Sacred Texts Ancient Near East Index Previous Next p. 98 COLUMN IV RELEASE OF ISHTAR--HER ATTEMPTS TO BRING TO LIFE TAMMUZ, HER FIRST LOVER When Allat saw the flaming herald come, And his bright light dispelling all her gloom, She beat her breast; and at him furious foams In rage, and stamping shakes all Hades' domes, Thus cursed the herald, At-su-su-namir: "Away! thou herald! or I'll chain thee here In my dark vaults, and throw thee for thy food The city's garbage, which has stagnant stood, With impure waters for thy daily drink, And lodge thee in my prison till you sink From life impaled in yonder dismal room Of torture; to thy fate so thou hast come? Thine offspring with starvation I will strike!" At last obedient doth Allat speak: "Go, Namtar! and the iron palace strike! O'er Asherim 1 adorned let the dawn break! And seat the spirits on their thrones of gold! Let Ishtar Life's bright waters then behold, And drink her fill, and bring her then to me; From her imprisonment, I send her free." And Namtar then goes through the palace walls, And flings the light through all the darkened halls, And places all the spirits on their thrones, Leads Ishtar to the waters near the cones 1. She drinks the sparkling water now with joy, Which all her form doth cleanse and purify. And he at the first gate her robe returns, And leads her through the second; where he turns,[paragraph continues] p. 99 And gives her bracelets back;--thus at each door Returns to her her girdle, gems; then o'er Her queenly brow he placed her shining crown. With all her ornaments that were her own, She stands with pride before the seventh gate, And Namtar bows to her in solemn state: "Thou hast no ransom to our queen here paid For thy deliverance, yet thou hast said Thy Tammuz thou didst seek within our walls, Turn back! and thou wilt find him in these halls. To bring him back to life the waters pour Upon him; they thy Tammuz will restore; With robes thou mayst adorn him and a crown Of jewels, and thy maid with thee alone Shall give thee comfort and appease thy grief. Kharimtu, Samkha come to thy relief!" Now Ishtar lifts her eyes within a room Prepared for her, and sees her maidens come, Before a weird procession wrapped in palls, That soundless glide within and fills the halls. Before her now they place a sable bier Beside the fount-, and Ishtar, drawing near, Raised the white pall from Tammuz's perfect form. The clay unconscious, had that mystic charm Of Beauty sleeping sweetly on his face,-- Of agony or sorrow left no trace: But, oh! that awful wound of death was there With its deep mark;--the wound, and not the scar. When Ishtar's eyes beheld it, all her grief Broke forth afresh, refusing all relief; She smote her breast in woe, and moaning cried, Nor the bright waters to his wound applied: "O Tammuz! Tammuz! turn thine eyes on me! Thy queen thou didst adorn, before thee see! Behold the emeralds and diamond crown Thou gavest me when I became thine own! Alas! he answers not; and must I mourn Forever o'er my love within this bourne? p. 100 But, oh! the waters from this glowing stream! Perhaps those eyes on me with love will beam, And I shall hear again his song of love. Oh, quickly let these waters to me prove Their claim to banish death with magic power!" Then with her maids, she o'er his form doth pour The sparkling drops of life- "He moves! he lives! What happiness is this my heart receives? O come, my Tammuz! to my loving arms!" And on breast his breathing form she warms; With wondering eyes he stares upon his queen, And nestling closed his eyes in bliss again. Footnotes 98:1 "Asherim," literally "stone stakes" or "cones," the symbols of the goddess Asherah or Ishtar (Sayce), but Calmet says that the god Ashima is a deity of very uncertain origin, and that the name "Ashima" may very well compared with the Persian "asuman" ("heaven"); in "Zend," "acmano," so Gesonius in his Man. Lex., 1832. This also, according to the magi, is the name of the angel of death, who separates the souls of men from their bodies, Cal. Dic. p. 106. Cones are to be seen in the British Museum which are probably of the character which represented Elah-Gabalah, the sun-god, adored in Rome during the reign of Heliogabalus. The symbol and worship came from Hamath in Syria. Next: Column V. Tammuz is Restored to Life by the Waters of Life--His Song of Love
Conditions - Case
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1" Option Explicit Sub CaseStatements() 'Declare Variable Dim DayOfWeek As String 'Select the starting cell ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Select 'Create a do while loop that will loop through the range of cells. Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'Set my variable equal to active cell value on each iteration of the loop DayOfWeek = ActiveCell.Value 'Create the case statement Select Case DayOfWeek Case "monday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Tuesday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Wednesday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Thursday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bad" Case "Friday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bad" Case "Saturday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Sunday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Neutral" End Select 'GO TO THE NEXT CELL --- VERY IMPORTANT ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub Sub CaseStatements_Operator() 'Declare Variable Dim DayOfWeek As String 'Select the starting cell ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Select 'Create a do while loop that will loop through the range of cells. Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'Set my variable equal to active cell value on each iteration of the loop DayOfWeek = ActiveCell.Value 'Create the case statement Select Case DayOfWeek Case "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Saturday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Thursday", "Friday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bad" Case "Sunday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Neutral" End Select 'GO TO THE NEXT CELL --- VERY IMPORTANT ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub Sub CaseStatements_Else() 'Declare Variable Dim DayOfWeek As String 'Select the starting cell ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Select 'Create a do while loop that will loop through the range of cells. Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'Set my variable equal to active cell value on each iteration of the loop DayOfWeek = ActiveCell.Value 'Create the case statement Select Case DayOfWeek Case "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Saturday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Thursday", "Friday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bad" Case "Sunday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Neutral" Case Else ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "You Messed Up Big Time" End Select 'GO TO THE NEXT CELL --- VERY IMPORTANT ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub Sub CaseStatements_Range() 'We use IS keyword with comparison operators 'We use TO keyword with a range of values 'Declare Variable Dim DayOfWeek As String Dim DayScore As Variant 'Select the starting cell ActiveSheet.Range("D3").Select 'Create a do while loop that will loop through the range of cells. Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'Set my variable equal to active cell value on each iteration of the loop DayScore = ActiveCell.Value 'Create the case statement Select Case DayScore Case Is > 90 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "A" Case 79 To 90 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "B" Case 69 To 78 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "C" Case 59 To 68 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "D" Case Is < 58 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "F" Case Else ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "You Messed Up Big Time" End Select 'GO TO THE NEXT CELL --- VERY IMPORTANT ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub Sub CaseStatements_Strings() 'Declare Variable Dim DayOfWeek As String 'Select the starting cell ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Select 'Create a do while loop that will loop through the range of cells. Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'Set my variable equal to active cell value on each iteration of the loop DayOfWeek = ActiveCell.Value 'Create the case statement Select Case DayOfWeek 'Any value that falls within the alphabetical range Case "Monday" To "Saturday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Good" Case "Sunday" ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Ok Good" Case Else ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "You Messed Up Big Time" End Select 'GO TO THE NEXT CELL --- VERY IMPORTANT ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub
Conditions - If
Sub IfThen() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score. Dim TestScore As Integer 'Set the variable equal the value of cell "C3". TestScore = Range("C3").Value 'Begin if statement If TestScore = 75 Then Range("D3").Value = "C" End If End Sub Sub IfThenElse() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score. Dim TestScore As Integer 'Set the variable equal the value of cell "C3". TestScore = Range("C3").Value 'Begin if statement If TestScore = 75 Then Range("D3").Value = "C" Else Range("D3").Value = "No Score Provided" End If End Sub Sub IfThenElseIfElse() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score. Dim TestScore As Integer 'Set the variable equal the value of cell "C3". TestScore = Range("C3").Value 'Begin if statement If TestScore = 75 Then Range("D3").Value = "C" ElseIf TestScore = 85 Then Range("D3").Value = "B" Else Range("D3").Value = "No Score Provided" End If End Sub Sub NestedIfStatements() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score & Favorite Color. Dim TestScore As Integer Dim FavrColor As String 'Store values in variables TestScore = Range("H3").Value FavrColor = Range("G3").Value 'Begin if statement If TestScore = 75 Then 'Nested If Statement If FavrColor = "Blue" Then Range("I3").Value = "Great" Else Range("I3").Value = "Wonderful" End If ElseIf TestScore = 85 Then 'Nested If Statement If FavrColor = "Red" Then Range("I3").Value = "Not Great" Else Range("I3").Value = "Not Wonderful" End If Else Range("I3").Value = "No Score Provided" End If End Sub Sub IfStatementsWithLogicalOperators() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score & Favorite Color. Dim TestScore As Integer Dim FavrColor As String 'Store values in variables TestScore = Range("H3").Value FavrColor = Range("G3").Value 'Begin if statement If TestScore = 75 And FavrColor = "Blue" Then Range("I3").Value = "Great" 'ElseIf Section One ElseIf TestScore = 75 And FavrColor = "Red" Then Range("I3").Value = "Wonderful" 'ElseIf Section Two ElseIf TestScore = 85 And FavrColor = "Blue" Then Range("I3").Value = "Not Great" 'ElseIf Section Three ElseIf TestScore = 85 And FavrColor = "Red" Then Range("I3").Value = "Not Wonderful" 'Else Section Else Range("I3").Value = "No Score Provided" 'Close If Block End If End Sub Sub WrongIfStatement() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score & Favorite Color. Dim TestScore As Integer 'Store values in variables TestScore = Range("H3").Value 'This is incorrect because the Else If will never be reached. If TestScore >= 75 Then Range("I3").Value = "Great" ElseIf TestScore >= 85 Then 'This Portion of the code would never be reached. Range("I3").Value = "Wonderful" End If End Sub Sub UsingProperties() 'Declare a variable that will house the test score & Favorite Color. Dim Rng As Range 'Store values in variables Set Rng = Range("H3:H5") 'This is incorrect because the Else If will never be reached. If Rng.Count = 1 Then MsgBox "You have one cell!" ElseIf Rng.Count > 1 Then 'This Portion of the code would never be reached. MsgBox "You have more than one cell!" Else 'This Portion of the code would never be reached. MsgBox "Make sure to select a range in order to use this macro." End If End Sub
Connect To Access
