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「どうして? どうしてこんな女に優しくするの?」
私は、ジルのことを想うと更に涙が溢れた。 | I wanted to go back to Duelkis Kingdom right now. I wanted to let go of everything and go see Gramps Will. But there were many things I had to do right now.
I promised to help Rio. I couldn’t betray them now.
I would rest Kushana’s village for a bit, and then return to Rio. I currently have neither physical nor magical strength left. If I did not eat something and rest my body just for a few hours, I would collapse.
With Rio and Leon in my hands, I could not fall ill.
It would be a long time before I could be trained to be strong.
Gramps Will would never belittle me. I worry about him a lot. But I wouldn’t want to be the kind of woman who breaks her word.
“I...I can’t leave yet.”
I answered, staring straight into Duke-sama’s eyes.
If I were a free-spirited heroine, I would definitely be running to Gramps Will right now. It would be an eternal farewell to my precious mentor.
I would have left Rio and Leon in the hands of my trusted Duke-sama, Victor, and Vian, and be on my way to Duelkis Kingdom.
But this was my role, and I was determined to help Rio by collecting Maddie in the Ravaal Kingdom. I had to take responsibility.
Duke-sama lived in a world like this for a long time.
Gramps Will was the one who made me what I was today. He was like my favorite family member.
Duke-sama stared at me with a somewhat pained frown. Is he expecting me to cry?
At the very least, I wanted to be strong. I didn’t want Duke-sama to see the weak side of me, even if it was a lie.
I gave myself a self-deprecating smile.
“It’s precisely what a villainess would do, not going to see someone important to them even if they may die, right?”
I didn’t want to be such a villainess.
My voice trembled a little, but I tried my best to hide it by putting on a mask. It had been sunny earlier, but before I knew it, the sky was covered with clouds, and drops of water were hitting my face.
I yelled at Duke-sama, who remained silent, not caring that it had rained.
“Why don’t you just despise me? Get angry at me, tell me I’m a disgusting woman!”
My voice became louder.
I wanted someone to punish me for not going to see Gramps Will. I wanted him to blame me for showing no emotion at the loss of someone I respected.
The rain got heavier, and before I realized it, my body was soaking wet.
Duke-sama gently approached me and hugged me carefully. I felt as if something in my heart would crumble at the touch of his kindness.
“Why? Why are you being so nice to a woman like me?”
“You look like you’re about to cry.”
Duke-sama’s calm voice overlapped my rough voice.
I had decided not to cry... I had been desperately trying to hold back my tears...
Duke-sama had ruined everything.
Slowly, my body relaxed, and I realized that in front of Duke-sama, it was okay to cry, to expose my heart to him.
At that moment, the tears flowed uncontrollably.
Gramps Will, I wanted to see you. I would like to express my gratitude and love to you. I would like to show you how much I have developed because of you.
I wanted to tell you that what you taught me is my greatest treasure.
Regardless of my intention, large drops of water run down my cheeks. I never thought that losing someone would be so painful and heartbreaking.
Duke-sama embraced me warmly as I sobbed like a child, and I suddenly realized that I’d relied on his arms for support ever since I met him again in the Ravaal Kingdom.
Gilles, did you have to go through all this alone?
And yet, you continued to endure this pain while trying to create a cure to save Gramps Will?
I cried even more when I thought of Gilles. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
豚は、私たちが一般的に食べる動物の中で、おそらく最も知能が高く、敏感である。彼らは田舎の村で餌をあさる時、その知能を実用し、土に埋まったものを探し当てることができる。雌豚は、出産の前に、わらや葉っぱ、そして小枝を使って快適で安全な巣を作り、子豚を育てる。 | When foraging in a rural village, they can exercise that intelligence and explore their varied environment. Before they give birth, sows use straw or leaves and twigs to build a comfortable and safe nest in which to nurse their litter. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
第四章のテストファイル、ブートストラップ、ブートストラップ2の掲載物の著作権保有者は、©1997 by Network Associates, Inc. である。
第10章「暗号分析ハードウェアのアーキテクチャ上の考察」は、著者Ian GoldbergとDavid Wagnerが著作権 © 1996 を保有する。
第11章「効率のよいDES鍵の探索:アップデート」の著作権保有者は、Entrust Technologies © 1997 である。
作業はベルギー王国の University of Leuven でおこなわれ、ベルギー王国の NFWO の支援の元で実施された。
はじめに .......................................xiii
1: 概論.....................................1-1
ねらい ......................................1-7
DES クラッキングの歴史 ......................1-8
EFF の DES クラッカープロジェクト ...........1-8
アーキテクチャ ..............................1-9
ほかにはだれが DES をクラックしているだろう? ..1-16
DES を使っていたらどうすればいいの? .........1-17
結論 ........................................1-18
2: DES 鍵探索アレイのデザイン ..................2-1
チップのレジスタ ............................2-1
コマンド ....................................2-4
探索ユニットのはたらき ......................2-4
見本プログラムの説明 ........................2-5
スケーラビリティと性能 ......................2-9
ホストコンピュータのソフト ..................2-9
用語集 .....................................2-10
3. DES 鍵探索アレイの設計:チップレベルの仕様 ..3-1
基板の説明 ...............................................3-3
リード/ライトのタイミング ...............................3-5
アドレス指定用レジスタ ...................................3-7
ASIC レジスタ割り当て ....................................3-8
4: ソースコードのスキャン ..................................4-1
暗号ソースコードの政治性 ..................................4-1
紙の出版物は例外 ..........................................4-2
スキャン ..................................................4-4
ブートストラップ ..........................................4-5
[以下の5, 6, 7 章のソースコードそのものは以下にある:
5: ソフトウェアのソースコード ......................................5-1
6: チップのソースコード ..........................................6-1
7: チップシミュレータのソースコード ................................7-1
8: ハードウェア:基板の回路 ....................................8-1
基板回路 ......................................................8-1
Sun-4/470 バックプレーンの改造................................8-10
PC インターフェース .......................................................8-12
正誤表 ...............................................8-13
概要 .................................................9-1
はじめに .............................................9-1
基本的な考え方 .......................................9-2
マシンの詳細 .........................................9-2
得られた結果と考察 ...................................9-4
結論 .................................................9-4
謝辞 .................................................9-5
10: 暗号解析ハードウェアのアーキテクチャ考察 .. 10-1
11: 効率のよいDES鍵の探索:アップデート:Michael J. Wiener 著 11-1
技術の進歩 ..........................11-2
プログラマブル・ハードウェア ........11-3
結論 ............................................................................11-4
12: 著者紹介 ......................................................................12-1
1974 年にスタンフォードの計算機科学の連中は、Loui's で食事をした。 [1]
秋のある晩にわたしが食事をしていると、Butler Lampson がやってきて、最近なにをやっているときく中で、IBM の Lucifer システムが全国標準規格になるよ、と話してくれた。
NSA は、メッセージが読めなくなるといやだから、強い暗号システムを全国標準規格にしたくないんだな。
一方で、もし NSA が弱い暗号システムを推薦して、それがばれたら、ぼこぼこにされることになる。
Butler が正しいらしいということで、わたしはこの問題についてその後数ヶ月にわたっていろいろ考えることになった。
データ暗号化規格(DES)の案が 1975 年 3 月 17 日にリリースされて[2],、わたしはかれらのやったことが見えたと思った。
最初の見積もりでは、6.5 億ドルあれば、DES を一週間で破る機械をつくれると思った。
この考えをMarty Hellmanと話し合うと、かれは夢中になってこの計算にとりくんだ。
話が終わるまでに、見積もりは 2,000 万ドル、時間は一日まで下がった。 [3]
われわれの論文を発端にして、暗号コミュニティではゲームがはじまって、それ以来、DES 鍵を探す論文がたくさん書かれるようになった。
この力作は、DES を破る見通しについて、われわれよりもずっと楽観的だった。
この論文の予言では、1985 年までに 50 万ドルの投資で、一時間で DES 鍵を見つけられるようになるし、1995 年までには 1,000 万ドルの投資で、それが 2 秒にまで短縮されるとなっているが、これは 15 年後に実際にできたものを、実に見事に予言している。
10年たって、Yvo DesmedtとJean-Jaques Quisquaterが貢献を 2 つ行ってくれた。
冗談交じりの提案のほうは、中国の人口が DES 鍵空間の平方根と同じくらいだ、という事実を利用したものだ。
Michael Wiener (Bell-Northern Research)が、最高にしっかりした紙上のマシンを設計したのである。[6]
ノーザンテレコムの DMS100 電話交換機を DES 攻撃用に特化したもの、といえばあたらずといえども遠からずだろう。
3 時間で鍵を発見するマシンが、100 万ドル以下でできると予想している。
非常に挑発的な付記として、この程度の予算なら Bell-Northern Research 社の部長決裁に入れてしまえる、という点があげられている。
最後に 1996 年になると、暗号学者一人や二人ではなく、暗号学者グループによって推定が発表されている。
かれらは後に(多少の嫌みもこめて)the magnificent seven [7] と呼ばれている。
この推定は、必要となるリソース 3 段階とゆるく関連した、3 つのアプローチの概略を述べている。
たとえば、チップシミュレーションなどほかの目的につくられた PLA マシンを使うことだ。
1997 年にサンフランシスコで開かれた、年次 RSA 暗号業界ショーで、DES暗号文をクラックした者に賞金を出すというアナウンスがされた[8]。
このアプローチは、これまで 40 ビットの鍵をもった暗号文や因数分解には適用されていたものだが、その劇的な成功だった。
1998年の RSA ショーで、また賞金がだされた。今回、賞金は39日で獲得された [9]。
最初の鍵がみつかったのは、鍵空間を 25% しかつぶしていない時点でだった。
二番目の鍵は、85% をさがし終えてやっと見つかった。
こうした試みは the magnificent seven の最初のアプローチを使っている。
本書にでてくる図面をつかえば、そこそこの値段で DES 鍵をものの数日で見つけられる。
もはや、しらみつぶし探索で DES 鍵が見つかるか、という話ではない。
DES は過去 20 年以上、標準となっていたわけだけれど、それでどれだけのメッセージが暗号化されたかは見当もつかない。
DES が安全ではないとどんなに強力に論じたとしても、世界中でDES機器に大量の投資が行われてしまっているために、それをひっくり返すわけにはいかない。
人々はどんなに短所があっても DES を使い続け、自分のニーズにはこれでじゅうぶんだと考え続けるわけだ。
そして DES は、これだけはっきりと弱点を抱えているのに、今後何十年も情報を守っているかのようなふりを続けるだろう。
[1]パロアルトのTown and Country Villageにある、Louis Kaoの Hsi-Nan レストラン
アメリカ政府が、情報を安全かつプライベートにするために使いなさいと推奨している標準的な手段「Data Encryption Standard」またはDESは、実は情報を安全にもプライベートにもしてくれないのである。
第一章 概論ではプロジェクトを紹介して、EFFのDESクラック用マシンの基本的なアーキテクチャを説明している。
第三章ハード仕様(Advanced Wireless Technologies著)は、ゲートアレイのカスタムチップと、それをのせるボードについて、ハード設計者の観点から説明している。
第4章 ソースコードのスキャンでは、この本を光学式のスキャナに通して、われわれの設計したソフトと、専用ゲートアレイチップをつくるためのソースコードを正確に再現する方法を説明している。
百万DESキーを破るには(Yvo Desmedt著)は1987年の論文で、多くのDESキーを同時に探索できるマシンについて、おもしろいデザインを提案している。
効率のよいDESキー探索:追補(Michael J. Wiener)は、1993年にかれが発表した重要な論文に含まれた技術的な推定を、1998年のものにアップデートしたものである。
DES クラッキングの歴史
手間のかかるやり方で「ばか力探索(brute-force search)」と呼ばれる。
DESは56ビットの鍵を使っているので、鍵の可能性は 256 通りある。
. . . それにそういう情報に対してリアルタイムのアクセスどころか、まともに使える速度でのアクセスすら、できるようなコンピュータもテクノロジーもないんです。
...さらに言わせてもらえればLouis Freehの組織が単に技術的にもっとレベルをあげればいいのだ、なんていう人がいます。
[墨ぬり-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]
学生のグループが -- いや、学生ではありません -- インターネットの連中が先週、56ビットDESを使ったメッセージ一つを破りました。
そしてこれが128ビット暗号なら、PGP, pretty good privacyがそうですが、宇宙の年齢の8.6兆倍かかったでしょう。
National Research Council はFBI にもっとコンピュータを買えとすすめますし、ビル・ゲイツはわたしに、FBIの研究開発をアップグレードしろといいますが、
輸出規制と DES
こうした「輸出制限(export controls)」は、ネットワーク化されたコンピュータや携帯電話など、一般用の通信装置のセキュリティとプライバシー開発にとって、強烈な阻害要因となってきた。
業界は大規模なロビイング団体Americans for Computer Privacy (を設立しているが、これは民生暗号輸出についてはいっさい規制がかからないように、法改正を求めている。
もしそれでいいなら、Michael Wienerのすばらしい1993年論文に100万ドルのDESクラッカーの回路が登場しているのだから、すでに用は足りているはずだ。
DES クラッキングの歴史
近年で、いちばん詳細にそれを記述したのは、1993年にBell Northern ResearchのMichael Wienerが発表したものである。
この更新版をもともと刊行したRSA Data Securityには、許可を与えてくれて感謝したい。
カリフォルニア大学バークレー校のIan Goldberg と David Wagner は、別のアプローチをとっている。
かれらの設計では、「現場プログラム可能ゲートアレイ(field programmable gate array, FPGA)を使っている。
FPGA チップは、Wienerの設計に使ってあるカスタムチップよりもおそいけれど、少量でもすぐに買えて、設計に大きな初期投資がいらない。
Electronic Frontier FoundationがDESクラッキングの検討をはじめたのは、1997年のことだった。
かわりに、検討をすすめるなかで、Cryptography ResearchのPaul Kocherに出会った。
ポールとEFFは、Advanced Wireless Technologiesの技術者と会って、20万ドルくらいの予算でつかいものになるDESクラッカーがつくれると見積もった。
ソフトが、「もっともらしいもの(false positives)」を本当の答えから仕分けしてくれるわけだ。
ちょっとのソフトで協調させるだけで、DESキーの探索問題は「高度に並列処理可能(highly parallelizable)」である。
EFF DESクラッカーの核となるのは、探索ユニットだ。
たとえば、69文字がおもしろいとされていたら(A-Z, a-z, 0-9, 空白, その他句読点など)、ランダムなバイトがおもしろいものになる確率は、69/256 で、つまり約1/4ということになる。
もしまちがった鍵のバイトがおもしろい確率が1/4なら、2バイトがおもしろい可能性は1/4のそのまた1/4, つまり1/16になる。
これはかなり小さい数に思えるけれど、なにせ今は 2,057,594,037,927,936個の鍵 (256の鍵、または7.2京の鍵)を探しているので、もっともっと手助けが要る。
ソフトに可能な鍵の1/65536をチェックさせるだけでも、1,099,511,627,776個の鍵(240 または1兆個の鍵)を調べなくてはならないことになる。
これで「まちがい率」はさらに65536分の一になって、ソフトはたった16,777,216 (224または1600万くらい)の鍵を見るだけですむ。
たとえば、もし平文のブロックが「hello th」だったとしよう。
「theolo tt」などというのも、正解ではなくても「おもしろい」と見られるからだ。
チップはまた、「暗号ブロック連鎖モード(Cipher Block Chaining)」モードで暗号化された暗号も復号できる設計となっている。
Blaze 式チャレンジ
1997年6月には、AT&Tの暗号研究者のMatt Blazeが、別の種類の暗号問題を提案した。
かれの問題というのは、 XXXXXXXX という形式の鍵が復号されるとYYYYYYYYのようなかたちになる鍵をみつける、というだけのものだ。
9U VMEバス基板は、汎用PCにささるふつうのインターフェースカードよりずっと大きいので、一枚にのるチップの数もずっと多くなる。
さらに9U VMEバス基板は大量の電源が供給できる設計になっていて、DESクラッカーチップにはこれが必要だ。
Sun Microsystemsは、大型の9U VMEバス基板を使うシステムをたくさんつくっており、こういうシステムは基板の電源と冷却の点でもきわめて優れている。
Sun-4/470 のシャーシはVMEバス基板のスロットを12個分持っていて、こちらの要件にあうようにすぐに改造できた。
Table 1-1: DES クラッカー性能のまとめ
EFF DES クラッカー92,160,000,0004.524
もしチップの消費電力か発熱が大きすぎて、チップ1500個を使ったマシンが無理なら、チップのクロックを40 MHz から、たとえば 30 MHz まで下げるという手もある。
US National Security Agency の予算と使命を考えると、おそらくかれらは何年も前にDESクラッカーをつくりはじめているはずだ。
Eli Biham* とDavid Wagner+の研究によれば、これはふつうのトリプルDESにくらべてずっと弱いことがわかっていて、下手をするとシングルDESにすら劣るかもしれない。
基本的なプリミティブとして、DESを3つ、 Electronic Code Book (ECB) モードで使うこと。
そこからECB 3DESプリミティブを使うことで、Cipher Feedbackモードのようなモードを構築できる。
この試みは高度暗号規格(Advanced Encryption Standard, AEC)と呼ばれているが、最終的なアルゴリズムが決まるまでにはあと数年かかるし、それが実際の現場で、使い物になると証明され、世の暗号解析者たちの慎重な検討をうけて隠れた弱点がないか確認されるまでにはさらに何年もかかるだろう。
これが失敗したので、やっとNSAもNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyがAES標準化プロセスを開始するのを認めた。
データ暗号化規格(Data Encryption Standard, DES)は1975年以来、なかなか公共の役にたってきたことは事実だ。
Electronic Frontier Foundationは、本書が暗号に関わる政策論争にとって、真実の新しい水準をもたらしてくれることを期待している。
こうした論争においては、National Security Agency (NSA)と Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)の見解と経験がきわめて重視されてきた。
* 政府機関の信頼性が疑問視されているのは、なにもDES クラッキングだけではない。
DES 鍵探索アレイのデザイン
それぞれのアドレス指定については、Figure 2-1を参照。
たとえば、最初の5バイトがなにかのヘッダでわかっていて、残りの3バイトがわからないときには、 PlaintextByteMask に 0x07 を入れればいい。
このレジスタはふつうはCBC mode IV のときにつかわれる。
Figure 2-1: レジスタのアドレッシング
レジスタ 説明とコメント
どの平文テキストのバイト P[i=0..7]についてもP[i]ビットがセットされていなければ、その復号キーははねられる。
このビットがセットされていると、平文がチェックされる前に、Ciphertext0 が Ciphertext1を復号してできた平文にXORされる。
ExtraXOR と UseCBC は同時には使用できない。
(つまり SearchActiveがゼロになっている)。
このレジスタの値は、すべての探索ユニットの SearchStatus バイトをANDして得ている。
この値がゼロなら、BoardAllActiveはその基板上の探索ユニットがすべてアクティブかどうかにかかわらず、常に BoardAllActiveInput ピンと等しくなる。
キーカウンタ (56 bits)
SearchStatus の美とは次のようにわりあてられる:
探索をするには、ホストコンピュータは探索ユニットをFigure 2-2に示したような形でプログラムする。
各探索ユニットは、Figure 2-3にくわしく書いたプロセスを実行して、決して止まる必要はない。
Figure 2-2: ホストコンピュータを使って探索アレイをプログラムするアルゴリズムの見本
探索ユニットiのキーカウンタを((256)(i) / N)にセットする。
While 正しいキーがみつからないうちは:
探索ユニット i の SearchStatus を読む。
SearchActive ビットをチェック。
If SearchActive が0なら:
ユニット i の KeyCounter を読む。
鍵の下32ビットから 1 を引く。
ローカルコンピュータで DES 操作をして鍵をチェック。
さもなければ、SearchStatus の SearchActive ビットをたてて探索を再開。
Figure 2-3: 探索ユニットのはたらき
1. もし CiphertextSelector=0 なら、 L/R = Ciphertext0にする。
もし CiphertextSelector が 1 なら L/R = Ciphertext1にする。
2. キーカウンタの鍵を使って L/R を復号し、候補となる平文をL/Rにつくる。
3. もし ExtraXOR = 1 なら、 L = L XOR Rにする。
もし CiphertextSelector = 0 なら
もし CiphertextSelector = 1 かつ UseCBC = 1 なら:
CiphertextSelector = 0にする。
もし CiphertextSelector = 1 なら SearchActive = 0にする。
CiphertextSelector = 1にする。
5. Step 1にもどる。
UseCBC と ExtraXOR はどちらも 0
0x00 に設定(全バイトを使う)
つまり探索のチェック基準を満たす暗号文は 88 = 224 = 1.67億通りある。
まちがった暗号文がチェックをとおり可能性は 224 / 264 なので、255 通りの鍵を探索する間に、もっともらしい鍵は平均で (255)( 224 / 264), つまり32768通り出てくることになって、これらはコントロールしているコンピュータが排除しなくてはならない。
Ciphertext0 と Ciphertext1 は同じ内容にしてあるので、最初のテストをパスするもっともらしい結果は、すべて二番目のテストもパスすることになる。
(10=LF、13=CR, 32=空白、65-90=大文字, 97-122=小文字)。
UseCBC は ECBなら0にセットされ、暗号文がCBCを使ってつくられたものなら1にセットされる。
ExtraXOR は 0にセット。
0x00にセット (全バイト使用).
ECBなら 0x0000000000000000 にセット、CBC なら IV(初期化ベクトル) にセット。
まちがった鍵によって復号された二つの(ランダムな)候補となる平文が、上で述べたASCII文字だけになる可能性は (55/256)16 だ。
したがって探索では、コンピュータがはねるべきもっともらしい結果が平均で 255 (55/256)16 = 742358 通りあることになる。
CBCモードのプログラミングでは、 PlaintextXorMask は初期化ベクトル(あるいは攻撃している暗号文が最初のブロックでない場合には、前の暗号文)にセットしなくてはならない。
UseCBC は0にセット。
ExtraXOR は1にセット。
0x0Fにセット (左半分だけがチェックされる)
このとき、 ExtraXOR ビットのステータスのために L=L XOR R となったら、Lは0になる。
平文マスクは左半分だけを選び、 PlaintextVector で、それが0かどうか確認できる。
この探索は256通りためして終わるという保証はないので、平均時間は256になる (255ではない)。
もっともらしいケースの数は 256 / 232 = 224 = 1.68 億通りとなる。
したがって各探索ユニットは、平均で 232 鍵ごとにもっともらしいものにあたる。
各探索ユニットを1秒に1回調べるとすると、アイドリング状態になるのは (0.5)(16.8 million)/3600 = 2333 探索ユニット時間
Figure 2-4に最初の実装の性能を示す。
クロック速度 (Hz)4.00E+07
Cryptography Research は、チップデザインがファブリケーションに送られる前にチップをテストするための、テストベクトル生成ソフトを書く。
ホストコンピュータ用のソフトウェアは、平文がわかっている場合の鍵派遣、暗号化されたASCII文の解読(ECBとCBCモード)、Matt Blaze式チャレンジ解決をする通常の探索タスクを実装する。
このソフトはプラットホーム固有の I/O コードをのぞけば、ふつうの ANSI C でかかれる。
ソフトプログラムは、プロジェクト参加者 (AWT, EFF, and Cryptography Research) を明示する。
Cryptography Research はまた、もっときれいなインターフェースを持ったバージョンをつくる。
CBC モード
必要なら、ANSI C 以前のものもサポート可能。
256-bit のレジスタで、見込みある平文でどのバイト値があり得るかを指定するためのもの。
Ciphertext0 を復号した結果にXORされる64-bit レジスタ。
SearchInfo の中のビットで、探索エンジンが復号後にCBCモードの事後処理を行うように指示する
DES 鍵探索アレイの設計:チップレベルの仕様
ASIC レジスタのわりあて
「探索ユニットの仕組み」のStep 4で指定された平文ベクトルのビット位置すべてにゼロが入る(第二章参照)
「探索ユニットの仕組み」のStep 3で指定された操作を行う。(第二章参照)
Figure 3-1. 探索ユニットの動きのフローチャート
K= log2(最大組み合わせ数/チップ数)
Figure 3-2 探索ユニットの状態ダイヤグラム
Port A: アドレス(7:0)
基板-ID(7:0), チップ-ID(6:0) 最後にレジスタアドレスである。
Figure 3-3: 探索ユニットのブロックダイヤグラム
各基板には、固有の基板 ID があって、これがスイッチで設定できるようになっている。
たとえば16進で 5F の基板 ID を持つ基板は、基板 ID スイッチを以下のように設定することなる:
Figure 3-4 アドレスバスのダイヤグラム
ASIC レジスタわりあて
0x40-0x47探索ユニット 0: キーカウンタ (最初の 7 バイト) と Search Status
0x48-0x4f探索ユニット 1: キーカウンタ (最初の 7 バイト) と Search Status
0xf8-0xff探索ユニット 23: キーカウンタ (最初の 7 バイト) と Search Status
共通レジスタ 58 + 8 * n レジスタ; n = ASIC内の探索ユニットの総数。
この倍には n = 24 なので、 58 + 192 = 250 レジスタが必要となる。
Note: 指定のないピンは接続なし
したがって、できればこうした情報をすべてWorld Wide Webに載せたいと思っていた。
これに関与している主要政府機関は、National Security Agencyであるが、ここ数年はFBIもリクルートされたらしい。
FBI のスポークスマンは、それが「むかしのわるいFBI」の話であって、J. エドガー・フーヴァーが死んで、ニクソン大統領が失脚してからはもうそういうのは一掃された、と言う。
Freedom of Information 法を使って、かれらがやっていることをはっきり知ろうとすると、協力を拒否するわけだ。
とにかく、こうした機関は法や規制に影響を与えて、アメリカの暗号研究家たちがその結果をWorld Wide Web (あるいはそれ以外の電子的な形)で公開するのを非合法にしてしまった。
Electronic Frontier Foundation はこれまで、情報のほとんどを電子的に公開してきた。
アメリカ商務省は、暗号ソフトのある外国のロケーションへのリンクを含んだWorld Wide Web ページを公開しても、それは「輸出監督規制(Export Administration Regulations, EAR)の対象となる輸出にはならない」と公式に発表している。*
――ちょっと「極論にまで誇張」reductio ad absurdum 式の思考実験をしてみれば、リンク禁止が実質的に意味を持つためには、外国の Universal Resource Locatorsを表示すること自体を禁止しなくてはならないことがわかる。
URL というのはただの文字が並んでいるだけだ。
たとえば http://www.eff.orgのように。
したがって、Electronic Frontier Foundation は自由な国でこの本の電子的なコピーが存在するところへのリンクを公開するのは自由である。
これは、Peter Junger教授の暗号輸出制限規制に対する修正第一条訴訟の一部である。
この本を印刷するときには、Pretty Good Privacy, Inc のツールを使った。
PGP は、もちろんこうしたツールを本の形で公開している。
ページが移動したり、構成が変わったりしてこれではうまくいかない場合には、International PGP ページ http://www.pgpi.comからさがしていってほしい。
PGP のツールは、行ごととページごとにチェックサムを出してくれるし、ふつうは目に見えない、tabや複数の空白といった文字もはっきりわかるようにしてある。
小さなまん中の三角形「ドット」(複数スペースとして使用):ナカグロ (バイト値は8進で 267)
フォームフィード:円記号(バイト値は8進で 245)
大きな黒い四角形(行が続くことを示す): pilcrow または paragraph symbol (バイト値は8進で266).
Philip R. Zimmermann と Network Associates の好意により、PGP OCRツールをもっていない人たちを支援するために、ここにPGPのbootstrapとbootstrap2ページを載せておこう。
bootstrap2 スクリプトを使って、この本の残りの部分をスキャンしよう。
テストファイル、ブートストラップ、ブートストラップ2は著作権があるが、(著作権保持者の)Network Associatesはそれを自由に複製していいと認めているので、
[Note: ブートストラップの1と2は、OCRツールのなかにも含まれている。
Pin 1 to 25+5 VoltsDES クラッカーチップ用の電源供給
Pin 2予約未使用
Table 8-1: いちばん下のコネクタへの信号割り当て (continued)
ラップトップ用にはPC カード (PCMCIA) インターフェースもある。
効率のよいDES鍵の探索:アップデート:Michael J. Wiener著
これはDESだけでなく、ブロック式暗号(block cypher)やハッシュ関数攻撃、楕円曲線暗号システムへの攻撃のほとんどすべてにあてはまる。
たとえば、トリプルDES 128-bit RC5,* CAST-128+などだ。
もとのチップ設計は0.8 ミクロン CMOS プロセスで行われており、現在使える密度からいえば、同じシリコン面積にかつての設計を4個分つめこむことが可能になる。
おもしろいことに、このチップを21個使えば、DES challengeを解決したチームの使ったコンピュータすべてに匹敵するだけの探索パワーが得られることになる。
$10,000 2.5 日
$100,000 6 時間
$1,000,000 35 分
$10,000,000 3.5 分
しかし、このっマシンは変更を加えなくても、以下のモードも扱える:暗号ブロック連鎖(cipher-block chaining, CBC)、64ビット暗号フィードバック(cipher feedback, CFB)、64ビット出力フィードバック(output feedback, OFB)。
OFB の場合、連続した平文が2つ必要になる。
チップ設計を変更すれば、よく使われるDESのモードをほかに2つ(1 ビットと 8 ビット CFB)扱えるようになるが、コストは多少高くなる。
ただし 1 ビット CFB の場合は、これが平均で80分になる。
こうしたテクノロジーの一種としては、現場プログラミング可能ゲートアレイ(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA) がある。
1996年初期の報告では、FPGA 5万ドル分あれば、DES鍵を平均で4ヶ月で回復できると推定されている。
別の有望なプログラマブル・ハードウェアは、複合プログラマブル・論理デバイス(Complex Programmable Logic Device, CPLD) である。
CPLD はFPGAよりは設計の自由度が低いが、その分、値段も低い。
たとえばMicrosoft Wordのすべてのバージョンでは、作成したファイルの先頭には固定バイト長の文字列がついてくる。
攻撃者が、鍵の変わる5分以内に鍵を見つける確率は 5/70 = 1/14 だ。
いちばんいいのは、トリプルDES、128ビットRC5、CAST-128 +など、もっとながい鍵をもった強力な暗号アルゴリズムを使うことである。
EFF は、みなさんに、社会が今日の急速な技術的変化にいちばんいい形で対応するにはどうしたらいいかをわれわれと検討してほしいと願っている。
John はEFF の暗号政策に関する動きを指導しており、DESクラッカーの製作をマネジメントして、本書の文章のかなりの部分を執筆している。
Cryptography Research はPaul Kocherのコンサルティング会社で、サンフランシスコにある。
Cryptography Research は、多くの大企業や新興企業にたいしてコンサルティング、デザイン、教育、分析サービスを提供している。
Kocher と同社はその技術的な仕事と研究で広く知られている。
たとえば世界的な暗号プロトコル(SSL 3.0など)の開発や、暗号分析(たとえばRSAなどの暗号システムに対する時間計測攻撃の発見など)、そして大規模会議での無数のプレゼンテーションなど。
Cryptography Researchへの連絡は、以下へメールでどうぞ。
Cryptography Research は、DESクラッカーのハードとソフトの設計をマネジメントし、チップシミュレータとドライバソフトを書いた。
Paul Kocher, Josh Jaffe をはじめとする Cryptography Research の全員は、このユニークなプロジェクトに出資してきれたJohn Gilmore と EFF に感謝したい。
そして AWTもそのすばらしいハードウェア作業を感謝!
