体外降解率测定显示,B、C、D 组双壁微球降解速度明显快于 A 组,并随着 TPP 浓度的增加而逐渐减慢,培养各时间点各组间微球降解率比较差异均有统计学意义( P<0.05)。
In addition, the degradation ratio of double-walled microsphere in groups B, C, and D decreased when the TPP concentration increased. There were significant differences in the degradation ratio of each group ( P<0.05).
体外 NGF 缓释率测定显示,与 A 组 PLGA 微球相比,B、C、D 组双壁微球以相对较慢的速度缓释 NGF,且缓释速度随 TPP 浓度增加而减慢。
In vitro sustained release ratio of NGF showed that when compared with PLGA microspheres in group A, double-walled microspheres in groups B, C, and D released NGF at a relatively slow rate, and the sustained release ratio decreased with the increase of TPP concentration.
除 84 d 外,各时间点 B、C、D 组间比较 NGF 总缓释率差异均有统计学意义( P<0.05)。
Except for 84 days, there was significant difference in the sustained release ratio of NGF between groups B, C, and D ( P<0.05).
体外 NGF 的生物活性评估显示,培养各时间点 B、C、D 组缓释液中具有阳性轴突延长反应的 PC12 细胞百分比均显著高于 A1 组( P<0.05)。
The bioactivity of NGF results showed that the percentage of PC12 cells with positive axonal elongation reaction in groups B, C, and D was significantly higher than that in group A1 ( P<0.05).
培养 7、28 d,B、C、D 组间比较差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);56、84 d 时,C、D 组缓释液中具有阳性轴突延长反应的 PC12 细胞百分比显著高于 B 组( P<0.05),C、D 组间差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)。
At 7 and 28 days of culture, there was no significant difference between groups B, C, and D ( P>0.05); at 56 and 84 days of culture, the percentage of PC12 cells with positive axonal elongation reaction in groups C and D was significantly higher than that in group B ( P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between groups C and D ( P>0.05).
包埋 NGF 的壳聚糖-PLGA 双壁微球在周围神经损伤后的再生方面具有临床应用潜力。
NGF loaded chitosan-PLGA double-walled microspheres have a potential clinical application in peripheral nerve regeneration after injury.
The energy adjustment models in nutritional epidemiological studies could substantially reduce the confounding effect of total energy intake from the intake of dietary components, and it could explore the real relationship between the intake of dietary component and research outcomes.
Four energy adjustment models were introduced in this article, including the standard multivariate model, multivariate nutrient residual model, energy partition model, and multivariate nutrient density model.
The four energy adjustment models were applied to analyze the association between the intake of saturated fatty acids and the risk of all-cause mortality based on the data of the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
The consistent results of different energy adjustment models could indicate that the four models could better control the confounding effect of total energy intake.
方法: 我们对涉及侵略性事件的病人和护士进行半结构式采访,并在2016年5月-2017年3月期间进行数据收集。
METHODS We conducted semi-structured interviews with patients and nurses involved in an aggressive incident. Data collection was performed from May 2016 - March 2017.
结果: 对涉及15起侵略性事件的31名病人和护士进行访谈。
RESULTS Thirty-one interviews were conducted concerning 15 aggressive incidents.
Patients and nurses generally showed agreement on the factual course of events, there was variation in agreement on the perceived severity (PS).
Patients' recommendations on prevention were mostly personally focussed, while nurses suggested general improvements.
Patients are capable to give recommendations on prevention of aggressive incidents, shortly after the incident.
此研究将在何处对何人造成影响?事件经过可以作为评价事件的共同基础。 事后回顾主要研究事件严重程度。
Where and on whom will the research have impact? Factual course of events can be a common ground to start evaluating aggressive incidents and post-incident review should address the severity of incidents.
Asking recommendations from patients on how to improve safety and de-escalation can lead to innovative and personal de-escalation strategies and supports patients autonomy.
Pediatric dentistry should focus not only on the treatment of various oral diseases during the entire growth and development of children but also on the early prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of various oral diseases in this process.
Early identification and removal of risk factors or early intervention for common oral diseases is necessary to the implementation of oral health management for pregnant women, infants, preschool and school-age children, and adolescents with different general and oral physiological characteristics and common oral diseases. The treatment enables the growth and development of the teeth, as well as occlusion and facials along the normal trajectory, ultimately achieving the functional perfection and aesthetic coordination of the cranio-maxillary and occlusion.
