### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Justification: A lower inclination will reduce the effects of the SAA ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Justification CONDITION: reduce VARIABLE: A KEYWORD: will CAUSE_1: A lower inclination EFFECT_1: reduce the effects of the SAA. ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Although not the prime science it is clear that fast response times will enable additional science ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Although not the prime science it is clear that KEYWORD: will CONDITION: enable VARIABLE: additional science CAUSE_1: fast response times EFFECT_1: enable additional science ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Clearly, this requirement should not inhibit faster response times in case a ToO is identified at the beginning of a working day ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Clearly KEYWORD: at VARIABLE: this requirement CONDITION: inhibit faster response times CAUSE_1: a ToO is identified CAUSE_2: the beginning of a working day NEGATION: not EFFECT_1: this requirement should not inhibit faster response times ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A Quick Look data analysis subsystem should be provided at SOC (and SDC) in order to determine the properties of triggering sources and LAD target object in order to provide an alert for observation plan changes, and verify LOFT Burst Alert messages ### Assistant: KEYWORD: in order CONDITION: should be provided at SOC VARIABLE: A Quick Look data analysis subsystem AND: and NOT_RELEVANT: (and SDC) CAUSE_1: A Quick Look data analysis subsystem should be provided at SOC EFFECT_1: to determine the properties of triggering sources CAUSE_2: LAD target object EFFECT_2: to provide an alert for observation plan changes EFFECT_3: verify LOFT Burst Alert messages. ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The re-planning timescales should be faster to avoid loss of useful observing time ### Assistant: CONDITION: should be faster VARIABLE: The re-planning timescales CAUSE_1: The re-planning timescales should be faster EFFECT_1: to avoid loss of useful observing time ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Justification: For a 500 mCrab source, observed with an efficiency of 60% the data rates must support all LAD event mode data ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Justification KEYWORD: For AND: observed with CONDITION: must support all LAD event mode data VARIABLE: a CAUSE_1: a 500 mCrab source CAUSE_2: an efficiency of 60% EFFECT_1: the data rates must support all LAD event mode data ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Only when, during this campaign, the source fades away, the campaign can be stopped to save observing time ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: observing time CAUSE_1: this campaign CONDITION: to save CAUSE_2: the source fades away EFFECT_1: the campaign can be stopped EFFECT_2: to save observing time ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If the total number of pointings is a concern, pointings of less than 10 ks can be added up to make pointings of at least 10 ksec in length ### Assistant: KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: pointings CONDITION: of at least 10 ksec in length CAUSE_1: the total number of pointings is a concern EFFECT_1: can be added up EFFECT_2: to make pointings of at least 10 ksec in length ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: It will, of course, affect the overall science return of the mission as it reduces the discovery space ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: it reduces the discovery space CONDITION: reduces the discovery space VARIABLE: it NOT_RELEVANT: It will, of course EFFECT_1: affect the overall science return of the mission KEYWORD: as ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In summary this analysis shows that the core science goals are not at stake if the effective area reduces by the order of 10% ### Assistant: KEYWORD: if VARIABLE: the core science goals CONDITION: at stake CAUSE_1: the effective area reduces by the order of 10% NOT_RELEVANT: In summary this analysis shows that EFFECT_1: the core science goals are not at stake NEGATION: are not ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As can be seen from Table A-2 the visibility with a very small solar constraint (± 10o) gives still a total of 8.7 Ms for a 4 year mission, well in excess over the needed observing time ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: well in excess over the needed observing time VARIABLE: a CONDITION: 4 year KEYWORD: for CAUSE_1: the visibility with a very small solar constraint EFFECT_1: gives still a total of 8.7 Ms CAUSE_2: a 4 year mission ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: With an upper range of 80 keV (no specific resolution is required) fast high-energy phenomena such as SGR/AXP flares can be studied ### Assistant: KEYWORD: With VARIABLE: fast high-energy phenomena CONDITION: can be studied NOT_RELEVANT: such as SGR/AXP flares EFFECT_1: can be studied CAUSE_1: an upper range of 80 keV ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As we will show, with CCD-class spectral resolution and passively cooled detectors we can achieve these three science goals ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: As we will show KEYWORD: with VARIABLE: we CONDITION: can achieve these three science goals CAUSE_1: CCD-class spectral resolution CAUSE_2: passively cooled detectors EFFECT_1: we can achieve these three science goals AND: and ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: However, in case of a hot spot the prime science comes from the variability of the spectra ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: However KEYWORD: in case of VARIABLE: the prime science CONDITION: comes from the variability of the spectra CAUSE_1: a hot spot EFFECT_1: the prime science comes from the variability of the spectra ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The actual value is set at 400 eV but could be also somewhat larger (100 eV) before affecting the science significantly ### Assistant: NEGATION: before CONDITION: could be also somewhat larger VARIABLE: The actual value CAUSE_1: affecting the science significantly AND: but NOT_RELEVANT: (100 eV) EFFECT_1: The actual value is set at 400 eV EFFECT_2: could be also somewhat larger ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirements are identified by the use of the term “shall”, as opposed to “should” for goals ### Assistant: KEYWORD: by VARIABLE: the term “shall” CONDITION: to “should” for goals NEGATION: as opposed CAUSE_2: as opposed to “should” for goals CAUSE_1: the use of the term “shall” EFFECT_1: Requirements are identified ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirements applicable to the S/C only are flown-down into the SRD ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Requirements CONDITION: are flown-down into the SRD CAUSE_1: Requirements applicable to the S/C only EFFECT_1: are flown-down into the SRD ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirements applicable to the S/C and the instrument are budgeted into the RJBD ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Requirements CONDITION: are budgeted into the RJBD AND: and CAUSE_1: Requirements applicable to the S/C CAUSE_2: the instrument EFFECT_1: are budgeted into the RJBD ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Supplementary text added to explain the source or reasoning behind a requirement shall be written after the requirement in italics ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Supplementary text CONDITION: shall be written after the requirement in italics OR: or CAUSE_1: Supplementary text added to explain the source CAUSE_2: reasoning behind a requirement EFFECT_1: shall be written after the requirement in italics ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In addition to those, all ESA approved standards (including relevant ECSS standards) are applicable documents as well ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: as well CONDITION: are applicable documents VARIABLE: all CAUSE_1: all ESA approved standards EFFECT_1: are applicable documents ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For the brightest targets it will be possible to obtain high quality spectra in a single visit; for fainter targets the necessary signal-to-noise will be built up through repeated visits over the mission lifetime ### Assistant: KEYWORD: it CONDITION: will be built up through repeated visits over the mission lifetime. VARIABLE: the necessary signal-to-noise CAUSE_1: the brightest targets EFFECT_1: will be possible to obtain high quality spectra in a single visit CAUSE_2: fainter targets EFFECT_2: the necessary signal-to-noise will be built up through repeated visits over the mission lifetime. ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-MIS-100 After separation from the LV, the S/C shall autonomously activate one of its transmitting channels and its 2 receiving channels to allow the ESA ground station network to establish the first contact ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-MIS-100 NEGATION: After CAUSE_1: separation from the LV VARIABLE: separation from the LV CONDITION: to establish the first contact AND: and KEYWORD: to allow EFFECT_1: the S/C shall autonomously activate one of its transmitting channels EFFECT_2: its 2 receiving channels EFFECT_3: the ESA ground station network to establish the first contact ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the case that there is no extended science operations phase, the post operations phase shall start at the end of the nominal science operations phases ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In the case that there NEGATION: is no VARIABLE: the post operations phase CAUSE_1: is no extended science operations phase CONDITION: shall start at the end of the nominal science operations phases EFFECT_1: the post operations phase shall start at the end of the nominal science operations phases ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-PERF-030 During phases 4 and 5, the EChO S/C shall have the ability to make a rotation of 72 degrees around YECHO and observe a target from any of those attitudes ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-PERF-030 KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: the EChO S/C AND: and CONDITION: observe a target from any of those attitudes CAUSE_1: phases 4 CAUSE_2: 5 EFFECT_1: the EChO S/C shall have the ability to make a rotation of 72 degrees around YECHO EFFECT_2: observe a target from any of those attitudes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-PERF-040 During phases 4 and 5, the EChO S/C shall have the ability to make a rotation of 2 degrees around XECHO and observe a target from any of those attitudes ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-PERF-040 KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: the EChO S/C AND: and CONDITION: observe a target from any of those attitudes CAUSE_1: phases 4 CAUSE_2: 5 EFFECT_1: the EChO S/C shall have the ability to make a rotation of 2 degrees around XECHO EFFECT_2: observe a target from any of those attitudes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-PERF-061 Corruption or loss of science data during a science observation shall be deducted from the observation efficiency budget with a degradation factor of 2 ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-PERF-061 VARIABLE: loss of science data OR: or EFFECT_1: shall be deducted from the observation efficiency budget with a degradation factor of 2. EFFECT_2: loss of science data KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: a science observation CONDITION: shall be deducted from the observation efficiency budget with a degradation factor of 2. ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In case alternative designs are proposed (e.g. FTS), equivalent requirements shall be derived ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In case VARIABLE: equivalent requirements CONDITION: shall be derived NOT_RELEVANT: (e.g. FTS) CAUSE_1: alternative designs are proposed EFFECT_1: equivalent requirements shall be derived ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The complete wavelength range can be split into as many channels as necessary as long as all science performance requirements are met ### Assistant: KEYWORD: as long as VARIABLE: The complete wavelength range CONDITION: can be split into as many channels as necessary EFFECT_1: The complete wavelength range can be split into as many channels as necessary CAUSE_1: all science performance requirements are met ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-PERF-255 An extended FoV of ≥ 20’’ (half angle) in the spatial direction of each science channel shall enable the monitoring of the background (e.g. zodiacal and thermal background but also detector dark current) using off-source pixels (TBC) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) VARIABLE: the spatial direction of each science channel CONDITION: using off-source pixels CAUSE_1: An extended FoV of ≥ 20’’ EFFECT_1: shall enable the monitoring of the background KEYWORD: in CAUSE_2: the spatial direction of each science channel CAUSE_3: using off-source pixels ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-SYS-190 Any hazardous situation, which will not cause immediate loss of but may develop into the loss of the S/C or instrument, shall be prevented by design or protected against ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-SYS-190 CONDITION: may develop into the loss of the S/C or instrument VARIABLE: hazardous situation CAUSE_1: will not cause immediate loss of KEYWORD: which NEGATION: not OR: or EFFECT_1: shall be prevented by design EFFECT_2: protected against AND: but CAUSE_2: may develop into the loss of the S/C or instrument ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-SYS-210 Where redundancy is employed, the design shall allow operation and verification of the redundant item/function, independent of nominal use ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-SYS-210 KEYWORD: Where VARIABLE: the design CONDITION: independent of nominal use CAUSE_1: redundancy is employed AND: and EFFECT_1: the design shall allow operation EFFECT_2: verification of the redundant item/function EFFECT_3: independent of nominal use ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The use of units inducing mechanical vibrations during science observations shall be avoided as far as practicable ### Assistant: VARIABLE: science observations KEYWORD: during CONDITION: inducing mechanical vibrations CAUSE_1: The use of units inducing mechanical vibrations CAUSE_2: science observations EFFECT_1: shall be avoided as far as practicable ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In all mission phases after LEOP, the S/C shall be able to survive without ground contact for at least 11 days ### Assistant: KEYWORD: for VARIABLE: LEOP CAUSE_2: after LEOP CAUSE_1: all mission phases CONDITION: at least 11 days NEGATION: after EFFECT_1: the S/C shall be able to survive EFFECT_2: without ground contact ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: MR-OGS-190 During the science operations phase, the ground contact duration and frequency shall be 14 hours per week, spread over 4 ground contacts ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: MR-OGS-190 KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: frequency AND: and CONDITION: spread over 4 ground contacts CAUSE_1: the science operations phase EFFECT_1: the ground contact duration EFFECT_2: frequency shall be 14 hours per week EFFECT_3: spread over 4 ground contacts ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Supplementary text added to explain the source or reasoning behind a requirement is written after the requirement in italics ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Supplementary text CONDITION: is written after the requirement in italics. OR: or CAUSE_1: Supplementary text added to explain the source CAUSE_2: reasoning behind a requirement EFFECT_1: is written after the requirement in italics ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Due to an innovative design and the development of large monolithic silicon drift detectors, the Large Area Detector (LAD) on board LOFT will achieve an effective area of ~10 m^2 (more than an order of magnitude larger than current space-borne X-ray detectors) in the 2-30 keV range (up to 80 keV in expanded mode) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (up to 80 keV in expanded mode) KEYWORD: Due to CONDITION: in the 2-30 keV range VARIABLE: on board LOFT AND: and CAUSE_1: an innovative design CAUSE_2: the development of large monolithic silicon drift detectors EFFECT_1: in the 2-30 keV range ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The scientific objectives are be achieved through the measurement of the X-ray photometric light curves and spectra of a range of different astrophysical target classes ### Assistant: KEYWORD: through CONDITION: are be achieved VARIABLE: The scientific objectives AND: and CAUSE_1: the measurement of the X-ray photometric light curves CAUSE_2: spectra of a range of different astrophysical target classes EFFECT_1: The scientific objectives are be achieved ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The targets are all compact objects (neutron stars, black holes and AGN) therefore the measurement requires no imaging capability ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the measurement CONDITION: imaging capability NOT_RELEVANT: (neutron stars, black holes and AGN) KEYWORD: therefore CAUSE_1: The targets are all compact objects EFFECT_1: the measurement requires no imaging capability NEGATION: no ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The platform-provider will provide the TM-function on-board the SC