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Portfolio Project Blog Post: TasKeeper
Hello there, this article is my first and it follows the alx_africa curriculum. It is an article that details the difficulties and lessons learned involved in creating a portfolio project. ……mvPCRts-t-Tj.png
Portfolio Project Blog Post: TasKeeper Hello there, this article is my first and it follows the alx_africa curriculum. It is an article that details the difficulties and lessons learned involved in creating a portfolio project. … web-development
Portfolio Project Blog Post TasKeeper Hello article first follows alxafrica curriculum article detail difficulty lesson learned involved creating portfolio project … webdevelopment
How to Become a Web Developer in 2023?
Steps to become a successful web developer in 2023 — Hello and welcome to this video on “How to Become a Web Developer in 2023”. Web development is an exciting and constantly evolving field, with many opportunities for those who are willing to learn and work hard. …*QOhvRoqZ9omwapTY
How to Become a Web Developer in 2023? Steps to become a successful web developer in 2023 — Hello and welcome to this video on “How to Become a Web Developer in 2023”. Web development is an exciting and constantly evolving field, with many opportunities for those who are willing to learn and work hard. … web-development
Become Web Developer 2023 Steps become successful web developer 2023 — Hello welcome video “How Become Web Developer 2023” Web development exciting constantly evolving field many opportunity willing learn work hard … webdevelopment
Nest.js TypeORM Streaming Query to CSV File — Perf not so good
TypeORM have the stream method on the createQueryBuilder then we can chain this to some processing like newLineToSpace , make the CSV and send back to the response. The code may look like below import { ReadStream } from 'typeorm/platform/PlatformTools'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; // ... Nest.js Controller ... const manager……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
Nest.js TypeORM Streaming Query to CSV File — Perf not so good TypeORM have the stream method on the createQueryBuilder then we can chain this to some processing like newLineToSpace , make the CSV and send back to the response. The code may look like below import { ReadStream } from 'typeorm/platform/PlatformTools'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; // ... Nest.js Controller ... const manager… web-development
Nestjs TypeORM Streaming Query CSV File — Perf good TypeORM stream method createQueryBuilder chain processing like newLineToSpace make CSV send back response code may look like import ReadStream typeormplatformPlatformTools import pipeline streampromises Nestjs Controller const manager… webdevelopment
My Mom’s Book
It’s about making websites that people will actually use — Today is my mother's birthday. A few years ago, she wrote a book. It never really caught on, which is a shame, because it’s a really useful reference for web development. The title is 5 Keys to Building a Clear & Usable Website. There isn’t much in the way of……WvbXm261xww.jpeg
My Mom’s Book It’s about making websites that people will actually use — Today is my mother's birthday. A few years ago, she wrote a book. It never really caught on, which is a shame, because it’s a really useful reference for web development. The title is 5 Keys to Building a Clear & Usable Website. There isn’t much in the way of… web-development
Mom’s Book It’s making website people actually use — Today mother birthday year ago wrote book never really caught shame it’s really useful reference web development title 5 Keys Building Clear Usable Website isn’t much way of… webdevelopment
Writing a Snake Game Using TypeScript Classes
Learn to make a Snake game with TypeScript classes, a powerful object-oriented programming language that enhances JavaScript with optional static typing. — TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds type annotations and other features to the language. In this article, we will write a snake game using TypeScript. Now let’s see the whole code as a single piece. interface TrailPiece { positionX: number positionY: number } class SnakeGame { private……O6TGDknUrJlg.png
Writing a Snake Game Using TypeScript Classes Learn to make a Snake game with TypeScript classes, a powerful object-oriented programming language that enhances JavaScript with optional static typing. — TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds type annotations and other features to the language. In this article, we will write a snake game using TypeScript. Now let’s see the whole code as a single piece. interface TrailPiece { positionX: number positionY: number } class SnakeGame { private… web-development
Writing Snake Game Using TypeScript Classes Learn make Snake game TypeScript class powerful objectoriented programming language enhances JavaScript optional static typing — TypeScript superset JavaScript add type annotation feature language article write snake game using TypeScript let’s see whole code single piece interface TrailPiece positionX number positionY number class SnakeGame private… webdevelopment
Building Web Applications with Python Flask
Web development is a crucial aspect of modern software development, and Python is one of the most popular programming languages for web development. Flask is a lightweight and flexible web framework that enables developers to create web applications quickly and easily. In this article, we will explore the basics of…*wTQWG2tvqpxgSHNP
Building Web Applications with Python Flask Web development is a crucial aspect of modern software development, and Python is one of the most popular programming languages for web development. Flask is a lightweight and flexible web framework that enables developers to create web applications quickly and easily. In this article, we will explore the basics of… web-development
Building Web Applications Python Flask Web development crucial aspect modern software development Python one popular programming language web development Flask lightweight flexible web framework enables developer create web application quickly easily article explore basic of… webdevelopment
7 Jaw-Dropping Website Designs That Will Take Your Breath Away in 2023
Get Ready to be Blown Away — In the modern day, it is essential for any business or facility to have an eye-catching web design. A visually appealing website may have a significant influence on how your target audience perceives your business, perhaps leading to an increase in website traffic and revenue. Yet, with a variety of…*0nCvgFX42j78EXc-
7 Jaw-Dropping Website Designs That Will Take Your Breath Away in 2023 Get Ready to be Blown Away — In the modern day, it is essential for any business or facility to have an eye-catching web design. A visually appealing website may have a significant influence on how your target audience perceives your business, perhaps leading to an increase in website traffic and revenue. Yet, with a variety of… web-development
7 JawDropping Website Designs Take Breath Away 2023 Get Ready Blown Away — modern day essential business facility eyecatching web design visually appealing website may significant influence target audience perceives business perhaps leading increase website traffic revenue Yet variety of… webdevelopment
The Top Task Manager Apps to Keep You Organized and On Track
Maximize your productivity as a web developer with one of these task manager apps. — Attention web developers! Are you tired of feeling sluggish and disorganized? Do you ever feel like juggling too many tasks and struggling to stay on top of everything? If so, you’re not alone! In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of important tasks. But don’t……e5VqkK3LserA.png
The Top Task Manager Apps to Keep You Organized and On Track Maximize your productivity as a web developer with one of these task manager apps. — Attention web developers! Are you tired of feeling sluggish and disorganized? Do you ever feel like juggling too many tasks and struggling to stay on top of everything? If so, you’re not alone! In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of important tasks. But don’t… web-development
Top Task Manager Apps Keep Organized Track Maximize productivity web developer one task manager apps — Attention web developer tired feeling sluggish disorganized ever feel like juggling many task struggling stay top everything you’re alone today’s fastpaced world it’s easy get overwhelmed lose track important task don’t… webdevelopment
WP Engine: The Saviour for a Struggling E-commerce Business
As a professional web developer and designer, I am always on the hunt for the best hosting solutions to recommend to my clients. Recently, one of my clients approached me with a problem — their e-commerce store was struggling due to their current hosting solution being slow, unreliable, and frequently…*xrXpEqhXtdPCRNSD
WP Engine: The Saviour for a Struggling E-commerce Business As a professional web developer and designer, I am always on the hunt for the best hosting solutions to recommend to my clients. Recently, one of my clients approached me with a problem — their e-commerce store was struggling due to their current hosting solution being slow, unreliable, and frequently… web-development
WP Engine Saviour Struggling Ecommerce Business professional web developer designer always hunt best hosting solution recommend client Recently one client approached problem — ecommerce store struggling due current hosting solution slow unreliable frequently… webdevelopment
The Best Learning Path for Front-End Development
If you are looking to begin a career as a frontend developer, but you do not have any experience, you should start with the Frontend Developer Roadmap. What Is the Frontend Developer Roadmap? The Frontend Developer Roadmap is a guide that shows you the key technologies, tools, and skills that a front-end developer should learn. It……z7r_hTKZZjew.png
The Best Learning Path for Front-End Development If you are looking to begin a career as a frontend developer, but you do not have any experience, you should start with the Frontend Developer Roadmap. What Is the Frontend Developer Roadmap? The Frontend Developer Roadmap is a guide that shows you the key technologies, tools, and skills that a front-end developer should learn. It… web-development
Best Learning Path FrontEnd Development looking begin career frontend developer experience start Frontend Developer Roadmap Frontend Developer Roadmap Frontend Developer Roadmap guide show key technology tool skill frontend developer learn It… webdevelopment
[#10] 5 things: Creating a template in AEM
Navigate to running AEM instance and to go to: ○ Tools > General > Templates You should already see a folder created by your in the templates. Open it. By default, there should already be some OOTB templates present in your project depending on your archetype. We can also create our……3lXh-4wR0o1A.png
[#10] 5 things: Creating a template in AEM Navigate to running AEM instance and to go to: ○ Tools > General > Templates You should already see a folder created by your in the templates. Open it. By default, there should already be some OOTB templates present in your project depending on your archetype. We can also create our… web-development
10 5 thing Creating template AEM Navigate running AEM instance go ○ Tools General Templates already see folder created appid template Open default already OOTB template present project depending archetype also create our… webdevelopment
How you can become a Good Freelancer as a Web Developer?
Becoming a good Freelancer as a Web Developer in a competitive market takes time, effort, commitment, and smart work. Working as a freelance web developer will provide you with the opportunity to take on various projects from various local and international clients. Since you get to run your own company……a9d3S-XzDgQ.jpeg
How you can become a Good Freelancer as a Web Developer? Becoming a good Freelancer as a Web Developer in a competitive market takes time, effort, commitment, and smart work. Working as a freelance web developer will provide you with the opportunity to take on various projects from various local and international clients. Since you get to run your own company… web-development
become Good Freelancer Web Developer Becoming good Freelancer Web Developer competitive market take time effort commitment smart work Working freelance web developer provide opportunity take various project various local international client Since get run company… webdevelopment
How pair programming helped me get over myself.
