23 values
💻🔗 The Cloud is the ultimate digital toolbox- accessible from anywhere, anytime! It’s like having a superpower in your hands! 💪🏼🦸‍♂️
The cloud is like a superhero team 💪🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️, each computer with its own strengths, working together to save the day from anywhere in the world 🌍☁️! So, what is the cloud? It’s a bunch of computers in a bunch of data centers, all working together to provide you with awesome……4QHJm4KscMYw.png
💻🔗 The Cloud is the ultimate digital toolbox- accessible from anywhere, anytime! It’s like having a superpower in your hands! 💪🏼🦸‍♂️ The cloud is like a superhero team 💪🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️, each computer with its own strengths, working together to save the day from anywhere in the world 🌍☁️! So, what is the cloud? It’s a bunch of computers in a bunch of data centers, all working together to provide you with awesome… cloud-computing
💻🔗 Cloud ultimate digital toolbox accessible anywhere anytime It’s like superpower hand 💪🏼🦸‍♂️ cloud like superhero team 💪🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ computer strength working together save day anywhere world 🌍☁️ cloud It’s bunch computer bunch data center working together provide awesome… cloudcomputing
DevOps in Linux — Memory Over Commit
What happens if you request more memory than server has? — First of all, can you answer this question? What happens when your application request more memory than a server’s physical memory (i.e request 6G or 8G on a 4G MEM server)? Well, the answer of this question is not just a simple “yes” or “no”. It depends on the context……2XzBvUQeLixg.png
DevOps in Linux — Memory Over Commit What happens if you request more memory than server has? — First of all, can you answer this question? What happens when your application request more memory than a server’s physical memory (i.e request 6G or 8G on a 4G MEM server)? Well, the answer of this question is not just a simple “yes” or “no”. It depends on the context… cloud-computing
DevOps Linux — Memory Commit happens request memory server — First answer question happens application request memory server’s physical memory ie request 6G 8G 4G MEM server Well answer question simple “yes” “no” depends context… cloudcomputing
Last Weeks Datadog Outage: Multi cloud != reliability
As I’m sure many of you have seen, last week Datadog experienced an outage that affected, well, everything. The scale and duration of this outage make it pretty interesting. DNS? It’s not DNS. There’s no way it’s DNS. Overmind doesn’t yet have the ability to track DNS changes over time (watch……bDgSWKNu98yW.png
Last Weeks Datadog Outage: Multi cloud != reliability As I’m sure many of you have seen, last week Datadog experienced an outage that affected, well, everything. The scale and duration of this outage make it pretty interesting. DNS? It’s not DNS. There’s no way it’s DNS. Overmind doesn’t yet have the ability to track DNS changes over time (watch… cloud-computing
Last Weeks Datadog Outage Multi cloud reliability I’m sure many seen last week Datadog experienced outage affected well everything scale duration outage make pretty interesting DNS It’s DNS There’s way it’s DNS Overmind doesn’t yet ability track DNS change time watch… cloudcomputing
FinTech Wednesdays — Edition#38
Cloud-based Payments Platform | Cloud-based Accounting Software | Cloud-based P2P Lending Platform — The enormous impact of the Cloud in Financial Services brings efficiency, reduced costs, & more! What is Cloud Technology? Cloud technology refers to the delivery of computing resources, including servers, storage, databases, applications, and other services, over……jQhricg1gzEg.png
FinTech Wednesdays — Edition#38 Cloud-based Payments Platform | Cloud-based Accounting Software | Cloud-based P2P Lending Platform — The enormous impact of the Cloud in Financial Services brings efficiency, reduced costs, & more! What is Cloud Technology? Cloud technology refers to the delivery of computing resources, including servers, storage, databases, applications, and other services, over… cloud-computing
FinTech Wednesdays — Edition38 Cloudbased Payments Platform Cloudbased Accounting Software Cloudbased P2P Lending Platform — enormous impact Cloud Financial Services brings efficiency reduced cost Cloud Technology Cloud technology refers delivery computing resource including server storage database application service over… cloudcomputing
Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Use Cases and Trends
Technologically speaking, it’s pretty cloudy in the healthcare sector. With the advancement of technology in every corner of the world, healthcare providers are left with no choice but to innovate to remain competitive in the market. Cloud computing in healthcare automates backend operations, makes record sharing safer and easier, and……VwlBR0E3kyXQ.png
Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Use Cases and Trends Technologically speaking, it’s pretty cloudy in the healthcare sector. With the advancement of technology in every corner of the world, healthcare providers are left with no choice but to innovate to remain competitive in the market. Cloud computing in healthcare automates backend operations, makes record sharing safer and easier, and… cloud-computing
Cloud Computing Healthcare Use Cases Trends Technologically speaking it’s pretty cloudy healthcare sector advancement technology every corner world healthcare provider left choice innovate remain competitive market Cloud computing healthcare automates backend operation make record sharing safer easier and… cloudcomputing
Being involved with public cloud since “the beginning” I’ve been asked, “what’s next for cloud”. I’ve responded, “on-prem”.
My entry into public cloud began by migrating my small hosting company to AWS. “Small” was ~200 BIND zones files with numerous subdomains and Apache vhosts hosted across servers in a data center in Green Bay, WI., a closet in my house where I paid for a fractional T1, and……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
Being involved with public cloud since “the beginning” I’ve been asked, “what’s next for cloud”. I’ve responded, “on-prem”. My entry into public cloud began by migrating my small hosting company to AWS. “Small” was ~200 BIND zones files with numerous subdomains and Apache vhosts hosted across servers in a data center in Green Bay, WI., a closet in my house where I paid for a fractional T1, and… cloud-computing
involved public cloud since “the beginning” I’ve asked “what’s next cloud” I’ve responded “onprem” entry public cloud began migrating small hosting company AWS “Small” 200 BIND zone file numerous subdomains Apache vhosts hosted across server data center Green Bay WI closet house paid fractional T1 and… cloudcomputing
Designing 3 Tier Architecture In AWS
This week we are designing a company’s new web application in three tiers. Outline for the project is below: Web Tier 2 public subnets Minimum 2 EC2 instances with OS of choice (free tier of course) in an auto scaling group EC2 web server security group allowing inbound permission from……3w6DGFFH102Q.png
Designing 3 Tier Architecture In AWS This week we are designing a company’s new web application in three tiers. Outline for the project is below: Web Tier 2 public subnets Minimum 2 EC2 instances with OS of choice (free tier of course) in an auto scaling group EC2 web server security group allowing inbound permission from… cloud-computing
Designing 3 Tier Architecture AWS week designing company’s new web application three tier Outline project Web Tier 2 public subnets Minimum 2 EC2 instance OS choice free tier course auto scaling group EC2 web server security group allowing inbound permission from… cloudcomputing
5. Community driven
The open-source communities are growing due to the innovation potential. — On one hand, companies are innovating behind closed doors, on the other hand, open-source communities are flourishing and are predicted to have a lot of innovative contributions coming from here for the changing tech world. Open source has shown the world the power of peer-to-peer and community work culture which……N6WAbZaibs5A.png
5. Community driven The open-source communities are growing due to the innovation potential. — On one hand, companies are innovating behind closed doors, on the other hand, open-source communities are flourishing and are predicted to have a lot of innovative contributions coming from here for the changing tech world. Open source has shown the world the power of peer-to-peer and community work culture which… cloud-computing
5 Community driven opensource community growing due innovation potential — one hand company innovating behind closed door hand opensource community flourishing predicted lot innovative contribution coming changing tech world Open source shown world power peertopeer community work culture which… cloudcomputing
Python Libraries: A Comprehensive Guide to Streamlining DevOps Tasks
Day 15 Task: Python Libraries for DevOps — Hello everyone I am back with a new DevOps task. What is Python libraries? A Python library is a collection of pre-written code that provides specific functionalities and can be imported and used in other Python programs. A library can contain functions, classes, and modules that can be used by other programs, saving time……wAZOKG3LwJyw.png
Python Libraries: A Comprehensive Guide to Streamlining DevOps Tasks Day 15 Task: Python Libraries for DevOps — Hello everyone I am back with a new DevOps task. What is Python libraries? A Python library is a collection of pre-written code that provides specific functionalities and can be imported and used in other Python programs. A library can contain functions, classes, and modules that can be used by other programs, saving time… cloud-computing
Python Libraries Comprehensive Guide Streamlining DevOps Tasks Day 15 Task Python Libraries DevOps — Hello everyone back new DevOps task Python library Python library collection prewritten code provides specific functionality imported used Python program library contain function class module used program saving time… cloudcomputing
Implementation of a set of EC2 instances using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager
In this project, the ask was to deploy a set of EC2 Instances using Infrastructure as code for automation and to install a security agent on all of the Instances. To achieve this goal, I used Terraform. Once the infrastructure was provisioned, I used AWS Systems Manager’s run command to……IZSwDg227TZg.png
Implementation of a set of EC2 instances using Terraform and AWS Systems Manager In this project, the ask was to deploy a set of EC2 Instances using Infrastructure as code for automation and to install a security agent on all of the Instances. To achieve this goal, I used Terraform. Once the infrastructure was provisioned, I used AWS Systems Manager’s run command to… cloud-computing
Implementation set EC2 instance using Terraform AWS Systems Manager project ask deploy set EC2 Instances using Infrastructure code automation install security agent Instances achieve goal used Terraform infrastructure provisioned used AWS Systems Manager’s run command to… cloudcomputing
Best analogy to understand Docker vs Kubernetes
Hey sailors! Are you ready to set sail and explore the difference between Docker and Kubernetes? Let’s dive right in and explore the high seas of containerization! Docker is like a pirate’s treasure chest that contains everything your application needs to run. It’s like a genie in a bottle, granting……C3r_Q2LbWVw.jpeg
Best analogy to understand Docker vs Kubernetes Hey sailors! Are you ready to set sail and explore the difference between Docker and Kubernetes? Let’s dive right in and explore the high seas of containerization! Docker is like a pirate’s treasure chest that contains everything your application needs to run. It’s like a genie in a bottle, granting… cloud-computing
Best analogy understand Docker v Kubernetes Hey sailor ready set sail explore difference Docker Kubernetes Let’s dive right explore high sea containerization Docker like pirate’s treasure chest contains everything application need run It’s like genie bottle granting… cloudcomputing
How to: Launch an Amazon EC2 Instance
Welcome! In this project, we are tasked with launching an EC2 instance, installing Apache, and creating a BASH script for a web page. What is Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)? Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a scalable computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Using Amazon EC2 eliminates the need to invest in……rxS8VDDxHMQ.jpeg
How to: Launch an Amazon EC2 Instance Welcome! In this project, we are tasked with launching an EC2 instance, installing Apache, and creating a BASH script for a web page. What is Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud)? Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a scalable computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Using Amazon EC2 eliminates the need to invest in… cloud-computing
Launch Amazon EC2 Instance Welcome project tasked launching EC2 instance installing Apache creating BASH script web page Amazon EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon EC2 scalable computing capacity Amazon Web Services AWS cloud Using Amazon EC2 eliminates need invest in… cloudcomputing
AWS Architecting (10 questions) Part 2
1) As the AWS solutions architect, you need to explore whether Amazon ECS is the right choice to build sophisticated application architectures on a microservices model. Which of the following is true for Amazon ECS? (Select THREE) Correct answer(s): · Amazon ECS has built-in security; all of the images are……CsuovydNdGYA.png
AWS Architecting (10 questions) Part 2 1) As the AWS solutions architect, you need to explore whether Amazon ECS is the right choice to build sophisticated application architectures on a microservices model. Which of the following is true for Amazon ECS? (Select THREE) Correct answer(s): · Amazon ECS has built-in security; all of the images are… cloud-computing
AWS Architecting 10 question Part 2 1 AWS solution architect need explore whether Amazon ECS right choice build sophisticated application architecture microservices model following true Amazon ECS Select THREE Correct answer · Amazon ECS builtin security image are… cloudcomputing
What’s surprising about the tech trends of 2023?
