1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
1 value
[ "Ambiance relaxed and stylish ." ]
[['Ambiance', 'relaxed', 'positive'], ['Ambiance', 'stylish', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This place has got to be the best japanese restaurant in the new york area ." ]
[['place', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Food is great ." ]
[['Food', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Service is top notch ." ]
[['Service', 'top notch', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The rice to fish ration was also good -- they did n't try to overpack the rice ." ]
[['rice to fish ration', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "We took advanatage of the half price sushi deal on saturday so it was well worth it ." ]
[['half price sushi deal', 'worth', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "$ 6 and there is much tasty food , all of it fresh and continually refilled ." ]
[['food', 'tasty', 'positive'], ['food', 'fresh', 'positive'], ['food', 'refilled', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I am not a vegetarian but , almost all the dishes were great ." ]
[['dishes', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The food here is rather good , but only if you like to wait for it ." ]
[['food', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I like the somosas , chai , and the chole , but the dhosas and dhal were kinda disappointing ." ]
[['somosas', 'like', 'positive'], ['chai', 'like', 'positive'], ['chole', 'like', 'positive'], ['dhosas', 'disappointing', 'negative'], ['dhal', 'disappointing', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The service varys from day to day- sometimes they 're very nice , and sometimes not ." ]
[['service', 'varys', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Also , specify if you like your food spicy- its rather bland if you do n't ." ]
[['food', 'bland', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The ambience is pretty and nice for conversation , so a casual lunch here would probably be best ." ]
[['ambience', 'pretty', 'positive'], ['ambience', 'nice', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The lava cake dessert was incredible and I recommend it ." ]
[['lava cake dessert', 'incredible', 'positive'], ['lava cake dessert', 'recommend', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Once you step into Cosette , you 're miraculously in a small , off-the-beaten path Parisian bistro ." ]
[['Cosette', 'off-the-beaten', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This tiny restaurant is as cozy as it gets , with that certain Parisian flair ." ]
[['restaurant', 'tiny', 'positive'], ['restaurant', 'cozy', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The food was average to above-average ; the French Onion soup filling yet not overly impressive , and the desserts not brilliant in any way ." ]
[['food', 'average to above-average', 'positive'], ['French Onion soup', 'not overly impressive', 'positive'], ['desserts', 'not brilliant', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The pizza is overpriced and soggy ." ]
[['pizza', 'overpriced', 'negative'], ['pizza', 'soggy', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I think I 've had some the best meals of my life at minnow ." ]
[['meals', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The seafood is amazing , there 's a good wine list , and the ever-changing menu always offers some great surprises ." ]
[['seafood', 'amazing', 'positive'], ['wine list', 'good', 'positive'], ['menu', 'ever-changing', 'positive'], ['menu', 'great surprises', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The combination of super-fresh ingredients in the dishes are unusual but really delicious ." ]
[['ingredients', 'super-fresh', 'positive'], ['ingredients', 'delicious', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "As a Japanese native , I 've lived in the Tristate area for over 8 years , but I was just so amazed at this place ." ]
[['place', 'amazed', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The signs , the specials menus , food , and even all the waitstaff are ALL TOTALLY Japanese ." ]
[['signs', 'Japanese', 'positive'], ['specials menus', 'Japanese', 'positive'], ['food', 'Japanese', 'positive'], ['waitstaff', 'Japanese', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This place is worth an one-hour drive ." ]
[['place', 'worth', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "My wife and I always enjoy the young , not always well trained but nevertheless friendly , staff , all of whom have a story ." ]
[['staff', 'enjoy', 'positive'], ['staff', 'young', 'positive'], ['staff', 'not always well trained', 'positive'], ['staff', 'friendly', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Decent wine at reasonable prices ." ]
[['wine', 'Decent', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This is by far my favorite place in the neighborhood ." ]
[['place', 'favorite', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The service is excellent , the decor is great , and the food is delicious and comes in large portions ." ]
[['service', 'excellent', 'positive'], ['decor', 'great', 'positive'], ['food', 'delicious', 'positive'], ['portions', 'large', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I 'm partial to the Gnocchi ." ]
[['Gnocchi', 'partial', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This place is incredibly tiny ." ]
[['place', 'tiny', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The hostess is rude to the point of being offensive ." ]
[['hostess', 'rude', 'negative'], ['hostess', 'offensive', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "We have been to this place many times , and always have great food , wine , and service ." ]
[['food', 'great', 'positive'], ['wine', 'great', 'positive'], ['service', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "We were worried we would have trouble getting in , but somehow managed to have a short wait ." ]
[['wait', 'short', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "As always we had a great glass of wine while we waited ." ]
[['glass of wine', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "When we sat , we got great and fast service ." ]
[['service', 'great', 'positive'], ['service', 'fast', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The people that work there are always so friendly you forget you are in New York sometimes ." ]