Option Explicit Sub ExportDataToAccess() Dim ConnObj As ADODB.Connection Dim RecSet As ADODB.Recordset Dim ConnCmd As ADODB.Command Dim ColNames As ADODB.Fields Dim DataSource As String Dim intLoop As Integer 'Define the data source DataSource = "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\Financial_Data.accdb" 'Create a new connection object & a new command object Set ConnObj = New ADODB.Connection Set ConnCmd = New ADODB.Command 'Create a new connection With ConnObj .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" 'For *.ACCDB Databases .ConnectionString = DataSource .Open End With 'This will allow the command object to use the Active Connection ConnCmd.ActiveConnection = ConnObj 'Define the Query String & the Query Type. ConnCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ACTUALS_CAPITAL;" ConnCmd.CommandType = adCmdText 'Exectue the Query & Get the column Names. Set RecSet = ConnCmd.Execute Set ColNames = RecSet.Fields 'Populate the header row of the Excel Sheet. For intLoop = 0 To ColNames.Count - 1 Cells(1, intLoop + 1).Value = ColNames.Item(intLoop).Name Next 'Dump the data in the worksheet. Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset RecSet 'Close the Connection ConnObj.Close End Sub
Create Zipped
Sub ZipFiles() Dim ShellObj As Shell32.Shell Dim TargetFolder As Shell32.Folder Dim DestinationFolder As Shell32.Folder Dim DesktopName As Shell32.Folder 'Define the desktop DesktopPath = "C:\Users\305197\Desktop" 'Define the folder that contains the objects you want to zip TargetPath = "C:\Users\305197\Desktop\Target" 'Define the Destination folder path, this is the zipped file DestinationPath = "C:\Users\305197\Desktop\Destination" 'Declare a new shell object Set ShellObj = New Shell32.Shell 'Create a new folder on the desktop, to contain all the items we want to compress Set DesktopName = ShellObj.Namespace(DesktopPath) 'Define the folder we are copying the items from. Set TargetFolder = ShellObj.Namespace(TargetPath) 'Make the new folder. DesktopName.NewFolder bName:=DestinationPath 'Copy each item to the destination folder. For Each fldrItem In TargetFolder.Items ShellObj.Namespace(DestinationPath).CopyHere vItem:=fldrItem Next 'If we use power shell we can use command line arguments args = "Compress-Archive -Path " + DestinationPath + " -DestinationPath " + DestinationPath + ".zip" 'Call PowerShell and pass through the arguments. ShellObj.ShellExecute File:="Powershell", vArgs:=args End Sub
Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next p. 75 THE BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES OF PHILO OR THE HISTORY OF PHILO FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD TO KING DAVID CHAPTER I. I. 1The beginning of the world. Adam begat three sons and one daughter, Cain, Noaba, Abel and Seth. 2. And Adam lived after he begat Gen. 5:4Seth 700 years, and begat 12 sons and 8 daughters. p. 76 3. And these are the names of the males: Eliseel, Suris, Elamiel, Brabal, Naat, Zarama, Zasam, Maathal, and Anath. 4. And these are his daughters: Phua, Iectas, Arebica, Sifa, Tecia, Saba, Asin. Gen. 5:75. And Seth lived 105 years and begat Enos. And Seth lived after he begat Enos 707 years, and begat 3 sons and 2 daughters. 6. And these are the names of his sons: Elidia, Phonna, and Matha: and of his daughters, Malida and Thila. Gen. 5:9, 5:107. And Enos lived 180 years and begat Cainan. And Enos lived after he begat Cainan 715 years, and begat 2 sons and a daughter. 8. And these are the names of his sons: Phoë and Thaal; and of the daughter, Catennath. Gen. 5:12, 5:139. And Cainan lived 520 years and begat Malalech. And Cainan lived after he begat Malalech 730 years, and begat 3 sons and 2 daughters. 10. And these are the names of the males: Athach, Socer, Lopha: and the names of the daughters, Ana and Leua. Gen. 5:15, 5:1611. And Malalech lived 165 years and begat Jareth. And Malalech lived after he begat Jareth 730 years, and begat 7 sons and 5 daughters. 12. And these are the names of the males: Leta, Matha, Cethar, Melie, Suriel, Lodo, Othim. And these are the names of the daughters: Ada and Noa, Iebal, Mada, Sella. Gen. 5:18, 5:1913. And Jareth lived 172 years and begat Enoch. And Jareth lived after he begat Enoch 800 years and begat 4 sons and 2 daughters. 14. And these are the names of the males: Lead, Anac, Soboac and Iectar: and of the daughters, Tetzeco, Lesse. Gen. 5:22, 5:2315. And Enoch lived 165 years and begat Matusalam. And Enoch lived after he begat Matusalam 200 years, and begat 5 sons and 3 daughters. p. 77 16. But Enoch pleased God at that time and was Gen. 5:24not found, for God translated him. 17. Now the names of his sons are: Anaz, Zeum, Achaun, Pheledi, Elith; and of the daughters, Theiz, Lefith, Leath. 18. And Mathusalam lived 187 years and begot Gen. 5:25, 5:26Lamech. And Mathusalam lived after he begat Lamech 782 years, and begot 2 sons and 2 daughters. 19. And these are the names of the males: Inab and Rapho; and of the daughters, Aluma and Amuga. 20. And Lamech lived 182 years and begot a son, Gen. 5:28, 5:29 and called him according to his nativity Noe, saying: This child will give rest to us and to the earth from those who are therein, upon whom (or in the day when) a visitation shall be made because of the iniquity of their evil deeds. 21. And Lamech lived after he begot Noe 585 Gen. 5:30years. 22. And Noe lived 300 years and begot 3 sons, 5:32, 6:20Sem, Cham, and Japheth. Footnotes 75:1 I. 1. Initium mundi appears to be the best reading. It is perhaps in the nature of a title: the proper LXX name for Genesis is γένεσισ κόσμου. 1., etc. It will be observed that almost all the names of sons and all those of daughters are imaginary. They do not agree with other legendary names, e.g. those of Jubilees. For the rest, the first three chapters are to a very large extent simply copied from Genesis iv-xi. The spelling of the names is very uncertain in many cases. Where "ph" occurs, it is very often substituted by Sichardus for "f" in the MSS.; but of course the "f" must represent a φ, seeing that the text has come to us through Greek. I have therefore allowed "ph" to stand. The chronology, according to Dr. Colin, was originally that of the Hebrew text, but has been to some extent modified by reference to the LXX. The Hebrew numbers (from Adam to the Flood) add up to 1656, those of the LXX to 2262, those of Philo to 2256; but Philo says (III. 6) that the Flood was in the 1652nd year of the world, which only requires the change of secundus to sextus to make it agree exactly with the Hebrew. Next: Chapter II Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER II. II. But Cain dwelt in the earth trembling, Cf. Gen. 4:14according as God appointed unto him after he slew Abel his brother; and the name of his wife was Themech. 2. And Cain knew Themech his wife and she Gen. 4:17conceived and bare Enoch. 3. 1 Now Cain was 15 years old when he did these things; and from that time he began to build cities, until he had founded seven cities. And these are Gen. 4:17the names of the cities: The name of the first city according to the name of his son Enoch. The name of the second city Mauli, and of the third Leeth, and the name of the fourth Teze, p. 78 and the name of the fifth Iesca; the name of the sixth Celeth, and the name of the seventh Iebbath. 4. And Cain lived after he begat Enoch 715 years and begat 3 sons and 2 daughters. And these are the names of his sons: Olad, Lizaph, Fosal; and of his daughters, Citha and Maac. And all the days of Cain were 730 years, and he died. 5. 1 Then took Enoch a wife of the daughters of Seth, which bare him Ciram and Cuuth and Madab. But Ciram begat Matusael, and Matusael begat Lamech. Gen. 4:196. But Lamech took unto himself two wives: the name of the one was Ada and the name of the other Sella. 7. And Ada bare him Iobab: he was the father of all that dwell in tents and herd flocks. Gen. 4:21And again she bare him Iobal, which was the first to teach all playing of instruments (lit. every psalm of organs). 8. 2 And at that time, when they that dwelt on the earth had begun to do evil, every one with his neighbour's wife, defiling them, God was angry. And he began to play upon the lute (kinnor) and the harp and on every instrument of sweet psalmody (lit. psaltery), and to corrupt the earth. Gen. 4:229. But Sella bare Tubal and Misa and Theffa, and this is that Tubal which showed unto men arts in lead and tin and iron and copper and silver and gold: and then began the inhabiters of the earth to make graven images and to worship them. 10. 3 Now Lamech said unto his two wives Ada p. 79 and Sella: Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, give heed to my precept: for I have corrupted men for myself, and have taken away sucklings from the breasts, that I might show my sons how to work evil, and the inhabiters of the earth. And now shall vengeance be taken seven times of Cain, but of Lamech seventy times seven. Footnotes 77:1 II. 3. The names of Cain's cities, except the first, do not occur elsewhere. 78:1 5. Jerahmeel says that Enoch, son of Cain, took Niba, daughter of Shem, to wife. His source is unknown to me. 78:2 8. See the Appendix on Readings. 78:3 10. Jubilees does not speak of this Lamech. The turn p. 79 here given to his "song" suggests that his offence was against morality; this view is found elsewhere. Next: Chapter III Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER III. III. And it came to pass when men had begun Gen. 6:1to multiply on the earth, that beautiful daughters were born unto them. And the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were exceeding fair, and took them wives of all that they had chosen. 2. 1 And God said: My spirit shall not judge among these men for ever, because they are of flesh; but their years shall be 120. Upon whom he laid (or wherein I have set) the ends of the world, and in their hands wickednesses were not put out (or the Gen. 6:5law shall not be quenched). 3. And God saw that in all the dwellers upon earth works of evil were fulfilled: and inasmuch as their thought was upon iniquity all their days, God said: I will blot out man and all things that have budded upon the earth, for it repenteth me that I have made him. 4. But Noe found grace and mercy before the p. 80 [paragraph continues] Lord, and these are his generations. Noe, which was a righteous man and undefiled in his generation, Gen. 6:13pleased the Lord. Unto whom God said: The time of all men that dwell upon the earth is come, for their deeds are very evil. And now make thee an ark of cedar wood, and thus shalt thou make it. 300 cubits shall be the length thereof, and Gen. 6:1850 cubits the breadth, and 30 cubits the height. And thou shall enter into the ark, thou and thy wife and thy sons and thy sons' wives with thee. And I will make my covenant with thee, to destroy all the Gen. 7:2-4dwellers upon earth. Now of clean beasts and of the fowls of the heaven that are clean thou shalt take by sevens male and female, that their seed may be saved alive upon the earth. But of unclean beasts and fowls thou shalt take to thee by twos male and Gen. 6:21female, and shalt take provision for thee and for them also. Gen. 7:5, 7:75. And Noe did that which God commanded him and entered into the ark, he and all his sons with Gen. 7:10him. And it came to pass after 7 days that the Gen. 7:11water of the flood began to be upon the earth. And in that day all the depths were opened and the great spring of water and the windows of heaven, and there was rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights. 6. And it was then the 1652nd (1656th) year from the time when God had made the heaven and the earth in the day when the earth was corrupted with the inhabiters thereof by reason of the iniquity of their works. 7. And when the flood continued 140 days upon the earth, Noe only and they that were with him in the ark remained alive: and when God remembered Noe, he made the water to diminish. Gen. 8:168. And it came to pass on the 90th day that God p. 81 dried the earth, and said unto Noe: Go out of the ark, thou and all that are with thee, and grow and multiply upon the earth. And Noe went out of the ark, he an d his sons and his sons' wives, and all the beasts and creeping things and fowls and cattle brought he forth with him as God commanded him. Then built Noe an altar unto the Lord, and took of all the cattle and of the clean fowls and offered burnt offerings on the altar: and it was Gen. 8:21accepted of the Lord for a savour of rest. 9. And God said: I will not again curse the earth for man's sake, for the guise of man's heart hath left off 1 from his youth. And therefore I will not again destroy together all living as I have done. But it shall be, when the dwellers upon earth have sinned, I will judge them by famine or by the sword or by fire or by pestilence (lit. death), and there shall be earthquakes, and they shall be scattered Gen. 8:22into places not inhabited (or, the places of their habitation shall be scattered). But I will not again spoil the earth with the water of a flood, and in all the days of the earth seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and autumn, day and night shall not cease, until I remember them that dwell on the earth, even until the times are fulfilled. 