It’s day 2 of Lighthouse Lab’s 12 week web development bootcamp, and I’ve just been told that we are going to be “pair programming” the next day. My first thought: “Pair program?! I’ve barely solo programmed.” I was just learning how to use the tools that would become a part……iM6ZECWkB7Hg.gif
How pair programming helped me get over myself. It’s day 2 of Lighthouse Lab’s 12 week web development bootcamp, and I’ve just been told that we are going to be “pair programming” the next day. My first thought: “Pair program?! I’ve barely solo programmed.” I was just learning how to use the tools that would become a part… web-development
pair programming helped get It’s day 2 Lighthouse Lab’s 12 week web development bootcamp I’ve told going “pair programming” next day first thought “Pair program I’ve barely solo programmed” learning use tool would become part… webdevelopment
Removing duplicates from arrays in JavaScript: 3 ways
Introduction JavaScript is widely-used programming language that allows developers to build complex web applications. One of the common challenges that developers face is removing duplicates from arrays. Duplicates in an array can lead to various issues, such as inncorect calculations, slower perfomance and unexpected results. ……Rtr_0cv4_ClQ.png
Removing duplicates from arrays in JavaScript: 3 ways Introduction JavaScript is widely-used programming language that allows developers to build complex web applications. One of the common challenges that developers face is removing duplicates from arrays. Duplicates in an array can lead to various issues, such as inncorect calculations, slower perfomance and unexpected results. … web-development
Removing duplicate array JavaScript 3 way Introduction JavaScript widelyused programming language allows developer build complex web application One common challenge developer face removing duplicate array Duplicates array lead various issue inncorect calculation slower perfomance unexpected result … webdevelopment
My Slow Path to Mastery
Since May of 2022, I have been completely devoted to Launch School and its mastery-based curriculum. Along the way, I have deferred to the experience and expertise of other students and graduates who have taken the same journey that I am taking, and they all say the same thing: trust……pSPOk1hJ_A6g.png
My Slow Path to Mastery Since May of 2022, I have been completely devoted to Launch School and its mastery-based curriculum. Along the way, I have deferred to the experience and expertise of other students and graduates who have taken the same journey that I am taking, and they all say the same thing: trust… web-development
Slow Path Mastery Since May 2022 completely devoted Launch School masterybased curriculum Along way deferred experience expertise student graduate taken journey taking say thing trust… webdevelopment
Making money as an average developer is hard right? Atleast not now
A Great Indian 20-year-old story I’m just like the other 99% of developers who are not in the top 1%. Maybe because I’m too young (20 y/o) or because I’m too lazy. I strongly believe that right now I’m not a 10X developer who can do almost everything, and I……mV87R-ExcCdA.png
Making money as an average developer is hard right? Atleast not now A Great Indian 20-year-old story I’m just like the other 99% of developers who are not in the top 1%. Maybe because I’m too young (20 y/o) or because I’m too lazy. I strongly believe that right now I’m not a 10X developer who can do almost everything, and I… web-development
Making money average developer hard right Atleast Great Indian 20yearold story I’m like 99 developer top 1 Maybe I’m young 20 yo I’m lazy strongly believe right I’m 10X developer almost everything I… webdevelopment
JavaScript Fundamentals: What is JavaScript
JavaScript is the only programming language native to the web browser. JavaScript is an interpreted language Interpreted language Interpreters run through a program line by line and execute each command. Generally interpreted without compiling a program into machine instructions. Instructions are not directly executed by the target machine, but instead executed by some other program Compiled language*FsOlxINsfKyRe1cf
JavaScript Fundamentals: What is JavaScript JavaScript is the only programming language native to the web browser. JavaScript is an interpreted language Interpreted language Interpreters run through a program line by line and execute each command. Generally interpreted without compiling a program into machine instructions. Instructions are not directly executed by the target machine, but instead executed by some other program Compiled language web-development
JavaScript Fundamentals JavaScript JavaScript programming language native web browser JavaScript interpreted language Interpreted language Interpreters run program line line execute command Generally interpreted without compiling program machine instruction Instructions directly executed target machine instead executed program Compiled language webdevelopment
How to Fix the Issue Where We Can’t Type in a React Input Text Field?
Sometimes, we encounter the issue when we can’t type inside a React input text field. In this article, we’ll look at how to fix the issue when we can’t type inside a React input text field. Set the value and onChange Props To fix the issue when we can’t type inside a React input text field…*IxusoQxo1bVgYSwO
How to Fix the Issue Where We Can’t Type in a React Input Text Field? Sometimes, we encounter the issue when we can’t type inside a React input text field. In this article, we’ll look at how to fix the issue when we can’t type inside a React input text field. Set the value and onChange Props To fix the issue when we can’t type inside a React input text field… web-development
Fix Issue Can’t Type React Input Text Field Sometimes encounter issue can’t type inside React input text field article we’ll look fix issue can’t type inside React input text field Set value onChange Props fix issue can’t type inside React input text field… webdevelopment
🅰️ Angular 16.0.0-next.3 Input() Can Be Required
Now you can require inputs. What a fantastic news! The next subversion of Angular comes with a long awaited feature. Now, Input() fields can be actually required. Up until today Angular didn’t offer a proper way of an requiring an input. There were some harsh workarounds, but they wasn’t never good at telling what input is missing precisely. class…️-angular-16-0-0-next-3-input-can-be-required-fc56df419d7d?source=topics_v2---------1-84--------------------98fda2bd_6ce9_4ec4_9db8_fae3b8a9def5-------17…LbUINLOYBcpA.png
🅰️ Angular 16.0.0-next.3 Input() Can Be Required Now you can require inputs. What a fantastic news! The next subversion of Angular comes with a long awaited feature. Now, Input() fields can be actually required. Up until today Angular didn’t offer a proper way of an requiring an input. There were some harsh workarounds, but they wasn’t never good at telling what input is missing precisely. class… web-development
🅰️ Angular 1600next3 Input Required require input fantastic news next subversion Angular come long awaited feature Input field actually required today Angular didn’t offer proper way requiring input harsh workarounds wasn’t never good telling input missing precisely class… webdevelopment
Diving into HTML and the Tools of the Trade
It’s been an incredible first week as a Bytewise Frontend Development Fellow, and I am thrilled to share all that I have learned with you all! During the first week of my fellowship, I had the opportunity to dive into the basics of web development and learn about the essential……ffL7Y2w_xNsg.png
Diving into HTML and the Tools of the Trade It’s been an incredible first week as a Bytewise Frontend Development Fellow, and I am thrilled to share all that I have learned with you all! During the first week of my fellowship, I had the opportunity to dive into the basics of web development and learn about the essential… web-development
Diving HTML Tools Trade It’s incredible first week Bytewise Frontend Development Fellow thrilled share learned first week fellowship opportunity dive basic web development learn essential… webdevelopment
What is bundling?
Bundling is a tool used to combine multiple files, such as JavaScript, CSS, or images, into a single file or a small number of files. The resulting minified code can be served to the browser as a single HTTP request. Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters, such as……sDwdAPLFtHSA.png
What is bundling? Bundling is a tool used to combine multiple files, such as JavaScript, CSS, or images, into a single file or a small number of files. The resulting minified code can be served to the browser as a single HTTP request. Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters, such as… web-development
bundling Bundling tool used combine multiple file JavaScript CSS image single file small number file resulting minified code served browser single HTTP request Minification process removing unnecessary character as… webdevelopment
Create and host a simple portfolio website using GitHub
You might be a beginner programmer wanting to showcase your projects as you grow but you do not know how to go about creating a portfolio website. In addition to this, you might have some other skills you’d like to showcase. …*z3qEo9l5rDHFqLCX
Create and host a simple portfolio website using GitHub You might be a beginner programmer wanting to showcase your projects as you grow but you do not know how to go about creating a portfolio website. In addition to this, you might have some other skills you’d like to showcase. … web-development
Create host simple portfolio website using GitHub might beginner programmer wanting showcase project grow know go creating portfolio website addition might skill you’d like showcase … webdevelopment
Export Data In CSV Using Rails and Angular.js
Hello folks! While looking for proper documentation for exporting all data from a webpage designed in angular.js in CSV using an API in rails, I figured out there are a lot of incomplete resources and a need for proper code structure and optimizations! So, after searching for many resources on……uuKCktSXuOw.jpeg
Export Data In CSV Using Rails and Angular.js Hello folks! While looking for proper documentation for exporting all data from a webpage designed in angular.js in CSV using an API in rails, I figured out there are a lot of incomplete resources and a need for proper code structure and optimizations! So, after searching for many resources on… web-development
Export Data CSV Using Rails Angularjs Hello folk looking proper documentation exporting data webpage designed angularjs CSV using API rail figured lot incomplete resource need proper code structure optimization searching many resource on… webdevelopment
10 Must-Watch YouTube Channels for Aspiring Developers: A Comprehensive Guide
YouTube has become a powerful platform for learning, and its abundance of educational content has made it a go-to source for individuals looking to learn new skills. For aspiring developers, YouTube offers a treasure trove of resources to help build skills, learn new programming languages, and stay up-to-date on industry……3kzBju9byaA.jpeg
10 Must-Watch YouTube Channels for Aspiring Developers: A Comprehensive Guide YouTube has become a powerful platform for learning, and its abundance of educational content has made it a go-to source for individuals looking to learn new skills. For aspiring developers, YouTube offers a treasure trove of resources to help build skills, learn new programming languages, and stay up-to-date on industry… web-development
10 MustWatch YouTube Channels Aspiring Developers Comprehensive Guide YouTube become powerful platform learning abundance educational content made goto source individual looking learn new skill aspiring developer YouTube offer treasure trove resource help build skill learn new programming language stay uptodate industry… webdevelopment
What is Redis? In which areas is it used? Usage examples with Nodejs 😉👩‍💻 🧑‍💻
What is Redis ? Redis — Remote Dictionary Server is one of the most used and known NoSQL databases by developers. Redis is open source and its source codes are available on GitHub. It gives high performance results because it is written in C language. It is supported by Linux and derivative operating systems……ANKMed_cfMaQ.png
What is Redis? In which areas is it used? Usage examples with Nodejs 😉👩‍💻 🧑‍💻 What is Redis ? Redis — Remote Dictionary Server is one of the most used and known NoSQL databases by developers. Redis is open source and its source codes are available on GitHub. It gives high performance results because it is written in C language. It is supported by Linux and derivative operating systems… web-development
Redis area used Usage example Nodejs 😉👩‍💻 🧑‍💻 Redis Redis — Remote Dictionary Server one used known NoSQL database developer Redis open source source code available GitHub give high performance result written C language supported Linux derivative operating systems… webdevelopment
How to setup Varnish cache on Kubernetes
Varnish is an open-source HTTP accelerator that can help improve the performance of web applications by caching frequently requested content. In a Kubernetes environment, setting up a Varnish cache cluster can help improve the scalability and availability of your web applications. ……aoPr5Ol0nPgg.png
How to setup Varnish cache on Kubernetes Varnish is an open-source HTTP accelerator that can help improve the performance of web applications by caching frequently requested content. In a Kubernetes environment, setting up a Varnish cache cluster can help improve the scalability and availability of your web applications. … web-development
setup Varnish cache Kubernetes Varnish opensource HTTP accelerator help improve performance web application caching frequently requested content Kubernetes environment setting Varnish cache cluster help improve scalability availability web application … webdevelopment
The Pros and Cons of Using Open-Source Software in Your Business
Hello people on the internet ✨💻, Are you interested in learning about open-source and what it adds or takes from your business? If yes, then read this article to the end. Before diving deeper into the topic, let’s address the tip of the iceberg by discussing what open-source software is. Meaning of Open-Source Software …*2ZQMMWD4aMaWADcu
The Pros and Cons of Using Open-Source Software in Your Business Hello people on the internet ✨💻, Are you interested in learning about open-source and what it adds or takes from your business? If yes, then read this article to the end. Before diving deeper into the topic, let’s address the tip of the iceberg by discussing what open-source software is. Meaning of Open-Source Software … web-development
Pros Cons Using OpenSource Software Business Hello people internet ✨💻 interested learning opensource add take business yes read article end diving deeper topic let’s address tip iceberg discussing opensource software Meaning OpenSource Software … webdevelopment
Getting Started with React in 2023!