[['people', 'friendly', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Make sure you try this place as often as you can ." ]
[['place', 'try', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This is a fun restaurant to go to ." ]
[['restaurant', 'fun', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The pizza is yummy and I like the atmoshpere ." ]
[['pizza', 'yummy', 'positive'], ['atmoshpere', 'like', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "But the pizza is way to expensive ." ]
[['pizza', 'expensive', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Sauce was watery and the food did n't have much flavor ." ]
[['Sauce', 'watery', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The waitress was very patient with us and the food is phenomenal !" ]
[['waitress', 'patient', 'positive'], ['food', 'phenomenal', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Service was prompt , friendly and great ." ]
[['Service', 'prompt', 'positive'], ['Service', 'friendly', 'positive'], ['Service', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "There was a small wait , but shorter than I expected ." ]
[['wait', 'small', 'positive'], ['wait', 'shorter', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "This is the best sushi in new york city - hands down ." ]
[['sushi', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Planet Thailand has always been a hit with me , I go there usually for the sushi , which is great , the thai food is excellent too ." ]
[['sushi', 'great', 'positive'], ['thai food', 'excellent', 'positive'], ['Planet Thailand', 'hit', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "With the great variety on the menu , I eat here often and never get bored ." ]
[['menu', 'great variety', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The atmosphere is n't the greatest , but I suppose that 's how they keep the prices down ." ]
[['atmosphere', "is n't the greatest", 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "those rolls were big , but not good and sashimi was n't fresh ." ]
[['rolls', 'big', 'negative'], ['rolls', 'not good', 'negative'], ['sashimi', "was n't fresh", 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Try the crunchy tuna , it is to die for ." ]
[['crunchy tuna', 'Try', 'positive'], ['crunchy tuna', 'die for', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "First went here to enjoy their garden terrace ." ]
[['garden terrace', 'enjoy', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The food was amazing , and the service was prompt and helpful , but not over-bearing or rushed ." ]
[['food', 'amazing', 'positive'], ['service', 'prompt', 'positive'], ['service', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['service', 'not over-bearing or rushed', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The Steak Tartare is a great bet , they fix it for you at the table ." ]
[['Steak Tartare', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Admittedly some nights inside the restaurant were rather warm , but the open kitchen is part of the charm ." ]
[['open kitchen', 'charm', 'positive'], ['restaurant', 'warm', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Great wine selection , Gigondas is worth the price , and the house champagne is a great value ." ]
[['wine selection', 'Great', 'positive'], ['Gigondas', 'worth the price', 'positive'], ['house champagne', 'great value', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It may be a bit packed on weekends , but the vibe is good and it is the best French food you will find in the area ." ]
[['vibe', 'good', 'positive'], ['French food', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Have recommended the place to friends , always gets good response ." ]
[['place', 'recommended', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Pizza - the only pizza in NYC that should not have additional toppings - the crust tastes like the best , freshly baked bread !" ]
[['crust', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Not sure where the previous reviewer , lonk , dined , but Saul is in a great neighborhood and has great food !" ]
[['neighborhood', 'great', 'positive'], ['food', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I 'd highly recommend it for a special occasion -- it provides and intimate setting and nice service ." ]
[['setting', 'intimate', 'positive'], ['service', 'nice', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I 'm not sure where the other reviewers ate but it seems as if we visited two different restaurants because my friends and I all enjoy Mizu very much ... and we 're repeat customers ." ]
[['Mizu', 'enjoy', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Took my mom for Mother 's Day , and the maitre d ' was pretty rude ." ]
[["maitre d '", 'rude', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Tiny dessert was $ 8.00 ... just plain overpriced for what it is ." ]
[['dessert', 'Tiny', 'negative'], ['dessert', 'overpriced', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The drinks are always well made and wine selection is fairly priced ." ]
[['drinks', 'well made', 'positive'], ['wine selection', 'fairly priced', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Try their chef 's specials -- they are to die for ." ]
[["chef 's specials", 'Try', 'positive'], ["chef 's specials", 'die for', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Raga 's is a romantic , cozy restaurant ." ]
[["Raga 's", 'romantic', 'positive'], ["Raga 's", 'cozy', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The exotic food is beautifully presented and is a delight in delicious combinations ." ]
[['exotic food', 'beautifully presented', 'positive'], ['exotic food', 'delight', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The bar is very well stocked with interesting beers and well priced wines ." ]
[['bar', 'well stocked', 'positive'], ['beers', 'interesting', 'positive'], ['wines', 'well priced', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I loved everythig about it-especially the shows and actors ." ]
[['shows', 'loved', 'positive'], ['actors', 'loved', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Our server was very helpful and friendly ." ]