As the new year rings, it is necessary to look at the top tech trends of this year. Though tech was booming in 2022, this year will be more exciting for tech. ……xeLwVJhBK--w.png
What’s surprising about the tech trends of 2023? As the new year rings, it is necessary to look at the top tech trends of this year. Though tech was booming in 2022, this year will be more exciting for tech. … cloud-computing
What’s surprising tech trend 2023 new year ring necessary look top tech trend year Though tech booming 2022 year exciting tech … cloudcomputing
Certificado Azure — The Cloud Bootcamp
Microsoft Azure Instituição: The Cloud Bootcamp Treinamento: Bootcamp Microsoft Azure — programa de especialização prático com foco em Microsoft Azure e Computação na Nuvem. Carga horária: 51h Como parte deste programa, tive oportunidade de adquirir conhecimentos dos fundamentos da Microsoft Azure e Computação na Nuvem, além de implementar mini-projetos baseados……lHq6knrt8YA.jpeg
Certificado Azure — The Cloud Bootcamp Microsoft Azure Instituição: The Cloud Bootcamp Treinamento: Bootcamp Microsoft Azure — programa de especialização prático com foco em Microsoft Azure e Computação na Nuvem. Carga horária: 51h Como parte deste programa, tive oportunidade de adquirir conhecimentos dos fundamentos da Microsoft Azure e Computação na Nuvem, além de implementar mini-projetos baseados… cloud-computing
Certificado Azure — Cloud Bootcamp Microsoft Azure Instituição Cloud Bootcamp Treinamento Bootcamp Microsoft Azure — programa de especialização prático com foco em Microsoft Azure e Computação na Nuvem Carga horária 51h Como parte deste programa tive oportunidade de adquirir conhecimentos do fundamentos da Microsoft Azure e Computação na Nuvem além de implementar miniprojetos baseados… cloudcomputing
Cloud Computing Myths Debunked: Why Your Business Needs to Embrace the Cloud
Cloud Computing Myths Debunked: Why Your Business Needs to Embrace the Cloud Cloud computing is a technology that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It allows users to access data and applications over the internet without having to store them on local servers. With its many benefits, including cost savings, scalability, and flexibility, cloud computing has become an essential part of…*HHS_H2eC0kkp7gCC
Cloud Computing Myths Debunked: Why Your Business Needs to Embrace the Cloud Cloud Computing Myths Debunked: Why Your Business Needs to Embrace the Cloud Cloud computing is a technology that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It allows users to access data and applications over the internet without having to store them on local servers. With its many benefits, including cost savings, scalability, and flexibility, cloud computing has become an essential part of… cloud-computing
Cloud Computing Myths Debunked Business Needs Embrace Cloud Cloud Computing Myths Debunked Business Needs Embrace Cloud Cloud computing technology gained immense popularity recent year allows user access data application internet without store local server many benefit including cost saving scalability flexibility cloud computing become essential part of… cloudcomputing
How can businesses ensure data security and privacy in the era of cloud computing?
Businesses can ensure data security and privacy in the cloud by following the following best practices: Encrypting sensitive data both in transit and at rest. Implementing strong access controls and multi-factor authentication. Regularly monitoring and auditing their cloud environment for security threats. Staying informed and adhering to relevant regulations and……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
How can businesses ensure data security and privacy in the era of cloud computing? Businesses can ensure data security and privacy in the cloud by following the following best practices: Encrypting sensitive data both in transit and at rest. Implementing strong access controls and multi-factor authentication. Regularly monitoring and auditing their cloud environment for security threats. Staying informed and adhering to relevant regulations and… cloud-computing
business ensure data security privacy era cloud computing Businesses ensure data security privacy cloud following following best practice Encrypting sensitive data transit rest Implementing strong access control multifactor authentication Regularly monitoring auditing cloud environment security threat Staying informed adhering relevant regulation and… cloudcomputing
What should a Modern CTO do on the modern cloud?
We look at decisions CTOs need to make to succeed in the Cloud from platform selection to managing regulations and compliance. Dave Anderson We are continuing our series on the modern cloud. During our six-part series, we’ve covered an ‘’Introduction to Modern Cloud’ and talked about…*CxRyB2hUuArkxvir
What should a Modern CTO do on the modern cloud? We look at decisions CTOs need to make to succeed in the Cloud from platform selection to managing regulations and compliance. Dave Anderson We are continuing our series on the modern cloud. During our six-part series, we’ve covered an ‘’Introduction to Modern Cloud’ and talked about… cloud-computing
Modern CTO modern cloud look decision CTOs need make succeed Cloud platform selection managing regulation compliance Dave Anderson continuing series modern cloud sixpart series we’ve covered ‘’Introduction Modern Cloud’ talked about… cloudcomputing
Introduction to Cloud Load-Balancers
We have been using load-balancing technology for many years. What is the purpose of load-balancers and what are the alternatives offered as managed services by the public cloud providers? Terminology Below are some important concepts regarding cloud load-balancers: · Private / Internal Load-Balancer — A load-balancer serving internal traffic (such as……99_0JouRL2w.jpeg
Introduction to Cloud Load-Balancers We have been using load-balancing technology for many years. What is the purpose of load-balancers and what are the alternatives offered as managed services by the public cloud providers? Terminology Below are some important concepts regarding cloud load-balancers: · Private / Internal Load-Balancer — A load-balancer serving internal traffic (such as… cloud-computing
Introduction Cloud LoadBalancers using loadbalancing technology many year purpose loadbalancers alternative offered managed service public cloud provider Terminology important concept regarding cloud loadbalancers · Private Internal LoadBalancer — loadbalancer serving internal traffic as… cloudcomputing
Setup event-driven autoscaling for kubernetes workloads with KEDA
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage and deploy containerized applications. However, scaling Kubernetes workloads can be challenging, particularly when the number of incoming events varies greatly. To address this challenge, KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event-Driven Autoscaling) was created as an open-source solution. ……04G_bdX0yVPQ.png
Setup event-driven autoscaling for kubernetes workloads with KEDA Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage and deploy containerized applications. However, scaling Kubernetes workloads can be challenging, particularly when the number of incoming events varies greatly. To address this challenge, KEDA (Kubernetes-based Event-Driven Autoscaling) was created as an open-source solution. … cloud-computing
Setup eventdriven autoscaling kubernetes workload KEDA Kubernetes revolutionized way manage deploy containerized application However scaling Kubernetes workload challenging particularly number incoming event varies greatly address challenge KEDA Kubernetesbased EventDriven Autoscaling created opensource solution … cloudcomputing
How I Passed The Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification Exam(AZ-900) And The Resources I Used.
How I Passed The Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification Exam(AZ-900) And The Resources I Used. I had been planning to write an article for quite some time, and I’m thrilled that I finally took the time to do it. In this article, I shared my experience on how I passed the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam(Azure-900) and the resources I used. As the demand for……OER1ygQtrWQ.jpeg
How I Passed The Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification Exam(AZ-900) And The Resources I Used. How I Passed The Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification Exam(AZ-900) And The Resources I Used. I had been planning to write an article for quite some time, and I’m thrilled that I finally took the time to do it. In this article, I shared my experience on how I passed the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam(Azure-900) and the resources I used. As the demand for… cloud-computing
Passed Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification ExamAZ900 Resources Used Passed Microsoft Azure Fundamental Certification ExamAZ900 Resources Used planning write article quite time I’m thrilled finally took time article shared experience passed Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification ExamAzure900 resource used demand for… cloudcomputing
Unknown Facts On Bit Torrent Architecture
I will talk about lesser unknow facts & internals of Bit torrent architecture , overlook of Peers,Seeders,leechers,choke algorithm,free riders and much more… Overview BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocol designed for distributing large files over the Internet. ……jUtVa4woPrvA.png
Unknown Facts On Bit Torrent Architecture I will talk about lesser unknow facts & internals of Bit torrent architecture , overlook of Peers,Seeders,leechers,choke algorithm,free riders and much more… Overview BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing protocol designed for distributing large files over the Internet. … cloud-computing
Unknown Facts Bit Torrent Architecture talk lesser unknow fact internals Bit torrent architecture overlook PeersSeedersleecherschoke algorithmfree rider much more… Overview BitTorrent peertopeer P2P file sharing protocol designed distributing large file Internet … cloudcomputing
3 Tier Architecture
What is a 3 Tier Architecture? A 3 Tier Architecture Model is one of the most popular application architectures. In the model it shows an application being split into three tiers, which consist of Web, Application, and Database. What are the benefits of this having this model? Benefits of using a 3 tier architecture is that……kqJcx4_GNVQ.jpeg
3 Tier Architecture What is a 3 Tier Architecture? A 3 Tier Architecture Model is one of the most popular application architectures. In the model it shows an application being split into three tiers, which consist of Web, Application, and Database. What are the benefits of this having this model? Benefits of using a 3 tier architecture is that… cloud-computing
3 Tier Architecture 3 Tier Architecture 3 Tier Architecture Model one popular application architecture model show application split three tier consist Web Application Database benefit model Benefits using 3 tier architecture that… cloudcomputing
Automatic Key Rotation with AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to run code in response to events without having to manage servers. With AWS Lambda, you can build scalable and efficient applications that respond to changes in data, such as updates to a database……HotMw5Hox99Q.png
Automatic Key Rotation with AWS Lambda AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to run code in response to events without having to manage servers. With AWS Lambda, you can build scalable and efficient applications that respond to changes in data, such as updates to a database… cloud-computing
Automatic Key Rotation AWS Lambda AWS Lambda serverless computing service provided Amazon Web Services AWS allows run code response event without manage server AWS Lambda build scalable efficient application respond change data update database… cloudcomputing
Configure Azure Virtual Network peering with Terraform
Complete tutorial to create Azure Virtual Network peering with Terraform and ways to test. Azure Virtual Network (VNet) peering is a way of connecting two or more virtual networks in the same or different regions of Azure. This feature allows communication between the peered networks using private IP addresses. With…*jGJwhJE7zO5kseud
Configure Azure Virtual Network peering with Terraform Complete tutorial to create Azure Virtual Network peering with Terraform and ways to test. Azure Virtual Network (VNet) peering is a way of connecting two or more virtual networks in the same or different regions of Azure. This feature allows communication between the peered networks using private IP addresses. With… cloud-computing
Configure Azure Virtual Network peering Terraform Complete tutorial create Azure Virtual Network peering Terraform way test Azure Virtual Network VNet peering way connecting two virtual network different region Azure feature allows communication peered network using private IP address With… cloudcomputing
I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam first try!
