23 values
Install Sonarqube server on AWS Ubuntu instance using docker-compose
In this brief article, we will explore how to install and configure the Sonarqube server along with PostgreSQL database in an Ubuntu instance running in AWS using docker-compose. Let’s get started!! Step-1: Create an AWS Ubuntu instance Login to your AWS management console, navigate to the EC2 dashboard page and click on the Launch instances button……QRt2hGTrf--w.png
Install Sonarqube server on AWS Ubuntu instance using docker-compose In this brief article, we will explore how to install and configure the Sonarqube server along with PostgreSQL database in an Ubuntu instance running in AWS using docker-compose. Let’s get started!! Step-1: Create an AWS Ubuntu instance Login to your AWS management console, navigate to the EC2 dashboard page and click on the Launch instances button… dev-ops
Install Sonarqube server AWS Ubuntu instance using dockercompose brief article explore install configure Sonarqube server along PostgreSQL database Ubuntu instance running AWS using dockercompose Let’s get started Step1 Create AWS Ubuntu instance Login AWS management console navigate EC2 dashboard page click Launch instance button… devops
Using kcadm in Keycloak
Keycloak provides us the option to work with configuration using Admin console and kcadm. kcadm is the command line utility and equally powerful as admin console. There are lot of requirements to work with command line tools these days, as anything that can be done through command line can be……IXMyyN-r0Yw.jpeg
Using kcadm in Keycloak Keycloak provides us the option to work with configuration using Admin console and kcadm. kcadm is the command line utility and equally powerful as admin console. There are lot of requirements to work with command line tools these days, as anything that can be done through command line can be… dev-ops
Using kcadm Keycloak Keycloak provides u option work configuration using Admin console kcadm kcadm command line utility equally powerful admin console lot requirement work command line tool day anything done command line be… devops
DevOps — What is Kubernetes? (Part 2): API Server
After the first part of the series that gave an overview of what Kubernetes (K8) is, we are going to deep dive into each component of the system. By the way, if you want to go over the first part you can use the following link …*uoRyagennq4cyMnO
DevOps — What is Kubernetes? (Part 2): API Server After the first part of the series that gave an overview of what Kubernetes (K8) is, we are going to deep dive into each component of the system. By the way, if you want to go over the first part you can use the following link … dev-ops
DevOps — Kubernetes Part 2 API Server first part series gave overview Kubernetes K8 going deep dive component system way want go first part use following link httpsmediumcomboutnarudevopswhatiskubernetespart1e9da7fbc020a … devops
Deploying Helm Charts with Jenkins and Groovy: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: Helm is a popular package manager for Kubernetes that makes it easy to manage, deploy, and share applications on a Kubernetes cluster. Jenkins is a popular automation server that is widely used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) workflows. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use……xASd53CgJ9Kw.png
Deploying Helm Charts with Jenkins and Groovy: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction: Helm is a popular package manager for Kubernetes that makes it easy to manage, deploy, and share applications on a Kubernetes cluster. Jenkins is a popular automation server that is widely used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) workflows. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use… dev-ops
Deploying Helm Charts Jenkins Groovy Comprehensive Guide Introduction Helm popular package manager Kubernetes make easy manage deploy share application Kubernetes cluster Jenkins popular automation server widely used Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment CICD workflow blog post we’ll explore use… devops
YAML: Basic understanding
Every developer has written a configuration file while developing or deploying an application. Configuration files (A.K.A config files) are codes that allow one to customize interaction with an application or how an application interacts with the rest of your computer. The codes define the parameters, options, settings, and preferences applied……iOpU0rZp7VSA.png
YAML: Basic understanding Every developer has written a configuration file while developing or deploying an application. Configuration files (A.K.A config files) are codes that allow one to customize interaction with an application or how an application interacts with the rest of your computer. The codes define the parameters, options, settings, and preferences applied… dev-ops
YAML Basic understanding Every developer written configuration file developing deploying application Configuration file AKA config file code allow one customize interaction application application interacts rest computer code define parameter option setting preference applied… devops
How to convert CSV to Zone file for AWS Route 53 (Node.js)?
AWS Route 53 is a DNS web service that provides scalable and reliable domain name registration and routing for your applications. In order to use Route 53 to manage your DNS records, you need to create a zone file that contains all of your DNS records. In this article, we’ll…*CqY_tR2ZZqzyP8c7
How to convert CSV to Zone file for AWS Route 53 (Node.js)? AWS Route 53 is a DNS web service that provides scalable and reliable domain name registration and routing for your applications. In order to use Route 53 to manage your DNS records, you need to create a zone file that contains all of your DNS records. In this article, we’ll… dev-ops
convert CSV Zone file AWS Route 53 Nodejs AWS Route 53 DNS web service provides scalable reliable domain name registration routing application order use Route 53 manage DNS record need create zone file contains DNS record article we’ll… devops
How To Kill A Localhost Port
When running a local server or application on your computer, you may sometimes encounter situations where you need to stop the process. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as a misconfiguration, a bug, or simply the need to free up system resources. Whatever the reason, you……Mz3pE0IA5EAQ.png
How To Kill A Localhost Port When running a local server or application on your computer, you may sometimes encounter situations where you need to stop the process. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as a misconfiguration, a bug, or simply the need to free up system resources. Whatever the reason, you… dev-ops
Kill Localhost Port running local server application computer may sometimes encounter situation need stop process due variety reason misconfiguration bug simply need free system resource Whatever reason you… devops
Using MLflow with ATOM to track all your machine learning experiments without additional code
Start storing models, parameters, pipelines, data and plots changing only one parameter — Introduction The MLflow Tracking component is an API and UI for logging parameters, code versions, metrics, and output files when running your machine learning experiments and for later visualizing the results. In this story, we’ll explain how to use the ATOM library to easily track your models, parameters, pipelines, data and…*cjMtwUp7WTAhWFCH
Using MLflow with ATOM to track all your machine learning experiments without additional code Start storing models, parameters, pipelines, data and plots changing only one parameter — Introduction The MLflow Tracking component is an API and UI for logging parameters, code versions, metrics, and output files when running your machine learning experiments and for later visualizing the results. In this story, we’ll explain how to use the ATOM library to easily track your models, parameters, pipelines, data and… dev-ops
Using MLflow ATOM track machine learning experiment without additional code Start storing model parameter pipeline data plot changing one parameter — Introduction MLflow Tracking component API UI logging parameter code version metric output file running machine learning experiment later visualizing result story we’ll explain use ATOM library easily track model parameter pipeline data and… devops
Bring Product Mindset into DevOps
Introduction A product mindset in DevOps is a focus on the product itself and how it is delivered and maintained, rather than a purely technical perspective. This shift in focus to the product allows a DevOps team to be more efficient and proactive in the software development process. Why is it important in DevOps? The product mindset…*1UwIIS3zKodClwtt
Bring Product Mindset into DevOps Introduction A product mindset in DevOps is a focus on the product itself and how it is delivered and maintained, rather than a purely technical perspective. This shift in focus to the product allows a DevOps team to be more efficient and proactive in the software development process. Why is it important in DevOps? The product mindset… dev-ops
Bring Product Mindset DevOps Introduction product mindset DevOps focus product delivered maintained rather purely technical perspective shift focus product allows DevOps team efficient proactive software development process important DevOps product mindset… devops
Docker Image Optimization: Tips and Tricks for Faster Builds and Smaller Sizes
I have been making a couple of changes in the build and deployment process of The Urbanlibrary. Notably, I opted to switch to docker altogether because going to the /etc directory to change some configurations was getting tedious. I needed a central place for all this. I needed a localized…*bFk89gzgZcIfP4KZ
Docker Image Optimization: Tips and Tricks for Faster Builds and Smaller Sizes I have been making a couple of changes in the build and deployment process of The Urbanlibrary. Notably, I opted to switch to docker altogether because going to the /etc directory to change some configurations was getting tedious. I needed a central place for all this. I needed a localized… dev-ops
Docker Image Optimization Tips Tricks Faster Builds Smaller Sizes making couple change build deployment process Urbanlibrary Notably opted switch docker altogether going etc directory change configuration getting tedious needed central place needed localized… devops
Streamline Your Infrastructure Management with Terraform Cloud: Save Time, Effort, and Gain Valuable Insights
Introduction: Terraform Cloud is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) platform designed to simplify infrastructure management and streamline collaboration. It offers a range of features that save time and effort for development teams, such as a predefined execution flow, integration with Sentinel for policy enforcement, cost estimation, and a built-in module……7IqxbqkTeBlg.png
Streamline Your Infrastructure Management with Terraform Cloud: Save Time, Effort, and Gain Valuable Insights Introduction: Terraform Cloud is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) platform designed to simplify infrastructure management and streamline collaboration. It offers a range of features that save time and effort for development teams, such as a predefined execution flow, integration with Sentinel for policy enforcement, cost estimation, and a built-in module… dev-ops
Streamline Infrastructure Management Terraform Cloud Save Time Effort Gain Valuable Insights Introduction Terraform Cloud powerful Infrastructure Code IaC platform designed simplify infrastructure management streamline collaboration offer range feature save time effort development team predefined execution flow integration Sentinel policy enforcement cost estimation builtin module… devops
Why Use Message Brokers
Get ready for another jam-packed edition of our weekly DevOps newsletter! This week, I’m covering everything from monitoring production systems and using message brokers to explaining CDN in simple words and testing AWS Serverless & Lambda. ……TScjWOhbKI-A.png
Why Use Message Brokers Get ready for another jam-packed edition of our weekly DevOps newsletter! This week, I’m covering everything from monitoring production systems and using message brokers to explaining CDN in simple words and testing AWS Serverless & Lambda. … dev-ops
Use Message Brokers Get ready another jampacked edition weekly DevOps newsletter week I’m covering everything monitoring production system using message broker explaining CDN simple word testing AWS Serverless Lambda … devops
SRE 101: How SLOs Drive Reliability
Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are a critical component of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). SLOs are a set of performance targets that define the level of service that a system or service should provide. …*xYYHjvVUFOxdaupy
SRE 101: How SLOs Drive Reliability Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are a critical component of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). SLOs are a set of performance targets that define the level of service that a system or service should provide. … dev-ops
SRE 101 SLOs Drive Reliability Service Level Objectives SLOs critical component Site Reliability Engineering SRE SLOs set performance target define level service system service provide … devops
A Beginners Hands-On Guide to Deploying and Managing Containers in Docker
Docker is a popular platform for containerization, which is a method of packaging and deploying software applications in a portable and efficient way. Containers are lightweight and isolated environments that include all the necessary components and dependencies to run an application. Docker provides a framework for building, shipping, and running……l36kg5FyVSw.jpeg
A Beginners Hands-On Guide to Deploying and Managing Containers in Docker Docker is a popular platform for containerization, which is a method of packaging and deploying software applications in a portable and efficient way. Containers are lightweight and isolated environments that include all the necessary components and dependencies to run an application. Docker provides a framework for building, shipping, and running… dev-ops
Beginners HandsOn Guide Deploying Managing Containers Docker Docker popular platform containerization method packaging deploying software application portable efficient way Containers lightweight isolated environment include necessary component dependency run application Docker provides framework building shipping running… devops
DevOps: The New-Age Tech Avengers!