[['server', 'helpful', 'positive'], ['server', 'friendly', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The outdoor atmosphere of sitting on the sidewalk watching the world go by 50 feet away on 6th avenue on a cool evening was wonderful ." ]
[['outdoor atmosphere', 'wonderful', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Service was prompt and courteous ." ]
[['Service', 'prompt', 'positive'], ['Service', 'courteous', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Two complaints -- their appetizer selection stinks , it would be nice to get some mozzarella sticks on the menu ." ]
[['appetizer selection', 'complaints', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Wait staff is blantently unappreciative of your business but its the best pie on the UWS !" ]
[['Wait staff', 'unappreciative', 'negative'], ['pie', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "By far the best salad I have had in a fast food restaurant ." ]
[['salad', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "fine dining restaurant quality ." ]
[['dining', 'fine', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "On a recent Sunday afternoon , a friend and I accidently found this great restaurant on our way to see the pulitzer prize winning play DOUBT ." ]
[['restaurant', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The chicken pot pie is exceptional , the cheeseburger huge and delictable , and the service professional wan warm ." ]
[['chicken pot pie', 'exceptional', 'positive'], ['cheeseburger', 'huge', 'positive'], ['cheeseburger', 'delictable', 'positive'], ['service', 'professional', 'positive'], ['service', 'warm', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The staff is no nonsense ." ]
[['staff', 'no nonsense', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "When I lived upstate for a while I would buy freeze the bagels and they would still be better than any else ." ]
[['bagels', 'better', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Worth visiting the 1st Ave spot because it is the original store ." ]
[['1st Ave spot', 'Worth visiting', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The sake menu should not be overlooked !" ]
[['sake menu', 'overlooked', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Service was very good - prompt , attentive and non-intrusive ." ]
[['Service', 'good', 'positive'], ['Service', 'prompt', 'positive'], ['Service', 'attentive', 'positive'], ['Service', 'non-intrusive', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Food was very good as well , considering that we tried the budget selection ( though I wish the pork belly that I ordered was roasted a bit longer , so that fat was more of a melt-in-your-mouth experience ) ." ]
[['Food', 'good', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Wine list selection is good and wine-by-the-glass was generously filled to the top ." ]
[['Wine list selection', 'good', 'positive'], ['wine-by-the-glass', 'generously filled', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Traditional French decour was pleasant though the hall was rather noisy - the restaurant was full and we had to raise our voices to be able to maintain a conversation ." ]
[['Traditional French decour', 'pleasant', 'positive'], ['hall', 'noisy', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I 've been to at Cafe Spice probably 5-8 times , it is probably still the best Indian restaurant around Union Square ." ]
[['Cafe Spice', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "To sum it up : Service varies from good to mediorce , depending on which waiter you get ; generally it is just average Ok ." ]
[['Service', 'varies', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Seating is always prompt , though the restaurant does fill up in the evening ." ]
[['Seating', 'prompt', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "Food is usually very good , though ocasionally I wondered about freshmess of raw vegatables in side orders ." ]
[['Food', 'good', 'positive'], ['raw vegatables in side orders', 'wondered about freshmess', 'negative']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The decor is vibrant and eye-pleasing with several semi-private boths on the right side of the dining hall , which are great for a date ." ]
[['decor', 'vibrant', 'positive'], ['decor', 'eye-pleasing', 'positive'], ['semi-private boths', 'eye-pleasing', 'positive'], ['semi-private boths', 'great', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "I have NEVER been disappointed in the Red Eye ." ]
[['Red Eye', 'NEVER been disappointed', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The first time I went , and was completely taken by the live jazz band and atmosphere , I ordered the Lobster Cobb Salad ." ]
[['live jazz band', 'taken', 'positive'], ['atmosphere', 'taken', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "It 's simply the best meal in NYC ." ]
[['meal', 'best', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "If we were to move from the upper east side , we would genuinely miss this restaurant ." ]
[['restaurant', 'miss', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The restaurant is cute but not upscale ." ]
[['restaurant', 'cute', 'neutral'], ['restaurant', 'not upscale', 'neutral']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The food is a diamond in rough -- the food is delicious and homemade with the perfect balance of herbs and tomatoes ." ]
[['food', 'diamond', 'positive'], ['balance of herbs and tomatoes', 'perfect', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "We had a great time at the Jekyll and hyde Pub last night ." ]
[['Jekyll and hyde Pub', 'great time', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "After really enjoying ourselves at the bar we sat down at a table and had dinner ." ]
[['bar', 'enjoying', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]
[ "The server was really cool and served us our food and drinks with a smile ." ]
[['server', 'cool', 'positive']]
Task: Extracting aspect terms ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Input: A sentence. Output: A list of 3-tuples, where each tuple contains the extracted aspect term ,their opinion words and their corresponding sentiment polarity. Supplement: "Null" means that there is no occurrence in the sentence. Example: Input: "It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp ." Output: [['speed', 'much more', 'positive'], ['screen', 'sharp', 'positive']]