to allow the WFM to transmit the LBAS packet to ground ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the WFM CONDITION: to transmit the LBAS packet to ground KEYWORD: to allow CAUSE_1: The platform-provider will provide the TM-function on-board the SC EFFECT_1: the WFM to transmit the LBAS packet to ground ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A FoR of 35% of the sky can be achieved, for example, if the LAD solar aspect angle can be varied between 90±~20° ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the LAD solar aspect angle CONDITION: can be varied between 90±~20° NOT_RELEVANT: for example KEYWORD: if CAUSE_1: the LAD solar aspect angle can be varied between 90±~20° EFFECT_1: A FoR of 35% of the sky can be achieved ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The LAD Nominal Field of Regard (FoR) should be at least 75% of the sky at the beginning of the Nominal Operations Phase ### Assistant: KEYWORD: at CONDITION: should be at least 75% of the sky VARIABLE: The LAD Nominal Field of Regard CAUSE_1: the beginning of the Nominal Operations Phase NOT_RELEVANT: (FoR) EFFECT_1: should be at least 75% of the sky ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The LAD Degraded Field of Regard (FoR) shall be at least 50% of the sky at the end of the Nominal Operations Phase ### Assistant: KEYWORD: at CONDITION: shall be at least 50% of the sky VARIABLE: The LAD Degraded Field of Regard CAUSE_1: the end of the Nominal Operations Phase NOT_RELEVANT: (FoR) EFFECT_1: shall be at least 50% of the sky ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: A FoR of 50% of the sky can be achieved, for example, if the LAD solar aspect angle can be varied between 90±30 ### Assistant: KEYWORD: if VARIABLE: A FoR CONDITION: of 50% of the sky can be achieved NOT_RELEVANT: for example CAUSE_1: the LAD solar aspect angle can be varied between 90±30 EFFECT_1: A FoR of 50% of the sky can be achieved ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The LAD Degraded Field of Regard shall contain a single point located within the Galactic Centre area for at least 35% of the nominal mission duration ### Assistant: KEYWORD: for CONDITION: shall contain a single point located within the Galactic Centre area VARIABLE: The LAD Degraded Field of Regard CAUSE_1: at least 35% of the nominal mission duration EFFECT_1: The LAD Degraded Field of Regard shall contain a single point located within the Galactic Centre area ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Observations with the LAD shall be considered as suspended during the period of the orbit when the background integral flux of protons with energy greater than 50keV is greater than 0.5/cm2/s (TBC) ### Assistant: KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: the background integral flux of protons CONDITION: shall be considered as suspended CAUSE_2: the period of the orbit CAUSE_3: the background integral flux of protons with energy greater than 50keV is greater than 0.5/cm2/s NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) EFFECT_1: shall be considered as suspended CAUSE_1: Observations with the LAD ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The WFM instrument data will include information on transients which must be down-linked in a timely manner in order to be input into the observation planning for the LAD instrument - see [SCI-WFM-R-14] in [RD 1] ### Assistant: KEYWORD: which CONDITION: must be down-linked in a timely manner NOT_RELEVANT: - see [SCI-WFM-R-14] in [RD 1]. EFFECT_1: to be input into the observation planning for the LAD instrument VARIABLE: The WFM instrument data CAUSE_1: The WFM instrument data will include information on transients CAUSE_2: must be down-linked in a timely manner ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This requirement supports sufficient source position accuracy to enable observations by the LAD and also to provide the required localisation accuracy to the LBAS ### Assistant: VARIABLE: observations by the LAD CONDITION: to the LBAS CAUSE_1: This requirement supports sufficient source position accuracy AND: and also EFFECT_1: to enable observations by the LAD EFFECT_2: to provide the required localisation accuracy to the LBAS ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During the Commissioning Phase, the payload instruments on-board shall be deployed, calibrated and tested ### Assistant: KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: the payload instruments on-board CONDITION: tested AND: and CAUSE_1: the Commissioning Phase EFFECT_1: the payload instruments on-board shall be deployed EFFECT_2: calibrated EFFECT_3: tested ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In the EOP degradation in mission performances are allowable ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In VARIABLE: degradation in mission performances CONDITION: are allowable CAUSE_1: the EOP EFFECT_1: degradation in mission performances are allowable ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For the initial phases of the study, the margin policy described in [AD 4] shall be applied ### Assistant: KEYWORD: For CONDITION: shall be applied VARIABLE: the NOT_RELEVANT: described in [AD 4] CAUSE_1: the initial phases of the study EFFECT_1: shall be applied ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: At all times during operation, the WFM shall be shielded from direct solar flux by a sunshield ### Assistant: KEYWORD: At VARIABLE: the WFM CAUSE_1: all times CAUSE_2: operation CONDITION: shall be shielded from direct solar flux by a sunshield EFFECT_1: the WFM shall be shielded from direct solar flux by a sunshield ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft shall enter safe-mode in case of anomalies or failures from which it cannot recover autonomously ### Assistant: VARIABLE: failures CONDITION: recover autonomously EFFECT_1: The spacecraft shall enter safe-mode KEYWORD: from which OR: or NEGATION: cannot CAUSE_1: anomalies CAUSE_2: failures CAUSE_3: it cannot