10. 2 But when the years of the world shall be fulfilled, then shall the light cease and the darkness be quenched: and I will quicken the dead and raise up from the earth them that sleep: and Hell shall pay his debt and destruction give back that p. 82 which was committed unto him, that I may render unto every man according to his works and according to the fruit of their imaginations, even until I judge between the soul and the flesh. And the world shall rest, and death shall be quenched, and Hell shall shut his mouth. And the earth shall not be without birth, neither barren for them that dwell therein: and none shall be polluted that hath been justified in me 1. And there shall be another earth and another heaven, even an everlasting habitation. Gen. 9:811. And the Lord spake further unto Noe and to his sons saying: Behold I will make my covenant with you and with your seed after you, and will not Gen. 9:2again spoil the earth with the water of a flood. And all that liveth and moveth therein shall be to you for meal. Nevertheless the flesh with the blood of the soul shall ye not eat. For he that sheddeth man's blood, his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God was man made. And ye, grow ye and multiply and fill the earth as the multitude of fishes that Gen. 9:12multiply in the waters. And God said: This is the covenant that I have made betwixt me and you; and it shall be when I cover the heaven with clouds, that my bow shall appear in the cloud, and it shall be for a memorial of the covenant betwixt me and you, and all the dwellers upon earth. Footnotes 79:1 III. 2. fin. See the variants, which are difficult to explain. If the reading et in manibus eorum scelera non extinguebantur is right, the clause would be better placed after opera malignitatum in the next verse. "And God saw that in all the inhabiters of the earth works of wickedness were fulfilled, and in their hands," etc. I have preferred the other reading, the whole sentence will then refer to the new race who are to arise after the Flood, and especially to Moses (see IX. 8 fin.): the last preceding words ("their years shall be 120") do certainly apply to them and to him. The antediluvians are to perish utterly. See on XVI. 3. 81:1 9. the guise of man's heart hath left off (figura cordis hominis desiit: Cohn suggests desipit) "ὁ Ἑβραῖοσ" (ap. Euseb. Emis. in Catena: see Field's Hexapla in loc.) has τὸ πλάσμα τῆσ καρδίασ ἀνθρώπου. 81:2 10. This is the first really characteristic passage. 82:1 that hath been justified in me. The word occurs in XLIX. 45 "Is Armathem iustificata more than all the cities of Israel?" and in LI. 2. Next: Chapter IV. Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER IV. Gen. 9:18IV. 2 And the sons of Noe which went forth of the ark were Sem, Cham, and Japheth. Gen. 10:22. The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, and Madai, Nidiazech, Tubal, Mocteras, Cenez, Riphath, and Thogorma, Elisa, Dessin, Cethin, Tudant. p. 83 And the sons of Gomer: Thelez, Lud, Deberlet. And the sons of Magog: Cesse, Thipha, Pharuta, Ammiel, Phimei, Goloza, Samanach. And the sons of Duden: Sallus, Phelucta Phallita. And the sons of Tubal: Phanatonova, Eteva. And the sons of Tyras: Maac, Tabel, Ballana, Samplameac, Elaz. And the sons of Mellech: Amboradat, Urach, Bosara. And the sons of <<As>>cenez: Jubal, Zaraddana, Anac. And the sons of Heri: Phuddet, Doad, Dephadzeat, Enoc. And the sons of Togorma: Abiud, Saphath, Asapli, Zepthir. And the sons of Elisa: Etzaac, Zenez, Mastisa, Rira. And the sons of Zepti: Macziel, Temna, Aela, Phinon. And the sons of Tessis: Meccul, Loon, Zelataban. And the sons of Duodennin: Itheb, Beath, Phenech. 3. And these are they that were scattered abroad, and dwelt in the earth with the Persians and Medes, and in the islands that are in the sea. And Phenech, the son of Dudeni, went up and commanded that ships of the sea should be made: and then was the third part of the earth divided. 4. Domereth and his sons took Ladech; and Magog and his sons took Degal; Madam and his sons took Besto; Iuban (sc. Javan) and his sons took Ceel; Tubal and his sons took Pheed; Misech and his sons took Nepthi; <<T>>iras and his sons took <<Rôô>>; Duodennut and his sons took p. 84 [paragraph continues] Goda; Riphath and his sons took Bosarra; Torgoma and his sons took Fud; Elisa and his sons took Thabola; Thesis (sc. Tarshish) and his sons took Marecham; Cethim and his sons took Thaan; Dudennin and his sons took Caruba. 5. And then began they to till the earth and to sow upon it: and when the earth was athirst, the dwellers therein cried unto the Lord and he heard them and gave rain abundantly, and it was so, when the rain descended upon the earth, that the bow appeared in the cloud, and the dwellers upon earth saw the memorial of the covenant and fell upon their faces and sacrificed, offering burnt offerings unto the Lord. Gen. 10:66. Now the sons of Cham were Chus, Mestra, and Phuni, and Chanaan. And the sons of Chus: Saba, and . . . Tudan. And the sons of Phuni: [Effuntenus], Zeleutelup, Geluc, Lephuc. And the sons of Chanaan were Sydona, Endain, Racin, Simmin, Uruin, Nenugin, Amathin, Nephiti, Telaz, Elat, Cusin. Gen. 10:87. And Chus begat Nembroth. He began to be proud before the Lord. Gen. 10:13, 10:14But Mestram begat Ludin and Megimin and Labin and Latuin and Petrosonoin and Ceslun: thence came forth the Philistines and the Cappadocians. 8. And then did they also begin to build cities: and these are the cities which they built: Sydon, and the parts that lie about it, that is Resun, Beosa, Maza, Gerara, Ascalon, Dabir, Camo, Tellun, Lacis, Sodom and Gomorra, Adama and Seboim. Gen. 10:229. And the sons of Sem: Elam, Assur, Arphaxa, Luzi, Aram. And the sons of Aram: Gedrum, Ese. And Arphaxa begat Sale, Sale begat Heber, and unto Heber were born two sons: the name of p. 85 the one was Phalech, for in his days the earth was divided, and the name of his brother was Jectan. 10. And Jectan begat Helmadam and Salastra and Mazaam, Rea, Dura, Uzia, Deglabal, Mimoel, Sabthphin, Evilac, Iubab. And the sons of Phalech: Ragau, Rephuth, Cf. Gen. 11:18Zepheram, Aculon, Sachar, Siphaz, Nabi, Suri, Seciur, Phalacus, Rapho, Phalthia, Zaldephal, Zaphis, and Arteman, Heliphas. These are the sons of Phalech, and these are their names, and they took them wives of the daughters of Jectan and begat sons and daughters and filled the earth. 11. But Ragau took him to wife Melcha the daughter of Ruth, and she begat him Seruch. And when the day of her delivery came she said: Of this child shall be born in the fourth generation one who shall set his dwelling on high, and shall be called perfect, and undefiled, and he shall be the father of nations, and his covenant shall not be broken, and his seed shall be multiplied for ever. 12. And Ragau lived after he begat Seruch 119 Gen. 11:21years and begat 7 sons and 5 daughters. And these are the names of his sons: Abiel, Obed, Salma, Dedasal, Zeneza, Accur, Nephes. And these are the names of his daughters: Cedema, Derisa, Seipha, Pherita, Theila. 13. And Seruch lived 29 years and begat Nachor. And Seruch lived after he begat Nachor 67 years and begat 4 sons and 3 daughters. And these are the names of the males: Zela, Zoba, Dica and Phodde. And these are his daughters: Tephila, Oda, Selipha. 14. And Nachor lived 34 years and begat Thara. And Nachor lived after he begat Thara 200 years and begat 8 sons and 5 daughters. And these p. 86 are the names of the males: Recap, Dediap, Berechap, Iosac, Sithal, Nisab, Nadab, Camoel. And these are his daughters: Esca, Thipha, Bruna, Ceneta. 15. And Thara lived 70 years and begat Abram, Nachor, and Aram. And Aram begat Loth. 16. 1 Then began they that dwelt on the earth to look upon the stars, and began to prognosticate by them and to make divination, and to make their sons and daughters pass through the fire. But Seruch and his sons walked not according to them. 17. And these are the generations of Noe upon the earth according to their languages and their tribes, out of whom the nations were divided upon the earth after the flood. Footnotes 82:2 IV. The variants in the forms and divisions of the names are many. In the Appendix on Readings I have pointed out the Biblical equivalents. It is obvious that some names and words have dropped out of Philo. In the translation I have introduced very few corrections. 86:1 IV. 16. As is noted in the Introduction, this verse contradicts Jubilees on the subject of Serug, and implicitly rejects the story that Terah, Abraham's father, was an idolater. Next: Chapter V Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER V. V. 2 Then came the sons of Cham, and made Nembroth a prince over themselves: but the sons of Japheth made Phenech their chief: and the sons of Sem gathered together and set over them Jectan to be their prince. 2. And when these three had met together they took counsel that they would look upon and take account of the people of their followers. And this was done while Noe was yet alive, even that all men should be gathered together: and they lived at one with each other, and the earth was at peace. 3. Now in the 340th year of the going forth of p. 87 [paragraph continues] Noe out of the ark, after that God dried up the flood, did the princes take account of their people. 4. And first Phenech the son of Japheth looked upon them. The sons of Gomer all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 5,800. But of the sons of Magog all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their leading the number was 6,200. And of the sons of Madai all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 5,700. And the sons of Tubal. all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 9,400. And the sons of Mesca all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 5,600. The sons of Thiras all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 12,300. And the sons of Ripha<<th>> passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number l4,500. And the sons of Thogorma passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincy were in number 14,400. But the sons of Elisa passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincy were in number 14,900. And the sons of Thersis all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincy were in number 12,100. The sons of Cethin all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincy were in number 17,300. p. 88 And the sons of Doin passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 17,700. And the number of the camp of the sons of Japheth, all of them men of might and all girt with their armour, which were set in the sight of their captains was 140,202 besides women and children. The account of Japheth in full was in number 142,000. 5. And Nembroth passed by, he and the son(s) of Cham all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 24,800. The sons of Phua all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 27,700. And the sons of Canaan all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 32,800. The sons of Soba all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 4,300. The sons of Lebilla all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 22,300. And the sons of Sata all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 25,300. And the sons of Remma all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 30,600. And the sons of Sabaca all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 46,400. And the number of the camp of the sons of Cham, all of them mighty men, and furnished with p. 89 armour, which were set in the sight of their captaincies was in number 244,900 besides women and children. 6. And Jectan the son of Sem looked upon the sons of Elam, and they were all of them passing by according to the number of the sceptres of their captaincies in number 47,000. And the sons of Assur all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 73,000. And the sons of Aram all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 87,300. The sons of Lud all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were found in number 30,600. [The number of the sons of Cham was 73,000.] But the sons of Arfaxat all of them passing by according to the sceptres of their captaincies were in number 114,600. And the whole number of them was 347,600. 