There was no significant difference in the incidence of rash, eyelid edema, diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and neutropenia in the three groups (P>0.05).
The incidence of nausea and vomiting and grade 1~2 anemia in the second-line group and the third-line group were higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
There were statistically significant differences in Sokal score, medication compliance, and hematological adverse reactions between the MMR group and the non-MMR group (P<0.05).
Logistic回归分析显示,治疗期间减量或停药、3~4级血液学不良反应是影响二、三线疗效的主要因素(OR=22.160,2.715,95%CI=2.795-93.027,1.882-48.834). 尼洛替尼二线与达沙替尼三线对一二线治疗失败的CML患者有较好的疗效。
Logistic regression analysis showed that dose reduction or withdrawal during the treatment period, and grade 3~4 hematological adverse reactions were the main factors affecting the second and third line curative effects (OR=22.160, 2.715, 95% CI=2.795-93.027, 1.882-48.834). The second-line nilotinib and the third-line dasatinib have a better effect on CML patients who have failed the first and second-line treatments.
Grade 3~4 hematological adverse reactions, dose reduction or withdrawal are risk factors that affect the efficacy of second and third-line treatments.
Mixed reality is a new three-dimensional presentation technology that combines the virtual digital world with the real world, which has been initially applied in the field of hepatobiliary surgery.
Compared with virtual reality, augmented reality and three-dimensional visualization technology, mixed reality technology has unique advantages in preoperative evaluation and formulation of surgical plan, real-time accurate navigation during operation and three-dimensional virtual teaching. And it is a new generation of auxiliary tool for precision hepatobiliary surgery.
This paper describes the application and research progress of mixed reality technology in the field of hepatobiliary surgery, and discusses its application potential and current limitations.
Exploring a new teaching mode of CHB laboratory diagnostics to improve the teaching quality through establishment a teaching model covered the whole process of CHB disease diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment, drug selection, the toxicity and side effects prediction, effect monitoring, and prognosis evaluation.
According to the CHB clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines, formulated the laboratory examination and detection strategies related to different stages of CHB, and established CHB clinical laboratory diagnostic pathway. Compared the classroom teaching effect by the questionnaire between the 2016 and 2017 eight-year undergraduates from the First Clinical College of Wuhan University.
In this study,the CHB clinical laboratory diagnostic pathway was established and approved by clinicians, which covered the whole process of CHB disease diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment, drug selection, the toxicity and side effects prediction, effect monitoring, and prognosis evaluation.
该路径应用于2017级临床医学本科生课堂教学后,教学质量评估指标均有较大程度的提升。 此外,随堂测验得分也有显著提高。
The teaching quality evaluation indicators and the scores on the class test had been greatly improved with the clinical diagnostic pathway teaching mode in the classroom teaching of 2017 clinical medicine undergraduates compared with the traditional teaching mode in the 2016 clinical medicine undergraduates.
In summary, the medical students not only could realize the organic integration of laboratory diagnostics and clinical medicine, but also improves overall understanding of various laboratory tests in CHB diagnosis and treatment from the teaching model of laboratory diagnostics based on the CHB clinical laboratory diagnostic pathway,and the quality of teaching for CHB has been significantly improved.
However, many components of the procedure remains unclear, including indications, contraindications, patient preparation, bile duct puncture, papillary dilation, imaging interpretation, and complication management.In order to standardize the clinic practice of PTPBD, Chinese College of Interventionalists organized a committee, including interventional radiologists, digestive physicians and general surgeons, and commissioned this criterion.
Lupus anticoagulant is one of the risk factors for venous thromboembolism, and the detection of lupus anticoagulant in patients with venous thromboembolism is important for the choice of treatment options and prognosis of treatment.
There was no relevant literature to analyze and summarize the application progress of lupus anticoagulant detection in venous thromboembolism. In order to deepen the understanding of such patients, and help clinicians to conduct reasonable diagnosis, treatment and management of these patients, we reviewed the relevant epidemiology, test precautions, and the value of test results in venous thromboembolism and related treatments.