Landing a job in the IT field has always been my dream. I have always been fascinated by technology and the way it’s used in different fields. ……rmQu77AKoUAA.png
DevOps: The New-Age Tech Avengers! Landing a job in the IT field has always been my dream. I have always been fascinated by technology and the way it’s used in different fields. … dev-ops
DevOps NewAge Tech Avengers Landing job field always dream always fascinated technology way it’s used different field … devops
Trust: The Secret Weapon to Supercharge Your Team’s Performance! 💥
Alrighty then, let’s talk about building trust with your team! 🤝 So, after working with teams for the past 23+ years, I’ve realized that trust is the most important quality to have. And let’s be real, trust is rarer than a sighting of the mythical Infinity Stones. 😅 But don’t……6vZyHnaAmOGQ.png
Trust: The Secret Weapon to Supercharge Your Team’s Performance! 💥 Alrighty then, let’s talk about building trust with your team! 🤝 So, after working with teams for the past 23+ years, I’ve realized that trust is the most important quality to have. And let’s be real, trust is rarer than a sighting of the mythical Infinity Stones. 😅 But don’t… dev-ops
Trust Secret Weapon Supercharge Team’s Performance 💥 Alrighty let’s talk building trust team 🤝 working team past 23 year I’ve realized trust important quality let’s real trust rarer sighting mythical Infinity Stones 😅 don’t… devops
Current problems in the alerting space
In the past month, we have engaged in conversations with over 50 engineers, engineering managers, and SREs to gather feedback on the products we are developing at Keep. Here is a summary of what we have learned. — TL;DR: Creating and maintaining effective alerts, avoiding alert fatigue, and promoting a strong alerting culture can be difficult tasks. Keep addresses these challenges by treating alerts as code, integrating with observability tools, and using LLMs.…jGwFgBNufKVA.png
Current problems in the alerting space In the past month, we have engaged in conversations with over 50 engineers, engineering managers, and SREs to gather feedback on the products we are developing at Keep. Here is a summary of what we have learned. — TL;DR: Creating and maintaining effective alerts, avoiding alert fatigue, and promoting a strong alerting culture can be difficult tasks. Keep addresses these challenges by treating alerts as code, integrating with observability tools, and using LLMs. dev-ops
Current problem alerting space past month engaged conversation 50 engineer engineering manager SREs gather feedback product developing Keep summary learned — TLDR Creating maintaining effective alert avoiding alert fatigue promoting strong alerting culture difficult task Keep address challenge treating alert code integrating observability tool using LLMs devops
Level up your SRE Game — Best of this week — 19th March 2023
I compile Site Reliability Engineering/DevOps-related articles every week and help you keep up your learning game. This week we covered: OpenAPI Extension for vscode All you need to know about how DNS works? Build your own X — crowd-sourced collection of how various technologies are built. Kubernetes — the hard……lsIu9gFQHB5w.png
Level up your SRE Game — Best of this week — 19th March 2023 I compile Site Reliability Engineering/DevOps-related articles every week and help you keep up your learning game. This week we covered: OpenAPI Extension for vscode All you need to know about how DNS works? Build your own X — crowd-sourced collection of how various technologies are built. Kubernetes — the hard… dev-ops
Level SRE Game — Best week — 19th March 2023 compile Site Reliability EngineeringDevOpsrelated article every week help keep learning game week covered OpenAPI Extension vscode need know DNS work Build X — crowdsourced collection various technology built Kubernetes — hard… devops
Setup AWS Cloudwatch Alarms from Logs using Terraform
Learn how to setup a custom AWS cloudwatch alarm which gets triggered from the logs that you can set in your application using terraform — You may have stumbled upon a situation where you want to set an alarm if a certain part of your code gets invoked. For example, you have a third-party API call in your application. If that’s an important API call and the response of this API is important for your…*urQsu-ahwnXryBC4
Setup AWS Cloudwatch Alarms from Logs using Terraform Learn how to setup a custom AWS cloudwatch alarm which gets triggered from the logs that you can set in your application using terraform — You may have stumbled upon a situation where you want to set an alarm if a certain part of your code gets invoked. For example, you have a third-party API call in your application. If that’s an important API call and the response of this API is important for your… dev-ops
Setup AWS Cloudwatch Alarms Logs using Terraform Learn setup custom AWS cloudwatch alarm get triggered log set application using terraform — may stumbled upon situation want set alarm certain part code get invoked example thirdparty API call application that’s important API call response API important your… devops
DevOps Journey: Week 1
Introduction to DevOps and SDLC Introduction to DevOps History of DevOps (Story time) The history of DevOps can be traced back to the early 2000s, when Agile development methodologies were gaining popularity. ……HQVUa9mQp8tg.png
DevOps Journey: Week 1 Introduction to DevOps and SDLC Introduction to DevOps History of DevOps (Story time) The history of DevOps can be traced back to the early 2000s, when Agile development methodologies were gaining popularity. … dev-ops
DevOps Journey Week 1 Introduction DevOps SDLC Introduction DevOps History DevOps Story time history DevOps traced back early 2000s Agile development methodology gaining popularity … devops
Ultimate Guide to Deploying a Jenkins Multinode Cluster on AWS with Linux and Windows Slave Nodes
Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate parts of the software development process, including building, testing, and deploying software. It provides a platform for continuous integration and delivery, allowing developers to quickly and easily build, test, and deploy their code. Jenkins can help improve software quality, reduce manual……bKp1l08GykQw.png
Ultimate Guide to Deploying a Jenkins Multinode Cluster on AWS with Linux and Windows Slave Nodes Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate parts of the software development process, including building, testing, and deploying software. It provides a platform for continuous integration and delivery, allowing developers to quickly and easily build, test, and deploy their code. Jenkins can help improve software quality, reduce manual… dev-ops
Ultimate Guide Deploying Jenkins Multinode Cluster AWS Linux Windows Slave Nodes Jenkins opensource automation server help automate part software development process including building testing deploying software provides platform continuous integration delivery allowing developer quickly easily build test deploy code Jenkins help improve software quality reduce manual… devops
Kubernetes: Deployments Using a ConfigMap With a Custom index.html page
Project Objectives In this tutorial, we will create two Kubernetes deployments. Each deployment will have two pods running an nginx image and a custom index.html page. We will also create a service that points to both deployments. Finally, we will test the connectivity using the curl command to validate that you eventually……p3MEunVuWOcg.png
Kubernetes: Deployments Using a ConfigMap With a Custom index.html page Project Objectives In this tutorial, we will create two Kubernetes deployments. Each deployment will have two pods running an nginx image and a custom index.html page. We will also create a service that points to both deployments. Finally, we will test the connectivity using the curl command to validate that you eventually… dev-ops
Kubernetes Deployments Using ConfigMap Custom indexhtml page Project Objectives tutorial create two Kubernetes deployment deployment two pod running nginx image custom indexhtml page also create service point deployment Finally test connectivity using curl command validate eventually… devops
Automating dependency updates in a Compose project
We recommend using the latest libraries in your Android projects as they have more features and bug fixes. However, bumping versions and fixing breaking changes can be an intricate process, especially if you try to fix many at the same time. Automating this process reduces errors but there are some……WPRkNOKDdyLw.png
Automating dependency updates in a Compose project We recommend using the latest libraries in your Android projects as they have more features and bug fixes. However, bumping versions and fixing breaking changes can be an intricate process, especially if you try to fix many at the same time. Automating this process reduces errors but there are some… android
Automating dependency update Compose project recommend using latest library Android project feature bug fix However bumping version fixing breaking change intricate process especially try fix many time Automating process reduces error some… android
Streamlining User Actions with the Command Pattern: A Practical Guide
An important aspect of creating a delightful user experience is handling actions from users and presenting the ‘right state’ based on the action. In days gone by, working with older view systems, we had a fairly common accepted way to expose live data or state from the view model, observe…*Jw5JUH1ViKMTgwYo
Streamlining User Actions with the Command Pattern: A Practical Guide An important aspect of creating a delightful user experience is handling actions from users and presenting the ‘right state’ based on the action. In days gone by, working with older view systems, we had a fairly common accepted way to expose live data or state from the view model, observe… android
Streamlining User Actions Command Pattern Practical Guide important aspect creating delightful user experience handling action user presenting ‘right state’ based action day gone working older view system fairly common accepted way expose live data state view model observe… android
Kotlin: Function Memoization [IN PRACTICE]
Function memoization (often confused with “memorization” which is the same) is simply remembering the result of a function for a particular input (caching). It’s used for optimization purposes. Let’s illustrate that with an example. fun factorial(n: Int): Int = when (n) { 0, 1 -> 1……1UdVy8QwOKRA.png
Kotlin: Function Memoization [IN PRACTICE] Function memoization (often confused with “memorization” which is the same) is simply remembering the result of a function for a particular input (caching). It’s used for optimization purposes. Let’s illustrate that with an example. fun factorial(n: Int): Int = when (n) { 0, 1 -> 1… android
Kotlin Function Memoization PRACTICE Function memoization often confused “memorization” simply remembering result function particular input caching It’s used optimization purpose Let’s illustrate example fun factorialn Int Int n 0 1 1… android
Say Goodbye to Physical SIM Cards Forever with eSIM Transfers
Learn how Android is revolutionizing mobile plan transfers with eSIM technology. Discover how to easily switch devices without ever swapping SIM cards. — Are you tired of the tedious process of transferring your mobile plan from one device to another? Good news! Android is bringing a new eSIM transfer capability that will allow you to quickly and securely transfer your mobile plan to a new device without having to swap a physical SIM…*iUFDvg7IVU8c7lg6
Say Goodbye to Physical SIM Cards Forever with eSIM Transfers Learn how Android is revolutionizing mobile plan transfers with eSIM technology. Discover how to easily switch devices without ever swapping SIM cards. — Are you tired of the tedious process of transferring your mobile plan from one device to another? Good news! Android is bringing a new eSIM transfer capability that will allow you to quickly and securely transfer your mobile plan to a new device without having to swap a physical SIM… android
