but his body suddenly froze. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOGZjNjI5ODFhYTQ5MWM4Y2UyMjBmYTQ3Zjg2OWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“ it them?” Demetrius asked with a grunt as he tried to lift himself off of the table.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTM5OGM2NmU2YzRhNGI5NGRhM2ZlMjY5Mzc4YzU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glasses began letting out a series of strained gasps before he stood up rigidly and began walking forward with mechanical steps. When he stopped, he raised the gun in his hand and pressed it against his head.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MWNhZThkMjM4MzRkZWZiNGM4MjhlY2M4OTY4OWNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Glasses! What are you doing?!” Demetrius shouted in pure confusion.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTRkODUwZGE3YTRlMjRhZjdiMzNlYTY1N2RiMDQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400"> “...Help,” A low murmur escaped his lips before he squeezed the trigger and painted the nearby wall with his brain matter before collapsing.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWMzZGY0N2QyNDQwNTY5ZmZlZDMwMTUzMTliMDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Demetrius froze in a mixture of shock and horror as his mind failed to comprehend what took place.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzEwYTQwZTFhYzRlNjE4NGE3OGM2Yzg4MWFhOTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The sound of footsteps set his mind back in motion just as a figure wearing a ballistic mask and black fatigues emerged. He narrowed his eyes and gazed at the figure, finding their cold dark brown eyes extremely familiar.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjg1YTgyNjk4YTQ0YThiYmQzNDRiM2QwNTY2ZWQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“War Hound,” Demetrius muttered after realizing the identity of the person standing in front of him. “...It’s you isn’t it?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTJlMTBhNTU3ZDQ5ODVhMmNhMjdlZDM2NjU5Nzli"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead of answering, Visette approached the table and drew her knife. She would’ve killed him immediately if she didn’t need to establish a link between the squad of Abnormals and Demetrius. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMjkxM2M4YmJkODQ0YWU4N2M2ZGEzZDFjNjJjNThl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What city or force are you allied with?” Visette asked emotionlessly. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MWUyYTgwYmFhYjRjMDNhYzNiYTJkMGZiMGYzMGMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">It seemed as if she was merely going through with a formality rather than interrogating someone.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDMyYzhhNjAwMDQ0OWNiNmM4ZjAyNmIxZjVjMmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’ll kill me either way, right?” Demetrius asked as he closed his eyes. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMmRhZTY5Y2RmODQyYzhhMWVjZmVhNjBkYzM2ZGEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, you are correct,” Visette replied.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTYxMmRhMjMxNjQyNDY5NzRhNTE4NDIyNzBlNGE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Demetrius began taking deep breaths before he summoned his strength and lunged at Visette but she effortlessly sidestepped him only to watch him fall flat on the ground. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MzVjNzc2Nzk4MTQ3ZjM4OTMwY2E2YWUwOWE5ZGE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re an entirely different monster from what I expected,” Demetrius rasped out, “I don’t know what sort of trick you...used to kill Glasses, but it isn’t natural.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YThkOTJlZmJjYTQ4ZmI5MmU3NjFkYzkwYmM0NGM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette observed him for a few moments before she spoke, “I suspect that you are affiliated with Roslin. The way the soldiers spoke implied you have a relationship with Freedom City. With that in mind, it is very unlikely that Copper Haven directed this operation.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGEyMGM5NWFmYTRjMDhiZjI4ZTljZDhkMjIzYjRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If you already knew then why’d you ask?” Demetrius laughed weakly.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTRkYmE4YTE1MDRhMTJhZThkYzYzNmJiN2QxYThh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“For confirmation,” Visette answered as she sheathed her knife. She walked over to the table and picked up a scalpel before she grabbed a handful of Demetrius’ hair and lifted his head before dragging it across his throat.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmZlODlmMzUzMTQ3MzlhZWYxZmZkNjY4YjJmNzNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">His body trembled as blood spurted from his neck and when Visette verified his death, she finally let go of him. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDY4NjEzOTg2NzQ5OWU4YTI1YTcwYjk0YTFlMDM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She spread out her psionic pulse in order to make sure there were no other presences in the vicinity before she entered a back room and discovered radio transmission equipment. She pondered leaving it intact or destroying it but it would inevitably be discovered regardless so she ignored it and left the abandoned building.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDdiM2FiMTMwYTRjOTFiNjk5MWViZjRjY2E4NzU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">With all matters settled, Visette headed for the meeting point set by Lyn at a much slower pace. The mental fatigue of her psionic usage began to set in and although she was in no danger of losing consciousness, she was not comfortable with being in a weakened state.</span></p> </div>
“I said lower the knife!” The soldier repeated while slowly moving his finger toward the trigger. The squad of Abnormal soldiers all had low-type traits judging by their muscle structure and that furthered Visette’s confidence. The only real issue was the sniper who was also likely to be an Abnormal. [Say the word and I’ll take that bastard out.] Demetrius’ confident voice emerged from the radio. Visette drew her knife and lowered it as if she were attempting to place it on the floor. At the same time, she channeled her psionic power and light bulbs illuminating the room exploded into pieces. “Fire!” The squad of abnormals began firing their weapons but just as soon as they did, the large sofa came flying toward them, forcing the squad of eight to split. “Take him out, Demetrius!” A soldier shouted into his microphone while firing a barrage of bullets into the darkness. They switched on their flashlights and began firing at anything that resembled a human. [I can’t see.] Demetrius replied with frustration as he scanned the interior of the home through a scope. Meanwhile, Visette was calmly hiding behind the durable support pillar waiting for her moment to strike. She grabbed the radio attached to her vest and began speaking, “Unknown hostiles have already infiltrated Councilor Fredrickson’s residence.” [What? Who are they?! DSF? New Mayhall Military?] Lyn answered back in a fluster. “They do not appear to have any affiliation with New Mayhall.” [Shit! I’ll be there in five minutes. Wait- Are you under fire?!] “Affirmative, I will engage them shortly and then report back.” [Hold on, Vis, I’m–] Visette turned the radio off just as the gunfire stopped. “Shit! I’m out!” A soldier shouted as if to give her further confirmation. Visette tightened her grip on the knife in her hand and rushed out while infusing psionic energy into her legs. “Reload! Reload-” Visette leaped out of cover and into the squad like a wild animal, thrusting the knife into the unprotected neck of the soldier who seemed to be giving the orders. “Fuck!” The closest soldiers were shocked by the speed of their enemy and began fumbling for their ammo magazines while Visette already began moving again. “Aaah!” Another soldier barely managed to cry out as a knife tore into the base of his throat. “I got him now!” One soldier finished reloading but as he squeezed the trigger, the gun seemed to jam. “...What the fuck?!” Visette’s eyes snapped toward his direction and with one swift leap she had already arrived, quickly ending his life with her blade. “Who the fuck is this?! Demetrius, you need to kill this fucking guy or we’re all gonna die!” A soldier radioed his request but could speak no longer as Visette recovered her pistol and fired at his head, her bullet ripped through his eye and cut his life short. [Do something, Demetrius!] The man known as Glasses ordered through the radio. [Fuck it! Get down, I’m firing!] Demetrius shouted through the radio before the whizzing of bullets and shattering of glass filled the room. Even among the sniper bullets, Visette could move without worry as the projectiles appeared to just barely miss her due to the distortion field she created around herself. “Help! Help! Help-” The only thing transmitted through the radio to Demetrius and the man referred to as “Glasses” were the screams of their squad being annihilated. Then, the room became completely silent. [Say something!] Glasses yelled into the radio. [Hold on!] Demetrius shouted back. As he scanned the dark room he used the flashlights attached to the fallen rifles as a way to see. Among the stillness of the room, there was one figure standing there. “I got you.” Demetrius grinned to himself as he fired a single shot. As he waited for the impact, he was surprised to the body only twitched slightly. “What the fuck?” Demetrius grew confused and narrowed his eyes as he observed through the scope. It then dawned on him that he fired at bait which meant the real assailant was lying close by. As expected of an Abnormal with traits above type-3, his eyes darted around as he looked for the target but he stopped cold as he saw a bright blue gleam among the darkness. Visette channeled psionic energy into the ocular nerves of her right eye, giving her pupil a strange glow, and immediately spotted Demetrius after he exposed his position by firing at the body she propped up with her psionic power. She held her pistol with two hands and coated a single bullet with psionic energy so she could exceed the maximum range. The moment Demetrius discovered her, it seemed like time slowed to a crawl. Visette’s mind ran wild while attempting to calculate the factors that may affect her trajectory as well as how much psionic power could be placed into a bullet without destroying it. It took far less than a second for her to figure it out and she pulled the trigger without hesitation. A bullet whizzed through the air and struck Demetrius right in below his neck even though he was crouched behind cover on a far away rooftop. “Ahk!” Demetrius reacted with disbelief, immediately clutching at his chest. “No...way…” He groaned as he discovered the bullet chewed through his armor and most likely exploded into bits of shrapnel inside of his body. “Fuck!” Demetrius coughed out blood as he tossed his rifle aside and forced himself to his feet, retreating as quickly as he could. “Lyn.” Visette turned her radio back on and began speaking, “I have eliminated all but two of the assailants. Of the two remaining, one is injured and the other was not present.” [Shit…] Lyn was set speechless for a few seconds but quickly recovered herself. [I’m tailing the Councilor right now, he heard the gunfire and is avoiding that district. But...] Lyn was likely conflicted about the importance of finding out the identity of the squad operating in New Mayhall and completing the original mission. She began to speak but stopped herself as the decision grew more complicated. “Please set a target as a priority. Pursue the injured soldier or intercept Councilor Fredrickson?” [Damn it...Intercept Fredrickson! I’ll direct you and if you hurry, you may be able to find that injured soldier in time.] “Understood,” Visette replied before examining the pistol in her hand. It’s frame had shattered into pieces while it emitted smoke into the air. Even though she had a mission, Visette suddenly had the thought of having the gunsmith develop a sidearm with a frame strong to handle high-caliber bullets. She grabbed an extra radio from one of the corpses littered around the room and then jumped from the window. With psionic energy powering her every step, she began a dash toward the adjacent rooftops before leaping up and grabbing the sniper rifle Demetrius left behind. [The Councilor is moving east, I think he’s heading toward DSF headquarters. You have to get him before he gets there or we’re done.] “I understand.” Visette’s tossed the sniper rifle over her shoulder and concentrated more psionic power into her legs. She lowered body and jumped forward with an inhuman burst of speed while simultaneously creating a psionic barrier around her body to protect her internal organs. … Unaware of the terrifying being hunting him, Councilor Fredrickson sought refuge at the DSF headquarters. He urged his driver to increase his speed. “Rampant gunfire in this city! And from the Upper Wards no less! I swear it was coming from my home!” Fredrickson, a rather thin-looking man with short hair, raved on. Two guards sat on either side of him with another in the passenger seat. They maintained stoic expressions in order give him peace of mind, but it didn’t seem to work as he continued ranting nervously. A guard at the front glanced at the rearview mirror as they drove along before he finally spoke up, “Sir-” “What?!” Councilor Fredrickson barked back as sweat began to cover his brow. “Sir, we’re being followed. Please calm down so we can-” “Calm down! How in Anton’s name can I calm down?!” “Sir, please-” One of his guards tried to put him at ease but completely failed. “No! Do your jobs! If I die you’ll never find another person willing to hire you in this city!” “...Yes, Sir.” The guard replied unwillingly before signaling to the other guards. They all drew their weapons and turned off the safety while keeping an eye on the black truck that seemed to match their speed. … Maybe because they were so focused on Lyn’s vehicle or maybe because no one would expect a threat from above, but Visette easily traversed the rooftops without being spotted. “I spotted Councilor Fredrickson’s vehicle.” [Take it out if you can! He’s getting close to the DSF headquarters!] Since it was late into the night, there was very little traffic to be found save a few cars but nothing that managed to slow the councilor down. Visette didn’t reply and leaped from the rooftop, she began falling down but angled herself to land directly on the roof of the councilor’s car. Right before the moment of impact, she used her psionic power to cushion her fall and landed on the roof of the car with a soft thump. Inside, Councilor Fredrickson became a neurotic mess, “What was that?!” He screamed. “Sir, just-” “In front! In front! Shoot! Shoot you, idiots!” Fredrickson screamed, pointing toward the front window where a black-clothed figure wearing a smooth ballistic mask was crouched. Visette raised the sniper rifle and pressed it against the glass, taking aim at the Councilor until the driver woke up out of his daze. “Shit!” The driver cursed as he began to turn the steering wheel wildly which caused Visette’s aim to sway. She fired off a shot and it easily pierced through the reinforced glass but struck the guard sitting in the passenger seat. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Fredrickson cursed as he held his head down, quickly becoming a sniveling mess under the threat of harm. Visette paid no mind to his fit and tried to fire again but the rifle emitted a click, signaling that it was completely empty of ammo. She tossed the rifle away and instead began punching the reinforced window, with the bullet hole in its center, she easily began to break it apart with her physical strength alone. “Hold on, Councilor!” The driver shouted as he came to an abrupt stop. Visette was abruptly flung forward and went crashing into the street before becoming motionless. “...Is he dead?” Councilor Fredrickson asked and then recoiled in horror as he witnessed Visette climbing to her feet again. “Drive! Drive! Drive!” Under his orders, the car drove forward in an attempt to run Visette over and she surprisingly stood there waiting for it. Moments before it could hit her, the steering wheel jerked to the side and the car spun out of control and rolled onto its side repeatedly before crashing into a solid brick wall. Visette exhaled lightly before approaching the car. She gripped the door and ripped it off before tossing it away as if it weighed nothing. “Ah...Wake up you fools!” Councilor Fredrickson was the only one conscious and burst into a fit screaming as he watched Visette kneel down to peek inside the car. “Ugh...Councilor?” A guard jolted away and turned toward Visette. He reached for his weapon but couldn’t find it as it flew from his hands during the crash. Visette drew her knife and buried it in his neck before he could do anything further. The shocked guard could only let out a few bloody gurgling noises before going limp. “No! Please! Please!” Fredrickson begged as he watched Visette snatch the now dead guard out of his seat and throw him aside. “Councilor Fredrickson?” Visette inquired as she cut apart the seatbelt holding Fredrickson and pulled him out. “Please! I have ties to a large Novidium mine! I can make you rich!” Fredrickson spoke while tears ran down his face. “I will assume that your distressed state is a confirmation of your identity.” As soon as Visette finished speaking, she pressed her knife against Fredrickson’s throat and slit it open with a horizontal cut. After making sure he was dead, Visette reached her hand into the car and a handgun flew into her grip. There was no hesitation as she fired off a shot into the heads of the two remaining guards, unwilling to risk discovery. “Hey!” Lyn shouted as she stopped her car at the scene, “Time to go!” A high-pitched siren of DSF vehicles filled the night air. “I will pursue the injured soldier and regroup with you at the designated point,” Visette replied as she placed the stolen handgun into her holster. “What the fuck are you talking about?! You did the mission now let’s go!” Lyn shouted angrily. Although Visette would usually follow orders, she began to see the two remaining survivors as a liability. With the radio of Demetrius’ group in hand, she ignored Lyn’s yelling and launched herself onto a rooftop before her figure vanished among the shadows. “Fuck!” Lyn slammed her hands against the steering wheel before turning the car 180 degrees and driving off into the night. … Demetrius and “Glasses” retreated back into their safehouse in Lower Wards without any other options. The abandoned house was the perfect place to hide if the pursuer was a relatively normal individual. Unfortunately, Visette honed on the radio channel that the squad used and since Demetrius didn’t have the time or thought to switch his radio off, she had very little difficulty in locating their position. “I…” Demetrius spat up blood as he lay strewn out on a table, “I-I saw it, Glasses...” “Quiet...We can lie low for a few days but it’ll be hard to escape after that mess.” Glasses produced a tray of medical supplies and began pulling out pieces of shrapnel protruding from Demetrius’ chest. “What in Anton’s name happened in there? I never imagined our mission being so fucked up.” Glasses lamented as he deposited the shrapnel into a bowl. “It was just one person,” Demetrius groaned. “Can you believe it?…” “You’d think it was Anton himself!” Glasses wiped the sweat from his forehead as he pulled out more bullet fragments. “Right? The only thing I could see was a tiny blue light and then the bullet hit me-” “Hold on a second.” Glasses took pause as the pieces of fragments piled up. “This is a bullet from a low-caliber pistol!” “What?” Demetrius raised his head with a pained expression due to the statement. “There’s no way a bullet like that could tear through my armor.” “I know, it doesn’t make any sense but this is definitely from a pistol-” Just as the questions began piling up, the front door to the abandoned building was kicked in and crumbled into pieces. “Shit!” Glasses drew his gun and spun around but his body suddenly froze. “ it them?” Demetrius asked with a grunt as he tried to lift himself off of the table. Glasses began letting out a series of strained gasps before he stood up rigidly and began walking forward with mechanical steps. When he stopped, he raised the gun in his hand and pressed it against his head. “Glasses! What are you doing?!” Demetrius shouted in pure confusion. “...Help,” A low murmur escaped his lips before he squeezed the trigger and painted the nearby wall with his brain matter before collapsing. Demetrius froze in a mixture of shock and horror as his mind failed to comprehend what took place. The sound of footsteps set his mind back in motion just as a figure wearing a ballistic mask and black fatigues emerged. He narrowed his eyes and gazed at the figure, finding their cold dark brown eyes extremely familiar. “War Hound,” Demetrius muttered after realizing the identity of the person standing in front of him. “...It’s you isn’t it?” Instead of answering, Visette approached the table and drew her knife. She would’ve killed him immediately if she didn’t need to establish a link between the squad of Abnormals and Demetrius. “What city or force are you allied with?” Visette asked emotionlessly. It seemed as if she was merely going through with a formality rather than interrogating someone. “You’ll kill me either way, right?” Demetrius asked as he closed his eyes. “Yes, you are correct,” Visette replied. Demetrius began taking deep breaths before he summoned his strength and lunged at Visette but she effortlessly sidestepped him only to watch him fall flat on the ground. “You’re an entirely different monster from what I expected,” Demetrius rasped out, “I don’t know what sort of trick you...used to kill Glasses, but it isn’t natural.” Visette observed him for a few moments before she spoke, “I suspect that you are affiliated with Roslin. The way the soldiers spoke implied you have a relationship with Freedom City. With that in mind, it is very unlikely that Copper Haven directed this operation.” “If you already knew then why’d you ask?” Demetrius laughed weakly. “For confirmation,” Visette answered as she sheathed her knife. She walked over to the table and picked up a scalpel before she grabbed a handful of Demetrius’ hair and lifted his head before dragging it across his throat. His body trembled as blood spurted from his neck and when Visette verified his death, she finally let go of him. She spread out her psionic pulse in order to make sure there were no other presences in the vicinity before she entered a back room and discovered radio transmission equipment. She pondered leaving it intact or destroying it but it would inevitably be discovered regardless so she ignored it and left the abandoned building. With all matters settled, Visette headed for the meeting point set by Lyn at a much slower pace. The mental fatigue of her psionic usage began to set in and although she was in no danger of losing consciousness, she was not comfortable with being in a weakened state.
{ "title": "Doomed To Be A God", "id": 21352, "author": "Newbiesnail", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Sixth Major War", "id": 305787, "next": 332797, "prev": 305724, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhNWUwOTkxN2E2MDRlZWE4ZmE5NTk3OGI1ZGNhMDEz">Doomed To Be A God</p> <p class="cnNiYzAzMWI4ODQ1YzQyMjZhMTQ4NjZjMzlkYjZhMjRk">Chapter nine: Sixth Major War</p> <p class="cnNjMTk1ZmJmYmY1MzQ0MWJiNTliYWY1MTE4YWMxZjc2">"Father! I really like him! If I can't marry him, then I will not marry anyone!" seeing that Ye Fei had both looks and power, but most importantly looks, she thought of a method to have him within her grasp.</p> <p class="cnM4YjUzZGMwMjU1NjQ3NmVhMTIxYzkxNDM0ZmMyNTRh">Her face had a sad expression, tears began to fall from her attractive face. </p> <p class="cnM2M2RhOWZiNmMzZjQ5YWVhMGEyZTUwNWRiMWVhNDgz"><span class="mceItemHidden">"Little Fei can you consider her <span class="hiddenSuggestion">request</span>?" his old heart ached when he saw his daughter crying. Ye Fei liked this uncle of his, he as a nephew should listen to this uncle.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmUwZGQ1Mzc5MzQ1MzQ5ODEwZjExN2NjNjU1YWY0">"I can marry her, if she can reach the Core Formation Stage... Within three years!" Ye Fei withdraw his aura, he looked more gentle but his voice held authority that cannot be avoided.</p> <p class="cnNkYjU1OWI4MmE2MTQwYThhNDE2NmU2MDAxMTEwZjAw">The emperor frowned, although princess Sha was a talented girl, she still couldn't reach that stage in three years! That was like asking a baby to run after being born!</p> <p class="cnNjMWI0ZWE1MDYzOTQwOGQ4MWQwMGQ4YmIxYjlmYzBk">But before he said anything.</p> <p class="cnMzYTYwYjA1YmRiMjQxNzM5ZGZjOGEyOGIxNjFkNGI0">"I can reach it! You just have to promise me something!" her eyes showed determination, she would really become his wife, no matter what!</p> <p class="cnM5NzY1ODUyMzA4ZTRjNDg4MWFkMWIxYWQ1ODllMjhm">"What promise?" asked Ye Fei puzzled.</p> <p class="cnM3YmZhYmYzNDFmNDQ4Y2U5YTFmYTdkY2Y5YTBjODM4">"You can't marry any woman besides me!" she's a clean girl, she liked cleanliness, of course, her man needed to stay pure and clean for her!</p> <p class="cnM1NjlmZWZiNDY3ZjQwYzlhMmI5YjZiMzQ0NWE0MDE5">Every girl stared at her angrily, 'If you lost him, why did you needed to drag us too!'. </p> <p class="cnNkNjMyNjdiNWMwMzQ4ZDc5OGRkY2JiNWJlODIxZjkz">Princess Sha showed a triumphant face, sticking out her little tongue like saying 'He's only mine, mine!'. </p> <p class="cnNhMjgyZmI4ZGE4NTQ4ODY5YjYzZjBjN2Y4OTcwZjMy">Ye Fei made a weird expression as if saying 'I don't care'. </p> <p class="cnNlZjg1ZTIzOWQ0MzQxYTZiZjA2ODZjNDEyYWJlNDkz">His expression made princess Sha cried, but the reason behind that expression wasn't the same reason he thought of. </p> <p class="cnM3OTEyMGRiYTcxZjRjYjc4NWE3NDcwMTc1MmNkYmE0">The emperor heart ached again when he saw his beloved daughter crying, he wanted to tell her that the Ye family had a rule that every man had to follow... But before he could say anything. </p> <p class="cnMyNWNiOGVjOGRkMjQ3YWJhNGEwM2RhMDVhNTdjZDQw">"Marry other woman...? My family have a rule that every man can only have one wife, and if he doesn't adhere to this rule he can't marry or love any other woman in his entire life?" he carefully explained his family rule. </p> <p class="cnMxMzRkOTBlYTVhMjRjMjBiMzNlZThhNGUyN2NhNzI3">He explaining the rule carefully, made her face red like a tomato, she covered her face with her delicate hands, but a beautiful hand, white as snow, soft as the clouds grabbed her hands. </p> <p class="cnNmZjhhMGFhZTUxNDQzNzBiNjAzZGJjNDFjZWQ1MDcy">As she was about to move away that hand, a man with devilish beauty was standing in front of her, grabbing her hand. </p> <p class="cnM3MTY5NTAwN2Y5YjQ5YjlhYzkwZGU5MDhhMGZiMzk0">"If you can reach that stage, then I will marry you" his voice turned gentler than before, patting her head gently, he said.</p> <p class="cnNhODYxNWE5YTJjMTQ5NjQ4N2Q3NTViZTQxMDlmZDRi">Although he knew that she liked him because of his face, yet, he could not forget her face, his feeling were in disarray. </p> <p class="cnMzODU5N2YzNjdhNDQzNDk5OGM2OGZkZTc1NDdkYmZh">Her heart was beating fast, his flawless face, his voice, she loved everything about him. </p> <p class="cnNkYTU1NmUyYTUxOTQ4NGU4MmQ5MjE5ODZmNDE0OTMz">Suddenly hurried steps could be heard outside of the palace, a person with the empire uniform came running towards the emperor, the guards didn't stop him when they saw the official badge of the emperor. </p> <p class="cnMzNzg3MzcwMDRmMzQ5NDQ4MTI5NmFiMzRiZGVlYTEx">He stopped in front of the emperor, breathing heavily, he single-kneeled. </p> <p class="cnMyZDVkODRjMDlkMTQ4NDViMTg5OTdmYzdiOGZkMWE1"><span class="mceItemHidden">"My emperor! The Endless Ocean empire colluded with the Ancient Water empire! They're coming from the south! " he felt scared, he was talking about two super <span class="hiddenSpellError">colossals</span>! </span></p> <p class="cnMzMTRlNzIwNTEzZTQ3MjI4MWVjMzk2ZGMxMGZlMjM2">The emperor didn't felt scared, he felt excited! He wanted to send his nephew to destroy these bastards that treat their citizens unfairly! He wanted to show his nephew prowess! Turning his head and grabbing the transparent badge, he said loudly. </p> <p class="cnNiMTRlNjVjZTdiMzQyMzViMDM5MWU5YzIyNTk4YTg3">"Holy Guardian you know what to do!" ordered the emperor, he had a wide smile on his face. </p> <p class="cnM2OThiY2I0YzI2MTRiZTE4YmMyYWY4MDRkMGVjYjZm">Ye Fei nodded his head, rising his right hand, a white light emitted from his palm, from the light a purple long sword appeared. </p> <p class="cnMwOGMzNmRjZDU3YzQ3MzhhZjUxZTU5ZTJjYzE1NjZk">The purple sword was not powerful by itself, in fact it was an ordinary sword painted in purple.</p> <p class="cnM5MGJmNzVmY2EyMTRmMjQ4MDkxOTFiYTU4MGQ4ZmY2">Releasing his aura, he infused a thick strand of energy inside the purple sword, as if the sword had life, it shot towards the sky and disappeared. </p> <p class="cnNmZjcwOTc1MTY4ODQ0YmVhOGZkMzQ4ZmVhNWY1ZDdh">This scene was slowly engraving in everyone's mind, it was simply astonishing. </p> <p class="cnM0ODZhNDVhZGU3MTRlZGQ4ODM2NGZlNjhmMWI1MGE5">..... </p> <p class="cnNkMWU4NTlkNWU2ZjQ4MjA4ZGM5MDEyODljZDNjMjU0">Crystal Hope empire south region</p> <p class="cnM4ZTNlMzdkNmUzOTRkYWI5NGFmNzFlZjA0ODQxNmQw">"Tsk, tsk, a single man slaying an entire army? What a joke! Even a god isn't capable of doing it!" sneered a person riding an armored horse. </p> <p class="cnMzNDdlZDU5NmU3MjRkOGJhMmY2NjE4MWFiNjQ2MzY2">"Yes, general, a person alone destroying an army? In their dreams!" ten soldiers at the side said in unison. </p> <p class="cnMzMGFiZTk3YzU0MzRiNmFiMWZkYWNlMjk4ZTU0ODY0">"Go faster! I want to return home and taste some women!" said the general excitedly, victory was nearby, this indeed was a hundred thousand soldiers army, but with the help of the Ancient Water empire, his army almost tripled in numbers! He was confident. </p> <p class="cnM5Nzk5ZjE2Njk3NjQyYzhiMDA5Zjg0Y2YzZDVhM2Zh">Every soldier felt their blood boiling, slashing those peasants, watching their blood flow like a river. </p> <p class="cnM0NzAyNjU0OWFmODQ2NDViMDdhYTZlNWM2NjIxNDBh">A purple sword was traveling from the capital to the south region of the empire. </p> <p class="cnNlNTBlOTc3MzhlODQ1Njc4MzUyYzM1ODgwZGY1ZTcx">A young man flicked his finger startling everyone. </p> <p class="cnMwYTAyMjY2NjUxYjRjODVhYzdlMzUxZmQ4MDU2YTc1">The purple sword began to enlarge and broke in three pieces. Each piece turned in three different animals. </p> <p class="cnNjZDc2ZGEyZGNhMTQyZjliM2FlOWVkMmU2NzFhZDk1">A gigantic snake of eighty meters fell from the sky and landed, making the ground tremble. Its tail killed thousands with one swing. </p> <p class="cnM1MDljNWQ4OGMyZDQwZTE4NTNkMDg2YmE2YjBmOGQ0">After the giant snake fell from the sky, another giant animal fell, it was a toad! </p> <p class="cnNlZDQ4ZDY1MGI3ODQwMGM5MTc2NmNmYWQxM2MwZWVl">The toad landed, but no tremble formed, instead each jump of the road created a tremble! A large sticky tongue shot from his mouth, swallowing ten thousand soldiers in one swoop. </p> <p class="cnNiOWVjYTI3MmUzMTQyNDU5NzNkZTg1NDgwYTAzNmRl">Boom! </p> <p class="cnM3NjRhNzY1NGEwYTRjNzVhYjYyNTAzODMyOGM5ZmQ5">The third animal landed, it was the peacock! Each flap from his majestic wings could send flying almost the entire army! </p> <p class="cnNlNmVmOGJiMTZlOTRjZWNhOGIwZTM1OTczYjVhMjdi">A feeling of horror was forming in his little heart, the general talked in a low voice, "W-were doomed..." closing his eyes, a large tongue wrapped him. </p> <p class="cnMxNTM5ODU0MDRlZjQ2NGJhMWU4MjY1YzkzZGM4MjVi">From the moment that the purple sword was send, to the end of the battle, it wasn't even an hour! </p> <p class="cnNhZDUyMTE2YWZmNjQ3NzBiMmZiNmY1YjI5NDkxM2Nl">This could not be called a war! It was massacre! </p> <p class="cnMwMjJlMWIzNWY1YjRiMDY4MzM5OTIwZGExMGM4Nzlk">These soldiers were hoping that a supreme being could save them, but their hopes... Shattered mercilessly. </p> <p class="cnNjNTAwYTZkNGRkOTQzMjA4OTg3YjA4YTUxY2M4N2Qz"> </p> <p class="cnM3YjI4YzZmYjllNzQxMzY5ZmFhMDhjODQ0ZGJhYWVk"> </p> </div>
Doomed To Be A God Chapter nine: Sixth Major War "Father! I really like him! If I can't marry him, then I will not marry anyone!" seeing that Ye Fei had both looks and power, but most importantly looks, she thought of a method to have him within her grasp. Her face had a sad expression, tears began to fall from her attractive face. "Little Fei can you consider her request?" his old heart ached when he saw his daughter crying. Ye Fei liked this uncle of his, he as a nephew should listen to this uncle. "I can marry her, if she can reach the Core Formation Stage... Within three years!" Ye Fei withdraw his aura, he looked more gentle but his voice held authority that cannot be avoided. The emperor frowned, although princess Sha was a talented girl, she still couldn't reach that stage in three years! That was like asking a baby to run after being born! But before he said anything. "I can reach it! You just have to promise me something!" her eyes showed determination, she would really become his wife, no matter what! "What promise?" asked Ye Fei puzzled. "You can't marry any woman besides me!" she's a clean girl, she liked cleanliness, of course, her man needed to stay pure and clean for her! Every girl stared at her angrily, 'If you lost him, why did you needed to drag us too!'. Princess Sha showed a triumphant face, sticking out her little tongue like saying 'He's only mine, mine!'. Ye Fei made a weird expression as if saying 'I don't care'. His expression made princess Sha cried, but the reason behind that expression wasn't the same reason he thought of. The emperor heart ached again when he saw his beloved daughter crying, he wanted to tell her that the Ye family had a rule that every man had to follow... But before he could say anything. "Marry other woman...? My family have a rule that every man can only have one wife, and if he doesn't adhere to this rule he can't marry or love any other woman in his entire life?" he carefully explained his family rule. He explaining the rule carefully, made her face red like a tomato, she covered her face with her delicate hands, but a beautiful hand, white as snow, soft as the clouds grabbed her hands. As she was about to move away that hand, a man with devilish beauty was standing in front of her, grabbing her hand. "If you can reach that stage, then I will marry you" his voice turned gentler than before, patting her head gently, he said. Although he knew that she liked him because of his face, yet, he could not forget her face, his feeling were in disarray. Her heart was beating fast, his flawless face, his voice, she loved everything about him. Suddenly hurried steps could be heard outside of the palace, a person with the empire uniform came running towards the emperor, the guards didn't stop him when they saw the official badge of the emperor. He stopped in front of the emperor, breathing heavily, he single-kneeled. "My emperor! The Endless Ocean empire colluded with the Ancient Water empire! They're coming from the south! " he felt scared, he was talking about two super colossals! The emperor didn't felt scared, he felt excited! He wanted to send his nephew to destroy these bastards that treat their citizens unfairly! He wanted to show his nephew prowess! Turning his head and grabbing the transparent badge, he said loudly. "Holy Guardian you know what to do!" ordered the emperor, he had a wide smile on his face. Ye Fei nodded his head, rising his right hand, a white light emitted from his palm, from the light a purple long sword appeared. The purple sword was not powerful by itself, in fact it was an ordinary sword painted in purple. Releasing his aura, he infused a thick strand of energy inside the purple sword, as if the sword had life, it shot towards the sky and disappeared. This scene was slowly engraving in everyone's mind, it was simply astonishing. ..... Crystal Hope empire south region "Tsk, tsk, a single man slaying an entire army? What a joke! Even a god isn't capable of doing it!" sneered a person riding an armored horse. "Yes, general, a person alone destroying an army? In their dreams!" ten soldiers at the side said in unison. "Go faster! I want to return home and taste some women!" said the general excitedly, victory was nearby, this indeed was a hundred thousand soldiers army, but with the help of the Ancient Water empire, his army almost tripled in numbers! He was confident. Every soldier felt their blood boiling, slashing those peasants, watching their blood flow like a river. A purple sword was traveling from the capital to the south region of the empire. A young man flicked his finger startling everyone. The purple sword began to enlarge and broke in three pieces. Each piece turned in three different animals. A gigantic snake of eighty meters fell from the sky and landed, making the ground tremble. Its tail killed thousands with one swing. After the giant snake fell from the sky, another giant animal fell, it was a toad! The toad landed, but no tremble formed, instead each jump of the road created a tremble! A large sticky tongue shot from his mouth, swallowing ten thousand soldiers in one swoop. Boom! The third animal landed, it was the peacock! Each flap from his majestic wings could send flying almost the entire army! A feeling of horror was forming in his little heart, the general talked in a low voice, "W-were doomed..." closing his eyes, a large tongue wrapped him. From the moment that the purple sword was send, to the end of the battle, it wasn't even an hour! This could not be called a war! It was massacre! These soldiers were hoping that a supreme being could save them, but their hopes... Shattered mercilessly.
{ "title": "The One Luna", "id": 20828, "author": "TheLittleFatty", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Tabula Rasa - Part 2", "id": 305788, "next": 306159, "prev": 305255, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkZWM1NGQxOGEzNjRlODRiOTEwMzgzZTQ3YzYxNmI3">"Thank you, Lord Luna!" As soon as Clemencia expressed her gratitude, the rest followed as well. It was a good thing that the area was large enough to fit thousands of them. After the five &lt;Life Trees&gt; were merged, a huge majority of the area was basically turned into a lake. It was to the point that Luna was forced to abandon making this area into an Academy, and expanding the area a bit. While the decision wasn't made lightly, he eventually decided that it would benefit everyone the most.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGUxZThhODA0OTQwOTU5M2UzOTZiMjljMWJlOTU5">The &lt;Life Tree&gt; was a very mysterious tree that seemingly defied all laws that humankind had learned beforehand.</p> <p class="cnM1MmVjYjc2YTg3NTQ4NzI5MzhkZmNjZWJjNDM0ZjA0">Clemencia and the others stood by the shores while the others waited behind them.</p> <p class="cnM2MzU1NmIwMjllOTQwZDdiYjZiZWJjNmJjYzQyZTMx">"The trees that Lucifer burned and caused our exile. To think it would be the same tree that would rid us of that form." After her soliloquy, Clemencia who was given clothes beforehand, undressed yet again, and slowly walked towards the water.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDhjNTlhZGE0NDRhMGM5ODkwNGY0MmU5M2Y1MzM2">Luna was prepared to stop her, but Elder Aran and Sura told him not to. He was afraid the water would be contaminated, but they assured him that the water from the &lt;Life Tree&gt; wasn't the type of water to get contaminated, it was the type that could at the very least, purify anything from their world. Even if a filthy animal or person swam in these waters, it wouldn't change the quality of the water negatively, in the slightest. In fact, it would eliminate the bad and the life tree would personally absorb the good, all without changing the taste, so unless you knew, you wouldn't even suspect that anything happened.</p> <p class="cnM2ODJjYzBlMzdjOTQ4MDk5MDk0NWYxZGI2NTRkMzY2">There wasn't much use trying to figure out why it was that way, so they just decided to accept it for now.</p> <p class="cnM3OTE4MThmNmZkMDQ4MzVhNzMwYTRiZmFjYmE1MzY1">Of course, this information couldn't be made public. It didn't matter how miraculous the properties of this water was, if you had the knowledge that someone bathed or took a dump on your drinking water, you'd probably be hard-pressed to accept that fact.</p> <p class="cnNiYWRlNGY1NWY0NDRjNmJhMWFjNTFiNjY4MTBiMzMw">As they all started to dip themselves into the water, each person would be surrounded by two, as they proceeded to recite an incantation before they put their palms on top of the person's head and slowly submerged them.</p> <p class="cnNiODlhMmFiNDI1NjQ2NGFhNzRkZTQ2YTU0ZDg1ZTRi">This was very similar to people were baptized in the Bible, with the difference being the incantation, it actually triggered some activity with the water.</p> <p class="cnNiZmRhNjAwYmQzYjQwMDE5YWU1NjkyN2ViMTNiNjY2">As they were underwater, the roots of the &lt;Life Tree&gt; shot forward, impaling them in the middle of their chests, and raising them above the water.</p> <p class="cnMyMjA5ZDY4Y2YyYjQ3NWRiODZlNzQzMTA1MDI2MTll">What was even more surprising to Luna and the others, was that the expression of pain didn't appear on the Manananggal's faces. What appeared was a peaceful expression, and a gentle smile on their faces.</p> <p class="cnNlNDAyM2M2OWRjYTQ5YTNiNGY5YWE3NzJhODM4YTgz">Tears flowed down the faces of the ones that were being held up by the tree's roots. The dense energy in the area became even more rich. It seems that the &lt;Life Trees&gt; were absorbing even more energy from the atmosphere. One could see the energy being injected into the women, and after nearly five minutes, they were let down.</p> <p class="cnMzZGI2MjliNTk2YzQwMDJiZjQ3NzY3NDZjOTkzMWI5">Joy could be seen on their faces, and the ones who hadn't gone through the ceremony, became even more excited.</p> <p class="cnNkZmU0MzIzZmVlMzRiNmY4Yzc0NDAyMGMwMDkyZjEx">Clemencia put her clothes on, and walked towards Luna and knelt down on one knee. With her fist on her left chest, she saluted and said. "Lord Luna, we will never forget the grace you've given us today. You've rid us of the fetters of our curse, and we can once again walk proudly. We might never be welcomed by any of the Gods, but even if we were, we will still honor our pledge of allegiance towards you."</p> <p class="cnM1YWU2YmNhOTFlNDQxZDY4YjAyYTgxODgwN2ZlMjY4">"I never really quite know exactly what to do in these situations, but I'm glad you're on my side." Luna replied.</p> <p class="cnMyYmM5MGY5OGIwZTQ3MjViOGEzNWY0NzcxNmE5YzA1">"Miss Clemencia, you have become a Blank Slate?" Elder Aran suddenly said. After scanning them, Luna noticed they were level 1 as well.</p> <p class="cnNmNjU5M2NmMzM5ZTQ0ZjliM2U3MDc3YWQ3MTI1Y2Uw">"Mn. Before, I'm sure you could see our level, so you thought we gained the same powers of evolution as you did. Truth be told, you could do that for anything, but that doesn't mean we were blessed by the Agimat of Attribute as well. But now, thanks to your grace, we have gained the ability to evolve endlessly like you, as well." She explained.</p> <p class="cnMyNTBkNTllNGJhNzRiNGE5MjZlMDMxNmIxNDg4YzQx">"Good! I'll assign some men to help power level you until you're at least capable of leveling yourselves. As you are now, a single ETZ could breathe on you and you'd die." Luna said.</p> <p class="cnNjNmE2NjRlZjczYTRhNjFiMGZlNDVhMjBiNTNmNjI5">"Oh, and here, Lord Luna." Clemencia placed her palm on her chest, as a bright light shone and then disappeared. She held out her palm and and a crystal, shining with divine light, floated towards Luna.</p> <p class="cnM0OTNmNjJjMjUxYzQyOGU5NTlkMGZkMDJkYjNjYzAx">"What is this?" He asked.</p> <p class="cnM4MDNlMjUzOTBiMTRjNzBiNjc5MzgyN2UzMzg4YzNl">"My heart."</p> <p class="cnNlMDFlYTIzZDgxODQyMmJiN2NkOWFlZWMxOGUzZDky">"This... I'm sorry, but, as you can see, I'm quite taken." He replied as he pointed with his thumb, behind him, indicating that him and Sura were together.</p> <p class="cnM4MDJjYzRkMzczNDQxOGU5MzRmNDU0YWEzMTNjNWYw">"Pft! Hahahaha!" Sura couldn't help but break out in laughter. She obviously understood that a proposal wasn't Clemencia's request, but she forgot that on Earth, offering to figuratively "give someone your heart" was considered a confession of love. It was normal for him to be caught off-guard in such a situation. Especially when</p> <p class="cnM4M2I3NzE1ZDg3ZjRhMTc4NzQ2NTQyNDc0ZDk3ZDRj">"L-lord Luna, I.. This heart is for you to claim so I can officially recognize you as my master. As long as it's alive, I can keep coming back even if my body dies. The caveat is that anything we die with, gets left behind, like equipment for example. If you wish to end our lives, you merely have to crush it. We usually leave it in a safe place so we can resurrect, but during our time as Manananggals," Clemencia explained.</p> <p class="cnNkNWQ5OTNiZmQ1MTRmZTc5OTFkMGFkMTJiMDU3YzI0">"Oh..." Realizing his mistake, he accepted her heart. "I appreciate your sincerity. What about your previous forms?"</p> <p class="cnNmODg5MjVhMGQyZjQ5ZGI4NzU4ZTg4MzlmOTRhYTdl">"We can go back to our Seraphic forms now." Clemencia said as six wings sprouted from her back.</p> <p class="cnMyOTY3ZWIxYmQ3NjQ4ZmRiZTNiNTVjMmNiODUzNTU0">"Seraph? You're a Seraph?!" Luna was shocked. From what he knew, Seraphs were the highest ranked of all Angels. Now that there was no more cap in their evolution, just how far can these beings go?</p> <p class="cnNjODg5YTFhYzdmOTQxMTc5MDdhYWE1NTNkZmMyMjJj">"As of right now, just in form." Clemencia replied. "Hopefully we can some day get back to, if not surpass our previous strength. Inanna from before was also a Seraph. The rest of the women here are Cherubim."</p> <p class="cnMzMjA4NTA0MTk3NzQ2MDA4ODBmM2I3MDU2OTRiYzc5">"I see. How many of you are there, exactly?" Luna asked.</p> <p class="cnM5NDU1ZDIwMDAyMzQxNDhiZWI3ZGU4Yjk2Y2U5NjE5">"A little over 5,000." She replied.</p> <p class="cnNmNzU3MWQzNTEyNDRkNjY4ZjdkZWI0MTAxOWQ5OTc5">"An Air Force of over 5,000. Not bad."</p> <p class="cnMyMTRhZjkzZTdkOTQxMzk5OGZmMDg2MmViZGYyODRj">"We also don't have to wait until nighttime anymore, and we've rid ourselves of our previous forms. As soon as we're able, Lord Luna, we'll individually share our EXP with you, so half of it always goes to you without taking anything from your own kills." Clemencia promised. It was something they agreed upon earlier, and now, with the gift of continued evolution and being rid of their previously shackled forms, they were more than glad to fulfill their end of the bargain.</p> <p class="cnNmNWFmNmMyNmIwZTQwMTlhZDY3NDE1NTVjN2YzYzk3">"I appreciate your sincerity, but before I assign some men to help you level, I still have some questions I wanted to clarify from before."</p> <p class="cnMyMjBkYjg2YTg1OTQ0MjM5MTE3YWZhMTJiZGViZmMz">"If I know the answer, Lord Luna, I'll be sure to tell you everything I know."</p> <p class="cnM0ZjdhMWQ4MGU3ZDRkMzE4ZDQwZmJkNWRhNTM0Yjcz">"Alright. Everyone follow me to my home. We'll let the rest of the Cherubim finish their rites. This will be broadcast throughout the whole Nation. The people have a right to know." Luna said.</p> <p class="cnNkNTE5ZDQ0MjE0OTRiOTI5YjBkYzE5YWRjMmIzMDkx">Apple who had been quiet the whole time, spoke up. "It'll be good motivation for everyone to keep evolving as well. Lately I feel as if the soldiers have been too complacent and careless. Just because they've stayed ahead, some of them think they're invincible. If they know the truth, then they'll finally be aware of how lacking they truly are."</p> <p class="cnM5ZDgwY2Q1MjBmMjQ5ZmJiZmMxYjQ4NjNhNThlNjE2">With that said, the officials who were with them, and the others who weren't there, were summoned to Luna's residence for an official meeting.</p> </div>
"Thank you, Lord Luna!" As soon as Clemencia expressed her gratitude, the rest followed as well. It was a good thing that the area was large enough to fit thousands of them. After the five <Life Trees> were merged, a huge majority of the area was basically turned into a lake. It was to the point that Luna was forced to abandon making this area into an Academy, and expanding the area a bit. While the decision wasn't made lightly, he eventually decided that it would benefit everyone the most. The <Life Tree> was a very mysterious tree that seemingly defied all laws that humankind had learned beforehand. Clemencia and the others stood by the shores while the others waited behind them. "The trees that Lucifer burned and caused our exile. To think it would be the same tree that would rid us of that form." After her soliloquy, Clemencia who was given clothes beforehand, undressed yet again, and slowly walked towards the water. Luna was prepared to stop her, but Elder Aran and Sura told him not to. He was afraid the water would be contaminated, but they assured him that the water from the <Life Tree> wasn't the type of water to get contaminated, it was the type that could at the very least, purify anything from their world. Even if a filthy animal or person swam in these waters, it wouldn't change the quality of the water negatively, in the slightest. In fact, it would eliminate the bad and the life tree would personally absorb the good, all without changing the taste, so unless you knew, you wouldn't even suspect that anything happened. There wasn't much use trying to figure out why it was that way, so they just decided to accept it for now. Of course, this information couldn't be made public. It didn't matter how miraculous the properties of this water was, if you had the knowledge that someone bathed or took a dump on your drinking water, you'd probably be hard-pressed to accept that fact. As they all started to dip themselves into the water, each person would be surrounded by two, as they proceeded to recite an incantation before they put their palms on top of the person's head and slowly submerged them. This was very similar to people were baptized in the Bible, with the difference being the incantation, it actually triggered some activity with the water. As they were underwater, the roots of the <Life Tree> shot forward, impaling them in the middle of their chests, and raising them above the water. What was even more surprising to Luna and the others, was that the expression of pain didn't appear on the Manananggal's faces. What appeared was a peaceful expression, and a gentle smile on their faces. Tears flowed down the faces of the ones that were being held up by the tree's roots. The dense energy in the area became even more rich. It seems that the <Life Trees> were absorbing even more energy from the atmosphere. One could see the energy being injected into the women, and after nearly five minutes, they were let down. Joy could be seen on their faces, and the ones who hadn't gone through the ceremony, became even more excited. Clemencia put her clothes on, and walked towards Luna and knelt down on one knee. With her fist on her left chest, she saluted and said. "Lord Luna, we will never forget the grace you've given us today. You've rid us of the fetters of our curse, and we can once again walk proudly. We might never be welcomed by any of the Gods, but even if we were, we will still honor our pledge of allegiance towards you." "I never really quite know exactly what to do in these situations, but I'm glad you're on my side." Luna replied. "Miss Clemencia, you have become a Blank Slate?" Elder Aran suddenly said. After scanning them, Luna noticed they were level 1 as well. "Mn. Before, I'm sure you could see our level, so you thought we gained the same powers of evolution as you did. Truth be told, you could do that for anything, but that doesn't mean we were blessed by the Agimat of Attribute as well. But now, thanks to your grace, we have gained the ability to evolve endlessly like you, as well." She explained. "Good! I'll assign some men to help power level you until you're at least capable of leveling yourselves. As you are now, a single ETZ could breathe on you and you'd die." Luna said. "Oh, and here, Lord Luna." Clemencia placed her palm on her chest, as a bright light shone and then disappeared. She held out her palm and and a crystal, shining with divine light, floated towards Luna. "What is this?" He asked. "My heart." "This... I'm sorry, but, as you can see, I'm quite taken." He replied as he pointed with his thumb, behind him, indicating that him and Sura were together. "Pft! Hahahaha!" Sura couldn't help but break out in laughter. She obviously understood that a proposal wasn't Clemencia's request, but she forgot that on Earth, offering to figuratively "give someone your heart" was considered a confession of love. It was normal for him to be caught off-guard in such a situation. Especially when "L-lord Luna, I.. This heart is for you to claim so I can officially recognize you as my master. As long as it's alive, I can keep coming back even if my body dies. The caveat is that anything we die with, gets left behind, like equipment for example. If you wish to end our lives, you merely have to crush it. We usually leave it in a safe place so we can resurrect, but during our time as Manananggals," Clemencia explained. "Oh..." Realizing his mistake, he accepted her heart. "I appreciate your sincerity. What about your previous forms?" "We can go back to our Seraphic forms now." Clemencia said as six wings sprouted from her back. "Seraph? You're a Seraph?!" Luna was shocked. From what he knew, Seraphs were the highest ranked of all Angels. Now that there was no more cap in their evolution, just how far can these beings go? "As of right now, just in form." Clemencia replied. "Hopefully we can some day get back to, if not surpass our previous strength. Inanna from before was also a Seraph. The rest of the women here are Cherubim." "I see. How many of you are there, exactly?" Luna asked. "A little over 5,000." She replied. "An Air Force of over 5,000. Not bad." "We also don't have to wait until nighttime anymore, and we've rid ourselves of our previous forms. As soon as we're able, Lord Luna, we'll individually share our EXP with you, so half of it always goes to you without taking anything from your own kills." Clemencia promised. It was something they agreed upon earlier, and now, with the gift of continued evolution and being rid of their previously shackled forms, they were more than glad to fulfill their end of the bargain. "I appreciate your sincerity, but before I assign some men to help you level, I still have some questions I wanted to clarify from before." "If I know the answer, Lord Luna, I'll be sure to tell you everything I know." "Alright. Everyone follow me to my home. We'll let the rest of the Cherubim finish their rites. This will be broadcast throughout the whole Nation. The people have a right to know." Luna said. Apple who had been quiet the whole time, spoke up. "It'll be good motivation for everyone to keep evolving as well. Lately I feel as if the soldiers have been too complacent and careless. Just because they've stayed ahead, some of them think they're invincible. If they know the truth, then they'll finally be aware of how lacking they truly are." With that said, the officials who were with them, and the others who weren't there, were summoned to Luna's residence for an official meeting.
{ "title": "Deal With A Maid and A Bartender", "id": 21484, "author": "Shidoni777", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Episode 4: \"Christian Royce.\"", "id": 305720, "next": 306054, "prev": 305108, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxYzgxNGE4NDJkYTRjZmI4MTA5YjBlOTYyZmU1ODEw"><span style="font-size: 1.5em">Episode 4: "Christian Royce."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTAyOGYxOWM4MzQ5NDlhNmU2NDVhZDRjYmM3NDQ4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMDVkZTRlYzliYjRjOTg4ZjIzNDU5NDNmNGYzZWM4"><span style="font-size: 1em">He waited for the gate to open. He saw a car parked in the driveway. Great. They were still there. Pulling up to one of his garages, he parked his car and got out.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzQ1YTFlMmIyNjRjNjk5ZjdiZTgzZmY1YmU3Yzg5">One of them appeared in front of him.</p> <p class="cnNmYzY4N2EwNjRlNjQzMjg4YWQ4YTg3YzFjYjdkNmVm">Ignoring them he walked up to the front door.</p> <p class="cnMyZjg0YjdjMTBkMzQxZDM4YTA5OWI5ZWU2MjlkNWVk">"Wow. You gonna ignore me?"</p> <p class="cnM2ZjhmZGQ3MThhNTRhMWZiNzA4MDNkMTQxMmIyZTI5">"No more than usual." He unlocked the door and entered, setting off the alarm. He disarmed it.</p> <p class="cnNlZDgxMTcyYWYxNjRjOWE4YjQzY2IyOTA2MDc5N2Ri">They pouted. "Why! I did nothing wrong!"</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NlZWUzMWRlMjQxYjI5Y2NiNWI2NDJjNzIzNTc0">He gave them a look as he closed the door.</p> <p class="cnM3MzE3ZjNiOTliZjRhNTFhMTI4MTI1ODFlNzZjY2Q1">"What? I didn't!"</p> <p class="cnM0YmQxYzU3Mzc2NzQ0NDlhZTIxZmZkOTU0ZTYzZWVk">"I want you all out of here by seven." He walked towards his upwinding stairs.</p> <p class="cnNiZjI1MDdlYTIwMzQ4N2ZiMWRiMWFiMmJjZDFhNjk4">"Why are you so mean to me! To us! Last time I checked we're still your family!"</p> <p class="cnMzYWQ2NmJkZjYwYzQyNTU5NmZlZDIwNzNiYWZmYzQ0">"That you are." He kept walking up the stairs. Another sibling greeted him at the top.</p> <p class="cnNhMWI4ZWJlNzY5NjRiMDliODhiZmNlYjBkOGU1MWI1">"Brother." they said.</p> <p class="cnMyMjJjYmY4MmMwYjQzOWFiZmY5OWNiNDZjOWE2MjQz">He walked passed him saying nothing.</p> <p class="cnM4OGI4MGU3MzEyMjRhNmFiMDI4N2U2NDhmMzgzNTk0">"So, father and I was just wondering when you were going to turn? You know, wake up instead of wasting everybody's time?"</p> <p class="cnMyNTMwMTM5YzMxYzRkMTdiNWYzMzI1ZDJmNmRlZGYx">"It's my body. My decision. I don't know how many times I can tell you or him that. You want to get mad, get mad at him. He's the one with the sperm last time I checked." He looked to his brother. He had an amused expression.</p> <p class="cnM0YTkyZmE1YjBmMzRjYjhhMDc5ZWI0NTM1YzNhNmQ2">"Yeah, well Mama's the one with the eggs. You can still inherit things from your mother!"</p> <p class="cnMzMTQxYzcxY2VlMzRhMTI4YTAwYmQ2MjE4ZDY5ZmE2">"Which is why I'm an abomination now because I didn't inherit either." He opened up his bedroom door and slammed it shut in his brother's face.</p> <p class="cnMwNWZmZmY0NWUzNjRmZjRiZGUyZmMzYjdlNGNmZjBj">"Christian! You nearly smashed my nose!"</p> <p class="cnMwNGQ4NjE5NjY3NTQxNzhiMzEwMzE2YmRkOTUwOWZj">"It'll heal." He said.</p> <p class="cnM0NjI4YTcxNjMwZDQ4MmRiZjc2MDhhMTk1Njk3ZGFm">"You're not an abomination if you make a choice!" they yelled.</p> <p class="cnMzZTY5YTMwN2QyMzRjZDliZjAzY2U1OGMxMTEyYjM0">"Yet, I'm still one if I choose to become a 'hybrid'. Something you aren't saying but implying, little sister." He looked around his room, stepping down into it. He went towards his bathroom.</p> <p class="cnNmNWY3MDYxZjg4YzQxOGFhMmNiZTFjNjU0NjYxNDgz">Neither of his siblings responded.</p> <p class="cnNiNmM1Yjk3MDEyZDRkMmU4N2RmYTA5Y2RhNjY3OGYy">"I don't see what the big deal is." Another voice spoke. They looked at their nails.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDNkZTM2ZjBhYTQ5OGViN2UxODk0N2JlYzI4MDBj">Christian whipped his head around. Unlike his other two siblings outside, this one could pass right through.</p> <p class="cnNkY2ZkM2RiN2ViODRkN2E4OGQ1NmE1NzExMTNkMTQ2">"Christina!" they yelled.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmYxYTNkMmMxNTQ4OWRhNTQ0NTFiZjgxYWE2MzZm">"Christina? What are you doing here?" Christian asked.</p> <p class="cnNkN2U3NjkwMGU5NjQzNjZiYzZjOTE3ZGU3MWFkZThk">She got off his bed and walked up to him. "I mean, you have all of our strengths, none of our weaknesses..." she ran a finger along his collarbone when he gripped her hand.</p> <p class="cnMxMmViYTUxODdmYTQyNjRhMmYzYjgwMjVlNTdiM2I5">Her very presence made his skin crawl, yet, she was the most tolerable out of all his siblings.</p> <p class="cnMwYjg3YmZmMmM1MTRmMGE4MWVlYWRmZjhjNWFkMDhl">"From both sides..." she smiled and ripped her hand away with ease. "It's almost like you are a hybrid. Yet, there's that one tiny..."</p> <p class="cnM3M2Y5MTVhMGQ5NzQ0ZmRhMzg2NmUzNTkzZWUwNjY4">Christian narrowed his eyes.</p> <p class="cnNlODAzMGIxY2FkYTQ1ZjViMmZlZjQxNGU0Mzk3MTM3">"Little detail..." she whispered in his ear. "Right, my little brother?"</p> <p class="cnNiMjZiZjY3MDkwMTRiNDRiYjgwZmQ4MDAyNGRmMDlh">"Leave. Christina." He said.</p> <p class="cnMyZDY5ZTY2YzYxNjQ1ZjBhYzFhNjRkZDRkYTgxZjRi">"I'd love too. But I just need to make sure things are in order." She looked around the room.</p> <p class="cnMzYTg5MGFkYjQ0MzQzMTc5ZDA5NDYxZGE1OTBhZDYy">"What things?" He said.</p> <p class="cnM5NTBmMzVkMmRkMTRlYzc5MWI2ZDllOTVlZjY4NmZj">"The elders, the whole council is coming for dinner one month from today."</p> <p class="cnNiMjI2YTIwNTE3ZDRhNjk4NzMwMWJkMWYxNWU2M2Vh">His eyes widened.</p> <p class="cnNhMWFiMjFlZjI3MzQ3ZTQ4OTU3NTIxMDFlM2Y1YTE4">"What!" his siblings shouted from outside the door.</p> <p class="cnMzN2Q1MTlhYWZlZDRlYzE5NjNjZDM5MzZlZDliZmEw">"They," she turned away from him, "want to see how their miracle child is doing." She looked to her brother again--her pitch black hair swaying. Her emerald eyes shinning. She was the definition of a 'witch' although they didn't exist in their world. He always thought she'd be perfect for the role. An evil one at that.</p> <p class="cnM3NjBiMDBiYjliNDQyZjA5M2JiMjMxYmQ3Yjc3ODIy">"Do have whatever you have," she paused deliberately, "under control brother." She winked at him and then the window was thrown open and she leaped out and was gone.</p> <p class="cnM0ODZlODIyODQxMDQ4NzhiZDYzNWMyMDQ2OTNkNjg2">He walked up to the window, the evening wind coming into his room. He wrinkled his nose in disgust and closed it. He locked it.</p> <p class="cnMwODBiNjQ0OGNjZDQ5YTc4YmQ2MDQ1MTI2OWYyMTEy">His twin. He winced upon thinking that. They looked nothing alike, but they were. But there were Fraternal twins, so he guessed it didn't matter. They were the middle children, although Christina mine as well have been the eldest with how she acted. That title belonged to his brother James. The youngest was Farah.</p> <p class="cnNmYzhmNjY3YTA1YTQzYmViOTZiMjU0YzAyNjdjMjEx">The Royce family. The family cursed above all others because of the foolish mistake his parents made and rather than take responsibility for it, for him, they would instead just look the other way.</p> <p class="cnM0OGRjMzA0MGZkMDRmZmU4NGNhNDllYWRhNjBhYzgy">"So, uh, about this dinner..." James began.</p> <p class="cnNkZDdjNTE0MWVhNDRlNjQ4ZTIxODc1OThjM2U0ODY2">"Doesn't matter. Get out. You have until seven." Christian said, going back to his original plan before he was so rudely interrupted.</p> <p class="cnNlYmVlOTk4ZjFmYTRhMmE4NWUyODYxZDRlZTMzODlm">"Ohh!" Farah yelled. "You know before Delilah you actually liked us!"</p> <p class="cnNlYzcxOWJiMzA0YzRiMWE4OGFiYTdiM2VhYjdkODkz">He didn't know whether his younger sibling said that on purpose or not, but either way he was triggered, and they were warned to not bring up her name in his house.</p> <p class="cnM2NzAxNDFiMWRmMTQyYzNiYmU5MTQ3YTUwMmI1NTk1">"THAT WAS BEFORE YOU BETRAYED ME! NOW GET OUT! NOW!"</p> <p class="cnM3MTdkZjg2MTcyZDRhNTdiMTk5ZGI3Zjk5NzE3MGMz">"AHH!" they yelled, their bodies being blown back. Like an invisble hook was yanking them full force, the siblings found themseleves out the door, James getting blasted through it while Farah went through a window.</p> <p class="cnM4MzJjMWRjYTkzMzQyMWE5Y2Q4ZTJlNmMwYmYxNTEw">James landed on top of his car, bashing in the hood and shattering the front windshield.</p> <p class="cnM3MWE1NGY5ZmUwMDQxNzdhMzdjNjMwNDA0ZTkzODFm">Farah skid and rolled across the concrete, gaining cuts and bruises across her open flesh as she wore a dress. She heard part of it tear and was more angered at that then her own condition.</p> <p class="cnNkOTExMGU4NGU0YzRkMGI4MmMyY2RhYTUxODY3MzNl">Christian tried to get his breathing under control. His house trembled. He gripped the counter in his bathroom for support, careful not to view his image in the mirror. Whatever it may have looked like. Veins crept along his arms and chest, becoming raised. They were dark blue, nearly black in color. The back of his neck throbbed and he knew a certain wretched mark was caught aflame.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NTNmMTM5NTFmMjQyOWI4M2UxNjc5ZjA2ZWRiOWEw">He turned away from the mirror, his speed leaving an after image. He looked both ways, wondering what should he do? He looked to his shower. He switched it on and then stopped. No, a bath. A bath full of cold water would do the trick. He switched on the bath and clicked on 'triple jets'. It would fill the tub in no time.</p> <p class="cnNkYWM0NDMzZTVlNzQwMzA5ZTRhMTliMmM4NjllM2Fh">Pain or not, his siblings were no longer on his premises. The blast gave them a limited amount of time to get out, as he raised his barrier full force. If they didn't want to be scorched alive, they had to leave.</p> <p class="cnNjZjNkMmZjMDBjNDQwMzY5ODg1Mzk0ZDYyY2M3NTg0">Ripping apart his shirt, his nerves not allowing him to do anymore, he nearly hopped in and went under.</p> <p class="cnM4YTgxMjc3YjJkMDQ1OWU4ZDQ5YzgxNGY5YTUyOWVl">He didn't look to see his eye color, but as of now they blazed a molten orange. Sometimes they glowed. Sometimes they were a faint or dark blue. He didn't know.</p> <p class="cnMwMzYwNzUxZGNjYjRhOTE5ZWQxYjJiODEyZjhhNjQ2">His parents, his family, the elders, they all wanted him to make a choice. But they did not observe him. Gladly. But he knew. He knew even if he chose one side, he'd still be an outcast or held in high regard. It didn't matter which side he chose because he would still be vastly different from all the rest. They wouldn't know what to think of him.</p> <p class="cnNmMzc1M2VhOTYxMzQwZWNhYTQ4NTcxMWFhODBkZDY5">He didn't want to be called an abomination. They called him that. People wouldn't consider him human, so they wouldn't call him that.</p> <p class="cnNiOGJmMjhhNjRiYjQ2ZDg4M2IyNGU2ODMwMzEzYTZj">Did he want to belong anywhere? He asked himself that multiple times. Dying, at least from both sides typical weaknesses left him sore, but nowhere near death.</p> <p class="cnM0OTBiNGVmYzNlMjQ1YjQ5MTJkYWJlYTY4YWJiNjUx">Then there was his sister. She was a little bugger herself. With her passing through barriers and seemingly to possess a strength stronger than either side, even if she was supposedly only full blooded of one species.</p> <p class="cnM2MWQyY2U0OTQ0YjQ0ZDFhNDFjODY0YTRkYjRhZDIy">He closed his eyes and thought of Alicia. His newest girl. He knew this time would be different. Just from how she acted. What she feared. They weren't irrational, but he found himself silently hoping she'd accept, even if she didn't in the end, and he let her go. But she had accepted.</p> <p class="cnMwNTYxMDNmZmMwMTQ5NDU5MThjZDIzOTU5NDg3MzEx">There were only two women he had chose in the past. The first was Alice. He didn't want to think of her too often. Then there was Delilah. A stupid decision on his part. Thinking of her only made him angry and annoyed. More so at himself. He knew the kind of girl she was, but he didn't think she'd stoop that low. He still found himself surprised that he would be so shocked at her actions when he should have known from the start. But he should know from the start with any girl.</p> <p class="cnNlZmFlYTU4YWI0ZTQwYTFiYjJhZGFhOTcyOGZmNDRh">And then he didn't have a choice. Well, he did. But to prolong that part of his life for as long as possible, he chose this alternative. He didn't know how long it would last. For himself or his, chosen victim.</p> <p class="cnNiNDhhZDZhMGE1YzRjNGI5NzMzY2NiYzU1YTIyYWI3">Victims. He hated to call them that. But he was sure there'd be more after Alicia. He couldn't kill them. And they could all only give him a limited supply. It was their life being drained.</p> <p class="cnNmYzk3YzE5NTlhMzQ4YzM5NzQ5OGViMWYyMjg5Y2U1">That's why the pay was so high. That's why the emotions flared. It was a very intimate act. He opened his eyes again, his expression pained a little. They were back to their normal blue. He rose from the water, having lost track of how long he was holding his breath. It didn't bother him.</p> <p class="cnNiMGRiOWEzNGM0MzRkYzNhN2NjMDFiODc2NmE5NGNi">Work had just begun.</p> <p class="cnMxNDcwMTNkNjJiMjQ1ZWE5MWRhM2NkMWY4YjUxYjZi">He began to drain the bath water. It helped. He removed the rest of his clothes, ringing them out some and then tossing them out.</p> <p class="cnNkNDE2YjNmZGFiYjQ4MGI5ODRhZjY3NThiNDRlYzlm">He switched on the shower water, making it hot this time. Steam rose. The steam was another relaxing method for him. Raising his head, he let the water hit him.</p> <p class="cnM0NWEyMTlhOGRjZjQzMGE4NmYwMGNlNzc5OGIzYzhk" style="text-align: center">***</p> <p class="cnM4ZTBmOWU0NDdjMzQ4OTNhMzFkZTZjZmIwMjkyMmYy">Elsewhere, Christina stood out on top of a building. Hands against the structure she looked out at the coming night. The sun hadn't set yet. It would in about another hour.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTVhNWNkNWFhYjQyZjU4MzViYjg1YWQ0ODBjNjll">She laughed aloud, not being able to contain this sudden joy from within. While she always had some kind of evil plan brewing, regardless of the scenerio, this time around she was esctatic because she would have nothing to do with it and still reap the rewards. Something was coming. She didn't know what, but she could feel it in the air. Something was changing--going to change. And she'd be front-lined and centered.</p> <p class="cnNhNzkzYTk3NDFhZTRjYmViYjIxMDI0ZWI2ZDY0YzA0">She wouldn't be the catalyst. She typically wasn't, but she had a reputation for being bad. Like Christian though, she thought their parents were utterly useless and cruel. Only caring about their love and not really their children. Or just Christian. Two children born from a bloodline each, and a pair of twins stuck in the middle? Even if she was 'like their father' as she had them believe and she half the time believed it too since it was so prevalent, she kept quiet on the oddities she had within herself. Not even Christian knew, although she knew he was watching her. She wouldn't be surprised if he picked something up. They were, afer all, twins.</p> <p class="cnNlZWM0MmJhMDliNjQ4NDZhZmZhYWMzODNmZjM2MTU4">How annoying. Her look darkened. What was it about twins that made you love them? Or at least care a smidgen for them? Her other siblings could go kick rocks, but with Christian... she couldn't just turn a blind eye. Whether good or bad came his way. Whether she'd be the cause or not. She always had an eye out for him.</p> <p class="cnMyZjA3YTAyZjA4ZjQ5ZjBhNzdjYzk4MTYzMGY3ODg1">The funny thing was that Christian always thought she was out to trap him. That was a 'yes and no' kind of thing. He was the first of their world to be whatever he was. Who wouldn't be curious? But human? No. He could only claim that term for so long and then it became denile to her. That, and it wouldn't hold up gene wise. Put his blood in a normal doctors lab and they'd have a heart attack at their findings.</p> <p class="cnNjN2U1ZTc3ZjY2YjRiNTU4ZWQ1MDE2MzYzZDliODlj">Seeing his outbursts of anger and eyes change color, not to mention the mark upon his neck completely ruined any chances of him fitting in.</p> <p class="cnNlZjVkNDA1ZGRjNzQwM2NiYzZjNWY5NWI0ZGM1Njgz">Sure, he could run a place of business. They all did to save face. She ran a bank. Farah was into the fashion gig. James, 'the deadbeat' she'd call him had real estate and investment properties. Their parents were lawyers. Blending in is what came natural to them, but it would never be their reality. Something she knew he personally struggled on.</p> <p class="cnNiMmEyNTI5NWYwOTQzNDhiYjZhNzU0MGE0YzUzNmQw">He'd rather die.</p> <p class="cnM3MmRjYjNjOWFhYjRhNDVhNzc0OTU0MmZlYWFhZThh">That was something she personally wouldn't allow. Her family all had their individual talents and gifts and she made it her job to find them all. Christian was the king of the crop. The cash cow. He was always on the elders' lips and tongues. Not a day went by when they weren't discussing him. She would know as her other agenda called for a seat on the council, but she was not focused on that right now.</p> <p class="cnMzNjQyNDg5M2JmMjRhN2JhMzdjNjRhYmY0Y2M5ZDVi">Right now, with the myraid of thoughts intruding her mind, some personal, others diabolical, she sat down, bringing one leg up. The other dangled loosely.</p> <p class="cnM1ODQ4NWI1M2U4MjRkOWVhYTlhYzFhOTE0Yzk3MjYz">She enjoyed a good sunset. The warmth it brought her. She rose her head some and closed her eyes, enjoying the last few ounces of it. She was always busy, busy, busy. Planning one scheme after the next.</p> <p class="cnMxM2NkNGZlODVjMTQ0NzliOTIwYmM1ZGUwNjkzNWVm"><em>"Because deep down you're not content with who you are either..."</em></p> <p class="cnM1ZmMxOTQxYTk3MTQwMmVhZWQ3ZjRhMmNlYmRlN2Q5">She opened her eyes. Three people had said those words to her. The first was her, unofficially, if she could admit it. The second was Christian. And the third, perhaps having the most weight, was a love long lost. No, they were not dead. But they were willing to stay by her side.</p> <p class="cnMxZTNiYjM1NzM1ZjRkYjE5ODEwYjQ3N2UzM2ZkZTg3">Till this day she didn't know if she had done him or herself a favor by telling him 'no'.</p> <p class="cnNiZjBkNTRkOTFkMzQ2ZDI4NGEwODJlZGY0ZWU4ZTYz">A sharp pain went through her chest and she looked down at the crowds of people; in their cars, on their phones or walking the streets. <em>They</em> were human. Their genetic make-up made them one hundred percent so.</p> <p class="cnNjOGM4NTExODI5MzRkMjI4ZWI0OGZlODViYmQzY2M3">Her jealousy was aroused and she thought of Christian again. At least he could control it. For however long at least he had a choice.</p> <p class="cnM1YTFkNjdmMjFlNDQ5YzRhZWRlOWI3Y2NjM2RjZjQw">She lunged off the building. Air cutting through her, she vanished and reappeared in a subway corner, smoothly emerging onto the street with the rest of the pedestrians.</p> <p class="cnNjNDkxOWM3MWU1NzQ4MDQ5MWE1ZWU2YWI1ZDkzNGY4">She was filled with joy once again. Yes, something was coming and come what may, at least she wasn't human, or wouldn't be considered it. She could be out of sight-out of mind in only a few seconds. These people? She sighed from within. It was a love-hate relationship.</p> <p class="cnNhMTAxMGNmODI2ZjQxNDg5MTgyZjQ1MzVhNzQxZGIx">"Mama! Can I get an ice-cream cone?"</p> <p class="cnNkY2Y4YmRmNzEyMDQzNTY5YjE0NTYxNWM0MDcyNzQx">Christina watched the child beg their mother for one, staring at the shop's poster for a soft-serve creamy delight.</p> <p class="cnMxZjdmMmYxN2U4ZjQ0ZWU5NzY0NTE0MTkyMjE5MmZm">It did look good and she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch.</p> <p class="cnMyZjlmZDU5Y2I1MDQ0MmE5YTc4OTQzNmYyMjYyZmY1">"No, you had some cookies with your lunch and then you just had a sucker. No more sweet for you." She pulled them along.</p> <p class="cnNkZTA1NzM1ZTEzMjQ0YzA4NGE5M2E5N2JlYmE2ODIx">At least she wasn't a kid either. She could have as much sweet as she wanted.</p> <p class="cnNmNzgwYTg1MTUwZTQyMjhiNmRjZWUxZmMzN2UzMjYx">She walked into the shop.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGI5NzJlMmFhMDRjNDZhZGEyYWMxMmIwYmI5ZWJi" style="text-align: center">***</p> <p class="cnMyYmUxMDdiMGFhNDQ5YWRhM2RhMTIwNjgwMjk1YmMx" style="text-align: left">Christian rolled up his sleeves over his blazer. A button was undone at the top of his shirt. He pants were ironed and creased. His shoes shined. No, this night was no special occassion at the cafe, but it was for him. For the third time. His blonde hair was slicked back, a strand coming forward over his eye. He'd drive the girls wild, but that was not his intention. He eyed the blood bag and needle through the window. Everything was laid out neatly. Even down to the lounge sofa and seat he would be in. On another table were goodies, things to replenish the loss of energy.</p> <p class="cnM0NTQyMzQzNDcxNDQ0M2I4NGJjNjU3MTk2ODY2ODFi" style="text-align: left">Alicia's words came to him. Only an outburst of sarcasm spoken by her, they were about to become real.</p> <p class="cnNlZWQzODg4MTc4MzRlYTg4NDBkY2EyYmZiMTAyYTk3" style="text-align: left"><em>"What am I going to be giving you! Blood!"</em></p> <p class="cnNkZGNlMGYxM2Q1YTRhNDJiMmM0M2VjN2E5NDE2YWQy" style="text-align: left">He turned and walked toward the door, grabbing his keys off the dresser.</p> <p class="cnNhNTViZTU4ZTBlZDRmNzdhYjI5MGE2MDQzYTQ1ZTIy" style="text-align: left">"Regrettably so, Alicia." He said, opening it.</p> <p class="cnNmOTdjNzc0N2ZiNTQzMjM5ZGVlMWVhOTAyZTIzMjU4" style="text-align: left">Closing it behind him, he made sure his barrier was raised all around his house as he made his way toward the front door.</p> <p class="cnMwNzEzYjQ4NDcxZjRhMjY4NWMyOWFmN2VhYmU4ZTNh" style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNWZkNDg0YjgwMTRjNGQ4ZDZiNTBjY2YwYTNkMzIy" style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNDI1Y2ZkMDI2ODQ1YzBhOGI5N2UwZGI4NDE4ZGNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MWFjOTRhNDMxZTQzNWQ4YWM0YWM1NWQyMjhkMTE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NGZhODE3ZDk1ZjQ1YTg4MzZhNmUwM2VhZmQyZTg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZDY5ZjMyMzNlOTQ5YTBhMjVmMmY1ZTNmYWE2MjBl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNzlhMzZkZGYwZjQ5MWRiMGZhZjc4NGQ4MGY1YzY4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNzkwMTI0NTdkNjQ1MTc4MDY1ZDk2MmMwZWQ0YmI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjOTk1MmNmYTJiYzQyNDZiODZmMjdlYTdmMTc5NjAy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OTdmN2E4YmJkMDQ1Y2JiMzE0ODJkNDljMGM3MTY3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YTdmZTgzYmVjOTRmYjM4ZmFlZjQ5YWU5YjdhNzBl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYzJjZmEzNjU0YTQ3NDc5Zjc3YjBkMmVlYmU4YmNl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOGJkYzljMzQxNTRiM2JiNDQzZGMwNDk4MWE2YjE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNmMxMDAzNzJkNzRmZWNhZDc3ZjVlYjk1YWM2NGY4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYWU1MGFiZGRiYzQxN2JhOWZhZjJjNDI1OTJiZDM1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMzExOTQyZWRlMzQwOGJiZGI0ZjMwMDQzY2I1Nzkw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNzVjYjEyYTJhMzQ2MjJiMGE2YTYxNmYxMmI0OTU1">&nbsp;</p> </div>
Episode 4: "Christian Royce."   He waited for the gate to open. He saw a car parked in the driveway. Great. They were still there. Pulling up to one of his garages, he parked his car and got out. One of them appeared in front of him. Ignoring them he walked up to the front door. "Wow. You gonna ignore me?" "No more than usual." He unlocked the door and entered, setting off the alarm. He disarmed it. They pouted. "Why! I did nothing wrong!" He gave them a look as he closed the door. "What? I didn't!" "I want you all out of here by seven." He walked towards his upwinding stairs. "Why are you so mean to me! To us! Last time I checked we're still your family!" "That you are." He kept walking up the stairs. Another sibling greeted him at the top. "Brother." they said. He walked passed him saying nothing. "So, father and I was just wondering when you were going to turn? You know, wake up instead of wasting everybody's time?" "It's my body. My decision. I don't know how many times I can tell you or him that. You want to get mad, get mad at him. He's the one with the sperm last time I checked." He looked to his brother. He had an amused expression. "Yeah, well Mama's the one with the eggs. You can still inherit things from your mother!" "Which is why I'm an abomination now because I didn't inherit either." He opened up his bedroom door and slammed it shut in his brother's face. "Christian! You nearly smashed my nose!" "It'll heal." He said. "You're not an abomination if you make a choice!" they yelled. "Yet, I'm still one if I choose to become a 'hybrid'. Something you aren't saying but implying, little sister." He looked around his room, stepping down into it. He went towards his bathroom. Neither of his siblings responded. "I don't see what the big deal is." Another voice spoke. They looked at their nails. Christian whipped his head around. Unlike his other two siblings outside, this one could pass right through. "Christina!" they yelled. "Christina? What are you doing here?" Christian asked. She got off his bed and walked up to him. "I mean, you have all of our strengths, none of our weaknesses..." she ran a finger along his collarbone when he gripped her hand. Her very presence made his skin crawl, yet, she was the most tolerable out of all his siblings. "From both sides..." she smiled and ripped her hand away with ease. "It's almost like you are a hybrid. Yet, there's that one tiny..." Christian narrowed his eyes. "Little detail..." she whispered in his ear. "Right, my little brother?" "Leave. Christina." He said. "I'd love too. But I just need to make sure things are in order." She looked around the room. "What things?" He said. "The elders, the whole council is coming for dinner one month from today." His eyes widened. "What!" his siblings shouted from outside the door. "They," she turned away from him, "want to see how their miracle child is doing." She looked to her brother again--her pitch black hair swaying. Her emerald eyes shinning. She was the definition of a 'witch' although they didn't exist in their world. He always thought she'd be perfect for the role. An evil one at that. "Do have whatever you have," she paused deliberately, "under control brother." She winked at him and then the window was thrown open and she leaped out and was gone. He walked up to the window, the evening wind coming into his room. He wrinkled his nose in disgust and closed it. He locked it. His twin. He winced upon thinking that. They looked nothing alike, but they were. But there were Fraternal twins, so he guessed it didn't matter. They were the middle children, although Christina mine as well have been the eldest with how she acted. That title belonged to his brother James. The youngest was Farah. The Royce family. The family cursed above all others because of the foolish mistake his parents made and rather than take responsibility for it, for him, they would instead just look the other way. "So, uh, about this dinner..." James began. "Doesn't matter. Get out. You have until seven." Christian said, going back to his original plan before he was so rudely interrupted. "Ohh!" Farah yelled. "You know before Delilah you actually liked us!" He didn't know whether his younger sibling said that on purpose or not, but either way he was triggered, and they were warned to not bring up her name in his house. "THAT WAS BEFORE YOU BETRAYED ME! NOW GET OUT! NOW!" "AHH!" they yelled, their bodies being blown back. Like an invisble hook was yanking them full force, the siblings found themseleves out the door, James getting blasted through it while Farah went through a window. James landed on top of his car, bashing in the hood and shattering the front windshield. Farah skid and rolled across the concrete, gaining cuts and bruises across her open flesh as she wore a dress. She heard part of it tear and was more angered at that then her own condition. Christian tried to get his breathing under control. His house trembled. He gripped the counter in his bathroom for support, careful not to view his image in the mirror. Whatever it may have looked like. Veins crept along his arms and chest, becoming raised. They were dark blue, nearly black in color. The back of his neck throbbed and he knew a certain wretched mark was caught aflame.  He turned away from the mirror, his speed leaving an after image. He looked both ways, wondering what should he do? He looked to his shower. He switched it on and then stopped. No, a bath. A bath full of cold water would do the trick. He switched on the bath and clicked on 'triple jets'. It would fill the tub in no time. Pain or not, his siblings were no longer on his premises. The blast gave them a limited amount of time to get out, as he raised his barrier full force. If they didn't want to be scorched alive, they had to leave. Ripping apart his shirt, his nerves not allowing him to do anymore, he nearly hopped in and went under. He didn't look to see his eye color, but as of now they blazed a molten orange. Sometimes they glowed. Sometimes they were a faint or dark blue. He didn't know. His parents, his family, the elders, they all wanted him to make a choice. But they did not observe him. Gladly. But he knew. He knew even if he chose one side, he'd still be an outcast or held in high regard. It didn't matter which side he chose because he would still be vastly different from all the rest. They wouldn't know what to think of him. He didn't want to be called an abomination. They called him that. People wouldn't consider him human, so they wouldn't call him that. Did he want to belong anywhere? He asked himself that multiple times. Dying, at least from both sides typical weaknesses left him sore, but nowhere near death. Then there was his sister. She was a little bugger herself. With her passing through barriers and seemingly to possess a strength stronger than either side, even if she was supposedly only full blooded of one species. He closed his eyes and thought of Alicia. His newest girl. He knew this time would be different. Just from how she acted. What she feared. They weren't irrational, but he found himself silently hoping she'd accept, even if she didn't in the end, and he let her go. But she had accepted. There were only two women he had chose in the past. The first was Alice. He didn't want to think of her too often. Then there was Delilah. A stupid decision on his part. Thinking of her only made him angry and annoyed. More so at himself. He knew the kind of girl she was, but he didn't think she'd stoop that low. He still found himself surprised that he would be so shocked at her actions when he should have known from the start. But he should know from the start with any girl. And then he didn't have a choice. Well, he did. But to prolong that part of his life for as long as possible, he chose this alternative. He didn't know how long it would last. For himself or his, chosen victim. Victims. He hated to call them that. But he was sure there'd be more after Alicia. He couldn't kill them. And they could all only give him a limited supply. It was their life being drained. That's why the pay was so high. That's why the emotions flared. It was a very intimate act. He opened his eyes again, his expression pained a little. They were back to their normal blue. He rose from the water, having lost track of how long he was holding his breath. It didn't bother him. Work had just begun. He began to drain the bath water. It helped. He removed the rest of his clothes, ringing them out some and then tossing them out. He switched on the shower water, making it hot this time. Steam rose. The steam was another relaxing method for him. Raising his head, he let the water hit him. *** Elsewhere, Christina stood out on top of a building. Hands against the structure she looked out at the coming night. The sun hadn't set yet. It would in about another hour. She laughed aloud, not being able to contain this sudden joy from within. While she always had some kind of evil plan brewing, regardless of the scenerio, this time around she was esctatic because she would have nothing to do with it and still reap the rewards. Something was coming. She didn't know what, but she could feel it in the air. Something was changing--going to change. And she'd be front-lined and centered. She wouldn't be the catalyst. She typically wasn't, but she had a reputation for being bad. Like Christian though, she thought their parents were utterly useless and cruel. Only caring about their love and not really their children. Or just Christian. Two children born from a bloodline each, and a pair of twins stuck in the middle? Even if she was 'like their father' as she had them believe and she half the time believed it too since it was so prevalent, she kept quiet on the oddities she had within herself. Not even Christian knew, although she knew he was watching her. She wouldn't be surprised if he picked something up. They were, afer all, twins. How annoying. Her look darkened. What was it about twins that made you love them? Or at least care a smidgen for them? Her other siblings could go kick rocks, but with Christian... she couldn't just turn a blind eye. Whether good or bad came his way. Whether she'd be the cause or not. She always had an eye out for him. The funny thing was that Christian always thought she was out to trap him. That was a 'yes and no' kind of thing. He was the first of their world to be whatever he was. Who wouldn't be curious? But human? No. He could only claim that term for so long and then it became denile to her. That, and it wouldn't hold up gene wise. Put his blood in a normal doctors lab and they'd have a heart attack at their findings. Seeing his outbursts of anger and eyes change color, not to mention the mark upon his neck completely ruined any chances of him fitting in. Sure, he could run a place of business. They all did to save face. She ran a bank. Farah was into the fashion gig. James, 'the deadbeat' she'd call him had real estate and investment properties. Their parents were lawyers. Blending in is what came natural to them, but it would never be their reality. Something she knew he personally struggled on. He'd rather die. That was something she personally wouldn't allow. Her family all had their individual talents and gifts and she made it her job to find them all. Christian was the king of the crop. The cash cow. He was always on the elders' lips and tongues. Not a day went by when they weren't discussing him. She would know as her other agenda called for a seat on the council, but she was not focused on that right now. Right now, with the myraid of thoughts intruding her mind, some personal, others diabolical, she sat down, bringing one leg up. The other dangled loosely. She enjoyed a good sunset. The warmth it brought her. She rose her head some and closed her eyes, enjoying the last few ounces of it. She was always busy, busy, busy. Planning one scheme after the next. *"Because deep down you're not content with who you are either..."* She opened her eyes. Three people had said those words to her. The first was her, unofficially, if she could admit it. The second was Christian. And the third, perhaps having the most weight, was a love long lost. No, they were not dead. But they were willing to stay by her side. Till this day she didn't know if she had done him or herself a favor by telling him 'no'. A sharp pain went through her chest and she looked down at the crowds of people; in their cars, on their phones or walking the streets. *They* were human. Their genetic make-up made them one hundred percent so. Her jealousy was aroused and she thought of Christian again. At least he could control it. For however long at least he had a choice. She lunged off the building. Air cutting through her, she vanished and reappeared in a subway corner, smoothly emerging onto the street with the rest of the pedestrians. She was filled with joy once again. Yes, something was coming and come what may, at least she wasn't human, or wouldn't be considered it. She could be out of sight-out of mind in only a few seconds. These people? She sighed from within. It was a love-hate relationship. "Mama! Can I get an ice-cream cone?" Christina watched the child beg their mother for one, staring at the shop's poster for a soft-serve creamy delight. It did look good and she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch. "No, you had some cookies with your lunch and then you just had a sucker. No more sweet for you." She pulled them along. At least she wasn't a kid either. She could have as much sweet as she wanted. She walked into the shop. *** Christian rolled up his sleeves over his blazer. A button was undone at the top of his shirt. He pants were ironed and creased. His shoes shined. No, this night was no special occassion at the cafe, but it was for him. For the third time. His blonde hair was slicked back, a strand coming forward over his eye. He'd drive the girls wild, but that was not his intention. He eyed the blood bag and needle through the window. Everything was laid out neatly. Even down to the lounge sofa and seat he would be in. On another table were goodies, things to replenish the loss of energy. Alicia's words came to him. Only an outburst of sarcasm spoken by her, they were about to become real. *"What am I going to be giving you! Blood!"* He turned and walked toward the door, grabbing his keys off the dresser. "Regrettably so, Alicia." He said, opening it. Closing it behind him, he made sure his barrier was raised all around his house as he made his way toward the front door.
{ "title": "Purrge", "id": 21311, "author": "Youshay", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter #12 Ciara Citadel City", "id": 305797, "next": 306169, "prev": 304488, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <hr> <p class="cnM0YjMwMjQzZDM4YTQzYTc5NWMwYzVmOTQ0ZmZjNjBl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em"><strong>Ciara Citadel City, Eisenhiem Kingdom’s New Capital</strong></span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM5MDgxZjkyMWM0NzQ5OTI5MmFlYTQxMGYxOTg5OTVm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNzMwZmQ5OGU5MDQzNWJhNmQzZGJkM2ViOGQ5MmVm">The cat after jumping into the ranks of the allied armed forces; successfully evaded the pursuing demons, and made a beeline for Ciara citadel that lied ahead of him. With an unimaginable speed, that no one could ever hope to match up… it soon left the battlefield behind and was now standing in front of a 50-meter wide moat which was filled with water, the water in the moat was supposed to come from some underground tunnels, which were connected to the great snow river. Behind the moat; was an endless 35 meter tall wall made up of stones, which protected the entire Ciara citadel city inside it, the layout of entire city was circular; having a diameter of 20 kilometers, with the entire perimeter of the city being shielded by these 35 meter tall stone walls. There were countless old buildings inside the citadel including a huge cathedral, a giant infirmary, and soldier’s barracks while at the centre of the citadel town stood a huge old castle which was currently in a pretty bad condition.</p> <p class="cnM1YzI4ZGFkNWE4YzRkNzk4NDAwMjA2ZTRkMGNjYzFl">Well, the entire city of Ciara citadel was in a stagnating condition, with a low population and a high emigration rate. There were countless old rundown buildings, which were scattered throughout the entire city; simply put this city was more of a big old village, having a castle and spanning across a whopping 314 square kilometers protected by huge walls, rather than a proper city; and was about to lose its status of a city, until a recent announcement made by the current king of Eisenhiem kingdom, King Nobius declaring it as the new capital of Eisenhiem kingdom, revived this long forgotten city; which was once used as a frontier for the kingdom’s northern conquest 200 years ago.</p> <p class="cnNmYTVkN2JjNDA1YTRhNjRhYjM2MTIyNTlhYjZhN2Q5">There were eight entrances that lead inside the citadel and were located at all the eight directions*. All the eight entrances had an enormous stone bridge constructed over the moat, leading to an imposing bent entrance complex. Would-be assailants to the citadel would have to take over five turns up a vaulted entrance ramp, over which there were many machicolations for pouring hot liquids on attackers from the mezzanine above.</p> <p class="cnM0ODI2YzIzOWYzZjRkY2U5YTMwOGRiODZlNzI2YjQ4">The cat, after experiencing his newfound powers, thought that he would be able to jump over the 35 meter huge wall… So, he tried to jump over the huge citadel walls and in the process collided in the middle of the wall and fell straight into the moat.</p> <p class="cnM5ODM0MTdmZDRhNzRlZmViYWU1ZTI1NzM4MjBlNTBi">The cat frantically tried to get out of the moat, as the cold water of the moat was freezing the cat while drowning him too… this made the cat’s deep hatred for water rise, to a whole new level…</p> <p class="cnM5MWUyYWUyMzllYTRkMTJiNjU2NTNhM2Q2MTc1MTlj">“Meowwrrr!”</p> <p class="cnNiYzNkYTQwYWExMzRmNjJhODFkYzRmMWZlMGI3MDhk"><em>*BOOM**BISHHH*</em></p> <p class="cnM4ZWUzZmYyNmMxZjQ5YmRiMTk3ZGQ2MDA3ZmIxODFi">The while drowning cat unknowingly casted a ‘<strong><em>Dragon’s rage</em></strong><em>’</em> spell that blew up the moat’s water sky high, creating a fountain of water, followed by a rainbow in the sky.</p> <p class="cnMwNDJlNDVjOTU2MjQ3YmI5NWU5MmVlZGQ3YzAzNWIy"><em>*RING**RING**RING**RING*</em></p> <p class="cnNkMzVmYTZiZGU2NzRkNTFhYTc4NzE5Mjg0ODA5YjNl"><em>*ENEMY ATTACK ON THE NORTHERN WALL*</em></p> <p class="cnMzZjMwMDk5YzljODQxM2ZhYTY1ZjRiODQzZjI3ZTdh">All of the sentries lined up on the top of the wall. With some of them equipped with bows and arrows, some of them with crossbows. There were even some ballistae and mangonels lined up that were ready to fire on sight. Some mages also stood beside them and were continuously chanting incantations.</p> <p class="cnMxNjU3M2IyMzE0YTQ2YWVhMjcwNDUxNjUwMjkwZThi">“It seems like our army lost… but we won’t give this city to the demons, all the soldiers get ready, we will fight till our last breath…” the commander in charge of the city yelled to all of his men, he was about to give an order to retaliate; but got interrupted by a guard, who reported that no enemy was sighted on the northern wall.</p> <p class="cnM0MDcyMzExYjJhODQxYzI5MTNhMjFhZWJlZDEyOWJk">“What? Then where is the enemy?” he asked the guard.</p> <p class="cnMzMWU0M2FlMDllNTQzOGZiZWE2MjBlODQ3NDE5OGIy">“Well sir, up until now we have no reports of an enemy forces trying to attack us.” The guard replied politely.</p> <p class="cnNlNGEyZDRhNzAwNjQxYjBhZDJmMDU4NjEyNDljYTM2">“Then what about the explosion earlier?” he asked the guard with a queer look on his face.</p> <p class="cnM4MzZlNzYxZjcyMjQ2NDhiOTgzMjI4MGY3NDAyODc0">“We are investigating it sir… and will report our findings to you as soon as possible.”</p> <p class="cnNkMGI2ZWQyN2UwZDRjODhiMzU5YThhOTY4OTM1YWU2">Meanwhile our furry little friend was half frozen and nearly exhausted, just by trying to swim in the moat and was about to be drowned.</p> <p class="cnMyZGFjNWM1ZjJjMjQ4NTI4YWQ0NzY2MWQwZjNkNzdj">“Hey… there’s a cat drowning in the moat here.” A soldier from the recon team yelled as he reported the captain of the recon team.</p> <p class="cnMyZWI0ZGJmMDY4MjQzNWY5NGFkYjViOTY4OTcwYzJk">“Leave him be… we need to get inside the citadel as soon as possible.” the captain of the recon team commanded.</p> <p class="cnMxMjE1YmYwOThjOTQ5YjQ4ZWZlMDU0N2Y5OWY0YzFh">“Nooo! We can’t let a cat die from drowning in a moat… I’ll go and save him” A young human mage who was in the recon team screamed. He was a cat lover and couldn’t see a cat die in front of his eyes.</p> <p class="cnNhOWJmYmRiOGU3MjQyMjBiZTYwYTNlNzVmYTMzNDEy">“Ok… Cat Romeo! But you should hurry as we won’t be standing here all day… and you won’t be getting any help from us.” The captain replied.</p> <p class="cnM4ODQ5YWJkM2Q0NzQyMjA4N2E1YzRjM2JkM2EyYWMx">“It’s fine by me… sir!”The mage replied as he rushed towards the cat that was on the verge of getting drowned.</p> <p class="cnNlN2IxMzg3M2Y5MTQ2MGZiOTRkZjc0MWU4MjQwNzg4"><strong><em>“Levitate object”</em></strong> he casted a spell on the drowning cat and pulled him out of the moat. He then put the cat on the ground and sat in front of him.</p> <p class="cnM5ODNmYTA5ZTIxMTRiYjU5YjFkMjAyYTk3YjJiNDFm">The wet cat after coming out of the moat trembled; and tried to jerk some water off his body, as to dry himself.</p> <p class="cnMzODE3Njc4MzQzNTRjYWM4YzcyMDVlMzQ4NzQyOTJl">“Meowww!” the cat politely meowed in front of mage as if he was thanking him for saving his life.</p> <p class="cnNlNGMyODBiYjFlMDQ3NzM4ZWRkNDU5OWY5YWJiMTYw">“You must be feeling wet and uncomfortable…let me help you… <strong><em>Dry</em></strong>” the mage casted another of his spells, as to help the cat.</p> <p class="cnNkMDcyYzIzY2Q1NjQ4Y2ZiYTAyNjc3NjFhYzQxZDU2">“Prrrr…” the car purred in pleasure as all the uncomfortable wet feeling was gone and was now replaced by a soothing tickling feeling.</p> <p class="cnMyOTFmYWE1MTM5YjQxNDg5OWM2OTI4OTY0ZDg3NmNj">“You know, you are quite lucky that we arrived here just in time… that moat is enchanted; and the water inside it freezes and drowns the people who are unfortunate enough to fell in it...” the mage spoke while helping the cat.</p> <p class="cnM1OWYwOWMwYjVmZTRlYjBhMGU3ZjdlNDdkZGUxNTM2">“What were you doing outside the city? Hunting?” the mage asked; as he lifted the cat up in his arms, after he had finished drying the cat.</p> <p class="cnM3MjRlMzVkYWE4NzRkY2VhNzI2MWI0NDllOTFmYTY2">“Meoww!” the cat replied.</p> <p class="cnMyMGIwYjRjMjViZTQzOGFhMWYwMzQ5ZjFlY2Q4ZWQ2">“Oh! So you were hunting… so, what did you hunt?” the mage asked the cat while he stroked his head gently.</p> <p class="cnM0MzI4YjlhZjQzZTQ2NDhhODcwNTMwNmJlZWFmOGU5">“Maw!” the cat replied again…</p> <p class="cnNmNzFjMzlhMmQzMDRhNTc5YjBjYzBjZTlhZjYyMzBm">“Tuna!?! How did you hunt a tuna here?” the mage asked the cat.</p> <p class="cnM1MTkzMjA1YjBlZDQ1YmZhYjNkODliOGNmYTAxZjVk">“Mau Mau…Mau...Meow!” the cat replied.</p> <p class="cnM0YzcyN2MxZTBjNjRiNTJiMzIwMzlhZTlhMjY3YWMy">“You saw a giant tuna on walking legs, in a place where many people were fighting?” the mage got confused by the answer that he got from the cat.</p> <p class="cnMyNGJkNWM1MTAyNTQwNjJhNjljNGEwYmZmN2EzNGEz">“Captain, he’s losing it… again…” a soldier yelled while he pointed out the mage who was talking with a cat!</p> <p class="cnMzYjMxOGU3MmFiYzRmYmU4YmRlM2NhNDM1M2JhZDk4">“Oh boy!” the captain exclaimed with a sorry look on his face, that could be clearly seen by everyone present there… except the mage and the cat, who were enjoying a light conversation.</p> <p class="cnM5OWViZjczM2ZhMDQ2MGE4ZGZlOWRiMzg2YTM3NmY5">“I’m Alan by the way, what’s your name?” the mage asked the cat.</p> <p class="cnMzMjZjZDQ3YWY1MjRmNGZhOGM0ZDdkNzBiNWQyOTVm">“Hey Alan, stop trying to talk to a cat!” the captain ordered the mage.</p> <p class="cnM0M2ZiNWViMDkwNzRhZTZiOGQ1NWJjNjkzYmNhMGQ1">“Maww…” the cat replied.</p> <p class="cnMwOTI0MzUyNWY1NDRjYmM5NDZhM2NmNDAwNDMzZjdh">“I’m sorry…what did you say was your name again?” Alan asked the cat.</p> <p class="cnNiNTBhYzBkOGU1ODQ0NjdhNjRkMDM0ZWI5NjM3NmJm">“Hey Alan, leave the cat and come here right now…or we’ll leave you here.” the captain yelled in anger.</p> <p class="cnMxY2QwZjdhMjc0NjQwMGI4ODdhMThjYTdjZTAwM2I1">“I’m coming…” Alan replied as he stood up.</p> <p class="cnM4Njc1NTkwNzVmMTRmODM4OTc1M2ZhNzZjYWNiZTkz">“We are going inside the city… as this place is not safe, you should come with us.” Alan told the cat.</p> <p class="cnMxZjczYjk4ZWU2YjQwYTRhMGI1MGEzNGU1MGI5OTJi">“Maw” the cat replied as it followed Alan.</p> <p class="cnM4YjhhZGE0YWNhZTRhYTA5MTZkZWRjNDE0MGU0NmQx">The recon team, after completing their half a day of work; returned back to the citadel, to report their findings and to relax a bit.</p> <p class="cnNmNmVhOWUxZmM2YTQwNDk4YjRiMjcyY2JhNWQ0ZjYy">&nbsp;</p> </div>
--- **Ciara Citadel City, Eisenhiem Kingdom’s New Capital** ---   The cat after jumping into the ranks of the allied armed forces; successfully evaded the pursuing demons, and made a beeline for Ciara citadel that lied ahead of him. With an unimaginable speed, that no one could ever hope to match up… it soon left the battlefield behind and was now standing in front of a 50-meter wide moat which was filled with water, the water in the moat was supposed to come from some underground tunnels, which were connected to the great snow river. Behind the moat; was an endless 35 meter tall wall made up of stones, which protected the entire Ciara citadel city inside it, the layout of entire city was circular; having a diameter of 20 kilometers, with the entire perimeter of the city being shielded by these 35 meter tall stone walls. There were countless old buildings inside the citadel including a huge cathedral, a giant infirmary, and soldier’s barracks while at the centre of the citadel town stood a huge old castle which was currently in a pretty bad condition. Well, the entire city of Ciara citadel was in a stagnating condition, with a low population and a high emigration rate. There were countless old rundown buildings, which were scattered throughout the entire city; simply put this city was more of a big old village, having a castle and spanning across a whopping 314 square kilometers protected by huge walls, rather than a proper city; and was about to lose its status of a city, until a recent announcement made by the current king of Eisenhiem kingdom, King Nobius declaring it as the new capital of Eisenhiem kingdom, revived this long forgotten city; which was once used as a frontier for the kingdom’s northern conquest 200 years ago. There were eight entrances that lead inside the citadel and were located at all the eight directions*. All the eight entrances had an enormous stone bridge constructed over the moat, leading to an imposing bent entrance complex. Would-be assailants to the citadel would have to take over five turns up a vaulted entrance ramp, over which there were many machicolations for pouring hot liquids on attackers from the mezzanine above. The cat, after experiencing his newfound powers, thought that he would be able to jump over the 35 meter huge wall… So, he tried to jump over the huge citadel walls and in the process collided in the middle of the wall and fell straight into the moat. The cat frantically tried to get out of the moat, as the cold water of the moat was freezing the cat while drowning him too… this made the cat’s deep hatred for water rise, to a whole new level… “Meowwrrr!” **BOOM**BISHHH** The while drowning cat unknowingly casted a ‘***Dragon’s rage****’* spell that blew up the moat’s water sky high, creating a fountain of water, followed by a rainbow in the sky. **RING**RING**RING**RING** **ENEMY ATTACK ON THE NORTHERN WALL** All of the sentries lined up on the top of the wall. With some of them equipped with bows and arrows, some of them with crossbows. There were even some ballistae and mangonels lined up that were ready to fire on sight. Some mages also stood beside them and were continuously chanting incantations. “It seems like our army lost… but we won’t give this city to the demons, all the soldiers get ready, we will fight till our last breath…” the commander in charge of the city yelled to all of his men, he was about to give an order to retaliate; but got interrupted by a guard, who reported that no enemy was sighted on the northern wall. “What? Then where is the enemy?” he asked the guard. “Well sir, up until now we have no reports of an enemy forces trying to attack us.” The guard replied politely. “Then what about the explosion earlier?” he asked the guard with a queer look on his face. “We are investigating it sir… and will report our findings to you as soon as possible.” Meanwhile our furry little friend was half frozen and nearly exhausted, just by trying to swim in the moat and was about to be drowned. “Hey… there’s a cat drowning in the moat here.” A soldier from the recon team yelled as he reported the captain of the recon team. “Leave him be… we need to get inside the citadel as soon as possible.” the captain of the recon team commanded. “Nooo! We can’t let a cat die from drowning in a moat… I’ll go and save him” A young human mage who was in the recon team screamed. He was a cat lover and couldn’t see a cat die in front of his eyes. “Ok… Cat Romeo! But you should hurry as we won’t be standing here all day… and you won’t be getting any help from us.” The captain replied. “It’s fine by me… sir!”The mage replied as he rushed towards the cat that was on the verge of getting drowned. ***“Levitate object”*** he casted a spell on the drowning cat and pulled him out of the moat. He then put the cat on the ground and sat in front of him. The wet cat after coming out of the moat trembled; and tried to jerk some water off his body, as to dry himself. “Meowww!” the cat politely meowed in front of mage as if he was thanking him for saving his life. “You must be feeling wet and uncomfortable…let me help you… ***Dry***” the mage casted another of his spells, as to help the cat. “Prrrr…” the car purred in pleasure as all the uncomfortable wet feeling was gone and was now replaced by a soothing tickling feeling. “You know, you are quite lucky that we arrived here just in time… that moat is enchanted; and the water inside it freezes and drowns the people who are unfortunate enough to fell in it...” the mage spoke while helping the cat. “What were you doing outside the city? Hunting?” the mage asked; as he lifted the cat up in his arms, after he had finished drying the cat. “Meoww!” the cat replied. “Oh! So you were hunting… so, what did you hunt?” the mage asked the cat while he stroked his head gently. “Maw!” the cat replied again… “Tuna!?! How did you hunt a tuna here?” the mage asked the cat. “Mau Mau…Mau...Meow!” the cat replied. “You saw a giant tuna on walking legs, in a place where many people were fighting?” the mage got confused by the answer that he got from the cat. “Captain, he’s losing it… again…” a soldier yelled while he pointed out the mage who was talking with a cat! “Oh boy!” the captain exclaimed with a sorry look on his face, that could be clearly seen by everyone present there… except the mage and the cat, who were enjoying a light conversation. “I’m Alan by the way, what’s your name?” the mage asked the cat. “Hey Alan, stop trying to talk to a cat!” the captain ordered the mage. “Maww…” the cat replied. “I’m sorry…what did you say was your name again?” Alan asked the cat. “Hey Alan, leave the cat and come here right now…or we’ll leave you here.” the captain yelled in anger. “I’m coming…” Alan replied as he stood up. “We are going inside the city… as this place is not safe, you should come with us.” Alan told the cat. “Maw” the cat replied as it followed Alan. The recon team, after completing their half a day of work; returned back to the citadel, to report their findings and to relax a bit.
{ "title": "My Perfect Lady", "id": 18967, "author": "Saumya_Singh", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "#163. Leave, the Same Way, a Million Times Before", "id": 305793, "next": 306223, "prev": 305628, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiOTI5NzkyOWUzMTQzZjNhZTIzYTE3OTVjNjM4OGM1">It was at sunbreak that she finally calmed down. Her body went limp, and the constant crease between her brows smoothened. She was still shivering, but she didn’t wake up. Her eyes were shut, but she didn’t seem strained anymore. It looked like she had finally stopped having visions – she was sleeping steadily.</p> <p class="cnMzZTUwOTM3ZmJlYTQ4NjVhNDFkMTQxYjM3YmViZmNm">Doctor Kern had told Jim everything from the beginning to the end, how he had been called and could reach to the Hunter manor after a good thirty minutes. When he had arrived, Miya had already been screaming and thrashing around violently.</p> <p class="cnMyMTY4YWRjNDZiZTRhYzNiZjU3ZDk5OGFlN2U4YjA3">The doctor gave Jim a peculiar look – he was the family doctor, he had been taking care of the Hunters ever since he got out of medical school. He earlier used to visit the house with his father, who was a famous physician. When his health broke down, Kern naturally took over years later. He had been with the Hunters for thirty years now – and never once had he seen Jim look so death-stricken.</p> <p class="cnMxMmMxMGRlY2I5ZDRkMzM4Nzg5ZGMyZGUyMWUzYjUz">Except for when the daughter of the family had fallen sick. The tightly knit, buried secret of the family, that only a select few knew about.</p> <p class="cnNiOGE5YzNhYjFmZTRmZGM4ZDUyMmQyMzFhN2NiNTQw">He didn’t know who this woman was, but with the look on Jimmy’s face, it wasn’t difficult to place. The girlfriend. Prospective bride?</p> <p class="cnMxNmExNTUzMTM3YjQyYmZhNjFlNTVkM2RiN2E5OGVk">Kern had never seen her before, and he knew most families. He couldn’t associate a family background with her, but he wondered why she would be struck with a dangerous hallucinogenic like she had been.</p> <p class="cnNkNDZlMmYyZGFmNTQyYzI4MzdhZGJhMzk0Zjk0NzMx">It could be because she was with Jimmy.</p> <p class="cnMzZGE4MWE4YTU4MTQ4MmI5OGQxODFmNDczY2Y0ZTdk">Shrugging, the doctor left the room once again, injecting her with another dose of the antidote. Jimmy pinched the space between his brows, replacing his seat beside Miya and holding her hand again once the doctor had left.</p> <p class="cnMwMTkyZWFlYjI0MDQzYmI4MDQ0MzU3ZmM0ODNmNGY5">Tao.</p> <p class="cnMxZDFjZGFiZjk3NTQzOGRiNzY2YjkxOTc3ZWUwMTBi">The girl had gone to meet Tao.</p> <p class="cnMyODhmZmMzZTM0ODRhNjM4OGU1YTk4OWQwMDhjNjQx">Why?</p> <p class="cnNkZTliODhkY2Q0ZDQxMGY4OTQ2MWRiMDVjOTI0YTMz">Jimmy hadn’t slept for two nights, but sleep was his last concern. He looked wild, with dishevelled hair and pale eyes. His face was petrified, and he seemed to be losing control. He remembered Miya saying she was being threatened. That the reason she could not talk all about her history was because someone was forcing her.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2EyNjNhM2I1NTQ1YTk5MWZjZDRlYzhiZDhhMWZk">Who?</p> <p class="cnNkNjAxYWI2MzRkNjRiODlhMGY2YjhkYjIyMjI2YjJi">Kang Sheng was already at their heels, he wanted Ben. Who else was insane enough to do something like this?</p> <p class="cnM0OTVkNzNmMjlmMDQ2OGZhMmY0NmNmMWM3Y2MzNzI1">Who else was the girl involved with, that could hurt her to this extent?</p> <p class="cnM2YmYyNjY4MmY4ODQwODJhYmQzOGJiNjZmOTcyODUz">Jimmy took out his phone and made another call to the Avante Hospital.</p> <p class="cnM0MjM1NzNkODhiMzRkZmU5YjM2NjZmNzkwYWIzZTJj">“Yes, yes,” his voice was a low drone, “I asked for footages of ward 108. It has a patient named Tao. A woman came in to visit him today at around 2 p.m. Why haven’t I received the record yet?”</p> <p class="cnM0OTU3NzFmNjYyNDQ0YWQ4YzdkOGYwMWRlNmE2NzU4">His head was heavy, and for a second, Jim felt like closing his eyes.</p> <p class="cnM1M2VlOWMxZjIxZDQzODBhMjY2YzY5YmJkYWQzNGQ4">And horror filled his soul.</p> <p class="cnNiOTAyNDE3ZTI2YzQwMTBiNmE5YTk0N2FhODUxOGU0">Sleep!</p> <p class="cnNmNzc3ODNiMTZiNTQzOTA5MmNiMjgwNDAxMjM5NTE5">How could he sleep?!</p> <p class="cnNjMDA1YWE5YTUxZTQzYjA5YjFjZGFhMWU4NjhkMDU0">The – The last time his little sister was on the bed just like this, he had slept! Then, then… the girl…</p> <p class="cnMzZjA2MDg5N2UyMzRlZWU4OGI3MDVkYTRhNGVlZDk0">Jimmy stood up at once. The horror on his face intensified, and he closed his eyes to subdue the pang of hurt that hit his heart. Quickly, he washed his face and asked for a coffee.</p> <p class="cnM1YTMxZmYzMzBmZjRiZDM4YjI0OWE4NjY4MGU2MjA0">In the meantime, he also received the security camera footage from the hospital. He sat by her bedside again, opened his laptop, plucked in his earphones and watched.</p> <p class="cnMzOGE3ZjI2ZWU5MTRiNmZhM2E1NDI1NGY0M2NmNTUz">With each passing minute of the video, Jimmy was left stunned. He grabbed Miya’s hand tighter, as if for support when he saw her dodge the darts. Finally, Chenric appeared.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDBiODEyNjE3YjRiOThiMDAyNGVkNTRkYWMzYTM0">Jim could barely suppress the anger that rose in him once he saw his woman defend the guard – he also saw right then as a dart hit her on the wrist. Jim felt his insides twitch, and he seethed.</p> <p class="cnMwNmMyODJkYzE3YjQwMGM4M2VmODJjNjQ2YjQ5NTM1">Chenric was one of his best. How had he acted so useless?</p> <p class="cnMxMTQzMzgyYTVlMTQ4MmFiZjU5ODg5MDZlMWVhOWQ5">And Jim was about to shut his laptop’s lid in extreme annoyance, when his eyes stuck on the last part of the footage.</p> <p class="cnNjMjZjN2QzOWVmODQ5YmI5Y2NlMzY2MDlkY2FmNTdh">It was as the attacker escaped.</p> <p class="cnNlZDk5Zjc1NTg0OTQ2MjE4ZmQ2Y2I0NDVjYzJjMTA0">Jim frowned when he saw the man slide out of the open window pane within a split second, as if he had never been there. It was only through the vanishing wisps of his ombre green hair that were visible through the glass in the window, that Jim could spot him leave.</p> <p class="cnNjY2I0ZTVhYTk1NTRmYTE5NjJlOWZmZTJjMjMyMmY3">The image struck Jimmy.</p> <p class="cnM0Zjk5ZTUxMjFhZTQxZWY4YTRjYWNlNTVhM2FlMGIx">It reminded him of several incidents from ages ago.</p> <p class="cnMwZWE1NGQ4NTVkMTRmOGFhODE3ZTEzNjcyMmM5OWZm">He had seen his mother leave, the same way, a million times before.</p> <p class="cnM1NzBlM2U2YTViNzRiMzFhNjAyOTQxM2UwMWVmNGQw">One second, she’d be standing in the room, saying goodbye, or just looking at him blankly. The next second, she would be gone. Jim could never spot her, it was the ends of her hair that he could see reflected on the window, and by the time he reached there and looked below, she had already landed on the ground.</p> <p class="cnM4NDI3ZjRjZWJiNzQzNTA4MTllMmYwYjQ0YzhmYWE0">An unknown fear crawled up Jim’s veins.</p> <p class="cnMxOGM2OTBhMGE0MjRkNzZiNjczZTc1ZGMyOWVlOTg1">His throat clenched, his mouth hard.</p> <p class="cnNlMGNkZDBjMzk1MjRhMDNiMDkzMGQ3OWNjNDA2YzZh">That picture… could there be the slightest possibility that Charlie had not doctored it?</p> <p class="cnM0YzJkZjllYmY2MTQ0YmRhYzRkMjA4ZDk5NzVhY2Zl">That Miya had something to do… with his mother?</p> <p class="cnNhMDZjZTAyNDQyOTRiNWU4ZTU1MjQ3NWNjZTUzYTli">A cold, cutting chill ran down Jim’s spine. The situation was impossible, and yet when Jim replayed the last part of the footage, he was more and more sure.</p> <p class="cnM3MDU2M2ViZGQ1NjQ1OTA4ZjBlY2E1MjdlNjgzMzUx">It resembled Eshni’s way of escape, whenever she didn’t walk out of the door of the Hunter house.</p> <p class="cnNmNmU5ZTViZTdkZjRhOGY5YTRhNDYzNjFmNGViYmI0">Almost to reconcile his thoughts, his mind flashed back to that one time when they had first visited the Hunter manor. Miya had been attacked by someone sent by Simon, and she had mentioned something about jumping down the first floor.</p> <p class="cnMxYzQ2YWJkZjUxODQ4NGNiOWFiMTNlZWFkYWU4M2Vk">A cold sweat broke on Jimmy’s brow.</p> <p class="cnMzNjRmNzVjODkwNDQ0MWFiMmIyYjI2YjE5NGFmMDM3">There was a pattern to this.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDRjYjg1NjE4NzQ5NDU4YmQwMjg0OGVmN2NmMTE5">With a slight tremor in his hand, the young master shut the laptop, and put his thoughts in order. He needed to search for that attacker – the good thing was he had a face to look for. And he needed to know what the deal with that symbol ‘K’ was.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDdhYzJiNGZlZTRmODI4YmY0MTcwMDk3ZTNkNjAx">Lastly, he needed to confront Charlie.</p> <p class="cnMwODhkMmFlMzVmNDRiZTY5MzNkZjAwZjE3MWIxNzgz">If there was even the slightest truth to Miya and Eshni being involved, she seemed to know. The audio on the footage wasn’t very clear, so Jim couldn’t hear the talk between Miya and the man clearly.</p> <p class="cnNhMmU3MDU0ZWEyMzQ1YmQ5OWZjN2Q3YzMwMjM2MTZj">But they seemed to be talking about Tao. And Miya had said there was nothing else to do, and they mentioned some person who would harm the attacker if Tao was hurt.</p> <p class="cnNmZjdkMWIzZjg2ZTQ1ZGJiMzVmYzM2YmM1ODU5NDMx">Jim couldn’t connect all dots, but if Eshni was even slightly involved, he needed to know.</p> <p class="cnM2YzgzNDc1YTJjNTQ5N2RhN2E2NzJiYWY4NzdhMzY1">That woman had always been the bane of Jim’s existence.</p> <p class="cnNmY2VkZjQ2ZmY0MTQ3N2ViODZhMzhhMDJmNTc2ZDhl">And hell would have to freeze over if he let another person he loved be harmed at her hands.</p> <p class="cnNjZjk5MjNiM2I3ZjQ4MjJiMjgxZjE5NzM2MDQ3NGEz">With chaos riling in his heart, Jim gave Charlie a call.</p> <p class="cnNjODljZGY1YzYwMDQ2Y2E4Mjg5NTUxYTQyMzM1MDQ4">“We need to talk.”</p> <p class="cnMwOGE1ZDI4ZjU4NTQ5MmY4YzE1MzJjNjdkYjI1NWI5">His voice was quiet, inhumanely cold. Things were escalating fast.</p> <p class="cnNlNDE3YmUwN2Q0ODRmNjU5ZGNhZThlOGJkYTdiMTg1">He had to have them under control.</p> </div>
It was at sunbreak that she finally calmed down. Her body went limp, and the constant crease between her brows smoothened. She was still shivering, but she didn’t wake up. Her eyes were shut, but she didn’t seem strained anymore. It looked like she had finally stopped having visions – she was sleeping steadily. Doctor Kern had told Jim everything from the beginning to the end, how he had been called and could reach to the Hunter manor after a good thirty minutes. When he had arrived, Miya had already been screaming and thrashing around violently. The doctor gave Jim a peculiar look – he was the family doctor, he had been taking care of the Hunters ever since he got out of medical school. He earlier used to visit the house with his father, who was a famous physician. When his health broke down, Kern naturally took over years later. He had been with the Hunters for thirty years now – and never once had he seen Jim look so death-stricken. Except for when the daughter of the family had fallen sick. The tightly knit, buried secret of the family, that only a select few knew about. He didn’t know who this woman was, but with the look on Jimmy’s face, it wasn’t difficult to place. The girlfriend. Prospective bride? Kern had never seen her before, and he knew most families. He couldn’t associate a family background with her, but he wondered why she would be struck with a dangerous hallucinogenic like she had been. It could be because she was with Jimmy. Shrugging, the doctor left the room once again, injecting her with another dose of the antidote. Jimmy pinched the space between his brows, replacing his seat beside Miya and holding her hand again once the doctor had left. Tao. The girl had gone to meet Tao. Why? Jimmy hadn’t slept for two nights, but sleep was his last concern. He looked wild, with dishevelled hair and pale eyes. His face was petrified, and he seemed to be losing control. He remembered Miya saying she was being threatened. That the reason she could not talk all about her history was because someone was forcing her. Who? Kang Sheng was already at their heels, he wanted Ben. Who else was insane enough to do something like this? Who else was the girl involved with, that could hurt her to this extent? Jimmy took out his phone and made another call to the Avante Hospital. “Yes, yes,” his voice was a low drone, “I asked for footages of ward 108. It has a patient named Tao. A woman came in to visit him today at around 2 p.m. Why haven’t I received the record yet?” His head was heavy, and for a second, Jim felt like closing his eyes. And horror filled his soul. Sleep! How could he sleep?! The – The last time his little sister was on the bed just like this, he had slept! Then, then… the girl… Jimmy stood up at once. The horror on his face intensified, and he closed his eyes to subdue the pang of hurt that hit his heart. Quickly, he washed his face and asked for a coffee. In the meantime, he also received the security camera footage from the hospital. He sat by her bedside again, opened his laptop, plucked in his earphones and watched. With each passing minute of the video, Jimmy was left stunned. He grabbed Miya’s hand tighter, as if for support when he saw her dodge the darts. Finally, Chenric appeared. Jim could barely suppress the anger that rose in him once he saw his woman defend the guard – he also saw right then as a dart hit her on the wrist. Jim felt his insides twitch, and he seethed. Chenric was one of his best. How had he acted so useless? And Jim was about to shut his laptop’s lid in extreme annoyance, when his eyes stuck on the last part of the footage. It was as the attacker escaped. Jim frowned when he saw the man slide out of the open window pane within a split second, as if he had never been there. It was only through the vanishing wisps of his ombre green hair that were visible through the glass in the window, that Jim could spot him leave. The image struck Jimmy. It reminded him of several incidents from ages ago. He had seen his mother leave, the same way, a million times before. One second, she’d be standing in the room, saying goodbye, or just looking at him blankly. The next second, she would be gone. Jim could never spot her, it was the ends of her hair that he could see reflected on the window, and by the time he reached there and looked below, she had already landed on the ground. An unknown fear crawled up Jim’s veins. His throat clenched, his mouth hard. That picture… could there be the slightest possibility that Charlie had not doctored it? That Miya had something to do… with his mother? A cold, cutting chill ran down Jim’s spine. The situation was impossible, and yet when Jim replayed the last part of the footage, he was more and more sure. It resembled Eshni’s way of escape, whenever she didn’t walk out of the door of the Hunter house. Almost to reconcile his thoughts, his mind flashed back to that one time when they had first visited the Hunter manor. Miya had been attacked by someone sent by Simon, and she had mentioned something about jumping down the first floor. A cold sweat broke on Jimmy’s brow. There was a pattern to this. With a slight tremor in his hand, the young master shut the laptop, and put his thoughts in order. He needed to search for that attacker – the good thing was he had a face to look for. And he needed to know what the deal with that symbol ‘K’ was. Lastly, he needed to confront Charlie. If there was even the slightest truth to Miya and Eshni being involved, she seemed to know. The audio on the footage wasn’t very clear, so Jim couldn’t hear the talk between Miya and the man clearly. But they seemed to be talking about Tao. And Miya had said there was nothing else to do, and they mentioned some person who would harm the attacker if Tao was hurt. Jim couldn’t connect all dots, but if Eshni was even slightly involved, he needed to know. That woman had always been the bane of Jim’s existence. And hell would have to freeze over if he let another person he loved be harmed at her hands. With chaos riling in his heart, Jim gave Charlie a call. “We need to talk.” His voice was quiet, inhumanely cold. Things were escalating fast. He had to have them under control.