Paul Kocher は暗号研究家であり、暗号をつかった高セキュリティシステムの作成に関する現実的な技能を専門としている。
Advanced Wireless Technologies, Inc. (AWT) は、ハイテク企業にたいしてアプリケーション専用IC (ASIC) と基板レベルのソリューションを、最高の品質で最低の価格で提供している。
AWT は1993年に創業された。
AWT は、顧客の個別ニーズにあわせたデジタルASIC/ゲートアレイと基板設計サービスを提供している。
AWTの代表的な製品としては、変調復元、フォワードエラー訂正や暗号の複合などの分野における IP Core、 ASICs, 基板レベルの製品などがある。
AWT は、カスタムASIC、ロジックボード、インターフェースアダプタなど、DESクラッカーのハードを設計・製作した。
エンジニアリングのニーズがあれば、以下のwebサイト を見るか、あるいは +1 408 727 5780 まで電話で連絡いただければ幸甚。 | Cracking DES
Cracking DES:
Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics, and Chip Design
The test-file, bootstrap, and bootstrap2 listings in Chapter 4 are Copyright ©1997 by Network Associates, Inc.
These listings may be reproduced in whole or in part without payment of royalties.
Chapter 10, Architectural Considerations for Cryptanalytic Hardware, is Copyright © 1996 by the authors, Ian Goldberg and David Wagner.
Chapter 11, Efficient DES Key Search: An Update, is Copyright © 1997 by Entrust Technologies.
It may be reproduced in whole or in part without payment of royalties.
Work done at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and supported by the NFWO, Belgium.
It may not be reproduced without the permission of the author,
Printing History:
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks.
Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps.
While many precautions have been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and distributor assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Table of Contents
Preface .......................................xiii
1: Overview.....................................1-1
Politics of Decryption ......................1-1
Goals .......................................1-7
History of DES Cracking .....................1-8
EFF's DES Cracker Project ...................1-8
Architecture ................................1-9
Who Else Is Cracking DES? ..................1-16
What To Do If You Depend On DES ............1-17
Conclusion .................................1-18
2: Design for DES Key Search Array .............2-1
On-Chip Registers ..........................2-1
Commands ....................................2-4
Search Unit Operation .....................2-4
Sample Programming Descriptions .............2-5
Scalability and Performance .................2-9
Host Computer Software ......................2-9
Glossary ...................................2-10
3. Design for DES Key Search Array Chip-Level Specification ..3-1
Board description ........................................3-3
Read and Write Timing ....................................3-5
Addressing Registers .....................................3-7
ASIC Register Allocation .................................3-8
4: Scanning the Source Code ..................................41
The Politics of Cryptographic Source Code .................4-1
The Paper Publishing Exception ............................4-2
Scanning ..................................................4-4
Bootstrapping .............................................4-5]
5: Software Source Code ......................................5-1
6: Chip Source Code ..........................................6-1
7: Chip Simulator Source Code ................................7-1
8: Hardware Board Schematics (offsite) ....................................8-1
Board Schematics ......................................................8-1
Sun-4/470 backplane modifications ................................8-10
PC Interfaces .......................................................8-12
Errata ...............................................8-13
Abstract .............................................9-1
Introduction .........................................9-1
The basic idea .......................................9-2
Details of such a machine ............................9-2
Obtained results and remarks .........................9-4
Conclusion ...........................................9-4
Acknowledgement ......................................9-5
10: Architectural Considerations for Cryptanalytic Hardware .. 10-1
11: Efficient DES Key Search--An Update by Michael J. Wiener 11-1
Advancing Technology ................11-2
Programmable Hardware ...............11-3
12: Authors
In 1974 the Stanford computer science community ate at Loui's.[1]
As I sat eating one evening in the fall, Butler Lampson approached me, and in the course of inquiring what I was doing, remarked that the IBM Lucifer system was about to be made a national standard.
I hadn't known it, and it set me thinking.
My thoughts went as follows:
NSA doesn't want a strong cryptosystem as a national standard, because it is afraid of not being able to read the messages.
On the other hand, if NSA endorses a weak cryptographic system and is discovered, it will get a terrible black eye.
Hints that Butler was correct began to appear and I spent quite a lot of time thinking about this problem over the next few months.
It led me to think about trap-door cryptosystems and perhaps ultimately public-key cryptography.
When the Proposed Data Encryption Standard was released on the 17th of March 1975 [2], I thought I saw what they had done.
The basic system might be ok, but the keyspace was on the small side.
It would be hard to search, but not impossible.
My first estimate was that a machine could be built for $650M that would break DES in a week.
I discussed the idea with Marty Hellman and he took it on with a vengance.
Before we were through, the estimated cost had fallen to $20M and the time had declined to a day. [3]
Our paper started a game in the cryptographic community and many papers on searching through DES keys have since been written.
This opus was substantially more optimistic about the chances for DES breaking.
It predicted that by 1985 a half-million dollar investment would get you a DES key every hour and that by 1995, $10 million similarly spent would reduce that time to two seconds, an estimate remarkably close to one made fifteen years later.
A decade later, Yvo Desmedt and Jean-Jaques Quisquater made two contibutions,
one whimsical, one serious.
Using a related "birthday problem" sort of approach, they proposed a machine for attacking many cryptographic problems at a time. [5]
Their whimsical suggestion took advantage of the fact that the population of China was about the square root of the size of the DES key space.
The year 1993 brought a watershed.
Michael Wiener of Bell-Northern Research designed the most solid paper machine yet. [6]
It would not be too far off to describe it as a Northern Telecom DMS100 telephone switch, specialized to attacking DES.
What made the paper noteworthy was that it used standard Northern Telecom design techniques from the chips to the boards to the cabinets.
It anticipated an investment of under a million dollars for a machine that would recover a key every three hours.
A provocative aside was the observation that the required budget could be hidden in a director's budget at BNR.
Finally, in 1996, an estimate was prepared by not one or two cryptographers but by a group
later, and not entirely sympathetically, called the magnificent seven. [7]
This estimate outlined three basic approaches loosely correlated with three levels of resources.
At the cheap end was scrounging up time on computers you didn't need to own.
In the middle was using programmable logic arrays,
possibly PLA machines built for some other purpose such as chip simulation.
The high end was the latest refinement of the custom chip approach.
Exhaustive key search is a surprising problem to have enjoyed such popularity.
To most people who have considered the probem, it is obvious that a search through 2・6 possibilites is doable if somewhat tedious.
If it a is mystery why so many of them, myself included, have worked to refine and solidify their estimates, it is an even greater mystery that in the late 1990s, some people have actually begun to carry out key searches.
At the 1997 annual RSA cryptographic trade show in San Francisco, a prize was announced for cracking a DES cryptogram [8].
The prize was claimed in five months by a loose consortium using computers scattered around the Internet.
It was the most dramatic success so far for an approach earlier applied to factoring and to breaking cryptograms in systems with 40-bit keys.
At the 1998 RSA show, the prize was offered again. This time the prize was claimed in 39 days [9]
a result that actually represents a greater improvement than it appears to.
The first key was found after a search of only 25% of the key space;
the second was not recovered until the 85% mark.
Had the second team been looking for the first key, they would have found it in a month.
These efforts used the magnificent seven's first approach.
No application of the second has yet come to light.
This book skips directly to the third.
It describes a computer built out of custom chips.
A machine that 'anyone' can build;
from the plans it presents --- a machine that can extract DES keys in days at reasonable prices,
or hours at high prices.
With the appearance of this book and the machine it represents, the game changes forever.
It is not a question of whether DES keys can be extracted by exhaustive search;
it is a question of how cheaply they can be extracted and for what purposes.
Using a network of general purpose machines that you do not own or control is a perfectly fine way of winning cryptanalytic contests, but it is not a viable way of doing production cryptanalysis.
For that, you have to be able to keep your activities to yourself.
You need to be able to run on a piece of hardware that you can protect from unwanted scrutiny.
This is such a machine.
It is difficult to know how many messages have been encrypted with DES in the more than two decades that it has been a standard.
Even more difficult is knowing how many of those messages are of enduing interest and how many have already been captured or remain potentially accessible on disks or tapes,
but the number, no matter precisely how the question is framed must be large.
All of these messages must now be considered to be vulnerable.
The vulnerability does not end there, however,
for cryptosystems have nine lives.
The most convincing argument that DES is insecure would not outweigh the vast investment in DES equipment that has accumulated throughout the world.
People will continue using DES whatever its shortcomings, convincing themselves that it is adequate for their needs.
And DES, with its glaring vulnerabilities, will go on pretending to protect information for decades to come.
[1] Louis Kao's Hsi-Nan restaurant in Town and Country Village, Palo Alto.
Currently available at
In privacy and computer security, real information is too hard to find.
Most people don 't know what's really going on, and many people who do know aren't telling.
This book was written to reveal a hidden truth.
The standard way that the US Government recommends that we make information secure and private, the "Data Encryption Standard" or DES, does not actually make that information secure or private.
The government knows fairly simple ways to reveal the hidden information
(called "cracking" or "breaking" DES).
Many scientists and engineers have known or suspected this for years.
The ones who know exactly what the government is doing have been unable to tell the public, fearing prosecution for revealing "classified" information.
Those who are only guessing have been reluctant to publish their guesses, for fear that they have guessed wrong.
This book describes a machine which we actually built to crack DES.
The machine exists, and its existence can easily be verified.
You can buy one yourself, in the United States;
or can build one yourself if you desire.
The machine was designed and built in the private sector, so it is not classified.
We have donated our design to the public domain, so it is not proprietary.
There is no longer any question that it can be built or has been built.
We have published its details so that other scientists and engineers can review, reproduce, and build on our work.
There can be no more doubt.
DES is not secure.
The next section provides full technical details on the machine that we designed:
for review, critique, exploration, and further evolution by the cryptographic research community.
The final section includes several hard-to-find technical reports on brute force methods of cracking DES.
Technical description
Chapter 1, Overview, introduces our project and gives the basic architecture of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's DES-cracking machine.
Chapter 3, Hardware Specification, by Advanced Wireless Technologies, provides specifications for the custom gate array chips, and the boards that carry them, from a hardware designer's point of view.
Technical design details
Chapter 4, Scanning the Source Code, explains how you can feed this book through an optical scanner and regenerate the exact source code needed to build the software and the specialized gate array chip that we designed.
Chapter 5, Software Source Code, contains a complete listing of the C-language software that runs on a PC and controls the DES-Cracker.
Chapter 6, Chip Source Code, contains a complete listing of the chip design language (VHDL) code that specifies how we designed the custom gate array chip.
Chapter 7, Chip Simulator Source Code, contains a complete listing of the C-language software that simulates the operation of the chip,
for understanding how the chip works, and for generating test-vectors to make sure that the chips are properly fabricated.
Chapter 8, Hardware Board Schematics, provides schematic diagrams of the boards which provide power and a computer interface to the custom chips, as well as information on the layout of the boards and the backplanes that connect them.
Related Research Papers
Chapter 9,
Breaking One Million DES Keys, by Yvo Desmedt, is a 1987 paper proposing an interesting design for a machine that could search for many DES keys simultaneously.
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Efficient DES Key Search - An Update, by Michael J. Wiener, revises for 1998 the technology estimates from his seminal 1993 paper,
which was the first to include full schematic diagrams of a custom chip designed to crack DES.
Chapter 12,
About the Authors, describes the foundation and the companies which collaborated to build this project.
In this chapter:
Politics of Deception
History of DES Cracking
EFF's DES Cracker Project
Who Else Is Cracking DES?
What To Do If You Depend On DES
Politics of Decryption
The vulnerability of widely used encryption standards like DES is important for the public to understand.
A "DES Cracker" is a machine that can read information encrypted with the Data Encryption Standard (DES), by finding the key that was used to encrypt it.
"Cracking DES" is a name for this search process.
It is most simply done by trying every possible key until the right one is found,
a tedious process called "brute-force search".
If DES-encrypted information can easily be decrypted by those who are not intended to see it, the privacy and security of our infrastructures that use DES are at risk.
Many political, social, and technological decisions depend on just how hard it is to crack DES.
We noticed an increasing number of situations in which highly talented and respected people from the U.S. Government were making statements about how long it takes to crack DES.
In all cases, these statements were at odds with our own estimates and those of the cryptographic research community.
A less polite way to say it is that these government officials were lying, incompetent, or both.
They were stating that cracking DES is much more expensive and time-consuming than we believed it to be.
A very credible research paper had predicted that a machine could be built for $1.5 million, including development costs, that would crack DES in 3-1/2 hours.
Yet we were hearing estimates of thousands of computers and weeks to years to crack a single message.
the Data Encryption Standard, encrypts a confidential message into scrambled output under the control of a secret key.
The input message is also known as "plaintext", and the resulting output as "ciphertext".
The idea is that only recipients who know the secret key can decrypt the ciphertext to obtain the original message.
DES uses a 56-bit key, so there are 256 possible keys.
On Thursday, June 26, 1997 the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on International Relations heard closed, classified testimony on encryption policy issues.
The Committee was considering a bill to eliminate export controls on cryptography.
After hearing this testimony, the Committee gutted the bill and inserted a substitute intended to have the opposite effect.
A month later, a censored transcript of the hearing was provided;
Here are excerpts:
. . . And we do not have the computers, we do not have the technology to get either real-time access to that information or any kind of timely access.
If we hooked together thousands of computers and worked together over 4 months we might, as was recently demonstrated decrypt one message bit.
That is not going to make a difference in a kidnapping case, it is not going to make a difference in a national security case.
We don't have the technology or the brute force capability to get to this information.
. . . I would go further and say there have been people who have said that Louis Freeh's organization should just get smarter technically,
and if they were just smarter technically, they would be able to break all of this stuff.
I would like to leave you with just one set of statistics,
and then I think I am going to close with just a few comments on the bill itself.
There is no brute force solution for law enforcement.
[blacked out ----------------------------------------------]
A group of students -- not students -- the Internet gang last week broke a single message using 56-bit DES.
It took 78,000 computers 96 days to break one message, and the headline was, DES has weak encryption.
He doesn't consider that very weak.
If that had been 64-bit encryption, which is available for export today, and is available freely for domestic use, that same effort would have taken 7,000 years.
And if it had been 128-bit cryptography, which is what PGP is, pretty good privacy, it would have taken 8.6 trillion times the age of the universe.
Comments made later in the hearing
Chairman Gilman.
Would you need added manpower resource and equipment if there is a need to decrypt?
And would that add to your already difficult case of language translation in many of your wiretaps?
We would certainly need those resources, but I think more importantly is the point that was made here.
Contrary to the National Research Council recommendation that the FBI buy more computers and Bill Gates' suggestion to me that we upgrade our research and development
[blacked out------------------------------]
American industry cannot do it, and that is decrypt real time encryption over a very minimal level of robustness.
[blacked out---------]
If you gave me $3 million to buy a Cray computer, it would take me how many years to do one message bit?
64 bits, 7,000 years.
I don't have that time in a kidnapping case.
It would kill us.
The subject of the hearing was "Privacy in a Digital Age: Encryption and Mandatory Access".
Mr. Litt's whole statement is available at
The part relevant to DES cracking is:
Some people have suggested that this is a mere resource problem for law enforcement.
They believe that law enforcement agencies should simply focus their resources on cracking strong encryption codes, using high-speed computers to try every possible key when we need lawful access to the plaintext of data or communications that is evidence of a crime.
But that idea is simply unworkable,
because this kind of brute force decryption takes too long to be useful to protect the public safety.
For example, decrypting one single message that had been encrypted with a 56-bit key took 14,000 Pentium-level computers over four months;
obviously, these kinds of resources are not available to the FBI, let alone the Jefferson City Police Department.
What's Wrong With Their Statements?
Some of the testimony quoted may have been literally true;
nevertheless, it is deceptive.
All of the time estimates presented by Administration officials were based on use of general-purpose computers to do the job.
But that's fundamentally the wrong way to do it, and they know it.
A ordinary computer is ill-suited for use as a DES Cracker.
In the first place, the design of DES is such that it is inherently very slow in software, but fast in hardware.
Second, current computers do very little in parallel;
the designers don't know exactly what instructions will be executed, and must allow for all combinations.
The right way to crack DES is with special-purpose hardware.
A custom-designed chip, even with a slow clock, can easily outperform even the fastest general-purpose computer.
Besides, you can get many such chips on a single board,
rather than the one or two on a typical computer's motherboard.
There are practical limits to the key sizes which can be cracked by brute-force searching, but since NSA deliberately limited the key size of DES to 56 bits, back in the 1970's when it was designed, DES is crackable by brute force.
Today's technology might not be able to crack other ciphers with 64-bit or 128-bit keys--or it might.
Nobody will know until they have tried, and published the details for scientific scrutiny.
Most such ciphers have very different internal structure than DES, and it may be possible to eliminate large numbers of possible keys by taking advantage of the structure of the cipher.
Some senior cryptographers estimated what key sizes were needed for safety in a 1996 paper;*
they suggest that to protect against brute force cracking, today's keys should have a minimum of 75 bits, and to protect information for twenty years, a minimum of 90 bits.
The cost of brute-force searching also overstates the cost of recovering encrypted text in the real world.
A key report on the real impact of encryption on law enforcement+ reveals that there are no cases in which a lack of police access to encrypted files resulted in a suspected criminal going free.
In most cases the plaintext was recovered by other means,
such as asking the suspect for the key, or finding another copy of the information on the disk.
Even when brute force is the method of choice, keys are seldom truly random, and can be searched in the most likely order.
Export Controls and DES
The U.S. Government currently restricts the ability of companies, individuals, and researchers to export hardware or software that includes the use of DES for confidentiality.
These "export controls" have been a severe impediment to the development of security and privacy for networked computers, cellular phones, and other popular communications devices.
The use of encryption algorithms stronger than DES is also restricted.
In December 1996, the government formally offered exporters the ability to incorporate DES,
but nothing stronger, into their products.
The catch is that these companies would have to sign an agreement with the government, obligating them to install "key recovery" into their products within two years.
Key recovery technology provides a way for the government to decrypt messages at will, by offering the government a copy of the key used in each message, in a way that the product's user cannot circumvent or control.
In short, the government's offer was:
collude with us to violate your customers' privacy, or we won't let you export any kind of secure products.
At the same time, the FBI was let into the group that reviews each individual company's application to export a cryptographic product.
All reports indicate that the FBI is making good on the threat, by objecting to the export of all kinds of products that pose no threat at all to the national security (having been exportable in previous years before the FBI gained a voice).
The FBI appears to think that by making itself hated and feared, it will encourage companies to follow orders.
Instead it is encouraging companies to overturn the regulatory scheme that lets the FBI abuse the power to control exports.
Industry started a major lobbying group called Americans for Computer Privacy (, which is attempting to change the laws to completely decontrol nonmilitary encryption exports.
Some dozens of companies to signed up for key recovery, though it is unclear how many actually plan to follow through on their promise to deploy the technology.
You will not find many of these companies trumpeting key recovery in their product advertisements.
Users are wary of it since they know it means compromised security.
If customers won't buy such products, companies know it makes no sense to develop them.
The best course for companies is probably to develop products that provide actual security, in some jurisdiction in the world which does not restrict their export.
Some companies are doing so.
The government's "compromise" offer discourages hesitant companies from taking this step,
by providing a more moderate and conciliatory step that they can take instead.
Companies that go to the effort to build overseas cryptographic expertise all use stronger technology than DES,
as a selling point and to guard against early obsolescence.
If those companies can be convinced to stay in the US, play the government's key-recovery game, and stick with DES, the government continues to win, and the privacy of the public continues to lose.
The success or failure of the government's carrot-and-stick approach depends on keeping industry and the public misled about DES's security.
If DES-based products were perceived as insecure, there would be little reason for companies to sign away their customers' privacy birthrights in return for a mess of DES pottage.
If DES-based products are perceived as secure, but the government actually knows that the products are insecure, then the government gets concessions from companies, without impacting its ability to intercept communications.
Keeping the public ignorant gives the government the best of both worlds.
Political Motivations and EFF's Response
We speculate that government officials are deliberately misleading the public about the strength of DES encryption:
To encourage the public to continue using DES, so their agencies can eavesdrop on the public.
To prevent the widespread adoption of stronger standards than DES, which the government would have more trouble decrypting.
To offer DES exportability as a bargaining-chip,
which actually costs the government little, but is perceived to be valuable.
To encourage policy-makers such as Congressmen or the President to impose drastic measures such as key recovery, in the belief that law enforcement has a major encrypted-data problem and no practical way to crack codes.
As advocates on cryptography policy, we found ourselves in a hard situation.
It appeared that highly credible people were either deliberately lying to Congress and to the public in order to advance their own harmful agendas, or were advocating serious infringement of civil liberties based on their own ignorance of the underlying issues.
Most troubling is the possibility that they were lying.
Perhaps these government executives merely saw themselves as shielding valuable classified efforts from disclosure.
As advocates of good government, we do not see that classifying a program is any justification for an official to perjure themselves when testifying about it.
(Declining to state an opinion is one thing;
making untruthful statements as if they were facts is quite another.)
The most interesting conclusion of their report was that "the debate over national cryptography policy can be carried out in a reasonable manner on an unclassified basis".
This presumes good faith on the part of the agencies who hide behind classified curtains, though.
If it turns out that their public statements are manipulative falsehoods, an honest and reasonable public debate must necessarily exclude them, as dishonest and unreasonable participants.
In the alternative, if poor policy decisions are being made based on the ignorance or incompetence of senior government officials, the role of honest advocates should be to inform the debate.
In response to these concerns, EFF began a research program.
Our research results prove that DES can be cracked quickly on a low budget.
This proves that these officials were either lying or incompetent.
The book you are holding documents the research, and allows it to be validated by other scientists.
The goal of EFF's DES Cracker research project is to determine just how cheap or expensive it is to build a machine that cracks DES usefully.
Technically, we were also interested in exploring good designs for plaintext recognizers.
These are circuits that can notice when the result of decryption is likely enough to be correct that specialized software--or a human--should look at it.
Little research has been published on them,* yet they are a vital part of any efficient system for cryptanalysis.
Merely doing the research would let EFF learn the truth about the expense of cracking DES.
But only publishing the research and demonstrating the machine would educate the public on the truth about the strength of DES.
Press releases and even technical papers would not suffice;
the appearance of schematics for a million-dollar DES Cracker in Michael Wiener's excellent 1993 paper should have been enough.
But people still deploy DES, and Congressmen blindly accept the assurances of high officials about its strength.
There are many people who will not believe a truth until they can see it with their own eyes.
Showing them a physical machine that can crack DES in a few days is the only way to convince some people that they really cannot trust their security to DES.
Another set of people might not believe our claims unless several other teams have reproduced them.
(This is a basic part of the scientific method.)
And many people will naturally be interested in how such a box works, and how it was built for only about $200,000.
This book was written for such people.
It contains the complete specifications and design documents for the DES Cracker, as well as circuit diagrams for its boards, and complete listings of its software and its gate array design.
The full publication of our design should enable other teams to rapidly reproduce, validate, and improve on our design.
History of DES Cracking
DES Crackers have been mentioned in the scientific and popular literature since the 1970s.
The most recent detailed description was in a paper by Michael Wiener of Bell Northern Research in 1993.
Wiener's paper included a detailed hardware design of a DES Cracker built with custom chips.
The chips were to be built into boards, and the boards into mechanical "frames" like those of telephone central office switches.
A completed design would have cost about a million dollars and would determine a DES key from known plaintext and known ciphertext in an average of 3-1/2 hours (7 hours in the worst case).
Mr. Wiener updated his conclusions in 1998,
adjusting for five years of technological change.
His update paper is included in this book,
thanks to the courtesy of RSA Data Security, which originally published his update.
Ian Goldberg and David Wagner of the University of California at Berkeley took a different approach.
Their design used a "field programmable gate array" (FPGA),
which is a chip that can be reprogrammed after manufacturing into a variety of different circuits.
FPGA chips are slower than the custom chips used in the Wiener design, but can be bought quickly in small quantities, without a large initial investment in design.
Rather than spend a big chunk of a million dollars to design a big machine, these researchers bought one or two general purpose chips and programmed them to be a slow DES Cracker.
This let them quickly measure how many slow chips they would need to pile up to make a practical DES Cracker.
Their paper is also included in this book.
EFF's DES Cracker Project
The Electronic Frontier Foundation began its investigation into DES Cracking in 1997.
The original plan was to see if a DES Cracker could be built out of a machine containing a large number of FPGA's.
Large machines built out of FPGAs exist in the commercial market
for use in simulating large new chip designs before the chip is built.
A collection of thousands of relatively incapable FPGA chips can be put together to simulate one very capable custom chip,
although at 1/10th or 1/100th of the speed that the eventual custom chip would run at.
This capability is used by chip designers to work the "bugs" out of their chip before committing to the expensive and time-consuming step of fabricating physical chips from their design.
EFF never got access to such a chip simulator.
Instead, our investigations led us to Paul Kocher of Cryptography Research.
Paul had previously worked with a team of hardware designers who knew how to build custom gate array chips cheaply, in batches of a few thousand chips at a time.
Paul and EFF met with the chip designers at Advanced Wireless Technologies, and determined that a workable DES Cracker could be built on a budget of about $200,000.
The resulting machine would take less than a week, on average, to determine the key from a single 8-byte sample of known plaintext and ciphertext.
Moreover, it would determine the key from a 16-byte sample of ciphertext in almost the same amount of time, if the statistical characteristics of the plaintext were known or guessable.
For example, if the plaintext was known to be an electronic mail message, it could find all keys that produce plaintext containing nothing but letters, numbers, and punctuation.
This makes the machine much more usable for solving real-world decryption problems.
There is nothing revolutionary in our DES Cracker.
It uses ordinary ideas about how to crack DES that have been floating around in the cryptographic research community for many years.
The only difference is that we actually built it, instead of just writing papers about it.
Very similar machines could have been built last year, or the year before, or five or ten years ago;
they would have just been slower or more expensive.
The design of the EFF DES Cracker is simple in concept.
It consists of an ordinary personal computer connected with a large array of custom chips.
Software in the personal computer instructs the custom chips to begin searching, and interacts with the user.
The chips run without further help from the software until they find a potentially interesting key, or need to be directed to search a new part of the key space.
The software periodically polls the chips to find any potentially interesting keys that they have turned up.
The hardware's job isn't to find the answer.
but rather to eliminate most of the answers that are incorrect.
Software is then fast enough to search the remaining potentially-correct keys,
winnowing the false positives" from the real answer.
The strength of the machine is that it replicates a simple but useful search circuit thousands of times, allowing the software to find the answer by searching only a tiny fraction of the key space.
As long as there is a small bit of software to coordinate the effort, the problem of searching for a DES key is "highly parallelizable".
This means the problem can be usefully solved by many machines working in parallel, simultaneously.
For example, a single DES-Cracker chip could find a key by searching for many years.
A thousand DES-Cracker chips can solve the same problem in one thousandth of the time.
A million DES-Cracker chips could theoretically solve the same problem in about a millionth of the time,
though the overhead of starting each chip would become visible in the time required.
The actual machine we built contains 1536 chips.
When conducting a brute-force search, the obvious thing to do is to try every possible key, but there are some subtleties.
You can try the keys in any order.
If you think the key isn't randomly selected, start with likely ones.
When you finally find the right key, you can stop;
you don't have to try all the rest of the keys.
You might find it in the first million tries;
you might find it in the last million tries.
On average, you find it halfway through
(after trying half the keys).
As a result, the timings for brute-force searches are generally given as the average time to find a key.
The maximum time is double the average time.
The search unit is the heart of the EFF DES Cracker;
it contains thousands of them.
A search unit is a small piece of hardware that takes a key and two 64-bit blocks of ciphertext.
It decrypts a block of ciphertext with the key, and checks to see if the resulting block of plaintext is "interesting".
If not, it adds 1 to the key and repeats, searching its way through the key space.
If the first decryption produces an "interesting" result, the same key is used to decrypt the second block of ciphertext.
If both are interesting, the search unit stops and tells the software that it has found an interesting key.
If the second block's decryption is uninteresting, the search unit adds one to the key and goes on searching the key space.
When a search unit stops after finding an interesting result, software on the host computer must examine the result, and determine whether it's the real answer, or just a "false positive".
A false positive is a plaintext that looked interesting to the hardware, but which actually isn't a solution to the problem.
The hardware is designed to produce some proportion of false positives along with the real solution.
(The job of the hardware isn't to find the answer, but to eliminate the vast majority of the non-answers.)
As long as the false positives don't occur so rapidly that they overwhelm the software's ability to check and reject them, they don't hurt, and they simplify the hardware and allow it to be more general-purpose.
For the kinds of problems that we're trying to solve, the hardware is designed to waste less than 1% of the search time on false positives.
Recognizing interesting plaintext
What defines an interesting result?
If we already know the plaintext, and are just looking for the key, an interesting result would be if the plaintext from this key matches our known block of plaintext.
If we don't know the plaintext, perhaps the guess that it's all composed of letters, digits, and punctuation defines "interesting".
The test has to be simple yet flexible.
We ended up with one that's simple for the hardware, but a bit more complicated for the software.
Each result contains eight 8-bit bytes.
Such a byte can have any one of 256 values.
The search unit is set up with a table that defines which of these 256 byte values are "interesting" and which are uninteresting.
For example, if the plaintext is known to be all numeric, the software sets up the table so that the ten digits (0 to 9) are interesting, and all other potential values are uninteresting.
The result of decrypting with the wrong key will look pretty close to random.
So the chance of having a single byte look "interesting" will be based on what fraction of the 256 values are defined to be "interesting".
If, say, 69 characters are interesting (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, and a few punctuation characters), then the chance of a random byte appearing to be interesting is 69/256 or about 1/4.
These don't look like very good odds;
the chip would be stopping on one out of every four keys, to tell the software about "interesting" but wrong keys.
But the "interest" test is repeated on each byte in the result.
If the chance of having a wrong key's byte appear interesting is 1/4, then the chance of two bytes appearing interesting is 1/4 of 1/4, or 1/16th.
For three bytes, 1/4th of 1/4th of 1/4th, or 1/64th.
By the time the chip examines all 8 bytes of a result, it only makes a mistake on 1/65536th of the keys (l/48 keys).
That seems like a pretty small number, but when you're searching through 72,057,594,037,927,936 keys (256 keys, or 72 quadrillion keys), you need all the help you can get.
Even having the software examine 1/65536th of the possible keys would require looking at 1,099,511,627,776 keys (240 or about a trillion keys).
So the chip provides a bit more help.
This help comes from that second block of ciphertext.
If every byte of a result looks interesting when the first block of ciphertext is decrypted, the chip goes back around and decrypts the second block of ciphertext with the same key.
This divides the "error rate" by another factor of 65536, leaving the software with only 16,777,216 (224 or about sixteen million) keys to look at.
Software on modern computers is capable of handling this in a reasonable amount of time.
(If we only know one block of ciphertext, we just give the chip two copies of the same ciphertext.
It will test both copies, and eventually tell us that the block is interesting.
The amount of time it spends checking this "second block" is always a tiny fraction of the total search time.)
In the plaintext recognizer there are also 8 bits that lets us specify which bytes of a plaintext are interesting to examine.
For example, if we know or suspect the contents of the first six bytes of a plaintext value, but don't know anything about the last two bytes, we can search for keys which match in just those six bytes.