Isoniazid(INH, H) has been a key drug for treating drug-susceptible tuberculosis (TB) for nearly seventy years. The differences in the pharmacokinetic(PK) might affect INH absorption. Low plasma concentration is related to less treatment outcomes and <i>vice versa</i>, but higher plasma concentrations can induce hepatotoxicity or death.
Factors that can cause fluctuations in blood concentration include INH absorption (<i>i.e.</i> drug-drug or drug-food interactions and other diseases such as gastrointestinal problems, diabetes or TB) and abnormal metabolization by the liver.
N-乙酰转移酶2(N-acetyltransferase 2)基因(<i>NAT2</i>)型及蛋白酶(NAT2)表型的多态性显著影响血浆异烟肼浓度。
N-acetyltransferase 2 (<i>NAT2</i>) genetic polymorphism significantly affects the plasma concentrations of INH.
However, there is a lack of guidelines for the management of adverse drug reactions caused by isoniazid therapy, and the only measures taken to address adverse reactions to isoniazid are abrupt discontinuation of the drug or reduction in the dose of isoniazid based on clinical experience, but such measures could lead to the development of drug resistance in <i>Mycobacterium</i> tuberculosis.
Therefore, further clarification of the correlation between the host <i>NAT2</i> genotype and its phenotypic polymorphisms, plasma isoniazid concentration and adverse effects can help to improve the efficacy and minimize the adverse effects.
探讨人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)中应用胫骨侧个性化髓外定位技术截骨后胫骨假体冠状位力线情况。
To explore the coronal alignment of tibial prosthesis after osteotomy using personalized extramedullary positioning technique on tibia side in total knee arthroplasty (TKA).
A clinical data of 170 patients (210 knees) who underwent primary TKA between January 2020 and June 2021 and met the selection criteria was retrospectively analyzed.
Personalized and traditional extramedullary positioning techniques were used in 93 cases (114 knees, personalized positioning group) and 77 cases (96 knees, traditional positioning group), respectively. The personalized extramedullary positioning was based on the anatomical characteristics of the tibia, a personalized positioning point was selected as the proximal extramedullary positioning point on the articular surface of the tibial plateau.
两组性别、年龄、身体质量指数、侧别、骨关节炎病程及Kellgren-Lawrence分级等一般资料比较,差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05),具有可比性。
There was no significant difference between the two groups in gender, age, body mass index, surgical side, course of osteoarthritis, and Kellgren-Lawrence classification ( <i>P</i>>0.05).
测量个性化定位组术前胫骨冠状位近、远端解剖轴形成的侧弓角(tibial bowing angle,TBA)并对胫骨轴线分型,分析个性化定位点位置分布规律。
The preoperative tibial bowing angle (TBA) formed by the proximal and distal tibial coronal anatomical axes in the personalized positioning group was measured and the tibia axis was classified, and the distribution of personalized positioning point was analyzed.
比较两组手术前后髋-膝-踝角(hip-knee-ankle angle,HKA)、胫骨远端外侧角(lateral distal tibial angle,LDTA),术后冠状位胫骨假体角(tibia component angle,TCA)及胫骨假体冠状位力线优良率。
The pre- and post-operative hip-knee-ankle angle (HKA), the lateral distal tibial angle (LDTA), and the postoperative tibia component angle (TCA), the excellent rate of tibial prosthesis alignment in coronal position were compared between the two groups.
In the personalized positioning group, 58 knees (50.88%) were straight tibia, 35 knees (30.70%) were medial bowing tibia, and 21 knees (18.42%) were lateral bowing tibia.
The most positioning points located on the highest point of the lateral intercondylar spine (62.07%) in the straight tibia group, while in the medial bowing tibia and lateral bowing tibia groups, most positioning points located in the area between the medial and lateral intercondylar spines (51.43%) and the lateral slope of the lateral intercondylar spine (57.14%), respectively.