{ "title": "Twice Lived", "id": 19827, "author": "obran", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 31 - The Trenches", "id": 305794, "next": 307238, "prev": 304304, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjZDg2ZWY3MDVhYzQxZjRiYWRmMjc1Nzk1MTExNjQ3">Carefully making sure that the door was closed all the way behind me, I turned to Red Panda and said, “I think I understand why everyone warned me about that guy.”</p> <p class="cnMwYzEzNDMyMjM0NzRhZWQ4ZDYzYWJlZTZmOTU5OGU1">“I’m so glad you are safe.” She said and hugged me.</p> <p class="cnMyZmY5NjA2YTg3ZTQwOWZiOTcwNjBhZjA4YTI0Njlm">“Umm… enough with the hugging. I think I am a little hugged out for the next little while. While I don’t mind if, from you, Samdi kept doing it and it was super creepy.”</p> <p class="cnMxNTZkYzI2YTZhOTQxYzJhODUwOTJkYWIwYmVhMTAy">“Did you see Egret, Honey Badger, and Ant Eater?”</p> <p class="cnNiMzFmNDRjYTE4NTRkM2Q5ODViYzE5YzcyOGVmYmQ4">“Huh?” I said.</p> <p class="cnNkYTRmZWM2ODFjZTQ2ZjM5MDE5MDhkOWI3ZDg0NTQ0">“They were three runners who delivered messages to Samdi, and who Samdi decided to keep. He told everyone they were Twice-Lived which is idiotic, they were no more Twice lived than you or me. But he kept them and made them his ‘toys.’” Said Red Panda.</p> <p class="cnNlNDc5MjRmOWU4MjRlMGQ4Mjg3NjhkM2JhMDZiMWVm">“I did see two kids our age. A boy and girl. But not a third.”</p> <p class="cnM5Y2E1YWIxOTMyNzQ1YTc4NjI2MTQ4NzU3NDhhYmJm">“The girl was probably Egret. Describe the boy,” she said.</p> <p class="cnNlZjIyNmMyOGQ3ODQ2NTk5MWQzNTVjNWY5YTI4YTU0">“A bit taller than me. Brown hair. Freckles.”</p> <p class="cnM0ODE4ZTZmZmE0YTQ5MWRiNDc1M2E3ZjdmN2RlZTBm">“Ant Eater,” she said. Then she said, “that must mean Honey Badger is dead. It is so sad Honey Badger always had such an independent spirit. He never cared, he never gave a shit. It’s probably what got him in the end. We warned him to be careful around Samdi. Told him never eat or drink anything he offers. But he didn’t listen.” Red Panda started to cry.</p> <p class="cnNiOTJlZDNlMDBlMTRjYjY5NjE2ODg1YzE4NzVjYjYw">She was still hugging me, so I patted her back and said, “There, there. There, there. Lord Samdi likes me, and more importantly, he respects my father. No other runners will have to visit him as long as I can carry the message instead of them.”</p> <p class="cnMzMjFmNzQ4MDNhODQ4ZjFiMzEzYzJkYjJlY2RjMjQy">“Really?”</p> <p class="cnMzMjVjNjQ4ZmQ0YzRmN2RiNWE2ZmYzNjM4YzM4Yzdh">“Yes Really,” I said. “Besides, if Honey Badger really didn’t care and never gave a shit, I think I would have liked to meet him. He sounds like my kind of runner.”</p> <p class="cnMyYTQzYzg4MWYxNTQ1NmI5OTRhYWQ2Njc1YmY1ZWFh">“Let’s go meet my big bro.” Red Panda let go of me and dashed off down the hall. I had to run to catch up to her. But then I suppose I was a runner now, so having to run made sense.</p> <p class="cnNmMmZlNjk2NTVmMDQ5ZjE5MTI0ZjA3ODY5NGRlNTI5">We wove in and out of the mass of people. Most people got out of our way. Children dashing pell-mell through the underground in uniform must have been a semi-regular sight. Red Panda turned and ran down another hallway like the one that had led us into the underground, and soon we were outside and into the open air again.</p> <p class="cnM3Njk0MDQwNmUyMDQyZjNhOGZjZWViNWE5NDBmNzhj">Instead of heading up to the keep, Red Panda dashed out into the battlefield itself. She had to stop running when after about a hundred yards when the graveled over surface became mud. Bursts of light flew overhead, and periodically in the distance, the earth shook.</p> <p class="cnM4MDg3OWI3ZTVhNzQ1MmM5N2M3M2NkNzQwMzIzODI0">Red Panda turned to me and said, “If you hear a whistling sound coming towards you, you have about five to six seconds to get out of the way. Run, dive, take shelter, do what you can to take cover. We should be fairly safe back here, but the further we get out there, the more dangerous it gets.”</p> <p class="cnMwMThmZWNhMDVkYTRiNzY5MzZjOTk3MWE1N2ZlNjI2">The first trench was passed two six-foot high barbed-wire topped sand-bag walls and about three hundred yards away from the bluffs.&nbsp; &nbsp;The trench was about two and a half feet wide and ran roughly parallel to the cliff face for the entire distance of the valley. Red Panda jumped in, and I followed her.</p> <p class="cnM4YmFjNTI3OTU3ZTQ1ZTA4MmQ4ODUyMTNhMWZlNzU5">Soldiers were lined up facing outward towards the enemy line. We couldn’t run, because there was barely room to squeeze past them. Three times we passed what I could have sworn were machine gun emplacements.</p> <p class="cnM3YjA3YzVjYjFlZjRiMWZhZTZiY2UzMWY4YmY0ZWU2">It wasn’t as dirty as I’d expected. The ground wasn’t the thick plodding depth of mud that I’d expected. Instead, the ground had been covered with the same aggregate gravel of chipped mountainside that paved many of the paths and roads of the rest of the camp. But then I saw a rat that was nearly the size of a cocker spaniel run across my line of sight carrying a human hand and revised my opinion of the trenches.</p> <p class="cnM2NDQ5YWM1OTNiNjRiMDBhNDRjZGUyNWIxZTgzNDQ5">Red Panda led me to a tunnel that had been dug and shored up into the dirt. We went in and then down some rough-hewn stairs to some sleeping quarters and a command center. One of the walls held a large drawing pinned to the wall that depicted the valley. On the drawing, all of the trenches and other underground bunkers were drawn. There were even places marked as tunnels. Red Panda ran straight for a taller man, who if you got rid of some of the dirt and grime that covered his body, would look a lot like Red Panda, and squealed “Brother!”</p> <p class="cnNlMDNkZjI2MTJmYjQzYWNhZTc0N2U1ZGRjZWQ4NjEw">“I keep telling you, you shouldn’t come here, Midget,” said the man, sighing.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmFhMThhZTY1NTQ1Y2ViODgzM2NlMWNmZTEyZWM1">“And I’ve told you not to call me Midget. My name is Red Panda. Since I ain’t changing my ways, and you ain’t changing your ways, why don’t we agree that I’m here now and let me introduce you to my new friend Lynx? Because of Lynx, I will never have to talk with that horrible man Samdi ever again.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzFkOWVlNGQ0YTQ4N2RhMTQ4ZWMwY2Y3ZTg0YWVi">Red Panda’s brother looked me over, then extended a hand. “There aren’t very many good inquisitors, but there are some, if the Midget vouches for you I will withhold my judgment. It is nice to meet you Lynx. My name is Terrald Blue Panda Hazelnut.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjNiMWRkYzM2MzQ3OGI5NmRhOTFlOWY2MzhmMTcz">“Blue Panda?”</p> <p class="cnNjYWU1OTAyYTI0NzQ3YzJiOTJhNjZjODFjMzVkMGQ2">“My mother got it into her head that she loved Pandas. She’d never seen one only read about them in books. But that didn’t stop her from naming all of us kids after them anyway. She even managed to convince Dad that Pandas were ferocious predators to fit with the Empire’s naming scheme. Claimed they were a half polar bear and a half dire bear or some such. I suspect my father knew that all Pandas do all day is eat Bamboo. Anyway, I’m Blue Panda, and you know Red Panda, but if you ever meet my brothers you’ll meet a Black Panda, a White Panda, a Paisley Panda, a Green Panda, and Purple Panda. Paisley isn’t even a color. It was damned embarrassing growing up, but it was what Mom wanted, and there was very little Dad wouldn’t give Mom before she died.”</p> <p class="cnNmOGIwYTgyODI4MjRjMzE5YWM5MDAxMzBhNzNlODE3">The earth shook all of a sudden, and a loud boom sounded from somewhere nearby. Dirt sprinkled down from overhead. Nobody in the underground chamber seemed to notice it.</p> <p class="cnNlZTU0MDQ3MDI2MTRlOTI4NzMxNjRlOGMxZjE5YTg1">“Guess what Blue, Lynx has a body knack just like you, I took him to see Orr before we came here, and Orr says he will be training with you sometimes.”</p> <p class="cnMyN2Q4ZTU5YjllYzRmZjY5YmI4YzY4ZDMzOWY4NGU2">“Really? Body knacks are rare? What does yours do?”</p> <p class="cnNjYjRjOGM1MmE2ZTQwODdhMDE4OTk0OWJkY2Y2YjRl">When I seemed reluctant to discuss it, Terrald said, “Mine is a fairly basic one. As long as I keep feeding mana into it, I am half again as strong, tough and fast as I normally am. But it drains mana really quickly and since I am a much stronger Earth Mage I only use my knack if I get into a fight that I really need to win.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDAzY2EzZjBjMzQ1NGE5NWM1ZmY5OTU1OTFmYzBm">I decided to keep up my lie, “Mine isn’t even that good. For one second I am twice as fast, strong and tough. Then I need to wait for 30 seconds before I’m good to go again. Good for a surprise I guess. I’m much more useful as a Life Mage than I am with my knack.”</p> <p class="cnNmN2UyMjFkZTNkMzQ1NTliZGY0ZDg4ZGRhZDU4YTM1">Another three explosions sounded outside, this time the sound and the vibration came from much further away.</p> <p class="cnNiMTUyNmIzOTAzNTRmMTliNTZiNTZmNWE1ZTAxODVh">“I remember before I got my status, so I know how you feel,” said Terrald, still ignoring what was going on outside, “Here we are with this secret ability that supposedly makes us stronger and faster than the rest of humanity, and the average soldier, once you take their freedom points into account, can kick our ass any day of the week. Let’s just say it evens out once you are a Platinum. But you don’t just have your Life Magic, just looking at you I can tell you that you’ve got whatever ability it is that they look for in inquisitors.”</p> <p class="cnNmYTY5NmM0MjdhOTRjNzhiM2U3NGM1OWI5YTRlNmY2">“Ability?” I said.</p> <p class="cnMwMjNjNGNhZTZjZTQ5ZmNhYTIyNWM4ZjRhNTJkMjUw">“They haven’t taught it to you yet. I suppose that makes sense. Nobody who isn’t part of the inner circle knows what it is. But you can’t be an Inquisitor, or be part of the Order of the House of Status, or one of any of the half a dozen other elite societies of the empire without it.”</p> <p class="cnM0NWIxMjk2NjRiYzRiOTU5YmNkNmJhZmZlZmQ0Njlj">“Huh?” I said at a complete loss.</p> <p class="cnMxMWZlOGNmZGY2MTQ0YzBiMTNlZTVmMTZkMTlhYTcy">“Put it this way. Do you have any family? Brothers? Sisters? Are they inquisitors? Assessors? Seers? Urges? Gamesmen? Delvers? Keepers? If they aren’t. If they are just normal nobility then you know they don’t have the ability or affinity or knack or whatever it is. It is the way of a lot of families with a Society member in it. Sometimes a parent is part of one of the Empire’s orders, but none or just one of the children is.”</p> <p class="cnNiYmU0ZDM5MGM3ZDQ2MDA5YmVmNzBhNzgzOGJjODJk">I thought about my brother and sister. I had never been close to them. Even growing up they had usually been separated from me. Mom had had more influence over their upbringing, while in retrospect Dad had more influence over mine. Come to think of it, I wasn’t even sure if they knew how to use a weapon or what kind of training they’d had in magic. And they’d been shipped off to live with extended family in the Capitol as soon as they’d got their Maturing names.</p> <p class="cnMxNzQzMGUyYTk4YjRiZjViZGZiMTAyZWYwMzViOTQw">“Things about my family are suddenly making more sense than they once had.” I said, then “So what do you do here?”</p> <p class="cnMzNDM0ZTFmZjY2YjQ2MTJhMmZmNGNhOWZmZDYxNzc4">“I’m part of a team of earth mages who go around fixing the fortifications that get broken and building new ones when they are needed. Mostly the grunts dig the trenches, so we don’t have to get that close to the front unless there is some sort of major offensive. Mostly we sit in these louse-infested rat holes until somebody needs a tunnel or pillbox or a wall.”</p> <p class="cnNmZTNiMzdhZjNhODQyMmE5ZmM4N2IwZDU0YjIxZDRj">“Louse infested rat holes?”</p> <p class="cnM0MTUyNDFjYjU3YjRhZjBhMGE0YzIzNDM3MjVhMzAw">Three more explosions sounded, this time nearer than the others. The ground shook, and more dust fell from the ceiling.</p> <p class="cnNlNTk0OWQ5YzQ3ZjQyMjU5ZGUwYzMwZjllYmRhZjQz">“That damned pyromancer is really getting his rocks off today, damn it. Don’t worry, these little dugouts can take a direct hit from one of his fireballs and not cave in. The rats feed on the bodies we can’t get, and the lice are everywhere. Didn’t Red Panda tell you? Just coming out here, you are going to have to be deloused before they’ll allow you back into the main base, much less the keep.”</p> <p class="cnM2NzM2MDI2Nzg2YzQ3MGJiNDM5MjM4MDIxMTY5MjQy">I thought about it for a second. “I know a life spell, well it is more of a folk spell, but it is based on life magic, but it kills lice, bedbugs, and cockroaches and well… supposedly it kills gnomes too, but I have my doubts about that. If you can get some ink and ground dungeon core, I could probably cast it in here. Anybody coming into this room would have all the bugs on their bodies die as soon as they crossed the threshold. It would make the room comfier. And it wouldn’t take me that long to cast.”</p> <p class="cnNkMGE5MTYwMGYyYTQ2ZmM4NDZhYTExZGVmYzc1Njlm">Terrald got up and opened a storage cabinet. “I have exactly what you need. We occasionally use it for our own work, but if you can get rid of the bugs, even if it is just in here, wow… I everyone in this team would be in your debt.”</p> <p class="cnNjNzk3OWI3ZWE3MDRjYThiNDVkMGJlYzNmNjdjYjcw">He handed me a pen and an inkwell, and I set out to draw the insect and gnome killing runes around the barracks and command center. It took about fifteen minutes, and then I extended my will to the runes that I had drawn and filled them with life mana.</p> <p class="cnM1MDNjZmViYTJkNzRkZTA5NTZkMjllZjU3YzljMjgy">“Holy shit, it worked. I can see them falling off my skin.” Yelled someone who I hadn’t been introduced to.</p> <p class="cnM4YTE2OGYwNzVhMzQwZTY5MTY4ZGFmZGVmNjFmZGUy">“I don’t need to scratch! I don’t need to scratch! For the first time in two years I don’t need to scratch!” said someone else.</p> <p class="cnM0OTI3MGFjNzNjYjRlMzc4OTNjMGU3MTU4MjMyZWQy">“The boy’s a miracle worker.”</p> <p class="cnM2OGNlMGI2NjEzZjQxMWJiNDVjOGQ3ZDY5YWJiNWVi">“My balls still itch. But shit I think the kid fixed my crabs.”</p> <p class="cnMzZDc5MjU2YzQxNjQ4MTlhNmNiMzgwMzE4N2Q1MzAz">It was great to be appreciated. Looks of gratitude filled every face around me. And the looks didn’t go away even when another explosion sounded outside, and the underground bunker we were in shook menacingly.</p> <p class="cnM5NjNhMjQ5OTc0MjRmYTJiZTRhYTJlNjQxMzI3NWVj">“Thank you, Lynx. Everyone we will have to agree to keep this a secret or else every grunt and jarhead in the out there will start crowding into our home. I’d say feel free to stop by anytime, but you kids really should stay back where it is safe. Also, you will still have to get deloused when you get back to the base. The parasites might die in here thanks to Lynx Elm, but everyone and everything in the trenches are covered with them.”</p> <p class="cnNlZDE5OGZkOGM3ZjRlODE5ZGJiODQ4NDRiN2VhOTI0">“I don’t know how much free time I will have, but I could probably come back and set up a few more insect free zones on the barracks and places where the soldiers sleep out here. The spell really doesn’t take that long, and it is easy to do.” I said.</p> <p class="cnMyZTBiNzZiYTExYTRhYzJiNjc0NDY1YTRiODM5MGYw">“I’ll bring it up with command. I’m not sure how they will take having an inquisitor, much less a twelve-year-old, moving around their precious battlefield, but I’m sure someone will be interested. Or maybe not. The military works in mysterious ways. For all, I know some Knight Colonel thinks fleas and lice build character.”</p> <p class="cnNhMjEyODlkMmE2NTQ5OGE4YjVkZWI2MGE0NTcwZGFk">After that, Red Panda and Terrald told each other what they’d been up to since they had last seen each other. Not long since, Red Panda came here often, despite it being both dangerous and forbidden.</p> <p class="cnNhOTA5ZTdkYzkwODQwOGY4NDI1OGEyMWQxOWRhNWVi">Every few minutes groups of explosions sounded. Most of them were in the distance. Some were so nearby they even shook the earth. It was terrifying at first, but after a while, I got used to it.</p> <p class="cnM1NGVmODc0ZDdhYzQyOGU4MWVhYjk5NzNjYjIzYzNl">“Just remember, if you hear a whistling crackling noise in the air, you’ve got about three to five seconds to get out of there or to take some sort of cover. At worst get down and try to cover yourself with the mud and water. It will keep the fireballs from roasting you completely. There is a rumor that we are advancing some time in the next couple of days, so stay away. Advancing usually does squat except get a lot of people killed, but you don’t want to get caught up in it. And they always end up pushing us back.” Terrald said as we were about to leave. “Follow Red Panda, she knows the best way out. And make sure you go to quarantine first when you get past the walls. They will delouse you and make sure you aren’t spies. I’d say don’t come back, but you are associating with my bratty sister so I will assume that like her, you don’t have a brain in your head.”</p> <p class="cnM1YzMxOTU3YzJmYzQzMDNiYmVlNTRjNjUyM2Y2N2U1">The only eventful thing that happened at the way back to the to the main base was that as we were passing under one of the places that I’d thought was a machine gun emplacement, it began to shoot. It had gotten dark, and while I couldn’t see bullets coming from the muzzle of the gun, I could see hundreds of miniature white-hot balls of flame no bigger than the size of golf ball shoot in rapid succession at a spot about 400 yards away. Another gun joined it targeting the same place. In the flickering light of the shooting, I could see three rows of trenches.&nbsp; The one we were in and then two more.&nbsp; In the far off distance.&nbsp; I could see the distant figures of the enemy soldiers climbing through the mud or over the barbed wire, and some burning where the flames from the guns struck them.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YWQ4Yjc5MDI5MzQ5ZGZiMjg1NTcxYjEwN2I0MzA1">From up above I heard a screaming in the sky high overhead and then several seconds later the ground out past the last trench began exploding. More and more fireball style Gattling guns on this side of the battlefield began firing into the night, and a flare or a light mage shot a spell into the sky lighting up the dead zone between the two lines.</p> <p class="cnMyMGEyNGQ4OWFiMzQ2NzZiYTkxNzdlZDg0N2E3ZDYy">Red Panda said “We should leave. It’s gonna get crazy and I ain’t in the mood to charge the enemy tonight, we should get back to the main base.”</p> <p class="cnNmNGZhMjRiNjI4ZDQ3YTY5Y2FlZmE2NDE1ZjIwZGFk">She set off at a run again, and I followed. The way back was a much more twisted and winding path than the one we’d taken in. Of course, there hadn’t been live fire flying through the air, and the exploding fireballs had been much further out when we’d come, and Red Panda had been much less cautious about sticking to low areas and safety tunnels.</p> <p class="cnNiMzEwMThmNDVmMjQ1OTRhZjY0MmI1ZjYyZDJjMmVh">On the way back, we passed hundreds of men and women rushing forward to the front lines. Our passage was slowed down getting out of their way since their destination was much more important than ours.</p> <p class="cnMwMDMwNTgxNjAxMTRiZWJhYTIyMDg2MjhhNjJlYmNl">Eventually, we got back to the safety of the main base. Red Panda took us to the quarantine area, where we waited for a half an hour for enough people to gather, then a tired looking Nature Mage out and convinced the vermin who were inhabiting our hair and clothing to leave. It seemed ass-backward when there was such an easy life spell, but who knows. It appears that military bureaucracy on any world will always be a marvel of inefficiency.</p> <p class="cnNmNTEzNWZlNTM0NzRhZDM5ZjY2Y2UzMTMxZWMzYjUw">I wanted to go out and help at the hospital with the triage and the healing, but I was told by a harried-looking administrator that I wasn’t on the schedule or on the list, and if I wasn’t on the schedule or on the list then there was no way that I could possibly be of any use. Instead, Red Panda took us to a place where we could get our uniforms cleaned in a half an hour and then in robes that they lent us, we went into an almost empty soldiers mess hall and had chow.</p> </div>
Carefully making sure that the door was closed all the way behind me, I turned to Red Panda and said, “I think I understand why everyone warned me about that guy.” “I’m so glad you are safe.” She said and hugged me. “Umm… enough with the hugging. I think I am a little hugged out for the next little while. While I don’t mind if, from you, Samdi kept doing it and it was super creepy.” “Did you see Egret, Honey Badger, and Ant Eater?” “Huh?” I said. “They were three runners who delivered messages to Samdi, and who Samdi decided to keep. He told everyone they were Twice-Lived which is idiotic, they were no more Twice lived than you or me. But he kept them and made them his ‘toys.’” Said Red Panda. “I did see two kids our age. A boy and girl. But not a third.” “The girl was probably Egret. Describe the boy,” she said. “A bit taller than me. Brown hair. Freckles.” “Ant Eater,” she said. Then she said, “that must mean Honey Badger is dead. It is so sad Honey Badger always had such an independent spirit. He never cared, he never gave a shit. It’s probably what got him in the end. We warned him to be careful around Samdi. Told him never eat or drink anything he offers. But he didn’t listen.” Red Panda started to cry. She was still hugging me, so I patted her back and said, “There, there. There, there. Lord Samdi likes me, and more importantly, he respects my father. No other runners will have to visit him as long as I can carry the message instead of them.” “Really?” “Yes Really,” I said. “Besides, if Honey Badger really didn’t care and never gave a shit, I think I would have liked to meet him. He sounds like my kind of runner.” “Let’s go meet my big bro.” Red Panda let go of me and dashed off down the hall. I had to run to catch up to her. But then I suppose I was a runner now, so having to run made sense. We wove in and out of the mass of people. Most people got out of our way. Children dashing pell-mell through the underground in uniform must have been a semi-regular sight. Red Panda turned and ran down another hallway like the one that had led us into the underground, and soon we were outside and into the open air again. Instead of heading up to the keep, Red Panda dashed out into the battlefield itself. She had to stop running when after about a hundred yards when the graveled over surface became mud. Bursts of light flew overhead, and periodically in the distance, the earth shook. Red Panda turned to me and said, “If you hear a whistling sound coming towards you, you have about five to six seconds to get out of the way. Run, dive, take shelter, do what you can to take cover. We should be fairly safe back here, but the further we get out there, the more dangerous it gets.” The first trench was passed two six-foot high barbed-wire topped sand-bag walls and about three hundred yards away from the bluffs.   The trench was about two and a half feet wide and ran roughly parallel to the cliff face for the entire distance of the valley. Red Panda jumped in, and I followed her. Soldiers were lined up facing outward towards the enemy line. We couldn’t run, because there was barely room to squeeze past them. Three times we passed what I could have sworn were machine gun emplacements. It wasn’t as dirty as I’d expected. The ground wasn’t the thick plodding depth of mud that I’d expected. Instead, the ground had been covered with the same aggregate gravel of chipped mountainside that paved many of the paths and roads of the rest of the camp. But then I saw a rat that was nearly the size of a cocker spaniel run across my line of sight carrying a human hand and revised my opinion of the trenches. Red Panda led me to a tunnel that had been dug and shored up into the dirt. We went in and then down some rough-hewn stairs to some sleeping quarters and a command center. One of the walls held a large drawing pinned to the wall that depicted the valley. On the drawing, all of the trenches and other underground bunkers were drawn. There were even places marked as tunnels. Red Panda ran straight for a taller man, who if you got rid of some of the dirt and grime that covered his body, would look a lot like Red Panda, and squealed “Brother!” “I keep telling you, you shouldn’t come here, Midget,” said the man, sighing. “And I’ve told you not to call me Midget. My name is Red Panda. Since I ain’t changing my ways, and you ain’t changing your ways, why don’t we agree that I’m here now and let me introduce you to my new friend Lynx? Because of Lynx, I will never have to talk with that horrible man Samdi ever again.” Red Panda’s brother looked me over, then extended a hand. “There aren’t very many good inquisitors, but there are some, if the Midget vouches for you I will withhold my judgment. It is nice to meet you Lynx. My name is Terrald Blue Panda Hazelnut.” “Blue Panda?” “My mother got it into her head that she loved Pandas. She’d never seen one only read about them in books. But that didn’t stop her from naming all of us kids after them anyway. She even managed to convince Dad that Pandas were ferocious predators to fit with the Empire’s naming scheme. Claimed they were a half polar bear and a half dire bear or some such. I suspect my father knew that all Pandas do all day is eat Bamboo. Anyway, I’m Blue Panda, and you know Red Panda, but if you ever meet my brothers you’ll meet a Black Panda, a White Panda, a Paisley Panda, a Green Panda, and Purple Panda. Paisley isn’t even a color. It was damned embarrassing growing up, but it was what Mom wanted, and there was very little Dad wouldn’t give Mom before she died.” The earth shook all of a sudden, and a loud boom sounded from somewhere nearby. Dirt sprinkled down from overhead. Nobody in the underground chamber seemed to notice it. “Guess what Blue, Lynx has a body knack just like you, I took him to see Orr before we came here, and Orr says he will be training with you sometimes.” “Really? Body knacks are rare? What does yours do?” When I seemed reluctant to discuss it, Terrald said, “Mine is a fairly basic one. As long as I keep feeding mana into it, I am half again as strong, tough and fast as I normally am. But it drains mana really quickly and since I am a much stronger Earth Mage I only use my knack if I get into a fight that I really need to win.” I decided to keep up my lie, “Mine isn’t even that good. For one second I am twice as fast, strong and tough. Then I need to wait for 30 seconds before I’m good to go again. Good for a surprise I guess. I’m much more useful as a Life Mage than I am with my knack.” Another three explosions sounded outside, this time the sound and the vibration came from much further away. “I remember before I got my status, so I know how you feel,” said Terrald, still ignoring what was going on outside, “Here we are with this secret ability that supposedly makes us stronger and faster than the rest of humanity, and the average soldier, once you take their freedom points into account, can kick our ass any day of the week. Let’s just say it evens out once you are a Platinum. But you don’t just have your Life Magic, just looking at you I can tell you that you’ve got whatever ability it is that they look for in inquisitors.” “Ability?” I said. “They haven’t taught it to you yet. I suppose that makes sense. Nobody who isn’t part of the inner circle knows what it is. But you can’t be an Inquisitor, or be part of the Order of the House of Status, or one of any of the half a dozen other elite societies of the empire without it.” “Huh?” I said at a complete loss. “Put it this way. Do you have any family? Brothers? Sisters? Are they inquisitors? Assessors? Seers? Urges? Gamesmen? Delvers? Keepers? If they aren’t. If they are just normal nobility then you know they don’t have the ability or affinity or knack or whatever it is. It is the way of a lot of families with a Society member in it. Sometimes a parent is part of one of the Empire’s orders, but none or just one of the children is.” I thought about my brother and sister. I had never been close to them. Even growing up they had usually been separated from me. Mom had had more influence over their upbringing, while in retrospect Dad had more influence over mine. Come to think of it, I wasn’t even sure if they knew how to use a weapon or what kind of training they’d had in magic. And they’d been shipped off to live with extended family in the Capitol as soon as they’d got their Maturing names. “Things about my family are suddenly making more sense than they once had.” I said, then “So what do you do here?” “I’m part of a team of earth mages who go around fixing the fortifications that get broken and building new ones when they are needed. Mostly the grunts dig the trenches, so we don’t have to get that close to the front unless there is some sort of major offensive. Mostly we sit in these louse-infested rat holes until somebody needs a tunnel or pillbox or a wall.” “Louse infested rat holes?” Three more explosions sounded, this time nearer than the others. The ground shook, and more dust fell from the ceiling. “That damned pyromancer is really getting his rocks off today, damn it. Don’t worry, these little dugouts can take a direct hit from one of his fireballs and not cave in. The rats feed on the bodies we can’t get, and the lice are everywhere. Didn’t Red Panda tell you? Just coming out here, you are going to have to be deloused before they’ll allow you back into the main base, much less the keep.” I thought about it for a second. “I know a life spell, well it is more of a folk spell, but it is based on life magic, but it kills lice, bedbugs, and cockroaches and well… supposedly it kills gnomes too, but I have my doubts about that. If you can get some ink and ground dungeon core, I could probably cast it in here. Anybody coming into this room would have all the bugs on their bodies die as soon as they crossed the threshold. It would make the room comfier. And it wouldn’t take me that long to cast.” Terrald got up and opened a storage cabinet. “I have exactly what you need. We occasionally use it for our own work, but if you can get rid of the bugs, even if it is just in here, wow… I everyone in this team would be in your debt.” He handed me a pen and an inkwell, and I set out to draw the insect and gnome killing runes around the barracks and command center. It took about fifteen minutes, and then I extended my will to the runes that I had drawn and filled them with life mana. “Holy shit, it worked. I can see them falling off my skin.” Yelled someone who I hadn’t been introduced to. “I don’t need to scratch! I don’t need to scratch! For the first time in two years I don’t need to scratch!” said someone else. “The boy’s a miracle worker.” “My balls still itch. But shit I think the kid fixed my crabs.” It was great to be appreciated. Looks of gratitude filled every face around me. And the looks didn’t go away even when another explosion sounded outside, and the underground bunker we were in shook menacingly. “Thank you, Lynx. Everyone we will have to agree to keep this a secret or else every grunt and jarhead in the out there will start crowding into our home. I’d say feel free to stop by anytime, but you kids really should stay back where it is safe. Also, you will still have to get deloused when you get back to the base. The parasites might die in here thanks to Lynx Elm, but everyone and everything in the trenches are covered with them.” “I don’t know how much free time I will have, but I could probably come back and set up a few more insect free zones on the barracks and places where the soldiers sleep out here. The spell really doesn’t take that long, and it is easy to do.” I said. “I’ll bring it up with command. I’m not sure how they will take having an inquisitor, much less a twelve-year-old, moving around their precious battlefield, but I’m sure someone will be interested. Or maybe not. The military works in mysterious ways. For all, I know some Knight Colonel thinks fleas and lice build character.” After that, Red Panda and Terrald told each other what they’d been up to since they had last seen each other. Not long since, Red Panda came here often, despite it being both dangerous and forbidden. Every few minutes groups of explosions sounded. Most of them were in the distance. Some were so nearby they even shook the earth. It was terrifying at first, but after a while, I got used to it. “Just remember, if you hear a whistling crackling noise in the air, you’ve got about three to five seconds to get out of there or to take some sort of cover. At worst get down and try to cover yourself with the mud and water. It will keep the fireballs from roasting you completely. There is a rumor that we are advancing some time in the next couple of days, so stay away. Advancing usually does squat except get a lot of people killed, but you don’t want to get caught up in it. And they always end up pushing us back.” Terrald said as we were about to leave. “Follow Red Panda, she knows the best way out. And make sure you go to quarantine first when you get past the walls. They will delouse you and make sure you aren’t spies. I’d say don’t come back, but you are associating with my bratty sister so I will assume that like her, you don’t have a brain in your head.” The only eventful thing that happened at the way back to the to the main base was that as we were passing under one of the places that I’d thought was a machine gun emplacement, it began to shoot. It had gotten dark, and while I couldn’t see bullets coming from the muzzle of the gun, I could see hundreds of miniature white-hot balls of flame no bigger than the size of golf ball shoot in rapid succession at a spot about 400 yards away. Another gun joined it targeting the same place. In the flickering light of the shooting, I could see three rows of trenches.  The one we were in and then two more.  In the far off distance.  I could see the distant figures of the enemy soldiers climbing through the mud or over the barbed wire, and some burning where the flames from the guns struck them.  From up above I heard a screaming in the sky high overhead and then several seconds later the ground out past the last trench began exploding. More and more fireball style Gattling guns on this side of the battlefield began firing into the night, and a flare or a light mage shot a spell into the sky lighting up the dead zone between the two lines. Red Panda said “We should leave. It’s gonna get crazy and I ain’t in the mood to charge the enemy tonight, we should get back to the main base.” She set off at a run again, and I followed. The way back was a much more twisted and winding path than the one we’d taken in. Of course, there hadn’t been live fire flying through the air, and the exploding fireballs had been much further out when we’d come, and Red Panda had been much less cautious about sticking to low areas and safety tunnels. On the way back, we passed hundreds of men and women rushing forward to the front lines. Our passage was slowed down getting out of their way since their destination was much more important than ours. Eventually, we got back to the safety of the main base. Red Panda took us to the quarantine area, where we waited for a half an hour for enough people to gather, then a tired looking Nature Mage out and convinced the vermin who were inhabiting our hair and clothing to leave. It seemed ass-backward when there was such an easy life spell, but who knows. It appears that military bureaucracy on any world will always be a marvel of inefficiency. I wanted to go out and help at the hospital with the triage and the healing, but I was told by a harried-looking administrator that I wasn’t on the schedule or on the list, and if I wasn’t on the schedule or on the list then there was no way that I could possibly be of any use. Instead, Red Panda took us to a place where we could get our uniforms cleaned in a half an hour and then in robes that they lent us, we went into an almost empty soldiers mess hall and had chow.
{ "title": "Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard", "id": 15707, "author": "devilpyro", "rating": 2.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 136", "id": 305796, "next": 315594, "prev": 298154, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNWRlNGYwNTBiZDQ0MzY4YWNlOTRhN2M0MmQ4YjVi"><strong><em>-Interlude The shadow of the new country and the rival appears-</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMxYWVkYzdhNzNiNjRlOGM4NzdhODdjYzc0ZWVmYjdm"><br><br></p> <p class="cnMwOWUwZWM2NGQ2ZDQ5ZTk4MzE0NTFlOTY5MDA0ZTQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Almost one year had passed since those two outsiders coming here.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDgzM2UwMTE1NDRjZGNhZjU4Y2VjMTBiZGY3NWE3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NDZhNjEwYWUzYjRjZTI5ZjQ2YzcxZmViNDkwODc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">No,</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2IyZjM1ZTIzZDQ2OTZhZGEyOWI3OTVlMzI4Zjll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Saying it outsider is not correct.</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2QwZjI3NzhlMDRhZDc5N2RiN2MwZDA4ZWY1NWFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since they’re already become a part of us.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGNhNzA4NmJmNzQwMDBiMGRhMjgzNWQ0NmRkZDNl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWVhYjg4N2IzYTRjNTJhOTViNzQ5MzY0MjA2NDUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">As for what happened since they coming here…</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2YwNzc2YmNhODQwYTZiMDkxZDJiZjZlY2Q2OTli"><br><br></p> <p class="cnMxOTRmMjI4NmEzOTQ3NTZhY2M5MDYwYzhjNjZhNjk1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">-recap of previous time-</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiMmY3MmY2Mzc2YzQxOWU5YTRlYWYwNWMyZTA3NzVl"><br><br></p> <p class="cnM0YTRlMGVjZWJjZDRkYTI4M2Y3MTUzNjQwMTFlNjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W..why?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTgxYjQ1Y2RiZTRiZGZiMDEzN2EyZThiNTZmOGZl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3Yjg5NjU1YzhjYTRmMGZhNjE3Y2Q5MGJjZTVkMGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The one who asked is Mai.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGJjOTdmMDE0MzRkOWZiM2I1MjMwOGE2ODQ1NjJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">She made a disbelief face like the world is ending, and her face is getting pale.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDExMjEwOWM3MDQzYWI5N2ExNjI2OGZlOGM2ZGU4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MGJiNWQ0YWRhOTQzNGZiNmI4Yjc1ODkxMzBjMTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even us is getting awkward with this sudden rejection. </span></p> <p class="cnMwY2QxNTg3NTlmMjQwZGZhZjJjNTZlOTdjYTFiODky">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDA1OTAwMTBiYzQ2NTJiY2I4NmNlNmY2ZDdjNjQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, the girl named Nora answered.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Zjk2ZTQwZmI5NDQzYTliMDFmNjkxYTBjMTc4YjFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmY2NkNWExM2U2OTQzNzM5ZDdmNWFlZDczZjMxMmE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uhmm, i am happy that you thought me that way Mai, but…”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTBiNjhkODdhMjQ0OTdiZWIwODZhNzQzY2YwMDI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZTJmNWFmZDE0MzRkZmM5MGU1ZGI4MjEzY2Q0Y2U4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I.. can only think of you as a big sister? Or a little sister sometimes..”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDNiZTllMDc2YzQ3MjliM2I1NTY4Y2NkODQyMmY3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNTc3ZGQ4MDNmYTQ3YjQ5MDE2NDZmMmQ4ZGMxNWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">*stab*</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmQzZDMyMjRlMjQ2MDFiZTFiMTYwZGU0Njc3ZDRl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjODcwNjQzYjYzNTQxZGQ5ZjVlYjYzYmY4ZDlmOTE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“GHUAKH!??”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODE3YjA3YjQ2MjQ3MjU5M2YzZWQ2YTFlZGEyM2M1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NWMxNDEzMjY0MDQ0MjlhZDZjNTdkZmMyN2FmYjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">She speak with innocent face that seems like devoid of any malicious intent.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGIzMWU4NTYwOTQ3OGE4ZDNkNGIzZDI2N2MwYjc5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZWVjMzdhNGY3NTQxN2RiYmM5NWExMGM5MTM0Mzlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai had suddenly falls into her knees after hearing that.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDdmNGQ3YjJkZDQ1MDBhY2M0MDkyZmJiYzFhYzEx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5Nzg2YmEwNDBjNDQ2MmQ5NjUyNzQ4N2Q2NTdkZjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“E..erm, i, its not like i hate being confessed to. It makes me happy too, but...”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDg5YjRlYTcyMDRhZWM5MDQzNzc5YWFjZTA1MDc0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYjkxYmQ5ZjI4NjQxZmJhN2FkOGQyN2M3NGJkMThi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am sorry, i really didn't have any feelings with you other than looking at you like a siblings...”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZDJjY2RjNWJjZjQ4N2VhYmIxY2I4NmRiMTc5NTJi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZjRlOWY0M2JmNTQ3YmM4MDE0NjRjNmExYjVjMWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">*smack*</span></p> <p class="cnM1OWQzZjk0YWYyMzQ1YTJiMzZmMGQ5NDY1NjVmYzcz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYWNlNzQ5NDdkMzQzMTNiNTljOTE2ZGMzMzlkY2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“GOFUUKHH!???”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzNiYmYwZDFjODRlODY4NDRhNDA2NjEyMjc1OTA2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMGVlOGU5NzA3ZDQ0NTg4ZDI1YjY5MDFhYzZiMDVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai vomits blood.</span></p> <p class="cnNhODg2OTc4MTBmZjRkYWRhNzQ5ODgzYjM2NTU1OGMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MzI2MTFhYTgyYjRhZWZhNTYxMGE4ZWIyZTQwZmYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“B..but, it’s fine! Even though we can’t become a lovers…”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjhiNWNjMGM2YzQxODRiNmRmNTdjMjZhYjY2OTFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNjczMDRmOWFiYjQ4ZTY5MjhkNmQ1YmMxODIwYTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’re.. still friends, right? </span><strong>A best friend forever</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">!”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjBjZmJjYmRiNzRhYmQ4ZjU2ZGNkODg0OTA0YjYz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNjU5NDBkMjYwZDRhODNiMzM0YTQ2ZTIwYzhlNzk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">*stab*</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWY3NjE1ODEzZTQ1ZGZhOTM1MzFjNTc3NDhjMTk5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMzA3ZmY1MmZkNTQ1YWY4NWVkZWI5OGZjZWQwNjBh"><strong><em>“AAAAAAAAAARGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMzMTZiY2U5MTkwYzQ1NTRhYzcwNDJhZmE3MTBiMzE5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDk5NmI5MTIxZTQ1MmJhMDZjOTU2ZGQ0ODJmNzVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that as a finisher, Mai had died.</span></p> <p class="cnNhM2JlMDcwYjViZjRkM2Y5ODE3NDI0MjllYWViMzEz"><br><br></p> <p class="cnM4OTQ0Y2M3ZGE0NTRiYjBhOGU5ZmI0NTg5Njg4MmRk"><strong>*BAD END*</strong></p> <p class="cnMxYzZhMDEwZDczNzQ4NjM4NGZhNjdmNTdiZDI3NzRh"><br><br></p> <p class="cnMzODBhZGMxYTYzZjRlOWFhOGYwZDVhMDM2Mjk4ZjYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">…….</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjUzZDcwMDg2MDQxNjc4NjYzMTZhMDI2YmU2YWU0"><br><br></p> <p class="cnNjMDRmNWQ3ZjY2YzRiMDE5NGQ1ZDBmZWMxMzk0NDQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">After she had collapsed like a puppet without strings, everybody had looked at her awkwardly.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjZkODAzZmJlODQyODdiOTI3ZjZkYTBhZGYyYjE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYjNkYTIwMDBkYTQ0YmI4MTlmOTUzMWI3MjFiM2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some is getting sympathetic, other seems confused.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGI0MDcyOWE4NTQ4ZjhiNmU5MmEyNTc2NzU3ODU3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYTcwMTdkM2U4NjRkMjk5N2E2ZjM0MTRjNGRhNzli"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora is getting confused looking at Mai like that, while keep speaking “Eh? Eh?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWUwYzAwMjFjZDRhOThiNDA4MmJjODBiZjMyNDVl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjEzOGZmNmExZDRjNDM5NTVmMTdkOTgyYWI3M2U3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzkyOWYwZmVmYTQ2ZjBhZjUyNjZlNDY4MDM0NTQ1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNmM0MDMxNjZiZDQyNjI5ZDFjNmY5YTUxN2M0NmRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">We were speechless while looking at this situation.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTJiZjljZGVlMDQwZDRhYjYyNWUyYzFiNjI4YjI1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZDg2ZGRkNmZmMzRjNDE5YzljNmQ3YjY2Zjk5OGNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">This girl… what a natural.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTdiMGZlMTk2MDQ1NmZhZmZiOTQ0MzQxMzkwM2My"><span style="font-weight: 400">Is she doing it on purpose or not? If it wasnt, that was too scary.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2ExNGYyNmQwMzQ1NGM5MmI1YjFjOWJmNGE0Y2Vj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMTZlZmE5MjgzYzQ0OTQ4M2VlMDY4MTIxYjY4YjY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">While still look weakened, Mai tried her hardest to standing up.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTc0YTY5NmExMjQyNWRiZDczNjk3MDJjOTA5Zjky">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNmU1YjA1MjcwNTRiMjdiYTZkMTI0ODM1MzUwNWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“..wa”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODJjNDYyMTAyZTQ0Y2Y5ODQ4ZGQ2MWFiMDA3MDFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YzIyYTFkZmMzYjRjZmE4ZGQ4MTRkZTRjYTczZDEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">She tried hard to speak</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTQ5YmIwZjI2ZTQwYjQ4NmQ5NzRiNGZkYzQ1MGYy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ZmZlN2M4NGQwYTQxYzRiMGFhNDdhNzg5OTFjZDNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“UWAAAHHHHH!!!!”</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTQ4YTAwMDU5OTQwOGZiMTE4ZjAwNDdmOTU5YjAx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MjRiYWQ3ZTc2YzRiOWQ5OWQ3MzgyNTRjZGZjZmM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cannot bear it anymore, she start to bawling while putting her back on floor.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmJmMGEzOTdlNzQyZjE4ZjY3MjVlYmQ3NTk3ODQ0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZjNmNGVhNjllMDQ4NjhiZTgyNjIxZmIwZWUxZGI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uh? Huh?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGY0ZTIwZTFjNTQ1NTI5NGY3ZWEzZDY5ZTk5ZTZi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0OTMxNTdiYWViMjQ0MjQ5YTdmMTVlZThiNWJiNGM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora still looked confused.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzI4MDc5YTRiMDQwOTBhZThmMjZmNjk5YmJiYjkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ignoring everything else, Mai keeps bawling and swinging her arms and legs.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTIzOTQxYjIzODQ0OTRiMGM5Nzk4OGNiMWU3MGRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMjJkZmYwZDg0YTQ1YTA5NTRhNjk1NzJkMDJjNmQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“UWAAAAHHHH!!!!! NORA HATES MEEE!! I DON’T WANT TO LIVE ANYMOREE!!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDMzNzBhMzhkNzRhOTdiMWM5MjBhMmI0MWM4Mzdk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NzA0NThmM2VhNjQyNGY4NWZiYTYwNzcxZDUyMmUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">She makes a tantrum while grabbing her face with both hands and swinging her legs.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDg0OWI4ZDE1NjQ4MzRhMjk0NzY4MzY5M2U3ZjY3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NDZkOTdjMGI4YjQ3Njc5YzgyODM2ZDRiNWFiZDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“KILL MEEE! JUST, KILL ME! I DON’T WANT TO LIVE ANYMOREE! WAAAHHHH!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODYzZmIzNWRhYTQwODg5NzVmNzAzZDBlODVkNGJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MWExNWMxNjE0NTQ5NTA5MGNiYTQ4ZjcxZjRjOGM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She cried and act like a baby.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWM2ZTY0NDQwZTRjY2JhNGU4MTMxOTg3ZjZkOTc1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNjg4MGU0OWZjYzQ2NjViY2QwZjIxZmUxOTcxYTY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Uhm, Mai? Didn't you hear what am i am saying? I never said i hate you..”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDZjYmQ3NjNhMzQ4YjZhNmFiZDY1MGExYmJhMmY0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMWUyYjk4YzdiNTQ5NGRiZTVhM2JjYzUwZGYwMWM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">She ignores her words and keep bawling </span></p> <p class="cnMyYWE4NzBjNmY4MDRlODdiOTM1ZTBiZDUyNmJjNDU4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZTQ5NWJkMzljMjRjNDRiYzkyMDU2NTk5OWE1OTZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“EVEN THOUGH.. EVEN THOUGH I LOVED YOU SO MUCH, DESPITE THE TIME THAT WE HAVE SPEND TOGETHER, WHYYYY??”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWFjODM4ODQxMzRkZGJiZDdiNjM2MDRlM2E2MDNk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwY2M5NjZjMjc1YTRkMDg4OTA4NTBlYTlkM2RhMzM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mai, you're ignoring me again!??”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmEwMGQxZjg3MTRhMGE5NzUyZTFmYmNmNzU4YzM2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMjQ4Njk2MDA4ZjQwZDM4OGViZmQwMDJjZjdiMDEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HUUKH *SNIFF* WAS THAT DAY A LIE? THAT DAY WHEN WE BARES EVERYTHING AND BECOMING ONE WITH EACH OTHER. . WAS IT JUST A MISTAKES OF YOUTH? DID YOU ALLOW ME TO DO IT JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE FEELING SYMPATHY WITH ME? *SOB*”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTA4NjQwOTI5MTQzOTM4MjljM2Q5ZGFlNTZjZTU2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OWIzMDYxMzIwYTQzZTI4OTcxNDYyNjVlNzJkZjZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wh..? Mai, i told you to not bring that up again!!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGI3MWFhZTJiODRlZWJiNWRlMzIxNmI2M2ZjYzlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZGIxMDE2MmVmNjQ0MzY5MmI1YjEwMWYyNzkwNjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“YOU PLAYED WITH MY FEELINGS LIKE THAT! I KNEW IT! *SOB* I KNEW IT WAS TOO LATE! YOUR HEART HAD ALREADY BEEN INSIDE MIKE GRASP AFTER ALL! I REALIZE IT’S ALREADY TOO LATE, NOW YOU HAD BEEN DEFILED! EVEN THOUGH I KNOW… EVEN THOUGH IT WAS TOO LATE... I STILL HAD A HOPE SOMEWHERE WITHIN MY HEART! UWAAAH! FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME NORA, I WAS TOO LATE TO SAVE YOU!!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OTgyNmU0MmQyYzQ1ZmZhYjdmNTU4YTg3ZGE5YzJh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYTMzMGFlN2JkOTRmOTk4NGM1YTBmZDhmYTQwOTQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Like i always said, what are you talking about…”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTA2MmNkMTIzNjQ3YWQ5OTE3MGIzMDI4YmViZmRi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMDVjNDQ2NDE2YjQ5YjVhMjhiZGUxYzk3NzFkODc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“UU *GUSU* *SOB* *HIC*”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTFkYTczMmNmOTQ2ZmU5NmNjOGMwNjdkODUwOTY2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZmEwMjk0ZWVlNjRkODA5Njg3ZDBkYmM2ZjE3NDMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai keep speaking to herself and ignoring Nora while crying hard.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTk2NDIxNTE3MDQ2MDJiNDA2NjEyYmRlNTk2N2Fj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOWE1Mjk1ZDhlZjRiZjI4NGMzZDc1OGJiZTUyZTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmMwNTk3N2FiYjQ0MDBhMWU2YWIxNTY5MzNmMTRk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlN2NjMTcxOTIyYzQ5YzM4ZjA4Nzg4YzViY2RlMmIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora makes a troubled face. Until Mai is finally stopped crying but she was still closing her face.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGY0NzRlN2M1YjQxZTdiMTcyYzczYjQ4ZWUzYjIx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNTg1YzUzM2EyZjRmNmE5NDdhMDJkMzc1YzJlOTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“E..erm, Mai?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjdjYWVjNmFhYjQyMDM5OTZlMjk2YTY4NTI4MzFi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZWEwODlkYTViMzRjZTlhM2ViNjk3NTNhNDJhYTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since she was keep quiet all of sudden, Nora start to ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2JiOWUzZTVkYTQ2ZTk4OTZiMTcxN2E5N2RkZWU0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYzNjNjdiNmJkOTQ5YjM4MjkwMDlmZGMzMWQ1ZGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was getting quiet for awhile, then.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjc0YzQ5Y2M1YjQ1YWZiZTVlODIxNTg4Y2E2YTY2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDY1NmY1MmViYjQ2NTg5NWU0MjUwMGRhYTE3M2I4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWVkZWI3ZWZkNTQ1ODliYzI3NzI0Y2RhNjVkYWE0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OGNlMWZlM2Q2ZjQ0MGNiNWQ3OThjYjQ0ZWZiMDg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai start to muttering.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2I2MjdkOTllZjQ3MjE4ODQzZTAyYzgwMzM4Mzg0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0M2NkYTcxMDFhNTRkZDhhMThjNmU5N2YxMzFlM2Zj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDdiNDJjYjM4NzQxZTc5YTYwNzQwN2Q1NTZkYzUz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOWVkN2E5ZmEwNjRmNzlhNzM0MzJlODRlNDAyZGRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora looked worried.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDliMTI1OTIzMTQ3ZWJiYzYyNzIyOWJlNDFmMzI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was with Mai for so long that anything that she do was supposed to be not surprising to her anymore.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmU4NmRkOWU3ZjQwYjBhZjM1NTVkNTlkNDMxZWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">But lately she feels like she doesn't understand Mai anymore and start to have some suspicion that this Mai is not the childhood friends that she knews anymore.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2NlZmJlYzdjZTRlYTlhOTIyZWJiZDcwY2U1MGRh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMDQ1NmNlMWYzZDQ1ODA5MjllYmZmZTQ2ZTlmZTcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No… i can’t”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTBiNDNlMDk4ODRjYWU4ODhkNWJhOGM4ZmMzNmFl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNTkyZjRhNWQ3NTRiMDE5OTc2YzNiZDAwNDAwNmFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">She mutters while closing her eyes. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZTAwNWUzZTkwNzRkOGU4Y2MzZDdkNzQ4Y2M1ODYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everybody still looks at her confused, while looking at her. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNDFlNDE4M2EyNTRiZjZiMTg1NjliYjFjNzhkOTgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then…</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDg2N2UyZjAwOTRmZTlhYzI3ZjU5ZDY3MzYyNGY1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YjVhZGI4MWFlYjRhNGI4ZDhjNGJkYjM4NWM3ZDBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I decided…”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmM5YzQzNTQwNzQwNjViZjc3MTdhZDY3ZTVlMmY0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YTNkZWVjNzI4MjQ4NjY5Njk5YWIxMTcyNWJiM2Ey"><span style="font-weight: 400">After saying that, Mai start to open her eyes and getting up.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzE5NzYyNTQ0OTRmOTRhNzMxN2YyYmU2ZjY3MDU1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OTlkY2I3OTM1NTQwMzZhYmYwNzRlMmVhZTQ0ZDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wah!?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzA2ZWM3MTk4NzRlN2RiNzM2YmJkOWMxODEzMmIx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNjM3NDIxZGRjYTQ1NDY4MzJlZDNkOTIzNDg2ZTdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Because it was sudden, Nora collapsed on her knees.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzc2MTUwMDA5MzQyMjU5NzM4ODU4NjQ4M2Y1YTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai was standing while wiping out her tears.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGI3ZmVhMGZkZDQwMWE4MzAyMWZkZTA5OWU3OWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was still red from crying, but her face is more determinated than before.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGIzYTY1NTRjMDQ2OTFiMzY0NDIwM2Q3ZjgxYTA1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiY2MzYjllY2UyYTQ3ZjE5MTQ2YzY0MDdiNmNhZjNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDE4NzY3YmJhNTRmYjM5MTY3ODIzNGJhNDUwYWRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZmI0ZWZmZjU3NTRjODdhMzA4YmM3ZWJmMDkxNDYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked at Nora with a serious face.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzgzODVhZmI2YTQwODZiYzc4ZjI0OTNjNDU5N2Iz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, </span></p> <p class="cnNjMzVmMmRhMWIxNjQyMmU4Mjg3MTA5MmUzY2I0YTRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">While crouching down to Nora, she hold her hands like a princess.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTA0Y2I4Nzk5NDQzOWRhMmQ2NWUzYzU2MGZhOTUw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOTViNjlmYThlNjRiMTRiOTI5NTg5ZjU3ZjAyMzhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I will become your knight!, no, a prince!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmYyNzFjNTYzOTQwMDhhYWYwZTAyZDBjOGFhNTBm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNmY1OGY2NDY2MzQ2ZjE5YjAwYjM4MjEzZGQ0NTg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">She said that without any hesitation.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjUzOWM2NjFjNzRmNWU5NzhjZDAwYWNiNmE1YjMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYTM5OWMwN2JkNjQxNWJiZGNhZGIzYzcwOTFlMjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWY1MjdmY2QyMjQ0NTViODQyZjgxYTU0YTBmMjJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYzE3NjQ0OGY3MDRlYjM5YzkwODcyMTZhNjE0Mzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora start to getting blank for a second, then.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMmFkZDBmNWEzYjQ3ZTZiNTBiMzVjMDczZWJjZDM1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZmM0Mzg0NjgxYjRjNDQ4MzcwYmM4NWI4ZjRiNzg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“EEEEEHHH!?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZDUwNDc4NWQ1NzRiZWJhYmVjODQzMzVmNjNmZWEz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDQ0NDZhMDIwMTQ4YzM5ZDAzYWJhN2NlNWZhOWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">She screamed.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDljYzAxNzdmYjQ0MmZiZWQ4NTQ3ZjE4NWE5NTg4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZmJkZDBmYzU5ZTQ0ZWM4NzZmN2YzNGFjNmEzZjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">…..</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGI4NWIxNjYwYTQ5OTFhMDg3MTZmMDZjMzMxNzQ3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NDdjMmFjODRlYjRiYjY5ZjdmNWJkYWViNmVlMGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W..what do you mean, Mai?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDk2YmU5OWEzMjQ2YzZiMmQ0NTFmZDA4ZDhiZDQ0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYmE2MDNhMDJjMjQ5Mjc5NTljN2QzZmViZjAxYzc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked so surprised so she was slowly asked her. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMTAzNjdmNWUwNDRhYjVhN2I1ZDQ1OTYwZDdkNWUz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NzQ2MzJjMDMyMjRlN2I5MDc4MjY5YzIwYWZiMWU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“....”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzljNDM3NzY4NDQ3MWM4NjRhMDY3NTA4ZmZmNjAy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MTE4NjI5M2ZjNTQ5ODdhOWM1MDFiZmUxMTBiZGNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Making a serious face, Mai is start to answer her.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTU5YmNmYWQxZTQzYzk5YmZlN2FhN2I5OTllMGRk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkODE5MDJmNWUyNTRjNzg4ZTU5ODZhN2FlNDhhZDg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Having cried my heart out, i have remembered various things in the past”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDRmZjc2YTFjNDRkMzc5Yjc3YzU4NGYxM2JlYjlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MjVjMTViMGE3ZTRmMDNiMTU5MWI0ZTlmNzEwZDEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YjM1ZGJlNDRmMTQ2YjliY2I5N2ZhMjlkZGQ1ZGFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNjIzOGFmYjEwZjQyNzY4Yzc2ZTZkNDNlNTRiNjQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“When we were little, you once said that you want a prince in white horse to take you as a bride someday, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjM2Nzg5ZGIxODQ5YjZhNGE4OTAyOWJkYWY3MDU4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYTRjOWZkNDViODQ5ZWJiN2UxMjc0NjUzMjBmMzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wh..that was so long ago, Mai!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmJmZTc4MzBhODRlYzViMDczMWZkNjBjMDMwZTc1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2OGE0ZTY5NjdhMzQwMzU4YTQwZWRhZGFlMTFmOGNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It doesnt matter, more importantly..!”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGVmNjNjOWE0NTRlZGM5ZDMxZWRjOGE2ZGQ5ZGE2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZGZjNmE5NjgzZDQxYTk5YzExODQ1MDRjNDIxZmZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was getting close to Nora face.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDliMjhlZWRmZTQ5MTBhMTIxNDRjMTZhYzUyNjgx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5Mjg1ZWNjYTZlNDQ0ODA4MzU2OGIwMTE5YTdiMTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Eh? Eh? Mai, what do you..MMPH!?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGFlZDAxY2U1MDQzNDk5NTA0NTkzYzliNWJjYTgx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MGQxMjdmZTgyZTRmMjRiMGI0OGUzY2QzNmM0YzJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She start to kiss her.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTFhNDI1OTg5ODQwMzJhZmY3Yzk4ZmVjOWFhOGVi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNTRiZDg0NjFhMzRiNzA4YjYzOThiZjkwMGY0MzZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“”</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2I4Mzk1MmVmZDQ2MDU5ZTA1NjgxNWE1YWY4Mjlk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNTU2ZjM3MGFkODQxMzg4NGZjNzg5N2NlNGVlNDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">And deep kiss on top of that.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjRjMjRkNDUzOTRiYTQ5N2NmMzQ2M2Q0MGM5NmMx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZGE2M2JlN2M5YzQ5ZThiMjk1OTBlOWU0NTY1Yjg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“fu..uh..umm..”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGRkNzE2NGRjMzQ5MTZiNjQwYTcxZGY5MGZjM2Ri">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYmUzMmVmYTNhODQ2YzE4OTk1ODExZGU4MGY4YjY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...” </span></p> <p class="cnM0MWRkZjZjODM4YjQyOGQ5OTM1Y2EzMWU3NGIwODcz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ODQ2Zjk5YTc4NjRlMWU5MGIzMDZlY2JiMjVmNWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Everybody looks at them while some is getting red, some take a peek through their fingers, and some is whispering to each others while looked so happy.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YTcwODNhZjExZjQ1ZmNiN2Q4MDNiY2E5NDJlMmRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNGQ1ZmQ2OThiNDQ0NWVhM2ZjMWI3ODEyZWVhODNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a moment that seems like a eternity, Mai finally release her mouth.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzg2NzA5YjQwMzRlYmI4MGQyYjQxYjlhZTVhZjU1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZWU3ZWM0OTRiODQ4MWY5NThlM2I0Y2ZiNzkxOTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fwaah!?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTkwNzRhZmMyYTQxNzQ4ZTNhNzE0NzlhYzAxOWY5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZmMxZWZkOWUyMzQ4YzY5OThhMzU1ZjRiYWViMDJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">After finally being released, Nora collapsed on her knees.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjNmMzlkYmUyZDRlMzk5MTk4MTA2OTYxZTI5NjMx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MWZkYWQ4YzdiZTQxODE5NDEyMjRlYjZkNTZlYzZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ha...haaah..Mai…”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGNkZThjYTVhMDRkNzNhMjlmYzYzNjZjMWI5ZDU0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhODBmMmMyMTEzNDQ0YzFiMjM4YWQwM2VkZTZiOTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was getting red while teary and sweating a lot.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTZiYzNmNjQ3MjRjMzlhMDU3YzdiODc1NDIwYTk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Because it was so sudden, her pants are soaked wet too.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjNkMThkNDdjMzQxOGU5YmZlNGY0YzZhYmI3ODAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai had a urge to continue, but holding back because she got more important things to say. And face the old granny instead.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzY1NGRlZTRhMDRhYzRiZTE0YmVjZGU2YTA2ZWRh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZWIwMTVlYjkxMDQ1ODE4YjExODc4OTBiNmM1ZDhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your majesty”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDlkMTI5OThjMDRiMzNhODgxMmJjMTI2MzY3Zjkz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOGU3ZDZmMjliYzQ2ODU5MjkyY2I5OThkOTBkY2M5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“M,me?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTM1OTM0ZTAzYjQyNzBiZjVhNzBkOWIzZWNlMTIy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlODc0ZjAzOGY3NjQ4YmM4MTAyN2M1MDY4MTNiNDcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai was making a pose like a knight in front of their king.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2I4NzRjOGQ3MDQyNGY4OWM3OWVjMWZmZTc1NzY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The old granny is surprised because she was suddenly talked to her instead, but still replying anyway.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYjI2ODczY2NkMjRiMDBiNzIyZWRjN2NmNjVhMzgz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMWZjNTE3OGI3ODQ2N2RhN2ZkYjk3M2E5MGQyZTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let me train here to become a prince worthy for Nora”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmQ1NTY0NjAxMDQ4NDRhODhjMWE5MTNjMWRjMWYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNzc5MGViNTA3YTQ1MWM4MzZmM2I0NjlmM2JmOTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiODM4M2I5ODAxNzQ0OWE4MmVkMWI2Y2E0YjExNjA3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMmE2MGZiNTQwODRlZDViYTBlNzM5NzZhNmZkZjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Mai start to explain.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDc5MmM0Zjk0ZDQyYjA4MWEzNzZlM2VkMjQ3MjI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YjgxOGU3MmNkZDRhMTk5ZjQ3YzZlNjlhMjI2ZGE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I understand. My inexperience is what led Nora had been defiled by that creature. Because of my weakness, i allow Nora to be tainted by the devil. That’s why. I need to be strong! I need to protect Nora from that evil! There's no use of passion without strength! No matter how right my purpose is, the enemy is too strong! That’s why i had to be stronger! But, i can’t do it alone! Please, your majesty! Lend me your strength! Give me the strength to protect Nora!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTVjNmNkYjM0NzRiOWFiOTk1YTBjNGQ2YjkwODlm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MDgwMDEyNDJkMTQ5NDlhODUyNzU5ZGFkZmI1ZTU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh? Uh, sure. But, we’re not a kingdom or knight order or something like that, so i don’t know if we can help you much, but are you fine with it?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTVjZjVkYWU5YTQxZDQ5MjQwYTM2MDVhZTg4ODM5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNzg3YTU1OWY4ZjRiNGJhN2JiNDExZDJiZDBiMDYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am fine, as long as i can be stronger!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjE0MGMyZDllYjQzNGM4NmVhNWUwNTEzOGMwN2Iw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZWU4NGRhOGZlMTQxMTM5ODBhNjhhYTQ4ZGFmNGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W..well, if you say so”</span></p> <p class="cnNiY2MyMjYyNDU5ZTQzNzM4M2VlZGQ0MjE4MWVkMjI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MjJhYzg4MTJjMjRiM2Y5MDAwZjk2MWI0Mjk1ZjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Having pressured from Mai determination, the old granny accepts it awkwardly.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzk1ZTBjYjlhMDRhMDhhNzZmNzc3NDUxNTAwYzVl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZjAzMTMwOTEzNDQ3OTBhNTY1YTZjYWZjZGUwNTVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Turning back to Nora, Mai start to speak to her again.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjJmMzcxNTgzODQ3MWY4ZWM4YTUwM2Y5OGQ1ZjMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NDljMThlOWI1NDQ3NGFiZjJjODkxZWFmZDEzOTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nora”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODM5OWU3MWFhOTRmYzA4N2MyMDI5NTMxZGZjNTNl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZWQ4OWQ4ZTNkZDQ0YjZhN2Y1ZmI0MDU5ZmNiN2Jk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nhah..?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYmZkNmQ3OWZhMDRlM2RiNDg1MDkyMGFkMzdhYzk5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMTYxNzQyOTk2MjQxMTU4ZDg0ZTRkZTFjNmVjMWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was still a bit dazed, so she didn't reply.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTBjZDJjNzgyZDQyZTk4N2FjMTNjNzRlMWE0OTY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then Mai holds Nora hands</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjgzNDQ1ZThmZDQzM2U4NjI0NWIwMTc3Yzc3MjMy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzM2Y4ODZmZmQxNTQwODJhZDRmNjNjMDliYWFmMjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“i promised. I will save you from that devil monster someday. The enemy is strong, but i won’t lose! Until then, will you wait for me, Nora?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzlhNzBjMDliZjQ1N2I4Y2FlY2Y3MTQ1ZWQzZmJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNDliNTg4YmQ4NjRlODhhMTQwZWZlZDEwNzJiYWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzFkOTgwYTA1OTRhZTU4YjZkNzIzYjY4YzU5ZDc5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYThhMTk2NGZmODQ2OTY4NWI4MDFjZWZiYmQ3M2Nk"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was still dizzy, so she did not have any strength to thinking and doesn't care anymore about answering her.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjI3ZGQ4MWM5MTQwMzM5MmE2MGYwMjE0M2Y3YjA4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5OWE3NjU5YWYwNDQwNjBiOGJhY2M2NGFlZWYxMTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWU1MTI1M2ExMDRmZGE5MGYwYjUwODY4YzY5N2E5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0Yzk3YmVhMDU2OTRhOTViNjg1YWE5ZWI5YWExOTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The old woman is silently mutters with a low voice.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDdkZTQ4OGZlOTQ3ZjRhNTBlMzc0ZDNjZDgyZWMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4N2Y2OTkwNWZjZDQ3OGVhN2VhODA5NTljMDJjMzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Young people nowadays, is really impossible for her to understand.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjFkOTU3ZTBlZjQxYWQ5Yzk4YmIwMDk0NjQxMjcz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1OWY0ZjNlYTA2ZjQ4MTZhZDRmNjJiOWFiM2ExMmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">……</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDRkYzgzOTFhZjQ2MmViOTE4ZjBiMmZkZjBhZWU5"><br><br></p> <p class="cnMxZDkxYWQyMzE5ZDRjZjc4ZTZhY2RmNzYyYTQ3OWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">After that, Mai had trained hard to hunt together with us.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZThkZjE3YTJhOTRhOTJiNzI3NmNlOWFmYTk0Nzky"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her ability in skinning and sewing is amazing too. That we practically had depend on her about everything related to it.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDc1ZTZlZjU1ODRiMGM4MmM1YzliODY5NTViMWZk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZmQxNjQzZDFjMjQ4MjVhZWQyNTk4OTBkOWQxYTlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She said she wants to gather her own money for a house to live together with Nora, and to have money to support for her future children.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTIxNWQ1YTdlMzQzNjBiYzg4YjUwYmI3ZjBkMWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora still shy and refusing her attempt, so she tried to become a better husb.. wife? Whatever. By working hard and be accepted by Nora someday</span></p> <p class="cnMyY2FlZTE2ZDQ2MzQwNjBiYTU4ZDdjZTUwNjBlMTFh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNzliZWUwYzc5MTQyODJhN2VkM2RjZmQwNzM0NDAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the other side, Nora feels she was useless.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWZjZDFkMmQyOTQ2NDA4M2RjOTVlODc2MTgzOWEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">So i started to teach her how to cook instead so she can gain some confidence </span></p> <p class="cnMxYThiNjEzNzI3ZTQzOTk4ZTZkOGY1NjJlMzFmYmVj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZTNhNzVjMDEwZjRiOTk5MDliODZmYWMzZWYwNWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">But...</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmY2Njc3Y2E2ZjQwODE5YjhhZDM5MjE1ODY1ODJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Who ever thought such tragedy was going to unfold because of it?</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDI0Yzc0MTExNjQyMzFhZmM4ZTUzMDk4MTQyMTBk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5OGE2ZDEwZTFmMDRiYzliNzBiM2NkNDFmOGE2NTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead of food, it become a weapon of mass destruction.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDQwMWE4ZDI5MTRjMmQ5YWQ3OGE4YTdlZjgxMGZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some of us that start to eat it is begin to hallucinated, screamed, feeling in pain and anguish like they had been feeling every suffering possible concentrated into them. While the others made a enlightened face and said they had meet their dead families.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjA0NGRmODQ2MDRlZmM5ZTcxNDU4YWZiNWM5YWQ4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMmNjYTQ0OGM4ZjRhODhiNjFmYzYwNmZjODgxM2U3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I thought it was a joke, but considering when i checked, their hearts really stopped beating at that moment, i can’t really laugh at this.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjFmMGQ5NzYxNjQ5NWU5NjAwY2FlNDU0NWVjMjJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMjJhODUyOWY1NjRiNDJhYmE0Y2M3MmI4ZTMyOTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">We had used every possible means to recover those guys. Some of the survivor had a trauma with cooked food and decided to live only from grass and raw meat.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDAyMTFmMjY3MjRlY2E5YTk1ZjZhNzlmMWYxNzU4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNzZkYjIwNmJlMzQ5OWRhNzUzMDkwZTdiNDI4NzBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">And to think this girl didn't even realize it was from her doing, she was scary indeed…</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWZiODgyZDA1ZTQ3NzdhMjFiYmI0YmJiZjA0NWE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MGE5NjIyMjg1ZjQ2MDA4ODdlZTlhNTQ3MzU5NTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">If only it was only happened among those close to us, it probably can be let slide as a incident.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzEwYWE5ZWRkNDRiOTQ5NTU4OWIyOWNiNTdkZWQ3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNWJjZGJiMGVlNzQyZjg5MTZlZWZjNjVmNjc0ZjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unfortunately, the timing is bad.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmNhNDBhNmY5MTRhNDdiOWVjNjVhMjIxYTQwMzFh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYmNhMzIwZmVlMTRjNjVhM2EwZDFjOTQ4Mzk3MGY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Various tribe and leaders of our country is having a meeting today.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTQ3NTRiYWM0NzRiODE5ZWEyMTRjNTI2N2VjYmUw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYjYyMmE4OWJiMzRmNGRiNmNhM2Y5N2NjODJlZDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since it was customary for a newly wed wife to cook, i ask Nora to cook today portion.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTI0Y2IwYTYyYzQyNjA4Nzg2N2Y5Njg1OGY2OGVk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYzU4MzJlNTFlNjQyMmFhM2NlNGQ2MWMxN2FhODQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was saying she wasn't confident with her cook but i said its fine, since we are a tough bunch after all. Some failed cooking won’t annoy us.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTE0NjE4OGI0MzQ2MzZhMTI1MGQ3ODlhMGJmNjEw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNTViMjM5ZjFkMTQ0NWNiN2ZkYWJmY2I3MTA1NmU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">But who would ever expect it would invite this tragedy? All i ever ask her to make was some simple soup.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzZjZjg2YmVkOTQwMGNiNGU0NGMwNTFhM2ZlODEy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNjBkMjFmNThlMzRiMjk4M2RlMjY4YjE3OGY0NTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even Goddess herself is probably won't expect this to happen…</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGNhN2ExY2Q5YzQ3NGE5OGViNzdmNWJlYzQxMjhi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2OGMzN2IyOGMwYTRiNmM5ZjQ2OTc1Mzk2ODUzOWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘AAAAOOOHYHhbbNNUUHgVVb’</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDA0ZGY2ODVkNzRjYmY4MzcyODAxNGM4MWQ1OGNh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNzVhZjQ5NTk4MDRlYTJiZDQxNmUzNDY0YTcxZTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘GURbbUbbLlLUubLug’</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmMxYWVlZDBlYjQ5ODg5YjU0Mzc3MjVjNWE4MWQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4Y2FmNDkzNjJjNDRjOTJiZWQ1N2I1NGVkMmRkNTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘MeDIC MEdiCcc… GUHOoOg’</span></p> <p class="cnNkYmIzM2YyOWJkMzRjMmZiNzU1MTgwMWEyNmJkMDUx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MDAwNmY0MzQ4ZjRhNDRiOGNiODFmZTI3MDZlMWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘MoThER GRaNDmAa WAiT FoR MEeE!’</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjRlZTViYjkxNDRmNTc4ZTk3NzEyZTg0MDBlOWVh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZDBiZGRlODFhNzQyOWM4MzUxZDlmNWViYzlhNjVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘hEHHEEeEhHEEhhEE So MaNy FlOwErS, Is ThIs HEaVen?’</span></p> <p class="cnNiMGU1Zjc1NGE3ZTRmZmViYWM5NDczMDJmNjBkNDlk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZGFhYzczMDY1NzQ5NTViMDhmZWVjNDNkYWY0MjU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Within this storm of hysteria, mass hallucination, and pained expression added with scream that doesn't seem to come from humans. It was fitting to call this place as hell instead of meeting hall.. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MjViZjg2NzE5ZDRlZDk5NmJiMTZmYWIwNGUzNjQ2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NzNjOTEzOTdiMjQ4OTBiOWJmNmIyOTIxNzhkY2Ni"><span style="font-weight: 400">We managed to do everything we can to keep them to dying, but it took three days until the survivor is fully regain their consciousness.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNzAwNTBiNjk3NzQwZmRhYTZkMjQ0OTViMDA5MDg5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZTc0MjUwMzVlZDQ3ZmU4N2UzMTcyNjkyOGQ3ZTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Most of them is extremely traumatic that their hair is becoming white. Even the famous clan leader called giant killer and whale slayer is getting scared seeing a soup and start to hide under their blanket once we served them that.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjdiNjk4MzA5NzRmNTY5OWZkNTQyMmY2NDgzZWZl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZjY1M2EyNWFkYjQ4YzE4YWEwYjJlZjFhYTZiZjM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course it wasn't a soup that Nora made. But they still getting traumatized instead.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMWQzZjcxOGMyZTQ5MGU5YWFlMzRmNGVkMjUwODZm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MDEyNGFiZDkyYTQzZGU4NjhlNzk4OWY4YTg1N2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">…..</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWJiNzM1ZDUzMTRlMGM5Nzg4YThmODc4MmZiN2Fj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzOTgzMzFhYTMxNjQzYTFiM2ExOWM2ZTM2M2Y3NGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">After the disaster meeting, things gone downhill then.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDMwOWYxODBhZjRjNjBhZGU2ZDg3YTQ0YjJmYTk3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NWQ0NjZmZjRmOTQ4MmRiNTEzZGU4N2JmODZkODVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some of the leaders accused us of attempted murder, while the others stopped their contact with us.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDU3M2RhZjRjYjQ4NDQ5ZGIzOTZiZmEzZTlmMWM0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MjYyYjJmOTRlZjRmZjY5OTU0MmIzZDA2Y2MxZWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, i told them it’s just a misunderstanding but nobody even tried to listening to me.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTNkYjUxMDQzMjQ2ODJiNWY2MmE5MTY3YmI3ZGE0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMDY0NDkyYjEwODQ5ZTk4Yjc0MDU4MzljYWNiNjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">After that, the whole clan is separated, and the country is divided in chaos.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTI0YWI1OTg2ZTQ0ODRhYmFmOWFkYWU3NWY2Y2Qw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NTUyZmE4NTMzMzQ1MmY5MzRmMWNjZDU5YmMyMWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">I managed to gather small amount of sympathizer and the one who support Nora and Mai relationship, but who knows until when we can keep our lifestyle.</span></p> <p class="cnMxM2Q5NDM0NTA1YzRmMDZhNDBjMmNlOTYwNDllYmZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYjEyYzgxOGYwYjQyMDZhYWQzMzk1MmI0OGU2Zjc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nora keep apologizing to me, but since i was partially to blame i keep saying it wasn't her fault.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjViM2MxMDhkYTQ5MzA5MmM3ZGVkZGRjZmJhZjcz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MGMyN2NmMTQ4NTRmMGQ5OTRiZDA1ZjJlMDliYWIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now Mai and the others is working to earn money for livehood, but most of the other clan have cold shoulder with me since that incident.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGQ5NTRiMjY5ZTQ5NDhiMTM0ODliZDVkNjQ2YjNk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NzYyNGYyOGVmMTQxYzI5MTk1YTA0YzNiODNkMTBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">To make matter worse, an outsider is bringing something called a doujin.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWYzOTg3NTY4YTRhOTY5ZDE3MzkyNjllMTBmZmEx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1N2YyNzEwYmFmMzQ0NjdiYmRkYWUyOWI2MDcwZWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I myself doesn't know what it is, but it was probably a powerful artifact to gather those disoriented bunch.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzc2ZTU2NzJhYjQ5M2I5ZWNjNmI4ZmE0MDQ4MmE4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNGYzYTdmYThiNzQ2NjQ5NzFkY2E3ZGZkODVmOTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Things change by then bit by bit. All of the clan that hate us is gathering and called themself as BL faction with that outsider as the leader of their gathering.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmYyOWUwYjBkYTQ2ZTRhODU2Y2QyYjgyZjBiYjRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MDFiMWI0YmQ2ZTQyMmZhMTc5ZjVkMjI5MTNjZmQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Despite me being the actual leader, i was powerless to stop the change from happening.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjZlMTVlZDJkNDQwNzdiNDkxM2M0ZDEzMzRjYzNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MzBhOTVhM2Q3YzRiMTM5OWI2YzQyNTU2Y2E1MjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Thanks to that, even though a oracle that heralds the end of the world happened, i cannot do anything about it. Those guys didn't listen to me anymore.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzkwY2ZkMDQ4ZDQ3MTViZGEzNDQwM2RiMDFmMWQ2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NzhlMTdlYTMxYzQyYjE4ZjM1YWQ5Y2I4ODgwM2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">And now…</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDI2ZWM2M2YxMDQyMjBhNzcwODIwNDAzMGM2NTQ4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYjZjNzZjYmUwZjRmOGNiMDM1NmMxYTQxZWQ4NTY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Mai and Nora is out with our main fighters trying to convince the outsiders that bring the doujin here, that devil comes.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDYyODA0YjRjYzQzZDc4MmQ1OGI2NGE0OGY2MTg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYzEyYzM2M2Y5NzQ3NDU5OGEwMDVhY2VhNjg3MWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since it seems like it’s better if outsiders to speak with each others, i was agreeing and staying at home.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTEzMmEzZDhkZDRmYjlhOGI2MDU5MzljZGY2NGVm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNGExNzBhM2RkMDQwMzZiNmEyMmU1MDI1NjM5ZDE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Anyway, about that devil…</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTVhZjA3ZWM2MDQxMTBiY2IxMzg4OGViYzI3ZmI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMTAxMjkwOTAzYjQwMzZhZDczNDQ1MmYwOTliMDQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The devil that comes is wearing human skin and looked no different than human girl.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTk0NTc2YzU4MTQ5MTFhZTNhOWI2OWQ5ZGFhNDJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYWU2ZjI0ZTNkNjQyYjhhNDg1ZTY3ZDljOWYwMWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">But from the bloodlust and the strength she emits, i know she wasn't a normal human girl.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMmY3ZTI0MDk0MzQ3MTI5NzJhOGYzMGJhNDVmZDQy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZmU5MWI5ZDAxODQxMTZhZjgyOTVkZTZkZTNlNmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Perhaps, she was even more strong than the founder?</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDNmMDkxNjMwMTQ1MmJiZWVhMWU0ZDhjNGEyYTg1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZjQzNzQ5NWYzMjQ5ZTc4YjU4ZTFlNmZmMDgyZWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I am still not sure if she was enemies or allies at beginning, but looking at her she was clearly not a good samaritan.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzNhYTU0OWQ3ZDRlMTU4NGQ2ZTg3NGQzZDBmYmU2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZjJkMDFiMmYyYTQ1ODhhNjQ1OTdhYWQ0ZDY2YWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Surrounding her with riders, archers and spearman left we tried to defend ourself.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTdlMGIyNTYwZDQ5ODRiNDc1M2M5MTRmODdiYzFl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDgzYTI2N2FkYTRlNWM4ODdhYWNiMTFhMDNhNjg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">But the devil strength exceeded our expectation.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMmZjMjhhMzA4MzRmOThiM2ZiYWIxZGZhMGNhYjRi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0M2ZlNGY1MDNhZTQ4OGJhMDgxMTUyYjk1YTk4NmVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Controlling and taking one of us as hostage, she shows her hostility by making her cutting her arm.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGEwODE1OWQ5MDRmZGNiOTZhZGM5YjFlZmM1Nzgz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDUzNzM3NmVkOTQ5YzRhODdkNTljMzJmY2NhNWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I want to save my grand daughter that she was controlled, but it was beyond my capabilities.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGExYjhhOTZlNzQ0NmY4OTNkNDU5OWFiY2ZmYzQy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2Zjk4MjY3MmEyNDQ5YzViMTcwMDIxYjk5OGMwMDJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">When she declares she would kill all of us, i began to panic and sensing her starting to gather her magical power i ordered the rest to try to stop her.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMGIxODJkN2NhZTQ5YjU5YjAwN2RkZmRmODczMTQ1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNzI5ZjFmNjI1ZTQxN2FiZjE2Y2FhZWM1ODYxMzFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">But it was too late! We won't be able to stop it.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2YzMjYyOTA5MjRlMDJiYjJiODBiMjQyMjk5NzIw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2N2JmMjAwM2FlOTQwMzliMTExNWFmYWU1NTQ1NDE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">As things getting dire, a strange sound is resounded.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmZmNDM1MWM0MDQ3YWNiYjUzMWJmMDJmZDhlYWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">We got confused, but having regain my calm, i ordered everyone to run away.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzJmZjc2YjUwMzQxMWFiMGVmM2UzNGY1YzZhNjg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YmZkNjc5ZTFiZjRiYzY4ZTY0NzA5MmU4YTc2Y2Ux"><span style="font-weight: 400">They asked about me, but i refuse to run away with them.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGYwNGFiMDZiODRlMjNiNzM4MzgzYmY3ZDMyYjFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">This and before is happened because of my decision, i have to take responsibility and giving them time to run away from this devil at least.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjhjYjZjYzY5NDQ4N2JiODUyY2U3OWYxY2FiNWFm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MTkwYmYyNzUxYTQ4NTJhYmY3NzE5ODU2OGQ5MmQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once she was done, i speak to her trying to buy some time so everyone can escape.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODAxYjViNDIwYjQ4Y2I4YWVjNDRiMzI3OWM0NWM2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZDk1ODk1ZDI0NzRkNDRhZjA2M2ZlNjNjODY5ZTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Surprisingly, she said she was not going to kill us all. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NTRhYzI5YjE1MTRhZmNhYzhiMmJhN2I4MDU1NDhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">What a joke! After doing that to one of us!</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGJkMDE3YWNmMTQ0NTE5ZGU1YTM2OWUyOWQyYjEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">After she told me to shut up and watch, i only gets wary with her.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzljMWQyNzIyZDQwYTA4OTMyZWEzMTIxZjY4MzQ1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZTU3Yzg4OGM5OTQ0OGE4YWQzMzIwOTUxZTc4YjQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, i watched a miracle.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTAwY2NlNzljOTQ5NTViMmU3YmYwM2VmN2E1OTFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZjVmYWI5NGE4YzRlMzZiODM5ODM5OGQyYjAwMTQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl that her arm cutted off is restored like before.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGM1ZjFkMDMyYTQyMmE5YzQ3YzZkZGFkNjBiMDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was still unconscious, but her breathing is getting stable and not even a scar is left.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWVkNzliZjQ2NDQxNWU4YmZlMDQwZDM5ZGRkMDU4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MWU2MjJhYzRiZjQ2NTNiNDU2ODZhNTg3OTEyOGM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">This is.. i never seen or heard this kind of magic is possible.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzY5NmEwYzExZjQxMjI4ZWY4MGZmZjU4MzI5MmM2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjYyNmY1YWY2ZDQxZGNhNTRiMzRiYmZmNDE2ZGI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">After that, to my surprise. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMzFmYmYyNGZlZTQ5N2RhZjg3YjNlYjY1NGIyNTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was surrendering while holding out her arms.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Y2JlYjU2MzMwOTQ5YWI5NGRkMTczMjIwZmZkNGJm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYTQ4OTY1ODQwOTRjNTM5OTJkMDJlMTcxODc4MGRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">What is actually her intention?</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjllZTY3ZjM5ODRmYjNhYmFjMjViMjY2NGE3ZDZl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZjY0NmE3MjliYjQwZGNiMDA2ODZlMWNmYWMzMmI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Since it was so bizarre i got a bit curious myself and accepting her surrender.. or should i say, we’re saved?</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjY4Y2YwM2ZiOTQ2YmFhZmYwOWZlNjJkMTYzNDhh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MWIyMWE0MmMyMTQ3OTM4ODE4YjJlY2NiZTNiNzFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Really, kids nowadays is full of surprise. They never stopped to amaze me.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmQ1ZDY1ZDE5NTQ0ZjA4NWY3MDcyYmQwYTljYTlk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYjM5YmI0OWVmZTQ2NzhhMzZmYzYxMzg0ZTU0YTJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I guess there's still a worth of living for this long after all.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWM3ZDI0ZDZmYjQ5MjBiMGVkOWE4MGUxMGYzOTVl"><br><br><br><br></p> </div>
***-Interlude The shadow of the new country and the rival appears-*** Almost one year had passed since those two outsiders coming here.   No, Saying it outsider is not correct. Since they’re already become a part of us.   As for what happened since they coming here… *-recap of previous time-* “W..why?”   The one who asked is Mai. She made a disbelief face like the world is ending, and her face is getting pale.   Even us is getting awkward with this sudden rejection.   Then, the girl named Nora answered.   “Uhmm, i am happy that you thought me that way Mai, but…”   “I.. can only think of you as a big sister? Or a little sister sometimes..”   *stab*   “GHUAKH!??”   She speak with innocent face that seems like devoid of any malicious intent.   Mai had suddenly falls into her knees after hearing that.   “E..erm, i, its not like i hate being confessed to. It makes me happy too, but...”   “I am sorry, i really didn't have any feelings with you other than looking at you like a siblings...”   *smack*   “GOFUUKHH!???”   Mai vomits blood.   “B..but, it’s fine! Even though we can’t become a lovers…”   “We’re.. still friends, right? **A best friend forever**!”   *stab*   ***“AAAAAAAAAARGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”***   With that as a finisher, Mai had died. ***BAD END*** ……. After she had collapsed like a puppet without strings, everybody had looked at her awkwardly.   Some is getting sympathetic, other seems confused.   Nora is getting confused looking at Mai like that, while keep speaking “Eh? Eh?”   “...”   We were speechless while looking at this situation.   This girl… what a natural. Is she doing it on purpose or not? If it wasnt, that was too scary.   While still look weakened, Mai tried her hardest to standing up.   “..wa”   She tried hard to speak   “UWAAAHHHHH!!!!”   Cannot bear it anymore, she start to bawling while putting her back on floor.   “Uh? Huh?”   Nora still looked confused. Ignoring everything else, Mai keeps bawling and swinging her arms and legs.   “UWAAAAHHHH!!!!! NORA HATES MEEE!! I DON’T WANT TO LIVE ANYMOREE!!”   She makes a tantrum while grabbing her face with both hands and swinging her legs.   “KILL MEEE! JUST, KILL ME! I DON’T WANT TO LIVE ANYMOREE! WAAAHHHH!”   She cried and act like a baby.   “Uhm, Mai? Didn't you hear what am i am saying? I never said i hate you..”   She ignores her words and keep bawling   “EVEN THOUGH.. EVEN THOUGH I LOVED YOU SO MUCH, DESPITE THE TIME THAT WE HAVE SPEND TOGETHER, WHYYYY??”   “Mai, you're ignoring me again!??”   “HUUKH *SNIFF* WAS THAT DAY A LIE? THAT DAY WHEN WE BARES EVERYTHING AND BECOMING ONE WITH EACH OTHER. . WAS IT JUST A MISTAKES OF YOUTH? DID YOU ALLOW ME TO DO IT JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE FEELING SYMPATHY WITH ME? *SOB*”   “Wh..? Mai, i told you to not bring that up again!!”   “YOU PLAYED WITH MY FEELINGS LIKE THAT! I KNEW IT! *SOB* I KNEW IT WAS TOO LATE! YOUR HEART HAD ALREADY BEEN INSIDE MIKE GRASP AFTER ALL! I REALIZE IT’S ALREADY TOO LATE, NOW YOU HAD BEEN DEFILED! EVEN THOUGH I KNOW… EVEN THOUGH IT WAS TOO LATE... I STILL HAD A HOPE SOMEWHERE WITHIN MY HEART! UWAAAH! FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME NORA, I WAS TOO LATE TO SAVE YOU!!”   “Like i always said, what are you talking about…”   “UU *GUSU* *SOB* *HIC*”   Mai keep speaking to herself and ignoring Nora while crying hard.   “...”   Nora makes a troubled face. Until Mai is finally stopped crying but she was still closing her face.   “E..erm, Mai?”   Since she was keep quiet all of sudden, Nora start to ask.   It was getting quiet for awhile, then.   “”   Mai start to muttering.   “?”   Nora looked worried. She was with Mai for so long that anything that she do was supposed to be not surprising to her anymore. But lately she feels like she doesn't understand Mai anymore and start to have some suspicion that this Mai is not the childhood friends that she knews anymore.   “No… i can’t”   She mutters while closing her eyes. Everybody still looks at her confused, while looking at her. Then…   “I decided…”   After saying that, Mai start to open her eyes and getting up.   “Wah!?”   Because it was sudden, Nora collapsed on her knees. Mai was standing while wiping out her tears. She was still red from crying, but her face is more determinated than before.   “...”   She looked at Nora with a serious face. Then, While crouching down to Nora, she hold her hands like a princess.   “I will become your knight!, no, a prince!”   She said that without any hesitation.   “...”   Nora start to getting blank for a second, then.   “EEEEEHHH!?”   She screamed.   …..   “W..what do you mean, Mai?”   She looked so surprised so she was slowly asked her.   “....”   Making a serious face, Mai is start to answer her.   “Having cried my heart out, i have remembered various things in the past”   “?”   “When we were little, you once said that you want a prince in white horse to take you as a bride someday, right?”   “Wh..that was so long ago, Mai!”   “It doesnt matter, more importantly..!”   She was getting close to Nora face.   “Eh? Eh? Mai, what do you..MMPH!?”   She start to kiss her.   “”   And deep kiss on top of that.   “fu..uh..umm..”   “...”   Everybody looks at them while some is getting red, some take a peek through their fingers, and some is whispering to each others while looked so happy.   After a moment that seems like a eternity, Mai finally release her mouth.   “Fwaah!?”   After finally being released, Nora collapsed on her knees.   “Ha...haaah..Mai…”   She was getting red while teary and sweating a lot. Because it was so sudden, her pants are soaked wet too. Mai had a urge to continue, but holding back because she got more important things to say. And face the old granny instead.   “Your majesty”   “M,me?”   Mai was making a pose like a knight in front of their king. The old granny is surprised because she was suddenly talked to her instead, but still replying anyway.   “Let me train here to become a prince worthy for Nora”   “Huh?”   Mai start to explain.   “I understand. My inexperience is what led Nora had been defiled by that creature. Because of my weakness, i allow Nora to be tainted by the devil. That’s why. I need to be strong! I need to protect Nora from that evil! There's no use of passion without strength! No matter how right my purpose is, the enemy is too strong! That’s why i had to be stronger! But, i can’t do it alone! Please, your majesty! Lend me your strength! Give me the strength to protect Nora!”   “Huh? Uh, sure. But, we’re not a kingdom or knight order or something like that, so i don’t know if we can help you much, but are you fine with it?”   “I am fine, as long as i can be stronger!”   “W..well, if you say so”   Having pressured from Mai determination, the old granny accepts it awkwardly.   Turning back to Nora, Mai start to speak to her again.   “Nora”   “Nhah..?”   She was still a bit dazed, so she didn't reply. Then Mai holds Nora hands   “i promised. I will save you from that devil monster someday. The enemy is strong, but i won’t lose! Until then, will you wait for me, Nora?”   “”   She was still dizzy, so she did not have any strength to thinking and doesn't care anymore about answering her.   “...”   The old woman is silently mutters with a low voice.   Young people nowadays, is really impossible for her to understand.   …… After that, Mai had trained hard to hunt together with us. Her ability in skinning and sewing is amazing too. That we practically had depend on her about everything related to it.   She said she wants to gather her own money for a house to live together with Nora, and to have money to support for her future children. Nora still shy and refusing her attempt, so she tried to become a better husb.. wife? Whatever. By working hard and be accepted by Nora someday   On the other side, Nora feels she was useless. So i started to teach her how to cook instead so she can gain some confidence   But... Who ever thought such tragedy was going to unfold because of it?   Instead of food, it become a weapon of mass destruction. Some of us that start to eat it is begin to hallucinated, screamed, feeling in pain and anguish like they had been feeling every suffering possible concentrated into them. While the others made a enlightened face and said they had meet their dead families.   I thought it was a joke, but considering when i checked, their hearts really stopped beating at that moment, i can’t really laugh at this.   We had used every possible means to recover those guys. Some of the survivor had a trauma with cooked food and decided to live only from grass and raw meat.   And to think this girl didn't even realize it was from her doing, she was scary indeed…   If only it was only happened among those close to us, it probably can be let slide as a incident.   Unfortunately, the timing is bad.   Various tribe and leaders of our country is having a meeting today.   Since it was customary for a newly wed wife to cook, i ask Nora to cook today portion.   She was saying she wasn't confident with her cook but i said its fine, since we are a tough bunch after all. Some failed cooking won’t annoy us.   But who would ever expect it would invite this tragedy? All i ever ask her to make was some simple soup.   Even Goddess herself is probably won't expect this to happen…   ‘AAAAOOOHYHhbbNNUUHgVVb’   ‘GURbbUbbLlLUubLug’   ‘MeDIC MEdiCcc… GUHOoOg’   ‘MoThER GRaNDmAa WAiT FoR MEeE!’   ‘hEHHEEeEhHEEhhEE So MaNy FlOwErS, Is ThIs HEaVen?’   Within this storm of hysteria, mass hallucination, and pained expression added with scream that doesn't seem to come from humans. It was fitting to call this place as hell instead of meeting hall..   We managed to do everything we can to keep them to dying, but it took three days until the survivor is fully regain their consciousness.   Most of them is extremely traumatic that their hair is becoming white. Even the famous clan leader called giant killer and whale slayer is getting scared seeing a soup and start to hide under their blanket once we served them that.   Of course it wasn't a soup that Nora made. But they still getting traumatized instead.   …..   After the disaster meeting, things gone downhill then.   Some of the leaders accused us of attempted murder, while the others stopped their contact with us.   Of course, i told them it’s just a misunderstanding but nobody even tried to listening to me.   After that, the whole clan is separated, and the country is divided in chaos.   I managed to gather small amount of sympathizer and the one who support Nora and Mai relationship, but who knows until when we can keep our lifestyle.   Nora keep apologizing to me, but since i was partially to blame i keep saying it wasn't her fault.   Now Mai and the others is working to earn money for livehood, but most of the other clan have cold shoulder with me since that incident.   To make matter worse, an outsider is bringing something called a doujin.   I myself doesn't know what it is, but it was probably a powerful artifact to gather those disoriented bunch.   Things change by then bit by bit. All of the clan that hate us is gathering and called themself as BL faction with that outsider as the leader of their gathering.   Despite me being the actual leader, i was powerless to stop the change from happening.   Thanks to that, even though a oracle that heralds the end of the world happened, i cannot do anything about it. Those guys didn't listen to me anymore.   And now…   When Mai and Nora is out with our main fighters trying to convince the outsiders that bring the doujin here, that devil comes.   Since it seems like it’s better if outsiders to speak with each others, i was agreeing and staying at home.   Anyway, about that devil…   The devil that comes is wearing human skin and looked no different than human girl.   But from the bloodlust and the strength she emits, i know she wasn't a normal human girl.   Perhaps, she was even more strong than the founder?   I am still not sure if she was enemies or allies at beginning, but looking at her she was clearly not a good samaritan.   Surrounding her with riders, archers and spearman left we tried to defend ourself.   But the devil strength exceeded our expectation.   Controlling and taking one of us as hostage, she shows her hostility by making her cutting her arm.   I want to save my grand daughter that she was controlled, but it was beyond my capabilities.   When she declares she would kill all of us, i began to panic and sensing her starting to gather her magical power i ordered the rest to try to stop her.   But it was too late! We won't be able to stop it.   As things getting dire, a strange sound is resounded. We got confused, but having regain my calm, i ordered everyone to run away.   They asked about me, but i refuse to run away with them. This and before is happened because of my decision, i have to take responsibility and giving them time to run away from this devil at least.   Once she was done, i speak to her trying to buy some time so everyone can escape.   Surprisingly, she said she was not going to kill us all. What a joke! After doing that to one of us! After she told me to shut up and watch, i only gets wary with her.   Suddenly, i watched a miracle.   The girl that her arm cutted off is restored like before. She was still unconscious, but her breathing is getting stable and not even a scar is left.   This is.. i never seen or heard this kind of magic is possible.   After that, to my surprise. She was surrendering while holding out her arms.   What is actually her intention?   Since it was so bizarre i got a bit curious myself and accepting her surrender.. or should i say, we’re saved?   Really, kids nowadays is full of surprise. They never stopped to amaze me.   I guess there's still a worth of living for this long after all.
{ "title": "Chopin's Penny :: (The Reincarnated Diaries of A Classical Composer and a Freeloading Lazy Witch)", "id": 15565, "author": "GreenFlame000", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op. 52 - A Lazy Hour", "id": 305798, "next": 305799, "prev": 231672, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjMGFlZjllMTU3ODQxY2U5ZTgzM2EwOThlYjcwYjRi"> "... Chop-Chop... You haven't touched me in a week. A-are you not happy with my body?"</p> <p class="cnNkZjU1ODViMjBjZjRhN2Y4OTU2NGUyZTM4NzkyYzU1">"Penny. I'm busy for my recital next week. Please save your double-entendres after my performance."</p> <p class="cnM1YjZiYTE4MGMwMzRjOWFiNjBmMjdlN2ViYmM5NzM3">"Tch. Go ahead and mess with your favorite Jolly. See if I care about your stupid affair behind my back!"</p> <p class="cnNjNDQ4MGMzNDc5MjQ1YTdiZTk1ODkxMjI0ODhiNzg1">"Don't make it sound like she's the mistress."</p> <p class="cnNhNDRiNzA5ZjQ5ZDQ3ZTFiYjI0ZTVmODNhMTY5OGQx">Frederic Chopin was enjoying the peace and quiet in his family parlour (a boarding house for boys, currently public holiday and they are visiting family). It was just him and his beloved piano in the manor's living room, with nothing but furniture and the chandelier sitting as his audience for the day. Even his older sister and two baby sisters were visiting their grandparents... while Chopin stayed home on account of his poor health. Cough Cough.</p> <p class="cnM0ZThmODkwODk5OTQ1NzRhODc1YjY5NTMzNzEyMDgy">Either way. He just wished he never took in the pitiful (read: cute) Witch Girl out of pity from the Witch Hunts.</p> <p class="cnM1NDI3NTFhNDg3YjQzZmJhODMzMTBiOTBlM2VhNDU0">"Chop-Chop. Touch me. I know I'm growing in the right places since the first day you held my body."</p> <p class="cnNmZjc5OWU1NGQ1YzRlYzI5NzdkNTEzNWI4MWU0ODUx">"If you're referring to the time you were hiding in a tree from the anti-witch priest like a trapped kitten, then yes. I confess you did land on top of me without any grace or respecting my feelings as a frail young man. Have you no understanding of 'being nice to your benefactor'?"</p> <p class="cnM0ZTMyMmM3NTI3ZjRhMDQ5NzQwMjE0ZmYzZGFlNTk4">"I told you time and time again I would offer you my body as repayment!"</p> <p class="cnM5MDAxOTcyNjU0YTQzZTQ4MThjNjU0YmQ5MzI4MDFi">"You're just saying that to make me feel awkward."</p> <p class="cnMwOWZkM2FjZTdmZDQ5YTc5ZWFhNTcxNDFkYWZiZTVm">"Bingoooooo~♥!"</p> <p class="cnMwZDU0NzJiOGU3NjQ3ZGZhZGY5YjYyMjljYTdlOWE2">The Witch happily smiled while she lied across the top of Chopin's piano. She treated it like a bed, rolling around it like a highschool girl reading a magazine article on how to get the love of your life. </p> <p class="cnMyNmJiYWI1MWVmNzRhM2I4ZjVjMGZiMGFlZGM2YzBk">To add salt into injury, she was enjoying this one sided attack.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWU1ZWViODI0MDRkZGE5ODYzMTdiZDUxMjkxYjEx">"Oh, would you look at that Penny. Mr. Priest is doing his daily rounds in checking if anyone is housing a Witch. I'm sure he has a spare bible ready to discipline you like a naughty child before dragging you to off for judgement."</p> <p class="cnMwNWFkMzU3M2NkMjRjNjA5MmM1ZTk1YjI3OWJiZmFk">"...Fu-fu-fu (haughty laugh). Not this time, bucko. You've tried that little trick on me last week, and the week before. This time, I'm certain I'm going to claim your body in the name of love and justice. So come at me br--"</p> <p class="cnMyN2Y0ODUyYmQ1ZDQxODliYTBhYzQ1MWNkYjNiOGJh">A knock came on the door.</p> <p class="cnM1OGIzYjBhNmMwMTQ5YTRhYzUzMDEwM2Q0MDQyZmM4">"UGYAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAH!"</p> <p class="cnNiMzIzODIzNDQwZDQ1NDRiNTljYTFlYjFmMWEyYzNm">Her reaction was very simple. Leap off the piano, curl up in the chandelier, and stay there. Due to this, she somehow earned the nickname of 'Jumpy Bunny'...</p> <p class="cnMyNzg0ZmExMGUwYTQ3Zjk4NDc4NDE5OGU0Y2YyNTI2">"....................................... Hm-hmm~♪."</p> <p class="cnNmNjJiM2ZmNzEzNTQ1MWJhNjU5ZWVlNTI1OTE5MDFj">Ignoring the daily milk man's knocking, Frederic Chopin continued to play his newly written Sonata. A beautiful smile was on his lips as sweet melody drowned out the world around him.</p> </div>
"... Chop-Chop... You haven't touched me in a week. A-are you not happy with my body?" "Penny. I'm busy for my recital next week. Please save your double-entendres after my performance." "Tch. Go ahead and mess with your favorite Jolly. See if I care about your stupid affair behind my back!" "Don't make it sound like she's the mistress." Frederic Chopin was enjoying the peace and quiet in his family parlour (a boarding house for boys, currently public holiday and they are visiting family). It was just him and his beloved piano in the manor's living room, with nothing but furniture and the chandelier sitting as his audience for the day. Even his older sister and two baby sisters were visiting their grandparents... while Chopin stayed home on account of his poor health. Cough Cough. Either way. He just wished he never took in the pitiful (read: cute) Witch Girl out of pity from the Witch Hunts. "Chop-Chop. Touch me. I know I'm growing in the right places since the first day you held my body." "If you're referring to the time you were hiding in a tree from the anti-witch priest like a trapped kitten, then yes. I confess you did land on top of me without any grace or respecting my feelings as a frail young man. Have you no understanding of 'being nice to your benefactor'?" "I told you time and time again I would offer you my body as repayment!" "You're just saying that to make me feel awkward." "Bingoooooo~♥!" The Witch happily smiled while she lied across the top of Chopin's piano. She treated it like a bed, rolling around it like a highschool girl reading a magazine article on how to get the love of your life. To add salt into injury, she was enjoying this one sided attack. "Oh, would you look at that Penny. Mr. Priest is doing his daily rounds in checking if anyone is housing a Witch. I'm sure he has a spare bible ready to discipline you like a naughty child before dragging you to off for judgement." "...Fu-fu-fu (haughty laugh). Not this time, bucko. You've tried that little trick on me last week, and the week before. This time, I'm certain I'm going to claim your body in the name of love and justice. So come at me br--" A knock came on the door. "UGYAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAH!" Her reaction was very simple. Leap off the piano, curl up in the chandelier, and stay there. Due to this, she somehow earned the nickname of 'Jumpy Bunny'... "....................................... Hm-hmm~♪." Ignoring the daily milk man's knocking, Frederic Chopin continued to play his newly written Sonata. A beautiful smile was on his lips as sweet melody drowned out the world around him.
{ "title": "Chopin's Penny :: (The Reincarnated Diaries of A Classical Composer and a Freeloading Lazy Witch)", "id": 15565, "author": "GreenFlame000", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Suiten Fur Violoncello solo Nr. 1 (Bach) - Mein Freund", "id": 305799, "next": 305800, "prev": 305798, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjZWNjODhhNzY1NTRhNWJhNTQ2OTNmZDQzZjFiNjEy"> -----</p> <p class="cnNiYmI5YmQ0YWNlNzRiNjQ5YjE1ODFjOTE2YTk3ZTY2">"Ch-chop Chop, y-you're smiling. Wh-what the h*ll happened!?"</p> <p class="cnM4NDk2Y2IzZDQ3ZDQzMTI4NjI3ZTVmNGIwODhmNDA3">"... I made a friend... Ha-ha..."</p> <p class="cnNlYWU4Mjc0ZGFiODRlNmRhMDk4YTk1OGFiN2ZiMTJj">The Witch who was taken under the wing of a certain historical composer could be found shaking in the far corner of a certain family parlour (a boarding house for boys who never seem to make any appearances since day one).</p> <p class="cnNhMmFjM2Y5OGIwZDRhZmNhMTI1M2Q3ZDA4NDc5OTZj">Her breathing was erratic, her forehead in sweat, and she could feel her heart bounding at </p> <p class="cnMwMDEzNmI4NjlmZTRmMTM5MjdmNWU5ODRjYWE3MWU2">280 beats per minute above the maximum 100 BPM. All because Frederic Chopin was smiling like a love struck idiot.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDE1YzA2ZjdkNjQ5ZThhYjBhY2JmZjU0YmYxZTEx">"H-how dare. How dare you court another girl behind my back! Even if not me – think about what Jolly is feeling that you're having an affair."</p> <p class="cnM5OTNiOWY1MzUxYjQwYzdiNmNkMzZjMzI4MDViZTU1">"... He's a boy."</p> <p class="cnM2ZGQxMTdkNWU4MjQ0NjlhZjM5YTc1NjY1NGFiMzAw">"Holy sh*t, you're out of the closet!?"</p> <p class="cnNmZTFkODc2NTg0OTRjZmU4NjA2MDIxYTQ4NDI4MTVl">Frederic Chopin gave the Witch a karate chop to the head, yet his grin wouldn't disappear. Not even his trademark frown could do squat to turning his expression back to normal.</p> <p class="cnMzYjRhODc3NzQ0OTQ3NzQ4ZTE1ZTMyMGZkZjZkZjdh">"... He's very nice... is taking a bachelor degree at a local university... and best of all... he loves to make music too."</p> <p class="cnMxZDc5MmZhNDgxNjQwMmRiNTVkNTM1MzVkOTU3MTdk">"... Oh sh*t. Not another music fanatic."</p> <p class="cnNlMzZhYzgwOTA4ZDQxODc5ZWM0YzE4ODdiN2JjZGUy">Karate chop again.</p> <p class="cnM2OTc5OWMwZDExYTQ4MmNiYjNjNGRjMzQ3ZDY4YmEz">"S-seriously. J-just who did you meet that would make a stoic and flat-faced man like you to smile as if they'd won the lottery."</p> <p class="cnNiZjBhOGE4MTI2ZTQxMjhiNGJiODJlYjA3NmYzNjQz">"We don't have a lottery in Poland. Only town raffles for Madame Alicja's Jajka Faszerowany dish <em>(Polish Stuffed Eggs)</em>."</p> <p class="cnMwODdjNDQ3MWJkNDQ1ODA4NGE3MTQ4ZWQ5MjlkZTMy">"J-just who is the one who stole your heart away!?"</p> <p class="cnMyYWVmNDRkY2M1YzRkY2RiOTUwNjNjZjQ5MzdiZTc2">"..................................... Ha-ha."</p> <p class="cnMxNzMwNjBiZDVmYzQ1YTM5MTZmMzZhNDIxZTI2ZTlj">"FREDERIC CHOPIN! ANSWER ME THIS INSTANCE!"</p> <p class="cnM3ZTU0NDFmNmVjMzRmZWY4MzNhNzFhZWJjNjgwMjZj">... Holy cr*p... the Witch said his full name... things just got serious. And the Composer answered with that same silly smile like a love-struck idiot.</p> <p class="cnMwYzIyZWNlOWIyMjQ4ODRhOTBjY2Y2OWNlMmFiMjYw">"Franz Liszt."</p> <p class="cnMwNDM2OTgzZjZmODQ5MTJhMzY5MWRiMTQ1MmViNDE3">"Who the f**k is he?"</p> <p class="cnNlMWM1ZTE3OTBhYjQ5MjQ5NzU1MWUxOGZkM2RlYzgw">Third Karate chop of the day. Must be a good sign.</p> </div>
----- "Ch-chop Chop, y-you're smiling. Wh-what the h*ll happened!?" "... I made a friend... Ha-ha..." The Witch who was taken under the wing of a certain historical composer could be found shaking in the far corner of a certain family parlour (a boarding house for boys who never seem to make any appearances since day one). Her breathing was erratic, her forehead in sweat, and she could feel her heart bounding at 280 beats per minute above the maximum 100 BPM. All because Frederic Chopin was smiling like a love struck idiot. "H-how dare. How dare you court another girl behind my back! Even if not me – think about what Jolly is feeling that you're having an affair." "... He's a boy." "Holy sh*t, you're out of the closet!?" Frederic Chopin gave the Witch a karate chop to the head, yet his grin wouldn't disappear. Not even his trademark frown could do squat to turning his expression back to normal. "... He's very nice... is taking a bachelor degree at a local university... and best of all... he loves to make music too." "... Oh sh*t. Not another music fanatic." Karate chop again. "S-seriously. J-just who did you meet that would make a stoic and flat-faced man like you to smile as if they'd won the lottery." "We don't have a lottery in Poland. Only town raffles for Madame Alicja's Jajka Faszerowany dish *(Polish Stuffed Eggs)*." "J-just who is the one who stole your heart away!?" "..................................... Ha-ha." "FREDERIC CHOPIN! ANSWER ME THIS INSTANCE!" ... Holy cr*p... the Witch said his full name... things just got serious. And the Composer answered with that same silly smile like a love-struck idiot. "Franz Liszt." "Who the f**k is he?" Third Karate chop of the day. Must be a good sign.