Welcome to the world of React in 2023! React has come a long way since its inception, and it’s still one of the most popular front-end libraries for building user interfaces. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out, there’s never been a better time to learn React. In……_hCCXoy8H89g.png
Getting Started with React in 2023! Welcome to the world of React in 2023! React has come a long way since its inception, and it’s still one of the most popular front-end libraries for building user interfaces. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out, there’s never been a better time to learn React. In… web-development
Getting Started React 2023 Welcome world React 2023 React come long way since inception it’s still one popular frontend library building user interface Whether you’re experienced developer starting there’s never better time learn React In… webdevelopment
Web Accessibility
In a nutshell, web content accessibility means making sure that our applications are understandable to the users; with disabilities/impairments with low bandwidth connections who are using older technologies who temporarily cannot hear or in a noisy environment who are brand new users and who have language barriers In order to……gTJ3OopW2_eD.jpg
Web Accessibility In a nutshell, web content accessibility means making sure that our applications are understandable to the users; with disabilities/impairments with low bandwidth connections who are using older technologies who temporarily cannot hear or in a noisy environment who are brand new users and who have language barriers In order to… web-development
Web Accessibility nutshell web content accessibility mean making sure application understandable user disabilitiesimpairments low bandwidth connection using older technology temporarily cannot hear noisy environment brand new user language barrier order to… webdevelopment
How to use OpenStruct in ruby?
I know your time is precious ♦️, so lets directly jump into the topic 📗 For using OpenStruct ostruct gem is required OpenStruct in ruby is generally used to define an object out of hash / json in runtime. Not clear of above mentioned single line definition? Ok then let’s……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
How to use OpenStruct in ruby? I know your time is precious ♦️, so lets directly jump into the topic 📗 For using OpenStruct ostruct gem is required OpenStruct in ruby is generally used to define an object out of hash / json in runtime. Not clear of above mentioned single line definition? Ok then let’s… web-development
use OpenStruct ruby know time precious ♦️ let directly jump topic 📗 using OpenStruct ostruct gem required OpenStruct ruby generally used define object hash json runtime clear mentioned single line definition Ok let’s… webdevelopment
Which Code Editor Is Best To Use in 2023? A Beginnerʼs Guide.
Choosing the right code editing tool is essential for all developers, from beginners to experienced developers. Code editors are essential tools for making the coding process easier, more error free, and more productive. Some of the features of code editors include; !. Syntax highlighting 2. Code completion 3. Error checking 4. Debugging 5. Customizability 6…ʼs-guide-de75971a7cee?source=topics_v2---------13-84--------------------92bc1247_bbaa_4046_9cd8_867a33a2463a-------17…MGQoTT7mKLw.jpeg
Which Code Editor Is Best To Use in 2023? A Beginnerʼs Guide. Choosing the right code editing tool is essential for all developers, from beginners to experienced developers. Code editors are essential tools for making the coding process easier, more error free, and more productive. Some of the features of code editors include; !. Syntax highlighting 2. Code completion 3. Error checking 4. Debugging 5. Customizability 6… web-development
Code Editor Best Use 2023 Beginnerʼs Guide Choosing right code editing tool essential developer beginner experienced developer Code editor essential tool making coding process easier error free productive feature code editor include Syntax highlighting 2 Code completion 3 Error checking 4 Debugging 5 Customizability 6… webdevelopment
The Complete Guide to Making Web Requests in C#
Web requests are an essential part of many modern applications. In C#, there are several ways to make web requests, including the HttpWebRequest and HttpClient classes. In this blog post, we will explore both of these options and provide code examples to help you get started. Using HttpWebRequest The HttpWebRequest class is…*5MMuyNXNfF4po6xw
The Complete Guide to Making Web Requests in C# Web requests are an essential part of many modern applications. In C#, there are several ways to make web requests, including the HttpWebRequest and HttpClient classes. In this blog post, we will explore both of these options and provide code examples to help you get started. Using HttpWebRequest The HttpWebRequest class is… web-development
Complete Guide Making Web Requests C Web request essential part many modern application C several way make web request including HttpWebRequest HttpClient class blog post explore option provide code example help get started Using HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest class is… webdevelopment
Glogg your way through mountains of logs
When our company recently experienced a crash, we were tasked with analyzing a massive 16GB/perDay log file. Thats when we found out about Glogg. For those who lack a centralized log management system like CloudWatch, Loggly, or Sentry , Glogg is the way. glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to……3oKOF9dJVu2C.png
Glogg your way through mountains of logs When our company recently experienced a crash, we were tasked with analyzing a massive 16GB/perDay log file. Thats when we found out about Glogg. For those who lack a centralized log management system like CloudWatch, Loggly, or Sentry , Glogg is the way. glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to… web-development
Glogg way mountain log company recently experienced crash tasked analyzing massive 16GBperDay log file Thats found Glogg lack centralized log management system like CloudWatch Loggly Sentry Glogg way glogg multiplatform GUI application to… webdevelopment
Build Laravel chatGPT application using OpenAI API
build a ChatGPT application using Laravel — Part 2 — In part 1, we installed new Laravel application and created landing page for “Name My Pet” chatGPT app. In this part, we going to complete the submit action and return the names based on OpenAI API response. Install Laravel OpenAI Package The Laravel OpenAI PHP is a community-maintained PHP API client that allows you……7kAW_RS62Few.png
Build Laravel chatGPT application using OpenAI API build a ChatGPT application using Laravel — Part 2 — In part 1, we installed new Laravel application and created landing page for “Name My Pet” chatGPT app. In this part, we going to complete the submit action and return the names based on OpenAI API response. Install Laravel OpenAI Package The Laravel OpenAI PHP is a community-maintained PHP API client that allows you… web-development
Build Laravel chatGPT application using OpenAI API build ChatGPT application using Laravel — Part 2 — part 1 installed new Laravel application created landing page “Name Pet” chatGPT app part going complete submit action return name based OpenAI API response Install Laravel OpenAI Package Laravel OpenAI PHP communitymaintained PHP API client allows you… webdevelopment
PHP — The combination of Traits and Magic methods
Let’s say we’re building a program to manage a zoo, and we want to create a ZooAnimal class that all animal types in the zoo will inherit from. We want to use traits to add specific functionality to different animal types, and we want to use magic methods to make……_RxxjZMwzgQ.jpeg
PHP — The combination of Traits and Magic methods Let’s say we’re building a program to manage a zoo, and we want to create a ZooAnimal class that all animal types in the zoo will inherit from. We want to use traits to add specific functionality to different animal types, and we want to use magic methods to make… web-development
PHP — combination Traits Magic method Let’s say we’re building program manage zoo want create ZooAnimal class animal type zoo inherit want use trait add specific functionality different animal type want use magic method make… webdevelopment
An Introduction to Defence in Depth (DiD) for Web Applications — Part 1
Due to the ever-growing complexity and sophistication of security threats, relying on a single security measure is no longer sufficient. Defence in Depth (DiD), is a security strategy that utilizes multiple layers of security barriers to implement security controls for web applications. …*f5iQs-vKdGQiLMtX
An Introduction to Defence in Depth (DiD) for Web Applications — Part 1 Due to the ever-growing complexity and sophistication of security threats, relying on a single security measure is no longer sufficient. Defence in Depth (DiD), is a security strategy that utilizes multiple layers of security barriers to implement security controls for web applications. … web-development
Introduction Defence Depth Web Applications — Part 1 Due evergrowing complexity sophistication security threat relying single security measure longer sufficient Defence Depth security strategy utilizes multiple layer security barrier implement security control web application … webdevelopment
From Layout to Logic: Understanding the Role of Presentational, Container, and Page Components in Angular
When it comes to building web applications, Angular is a popular framework that developers rely on to create structured and organized code. And one of the most important concepts in Angular is component-based architecture — a powerful approach that enables developers to create reusable, modular, and easy-to-maintain code. In this…*Huu5QKzX1j9Pey0d
From Layout to Logic: Understanding the Role of Presentational, Container, and Page Components in Angular When it comes to building web applications, Angular is a popular framework that developers rely on to create structured and organized code. And one of the most important concepts in Angular is component-based architecture — a powerful approach that enables developers to create reusable, modular, and easy-to-maintain code. In this… web-development
Layout Logic Understanding Role Presentational Container Page Components Angular come building web application Angular popular framework developer rely create structured organized code one important concept Angular componentbased architecture — powerful approach enables developer create reusable modular easytomaintain code this… webdevelopment
Mastering SOLID Principles in React: A Practical Guide to Writing Maintainable and Flexible Code
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It offers a lot of flexibility, but with flexibility comes the potential for code that’s hard to understand and maintain. The SOLID principles are guidelines for writing maintainable, easy-to-understand code. In this article, we’ll explore how to apply the SOLID……pveDBoc9VGQ.jpeg
Mastering SOLID Principles in React: A Practical Guide to Writing Maintainable and Flexible Code React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It offers a lot of flexibility, but with flexibility comes the potential for code that’s hard to understand and maintain. The SOLID principles are guidelines for writing maintainable, easy-to-understand code. In this article, we’ll explore how to apply the SOLID… web-development
Mastering SOLID Principles React Practical Guide Writing Maintainable Flexible Code React popular JavaScript library building user interface offer lot flexibility flexibility come potential code that’s hard understand maintain SOLID principle guideline writing maintainable easytounderstand code article we’ll explore apply SOLID… webdevelopment
The Essential Git Commands Every Developer Should Know
Git is a version control system used by developers to manage source code changes in their projects. It allows developers to track changes to code, collaborate with others, and revert to previous versions of their code. Git has become the standard for version control in the software development industry due……G3hWkUzbYjA.jpeg
The Essential Git Commands Every Developer Should Know Git is a version control system used by developers to manage source code changes in their projects. It allows developers to track changes to code, collaborate with others, and revert to previous versions of their code. Git has become the standard for version control in the software development industry due… web-development