recover autonomously ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The LAD Reference Boresight LoS Absolute Performance Error (APE) shall be better than 1 arcminute (TBC) at all times during observation to a confidence of 99.7% ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The LAD Reference Boresight LoS Absolute Performance Error KEYWORD: during CAUSE_1: at all times CAUSE_2: observation NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) CONDITION: to a confidence of 99.7% EFFECT_1: shall be better than 1 arcminute EFFECT_2: to a confidence of 99.7% ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: R-POIN-030 During LAD instrument operations, the LoS RPE (pointing jitter) of the LAD Reference Boresight and each LAD Module Reference Boresight shall not exceed the requirement limits specified in the following table ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (pointing jitter) KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: each LAD Module Reference Boresight CAUSE_1: LAD instrument operations AND: and NEGATION: shall not CONDITION: exceed the requirement limits specified in the following table EFFECT_1: of the LAD Reference Boresight EFFECT_2: each LAD Module Reference Boresight shall not exceed the requirement limits specified in the following table ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Power subsystem shall provide sufficient power for the spacecraft systems and payload instruments during all operational modes and mission phases ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The Power subsystem AND: and CAUSE_1: all operational modes CAUSE_2: mission phases CONDITION: payload instruments EFFECT_1: The Power subsystem shall provide sufficient power for the spacecraft systems EFFECT_2: payload instruments ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The uplink and downlink data rates shall be compatible with the data transmission requirements during all mission phases ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: downlink data rates CAUSE_1: all mission phases AND: and CONDITION: shall be compatible with the data transmission requirements EFFECT_1: The uplink EFFECT_2: downlink data rates shall be compatible with the data transmission requirements ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft shall be able to uplink with an average TC-rate of 64 kbps (TBC) during ground contact periods ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The spacecraft CAUSE_1: ground contact periods CONDITION: shall be able to uplink with an average TC-rate of 64 kbps NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) EFFECT_1: The spacecraft shall be able to uplink with an average TC-rate of 64 kbps ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During LEOP and critical mission phases, the 15-m ESA station at Kourou shall be used ### Assistant: KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: the 15-m ESA station at Kourou AND: and CAUSE_1: LEOP CAUSE_2: critical mission phases CONDITION: critical EFFECT_1: the 15-m ESA station at Kourou shall be used ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In all mission phases after LEOP, the S/C shall be able to continue to operate nominally without ground support for at least 1 day (TBC) ### Assistant: NEGATION: without VARIABLE: ground support for at least 1 day KEYWORD: In CAUSE_1: all mission phases CAUSE_2: after LEOP CONDITION: shall be able to continue to operate nominally EFFECT_1: the S/C shall be able to continue to operate nominally NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) EFFECT_2: without ground support for at least 1 day ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In all mission phases after LEOP, the S/C shall be able to survive without ground contact for at least 7 days (TBC) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (TBC) KEYWORD: In NEGATION: without VARIABLE: ground contact for at least 7 days CAUSE_1: all mission phases CAUSE_2: after LEOP CONDITION: shall be able to survive EFFECT_1: the S/C shall be able to survive EFFECT_2: without ground contact for at least 7 days ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If a European equipment does not meet the requirements, a non-European alternative can be used ### Assistant: KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: a non-European alternative NEGATION: does not CONDITION: can be used CAUSE_1: a European equipment does not meet the requirements EFFECT_1: a non-European alternative can be used ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The link transfers the clock signals in both directions (space-to-ground and ground-to-space) allowing the received signal to be compared with the local clock at both ends ### Assistant: KEYWORD: allowing VARIABLE: The link CONDITION: transfers the clock signals in both directions EFFECT_1: the received signal to be compared with the local clock at both ends NOT_RELEVANT: (space-to-ground and ground-to-space) CAUSE_1: The link transfers the clock signals in both directions ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During launch and until a safe attitude is acquired, all payload systems shall be switched off with the exception of vacuum systems and the spacecraft in a minimal power stage using s/c batteries ### Assistant: KEYWORD: During AND: and VARIABLE: the spacecraft NEGATION: until CONDITION: in a minimal power stage using s/c batteries CAUSE_1: launch CAUSE_2: a safe attitude is acquired EFFECT_1: all payload systems shall be switched off with the exception of vacuum systems EFFECT_2: the spacecraft in a minimal power stage using s/c batteries ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: During nominal modes, no spacecraft re-orientations and/or orbit maintenance manoeuvres shall be performed ### Assistant: KEYWORD: During VARIABLE: orbit maintenance manoeuvres NEGATION: no AND: and OR: or CONDITION: shall be performed CAUSE_1: nominal modes EFFECT_1: no spacecraft re-orientations EFFECT_2: orbit maintenance manoeuvres