7. The number of the camp of the sons of Sem, all of them setting forth in valour and in the commandment of war in the sight of their captaincies was † ix † besides women and children. 8. 1 And these are the generations of Noe set forth separately, whereof the whole number together was 914,000. And all these were counted while Noe was yet alive, and in the presence of Noe 350 years after the flood. And all the days of Noe were 950 years, and he died. Footnotes 86:2 V. The numbers in this chapter are hopelessly incorrect. The separate items in the text add up to 704,000; the totals in the text to 734,500, omitting the evidently corrupt figure 9000 assigned to Shem and his descendants. The matter is of no importance. 89:1 8. It is part of this verse which is quoted (and that not accurately) by Petrus Comestor. See Introduction, p. 10. Next: Chapter VI Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER VI. VI. 2 Then all they that had been divided and p. 90 dwelt upon the earth gathered together there after, Gen. 11:2and dwelt together; and they set forth from the East and found a plain in the land of Babylon: and there they dwelt, and they said every man to his neighbour: Behold, it will come to pass that we shall be scattered every man. from his brother, and in the latter days we shall be fighting one against another. Now, therefore, come and let us build for ourselves a tower, the head whereof shall reach unto heaven, and we shall make us a name and a renown upon the earth. 2. And they said everyone to his neighbour: Let us take bricks (lit. stones), and let us, each one, write our names upon the bricks and burn them with fire: and that which is thoroughly burned shall be for mortar and brick. (Perhaps, that which is not thoroughly burned shall be for mortar, and that which is, for brick.) 3. 1 And they took every man their bricks, saving 12 men, which would not take them, and these are their names: Abraham, Nachor, Loth, Ruge, Tenute, Zaba, Armodath, Iobab, Esar, Abimahel, Saba, Auphin. 4. And the people of the land laid hands on them and brought them before their princes and said: These are the men that have transgressed our counsels and will not walk in our ways. And the princes said unto them: Wherefore would ye not set every man your bricks with the people of the land? And they answered and said: We will not set bricks with you, neither will we be joined with your desire. One Lord know we, and him do we worship. And if ye should cast us into the fire with your bricks, we will not p. 91 consent to you. 5. And the princes were wroth and said: As they have said, so do unto them, and if they consent not to set bricks with you, ye shall burn them with fire together with your bricks. 6. Then answered Jectan which was the first prince of the captains: Not so, but there shall be given them a space of 7 days. And it shall be, if they repent of their evil counsels, and will set bricks along with us, they shall live; but if not, let them be burned according to your word. But he sought how he might save them out of the hands of the people; for he was of their tribe, and he served God. 7. And when he had thus said he took them and shut them up in the king's house: and when it was evening the prince commanded 50 mighty men of valour to be called unto him, and said unto them: Go forth and take to-night these men that are shut up in mine house, and put provision for them from my house upon 10 beasts, and the men bring ye to me, and their provision together with the beasts take ye to the mountains and wait for them there: and know this, that if any man shall know what I have said unto you, I will burn you with fire. 8. And the men set forth and did all that their prince commanded them, and took the men from his house by night; and took provision and put it upon beasts and took them to the hill country as he commanded them. 9. And the prince called unto him those 12 men and said to them: Be of good courage and fear not, for ye shall not die. For God in whom ye trust is mighty, and therefore be ye stablished in him, for he will deliver you and save you. And now lo, I have commanded So men to take [you with] provision from my house, and go before you p. 92 into the hill country 1 and wait for you in the valley: and I will give you other 50 men which shall guide you thither: go ye therefore and hide yourselves there in the valley, having water to drink that floweth down from the rocks: hold yourselves there for 30 days, until the anger of the people of the land be appeased and until God send his wrath upon them and break them. For I know that the counsel of iniquity which they have agreed to perform shall not stand, for their thought is vain. And it shall be when 7 days are expired and they shall seek for you, I will say unto them: They have gone forth and have broken the door of the prison wherein they were shut up and have fled by night, and I have sent 100 men to seek them. So will I turn them from their madness that is upon them. 10. And there answered him 11 of the men saying: Thy servants have found favour in thy sight, in that we are set free out of the hands of these proud men. 11. But Abram only kept silence, and the prince said unto him: Wherefore answerest thou not me, Abram, servant of God? Abram answered and said: Lo, I flee away to-day into the hill country, and if I escape the fire, wild beasts will come out of the mountains and devour us. Or our victuals will fail and we shall die of hunger; and we shall be found fleeing from the people of the land and shall fall in our sins. And now, as he liveth in whom I trust, I will not remove from my place wherein they have put me: and if there be any sin of mine so that I be indeed burned, the will of God be done. And the prince said unto him: p. 93 [paragraph continues] Thy blood be upon thy head, if thou refuse to go forth with these. But if thou consent, thou shall be delivered. Yet if thou wilt abide, abide as thou art. And Abram said: I will not go forth, but I will abide here. 12. And the prince took those 11 men and sent other 50 with them, and commanded them saying: Wait, ye also, in the hill country for 15 days with those 50 which were sent before you; and after that ye shall return and say We have not found them, as I said to the former ones. And know that if any man transgress one of all these words that I have spoken unto you, he shall be burned with fire. So the men went forth, and he took Abram by himself and shut him up where he had been shut up aforetime. 13. And after 7 days were passed, the people were gathered together and spake unto their prince saying: Restore us the men which would not consent unto us, that we may burn them with fire. And they sent captains to bring them, and they found them not, save Abram only. And they gathered all of them to their prince saying: The men whom ye shut up are fled and have escaped that which we counselled. 14. And Phenech and Nemroth said unto Jectan: Where are the men whom thou didst shut up? But he said: They have broken prison and fled by night: but I have sent 100 men to seek them, and commanded them if they find them that they should not only burn them with fire but give their bodies to the fowls of the heaven and so destroy them. 15. Then said they: This fellow which is found alone, let us burn him. And they took Abram and brought him before their princes and said to him: Where are they that were with thee? And he said: Verily at night I slept, and when I awaked I found them not. p. 94 16. And they took him and built a furnace and kindled it with fire, and put bricks burned with fire into the furnace. Then Jectan the prince being amazed (lit. melted) in his mind took Abram and put him with the bricks into the furnace of fire. 17. But God stirred up a great earthquake, and the fire gushed forth of the furnace and brake Dan. 3:22out into flames and sparks of fire and consumed all them that stood round about in sight of the furnace; and all they that were burned in that day were 83,500. But upon Abram was there not any the Dan. 3:27least hurt by the burning of the fire. 18. And Abram arose out of the furnace, and the fiery furnace fell down, and Abram was saved. And he went unto the 11 men that were hid in the hill country and told them all that had befallen him, and they came down with him out of the hill country rejoicing in the name of the Lord, and no man met them to affright them that day. And they called that place by the name of Abram, and in the tongue of the Chaldeans Deli, which is being interpreted, God. Footnotes 89:2 VI. This particular legend of the rescue of Abram from the fire is peculiar to Philo. Most of the stories make Nimrod the principal actor. Various forms may be seen in p. 90 Beer's Leben Abrahams or Baring-Gould's Legends of O. T. Characters. 90:1 3. Several of the names here are those of the sons of Jectan in IV. 10. Auphin is probably for Ophir. 92:1 9. and go before you, etc., et praecedite uos in montana et sustinete uos in ualle. Some such change as I have made in the translation appears necessary. Next: Chapter VII Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER VII. VII. And it came to pass after these things, that the people of the land turned not from their evil thoughts: and they came together again unto their princes and said: The people shall not be overcome for ever: and now let us come together and build us a city and a tower which shall never be removed. 2. And when they had begun to build, God saw the city and the tower which the children of men Gen. 11:6were building, and he said: Behold, this is one people and their speech is one, and this which they have begun to build the earth will not sustain, neither will the heaven suffer it, beholding it: and it shall be, if they be not now hindered, that they shall dare all things that they shall take in mind to do. p. 95 3. Therefore, lo, I will divide their speech, and scatter them over all countries, that they may not know every man his brother, neither every man understand the speech of his neighbour. And I will deliver them to the rocks, and they shall build themselves tabernacles of stubble and straw, and shall dig themselves caves and shall live therein like beasts of the field, and thus shall they continue before my face for ever, that they may never devise such things. And I will esteem them as a drop of water, and liken them unto spittle: 1 and unto some of them their end shall come by water, and other of them shall be dried up with thirst. 4. And before all of them will I choose my servant Abram, and I will bring him out from their land, and lead him into the land which mine eye hath looked upon from the beginning when all the dwellers upon earth sinned before my face, and I brought on them the water of the flood: and then I destroyed not that land, but preserved it. Therefore the fountains of my wrath did not break forth therein, neither did the water of my destruction come down upon it. For there will I make my servant Abram to dwell, and I will make my covenant with him, and bless his seed, and will be called his God for ever. 5. Howbeit when the people that dwelt in the land had begun to build the tower, God divided their speech, and changed their likeness. 2 And p. 96 they knew not every man his brother, neither did each understand the speech of his neighbour. So it came to pass that when the builders commanded their helpers to bring bricks they brought water, and if they asked for water, the others brought them straw. And so their counsel was broken and the), ceased building the city: and God scattered them thence over the face of all the earth. Therefore was the name of that place called Confusion, because there God confounded their speech, and scattered them thence over the face of all the earth. Footnotes 95:1 VII. 3. I will liken them unto spittle (also XII. 4). The source is Isa. 40:15; but this clause is not in our present Hebrew text. It occurs, however, in the LXX; it is also in 4 Esdras 6:56, Apoc. Bar. 82:5, both of which books are believed to have been written in Hebrew. We need not, therefore, count its occurrence in Philo as implying dependence on the LXX. Compare the combinations of phrases from Isaiah in XXVI. 13. 