Say Goodbye Physical SIM Cards Forever eSIM Transfers Learn Android revolutionizing mobile plan transfer eSIM technology Discover easily switch device without ever swapping SIM card — tired tedious process transferring mobile plan one device another Good news Android bringing new eSIM transfer capability allow quickly securely transfer mobile plan new device without swap physical SIM… android
ChatGPT, for Android developers
ChatGPT, a natural language tool created by OpenAI, can be a great ally for software engineering professionals who want to improve their skills. This article will show some practical examples of using ChatGPT to help with software development. ……74o5V3k0zeQ.jpeg
ChatGPT, for Android developers ChatGPT, a natural language tool created by OpenAI, can be a great ally for software engineering professionals who want to improve their skills. This article will show some practical examples of using ChatGPT to help with software development. … android
ChatGPT Android developer ChatGPT natural language tool created OpenAI great ally software engineering professional want improve skill article show practical example using ChatGPT help software development … android
Maximizing App Performance: Tips to Prevent Android Overdraw Issue
This issue occurs when the app draws the same pixel multiple times, leading to unnecessary use of CPU and GPU resources. As a result, it can cause significant performance issues and even drain the battery life of your device. But don’t worry, in this article, we’ll share some valuable tips……qIHY1w08Kz9g.png
Maximizing App Performance: Tips to Prevent Android Overdraw Issue This issue occurs when the app draws the same pixel multiple times, leading to unnecessary use of CPU and GPU resources. As a result, it can cause significant performance issues and even drain the battery life of your device. But don’t worry, in this article, we’ll share some valuable tips… android
Maximizing App Performance Tips Prevent Android Overdraw Issue issue occurs app draw pixel multiple time leading unnecessary use CPU GPU resource result cause significant performance issue even drain battery life device don’t worry article we’ll share valuable tips… android
Building an Augmented-Reality android application
This article offers contains tutorials on how to build an Android AR application using Google’s Sceneform SDK. Note: Google SceneForm is now deprecated, we will be using its continuation SceneView ( Here’s some previews of what we are going to build,…nl7VYHAPp-VA.png
Building an Augmented-Reality android application This article offers contains tutorials on how to build an Android AR application using Google’s Sceneform SDK. Note: Google SceneForm is now deprecated, we will be using its continuation SceneView ( Here’s some previews of what we are going to build, android
Building AugmentedReality android application article offer contains tutorial build Android AR application using Google’s Sceneform SDK Note Google SceneForm deprecated using continuation SceneView httpsgithubcomSceneViewsceneformandroid Here’s preview going build android
The journey of using compose Multi-Platform for iOS.
There is no proper documentation for adding Jetpack Compose for iOS because it is still in early development stages. Its not intended to be used in production . But developers need to understand the awesomeness of it. Early adopters like touchlab , joreilly and many more developers have started experimenting…*I0Jrgw62MFrvKaBP
The journey of using compose Multi-Platform for iOS. There is no proper documentation for adding Jetpack Compose for iOS because it is still in early development stages. Its not intended to be used in production . But developers need to understand the awesomeness of it. Early adopters like touchlab , joreilly and many more developers have started experimenting… android
journey using compose MultiPlatform iOS proper documentation adding Jetpack Compose iOS still early development stage intended used production developer need understand awesomeness Early adopter like touchlab joreilly many developer started experimenting… android
Graphic key patterns
If you use an android and consider your “pattern” to be the crowning achievement of your own thoughtfulness — here are the sets of the most frequently used patterns of graphic keys, sorted by complexity. Well, for criminologists, another reason to check the statistics;) 😉👍 And subscribe to…lq5ncRtgttag.png
Graphic key patterns If you use an android and consider your “pattern” to be the crowning achievement of your own thoughtfulness — here are the sets of the most frequently used patterns of graphic keys, sorted by complexity. Well, for criminologists, another reason to check the statistics;) 😉👍 And subscribe to android
Graphic key pattern use android consider “pattern” crowning achievement thoughtfulness — set frequently used pattern graphic key sorted complexity Well criminologist another reason check statistic 😉👍 subscribe httpstmeirozysk android
The iPhone — Switching Back From Android
Over the past 15 years, I’ve switched back and forth between Android and iOS several times. It had been a few years since my last iPhone so I decided to give it another shot this year with the iPhone 14 Pro. I’ve also spent the past ten years as a……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — Switching Back From Android Over the past 15 years, I’ve switched back and forth between Android and iOS several times. It had been a few years since my last iPhone so I decided to give it another shot this year with the iPhone 14 Pro. I’ve also spent the past ten years as a… android
iPhone — Switching Back Android past 15 year I’ve switched back forth Android iOS several time year since last iPhone decided give another shot year iPhone 14 Pro I’ve also spent past ten year a… android
Jetpack Compose: VisualTransformation Made Easier
If you don’t care how the sausage is made, skip to the end for the implementation Jetpack Compose has introduced the VisualTransformationAPI for formatting and transforming TextField input. I recently had the need to format a phone number as it was typed, so I went looking for an idiomatic solution. …*f56bArOzT80Da3WQ
Jetpack Compose: VisualTransformation Made Easier If you don’t care how the sausage is made, skip to the end for the implementation Jetpack Compose has introduced the VisualTransformationAPI for formatting and transforming TextField input. I recently had the need to format a phone number as it was typed, so I went looking for an idiomatic solution. … android
Jetpack Compose VisualTransformation Made Easier don’t care sausage made skip end implementation Jetpack Compose introduced VisualTransformationAPI formatting transforming TextField input recently need format phone number typed went looking idiomatic solution … android
How to auto-read OTP in Android programmatically
Auto-reading OTPs (one-time passwords) is a common feature in many Android applications, especially those that require user authentication. This feature can be achieved programmatically by using the SMS Retriever API provided by Google Play Services. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to auto-read OTPs in Android programmatically using……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
How to auto-read OTP in Android programmatically Auto-reading OTPs (one-time passwords) is a common feature in many Android applications, especially those that require user authentication. This feature can be achieved programmatically by using the SMS Retriever API provided by Google Play Services. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to auto-read OTPs in Android programmatically using… android
autoread OTP Android programmatically Autoreading OTPs onetime password common feature many Android application especially require user authentication feature achieved programmatically using SMS Retriever API provided Google Play Services article we’ll walk step autoread OTPs Android programmatically using… android
Spotless on Android + kotlin
Spotless is a Gradle plugin that helps you enforce consistent code formatting in your Kotlin codebase. It automatically formats your code according to predefined rules, making it easier to maintain a consistent code style across your entire project. Think of Spotless as a virtual cleaning service for your codebase. Just……jvwU47DOqwJQ.png
Spotless on Android + kotlin Spotless is a Gradle plugin that helps you enforce consistent code formatting in your Kotlin codebase. It automatically formats your code according to predefined rules, making it easier to maintain a consistent code style across your entire project. Think of Spotless as a virtual cleaning service for your codebase. Just… android
Spotless Android kotlin Spotless Gradle plugin help enforce consistent code formatting Kotlin codebase automatically format code according predefined rule making easier maintain consistent code style across entire project Think Spotless virtual cleaning service codebase Just… android
Android App Widget Development with Glance
By Harish Patel, Manager, Android Engineering, Bottle Rocket Introduction App Widgets can provide a huge amount of value to users by surfacing relevant information outside of an app. They are still not as common as we’d expect, so we’re revisiting app widgets on Android to see what’s changed in the new……FmIhc5yMMSA.jpeg
Android App Widget Development with Glance By Harish Patel, Manager, Android Engineering, Bottle Rocket Introduction App Widgets can provide a huge amount of value to users by surfacing relevant information outside of an app. They are still not as common as we’d expect, so we’re revisiting app widgets on Android to see what’s changed in the new… android
Android App Widget Development Glance Harish Patel Manager Android Engineering Bottle Rocket Introduction App Widgets provide huge amount value user surfacing relevant information outside app still common we’d expect we’re revisiting app widget Android see what’s changed new… android
Understanding and Implementing Navigation Components Jetpack Compose in Application | Part 1
Hello everyone, this is my first time writing an article on this platform. As I have recently become interested in learning Jetpack Compose, and the journey is begin. I am attempting to document what I have learned. Introduction Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building Android user interfaces (UI). Jetpack…*_oO2Qj0KZJCJxWNu
Understanding and Implementing Navigation Components Jetpack Compose in Application | Part 1 Hello everyone, this is my first time writing an article on this platform. As I have recently become interested in learning Jetpack Compose, and the journey is begin. I am attempting to document what I have learned. Introduction Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building Android user interfaces (UI). Jetpack… android
Understanding Implementing Navigation Components Jetpack Compose Application Part 1 Hello everyone first time writing article platform recently become interested learning Jetpack Compose journey begin attempting document learned Introduction Jetpack Compose modern toolkit building Android user interface UI Jetpack… android
Making grid items’ size identical using SubcomposeLayout in Jetpack Compose
While working on an android project, one of its features is a vertical grid that displays items with expiration dates. Each item’s width and height may vary depending on its content and allowed space. Take a look at the image below.…oH4puPKI-Zg.jpeg
Making grid items’ size identical using SubcomposeLayout in Jetpack Compose While working on an android project, one of its features is a vertical grid that displays items with expiration dates. Each item’s width and height may vary depending on its content and allowed space. Take a look at the image below. android