shall be performed ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DC non-gravitational accelerations on the spacecraft shall be less than 1E-6 m/s2 , within the instrument volume, when measuring ### Assistant: KEYWORD: when VARIABLE: DC non-gravitational accelerations on the spacecraft CAUSE_1: the instrument volume CAUSE_2: measuring CONDITION: shall be less than 1E-6 m/s2 EFFECT_1: DC non-gravitational accelerations on the spacecraft shall be less than 1E-6 m/s2 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: DC non gravitational accelerations on the spacecraft along the sensitive axis of the atom interferometer shall be less than 4⋅10-7 m/s2 , during atom interferometer operations ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: DC non gravitational accelerations on the spacecraft along the sensitive axis of the atom interferometer CAUSE_1: atom interferometer operations CONDITION: shall be less than 4⋅10-7 m/s2 EFFECT_1: DC non gravitational accelerations on the spacecraft along the sensitive axis of the atom interferometer shall be less than 4⋅10-7 m/s2 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Power subsystem shall provide sufficient power for the spacecraft systems and payload instruments during all modes and mission phases ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The Power subsystem AND: and CAUSE_1: all modes CAUSE_2: mission phases CONDITION: all EFFECT_1: The Power subsystem shall provide sufficient power for the spacecraft systems EFFECT_2: payload instruments ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The payload shall perform according to specifications in the on-board environment of the spacecraft during all nominal modes (defined in R- MIS-240) ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The payload NOT_RELEVANT: (defined in R- MIS-240) CONDITION: all nominal EFFECT_1: The payload shall perform according to specifications in the on-board environment of the spacecraft CAUSE_1: all nominal modes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The mission shall rely on a maximum of two MOC ground stations for TT&C during nominal operations ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: The mission CONDITION: shall rely on a maximum of two MOC ground stations for TT&C CAUSE_1: nominal operations EFFECT_1: The mission shall rely on a maximum of two MOC ground stations for TT&C ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If there are more than 3 ground terminals, only three of them have to fulfil this requirement ### Assistant: KEYWORD: only CAUSE_1: there are more than 3 ground terminals VARIABLE: there CONDITION: are more than 3 ground terminals EFFECT_1: three of them have to fulfil this requirement ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The numbering of the requirements facilitates later discussions and change control ### Assistant: EFFECT_1: facilitates later discussions AND: and EFFECT_2: change control VARIABLE: change control CAUSE_1: The numbering of the requirements CONDITION: The numbering of ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Several independent observations indicate that the cosmological expansion began to accelerate when the universe was around half of its present age ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the universe CONDITION: was around half of its present age EFFECT_1: the cosmological expansion began to accelerate KEYWORD: when CAUSE_1: the universe was around half of its present age NOT_RELEVANT: Several independent observations indicate that ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: This conclusion assumes the correctness of General Relativity, and requires that the universe must contain a new component known as dark energy ### Assistant: CAUSE_1: This conclusion VARIABLE: This conclusion EFFECT_1: assumes the correctness of General Relativity AND: and EFFECT_2: the universe must contain a new component known as dark energy CONDITION: must contain a new component known as dark energy KEYWORD: requires that ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The statistical study of structures in a large volume of the Universe requires a survey of a large fraction of the extragalactic sky ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The statistical study of structures KEYWORD: requires EFFECT_1: a survey of a large fraction of the extragalactic sky CONDITION: of a large fraction of the extragalactic sky CAUSE_1: The statistical study of structures in a large volume of the Universe ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: By measuring this characteristic scale in the galaxy power spectrum (or correlation function) as a function of redshift both in the tangential and redshift directions, one directly probes the expansion history H(z) and thus the equation of state of dark energy w(z) ### Assistant: AND: and KEYWORD: By VARIABLE: this characteristic scale in the galaxy power spectrum CONDITION: as a function of redshift both in the tangential and redshift directions EFFECT_1: one directly probes the expansion history H(z) EFFECT_2: the equation of state of dark energy w(z) CAUSE_1: as a function of redshift both in the tangential and redshift directions NOT_RELEVANT: (or correlation function) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The spacecraft will be placed in a large L2 orbit which will ensure stable thermal and observing conditions ### Assistant: CONDITION: will be placed in a large L2 orbit VARIABLE: stable thermal AND: and EFFECT_1: will ensure stable thermal EFFECT_2: observing conditions CAUSE_1: The spacecraft will be placed in a large L2 orbit KEYWORD: which ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Euclid’s primary wide survey will cover 20,000 deg2, i.e. the entire extragalactic sky, thus measuring shapes and redshifts of galaxies to redshift 2 as required for WL and BAO ### Assistant: VARIABLE: redshifts of galaxies to redshift 2 CONDITION: measuring CAUSE_1: Euclid’s primary wide survey will cover 20,000 