Known plaintext
The chips will have many fewer "false positives" if the plaintext of the message is known, instead of just knowing its general characteristics.
In that case, only a small number of byte values will be "interesting".
If the plaintext has no repeated byte values, only eight byte values will be interesting, instead of 69 as above.
For example, if the plaintext block is "hello th",
then only the six byte values "h", "e", "l", "o", space, and "t" are interesting.
If a plaintext contains only these bytes, it is interesting.
We'll get some "false positives"
since many plaintexts like "tholo tt" would appear "interesting" even though they don't match exactly.
Using this definition of "interesting", a byte resulting from a wrong key will look interesting only about 8/256ths of the time, or 1/32nd of the time.
All eight bytes resulting from a wrong key will look interesting only 1/32nd to the eighth power (1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd) of the time, or 1/1,099,511,627,776th of the time (1/240 of the time).
In other words, a search unit can try an average of a trillion keys before reporting that a wrong key looks interesting.
This lets it search for a long time without slowing down or bothering the software.
Once you get it going, a search unit can do one decryption in 16 clock cycles.
The chips we have built can run with a clock of 40 Mhz (40 million cycles per second).
Dividing 16 into 40 million shows that each search unit can try about 2.5 million keys per second.
In building the search units, we discovered that we could make them run faster if we used simpler circuitry for adding 1 to a key.
Rather than being able to count from a key of O all the way up to a key of all ones, we limited the adder so that it can only count the bottom 32 bits of the key.
The top 24 bits always remain the same.
At a rate of 2.5 million keys per second, it takes a search unit 1717 seconds (about half an hour) to search all the possible keys that have the same top 24 bits.
At the end of half an hour, the software has to stop the chip, reload it with a new value in the top 24 bits, and start it going again.
Feedback Modes
The chip can also decrypt ciphertext that was encrypted in "Cipher Block Chaining" mode.
In this mode, the ciphertext of each block is exclusive-OR'd into the plaintext of the next block before it is encrypted.
(An "initialization vector" is exclusive-OR'd into the first block of plaintext.)
The search unit knows how to exclusive-OR out an Initialization Vector (IV) after decrypting the first ciphertext, and to exclusive-OR out the first ciphertext after decrypting the second one.
The software specifies the IV at the same time it provides the ciphertext values.
Blaze Challenge
In June, 1997 Matt Blaze, a cryptography researcher at AT&T, proposed a different sort of cryptographic challenge.
He wanted a challenge that not even the proponent knew how to solve, without either doing a massive search of the key-space, or somehow cryptanalyzing the structure of DES.
His challenge is merely to find a key such that a ciphertext block of the form XXXXXXXX decrypts to a plaintext block of the form YYYYYYYY,
where X and Y are any fixed 8-bit value that is repeated across each of the eight bytes of the block.
We added a small amount of hardware to the search units to help with solving this challenge.
There is an option to exclusive-OR the right half of the plaintext into the left half, before looking to see if the plaintext is "interesting".
For plaintexts of the form YYYYYYYY, this will result in a left half of all zeros.
We can then set up the plaintext recognizer so it only looks at the left half, and only thinks zeroes are interesting.
This will produce a large number of false positives (any plaintext where the left and right halves are equal, like ABCDABCD), but software can screen them out with only about a 1% performance loss.
Structure Of The Machine
Now that you know how a single search unit works, let's put them together into the whole machine.
Each search unit fits inside a custom chip.
In fact, 24 search units fit inside a single chip.
All the search units inside a chip share the same ciphertext blocks. initialization vector, and the same plaintext-recognizer table of "interesting" result values.
Each search unit has its own key, and each can be stopped and started independently.
The chip provides a simple interface on its wires.
There are a few signals that say whether any of the search units are stopped, some address and data wires so that the software can read and write to the search units, and wires for electrical power and grounding.
Since each search unit tries 2.5 million keys per second, a chip with 24 search units will try 60 million keys per second.
But there are a lot of keys to look at.
For a single chip, it would take 6,950 days (about 19 years) to find the average key,
or 38 years to search the entire key space.
Since we don't want to wait that long, we use more than one chip.
Each chip is mounted onto a large circuit board that contains 64 chips,
along with a small bit of interface circuitry.
The board blinks a light whenever the software is talking to that board.
64 other lights show when some search unit in each chip has stopped.
In normal operation the software will talk to the board every few seconds, to check up on the chips.
The chips should only stop every once in a while, and should be quickly restarted by the software.
The boards are designed to the mechanical specifications of "9U" VMEbus boards (about 15" by 15").
VMEbus is an industrial standard for computer boards, which was popular in the 1980s.
We used the VMEbus form factor because it was easy to buy equipment that such boards plug into;
we don't actually use the VMEbus electrical specifications.
9U VMEbus boards are much larger than the average interface card that plugs into a generic PC, so a lot more chips can be put onto them.
Also, 9U VMEbus boards are designed to supply a lot of power, and our DES Cracker chips need it.
Since each chip searches 60 million keys per second, a board containing 64 chips will search 3.8 billion keys per second.
Searching half the key space would take the board about 109 days.
Since we don't want to wait that long either, we use more than one board.
The boards are mounted into chassis, also called "card cages".
In the current design, these chassis are recycled Sun workstation packages from about 1990.
Sun Microsystems built a large number of systems that used the large 9U VMEbus boards, and provide excellent power and cooling for the boards.
The Sun-4/470 chassis provides twelve slots for VMEbus boards, and can easily be modified to handle our requirements.
Subsequent models may use other physical packaging.
Each chassis has a connector for a pair of "ribbon cables" to connect it to the next chassis and to the generic PC that runs the software.
The last chassis will contain a "terminator", rather than a connection to the next chassis,
to keep the signals on the ribbon cable from getting distorted when they reach the end of the line.
Since each board searches 3.8 billion keys per second, a chassis containing 12 boards will search 46 billion keys per second.
At that rate, searching half the key space takes about 9 days.
One chassis full of boards is about 25% faster than the entire worldwide network of machines that solved the RSA "DES-II" challenge in February 1998,
which was testing about 34 billion keys per second at its peak.
Since an informal design goal for our initial DES Cracker was to crack an average DES key in less than a week, we need more than 12 boards.
To give ourselves a comfortable margin, we are using 24 boards, which we can fit into two chassis.
They will search 92 billion keys per second, covering half the key space in about 4.5 days.
If the chips consume too much power or produce too much heat for two chassis to handle,* we can spread the 24 boards across three chassis. a
Table 1-1: Summary of DES Cracker performance
DeviceHow Many In Next DeviceKeys/SecDays/avg search
Search Unit242,500,000166,800
EFF DES Cracker92,160,000,0004.524
We designed the search unit once.
Then we got a speedup factor of more than 36,000 to 1 just by replicating it 24 times in each chip and making 1500 chips.a
The whole project was budgeted at about US$210,000.
Of this, $80,000 is for the labor of designing, integrating, and testing the DES Cracker.
The other $130,000 is for materials, including chips, boards, all other components on the boards, card cages, power supplies, cooling, and a PC.
The software for controlling the DES Cracker was written separately, as a volunteer project.
It took two or three weeks of work.
The entire project was completed within about eighteen months.
Much of that time was used for preliminary research, before deciding to use a custom chip rather than FPGA's.
The contract to build custom chips was signed in September, 1997,
about eight months into the project.
The team contained less than ten people, none of whom worked full-time on the project.
They include a project manager, software designer, programmer, chip designer, board designer, hardware technicians, and hardware managers.
* At publication time, we have tested individual chips but have yet not built the full machine
If the chips' power consumption or heat production is excessive in a machine containing 1500 chips, we also have the option to reduce the chips' clock rate from 40 MHz down to, say, 30 MHz.
This would significantly reduce the power and heat problems,
at a cost of 33% more time per search
(6 days on average).
We could have reduced the per-chip cost, or increased the chip density or search speed, had we been willing to spend more money on design.
A more complex design could also have been flexible enough to crack other encryption algorithms.
The real point is that for a budget that any government, most companies, and tens of thousands of individuals could afford, we built a usable DES Cracking machine.
The publication of our design will probably in itself reduce the design cost of future machines, and the advance of semiconductor technology also makes this cost likely to drop.
In five years some teenager may well build her own DES Cracker as a high school science fair project.
Who Else Is Cracking DES?
If a civil liberties group can build a DES Cracker for $200,000, it's pretty likely that governments can do the same thing for under a million dollars.
(That's a joke.)
Given the budget and mission of the US National Security Agency, they must have started building DES Crackers many years ago.
We would guess that they are now on their fourth or fifth generation of such devices.
They are probably using chips that are much faster than the ones we used;
modern processor chips can run at more than 300 Mhz,
eight times as fast as our 40 Mhz chips.
They probably have small "field" units that fit into a suitcase and crack DES in well under a day;
as well as massive central units buried under Ft. Meade, that find the average DES key in seconds, or find thousands of DES keys in parallel, examining thousands of independent intercepted messages.
Our design would scale up to finding a DES key in about half an hour, if you used 333,000 chips on more than 5,200 boards.
The boards would probably require about 200 parallel port cards to communicate with them;
an IBM-compatible PC could probably drive four such cards, thus requiring about 50 PC's too.
The software required would be pretty simple:
the hard part would be the logistics of physical arrangement and repair.
This is about 200 times as much hardware as the project we built.
A ridiculously high upper bound on the price of such a system would be 200 times the current project price, or $40 million.
Of course, if we were going to build a system to crack DES in half an hour or less, using a third of a million chips, it would be better to go back to the drawing board and design from scratch.
We'd use more modern chip fabrication processes;
a higher-volume customer can demand this.
We'd spend more on the initial design and the software, to produce a much cheaper and simpler total system, perhaps allowing boards full of denser, faster, lower-voltage chips to use a small onboard processor and plug directly into an Ethernet.
We'd work hard to reduce the cost of each chip,
since there would be so many of them.
We'd think about how to crack multiple DES keys simultaneously.
It would be safe to assume that any large country has DES Cracking machines.
After the publication of this book wakes them up, probably more small countries and some criminal organizations will make or buy a few DES Crackers.
That was not the intent of the book;
the intent was to inform and warn the targets of this surveillance, the builders of equipment, and the policy makers who grapple with encryption issues.
What To Do If You Depend On DES
Don't design anything else that depends on single DES.
Take systems out of service that use permanently fixed single-DES keys,
or superencrypt the traffic at a higher level.
Superencryption requires special care, though,
to avoid providing any predictable headers that can be used to crack the outer DES encryption.
Start changing your software and/or hardware to use a stronger algorithm than DES.
Three-key Triple-DES is an obvious choice,
since it uses the same block size and can possibly use the same hardware;
it just uses three keys and runs DES three times
(encrypting each block with the first key, decrypting it with the second, then encrypting it with the third).
The strength of Triple-DES is not known with any certainty, but it is certainly no weaker than single DES, and is probably substantially stronger.
Beware of "mixed up" variants or modes of Triple-DES;
research by Eli Biham* and David Wagner+ shows that they are significantly weaker than the straightforward Triple-DES, and may be even weaker than single-DES.
Use three copies of DES in Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode as a basic primitive.
You can then build a mode such as Cipher Feedback mode using the primitive ECB 3DES.
The US Government is tardily going through a formal process to replace the DES.
This effort, called the Advanced Encryption Standard, will take several years to decide on a final algorithm, and more years for it to be proven out in actual use, and carefully scrutinized by public cryptanalysts for hidden weaknesses.
If you are designing products to appear five to ten years from now, the AES might be a good source of an encryption algorithm for you.
The reason that the AES is tardy is because the NSA is believed to have blocked previous attempts to begin the process over the last decade.
In recent years NSA has tried, without success, to get the technical community to use classified, NSA-designed encryption algorithms such as Skipjack, without letting the users subject these algorithms to public scrutiny.
Only after this effort failed did they permit the National Institute of Standards and Technology to begin the AES standardization process.
The Data Encryption Standard has served the public pretty well since 1975.
But it was designed in an era when computation cost real money, when massive computers hunkered on special raised flooring in air-conditioned inner sanctums.
In an era when you can carry a supercomputer in your backpack, and access millions of machines across the Internet,
the Data Encryption Standard is obsolete.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation hopes that this book inspires a new level of truth to enter the policy debates on encryption.
In order to make wise choices for our society, we must make well-informed choices.
Great deference has been paid to the perspective and experience of the National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation in these debates.
This is particularly remarkable given the lack of any way for policy-makers or the public to check the accuracy of many of their statements.*
(The public cannot even hear many of their statements,
because they are classified as state secrets.)
We hope that the crypto policy debate can move forward to a more successful and generally supported policy.
Perhaps if these agencies will consider becoming more truthful, or policy-makers will stop believing unverified statements from them, the process can move more rapidly to such a conclusion.
* DES cracking is not the only issue on which agency credibility is questionable.
For example, the true extent of the law enforcement problem posed by cryptography is another issue on which official dire predictions have been made, while more careful and unbiased studies have shown little or no impact.
The validity of the agencies' opinion of the constitutionality of their own regulations is also in doubt,
having been rejected two decades ago by the Justice Department, and declared unconstitutional in 1997 by a Federal District Court.
The prevalence of illegal wiretapping and communications interception by government employees is also in question;
Design for DES Key Search Array
In this chapter:
On-Chip Registers
Search Unit Operation
Sample Programming Descriptions
Scalability and Performance
Host Computer Software
On-Chip Registers
Each chip contains the following registers.
They are addressed as specified in Figure 2-1.
The value of the first ciphertext being searched.
Ciphertext0 is identical in all search units and is set only once
(when the search system is first initialized).
The value of the second ciphertext being searched.
Ciphertext1 is identical in all search units and is set only once
(when the search system is first initialized).
The plaintext byte selector.
One-bits in this register indicate plaintext bytes that should be ignored when deciding whether or not the plaintext produced by a particular key is possibly correct.
This mask is helpful when only a portion of the plaintext's value is known.
For example, if the first 5 bytes equal a known header but the remaining three are unknown, a PlaintextByteMask of 0x07 would be used.
This register is XORed with decryption of ciphertext0.
This is normally filled with the CBC mode IV.
Figure 2-1: Register Addressing
Register(s) Description & Comments
Identifies allowable plaintext byte values
(ignoring those masked by the PlaintextByteMask).
If, for any plaintext byte P[i=0..7], bit P[i] is not set, the decryption key will be rejected.
PlaintextVector is identical in all search units and is set only once
(when the search system is first initialized).
The bits in SearchInfo describe how the correct plaintext identification function works.
Bits of SearchInfo are defined as follows:
If this bit is set, Ciphertext0 is XORed onto the plaintext produced by decrypting Ciphertext1 before the plaintext is checked.
This bit is used when checking CBC-mode ciphertexts.
If set, the right half of the resulting plaintext is XORed onto the left before any plaintext checking is done.
ExtraXOR and UseCBC cannot be used together.
If cleared, one or more search units in this chip have halted
(e.g., SearchActive is zero).
This value is computed by ANDing the SearchActive bits of all search units' SearchStatus bytes.
The inverse of this value is sent out on a dedicated pin, for use in driving a status LED which lights up whenever the chip halts.
This pin is the AND of the ChipAllActive lines of this chip and all later chips on the board.
This is implemented by having each chip n take in chip n+1's BoardAllActive line, AND it with its own ChipAllActive line, and output the result to chip n-1 for its BoardAllActive computation.
This makes it possible to find which chip on a board has halted by querying log2N chips,
where N is the number of chips on the board.
If BoardAllActiveEnable is not set to 1, BoardAllActive simply equals the BoardAllActiveInput pin, regardless of the chip's internal state.
If this value is set to 0 then BoardAllActive always equals the BoardAllActiveInput pin, regardless of whether all search units on the board are active.
If this bit is set to 1, then the BoardAllActive register (and output) are set to reflect the internal state of the chip ANDed with the input pin.
KeyCounter (56 bits)
The value of the key currently being checked
The KeyCounter is updated very frequently
(i.e., once per key tested).
A unique KeyCounter value is assigned to every search unit.
When the search unit halts after a match, KeyCounter has already been incremented to the next key;
the match was on the previous key.
The bits in SearchStatus describe the current search state of a specific search unit.
A unique SearchStatus register is allocated for each search unit.
Bits of SearchStatus are allocated as follows:
Indicates whether the search is currently halted
(0=halted, 1=active).
The computer sets this bit to begin a search, and it is cleared by the search unit if a matching candidate key is found.
The host computer checks the status of this bit periodically and, if it is zero, reads out the key then restarts the search.
Indicates whether the search engine is currently checking Ciphertext0 or Ciphertext1.
If this bit is clear, the search engine decrypts Ciphertext0 and either sets CiphertextSelector to 1 (if the plaintext passes the checks) or increments KeyCounter (if the plaintext does not pass).
If this bit is set, the search engine decrypts Ciphertext1 and either sets SearchActive to 0 (if the plaintext passes the checks) or sets CiphertextSelector to 0 and increments KeyCounter (if the plaintext does not pass).
In order to be able to address each search unit separately, each can be addressed uniquely by the combination of its location on the chip, the location of the chip on the board, and board's identifier.
The BoardID is interpreted off-chip;
each chip has a board select pin, which notifies the chip when the board has been selected.
Chip ID matching is done inside each ASIC;
the ID pins of the ASIC are wired to the chip's ID.
All commands are originated by the computer go via a bus
which carries 8 bits for BoardID/ChipID/Register address, 8 bits for data, and a few additional bits for controls .
To do a search, the host computer will program the search units as shown in Figure 2-2.
(N is the total number of search units, numbered from 0 to N-1, each with a unique BoardID/ChipID/Register address.)
Search Unit Operation
Each search unit contains a DES engine, which performs DES on two 32-bit registers L/R using the key value in KeyCounter.
Each search unit goes through the process detailed in Figure 2-3, and never needs to halt.
If registers are updated during the middle of this process, the output is meaningless
(which is fine,
since an incorrect output is statistically almost certain to not be a match).
Figure 2-2: Example algorithm for programming the search array using host computer
This is a very simple algorithm intended only as an example.
The actual software will use more intelligent search techniques, using the BoardAllActive and ChipAllActive lines.
Set SearchStatus in search unit i to 0 while loading the key.
Set KeyCounter of search unit i to ((256)(i) / N).
Set SearchStatus in search unit i to 1 to enable SearchActive.
While correct key has not been found:
Read SearchStatus from search unit i.
Check SearchActive bit.
If SearchActive is set to 0:
Read KeyCounter from search unit i.
Subtract 1 from the low 32 bits of the key.
Perform a DES operation at the local computer to check the key.
If the key is correct, the search is done.
Set the SearchActive bit of SearchStatus to restart the search.
Sample Programming Descriptions
This section describes how the system will be programmed for some typical operations.
If a complete ciphertext/plaintext block is known, this mode is used.
This works for most DES modes (ECB, CBC, counter, etc.), but does require a full plaintext/ ciphertext pair.
For this search, there are 8 (or fewer) unique plaintext bytes in the known plaintext.
The bits corresponding to these bytes are set in PlaintextVector, but all other bits are set to 0.
Figure 2-3: Search unit operation
1. If CiphertextSelector is 0, then Let L/R = Ciphertext0.
If CiphertextSelector is 1, then Let L/R = Ciphertext1.
2. Decrypt L/R using the key in KeyCounter, producing a candidate plaintext in L/R.
3. If ExtraXOR is 1, then Let L = L XOR R.
If CiphertextSelector is 0, then
If CiphertextSelector is 1 and UseCBC is 1, then:
Let CiphertextSelector = 0.
Increment KeyCounter.
If CiphertextSelector is 1 then Let SearchActive = 0.
Let CiphertextSelector = 1.
5. Go to step 1.
Equals the ciphertext block.
Equals the ciphertext block.
UseCBC and ExtraXOR are both set to 0.
Set to 0x00 (all bytes used).
Because the plaintext byte order does not matter, there are 8 acceptable values for each ciphertext byte,
or 88 = 224 = 16.7 million possible ciphertexts which will satisfy the search criteria.
The probability that an incorrect ciphertext will pass is 224 / 264, so over a search of 255 keys there will be an average of (255)( 224 / 264), or 32768 false positives which will need to be rejected by the controlling computer.
Because the Ciphertext0 and Ciphertext1 selections are identical, any false positives that pass the first test will also pass the second test.
(The performance penalty is negligible;
the search system will do two DES operations on each of the 32768 false positive keys, but only one DES operation on all other incorrect keys.)
A minimum of two adjacent ciphertexts (16 bytes total) are required for ASCII-only attacks.
Set only the bits containing acceptable ASCII characters.
For normal text, this would normally include 55 of the 256 possible characters occur
(10=line feed, 13=carriage return, 32=space, 65-90=capital letters, and 97-122=lowercase letters).
Equals the first ciphertext.
Equals the second ciphertext.
UseCBC is set to 0 if ECB, or set to 1 if the ciphertext was produced using CBC.
ExtraXOR is set to 0.
Set to 0x00 (all bytes used).
Set to 0x0000000000000000 for ECB, to IV for CBC.
The probability that the two (random) candidate plaintexts produced by an incorrect key will contain only the ASCII text characters listed above is (55/256)16.
In a search, there will thus be an average of 255 (55/256)16 = 742358 false positives which need to be rejected by the computer.
For one key in about 220,000, the first check will pass and an extra DES will be required.
(The time for these extra DES operations is insignificant.)
Idle time lost while waiting for false positives to be cleared is also insignificant.
If the computer checks each search unit's SearchActive flag once per second, a total of 0.5 search unit seconds will be wasted for every false positive,
or a total of 103 search-unit hours, out of about 4 million search-unit hours for the whole search.
When programming CBC mode, note that the PlaintextXorMask must be set to the IV (or the previous ciphertext, if the ciphertext being attacked is not in the first block).
The goal is to find a case where all plaintext bytes are equal and all ciphertext bytes are equal.
Set only bit 0.
Set to a fixed value with all bytes equal
UseCBC is set to 0.
ExtraXOR is set to 1.
Set to 0x0F (only left half examined).
Set to 0x0000000000000000.
If the right and left half are equal, as must be the case if all plaintext bytes are the same,
then when the ExtraXOR bit's status causes the L=L XOR R step, L will become equal to 0.
The plaintext byte mask selects only the left half and the PlaintextVector makes sure the 4 bytes are 0.
False positives occur whenever L=R,
or with one key in 232.
Because this search is not guaranteed to terminate after 256 operations, the average time is 256 (not 255).
The number of false positives is expected to be 256 / 232 = 224 = 16.8 million.
Each search unit will thus find a false positive every 232 keys on average,
or about once every half hour.
At 1 second polling of search units, (0.5)(16.8 million)/3600 = 2333 search unit hours will be idle
(still under 1% of the total).
The host computer will need to do the 16.8 million DES operations (on average), but even a fairly poor DES implementation can do this in just a few minutes.
Scalability and Performance
The architecture was intended to find DES keys in less than 10 days on average.
The performance of the initial implementation is specified in Figure 2-4.
Faster results can be easily obtained with increased hardware;
doubling the amount of hardware will halve the time per result.
Within the design, boards of keysearch ASICs can be added and removed easily, making it simple to make smaller or larger systems,
where larger systems cost more but find results more quickly.
Larger systems will have additional power and cooling requirements.
Total ASICs1536
Search units per ASIC24
Total search units36864
Clock speed (Hz)4.00E+07
Clocks per key (typical)16
DES keys per search unit per second2.50E+06
Total DES keys per second9.22E+10
Search size (worst case)7.21E+16
Seconds per result (worst case)7.82E+05
Days per result (worst case)9.05
Search size (average case)3.60E+16
Seconds per result (average case)3.91E+05
Days per result (average case) 4.52
Host Computer Software
Cryptography Research will develop software to generate test vectors for the chip for testing before the design is sent to the fab.
This software will test all features on the chip and all modes of operation.
This program will have a simple command line interface.
Host computer
The host computer software program will implement the standard search tasks of breaking a known plaintext, breaking encrypted ASCII text (ECB and CBC modes), and solving the Matt Blaze challenge.
These programs will be written in standard ANSI C, except for platform-specific I/O code.
The host program will also have a test mode,
which loads search units with tasks that are known to halt reasonably quickly (e.g., after searching a few million keys) and verifies the results to detect any failed parts.
(The software will include the capability of bypassing bad search units during search operations.)
Users who wish to perform unusual searches will need to add a custom function to determining whether candidate keys are actually correct and recompile the code.
The initial version of this program will have a simple command line interface and will be written for DOS.
A Linux port will also be written, but may not be ready by the initial target completion date.
(Because the only platform-specific code will be the I/O functions, it should be very easy to port to any platform with an appropriate compiler.)
Software programs will identify the participants in the project (AWT, EFF, and Cryptography Research).
Cryptography Research will also produce a version with a prettier user interface
to make the demonstration more elegant
All software and source code will be placed in the public domain.
An 8-bit identifier unique for each board.
This will be set with a DIP switch on the board.
The host computer addresses chips by their ChipID and BoardID.
CBC mode
A DES mode
in which the first plaintext block is XORed with an initialization vector (IV) prior to encryption, and each subsequent plaintext is XOR with the previous ciphertext.
A value used by the host computer to specify which chip on a board is being addressed.
Encrypted data.
The first of the two ciphertexts to be attacked.
The second of the two ciphertexts to be attacked.
Pre-ANSI C can be supported if required.
Any GUI code will probably be written in C++ .
A register used to select the current ciphertext being attacked.
The selector is needed because a single DES engine needs to be able to test two ciphertexts to determine whether both are acceptable matches before deciding that a key is good match.
A register to make the search units perform an extra operation which XORs the right and left halves of the result together.
Host computer
The computer that controls the DES search array.
Each search unit has a KeyCounter register which contains the current key being searched.
These registers are each 7 bytes long, to hold a 56-bit key.
Unencrypted data corresponding to a ciphertext.
An 8-bit register used to mask off plaintext bytes.
This is used to mask off bytes in the plaintext whose values aren't known or are too variable to list in the PlaintextVector.
A 256-bit register used to specify which byte values can be present in valid plaintexts.
It is the host computer's responsibility to ensure that only a reasonable number of bits are set in the PlaintextVector;
setting too many will cause the DES search units to halt too frequently.
A 64-bit register XORed onto the value derived by decrypting ciphertext 0.
Normally this mask is either zero or set to the CBC mode initialization vector (IV).
A bit for each search unit which indicates whether it is currently searching, or whether it has stopped at a candidate key.
Stopped search units can be restarted by loading a key which does not halt and resetting this bit.
A register containing miscellaneous information about how DES results should be post-processed
and also indicating whether any search units on the chip or on the board have halted.
A bit in SearchInfo which directs the search engine to do CBC-mode post-processing after decryption
(e.g., XOR the decryption of ciphertext1 with ciphertext0 to produce plaintext1).
Design for DES Key Search Array Chip-Level Specification
In this chapter:
ASIC Description
Board description
Read and Write Timing
Addressing Registers
ASIC Register Allocation
Search is active
Plain text bit mask and DES output
a Zero is found in any bit position of plain text vector as specified in step 4 of Search Unit Operation (see Chapter 2)
Perform step 3 of Search Unit Operation (see Chapter 2)
Figure 3-1. Search Unit Operation Flow Chart
To determine the maximum number of bit required for the Key:
K= log2(Maximum combinations/number of chips)
If we are going to use 32-bit counters, then it will overflow every:
Figure 3-2 State Diagram tor the Search Unit
Board description
The PC will interface with the ASICs through a parallel card.
The parallel card has three ports, assigned:
Port A: Address(7:0)
To reduce the routing resources on the boards and ASICs we multiplex the address lines.
To access a register on the ASIC, it is required that the software latch the address three times:
Board-ID(7:0), Chip-ID(6:0) and then Register address.
Figure 3-3: Search Unit's Block Diagram
Having switches on the board makes the design flexible and expandable.
Each board has its own unique Board-ID configured on switches:
for example a board with an ID of hexadecimal 5F has its board ID switches configured as follows:
Read and Write Timing
Addressing Registers
Figure 3-4 Address Bus Scheme
If low the SearchActive bit together [?].
We will place one AND gate per ASIC and cascade them.
ASIC Register Allocation
Registers Common to All Search Units
Additional Registers for Search Units
0x40-0x47Search Unit 0: Key counter (first 7 bytes) and Search Status
0x48-0x4fSearch Unit 1: Key counter (first 7 bytes) and Search Status
0xf8-0xffSearch Unit 23: Key counter (first 7 bytes) and Search Status
Number of register required:
58 common registers + 8 * n registers; n = the total number of search units in an ASIC
In this case n = 24, therefore 58 + 192 = 250 registers
Note: The unspecified pins are Non-Connects
Scanning the Source Code
In this chapter:
The Politics of Cryptographic Source Code
The Paper Publishing Exception
The next few chapters of this book contain specially formatted versions of the documents that we wrote to design the DES Cracker.
These documents are the primary sources of our research in brute-force cryptanalysis, which other researchers would need in order to duplicate or validate our research results.
The Politics of Cryptographic Source Code
Since we are interested in the rapid progress of the science of cryptography, as well as in educating the public about the benefits and dangers of cryptographic technology,a
we would have preferred to put all the information in this book on the World Wide Web.
There it would be instantly accessible to anyone worldwide who has an interest in learning about cryptography.
Unfortunately the authors live and work in a country whose policies on cryptography have been shaped by decades of a secrecy mentality and covert control.
Powerful agencies which depend on wiretapping to do their jobs
--as well as to do things that aren't part of their jobs, but which keep them in power
--have compromised both the Congress and several Executive Branch agencies.
They convinced Congress to pass unconstitutional laws which limit the freedom of researchers--such as ourselves--to publish their work.
(All too often, convincing Congress to violate the Constitution is like convincing a cat to follow a squeaking can opener, but that doesn't excuse the agencies for doing it.)
They pressured agencies such as the Commerce Department, State Department, and Department of Justice to not only subvert their oaths of office by supporting these unconstitutional laws, but to act as front-men in their repressive censorship scheme, creating unconstitutional regulations and enforcing them against ordinary researchers and authors of software.
The National Security Agency is the main agency involved, though they seem to have recruited the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the last several years.
From the outside we can only speculate what pressures they brought to bear on these other parts of the government.
The FBI has a long history of illicit wiretapping, followed by use of the information gained for blackmail, including blackmail of Congressmen and Presidents.
FBI spokesmen say that was "the old bad FBI" and that all that stuff has been cleaned up after J. Edgar Hoover died and President Nixon was thrown out of office.
But these agencies still do everything in their power to prevent ordinary citizens from being able to examine their activities,
e.g. stonewalling those of us who try to use the Freedom of Information Act to find out exactly what they are doing.
Anyway, these agencies influenced laws and regulations which now make it illegal for U.S. crypto researchers to publish their results on the World Wide Web (or elsewhere in electronic form).
The Paper Publishing Exception Several cryptographers have brought lawsuits against the U.S. Government
because their work has been censored by the laws restricting the export of cryptography.
One result of bringing these practices under judicial scrutiny is that some of the most egregious past practices have been eliminated.
For example, between the 1970s and early 1990s, NSA actually did threaten people with prosecution if they published certain scientific papers, or put them into libraries.
They also had a "voluntary" censorship scheme for people who were willing to sign up for it.
Once they were sued, the Government realized that their chances of losing a court battle over the export controls would be much greater if they continued censoring books, technical papers, and such.
Judges understand books.