Recently, we reported that the combination of GABA and sitagliptin (a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor that increases endogenous GLP-1) was more effective than either agent alone in reducing drug-induced β-cell damage and promoting β-cell regeneration in mice.
However, in human islets, it remains unclear whether GABA and GLP-1 exert similar effects.
方法: 为了研究GABA与GLP-1之间的相互作用,对人类胰岛或者INS-1细胞进行GABA和/或艾塞那肽(一种临床上正在使用的GLP-1受体激动剂,GLP-1RA)处理,并且用细胞因子混合物培养了24小时。
METHODS To investigate GABA and GLP-1 interactions, human islets or INS-1 cells were treated with GABA and/or exendin-4, a GLP-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA) in clinical use, and incubated with a cytokine mixture for 24 hours.
Cleaved caspase-3 and annexin V binding were measured by western blot and flow cytometry analysis, respectively, to investigate effects on cytokine-induced apoptosis.
结果: 单独使用GABA或者艾塞那肽治疗都可以减少细胞因子诱导的凋亡。
RESULTS Cytokine-induced apoptosis was reduced by either GABA or exendin-4 alone.
This was markedly improved by combining GABA and exendin-4, resulting in a reversal of apoptosis.
The combination notably increased Akt pathway signaling.
Furthermore, sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) and α-Klotho, both reported to have protective effects on β-cells, were increased.
Importantly, the combination ameliorated insulin secretion by human β-cells.
方法: 在2016年11月1日至2017年9月1日进行数据采集。
METHODS Data collection was conducted from 1November 2016 - 1 September 2017.
A total of six participants participated in the study.
The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) was used to report this study.
结果: 研究结果表明,艾滋病病毒携带者和坚持抗逆转录病毒治疗者的经历架构包括6项基本的共有组分:(a)抗逆转录病毒治疗已成为正常生活的先决条件;(b)对敏感身体无休止的调理;(c)按给药时间划分一天时间;(d)给药时间需与私密给药空间的可用性相一致;(e)关系分类--知道我在服用抗逆转录病毒药物的人和不知道我服用抗逆转录病毒药物的人;(f)认识到影响抗逆转录病毒治疗的多重关系。
RESULTS The findings show that the structure of the experience of people living with HIV and adhering to antiretroviral therapy is composed of six essential common constituents: 1) Antiretroviral therapy adherence has become a prerequisite for a normal life; 2) Endless adjustments responding to a sensitive body; 3) Dosing Time becomes the framework of the day; 4) Dosing time needing to coincide with the availability of confidential dosing space; 5) Classification of Relationships - those who know of my taking antiretroviral drugs and those who do not; and 6) Recognition of the multiple relationships affecting antiretroviral therapy.
That is, their day-to-day living is split into a double life reflecting their coexisting need for concealment and exposure.
Contrary to what people living with HIV want, they are at risk of external exposure during the process of treatment.
This study highlights the need for nurses to communicate with patients about the strategies they need to meet the challenges they face.
To establish a novel flow cytometric immunobead array (FCIA) for detecting plasma von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), and to analyze the clinical value of FCIA in predicting the prognosis of patients with ischemic stroke (IS).
包被抗人vWF单克隆抗体SZ29 IgG的微球捕获血浆vWF,再与FITC标记的绵羊抗人vWF IgG多克隆抗体孵育,结束后在流式细胞仪上检测分析。
Anti-human vWF monoclonal antibody SZ29 IgG was coated on microspheres overnight, the diluted plasma was added after blocking, then incubated with FITC-conjugated sheep-anti-human vWF IgG polyclonal antibody, and finally detected by flow cytometry.
The plasma vWF in 21 case of von Willebrand disease (vWD) and 105 controls (CTL) were detected by FCIA and ELISA, so as to carry out methodological assessment.
Plasma vWF:Ag of 61 IS patients was detected by FCIA and the data of prognosis followed-up for 2-year were collected.
The linear fitting of FCIA was good (R2=0.99) without significant difference between FCIA and ELISA.