{ "title": "Chopin's Penny :: (The Reincarnated Diaries of A Classical Composer and a Freeloading Lazy Witch)", "id": 15565, "author": "GreenFlame000", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Air on the Strings (Bach) - Art Thou Replaced?", "id": 305800, "next": 320327, "prev": 305799, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjYjNkYTk5ZTM3ZTQwYTE5MjQ5YmE5NTcxNjcxMWRk">"... Hey Chop-Chop. You've been out of the house for quite a while. You've been out of your bedroom for more than five days straight without coughing....... That's like, a new world record!"</p> <p class="cnMzYWNhMzM2ZjFjZTQ2MzY4YzliY2Q2YTVmYTJlMDky">"I don't understand what you're so troubled about, Penny. I finally have a friend to talk to. What's wrong with that?"</p> <p class="cnM5MTI2YTcxNWRjOTQxNjM4NmEyYjM4NjQ3N2YwOTgw">"You had me the entire time and you weren't content!? And I'm a sexy Witch girl!"</p> <p class="cnM2ZGQyYmM5NDQ3MjRlMjNhZTlhOGQyM2Q0ODU3YTY0">"Self-proclaimed."</p> <p class="cnM0YjFkMzY5ZTkwMzQ4ZDQ5YzlmOWExN2Y1YzRjODZh">"Do I need to strip again to prove why I claimed the title of Ultimate Sexy fair and squaaaaaaare!?"</p> <p class="cnMyODFkNjU3Njc2NjQ4NjE5NzUyZWYwYzIxOTUwODA1">The Witch was seething through the teeth – a rare phenomenon. She rarely would get angry unless some boy other than a certain Composer would walk into her bath. Noted, the said composer never really walked in on her. Rather, to be sure such scenario would never happen, he would nail her bathroom door shut until she swore with her heart she was genuinely done the bath and needed to come out. Otherwise her skin will become very, very pruny. Regardless of the details, the Witch was really p*ssed off (for no reason).</p> <p class="cnNlOTlmMWExNzAyMzQ2ODQ5ODFhY2ZmZDdhNzQ3OWMw">"This Frank person, who is she? What does she have that I don't have that's making you fall headover heels for her? The last time I've checked, every girl in Poland don't have busts that could beat mine! Huh? Huuuuuuh!?"</p> <p class="cnNhMjAyOGYxMDBjNjQxNDQ4N2YxMDA4OTg1M2ZjZjZl">".... Franz Liszt is boy."</p> <p class="cnM0NjRkZjQ3MDVkODRhNWRhOWIzZTY4ZDhiMGRmNmMx">"SCREW THAT LOGIC! YOU WON'T STOP SMILING AS IF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT A CUTE GIRL THAT TOUCHED YOUR HAND WHILE SHOWING YOU HOW TO DRAW!"</p> <p class="cnM5YzI2OWIxMzQ4ZDRiMGJhY2MxZWQ4ZTgyY2U3NTQx">"... Surprisingly his hands were really soft for a gentlemen. They remind me of a lady's palm somehow."</p> <p class="cnM3YzJmMzc4ZjE0ODQxZjhiMTdmMzQ1YjYxNGVhZDhh">"FREDERIC CHOPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!"</p> <p class="cnNmMDI0NWJjNTgzNjQyNzViNGIxYzdjYzUyNWZhZDk4">Throughout the day, the Composer never had a chance to touch his beloved piano. He had spent too much time in communicating with his newfound friend, which would be expected. His behaviour was much like a child playing with his new toy for weeks on end until he felt satisfied. As if having some sense of guilt, he felt obligated to play on his piano again. </p> <p class="cnM1MmVhNzA4NTJhMzRhNWU4Yjk5N2NmYjc3Y2E2Yjk5">However, this would be troublesome if the self-proclaimed Ultimate Sexy Witch girl kept jumping into his path like some kind of pet dog wanting to go on a walk. She wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. So he had no choice.</p> <p class="cnMyNjU4M2FiNjY3ZDQyZGI5MDUwNDA4N2Y4Y2ZhZGEy">He had to drug her dinner that night. Just to get some peace and quiet.</p> <p class="cnMxNjYwZjU5N2Q2MzQ1MWY4YmE4NjJhMjg4NjA4Yjhj">"... Hold up... Did you take my own Sleeping Potion and mixed it into my rations? I made this brew you know! A-and you dumbed all 10 liters worth of it? Gaaaaah! This was supposed to be meant for you, Chop-Chop, so I could help make a happy family with you while you were asleep and non-resistive to my love!"</p> <p class="cnNjZDE4YmRhMWE2ZTRhN2I4Y2RjNDJkZTY0YTE2MWVm">"Tch."</p> <p class="cnNhN2QyODJmNzNmYTRiMzI5MTI5NjkxMmNlNThjZjJk">"Wh-why are you clicking your tongue like that!? I spent 3 months in making this, so compensate me with your body this time!--H-hey, don't walk away when a girl is giving you the right signal! Th-that's rude! Come back! Th-this Witch is sorry, so please come baaaaack!"</p> <p class="cnNiY2I5NTIxODllOTQ3MDliNzYyZjk2MDNmODAwZTU0">At least, <em><strong>attempted</strong> </em>to drug the Witch's dinner with her own magical medicine. </p> <p class="cnNkZmZjN2YwOTllZjRhYmRhNGVjODE3ZmNmZmM3ZTA0">"Why am I no good for you, Chop-Chop!........Sob."</p> <p class="cnNmODBiYzY2OThkODQ0NDJiOTI2YWRkZTBkZjY2ZjFi">Again, Frederic Chopin was a gentlemen through and through. He would barricade his own door to ensure no shotgun wedding will every happen. Period. </p> </div>
"... Hey Chop-Chop. You've been out of the house for quite a while. You've been out of your bedroom for more than five days straight without coughing....... That's like, a new world record!" "I don't understand what you're so troubled about, Penny. I finally have a friend to talk to. What's wrong with that?" "You had me the entire time and you weren't content!? And I'm a sexy Witch girl!" "Self-proclaimed." "Do I need to strip again to prove why I claimed the title of Ultimate Sexy fair and squaaaaaaare!?" The Witch was seething through the teeth – a rare phenomenon. She rarely would get angry unless some boy other than a certain Composer would walk into her bath. Noted, the said composer never really walked in on her. Rather, to be sure such scenario would never happen, he would nail her bathroom door shut until she swore with her heart she was genuinely done the bath and needed to come out. Otherwise her skin will become very, very pruny. Regardless of the details, the Witch was really p*ssed off (for no reason). "This Frank person, who is she? What does she have that I don't have that's making you fall headover heels for her? The last time I've checked, every girl in Poland don't have busts that could beat mine! Huh? Huuuuuuh!?" ".... Franz Liszt is boy." "SCREW THAT LOGIC! YOU WON'T STOP SMILING AS IF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT A CUTE GIRL THAT TOUCHED YOUR HAND WHILE SHOWING YOU HOW TO DRAW!" "... Surprisingly his hands were really soft for a gentlemen. They remind me of a lady's palm somehow." "FREDERIC CHOPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" Throughout the day, the Composer never had a chance to touch his beloved piano. He had spent too much time in communicating with his newfound friend, which would be expected. His behaviour was much like a child playing with his new toy for weeks on end until he felt satisfied. As if having some sense of guilt, he felt obligated to play on his piano again. However, this would be troublesome if the self-proclaimed Ultimate Sexy Witch girl kept jumping into his path like some kind of pet dog wanting to go on a walk. She wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. So he had no choice. He had to drug her dinner that night. Just to get some peace and quiet. "... Hold up... Did you take my own Sleeping Potion and mixed it into my rations? I made this brew you know! A-and you dumbed all 10 liters worth of it? Gaaaaah! This was supposed to be meant for you, Chop-Chop, so I could help make a happy family with you while you were asleep and non-resistive to my love!" "Tch." "Wh-why are you clicking your tongue like that!? I spent 3 months in making this, so compensate me with your body this time!--H-hey, don't walk away when a girl is giving you the right signal! Th-that's rude! Come back! Th-this Witch is sorry, so please come baaaaack!" At least, ***attempted*** to drug the Witch's dinner with her own magical medicine. "Why am I no good for you, Chop-Chop!........Sob." Again, Frederic Chopin was a gentlemen through and through. He would barricade his own door to ensure no shotgun wedding will every happen. Period.
{ "title": "A Dragon's Lair", "id": 21525, "author": "fellan11", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Chapter 1: Sorrow part 2", "id": 305734, "next": null, "prev": 305260, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2MDg2MGVlMWJjMDQ5OTk5MzUyYmVkNjViYzdjMzE3" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Natherion awoke he did not know for how long he had slept, neither did he care. He slowly rose from his fetal position and started to walk towards his mother’s hatchery. Natherion knew that most likely the eggs of his future siblings did not survived the attack. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNWExODgwMTNkMTQzYzBhOGQ1MmViMTA0YjdkYzBh"> </p> <p class="cnNiNTRiNTUyZTAwYzQzNjhhMmMxYzY0MGE4YjNjZjA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">But he had to know for sure, He felt an obligation to his mother to find out, Upon reaching the hatchery he saw that it was as he had feared. Golden egg shells lay strewn around the floor, Natherions brother’s and sisters slaughtered before even learning their own names.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWIyYzhjZTFkYjQ5ODY4NjhlYWRmN2U5OGU4OTJl"> </p> <p class="cnNkOTBhNjA2MjEzNTRmNzY4M2Q1ZDZkZDM2MzJkMTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion had been the oldest of his mother’s children she had refused for most of her life to procreate until she found a worthy mate and she had done so, who this male dragon was however Natherion knew little. He had only heard stories, Apparently he was a huge gold wyrm he was powerful and most importantly for a mate extremely wealthy.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjlmNmVjNjBiODRkOGU5OWEwNmVmZTExMDI0ZmY1"> </p> <p class="cnM1YWY0N2JlYjM1ZjQ5ZGFhNmVlZTk5MTZlNWRjZjI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion did not know how his father would react to his mother’s death? Naively he hoped that his father would find the adventurers and exact revenge. But Natherion was not sure, There was most likely never any love between the two only an arrangement to procreate and create powerful offspring.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYjhjZWMzYjE5MDQ1Yzk5YWQ5MjAxNzA0ZjAyNTZk"> </p> <p class="cnM3NmI0Yzg4ZTZhNDQ3NDlhZmZiOTFlMDM5N2Q1Yzhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was little time to waste on such thoughts however, there would soon come scavengers and even other neighboring dragons that would want to exploit the power vacuum of Anathera’s demise. It was something Natherion knew intimately, He had been taught well by his mother and the expert scholars that his mother had “hired” to teach Natherion the knowledges of philosophy, politics, biology just to name a few.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDFjODBjYzY2MDQ3ODE4NmQ4MWQ2MDE0MTgwMDc2"> </p> <p class="cnM5ODEwODZiOWRlNDRmOGQ5NTIyOWNmOTU2MDBlZDZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">They had taught him that it was every dragons fate to want more treasure, More land, More power. Some things never changed Dragon’s less then others, Natherion decided to take one last look at his mother before leaving. He wish he could take her bones to the burial mounds of his ancestors but he was only the size of a bear and she was the size of several houses.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGNjYzYxOWI4NDQwZDlhYmRmMTE0Y2YyN2Y4NzQz"> </p> <p class="cnM0Y2RmZGFiNTJkZjQ5ZjQ4YTE2MzgyOGQyMWMwMmMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion had to take the tunnels down to the surface, Anathera’s Lair had been carved into a mountain top named Anathera’s Crown and Natherion had not yet learned how to fly. He had looked forward to the day his mother would teach him to soar above the clouds… But it was not meant to be and it filled Natherion with white hot rage and had to force himself to not let out an ear shattering roar, Since there could still be enemies around.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDk5NDVjMTlmMjQ3NWNhYzlmYmNmNWIxMjAyZjNl"> </p> <p class="cnMwMjY0ZDlmMDgxYTQ1MmZhZTU2Y2UxNjgzZjk3NzEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion was just about to leave when he heard the sounds of huge wings flapping in the air and how four giant legs impacted the granite floor of the main hall, where his mother lay dead.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OWFjNTI5YTJkYjQ1YWU4ZWNmNjk4YTQ1Y2Y4NmJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion first instinct was to run, but he had to know who it was that had arrived maybe it was his father? Slowly Natherion started to once again creep towards the main hall, he took a quick glance around the corner and to Natherion’s surprise. It was a huge red dragon, The red dragon was inspecting the corpse of Anathera and surveying the area for potential dangers.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjRhMjc4MWI1YjRiNzViMTE5Y2QwZmNhMmExYWI3"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZDFmYmE4YzZkZjRkZjZiZjVjZjI5NjNjN2JhNjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion did not know this Dragon, but his mother had told him that Red and Gold dragons have an ancient rivalry. This dragon could be here to render assistance or here to steal whatever the adventurers had left behind, Natherion did not feel like finding out if he was wrong.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGU2YTJlMTI1ODQ4NzlhOGY5YmI1ZDY2OTcxMTEy"> </p> <p class="cnNhNDhkNmIwODViNDQ5ZTE4Y2M2MDEwZjgxYjgyMzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">But just as he was turning around to skulk back into the tunnels, Natherion could hear another pair of wings and a smaller pair of legs. Making their landing on the granite floor, Another dragon? Natherion thought.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDdmNTkyYjc5MjQwODE4YjQ3NmZkNTBjNjgzMmZh"> </p> <p class="cnNjNDkyNzEwMTU4ZjQ1NTlhMjlhZmUzYmQxZWM5MjAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Red dragon spoke to the new comer, “Lernaean you dreg, did you do this?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTAzZjhkM2EyNTRkNDZiMDUyNGQ2MTU2OTM1N2Ni"> </p> <p class="cnMxNmExZDcyMWE1YTQ2YTg4OGFiN2IzOGJjMDkzODA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">This new dragon, which Natherion did not yet see, spoke with a distinct serpent hissing sound</span></p> <p class="cnM0MDUyYzc4ZGNkNTQ1MGJiOGQ3YmMyODViZGVkNzE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You wound me Raganos, why would i do sssuch a vile thing? Ssshe wasss an Allied…”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjVjM2MyNjQ2ZDRhODliNGU1MjI0Njc1MmNjZjY3"> </p> <p class="cnNlYzY1YmExYjljZTQ4MDQ4NmE3MDcwMGM1YTczY2M3"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was an audible crunching sound as Raganos, dragged his massive claws against the hard granite floor. “Do not test me half-breed she was mine! No one else’s there will be consequences for this, Agamemnon will see this as our time of weakness and strike!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDIzOGUwODU0ZDQ5OWM4NGNmMTUwMWZjOTQ2NWMy"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZjYyODYzZTU2ODRjN2ZiOWY4NTRhYTEyMGI3Mzhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion did not know any of the names, Natherion cursed under his breath he wished that he knew more about the outside world. But who could blame him, His mother did not plan on him leaving for another 30 years, plenty of time to learn. Now he found himself woefully ignorant to the situation around him.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjU3ZGQ5MTE4YjQxNjFhNTM2MWM5MTg2MTg2NDQz"> </p> <p class="cnMwNDQxN2YzOTIyZTQxZDg4MjczYjE0Yzg4NDgxMjIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">They all seem like powerful dragon lords and it seems like some kind of status quo has been broken by the death of Anathera. Natherion decided that it was time to leave before he was discovered and...potentially killed.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWI2NWM2NzNkZTQ0YjlhMTQ4NTc3ZThmOTRlZmQ1"> </p> <p class="cnNlZmYwMzIyOWMwMDQyNjliOTBlYjZhMzIzNDkyOWVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Making his way through the winding tunnels to the base of the mountain, Natherion encountered scores of dead kobold and dragonborn soldiers. They had given their lives to stop the adventurers from reaching Anathera. Then it struck him the servants quarters were not far off maybe the adventurers had ignored it and not bothered with the harmless women and children.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTEwYjIwZWIxYjQ4ZjhiNzg5ZTYzNGVjMTlhNDc1"> </p> <p class="cnNlNGU0Nzc5ZTMzYTRlZDk4OWNiZWRiNDRhZjQwYzRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">It would not hurt to check, Natherion turned left and headed towards the servants quarters. Once arriving he was met with another gruesome sight, Death, hundreds of charred kobold and dragonborn corpses. Seems like someone threw a fireball spell and sat back letting the residents be burned alive, Natherion simply closed the door and left. Pointless he thought, even more reason to kill the humans. Clearly they are wicked and evil race and the only mercy Natherion would grant them was a quick end.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2UzNWY3ZGRiOTRiZGNhNzdjMWQ1ZTRhNDE2ZTZj"> </p> <p class="cnMxMzI0YjdlODNhZTQwN2I5NzIwNTg0OWNjZTVlMzY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Making good time Natherion knew that there was a secret exit somewhere around here and that would give him a chance to exit without attracting unwanted attention. The Hidden door was easy to find, Anathera had made the path would be easy to find so there were stones on the way that had inscriptions only visible to dragonic eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmM0NDI5NjEyMjQyMGQ5OTFjYWU4MDViZjQ3NDE1"> </p> <p class="cnMxM2Y3M2YyYWM1ZjQ3NzM5MjZmMjU0YTI2OWY0YmY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Finally the door” thought Natherion he put his body against in and using his hind legs pushed on the massive rock… Nothing? The rock did not move an inch, when describing the door Natherion’s mother had not said that anything about the rock being special in any way maybe a passcode? Or was it the wrong rock?</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjdjODE3OGYwNDQwMTk4Y2U2YzI0OGIzZDg4ZjVi"> </p> <p class="cnMyMzBkY2RiYzFmNTRiMmViZjYzYzlhOGRjMWUwMWUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion cast “detect magic” the rock was indeed magical, which was both a relief and a concern. It was a relief because now, he knew that this was indeed the exit. But a concern since now the question arose how do get it open?</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDcwNjIxZjA0MTQxOTE4OTA0OTgzODcyMWVhNzQ5"> </p> <p class="cnM1NGMyODlmNjdiZTQwNjg4NjQyNzVmOWZmZmUwNjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Maybe it needs to recognise me?” Natherion tried putting his claw against the rock...nothing</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTQxYTRlOWZiNzQ1MjBhM2YyZWQ2ODgyYzQ2MDY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So clearly things are more complicated than that… suddenly a voice behind him made natherion almost exhale a cone of flames.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTllMGQxMTIwYzQwMDI4OTVmMWMzNGJmNjA3ZGNk"> </p> <p class="cnM5YWUzNDIzMjE0YTRjZDRhMmFhNjRiMDFmNTA0ODlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Lord Natherion is that you?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmMxNmIzNmYxZTQzZTZiMWE4ZmQ1MzlmN2JlZjYx"> </p> <p class="cnNkYjkxNDdiM2U3OTQ3NDQ4ZWE2ZTUxNTQ4OTgwOTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion turned around his stance ready for combat, but when he saw who it was he relaxed but only slightly, it could be illusion magic. Standing before him was his teacher an elf by the name of Galva”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWZmNGNjNWU5NDQ5ZWRiNGZiMmU5MTllODhlNjZj"> </p> <p class="cnNiZDU4NTgyYTMzZjQ3OWJhODA1MzNmNGU1MjRiYTY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Galva what are you doing here? are you here?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDhkMWMwN2FhODQwMjI5MjYwNGIyN2M0YTZjYzE4"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWNjODU0YzZkNzRkMWFhNmM4Nzc5ZDRiZTg0MDZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Galva was an old elf even by elf standards at least 800+ years old he was wrinkly, with long snow white hair and a perfectly groomed white beard. Natherion always liked him, He was one of the few mortals who were allowed to call Anathera by her name and not master.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNmE2ODVkNTM4YjRiYWY4Y2YzYTg2YjYzY2E5YTY2"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZDAyOTZhMGZlMTQwZDU4NWZiYTY5MmM4NTM3NzI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Lord Natherion i have had many lives and not just your mother’s servant, I am truly saddened by what befell her. She did not deserve that fate, my sincerest condolences to you. If i had the power to intervene i would have done so.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmU0MjdjMzAyMTQ1NjViNzQyMzEyODFjNTIxOTVj"> </p> <p class="cnNmMjUyYWFlYTJjYjQ0ZTZiYjM5YjU2ZmM3YzFmNzMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion felt instantly saddened being reminded of his new reality. “You saw what they did to her” with tears welling up once again “how could anyone be so barbaric?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWNjMDc4NDNiNjQ4MTg5YzZkMjA1OGY5YTc3OWYy"> </p> <p class="cnMwOWFlNzExZTkxZjQwMDQ4ZTZlY2JhYmUzNDllYjYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Galva did not dare approach to comfort Natherion but spoke in mild mannered voice “The world is a barbaric place and humans are sometimes the most barbaric of all, But they are not all like that i promise you, do not punish all of them for the actions of a few please.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmI0ODUwYmFmMzRkYjBhN2RkNzYzMjA0YTExMWUw"> </p> <p class="cnM4OGZmYWE5YWY2NTQ0YjFhNDYyZmQ0NjQwNjZmNzFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion did not want to listen, he knew reason when he heard it but how could such actions not be answered with wrath? How could he prevent such a thing from happening to someone else if his answer was not complete and total destruction?</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTIyNTEwYzhiYTQ2MWZiMWMwZGQyYTU4NzFhZmZh"> </p> <p class="cnM1M2U4ZGZmMzZhODQ5ZDI4MzIxNDEyNjA2NTIyYWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You once told me that there are two ways to learn, you can either put your hand into the fire and get burned or read about someone putting their hand into the fire and become burned… There is however only one way to learn a lesson and not ever truely forget it and that is to feel the full and catastrophic consequences of your actions, I want to show mercy, but then noone would learn any lesson and that is how history repeats itself, I WILL MAKE SURE THEY NEVER! EVER! FORGET!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjQ1NGIxZDhlNDRmZTFhNWRkMDkxMjgxN2U1MzJm"> </p> <p class="cnM3M2ZhZmRhMDBlYTQzZTQ4MmM0Njk3Zjg3MWFkNjk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Galva stood in silent contemplation “Lord Natherion your words are true and i do not blame you one bit them. It is only so very natural, i too have felt those feeling and i acted upon them taking my revenge. But let me tell you that it is a dark path and it will not make you feel any more whole, please i beg of you to reconsider…”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzA3OGQyMjQ2MTQxMzBhOGFkMTA4Yzk5YzljMjc3"> </p> <p class="cnM2ODIzZGExMGUzMDRmNTdiZTQzMGE5ZjU1ZmEyMmEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion exhaled a stream of white smoke “I do not want to feel better, i will not do this for myself but for all future generations, I will do what is needed to make them safe and the next time humans think of harming any dragon they will think of me!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGIxNTJiMDc0YjQwYjc4M2NjMGRlYThhY2ZiN2M3"> </p> <p class="cnM5YjNhMzgxNjBlMzQwYmI4Y2Q2MDQ5ZTYwMTIzOWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Galva shook his head “I see that your mind is set, but know this my lord. Hatred breeds hatred it is an endless cycle of tragedy. You will see that i am right in the end, I will assist you one last time and then i will leave, if you will allow me”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzFhNDkzMzMyZjRlMmFiZmE0MmY3ZWUwNzY5MDJj"> </p> <p class="cnMwMjA3N2EwZTZjZTQ5MzQ5ZjBhMTVjODMxM2NjY2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Galva started to walk forward, Natherion let him past and observed Galva as he pulled out a knife and slit the palm of his hand and then pushed it against the rock, the bloody handprint started to glow and the rock door started slide open. Allowing rays of sunshine to shine through into the dark corridor</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTY4OTJiMDNhNzQ1ZThhNGZlNDY4MTU1NGFmZjBm"> </p> <p class="cnMyMDNmYjAyMWFlZTRiOGM4ZWM5MmMxYzNiNTE1Y2I0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking up towards Galva’s haggard face “Where will you go?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjRlOThkN2VjNjQzZWFhYjEyZDk3Y2JkMWFlM2M4"> </p> <p class="cnMzNjc1ZDEwMTQ2NTRlOTc4ZDRlYWM3YmJjNTJlMTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Galva looked back at Natherion “Home, i think i will go home”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzlmZTE2ODM5ODQwNjg5YzAwMGEwMDU4MGE3YWUw"> </p> <p class="cnNiZmE1ZGJmMDhlMDQ4OWM5ZTExYTBjM2ZlZDkxYWZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then without another word, Galva started to walk through the clearing outside the exit and disappeared into the underbrush of the forest beyond.</span></p> <p class="cnMzY2FjODczZTAwMzQ2MWI5OWM1YzM4NzZmN2UyZTQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion stared towards the spot where Galva had disappeared into the underbrush</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTMwODUzY2JkODRhN2VhMGNhOGMyYmU4YTFhOTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The only thoughts that Natherion felt was that he wished he too could go home, but he had been robbed of his. looking up towards Anathera’s Crown, he knew that this place could never ever be his home again.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTgxYzdiYTM0MDQzZDA5MWE4NDRhZDk1ZDQ4NmQ4"> </p> <p class="cnMxNzdhYTE0MWY0MzRlZDk5MGM3ZjIzYTgyOGFjMzM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Natherion looked south and started to walk, he did not know where he was going, but it was somewhere far away from here which was the best feeling he had felt all day.</span></p> </div>
When Natherion awoke he did not know for how long he had slept, neither did he care. He slowly rose from his fetal position and started to walk towards his mother’s hatchery. Natherion knew that most likely the eggs of his future siblings did not survived the attack. But he had to know for sure, He felt an obligation to his mother to find out, Upon reaching the hatchery he saw that it was as he had feared. Golden egg shells lay strewn around the floor, Natherions brother’s and sisters slaughtered before even learning their own names. Natherion had been the oldest of his mother’s children she had refused for most of her life to procreate until she found a worthy mate and she had done so, who this male dragon was however Natherion knew little. He had only heard stories, Apparently he was a huge gold wyrm he was powerful and most importantly for a mate extremely wealthy. Natherion did not know how his father would react to his mother’s death? Naively he hoped that his father would find the adventurers and exact revenge. But Natherion was not sure, There was most likely never any love between the two only an arrangement to procreate and create powerful offspring. There was little time to waste on such thoughts however, there would soon come scavengers and even other neighboring dragons that would want to exploit the power vacuum of Anathera’s demise. It was something Natherion knew intimately, He had been taught well by his mother and the expert scholars that his mother had “hired” to teach Natherion the knowledges of philosophy, politics, biology just to name a few. They had taught him that it was every dragons fate to want more treasure, More land, More power. Some things never changed Dragon’s less then others, Natherion decided to take one last look at his mother before leaving. He wish he could take her bones to the burial mounds of his ancestors but he was only the size of a bear and she was the size of several houses. Natherion had to take the tunnels down to the surface, Anathera’s Lair had been carved into a mountain top named Anathera’s Crown and Natherion had not yet learned how to fly. He had looked forward to the day his mother would teach him to soar above the clouds… But it was not meant to be and it filled Natherion with white hot rage and had to force himself to not let out an ear shattering roar, Since there could still be enemies around. Natherion was just about to leave when he heard the sounds of huge wings flapping in the air and how four giant legs impacted the granite floor of the main hall, where his mother lay dead. Natherion first instinct was to run, but he had to know who it was that had arrived maybe it was his father? Slowly Natherion started to once again creep towards the main hall, he took a quick glance around the corner and to Natherion’s surprise. It was a huge red dragon, The red dragon was inspecting the corpse of Anathera and surveying the area for potential dangers. Natherion did not know this Dragon, but his mother had told him that Red and Gold dragons have an ancient rivalry. This dragon could be here to render assistance or here to steal whatever the adventurers had left behind, Natherion did not feel like finding out if he was wrong. But just as he was turning around to skulk back into the tunnels, Natherion could hear another pair of wings and a smaller pair of legs. Making their landing on the granite floor, Another dragon? Natherion thought. The Red dragon spoke to the new comer, “Lernaean you dreg, did you do this?” This new dragon, which Natherion did not yet see, spoke with a distinct serpent hissing sound “You wound me Raganos, why would i do sssuch a vile thing? Ssshe wasss an Allied…” There was an audible crunching sound as Raganos, dragged his massive claws against the hard granite floor. “Do not test me half-breed she was mine! No one else’s there will be consequences for this, Agamemnon will see this as our time of weakness and strike!” Natherion did not know any of the names, Natherion cursed under his breath he wished that he knew more about the outside world. But who could blame him, His mother did not plan on him leaving for another 30 years, plenty of time to learn. Now he found himself woefully ignorant to the situation around him. They all seem like powerful dragon lords and it seems like some kind of status quo has been broken by the death of Anathera. Natherion decided that it was time to leave before he was discovered and...potentially killed. Making his way through the winding tunnels to the base of the mountain, Natherion encountered scores of dead kobold and dragonborn soldiers. They had given their lives to stop the adventurers from reaching Anathera. Then it struck him the servants quarters were not far off maybe the adventurers had ignored it and not bothered with the harmless women and children. It would not hurt to check, Natherion turned left and headed towards the servants quarters. Once arriving he was met with another gruesome sight, Death, hundreds of charred kobold and dragonborn corpses. Seems like someone threw a fireball spell and sat back letting the residents be burned alive, Natherion simply closed the door and left. Pointless he thought, even more reason to kill the humans. Clearly they are wicked and evil race and the only mercy Natherion would grant them was a quick end. Making good time Natherion knew that there was a secret exit somewhere around here and that would give him a chance to exit without attracting unwanted attention. The Hidden door was easy to find, Anathera had made the path would be easy to find so there were stones on the way that had inscriptions only visible to dragonic eyes. “Finally the door” thought Natherion he put his body against in and using his hind legs pushed on the massive rock… Nothing? The rock did not move an inch, when describing the door Natherion’s mother had not said that anything about the rock being special in any way maybe a passcode? Or was it the wrong rock? Natherion cast “detect magic” the rock was indeed magical, which was both a relief and a concern. It was a relief because now, he knew that this was indeed the exit. But a concern since now the question arose how do get it open? “Maybe it needs to recognise me?” Natherion tried putting his claw against the rock...nothing “So clearly things are more complicated than that… suddenly a voice behind him made natherion almost exhale a cone of flames. “Lord Natherion is that you?” Natherion turned around his stance ready for combat, but when he saw who it was he relaxed but only slightly, it could be illusion magic. Standing before him was his teacher an elf by the name of Galva” “Galva what are you doing here? are you here?” Galva was an old elf even by elf standards at least 800+ years old he was wrinkly, with long snow white hair and a perfectly groomed white beard. Natherion always liked him, He was one of the few mortals who were allowed to call Anathera by her name and not master. “Lord Natherion i have had many lives and not just your mother’s servant, I am truly saddened by what befell her. She did not deserve that fate, my sincerest condolences to you. If i had the power to intervene i would have done so.” Natherion felt instantly saddened being reminded of his new reality. “You saw what they did to her” with tears welling up once again “how could anyone be so barbaric?” Galva did not dare approach to comfort Natherion but spoke in mild mannered voice “The world is a barbaric place and humans are sometimes the most barbaric of all, But they are not all like that i promise you, do not punish all of them for the actions of a few please.” Natherion did not want to listen, he knew reason when he heard it but how could such actions not be answered with wrath? How could he prevent such a thing from happening to someone else if his answer was not complete and total destruction? “You once told me that there are two ways to learn, you can either put your hand into the fire and get burned or read about someone putting their hand into the fire and become burned… There is however only one way to learn a lesson and not ever truely forget it and that is to feel the full and catastrophic consequences of your actions, I want to show mercy, but then noone would learn any lesson and that is how history repeats itself, I WILL MAKE SURE THEY NEVER! EVER! FORGET!” Galva stood in silent contemplation “Lord Natherion your words are true and i do not blame you one bit them. It is only so very natural, i too have felt those feeling and i acted upon them taking my revenge. But let me tell you that it is a dark path and it will not make you feel any more whole, please i beg of you to reconsider…” Natherion exhaled a stream of white smoke “I do not want to feel better, i will not do this for myself but for all future generations, I will do what is needed to make them safe and the next time humans think of harming any dragon they will think of me!” Galva shook his head “I see that your mind is set, but know this my lord. Hatred breeds hatred it is an endless cycle of tragedy. You will see that i am right in the end, I will assist you one last time and then i will leave, if you will allow me” Galva started to walk forward, Natherion let him past and observed Galva as he pulled out a knife and slit the palm of his hand and then pushed it against the rock, the bloody handprint started to glow and the rock door started slide open. Allowing rays of sunshine to shine through into the dark corridor Looking up towards Galva’s haggard face “Where will you go?” Galva looked back at Natherion “Home, i think i will go home” Then without another word, Galva started to walk through the clearing outside the exit and disappeared into the underbrush of the forest beyond. Natherion stared towards the spot where Galva had disappeared into the underbrush The only thoughts that Natherion felt was that he wished he too could go home, but he had been robbed of his. looking up towards Anathera’s Crown, he knew that this place could never ever be his home again. Natherion looked south and started to walk, he did not know where he was going, but it was somewhere far away from here which was the best feeling he had felt all day.
{ "title": "Blood and Silver", "id": 21421, "author": "FryeNChill", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Beneath the Underworld", "id": 305802, "next": 306689, "prev": 304607, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YWQxNzg4MGYxNTRlZjNhMDQwZmUwY2MyYjYxZjBj">Netempus was made as a social experiment to observe the psychological differences in people that lived with the same technology their entire lives and people who lived with the constantly changing technology of the modern age. The head of the experiment chose the nineteen eighties for the simple reason of nostalgia. However, the city was not built in an idealized way. The city made sure to encapsulate the good, the bad, and the ugly of the decade.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnNhYjYyNTlmZWJlMTQyNTFhMDNiZDhiZDVlYTFiYWI3"> </p> <p class="cnM3NzA0OWI2OTY3YjQ4OTJhN2MxNTY5ZTY2ZWJhMmQ3">In one of the “bad” parts of the city, Nadia stepped out of Alice’s liquor store. Although it was very early in the morning in the beginning of January, it was still quite warm. Even so, Nadia didn’t take off her jacket. She walked down the street the store was on. The road was populated with the cars of people trying to get ahead the morning rush hour. After walking about a dozen blocks, she turned into an alleyway. The alley she had turned into was a maze between brick buildings. She traversed her way through this maze before coming to a sudden halt.</p> <p class="cnNmOGM0YTViZTdjMzQ5ZmZiMzc5MGVlZTkwNDM3NzVl"> </p> <p class="cnMyMjhiZjM4ZDMzOTQ4YTE4NzJkNTc4ZmI2ZmQzNmE3">She stood before a door with two red x’s spray-painted on it. Nadia knocked on the door multiple times at seemingly random intervals. In truth, she was being extremely careful in how much time was between each knock. After she finished her knocking, the sound of locks being undone could be heard. After the locks were undone, the door swung open.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTMyZTVjMzJjYTRhY2FhODQwNmI0YjM4YTQ0Njk2"> </p> <p class="cnM3MDdhYTVhZWYwNDQwNDhhZTUzZDE1ZjQ3YWQzYzkw">The one opening the door was a young girl who looked no more than 12 years old. She had red hair tied up into pigtails and aqua eyes. Her skin was pale, but not nearly the snow white tone of Nadia’s. She wore a frilly, pink lolita dress, a pair of pink high shoes, and a pair of thigh-high white socks. A look of recognition came across her face as she let Nadia in and closed the door.</p> <p class="cnNiY2MzNmY1ODA1OTQyNmY5YjNmNzQ2OTNhZjE4Y2Ez"> </p> <p class="cnM0MmZjZjY2YmVhYzQ0MWZiNmNlMDY3Y2JlMjY2MTY2">“Welcome back, Lady Nadia”</p> <p class="cnNlMWEyMjdiODk0MjQ5ZGY5M2U3ZTVmNjI3MjhmYWY1"> </p> <p class="cnMzZTM3NmI3YmY4ZjQyN2ViMGZlN2YyN2FkNzg5MzA3">The girl bowed before Nadia. After doing so, her expression changed from serious to exited. She put both hands in front her chest, clenched in fists.</p> <p class="cnNkNjMxZjQ2YjI3MTQyNjRiYTlkYTlkM2VkZGVmNmZj"> </p> <p class="cnNhNTgyMTU0NGNiYjQzMjU5ZWIzNGI3Y2YyYmYxODVh">“Tell me, tell me, how did it go with that manager girl?”</p> <p class="cnMxNmI0N2I4YjBjYjQxNDdhYzg4ZWEzM2FiOTExZDY5"> </p> <p class="cnNiZTNlNDU4NTI5MjRhYmQ4MTAxYmI3YTlhNmUyMWFh">“I made sure that she wouldn’t keep too much to herself anymore,” said Nadia, smiling.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTFmNjlmNDlmNjRiMTg4MTQ5Nzc5MTk1ZGM4ODc4"> </p> <p class="cnNlYzRjNDA3YzQyNDQ5NTU4MTQwOWFkNmI5MTI1ZDdk">“So how did you punish her?”</p> <p class="cnMzMWUwZTg3YmI3ZTQ3NDM5Y2U3Mjc0OTE0ZDNhMjQ1"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWFiOGM1YTdmMDRmMWFiZDE3MTk1MTFiZWU2MzVm">“My boots were dirty, so I had her clean them with her mouth,”</p> <p class="cnM3MGE3Y2RmYzg4ODRlNDA5NWQwODljNTM1ODYzN2Iw"> </p> <p class="cnNmODExZjQ1YTA2ZjQ2NDViMmEzMjIwOTgyZThiN2Q3">“Eeeh? You mean you didn’t cut her?” said the girl, disappointedly, “you’re no fun sometimes, Nadia”</p> <p class="cnM2MWIwNzM2ZjQ1NTQ1OWNiYjc0YjU5YTcwNDliNzU2"> </p> <p class="cnNjYTM0Mzc4NTAzMTRjNDE4ZDZkNDY3MzIxYjZkMGFm">“Well, I did make her bleed from the mouth a bit after kicking her, if that’s any condolence to you,”</p> <p class="cnM5YmU0Yjc3YmFhOTRkNzBiZDY0YTA3MTg0ZjVhZGRi"> </p> <p class="cnM5YjA2NmFkYmE1ZDQwZmQ5YzVkMmI2Yjg3NjFkZjZk">“Only a little bit,” the girl pouted, “I bet she would’ve been way cuter if she had a cut or two on her face,”</p> <p class="cnNiMGIxN2U5MWM0MjQ5YjQ5NmIzNDcwYzYzYmE2ODk5"> </p> <p class="cnMyNDM0YzZjNTlmMjQzOWViOGFhOWYwYjA4MTE1Mjc2">This girl that Nadia was speaking with was a twelve year old girl named Beatrix. While you might not be able to tell due to her chipper demeanor and cute appearance, she was a sociopath and a sadist. She had been assigned to door duty for the Cruxius family home a year ago. Since then, conversations like the one they were having became commonplace. Normally someone assigned to door duty would be severely punished for conversing with a Cruxius like this, but Beatrix was an exception.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2Y4ZjAwMDQzZjQzMzlhZGIzYWY2NGQzZWMyNWNm"> </p> <p class="cnM4YjQxM2YyYWY3MjQxZDI5ZDMzMGE3YmQ3M2FmMDUw">Beatrix was considered a prodigy. She was intelligent, deceptive, and knew how to mask her sociopathy. These were all crucial skills for a member of the Cruxius family. As such, she had already been chosen as a member of the Cruxius family, though she had to wait until she was 18. Her wedding date had already been chosen, as had her groom.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDc4N2Y5NzAzMjQzNGZhNTc0OWJjODI4ZmUxNzdl"> </p> <p class="cnNhMzAyYWQwY2U5MjQ3N2M4Njg5MDZmYTUwMzZhNmI0">“Hey,” started Beatrix, putting back on her excited face, “You know it’s only two-thousand and three days until our wedding,”</p> <p class="cnM1MmM4N2M2MmFiYjQ2NWU4NTgxMWQ5ZTAxZDc1MDA1"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZmVmMDEwODc0NjQxNmRhNGY3NzU2M2FmNjdmOGEw">“YOUR wedding,” corrected Nadia, “it’s not that big a deal for the groom,”</p> <p class="cnM4ZDI5MjZlZWQ1ZDRjMDFhN2RmMDA2ZDZmMjE4MjJm"> </p> <p class="cnNhZGZhMDk0YjFiNzQ1MTM5ZjBiMDMyMzNiODA3MjBl">“You could at least act excited,” Beatrix began to pout again, “besides, at this rate I’ll be your first bride,”</p> <p class="cnM0YTgyOWVmMmQyZjQzMzZhYTk1MzM5MDRiZDU5ODAw"> </p> <p class="cnNjYWVmNTk3ODVmNzQzMDk4ODYzZWJjZTcyZWMyN2M4">“I doubt it, a lot can happen in six years,”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTE2NjIwOTM0YTQ2MzlhODgwY2EzMzIwMjNiYTJm"> </p> <p class="cnNiN2IzNzZkZTQ2OTQzMzQ5NTZiMzBjNTJlMDY2MGJj">Nadia had been assigned as Beatrix’s groom because she was also a sadist. Additionally, Nadia and Beatrix were already pretty close since before Nadia became a Cruxius. When she was still fully human, awaiting her 18th birthday, Nadia would tell Beatrix stories of her killing people and torturing them, which they both enjoyed. Beatrix had become attached to Nadia during that time, which eventually led to their “engagement”.</p> <p class="cnMzNzljNThiOGQyYzQwNjNiZDNkY2I5MzQzNmVkYTkz"> </p> <p class="cnM2YzYxZmEyNGFmYzRlZDNhNGI1ODYwZmI3ZmM5Y2Qz">“Anyways,” said Beatrix, putting her serious face back on, “Lady Natalia has called a family meeting. It will begin in an hour, and is being held in the chapel, per usual,”</p> <p class="cnMzZWQ0NjQ2NmU1NDQ5YzFiMWQ5ZWFiNzE5N2ZmMmYy"> </p> <p class="cnM5M2FhNjcxYWI2ZDRmNTNiYjEwZDNjZDMzNjA5NTM1">“Thank you for telling me, Beatrix,” said Nadia as she walked past the girl.</p> <p class="cnM2NWU2YmQyYTdhOTRkNjQ4YzBkMjk1NzFjYTE0MGU4"> </p> <p class="cnNiMGJmNDMyZmYwYzQzMzE4Y2I5MmFjNTQ3M2M3OTc0">After walking past Beatrix, Nadia traversed down a set of stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she reached a hallway with two elevators. Nadia entered the left elevator, pressed a button, and began to descend. After waiting for about twenty seconds, the elevator stopped. Nadia stepped out into a large, well-lit room. The floor was made of stone tiles, with a red rug in the center of the floors. Ahead of where Nadia was standing was a large set of double doors flanked by two staircases. Both led straight up to an upper level. On each side of the upper level were hallways with many doors.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnMxYmY1OWQyMGZjYzRkMGE4ZjE1YjQ3MzZlYmJkOWJk"> </p> <p class="cnNkYWI3ZGFmNjA0MjQyZjU5MGU5NDVkN2M2NGFlMzky">This large room was the main hall of the Cruxius mansion. It was a large underground complex that housed most members of the Cruxius family. It had been built on millions of dollars, countless hours, and less than legal labor. Along with bedrooms, which were each extremely lavish, the mansion also housed a movie theater, a dining hall, servant’s quarters, a brothel, and a chapel. However, the chapel wasn’t used for prayer, but instead for marriages and family meetings.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnMyZmYwM2IyOWY0ZjQwOWNhMzZhOGQyYjc3NzIxNjM0"> </p> <p class="cnNjM2NjYTA3NDA5ODQ0MDhiODAwYjExOTRkODVjOWJk">Nadia walked up the stairs and took a left. After doing so, she went down seven doors before entering one. As she entered the room, a voice came from inside.</p> <p class="cnNmMjM1ZTM1OGRmZTQ0MTI4M2E4MDBiZTZkNDEwMzU5"> </p> <p class="cnNkMDNjZDE1MDVkYzRlMDVhODNjZmNkZWFiZmFhMTQ3">“Lady Nadia, is that you?”</p> <p class="cnNjZWQzYTRiNWQxYzRhNmI5N2IxY2QxYjYxNWJmOThh"> </p> <p class="cnM5YWNjNWJiODRmMDQzOWM4NzkxYmQ1MmRhZGI5YTg3">Nadia closed the door behind her and looked to see a purple-haired woman tied to her bed wearing nothing but black lingerie and a blindfold. The woman was one of Nadia’s former bridesmaids, Lisa.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnMxNmQwMTdiNzA5YTRkZmE4N2U5NjVjMGZkNmIxYjE5"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWRlM2VkYTg5ZDQyMWY4YTdkOGMxNWI5OTc4NGQx">“I don’t think can wait much longer, Lady Nadia,” said Lisa as she rustled about, “I need your treatment as soon as possible,”</p> <p class="cnM5Y2QyMDhmNjg3ZjRkZDU5N2Y1NmE3NjQyYzRkZTQ1"> </p> <p class="cnNkYmU4MmI4ZmMxNDRlOWY5OTc0NzIzNTFkZDRmN2U3">“The only thing you need,” replied Nadia, “is to be reminded of your place. I decide when to treat you,”</p> <p class="cnMwZTY4YjI5NTNiOTQ3NDM4YzgzZWU5ZmQ0ZmY2OGIz"> </p> <p class="cnM3OWNkNGJjMzgyNzRkMDVhYjE3NzE1YTMzZjNkNWU3">Realizing she had an hour before the meeting, Nadia began to take off her shoes.</p> <p class="cnNjODE3Y2MzNTVlZTRhOTdhMmYxMzI1NDgxZTIwZWNm"> </p> <p class="cnNmZWFkYzBhYjI4ZDQ0ODA5MmViNDQ1ZDYxZGMwOTk0">“Of course, Lady Nadia,” moaned Lisa, “when you see it fit, please punish me and remind me of my place,”</p> <p class="cnNkZjVkMTFhOTkzZTRhMGJhZTJiZTQ2YTAwZWVkNTNi"> </p> <p class="cnNmODY4OTA4MjI5MzRjM2ZhNjJjMjg2ZTU1YTM2NzZi">A smile crept across Nadia’s face as she removed her jacket.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnM1YTVkZDdlZjc2YjQ5ODliY2E0MWQxYTg0ODA5ZDBh"> </p> <p class="cnM1NWIwNzk0MDA4NDRjMDU5ZDllYzA3ZGVlODkxNTA0">“That’s much better, but you still need punishment,” said Nadia as she grabbed a whip off of the wall, cracking it, “I hope you enjoy welts,”</p> <p class="cnMzZDIyZGFlZTVmYzRiMzk5NDJmNThjYTcwNDcwOGZm"> </p> <p class="cnM2YzJkYzdhMTIwOTQ0MDI4NDIxYmIzMDAxMzdjMTll">“Thank you very much for taking the time to teach a lowly wench like me her place, Lady Nadia,”</p> <p class="cnM2N2U1MTJiMTZjZjRhYTE5MTNjNWIyZDE3MGVkYjI0"> </p> <p class="cnMzZTA1MjVkNWZjNTQ2MGI4ZGQyZDA5ZmY0NjdiYzg3">Time for Nadia to kill off the next hour.</p> <p class="cnM3NjkxZmQzODI5YzQ1MWM5N2IzNjJkNjIxMDA0NTU0"> </p> <p class="cnMxNGJjOGZjN2E4ZTQ5N2U5OWQ2MmFkZjU4Y2I5YzJm"><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>•<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>• <span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>•</p> <p class="cnMxZTI5YjMyODFlYTQ4ZWY4MzE1ODE1NTJiZWE0Njk0"> </p> <p class="cnM1OWE2ZDc5Y2Y4OTQ4OGNhYzBjMDA5Y2U4YTdmY2Mw">“Leaving already?” Moaned Lisa, now sitting naked and unbounded under the bed’s covers.</p> <p class="cnNlMWExOTkwOGQ0ZDQ1NmU4NmI0MmY2ODRlNjU0OTc0"> </p> <p class="cnM4MzJhMjFjM2JhOTQ0YWViYTkzYzM0NjUwYjIwM2Mz">Nadia was putting her clothes back on as she said this.</p> <p class="cnM3OWZiYjkzNmM5ZTRkN2M5Y2EyOGUyODZlNzBmNDJm"> </p> <p class="cnM5MWNjNmZhODBhMjRlN2FhMDQ4MGE1MjQyMThmNDQw">“I got a meeting in ten minutes,” said Nadia, “so I’ll be gone for at least half an hour,”</p> <p class="cnM3NWE5ODU0OGE0YzRjOWE5YTZlNDQxNGJhMjU2ZGE5"> </p> <p class="cnM5M2QwNGY4MzdlNTQ2YWRiMWFkZWUyZWYwNjVmODAx">Nadia finished putting on her boots and got up. She walked to the door, opened it, and looked back at Lisa.</p> <p class="cnMyZGIwNGQ2YjNlNzQ4NTY4YWMwOTg3YjQzNmZkODc0"> </p> <p class="cnMxNWJhZWM0ZWEzYTQ4OThiYjM5OWVlYzkyOTU4NGVj">“I want you out of my bedroom by then”</p> <p class="cnM1OGZkMDk3NzYxNjRhNTJiYjBjMmUxODRhOWViNjZj"> </p> <p class="cnNmNWI3MTA4NWIwOTQ1NzRhODc0OTAwNTJkYjA0MWY2">“As you wish,” said Lisa, disappointed.</p> <p class="cnM2NDU5MGJmZjhmMDRmYzZiZmUzMGNiMTNiYmQ5YjRk"> </p> <p class="cnM1OGY2OTliNWQxNzRhNjBiZjI3M2U3MTQ2MGI5MzZh">Nadia left the room and headed back to the main hall. Once there, she went back down the steps and turned into the door between the stairs. Once she opened it, she came into a small hallway that led to another large set of double doors. On the sides of the hallway were more doors. Nadia headed straight on towards the set of double doors. She opened them and entered the chapel.</p> <p class="cnM1NzVjOTkwNTE0MjRjNTE4ZjNlNTEyYmU3ZTljZmZh"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZTUxMjEyYWUzMjQ5ODc5NWM5MDA0ZDU2YmM4N2Fm">The pews were populated with women dressed in a variety of clothing, most of them opting for dresses. This exclusively female population was no accident. It was something that stemmed from the origins of the Cruxius family. As with the other vampiric families, the Cruxius family was founded on an ideal. For example, the Dragomir family was founded as a religious cult. For the Cruxius family, their ideal is one that comes directly from it’s founder, Natalia. That ideal is:</p> <p class="cnNkMTk4Mjk2NmJkZTQ3YjBiYjcyNmI5MTU0YzMwNTdj"> </p> <p class="cnNhMGRmZDk1Yzg4MTQwNWFhMWUxNTk3YmE4ZjY1MDNj">Natalia liked being surrounded by beautiful women, and having those women accompany her at night.</p> <p class="cnNiNGRhZGQ3ZDk3YjQ0ZmE5NzI2YzNhN2ZjZjI2OWM0"> </p> <p class="cnMxNmNkODI4MDk0YzQyNDY4ZjM3ZTVhZWJjM2EwZjFh">Nadia knew who all the people in the chapel were, but there was one particularly familiar face in the crowd. It belonged to to Sophie, who had become a Cruxius only a few months ago. Nadia’s former bridesmaid smiled as she waved at her. Nadia gave a subtle wave back. Nadia went down several rows before sitting down in a pew near the front, all alone. She looked up to the altar where Natalia already stood. She had not changed in the slightest, though that was to be expected of a vampire.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnNhYmI5MTk0MjEyMzRkZWU4MDEyNjQzNmEwZGJlYjYz"> </p> <p class="cnNjYTI0ZjJmZmEyODQ5NGQ5OWZlMGY2NmMwOThlODNk">After about ten more minutes of waiting for everyone to arrive, Natalia began to speak.</p> <p class="cnMxODgyYmQ4MDA2NDQ0ZDU5MzM0MjZlYWViMjg3N2I2"> </p> <p class="cnNhNzI3MGVmNTA4ZjRlMmZhZmNjYjI2YzUxM2ZiOTJj">“Welcome members of the Cruxius family,” spoke Natalia with an air of regality, “I’m well aware that many of you have things to do, so I’ll begin the meeting now. Felicia, if you would take the stage,”</p> <p class="cnM1ZDcxODU0MmUwNzQ0ZjNiOWE1NWYyMmFjOTBhNTVj"> </p> <p class="cnMzNDRjNzZhNDY5ZjQ4YjRiNzkzZDQ4MDYwNzBhMGQ1">A blonde woman wearing a purple dress stood up from her seat near the back of the chapel. She leisurely walked down the isle before she eventually reached the podium.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnNhNjM4NzI4M2M1OTRkZGViNjgwYjVmNDZmY2I2NmVi"> </p> <p class="cnM3MDEyNDY3OWZkYTQ3OTQ5OWNmMjc2M2E2OTMzMTZk">“Here is my report on the current state of the slave trade and our personal slaves:” started Felicia, “Since the last meeting, our daily traffic has increased by an average of four men per day. The average psychological state of our personal slaves has become more docile. There have been less extreme psychological cases among slaves, and therefore less slaves made into food”</p> <p class="cnM3MmMyOTFlYTRhODRmZDZiZTZhYzVmYTIzYzRkZDY5"> </p> <p class="cnNhODdlMWVjZTI2NjQzNDU4ZWI5Mzg2ZmEzZGQwZDhm">“You say extreme psychological cases have gone down, but I happen to recall a certain slave spilling the blood of one of our family members since the last meeting,” said one of the women in the crowd.</p> <p class="cnNhODg3MTNjMGJmODQyMWM4NDQ0YzBhM2EzNGJjODAy"> </p> <p class="cnNkYTkwNGNmMWYwMjRiMzhhZWViYzRmMmMxN2M5YzA2">“While that uproar was certainly more extreme than any we’ve had in the past, the actual number of outbreaks have decreased,” responded Felicia.</p> <p class="cnMwMDBkMjM3NTE3YTQ2MzNiYTlmOWNjYjAzYjE4ZDRh"> </p> <p class="cnM4NjRkZmJlNGZjMDQyMmZhODY5ODBiN2Q5MjllZmM1">Exchanges like this were common at these meetings. That was because the purpose of the exchanges were to share information amongst the family. Normally, only those who were head of a certain trade or a crucial part of the organization went up to the podium, while the rest of the family members asked questions and listened. This would go on until all of the members slated to speak did so.</p> <p class="cnNjMGUwYmRjNGNlNjRmOGZhM2U5NjlmYjVlNTYxN2Ex"> </p> <p class="cnNkNGI3MzhiMTljMTQyOWRiM2RhNGQwOTcxOTk0Y2Y0">Felicia continued her report for a while before she finished and headed back to her seat. Natalia then called another family member to the podium. They came up and gave a report on drug dens before sitting back down. The meeting continued on like this. All the while, Nadia listened intensively to each and every report. For most members of the family, there were only a few reports that they needed to pay attention to. For Nadia, however, her duties required her to pay attention to all aspects of the organization.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnNjZmY2MjNlNmQwMjRhOTZiMmJmOTdhY2EzOTliN2Fh"> </p> <p class="cnM4MzMwMDk4NzM3MTQ3MDJiOTlkYTJhM2U2ZjA1Y2Vi">“Nadia, please step up to the podium,” said Natalia an hour after the meeting began.</p> <p class="cnMyNTliYjI4OGNiYjQzYjk5OGIwYzZhZjk2ZWUxNDY2"> </p> <p class="cnM0N2IxMTg3MmMwMjQ2NTY5ZDc5NjcwMjY4MGM2MjM0">Nadia got up from her seat and walked up towards the altar. When she reached it, she turned towards the crowd and immediately began her report.</p> <p class="cnMyYzNhYTQyZDJlZTQ3N2FiMWQwYzkxYTI0MzkzNWFh"> </p> <p class="cnNiY2E5MmE4N2VlOTQwNDY4NGRkYzljMDYxOWM5N2Jh">“The overall state of security is as follows,” started Nadia, “The increased amount of slave traffic has resulted in an understaffing in defense during trafficking. The drug plantations on the city outskirts have the same defenses, as the size of the plantations have not increased...”<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnM1ODlhNDMzNGRhMjRlYWQ4NTM3YWE2NmUzYTFjMGJh"> </p> <p class="cnMyZTk4ZDI3NjMzYjRiZmQ5MThmNzJlNDViNDRmZjFk">Nadia continued on about staffing for defense, resources for weaponry, the current supply of weaponry, potential cracks in patrols, etc, etc. She listed these things for almost every branch of the organization. Drug trafficking, brothels, extortion, human abduction, and many more branches of the Cruxius organization were brought up during her report. After the longest report of the day, Nadia had one final thing to say.</p> <p class="cnNjNDhiOWZlNGZjZDRiMjBiY2IxNjE5Njk2YTViMzc0"> </p> <p class="cnNjYWNmNDUwYzBmMDRkOWE4ZTEwMGM3OWYwMjBjNjg0">“Also, Sophie apparently has a crucial report to make regarding the defense of the Cruxius mansion,” said Nadia, looking at Natalia, “so I would like her to give the report amongst everyone here”</p> <p class="cnM1OTQyZWUyZTdmOTRhNzlhYzExM2EyZjllNTNmMTI3"> </p> <p class="cnNkMDMzY2MyNzRkYTRkM2RhM2RiOTI3ODUxZWQwMmJk">Natalia nodded her head, giving the ok to Nadia’s request.</p> <p class="cnM3MGRjZDBhZmIyOTQ5Y2M4MTk2ZmNlZmNmZDk5MDMz"> </p> <p class="cnMwYzRlYjgwOWIyMjRlZjViMGQ1ZTRiZWVkMThmOGJl">“Thank you,” said Nadia as she stepped down from the altar.</p> <p class="cnMyMjI0ZjJjZmM2ZjQxZjBhNDcxNDdmZmUyMTBmYzY1"> </p> <p class="cnNiN2IwOGYzZjdjZjRmY2FiNTAzZDA3Mjk0OTE5NTc3">Sophie got up from her seat and smiled widely as she walked up to the altar. Just like Nadia, Sophie wasted no time to begin speaking.</p> <p class="cnNhMWE0NGE4NWE1ZjQ4ODM4OTBjOWVhY2M5NDc5NjQ0"> </p> <p class="cnMyYjM4ZWI2ODNlYjQ1MmNhZWUzZmMxMmUyMGNiM2Zj">“So the other day I was looking at the blueprints for the mansion,” Sophie spoke in a childlike manner, “and I found a really big problem in it,”</p> <p class="cnM4NGYwMWYxNDk3NzQxYmM5N2VkYjgwNzZiNDM0OTZl"> </p> <p class="cnNhODQ0MTBlYjlhOTQ5YTU4NzY2ZTc3OTRiMTUyYjA4">A few faces in the crowd turned sour. New members of the family normally needed some time before truly integrating themselves, but Sophie was especially despised. Many Cruxius members took things especially serious, so they found it hard to swallow Sophie’s chipper attitude.</p> <p class="cnM3MjAyZmRjYjQxYTQzYWZiN2VkOGUyNmJiN2QzYWE1"> </p> <p class="cnMyZjlkNGVkZTgwODRlZTNhNzQwNmZiMTBhYjU4NGM2">“You see,” continued Sophie, “because of the system used for artificial lighting in the chapel, using a small space outside of the chapel with lights throughout that is filtered through stained glass, and the fact that the exterior room is connected to the air ducts, it’s possible for someone to interrupt one of our meetings by sneaking through the ducts and breaking through the windows”<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnMxNjhhNWI3OGQ4MjQ2ODk5ZDUzZTZkNzc4ODljMTM2"> </p> <p class="cnNjN2IyNGUxNjY5NjQxODJhOTk3YTVjYmZlNWFlZTZj">A look of confusion and distain spread across the crowd. It was a collective look of “is this bitch serious?”</p> <p class="cnMyMWY1OTZkNGQ5MTQ5ZTJhYzg1ZjlhNjY1MmM5ODFl"> </p> <p class="cnM1Y2ZhOWM0OTUzMjQ3MDhhMTY2ZmFlYmEwZjFmMDA4">“Sophie,” spoke up Nadia, “That problem has been brought not only by me, but also by the head of slave labor and the head of construction projects. Why do you bring it up again? Do you have a solution to propose?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZWNiYmY2NWE0ZjQyZmRhMjM4ZmM3MjZlODQyOWY0"> </p> <p class="cnNlOWYwMzJiNjllZjRkYWM5Mjk1NDhjMThjZjNlOTk2">“Well,” Sophie said, “Not exactly. In fact, I have no clue how to fix the problem,”</p> <p class="cnM1NDY5ZGM1YWNkZTRhMWQ4MTdhNWU5YjgzMDU1MGJi"> </p> <p class="cnNmNTg1ZGEzZTFmYTQwNmJhMWM3YjRhYmU4Mzk5YmNh">“HUH!? A woman in the crowd suddenly shot up, “So why the hell did you bring it up then!?”</p> <p class="cnNlOWY5NzA0M2IzYzQ4NTk4ZmVhM2FmMTA2YTJkNTEy"> </p> <p class="cnMwM2Q5MWE4OTE4YjRlYmU5YzIwYWM4NzBlYjgxNWU2">“Well,” satrted Sophie, as she put her finger to her lips, contemplating, “probably because I’d feel bad if I didn’t tell you it was being exploited right now,”<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnNhZDUyOTE0NzcwNzQ5NWY5ZDg2NjFhYWI3OTlmODc1"> </p> <p class="cnNjNmI1YmYyOTMxNzRjNTliMzY5NGY2YzM5MTU3MzI0">Another look of confusion shot across the crowd. They began to look about. As they did, Nadia’s ears perked up. She heard something. Footsteps. Many footsteps outside of the chapel. Nadia was just as confused as the rest of the crowd, until it finally clicked. Nadia turned to look at Sophie, eyes wide. Sophie’s lips curved into a wicked smile, showing her fangs.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZGRkYjIxYWMzMzRkMWRiNTUxMGE2MGY4MDZjYzg2"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZjdmNTAzYjc0NzQ3YTQ5NThiZTllMTQ4YThhOTA2">Just then, two more sounds pierced Nadia’s ears.</p> <p class="cnMyMWVmMjBjY2IwODQ1ZDI4ZDQ0Njg0YjE3MDYzMDQy"> </p> <p class="cnM4N2NjZDQ5MmQ5MzRkMjdhNDc1NTZhMDE0YWYyZWJm">Gunfire and glass shattering.</p> </div>
Netempus was made as a social experiment to observe the psychological differences in people that lived with the same technology their entire lives and people who lived with the constantly changing technology of the modern age. The head of the experiment chose the nineteen eighties for the simple reason of nostalgia. However, the city was not built in an idealized way. The city made sure to encapsulate the good, the bad, and the ugly of the decade. In one of the “bad” parts of the city, Nadia stepped out of Alice’s liquor store. Although it was very early in the morning in the beginning of January, it was still quite warm. Even so, Nadia didn’t take off her jacket. She walked down the street the store was on. The road was populated with the cars of people trying to get ahead the morning rush hour. After walking about a dozen blocks, she turned into an alleyway. The alley she had turned into was a maze between brick buildings. She traversed her way through this maze before coming to a sudden halt. She stood before a door with two red x’s spray-painted on it. Nadia knocked on the door multiple times at seemingly random intervals. In truth, she was being extremely careful in how much time was between each knock. After she finished her knocking, the sound of locks being undone could be heard. After the locks were undone, the door swung open. The one opening the door was a young girl who looked no more than 12 years old. She had red hair tied up into pigtails and aqua eyes. Her skin was pale, but not nearly the snow white tone of Nadia’s. She wore a frilly, pink lolita dress, a pair of pink high shoes, and a pair of thigh-high white socks. A look of recognition came across her face as she let Nadia in and closed the door. “Welcome back, Lady Nadia” The girl bowed before Nadia. After doing so, her expression changed from serious to exited. She put both hands in front her chest, clenched in fists. “Tell me, tell me, how did it go with that manager girl?” “I made sure that she wouldn’t keep too much to herself anymore,” said Nadia, smiling. “So how did you punish her?” “My boots were dirty, so I had her clean them with her mouth,” “Eeeh? You mean you didn’t cut her?” said the girl, disappointedly, “you’re no fun sometimes, Nadia” “Well, I did make her bleed from the mouth a bit after kicking her, if that’s any condolence to you,” “Only a little bit,” the girl pouted, “I bet she would’ve been way cuter if she had a cut or two on her face,” This girl that Nadia was speaking with was a twelve year old girl named Beatrix. While you might not be able to tell due to her chipper demeanor and cute appearance, she was a sociopath and a sadist. She had been assigned to door duty for the Cruxius family home a year ago. Since then, conversations like the one they were having became commonplace. Normally someone assigned to door duty would be severely punished for conversing with a Cruxius like this, but Beatrix was an exception. Beatrix was considered a prodigy. She was intelligent, deceptive, and knew how to mask her sociopathy. These were all crucial skills for a member of the Cruxius family. As such, she had already been chosen as a member of the Cruxius family, though she had to wait until she was 18. Her wedding date had already been chosen, as had her groom. “Hey,” started Beatrix, putting back on her excited face, “You know it’s only two-thousand and three days until our wedding,” “YOUR wedding,” corrected Nadia, “it’s not that big a deal for the groom,” “You could at least act excited,” Beatrix began to pout again, “besides, at this rate I’ll be your first bride,” “I doubt it, a lot can happen in six years,” Nadia had been assigned as Beatrix’s groom because she was also a sadist. Additionally, Nadia and Beatrix were already pretty close since before Nadia became a Cruxius. When she was still fully human, awaiting her 18th birthday, Nadia would tell Beatrix stories of her killing people and torturing them, which they both enjoyed. Beatrix had become attached to Nadia during that time, which eventually led to their “engagement”. “Anyways,” said Beatrix, putting her serious face back on, “Lady Natalia has called a family meeting. It will begin in an hour, and is being held in the chapel, per usual,” “Thank you for telling me, Beatrix,” said Nadia as she walked past the girl. After walking past Beatrix, Nadia traversed down a set of stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she reached a hallway with two elevators. Nadia entered the left elevator, pressed a button, and began to descend. After waiting for about twenty seconds, the elevator stopped. Nadia stepped out into a large, well-lit room. The floor was made of stone tiles, with a red rug in the center of the floors. Ahead of where Nadia was standing was a large set of double doors flanked by two staircases. Both led straight up to an upper level. On each side of the upper level were hallways with many doors. This large room was the main hall of the Cruxius mansion. It was a large underground complex that housed most members of the Cruxius family. It had been built on millions of dollars, countless hours, and less than legal labor. Along with bedrooms, which were each extremely lavish, the mansion also housed a movie theater, a dining hall, servant’s quarters, a brothel, and a chapel. However, the chapel wasn’t used for prayer, but instead for marriages and family meetings. Nadia walked up the stairs and took a left. After doing so, she went down seven doors before entering one. As she entered the room, a voice came from inside. “Lady Nadia, is that you?” Nadia closed the door behind her and looked to see a purple-haired woman tied to her bed wearing nothing but black lingerie and a blindfold. The woman was one of Nadia’s former bridesmaids, Lisa. “I don’t think can wait much longer, Lady Nadia,” said Lisa as she rustled about, “I need your treatment as soon as possible,” “The only thing you need,” replied Nadia, “is to be reminded of your place. I decide when to treat you,” Realizing she had an hour before the meeting, Nadia began to take off her shoes. “Of course, Lady Nadia,” moaned Lisa, “when you see it fit, please punish me and remind me of my place,” A smile crept across Nadia’s face as she removed her jacket. “That’s much better, but you still need punishment,” said Nadia as she grabbed a whip off of the wall, cracking it, “I hope you enjoy welts,” “Thank you very much for taking the time to teach a lowly wench like me her place, Lady Nadia,” Time for Nadia to kill off the next hour. • • • “Leaving already?” Moaned Lisa, now sitting naked and unbounded under the bed’s covers. Nadia was putting her clothes back on as she said this. “I got a meeting in ten minutes,” said Nadia, “so I’ll be gone for at least half an hour,” Nadia finished putting on her boots and got up. She walked to the door, opened it, and looked back at Lisa. “I want you out of my bedroom by then” “As you wish,” said Lisa, disappointed. Nadia left the room and headed back to the main hall. Once there, she went back down the steps and turned into the door between the stairs. Once she opened it, she came into a small hallway that led to another large set of double doors. On the sides of the hallway were more doors. Nadia headed straight on towards the set of double doors. She opened them and entered the chapel. The pews were populated with women dressed in a variety of clothing, most of them opting for dresses. This exclusively female population was no accident. It was something that stemmed from the origins of the Cruxius family. As with the other vampiric families, the Cruxius family was founded on an ideal. For example, the Dragomir family was founded as a religious cult. For the Cruxius family, their ideal is one that comes directly from it’s founder, Natalia. That ideal is: Natalia liked being surrounded by beautiful women, and having those women accompany her at night. Nadia knew who all the people in the chapel were, but there was one particularly familiar face in the crowd. It belonged to to Sophie, who had become a Cruxius only a few months ago. Nadia’s former bridesmaid smiled as she waved at her. Nadia gave a subtle wave back. Nadia went down several rows before sitting down in a pew near the front, all alone. She looked up to the altar where Natalia already stood. She had not changed in the slightest, though that was to be expected of a vampire. After about ten more minutes of waiting for everyone to arrive, Natalia began to speak. “Welcome members of the Cruxius family,” spoke Natalia with an air of regality, “I’m well aware that many of you have things to do, so I’ll begin the meeting now. Felicia, if you would take the stage,” A blonde woman wearing a purple dress stood up from her seat near the back of the chapel. She leisurely walked down the isle before she eventually reached the podium. “Here is my report on the current state of the slave trade and our personal slaves:” started Felicia, “Since the last meeting, our daily traffic has increased by an average of four men per day. The average psychological state of our personal slaves has become more docile. There have been less extreme psychological cases among slaves, and therefore less slaves made into food” “You say extreme psychological cases have gone down, but I happen to recall a certain slave spilling the blood of one of our family members since the last meeting,” said one of the women in the crowd. “While that uproar was certainly more extreme than any we’ve had in the past, the actual number of outbreaks have decreased,” responded Felicia. Exchanges like this were common at these meetings. That was because the purpose of the exchanges were to share information amongst the family. Normally, only those who were head of a certain trade or a crucial part of the organization went up to the podium, while the rest of the family members asked questions and listened. This would go on until all of the members slated to speak did so. Felicia continued her report for a while before she finished and headed back to her seat. Natalia then called another family member to the podium. They came up and gave a report on drug dens before sitting back down. The meeting continued on like this. All the while, Nadia listened intensively to each and every report. For most members of the family, there were only a few reports that they needed to pay attention to. For Nadia, however, her duties required her to pay attention to all aspects of the organization. “Nadia, please step up to the podium,” said Natalia an hour after the meeting began. Nadia got up from her seat and walked up towards the altar. When she reached it, she turned towards the crowd and immediately began her report. “The overall state of security is as follows,” started Nadia, “The increased amount of slave traffic has resulted in an understaffing in defense during trafficking. The drug plantations on the city outskirts have the same defenses, as the size of the plantations have not increased...” Nadia continued on about staffing for defense, resources for weaponry, the current supply of weaponry, potential cracks in patrols, etc, etc. She listed these things for almost every branch of the organization. Drug trafficking, brothels, extortion, human abduction, and many more branches of the Cruxius organization were brought up during her report. After the longest report of the day, Nadia had one final thing to say. “Also, Sophie apparently has a crucial report to make regarding the defense of the Cruxius mansion,” said Nadia, looking at Natalia, “so I would like her to give the report amongst everyone here” Natalia nodded her head, giving the ok to Nadia’s request. “Thank you,” said Nadia as she stepped down from the altar. Sophie got up from her seat and smiled widely as she walked up to the altar. Just like Nadia, Sophie wasted no time to begin speaking. “So the other day I was looking at the blueprints for the mansion,” Sophie spoke in a childlike manner, “and I found a really big problem in it,” A few faces in the crowd turned sour. New members of the family normally needed some time before truly integrating themselves, but Sophie was especially despised. Many Cruxius members took things especially serious, so they found it hard to swallow Sophie’s chipper attitude. “You see,” continued Sophie, “because of the system used for artificial lighting in the chapel, using a small space outside of the chapel with lights throughout that is filtered through stained glass, and the fact that the exterior room is connected to the air ducts, it’s possible for someone to interrupt one of our meetings by sneaking through the ducts and breaking through the windows” A look of confusion and distain spread across the crowd. It was a collective look of “is this bitch serious?” “Sophie,” spoke up Nadia, “That problem has been brought not only by me, but also by the head of slave labor and the head of construction projects. Why do you bring it up again? Do you have a solution to propose?” “Well,” Sophie said, “Not exactly. In fact, I have no clue how to fix the problem,” “HUH!? A woman in the crowd suddenly shot up, “So why the hell did you bring it up then!?” “Well,” satrted Sophie, as she put her finger to her lips, contemplating, “probably because I’d feel bad if I didn’t tell you it was being exploited right now,” Another look of confusion shot across the crowd. They began to look about. As they did, Nadia’s ears perked up. She heard something. Footsteps. Many footsteps outside of the chapel. Nadia was just as confused as the rest of the crowd, until it finally clicked. Nadia turned to look at Sophie, eyes wide. Sophie’s lips curved into a wicked smile, showing her fangs. Just then, two more sounds pierced Nadia’s ears. Gunfire and glass shattering.
{ "title": "The Genesis System", "id": 17452, "author": "ProfoundMagician", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 103 - The Market", "id": 305803, "next": 306657, "prev": 304500, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0ODkyZmE5MjYxMDRhYzY5ZjcxNWM2ZjUyMzI0ZDgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">A Sol Invictan saying</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDE0ZmM0NDNhNzRkY2FhZGVkZDY2YWM0ZTI5ODM5"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Where there's value you'll find Sol Invictus. Where there's profit you'll find the Royal Family</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiOGU0Y2JjNDBkMDRkYzk5NzgwZTQ3N2FjMjY2ZmEw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MjVjN2I4OGE0ZTRhNDg4ZTc2ODBjODI4MWM4YWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Octavian walks over to the chair by my mother and collapses onto it. His legs flayed out over one of the arm rests, he looks over at me with a wide grin. “I’m going to be honest, you didn’t have the best odds. I was sure that girl was going to win but you managed to turn it around. Not going to lie Cael, I was a little impressed.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTZjNDM1NDc2YjRkMjBhOTJmNDliYzIwYmVlN2Fk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I wave away his compliment and lean forward, eyes narrowing. From everything I know about him, Octavian is motivated purely by his own interest. While the direction of that interest seems to vary like a spinning vane in the wind, it always seems to serve some greater purpose.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzM4YjhiYjQyZDRjMjA5NWM2MTMzYWMxZTU5MmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Perhaps that is why I find it so odd that he’s here right now. The deal that he made with the old rulers of Everwall stated that we’d join the Market of Sol Invictus if we won. But, if that’s the case, then there’s no conceivable reason for him to be here. He isn’t the type to boast or brag or humiliate. His mocking is always sharp but for a purpose. Which suggests …</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjAwYTQ4ZDhlMDRkNDNhY2ViNWVkMzZhMzU5MTE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I let out a single laugh. “I’m not bound by your Contract, am I?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODcwNWZmMWYzYzRkOTY5NjJlY2U5ZjYzODRjNjdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">His previously grinning face goes flat and his eyes close for a brief second. He reaches up with his hand and, in a startlingly human display, pinches the bridge of his nose. Legs come off the armrest and rest upon the floor as his demeanor seems to shift to become a tad more professional. “Am I that obvious?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWNiYWMwZjRlYTQ2M2Q5YzY2M2RiNjNmMTc0MGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I grin. “Your unpredictably predictable and there’s no other reason for you to be here right now.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTNlMGZlZjllMDRmOTQ4OTU3MDVhM2Q4ZTk3YWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">He lets out a sigh and tosses a glare over to my mom. “You know, I’d thought that you were going to fix my little blunder with that mental command. Would have cemented his position under the Contract. But no, it didn’t work, of course. Like everything else on this damn planet it’s just complications upon complications.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDhiZjdlN2JjYTQ1OGY4NzUzZjEyZWIxNDRkYmU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">My grin turns flat as I fight to keep a grimace off my face. He had seen the attempted command? My mother and I had been the only two people in the room at that point … if he doesn’t need physical presence to spy on us who knows what else he has managed to overhear or see. But then, he is probably revealing this information for a specific reason.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2NkMzE2NmNhNDRhZTU4NDgyZTNiNjg2YmVmZjU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">My hand, positioned down by my leg, clenches tightly. A part of me just wants to reach out with my new power and force Octavian to swear to no longer spy on me but I know that isn’t one of the diplomatic, or even realistic, options before me. No, I am a representative for an entire planet now and I need to learn how to conduct myself in a manner befitting my position.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGU0Yzk1YWU3MTQ1ZWViMTlhZjk4MjFlMWI5ZWQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your spying aside, and we’ll get to that later, what exactly is a Market? I want the full truth, not some tale you spin to paint your people in a good light.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxYWYzODljMmQxMTQ3ZTFiOTI4NWJmNDBjM2VkYjI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He clicks his tongue and leans back. “A market is basically a place for different people or civilizations to trade goods or services through the Gate network. It’s integrated into Genesis so we transactions can be conducted across different waves.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2U3NzA1MDg2YzRmOGZiOWVhYzBhY2I0ZmNiZjAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elias interrupts him. “And what is the benefit of Genesis being involved? Wouldn’t it be better to keep ‘certain’ transactions off of any sort of books?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjJjNWM0OTViOTQ1MTY5ZGZmMGFhMjkxNzNmMDNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Snorting, Octavian responds. “Kid, you’ve obviously never dealt with the Gate network. Travel is incredibly expensive, and anything not registered with Genesis is almost prohibitively so. Shit, it took me nearly five thousand Sols just to come to this backwater planet. But if your transaction is integrated with Genesis than most of the cost of transport is negated.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZGVlZDAxNGZjZjQxZDRiYjI2OTQzNGIxMDU3Nzk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The implication lights up in my mind. If trade amongst different planets is so important that the Empire of Sol Invictus is sending out representatives for new opportunities, then that means I have significantly more negotiating power than Octavian is letting on.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYWFmZjg4ZTdhYzQ1NzRiZGVhMmI2MjgxMGUzZDFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I need a bit more information before I know my exact position though. “So what kind of goods are traded between planets? You’d think Skills would allow anyone to learn what they need to make almost anything.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWUyZmMwZTZiMzRmMjk5NTBiMWQ3N2U3NmM2ZTEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure, you can learn enough of most Skills to try and hack away at some task but you’ll never master it as well as the craftspeople who’ve dedicated their entire lives to a single pursuit. I mean, there’s a woman on my homeworld who’s spent her entire life working on Flower Arrangement. I swear on my life, you’ve never seen a more beautiful bouquet than the ones that come from her shop.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4Nzk3ZWZiMzVmNzRiNmFhNGQzNmRkMmQ5MDA3OGIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I growl. “What kind of goods though?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGM1ZTVkMTA2MzQxMzI4MmNiYjllNjYyNTg5NjVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Despite his obvious frustration, he grins ever so slightly at my annoyed voice. “Okay, okay, calm down. Look, I think you’ll realize pretty quickly that not every planet has the same resources. Different plants, animals, or even liquids can only be found in certain places. Scarcity creates value kid.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmRmN2FkODRhYzQ0NzhhODBkNmMwMWU1OGFmY2My"><span style="font-weight: 400">In a theatrical flourish, he dramatically finishes, “And where there’s value you’ll find Sol Invictus.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDllOTdmNzBhYjQyNGNhMWYyNzJkM2Q1NmZhMjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ignoring him, I turn to Elias. I still don’t trust him fully, but I know that, as long as our interests align, he is an invaluable resource in matters regarding our fledgling economy. “So, what do you think?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWQxNDhmZjZhMzQyNDNhZTlmY2FjOTllMzY2MTgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He holds back a snarky comment, visible swallowing it, and then says, “Based on what I can tell, he’s not lying. His merchants have all said basically the same thing, with slight variations based on what they are trying to sell.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MGRjZDA4MWMyNDRkZDRhZTQzMGNkYTY5NWM2YzQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">He stands up out of his chair and walks behind Octavian. His step is filled with bounce, gleeful and cheery as he makes his way behind the chair. Glancing up at Elias with a bemused expression, Octavian confidently raises a single eyebrow. Elias leans in and smacks his hands down upon both of Octavian’s shoulders.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTA5NGExZmE1YjQ4ZDhhNDI1ZDZhNGM3NzMyYzY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now, the interesting part of this little discussion is </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">why</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Sol Invictus wants us to join their little market. Would our esteemed Primus like to deign us with a guess?” he says, enjoying himself far too much.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjE3M2JhMDYyMjRjMzE5OGY2YzFhNmYzNTYzMDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">My only response is to stare at him, letting the silence continue until it begins to reach uncomfortable levels. Elias, obviously disappointed that his fun has ended, sighs and then continues. “Part of the reason that they are so interested in our world is because we have resources that they don’t have. Specifically, the metal that Alejandro has spent so long experimenting with.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMmYzOGRhOWM4YjQ2ZmJhMDMwOWM1ODdiM2ViNzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">My increased Perception allows me to see the strained cheek muscles, the clenching of his jaw, and the mild color difference as he reacts to Elias’s words. All of these small signs would have evaded my attention previously but the bonus from becoming Primus has given me an almost supernatural awareness of my surroundings. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZjE1NjA2ZDU1MDQ4MDhhZDE4MDFjMmQ4M2MxZDk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I got one of them rip-roaring drunk and he gave up a single word. Hasn’t spoken a word to me since so I think it’s pretty clear that they weren’t supposed to tell us about it. Was that some sort of order that you gave them, Octavian? You didn’t want us realizing we had Vertasium?” he finishes, fingers digging into his captive’s shoulders.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjFiOGEyYTIxNTQ5NGNhYTU1MjExZDBkNGNkMmQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">To Octavian’s credit, he maintains his somewhat straight face, only giving away his true emotion with subtle facial reactions that are almost instantaneous. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that everyone else in the room, with the possible exception of Julian with his Analytics Skill, can’t see any of them. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZTdmYjAyOWM2ZjQ5YWJiYjMwNDU0ZmE2ZWI3ZmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He then runs his hands through his hair and sports an unapologetic grin. It’s only then that I notice, for the first time, how careful and controlled everything is about him. His obvious body language and demeanor give off the impression that he’s a wild person; someone who follows their every whim, regardless of the consequences.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2MyYzM5MWMyYjQ4MmM4MjAyZDA5NGQ3YTI3Nzdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">But it’s only now that I’m coming to realize that Octavian isn’t like that at all. In fact, he may be one of the most controlled people I’ve ever met. His entire personality is just a facade that he maintains like an actor with life as his stage. Even with how terrifying the implication is, I’m impressed with what he’s managed to accomplish.</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2VkMDQ3MThkMTQ1Njg5YzEwY2EwOTQyMzc3M2Jh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He meets my eyes and flashes the his toothy smile towards me, unaware that I’ve finally managed to break through the outer facade. “I won’t lie, I was hoping you wouldn’t learn about the Vertasium. I was going to make a bit of money off of the hedges in the market but, more importantly, I don’t think you are ready for the attention that you’ll get it you put it out there.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODA5MDNlMjNiYTRhYjM4ZjAxMTRkNmFmODkzMDZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I cock my head to the side. “What do you mean?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OGRmYTI2ZmE1ZjQxYWVhNDY1NGU1NGI0Y2YzMmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He gets up out of the chair and his tone becomes serious, “Vertasium is one of the most sought after resources in the universe. It’s not the rarest metal but it is incredibly versatile. Honestly it serves as the foundation for a huge number of militaries. Give or take 30% of them are completely reliant on it. You guys are safe from the upper waves for a few years but once the other 11th Wave planets know that you have it … you’ll become one of the prime targets for conquest.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjgzYjdkZWQ4NTQ4NTBiOTNmMjkyZTlmY2M5ZTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Is he letting a bit of his true personality past the wall or is this just another manipulation? The doubt erodes my trust in everything he says. However, the picture he paints is an incredibly realistic one.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGVkYTFmMzM5YTQ3MDE4YjM0OGRiMTFhOWVjOWYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the dozens of history war books that I read in the old world, the great unifying factor among all of them was the presence of an important resource. Other motivations always sprung up but the desire for some resource, whether it be land, bodies, or mineral, was always present.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGE0MTgyYzIxOTRiYzhiZjA3MTQ3YjQ1YzVjZDBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The fact that this new world is apparently the same is both a sense of relief and worry. Relief in the sense that I have a faint understanding of what I’m dealing with but worry in the sense that I know what I’m dealing with; the relentless desire for what the other person has. If other races are as greedy as humanity than I fear the Vertasium has the potential to cripple us before we begin. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNDkzNTYzMDFlMzQ1OWZhZTg4MThlZDYwZDA1Mjkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So what’s stopping us from stockpiling it and holding it on our own terms? Our own use?” I ask, genuinely considering the idea as a way to potentially hold back an impending doom.</span></p> <p class="cnNmODMwOGQxOTNkNzQ3NTliNjFlNmQ3Yzg0MjljMTUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He nods and his red eyes flash with intelligence for a split second. There’s a fierce intellect hidden behind that foppish persona. “In reality, nothing. Once you realize how much money you could make off it, everything. I’m not kidding Cael, that suit of armor that your friend has could outfit a small army with decent weaponry. And if what I’ve seen projected is true, you could be sitting on a massive amount.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWUwOTM0MjQ2ZDQ5MmFiMmJmYzkxOWY5ZDYyMzM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I consider his words. Despite my suspicions, I find myself believing him. There’s only one part that is bothering me.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzBlYjY2NTRhYjQxMjg5YmY1Y2VkNmE2ZGQ2Yzc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you gain out of this?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzdmYzUzNmE3ZTQ4MTE4MzliOTE3Y2VlZjRjNjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Excuse me?” he replies.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MmYwNjdlNjExMzQzZjBhNjYwNGUyMzQwMjVjMGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you gain from telling us this? It’s obvious that you want me in your Market so there has to be some sort of benefit to adding ourselves to it. What do you get out of us selling Vertasium?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWE5YjhiZTIzYTQ1N2NiMGE1OTlkZjA2MGVlM2E0"><span style="font-weight: 400">A tightening of the upper cheek muscles, a predatory flash of his few sharp teeth, a fractional nod of his head in an almost sportsmanlike acknowledgement of my pointed question. These are the small signs that I see as soon as the words leave my mouth. They tell me one thing; Octavian caught on.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzNhNjAyOTliYTQ4MTc4ZDkwY2VmZWJjNzhmNzYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I imagine for the sake of everyone else in the room, he reaches up and scratches his chin in mock deep thought. This continues for a few seconds and then his hand shoots up as if inspiration has just struck him in that very moment. “Aha! I figured it out. It’s good me because we get the tax revenue. The higher the value of the transaction the more we get from our tax. And Elias calm yourself down, it’s only a 2% tax on the buyer side, so you wouldn’t be impacted anyway. It’s the lowest out of any of the Markets, by a pretty significant margin.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWQzN2FiYTk3ZDRkNDk4YWFkM2U1NWJkZGM1ZWMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I’ve almost made up my mind when a voice cuts through and ask, “C-c-can we h-h-hide beh-behind a proxy o-or a in-intermediary to s-s-sell? Or s-sell an-anonymously?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwOGQyZWE4NWEzZDQ4ZTg5YTkyMWU5MDFjNGU0Mzgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Octavian’s shrugs his shoulders apologetically at Julian and responds, “Sorry, not possible. Ours is an open market, everyone visible with everything. Nothing is illegal to sell and everything's out in the open.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2I4OGFhYmJiNTQwMjBhMWI0NGYxNWQ2YTRiZWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">That last part is unfortunate but it makes pragmatic sense. If all transactions are part of some sort of public log than there can’t be secret accumulations of goods. Everyone else would just be able to see the transactions and could eventually figure out the implications. Whether intended or not, the rule probably helps stop most wars while they are still in their infancy. Why attack your enemy when he or she can know that it is coming weeks or months in advance?</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDhjNzUwZDcwMzRkODc5YmRjYmE5YTFiOGY3NWRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“All right Octavian, I’ve made my decision.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTdjZjFlY2E0MDQ4OGFhOWUxMjZiOGJlMzMyNjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I pull open the Primus Screen and select </span><strong><em>The Market of Sol Invictus</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNlNzVlOWQ2ZmIxZjQwOGQ4ODA4MTdmYjQ1MmM3MDVj"><strong>You have selected The Market of Sol Invictus as your Market! Access to the Market Screen has now been granted to all designated Merchants within your designated area of control. Goods can be transported through the Gate with no additional transport charge.</strong></p> <p class="cnNjNjU1NTM2Yjk4ZjQ5NjFiYTc1Njg5ZTdiN2FhY2Rh"><strong>Scanning Scanning …</strong></p> <p class="cnM3MTgxOWNlMTZhZjQwNTk4Mzk3N2MxZWRiOTBiY2Q1"><strong>Please establish your Gate. Merchants will be unable to access the Market Screen until this has been accomplished. You have [5] Earth Days left until a random location will be chosen.</strong></p> </div>
A Sol Invictan saying *Where there's value you'll find Sol Invictus. Where there's profit you'll find the Royal Family*   Octavian walks over to the chair by my mother and collapses onto it. His legs flayed out over one of the arm rests, he looks over at me with a wide grin. “I’m going to be honest, you didn’t have the best odds. I was sure that girl was going to win but you managed to turn it around. Not going to lie Cael, I was a little impressed.” I wave away his compliment and lean forward, eyes narrowing. From everything I know about him, Octavian is motivated purely by his own interest. While the direction of that interest seems to vary like a spinning vane in the wind, it always seems to serve some greater purpose. Perhaps that is why I find it so odd that he’s here right now. The deal that he made with the old rulers of Everwall stated that we’d join the Market of Sol Invictus if we won. But, if that’s the case, then there’s no conceivable reason for him to be here. He isn’t the type to boast or brag or humiliate. His mocking is always sharp but for a purpose. Which suggests … I let out a single laugh. “I’m not bound by your Contract, am I?” His previously grinning face goes flat and his eyes close for a brief second. He reaches up with his hand and, in a startlingly human display, pinches the bridge of his nose. Legs come off the armrest and rest upon the floor as his demeanor seems to shift to become a tad more professional. “Am I that obvious?” I grin. “Your unpredictably predictable and there’s no other reason for you to be here right now.” He lets out a sigh and tosses a glare over to my mom. “You know, I’d thought that you were going to fix my little blunder with that mental command. Would have cemented his position under the Contract. But no, it didn’t work, of course. Like everything else on this damn planet it’s just complications upon complications.” My grin turns flat as I fight to keep a grimace off my face. He had seen the attempted command? My mother and I had been the only two people in the room at that point … if he doesn’t need physical presence to spy on us who knows what else he has managed to overhear or see. But then, he is probably revealing this information for a specific reason. My hand, positioned down by my leg, clenches tightly. A part of me just wants to reach out with my new power and force Octavian to swear to no longer spy on me but I know that isn’t one of the diplomatic, or even realistic, options before me. No, I am a representative for an entire planet now and I need to learn how to conduct myself in a manner befitting my position. “Your spying aside, and we’ll get to that later, what exactly is a Market? I want the full truth, not some tale you spin to paint your people in a good light.” He clicks his tongue and leans back. “A market is basically a place for different people or civilizations to trade goods or services through the Gate network. It’s integrated into Genesis so we transactions can be conducted across different waves.” Elias interrupts him. “And what is the benefit of Genesis being involved? Wouldn’t it be better to keep ‘certain’ transactions off of any sort of books?” Snorting, Octavian responds. “Kid, you’ve obviously never dealt with the Gate network. Travel is incredibly expensive, and anything not registered with Genesis is almost prohibitively so. Shit, it took me nearly five thousand Sols just to come to this backwater planet. But if your transaction is integrated with Genesis than most of the cost of transport is negated.” The implication lights up in my mind. If trade amongst different planets is so important that the Empire of Sol Invictus is sending out representatives for new opportunities, then that means I have significantly more negotiating power than Octavian is letting on. I need a bit more information before I know my exact position though. “So what kind of goods are traded between planets? You’d think Skills would allow anyone to learn what they need to make almost anything.” “Sure, you can learn enough of most Skills to try and hack away at some task but you’ll never master it as well as the craftspeople who’ve dedicated their entire lives to a single pursuit. I mean, there’s a woman on my homeworld who’s spent her entire life working on Flower Arrangement. I swear on my life, you’ve never seen a more beautiful bouquet than the ones that come from her shop.” I growl. “What kind of goods though?” Despite his obvious frustration, he grins ever so slightly at my annoyed voice. “Okay, okay, calm down. Look, I think you’ll realize pretty quickly that not every planet has the same resources. Different plants, animals, or even liquids can only be found in certain places. Scarcity creates value kid.” In a theatrical flourish, he dramatically finishes, “And where there’s value you’ll find Sol Invictus.” Ignoring him, I turn to Elias. I still don’t trust him fully, but I know that, as long as our interests align, he is an invaluable resource in matters regarding our fledgling economy. “So, what do you think?” He holds back a snarky comment, visible swallowing it, and then says, “Based on what I can tell, he’s not lying. His merchants have all said basically the same thing, with slight variations based on what they are trying to sell.” He stands up out of his chair and walks behind Octavian. His step is filled with bounce, gleeful and cheery as he makes his way behind the chair. Glancing up at Elias with a bemused expression, Octavian confidently raises a single eyebrow. Elias leans in and smacks his hands down upon both of Octavian’s shoulders. “Now, the interesting part of this little discussion is *why* Sol Invictus wants us to join their little market. Would our esteemed Primus like to deign us with a guess?” he says, enjoying himself far too much. My only response is to stare at him, letting the silence continue until it begins to reach uncomfortable levels. Elias, obviously disappointed that his fun has ended, sighs and then continues. “Part of the reason that they are so interested in our world is because we have resources that they don’t have. Specifically, the metal that Alejandro has spent so long experimenting with.” My increased Perception allows me to see the strained cheek muscles, the clenching of his jaw, and the mild color difference as he reacts to Elias’s words. All of these small signs would have evaded my attention previously but the bonus from becoming Primus has given me an almost supernatural awareness of my surroundings. “I got one of them rip-roaring drunk and he gave up a single word. Hasn’t spoken a word to me since so I think it’s pretty clear that they weren’t supposed to tell us about it. Was that some sort of order that you gave them, Octavian? You didn’t want us realizing we had Vertasium?” he finishes, fingers digging into his captive’s shoulders. To Octavian’s credit, he maintains his somewhat straight face, only giving away his true emotion with subtle facial reactions that are almost instantaneous. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that everyone else in the room, with the possible exception of Julian with his Analytics Skill, can’t see any of them. He then runs his hands through his hair and sports an unapologetic grin. It’s only then that I notice, for the first time, how careful and controlled everything is about him. His obvious body language and demeanor give off the impression that he’s a wild person; someone who follows their every whim, regardless of the consequences. But it’s only now that I’m coming to realize that Octavian isn’t like that at all. In fact, he may be one of the most controlled people I’ve ever met. His entire personality is just a facade that he maintains like an actor with life as his stage. Even with how terrifying the implication is, I’m impressed with what he’s managed to accomplish. He meets my eyes and flashes the his toothy smile towards me, unaware that I’ve finally managed to break through the outer facade. “I won’t lie, I was hoping you wouldn’t learn about the Vertasium. I was going to make a bit of money off of the hedges in the market but, more importantly, I don’t think you are ready for the attention that you’ll get it you put it out there.” I cock my head to the side. “What do you mean?” He gets up out of the chair and his tone becomes serious, “Vertasium is one of the most sought after resources in the universe. It’s not the rarest metal but it is incredibly versatile. Honestly it serves as the foundation for a huge number of militaries. Give or take 30% of them are completely reliant on it. You guys are safe from the upper waves for a few years but once the other 11th Wave planets know that you have it … you’ll become one of the prime targets for conquest.” Is he letting a bit of his true personality past the wall or is this just another manipulation? The doubt erodes my trust in everything he says. However, the picture he paints is an incredibly realistic one. In the dozens of history war books that I read in the old world, the great unifying factor among all of them was the presence of an important resource. Other motivations always sprung up but the desire for some resource, whether it be land, bodies, or mineral, was always present. The fact that this new world is apparently the same is both a sense of relief and worry. Relief in the sense that I have a faint understanding of what I’m dealing with but worry in the sense that I know what I’m dealing with; the relentless desire for what the other person has. If other races are as greedy as humanity than I fear the Vertasium has the potential to cripple us before we begin. “So what’s stopping us from stockpiling it and holding it on our own terms? Our own use?” I ask, genuinely considering the idea as a way to potentially hold back an impending doom. He nods and his red eyes flash with intelligence for a split second. There’s a fierce intellect hidden behind that foppish persona. “In reality, nothing. Once you realize how much money you could make off it, everything. I’m not kidding Cael, that suit of armor that your friend has could outfit a small army with decent weaponry. And if what I’ve seen projected is true, you could be sitting on a massive amount.” I consider his words. Despite my suspicions, I find myself believing him. There’s only one part that is bothering me. “What do you gain out of this?” “Excuse me?” he replies. “What do you gain from telling us this? It’s obvious that you want me in your Market so there has to be some sort of benefit to adding ourselves to it. What do you get out of us selling Vertasium?” A tightening of the upper cheek muscles, a predatory flash of his few sharp teeth, a fractional nod of his head in an almost sportsmanlike acknowledgement of my pointed question. These are the small signs that I see as soon as the words leave my mouth. They tell me one thing; Octavian caught on. I imagine for the sake of everyone else in the room, he reaches up and scratches his chin in mock deep thought. This continues for a few seconds and then his hand shoots up as if inspiration has just struck him in that very moment. “Aha! I figured it out. It’s good me because we get the tax revenue. The higher the value of the transaction the more we get from our tax. And Elias calm yourself down, it’s only a 2% tax on the buyer side, so you wouldn’t be impacted anyway. It’s the lowest out of any of the Markets, by a pretty significant margin.” I’ve almost made up my mind when a voice cuts through and ask, “C-c-can we h-h-hide beh-behind a proxy o-or a in-intermediary to s-s-sell? Or s-sell an-anonymously?” Octavian’s shrugs his shoulders apologetically at Julian and responds, “Sorry, not possible. Ours is an open market, everyone visible with everything. Nothing is illegal to sell and everything's out in the open.” That last part is unfortunate but it makes pragmatic sense. If all transactions are part of some sort of public log than there can’t be secret accumulations of goods. Everyone else would just be able to see the transactions and could eventually figure out the implications. Whether intended or not, the rule probably helps stop most wars while they are still in their infancy. Why attack your enemy when he or she can know that it is coming weeks or months in advance? “All right Octavian, I’ve made my decision.” I pull open the Primus Screen and select ***The Market of Sol Invictus****.* **You have selected The Market of Sol Invictus as your Market! Access to the Market Screen has now been granted to all designated Merchants within your designated area of control. Goods can be transported through the Gate with no additional transport charge.** **Scanning Scanning …** **Please establish your Gate. Merchants will be unable to access the Market Screen until this has been accomplished. You have [5] Earth Days left until a random location will be chosen.**
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 27: Hunt", "id": 305747, "next": 305749, "prev": 305741, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiZDRmYTEwYmU1MDRhY2U5MzNmODZlNjNhZDc5M2I3"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that notification, the carnine’s eyes glaze over, and I find myself seated next to its corpse. It really is an ugly thing. Scattered, ratty hair. An ugly red color, like a sore. Mostly bald tail. And its eyes… don’t look peaceful.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzkxY2FiNWE1YzRkZjNiNjYwZDgxNTk2MmM3MjA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I guess it makes sense, considering I’m holding the fragments of its soul…</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmM4NTFkZGEzMjRjODQ4OThhMWM0NWRjYmQxNGQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">But there’s something about its eyes that haunt me.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGYyNDAzYjY3ZTRiMzI4NzIzMjM2YWM1ZDdhOTkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Something that makes me think.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODllYmQzZTNjNjQyOWM4ZmJmNTliMmI2ZWEwNWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Demands an answer for why I was willing to destroy it. Why I thought death wasn’t enough. In the silence of the aftermath, it becomes harder and harder to justify the extra measure. Not because Rav was here to see it, he wouldn't know what I did. Couldn’t know. All he saw was me grab the broken leg of a monster, and the monster stop moving.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjA5NzI5ZDBjNDQ5OGFiZjA0MjViYjRjNDUzZTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjliNDc1MThhODQ4Mjk5ZWIyNzQ1YWUyMTBlZmY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">No, I don’t care about his judgement, if he even would judge me for it. I’m judging myself for this. I don’t think I was this way before… willing to kill and indulge in sadism…</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2MyYzU5NzhhYzQyMGI4ODUyMzhkYmI1MGVmYzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even in the heat of the moment, I always had a line I wouldn’t cross.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGY4N2I5MzRmMTQzMWZhYTg4ZThmZDhkOTYwMzNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">And then I got here, to this place. This beautiful, horrifying world, full of endless opportunity and boundless danger… and I lost that line.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODZkNGRkNWVhMzQ5Y2Q5YTMxZDIyOGUxN2JlNjU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It bothers me. It bothers me that I’m kicking myself for what I essentially *had* to do. There’s no room for civility here, for morals or standards. It’s kill or be killed, these are monsters. But it still hurts. It still… I don’t know. Regardless of what fragments do, I’m sure I’ll wish I had gathered more by the time I need them.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGE4YTQyMDA2NjRhNzJiMjY5NzkzMTk1NGYyMDAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">In a detached sort of way, I know a lot of my remorse is just as senseless as the aggression that caused it. Chemicals in my blood making me feel angry and strong, then their absence making me feel mortified… but </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">knowing </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">that doesn’t stop it. Understanding what’s wrong doesn’t fix it. </span></p> <p class="cnNmN2NiNzAzZjBiZTQ3ZjY5N2Q0ZDc1MGY3OGQ0MDM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">And the same voice that whispers ‘coward’ in my ear every time I’m not paying attention is now whispering ‘murderer’ too.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGNkODAyMzk1YTRhZTViZWU3ZjU3NjRkZGRkNjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">__</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzdjMjdkMzllMzRkNjM4M2M4ZWM1ZTE3NTk2YzVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I don’t know how long I sat there, staring at nothing. I do know that my emotions are getting far more chaotic than normal, just flying from blind rage to crushing guilt. Before all this, it didn’t really happen… but maybe that was because nothing ever drove me that hard. I was never attacked by anything that meant to kill me, never genuinely thought I was going to die… my life was pretty easy. I got scared, sure, but honestly the fear was never real. I was always safe, and I knew I was safe. Even when I probably wasn’t safe, staring down some random bear during a hike, I *knew* it wasn’t going to attack me. So, while I felt scared, I didn’t… *feel* scared. Now? My mortality is ever-present. Whether it’s traumatized humans that might snap at a moment's notice or crazed monsters than seem intent on killing people, I know that ‘guarantee of safety’ I felt before is long gone. I… never realized how accustomed to that safety I had gotten until I had it ripped away. Knowing there’s nowhere for me to go, no safe haven with people who care and would protect me, no higher power looking out for me… it’s not something I ever thought I’d face.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWU5NDk4YzI1ZTQ3MDM5MGI2ODE1ZmE3Y2RkYzlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">And now? With all *this* in front of me? Why… why do any of this? I can either become a killer, squashing the things I think make me human, or I can… die. Part of me wishes I could hole up next to the river and just forget about all this. Try making something of a life. I think it would even be fun to try building a fort or something. Make my own tools, build, grow, and learn. I would like that. Then, the whole ‘gamified’ existence I have going on now could actually feel like a game. Gaining skills and stats, seeing measurable progress in whatever I try to do, all that would be a bit like life before, but more fulfilling. There is probably plenty of adventure to have on this world that doesn’t involve killing. Mountains to summit, caves to explore, ruins to delve. Why can’t I have that?</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWNmOTQ5MWYzOTQwZjdhNDljMjEyOWY2OGIzOTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzMyYTI0YWM0NDQ5YzA5YmI0NDhmZTY2OGIzNWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">But I’m pitying myself. I know that. I can hear my own common sense wryly responding to every one of my complaints with exactly why I’m being a whiny bitch and exactly how to fix it, but I don’t want to fix it. Any of it. I don’t want to die and I don’t want to fight.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzNhYjdlNTIzNjQ2OTNiNDdlMDkzOTZlYzc3MDA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It’s not like I could tame any of those Carnine creatures… and even if I could, they aren’t powerful enough. Maybe it would open a line of communication with the other monsters, but what then? Ask them politely to let us kill them all? We literally have a quest to ‘eliminate’ them, and if we </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">don’t </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">then we can’t get whatever benefits a ‘village’ provides, whatever the fuck those may be.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDQzZTFjNjk1OTQ4MmE5MGUwZWI3MzI3ODdlZjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">We were thrown into a game with a torn and burned piece of the rulebook and expected to just figure it out. Or maybe we’re supposed to be like food? I’ve been treating this like something that was designed around people, around humans, but it might not be. What if we’re just fodder for something stronger? Some far superior alien race that is using this place as a… game…</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTg4ZTljYmM2YzQ4MTFiNWYwNWI5ODgyYmMzZWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTRhY2VjOGJlMjQ0OWVhMTU3YTU2ZmJiNzM0ZDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wouldn’t that just be fucking hilarious. Aliens that don’t invade, they just rob a world of all its people and pit them against ridiculous challenges, themselves, or random monsters, or whatever. I wonder if they’d have cameras or something that just watch everything. A giant battle royale of fuck.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWY5MjYyNzZlNzRhYmRiYzg4MTI1NDY5M2MwZDEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I shake my head slightly, sighing. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNDVhZjZkNmE2YjQ5MmJhNzlkZTgwMDZmNDg3ODEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">There’s no reason to think about this kind of stuff, and it’s all spite-motivated speculation anyway. Cathartic, maybe, but not useful, and right now I need useful. Until I’m safe and can break down in peace. </span></p> <p class="cnM2M2ExM2E4ODI4ZjQyZTNhMjUwYzhmYmQxZjEyOTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Speaking of safety, where’s Kaythe?</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjhlZjMwODkzYTQ5MmJiZDBhMjg5Yzc5MjkzYzQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stand up and look around, but I don’t see it in my immediate vicinity. Alarmed, I rapidly turn over the corpses, worried it might have gotten hurt, but there’s no sign of it anywhere. The surrounding hills make for extremely inconvenient sight lines… </span></p> <p class="cnMzM2M1MGQ3ZWI1MjQ2MDI4MTQ3ZDAyYmMyZjkwNTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Where the hell…</span></p> <p class="cnM2OWI3MDc2MmI1ZTQ0ZTc5Nzk3MDM5NTMzMzcyZjI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I mean, it’s not a huge creature, but it also isn’t tiny, and the grass isn’t tall enough to hide it. I jog up to the top of a nearby hill and quickly survey the area. I see the fortifications of the monster camp, the looming mountains, and I can barely make out the glistening river we came from… but no Kaythe. Did it… decide to go home? But why? </span></p> <p class="cnNmOTc5MThiZmNhNTQwYmJiNmIzMmE5NDY0NDlmM2I1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The thought of it leaving by choice fills me with pain, reigniting the loneliness I vanquished only minutes before. I try my best to dismiss the possibility; Kaythe wouldn’t leave without saying something. But where… Damn these blasted hills! It could be anywhere!</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDI5MjMyZjU4NzRiOTQ4Mzc0NmYzNmE0YWRmZTM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I hear footsteps approaching me.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmU3YjZlN2Y3MzRiNzI4ODkwYTdjZGRkOGUwNDM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav, I already know, wondering why I’m looking so panicked. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMjJlNWExNzBlYzQwNzQ4MDhhNGJhY2Q5MjJhOWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I need to find Kaythe, it’s gone and I don’t know where- did you see? Rav, I can’t find-”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmFhMzZhNzY3ZTRmZmE4Yzc1YjZmZTcwNmU5Y2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Calm. Calm yourself, friend. I know not what happened to your little companion, but I am sure I did not see it harmed. Come, we will find it.” He smiles, his usual, innocuous smile. It doesn’t do much to calm me, but I try to stop outwardly panicking as much. More as a sign of solidarity than anything.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNzMyYjI5ZjJiOTRlMzY4YzgyYTBjODUwYzY5Y2Y0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I nod, and do my best to open my senses. </span></p> <p class="cnMwN2I1NDNjMDUwNzQ1M2Q5OTk1YWI2MDdiZWIyZmM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Something I never noticed before, being just a regular human, was the control we have over what we experience. All of your senses can be willfully dulled, but when you have such a small range to cover, you barely notice it. The change isn’t meaningful enough. A child, screaming endlessly? Dull your hearing. A normal human wouldn’t notice much difference, perhaps the experience is slightly less irritating, but nothing more. But now? My hearing is constantly assaulted by a cacophony of tiny, meaningless sounds. The rustle of an insect in the grass 10 feet away, the wind shaking a bush in the distance, the beating of my own heart, but hidden in all of that could be an actual threat. I can dull it so only the really pronounced sounds get through, like a sudden crackle of dried grass or the heavy pounding of a charging monster. It isn’t perfect, and while I can focus on particular sounds that I already hear, I have trouble listening *for* particular sounds. For instance, the clacking of my wayward cathid.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZThhMjU1MDAzNzQ1NzRhZjJjMjZjZTEyYWU0Njhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stats give you the ability to be better, but not the knowledge of how. Even though my perception is higher than almost any other stats, I still need to wade through learning how to be perceptive.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Mjg0YjI4OGUyNzQ5MGNhNTgwYzU3OTVhYTc5N2E0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Classic.</span></p> </div>
With that notification, the carnine’s eyes glaze over, and I find myself seated next to its corpse. It really is an ugly thing. Scattered, ratty hair. An ugly red color, like a sore. Mostly bald tail. And its eyes… don’t look peaceful. I guess it makes sense, considering I’m holding the fragments of its soul… But there’s something about its eyes that haunt me. Something that makes me think. Demands an answer for why I was willing to destroy it. Why I thought death wasn’t enough. In the silence of the aftermath, it becomes harder and harder to justify the extra measure. Not because Rav was here to see it, he wouldn't know what I did. Couldn’t know. All he saw was me grab the broken leg of a monster, and the monster stop moving. … No, I don’t care about his judgement, if he even would judge me for it. I’m judging myself for this. I don’t think I was this way before… willing to kill and indulge in sadism… Even in the heat of the moment, I always had a line I wouldn’t cross. And then I got here, to this place. This beautiful, horrifying world, full of endless opportunity and boundless danger… and I lost that line. It bothers me. It bothers me that I’m kicking myself for what I essentially *had* to do. There’s no room for civility here, for morals or standards. It’s kill or be killed, these are monsters. But it still hurts. It still… I don’t know. Regardless of what fragments do, I’m sure I’ll wish I had gathered more by the time I need them. In a detached sort of way, I know a lot of my remorse is just as senseless as the aggression that caused it. Chemicals in my blood making me feel angry and strong, then their absence making me feel mortified… but *knowing* that doesn’t stop it. Understanding what’s wrong doesn’t fix it. And the same voice that whispers ‘coward’ in my ear every time I’m not paying attention is now whispering ‘murderer’ too. \_\_ I don’t know how long I sat there, staring at nothing. I do know that my emotions are getting far more chaotic than normal, just flying from blind rage to crushing guilt. Before all this, it didn’t really happen… but maybe that was because nothing ever drove me that hard. I was never attacked by anything that meant to kill me, never genuinely thought I was going to die… my life was pretty easy. I got scared, sure, but honestly the fear was never real. I was always safe, and I knew I was safe. Even when I probably wasn’t safe, staring down some random bear during a hike, I *knew* it wasn’t going to attack me. So, while I felt scared, I didn’t… *feel* scared. Now? My mortality is ever-present. Whether it’s traumatized humans that might snap at a moment's notice or crazed monsters than seem intent on killing people, I know that ‘guarantee of safety’ I felt before is long gone. I… never realized how accustomed to that safety I had gotten until I had it ripped away. Knowing there’s nowhere for me to go, no safe haven with people who care and would protect me, no higher power looking out for me… it’s not something I ever thought I’d face. And now? With all *this* in front of me? Why… why do any of this? I can either become a killer, squashing the things I think make me human, or I can… die. Part of me wishes I could hole up next to the river and just forget about all this. Try making something of a life. I think it would even be fun to try building a fort or something. Make my own tools, build, grow, and learn. I would like that. Then, the whole ‘gamified’ existence I have going on now could actually feel like a game. Gaining skills and stats, seeing measurable progress in whatever I try to do, all that would be a bit like life before, but more fulfilling. There is probably plenty of adventure to have on this world that doesn’t involve killing. Mountains to summit, caves to explore, ruins to delve. Why can’t I have that? … But I’m pitying myself. I know that. I can hear my own common sense wryly responding to every one of my complaints with exactly why I’m being a whiny bitch and exactly how to fix it, but I don’t want to fix it. Any of it. I don’t want to die and I don’t want to fight. It’s not like I could tame any of those Carnine creatures… and even if I could, they aren’t powerful enough. Maybe it would open a line of communication with the other monsters, but what then? Ask them politely to let us kill them all? We literally have a quest to ‘eliminate’ them, and if we *don’t* then we can’t get whatever benefits a ‘village’ provides, whatever the fuck those may be. We were thrown into a game with a torn and burned piece of the rulebook and expected to just figure it out. Or maybe we’re supposed to be like food? I’ve been treating this like something that was designed around people, around humans, but it might not be. What if we’re just fodder for something stronger? Some far superior alien race that is using this place as a… game… Oh. Wouldn’t that just be fucking hilarious. Aliens that don’t invade, they just rob a world of all its people and pit them against ridiculous challenges, themselves, or random monsters, or whatever. I wonder if they’d have cameras or something that just watch everything. A giant battle royale of fuck. I shake my head slightly, sighing. There’s no reason to think about this kind of stuff, and it’s all spite-motivated speculation anyway. Cathartic, maybe, but not useful, and right now I need useful. Until I’m safe and can break down in peace. Speaking of safety, where’s Kaythe? I stand up and look around, but I don’t see it in my immediate vicinity. Alarmed, I rapidly turn over the corpses, worried it might have gotten hurt, but there’s no sign of it anywhere. The surrounding hills make for extremely inconvenient sight lines… Where the hell… I mean, it’s not a huge creature, but it also isn’t tiny, and the grass isn’t tall enough to hide it. I jog up to the top of a nearby hill and quickly survey the area. I see the fortifications of the monster camp, the looming mountains, and I can barely make out the glistening river we came from… but no Kaythe. Did it… decide to go home? But why? The thought of it leaving by choice fills me with pain, reigniting the loneliness I vanquished only minutes before. I try my best to dismiss the possibility; Kaythe wouldn’t leave without saying something. But where… Damn these blasted hills! It could be anywhere! I hear footsteps approaching me. Rav, I already know, wondering why I’m looking so panicked. “I need to find Kaythe, it’s gone and I don’t know where- did you see? Rav, I can’t find-” “Calm. Calm yourself, friend. I know not what happened to your little companion, but I am sure I did not see it harmed. Come, we will find it.” He smiles, his usual, innocuous smile. It doesn’t do much to calm me, but I try to stop outwardly panicking as much. More as a sign of solidarity than anything. I nod, and do my best to open my senses. Something I never noticed before, being just a regular human, was the control we have over what we experience. All of your senses can be willfully dulled, but when you have such a small range to cover, you barely notice it. The change isn’t meaningful enough. A child, screaming endlessly? Dull your hearing. A normal human wouldn’t notice much difference, perhaps the experience is slightly less irritating, but nothing more. But now? My hearing is constantly assaulted by a cacophony of tiny, meaningless sounds. The rustle of an insect in the grass 10 feet away, the wind shaking a bush in the distance, the beating of my own heart, but hidden in all of that could be an actual threat. I can dull it so only the really pronounced sounds get through, like a sudden crackle of dried grass or the heavy pounding of a charging monster. It isn’t perfect, and while I can focus on particular sounds that I already hear, I have trouble listening *for* particular sounds. For instance, the clacking of my wayward cathid. Stats give you the ability to be better, but not the knowledge of how. Even though my perception is higher than almost any other stats, I still need to wade through learning how to be perceptive. Classic.