95:2 5. changed their likeness. J adds "into that of p. 96 monkeys," probably from the Book of Jashar (see Migne, Dict. des Apocryphes II. s. v. Yaschar). The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch describes the builders of the Tower as changed into bestial forms. The story of the workmen misunderstanding each other is in Bereshith Rabbah, Jashar, etc. Next: Chapter VIII Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER VIII. Gen. 12:5VIII. But Abram went forth thence and dwell in the land of Chanaan, and took with him Loth his Gen. 16:1brothers son, and Sarai his wife. And because Sarai was barren and had no offspring, then Abram Gen. 25:12took Agar her maid, and she bare him Ismahel. And Ismahel begat 12 sons. Gen. 13:12, 13:132. 1 Then Loth departed from Abram and dwelt in Sodom [but Abram dwelt in the land of Cam]. And the men of Sodom were very evil and sinners exceedingly. Gen. 13:14, 17:33. And God appeared unto Abraham saying: Unto thy seed will I give this land; and thy Gen. 17:16name shall be called Abraham, and Sarai thy wife shall be called Sara. Ana I will give thee of her an eternal seed and make my covenant with Gen. 21:2, 21:3thee. And Abraham knew Sara his wife, and she conceived and bare Isaac. Gen. 25:20 sqq.4. And Isaac took him a wife of Mesopotamia, p. 97 the daughter of Bathuel, which conceived and bare him Esau and Jacob. 5. And Esau took to him Gen. 26:3, 36for wives Judin the daughter of Bereu, and Basemath the daughter of Elon, and Elibema the daughter of Anan, and Manem the daughter of Samahel. And <<Basemath>> bare him Adelifan, and the sons Gen. 36:11of Adelifan were Temar, Omar, Seffor, Getan, Tenaz, 1 Chron. 1:36Amalec. And Judin bare Tenacis, Ieruebemas, Gen. 36:12Bassemen, Rugil: and the sons of Rugil were Naizar, 1 Chron. 1:37Samaza; and Elibema bare Auz, Iollam, Coro. Manem bare Tenetde, Thenatela. 6. And Jacob took to him for wives the daughters Gen. of Laban the Syrian, Lia and Rachel, and two concubines, Bala and Zelpha. And Lia bare him Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, Isachar, Zabulon, and Dina their sister. But Rachel bare Joseph and Benjamin. Bala bare Dan and Neptalim, and Zelpha bare Gad and Aser. These are the 12 sons of Jacob and one daughter. 7. And Jacob dwelt in the land of Chanaan, and Sichem the son of Emor the Correan forced his daughter Dina and humbled her. And Simeon and Levi the sons of Jacob went in and slew all their city with the edge of the sword, and took Dina their sister, and went out thence. 8. 1 And thereafter Job took her to wife and begat of her 14 sons and 6 daughters, even 7 sons and 3 daughters before he was smitten with affliction, and thereafter when he was made whole 7 sons and 3 daughters. And these are their names: Eliphac, Erinoe, Diasat, Philias, Diffar, Zellud, Thelon: and his daughters p. 98 [paragraph continues] Meru, Litaz, Zeli. And such as had been the names of the former, so were they also of the latter. Gen. 379. Now Jacob and his 12 sons dwelt in the land of Chanaan: and his sons hated their brother Joseph, whom also they delivered into Egypt, to Petephres the chief of the cooks of Pharao, and he abode with him 14 years. Gen. 4110. And it came to pass after that the king of Egypt had seen a dream, that they told him of Joseph, and he declared him the dreams. And it was so after he declared his dreams, that Pharao made him prince over all the land of Egypt. At that time there was a famine in all the land, as Gen. 41,42, etc.Joseph had foreseen. And his brethren came down into Egypt to buy food, because in Egypt only was there food. And Joseph knew his brethren, and was made known to them, and dealt not evilly with them. And he sent and called his father out of the land of Chanaan, and he came down unto him. Gen. 46:8 sqq.11. 1 And these are the names of the sons of Israel which came down into Egypt with Jacob, each one Gen. 46:9, 46:10with his house. The sons of Reuben, Enoch and Phallud, Esrom and Carmin; the sons of Simeon, Namuhel and Iamin and Dot and Iachin, and Saul the son of a Canaanitish woman. Gen. 46:11, 46:12The sons of Levi, Gerson, Caat and Merari: but the sons of Juda, Auna, Selon, Phares, Zerami. Gen. 46:13, 46:14The sons of Isachar, Tola and Phua, Job and Sombram. The sons of Zabulon, Sarelon and Iaillil. And Dina their sister bare 14 sons and 6 daughters. Gen. 46:15And these are the generations of Lia whom she bare to Jacob. All the souls of sons and daughters were 72. p. 99 12. Now the sons of Dan were Usinam. 1 The sons of Neptalim, Betaal, Neemmu, Surem, Optisariel. Gen. 46:23, 46:24And these are the generations of Balla which she Gen. 46:25bare to Jacob. All the souls were 8. 13. But the sons of Gad: . . . Sariel, Sua, Visui, Gen. 46:16, 46:17Mophat and Sar: 2 their sister the daughter of Seriebel, Melchiel. These are the generations of Zelpha the wife of Jacob which she bare to him. And all the souls of sons and daughters were in number 10. 14. And the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manassen: Gen. 46:20, 46:21and Benjamin begat Gela, Esbel, Abocmephec, Utundeus. And these were the souls which Rachel bare to Jacob, 14. And they went down into Egypt and abode there 210 years. Footnotes 96:1 VIII. 2. [But Abram dwelt in the land of Cam] obviously intrusive, repeated from ver. 1, Cam being for Canaan. 97:1 8. That Job married Dinah after his affliction is told in the Testament of Job and the Targum on Job. etc. Note that Philo disregards the Biblical names of Job's daughters, though he accepts the Bible story of Job. 98:1 11 seq. On the names here see Appendix on Readings. 99:1 Read: Usin. But the sons of N. 99:2 Read: But the sons of Gad (gap, to Sariel: and the sons of Aser). . . . Mophat, and Sara their sister: and the sons of Beria, Heber, Melchiel. Next: Chapter IX Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER IX. IX. 3 And it came to pass after the departure of Ex. 1:6, 1:7Joseph, the children of Israel were multiplied and increased greatly. And there arose another king in Ex. 1:8Egypt which knew not Joseph: and he said to his people: Lo, this people is multiplied more than we. Ex. 1:9Come let us take counsel against them that they multiply not. And the king of Egypt commanded Ex. 1:22all his people saying: Every son that shall be born to the He brews, cast into the river, but keep the females alive. And the Egyptians answered their king saying: Let us slay their males and keep their females, to give them to our bondmen for p. 100 wives: and he that is born of them shall be a bondman and serve us. And this is that that did appear most evil before the Lord. 2. Then the elders of the people assembled the people with mourning and mourned and lamented saying: An untimely birth have the wombs of our wives suffered. Our fruit is delivered over to our enemies and now we are cut off. Yet let us appoint us an ordinance, that no man come near his wife, lest the fruit of their womb be defiled, and our bowels serve idols: for it is better to die childless, until we know what God will do. 3. And Amram answered and said: It will sooner come to pass that the age shall be utterly abolished and the immeasurable world fall, 1 or the heart of the depths touch the stars, than that the race of the children of Israel should be diminished. And it shall be, when the covenant is fulfilled whereof God when he made it spake to Abraham saying: Surely thy sons shall dwell in a land that is not theirs, and shall be brought into bondage and afflicted 400 years.--And lo, since the word was passed which God spake to Abraham, there are 350 years. (And) since we have been in bondage in Egypt it is 130 years. 4. Now therefore I will not abide by that which ye ordain, but will go in and take my wife and beget sons, that we may be made many on the earth. For God will not continue in his anger, neither will he alway forget his people, nor cast forth the race of Israel to nought upon the earth, neither did he in vain make his covenant with our fathers: yea, when as yet we were not, God spake of these things. 5. Now therefore I will go and take my wife, neither will I consent to p. 101 the commandment of this king. And if it be right in your eyes, so let us do all of us, for it shall be, when our wives conceive, they shall not be known to be great with child until 3 months are fulfilled, like as also our mother Thamar 1 did, for her intent was not to fornication, but because she would not separate herself from the sons of Israel she took thought and said: It is better for me to die for sinning with my father-in-law than to be joined to Gentiles. And she hid the fruit of her womb till the 3rd month, for then was it perceived. And as she went to be put to death she affirmed it 2 saying: The man whose is this staff and this ring and goatskin, of him have I conceived. And her device delivered her out of all peril. 6. Now therefore let us also do thus. And it shall be when the time of bringing forth is come, if it be possible, we will not cast forth the fruit of our womb. And who knoweth if thereby God will be provoked, to deliver us from our humiliation? 7. And the word which Amram had in his heart was pleasing before God: and God said: Because the thought of Amram is pleasing before me, and he hath not set at nought the covenant made between me and his fathers, therefore, lo now, that which is begotten of him shall serve me for ever, and by him will I do wonders in the house of Jacob, and will do by him signs and wonders for my people which I have done for none other, and will perform in them my glory and declare unto them my ways. 8. I the Lord will kindle for him my lamp to dwell in him, and will show him my p. 102 covenant which no man hath seen, and manifest to him my great excellency, and my justice and judgments and will shine for him a perpetual light. For in ancient days I thought of him, saying: My spirit shall not be a mediator among these men for ever, for they are flesh, and their days shall be 120 years. 1 9. And Amram of the tribe of Levi went forth and took a wife of his tribe, and it was so when he took her, that the residue did after him and took their wives. Now he had one son and one daughter, and their names were Aaron and Maria, 10. And the spirit of God came upon Maria by night, and she saw a dream, 2 and told her parents in the morning saying: I saw this night, and behold a man in a linen garment stood and said to me: Go and tell thy parents: behold, that which shall be born of you shall be cast into the water, for by him water shall be dried up, and by him will I do signs, and I will save my people, and he shall have the captaincy thereof alway. And when Maria had told her dream her parents believed her not. 11. But the word of the king of Egypt prevailed against the children of Israel and they were humiliated and oppressed in the work of bricks. 12. But Jochabeth conceived of Amram and hid the child in her womb 3 months, for she could not hide it longer: because the king of Egypt had appointed overseers of the region, that when the Hebrew women brought forth they should cast the males into the river straightway. And she took her child and made him an ark of the bark of a p. 103 pine-tree and set the ark on the edge of the river. 13. Now the boy was born in the covenant of God and in the covenant of his flesh. 14. And it came to pass, when they cast him out, all the elders gathered together and chode with Amram saying: Are not these the words which we spake saying: "It is better for us to die childless than that our fruit should be cast into the water?" And when they said so, Amram hearkened not to them. 15. But the daughter of Pharao came down to wash in the river according as she had seen in a dream, 1 and her maids saw the ark, and she sent one of them and took it and opened it. And when she saw the child and looked upon the covenant, 2 that is, the testament in his flesh, she said: He is of the children of the Hebrews. 16. And she took him and nourished him and he became her son, and she called his name Moyses. But his mother called him Melchiel. 3 And the child was nourished and became glorious above all men, and by him God delivered the children of Israel, as he had said. Footnotes 99:3 IX. 1. A Midrash quoted by Cohn (p. 317) agrees that the Egyptians desired to marry the Hebrew girls. Jashar and other authorities also say that Amram, in common with others, put away his wife when the Egyptian decree was promulgated. 100:1 3. in uictoria minuatur seculum: utterly, εἰσ νῖκοσ. The Hebraism (למנצח) occurs again, XII. 6, and perhaps in XLIX. 6. 