两组组内手术前后HKA比较,差异均有统计学意义( <i>P</i><0.05);手术前后LDTA比较,差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05)。
The difference in HKA between pre- and post-operation in the two groups was significant ( <i>P</i><0.05); while the difference in LDTA was not significant ( <i>P</i>>0.05).
两组间术前LDTA、HKA及手术前后差值比较,差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05);术后TCA比较,差异有统计学意义( <i>P</i><0.05)。
There was no significant difference in preoperative LDTA and HKA and the difference between pre- and post-operation between groups ( <i>P</i>>0.05). But there was significant difference in postoperative TCA between groups ( <i>P</i><0.05).
The postoperative tibial plateau prosthesis in the traditional positioning group was more prone to varus than the personalized positioning group.
术后个性化髓外定位组胫骨假体冠状位力线优良率为96.5%(110/114),传统定位组为87.5%(84/96),差异有统计学意义( <i>χ</i> <sup>2</sup>=7.652, <i>P</i>=0.006)。
The excellent rates of tibial prosthesis alignment in coronal position were 96.5% (110/114) and 87.5% (84/96) in personalized positioning group and traditional positioning group, respectively, showing a significant difference between groups ( <i>χ</i> <sup>2</sup>=7.652, <i>P</i>=0.006).
It is feasible to use personalized extramedullary positioning technique for coronal osteotomy on the tibia side in TKA. Compared with the traditional extramedullary positioning technique, the personalized extramedullary positioning technique has a higher excellent rate of tibial prosthesis alignment in coronal position.
糖尿病肾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)是糖尿病严重的微血管并发症之一,也是进展为终末期肾病的主要原因,目前临床治疗手段有限。
Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is one of the serious microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), and it is also the leading cause for the end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), but the clinical treatment for it is limited at present.
The antioxidant drugs can slow down the progression of DKD through reducing podocyte injury and are expected to enter clinical trials.
The research status of antioxidant drugs is very important, which will provide new strategies for the clinical treatment of DKD.
Cell migration is defined as the directional movement of cells toward a specific chemical concentration gradient, which plays a crucial role in embryo development, wound healing and tumor metastasis.
However, current research methods showed low flux and are only suitable for single-factor assessment, and it was difficult to comprehensively consider the effects of other parameters such as different concentration gradients on cell migration behavior.
随后,借助Comsol Multiphysics 有限元分析软件完成了微流控芯片的仿真分析,证明了芯片上设计S型微通道和水平压力平衡通道有助于在细胞迁移主通道中形成稳定的浓度梯度。
In particular, we used COMSOL Multiphysics software to simulate the structure of the chip, which demonstrated the necessity of designing S-shaped microchannel and horizontal pressure balance channel to maintain concentration gradient.
最后,采用不同浓度(0、0.2、0.5、1.0 μmol·L <sup>−1</sup>)与糖尿病及其并发症密切相关的晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)孵育中性粒细胞,研究了其在100 nmol·L <sup>−1</sup>趋化因子fMLP浓度梯度环境中的迁移行为。
Finally, neutrophils were incubated with advanced glycation end products (AGEs, 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 μmol·L <sup>-1</sup>), which were closely related to diabetes mellitus and its complications. The migration behavior of incubated neutrophils was studied in the 100 nmol·L <sup>-1</sup> of chemokine (N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenyl-alanine) concentration gradient.
The results prove the reliability and practicability of the microfluidic chip.
Under the situation of the rapid expansion of hospital, the dilemma of acupuncture-moxibustion department, as well as the relevant solutions are explored.
The main reasons for the shrinking situation of the service in acupuncture-moxibustion department include: the disease-based department division trends to divert many diseases suitably treated in acupuncture-moxibustion department; the environment pursuing economic benefits restricts the development of acupuncture-moxibustion therapy characterized by 'simple and low-cost operation'.
There are three important approaches for breaking through the dilemma of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. First, modifying the traditional service mode as waiting for patients in acupuncture-moxibustion department and promoting acupuncture and moxibustion technology to be adopted in other departments rather than limited only in acupuncture-moxibustion department. Second, increasing the charges of acupuncture and moxibustion technology rationally. Third, positioning accurately the role of acupuncture and moxibustion technology in health services based on its own characteristics and advantages and promoting it in community medical institutions.