Essential Git Commands Every Developer Know Git version control system used developer manage source code change project allows developer track change code collaborate others revert previous version code Git become standard version control software development industry due… webdevelopment
3 Ways To Enforce Object Immutability In JavaScript
What happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immutable Object? Immutability In JavaScript, Object Immutability means that once you have made an object immutable, its properties cannot be added, deleted, or modified at any time. This is important because it helps prevent unwanted side effects from occurring, making your code more……F6mhvS4gJ1Ww.png
3 Ways To Enforce Object Immutability In JavaScript What happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immutable Object? Immutability In JavaScript, Object Immutability means that once you have made an object immutable, its properties cannot be added, deleted, or modified at any time. This is important because it helps prevent unwanted side effects from occurring, making your code more… web-development
3 Ways Enforce Object Immutability JavaScript happens Unstoppable Force meet Immutable Object Immutability JavaScript Object Immutability mean made object immutable property cannot added deleted modified time important help prevent unwanted side effect occurring making code more… webdevelopment
Stop Wasting Your Time Learning To Code
Your time is better spent learning how to ask questions and describe desired outcomes. — Remember back in 2002 when we were able to charge $400k for a website that hit a database? Those were some amazing times, and I’m glad I put that money away. But the game changed right? Companies found out they could hire developers from India, Pakistan, and Russia and pay…*UOm5U3OccsR6goF2
Stop Wasting Your Time Learning To Code Your time is better spent learning how to ask questions and describe desired outcomes. — Remember back in 2002 when we were able to charge $400k for a website that hit a database? Those were some amazing times, and I’m glad I put that money away. But the game changed right? Companies found out they could hire developers from India, Pakistan, and Russia and pay… web-development
Stop Wasting Time Learning Code time better spent learning ask question describe desired outcome — Remember back 2002 able charge 400k website hit database amazing time I’m glad put money away game changed right Companies found could hire developer India Pakistan Russia pay… webdevelopment
Introducing react-dialog-confirm: An Open-Source Alert Modal Component Library
In today’s fast-paced digital world, user interfaces are becoming more complex and demanding. As a result, there is a growing need for sleek and user-friendly solutions for displaying user alerts. That’s where React Dialog Confirm comes in — a powerful React component library that provides an easy way to create……1CePwcttLhg.jpeg
Introducing react-dialog-confirm: An Open-Source Alert Modal Component Library In today’s fast-paced digital world, user interfaces are becoming more complex and demanding. As a result, there is a growing need for sleek and user-friendly solutions for displaying user alerts. That’s where React Dialog Confirm comes in — a powerful React component library that provides an easy way to create… web-development
Introducing reactdialogconfirm OpenSource Alert Modal Component Library today’s fastpaced digital world user interface becoming complex demanding result growing need sleek userfriendly solution displaying user alert That’s React Dialog Confirm come — powerful React component library provides easy way create… webdevelopment
What all you software engineers are doing
In a recent post, I shared my background and what I’m currently doing. Then, I asked my audience to share where they are in their software careers. I got back a ton of interesting responses. Here are a few, so you can see how broad the experience of “software developers”…*KmpYemWhXsmNmQrw
What all you software engineers are doing In a recent post, I shared my background and what I’m currently doing. Then, I asked my audience to share where they are in their software careers. I got back a ton of interesting responses. Here are a few, so you can see how broad the experience of “software developers”… web-development
software engineer recent post shared background I’m currently asked audience share software career got back ton interesting response see broad experience “software developers”… webdevelopment
How To Make Sequential API calls in React Applications — Typescript Version
In a React application, you may sometimes need to make multiple API calls in a specific order, where the result of one call depends on the outcome of the previous one. ……HaGllJa2xvmw.png
How To Make Sequential API calls in React Applications — Typescript Version In a React application, you may sometimes need to make multiple API calls in a specific order, where the result of one call depends on the outcome of the previous one. … web-development
Make Sequential API call React Applications — Typescript Version React application may sometimes need make multiple API call specific order result one call depends outcome previous one … webdevelopment
The Difference Between indexOf and findIndex in JavaScript
There are so many features and methods in JavaScript that developers can get confused and unsure which one to use. For example, it provides a variety of methods to search for items in arrays or strings. The two most commonly used methods are indexOf() and findIndex(). …*x68P5PGcCgCzOAJx
The Difference Between indexOf and findIndex in JavaScript There are so many features and methods in JavaScript that developers can get confused and unsure which one to use. For example, it provides a variety of methods to search for items in arrays or strings. The two most commonly used methods are indexOf() and findIndex(). … web-development
Difference indexOf findIndex JavaScript many feature method JavaScript developer get confused unsure one use example provides variety method search item array string two commonly used method indexOf findIndex … webdevelopment
How to Compare ES6 Sets for Equality?
Sometimes, we want to compare 2 JavaScript sets to see if they have the same content. In this article, we’ll look at how to compare 2 JavaScript sets to see if they have the same content. Compare ES6 Sets for Equality We can compare ES6 sets for equality by looping through its contents and check…*eWM0PQf_TAaqyh_7
How to Compare ES6 Sets for Equality? Sometimes, we want to compare 2 JavaScript sets to see if they have the same content. In this article, we’ll look at how to compare 2 JavaScript sets to see if they have the same content. Compare ES6 Sets for Equality We can compare ES6 sets for equality by looping through its contents and check… web-development
Compare ES6 Sets Equality Sometimes want compare 2 JavaScript set see content article we’ll look compare 2 JavaScript set see content Compare ES6 Sets Equality compare ES6 set equality looping content check… webdevelopment
The Dark Side of TypeScript: A Cautionary Tale of API Changes and Interface Design
As a front-end developer, I was drawn to TypeScript because of its ability to catch bugs before they become runtime errors. ……maF7UOPkTTHQ.png
The Dark Side of TypeScript: A Cautionary Tale of API Changes and Interface Design As a front-end developer, I was drawn to TypeScript because of its ability to catch bugs before they become runtime errors. … web-development
Dark Side TypeScript Cautionary Tale API Changes Interface Design frontend developer drawn TypeScript ability catch bug become runtime error … webdevelopment
React Hooks — What are they and why do we use them?
If you’ve been using React in your development work, you have most likely interacted with a very important React feature — React Hooks. Many years ago, React Hooks did not exist so in today’s email, we’ll be taking a look at what React Hooks are and why we need them. React Hooks ……Hir7Tx_hgdhD.png
React Hooks — What are they and why do we use them? If you’ve been using React in your development work, you have most likely interacted with a very important React feature — React Hooks. Many years ago, React Hooks did not exist so in today’s email, we’ll be taking a look at what React Hooks are and why we need them. React Hooks … web-development
React Hooks — use you’ve using React development work likely interacted important React feature — React Hooks Many year ago React Hooks exist today’s email we’ll taking look React Hooks need React Hooks … webdevelopment
The Path to Becoming a Senior React Engineer: Lessons Learned
As a seasoned developer with several years of experience, I decided to take on the challenge of becoming a senior React engineer. I knew that it would require a deep understanding of the framework and a commitment to best practices, but I was ready for the challenge. Drawing from my…*H-kT8dWbo4dKlh9_
The Path to Becoming a Senior React Engineer: Lessons Learned As a seasoned developer with several years of experience, I decided to take on the challenge of becoming a senior React engineer. I knew that it would require a deep understanding of the framework and a commitment to best practices, but I was ready for the challenge. Drawing from my… web-development
Path Becoming Senior React Engineer Lessons Learned seasoned developer several year experience decided take challenge becoming senior React engineer knew would require deep understanding framework commitment best practice ready challenge Drawing my… webdevelopment
How to use “useEffect” like a pro in React.
useEffect is a powerful and essential hook in React that allows you to manage side-effects and update the state of your components. Here are some tips for using useEffect like a pro: Understand the dependencies: When using useEffect, it is important to understand the dependencies of the function. The dependencies……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
How to use “useEffect” like a pro in React. useEffect is a powerful and essential hook in React that allows you to manage side-effects and update the state of your components. Here are some tips for using useEffect like a pro: Understand the dependencies: When using useEffect, it is important to understand the dependencies of the function. The dependencies… web-development
use “useEffect” like pro React useEffect powerful essential hook React allows manage sideeffects update state component tip using useEffect like pro Understand dependency using useEffect important understand dependency function dependencies… webdevelopment
How to use React, Svelte, and Tailwind inside of Astro
Introduction I’ll have to admit, Astro has been growing on me lately, big time. I don’t know whether it’s the sheer speed, the familiar template layout, or the ever-growing feature set. ……J0q3I1yZsAQ.jpeg
How to use React, Svelte, and Tailwind inside of Astro Introduction I’ll have to admit, Astro has been growing on me lately, big time. I don’t know whether it’s the sheer speed, the familiar template layout, or the ever-growing feature set. … web-development
use React Svelte Tailwind inside Astro Introduction I’ll admit Astro growing lately big time don’t know whether it’s sheer speed familiar template layout evergrowing feature set … webdevelopment
How to Prepare for Your First Job in Tech: Lessons Learned from My Google Internship
When I received my Google internship offer 2.5 years ago, I was ecstatic. Finally, everything was coming together! But after just two weeks of joining, the pressure started to kick in. I realized that I wasn’t fully prepared for the role. Connect with me: So, to help you avoid…*5ViJv5TilrTKZh_V
How to Prepare for Your First Job in Tech: Lessons Learned from My Google Internship When I received my Google internship offer 2.5 years ago, I was ecstatic. Finally, everything was coming together! But after just two weeks of joining, the pressure started to kick in. I realized that I wasn’t fully prepared for the role. Connect with me: So, to help you avoid… web-development
Prepare First Job Tech Lessons Learned Google Internship received Google internship offer 25 year ago ecstatic Finally everything coming together two week joining pressure started kick realized wasn’t fully prepared role Connect httpslinktreebrwnboi help avoid… webdevelopment
How Agile Methodologies Can Help You Deliver Better Products Faster?