{ "title": "The Heretic Legion", "id": 21241, "author": "genetixsparkz", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Ch 13 Dueling hearts and minds.", "id": 305809, "next": 325057, "prev": 305506, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmY2Y2NDRiMzljYTQwYjBhMmRhNGQxODAyOTE3NmY3" dir="ltr">After a rather slow walk to another prisoner. I released her hands and gave the staff to a nearby skeleton.<br class="kix-line-break">“Those bone shards you sent into the guardsmen were... Inspired.” I told Kaylee. “Practice it further.”<strong><br></strong></p> <p class="cnNiYzYzMDJkODUxMDQwMmNiMjY0MDY0NDNhNWZjMTBi" dir="ltr">“Cup your hands,” I instructed.</p> <p class="cnNkZmY0YTQ5OGI0MDRjNGNiODA1NmY3NGZiOTVlYzgx" dir="ltr">She did so, and a skeleton walked up from behind placing one of the severed hands in hers.</p> <p class="cnMxODc3YTg4OTVmNzQ1NTdiMTM5ZTE3MDE3ZDQxNzM0" dir="ltr">“Bone them,” I continued. I saw her try to reach for a dagger while still holding the hand.</p> <p class="cnNiZmVjYjc1MzNmNTQwMTI5M2M1OTQ1ZTg0ZjkwYTVh" dir="ltr">“No.”</p> <p class="cnNmYTNjNzAyNTdmNjQ3OWNiZTJjMTE2N2RjYmIyOThi" dir="ltr">She paused considering. I walked behind and put my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder and cupping her hands in mine before pulling them up. Her own head tilted slightly, nuzzling her head against mine.</p> <p class="cnNlY2M5NGU0ZWE3YTQ1OWViNDgxN2M0N2RiMzUyZDZk" dir="ltr">“Breathe.”</p> <p class="cnMzZDM0MDMyMmRmMTQ2OGFiODY3Yjc2MzgxY2IxM2I4" dir="ltr">We exhaled together, my own hands moving to cover the top and trapping the air from our lungs inside. Scales turned dull and fell off, then bits of tissue and blood dripped and ran between her fingers. They sizzled in the midday sand and the smell of burning kobold flesh and death hit the prisoners nostrils.</p> <p class="cnM5NTU4YzVlMDdkMDQ5OGNhNTYzMzFjMTU4YmRjYzY4" dir="ltr">I spoke softly, “Can you smell their fear?”</p> <p class="cnMwNjBkZDg0M2RhMDQ5ZGE5YWJkOGZiZDRlOWY5N2Yy" dir="ltr">“Yes,” she whispered.</p> <p class="cnMxZmQ4N2M2NzQzNzQ5NzU4ZThmOWE1Zjc0MjdkMTgz" dir="ltr">“That’s what you tasted like.”</p> <p class="cnM5MjAwMGJhMzY5NDRiNDBhNjY0MDc3ZjM5OTZlNDg0" dir="ltr">She shivered and goosebumps formed. Her control faltered and the necrotic mota floated through her fingers.</p> <p class="cnMwZDQwMGY3NjNiNDQwMmJhNDY0Y2Y3MGZkNmQ0NDM3" dir="ltr">I bit her earlobe, “Concentrate.” I said seriously.</p> <p class="cnNjNWYwYjUzYjUyMDQzOTNhYzdmM2QyMTg1MmYzNDIz" dir="ltr">It was a far cry from my training. I recalled the feeling of the tube forced down my throat, scraping its way down to my lungs before water poured from it to fill them. Trying to concentrate enough to condense the mana in my lungs and use the pressure to force it back out my throat.</p> <p class="cnMzOTkzZmQ5NjFjOTQzODQ5MWI2YzQ3NGZmNmZjYTg2" dir="ltr">Failure meant passing out and having my head tilted to let the water drain out, then slapped and hit until I woke up. The rule was simple, succeed three times or pass out six. But the only thing that made him more upset than me failing was me failing to pass out. He’d pour water in twice as long after every success, waiting until I was spasming from a brain starved of oxygen before giving me the chance to clear my lungs.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmFlNjA5MGZjYjQ1NDhiMDJhMTU0MmI2ODQ0MGRj" dir="ltr">I bit again harder, hearing her cry out.</p> <p class="cnNlYjc5OWRkNjJmNzQ3ZjI5OWJjZmRiMWZiYjM2ZTA0" dir="ltr">“Can’t have the teacher’s pet failing can we?”</p> <p class="cnM3YzkzNzZiNzk5YzQwZTk5NzBmNDk2ODFjZjcxMmFj" dir="ltr">The bones were polished now, lost in my thoughts I‘d barely noticed her finish. Cleaned until what little remained would struggle to feed even the mites in the sand.</p> <p class="cnNiYjNlNDJkMDNhZTQzMTM5NGM4N2I5MWMxYjE4Y2Qz" dir="ltr">“Grab a carving blade and sharpen the tips. Three cuts, that's it, after you’ve finished with the first hand, clean and train on the second. If you take more than three cuts to make one sharp enough after you‘ve finished with both hands.”</p> <p class="cnNmNDk3MjJhOTlmNDRiODZiZjE2NmQ4YzBlZmFmMWQ5" dir="ltr">My fingertips stroked her own middle finger as I finished speaking.</p> <p class="cnNjYjVjY2NiMmViZDRiMzc5NmVhZDdlNDc3OWUyZDY5" dir="ltr">“I’ll demonstrate the proper technique on yours,” I told her.</p> <p class="cnMwMWNmNGUzYjQ5YTRhM2FiZWYxNjcwZTAyN2IzYjk5" dir="ltr">I armed myself with the blade and staff once more and the skeletons followed me to the flame shaman, dragging the blind and amputated kobold behind them. I continued past him and turned around, allowing me to keep Kaylee in the corner of my vision and watch her as she trained.</p> <p class="cnNhODgyNWE5YzJiODRkODhiMzgzNWFjYzczNDcwNDZj" dir="ltr">She only barely flinched when her knife slid on the second attempt and left a chunk of her palm hanging on by a small section of skin.</p> <p class="cnM5NzQxNDI5MTViMTQ1MDA4YTNiZTc2NzFiM2I5Nzkx" dir="ltr">She looked up suddenly, no doubt worried I’d seen her failure and having her fears confirmed when she saw me watching her.</p> <p class="cnNmZjQzODA1NTJjNjQ4MTBiMjdlZWY2ZjNhZmU3OTlk" dir="ltr">I mouthed a single word.</p> <p class="cnMzZmEzN2EwMmZiMzRmYWVhYjgwMGYzZmNlYTUwYjkw" dir="ltr">Earned.</p> <p class="cnM3NzAyZDNhODkyNTRkYmU5ZGFhYmM4N2Y5Mzg2MzMx" dir="ltr">She nodded and held the chunk tight to her palm before fusing it in place.</p> <p class="cnM0MzA0ZTNhMTQ1MTQ3MTBiZTBkNzI4OWQwYmJlZWQ4" dir="ltr">A skeleton undid the leather holding the shaman’s hands bound and he rubbed at his wrists.</p> <p class="cnM2YjFjY2RiMDIwMjQxYWE5NjhmMWM4ZWUzMDljZmRk" dir="ltr">I kicked the moaning kobold between me and the shaman and spoke softly.</p> <p class="cnM1OTVjNDYxYTUyNzQ4YWViOWQ1ZDhkN2NiZTI4YWJk" dir="ltr">“I told you I’ wouldn’t kill you or your friends here if you surrendered, do you remember that?”</p> <p class="cnNhN2FhMmJiNDA3NTRiZjViZDIyOTQ3ZWE4ZTg2Yjg1" dir="ltr">He said nothing.</p> <p class="cnMwYzI3OGUwZjNlNjQ5MmViZjRiODExY2QxOTIyNTQ4" dir="ltr">I waited and finally realizing I would not continue until I had an answer he simply nodded.</p> <p class="cnMxOTZjMzAzYTJiZTQ4MTE4YTY1NTcwODU2ZWYyOTg0" dir="ltr">“You lizards might not be brilliant, but your cunning in your own way. Perhaps you even realized at some point I could honor my agreement just by having you killed by someone else.”</p> <p class="cnM4NTExYzdhOTYwNDQ4OTFiOTA2NmI1ZGQ5MjQzNzY0" dir="ltr">His eyes went downcast. He had realized that.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGJmNjdjNDE0ODQ2YWQ4MDkzNDJkOGVlZWY0NGNh" dir="ltr">“No worries friend, I wasn’t trying to be cunning like you fucking lizards. No it turns out,” <br class="kix-line-break">My blade's tip impaled into the chest of the kobold between us.</p> <p class="cnMyMTc0NzQ3YjZjODRjOTc5YTRiODgyMzk2MmFmYzRl" dir="ltr">“I lied.”</p> <p class="cnNhMDMyMWM0MjcyNDQxZWFiODQxMzJmY2Y3YWMyOGJl" dir="ltr">I saw the leather covering the shaman’s mouth blacken as fury hit him.</p> <p class="cnNmZDBmODUyMzBhNTQ2YTNiMWU2ZjgyZDAwY2IwNDQ1" dir="ltr">I threw the staff at him, smacking him in the head with it and snarled.</p> <p class="cnNhOWE5YzM3MzEzMzRjZTc5ODM3MzM4NjBjYThiZGU1" dir="ltr">I could already taste his core and even the fight against the neophyte hadn’t been a mage duel, I needed training. My blade split my palm as the leather finally burned free and flame came roaring out. Slightly predictable and I already had a blood shield redirecting the attack to the ground as it grew closer.</p> <p class="cnM2OGI3MzYxMzA4MTRiOTNhNDc2MDgzYzk3ZWU1YmJj" dir="ltr">The attack was impressive but wasted a lot from being spread out over such a large distance. By the time it was a few feet from my core the flamethrower attack washed over my barrier but stood no chance of penetrating it.</p> <p class="cnM5YmJiOWNjYzBhNjRlZjJhYjFmZDczYWYxMGU2YmQ4" dir="ltr">His next attack was more concentrated. Balls of fire spat forth from the staff in rapid succession. These were much denser but also barely contained, made so rapidly they lacked stability and ripped apart exploding on impact. I threw up a minefield of small globules of blood to cause them to detonate prematurely. It worked, but I was getting concerned about the amount of spare blood left in my body.</p> <p class="cnM0OTEwNjQ3MWJjYTRmYWRiMTA0YzEyNDkzZDg4MDBh" dir="ltr">I ran and as he turned to fire I distracted him, the kobold at his feet couldn’t even grab an ankle, but his stubs struck out and drew his ire as I ran towards the supplies.</p> <p class="cnM5MDM2OTA5NTMzMjQyNTJhZDdiN2JhMzYxNjVlNjE5" dir="ltr">Realizing the zombie was no threat after a moment the shaman kicked him away but I’d already reached my target.</p> <p class="cnMwMjBkZmFkZDU2YjQ2YTJhZWE1MjY1YzQ3NDlmMGYw" dir="ltr">I threw several flasks at him and his staff’s tip flared red again firing to intercept.</p> <p class="cnM3NzY2Y2U5YTI3MDQxMTQ5MGU1ODM3YjI1NzFlYWU5" dir="ltr">They impacted and the water flasks he hit disintegrated leaving a haze of steam between us.</p> <p class="cnMzNWE2NzU4MTJmYjQ4YTNiOWYwYjMzYWFhMDExMjY5" dir="ltr">Holes quickly formed in the steam as he fired at random and I had to waste several barriers protecting the supplies. Perhaps not the best choice of cover.</p> <p class="cnNlOWJmNjhhZmExNDQxOTVhN2UwZGYzY2Y2NjNlZWZi" dir="ltr">I took off again towards Kaylee this time. She’d been watching me and part of me wondered if she enjoyed the show.</p> <p class="cnNmZmU5ZGExZDE1MTRjZWQ5ZmIwMzU1YTlmODA1ZjVi" dir="ltr">“Need help?” She asked.</p> <p class="cnNjNmVmZDkxNDBiZDRkY2ZiZmE2YWRhYjE3MTMyNDVh" dir="ltr">Do I need help! I defeated the fucker when he had an army with him, bitch.</p> <p class="cnMwZjY4ODU0ZWVhZTRkNjlhYjBiMzEyOWU0YWZmYWRi" dir="ltr">I grabbed her ass running by.</p> <p class="cnNiNjg1NWIwYzE5YTQ2YzhhYTJkNDY2N2RjYTcwYzlm" dir="ltr">“Yes, but I’m just not sure now is the best time to bend you over Princess.”</p> <p class="cnNhYTZkZDI5M2I2ZTQwNmNhM2UwYTIyNmQ1M2ZhMzk4" dir="ltr">My other hand reached up and grabbed several of her already made bone shards.</p> <p class="cnNjZmZkMTA0N2Y3ZTQ2YjA4MWRkOGI0ODI0ODc4NDM1" dir="ltr">“But if you did a good job on these, I’ll make you a whole bed from the dead kobolds to take care of the problem on.”</p> <p class="cnM2MTIwZGNkYmI5NTRiZGE5YTczMGNhOGNjMWMxMWI0" dir="ltr">I launched the first one through the mist in the general direction of where the fire had been coming from and heard him shriek.</p> <p class="cnMzZGU1ZjBkNWNiOTQ1NDZhNWRkZDRjMGIyYTY0MTc2" dir="ltr">“Always stay moving,” I yelled to Kaylee, hoping she’d been paying enough attention to at least realize some of my brilliance.</p> <p class="cnMyYjZiYmFjYTdkNTQzZWRhODU5Mzc2NDRmOTVkNDRi" dir="ltr">A solid circle of flame was visible even through the mist and I launched another shard at it. I could feel the necrotic mana in the bone lose connection to my core as it hit the solid flames, the heat must have been hot enough to melt bone because no sound came this time.</p> <p class="cnMzNGMzMDE3NGIwODQ0MTY4MzQ2YTFmMzk0YzQ4YzFm" dir="ltr">My silhouette became visible as a dark running outline as the mist lightened and the shaman went forwards. The water would still weaken any attempt to burn a path through, especially if he missed and he couldn’t quite tell my distance.</p> <p class="cnNmNDY0ZmZkNmRmYjQxZTg5MmExYjJlNGY2Yjg1Y2U1" dir="ltr">I knew he’d need me to stand still long enough to close and use his mana’s superior raw power to overwhelm me. But his leg was bleeding from my earlier attack and he had trouble running. The air cleared further as my outline was rocked with nearby explosions. He condensed air roughly in front to slow me down and one finally exploded close enough to force a stop. More explosions rocked the area, and he held his staff pointing forward. Grinning in triumph as he walked closer while spewing a jet of flame. He reached it just in time to see the blackened silhouette of pure blood disintegrate. His eyes went wild and turned in all directions, looking right just in time to see the shard of bone burrow into his chest, penetrating his lungs.</p> <p class="cnNjN2E5NmUzYjQzMjRkODA5NmQwNDY3ZDkzODkzMTQ5" dir="ltr">I walked up enjoying the view as he tried to breathe fire and spat only blood. I pulled bits of it in before it hit the sand, using them to mend the cut in my palm smooth.</p> <p class="cnMxZGNlNTg4YWZkODQ5NGY4ZGJjMzRjNmU3NTJiNjRh" dir="ltr">Scars were earned, and he’d spent too much of his short life being the only person capable of manipulating mana.</p> <p class="cnM4NWQ1YzgwZTM4NDRiNWRiZWNiYmJlM2FmNWI0NThm" dir="ltr">Still, his core was worth it. He fell down and gasped a few more times.</p> <p class="cnM4YWVlMmExMDZjODQ4MTc5MWEzYjQ4ZDg0ZGZiMGY1" dir="ltr">“Come, Kaylee,” I told her.</p> <p class="cnMxODhlN2U5MzllMjRlNjg5YjU3ZTgyNGFlNjc5YWI5" dir="ltr">We sat down beside each other once more on the body of a dying kobold. I threw a bone up in the air and made her catch it with her necromancy before it landed. After a few tries, she did so easily. Then we dueled, taking turns with one of us trying to hit the other’s shard while the other person tried to avoid being hit. The fights of the last several days had greatly increased the core density of both of us and flying a small shard around did nothing to tax our strength.</p> <p class="cnMwNzc1OWI5ZjkzNjRlOTdhYmE3MjFmOGU5MzZjNDc2" dir="ltr">After a while, I threw several more into the air until we had over a dozen in the air at once between us. Her skill was improving enough she’d soon be able to command a whole skeleton and not just pieces of one.</p> <p class="cnM1N2RmNmM1MTcyZTQ0Mzg5NWVlZDliMWViNzY3NTEy" dir="ltr">I’d been winning the aerial duels and was surprised when she used several shards at once to box one of mine in, smashing into it with multiple attacks.</p> <p class="cnMxZGU5ZGIwMTNmYzQwMzA5NzczYmJmYjg1ZTU1ODBh" dir="ltr">I felt the tinge of failure and I knew what I needed to do. To demand she did it again and again as I made it harder and harder, forcing her to get better at every moment until she broke.</p> <p class="cnNlYzc4MmQzZTE3YjRjZWQ5M2RiMjYxMGU0OWU5YTcx" dir="ltr">But then the weakness I thought I banished came back. Perverting my feelings. I felt pride. Not in my own success but in hers, hers that came at the cost of my failure. Several shards flew off course, embedding themselves into my legs.</p> <p class="cnNjZDQ2YTY5ODFkZTQzMzlhM2U4ZGZmNTg1ZTNjZjk1" dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Arial">She turned to look at me surprised. When I said nothing, she remained silent</span> but her eyes became questioning.</p> <p class="cnNlNWU3NzU5NDIwMjRiZmI5NzFkMGM0ZGEwOTczODE1" dir="ltr">“I failed,” I said after a moment.</p> <p class="cnNhN2JiMDkyOWI4ODQ1ZTFhZWQ0NGE2YTkzOWMxZjEx" dir="ltr">“Mm,” she replied.</p> <p class="cnM1NjQ3NGI5ZmMwMDRmZDliM2IwODUyODY3Yjk0ODE5" dir="ltr">I felt her hand reach over and pull them out one by one. Then we sat silently together, meditating over the kobolds corpse, his life force knitting my legs whole again.</p> </div>
After a rather slow walk to another prisoner. I released her hands and gave the staff to a nearby skeleton. “Those bone shards you sent into the guardsmen were... Inspired.” I told Kaylee. “Practice it further.” “Cup your hands,” I instructed. She did so, and a skeleton walked up from behind placing one of the severed hands in hers. “Bone them,” I continued. I saw her try to reach for a dagger while still holding the hand. “No.” She paused considering. I walked behind and put my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder and cupping her hands in mine before pulling them up. Her own head tilted slightly, nuzzling her head against mine. “Breathe.” We exhaled together, my own hands moving to cover the top and trapping the air from our lungs inside. Scales turned dull and fell off, then bits of tissue and blood dripped and ran between her fingers. They sizzled in the midday sand and the smell of burning kobold flesh and death hit the prisoners nostrils. I spoke softly, “Can you smell their fear?” “Yes,” she whispered. “That’s what you tasted like.” She shivered and goosebumps formed. Her control faltered and the necrotic mota floated through her fingers. I bit her earlobe, “Concentrate.” I said seriously. It was a far cry from my training. I recalled the feeling of the tube forced down my throat, scraping its way down to my lungs before water poured from it to fill them. Trying to concentrate enough to condense the mana in my lungs and use the pressure to force it back out my throat. Failure meant passing out and having my head tilted to let the water drain out, then slapped and hit until I woke up. The rule was simple, succeed three times or pass out six. But the only thing that made him more upset than me failing was me failing to pass out. He’d pour water in twice as long after every success, waiting until I was spasming from a brain starved of oxygen before giving me the chance to clear my lungs. I bit again harder, hearing her cry out. “Can’t have the teacher’s pet failing can we?” The bones were polished now, lost in my thoughts I‘d barely noticed her finish. Cleaned until what little remained would struggle to feed even the mites in the sand. “Grab a carving blade and sharpen the tips. Three cuts, that's it, after you’ve finished with the first hand, clean and train on the second. If you take more than three cuts to make one sharp enough after you‘ve finished with both hands.” My fingertips stroked her own middle finger as I finished speaking. “I’ll demonstrate the proper technique on yours,” I told her. I armed myself with the blade and staff once more and the skeletons followed me to the flame shaman, dragging the blind and amputated kobold behind them. I continued past him and turned around, allowing me to keep Kaylee in the corner of my vision and watch her as she trained. She only barely flinched when her knife slid on the second attempt and left a chunk of her palm hanging on by a small section of skin. She looked up suddenly, no doubt worried I’d seen her failure and having her fears confirmed when she saw me watching her. I mouthed a single word. Earned. She nodded and held the chunk tight to her palm before fusing it in place. A skeleton undid the leather holding the shaman’s hands bound and he rubbed at his wrists. I kicked the moaning kobold between me and the shaman and spoke softly. “I told you I’ wouldn’t kill you or your friends here if you surrendered, do you remember that?” He said nothing. I waited and finally realizing I would not continue until I had an answer he simply nodded. “You lizards might not be brilliant, but your cunning in your own way. Perhaps you even realized at some point I could honor my agreement just by having you killed by someone else.” His eyes went downcast. He had realized that. “No worries friend, I wasn’t trying to be cunning like you fucking lizards. No it turns out,” My blade's tip impaled into the chest of the kobold between us. “I lied.” I saw the leather covering the shaman’s mouth blacken as fury hit him. I threw the staff at him, smacking him in the head with it and snarled. I could already taste his core and even the fight against the neophyte hadn’t been a mage duel, I needed training. My blade split my palm as the leather finally burned free and flame came roaring out. Slightly predictable and I already had a blood shield redirecting the attack to the ground as it grew closer. The attack was impressive but wasted a lot from being spread out over such a large distance. By the time it was a few feet from my core the flamethrower attack washed over my barrier but stood no chance of penetrating it. His next attack was more concentrated. Balls of fire spat forth from the staff in rapid succession. These were much denser but also barely contained, made so rapidly they lacked stability and ripped apart exploding on impact. I threw up a minefield of small globules of blood to cause them to detonate prematurely. It worked, but I was getting concerned about the amount of spare blood left in my body. I ran and as he turned to fire I distracted him, the kobold at his feet couldn’t even grab an ankle, but his stubs struck out and drew his ire as I ran towards the supplies. Realizing the zombie was no threat after a moment the shaman kicked him away but I’d already reached my target. I threw several flasks at him and his staff’s tip flared red again firing to intercept. They impacted and the water flasks he hit disintegrated leaving a haze of steam between us. Holes quickly formed in the steam as he fired at random and I had to waste several barriers protecting the supplies. Perhaps not the best choice of cover. I took off again towards Kaylee this time. She’d been watching me and part of me wondered if she enjoyed the show. “Need help?” She asked. Do I need help! I defeated the fucker when he had an army with him, bitch. I grabbed her ass running by. “Yes, but I’m just not sure now is the best time to bend you over Princess.” My other hand reached up and grabbed several of her already made bone shards. “But if you did a good job on these, I’ll make you a whole bed from the dead kobolds to take care of the problem on.” I launched the first one through the mist in the general direction of where the fire had been coming from and heard him shriek. “Always stay moving,” I yelled to Kaylee, hoping she’d been paying enough attention to at least realize some of my brilliance. A solid circle of flame was visible even through the mist and I launched another shard at it. I could feel the necrotic mana in the bone lose connection to my core as it hit the solid flames, the heat must have been hot enough to melt bone because no sound came this time. My silhouette became visible as a dark running outline as the mist lightened and the shaman went forwards. The water would still weaken any attempt to burn a path through, especially if he missed and he couldn’t quite tell my distance. I knew he’d need me to stand still long enough to close and use his mana’s superior raw power to overwhelm me. But his leg was bleeding from my earlier attack and he had trouble running. The air cleared further as my outline was rocked with nearby explosions. He condensed air roughly in front to slow me down and one finally exploded close enough to force a stop. More explosions rocked the area, and he held his staff pointing forward. Grinning in triumph as he walked closer while spewing a jet of flame. He reached it just in time to see the blackened silhouette of pure blood disintegrate. His eyes went wild and turned in all directions, looking right just in time to see the shard of bone burrow into his chest, penetrating his lungs. I walked up enjoying the view as he tried to breathe fire and spat only blood. I pulled bits of it in before it hit the sand, using them to mend the cut in my palm smooth. Scars were earned, and he’d spent too much of his short life being the only person capable of manipulating mana. Still, his core was worth it. He fell down and gasped a few more times. “Come, Kaylee,” I told her. We sat down beside each other once more on the body of a dying kobold. I threw a bone up in the air and made her catch it with her necromancy before it landed. After a few tries, she did so easily. Then we dueled, taking turns with one of us trying to hit the other’s shard while the other person tried to avoid being hit. The fights of the last several days had greatly increased the core density of both of us and flying a small shard around did nothing to tax our strength. After a while, I threw several more into the air until we had over a dozen in the air at once between us. Her skill was improving enough she’d soon be able to command a whole skeleton and not just pieces of one. I’d been winning the aerial duels and was surprised when she used several shards at once to box one of mine in, smashing into it with multiple attacks. I felt the tinge of failure and I knew what I needed to do. To demand she did it again and again as I made it harder and harder, forcing her to get better at every moment until she broke. But then the weakness I thought I banished came back. Perverting my feelings. I felt pride. Not in my own success but in hers, hers that came at the cost of my failure. Several shards flew off course, embedding themselves into my legs. She turned to look at me surprised. When I said nothing, she remained silent but her eyes became questioning. “I failed,” I said after a moment. “Mm,” she replied. I felt her hand reach over and pull them out one by one. Then we sat silently together, meditating over the kobolds corpse, his life force knitting my legs whole again.
{ "title": "Second World", "id": 17317, "author": "Tedd Rex", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 19: The School of Li Lin", "id": 305748, "next": 306322, "prev": 300283, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5MTUzZDRmZjEwZjRhZjk4M2MwYTY4NWU3NzMxNWNl">Ryu lay unconscious on a clean and well-tucked bed. The wounds from his previous encounter were gone, and he'd been dressed in a plain&nbsp;linen shirt and pair of pants.</p> <p class="cnNmZWEwZmI4ZjhiNjQ2MjdiYjM5OTliYTIyNmJkNzQ1">The decor of&nbsp;the room was far opposite of ornate. The walls were painted a most simplistic white and were complemented nicely by oak floorboards. The windows were shutterless and open to the outside. There were occasional breezes that would flow through, but they came in the perfect frequency, temperature, and intensity so as to not put out the incense that burned on a stand by the bed.</p> <p class="cnNhNjY0MzY2Mzc3ZDRmNDk4NWJlZGE0NThlNDEyYjZj">After a moment, Ryu’s eyes gently opened. He calmly blinked to adjust his eyes, and as he did so the morning birds began their daily song. The aromatic of the incense streamed above his face, and his nose naturally sniffed to the distinct smell.</p> <p class="cnMwZmM2MTkyM2VmMDQyODdhNzJmMzc1Mzk4OGI4Yzg4">After recollecting vague memories of past events, he rose up. He sat there inspecting himself. Seeing that everything had been healed, he looked around but saw mostly nothing but&nbsp;the stand to&nbsp;his side and a table to his right. His old cotton clothes had been placed on it; they had been washed and cleaned. There was also a brown crystal necklace set on the table, too.</p> <p class="cnM0NDdlNTE5ZTBmNDQ5ZDZiNDYyN2E5MGQ5ODI0MGI5">He got up and viewed the scenery outside. It was a bright and clear day. He could see small mountains in the background and the height of the forest beyond. After appreciating the view, he walked over to the table and grabbed the necklace. He equipped it, then continued his way to the door, which was centered at the other end of the room.&nbsp;There was a pair of leather-strapped sandals by the door. He slid his feet into them and ventured outside.</p> <p class="cnMxYmJhMmJmNzA4NjQyOTY5ZTg4NTZiYmMwNmZmZTRk">Upon exiting the modest abode, he found himself in the most peculiar place. He had opened up the door to a great cobblestone courtyard. On either side of his view&nbsp;were buildings that seemed all too familiar. The architecture was similar to those of real-world China and Japan: dark-tiled rooves that slanted and curved downward; light exterior walls; stone footsteps&nbsp;leading up to a door at each housing complex.</p> <p class="cnM1NTVjMWFjYjhlODRmMmQ5OGM5ZWU0MTE5MTA3NmI5">Straight across the courtyard, beyond a red gate, was a pagoda. It was at least twenty levels high, and leading up to its steps was a hard dirt path, which was lined perfectly with two rows of blossoming plum trees on its sides.</p> <p class="cnNjMGQxZjY0NDZiYTQ1ZGY5MzliNjNmOTNhNzM4ZjQ0">The pagoda&nbsp;was a good sprint's away, but he could see two young people each carrying a wooden pole over their shoulders, a bucket of water tied to each end. They were the two young NPCs he'd seen in the cave. He walked across the courtyard and through the gate. As he walked through the blossom path, he could hear their loud bickering.</p> <p class="cnM1NzYyYTkwZGJjMDQwNzY5NmQwMTUzOTZhZDcxOGMy">"This is all your fault, Tazuki!" the girl said, pouting her mouth.</p> <p class="cnMxOWNjN2M1ZGQzYTQyMzFhOTg0NDlmZjUzYWEyMmRi">"It was your idea to use the cave portal!" said the boy.</p> <p class="cnMwNTU0ZmEwNmJlYzRjMmY4NDQ1MmJhMmRhNjY5NTli">The girl murmured, "I just wanted to see a Brown-Fanged Spider Queen..."</p> <p class="cnNjODJiNjllZjI3ZTRiNDE5ZjNmNzcwOWJlNmRiYTc3">"What did you expect? To pet it?" Tazuki exclaimed. "We were lucky to get out of that. Who knows what those dumb goblins were going to do with us."</p> <p class="cnMwYjcyZjQxOWI1OTQ2YjlhMWJhZWNkYjBkNDY3ZWM3">"Hey! If it weren't for those imbued chains, we would have gotten free! We're pretty strong, you know! We would have totally beat their butts!"</p> <p class="cnM5NTA0MGU4MmEzMzQ4NGNhZWRmMjI0YWZjYWNiMmJl">"Still, we got outnumbered and caught," said Tazuki. "Thankfully that man came... Madame Yi and Lady Yue Yi too." Mentioning those last two names brought his voice to a halt.</p> <p class="cnMwMmRjYjY0NTIzYjRkODI4NjEyMDljYzllNWQ1MzQ3">"Hmmpf," the girl puffed. "Grandmother never lets us play outside the school. And Voruna and the other towns are just so boring…"</p> <p class="cnNlNGM3MDFlZGFjNzQ3Yzg5YjFhODEyMTJjZjc4MzUy">Tazuki, being a sensitive person to his environment, sensed the approaching player. He turned his head and saw Ryu. He gestured to the girl, whispering to her. "Ling'er, look." They both turned their attention to Ryu as he walked over.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZGVlNWU3YmZkOTRjMDhiOTcxZDEzN2YyZmE5YzBh">The girl's expression suddenly changed into a bright and happy one. She&nbsp;dropped her wooden pole, both buckets spilling over, but she didn't seem to care. She raised her arm and waved. "Hello! Good morning!" She then scurried over to Ryu and introduced herself. "I'm Ling Yi." Then she took a deep bow. "Thank you for saving us yesterday!" She scurried back over to Tazuki and pulled him over, his own pole dropping. She murmured to him, "Hurry and thank him!" She pushed him in front of the&nbsp;Ryu.</p> <p class="cnM5NmY4ZGIzODg3ODQxNTY5MTEwY2EwNzJiNWFiODNj">Tazuki let out a nervous chuckle and then bowed. "Thank you, brave sir, for saving us!" After rapidly bowing multiple times, he backed away to Ling's side, whispering to her, "Lady Yue Yi's gonna kill us for dropping the buckets." Looking at Ling's&nbsp;bashful expression, his face turned grim with despair. It seemed she didn't care for the consequences at all.</p> <p class="cnNhY2ZlODk3MWIzZDQxZDk4NjZiY2YwNTY5MzdhOTQw">Amused by their predicament, Ryu smiled. "I'm Ryu."</p> <p class="cnNkYmQzM2ViNzY5YjQ2Nzc4ZjI3ZDczNjY0NmNhNWM1">"It's nice to meet you, Sir Ryu!" Ling said.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMTM3MGY0ODI2MzQ3MDA5ZWIwNzg4Mjc1Mjg3YjNh">Ryu laughed. "I'm afraid I'm not a knight."</p> <p class="cnM1NDE5MDVlYTNhMDQ0YzZiZDYxMjQ4ZTc1M2U4NWY4">"Oh, but you fought like one! You were so brave going up against that Brown-Fanged Spider Queen!" exclaimed Ying. Then she paused, pressing her finger against her lip. "Too bad you didn't last long..."</p> <p class="cnNiNWRhZWY4OGEwMzQxMjVhODllODBlMzAyMmIzOWQ4">Tazuki whispered again to Ling. "Ling'er, we should get back to the buckets... If Lady Yue Yi shows up..." He gulped.</p> <p class="cnM4OGEyOGExYmQyNjQ3NTdiNzUxMGQ5ZjU0Mzc1NjFk">"Ah, don't worry! Big Sis isn't even here right now. She should be in Voruna getting supplies, remember? We should be f—"</p> <p class="cnM4MWJkNTJhZDFhOTQzMjg4MmY2ZDM4OTEyZTFkNmQ3">"LING MAI YI! TAZUKI MOTO! WHAT THE HELL ARE TWO DOING?!" a young woman's voice screamed.</p> <p class="cnNlMDU3YWRkZGNjYjQyYjRhMTI3ZWViZDU4MzY3Yjhj">The two young NPCs turned around.</p> <p class="cnM1OTUyODI2MDI0YTQ5YjhhMTEzNzhjMzUzY2M3YmVk">On the top steps of the pagoda was a young woman whose light brown hair was tied into a slick ponytail. She seemed to be only a few years younger than Ryu, and she wore a grey robe and cotton shoes to reflect the simplistic style of the school. Her current expression reflected a great and sadistic fury. She jumped into the air, leaping dozens&nbsp;of feet above the two young NPCs below. She bent her knees in the air, and as she was&nbsp;close to landing, she extended her legs forward and planted her feet straight into Tazuki's face, landing on it. His head plummeted into the stone below. The young lady stood up, one foot still planted on Tazuki's face. Tazuki mumbled out words, but they were discernable.</p> <p class="cnNjYjJlZDE5ZmNkMDQ3ODM5MmJkNzBmYzUxYTRhZjU5">"B-B-Big Sis!" Ling Yi stuttered. "Why are you still here?"</p> <p class="cnNlZWM5MzFmYzVjNDQxMjg4OGY3NWFiOTJjMTc2ZmFm">Ignoring her every word, the lady raised her hand over Ling Yi's ear and pinched it, vengefully pulling the earlobe in all directions.</p> <p class="cnMyYjMyZDU0YTc5NTQ0YjdiOWRmYzI3Y2M5N2FlYzQw">"Ow, ow, ow!" Ling Yi cried. "Okay, okay, stop! I'm sorry!"</p> <p class="cnM2MWU3ZmZlNGZiNjRlNGZhYTEwMTU1MGZhZjdmYTc4">The young woman lifted her fingers off Ling Yi's ear, after which Ling Yi puffed her mouth into a frown.</p> <p class="cnMwYWJhODIzYTQ5ZTRlZjk4M2VlNWM5ZmEwMmZiYzUw">"If Grandmother catches you two slacking off, I'll be the one to get into trouble," the ponytailed woman said.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDllYjBlMjc5NTQ3YjM4MWQ3MmIxMGNkNmM5OTFk">Tazuki mumbled again and the young woman's expression turned demonic. Like batshit-crazy demonic. She squished and rubbed her foot on his face. "And you... Just because you're Lord Moto's grandson doesn't mean I'm going to show you an ounce of mercy. You should have watched Ling-Ling more carefully yesterday."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMzA2MjE0NmQ5ZTRhNDY4MmZmZTA4YjcxZjdkOGUw">Tazuki spoke, but once again spewed out nonsense. The young woman finally lifted her foot to let him speak.</p> <p class="cnM4NjkwNWVjOGMzOTQ1M2M5ODlmNTBhNjY0OWZmOTc4">"Th-thank you, L-Lady Yue Yi...for removing your foot..." he exhaled, lightheaded.</p> <p class="cnMwNjE3OWY3YmJlZTQ0OTNiZWQxYTg5ZDI2MzNjYTFl">Seeing all of this, Ryu didn't know what to say.&nbsp;Bewildered and amused, he remained a calm expression.</p> <p class="cnNmNTYyNThlZDIxYjQ3NmQ4YjgyZGU1YjMyM2QzZmY3">Finally&nbsp;giving Ryu her attention, Yue Yi humbly straightened herself and bowed gratefully to the player. "I am Yue Yi, and this is my younger sister, Ling." She then gestured her hand over to the young teenager NPC by her feet. "And this is Tazuki. Please don't mind either of them."</p> <p class="cnMzOTA1YTViNmZlMjQxMDdiNzEwYjczOTQ3YWUyMzNm">"I'm Ryu."&nbsp;He smiled lightly. "And it's fine. I'm sure they weren't looking for any trouble."</p> <p class="cnM5NDYwZGU0YmVhYjQ1N2Y4Zjg2NjU4OWE1MGQ5MDA2">"I'm&nbsp;sorry for yesterday," Yue Yi said. "On behalf of the Yi family, I'd like to extend our deepest apologies. Thank you for protecting these two." She bowed once more.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTJjYzFjMDI0MzRiMTNhZDRmYjNkOTc4ZmM4YTQw">"I'm the one who should be thanking you," Ryu said. "You healed me."</p> <p class="cnM4NmVkOWI0MmVmMzRlYmFhMGFkNjRmODA0ZjBjYWM3">"That was all my grandmother's doing. I was the one who only carried you here," Yue Yi said.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTA1ODQ4YmQ5MTQzZWI5MTVjYWUzMDk5NmE3Njc5">"Well, thank you then. And your grandmother."</p> <p class="cnNkM2YzNmZlYzk0YzRhNzg4YWM3NGQ2MTgxNTQ2ZGQ1">"There's no need," Yue Yi said. "It was the least we could've done for you."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMzExODQyNzU1MzQ0ZDM5OWQwNjY3MzgxOTRiMjk0">Now that the formalities had been taken care of, Ryu asked, "If I may ask: Where are we?"</p> <p class="cnNiZTQ3OGQ3NzQzMjQxNGZhNGY4MGQ1MDNhYzQ0Zjkz">"This is The School of Li Lin," Yue Yi said. "...Although, I wouldn't really call it a school, seeing that we have no students besides me and my sister."</p> <p class="cnNhNzAyNWFmOWU2NDQ3MTdhMDQ4OTU0YzdjOWM5NmY1">"Is he not a student?" Ryu said, nodding over to Tazuki.</p> <p class="cnNiNWQ4MDQ2ZTY5YTQwNzZiNzA2MDJjN2VhZGM0YjU5">"No. He's just a regular visitor. He goes back and forth between the school and his home every so often,” said Yue Yi.</p> <p class="cnNlZWEwMjdlMjA0YjQ1MDQ5MmQ4NWE4MTgwNTliNWNj">“And your grandmother is the teacher, I presume?” Ryu said.</p> <p class="cnMxMzc0NWJjNTc0MzQzYmE4Yjc2NWIwNDZlYjYwMzgy">“She is,” nodded Yue Yi. “She’s been its caretaker for almost 60 years.”</p> <p class="cnM1MWE5MDQxODQ1ZDRhYzhiZDM4ZGYwMmQ2ZWMxNGIz">“You live here, then?” Ryu asked.</p> <p class="cnM5YjlkMzNhMThhZTQ2NWQ5Y2FkNGRmZjAwNDg5NWFk">“Yes and no. We live here most of the time, but since we’re originally from the kingdom of Shu, we go back and forth from time-to-time. Just not as often as Tazuki here. He’s from the kingdom of Mu, though.”</p> <p class="cnM3OTIyMWZmMzAyMTRlYmRiMTdkOTk5NDAwZjYzNzVh">Ryu shook his head in understanding. He thought back to his encounter with Galahad.</p> <p class="cnNkNTE5ZDZiZjMxODRmYzI4ZjdlZTlhOTdmOTI2Njcx"><em>How many kingdoms did he mention? Eleven, was it? I’m gonna need to get a world map. I still don’t know the geography of this world yet.</em></p> <p class="cnM3MWVjOGZmZWZjYzRlYWI4ZDEzYTU5OTA0NjVlMjI3">“I see,” Ryu said. “Thank you.”</p> <p class="cnMyN2RlYzZjMTNiNTQxMWE5NjgxNTlmZDI5MDY5NTRh">Yue Yi followed the conversation up by saying, “You’ve been unconscious for over a day. You must be hungry. Come, I'll make you lunch before I go to Voruna."</p> <p class="cnMzYWZiNzlhNjIyYjQ0MmU4ZDU3M2UyNDVkODQ4NzQ4">Ling Yi jumped up and down. "Dumplings, dumplings!" But she was pushed to the side by her annoyed older sister.</p> <p class="cnM3OTUwNWJmMTA4ODQ3YmQ4ODc4MjM0MzA1MTYxNDQ5">Ryu smiled. He raised his hand to reject the offer. "It's fine. I'd like to go to Voruna, too. I need to get supplies, as well. Do you think I could join you?"</p> <p class="cnM3MWE3OTEzNTYzMzQ1NzU4NDU2ZDM4OWViNjdiYjVi">"Of course," Yue Yi said, smiling. "There are things that I must do first. In the meantime, feel free to check up on your items in storage. We had Ling and Tazuki carry everything from the cave."</p> <p class="cnMyOTJiYWY1MTU2NDQ3NTg4NTI5NzljYjc2YmI4ODhk">"You don't want any of it? I'm sure I can't take it all," Ryu said.</p> <p class="cnMwY2JmMDNkMmNhYjQ0N2ZhYWQ2OWQ2YzI2YzE1OTZh">"Our family's well off," Yue Yi said. "Whatever you don't keep, you can put it up in the auction house. I'm sure you'll find a buyer for everything." She smiled, knowing full well that would probably be the case. She then pulled up Tazuki's collar, lifting him up, and pulled her little sister to her side. "These two will show you to our storage." She then smiled an innocent smile, but it was also menacing. "And if they happen to steal or take anything—because stealing will put shame on our name, and those who stain the Yi family name will surely be punished—just let me know and I can take care of it." The two young NPCs gulped as she said this.</p> <p class="cnM2OGIyYzlhNGE2OTQwNDBiZjlkNTc3Y2YwM2RlZWI1">Amused, Ryu chuckled. "Alright."</p> <p class="cnMzNDkzYTQyNGZjODQzNTlhNTg2MDcyYzY3ZDkxM2Ex">"Well! I guess that takes care of that, then," Yue Yi said. "I'll come over and get you when I've gotten everything I need."</p> <p class="cnM4NmIzZTdlNTdiMzQ5ZTA5NmYwZmI4YTBmZTA5YWIz">Ryu nodded.</p> <p class="cnMxMjhmZmNkNjdkMTRiZTE5YzdhZjgzYzJkMGRkODI1">Yue Yi let go of Tazuki's collar, dropping him on the ground. She left the group, walking around and beyond the left side of the pagoda. Tazuki dizzily got himself up.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDE0NjVkOTlhNTQzMGM4ZjhkNWFiZDcxOTc4OThh">Ling Yi took his hand. "Come! Follow me!"</p> <p class="cnNjNjA1M2M0OGExNDQwOTY5NTgwOWJjMjc5OWRiZWVm">"Ling'er, we should clean up the mess first," Tazuki said. "If Madame Yi sees it, she'll—"</p> <p class="cnM1Zjg3MWI0ODA4ZjQ0MmQ5YjAxYTAwMTIxYzgxZTgz">"It's fine! I'm sure one of the servants will pick it up," said Ling Yi. She&nbsp;skipped in the direction where Ryu came from, dragging Tazuki's arm behind her.</p> <p class="cnM5YWQ1NzBlY2UwZDRhM2U4ZTk4ZTQ1OWI4NjU0YzAw">&nbsp;</p> <hr> <p class="cnNmOGNkZTk4ZTA0MzRhODE5NmMyMDNkZDI1ZDBjYjFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNzc4ODkzMDg0MDQzMDY5MWU3Y2RjYjRmYTVkMzJk">Ling Yi and Tazuki brought Ryu to a building similarly styled to his own residence. It was just around the corner of where he woke up, too.&nbsp;The young girl pushed open the double-doored entrance.&nbsp;As soon as the doors swung open, Ryu could see a hoard of items filling up his entire view. The room was completely filled. There were several chests and tables filled and stacked with an array of items. All the space in between was filled with anything that didn't fit in the chests or on the table.</p> <p class="cnMyOWE3ZmJiMGQ3OTQ4YjI5OGE0MzhiYTQ5MmUzYTRj">Ling Yi walked up, putting fisted hands on her hips. Confidently, she said, "This is everything that those goblins had." She then pointed over to a large table by the right. "And over there is the loot from the Brown-Fanged Spider Queen." Then pointing to a smaller table next to that, she said, "And right over there is your bag."</p> <p class="cnNjYzM5ZThkZjA5ZTQ0MmNhYzYwYTkzNWQwMDRjMjYz">Ryu's face twitched, mortified by the amount of loot.</p> <p class="cnNjNzBlODU5MWMwZjRmMDFhYzBkMmQwMGE3YjU2NDJl"><em>How the hell am I supposed to carry all of this to the auction house...?</em></p> <p class="cnM5YjBlZjYzYzY0MjQxZGY5ZTE5OGVmZjU3OWZkNjM5">Ling Yi&nbsp;giggled at Ryu's expression. "Don't worry. We have interspatial rings. You can use them to transport your items to Voruna's auction house."</p> <p class="cnM3YzBjNDgyODVlMTQ3YjliMWEzMjQ3YjhlZTBiYjI5">Ryu walked over to one of the tables. He took a plain-looking dagger and Identified it.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Copper Dagger</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Level Requirement: 1<br><br><span style="color: #ff6600">Agility</span>: +1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Durability: 6/6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Weight: 0.5 lbs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Quality: Poor</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Implicit Rarity: Common</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Explicit Rarity (Hidden):&nbsp;<span style="color: #a17660">Brown</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>This item is&nbsp;<span style="color: #feffff">True-Identified</span>.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxOGQ3YWM4NjQyNjQwYzRiNTVhMTg1ODFhZjE2OGZk"><br>After seeing the meagerness of the item, Ryu quickly scanned the visible items across the room.</p> <p class="cnM2YTNmMjYwOTliNzQzYWI5NTQ3ODZkMTcyYTBiN2I4"><em>Looks like most of this is probably trash.</em></p> <p class="cnNjOTAyYjRhNGE3MzRiNjRiMDMzYjY4OTNiNGNmZGY4">Ling Yi walked up to him. "Is there a problem, Ryu? If you need an Appraiser to Identify these items, I can tell one of the servants to go get Master Toshi. He'll Identify them for you."</p> <p class="cnNjNzhhOWNhNDE0ZjQ2NGQ4NDdjYWU4MDI5YzMwYjMz">"It's alright," Ryu said. "I can Identify items, too."</p> <p class="cnM0NjI0NmYyMDRhNDQ3OGE4M2VjNmI2ZjY0MGE1ZGUw">Both Ling Yi and Tazuki appeared shocked. "Really?!" Ling Yi spouted.</p> <p class="cnNiNDBmMzQ4MTIxMjRhMzg5N2U1NWQ1YTYyOWEyOTky">Ryu nodded.</p> <p class="cnMzOTJiODEwNzJkZTRkNzI4YjMyNzI4Yzc4MDk4ZWZm">"Only Appraisers can Identify items," Tazuki said. "And usually they're very old people. Some are hundreds or even thousands of years old. They charge per Identification, though, but I think Master Toshi wouldn't mind in this case."</p> <p class="cnMwMTAyYWM2OWNiNjRmZDA4YTM3NjJjYmUzY2IxZGE5">Curious, Ling Yi asked, "What Level are you?"</p> <p class="cnM5Njk2N2M3OTg4YjQyYTBhMzZjNjhhNzVlMTRjNjg4">Ryu paused for a second before answering. "I'm Level 2."</p> <p class="cnM0YTJiMGRmNmZhOTQ4Mjg4MDBmZDg4NDU2Y2JkNTk0">Both the NPCs' jaws dropped, their eyes widened.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzOGU4NDVkYmE2MjQ0Y2JiN2JiMzQ1ZTU1M2YzZWEz">Tazuki shook his head vigorously, coming back to his senses. "Master Toshi has Scrolls of True Identification. They're pretty expensive, but I think he could spare you one. True-Identified equipment items are much, much more valuable."</p> <p class="cnMwMDc2MWI2NWY2MzQ5NTE4YWQwNDljN2RmZGFkOGJh">"How so?" said Ryu.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDBhMTE4OGIzYjRmZDA4ZGY3NTZiY2QyZTg0N2Vh">"Because some crafting and forging materials—usually the rare ones—can only be used with True-Identified items."</p> <p class="cnM1OGI1YmRkMzM2ODQ3NDc5NmY2MjkwYWVhZmI3NmI2">Ling Yi smiled broadly. "Tazuki comes from one of the greatest forging&nbsp;clans in the Eleven Kingdoms. He knows his stuff."</p> <p class="cnMzODhkYmJjM2Y5ZjRjNGViZjZmM2EzYTkzZDYxYTg1">Hearing the word "forging" sparked intrigue in Ryu. It also made him remember that his sword had broken during his miniboss encounter. Speaking of which, where&nbsp;<em>was</em> his sword?</p> <p class="cnM5NzgwYTgxZTJlZjQxZjhiMWFmZmZhY2ZiZmEwMjQ0">Curious, he asked the two, "Do you remember bringing back my sword? It broke during my fight with the spider."</p> <p class="cnMyNmIzYjY0Y2Y2MjQ5Yzg4MmYzNDhiNmFmZWQ0YmRi">"Oh, that old thing. Yeah," Tazuki said. "It's outside in the disposable bin. It's going to get melted." He paused. "Would you like the melt returned to you? You can trade it in for probably a few copper coins. Although, compared to all this,&nbsp;that's nothing."</p> <p class="cnMzYWI0ZGI5MTkyNDRjODc4YjFiMTY3MjE4MDFmM2Jh">"It has an innate ability," said Ryu. "I was wondering if reforging it would preserve the ability."</p> <p class="cnNhY2E4MGM4MTI4ZjRlNTdiNTYwMDhiOWZlODMwMjg1">Tazuki went bonkers after hearing what Ryu said. "An innate ability?! Serious? That thing?!"</p> <p class="cnNiZjAxOGY2MzFjODRlMDc4MTFlNWE4NDY0MDI2Mjgw">Ling Yi giggled. "You should go retrieve 'that thing' then, shouldn't you, Tazuki?"</p> <p class="cnMwNDcyNjRkZTAzNTQ3MDZhMDIwZTQ3ZTYwYWYwZGQ1">Tazuki scurried away. Thirty seconds later, he returned with several sword shards in his arms. He wiped the junk off one of the tables and placed the sword pieces on it. He sighed, relieved that he could've potentially been the destroyer of a valuable item. Being the son of forgers, he would have brought shame to the Moto clan.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDcxZTc4NTM5YzRkZjQ4N2NjOTY0ZTJlMDAxOTQx">"Yes, you can keep an item's ability," he said. "So long as you have the hilt of the sword, along with at least a third of the original material. After that, you'll preserve the ability, even after reforging or upgrading the item. I don't have the necessary tools or skills to reforge your sword, though. But all the older men in my family do."</p> <p class="cnMzYjY1ZDE5ZThjOTRiMWNhOWQ0ZmQ3NmY5OTQwMGMz">"But we're not going to the Moto estate, Tazuki!" Ling Yi exclaimed.</p> <p class="cnMzNDdkNDUwNzgwMDQ5MTJiMmZiYTQzYTFhYzIwY2Zj">Addressing Ryu, Tazuki said, "If you'd like, you can come back with me to my family's estate. We can reforge your sword there. After you get back from Voruna, of course."</p> <p class="cnNiZmE5NjdlODkxODQ5MGNiNzM1YmU4NzU4NDMxOWNk">"I&nbsp;must stay here for my training, though. Do you think you can wait until I'm done? It may be several days."</p> <p class="cnMyYWRkOWJjZTBlMzQ5MTZiYTdiMGU1OWQyZjNlZGE4">Tazuki nodded. "Of course."</p> <p class="cnNlZTFjMTQ3ZGQzODQzMWZiMGMwNDljM2VmMWRhOWU4">Ling Yi budged into the conversation. "Ryu, you're going to be a student here?"</p> <p class="cnMwNTFjNTc5MmVjYjQ1MWJhZGI4NDA5ZDgzMGNmNGRk">Ryu nodded.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTJlNzE3ZmY1MjQ5NGJiZmQ3ZjU5ZjU0MGZlODVi">Tazuki's face turned grim. "H-H-Here? The School of Li Lin? Are you sure?" He gulped.</p> <p class="cnM5YmRlZWU1NGUzZTRlOTFiNjI2YWE3MzY2MTllM2Vm">"I am," Ryu said.</p> <p class="cnMzZmNhOTFjMDVjYzRmZTY5NmM0NmNkOGUxYWUzYThl">"You did hear earlier that Madame Yi is the head of the school, yes?" Tazuki said, stuttering.</p> <p class="cnNlYzM4NmE4NGQ2MjQwZjQ5MTA2NGI2NGUwZGRhN2E3">"I did," said Ryu. He paused briefly because the mood of the atmosphere had suddenly changed. "Is there a problem?"</p> <p class="cnMwOWM1YWYxMDFjZTQxMmVhZjY1NzE2MDUyZGQ1ZGEz">Both of the two young NPCs began scratching their heads, laughing nervously.</p> <p class="cnMxYzRmMzJhZTBkZDQ4ZDNiYjJmZGI3MmVmZWY3ZWQx">"It's nothing. Don't worry... Yeah... .... ... Don't worry." Tazuki said that with a mindless look on his face as if terrible memories had just resurfaced.</p> <p class="cnMxNmU1MjUyMGJiZTQyZDlhZmQ2NGY4YWNhYjhmYjM2">A male servant entered the room from behind and addressed Ling Yi. "Lady Yue Yi ordered me to bring these to you." He handed over several rings to the young NPC.</p> <p class="cnMwMDhiYTI1MWJkMDQzNGM4Y2JiYzMwNGVmZWYyNDYy">"Since you can Identify items, we'll leave you alone for a bit," Ling Yi said, smiling. "Here are interspatial rings so that you can take&nbsp;your items to the auction house." She placed the rings next to the sword shards. She then nudged Tazuki, and then both of them left the room, closing the door behind them.</p> <p class="cnNiNzYwMjZlOWE5NDQ4N2ZiOTc4YzhlYTZlYjJhNGQw">Ryu sighed. He turned over to the heaps of items. Aloud, he muttered, "I've got a lot of work cut out for me."</p> <p class="cnMxYjIxYWJmZWM1NzRjODNhZmQyOTZkNjFhNWEyN2I5">Ryu spent the next two hours Identifying all the items, most of which were the most basic items. However, there were a few items that piqued his interest: a&nbsp;beachball-sized ball of spider silk; two ornate, curved twin daggers—one&nbsp;with a crimson red edge and the other whose edge was a pale blue—and a brilliant, metallic spear with a shaft entirely engraved. Its head also seemed to be made of a completely different material. He couldn't Identify the set of daggers or the spear, but he did manage to Identify the spider silk.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWIyYTVjMWE4MzQwMjc5MGEwOGJjMWJiZGM5MjI4">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">Pure Weaver Spider's Silk&nbsp;Ball</td> </tr> <tr> <td>This ball of silk consists of silk made by a Pure Weaver Spider.&nbsp;<br><br>Pure Weaver silk is the lightest of all spider silk. Not only does it have incredible resilience and resistance but it also regenerates and repairs itself.&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Weight: 0.0001 lbs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Quality:&nbsp;Perfect</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Explicit Rarity:&nbsp;<span style="color: #ffff00">Super Rare</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Implicit Rarity (Hidden):&nbsp;<span style="color: #feffff">White</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmNzk2OGRjZGE1OTQ1ZDBiMjgyY2RjNDVlY2M5MGY5"><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnNkOGE0YzM5MTQ3OTQ1M2FhYThmYTk5YWYyMWEyZGYx"><em>This must've been from the hoards of loot that the goblins were taking... Not only that but the Quality...</em></p> <p class="cnNkNTFjNWI3YjhhNzRjMWNhNDkxZGNmZTRhMmM1ZDc2">It was only until yesterday that he'd found an item above 'Poor' Quality; the plums had been the only items he'd found that weren't 'Poor.' Now, he'd found a Perfect Quality item. It wasn't an equipment item, but he couldn't complain. He just didn't know what to do with it.</p> <p class="cnMxNmViNzI3MjlkMDQ4ZjVhZGRmYjFlMTJiM2JkNDhj">A knock came at the door. The doors opened, and Yue Yi's head peaked in. "Are you ready?"</p> <p class="cnM5ODVhNmQzMTA3YTRhOGJiOGU5ODAyZDkwNmJmMTUx">Ryu nodded. "Let me just get my bag."</p> <p class="cnMxZWMyMmUyMjg1MTQ3YjJiZjM5NGIzNjc3ZGY3OTE1">"Alright. I'll be right outside."</p> <p class="cnM4OGM1ODlhMTQ1MTQ1OTU4ZDJiYWJiMmQ5YWFjYjI3">Ryu grabbed his satchel and headed out. The chests and tables had all been cleared; all 268 items in the storage room had been put into the interspatial rings—minus the spider silk and unidentified daggers and spear, which he had placed into his own interspatial ring.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZjQ0NjRkNzQ5MzRjYjU4YmE4NmExNDA4MmJkZDI1">Outside, he found Yue Yi, Ling Yi, and Tazuki all waiting for him.</p> <p class="cnMwZmFlZGIzYWE4YTQ3MDI4MzZkMzJhOTIyMzcyN2Nh">Ryu spoke to Yue Yi who was still dressed the same. "You didn't change?"</p> <p class="cnNkNjM5NjkwYTM3YTQ0MmNiNzNjM2FkOGMwZjc2OGFm">"There's no need." Yue Yi smiled. "Besides, students of Li Lin learn to appreciate the simple things in life." She hinted that she knew he would be a student.</p> <p class="cnM5NDA5NTI0YWExYTQ3YWRiNWQ1YmIxOWYzMmE3NDEw">Ryu could only help but smile a little. He was anxious, both in the excited sense and the terrified sense.</p> <p class="cnMwMTZhNzBiOTdhZDRhZjlhZGQ1OGZiNjdjZTRhZDFh">"Come. We'll show you the portal gate," Yue Yi said.</p> <p class="cnM2YWI0MTcwZDk2ZjRmMDM4NTQ2MmI0MmE2ODYwMjg3">Ryu gestured his arm, telling them to show the way. They left with Yue Yi leading the group.</p> <p class="cnMxZDgwN2UwMmMwMzRiMmI5NTUzMjQxOWMxMDYyNDRj">Yue Yi brought them across the courtyard and beyond the back side of the pagoda. They crossed a red, wooden bridge over a silent stream. There was a larger courtyard across with&nbsp;just a single residence behind. Ryu could see to his left a gigantic but gentle waterfall flowing down the mountainside. In the pond, he saw goldfish gliding about in the water. Further away, on a small hill, he saw a doorless, white, round gate. Next to it was a large stone that was engraved with strange symbols.</p> <p class="cnNkZjE5MmZlYTExMTQ4OGQ5YTg0YmRkYmMwMDBjODE0">Ling Yi pointed up to the hill. "That's the Inner Gate of Li Lin. It's a special portal gate that takes you to the Outer Gate of Li Lin, which&nbsp;is an invisible portal gate right by the entrance of Plum Tree Forest. Both portal gates are only one-way ports, though, so you have to reactivate the Stone of Li Lin everytime you go back and forth. Only my grandmother and Yue&nbsp;know how to activate the Gates."</p> <p class="cnMzMDliMmU5M2EyYjRlNWNhZGE1ODQ5YmY5ZmYxY2Rm">Yue Yi stopped before going up the hill. There was a short, slightly hunched elderly woman already on top of it.&nbsp; She was dressed just as simply as Yue Yi. Only, her robes were white.&nbsp;Her back was turned to the group.</p> <p class="cnMxMDEwYzMwMTgzODQ1Yjk5MDJlN2M2ZGVhMDQwMjlj">Yue Yi made a fist, placing a palm over it. She lowered her head. Respectfully, she addressed the figure above. "Grandmother."</p> <p class="cnNiY2I4MzBiZjNiYjRiYTY5MzhjMGM5YjRhYzg1MWFj">The elderly woman didn't respond, and she didn't turn around either.</p> <p class="cnNlMjk3MWY4MTY2ZDQ4MzZhOTNmMmVmNTUyZDZhMDI1">Yue Yi turned her head to the group. "It seems Grandmother is agitated."</p> <p class="cnNjZTM4ZDY3Mjg2OTQxZGI5ZDM2ZTcyNDc0MjdkZTFm">Both Tazuki and Ling Yi's facial expressions turned into worried looks.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NTcyMzhhZjFiMzRjNmQ4MWY0Nzc1YjMyN2Q5OWYz">"A-Agitated, you say?" Tazuki said, softly. "Maybe we should leave, Ling'er."</p> <p class="cnMyMjc2NTcxYzVhYjQyOWY5NTZjYmY2NGQzMDc1ZjI4">Tazuki tried sneaking away, but Yue Yi pulled his ear before he could slip away. He struggled to get free, but he just couldn't get free of&nbsp;her hold.</p> <p class="cnNmMDY0N2U5ZDkzMzRlZTdiZTMwYWJkY2ZjOWY3ZTdm">Suddenly, the elderly woman spoke, her voice hoarse. "Approach. All of you." When she spoke, subtle, but sharp echoes rang through the air. The birds stopped chirping. Even the wind seemed like it had stopped.</p> <p class="cnMzYWU2Njc4ZjM2NDRiMzY4MjM1NzExZDUyN2VmMzA0"><em>This old woman... She's a monster.</em></p> <p class="cnMxNTA0ZGFjYzBhMzRjZWU5OTQ0NTM4Zjc2NzZlMmVm">Ryu tried to Recognize her, but he received the following message:</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Your <span style="color: #ff9900">Recognize</span> skill is not at the requisite level to <span style="color: #ff9900">Recognize</span> such a person.<br><br>Please try again when you have raised your <span style="color: #ff9900">Recognize</span> skill.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1ZWVkNDAzYTY2MzRlODE5ZTdmMWFiOTQyMDVhMmEw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNGI5Nzk1NTZhMTQwNWI4NjNlN2Y1NDk4ZGRjOTdl">Ryu's throat suddenly became dry. He gulped, but the dryness didn't go away.</p> <p class="cnNiOWExNmFkZTg5YTQ2YzE4M2MwN2E2OTEyNjQxNjc0">The group approached the old woman as they were told. They didn't speak when they got up to her. They dared not to.</p> <p class="cnMzZTY0YjdlNjJlNTQ0MTZhNDJiYTU1NTFkMmFkZDEy">After a moment,&nbsp;the old woman spoke again. "Boy," she said, addressing Ryu. "I heard you stole something from the Brown Pass Expedition. Is that true?"</p> <p class="cnM1OGNiNmJkZDE4ZTRmZjE5MjYyNDRjODBkZGRiMTA1">"No," Ryu said. "I did not steal anything. It was given to me."</p> <p class="cnNjMDIxZWE4NjhiNTRiZjZiNDQ5NjVjOTRhN2M2NGYw">"Hoh? Is that so?" the old woman remarked. She finally turned around, setting her condescending eyes onto the player.</p> <p class="cnMyOWQ5MGY4ZWYwMjQ2M2Y5ZjVjYjg0YTRlOGJiNWZk">"It is," Ryu said plainly.</p> <p class="cnMwYjJhMDU1NmQwZDRlMTY5NmUyYzkwYjVlOTEzNTI0">"Show me," the elder said.</p> <p class="cnMxMjEyYmEzNzE1NDQzYzc5MzY1OWQ3YWYzMWIzNGZi">Ryu calmly took out the large egg-shaped stone out of his interspatial ring and held it out.</p> <p class="cnM2Mzk0NGVlMjlkYTQyOWU5YTMyMmFkZDg4ZGU1YmRk">The elder's eyes&nbsp;shifted over to the object. She took not even two seconds looking at it before scoffing and turning her head back forward. "And you said that was given to you? By who?"</p> <p class="cnMxNDVhODlmMTc5ZTRlYTY5ZDM2MWZjYTk2Mzk5ZjBk">"A dying elk," said Ryu.</p> <p class="cnM0MDgyOTBlMWVhODRlMzNiMWYyNzA4NDU4NTc4ZWU0">"And do you know what that is? In your hand?" the old woman said.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWI0ZGE0NjBkNjRmZmZiMDk5NWMyN2RlMDJmZDg3">"Most likely an egg," Ryu said.</p> <p class="cnM3MGQxNzdkMzFkYjQwMWI4ZTI1NTgzOWUwNGI3Mzgw">The old woman smiled, still retaining her condescending look. "Hmmph. Looks like&nbsp;Bors and <em>that jerk</em> were right this time. You're smart. At least...smarter than those Moratian army brats." She spit in the air. "Couldn't even tell an egg from a stone. How useless."</p> <p class="cnMzYzIwMTlhYjY3OTRmNzViYzhhZDlhNWQ5NjI2MzM0">"Do you want it?" said Ryu.</p> <p class="cnNlZjhmMmJiYWRjYjQ1MjY4ZTg5NDIzODA5YjYxZTUz">"There's no reason for me to have it. It was given to you by another creature. And by a different species from that egg, at that. That alone should tell you how significant your having it is." She placed her hand on the large engraved stone. "Come. We're going to Voruna."</p> <p class="cnNlM2Y2MWM2YzJmYjQ4MDZhNTYxYzVkNGVjM2U1MmM0">The symbols of the stone lit up and a bright white portal appeared. The old woman walked through, the rest of the group following. Upon exiting the portal, Ryu found himself literally just a few dozen steps from the entrance of Plum Tree Forest (on Plum Tree Forest's side, of course). A round, white gate was behind him, but it quickly vanished after the group came out of the portal.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlODQzYjBlOTMxMTQ4NDI5ODU5YjkxYjVmYzhmYzRl">Ryu looked to his side, seeing a large stone, similar to the one the old woman just activated. He had completely overlooked it when he first entered this place, but he now understood what it was.</p> <p class="cnM2MjNmN2Y1ODRhNDQyMDVhM2Q3ODIyYzIzMDY5OTNm"><em>To think that it would be right by the forest entrance.</em></p> <p class="cnNhNjIxOTllMjNkNDQzYzI4YzQxOTc4NjIzMDc5OTYx">The group walked straight ahead,&nbsp;Yue Yi leading the way. The elder stayed behind for a bit to make sure the portal was invisible and the stone was active.</p> <p class="cnMwNGVhZTViM2ZhZDQwMTM4MzgxMThmZWU3NzU5OTVl">Upon exiting Plum Treet Forest, Ryu found himself back at the southern crossroads. He took less than ten steps before arrows were shot at his feet.</p> <p class="cnM3NzQ5NzM5MThiYTRiMDY5YTY5NWFjMThiZTE4ODdh">"Stop right where you are!" someone yelled. "Move and we will shoot you."</p> <p class="cnNlMjJiYzVlNTA3MDQ4YzhhNjJmNTBmZTU5Mjc3ZGY4">Out of the forest appeared Guinevere, Percival right behind her.</p> <p class="cnNmZDk0MDc5MWE5MTRjZTZiNzExNjYwZGNkMWI5NmNj">"I suggest you hand over the stone relic now, traveler," said Percival, drawing out his sword. "Before this gets out of hand."</p> <p class="cnNiYmE5Mjk2MmY1NjQ1YmNiZjg0NWFiM2IzNTM1OWFk">Ryu, Tazuki, Ling Yi, and Yue Yi all stood, back's against each other. They each got into a defensive battle stance. They were ready to get into a brawl if need but the scene was abruptly interrupted by an angry woman's voice.</p> <p class="cnMyNDI3MTNhMjFhMDQ5NWViZWEwM2Y2NWYzNGY0ZGYw">"Who dares to threaten my granddaughters?" said an old woman's woman. The elder appeared from out of the forest, her hands casually behind her back.</p> <p class="cnMzMzhiMTdiZTdmMjRiZjk4ODBmNDFiZDA5NTFjZjdi">"Get out of here, you old hag, or you'll get hurt!" said a random soldier.</p> <p class="cnNjNDIyOTI4Njg2ZTQ4YTBiZmVjNTM1ODdjOThkMWU3">The elder stopped, and turned her head to the soldier who spoke. Her facial expression was demonic. "What did you say, brat?"</p> <p class="cnNkZDM2YzMxNzY4ZjRlMDQ4MGMyMzUzYTQyMGY1NzFl">Percival was about to interrupt, but Guinvere stopped him. Guinevere shook her, softly telling him, "No."</p> <p class="cnM2ZGFhZWQxNDUyZTQ1NjRhYzlmZDI3YTIwOTA2MGIz">Seeing this, Percival understood exactly what the situation was, and so he sheathed his sword. He coughed. Sweat started rolling down the side of his face.</p> <p class="cnMwODc5YzZmZWZlOTQwZWRiMThkNzhjZWNlNGUwNDQ0">The elder shrugged off the first offensive remark and continued on her way, casually walking before and past the soldiers.</p> <p class="cnMwMDkxNzcxODY0ODRlNWViNDNjZTFhYWRjMDIzNzRh">"I said 'Stop!" Has your age deteriorated your hearing, old woman?" said the random soldier from before.</p> <p class="cnNlYmMwODUxYWZlNzQwNzQ5NWY0MzVlYTcwODU5ODZh">"Fool!" Percival said. "Are you blind or just an idiot? Anyone who serves in the Moratian army should know just who that is!"</p> <p class="cnNiZWJkMmFhNjNiMzQ3ZWFhMzZmNGZhYjIzODQ4NGI5">Suddenly being yelled at by the second-in-command, the random soldier was taken aback. He was confused.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjA2M2Q0NWMwOTRlMWM4ZjQ1YjZlMGY3YTRkMjY1">Percival continued, a serious look on his face. "That is Madame Gao Yi."</p> <p class="cnM3MWZhYWRiMjIwODQyNjE5MGU5MjQzOGQ3ZWJmYjFl">Hearing his words, all the other soldiers stopped breathing for just a second. Their hearts skipped a few beats, too. They'd made a terrible mistake.</p> <p class="cnMyZmNjYzE1OGQ4ZTRhNTg4ZjAyMzcyMjgyZTc0ZDlh">"M-M-Madame Gao Yi, the ambassador of the Grey Kingdom?!" shouted one of the soldiers.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZjkzZGI2ZWQ4ZTRiZjFhZDlhYzA4NDA1N2ViZDgw">"Why is one of the Ten Grandmasters here in the Brown Forest?!" another soldier said.</p> <p class="cnNkNjA2OTFjOWE2NzRjM2U4MGY5YzU3MjlhODQ2NmU2">Among the commotion, only Guinevere and Percival remained calm. But underneath their composure, they were deathly terrified.</p> <p class="cnNhZjJkMzk4MGZhNTQ0ZDdhZmEyMDFjMGViMjZkOTZh">Guinevere kneeled down. Percival instantly did the same.</p> <p class="cnNlMWIxZDMzMjZkYzQ4ZWNhMmYwYzRkMjlkOTBkMGVl">"Please, forgive us, Madame Yi," Guinevere said. "If you must lash out, please do so on me. Don't take it out on my soldiers. They didn't know."</p> <p class="cnM0ZjJhY2M3ZjYzNjQ4YTU4M2Y1MWU0M2U3NTRmMTQ3">Madame Yi stopped in her tracks but didn't bother to turn her head to Guinevere. "Get up. A Knight of the Round Table shouldn't be kneeling like that. Lance would be embarrassed if he saw you like that. Your father, especially, if he were still alive."</p> <p class="cnM4MzY4ZDBlMDgwMDQwNDU4NmQ5NjMwYzQ4YzE5OTk4">Guinevere stood back up. She couldn't do anything but hold her head down. Percival stood up also but was too fear-stricken to speak.</p> <p class="cnMzMTY0M2ViZWZlNzQ3NzA4OWU2ZGYyZDUwMzQ1MWFk">"You intended to trade the relic for Tristan, didn't you?" Madame Yi. "That's why the Round Table met."</p> <p class="cnNkMDgwNzcxM2EyYTQ1MDdhNThkYWNkZDUxYmY2Yzc0">Guinevere said nothing. She looked down at the ground with a blank expression.</p> <p class="cnNjOGQzODAwY2RmYzQxYjZhMzA1NjE2ODc1ZTcwMmMw">"Lift your head up, child," Madame Yi. "Tristan is a strong fighter. One of the strongest Moratia has ever seen. He'll do his best to stay alive, I'm sure. In the meantime, you need to get stronger for when the day he is to be saved." The corner of her eyes shifted to Ryu. "As for the matter of the relic, you don't need to worry about that anymore. I'll speak to Viscount Aaron about that matter when I get to Voruna. Take your men and go home." She directed her attention to Yue Yi. "Yue, open the portal."</p> <p class="cnMwMzVjMjQ1MDhkNTQ0YmE4ZjNlNGI3MGZlOTI5NzJh">Yue Yi walked forward, unraveling a green portal scroll. A brilliant green portal appeared before everyone.</p> <p class="cnNkOWM1MWYwODM3YzQyNzk5NTQwMWQ1NjJhYjFkZWZk">"I'll be going ahead, Grandmother," Yue Yi said.</p> <p class="cnM5ODFkMGM4NjM0MTQ1MjY4MTY5YTI5YmYxZjExNDUy">Madame Yi nodded in agreement, and when she did so, both Tazuki and Ling Yi followed behind. Before Madame Yi stepped into the portal, she gave&nbsp;the shortest pep talk to the group of soldiers. She turned her head back to the soldiers, her eyes beaming. "Oh, and if any of you dare threaten my granddaughters again...I'll kill you on the spot. All of you."</p> <p class="cnNhNTBmNmFjMTY4NDRmNTRhZDNmYjNiNjA2ZjNhZDZi">When she said that, the air turned cold. Birds nesting in the nearby trees&nbsp;fluttered and fled. All of the soldiers gulped simultaneously.</p> <p class="cnNiMTM0MTI2YTNmNzQ1OGFhNzBjOWQwMmI2N2NkYTM5">Madame Yi smirked as she went in the portal, knowing her pep talk worked.</p> <p class="cnNiMjQ0ZmMyNTAzMTQxZTY5OWY2YzE4YWRkNDE2MmQx">Ryu calmly walked through the crowd of soldiers,&nbsp;his head straight, but the corner of his eyes fixed on Guinevere. Her head was still held down when he was walking, but then she looked up and their eyes met. She had the same eyes Ryu (George) had just a few weeks ago. He didn't stop or say anything and continued forward.&nbsp;When&nbsp;he got to the portal, he stopped and looked back at Guinevere one more time. Only this time, her eyes were different. In that brief moment, they shared an understood message: "We will see each other again."</p> <p class="cnM5NmM0MmUyOGI2OTQzZjc4ODYzMjYwZmI4ZDM4ZmEy">Ryu turned his head and proceeded through the green light.</p> <p class="cnM4NDAyOGYxN2M4YTRhNDVhYjc0YTE2YzI3NWM5Y2Zl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjExN2ZmOTJhZjQ2NjA5YjRhNDVjOWY5Y2E0ZWJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ODdmZTJkZjQ0MDQ3YjI5ZmNkMGZmN2IzMjkyOWI1">&nbsp;</p> </div>
Ryu lay unconscious on a clean and well-tucked bed. The wounds from his previous encounter were gone, and he'd been dressed in a plain linen shirt and pair of pants. The decor of the room was far opposite of ornate. The walls were painted a most simplistic white and were complemented nicely by oak floorboards. The windows were shutterless and open to the outside. There were occasional breezes that would flow through, but they came in the perfect frequency, temperature, and intensity so as to not put out the incense that burned on a stand by the bed. After a moment, Ryu’s eyes gently opened. He calmly blinked to adjust his eyes, and as he did so the morning birds began their daily song. The aromatic of the incense streamed above his face, and his nose naturally sniffed to the distinct smell. After recollecting vague memories of past events, he rose up. He sat there inspecting himself. Seeing that everything had been healed, he looked around but saw mostly nothing but the stand to his side and a table to his right. His old cotton clothes had been placed on it; they had been washed and cleaned. There was also a brown crystal necklace set on the table, too. He got up and viewed the scenery outside. It was a bright and clear day. He could see small mountains in the background and the height of the forest beyond. After appreciating the view, he walked over to the table and grabbed the necklace. He equipped it, then continued his way to the door, which was centered at the other end of the room. There was a pair of leather-strapped sandals by the door. He slid his feet into them and ventured outside. Upon exiting the modest abode, he found himself in the most peculiar place. He had opened up the door to a great cobblestone courtyard. On either side of his view were buildings that seemed all too familiar. The architecture was similar to those of real-world China and Japan: dark-tiled rooves that slanted and curved downward; light exterior walls; stone footsteps leading up to a door at each housing complex. Straight across the courtyard, beyond a red gate, was a pagoda. It was at least twenty levels high, and leading up to its steps was a hard dirt path, which was lined perfectly with two rows of blossoming plum trees on its sides. The pagoda was a good sprint's away, but he could see two young people each carrying a wooden pole over their shoulders, a bucket of water tied to each end. They were the two young NPCs he'd seen in the cave. He walked across the courtyard and through the gate. As he walked through the blossom path, he could hear their loud bickering. "This is all your fault, Tazuki!" the girl said, pouting her mouth. "It was your idea to use the cave portal!" said the boy. The girl murmured, "I just wanted to see a Brown-Fanged Spider Queen..." "What did you expect? To pet it?" Tazuki exclaimed. "We were lucky to get out of that. Who knows what those dumb goblins were going to do with us." "Hey! If it weren't for those imbued chains, we would have gotten free! We're pretty strong, you know! We would have totally beat their butts!" "Still, we got outnumbered and caught," said Tazuki. "Thankfully that man came... Madame Yi and Lady Yue Yi too." Mentioning those last two names brought his voice to a halt. "Hmmpf," the girl puffed. "Grandmother never lets us play outside the school. And Voruna and the other towns are just so boring…" Tazuki, being a sensitive person to his environment, sensed the approaching player. He turned his head and saw Ryu. He gestured to the girl, whispering to her. "Ling'er, look." They both turned their attention to Ryu as he walked over.  The girl's expression suddenly changed into a bright and happy one. She dropped her wooden pole, both buckets spilling over, but she didn't seem to care. She raised her arm and waved. "Hello! Good morning!" She then scurried over to Ryu and introduced herself. "I'm Ling Yi." Then she took a deep bow. "Thank you for saving us yesterday!" She scurried back over to Tazuki and pulled him over, his own pole dropping. She murmured to him, "Hurry and thank him!" She pushed him in front of the Ryu. Tazuki let out a nervous chuckle and then bowed. "Thank you, brave sir, for saving us!" After rapidly bowing multiple times, he backed away to Ling's side, whispering to her, "Lady Yue Yi's gonna kill us for dropping the buckets." Looking at Ling's bashful expression, his face turned grim with despair. It seemed she didn't care for the consequences at all. Amused by their predicament, Ryu smiled. "I'm Ryu." "It's nice to meet you, Sir Ryu!" Ling said.  Ryu laughed. "I'm afraid I'm not a knight." "Oh, but you fought like one! You were so brave going up against that Brown-Fanged Spider Queen!" exclaimed Ying. Then she paused, pressing her finger against her lip. "Too bad you didn't last long..." Tazuki whispered again to Ling. "Ling'er, we should get back to the buckets... If Lady Yue Yi shows up..." He gulped. "Ah, don't worry! Big Sis isn't even here right now. She should be in Voruna getting supplies, remember? We should be f—" "LING MAI YI! TAZUKI MOTO! WHAT THE HELL ARE TWO DOING?!" a young woman's voice screamed. The two young NPCs turned around. On the top steps of the pagoda was a young woman whose light brown hair was tied into a slick ponytail. She seemed to be only a few years younger than Ryu, and she wore a grey robe and cotton shoes to reflect the simplistic style of the school. Her current expression reflected a great and sadistic fury. She jumped into the air, leaping dozens of feet above the two young NPCs below. She bent her knees in the air, and as she was close to landing, she extended her legs forward and planted her feet straight into Tazuki's face, landing on it. His head plummeted into the stone below. The young lady stood up, one foot still planted on Tazuki's face. Tazuki mumbled out words, but they were discernable. "B-B-Big Sis!" Ling Yi stuttered. "Why are you still here?" Ignoring her every word, the lady raised her hand over Ling Yi's ear and pinched it, vengefully pulling the earlobe in all directions. "Ow, ow, ow!" Ling Yi cried. "Okay, okay, stop! I'm sorry!" The young woman lifted her fingers off Ling Yi's ear, after which Ling Yi puffed her mouth into a frown. "If Grandmother catches you two slacking off, I'll be the one to get into trouble," the ponytailed woman said.  Tazuki mumbled again and the young woman's expression turned demonic. Like batshit-crazy demonic. She squished and rubbed her foot on his face. "And you... Just because you're Lord Moto's grandson doesn't mean I'm going to show you an ounce of mercy. You should have watched Ling-Ling more carefully yesterday."  Tazuki spoke, but once again spewed out nonsense. The young woman finally lifted her foot to let him speak. "Th-thank you, L-Lady Yue Yi...for removing your foot..." he exhaled, lightheaded. Seeing all of this, Ryu didn't know what to say. Bewildered and amused, he remained a calm expression. Finally giving Ryu her attention, Yue Yi humbly straightened herself and bowed gratefully to the player. "I am Yue Yi, and this is my younger sister, Ling." She then gestured her hand over to the young teenager NPC by her feet. "And this is Tazuki. Please don't mind either of them." "I'm Ryu." He smiled lightly. "And it's fine. I'm sure they weren't looking for any trouble." "I'm sorry for yesterday," Yue Yi said. "On behalf of the Yi family, I'd like to extend our deepest apologies. Thank you for protecting these two." She bowed once more. "I'm the one who should be thanking you," Ryu said. "You healed me." "That was all my grandmother's doing. I was the one who only carried you here," Yue Yi said. "Well, thank you then. And your grandmother." "There's no need," Yue Yi said. "It was the least we could've done for you."  Now that the formalities had been taken care of, Ryu asked, "If I may ask: Where are we?" "This is The School of Li Lin," Yue Yi said. "...Although, I wouldn't really call it a school, seeing that we have no students besides me and my sister." "Is he not a student?" Ryu said, nodding over to Tazuki. "No. He's just a regular visitor. He goes back and forth between the school and his home every so often,” said Yue Yi. “And your grandmother is the teacher, I presume?” Ryu said. “She is,” nodded Yue Yi. “She’s been its caretaker for almost 60 years.” “You live here, then?” Ryu asked. “Yes and no. We live here most of the time, but since we’re originally from the kingdom of Shu, we go back and forth from time-to-time. Just not as often as Tazuki here. He’s from the kingdom of Mu, though.” Ryu shook his head in understanding. He thought back to his encounter with Galahad. *How many kingdoms did he mention? Eleven, was it? I’m gonna need to get a world map. I still don’t know the geography of this world yet.* “I see,” Ryu said. “Thank you.” Yue Yi followed the conversation up by saying, “You’ve been unconscious for over a day. You must be hungry. Come, I'll make you lunch before I go to Voruna." Ling Yi jumped up and down. "Dumplings, dumplings!" But she was pushed to the side by her annoyed older sister. Ryu smiled. He raised his hand to reject the offer. "It's fine. I'd like to go to Voruna, too. I need to get supplies, as well. Do you think I could join you?" "Of course," Yue Yi said, smiling. "There are things that I must do first. In the meantime, feel free to check up on your items in storage. We had Ling and Tazuki carry everything from the cave." "You don't want any of it? I'm sure I can't take it all," Ryu said. "Our family's well off," Yue Yi said. "Whatever you don't keep, you can put it up in the auction house. I'm sure you'll find a buyer for everything." She smiled, knowing full well that would probably be the case. She then pulled up Tazuki's collar, lifting him up, and pulled her little sister to her side. "These two will show you to our storage." She then smiled an innocent smile, but it was also menacing. "And if they happen to steal or take anything—because stealing will put shame on our name, and those who stain the Yi family name will surely be punished—just let me know and I can take care of it." The two young NPCs gulped as she said this. Amused, Ryu chuckled. "Alright." "Well! I guess that takes care of that, then," Yue Yi said. "I'll come over and get you when I've gotten everything I need." Ryu nodded. Yue Yi let go of Tazuki's collar, dropping him on the ground. She left the group, walking around and beyond the left side of the pagoda. Tazuki dizzily got himself up. Ling Yi took his hand. "Come! Follow me!" "Ling'er, we should clean up the mess first," Tazuki said. "If Madame Yi sees it, she'll—" "It's fine! I'm sure one of the servants will pick it up," said Ling Yi. She skipped in the direction where Ryu came from, dragging Tazuki's arm behind her.   ---   Ling Yi and Tazuki brought Ryu to a building similarly styled to his own residence. It was just around the corner of where he woke up, too. The young girl pushed open the double-doored entrance. As soon as the doors swung open, Ryu could see a hoard of items filling up his entire view. The room was completely filled. There were several chests and tables filled and stacked with an array of items. All the space in between was filled with anything that didn't fit in the chests or on the table. Ling Yi walked up, putting fisted hands on her hips. Confidently, she said, "This is everything that those goblins had." She then pointed over to a large table by the right. "And over there is the loot from the Brown-Fanged Spider Queen." Then pointing to a smaller table next to that, she said, "And right over there is your bag." Ryu's face twitched, mortified by the amount of loot. *How the hell am I supposed to carry all of this to the auction house...?* Ling Yi giggled at Ryu's expression. "Don't worry. We have interspatial rings. You can use them to transport your items to Voruna's auction house." Ryu walked over to one of the tables. He took a plain-looking dagger and Identified it. | Copper Dagger | | --- | | Level Requirement: 1Agility: +1 | | Durability: 6/6 | | Weight: 0.5 lbs | | Quality: Poor | | Implicit Rarity: Common | | Explicit Rarity (Hidden): Brown | | This item is True-Identified. | After seeing the meagerness of the item, Ryu quickly scanned the visible items across the room. *Looks like most of this is probably trash.* Ling Yi walked up to him. "Is there a problem, Ryu? If you need an Appraiser to Identify these items, I can tell one of the servants to go get Master Toshi. He'll Identify them for you." "It's alright," Ryu said. "I can Identify items, too." Both Ling Yi and Tazuki appeared shocked. "Really?!" Ling Yi spouted. Ryu nodded. "Only Appraisers can Identify items," Tazuki said. "And usually they're very old people. Some are hundreds or even thousands of years old. They charge per Identification, though, but I think Master Toshi wouldn't mind in this case." Curious, Ling Yi asked, "What Level are you?" Ryu paused for a second before answering. "I'm Level 2." Both the NPCs' jaws dropped, their eyes widened.  Tazuki shook his head vigorously, coming back to his senses. "Master Toshi has Scrolls of True Identification. They're pretty expensive, but I think he could spare you one. True-Identified equipment items are much, much more valuable." "How so?" said Ryu. "Because some crafting and forging materials—usually the rare ones—can only be used with True-Identified items." Ling Yi smiled broadly. "Tazuki comes from one of the greatest forging clans in the Eleven Kingdoms. He knows his stuff." Hearing the word "forging" sparked intrigue in Ryu. It also made him remember that his sword had broken during his miniboss encounter. Speaking of which, where *was* his sword? Curious, he asked the two, "Do you remember bringing back my sword? It broke during my fight with the spider." "Oh, that old thing. Yeah," Tazuki said. "It's outside in the disposable bin. It's going to get melted." He paused. "Would you like the melt returned to you? You can trade it in for probably a few copper coins. Although, compared to all this, that's nothing." "It has an innate ability," said Ryu. "I was wondering if reforging it would preserve the ability." Tazuki went bonkers after hearing what Ryu said. "An innate ability?! Serious? That thing?!" Ling Yi giggled. "You should go retrieve 'that thing' then, shouldn't you, Tazuki?" Tazuki scurried away. Thirty seconds later, he returned with several sword shards in his arms. He wiped the junk off one of the tables and placed the sword pieces on it. He sighed, relieved that he could've potentially been the destroyer of a valuable item. Being the son of forgers, he would have brought shame to the Moto clan. "Yes, you can keep an item's ability," he said. "So long as you have the hilt of the sword, along with at least a third of the original material. After that, you'll preserve the ability, even after reforging or upgrading the item. I don't have the necessary tools or skills to reforge your sword, though. But all the older men in my family do." "But we're not going to the Moto estate, Tazuki!" Ling Yi exclaimed. Addressing Ryu, Tazuki said, "If you'd like, you can come back with me to my family's estate. We can reforge your sword there. After you get back from Voruna, of course." "I must stay here for my training, though. Do you think you can wait until I'm done? It may be several days." Tazuki nodded. "Of course." Ling Yi budged into the conversation. "Ryu, you're going to be a student here?" Ryu nodded.  Tazuki's face turned grim. "H-H-Here? The School of Li Lin? Are you sure?" He gulped. "I am," Ryu said. "You did hear earlier that Madame Yi is the head of the school, yes?" Tazuki said, stuttering. "I did," said Ryu. He paused briefly because the mood of the atmosphere had suddenly changed. "Is there a problem?" Both of the two young NPCs began scratching their heads, laughing nervously. "It's nothing. Don't worry... Yeah... .... ... Don't worry." Tazuki said that with a mindless look on his face as if terrible memories had just resurfaced. A male servant entered the room from behind and addressed Ling Yi. "Lady Yue Yi ordered me to bring these to you." He handed over several rings to the young NPC. "Since you can Identify items, we'll leave you alone for a bit," Ling Yi said, smiling. "Here are interspatial rings so that you can take your items to the auction house." She placed the rings next to the sword shards. She then nudged Tazuki, and then both of them left the room, closing the door behind them. Ryu sighed. He turned over to the heaps of items. Aloud, he muttered, "I've got a lot of work cut out for me." Ryu spent the next two hours Identifying all the items, most of which were the most basic items. However, there were a few items that piqued his interest: a beachball-sized ball of spider silk; two ornate, curved twin daggers—one with a crimson red edge and the other whose edge was a pale blue—and a brilliant, metallic spear with a shaft entirely engraved. Its head also seemed to be made of a completely different material. He couldn't Identify the set of daggers or the spear, but he did manage to Identify the spider silk.   | Pure Weaver Spider's Silk Ball | | --- | | This ball of silk consists of silk made by a Pure Weaver Spider. Pure Weaver silk is the lightest of all spider silk. Not only does it have incredible resilience and resistance but it also regenerates and repairs itself. | | Weight: 0.0001 lbs | | Quality: Perfect | | Explicit Rarity: Super Rare | | Implicit Rarity (Hidden): White | *This must've been from the hoards of loot that the goblins were taking... Not only that but the Quality...* It was only until yesterday that he'd found an item above 'Poor' Quality; the plums had been the only items he'd found that weren't 'Poor.' Now, he'd found a Perfect Quality item. It wasn't an equipment item, but he couldn't complain. He just didn't know what to do with it. A knock came at the door. The doors opened, and Yue Yi's head peaked in. "Are you ready?" Ryu nodded. "Let me just get my bag." "Alright. I'll be right outside." Ryu grabbed his satchel and headed out. The chests and tables had all been cleared; all 268 items in the storage room had been put into the interspatial rings—minus the spider silk and unidentified daggers and spear, which he had placed into his own interspatial ring.  Outside, he found Yue Yi, Ling Yi, and Tazuki all waiting for him. Ryu spoke to Yue Yi who was still dressed the same. "You didn't change?" "There's no need." Yue Yi smiled. "Besides, students of Li Lin learn to appreciate the simple things in life." She hinted that she knew he would be a student. Ryu could only help but smile a little. He was anxious, both in the excited sense and the terrified sense. "Come. We'll show you the portal gate," Yue Yi said. Ryu gestured his arm, telling them to show the way. They left with Yue Yi leading the group. Yue Yi brought them across the courtyard and beyond the back side of the pagoda. They crossed a red, wooden bridge over a silent stream. There was a larger courtyard across with just a single residence behind. Ryu could see to his left a gigantic but gentle waterfall flowing down the mountainside. In the pond, he saw goldfish gliding about in the water. Further away, on a small hill, he saw a doorless, white, round gate. Next to it was a large stone that was engraved with strange symbols. Ling Yi pointed up to the hill. "That's the Inner Gate of Li Lin. It's a special portal gate that takes you to the Outer Gate of Li Lin, which is an invisible portal gate right by the entrance of Plum Tree Forest. Both portal gates are only one-way ports, though, so you have to reactivate the Stone of Li Lin everytime you go back and forth. Only my grandmother and Yue know how to activate the Gates." Yue Yi stopped before going up the hill. There was a short, slightly hunched elderly woman already on top of it.  She was dressed just as simply as Yue Yi. Only, her robes were white. Her back was turned to the group. Yue Yi made a fist, placing a palm over it. She lowered her head. Respectfully, she addressed the figure above. "Grandmother." The elderly woman didn't respond, and she didn't turn around either. Yue Yi turned her head to the group. "It seems Grandmother is agitated." Both Tazuki and Ling Yi's facial expressions turned into worried looks.  "A-Agitated, you say?" Tazuki said, softly. "Maybe we should leave, Ling'er." Tazuki tried sneaking away, but Yue Yi pulled his ear before he could slip away. He struggled to get free, but he just couldn't get free of her hold. Suddenly, the elderly woman spoke, her voice hoarse. "Approach. All of you." When she spoke, subtle, but sharp echoes rang through the air. The birds stopped chirping. Even the wind seemed like it had stopped. *This old woman... She's a monster.* Ryu tried to Recognize her, but he received the following message: | Your Recognize skill is not at the requisite level to Recognize such a person.Please try again when you have raised your Recognize skill. | | --- |   Ryu's throat suddenly became dry. He gulped, but the dryness didn't go away. The group approached the old woman as they were told. They didn't speak when they got up to her. They dared not to. After a moment, the old woman spoke again. "Boy," she said, addressing Ryu. "I heard you stole something from the Brown Pass Expedition. Is that true?" "No," Ryu said. "I did not steal anything. It was given to me." "Hoh? Is that so?" the old woman remarked. She finally turned around, setting her condescending eyes onto the player. "It is," Ryu said plainly. "Show me," the elder said. Ryu calmly took out the large egg-shaped stone out of his interspatial ring and held it out. The elder's eyes shifted over to the object. She took not even two seconds looking at it before scoffing and turning her head back forward. "And you said that was given to you? By who?" "A dying elk," said Ryu. "And do you know what that is? In your hand?" the old woman said. "Most likely an egg," Ryu said. The old woman smiled, still retaining her condescending look. "Hmmph. Looks like Bors and *that jerk* were right this time. You're smart. At least...smarter than those Moratian army brats." She spit in the air. "Couldn't even tell an egg from a stone. How useless." "Do you want it?" said Ryu. "There's no reason for me to have it. It was given to you by another creature. And by a different species from that egg, at that. That alone should tell you how significant your having it is." She placed her hand on the large engraved stone. "Come. We're going to Voruna." The symbols of the stone lit up and a bright white portal appeared. The old woman walked through, the rest of the group following. Upon exiting the portal, Ryu found himself literally just a few dozen steps from the entrance of Plum Tree Forest (on Plum Tree Forest's side, of course). A round, white gate was behind him, but it quickly vanished after the group came out of the portal.  Ryu looked to his side, seeing a large stone, similar to the one the old woman just activated. He had completely overlooked it when he first entered this place, but he now understood what it was. *To think that it would be right by the forest entrance.* The group walked straight ahead, Yue Yi leading the way. The elder stayed behind for a bit to make sure the portal was invisible and the stone was active. Upon exiting Plum Treet Forest, Ryu found himself back at the southern crossroads. He took less than ten steps before arrows were shot at his feet. "Stop right where you are!" someone yelled. "Move and we will shoot you." Out of the forest appeared Guinevere, Percival right behind her. "I suggest you hand over the stone relic now, traveler," said Percival, drawing out his sword. "Before this gets out of hand." Ryu, Tazuki, Ling Yi, and Yue Yi all stood, back's against each other. They each got into a defensive battle stance. They were ready to get into a brawl if need but the scene was abruptly interrupted by an angry woman's voice. "Who dares to threaten my granddaughters?" said an old woman's woman. The elder appeared from out of the forest, her hands casually behind her back. "Get out of here, you old hag, or you'll get hurt!" said a random soldier. The elder stopped, and turned her head to the soldier who spoke. Her facial expression was demonic. "What did you say, brat?" Percival was about to interrupt, but Guinvere stopped him. Guinevere shook her, softly telling him, "No." Seeing this, Percival understood exactly what the situation was, and so he sheathed his sword. He coughed. Sweat started rolling down the side of his face. The elder shrugged off the first offensive remark and continued on her way, casually walking before and past the soldiers. "I said 'Stop!" Has your age deteriorated your hearing, old woman?" said the random soldier from before. "Fool!" Percival said. "Are you blind or just an idiot? Anyone who serves in the Moratian army should know just who that is!" Suddenly being yelled at by the second-in-command, the random soldier was taken aback. He was confused. Percival continued, a serious look on his face. "That is Madame Gao Yi." Hearing his words, all the other soldiers stopped breathing for just a second. Their hearts skipped a few beats, too. They'd made a terrible mistake. "M-M-Madame Gao Yi, the ambassador of the Grey Kingdom?!" shouted one of the soldiers.  "Why is one of the Ten Grandmasters here in the Brown Forest?!" another soldier said. Among the commotion, only Guinevere and Percival remained calm. But underneath their composure, they were deathly terrified. Guinevere kneeled down. Percival instantly did the same. "Please, forgive us, Madame Yi," Guinevere said. "If you must lash out, please do so on me. Don't take it out on my soldiers. They didn't know." Madame Yi stopped in her tracks but didn't bother to turn her head to Guinevere. "Get up. A Knight of the Round Table shouldn't be kneeling like that. Lance would be embarrassed if he saw you like that. Your father, especially, if he were still alive." Guinevere stood back up. She couldn't do anything but hold her head down. Percival stood up also but was too fear-stricken to speak. "You intended to trade the relic for Tristan, didn't you?" Madame Yi. "That's why the Round Table met." Guinevere said nothing. She looked down at the ground with a blank expression. "Lift your head up, child," Madame Yi. "Tristan is a strong fighter. One of the strongest Moratia has ever seen. He'll do his best to stay alive, I'm sure. In the meantime, you need to get stronger for when the day he is to be saved." The corner of her eyes shifted to Ryu. "As for the matter of the relic, you don't need to worry about that anymore. I'll speak to Viscount Aaron about that matter when I get to Voruna. Take your men and go home." She directed her attention to Yue Yi. "Yue, open the portal." Yue Yi walked forward, unraveling a green portal scroll. A brilliant green portal appeared before everyone. "I'll be going ahead, Grandmother," Yue Yi said. Madame Yi nodded in agreement, and when she did so, both Tazuki and Ling Yi followed behind. Before Madame Yi stepped into the portal, she gave the shortest pep talk to the group of soldiers. She turned her head back to the soldiers, her eyes beaming. "Oh, and if any of you dare threaten my granddaughters again...I'll kill you on the spot. All of you." When she said that, the air turned cold. Birds nesting in the nearby trees fluttered and fled. All of the soldiers gulped simultaneously. Madame Yi smirked as she went in the portal, knowing her pep talk worked. Ryu calmly walked through the crowd of soldiers, his head straight, but the corner of his eyes fixed on Guinevere. Her head was still held down when he was walking, but then she looked up and their eyes met. She had the same eyes Ryu (George) had just a few weeks ago. He didn't stop or say anything and continued forward. When he got to the portal, he stopped and looked back at Guinevere one more time. Only this time, her eyes were different. In that brief moment, they shared an understood message: "We will see each other again." Ryu turned his head and proceeded through the green light.