101:1 5. Tamar. Here the author first introduces a story from the past history of Israel by way of illustration: it is his constant practice later on. 101:2 Affirmed it: statuit hoc. Perhaps "presented" the staff, etc. 102:1 8. fin. The point of the quotation is that Moses was 120 years old when he died. Cf. II. 2. 102:2 10. Miriam's vision. In Jashar and elsewhere (e.g. Talmud Bab. Megillah, tr. Rodkinson, p. 36) Miriam prophesies the birth of Moses. Cf. Cohn, p. 318. 103:1 15. according as she had seen in a dream. The usual story is that God sent a great heat upon Egypt, so that the people were constrained to bathe (Jashar, etc.). 103:2 covenant. Zaticon = διαθήκην. The Midrashim (Cohn, l.c.) agree that Moses was born circumcised. 103:3 16. Melchiel. Syncellus and Cedrenus say that he was called by his parents Melchias. Clement of Alexandria (Strom. I. 23) says they called him Ioacim, and he "had a third name after the assumption, as the initiated (μύσται) say, viz. Melchi." Jashar (and Jerahmeel) give a number of names, but Melchiel is not among them. Next: Chapter X Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER X. X. Now when the king of Egypt was dead another king arose, and afflicted all the people of Israel. But they cried unto the Lord and he heard them, and sent Moses and delivered them out of the land of Egypt: and God sent also upon p. 104 them 10 plagues and smote them. Now these were the plagues, namely, blood, and frogs, and all manner of flies, 1 hail, and death of cattle, locusts and gnats, and darkness that might be felt, and the death of the firstborn. Ex. 14:8 sqq.2. And when they had gone forth thence and were journeying, the heart of the Egyptians was yet again hardened, and they continued to pursue them, and found them by the Red Sea. And the children of Israel cried unto their God and spake to Moyses saying: Lo, now is come the time of our destruction, for the sea is before us and the multitude of enemies behind us, and we in the midst. Was it for this that God brought us out, or are these the covenants which he made with our fathers saying: To your seed will I give the land wherein ye dwell? and now let him do with us that which seemeth good in his sight. 3. Then did the children of Israel sever their counsels into three divisions of counsels, 2 because of the fear of the time. For the tribe of Ruben and of Isachar and. of Zabulon and of Symeon said: Come, let us cast ourselves into the sea, for it is better for us to die in the water than to be slain of our enemies. And the tribe of Gad and of Aser and of Dan and Neptalim said: Nay, but let us return with them, and if they will give us our lives, we will serve them. But the tribe of Levi and of Juda and Joseph and the tribe of Benjamin said: Not so, but let us take our weapons and fight them, and God will be with us. 4. Moses also cried unto the Lord and said: O Lord God of our fathers, didst p. 105 thou not say unto me: Go and tell the sons of Lia, God hath sent me unto You? And now, behold, thou hast brought thy people to the brink of the sea, and the enemy follow after them: but thou, Lord, remember thy name. 5. And God said: Whereas thou hast cried unto me, take thy rod and smite the sea, and it shall be dried up. And when Moses did all this, God rebuked the sea, and the sea was dried up: the seas of waters stood still and the depths of the earth appeared, and the foundations of the dwelling-place were laid bare at the noise of the fear of God and at the breath of the anger of my Lord. 1 6. And Israel passed over on dry land in the midst of the sea. And the Egyptians saw and went on to pursue after them, and God hardened their mind, and they knew not that they were entering into the sea. And so it was that while the Egyptians were in the sea God commanded the sea yet again, and said to Moses: Smite the sea yet once again. And he did so. And the Lord commanded the sea and it returned unto his waves, and covered the Egyptians and their chariots and their horsemen unto this day. 7. But as for his own people, he led them forth Ps. 78:52into the wilderness: forty years did he rain bread from heaven for them, and he brought them quails from the sea, and a well of water following them 2 p. 106 brought he forth for them. And in a pillar of cloud he led them by day and in a pillar of fire by night did he give light unto them. Footnotes 104:1 X. 1. All manner of flies, pammixia. See p. 23. 104:2 3. The idea of the divided counsels of the tribes comes from Deborah's song (Judges 5:15, 15:16): "for the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart." It appears in Jashar, but there four divisions are given. 105:1 5. The breath of the anger of my Lord. This sudden adopting of the first person does not occur again. R omits mei here. 105:2 7. A well of water following them. Cf. 1 Cor. 10:4, and XI. 15 of our text, which agrees very closely with the wording of the Targum of Onkelos on Numbers. See Thackeray, St. Paul and Contemporary Jewish Thought, p. 206, etc., on the genesis of the legend. He shows that it arises from a current interpretation of Num. 20:61 seq. The Bible has: (16) And from thence (they journeyed) to Beer. . (18) And p. 106 from the wilderness (they journeyed) to Mattanah, (19) And from Mattanah to Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth. The Targum of Onkelos has: (16) "And thence was given them the well (Beer = well) . . . (18) It was given to them from (in) the wilderness (Mattanah =gift). (19) And from (the time) that it was given them, it descended with them to the rivers, and from the rivers it went up with them to the height (Nahaliel = rivers of God, Bamoth = height)." This Targum represents first-century teaching: the later Targum of Palestine amplifies the theme to some extent. See also Driver in Expositor, 1889, I. 15. Next: Chapter XI Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XI. Ex. 19:1XI. And in the 3rd month of the journeying of the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, they came into the wilderness of Sinai. And God remembered his word and said: I will give light unto the world, and lighten the habitable places, and make my covenant with the children of men, and glorify my people above all nations, for unto them will I put forth an eternal exaltation 1 which shall be unto them a light, but unto the ungodly a chastisement. 2. And he said unto Moses: Behold, I will call thee to-morrow: be thou ready and tell my people: "For three days let not a man come near his wife," and on the 3rd day I will speak unto thee and unto them, and after that thou shalt come up unto me. And I will put my words in thy mouth and thou shalt enlighten my people. For I have given into thy hands an everlasting law whereby I will judge all the world. For this shall be for a testimony. For if men say: "We have not known thee, 2 and therefore we have not served p. 107 thee," therefore will I take vengeance upon them, because they have not known my law. 3. And Moses did as God commanded him, and Ex. 19:14sanctified the people and said unto them: Be ye ready on the 3rd day, for after 3 days will God make his covenant with you. And the people were sanctified. 4. And it came to pass on the 3rd day Ex. 19:16that, lo, there were voices of thunderings (lit. them that sounded) and brightness of lightnings and the voice of instruments sounding aloud. And there was fear upon all the people that were in the camp. And Moses put forth the people to meet God. 5. 1 And behold the mountains burned with fire and the earth shook and the hills were removed and the mountains overthrown: the depths boiled, and all the habitable places were shaken: and the heavens were folded up and the clouds drew up water. And flames of fire shone forth and thunderings and lightnings were multiplied and winds and tempests made a roaring: the stars were gathered together and the angels ran before, until God established the law of an everlasting covenant with the children of Israel, and gave unto them an eternal commandment which should not pass away. 6. And at that time the Lord spake unto his people Ex. 20:1all these words, saying: I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt not make to thyself Ex. 20:4graven gods, neither shalt thou make any abominable image of the sun or the moon or any of the ornaments of the heaven, nor the likeness of all things that are upon the earth nor of such as creep in the p. 108 waters or upon the earth. I am the Lord thy God, a jealous God, requiting the sins of them that sleep upon the living children of the ungodly, if they walk in the ways of their fathers; unto the third and fourth generation, doing (or shewing) mercy unto 1000 generations to them that love me and keep my commandments. Ex. 20:77. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, that my ways be not made vain. For God abominateth him that taketh his name in vain. Ex. 20:88. 1 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days do thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord. In it thou shall do no work, thou and all thy Ps. 107:32labourers, saving that therein ye praise the Lord in the congregation of the elders and glorify the Mighty One in the seat of the aged. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that are in them, and all the world, the wilderness that is not inhabited, and all things that do labour, 2 and all the order of the heaven, and God rested Gen. 2:3the seventh day. Therefore God sanctified the seventh day, because he rested therein. Ex. 20:129. Thou shalt love thy father and my mother and fear them: and then shall thy light rise, and I will command the heaven and it shall pay thee the rain thereof, and the earth shall hasten her fruit and thy days shall be many, and thou shalt dwell in thy land, and shalt not be childless, for thy seed shall not fail, even that of them that dwell therein. p. 109 10. Thou shalt not commit adultery, for thine Ex. 20:1enemies did not commit adultery with thee, but thou camest out with a high hand. 11. Thou shall not kill: because thine enemies Ex. 20:13got not the mastery over thee to slay thee, but thou beheldest their death. 12. Thou shalt not bear false witness against Ex. 20:16thy neighbour, speaking falsely, lest thy watchmen 1 speak falsely against thee. 13. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, nor Ex. 20:17that which he hath, lest others also covet thy land. 14. And when the Lord ceased speaking, the Ex. 20:18people feared with a great fear: and they saw the mountain burning with torches of fire, and they said to Moses: Speak thou unto us, and let not God speak unto us, lest peradventure we die. For, lo, to-day we know that God speaketh with man face to face, and man shall live. And now have we perceived of a truth how that the earth bare the voice of God with trembling. And Moses said unto them: Fear not, for this cause came this voice unto you, that ye should not sin (or, for this cause, that he might prove. you, God came unto you, that ye might receive the fear of him unto you, that ye sin not). 15. And all the people Ex. 20:21stood afar off, but Moses drew near unto the cloud, knowing that God was there. And then God spake unto him his justice and judgements, and kept him by him 40 days and 40 nights. And there did he command him many things, and showed him the tree of life, 2 whereof he cut and p. 110 took and put it into Mara, and the water of Mara was made sweet and followed them in the desert 40 years, and went up into the hills with them and came down into the plain. Also he commanded him concerning the tabernacle and the ark of the Lord, and the sacrifice of burnt offerings and of incense, and the ordinance of the table and of the candlestick and concerning the laver and the base thereof, and the shoulder-piece and the breastplate, and the very precious stones, that the children of Israel should make them so: and he shewed him the likeness of them to make them according to the pattern which he saw. And said unto him: Make for me a sanctuary and the tabernacle of my glory shall be among you. Footnotes 106:1 XI. 1. For upon them will I put forth an eternal exaltation: in quem eliciam excelsa sempiterna, or in whom I have ordained high things eternal. In quo disposui excelsa sempiterna. In either case the Law is meant. 106:2 2. If men say, "we have not known thee," etc. Compare p. 107 the injunction to the Apostles in a fragment of the Preaching of Peter: "After twelve years go forth into the world, lest any say, 'we did not hear.'" 107:1 5. Similar lists of the wonders which accompanied the giving of the Law are in XV. 6, XXIII. 