The Bland-Altman bias was 1.12% with 95% limits of agreement that spanned from -45.06% to 47.30%, and the slope of the linear regression was 0.97 (r=0.86, P<0.01). Importantly, the FCIA method was faster than ELISA, and superior to the ELISA in the detection of low levels of vWF:Ag.
The levels of vWF:Ag, vWF:GPIbR and vWF:CB in IS patients were significantly higher than those in healthy controls (Z=8.36, 8.71, 6.22, respectively, P<0.01).
The FCIA for detecting plasma vWF:Ag is not only an effective supplement to ELISA, but also the efficiency is faster and more sensitive, thus improves the diagnosis of type 3 vWD.
Elevated levels of vWF: Ag in IS patients indicate the poor recovery of daily activities and prognosis.
HIV-1 疫苗研发是当前艾滋病研究的一大热点,其病毒表面包膜糖蛋白Env 三聚体介导病毒与细胞融合,是HIV-1 疫苗研究的重要靶点。
Currently, HIV-1 vaccine development has still been a hot pot in the AIDS research. HIV-1 glycoprotein Env is the sole target in the virion surface that mediates the membrane fusion between the virion and cell in the HIV-1 infection process.
因此,设计并在体外表达类天然Env 三聚体对HIV-1 疫苗的研发具有重要的意义。
Env protein is the significant immunogen for HIV-1 vaccine development.
近年来,Env 三聚体研究取得了显著的进展。
In recent years, there have been breakthroughs in the Env trimer research.
SOSIP、NFL2P、UFO 等抗原改造方法实现了类天然Env 三聚体的体外表达,逐步解决了改造抗原产量低、结构不稳定等问题,且表达的Env 三聚体抗原能在动物免疫中诱导机体产生较高的中和抗体水平。 Env 三聚体改造方法促进了HIV-1 疫苗的研究。
For example, the strategies including SOSIP, NFL2P, and UFO had been applied to design and generate HIV-1 Env trimer. The improvement of quantity and stability is beneficial to achieve the HIV-1 native-like Env trimer for elicitation of strong neutralizing antibody responsing in animal immunization.
文中综述了SOSIP、NFL2P、UFO 三种HIV-1 Env 三聚体抗原改造方法,对比各个改造方法优缺点,并结合自身工作提出相关建议,为后续HIV-1 抗原的相关设计提供指导。
This review focuses on the different strategies for Env trimer design and compares their advantages and disadvantages, combining with our work to give some advice, which might provide relevant information for the future HIV-1 immunogen design.
Although the surgical treatment of colorectal disease progresses slowly, with the advancement of minimally invasive surgical techniques, perioperative comprehensive treatment strategies and clinical research in recent years, Chinese colorectal surgery has developed rapidly.
Transanal total mesorectal excision, lateral pelvic lymph node dissection,"watch and wait"strategy for clinical complete response of neoadjuvant radiotherapy for rectal cancer, and robotic colorectal surgery are still hot topics in colorectal surgery in recent years.
The construction of clinical registry database and clinical research for colorectal cancer surgery are discussed, with a view to combing the development of colorectal surgery for colleagues in the surgical field, and to seek the development of colorectal surgery in China.
All seven children underwent sublingual gland resection, submandibular gland dilatation catheter resection, and catheter reroute under general anesthesia. Intraoperatively, the orifice of the submandibular gland was constricted and part of the catheter was dilated.
目的: 这是一项旨在调查两国护士对难民医疗保健看法的研究方案。
AIM This is a study protocol to investigate nurses' perspectives on refugee health care in two countries.
目标在于:(a)探索包括工作压力源、领导能力自评、人手及资源是否充足,以及约旦和黎巴嫩护理难民的护士之间的团队合作在内的自我报告的工作环境因素;(b)调查护士相关结果(身体健康;情绪衰竭)与心理社会工作环境的关系;以及(c) 评估护士感受到的工作环境因素与隐性护理配给及病人护理质量之间的关系。
The aims are to: (a) explore self-reported work environment factors, including work stressors, self-rated leadership, staffing and resources adequacy, and teamwork among Jordanian and Lebanese nurses caring for refugees; (b) investigate the relationship between nurse related outcomes (physical health; emotional exhaustion) and their psychosocial work environment; and (c) assess the association between nurses' perceived work environment factors and implicit rationing of care and quality of patient care.