They understand that when the government denies people the ability to write, distribute, or sell books, there is something very fishy going on.
The government might be able to pull the wool over a few judges' eyes about jazzy modern technologies like the Internet, floppy disks, fax machines, telephones, and such.
But they are unlikely to fool the judges about whether it's constitutional to jail or punish someone for putting ink onto paper in this free country.
Therefore, the last serious update of the cryptography export controls (in 1996) made it explicit that these regulations do not attempt to regulate the publication of information in books (or on paper in any format).
They waffled by claiming that they "might" later decide to regulate books--presumably if they won all their court cases
-- but in the meantime, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution is still in effect for books, and we are free to publish any kind of cryptographic information in a book.
Such as the one in your hand.
Therefore, cryptographic research, which has traditionally been published on paper, shows a trend to continue publishing on paper,
while other forms of scientific research are rapidly moving online.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has always published most of its information electronically.
We produce a regular electronic newsletter, communicate with our members and the public largely by electronic mail and telephone, and have built a massive archive of electronically stored information about civil rights and responsibilities,
which is published for instant Web or FTP access from anywhere in the world.
We would like to publish this book in the same form, but we can't yet,
until our court case succeeds in having this research censorship law overturned.
Publishing a paper book's exact same information electronically is seriously illegal in the United States, if it contains cryptographic software.
Even communicating it privately to a friend or colleague, who happens to not live in the United States, is considered by the government to be illegal in electronic form.
The U.S. Department of Commerce has officially stated that publishing a World Wide Web page containing links to foreign locations which contain cryptographic software "is not an export that is subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)."*
This makes sense to us
--a quick reductio ad absurdum shows that to make a ban on links effective, they would also have to ban the mere mention of foreign Universal Resource Locators.
URLs are simple strings of characters,
it's unlikely that any American court would uphold a ban on the mere naming of a location where some piece of information can be found.
Therefore, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is free to publish links to where electronic copies of this book might exist in free countries.
If we ever find out about such an overseas electronic version, we will publish such a link to it from the page at
which is part of Professor Peter Junger's First Amendment lawsuit over the crypto export control regulations.
When printing this book, we used tools from Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
They built a pretty good set of tools for scanning source code, and for printing source code for scanning.
The easiest way to handle the documents we are publishing in this book is to use their tools and scanning instructions.
PGP published the tools in a book, naturally,
The tools and instructions from the OCR Tools book are now available on the Internet as well as in PGP's book.
If that doesn't work because the pages have been moved or rearranged, try working your way down from the International PGP page,
PGP's tools produce per-line and per-page checksums, and make normally invisible characters like tabs and multiple spaces explicit.
Once you obtain these tools, we strongly suggest reading the textual material in the book, or the equivalent README file in the online tool distribution.
It contains very detailed instructions for scanning and proofreading listings like those in this book.
The instructions that follow in this chapter are a very abbreviated version.
The first two parts of converting these listings to electronic form is
to scan in images of the pages, then convert the images into an approximation of the text on the pages.
The first part is done by a mechanical scanner;
You can sometimes rent time at a local "copy shop" on a computer that has both a scanner and an OCR program.
When scanning the sources, we suggest "training" your OCR program
by scanning the test-file pages that follow, and some of the listings, and correcting the OCR program's idea of what the text actually said.
The details of how to do this will depend on your particular OCR program.
But if you straighten it out first about the shapes of the particular characters and symbols that we're using, the process of correcting the errors in the rest of the pages will be much easier.
Some unique characters are used in the listings;
train the OCR program to convert them as follows:
Right pointing triangle (used for tabs) - currency symbol (byte value octal 244)
Tiny centered triangle "dot" (used for multiple spaces) - center dot or bullet (byte value octal 267)
Form feed - yen (byte value octal 245)
Big black square (used for line continuation) - pilcrow or paragraph symbol (byte value octal 266).
Once you've scanned and OCR'd the pages, you can run them through PGP's tools to detect and correct errors, and to produce clean online copies.
By the courtesy of Philip R. Zimmermann and Network Associates, to help people who don't have the PGP OCR tools, we have included PGP's bootstrap and bootstrap2 pages.
(The word bootstrap refers to the concept of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps",
i.e. getting something started without any outside help.)
If you can scan and OCR the pages in some sort of reasonable way, you can then extract the corrected files using just this book and a Perl interpreter.
It takes more manual work than if you used the full set of PGP tools.
The first bootstrap program is one page of fairly easy to read Perl code.
Scan in this page, as carefully as you can:
you'll have to correct it by hand.
Make a copy of the file that results from the OCR, and manually delete the checksums, so that it will run as a Perl script.
Then run this Perl script with the OCR result (with checksums) as the argument.
If you've corrected it properly, it will run and produce a clean copy of itself, in a file called bootstrap.
(Make sure none of your files have that name.)
If you haven't corrected it properly, the perl script will die somehow and you'll have to compare it to the printed text to see what you missed.
When the bootstrap script runs, it checks the checksum on each line of its input file.
For any line that is incorrect, the script drops you into a text editor
(set by the EDITOR environment variable)
so you can fix that line.
When you exit the editor, it starts over again.
Once the bootstrap script has produced a clean version of itself, you can run it against the scanned and OCR'd copy of the bootstrap2 page.
Correct it the same way, line by line until bootstrap doesn't complain.
This should leave you with a clean copy of bootstrap2.
The bootstrap2 script is what you'll use to scan in the rest of the book.
It works like the bootstrap script, but it can detect more errors by using the page checksum.
Again, it won't correct most errors itself, but will drop you into an editor to correct them manually.
(If you want automatic error correction, you have to get the PGP book.)
All the scannable listings in this book are in the public domain,
except the test-file, bootstrap, and bootstrap2 pages, which are copyrighted, but which Network Associates permits you to freely copy.
So none of the authors have put restrictions on your right to copy their listings for friends, reprint them, scan them in, publish them, use them in products, etc.
However, if you live in an unfree country, there may be restrictions on what you can do with the listings or information once you have them.
Check with your local thought police.
Six pages of test files, 1 page of bootstrap, 1 page of bootstrap2.
[Note: see bootstrap and bootstrap 2 as part of OCR tools,
Software Source Code
Chip Source Code
Chip Simulator Source Code
Hardware Board Schematics
Pin 26 to 27+12 Volts未使用
Pin 3予約Reset (C_RST)
Pin 16予約Data 0 (C_D0)
Pins 1 to 25GNDGND
DAQCard-DIO-24 で、注文番号は 776912-01である。
DATA <= DATAO when (RDB = '0' and ADDSEL2 = '0') else (others => 'Z'
DATA <= DATAO when (RDB = '0' and ADDSEL2 = '0' and CHIP_EN = '1') else (others => 'Z');
Note: Yvo Desmedt granted permission on August 1, 1998 to publish this chapter.
Architectural Considerations for Cryptanalytic Hardware
Efficient DES Key Search An Update by Michael J. Wiener
In this chapter:
Advancing Technology
Programmable Hardware
An exciting moment in the history of DES was reached in June 1997 when a group coordinated by Rocke Verser solved RSA Data Security's DES challenge by exhaustive key search on a large number of computers.
This result was useful because it served to underscore in a public way how vulnerable DES has become.
However, it may also have left the false impression that one cannot do much better than attacking DES in software with a large distributed effort.
The design of DES is such that it is fairly slow in software, but is compact and fast when implemented in hardware.
This applies not only to DES, but also to most other block ciphers, attacks on hash functions, and attacks on elliptic curve cryptosystems.
Avoiding efficient hardware-based attacks requires the use of algorithms with sufficiently long keys,
such as triple-DES, 128-bit RC5,* and CAST-128.+
In this article we assess the cost of DES key search using hardware methods and examine the effectiveness of some proposed methods for thwarting attacks on [?]
Advancing Technology
The best known way to attack DES is to simply try all of the possible 56-bit keys until the correct key is found.
On average, one expects to go through about half of the key space.
In 1993, a design for an exhaustive DES key search machine including a detailed chip design was published.*
A $1 million version of this machine used 57600 key search chips, each capable of testing 50 million keys per second.
Overall, the machine could find a DES key in, on average, three and a half hours.
About four and a half years have passed since this design was completed,
and according to Moore's Law, processing speeds should have doubled three times in that period.
Of course, estimating in this fashion is a poor substitute for the careful analysis and design effort that went into the earlier design.
The original chip design was done in a 0.8 micron CMOS process, and with the geometries available today, it is possible to fit four instances of the original design into the same silicon area.
In keeping with the conservative approach to estimates in the 1993 paper, we assume here that the updated key search chip's clock speed would increase to only 75 MHz from the original 50 MHz,
making the modern version of the chip six times faster for the same cost.
It is interesting to note that just 21 of these chips would give the same key searching power as the entire set of computers used by the team who solved the DES challenge.
Today's version of the $1 million machine could find a DES key in, on average, about 35 minutes (one-sixth of 3.5 hours).
This time scales linearly with the amount of money spent as shown in the following table.
Key Search Machine Cost Expected Search Time
$10,000 2.5 days
$100,000 6 hours
$1,000,000 35 minutes
$10,000,000 3.5 minutes
Note that the costs listed in the table do not include the cost to design the chip and boards for the machine.
Because the one-time costs could be as high as half a million dollars, it does not make much sense to build the cheaper versions of the machine, unless several are built for different customers.
This key search engine is designed to recover a DES key given a plaintext-ciphertext pair for the standard electronic-codebook (ECB) mode of DES.
However, the machine can also handle the following modes without modification: cipher-block chaining (CBC), 64-bit cipher feedback (CFB), and 64- bit output feedback (OFB).
In the case of OFB, two consecutive plaintexts are needed.
The chip design can be modified to handle two other popular modes of DES, 1-bit and 8-bit CFB, at the cost of a slightly more expensive chip.
Fewer chips could be purchased for a $1 million machine causing the expected key search time to go up to 40 minutes for all modes,
except 1-bit CFB, which would take 80 minutes, on average.
Programmable Hardware
The costs associated with chip design can present a significant barrier to smalltime attackers and hobbyists.
An alternative which has much lower start-up costs is the use of programmable hardware.
One such type of technology is the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
One can design a circuit on a PC and download it to a board holding FPGAs for execution.
In a report in early 1996,* it was estimated that $50000 worth of FPGAs could recover a DES key in, on average, four months.
This is considerably slower than what can be achieved with a chip design, but is much more accessible to those who are not well funded.
Another promising form of programmable hardware is the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD).
CPLDs offer less design freedom and tend to be cheaper than FPGAs,
but the nature of key search designs seems to make them suitable for CPLDs.
Further research is needed to assess whether CPLDs are useful for DES key search.
Avoiding Known Plaintext
The designs described to this point have relied on the attacker having some known plaintext.
Usually, a single 8-byte block is sufficient.
One method of preventing attacks that has been suggested is to avoid having any known plaintext.
This can be quite difficult to achieve.
Frequently, data begins with fixed headers.
For example, each version of Microsoft Word seems to have a fixed string of bytes that each file begins with.
For those cases where a full block of known plaintext is not available, it is possible to adapt the key search design.
Suppose that information about plaintext is available
(e.g., ASCII character coding is used),
but no full block is known.
Then instead of repeatedly encrypting a known plaintext and comparing the result to a ciphertext, we repeatedly decrypt the ciphertext and test the candidate plaintexts against our expectations.
In the example where we expect 7-bit ASCII plaintext, only about 1 in 256 keys will give a plaintext which has the correct form.
These keys would have to be tried on another ciphertext block.
The added logic to handle this would add just 10 to 20% to the cost of a key search chip.
Even if we only know a single bit of redundancy in each block of plaintext, this is enough to cut the number of possible keys in half.
About 56 such blocks are needed to uniquely identify the correct key.
This does not mean that the run-time is 56 times greater than the known-plaintext case.
Taking into account the cost of the added logic required makes the expected run-time for a $1 million machine about 2 hours in this case.
Frequent Key Changes
A commonly suggested way to avoid key search attacks is to change the DES key frequently.
The assumption here is that the encrypted information is no longer useful after the key is changed, which is often an inappropriate assumption.
If it takes 35 minutes to find a DES key, why not change keys every 5 minutes?
The problem with this reasoning is that it does not take exactly 35 minutes to find a key.
The actual time is uniformly distributed between 0 and 70 minutes.
We could get lucky and find the key almost right away, or we could be unlucky and take nearly 70 minutes.
The attacker's probability of success in the 5-minute window is 5/70 = 1/14.
If after each key change the attacker gives up and starts on the next key, we expect success after 14 key changes or 70 minutes.
In general, frequent key changes cost the attacker just a factor of two in expected run-time, and are a poor substitute for simply using a strong encryption algorithm with longer keys.
Using current technology, a DES key can be recovered with a custom-designed $1 million machine in just 35 minutes.
For attackers who lack the resources to design a chip and build such a machine, there are programmable forms of hardware such as FPGAs and CPLDs which can search the DES key space much faster than is possible using software on PCs and workstations.
Attempts to thwart key search attacks by avoiding known plaintext and changing keys frequently are largely ineffective.
The best course of action is to use a strong encryption algorithm with longer keys, such as triple-DES, 128-bit RC5, or CAST-128.
In this chapter:
It was founded in 1990 by Mitchell Kapor, John Perry Barlow, and John Gilmore.
The Foundation seeks to educate individuals, organizations, companies, and governments about the issues that arise when computer and communications technologies change the world out from under the existing legal and social matrix.
The Foundation has been working on cryptography policy for many years.
It was a significant force in preventing the adoption of the "Clipper chip" and its follow-on "key escrow" proposals, and continues to advocate for wide public availability and use of uncompromised and unbreakable encryption technology.
arguing that the First Amendment to the US Constitution protects his right to publish his cryptography research results online without first seeking government permission.
EFF's research effort in creating this first publicly announced DES Cracker, and the publication of its full technical details, are part of EFF's ongoing campaign to understand, and educate the public about, the social and technical implications of cryptographic technology.
EFF encourages you to join us in exploring how our society can best respond to today's rapid technological change.
Please become an EFF member;
He has twenty-five years of experience in the computer industry, including programming, hardware and software design, and management.
He is a significant contributor to the worldwide open sourceware (free software) development effort.
His advocacy efforts on encryption policy aim to improve public understanding of this fundamental technology for privacy and accountability in open societies.
John leads the EFF's efforts on cryptography policy, managed the creation of the DES cracker and wrote much of the text in this book.
Cryptography Research is Paul Kocher's San Francisco-based consulting company.
Cryptography Research provides consulting, design, education, and analysis services to many leading firms and start-ups.
Kocher and the company are widely known for their technical work and research,
including the development of leading cryptographic protocols (such as SSL 3.0), cryptanalytic work (including the discovery of timing attacks against RSA and other cryptosystems), and numerous presentations at major conferences.
[email protected]
Cryptography Research managed the hardware and software design for the DES cracker, and wrote the chip simulator and the driver software.
Paul Kocher, Josh Jaffe, and everyone else at Cryptography Research would like to thank John Gilmore and the EFF for funding this unique project,
and AWT for their expert hardware work!
Paul Kocher is a cryptographer specializing in the practical art of building secure systems using cryptography.
Paul has worked on numerous software and hardware projects and has designed, implemented, and broken many cryptosystems.
Advanced Wireless Technologies, Inc. (AWT) is dedicated to providing Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and board level design solutions for high tech industries at highest quality and lowest cost.
AWT's design philosophy is to reduce product development cost/risk and recurring cost.
AWT employs a thorough design flow from system architecture to system integration and test.
AWT was founded in 1993.
Its engineering team is composed of a highly qualified, tenured employee base, including technical management staff.
The employees are knowledgeable, motivated, highly competent, and have from 3 to 25 years of experience in system engineering, chip design, and complete subsystem design.
AWT offers digital ASIC/Gate Array and Board design services to support customers' specific requirements.
The company can participate in any development phase from specifications definition to design implementation and prototype testing.
In addition to providing engineering services AWT has developed leading products for use in the communications industry.
AWT's standard products include IP Cores, ASICs, and board level products in the fields of demodulation, forward error correction, and encryption decryption.
AWT designed and built the hardware for the DES Cracker, including the custom ASIC, logic boards, and interface adapters.
If you're interested in purchasing a DES Cracker unit, contact AWT.
AWT invites you to visit at or call +1 408 727 5780 for your specific engineering needs. | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ワフ! ワフ! ワウー!」
「クレアお嬢様、このフェンリルは今まで深い傷を負って生死を彷徨っていたんですよ? 今はおとなしくしておいた方が良いでしょう」
「ん? さっきまでレオ様に倒されて転がっていたトロルド達はどうしたのですか?」
「ん? レオ、どうした?」
「クレアお嬢様。このフェンリルは今寝ているから私達も近づけますが、本来獰猛な魔物なのですよ? 目が覚めたらどうなるか......」
レオのジェスチャーってたまにコミカルな動きをするよな......何て考えながら、セバスチャンさんにフェンリルを連れて帰る事に賛成する事を伝える。 | “...!”
The moment that the herb touched the fenrir, it unleashed a faint light, and the wounds began to close as if time was being rewound.
And once the light faded away, so did the herb that was in my hand. Even the fenrir’s broken leg was now pointing in the right direction.
“...Oh, Mr. Takumi!”
“Wuff! Wuff! Wou!”
Ms. Claire’s eyes welled up with tears as she covered her mouth with her hand. Leo let out a bark of joy.
“To think that there is a herb that can heal fatal wounds...”
Sebastian had an expression of astonishment as he watched the healed fenrir.
Well, I had not known if it would work well either. And so I was also surprised at how effective it was.
“Mr. Takumi, this is amazing!”
Ms. Claire and Leo were filled with uncontainable excitement.
“...Hahaha. It just happened to go well. I was not at all sure that I would be able to make something like this.”
“Weed Cultivation... What a wonderful ability!”
Ms. Claire and Leo were looking at me with beaming expressions.
It was becoming a little embarrassing...
“Is it just me, or did we witness something incredible?”
“Yes, we did, Phillip. A lethal wound was healed in an instant... That’s not an everyday occurrence, I think.”
Phillip and Nicholas had been watching at a short distance away, but they could also not hide their reaction.
“While the wounds are healed...I don’t think its energy has recovered.”
Sebastian was the first to calm down, and he took out a small blanket from his bag and wrapped it around the fenrir.
Yes. This was no time to be talking about the herb’s effect. The fenrir was more important.
“We’ll have to keep it warm.”
“Sebastian... Can I touch it...?”
“Lady Claire. This fenrir was badly wounded and on the brink of death. Surely it should be left alone for now.”
“...I see.”
Ms. Claire sounded a little disappointed.
Did she want to touch it so badly...?
“Oh, Leo. Thank you.”
Leo put her face near Ms. Claire and allowed herself to be petted instead.
Ms. Claire smiled with satisfaction.
“However, this fenrir...judging from its size, it must be a pup.”
“Is that so?”
As it looked like a medium-sized dog, I had thought that it would be older.
It was small compared to Leo, but that was just because Leo was too big.
And since I had heard that fenrirs were smaller, I figured that maybe this was close to their average size.
“So a fenrir pup was separated from its pack and then got attacked by trolls.”
“Hmm? Speaking of which, what happened to the trolls that Leo defeated?”
“Lady Claire, we took care of them while you were tending to the fenrir.”
“While we couldn’t move the one that was frozen, we dug a whole and buried the ones that were cut up by Leo.”
So that’s what they had been doing.
Well, no one would want to see the mutilated corpses of monsters lying around the forest.
Though, the one that was now an ice statue was still standing there...
I...wonder how long it will take to melt...
“It is sleeping very peacefully.”
Said Ms. Claire as she watched the healed fenrir.
As Leo lay on the ground as if to envelope the fenrir with her fur, she brought her face close to it.
A short while ago, it had been breathing weakly as if in pain, but now that the bleeding had stopped and the wounds closed, its breathing had become calm.
“It will take a while for its expended energy to return.”
“We should let it rest then.”
While I had used a herb that healed wounds, it didn’t have the effect of recovering energy.
...But perhaps this was enough. I didn’t want to have to force-feed it grass while it was trying to go to sleep.
“Hmm? What is it, Leo?”
Now that we were relieved that the fenrir was healed, we were just about to leave.
We had to return to camp soon, as it was getting quite late.
Ms. Claire and Sebastian were looking up at the sky to see the position of the sun.
However Leo barked at us to stop.
After barking in our direction, she looked down at the fenrir she was enveloping, and moved her head as if to pick up the fenrir with her jaw.
“...You want to take it with you?”
Leo nodded.
Take it... But could fenrirs be around humans?
“...Ms. Claire. Sebastian.”
“What is it?”
“What is wrong?”
They turned away from the sky and looked towards me.
And so I told them that Leo wanted to bring the fenrir back with us.
“Good Leo...the fenrir...”
“...I approve of it.”
“Lady Claire. We are able to get close to this fenrir now, because it is asleep. But surely you understand that they are vicious monsters? Who knows what will happen when it wakes up...” “But... If we leave it here, it may be attacked by monsters again.”
“That is...true, but...”
Leo barked as if in support of Ms. Claire’s decision.
And then she would gesture, raising her paws and moving her head. She was saying that it was safe to take the fenrir. And while she argued her case, she was careful to not wake the fenrir that slept in front of her.
While it was nothing new, a dog using gestures was so very... Well, she was a Silver Fenrir.
But sometimes, Leo’s gestures were very comical... It was with such thoughts in my head that I told Sebastian that I too agreed that we should take the fenrir with us. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「それは嫌だな。君は神界から特別な任務で地上にいるのだろう? ここで暴れたことを神界の上司に知られたらどうなるかねぇ」
「も......申し訳ありません! 会場で起こった出来事は記憶を共有して把握しました」
「えっ? お小遣いとして困らない程度にお金は渡してあったと思うけど」
英雄と謳われた人物も、今ではスイーツ好きな女神なのだから安置されている銅像も形無しだなと密かにシェーナは思った。 | Reesha held two daggers in both her hands and prepared herself for the fight.
Back when Schenna had that encounter with Luthors, Reesha had also shown them a portion of her true strength, but now that they saw it again, it was clearly different from other adventurers.
“To see Reesha acting like that might be a pretty rare sight.”
“That’s true... I can’t imagine a regular situation where this would happen.”
Luthors had experienced it herself one time, but Reesha’s style of fighting was commonly known as one that tried to restrain her enemies, like a snake coiling around their limbs.
Always matching the pace of her attacks to her opponents’ timing, then taking the lead before her opponent even realized what happened. That was Reesha’s style of fighting.
“This is the first time I see someone dual-wield daggers. Are all the elves from this generation like that?”
“I came up with this style myself. Longer swords are heavy, so this is better for someone old like me.”
“I see. Then I’ll quickly send you off to rest!”
After her excited shout, Petra kicked off the ground and swung her wooden sword at Reesha’s chest, but Reesha evaded just barely.
Reesha then swung her daggers in a cross pattern, but Petra parried it with her wooden sword.
“If the fight continues for long enough, it’ll turn to Reesha’s favor. Short-tempered opponents always fall quickly against her.”
Luthors began commentating on the fight playing out in front of them while recalling how she had been that way herself.
But if Reesha lost that fight, there would be no one left to hold Petra back.
And if that were to happen, she would leave the stage and run berserk through the elf district.
Afterward, Schenna and the others would have to step up to pay for the repairs needed before being banned from entering the district again, and Reesha would not let them off the hook with just a small scolding either.
“You actually got quite a bit of skill in you, but why don’t you just give you your sword already?”
“If you want me to do that, beg for it while crawling on the ground.”
“Well, that’s a bit extreme. I thought you had come to this realm with a specific mission though? What do you think would happen if those up there knew you went berserk here.”
Reesha fended off the wooden sword with her daggers while Petra’s expression began clouding over.
Reesha knew Petra’s true identity.
The reason she was in the restaurant that time last week was to deliver Petra’s residence permit and identification.
That time, Petra herself had told her about where she came from and what her mission was.
When Petra’s movements began to dull, Reesha tried to make her stop again.
“Ah, if I remember correctly, I think I heard your superior was going to come around too.”
Reesha pointed with her finger behind Petra, who turned to see what was behind her unable to hide her shock.
Taking advantage of that situation, Reesha instantly swept forward and snatched the wooden sword away.
“I’m sorry, I think I was just seeing things.”
As soon as her sword was taken away, Petra returned to her usual self as she put her hands to her head.
She absentmindedly surveyed the cheering audience while trying to figure out what had happened to her.
“It seems you’re back to normal. I know deceiving someone isn’t perceived as a knightly thing to do, so forgive me.”
Reesha put her daggers away and led Petra away from the ring.
Schenna and Luthors left their seats as well and went to meet up with Reesha.
“I...I’m so sorry! I was only able to understand what was going on in the ring after I checked my shared memories.”
Petra was bowing down to Reesha and Schenna.
Hearing her wording and after seeing the change in her behavior earlier, she had a rough idea of the situation.
“Do you have a split personality?”
“Yes... Ten thousand years ago, before I became a goddess, I used to be a very delusional swordswoman that walked through the continent.”
According to Petra’s story, all those years back she became very famous like that, and then one day she received a divine summoning to become a goddess, which she accepted.
Apparently, back then the realm of the gods was different as well and they had a shortage of workers, and that was why they recruited Petra and made her work reincarnating people.
When she accepted, she was completely unaware that it would signal the beginning of hell for her. And not even one week after her new work began, she raised her sword in protest against her superior, in retaliation, her sword was taken from her and Grana was tasked with sealing it away. As a result of that, Petra’s personality split in two and the hardworking and calm self she presented now was born.
When they had solved the mystery about her split personality, Schenna asked the next important question, why had she appeared in the tournament in the first place?
“Why were you there in the first place? Was it some ridiculous reason like your warrior blood telling you to do it or something like that?”
“There were a lot of tasty looking sweets in the west side, so I thought this could be a quick way to earn money and go back there to buy some.”
“Huh? I thought I had given you enough money so you wouldn’t have to worry about that.”
“...I had already spent all of it buying and eating other sweets.”
That goddess apparently had no sense of spending management at all.
Schenna gave her another allowance again with an exhausted expression
“I feel like some higher being should really scold you considering you’re supposed to be in charge of managing the reincarnation of souls. But can you promise you’ll manage your own money better from now on?”
“Uhh...I’ll be more careful.”
After Petra assured them that, they moved to the next topic, how to deal with the aftermath of Petra’s acts.
They would obviously get charged with the cost of repairs, but it would not be surprising if they were banned from entering it again after that.
With cold sweat running down her back, Schenna’s eyes met Reesha’s as she began apologizing.
“I’ll pay for the repairs of the site as soon as we’re back in the city. I’m very sorry for all the trouble caused by my colleagues.”
“Well, there were no casualties since she was just using a wooden sword, so that’s a small saving grace for her all things considered. This was also a nice break from all the paperwork I normally do and I could go all out, so I would say we’re even.”
In the end, the audience had been really entertained, and Reesha did not seem to be blaming them too much.
Each of the four sides of the district had a bronze statue holding a sword.
“The legend of the Sword Goddess Petra is passed down here. It’s said that around ten thousand years ago, she passed through here and protected the people from a great calamity, was that you?”
“Yes...that probably was me. I remember the bards of the time began singing poems of how I drove the armies invading from the other continent back to their country. I didn’t think they would still know about that today.”
“So it really was you. I had a hunch when I heard your name the first time I met you. I had heard that name from the statues here you see. But well, then it’s an honor for us if the goddess Petra participated in the tournament.”
The legend of the Sword Goddess Petra was pretty famous and Schenna also had heard it before.
How the valiant swordswoman Petra charged against the thousands of enemy armies and drove them away, sealing her name in history as a hero.
But Schenna never thought that Petra could be the same person as the Petra she met.
And while it was true she might have been a hero in the past, seeing that goddess crave for sweets so much made her secretly feel like the value of the statues had decreased immensely. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「やったぞ! しかもこの道管、かなり太い!」
後は水圧に身を任せながら、上層へ向かって駆け上がるだけだった。 | When Kufar regained his consciousness the next time, he didn’t know how long had passed. At the very least, there was no longer any light coming from the entrance, so he could judge it was at least half a day.
It seemed that a fight had taken place near his core, and the spilled blood reached it and slightly restored it, enough to regain his Slime body.
“Is it...night now...”
Since he gained this liquid body, he could finally utter words. He powerlessly crawled about and absorbed roadside dust and such. The labyrinth had abundant trash in the corners, so he was able to gain back enough volume to regain free movement.
“I experienced something painful there.”
As he grumbled, he glanced at the entrance from the corner at a little distance. He couldn’t see Bahamut anywhere now, but considering he appeared in front of him when he tried to take a step outside, he should be aware of Kufar’s presence.
It would be too optimistic to think it would be fine since it was night.
“It looks like escaping from that place would be impossible...”
Having said that, Kufar wasn’t aware of any other exit. No, he did have an idea of one. This World Tree was snapped in the middle. In other words, it would be the place beyond it.
It was unknown if the Dragon God was monitoring the sky above too, but at least there was more possibility of escaping from there compared to this entrance. Not to mention, it would have been impossible to climb it when it still had over a thousand floors, but now that it was half-snapped, it could be possible to reach the top.
He had a Slime body that excelled in stealth abilities, and had a human’s intellect, so there was a chance of succeeding. Thinking so, Kufar decided to head even deeper in. He used his camouflaging skills to devour monster corpses, and somehow regained his old size.
However, his sudden increase in capacity also diluted his composition and lowered his toxicity. The way he was, Kufar could only display power on the level of a normal Slime.
“Looks like I can only do surprise attacks for some time.”
Forget Adventurers, he couldn’t even safely beat Kobolds in a frontal fight. He was weakened to that point. Even so, he couldn’t just loiter in this labyrinth forever. But the only exit was guarded by the Dragon God, and there was a possibility that the other exit was also monitored.
Kufar thought he could do something about it if he reached the top, but the higher he climbed the stronger the enemies would grow, and his survival chance would be lowered.
“This, all doors are closed on me. Isn’t there any other way...”
Then he suddenly realized something. He was an intelligent Slime. Maybe he could make use of that fact.
For example, his body had no set form, so where his core could pass, he could pass too. And his core was only the size of a fingertip, so he could slip through things quite freely.
For example...
“Maybe the World Tree’s vessels?”
The World Tree’s vessels were big to match its gigantic size. The main vessel was big enough for a human to pass through. He realized that when he investigated the World Tree’s dead branch when planning to escape the city.
It would be hard to find a vessel that big inside the labyrinth, but ones that could allow his core to pass through might be around.
“Wait, maybe I can even open up a hole through it.”
Slimes were world-leading in terms of encroaching things. Even the source of this world, the World Tree, wasn’t absolutely perfect. The fact that it was destroyed by God of Destruction was proof of that.
It might be impossible for Kufar to open up a hole in the outer wall of this World Tree, but perhaps it was possible to open up a big enough hole through the vessels to slide his core in.
“You won’t know until you try... Or rather, that’s my only option.”
Resolving himself, Kufar approached the labyrinth wall and started corroding it. It was impossible to open up a hole instantly, as expected. Other monsters might come to attack while he was melting the wall too.
Even so, this guaranteed his survival far more than climbing the labyrinth with no plans.
“Kh, as expected, it’s tough. I can’t make any progress with the corrosion.”
He continued to slowly, very slowly, melt the wooden wall and absorb it. He somehow managed to open up a big enough hole for his core to pass through, but there was no vessel beyond it.