Making grid items’ size identical using SubcomposeLayout Jetpack Compose working android project one feature vertical grid display item expiration date item’s width height may vary depending content allowed space Take look image android
Android FragmentTransaction different commit methods
In Android, when adding or replacing fragments, we use FragmentTransaction. The following are the different methods available in FragmentTransaction: commit(): This method schedules the FragmentTransaction to be executed asynchronously on the main thread as soon as the thread is able to do so. It adds the transaction to the back……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
Android FragmentTransaction different commit methods In Android, when adding or replacing fragments, we use FragmentTransaction. The following are the different methods available in FragmentTransaction: commit(): This method schedules the FragmentTransaction to be executed asynchronously on the main thread as soon as the thread is able to do so. It adds the transaction to the back… android
Android FragmentTransaction different commit method Android adding replacing fragment use FragmentTransaction following different method available FragmentTransaction commit method schedule FragmentTransaction executed asynchronously main thread soon thread able add transaction back… android
Data Binding Fundamentals — Android Kotlin
Android Kotlin is a powerful tool used for developing mobile applications. One of the most significant features of Android Kotlin is Data Binding. Data Binding is a technique used to link UI components in an XML layout with data sources, such as variables or model classes. What is Data Binding? Data Binding is a…*DQd-Kh3HbefYKrmn
Data Binding Fundamentals — Android Kotlin Android Kotlin is a powerful tool used for developing mobile applications. One of the most significant features of Android Kotlin is Data Binding. Data Binding is a technique used to link UI components in an XML layout with data sources, such as variables or model classes. What is Data Binding? Data Binding is a… android
Data Binding Fundamentals — Android Kotlin Android Kotlin powerful tool used developing mobile application One significant feature Android Kotlin Data Binding Data Binding technique used link UI component XML layout data source variable model class Data Binding Data Binding a… android
Android studio, state with compose(composition)
!This note is written as self-study-note. There could be mistakes, errors. Composition The Composition is a description of the UI built by Compose when it executes composables. Compose can be simply thought of as UI component. UI interacts with user, and therfore can hold data from user. ……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
Android studio, state with compose(composition) !This note is written as self-study-note. There could be mistakes, errors. Composition The Composition is a description of the UI built by Compose when it executes composables. Compose can be simply thought of as UI component. UI interacts with user, and therfore can hold data from user. … android
Android studio state composecomposition note written selfstudynote could mistake error Composition Composition description UI built Compose executes composables Compose simply thought UI component UI interacts user therfore hold data user … android
Implementing Truecaller SDK in Android — A Guide for Beginners
Truecaller have one of the best SDK’s for Login. It allows users to login into any app via a single click. It’s smooth and reliable. In this blog I will try to write down about how I implemented the Truecaller SDK in one of the apps and the issues I…*5Y8FoBjxnVQWKGp9
Implementing Truecaller SDK in Android — A Guide for Beginners Truecaller have one of the best SDK’s for Login. It allows users to login into any app via a single click. It’s smooth and reliable. In this blog I will try to write down about how I implemented the Truecaller SDK in one of the apps and the issues I… android
Implementing Truecaller SDK Android — Guide Beginners Truecaller one best SDK’s Login allows user login app via single click It’s smooth reliable blog try write implemented Truecaller SDK one apps issue I… android
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) and Why Is the Best Mobile Hybrid Technology
My experience on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) after 6 months using it in a professional app — Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (from now on, KMM), it's a new framework to develop hybrid mobile apps. In the current space, we already had React Native, Xamarin or Flutter, where the developer with just one codebase could release a mobile app for iOS, Android and even the web. This of course……5G7tpPQ4gSg.jpeg
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) and Why Is the Best Mobile Hybrid Technology My experience on Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) after 6 months using it in a professional app — Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (from now on, KMM), it's a new framework to develop hybrid mobile apps. In the current space, we already had React Native, Xamarin or Flutter, where the developer with just one codebase could release a mobile app for iOS, Android and even the web. This of course… android
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile KMM Best Mobile Hybrid Technology experience Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile KMM 6 month using professional app — Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile KMM new framework develop hybrid mobile apps current space already React Native Xamarin Flutter developer one codebase could release mobile app iOS Android even web course… android
Kotlin Objects and the Singleton Pattern: Exploring the Benefits of This Powerful Design Pattern
Welcome, fellow Kotlin enthusiasts! In this post, we’re going to take a deep dive into one of the most interesting and powerful features of Kotlin programming: Objects! In Kotlin, the keyword object is used to define a singleton object. A singleton object is an object that can only have one……iNmot-hc5-Lw.png
Kotlin Objects and the Singleton Pattern: Exploring the Benefits of This Powerful Design Pattern Welcome, fellow Kotlin enthusiasts! In this post, we’re going to take a deep dive into one of the most interesting and powerful features of Kotlin programming: Objects! In Kotlin, the keyword object is used to define a singleton object. A singleton object is an object that can only have one… android
Kotlin Objects Singleton Pattern Exploring Benefits Powerful Design Pattern Welcome fellow Kotlin enthusiast post we’re going take deep dive one interesting powerful feature Kotlin programming Objects Kotlin keyword object used define singleton object singleton object object one… android
Before becoming a CPR Recorder
Inspiration The app was created because the developer wanted to make something that could help others during a time when they had some free time. They spoke to a doctor friend about whether there was anything they could create to help in case of an emergency and found out that normally……lhpXPBvQ7Vg.jpeg
Before becoming a CPR Recorder Inspiration The app was created because the developer wanted to make something that could help others during a time when they had some free time. They spoke to a doctor friend about whether there was anything they could create to help in case of an emergency and found out that normally… android
becoming CPR Recorder Inspiration app created developer wanted make something could help others time free time spoke doctor friend whether anything could create help case emergency found normally… android
Use Retrofit to call ChatGPT API “gpt-3.5-turbo” in Android Studio
ChatGPT is built on OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 model, and the APIs that OpenAI released are based on the company’s GPT 3.5 Turbo model, which is identical to the current ChatGPT model. In this shot article I show you how to call the “gpt-3.5-turbo” model through Retrofit in Android, this is……0WBM_cMRO_Bw.png
Use Retrofit to call ChatGPT API “gpt-3.5-turbo” in Android Studio ChatGPT is built on OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 model, and the APIs that OpenAI released are based on the company’s GPT 3.5 Turbo model, which is identical to the current ChatGPT model. In this shot article I show you how to call the “gpt-3.5-turbo” model through Retrofit in Android, this is… android
Use Retrofit call ChatGPT API “gpt35turbo” Android Studio ChatGPT built OpenAI’s GPT 35 model APIs OpenAI released based company’s GPT 35 Turbo model identical current ChatGPT model shot article show call “gpt35turbo” model Retrofit Android is… android
Warning to Pixel 6 users using Android 13 Developer Preview
Have you ever wished an update could solve all your annoying problems with your Pixel 6 or Pixel 6 Pro? Well, it seems Google is working on a solution to improve your device’s fingerprint sensor, battery life, Wi-Fi connectivity, wireless charging, and Bluetooth connection. But there’s a catch. Google’s Feature Drop beta program Google has……2fX7DgAnzO4Q.png
Warning to Pixel 6 users using Android 13 Developer Preview Have you ever wished an update could solve all your annoying problems with your Pixel 6 or Pixel 6 Pro? Well, it seems Google is working on a solution to improve your device’s fingerprint sensor, battery life, Wi-Fi connectivity, wireless charging, and Bluetooth connection. But there’s a catch. Google’s Feature Drop beta program Google has… android
Warning Pixel 6 user using Android 13 Developer Preview ever wished update could solve annoying problem Pixel 6 Pixel 6 Pro Well seems Google working solution improve device’s fingerprint sensor battery life WiFi connectivity wireless charging Bluetooth connection there’s catch Google’s Feature Drop beta program Google has… android
Dynamic Mobile Apps
Is your mobile architecture preventing innovation, causing delays due to an overwhelming complexity? Are there parts of your codebase everyone is afraid of? Is your development process too convoluted leaving little space for continuous improvements? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, keep reading. These series of articles……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
Dynamic Mobile Apps Is your mobile architecture preventing innovation, causing delays due to an overwhelming complexity? Are there parts of your codebase everyone is afraid of? Is your development process too convoluted leaving little space for continuous improvements? If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, keep reading. These series of articles… android
Dynamic Mobile Apps mobile architecture preventing innovation causing delay due overwhelming complexity part codebase everyone afraid development process convoluted leaving little space continuous improvement answer “Yes” question keep reading series articles… android
Develop Android Framework by 「Gateway」
Premise:your source code is on the server and connected via ssh,「Gateway」 is a remote development tool. Advantages: It is as smooth as developing a normal app on IDEA. Disadvantage: You can’t keep the position of your code after disconnecting, it will be relocated to the beginning. First,use ToolBox by Jetbrains……kVeCbcIcVtGH.png
Develop Android Framework by 「Gateway」 Premise:your source code is on the server and connected via ssh,「Gateway」 is a remote development tool. Advantages: It is as smooth as developing a normal app on IDEA. Disadvantage: You can’t keep the position of your code after disconnecting, it will be relocated to the beginning. First,use ToolBox by Jetbrains… android
Develop Android Framework 「Gateway」 Premiseyour source code server connected via ssh「Gateway」 remote development tool Advantages smooth developing normal app IDEA Disadvantage can’t keep position code disconnecting relocated beginning Firstuse ToolBox Jetbrains… android
Retrofit with Twilio SMS API in Android App with Java.