deg2, i.e. the entire extragalactic sky KEYWORD: thus EFFECT_1: measuring shapes NOT_RELEVANT: as required for WL and BAO AND: and EFFECT_2: redshifts of galaxies to redshift 2 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The combination of these two probes allows us to control and measure a wide range of systematics ### Assistant: KEYWORD: allows us VARIABLE: these two probes CONDITION: The combination of AND: and EFFECT_2: measure a wide range of systematics EFFECT_1: to control CAUSE_1: The combination of these two probes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Conventional wisdom in the dark energy community, which is emphasized in both the DETF and ESA/ESA WGFC reports, is that high precision and accurate measurements will require a combi- nation of two or more probes ### Assistant: VARIABLE: precision CONDITION: high CAUSE_1: a combi- nation of two or more probes KEYWORD: will require AND: and EFFECT_1: high precision EFFECT_2: accurate measurements NOT_RELEVANT: Conventional wisdom in the dark energy community, which is emphasized in both the DETF and ESA/ESA WGFC reports, is that ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: To achieve the best photo-z accuracy for the required redshift binning, the Euclid WL experiment relies on com- plementary ground based photometry in visible bands derived through engaged collaborations with ground based projects ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the Euclid WL experiment CONDITION: relies on com- plementary ground based photometry in visible bands derived through engaged collaborations with ground based projects EFFECT_1: To achieve the best photo-z accuracy for the required redshift binning CAUSE_1: the Euclid WL experiment relies on com- plementary ground based photometry in visible bands derived through engaged collaborations with ground based projects ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In case of larger values of z, the BAO FoM will decrease significantly ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In case of VARIABLE: the BAO FoM CONDITION: will decrease significantly CAUSE_1: larger values of z EFFECT_1: the BAO FoM will decrease significantly ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The Euclid spectroscopic channel is considered not sensitive enough to fulfil the photo-z calibration requirement if one assumes a deep survey which is 2 mag deeper than the wide survey ### Assistant: VARIABLE: The Euclid spectroscopic channel CONDITION: is 2 mag deeper than the wide survey CAUSE_1: one assumes a deep survey KEYWORD: which EFFECT_1: The Euclid spectroscopic channel is considered not sensitive enough to fulfil the photo-z calibration requirement NEGATION: not CAUSE_2: is 2 mag deeper than the wide survey ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The survey depth will be achieved by repeating about 40 times the observations of the same fields using the same wide survey observing modes ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the observations of the same fields CONDITION: using the same wide survey observing modes EFFECT_1: The survey depth will be achieved KEYWORD: by CAUSE_1: repeating about 40 times the observations of the same fields CAUSE_2: using the same wide survey observing modes ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Objects at z>5 and up to z~10 can be colour-selected from the Y, J, H photometry ### Assistant: VARIABLE: Objects CONDITION: can be colour-selected from the Y, J, H photometry AND: and CAUSE_1: Objects at z>5 CAUSE_2: up to z~10 EFFECT_1: can be colour-selected from the Y, J, H photometry ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Opportunities may arise during periods when the wide and deep surveys cannot be carried out in the nominal way ### Assistant: VARIABLE: periods CONDITION: be carried out in the nominal way EFFECT_1: Opportunities may arise KEYWORD: when AND: and NEGATION: cannot CAUSE_2: the wide CAUSE_3: deep surveys cannot be carried out in the nominal way CAUSE_1: periods ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: For example, during the equinoxes, the galactic polar caps (b>30 degrees) are poorly visible, and these periods can be dedicated to Milky Way science ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: these periods CAUSE_1: the equinoxes CONDITION: can be dedicated to Milky Way science EFFECT_1: the galactic polar caps (b>30 degrees) are poorly visible AND: and EFFECT_2: these periods can be dedicated to Milky Way science NOT_RELEVANT: For example, ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Due to the longer expected lifetime of the NIR detectors, search for extra solar planets can be performed using only the NIR detectors during the later stages of the mission ### Assistant: KEYWORD: during VARIABLE: the CONDITION: later CAUSE_1: the longer expected lifetime of the NIR detectors EFFECT_1: search for extra solar planets can be performed using only the NIR detectors CAUSE_2: the later stages of the mission ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: As long as the relative accuracy is met, the absolute photometric accuracy can be constructed from the data afterwards ### Assistant: KEYWORD: As long as VARIABLE: the absolute photometric accuracy CONDITION: can be constructed from the data afterwards CAUSE_1: the relative accuracy is met EFFECT_1: the absolute photometric accuracy can be constructed from the data afterwards ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirement: the spectral range shall be 1.0-2.0 micron (required, <1.0 to >2.0 micron goal) to ensure the detection of spectral features expected for the redshift distributions of the galaxy samples ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the detection of spectral features expected for the redshift distributions of the galaxy samples CONDITION: to ensure CAUSE_1: the spectral range shall be 1.0-2.0 micron EFFECT_1: to ensure the detection of spectral features expected for the redshift distributions of the galaxy