{ "title": "Oblivion Online (complete)", "id": 16577, "author": "Mighty Moushie", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Book 3 Chapter 39", "id": 305810, "next": 306106, "prev": 305181, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjMGNkYjI1ZDY1MDRmMjFiZGFjN2VhMmUzMmZmNGY1"><em>Cinderfy’s POV</em></p> <p class="cnM2MTcwZTliYmU1NDRmNTA5NDU2NTlkN2JhYjg3NTBh">“Come on Cinder, hold on! If you lose grip on this pole who knows where you’ll end up?” Despite the constant spinning and turning in the rough current, I mentally cheered myself on. It didn’t matter that I had gotten separated from the rest of the raid, as death would eventually lead me back. I just didn’t want to give these bastards the satisfaction without taking my own pound of flesh!</p> <p class="cnM3NjU1Njg0Njk3MDRlOWFhMWQxMDViOGI5ZGU2NTk4">Time had no meaning, everything revolved around the pole and the strange form of fishman on the other end of it. It had long since come away from around my neck, and the creature on the other end was very keen on getting it back where it thought it belonged. I disagreed.</p> <p class="cnM2ODNkZTQzNzhkZTQ4ODVhNzFlY2RiODNkY2YxYjM3">Without warning, we were ejected from the current. The pole was torn from my hand, and I was sent rolling across a sandy platform. As I struggled get oriented, I saw the creature approaching at a brisk pace. I managed to get my hands up, but momentum knocked me onto my back as I barely kept the pole away from my neck. It was a struggle we both knew I was going to lose, as the grin on the face made me realize. I also realized I was all alone, and there was no chance of hitting an ally.</p> <p class="cnMzMWU2YmE2Y2M5YjRkMTZhMDlkMmMzMTAyMzE0OWRm">“[<strong>Lightning bolt</strong>].” I channeled the spell into the coral weapon of the creature, and though I took some blowback he got the worst of it. As its muscles locked up in agony, I swung the pole away and got to my feet. “Didn’t like that much, did ya?” I taunted as he got his muscles back under control. It responded by charging at me with its mouth open, far too tempting of a target.</p> <p class="cnM2MzQwZjJmNzk5NjQ4OWJiMmYxYThlMmI3YTRlZDM0">“[<strong>Azure firebolt</strong>].” I didn’t know if sea creatures could scream, but it did let out an impressive amount of bubbles as it dug at its throat. I reached in and grabbed a knife off its belt, and started slashing wildly at the throat to help him get all that burned air out. Sure, I probably hit more fingers than throat, but eventually I got a good jab in and managed a rather jagged wound. It didn’t take long after that for the creature to fall over in death.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWRiY2Q0NjdkNzRlOWY4YjBiNTZkMWU1MGM0NTUw">“At least I got one of you.” I muttered as I looted the body. I got a knife and his boots, nothing too special. Turning, I took a look at where I was.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnM1M2FjODJkZWI3ODRhMzZhOGU5MzFhZTRlZTdhNzE5"><strong>Sargasso Seafloor</strong></p> <p class="cnM3ZWIwOWVmZWJjYjQ2ZmM5ZjgwNDJkYTBmYTY1OGYx"><strong>Dungeon level 7</strong></p> <p class="cnMzZjhhYjFmZDk3OTQ3NmViYWMyNzJkYTFkMTU5ZjFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDJiNDE0MjNkMDRmNzNhNGNkMTk4ZWY3ZWZkOWY1">Almost anything can be found on the Sargasso Seafloor. Located at the edge of a continental shelf and dropping off rapidly into the dark abyss, extreme care must be taken. The deep waters limit even darkvision.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1MTI1NTgwNTcyMDRiMmM4NGFlNjJiZmFlOTRhNjUy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5OGVlYTc3N2RkNTRmMTFiNjUyYWJkOGFmZjlhNjIz">After dismissing the popup, I sucked in a breath. I was in a sandy area designed for whatever the current spat out. Closing in on my position were three of the hunters. Beyond them was an underwater village, houses made from caves carved into coral reefs. I could see other fish people working there, but I was too far away for details. Holding my weapon like a kitchen knife, I watched the hunters close in. Hopefully they would assume that I was a melee fighter, and get within my limited range. Unfortunately, they pulled up short and pulled out a few needles from their nets. In my flailing, I managed to deflect one, but three others pierced my arms and one hit me in the chest.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnM3ZmU4MDhlZDhmOTQwMGY5MjEwM2I2ZTg3MmY4M2Uy"><strong>Paralyzed!</strong></p> <p class="cnM2M2Q2NGYwNWEzOTRlNmY4MTU4OWVhNWU5NGIzNTgx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZjQ5ZWNiODllNzRjOTU4N2U3ODVmMmNlZDI4MGVm">You have been struck by a potent paralytic poison. Unable to move for 1 minute.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyMTU0OTg1OGMzZDQzYmFhZjk5NmNiZTQ1MjUxMTlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ODc5ZGJhYTQ1ZTQxMzhiNmEyYTYwNmMwNGU3ZjY2">I froze, and the hunters grinned as two came closer, the third running back towards the village. One would occasionally poke me with another needle, roughly every 45 seconds or so. The other had taken my knife and checked to make sure that I had no other weapons. At least they couldn’t get into my inventory.</p> <p class="cnM3YmM5MjQzMTdmNDQyNGU5MmJiZTkyNGQwZmE0ZWMz">A few minutes later, and the third hunter returned with a few others carrying a cross. My wrists and ankles were lashed to it, and I was carried into the village. At least I wouldn’t be cooked over a fire, unless they somehow had a volcanic vent nearby.</p> <p class="cnNmMGVmMTg2NzRkOTRjZjBhZDhkYTkxMDhjMTc5M2Qx"><strong>* * * * * * * * * * * * *</strong></p> <p class="cnM5YzY4MDQ1MTA1MjRlYTBiYzJjNjMxZWRhNmYwNTU0"><em>Mr. Whisker’s POV</em></p> <p class="cnM0ODc0MzAwNWI0NzRjMGJiMTcxMTEzNGE0MTRiNmM1">I sat down a slight distance away from most of the people in the raid, and looked things over. It wasn’t good. Several were already laying down for a quick nap, and most of the rest had the sunken eye look of someone who had been pushed too hard for too long.</p> <p class="cnMwZTRlYmQ5MGU2ZTRmMTI5ZDE4NjE2MDI4ZTE2NjQx">“Ya know, you can’t be thinkin’ this hard all the time. You’ll go crazy.” Lucy said as she plopped down next to me.</p> <p class="cnNhNTM1ZThjYWM3OTQzZjRiODZmNjgwMTFjNmFmMzdi">“Ain’t that the truth?” I chuckled.</p> <p class="cnNkNDczMzQ0ZWNiNzQ0YzRiNTg0NDcxODU0Y2JlZDkw">“So what’s on your mind?”</p> <p class="cnM3YmJhM2ZkZmY4MDQ5NGM5ZGFhMTY2NzJiZmRlZGNj">“How much longer before people start breaking. I think we have one, maybe two more hours to find an absolutely safe spot and bunker down before everything starts falling apart.”</p> <p class="cnNlOTU4OThiZTdhMTRhODA5ZWNhYzI2MzFiYjU4Y2Nh">“Glad you see the issue as well. Just, is there ever going to be a safe spot in this dungeon?”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjQxZjZmYjg2OTQwNTBiZTQ3ZWY5ZmZhZGVhMjlj">“If I were designing it? Not a chance. But if the developers had some hidden rules that I had to follow? I’m betting there’s one coming up soon. Otherwise nobody would be able to clear a dungeon.”</p> <p class="cnM3NDYwYzFkNzMyODQwNDBhYTUxMzg3MmZmOTkzZDll">“Point.” She responded, nodding. “Wherever it is, it sure as hell ain’t gonna be on this floor. Can you imagine trying to rest with all these blasted crabs?”</p> <p class="cnMwNzg0Y2M5MGNmYTQwYWZiMDg4NmVmNjlkNjdmMDg0">“Don’t forget the ambushing fishmen and the currents should you get too close to an edge.”</p> <p class="cnM1MWIyNjc5YzUxMDRhZmNiZjRjYTQzNzVkODc0MWM1">“WHAT THE HELL?!” Diver shouted, frantically beating against his chest.</p> <p class="cnMyOTZiODI2YzlhMzQ5YTI4ZjE1OGFiNDU5NDYwM2Zj">“What’s going on?” I asked as I ran over, people clearing around him. Now that I took a good look, his once white robes were nearly entirely pink.</p> <p class="cnMzZmRjZThhNDAzNDQ0ZTBiOGQ3YTc4N2MzMTE2YTVh">“I’m in critical durability!”</p> <p class="cnNjNDBkMjEwNzFjMDRhODc4NDg5MDg3N2M1Yjg5YWNi">“Of what?”</p> <p class="cnM0MDFiZmE4ZWJhZDQzYzk4Y2I0NjliZWMwYjI0Njlk">“My robes! I don’t understand it!”</p> <p class="cnM2M2RhMGFjMTA3MzQ4MGJhZTNlODZkZTI4MTIyOThk">I got a sinking feeling, especially when I saw a wisp of pink float away from his shoulder. I got a little closer, and used identify on his robes. Specifically, the pink portion of them.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnM3Y2I5ODczY2U1ZTQ0ZmNiYjI4ZjcxMTBmZjU2YTY3"><strong>Pink Tide</strong></p> <p class="cnNmMTA0Nzk1YzZlZDQyMDk4M2ZiMzBkYTVlMDBlZDY4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNmJjNGQ4MzE1OTRlYTZiNWRkODU2ZWU2NDI4ZDFj">A nasty algae bloom, it infests and consumes whatever it can get attached to. It will spread until the substrate is completely consumed, then small portions will detach and look for other hosts. Unlike more deadly blooms, the Pink Tide produces no toxins. Extreme heat is the best way to eradicate the infection, though care must be taken to ensure the colonies complete destruction.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0MWU2Njg0OWFiMjQwZDE5ODIxNjRkYWYwMDA2ZGY5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNTRiMGZiMmNiYTQ2YmJhZmJiNzhlMWY0MmQ2ZmRi">“Sly bastard. That isn’t a pink dye that stains your clothes, it’s an algae bloom that is eating your gear. Someone cast flame cloak on both Diver and DeathFromAbove. He’s probably losing durability as well.”</p> <p class="cnM2NzBiNWFiYTg5YjQ0OGU4MzVmMzUyMjg3NTE1ZGZm">“Holy crap, I am!” He shouted, as Grandelf stepped forward.</p> <p class="cnNkZTdhYTE5MTU1YzQ1MzdhNWFiYzMyYjBhM2Y4NDMz">“[<strong>Flamecloak</strong>]. [<strong>Flamecloak</strong>].” He had to wait thirty seconds between casts, but soon both were surrounded by swirling bubble as the nearby water boiled. Grandelf gave them each a minute before cancelling the spells to reveal clothes with holes worn in them.</p> <p class="cnNlZGM3ZDY1YWMyMzRlOGFhYmE0OWJhYTYxMTZkZTg3">“Oh no. Nononononononooooooooo!” Diver cried, falling to his knees. “This can’t be happening!”</p> <p class="cnM2OGJlODY1N2ZmMDRiYjk5OTJmMDhkOWE5Yjg5ZDY1">“What’s wrong?” Grandelf asked, looking him over to make sure all the pink was gone. The only thing left to everyone’s eyes were light brown stains that were breaking up and drifting off as the two unlucky players moved.</p> <p class="cnNkZWMzMzMwMzEyZTRiMjQ5NTFjMzMyZWI4MmM4MzQ1">“The enchantments!”</p> <p class="cnNlMDIxMTA5MGUxNzQyNTdiODllODBmZjgwZjQ4NzJh">“What about the enchantments?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZTdlNjBlOTY0MTRlZTNhN2IxMmNlOGUwMzFkZTcw">“Here, just read it.” Diver wailed, sending everyone a notification.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnNiZDUzNWQxNjhiYzQ0YzViODBkYTQ5MzIzYjMyNGQx"><strong>Warning!</strong></p> <p class="cnMxYThmYWFiODMxODQxMjFiOTIxZTgzNzgzOTc5NjBh"><strong>Robes disenchanted!</strong></p> <p class="cnNlMzM2NzAxZmY1ZDQ3ZWM5NDU5NWVmMGFjYTA5Yzll">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YmUyNTE4YzJlOTQwYjFhMGQ5ZGFlNjQ4Mjc2MGM5">Your robes have been eaten by a colony of algae! While this normally only lowers durability, the algae was particularly fond of eating the magical threads that enchanted your gear. As such, the enchantment has been completely destroyed. The only way to salvage it is to repair with the same magical threads used in its creation and reapplying the enchantments. Repairing in any other way will result in regular robes that provide no bonuses.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM3MDMyMTQwY2JjMjQxNThhNjBkY2MyZGU5NWQ0N2Y1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNTgxZjQyNjhiMjQwZTRhOGViN2QxMjNiMDY3NTgw">“Grandelf, go ahead and hit everyone in the raid with that flamecloak spell. Diver, do you have anything to replace your robes with?”</p> <p class="cnM0OTljOTQxOTgwZjQyOTNhYjEyZGJiNTdjYjEwMjdk">“It’s not nearly as good but I do have acolyte robes.”</p> <p class="cnNhNDUzNjc3OTQ0MTRhZGJiMzg1MTEwMDRlODZiYmVi">“Alright, go ahead and use that for now. If we find anything better in the dungeon, we’ll go ahead and let you use it. Death, how’s your stuff?”</p> <p class="cnMwNzUyYWMyNDg2MjRiYzVhNzcwODk2ZTU5NTg1Nzg3">“I lost half the enchantment strength, but it is repairable.” He answered. “Seems it has a bit tougher time going through leather.”</p> <p class="cnNjNmRjNWVjMTg1NTQxODY5YzNkMjljYTQ0Yzg2ZjE3">We settled back in to relax and wait for the resurrection group to return. Grandelf and Peppermint were moving between people, making sure that everyone spent at least a minute to destroy any algae blooms that they might have come in contact with.</p> <p class="cnM4OTMyNTE2M2I2ZDQyNmFiY2YyZWNmZjNlOWU4YmQ0">“Did you miss us?” Dave called out, causing a few people to immediately jump with hands on weapon hilts.</p> <p class="cnNkMmY5MzI3Y2Y1YzRlNzdiOWUxNDhhZWVhZWNkNTM5">“Welcome back!” Lucy replied, though she tilted her head in confusion. “Aren’t you one person short?”</p> <p class="cnNkZmY0OWFhOGRmOTQwNzY5NWI4OTk2OWJmNzUyNGEz">“Cinderfy never showed up. When we got there, Goldguard was already waiting. We gave Cinder another ten minutes, then came back.” He said with a shrug.</p> <p class="cnMwNmU2YWI2YWNlODRjZTE5YWNhODNiNWQwNjM5YmYy">“Damn. That means Cinder is alive somewhere. Let’s go ahead and press on, trying to speed things up.” I said, getting groans from a lot of people. We fell into formation fairly quickly, continuing our trek. It was rather obvious now that we were moving downhill, and the curve in the road was much more pronounced. The deeper we got, the thinner the seaweed forest became, but we were still losing light rapidly.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDI5YTE4MzY4ZTQ1YzBiODVjNjU4ZTBkZjM3OTM2">“Anyone else see that?” Peppermint asked, pointing upward and into one bit of the forest.</p> <p class="cnNkZDFkODFlNDIzMDRlYjRiY2VkNTdlOTJhOGUxZDgy">“What did you see?” Dave asked, squinting as he tried to see into the gloom.</p> <p class="cnM2MTJlMjRlZjI2ZTRiYzU5OGE3OWQwZmFhMWRlYWU0">“Long, dark shape. Couldn’t quite make it out, but it seemed to be almost all tail.”</p> <p class="cnM3ODU5NjJlZGJlNDQ4MjY4NGRlMGVhMjE5YzNhNDUz">“Mages, if you have the magelight spell, please send it off into the forest. Let’s see what we can flush out.” Several balls of light were immediately sent, followed a few seconds later by a second volley.</p> <p class="cnMxMjRhMGRkMzk2MjQzMGE4M2YwYThmZmQ1ZWVjMjBi">“Good God, would you look at that.” Someone muttered, as a sleek shark slipped easily between the lights. Nearing 40 feet, it was enormous. Nearly a third of that length was the upper portion of a tail. It would normally be just out of our visual range, and its movements made it easy to tell that it had been circling the raid for a while.</p> <p class="cnM4OTc1OGExOTQ2YjQ0N2Y4YTAyYjUzZjdhMDZjYjVi">“How did we ever miss that?”</p> <p class="cnMyYzUxNmM0MDNhYjRjMDY4MDRiNzg5N2Y4ZDEwYjVk">“It was just. . . sitting there? Watching us?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZGMwZDU0ODVmNjQ5ZDk5MTcyMDQ1MjJmNjYyZjk5">“Fuck this dungeon man. This is why I don’t do oceans. Too many things with too much teeth, just waiting to come and bite you. And you have no idea just how close they can come.”</p> <p class="cnNkNWMyMzc2MWJmOTRlMGU4MDg5MDI0OGE0OTJmM2Fm">“Calm down Chaos-.”</p> <p class="cnMwMTA5ZDQzNzQ0YTRjMWI4NWZlNTU0NjQ5NDY0OGMx">“DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN DAMNIT!” Chaosbringer shouted at Dave. “I fucking hate the ocean, and this is exactly why. What else is out there hunting us? Huh? Tell me!”</p> <p class="cnM3NmFjYzNkNWYwNjQzYmRiMGNhNzY0ZDUwNTEzZDU1">“Chaos, take a deep breath.” I said, walking over. I put a hand on each shoulder, and got in his face so he could only see me. “I know you’re scared. It’s a perfectly normal response. Take a deep breath. There you go, that’s it. Another. Deep breath. Now remember. We are in a fantasy world. You’re a badass berserker with a massive greatsword. Any shark that comes to take a bite out of you? It better have training as a sword swallower or its gonna have a bad day, right?”</p> <p class="cnM0YTI5M2ExYTg3NTQ1Yzc4ZTg0NmY0MDYzYWI5YWRl">“Yeah.” He said, nodding along. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Gonna make the fucker choke on my blade.”</p> <p class="cnNkNjBlNGFkOGJkMzQwNDhiNzUzYTBjMmQwODdkMWQy">“THAT’S THE SPIRIT!” Dave chuckled, slapping him on the back.</p> <p class="cnM4OWI3ZDVkNWI5MTQzZjdhMzIxYTUzZDY2YzRkZWZl">“Alright, we have a choice here. Anyone get an identification on it?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM5OTZiYmJlOWJjYjQzNDliNmY5NjUyZWJhZjY0NDRh">“I got ya.” Shocker stepped forward, sending a notification to the rest of the raid.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnMxMzg4YmFiZDljYzQ1NWRiZTk0MDhlOWE4YzAxOTll"><strong>Mithril Tail Thresher Shark</strong></p> <p class="cnM0MTVmN2Q3NjRkMjQ0ZTE4MTZmNDEzNmY2MjBhNzQz"><strong>Level 225</strong></p> <p class="cnM5MDBlYWI2ZGUyNDQxOWZiZGNkMjkyOGZmMzU5NWFi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMDM5ZmRiZTYxOTQxMjViNjNkZjQ0OWFiOTE3N2Qz">A variant of the thresher shark, the mithril tail has strands of metal flowing through its skin granting it extra defense. Usually solitary hunters, these sharks divide hunting depth based upon strength and size.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwNjE0MjM4ODRmYjRlYmNiOTk5OWMxYTYzYTYxNzMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiM2Y0MTUyYjU0MjQ2NDE5OGMzODI4MmI4YWQ2YTY4">“If that ain’t a floor boss, I’m a monkey’s uncle.” Brosef said after reading the description. “Y’all want me to try and pull it?” Everyone was in agreement, so Brosef started us off. “[<strong>Prismatic blast</strong>].” Though it did minimal damage, with as wide of a spread from the diffraction the attack was a guaranteed hit.</p> <p class="cnNkYWQwNTI4ZTA0NjQxMWFhYzhkYTNhNzJiZmM2YjEz">“Imma turn you into sushi!” GoldGuard yelled as a taunt, diverting the shark’s attack. After slamming into his shield and getting a slash to the snout in return, the ranged attackers started piling on. The shark stopped attacking GoldGuard, and started circling the raid. Then it did something none of us expected. Just like a whip, it cracked its tail above the group of healers, stunning them with the shockwave.</p> <p class="cnMyY2Y2YjhkNzM3ZTQzOWFiZjIyOGMwMzU0OTNkN2Nl">“No healing for a bit!” Someone called out, and I heard at least three other people repeat it to make sure that everyone knew. Turning, the shark cut through the raid group, using its metal skin as a weapon. The speed of the attack was incredible, and half of the attack skills missed completely.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmM4YmZjZmIzNjQ4NDhhN2ZkNmNlOGZlMzVjNGYx">“Damn, how are we going to slow this guy down?” I muttered, looking around. The druids couldn’t conjure a plant binding fast enough, and the ice skills would shatter against that skin.</p> <p class="cnNkM2VmNWZjYjFiOTRjYjU5MzRlZTUyMjRjZjc4ZWY4">“I got this.” Brock said, keeping a close eye on the shark. Once again it turned to run through the raid. “[<strong>Fists of the Stone Giant</strong>].” The shark shattered the first fist, but that was fine. Brock just needed it to slow down enough to get hit with the massive overhand blow from the other fist, knocking it nose first into the kelp highway.</p> <p class="cnMzMjMzYzgxN2Y0ZDRkMWM5NThmMjFkNzU4NTlhNGE2">“[<strong>Binding vines</strong>].” All the druids cast the spell at the same time, and managed to bind up the majority of the shark.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmI3NThkMDRjODQwZjk4NGE3OWIwODQ3NjkzZTYy">“[<strong>Shield rush</strong>]!” Dave tried to close the distance, but only moved forward one step as the resistance of the water was far too much to handle.</p> <p class="cnMyYjEwNWQ3YTMzMTQ1ZDRiZTg1MjU3N2JhYjY3NGNi">“[<strong>Blink</strong>][<strong>Crippling blows</strong>][<strong>Storm of blades</strong>][<strong>Midnight’s Kiss</strong>].” While others were concentrating on the main body, I tried to shred the elongated upper portion of the tail so that it couldn’t do that whip crack attack again. “It’s got physical melee reflect!” I called out a warning, grimacing as my health dropped a bit with each attack.</p> <p class="cnNkNWNmMDNkYjg1MjQwNDRhN2VhMzJiMjA3ZjdiOGJi">With the raid warned and the healer’s recovered from their stun, we fell into an easy pattern. The druids would rotate binding skills, keeping the shark pinned. People would rotate in and out, leaving the healers to keep up the tanks’ health.</p> <p class="cnM3Nzg0MjUzMWQ4MDQyMTNhZTgxYjlhNmRjYzQ2NTgz">That’s not to say the shark didn’t have a few tricks of its own. Every so often it would spin, shredding the vines holding it and causing horrid bleeding damage to anyone within range. Luckily the cooldown for that skill was the same as for Brock’s giant hands skill, and he would use it to hold the shark still while the druids locked it down again. Eventually it started releasing lightning attacks, which really slowed down the damage we were able to inflict. Not only did it have a fairly high chance for a one second paralysis, but the extra damage forced the melee groups to rotate out faster so the healers weren’t overburdened. We were persistent though, and ten minutes of battle saw the shark perishing.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnNhYzYwYzM0NTE4OTQwZDg5YzY4ODJlNDI3Nzk1NGM4"><strong>Danger! One of the guardians has been slain.</strong></p> <p class="cnNjYWQ4MmE5ZGE0MDQwMTU4ZDA4YjBiZDA4ZjVmN2Ex"><strong>Denizens of the Depths grow bolder.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4ZjAzNDVjNWVkYjRlYzM5ODIyMjJmMDJkZjdiNzJi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OGUzNDJiM2Y4MjRjYTRhMTM2Y2Y1ODhlOGI0NWY4">“Oh fuck me.” Someone groaned as we all received a notification, and I had to agree. What fun stuff had we unwittingly released?</p> <p class="cnM5MGZjYmEwOWE4MjQ3MDZhNmE5YmIwYjMzOTQwMjEy">“We’ll deal with it when we have to, just like everything else. Loot the shark, and let’s get going.” I ordered, and we set off once again. Twenty five units of metallic sharkskin, ten shark teeth, the artisans were going to be fighting over the drops.</p> </div>
*Cinderfy’s POV* “Come on Cinder, hold on! If you lose grip on this pole who knows where you’ll end up?” Despite the constant spinning and turning in the rough current, I mentally cheered myself on. It didn’t matter that I had gotten separated from the rest of the raid, as death would eventually lead me back. I just didn’t want to give these bastards the satisfaction without taking my own pound of flesh! Time had no meaning, everything revolved around the pole and the strange form of fishman on the other end of it. It had long since come away from around my neck, and the creature on the other end was very keen on getting it back where it thought it belonged. I disagreed. Without warning, we were ejected from the current. The pole was torn from my hand, and I was sent rolling across a sandy platform. As I struggled get oriented, I saw the creature approaching at a brisk pace. I managed to get my hands up, but momentum knocked me onto my back as I barely kept the pole away from my neck. It was a struggle we both knew I was going to lose, as the grin on the face made me realize. I also realized I was all alone, and there was no chance of hitting an ally. “[**Lightning bolt**].” I channeled the spell into the coral weapon of the creature, and though I took some blowback he got the worst of it. As its muscles locked up in agony, I swung the pole away and got to my feet. “Didn’t like that much, did ya?” I taunted as he got his muscles back under control. It responded by charging at me with its mouth open, far too tempting of a target. “[**Azure firebolt**].” I didn’t know if sea creatures could scream, but it did let out an impressive amount of bubbles as it dug at its throat. I reached in and grabbed a knife off its belt, and started slashing wildly at the throat to help him get all that burned air out. Sure, I probably hit more fingers than throat, but eventually I got a good jab in and managed a rather jagged wound. It didn’t take long after that for the creature to fall over in death. “At least I got one of you.” I muttered as I looted the body. I got a knife and his boots, nothing too special. Turning, I took a look at where I was. | **Sargasso Seafloor** **Dungeon level 7**   Almost anything can be found on the Sargasso Seafloor. Located at the edge of a continental shelf and dropping off rapidly into the dark abyss, extreme care must be taken. The deep waters limit even darkvision. | | --- |   After dismissing the popup, I sucked in a breath. I was in a sandy area designed for whatever the current spat out. Closing in on my position were three of the hunters. Beyond them was an underwater village, houses made from caves carved into coral reefs. I could see other fish people working there, but I was too far away for details. Holding my weapon like a kitchen knife, I watched the hunters close in. Hopefully they would assume that I was a melee fighter, and get within my limited range. Unfortunately, they pulled up short and pulled out a few needles from their nets. In my flailing, I managed to deflect one, but three others pierced my arms and one hit me in the chest. | **Paralyzed!**   You have been struck by a potent paralytic poison. Unable to move for 1 minute. | | --- |   I froze, and the hunters grinned as two came closer, the third running back towards the village. One would occasionally poke me with another needle, roughly every 45 seconds or so. The other had taken my knife and checked to make sure that I had no other weapons. At least they couldn’t get into my inventory. A few minutes later, and the third hunter returned with a few others carrying a cross. My wrists and ankles were lashed to it, and I was carried into the village. At least I wouldn’t be cooked over a fire, unless they somehow had a volcanic vent nearby. *** * * * * * * * * * * * *** *Mr. Whisker’s POV* I sat down a slight distance away from most of the people in the raid, and looked things over. It wasn’t good. Several were already laying down for a quick nap, and most of the rest had the sunken eye look of someone who had been pushed too hard for too long. “Ya know, you can’t be thinkin’ this hard all the time. You’ll go crazy.” Lucy said as she plopped down next to me. “Ain’t that the truth?” I chuckled. “So what’s on your mind?” “How much longer before people start breaking. I think we have one, maybe two more hours to find an absolutely safe spot and bunker down before everything starts falling apart.” “Glad you see the issue as well. Just, is there ever going to be a safe spot in this dungeon?” “If I were designing it? Not a chance. But if the developers had some hidden rules that I had to follow? I’m betting there’s one coming up soon. Otherwise nobody would be able to clear a dungeon.” “Point.” She responded, nodding. “Wherever it is, it sure as hell ain’t gonna be on this floor. Can you imagine trying to rest with all these blasted crabs?” “Don’t forget the ambushing fishmen and the currents should you get too close to an edge.” “WHAT THE HELL?!” Diver shouted, frantically beating against his chest. “What’s going on?” I asked as I ran over, people clearing around him. Now that I took a good look, his once white robes were nearly entirely pink. “I’m in critical durability!” “Of what?” “My robes! I don’t understand it!” I got a sinking feeling, especially when I saw a wisp of pink float away from his shoulder. I got a little closer, and used identify on his robes. Specifically, the pink portion of them. | **Pink Tide**   A nasty algae bloom, it infests and consumes whatever it can get attached to. It will spread until the substrate is completely consumed, then small portions will detach and look for other hosts. Unlike more deadly blooms, the Pink Tide produces no toxins. Extreme heat is the best way to eradicate the infection, though care must be taken to ensure the colonies complete destruction. | | --- |   “Sly bastard. That isn’t a pink dye that stains your clothes, it’s an algae bloom that is eating your gear. Someone cast flame cloak on both Diver and DeathFromAbove. He’s probably losing durability as well.” “Holy crap, I am!” He shouted, as Grandelf stepped forward. “[**Flamecloak**]. [**Flamecloak**].” He had to wait thirty seconds between casts, but soon both were surrounded by swirling bubble as the nearby water boiled. Grandelf gave them each a minute before cancelling the spells to reveal clothes with holes worn in them. “Oh no. Nononononononooooooooo!” Diver cried, falling to his knees. “This can’t be happening!” “What’s wrong?” Grandelf asked, looking him over to make sure all the pink was gone. The only thing left to everyone’s eyes were light brown stains that were breaking up and drifting off as the two unlucky players moved. “The enchantments!” “What about the enchantments?” “Here, just read it.” Diver wailed, sending everyone a notification. | **Warning!** **Robes disenchanted!**   Your robes have been eaten by a colony of algae! While this normally only lowers durability, the algae was particularly fond of eating the magical threads that enchanted your gear. As such, the enchantment has been completely destroyed. The only way to salvage it is to repair with the same magical threads used in its creation and reapplying the enchantments. Repairing in any other way will result in regular robes that provide no bonuses. | | --- |   “Grandelf, go ahead and hit everyone in the raid with that flamecloak spell. Diver, do you have anything to replace your robes with?” “It’s not nearly as good but I do have acolyte robes.” “Alright, go ahead and use that for now. If we find anything better in the dungeon, we’ll go ahead and let you use it. Death, how’s your stuff?” “I lost half the enchantment strength, but it is repairable.” He answered. “Seems it has a bit tougher time going through leather.” We settled back in to relax and wait for the resurrection group to return. Grandelf and Peppermint were moving between people, making sure that everyone spent at least a minute to destroy any algae blooms that they might have come in contact with. “Did you miss us?” Dave called out, causing a few people to immediately jump with hands on weapon hilts. “Welcome back!” Lucy replied, though she tilted her head in confusion. “Aren’t you one person short?” “Cinderfy never showed up. When we got there, Goldguard was already waiting. We gave Cinder another ten minutes, then came back.” He said with a shrug. “Damn. That means Cinder is alive somewhere. Let’s go ahead and press on, trying to speed things up.” I said, getting groans from a lot of people. We fell into formation fairly quickly, continuing our trek. It was rather obvious now that we were moving downhill, and the curve in the road was much more pronounced. The deeper we got, the thinner the seaweed forest became, but we were still losing light rapidly. “Anyone else see that?” Peppermint asked, pointing upward and into one bit of the forest. “What did you see?” Dave asked, squinting as he tried to see into the gloom. “Long, dark shape. Couldn’t quite make it out, but it seemed to be almost all tail.” “Mages, if you have the magelight spell, please send it off into the forest. Let’s see what we can flush out.” Several balls of light were immediately sent, followed a few seconds later by a second volley. “Good God, would you look at that.” Someone muttered, as a sleek shark slipped easily between the lights. Nearing 40 feet, it was enormous. Nearly a third of that length was the upper portion of a tail. It would normally be just out of our visual range, and its movements made it easy to tell that it had been circling the raid for a while. “How did we ever miss that?” “It was just. . . sitting there? Watching us?” “Fuck this dungeon man. This is why I don’t do oceans. Too many things with too much teeth, just waiting to come and bite you. And you have no idea just how close they can come.” “Calm down Chaos-.” “DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN DAMNIT!” Chaosbringer shouted at Dave. “I fucking hate the ocean, and this is exactly why. What else is out there hunting us? Huh? Tell me!” “Chaos, take a deep breath.” I said, walking over. I put a hand on each shoulder, and got in his face so he could only see me. “I know you’re scared. It’s a perfectly normal response. Take a deep breath. There you go, that’s it. Another. Deep breath. Now remember. We are in a fantasy world. You’re a badass berserker with a massive greatsword. Any shark that comes to take a bite out of you? It better have training as a sword swallower or its gonna have a bad day, right?” “Yeah.” He said, nodding along. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Gonna make the fucker choke on my blade.” “THAT’S THE SPIRIT!” Dave chuckled, slapping him on the back. “Alright, we have a choice here. Anyone get an identification on it?” I asked. “I got ya.” Shocker stepped forward, sending a notification to the rest of the raid. | **Mithril Tail Thresher Shark** **Level 225**   A variant of the thresher shark, the mithril tail has strands of metal flowing through its skin granting it extra defense. Usually solitary hunters, these sharks divide hunting depth based upon strength and size. | | --- |   “If that ain’t a floor boss, I’m a monkey’s uncle.” Brosef said after reading the description. “Y’all want me to try and pull it?” Everyone was in agreement, so Brosef started us off. “[**Prismatic blast**].” Though it did minimal damage, with as wide of a spread from the diffraction the attack was a guaranteed hit. “Imma turn you into sushi!” GoldGuard yelled as a taunt, diverting the shark’s attack. After slamming into his shield and getting a slash to the snout in return, the ranged attackers started piling on. The shark stopped attacking GoldGuard, and started circling the raid. Then it did something none of us expected. Just like a whip, it cracked its tail above the group of healers, stunning them with the shockwave. “No healing for a bit!” Someone called out, and I heard at least three other people repeat it to make sure that everyone knew. Turning, the shark cut through the raid group, using its metal skin as a weapon. The speed of the attack was incredible, and half of the attack skills missed completely. “Damn, how are we going to slow this guy down?” I muttered, looking around. The druids couldn’t conjure a plant binding fast enough, and the ice skills would shatter against that skin. “I got this.” Brock said, keeping a close eye on the shark. Once again it turned to run through the raid. “[**Fists of the Stone Giant**].” The shark shattered the first fist, but that was fine. Brock just needed it to slow down enough to get hit with the massive overhand blow from the other fist, knocking it nose first into the kelp highway. “[**Binding vines**].” All the druids cast the spell at the same time, and managed to bind up the majority of the shark. “[**Shield rush**]!” Dave tried to close the distance, but only moved forward one step as the resistance of the water was far too much to handle. “[**Blink**][**Crippling blows**][**Storm of blades**][**Midnight’s Kiss**].” While others were concentrating on the main body, I tried to shred the elongated upper portion of the tail so that it couldn’t do that whip crack attack again. “It’s got physical melee reflect!” I called out a warning, grimacing as my health dropped a bit with each attack. With the raid warned and the healer’s recovered from their stun, we fell into an easy pattern. The druids would rotate binding skills, keeping the shark pinned. People would rotate in and out, leaving the healers to keep up the tanks’ health. That’s not to say the shark didn’t have a few tricks of its own. Every so often it would spin, shredding the vines holding it and causing horrid bleeding damage to anyone within range. Luckily the cooldown for that skill was the same as for Brock’s giant hands skill, and he would use it to hold the shark still while the druids locked it down again. Eventually it started releasing lightning attacks, which really slowed down the damage we were able to inflict. Not only did it have a fairly high chance for a one second paralysis, but the extra damage forced the melee groups to rotate out faster so the healers weren’t overburdened. We were persistent though, and ten minutes of battle saw the shark perishing. | **Danger! One of the guardians has been slain.** **Denizens of the Depths grow bolder.** | | --- |   “Oh fuck me.” Someone groaned as we all received a notification, and I had to agree. What fun stuff had we unwittingly released? “We’ll deal with it when we have to, just like everything else. Loot the shark, and let’s get going.” I ordered, and we set off once again. Twenty five units of metallic sharkskin, ten shark teeth, the artisans were going to be fighting over the drops.
{ "title": "My second chance is as Dungeon Master?", "id": 21503, "author": "Arkai", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10 - Emporium", "id": 305812, "next": 305832, "prev": 305480, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkMTA4NmMxODU1YTQxZTA5YzExMTAwMDQ2M2M0YTZi">Elias and T'lear are sitting while facing each other, observing their partner for the following years. Although earlier they hellbent to kill each other, but now the circumstances are changing — they'll on the same side from now on. They try to organize their emotions, after all, this is felt strange for both of them. Usually, they just kill their enemy and get over with it — but today they become a comrade with an ex-enemy.</p> <p class="cnMwZmM5NTBiYjQxOTQzZDViMGVmZDA4MGNhODE0NWMw">About ten minutes or so, they fall into silence until finally, T'lear open his mouth.</p> <p class="cnM3MmY0ODNlMGFkMzRkYWE5MmMyNGI3OTE5MmZkOGQy">"Is there anything you want to asks?"</p> <p class="cnM1NWZkZWJiNGI2YjQ3MTZhZjAyMTI3ZjJlYmVlNWRm">Elias is gazing at T'lear's eyes for a moment, after that he observing the world — there is no sign of crumbling which mean his time to get out still long. It seems they'll have time for a little chat.</p> <p class="cnMxNDY0NzZiNjJiMjQyOTZhNmVhMmE2ZmU4ZDAyNzJm">"Yes, of course," Elias sigh, "Can you explain to me, how this points used as a currency?"</p> <p class="cnNmYjJjMmUxNTIxNzQ0ZWFhYWRjYTE0MzIyNjBlZTgy">"Right, You'll need to know the basic to compete with other dungeon masters," T'lear says while floating towards Elias, "However, it'll faster to understand if you experience it yourself."</p> <p class="cnMyNTVmZWJlYjY4YTQwMzY4ZTRhODhlN2I4MTkyMTdk">T'lear stops above Elias' head and then gives him instruction, "Speak this words, 'Store open' while touching your left ear."</p> <p class="cnMxYjFkNThlMjlkYjQ1YTQ5YzJhODRiZmM2MzZjMjlj">After following his instruction, Elias can see holographic sentences appear on his retina — and it's not his usual status.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTQ2OWM1MmZlMjQ0OTNhMjJkMWM0ODcwMWJhZjBh">[Commencing and Binding the Store to Elias]</p> <p class="cnMxM2QxMTY0ODlkZDQ0OWQ4NTU0MWMyODMxOTIyMDI1">[Congratulations! You're 78th dungeon master in this world]</p> <p class="cnNlY2Q3MzJhYTU2NjQyZDZiYWI5ZjY3YWViNzczNmU3">[Opening the shop]</p> <p class="cnM4MDg2ZmVmYWE1ZjRjMjA5MDE3M2U4Mzk0NmZiODg4">There a slight delay in each message, but it only for a few moments. Meanwhile, he's reading those notifications — it seems there are 77 other dungeon masters. This line intrigued him — after all, there are more than a hundred dungeon masters in his previous life.</p> <p class="cnNlNWNlYmI4NTA3NjQ3NzdiMjk2Y2M5MjRkNDY0NWQ0">'Is this mean they aren't born yet?'</p> <p class="cnNjNmRkMGQyYWRjNzRjYzM4YzhjMGNjZjE1OThlMWVk">'Or maybe, they still in another world?'</p> <p class="cnM3YjY0OTgyOWI2MDQ3ZjhiZDg0ZDJlZWE2ZWI0NWQ0">Those thought plagues his mind, after a while, he decides to take a shortcut and ask T'lear, "Are you native of this world T'lear?"</p> <p class="cnM0NDExZjFjODRmNzQ5YTZhNzQxMTU3MTdkMjdkM2Nl">When hearing Elias question, he frowns his eyebrow, "your question is like asking me 'do you come from dung?', it's insulting to compare me with aboriginal people of this world, it is —."</p> <p class="cnMxMzhjNTI5YjEzZjQwNTc4ZWU2NWFhZDUzYmY0ZWM5">"I'll take it as no then," Elias shrug his shoulder, and then he asks another question, "Does all dungeon master come from the same world?"</p> <p class="cnM5YzZjMTdmZjMxODRjNjlhZDFkMzkxMzM5NzBmYTY2">"Can't you even listen until the end?" he sighs, "The answer for your question is no, I didn't even know them before I transferred into this world — two months ago."</p> <p class="cnMxZDMwMmYwZDFmMDQ1ZTQ4MGRmZjFhODg5ZmUwMzEx">"Is that so," Elias mumbles.</p> <p class="cnNkYWI1NjhjN2YzYTQyMmRiMzM0MzBmYTdmNzIzM2Q4">After hearing T'lear's short answer, his earlier doubt becomes clear — those dungeon master also come from different worlds like humans. Besides that, he can assume that dungeon masters don't come to this world at the same time — there will other coming to this world.</p> <p class="cnNhMGQzZjhiYzdkZjRiNjc4OTUxMjA1NzdiMjhhZjcx">However, he still doesn't comprehend how all of those dungeon masters become stronger in faster rates than all humans. After all, there is plausible some of them have low capabilities, but in his previous life, all of them is stronger than human.</p> <p class="cnNkNmNjNmQ0YjFlZDRkNTRiZWIxYzVkOTU5MTAxNmFh">'Is it only because they have greater talent or only talented people who can hold a dungeon master title?'</p> <p class="cnNhMDJmNzEwMjQ1NDRiNzU4ZGU2Yjk4NGU2YjYxNzY4">However, when he in his deep thought, T'lear voice awoke him followed by ding sound appear in his mind — giving him the answer to his question.</p> <p class="cnM5NGFjMTc4MTZkZjQ3NTlhZDM1ZDVjOGJlNWRhZDE4">"You probably can see the store interfaces about now," T'lear says.</p> <p class="cnMzYmFiMjQ4YjNiNzQ5MmY5MWUxM2JmMzUxZTMzM2Zj">*Ding*</p> <p class="cnM4ODNjNTAwNjgwYjQ5YzBhODMyZjU5NDQ2OTYyMTZm">Store for Dungeon Masters<br>1. Runes Category<br>2. Monster Category</p> <p class="cnNhMjlhMTU0MGZhNTQwYmNhOTEzMGU1Mzc5Y2Q2NGNk">Points: 0</p> <p class="cnM1YWZlNzExOTU5ZTQ0OTFiYTY4ZTI5Njk2ZTVkMTVl">He furrows his eyebrows after seeing these words on his eyes — thinking what this possibly mean. After silent for a moment, he says, "Show me the content of runes category."</p> <p class="cnNiM2E3MWY1MWM3YjQ2NDg4Mzc3OTFmMThmODI0OWNk">After he says these words, the first option shine while others disappear — changing into other series of words.</p> <p class="cnMwZWY4ZDNlMzM2YjRiNTY4ZDBmYmMyNWFhZGJlNzhj">Runes store<br>1. Stats Runes</p> <p class="cnNjMjllM2ExYTkyNzRmMTViNGY2MTMxYzkxNGQyZTRi">Points: 0</p> <p class="cnM3MzEwNWMzMTE2MDQxYWViODA0ZmNiYTdjNzc0MzZk">His curiosity gets into him after seeing that sub-category, he opens it again and then reading what things it sells. As time pass, his expression change many times — astonished, anger, happiness, and many others.</p> <p class="cnM5NGE2N2JlNTAwMzQ2NWM5ZDJjMmZhYzQyYzQ1MmEx">Stat Runes store:<br>Strength rune(Colorless-Small) — 1 point<br>Stamina rune(Colorless-Small) — 1 point<br>Stamina rune(Colorless-Medium) — 10 points<br>Agility rune(Colorless-Small) — 10 points</p> <p class="cnNiN2Q2MDZlNjA3NDQwYjM4ZTRiZTk0OGE2NDY3ZGI4">Points: 0</p> <p class="cnMxNDlkYzYzYWVkNzRmMjVhNjdkOTg4MzhkZWMyMWI0">Those four runes appear in Runes sub-category, while in the monster category — the store only shows goblin as it option with 90 points. After looking at those lists, he realizes something and then asks T'lear, "When you check the stat runes store before, how many things in it?"</p> <p class="cnNlMTc0NjliYjJkYjQ4YjFiMTRjNTdiZGVhODU2YmFh">"Um, many I guess, why?"</p> <p class="cnMwOTM0MTI1ZjAxMjRkMDI4NmNiZTg1OTU5OWIzYTVh">"Good — oh right, is there any category other than runes and monsters?"</p> <p class="cnM1OWE1ODZlMGNhZDRjMTdiN2I3NWY2YTE5YTQzNjBl">"You didn't even answer my —. Forget it, yes, artifacts category."</p> <p class="cnM4ZThjMTUxNmFmMTQyMmM5YTQ5ZWUwYWJiZGE0Yjk3">Elias sinks into his thought — understands about what happened here. The store only sells runes he ever consumed and monsters he ever killed. Although right now only little amounts of items he can buy, but as time passes he'll consume new runes and then the catalogs also grows. Not just that, from T'lear words it seems he can also buy artifacts from this store, but he yet fulfills the requirements to see it.</p> <p class="cnMxOTYwZGJkYjA3ZTQ1NThiMDM4NWZkNTg1MjkyZDIx">After finished organizing his thought, he realizes why the human race loses in his previous life. Dungeon masters had many possibilities to get stronger — even without depending on their talent. This store gave them a tremendous advantage — they can buy any runes, artifacts, and monsters with enough points — like the one he sees right now.</p> <p class="cnM0MWI4ZjY4MTQ5YzQ5MDY5NTYyYjg1YTkzOTllMDY1">While human, on the other hand, needs to collect runes by killing monsters and each of them only drop one rune. It's understandable how they stronger at a faster pace.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTJhZTNhMDJjNDQ0NGM4NDg2Nzg5ODA4NmZhMWJl">He sighs, but soon he comforts himself, 'at least this time, I have their advantage too.'</p> <p class="cnMwNWIxZjg0MTI1NjRhMzVhOTFlMzdkNmVkOTdkMDcz">After realizing there nothing he can buy with his zero points, he closes it interface and want to ask T'lear another question.</p> <p class="cnNjZmIxNTQzODk2MzQ0MzdhNjdhOThiYjhkZjMxYTg2">"Hey what about —."</p> <p class="cnNhNWFjZTQzYjE2MzQzZDliNmIwODJiNzhmMTdiMjQy">However, at that moment the world starts crumbling in rapid rate — forcing them to get out from this space. T'lear realizes this fast and immediately go inside Elias body — hiding.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDE0ZWQyMWYxNzQ5YmI5OTk0NzYwY2Y3N2Y1ODNm">The white scenery change into a forest where he stood before did his gamble. He looks towards T'lear's body in front of him which soon turns into dust — it's what happens to the loser of the world-will gamble. Fortunately for T'lear, his soul already separated from his body and bound with Elias.</p> <p class="cnNhY2UzYzhiMjk1ZTQwMmI5NTE3ZTBkZGE0OWNjNzAy">He can still revive even if his body destroyed.</p> <p class="cnMwMGVlMTkxM2IyZjQxMTBiYmNjYzUzMjc1ODEzZjI3">Not long after, he feels something wrong to his body. A very painful sensation covering his whole body, many old wounds appear on his body while his left hand disappears.</p> <p class="cnM4YTI3NTczZWE5ZDQzZTJhNjlhNWZkNWM0ZDQwZGZj">"Huok," Elias spew out blood from his mouth, all his previous injuries go back — he goes to his original state before did world-will gamble.</p> <p class="cnM5NDg5Mjk1YjI4ZTRlODFhMzg0MjZhZDU3YmY1ZDgy">T'lear attack earlier starts taking tolls into his body, and he falls backward — can't stand anymore. T'lear gets out from his body and sees around, but find Elias lie in the grass. T'lear sees a goblin who peeks at their fight earlier, he didn't see it as a threat and didn't pay it any heed. However, now is a different story.</p> <p class="cnM0OWE5Y2ZmZDM5NTRkZTlhZmViODBjZTk1MGQzNTZj">He can't attack anyone and neither kill that goblin.</p> <p class="cnMzMGI3MmYwNmE5ZjRkMDk4MDYyOTdjZmI3NmZmOTg3">"Shit, what are you doing laying down like that?" T'lear asks while floating above him.</p> <p class="cnNkOGRmYTZmYjIwNTRkZWVhMDhiMGMzNjU5YTA1YjIw">"I can't move, my wounds are severe."</p> <p class="cnNhM2U4MDA4YzgwNTRmOGU4YzQ5ZDBjOWY3NjlmODBm">"Quick, get up. A goblin walking toward our directions right now," T'lear warn him hurriedly. After all, their life is bound together -- if Elias dies, he'll die too.</p> <p class="cnM1YzU4ZTEwOTJjYzRjODI5NWFmZjQ3NWM5YThlMWY0">"I seriously can't even move a finger, I need at least a few hours to recovers."</p> <p class="cnM3NzkxM2I2ZjZjYzQ5ZmJiNzI0NjFkZWVjNzgwOGZi">"F*ck, am I'll die here because of a random goblin," T'lear cursed after seeing the goblins walking towards them with a sharp sword in its hand.</p> <p class="cnMyN2I4ZTE3M2JiZDQ4MzU4ZTZiZDk5OWExY2RlZjg1">T'lear already tries to attack the goblin out of desperation, but every fist he delivers to that goblins always pass through its body — he can't stop the goblin with this ghost state.</p> <p class="cnNlNTlhYzEwMzg1OTRmZjY4MjFmZmNiNWIxYzZhN2Zh">After a few seconds, the goblins arrive beside Elias body.</p> <p class="cnNkMjBjY2U0ZWU3MDQyNTk5MmQyOTIzM2FkMjRlNzdm">The goblins look at Elias with a malicious eye while grabbing tightly at his sword, ready to swing his sword towards Elias' head.</p> <p class="cnNkYjBkODQyMjFlZjQyODM4ZWY4NjkwYzJlNDE0YzZj">Kiaaak!</p> <p class="cnMxMmM1YTRhMTY1ZjRlNTVhZmZiMmE1OTdjNjljNDI3">*Stab*</p> <p class="cnM4Mjc0MzQwNGM3MjQ3YTdhMWYzNTFiMzZlM2FjOTNm">Blood is gushing, and many internal organs are splattering.</p> </div>
Elias and T'lear are sitting while facing each other, observing their partner for the following years. Although earlier they hellbent to kill each other, but now the circumstances are changing — they'll on the same side from now on. They try to organize their emotions, after all, this is felt strange for both of them. Usually, they just kill their enemy and get over with it — but today they become a comrade with an ex-enemy. About ten minutes or so, they fall into silence until finally, T'lear open his mouth. "Is there anything you want to asks?" Elias is gazing at T'lear's eyes for a moment, after that he observing the world — there is no sign of crumbling which mean his time to get out still long. It seems they'll have time for a little chat. "Yes, of course," Elias sigh, "Can you explain to me, how this points used as a currency?" "Right, You'll need to know the basic to compete with other dungeon masters," T'lear says while floating towards Elias, "However, it'll faster to understand if you experience it yourself." T'lear stops above Elias' head and then gives him instruction, "Speak this words, 'Store open' while touching your left ear." After following his instruction, Elias can see holographic sentences appear on his retina — and it's not his usual status. [Commencing and Binding the Store to Elias] [Congratulations! You're 78th dungeon master in this world] [Opening the shop] There a slight delay in each message, but it only for a few moments. Meanwhile, he's reading those notifications — it seems there are 77 other dungeon masters. This line intrigued him — after all, there are more than a hundred dungeon masters in his previous life. 'Is this mean they aren't born yet?' 'Or maybe, they still in another world?' Those thought plagues his mind, after a while, he decides to take a shortcut and ask T'lear, "Are you native of this world T'lear?" When hearing Elias question, he frowns his eyebrow, "your question is like asking me 'do you come from dung?', it's insulting to compare me with aboriginal people of this world, it is —." "I'll take it as no then," Elias shrug his shoulder, and then he asks another question, "Does all dungeon master come from the same world?" "Can't you even listen until the end?" he sighs, "The answer for your question is no, I didn't even know them before I transferred into this world — two months ago." "Is that so," Elias mumbles. After hearing T'lear's short answer, his earlier doubt becomes clear — those dungeon master also come from different worlds like humans. Besides that, he can assume that dungeon masters don't come to this world at the same time — there will other coming to this world. However, he still doesn't comprehend how all of those dungeon masters become stronger in faster rates than all humans. After all, there is plausible some of them have low capabilities, but in his previous life, all of them is stronger than human. 'Is it only because they have greater talent or only talented people who can hold a dungeon master title?' However, when he in his deep thought, T'lear voice awoke him followed by ding sound appear in his mind — giving him the answer to his question. "You probably can see the store interfaces about now," T'lear says. *Ding* Store for Dungeon Masters 1. Runes Category 2. Monster Category Points: 0 He furrows his eyebrows after seeing these words on his eyes — thinking what this possibly mean. After silent for a moment, he says, "Show me the content of runes category." After he says these words, the first option shine while others disappear — changing into other series of words. Runes store 1. Stats Runes Points: 0 His curiosity gets into him after seeing that sub-category, he opens it again and then reading what things it sells. As time pass, his expression change many times — astonished, anger, happiness, and many others. Stat Runes store: Strength rune(Colorless-Small) — 1 point Stamina rune(Colorless-Small) — 1 point Stamina rune(Colorless-Medium) — 10 points Agility rune(Colorless-Small) — 10 points Points: 0 Those four runes appear in Runes sub-category, while in the monster category — the store only shows goblin as it option with 90 points. After looking at those lists, he realizes something and then asks T'lear, "When you check the stat runes store before, how many things in it?" "Um, many I guess, why?" "Good — oh right, is there any category other than runes and monsters?" "You didn't even answer my —. Forget it, yes, artifacts category." Elias sinks into his thought — understands about what happened here. The store only sells runes he ever consumed and monsters he ever killed. Although right now only little amounts of items he can buy, but as time passes he'll consume new runes and then the catalogs also grows. Not just that, from T'lear words it seems he can also buy artifacts from this store, but he yet fulfills the requirements to see it. After finished organizing his thought, he realizes why the human race loses in his previous life. Dungeon masters had many possibilities to get stronger — even without depending on their talent. This store gave them a tremendous advantage — they can buy any runes, artifacts, and monsters with enough points — like the one he sees right now. While human, on the other hand, needs to collect runes by killing monsters and each of them only drop one rune. It's understandable how they stronger at a faster pace. He sighs, but soon he comforts himself, 'at least this time, I have their advantage too.' After realizing there nothing he can buy with his zero points, he closes it interface and want to ask T'lear another question. "Hey what about —." However, at that moment the world starts crumbling in rapid rate — forcing them to get out from this space. T'lear realizes this fast and immediately go inside Elias body — hiding. The white scenery change into a forest where he stood before did his gamble. He looks towards T'lear's body in front of him which soon turns into dust — it's what happens to the loser of the world-will gamble. Fortunately for T'lear, his soul already separated from his body and bound with Elias. He can still revive even if his body destroyed. Not long after, he feels something wrong to his body. A very painful sensation covering his whole body, many old wounds appear on his body while his left hand disappears. "Huok," Elias spew out blood from his mouth, all his previous injuries go back — he goes to his original state before did world-will gamble. T'lear attack earlier starts taking tolls into his body, and he falls backward — can't stand anymore. T'lear gets out from his body and sees around, but find Elias lie in the grass. T'lear sees a goblin who peeks at their fight earlier, he didn't see it as a threat and didn't pay it any heed. However, now is a different story. He can't attack anyone and neither kill that goblin. "Shit, what are you doing laying down like that?" T'lear asks while floating above him. "I can't move, my wounds are severe." "Quick, get up. A goblin walking toward our directions right now," T'lear warn him hurriedly. After all, their life is bound together -- if Elias dies, he'll die too. "I seriously can't even move a finger, I need at least a few hours to recovers." "F*ck, am I'll die here because of a random goblin," T'lear cursed after seeing the goblins walking towards them with a sharp sword in its hand. T'lear already tries to attack the goblin out of desperation, but every fist he delivers to that goblins always pass through its body — he can't stop the goblin with this ghost state. After a few seconds, the goblins arrive beside Elias body. The goblins look at Elias with a malicious eye while grabbing tightly at his sword, ready to swing his sword towards Elias' head. Kiaaak! *Stab* Blood is gushing, and many internal organs are splattering.
{ "title": "The Banishment of the King", "id": 21552, "author": "A J Chaudhury", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Chapter 1", "id": 305814, "next": 306235, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3ZTIzODI2NDg1ODQ1ZWFiNWRjZWJlYjRiMTU4NGI5">Time to get up.</p> <p class="cnMzNWI4YWI3MTkwNDQ5NTE5YzBlOWUxOGQ2OGUwODJh">Xuhn grimaced, his eyes still shut. He hated his brain. How did it always know when it was time to be up? He opened his eyes. It was morning and he could hear roosters crowing. He grimaced again. Time for work.</p> <p class="cnNmYjUzYTdlMjNjMDQyYjM4OTczZjY5NGE2NTkzMjFk">He removed the blanket from his body and immediately caught a chill. It would be winter in a few days and then he would need the firewood bad. He dragged himself from the bed and went out of his one-room house. He went to the well and pulled up a bucket of icy water, still quite sleepy. After he had done his needs and gotten fresh and the sleep had finally left him, he retrieved his ever faithful chopper from below his bed and left for the hills.</p> <p class="cnNjYjM2NWYyNzEwYTRkNmI4MDJiNmI5NzAyNzBlZWYy">Aunt Laxmi, his neighbour, was watering her vegetable garden. A plump lady, she had a warm smile always playing on her lips. Too bad her son, Vivek, had fractured his legs sometime ago and she was working twice as hard to meet needs, losing some weight in the process. Aunt Laxmi greeted Xuhn on seeing him.</p> <p class="cnNjMDI3MmIxZDA4MjQ3OWFhYzQ1NmRjOTNhZjVkM2Vk">“Bound to the hills?”</p> <p class="cnM2OGUyMjk3MTBjMDRlMWM4ZmEwMTMyMTY3ZDFmOTc3">“Have to get some wood,” Xuhn replied with a smile.</p> <p class="cnNjZDFmN2Q1ZGM5MTRhMzk4YTJjMzdhNDkyM2ZkOWNm">“Bring some for me too. Winter is coming and the water is getting colder every day. Vivek needs warm water.”</p> <p class="cnM2OGRlZGEwYTU2ODRmYTVhMDVmN2Q0ZWRkMDIyMTQw">“I will,” Xuhn said. Due to Vivek, Aunt Laxmi had been buying more wood from him so Xuhn actually had some coin to spare on ale and the like for a few days. It wasn’t the best thought, but the truth was what it was.</p> <p class="cnM2NWY5Y2Y5OWM4NTRmMTM5MjExMzJmZjU4MTE1OTEz">Xuhn made his way towards the Frozen Lake, away from the houses of the villagers. The lake had always mystified Xuhn. It was frozen all the year round, even in blistering summer when not a drop of water survived out of shade. Now wispy vapour floated above the lake, which was easily one-sixth the size of their village. Nobody knew what caused the lake to be frozen. Some of the older villagers said that a great beast dwelt in its depths. They claimed that during the time of their fathers, the ice had suddenly cracked one day and then somebody had seen a big head emerge on the surface of the lake, right at the centre, before disappearing in an instant. The lake had then frozen again completely in a day’s time.</p> <p class="cnMwMzRiOGVlYzFlOTQ1NzQ5YjQ2M2U0NzBlMWJlMTcx"><em>Maybe one morning like today</em>, Xuhn thought, <em>the ice will crack once again and I’ll have a glimpse of the great beast. </em>He would be able to boast about it to people till he drew his last breath.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDNjZTUyOGY3ZDRkNjdiZjRmMDZhZDc5YjkzZDc3">Xuhn looked at the skies. No sign of his pigeon, Ritu. He hoped the bird would be home by the time he returned with the firewood. The fear that someone would shoot down Ritu always plagued his heart. If that happened then the luxury of communicating with Mayesha everyday would be gone.</p> <p class="cnNkNmU5NzZmNjhhZTQyYjc5NGRmM2Q5ZWUyNTQ4Mzdm">Xuhn had first met Mayesha about a month ago at the yearly fair in the little town of Maskhowa, which was about twenty kilometres to the south.</p> <p class="cnMwNDQzMjJhYWExMjRmMGM5YzVlODc5N2RlYTFiOThk">He had fallen for her the moment he saw her amidst her friends. How he had managed the guts to actually speak to her he didn’t know. But he had, and she seemed interested in him. She had given him her pet bird, Ritu, so the two of them could keep in touch after the fair. Xuhn had been very worried that Ritu would not reach Mayesha’s home when he had first sent her a letter through Ritu. But apparently the bird knew its way well, and the very next day Ritu returned with a letter from Mayesha. Xuhn didn’t know how long the relation would last, especially since the only time the two of them had met was at the fair. But the letters meant that the roots of love were still in ground and there was hope. He planned to visit Mayesha the coming month.</p> <p class="cnM3MjEwMzgxOTNmOTRlZmViZGVkZGE1ODc4MjY2OWRi">When Xuhn reached the spot from where he usually cut firewood, he set to work. Unlike other wood cutters he knew, Xuhn preferred cutting branches instead of bringing down entire trees and chopping them to pieces. So he climbed up one big tree and began hacking at one branch after the other until each fell down. His muscles felt leaden, but the cold abandoned him altogether and so he rather enjoyed the strenuous work.</p> <p class="cnNlYjUxM2NlNWRmZjQyYTA4YTgwNWUwYjA0OTU0ZTIz">It was when Xuhn was finally tiring that a scene unfolded in the distance and grabbed his attention. At least ten wolves were chasing a person on the frozen lake. The person was Mitral, a newcomer who had arrived in their village last year but had left suddenly a couple of months ago. The villagers had been worried that something had happened to Mitral due to his disappearance. But here he was, being chased by wolves. Mitral was skidding on the ice and occasionally tumbling down and it was a wonder that the wolves hadn’t caught him so far.</p> <p class="cnMzMjMzMGRiOTFkZDRkNjQ4OGQ3N2NjOWQ0MjU0ZTkz">But if they did they were sure to rip him to pieces. Xuhn couldn’t allow that, not when everything was going on in front of his eyes. He had to intervene by all means.</p> <p class="cnNhYzgzMzMwZDE2MzRhMjlhYWNmMmRkNjM4Njg3OGEw">Xuhn climbed down and raced towards the lake. He wanted to sit down and catch his breath, which was already strained due to his previous labour, but he pushed on. Maybe he could scare away the wolves with his chopper.</p> <p class="cnM2MzhlYTVkY2Q2MjQwMTQ4MDllNDhlNzk2OTViNzJj">Mitral saw him and ran towards him, arms flailing wildly.</p> <p class="cnNlMGI5MzlmNzAxNDRkNzBiMDRkZmNlZjkxYjY0ZDU2">“Help me!”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjgwNmFkMDk2MzQ5ODhhNmQwYmYyMzg4ZmRiZWU0">Xuhn picked up some stones and threw them at the wolves as Mitral reached him and cowered behind him. The wolves made angry noises, but Xuhn held his ground, his chopper raised and ready, lest any animal lunged at him.</p> <p class="cnM2OTExYTVhNmNiYzRlOTU4YjFkMGJiNzFjMjk2NGJl">“Back off!” Xuhn yelled at the wolves. They wouldn’t understand his words, but his tone would be obvious to them. The wolves continued to make angry sounds. Xuhn could not help but shiver with fright and wondered what would happen if the wolves didn’t go away. Thankfully, after some time they slowly retreated and disappeared into the woods.</p> <p class="cnM5MTJkMTUyYTgwZjRjMjY5MzU4NGY2ZTNiODE2YmQ2">The threat gone, only now Xuhn remembered he was standing barefoot on ice and the stinging cold shot up his legs.</p> <p class="cnM1YWJhMzU5OTc2ODRlMDViZGEwNDlmYmEzZjAyOTQ0">“We would rather move away from this lake,” Xuhn told Mitral.</p> <p class="cnMxODM1MTFlYmRiNTQyNDQ5OTJlYjUzNGQzNzlhMmE0">“Okay,” the latter replied, his teeth chattering due to fright and cold.</p> <p class="cnM5MWY4ZDFkODczYjQ4OTJiOTM0YTAwYmEzMDg3M2Iw">“So how did the wolves get you?” Xuhn asked Mitral after sometime as the two sat down on grass wet with dew.</p> <p class="cnM3NWRmMzUwNjIwMDRmNzRiYjM4ZjFiNmNlZWQzOTJi">“They weren’t any ordinary wolves!” Mitral said and then his eyes widened, as though he had spoken more than he meant to.</p> <p class="cnMxZjFlMmY0MmMxZDRlZGNiZDlkN2JkYzdjZThmODY2">“What do you mean?” Xuhn asked as doubt on Mitral quickly sprouted in his mind. Had those been werewolves?</p> <p class="cnM4NTY5ZjFlNmIwZTQxNDU5ZWY5ODA1NjA0YTY0Yjlk">Mitral hesitated, then decided to go all out.</p> <p class="cnMyYzVjYWJkNTc5OTQ4YTBiMmE2OWQ2NGQwOWIyYzAy">“Werewolves they were,” he said, not meeting Xuhn’s eyes.</p> <p class="cnNmZmU0OTZiMjE5MjQ4MGJiNGNiYTA3NjkyNGY2ZTI0">Xuhn got to his feet, refusing to believe his ears.</p> <p class="cnNlODRkNDZlZmYxNDRjMzg5NjU2ZTgyMTU1MDBmMDk3">“I don’t understand. Werewolves and humans are at peace… They only attack vampires.”</p> <p class="cnNjNGVhMDczYTEyZjQ2OGViMTJhYTYzYWZhMzM2Y2Nk">Mitral put his hands over his face.</p> <p class="cnM0NTg1MTVmYThjNTRlM2I4NzIzNzZhNjMzMzUwM2Nj">“I am one,” he confessed.</p> <p class="cnNhNjE3MDMwMDg5ODRmN2I4Y2MxYmUyNzc4ZWIxOGNj">Xuhn could only stare at Mitral. In the north war was going on between the vampire and werewolf races. The kingdom of Sura had been declared a neutral zone due to its human majority. The vampires and the werewolves were breaking the treaty by bringing their war to Sura. While werewolves were known to dwell in the woods in northern regions, vampires were a wholly alien race to Sura. Xuhn recalled the strange death of a pig belonging to a fellow villager called Uncle Mada. Now he knew what had killed the pig.</p> <p class="cnM3NGIzNmE0NjYzNTRiMzBiODczNTQ1ZWU4ZTk5YTlj">“Why are you coming here?” he asked Mitral and he didn’t care if his words were offensive. “You killed Uncle Mada’s pig and quenched your thirst for blood, right?”</p> <p class="cnNiMTNiY2Q2YjE5OTQ1ZWJhNDAyMjRiYzg3NGVlMDEz">Mitral nodded. His facial muscles convulsed suddenly and he let out a remorseful sound.</p> <p class="cnNkOGIyOTUyZDJkNTRiNmQ4ZTBiNzJkNTllZjc5MDJk">“I was going mad… what could I do?” Mitral said, sobbing. “I thought I could suppress my thirst for blood and live among the humans in peace. But how could I go against how the gods designed our nature? One night I was losing my head thinking of blood, so I ran away from your village to the woods. But I am no hunter, the rabbits and squirrels I caught occasionally had little blood in them. Deer were too fast for me and I was on the verge of insanity. So I returned to the village one night and… that pig. If I had the money I would have bought it first!”</p> </div>
Time to get up. Xuhn grimaced, his eyes still shut. He hated his brain. How did it always know when it was time to be up? He opened his eyes. It was morning and he could hear roosters crowing. He grimaced again. Time for work. He removed the blanket from his body and immediately caught a chill. It would be winter in a few days and then he would need the firewood bad. He dragged himself from the bed and went out of his one-room house. He went to the well and pulled up a bucket of icy water, still quite sleepy. After he had done his needs and gotten fresh and the sleep had finally left him, he retrieved his ever faithful chopper from below his bed and left for the hills. Aunt Laxmi, his neighbour, was watering her vegetable garden. A plump lady, she had a warm smile always playing on her lips. Too bad her son, Vivek, had fractured his legs sometime ago and she was working twice as hard to meet needs, losing some weight in the process. Aunt Laxmi greeted Xuhn on seeing him. “Bound to the hills?” “Have to get some wood,” Xuhn replied with a smile. “Bring some for me too. Winter is coming and the water is getting colder every day. Vivek needs warm water.” “I will,” Xuhn said. Due to Vivek, Aunt Laxmi had been buying more wood from him so Xuhn actually had some coin to spare on ale and the like for a few days. It wasn’t the best thought, but the truth was what it was. Xuhn made his way towards the Frozen Lake, away from the houses of the villagers. The lake had always mystified Xuhn. It was frozen all the year round, even in blistering summer when not a drop of water survived out of shade. Now wispy vapour floated above the lake, which was easily one-sixth the size of their village. Nobody knew what caused the lake to be frozen. Some of the older villagers said that a great beast dwelt in its depths. They claimed that during the time of their fathers, the ice had suddenly cracked one day and then somebody had seen a big head emerge on the surface of the lake, right at the centre, before disappearing in an instant. The lake had then frozen again completely in a day’s time. *Maybe one morning like today*, Xuhn thought, *the ice will crack once again and I’ll have a glimpse of the great beast.* He would be able to boast about it to people till he drew his last breath. Xuhn looked at the skies. No sign of his pigeon, Ritu. He hoped the bird would be home by the time he returned with the firewood. The fear that someone would shoot down Ritu always plagued his heart. If that happened then the luxury of communicating with Mayesha everyday would be gone. Xuhn had first met Mayesha about a month ago at the yearly fair in the little town of Maskhowa, which was about twenty kilometres to the south. He had fallen for her the moment he saw her amidst her friends. How he had managed the guts to actually speak to her he didn’t know. But he had, and she seemed interested in him. She had given him her pet bird, Ritu, so the two of them could keep in touch after the fair. Xuhn had been very worried that Ritu would not reach Mayesha’s home when he had first sent her a letter through Ritu. But apparently the bird knew its way well, and the very next day Ritu returned with a letter from Mayesha. Xuhn didn’t know how long the relation would last, especially since the only time the two of them had met was at the fair. But the letters meant that the roots of love were still in ground and there was hope. He planned to visit Mayesha the coming month. When Xuhn reached the spot from where he usually cut firewood, he set to work. Unlike other wood cutters he knew, Xuhn preferred cutting branches instead of bringing down entire trees and chopping them to pieces. So he climbed up one big tree and began hacking at one branch after the other until each fell down. His muscles felt leaden, but the cold abandoned him altogether and so he rather enjoyed the strenuous work. It was when Xuhn was finally tiring that a scene unfolded in the distance and grabbed his attention. At least ten wolves were chasing a person on the frozen lake. The person was Mitral, a newcomer who had arrived in their village last year but had left suddenly a couple of months ago. The villagers had been worried that something had happened to Mitral due to his disappearance. But here he was, being chased by wolves. Mitral was skidding on the ice and occasionally tumbling down and it was a wonder that the wolves hadn’t caught him so far. But if they did they were sure to rip him to pieces. Xuhn couldn’t allow that, not when everything was going on in front of his eyes. He had to intervene by all means. Xuhn climbed down and raced towards the lake. He wanted to sit down and catch his breath, which was already strained due to his previous labour, but he pushed on. Maybe he could scare away the wolves with his chopper. Mitral saw him and ran towards him, arms flailing wildly. “Help me!” Xuhn picked up some stones and threw them at the wolves as Mitral reached him and cowered behind him. The wolves made angry noises, but Xuhn held his ground, his chopper raised and ready, lest any animal lunged at him. “Back off!” Xuhn yelled at the wolves. They wouldn’t understand his words, but his tone would be obvious to them. The wolves continued to make angry sounds. Xuhn could not help but shiver with fright and wondered what would happen if the wolves didn’t go away. Thankfully, after some time they slowly retreated and disappeared into the woods. The threat gone, only now Xuhn remembered he was standing barefoot on ice and the stinging cold shot up his legs. “We would rather move away from this lake,” Xuhn told Mitral. “Okay,” the latter replied, his teeth chattering due to fright and cold. “So how did the wolves get you?” Xuhn asked Mitral after sometime as the two sat down on grass wet with dew. “They weren’t any ordinary wolves!” Mitral said and then his eyes widened, as though he had spoken more than he meant to. “What do you mean?” Xuhn asked as doubt on Mitral quickly sprouted in his mind. Had those been werewolves? Mitral hesitated, then decided to go all out. “Werewolves they were,” he said, not meeting Xuhn’s eyes. Xuhn got to his feet, refusing to believe his ears. “I don’t understand. Werewolves and humans are at peace… They only attack vampires.” Mitral put his hands over his face. “I am one,” he confessed. Xuhn could only stare at Mitral. In the north war was going on between the vampire and werewolf races. The kingdom of Sura had been declared a neutral zone due to its human majority. The vampires and the werewolves were breaking the treaty by bringing their war to Sura. While werewolves were known to dwell in the woods in northern regions, vampires were a wholly alien race to Sura. Xuhn recalled the strange death of a pig belonging to a fellow villager called Uncle Mada. Now he knew what had killed the pig. “Why are you coming here?” he asked Mitral and he didn’t care if his words were offensive. “You killed Uncle Mada’s pig and quenched your thirst for blood, right?” Mitral nodded. His facial muscles convulsed suddenly and he let out a remorseful sound. “I was going mad… what could I do?” Mitral said, sobbing. “I thought I could suppress my thirst for blood and live among the humans in peace. But how could I go against how the gods designed our nature? One night I was losing my head thinking of blood, so I ran away from your village to the woods. But I am no hunter, the rabbits and squirrels I caught occasionally had little blood in them. Deer were too fast for me and I was on the verge of insanity. So I returned to the village one night and… that pig. If I had the money I would have bought it first!”
{ "title": "Eh? I am Supposed to be Dead But Now I Get a Deadline !?", "id": 21488, "author": "Ranovien", "rating": 2.5 }
{ "title": "Side 1 : Error?", "id": 305763, "next": 307271, "prev": 305464, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NWVjMzE2MjBjMDQxMTk4MDM1ZTFmMjExNWRlOWM1">In this room, there is a little girl who loves <span class="st">procrastinatin</span>g and computer which is being used by the girl. <br>Yes, It is Milady and her disappointing behavior...</p> <p class="cnNmNWY4M2QwNTcyYjQyMDVhNTQyNjQ3YmIzMWJmMWYx">&nbsp;<strong>*click* *click* *click*</strong><br><strong>*tap* *tap* *tap*</strong></p> <p class="cnNiNmE3M2Q1Yjg4YzRmNTZhZTc0MTNkMGU2NzBjZjBi"><strong>*bang* *bang*</strong></p> <p class="cnMxNzY1ZWM0NjFlYzQzMTNhMzVmYWE5MjU1OWJjYmNh">"GOT HIM !!" (???)</p> <p class="cnNjMTUzNzAyMGJmNzRkMjViY2IwZTU3YWNhODY3NGQ0">"Kahahahaha, Ohh.. another one huh? shall i use a grenade~? Hi YA!" (???)</p> <p class="cnNjNTIyNzA0MGRiYjRmZjNhNWM1MDc4NzY5NTI0ZjFk"><strong>*clink* *tap* *tap* *tap*</strong></p> <p class="cnM5ZDhkYTU5NGMwYzQ1YTJhMTdhMTNjZTkyODAwMzFm">....</p> <p class="cnMxMjM5Y2EwZDExYzQxOTE4NmIzODk5M2I0YTI4OTk4"><strong>*BAM*</strong></p> <p class="cnMwZjgxMmZmYWI2NzRlNGM4M2ZlODI5NGM2NThlMTli">"KUHAHAHA, That's a blast~~" (???)</p> <p class="cnM1NmZjNzdjYjY4YzRmNzZiNGY2YmU2MjRiMWU4YTBj"><strong>*click* *tap* *tap*</strong></p> <p class="cnM3MWM0MGNjZjZhMTRlZTY4ODNmMmI5MmVlODE2NjA0">"Oh, there is the last one~ Ahhh he won't make it to the safe zone~...<br>Please die for me, right??" (???)</p> <p class="cnNmNWZkN2ViN2ZjNjQ1OWRhYjg0NTMwYjFkYTI2MTVl">"Yes~~ Chicken Dinner~" (???)</p> <p class="cnM5N2JkYTBmYTFlNjQ0YTU4MmJiYjhjMzM4Yjk0MjA2">"Haaah~ Human's entertainment is so fun~~"(???)</p> <p class="cnNlNGMxMGVkY2MwMjQ1ZGRhNTBjZDE0NDYxZDdjM2M3">"Ahh.... I'm tired....going to take a nap~"(???)</p> <p class="cnMxYjAwMmQ2MGMyNDQ3ZjRhZTY2NDc1ODQ4MmUzMmVi">"Milady, Don't you have to do your work??" (???)</p> <p class="cnMxNzQ1MmYxZTA5YjQwNTBhYTgzNDA0NDE0ZGIwODkw">"Ahhhh, I don't wannaa~ Claire, Can you handle it for me??" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNmOGI4ODEwNTg4ZDQ4Njk5YjdkNDU5ZmZkMzNjNGZj">"That's impossible Milady. Milady is the one who responsible for the system" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnNlMjJjODdhYWUzMjQ1YTc5MjE0N2VmNWZmZTg1MTJk">"Then, i will assign&nbsp;Claire as my representative~~"(Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMyMzJlYjNjNDA4ZjQzYjFhNWE0YWQzOTNjNjNjNDZm">"....Milady, I am going to report this to Master." (Claire)</p> <p class="cnMwMDFhZWU0ZjFjZTRiMWU5YTFiYWE0MWRjNGU3MGY0">"Ahhhhh !? Don't do that please ! I don't want to be punished by Father...." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNmNTViYTc1N2Y5MjQyMmFiZDQ5NWE5YWI1NmE3NWY5">"Then, please do your work properly... Milady" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnNjNTkyYWE4MDhmOTRmZmJhNWI4OWEwYWMwNDlmYzYy">"Chiii...., After my nap..right?" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMyNTdmNGRjZWFmZDQwMTFiZWE1NjU0NTc2MjEwMDIz">"Okay Milady, Let's sign blood contract for that" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnNiM2Y0YTlmYzFjYzQ5Yjk5Zjc1ZDQyNDIwNmU5MWUx">"Eh!? Don't doubt me too much? I can do that at least y'know??<br>And that's quite rude ! Aren't you my servant?" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnM3NzZkMTZmNTRiZjRiZDI4ZDFiYWJjZjFjNjBhNjI5">"Looking at Milady's record, Nobody will able to trust Milday.<br>Oh, My Master is Milady's Father. This is also Master's command to be strict with Milady. " (Claire)</p> <p class="cnM0MTc3MDI0MDZiZTRmZDk4NGI0ZDNkZWFjNTA3Zjcx">"Grrr.... Claire is stingy !!!" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMxZTUwMDgzN2NlOTRiNmFiMDc4MjEyYTA1YmQ0YmU4"><strong>*teeeeet* *fatal error**teeeeet* *fatal error*</strong></p> <p class="cnM0NjdkYWI4YzNjMzQxMzZiMjc1NzcyOGY5N2Q2MGI3">"Ehhhh!? What did just happen !??" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNjNTQxZGQ1NmIxNjRiMGNhMTVhOTAxOWFmZjgyMDEw">"Ah... an error in the system, Everything is Milady's fault.."(Claire)</p> <p class="cnM1OGNmMGUxM2IxNzRkOGQ5ZTkzMGMxOTE2NmIxZGU1">"Eh!? Why is it my fault !? To begin with, the error is not usual error that usually i make !!?" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNhMGE2NDBmMjZhZTQ4ZTk4YTcxZDg1YTA1MmMyNTZh">"Well, this won't be happen if Milady keeps doing the regular maintence...<br>...I'm going to report this to Master" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnM5ZTkzZGNlZGJmZDQ0YTVhYWE0YTQ1MGNmNTNmODY1">"Noooooo!! Please don't report it, Claire.... I beg you.....!!" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNhMDNiYjFlOTk2NTRmMWQ5ZGFiNTQ5ZjU1MGU4NDA2">"The error serverity is quite bad, Milady" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnNhOTA3MGQwYzU1NTRjNjQ4Y2ZiYjZhNmU2MTZmODYx"><strong>*grin*</strong></p> <p class="cnNmMDdiMjkwYzBhNzQxNTY4ZDM1M2Q5MGNmZGEwMzBk">"Please, Please, Please~~~ I will give a vacation day !!" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMzMTE1ZTc0NjUzODQ5M2ZiYWRlNzA3Zjc5YjA1ZTY2"><strong>*begging face* </strong></p> <p class="cnMyMTQ4ZWE1ZDlkODQ4MzViNmM5NmYwMjk2Y2I5NTI3">"Ahhh, this error is going to take a lot of time... Probably more than a day~<br>Eh? What did just you said, Milady?"(Claire)</p> <p class="cnMxMGUzMzhkZmQyMDQ2OTJiYjJhM2ZlZjRmNWQ3NDIz">"Ahhhh....., Then I will listen to Claire's order for once..., Please don't tell Father!!" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMwNjc2ZjdhMDY4ODRiM2FhZjlhZTEzNzI1NmJlODRj">"Okay then. I shall accept your request..Let's make blood contract later.<br>What should i do~~? Milady??" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnMzZjliMTliYTI2MTQ5M2VhZWY5NDZlNTNkMjBmY2Q1"><strong>*evil smile*</strong></p> <p class="cnM5NTY0ZjYyMTQ0YjRiMTk4ZTg0Y2ViZTA0MGQ4Njg2">"Hiiii...... Claire's pure evil ! Don't tell me that Claire is actually a devil !??" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnM4MWIzZTQyN2FkOTRkY2U5Y2Y2M2ZlMTRlZWY2OTA5">"Hmmmmmmm? Did you just say something, Milady?"(Claire)</p> <p class="cnM2ZGY1NDlkNWNlZDQ0YzNhYWEwNWY2NTIyMDVmMDg4">"N-N-Nothing." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnM5YzBlYWNhMDY3MDQ3NDU5Yzk0YjIxMTVmN2VlYWFj">"Milady, Let's examine the error first.." (Claire)</p> <p class="cnM1MDJjMjIyOGQ2ZjRiNmNiZjkwMmI0NTZmNDBkNDkz">------------------</p> <p class="cnNmMzA4N2NkMjE1ZTRkNGM5ZmQxNzhjY2UyMDQ1N2Vm">"This is.... Wow, the error is quite amazing~ Don't you think so, Milady?" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnMwN2RhNzJmMjYwYjRlODdiZDJlMzA0YWNlYTMwY2Yw">"Don't make such happy face !?<br>Arghh, the error needs no fix but the effect that has affected the system is quite bad..<br>Ahhh.... my free time will disappear....." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMzYjE3YmVlODkwMzQ0NjJiMzZlMGVkYWUzMTgyZGI5">"Uhhh, what should i do? Everything has resetted, i'm glad i have made the back-up,<br>the system only went back to 5 years ago..." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMwOGQyMmNhODg2YjQ5YTM5NTg5YmMwZWM1YjdmOTc5">"Milady, you should be happy the damage is only 5 years progress...<br>Hmmm, But I wonder what is Master's expression when He knows this.." (Claire)</p> <p class="cnM0Y2Y3NGRkNzBjNDQwOTk5ZjI0ZDc2MWJkZmRkZTJk">"Please... Don't do it, Claire...<br>I will do two more orders from you...." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNjZjlmMTdmMTUxMjQwODViNmJlMzQ0MWM1NzVmMjVl">"Ufufu, that's a deal, Milady" (Claire)</p> <p class="cnMxNTYzZDc0N2MyMjRlZWZhODM4OWFkZGFjMmY0MmE5">"Please don't ask for anything weird... E-Especially something i-indecent...." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNmYzU5NWM5NDk2ZTQyMTNhNjk2ZGZiODM4NDQ2ZTgy">"Anything, right? Milady... Ufufufu.." (Claire)</p> <p class="cnNiODU3MjhhOTFhYzQ5MjRhZDUyNjBlZTljYjBjMTNh">"A-ah right..." (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnMyZGZhOTE0ZTMxMTRhOTVhM2I1OTVlZWZjYTFkOGQw"><strong>*mumble*</strong> <br>"a-ah... i have made contract with a devil....Father, forgives me...<br>.........umm, Claire isn't into that right??... ahhh.. if she's into that... <br>then my purity...... no.. way... aahh...Father!" (Milady???)<br><strong>*mumble*</strong></p> <p class="cnNkN2E2OTgxM2NmOTRmMWE4M2M5MTczYTM1YzlhMTFl">"Well then Milady, why don't you start investigation about the error?<br>The error has somehow been solved after all..." (Claire)</p> <p class="cnNkZGY1Mzk4YTdhMzRjMWViOWU2NDQ5NTFjNmJkZDI4">"AH!? Oh.. Yeah, I'll do it right away!" (Milady???)</p> <p class="cnNhYjg5OTVlOTJiODRkZmE4NTE1NmMyNWNiM2FjY2Ew">...</p> <p class="cnNkZDg1YzA2NDI4NjQzZTU5MGI0NGI2NThmMWFhMTk1">Ufufu, now i can discipline Milady, so she will be come a proper lady...</p> </div>
In this room, there is a little girl who loves procrastinating and computer which is being used by the girl. Yes, It is Milady and her disappointing behavior...  ***click* *click* *click*** ***tap* *tap* *tap*** ***bang* *bang*** "GOT HIM !!" (???) "Kahahahaha, Ohh.. another one huh? shall i use a grenade~? Hi YA!" (???) ***clink* *tap* *tap* *tap*** .... ***BAM*** "KUHAHAHA, That's a blast~~" (???) ***click* *tap* *tap*** "Oh, there is the last one~ Ahhh he won't make it to the safe zone~... Please die for me, right??" (???) "Yes~~ Chicken Dinner~" (???) "Haaah~ Human's entertainment is so fun~~"(???) "Ahh.... I'm tired....going to take a nap~"(???) "Milady, Don't you have to do your work??" (???) "Ahhhh, I don't wannaa~ Claire, Can you handle it for me??" (Milady???) "That's impossible Milady. Milady is the one who responsible for the system" (Claire) "Then, i will assign Claire as my representative~~"(Milady???) "....Milady, I am going to report this to Master." (Claire) "Ahhhhh !? Don't do that please ! I don't want to be punished by Father...." (Milady???) "Then, please do your work properly... Milady" (Claire) "Chiii...., After my nap..right?" (Milady???) "Okay Milady, Let's sign blood contract for that" (Claire) "Eh!? Don't doubt me too much? I can do that at least y'know?? And that's quite rude ! Aren't you my servant?" (Milady???) "Looking at Milady's record, Nobody will able to trust Milday. Oh, My Master is Milady's Father. This is also Master's command to be strict with Milady. " (Claire) "Grrr.... Claire is stingy !!!" (Milady???) ***teeeeet* *fatal error**teeeeet* *fatal error*** "Ehhhh!? What did just happen !??" (Milady???) "Ah... an error in the system, Everything is Milady's fault.."(Claire) "Eh!? Why is it my fault !? To begin with, the error is not usual error that usually i make !!?" (Milady???) "Well, this won't be happen if Milady keeps doing the regular maintence... ...I'm going to report this to Master" (Claire) "Noooooo!! Please don't report it, Claire.... I beg you.....!!" (Milady???) "The error serverity is quite bad, Milady" (Claire) ***grin*** "Please, Please, Please~~~ I will give a vacation day !!" (Milady???) ***begging face*** "Ahhh, this error is going to take a lot of time... Probably more than a day~ Eh? What did just you said, Milady?"(Claire) "Ahhhh....., Then I will listen to Claire's order for once..., Please don't tell Father!!" (Milady???) "Okay then. I shall accept your request..Let's make blood contract later. What should i do~~? Milady??" (Claire) ***evil smile*** "Hiiii...... Claire's pure evil ! Don't tell me that Claire is actually a devil !??" (Milady???) "Hmmmmmmm? Did you just say something, Milady?"(Claire) "N-N-Nothing." (Milady???) "Milady, Let's examine the error first.." (Claire) ------------------ "This is.... Wow, the error is quite amazing~ Don't you think so, Milady?" (Claire) "Don't make such happy face !? Arghh, the error needs no fix but the effect that has affected the system is quite bad.. Ahhh.... my free time will disappear....." (Milady???) "Uhhh, what should i do? Everything has resetted, i'm glad i have made the back-up, the system only went back to 5 years ago..." (Milady???) "Milady, you should be happy the damage is only 5 years progress... Hmmm, But I wonder what is Master's expression when He knows this.." (Claire) "Please... Don't do it, Claire... I will do two more orders from you...." (Milady???) "Ufufu, that's a deal, Milady" (Claire) "Please don't ask for anything weird... E-Especially something i-indecent...." (Milady???) "Anything, right? Milady... Ufufufu.." (Claire) "A-ah right..." (Milady???) ***mumble*** "a-ah... i have made contract with a devil....Father, forgives me... .........umm, Claire isn't into that right??... ahhh.. if she's into that... then my purity...... no.. way... aahh...Father!" (Milady???) ***mumble*** "Well then Milady, why don't you start investigation about the error? The error has somehow been solved after all..." (Claire) "AH!? Oh.. Yeah, I'll do it right away!" (Milady???) ... Ufufu, now i can discipline Milady, so she will be come a proper lady...
{ "title": "Land of the Gears", "id": 21555, "author": "Shashwat Sunam Pariyar", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "The Prologue (A)", "id": 305817, "next": null, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="p1 cnMxZWMyMTM1MGY2YjQ1NDA4ZmFhMjM4MmJlNGI5MmVl"><span class="s1">As my gears started to grind against the cold leather that was my skin, my body craves for oil. I expect the wicked witch to oil me, but, I realise d what I had done. </span></p> <p class="p2 cnNiMGRmZWI4ZTEzMjRhMjU4N2QxOWE1NDY4ZTc4ODFi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnNkZmU4ZTM3NDY4NDQ1MDZhNTUzYmFjZDM2MmMzOTQw"><span class="s1">The predicament of fighting my own god and the predicament of fighting the entity responsible for me. It left a sorrow bitterness with a dash of insecureness in my heart which kept beating. </span></p> <p class="p2 cnNiYTUxOTg4YTM3ODRjYmU4YTQ3MmVhYmNkMTg0YWFm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnM1ZjczYzQ5NzRhOTQ4MjBiNmRkYTFiZmE4ODhmNTEw"><span class="s1">"Are you done yet?"</span></p> <p class="p2 cnM1YjUyZjFjODQ0MjRkZmQ5ZTVjNWMyNDc0OWE3Nzlm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnNkZThlMzJiNTM5NjQ5NDJhNTNhZDQ3MWJhMjM2YTBi"><span class="s1">I looked up only to see mother holding a lovely cup of milk in her hand. For a moment, I crawled towards mother like a child. An innocent child, unaware of the horrors of the world and importantly the works of the witch. </span></p> <p class="p2 cnM2ZjU4ODg1Y2M1MjQ1Y2U4MGVhNTYzODQxZmVhMzdk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnM1ZWRkMDdkNWFlZDQzMTg4ZWRiNTI0NmQ0ZTczNTBm"><span class="s1">"hmphf…Are you going to give up?"</span></p> <p class="p2 cnM4MDI0OTgyOTU5MDQzNTY5MzkwMDBhMGU1N2YwZjM2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnM2YTA3NzcxMWI5ZjQxYzJiMmY4NmE3ODM1NGZjZGJh"><span class="s1">"No," I replied, "I climbed up the tower for one and one reason only."</span></p> <p class="p2 cnNiODZmNjNhN2RlODQ1NDNhMzQzYzdkYmY3Zjg5NGFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnMxNzM5Y2M2ODJiYTQwNDQ4ODc1ZmJjZGEyNTI1ODgz"><span class="s1">The milk in the witches hands turned to lava and welds my foot to the ground. The agonising flames burn my skin and the in midst of this, her cold voice said, 'are you done?'</span></p> <p class="p2 cnNkMmFmOTA5MmY0ZDQ3MzI5NmY3MGFlZjAxNjYzZDg4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnMxMzE1MDFmZmQ0ODRmN2Q4YjQyODA1ZDU2MjA5NDEw"><span class="s1">"No"</span></p> <p class="p1 cnM3OGJmNzAxODNiNTQ5MWI5ZGMyM2IxYWZmNjM0MGUx"><span class="s1">"No"</span></p> <p class="p1 cnM4YTliNzE1MjZmODQ0NjZhOTQyYzJkNDc2Yzg0OTk4"><span class="s1">"No"</span></p> <p class="p2 cnM4Yzk2MGM1ZjhjNTRkMDhiYmEzYzQzM2U5ZDMwMzky">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnMxYTg3NzQ5OTQ3ZjQ0YjRhNzdmNjc4NjFlY2Q3NzAw"><span class="s1">I broke the plaster of pumice that had formed on my feet to kick the witch.</span></p> <p class="p2 cnNjMGZmOWIyOTBlZjRmZDY5M2IyYTA4MGM3YTQ0ZTc3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnMzODQ3ZDgzNGJjNTQ2Nzg4NjkzZThkMWJmOGVkNGEx"><span class="s1">Snap! my leg had torn off. I watched as all my gears fell off.</span></p> <p class="p2 cnMyMGJjMjIyZjMxOTQ4MDZhNjllZmE5NzgwNWZjYWRl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="p1 cnNjNDU2YTQwZTUwMjQxYTRhZGU0ZTkwMzI3OWM5MjVm"><span class="s1">I woke up the next morning </span></p> </div>
As my gears started to grind against the cold leather that was my skin, my body craves for oil. I expect the wicked witch to oil me, but, I realise d what I had done.   The predicament of fighting my own god and the predicament of fighting the entity responsible for me. It left a sorrow bitterness with a dash of insecureness in my heart which kept beating.   "Are you done yet?"   I looked up only to see mother holding a lovely cup of milk in her hand. For a moment, I crawled towards mother like a child. An innocent child, unaware of the horrors of the world and importantly the works of the witch.   "hmphf…Are you going to give up?"   "No," I replied, "I climbed up the tower for one and one reason only."   The milk in the witches hands turned to lava and welds my foot to the ground. The agonising flames burn my skin and the in midst of this, her cold voice said, 'are you done?'   "No" "No" "No"   I broke the plaster of pumice that had formed on my feet to kick the witch.   Snap! my leg had torn off. I watched as all my gears fell off.   I woke up the next morning
{ "title": "The Neko Girl And Her Handsome Prince", "id": 21556, "author": "NineTailedNeko", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Chapter 1:The Slave Girl", "id": 305819, "next": null, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0YzlmYzE5MzRiMDQ5MThiYmZmOWIwZWQzZTk5MWE4">The room was dark, the concrete floor felt cold as it grapsed Hitomi's bare legs. The soft sound of her hallow breaths was the only thing she could hear. Time seemed to have a mind of its own in this room, every second felt like a year to her. Hitomi reached her arm down to her ankles and fiddled with the iron cuffs that were attached to her ankles, the cuffs did not budge. Hitomi's ears twitched instinctivly as she heard footsteps slowly approach the room she was stored in, her cat-like ears provided a superior hearing ability to that of normal humans so its likely she detected them before they detected her. The footsteps stopped just behind the door, Hitomi could hear muffled voices on the other side of the room.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiY2ZmMThjZjQ4NDQyN2U5Zjg1MjNmMzUxOWYyMTI2">"So what do we do with this one" A muffled voice spoke, Hitomi instantly identified it as a male voice.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NDM5NDU5ZTYwYjQ5NjFhODI0Zjc4ZDE0NTc3ZmJi">"I dont know she is cute and its not everyday you see a catgirl, but she is just so lifeless who the hell would want a slave like that" Another voice responded.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNWM2ZDhjNzU4NDQ4YzRiOGU1ZWM1ZGJlNzU1YzM1">"Good point, if she is more trouble than she is worth we could always kill her" The male voice suggested.</p> <p class="cnM3N2EzNDI2OTRlMzQ4MTk4NDM1ZGYxZTJiODUwYzlh">Hitomi pulled he legs into her chest and wrapped her arms around her shins.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NjQxN2VkZGEzNjRhNWI4ZGJlM2NkMjJhN2JhM2Ni">"No that is too much trouble, we can just take her and dump on the streets, Let the city swallow her up no one is going to want to help a dirty slave girl, she will be dead by the weeks end" The other voice responded.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMmE1ODQzNzgwMzQyNDY5ODFjOGEyZDI0MDRmOTk4">"Good idea" The male voice said in agreement.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MzY3NWUxOTc1YjRhYjE5M2YwOWNiZjQyYjljZGUw">The sound of an old wooden door opening resonated in Hitomi's ears, through the darkness Hitomi could make out two dark silloughttes moving slowly towards her. Being half cat Hitomi has brilliant sight in the dark but even with this enhanced sight Hitomi could make nothing out but the silloughttes.</p> <p class="cnNlYjZlZTYxMjEyNzQ4NGViN2E4NTY4NmEwYjg1MGM3">Hitomi felt something cover her face, she could feel the texture against her face. It felt like an old potato bag or something like that. Hitomi could not stop her legs from trembling, her breath quickened and heart began to race.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDdlZDYxMzA5YTQ4ODA5OTg2ZmQxMzJmZTcwOWM4">THUMP.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZDRjNTA3ZTc4MzQ2MTVhM2ZmYWNjNjQ4OTdhZmYz">With one strike Hitomi was knocked unconcious.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NjY4NWQ4NWI1MzQ3YTJhOGM4ODEwYjQ3MmJlY2I1">******</p> <p class="cnNlOTAxMzNlMmIwODRlOTdhMjMxZDVkZTlhYjEwMDlm">Hitomi once again felt the cold touch of concrete against her bare skin, her damp clothes felt heavy as if they were being held down by bricks.The ice cold rain battered against Hitomi's frail body which shievered in response to the rapid temperature change. Hitomi looked up at the sky and could see it was night and the moon shone brightly in the sky. The iron cuffs still clutched tightly against Hitomi's angles refusing to let go. Hitomi summoned her will and climbed to her feet.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjM2Y2U2MTMyMDQwOGM5OTg1ZGE5YTRkYzA5N2Fj">Hitomi walked the desolate streets, there was not a single soul in sight it felt like a ghost town. Perhaps it was because it was late at night or because the weather was so bad, or pehaps it was the worlds way of telling Hitomi she was destined to die alone.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2OWJkYjQwOGY1MzRmMjJiNjk1YWQ3MmQwMjMzNTI1">The winding street path lead to a canal which had an over head bridge not far away. Shelter from the rain was the only thing that was going through Hitomi's mind. Hitomi made her way to the underpass and slumped against the wall. The rain relented its assualt as it was being blocked by the bridge above Hitomi's head. The soft rythem of the rain pattering on the bridge above combined with Hitomi's extreme fatigue was enough to send her to sleep.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMDk3MzIzYWNkMTQzZWU5MDRlYWFjZTljZDgxNGE3">"Excuse me" A mans voice softly called out.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0Y2IzMjhmNzAyMjRkNzJhYmM2Zjg1NTAzY2I5NzMw">Hitomi's eyes slowly opened, it took a while for her eyes to focus but once they did they were locked on a man who was kneeling down infront of her.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOTk4ODY0NTQwZTQ3OWM5MmFjNmIzNzlhNjljNWY5">The man had a black jacket and white T-shirt on with blue jeans, his hair was spikey and red, his eyes were a deep blue.</p> <p class="cnM0OTQwNzk2OGQyZDQyZGQ5YzYzZWM0OGZmMjJhMzgz">"Whats a beautiful girl like you doing out here all by yourself" The mans voice asked. His voice was soft and kind.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMDRmYTk2NWQ4NjQ5Y2ZiNGU4NjUxN2U4NmZlYTIz">Hitomi gave no answer and curled up into ball trying to hide herself away from him.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlODc2ZjY0N2U5NTQxMWQ5NzMzOTk0NmZkZTNlZWI0">"You will catch your death sleeping out here in the cold, My name is Issac come with me i can offer you a much better place to lay your head" The man said offering his hand out.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNDFiMDJlNjM3NzRhOWQ5ZTRmNDQ5ZWM0NGU1YTUz">Hitomi gave a soft hiss and bared her sharp fangs.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZDRiYjY5NmRlYTRhZWI4MDBmMWFlZTdlZGVmZTE4">"Woah now, easy im not going to hurt you i promise, come with me i can help you" Issac said reassuringly.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNzlmZmJhMWI5ODRmNWY4YzQ5NzQ3NDkzYjJmNDlh">Hitomi paused for a few moments, seeing no other option she slowly reached for Issac's hand.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmOTFhNGE5MzhlNDQyNzFiMDU5YzVjYjhlNzAxOTdk">Issac took Hitomi's hand in his and helped her to her feet, He took his jacket off and placed it around Hitomi's shoulders.</p> <p class="cnNlNWRkNDkzMjgwZDQyN2JhZGE5MjdlNGMwZWFkYWVh">Hitomi clucthed onto the jacket with both hands and pulled it tighter to her body for warmth. Issac lead Hitomi out fo the underpass and back onto the main street. While they were walking Issac noticed that Hitomi was not wearing any shoes her feet were all cut up and her ankles were locked up by iron cuffs attached with a chain.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NWIwNzE5ZTQ1NzQzMTg5ZTgwYzk0NTZjMTAzZWNj">Much to Hitomi's surprise, Issac scooped up Hitomi in his arms and carried her in a sort of bridal carry.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYWE0MTAzNWE4ZDQzZWZiNjdkZjQ2NDc4ZjBkYjhh">"You know a pair of shoes would not go amiss" Issac said jokingly whilst giving her a smile.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ODNlZTJlZWQzMDQzNjRhOTI0N2RlNTAxMTI0Mjky">Hitomi gave no response, she instincivly nestled herself closer to his body in order to warm her own. Hitomi could hear the beating of Issac's heart, it was slightly elevated but the rythem of his heart somehow soothed her. She slowly closed her eyes.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZjIzYTdlZmM5YzQ3MjlhYzQ4NzgyODI1N2YyMWE1">Issac looked down at the cat-girl he was carrying in his arms, her head nestled against his chest.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOTM5OThlYjViZjRmZjE4NjIwODRjN2QzMDRlOWI0">"Dont worry i promised to help you and help you i will. I am a prince after all and its my job to look after my people regardless of their race or social status. And i believe you will be able to help me save my kingdom and save this world" Issac said.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0OGEwNjQwMjhjNDQxMDA4ZTczYTRkZDk2MTM2ZTA3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZDAwNGI3ZGRkZDRlZjNiYWIzNzIxMmVhNDMxYWVi">&nbsp;</p> </div>
The room was dark, the concrete floor felt cold as it grapsed Hitomi's bare legs. The soft sound of her hallow breaths was the only thing she could hear. Time seemed to have a mind of its own in this room, every second felt like a year to her. Hitomi reached her arm down to her ankles and fiddled with the iron cuffs that were attached to her ankles, the cuffs did not budge. Hitomi's ears twitched instinctivly as she heard footsteps slowly approach the room she was stored in, her cat-like ears provided a superior hearing ability to that of normal humans so its likely she detected them before they detected her. The footsteps stopped just behind the door, Hitomi could hear muffled voices on the other side of the room.  "So what do we do with this one" A muffled voice spoke, Hitomi instantly identified it as a male voice.  "I dont know she is cute and its not everyday you see a catgirl, but she is just so lifeless who the hell would want a slave like that" Another voice responded.  "Good point, if she is more trouble than she is worth we could always kill her" The male voice suggested. Hitomi pulled he legs into her chest and wrapped her arms around her shins.  "No that is too much trouble, we can just take her and dump on the streets, Let the city swallow her up no one is going to want to help a dirty slave girl, she will be dead by the weeks end" The other voice responded.  "Good idea" The male voice said in agreement.  The sound of an old wooden door opening resonated in Hitomi's ears, through the darkness Hitomi could make out two dark silloughttes moving slowly towards her. Being half cat Hitomi has brilliant sight in the dark but even with this enhanced sight Hitomi could make nothing out but the silloughttes. Hitomi felt something cover her face, she could feel the texture against her face. It felt like an old potato bag or something like that. Hitomi could not stop her legs from trembling, her breath quickened and heart began to race.  THUMP.  With one strike Hitomi was knocked unconcious.  ****** Hitomi once again felt the cold touch of concrete against her bare skin, her damp clothes felt heavy as if they were being held down by bricks.The ice cold rain battered against Hitomi's frail body which shievered in response to the rapid temperature change. Hitomi looked up at the sky and could see it was night and the moon shone brightly in the sky. The iron cuffs still clutched tightly against Hitomi's angles refusing to let go. Hitomi summoned her will and climbed to her feet.  Hitomi walked the desolate streets, there was not a single soul in sight it felt like a ghost town. Perhaps it was because it was late at night or because the weather was so bad, or pehaps it was the worlds way of telling Hitomi she was destined to die alone.  The winding street path lead to a canal which had an over head bridge not far away. Shelter from the rain was the only thing that was going through Hitomi's mind. Hitomi made her way to the underpass and slumped against the wall. The rain relented its assualt as it was being blocked by the bridge above Hitomi's head. The soft rythem of the rain pattering on the bridge above combined with Hitomi's extreme fatigue was enough to send her to sleep.  "Excuse me" A mans voice softly called out.  Hitomi's eyes slowly opened, it took a while for her eyes to focus but once they did they were locked on a man who was kneeling down infront of her.  The man had a black jacket and white T-shirt on with blue jeans, his hair was spikey and red, his eyes were a deep blue. "Whats a beautiful girl like you doing out here all by yourself" The mans voice asked. His voice was soft and kind.  Hitomi gave no answer and curled up into ball trying to hide herself away from him.  "You will catch your death sleeping out here in the cold, My name is Issac come with me i can offer you a much better place to lay your head" The man said offering his hand out.  Hitomi gave a soft hiss and bared her sharp fangs.  "Woah now, easy im not going to hurt you i promise, come with me i can help you" Issac said reassuringly.  Hitomi paused for a few moments, seeing no other option she slowly reached for Issac's hand.  Issac took Hitomi's hand in his and helped her to her feet, He took his jacket off and placed it around Hitomi's shoulders. Hitomi clucthed onto the jacket with both hands and pulled it tighter to her body for warmth. Issac lead Hitomi out fo the underpass and back onto the main street. While they were walking Issac noticed that Hitomi was not wearing any shoes her feet were all cut up and her ankles were locked up by iron cuffs attached with a chain.  Much to Hitomi's surprise, Issac scooped up Hitomi in his arms and carried her in a sort of bridal carry.  "You know a pair of shoes would not go amiss" Issac said jokingly whilst giving her a smile.  Hitomi gave no response, she instincivly nestled herself closer to his body in order to warm her own. Hitomi could hear the beating of Issac's heart, it was slightly elevated but the rythem of his heart somehow soothed her. She slowly closed her eyes.  Issac looked down at the cat-girl he was carrying in his arms, her head nestled against his chest.  "Dont worry i promised to help you and help you i will. I am a prince after all and its my job to look after my people regardless of their race or social status. And i believe you will be able to help me save my kingdom and save this world" Issac said.
{ "title": "The Vacuous Stranger", "id": 21330, "author": "MajorTom", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": ".10 Those who continue to live", "id": 305818, "next": 306171, "prev": 305638, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMWZmMDJjMzMwMDQ4NzNiNGUzZWRiMDI0NjVkZmUz">Those deities from another realm, the implication of their very existent is daunting. Are there yet another realm out there, filled with unknown horrors. Or more possibly, many more innocent worlds, ripe to be enlightened like what happened here. A century ago, the world was thriving on a rise from a magical golden age. Mass developments of artefacts were available, providing more and more mages with the tools necessary to realise their visions. But those ‘visions’, are nothing but horrifying.</p> <p class="cnM2NWZiYjE4YTNjZDRmZDM5MmRjZmFhYTg3ZTkwMWE5">To be a mage means searching for knowledge, to a scholar. In an effort of betterment, the magically adepts continued to push the limit of what possible. The destructiveness of their spells could send shiver down on side.</p> <p class="cnMxNzJhNTViZDA0NzRiMTA5MWU5NTBjNzBiMDkyZjk3">But the more they learnt, the bigger the scale they could see on.</p> <p class="cnMzNTk1OTA4MjFjYTRhZDE4ZDAxODY3MTM1MjE1OWNk">Their powers could reach thousands, maybe even more, the mages couldn’t see the individuals anymore. Is that the true progression of power, of knowledge? If so, then the deities are truly the end of evolution.</p> <p class="cnM1MzViMWRjY2ZlNDQyNWFiNWZhMWFhZmVjNWE4OWUx">The end arrived when the scholars of the world learnt of a realm of pure knowledge and comprehension. In their desire for understanding, mages around the world opened peek-holes through to that mysterious realm, all around the world at once. Those behind the veil gaze back and they world and all of its mighty civilisations, poof, gone without a trace.</p> <p class="cnMzMDk4NTRmYzRkYTQzMmViMjk4NzFlMTBiNjM5ZTgy">To be graced by mere representations of their visages was enough to cause madness on a scale unimaginably massive. Their knowledge impossible to comprehend, people, animals, plants, every living being distorted themselves, mutated just to better receive the deities’ message. The ground zeros, the castles, the cities where those mages once lived are even worse. Not many returned from there, none could remain sane.</p> <p class="cnM2N2FkMDZiZDM5ZTQ2ZTVhYzdjMjVjMTJmNmJmNzk3">In their mad rambling, tales of terrible monstrosities could be heard, causing madness on mere sight. But most curiously are the architectures, buildings made out of cold mindless stone also bended according to the deities. They morphed into impossible structures, but when the madness had taken over, suddenly those made so much more sense.</p> <p class="cnMwZDVlMWUzYTE2NzQzZGVhMzQ5NjgyNWJkNTkxZGJm">Bruno has heard of the tales, a cautionary story for mages of the new world and a reminder why the world will despise them.</p> <p class="cnNlNmZmMjJmYWUzYzQwY2NhNzU2MjY4ZTIyNTgyMDMw">“This place, is it one of those kingdoms of old… or another realm altogether” He wondered out loud.</p> <p class="cnM2ODhhZWU2MDc2NzQ3MDRiNzQ0ZDI4YzNlM2RhMzU4">“Is there even a difference between the two” The priest replied.</p> <p class="cnNhNDZjYTQ3NDMzYjRkMWU4ZmUwZjMzMjc2ZGFjODVl">In front of them is a battle, but Bruno couldn’t stay connected to it. The Smiling Hunter versus the monster from the depth, not an even fight at all. The creature is fast and strong, moves in a manner not natural for such a humanoid shape. From its wounds sprout out vicious tentacles, capable of tearing a man apart. And yet, this battle is one-sided, tipped to the Smiling Hunter side with all of her human glory.</p> <p class="cnMyNWYzN2MyM2VhZjQ0YjM4MjQzYWU2NDE3MDFkODEy">Zipping pasts the vicious barrages of tentacles and claws, Siobhan systematically tears the monster apart with her blade. A cut to the knee to bring it down, then running up, stabbing the thing in both of its eyes. She jumps off before the inevitable could even touch her.</p> <p class="cnNiNTM1ZTFlNWI1NjRlM2M4NGY4NGZmYjM2YzNhMDMw">“How could this be…” Bruno couldn’t believe his eyes “Is this normal for a Blind?” He is human, she is human, yet what is this impossible gulf between them. The creature screeches as one its arm is completely ripped off, red blood dripping. Attached to it, Marisa also creams out in pain.</p> <p class="cnMzMzAzNDhmZDgyZDRkZDE5ZDUyNDhmNzQ2ZDcyNjI5">“Oh no, not at all, I have faced against many and I can tell you. The number of Blinds who could perform like this? They can be counted on one hand” Father Walker offered his insight “It’s easy to recognise them, they tend to be older than most”</p> <p class="cnMwMDg5ZTA4ODNlZDQ5MjJhMzk5MDcyYjIwMjY1NTkx">Age, an insignificant number in the waste, but not for a Blind. Dedicated their lives to fighting the unknowns, their age means the years they spent surviving. And after so many encounters, after so many monstrosities that far surpass human capabilities, they evolve. Their pasts forgotten, their whole existences revolve around extermination.</p> <p class="cnMzNTc5NWIxZDllMjQyMDliZmY0NjQ2NmNkOGZiM2Yw">But there is also another reason why they could fight with such monstrosities.</p> <p class="cnNlZGFhNGNhNjdkMDRmODViYWNmNDZlMTc5MzFiNTNk">“These deities, Scy’lla and others, they seem all so… impossibly above. And yet, how come their creations even bleed?” Bruno wondered. The monster in front is humanoid, that much is recognisable, its blood is also red. It screams out after every cut, a twisting shrill, this… spawn of the incomprehensible seems so… mortal.</p> <p class="cnM5YWIyZmI2NmExYzQ1YWViZjI0MTk0ZjcxY2M2N2Vj">“Oh, that’s because of their nature” Father Walker answered “What do you think it is?”</p> <p class="cnM0YzE5OTU3ZGYzNjQ4N2ZhZjlmZTIzY2NmZDU3YjAy">“Impossible to comprehend?” The man replied ignorant.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWNmYjUxNGVjYTRhZTNiODIwNDE0YTkxZGEyYzU1">The answer is simple but terrifying, it fills Bruno with a looming dread.</p> <p class="cnM4YmFkMTM0NGUwNTQyMDJhMzljM2YwODUzNGE0YWYw">“No, it’s kindness, the deities are a helpful kind” The priest said “We once thirsted for knowledge and that was exactly, they gave us. They listened to our prayer, our wishes, our desires and replied dutifully. This child is a new-born, I can send it, born as a way for us to communicate. We are supposed to understand it, it is supposed to bleed red”</p> <p class="cnM1YmZkM2M5NWM1NTQxYTlhMGNjZTcwZjA3MWJhNTlj">Bruno gazes at the monster, the supposed baby, all battered and apart. It wheezes painfully, struggling for air. It doesn’t understand what is happening, just moments it first opened its eyes to see the world for the first time. It wanders around in childlike curiosity, only to be hurt, to be torn apart. The Smiling Hunter looks over, disappointed from the challenge, she had expected something more.</p> <p class="cnNlMWU5N2QwNzNmNjRhNjZiNTU4ZDA2OTczZTUyNjVk">With the last of its strength, the monster lashes out. Siobhan simply dodges the claw swipes then proceed to cut the helpless creature again and again and again and again, all the while giggling like a young girl. How unbefitting of someone her age, yet the woman doesn’t care.</p> <p class="cnM2MzZhOGEwOGU5MzQxNWE5MDIxZWMxMGMwNDI2ZGM3">The monster screams fill the air, the shrill replaced with something more human. Bruno can’t help but feel sick in the stomach. A part of him wants to stop this torture but then his eyes meet with Marisa’, then his resolve strengthens. The priest watches on in disapproval, this child is not a spawn of his deity, Azu. But it is still just a new-born, struggling for life. At least before it dies, the baby would get to feel pain, a true delight.</p> <p class="cnM3MTE0ZWQxMmNjNDQ0MTc5ZjVjOWMxZmZiNTUyZDM4">Finally, the suffering is over. The monster took its last breath and perishes.</p> <p class="cnNjMGViZmEyMjkyYjRlMTE5MTE1YWU0OTdjNzZmNjEx">There is only one prey to hunt, Siobhan raises her blood over the monster’s mother.</p> <p class="cnNhMWYxMDcyOWVjMjQ3Mzc5ZmI2NDY5M2FlZWE5MmY1">“STOP” Bruno dashes forward only to be kicked away by a back turn, he crawls up “Gah… I can’t let you hurt her, my friend… stop”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTQzODY4YWRhMDQ1NjE4Y2QyOWJlN2FkM2FkNzU3">“And why should I” The Smiling Hunter look over her back “Why don’t you see your ‘friend’ here”</p> <p class="cnM2NjY0MTNjN2YyMDQ4MWE4N2QyMWQwZDY4ZjM0MDgz">Bruno stands up, clutching his chest. Looking up, what he sees is his friend, Marisa, weeping. Clutching the body of the monster, she weeps for her child. Words come out of her mouth, but they are impossible to comprehend. The sound of her crying is also indecipherable, foreign. But Bruno can fully understand the meaning behind, it’s sadness.</p> <p class="cnM2NWUwM2EyMzBkOTQ2ZGM5MTU4YjA4ZDVkNGRjNmRh">Marisa lets out an inhuman shrill as the steel blade stabs through her head. She collapses on her baby, all wrung out.</p> <p class="cnNkMDM3N2MyYThkODRlZTM4ZTQyZmZhODhiMzExMzlh">At that moment, the world around them seemingly collapses. The temple without its people, a home without life, the spiral world around them simply disappears.</p> <p class="cnNhNjBkNTAwZTc3ZDQzMjg5NjBjZDM4NWIyODBlMDUz">Letting out a grasp, Bruno opens his eyes, back in the waste.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjYwN2NiYjQxNDQ5NzBiNmJjNGE1NDU4NjdmNjVk">“We need to continue moving” Father Walker, back to normal pulls the man up gently.</p> <p class="cnM2MTJjZGU1OTEwNjRmZTI5ODliZTYyZTQ0NTU1ZTQz">And so, the three leaves the cave, their detour comes to a close. On their way, Bruno looks down at a puddle, from the still surface, he can see his reflection. His exposed skull is forever changed, spiral pattern runs all over it, going deeper inside. The man sighs and runs up to the Smiling Hunter, there is something he wants, he needs to say.</p> <p class="cnNhMGQyYjE4YjhhOTRiODI4MTlkMWYzZDdiZGJkZDRm">“What is it, Mr. Raider?” She looks back and asks mockingly.</p> <p class="cnMwY2QzNGVjOGZjZDQ1YmI4ODM5M2MwY2JiOTQ1MjIy">Facing the woman, Bruno recoils back a bit, overwhelmed, he still speaks up his mind “I just want to say… you are really amazing, and thank you, for granting them death” He isn’t strong enough, both physically and mentally to carry that task. Oh, how convenient for him to find an executioner, oh how is he still alive even.</p> <p class="cnM1NDFiNmI3NzY5YjRkZjI4MDFhYTBiYWI1MTRmOTZh">“Don’t sweat it, it’s ma’ job” She completely brushes the man’s sentiment away. ‘Thank you’, now that something she has heard countless times. Those words have lost their meaning, their weight.</p> <p class="cnNhZWIyZjFlZjQzMDQ2NzVhOTczNGFmZGU1YTJmZjBm">“How do you do it?” Bruno suddenly asked, he didn’t even know why “How can you keep on going?”</p> <p class="cnNmMzNkZGI1MmJkYzQ1MjJhMDFlZDEyZDI0MWY3YzJm">“Hmm, because of this of course” Siobhan turns back and pulls up her mask slightly. Underneath, a part of her mouth is stripped to the bone, with meat and skin stitching on. But that isn’t what she wants to show. No, what underneath that mask is a smile and on the other side of the horror show is… wrinkles.</p> <p class="cnNhZGMzMjdlZjZlZjRiN2Q4NTg0NWY3OTI1MTRkZDQ4">The old woman pulls the mask back down.</p> <p class="cnM3MmRhZDkwMDcyYTRkZjQ5N2MzY2ZkZDRhZjQ5OTNi">“I met that crimson harlot, she continues to live and yet she continues to smile. She helped me realise, every moment that I am alive is a miracle. So, either I could be miserable and threw it all away or I could smile. That I can be happy for every single breath I take, every step I take, every beat of my heart” Siobhan answered with a sincerity so foreign coming from her, it’s almost incomprehensible “That’s how I am able to keep on going, by enjoying every moment of my life”</p> <p class="cnM3Y2Q5OTYzOTg5MDQ0ZDhhYjcwYzc2NjM2MzU0ZGRi">Her tone soon returns to normal, that joking mocking voice “Well, if you want to know how I can keep on going walking, then it’s because of these boots” Lowering her voice, she whispers “They are really comfortable!”</p> <p class="cnMwZDBiYTQ5MjVlNTQ4NGRhNjFkOTZlYjVjMjMwYzRi">Needless to say, Bruno is surprised, he didn’t expect to receive an actual answer from her. It reminds him of something his teacher used to say, ‘Old people, there aren’t many of them out there, but those who do sure love passing down what they had learnt. And when they speak you listen, Bruno, we mages always strive to learn more, to reach an understanding’. Although hearing her talking about her boots do reminds the man of something.</p> <p class="cnNkZmJiNmYzYWJjNjRhZjk4YzQ5MmI0YmRjZjdmNzVk">He looks at his bare foot to find his soles long gone. His meat and tendon exposed, hardened from exposure with spiral pattern all over. Whatever, at least it doesn’t hurt now.</p> <p class="cnMyYjc2YTBiNjNlNjQ2ZjQ4MTgyNjA2MGI5MjJmMTEz">Bruno continues walking, every step he takes stained with the blood of his friends. Mark, who sacrificed himself to the deity so he could live. For them, he will continue walking. Looking at Siobhan back, Bruno makes a silent resolution, after this is over, he will continue to live, he won’t let her kill him… That’s easier said then done, the man sighs.</p> <p class="cnNjNmZjYjVhMDc2ZTRhNGFhNGMxYzM1YzdlNWJjMTk4">Next to him, Bruno can see the priest looking disappointed.</p> <p class="cnM3M2NmOWVkNGFmZjRiMzZiZDgyNmY2NDUyNmIyYjEz">“What’s wrong?” The man asked nervously.</p> <p class="cnM1NGFkODI3Zjg4NDRmNDliYzdjN2UyMDNmNTYzOGM4">“If you have question about life, you can ask me you know” Father Walker answered “That’s what a priest supposed to do”</p> <p class="cnNkNTRiZTFmYmY4ZjRiMWU4MDIyMmJiNzUyMmFjYjZj">“Really?” Bruno wondered about that. From the books, he knew a form of power known as the church used to exist, but it collapsed along with the old world. Priests were those who serve under that system, there are paintings of them remained, but the profession is no more. “So the church still exists somewhere right? You are a priest after all”</p> <p class="cnNhYWQ0ZjFlNjU0MjQ0NjdhMjM4ODJjYzVlZTk5NjFh">“Oh no…” Father Walker replied “I am not a priest of the church, not anymore, that was a century ago already. I am now a devout follower of pain”</p> <p class="cnM0OGQzNzAzYzY2ODRlZjVhNGMxZDNiYzY3MmZmODBm">“Wait! Are you saying you are over a hundred-year-old!” Bruno wants to believe that the priest is jesting, but something within him knows that isn’t the case.</p> <p class="cnMwMGQ5NDU5NDRhNTQ2YzliMjU3NjRiMzdmNGQzYzZk">“Yes, Azu gave me eternal life so I can continue on living in pain” The priest said.</p> <p class="cnM0NmJhMjJkYjUwMTQzMTI5YjBmZGU5ZDg1ZTJlM2Qw">“You can’t even kill yourself?” The man is now curious.</p> <p class="cnM1MDNmNGE1NTkyNjRmZDBiNDdkMjdjMTI3ZjcwMDE0">“Oh, that’s easy, I just need to run into a Blind barrack and it’s all done for me” Father Walker, laughing out loud. Siobhan also turns back, taunting him with her crossbow. The man simply ignores the bolt flying past him “I am alive because I choose to be alive”</p> <p class="cnNhMGNlNmIzMGEzYzRlMzRiYTNmNWE0OTk4YzJjZmI0">“So, do you enjoy the pain?”</p> <p class="cnMwMzFlMTFlODkzNTQ2ZGY5Y2YyMGJiODYwMmE4OThl">“No, of course not, if that’s the case then it isn’t pain anymore, it’s a fetish” Father Walker replied immediately with utmost seriousness “No, when Azu dawned on our church bringing inhuman suffering, everyone died from shock. But not me, I realised that… only in pain do we truly exist, that we can be our true self. And I have continued to walk this world, hoping to pass down that teaching to other. Now that, is what a priest does”</p> <p class="cnNiYjJhY2MzYjBjMzQ4ZjBiZWMyNWM3NzU0ZTRlZGVj">‘There is certainly all kind’ Bruno thought to himself, all the while distancing himself with Father Walker in case he suddenly decides to preach. The man wonders, if he survives whatever is going on, what kind of person would he be. If he survives, now that’s a tall order.</p> </div>
Those deities from another realm, the implication of their very existent is daunting. Are there yet another realm out there, filled with unknown horrors. Or more possibly, many more innocent worlds, ripe to be enlightened like what happened here. A century ago, the world was thriving on a rise from a magical golden age. Mass developments of artefacts were available, providing more and more mages with the tools necessary to realise their visions. But those ‘visions’, are nothing but horrifying. To be a mage means searching for knowledge, to a scholar. In an effort of betterment, the magically adepts continued to push the limit of what possible. The destructiveness of their spells could send shiver down on side. But the more they learnt, the bigger the scale they could see on. Their powers could reach thousands, maybe even more, the mages couldn’t see the individuals anymore. Is that the true progression of power, of knowledge? If so, then the deities are truly the end of evolution. The end arrived when the scholars of the world learnt of a realm of pure knowledge and comprehension. In their desire for understanding, mages around the world opened peek-holes through to that mysterious realm, all around the world at once. Those behind the veil gaze back and they world and all of its mighty civilisations, poof, gone without a trace. To be graced by mere representations of their visages was enough to cause madness on a scale unimaginably massive. Their knowledge impossible to comprehend, people, animals, plants, every living being distorted themselves, mutated just to better receive the deities’ message. The ground zeros, the castles, the cities where those mages once lived are even worse. Not many returned from there, none could remain sane. In their mad rambling, tales of terrible monstrosities could be heard, causing madness on mere sight. But most curiously are the architectures, buildings made out of cold mindless stone also bended according to the deities. They morphed into impossible structures, but when the madness had taken over, suddenly those made so much more sense. Bruno has heard of the tales, a cautionary story for mages of the new world and a reminder why the world will despise them. “This place, is it one of those kingdoms of old… or another realm altogether” He wondered out loud. “Is there even a difference between the two” The priest replied. In front of them is a battle, but Bruno couldn’t stay connected to it. The Smiling Hunter versus the monster from the depth, not an even fight at all. The creature is fast and strong, moves in a manner not natural for such a humanoid shape. From its wounds sprout out vicious tentacles, capable of tearing a man apart. And yet, this battle is one-sided, tipped to the Smiling Hunter side with all of her human glory. Zipping pasts the vicious barrages of tentacles and claws, Siobhan systematically tears the monster apart with her blade. A cut to the knee to bring it down, then running up, stabbing the thing in both of its eyes. She jumps off before the inevitable could even touch her. “How could this be…” Bruno couldn’t believe his eyes “Is this normal for a Blind?” He is human, she is human, yet what is this impossible gulf between them. The creature screeches as one its arm is completely ripped off, red blood dripping. Attached to it, Marisa also creams out in pain. “Oh no, not at all, I have faced against many and I can tell you. The number of Blinds who could perform like this? They can be counted on one hand” Father Walker offered his insight “It’s easy to recognise them, they tend to be older than most” Age, an insignificant number in the waste, but not for a Blind. Dedicated their lives to fighting the unknowns, their age means the years they spent surviving. And after so many encounters, after so many monstrosities that far surpass human capabilities, they evolve. Their pasts forgotten, their whole existences revolve around extermination. But there is also another reason why they could fight with such monstrosities. “These deities, Scy’lla and others, they seem all so… impossibly above. And yet, how come their creations even bleed?” Bruno wondered. The monster in front is humanoid, that much is recognisable, its blood is also red. It screams out after every cut, a twisting shrill, this… spawn of the incomprehensible seems so… mortal. “Oh, that’s because of their nature” Father Walker answered “What do you think it is?” “Impossible to comprehend?” The man replied ignorant. The answer is simple but terrifying, it fills Bruno with a looming dread. “No, it’s kindness, the deities are a helpful kind” The priest said “We once thirsted for knowledge and that was exactly, they gave us. They listened to our prayer, our wishes, our desires and replied dutifully. This child is a new-born, I can send it, born as a way for us to communicate. We are supposed to understand it, it is supposed to bleed red” Bruno gazes at the monster, the supposed baby, all battered and apart. It wheezes painfully, struggling for air. It doesn’t understand what is happening, just moments it first opened its eyes to see the world for the first time. It wanders around in childlike curiosity, only to be hurt, to be torn apart. The Smiling Hunter looks over, disappointed from the challenge, she had expected something more. With the last of its strength, the monster lashes out. Siobhan simply dodges the claw swipes then proceed to cut the helpless creature again and again and again and again, all the while giggling like a young girl. How unbefitting of someone her age, yet the woman doesn’t care. The monster screams fill the air, the shrill replaced with something more human. Bruno can’t help but feel sick in the stomach. A part of him wants to stop this torture but then his eyes meet with Marisa’, then his resolve strengthens. The priest watches on in disapproval, this child is not a spawn of his deity, Azu. But it is still just a new-born, struggling for life. At least before it dies, the baby would get to feel pain, a true delight. Finally, the suffering is over. The monster took its last breath and perishes. There is only one prey to hunt, Siobhan raises her blood over the monster’s mother. “STOP” Bruno dashes forward only to be kicked away by a back turn, he crawls up “Gah… I can’t let you hurt her, my friend… stop” “And why should I” The Smiling Hunter look over her back “Why don’t you see your ‘friend’ here” Bruno stands up, clutching his chest. Looking up, what he sees is his friend, Marisa, weeping. Clutching the body of the monster, she weeps for her child. Words come out of her mouth, but they are impossible to comprehend. The sound of her crying is also indecipherable, foreign. But Bruno can fully understand the meaning behind, it’s sadness. Marisa lets out an inhuman shrill as the steel blade stabs through her head. She collapses on her baby, all wrung out. At that moment, the world around them seemingly collapses. The temple without its people, a home without life, the spiral world around them simply disappears. Letting out a grasp, Bruno opens his eyes, back in the waste. “We need to continue moving” Father Walker, back to normal pulls the man up gently. And so, the three leaves the cave, their detour comes to a close. On their way, Bruno looks down at a puddle, from the still surface, he can see his reflection. His exposed skull is forever changed, spiral pattern runs all over it, going deeper inside. The man sighs and runs up to the Smiling Hunter, there is something he wants, he needs to say. “What is it, Mr. Raider?” She looks back and asks mockingly. Facing the woman, Bruno recoils back a bit, overwhelmed, he still speaks up his mind “I just want to say… you are really amazing, and thank you, for granting them death” He isn’t strong enough, both physically and mentally to carry that task. Oh, how convenient for him to find an executioner, oh how is he still alive even. “Don’t sweat it, it’s ma’ job” She completely brushes the man’s sentiment away. ‘Thank you’, now that something she has heard countless times. Those words have lost their meaning, their weight. “How do you do it?” Bruno suddenly asked, he didn’t even know why “How can you keep on going?” “Hmm, because of this of course” Siobhan turns back and pulls up her mask slightly. Underneath, a part of her mouth is stripped to the bone, with meat and skin stitching on. But that isn’t what she wants to show. No, what underneath that mask is a smile and on the other side of the horror show is… wrinkles. The old woman pulls the mask back down. “I met that crimson harlot, she continues to live and yet she continues to smile. She helped me realise, every moment that I am alive is a miracle. So, either I could be miserable and threw it all away or I could smile. That I can be happy for every single breath I take, every step I take, every beat of my heart” Siobhan answered with a sincerity so foreign coming from her, it’s almost incomprehensible “That’s how I am able to keep on going, by enjoying every moment of my life” Her tone soon returns to normal, that joking mocking voice “Well, if you want to know how I can keep on going walking, then it’s because of these boots” Lowering her voice, she whispers “They are really comfortable!” Needless to say, Bruno is surprised, he didn’t expect to receive an actual answer from her. It reminds him of something his teacher used to say, ‘Old people, there aren’t many of them out there, but those who do sure love passing down what they had learnt. And when they speak you listen, Bruno, we mages always strive to learn more, to reach an understanding’. Although hearing her talking about her boots do reminds the man of something. He looks at his bare foot to find his soles long gone. His meat and tendon exposed, hardened from exposure with spiral pattern all over. Whatever, at least it doesn’t hurt now. Bruno continues walking, every step he takes stained with the blood of his friends. Mark, who sacrificed himself to the deity so he could live. For them, he will continue walking. Looking at Siobhan back, Bruno makes a silent resolution, after this is over, he will continue to live, he won’t let her kill him… That’s easier said then done, the man sighs. Next to him, Bruno can see the priest looking disappointed. “What’s wrong?” The man asked nervously. “If you have question about life, you can ask me you know” Father Walker answered “That’s what a priest supposed to do” “Really?” Bruno wondered about that. From the books, he knew a form of power known as the church used to exist, but it collapsed along with the old world. Priests were those who serve under that system, there are paintings of them remained, but the profession is no more. “So the church still exists somewhere right? You are a priest after all” “Oh no…” Father Walker replied “I am not a priest of the church, not anymore, that was a century ago already. I am now a devout follower of pain” “Wait! Are you saying you are over a hundred-year-old!” Bruno wants to believe that the priest is jesting, but something within him knows that isn’t the case. “Yes, Azu gave me eternal life so I can continue on living in pain” The priest said. “You can’t even kill yourself?” The man is now curious. “Oh, that’s easy, I just need to run into a Blind barrack and it’s all done for me” Father Walker, laughing out loud. Siobhan also turns back, taunting him with her crossbow. The man simply ignores the bolt flying past him “I am alive because I choose to be alive” “So, do you enjoy the pain?” “No, of course not, if that’s the case then it isn’t pain anymore, it’s a fetish” Father Walker replied immediately with utmost seriousness “No, when Azu dawned on our church bringing inhuman suffering, everyone died from shock. But not me, I realised that… only in pain do we truly exist, that we can be our true self. And I have continued to walk this world, hoping to pass down that teaching to other. Now that, is what a priest does” ‘There is certainly all kind’ Bruno thought to himself, all the while distancing himself with Father Walker in case he suddenly decides to preach. The man wonders, if he survives whatever is going on, what kind of person would he be. If he survives, now that’s a tall order.