10, XXXII. 7, 8. 108:1 8. The gloss on the 4th Commandment, as Dr. Cohn says, shows that the writer has little interest in the Temple services, and is appropriate to a time when those services had ceased. It is rather the Synagogue and its ritual that occur to him as the obvious form of worship. The words are adapted from Ps. cvii. 32. 108:2 all things that do labour: quaecunque oberantur. 109:1 12. thy watchmen: custodes. I interpret this of angels. 109:2 15. The statement that the tree of life sweetened the waters of Marah, and that these were the waters that followed Israel, are both peculiar to this book. For Marah the MSS. seen by me read myrrha, but the Fulda MS. has myrra; it is Μεῤῥα in the LXX. Next: Chapter XII Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XII. XII. 1 And Moses came down: and whereas he was covered with invisible light--for he had gone down into the place where is the light of the sun and moon,--the light of his face overcame the brightness of the sun and moon, and he knew it Ex. 34:29, etc.not. And it was so, when he came down to the children of Israel, they saw him and knew him not. But when he spake, then they knew him. And this was like that which was done in Egypt Gen. 42:8when Joseph knew his brethren but they knew not him. And it came to pass after that, when Moses knew that his face was become glorious, he made him a veil to cover his face. Ex. 322. But while he was in the mount, the heart of the people was corrupted, and they came together to Aaron saying: Make us gods that we may serve them, as the other nations also have. For this Moses by whom the wonders were done before us, p. 111 is taken from us. And Aaron said unto them: Have patience, for Moses will come and bring judgement near to us, and light up a law for us, and set forth from his mouth the great excellency of God, and appoint judgements unto our people. 3. And when he said this, they hearkened not unto him, that the word might be fulfilled which was spoken in the day when the people sinned in building the tower, when God said: And now if I forbid them not, they will adventure all that they Gen. 11:6take in mind to do, and worse. But Aaron feared, because the people was greatly strengthened, and said to them: Bring us the earrings of your wives. Ex. 32:2And the men sought every one his wife, and they gave them straightway, and they put them in the fire and they were made into a figure, and there came out a molten calf. 4. 1 And the Lord said to Moses: Make haste Ex. 32:7hence, for the people is corrupted and hath dealt deceitfully with my ways which I commanded them. What and if the promises are at an end which I made to their fathers when I said: To your seed will I give this land wherein ye dwell? For behold the people is not yet entered into the land, even though they bear my judgements, yet have they forsaken me. And therefore I know that if they enter the land they will do yet greater iniquities. Now therefore I also will forsake them: and I will turn again and make peace with them, that a house may be built for me among them; and that house also shall be done away, because they will sin against me, and the race of men shall be unto me as a drop of a pitcher, and shall be counted as Isa. 40:1, etc.spittle. 5. And Moses hasted and came down and p. 112 saw the calf, and he looked upon the tables and saw that they were not written: 1 and he hasted and brake them; and his hands were opened and he became like a woman travailing of her firstborn, which when she is taken in her pangs her hands are upon her bosom, and she shall have no strength to help her to bring forth. 6. And it came to pass after an hour he said within himself: Bitterness prevaileth not for ever, neither hath evil the dominion alway. Now therefore will I arise, and strengthen my loins: for albeit they have sinned, yet shall not these things be in vain that were Ex. 32:20declared unto me above. 7. 2 And he arose and brake the calf and cast it into the water, and made the people drink. And it was so, if any man's will in his mind were that the calf should be made, his tongue was cut off, but if any had been constrained thereto by fear, his face shone. 8. And then Moses went up into the mount and prayed the Lord, saying: Behold now, thou art God which hast planted this vineyard and set the roots thereof in the deep, and stretched out the shoots of it unto thy most high seat. Look upon it at this time, for the vineyard hath put forth her fruit and hath not known him that tilled her. And now if thou be wroth with thy vineyard and root it up out of the deep, and wither up the shoots from thy most high eternal seat, the deep will come no more to nourish it, neither thy throne to refresh that p. 113 thy vineyard which thou hast burned. 9. For thou art he that art all light, and hast adorned thy house 1 with precious stones and gold and perfumes and spices (or and jasper), and wood of balsam and cinnamon, and with roots of myrrh and costum 2 hast thou strewed thine house, and with divers meats and sweetness of many drinks hast thou satisfied it. If therefore thou have not pity upon thy vineyard, all these things are done in vain, Lord, and thou wilt have none to glorify thee. For even if thou plant another vineyard, neither will that one trust in thee, because thou didst destroy the former. For if verily thou forsake the world, who will do for thee that that thou hast spoken as God? And now let thy wrath be restrained from thy vineyard the more <<because of>> that thou hast said and that which remaineth to be spoken, and let not thy labour be in vain, neither let thine heritage be torn asunder in humiliation. 10. And God said to him: Behold I am become merciful according to thy words. Hew thee out therefore two tables of stone from the place whence thou hewedst the former, and write upon them again my judgements which were on the first. Footnotes 110:1 XII. 1. descended into the place where is the light of the suit and moon. Compare with this the Revelation vouchsafed to Moses which is related in Jerahmeel, c. 52, as reported by R. Joshua ben Levi. 111:1 4. even though they bear my judgements: etiam portans iudicium; i.e. even though they carry with them the law I have given. 112:1 5. the writing vanishes from the tables. Cf. XIX. 7. The Pirke R. Eliezer, c. 45 (tr. Friedlander), says, "the writing fled from off the tables," and Cohn quotes the same story from other Midrashim. 112:2 7. The common story is that the beards of those who had sinned appeared gilt (Historia Scholastica). This detail was occasionally embodied in mediæval pictures of the scene. 113:1 9. p. 112 The house, which is described in terms somewhat resembling Enoch (see Introd., p. 44), is Paradise. 113:2 9. costum, for which there is no English equivalent, occurs in Jub. 16:24, and fairly often in Latin literature. Next: Chapter XIII Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XIII. XIII. And Moses hasted and did all that God Ex. 34 commanded him, and came down and made the tables <<and the tabernacle>>, and the vessels thereof, and the ark and the lamps and the table and the altar of burnt offerings and the altar 3 of incense and the shoulderpiece and the breastplate and the precious stones and the laver and the bases and all things that were shewn him. And he ordered all the vestures of the priests, the girdles and the rest, the mitre, the golden plate and the holy crown: he made also the anointing oil for the p. 114 priests, and the priests themselves he sanctified. And when all things were finished the cloud covered all of them. 2. 1 Then Moses cried unto the Lord, and God spake to him from the tabernacle saying: This is the law of the altar, whereby ye shall sacrifice unto me and pray for your souls. But as concerning that which ye shall offer me, offer ye of cattle the calf, the sheep and the she goat: but of fowls the turtle and the dove. 3, And Lev. 14if there be leprosy in your land, and it so be that the leper is cleansed, let them take for the Lord two live young birds, and wood of cedar and hyssop and scarlet; and he shall come to the priest, and he shall kill one, and keep the other. And he shall order the leper according to all that I have commanded in my law. 4. 2 And it shall be when the times come round to you, ye shall sanctify me with a feast-day and rejoice before me at the feast Lev. 23of the unleavened bread, and set bread before me, keeping a feast of remembrance because on that day ye came forth of the land of Egypt. 5. And p. 115 in the feast of weeks ye shall set bread before me and make me an offering for your fruits. 6. But the feast of trumpets shall be for an offering for your watchers, because therein I oversaw my creation, that ye may be mindful of the whole world. In the beginning of the year, when ye show them me, I will acknowledge the number of the dead and of them that are born, and the fast of mercy. For ye shall fast unto me for your souls, that the promises of your fathers may be fulfilled. 7. Also the feast of tabernacles bring ye to me: ye shall take for me the pleasant fruit of the tree, and boughs of palm-tree and willows and cedars, and branches of myrrh: and I will remember the whole earth in rain, and the measure of the seasons shall be established, and I will order the stars and command the clouds, and the winds shall sound and p. 116 the lightnings run abroad, and there shall be a storm of thunder, and this shall be for a perpetual sign. Also the nights shall yield dew, 1 as I spake after the flood of the earth 8. when I (or Then he) gave him precept as concerning the year of the life of Noe, and said to him: These are the years which I ordained after the weeks wherein I visited the city of men, at what time I shewed them (or him) the place of birth and the colour (or and the serpent), and I (or he) said: This is. the place of which I taught the first man saying: If thou transgress not that I bade thee, all things shall be subject unto thee. But he transgressed my ways and was persuaded of his wife, and she was deceived by the serpent. And then was death ordained unto the generations of men. 9. And furthermore the Lord shewed (or, And the Lord said further: I shewed) him the ways of paradise 2 and said unto him: These are the ways which men have lost by not walking in them, because they have sinned against me. 10. And the Lord commanded him concerning the salvation of the souls of the people and said: If they shall walk in my ways I will not forsake them, but will alway be merciful unto them, and will bless their seed, and the earth shall haste to yield her fruit, and there shall be rain for them to p. 117 increase their gains, and the earth shall not be barren. Yet verily I know that they will corrupt their ways, and I shall forsake them, and they will forget the covenants which I made with their fathers. Yet will I not forget them for ever: for in the last days they shall know that because of their sins their seed was forsaken; for I am faithful in my ways. Footnotes 113:3 XIII. 1, 2. altar: thuribulum (lit. censer). 114:1 2-7. This short section contains practically all that is said of the ceremonial law. It is remarkably "scrappy" and unsystematic. 114:2 4-7. This passage is well illustrated by one in the Talmud. Tract. Rosh ha-Shana (tr. Schwab, p. 63): A 4 époques différentes de l'année, le monde est jugé par Dieu: à Pâques pour la récolte; à Pentecôte pour les produits des arbres; à la féte du nouvel-an tous les êtres de la terre passent devant l'Éternel comme les troupeaux devant le berger, puisqu'il est dit (Ps. xxxiii. 15): Celui qui a créé tous les cœurs, qui connaît toutes leurs actions (il sait et scrute tout). Enfin, aux Tabernacles, la question des eaux sera résolue. This corresponds fairly well with our text. The same four feasts are spoken of in connexion with the Passover. The harvest is not mentioned; it is only said constituetis in conspectu meo panem. At Pentecost (the Feast of Weeks) we have facietis mihi oblationem pro fructibus vestris. At the Feast of Trumpets (the New Year feast) the words are no p. 115 doubt obscure, but they contain mention of a review of the whole creation. "But the Feast of Trumpets shall be for an offering to (or for) your watchers (prospeculatoribus vestris: or pro spec. I suppose angelic guardians to be meant), inasmuch as I reviewed (praespexi, perspexi) the whole creation, that ye may be mindful of the whole world" (the connexion of this clause is obscure): "and at the beginning of the year I will acknowledge, when ye show them, the number of your dead, and of them that are born, and the fast of mercy. For ye shall fast unto me for your souls," etc. This represents the sense of the text as I understand it. Lastly, of the Feast of Tabernacles it is said: "I will remember the whole earth in rain." The comment on this passage of the Talmud makes it clear that this is the meaning of the "question des eaux": prayer for rain was offered at the Feast of Tabernacles (cf. Taanith I.). 