Here is how you can do it too ;) — When we look at the market share in the Cloud world, AWS is the leader. So, naturally, there are many jobs and opportunities available in the cloud domain. With this in mind, AWS Cloud Practitioner (AWS CCP) could be a good start to entering this world. Although a little late……hS_WNM5wwWsw.png
I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam first try! Here is how you can do it too ;) — When we look at the market share in the Cloud world, AWS is the leader. So, naturally, there are many jobs and opportunities available in the cloud domain. With this in mind, AWS Cloud Practitioner (AWS CCP) could be a good start to entering this world. Although a little late… cloud-computing
passed AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam first try — look market share Cloud world AWS leader naturally many job opportunity available cloud domain mind AWS Cloud Practitioner AWS CCP could good start entering world Although little late… cloudcomputing
DevOps in Go — Pointers
DevOps in Go bootcamp series — In Go, Pointers are another essential tool for programming languages for efficient memory use. In Go, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Go pointers are used to indirectly refer to a value, which means that you can access and modify the underlying value……-Q1Mu2iDVkig.png
DevOps in Go — Pointers DevOps in Go bootcamp series — In Go, Pointers are another essential tool for programming languages for efficient memory use. In Go, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Go pointers are used to indirectly refer to a value, which means that you can access and modify the underlying value… cloud-computing
DevOps Go — Pointers DevOps Go bootcamp series — Go Pointers another essential tool programming language efficient memory use Go pointer variable store memory address another variable Go pointer used indirectly refer value mean access modify underlying value… cloudcomputing
5 Essential Azure Services for Data Engineers in 2023
Data engineering is a field that deals with managing, processing, and storing data. With the advent of big data, cloud computing has emerged as a popular platform for data engineering. Azure, a cloud provider, offers several services and tools that data engineers can use to build data pipelines, store data……oA-plmcrG7DY.png
5 Essential Azure Services for Data Engineers in 2023 Data engineering is a field that deals with managing, processing, and storing data. With the advent of big data, cloud computing has emerged as a popular platform for data engineering. Azure, a cloud provider, offers several services and tools that data engineers can use to build data pipelines, store data… cloud-computing
5 Essential Azure Services Data Engineers 2023 Data engineering field deal managing processing storing data advent big data cloud computing emerged popular platform data engineering Azure cloud provider offer several service tool data engineer use build data pipeline store data… cloudcomputing
How internet growth helped cloud computing?
Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information and conduct business. Behind the scenes of this vast network lies a complex system of IP address, cloud computing, virtual private cloud and subnets that makes it all possible. How internet growth helped cloud computing? The Internet (or internet) is a…*RNKbi9PwzF0Adr5j
How internet growth helped cloud computing? Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information and conduct business. Behind the scenes of this vast network lies a complex system of IP address, cloud computing, virtual private cloud and subnets that makes it all possible. How internet growth helped cloud computing? The Internet (or internet) is a… cloud-computing
internet growth helped cloud computing Internet revolutionized way communicate access information conduct business Behind scene vast network lie complex system IP address cloud computing virtual private cloud subnets make possible internet growth helped cloud computing Internet internet a… cloudcomputing
Choose your Cloud Regions Wisely so you can live Happily : )
After I read above news on 2023–01–20, I think it is good to write more about the Choice of a Cloud Region. It is complex to change your selected region (or move to a new region) AFTER you set up your workloads (e.g. Compute VMs, Database, Networking, Storage, Security) in……ow4DP7q0XuA.jpeg
Choose your Cloud Regions Wisely so you can live Happily : ) After I read above news on 2023–01–20, I think it is good to write more about the Choice of a Cloud Region. It is complex to change your selected region (or move to a new region) AFTER you set up your workloads (e.g. Compute VMs, Database, Networking, Storage, Security) in… cloud-computing
Choose Cloud Regions Wisely live Happily read news 2023–01–20 think good write Choice Cloud Region complex change selected region move new region set workload eg Compute VMs Database Networking Storage Security in… cloudcomputing
Top seven benefits of a cloud data warehouse
Introduction to Cloud Data Warehouse A cloud data warehouse is a cloud-based repository for storing and analyzing large volumes of data. It enables companies to store, process, and analyze data more quickly, reliably, and cost-effectively than traditional on-premises data warehouses. Cloud data warehouses are typically hosted on a cloud computing platform such as Amazon Web…*ElMBO6v6JsipLTRn
Top seven benefits of a cloud data warehouse Introduction to Cloud Data Warehouse A cloud data warehouse is a cloud-based repository for storing and analyzing large volumes of data. It enables companies to store, process, and analyze data more quickly, reliably, and cost-effectively than traditional on-premises data warehouses. Cloud data warehouses are typically hosted on a cloud computing platform such as Amazon Web… cloud-computing
Top seven benefit cloud data warehouse Introduction Cloud Data Warehouse cloud data warehouse cloudbased repository storing analyzing large volume data enables company store process analyze data quickly reliably costeffectively traditional onpremises data warehouse Cloud data warehouse typically hosted cloud computing platform Amazon Web… cloudcomputing
Future of Cloud Computing: Lambda Functions and Large Language Models GPU
The emergence of cloud-based infrastructure has brought about new opportunities and challenges. One such challenge is the dichotomy in the two core runtimes. On the one hand, there is the low-level core, which requires heavy A100 GPU clusters to support and execute LLM. This core is designed specifically for tasks……Rn9zw40z0QGD.jpg
Future of Cloud Computing: Lambda Functions and Large Language Models GPU The emergence of cloud-based infrastructure has brought about new opportunities and challenges. One such challenge is the dichotomy in the two core runtimes. On the one hand, there is the low-level core, which requires heavy A100 GPU clusters to support and execute LLM. This core is designed specifically for tasks… cloud-computing
Future Cloud Computing Lambda Functions Large Language Models GPU emergence cloudbased infrastructure brought new opportunity challenge One challenge dichotomy two core runtimes one hand lowlevel core requires heavy A100 GPU cluster support execute LLM core designed specifically tasks… cloudcomputing
Azure and Terraform: Streamline Your Cloud Infrastructure Management
A Comprehensive Guide for Programmers and Stakeholders to optimize their infrastructure management processes. — Introduction Managing cloud infrastructure can be a challenging task, especially for organizations that need to deal with multiple services and applications. This task requires a high level of expertise in cloud technologies and budgeting. In this article, we’ll explore how Azure and Terraform can work together to simplify cloud infrastructure management…*YhmkJ3QZuCtGRmob
Azure and Terraform: Streamline Your Cloud Infrastructure Management A Comprehensive Guide for Programmers and Stakeholders to optimize their infrastructure management processes. — Introduction Managing cloud infrastructure can be a challenging task, especially for organizations that need to deal with multiple services and applications. This task requires a high level of expertise in cloud technologies and budgeting. In this article, we’ll explore how Azure and Terraform can work together to simplify cloud infrastructure management… cloud-computing
Azure Terraform Streamline Cloud Infrastructure Management Comprehensive Guide Programmers Stakeholders optimize infrastructure management process — Introduction Managing cloud infrastructure challenging task especially organization need deal multiple service application task requires high level expertise cloud technology budgeting article we’ll explore Azure Terraform work together simplify cloud infrastructure management… cloudcomputing
Cloud Computing | A Brief Introduction to GCP Services
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud service provider that offers a wide range of services designed to help businesses build and deploy applications in the cloud. In this article, we’ll give you an introduction to GCP Services and explain some of the most popular services and their use cases. What are GCP Services? ……gy2tVtRXZVbO.jpg
Cloud Computing | A Brief Introduction to GCP Services Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud service provider that offers a wide range of services designed to help businesses build and deploy applications in the cloud. In this article, we’ll give you an introduction to GCP Services and explain some of the most popular services and their use cases. What are GCP Services? … cloud-computing
Cloud Computing Brief Introduction GCP Services Google Cloud Platform GCP cloud service provider offer wide range service designed help business build deploy application cloud article we’ll give introduction GCP Services explain popular service use case GCP Services … cloudcomputing
Microsoft Will Host Its Student Summit March 20–24, 2023
Microsoft will host its student summit March 20–24, 2023. Click here to register. This summit also has a Cloud Skills Challenge component featuring several different Azure, Big Data and artificial intelligence. These challenges start March 17, 2023 and March 19, 2023. *Now as of this publication if has not been……1r4ZeA971Ube.png
Microsoft Will Host Its Student Summit March 20–24, 2023 Microsoft will host its student summit March 20–24, 2023. Click here to register. This summit also has a Cloud Skills Challenge component featuring several different Azure, Big Data and artificial intelligence. These challenges start March 17, 2023 and March 19, 2023. *Now as of this publication if has not been… cloud-computing
Microsoft Host Student Summit March 20–24 2023 Microsoft host student summit March 20–24 2023 Click register summit also Cloud Skills Challenge component featuring several different Azure Big Data artificial intelligence challenge start March 17 2023 March 19 2023 publication been… cloudcomputing
Managing your Azure Cognitive Search Costs
Helpful tips for managing your Azure Cognitive Search expenses — Let’s continue my recent trend in exploring pricing tips for the various parts of AI and Machine Learning on Azure with a dive into Azure Cognitive Search. Sometimes confused with the AI offerings of Azure Cognitive Services, the entirely different Azure Cognitive Search is a rich service that allows you……vMnlR5QPZ80j.png
Managing your Azure Cognitive Search Costs Helpful tips for managing your Azure Cognitive Search expenses — Let’s continue my recent trend in exploring pricing tips for the various parts of AI and Machine Learning on Azure with a dive into Azure Cognitive Search. Sometimes confused with the AI offerings of Azure Cognitive Services, the entirely different Azure Cognitive Search is a rich service that allows you… cloud-computing
Managing Azure Cognitive Search Costs Helpful tip managing Azure Cognitive Search expense — Let’s continue recent trend exploring pricing tip various part AI Machine Learning Azure dive Azure Cognitive Search Sometimes confused AI offering Azure Cognitive Services entirely different Azure Cognitive Search rich service allows you… cloudcomputing
Automated user migration and management of AWS IAM resources
Project description: In this project it was simulated a position as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. Doing an extraction of users, doing a simple query from the Database, were it was needed to migrate……VkiizgA_BMiw.png
Automated user migration and management of AWS IAM resources Project description: In this project it was simulated a position as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. Doing an extraction of users, doing a simple query from the Database, were it was needed to migrate… cloud-computing