How to Use Twilio with Retrofit to Send SMS Messages in Android and how to fix "No static field INSTANCE of type Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl AllowAllHostnameVerifier" error in Retrofit and Twilio If you're working with Retrofit and Twilio in your Android app, you might encounter the following error: No static field INSTANCE……K3cGyVoHR6Qw.png
Retrofit with Twilio SMS API in Android App with Java. How to Use Twilio with Retrofit to Send SMS Messages in Android and how to fix "No static field INSTANCE of type Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl AllowAllHostnameVerifier" error in Retrofit and Twilio If you're working with Retrofit and Twilio in your Android app, you might encounter the following error: No static field INSTANCE… android
Retrofit Twilio SMS API Android App Java Use Twilio Retrofit Send SMS Messages Android fix static field INSTANCE type Lorgapachehttpconnssl AllowAllHostnameVerifier error Retrofit Twilio youre working Retrofit Twilio Android app might encounter following error static field INSTANCE… android
Provider — Placement
This article is the second in the “Provider” article series that discusses the placing of the Provider pattern in the app’s widget-tree. The background After answering questions — What is Provider?, Why Provider? in the first article of the “Provider” series ; I will make an attempt to answer other enthusiastic questions……3dlNaAQwrCZg.png
Provider — Placement This article is the second in the “Provider” article series that discusses the placing of the Provider pattern in the app’s widget-tree. The background After answering questions — What is Provider?, Why Provider? in the first article of the “Provider” series ; I will make an attempt to answer other enthusiastic questions… android
Provider — Placement article second “Provider” article series discus placing Provider pattern app’s widgettree background answering question — Provider Provider first article “Provider” series make attempt answer enthusiastic questions… android
Reverse engineering an Android app
INTRODUCTION In this post we’ll see how to reverse engineer Android app’s to inspect and document their communication with a remote server via HTTP calls. ……mWytfqYdic6Q.png
Reverse engineering an Android app INTRODUCTION In this post we’ll see how to reverse engineer Android app’s to inspect and document their communication with a remote server via HTTP calls. … android
Reverse engineering Android app INTRODUCTION post we’ll see reverse engineer Android app’s inspect document communication remote server via HTTP call … android
Play any sound in an Android or iOS app with JUCE (2/3)
This article is a follow up of the previous article, that you can find here. In the first part, we managed to create, code and export our C++ JUCE library for both Android and iOS. Now it’s time to implement that library in an Android or iOS app. Again, there……73_Tn4a2dFhg.png
Play any sound in an Android or iOS app with JUCE (2/3) This article is a follow up of the previous article, that you can find here. In the first part, we managed to create, code and export our C++ JUCE library for both Android and iOS. Now it’s time to implement that library in an Android or iOS app. Again, there… android
Play sound Android iOS app JUCE 23 article follow previous article find first part managed create code export C JUCE library Android iOS it’s time implement library Android iOS app there… android
The iPhone — Notifications
I chose notifications as the first topic to cover because they impact my life in the real world the most. Notifications are how I know when somebody reaches out to me and serve as reminders of places I need to go and things I need to do. Most of the……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — Notifications I chose notifications as the first topic to cover because they impact my life in the real world the most. Notifications are how I know when somebody reaches out to me and serve as reminders of places I need to go and things I need to do. Most of the… android
iPhone — Notifications chose notification first topic cover impact life real world Notifications know somebody reach serve reminder place need go thing need the… android
minSdk vs targetSdk vs compileSdk
What is the difference between minSdk, targetSdk and compileSdk in your build Gradle script? — Let’s have a look at what minSdk, targetSdk and compileSdk really means in build.gradle script. android { compileSdk 32 defaultConfig { /*...*/ minSdk 21 targetSdk 32 /*...*/ } } minSdk — What is the minimum API Level required for the app to run?*s_F8qMu_BBQugTm9
minSdk vs targetSdk vs compileSdk What is the difference between minSdk, targetSdk and compileSdk in your build Gradle script? — Let’s have a look at what minSdk, targetSdk and compileSdk really means in build.gradle script. android { compileSdk 32 defaultConfig { /*...*/ minSdk 21 targetSdk 32 /*...*/ } } minSdk — What is the minimum API Level required for the app to run? android
minSdk v targetSdk v compileSdk difference minSdk targetSdk compileSdk build Gradle script — Let’s look minSdk targetSdk compileSdk really mean buildgradle script android compileSdk 32 defaultConfig minSdk 21 targetSdk 32 minSdk — minimum API Level required app run android
Live Template Wizard: Crafting Android Code with Ease
If you’re a developer, you might have noticed that you end up doing certain tasks repeatedly ( such as creating ViewModel, Activity, Fragment and etc.) This can be as simple as creating a function or building a commonly used structure. Doing these tasks repeatedly can be tiring. Live templates come……OUrjqYereGQA.png
Live Template Wizard: Crafting Android Code with Ease If you’re a developer, you might have noticed that you end up doing certain tasks repeatedly ( such as creating ViewModel, Activity, Fragment and etc.) This can be as simple as creating a function or building a commonly used structure. Doing these tasks repeatedly can be tiring. Live templates come… android
Live Template Wizard Crafting Android Code Ease you’re developer might noticed end certain task repeatedly creating ViewModel Activity Fragment etc simple creating function building commonly used structure task repeatedly tiring Live template come… android
The TRUTH About Smartphone Reviews
All is not what it seems… — “I thought he switched to the pixel 7 pro <sic>, then the fold 4 <sic>. How many times can you switch?” “Come on mate, you have done this switching to android <sic> from iPhone so many times now just with different androids <sic>.” To be fair, I got off fairly……jHYT1KxobwGw.png
The TRUTH About Smartphone Reviews All is not what it seems… — “I thought he switched to the pixel 7 pro <sic>, then the fold 4 <sic>. How many times can you switch?” “Come on mate, you have done this switching to android <sic> from iPhone so many times now just with different androids <sic>.” To be fair, I got off fairly… android
TRUTH Smartphone Reviews seems… — “I thought switched pixel 7 pro sic fold 4 sic many time switch” “Come mate done switching android sic iPhone many time different android sic” fair got fairly… android
Play any sound in an Android or iOS app with JUCE (1/3)
Dealing with sound in a mobile app is a full time job by itself. There are plenty of solutions, going from basic but limited ones to more versatile ones that are often a burden to implement, especially when the documentation is poor or almost non-existent. Story of my life I worked for quite a……XrKzNF2oA8Mw.png
Play any sound in an Android or iOS app with JUCE (1/3) Dealing with sound in a mobile app is a full time job by itself. There are plenty of solutions, going from basic but limited ones to more versatile ones that are often a burden to implement, especially when the documentation is poor or almost non-existent. Story of my life I worked for quite a… android
Play sound Android iOS app JUCE 13 Dealing sound mobile app full time job plenty solution going basic limited one versatile one often burden implement especially documentation poor almost nonexistent Story life worked quite a… android
Dynamic Island on Android Phone
A step-by-step guide for getting Dynamic Island on an Android phone — Since Apple introduced a feature called Dynamic Island in their iPhone 14 Pro model, many Android developers are making this feature their own. You will already find several apps on the Play Store that bring this fun and functional feature to Android phones. One of the apps we found quite…*O8qeQtvd5XuUjRM9
Dynamic Island on Android Phone A step-by-step guide for getting Dynamic Island on an Android phone — Since Apple introduced a feature called Dynamic Island in their iPhone 14 Pro model, many Android developers are making this feature their own. You will already find several apps on the Play Store that bring this fun and functional feature to Android phones. One of the apps we found quite… android
Dynamic Island Android Phone stepbystep guide getting Dynamic Island Android phone — Since Apple introduced feature called Dynamic Island iPhone 14 Pro model many Android developer making feature already find several apps Play Store bring fun functional feature Android phone One apps found quite… android
Android — The Cool Bits
Simply comparing what exists in iOS to Android will inevitably leave out a few things. There are some things on Android that don’t have a direct parallel on iOS. App Dialer…X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
Android — The Cool Bits Simply comparing what exists in iOS to Android will inevitably leave out a few things. There are some things on Android that don’t have a direct parallel on iOS. App Dialer android
Android — Cool Bits Simply comparing exists iOS Android inevitably leave thing thing Android don’t direct parallel iOS App Dialer android
The iPhone — iMessage and Keyboard
iMessage/SMS Many iPhone vs Android discussions start and end with iMessage. It’s a very valid reason to stick with the iPhone but it makes for a very uninteresting comparison. As a result, I’m going to touch on it but then move on to more interesting things. I live in the United……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — iMessage and Keyboard iMessage/SMS Many iPhone vs Android discussions start and end with iMessage. It’s a very valid reason to stick with the iPhone but it makes for a very uninteresting comparison. As a result, I’m going to touch on it but then move on to more interesting things. I live in the United… android
iPhone — iMessage Keyboard iMessageSMS Many iPhone v Android discussion start end iMessage It’s valid reason stick iPhone make uninteresting comparison result I’m going touch move interesting thing live United… android
Introduction to Android Work Manager
As a developer, you might have to perform some operations in your app that take a long time to complete or need to be executed at a specific time, even if your app is not currently running. For example, sending notifications or syncing data with a server. ……y2onmf7ylS4w.gif
Introduction to Android Work Manager As a developer, you might have to perform some operations in your app that take a long time to complete or need to be executed at a specific time, even if your app is not currently running. For example, sending notifications or syncing data with a server. … android
Introduction Android Work Manager developer might perform operation app take long time complete need executed specific time even app currently running example sending notification syncing data server … android
Android development guide for beginners
Android development can be a challenging but rewarding process. With over 2.5 billion active devices, Android is the most widely used mobile operating system in the world. If you’re interested in learning how to develop Android apps, this guide will provide you with the basic steps you need to get……WiPbk0HZJ-sA.gif
Android development guide for beginners Android development can be a challenging but rewarding process. With over 2.5 billion active devices, Android is the most widely used mobile operating system in the world. If you’re interested in learning how to develop Android apps, this guide will provide you with the basic steps you need to get… android
Android development guide beginner Android development challenging rewarding process 25 billion active device Android widely used mobile operating system world you’re interested learning develop Android apps guide provide basic step need get… android
The iPhone — Conclusion