{ "title": "Support", "id": 21560, "author": "BlueBlot", "rating": 4.8 }
{ "title": "Prologue", "id": 305823, "next": 306326, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxYTNhY2ZjOTRlYTQ1MmQ5MDM3OTA5NmM4ZjlkNGZk">"Stop fucking running away from your&nbsp;<em>goddamn</em>&nbsp;healer!"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ODY2NTY2OGI3OTQxNzg5OWRmMmY5YTNlZDQ4ZDhh">It wasn't particularly like me to rage, but today wasn't a good day. Down here in Florida it's hot as balls all day and night, and riding a scooter with protective gear doesn't help the heat at all. Sure, it's five dollars&nbsp;every&nbsp;two weeks to fill it up, and sure, it's great that my college is so close that it's only a fifteen minute ride, but when that shit has been sitting in the sun,&nbsp;<em>baking</em>, it sure as hell pushes all that out of your mind when you touch&nbsp;your&nbsp;ass to the seat and subsequently burn the hell out of it!&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzY0MjNkOGQ4ZTQyOWU5NGI5MGFiM2UxM2UwZGJk">All I wanted to do was get home, sit down, turn on my computer, and play some video games. After all this time, you'd think I'd remember that everyone is getting on past six on a Friday evening.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YTU4YWM0YTYyNjQ1MzY5NzNiZmJlZWQ1NzZjZDA1"><em>Everyone.</em>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDE3YmMyMTI2YTQxZjRhMTZkYzVjNzAwMTI3M2U1">Including&nbsp;<em>idiots</em>&nbsp;who think&nbsp;<em>running away from your healer</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>dying</em>&nbsp;is the smart thing to do. Thank God I habitually use push to talk, else they'd be hearing me swearing them&nbsp;six ways to Sunday and tilt everyone else on my team. I can already feel it getting to&nbsp;<em>me&nbsp;</em>as I died for the nth time<em>.</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYzM4NjliYmY2MjQ3ZTI5ZGI4OGY2ZjMzZjA0YTAy">'Patience.' I deliberately thought to myself in a soothing manner. 'Patience is a support main's biggest help. It doesn't matter if we lose. It's just a game.'&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZWFiYjczNDdhZTQxNzZiMTE0MDNjNTQ4OTc2MWQ3">In the dark of my room, doors closed, blackout curtains shut, dog snoring away at my side, I closed my eyes for just a moment.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MzJkNTNmZmI0ZTRhMjVhZTVlNTI2YTBhYTY3MTY3">'You&nbsp;learned this in High School. Going in with a bad perspective only makes you&nbsp;have a horrible time of it. Even if it's just&nbsp;ambivalence, it's better than negativity. This is de-stress time. After this game,&nbsp;let's&nbsp;just get off for a bit to relax and then start again. That's it. That's all you have to do.'&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMTBkM2Q5MDU3YzRkNDBiNTNiZmFjYjViYTA3OWI3"><strong>That's a pretty nice pep talk there.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NjQ2MDU2YmEwNDRkZDI4MDhmNTM0NDQ2Mjk3ZTQ0">What... My body locked up, unable to comprehend what was going on, as my universe seemed to shrink into the one. Pinpoint. Moment.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxODE0MjA5MzE0MTQ0ODM4MmJiYjZiZTJjZTZkYjVm"><strong>I like it. You know, I like support mains in general? If you treat 'em&nbsp;nice, they'll treat you nice.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMWFjYjZhMTAwOTRmOWFhMjE5YzVjYTA4OWQzMjg1">I&nbsp;<em>felt</em>&nbsp;a voice in my head. It was strong, rattling my spirit, something I didn't even know existed until I felt it&nbsp;<em>shudder</em>&nbsp;from the sheer force of this being's core&nbsp;<em>identity</em>. I could feel what it was, what it is, what it wanted to be. It was speaking to me in the most intimate way, and I had no doubt it knew me now as deeply and wholly as I knew it.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNzMyNGQ5OGM0ZTQyNTk4NjViMDY0M2I3ZmNjOWZj">Too bad I couldn’t contain it. I could feel myself slipping, parts of myself just starting to... go away. It was horrific in a way I couldn’t convey if I was given every means of communication, perfectly able to be understood.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNDZlNzc0YTY3ZjRmNmE5Y2M4NjEzMjVmNDJkOGE4"><strong>Hm. That's bad.&nbsp;Perhaps&nbsp;you'd like a fix?</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNzBjNzg4ZTExMTRjY2Q5NThiY2VlN2ZhYzRlMjRl">Desperation overwhelmed me, even as I felt the being pulling me back together, gently cradling me in&nbsp;its&nbsp;power. Information flooded through me, and I frantically tried to understand it all as this being knew it, grabbing snatches here and there, feeling it etch itself into my mind yet fade away simultaneously, while everything else&nbsp;just flew through me, unable to be accepted by my puny existence.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyNzY1ZWJkNmY4NDQzZDk5YWVkZjIyMjNmYjU5NGQ2"><strong>I think I was a little too hasty... Well, hopefully we can put this past us? I&nbsp;miiiiiiiight&nbsp;have a&nbsp;request for you.&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YTVjZDg1YWU1YjQ4ZTc5OTg0MTA1YmE3M2EwMDE3">I was barely regaining&nbsp;my&nbsp;bearings, wildly trying to merge my new perspective of the world with&nbsp;what I thought I knew before. It didn't help that my actual view seemed to have changed as well. My bedroom… It was blurry. Ethereal, incorporeal, I could&nbsp;<em>see through it</em>. Yet, even as I felt my eyes strain to&nbsp;take in my room, solid in my knowledge, in my innate biological&nbsp;<em>understanding</em>&nbsp;of my very physical&nbsp;surroundings, with my new - sense, maybe? - I could slowly begin to tell that what I was seeing was the essence of the world, only able to be&nbsp;perceived&nbsp;now that I was&nbsp;viscerally&nbsp;introduced to it via&nbsp;<em>whatever</em><em>&nbsp;</em>my guest was&nbsp;and our new shared grasp of each other<em>.</em>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWM2MWEyYmE3OTQ0ZDNhYmNmODNlOThlNmQ4N2U0"><strong>Maybe a little time before I&nbsp;tell her about it?</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOTQxODU0NmY1ZDQ1M2I4NDNhOTVjY2FlYWZkZjRh">Gradually this sense consolidated, no longer completely throwing me out of whack.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxOGJlYTUwNTIwZjQ5OGQ5OTk0MWZmOTNjZTI4NTU3">"<em>What the hell is going on?!</em>"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMmZhNjU5ZmViMjRmNTM5OGNlYzc3ODk3YmViZmY3"><strong>Or not.&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MDQwNDMxYWU0MzRmMGVhZmJiYzZjNmE1MmYxZDVm"><strong>Well, you see, I have a little problem, and&nbsp;</strong><strong><em>you</em></strong><strong>&nbsp;are the first result that came up on my&nbsp;search spell.&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMTc0OWMyMTg3MTRkNDhhYzhiOGQ0NWFhYjlmNWJi">Immediately, I was wary. See, I love fiction. I love the adventure, the action, the escapism. But you know what? I&nbsp;<em>sure as hell</em>&nbsp;wouldn’t actually want to go through what&nbsp;those characters do! Fuck no! Twenty one years of living has put me through enough experience to know that just a modern life is hard! Why would I want to deal with&nbsp;<em>that</em>&nbsp;shit?&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NGFkODgxM2JhNjRkODk5M2NlYjM3OThjYjExYzdh"><strong>I know you now like no one else does, so I know you like to read a little genre called&nbsp;litrpg.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNGQ2Y2I1OTBmNjQ1NGVhNzE5MGRmNzkzOTJmNmQx"><em>'Ohfuckno.'</em>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MDk1MjI4NjBiNTRiZmJiNzIxNjAzNDg5NzczZGI3"><strong>Now. Not too long ago, I came across&nbsp;an&nbsp;infant world system, and it made me a deal. I lend it some power to do as it does, and I get to choose a herald among&nbsp;its&nbsp;new... population, so to speak,&nbsp;to&nbsp;spread my word to the masses.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwNGJkY2UxODUxNDRkMTBhY2ZjODgwZTEzZWM1M2Yy">I could feel myself getting fainter and fainter as the being, no, the fucking&nbsp;<em>Deity&nbsp;</em>continued to speak.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjODJlZDYxNjA0NDQ2MzdhNzkwNmI3Y2M3MmVlYmU4"><strong>I've been in need of worshipers for a quite a&nbsp;while&nbsp;now, as across the worlds I have inhabited, faith in me has weakened. And. Well. You've read your fair share of system novels! You know exactly how this goes. What better time to spread my religion than now?</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNzNiNzAzNTZjNDQxOGRhNTZiODFmYjRmY2FmNGFj">Panic began to overcome me. System?! The world's fucked, the world's fucked, the world's&nbsp;fu-&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMTEyZDhhMzcyYTQyZDU5Yzg3YTBhZTVlMTcyZGU3"><em>I'm&nbsp;</em>fucked!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYmVhZDA0YzFjZjRkYmFiZTI2MmQ4ZjAzZDI1MGUw">I have&nbsp;<em>no idea</em>&nbsp;how to survive outside of my suburban life! There's little reason to be had in a full blown panic, and I could tell I was beginning to devolve. So did the Deity.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMTQ5NTQ5MDNiNzQ5ZjBiNmNlNzU2ZTFkZWM1NmZm"><strong><em>Calm.</em></strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NGFkZWY3ZDdlZTRmYWNhYjdlNGYwNmFjYjk5OGJi">And I was. Such full and incredibly easy control over me should have terrified me beyond words, and I knew this, intellectually. Yet it did not, forcibly calmed as I was. Rationality and logic were my only tools now,&nbsp;to&nbsp;understand what was going on.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYjhlNDgyZmJkMTQzM2Y5YTIyNjFiZDVjOTY2NGE1">"Why?" I asked. "Why me? Why this world?"&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwM2UwNjA5ZTQ1ZTQzZjM5ZWU3OGNkOWUzOGM5Nzk2">My world was going to be completely and utterly overturned, probably as soon as this conversation ended. People were going to die, likely in the millions, and everything around me is going to go to complete and utter hell.&nbsp;<em>Why?</em>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YTI1MjEyOWI5ZTQzN2VhMTJmZjgxYTY5YzgyNGRl"><strong>Because that's what systems do.&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1OTNlNWFhOWFhZDQ1NzJiMWQ3ZjljMTMzODc1ZjA0">Underneath that forced calm, I could feel my emotions roiling from the sheer finality of that single sentence.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYTc0MDcyM2E4NTRhYzM5OTU3MjE1MTFiZTc5ZTIz">"That's it? That's... really it?"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYzE1ZWMxMmNiNzQ3MjNhZTJhZWExNzE1OGFlYTA3">They were raging, but detached as I was from them, I could only look at them&nbsp;clinically. I knew, as soon as this calm went away, I was more than likely going to have a full on breakdown. And I knew, at the same time, if my predictions on how this was going to go were correct, I'd die if I did.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YjUyOGNkNjNmMDRiOTJhOWYyMjY1NWU0YWYwNTI2"><strong>As for you... Well, as I said, you were the first result. I searched for a random person compatible with my domains,&nbsp;and&nbsp;you were it. At my level of power these days.... I couldn't afford a more specific search.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>Now, seeing as we're going to be working&nbsp;</strong><strong><em>very closely</em></strong><strong>&nbsp;together from now on, let me introduce myself.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YmE5NDZkYTE2NTRiOTJhYjQ3NDBkZWJiYmQ2MDg4">I could feel it's pleasure at speaking&nbsp;its&nbsp;name into the world for the first time as if it were my own,&nbsp;and&nbsp;as I&nbsp;realized that it doing so would seal my fate,&nbsp;consolidating&nbsp;its&nbsp;presence on Earth by letting just one person naturally of this world's creation know it, I knew I could do nothing but let it happen.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZGU0MGE2ZDcyZDQzMjI5MWRiMTdhNTJkN2ZlMWJi"><strong>I am&nbsp;Eriasson!</strong><strong>&nbsp;Goddess of Healing, Protection, and Light! And&nbsp;</strong><strong><em>you</em></strong><strong>, dear&nbsp;</strong><strong>Lillianne</strong><strong>, are going to be my&nbsp;</strong><strong><em>Harbinger</em></strong><strong>.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMzQ1ZWM0ZjRjZjQzYjdhNWFjZjJmN2M1NDY5NDMx">&nbsp;</p> </div>
"Stop fucking running away from your *goddamn* healer!"  It wasn't particularly like me to rage, but today wasn't a good day. Down here in Florida it's hot as balls all day and night, and riding a scooter with protective gear doesn't help the heat at all. Sure, it's five dollars every two weeks to fill it up, and sure, it's great that my college is so close that it's only a fifteen minute ride, but when that shit has been sitting in the sun, *baking*, it sure as hell pushes all that out of your mind when you touch your ass to the seat and subsequently burn the hell out of it!  All I wanted to do was get home, sit down, turn on my computer, and play some video games. After all this time, you'd think I'd remember that everyone is getting on past six on a Friday evening.   *Everyone.*  Including *idiots* who think *running away from your healer* and *dying* is the smart thing to do. Thank God I habitually use push to talk, else they'd be hearing me swearing them six ways to Sunday and tilt everyone else on my team. I can already feel it getting to *me*as I died for the nth time*.*   'Patience.' I deliberately thought to myself in a soothing manner. 'Patience is a support main's biggest help. It doesn't matter if we lose. It's just a game.'   In the dark of my room, doors closed, blackout curtains shut, dog snoring away at my side, I closed my eyes for just a moment.   'You learned this in High School. Going in with a bad perspective only makes you have a horrible time of it. Even if it's just ambivalence, it's better than negativity. This is de-stress time. After this game, let's just get off for a bit to relax and then start again. That's it. That's all you have to do.'   **That's a pretty nice pep talk there.**  What... My body locked up, unable to comprehend what was going on, as my universe seemed to shrink into the one. Pinpoint. Moment.   **I like it. You know, I like support mains in general? If you treat 'em nice, they'll treat you nice.**  I *felt* a voice in my head. It was strong, rattling my spirit, something I didn't even know existed until I felt it *shudder* from the sheer force of this being's core *identity*. I could feel what it was, what it is, what it wanted to be. It was speaking to me in the most intimate way, and I had no doubt it knew me now as deeply and wholly as I knew it.  Too bad I couldn’t contain it. I could feel myself slipping, parts of myself just starting to... go away. It was horrific in a way I couldn’t convey if I was given every means of communication, perfectly able to be understood.   **Hm. That's bad. Perhaps you'd like a fix?**  Desperation overwhelmed me, even as I felt the being pulling me back together, gently cradling me in its power. Information flooded through me, and I frantically tried to understand it all as this being knew it, grabbing snatches here and there, feeling it etch itself into my mind yet fade away simultaneously, while everything else just flew through me, unable to be accepted by my puny existence.  **I think I was a little too hasty... Well, hopefully we can put this past us? I miiiiiiiight have a request for you.**  I was barely regaining my bearings, wildly trying to merge my new perspective of the world with what I thought I knew before. It didn't help that my actual view seemed to have changed as well. My bedroom… It was blurry. Ethereal, incorporeal, I could *see through it*. Yet, even as I felt my eyes strain to take in my room, solid in my knowledge, in my innate biological *understanding* of my very physical surroundings, with my new - sense, maybe? - I could slowly begin to tell that what I was seeing was the essence of the world, only able to be perceived now that I was viscerally introduced to it via *whatever*my guest was and our new shared grasp of each other*.*  **Maybe a little time before I tell her about it?**  Gradually this sense consolidated, no longer completely throwing me out of whack.   "*What the hell is going on?!*"  **Or not.**  **Well, you see, I have a little problem, and*****you*****are the first result that came up on my search spell.**  Immediately, I was wary. See, I love fiction. I love the adventure, the action, the escapism. But you know what? I *sure as hell* wouldn’t actually want to go through what those characters do! Fuck no! Twenty one years of living has put me through enough experience to know that just a modern life is hard! Why would I want to deal with *that* shit?   **I know you now like no one else does, so I know you like to read a little genre called litrpg.**  *'Ohfuckno.'*  **Now. Not too long ago, I came across an infant world system, and it made me a deal. I lend it some power to do as it does, and I get to choose a herald among its new... population, so to speak, to spread my word to the masses.**  I could feel myself getting fainter and fainter as the being, no, the fucking *Deity*continued to speak.   **I've been in need of worshipers for a quite a while now, as across the worlds I have inhabited, faith in me has weakened. And. Well. You've read your fair share of system novels! You know exactly how this goes. What better time to spread my religion than now?**  Panic began to overcome me. System?! The world's fucked, the world's fucked, the world's fu-   *I'm*fucked!   I have *no idea* how to survive outside of my suburban life! There's little reason to be had in a full blown panic, and I could tell I was beginning to devolve. So did the Deity.   ***Calm.***  And I was. Such full and incredibly easy control over me should have terrified me beyond words, and I knew this, intellectually. Yet it did not, forcibly calmed as I was. Rationality and logic were my only tools now, to understand what was going on.  "Why?" I asked. "Why me? Why this world?"   My world was going to be completely and utterly overturned, probably as soon as this conversation ended. People were going to die, likely in the millions, and everything around me is going to go to complete and utter hell. *Why?*  **Because that's what systems do.**  Underneath that forced calm, I could feel my emotions roiling from the sheer finality of that single sentence.   "That's it? That's... really it?"  They were raging, but detached as I was from them, I could only look at them clinically. I knew, as soon as this calm went away, I was more than likely going to have a full on breakdown. And I knew, at the same time, if my predictions on how this was going to go were correct, I'd die if I did.    **As for you... Well, as I said, you were the first result. I searched for a random person compatible with my domains, and you were it. At my level of power these days.... I couldn't afford a more specific search.****Now, seeing as we're going to be working*****very closely*****together from now on, let me introduce myself.**  I could feel it's pleasure at speaking its name into the world for the first time as if it were my own, and as I realized that it doing so would seal my fate, consolidating its presence on Earth by letting just one person naturally of this world's creation know it, I knew I could do nothing but let it happen.   **I am Eriasson!****Goddess of Healing, Protection, and Light! And*****you*****, dear****Lillianne****, are going to be my*****Harbinger*****.**
{ "title": "Through Might and Mind", "id": 21563, "author": "Quade", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Prologue", "id": 305826, "next": 319395, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwN2Y1ZWMxYWE3NzQ2MGJhMWVkNjYwMmZiODYzZmI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">There comes a time in every man’s life that he must gaze at the top of the tower and make his decision. Should he attempt to scale it and have the chance of being something great? Or should he carry on, living in the shadow of the one who is already at the top, blissfully unaware of the true dangers of the world.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTliNTg2NDUzNjRhNmQ4OWJmY2Q4ZmE0NWU4ZDhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">For if he takes the chance, there are many obstacles one has to overcome in order to be the best. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MDgwMjY1Yzg3MDQ3YWFhMGI2ZmUzOGM2NTdlYjkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">What would happen if he did not have a choice though, and instead the weight of nations were thrust upon him, regardless if he is willing?</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmY1YmZjZmEwNTQwYmJiMzI2MDJiOGNmZTdjNDUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">********************************************************************************************************</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjBiYTJhYmI3NTRkODFiY2E5MjVkOWYyNjNjOThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Silence.</span></p> <p class="cnM0M2UzZmE3Zjc2MjQ2YTVhOWI3ZTU4N2NiZDg0NGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stillness.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTVmZDBkYjIzNTRhMjlhMzg3YzJmODQ3YjVjYmMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tranquility.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDkyZWVmYTVkOTQ3NmNhNDc0M2MzODE4MTk3NmYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Absolute</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWU3ZmUyNDE1YTQ4ZDZiMWZlNDFhNmE5YjVmODAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">A man is sitting cross legged on a small mat, surrounded by three pedestals that each contain an ancient looking artifact. These are a golden chalice that shines even in the darkest corner of the room. A crude looking dagger sets upon a pedestal encased in glass. The jagged blade is somehow able to project a feeling of malice just by looking at the design. Finally, a jade pendant carved into the shape of a man with a boulder on his back is worn by a marble bust. There is also a bookshelf of sorts taking up a whole wall of the room. Ancient looking tomes, decrepit looking scrolls, and a couple modern looking paperback books are all randomly assigned a place in the haphazard shelf.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzc3NjA2NjVjOTQxOGVhNmE0MjM3NmMyMGM0MDQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">While the man is wearing simple white pants, the rest of him is anything but. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMTMyZGZhNjFkNjQ4M2RhNGVhZDcyNDkxZWYwMWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Standing, he would be around seven feet tall making him easily a giant in the eyes of most human inhabitants of the world. His skin is slightly wrinkled from the signs of old age but still retains a healthy tan complexion. His dark brown hair is currently tied up in a bun, being held in place with a jade pin.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWU4YTkwYjk4ZTQzMDNiMGZmNzlhMzUyYmU2ZmM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Click Clack*</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTcwYjAyMGY4ZTQ5YmRhMmNjMTUxOTA2MjdmMzNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The man hearing the telltale noise of his assistant, opens his eyes the exact moment a woman in a professionally looking dress glides into the room.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGQyNTYzYTAwNTQ3NzA5YTVkMTQ1MmI3NTYzZjBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The man’s piercing light red eyes studies the woman in front of him for a moment before speaking in a low and raspy voice. &nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTgyNTRhMjlkOTQ0NjA4YjdiM2ZiY2NiODk0Y2I0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What news have you brought me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDUxYzI1NTI4YTRmODViMGI3N2ViNzMwMWZlODFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The woman hearing this obediently kneels down and lowers her head in respect before addressing him.</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2IyNjMwZmRhMjRkMGQ4MDYxY2U5Y2EzNzc4NjVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Patriarch, the other families have agreed to send some of their disciples in order to ensure our victory over the Mind clan. With their help I can almost guarantee our success.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGRkOTg0Yzk3NzRjYTVhNjQ1NzY1NTMxMDUxZDE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The old man ponders this for a while. A contemplating look on his face.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTk5Njg4MmViMzQxYjViNDAxMjE3NzExM2JlYmM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What is the reason for you to not be completely sure of success Ria? Surely you of all people know what exactly is going to occur.” </span></p> <p class="cnM0MDc0NjM5MzZjYzQ2NmM5Y2FhNWViZTk0MWIyNTdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Patriarch while it is true that someone of my ability would be able to tell you with certainty about certain outcomes of events, even I with all my power cannot see past the veil of energy that hides the Mind clan from all scrying and divine type techniques.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODY4MDUyZmVmMjQ0NDY4YjljMDI2MGVlMmZkMGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not even with your cultivation under the Concept of Truth?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjYyMjFjNDkyMjQ2MTZhZmNkNGQzNTcxZmZhNDBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">A faint image of an eye is briefly suspended above the woman before she collapses to both knees. The patriarch has a faint smile on his face.</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Impressive, it appears that she has already broke into the early Nascent Soul realm</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> For one to break into such a realm before the age of thirty, truly a tremendous feat.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNlZmM0ZGMwYzI2YjQyYzI5ZWVkZjg3Y2NiOWI3Mjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The woman, gathering herself after the tremendous amount of energy expended, stands back up with a concerned expression. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMjVkYWU1M2JjNjRlYzQ4ZjljZTA0OTlkNDIyODRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Patriarch, I was momentarily able to view some of the events that might transpire during the battle.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDBkZDYyZWQxMDRkYjI5Nzk2YWJmOGEzZTNjMzU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go on.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzIyMzFhN2U2MzQyOGJhYjJhYzFhZmM2NDBiYTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><strong>He</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> is going to be there.” the assistant said plainly.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGNjODg1NTQ0ZDRiMjNhOTFmM2MzMTI3MDE3YmJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Though the statement was anything but plain. In fact, it was so profound that it shocked the Patriarch enough to slightly cough upon the mentioning of </span><strong>him</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMzFkYmE0NTg5ODQ5ODViMmY0MmViOTI2OWY0N2M5"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Why on earth would </span></em><strong><em>He </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">be there? I thought they were no longer acquainted with each other.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM5MjQ3NTc3NTg5NDQ2ZjBiZjVlNTQ5MDg0ODU2Yjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Listen here Arissa, under no circumstances are any of our subordinates to challenge </span><strong>him</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWMwYjU4YTFlMjQ5ZTZiOWU4MTJjMDM0MDQwMjk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But Patriarch, surely-”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDYxOTA3MmQzZjQ2OWQ5MDNiNGMwNTc4NTI2OGE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“THAT IS AN ORDER!” The Patriarchs face is scrunched up in fury, fully well knowing how disastrous it was the last time they clashed with </span><strong>Him</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMGM2MjhiNTZkMDRmZjg5NzRiNjY2NGFlNjE5MmI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Patriarchs outburst caused Arissa to shut her mouth. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I’ve never seen him so scared of a single person. If my Patriarch, the one who has the title the Impervious is scared of </span></em><strong><em>Him</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">, then how strong is </span></em><strong><em>He</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">?</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Understanding dawning on her she quickly surrenders to his wishes.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGE2MzViODIwOTQ0NDBiZDY5NGYyNTZiY2U4ZGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Very well Patriarch, I shall see to it that our troops are informed.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2ZjMDBiN2I5ZTQyYmVhNzEyZWFlMjAyYzQ2MTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeming pleased by her astuteness, the Patriarch waves her off with his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmFhNjUyOTBmNzRlMTlhYTQ2YjJkZjI1NzBkMjU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go then, make the Body Clan proud. If need be, I may be called upon. But know doing so would result in me losing all I have gained since my closed door training.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjc3MGM0NjZlODQxMjI4ZDRhZTE5ZGFkN2Q4MDRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes Patriarch” while still standing in front of him, Arissa takes a talisman from her pouch and activates it. Immediately an abundance of energy explodes from the talisman and forms a lattice work of intricate symbols created by the energy around Arissa who is then teleported to the prescribed location.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTlmZjczMmIzNTQ1MWJhN2IwYzIyMmVhMjk4YzEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">**********************************************************************************************************</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGIzOTU3ZWNiOTQ3OWViNDYxNDU3NzY1YTQyYjc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Sigh*</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTg2YWIzOTEwZTQ2MWI5MzhmYzVhYzNiM2Y0OGMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">With the business end over with the Patriarch relaxes in his chamber, going over what is to come.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTczMGU5MjUzMDRhN2ZiZWNhMGFiYWFkMmRiNTY1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">What a waste of human life. I really don’t want to do this, but knowing how infinitely powerful one of the Mind clan could potentially become, they are just too much of a risk to the current balance of power the other major clans have precariously agreed upon.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM5ZTAwNmRhMzUwMzQ2MDE5MmMwZmVhYjJkN2RiMmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Silence.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTJhOWYwMWEzYTQ3OGJhMmNhMjgyN2EyZjIxMDQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stillness.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTlkNmNiNWVlMzQyMzViMmRjYWZjMDZlOGUwMDk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tranquility.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDU1MDhlMzhiNDRjZTI5NGVjODg5NmFjZjdjZDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Absolute</span></p> <p class="cnM0OTgzNzRmYTBmMTQ3ZDNiZTQ4MWQ5ZTAwN2ZjZTk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Dominance.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGNkZWI2Y2EwYjRmYjk4NjJmZGVmMzM2MDE4NTM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wrath.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTQ3NmFlM2QxNTRlZGNhN2QwM2IxMDE3YzRjYWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Disparity. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMWZiODA0ZGY4MTQxNjFiZmNlNzlmMGEzNTkxMzUz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I can only hope they can handle this themselves, though having some fun would not be too bad.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4NGI3MjM1OTMwOTRmMTVhMzczYTA3NjRlM2U2YTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">***********************************************************************************************************</span></p> </div>
There comes a time in every man’s life that he must gaze at the top of the tower and make his decision. Should he attempt to scale it and have the chance of being something great? Or should he carry on, living in the shadow of the one who is already at the top, blissfully unaware of the true dangers of the world. For if he takes the chance, there are many obstacles one has to overcome in order to be the best. What would happen if he did not have a choice though, and instead the weight of nations were thrust upon him, regardless if he is willing? ******************************************************************************************************** Silence. Stillness. Tranquility. Absolute A man is sitting cross legged on a small mat, surrounded by three pedestals that each contain an ancient looking artifact. These are a golden chalice that shines even in the darkest corner of the room. A crude looking dagger sets upon a pedestal encased in glass. The jagged blade is somehow able to project a feeling of malice just by looking at the design. Finally, a jade pendant carved into the shape of a man with a boulder on his back is worn by a marble bust. There is also a bookshelf of sorts taking up a whole wall of the room. Ancient looking tomes, decrepit looking scrolls, and a couple modern looking paperback books are all randomly assigned a place in the haphazard shelf. While the man is wearing simple white pants, the rest of him is anything but. Standing, he would be around seven feet tall making him easily a giant in the eyes of most human inhabitants of the world. His skin is slightly wrinkled from the signs of old age but still retains a healthy tan complexion. His dark brown hair is currently tied up in a bun, being held in place with a jade pin. *Click Clack* The man hearing the telltale noise of his assistant, opens his eyes the exact moment a woman in a professionally looking dress glides into the room. The man’s piercing light red eyes studies the woman in front of him for a moment before speaking in a low and raspy voice.   “What news have you brought me.” The woman hearing this obediently kneels down and lowers her head in respect before addressing him. “Patriarch, the other families have agreed to send some of their disciples in order to ensure our victory over the Mind clan. With their help I can almost guarantee our success.” The old man ponders this for a while. A contemplating look on his face. “What is the reason for you to not be completely sure of success Ria? Surely you of all people know what exactly is going to occur.” “Patriarch while it is true that someone of my ability would be able to tell you with certainty about certain outcomes of events, even I with all my power cannot see past the veil of energy that hides the Mind clan from all scrying and divine type techniques.” “Not even with your cultivation under the Concept of Truth?” A faint image of an eye is briefly suspended above the woman before she collapses to both knees. The patriarch has a faint smile on his face. *Impressive, it appears that she has already broke into the early Nascent Soul realm*. *For one to break into such a realm before the age of thirty, truly a tremendous feat.* The woman, gathering herself after the tremendous amount of energy expended, stands back up with a concerned expression. “Patriarch, I was momentarily able to view some of the events that might transpire during the battle.” “Go on.” “**He** is going to be there.” the assistant said plainly. Though the statement was anything but plain. In fact, it was so profound that it shocked the Patriarch enough to slightly cough upon the mentioning of **him**. *Why on earth would* ***He*** *be there? I thought they were no longer acquainted with each other.* “Listen here Arissa, under no circumstances are any of our subordinates to challenge **him**.” “But Patriarch, surely-” “THAT IS AN ORDER!” The Patriarchs face is scrunched up in fury, fully well knowing how disastrous it was the last time they clashed with **Him**. The Patriarchs outburst caused Arissa to shut her mouth. *I’ve never seen him so scared of a single person. If my Patriarch, the one who has the title the Impervious is scared of* ***Him****, then how strong is* ***He****?* Understanding dawning on her she quickly surrenders to his wishes. “Very well Patriarch, I shall see to it that our troops are informed.” Seeming pleased by her astuteness, the Patriarch waves her off with his hand. “Go then, make the Body Clan proud. If need be, I may be called upon. But know doing so would result in me losing all I have gained since my closed door training.” “Yes Patriarch” while still standing in front of him, Arissa takes a talisman from her pouch and activates it. Immediately an abundance of energy explodes from the talisman and forms a lattice work of intricate symbols created by the energy around Arissa who is then teleported to the prescribed location. ********************************************************************************************************** *Sigh* With the business end over with the Patriarch relaxes in his chamber, going over what is to come. *What a waste of human life. I really don’t want to do this, but knowing how infinitely powerful one of the Mind clan could potentially become, they are just too much of a risk to the current balance of power the other major clans have precariously agreed upon.* Silence. Stillness. Tranquility. Absolute Dominance. Wrath. Disparity. *I can only hope they can handle this themselves, though having some fun would not be too bad.* ***********************************************************************************************************
{ "title": "The Alternative Diaries of Raymond's Raven", "id": 16225, "author": "GreenFlame000", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "VOL2 - Entry #4 = In Flander's Field (Remembrance Day 2018)", "id": 305830, "next": 309181, "prev": 305473, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><em><strong>November 11, 1917</strong></em><br><em><strong>Nieuwe Molen, Belgium</strong></em><br><em><strong>2 km from Passchendale</strong></em><br><em><strong>Third Battle of Ypres (Concluded)</strong></em></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNlNjQ5ZDk0YmUxZTRmOGVhMWQzMzhiNTg3MGE0YTM5">It's been five days since I crashed somewhere in Belgium.<br>I lost my map when I landed, so I can't tell which direction<br>leads back to the Town of Passchendale. I hope my fellow<br>Canadians were successful in taking the town from the<br>German troopers.<br><br>I'm alone with my partner. Both of us are injured from both<br>the battle and the landing. We used up whatever rations<br>we had left, and are forced to 'borrow' chicken eggs or<br>fruit from a farmer's tree. I would like to ask for the locals<br>help, but I can't tell which part of Belgium is still under<br>German control or not.<br><br>Following my compass due north, and keep going straight.<br>Hopefully, my partner and I will stumbled onto an Allied Trench.<br>Who knows, maybe I would meet up with the 2nd Canadian<br>Division and get some help.</p> <p class="cnNlZTgwMTU5MDEyNzRiMjA4YWMwNWM1ZTA1NzA5MmVi">My leg's all banged up, but my partner is in worse condition<br>She shielded me from most of the damage during our fall.<br><br>I want to thank her, but my lungs hurt really badly.<br><br>            <em><strong>~Collishaw</strong></em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <hr> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM5YjY2MmIzN2Q3YzRiZjRiMmM2MjY2MmJmMWI5OThh">“…Hey...Ray-Ray. Wh-where are we? D-did we just enter the realm of Valhalla? L-look at all these flowers made of ruby gemstones!”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM1Y2NjNGZmYTE1MDQ2YzQ5MDQ4YjdjYjZjNjBjYzZi">“No. Those are Poppies, so I'm pretty sure we're still in Flanders, Belgium. I wonder if we're even close to returning to the battlefield in Passchendaele."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNjM2IzM2YzMTgyYTQzY2I5NGM2YjUzMzVjMDQ4YTQ2">Raymond Collishaw tried to walk on his two feet, but even with a tree branch he broke off to use as a walking stick his gait was rather clumsy. He felt guilty in having to lean all of his weight onto the Canadian Witch who was really no older than 18. However, his leg was broken and moving was almost unbearable without help. He had to use his scarf to tie up two pieces of cork bark he ripped from a tree in a wine field. The Canadian felt guilty, for wrecking private property and having to steal scraps of food from farmers, but his body got the best of him in order to survive.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNlZmVkNmJjMzc4MTRmY2RhYzQ0ZTdjNmQ4NGU5ODdj">He glanced at his bandaged leg. It's been a few days since he tied it, the blood that drenched through his flight scarf was now caked in both mud and his blood. It looked awful, so he tried not to look at it.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNjN2VjNzZmMTU2ZjRiYmFiMWM3M2VkMThhYmI2YTBl">At the same time, he kept his wandering eyes on the horizon, not on his partner's legs. The Canadian Witch's magical dress made of raven feathers was torn up, exposing her mid riff that had this killer looking gash swiped across her stomach. It looked like some kind of giant prayer mantis got a good slice into her flesh.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMyMWQ3YjhjNjllZTRkZjNiOTY5YWNhNDAxYTU5Mzhj">Also, the skirt of her black feathered gown was torn up. It was mostly because she offered them as bandages to tie up Raymond Collishaw's cracked head and creating a makeshift sling for his one wounded arm. It first started with 2 inch wide strips to stop his bleeding, but every nice whenever he passed out she would secretly change most of his bandages to prevent infection.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM4NmJiMzNiNmE2YTRkZjg5ODVhOGZjYmU5Yjg5MWZm">Thus, her calves covered in mud, blood, and cuts from shrubberies painted her once fine legs from toe to above the knee. Normally, she would complain of the condition, but today she rather shut up and carry a grown man on her shoulder.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMyMWQ4ZDE1MzA3OTQwOTY4MjFiNTk4YjA2NmEyODFi">&nbsp;"...Ray-Ray. It's been days since we last saw anyone from the Allied Forces. Are you sure we're going the right direction."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM1YmM3N2IxODZhNjRiNTFhNjk4NjBlMzE2NDY0NjJl">"No. The map got burnted up when Black Maria engine's spark and exploded. I only have this compass, which now I'm starting to believe is broken as the needle hasn't moved for three days no matter where I turned. I don't want to say we're lost to cause a panic but....... yeah. We're lost."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM4M2I4ODA4N2E3YzQwYjU5YmI3ZTg4Y2U1MDQzNzU2">"...It's fine... so long as I'm with you."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM2ODQzMTU4YTRmYTQ3MTA4MDQxZDM3MDkzMTQzNDUz">"Sorry? Did you say something, Sleipnir? You're mumbling."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM3Mzk4YmM2ZDViZDQ4OTRiNDY2NjJkZDAzMjRkZjk4">"Just keep using my body as your crutch. But you can't take advantage of me♥."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNhYTlmNDVmMzBhODQ5ODhhYzcyOWY2ZTE2MjEzYTVk">"...Sleipnir."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM4NWU0NjlhNzlkYTQ2NjRiNjA5MmVhYTZkYTVlZGM3">"Joke joke...I heard laughter can be a medicine to dull the pain... I guess I need to work on my sense of humor."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNlM2NmMDQwMGEwMTRkNDRiMjVlODU5ZDJlNTc0MzZi">The Canadian Witch bit her lip, hiding the fact she hadn't slept in the last two nights. Being away from the nearest Allied base or trench, no one was sure if they were behind enemy lines or even close to a neutral zone on this battlefield. They dare not come close to villages, lest they take the chance of Imperial German patrols capturing them. They would often camp at the edge of a quiet farm, either in a stable or under the family oak tree to rest up before walking on.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNhN2U0NzBiMWIzNTQ2OGViNDY0NDdmODVlYmRlYzhh">Even if they agreed to take turns on watch, the Witch would go overtime and let Raymond Collishaw sleep a little longer. Often times, throughout the entire night. So it would make sense why she had bags under her eyes that struggle to just keep open like a flickering lightbulb.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0ZTU4Y2JmN2JhMzRjYWFhNmEyMWE0ZTBkNjFjMmJm">"...Ray-Ray. You're hands are cold... if only I have some strength left in my mana pool, I might be able to use a low setting of Burning Hands to keep you warm."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNmOTUwODYwNzE2MzQ5ZjhiNDYxMDliODk2ODNhNWI3">"Don't push yourself, Sleipnir. If I hadn't figure out that magic is fueled by your life force, I wouldn't have let you use your spells to cook wild game and eggs every time. If you keep exhausting your energy like that, you might die."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0NTIwNmI1ZmNjYjRkOWRiNDM0ODM2MDg3OGE2N2Fh">"... Ah. How romantic to fall into my darling's arm as I sacrificed myself for my lover's survival. The tale of a devoting housewife. Oh-ho-ho."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkYTExMTExZDhlMTQxNTViMTU5NWI0YTFlYzNjYzY5">"Please... don't joke."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMxYTc0MTY3MDhlNzQwNGE4YTJhZDJlMjU4OTQzMzA0">"Yes, yes, yes. I'm sorry."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM5OGZiODM3MDZjMzQxMjFiZTM1YzkyMzBmY2NjMDEx">Raymond Collishaw didn't want to rely on the Canadian Witch anymore as a crutch. As a man, he should be bold and brace against the pain in his broken shin and walk on with just his tree branch as a walking staff. No good, without even an injection of a proper sedative, the lightning bolt like pain would keep stabbing into his nervous system like an ice pick.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNlZTY1NzUxYzU3NDQzNGI4MTI0ODBiMTg4OWVmMzcy">Realizing how useless he was, he decided against struggling with his inner ego. Or else the more he stumbled, he'll force both the Canadian Witch and himself to go tumbling down the steep hill.&nbsp;</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNmNTUzYzJjMDQ3YjRlNzQ4NGIxZWY3ZjcyOGZhNWY5">And into a large field of bright red Poppies that waved at them in silence.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM4NDM1OTIwYjk1ZTRkODViMzk5NGE4NjY3MGJmM2Uz">“So this is the legendary Flander’s Fields.”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMxNThmMmQ0NzRiMzQ4ZjA4MjRhMGZiZGJhYjRiYTIy">“It’s not exactly legendary. I don't know if there's any other folklore behind the origin of these flowers in Belgium.”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNhMWNjMWYxMmM3MjQyZjZhODEyZWU2M2ZhMmVjNjE4">“But it was written in that book we found, no? The one that was half buried in mud back in the empty Trench we stumbled into. At first, when you read it to me the content made no sense... but now that I've seen such a field, I am beginning to piece the puzzles the author has left behind for us..."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM3M2ZkNzIzZjMxMTQyZDk5NDY1YzFkMjNjMzdiZjY4">"Hmm. Regardless if I a Pilot, I have too many friends in both the Royal Navy and in the Trenches who have been through h*ll... Often times, they don't get to come back so conveniently for another drink at... I miss them, every now and then."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMzMjZhM2JjNzliYTRmOTY4MmZlNDU1MDAyNjFmMGRi">"These Poppies are beautiful in their own haunting way... so much, that it hurts my heart every time I look... yet I can't help but feel a sense of hope for the future that these flowers will bring to us."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkZWRjNDRlZjdiODRkOTM5OGJkYjgwYmQ4NDQ1YTY3">“Like his book said: each and every one of these Poppies&nbsp;has a soldier buried under them. Their blood fills the earth, feeds the soil, and their hearts&nbsp;grow into the core of&nbsp;these flowers in the field of Flanders. I heard, they used to be white before the First Great War began."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM4YzA4MWQ5YmFkODRkZjg5ZTU3YzBiMGE1ZmVhMGE2">"If that fact was true, Ray-Ray, then even a magician like myself would dread about how many souls would it be necessary to change the natural chroma of a plant like this into such a vivid crimson... the numbers frighten me."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM1MDhmMWJhZjE4MDQzYTNhYjQ2YzE5YmUwOTA1ZGY2">The Canadian Witch and the Canadian Pilot watched over the Poppy fields. The flowers swayed quietly to the breeze of the winter, their stems and leaves already forming a thin cover of frost from the mildew. And they watched over them, like parents over their child playing in the gardens.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkMjVhZDA1YTM3ODRmZTY4NjljMmQwNGVmNzk0OWY2">Unable to continue on their path, they decided to stop for a short. They had been walking for the past five days almost non-stop, marching for hours down roads, undiscovered paths, and routes that steered clear from possible German detection. To take a break, was necessary or else the muscle fiber in their legs would snap.&nbsp;</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM5YTdmYmQzZjhlYzQ0Y2ViZTRkNzFkY2FiOTEzMGVj">&nbsp;Raymond Collishaw bit his lip as he put the tree branch to his side. The dull pain in his shoulder hurt, it was hard to lift any higher than his collar bone. Sitting down next to him was the Canadian Witch who lost part of her skirt. Rather, she didn't sit, she just up and plopped down next to him. Her legs had passed out in the last minute, making them cramp across the front and back and in her toes.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM5ZDMyODZhNTMyYTQ1YjhiNTVjNzMyYjcwZThjMTgz">The girl endured, only able to swallow her saliva as her own source of fluid intake to reduce the muscle contractions in her legs. As if to hide her pain, she tucked them close to her body, acting like she was on a regular Sunday outing for a picnic... albeit the lip biting.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNjZDhhMWRlMmI1YzQxNjY4YzdiYmNjNzk0OGM5NDZi">“Hey Ray-Ray…Do you think us Witches will be remembered? For what we've done for the war?”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0MmM2ZTI1YzRlMTQ5MDliOGM4OWQwMjZhZWY3OGQ3">“What are you saying? Magic or not, you’re soldiers too. Many of your sisters are helping the troops in the trenches, and you’re with me fighting Magicians in the sky. I don't understand why won't you receive any recognition for your services?"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNmNzgxNjU2MzdjYTQ0NzZhNmRjNWNhZDlhZDY2ZGZj">"We Witches and Wizards don't exist, remember? Not in your modern society. We are merely figments of your imagination that creep under your own shadow, just so we can live a peaceful life pursuing the art of magic without prejudice... We're kind of like super secret spies. Our nation will deny our existence, so why make a funeral ceremony for those who 'aren't real'?"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMxODMyMDRmZjhlODQwZjlhYWIzMjRlNjgyMWFiNzQ3">"But... that wouldn't be fair.&nbsp;I mean, about one year ago I was attending the funeral service of lads I met during my training on the HMS Niobe. They were all serving the HMHS Britannic when it was torpedoed off the coast of Greece. They received full honors as well as a small memorial engraved with their names... I...I really don't see why your organization wouldn't even give you the time of day if you fell in combat, protecting us."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNjODIxNTc5NTU0YTQ2MjJhYjM0MThhZTZjMzRmNjdh">"Ha-ha. It's a cruel world, darling. If the Arcana Council and the British Magic Intelligence honestly printed the names of every Witch and Magician who gave up their lives for the British Empire in the local newspapr... people would start to question who we really are, and why there is magically a large number of people that 'exceeded' the recorded Volunteer roster...It's only a matter of time before your government uncover our secret, and start a second Global Witch Hunt again."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNmOThiNTFiZmJhMjQyYTdhZTJlNDdhMzMzMjMyNjJh">“………………………”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMxYTFkMTlhMTVmYzRiZmE4MDhhNmEzNzgwNWNmNDQ5">Raymond Collishaw wanted to answer. He had opened his mouth, formed the right words in his mind, and even steeled himself to save what he felt with every raw emotion. It truly was unfair, to be forgotten like a piece of trash. To sacrifice one's life for the sake of a nation's future, only to have some jack@ss vandalize their grave or ruin the charity that go into remember them. He knew that was a terrible feeling, to simply be forgotten.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM1ODg3ZDZlMmI2ZjQwZjY4NzQ0MjdkZTFiOWU1YmQx">Yet, no matter how prepared he was... he just couldn't get the words out. He tried to cut it down, to a bare minimum, to get something spoken, to move the conversation. In the end, he would get one word that would make no sense being said on its own. B@stards. The Canadian Pilot thought about keeping that to himself, until he could come up with a better context.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMzMTkwYzEzNGVjODQ4ZTg4YzEyNTg4ZGFkOTgzODc1">"...Besides. It's not like I'm all for the whole fire three volleys into the sky or anything. I don't even like being stuffed in a coffin. It's too cramped.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNlMDU0N2NlZjkwZTQyZjVhMjQ4MDBjYWVkMzQwOTc3">“Sleipnir, don’t—”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMwMDZhMGEwZjdmNjQzNzJhMzNkYWYzZTA5ZjQyNDdi">"It's fine, Ray-Ray. I really don't mind. The moment my fellow sisters and I joined the Canadian Witch Corp, our first day was spent understanding that our loses will never be remembered. It will never be recorded. We either live to fight for those who cannot defend themselves with magic, or disappear from the face of the Earth. Ah, how well I remember.&nbsp;290 of us signed up, only 58 stayed after that little lecture. And here I am, a full-fledged&nbsp;Magician of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces fighting the Kraut Empire from world domination......"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMxMDk2ZjZhNmRkMDRhZDNhMGIwNzQwOWEyYTIyYzQ5">".............."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMzNTllMDcyYmE3MjQ5MGY5ODU1YTFhYzRkOGMxMTc3">"...Please don't feel guilty, darling. You have your own burden to worry in this war as an airplane ace. This, is my burden as a Witch."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkMDVhOTAyOTE1MzRlMTVhMDRjZTIyMDM1NTEyMDIz">"I understand now. At first, I never really believed in your magic, or your world. But having fought next to you, the way you protect me from German and Austrian-Hungaria Sorcerers, or even Magis of the Ottoman Empire. I truly understand... you're no different than the lads in the Royal Naval Air Service or the Trenches. You're fighting along side us, the only difference is that your ammunitions are bolts of fire and scatter of lightning. To be honest, you and your fellow Witch sisters are really amazing."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM1N2VlNDQ2NDI4YTQ5Y2Y5NTM5ZjI4NTVkZTdhNzc5">"Oh my oh my. Is Ray-Ray praising me. Be cause how you use your honeyed words, my dear. I might just fall for you even more."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM3ODAxYzc1NDBmNjRjZDdhYWUxM2Y4OTU5NmI1MWMw">"Witch or not. You can't let the system end like this. What about your parents? Your two mothers. What do they get? For us, at least they receive a pension on our behalf and a national flag to honor our duty to our country."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM2N2NjYTFhZDYwYzQ0YzRiYWJhMzQxN2I3YmE3Yzhl">"... They're Witches too, on a level greater than myself. They know the risk too well. They have been serving the Crown and British Royal Family for many years, it's in our bloodline to protect the British Empire from collapse and destruction. At least, they will be proud of what I am fighting for in the Western Front."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNlN2NjYzFlM2FlZjRiNmFiYjc1MzFlYjdjZDFjZTlh">&nbsp;"We shouldn't leave it like this. I may not be a suitable person, but I am willing to speak with your superiors, or council, and advocate for you Witches to received some sort of equality. Even if you're all girls, you've showed as much courage and bravery like any other young man would in the field. Whether it be battling a mage, healing the sick, or even tossing grenads out of dug outs. We need to at least try to--"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0MmE1NDQxNDFmNzQ3NDY4ZDQzMzI5OGM0YzA0ODNm">A slender finger reached out, touching Raymond Collishaw’s lips. It was a touch that would silence a savage lion or a frighten lamb. The soothing sensation that would tell you everything was alright now, you have nothing to fear.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkNmFjMzUxMWRiOTRmZGZhMmM4NWVjYjFhNmMwOGE3">Like that lullaby… Hush little baby don’t you cry, Mama’s going to buy you a diamond ring.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNjYmNjY2QxZWVmZDRlOTc4NWQyMGVmNzczYmU0MmIy">&nbsp;“Sssssssh….It's alright, Ray-Ray. I really enjoy this pleasant atmosphere with you. So please, don't ruin it by dragging in unnecessary politics... alright?"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMzYTBjZWQ5ZTE5ZDRjZTdiZjI3Y2I5MWM1OWI4MWVj">"... Yes. I understand."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNlNWQ4ZjRiMzk3MzQyNzNhY2QwMzVhMmEzMDRmODhj">"Fu-fu-fu. I have such a cute partner, eh Mr. Ace?"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNjZjIyNzZkZGRhODQ5ODI4YjkzMzk2MDExOGRmNmI2">"You've been improving over the last few months. Who knows, if you really devote your time into becoming a pilot, you'll become the next Canadian Ace like Billy Bishop."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMyNWE5OTMzNzc0MTRjZDE4MmE5NWRlYjM4YzUxYThk">"...Pass...Now, be a sweety and give me your arm to hold."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0MjE2ZjY5MTFlYjQxNjhhMzU5MmVjZmQ4MGJjYWI2">The Canadian Witch smiled and she coiled her long bruised arms around the Canadian Pilot’s arm. Even with sprained shoulder, she was willing&nbsp;to gnaw on the inside of her cheek&nbsp;to endure the pain, so she could envelop herself in a gentle warmth that she yearned deep inside. As if tired from all the evil from the world, she rested her head across Raymond Collishaw’s shoulder. Her long black hair spilled over them like a weeping willow, her frail and exposed legs covered in cuts drawing int to make her body curl up.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkNDkyMTRiZmQ4MjQwODM4OTAxZDBmY2I1MmUxODQw">Like a fetus in a mother's womb.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM3MTM4NTc4NmRhZDQwZWM5NDk3MGIyZGQwZjRhYWI5">"... Hey. Ray-Ray. If I ever become a Poppy, would you remember this cute little Witch?"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNiNTBlZmU0ZmQ1NDRiYjdiODU1MjUxOTkzYjgwNTdi">"Yes. Yes I would."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMwYWI0Y2JhMjUxMzQ4YTNhOGQ2ZTdmMTgxZDhmYzJi">"Tee-hee. Don't ever make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM2OGQxYTk0OTkyYzQ2ZDFhMWNjYzRhMDRiOGI5ZmY5">“I promise I will remember you. Even to my last breath.”</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNhNzMwNjBlMjg1MTQyODFiYzU1OTIwNmUzYjIxZGMx">"... Ray-Ray...Could you read it again. That poem in the book you found. I... I want to hear it once more."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM2Nzc3NWU3NmUzYzRmYWI4YjliOWU4MTI3YzE5NTk4">Raymond Collishaw was in pain himself, but he didn’t care. All he could do was slowly move his working arm to pull something out of his jacket pocket across his chest. In his fingers was this leather journal the size of his palm. The skin was so worn out, there were torn holes from prolonged use and rough handling. Not to mention multiple pages covered in both rain and mud stains.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMzZGZiNzM5M2YxMjQ0MzdiODFjODNiMWUxOTdiNWQw">Its leather skin was well worn, with holes ripped from prolonged use and the corner of the page stained in rain and mud water. There was a single red ribbon clipped in between a section of pages. The Canadian Pilot carefully opened it, to reveal the marked section. There was a series of hand writing, that filled exactly two pages. It looked like something a doctor would scribble when providing a medication to a patient.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkYjdjYTQ4YjdiZjRkODhhMWRjOTJhOTcxOWY1MjQw">Raymond Collishaw took in a small deep breath... and read the words.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><em><strong>In Flanders field</strong> the poppies blow</em><br><em>Between the crosses, row on row,</em><br><em>That mark our place; and in the sky</em><br><em>The larks, still bravely singing, fly</em><br><em>Scarce heard amid guns below.</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><em>We are Dead. Short days ago</em><br><em>We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,</em><br><em>Loved and were loved, and now we lie</em><br><em><strong>In Flander's Fields</strong>.</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><em>Take up our quarrel with the foe:</em><br><em>To you from failing hands we throw</em><br><em>The torch; be yours to hold it high.</em><br><em>If ye break faith with us who die</em><br><em>We shall not sleep, though poppies grow</em><br><strong><em>In Flander's Fields</em></strong><br><br><em>          </em><strong>~~Dr. John McCrae</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnMwYmM3NjYxMDJjODQ5ZmU5OTUzNDk0MWNlMTFjMDcz">"........Sleipnir?"</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0NmRhY2JiNmQ1MjQ5ZGZiMDE5NjRlMTM1YTc2OTBm">When Raymond Collishaw had completed reciting the poem inside of the tattered journal, he felt an awkward silence hang over him. This wasn't the same type of dead air his partner and himself would have if the conversation involved magic and science. Neither was it the kind of quiet tone that didn't want the conversation to run down a dangerous path.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM2NDdkZmFlZjA2MDQ3MWRiNDc3MWRjMTJkMTQ1YTJm">The Canadian Pilot turned, and found the Canadian Witch slowly drifting to sleep across his shoulder. Either in her final moments of consciousness, or her subconscious surfacing as she dives into a well deserved slumber, she cried with a small faint smile.</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM4MzQ1MGVkYmIwNjRhNWQ5Y2Q0ZmRiNjQ3ODUyYzFm">"Promise me...Don't ever turn into a Poppy...Ray-Ray..."</p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM0MDBhODU1ZWMwMjQ2NDhhYWE3ZGU4YzU2M2I5MmYx">"... I'll do my best, Sleipnir. Sweet dreams."</p> <hr> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNiZTg3NDUzOTUxNzQyZTNhNTY5MTZhNDdiMDA4MjE5"><strong>::&nbsp;RAYMOND P. COLLISHAW ::</strong><strong><br>Retired from military service at age 33 in 1943 as Air Vice Marshal of the Egypt Air Command in the African Campaign (WW2). Married to Neita Trapp in 1942 England and eventually settled down and passed away in West Vancouver, British Columbia in 1976 (Age 82).</strong></p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNkNTA0ZTU4ZWRjMDRjNzU4ZGVkNWQ4MDgzYjJlZjJj"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnM3N2I4Y2FjN2QwNDQwNDFhNjc5MjczMDVkOTljOWRh"><strong>:: *ID CLASSIFIED* ::<br>Codename: SLEIPNIR. 10th Lv. Magician of the Canadian Witch Corp, 5<sup>th</sup> Newfoundland Wands. &nbsp;<br>M.I.A. as of August 8, 1918. Last known mission, Battle of Amiens.<br>Whereabouts = UNKNOWN.</strong></p> <hr> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNhMTE5M2RmMmNhODQ0OTc5NDE4YjEyNGExY2I3MzIz"><em>'Please don't forget us.'</em><br><em>~~ Canadian Expeditionary Forces<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Remembrance Day, 2018&nbsp;<img src="" alt="" width="28" height="28"></em></p> <p class="userscript-userscript-userscript-userscript-MsoNormal cnNhZDI1ZWZhZDUyYjQ4OTU4ODk0OWMwYzZiZjViYmQz"><img src="" alt="" width="482" height="384"></p> </div>
| ***November 11, 1917******Nieuwe Molen, Belgium******2 km from Passchendale******Third Battle of Ypres (Concluded)*** | | --- | | It's been five days since I crashed somewhere in Belgium.I lost my map when I landed, so I can't tell which directionleads back to the Town of Passchendale. I hope my fellowCanadians were successful in taking the town from theGerman troopers.I'm alone with my partner. Both of us are injured from boththe battle and the landing. We used up whatever rationswe had left, and are forced to 'borrow' chicken eggs orfruit from a farmer's tree. I would like to ask for the localshelp, but I can't tell which part of Belgium is still underGerman control or not.Following my compass due north, and keep going straight.Hopefully, my partner and I will stumbled onto an Allied Trench.Who knows, maybe I would meet up with the 2nd CanadianDivision and get some help. My leg's all banged up, but my partner is in worse conditionShe shielded me from most of the damage during our fall.I want to thank her, but my lungs hurt really badly.            ***~Collishaw*** | --- “…Hey...Ray-Ray. Wh-where are we? D-did we just enter the realm of Valhalla? L-look at all these flowers made of ruby gemstones!” “No. Those are Poppies, so I'm pretty sure we're still in Flanders, Belgium. I wonder if we're even close to returning to the battlefield in Passchendaele." Raymond Collishaw tried to walk on his two feet, but even with a tree branch he broke off to use as a walking stick his gait was rather clumsy. He felt guilty in having to lean all of his weight onto the Canadian Witch who was really no older than 18. However, his leg was broken and moving was almost unbearable without help. He had to use his scarf to tie up two pieces of cork bark he ripped from a tree in a wine field. The Canadian felt guilty, for wrecking private property and having to steal scraps of food from farmers, but his body got the best of him in order to survive. He glanced at his bandaged leg. It's been a few days since he tied it, the blood that drenched through his flight scarf was now caked in both mud and his blood. It looked awful, so he tried not to look at it. At the same time, he kept his wandering eyes on the horizon, not on his partner's legs. The Canadian Witch's magical dress made of raven feathers was torn up, exposing her mid riff that had this killer looking gash swiped across her stomach. It looked like some kind of giant prayer mantis got a good slice into her flesh. Also, the skirt of her black feathered gown was torn up. It was mostly because she offered them as bandages to tie up Raymond Collishaw's cracked head and creating a makeshift sling for his one wounded arm. It first started with 2 inch wide strips to stop his bleeding, but every nice whenever he passed out she would secretly change most of his bandages to prevent infection. Thus, her calves covered in mud, blood, and cuts from shrubberies painted her once fine legs from toe to above the knee. Normally, she would complain of the condition, but today she rather shut up and carry a grown man on her shoulder.  "...Ray-Ray. It's been days since we last saw anyone from the Allied Forces. Are you sure we're going the right direction." "No. The map got burnted up when Black Maria engine's spark and exploded. I only have this compass, which now I'm starting to believe is broken as the needle hasn't moved for three days no matter where I turned. I don't want to say we're lost to cause a panic but....... yeah. We're lost." "...It's fine... so long as I'm with you." "Sorry? Did you say something, Sleipnir? You're mumbling." "Just keep using my body as your crutch. But you can't take advantage of me♥." "...Sleipnir." "Joke joke...I heard laughter can be a medicine to dull the pain... I guess I need to work on my sense of humor." The Canadian Witch bit her lip, hiding the fact she hadn't slept in the last two nights. Being away from the nearest Allied base or trench, no one was sure if they were behind enemy lines or even close to a neutral zone on this battlefield. They dare not come close to villages, lest they take the chance of Imperial German patrols capturing them. They would often camp at the edge of a quiet farm, either in a stable or under the family oak tree to rest up before walking on. Even if they agreed to take turns on watch, the Witch would go overtime and let Raymond Collishaw sleep a little longer. Often times, throughout the entire night. So it would make sense why she had bags under her eyes that struggle to just keep open like a flickering lightbulb. "...Ray-Ray. You're hands are cold... if only I have some strength left in my mana pool, I might be able to use a low setting of Burning Hands to keep you warm." "Don't push yourself, Sleipnir. If I hadn't figure out that magic is fueled by your life force, I wouldn't have let you use your spells to cook wild game and eggs every time. If you keep exhausting your energy like that, you might die." "... Ah. How romantic to fall into my darling's arm as I sacrificed myself for my lover's survival. The tale of a devoting housewife. Oh-ho-ho." "Please... don't joke." "Yes, yes, yes. I'm sorry." Raymond Collishaw didn't want to rely on the Canadian Witch anymore as a crutch. As a man, he should be bold and brace against the pain in his broken shin and walk on with just his tree branch as a walking staff. No good, without even an injection of a proper sedative, the lightning bolt like pain would keep stabbing into his nervous system like an ice pick. Realizing how useless he was, he decided against struggling with his inner ego. Or else the more he stumbled, he'll force both the Canadian Witch and himself to go tumbling down the steep hill.  And into a large field of bright red Poppies that waved at them in silence. “So this is the legendary Flander’s Fields.” “It’s not exactly legendary. I don't know if there's any other folklore behind the origin of these flowers in Belgium.” “But it was written in that book we found, no? The one that was half buried in mud back in the empty Trench we stumbled into. At first, when you read it to me the content made no sense... but now that I've seen such a field, I am beginning to piece the puzzles the author has left behind for us..." "Hmm. Regardless if I a Pilot, I have too many friends in both the Royal Navy and in the Trenches who have been through h*ll... Often times, they don't get to come back so conveniently for another drink at... I miss them, every now and then." "These Poppies are beautiful in their own haunting way... so much, that it hurts my heart every time I look... yet I can't help but feel a sense of hope for the future that these flowers will bring to us." “Like his book said: each and every one of these Poppies has a soldier buried under them. Their blood fills the earth, feeds the soil, and their hearts grow into the core of these flowers in the field of Flanders. I heard, they used to be white before the First Great War began." "If that fact was true, Ray-Ray, then even a magician like myself would dread about how many souls would it be necessary to change the natural chroma of a plant like this into such a vivid crimson... the numbers frighten me." The Canadian Witch and the Canadian Pilot watched over the Poppy fields. The flowers swayed quietly to the breeze of the winter, their stems and leaves already forming a thin cover of frost from the mildew. And they watched over them, like parents over their child playing in the gardens. Unable to continue on their path, they decided to stop for a short. They had been walking for the past five days almost non-stop, marching for hours down roads, undiscovered paths, and routes that steered clear from possible German detection. To take a break, was necessary or else the muscle fiber in their legs would snap.   Raymond Collishaw bit his lip as he put the tree branch to his side. The dull pain in his shoulder hurt, it was hard to lift any higher than his collar bone. Sitting down next to him was the Canadian Witch who lost part of her skirt. Rather, she didn't sit, she just up and plopped down next to him. Her legs had passed out in the last minute, making them cramp across the front and back and in her toes. The girl endured, only able to swallow her saliva as her own source of fluid intake to reduce the muscle contractions in her legs. As if to hide her pain, she tucked them close to her body, acting like she was on a regular Sunday outing for a picnic... albeit the lip biting. “Hey Ray-Ray…Do you think us Witches will be remembered? For what we've done for the war?” “What are you saying? Magic or not, you’re soldiers too. Many of your sisters are helping the troops in the trenches, and you’re with me fighting Magicians in the sky. I don't understand why won't you receive any recognition for your services?" "We Witches and Wizards don't exist, remember? Not in your modern society. We are merely figments of your imagination that creep under your own shadow, just so we can live a peaceful life pursuing the art of magic without prejudice... We're kind of like super secret spies. Our nation will deny our existence, so why make a funeral ceremony for those who 'aren't real'?" "But... that wouldn't be fair. I mean, about one year ago I was attending the funeral service of lads I met during my training on the HMS Niobe. They were all serving the HMHS Britannic when it was torpedoed off the coast of Greece. They received full honors as well as a small memorial engraved with their names... I...I really don't see why your organization wouldn't even give you the time of day if you fell in combat, protecting us." "Ha-ha. It's a cruel world, darling. If the Arcana Council and the British Magic Intelligence honestly printed the names of every Witch and Magician who gave up their lives for the British Empire in the local newspapr... people would start to question who we really are, and why there is magically a large number of people that 'exceeded' the recorded Volunteer roster...It's only a matter of time before your government uncover our secret, and start a second Global Witch Hunt again." “………………………” Raymond Collishaw wanted to answer. He had opened his mouth, formed the right words in his mind, and even steeled himself to save what he felt with every raw emotion. It truly was unfair, to be forgotten like a piece of trash. To sacrifice one's life for the sake of a nation's future, only to have some jack@ss vandalize their grave or ruin the charity that go into remember them. He knew that was a terrible feeling, to simply be forgotten. Yet, no matter how prepared he was... he just couldn't get the words out. He tried to cut it down, to a bare minimum, to get something spoken, to move the conversation. In the end, he would get one word that would make no sense being said on its own. B@stards. The Canadian Pilot thought about keeping that to himself, until he could come up with a better context. "...Besides. It's not like I'm all for the whole fire three volleys into the sky or anything. I don't even like being stuffed in a coffin. It's too cramped. “Sleipnir, don’t—” "It's fine, Ray-Ray. I really don't mind. The moment my fellow sisters and I joined the Canadian Witch Corp, our first day was spent understanding that our loses will never be remembered. It will never be recorded. We either live to fight for those who cannot defend themselves with magic, or disappear from the face of the Earth. Ah, how well I remember. 290 of us signed up, only 58 stayed after that little lecture. And here I am, a full-fledged Magician of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces fighting the Kraut Empire from world domination......" ".............." "...Please don't feel guilty, darling. You have your own burden to worry in this war as an airplane ace. This, is my burden as a Witch." "I understand now. At first, I never really believed in your magic, or your world. But having fought next to you, the way you protect me from German and Austrian-Hungaria Sorcerers, or even Magis of the Ottoman Empire. I truly understand... you're no different than the lads in the Royal Naval Air Service or the Trenches. You're fighting along side us, the only difference is that your ammunitions are bolts of fire and scatter of lightning. To be honest, you and your fellow Witch sisters are really amazing." "Oh my oh my. Is Ray-Ray praising me. Be cause how you use your honeyed words, my dear. I might just fall for you even more." "Witch or not. You can't let the system end like this. What about your parents? Your two mothers. What do they get? For us, at least they receive a pension on our behalf and a national flag to honor our duty to our country." "... They're Witches too, on a level greater than myself. They know the risk too well. They have been serving the Crown and British Royal Family for many years, it's in our bloodline to protect the British Empire from collapse and destruction. At least, they will be proud of what I am fighting for in the Western Front."  "We shouldn't leave it like this. I may not be a suitable person, but I am willing to speak with your superiors, or council, and advocate for you Witches to received some sort of equality. Even if you're all girls, you've showed as much courage and bravery like any other young man would in the field. Whether it be battling a mage, healing the sick, or even tossing grenads out of dug outs. We need to at least try to--" A slender finger reached out, touching Raymond Collishaw’s lips. It was a touch that would silence a savage lion or a frighten lamb. The soothing sensation that would tell you everything was alright now, you have nothing to fear. Like that lullaby… Hush little baby don’t you cry, Mama’s going to buy you a diamond ring.  “Sssssssh….It's alright, Ray-Ray. I really enjoy this pleasant atmosphere with you. So please, don't ruin it by dragging in unnecessary politics... alright?" "... Yes. I understand." "Fu-fu-fu. I have such a cute partner, eh Mr. Ace?" "You've been improving over the last few months. Who knows, if you really devote your time into becoming a pilot, you'll become the next Canadian Ace like Billy Bishop." "...Pass...Now, be a sweety and give me your arm to hold." The Canadian Witch smiled and she coiled her long bruised arms around the Canadian Pilot’s arm. Even with sprained shoulder, she was willing to gnaw on the inside of her cheek to endure the pain, so she could envelop herself in a gentle warmth that she yearned deep inside. As if tired from all the evil from the world, she rested her head across Raymond Collishaw’s shoulder. Her long black hair spilled over them like a weeping willow, her frail and exposed legs covered in cuts drawing int to make her body curl up. Like a fetus in a mother's womb. "... Hey. Ray-Ray. If I ever become a Poppy, would you remember this cute little Witch?" "Yes. Yes I would." "Tee-hee. Don't ever make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it." “I promise I will remember you. Even to my last breath.” "... Ray-Ray...Could you read it again. That poem in the book you found. I... I want to hear it once more." Raymond Collishaw was in pain himself, but he didn’t care. All he could do was slowly move his working arm to pull something out of his jacket pocket across his chest. In his fingers was this leather journal the size of his palm. The skin was so worn out, there were torn holes from prolonged use and rough handling. Not to mention multiple pages covered in both rain and mud stains. Its leather skin was well worn, with holes ripped from prolonged use and the corner of the page stained in rain and mud water. There was a single red ribbon clipped in between a section of pages. The Canadian Pilot carefully opened it, to reveal the marked section. There was a series of hand writing, that filled exactly two pages. It looked like something a doctor would scribble when providing a medication to a patient. Raymond Collishaw took in a small deep breath... and read the words. | ***In Flanders field** the poppies blow**Between the crosses, row on row,**That mark our place; and in the sky**The larks, still bravely singing, fly**Scarce heard amid guns below.* | | --- | | *We are Dead. Short days ago**We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,**Loved and were loved, and now we lie****In Flander's Fields**.* | | *Take up our quarrel with the foe:**To you from failing hands we throw**The torch; be yours to hold it high.**If ye break faith with us who die**We shall not sleep, though poppies grow****In Flander's Fields*****~~Dr. John McCrae** | "........Sleipnir?" When Raymond Collishaw had completed reciting the poem inside of the tattered journal, he felt an awkward silence hang over him. This wasn't the same type of dead air his partner and himself would have if the conversation involved magic and science. Neither was it the kind of quiet tone that didn't want the conversation to run down a dangerous path. The Canadian Pilot turned, and found the Canadian Witch slowly drifting to sleep across his shoulder. Either in her final moments of consciousness, or her subconscious surfacing as she dives into a well deserved slumber, she cried with a small faint smile. "Promise me...Don't ever turn into a Poppy...Ray-Ray..." "... I'll do my best, Sleipnir. Sweet dreams." --- **:: RAYMOND P. COLLISHAW ::** **Retired from military service at age 33 in 1943 as Air Vice Marshal of the Egypt Air Command in the African Campaign (WW2). Married to Neita Trapp in 1942 England and eventually settled down and passed away in West Vancouver, British Columbia in 1976 (Age 82).** **:: *ID CLASSIFIED* :: Codename: SLEIPNIR. 10th Lv. Magician of the Canadian Witch Corp, 5th Newfoundland Wands.   M.I.A. as of August 8, 1918. Last known mission, Battle of Amiens. Whereabouts = UNKNOWN.** --- *'Please don't forget us.'* *~~ Canadian Expeditionary Forces               Remembrance Day, 2018 ![](* ![](
{ "title": "Book of Reality", "id": 20611, "author": "JunoCipher", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 11: The Final step", "id": 305831, "next": 307674, "prev": 305693, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4MGRlYzUxYzE1ZjQyNzA5MzM5ZmRhYjgxYzM5YjU1"><strong>Chapter 11: The Final Step</strong></p> <p class="cnMzYmI3NDYxODQyNzQ4YmNhZTkzNjdlMTY0YzhjOTY2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMzM3MDA0NGU4MzRkY2E5MGU0YzU5ZjVhOWE2MGVi">And so, the moment Garaam has been waiting for has finally arrived.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWNmYzk5NDU0NTQ3ODk5ZTQzMTRjODQ3YmFlOGEz">Everything was set for it and without the ArchGods to interfere, Garaam can finally end his plan.</p> <p class="cnMzZWZjOTEzYjViZDRmYzNiNTlmZWY0YzRmMjQ4MzBk">Garaam smiles has he is about to perform the so awaited change.</p> <p class="cnMyZTcyMjczYTBkZjQ5ZjFhMzA0NjY0MjY5MjNmMWMw">“Now…the moment has come, Clarietta.”</p> <p class="cnNkODNlMWQ4N2JhZDRlYTY4OTM2YWYxMDdlMzNjM2Zl">Gareem rotates his staff, it starts glowing gold, the whole dimension starts shacking, the ground collapsing, the sky starts getting tared a part.</p> <p class="cnMxM2ZiMmZmYzAyMjRiNjc4ZGFiZWU5YjFmM2M1NDNk">“So you’ve finally done it.” – says a voice coming from Garaam’s back.</p> <p class="cnNmZDMzYmU1YmViNjRlNDVhNTY5ZmVkYTg4OTFhZjE5">Garaam smiles.</p> <p class="cnNiZGEwZmNhYzY0NDRjMDI5M2MzYTliYmJjZjE2NDYx">“So you came after all…</p> <p class="cnM0MTljN2NmYmI2MTQyOGNiMGU1YTIzOWIyZjhlMDJj">Alpha.” – says Garaam, turning back to the voice.</p> <p class="cnM5NWFhNTMxYmExODQ5NDA4Y2NiNDE3MzE3Y2RjYTk1">“At last, you came to witness me success.” – continues Garaam</p> <p class="cnNjZmU3NmM2MmI3ODRmMWY5MDI1OGFkZDA2ZjIxM2Nl">“A success... indeed.” – replies Alpha</p> <p class="cnNlMDFhNTk1MDNkNDQwY2ViNWVhZDcyODljMGE2NzY4">“Do not worry, those who I think worthy shall be reborn into the Change.” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnMxOTljM2ZkZTA4NjQ3ZWI5MWY3ZjA3NDY1N2I3MWE5">“You really are going through it…” – says Alpha with a heavy face.</p> <p class="cnNiNzg1NmQ1ZTYxZjRkYjg5NTM1MDg4NWNjZTI4YjNi">“It is too late to revert things my dear friend.</p> <p class="cnMyMjk5NzFlMWRkODQyYTdhNzg3YjYwN2YzZTlhYTFi">The Change is the only option right now.” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnNlNWRlMzc1M2U2MTQzODc4OWIwMjgzMzAyNDMyNGY5">Alpha sighs.</p> <p class="cnNkMzNiYzVlZGI5MjRhOGM4ZjFiZTQ0ZjI1YzQxMjM1">“Very well then…” – says Alpha, looking disappointing.</p> <p class="cnNiY2Y0ZTNiYjg5YTQ2NTBiMjM0YTNhYTVlMjlmY2Mw">As Garaam is about to continue with the Change, a bunch of Hands come out of the platform’s ground.</p> <p class="cnM2NzZmN2Y2OGE5MjQ2ZWNhNDBiOGUwMDJlNDg5NGJj">Those Hands grab Garaam and carry him further into the sky, restraining each of his limbs.</p> <p class="cnM3MDU3MGFhNDY3ZjQ2YjhhMTFmMDNjMWZmY2JkNzMy">“What?!” – says Garaam, confused with what had just happened.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjMyNjRkNWEwMjQzM2U5ODc1YzU5OTE4ODllNzI5">But Garaam wasn’t whiling to give up everything now.</p> <p class="cnM0YjhjZDBiMTZlZTQyZDg4YmQzMGQxNmE3YWNmNmY3">With just a suing of his staff, he banishes those Hands, setting him free.</p> <p class="cnM4ODFjYjg2MjhkNjQxOWZiZWNkZGJhMzAyYmQ5MzZk">“So Alpha isn’t the only one who stayed…</p> <p class="cnNjNzcxOTgwYzJlOTRjOWRiODIzYmU4N2Y0ODcyYjA0">Fula.” – says Garaam while ascending from the sky.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGYwOTU5MjdlNDRmOWM4MzQ2OTFlMzE5OTdkM2Mx">Fula shows up in her ghost form, next to Clarietta.</p> <p class="cnMxZDZiMjBlZDQxODQ1M2Q4OWQxMWRmMzdlOWMyMDdi">“Too bad Guilt is a symptom of the weak wills.” – says Garaam smirking</p> <p class="cnNkYzAwNWY1OWE1ZDQxMTJhNGE3NGNiZjRkMzBlMmM2">“Too bad I don’t only rely on Guilt to fight.” – replies Fula while summoning one of his spears.</p> <p class="cnMyNGU0MzY2ZmEzZjRkYzE5NmUwMGMxYjYxOTc2NWRl">Garaam looks upon them.</p> <p class="cnMxMGFmMWY0MmZiYjRjNjNhZWIyMzZmZTQ2ZmExYjU4">“You’re only delaying it.</p> <p class="cnNhOGE4NmU3ZjQ1YjRmN2U5NGUxZTgyYTkyMjZjMWY2">Nothing more.” – says Garaam has his staff starts shinning green.</p> <p class="cnMxNGEwNDU5ZWZkNzQ1YTVhNjI4MjIyZmU4YTJmMDll">“The color is green.” – murmurs Alpha to Fula</p> <p class="cnNjOTU5M2MyZDYyZDRjOTc5MDdlOTM2YWUyY2UxZDBm">“Yeah.” – replies Fula</p> <p class="cnNlZmQzZjBmZWI3NzRjZmM5ODkxMzg5N2NjMjZlMmYy">Fula strikes into the fight.</p> <p class="cnNjMmFhODcwMjY2ZTQwNWNhNjk1YjlkMzQwMDhhOGM5">According to Garaam’s staff color, Green means that if he touches anything with his staff, that thing will cease to exist, no matter what it is.</p> <p class="cnNiY2YxYjVmNzk2ODQ4Njg5N2U2N2YzNDE3MWRlYzdj">Fortunately for Fula, she is considered the fastest ArchGod, second to Osaria, the ArchGodess of Motion.</p> <p class="cnM2NzRhOTY4YjdmYTQ0NjJiNDU1NTgzOGM1N2IyZWU4">The battle, however, doesn’t get anywhere, as Fula is too focused on not only attacking Garaam, but also on avoiding the one and only game-ending hit that Garaam has to land to win the battle.</p> <p class="cnM1OGE2NWM0NjcxZjQyYjZiYjYzYzQ4OTg1NThhMjBm">As for Garaam, despite Fula’s great speed, it isn’t hard for him to avoid getting hit, as state above that Fula isn’t totally trying to hit him.</p> <p class="cnMxMTBjNjJiMzI0YjQ0ZjFiMDVhMmIwYWE4MDBiZGYw">Eventually, Garaam ends up banishing Fula’ spear at a crucial moment, right when she was about to land a hit on him, leaving her wild-open to his staff.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGU1MjUwMzYwMDQ4NjY5N2E0NWVkNzU1MTRiNDcw">Without the chance of stopping her attack, the Guilt God was about to get in touch with the Void God’ staff.</p> <p class="cnM2NjBmMDc5ZGJhODRlMWNiOWI0OGQxOWUyNDhjMDJk">Alpha appears right in time and uses his Aspect Powers.</p> <p class="cnM0MGM1OGFlNzgwYjRiMGJiOThmNjFhMWUwMjE0N2Fh">He transforms Fula into a microscopic size being, making Garaam miss the swing.</p> <p class="cnM1Zjk4YWE1M2ZjNjQ0MmY4MjcwOTJkYTFhMTY1YzNl">As for Alpha, he quickly grabs Fula and teleports back to the ground, reverting her size again.</p> <p class="cnNhOGU5MzVlNmY5NDRmNGY5MzAxZGNhODllMjEyMmYx">Garaam smiles as the was one step close to win.</p> <p class="cnNkODgzNjRmZDJiODQ0ZjdiY2UyZTFkOGNiODc0YjM4">“Why don’t you come both now?</p> <p class="cnNmMjlmYWVkMjM3ZjQyY2JhZGYzNWNhZGI2M2IxODU2">That way we shall end it faster.” – says Garaam, confident that he can take the two of them all at once.</p> <p class="cnNhZmZmODk2MjY4ZTQ3ZDlhNjMxZTE0MWQ3MDQzMzg5">But before he could do anything, he gets pierced on his chest by a spear from behind.</p> <p class="cnNkMWRhNzNkYWI0YTQ4MzA5ZmUwMmMxYTc2M2FhOTdk">Garaam looks behind, there was Fula, the one who shoot the spear.</p> <p class="cnM3N2ViYjYwYWYxMTQzYzE4ZjEwYWQ5ZjYzMTRlZTE2">“What?!” – says Garaam, surprised.</p> <p class="cnNkODk5MWU1ZGI2MjQ4ZjQ4NzFlZWNkM2U5YmIwYzNh">It turns out that the one Fula who was fighting Garaam, was actually a clone.</p> <p class="cnNkNzhiZWMxODA3YjQ4OGJhYTY1MTBmZGE0NDcyNGFj">Garaam immediately falls of to the ground, on his knees.</p> <p class="cnMxYzFkYzk5MzMwMjQxNTBiMzFlMDFkOTVhYWE1MmQw">“That spear of mine makes you heavier than anything that creation can ever allow to exist.” – says Fula</p> <p class="cnM5OGIyMmUwZWJlZjRkYmQ5YzIxYWE1MjNkMWNiNGU0">“Again.</p> <p class="cnNhOTM1MjYxNjQ4ZjRkYjI4MWFjOWE1ZDE0ZjE2NGFi">You’re just delaying the inevitable.” – says Garaam with an angry tone, as the spear starts banishing.</p> <p class="cnNjNWRiNDExN2VmMTRjMWQ5NjM0YTE2OGNhYTBhMGU3">But before it completely banishes, Gowan appears right in front of Garaam, and breaks the spear.</p> <p class="cnNmZWJhYTRjZTQ3MjRkYWZhODcxNzY2ZGUwM2RiY2Fl">Garaam backs off.</p> <p class="cnMyN2ViNzI5NTEyZjQ4Zjc4M2ZhMWUwZTc0YjBkZjll">“So what you broke it?” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnM1N2ZkNjZiYjI0NzRjNmJhMTkxOWI4MWQ3NWNkNDlm">But something is wrong.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGEwYjE3NzI0MDRiNmI5YmQ0ZmU0YmE1ZmFmMGY2">The heavy feel from the spear is still there, even though the spear was clearly broken by Gowan.</p> <p class="cnM5NzMxMDhkM2JlYjRkY2NhNWJlYTI3ZGY1NGI0MTkx">“Now!” – shouts Alpha</p> <p class="cnNiYTQ4ZWI1YmZlZDQ4ZmZiNmIwNDJkZjI3Y2IxOTAy">Fula hurries to rescue Clarietta on the top of the platform.</p> <p class="cnMyOGE2NWFhODVmZjRiODZhMGE3MTk3MzQxODAwMGQ2">But right before she gets to Clarietta, a huge amount of energy gets across them two.</p> <p class="cnNkOTlkZTU2N2Y0MDQyMjc5NmU5MjJkYjUwNzVkYjAw">The floating platform was teared in half.</p> <p class="cnMxMjgwODA3Yzk5YjRkMjVhNmQ4Yzc1ZTE0YmQ0Y2Uy">Garaam’ staff was shining blue, he had banished a part of it, separating Fula from Clarietta at the time.</p> <p class="cnNmOGY3NDU2NWMzMjRiZmFhYjE0NzI2ZDQ1YjQ0NWZh">The energy formed a barrier around Clarietta.</p> <p class="cnM2NWJlYWM0MzE0ODRjMDE5OGU4NDJmNmFmYTcwYjJh">Anything that would touch it, would instantly banish.</p> <p class="cnM0YTk4ODg5MTI5NDRkOTY4ODM4YzU1ZjY5OGRhMTEy">“Damn it!” – says Alpha, as their plan had failed.</p> <p class="cnNlYTA2OGQ0OWI2NjQ1NjlhNGZjOWQ0YTU4Y2FiZWIw">“So you broke the spear so I couldn’t banish it…</p> <p class="cnM4MTViNjA1ZjlmYjRkOTNhNDk2YWYzOWE0MjIxNjdi">Leaving a part of it inside of me.” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnM0NmMzY2JiMzU1MDQ3MmVhYWJhM2RiYTBiN2Y1Y2Fh">“But what if I can’t fly?</p> <p class="cnNiZDJjYTU0YWMzYjQxOWZhNDFjMTk3YTdjMDRlODc1">I’ll take you three on the ground!” – says Garaam while his staff starts shining blue</p> <p class="cnNhNzY2ZGM1MGM0NzRhZmI4MGQ5MDIzOTRhYzk3NDBm">Blue color meant that every swing he does would release Void energy, resulting in banishing anything it comes in contact with.</p> <p class="cnNjOTFhOWNjZWRhZTRjM2I5ZTRjYTgzZjEzZGFjZGY2">And so, their fight began.</p> <p class="cnM0MTlhZTM4MmM5ZDQyYTlhNDQ0N2IxM2E5YmFiMjg0">Fula would try to hit Garaam with her great speed, while Alpha would save her from getting hit by Garaam’s energy, while Gowan would think of something to set Clarietta free.</p> <p class="cnMyMGFhODBjODI0ODRmOWI4MGE4YTU1M2U5YTY3MWE0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NmYxMmY4ZWE0YjQzMGY5NWNiMjI1MTI0OGNmY2Jh">[Back to Juno in the Void]</p> <p class="cnM2MGMxN2Q5M2ZlMTQyZDZiZDU5NzgyZWZiNjgxZjA0">“There is nothing to be afraid of.</p> <p class="cnNkMGI5N2Y3MGNkYjQ0NTM4YzQ5OTZjN2I4MDlmM2E4">After all, nothing matters, right?” – says the White figurine while absorbing Juno</p> <p class="cnM1NDBmYWEyOGNjODQ0Nzc5YzIwOWQ5NDlkMTU3NmM1">Juno had already stopped.</p> <p class="cnNjZGYzYjNjNmQ2ZjQ0YWRiODNmOTc4MDI3OTNlOGFm">He knew it was pointless to keep on trying to set himself free, it just wouldn’t happen.</p> <p class="cnM3MmU2ZTk3Y2I1ZjRlZjA5MDQwNDhlNzZiYTcyNmM4">He couldn’t outclass a Godly being, be it the Void itself.</p> <p class="cnM1MmYwMGIzZDAzMzQ1OGM5MTRkMDkxZjc5ZjkyNDMx">He had accepted his fate.</p> <p class="cnNiYzgzMjM3ODliMTQzZTdhOTdmNWVkYWQ0ZWE0NWEy">To cease to exist.</p> <p class="cnMyMWQ0YTdiNDUwZDQ4NDBhZGEwZWFjNDQ5Y2NiOTcx">The thing he was the most afraid of.</p> <p class="cnNkZjE1ZjM3ZDc5ZTRiOGU4ZWViOTkyYThmYzYzYzFi">Not death itself, no.</p> <p class="cnNjZGUxYjgwYWYxNDQwYjU5ZDQ2MzUwOWI5YWU2NWE3">But what should come after it, nothingness.</p> <p class="cnMxMzVmZWRkYzU3YzRkNTE5NzllMDI4OGU5MjhlNjU2">No thoughts anymore, no senses, no dreams, no conscious, just nothing left.</p> <p class="cnMyMGZjOGI2ZDFkMTRhOTI5NzIyYWFmYzEzOGZmNDVm">Empty, is how Juno felt death was.</p> <p class="cnM1OWU0ZDg2MTBmYTQ4ZjJiZjE3OGU1ZDg3NzAxY2Y3">And at last, his very fear had finally come.</p> <p class="cnNhMDEzNjQ3MjBhNDQ4ZGY5ZTgzOWNhMGMzODE4ZjFi">“Shit.” – says Juno to himself while getting absorbed, without the capability of changing his fate.</p> <p class="cnMyZTJhZGFkOGM0NzRhYjNiMGU0MzdmNzk3YjgyMDY3">As the last bit of him get absorbed, Juno starts remembering his adventure.</p> <p class="cnNmYmJlMmEwMjdhYjRmZDA5NTA0ZGQwMzI2MjBkZDAx">Not his Human life in the Human Dimension, but instead, his after-life, in the ArchGod Dimension.</p> <p class="cnM2MTY0ODIzMDAyNjRiMjBhZWI0NWM1MzI4NjU0ZGRj">He remembered his fall.</p> <p class="cnNiMWEzYTMyMmU3YjRlZTFiZWIzMjBmOTU0OTYwYjI2">His first encounter with Arbihime and Clarietta at the green lake.</p> <p class="cnMxNzA4ZmU5ZWUxZTQ2YjJhYWEyZDIzMjczYjdkZTI3">His encounter with Gowan.</p> <p class="cnM3MGMyZGM2YTI1NzRmYWU4OTAyZDU0YjYzN2RjNDg4">The beings he had met in this once glorious Dimension.</p> <p class="cnM4YmEyZTZhMjIzZjQ3YTU4NjUwYzYxNDMyZDY3M2Vi">And then, he starts remembering that this magnificent Dimension had completely changed.</p> <p class="cnNiYmVhNzU3MTE0ZjQwOTFiYWQ3NGMyZGRjMWQ2OGJk">The prettiness had become ugly and dying.</p> <p class="cnNlN2FiOGNkMDZhNTQzOWY4ZmNlYmQ0ZGVjOGIxMGE2">Everyone he had met has lost hope and had gave up.</p> <p class="cnMxODMwNDJkZmIzOTRjNTViNzBiN2QwNGFjZjAxZjEx">That despite everything, Juno, he would never accomplish his promise to the Gods.</p> <p class="cnMyN2ViNzkwZTJiYjRjYzliY2VkNTg2MTViMGI1NTNh">To free them.</p> <p class="cnNjYjUxN2I3ZDg3YzQ5ZmZhYWY2M2Q4M2ViNTFjZTgy">Juno cries as he is getting absorbed, even though he knew that was pointless, he was still a Human after all.</p> <p class="cnM4NzY5YjlhYzBkMDQwZTZhMGI3YWE0NDU4OThiZWJm">“You and I will be –“- says the White Figurine, but he stops mid-sentence.</p> <p class="cnMxOTEyMDMxMDJhZjRmMGNiZjM4NTZiMDc3MmE3MTM5">Something was wrong.</p> <p class="cnNiNmRkODliOWI5NjQ4MzJhNjU4MTY2ZDYwMzQyYTRk">Something that shouldn’t even be possible to begin with.</p> <p class="cnM2MDUyNTAwMjBkMDQ3ZDQ5Yjg4ZDBiZTY5ZjJhNjdk">“Wh…what are you doing?!” – says the White Figurine, agitated</p> <p class="cnNlNzk5ZDNkNDdlNTQzNWNhZmI3ZjQ3NjIzNjA4ZmJl">It turns out that instead of Juno being absorbed by the White Figurine, the White Figurine starts to get absorbed by Juno, who starts to show up again, slowly.</p> <p class="cnMyODllNWI3MTUwNTQwYWM5YmJhZTc5NTAzMTE5YjMy">“Why…how can you do this?</p> <p class="cnNkNTUxMWEzZjJlZDQ2OTc5YzQ0MGEwNGRmY2M0N2Rj">It is my job to carry you over!” – shouts the White Figurine angry</p> <p class="cnNkZTA4ZDE2OTBkMDQ0OTBhMWY0ZTk4MjhkODdlN2I1">“I’m sorry.</p> <p class="cnNhMGYzMjNhZjZjNzQ4NjU5NWQ4MTU1MDQxYjE5ZTJl">I still can’t go.” – murmurs Juno</p> <p class="cnNlOWJjMzFkZjUwMTRmM2E5YzA2NmM5ZDI4ZDYyYTgx">“What?!” – shouts the White Figurine, in fear</p> <p class="cnNhNjcxNzVlNDM4NTQzM2NhMWZmZWU3MjAyZTBkNWUz">“Everyone is counting on me…</p> <p class="cnNkOWM1NWZmNTBjNTQyMzJiZmU1OGU5MGE2OTMwMmIy">I have no right to leave them behind.” – replies Juno, as the White Figurine is half gone.</p> <p class="cnNhZTA3ZTE4MzIzODRhZDBiNmYyYmIzYzYyNmQ3ZTM3">“You….</p> <p class="cnMyY2NlMjhmNzI5ODQwODlhMGY0MWIxNWQ2NDMyMTE0">You’re a Human! How can you defy me?!</p> <p class="cnMwYzhjZjczMTc3NjRmYThiZGYzZTdmYzUxZTVhODEy">You are me!</p> <p class="cnNiNmZmMTE5MmU1MDQ1NDNhYTNjNWE3MmRhYmViYzE5">You-….!” – says the White Figurine, in panic.</p> <p class="cnM4YzM4NWIzYmVkMzRiMmViZWYzNDkyYTBlMzMwZmVh">A big flash of light comes out of the Gate.</p> <p class="cnM4MDgwYWY0MjE3ODQ1YmVhZWIwZWRjZWM4ZGFkZmY1">The whole place becomes full of emptiness again.</p> <p class="cnMxZmZjZTQwMzkxMDQ5YmZhOTcyYzIxYjAyY2ViM2M2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZDc0NTg0YzJiMjQ3Njc4NWViNTYyMDExOWZmZDAz">[Back to the middle of the ArchGod Dimension]</p> <p class="cnM2ZjVlYzRkYjg0MjRlYTg5OWUyZTdmODQ0MTI2ODA4">Despite their efforts, Fula had already lost her right arm to Garaam’s staff.</p> <p class="cnMzMDMyYjlkMDI4YTRiNGU5Nzc0M2JhN2ZiY2JhYzVi">There is a clear difference between those ArchGods, for Garaam had been preparing for this exact moment over the centuries, while the others hadn’t.</p> <p class="cnM1NzNhYzFmNTBjZDRkMDViNWIyYzdiN2NjOTQzNGEy">Fula was getting out of energy, and so was Alpha.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTJlNjliYWEzZjQxM2I5OTU0NGRlYmQ3YWYyNGFl">Garaam on the other hand, had plenty of it left.</p> <p class="cnNjYzlkYjE4YjA0YjRlZDhhMmQwNWJiZDk3MWVkYzM3">His staff color had changed, from blue to red.</p> <p class="cnMzMDcyODZmOWRjOTQ3ZjE4MzU4Y2ZhMDU5ZGQzY2M4">Red meant that Garaam wasn’t physical anymore.</p> <p class="cnM0MzY2MTQwYmRkZTRmYmY5ZmJhNGU2MWNjNmRiZTdm">He had made himself into a spiritual being, something that simply can’t be touched neither hurt.</p> <p class="cnNlZWI1ZWZmMWEzNTRmNWU5ZWUxYmFjZTA0ZmVhM2U1">Thus, rending Fula completely useless.</p> <p class="cnM4NmRlNDc2ZWM3MzQwNDQ4OTJmYTUxNjY3MjI0NTc4">As for Gowan, he had tried many spells to break Garaam’s barrier, but none had worked, not a single bit of his energy had disappeared.</p> <p class="cnM5NjE5NTVkOTY5YzRhMjg4YmYwMGI2MDBkZGQxY2I0">The moment had finally come, Fula and Alpha had run out of energy.</p> <p class="cnMyZTE3NmEwYjE3MDRmYjViMWQ0Mzg0Y2I0OTJmOWY1">Garaam laughs as he gets to Gowan, completely ignoring the other two ArchGods, who, without energy left, are meaningless threats to Garaam.</p> <p class="cnNiMTkyOTNhMWI3MTRjMTBiZDY1MTY0NGY5YzgxZGVh">“Pretty isn’t it?</p> <p class="cnM3MmIxYzEwZDBiODQxNDg5YTBkYTFiNzFlNWU4MzY1">I shall cover this whole Dimension with it.</p> <p class="cnNhZGExMWIyNDNiNTRlM2ZhYjUyYzQwYjFlOTMzYWE1">And then, I shall remake it.” – says Garaam, enthusiastic</p> <p class="cnM3NmYwN2YwMDZlZjQxYWQ5NWVlYzFjNTIwZDRjOTM3">Gowan sighs.</p> <p class="cnMyYjBkYWVhODJjOTRjOWNhNzZjODhkMmM5ZjE4NGY1">“You know I can’t fight you…” – says Gowan</p> <p class="cnNlMzdmMGIxYmFjYjQwZjA4NGRmYjNiNjcwMzBhNTUx">“That is why you still exist.” – replies Garaam</p> <p class="cnNhMTIwNjUyNjMxNDRlMDViZWVmNmUzNmJmMTQwOGQ2">Gowan looks to the other ArchGods, then to Clarietta.</p> <p class="cnMwNjM3NTJmNzU1ZjQ4ZWRhM2IwNzc0ZGQ3YWI0ODJi">“I’m sorry.” – says Gowan</p> <p class="cnM5OGExZWJiNzk4ZjQ5MGRhZDg5YzE1ODAwZDVkYzIw">“Well now…there is no need to be sorry.</p> <p class="cnNlYThiYjY0NDhkZTRiOWE5ZDBkNDczYWQyY2IzOGU2">Hyperium is the one to blame.” – assures Garaam</p> <p class="cnM3Njc1NjRlYzIyYzQ1NTU5ZDljOTk4OTY2ZDEyZjFh">Garaam passes through his energy barrier.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjdjMzZhYTY0NDQ5MDY4N2M4YTM5MDQzYjY3N2Yz">“Now…</p> <p class="cnNlMmU1YjcxNGNlMzQyM2JhODY5MTE3YjIyZWRhYzc4">Let’s make creation a better place, shall we?” – says Garaam, sounding victorious.</p> <p class="cnNjNjYxNzRjNTk2NTQ0YTk4OTlkN2M1MjJlNmJlNzY5">He swings his staff, reverting Clarietta to her original state, her full body is back.</p> <p class="cnNkNjc0MjE3NGFhNzQ4MGQ5MGUwNmQ4NDA2MzkzMDgy">“Now…” – says Garaam as he gives his hand to Clarietta.</p> <p class="cnM4M2Q2YjY5MGMxYTQxNGJhMDEwYzllNzRjZjQ0MGI4">“Let’s make the Change.” – continues Garaam</p> <p class="cnM5Yzk0YjJhMzczOTRiNzNiYzcxZWJhYzY5ZWMxZTMx">A huge amount of fire comes in every direction, destroying the whole ground around them.</p> <p class="cnMzYjEwZDAzNGI0MTRkZmQ5NmI4NjA0OGRmODhlZDdi">“First, you will have to defeat me, Garaam!” – shouts Harkiles, the ArchGod of Ember, who appears right behind Garaam</p> <p class="cnMyYWY0N2VlMjgxYTQzNzRhYjRiZDZiYWM5YjI0NTQ1">Garaam’s energy barrier was destroyed by Harkiles’ burning energy.</p> <p class="cnMxOTk2MjVjMWYwZTQ1YWE4N2QwOWFjZGIxZDRhODZj">Garaam turns back with a smiley face.</p> <p class="cnM2MmJkMzU5YjBhNDRiOGU4YTBjMDBjNTc5ZTBhNDk2">“I knew you wouldn’t turn your back to this Dimension.” – says Garaam</p> <p class="cnNkNTdiMTg3NGQyYTRiNDQ5NzQ0ZWUyNDY3OTQ1NmQy">“You always were the kind of sensitive God.” – continues Garaam</p> <p class="cnM2Y2M1Y2JjYjQ1ZTQ0MmM4ZjZjOTkxM2FjOTBhNWE0">“<em>Godo-Modo</em>” – shouts Harkiles</p> <p class="cnMwZGY4ZDU1MTA3ZTQ2ZjViNjE5ZGYwYWI4M2Q0MTZh">Harkiles whole body becomes infused with Flames.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTY2ZjYwMGRmYjQ2ODM4NGJjM2M2MmFlMzQ2MjA1">Only his presence was already enough to turn anything to complete ashes.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDBjMzI2ZjQ4MTQ0YjdhMDI0MTY0YTZlNTRmYWJh">Alpha had used his last remaining power to teleport him and Fula away.</p> <p class="cnNkNTgxZjY2YTcxMTQzMmJhMGJhNzNjMWEzM2M2MjIw">As for Gowan, he had made a seventh barrier spell around him, who would protect him for a while.</p> <p class="cnMyODVkMzgwNTU4YzQxYTI4Y2JjN2ExZGFhNTJmNGRl">The same goes for Clarietta, now that she had her full body back.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWMwNTQ4OTJlNjQ2NzE4NjRiYmI3YWYzYzA3MGMx">Garaam did nothing, despite the burning flames that burn everything around him, his pride and certitude on his victory makes him feel no pain from them.</p> <p class="cnNjZDI1NDY2M2ZkZTRkOTA5OWQwYmM1ZDIzODliNzBi"><em>“Vulcanus obliterationem” (= Volcano Obliteration)</em> – says Harkiles</p> <p class="cnMxZDRiYTczOTNiMDRjNWI5MGZiYmFlMzZmNmJiNjNi">The whole Dimension starts erupting, Harkiles was whiling to destroy everything and everyone left, to defeat Garaam once and for all!</p> <p class="cnM0OTMzMDJhMzI2NDQzZTQ4Y2I1NjM1Y2I2M2JhZGVi">Garaam smiles with his eyes closed as the burning flames start turning his clothes to ashes.</p> <p class="cnM2YzFhNmEyNWRkZDQ0YmE4Njc4OWYzMmY0NWUyNTI1">Garaam opens his eyes and points his indicator finger to the sky.</p> <p class="cnNjNzgzZGJkZTFjZjQxMDE4ZGQzNjJhMTFmYTUzYjAz"><em>“Orbis terrarum fugatrix” (= World Banisher)</em> – says Garaam with a soft voice</p> <p class="cnM5ZDE2N2MxZTQzNTQzMDZhNTFhZGMxNGQyY2Y1NTkw">From a moment to another the flames are gone.</p> <p class="cnMzNjVmM2YyNzJhODRjNzJhM2E5ZjQxZDIyODEzYmJi">Completely gone, one could say that there was never even a fire going around.</p> <p class="cnNlZjA4MzkwYzNiMjQ3MTk5ZmM1NWU1MDc1YTIwYjQ4">Harkiles is speechless, for even his flames had banish.</p> <p class="cnNkM2RhZThlMWMxNDRlNTJiNmRjZTVmY2ZmNDBhNzI5">He was now powerless.</p> <p class="cnNjMTdjMzgxMmM4ODQ1YmViOWJhYzUzYmQyNzVlYjE1">Not out of energy, just out of flames, his power.</p> <p class="cnMwZmRiYTM5ODliYzRhYjA4ODVkYzRhNTY5MDczOGI1">Garaam’ staff color went back to normal, for it takes him part of his energy to maintain each color active.</p> <p class="cnM1NDVkMDM1YzU1MTQ2NzVhODZmYjI2MTUxNmE4OGQ5">He was back to his normal form.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2RmYmU2NDBiMzQ4NDQ5MDVhYzFkNDVjMzZmNDIx">Just like the others, Harkiles was not a pointless threat to Garaam.</p> <p class="cnNmZDM2NjQ4MjRiZDQ5NzM4NTE1NmM4NGJhNDcyOTBj">“Please.</p> <p class="cnM1OTQ2YjBhYjU4MDQxZjA4ZTU1M2EyZTE1MWVmZWRj">You can still stop this.” – says Gowan, begging</p> <p class="cnNhYTU2MDJhYzIwYTRjOGFiYjdlMjJhZjFkZDI5MjQw">Garaam looks at Gowan, who continues:</p> <p class="cnM1MTgzZjY0ZWEyNzQ4ODVhMTlmMzhmZDM5ZDMwZTIx">“It’s not too late to revert things!</p> <p class="cnM0YmMwMWRjYTBmNDRiMDQ4YjEwYmZhN2ViYWMzNmFj">You have the power, you can still fix things!”</p> <p class="cnMzNDRlMmEzZDNiNDRlOWRiMjNkZDFjMzdlNmZkYTg2">But all Garaam sees, is Juno instead of Gowan.</p> <p class="cnNiMGE1ZDViMDI5NTRjZWE4OTM5OTU5ZDcwZjBjZDFk">Garaam smiles.</p> <p class="cnNiNTllMmQ0MDcyZDQ2OWM5MjBjOTk1Mjg0MzUyNDI4">He walks right in front of Gowan and kicks him out of the floating platform breaking his barrier.</p> <p class="cnNmNjIwNTQ2ZGUyNjQyNDFhYTZjNDJlNWRlNDBkYWNm">As Gowan falls down to the burned ground, Garaam says:</p> <p class="cnM1NTlhMjgwYTJjMDQ2ZDc5NTdmZDA2NzExZWM2MDg0">“Seems like you’ve been passing far too much time with that Human…</p> <p class="cnMzYjIxZDU0ZmY2YjQ4ZDk4NDZmNDA4MzVhZTlkNDRh">A noticeable mistake to relate our ideals with such inferior beings.”</p> <p class="cnNhYWRjM2JjZTcxNzQwYTJhYTM0M2QzNTViNTUwZWEw">With every ArchGod left defeated, the moment has finally arrived.</p> <p class="cnNmMDhkM2VhZWYxODRmMDQ4ZGVmNGYzYWZmZjA3YTIw">Garaam grabs Clarietta and takes her to the edge of the floating platform.</p> <p class="cnM2NDQ5MWI1NGM1ZTQ0NjZiMDMzZmQ5ZDEwMjA4OGE1">“Garaam…” – says Gowan, on his knees on the ground, looking above.</p> <p class="cnNlOWJkMzQzZjAyMTQ3N2RiYzBlOTdkMWE3YzEzNDBl">Garaam looks down, contemplating the destroyed Dimension.</p> <p class="cnM0YTdiZmVkYjE3NzQ4NDM4NjlmOWM0OGM4YzlmZTEw">“The final moment has come, Gowan.</p> <p class="cnM2YmZjOTViMzFhNTQwMjZiMzljYzI3N2E1OTUyZTc4">Despite your efforts to stop me</p> <p class="cnNkZDZhMmExNDQ0ZDRjZDJhNzhiOTQwMGFlODhjOGY0">Everything is about to change.</p> <p class="cnMwMjQyMTlmNTAwNDQ1MWY4NzYyOGQxODBhZTE3YTNm">This Dimension is hopeless, just like reality itself.</p> <p class="cnM0NzgxZjcyNTRiMDRkN2Y5ZmMwYjQzOWYxYzc4Yjgw">Everything thanks to our Reality Gods.” – says Garaam, rising his hands to the sky</p> <p class="cnNiNmFhYTkyYmFjMzQwMTBiYTkzNTI1ZWQxYmRmM2I1">Everyone closes their eyes, accepting their fate.</p> <p class="cnM1NTUxZThjYTBjMzQzYjg5ZWY2YmY3NmE5MjE3NzNl">Except Gowan, who looks at his old friend, who’s about to change everything.</p> <p class="cnNjZjM1ZmI5ODVhZDQ3OThiZGIxNzY5YmI5Y2Q5MDM3">Garaam’ staff starts glowing white, his light spread across all directions in the whole Dimension.</p> <p class="cnM0MmI2MmM2MDc2MzQwODViYzY3NDIyODU3ZmNiMTRl">“Begone.” – says Garaam, as a farewell to this old Dimension.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGQ3MDJiYWIyYTQyNWRhYTEwODQyNDE2NWE4ODQ0">Suddenly, something punches him on is jaw, breaking it, shattering it into pieces, sending them floating on air, knocking Garaam a bit up along with the impact.</p> <p class="cnM2NzdmMDZmMzY5ODRhYzc4YWZhMjFmOGVjYTliOTE5">“Wh—wha-att..?!” – says Garaam, almost unrecognizably</p> <p class="cnM3MTBiZmQxODM2MzRiNTRiYzRlMmE4NjJkNzdjY2Iy">Gowan is shocked, he can’t believe his eyes.</p> <p class="cnM5NDZhMTcxOWJlNjQwNGI5MzMyMWM4MTc4Mzc1M2Nh">“It seems like Human beings aren’t that much inferior to the Gods afterall.” – says Juno, who had punch Garaam on the jaw, thus, stopping the Change.</p> <p class="cnNhZjc0ZWZmNzg1NjQ0MGRiZTI4MDg5MjI1NzdmYjI5">“Ju--Juno?!” – shouts Gowan, surprised</p> <p class="cnM4Y2FmNjZlMDE4MTRiNjM5ZjA0MTRhY2U2OWIwNDAz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkM2FlOWEzMGUxNjQzZTg4MGM3ZjE0NTU0NWRiNGY3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NGUxN2E2NDJhNTQwY2JiZjE4ZDhkNWMyZDUzMjI4"><strong>End of Chapter 11.</strong></p> </div>
**Chapter 11: The Final Step**   And so, the moment Garaam has been waiting for has finally arrived. Everything was set for it and without the ArchGods to interfere, Garaam can finally end his plan. Garaam smiles has he is about to perform the so awaited change. “Now…the moment has come, Clarietta.” Gareem rotates his staff, it starts glowing gold, the whole dimension starts shacking, the ground collapsing, the sky starts getting tared a part. “So you’ve finally done it.” – says a voice coming from Garaam’s back. Garaam smiles. “So you came after all… Alpha.” – says Garaam, turning back to the voice. “At last, you came to witness me success.” – continues Garaam “A success... indeed.” – replies Alpha “Do not worry, those who I think worthy shall be reborn into the Change.” – says Garaam “You really are going through it…” – says Alpha with a heavy face. “It is too late to revert things my dear friend. The Change is the only option right now.” – says Garaam Alpha sighs. “Very well then…” – says Alpha, looking disappointing. As Garaam is about to continue with the Change, a bunch of Hands come out of the platform’s ground. Those Hands grab Garaam and carry him further into the sky, restraining each of his limbs. “What?!” – says Garaam, confused with what had just happened. But Garaam wasn’t whiling to give up everything now. With just a suing of his staff, he banishes those Hands, setting him free. “So Alpha isn’t the only one who stayed… Fula.” – says Garaam while ascending from the sky. Fula shows up in her ghost form, next to Clarietta. “Too bad Guilt is a symptom of the weak wills.” – says Garaam smirking “Too bad I don’t only rely on Guilt to fight.” – replies Fula while summoning one of his spears. Garaam looks upon them. “You’re only delaying it. Nothing more.” – says Garaam has his staff starts shinning green. “The color is green.” – murmurs Alpha to Fula “Yeah.” – replies Fula Fula strikes into the fight. According to Garaam’s staff color, Green means that if he touches anything with his staff, that thing will cease to exist, no matter what it is. Fortunately for Fula, she is considered the fastest ArchGod, second to Osaria, the ArchGodess of Motion. The battle, however, doesn’t get anywhere, as Fula is too focused on not only attacking Garaam, but also on avoiding the one and only game-ending hit that Garaam has to land to win the battle. As for Garaam, despite Fula’s great speed, it isn’t hard for him to avoid getting hit, as state above that Fula isn’t totally trying to hit him. Eventually, Garaam ends up banishing Fula’ spear at a crucial moment, right when she was about to land a hit on him, leaving her wild-open to his staff. Without the chance of stopping her attack, the Guilt God was about to get in touch with the Void God’ staff. Alpha appears right in time and uses his Aspect Powers. He transforms Fula into a microscopic size being, making Garaam miss the swing. As for Alpha, he quickly grabs Fula and teleports back to the ground, reverting her size again. Garaam smiles as the was one step close to win. “Why don’t you come both now? That way we shall end it faster.” – says Garaam, confident that he can take the two of them all at once. But before he could do anything, he gets pierced on his chest by a spear from behind. Garaam looks behind, there was Fula, the one who shoot the spear. “What?!” – says Garaam, surprised. It turns out that the one Fula who was fighting Garaam, was actually a clone. Garaam immediately falls of to the ground, on his knees. “That spear of mine makes you heavier than anything that creation can ever allow to exist.” – says Fula “Again. You’re just delaying the inevitable.” – says Garaam with an angry tone, as the spear starts banishing. But before it completely banishes, Gowan appears right in front of Garaam, and breaks the spear. Garaam backs off. “So what you broke it?” – says Garaam But something is wrong. The heavy feel from the spear is still there, even though the spear was clearly broken by Gowan. “Now!” – shouts Alpha Fula hurries to rescue Clarietta on the top of the platform. But right before she gets to Clarietta, a huge amount of energy gets across them two. The floating platform was teared in half. Garaam’ staff was shining blue, he had banished a part of it, separating Fula from Clarietta at the time. The energy formed a barrier around Clarietta. Anything that would touch it, would instantly banish. “Damn it!” – says Alpha, as their plan had failed. “So you broke the spear so I couldn’t banish it… Leaving a part of it inside of me.” – says Garaam “But what if I can’t fly? I’ll take you three on the ground!” – says Garaam while his staff starts shining blue Blue color meant that every swing he does would release Void energy, resulting in banishing anything it comes in contact with. And so, their fight began. Fula would try to hit Garaam with her great speed, while Alpha would save her from getting hit by Garaam’s energy, while Gowan would think of something to set Clarietta free.   [Back to Juno in the Void] “There is nothing to be afraid of. After all, nothing matters, right?” – says the White figurine while absorbing Juno Juno had already stopped. He knew it was pointless to keep on trying to set himself free, it just wouldn’t happen. He couldn’t outclass a Godly being, be it the Void itself. He had accepted his fate. To cease to exist. The thing he was the most afraid of. Not death itself, no. But what should come after it, nothingness. No thoughts anymore, no senses, no dreams, no conscious, just nothing left. Empty, is how Juno felt death was. And at last, his very fear had finally come. “Shit.” – says Juno to himself while getting absorbed, without the capability of changing his fate. As the last bit of him get absorbed, Juno starts remembering his adventure. Not his Human life in the Human Dimension, but instead, his after-life, in the ArchGod Dimension. He remembered his fall. His first encounter with Arbihime and Clarietta at the green lake. His encounter with Gowan. The beings he had met in this once glorious Dimension. And then, he starts remembering that this magnificent Dimension had completely changed. The prettiness had become ugly and dying. Everyone he had met has lost hope and had gave up. That despite everything, Juno, he would never accomplish his promise to the Gods. To free them. Juno cries as he is getting absorbed, even though he knew that was pointless, he was still a Human after all. “You and I will be –“- says the White Figurine, but he stops mid-sentence. Something was wrong. Something that shouldn’t even be possible to begin with. “Wh…what are you doing?!” – says the White Figurine, agitated It turns out that instead of Juno being absorbed by the White Figurine, the White Figurine starts to get absorbed by Juno, who starts to show up again, slowly. “Why…how can you do this? It is my job to carry you over!” – shouts the White Figurine angry “I’m sorry. I still can’t go.” – murmurs Juno “What?!” – shouts the White Figurine, in fear “Everyone is counting on me… I have no right to leave them behind.” – replies Juno, as the White Figurine is half gone. “You…. You’re a Human! How can you defy me?! You are me! You-….!” – says the White Figurine, in panic. A big flash of light comes out of the Gate. The whole place becomes full of emptiness again.   [Back to the middle of the ArchGod Dimension] Despite their efforts, Fula had already lost her right arm to Garaam’s staff. There is a clear difference between those ArchGods, for Garaam had been preparing for this exact moment over the centuries, while the others hadn’t. Fula was getting out of energy, and so was Alpha. Garaam on the other hand, had plenty of it left. His staff color had changed, from blue to red. Red meant that Garaam wasn’t physical anymore. He had made himself into a spiritual being, something that simply can’t be touched neither hurt. Thus, rending Fula completely useless. As for Gowan, he had tried many spells to break Garaam’s barrier, but none had worked, not a single bit of his energy had disappeared. The moment had finally come, Fula and Alpha had run out of energy. Garaam laughs as he gets to Gowan, completely ignoring the other two ArchGods, who, without energy left, are meaningless threats to Garaam. “Pretty isn’t it? I shall cover this whole Dimension with it. And then, I shall remake it.” – says Garaam, enthusiastic Gowan sighs. “You know I can’t fight you…” – says Gowan “That is why you still exist.” – replies Garaam Gowan looks to the other ArchGods, then to Clarietta. “I’m sorry.” – says Gowan “Well now…there is no need to be sorry. Hyperium is the one to blame.” – assures Garaam Garaam passes through his energy barrier. “Now… Let’s make creation a better place, shall we?” – says Garaam, sounding victorious. He swings his staff, reverting Clarietta to her original state, her full body is back. “Now…” – says Garaam as he gives his hand to Clarietta. “Let’s make the Change.” – continues Garaam A huge amount of fire comes in every direction, destroying the whole ground around them. “First, you will have to defeat me, Garaam!” – shouts Harkiles, the ArchGod of Ember, who appears right behind Garaam Garaam’s energy barrier was destroyed by Harkiles’ burning energy. Garaam turns back with a smiley face. “I knew you wouldn’t turn your back to this Dimension.” – says Garaam “You always were the kind of sensitive God.” – continues Garaam “*Godo-Modo*” – shouts Harkiles Harkiles whole body becomes infused with Flames. Only his presence was already enough to turn anything to complete ashes. Alpha had used his last remaining power to teleport him and Fula away. As for Gowan, he had made a seventh barrier spell around him, who would protect him for a while. The same goes for Clarietta, now that she had her full body back. Garaam did nothing, despite the burning flames that burn everything around him, his pride and certitude on his victory makes him feel no pain from them. *“Vulcanus obliterationem” (= Volcano Obliteration)* – says Harkiles The whole Dimension starts erupting, Harkiles was whiling to destroy everything and everyone left, to defeat Garaam once and for all! Garaam smiles with his eyes closed as the burning flames start turning his clothes to ashes. Garaam opens his eyes and points his indicator finger to the sky. *“Orbis terrarum fugatrix” (= World Banisher)* – says Garaam with a soft voice From a moment to another the flames are gone. Completely gone, one could say that there was never even a fire going around. Harkiles is speechless, for even his flames had banish. He was now powerless. Not out of energy, just out of flames, his power. Garaam’ staff color went back to normal, for it takes him part of his energy to maintain each color active. He was back to his normal form. Just like the others, Harkiles was not a pointless threat to Garaam. “Please. You can still stop this.” – says Gowan, begging Garaam looks at Gowan, who continues: “It’s not too late to revert things! You have the power, you can still fix things!” But all Garaam sees, is Juno instead of Gowan. Garaam smiles. He walks right in front of Gowan and kicks him out of the floating platform breaking his barrier. As Gowan falls down to the burned ground, Garaam says: “Seems like you’ve been passing far too much time with that Human… A noticeable mistake to relate our ideals with such inferior beings.” With every ArchGod left defeated, the moment has finally arrived. Garaam grabs Clarietta and takes her to the edge of the floating platform. “Garaam…” – says Gowan, on his knees on the ground, looking above. Garaam looks down, contemplating the destroyed Dimension. “The final moment has come, Gowan. Despite your efforts to stop me Everything is about to change. This Dimension is hopeless, just like reality itself. Everything thanks to our Reality Gods.” – says Garaam, rising his hands to the sky Everyone closes their eyes, accepting their fate. Except Gowan, who looks at his old friend, who’s about to change everything. Garaam’ staff starts glowing white, his light spread across all directions in the whole Dimension. “Begone.” – says Garaam, as a farewell to this old Dimension. Suddenly, something punches him on is jaw, breaking it, shattering it into pieces, sending them floating on air, knocking Garaam a bit up along with the impact. “Wh—wha-att..?!” – says Garaam, almost unrecognizably Gowan is shocked, he can’t believe his eyes. “It seems like Human beings aren’t that much inferior to the Gods afterall.” – says Juno, who had punch Garaam on the jaw, thus, stopping the Change. “Ju--Juno?!” – shouts Gowan, surprised     **End of Chapter 11.**
{ "title": "My second chance is as Dungeon Master?", "id": 21503, "author": "Arkai", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10.1 - Dither", "id": 305832, "next": 305889, "prev": 305812, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNzcyMjFjMTA1NDQ2ZTdhZjdjNTQ2YWM2YTQyMzhj">In a lush forest, a woman with braided-hair looking at the man in front of her with a tinge of fear. For the first time, she sees someone kill another creature easily — even though it’s justifiable when those goblins attack them first.</p> <p class="cnMxYjk1MzkwNjFjNDQxNGRhMWI4MmViNmFmY2YzMjhk">Still, she never sees this kind of gory scenery even in a horror movie because of her overprotective brother. Her first experience to see bloody things is on this scale which of course, make her terrified.</p> <p class="cnMxZGZkYmVmY2JmNDRiY2ViZmU3MjJmOWE5NjE1MjRh">That man bathes with monsters blood while swinging and changing swords — every time he kills a monster, he roars like a hot-blooded warrior while emits a terrifying aura that even makes goblins step back from fear.</p> <p class="cnNjM2ViNzk5NzUyYTRjMTliMjZlNWU2OTUzODdkYmM3">‘How can you kill without any doubts?’</p> <p class="cnMxN2MxMDdlM2FmMzRmYzY4MjE5ZTBmYThjMmQ1OTA5">‘What did you do on earth that need this skill?’</p> <p class="cnM2NmZiOWUzMGRkZjQ1MDFhYjBhMDcxOTM3NjhhMzk2">‘Will he kill me later?’</p> <p class="cnMyYmZiYjdmZTk1MzQ0YjFiNjM2MDBmYmY0NmM5MTUy">Many thoughts floating around inside her head while observing that man slays those goblins. Her hand trembles without she realizes — she knows this man is scary.</p> <p class="cnMwYjM5MWVlMzkyMzQ2MGRhN2VmYjJiMTZmZTJmNTU4">After killing those green monsters, that man changes into his calm demeanor. He turns around facing her and then looking at her expression. She doesn’t dare to face him and then looking at the ground.</p> <p class="cnMyYTk2ZmI4OWEzNDQ1MTJiZmYxM2M2MGI5ZWE4ZmNk">“Are you afraid of me?” he asks with a weak smile.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWY2ZjI0ZmRlYjQ0MjA4ZTQyNGU0OGVjNTZkN2I5">She wants to answer no, after all, she doesn’t know if that man will choose to kill her based on her answer. However, she felt a slight tremble in his tone. She stops looking downward and looks at his face — there is a tinge of sadness in his weak smile.</p> <p class="cnM3YWVmNzFmOTUxOTRjY2RhM2RmYWMzYjlhYjhhZmFj">She has the knack to read people emotions from a young age — even though he tried to hide his sadness, she still can perceive it.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjY2ZGYwMzU3MzRiYTI4YmIzM2ViMDlmNzhlNGU5">‘Please, don’t look at me with that expression,’ she thinks.</p> <p class="cnMxZTliOGU5YmQxMzQ4ZWE5MzRmZTJkYjhmMTlmMDVm">She understands that he genuinely wants to protect her, and she's grateful for it, but killing is still scary whether to protect herself or others. However, they are a different person with different values of life — she can’t arbitrarily judge him without even knowing his circumstances.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjBjYmZjYWMwNzRjOWVhNDliNjcyYTdmYmYzOGE2">‘Why you even protect me? We never met before,” she wants to ask but there no words coming out from her mouth.</p> <p class="cnNiNWE5NzlkMWQwZTQ2NjVhNWU3MGI2OGM1Y2FhYTk2">“Yes, I afraid of you,” after looking at that man expression she can’t bring herself to lie, “However, my gut tells me that I can trust you.”</p> <p class="cnMzZThlYzAzNDIyNDRlY2RhOGJiYjYwYzVlNmM4Y2Q3">“I won’t let down your trust,” he says with a genuine smile after hearing her answer.</p> <p class="cnM4YWNkYzBhOWFiYjQ4MmE4NThhNTc0ODQzYzg5MDU2">…</p> <p class="cnNhYWQ1ZDI1OTdiMDRiZDlhZTRjMjg4ZGI1ZjcwM2Y5">She’s following behind that man with her erratic breath, try to escape from goblins horde. Sometimes, there are one or two goblins in their way, but he slays those goblins swiftly and then took some kind of crystal from their bodies.</p> <p class="cnM5OWUzZjI1MGM0NjRkZmNiZDBlYWI3OGUwMDIxN2Q4">She runs without letting out a single complain because she understands how dire is their situation. However, he always knows when she can’t run again, he won't force her and instruct them to rest for a while.</p> <p class="cnNlOGYxZTc3MjBjNDQ2NWI4NjhlZGIzOTVhOTE1MWM0">After a while, they finally can’t see any goblins again which made her relaxed. However, even those lax feeling is only for a wink, that man realizes a sudden attack by a black liquid.</p> <p class="cnM0MWU5YTNhZjExMDRkMjVhNzY5YzM1YjMzNjVjY2Jl">“Watch out,” he grabs her body and then rush behind a big tree.</p> <p class="cnMxYWY5M2EzNjczNTRkMzk4MGVlOTc2MTFjMGM4OTI0">She opens her eyes and finds out how close they’re, she never this close with a man other than her brother, “what hap…” she wants to ask but it was cut off after seeing blood on his hands.</p> <p class="cnM5NjIxMzNhNDQ4ZTQ3YjQ4ZTFkNDdkNGM2MDkwMmRi">“It’s poison,” he mumbles with a grave expression.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjU1NzY1ZTNmZjRkNDdiZmZiOTYzNjdlODczN2Uz">“What do you me…” she wants to ask again but stops after seeing his unexpected action, he cut his left hand without any hesitation. He's doing something that even murderers will hesitate when they do it.</p> <p class="cnNhM2QzODFjNWQ3NTRkOWJhZTBiNmMyY2JhZDZkMWUz">However, she realizes that’s not a look of a murderer — it’s a look of a survivalist. She realizes how different they are, and why he can kill those goblins without hesitation. He’s not a psychopath or anything — he just spends his life in a harsh environment and ready to throw everything to preserve his life.</p> <p class="cnM3YmMyM2VkMDI2MTQ0ODE5NDY5ZmY5ZGUzZjkxOTA4">‘How precious that person to him?’ he asks in her mind after remembering how this kind of man instinctively protect her.</p> <p class="cnMxOWQyNDBmZmJhMDRlMGU4ZDNkYmNlNGU1ZDk3M2Ex">She looks at him, who still peeking towards their attacker, he mumbles inaudible words. However, she knows from his pale expression that this opponent is much — much stronger than those goblins combined. With his left hand gone, there is no way he can slay his enemy like earlier.</p> <p class="cnNiYWVjNGJmZjhiZjRlMjM4MzJmZmM3ZWI2MGM4OTY2">His pale expression is different from how he sees those goblins earlier, right now, he's staring as if all hope's lost.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2UwZWNmMDIxYTRlOGFhZDQ3MjNiZDkwZjlkZWVj">‘Will he use me as bait?’ she closes her eyes and quivers when thinking that. After all, this man is readily cut his arm off when he thinks there are no ways to save it — why he won't cut her off when he can't see any way to save her.</p> <p class="cnM3YTIwODgyNjFlZDRhZjI5OTAzZTg0MDMwZjdkZDBm">However, the words she imagined doesn’t come.</p> <p class="cnMwMzc2NTI2OTIzZjRjODRhOGVhNTQ0ODRjMmYzMjVk">“Hear me out, run towards the south as far as possible while I distract him,” an unexpected words coming out from his mouth, she knows this isn’t a lies — he wants her to escape even though he’ll die in the process.</p> <p class="cnNlZWYzYjc2MDg1OTRhNmI5Nzk3Yjg2MWFkMjY1MTc3">She doesn’t know what to say in this situation, but after looking at his determined expression, she finally nods.</p> <p class="cnM0MTYzYWQxYjQxYjQ5Mzg5OTNhYWE0ZWE1NGZkMjAy">“Good,” he says with a smile.</p> <p class="cnNkNTlhMTVlNjNlYjQwZTJhYmNlOWIwMThhNjRmZjc2">…</p> <p class="cnNlZmY1OWY5YWZmYzQ0M2Q5YzhkMDVkYmMzYTkwYzIw">In a lush forest, Emily runs but still can’t get out that man from her mind. Every time she steps forward, her step becomes heavier, burdened by her conscience that she survive with others live as a price. Even though she didn’t know much about that man and felt he was kinda scary, she still felt wrong to run like this — he saves her many times earlier, is it right to return it with sacrificing her savior life?</p> <p class="cnMxMDEyMGIwMDFmNTQ5ZWY5MGZlNzgzMDBhN2Y4MGQx">She's not sure.</p> <p class="cnNjOTU2YzFmZTZhMTQ5OTA5MWQxNzdkZTkwNzFiMWZm">What she certain is — this is contradictory with her belief.</p> <p class="cnNjY2MzN2M5NmIzMzQxYTJiNDIwNTFhZDgzOGExMTRm">In only a few minutes running from Elias place, she stopped her running. She's looking behind her with a face full of concern — her will to run waverings.</p> <p class="cnM4OWFmZjRiYzBiZDQ0YmQ4YjFiZTZkODAyMDdiMDJl">“I must be the stupidest person on earth,” she grabs the sword given by Elias and then turns around — to run towards him.</p> <p class="cnNmYTM3ZDZkZWQ0OTQxYjJhZWQzZjMwODY5MjRjODU5">However, in her ways, she never realizes that there are more than twenty pairs of eyes watching her closely. When she rest for a moment, a familiar sound comes from the trees.</p> <p class="cnMxMTkyZTQ1MWJhNjQ5YzA5MzNjMmZiMmI4ZjMxZWJm">Kiaaak!</p> <p class="cnNhMDY3MjU3ODgwMDQwYjBhNjJkN2M4ZWNjMGViZTc1">“Goblins?” he stunned after hearing those noises and then grab her swords. She doesn’t know how to fight, but her brother teaches her some basic of self-protection. Even though she knows it's probably not enough, but she needs try to protect herself.</p> <p class="cnM2YzA3ZjYyZDYyOTRjNDc4MzkyNjA1MTMwOWI2MTQz">She tries to calm her trembling hand while observing everything around her — waiting for those goblins movements.</p> <p class="cnM3OTk5MDVjOWVmYTRlOTZhYjhiNThhYTA5MDJjNDEy">Kiaaak! Kiaaak! Kiaaak!…</p> <p class="cnNiZWRmYmM1ZmQ2OTQyZmJhZGZjYjFjMDRjZjc5OTEz">Series of goblins scream reverberate in this forest which makes her shudder. However, after a while, those screams stop, and there is no sign that goblins anymore after that.</p> <p class="cnNhOTRhMmI5YzNlMDRjOWU4YmI3YWE4M2ZmM2ZjOGIw">She still not let her guard down even though there is no sign of goblins — waiting for something to come out. Not long after, a man wearing clean casual attires come out from between the trees, he’s looking at her with a smile.</p> <p class="cnMxNTVmYTg2ODEwOTQ3NTdhZTQ1OTk4YmYyZjMzMDVm">“Sorry for making you wait, Emily. There is a slight obstacle in the way.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDA2ZTMyZmFmNjQwOGI4ZTNmNGM3MDQ1OTBmYTE3">“Big brother, is that you?” her nervousness subsides and then she sits down in the ground after hearing his voices.</p> <p class="cnMxY2RmMTU1NDNkNzQyNzRhOTFiMWE1YTZiNzg2MTgw">She doesn't think how her brother can be here, what she can only sense is a relief when seeing him.</p> <p class="cnNlNDM2ZTQ2MzJlNTQ4MzZiMThiMGYwZjM4ZTY0NTky">This man is her half-brother, sibling from different mothers. Although they only half-sibling, their relationship is good. He works at night in his own security firm — even though he never discloses his job to them.</p> <p class="cnMwZDZmNzRkOWU1MzRlY2VhYzQ4YWIyODc4ODI1NmI3">“Yes it is truly me,” he’s chuckle after hearing her reaction, “C’mon stand up, I want to search little sister after this.”</p> <p class="cnMwMjY3NmQ1MjZmNzRhZWJiZmQ4ODYyNjVmZGRkOWM1">“Ah, wait a moment, big brother. There is someone…” she explains her situation, telling her brother about Elias and how she wants to save him, “… is that possible brother?”</p> <p class="cnNjMWE2Y2IxMDI3MzQ5ZTRiZGJlOTliMjYyMGI2NzM0">She asks him for his advice, after all, he’s wiser and much stronger than her.</p> <p class="cnMwNWE2OWRmZDBhZDQ5OWRhOGYyOTY2MTEyMzM1YmZh">He chuckles after hearing her question, “I can’t believe he didn’t have any ulterior motive when seeing my cute sister. However, he’s still your savior, please entrust it to me.”</p> <p class="cnMzMzM4MjUwZjIzNjQ1NjM5ODFhOWI3MDBkNGRlMmIw">Emily smile after hearing her brother words, this means there are chances for him to survive. She carried by her brother in piggyback — there is no change in his rhythmical breath even though he's carrying her while running, but Emily didn't notice this fact.</p> <p class="cnMwMzNmODNkMjUxZDRjODBhODUwYTZkYjQzOGQwMWIz">When they arrive in Elias place, they notice he laying on the ground with severe wounds while there is no sign of his opponent earlier. However, there a goblin swing a sword toward his head — try to kill him.</p> <p class="cnM4NDcyOGNmMGFhYzQzM2Q5YTdhNTJiZWNiMDQxMWNl">Before Emily notices, she already below nearest tree while her brother appears behind the goblin. She doesn’t know what happens, but the goblin internal organs splatter and its blood gushing from its pore. This scenery is gory, but she has some immunity to it.</p> <p class="cnMzZTFlNzA2ZGJjNjQzMTU5ZWNmODdlMGNlZmE0MDJm">While about how her brother can subdue that goblins don't make her wonder. If even Elias can slay goblins, she's sure that her brother whom she considers as strongest from her childhood can subdue a goblin or two.</p> <p class="cnNjYTBiOGNmN2MwNjQ0OTY5ZjM0MDhmZDhlNzEyZTNl">She runs towards Elias, tries to help him after seeing his injuries.</p> <p class="cnM1YTMyYmVmNDJiYzRkNDI5OWE4YWE3ZTMwYjI3OGE3">“Why are you back here,” he says after seeing her face, she can hear a slight tone of anger from his voice between his erratic breath.</p> <p class="cnMyN2ZhYjIzMjkzMjRhNDdiYzU4ZTkxNDMyMjFjNWRk">“Hey, you can survive only because she wants to go back here,” her brother says with an angry tone after hearing Elias remarks.</p> <p class="cnNhYWVkZDJkZjllODQ5MjU5YzAzMTAyZTJmZDRlZTdh">“Brother,” she reprimands.</p> <p class="cnM5YWI5NzBiZDY4NDQ2NGM4MTZmNWFlNWFiNDhkNGNh">Elias looks towards Emily’s brother after he realizes there is another person in this place other than her. At first, his appearance is a bit blurry because of some blood in his eyes, but after a while, he can see who is it.</p> <p class="cnMxNzQ2M2FkMTFlOTRjZmI4ODFhZDY4NTI1NmZiZTli">His calm expression change into a shocked one, without he realizes two words come out from his mouth, “Kim Hansoo.”</p> </div>
In a lush forest, a woman with braided-hair looking at the man in front of her with a tinge of fear. For the first time, she sees someone kill another creature easily — even though it’s justifiable when those goblins attack them first. Still, she never sees this kind of gory scenery even in a horror movie because of her overprotective brother. Her first experience to see bloody things is on this scale which of course, make her terrified. That man bathes with monsters blood while swinging and changing swords — every time he kills a monster, he roars like a hot-blooded warrior while emits a terrifying aura that even makes goblins step back from fear. ‘How can you kill without any doubts?’ ‘What did you do on earth that need this skill?’ ‘Will he kill me later?’ Many thoughts floating around inside her head while observing that man slays those goblins. Her hand trembles without she realizes — she knows this man is scary. After killing those green monsters, that man changes into his calm demeanor. He turns around facing her and then looking at her expression. She doesn’t dare to face him and then looking at the ground. “Are you afraid of me?” he asks with a weak smile. She wants to answer no, after all, she doesn’t know if that man will choose to kill her based on her answer. However, she felt a slight tremble in his tone. She stops looking downward and looks at his face — there is a tinge of sadness in his weak smile. She has the knack to read people emotions from a young age — even though he tried to hide his sadness, she still can perceive it. ‘Please, don’t look at me with that expression,’ she thinks. She understands that he genuinely wants to protect her, and she's grateful for it, but killing is still scary whether to protect herself or others. However, they are a different person with different values of life — she can’t arbitrarily judge him without even knowing his circumstances. ‘Why you even protect me? We never met before,” she wants to ask but there no words coming out from her mouth. “Yes, I afraid of you,” after looking at that man expression she can’t bring herself to lie, “However, my gut tells me that I can trust you.” “I won’t let down your trust,” he says with a genuine smile after hearing her answer. … She’s following behind that man with her erratic breath, try to escape from goblins horde. Sometimes, there are one or two goblins in their way, but he slays those goblins swiftly and then took some kind of crystal from their bodies. She runs without letting out a single complain because she understands how dire is their situation. However, he always knows when she can’t run again, he won't force her and instruct them to rest for a while. After a while, they finally can’t see any goblins again which made her relaxed. However, even those lax feeling is only for a wink, that man realizes a sudden attack by a black liquid. “Watch out,” he grabs her body and then rush behind a big tree. She opens her eyes and finds out how close they’re, she never this close with a man other than her brother, “what hap…” she wants to ask but it was cut off after seeing blood on his hands. “It’s poison,” he mumbles with a grave expression. “What do you me…” she wants to ask again but stops after seeing his unexpected action, he cut his left hand without any hesitation. He's doing something that even murderers will hesitate when they do it. However, she realizes that’s not a look of a murderer — it’s a look of a survivalist. She realizes how different they are, and why he can kill those goblins without hesitation. He’s not a psychopath or anything — he just spends his life in a harsh environment and ready to throw everything to preserve his life. ‘How precious that person to him?’ he asks in her mind after remembering how this kind of man instinctively protect her. She looks at him, who still peeking towards their attacker, he mumbles inaudible words. However, she knows from his pale expression that this opponent is much — much stronger than those goblins combined. With his left hand gone, there is no way he can slay his enemy like earlier. His pale expression is different from how he sees those goblins earlier, right now, he's staring as if all hope's lost. ‘Will he use me as bait?’ she closes her eyes and quivers when thinking that. After all, this man is readily cut his arm off when he thinks there are no ways to save it — why he won't cut her off when he can't see any way to save her. However, the words she imagined doesn’t come. “Hear me out, run towards the south as far as possible while I distract him,” an unexpected words coming out from his mouth, she knows this isn’t a lies — he wants her to escape even though he’ll die in the process. She doesn’t know what to say in this situation, but after looking at his determined expression, she finally nods. “Good,” he says with a smile. … In a lush forest, Emily runs but still can’t get out that man from her mind. Every time she steps forward, her step becomes heavier, burdened by her conscience that she survive with others live as a price. Even though she didn’t know much about that man and felt he was kinda scary, she still felt wrong to run like this — he saves her many times earlier, is it right to return it with sacrificing her savior life? She's not sure. What she certain is — this is contradictory with her belief. In only a few minutes running from Elias place, she stopped her running. She's looking behind her with a face full of concern — her will to run waverings. “I must be the stupidest person on earth,” she grabs the sword given by Elias and then turns around — to run towards him. However, in her ways, she never realizes that there are more than twenty pairs of eyes watching her closely. When she rest for a moment, a familiar sound comes from the trees. Kiaaak! “Goblins?” he stunned after hearing those noises and then grab her swords. She doesn’t know how to fight, but her brother teaches her some basic of self-protection. Even though she knows it's probably not enough, but she needs try to protect herself. She tries to calm her trembling hand while observing everything around her — waiting for those goblins movements. Kiaaak! Kiaaak! Kiaaak!… Series of goblins scream reverberate in this forest which makes her shudder. However, after a while, those screams stop, and there is no sign that goblins anymore after that. She still not let her guard down even though there is no sign of goblins — waiting for something to come out. Not long after, a man wearing clean casual attires come out from between the trees, he’s looking at her with a smile. “Sorry for making you wait, Emily. There is a slight obstacle in the way.” “Big brother, is that you?” her nervousness subsides and then she sits down in the ground after hearing his voices. She doesn't think how her brother can be here, what she can only sense is a relief when seeing him. This man is her half-brother, sibling from different mothers. Although they only half-sibling, their relationship is good. He works at night in his own security firm — even though he never discloses his job to them. “Yes it is truly me,” he’s chuckle after hearing her reaction, “C’mon stand up, I want to search little sister after this.” “Ah, wait a moment, big brother. There is someone…” she explains her situation, telling her brother about Elias and how she wants to save him, “… is that possible brother?” She asks him for his advice, after all, he’s wiser and much stronger than her. He chuckles after hearing her question, “I can’t believe he didn’t have any ulterior motive when seeing my cute sister. However, he’s still your savior, please entrust it to me.” Emily smile after hearing her brother words, this means there are chances for him to survive. She carried by her brother in piggyback — there is no change in his rhythmical breath even though he's carrying her while running, but Emily didn't notice this fact. When they arrive in Elias place, they notice he laying on the ground with severe wounds while there is no sign of his opponent earlier. However, there a goblin swing a sword toward his head — try to kill him. Before Emily notices, she already below nearest tree while her brother appears behind the goblin. She doesn’t know what happens, but the goblin internal organs splatter and its blood gushing from its pore. This scenery is gory, but she has some immunity to it. While about how her brother can subdue that goblins don't make her wonder. If even Elias can slay goblins, she's sure that her brother whom she considers as strongest from her childhood can subdue a goblin or two. She runs towards Elias, tries to help him after seeing his injuries. “Why are you back here,” he says after seeing her face, she can hear a slight tone of anger from his voice between his erratic breath. “Hey, you can survive only because she wants to go back here,” her brother says with an angry tone after hearing Elias remarks. “Brother,” she reprimands. Elias looks towards Emily’s brother after he realizes there is another person in this place other than her. At first, his appearance is a bit blurry because of some blood in his eyes, but after a while, he can see who is it. His calm expression change into a shocked one, without he realizes two words come out from his mouth, “Kim Hansoo.”