Automated user migration management AWS IAM resource Project description project simulated position Cloud Specialist mission migrate user automated way manage AWS IAM Identity Access Management resource extraction user simple query Database needed migrate… cloudcomputing
Automated user migration from On-Prem to AWS, including management of AWS Identity and Access…
Automated user migration from On-Prem to AWS, including management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources Project description: In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way from on-premise to AWS cloud and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. There were over 100 users that needed to be migrated and……C2px6rFws54g.png
Automated user migration from On-Prem to AWS, including management of AWS Identity and Access… Automated user migration from On-Prem to AWS, including management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources Project description: In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way from on-premise to AWS cloud and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. There were over 100 users that needed to be migrated and… cloud-computing
Automated user migration OnPrem AWS including management AWS Identity Access… Automated user migration OnPrem AWS including management AWS Identity Access Management IAM resource Project description project based realworld scenario acted Cloud Specialist mission migrate user automated way onpremise AWS cloud manage AWS IAM Identity Access Management resource 100 user needed migrated and… cloudcomputing
Observability for Sustainability
The battle against climate change is one that we cannot afford to lose. It is a battle in which all of us are enlisted to make a difference. The practice of doing IT comes with an unfortunate side effect. The footprint of digitization is enormous. Whether this is about on……yNs1zI3n4mQ.jpeg
Observability for Sustainability The battle against climate change is one that we cannot afford to lose. It is a battle in which all of us are enlisted to make a difference. The practice of doing IT comes with an unfortunate side effect. The footprint of digitization is enormous. Whether this is about on… cloud-computing
Observability Sustainability battle climate change one cannot afford lose battle u enlisted make difference practice come unfortunate side effect footprint digitization enormous Whether on… cloudcomputing
FORESIGHT DISTINGUISHES TOMORROW'S THOUGHT LEADERS By Kishore Jethanandani Back in the 1980s and 1990s, people marveled at the entrepreneurial prowess of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. They had become icons with ground-breaking innovations while still in their twenties. By the time Mark Zuckerberg arrived on the scene, his panache was……WUaI_xA92XQ.jpeg
FORESIGHT DISTINGUISHES TOMORROW'S THOUGHT LEADERS FORESIGHT DISTINGUISHES TOMORROW'S THOUGHT LEADERS By Kishore Jethanandani Back in the 1980s and 1990s, people marveled at the entrepreneurial prowess of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. They had become icons with ground-breaking innovations while still in their twenties. By the time Mark Zuckerberg arrived on the scene, his panache was… cloud-computing
FORESIGHT DISTINGUISHES TOMORROWS THOUGHT LEADERS FORESIGHT DISTINGUISHES TOMORROWS THOUGHT LEADERS Kishore Jethanandani Back 1980s 1990s people marveled entrepreneurial prowess Steve Jobs Bill Gates become icon groundbreaking innovation still twenty time Mark Zuckerberg arrived scene panache was… cloudcomputing
Consistency Levels in Azure CosmosDB
First of all, let me ask a question from you. What do you expect from an application? They are high availability, high performance, high consistency, and low latency. But all of them are achievable? No right. There is a trade-off. Almost all web applications have to communicate with a database……asu2_0Kj-fXA.png
Consistency Levels in Azure CosmosDB First of all, let me ask a question from you. What do you expect from an application? They are high availability, high performance, high consistency, and low latency. But all of them are achievable? No right. There is a trade-off. Almost all web applications have to communicate with a database… cloud-computing
Consistency Levels Azure CosmosDB First let ask question expect application high availability high performance high consistency low latency achievable right tradeoff Almost web application communicate database… cloudcomputing
How to Deploy a Next.js 13 Website on Google Cloud Run and Expose it to the Internet in 5 minutes
Google Cloud Run is a fully managed serverless platform that allows you to run stateless containers in a serverless environment. In this article, we will show you how to deploy a Next.js 13 website on Cloud Run and expose it to the internet. ……WiSbmTUlXZBY.png
How to Deploy a Next.js 13 Website on Google Cloud Run and Expose it to the Internet in 5 minutes Google Cloud Run is a fully managed serverless platform that allows you to run stateless containers in a serverless environment. In this article, we will show you how to deploy a Next.js 13 website on Cloud Run and expose it to the internet. … cloud-computing
Deploy Nextjs 13 Website Google Cloud Run Expose Internet 5 minute Google Cloud Run fully managed serverless platform allows run stateless container serverless environment article show deploy Nextjs 13 website Cloud Run expose internet … cloudcomputing
SaaS vs. PaaS vs. IaaS. What is the best model for your business?
In 2023, cloud computing keeps gaining momentum, being the key driver of many transformative tech trends. The term cloud computing refers to on-demand access to computing resources via the internet. The availability of servers, applications, development tools, data storage, and computing power enables customers to use infrastructure and applications without……mcHyzb37ZRFw.png
SaaS vs. PaaS vs. IaaS. What is the best model for your business? In 2023, cloud computing keeps gaining momentum, being the key driver of many transformative tech trends. The term cloud computing refers to on-demand access to computing resources via the internet. The availability of servers, applications, development tools, data storage, and computing power enables customers to use infrastructure and applications without… cloud-computing
SaaS v PaaS v IaaS best model business 2023 cloud computing keep gaining momentum key driver many transformative tech trend term cloud computing refers ondemand access computing resource via internet availability server application development tool data storage computing power enables customer use infrastructure application without… cloudcomputing
Scalable Serverless Architecture for Handling Millions of Requests with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, RDS, and ElastiCache: A Node.js Example
Working with serverless architecture and RDS to handle millions of requests can be challenging, but with the right design principles and best practices, it is achievable. Here are some steps to follow: Use AWS Lambda functions: AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that lets you run code without provisioning……IQ6OUR9cnSRQ.png
Scalable Serverless Architecture for Handling Millions of Requests with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, RDS, and ElastiCache: A Node.js Example Working with serverless architecture and RDS to handle millions of requests can be challenging, but with the right design principles and best practices, it is achievable. Here are some steps to follow: Use AWS Lambda functions: AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that lets you run code without provisioning… cloud-computing
Scalable Serverless Architecture Handling Millions Requests AWS Lambda API Gateway RDS ElastiCache Nodejs Example Working serverless architecture RDS handle million request challenging right design principle best practice achievable step follow Use AWS Lambda function AWS Lambda serverless computing service let run code without provisioning… cloudcomputing
How to Master Serverless Computing: Best Practices for Google Cloud Functions
Maximizing Efficiency, Security, and Scalability for Your Serverless Applications — Abstract This article provides a comprehensive guide to mastering serverless computing with Google Cloud Functions. The article covers the basics of serverless computing and the benefits it offers over traditional server-based computing. It provides an overview of Google Cloud Functions and its key features, as well as a step-by-step guide to……xmF3go5GUwIA.png
How to Master Serverless Computing: Best Practices for Google Cloud Functions Maximizing Efficiency, Security, and Scalability for Your Serverless Applications — Abstract This article provides a comprehensive guide to mastering serverless computing with Google Cloud Functions. The article covers the basics of serverless computing and the benefits it offers over traditional server-based computing. It provides an overview of Google Cloud Functions and its key features, as well as a step-by-step guide to… cloud-computing
Master Serverless Computing Best Practices Google Cloud Functions Maximizing Efficiency Security Scalability Serverless Applications — Abstract article provides comprehensive guide mastering serverless computing Google Cloud Functions article cover basic serverless computing benefit offer traditional serverbased computing provides overview Google Cloud Functions key feature well stepbystep guide to… cloudcomputing
Cloud Computing | A Brief Introduction to Azure Services
Microsoft Azure is a cloud service provider that offers a wide range of services designed to help businesses build and deploy applications in the cloud. In this article, we’ll give you an introduction to Azure Services and explain some of the most popular services and their use cases. What are Azure Services? Azure Services……O9jWO-Bxg_Zd.jpg
Cloud Computing | A Brief Introduction to Azure Services Microsoft Azure is a cloud service provider that offers a wide range of services designed to help businesses build and deploy applications in the cloud. In this article, we’ll give you an introduction to Azure Services and explain some of the most popular services and their use cases. What are Azure Services? Azure Services… cloud-computing
Cloud Computing Brief Introduction Azure Services Microsoft Azure cloud service provider offer wide range service designed help business build deploy application cloud article we’ll give introduction Azure Services explain popular service use case Azure Services Azure Services… cloudcomputing
🕰️ Banking Then & Now: From Iron Safes to Virtual Clouds🏦☁️
Hey there, young Avengers! 💪🏼💻 Do you bank online like Tony Stark banks on his tech? 🔒💳 You might not know it, but you’re already using a cloud service for banking ☁️ — just like how Tony uses JARVIS for everything. Banking has changed more than Thor’s hairstyle over the…️-banking-then-now-from-iron-safes-to-virtual-clouds-️-e250c5e9f96d?source=topics_v2---------179-84--------------------b2e7a004_2df9_43cb_a910_3a35458af396-------17…q5RwJLJRfPuQ.png
🕰️ Banking Then & Now: From Iron Safes to Virtual Clouds🏦☁️ Hey there, young Avengers! 💪🏼💻 Do you bank online like Tony Stark banks on his tech? 🔒💳 You might not know it, but you’re already using a cloud service for banking ☁️ — just like how Tony uses JARVIS for everything. Banking has changed more than Thor’s hairstyle over the… cloud-computing
🕰️ Banking Iron Safes Virtual Clouds🏦☁️ Hey young Avengers 💪🏼💻 bank online like Tony Stark bank tech 🔒💳 might know you’re already using cloud service banking ☁️ — like Tony us JARVIS everything Banking changed Thor’s hairstyle the… cloudcomputing
What is Open Policy Agent (OPA)? and why you should know it
Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open-source tool for policy decision-making and enforcement that has gained popularity in recent years due to its flexibility and ease of use. OPA is designed to simplify policy management in complex systems by providing a unified policy language and decision engine that can be……BG5FP7xR2l54.png
What is Open Policy Agent (OPA)? and why you should know it Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open-source tool for policy decision-making and enforcement that has gained popularity in recent years due to its flexibility and ease of use. OPA is designed to simplify policy management in complex systems by providing a unified policy language and decision engine that can be… cloud-computing
Open Policy Agent OPA know Open Policy Agent OPA opensource tool policy decisionmaking enforcement gained popularity recent year due flexibility ease use OPA designed simplify policy management complex system providing unified policy language decision engine be… cloudcomputing
What is AWS IAM?