All of these solutions require the guidance of supporting policies.
The role of the brain-gut microbiota axis in functional gastrointestinal diseases has been gradually recognized. According to the ROME IV diagnostic criteria, functional gastrointestinal diseases are classified as diseases caused by abnormal brain-gut interaction. This concept is of great significance to the change of diagnosis and treatment paradigm of functional gastrointestinal diseases.
Chronic constipation is the most common functional gastrointestinal disease. The pathogenesis of chronic constipation is closely related to the imbalance of intestinal flora, the abnormality of enteric nervous system and neurotransmitter in brain.
Therefore, in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic constipation, enough attention should be paid to the concept of integration of brain-gut microflora axis, but the clinical application of brain-gut microflora axis is still limited. This may be one of the factors for high incidence but poor treatment efficacy of chronic constipation.
Based on the global research progress and our clinical experience, this article expounds the clinical significance of the brain-gut microbiota axis in chronic constipation.
Proportion and rate have multiple and overlapping meanings, which blur their concepts.
Based on the existence of the states and the occurrence of the events and their measuring process, we first put forward the concept of 'cumulative number of states in point time'.
Considering the general meaning of 'rate' in mathematics and the units of the elements in indexes, this paper puts forward the concept of 'the change of cumulative number of states in point time', which is equal to the commonly acknowledged concept 'number of incident event within observation period' or 'absolute rate', and further constructs relative rate and proportion.
Proportions can be classified into three types: time-point (or rate-type) constitutional proportion, time-period incidence proportion and their synthesis, time-period constitutional proportion.
The essential difference between relative rate and time-period proportions is whether the observation period is regarded as a one-unit-length fixed period which would be further moved to the description of the indexes. Furthermore, the sources populations of relative rate and proportions are exclusively those at the beginning of the observation period.
Thus, we established a unified identification route about ratios, proportions, and rates, the basic indicators of categorical data in populations.
These are applicable to both fixed and dynamic populations.
The paper aims to clarify the connotation of the indexes and the feasible understanding route and provide some reference for the population researchers.
This article investigated an occupational chronic benzene poisoning incident that occurred in a sealing material factory in Hebei Province in September 2019, analyzed the clinical data of workers, to explore the causes of occupational chronic benzene poisoning, and summarize the diagnosis and treatment characteristics and treatment outcome.
在20名就诊工人中,根据GBZ 68-2013《职业性苯中毒的诊断》,共确诊职业性慢性苯中毒12例,诊断为职业性慢性轻度苯中毒2例、中度苯中毒7例、重度苯中毒3例。
According to GBZ 68-2013 'Diagnosis of Occupational Benzene Poisoning', a total of 12 cases of occupational chronic benzene poisoning were diagnosed among the 20 workers, including 2 cases of occupational chronic mild benzene poisoning, 7 cases of moderate benzene poisoning, and 3 cases of severe benzene poisoning.
Both mild and moderate poisoning patients had recovered after treatment. Severely poisoned patients had recovered more slowly, and the white blood cell count was still 2.0×10(9)-3.0×10(9)/L during the 1-year follow-up.
Heat-sensitive moxibustion is the appropriate technique of the external treatment in traditional Chinese medicine and it is widely used in community because of its 'easy learning, simple operation and clear curative effect'.
Pragmatic randomized controlled trial is a main intervention design in the real world study, which provides a high-level evidence for the effectiveness assessment of heat-sensitive moxibustion in community management.
Focusing on the key links of randomization, e.g. block randomization, stratified randomization, cluster randomization, sample size allocation, allocation concealment and blinding, the paper elaborates the advantages, disadvantages and technical details of two-stage randomization with consideration of patient preference in pragmatic randomized controlled trials of heat-sensitive moxibustion in community. It facilitates improving the quality of evidence, reproducibility and methodological homogeneity among different trials.