{ "title": "The Freed Dungeon", "id": 14648, "author": "kellmaster", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "3 - Growth", "id": 305834, "next": null, "prev": 173862, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhNGI1NDBmMTliYjRhOTk5ZjQyMDI4YmU0Y2E2ZGU4"><strong>-</strong><br><strong>Level 9</strong><br><strong>Attributes: Strength - 19</strong><br><strong>Constitution - 19</strong><br><strong>Intelligence - 19</strong><br><strong>Willpower - 19</strong></p> <p class="cnMwMzk1YjE3OGY0NDQ3YzNhN2FkODFmZTkyOWFkNGVl"><strong>Homunculus Skill List: Heavy Strike - attack</strong><br><strong>Pinpoint Blow - attack</strong><br><strong>Blunt Weapon Mastery - passive</strong><br><strong>Brawling - passive</strong><br><strong>Improved Evasion - passive</strong><br><strong>Throwing Mastery - passive</strong><br><strong>-</strong></p> <p class="cnMzZDFiOWY1N2JiMjQ5MTg5ODM4YmE1YWY5NTlmODhh">3 weeks after&nbsp;first discovering I could level, I finally hit level 9! Even though it had slowed&nbsp;substantially&nbsp;after level 5, it was still incredibly quick compared to what common sense dictated. Spending my time hunting dungeon monsters, and occasionally adventurers that had been separated from their party, I now had a set of average quality equipment for my "body" as I had come to consider my Homunculus.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ODY2NzU2YTA1MDQ1ZmE5OGU1YjIzZTI0NmZhMGI4">I had widened my shoulders to comfortably fit an iron scalemail shirt, and lengthened my legs a little for leggings made of some sort of hardened leather. Along with soft leather shoes and an open-faced helmet, I now looked the part of a bonafide dungeon delving adventurer! Now all I needed was someone to impress. Unfortunately, adventurers coming into my dungeon alone were extremely rare, and any party I spent time with would inevitably leave the range of my core, which along with revealing that I'm not human, would also drop my hard-earned equipment. So for the moment, I'm still stuck alone.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM0MDk1N2RlNGNhNDQ0YmI5ZDUyZjRmZTFiODAxNTUw">Stepping to the side, and using my small shield to deflect its leap,<strong>&nbsp;</strong>I shattered the spine of a wolf just behind its front legs with a <strong>Pinpoint Blow&nbsp;</strong>as it sailed past me. Not wanting to let it suffer, even if made of mana, I finished it off before returning to my core chamber to create a new body with my increased stats. Giving my new face a little stubble, and squaring the jawline slightly, I looked closer to a young man in his early twenties instead of my previous teenage appearance. Now that I had a suitable pair of pants, I gave up on being... Anatomically correct, in favour of extra freedom of movement.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MTAzNWFjYjlkNTRkNDJiOTQ5YzYzZGRjN2U5NmQ4">&nbsp;As my new body finished building, I heard my helm clatter as my previous one started melting back into mana. It looked like it would leave my equipment wet, but I had found it would dry and dissipate within a few seconds leaving my armor laying in a pile on the ground. As I unconsciously started re-equiping my armor, I had a quick scan of my dungeon. I had noticed over the past weeks that while concentrating on my puppet my sense of what happened in the dungeon was lowered, apart from in my core chamber and nearby my body. 2 males had just stopped for a rest in a small dead-end corridor and were chatting while looking over their equipment for damage.</p> <p class="cnMwMjkzMDQ4MzZiOTRhNjBhMDJlZTI5ZDEzOWM5NzA2">"So whats the deal with that ring you got hanging round your neck Max? I know you ain't married"<br>"Ah, this... This was enchanted once, by this priest in my group I was sweet on. She said it gave me a few extra points of health, to hopefully keep me safe if things are dire. She lost her life when we were fighting some wolves, one snuck up behind and damn near tore her head off before we could kill it. That's when I got this scar." Max lifted his shirt to show a faded line of teethmarks on his side. "I guess it worked, since I lived. Enchanter told me couple years back it had lost its use, but I keep it round. Feels like I'm carrying part of her with me. Something of a good luck charm, and a reminder."<br>"Reminder of what? Don't fuck with wolves?"<br>"HAH, yeah something like that"</p> <p class="cnNkZTY0Yzc4OTcxMTQ5YmNiNzM0Yzg2NmVjZTU3NmIx">Ironically a wolf rounded the corner of the corridor they were waiting in as I decided to ignore them. Obtaining some enchanted equipment would be a great boon, but that wasn't my main focus right now, what if I could carry... myself? My core was stuck in the stone, but what if I was able to remove it? What would happen to the dungeon, or me? I had nothing in my memories of a dungeon core being completely removed, but there was something about enchanters using core fragments to create permanent enchants.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjc1N2M5NmViZjRmMDI5NDkxMGNlNDM3ZjI0Mjlh">With some calculations I figured with 1 intelligence per level, if my core couldn't move, I would need to&nbsp;attain level 53 just to reach the pathway up in floors, and over level 100 to get to the dungeon entrance. Even the guard captain in Laraville was only level 43 after 35 years of guarding the walls from monsters and bandits. I really dont want to spend the next 50 years in this cave, I'm not sure I will even continue to level once these&nbsp;creatures become too weak compared to me.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkOGU4NmEwYzMyYzQ0MzRiZjM2Nzg0OTU1MGZmZTkx">A dungeon core is able to process a near infinite supply of mana, drawing from the land and animals nearby and concentrating it into the dungeon to create monsters. The size of a dungeon core is affected by the quality and quantity of nearby mana sources, as well as the size of dungeon it inhabits. Shards of a dungeon core could be used in enchanting and alchemy. Wow Alex really didn't know much about dungeons before he killed himself in one. I was going to need more information before I attempted anything, in case I followed his example.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMmFkNGIwZGVhMDRjZjViNTMxYWMxNzFkNDhhMmU0">Guess it's time to talk to some adventurers.</p> </div>
**-** **Level 9** **Attributes: Strength - 19** **Constitution - 19** **Intelligence - 19** **Willpower - 19** **Homunculus Skill List: Heavy Strike - attack** **Pinpoint Blow - attack** **Blunt Weapon Mastery - passive** **Brawling - passive** **Improved Evasion - passive** **Throwing Mastery - passive** **-** 3 weeks after first discovering I could level, I finally hit level 9! Even though it had slowed substantially after level 5, it was still incredibly quick compared to what common sense dictated. Spending my time hunting dungeon monsters, and occasionally adventurers that had been separated from their party, I now had a set of average quality equipment for my "body" as I had come to consider my Homunculus.  I had widened my shoulders to comfortably fit an iron scalemail shirt, and lengthened my legs a little for leggings made of some sort of hardened leather. Along with soft leather shoes and an open-faced helmet, I now looked the part of a bonafide dungeon delving adventurer! Now all I needed was someone to impress. Unfortunately, adventurers coming into my dungeon alone were extremely rare, and any party I spent time with would inevitably leave the range of my core, which along with revealing that I'm not human, would also drop my hard-earned equipment. So for the moment, I'm still stuck alone. --- Stepping to the side, and using my small shield to deflect its leap,I shattered the spine of a wolf just behind its front legs with a **Pinpoint Blow**as it sailed past me. Not wanting to let it suffer, even if made of mana, I finished it off before returning to my core chamber to create a new body with my increased stats. Giving my new face a little stubble, and squaring the jawline slightly, I looked closer to a young man in his early twenties instead of my previous teenage appearance. Now that I had a suitable pair of pants, I gave up on being... Anatomically correct, in favour of extra freedom of movement.   As my new body finished building, I heard my helm clatter as my previous one started melting back into mana. It looked like it would leave my equipment wet, but I had found it would dry and dissipate within a few seconds leaving my armor laying in a pile on the ground. As I unconsciously started re-equiping my armor, I had a quick scan of my dungeon. I had noticed over the past weeks that while concentrating on my puppet my sense of what happened in the dungeon was lowered, apart from in my core chamber and nearby my body. 2 males had just stopped for a rest in a small dead-end corridor and were chatting while looking over their equipment for damage. "So whats the deal with that ring you got hanging round your neck Max? I know you ain't married" "Ah, this... This was enchanted once, by this priest in my group I was sweet on. She said it gave me a few extra points of health, to hopefully keep me safe if things are dire. She lost her life when we were fighting some wolves, one snuck up behind and damn near tore her head off before we could kill it. That's when I got this scar." Max lifted his shirt to show a faded line of teethmarks on his side. "I guess it worked, since I lived. Enchanter told me couple years back it had lost its use, but I keep it round. Feels like I'm carrying part of her with me. Something of a good luck charm, and a reminder." "Reminder of what? Don't fuck with wolves?" "HAH, yeah something like that" Ironically a wolf rounded the corner of the corridor they were waiting in as I decided to ignore them. Obtaining some enchanted equipment would be a great boon, but that wasn't my main focus right now, what if I could carry... myself? My core was stuck in the stone, but what if I was able to remove it? What would happen to the dungeon, or me? I had nothing in my memories of a dungeon core being completely removed, but there was something about enchanters using core fragments to create permanent enchants.  With some calculations I figured with 1 intelligence per level, if my core couldn't move, I would need to attain level 53 just to reach the pathway up in floors, and over level 100 to get to the dungeon entrance. Even the guard captain in Laraville was only level 43 after 35 years of guarding the walls from monsters and bandits. I really dont want to spend the next 50 years in this cave, I'm not sure I will even continue to level once these creatures become too weak compared to me.  A dungeon core is able to process a near infinite supply of mana, drawing from the land and animals nearby and concentrating it into the dungeon to create monsters. The size of a dungeon core is affected by the quality and quantity of nearby mana sources, as well as the size of dungeon it inhabits. Shards of a dungeon core could be used in enchanting and alchemy. Wow Alex really didn't know much about dungeons before he killed himself in one. I was going to need more information before I attempted anything, in case I followed his example.  Guess it's time to talk to some adventurers.
{ "title": "Edea Chronicles: Hero Summoning Conspiracy", "id": 20762, "author": "Ruruci", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 63: Peace", "id": 305836, "next": 305843, "prev": 305080, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NzM3NmI3MzllMzQ4MjE4YjQ1YTc1YWJkMTg5ZDY1">.<br> <br>Kazuya lazily sat in the living room of the Kouzuki household. He had just finished his training and was watching TV while trying to recover. He switched the channels until he finally found the news where he was waiting for a certain report that he had been worried about.<br> <br>"[A boy is currently missing who is about the age of 18. Here is his most recent photograph, please inform any of the authorities if you have seen or have any details about his whereabouts, his name is…]" Kazuya continued watching the news and breathed a sigh of relief.<br> <br>"[Good news for all those who thought that artificial intelligence will never be available in this generation! The innovative and mysterious company has just released their demo for an artificial intelligence network that will allow users to interact with the company's main mascot Rucy!] The male announcer said.<br> <br>"[Wow, you sure are fired up for this invention]" The female announcer giggled.<br> <br>"[Of course! I went to the technological expo myself and was quite skeptical after their announcement. Kazuno Technologies have been slowly gaining recognition with the numerous number of useful programs that we never even imagined would be useful. Who knew that everything was a prelude to something like this?]"<br> <br>"[What exactly did you see?]"<br> <br>"[It was exactly as they advertised it! Rucy-chan was so cute and even responded to anything I could think of perfectly! She also has the ability to connect herself with all the programs that Kazuno Technologies have collaborations with to even be more useful to their masters! Such a masterpiece]"<br> <br>"[Wow, a complete virtual assistant that responds to voice commands? Are you sure about this?]"<br> <br>"[I'm sure. Some may think that I'm being paid for advertisement but I assure you I'm not. I was the one who shamelessly used my identity to spend more time with Rucy-chan in the demo room just so that I could confirm more of my suspicions on my own. This just might be the invention of the year… no the century!]"<br> <br>Kazuya couldn't help but give a bitter laugh after hearing the excited news reporter. He was present at the technological expo that was held in their prefecture and was the one who permitted the journalist to extend his time with the demo. This was because this announcer was later revealed to be a closet otaku in the future.<br> <br>It turned out to be more than he expected as the company got free advertisement in the news because of him. Both him and Mei couldn't show themselves to the public yet so he let the inventors themselves led by Void Android and Squid Buddha to present and supervise the demo for their company.<br> <br>This was one of the promises he gave his employees when he first tried to get them to join. They would be recognized for their inventions if they do so wished. It was because of this that made majority of them think that the strict contract wasn't really a bad because the company was also risking itself for the sake of their seemingly hopeless inventions.<br> <br>"Kazuya! Where are your glasses?" Kyouko walked inside and immediately noticed the absence of the glasses she bought for him.<br> <br>"Err… I just finished training so I haven't worn them because of the sweat" he glanced around and found it sitting near the window.<br> <br>It had been a little over two years since the incident with Lee in the national tournament. Kyouko had become more overprotective of her son and would get him anything that she thought would protect him from any kind of harm. She recently watched a documentary about the dangers of radiation, hence, the presence of the glasses she always wanted him to wear.<br> <br>"(Mom… even if it was severe radiation, that wouldn't even faze me)" he thought in his mind before moving to get the glasses.<br> <br>"Good! Have you seen Mei?" She was looking for her assistant who was supposed to be slacking off.<br> <br>"Nope. She left early with Yumi-nee-san in the morning" Kazuya pretended not to know what they were up to.<br> <br>"Seriously… she's taking Yumi-chan's mentoring too seriously. She's been doing that ever since she started college and she's already working now!" Kyouko complained.<br> <br>Yumi was hired as one of the assistants under Kyouko. No one complained as she was a Fujiyama and she directly learned from Mei which made her showcase her talents to convince everyone of her position. She was known as the Ice Queen's successor or the Ice Princess.<br> <br>"Don't worry about them too much mom. I'm here so I'll play with you, okay?" Kazuya held her hand. He didn't want her to worry about Mei and Yumi too much because everything they were doing was going to help her in the future.<br> <br>"Really? You've been really busy with your friend Takaya-kun lately so I thought it would just be me today" she snuggled up to her son. This would always calm her down and relax her especially whenever she's anxious.<br> <br>She was happy. What Mei told her was correct. All her son needed was time. Because of the message Kazuya said at the end of the video when he was with Lee, Kyouko decided to let go of wanting his memories to return and just accepted him as he now was.<br> <br>As time passed, her decision yielded fruits as the usual Kazuya began to smile more and more and even let her spoil him like she used to. He was no longer the moody child he once was.<br> <br>"Mom, I'm still covered in sweat so let me change okay?"<br> <br>"Don't worry about it. Your scent soothes me you know. It may not be long before I won't have the privilege to hold you like this you know"<br> <br>"Hmm? Why not?" he tilted his head looking confused.<br> <br>"Silly boy. Won't you be embarrassed to be seen by people, especially girls to be spoiled by your mom like this?" Kyouko giggled at her son's surprising innocence.<br> <br>"Why would I be? My mom the best among all the other girls. I wouldn't be embarrassed by such a thing"</p> <p class="cnM3NDIyZmNhZTY4MjQ2Y2I5ZjdjNDdjNzBlNWJlOTk5">"You promise?"<br> <br>"In the name of the Kou—" Kyouko put a finger on his lips. "You shouldn't say that so lightly. The future is still far ahead and you might regret making such a promise" she appreciated the thought but she didn't want her son to be bound by such a promise once he starts to chance when he hit puberty.<br> <br>"You worry too much mom. I'll always be your son and you'll always have the right to give me a hug. I'll just show you instead of being bound by a promise" Kazuya gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. He grew a lot closer to Kyouko especially after Mei had gotten a lot busier. He finally understood how it was like to have a mother care for him so he made sure to let his mother know how she was loved.<br> <br>"Uuuu… I'm going to cry if it turns out you were lying to me" she held him closer and wished that his words really were the truth. He was growing up very quickly and she couldn't carry him in her arms anymore.<br> <br>Kazuya had grown a lot taller in the past two years. He didn't know how tall he was during this time in his life but he felt that he was taller than he should be because despite his average height during his middle school years, he was already taller than most of his peers.</p> <br>He wasn't the only one. Tomoyo didn't let his growth spurt catch up to her as the pat loving girl made it too obvious when she lowered herself just so he could pat her. This made him come up with his own theory about mana helping with the growth of earthlings who have the capacity to use them.<br> <br>Because of their growth spurt, Jirou now had a hard time whenever he would spar with the two. This was more apparent in the case of Kazuya who more or less already mastered every single style he was either taught or gone up against during his time with them.<br> <br>Since things were relatively peaceful for the past two years, Kazuya has had a lot of time to study the book given to him by the demon king. He even tried a few experiments on his own and added a few theories he felt should be added as well as tried a few tests to answer some of the questions his predecessor needed to do on earth.<br> <br>The Kurogane Conglomerate suffered a heavy blow from the collaborated attack from both the Kouzuki Corporation and Stockton International. They were not able to implement a media block because of the presence of the more powerful influence in the hands of the father of the girl which Lee involved in his revenge.<br> <br>That was not all. The conglomerate expressed very strongly that Hashiyama Lee had already been disowned by their family for his independent attacks against Kazuya. The gun Lee used was found at the scene and ballistics confirmed that the gun was registered to the Kurogane family which further implicated them to have been behind the attack.<br> <br>However, due to the lack evidence to support their actual involvement to the incident, Kazuya's statement in the video which let him convince the men Lee hired actually helped the Kurogane family a little. That being said, the Kurogane family steered clear from any conflicts between the Kouzuki family now that they have Stockton International at their backs.<br> <br>*RING RING*<br> <br>"Your phone is ringing Kazuya" Kyouko reminded her son who didn't seem to want to answer the call after seeing who it was trying to contact him.<br> <br>[Stockton Kurumi]<br> <br>*sigh* "I'll go and take the call and get changed. We can go out to play or we can stay home if you want to" Kazuya excused himself.<br> <br>Kazuya never actually expected Kurumi to have been involved in the incident nor did he expect for Lee to make such a move. It would have been good if he did which was he had hidden his cellphone inside his kendo uniform. Kurumi's presence the moment he put himself in a corner changed his plans a lot especially since Lee's plans actually involved him showing himself.<br> <br>The girl who had a bad habit of showing herself whenever he least expected it seemed to have brought over this trait from his previous life. She could have potentially ruined everything he had planned, so after confirming that she indeed had relations with him before he lost his memories, he made her swear to never speak of it. This was a kind of test that he had set for her as well as a risk since there was not way of dealing with the situation without the other party getting her involved.<br> <br>Unfortunately for Kazuya, unlike his expectations, Kurumi had kept her word which made him realize that this troublesome girl and the weird girl from his previous life highly valued their lost relations. She never even showed signs of breaking her oath even after getting hit by one of the assailants. He didn't know what her intentions were in both lifetimes but the fact that he now owed her a debt was real.<br> <br>To make matters worse, her father stepped in as he expected the moment she got involved. He even came up with a crazy condition that no one should interfere with their friendship. This put pressure on him to not to fully reject this girl like he initially intended. Stockton International went all out in their cooperation to help them suppress all the influence the Kurogane Conglomerate had to try and cover up this incident. They even suffered a financial loss to give them a warning that messing with them was not an option they could choose without repercussions.<br> <br>He had mixed emotions about how to handle this person. Kazuya thought that everything would have been much simpler if she had told in in his previous life that they were friends before he lost his memories. Even if she didn't want to claim something like that, she could have simply told him that she wanted to be his friend. He would not have thought as much as he needed to or avoid her as much as he did if she had done so.<br> <br>"Hello?" he reluctantly answered the phone.<br> <br>"Good afternoon Kazuya-kun. How are you today?" She sounded a bit nervous but she always would at the beginning. Kazuya found this amusing because this girl had always been afraid that he might reject her calls at any time.<br> <br>"I'm the same as always. I just finished training and will be going to be doing things with my mom after I get a little rest and get changed" He replied while he picked out the clothes he was going to change to.<br> <br>Even though her father wanted the two to become friends, they actually haven't up after he had gotten discharged from the hospital. This was mainly because he learned that she had the intention of transferring to Sacred Forest Academy.<br> <br>He encouraged her and didn't find anything wrong with this idea because she was an upperclassman in middle school in the same academy much like Shiroyukl Tomoyo. But what he didn't know that his encouragement made her even more motivated to study. Kurumi had to settle for making phone calls and sending messages for the time being.<br> <br>"Did you call because you had some trouble with your studies again?" he knew this girl would make such excuses to call so he wasted no time and asked her. Kyouko had been a little troubled with work lately so he wanted to help his mother to have a relaxing day off.<br> <br>In his first life, Kazuya had a cell phone that he used to contact work or contact Mei. He really didn't have anything much to use it for. A full charge on would usually last him a few days but it was quite the opposite in this life. He would sometimes have a difficult time keeping his phone alive for half a day and would have to use his mana to charge it up at school.<br> <br>*BEEP*<br> <br>"Huh?" his phone reminded him that he received a message as he was in a call.<br> <br>"What's wrong Kazuya-kun? Did something happen?" Kurumi started getting nervous again.<br> <br>"It's nothing. I just received a message" he looked at his phone and it was another one of the culprits.<br> <br>Kurumi was fond of giving him calls while this person stuck to her nickname as a 'robot' and started sending him messages as soon as she learned how to use a cellphone by herself. These two, combined with Mei and Kyouko would make him thankful for being able to discover training intricate mana control so that he could charge his cellphone conveniently.<br> <br>"It's not that important so you can tell me what you called me for" Kazuya decided that finishing this call was more of a priority so he decided to ignore the robot girl for now.<br> <br>"Well… I have good news! I've finally passed the transfer exam and will be transferring to Sacred Forest Academy immediately!"<br> <br>.<p></p> </div>
. Kazuya lazily sat in the living room of the Kouzuki household. He had just finished his training and was watching TV while trying to recover. He switched the channels until he finally found the news where he was waiting for a certain report that he had been worried about. "[A boy is currently missing who is about the age of 18. Here is his most recent photograph, please inform any of the authorities if you have seen or have any details about his whereabouts, his name is…]" Kazuya continued watching the news and breathed a sigh of relief. "[Good news for all those who thought that artificial intelligence will never be available in this generation! The innovative and mysterious company has just released their demo for an artificial intelligence network that will allow users to interact with the company's main mascot Rucy!] The male announcer said. "[Wow, you sure are fired up for this invention]" The female announcer giggled. "[Of course! I went to the technological expo myself and was quite skeptical after their announcement. Kazuno Technologies have been slowly gaining recognition with the numerous number of useful programs that we never even imagined would be useful. Who knew that everything was a prelude to something like this?]" "[What exactly did you see?]" "[It was exactly as they advertised it! Rucy-chan was so cute and even responded to anything I could think of perfectly! She also has the ability to connect herself with all the programs that Kazuno Technologies have collaborations with to even be more useful to their masters! Such a masterpiece]" "[Wow, a complete virtual assistant that responds to voice commands? Are you sure about this?]" "[I'm sure. Some may think that I'm being paid for advertisement but I assure you I'm not. I was the one who shamelessly used my identity to spend more time with Rucy-chan in the demo room just so that I could confirm more of my suspicions on my own. This just might be the invention of the year… no the century!]" Kazuya couldn't help but give a bitter laugh after hearing the excited news reporter. He was present at the technological expo that was held in their prefecture and was the one who permitted the journalist to extend his time with the demo. This was because this announcer was later revealed to be a closet otaku in the future. It turned out to be more than he expected as the company got free advertisement in the news because of him. Both him and Mei couldn't show themselves to the public yet so he let the inventors themselves led by Void Android and Squid Buddha to present and supervise the demo for their company. This was one of the promises he gave his employees when he first tried to get them to join. They would be recognized for their inventions if they do so wished. It was because of this that made majority of them think that the strict contract wasn't really a bad because the company was also risking itself for the sake of their seemingly hopeless inventions. "Kazuya! Where are your glasses?" Kyouko walked inside and immediately noticed the absence of the glasses she bought for him. "Err… I just finished training so I haven't worn them because of the sweat" he glanced around and found it sitting near the window. It had been a little over two years since the incident with Lee in the national tournament. Kyouko had become more overprotective of her son and would get him anything that she thought would protect him from any kind of harm. She recently watched a documentary about the dangers of radiation, hence, the presence of the glasses she always wanted him to wear. "(Mom… even if it was severe radiation, that wouldn't even faze me)" he thought in his mind before moving to get the glasses. "Good! Have you seen Mei?" She was looking for her assistant who was supposed to be slacking off. "Nope. She left early with Yumi-nee-san in the morning" Kazuya pretended not to know what they were up to. "Seriously… she's taking Yumi-chan's mentoring too seriously. She's been doing that ever since she started college and she's already working now!" Kyouko complained. Yumi was hired as one of the assistants under Kyouko. No one complained as she was a Fujiyama and she directly learned from Mei which made her showcase her talents to convince everyone of her position. She was known as the Ice Queen's successor or the Ice Princess. "Don't worry about them too much mom. I'm here so I'll play with you, okay?" Kazuya held her hand. He didn't want her to worry about Mei and Yumi too much because everything they were doing was going to help her in the future. "Really? You've been really busy with your friend Takaya-kun lately so I thought it would just be me today" she snuggled up to her son. This would always calm her down and relax her especially whenever she's anxious. She was happy. What Mei told her was correct. All her son needed was time. Because of the message Kazuya said at the end of the video when he was with Lee, Kyouko decided to let go of wanting his memories to return and just accepted him as he now was. As time passed, her decision yielded fruits as the usual Kazuya began to smile more and more and even let her spoil him like she used to. He was no longer the moody child he once was. "Mom, I'm still covered in sweat so let me change okay?" "Don't worry about it. Your scent soothes me you know. It may not be long before I won't have the privilege to hold you like this you know" "Hmm? Why not?" he tilted his head looking confused. "Silly boy. Won't you be embarrassed to be seen by people, especially girls to be spoiled by your mom like this?" Kyouko giggled at her son's surprising innocence. "Why would I be? My mom the best among all the other girls. I wouldn't be embarrassed by such a thing" "You promise?" "In the name of the Kou—" Kyouko put a finger on his lips. "You shouldn't say that so lightly. The future is still far ahead and you might regret making such a promise" she appreciated the thought but she didn't want her son to be bound by such a promise once he starts to chance when he hit puberty. "You worry too much mom. I'll always be your son and you'll always have the right to give me a hug. I'll just show you instead of being bound by a promise" Kazuya gave her a hug and kissed her forehead. He grew a lot closer to Kyouko especially after Mei had gotten a lot busier. He finally understood how it was like to have a mother care for him so he made sure to let his mother know how she was loved. "Uuuu… I'm going to cry if it turns out you were lying to me" she held him closer and wished that his words really were the truth. He was growing up very quickly and she couldn't carry him in her arms anymore. Kazuya had grown a lot taller in the past two years. He didn't know how tall he was during this time in his life but he felt that he was taller than he should be because despite his average height during his middle school years, he was already taller than most of his peers. He wasn't the only one. Tomoyo didn't let his growth spurt catch up to her as the pat loving girl made it too obvious when she lowered herself just so he could pat her. This made him come up with his own theory about mana helping with the growth of earthlings who have the capacity to use them. Because of their growth spurt, Jirou now had a hard time whenever he would spar with the two. This was more apparent in the case of Kazuya who more or less already mastered every single style he was either taught or gone up against during his time with them. Since things were relatively peaceful for the past two years, Kazuya has had a lot of time to study the book given to him by the demon king. He even tried a few experiments on his own and added a few theories he felt should be added as well as tried a few tests to answer some of the questions his predecessor needed to do on earth. The Kurogane Conglomerate suffered a heavy blow from the collaborated attack from both the Kouzuki Corporation and Stockton International. They were not able to implement a media block because of the presence of the more powerful influence in the hands of the father of the girl which Lee involved in his revenge. That was not all. The conglomerate expressed very strongly that Hashiyama Lee had already been disowned by their family for his independent attacks against Kazuya. The gun Lee used was found at the scene and ballistics confirmed that the gun was registered to the Kurogane family which further implicated them to have been behind the attack. However, due to the lack evidence to support their actual involvement to the incident, Kazuya's statement in the video which let him convince the men Lee hired actually helped the Kurogane family a little. That being said, the Kurogane family steered clear from any conflicts between the Kouzuki family now that they have Stockton International at their backs. *RING RING* "Your phone is ringing Kazuya" Kyouko reminded her son who didn't seem to want to answer the call after seeing who it was trying to contact him. [Stockton Kurumi] *sigh* "I'll go and take the call and get changed. We can go out to play or we can stay home if you want to" Kazuya excused himself. Kazuya never actually expected Kurumi to have been involved in the incident nor did he expect for Lee to make such a move. It would have been good if he did which was he had hidden his cellphone inside his kendo uniform. Kurumi's presence the moment he put himself in a corner changed his plans a lot especially since Lee's plans actually involved him showing himself. The girl who had a bad habit of showing herself whenever he least expected it seemed to have brought over this trait from his previous life. She could have potentially ruined everything he had planned, so after confirming that she indeed had relations with him before he lost his memories, he made her swear to never speak of it. This was a kind of test that he had set for her as well as a risk since there was not way of dealing with the situation without the other party getting her involved. Unfortunately for Kazuya, unlike his expectations, Kurumi had kept her word which made him realize that this troublesome girl and the weird girl from his previous life highly valued their lost relations. She never even showed signs of breaking her oath even after getting hit by one of the assailants. He didn't know what her intentions were in both lifetimes but the fact that he now owed her a debt was real. To make matters worse, her father stepped in as he expected the moment she got involved. He even came up with a crazy condition that no one should interfere with their friendship. This put pressure on him to not to fully reject this girl like he initially intended. Stockton International went all out in their cooperation to help them suppress all the influence the Kurogane Conglomerate had to try and cover up this incident. They even suffered a financial loss to give them a warning that messing with them was not an option they could choose without repercussions. He had mixed emotions about how to handle this person. Kazuya thought that everything would have been much simpler if she had told in in his previous life that they were friends before he lost his memories. Even if she didn't want to claim something like that, she could have simply told him that she wanted to be his friend. He would not have thought as much as he needed to or avoid her as much as he did if she had done so. "Hello?" he reluctantly answered the phone. "Good afternoon Kazuya-kun. How are you today?" She sounded a bit nervous but she always would at the beginning. Kazuya found this amusing because this girl had always been afraid that he might reject her calls at any time. "I'm the same as always. I just finished training and will be going to be doing things with my mom after I get a little rest and get changed" He replied while he picked out the clothes he was going to change to. Even though her father wanted the two to become friends, they actually haven't up after he had gotten discharged from the hospital. This was mainly because he learned that she had the intention of transferring to Sacred Forest Academy. He encouraged her and didn't find anything wrong with this idea because she was an upperclassman in middle school in the same academy much like Shiroyukl Tomoyo. But what he didn't know that his encouragement made her even more motivated to study. Kurumi had to settle for making phone calls and sending messages for the time being. "Did you call because you had some trouble with your studies again?" he knew this girl would make such excuses to call so he wasted no time and asked her. Kyouko had been a little troubled with work lately so he wanted to help his mother to have a relaxing day off. In his first life, Kazuya had a cell phone that he used to contact work or contact Mei. He really didn't have anything much to use it for. A full charge on would usually last him a few days but it was quite the opposite in this life. He would sometimes have a difficult time keeping his phone alive for half a day and would have to use his mana to charge it up at school. *BEEP* "Huh?" his phone reminded him that he received a message as he was in a call. "What's wrong Kazuya-kun? Did something happen?" Kurumi started getting nervous again. "It's nothing. I just received a message" he looked at his phone and it was another one of the culprits. Kurumi was fond of giving him calls while this person stuck to her nickname as a 'robot' and started sending him messages as soon as she learned how to use a cellphone by herself. These two, combined with Mei and Kyouko would make him thankful for being able to discover training intricate mana control so that he could charge his cellphone conveniently. "It's not that important so you can tell me what you called me for" Kazuya decided that finishing this call was more of a priority so he decided to ignore the robot girl for now. "Well… I have good news! I've finally passed the transfer exam and will be transferring to Sacred Forest Academy immediately!" .
{ "title": "Gabriel \"The Bastard Son\"", "id": 16699, "author": "Mads1289", "rating": 3.2 }
{ "title": "Awkward Encounter", "id": 305839, "next": 307902, "prev": 303799, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YjkwYjExNTZiNzQ1YThiN2Y1NTliZTJlZjU5ZjI1">The first period was over and now Gabriel and Mak were on a break for a couple of minutes, of course, they drew the attention of everyone in the class due to them being new guys, when the teacher, Mrs.Misa left the classroom everyone gathered<br>around them, at first a girl with dark hair and a bow on her head and a cheerful smile approached them and begun asking questions...<br>Miko-Hi, Gabriel, Mak, my name is Fukazuki Miko, nice to meet you, where are you two from?<br>Gabriel was startled from her talking so much and stayed silent, Mak, having way better social skills answered casually...<br>Mak-Hi, Miko-chan, nice to meet you too, we are from a small European village, you probably won't know its name.<br>Miko-I see, why did you decide to come to our school?<br>Gabriel looked at Miko, then he looked at Mak and back to Miko...<br>Mak-In our previous school there was someone who bullied Gabriel and he decided he had enough, so we left and we saw this school on the internet, he said he loved the way it looked in pictures.<br>Miko-I am sorry to hear that in our time there are people who bully others, Gabriel seems quite shy, maybe that's why this happened. Gabriel couldn't speak a word, all kinds of thoughts popped in his head, like how are things still coming out of her mouth, why hasn't she stopped talking? Also, he was amazed at how easily Mak used his story in order to make an extremely possible scenario that fast and without any effort he replied to everything that Miko asked...<br>Mak-Yes, he is very shy, I mostly do all the talking when people approach us.<br>At this point both Gabriel and Mak noticed the same girl that was staring at Gabriel, she kept her distance and continued to observe them interested but also wary of them.<br>Miko-Or maybe this guy bullied poor Gabriel because he was jealous.<br>Mak-Jealous?<br>Miko-Yes because Gabriel is cute.<br>Gabriel's eyes opened up slightly after he heard that, he looked at Miko and then to the ground as he was too embarrassed to keep eye contact, Miko noticed that...<br>Miko-How cute!<br>Mak-Well if you find Gabriel cute, then...<br>Miko-What?<br>Mak-Forget it, I see that there is a line waiting behind you.<br>Miko-They are all waiting to ask you guys lots of questions, later.<br>Mak-See you, Miko-chan!<br>When Miko left, another student came close, this time it was one of the people that was staring at them earlier, the tall muscular guy with the brown hair, as he came close to them he had a huge smile with all of his perfect white teeth showing, a<br>sincere smile with just a hint of curiosity...<br>Kato-Nice to meet you, my name is Atasuke Kato, I am the class representative.<br>Mak-Hi, Atasuke-san, as you know, I am Mak and this guy is Gabriel, nice to meet you.<br>At this point the boy that was sitting next to Kato cut the line and stood next to him, up close both Gabriel and mak noticed how all the girls of the class looked at him, his curly blonde hair and his facial and body features all screamed handsome, Gabriel looked at him and noticed that he must be one of those ladies men, he immediately made an annoyed face as this types of people always made Gabriel angry, without any effort they looked good and had all the girls falling for them...<br>Asano-Heyo, I am Shunichi Asano, better remember this name cause you will be hearing it a lot.<br>Mak-Nice to meet you, Shunichi-san.<br>Asano-Hey, Kato, would you like to ask them first?<br>Kato-Now, now Asano, don't be rude to the new guys, I am sure we will have plenty of time to ask them, first let's tell them about ourselves.<br>Asano-Sure, I am awesome, I play at the basketball team, so does Kato, he is the captain of the team as well as the class representative.<br>At this point a beautiful girl passing by stepped in...<br>Girl-Hey, Shunichi-senpai, would you like to come with us to the cafeteria?<br>Asano replied with a hearty smile...<br>Asano-Not now, I am in the middle of something, catch you later...<br>Gabriel-(Fuck off, pretty boy.)<br>Another girl, even more beautiful girl asked something similar...<br>Girl-Shunichi-san, how about joining me and my friends at our room tonight?<br>Asano-I don't know about today, I have to study and practice with the team.<br>Girl-Too bad, kisses.<br>Mak-You are quite popular Shunichi-san.(And irritating.)<br>Kato-You guys will get used to this, Asano-san has lots of fans.<br>Gabriel-I am sure about that. (I bet he hasn't beat the shit out of vampires and demons though).<br>Kato-Now, I have to ask a favor of you two, could you meet me at a shrine close by after school? I want to ask you guys something and this isn't the right place. Especially you, Gabriel-san.<br>Asano--Yes, we can ask them at the shrine, how did I not think of that?<br>Gabriel-(Cause you are a fucking idiot with a pretty face.)<br>Kato's honesty and cheerful character made it almost impossible to deny him, Mak also said that they should also visit the shrine after school so this wouldn't be such a bad idea...<br>Mak-Sure, Atasuke-san, we will see you there, I presume Shunichi-san will also be there since he was so eager to ask the same question?<br>Asano-You are a clever one, Mak-san.<br>Gabriel-(Unlike you, clown.)<br>Kato-We shall see each other later, I guess.<br>Mak-What? Aren't you two going to stay for next class?<br>Kato-I am sorry, the basketball team has practice today and both me and Asano-san will have to leave as soon as the bell rings.<br>Mak-Being in the team lets you skip class? Cool.<br>Asano-It's one of the privileges of being awesome.<br>Gabriel-(I swear before I leave I will punch your stupid little perfect face to the ground.) Later then.<br>Kato, Asano-Later.<br>Lots of other students came by and all of them asked questions like where they were from and why did they enroll to this school, one of them even asked if they wanted to buy smokes from him. Before even half of them got their turn the bell rung for<br>the next class, everyone returned to their seats apart from Kato and Asano who left for basketball practice, Gabriel finally could relax and had some time to think straight, all of these questions were just too much for him, he never had to do much<br>talking and socialize with this many people at once, when he found his chance he turned to whisper to Mak...<br>Gabriel-Don't tell me that we are going to see this guy again?<br>Mak-Why, I like Kato, he seems like a cool guy.<br>Gabriel-I know, come one though...<br>Mak-I get you, this guy makes me mad too. How much arrogance can fit in a small head like his?<br>Gabriel-Fucking idiot, I was this close to crushing his head on the desk.<br>Mak-Keep you calm, you can't let someone like him blow our cover, the entire police department will be on our asses if you do something stupid.<br>Gabriel-I just...Why him? Why are there all those idiots with their well-built bodies and the pretty faces get all the girls?<br>Mak-Are you jealous? You have a good looking body as well, now for the face that's another story.<br>Gabriel-I am not jealous, I have killed vampires and demons, what has he done? Has he even held a gun? I have an Uzi.<br>Mak-Relax, relax, let me do all the talking, we will have to go to the shrine anyway, don't forget why we are here. There is a Shinigami trapped back home.<br>Gabriel-I know, it's that...I don't understand why he is so...</p>Mak-I am glad that we didn't bring Carmen with us, I don't think she could resist this guy.<br>Gabriel-Carmen would never fall for someone this shallow and arrogant and stupid and...<br>Mak-Yeah...<br>Gabriel-I mean...<br>Mak-Hey, by the way, this crazy chick in front is staring again, don't look but this time she looks even scarier.<br>Gabriel-What's up with her.<br>Mak-Maybe Asano dumped her and now she digs you.<br>Gabriel-Don't even joke about that, I have Helen.<br>Mak-Whatever.<br>For the rest of the class Mak fell asleep on his desk and Gabriel kept looking at the ceiling, they obviously had no intention to pay attention to the teacher and both of them were bored from the moment that they entered the classroom, the rest of<br>the day passed and now they had some time before it was launch time, after they had finished eating they were going to visit the shrine and meet with Kato and Asano even though Gabriel didn't want to talk to him again, when they went outside to<br>the cafeteria area they saw him again, this time he was surrounded with girls and all of them were holding packed food that had made to give it to him...<br>Girls-Asano-senpai! Please take the launch!<br>Asano-I am sorry girls, I had launch with the team earlier, maybe next time.<br>Girls-Oof.<br>Gabriel cringed and looked at Mak, he then whispered...<br>Gabriel-Can I just rip of his head?<br>Mak-I want to say yes...but no.<br>Gabriel-I mean besides his body and his face and his smile what else does he have?<br>Mak-Nothing, he is a shallow dude.(If that's going to keep you calm?)<br>Gabriel-He doesn't have an Uzi, he doesn't have a dragon scale strapped to his arm...<br>Mak-(He irritates me as well but damn, Gabriel is furious, what's going to happen if he speaks with him again, I have to find a way to calm him down completely.I knew his mental state wasn't the best but fuck.)<br>While Gabriel was muttering about Asano, a girl entered the cafeteria area, every head in the room turned to see her, she was gorgeous, straight black hair coming down to her slim waist, her uniform covered a perfect bust and the skirt was like a barrier holding anyone away from witnessing heaven, the look on her face made it clear that she and everyone else knew she was pretty, all of the boys in the area where stunned by her just walking by, she passed by the table that all the girls were around Asano without even turning her head to face him, Gabriel and Mak obviously were also so captivated that they didn't notice she was coming right to their table, they were sitting just the two of them at a table right across the kitchen, even the cook that was standing behind the counter was left with his jaw dropped, a middle-aged man with signs of baldness and a stained white tank top that covered a big belly, a grown man was left speechless by the girl that was walking in front of him and as soon as everyone thought that time has stopped she talked...<br>Yume-Hi, my name is Tsukiyama Yume, you must be the students that tranfered to our school, I am a senior here, nice to meet you. Gabriel couldn't even breath at this moment, he didn't even reallize that she was talking to him, it seemed like his mind was in another place, Mak being the guy he is had all the confidence in the world to reply to her, even if he messed up a little...<br>Mak-Hello, Tsukiyama-senpai, I am Mak and this guy is Gabriel, we tranfered here from a small village in middle Europe, we are going to study in this school and I am very happy to see that we will meet every day...<br>Yume-Haha...<br>Her smile was perfect, just looking at it made your heart melt, Gabriel and Mak felt a slight heat in their chest when she smilled like she warmed their souls...<br>Yume-You sure talk a lot, Gabriel-san doesn't seem to be the talkative guy.<br>Mak-Who? Oh yeah, Gabriel is very shy, this is all new to him and he didn't have a very good time at his old school, what's your star sign?<br>Yume-You are very funny, haha...<br>Gabriel finally snapped out of it and he became his old self, no woman could ever move his heart, when he could think straight that smile he subconsciously had just by looking at her disappeared and turned to a poker face...<br>Yume-I see, Gabriel-san had some bad experiences, that explains why he hasn't spoke a single word and he is looking at me like that.<br>Gabriel-How exactly?<br>Yume-At least you talked to me, most guys have a cheerful face when I talk to them, with you it's different.<br>Gabriel-It takes more than a pretty face to move me.<br>Yume-I didn't...<br>Mak-What are you talking about? Don't be rude to her! I am sorry about that, he isn't accustomed to talking to other people and he didn't mean anything rude, right Gabriel?<br>Gabriel-Why are you here? Asano's table is over there, why not go there like all the other girls?<br>Yume-Wha...I...<br>Mak-Gabriel, just shut up, why are you so mean to Yume!?<br>Yume-Maybe I should go...<br>Mak-Sorry about that, Yume-senpai, I hope we will see you again.<br>Yume went to a table at the opposite corner of them and sat down to eat launch, Mak looked at Gabriel and he was mad...<br>Mak-What the fuck was that?<br>Gabriel-What?<br>Mak-Why did you talk so rude to her? All she did was to say hi.<br>Gabriel-I know how these girls work, they come playing all innocent to try and seduce you, to make you their puppet, put you in their grasp, she came here to see if we would turn out as victims to her beauty, this kinds of tricks don't work on me.<br>Mak-What the hell are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?<br>Gabriel-It's the same thing over and over again, they try to get inside your head with their pretty faces and their happy personality, women distract your mind and then use you.<br>Mak-Dude, you seriously need to calm down, I could have had a shot with that.<br>Gabriel-She would just give you false hope and then destroy your self-esteem.<br>Mak-I don't think...<br>Gabriel-Besides what would you tell her?" I am Mak, I look like a human but I am an ugly goblin".<br>Mak-Fuck you.<br>Gabriel-Even if you managed to get her, then what? Have you considered that if you have sex with her she would give birth to a goblin?<br>Mak-I would pull out, you humans do it all the time.<br>Gabriel-Stop making me imagine goblin sex for fuck's sake!<br>Mak-You are the one who brought this up.<br>Gabriel-And I will put it back down, I will put you down if you ever do anything like that to a human girl, I thought goblins could mate with everything.<br>Mak-All females with high standards despite their race are attractive to goblins, this one was gorgeous!<br>Gabriel-I said stop.This has turned way to disgusting to continue.<br>Gabriel and Mak continued arguing and launch time was almost over, leaving behind this horrible discussion about goblin mating they will soon have to go the shrine and first meet with Kato and Asano, then they can begin their search for an Onmyoji and the shrine is the perfect place for that since Onmyojis often go to these places to pray, their power comes from ancestral spirits of the dead, ghosts that still roam the earth and haven't been claimed by the Shinigami, these souls stay behind because they have unfinished business and are often bound to their place of death, gifting their spiritual energy to an Onmyoji is the only way they have to be somewhat free and by praying the Onmyoji are channeling these spirits and their energy.<p></p> </div>
The first period was over and now Gabriel and Mak were on a break for a couple of minutes, of course, they drew the attention of everyone in the class due to them being new guys, when the teacher, Mrs.Misa left the classroom everyone gathered around them, at first a girl with dark hair and a bow on her head and a cheerful smile approached them and begun asking questions... Miko-Hi, Gabriel, Mak, my name is Fukazuki Miko, nice to meet you, where are you two from? Gabriel was startled from her talking so much and stayed silent, Mak, having way better social skills answered casually... Mak-Hi, Miko-chan, nice to meet you too, we are from a small European village, you probably won't know its name. Miko-I see, why did you decide to come to our school? Gabriel looked at Miko, then he looked at Mak and back to Miko... Mak-In our previous school there was someone who bullied Gabriel and he decided he had enough, so we left and we saw this school on the internet, he said he loved the way it looked in pictures. Miko-I am sorry to hear that in our time there are people who bully others, Gabriel seems quite shy, maybe that's why this happened. Gabriel couldn't speak a word, all kinds of thoughts popped in his head, like how are things still coming out of her mouth, why hasn't she stopped talking? Also, he was amazed at how easily Mak used his story in order to make an extremely possible scenario that fast and without any effort he replied to everything that Miko asked... Mak-Yes, he is very shy, I mostly do all the talking when people approach us. At this point both Gabriel and Mak noticed the same girl that was staring at Gabriel, she kept her distance and continued to observe them interested but also wary of them. Miko-Or maybe this guy bullied poor Gabriel because he was jealous. Mak-Jealous? Miko-Yes because Gabriel is cute. Gabriel's eyes opened up slightly after he heard that, he looked at Miko and then to the ground as he was too embarrassed to keep eye contact, Miko noticed that... Miko-How cute! Mak-Well if you find Gabriel cute, then... Miko-What? Mak-Forget it, I see that there is a line waiting behind you. Miko-They are all waiting to ask you guys lots of questions, later. Mak-See you, Miko-chan! When Miko left, another student came close, this time it was one of the people that was staring at them earlier, the tall muscular guy with the brown hair, as he came close to them he had a huge smile with all of his perfect white teeth showing, a sincere smile with just a hint of curiosity... Kato-Nice to meet you, my name is Atasuke Kato, I am the class representative. Mak-Hi, Atasuke-san, as you know, I am Mak and this guy is Gabriel, nice to meet you. At this point the boy that was sitting next to Kato cut the line and stood next to him, up close both Gabriel and mak noticed how all the girls of the class looked at him, his curly blonde hair and his facial and body features all screamed handsome, Gabriel looked at him and noticed that he must be one of those ladies men, he immediately made an annoyed face as this types of people always made Gabriel angry, without any effort they looked good and had all the girls falling for them... Asano-Heyo, I am Shunichi Asano, better remember this name cause you will be hearing it a lot. Mak-Nice to meet you, Shunichi-san. Asano-Hey, Kato, would you like to ask them first? Kato-Now, now Asano, don't be rude to the new guys, I am sure we will have plenty of time to ask them, first let's tell them about ourselves. Asano-Sure, I am awesome, I play at the basketball team, so does Kato, he is the captain of the team as well as the class representative. At this point a beautiful girl passing by stepped in... Girl-Hey, Shunichi-senpai, would you like to come with us to the cafeteria? Asano replied with a hearty smile... Asano-Not now, I am in the middle of something, catch you later... Gabriel-(Fuck off, pretty boy.) Another girl, even more beautiful girl asked something similar... Girl-Shunichi-san, how about joining me and my friends at our room tonight? Asano-I don't know about today, I have to study and practice with the team. Girl-Too bad, kisses. Mak-You are quite popular Shunichi-san.(And irritating.) Kato-You guys will get used to this, Asano-san has lots of fans. Gabriel-I am sure about that. (I bet he hasn't beat the shit out of vampires and demons though). Kato-Now, I have to ask a favor of you two, could you meet me at a shrine close by after school? I want to ask you guys something and this isn't the right place. Especially you, Gabriel-san. Asano--Yes, we can ask them at the shrine, how did I not think of that? Gabriel-(Cause you are a fucking idiot with a pretty face.) Kato's honesty and cheerful character made it almost impossible to deny him, Mak also said that they should also visit the shrine after school so this wouldn't be such a bad idea... Mak-Sure, Atasuke-san, we will see you there, I presume Shunichi-san will also be there since he was so eager to ask the same question? Asano-You are a clever one, Mak-san. Gabriel-(Unlike you, clown.) Kato-We shall see each other later, I guess. Mak-What? Aren't you two going to stay for next class? Kato-I am sorry, the basketball team has practice today and both me and Asano-san will have to leave as soon as the bell rings. Mak-Being in the team lets you skip class? Cool. Asano-It's one of the privileges of being awesome. Gabriel-(I swear before I leave I will punch your stupid little perfect face to the ground.) Later then. Kato, Asano-Later. Lots of other students came by and all of them asked questions like where they were from and why did they enroll to this school, one of them even asked if they wanted to buy smokes from him. Before even half of them got their turn the bell rung for the next class, everyone returned to their seats apart from Kato and Asano who left for basketball practice, Gabriel finally could relax and had some time to think straight, all of these questions were just too much for him, he never had to do much talking and socialize with this many people at once, when he found his chance he turned to whisper to Mak... Gabriel-Don't tell me that we are going to see this guy again? Mak-Why, I like Kato, he seems like a cool guy. Gabriel-I know, come one though... Mak-I get you, this guy makes me mad too. How much arrogance can fit in a small head like his? Gabriel-Fucking idiot, I was this close to crushing his head on the desk. Mak-Keep you calm, you can't let someone like him blow our cover, the entire police department will be on our asses if you do something stupid. Gabriel-I just...Why him? Why are there all those idiots with their well-built bodies and the pretty faces get all the girls? Mak-Are you jealous? You have a good looking body as well, now for the face that's another story. Gabriel-I am not jealous, I have killed vampires and demons, what has he done? Has he even held a gun? I have an Uzi. Mak-Relax, relax, let me do all the talking, we will have to go to the shrine anyway, don't forget why we are here. There is a Shinigami trapped back home. Gabriel-I know, it's that...I don't understand why he is so... Mak-I am glad that we didn't bring Carmen with us, I don't think she could resist this guy. Gabriel-Carmen would never fall for someone this shallow and arrogant and stupid and... Mak-Yeah... Gabriel-I mean... Mak-Hey, by the way, this crazy chick in front is staring again, don't look but this time she looks even scarier. Gabriel-What's up with her. Mak-Maybe Asano dumped her and now she digs you. Gabriel-Don't even joke about that, I have Helen. Mak-Whatever. For the rest of the class Mak fell asleep on his desk and Gabriel kept looking at the ceiling, they obviously had no intention to pay attention to the teacher and both of them were bored from the moment that they entered the classroom, the rest of the day passed and now they had some time before it was launch time, after they had finished eating they were going to visit the shrine and meet with Kato and Asano even though Gabriel didn't want to talk to him again, when they went outside to the cafeteria area they saw him again, this time he was surrounded with girls and all of them were holding packed food that had made to give it to him... Girls-Asano-senpai! Please take the launch! Asano-I am sorry girls, I had launch with the team earlier, maybe next time. Girls-Oof. Gabriel cringed and looked at Mak, he then whispered... Gabriel-Can I just rip of his head? Mak-I want to say yes...but no. Gabriel-I mean besides his body and his face and his smile what else does he have? Mak-Nothing, he is a shallow dude.(If that's going to keep you calm?) Gabriel-He doesn't have an Uzi, he doesn't have a dragon scale strapped to his arm... Mak-(He irritates me as well but damn, Gabriel is furious, what's going to happen if he speaks with him again, I have to find a way to calm him down completely.I knew his mental state wasn't the best but fuck.) While Gabriel was muttering about Asano, a girl entered the cafeteria area, every head in the room turned to see her, she was gorgeous, straight black hair coming down to her slim waist, her uniform covered a perfect bust and the skirt was like a barrier holding anyone away from witnessing heaven, the look on her face made it clear that she and everyone else knew she was pretty, all of the boys in the area where stunned by her just walking by, she passed by the table that all the girls were around Asano without even turning her head to face him, Gabriel and Mak obviously were also so captivated that they didn't notice she was coming right to their table, they were sitting just the two of them at a table right across the kitchen, even the cook that was standing behind the counter was left with his jaw dropped, a middle-aged man with signs of baldness and a stained white tank top that covered a big belly, a grown man was left speechless by the girl that was walking in front of him and as soon as everyone thought that time has stopped she talked... Yume-Hi, my name is Tsukiyama Yume, you must be the students that tranfered to our school, I am a senior here, nice to meet you. Gabriel couldn't even breath at this moment, he didn't even reallize that she was talking to him, it seemed like his mind was in another place, Mak being the guy he is had all the confidence in the world to reply to her, even if he messed up a little... Mak-Hello, Tsukiyama-senpai, I am Mak and this guy is Gabriel, we tranfered here from a small village in middle Europe, we are going to study in this school and I am very happy to see that we will meet every day... Yume-Haha... Her smile was perfect, just looking at it made your heart melt, Gabriel and Mak felt a slight heat in their chest when she smilled like she warmed their souls... Yume-You sure talk a lot, Gabriel-san doesn't seem to be the talkative guy. Mak-Who? Oh yeah, Gabriel is very shy, this is all new to him and he didn't have a very good time at his old school, what's your star sign? Yume-You are very funny, haha... Gabriel finally snapped out of it and he became his old self, no woman could ever move his heart, when he could think straight that smile he subconsciously had just by looking at her disappeared and turned to a poker face... Yume-I see, Gabriel-san had some bad experiences, that explains why he hasn't spoke a single word and he is looking at me like that. Gabriel-How exactly? Yume-At least you talked to me, most guys have a cheerful face when I talk to them, with you it's different. Gabriel-It takes more than a pretty face to move me. Yume-I didn't... Mak-What are you talking about? Don't be rude to her! I am sorry about that, he isn't accustomed to talking to other people and he didn't mean anything rude, right Gabriel? Gabriel-Why are you here? Asano's table is over there, why not go there like all the other girls? Yume-Wha...I... Mak-Gabriel, just shut up, why are you so mean to Yume!? Yume-Maybe I should go... Mak-Sorry about that, Yume-senpai, I hope we will see you again. Yume went to a table at the opposite corner of them and sat down to eat launch, Mak looked at Gabriel and he was mad... Mak-What the fuck was that? Gabriel-What? Mak-Why did you talk so rude to her? All she did was to say hi. Gabriel-I know how these girls work, they come playing all innocent to try and seduce you, to make you their puppet, put you in their grasp, she came here to see if we would turn out as victims to her beauty, this kinds of tricks don't work on me. Mak-What the hell are you talking about? Have you lost your mind? Gabriel-It's the same thing over and over again, they try to get inside your head with their pretty faces and their happy personality, women distract your mind and then use you. Mak-Dude, you seriously need to calm down, I could have had a shot with that. Gabriel-She would just give you false hope and then destroy your self-esteem. Mak-I don't think... Gabriel-Besides what would you tell her?" I am Mak, I look like a human but I am an ugly goblin". Mak-Fuck you. Gabriel-Even if you managed to get her, then what? Have you considered that if you have sex with her she would give birth to a goblin? Mak-I would pull out, you humans do it all the time. Gabriel-Stop making me imagine goblin sex for fuck's sake! Mak-You are the one who brought this up. Gabriel-And I will put it back down, I will put you down if you ever do anything like that to a human girl, I thought goblins could mate with everything. Mak-All females with high standards despite their race are attractive to goblins, this one was gorgeous! Gabriel-I said stop.This has turned way to disgusting to continue. Gabriel and Mak continued arguing and launch time was almost over, leaving behind this horrible discussion about goblin mating they will soon have to go the shrine and first meet with Kato and Asano, then they can begin their search for an Onmyoji and the shrine is the perfect place for that since Onmyojis often go to these places to pray, their power comes from ancestral spirits of the dead, ghosts that still roam the earth and haven't been claimed by the Shinigami, these souls stay behind because they have unfinished business and are often bound to their place of death, gifting their spiritual energy to an Onmyoji is the only way they have to be somewhat free and by praying the Onmyoji are channeling these spirits and their energy.
{ "title": "Building a nation and make its citizen happy", "id": 21280, "author": "Allan Angelo Francisco", "rating": 2.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 12 finding the plant", "id": 305841, "next": 305842, "prev": 305581, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiNmYxZWVlMDVkMTRkMWViYmQ5MDNmYWUwOTZjZTEw">I am walking in straight line and searching for the plant that the system needed to level up.</p> <p class="cnM1NTQ0OWIwNDg4OTQ4ZWFhMDlmNzg1Yjk2MjNjMTA0">Earlier I am really excited that I am going home now I am scared again.</p> <p class="cnMwZDEzOWJkNjMxYTQ0ODc5OTc1ZmYwNWE4ZGY5YTdj">What I am doing if I die it is my fault.</p> <p class="cnNjYzg3ZTY0ZjZlOTQ3YWY5OTE1N2IwNDAwZDJhMjBh">If I just don't look at the sound that the mushrooms are making I will not gonna find this place and the system will not gonna give me a mission.</p> <p class="cnNiZTdhOWE2NThjMDQ2YmM4ZjkxNzM2NjNhMzY3Mzc4">Will is my fault I choose to complete the mission.</p> <p class="cnMzZjE1ZDFjOTIxNDQ5YTJiYmQ0NjcxYTgzNjVmNzQ3">(SFX sound of a beast)</p> <p class="cnMyZjE1YjNjYTEyMzRlODVhODAzMDdjZGE5NWNlMjIx">I stop walking because I heard a sound but I don't know where it came from because it is just an echo.</p> <p class="cnNiZWFjNDZjMjU5YzQ5NjdiNzJmNTIzOTk3OTBkODc3">I hide behind the mushroom.</p> <p class="cnMwODFmYjQ4MTkxYzQxZWM4ZDEyMDgzYjRjOTBjNTVk">What it is again?</p> <p class="cnM1MjYwMWFhYWJlMzQ2NzA5N2RmNTFiNzc2Njg0NmIw">I have a bad feeling about this place why did I go to this place.</p> <p class="cnM0MWY2MjY1MGJhODRhNTk4OTNlN2VlZWVmZWE0NGFl">I have an option to reject the mission but the level up is going to waste.</p> <p class="cnMzMWYxYmMzODM2NzQ2OTdiOWNkNDU1ZTc0ZjliMTQz">I wait for a few seconds and look at my surroundings before I Start walking.</p> <p class="cnNkMzdjN2FlNjc1YjQ3OGM5MDJjMzUwMTYwMWFiNzJk">Why all of the mushrooms here is big is the dirt here unique because in another part of the forest the plant is not that big.</p> <p class="cnMzZWM1MDg2OTAwMjQxMDhhNzViNDBkOWVhMGE1NTQx">And all the big beast living in here are many maybe there are special in this part of the forest.</p> <p class="cnNkZWFjNTNjNGM2YzQ5YzliZmM1MmRlOGY3ODEyZjYw">I bend my knee and touch the dirt.</p> <p class="cnM0ODVmYzI2NGE4ODQ2MTJhNjRjZDcyNDM0ZDI4NDhk">Will, I don't know I'm, not an expert.</p> <p class="cnM3ODhiMzRmNDg1NjRjNTNhMTgzNGFiY2FmZDdhZjFl">While walking I stop because Infront of me is one big mushroom but this mushroom is changing color.</p> <p class="cnM2YjU0M2E5NGFkNjQwNGY5NTEyZjM1NmY1OTA5MjQw">I walk forward and touch it if it is hard so I can look if I can eat this.</p> <p class="cnM1YTk5NzdlNTcyMjQzZTliZDNmMTBjN2ZjNmRmMmNh">Is this the system needed to level up?</p> <p class="cnM3YjBmYTQxMTg4NjQyMDRhODU0MjBmYzdhYjE5MTM0">I bite and split it.</p> <p class="cnM1NjVkMzY2YWQ0YTQ4Njk5NDA1ODc1MGQ5MDEwYmZh">The taste is so bad.</p> <p class="cnM4YWNiNjY0YjBmYjQzNThiOTlkNDMxMjkwZDQ1OGRm">Why I always taste the plant that I thought the system needed.</p> <p class="cnM4MDNlY2Y0ZjNkZjQzZDQ5OTFlY2I0Y2U0M2ExMTIz">If I see a plant that unique I don't want to taste it again.</p> <p class="cnMxNzIwOWMyN2Y2NTQ0OWRhMDFjYWE2M2M4NDg1ZmIw">I Start walking.</p> <p class="cnMyMmI2YjBkZThhZDRmZTY5YzIxODk3ZDllNDY3NDA1">But it is really beautiful in this place if the monster is not living in this place it is going to be a tourist spot.</p> <p class="cnM2MTZjMmI5YWYxZjQwOWI5N2Y1MzExNDFjYTViNzIz">Now that I think about it why is no human living near this except the village that I find a while ago that the human abandoned?</p> <p class="cnM2NWNkYTJjMzIxODRkMDQ4NTBjYmNmNjE5MzE1NTY2">Maybe because of the monster but aqua said this planet have a weapon and magic I'm sure the artillery can kill the beast if they bombarded it and I'm really sure the magic can kill the beast.</p> <p class="cnNmNmQxNmYwZjhkNjQ5MzM4MDQ4Y2QzMTJlOWJjM2Zh">While I am walking I stop and hide in the mushroom because at my front is a wolf.</p> <p class="cnM0MGZhZGQ1MTU1NjQ5MWU5MjVhYWFhNDhmZTYyZDhj">I peep at the wolf.</p> <p class="cnNhMDY3MjU5MDIyNjQ2YzE5NjJhYjUyYmIwODdmN2E4">And when I peep the wolf look at my direction.</p> <p class="cnM4NDM1YzFlY2M2NTQ0ZTc5MWM5NjMxNzRkMmRiYzlm">I hide my head and I stop looking.</p> <p class="cnM0MDY5ZTE0ZGVjNjRjYTJiYzNhZjhkOTc0ZjU3NWFj">Why I am always unfortunate I hope he did not see me.</p> <p class="cnMzMTMzMTdlYWFkOTQ5NmQ5YjFiYjMwMWIyY2Q1MTI1">(SFX sound of the wolf in pain)</p> <p class="cnM1MTA0MmZiMzUzZjQzZmZiNjY3NDRiNTkwZTUwYzIz">I look again because of the sound and when I look I see a giant ant eating the wolf.</p> <p class="cnM3MzY0Y2NhNzY3NTQ3OGRhNTUwOTUyYThhNDFlNDVl">When the ant is done eating he walked to the north.</p> <p class="cnM5MmQ1OTk0MjU5NTQyMWE5MDAwNmZlOWJjMDY5YTY1">What kind of place that I go to.</p> <p class="cnNiYmFmNThlMmJmMzRkMDNhODk5NWZhMGY5YmRjMDgw">I wait for a few minutes again because maybe the ant will be back.</p> <p class="cnNiMDJiNDg4NmQ2ODQ1YzM4ZmU1ZGJlNjFjYTAxMGEy">A few minutes later I go out where I am hiding and I start walking.</p> <p class="cnNjZGVjYmExZDk3NTQxNDZhNWRiNjdkNjc2YjBjODkw">Where is the plant that the system needed when I find it I am going out to this place if I don't go out to this place I am going to die here?</p> <p class="cnM2MDE2YjEwOTc0YjQzZGVhMGQ5YWUzODgwYzMwYTZj">Why all of the mission that the system can give me is the dangerous one.</p> <p class="cnM5OTZiNjhkODQ1NjQ0MTM5YmQzMWI0ZmY4ZmYxOWE5">The system always&nbsp;gives a small point and the mission is dangerous.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmNiMTJmNzk5MjQyMDg4MTBiZGU5NmRhYmU4NzM4">If you are a human I'm going to beat you.</p> <p class="cnM0MDI5OThmZWU0MTQ2ZTZhZThlYTkzZWZjN2ZjNGZh">If I just reject the mission that the system gives me this is not going to happen.</p> <p class="cnM2NzlkOWUyZTQ4YzQwZWRiNGFhMDJkM2VjYjM1YzRk">Why I am alway encounter and see a big animal.</p> <p class="cnNjYjIwMDA2ZjQ2MTQ2ZTQ4ZGRiYTJlZmMwNjczYTRm">If I have stock many points and my level is high I am going to buy an RPG even if I encounter a big beast I can kill them.</p> </div>
I am walking in straight line and searching for the plant that the system needed to level up. Earlier I am really excited that I am going home now I am scared again. What I am doing if I die it is my fault. If I just don't look at the sound that the mushrooms are making I will not gonna find this place and the system will not gonna give me a mission. Will is my fault I choose to complete the mission. (SFX sound of a beast) I stop walking because I heard a sound but I don't know where it came from because it is just an echo. I hide behind the mushroom. What it is again? I have a bad feeling about this place why did I go to this place. I have an option to reject the mission but the level up is going to waste. I wait for a few seconds and look at my surroundings before I Start walking. Why all of the mushrooms here is big is the dirt here unique because in another part of the forest the plant is not that big. And all the big beast living in here are many maybe there are special in this part of the forest. I bend my knee and touch the dirt. Will, I don't know I'm, not an expert. While walking I stop because Infront of me is one big mushroom but this mushroom is changing color. I walk forward and touch it if it is hard so I can look if I can eat this. Is this the system needed to level up? I bite and split it. The taste is so bad. Why I always taste the plant that I thought the system needed. If I see a plant that unique I don't want to taste it again. I Start walking. But it is really beautiful in this place if the monster is not living in this place it is going to be a tourist spot. Now that I think about it why is no human living near this except the village that I find a while ago that the human abandoned? Maybe because of the monster but aqua said this planet have a weapon and magic I'm sure the artillery can kill the beast if they bombarded it and I'm really sure the magic can kill the beast. While I am walking I stop and hide in the mushroom because at my front is a wolf. I peep at the wolf. And when I peep the wolf look at my direction. I hide my head and I stop looking. Why I am always unfortunate I hope he did not see me. (SFX sound of the wolf in pain) I look again because of the sound and when I look I see a giant ant eating the wolf. When the ant is done eating he walked to the north. What kind of place that I go to. I wait for a few minutes again because maybe the ant will be back. A few minutes later I go out where I am hiding and I start walking. Where is the plant that the system needed when I find it I am going out to this place if I don't go out to this place I am going to die here? Why all of the mission that the system can give me is the dangerous one. The system always gives a small point and the mission is dangerous. If you are a human I'm going to beat you. If I just reject the mission that the system gives me this is not going to happen. Why I am alway encounter and see a big animal. If I have stock many points and my level is high I am going to buy an RPG even if I encounter a big beast I can kill them.
{ "title": "Building a nation and make its citizen happy", "id": 21280, "author": "Allan Angelo Francisco", "rating": 2.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 13 finding the plant", "id": 305842, "next": 306168, "prev": 305841, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwZmU3OTJhYjQxOTQ4NDA5NWVhYmYzYzIyOWJhYzhi">I need to find that plant So I can go out of this place.</p> <p class="cnNiOWEwZTZiYzBhMjQ1ZmFhZjEwMmE4YjYyNzkxZWY5">What is the plant look like? The system did not give me a clue.</p> <p class="cnMxZTViYTIwYzRmZDQ3NjFiNjQ4NmJjMTA3OGVlM2I0">I really hate my self because Why did I follow the mission if I just reject it.</p> <p class="cnMzNWU3ZjdkNzUzNzQyYWZhYWI4Nzg1MGFiM2EzOWQy">I can't get to the situation like this.</p> <p class="cnM5YzQ4NDA3ODNkODQzN2I4MmI5YjRiZTYyYTlhMmRm">If I stay here long enough I am going to die.</p> <p class="cnM1MjIzZTNjN2JjOTQ3MTQ4YTdjOWM2MzRjMGY5NTc5">When I am finished talking to my self I Started walking so I can find the plant that the system needed.</p> <p class="cnM4MTA3YzQ0MzNjYjRmYzA5Zjk3OWY0MjBiMTMzZjEw">Where can I find the plant in this place?</p> <p class="cnM1MTUyNTA1Y2IxMTRkY2NiYmMyMTE1MzNmNTk5NGRi">While I am walking and looking at my surrounding.</p> <p class="cnNjMDc1NjQ3NGYzNDQ1ZjdhYzhmN2VjNTkwZDk2MzU2">I 'm still surprised to what I I'm seeing in this forest because they have a different plant that I did not see in the earth and everything around me is beautiful even a mushroom that is why I 'm still surprised.</p> <p class="cnM0YWYxNzBlMDQ5ZDRkN2Q4ZjkzYjFhMjU5ODM4NjQx">Maybe in the center, I can find more amazing plant or place that is beautiful.</p> <p class="cnNhMTczODdkZTk2NzQ2NjI5OTg1MWQ4NmIyMjZkMzY2">There are many possibilities that there is a more beautiful place in this place.</p> <p class="cnMxMTI5YmYyMjQyMDQzZmZhZDMyMzhlYTBjM2E4YjRl">And it just a tip of the iceberg that I explore and it is just a forest what about another place.</p> <p class="cnNlNmE5NTA3NDU1YjRmMzJhM2EwNGY2YzU5NjNhM2U5">I cannot wait to explore another beautiful place.</p> <p class="cnNkZGIzNWI2ODhlODRkYjFiMDgzNzRlYTM2N2IxYTdl">In the earth, I cannot explore far away place because I 'm just a student I don't have a money.</p> <p class="cnNjMWYxOWUzY2JjYjQ5ZjFhYWNjNGQ5Y2I0NjdhZmQy">So now I 'm free I can do whatever I want to go to but before that, I need to go out in this place.</p> <p class="cnNjODhhOTJhOTBiMjQxOWRhMmNkYjFmMzJjYmM3NmE3">While I'm walking and I heard a small sound I always hide because maybe it is a beast.</p> <p class="cnNlZWRiNzRhNWFmZjRiODNiNzA5YWU3OWYwYTU1OTBm">I always doing this if I heard the sound so I can sure that I can hide fast if it is a monster that is Making the sound.</p> <p class="cnM2YjUwNTBhMzRiOTQ2ODE4NjllN2NhNzg0M2UxNWVl">They said better prepared than nothing.</p> <p class="cnMwMDAwZTViNmYzMjRiY2FiNmY0ZTY1OTg0ZWNiNjcy">And it is more dangerous at this place maybe this is the place that the big beast living because I always heard the sound that they are making.</p> <p class="cnMyOTkzYjBiYzA0OTQxNTliZjEyZmI4NmFkNWNhZDM2">I am sure this place is the home of the beasts I can always hear the sound everywhere I go</p> <p class="cnM4Y2I1NWJlN2E0MDQwM2NiZDg4MjE3YzEyOGIxZDAx">I am going to remember this place so that I will not going back if my level is not that high and my gun is not strong.</p> <p class="cnNhNjkzMTNhMGUxOTQ1NmY4ZmZiMDA5ODY4MjY2YzQx">I need a better gun to kill a giant beast.</p> <p class="cnNhYTEzZjBhMTllNTQ5MmZiNzc4NDZlNjVmYWIyZmMz">And if I have a strong gun and I am ready I'm going back to this place so I can collect points because if this is a place that all big monster live I can collect many points if I kill them.</p> <p class="cnMxZGY1ZjdjZWRjMzQ0Mzc5YjYxMDI0YzM1NDc3NTgy">This place is heaven for points if I have a better gun because for now, this is the hell for me I can die at any moment if I can make one wrong move it is over for me.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2Q5ZWQ1MmE5NjQwZWRiMDM5MTEwMWYzODIwYjRm">I'm lucky that I am still alive even now</p> <p class="cnM1NGQzZjg4MWRjNDRiYWU4YTdjNDlkYTE3ZDBhZjdk">Is there something wrong in this forest that the animal can't smell me because I know that the animal has a strong smell</p> <p class="cnMxZWEwYzNhYTdjODRmOTZhOWQ0OWQ2ZTVkNTZkOTI3">Maybe they smell of the mushroom that's why they can't smell me</p> <p class="cnM5ZDY2YzE0NGJmYTRjNDc4MDkzNzVjZTJkZmY2NDI1">I forgot about my power that I can build anything that will happen If I build a military base.</p> <p class="cnM3Njc3MmNjNDhmOTQ3YWQ4NTg1M2QwYzEyMDFlOGEy">This is for a soldier right? I can use this to do a business if I go to a country and apply for a building engineer.</p> <p class="cnM4NTZiOWE3NDc3ZTQ5ODQ5MDk2MjM3ZjkyOGE5OTA2">And I am going to rich because the government always going to call me to build a military base.</p> <p class="cnMzNDQzZjEzMzI3ODRiY2Q5MTYyMWZkZDJhMzMzMzc0">If I click yes the base is going to materialize Infront of me it depends on my design.</p> <p class="cnM4MWZlYzE4YTg0NjQ1N2M5YzYwYWIxNmQxY2RhZDAy">If I find the plant and I go back to my house and sleep. tomorrow I'm going to the west to find a village.</p> <p class="cnNlMjM2NDlkYzBmNDQ4NWRiMWMyZmRmZjY4YTQ1NWJk">I cannot wait to find a human.</p> <p class="cnNmZmQyZWFlNTMxMzRhZTViOWFiMjhhZmY1ZDRhYWRi">What are the people living in this world look like I hope they are not to like the beast in this forest or plant.</p> <p class="cnNlOTYwNzIzYzQ4NDRlNWRiMWIwZmQzOTlkNWZjMmQ1">But what if they cannot understand my language or they can understand me but I cannot aqua did not tell me about this why did she always forget to tell me about everything that is important.</p> <p class="cnNhOTNkNzdiNDI0MjRjMGRiN2FlOWU3MDMxNzg3MjQ3">A while ago my problem is magic now is a language.</p> <p class="cnMyZWY0MThiNzIzZTRlODRiZDU2ZjdmNTI2MjMxM2Fm">What if I find a village and they cannot understand me how can I ask them if where I am.</p> <p class="cnNmZTJlOTcxYjFlZjQ4YzE5ZGRjODBhZmM0YWU3Mzhk">And I need a few months to study their language so I can understand them.</p> </div>
I need to find that plant So I can go out of this place. What is the plant look like? The system did not give me a clue. I really hate my self because Why did I follow the mission if I just reject it. I can't get to the situation like this. If I stay here long enough I am going to die. When I am finished talking to my self I Started walking so I can find the plant that the system needed. Where can I find the plant in this place? While I am walking and looking at my surrounding. I 'm still surprised to what I I'm seeing in this forest because they have a different plant that I did not see in the earth and everything around me is beautiful even a mushroom that is why I 'm still surprised. Maybe in the center, I can find more amazing plant or place that is beautiful. There are many possibilities that there is a more beautiful place in this place. And it just a tip of the iceberg that I explore and it is just a forest what about another place. I cannot wait to explore another beautiful place. In the earth, I cannot explore far away place because I 'm just a student I don't have a money. So now I 'm free I can do whatever I want to go to but before that, I need to go out in this place. While I'm walking and I heard a small sound I always hide because maybe it is a beast. I always doing this if I heard the sound so I can sure that I can hide fast if it is a monster that is Making the sound. They said better prepared than nothing. And it is more dangerous at this place maybe this is the place that the big beast living because I always heard the sound that they are making. I am sure this place is the home of the beasts I can always hear the sound everywhere I go I am going to remember this place so that I will not going back if my level is not that high and my gun is not strong. I need a better gun to kill a giant beast. And if I have a strong gun and I am ready I'm going back to this place so I can collect points because if this is a place that all big monster live I can collect many points if I kill them. This place is heaven for points if I have a better gun because for now, this is the hell for me I can die at any moment if I can make one wrong move it is over for me. I'm lucky that I am still alive even now Is there something wrong in this forest that the animal can't smell me because I know that the animal has a strong smell Maybe they smell of the mushroom that's why they can't smell me I forgot about my power that I can build anything that will happen If I build a military base. This is for a soldier right? I can use this to do a business if I go to a country and apply for a building engineer. And I am going to rich because the government always going to call me to build a military base. If I click yes the base is going to materialize Infront of me it depends on my design. If I find the plant and I go back to my house and sleep. tomorrow I'm going to the west to find a village. I cannot wait to find a human. What are the people living in this world look like I hope they are not to like the beast in this forest or plant. But what if they cannot understand my language or they can understand me but I cannot aqua did not tell me about this why did she always forget to tell me about everything that is important. A while ago my problem is magic now is a language. What if I find a village and they cannot understand me how can I ask them if where I am. And I need a few months to study their language so I can understand them.
{ "title": "Edea Chronicles: Hero Summoning Conspiracy", "id": 20762, "author": "Ruruci", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 64: Troublesome Girl", "id": 305843, "next": 305844, "prev": 305836, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiYmIzZjBjODI5ZDRlZDE4MWZjMDA2M2RlMmI1ODZh">.<br> <br>*tug tug*<br> <br>Kazuya was sitting on his desk when a familiar tug made him realize that he had been distracted. He turned towards the girl who looked at him with concerned eyes. He had been quite distracted after he had gotten that call from Kurumi yesterday.<br> <br>"It's nothing. Just thinking about a few things" Kazuya reassured her because this girl also turned out to be a worrywart.<br> <br>He heard all about her episode when he was well enough to get visitors. This robot girl was one of the first visitors he had because she needed to see him well and awake more than anyone else. She jumped on him the moment she entered his hospital room and almost took out the stitches he kept on for appearances' sake.<br> <br>Kyouko who was present at the time couldn't blame her after hearing from Jirou what happened. Kazuya's circumstances made the robot girl have an episode as she got reminded what she witnessed when she lost her parents after seeing so much blood coming from Kazuya. The girl who hardly showed any emotion cried out loudly after confirming for herself that he was alright.<br> <br>*nod* she sat back down obediently.<br> <br>The two of them were still in the same sports focused class even though time had passed and occupied the same seats as well. Though they were already in a year and some months away from stepping into middle school, the only thing that changed about this girl was she had started to use her voice in a few situations.<br> <br>This had been incredible process because both he and his annoying friend Takaya almost gave up in trying to make her speak. Kazuya didn't really know what exactly prompted it but he knew that it may have been because of what happened to him two years ago.<br> <br>"K-kouzuki-san!" a girl who looked nervous entered their classroom and tried to approach him. Her friends waited for her near the door and kept on encouraging her to do her best.<br> <br>"…" Tomoyo's eyebrows twitched and stood up to and released some pressure which stopped the girl from getting any closer. This was also one of the aftereffects of the incident which made Tomoyo react like this for strangers that tried to approach him.<br> <br>"What is it?" Kazuya gestured to the robot girl that it was alright. There was really no need for her to act like this but it sometimes helped when he wanted to avoid talking to a people at times.<br> <br>"W-will you come to the Judo club today?" the girl even felt more nervous as she was being stared at the person who was well known to have been his faithful robot.<br> <br>Another side effect to the matter that happened between him and Lee being made public was that his identity had no longer been a secret. It wasn't only that, people made him out to be some sort of heroic and filial hero who fought bravely during the championship and won while he was critically wounded.<br> <br>He couldn't help but sigh at such romanization but people loved such tales. it was because of this that his popularity surged in their school and there was hardly any people who didn't know who he was. As someone who wanted to stay low key, this was a burden as he had not planned for any of this to happen.<br> <br>"Hmm…" he thought about the girl's question.<br> <br>With his training progressing smoothly, he expanded his thoughts after getting lessons from Jirou. He started thinking about learning more about different styles for fighting other than with a sword. He did get the basics of fighting with the usual style of Edea but like his swordsmanship, he realized that he relied on the advantage of his blessing and made himself believe that it was enough.<br> <br>Kazuya started trying out different martial arts and the easiest way he could do so was by visiting the various clubs in their school and getting tips from their instructors. It may have been a little of a stretch to get something like a master of the art to teach him like Jirou but Kazuya was only hoping to learn everything that he could from them so that he can integrate it into his repertoire.<br> <br>He was already a popular figure in school anyway so he just rode the flow and used it to his advantage. The instructors who heard about him were more than happy to agree to help such a brave kid and let him be a motivator to the other members. Some of them even tried to poach him away from the Kendo club.<br> <br>"No Kouzuki-san should go with the Karate club today!" one boy entered through the door at the back of the room and stopped at a distance where he knew Tomoyo wouldn't mind.<br> <br>The people from the Judo club complained from the background. They asked him first and the boy had went alone to try and steal away Kazuya. The boy remained unmoved despite their objections. He believed that it would be a waste of time for Kazuya to be going to the Judo club because these girls would just tray to talk to him most of the time.<br> <br>"Whoa! It sure is lively here" a voice came from outside the room. The students quickly made way as soon as they saw who the person was.<br> <br>The students from Kazuya's class however, was already used to this person from S class making himself comfortable in their classroom. They even left his seat empty most of the time because he would usually just go to their class whenever he had time to go to school.<br> <br>"You sure are popular as usual Kouzuki" he grinned at his friend. They had gotten a lot friendlier over the past two years as he dropped all pretenses when dealing with Kazuya. The only reservation he had left was when Tomoyo was present.<br> <br>"Why are you he—"<br> <br>"He'll be joining the basketball club later so all of you can leave" A voice interrupted him as everyone turned to look at the tall and intimidating girl with the same pin as Takaya had. Everyone was immediately intimidated by this tall beauty who seemed to a middle school student.<br> <br>"And you are?" Kazuya's brows furrowed. He knew who this girl was because Kurumi hadn't failed to mention this cousin of hers during their talks for the past two years.<br> <br>He remained indifferent because from Kurumi's description and the previous people who threatened him with her identity, she was trouble. This was Stockton Maron, Kurumi's older cousin who deliberately let herself get held back in school to stay with her cousin.<br> <br>"You…" Maron was a bit surprised at his lack of reaction. She might not have been present for all the times her cousin talked to him on the phone but she knew that Kurumi definitely mentioned her to him. She wanted to meet him before her cousin did so she deliberately let Kurumi oversleep so that she could get a step ahead of her.<br> <br>"I apologize but I have not met you before. I have no interest in basketball so there would be no need to me to go there. I will be intruding in the Karate club today so I already have an appointment.<br> <br>The girls who invited him looked disappointed but they stayed. They wanted to see who this girl was and what she was going to do after her invitation was rejected. Maron had not budged and acted as if he did not hear his invitation.<br> <br>"You really don't know who I am?" Maron looked at him suspiciously but could not discover and hint of him trying to pretend he didn't know her.<br> <br>"I have quite the confidence in my memory so I am sure that this is the first time we've seen each other. I believe my friend here is the same. He does not seem to recognize you even though you do possess the pin that indicates you are from his class" Kazuya turned to the person in question to let him take over.</p> <br>"He's right. I've met every single one of the people in S class for both 5th and 6th grades. I have not met someone like you before" Takaya had not been intimidated since they were indeed from the same class.<br> <br>Kazuya now understood why it had taken so long for these two to transfer over. The test for transferring to their school already had strict requirements but it was even stricter for those who wanted to be in S class simply because of how demanding the results they needed to keep being in the class.<br> <br>The Kurumi from his previous life was a girl who remained in the regular classes so she was definitely forced to do more than she had done previously in this life. It was a sort of improvement for her but Kazuya was well aware of her reasons for doing so.<br> <br>"It's because I just transferred today. The name's Maron, Stockton Maron. I have to say Ka-kun, I'm really quite offended that you don't remember me" Maron ginned as she moved in to get closer to him but was immediately stopped by a girl with a swinging ponytail who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.<br> <br>Even Takaya was a bit startled after hearing her name. Who wouldn't know who the Stockton's were. There also seemed to be an amicable relationship between the Kouzukis and the Stocktons ever since the incident two years ago so they couldn't help but speculate why this girl suddenly acted all familiar with Kazuya. Only Kazuya had remained indifferent because he already knew who this girl was.<br> <br>"And?" Kazuya remained unmoved. He already put this girl in the same category as Ayame. She was the same type who was selfish and did everything that she wanted so he wanted to have as little to do with her as possible.<br> <br>Everyone watching really couldn't help but raise their admiration towards their hero. He was one of them and he didn't even give in to such an intimidating person. It looked like there would be another page to be added in his heroic tales as the amount of sparkles in the people's eyes made Kazuya's mouth twitch.<br> <br>"What do you mean 'AND?' You should have realized who I am and how we are connected by now!" she felt annoyed after seeing his unchanging expression when she declared who she was. She would have grabbed and hit him by now but Tomoyo had been silently moving to prevent her from even being able to take a step forward.<br> <br>"I advise you not to move any closer. This robot girl does not listen to what I have to say especially when she feels that I do not want some people to get close to me" Kazuya indifferently said and turned towards the boy from the Karate club to give him a nod to confirm his invitation was acknowledged.<br> <br>"Why aren't you answering me? You should know who I am by now right?" Maron continued to frown. "Are you going to keep hiding behind a girl? You call yourself a man?" she tried changing her approach.<br> <br>"Are you trying to be clever by taunting me?" Kazuya turned to her and warmly smiled. He found such taunts to be cute.<br> <br>"I'm just speaking the truth. Why hide behind a girl?" Maron grinned back at him.<br> <br>"You have an interesting perspective. Let me ask you a question then; What do you think would happen if you attack me?"<br> <br>"She would defend you"<br> <br>"Correct. Now what do you think would happen if she lets you attack me? This robot girl herself has never won a single bout against me you know" Kazuya's expression hadn't changed but everyone else's did.<br> <br>The people present had gotten used to seeing Tomoyo preventing anyone they didn't know approach Kazuya that they let the fact about him being the champion of the individual Kendo tournament ever since he started participating slip their minds. He was right. What was this girl expecting?<br> <br>"This…" What was she indeed expecting. This wasn't the Ka-kun she once knew. Her expectations were a whole lot different from what was actually happening. He may have looked the same but he was like a person she never even met.<br> <br>The school bell had rung before Maron could answer. The fact that Kazuya had talked back to her and even made her speechless still hadn't sunk in. She selfishly took the seat behind him and the poor occupant was forced to relocate to another seat.<br> <br>The day moved on like any other day aside from the fact that Kazuya always felt a stare from behind him. Maron observed his every move and even took interest in the different types of books he was reading.<br> <br>"(Art of War? Military Tactics? Psychological Warfare?)" She became even more confused. Why was he reading such things and why were the teachers not saying anything about it?<br> <br>"Is there no one who knows the answer to this question?" one of the teachers of the next class asked the students. She thought that it would be a good time to get this guy in trouble so she gestured towards the teacher to call for Kazuya.<br> <br>"Kouzuki-kun? Would you mind helping your classmates out again?" the teacher didn't know why this new student was making trouble for the student most likely didn't need to attend class to pass exams so he decided to show her.<br> <br>"Sure" Kazuya put the book down on his desk before walking towards the front to make quick work of the problem that stumped his classmates. This was actually a higher leveled equation that was supposed to be answered once everyone had learned how to do it in the current term.<br> <br>"Splendid! Thank you as usual Kouzuki-kun. If you ever need to convince your mother to have you elevated to an advanced level, then feel free to ask" the teacher praised and felt that it was a pity that he was stuck in a grade that only served to waste his time academically.<br> <br>"Thank you sensei but I understand my mother's intentions. I may have gotten better at interacting with people but I still have not gotten rid of many of my old habits" he excused himself and walked back to his seat. Before he sat down however, he looked at Maron in the eyes and muttered "Childish pranks fit for a little girl" before sitting down.<br> <br>"Wha—" Maron was about to grab him but she held herself back as soon as she saw Tomoyo's gaze land on her. Had this been their old school, she would have already wreaked havoc after being insulted like that.<br> <br>She had been warned beforehand that the school had very strict rules. These rules were even stricter for members of the S class because they were supposed to be elite members of the next generation. Kurumi's father had let Maron selfishly follow Kurumi to transfer but he set the condition that both of them must pass S class' requirements.<br> <br>This was meant to be a way to control this troublesome girl's personality. She would have to behave so that she could stay in this school because Sacred Forest Academy would not hesitate to revoke her status as a member of S class or expel her from school if she broke the rules that they were briefed about when they got accepted.<br> <br>"(Just you wait Ka-kun… I'll definitely get you back for this)" she glared at his back as her intentions were clearly felt by Kazuya who had grown a frown. He was indebted to Stockton Kurumi so he had to at least try to get along with her but this girl was another matter altogether.<br> <br>"(What a troublesome girl…)"<br> <br>.<p></p> </div>
. *tug tug* Kazuya was sitting on his desk when a familiar tug made him realize that he had been distracted. He turned towards the girl who looked at him with concerned eyes. He had been quite distracted after he had gotten that call from Kurumi yesterday. "It's nothing. Just thinking about a few things" Kazuya reassured her because this girl also turned out to be a worrywart. He heard all about her episode when he was well enough to get visitors. This robot girl was one of the first visitors he had because she needed to see him well and awake more than anyone else. She jumped on him the moment she entered his hospital room and almost took out the stitches he kept on for appearances' sake. Kyouko who was present at the time couldn't blame her after hearing from Jirou what happened. Kazuya's circumstances made the robot girl have an episode as she got reminded what she witnessed when she lost her parents after seeing so much blood coming from Kazuya. The girl who hardly showed any emotion cried out loudly after confirming for herself that he was alright. *nod* she sat back down obediently. The two of them were still in the same sports focused class even though time had passed and occupied the same seats as well. Though they were already in a year and some months away from stepping into middle school, the only thing that changed about this girl was she had started to use her voice in a few situations. This had been incredible process because both he and his annoying friend Takaya almost gave up in trying to make her speak. Kazuya didn't really know what exactly prompted it but he knew that it may have been because of what happened to him two years ago. "K-kouzuki-san!" a girl who looked nervous entered their classroom and tried to approach him. Her friends waited for her near the door and kept on encouraging her to do her best. "…" Tomoyo's eyebrows twitched and stood up to and released some pressure which stopped the girl from getting any closer. This was also one of the aftereffects of the incident which made Tomoyo react like this for strangers that tried to approach him. "What is it?" Kazuya gestured to the robot girl that it was alright. There was really no need for her to act like this but it sometimes helped when he wanted to avoid talking to a people at times. "W-will you come to the Judo club today?" the girl even felt more nervous as she was being stared at the person who was well known to have been his faithful robot. Another side effect to the matter that happened between him and Lee being made public was that his identity had no longer been a secret. It wasn't only that, people made him out to be some sort of heroic and filial hero who fought bravely during the championship and won while he was critically wounded. He couldn't help but sigh at such romanization but people loved such tales. it was because of this that his popularity surged in their school and there was hardly any people who didn't know who he was. As someone who wanted to stay low key, this was a burden as he had not planned for any of this to happen. "Hmm…" he thought about the girl's question. With his training progressing smoothly, he expanded his thoughts after getting lessons from Jirou. He started thinking about learning more about different styles for fighting other than with a sword. He did get the basics of fighting with the usual style of Edea but like his swordsmanship, he realized that he relied on the advantage of his blessing and made himself believe that it was enough. Kazuya started trying out different martial arts and the easiest way he could do so was by visiting the various clubs in their school and getting tips from their instructors. It may have been a little of a stretch to get something like a master of the art to teach him like Jirou but Kazuya was only hoping to learn everything that he could from them so that he can integrate it into his repertoire. He was already a popular figure in school anyway so he just rode the flow and used it to his advantage. The instructors who heard about him were more than happy to agree to help such a brave kid and let him be a motivator to the other members. Some of them even tried to poach him away from the Kendo club. "No Kouzuki-san should go with the Karate club today!" one boy entered through the door at the back of the room and stopped at a distance where he knew Tomoyo wouldn't mind. The people from the Judo club complained from the background. They asked him first and the boy had went alone to try and steal away Kazuya. The boy remained unmoved despite their objections. He believed that it would be a waste of time for Kazuya to be going to the Judo club because these girls would just tray to talk to him most of the time. "Whoa! It sure is lively here" a voice came from outside the room. The students quickly made way as soon as they saw who the person was. The students from Kazuya's class however, was already used to this person from S class making himself comfortable in their classroom. They even left his seat empty most of the time because he would usually just go to their class whenever he had time to go to school. "You sure are popular as usual Kouzuki" he grinned at his friend. They had gotten a lot friendlier over the past two years as he dropped all pretenses when dealing with Kazuya. The only reservation he had left was when Tomoyo was present. "Why are you he—" "He'll be joining the basketball club later so all of you can leave" A voice interrupted him as everyone turned to look at the tall and intimidating girl with the same pin as Takaya had. Everyone was immediately intimidated by this tall beauty who seemed to a middle school student. "And you are?" Kazuya's brows furrowed. He knew who this girl was because Kurumi hadn't failed to mention this cousin of hers during their talks for the past two years. He remained indifferent because from Kurumi's description and the previous people who threatened him with her identity, she was trouble. This was Stockton Maron, Kurumi's older cousin who deliberately let herself get held back in school to stay with her cousin. "You…" Maron was a bit surprised at his lack of reaction. She might not have been present for all the times her cousin talked to him on the phone but she knew that Kurumi definitely mentioned her to him. She wanted to meet him before her cousin did so she deliberately let Kurumi oversleep so that she could get a step ahead of her. "I apologize but I have not met you before. I have no interest in basketball so there would be no need to me to go there. I will be intruding in the Karate club today so I already have an appointment. The girls who invited him looked disappointed but they stayed. They wanted to see who this girl was and what she was going to do after her invitation was rejected. Maron had not budged and acted as if he did not hear his invitation. "You really don't know who I am?" Maron looked at him suspiciously but could not discover and hint of him trying to pretend he didn't know her. "I have quite the confidence in my memory so I am sure that this is the first time we've seen each other. I believe my friend here is the same. He does not seem to recognize you even though you do possess the pin that indicates you are from his class" Kazuya turned to the person in question to let him take over. "He's right. I've met every single one of the people in S class for both 5th and 6th grades. I have not met someone like you before" Takaya had not been intimidated since they were indeed from the same class. Kazuya now understood why it had taken so long for these two to transfer over. The test for transferring to their school already had strict requirements but it was even stricter for those who wanted to be in S class simply because of how demanding the results they needed to keep being in the class. The Kurumi from his previous life was a girl who remained in the regular classes so she was definitely forced to do more than she had done previously in this life. It was a sort of improvement for her but Kazuya was well aware of her reasons for doing so. "It's because I just transferred today. The name's Maron, Stockton Maron. I have to say Ka-kun, I'm really quite offended that you don't remember me" Maron ginned as she moved in to get closer to him but was immediately stopped by a girl with a swinging ponytail who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Even Takaya was a bit startled after hearing her name. Who wouldn't know who the Stockton's were. There also seemed to be an amicable relationship between the Kouzukis and the Stocktons ever since the incident two years ago so they couldn't help but speculate why this girl suddenly acted all familiar with Kazuya. Only Kazuya had remained indifferent because he already knew who this girl was. "And?" Kazuya remained unmoved. He already put this girl in the same category as Ayame. She was the same type who was selfish and did everything that she wanted so he wanted to have as little to do with her as possible. Everyone watching really couldn't help but raise their admiration towards their hero. He was one of them and he didn't even give in to such an intimidating person. It looked like there would be another page to be added in his heroic tales as the amount of sparkles in the people's eyes made Kazuya's mouth twitch. "What do you mean 'AND?' You should have realized who I am and how we are connected by now!" she felt annoyed after seeing his unchanging expression when she declared who she was. She would have grabbed and hit him by now but Tomoyo had been silently moving to prevent her from even being able to take a step forward. "I advise you not to move any closer. This robot girl does not listen to what I have to say especially when she feels that I do not want some people to get close to me" Kazuya indifferently said and turned towards the boy from the Karate club to give him a nod to confirm his invitation was acknowledged. "Why aren't you answering me? You should know who I am by now right?" Maron continued to frown. "Are you going to keep hiding behind a girl? You call yourself a man?" she tried changing her approach. "Are you trying to be clever by taunting me?" Kazuya turned to her and warmly smiled. He found such taunts to be cute. "I'm just speaking the truth. Why hide behind a girl?" Maron grinned back at him. "You have an interesting perspective. Let me ask you a question then; What do you think would happen if you attack me?" "She would defend you" "Correct. Now what do you think would happen if she lets you attack me? This robot girl herself has never won a single bout against me you know" Kazuya's expression hadn't changed but everyone else's did. The people present had gotten used to seeing Tomoyo preventing anyone they didn't know approach Kazuya that they let the fact about him being the champion of the individual Kendo tournament ever since he started participating slip their minds. He was right. What was this girl expecting? "This…" What was she indeed expecting. This wasn't the Ka-kun she once knew. Her expectations were a whole lot different from what was actually happening. He may have looked the same but he was like a person she never even met. The school bell had rung before Maron could answer. The fact that Kazuya had talked back to her and even made her speechless still hadn't sunk in. She selfishly took the seat behind him and the poor occupant was forced to relocate to another seat. The day moved on like any other day aside from the fact that Kazuya always felt a stare from behind him. Maron observed his every move and even took interest in the different types of books he was reading. "(Art of War? Military Tactics? Psychological Warfare?)" She became even more confused. Why was he reading such things and why were the teachers not saying anything about it? "Is there no one who knows the answer to this question?" one of the teachers of the next class asked the students. She thought that it would be a good time to get this guy in trouble so she gestured towards the teacher to call for Kazuya. "Kouzuki-kun? Would you mind helping your classmates out again?" the teacher didn't know why this new student was making trouble for the student most likely didn't need to attend class to pass exams so he decided to show her. "Sure" Kazuya put the book down on his desk before walking towards the front to make quick work of the problem that stumped his classmates. This was actually a higher leveled equation that was supposed to be answered once everyone had learned how to do it in the current term. "Splendid! Thank you as usual Kouzuki-kun. If you ever need to convince your mother to have you elevated to an advanced level, then feel free to ask" the teacher praised and felt that it was a pity that he was stuck in a grade that only served to waste his time academically. "Thank you sensei but I understand my mother's intentions. I may have gotten better at interacting with people but I still have not gotten rid of many of my old habits" he excused himself and walked back to his seat. Before he sat down however, he looked at Maron in the eyes and muttered "Childish pranks fit for a little girl" before sitting down. "Wha—" Maron was about to grab him but she held herself back as soon as she saw Tomoyo's gaze land on her. Had this been their old school, she would have already wreaked havoc after being insulted like that. She had been warned beforehand that the school had very strict rules. These rules were even stricter for members of the S class because they were supposed to be elite members of the next generation. Kurumi's father had let Maron selfishly follow Kurumi to transfer but he set the condition that both of them must pass S class' requirements. This was meant to be a way to control this troublesome girl's personality. She would have to behave so that she could stay in this school because Sacred Forest Academy would not hesitate to revoke her status as a member of S class or expel her from school if she broke the rules that they were briefed about when they got accepted. "(Just you wait Ka-kun… I'll definitely get you back for this)" she glared at his back as her intentions were clearly felt by Kazuya who had grown a frown. He was indebted to Stockton Kurumi so he had to at least try to get along with her but this girl was another matter altogether. "(What a troublesome girl…)" .