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service that provides secure access to AWS resources. IAM allows you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely. It enables you to create and manage AWS users, groups, and roles, and define policies that control access to AWS resources…*HuGhnZ6jEX16EE-K
What is AWS IAM? AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service that provides secure access to AWS resources. IAM allows you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely. It enables you to create and manage AWS users, groups, and roles, and define policies that control access to AWS resources… cloud-computing
AWS IAM AWS Identity Access Management IAM web service provides secure access AWS resource IAM allows manage access AWS service resource securely enables create manage AWS user group role define policy control access AWS resources… cloudcomputing
NATS (CNCF Project): A High-Performance Messaging System for Cloud-Native Environments with Installation on Kubernetes
NATS (Nested Aperture Tunneling System) is an open-source messaging system designed for cloud-native environments. It is a project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is widely used for building distributed, scalable, and highly performant applications. ……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
NATS (CNCF Project): A High-Performance Messaging System for Cloud-Native Environments with Installation on Kubernetes NATS (Nested Aperture Tunneling System) is an open-source messaging system designed for cloud-native environments. It is a project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is widely used for building distributed, scalable, and highly performant applications. … cloud-computing
NATS CNCF Project HighPerformance Messaging System CloudNative Environments Installation Kubernetes NATS Nested Aperture Tunneling System opensource messaging system designed cloudnative environment project Cloud Native Computing Foundation CNCF widely used building distributed scalable highly performant application … cloudcomputing
Git and GitHub: A Guide to Managing Code Changes; “But, Not on Fridays”
If you’re working on a software project with a team, chances are you’re going to need a way to manage changes to the codebase. This is where Git and GitHub come in. In this post we’ll go over the basics of forking, cloning, and pushing to Github. Let’s Git Started……SMo1Eym0JIA.jpeg
Git and GitHub: A Guide to Managing Code Changes; “But, Not on Fridays” If you’re working on a software project with a team, chances are you’re going to need a way to manage changes to the codebase. This is where Git and GitHub come in. In this post we’ll go over the basics of forking, cloning, and pushing to Github. Let’s Git Started… cloud-computing
Git GitHub Guide Managing Code Changes “But Fridays” you’re working software project team chance you’re going need way manage change codebase Git GitHub come post we’ll go basic forking cloning pushing Github Let’s Git Started… cloudcomputing
When to choose No-SQL vs SQL?
These days, with the rise of internet and cloud technologies — and the proliferation of data that went them — made “Data” as one of the key aspects of any organization’s success. Data can bring a lot of value to any organization. As the world is moving towards data-driven decisions……tJDSpcyiimAA.png
When to choose No-SQL vs SQL? These days, with the rise of internet and cloud technologies — and the proliferation of data that went them — made “Data” as one of the key aspects of any organization’s success. Data can bring a lot of value to any organization. As the world is moving towards data-driven decisions… cloud-computing
choose NoSQL v SQL day rise internet cloud technology — proliferation data went — made “Data” one key aspect organization’s success Data bring lot value organization world moving towards datadriven decisions… cloudcomputing
AWS CloudFormation Journey: Part 1 — How to create a small AWS network.
I am excited to announce the start of my new article series on AWS CloudFormation! ……LyhGq4eyDDg.jpeg
AWS CloudFormation Journey: Part 1 — How to create a small AWS network. I am excited to announce the start of my new article series on AWS CloudFormation! … cloud-computing
AWS CloudFormation Journey Part 1 — create small AWS network excited announce start new article series AWS CloudFormation … cloudcomputing
Comparing three popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools: Terraform, Crossplane, and Pulumi.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a method of managing and provisioning infrastructure through code. By using IaC tools, developers can automate the creation, modification, and deletion of cloud resources such as virtual machines, networks, and storage. We’ll compare three popular IaC tools: Terraform, Crossplane, and Pulumi. Terraform Terraform is an open-source……oSyEGe1CDKwe.png
Comparing three popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools: Terraform, Crossplane, and Pulumi. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a method of managing and provisioning infrastructure through code. By using IaC tools, developers can automate the creation, modification, and deletion of cloud resources such as virtual machines, networks, and storage. We’ll compare three popular IaC tools: Terraform, Crossplane, and Pulumi. Terraform Terraform is an open-source… cloud-computing
Comparing three popular Infrastructure Code IaC tool Terraform Crossplane Pulumi Infrastructure Code IaC method managing provisioning infrastructure code using IaC tool developer automate creation modification deletion cloud resource virtual machine network storage We’ll compare three popular IaC tool Terraform Crossplane Pulumi Terraform Terraform opensource… cloudcomputing
Enterprise Cloud Hosting Solutions — Hosting & Cloud Solutions — HIPAA Compliant — HIPAA Vault
by Gil Vidals, CEO of HIPAA Vault Extracting value from big data — it’s top-of-mind for healthcare enterprises. The reason is clear: when massive amounts of data can be retrieved, analyzed, and merged (known as interoperability) from various hospital records and medical research on public health, greater insights and a more informed diagnosis for patients may be achieved. Think of the……bB6oR4kM8kA.jpeg
Enterprise Cloud Hosting Solutions — Hosting & Cloud Solutions — HIPAA Compliant — HIPAA Vault by Gil Vidals, CEO of HIPAA Vault Extracting value from big data — it’s top-of-mind for healthcare enterprises. The reason is clear: when massive amounts of data can be retrieved, analyzed, and merged (known as interoperability) from various hospital records and medical research on public health, greater insights and a more informed diagnosis for patients may be achieved. Think of the… cloud-computing
Enterprise Cloud Hosting Solutions — Hosting Cloud Solutions — HIPAA Compliant — HIPAA Vault Gil Vidals CEO HIPAA Vault Extracting value big data — it’s topofmind healthcare enterprise reason clear massive amount data retrieved analyzed merged known interoperability various hospital record medical research public health greater insight informed diagnosis patient may achieved Think the… cloudcomputing
ECS Fargate and its architecture
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate is a fully-managed container service that allows developers to run Docker containers without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. It provides a highly scalable and secure platform for deploying containerized applications. ECS Fargate Architecture: The ECS Fargate architecture consists of several components that work together to……TQm4rggW829c.png
ECS Fargate and its architecture Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate is a fully-managed container service that allows developers to run Docker containers without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. It provides a highly scalable and secure platform for deploying containerized applications. ECS Fargate Architecture: The ECS Fargate architecture consists of several components that work together to… cloud-computing
ECS Fargate architecture Amazon Elastic Container Service ECS Fargate fullymanaged container service allows developer run Docker container without need manage underlying infrastructure provides highly scalable secure platform deploying containerized application ECS Fargate Architecture ECS Fargate architecture consists several component work together to… cloudcomputing
Data Dynamics and Microsoft Team Up to Host an Informative Live Webinar: The Cloud Migration F.A.Q. — Data Dynamics, Inc.
NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, March 13, 2023 / — TEANECK, N.J., March 13, 2023 — Data Dynamics announced today an intriguing live webinar in association with Microsoft titled -” The Cloud Migration F.A.Q” on March 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM EST. ……h5cjVE42g3ip.png
Data Dynamics and Microsoft Team Up to Host an Informative Live Webinar: The Cloud Migration F.A.Q. — Data Dynamics, Inc. NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, March 13, 2023 / — TEANECK, N.J., March 13, 2023 — Data Dynamics announced today an intriguing live webinar in association with Microsoft titled -” The Cloud Migration F.A.Q” on March 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM EST. … cloud-computing
Data Dynamics Microsoft Team Host Informative Live Webinar Cloud Migration FAQ — Data Dynamics Inc NEW JERSEY UNITED STATES March 13 2023 EINPresswirecom — TEANECK NJ March 13 2023 — Data Dynamics announced today intriguing live webinar association Microsoft titled ” Cloud Migration FAQ” March 22 2023 1100 EST … cloudcomputing
Getting Started with Python: Installation and Understanding Data Types
Day 13 Task: What is Python and Installation — Hello everyone I am back with a new DevOps task. Let’s Start with Basics of Python as this is also important for Devops Engineer to build the logic and Programs. What is Python? Python is a high-level programming language that is widely used for scripting, software development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence applications……32q3G4juTXA.jpeg
Getting Started with Python: Installation and Understanding Data Types Day 13 Task: What is Python and Installation — Hello everyone I am back with a new DevOps task. Let’s Start with Basics of Python as this is also important for Devops Engineer to build the logic and Programs. What is Python? Python is a high-level programming language that is widely used for scripting, software development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence applications… cloud-computing
Getting Started Python Installation Understanding Data Types Day 13 Task Python Installation — Hello everyone back new DevOps task Let’s Start Basics Python also important Devops Engineer build logic Programs Python Python highlevel programming language widely used scripting software development data analysis artificial intelligence applications… cloudcomputing
Why Every Organisation Needs Cloud Security Policies in the New Era
Gone are the days when organisations relied solely on on-premises security measures to protect their data. With the rise of cloud computing and the increasing amount of data being stored in the cloud, organisations must implement robust cloud security policies. ……GYhD-RyZ4-8g.png
Why Every Organisation Needs Cloud Security Policies in the New Era Gone are the days when organisations relied solely on on-premises security measures to protect their data. With the rise of cloud computing and the increasing amount of data being stored in the cloud, organisations must implement robust cloud security policies. … cloud-computing
Every Organisation Needs Cloud Security Policies New Era Gone day organisation relied solely onpremises security measure protect data rise cloud computing increasing amount data stored cloud organisation must implement robust cloud security policy … cloudcomputing
The Unavoidable Journey of Legacy Modernization
What is Legacy Modernization, and Why is it Needed? Several giant software firms have legacy systems at their core, being widely used for numerous projects. At times these firms are entirely dependent on such systems for their functioning. But there comes a time when these start becoming outdated, and then……gMPpNdrOh8jg.png
The Unavoidable Journey of Legacy Modernization What is Legacy Modernization, and Why is it Needed? Several giant software firms have legacy systems at their core, being widely used for numerous projects. At times these firms are entirely dependent on such systems for their functioning. But there comes a time when these start becoming outdated, and then… cloud-computing
Unavoidable Journey Legacy Modernization Legacy Modernization Needed Several giant software firm legacy system core widely used numerous project time firm entirely dependent system functioning come time start becoming outdated then… cloudcomputing
Demystifying DevOps: Understanding Infrastructure, Automation, and Scaling for Better Software Delivery
Day 01 Task:- Introduction of DevOps — Q.1 What is DevOps? DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering high-quality software applications and services. The primary goal of DevOps is to provide a collaborative and streamlined approach to the process of software development and……IcMnfhFp9ULQ.png
Demystifying DevOps: Understanding Infrastructure, Automation, and Scaling for Better Software Delivery Day 01 Task:- Introduction of DevOps — Q.1 What is DevOps? DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering high-quality software applications and services. The primary goal of DevOps is to provide a collaborative and streamlined approach to the process of software development and… cloud-services
Demystifying DevOps Understanding Infrastructure Automation Scaling Better Software Delivery Day 01 Task Introduction DevOps — Q1 DevOps DevOps set practice combine software development Dev information technology operation Ops shorten system development life cycle delivering highquality software application service primary goal DevOps provide collaborative streamlined approach process software development and… cloudservices
What Is Cloud Security?