There was only a tight wooden wall continuing beyond it, with no signs of vessels nearby.
“This was a no-go, huh. But this doesn’t mean it won’t be elsewhere, so I’ll just continue until I find one.”
Thus, he continued opening holes in different places. By the time he lost count of the time and the holes he opened, he finally discovered a place where the sap was flowing from.
“I did it! And this vessel is quite thick!”
The liquid bursting out of it had quite a force. But that was only natural, as the space beyond it was a few dozen centimeters big. It was plenty thick for Kufar’s core to pass through.
He slid his core inside while opposing the liquid’s force, ending up abandoning the majority of his regenerated body in the process. However, once he was inside he could just absorb the tree sap and compensate for it.
All that was left was to leave the rest to the liquid current and head to the upper floors. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 17,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
と、その時、シアのウサミミがピンッ! と立ち、一拍遅れてハジメも反応した。ハジメは、「掴まれ!」と声を張り上げながら、ハンドルを勢いよく切る。
背後から、先程の三体が追随してくる。地中を進む速度は中々のものだ。鬱陶しくなったハジメは、四輪のギミックを起動させる。車体後部からガコン! と音が響いたかと思うと、パカリと一部が開き、そこから黒く丸い物体が複数転がりでた。
ボバッ! と、そんな音を立てて砂嵐を抜け出たハジメ達の目に、まるでエアーズロックを何倍にも巨大化させたような岩山が飛び込んできた。砂嵐を抜けた先は静かなもので、周囲は砂嵐の壁で囲まれており、直上には青空が見える。竜巻の目にいるようだ。
「お? 静因石......だよな? あれ」
マグマ牛は、自身の固有魔法であろう火炎砲撃をあっさり無効化されたことに腹を立てたのか、足元のマグマをドバッ! ドバッ! と足踏みで飛び散らせながら、突進の構えを取っている。
シアは、「よっしゃーですぅ! 殺ったるですぅ!」と気合の声を上げると、トットッと軽くステップを踏み、既に数メートルの位置まで接近していたマグマ牛に向かって飛びかかった。
「むっ、ご主人様よ! ユエが壊れかけておるのじゃ! 目が虚ろになっておる!」
「うむ。ご主人様から色々話を聞いて思ったのじゃが、大迷宮は試練なんじゃろ? 神に挑むための......なら、それぞれに何らかのコンセプトでもあるのかと思ったのじゃよ。例えば、ご主人様が話してくれた【オルクス大迷宮】は、数多の魔物とのバリエーション豊かな戦闘を経て経験を積むこと。【ライセン大迷宮】は、魔法という強力な力を抜きに、あらゆる攻撃への対応力を磨くこと。この【グリューエン大火山】は、暑さによる集中力の阻害と、その状況下での奇襲への対応といったところではないかのぉ?」
「お・ふ・た・り・と・も! 少しはTPOを弁えて下さい! 先を急いでいる上に、ここは大迷宮なんですよ! もうっ! ほんとにもうっ!」
「いや、まぁ、何だ。しょうがないだろ? ユエがエロかったんだ。無視できるはずがない」
「反省って言葉知ってます? 大体、どうしてハジメさんは私を見ないんですか。すぐ隣で私もきわどい格好していたのに......ぐすっ、自信なくしますよぉ~。ねぇ、ティオさんもそう思いますよね?」
「まぁ、二人は相思相愛じゃからのぉ。仕方ないのではないか? 妾も、場所など気にせず罵って欲しいのじゃ。......じゃが、まぁ、ご主人様は、妾の胸に少し反応しておったしのぉ~。今回は、それで満足しておくのじゃ。くふふ」
胸をモロ出ししてのたうつシアと気持ち悪い笑みを浮かべてのたうつティオを前に、ユエの汗を拭いつつ、ここに香織がいなくてよかったと内心ホッと息を吐くのだった。 | «Guryuu-en Great Volcano»
It is situated kilometers towards the north of the Dukedom of Ancadi. From what could be seen, it was a huge mountain five kilometers in diameter and , meters in altitude. It didn’t have cone-like appearance similar to those of normal active volcanos. It has dome-like, flat top made of lava, and it would be more appropriate to call it a gigantic hill than a mountain. However, the altitude and scale were just abnormal.
The «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» was commonly known as one of the Seven Great Dungeons. However, unlike «Orcus Great Dungeon», it wasn’t much visited by adventurers. It was because of the danger inside and how troublesome it was. In addition, unlike the «Orcus Great Dungeon», demonic beasts from whom the magic stones were gathered from were scarce... those were the basic reasons, but the foremost was actually because only few people were capable of reaching the entrance.
The reason was,
“... It looks just like Laputa.”
“... Laputa?”
Hajime unconsciously muttered while recalling the scene of that masterpiece anime, which made Yue and the other girls look at him with questioning glances. Hajime only shrugged his shoulders and watched the gigantic swirling sandstorm from inside the four-wheeler.
That’s right, just like how the floating castle was wrapped by cumulonimbus cloud, the «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» was wrapped by gigantic, swirling sandstorm. The storm’s scale was so huge that it completely hid the «Guryuu-en Great Volcano», and the tornados of the sandstorm were just like a flowing wall.
Moreover, a large amount of demonic beasts such as Sandworms were lurking inside the sandstorm, and they would mercilessly make surprise attacks within the place that had limited range of view. Thus, Hajime could only nod at the tale where people with average ability wouldn’t be able to pass through the sandstorm, and into «Guryuu-en Great Volcano».
“I am glad we aren’t walking here.”
“Indeed, even I doth not wanteth to enter it with mine own body.”
Looking at the giant sandstorm from the window just like Hajime, Shia and Tio were grateful to the four-wheeler. Smiling wryly, Hajime said, “Then, let’s go.” and the four-wheeler dashed out. For this case, they didn’t come to conquer it leisurely. There wasn’t that much Serene Stone on the surface, so it was necessary to go into the untouched depth of the dungeon to obtain the amount needed. And if they go into the deepest part, there should be a shortcut similar to what they have experienced until now. As such, they would be able to immediately return to Ancadi.
Hajime, himself, wasn’t interested in the safety of Ancadi’s people, but he didn’t mind helping them. By doing so, he would at least not to feel guilty towards his companion, Kaori, nor would he let Myuu see a spectacle that would bring great shock to her.
While thinking this, Hajime regained his spirit and charged into the gigantic sandstorm.
Inside the sandstorm was a world painted in brown. Just like in the fog of«Halteena Sea of Trees», it was hard to see ahead. It was also capable of influencing one’s physical condition, so it might be more troublesome than that fog. Thus, even using magic, breaking through this place filled with hidden demonic beasts was indeed virtually impossible.
Light coming from the headlight made out of Green Light stone cut through the dim place where the sunlight could not reach. Their speed was 0 kmph. If the information they got before was accurate, they would break through the sandstorm within five minutes.
And at that time, Shia’s rabbit ears stood straight and Hajime also reacted, one beat after her. “Brace yourself!,” Hajime raised his voice, and grandly turned the steering wheel.
Three sandworms with their big mouths opened and jumped out from below. Evading the ambush, the four-wheeler created S-letter on the ground, and Hajime kept running away without a care. With four-wheeler’s speed, it would be better to quickly get out of the sandstorm than fighting each time something appeared.
Two more sandworms came to attack from both sides of four-wheeler while it was dashing out and ignored the previous three sandworms. Their timing was so good that the four-wheeler’s body would receive body blows. However, it would hit without damaging the four-wheeler at all, and the four-wheeler would only be turned sideways. That’s why, once Hajime grasped the surprise attacks using “Sign Perception,” he immediately tried to drift to evade. However, Yue and Tio stopped him.
“...Nn, leave it to me.”
” Just leaveth it to this one, Master.”
Hearing the two, Hajime unhesitatingly kept the steering wheel straight as it was. Then, the gigantic worms dashed out of the brown colored world.
However, the attacks coming from the sandworms from left and right side couldn’t even touch four-wheeler.
“””Wind Blade.”””
Seeing the sandworm on the left, Yue muttered and a blade of wind was instantly produced outside the four-wheeler and fired, drawing a trajectory using the sand on the air. Thus the sandworm that jumped out before them was horizontally slashed, and blood scattered from the divided sandworm.
That spectacle was similar to what happened on the right side, which Tio had taken care of.
“Hmm, as expected of thee, thee fired a good wind.”
“... There’s no way I won’t use the wind from the sandstorm. Tio, too, as expected of you.”
Similarly, they instantly chose to use wind element magic, “Wind Blade,” and though it was a beginner-ranked magic, the “Wind Blades” previously fired were as strong as mid-ranked magic. The reason was because they used the raging wind outside. Simply, the strength of magic wasn’t only affected by magic power, thus the best magic used was selected according to the condition and environment of the location. However, even though saying it was simple, it was difficult to actually do it. For Yue and Tio to be capable of doing it, it was indeed as expected of their competency.
Behind them, the three sandworms from before were still following. They had considerable speed as they advanced under the ground. Irritated by them, Hajime activated four-wheeler’s gimmick. Briiing! Such a sound came from back part of four-wheeler and one of its rear part opened. Several black, round objects rolled down from there.
The moment some met up with the sandworms pursuing the four-wheeler, they created huge explosions. The impact blew away the ground, and the sandworms advancing underground came out of the ground while scattering flesh and blood. Towards the sandworms, more black object, grenades, rolled and caused more explosions that blew away half of each of the sandworms. Their upper-bodies were blown off, fluttered mid-air, and disappeared inside the sandstorm.
“Uhya~, amazing. Hajime-san, just how many functions are installed in this four-wheeler?”
Shia asked Hajime while looking at sandworms that were flashily blown away from the back window. Hajime was wearing a mischievous smile.
“It is capable of transforming into human-shaped weapon, a gigantic golem.”
Although they wanted to say it was impossible, they knew Hajime could do it, thus not only Shia, Tio and Yue were also began to silently look around inside the vehicle. Smiling wryly, Hajime said, “It was a joke. As expected, I can’t make such function... I want to though.” However, Yue and the girls were convinced that Hajime would someday capable of creating that.
Afterwards, the composed Hajime’s party were also attacked by brown-colored, gigantic spider, and ant-like demonic beasts. However, all of them were crushed by four-wheeler’s armament and magic from Yue and Tio without accomplishing anything, not even halting the party’s advance.
Ignoring Shia who said, “I am useless here,” from the back seat, Hajime’s party easily broke through the gigantic sandstorm that had obstructed a lot of adventurers.
Buuahh! Hajime’s party came out of the sandstorm and arrived at a rocky mountain several times bigger than Ayers Rock. It was a silent place surrounded by the wall-like sandstorm where the blue sky could be seen up above — the eye of the storm.
The entrance into «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» was at the top, so they continued to travel up on the slope using four-wheeler. The exposed rocky surface was reddish red in color, and steams gushed from here and there. Though it was an active volcano, the point where it never erupted was a Great Dungeon-like wonder.
Before long, the angle became more difficult for four-wheeler to advance, so Hajime’s party got out of the four wheeler and went towards the top of the mountain on foot.
“Uwau... i-it’s hot.”
“Indeed. ... the heat is in a different scale compared to the heat of desert’s dry weather... Even without the time limit, it would be better to quickly conquer the dungeon, huh.”
“Hmm, though this one feels comfortable here... this one can’t wait... to feel so hot that this body would writhes in agony.”
“... I will drop you into the magma later.”
Attacked by the heat as soon as they got out of the four-wheeler, other than Tio, all of them made dissatisfied expressions. Due to them being in air-conditioned place before, they felt even hotter. As adventurers in another world and travelers, for them to have withdrawal symptom similar to shut-in was... just reaping what they sowed.
They didn’t have much time, so while complaining about the heat, they quickly went towards the mountain top, climbed the rocky place quickly as if they didn’t feel any weight. As a result, Hajime’s party reached the top of the mountain in less than one hour.
They arrived at the top, a complex place buried by rocks of various sizes. There were rocks with pointed surface and also those with slippery, smooth surface. It was just like an exhibition of strange objects. Also, they could feel the top of the sandstorm nearby.
There was an exceptionally huge rock, and a group of strange-shaped rocks. It was an arch-shaped rock with the length of ten meters.
Hajime’s party went there and found huge staircase that continued on into «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» under the arch-shaped rock. Hajime stood before the staircase and looked over his shoulder towards Yue, Shia, and Tio’s faces in order. With a confident expression, he said a word to challenge the Great Dungeon.
“Let’s do it!”
The inside of «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» was even more unexpected than «Orcus Great Dungeon» and «Raisen Great Dungeon».
Rather than the difficulty, it was the interior’s structure that was unexpected.
First, magma was flowing mid-air. Not flowing like the waterway in dem-ihuman country, Faea Belgaen, but the magma was in the mid-air and flowing like rivers. The streaming, scorching red magma in mid-air was just like huge, jumping dragons.
Thus, the magma flowing around the passage and broad space made not only the dungeon challenger be cautious about the magma on the ground, but also above them.
“Woops, are you okay?”
“Ha~, Hajime-san, thank you. It was impossible for me to perceive that... the magma would suddenly spout from the ground.”
Exactly what Shia said, the magmas abruptly spouted from all around the walls. It was really abrupt that it was difficult to perceive any prior sign of it. It was similar to that of a booby trap. Fortunately, Hajime has “Heat Perception.” Without it, their conquering speed would’ve fallen due to the need to be cautious.
Following that, the thing that made it truly difficult was the boiling heat — extreme heat. It was naturally hot due to magma streaming all around the passage and broad space which made the party feel like being inside a sauna, or to be more accurate, above a heated frying pan. The heat was the most troublesome thing about «Guryuu-en Great Volcano».
While sweating, Hajime’s party continued to advance while evading the drops of and the spouting magma. And in a certain broad space, they found the place has artificial cut all over the place. The place was worn down by cuts that seemed to come from something like a pickaxe, but there was a small, faint pink-colored crystal peeping from one part of the wall.
“Oh? That thing. Serene Stone... right?”
“Hmm, twas indeed that, Master.”
Hajime’s questioning-like words were confirmed by Tio whose knowledge was broad. Apparently, this seemed to be the place the adventurers, who passed through the sandstorm and entered «Guryuu-en Great Volcano», mined the stone.
“... So small.”
“The ones at others’ places were also in a size of small stones...”
Just as Yue said, the remaining Serene Stone was only almost as big as little finger. Though those could be taken out and carried, but the size was indeed too small. As expected, it was too inefficient to gather the ones on the surface, so it was necessary for them to go into the depth to be able to obtain a lot of it in a dash.
For now, Hajime used “Mineral Enquiry” to search around for Serene Stone. After he stored those that could be gathered easily, he urged Yue and the girls to move ahead, quickly.
While being disgusted by the heat, they descended into the seventh floor. It was the highest floor recorded to be reached by the adventurers. None of those who moved farther than this had come back alive. So, bracing themselves, Hajime’s party descended into the eighth floor.
At that moment,
When they felt fanned by a strong hot wind, a huge blazing flame came to attack Hajime’s party from right ahead of them. It advanced as it drew a spiral on the orange-colored wall.
“”Absolute Calamity.””
Yue’s magic activated against the blazing flame. A black, swirling orb appeared before Hajime’s party. It was a gravity magic. However, it was not used to crush the object on the ground.
The flame that could easily burn a person to ash was pulled by the sphere which was only 60 centimeters in diameter and disappeared without a trace. The flame swallowed by the sphere was actually nullified. The black, swirling sphere, the gravity magic called “Absolute Calamity,” was generating its own gravity, pulled those coming near it, and swallowed them into the inside of it, like a black hole.
When all of the blazing flame was swallowed by Yue’s swirling supergravity, the party could see the identity of their attacker.
It was a bull. It stood in the middle of the magna, and its whole body was also cladded in magma. It had two sharp curved horns on its head, and flame was coming out of its mouth from time to time. The heat-proofness of this demonic beast made Hajime instinctively wanted to retort on it.
Maybe because the Magma Bull was angry that its peculiar magic, the blazing flame attack, was easily nullified, sounds of thud! Thud! could be heard from its legs and it turned into a charging stance.
To the Magma Bull, the swirling supergravity Yue created immediately moved as if being pulled toward the Magma Bull. At that moment, Magma Bull also attacked using compressed flame. The laser-like, compressed attack from the Magma Bull carried several times the power of normal flame attack.
Even now, the Magma Bull was still charging head-on. However, Yue literally received and returned the fired attack.
The space vibrated accompanied by an explosive sound, and the Magma Bull that stood on the magma was blown away by the attack. Blown backward by the impact, the Magma Bull struck the wall. However, “GRAAAAH!!,” it only raised an angry shout and instantly stood up. This time, it began to once again charge with all of its might to repel the intruders.
“Hah... as expected, flame attack isn’t effective on it.”
“Well, it is cladded in magma... so it can’t be helped.”
Yue, who deflected the blazing flame shot back, raised a grunt. Laughing wryly, Hajime tried to take Donner, but Shia raised a hand.
“Hajime-san, please leave it to me!”
Although Hajime doubted Shia who already held Doryukken in her hands, she snorted in full spirit. His doubt turned into trust, and he expressed his acknowledgement with a wave of his hand. It was after he had guessed Shia wanted to test the new features installed in Doryukken when his magic eye saw Shia was supplying her magic power into Doryukken.
“Alright~! I am going to do it!,” Shia raised a yell, and after few light steps, she jumped towards the Magma Bull who had moved several meters towards the party.
Rotating once in the mid-air and riding on the momentum, she swung down Doryukken towards the Magma Bull on the ground with such a perfect timing. Her aiming wasn’t off, the Doryukken swung down directly hitting the Magma Bull’s head. At that moment, ripples of faint blue-colored magic power spread around the center of the place where it struck, followed by tremendous impact. The Magma Bull’s head popped, exploded.
Using the nailed down Doryukken as a fulcrum, Shia rotated again. She jumped over the sliding Magma Bull’s body and splendidly landed on the other side.
“O-Ohh Hajime-san, I, the person who used it, now know that this new feature generated an amazing amount of force.”
“Ah, looks like it... I’ve thought what kind of thing is this “Conversion : Impact,” but this is good...”
Not only Hajime, Yue and Tio immediately raised words of praise towards the blow that Shia did with considerable force. It was thanks to the peculiar magic Hajime said, “Conversion : Impact.”
This “Conversion : Impact” was a new peculiar magic Hajime acquired, a derivation from “Magic Power Conversion.” The effect was just as the words expressed, it converted magic power into impact.
It was the ability of the horshead Hajime instantly turned into minced meat several days ago in«Orcus Great Dungeon». He had actually collected the meat in secret, and when he recovered the stake, he ate it.
If it was an average demonic beasts, neither the stats nor Hajime’s the skill would increase, but he ate it since he thought it might have an effect because the horsehead was able to hold on against Kouki’s party along with the Kouki in limit break... But as he thought, his stats didn’t change at all; he only gained the horsehead’s peculiar magic.
Then, he used Creation magic to add “Conversion : Impact” to an ore and installed it into the newly built Doryukken.
Hajime watched the Magma Bull’s head blasted in interest, but he was urged by Yue to hurry.
Afterwards, the demonic beast variations increased as they descended the floors. There were bat-like demonic beasts that scattered magma from their wings, scorching red moray-like demonic beasts that jumped out from the wall it melted, hedgehog-like demonic beasts that shot out numerous needles of flame, chameleon-like demonic beasts that only produced its face from within the magma and attacked using its magma-covered tongues like a whip while swimming on the gravity-defying magma river overhead, and there were even blazing serpents...
It was indeed troublesome since the demonic beasts’ bodies were clad in magma or ablaze which nullified any half-assed magic, and some were using surprise attacks from the flowing magma rivers where they hid their body. The demonic beasts not only would try to inflict fatal wound by using body blow, a lot of them were also using the surrounding magma to attack; a situation where they have infinite weapon. Besides, they would run into the magma to ensure their safety.
It was indeed true that even if the adventurers were capable of breaking through the sandstorm, they wouldn’t be able to descend further than seventh floor and return. Moreover, even if the demonic beasts could be defeated, the size and quality of the magic stones were the same as the demonic beasts in forties floors of «Orcus Great Dungeon» and the existence of Serene Stone, a valuable mineral, didn’t affect the income much. So, it was understandable that no one want to challenge this dungeon.
Following that, the most troublesome thing was the heat gradually increasing.
“Haa, haa... it’s hot.”
“... Shia, you feel hot because you think it is. Those flowing thing is just water... See, it’s cool now, fufu.”
“Ah, Master! Yue is starting to break! The eyes hath became hollow!”
Other than Tio, Hajime’s party were downed by the strong heat. For now, he took out air-conditioning type of artifacts... but it just like sprinkling water over dry soil. Their sweat flowed like an unstoppable waterfall. Seeing Yue and Shia whose consciousness began to become hazy, Hajime thought it was necessary for them to take a little rest while he wiped off the sweat on his chin.
When they reached a broad space, Hajime used “Transmutation” on a wall away from the magma and created a tunnel. He urged Yue and the others inside, and shut the entrance to the limit so the heat from magma would not reach them directly. Furthermore, he used “Mineral Separation” and “Compressed Transmutation” to coat the surface of the room’s wall with solid material so they wouldn’t be attacked by any moray-like or magma spout.
“Fuu... Yue, please create a block of ice. We will rest here for a while. If not, it would not be odd if we make a fatal mistake later.”
“Nn... okay.”
Although her eyes were hollow, Yue conjured ice magic and a huge block of ice appeared in the middle of the room. Though Tio didn’t mind the heat, she made the wind blow with the block of ice as the core. Thanks to the wind created by Tio, the cold air from the block of ice instantly cooled down the room’s temperature.
“Whaa~~, it’s coool~, I can live on noww~.”
Collapsing in a girl’s sitting pose, Yue and Shia narrowed their eyes in delight. The birth of squishy-Yue and squishy-Shia.
While thinking the two were moe, Hajime took out towels from “Treasure Box” and handed them over to everyone.
“Yue, Shia, it is good that you’re enjoying yourselves, but wipe your sweat. Your movement will become duller if you get too cold.”
“... Nn~.”
With elongated words, Yue and Shia slowly took the towel. Seeing them, Tio spoke to Hajime.
“Master, doth not relaxed thy guard yet, okay?”
“You, too. This heat is indeed dangerous. I must create better air-conditioning type artifact...”
“Hmm, for it to be capable of defeating master... This is probably this Great Dungeon’s concept.”
Rather than defeat, hot is hot, and Tio, who also wiping her sweat with towel, made Hajime doubtful with what she said.
“Mhm. This one hath heard many things from Master, but there is the thing called trial, right? If this was to challenge the God... then, there should be various concepts it based on, or so this one thought. For example, the «Orcus Great Dungeon» that this one heard from Master hath a lot of demonic beasts, so various battle experiences would be gained as one advanced through. «Raisen Great Dungeon» nullified strong power called magic, polishing one’s flexibility against any kind of attacks. This «Guryuu-en Great Volcano» probably uses the heat to obstruct one’s concentration and how one would react against the surprise attacks under this situation, right?”
“... Indeed... I never thought of it because in the end, I only needed to conquer it... but the trials are used by the Liberators to “teach” us, huh.”
“I see,” Hajime nodded at Tio’s conjecture. She has deep knowledge even though she’s a complete *********, and the prudent Tio was normally could be thought as a beautiful, black-haired woman who exuded sensual and amorousness... so Hajime looked at her with a truly pitying gaze.
However, seeing Tio’s sweat flowing from the scruff of her neck disappearing into the valley of her bountiful breasts, Hajime averted his gaze. His gaze turned towards the clothes of Yue and Shia sticky from all the sweat. Noticing the disappearance and appearance of their bare skin, his gaze was pulled towards Yue.
Probably because she was wiping her sweat, a large amount of her skin was peeping from her pure-white dress. Her skin had a tinge of red due to heat. Her bare skin glossy from the sweat and her rougher-than-normal breathing was truly erotic.
Unconsciously, Hajime even forgot to look away and continued watching her, but his gaze suddenly met Yue’s raised gaze. Having forgotten the situation due to being charmed... and getting somewhat aroused, Hajime tried to look away in guilt.
However, just before he looked away, Yue who caught Hajime’s gaze revealed a bewitching smile. With the still disarrayed clothes, arching her back like a cat, she slowly got down to all fours and approached Hajime. Her hazy eyes that wouldn’t let Hajime’s gaze escape, flushing cheeks because of heat, and showing a tint of breasts every time she moved...
Yue, who immediately approached Hajime in all fours, sat on Hajime’s cross-legged legs, sending him an upward gaze, and with a spoiled, sweet tone...
Hajime unconsciously received the towel from her, and his gaze remained fixed on Yue’s eyes. In his mind, “Ah, crap. I can’t win against Yue in this situation,” he thought with a wry smile. Quietly, he tried to glide his hand on the scruff of Yue’s neck... but was stopped by Shia’s protest.
“Y-O-U T-W-O! Please mind the time, place, and occasion a little! We are in a hurry and this is a Great Dungeon! Geez! Seriously, geez!”
“No, well, umm. It’s not like I could help it, right? Yue is too erotic. So, I couldn’t ignore her.”
“... Hajime who was quietly staring was cute.”
“Can’t you two at least reflect a little? To begin with, why didn’t Hajime-san look at me? Even though I was right beside Yue-san and in such condition, too... Gosh, my confident plummeted~. Hey, Tio-san should say something, too.”
“Well, the two art infatuated with each other. So methinks it can’t be helped, right? This one also wants Master to abuse one without minding the place... however, well, Master reacted a little to this one’s breasts~. This one will be satisfied with just that this time. Kufufu.”
It was the usual perverted remarks of Tio. However, Hajime was found out that he felt the sweat that flowed into Tio’s breasts made her looked sexy. Hearing that, “I am not even looked at!,” Shia was angry. Shia forgot about the TPO (time, place, and occasion) she said a little while ago and began to strip before Hajime. Then, this one will strip too, but Hajime fired rubber bullets to silence them because it would turn bothersome otherwise.
Hajime continued to wipe off Yue’s sweat before the writhing Shia whose breasts was completely bare and the writhing Tio with her disgusting smile. Hajime sighed while secretly relieved that Kaori wasn’t there. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
持っている武器は、槍だ。 彼が俺に向かって話しかけてくる。
「よぉ、君が最速最年少の美少女Aランカー。アリムだろ? 俺はチェケイって言うんだ。怪我したくなかったら、早めに降参しなよ? 俺はその綺麗な顔に傷をつける趣味はないからね」
「よろしくお願いします! ですが、その心配はいりませよ! ...........で終わります」
「はっ! 可愛い顔して、言うこと言うね~。そういうの悪くないなぁ。ま、お互い頑張ろうぜ」
『剣極奥義・一の断』って技を使って攻撃したんだけどね。これさ、普通の剣だったらチェケイって人の首、吹っ飛んでたんだよ? 流石は俺の剣だよね。
「チ......チェケイ・アルマジー選手、気絶! よって12番ブロック勝者、アリム・ナリウェイ選手!」
「あら、可愛い。君があの、アリムちゃんね? 色んな噂は聞いてるわ。第一回戦を突破したということは、実力があるということ。だから、下手に手加減はできないけれど、いいかしら?」
「ボクも、手加減はしませんよ! 対戦、よろしくお願いします」
「あら、お行儀のいい娘ね、アリムちゃん。12歳よね? おばさんにもね、同い年の息子が居るんだけど、それがまぁ、ヤンチャなのよ...アリムちゃんを見習って、もう少しお行儀よくして欲しいわ」
「今日の全試合が終了したぜ! 戦、準決勝は明日、この上のコロシアムで行ってもらう。明日は朝9時集合だ! 忘れるなよな。負けた選手も勝った選手も、残り今日一日はゆっくり休めよ! お疲れ様」
「おうよ、今日はもう帰ってゆっくり休みな。明日は9時だぜ? 少し早いかもしれねぇが、頑張って来いよ」
夜。もう寝よう。おやすみ。 | The th block
Now, before me is an opponent, his name is Chekei.
The weapon that I have in my hand is a spear. He talks to me.
「You, you’re the youngest fastest A-ranker Alim, aren’t you? I am called Chekei. If you don’t want to get hurt, why don’t you give up already? I don’t have a hobby to scratch such a beautiful face」
「Nice to meet you. Don’t worry about that... as I will end it in a moment.」
「Ha! You got a cute face, but the words out of your mouth are good. Not bad. Well, may the best one win.」
...And at :, prompted by the referee of the th block, we both go up on the stage and face each other.
We bow. Then hold our weapons.
11:20 the matches start with a signal from Gilmars-san.
「Now then.. Round one, matches... start! 」
Chekei immediately starts casting a spell.
And with that he falls flat.
Of course, it is from the effect of my magic sword’s attack.
Looks like, if this was a normal sword Chekei’s neck would have been blown away?
I urged the stunned judge to make a declaration because the match is over.
「Referee-san, your decision please」
The referee showed a confused face came up to the ring and checked Chekei’s state.
「Che... Chekei has fainted! Alim Nariway is the 12th block winner!」
I’ve cleared the first round. Though it was over a little too fast.
Apparently, I finished first.
Hmmm, does this mean I will have to wait 30 minutes for all the matches to end?
After 24 minutes, the first round was over. After a 15 minutes break, the second round will start.
In the next round, I will have a match with a person called Domyur from the 6th block.
I use up 10 minutes preparing and eating a sandwich before the next match.
5 minutes before the second match I was next to the stage. After a moment a person who seemed to be Domyur came.
She was a plump aunty with thick makeup wearing a chainmail. In her left hand she held a small axe... no a tomahawk, in her right an iron shield. That’s quite heavy equipment.
She looks strong being able to use all that. All of that equipment would be difficult for a woman to wear.
She says,
「Aha, cute. Are you Alim-chan? I’ve heard various rumors about you. Passing the first round means you definitely have the ability. So, I won’t hold back, you understand? 」
「I won’t hold back either. I look forward to our match.」
「Oh, what good manners you have, Alim-chan. You’re 12, right? I have a son of the same age, but he is a rascal. I wish his behavior was a bit more like Alim-chan」
For the rest of the hour I listened to Domyur talk about such domestic matters.
At 12 o’clock, the referee of the 6th block prompted us to go on stage together and prepare. We then held our weapons ready.
Gilmars-san announces the start of the next match.
「Well then, the beginning of the second round, start!」
Domyur-san takes a strong stance...
「I’ll go first... 『Earth’s Strengthening Spirit』...!」
A strong orange aura surrounded her... this is probably an enhanced 「Qi」.
The only place not covered that a sword could touch is the face. Can’t be helped, it’s not like she will be injured, so it’s all good.
I attack with 『Extreme Sword Technique・First Judgment』. Domyur-san faints.
「Referee-san... we are done」
Hearing my words, the referee checks out Domyur-san, then declares.
「Domyur Pipi... stunned. Second round 6th block... winner, Alim Nariway...」
Passed the second round
Wait, Pipi? That’d be Jisef-san and Gerbera-san’s daughter...! Those two are about the right age.
Again, it seems I finished first.
Got to wait another 30 minutes
All matches have now finished.
Gilmars-san takes the stage.
「All the matches for today are over! The third round, the semi-finals, will be held tomorrow at the coliseum. That’s at 9am! Don’t forget. Take a rest for the rest of today! 」
Well now, seems I can go home now. The other adventurers start to gradually leave. I’ll head home too.
Before I left, Gilmars-san called out to me.