Software development is a complex and dynamic process that involves many challenges and uncertainties. How can you deliver software products that meet customer needs and expectations in a fast and flexible way? How can you cope with changing requirements, market conditions, and technologies? …*sUnK8w1QvZGcBG7D
How Agile Methodologies Can Help You Deliver Better Products Faster? Software development is a complex and dynamic process that involves many challenges and uncertainties. How can you deliver software products that meet customer needs and expectations in a fast and flexible way? How can you cope with changing requirements, market conditions, and technologies? … web-development
Agile Methodologies Help Deliver Better Products Faster Software development complex dynamic process involves many challenge uncertainty deliver software product meet customer need expectation fast flexible way cope changing requirement market condition technology … webdevelopment
Namespacing is often used in Ruby on Rails applications to organize code and separate different parts of the application. In this article I look at how namespacing can be useful for separation of admin user functions from the other regular users in a rails application. Other than role separation, namespacing……TomkvilO0qFg.png
THE 4 STEPS TO NAMESPACE YOUR CONTROLLERS IN RUBY ON RAILS APPLICATIONS Namespacing is often used in Ruby on Rails applications to organize code and separate different parts of the application. In this article I look at how namespacing can be useful for separation of admin user functions from the other regular users in a rails application. Other than role separation, namespacing… web-development
4 STEPS NAMESPACE CONTROLLERS RUBY RAILS APPLICATIONS Namespacing often used Ruby Rails application organize code separate different part application article look namespacing useful separation admin user function regular user rail application role separation namespacing… webdevelopment
Introduction to JavaScript Variables.
Javascript is a programming language that is used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It is commonly referred to as the language of the web. This is true because it is used to program the behaviour of web in javascript. ……jBnbogvtNRiA.png
Introduction to JavaScript Variables. Javascript is a programming language that is used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It is commonly referred to as the language of the web. This is true because it is used to program the behaviour of web in javascript. … web-development
Introduction JavaScript Variables Javascript programming language used create interactive dynamic web page commonly referred language web true used program behaviour web javascript … webdevelopment
NEVER Use a Number Or Currency Format Library Again!
Reducing the dependencies you ship in your front-end is always a good thing! If you are using a number or currency formatting library, check out Bundlephobia and see how much time and bytes it adds to your application. All this can be done with a API for various browsers! Intl.NumberFormat. Formatting numbers …*XaTDS5HsmiUSzSZf
NEVER Use a Number Or Currency Format Library Again! Reducing the dependencies you ship in your front-end is always a good thing! If you are using a number or currency formatting library, check out Bundlephobia and see how much time and bytes it adds to your application. All this can be done with a API for various browsers! Intl.NumberFormat. Formatting numbers … web-development
NEVER Use Number Currency Format Library Reducing dependency ship frontend always good thing using number currency formatting library check Bundlephobia see much time byte add application done API various browser IntlNumberFormat Formatting number … webdevelopment
var, let and const.
There were quite some feature changes in JavaScript ES6, and notable among them is the variable declaration keyword. These keywords have been game-changers in understanding the scope and concepts of declared variables. The var keyword is the oldest among the 3 and has been used for several years, but until……mwxo7Cv4dRpA.png
var, let and const. There were quite some feature changes in JavaScript ES6, and notable among them is the variable declaration keyword. These keywords have been game-changers in understanding the scope and concepts of declared variables. The var keyword is the oldest among the 3 and has been used for several years, but until… web-development
var let const quite feature change JavaScript ES6 notable among variable declaration keyword keywords gamechangers understanding scope concept declared variable var keyword oldest among 3 used several year until… webdevelopment
Creating an Ecommerce App using React
The project can be accessed clicking here. Project Overview For this project, I decided to learn a new framework called React because it is still widely used within the web development industry at the time this article is being written. Since I’m also interested in building ecommerce application, I built this React……IuM-aPK0p6xQ.png
Creating an Ecommerce App using React The project can be accessed clicking here. Project Overview For this project, I decided to learn a new framework called React because it is still widely used within the web development industry at the time this article is being written. Since I’m also interested in building ecommerce application, I built this React… web-development
Creating Ecommerce App using React project accessed clicking Project Overview project decided learn new framework called React still widely used within web development industry time article written Since I’m also interested building ecommerce application built React… webdevelopment
🔥 Top Best ui Libraries for web development 2023
🔥 Top Best ui Libraries for web development 2023 Ui libraries are cool. It makes our lives easier in the development field of programming websites and apps. but.. what makes a good ui libary unique? It’s style purhaps? Here is a small list of simple but useful libaries to use for you’re ui/ux designs for web applcations and apps. …*SgTHqHvRZ2_VGENG
🔥 Top Best ui Libraries for web development 2023 🔥 Top Best ui Libraries for web development 2023 Ui libraries are cool. It makes our lives easier in the development field of programming websites and apps. but.. what makes a good ui libary unique? It’s style purhaps? Here is a small list of simple but useful libaries to use for you’re ui/ux designs for web applcations and apps. … web-development
🔥 Top Best ui Libraries web development 2023 🔥 Top Best ui Libraries web development 2023 Ui library cool make life easier development field programming website apps make good ui libary unique It’s style purhaps small list simple useful libaries use you’re uiux design web applcations apps … webdevelopment
Generating Dynamic Routes for Static Site Generation with Nuxt 3
Static Site Generation (SSG) is an increasingly popular approach for building websites that combines the benefits of server-side rendering with the simplicity of static site hosting. Nuxt 3 is a powerful framework for building static sites that includes support for generating dynamic routes, allowing you to create static pages for……Sjo-cUN6A6Q.jpeg
Generating Dynamic Routes for Static Site Generation with Nuxt 3 Static Site Generation (SSG) is an increasingly popular approach for building websites that combines the benefits of server-side rendering with the simplicity of static site hosting. Nuxt 3 is a powerful framework for building static sites that includes support for generating dynamic routes, allowing you to create static pages for… web-development
Generating Dynamic Routes Static Site Generation Nuxt 3 Static Site Generation SSG increasingly popular approach building website combine benefit serverside rendering simplicity static site hosting Nuxt 3 powerful framework building static site includes support generating dynamic route allowing create static page for… webdevelopment
Lazy vs Dynamic Loading Components in Next.js
A well-liked React framework for creating server-side rendering (SSR) applications is Next.js. The ability to enhance the performance of your application using a variety of optimization approaches is one of the key advantages of using Next.js. Lazy loading and dynamic loading of components are two such optimization techniques. What Does “Lazy Loading” Mean? The components……G5VC_Vr5lfw.jpeg
Lazy vs Dynamic Loading Components in Next.js A well-liked React framework for creating server-side rendering (SSR) applications is Next.js. The ability to enhance the performance of your application using a variety of optimization approaches is one of the key advantages of using Next.js. Lazy loading and dynamic loading of components are two such optimization techniques. What Does “Lazy Loading” Mean? The components… web-development
Lazy v Dynamic Loading Components Nextjs wellliked React framework creating serverside rendering SSR application Nextjs ability enhance performance application using variety optimization approach one key advantage using Nextjs Lazy loading dynamic loading component two optimization technique “Lazy Loading” Mean components… webdevelopment
How to Create a React Application Using Vite
Spend less time creating React applications — There are many ways to create a React application, and one of them is with create-react-app. React and create-react-app are both maintained by the company that built them, i.e., Facebook. The create-react-app is a wonderful tool, no doubt, and it supports all setups by default. Nevertheless, as your project’s code……nvUsZzjnH70Q.png
How to Create a React Application Using Vite Spend less time creating React applications — There are many ways to create a React application, and one of them is with create-react-app. React and create-react-app are both maintained by the company that built them, i.e., Facebook. The create-react-app is a wonderful tool, no doubt, and it supports all setups by default. Nevertheless, as your project’s code… web-development
Create React Application Using Vite Spend le time creating React application — many way create React application one createreactapp React createreactapp maintained company built ie Facebook createreactapp wonderful tool doubt support setup default Nevertheless project’s code… webdevelopment
How i’m going to build OXINION Finance with ChatGPT
Core value : Help investors to create alpha. I would like to be a software developer as a career but also i am interested in investments. So, i thought it’s a great chance to make an investment tool web app as i do understand what kind of apps i need……-klyDGqYjKow.png
How i’m going to build OXINION Finance with ChatGPT Core value : Help investors to create alpha. I would like to be a software developer as a career but also i am interested in investments. So, i thought it’s a great chance to make an investment tool web app as i do understand what kind of apps i need… web-development
i’m going build OXINION Finance ChatGPT Core value Help investor create alpha would like software developer career also interested investment thought it’s great chance make investment tool web app understand kind apps need… webdevelopment
Senior React Interview Mastery: Strategies for Acing the Toughest Questions
“Learn Once, Write Anywhere” — React is a dynamic and powerful JavaScript framework that has rapidly gained popularity for building modern web applications. As a React engineer, you have the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, from simple landing pages to complex enterprise applications. However, the journey from a junior to a…*JlDhA0Hugy1SmHGu
Senior React Interview Mastery: Strategies for Acing the Toughest Questions “Learn Once, Write Anywhere” — React is a dynamic and powerful JavaScript framework that has rapidly gained popularity for building modern web applications. As a React engineer, you have the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, from simple landing pages to complex enterprise applications. However, the journey from a junior to a… web-development
Senior React Interview Mastery Strategies Acing Toughest Questions “Learn Write Anywhere” — React dynamic powerful JavaScript framework rapidly gained popularity building modern web application React engineer opportunity work diverse range project simple landing page complex enterprise application However journey junior a… webdevelopment
Why I Wouldn’t Hire Cool Programmers if I Launched a Startup
They will ruin everything for you. — All my career, I worked as a programmer in IT corporations and made a minuscule contribution to giant systems no one needs. But everywhere, I was considered cool. I once wrote an article about how my passion for a new programming language saved me from burnout. So many people read…*am8TB_W1orzZMzMw
Why I Wouldn’t Hire Cool Programmers if I Launched a Startup They will ruin everything for you. — All my career, I worked as a programmer in IT corporations and made a minuscule contribution to giant systems no one needs. But everywhere, I was considered cool. I once wrote an article about how my passion for a new programming language saved me from burnout. So many people read… web-development
Wouldn’t Hire Cool Programmers Launched Startup ruin everything — career worked programmer corporation made minuscule contribution giant system one need everywhere considered cool wrote article passion new programming language saved burnout many people read… webdevelopment
Solution 5 — Agnostics — From hodling to thriving — Web3 communities unlock the power of their tokens!