New technologies have emerged in a revolutionary manner over the past several years. As a result, big data and cloud computing terms are increasingly used in both personal and professional settings. Cloud computing services enable customers to access their programs from any device using their login credentials without storing data……qelfupyU4iQ.jpeg
What Is Cloud Security? New technologies have emerged in a revolutionary manner over the past several years. As a result, big data and cloud computing terms are increasingly used in both personal and professional settings. Cloud computing services enable customers to access their programs from any device using their login credentials without storing data… cloud-services
Cloud Security New technology emerged revolutionary manner past several year result big data cloud computing term increasingly used personal professional setting Cloud computing service enable customer access program device using login credential without storing data… cloudservices
Is Cloud Hosting the Optimal Choice for Your Website?
Is Cloud Hosting the Optimal Choice for Your Website? With regards to web hosting, there is a wide range of hosting administrations accessible. Nonetheless, cloud hosting has become progressively well-known because of its adaptability and adaptability. In this blog entry, we will examine the upsides of cloud hosting and why…*BlNeobO8uYMhh7Vy
Is Cloud Hosting the Optimal Choice for Your Website? Is Cloud Hosting the Optimal Choice for Your Website? With regards to web hosting, there is a wide range of hosting administrations accessible. Nonetheless, cloud hosting has become progressively well-known because of its adaptability and adaptability. In this blog entry, we will examine the upsides of cloud hosting and why… cloud-services
Cloud Hosting Optimal Choice Website Cloud Hosting Optimal Choice Website regard web hosting wide range hosting administration accessible Nonetheless cloud hosting become progressively wellknown adaptability adaptability blog entry examine upside cloud hosting why… cloudservices
Techniques to Scale the Cloud Solution to 1M+ Devices
In the age of ever connected world than before, enterprises are moving from traditional setup to cloud computing for their growing demands.Organizations require flexible, scalable, customizable and dynamic infrastructure for their businesses. High-scalability allows to optimize the system’s overall efficiency and save cost. Scalability is one of the prime features……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
Techniques to Scale the Cloud Solution to 1M+ Devices In the age of ever connected world than before, enterprises are moving from traditional setup to cloud computing for their growing demands.Organizations require flexible, scalable, customizable and dynamic infrastructure for their businesses. High-scalability allows to optimize the system’s overall efficiency and save cost. Scalability is one of the prime features… cloud-services
Techniques Scale Cloud Solution 1M Devices age ever connected world enterprise moving traditional setup cloud computing growing demandsOrganizations require flexible scalable customizable dynamic infrastructure business Highscalability allows optimize system’s overall efficiency save cost Scalability one prime features… cloudservices
All you need to know about the Amazon DynamoDB
By Muhammad Abutahir Serverless Password Manager using AWS KMS and Amazon DynamoDB Part-2 This blog is independent of the previous blog, if you are looking for dynamoDB information only, you can still read through it. For Part 1, please check out this link! Alright, In the previous blog I gave an introduction on the encryption, the AWS KMS, and the……73DkRayI-Ljk.png
All you need to know about the Amazon DynamoDB By Muhammad Abutahir Serverless Password Manager using AWS KMS and Amazon DynamoDB Part-2 This blog is independent of the previous blog, if you are looking for dynamoDB information only, you can still read through it. For Part 1, please check out this link! Alright, In the previous blog I gave an introduction on the encryption, the AWS KMS, and the… cloud-services
need know Amazon DynamoDB Muhammad Abutahir Serverless Password Manager using AWS KMS Amazon DynamoDB Part2 blog independent previous blog looking dynamoDB information still read Part 1 please check link Alright previous blog gave introduction encryption AWS KMS the… cloudservices
When and When not to use Kubernetes
Choose the right tool at the right time Kubernetes is a powerful and flexible tool that has become a popular platform for managing container-based applications. …*7UiUT2LfHcUlUJUS
When and When not to use Kubernetes Choose the right tool at the right time Kubernetes is a powerful and flexible tool that has become a popular platform for managing container-based applications. … cloud-services
use Kubernetes Choose right tool right time Kubernetes powerful flexible tool become popular platform managing containerbased application … cloudservices
How cloud drives digital transformation across the automotive industry?
Cloud technology has improved many aspects of modern life. Cloud computing has transformed the functioning of multiple industries driving innovation and growing the pace of business continuity. The automotive cloud-based solutions market is estimated to touch USD 66.95 billion revenue, at a CAGR of 19.88% by 2022. Industry backboned by……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
How cloud drives digital transformation across the automotive industry? Cloud technology has improved many aspects of modern life. Cloud computing has transformed the functioning of multiple industries driving innovation and growing the pace of business continuity. The automotive cloud-based solutions market is estimated to touch USD 66.95 billion revenue, at a CAGR of 19.88% by 2022. Industry backboned by… cloud-services
cloud drive digital transformation across automotive industry Cloud technology improved many aspect modern life Cloud computing transformed functioning multiple industry driving innovation growing pace business continuity automotive cloudbased solution market estimated touch USD 6695 billion revenue CAGR 1988 2022 Industry backboned by… cloudservices
Microsoft 365 Family: The Way Forward for Your Digital Needs
This is a short article on why I think Microsoft 365 is the way to go for all your digital needs — all the way from its familiar Office Apps to its email management prowess, awesome cloud storage, and not to mention access to other lesser known apps! Hope you…*zZpm2cSCaBAEMbTD
Microsoft 365 Family: The Way Forward for Your Digital Needs This is a short article on why I think Microsoft 365 is the way to go for all your digital needs — all the way from its familiar Office Apps to its email management prowess, awesome cloud storage, and not to mention access to other lesser known apps! Hope you… cloud-services
Microsoft 365 Family Way Forward Digital Needs short article think Microsoft 365 way go digital need — way familiar Office Apps email management prowess awesome cloud storage mention access lesser known apps Hope you… cloudservices
The Rise of the Sales Engineer: How Systems Integrators Connect to Clients
This article was inspired by my own questions, my teammates’ questions, and the lack of resources for Sales Engineers who work for service-based companies. I hope you find this helpful! — What is a Sales Engineer? The title “Sales Engineer” has many synonyms; Solutions Architect, Solutions Consultant, Presales Consultant, Technical Sales, Field Engineer, and so on (I prefer the term Sales Engineer for reasons I’ll explain later). To add to the confusion, this title can fall under different departments within an organization which slightly changes the……Yg3x0mqoF9pw.png
The Rise of the Sales Engineer: How Systems Integrators Connect to Clients This article was inspired by my own questions, my teammates’ questions, and the lack of resources for Sales Engineers who work for service-based companies. I hope you find this helpful! — What is a Sales Engineer? The title “Sales Engineer” has many synonyms; Solutions Architect, Solutions Consultant, Presales Consultant, Technical Sales, Field Engineer, and so on (I prefer the term Sales Engineer for reasons I’ll explain later). To add to the confusion, this title can fall under different departments within an organization which slightly changes the… cloud-services
Rise Sales Engineer Systems Integrators Connect Clients article inspired question teammates’ question lack resource Sales Engineers work servicebased company hope find helpful — Sales Engineer title “Sales Engineer” many synonym Solutions Architect Solutions Consultant Presales Consultant Technical Sales Field Engineer prefer term Sales Engineer reason I’ll explain later add confusion title fall different department within organization slightly change the… cloudservices
NAT Gateway + Internet gateway vs VPC Endpoints. When to use?
When creating VPC in AWS, you will need your resources to communicate with other AWS services (S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, …) or 3rd party from a private network. AWS provides us with 2 options, route traffic through NAT Gateway and Internet gateway or through VPC Endpoints. Each of them has…*bkretoTrhCQh1p5A
NAT Gateway + Internet gateway vs VPC Endpoints. When to use? When creating VPC in AWS, you will need your resources to communicate with other AWS services (S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, …) or 3rd party from a private network. AWS provides us with 2 options, route traffic through NAT Gateway and Internet gateway or through VPC Endpoints. Each of them has… cloud-services
NAT Gateway Internet gateway v VPC Endpoints use creating VPC AWS need resource communicate AWS service S3 DynamoDB SNS SQS … 3rd party private network AWS provides u 2 option route traffic NAT Gateway Internet gateway VPC Endpoints has… cloudservices
What is the difference between LMSs in a B2B and B2C context?
With the pandemic pushing people and students to work and learn from home, the global learning management system (LMS) market size has seen tremendous growth. In 2021, it was valued at US$ 14.43 billion, and is projected to see growth to US$ 40.95 billion by 2029. LMS is now being……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
What is the difference between LMSs in a B2B and B2C context? With the pandemic pushing people and students to work and learn from home, the global learning management system (LMS) market size has seen tremendous growth. In 2021, it was valued at US$ 14.43 billion, and is projected to see growth to US$ 40.95 billion by 2029. LMS is now being… cloud-services
difference LMSs B2B B2C context pandemic pushing people student work learn home global learning management system LMS market size seen tremendous growth 2021 valued US 1443 billion projected see growth US 4095 billion 2029 LMS being… cloudservices
How do I give access to a third party application to access my AWS account in a read-only mode?
To give a third-party application read-only access to your AWS account information, you can use the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. Here are the steps: Create an IAM user for the third-party application with read-only permissions. Attach a policy to the user that grants read-only access to the AWS resources you want the third-party application to access. Generate an AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for the user, which the third-party application can use to authenticate API requests.…6s0s_8JxD37E.png
How do I give access to a third party application to access my AWS account in a read-only mode? To give a third-party application read-only access to your AWS account information, you can use the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. Here are the steps: Create an IAM user for the third-party application with read-only permissions. Attach a policy to the user that grants read-only access to the AWS resources you want the third-party application to access. Generate an AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for the user, which the third-party application can use to authenticate API requests. cloud-services
give access third party application access AWS account readonly mode give thirdparty application readonly access AWS account information use AWS Identity Access Management IAM service step Create IAM user thirdparty application readonly permission Attach policy user grant readonly access AWS resource want thirdparty application access Generate AWS Access Key ID Secret Access Key user thirdparty application use authenticate API request cloudservices
Yet another 5 practices of CI for Web-App’s deployment.