samples NOT_RELEVANT: (required, <1.0 to >2.0 micron goal) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: The survey depth in terms of AB magnitude limit shall be R+I+ZAB =24.5 (10σ extended source), assuming a PSF FWHM of 0.23 arcsec in this band ### Assistant: KEYWORD: assuming VARIABLE: The survey depth in terms of AB magnitude limit CONDITION: shall be R+I+ZAB =24.5 CAUSE_1: a PSF FWHM of 0.23 arcsec in this band EFFECT_1: The survey depth in terms of AB magnitude limit shall be R+I+ZAB =24.5 NOT_RELEVANT: (10σ extended source) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirement: To meet the photometric redshift requirement, the depth in each of the Y, J and H NIR bands shall be 24 AB (5σ point source) ### Assistant: VARIABLE: the photometric redshift requirement CONDITION: To meet CAUSE_1: the depth in each of the Y, J and H NIR bands shall be 24 AB EFFECT_1: To meet the photometric redshift requirement NOT_RELEVANT: (5σ point source) ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: If we adopt the deep survey strategy as outlined below, the NIS data are not sufficiently deep to obtain a spectroscopic subsample of ~105 spectra for the NIP photo-z calibration down to AB=24 mag (cf Reqs ### Assistant: KEYWORD: If VARIABLE: the NIS data CONDITION: sufficiently deep to obtain a spectroscopic subsample of ~105 spectra for the NIP photo-z calibration down to AB=24 mag CAUSE_1: we adopt the deep survey strategy as outlined below EFFECT_1: the NIS data are not sufficiently deep to obtain a spectroscopic subsample of ~105 spectra for the NIP photo-z calibration down to AB=24 mag NOT_RELEVANT: (cf Reqs. NEGATION: are not ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: One could think of the following survey strategy: if the catalogue selection is a random fraction of for example 33%, then 120 exposures of a given field would give an average total integration time of 6.3x6.3=40 exposures for all galaxy candidates in the field (2 mag = factor 6.3) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (2 mag = factor 6.3) KEYWORD: then VARIABLE: 120 exposures of a given field CONDITION: would give an average total integration time of 6.3x6.3=40 exposures for all galaxy candidates in the field CAUSE_1: the catalogue selection is a random fraction of for example 33% EFFECT_1: 120 exposures of a given field would give an average total integration time of 6.3x6.3=40 exposures for all galaxy candidates in the field ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In case of slitless spectroscopy, there is no selection of the targets ### Assistant: KEYWORD: In case of VARIABLE: there CONDITION: is CAUSE_1: slitless spectroscopy NEGATION: no EFFECT_1: there is no selection of the targets ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirement: the deep-field spectroscopic survey shall have at least 105 galaxies with a limiting magnitude H(AB) = 24.0 mag in order to match the depth of the near-IR photometric channel and R+I+Z=24 mag (AB) corresponds to about H(AB)=24, depending of the colours of the targets (TBD) ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: (TBD) KEYWORD: in order VARIABLE: a limiting magnitude CONDITION: H(AB) = 24.0 mag CAUSE_1: the deep-field spectroscopic survey shall have at least 105 galaxies AND: with EFFECT_1: to match the depth of the near-IR photometric channel EFFECT_2: R+I+Z=24 mag (AB) corresponds to about H(AB)=24 CAUSE_3: depending of the colours of the targets CAUSE_2: a limiting magnitude H(AB) = 24.0 mag ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: In this period it is possible to carry out 3-8 visits where an entire patch of 10 deg2 is covered ### Assistant: VARIABLE: an entire patch of 10 deg2 CAUSE_1: this period CONDITION: is covered EFFECT_1: it is possible to carry out 3-8 visits CAUSE_2: an entire patch of 10 deg2 is covered KEYWORD: In ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirement: To meet the science objectives, the total wide survey area to be collected shall be more than 95% of the required area of 20,000 deg2 ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Requirement: VARIABLE: the total wide survey area to be collected CONDITION: shall be more than 95% of the required area of 20,000 deg2 EFFECT_1: To meet the science objectives CAUSE_1: the total wide survey area to be collected shall be more than 95% of the required area of 20,000 deg2 ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirement: In case a nominal patch of 400 deg2 cannot be completed in the allocated amount of observing time at a given epoch, the “lost” fields shall be situated at the edge of the patch ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Requirement: KEYWORD: In case VARIABLE: the “lost” fields CONDITION: shall be situated at the edge of the patch CAUSE_1: a nominal patch of 400 deg2 cannot be completed in the allocated amount of observing time at a given epoch EFFECT_1: the “lost” fields shall be situated at the edge of the patch NEGATION: cannot ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Requirement: in case of the presence of clusters of bad pixels invalidating the dithering require- ment, the planned scanning strategy or the field observing sequence shall be modified ### Assistant: NOT_RELEVANT: Requirement: KEYWORD: in case of VARIABLE: the field observing sequence CONDITION: shall be modified CAUSE_1: the presence of clusters of bad pixels invalidating the dithering require- ment OR: or EFFECT_1: the planned scanning strategy EFFECT_2: the field observing sequence shall be modified ### END
### Instruction: Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence: Any S/C (or transfer vehicle) shall not enter the “LEO protected zone” and the “GEO protected zone” after mission completion ### Assistant: VARIABLE: mission CONDITION: completion AND: and EFFECT_1: shall not enter the “LEO protected zone” EFFECT_2: the “GEO protected zone” KEYWORD: Any CAUSE_1: mission completion NEGATION: shall not NOT_RELEVANT: (or transfer vehicle) ### END