Over 6.3 million people are internally displaced and 4.8 million recorded Syrian expatriates are residing in and receiving healthcare services in the neighbouring host countries.
方法: 研究地点包括黎巴嫩和约旦定期向难民提供护理的私立和公立医院以及初级保健中心。
METHOD The study setting involves both private and public hospitals and primary healthcare centres that provide care to refugees on regular basis in Lebanon and Jordan.
The estimated sample size includes 3,000 Registered Nurses from Lebanon and 2,500 nurses and midwives from Jordan.
Potential findings will help leaders design interventions to support nurses who are serving refugees for safer care and better patient outcomes.
Findings will assist in more efficient resource allocation and management.
Moreover, factors enabling resilience in patients, providers, and systems will be identified and be of potential use in addressing the growing global problem of caring for displaced persons.
To investigate the proliferation inhibition and pro-apoptosis effect of LY294002 (PI3K/AKT inhibtor) combined with daunorubicin (DNR) on the chronic myeloid leurenia cell line K562 and its possible mechanisms.
应用MTT法检测LY294002和DNR在不用浓度、不同作用时间点对K562细胞增殖的影响,流式细胞术分析细胞周期的变化,应用RT-PCR和Western blot法检测LY294002和DNR对K562细胞SKP2、P27、BCL-2和BAX2基因和蛋白表达的影响。
The effect of LY294002 and DNR on the proliferation of K562 cells in different treating time and concentration were measured by MTT assay. The cell cycle was determined by flow cytometry, the mRNA and protein expression of SKP2 , P27, BCL-2 and BAX were determined by RT-PCR and Western blot.
LY294002 and DNR were able to inhibit the growth of K562 cells and promote apoptosis in time- and concentration-dependent manner (P<0.05), both the cell proliferation-inhibiting rate and apoptosis rate in combination therapy group were higher than that in DNR-monotherapy group (P<0.05).
2药联合作用于K562细胞36 h,随着浓度的增加其G2/M期细胞显著减少(P<0.05),与DNR单药比较,G0/G1期细胞数增加 (P<0.05),S期细胞减少,但差异无统计学意义。
After K562 cells treated by LY294002 combined DNR for 36 h, the cells were statistically significantly reduced in G2/M phase (P<0.05), as compared with control group and DNR group. Compared with DNR group, the cell level of G0/G1 phase rased (P<0.05) and cell level of S phase decreased (P>0.05).
2药联合作用后,SKP2及BCL-2的mRNA表达量降低,P27 mRNA表达增高,差异具有统计学意义。
Compared with DNR group, the expresson of SKP2 and BCL-2 mRNA decreased, and the expression of P27 mRNA increased in the combination therapy group (P<0.05).
The expression of BAX mRNA was not significantly different between different groups.
The same result was found in the protein expression.
LY294002 has the sensibilizative effect on DNR chemotherapy, which may be relative with blocking the cell cycle and inducing cell apoptosis.
Siderophore is a chelating iron substance secreted by microorganisms at low intracellular iron concentration. Siderophore can be divided into three categories: catechol salts, hydroxamic salts and carboxylates.
铁载体的转运分别受Fur、σ 因子、群体感应信号这3 种机制调控。
The transport of siderophore is regulated by Fur, σ factor and quorum sensing signal.
In recent years, siderophore has been used in fields such as oil pollution remediation, heavy metal pollution remediation and pulp biological bleaching, and has received extensive attention.
This paper reviews the classification of siderophores and their transport regulation mechanism, and the application of siderophore in environmental pollution control and remediation. Furthermore, we address the application of siderophore in the future.
Decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) has been widely used as a scaffold for regenerative medicine due to its high biomimetic and excellent biocompatibility.
As a functional polymer material with high water content and controlled fluidity, hydrogel is very promising for some minimally invasive surgery in clinical practice.
近年来,随着水凝胶理论和技术的快速发展,dECM 水凝胶逐渐成为再生医学领域的研究热点。
In recent years, with the rapid development of hydrogel theory and technology, dECM hydrogel has gradually become a research hotspot in the field of regenerative medicine.