Hello, reader! In this article, I want to collect for myself the best practices of deployment that I found useful. Some of them are widely used, some I have not encountered in the wild and invented by myself. I hope this article will be useful for you as well, as……hXbnq-3Vn0rg.png
Yet another 5 practices of CI for Web-App’s deployment. Hello, reader! In this article, I want to collect for myself the best practices of deployment that I found useful. Some of them are widely used, some I have not encountered in the wild and invented by myself. I hope this article will be useful for you as well, as… cloud-services
Yet another 5 practice CI WebApp’s deployment Hello reader article want collect best practice deployment found useful widely used encountered wild invented hope article useful well as… cloudservices
What nobody will say to you about, Azure Active Directory
We started the vehicle, so now let’s catch the road. As always I am mentioning that Monday is a good day to start anything. Today we are starting with our first services in our journey, but also the first and most important service when you start in the Azure……yTXXsCwExATQ.png
What nobody will say to you about, Azure Active Directory We started the vehicle, so now let’s catch the road. As always I am mentioning that Monday is a good day to start anything. Today we are starting with our first services in our journey, but also the first and most important service when you start in the Azure… cloud-services
nobody say Azure Active Directory started vehicle let’s catch road always mentioning Monday good day start anything Today starting first service journey also first important service start Azure… cloudservices
How can data security be ensured in a multi-cloud adoption?
The world is rapidly moving toward a multi-cloud landscape. Enterprises are using multi-cloud services to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and drive faster innovation. As organizations store data in multiple locations, it is essential for them to understand the risks associated with their privacy practices and to ensure that any……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
How can data security be ensured in a multi-cloud adoption? The world is rapidly moving toward a multi-cloud landscape. Enterprises are using multi-cloud services to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and drive faster innovation. As organizations store data in multiple locations, it is essential for them to understand the risks associated with their privacy practices and to ensure that any… cloud-services
data security ensured multicloud adoption world rapidly moving toward multicloud landscape Enterprises using multicloud service improve operational efficiency reduce cost drive faster innovation organization store data multiple location essential understand risk associated privacy practice ensure any… cloudservices
Solution Architect Interview Questions: The Top 25
Here, in this article, I want to provide you with a guide on the top 25 most common interview questions for a solution architect role! In this article, I am going to go into depth of what it takes to be a solution architect, and provide detailed responses to the……5az6B3vvi4S.jpeg
Solution Architect Interview Questions: The Top 25 Here, in this article, I want to provide you with a guide on the top 25 most common interview questions for a solution architect role! In this article, I am going to go into depth of what it takes to be a solution architect, and provide detailed responses to the… cloud-services
Solution Architect Interview Questions Top 25 article want provide guide top 25 common interview question solution architect role article going go depth take solution architect provide detailed response the… cloudservices
🐇 Lunar New Year Greeting in AR (Shareable) 🐇
Happy Lunar New Year from the echo3D team! It is also the year of the rabbit! Following the year of the tiger, the rabbit is a symbol of hope and peace which is a good time to be introspective, rest and re-strategize. Virtual 3D greetings are becoming increasingly popular thanks……S3Cp-88pgiDQ.png
🐇 Lunar New Year Greeting in AR (Shareable) 🐇 Happy Lunar New Year from the echo3D team! It is also the year of the rabbit! Following the year of the tiger, the rabbit is a symbol of hope and peace which is a good time to be introspective, rest and re-strategize. Virtual 3D greetings are becoming increasingly popular thanks… cloud-services
🐇 Lunar New Year Greeting AR Shareable 🐇 Happy Lunar New Year echo3D team also year rabbit Following year tiger rabbit symbol hope peace good time introspective rest restrategize Virtual 3D greeting becoming increasingly popular thanks… cloudservices
Week 20 Project
This project’s object is to deploy a web server in 3 different availability zones using Terraform. This is how I decided to execute this project: For this project, I decided to keep everything in one file to make it a bit easier for myself. My first objective is to set……Vkamo5rW319Q.png
Week 20 Project This project’s object is to deploy a web server in 3 different availability zones using Terraform. This is how I decided to execute this project: For this project, I decided to keep everything in one file to make it a bit easier for myself. My first objective is to set… cloud-services
Week 20 Project project’s object deploy web server 3 different availability zone using Terraform decided execute project project decided keep everything one file make bit easier first objective set… cloudservices
Understanding AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 1.
Definition of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Importance of IAM in AWS Users Groups Roles Policies Access keys Multi-Factor Authentication Conclusion Definition of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Identity and Access Management is a web service provided by AWS that allows administrators to manage access to AWS resources……5rdbaz7A9KQ.jpeg
Understanding AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 1. Definition of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Importance of IAM in AWS Users Groups Roles Policies Access keys Multi-Factor Authentication Conclusion Definition of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Identity and Access Management is a web service provided by AWS that allows administrators to manage access to AWS resources… cloud-services
Understanding AWS Identity Access Management IAM 1 Definition AWS Identity Access Management IAM Importance IAM AWS Users Groups Roles Policies Access key MultiFactor Authentication Conclusion Definition AWS Identity Access Management IAM Identity Access Management web service provided AWS allows administrator manage access AWS resources… cloudservices
Anatomy of Internal Service Catalog
Rewind back to read about the internal service catalog. 1. Taxonomy Appropriately categorizing the central repository of service offerings is crucial to making the service catalog a true self-service tool. A good service catalog is structured around goals, mental models of the people using it and validated with UX research. For example……[email protected]
Anatomy of Internal Service Catalog Rewind back to read about the internal service catalog. 1. Taxonomy Appropriately categorizing the central repository of service offerings is crucial to making the service catalog a true self-service tool. A good service catalog is structured around goals, mental models of the people using it and validated with UX research. For example… cloud-services
Anatomy Internal Service Catalog Rewind back read internal service catalog 1 Taxonomy Appropriately categorizing central repository service offering crucial making service catalog true selfservice tool good service catalog structured around goal mental model people using validated UX research example… cloudservices
What is Internal Service Catalog
This is an article series, and it makes sense to start with the definition of service offering. An internal service catalog is a document or database that lists all the service offerings the firm makes available to its members. It is a centralized repository that contains up-to-date and reliable information……[email protected]
What is Internal Service Catalog This is an article series, and it makes sense to start with the definition of service offering. An internal service catalog is a document or database that lists all the service offerings the firm makes available to its members. It is a centralized repository that contains up-to-date and reliable information… cloud-services
Internal Service Catalog article series make sense start definition service offering internal service catalog document database list service offering firm make available member centralized repository contains uptodate reliable information… cloudservices
Explaining Enterprise Service Catalog
Service catalog is a key building block of any high-performing enterprise and acts as a central registry of internal services. Especially in modern, agile organizations that are promoting decentralized remote or hybrid workplaces, centralized service catalog is a practice to achieve a seamless employee user experience over fragmented departmental solutions. ……[email protected]
Explaining Enterprise Service Catalog Service catalog is a key building block of any high-performing enterprise and acts as a central registry of internal services. Especially in modern, agile organizations that are promoting decentralized remote or hybrid workplaces, centralized service catalog is a practice to achieve a seamless employee user experience over fragmented departmental solutions. … cloud-services
Explaining Enterprise Service Catalog Service catalog key building block highperforming enterprise act central registry internal service Especially modern agile organization promoting decentralized remote hybrid workplace centralized service catalog practice achieve seamless employee user experience fragmented departmental solution … cloudservices
What is an Internal Service Offering
This article is part of a series explaining the concept of a service catalog. To have a catalog of something, we first need to rewind to the basics of service design. A service is a type of work that is performed for others. Services can be intangible, meaning they cannot……[email protected]
What is an Internal Service Offering This article is part of a series explaining the concept of a service catalog. To have a catalog of something, we first need to rewind to the basics of service design. A service is a type of work that is performed for others. Services can be intangible, meaning they cannot… cloud-services
Internal Service Offering article part series explaining concept service catalog catalog something first need rewind basic service design service type work performed others Services intangible meaning cannot… cloudservices
Why choose Amazon Web Services: technical point of view
In this post, based on my experience with Amazon Web Services I am sharing the reasons why to choose it as a cloud service provider. Cloud computing has been in huge demand in the last few years. The choice you’ll make about the cloud service provider will determine the course…*iD4s7Nw0TrVFFN97
Why choose Amazon Web Services: technical point of view In this post, based on my experience with Amazon Web Services I am sharing the reasons why to choose it as a cloud service provider. Cloud computing has been in huge demand in the last few years. The choice you’ll make about the cloud service provider will determine the course… cloud-services
choose Amazon Web Services technical point view post based experience Amazon Web Services sharing reason choose cloud service provider Cloud computing huge demand last year choice you’ll make cloud service provider determine course… cloudservices
Part 1/2 — How to develop a robust cloud business case for business approvals, stakeholder buy-in…
Part 1/2 — How to develop a robust cloud business case for business approvals, stakeholder buy-in, employee engagement and benefits realization Cloud Business Case Introduction to the Cloud Business Case Working in IT & Cloud professional services and consulting, I have observed over the last few years how cloud computing……SBxbrAntB8g.jpeg
Part 1/2 — How to develop a robust cloud business case for business approvals, stakeholder buy-in… Part 1/2 — How to develop a robust cloud business case for business approvals, stakeholder buy-in, employee engagement and benefits realization Cloud Business Case Introduction to the Cloud Business Case Working in IT & Cloud professional services and consulting, I have observed over the last few years how cloud computing… cloud-services
Part 12 — develop robust cloud business case business approval stakeholder buyin… Part 12 — develop robust cloud business case business approval stakeholder buyin employee engagement benefit realization Cloud Business Case Introduction Cloud Business Case Working Cloud professional service consulting observed last year cloud computing… cloudservices
Deploy And Manage AWS Resources Remotely, Using Visual Studio Code
Hello awesome reader 👋, In this article, we will walk through how to deploy and manage resources on the AWS cloud remotely (without logging into the management console). We will do this by integrating Visual Studio code with the AWS Toolkit. Integrating Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Amazon Web……iNUhy0T97gjg.png
Deploy And Manage AWS Resources Remotely, Using Visual Studio Code Hello awesome reader 👋, In this article, we will walk through how to deploy and manage resources on the AWS cloud remotely (without logging into the management console). We will do this by integrating Visual Studio code with the AWS Toolkit. Integrating Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Amazon Web… cloud-services
Deploy Manage AWS Resources Remotely Using Visual Studio Code Hello awesome reader 👋 article walk deploy manage resource AWS cloud remotely without logging management console integrating Visual Studio code AWS Toolkit Integrating Visual Studio Code VS Code Amazon Web… cloudservices
Think Cloud; Think Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform is Google’s suite of public cloud computing services for compute, storage and application development that run on Google Cloud. Google Cloud Platform services can be used by cloud administrators, IT professionals and software developers over the internet or through a dedicated network connection. Here are five reasons……ZQE2LWd4dTw.jpeg
Think Cloud; Think Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Platform is Google’s suite of public cloud computing services for compute, storage and application development that run on Google Cloud. Google Cloud Platform services can be used by cloud administrators, IT professionals and software developers over the internet or through a dedicated network connection. Here are five reasons… cloud-services
Think Cloud Think Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Platform Google’s suite public cloud computing service compute storage application development run Google Cloud Google Cloud Platform service used cloud administrator professional software developer internet dedicated network connection five reasons… cloudservices
What is Decentralized Storage by FLUX (FluxDrive)?