Do you know what Xircus is? And no, it’s not a circus with clowns and acrobats 🙃 Xircus is a platform that lets you deploy your OWN decentralized application (dApp) and make the most of the blockchain technology. But what’s so special about Xircus? The fact that it’s FULLY AGNOSTIC……x4-h5SO_9DWg.png
Solution 5 — Agnostics — From hodling to thriving — Web3 communities unlock the power of their tokens! Do you know what Xircus is? And no, it’s not a circus with clowns and acrobats 🙃 Xircus is a platform that lets you deploy your OWN decentralized application (dApp) and make the most of the blockchain technology. But what’s so special about Xircus? The fact that it’s FULLY AGNOSTIC… web-development
Solution 5 — Agnostics — hodling thriving — Web3 community unlock power token know Xircus it’s circus clown acrobat 🙃 Xircus platform let deploy decentralized application dApp make blockchain technology what’s special Xircus fact it’s FULLY AGNOSTIC… webdevelopment
Mastering Reducers: A Comprehensive Guide for Everyone
The concept of the reducer has become essential in how we structure our UI applications today. A reducer is a straightforward function that reduces two values down to a single value. The function must be both predictable and pure, making it a crucial concept to understand in modern UI development. ……DLAVCq3pOIA.jpeg
Mastering Reducers: A Comprehensive Guide for Everyone The concept of the reducer has become essential in how we structure our UI applications today. A reducer is a straightforward function that reduces two values down to a single value. The function must be both predictable and pure, making it a crucial concept to understand in modern UI development. … web-development
Mastering Reducers Comprehensive Guide Everyone concept reducer become essential structure UI application today reducer straightforward function reduces two value single value function must predictable pure making crucial concept understand modern UI development … webdevelopment
Redux Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide to the Core Concepts of Redux
Redux is a powerful state management library for JavaScript applications. It has gained popularity over the years for its ability to manage complex application state in a predictable and efficient manner. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of Redux and explore how it works. At its core……pot-dU47x0w.jpeg
Redux Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide to the Core Concepts of Redux Redux is a powerful state management library for JavaScript applications. It has gained popularity over the years for its ability to manage complex application state in a predictable and efficient manner. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of Redux and explore how it works. At its core… web-development
Redux Simplified Beginner’s Guide Core Concepts Redux Redux powerful state management library JavaScript application gained popularity year ability manage complex application state predictable efficient manner article delve fundamental Redux explore work core… webdevelopment
Basics of Working with APIs
Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are essential tools for modern software development. APIs allow different software applications to communicate with each other, making it easier for developers to build applications that leverage existing infrastructure. ……WJY1hXVBjeA.jpeg
Basics of Working with APIs Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are essential tools for modern software development. APIs allow different software applications to communicate with each other, making it easier for developers to build applications that leverage existing infrastructure. … web-development
Basics Working APIs Application Programming Interfaces APIs essential tool modern software development APIs allow different software application communicate making easier developer build application leverage existing infrastructure … webdevelopment
10 RxJS operators which I use daily as an Angular developer
As an Angular developer, you might find the following RxJS operators useful in your daily development: map(): This operator is used to transform values emitted by an observable. It takes a function as an argument, which receives the emitted value as an input and returns a transformed output. The returned……n456w93JiGw.jpeg
10 RxJS operators which I use daily as an Angular developer As an Angular developer, you might find the following RxJS operators useful in your daily development: map(): This operator is used to transform values emitted by an observable. It takes a function as an argument, which receives the emitted value as an input and returns a transformed output. The returned… web-development
10 RxJS operator use daily Angular developer Angular developer might find following RxJS operator useful daily development map operator used transform value emitted observable take function argument receives emitted value input return transformed output returned… webdevelopment
Stop Using Docker
Welcome back! Docker is a very popular tool that allows us to containerize our software, however, the last year or so has been a quite controversial time for Docker. In my opinion, this kind of started with Docker beginning to charge for certain features, but it looks like there are……5Pp0mIi7CT1g.png
Stop Using Docker Welcome back! Docker is a very popular tool that allows us to containerize our software, however, the last year or so has been a quite controversial time for Docker. In my opinion, this kind of started with Docker beginning to charge for certain features, but it looks like there are… web-development
Stop Using Docker Welcome back Docker popular tool allows u containerize software however last year quite controversial time Docker opinion kind started Docker beginning charge certain feature look like are… webdevelopment
React Application Gets Depressed, and Finds Therapy in Next.js (and Jest)
Learning Next.js through an exciting journey! Co-writer: GPT-4 Once upon a time, in the land of Web Development, a React application named Raffie was feeling blue. Being an app in the modern world can be tough, and Raffie was no exception. It had grown tired of its monotonous life as……_y50kMmXPYXg.png
React Application Gets Depressed, and Finds Therapy in Next.js (and Jest) Learning Next.js through an exciting journey! Co-writer: GPT-4 Once upon a time, in the land of Web Development, a React application named Raffie was feeling blue. Being an app in the modern world can be tough, and Raffie was no exception. It had grown tired of its monotonous life as… web-development
React Application Gets Depressed Finds Therapy Nextjs Jest Learning Nextjs exciting journey Cowriter GPT4 upon time land Web Development React application named Raffie feeling blue app modern world tough Raffie exception grown tired monotonous life as… webdevelopment
Interesting JavaScript Results
NaN (Not a Number) is a special value in JavaScript, and even NaN is not equal to itself. console.log(NaN === NaN); // false An empty array is considered a truthy value. console.log(Boolean([])); // true The typeof null returns “object” in JavaScript, which is a long-standing bug in the language. console.log(typeof……1NLiXe-t-Fbw.png
Interesting JavaScript Results NaN (Not a Number) is a special value in JavaScript, and even NaN is not equal to itself. console.log(NaN === NaN); // false An empty array is considered a truthy value. console.log(Boolean([])); // true The typeof null returns “object” in JavaScript, which is a long-standing bug in the language. console.log(typeof… web-development
Interesting JavaScript Results NaN Number special value JavaScript even NaN equal consolelogNaN NaN false empty array considered truthy value consolelogBoolean true typeof null return “object” JavaScript longstanding bug language consolelogtypeof… webdevelopment
Breaking Down the Differences: JavaScript vs. Node.js
👋 Hi! Let me explain what JavaScript and Node are before we dive into the differences between them. 🔍 What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used for developing web pages and web applications. It is a high-level, interpreted language that can be run on……G_Bdbv7o6m0Q.png
Breaking Down the Differences: JavaScript vs. Node.js 👋 Hi! Let me explain what JavaScript and Node are before we dive into the differences between them. 🔍 What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used for developing web pages and web applications. It is a high-level, interpreted language that can be run on… web-development
Breaking Differences JavaScript v Nodejs 👋 Hi Let explain JavaScript Node dive difference 🔍 JavaScript JavaScript popular programming language widely used developing web page web application highlevel interpreted language run on… webdevelopment
The Five-Minute REST API in .NET / C#
Sometimes, creating a full-fledged controller-based API is too time-consuming and complex for the goals you want to achieve. You might want a quick setup to test something or don’t need the features a controller-based API has to offer. This article is an introduction to coding a simple REST API using…*gfELE1BlYeMtdWv6
The Five-Minute REST API in .NET / C# Sometimes, creating a full-fledged controller-based API is too time-consuming and complex for the goals you want to achieve. You might want a quick setup to test something or don’t need the features a controller-based API has to offer. This article is an introduction to coding a simple REST API using… web-development
FiveMinute REST API NET C Sometimes creating fullfledged controllerbased API timeconsuming complex goal want achieve might want quick setup test something don’t need feature controllerbased API offer article introduction coding simple REST API using… webdevelopment
Vue.js vs. React
Vue.js is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications (SPAs) It was created by Evan You and first released in February 2014. React is designed to be declarative and efficient, making it easy for developers to build complex UIs with reusable components. Vue.js is……w1TXPETEM1le.png
Vue.js vs. React Vue.js is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications (SPAs) It was created by Evan You and first released in February 2014. React is designed to be declarative and efficient, making it easy for developers to build complex UIs with reusable components. Vue.js is… web-development
Vuejs v React Vuejs opensource progressive JavaScript framework building user interface UIs singlepage application SPAs created Evan first released February 2014 React designed declarative efficient making easy developer build complex UIs reusable component Vuejs is… webdevelopment
Strategic Methods to find Edge Cases for Unit Testing in JavaScript
As software engineers, we know that testing is a crucial part of the development process. Unit testing is a popular technique that helps ensure the quality and functionality of individual components of our code. However, sometimes it can be challenging to identify edge cases — those specific scenarios that are……43wfsK0guBQ.jpeg
Strategic Methods to find Edge Cases for Unit Testing in JavaScript As software engineers, we know that testing is a crucial part of the development process. Unit testing is a popular technique that helps ensure the quality and functionality of individual components of our code. However, sometimes it can be challenging to identify edge cases — those specific scenarios that are… web-development