「Hey, Alim-chan. You showed amazing strength. Especially the second match against Domyur, who has ≪Fighting Mom≫ as her alias. Last year she was first place in the 449th A-rank tournament, she is a very talented person... winning in an instant like that. You definitely have the making of an SSS-rank.」
「Thank you!」
「Return for today and relax. Tomorrow it will be at 9 o’clock. It may be a little early, but do your best.」
I said goodbye to Gilmars-san and returned.
I have nothing in particular left to do today. No, I have the usual.
It was still 1 o’clock in the afternoon, but I spent my time working in my room.
Night fell, let’s sleep. Good night. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
分からないけれど、レイディルーンが穏やかな表情でいることが嬉しくて、シェイラは早々に思考を放棄した。 | Leidyrune leaned forward.
The bed creaked when he put his arm on it.
Her shoulder was already against the wall, but Sheila still backed away with even more force. Leidyrune raised his eyebrows at the sight of her trying to get away from him.
“――That’s enough, how long are you going to keep avoiding me?”
“No matter how long it is.... I will stil....”
As his gaze followed her, Sheila immediately let her gaze escape to the other side. This time, he quickly got ahead of her.
She hurriedly tried to turn her entire face away, but a large hand caught her by the chin.
Leidyrune’s face kept approaching.
“If you avoid me any longer, I will tell your secret. I’m not as nice as you think I am.”
Surprised by the low, lustrous voice, Sheila blinked her eyes.
Leidyrune moved his hand from her chin to her cheeks, perhaps impatient with the lack of further response. Sheila’s face soon looked like an octopus because of the force he put into his hand.
His lips twitched. It was totally disrespectful because he was the one who was making her do this. Leidyrune soon put his hand over his mouth and turned his face away.
Sheila could imagine that if she started talking in this state, she would be laughed at more and more, so she gently removed Leidyrune’s hand. Rubbing her slightly sore cheek, Sheila regained her composure and answered his earlier words.
“Well... It’s strange for me to say this, but I think anyone would get angry if they were so blatantly avoided. If anything, when you think you’re not a good person to that extent, aren’t you a good person?”
The reason Sheila said comforting words to him even though he was threatening her was because his eyes were slightly distorted, and he looked slightly horrified. As if he was ashamed of his own actions.
Sheila’s words didn’t alleviate his gloom.
“A good person? Me? Even though I’m threatening you with your secret?”
Leidyrune laughed sarcastically.
When it came to his reputation, Sheila had only heard words of praise for his fairness, his outstanding character, and his humanity. She wasn’t very fond of him in the beginning, but now she had changed her opinion of him as a strong and honorable man.
Perhaps he was the one who was unsatisfied by it. Was he distressed by the fact that it diverged from who he actually was?
Sheila found it somewhat endearing and laughed out loud.
At the unexpected reaction, Leidyrune was dumbfounded and his eyes widened. It was strange because it softened the impression of arrogance and even made him feel a little childish. Sheila laughed more and more.
“Please don’t avoid me....”
The fact that he said he didn’t want to be avoided meant that he felt a certain degree of familiarity with her. Sheila had long ago recognized that they were friends, so she was more than happy to know that it wasn’t one-sided.
After a brief laugh, her shoulders relaxed completely. With the remnants of a smile still in place, Sheila turned to Leidyrune.
“I’m sorry, Leidyrune-senpai. I have been so rude to you. But I won’t run away from you anymore.”
Sheila met his puzzled gaze straight on. It felt like it had been a long time since she had gazed directly at Leidyrune.
What should he say to her now that he knew her gender by the feel of her chest? Sheila tilted her head, unaware that the young man in front of her was troubled.
After some pondering, Leidyrune avoided clarifying the matter.
“――I’m not going to tell your secret to anyone.”
The meaning of what was said slowly permeated through, and Sheila’s eyes gradually widened. Naturally, she had only expected to be condemned.
“.... Aren’t you angry? I lied about my gender and deceived everyone. Even at this very moment. I know that this is a betrayal of trust.”
Sheila clutched the pants of her training clothes tightly. She didn’t want to expect anything from him.
“I don’t care about that.”
“..... Eh?”
She looked up at his indifferent tone.
Leidyrune stared at Sheila intently.
With determination, perhaps? She was pressured by the warmth in the pale, purple-colored eyes.
“I want you to talk to me the same way you’ve always talked to me. When you avoided me――it’s painful.”
Leidyrune’s hand gently approached her. It stopped just short of touching her cheek and slid down in a tracing motion. Sheila felt his body heat which brought her relief.
.... He’s not lying.
The reassurance turned to certainty and begged the question.
“.... If you weren’t mad at me for lying about my gender, then why were you staring at me like that?”
He stared at her every chance he got, and to be honest, Sheila was a little bit scared. It was also quite a problem because people around her were afraid of his murderous attitude and kept away from her.
Leidyrune grimly crossed his arms and snorted.
“I wasn’t staring at you. I just didn’t like the way those guys were touching you and sticking to you all the time.”
“Touching me? But earlier, you were also touching me.”
“I still didn’t like it.”
“..... All right.”
It seemed that no objection was allowed in this case.
Sheila nodded obediently.
“Is Sheila Danau your real name?”
“Yes. I couldn’t come up with a pseudonym at that moment. But later, I was glad I didn’t lie. When my brother applied for my mid-year enrollment, I was apparently accepted under my real name.”
Felix apparently arranged for her to live under her real name in anticipation of any trouble that would come out if she used a fake name. Although Sheila was caught off guard, he had been very helpful to her.
Leidyrune raised his eyebrow.
“Who is this brother of yours? If he can apply for a mid-year admission to this academy, is he someone who has connections with the nobility?”
“I still don’t know anything about it. But since we’re not related by blood, I can imagine that he’s an aristocrat.”
“You’re not related by blood?”
“Yes. But he’s an amazingly kind older brother.”
When Sheila thought of Felix, she naturally smiled.
The other day, after the training was over, she visited his mansion for the first time in a while.
Both Lulu and Richard welcomed her with more pastries than usual and thanked her for her hard work. Sheila also talked endlessly about the hard work of the Patrol Corps and the bonds she had formed with her roommates.
She was troubled when Felix, who was a worrier, knew about the kidnapping fiasco and was more overly touchy than usual, but even that led to the relief that she had returned back to her normal routine.
“Even when I said something reckless about wanting to become a knight, he supported me. To me, my brother is my biggest ally.”
With a wide smile on her face, Leidyrune fell into silence as she talked more about her brother. But he soon changed the subject without further mention.
“.... Why don’t you talk normally when we’re alone?”
Sheila blinked when Leidyrune pointed it out, but immediately laughed and waved her hand.
“If I’m not careful, I feel like I’m going to expose myself in front of everyone. Even though people think I’m a guy anyway, I need to be careful just in case.”
Ever since that time when she misspoke once to Jornwerner, Sheila had tried to avoid using it in front of anyone. The only time she got careless was when she was with Clauschezade.
The hand that had been flapping around was grabbed by Leidyrune.
“――If you want to pursue your dream, I will support you as much as I can. I promise to keep your secret.”
Leidyrune declared with a sincere look in his eyes. His pale purple eyes were so clear that she seemed to be sucked in, Sheila couldn’t take her eyes off him as if she was bewitched.
“... Leidyrune-senpai, are you really okay with that? Because of me, you will have to keep secrets from others.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Sheila understood the pain of lying to those around her. The more important they became, the more the weight of the secret increased.
But Leidyrune answered without hesitation. How respectable was that?
Sheila felt saved by him and smiled softly.
“.... I guess that means it’s a secret between you and me.”
Actually, Claushezade knew from the beginning, and Jornwerner knew as well. However, if Sheila told him about it and it became a problem at the academy, it might cause trouble for everyone. The less information shared, the better.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, no, it’s nothing.”
But why was he suddenly in a good mood?
She didn’t understand, but she was happy to see Leidyrune’s calm expression again, so Sheila abandoned her thoughts early. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
多分10代後半くらいかな? 女性に声を掛けられる覚えは無いけど、何の用だろう?
「そちらのウルフは貴方の従魔なんですか? それとそちらの女性は、先程衛兵が言っていましたがもしかして......クレア様、ですか?」
あれ? これって騎士の礼だっけ......ちょっと違うような......確か歴史かなんかで習ったよな......えっと、目上の人に対する礼の一つだったかな。
レオの毛並み枕とか無いだろうか......なんてくだらない事を考えてしまった。 | “Hey, walk faster.”
“Stop trying to run away!”
“You really picked the wrong people to target.”
“How foolish of them...”
I watched as the guards escorted the captured men away.
“Mr. Takumi, I’m very sorry. Leo shouldn’t have to deal with people like that.”
“No, please don’t worry about that. Well, it’s not like I even said anything to Leo...”
“Wou... Wuff! Wuf!”
Somehow, I felt that Leo was saying, ‘people like that need to be driven away.’
And compared to them, the orc we saw in the forest had been much scarier.
It was the first monster that I ever saw. The fact that I was being attacked by a pig faced spear-wielding creature was enough to scare someone like me, who had no idea what was happening.
Of course, Leo still defeated it in an instant.
Perhaps due to their clothes, those men had looked outright comical.
Even if Leo wasn’t here, Phillip and Johanna would have been enough to deal with them...that was the feeling I got.
“Um, excuse me.”
I was talking to Ms. Claire after the men were taken away, when someone called out to me. It was a young woman.
She looked a little younger than twenty. It wasn’t often that I was approached by a woman, so I wondered what it could be.
“Is this wolf your familiar? And the lady next to you...did the guards say that she is Lady Claire?”
“Uhh...this is Leo. I think that ‘companion’ would be a better word. And...”
“Yes. I am Claire. Is there a problem?”
Ms. Claire and I answered, and then the woman rushed up to us and fell to one knee like she was some kind of knight.
Huh? Was it the way that knights knelt...? No, it was a little different...I was sure that I learned about it in history class... I think it was a way to greet your superiors.
Perhaps it was something that common folk did towards the nobility.
“Pardon me. Lady Claire, this is an auspicious day...”
“I am not here on public business today. And so there is no need for you...for you people to do that.”
“...Yes. Thank you.”
Upon hearing those words, the woman raised her head and stood up.
You people?
Wondering this, I looked around and saw that there were now a few dozen other people around us.
What was happening!?
“Lady Claire, is this wolf that is with you...”
“...Being secretive might just result in troublesome rumors.”
“I believe so, Lady Claire.”
Ms. Claire and Sebastian whispered to each other after hearing the woman’s question.
Oh, now they have turned to me?
“Mr. Takumi. About Leo...”
“After seeing her size and how she broke that short sword, people will wonder what she is... Would you allow us to tell them?”
Sebastian asked.
About Leo... Did they mean about her being a Silver Fenrir?
I didn’t know why we should hide it.
“Yes, that’s fine. I had no intention of hiding that about Leo in the first place.”
“Very well. Thank you.”
As we were talking, the woman looked like she had been left behind.
“Um, what is your name?”
“Y-yes. I am Emeralda!”
“So, Emeralda. What were you going to say earlier?”
“...Yes. Um, it-it’s about that wolf. It has silver fur and is with Lady Claire. And it’s so big, and it shattered a sword. So I think that it must be a Silver Fenrir. The teeth of a normal wolf would not have been able to do that.”
“Yes, that’s true. Your assumption is correct. This is the great Leo, a Silver Fenrir and familiar for Mr. Takumi over here. And so there is no danger.”
The woman...Emeralda, looked at Leo fearfully.
I recalled Ms. Gelda’s reaction when we first went to the mansion.
Hmm... And there was one other thing that bothered me. How was Leo being with Ms. Claire connected to her assumption about Leo being a Silver Fenrir...?
I would have to ask about that later.
Sebastian would likely be very glad to explain that to me.
But right now, we had to make the people understand that Leo wasn’t dangerous.
Not just Emeralda, but the others who had gathered were clearly afraid as well.
Some of them looked like their world was about to end. But Leo really wasn’t that scary.
“Ms. Emeralda.”
“Leo is very sweet and not someone to fear. So please be at ease.”
“...But... Silver Fenrirs are the strongest of monsters. Surely they are not sweet...”
“Leo, sit. ...See? What do you call that?”
I made Leo lie low and then patted her on the head.
Upon seeing this, Ms. Emeralda and the other spectators became frozen with shock.
“Leo won’t attack anyone. Besides, nothing has happened since we entered the town, and so the guards haven’t said anything. Surely that is proof that Leo is harmless?”
“Ah...indeed... When you put it like that, the guards did leave without saying anything...”
“...It’s because I told them that Lady Claire would guarantee their safety.”
...Sebastian muttered behind me.
I hadn’t known that he said such things to the guards, but it would explain why they didn’t say anything at the gate, or when they came to take the prisoners.
“Ms. Miralda. Could you come over here?”
“Don’t be afraid. Here.”
I called Ms. Emeralda over to Leo and raised her hand so that she patted Leo on the head.
Leo didn’t mind being petted by strangers, and she looked quite relaxed.
“...It...does seem to be gentle.”
“Yes... And the is so soft... I didn’t know that Silver Fenrirs felt like this...”
“Yes, Leo does have a nice coat.”
There was something about touching Leo’s fur that soothed people...
It was so soft and fluffy.
That’s why I could understand why Tilura liked to hug Leo so much.
If only there was a pillow that felt the same as Leo... I couldn’t help but think such nonsensical thoughts. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
知り合いを見つけた安堵より、目の前の組み合わせの違和感が勝り、シェイラは眉根を寄せて首を傾げるのだった。 | Sheila and her friends proceeded on the cobblestone pavement.
The goal was to get to a store where sweets were sold by weight. Zechs, who had no interest in sweets, was following at the end of the line, despite his dissatisfaction.
Cody tilted his head when he noticed Sheila staring down at the gray cobblestones.
“You find the cobblestones interesting? The stores around here are interesting, too, selling all kinds of things, you know? Look, there are even street performers in front of the fountain in the square.”
“Yeah, it’s amazing. When I was traveling by carriage to the capital, I was amazed at how well-paved the streets was. In other cities, the carriage ride was so bumpy that I sometimes hit my head against the window
In contrast, when Sheila returned to Felix’s place for the weekend, she recalled that she didn’t notice any bumps.
“I don’t know much about it because I have never left the capital, but I have heard that the former king had the lords of other territories thoroughly improve the roads. But since there are differences between rich and poor in each territory, the budgets spent on road maintenance may have differed.”
Come to think of it, Sheila remembered on the road trip that the clothing and body shape of the territory’s people were surprisingly different depending on the territory. Felix also told her that it depended on whether the territory was rich or not, but Sheila had no idea that it affected even these things.
“It doesn’t matter, so hurry up and finish shopping. Look, I can see it now.”
Zechs jerked his chin as if to say, ‘There it was,’ and ahead of him was a colorful store that looked like a toy box.
An unusual circular window on the outer wall with pink and light blue stripes. Sheila approached as if she were being sucked in.
The pastry store had an array of unusual sweets even in the building’s frontage.
Huge sticks of bread and pies in the shape of hats. Ribbon-shaped cookies glistened with strawberry jam and marmalade on the surface.
The interior of the store was like a different world once Sheila stepped inside.
On either side of the narrow aisle were colorful sweets. There were fluffy candies called marshmallows and chocolates. In particular, there were many kinds of candies. Red, yellow, and a wide variety of shapes made her heart dance just by looking at them. If Sheila bought as her heart wished, she would go bankrupt.
“You’re really like a woman, so bright-eyed for something sweet. Seriously, be careful not to be targeted by strange men.”
“It’s okay. I’m a man among men, aren’t I?”
Sheila nodded back firmly and turned around to find a bag of cookies in his arms as well.
“Huh? Are you buying some too, Zechs?”
“These are souvenirs. For Arin-chan.”
“Hmph. You’re working quite hard, aren’t you?”
She didn’t expect Zechs to buy sweets after being in such a hurry to leave. Cody smiled wryly at his friend’s shrewdness.
Sheila noticed that in one corner of the store, there were other items for sale besides sweets. Square tea canisters were neatly lined up.
After pondering for a moment, Sheila called for an employee. She didn’t know what kind of tea leaves to buy, so she chose one with a less astringent taste and also some amber honey to go with it.
She paid the bill for the cookies, florentines, and madeleines filled with seasonal fruit. She had spent about half of her allowance all at once, but she managed to have enough to go to the diner.
Sheila left the store with a big smile on her face.
“Looks like you got what you wanted.”
“Yes! Oh, and there’s another place I want to stop by. Will you go with me?”
“Ehhh, I’m already hungry.”
Zechs rubbed his stomach with a frown. He seemed to be really hungry, and his appearance was somewhat melancholy.
Cody also checked the clock in the square and made a difficult face.
“Well..... if it’s quick, it might be okay, but if we’re going to the diner, it’s going to be just before curfew. Do you already know what you’re going to buy?”
“I’m going to the diner! That’s my final decision!”
Zechs was absolutely adamant about not giving in, and he moved his face closer to hers.
Sheila was able to relax today only because he invited her, and she had no intention of breaking their original schedule and being selfish.
“Hmm. I want to choose carefully, so I think I won’t do it today. I’ve been thinking about it, and I don’t think I can afford it anyway.”
“Really? I’m sorry Zechs was so selfish. I’ll go shopping with you again next time.”
“Thank you, Cody.”
The three of them started walking again. This time, Zechs was leading the way with great enthusiasm.
The streets were very beautiful as the sun began to set, with the bricks turning a beautiful shade of red. Sheila was so engrossed in the cobblestones earlier that she didn’t notice the various stores lining both sides of the street.
The store with the hanging intestines was a butcher shop. Some stores sold lots of jars. She wondered what that store, crowded with young girls, was selling.
Sheila, who had been looking around with a sense of curiosity, suddenly stopped. Her friends, who should have been walking in front of her all along, were nowhere to be seen. Realizing that she had been left alone in a place she wasn’t familiar with, Sheila turned pale at once.
W-What should I do?
She looked to her right and left, but she didn’t see any familiar faces. She ran down the road she had been on, thinking that they might just be ahead of her, but she couldn’t see Cody and Zechs.
I-I’m lost.... I’m old enough to know better....
Was there someplace like a refuge for lost children? Or should they have decided in advance on a prominent building as a landmark in case one of them got lost?
If I stay in the candy shop, maybe they’ll come back.
But in a case like this, some people said it was a standard rule not to move from the spot.
Passersby would give her a disapproving look if she stopped in the middle of the street, so Sheila moved to the end of the street. There was a little girl there, looking equally crestfallen.
She looked as if she was about to start crying at any moment. Considering the fact that there was no one nearby who looked like a guardian, the child was clearly lost.
Even though they were both lost, Sheila was much older. Well, surely it would work out somehow, so Sheila immediately called out to the child.
“What’s wrong? Did you lose your mother?”
The girl’s face distorted as if she was about to cry. Sheila smiled to reassure her.
“Don’t worry. I’ll stay with you and look for her. What is your name?”
When Sheila gently stroked her head, her moist blue eyes looked up.
“I’m Abby.... Are you a knight, Sister?”
“That’s a nice name, Abby. I’m Sheila. I’m not an older sister, I’m an older brother, and I’m still an apprentice knight, but I’m going to be a knight someday. So, Abby, don’t worry, leave it to me.”
“..... Yes.”
Tears spilled out from her blue eyes, as if she had loosened her tension. Sheila hugged her small shoulders and patted her back as if to soothe her.
Although it was nice to undertake this mission with a smile....
What’s a lost child doing protecting a lost child....?
Sheila didn’t even know where to take the rescued lost child. She wasn’t familiar with the geography of the area, so she had no idea where to go.
Laughing idly, Sheila was at a loss inside.
At that moment.
“――Isn’t that Sheila over there?”
Sheila’s ears picked up a familiar voice from the crowd. When she turned around, she saw exactly who she had imagined.
“As expected, it was Seiryuu-senpai――and Leidyrune-senpai?”
Seiryuu had black hair, black eyes, and a cool appearance. Behind him, Leidyrune, with his long black hair and pale purple eyes, was standing sullenly with his arms crossed.
They weren’t in the same grade, and Sheila had never seen them side by side. They were probably not particularly close, too. So why on earth would they be together?
More than the relief of finding an acquaintance, the discomfort of the combination in front of her prevailed, causing her to tilt her head with a furrowed brow. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
とオマドゥン・バーク氏が傘でバランスを取って賛意を表した。 | A MOTHER
MR HOLOHAN, assistant secretary of the Eire Abu Society, had been walking up and down Dublin for nearly a month, with his hands and pockets full of dirty pieces of paper, arranging about the series of concerts.
He had a game leg and for this his friends called him Hoppy Holohan.
He walked up and down constantly, stood by the hour at street corners arguing the point and made notes;
but in the end it was Mrs. Kearney who arranged everything.
Miss Devlin had become Mrs. Kearney out of spite.
She had been educated in a high-class convent, where she had learned French and music.
As she was naturally pale and unbending in manner she made few friends at school.
When she came to the age of marriage she was sent out to many houses, where her playing and ivory manners were much admired.
She sat amid the chilly circle of her accomplishments, waiting for some suitor to brave it and offer her a brilliant life.
But the young men whom she met were ordinary and she gave them no encouragement, trying to console her romantic desires by eating a great deal of Turkish Delight in secret.
However, when she drew near the limit and her friends began to loosen their tongues about her, she silenced them by marrying Mr. Kearney, who was a bootmaker on Ormond Quay.
He was much older than she.
His conversation, which was serious, took place at intervals in his great brown beard.
After the first year of married life, Mrs. Kearney perceived that such a man would wear better than a romantic person, but she never put her own romantic ideas away.
He was sober, thrifty and pious;
he went to the altar every first Friday, sometimes with her, oftener by himself.
But she never weakened in her religion and was a good wife to him.
At some party in a strange house when she lifted her eyebrow ever so slightly he stood up to take his leave and, when his cough troubled him, she put the eider-down quilt over his feet and made a strong rum punch.
For his part, he was a model father.
By paying a small sum every week into a society, he ensured for both his daughters a dowry of one hundred pounds each when they came to the age of twenty-four.
He sent the older daughter, Kathleen, to a good convent, where she learned French and music, and afterward paid her fees at the Academy.
Every year in the month of July Mrs. Kearney found occasion to say to some friend:
"My good man is packing us off to Skerries for a few weeks."
If it was not Skerries it was Howth or Greystones.
When the Irish Revival began to be appreciable Mrs. Kearney determined to take advantage of her daughter's name and brought an Irish teacher to the house.
Kathleen and her sister sent Irish picture postcards to their friends and these friends sent back other Irish picture postcards.
On special Sundays, when Mr. Kearney went with his family to the pro-cathedral, a little crowd of people would assemble after mass at the corner of Cathedral Street.
They were all friends of the Kearney
--musical friends or Nationalist friends;
and, when they had played every little counter of gossip, they shook hands with one another all together, laughing at the crossing of so man hands, and said good-bye to one another in Irish.
Soon the name of Miss Kathleen Kearney began to be heard often on people's lips.
People said that she was very clever at music and a very nice girl and, moreover, that she was a believer in the language movement.
Mrs. Kearney was well content at this.
Therefore she was not surprised when one day Mr. Holohan came to her and proposed that her daughter should be the accompanist at a series of four grand concerts which his Society was going to give in the Antient Concert Rooms.
She brought him into the drawing-room, made him sit down and brought out the decanter and the silver biscuit-barrel.
She entered heart and soul into the details of the enterprise, advised and dissuaded:
and finally a contract was drawn up by which Kathleen was to receive eight guineas for her services as accompanist at the four grand concerts.
As Mr. Holohan was a novice in such delicate matters as the wording of bills and the disposing of items for a programme, Mrs. Kearney helped him.
She had tact.
She knew what artistes should go into capitals and what artistes should go into small type.
She knew that the first tenor would not like to come on after Mr. Meade's comic turn.
To keep the audience continually diverted she slipped the doubtful items in between the old favourites.
Mr. Holohan called to see her every day to have her advice on some point.
She was invariably friendly and advising
--homely, in fact.
She pushed the decanter towards him, saying:
"Now, help yourself, Mr. Holohan!"
And while he was helping himself she said:
"Don't be afraid!
Don t be afraid of it! "
Everything went on smoothly.
Mrs. Kearney bought some lovely blush-pink charmeuse in Brown Thomas's to let into the front of Kathleen's dress.
It cost a pretty penny;
but there are occasions when a little expense is justifiable.
She took a dozen of two-shilling tickets for the final concert and sent them to those friends who could not be trusted to come otherwise.
She forgot nothing, and, thanks to her, everything that was to be done was done.
The concerts were to be on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
When Mrs. Kearney arrived with her daughter at the Antient Concert Rooms on Wednesday night she did not like the look of things.
A few young men, wearing bright blue badges in their coats, stood idle in the vestibule;
none of them wore evening dress.
She passed by with her daughter and a quick glance through the open door of the hall showed her the cause of the stewards' idleness.
At first she wondered had she mistaken the hour.
No, it was twenty minutes to eight.
In the dressing-room behind the stage she was introduced to the secretary of the Society, Mr. Fitzpatrick.
She smiled and shook his hand.
He was a little man, with a white, vacant face.
She noticed that he wore his soft brown hat carelessly on the side of his head and that his accent was flat.
He held a programme in his hand, and, while he was talking to her, he chewed one end of it into a moist pulp.
He seemed to bear disappointments lightly.
Mr. Holohan came into the dressingroom every few minutes with reports from the box- office.
The artistes talked among themselves nervously, glanced from time to time at the mirror and rolled and unrolled their music.
When it was nearly half-past eight, the few people in the hall began to express their desire to be entertained.
Mr. Fitzpatrick came in, smiled vacantly at the room, and said:
"Well now, ladies and gentlemen.
I suppose we'd better open the ball."
Mrs. Kearney rewarded his very flat final syllable with a quick stare of contempt, and then said to her daughter encouragingly:
"Are you ready, dear?"
When she had an opportunity, she called Mr. Holohan aside and asked him to tell her what it meant.
Mr. Holohan did not know what it meant.
He said that the committee had made a mistake in arranging for four concerts:
four was too many.
"And the artistes!"
said Mrs. Kearney.
"Of course they are doing their best, but really they are not good."
Mr. Holohan admitted that the artistes were no good but the committee, he said, had decided to let the first three concerts go as they pleased and reserve all the talent for Saturday night.
Mrs. Kearney said nothing, but, as the mediocre items followed one another on the platform and the few people in the hall grew fewer and fewer, she began to regret that she had put herself to any expense for such a concert.
There was something she didn't like in the look of things and Mr. Fitzpatrick's vacant smile irritated her very much.
However, she said nothing and waited to see how it would end.
The concert expired shortly before ten, and everyone went home quickly.
The concert on Thursday night was better attended, but Mrs. Kearney saw at once that the house was filled with paper.
The audience behaved indecorously, as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal.
Mr. Fitzpatrick seemed to enjoy himself;
he was quite unconscious that Mrs. Kearney was taking angry note of his conduct.
He stood at the edge of the screen, from time to time jutting out his head and exchanging a laugh with two friends in the corner of the balcony.
In the course of the evening, Mrs. Kearney learned that the Friday concert was to be abandoned and that the committee was going to move heaven and earth to secure a bumper house on Saturday night.
When she heard this, she sought out Mr. Holohan.
She buttonholed him as he was limping out quickly with a glass of lemonade for a young lady and asked him was it true.
it was true.
"But, of course, that doesn't alter the contract,"
she said.
"The contract was for four concerts."
Mr. Holohan seemed to be in a hurry;
he advised her to speak to Mr. Fitzpatrick.
Mrs. Kearney was now beginning to be alarmed.
She called Mr. Fitzpatrick away from his screen and told him that her daughter had signed for four concerts and that, of course, according to the terms of the contract, she should receive the sum originally stipulated for, whether the society gave the four concerts or not.
Mr. Fitzpatrick, who did not catch the point at issue very quickly, seemed unable to resolve the difficulty and said that he would bring the matter before the committee.
Mrs. Kearney's anger began to flutter in her cheek and she had all she could do to keep from asking:
"And who is the Cometty pray?"
But she knew that it would not be ladylike to do that:
so she was silent.
Little boys were sent out into the principal streets of Dublin early on Friday morning with bundles of handbills.
Special puffs appeared in all the evening papers, reminding the music loving public of the treat which was in store for it on the following evening.
Mrs. Kearney was somewhat reassured, but be thought well to tell her husband part of her suspicions.
He listened carefully and said that perhaps it would be better if he went with her on Saturday night.
She agreed.
She respected her husband in the same way as she respected the General Post Office, as something large, secure and fixed;
and though she knew the small number of his talents she appreciated his abstract value as a male.
She was glad that he had suggested coming with her.
She thought her plans over.
The night of the grand concert came.
Mrs. Kearney, with her husband and daughter, arrived at the Antient Concert Rooms three-quarters of an hour before the time at which the concert was to begin.
By ill luck it was a rainy evening.
Mrs. Kearney placed her daughter's clothes and music in charge of her husband and went all over the building looking for Mr. Holohan or Mr. Fitzpatrick.
She could find neither.
She asked the stewards was any member of the committee in the hall and, after a great deal of trouble, a steward brought out a little woman named Miss Beirne to whom Mrs. Kearney explained that she wanted to see one of the secretaries.
Miss Beirne expected them any minute and asked could she do anything.
Mrs. Kearney looked searchingly at the oldish face which was screwed into an expression of trustfulness and enthusiasm and answered:
"No, thank you!"
The little woman hoped they would have a good house.
She looked out at the rain until the melancholy of the wet street effaced all the trustfulness and enthusiasm from her twisted features.
Then she gave a little sigh and said:
"Ah, well!
We did our best, the dear knows."
Mrs. Kearney had to go back to the dressing-room.
The artistes were arriving.
The bass and the second tenor had already come.
The bass, Mr. Duggan, was a slender young man with a scattered black moustache.
He was the son of a hall porter in an office in the city and, as a boy, he had sung prolonged bass notes in the resounding hall.
From this humble state he had raised himself until he had become a first-rate artiste.
He had appeared in grand opera.
One night, when an operatic artiste had fallen ill, he had undertaken the part of the king in the opera of Maritana at the Queen's Theatre.
He sang his music with great feeling and volume and was warmly welcomed by the gallery;
but, unfortunately, he marred the good impression by wiping his nose in his gloved hand once or twice out of thoughtlessness.
He was unassuming and spoke little.
He said yous so softly that it passed unnoticed and he never drank anything stronger than milk for his voice's sake.
Mr. Bell, the second tenor, was a fair-haired little man who competed every year for prizes at the Feis Ceoil.
On his fourth trial he had been awarded a bronze medal.
He was extremely nervous and extremely jealous of other tenors and he covered his nervous jealousy with an ebullient friendliness.
It was his humour to have people know what an ordeal a concert was to him.
Therefore when he saw Mr. Duggan he went over to him and asked:
"Are you in it too? "
said Mr. Duggan.
Mr. Bell laughed at his fellow-sufferer, held out his hand and said:
Mrs. Kearney passed by these two young men and went to the edge of the screen to view the house.
The seats were being filled up rapidly and a pleasant noise circulated in the auditorium.
She came back and spoke to her husband privately.
Their conversation was evidently about Kathleen for they both glanced at her often as she stood chatting to one of her Nationalist friends, Miss Healy, the contralto.
An unknown solitary woman with a pale face walked through the room.
The women followed with keen eyes the faded blue dress which was stretched upon a meagre body.
Someone said that she was Madam Glynn, the soprano.