The decision to use Android or iOS is highly personal. For you, iMessage may be a strong enough reason to stay on iOS on its own. Or maybe, the functionality of Android is enough to keep you on Android. Thankfully, both platforms are competent and pretty similar in terms of……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — Conclusion The decision to use Android or iOS is highly personal. For you, iMessage may be a strong enough reason to stay on iOS on its own. Or maybe, the functionality of Android is enough to keep you on Android. Thankfully, both platforms are competent and pretty similar in terms of… android
iPhone — Conclusion decision use Android iOS highly personal iMessage may strong enough reason stay iOS maybe functionality Android enough keep Android Thankfully platform competent pretty similar term of… android
Building UI’s with Jetpack Compose
Hello, So in this Article I’ll be elaborating about Building UI’s with Jetpack compose in continuation of my very first article. If you’ve gone through the first article then you’re good to go, Else, click here to have a goodread on it. In Jetpack Compose, you create UI components using……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
Building UI’s with Jetpack Compose Hello, So in this Article I’ll be elaborating about Building UI’s with Jetpack compose in continuation of my very first article. If you’ve gone through the first article then you’re good to go, Else, click here to have a goodread on it. In Jetpack Compose, you create UI components using… android
Building UI’s Jetpack Compose Hello Article I’ll elaborating Building UI’s Jetpack compose continuation first article you’ve gone first article you’re good go Else click goodread Jetpack Compose create UI component using… android
How to Create a Button in Java Android Programmatically
If you’re building an Android app and want to create a button programmatically instead of using XML, you can do so easily in Java. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a button programmatically in Java for Android, and how to use it instead of XML (Although not……Kmy6NIzqYaQ.jpeg
How to Create a Button in Java Android Programmatically If you’re building an Android app and want to create a button programmatically instead of using XML, you can do so easily in Java. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a button programmatically in Java for Android, and how to use it instead of XML (Although not… android
Create Button Java Android Programmatically you’re building Android app want create button programmatically instead using XML easily Java tutorial we’ll show create button programmatically Java Android use instead XML Although not… android
The iPhone — Navigation, iOS, and the Walled Garden
Navigation Overall, Navigation on iOS is a mixed bag that I generally find more cumbersome than on Android. Back button On Android, you can swipe from either edge of the screen to go back. It works anywhere and no matter which hand you’re holding your phone with. Navigation blocked during animations Sometimes, I just want to mark……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — Navigation, iOS, and the Walled Garden Navigation Overall, Navigation on iOS is a mixed bag that I generally find more cumbersome than on Android. Back button On Android, you can swipe from either edge of the screen to go back. It works anywhere and no matter which hand you’re holding your phone with. Navigation blocked during animations Sometimes, I just want to mark… android
iPhone — Navigation iOS Walled Garden Navigation Overall Navigation iOS mixed bag generally find cumbersome Android Back button Android swipe either edge screen go back work anywhere matter hand you’re holding phone Navigation blocked animation Sometimes want mark… android
The iPhone — Other Apps
Chrome and Safari I use Chrome on my laptop and Android phones but I decided to try mobile Safari. Bottom Bar I have to admit, I am a fan of the controversial bottom bar on iOS. I generally find it to be intuitive and easy to use with one hand. I actually miss this now……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — Other Apps Chrome and Safari I use Chrome on my laptop and Android phones but I decided to try mobile Safari. Bottom Bar I have to admit, I am a fan of the controversial bottom bar on iOS. I generally find it to be intuitive and easy to use with one hand. I actually miss this now… android
iPhone — Apps Chrome Safari use Chrome laptop Android phone decided try mobile Safari Bottom Bar admit fan controversial bottom bar iOS generally find intuitive easy use one hand actually miss now… android
Cleanest way to manage runtime permissions in android.
Runtime permissions are one of the most common and at the same time most challenging topic in android. In this article I am gonna solve this puzzle. An ideal permission manager should be able to perform following tasks in a clean way. It should request appropriate permissions as per android……Tz3uvMo8Tyg.jpeg
Cleanest way to manage runtime permissions in android. Runtime permissions are one of the most common and at the same time most challenging topic in android. In this article I am gonna solve this puzzle. An ideal permission manager should be able to perform following tasks in a clean way. It should request appropriate permissions as per android… android
Cleanest way manage runtime permission android Runtime permission one common time challenging topic android article gonna solve puzzle ideal permission manager able perform following task clean way request appropriate permission per android… android
The Idea of CTRL + F in Real Life
I love shortcuts, you love shortcuts, everybody loves shortcuts. Computer technology has a critical role in our daily life. Imagine how the world today would look like if computers got vanished for some reason. What would you be doing without your phone, laptop, smartwatch and other smart gadgets? …*nUZZU71Mc-Doowb7
The Idea of CTRL + F in Real Life I love shortcuts, you love shortcuts, everybody loves shortcuts. Computer technology has a critical role in our daily life. Imagine how the world today would look like if computers got vanished for some reason. What would you be doing without your phone, laptop, smartwatch and other smart gadgets? … android
Idea CTRL F Real Life love shortcut love shortcut everybody love shortcut Computer technology critical role daily life Imagine world today would look like computer got vanished reason would without phone laptop smartwatch smart gadget … android
Dagger-Hilt Annotations Usages — Scope annotations, Predefined bindings, and qualifiers
Hilt is integrated with Jetpack libraries and Android framework classes and removes most of that boilerplate to let you focus on just the important parts of defining and injecting bindings without worrying about managing all of the Dagger setup and wiring. It automatically generates and provides: Scope annotations for the……DkhCeiqi0X4g.png
Dagger-Hilt Annotations Usages — Scope annotations, Predefined bindings, and qualifiers Hilt is integrated with Jetpack libraries and Android framework classes and removes most of that boilerplate to let you focus on just the important parts of defining and injecting bindings without worrying about managing all of the Dagger setup and wiring. It automatically generates and provides: Scope annotations for the… android
DaggerHilt Annotations Usages — Scope annotation Predefined binding qualifier Hilt integrated Jetpack library Android framework class remove boilerplate let focus important part defining injecting binding without worrying managing Dagger setup wiring automatically generates provides Scope annotation the… android
A sad song about homebrew DRM
Some time ago I spotted a pretty unknown app that had some books that I wanted to get. All of them were free, so I thought, jackpot. The app itself had a website, the catalogue was online but the download button redirected me to the app. So I download it……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
A sad song about homebrew DRM Some time ago I spotted a pretty unknown app that had some books that I wanted to get. All of them were free, so I thought, jackpot. The app itself had a website, the catalogue was online but the download button redirected me to the app. So I download it… android
sad song homebrew DRM time ago spotted pretty unknown app book wanted get free thought jackpot app website catalogue online download button redirected app download it… android
Dynamic Content Strategy
Previous: Dynamic Mobile Apps Dynamic content consists of building entire modules and screens on-the-fly, without having to define static resources to describe the UI, and even behaviors → event / error handling. This is not something new. In the old days using imperative UI programming made this somewhat difficult, but……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
Dynamic Content Strategy Previous: Dynamic Mobile Apps Dynamic content consists of building entire modules and screens on-the-fly, without having to define static resources to describe the UI, and even behaviors → event / error handling. This is not something new. In the old days using imperative UI programming made this somewhat difficult, but… android
Dynamic Content Strategy Previous Dynamic Mobile Apps Dynamic content consists building entire module screen onthefly without define static resource describe UI even behavior → event error handling something new old day using imperative UI programming made somewhat difficult but… android
“Preventing Memory Leaks in LiveData: Best Practices for Android Developers”
Memory leaks in LiveData can occur when the observer is not properly removed after it is no longer needed. LiveData is an observable data holder that is lifecycle-aware, meaning it automatically manages subscriptions to data changes and removes them when they are no longer needed. However, if the observer is……Gxt1mmNnMyw.jpeg
“Preventing Memory Leaks in LiveData: Best Practices for Android Developers” Memory leaks in LiveData can occur when the observer is not properly removed after it is no longer needed. LiveData is an observable data holder that is lifecycle-aware, meaning it automatically manages subscriptions to data changes and removes them when they are no longer needed. However, if the observer is… android
“Preventing Memory Leaks LiveData Best Practices Android Developers” Memory leak LiveData occur observer properly removed longer needed LiveData observable data holder lifecycleaware meaning automatically manages subscription data change remove longer needed However observer is… android
10 ideas to reduce your APK size [Part II]
Less is More: A Comprehensive Guide to Reducing APK Size and Optimizing Your Android App’s User Experience — In this series of 3 articles, we will explore some ideas to minimize your app’s download and install size. This is the second part of the 10 ideas to reduce your APK size series. You can read Part I here. Part III will be published soon. You can follow me……udGSWoG-Lsg.jpeg
10 ideas to reduce your APK size [Part II] Less is More: A Comprehensive Guide to Reducing APK Size and Optimizing Your Android App’s User Experience — In this series of 3 articles, we will explore some ideas to minimize your app’s download and install size. This is the second part of the 10 ideas to reduce your APK size series. You can read Part I here. Part III will be published soon. You can follow me… android
10 idea reduce APK size Part II Less Comprehensive Guide Reducing APK Size Optimizing Android App’s User Experience — series 3 article explore idea minimize app’s download install size second part 10 idea reduce APK size series read Part Part III published soon follow me… android
The iPhone — Hardware and Camera
Hardware/Camera My experience with the iPhone 14 hardware has been a mixed bag Battery life Battery life on the iPhone 14 Pro (non-max) has been very good but it hasn’t blown me away either. On an average day, I didn’t have to think about battery life at all which is fantastic. However, I……X1p6k0lxDLg.jpeg
The iPhone — Hardware and Camera Hardware/Camera My experience with the iPhone 14 hardware has been a mixed bag Battery life Battery life on the iPhone 14 Pro (non-max) has been very good but it hasn’t blown me away either. On an average day, I didn’t have to think about battery life at all which is fantastic. However, I… android