Strategic Methods find Edge Cases Unit Testing JavaScript software engineer know testing crucial part development process Unit testing popular technique help ensure quality functionality individual component code However sometimes challenging identify edge case — specific scenario are… webdevelopment
Navigating Complex React Projects: Strategies for Senior Engineers
React has become a popular choice for web application development. However, as a senior engineer, working on complex React projects can be overwhelming. With numerous files, functions, and dependencies, it’s easy to get lost and feel like you’re not making progress. To help you navigate complex React projects successfully, we…*Bo5fEJI3gZ-a0u85
Navigating Complex React Projects: Strategies for Senior Engineers React has become a popular choice for web application development. However, as a senior engineer, working on complex React projects can be overwhelming. With numerous files, functions, and dependencies, it’s easy to get lost and feel like you’re not making progress. To help you navigate complex React projects successfully, we… web-development
Navigating Complex React Projects Strategies Senior Engineers React become popular choice web application development However senior engineer working complex React project overwhelming numerous file function dependency it’s easy get lost feel like you’re making progress help navigate complex React project successfully we… webdevelopment
Get the first Element of an Array in JavaScript
Five ways to get the first element from Array in JavaScript — In programming, arrays are one of the most important data structures. In JavaScript, arrays are very powerful, and it is very important to have deep understanding of all related topics regarding array and his methods. The idea of this article is to show a complete overview of the methods available…*A_vgXqUs033BF3JX
Get the first Element of an Array in JavaScript Five ways to get the first element from Array in JavaScript — In programming, arrays are one of the most important data structures. In JavaScript, arrays are very powerful, and it is very important to have deep understanding of all related topics regarding array and his methods. The idea of this article is to show a complete overview of the methods available… web-development
Get first Element Array JavaScript Five way get first element Array JavaScript — programming array one important data structure JavaScript array powerful important deep understanding related topic regarding array method idea article show complete overview method available… webdevelopment
11 Award-Winning WordPress Websites are Challenging Perceptions and Redefining the Possibilities
In recent years, WordPress has become the most popular content management system (CMS) on the web, powering over 40% of all websites. Despite its ubiquity, however, some still view it as a platform limited to simple blogs and basic websites. In reality, WordPress is capable of much more than that……JaXADbaZDqTw.gif
11 Award-Winning WordPress Websites are Challenging Perceptions and Redefining the Possibilities In recent years, WordPress has become the most popular content management system (CMS) on the web, powering over 40% of all websites. Despite its ubiquity, however, some still view it as a platform limited to simple blogs and basic websites. In reality, WordPress is capable of much more than that… web-development
11 AwardWinning WordPress Websites Challenging Perceptions Redefining Possibilities recent year WordPress become popular content management system CMS web powering 40 website Despite ubiquity however still view platform limited simple blog basic website reality WordPress capable much that… webdevelopment
New Horizons: My First Steps Into The World Of Web Development
Learning Web Development From Scratch in 2023! — Over the past few years, I have been steadily writing down interesting and prospective project ideas. Each time, the idea hits me like a lightning flash. In the beginning, I made the mistake of thinking that I would write the idea down later. To my horror, after an hour or……awe_FIKvhPAw.png
New Horizons: My First Steps Into The World Of Web Development Learning Web Development From Scratch in 2023! — Over the past few years, I have been steadily writing down interesting and prospective project ideas. Each time, the idea hits me like a lightning flash. In the beginning, I made the mistake of thinking that I would write the idea down later. To my horror, after an hour or… web-development
New Horizons First Steps World Web Development Learning Web Development Scratch 2023 — past year steadily writing interesting prospective project idea time idea hit like lightning flash beginning made mistake thinking would write idea later horror hour or… webdevelopment
Difference Between Transitions and Animations in CSS
CSS is a powerful tool for web developers that allows them to create engaging and dynamic user interfaces. Two popular CSS features that enable developers to add motion and style to their designs are transitions and animations. While they may seem similar at first glance, they have distinct differences that……p_l5XMMjbOw.jpeg
Difference Between Transitions and Animations in CSS CSS is a powerful tool for web developers that allows them to create engaging and dynamic user interfaces. Two popular CSS features that enable developers to add motion and style to their designs are transitions and animations. While they may seem similar at first glance, they have distinct differences that… web-development
Difference Transitions Animations CSS CSS powerful tool web developer allows create engaging dynamic user interface Two popular CSS feature enable developer add motion style design transition animation may seem similar first glance distinct difference that… webdevelopment
Shocking React Change Lands Developers Into Chaos
Is this the beginning of the end for React, just another overreaction, or the sign of a better future? — Twitter is usually the last place I pay attention to, since its new captain Sir Sinkalot took over. I feel much more comfortable hanging out on Mastodon, especially since Medium’s official instance went live. That being said, I still share some of my articles in blue chirp land, and as…*AXH4naBot0RQKh1y
Shocking React Change Lands Developers Into Chaos Is this the beginning of the end for React, just another overreaction, or the sign of a better future? — Twitter is usually the last place I pay attention to, since its new captain Sir Sinkalot took over. I feel much more comfortable hanging out on Mastodon, especially since Medium’s official instance went live. That being said, I still share some of my articles in blue chirp land, and as… web-development
Shocking React Change Lands Developers Chaos beginning end React another overreaction sign better future — Twitter usually last place pay attention since new captain Sir Sinkalot took feel much comfortable hanging Mastodon especially since Medium’s official instance went live said still share article blue chirp land as… webdevelopment
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Web Development Workflow
“Unlock Your Coding Efficiency: 5 Tips to Speed Up Web Development” Are you tired of wasting time on repetitive tasks when developing websites? As a web developer, your time is precious, and you want to focus on creating quality websites that your clients will love. That’s why we’ve put together…*uZyrauTVGnJfzAHG
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Web Development Workflow “Unlock Your Coding Efficiency: 5 Tips to Speed Up Web Development” Are you tired of wasting time on repetitive tasks when developing websites? As a web developer, your time is precious, and you want to focus on creating quality websites that your clients will love. That’s why we’ve put together… web-development
5 Ways Speed Web Development Workflow “Unlock Coding Efficiency 5 Tips Speed Web Development” tired wasting time repetitive task developing website web developer time precious want focus creating quality website client love That’s we’ve put together… webdevelopment
How to import CSV file data into MySQL table correctly
This article is going to be a quick guide on “How to import CSV file data into MySQL table correctly” while taking care off all the possible error you may encounter with using MySQL workbench. It is assumed that you’ve your create table statement ready and ran it already. So…*KGEy-PDFwcPZrJdw
How to import CSV file data into MySQL table correctly This article is going to be a quick guide on “How to import CSV file data into MySQL table correctly” while taking care off all the possible error you may encounter with using MySQL workbench. It is assumed that you’ve your create table statement ready and ran it already. So… web-development
import CSV file data MySQL table correctly article going quick guide “How import CSV file data MySQL table correctly” taking care possible error may encounter using MySQL workbench assumed you’ve create table statement ready ran already So… webdevelopment
Easy Internationalization with Gatsby
A simple plugin allows for convenient switching between languages. — I recently built a static website for a family wedding. Because I’m a fan of Netlify and its price was right (free) I decided to build and host it there. It also gave me a chance to get more familiar with the Jamstack paradigm they promote. I wanted a little…*W_hj_UMTICdHazAp
Easy Internationalization with Gatsby A simple plugin allows for convenient switching between languages. — I recently built a static website for a family wedding. Because I’m a fan of Netlify and its price was right (free) I decided to build and host it there. It also gave me a chance to get more familiar with the Jamstack paradigm they promote. I wanted a little… web-development
Easy Internationalization Gatsby simple plugin allows convenient switching language — recently built static website family wedding I’m fan Netlify price right free decided build host also gave chance get familiar Jamstack paradigm promote wanted little… webdevelopment
Responsive columns without media queries
A few common column layout patterns using flexbox — This article is based around the method described first in a 2021 article by Jason Knight. I remember I was super-excited when I first read it. Then I was very disappointed when I discovered that it doesn’t “just work” for something that isn’t quite like what’s in the article. And…*-z27mfuVCYouXHwW
Responsive columns without media queries A few common column layout patterns using flexbox — This article is based around the method described first in a 2021 article by Jason Knight. I remember I was super-excited when I first read it. Then I was very disappointed when I discovered that it doesn’t “just work” for something that isn’t quite like what’s in the article. And… web-development
Responsive column without medium query common column layout pattern using flexbox — article based around method described first 2021 article Jason Knight remember superexcited first read disappointed discovered doesn’t “just work” something isn’t quite like what’s article And… webdevelopment
I build GPT-powered tools that run on the web (chatbots, summarizers, translators, e-mail writers, etc.)