{ "title": "The Blood Prince", "id": 17033, "author": "DiscipleRaven", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Volume 2 Chapter 27", "id": 305845, "next": 306458, "prev": 304367, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwYTRmMTJjMzYxYTQ0YTE4ZjhjZmRkOGEwMjYxNmI5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em"><strong>V2 Chapter 27</strong></span></p> <p class="cnNlYTU2NmY4MzkwMDRkNGI4YTBmMzIyOWYxYWQzNzll"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“…I don’t have any problem with that, in fact, I most likely welcome it. However, I still don’t have any information about the Young Master which I can ahold of and strengthened my desire to be an ally to the young master. You are just too mysterious—it’s as if the young master just came out of nowhere, even the Cahlo Clan at that aspect. It’s the first time I had heard of it. From those of the secluded clans, I may not know everything but I still know more than most people. And I really have not heard such a Clan before…” Lovelier voiced out her doubts.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OTViYWY4N2Y1MDRhYTE4ZGMzMWQ1MWRlZGUyZmQ0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“If Young Master wants to be trusted by us and make us believe that you can walk the same road as we are, side by side. Although this might offend the young master as it appeared rude and impolite, wouldn’t young master need to offer ‘sincerity’ as well…?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2UyODY2YTVjODRiZjY5MjM4ZWM3YmVkN2JiYzUz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“… …” Cian placed down his spoon and fork and stared at Lovelier’s serious expression. “Truthfully, there wouldn’t be a problem if that is the case…”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTQ0YjQ2YjZlOTQ5NjZhMWFiNjZjYWU2ZGVkYmJl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Then,” Lovelier's expression beam in an instant. However, only for a moment as her smile stiffened from Cian's response.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDhlZGFjNjViNzRiOWM4OTZiNjhjZmNkZGIxYTIz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“However, if I ask you to reveal all about you and your plans, goals, and schemes…would Lady Lovelier tell me about it as well?” Cian asked with a faint tone.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjY4ZGRhMTI3NzQzYjM4ZjgxYjJhZmU2NTYyZTVk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Lovelier flinched slightly. Her body instantly stiffened as she said with a wry and bitter smile, “That, that is something I cannot do… for many reasons. Although I wanted to indeed exchange truths with the Young Master but… I am not the only one who is in charge and thus, I cannot make a decision as big as that.” Cian nodded as if he had already expected it. However, as he was about to answer, Lovelier hesitated for a moment before saying, “Though, if the Young Master is proven a beneficial ally and someone we can truly believe in, of course, what Young Master wanted will be given to him without hesitation.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTE5ZmIwN2FkZTRkZWM5YjU3ZThhMDljZTM1Yzky"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“... Then, until that time comes, we can only wait…isn’t it?” Cian responded lightly.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWY0YjcxODU4OTQzOGQ4MTYzM2U1OTQ5N2MxOTRj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“… …”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjVjNDU5ZGUwMjRhZGU5YTBhMGY0ZDE2NmY1YjQ0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Truthfully, although I also want to be an ally with your side, Lady Lovelier but if that is what you wanted, I can only hold back a bit. I can only disappoint you…” Cian smiled wryly.</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2Y2NjY1MTgzOTQ3ZmFhOTFlYTYxNzZjZTBmNzA2"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“That’s…”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWQ3Njg0YzEwZjQ1Zjk4MDFjOGRkNjY3NzlkMGI0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Our Clan value secrecy and divulging information outside is unforgivable and would then be led to execution. Just like you said, without much proof that we can believe you as a trustworthy comrade, we cannot let anyone knows of us. You can try and seek information regarding us, we won’t stop you as it is your right but letting it out from our mouths is something we couldn’t do. I apologize, Lady Lovelier…” Cian flashed a bitter smile at Lovelier causing the latter to feel complicated.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWM1MjUzYWI3NzRkYzNhODZhNjQyMWFiZjcxZDVm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“…well, time is infinite. There is still a long time ahead of us… we can then make our judgment after we evaluate our interactions and actions from here on out. Besides, it’s not like it would change anything even if we won’t hold hands today. We can just still act like today hadn’t happened at all. As for your secret, you can trust that not a word will get out of my mouth, or else the Demon God will strike me till death if I do otherwise. This, I swear.” Cian resumed eating casually while talking with a brilliant smile. Though, if Night really will smite him is another matter…</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjI5NTVhZjRiMjRlZmQ4NGRmYmU1ZDBlOTM0NmVh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“…After all, deep inside me, I believe that Lady Lovelier is someone truly dependable and someone worth trusting. Enough for me to almost forget my mission and ask for the lady’s hand in marriage…” he grinned impishly.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzA5OThlY2FjNDQwYzM5MmExOWNiYzExMzc4OTE4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Lovelier felt her face turned hot. “Says the one who hadn’t yet seen my true appearance. Although, it’s hard to admit I am not that beautiful, even beneath the servant you have with you,”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDM0ZGEzZjI5NDQ2MjM5ZmY4NmM1NTk2YWY0Y2Rm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Oh about that,” Cian smiled happily, “Truthfully, ever since we met, the one I am seeing is not your outer face, the mask but the one behind it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzVkZTk2NjM3OTQ5ZTdiZmNhY2ZhZWJkZGYwN2Nk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“…?! What?!” Lovelier stood up in flustered. Her hands hovered around her face as if checking it. “How did you—?!”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNGJmNjIzODRkZTQ1MTM5NTU2OGM0Y2FiOGQ1MWFj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“My Eye is a bit special…” Cian said simply before returning his attention to his meal.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTc3MjEwYzRkZjQ1MGE4MzYwYTc2NGM0YmNmMmJi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Lovelier’s eyes narrowed but deep within her, she was shaken. “So that is how you—” Cian grinned. "..." Lovelier’s mouth opened a little. Looking at Cian’s sincere expression, she actually didn’t know what to say next. She looked at Cian who was nonchalantly eating. She wanted to infer something from his expression. However, other than his delicate facial features, she couldn't derive anything from it.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWYzN2NmNjExZDQ0ODQ5ZDIxNzkwZjc5ODQ5ZTNj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian’s expression was too calm as if he was talking about something extremely normal. However, it was exactly because of this that Lovelier felt that there was more to it than what she could see. This is already beyond the realm of being special…!</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTYyZDFlZmIxMzQzYTFiMjg5ZDk4ZWRmYWZmYjAz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">She was confident about her abilities and skills but to see through it in a single glance… just what kind of eyes are those supposed to be?!</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzY4NjI0NjljZjRiM2U5MTJiOTE2Mjk0ZDM4YTdm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">*** ***</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzI5MDU2NzQwZDRkZmI4M2E5ZGYyNDVkNTY4Zjll"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">After a meal, Cian separated from Lovelier. Although both parties wanted to continue for a while to observe and analyze each other through words and actions, they held back their intentions and let everything ends for tonight. Being hasty would only produce detrimental results. In any case, both had agreed to meet every now and then to deepen their relationship, which Cian was very happy to oblige.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGM1Yjk4YTk3ZTRkMzI4YTJjYjA5MzlmNjVhM2Nh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Not only Lovelier was a very beautiful woman, but she too has power and influence that could be of use to him when the time comes.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2E5YTM4MmIyZDRkYmM4Njc5ZWUyOTc4YTE4MDE3"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">... ...</span></p> <p class="cnMzOGQwZjhjOTc0ZDRhZmNiMWIzNjNkOWMyMDQ3Zjkw"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Disappearing in the middle of the night, Cian returned to the castle without being seen by anyone. Walking through the corridor covered by darkness, Cian made his way to his room. And as expected, when he opened the door, Ruka was already waiting for him there.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTJmNTVkNDAwNjQ1OTQ5YTRiOTZhNDMyZTM3MzY5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Is everything done?” he asked.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTcwNmU4MzQwZjRhZWZhZjUzNzVmM2YzN2IwMDBi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Yes, Master!” Ruka happily nodded her head. “I already gave them instructions, money and pass for the Northern Border. I also gave them several masks as well to disguise themselves. Although the Lamia one was a difficult case due to her long tail that is quite difficult to hide so, for now, she was stationed within the city. The others are sent to go back to their places to take root and gather forces as well as information. Only eight slaves are left and being stationed in here…”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTdlMzA5NGVmNTQxNGE5ZjU3OTJkYmQ1NDc3NzNh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian listened while started undressing his clothes. Seeing his actions, Ruka with a shy smile immediately walked over and help him. Apart from the four high-quality slaves he had brought from the Auction House, he had also bought a lot from the other stalls in the market area. On this day, he had bought a large number of slaves to begin his large-scale plan. He had made one of the buildings he had bought secretly a few days ago as a temporary base. He was planning to scatter the slaves in each direction to create an eye in every event and information.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWM0NzE3OWVlYzQ0MTg5ZjM0YjVhZmRiNmFjYzg3"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Although this is quite a troublesome and high-risk gamble of a plan, he still has initiated it without hesitation. After all, this could be the foundation of his plans in the future, “Have you implemented the compliance spell? What about the Slave Bug?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzBkY2UyNTViMTRkMTg5M2ViODljNGQxMmY3NmY4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Of course!” Ruka answered as she runs down her palm at Cian’s broad and sturdy chest. Her gaze was gentle and warm, placing a light kiss on his chest before continuing; “…If they tried to work against the Master and even leaked out information that can put master’s life in danger, they would die instantly.” Her voice was cold and full of murderous intention. If they cross and hurt her master, she wouldn't show any mercy and kill them with her own hands!</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWQ5YjM1OGU1YTRiZTJiNzg1MWMzY2U2NGU2YzAz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian nodded his head.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmZlMmJlZGRlYzQ0YjM5YTA1NTFkMDk2MzFkMGNk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">The slave bug is a kind of parasite that would be planted within someone’s body. Even if the slaves would try to outsmart him or leak any kind of information to the enemy, the slave bug would be notified of any suspicious actions by the host and it would send a message to the mother bug. What’s more, using the Slave Bugs within the slave's body, one can also hear the thoughts and words spoken by the host through the Mother Bug which was encased in a small sphere made from memory telepathic crystal. A rare crystal which was as precious as Energy Elemental Crystals.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDE5NTRhNGExNjQ2ODY4MjI1OGJmYTViZDdjZDFm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">By touching the crystal, one can hear and see what the Mother Bug could!</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjM4ZTEzYWEyYzRjZmRhY2E4NWU1YzViZTFlZTZl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">With just a thought, the person would die no matter how far they run. Mother Bug was a very precious existence and also very rare. Who knows how much trouble did Sitana go through just to find this kind of thing.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTc2OGYwODg5OTQ0YTBiYTY5NDU0NDQ0NzNjM2Mx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian had asked the Demon Empress for it a long time ago after coming up with this plan. However, due to the state of the Imperial City which was full of attentive eyes, Cian couldn’t begin this plan recklessly up until now. And now, the Okmahun City which was quite lax in terms of those predatory eyes and nose of those from the Imperial City, Cian decided to take root in this place.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTY3OTY1MDQ5MDQyZDQ5NzVlYjBhNzVhOTQ4ZTVl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Since the City has so many Gangs and Organizations anyway, as long as one has money and wealth, they can easily build a Gang. It would be like hiding a tree inside a forest. No one would scrutinize the Gang’s purpose or background seriously as long as one produce money. Though protecting it would be quite difficult but that would not be a problem for Cian either.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzExOGQ5YjU1MDQ3ODNiZGViZGYwMzdmMzA5ZDgx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">With his top taken off as well as shoes and socks, Cian sat on the edge of the bed as he continued listening to Ruka’s reports. “...As for the Compliance Spell, I had also already used it together with Slave Bugs. Now they shouldn’t think of crossing Master with the Compliance Spell active along with the Slave Bugs. I had also told them what master asked me to, that you wouldn’t maltreat them if they work properly and that you would free them from the Slave Bugs and return their free status if you acknowledge them…although doubtful at first but since I had sworn at the name of the Demon God, they were immediately full of excitement…” Ruka stood in front of Cian.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjM0Y2EwZjA4MDQ4YzNiMmI4ZTFjYjdlMWJkYTlk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“...What do you think about them? Anyone with a doubtful attitude and character?” After thinking for a while, Cian asked curiously.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzI5NDc5OTVlOTQ0YTU5N2VkZTRhZWU4MWE4NmM3"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“Some…” Ruka hesitated for a bit. “From what I can see, at least 12 people I don’t think we can fully trust.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjAxM2RhNDg3MTQ4YTZhYmFiODFlYjFhMzY0MzRl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“I see…” Cian nodded in understanding. “Monitor them for a week or two and if there’s a sign of any suspicious actions and thoughts, kill them without hesitation." An icy glint flashing in Cian’s mismatched eyes—if they are not useful, then might as well turn them into bones…!</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDllYzkwM2NmNzRjMTlhZGM0ZTlkODk1OTAyMjU1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">“As you wish, master…!” Ruka nodded immediately. “Thank you for the trouble,” Cia muttered indifferently. It was actually not that necessary for him to say these words. But he just did…for formalities. Besides, this can also appear like a praise for her hard work, which Ruka always wanted to hear. And so, Ruka immediately nodded with a brilliant smile of pure happiness, “Not all! If it’s for master, I would do everything master wanted me to do!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZGYwNThhM2QwMDQzZjliMmViNzU1YTZiZWRlMDVh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian smiled and lay down on the bed, quite exhausted. However, with his action, his body laid flat on the bed and the bulge in his trousers became apparent. He always had a hard-on since the time spent with Lovelier. Such a body, which man would not react? Much less, with his perverse eye, he could see her body naked as buck…She was tall, slender with long legs and has one of the most beautiful asses he’d ever seen in his two lifetimes.</span></p> <p class="cnNkN2YwYjE4NGIxOTQwMjA5ODA1ZDYzZWY0NWNhNTFi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">There was a saying that ‘those who are well-fed and well-clothed will have their lust aroused’. After eating until he was incredibly full, how could he not feel anything upon seeing Lovelier's beautiful face and sexy body as well as Ruka’s beautiful face?</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTQwZWRjNjViMDQyZDU4MjEzNzVhZjhjYjk1MTMz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">During his time with her, Cian had tried reigning in control of his body and mind while Aanuel was jumping wildly inside his mind almost causing him an intense migraine. Fortunately, he was able to control himself and not leaking any kind of desires appearing in his eyes even for a second, causing the talk and negotiation with her to smoothly.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzRiZjhhZWIzZjRmYzA4Y2M2ZGI2ODY4OWY3NzQ0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian surmised that if she noticed any kind of impure thoughts directed to her inside his eyes, the negotiations difficulty would surely come up by a notch, due to her impression of him going down the drain, labeling him as one of those men she had seen before.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzdjNGRjM2M4MDQ5OWM5Y2Y1NTQyNGRkNGZkYzg3"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Lovelier was someone that cannot be underestimated. She has sharp eyes and mind and had seen many types of people in her life. Cian portraying mysteriousness had surely pricked her interest of him, giving him quite a big boost in the negotiation table. As the saying goes, ‘Women pick Men with darker complexions because these are associated with Sex, Virility, Mystery, Villainy, and Danger!’</span></p> <p class="cnMyNmRjNjM0OWRhMTQxNThhMmQ1MjRjYzJjODhlNDM0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Once a woman thought a man as mysterious, they would then generate curiosity and then interest… after that, all would be easy to conquer a woman's heart.</span></p> <p class="cnNhODU4NGQ4ZGJmYTQ3YjViOGI1MGMzZmFkNTExNGI1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Of course, the talk about the Clan’s existence had also played a very large part. Since she didn’t know whether it existed or not, she can’t easily make her move until she obtains enough information or else, if the existing Clan was to know about what they did to him, they would risk of gaining another powerful enemy after them. My poker face and the Oscar-level act did the rest.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjliY2Y4MzU0ODQ2N2NiMGJlYmFmYzc2YWU3YjIx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">And so, he endured quite a lot to suppress his raging desire to appear and leaked out in any of his actions and eyes, which was extremely hard than assassinating a president of a country. Aanuel’s instinct is just too difficult for him to tame down and suppress. Thus, he really works hard today…even his member is raging all this time. The flames of desire built up within him long ago. He did his best to resist it, but when he couldn’t hold back anymore, he could only release his pent-up lust on someone—</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDE0MWEyYTRiYjQ4NjViZWYzNTg4YTA5Zjc3OWU0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Ruka didn’t overlook the bulging on Cian’s trousers. She bit her lips and her face flushed. “Does master wants…to rest now?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODM3N2E1YmI1YjRlMjNiOGYyM2NjMzM1MmJjMTIw"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian let out a sigh. His lips curling upwards, “Not yet…but help me for a bit. Will you, Ruka?” Ruka immediately understands Cian’s meaning and nodded her head softly. Then, thinking for a while, Ruka bit her lips and then immediately fell on her knees before him and clumsily began to unzip his pants.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMmQ5MWI3YmY0ZTQ3MDY4OGQxMjkyMGEzZTIxODdl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian didn’t do anything and just lied down on the bed as Ruka’s hand squirmed against his crotch, making his body even hotter. Fortunately, he had Ruka to satiate his hunger for flesh. If not, he would surely go about and assault anyone he could see. He couldn’t touch Sibylla, his beloved Fiancée because he wanted their relationship to continue to be a white paper. In this twisted world, Cian wanted even one person he could have a normal relationship with.</span></p> <p class="cnNhM2RmOWZiYzYyZjQ2ZmVhZWI1NjVhNWJmOGM4ZjA1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Besides, despite their growing affection for each other, Cian knows that deep within Sibylla, there were still a large uneasiness and apprehension she kept within her heart. If she was Sibylla and her man was someone like Aanuel, even if he had turned a new leaf, there was still doubt and fear that could not disappear even if she wanted to. Such chasm cannot easily be avoided or ignored.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzRkODQ1ZDA4MTQ4ZTNiOGM3YTM4NTczNDBhNjZk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian didn’t want to force her and make things between them awkward. He could only wait…until the time when she appears before him and gives herself to him with wholeheartedly.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTYzODQ5YjAzZTRhZDhiNmNkN2U2NjA3NjdkNDE3"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian raised his upper body and stared at Ruka. The sight of her tits swaying in her low cut, loose fitting top makes him even hotter. She tussled with his pants so she could get them around his ankles and then she gently stroked his balls and pulled the skin on his cock way, way back. Just like what she was taught, she licked the end a little and showed a shy smile at Cian who was watching her. Cian smiled at her while stroking her hair.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDg0YzQxOTQ5YTQ5YzFhMTgzZjM3MGNkMTEzNjM4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Cian kept silent and felt her hand covered his throbbing flesh. Feeling pretty horny by now, Cian felt extremely good as he slipped it past her soft full lips and into her mouth. Holding onto her hair he started to slide in and out, in and out. Soft, lightly wet tongue started its journey up and down. It felt like she was building a tower with such moves. One lick up, kiss and down. His hand grabbed her hair when dick disappeared in her mouth. Tip of his cock was touching tight muscles of her throat. It was unbelievable. Not every woman could take his member just like her.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjE2Y2VmOTUwYTRiMDQ5ODkyMzhiMjAwMzFhOGZi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Her lips kissed his balls, while all his length was inside of her mouth. The girl was done playing with his length and started her seducing sucking moves. With every time she would suck in more and release. He forgot how to breathe. It was so intense, so deep, so crazy. He didn’t remember when he had such a good oral sex—or how talented Ruka was. Not long ago, she was new to this kind of service but now she could even start a business and she would become rich overnight. Well, not like he would let go of her though, after all, for the time being; only Ruka would let him do what he wanted without any complaint, no matter what kind of kink it is!</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWZmODFhOTgyZDQ1MDI4YzY0YzdhZmE1ZTY0ODdl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">She didn’t try to finish, she was enjoying every move. His dick was quite wet and Ruka’s hand felt like a tight, warm and dripping pussy. Ruka’s mouth sunk down on Cian’s cock while she watched in awe as the joy in her beloved master’s face radiated like the summer sun when it breaks from behind the clouds. They fed on each other’s passions until they were moving together, responding to a rhythm that only they could hear and feel. Cian pushed his length into Ruka’s mouth, loving the way his adorable servant’s lips and chin had grown slick and shined in the low light of the bedroom. She was really gorgeous.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTY2NjY4ZjdmZTQ1N2ZiZjAzMzc2NDA4YThhM2Jm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Ruka started to do deep throat again and he got lost. Her lips, her throat, her tongue – everything was so perfect. The feeling of her tight throat muscles was so good, and it ended with light sucking motion and tongue playing. He knew he wouldn’t be able to have it too long. She started to suck very hard and Cian exploded. She gripped on to the soft mattress on each of his sides as Cian drove his cock even deeper in her throat causing a gag reflex to kick in. However, Cian’s hand appeared behind her head stopping her from breaking away until he was bouncing her head all over the place as he moved faster and faster.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTBlMDNkZDc1MDQwYzk5MWYwNmI1YWJjYzZjN2Vl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">When he felt himself cumming he gripped tighter onto her hair and just pounded away until, with a loud groan, he shot his load. His legs felt a bit weak and she seemed a little dizzy after the battering her head had taken. As for Cian, he fell down on the bed, lying eagle-spread. <em>*Kuri Kuri</em> as for Ruka, her lips were still kissing Cian’s pubic as the latter’s dick was deep in her throat shooting hot seeds directly into her stomach. After feeling it finally ending, Ruka carefully cleaned Cian’s gooey meat rod with her tongue.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzBhNTQxYzkyMzRlMDhhZDBiNDc0NDNhMDYzZGFh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">… …</span></p> </div>
**V2 Chapter 27** “…I don’t have any problem with that, in fact, I most likely welcome it. However, I still don’t have any information about the Young Master which I can ahold of and strengthened my desire to be an ally to the young master. You are just too mysterious—it’s as if the young master just came out of nowhere, even the Cahlo Clan at that aspect. It’s the first time I had heard of it. From those of the secluded clans, I may not know everything but I still know more than most people. And I really have not heard such a Clan before…” Lovelier voiced out her doubts. “If Young Master wants to be trusted by us and make us believe that you can walk the same road as we are, side by side. Although this might offend the young master as it appeared rude and impolite, wouldn’t young master need to offer ‘sincerity’ as well…?” “… …” Cian placed down his spoon and fork and stared at Lovelier’s serious expression. “Truthfully, there wouldn’t be a problem if that is the case…” “Then,” Lovelier's expression beam in an instant. However, only for a moment as her smile stiffened from Cian's response. “However, if I ask you to reveal all about you and your plans, goals, and schemes…would Lady Lovelier tell me about it as well?” Cian asked with a faint tone. Lovelier flinched slightly. Her body instantly stiffened as she said with a wry and bitter smile, “That, that is something I cannot do… for many reasons. Although I wanted to indeed exchange truths with the Young Master but… I am not the only one who is in charge and thus, I cannot make a decision as big as that.” Cian nodded as if he had already expected it. However, as he was about to answer, Lovelier hesitated for a moment before saying, “Though, if the Young Master is proven a beneficial ally and someone we can truly believe in, of course, what Young Master wanted will be given to him without hesitation.” “... Then, until that time comes, we can only wait…isn’t it?” Cian responded lightly. “… …” “Truthfully, although I also want to be an ally with your side, Lady Lovelier but if that is what you wanted, I can only hold back a bit. I can only disappoint you…” Cian smiled wryly. “That’s…” “Our Clan value secrecy and divulging information outside is unforgivable and would then be led to execution. Just like you said, without much proof that we can believe you as a trustworthy comrade, we cannot let anyone knows of us. You can try and seek information regarding us, we won’t stop you as it is your right but letting it out from our mouths is something we couldn’t do. I apologize, Lady Lovelier…” Cian flashed a bitter smile at Lovelier causing the latter to feel complicated. “…well, time is infinite. There is still a long time ahead of us… we can then make our judgment after we evaluate our interactions and actions from here on out. Besides, it’s not like it would change anything even if we won’t hold hands today. We can just still act like today hadn’t happened at all. As for your secret, you can trust that not a word will get out of my mouth, or else the Demon God will strike me till death if I do otherwise. This, I swear.” Cian resumed eating casually while talking with a brilliant smile. Though, if Night really will smite him is another matter… “…After all, deep inside me, I believe that Lady Lovelier is someone truly dependable and someone worth trusting. Enough for me to almost forget my mission and ask for the lady’s hand in marriage…” he grinned impishly. Lovelier felt her face turned hot. “Says the one who hadn’t yet seen my true appearance. Although, it’s hard to admit I am not that beautiful, even beneath the servant you have with you,” “Oh about that,” Cian smiled happily, “Truthfully, ever since we met, the one I am seeing is not your outer face, the mask but the one behind it.” “…?! What?!” Lovelier stood up in flustered. Her hands hovered around her face as if checking it. “How did you—?!” “My Eye is a bit special…” Cian said simply before returning his attention to his meal. Lovelier’s eyes narrowed but deep within her, she was shaken. “So that is how you—” Cian grinned. "..." Lovelier’s mouth opened a little. Looking at Cian’s sincere expression, she actually didn’t know what to say next. She looked at Cian who was nonchalantly eating. She wanted to infer something from his expression. However, other than his delicate facial features, she couldn't derive anything from it. Cian’s expression was too calm as if he was talking about something extremely normal. However, it was exactly because of this that Lovelier felt that there was more to it than what she could see. This is already beyond the realm of being special…! She was confident about her abilities and skills but to see through it in a single glance… just what kind of eyes are those supposed to be?! *** *** After a meal, Cian separated from Lovelier. Although both parties wanted to continue for a while to observe and analyze each other through words and actions, they held back their intentions and let everything ends for tonight. Being hasty would only produce detrimental results. In any case, both had agreed to meet every now and then to deepen their relationship, which Cian was very happy to oblige. Not only Lovelier was a very beautiful woman, but she too has power and influence that could be of use to him when the time comes. ... ... Disappearing in the middle of the night, Cian returned to the castle without being seen by anyone. Walking through the corridor covered by darkness, Cian made his way to his room. And as expected, when he opened the door, Ruka was already waiting for him there. “Is everything done?” he asked. “Yes, Master!” Ruka happily nodded her head. “I already gave them instructions, money and pass for the Northern Border. I also gave them several masks as well to disguise themselves. Although the Lamia one was a difficult case due to her long tail that is quite difficult to hide so, for now, she was stationed within the city. The others are sent to go back to their places to take root and gather forces as well as information. Only eight slaves are left and being stationed in here…” Cian listened while started undressing his clothes. Seeing his actions, Ruka with a shy smile immediately walked over and help him. Apart from the four high-quality slaves he had brought from the Auction House, he had also bought a lot from the other stalls in the market area. On this day, he had bought a large number of slaves to begin his large-scale plan. He had made one of the buildings he had bought secretly a few days ago as a temporary base. He was planning to scatter the slaves in each direction to create an eye in every event and information. Although this is quite a troublesome and high-risk gamble of a plan, he still has initiated it without hesitation. After all, this could be the foundation of his plans in the future, “Have you implemented the compliance spell? What about the Slave Bug?” “Of course!” Ruka answered as she runs down her palm at Cian’s broad and sturdy chest. Her gaze was gentle and warm, placing a light kiss on his chest before continuing; “…If they tried to work against the Master and even leaked out information that can put master’s life in danger, they would die instantly.” Her voice was cold and full of murderous intention. If they cross and hurt her master, she wouldn't show any mercy and kill them with her own hands! Cian nodded his head. The slave bug is a kind of parasite that would be planted within someone’s body. Even if the slaves would try to outsmart him or leak any kind of information to the enemy, the slave bug would be notified of any suspicious actions by the host and it would send a message to the mother bug. What’s more, using the Slave Bugs within the slave's body, one can also hear the thoughts and words spoken by the host through the Mother Bug which was encased in a small sphere made from memory telepathic crystal. A rare crystal which was as precious as Energy Elemental Crystals. By touching the crystal, one can hear and see what the Mother Bug could! With just a thought, the person would die no matter how far they run. Mother Bug was a very precious existence and also very rare. Who knows how much trouble did Sitana go through just to find this kind of thing. Cian had asked the Demon Empress for it a long time ago after coming up with this plan. However, due to the state of the Imperial City which was full of attentive eyes, Cian couldn’t begin this plan recklessly up until now. And now, the Okmahun City which was quite lax in terms of those predatory eyes and nose of those from the Imperial City, Cian decided to take root in this place. Since the City has so many Gangs and Organizations anyway, as long as one has money and wealth, they can easily build a Gang. It would be like hiding a tree inside a forest. No one would scrutinize the Gang’s purpose or background seriously as long as one produce money. Though protecting it would be quite difficult but that would not be a problem for Cian either. With his top taken off as well as shoes and socks, Cian sat on the edge of the bed as he continued listening to Ruka’s reports. “...As for the Compliance Spell, I had also already used it together with Slave Bugs. Now they shouldn’t think of crossing Master with the Compliance Spell active along with the Slave Bugs. I had also told them what master asked me to, that you wouldn’t maltreat them if they work properly and that you would free them from the Slave Bugs and return their free status if you acknowledge them…although doubtful at first but since I had sworn at the name of the Demon God, they were immediately full of excitement…” Ruka stood in front of Cian. “...What do you think about them? Anyone with a doubtful attitude and character?” After thinking for a while, Cian asked curiously. “Some…” Ruka hesitated for a bit. “From what I can see, at least 12 people I don’t think we can fully trust.” “I see…” Cian nodded in understanding. “Monitor them for a week or two and if there’s a sign of any suspicious actions and thoughts, kill them without hesitation." An icy glint flashing in Cian’s mismatched eyes—if they are not useful, then might as well turn them into bones…! “As you wish, master…!” Ruka nodded immediately. “Thank you for the trouble,” Cia muttered indifferently. It was actually not that necessary for him to say these words. But he just did…for formalities. Besides, this can also appear like a praise for her hard work, which Ruka always wanted to hear. And so, Ruka immediately nodded with a brilliant smile of pure happiness, “Not all! If it’s for master, I would do everything master wanted me to do!” Cian smiled and lay down on the bed, quite exhausted. However, with his action, his body laid flat on the bed and the bulge in his trousers became apparent. He always had a hard-on since the time spent with Lovelier. Such a body, which man would not react? Much less, with his perverse eye, he could see her body naked as buck…She was tall, slender with long legs and has one of the most beautiful asses he’d ever seen in his two lifetimes. There was a saying that ‘those who are well-fed and well-clothed will have their lust aroused’. After eating until he was incredibly full, how could he not feel anything upon seeing Lovelier's beautiful face and sexy body as well as Ruka’s beautiful face? During his time with her, Cian had tried reigning in control of his body and mind while Aanuel was jumping wildly inside his mind almost causing him an intense migraine. Fortunately, he was able to control himself and not leaking any kind of desires appearing in his eyes even for a second, causing the talk and negotiation with her to smoothly. Cian surmised that if she noticed any kind of impure thoughts directed to her inside his eyes, the negotiations difficulty would surely come up by a notch, due to her impression of him going down the drain, labeling him as one of those men she had seen before. Lovelier was someone that cannot be underestimated. She has sharp eyes and mind and had seen many types of people in her life. Cian portraying mysteriousness had surely pricked her interest of him, giving him quite a big boost in the negotiation table. As the saying goes, ‘Women pick Men with darker complexions because these are associated with Sex, Virility, Mystery, Villainy, and Danger!’ Once a woman thought a man as mysterious, they would then generate curiosity and then interest… after that, all would be easy to conquer a woman's heart. Of course, the talk about the Clan’s existence had also played a very large part. Since she didn’t know whether it existed or not, she can’t easily make her move until she obtains enough information or else, if the existing Clan was to know about what they did to him, they would risk of gaining another powerful enemy after them. My poker face and the Oscar-level act did the rest. And so, he endured quite a lot to suppress his raging desire to appear and leaked out in any of his actions and eyes, which was extremely hard than assassinating a president of a country. Aanuel’s instinct is just too difficult for him to tame down and suppress. Thus, he really works hard today…even his member is raging all this time. The flames of desire built up within him long ago. He did his best to resist it, but when he couldn’t hold back anymore, he could only release his pent-up lust on someone— Ruka didn’t overlook the bulging on Cian’s trousers. She bit her lips and her face flushed. “Does master wants…to rest now?” Cian let out a sigh. His lips curling upwards, “Not yet…but help me for a bit. Will you, Ruka?” Ruka immediately understands Cian’s meaning and nodded her head softly. Then, thinking for a while, Ruka bit her lips and then immediately fell on her knees before him and clumsily began to unzip his pants. Cian didn’t do anything and just lied down on the bed as Ruka’s hand squirmed against his crotch, making his body even hotter. Fortunately, he had Ruka to satiate his hunger for flesh. If not, he would surely go about and assault anyone he could see. He couldn’t touch Sibylla, his beloved Fiancée because he wanted their relationship to continue to be a white paper. In this twisted world, Cian wanted even one person he could have a normal relationship with. Besides, despite their growing affection for each other, Cian knows that deep within Sibylla, there were still a large uneasiness and apprehension she kept within her heart. If she was Sibylla and her man was someone like Aanuel, even if he had turned a new leaf, there was still doubt and fear that could not disappear even if she wanted to. Such chasm cannot easily be avoided or ignored. Cian didn’t want to force her and make things between them awkward. He could only wait…until the time when she appears before him and gives herself to him with wholeheartedly. Cian raised his upper body and stared at Ruka. The sight of her tits swaying in her low cut, loose fitting top makes him even hotter. She tussled with his pants so she could get them around his ankles and then she gently stroked his balls and pulled the skin on his cock way, way back. Just like what she was taught, she licked the end a little and showed a shy smile at Cian who was watching her. Cian smiled at her while stroking her hair. Cian kept silent and felt her hand covered his throbbing flesh. Feeling pretty horny by now, Cian felt extremely good as he slipped it past her soft full lips and into her mouth. Holding onto her hair he started to slide in and out, in and out. Soft, lightly wet tongue started its journey up and down. It felt like she was building a tower with such moves. One lick up, kiss and down. His hand grabbed her hair when dick disappeared in her mouth. Tip of his cock was touching tight muscles of her throat. It was unbelievable. Not every woman could take his member just like her. Her lips kissed his balls, while all his length was inside of her mouth. The girl was done playing with his length and started her seducing sucking moves. With every time she would suck in more and release. He forgot how to breathe. It was so intense, so deep, so crazy. He didn’t remember when he had such a good oral sex—or how talented Ruka was. Not long ago, she was new to this kind of service but now she could even start a business and she would become rich overnight. Well, not like he would let go of her though, after all, for the time being; only Ruka would let him do what he wanted without any complaint, no matter what kind of kink it is! She didn’t try to finish, she was enjoying every move. His dick was quite wet and Ruka’s hand felt like a tight, warm and dripping pussy. Ruka’s mouth sunk down on Cian’s cock while she watched in awe as the joy in her beloved master’s face radiated like the summer sun when it breaks from behind the clouds. They fed on each other’s passions until they were moving together, responding to a rhythm that only they could hear and feel. Cian pushed his length into Ruka’s mouth, loving the way his adorable servant’s lips and chin had grown slick and shined in the low light of the bedroom. She was really gorgeous. Ruka started to do deep throat again and he got lost. Her lips, her throat, her tongue – everything was so perfect. The feeling of her tight throat muscles was so good, and it ended with light sucking motion and tongue playing. He knew he wouldn’t be able to have it too long. She started to suck very hard and Cian exploded. She gripped on to the soft mattress on each of his sides as Cian drove his cock even deeper in her throat causing a gag reflex to kick in. However, Cian’s hand appeared behind her head stopping her from breaking away until he was bouncing her head all over the place as he moved faster and faster. When he felt himself cumming he gripped tighter onto her hair and just pounded away until, with a loud groan, he shot his load. His legs felt a bit weak and she seemed a little dizzy after the battering her head had taken. As for Cian, he fell down on the bed, lying eagle-spread. **Kuri Kuri* as for Ruka, her lips were still kissing Cian’s pubic as the latter’s dick was deep in her throat shooting hot seeds directly into her stomach. After feeling it finally ending, Ruka carefully cleaned Cian’s gooey meat rod with her tongue. … …
{ "title": "Mythran's Master Of All - Continued (Completed!)", "id": 8220, "author": "Bokuboy", "rating": 3.8 }
{ "title": "Chapter 758 - So That Happened", "id": 305795, "next": 306132, "prev": 305510, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5M2I3NWMzODdjNDQxZDI5NWQzZGNjNDk4ZGRmMmU4"></p> <p class="cnM0NDFiYWQzZDM1NjQzZjBhNWRkMmE3NGUxMDEwMTEx">It took Denise about 10 minutes to help Ren, and Barbi was a little disappointed that she hadn't heard them from where she stood in the hallway, despite trying to listen. The bedroom door opened and Denise stepped out.</p> <p class="cnM1NGU4OTUzMmRhYzQ3ZWQ4ZTM2NDNkZGIzYzczYzhj">“How is he?” Barbi asked.</p> <p class="cnNiYWIxZGU5ZmQyYjRkNzI4Mzc5MTNiOWFmMmI0OWNh">“Relaxing.” Denise said and shut the door. “Thanks again for calling me.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZDlmMTFmNDYxZjQxYWU5ZDA2MjNlZGRjY2U5YmU1">Barbi put a hand on her arm and smiled. “I remember you helping him the last time this happened, and how quickly you came to his 'rescue'.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZGYxM2JkNjMzMjQxYmNiNGI2YmQxYTNkYmRmYjY4">Denise chuckled. “That's funny because it's true. He really will suffer pain if it's not taken care of quickly.”</p> <p class="cnMyMTAwOTE2NTQyMTRjYjU5MzQ5ZTI4NGQwZDExY2Q4">“I figured, and when he mentioned it, I called you right away.” Barbi said.</p> <p class="cnM3NzM1NGUwZDY5MDRmNWZiYTExMDA4YjYxYzQ5ODZl">Denise pat her hand. “We both appreciate it, even if he complains about being able to wait.”</p> <p class="cnNmMmUyMWEzNmNjNzQ3YjM4YTQ3OGE0MmUxNmU2MmMx">Barbi chuckled. “Uh huh. Like any other man would want to wait for that to happen!”</p> <p class="cnM4OGJhNWIwNmZmMzRhZTc4ZmNhMTQ3MjI5ZmU1ZjEx">Denise chuckled, too. “Been there, done that!”</p> <p class="cnMwNzc3MjhlZjYyYzQ4ZTRiOTIyYzI2MzMwOWU1ZjFk">“I know! It's like... hey, my mouth is supposed to be for talking!” Barbi joked. “At least some of the time, anyway.”</p> <p class="cnMwZmZmYmEyYWVkMzQ0NmM5OTJlMGI2N2U5NDcwMjIz">Denise snorted a laugh. “Yeah, sometimes.” She said and let Barbi's hand go. “He's waiting for you.”</p> <p class="cnMyZjM0OGM5MzE0YzQ2MGI4OTg4M2FmZTA0YjMyNmNh">“Do I really need to...”</p> <p class="cnM0ODU1ZDc0MDdlZjQ2YjNhZjY1MGRmNmRmNzM2Yjdh">“No, you don't have to do anything.” Densie said. “If you don't want it, or you're not in the mood, just tell him.”</p> <p class="cnM5MjJkZmEzZjY1MDQzOTc4ODc3MjgwNjU2ZTI2Mjhh">“Won't he get angry or...”</p> <p class="cnNmYWYxZDUyNGRhNjRmMDM4Mjk3ODJjOWRjOTAwNzM2">“No.” Denise said. “He really does just want to thank you.”</p> <p class="cnNhYjJhMzFkYjFkMTQ0ZDdhNWRlZDU1ZjdhODEwZDky">Barbi took a shallow breath and let it out. “I don't think I'm ready.”</p> <p class="cnNkOTNhOTRhZmRiYzQ5M2U4ZTVlYWVhYTEyNzQ5N2Qw">“Then tell him that and he'll back off.” Denise said and walked down the hall. “Although...”</p> <p class="cnM5ZDdmOTIwOGNhYTQ2MjM4ZDA1YjQyYWQwNTQ2ZWJi">“What?”</p> <p class="cnM2ODJhMDY2ODQ3NDQ3MjE4ZDI4MWRhNWQxNTE5Nzg4">“He's really, really good at it.” Denise said and hit the button for the elevator.</p> <p class="cnNlOTYxMzY1NGY1NDRhM2JhMzAxMmNhYzNkM2JjZjZk">“I know he can kiss like a champion, but...”</p> <p class="cnNhZWUyNjBiOGRiNjQ1MTE5YjQxODNjNDUxNjk4NjIz">“Yes, he can.” Denise said with a smile, glanced down at Barbi's abdomen, then chuckled and disappeared into the elevator.</p> <p class="cnMwMDIxN2IzZjhkMzRiY2Y5M2I2NDkyOWNkNGMxOWQ2">“Oh.” Barbi said as she understood what Denise meant and then felt a dampness between her legs. <em>I might not be ready; but, my body sure is.</em> She thought as she opened the bedroom door and went inside. She saw that Ren had a big smile on his face. “Somebody's a little happy.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZWMzYjJiZDQ4MzRjZTk5MDk1MzIxYTlhYmE3ZTgx">“Me!” Ren said and laughed, and it was infectious, so she laughed, too. “Thanks for calling Denise.”</p> <p class="cnM0N2FkNWNiMzRmYjRiODhiMTc4MmZlMzY1OTMxM2Qw">“She just thanked me again for that.” Barbi said and walked over to the bed. “You must have let it go a few times for her to get angry at you about it.”</p> <p class="cnMwYmI5ZDg2NjA5NDQ1ODZhNGJlZmVhMTI4YTg4MDRl">Ren opened his mouth to deny it, then sighed. “Yes, I've neglected my own needs a few times.” He admitted. “It's just... sometimes when I ask, I don't do it right, or it's at the wrong time, or...”</p> <p class="cnM1ZDBlYWVmZTlhMjQxMTY4OTAxZDZjNmFkZWZlODk4">Barbi put a hand on his hand. “I know.”</p> <p class="cnNhY2I0ZmEzMjI0NTQxMzJiZTJkNTYxNjBlYWIxZTNh">“You do?” Ren asked, a little surprised.</p> <p class="cnNmNTk3ZWQ1NWQ1ZDRiNGM5ZWM1OGY3NTQ4NmMxODM4">“Stella explained that you haven't had a lot of experience with normal relationships.”</p> <p class="cnNiMmU3MGI0YzM3ODRhMThhNDdhNWZjMDljODcxYmJm">“She's explaining a lot to you, then.” Ren joked.</p> <p class="cnMzMzVhN2NmOGM1MTQwNjI4Nzc2NDdhNDhhNDcwMTM4">“Not all at once.” Barbi said and smiled, then looked down at their clasped hands. “Ren, I...”</p> <p class="cnNjOTBmNTU4NDJiZTRhOTRiZmY4YWI0NWQ2YjBlZTI2">“It's okay.” Ren said, and she looked at his face. “I know you're nervous about... well, you know.”</p> <p class="cnNhZDgyYzk3NTc4ZDRmYTY5MWE2MTBlZDYwZjJlZmM5">“Ren, it's just...” Barbi sat down on the chair beside the bed.</p> <p class="cnM4MTg5NzFiZjMxMjQyZWE4YmIxOTU0OWZkZWFmNmE1">“Awkward.” Ren said, and she nodded. “If we were in the game, I'd pick you up and toss you onto the bed, tear off your sexy clothes with my teeth, then lick you from top to bottom like I said I would.”</p> <p class="cnNhNDhhY2IwZTgzZjQ2NmNhZGRjNDMwYTY0OGIyZmY5">Barbi was surprised by the admission, and slightly delighted.</p> <p class="cnNjZmE1N2Q1YzViMDQ3ZmJiNzYwNzdhOTc3NGQxMGEy">“The spirit is willing; but, the body is severely lacking in the physical part here in the real world.” Ren said. “The most I can do is foreplay, and that's assuming you can accommodate my injuries.”</p> <p class="cnNlMjhhZTMzNTM5MzRiM2U4NGFjM2NmYWViNGUyOTM5">“How?”</p> <p class="cnNkOTBjN2RjZDkyNzQyNzRhYzg5MjYxNTAxZWY3YzI2">“I was thinking you could prop yourself up on some pillows, so that neither of us would have to strain ourselves while I give you an Australian Kiss.”</p> <p class="cnMxZTI5NTdiNWJkYjQ1ODViMjY5MTIyMDA5MGRhOTgy">“An Australian...” Barbi stopped talking and laughed. “Going down under!”</p> <p class="cnMzYmNmNzE1MDM3ZTQyZjQ4ZGExY2Q5YjRkMmVhYWY1">Ren laughed. “You got it.” He said. “Sometimes I need to explain the joke and it loses its magic.”</p> <p class="cnMyZDE3MTZjYWRhNDQxMDI5NDg1M2M5OGY2ZGEyNTJl">“Yes, it would.” Barbi said. “That's a neat way to ask a woman to... lick her kitty.”</p> <p class="cnMwODc3MWE5YjQ2YjQ0YjJhYWM1NDg4NjYzZTQwNDU1">“That now has new meaning.” Ren said, and told her about unlocking the Beast Races in the game.</p> <p class="cnNlNjE0Nzk1ZDY2OTQyZGQ4YzNiNDVhMGFiZTJjNjNj">“Wait, wait! You licked a humanoid cat between the legs?!?”</p> <p class="cnM2ZmFjNjIzMDI3ZjRhOGM5OTExZDBhZWU5MzZjMTBj">Ren chuckled. “Almost, but that's another story. I actually licked a minx.”</p> <p class="cnM3Y2ZhY2Q3NTY3NzQxZTg4NmY5NTEwZDQ3OWFjMDg0">“A what?”</p> <p class="cnMyMmQ1NzU1OTc3MDQ1MDNiYjcwZTE3N2Y5N2NjMWJm">“Here she would be a mink.” Ren said. “I think the programmers had fun calling her a minx, as in a sexual tease.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTczMWRkNDVmZTRiMWFiZjBmYjRjMDA5ZTZlYzgz">Barbi snorted a laugh. “They would.”</p> <p class="cnNlYzk3MjM0NWU2ODQzZDZiOGZlOTUxMWIyODFjOTIy">“It was a bit hairier than I've experienced; but, it was still a woman's special place.” Ren said. “It tasted great, too.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTA1ZjE1ZDJhNzQ5ZDE5NDJjY2VjMDdjNDhjMDY0">“You really like doing it, huh?”</p> <p class="cnM0NzdhOGY5YzcxNTQ4ZmNhYTQ3MjVjNTFlOWNlMzkx">“I really do.” Ren said. “Like I told Gretchen and Dana, the texture alone is wonderful. The feeling of running my tongue over the hot flesh, then teasing and pleasing with...”</p> <p class="cnM1ZmMwMjU1NTZiOTQ2NmQ5ODg4NjRjMWE2NDZhZDAy">“You said that to the two girls you met at the garden party?” Barbi asked, surprised.</p> <p class="cnNhNTBkYzQ2ZTdhNTQ5OWZhMGM4MDMxYjA1OThhMjFh">“Yeah. They're my friends.”</p> <p class="cnM0MjA3NDcwYTQwOTQzZjc5YWMyY2NhZTVlMGMwNmMw">“Ren, you can't...”</p> <p class="cnNjNzdiMjQ4NTRiODRkYWQ5MGJhZmI3Y2ZkMjlmNzQ1">“It's all right.” Ren said and squeezed her hand. “They know I'm kind of a sex addict.”</p> <p class="cnM1NGI5ZjJhZTYwZTRhMzM4MWExYTAyYmFiMzkyNzQ5">“Wait, what?” Barbi wasn't sure how to react to that bit of news. “You told them that , too?”</p> <p class="cnNkMDY2M2QwMDE1YzQzNGE4MGNkOTY4ZTFkYzcxMWMz">“I really enjoy making a woman happy.” Ren explained. “I can't help myself sometimes. The way they feel, the way they react, the little moans they let out when you find a ticklish spot...”</p> <p class="cnNiZjBjODNhYzg2MTQ2MTJhMzJkMmE2NDVhMTk4NWJh">“R-Ren...” Barbi's face flushed red and he stopped talking.</p> <p class="cnMxMmMzYzkyNWQ0MjQ2NTI5MTdjMTgxYjNmYTBkNzI2">“Too much information?” Ren asked. “I really need more practice so I won't volunteer too much.”</p> <p class="cnM3NTYzY2JiNDE5ZTQ0Zjg4MzYxODllMmEzYmE2NzQ0">“You... are always brutally honest.” Barbi said and stood up. “Sometimes that can be a handicap.” She said, then decided to tell her brain to shut up as she stepped close to the bed and put his hand that she held through the slit in the side of her boxer shorts. Ren didn't need any more prompting than that and slid his fingers over her sensitive spot. She gasped as he expertly checked her, then he pulled his hand out and it was covered.</p> <p class="cnM5NTEzNWQyZmYxNTQ5MmQ5ZDBkZmNhNDlhNzg2ZjAx">“Wow.” Ren said and sucked on his fingers before he could stop himself. “Mmm.” He practically moaned, then realized what he had done. “Barbi, I...”</p> <p class="cnNlZmE4YTJmYWQwNDQ5Y2RiMzBhYTJlZTkwYWMwNjZm">“P-pillows!” Barbi nearly yelled. She had started breathing fast at the sight of him tasting her, when she had only wanted to show him how wet she was from him just talking about it. “You said something about pillows?”</p> <p class="cnMzZjhjYTJlYzNkMjQwNmQ4N2RiMjMxNGI1OWRlMWZi">Ren pointed to the closet and she went over to it, grabbed a few of the spare pillows to add to the pile already on the bed, then went back over to him. He directed her where to put them, mostly between and around his legs, then he pat the top of the stack.</p> <p class="cnM1OWM4ZjUxYWQxYzRjYzBhMGYwZjRiNWYyOWVjNDg0">“Please, sit.” Ren said, and Barbi climbed onto the bed and carefully sat where he said. The stack of pillows was pretty high and seemed a little unsafe. “Don't worry.” He reassured her. “When you lean back, your body will counterbalance like a seesaw and you can pivot on your hips.”</p> <p class="cnMzNmEzOGYwOWUyNDQ1M2ZhYTIwMGU1YmU3ZGRiODE5">“Wh-what?” Barbi looked at him with wide eyes.</p> <p class="cnNlYmRiMzQ5ZTU4NTRkNzdiYTg5MWQ3ZDg5NGRhM2Zm">“Lean back and you'll see.”</p> <p class="cnM2YmZlOTJhNTQ2NzQ4MWRiOTg3MzZhNzI1MzI0MGVj">“But...”</p> <p class="cnM4MGExOTJiNDU2NDQ2Zjk4NGY4ZTQyMzhhZDAyYjhi">“Your shorts are loose enough that you can leave them on. I can just pull them aside.”</p> <p class="cnNkMTVlNjc2ZTFmZTRlOTJhOWRkMDliMmY0NmQzOWYw">“Ren...”</p> <p class="cnNjMzY5NDdlZTdmMTRjNzlhNWY2NTBkYjQ1MzI3ZTJk">“You want me to.” Ren said, and she heard the confidence in his voice. “Even if it's just a quick test to see if I really will, you want me to try.”</p> <p class="cnMxYzk4ZGMwYzFjMzRhN2JiOWUwYTNlZjE2ZjQ2ZTYx">“I... I do.” Barbi admitted.</p> <p class="cnNjMjIzNWIyOGQ0ZjQwZTk5OGZjNzQxNTNmNzg4ZWVi">“Then lean back and let me thank you for all the help you've given me.”</p> <p class="cnNiZWQyMDY1MTUwODRmMDk5OTk4MmJhYWNjZjllYzFk">Barbi nodded and slowly leaned back, then she felt her weight shift as she reached the tipping point. She started to panic a little, then Ren's hands touched her thighs. She relaxed as he put her knees under his armpits and used his weight to hold her legs steady.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjUyMGM4M2I4MjQwNTFiYzlmNGZiZDZjY2I3NzE3">“This is... really weird.” Barbi said as she leaned all the way back and practically hovered a couple of inches above the bed.</p> <p class="cnNhN2EwYjAxOTg0ZDRlZDZiMDg3NGVkYzg3YmMyZTIw">“Now we know the right height for your bracing pillows.” Ren said. Her knees were braced by his armpits, which left his arms completely free, and he easily slid two of the pillows on either side of him to the spot under her back to support her.</p> <p class="cnM5YTVhMjIwZTBhMTRjYWQ5OWM1OTA1MTg4OWMzNjIz">“I thought you said...”</p> <p class="cnNhMmZjYjZiYTdkNzQwMTE4Yjg3ZWY4M2FkY2IzMWMw">“I just said it would work, not that you would have to stay like that.” Ren said with a smile, and she chuckled.</p> <p class="cnNhYWNmOWVlNWMzYTRhY2RhNzlhZDE4NWQ1MTNjZmU0">“I was so nervous I'd flick my legs out and kick you or something!”</p> <p class="cnNhM2M1ZWQ0MjBhNDQ3YTc5OGIzMDMwMTcxNWQyNzU4">“I know.” Ren said and slid his hands up to her thighs again and pushed her legs out from under his armpits and made room to approach her as he spread her legs.</p> <p class="cnM4NzRkZjRiOWY4ZjRjNDliYTczODM0YjE4ODUxOWNj">“I... I'm really doing this.” Barbi whispered in disbelief as Ren touched her thighs and caressed the skin right up to where the boxer shorts were. “It's happening, right? I'm not hallucinating or anything?”</p> <p class="cnM3NTlmOGRjNDVjNjQ5YjZiYWY0ZTNkYzNmZWIyZmEy">Ren chuckled. “If me in this body is who you would hallucinate, I'd have to question your sanity.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDAyNDc1OGRiMzRiNjBhYjRiY2RjZGFiOWEyMDJi">“<strong>I'm</strong> questioning my sanity!” Barbi exclaimed as she looked up at the ceiling and didn't notice Ren as he eased the bottom of her shorts aside to reveal her completely hairless special place. “I'm sprawled out on my back on a stack of pillows, for god's sake, and I'm...”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDk3YmZiNjA2YTQ0ZGU5MWYzZTRmZjZiYjdkYzQz">Barbi was now at the perfect height for him to do what he wanted, and there was no strain at all on either his wrapped knee or his stitched up wound on his side. Ren grinned at her exposed and glistening opening, then dove into it with both reckless abandon and expert precision.</p> <p class="cnNlNjA4ZDJmNTMzNjQ3NTY4YjdlZDgwYjJlYmUyM2Jl">“...about to let my boss... OH G...!” Barbi yelled and covered her mouth, then bit into her hand at what Ren was doing to her. Like Denise had told her, Ren was doing it very, very well. She was handling it just fine, until he started using his fingers, then she couldn't hold in her moans anymore.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTQxNTRjNDg0MDQyMmFiMjVhY2JkNDU1MzdlZWNj">*</p> <p class="cnNiMDBjMDAyZjZiNDQyMmE4Nzc1YTBhMGVjYjA5MWFh">“Hi, Barbara.” Elise said as she came into the kitchen to get more coffee.</p> <p class="cnNkNTQ2Mjg3OTAzNDQ1YmI5MWQ0MWE4NWUxYTI1ZTJk">“You really need to get to bed.” Barbara warned her and took a bite of a sandwich.</p> <p class="cnNkOTFiMmZmYzZlZjRmMTliZmQ5NmQyNmZiNmNiZTI4">“You wouldn't believe the mess in the stock market that news story unleashed.” Elise chuckled and poured herself a cup of coffee and took a big gulp of the caffeine goodness. “Ah, so good.”</p> <p class="cnNjYjY3NmFkMWRhMTRiMTM5NGExNmFkMjA3MmM4NmZl">“I'd like to say I know what you're talking about...” Barbara started to say, and Elise chuckled again.</p> <p class="cnNhMGIxY2M3NTFmYTQ0ZDk4MjVhOWMwZmI1ZTM3MGY2">“Let's just say that a lot of the tech companies that were mentioned have recently had a public relations nightmare and are suffering a hostile takeover by a rival tech company.” Elise said.</p> <p class="cnM2NDNjOWVmNWEwOTQxMzA4OGFiZmE4ZTQ1ZWQ5NTY1">“You mean you, right?” Barbara asked, and Elise nodded.</p> <p class="cnMwNTA5MTYzYzFmMDQyYTBhYmMyNDU4NjMxNWRiMDli">“Ren and I combined, to be more precise.” Elise corrected. “Neither of us had the capital to pull it off individually, but combined?” She took a sip of coffee and grinned. “They didn't stand a chance.”</p> <p class="cnM3MDgzZTY5OTBlZjQxMGQ5NGEyZTk2Njc1MzFmNzli">“Oh, my.” Barbara said. “When will...”</p> <p class="cnMwZmZjNDJiMjNmYjQzMzBiOTAxYmJiMmEyMjk0OGNj">“Ren's right. It'll all be over in the morning, once the local stock market opens for trading again and all the paperwork goes through.” Elise said and looked at her watch. “In about 5 hours.”</p> <p class="cnNiMTdhNmIzNTJmMzQ1ZWNhNWRlM2JjMWNlNGZmOGJk">“You're staying up all night, aren't you?” Barbara asked.</p> <p class="cnM1Mjk4ZmUyYTYyODQ5MDVhMzFkMWJkYTkyNmU1YjNk">“Guilty.” Elise said. “I need to keep an eye on the world's markets to make sure no surprises appear.”</p> <p class="cnMxN2Q0ODQ0MzVkZjQ5Nzc4OGRlZmNlNjgwMDgwM2Rk">“You shouldn't do that, you know.” Barbara cautioned her. “Not now with...”</p> <p class="cnM2Yjg3NzQ2MWMxZDQ1ODE4NjFkNTE3NTZjOTAyOTZh">“I'm being careful.” Elise said. “This is my only cup this hour.”</p> <p class="cnNkMzU4OGVmMDMzNzQzODI5MWMxOTZmMDA2ZDVjY2Y3">“I meant about wearing yourself out.” Barbara smiled.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTExNjNiODMwMDRiODY4OTQ1OTJjNjJjZTU4MjM5">“I'll be fine.” Elise said. “Once it's done, especially since the judgments for the cases are already in our favor, Ren and Haddon Enterprises will own controlling interest in every company that was involved in, or benefited from, the experiments performed on him as a child.”</p> <p class="cnM5Yjc3ZmFlMzNiODQzYzQ5NzVjNjNiMTU0ZjBlYjUw">“Oh, that's sneaky.” Barbara said. “Can I reward you with a sandwich?”</p> <p class="cnMyNzk3YmRmOWFjNTQ4Mjc5ODcwODUwNTgwZDA1ZDU3">Elise laughed and accepted one graciously.</p> <p class="cnNkZjgxYmQ2NTQzMTRhMDFhZWRiYzQyNzI3MzE5NjIz">*</p> <p class="cnMwNjY1OTFmMjAxMzQ4ZGY4MjkxNjA0ZjA0ZmJiOGVk">Denise laid in bed and she couldn't keep her smile or her happiness restrained. <em>He needs me.</em> She thought and hugged the pillow and pretended it was Ren. <em>He's not faking it or pretending. He really needs me.</em> She rolled over in the bed and tried to calm down, because she had work in the morning. <em>He loves me. Me.</em></p> <p class="cnM2NWIzMzgxZTBhZDQ5MzQ4NDgzY2ViOGQzNmJmZWVk">Denise rolled back over and put her pillow back under her head and took several deep breaths. <em>I bet Barbi is having the time of her life.</em> She thought and barked a laugh. <em>I should have let him thank me, too.</em> She reached down between her legs and touched herself. <em>M-maybe tomorrow I... oh, Ren!</em> She thought and finished.</p> <p class="cnMyMTg3MjRmNTc1YjQ1MzlhNWJmOWZkMGIzOTJjMWMz">Denise had surprised herself at finishing so quickly, then grabbed a tissue and cleaned herself. She relaxed, now that her happy brain had flooded her body with endorphins, and she drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Ren floating through her mind.</p> <p class="cnM1NzVkNDk5YzljMjRiYzRhMDE0OGIyMDUyNzVhYWJm">********</p> <p class="cnNmMGRmN2NlYWQ0NTRhMzVhMWRiOTk2ZGNhZDBhYTEy">A lot of people were playing the game that night, especially after all of the antics on the news about Ren and the backstories they had provided, then the spin-off stories had started, which were only barely connected to those cases, and everyone was talking about him, about the game, and about everything going on.</p> <p class="cnNlODM3ZmVkN2IxYzQ3MThiMmRiMTVkZGE0ZWQ1MDIw">They were all surprised when they received the notification that new content was available, not realizing that Ren had been the one to unlock it when he crossed into the Pervarian Kingdom. It was content that no one had even known was in the works, let alone already loaded and available for them to play. Most of them read the warnings that were given by the system, about it being very dangerous to explore a whole new kingdom, either alone or as part of a party, with a culture that prided itself on its fighting prowess.</p> <p class="cnMwYjc1OTRiMjUzNzQzOGM5ZDMyYjg2YmVkZmNhOWJm">Several players dismissed the warnings without reading them, and assumed they could handle anything that was thrown at them. Thanks to Ren's Portal Gate Network, a lot of Adventurers popped through it to appear in the town that was closest to the border of the Human Kingdom. The townspeople were shocked at the sheer number of Adventurers that had suddenly appeared in their little town, and the general store was quickly bought out of stock and closed before even a quarter of the Adventurers had bought the necessary supplies.</p> <p class="cnM2OWYzNzNlMWU5YTQ0NTNhMTFiNzljZDIzYzExMzI2">All of the specialty stores were bought out and emptied next, and almost half of the Adventurers were well equipped to head into the new lands. The rest debated popping to another town to load up on supplies, then figured they would find a suitable place in the new area. Almost as one, all of the Adventurers stepped out of the Human Kingdom and into the next land.</p> <p class="cnNlZTMxMzM0YjkzNTQ4MmZhNDg3YmEyYzIwYTFiM2M4">The Liven Empire.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmExNjM1OTZjODQwYzc4NDBmODQwZDBjZTJhNDJm">It was also known as the Gnome Lands and nearly all of the Adventures dismissed the second warning about not bothering the locals or crossing into another kingdom's territory uninvited. They should have listened to both warnings. Some of the Adventurers didn't have to worry, since they were high enough level that they could handle what happened next; but, a lot of them were just curious about new things being available and were wholly unprepared for what their Trouble recipes had in store for them.</p> <p class="cnM5ZThmMzQxNWM3ZDRlODI4ZTdlZmZmMjAyNTYzMmI5">The Gnomes didn't like people not using their designated road. They didn't like it at all. Even the Lemming, nature's idiot that will follow its fellows unto death for no reason, will fight tooth and nail when cornered. The Gnomes saw an army of Adventurers cross into their lands without so much as an 'excuse me', and they felt extremely cornered and responded accordingly.</p> <p class="cnMyYzA5MDEzZTU2ODRiMzVhZTNjYzdmNjU4N2Y5ZjVm">Gnomes were almost completely magical beings, so when they responded, they did it with panache.</p> <p class="cnMxODZmYzFlMWU2ZDQ0YTRiZDIyMGViYzFhMzAwODc0">With their own army.</p> <p class="cnM2OTg1YTUwM2ZlMTRjZjY5MDEwZDg0MzAwN2Y5YjZj">Instantly.</p> <p class="cnMxYzE1ZDBmMTllZDQwNTQ5MzVmZDIzOTZjZDYzYTJm">Everywhere an intruder had stepped onto their land, they were there. When they attacked, it was a complete surprise, and completely devastating. Sleep spells covered the front of the mass of Adventurers and 20% of them were knocked out. Normally that wasn't too bad, except the sleep spells were followed by Acid and Poison Clouds. Most of the sleeping Adventurers died after only a few moments, despite healers trying to save them. Those healers were hit with hundreds of Fireballs and Ball Lightning spells, which decimated them and took out another 20% of the Adventurers.</p> <p class="cnM3OTI1OGM5MjIxZDQzN2JiNWZhMGY3YWFmYTA2YmY2">Some of the Adventurers near the back of the group knew they were in deep trouble and tried to run, and magical pit traps opened up and they fell inside. Some died as they were impaled on the poison spikes, others were lucky and were only poisoned. At least, they thought they were lucky, until the pit traps closed and cut off their air and only means of escape. That was another 5% of their number lost.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2QzNjgwMWU3ZTQ5OGNiNzExZTM2MTZkYjkyZTQ1">Dozens of summoning portals opened and Hell Hounds poured out and mauled the Adventurers unlucky enough not to block the first attack, then the sky became dark when a large group of Gnomes pooled their Mana and managed to cast Rainstorm and expanded it to cover the entire mass of Adventurers that were left. The Adventurer's ability to see dropped to almost nothing as the deluge of rain blocked pretty much everything barely a foot away from their faces.</p> <p class="cnNkMmVhNjFmYjg2MDQ2NzRiODhlMzE2NDhmYmEzY2E0">That's when the Gnomes fired their enchanted crossbows.</p> <p class="cnM5ZmVhOTJhZWZhZjRjMTA5ZTZmYTQ2NDNlOTA1NDll">Adventurers yelled and died by the dozens as they were hit with multiple crossbow bolts and were poisoned. With that attack out of the way, several hundred gnomes knelt and prayed to the Deity of Lightning. One of the Adventurers who were strong enough to handle pretty much everything so far, heard the chanting and realized what was going to happen.</p> <p class="cnM4OGEzNjg1MjQ5NjQ5ZTFiZWUwODU2ZmU5MDYwMDE2">“Oh, shit! Retreat! Run! Goddammit, RUN! RUUUUN!” He yelled at the top of his lungs and ran. A lot of the others saw and heard him, and decided that was a good idea. Most of the Adventurers hadn't heard him through the thick rain, and then a huge portal opened up and a 40 foot tall Greater Lightning Elemental stepped out. It was made of Chains of Ball Lightning, with a huge Ball of Lightning for a head, just like the one Ren had encountered while visiting Aimus' homestead. It reached out and pointed at the cloud making the Rainstorm over the Adventurers, then half of its body flowed out and shot into the cloud.</p> <p class="cnNjZTg1MGIwZGI5YjQyMzlhMmNkYjAxMzM2NzA1MWMy">The Adventurers didn't see the Rainstorm be converted into a Lightning Storm, then the thousands of raindrops hitting them suddenly changed and became thousands of Lightning Bolts instead. The Adventurers that had survived the onslaught, about 20% of the amount that had entered the Gnome's lands, were amazed that they were still alive, then the dark cloud broke apart to reveal what they were facing.</p> <p class="cnM2ODE1MTFjNDVmZDQ2NzFhMjU5YzVjMjAyZmZmYWQx">“We are so boned.” One of them said in defeat as the Greater Lightning Elemental stepped forward into them and started to scoop them up, both the living and the dead, to consume the offering that the Gnomes had offered it. The remaining Adventurers fought valiantly, albeit pointlessly, and the Greater Lightning Elemental finished them off and turned to the Gnomes that had prayed for its appearance. Half of them stood up and held hands out to it, and it scooped them up and consumed them as well, then stepped back through the portal.</p> <p class="cnNjOGIxMDcwMjQ4OTQzNDc4MTAwNTU5ZDRiZWRmOTEx">&nbsp;</p> </div>
It took Denise about 10 minutes to help Ren, and Barbi was a little disappointed that she hadn't heard them from where she stood in the hallway, despite trying to listen. The bedroom door opened and Denise stepped out. “How is he?” Barbi asked. “Relaxing.” Denise said and shut the door. “Thanks again for calling me.” Barbi put a hand on her arm and smiled. “I remember you helping him the last time this happened, and how quickly you came to his 'rescue'.” Denise chuckled. “That's funny because it's true. He really will suffer pain if it's not taken care of quickly.” “I figured, and when he mentioned it, I called you right away.” Barbi said. Denise pat her hand. “We both appreciate it, even if he complains about being able to wait.” Barbi chuckled. “Uh huh. Like any other man would want to wait for that to happen!” Denise chuckled, too. “Been there, done that!” “I know! It's like... hey, my mouth is supposed to be for talking!” Barbi joked. “At least some of the time, anyway.” Denise snorted a laugh. “Yeah, sometimes.” She said and let Barbi's hand go. “He's waiting for you.” “Do I really need to...” “No, you don't have to do anything.” Densie said. “If you don't want it, or you're not in the mood, just tell him.” “Won't he get angry or...” “No.” Denise said. “He really does just want to thank you.” Barbi took a shallow breath and let it out. “I don't think I'm ready.” “Then tell him that and he'll back off.” Denise said and walked down the hall. “Although...” “What?” “He's really, really good at it.” Denise said and hit the button for the elevator. “I know he can kiss like a champion, but...” “Yes, he can.” Denise said with a smile, glanced down at Barbi's abdomen, then chuckled and disappeared into the elevator. “Oh.” Barbi said as she understood what Denise meant and then felt a dampness between her legs. *I might not be ready; but, my body sure is.* She thought as she opened the bedroom door and went inside. She saw that Ren had a big smile on his face. “Somebody's a little happy.” “Me!” Ren said and laughed, and it was infectious, so she laughed, too. “Thanks for calling Denise.” “She just thanked me again for that.” Barbi said and walked over to the bed. “You must have let it go a few times for her to get angry at you about it.” Ren opened his mouth to deny it, then sighed. “Yes, I've neglected my own needs a few times.” He admitted. “It's just... sometimes when I ask, I don't do it right, or it's at the wrong time, or...” Barbi put a hand on his hand. “I know.” “You do?” Ren asked, a little surprised. “Stella explained that you haven't had a lot of experience with normal relationships.” “She's explaining a lot to you, then.” Ren joked. “Not all at once.” Barbi said and smiled, then looked down at their clasped hands. “Ren, I...” “It's okay.” Ren said, and she looked at his face. “I know you're nervous about... well, you know.” “Ren, it's just...” Barbi sat down on the chair beside the bed. “Awkward.” Ren said, and she nodded. “If we were in the game, I'd pick you up and toss you onto the bed, tear off your sexy clothes with my teeth, then lick you from top to bottom like I said I would.” Barbi was surprised by the admission, and slightly delighted. “The spirit is willing; but, the body is severely lacking in the physical part here in the real world.” Ren said. “The most I can do is foreplay, and that's assuming you can accommodate my injuries.” “How?” “I was thinking you could prop yourself up on some pillows, so that neither of us would have to strain ourselves while I give you an Australian Kiss.” “An Australian...” Barbi stopped talking and laughed. “Going down under!” Ren laughed. “You got it.” He said. “Sometimes I need to explain the joke and it loses its magic.” “Yes, it would.” Barbi said. “That's a neat way to ask a woman to... lick her kitty.” “That now has new meaning.” Ren said, and told her about unlocking the Beast Races in the game. “Wait, wait! You licked a humanoid cat between the legs?!?” Ren chuckled. “Almost, but that's another story. I actually licked a minx.” “A what?” “Here she would be a mink.” Ren said. “I think the programmers had fun calling her a minx, as in a sexual tease.” Barbi snorted a laugh. “They would.” “It was a bit hairier than I've experienced; but, it was still a woman's special place.” Ren said. “It tasted great, too.” “You really like doing it, huh?” “I really do.” Ren said. “Like I told Gretchen and Dana, the texture alone is wonderful. The feeling of running my tongue over the hot flesh, then teasing and pleasing with...” “You said that to the two girls you met at the garden party?” Barbi asked, surprised. “Yeah. They're my friends.” “Ren, you can't...” “It's all right.” Ren said and squeezed her hand. “They know I'm kind of a sex addict.” “Wait, what?” Barbi wasn't sure how to react to that bit of news. “You told them that , too?” “I really enjoy making a woman happy.” Ren explained. “I can't help myself sometimes. The way they feel, the way they react, the little moans they let out when you find a ticklish spot...” “R-Ren...” Barbi's face flushed red and he stopped talking. “Too much information?” Ren asked. “I really need more practice so I won't volunteer too much.” “You... are always brutally honest.” Barbi said and stood up. “Sometimes that can be a handicap.” She said, then decided to tell her brain to shut up as she stepped close to the bed and put his hand that she held through the slit in the side of her boxer shorts. Ren didn't need any more prompting than that and slid his fingers over her sensitive spot. She gasped as he expertly checked her, then he pulled his hand out and it was covered. “Wow.” Ren said and sucked on his fingers before he could stop himself. “Mmm.” He practically moaned, then realized what he had done. “Barbi, I...” “P-pillows!” Barbi nearly yelled. She had started breathing fast at the sight of him tasting her, when she had only wanted to show him how wet she was from him just talking about it. “You said something about pillows?” Ren pointed to the closet and she went over to it, grabbed a few of the spare pillows to add to the pile already on the bed, then went back over to him. He directed her where to put them, mostly between and around his legs, then he pat the top of the stack. “Please, sit.” Ren said, and Barbi climbed onto the bed and carefully sat where he said. The stack of pillows was pretty high and seemed a little unsafe. “Don't worry.” He reassured her. “When you lean back, your body will counterbalance like a seesaw and you can pivot on your hips.” “Wh-what?” Barbi looked at him with wide eyes. “Lean back and you'll see.” “But...” “Your shorts are loose enough that you can leave them on. I can just pull them aside.” “Ren...” “You want me to.” Ren said, and she heard the confidence in his voice. “Even if it's just a quick test to see if I really will, you want me to try.” “I... I do.” Barbi admitted. “Then lean back and let me thank you for all the help you've given me.” Barbi nodded and slowly leaned back, then she felt her weight shift as she reached the tipping point. She started to panic a little, then Ren's hands touched her thighs. She relaxed as he put her knees under his armpits and used his weight to hold her legs steady. “This is... really weird.” Barbi said as she leaned all the way back and practically hovered a couple of inches above the bed. “Now we know the right height for your bracing pillows.” Ren said. Her knees were braced by his armpits, which left his arms completely free, and he easily slid two of the pillows on either side of him to the spot under her back to support her. “I thought you said...” “I just said it would work, not that you would have to stay like that.” Ren said with a smile, and she chuckled. “I was so nervous I'd flick my legs out and kick you or something!” “I know.” Ren said and slid his hands up to her thighs again and pushed her legs out from under his armpits and made room to approach her as he spread her legs. “I... I'm really doing this.” Barbi whispered in disbelief as Ren touched her thighs and caressed the skin right up to where the boxer shorts were. “It's happening, right? I'm not hallucinating or anything?” Ren chuckled. “If me in this body is who you would hallucinate, I'd have to question your sanity.” “**I'm** questioning my sanity!” Barbi exclaimed as she looked up at the ceiling and didn't notice Ren as he eased the bottom of her shorts aside to reveal her completely hairless special place. “I'm sprawled out on my back on a stack of pillows, for god's sake, and I'm...” Barbi was now at the perfect height for him to do what he wanted, and there was no strain at all on either his wrapped knee or his stitched up wound on his side. Ren grinned at her exposed and glistening opening, then dove into it with both reckless abandon and expert precision. “...about to let my boss... OH G...!” Barbi yelled and covered her mouth, then bit into her hand at what Ren was doing to her. Like Denise had told her, Ren was doing it very, very well. She was handling it just fine, until he started using his fingers, then she couldn't hold in her moans anymore. * “Hi, Barbara.” Elise said as she came into the kitchen to get more coffee. “You really need to get to bed.” Barbara warned her and took a bite of a sandwich. “You wouldn't believe the mess in the stock market that news story unleashed.” Elise chuckled and poured herself a cup of coffee and took a big gulp of the caffeine goodness. “Ah, so good.” “I'd like to say I know what you're talking about...” Barbara started to say, and Elise chuckled again. “Let's just say that a lot of the tech companies that were mentioned have recently had a public relations nightmare and are suffering a hostile takeover by a rival tech company.” Elise said. “You mean you, right?” Barbara asked, and Elise nodded. “Ren and I combined, to be more precise.” Elise corrected. “Neither of us had the capital to pull it off individually, but combined?” She took a sip of coffee and grinned. “They didn't stand a chance.” “Oh, my.” Barbara said. “When will...” “Ren's right. It'll all be over in the morning, once the local stock market opens for trading again and all the paperwork goes through.” Elise said and looked at her watch. “In about 5 hours.” “You're staying up all night, aren't you?” Barbara asked. “Guilty.” Elise said. “I need to keep an eye on the world's markets to make sure no surprises appear.” “You shouldn't do that, you know.” Barbara cautioned her. “Not now with...” “I'm being careful.” Elise said. “This is my only cup this hour.” “I meant about wearing yourself out.” Barbara smiled. “I'll be fine.” Elise said. “Once it's done, especially since the judgments for the cases are already in our favor, Ren and Haddon Enterprises will own controlling interest in every company that was involved in, or benefited from, the experiments performed on him as a child.” “Oh, that's sneaky.” Barbara said. “Can I reward you with a sandwich?” Elise laughed and accepted one graciously. * Denise laid in bed and she couldn't keep her smile or her happiness restrained. *He needs me.* She thought and hugged the pillow and pretended it was Ren. *He's not faking it or pretending. He really needs me.* She rolled over in the bed and tried to calm down, because she had work in the morning. *He loves me. Me.* Denise rolled back over and put her pillow back under her head and took several deep breaths. *I bet Barbi is having the time of her life.* She thought and barked a laugh. *I should have let him thank me, too.* She reached down between her legs and touched herself. *M-maybe tomorrow I... oh, Ren!* She thought and finished. Denise had surprised herself at finishing so quickly, then grabbed a tissue and cleaned herself. She relaxed, now that her happy brain had flooded her body with endorphins, and she drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Ren floating through her mind. ******** A lot of people were playing the game that night, especially after all of the antics on the news about Ren and the backstories they had provided, then the spin-off stories had started, which were only barely connected to those cases, and everyone was talking about him, about the game, and about everything going on. They were all surprised when they received the notification that new content was available, not realizing that Ren had been the one to unlock it when he crossed into the Pervarian Kingdom. It was content that no one had even known was in the works, let alone already loaded and available for them to play. Most of them read the warnings that were given by the system, about it being very dangerous to explore a whole new kingdom, either alone or as part of a party, with a culture that prided itself on its fighting prowess. Several players dismissed the warnings without reading them, and assumed they could handle anything that was thrown at them. Thanks to Ren's Portal Gate Network, a lot of Adventurers popped through it to appear in the town that was closest to the border of the Human Kingdom. The townspeople were shocked at the sheer number of Adventurers that had suddenly appeared in their little town, and the general store was quickly bought out of stock and closed before even a quarter of the Adventurers had bought the necessary supplies. All of the specialty stores were bought out and emptied next, and almost half of the Adventurers were well equipped to head into the new lands. The rest debated popping to another town to load up on supplies, then figured they would find a suitable place in the new area. Almost as one, all of the Adventurers stepped out of the Human Kingdom and into the next land. The Liven Empire. It was also known as the Gnome Lands and nearly all of the Adventures dismissed the second warning about not bothering the locals or crossing into another kingdom's territory uninvited. They should have listened to both warnings. Some of the Adventurers didn't have to worry, since they were high enough level that they could handle what happened next; but, a lot of them were just curious about new things being available and were wholly unprepared for what their Trouble recipes had in store for them. The Gnomes didn't like people not using their designated road. They didn't like it at all. Even the Lemming, nature's idiot that will follow its fellows unto death for no reason, will fight tooth and nail when cornered. The Gnomes saw an army of Adventurers cross into their lands without so much as an 'excuse me', and they felt extremely cornered and responded accordingly. Gnomes were almost completely magical beings, so when they responded, they did it with panache. With their own army. Instantly. Everywhere an intruder had stepped onto their land, they were there. When they attacked, it was a complete surprise, and completely devastating. Sleep spells covered the front of the mass of Adventurers and 20% of them were knocked out. Normally that wasn't too bad, except the sleep spells were followed by Acid and Poison Clouds. Most of the sleeping Adventurers died after only a few moments, despite healers trying to save them. Those healers were hit with hundreds of Fireballs and Ball Lightning spells, which decimated them and took out another 20% of the Adventurers. Some of the Adventurers near the back of the group knew they were in deep trouble and tried to run, and magical pit traps opened up and they fell inside. Some died as they were impaled on the poison spikes, others were lucky and were only poisoned. At least, they thought they were lucky, until the pit traps closed and cut off their air and only means of escape. That was another 5% of their number lost. Dozens of summoning portals opened and Hell Hounds poured out and mauled the Adventurers unlucky enough not to block the first attack, then the sky became dark when a large group of Gnomes pooled their Mana and managed to cast Rainstorm and expanded it to cover the entire mass of Adventurers that were left. The Adventurer's ability to see dropped to almost nothing as the deluge of rain blocked pretty much everything barely a foot away from their faces. That's when the Gnomes fired their enchanted crossbows. Adventurers yelled and died by the dozens as they were hit with multiple crossbow bolts and were poisoned. With that attack out of the way, several hundred gnomes knelt and prayed to the Deity of Lightning. One of the Adventurers who were strong enough to handle pretty much everything so far, heard the chanting and realized what was going to happen. “Oh, shit! Retreat! Run! Goddammit, RUN! RUUUUN!” He yelled at the top of his lungs and ran. A lot of the others saw and heard him, and decided that was a good idea. Most of the Adventurers hadn't heard him through the thick rain, and then a huge portal opened up and a 40 foot tall Greater Lightning Elemental stepped out. It was made of Chains of Ball Lightning, with a huge Ball of Lightning for a head, just like the one Ren had encountered while visiting Aimus' homestead. It reached out and pointed at the cloud making the Rainstorm over the Adventurers, then half of its body flowed out and shot into the cloud. The Adventurers didn't see the Rainstorm be converted into a Lightning Storm, then the thousands of raindrops hitting them suddenly changed and became thousands of Lightning Bolts instead. The Adventurers that had survived the onslaught, about 20% of the amount that had entered the Gnome's lands, were amazed that they were still alive, then the dark cloud broke apart to reveal what they were facing. “We are so boned.” One of them said in defeat as the Greater Lightning Elemental stepped forward into them and started to scoop them up, both the living and the dead, to consume the offering that the Gnomes had offered it. The remaining Adventurers fought valiantly, albeit pointlessly, and the Greater Lightning Elemental finished them off and turned to the Gnomes that had prayed for its appearance. Half of them stood up and held hands out to it, and it scooped them up and consumed them as well, then stepped back through the portal.
{ "title": "Edea Chronicles: Hero Summoning Conspiracy", "id": 20762, "author": "Ruruci", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 65: Welcome to S Class", "id": 305844, "next": 305946, "prev": 305843, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1YTFhZWJiMWExNDQ1ZDk4YTliOWE1ZDgzOGMwZDhi">.<br> <br>Lunchtime.<br> <br>Maron made herself scarce before it was officially time for the break because her phone had been going off too much and she opted to answer it. Her departure loosened up the tension in the room as everything went back to normal.<br> <br>The relieved people from class 5-B didn't know however, that Maron's arrival was only the prelude of the true storm that was about to befall them. Kazuya was warned by the eye of the storm beforehand so he was already prepared to have a headache. He had actually prepared himself a long time ago but he was given two long years before the girl actually had gotten herself admitted to the same school.<br> <br>"Hey Kouzuki, did you know that today has been full of surprises?" Takaya wasted no time and immediately tried to open a conversation.<br> <br>"Do you mean that girl?" he turned to Takaya who was shaking his head.<br> <br>"No. Us members of S class have usually stopped by the classroom for members of the class so that we can check in. We don't need to meet with the staff members because we use the pin that was given to us to activate the machine where it will confirm that it was us who used it. That room doesn't really look like a classroom but more like a lounge for members of our class"<br> <br>"Rich people sure are weird" Kazuya commented. "What does it have to do with anything though?"<br> <br>"You hardly see anyone there because as what the S class members are most famous for is their absence. We just need to use that room to sign in and then sign out or in some cases, use the machine to ask some of the staff members to prepare the stuff we need" he continued.<br> <br>"Get to the point" Kazuya already started eating and really wasn't interested in knowing more about such things.<br> <br>"I checked in this morning and you know what I found? Almost all of the members from S class were present. Even 6th graders were present as if they were waiting for something. I didn't know what it was about but only after I heard the name of the girl who was here earlier did I understand" This time, Takaya's explanation caught his interest.<br> <br>Kazuya pondered for a bit and gave a dry laugh. This was what Mei hated about this school. It looked like the members of S class were the people who were involved the most about these things. The arrival of the daughter of the head of Stockton International made all of them wait for her arrival.<br> <br>He hadn't expected to encounter this sort of thing until he made it to middle school. It looks like either these children understood the concept of making connections with influential people or their parents made them do so. Either way, this was going to be Kurumi's problem. She had Maron with her so he didn't think there would a problem because from the way Kurumi described her, she was very protective of her.<br> <br>"Maron-chan! I can't believe you actually left me at home while you went on ahead to meet Kazuya-kun!" Kurumi puffed her cheeks as Maron arrived to meet her in front of the school building.<br> <br>The boys who were passing by couldn't help but stare at the two eye catching girls who were standing in front of their building. They wondered why they haven't seen such students until now. Even though they were wearing S class' pins, these two were not the ones they were already familiar with.<br> <br>"You can't blame me, you were the one who couldn't get to sleep because of excitement. It's just going to another boring school" Maron laughed.<br> <br>"But you left me and went on your own! You made me come half a day late already! Dad called home and scolded me for oversleeping too…" Kurumi sighed. She really couldn't put all the blame on her cousin since it was true that she couldn't sleep after imagining different scenarios when she finally met Kazuya in person again.<br> <br>During their phone conversations, she would often ask him about random things like his preferences and such. Kazuya didn't try to hide anything and answered most of her random questions. What Kurumi didn't know that although he answered, his current environment would affect most of his answers since he really didn't focus much when he talked to her.<br> <br>One example was when she tried asking him if he preferred girls who had long hair or short hair. Back when they were in second grade, she kept her hair short so she was disappointed when Kazuya that he preferred girls with long hair since he was with Mei at that time.<br> <br>"I know you're excited to meet up with that annoying guy but you still remember we have to stop over that room everyday right?"<br> <br>"Yeah! Let's go!" Kurumi couldn't wait to see Kazuya so she urged her cousin to quickly get it over with.<br> <br>"I hope those annoying people aren't there anymore" Maron murmured. She didn't like the people who tried to suck up to her when she checked in for attendance. If it were her old school, she would have already beat them away but this school had too many restrictions that it made her feel troubled and worried for her cousin.<br> <br>"Annoying people?" Kurumi tilted her head.<br> <br>"You'll see" Maron led the way and both of them entered the luxurious looking classroom that only looked like a classroom from the outside. The inside was like a VIP lounge that didn't look the least bit like their other counterparts.<br> <br>What bothered Maron right away was that not only did the previous people not disappear, the number of people wearing S class pins increased instead.<br> <br>All of their eyes landed on the two girls who entered the room. Most of them stood up and walked towards the two to welcome them to their school. Kurumi immediately understood what Maron meant when she said 'annoying people' as these kind of people were what her father wanted her to avoid when he allowed her to go to a regular school.<br> <br>Though these kinds of people weren't at all nonexistent in normal schools, there were a lot more carefree people compared to this one. These students intentions were clear enough as the members of S class had a reputation for only going to school when it required them to do so or if they had their own agendas to attend to.<br> <br>Kurumi hid behind her cousin after they started introducing themselves. She felt extremely uncomfortable around these people. She could tell that they were not being genuine and their smiles were the same type of smiles that people flattering her father had.<br> <br>"She's already late so move aside and let her check in" Maron didn't care for what they thought. She already met some of them in the morning but could care any less about their intentions. She tried to push through the crowd and led Kurumi to the device.<br> <br>"I say, aren't you being too overprotective Stockton Maron-san?" One of the girls who were sitting near the device spoke as soon as they came close. The two girls knew this person's identity as she was always present when they attended banquets together with Kurumi's father.<br> <br>This girl was called Muimina Ringo. The eldest daughter of Ringo corporation, one of the most popular companies when it came to computers and cell phones. They have been trying to collaborate with Stockton International so that they could release their products more conveniently internationally.<br> <br>"I have to agree. All we wanted was to politely introduce ourselves. We are in the same class so don't you think you're being too rude by simply brushing off your classmates?" A boy who was the same as Ringo, made his way through the crowd and stood beside her.<br> <br>Although he was not at the same level as Ringo anymore, it was only because of the events of the recent years that his family had undergone a setback. This person was known as Kurogane Suzaku who belongs to the same family that both the Kouzuki and Stockton families collaborated against.<br> <br>Maron of course was on guard against this person since they were already warned about dealing with people who had special influences before they transferred. This person specifically had motive to get back at them for letting his family experience such a setback. The Kuroganes were known to be very vengeful and would resort to means that were heavily frowned upon so she had her guard up against this person.</p> <br>"Classmates? You lot? Do you take us for fools?" Maron frowned. Truly a model for both shamelessness and hypocrisy. The S class had never been assembled like this and they were not only of their grade. One would be a fool to believe such wordplay.<br> <br>"I have to agree with Suzaku-kun on this" Ringo spoke again. "We may have the reputation to be students who are the most divided but we do not fail to recognize people of our own circle. We gathered here to welcome the both of you and you seem to not put everyone in your eyes. Is this how a big international corporation sees us local companies?" Ringo frowned and looked at the rest of the students who seem to have become dissatisfied with the two.<br> <br>"Tsk…" Maron frowned. These people were truly of a different breed. She could be considered older than most of them but the way their brains worked were not as simple. All of them may not have been truly rotten but it only took one or two rotten apples to influence the lot.<br> <br>This was their first day and she already wished she could deal with them like she usually would. The two were successful in making them look like the bad ones. She only wanted to protect her shy and naïve cousin and yet she could not help but consider giving into them to avoid trouble for now.<br> <br>*CLAP CLAP CLAP* the tense situation suddenly got a sudden interruption. Maron, who was about to give in, turned towards the crowd to see someone familiar who she did not notice before because of the cell phone hiding his face.<br> <br>"I have to applaud you people for ganging up on these two ladies. Truly my disdain for having to do anything with this class like the rest of you is not without reason" The boy stepped up. Maron recognized him because he was the one who stood beside Kazuya when she went to his class earlier.<br> <br>"Aoki Takaya, What do you mean by that?" Ringo frowned. She knew that this person was troublesome to deal with.<br> <br>"First of all, let me point out that you and Kurogane Suzaku do not have the right to refer to yourselves as classmates of us 5th grade S Class students. Was I not informed that both of you got held up a grade and brought shame to those who are known as elites?" he grinned. He actually didn't want to participate in this but his friend gave him a reason that he couldn't say no to.<br> <br>One, he could act cool in front of the Stockton girls and possibly save them. Two, he would owe Kazuya a favor so he immediately jumped at the opportunity because it was very rare that he could ask him to do something.<br> <br>"You…" from the others reactions, she could tell that they did indeed forget and just realized that the two were indeed not in the same grade as the Stockton girls.<br> <br>"Why are you trying to turn everyone against the Stocktons? Can you take responsibility for everyone else here if they really do retaliate after this ploy of yours to gang up on them goes south?" Takaya then turned towards Suzaku. "You of all people should know what happened when you touched the Stockton's princess right?" he grinned mockingly.<br> <br>Suzaku couldn't retort and just glared at Takaya. Their family had still yet to recover after Lee's actions implicated them and he was well aware of how the Aoki family contributed to this. He felt wronged that his family had to pay for some bastard's mistakes and the people who were involved didn't bat an eyelid even if they were aware that it was Lee's independent action.<br> <br>It was because of his intense glare that he noticed a small earpiece that was barely recognizable on Takaya's left ear. This was the moment he realized that this boy's appearance was suspicious and too coincidental. He was not part of the business scene but the entertainment scene. He may have been from an influential family but it was from a different category. He should not have been that knowledgeable about what happened to them.<br> <br>Suzaku's suspicion was dead on because Takaya was not acting alone. Kazuya, who was eating peacefully with Tomoyo was providing him what he needed to point out while leaving his friend to use his skills to appropriately improvise with his presentation. This was indeed successful as Takaya's acting skills made the people understand a bit about what they were doing.<br> <br>The rest of the S class students knew that even the mighty Stockton corporation wouldn't be able to shrug it off if all their families worked together to make trouble for them. What Kazuya wanted to let them realize that even though they did gather together for the same purpose, they almost had little to no interactions with each other.<br> <br>It wasn't only that, even though they come to a consensus, there would be no guarantee that their parents would. Come of them were even rivals of the same field so a united front against Stockton international would not only be impossible but also complete suicide.<br> <br>Some of the students silently dispersed and hoped that the girls wouldn't look them up. The others that already introduced themselves, apologized before backing out. This left only Takaya, Stocktons and the duo who started trouble for them.<br> <br>"Like I said, a fruitless endeavor" Takaya shook his head and turned towards the girls. "You can check in without problems now" Takaya gestured towards Kurumi who smiled after confirming that there was indeed a piece of equipment in his ear. She felt happy and knew who was behind this.<br> <br>"Thank you to both of you" Kurumi whispered before letting Maron lead her to the device. Maron took another look at Takaya before giving him a nod and leading her cousin away.<br> <br>Takaya was satisfied after getting such approval. Even he himself felt that he had acted cool and saved two damsels in distress. This was much more satisfying since it was not an act. He turned to leave but Sukazu was one step ahead of him and blocked his path before moving in closer.<br> <br>"Kouzuki Kazuya should be on the other end right?" Takaya tried to retreat but stopped when he heard what Suzaku had to say. He was planning to play it off since Muimina Ringo heard their conversation.<br> <br>"That's right, it's me" Takaya decided to play the part after getting confirmation and tried to imitate Kazuya's voice and gestures.<br> <br>"Are you trying to monopolize Stockton Kurumi's influence to your advantage?" Suzaku made sure to keep their voices down since he did not want the girls to hear their conversation. Ringo on the other hand moved in closer to hear what was going on.<br> <br>"Monopolize? Don't bring me down to your petty thinking. I merely owe Stockton Jonson a promise and Stockton Kurumi a debt. I've helped her today so my debt with her is paid." Takaya was improvising using how he knew Kazuya so he couldn't help but act overbearingly.<br> <br>The debt Kazuya meant was his failure to protect Kurumi from getting hit after he promised her that she wouldn't get hurt. He was glad that he could write off this debt so soon and didn't care what a guy from the Kurogane family would think.<br> <br>"I approached her to get a chance to soothe the relations between our families because of the incident with that idiot that had nothing to do with us. Are you going to keep that from happening because of our families' past misunderstandings?" Suzaku never met with Kazuya before so he was quite irritated at how Takaya was acting.<br> <br>"As long as you don't do it in a place where I am present then she would not be able to ask for help" Takaya was surprised at Kazuya's reply since he assumed that he and Kurumi were friends after suffering through such an incident together. "But let me give you a warning"<br> <br>"Warning?" Suzaku couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The only reason the Kouzuki Family had been able to make them suffer such damage was because of Stockton International. He felt that Kazuya was being too arrogant but still wanted to hear what he was about to say.<br> <br>"Don't give me a reason to go against your family again. I am not Stockton Jonson, I don't intend on stopping after a few skirmishes. I am not the type of person who will stop until my enemies have completely been taken care of"<br> <br>.<p></p> </div>
. Lunchtime. Maron made herself scarce before it was officially time for the break because her phone had been going off too much and she opted to answer it. Her departure loosened up the tension in the room as everything went back to normal. The relieved people from class 5-B didn't know however, that Maron's arrival was only the prelude of the true storm that was about to befall them. Kazuya was warned by the eye of the storm beforehand so he was already prepared to have a headache. He had actually prepared himself a long time ago but he was given two long years before the girl actually had gotten herself admitted to the same school. "Hey Kouzuki, did you know that today has been full of surprises?" Takaya wasted no time and immediately tried to open a conversation. "Do you mean that girl?" he turned to Takaya who was shaking his head. "No. Us members of S class have usually stopped by the classroom for members of the class so that we can check in. We don't need to meet with the staff members because we use the pin that was given to us to activate the machine where it will confirm that it was us who used it. That room doesn't really look like a classroom but more like a lounge for members of our class" "Rich people sure are weird" Kazuya commented. "What does it have to do with anything though?" "You hardly see anyone there because as what the S class members are most famous for is their absence. We just need to use that room to sign in and then sign out or in some cases, use the machine to ask some of the staff members to prepare the stuff we need" he continued. "Get to the point" Kazuya already started eating and really wasn't interested in knowing more about such things. "I checked in this morning and you know what I found? Almost all of the members from S class were present. Even 6th graders were present as if they were waiting for something. I didn't know what it was about but only after I heard the name of the girl who was here earlier did I understand" This time, Takaya's explanation caught his interest. Kazuya pondered for a bit and gave a dry laugh. This was what Mei hated about this school. It looked like the members of S class were the people who were involved the most about these things. The arrival of the daughter of the head of Stockton International made all of them wait for her arrival. He hadn't expected to encounter this sort of thing until he made it to middle school. It looks like either these children understood the concept of making connections with influential people or their parents made them do so. Either way, this was going to be Kurumi's problem. She had Maron with her so he didn't think there would a problem because from the way Kurumi described her, she was very protective of her. "Maron-chan! I can't believe you actually left me at home while you went on ahead to meet Kazuya-kun!" Kurumi puffed her cheeks as Maron arrived to meet her in front of the school building. The boys who were passing by couldn't help but stare at the two eye catching girls who were standing in front of their building. They wondered why they haven't seen such students until now. Even though they were wearing S class' pins, these two were not the ones they were already familiar with. "You can't blame me, you were the one who couldn't get to sleep because of excitement. It's just going to another boring school" Maron laughed. "But you left me and went on your own! You made me come half a day late already! Dad called home and scolded me for oversleeping too…" Kurumi sighed. She really couldn't put all the blame on her cousin since it was true that she couldn't sleep after imagining different scenarios when she finally met Kazuya in person again. During their phone conversations, she would often ask him about random things like his preferences and such. Kazuya didn't try to hide anything and answered most of her random questions. What Kurumi didn't know that although he answered, his current environment would affect most of his answers since he really didn't focus much when he talked to her. One example was when she tried asking him if he preferred girls who had long hair or short hair. Back when they were in second grade, she kept her hair short so she was disappointed when Kazuya that he preferred girls with long hair since he was with Mei at that time. "I know you're excited to meet up with that annoying guy but you still remember we have to stop over that room everyday right?" "Yeah! Let's go!" Kurumi couldn't wait to see Kazuya so she urged her cousin to quickly get it over with. "I hope those annoying people aren't there anymore" Maron murmured. She didn't like the people who tried to suck up to her when she checked in for attendance. If it were her old school, she would have already beat them away but this school had too many restrictions that it made her feel troubled and worried for her cousin. "Annoying people?" Kurumi tilted her head. "You'll see" Maron led the way and both of them entered the luxurious looking classroom that only looked like a classroom from the outside. The inside was like a VIP lounge that didn't look the least bit like their other counterparts. What bothered Maron right away was that not only did the previous people not disappear, the number of people wearing S class pins increased instead. All of their eyes landed on the two girls who entered the room. Most of them stood up and walked towards the two to welcome them to their school. Kurumi immediately understood what Maron meant when she said 'annoying people' as these kind of people were what her father wanted her to avoid when he allowed her to go to a regular school. Though these kinds of people weren't at all nonexistent in normal schools, there were a lot more carefree people compared to this one. These students intentions were clear enough as the members of S class had a reputation for only going to school when it required them to do so or if they had their own agendas to attend to. Kurumi hid behind her cousin after they started introducing themselves. She felt extremely uncomfortable around these people. She could tell that they were not being genuine and their smiles were the same type of smiles that people flattering her father had. "She's already late so move aside and let her check in" Maron didn't care for what they thought. She already met some of them in the morning but could care any less about their intentions. She tried to push through the crowd and led Kurumi to the device. "I say, aren't you being too overprotective Stockton Maron-san?" One of the girls who were sitting near the device spoke as soon as they came close. The two girls knew this person's identity as she was always present when they attended banquets together with Kurumi's father. This girl was called Muimina Ringo. The eldest daughter of Ringo corporation, one of the most popular companies when it came to computers and cell phones. They have been trying to collaborate with Stockton International so that they could release their products more conveniently internationally. "I have to agree. All we wanted was to politely introduce ourselves. We are in the same class so don't you think you're being too rude by simply brushing off your classmates?" A boy who was the same as Ringo, made his way through the crowd and stood beside her. Although he was not at the same level as Ringo anymore, it was only because of the events of the recent years that his family had undergone a setback. This person was known as Kurogane Suzaku who belongs to the same family that both the Kouzuki and Stockton families collaborated against. Maron of course was on guard against this person since they were already warned about dealing with people who had special influences before they transferred. This person specifically had motive to get back at them for letting his family experience such a setback. The Kuroganes were known to be very vengeful and would resort to means that were heavily frowned upon so she had her guard up against this person. "Classmates? You lot? Do you take us for fools?" Maron frowned. Truly a model for both shamelessness and hypocrisy. The S class had never been assembled like this and they were not only of their grade. One would be a fool to believe such wordplay. "I have to agree with Suzaku-kun on this" Ringo spoke again. "We may have the reputation to be students who are the most divided but we do not fail to recognize people of our own circle. We gathered here to welcome the both of you and you seem to not put everyone in your eyes. Is this how a big international corporation sees us local companies?" Ringo frowned and looked at the rest of the students who seem to have become dissatisfied with the two. "Tsk…" Maron frowned. These people were truly of a different breed. She could be considered older than most of them but the way their brains worked were not as simple. All of them may not have been truly rotten but it only took one or two rotten apples to influence the lot. This was their first day and she already wished she could deal with them like she usually would. The two were successful in making them look like the bad ones. She only wanted to protect her shy and naïve cousin and yet she could not help but consider giving into them to avoid trouble for now. *CLAP CLAP CLAP* the tense situation suddenly got a sudden interruption. Maron, who was about to give in, turned towards the crowd to see someone familiar who she did not notice before because of the cell phone hiding his face. "I have to applaud you people for ganging up on these two ladies. Truly my disdain for having to do anything with this class like the rest of you is not without reason" The boy stepped up. Maron recognized him because he was the one who stood beside Kazuya when she went to his class earlier. "Aoki Takaya, What do you mean by that?" Ringo frowned. She knew that this person was troublesome to deal with. "First of all, let me point out that you and Kurogane Suzaku do not have the right to refer to yourselves as classmates of us 5th grade S Class students. Was I not informed that both of you got held up a grade and brought shame to those who are known as elites?" he grinned. He actually didn't want to participate in this but his friend gave him a reason that he couldn't say no to. One, he could act cool in front of the Stockton girls and possibly save them. Two, he would owe Kazuya a favor so he immediately jumped at the opportunity because it was very rare that he could ask him to do something. "You…" from the others reactions, she could tell that they did indeed forget and just realized that the two were indeed not in the same grade as the Stockton girls. "Why are you trying to turn everyone against the Stocktons? Can you take responsibility for everyone else here if they really do retaliate after this ploy of yours to gang up on them goes south?" Takaya then turned towards Suzaku. "You of all people should know what happened when you touched the Stockton's princess right?" he grinned mockingly. Suzaku couldn't retort and just glared at Takaya. Their family had still yet to recover after Lee's actions implicated them and he was well aware of how the Aoki family contributed to this. He felt wronged that his family had to pay for some bastard's mistakes and the people who were involved didn't bat an eyelid even if they were aware that it was Lee's independent action. It was because of his intense glare that he noticed a small earpiece that was barely recognizable on Takaya's left ear. This was the moment he realized that this boy's appearance was suspicious and too coincidental. He was not part of the business scene but the entertainment scene. He may have been from an influential family but it was from a different category. He should not have been that knowledgeable about what happened to them. Suzaku's suspicion was dead on because Takaya was not acting alone. Kazuya, who was eating peacefully with Tomoyo was providing him what he needed to point out while leaving his friend to use his skills to appropriately improvise with his presentation. This was indeed successful as Takaya's acting skills made the people understand a bit about what they were doing. The rest of the S class students knew that even the mighty Stockton corporation wouldn't be able to shrug it off if all their families worked together to make trouble for them. What Kazuya wanted to let them realize that even though they did gather together for the same purpose, they almost had little to no interactions with each other. It wasn't only that, even though they come to a consensus, there would be no guarantee that their parents would. Come of them were even rivals of the same field so a united front against Stockton international would not only be impossible but also complete suicide. Some of the students silently dispersed and hoped that the girls wouldn't look them up. The others that already introduced themselves, apologized before backing out. This left only Takaya, Stocktons and the duo who started trouble for them. "Like I said, a fruitless endeavor" Takaya shook his head and turned towards the girls. "You can check in without problems now" Takaya gestured towards Kurumi who smiled after confirming that there was indeed a piece of equipment in his ear. She felt happy and knew who was behind this. "Thank you to both of you" Kurumi whispered before letting Maron lead her to the device. Maron took another look at Takaya before giving him a nod and leading her cousin away. Takaya was satisfied after getting such approval. Even he himself felt that he had acted cool and saved two damsels in distress. This was much more satisfying since it was not an act. He turned to leave but Sukazu was one step ahead of him and blocked his path before moving in closer. "Kouzuki Kazuya should be on the other end right?" Takaya tried to retreat but stopped when he heard what Suzaku had to say. He was planning to play it off since Muimina Ringo heard their conversation. "That's right, it's me" Takaya decided to play the part after getting confirmation and tried to imitate Kazuya's voice and gestures. "Are you trying to monopolize Stockton Kurumi's influence to your advantage?" Suzaku made sure to keep their voices down since he did not want the girls to hear their conversation. Ringo on the other hand moved in closer to hear what was going on. "Monopolize? Don't bring me down to your petty thinking. I merely owe Stockton Jonson a promise and Stockton Kurumi a debt. I've helped her today so my debt with her is paid." Takaya was improvising using how he knew Kazuya so he couldn't help but act overbearingly. The debt Kazuya meant was his failure to protect Kurumi from getting hit after he promised her that she wouldn't get hurt. He was glad that he could write off this debt so soon and didn't care what a guy from the Kurogane family would think. "I approached her to get a chance to soothe the relations between our families because of the incident with that idiot that had nothing to do with us. Are you going to keep that from happening because of our families' past misunderstandings?" Suzaku never met with Kazuya before so he was quite irritated at how Takaya was acting. "As long as you don't do it in a place where I am present then she would not be able to ask for help" Takaya was surprised at Kazuya's reply since he assumed that he and Kurumi were friends after suffering through such an incident together. "But let me give you a warning" "Warning?" Suzaku couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The only reason the Kouzuki Family had been able to make them suffer such damage was because of Stockton International. He felt that Kazuya was being too arrogant but still wanted to hear what he was about to say. "Don't give me a reason to go against your family again. I am not Stockton Jonson, I don't intend on stopping after a few skirmishes. I am not the type of person who will stop until my enemies have completely been taken care of" .