iPhone — Hardware Camera HardwareCamera experience iPhone 14 hardware mixed bag Battery life Battery life iPhone 14 Pro nonmax good hasn’t blown away either average day didn’t think battery life fantastic However I… android
Vivaldi for Chrome OS Review
Another Mobile Browser Goes Big — In the Android space, it’s increasingly common to find mobile browsers with tablet support, with some even having ChromeOS optimizations. There are some less than obvious benefits to using an Android browser on a Chromebook (Chrome is in the name, duh), but they can come in handy. Vivaldi for Android……QM79WHScAo0y.png
Vivaldi for Chrome OS Review Another Mobile Browser Goes Big — In the Android space, it’s increasingly common to find mobile browsers with tablet support, with some even having ChromeOS optimizations. There are some less than obvious benefits to using an Android browser on a Chromebook (Chrome is in the name, duh), but they can come in handy. Vivaldi for Android… android
Vivaldi Chrome OS Review Another Mobile Browser Goes Big — Android space it’s increasingly common find mobile browser tablet support even ChromeOS optimization le obvious benefit using Android browser Chromebook Chrome name duh come handy Vivaldi Android… android
Top 20 Companies for Android App Development in 2023
Have you thought about creating a mobile app in consideration of the app demand opportunity? Then, you must have attempted to research the best app development companies to connect with the best one. As the world continues to embrace mobile technology, the demand for Android app development has never been……bcQ2Xiaenxag.png
Top 20 Companies for Android App Development in 2023 Have you thought about creating a mobile app in consideration of the app demand opportunity? Then, you must have attempted to research the best app development companies to connect with the best one. As the world continues to embrace mobile technology, the demand for Android app development has never been… android
Top 20 Companies Android App Development 2023 thought creating mobile app consideration app demand opportunity must attempted research best app development company connect best one world continues embrace mobile technology demand Android app development never been… android
Flutter Firebase Android Integration
Hello, As you know, Firebase has an important position in the mobile world. In this article, I will explain how to save a Flutter project to Firebase. I can be very excited as this is the first topic I write about. :)…c0vN-z_qqijw.png
Flutter Firebase Android Integration Hello, As you know, Firebase has an important position in the mobile world. In this article, I will explain how to save a Flutter project to Firebase. I can be very excited as this is the first topic I write about. :) android
Flutter Firebase Android Integration Hello know Firebase important position mobile world article explain save Flutter project Firebase excited first topic write android
async/await | Coroutines | Kotlin
async/await | Coroutines async/await simplifies asynchronous code, making it easier to read and maintain. Coroutines execute long-running tasks without blocking the main thread or freezing the UI. async launches a coroutine and returns a Deferred object; await retrieves the result. The exceptions can be handled with try/catch or onFailure to……EFLQdtzCCdzQ.png
async/await | Coroutines | Kotlin async/await | Coroutines async/await simplifies asynchronous code, making it easier to read and maintain. Coroutines execute long-running tasks without blocking the main thread or freezing the UI. async launches a coroutine and returns a Deferred object; await retrieves the result. The exceptions can be handled with try/catch or onFailure to… android
asyncawait Coroutines Kotlin asyncawait Coroutines asyncawait simplifies asynchronous code making easier read maintain Coroutines execute longrunning task without blocking main thread freezing UI async launch coroutine return Deferred object await retrieves result exception handled trycatch onFailure to… android
How to setup CI/CD, and YML file for Android using Github Actions
What is CICD? Android CICD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) is the process of automating the build, testing, and deployment of Android applications. It involves using a series of tools and processes to ensure that the application is always ready for deployment. Tools and Framework for CICD? For android CICD……kTzAB0fUfpg.jpeg
How to setup CI/CD, and YML file for Android using Github Actions What is CICD? Android CICD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) is the process of automating the build, testing, and deployment of Android applications. It involves using a series of tools and processes to ensure that the application is always ready for deployment. Tools and Framework for CICD? For android CICD… android
setup CICD YML file Android using Github Actions CICD Android CICD Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery process automating build testing deployment Android application involves using series tool process ensure application always ready deployment Tools Framework CICD android CICD… android
✨Mastering Kotlin : A Comprehensive Guide✨
This list will be updated regularly after each new article is published 😊 Beginner : ➡️ How to use viewBinding in Kotlin — In-Depth Guide ➡️RecyclerView in Android with Example — In-Depth Guide ➡️Get started with the Navigation component — Beginner In-Depth Guide ➡️How to use Tablayout with ViewPager in Kotlin- In-Depth Guide ➡️How to create……7-nys2l7AYUw.png
✨Mastering Kotlin : A Comprehensive Guide✨ This list will be updated regularly after each new article is published 😊 Beginner : ➡️ How to use viewBinding in Kotlin — In-Depth Guide ➡️RecyclerView in Android with Example — In-Depth Guide ➡️Get started with the Navigation component — Beginner In-Depth Guide ➡️How to use Tablayout with ViewPager in Kotlin- In-Depth Guide ➡️How to create… android
✨Mastering Kotlin Comprehensive Guide✨ list updated regularly new article published 😊 Beginner ➡️ use viewBinding Kotlin — InDepth Guide ➡️RecyclerView Android Example — InDepth Guide ➡️Get started Navigation component — Beginner InDepth Guide ➡️How use Tablayout ViewPager Kotlin InDepth Guide ➡️How create… android
How to Handle Callbacks Well With Coroutines(HMS)?
Introduction Hello, When we develop Android apps, we always need an external service to get data. We can give databases or servers as examples. As a result of that, we integrate various SDKs to get data. And these SDKs all have one common point, the result listeners. They are good to……3S2E2u3vMy5P.png
How to Handle Callbacks Well With Coroutines(HMS)? Introduction Hello, When we develop Android apps, we always need an external service to get data. We can give databases or servers as examples. As a result of that, we integrate various SDKs to get data. And these SDKs all have one common point, the result listeners. They are good to… android
Handle Callbacks Well CoroutinesHMS Introduction Hello develop Android apps always need external service get data give database server example result integrate various SDKs get data SDKs one common point result listener good to… android
Provider — Introduction
This article is the beginning of an article series that addresses Providerpattern of Flutter. This article is an introduction; hence I am going to discuss enthusiastic questions like What is Provider?, Why Provider? Where to place the Provider in the widget-tree, and Prerequisite to use Provider. ……MnrQ85R5LK0A.png
Provider — Introduction This article is the beginning of an article series that addresses Providerpattern of Flutter. This article is an introduction; hence I am going to discuss enthusiastic questions like What is Provider?, Why Provider? Where to place the Provider in the widget-tree, and Prerequisite to use Provider. … android
Provider — Introduction article beginning article series address Providerpattern Flutter article introduction hence going discus enthusiastic question like Provider Provider place Provider widgettree Prerequisite use Provider … android
Implement Voice to Text in Jetpack Compose — Android
In this article, we’ll explore how to use Jetpack Compose to build a Voice to Text feature in your Android app. Creating the Voice to Text Parser Let’s start by creating the parser state class. data class VoiceToTextParserState( val isSpeaking: Boolean = false, val spokenText: String = "", val error: String? = null ) Now we……n0kEmzFfDZw.jpeg
Implement Voice to Text in Jetpack Compose — Android In this article, we’ll explore how to use Jetpack Compose to build a Voice to Text feature in your Android app. Creating the Voice to Text Parser Let’s start by creating the parser state class. data class VoiceToTextParserState( val isSpeaking: Boolean = false, val spokenText: String = "", val error: String? = null ) Now we… android
Implement Voice Text Jetpack Compose — Android article we’ll explore use Jetpack Compose build Voice Text feature Android app Creating Voice Text Parser Let’s start creating parser state class data class VoiceToTextParserState val isSpeaking Boolean false val spokenText String val error String null we… android
Face Detection App with MLKit Android [PROJECT]
Face detection is a powerful technique that allows developers to identify human faces in images or live camera streams. With MLKit and Kotlin, building a face detection app for Android has become easier than ever before. In this article, we will discuss how to create a face detection app with……Qqg5kUAbOQaA.png
Face Detection App with MLKit Android [PROJECT] Face detection is a powerful technique that allows developers to identify human faces in images or live camera streams. With MLKit and Kotlin, building a face detection app for Android has become easier than ever before. In this article, we will discuss how to create a face detection app with… android
Face Detection App MLKit Android PROJECT Face detection powerful technique allows developer identify human face image live camera stream MLKit Kotlin building face detection app Android become easier ever article discus create face detection app with… android
Moonlight Drive Offers a Relaxing Futuristic Jet Car Driving for iOS & Android
The endless jet car driving game features sleek graphics, mind-soothing soundtrack, and large choice of cool jet vehicles. What is Moonlight Drive? An infinite space driving game to put your skills to the test as you race through traffic in a futuristic city. It’s one of the best endless racing games to test your skills while you experience a futuristic racing adventure. Standout Features: Sleek 3D visuals…jnyFoTOGcA3e.png
Moonlight Drive Offers a Relaxing Futuristic Jet Car Driving for iOS & Android The endless jet car driving game features sleek graphics, mind-soothing soundtrack, and large choice of cool jet vehicles. What is Moonlight Drive? An infinite space driving game to put your skills to the test as you race through traffic in a futuristic city. It’s one of the best endless racing games to test your skills while you experience a futuristic racing adventure. Standout Features: Sleek 3D visuals android
Moonlight Drive Offers Relaxing Futuristic Jet Car Driving iOS Android endless jet car driving game feature sleek graphic mindsoothing soundtrack large choice cool jet vehicle Moonlight Drive infinite space driving game put skill test race traffic futuristic city It’s one best endless racing game test skill experience futuristic racing adventure Standout Features Sleek 3D visuals android
New Book: Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows
The new book I have written, Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows, has now been published. This is my first book after last year’s How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin that I co-authored. The book begins by showing you how to create and handle Kotlin Coroutines on Android. You’ll explore asynchronous programming in Kotlin, and understand how to test Kotlin Coroutines. Next, you’ll learn about Kotlin Flows on Android, and have a closer look at using Kotlin Flows by getting to grips with handling Flow cancellations and exceptions and testing the Flows.…hMj8J8iqIDS.jpeg