Decentralized storage is a concept that aims to improve the privacy, security, censorship resistance, cost and availability of file storage systems by leveraging the advantages of decentralized networks. ……8vPXNscD4_A.jpeg
What is Decentralized Storage by FLUX (FluxDrive)? Decentralized storage is a concept that aims to improve the privacy, security, censorship resistance, cost and availability of file storage systems by leveraging the advantages of decentralized networks. … cloud-services
Decentralized Storage FLUX FluxDrive Decentralized storage concept aim improve privacy security censorship resistance cost availability file storage system leveraging advantage decentralized network … cloudservices
AWS Elastic Beanstalk for faster application deployment
Cloud Computing has become a fundamental part of today's tech stack, with it being widely selected over the previous hosting and storage solutions. The cloud as we know is continuously evolving and being diversified. Every sector today is dependent on the cloud. Healthcare, Education, Finance, Art, and Government organizations. There……W_CxpxxHv5rg.png
AWS Elastic Beanstalk for faster application deployment Cloud Computing has become a fundamental part of today's tech stack, with it being widely selected over the previous hosting and storage solutions. The cloud as we know is continuously evolving and being diversified. Every sector today is dependent on the cloud. Healthcare, Education, Finance, Art, and Government organizations. There… cloud-services
AWS Elastic Beanstalk faster application deployment Cloud Computing become fundamental part today tech stack widely selected previous hosting storage solution cloud know continuously evolving diversified Every sector today dependent cloud Healthcare Education Finance Art Government organization There… cloudservices
How to install Cloudinary in Laravel
— Install Cloudinary in Laravel — To install Cloudinary in Laravel, you can use the Cloudinary Laravel integration package which can be installed via Composer. Here are the steps to install Cloudinary in a Laravel project: Run the following command in the terminal in the root of your Laravel project: composer require cloudinary/cloudinary-laravel Add the Cloudinary……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
How to install Cloudinary in Laravel — Install Cloudinary in Laravel — To install Cloudinary in Laravel, you can use the Cloudinary Laravel integration package which can be installed via Composer. Here are the steps to install Cloudinary in a Laravel project: Run the following command in the terminal in the root of your Laravel project: composer require cloudinary/cloudinary-laravel Add the Cloudinary… cloud-services
install Cloudinary Laravel — Install Cloudinary Laravel — install Cloudinary Laravel use Cloudinary Laravel integration package installed via Composer step install Cloudinary Laravel project Run following command terminal root Laravel project composer require cloudinarycloudinarylaravel Add Cloudinary… cloudservices
Cloud Deployment models and Cloud Services
This is my second article on cloud computing. I hope you all get familiar with what are cloud deployment models and cloud services. What is a Cloud deployment model? The cloud deployment model describes the particular sort of cloud environment based on ownership, scalability, and access, as well as the nature and purpose of the cloud……7xxHtXJwqBw.jpeg
Cloud Deployment models and Cloud Services This is my second article on cloud computing. I hope you all get familiar with what are cloud deployment models and cloud services. What is a Cloud deployment model? The cloud deployment model describes the particular sort of cloud environment based on ownership, scalability, and access, as well as the nature and purpose of the cloud… cloud-services
Cloud Deployment model Cloud Services second article cloud computing hope get familiar cloud deployment model cloud service Cloud deployment model cloud deployment model describes particular sort cloud environment based ownership scalability access well nature purpose cloud… cloudservices
AWS SQS (use cases)
What is Amazon Simple Queue Service? Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) offers a secure, durable, and available hosted queue that lets you integrate and decouple distributed software systems and components. Amazon SQS offers common constructs such as dead-letter queues and cost allocation. It provides a generic web services API that you can access using any……u7PAle2Rieng.png
AWS SQS (use cases) What is Amazon Simple Queue Service? Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) offers a secure, durable, and available hosted queue that lets you integrate and decouple distributed software systems and components. Amazon SQS offers common constructs such as dead-letter queues and cost allocation. It provides a generic web services API that you can access using any… cloud-services
AWS SQS use case Amazon Simple Queue Service Amazon Simple Queue Service Amazon SQS offer secure durable available hosted queue let integrate decouple distributed software system component Amazon SQS offer common construct deadletter queue cost allocation provides generic web service API access using any… cloudservices
Deploy Linux Server in AWS
Hello, my name is Kikik, and this is my first post on Medium. I hope that by writing this article, I can share what little knowledge I have. I’ll tell you a little bit about myself: I’m a cloud engineer who strives to improve his skills every day. Prerequisite: AWS……Fd4Xz9CiahhA.png
Deploy Linux Server in AWS Hello, my name is Kikik, and this is my first post on Medium. I hope that by writing this article, I can share what little knowledge I have. I’ll tell you a little bit about myself: I’m a cloud engineer who strives to improve his skills every day. Prerequisite: AWS… cloud-services
Deploy Linux Server AWS Hello name Kikik first post Medium hope writing article share little knowledge I’ll tell little bit I’m cloud engineer strives improve skill every day Prerequisite AWS… cloudservices
Dynamic Blocks in Terraform — An Overview: about terraform dynamic blocks.
Terraform is an open source tool for provisioning infrastructure. It can deploy to many clouds like Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services, or it can be used locally in a private cloud. ……CT9HEo_qHlug.png
Dynamic Blocks in Terraform — An Overview: about terraform dynamic blocks. Terraform is an open source tool for provisioning infrastructure. It can deploy to many clouds like Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services, or it can be used locally in a private cloud. … cloud-services
Dynamic Blocks Terraform — Overview terraform dynamic block Terraform open source tool provisioning infrastructure deploy many cloud like Google Cloud Amazon Web Services used locally private cloud … cloudservices
Cloud Services for Web Developers: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
If you are new to cloud computing, there are a few concepts that you should know. Today, we will look up three of them, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. First of all, the meaning of these acronyms are: IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service. PaaS: Platform as a Service. SaaS: Software as…*ll6Rx9XOOIfK-vE7
Cloud Services for Web Developers: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS If you are new to cloud computing, there are a few concepts that you should know. Today, we will look up three of them, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. First of all, the meaning of these acronyms are: IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service. PaaS: Platform as a Service. SaaS: Software as… cloud-services
Cloud Services Web Developers IaaS PaaS SaaS new cloud computing concept know Today look three IaaS PaaS SaaS First meaning acronym IaaS Infrastructure Service PaaS Platform Service SaaS Software as… cloudservices
Top Data Migration Challenges You Should Know About
The fact that over 80% of data migration efforts face hiccups, in terms of time or cost overruns, calls for comprehensive analysis. To that end, in this post we aim to understand a few key challenges faced by companies in the hope that you will be better prepared to anticipate……3zxPJe8ZTmw.jpeg
Top Data Migration Challenges You Should Know About The fact that over 80% of data migration efforts face hiccups, in terms of time or cost overruns, calls for comprehensive analysis. To that end, in this post we aim to understand a few key challenges faced by companies in the hope that you will be better prepared to anticipate… cloud-services
Top Data Migration Challenges Know fact 80 data migration effort face hiccup term time cost overrun call comprehensive analysis end post aim understand key challenge faced company hope better prepared anticipate… cloudservices
Organization-wide Visibility into Object Storage on AWS
Problem Statement: Every client project has many accounts and have multiple S3 buckets across numerous AWS Regions. We find it difficult to understand how storage is used across their organization, optimize their costs, and improve security posture. TO-BE: This is the first cloud storage analytics solution with support for AWS……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
Organization-wide Visibility into Object Storage on AWS Problem Statement: Every client project has many accounts and have multiple S3 buckets across numerous AWS Regions. We find it difficult to understand how storage is used across their organization, optimize their costs, and improve security posture. TO-BE: This is the first cloud storage analytics solution with support for AWS… cloud-services
Organizationwide Visibility Object Storage AWS Problem Statement Every client project many account multiple S3 bucket across numerous AWS Regions find difficult understand storage used across organization optimize cost improve security posture TOBE first cloud storage analytics solution support AWS… cloudservices
Using Kubernetes on AWS, GCP, and Azure
A Practical Guide with Code Examples Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform for managing containerized applications, and it is widely used in both on-premises and cloud environments. ……KRqYsbhLcxw.jpeg
Using Kubernetes on AWS, GCP, and Azure A Practical Guide with Code Examples Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform for managing containerized applications, and it is widely used in both on-premises and cloud environments. … cloud-services
Using Kubernetes AWS GCP Azure Practical Guide Code Examples Kubernetes powerful opensource platform managing containerized application widely used onpremises cloud environment … cloudservices
AWS — A superior cloud solution
As technology continues to evolve, cloud computing is becoming an increasingly popular choice for businesses and organizations of all sizes. AWS Cloud is one of the most widely used cloud solutions on the market today, offering a robust set of features that make it a great alternative to other solutions. ……quW6MTnFI0WA.png
AWS — A superior cloud solution As technology continues to evolve, cloud computing is becoming an increasingly popular choice for businesses and organizations of all sizes. AWS Cloud is one of the most widely used cloud solutions on the market today, offering a robust set of features that make it a great alternative to other solutions. … cloud-services
AWS — superior cloud solution technology continues evolve cloud computing becoming increasingly popular choice business organization size AWS Cloud one widely used cloud solution market today offering robust set feature make great alternative solution … cloudservices
What is Kubernetes Autoscaling and How to Use it?
Kubernetes can automate a large number of administrative tasks in organisations, such as provisioning and scaling. Automation of time-consuming processes, such as resource allocation, enables rapid response to demand surges and cost savings via reduced staffing levels during low-demand periods. ……9RqNZ6kwyuvQ.png
What is Kubernetes Autoscaling and How to Use it? Kubernetes can automate a large number of administrative tasks in organisations, such as provisioning and scaling. Automation of time-consuming processes, such as resource allocation, enables rapid response to demand surges and cost savings via reduced staffing levels during low-demand periods. … cloud-services
Kubernetes Autoscaling Use Kubernetes automate large number administrative task organisation provisioning scaling Automation timeconsuming process resource allocation enables rapid response demand surge cost saving via reduced staffing level lowdemand period … cloudservices