116:1 p. 115 7. fin., 8. "As I spake after the flood of the earth, at what time I gave commandment concerning the year of the life of Noah, and said unto him.. These are the years which I ordained after that I visited the city of men (i.e. at the flood) at the time when I showed them (? him) the place of generation and the colour, and said: This is the place whereof I taught the first-formed man," etc. This is the text of VR, p. 116 and on the whole it seems the best, but it is not at all clear. As is remarked in the Introduction, there may be a reference to a passage in Jubilees. It seems to be implied that God showed Paradise to Noah. The words, "and the colour: et colorem" are particularly puzzling. Ought we to read et colubrum "and the serpent"? Two lines below we have de colubro. Or is there a reference to what we find in the Revelation of Moses in Jerahmeel 92:10? God showed him the heavenly temple, and the four different hues in which the tabernacle was made, by means of angels clothed in blue, white, scarlet, and purple. 116:2 9. Here God seems certainly to show Paradise to Moses. Next: Chapter XIV Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XIV. XIV. At that time God said unto him: Begin to Num. 1:2number my people from 20 years and upwards unto 40 years, that I may show your tribes all that I declared unto their fathers in a strange land. For by the 50th part of them did I raise them up out of the land of Egypt, but 40 and 9 parts of them died in the land of Egypt. 2. When thou hast ordered them and numbered them (or, While ye abode there. And when thou hast numbered them, etc.), write the tale of them, till I fulfil all that I spake unto their fathers, and set them firmly in their own land: for I will not diminish any word of those I have spoken unto their fathers, even of those which I said to them: Your seed shall be as the stars of heaven for multitude. By number shall they enter into the land, and in a short time shall they become without number. 3. Then Moses went down and numbered them, and the number of the people was 604,550. But the Num. 1:46tribe of Levi numbered he not among them, for so was it commanded him; only he numbered them that were upwards of 50 years, of whom the number was 47,300. Also he numbered them that were below 20 years, and the number of them was 850,850. And he looked over the tribe of Levi and the whole number of them was CXX. CCXD. DCXX. CC. DCCC. 1 p. 118 4. And Moses declared the number of them to God; and God said to him: These are the words which I spake to their fathers in the land of Egypt, and appointed a number, even 210 years, unto all that saw my wonders. Now the number of them all was 9000 times 10,000, 200 times 95,000 men, besides women, and I put to death the whole multitude of them 1 2 because they believed me not, and the 50th part of them I was left and I sanctified them unto me. Therefore do I command the generation of my people to give me tithes of their fruits, to be before me for a memorial of how great oppression I have removed from them. 5. And when Moses came down and declared these things to the people, they mourned and lamented and abode in the desert two years. Footnotes 117:1 XIV. 3. The number at the end of this verse is hopelessly corrupt. 118:1 i.e. 2,180,000. 118:2 4. The number 2,180,000 seems as if it ought to bear a relation to the 210 years spent in Egypt: qu. 2,100,000? Next: Chapter XV Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XV. Num. 13XV. And Moses sent spies to spy out the land, even 12 men, for so was it commanded him. And when they had gone up and seen the land, they returned to him bringing of the fruits of the land, and troubled the heart of the people, saying: Ye will not be able to inherit the land, for it is shut up with iron bars by their mighty men. 2. But two men out of the 12 spake not so, but said: Like as hard iron can overcome the stars, or as weapons can conquer the lightnings, or the fowls of the air put out the thunder, so can these men resist the Lord. For they saw how that as they went up the lightnings of the stars shone and the thunders followed, sounding with them. 3. And these are the names of the men: 3 Chaleb the son of p. 119 [paragraph continues] Jephone, the son of Beri, the son of Batuel, the son of Galipha, the son of Zenen, the son of Selimun, the son of Selon, the son of Juda. The other, Jesus the son of Naue, the son of Eliphat, the son of Gal, the son of Nephelien, the son of Emon, the son of Saul, the son of Dabra, the son of Effrem, the son of Joseph. 4. But the people would not hear the voice of the twain, but were greatly troubled, and spake saying: Be these the words which God spake to us saying: I will bring you into a land flowing with milk and honey? And how now doth he bring us up that we may fall on the sword, and our women shall go into captivity? 5. And when they said thus, the glory of God appeared suddenly, and he said to Moses: Doth this people thus persevere to hearken unto me not at all? Lo now the counsel which hath gone forth from me shall not be in vain. I will send the angel of mine anger upon them to break up their bodies with fire in the wilderness. And I will give commandment to mine angels which watch over them that they pray not for them, for I will shut up their souls in the treasuries of darkness, and I will say to my servants their fathers: Behold, this is the seed unto which I spake saying: Your seed shall come into a land that is not theirs, Gen. 15:13, 15:14and the nation whom they shall serve I will judge. And I fulfilled my words and made their enemies to melt away, and subjected angels under their feet, and put a cloud for a covering of their heads, and commanded the sea, and the depths were broken before their face and walls of water stood up. 6. And there hath not been the like of this word since the day when I said: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered into one place, unto this day. And I brought them out, and slew their enemies and led them before me unto the Mount p. 120 [paragraph continues] Sina. And I bowed the heavens and came down to kindle a lamp for my people, and to set bounds to all creatures. And I taught them to make me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them. But they have forsaken me and become faithless in my words, and their mind hath fainted, and now behold the days shall come when I will do unto them as they have desired and I will cast forth their bodies in the wilderness. 7. And Moses said: Before thou didst take seed wherewith to make man upon the earth, did I order his ways? therefore now let thy mercy suffer us unto the end, and thy pity for the length of days. Footnotes 118:3 XV. 3. The names in the pedigrees of Caleb and Joshua are not easily reconciled with those in 1 Chron. 2, 7:23 sqq. Next: Chapter XVI Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XVI. Num. 16XVI. 1 At that time did he give him commandment concerning the fringes: and then did Choreb rebel and 200 men with him and spake saying: What if a law which we cannot bear is ordained for us? 2. And God was wroth and said: I commanded the earth and it gave me man, and unto him were born at the first two sons. And the elder arose and slew the younger, and the earth hasted and swallowed his blood. But I drove forth Cain, and cursed the earth and spake unto Sion saying: Thou shalt not any more swallow up blood. And p. 121 now are the thoughts of men greatly polluted. 3. Lo, I will command the earth, and it shall swallow up body and soul together, and their dwelling shall be in darkness and in destruction, and they shall not die but shall pine away until I remember the world and renew the earth. And then shall they die and not live, and their life shall be taken away out of the number of all men: neither shall Hell vomit them forth again, and destruction shall not remember them, and their departure shall be as that of the tribe of the nations of whom I said, "I will not remember them," that is, the camp of the Egyptians, and the people whom I destroyed with the water of the flood. And the earth shall swallow them, and I will not do any more unto them. 1 4. And when Moses spake all these words unto the people, Choreb, and his men were yet unbelieving. And Choreb sent to call his seven sons which were not of counsel with him. 5. But they sent to him in answer saying: As the painter showeth not forth an image made by his art unless he be first instructed, so we also when we received the law of the Most Mighty which teacheth us his ways, did not enter . therein save that we might walk therein. Our father begat us [not], but the Most Mighty formed us, and now if we walk in his ways we shall be his children. But if thou believe not, go thine own way. And they came not up unto him. 6. And it came to pass after this that the earth p. 122 opened before them, and his sons sent unto him saying: If thy madness be still upon thee, who shall help thee in the day of thy destruction? and he hearkened not unto them. And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up, and their houses, and four times was the foundation of the earth moved to swallow up the men, as it was commanded her. And thereafter Choreb and his company groaned, until the firmament of the earth should be delivered back. 1 7. But the assemblies of the people said unto Moses: We cannot abide round about 2 this place where Choreb and his men have been swallowed up. And he said to them. Take up your tents from round about them, neither be ye joined to their sins. And they did so. Footnotes 120:1 XVI. 1. In Num. 15:37 the ordinance of fringes immediately precedes the story of Korah; and the two are brought into connexion by the Targum on, Numbers and by others: Jerahmeel 55 connects them in this fashion: "and when God commanded Moses to tell the children of Israel to make themselves fringes, Korah arose in the night, and, weaving 400 garments of blue, put them on 400 men. Then, standing before Moses, he said to him: "Do these garments require fringes, as they are now made wholly of this blue?" Moses replied: "Korah, does a house full of holy books require a Mezuzah?" "Yes," said Korah. "So also do these garments require fringes." This encounter of Korah with Moses is the last of several which are told at some length in Jerahmeel. 121:1 3. it appears that Korah and his company are to be annihilated at the final judgement. The people of whom I said: I will not remember them. Compare Pirke R. Eliezer 33. "All the dead will rise at the resurrection of the dead, except the generation of the Flood." Christianity (1 Peter 3) did not recognize this exception. 122:1 6. until the firmament (AP) or foundation (VR) of the earth should be restored: quousque redderetur firmamentum terrae. Probably to be understood in the same sense as the words of 3: ero innouans terram. 122:2 The MSS. have: in Sina of this place. Next: Chapter XVII Sacred Texts Bible Apocrypha Index Previous Next CHAPTER XVII. Num. 17XVII. Then was the lineage of the priests of God declared by the choosing of a tribe, and it was said unto Moses: Take throughout every tribe one rod and put them in the tabernacle, and then shall the rod of him to whomsoever my glory shall speak, flourish, and I will take away the murmuring from my people. 2. And Moses did so and set 12 rods, and the rod of Aaron came out, and put forth blossom and yielded seed of almonds. 3. And this likeness which was born there was like unto the work which Israel wrought while he was in Mesopotamia with Laban the Syrian, when he took rods of almond, and put them at the gathering of waters, and the cattle came to drink and were divided among the peeled rods, and brought forth [kids] white and speckled and parti-coloured. 4. There p. 123 fore was the synagogue of the people made like unto a flock of sheep, and as the cattle brought forth according to the almond rods, so was the priesthood established by means of the almond rods. Next: Chapter XVIII
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