New Book: Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows The new book I have written, Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows, has now been published. This is my first book after last year’s How to Build Android Apps with Kotlin that I co-authored. The book begins by showing you how to create and handle Kotlin Coroutines on Android. You’ll explore asynchronous programming in Kotlin, and understand how to test Kotlin Coroutines. Next, you’ll learn about Kotlin Flows on Android, and have a closer look at using Kotlin Flows by getting to grips with handling Flow cancellations and exceptions and testing the Flows. android
New Book Simplifying Android Development Coroutines Flows new book written Simplifying Android Development Coroutines Flows published first book last year’s Build Android Apps Kotlin coauthored book begin showing create handle Kotlin Coroutines Android You’ll explore asynchronous programming Kotlin understand test Kotlin Coroutines Next you’ll learn Kotlin Flows Android closer look using Kotlin Flows getting grip handling Flow cancellation exception testing Flows android
Vulnerabilities In Oneplus Devices
A shockingly bad news have been emerged for the OnePlus lovers. On January 26, 2017, a security researcher, “ Roee Hay of Aleph Research “ had discovered four vulnerabilities that affect all OnePlus handsets, including One, X, 2, 3 and 3T. Roee and his team notified OnePlus team about four……OZSqGMCcZzaw.png
Vulnerabilities In Oneplus Devices A shockingly bad news have been emerged for the OnePlus lovers. On January 26, 2017, a security researcher, “ Roee Hay of Aleph Research “ had discovered four vulnerabilities that affect all OnePlus handsets, including One, X, 2, 3 and 3T. Roee and his team notified OnePlus team about four… android
Vulnerabilities Oneplus Devices shockingly bad news emerged OnePlus lover January 26 2017 security researcher “ Roee Hay Aleph Research “ discovered four vulnerability affect OnePlus handset including One X 2 3 3T Roee team notified OnePlus team four… android
How to create 30 Seconds Mock Json File in Android like a Boss
Today I want to share a little bit of a way to create the JSON mock file to speed up your development in the Front End, especially in Android Kotlin, so the first step you can create the JSON file that contains an expected response from Back End like this:*eOM_jT0HSOhtTNsz
How to create 30 Seconds Mock Json File in Android like a Boss Today I want to share a little bit of a way to create the JSON mock file to speed up your development in the Front End, especially in Android Kotlin, so the first step you can create the JSON file that contains an expected response from Back End like this: android
create 30 Seconds Mock Json File Android like Boss Today want share little bit way create JSON mock file speed development Front End especially Android Kotlin first step create JSON file contains expected response Back End like android
Android Programming 301: Advanced Features
Gradle Gradle is a build that works with Android. It provides many advantages over Android. Therefore, it is very important for Android developers to learn the Gradle structure. It is primarily used in the compilation phase. It notifies the developer of errors and deficiencies in the project. In this way, a……cfi5XNE6IcQ.jpeg
Android Programming 301: Advanced Features Gradle Gradle is a build that works with Android. It provides many advantages over Android. Therefore, it is very important for Android developers to learn the Gradle structure. It is primarily used in the compilation phase. It notifies the developer of errors and deficiencies in the project. In this way, a… android
Android Programming 301 Advanced Features Gradle Gradle build work Android provides many advantage Android Therefore important Android developer learn Gradle structure primarily used compilation phase notifies developer error deficiency project way a… android
Kotlin Coroutines (part 3)
If you haven’t already, It is recommended to read the previous 2 articles first: Kotlin Coroutines part 1 Kotlin Coroutines part 2 In this third and final article we will cover the following topics in Kotlin Coroutines: Coroutines Channel. Coroutines Select. Coroutines vs RxKotlin Coroutines vs Threads [5] Coroutines Channels Channels are a……8KRso9VBcusA.png
Kotlin Coroutines (part 3) If you haven’t already, It is recommended to read the previous 2 articles first: Kotlin Coroutines part 1 Kotlin Coroutines part 2 In this third and final article we will cover the following topics in Kotlin Coroutines: Coroutines Channel. Coroutines Select. Coroutines vs RxKotlin Coroutines vs Threads [5] Coroutines Channels Channels are a… android
Kotlin Coroutines part 3 haven’t already recommended read previous 2 article first Kotlin Coroutines part 1 Kotlin Coroutines part 2 third final article cover following topic Kotlin Coroutines Coroutines Channel Coroutines Select Coroutines v RxKotlin Coroutines v Threads 5 Coroutines Channels Channels a… android
Portrait Mode in the Flex 3 Camera
In January 2023, Clover announced that the Flex 3 is available in the United States. The Flex 3 supports Android 10 and features a larger display — 5.99" IPS HD. The Flex 3 camera specifications have also changed. In this blog, we share our new portrait mode in the Flex…*NX2FTt2vbFGILyB-
Portrait Mode in the Flex 3 Camera In January 2023, Clover announced that the Flex 3 is available in the United States. The Flex 3 supports Android 10 and features a larger display — 5.99" IPS HD. The Flex 3 camera specifications have also changed. In this blog, we share our new portrait mode in the Flex… android
Portrait Mode Flex 3 Camera January 2023 Clover announced Flex 3 available United States Flex 3 support Android 10 feature larger display — 599 IPS HD Flex 3 camera specification also changed blog share new portrait mode Flex… android
How to add Premium Options easily in your Android app
Okay so you have created an app that is awesome but you have added some more great features to your app. Now to monetize your app you could add that feature as a premium feature where users need to pay for it. Using Google Billing API seems tedious to use……zAmht7OjjuQ.jpeg
How to add Premium Options easily in your Android app Okay so you have created an app that is awesome but you have added some more great features to your app. Now to monetize your app you could add that feature as a premium feature where users need to pay for it. Using Google Billing API seems tedious to use… android
add Premium Options easily Android app Okay created app awesome added great feature app monetize app could add feature premium feature user need pay Using Google Billing API seems tedious use… android
SOLID Principles in Android + Kotlin
SOLID is a set of five design principles that are intended to guide developers in writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code. The SOLID principles are crucial for writing code that is easy to understand, extend, and modify. ……9uUs6-GJPgPg.png
SOLID Principles in Android + Kotlin SOLID is a set of five design principles that are intended to guide developers in writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code. The SOLID principles are crucial for writing code that is easy to understand, extend, and modify. … android
SOLID Principles Android Kotlin SOLID set five design principle intended guide developer writing clean maintainable scalable code SOLID principle crucial writing code easy understand extend modify … android
Guaranteed No Stress! 7 Cross-platform development frameworks.
There are many cross-platform development frameworks available, and the choice of which one to use depends on various factors, such as the requirements of the project, the skills of the development team, and the target platforms. Some frameworks, such as React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter, are widely popular and offer……3ph_aHbiKrw.jpeg
Guaranteed No Stress! 7 Cross-platform development frameworks. There are many cross-platform development frameworks available, and the choice of which one to use depends on various factors, such as the requirements of the project, the skills of the development team, and the target platforms. Some frameworks, such as React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter, are widely popular and offer… android
Guaranteed Stress 7 Crossplatform development framework many crossplatform development framework available choice one use depends various factor requirement project skill development team target platform framework React Native Xamarin Flutter widely popular offer… android
Case study: redesigning the Google Podcasts app
Challenge Choose a well-known native mobile app from iOS or Android and redesign at least three screens. No UX research is required. Google Podcasts For this challenge, I selected Google’s standalone app for podcasts, creatively named: Google Podcasts😉. The app has three tabs: Home: the first time you use the app, your Home……U4pDanOZT9Q.jpeg
Case study: redesigning the Google Podcasts app Challenge Choose a well-known native mobile app from iOS or Android and redesign at least three screens. No UX research is required. Google Podcasts For this challenge, I selected Google’s standalone app for podcasts, creatively named: Google Podcasts😉. The app has three tabs: Home: the first time you use the app, your Home… android
Case study redesigning Google Podcasts app Challenge Choose wellknown native mobile app iOS Android redesign least three screen UX research required Google Podcasts challenge selected Google’s standalone app podcasts creatively named Google Podcasts😉 app three tab Home first time use app Home… android
Setting container registry for Docker, building and pushing the image
Like any other development process, docker is equally important, important in the sense that enables you to create, deploy, and run applications conveniently with the help of containers. In this tech blog, we are going to know about how to use docker efficiently, from my learning experience, and the mistakes……taR0k6CPMgaA.png
Setting container registry for Docker, building and pushing the image Like any other development process, docker is equally important, important in the sense that enables you to create, deploy, and run applications conveniently with the help of containers. In this tech blog, we are going to know about how to use docker efficiently, from my learning experience, and the mistakes… android
Setting container registry Docker building pushing image Like development process docker equally important important sense enables create deploy run application conveniently help container tech blog going know use docker efficiently learning experience mistakes… android
Testing in Android With Robolectric
When I first started working on Gusto’s Android app, I was surprised by the Android community’s consensus that testing is hard. Or that tests are too slow. Or that it simply isn’t worth testing the UX or visual components. Many signs point to the emulator as the cause of this……WHt4O8Y7X8w.jpeg
Testing in Android With Robolectric When I first started working on Gusto’s Android app, I was surprised by the Android community’s consensus that testing is hard. Or that tests are too slow. Or that it simply isn’t worth testing the UX or visual components. Many signs point to the emulator as the cause of this… android
Testing Android Robolectric first started working Gusto’s Android app surprised Android community’s consensus testing hard test slow simply isn’t worth testing UX visual component Many sign point emulator cause this… android
Explore Constraint Layout on Jetpack Compose
Hello folks, ConstraintLayout has long been a solution for developers to build a complex layout by avoiding display hierarchies and complicated positioning that sometimes have an impact on app performance. ConstraintLayout simplifies the creation of complex layouts in android applications. Besides that, android studio support, makes it possible to build……NRzYotHFF3ZQ.png
Explore Constraint Layout on Jetpack Compose Hello folks, ConstraintLayout has long been a solution for developers to build a complex layout by avoiding display hierarchies and complicated positioning that sometimes have an impact on app performance. ConstraintLayout simplifies the creation of complex layouts in android applications. Besides that, android studio support, makes it possible to build… android
Explore Constraint Layout Jetpack Compose Hello folk ConstraintLayout long solution developer build complex layout avoiding display hierarchy complicated positioning sometimes impact app performance ConstraintLayout simplifies creation complex layout android application Besides android studio support make possible build… android