Check out my examples, and you are free to contact me for jobs! — Jump to: Introduction | Examples of web apps I’ve developed! | Contact me for jobs Examples in a nutshell: - Automated e-mail writing from spoken notes - Controlling programs via natural speech - Talking with a chatbot 100% orally -no reading, no writing! - 24/7 tutors for students - Summarizer Allmighty: process huge texts beyond…*lsD3eNxvrorKOzav
I build GPT-powered tools that run on the web (chatbots, summarizers, translators, e-mail writers, etc.) Check out my examples, and you are free to contact me for jobs! — Jump to: Introduction | Examples of web apps I’ve developed! | Contact me for jobs Examples in a nutshell: - Automated e-mail writing from spoken notes - Controlling programs via natural speech - Talking with a chatbot 100% orally -no reading, no writing! - 24/7 tutors for students - Summarizer Allmighty: process huge texts beyond… web-development
build GPTpowered tool run web chatbots summarizers translator email writer etc Check example free contact job — Jump Introduction Examples web apps I’ve developed Contact job Examples nutshell Automated email writing spoken note Controlling program via natural speech Talking chatbot 100 orally reading writing 247 tutor student Summarizer Allmighty process huge text beyond… webdevelopment
The elePHPant in the room: Wordpress
There is no denying that PHP took a great leap forward in the last years. The transformation is so generalized that “the PHP experience” has become, to many, somehow irrecognizable. It’s hard to point at one single factor. With changes covering from performance boosts, quality-of-life syntax changes (type-hinting, PHPDoc generics)……i83kquumLqmQ.gif
The elePHPant in the room: Wordpress There is no denying that PHP took a great leap forward in the last years. The transformation is so generalized that “the PHP experience” has become, to many, somehow irrecognizable. It’s hard to point at one single factor. With changes covering from performance boosts, quality-of-life syntax changes (type-hinting, PHPDoc generics)… web-development
elePHPant room Wordpress denying PHP took great leap forward last year transformation generalized “the PHP experience” become many somehow irrecognizable It’s hard point one single factor change covering performance boost qualityoflife syntax change typehinting PHPDoc generics… webdevelopment
The Power of Open-Source Software: How it’s Revolutionizing Web Development
Open-source software has revolutionized the technology industry, and web development is no exception. By making source code freely available to anyone, open-source projects have enabled developers to collaborate, learn from one another, and build on top of existing solutions. …*y6p1wS2g8zw2pvKn
The Power of Open-Source Software: How it’s Revolutionizing Web Development Open-source software has revolutionized the technology industry, and web development is no exception. By making source code freely available to anyone, open-source projects have enabled developers to collaborate, learn from one another, and build on top of existing solutions. … web-development
Power OpenSource Software it’s Revolutionizing Web Development Opensource software revolutionized technology industry web development exception making source code freely available anyone opensource project enabled developer collaborate learn one another build top existing solution … webdevelopment
Level Up Your Skills: A Step-by-Step Guide for Aspiring Front-End Developers 2023
If you’re interested in becoming a front-end developer, you’re in luck: there’s never been a better time to start learning. With the rise of online courses, tutorials, and resources, it’s easier than ever to gain the skills you need to become a successful front-end developer. But where do you start……k2P1hpcoPVmQ.png
Level Up Your Skills: A Step-by-Step Guide for Aspiring Front-End Developers 2023 If you’re interested in becoming a front-end developer, you’re in luck: there’s never been a better time to start learning. With the rise of online courses, tutorials, and resources, it’s easier than ever to gain the skills you need to become a successful front-end developer. But where do you start… web-development
Level Skills StepbyStep Guide Aspiring FrontEnd Developers 2023 you’re interested becoming frontend developer you’re luck there’s never better time start learning rise online course tutorial resource it’s easier ever gain skill need become successful frontend developer start… webdevelopment
Mastering JavaScript Testing with Jest: Boosting Your Code Quality and Confidence
Jest is a popular testing framework for JavaScript applications that was developed by Facebook. It provides a comprehensive set of features that make it easy to write and maintain tests for your code. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Jest for testing JavaScript applications, and provide……cMMvsYYeg3OQ.png
Mastering JavaScript Testing with Jest: Boosting Your Code Quality and Confidence Jest is a popular testing framework for JavaScript applications that was developed by Facebook. It provides a comprehensive set of features that make it easy to write and maintain tests for your code. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Jest for testing JavaScript applications, and provide… web-development
Mastering JavaScript Testing Jest Boosting Code Quality Confidence Jest popular testing framework JavaScript application developed Facebook provides comprehensive set feature make easy write maintain test code article explore benefit using Jest testing JavaScript application provide… webdevelopment
The Hidden Heart of Web Development: A Poem of Solitude
A web developer sits alone In front of screens that glow and drone Lines of code, they come and go But the sadness lingers, a constant foe The project they work on, it's not their own Just a job to pay the bills, alone They dream of creating something new But for now, their skills are used……gbwmEsHS-pg.jpeg
The Hidden Heart of Web Development: A Poem of Solitude A web developer sits alone In front of screens that glow and drone Lines of code, they come and go But the sadness lingers, a constant foe The project they work on, it's not their own Just a job to pay the bills, alone They dream of creating something new But for now, their skills are used… web-development
Hidden Heart Web Development Poem Solitude web developer sits alone front screen glow drone Lines code come go sadness lingers constant foe project work job pay bill alone dream creating something new skill used… webdevelopment
Writing an Algorithm to Calculate Article Read Length
You have probably noticed a read-time number underneath article titles while scrolling through your favorite news source. It is an important metric for readers as it allows them to determine how much time they are devoting to an article, and marks content in a way that allows for filtering and…*a_Uwp9mDv0IkZG9v
Writing an Algorithm to Calculate Article Read Length You have probably noticed a read-time number underneath article titles while scrolling through your favorite news source. It is an important metric for readers as it allows them to determine how much time they are devoting to an article, and marks content in a way that allows for filtering and… web-development
Writing Algorithm Calculate Article Read Length probably noticed readtime number underneath article title scrolling favorite news source important metric reader allows determine much time devoting article mark content way allows filtering and… webdevelopment
Top Sites Of The Week That Will Definitely Inspire You — Dose #2311
We continue seeking and spotting excellent web design projects worldwide to create awareness about meaningful, contemporary design and honor web designers who have chartered new directions for web design innovation and inspired the community. We are honored to announce the top sites of the last week, which will definitely inspire……sR2OvFsqU5-A.png
Top Sites Of The Week That Will Definitely Inspire You — Dose #2311 We continue seeking and spotting excellent web design projects worldwide to create awareness about meaningful, contemporary design and honor web designers who have chartered new directions for web design innovation and inspired the community. We are honored to announce the top sites of the last week, which will definitely inspire… web-development
Top Sites Week Definitely Inspire — Dose 2311 continue seeking spotting excellent web design project worldwide create awareness meaningful contemporary design honor web designer chartered new direction web design innovation inspired community honored announce top site last week definitely inspire… webdevelopment
Comparing Nuxt.js and Next.js: Key Differences and Advantages
Nuxt.js and Next.js are both JavaScript frameworks built on top of Vue.js and React.js, respectively. Each framework has its unique advantages, but there are several aspects in which Nuxt.js is considered superior to Next.js: Advantages of Vue.js: Nuxt.js is based on Vue.js, so it inherits the benefits of Vue.js. Vue.js……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
Comparing Nuxt.js and Next.js: Key Differences and Advantages Nuxt.js and Next.js are both JavaScript frameworks built on top of Vue.js and React.js, respectively. Each framework has its unique advantages, but there are several aspects in which Nuxt.js is considered superior to Next.js: Advantages of Vue.js: Nuxt.js is based on Vue.js, so it inherits the benefits of Vue.js. Vue.js… web-development
Comparing Nuxtjs Nextjs Key Differences Advantages Nuxtjs Nextjs JavaScript framework built top Vuejs Reactjs respectively framework unique advantage several aspect Nuxtjs considered superior Nextjs Advantages Vuejs Nuxtjs based Vuejs inherits benefit Vuejs Vuejs… webdevelopment
HTML: The Foundation of the Web — A Rich Guide for Beginners
Introduction HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the foundational language for structuring content on the web. It’s the backbone of every website, providing a means to organize and display information in a visually appealing and accessible way. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of HTML, exploring its basic structure……hPjRjXQ8Pnw.jpeg
HTML: The Foundation of the Web — A Rich Guide for Beginners Introduction HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the foundational language for structuring content on the web. It’s the backbone of every website, providing a means to organize and display information in a visually appealing and accessible way. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of HTML, exploring its basic structure… web-development
HTML Foundation Web — Rich Guide Beginners Introduction HTML HyperText Markup Language foundational language structuring content web It’s backbone every website providing mean organize display information visually appealing accessible way article we’ll dive world HTML exploring basic structure… webdevelopment
Sort your CSS order on save
Recently, I came across a npm package that is really handy. It integrates with prettier and can sort the order of your CSS properties with 2 simple steps. Step 1: Install the package with the following command if you are using npm, npm install postcss prettier-plugin-css-order --save-dev and if you are using yarn, yarn add postcss prettier-plugin-css-order --dev Step 2: Add to your .prettierrc.js or .prettierrc.json…m8EHqyfFLVHA.gif
Sort your CSS order on save Recently, I came across a npm package that is really handy. It integrates with prettier and can sort the order of your CSS properties with 2 simple steps. Step 1: Install the package with the following command if you are using npm, npm install postcss prettier-plugin-css-order --save-dev and if you are using yarn, yarn add postcss prettier-plugin-css-order --dev Step 2: Add to your .prettierrc.js or .prettierrc.json web-development
Sort CSS order save Recently came across npm package really handy integrates prettier sort order CSS property 2 simple step Step 1 Install package following command using npm npm install postcss prettierplugincssorder savedev using yarn yarn add postcss prettierplugincssorder dev Step 2 Add prettierrcjs prettierrcjson webdevelopment
🔧 Angular Component Decorators: Unraveling the Magic ✨
In Angular, the @Component decorator is the cornerstone of building reusable UI components. It provides metadata that defines how a component should be processed, instantiated, and used within an Angular application. In this article, we'll explore the @Component decorator in-depth, discuss its various properties, and explain how to manage code……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
🔧 Angular Component Decorators: Unraveling the Magic ✨ In Angular, the @Component decorator is the cornerstone of building reusable UI components. It provides metadata that defines how a component should be processed, instantiated, and used within an Angular application. In this article, we'll explore the @Component decorator in-depth, discuss its various properties, and explain how to manage code… web-development
🔧 Angular Component Decorators Unraveling Magic ✨ Angular Component decorator cornerstone building reusable UI component provides metadata defines component processed instantiated used within Angular application article well explore Component decorator indepth discus various property explain manage code… webdevelopment
Learn 5 Handy JavaScript Techniques to Improve Your Code
Are you searching for some useful JavaScript tips and tricks? Here are some essential techniques that you should be aware of. — Swapping Variables: Previously, swapping variables required a temporary variable. However, with array deconstruction, we can swap variables more easily. let myFood = '🍔'; let yourFood = '🍫'; [ myFood, yourFood ] = [ yourFood, myFood ] console.log(myFood, yourFood) // 🍫 🍔…Ig4GqhGkd4g.jpeg
Learn 5 Handy JavaScript Techniques to Improve Your Code Are you searching for some useful JavaScript tips and tricks? Here are some essential techniques that you should be aware of. — Swapping Variables: Previously, swapping variables required a temporary variable. However, with array deconstruction, we can swap variables more easily. let myFood = '🍔'; let yourFood = '🍫'; [ myFood, yourFood ] = [ yourFood, myFood ] console.log(myFood, yourFood) // 🍫 🍔 web-development
Learn 5 Handy JavaScript Techniques Improve Code searching useful JavaScript tip trick essential technique aware — Swapping Variables Previously swapping variable required temporary variable However array deconstruction swap variable easily let myFood 🍔 let yourFood 🍫 myFood yourFood yourFood myFood consolelogmyFood yourFood 🍫 🍔 webdevelopment