"I wonder where did they dig her up,"
said Kathleen to Miss Healy.
"I'm sure I never heard of her."
Miss Healy had to smile.
Mr. Holohan limped into the dressing-room at that moment and the two young ladies asked him who was the unknown woman.
Mr. Holohan said that she was Madam Glynn from London.
Madam Glynn took her stand in a corner of the room, holding a roll of music stiffly before her and from time to time changing the direction of her startled gaze.
The shadow took her faded dress into shelter but fell revengefully into the little cup behind her collar-bone.
The noise of the hall became more audible.
The first tenor and the baritone arrived together.
They were both well dressed, stout and complacent and they brought a breath of opulence among the company.
Mrs. Kearney brought her daughter over to them, and talked to them amiably.
She wanted to be on good terms with them but, while she strove to be polite, her eyes followed Mr. Holohan in his limping and devious courses.
As soon as she could she excused herself and went out after him.
"Mr. Holohan, I want to speak to you for a moment,"
she said.
They went down to a discreet part of the corridor.
Mrs Kearney asked him when was her daughter going to be paid.
Mr. Holohan said that Mr. Fitzpatrick had charge of that.
Mrs. Kearney said that she didn't know anything about Mr. Fitzpatrick.
Her daughter had signed a contract for eight guineas and she would have to be paid.
Mr. Holohan said that it wasn't his business.
"Why isn't it your business?"
asked Mrs. Kearney.
"Didn't you yourself bring her the contract?
Anyway, if it's not your business it's my business and I mean to see to it."
"You'd better speak to Mr. Fitzpatrick,"
said Mr. Holohan distantly.
"I don't know anything about Mr. Fitzpatrick,"
repeated Mrs. Kearney.
"I have my contract, and I intend to see that it is carried out."
When she came back to the dressing-room her cheeks were slightly suffused.
The room was lively.
Two men in outdoor dress had taken possession of the fireplace and were chatting familiarly with Miss Healy and the baritone.
They were the Freeman man and Mr. O'Madden Burke.
The Freeman man had come in to say that he could not wait for the concert as he had to report the lecture which an American priest was giving in the Mansion House.
He said they were to leave the report for him at the Freeman office and he would see that it went in.
He was a grey-haired man, with a plausible voice and careful manners.
He held an extinguished cigar in his hand and the aroma of cigar smoke floated near him.
He had not intended to stay a moment because concerts and artistes bored him considerably but he remained leaning against the mantelpiece.
Miss Healy stood in front of him, talking and laughing.
He was old enough to suspect one reason for her politeness but young enough in spirit to turn the moment to account.
The warmth, fragrance and colour of her body appealed to his senses.
He was pleasantly conscious that the bosom which he saw rise and fall slowly beneath him rose and fell at that moment for him, that the laughter and fragrance and wilful glances were his tribute.
When he could stay no longer he took leave of her regretfully.
"O'Madden Burke will write the notice,"
he explained to Mr. Holohan,
"and I'll see it in."
"Thank you very much, Mr. Hendrick,"
said Mr. Holohan.
you'll see it in, I know.
Now, won't you have a little something before you go?"
"I don't mind,"
said Mr. Hendrick.
The two men went along some tortuous passages and up a dark staircase and came to a secluded room where one of the stewards was uncorking bottles for a few gentlemen.
One of these gentlemen was Mr. O'Madden Burke, who had found out the room by instinct.
He was a suave, elderly man who balanced his imposing body, when at rest, upon a large silk umbrella.
His magniloquent western name was the moral umbrella upon which he balanced the fine problem of his finances.
He was widely respected.
While Mr. Holohan was entertaining the Freeman man Mrs. Kearney was speaking so animatedly to her husband that he had to ask her to lower her voice.
The conversation of the others in the dressing-room had become strained.
Mr. Bell, the first item, stood ready with his music but the accompanist made no sign.
Evidently something was wrong.
Mr. Kearney looked straight before him, stroking his beard, while Mrs. Kearney spoke into Kathleen's ear with subdued emphasis.
From the hall came sounds of encouragement, clapping and stamping of feet.
The first tenor and the baritone and Miss Healy stood together, waiting tranquilly, but Mr. Bell's nerves were greatly agitated because he was afraid the audience would think that he had come late.
Mr. Holohan and Mr. O'Madden Burke came into the room
In a moment Mr. Holohan perceived the hush.
He went over to Mrs. Kearney and spoke with her earnestly.
While they were speaking the noise in the hall grew louder.
Mr. Holohan became very red and excited.
He spoke volubly, but Mrs. Kearney said curtly at intervals:
"She won't go on.
She must get her eight guineas."
Mr. Holohan pointed desperately towards the hall where the audience was clapping and stamping.
He appealed to Mr Kearney and to Kathleen.
But Mr. Kearney continued to stroke his beard and Kathleen looked down, moving the point of her new shoe:
it was not her fault.
Mrs. Kearney repeated:
"She won't go on without her money."
After a swift struggle of tongues Mr. Holohan hobbled out in haste.
The room was silent.
When the strain of the silence had become somewhat painful Miss Healy said to the baritone:
"Have you seen Mrs. Pat Campbell this week?"
The baritone had not seen her but he had been told that she was very fine.
The conversation went no further.
The first tenor bent his head and began to count the links of the gold chain which was extended across his waist, smiling and humming random notes to observe the effect on the frontal sinus.
From time to time everyone glanced at Mrs. Kearney.
The noise in the auditorium had risen to a clamour when Mr. Fitzpatrick burst into the room, followed by Mr. Holohan who was panting.
The clapping and stamping in the hall were punctuated by whistling.
Mr. Fitzpatrick held a few banknotes in his hand.
He counted out four into Mrs. Kearney's hand and said she would get the other half at the interval.
Mrs. Kearney said:
"This is four shillings short."
But Kathleen gathered in her skirt and said:
The singer and the accompanist went out together.
The noise in hall died away.
There was a pause of a few seconds:
and then the piano was heard.
The first part of the concert was very successful except for Madam Glynn's item.
The poor lady sang Killarney in a bodiless gasping voice, with all the old-fashioned mannerisms of intonation and pronunciation which she believed lent elegance to her singing.
She looked as if she had been resurrected from an old stage-wardrobe and the cheaper parts of the hall made fun of her high wailing notes.
The first tenor and the contralto, however, brought down the house.
Kathleen played a selection of Irish airs which was generously applauded.
The first part closed with a stirring patriotic recitation delivered by a young lady who arranged amateur theatricals.
It was deservedly applauded;
and, when it was ended, the men went out for the interval, content.
All this time the dressing-room was a hive of excitement.
In one corner were Mr. Holohan, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Miss Beirne, two of the stewards, the baritone, the bass, and Mr. O'Madden Burke.
Mr. O'Madden Burke said it was the most scandalous exhibition he had ever witnessed.
Miss Kathleen Kearney's musical career was ended in Dublin after that, he said.
The baritone was asked what did he think of Mrs. Kearney's conduct.
He did not like to say anything.
He had been paid his money and wished to be at peace with men.
However, he said that Mrs. Kearney might have taken the artistes into consideration.
The stewards and the secretaries debated hotly as to what should be done when the interval came.
"I agree with Miss Beirne,"
said Mr. O'Madden Burke.
"Pay her nothing."
In another corner of the room were Mrs. Kearney and he:
husband, Mr. Bell, Miss Healy and the young lady who had to recite the patriotic piece.
Mrs. Kearney said that the Committee had treated her scandalously.
She had spared neither trouble nor expense and this was how she was repaid.
They thought they had only a girl to deal with and that therefore, they could ride roughshod over her.
But she would show them their mistake.
They wouldn't have dared to have treated her like that if she had been a man.
But she would see that her daughter got her rights:
she wouldn't be fooled.
If they didn't pay her to the last farthing she would make Dublin ring.
Of course she was sorry for the sake of the artistes.
But what else could she do?
She appealed to the second tenor who said he thought she had not been well treated.
Then she appealed to Miss Healy.
Miss Healy wanted to join the other group but she did not like to do so because she was a great friend of Kathleen's and the Kearneys had often invited her to their house.
As soon as the first part was ended Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Holohan went over to Mrs. Kearney and told her that the other four guineas would be paid after the committee meeting on the following Tuesday and that, in case her daughter did not play for the second part, the committee would consider the contract broken and would pay nothing.
"I haven't seen any committee,"
said Mrs. Kearney angrily.
"My daughter has her contract.
She will get four pounds eight into her hand or a foot she won't put on that platform."
"I'm surprised at you, Mrs. Kearney,"
said Mr. Holohan.
"I never thought you would treat us this way."
"And what way did you treat me?"
asked Mrs. Kearney.
Her face was inundated with an angry colour and she looked as if she would attack someone with her hands.
"I'm asking for my rights."
she said.
You might have some sense of decency,"
said Mr. Holohan.
"Might I, indeed?...
And when I ask when my daughter is going to be paid I can't get a civil answer."
She tossed her head and assumed a haughty voice:
"You must speak to the secretary.
It's not my business.
I'm a great fellow fol-the-diddle-I-do."
"I thought you were a lady,"
said Mr. Holohan, walking away from her abruptly.
After that Mrs. Kearney's conduct was condemned on all hands:
everyone approved of what the committee had done.
She stood at the door, haggard with rage, arguing with her husband and daughter, gesticulating with them.
She waited until it was time for the second part to begin in the hope that the secretaries would approach her.
But Miss Healy had kindly consented to play one or two accompaniments.
Mrs. Kearney had to stand aside to allow the baritone and his accompanist to pass up to the platform.
She stood still for an instant like an angry stone image and, when the first notes of the song struck her ear, she caught up her daughter's cloak and said to her husband:
"Get a cab!"
He went out at once.
Mrs. Kearney wrapped the cloak round her daughter and followed him.
As she passed through the doorway she stopped and glared into Mr. Holohan's face.
"I'm not done with you yet,"
she said.
"But I'm done with you,"
said Mr. Holohan.
Kathleen followed her mother meekly.
Mr. Holohan began to pace up and down the room, in order to cool himself for he his skin on fire.
"That's a nice lady!"
he said.
"O, she's a nice lady!"
You did the proper thing, Holohan,"
said Mr. O'Madden Burke, poised upon his umbrella in approval. | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ぎゃあ! ......って、ミツハ様! 神兵様方は?
「痛いよっ! 放して!!」
「ごめん、悪かった! 勘弁して!!」
「ホント、悪かった! ごめんなさい!」
それで、帝国軍の状況はどうなっておりますか? 先鋒部隊の2~3割くらいは削れたでしょうか?」
「何じゃ、そりゃあああ!! お手伝いだけで、主役はうちの兵士達、って話だったのでは......」
「あ、じゃないわよ、あ、じゃ! これじゃ、うちは他国の貴族に丸々助けてもらっただけの弱虫、苛められっ子じゃないですか! 他国に舐められちゃいますよっ!!
それも、他者の戦功を奪うなど、王族としても貴族としても軍人としても、いえ、人間として最低の行為じゃないですか! それこそ、国の名誉も信用も失墜して、国が潰れちゃいますよっ!!」
駄目か......。 | Apia
!...... Mitsuha-sama! Where are the Divine soldiers? Where are the floating boats of the divine heaven? What was the result of the battle?] Remia
[That hurts! Let go of me!!] Mitsuha
I can’t stand it when someone grabs me by both shoulders and shakes me around!
[Ah, I’m sorry......] Remia
Princess Remia, who had been temporarily excited to see me suddenly appear, quickly regained her composure.
Well, she was anxiously waiting for the result, she also thought that I was going to come back by helicopter, also known as, the heavenly floating boat, but I came back alone by transfer. Anyone would be upset with it. It’s not unreasonable to think that <we were wiped out and I escaped by myself using transfer>......
[Well, the result of the battle is a complete defeat...] Mitsuha
~~!] Remia
[......For the enemy forces, that is... Whoa!] Mitsuha
Oi, that’s dangerous! She’s really trying to hit me!
[I’m sorry, it was my bad! Forgive me!] Mitsuha
No, really, that was my fault.
It seems in this world, there are jokes that you can and can’t tell.
......And now, it’s clearly the latter.
She was worried about the survival of her country, the lives and property of the people, and my life, but she could do nothing but wait and pray to God in anguish......
[It was really my bad! I’m sorry!] Mitsuha
As I earnestly apologized, Princess Remia rapidly regained her composure again. As expected of royalty, she has iron-like self-control!
[......No, I’m the one who should be apologizing......
I should know since I’m also educated to lead the army.
Fear and guilt on the battlefield. Those who are traumatized, and those who are mentally deranged......
I knew that the only way to rebound and blow them away was to act extraordinarily cheerful and laugh.
Commanders, in particular, are strictly forbidden to show any signs of anxiety or weakness. No matter how painful and sad it is, it’s part of the job of those who are in charge to joke and laugh, and they have to do so.
And I know that if you force yourself to go into a hyper-emotional state, you can’t suddenly go back. I also......] Remia
Oh, right. Princess Remia also said that she ordered the death of the masters of the hostile forces and then witnessed their execution...... She said that it was the duty of those who ordered the death of their own vassals......
And even now, they are massing their forces and deploying them in front of the royal city.
As expected, I can’t just leave it to one girl from another country and do nothing.
In case we are defeated or in case the enemy’s remaining troops, which we have dealt a heavy blow to, do not turn back to the Empire but rush towards the capital instead, we have to properly deploy our troops according to the enemy’s invasion route and prepared for delaying tactics.
While trying to buy as much time as possible, we’ll force the enemy to bleed, and finally run to the castle for a siege.
Of course, all the inhabitants of the surrounding area would be evacuated with gold and food, no human casualties, and we’ll also make sure that no gold or food will go to the enemy.
A conscripted army with the goal of looting would be angry or disheartened.
But we haven’t evacuated the people yet. It’s not that difficult to move faster than a fully equipped army with Transportation Corps in tow. It’s not too late to confirm our failure. So I’m just telling them to pack up what they need to escape and get ready.
In the first place, there’s no invading army that would chase the refugees past this castle once we’ve fortified it.
Anyway, Princess Remia is also <ready> and I’m not originally in a position to lead a war...... I’m just a former princess and the current head of the Viscount family. You may think that the battle is thrown to the commander of the territorial army...... and I think he’s pretty overwhelmed.
I’m not a genius, I can’t stop a war without hurting anyone, enemies, or allies.
But I’m not stupid enough to let a bunch of friendly soldiers and civilians die for the sake of respecting the enemy’s life.
I’ll prioritize the lives of allies over the lives of enemy soldiers.
So when it comes to the actions I choose to take, I will not regret them no matter what.
It was the result of choosing the best course of action available at the time, using the information and troops at hand.
If you fail due to lack of information, obtaining wrong information, or choosing the wrong method, there is no need to regret it because it is the result of your own thinking at the time.
......What you need to do at that time is not regret, but reflect. Reflecting on that will allow you to make the most of your mistakes.
A lot of people have died.
But it would have been much better than if the armies of both countries had fought head-on, and cities and villages had been attacked, looted, and overrun one after another.
The soldiers and civilians of this country, as well as the soldiers of the Imperial Army. If the battle proceeded normally, even if the enemy eventually wins, the death toll from that battle will surely greatly exceed the death toll of today.
And even though the actual number of casualties is small, in order to make the “next war” as difficult as possible, the best way is to have an overwhelming difference in power and make the enemy think that they are against a country that has the God or the devil on their side.
I wonder if they didn’t learn about that from the battle with our country.
I also wonder if all the senior officers who were on the front lines watching everything died and the rest couldn’t get home. The return trip would have been a mess with our pursuit team hot on their tail and angry monsters that they had tricked......
Or maybe they were able to return home safely but was blamed for the defeat and was purged, or maybe they didn’t believe his report and he was purged for fleeing before the enemy, or maybe he was purged because he was used as a scapegoat to direct the people’s anger......
It’s tough, being a great soldier.......
Princess Remia is silently looking at me.
......Do you think I’ll cling to you and cry my eyes out?
No, no, no, I used to be a normal high school girl in Japan until a while ago, but now I’m Mitsuha von Yamano, a sole proprietor and the head of a viscount family. I wouldn’t cry in front of the royalty of another country. I’ve been prepared for what happened today for several days, moreover, I’m acting to protect the lives of people in an allied country.
If I hadn’t done anything, many more people would have died. And most of them would not only be enemy soldiers but ordinary residents of this country as well.
From God’s perspective, is this mass murder, self-defense, or a battle for justice?
......Either way is fine.
And it’s not like I’m trying to flatter God either.
I simply stopped the empire from devouring the countries of the Grand Alliance one by one and protected the future of my friends and my country. With far fewer casualties than if I had stayed out of it.
[Have you called for help from the surrounding countries?] Mitsuha
Let’s get this out of the way. I have to get back to Wolf Fang’s headquarters before the debriefing after all.
[Of course, we sent out the fastest horses as soon as we’re almost certain that the Imperial Guard will cross the border. I don’t know how many countries will respond, and how many troops they will send out......
So, what is the status of the Imperial Army? Have we been able to cut down about -0% of the spearhead force?] Remia
Princess Remia asked me such a thing.
U~n, she should have gotten the information about the <Royal Capital Absolute Defense Battle> in our country......
As expected, she thought that with only two helicopters, we would have much less strength than we did back then......
Well, there was not much human damage even then. Most of the damage to the imperial army was not caused by the battle in front of the royal capital, but by the pursuit during the retreat......
[I think the death toll is probably in the hundreds.] Mitsuha
Yeah, that’s about right, and it’s a very small percentage of the total number of their army. It’s not that there aren’t armies out there that would rush in after a few hundred people died in battle...... at least not that rare.
And the imperial army is highly disciplined, not the kind of army that can be defeated so easily. So it’s no wonder that Princess Remia doesn’t easily believe me when I say <the enemy is completely defeated> after only inflicting that level of damage......
If that’s the extent of the damage, one would think that the invasion would continue with little or no impact, right?
[Anyway, the command structure of the Imperial Army has been destroyed, and the Imperial Army is currently running towards the border. We have to hurry up and inform the other countries that our army is <completely victorious and we don’t need reinforcements>. Or else, you’ll be wasting their time and the amount of money you’ll have to pay will increase.] Mitsuha
[Eh?] Remia
[No, moving reinforcements from such a distance will cost a lot of money, so we’ll have to send them a lot of money and goods as thanks......] Mitsuha
Princess Remia looked aghast.
[No, we also used about six ground personnel, but......] Mitsuha
Well, from Princess Remia’s point of view, it’s not much different.
[None.] Mitsuha
[What the hell is that? I thought we were talking about our soldiers playing the main role, not support......] Remia
[Oh, no, this can’t be happening! So, with this, we’ll look like a weak, bullied child who’s been rescued by the nobles of another country! We’ll be looked down on by the other countries!
......No, of course, I’m grateful. If we had fought normally, we wouldn’t have known whether the siege would hold until reinforcements arrived from other countries, and in the first place, how many countries were willing to send reinforcements.......
In the past, my father might have helped me, but I’m a little girl after all, and the attempted rebellion has greatly damaged the credibility of the country...
And if we had fought, many soldiers would have died and some residents would have been caught in the middle.
Since the damage is minimal and the human casualties are almost nil, I should perform a dogeza or prostration right now...... I am well aware of this, but......] Remia
Perhaps she was excited, Princess Remia has a little restraint in her wording.
But what she’s saying makes sense. This is my fault.
That’s right, there is such a thing as the face of a country......
However, it is also awkward to have allied soldiers die in vain for the sake of national prestige or to show that their own soldiers also fought. That’s exactly what killing enemy soldiers is, many times, many dozens of times better.......
Can you look at the face of the bereaved family of a soldier who died from head-on combat?
[I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for us to end it on our own at first, either.
But I didn’t want the soldiers of this country to die in vain. If they’re going to die fighting, I want them to die in a way that makes sense, when and where it’s really necessary. For the sake of this country, and for the sake of the people they are supposed to protect......] Mitsuha
I want to convince her somehow.
Oh, right!
[How about we pretend that the soldiers of this country also fought......] Mitsuha
[If we tell a bad lie and get caught, we’ll be a laughing stock and lose all credibility!
It’s the worst thing you can do as a royal, a noble, or a military man, or even as a human being, to take away someone else’s war service! It will ruin the honor and credibility of the country, and the country will collapse!!] Remia
Not good it seems....... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 14,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
「・引天〟! 〝四陣・閃華〟!」
「〝一陣・重閃〟! 切り裂け、〝飛爪・四連〟!!」
「雫! 避けろ!」
「うっせぇよ! それならなぁ、俺だってお前の動きは分かるんだよ!」
「しゃらくせぇ! 〝重金剛〟!」
「龍太郎! 無事!?」
「そろそろ恵里が心配だ。二人には色々と驚かされたけど、手札はもう尽きただろう? 終わりにさせてもらうよ」
衝撃で咄嗟に動けなかった光輝の顔面に、龍太郎の巌のような拳が突き刺さった。ゴバッ! と顔面への攻撃としては鳴ってはならない音を響かせ、光輝が鼻血を撒き散らしながら吹き飛ぶ。
「しず、く。俺を、斬らなかった、のは......未だ、俺を想って、くれる心が......残っているから、だろう? 南雲の、洗脳も、完璧じゃない。......その証拠に、殺意を、感じなかった」
「光輝。どう? これで洗脳は解けたはずよ。自分が何をしていたのか。今、何が起きているのか......分かっているわね?」
「そうだ......これは罠だ。卑劣な策略なんだ......あいつが仕組んだんだ......俺は嵌められただけ......俺は悪くない。俺は悪くないんだ。あいつが俺の大切なものを全部奪ったから。悪いのはあいつだ。あいつさえいなければ全部上手くいったんだ。なのに、香織も雫も龍太郎も鈴も、皆、あいつを......裏切りだ。俺は裏切られたんだ。俺はっ、裏切られたんだ! お前等に!」
「っ、光輝! 止めなさい! もう魔力は枯渇しているはずよ! それ以上は命に関わるわ!」
「ちくしょう! どうなってんだ! 何で魔力が溢れてんだよ! 無くなったんじゃなかったのかっ」
「無いはずよ! 光輝に供給されていた魔力のラインは一緒に断ち切ったもの。今だって、周囲の魔素を吸収して回復しているわけじゃないわ!」
「そんなのっ、無いなら他から持ってくるしかないじゃない! 大方、生命力とか魂とか、その辺から無理やり引き出しているんでしょ! いずれにしろ碌なものじゃない!」
「くそったれ! 光輝ぃ! 正気に戻りやがれぇ!」
「正気? あの神威、さっきまでのそれより遥かに危険よ。トレント形態でも吸収しきれないわ。......死ぬわよ」
「く、来るな! 来るんじゃない! それ以上、来たら、本当に殺すぞ! たとえ、龍太郎でも、本当に殺すぞ!」
「りゅ、龍太郎? そ、そんな、なんで、受け止められるはずが......」
「そんなの、決まってる、だろ? 道を間違えたってんなら......殴って、止めてやるのが......親友の......役目じゃねぇか」
「歯ぁ食いしばりなさいっ! 大馬鹿者っ!」
ドゴッ! と鈍く大きな音と同時に光輝の頬に強烈な衝撃が伝わった。頭の芯まで響く威力に、一瞬意識が飛ぶ。直ぐに戻った視界もチカチカと明滅していた。脳震盪を起こしたのか手足から自然と力が抜けていく。
「これは迷惑をかけられた私の分! これは厄介事を押し付けられた私の分! これはフォローを台無しにされた私の分! これは説教したのに適当に流された私の分! 他にも色々あるけど取り敢えず私の分! これもあれもそれもどれこれも私の分!」
「ぶっ! べっ! ぼっ! ばっ! ごっ! ひっ! ぎっ! げぇ! おぼっ! あべしっ! ぶべらっ!?」
オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラッ!! と聞こえてきそうな勢いで、ひたすら自分の分だと言いながら光輝の顔面を往復ビンタならぬ往復殴打する雫。キラキラと宙を舞う白い物体は、きっと光輝の歯だ。
「待たない! あんたが泣いて謝るまで殴るのを止めないわ! もうね、いい加減、堪忍袋の緒が切れたって話よ! いつまでも駄々を捏ねて! 思い通りにいかないからって不貞腐れて自棄を起こして! そのツケを周りに押し付けて! このクソ餓鬼っ。あんたの言い分はもう聞かない! 言って分からない馬鹿は、殴って教え込むわ! 覚悟しなさい!」
「こんなはずじゃなかった? そんなの当たり前でしょう! 思い通りになる人生なんてないわよ! 皆、歯を食いしばって、頭抱えて、〝それでも〟って頑張ってんのよ! 目の前の事実から逃げ出しておいて、戦おうともしないで、望んだ未来なんて手に入るわけないでしょう! あんたはね、結局、ただの甘ったれたガキよっ。都合の悪いことからは目を逸らして、言い訳ばかりに頭を回して、それも間に合わなくなったら他人のせいにして......」
「何もかもおしまいですって? ふざけんじゃないわよっ。勝手に終わらせられると思ったら大間違いよ。楽に死なせてなんてやるものですかっ。いくら言っても分からないなら、無理矢理でも分からせてやるわ。首に縄をつけて、引き摺ってでも連れ帰ってやるわ。それから、馬鹿なことをする度にしこたま殴ってやる!」
「そう? まぁ、たとえそうなっても、男扱いはしないわよ?」
「ねぇ、何で、そんな温い雰囲気なの? ねぇ、光輝くん。そいつらは敵だよ? 光輝くんから大切なものを根こそぎ奪った憎い憎い敵に付いた裏切り者だよ? どうして仲良くおしゃべりしているのかな? 何でかな? ねぇ、何で?」
「なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ? なにそれ?」
「さぁ? 出来れば道連れにしたいところだけど?」
「厨二? リアルで『お姉様~』とか言っちゃうイタイ奴には言われたくないなぁ。鈴って百合の気あるよね。何度か身の危険を感じたことあるし。有り得ないくらい変態だよね。マジキモイ」
「あはは、あんなの冗談の範疇でしょ? 初恋こじらせて、明後日の方向に突っ走っちゃった勘違い女に変態扱いはされたくないなぁ。有り得ないくらいイタイよね。マジキモイ」
「......なに、泣いてんの? ばっかみたい」
「鈴も何となく分かっているでしょ? なのに何で泣いてんの」
「......あの時、あの橋の上で出会ったのが鈴だったなら......どうなってたのかな? な~んて、うん、私が一番の馬鹿」
「恵里、すず――私は、恵里と親友で良かった! たとえ偽りでも、歪でも、楽しかった! 私はっ」
「よっしゃ! あいつら追いかけて、色々手伝ってやるか!」
「それに、時計塔も倒壊したわよ? 空間を繋げる出入り口があるように見えないけど」
「なら、他の都市を探そう! かなりボロボロだけど、騙し騙し使えばまだしばらくはスカイボードも保つと思う。空からならきっと直ぐに見つかるよ!」
そうして、鈴、雫、龍太郎、光輝の四人は、ハジメ達の後を追うべく他の廃都市を探しに異界の空を翔るのだった。 | After Suzu pursued Eri and vanished at the other side of the ruined buildings, Shizuku and Ryutaro held a battle evenly against the attacking sixty corpse beast soldiers while also opposing Kouki.
If Ryutaro who metamorphosed his own flesh and invoked advanced metamorphosis magic ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’ to display a monster’s special characteristic approached Kouki, then the soldiers would try to hinder him or possibly take him by surprise, but Shizuku would deal with them.
The swarm of black katana she received from Hajime――’Living Swords’ rushed freely around the battlefield, they cooperated like a single living thing and grouped on the soldiers and cut them down.
Shizuku’s command echoed in the battlefield. Following that command, inside the swarm of twenty katana, four katana cut apart the large shields of the corpse beast soldiers who were possessing defensive type characteristic magic, even space was cut along with them. And then, the ranks of the soldiers became disordered. Four more black katana launched wind blades toward the soldiers who lost their steel shields.
The wind blades soaring invisibly with spectacular timing and mercilessly cut apart two large shield holders. The soldiers didn’t get bisected because of their high defensive power, but both their arms were severed from the shoulder and rotated in the air.
“‘Group Three – Draw Sky’! ‘Group Four – Flash Blossom’!”
Furthermore, nimble soldiers were using the shield holder soldiers as stepping stone, jumping in the air to stab Ryutaro in the back, but they were pulled back forcefully by four black katana shining dark blue. The large sword and spear they held in their hand were attached tight
The large sword user and spear user who exposed fatal opening were immediately split vertically into two by the space rifts launched behind them. As expected, although they were corpse beast soldiers they would be rendered unable to fight without fail after getting bisected vertically like that.
Even the soldiers with healing type characteristic magic would need time to heal the loss of limbs or from getting bisected. And then, there was no way Shizuku would give them that kind of time so this was the same like removing them from the stage.
The soldiers attempted simultaneous attacks from up, down, left, and right to such Shizuku. Reddish black glints’ of eyes stabbed Shizuku, the killing intents rode the wind and caressed her skin.
Yet, a soft mentality that would shrink back against something of that level had already been thrown away by Shizuku. Especially now that at her side she had the swarm of black katana given as protection to her from the man she was in love with.
“‘First Group – Gravity Flash’! Cut apart, ‘Soaring Claw – Four Ream’!!”
Four black katana pointed their tip outward at the four directions around Shizuku and then they orbited around her, the katana even rotated with twirls that looked elegant. The skill that was invoked was a skill that could temporarily cut gravity――’Gravity Flash’.
The result, the approaching soldiers were suddenly released from the chain of gravity and their balance was greatly broken. Not letting such decisive opening escaping, Shizuku’s sword-draw slashed. With a speed to the degree where her sword arm looked blurred, four sword-draws were repeated within an instant. Each time bell-like sound
Furthermore, from behind them the black katana that were launched to the surrounding returned with fierce speed, cutting into pieces the headless soldiers without any difficulty.
Shizuku’s ‘Living Swords’ were basically organized into five groups with four katana in each group. By chanting the group name and skill name, she could give the same order to one group. Also, every single one of the twenty katana had their own respective name like ‘Slash One, Slash Two’, Shizuku could also give an order to individual sword using those names. When Shizuku chanted the name of the technique, each of the Living Swords would attack the enemy with their own judgment using sword art based on Yaegashi-style that wasn’t inferior to the skill of Shizuku herself.
Exactly as the name of ‘Living Swords’, all the black katana could have mutual understanding and image sharing with Shizuku using metamorphosis magic, so all the black katana could be controlled as the display of Shizuku’s will without any time lag.
And, at that time, an angry yell reached Shizuku who was evading the fierce assault of the soldiers.
“Shizuku! Dodge!”
A warning from Ryutaro. Without confirming the content of that warning, Shizuku activated ‘Air Force’ and ‘Ground Shrinker’ and evacuated from that spot in one breath.
Right after that, the spot where Shizuku was at just a moment before was shot through by the flash of Heaven Might along with thunderous roar. One soldier who was swallowed in a bad luck was erased not even leaving any dust behind.
“Kouki. Bastaard, you purposefully overlapped the line of fire. Now you’ve really done it.”
“I’m thoroughly familiar with Ryutaro’s movement pattern after all. It’s really easy to guide your movement.”
“Shut up! If it’s about that, then even me also know how you gonna move!”
Ryutaro rapidly approached Kouki with his ogre flesh. The scene of the huge body that easily passed two-meter scattering shockwave around while advancing had the intensity that could make anyone felt their stomach went cold.