本文从 dECM 水凝胶的制备及其临床前应用两个方面对近年来的相关研究进行综述,并展望其未来的临床前景。
In this paper, the related researches in recent years are reviewed regarding the preparation of dECM hydrogel and its preclinical application.
This paper aims to study the accuracy of cardiopulmonary physiological parameters measurement under different exercise intensity in the accompanying (wearable) physiological parameter monitoring system.
使用随行生理参数监测系统 SensEcho 与心肺功能测试系统 METALYZER 3B 型(CORTEX)同步采集 28 名健康志愿者(17 名男性和 11 名女性)在站立、躺下、Bruce 跑台运动等多种运动状态下的心肺生理参数,利用 Bland-Altman 分析、相关性分析等方法,从群体和个体角度对比分析两类设备测量得到的心率和呼吸率参数。
SensEcho, an accompanying physiological parameter monitoring system, and CORTEX METALYZER 3B, a cardiopulmonary function testing system, were used to simultaneously collect the cardiopulmonary physiological parameters of 28 healthy volunteers (17 males and 11 females) in various exercise states, such as standing, lying down and Bruce treadmill exercise. Bland-Altman analysis, correlation analysis and other methods, from the perspective of group and individual, were used to contrast and analyze the two types of equipment to measure parameters of heart rate and breathing rate.
The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) has cost a great loss to the health and economic property of Chines people.
Under such a special circumstance, how to deal with such patients with acute aortic syndrome has become a serious challenge.
Rapid diagnosis of concomitant NCP, safe and effective transportation, implementation of the interventional procedure, protection of vascular surgical team and postoperative management and follow-up of such patients have become urgent problems for us.
Combined with the latest novel government documents, the literature and the experiences from Wuhan, we answered the above questions briefly and plainly. It also hopes to inspire the national vascular surgeons to manage critical emergencies in vascular surgery and even routine vascular diseases with NCP, as a final point to limit the severe epidemic situation, and minimize the damage of NCP.
To investigate the effect of prostaglandin E2 recoptor 4 antagonist (EP4A) on the self-renewal ability of human CD34+ cells and its mechamism.
The peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell of 20 healthy donors received the G-CSF-mobilization were collected, then the human CD34+ cells were sorted out by MACS microbead kit.
以DMSO作对照,分别用EP4A、EP4A + EP4A拮抗剂(EP4AA)作用人CD34+细胞72 h后,应用热图和Pathway富集分析检测与CD34+细胞干性相关的差异基因和通路;再用qRT-PCR和Western blot检测不同组别细胞中通路蛋白和差异基因的mRNA及蛋白(β-catenin、Nanog、Oct4、Sox2、Stat3、AKT、P38)表达水平。
The human CD34+ cells were treated with DMSO (control group), EP4A (EP4A group) and EP4A+EP4A antagonist (EP4A+EP4A group) for 72 hours. The differential genes and pathways related with CD34+ cell stemness were detected by Thermogram and Pathway enrichment analysis. and then the expression levels of protein and gene (β-catenin, Nanog, Oct4, Sox2, Stat3, AKT, P38) were detected by qRT-PCR and Western blot respectively.
与对照组相比,EP4A组人CD34+细胞中β-catenin、Nanog、Oct4及Sox2 mRNA及其蛋白的表达均增高,而STAT3、AKT、P38 mRNA及其蛋白的表达无变化; EP4A与EP4AA(XAV939)共同作用人CD34+细胞时,人CD34+细胞β-catenin表达水平明显降低,并且Nanog、Oct4及Sox2基因及蛋白表达相应减少。
EP4A could elevate the mRNA and protein expression of β-catenin, Nanog, Oct4, Sox2, in comparison with control group, however, mRNA and protein expression of STAT3, AKT, P38 were not changed. When human CD34+ cell were cultured with EP4A+XAV939 it was found that the mRNA and protein expression of β-catenin was downregulated, moreover the mRNA and protein expression of Nanog, Oct4, Sox2 were reduced.
EP4A can upregulate stemness factors-β-catenin, Nanog, Oct4 and Sox2 in human CD34+ cell in vitro, but not STAT3, AKT and P38.
Cross-sectional studies have showed the magnitude of implicit rationing of nursing care and its associations with negative patient and nurse outcomes.
The study included a cross-sectional baseline survey followed by multiple follow-up assessments over 90 days.