“That’s pointless.”
However, on the other hand, Kouki’s expression didn’t even twitch. And then, without any chanting or gesture, the dragon on his back――the avatar of Heaven Might was controlled and shaped into a shield. Although, because the shield was made from Heaven Might itself, even though it was taking the shape of a shield it was still the light of destruction that contained the property of attack power of annihilation.
“Come on! ‘Folded Vajra’!”
Ryutaro didn’t falter. He crossed both his arms and applied the special trait of the ogre he metamorphosed into, the deployment of multiple ‘Vajra’. It was a derivative technique that boasted toughness in the same level with concentrated reinforcement, this ‘Vajra’ was folded into double and triple layers and formed a protection of steel wall.
Ryutaro who was turned into a single steel mass charged into the shield of Heaven Might without stopping.
And then, even while his ‘Folded Vajra’ was blown away, he splendidly managed to breakthrough with only some wound.
“Yes. I thought that if it’s Ryutaro he would surely do that.”
The voice that resounded there was Kouki’s calm voice.
The moment Ryutaro charged through the shield, with excellent timing a breath attack approached him. Ryutaro who had just released his ‘Vajra’ was approached by destructive light where it wouldn’t end well for him if it hit even with his tough flesh of ogre.
But, even while being illuminated by the light of Heaven Might, Ryutaro showed a fearless smile. As though to say “I thought you are going to do that yeah?”.
“Come, wolf king of the abyss, ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’!”
Right after that, the breath of Heaven Might swallowed where Ryutaro was.
At the same time, Kouki turned his holy sword to the side and took a defensive stance, there
The tip of a claw was barely stopped in front of Kouki’s eyes. The one who unleashed that claw was a bizarre shape with wolf head, furry upper body, and five sharp claws growing. It looked exactly like a werewolf in a fairy tale.
Kouki wordlessly brandished the light dragon to attack. But, when the light dragon’s claw swept at where Ryutaro was, Ryutaro had already circled to the opposite side and his roundhouse kick attacked Kouki’s shoulder. That abnormal speed blew away Kouki who could only gaze in wonderment.
And, the next moment Ryutaro caught up to the blown away Kouki, his wicked claw swung.
The outrageous speed and offensive power made Kouki raised a groan reflexively. Even so, while repelling the claw with his sword, he commanded the light dragon and let flew countless light bullets. The Heaven Might’s light that swept up like gatling gun became a counterattack that assaulted Ryutaro, but Ryutaro evaded all of that while leaving behind afterimages.
Metamorphosis magic ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’――Mode Werewolf. Compared to the ogre shape the power and endurance of this from dropped, but the speed increased to an incomparable degree.
Ryutaro who slipped through the light bullets rushed into Kouki’s bosom and lunged with a slash of sharp claws.
“Something like this-”
Instantly, Kouki broke the shape of the light dragon and exploded the light of the Heaven Might. Light swelled up all at once with Kouki as the center. Kouki who turned into a star made Ryutaro unable to endure and withdrew back.
But, his body was quite burned from what he couldn’t evade. Ryutaro had immediately crossed both his arms and protected his vital spots, but this model wasn’t suited for its endurance. His fur was greatly carbonized and smoked while he was made to take distance.
“Ryutaro! You okay!?”
“Ou, I only got hit a little bit there. Just this much is no biggie.”
Shizuku who cut apart several soldiers and rushed toward Ryutaro poured down special healing liquid she received from Hajime on Ryutaro’s head. This time Ryutaro’s body smoked up for a different reason while Ryutaro’s wolfish gaze glared at Kouki.
“Rather than that, as expected that Heaven Might is troublesome. It changes shape too much. I cannot attack him when it matters.”
“Then, let’s try it with the two of us this time. Thanks to Ryutaro holding back Kouki, I have finished taking care the majority of the soldiers.”
“Okay. Suzu is also going all out after all. No way we can say that we cannot win even with two people here.”
“Right. We are going to beat up that idiot quickly!”
Confirming that Kouki changed the shape of Heaven Might into a light dragon once more and fired breath attack to them, Shizuku and Ryutaro dispersed in one breath.
Looking at that, Kouki shook his head once and then burst out with even more magic power, his expression was an expression of determination.
“I’m getting worried for Eri. I got surprised in various things by the two of you, however, you two has used up your trump card right? I’ll end this right now.”
Kouki simultaneously invoked the mini light dragons, the Heaven Might version of Sky Flying Sword, and the Heaven Might version of Heaven Meteor Rain in the attempt to overrun the two altogether with the battlefield.
The current Kouki was just like a fortress that randomly shot laser cannons. The light of Heaven Might that was formed into various shapes around Kouki thoroughly destroyed the ruined buildings in the area while approaching Ryutaro and Shizuku to envelop them.
But, putting it another way it also could be said that it was a rough attack that lack refinement. For that reason, Ryutaro laughed. Because he had guessed that Kouki who got impatient after witnessing their persistence would surely rely on large technique.
Right now it was the time to show their trump card that was prepared for against Kouki.
“Come, great tree that pierces the sky-, ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’-!”
Amidst the many approaching Heaven Might, the fur of the werewolf fell out, and that body transformed. Everywhere throughout the body turned gnarled, the skin was dyed into blackish brown color, the hair also changed into deep green color. In all that changes, only the eyes were releasing glaring light of reddish black color.
Right after that, Ryutaro was attacked by small light dragons and the meteor shower of Heaven Might. Ryutaro didn’t even dodge, he charged toward Kouki while being swallowed into the light.
“Ryutaro, sleep for a while for me.”
Kouki was convinced that Ryutaro was defeated and murmured that. Putting aside the ogre shape that was specialized for defense, there was no way for Ryutaro right now who didn’t seem to use ‘Vajra’ to be able to endure that.
But, that thinking was immediately proved to be wrong.
“Don’t screw with me. No way I’m going to sleep before beating you until you wake up.”
Ryutaro leaped out unhurt from inside the light.
And then, Kouki who was completely taken by surprise and shown opening was punched by the fist of the rapidly approaching Ryutaro. The straight punch that lunged straight stabbed toward Kouki’s stomach across the armor. The aim that accurately struck to the solar plexus produced a grand impact that was transmitted toward the inside of Kouki’s body without anything spared, whipping up his internal organ.
Kouki knew well about the destructive power of Ryutaro’s fist, but still, even with his holy armor and impact mitigation skill, the terrific power that might blow away his consciousness made his mind fell into chaos for a moment. His throat was blocked by the blood he vomited from the unbearable pain.
Metamorphosis magic ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’――Model Trent. It was a plant type monster that lived at floor ninety of the abyss. Its special trait was to absorb light and converted the light energy that it absorbed. The converted energy could be changed into anything, whether magic power, stamina, or pure muscle power.
Yes, Ryutaro with this trent shape absorbed the light of Heaven Might that was a light element magic, he then converted that into physical strength.
Because the impact didn’t disperse and was concentrated at one point when it was let out, Kouki didn’t get blown away, his body was lifted up and laid down on the fist. To this Ryutaro laughed fiercely at Kouki.
“Yoo, are you waking up a little with this, best friend.”
“Guh, Ryuta――”
“This one is a freebie. Just how long you are going to sleep talking huh!”
The face of Kouki who couldn’t move immediately from the impact was punched by Ryutaro’s fist that was like a rock.
Even so, his body that was reinforced by Ehito was barely able to keep the connection of his consciousness. He somehow controlled the light dragon that was connected with him and tried to fix his posture.
In a moment, a goosebump suddenly went through Kouki’s spine. At the same time, his ‘Presence Detection’ notified him of the existence of the swordsman lying in wait in the direction where he was blown away.
Naturally, the one who endured the storm of Heaven Might and corpse beast soldiers and circled around was Shizuku. She was standing still in her stance of sword-drawing, while compressing her magic power to an amazing density. Her sheath was creaking loudly as though unable to endure the power, dark blue magic power was overflowing out from the mouth of the sheath.
Kouki desperately attempted to put a brake on himself while calling Shizuku’s name with a voice that sounded similar with a groan from the burden in his body.
“Be obedient and accept it, this one attack.”
Like that, while her figure vanished with ‘No Beat’ Shizuku stepped forward while faintly whispering “――’Soul Demolition'”. The flash of sword-draw that was unleashed along with that whisper drew a splendid straight line on the air and bisected Kouki.
The definite sensation of a slash passing through inside his body made Kouki screamed wordlessly while feeling that he was unmistakably cut.
But, he finally escaped from the impact Ryutaro inflicted on him while seeing Shizuku who passed through him and stayed unmoving in slashing posture, and then he managed to stop moving. Kouki’s eyes reflexively widened, and then, feeling dumbfounded his hand crawled on his body.
Under his hands there wasn’t any sign of cut for even a bit, his body was certainly still connected in one piece safely.
“Just, what in the world...-, what, my magic power is-”
For a moment, Kouki was thinking something convenient that the feeling of getting cut was only his imagination and as expected Shizuku was unable to cut him, but right after that, he was made to know that Shizuku’s slash had definitely reached him.
The light dragon that Kouki had on his back was split into two with the upper part slipping off diagonally, but it dispersed all at once right after. Not only that, even the meteor swarm of Heaven Might – Heaven Meteor Rain that he launched, also the flying slashes of Heaven Might – Sky Flying Sword, and also the small light dragons that flew around like all-range weapon, they were all dispersed.
In that situation, a feeling of lethargy attacked him like it was only natural. Kouki’s body staggered and fell on the ground. Even his flight using the light dragon, also the ‘Air Force’ from his boot became unable to be maintained.
Even so in order to avoid falling to his death Kouki landed on his knees. Shizuku and Ryutaro landed down in front of him.
“Shi, zuku, what, did you do...”
Kouki asked with trembling voice.
“‘Soul Demolition’――the base of this skill is the ability of soul magic that could interfere with the immaterial of the living thing. This skill will search for the source of power in the target. The target’s magic power, stamina, mental, those things that eye couldn’t see could even be cut with this. Cutting only what you want to cut...the farthest territory that a swordsman should reach, I cheated and progressed until there.” (TN: There is the implication that she was asking Hajime’s help in accomplishing this.)
Kouki’s eyes opened wide at Shizuku’s explanation. His expression was dumbfounded as though to say “What the hell with that”.
It was only normal for him to be like that. After all Shizuku didn’t affect Kouki’s body and only cut apart the magic power overflowing inside the body. Indeed, it could be said that cutting only what one wanted to cut regardless of any obstacle was the swordsman’s farthest territory.
Shizuku was being humble saying that she was cheating as a swordsman thanks to the help of the black katana, but in actuality just by invoking ‘Soul Demolition’ wouldn’t so easily let the user choose the target to cut.
After all, it was an act of penetrating every factor of the human body and cut only the target. It would take a really clear image supplementation and above all a tenacious will to accomplish that. A clear will without any hesitation, of cutting only what one wanted to cut while absolutely not wounding anything outside it at all.
It sounded easy to do just by listening to the explanation, but it was actually not as simple as it sounds, it was something impossible if the swordsman wasn’t someone at Shizuku’s level. At the very least even Kouki who learned the same Yeagashi-style wouldn’t be able to use ‘Soul Demolition’ perfectly.
“...But, that was a bit of a blunder. I thought that I’m going to sever the curse of ‘Bind Soul’ with the attack just now, but I couldn’t reach it because it was protected by magic power. ...You are still watching a convenient dream right now aren’t you?”
sound Shizuku prepared the black katana in her hand once more, seeing that Kouki’s expression distorted.
“Shizu, ku. You couldn’t, cut me, are still, thinking of me, in your heart....that feeling, still remained, right? Nagumo’s, brainwashing, isn’t perfect. ...I cannot, feel your killing intent, is the proof of that.”
“It’s, fine. Ryutaro also, didn’t, try to kill me. I will save the two of you――”
Kouki’s words were halted. Because Shizuku unleashed the ‘Soul Demolition’ with the drawing out of her black katana. Ryutaro who was crossing his arms on the side while wrinkling up his eyebrows patted Shizuku’s shoulder as though to say ‘thanks for the hard work’.
Shizuku also sighed ‘fuuh’ while sheathing her katana back. That was because she was convinced that Eri’s ‘Bind Soul’ was cut. With this, the mind that was filled all over with inconsistencies planted by Eri should be crumbling.
“Kouki. How do you feel? With this the brainwashing should be released already. What have you been doing until now. What are happening right understand aren’t you?”
“Well, no matter. Anyway, just reflect on yourself there. Later we gotta chase after Nagumo and others quickly, punch that ****** god, and then help the guys fighting on the surface......we are going back yeah, Kouki.”
Shizuku and Ryutaro called at Kouki, but there wasn’t any reply from Kouki. He kept being down on the ground on all fours without even lifting his face. His expression was hidden by his hair and completely unseen.
Although, even though he was not replying it seemed that he wasn’t in silence. The ears of Ryutaro and Shizuku caught the faint sound. A small voice that didn’t even form words. Kouki was hanging his head down while whispering inaudibly.
“――――Lies, impossible. This is strange. Absolutely, wrong. Because I am correct. I was just being brainwashed. For me to be the Ryutaro...what had I done...even though it shouldn’t be like this...even though I just want to act righteously...I just want to be a hero...just like Jii-chan...that’s, all...why something like this is...everything is stolen...because Shizuku and Kaori too were stolen by that guy...Ryutaro is also that guy’s ally...”
“O, oi. Kouki!”
“That’s right...this is a trap. A foul scheme...that guy plotted this...I just got caught in it...I’m not in the wrong. I’m not wrong. This is because that guy stole everything important to me. The wrong one is that guy. If only that guy isn’t here then everything will go well. Yet, Kaori and Shizuku and Ryutaro and Suzu too, everyone, to that guy...this is a betrayal. I was betrayed. I was-, betrayed! By all of you!”
Kouki ignored Shizuku and Ryutaro’s calling and kept whispering before he suddenly lifted his face in the blink of eye with a dangerous look, glaring at the two with a gaze filled with hatred.
No, perhaps that expression, should be called as grief instead. The feeling of guilt and remorse, the uneasiness of being unable to return anymore, fretfulness, despair, and so on, the saturation of the negative emotions was attacking himself, even he himself already didn’t understand just what should he do, it was that kind of expression. Kouki was in a state of panic.
His appearance, was just like a lost child.
But, the strength that he possessed wasn’t that of a child by any means. A scream that was filled with plenty of Kouki’s hatred and grief resounded, at the same time his magic power that should have dried up surged out with an unbelievable force. The magic power thunderously twisted in a spiral and pierced the sky.
That radiance, was as if...
“-, Kouki! Stop it! Your magic power should have dried up already! Doing more than this will affect your life!”
“Damn it! What the hell! Why his magic power is overflowing like this! Wasn’t it gone already-”
“It should have been gone! It was severed together with the line that supplied magic power to Kouki. Even now he isn’t absorbing the magic factor at the area to recover!”
“Then just why-!”
“Something likes that-, because it is gone then he can only take it from another thing! Perhaps, his life force or his soul, he is pulling out magic power forcefully from those kinds of things right now! Sooner or later this won’t end well for him!”
“******* ****! Koukii! Come back to your sensees!”
Yes, as if it was the radiance of Kouki’s life.
Shizuku had certainly used ‘Soul Demolition’ to sever the magic power and the supply line that provided him with infinite magic power inside Kouki. There was no doubt about that. And then, even with ‘High-Speed Magic Recovery’ that recovered oneself by absorbing magic factor from outside, it was impossible to recover this radically. Actually, even looking at the flow of magic power that Kouki spouted out, they couldn’t catch sight of any magic from the surrounding flowing into Kouki at all.
That there was the magic power that shouldn’t be there, meant that Kouki was paying some kind of compensation to forcefully bring it from somewhere, such thinking was a valid one. And then, this method that normally was impossible couldn’t be expected to be safe or anything. If Kouki was left alone as it was, undoubtedly there would be compensation that Kouki couldn’t shut his eyes from.
In front of the storm of magic power that released outrageous light and pressure, Shizuku and Ryutaro braced themselves, they held their arms in front of their face while calling at Kouki. But, Kouki kept being in a frenzied state, his ear didn’t listen. With hatred and grief in his expression, it was as though he was trying to destroy the reality before his eyes, no, it was as though he was trying to destroy himself, the radiance of his light was strengthening.
“...Anything and everything are over. I wonder, why has it become like this. Kaori is there, Shizuku is there, Ryutaro is there, Eri and Suzu are also there, together with everyone, we are overcoming the difficulty...that’s how it should be, and yet”
Kouki’s monolog with an expression of crying smile, was resounding extremely clearly.
“Something like this is not what I wished for. If everything, is lost then...if not a single one cannot be taken back then...then I’d rather everything is gone, with this hand!”
The ground and building in the area that were hit by the torrent of magic power became dust and got annihilated. Right now, the radiance of magic power became the radiance of Heaven Might. At the same time, that raging light was gradually focusing and forming shape.
“...Oi, Shizuku. I’ll take care of the Heaven Might. I’ll leave Kouki to you.”
“Are you sane? That Heaven Might is far more dangerous than before you know? You won’t be able to absorb it even in trent model. ...You are going to die there.”
The words that Ryutaro murmured while enduring the tyranny of light with a grim expression, made Shizuku frowned even more. But, in contrast Ryutaro was making a fearless smile on his lips.
“Heh, I’m not gonna die here. No way I’m gonna get killed by that guy’s hand. I cannot die here no matter what, that’s why I’m absolutely not gonna die!”
“You muscle brain. There is no logic or anything in what you said just now. ...But, fine then. Right now is not the time where logic is needed. Beat up that sulky desperate idiot until he is crying and apologizing okay!”
Ryutaro leaped forward. With a fierce smile, he clenched his fist hardly like a rock filled with the resolve of bringing back his best friend without fail.
Right after that, along with a scream, a torrent of light――the bombardment of Heaven Might spiraled out from the thrust forward holy sword and violently assaulted the two.
But, Ryutaro didn’t falter. Rather “BRING IT OOON!” he raised a war cry and met the attack from the front. He crossed both his arms and stepped forward while fully displaying the trait of the large tree monster.
Along with a tremendous impact sound, the bombardment of Heaven Might directly hit Ryutaro. But, Ryutaro wasn’t annihilated. He wasn’t blown away. Like a rock that blocked a raging stream and changed the water flow, like a towering large tree that didn’t even twitch against a furious storm, he kept blocking the light of devastation right from the front and advanced a step, and then one more step forward.
Looking at that unshakeable figure, Kouki’s eyes opened wide. He was convinced that the Heaven Might that he unleashed right now had the greatest power compared to everything until now. Yet despite so, Ryutaro blocked it from the front. As though to say, that he wouldn’t run away from Kouki, as though to say that he wouldn’t avert his eyes.
The reddish black glint of eyes of his transformed best friend that pierced him straight from between the torrent of light, made Kouki’s leg backed off unconsciously. Those eyes were telling him “I’m absolutely, going right there. I’m not gonna let you run away no matter what!” more eloquently than anything.
Like that, Kouki who was half dazed from that intense will of his best friend came back to his senses with a ‘hah’. When he noticed, he had been approached until there wasn’t that much distance remaining between them.
“Do, don’t come! Don’t come here! If you, come closer than that, I’m going to kill you for real! Even if it’s Ryutaro, I’m really going to kill you!”
Kouki yelled with an expression that was going to break in tears anytime in derangement. Seeing the figure of Ryutaro who had approached near him until the distance where he could even see his face, Kouki’s heart became even more disturbed.
Yes, Ryutaro was already wounded all over his body. No matter how great the trait of light-absorbing the trent model had, there was this thing called limit, in actuality, the light of destruction that couldn’t be dealt by the trent’s trait was making both his arms torn all over, everywhere in his body had blood spurting out.
But, nonetheless Ryutaro was still smiling fearlessly. And then, he advanced, one more step.
Kouki screamed. Even himself already didn’t understand just what he was doing. He was merely repeating ‘it shouldn’t be like this’ in his heart while wielding his strength to deny the reality before his eyes.
The mass of Heaven Might that was completely formed was a giant that could even come out in legend. The giant of light held its large arm aloft, and clenched its fist. And then, light exploded with Kouki’s scream as the nourishment, like that the fist swung downward toward Ryutaro below like a star.
A thunderous sound resounded. The ground was bursting open with the place where Ryutaro was at as the center, everything was swept away in a radial shape.
“A, aa...”
Kouki moaned. While being in a daze he was convinced in the corner of his mind. Right now, he had killed his best friend with his own hand. Kouki’s heart was creaking. His eyes lost focus, meaningless thought was running around in his head.
Like that, Kouki’s mind was almost breaking down, at that time,
“Yoo, best friend. What, a ****** pathetic face, you are making there.”
The dust was blown away.
There Ryutaro was standing. He was alive. Not only that, while grinning fiercely, he was stopping the crushing blow of the giant with both his arms lifted up. His body that was like a gnarled blackish brown tree had cracks running everywhere on it, blood was spurting out from all over his tattered body, yet the strength residing in those eyes wasn’t weakening even for a bit.
“Ryu, Ryutaro? Su, such thing, why, this should be impossible to bloc...”
“Stupid...idiot. A fist, like this...without any spirit in not gonna work on me. ...Hey, Kouki. You...just cannot kill me. Do you...understand why huh?”
“See. That’s because, the current invincible. Since the time I decided-, that I’m gonna bring back my stupid idiot best friend-...I am invincible-. That’s why-, you...won’t be able to kill me-. Until I bring you back-...I’m absolutely...not gonna get killed or anything—”
“u, a...wh, why are you, going that far...”
The heroic words and figure of his best friend caused Kouki’s voice to be caught up in his throat.
Facing such Kouki, Ryutaro smiled broadly with wounds all over his body and formed his words.
“Something like that, is obvious, right? If your friend went the wrong path...punching, and stopping a best friend’s...role ain’t it.”
“Ou. ...But, well, for this time, that role, I’ll leave it to her. It’s pathetic but, my fist...doesn’t look will reach.”
Hearing Ryutaro’s words, Kouki was taken aback for a moment. Ahead of his gaze, under the giant’s crushing blow that Ryutaro blocked, a black shadow was rushing through. With her trademark ponytail fluttering, and a dignified gaze that was looking straight at him, it was the girl who was his childhood friend.
“――’Soul Demolition’!”
The invisible slash cut apart the magic power inside Kouki once more.
The giant of Heaven Might split into two and the upper part slipped off diagonally while dispersing. Underneath it, Ryutaro collapsed with all his strength used up. Before Kouki’s eyes were a figure standing still in a stance of drawn blade staring at him with a gaze that looked likes obsidian stone. While all of those were reflected in his sight, Kouki was falling backward from the slash’s impact.
And then, Kouki who saw how the intent to attack didn’t disappear from Shizuku’s gaze even after she swung her black katana, “Aa, so this is my retribution...” with a strangely calm feeling he prepared to accept the blade of his childhood friend.
But, there a voice resounded. A familiar dignified voice.
“Grit your teeth-! You big idiot-!”
With a dull loud sound, a severe impact was transmitted on Kouki’s cheek. The force that echoed until the core of his head blown away his consciousness for a moment. His sight that immediately returned after that was also flickering black and white. Strength naturally left his arms and legs from a cerebral concussion.
The sky was visible in his distorted sight. Kouki was vaguely understanding that he had fallen down.
Right after that, the following impact came from his opposite cheek. His head was snapped with a force that might tear off his neck. Just when he thought that, the next moment his head was snapped to the other side again along with an impact. And then further impact, impact, impact...Kouki’s head was blurring left and right in high speed like a broken toys.
“This one is for all the trouble you caused for me! This one is for all the troublesome things you pushed on me! This one is for wasting the follow-up I did for you! This one is for not seriously listening to my scolding! This one is for various other things but anyway this if for me! This one is also for this and for that and for there and also for me!”
“Buh! Beh! Boh! Bah! Goh! Hih! Gih! Gee! Oboh! Abeshih! Buberah!?”
‘ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA-!!’ With a force that made anyone looking at this scene would feel like hearing that, Shizuku was earnestly talking about her share of retribution while doing not a double slap but already double punch on Kouki’s face. The white object glittering in the air was surely Kouki’s tooth.
“Shi, Shizu-, wa-――”
“I won’t wait I won’t stop punching until you are crying and apologizing! My store of patience already has run out completely here, no more playing around! How long you are going to throw tantrum! Because everything is not going how you want it you get sulky and want to break everything! You pushed that tantrum to your surrounding! This ****** brat-. I’m not going to listen to whatever you say anymore! I’ll teach this idiot that cannot be talked with using a beating! Prepare yourself!”
Shizuku’s angry yell echoed in the war site of the ruined city. She was straddling Kouki who was lying down facing up and mercilessly punching repeatedly with her left and right fists.
“Shi, Shizu-, gahah”
“It shouldn’t be like this? That’s obvious! There is nobody who is living with everything going their way! Everyone, they gritted their teeth, held their head, they will say ‘even so-‘ and then they did their best still! Running away from the reality in front your eyes, without even trying to fight, there is no way you can obtain the future you wished for like that! You, in the end, you are just a spoiled brat-. You averted your eyes from anything inconvenient, you are only wracking your head for excuses, and if that’s still not enough then you will think that’s because of other people’s fault...”
Before he knew it, the fists of Shizuku lost their momentum, in exchange they grasped up the collar of Kouki strongly.
“Anything and everything is over you said? Don’t screw with me-. If you think you can just end it all by yourself then that’s a big mistake. You think I’m going to let you die easily like that-. If you are not going to understand no matter how many times I said it, then I’ll make you understand forcibly. Even if I have to tie your neck with a rope, I’ll drag you back. After that, every time you do stupid thing I’ll beat you up!”
‘If you still feel like making impertinent talk then I’m going to hit you until you cannot talk’, the eyes that were glinting right before he were telling him that. Blood was already leaking from Kouki’s mouth and nose, his face bloated up looking like a goblin, Kouki who was turned into such a horrible state opened his mouth with a voice that sounded like a groan.
“Di, didn’t you, choose Nagumo...”
“That’s right. The one who I like is Hajime. It’s not you. So what?”
“...Why...aren’t you giving up...on someone like me...even though I did horrible things...why...”
Even though she should have chosen Hajime, even though he had troubled a lot of people, even though he had done horrible thing to his important best friend and childhood friend, yet why didn’t they abandon him, to Kouki who stared at her unable to hide that bafflement, expression of rage finally vanished from Shizuku’s face and a troubled smile appeared.
“Isn’t that obvious. Because you are my childhood friend. We have been together all this time since childhood, for me you are the same as an important family, that’s why. Family, absolutely will not forsake family. Well, though I want to be spared from having a bothersome little brother like this.”
She couldn’t abandon him because he was like an important family. No matter what stupidity he perpetrated, he wasn’t abandoned, that was why they were family. Like that, inside Kouki who was told that along with a smile, something fell with a thump.
For the sake of the world, for the sake of the people whose face he didn’t know, because he was a hero, because he had to be righteous, all the things that he was fixated with until now suddenly looked small.
Only, because they were family, because they were best friend, they said that and they acquired strength incomparable from before, they came pursuing him until a dangerous place like this Holy Precincts despite him being the betrayer, even though they might die they just laughed and stopped him from running wild.
...Even though those should be an insignificant reason, just why they felt so big to him. Why, did they felt so powerful.
Tears were falling from Kouki’s eyes in large drops. His pathetic self that he finally became aware of from the bottom of his heart, and the childhood friends who still reached out their hand staking their life until the end even for someone the worst like that, caused an emotion that was indescribable and soppy, yet by no means it felt unpleasant welling up inside himself.
“So, rry. ...Really, I’m sorry...I, something like this...aa, I, what have I...”
“You are crying while apologizing huh. This big idiot.”
After an indescribable feeling toward his childhood friends, a tremendous feeling of guilt and remorse welled up next. For Kouki who was fixated with the right thing until now, what he had done was the lowest and the worst deed. To the degree that he thought that he should repent for that with death.
But, that thinking was something that would make the act of his childhood friends who staked their life into something worthless, and then, in the end that thought was,
“Don’t you run, Kouki. Live, fight. We won’t forgive any path other than that.”
Death was just an escape. Even if it was hard, even if he lost his place to belong, even if he was cursed and disparaged by anyone, he had to keep living. That was exactly his atonement, a fight that Kouki had to do. In place of all his wretched escape until now, he had to continue to live and fight from now on.
Kouki cried while biting his lip at the straight gaze of his childhood friend. As though the feeling of his childhood friends was carved in his soul. As though he was determined to part with the him before this.
“...Shizu, ku. I...must not die. I’ll live, this time for sure, I have to fight. Not against anybody else, but against myself.”
“Yes, that’s right. That’s why, cry now, after that stand-up and do your best. If you are mistaken, then I’ll beat you up until you cry once more.”
Listening to what Shizuku said, Kouki showed a complicated expression that seemed vexed and pathetic, but also a bit happy where he couldn’t say anything. And then, he directed red eyes at Shizuku who let go of his collar and moved aside from above him. Those eyes had clear color as though evil spirit had left him.
“...There is, no need for that. Because, I’ll change. I swear I’ll change. To the degree that a childhood friend the same age as me cannot treat me like a ‘little brother’.”
“Is that so? Well, even if you become like that, I won’t treat you as a man you know?”
“Uu-, don’t put up defensive perimeter like that. ...Is that how much you like Nagumo?”
“Yes, I love him. I am deeply in love with him. It’s vexing that I cannot monopolize him, but I’ll even share him peacefully. About the hardships of that side, if it’s him then he will easily shoulder it.”
“Don’t speak fondly of another man in front of your beaten up little brother like that...”
Kouki smiled wryly. There were plenty of frustration filled in that gaze, but he didn’t look disturbed from jealousy. Because in his heart he had an understanding. Just what attracted Shizuku to Hajime. That something was exactly the difference between him and Hajime, possibly even the difference between him with Shizuku and Ryutaro, it was the reason for his defeat, he finally understood that.
“...You two, are you two forgetting me?”
While Kouki was feeling frustration and self-reproach of his childishness until now and resolved to change for his atonement, Ryutaro had crawled and approached their spot before letting out a voice of displeasure.
“My, Ryutaro. You really can move even with that tattered state aren’t you?”
“Because I already drank Nagumo’s Yunke– special recovery drink just now. I barely can move.” (TN: Yunkeru Royal C, a drink in Japan.)
Kouki directed his gaze at Ryutaro who was answering while waving around a test tube container. He looked straight at his best friend who was wounded all over because of his fault, at the man who continued to call him ‘best friend’ through and through.
“Ryutaro...I’m sorry.”
He mustn’t lower his head. If he lowered his head, he would take off his gaze from Ryutaro. Because he had decided, that he wouldn’t avert his eyes from any truth, any reality, for the second time.
Ryutaro who received that gaze of Kouki returned a calm gaze after a little pause. And then a beat later, he smiled broadly and only said a word,
As though to say that excessive word was unneeded, he replied with just that. The answer that was just like Ryutaro made Kouki smiled a bit. Between the two of them, just that word was enough.
But, at that time, a voice suddenly resounded.
“What, is this...”
Shizuku came back to her senses with a ‘hah’ and quickly turned aside with the black katana in hand. Ryutaro also tried to ready himself somehow, but his damage was too deep, on top of that his ‘Sixth Heaven’s Demon Transformation’ was also already released, so he couldn’t stand up.
And then, Kouki who was in the same state that couldn’t stand up called the name of that voice’s owner.
With wounds all over her body, Eri was floating in the air with her flickering gray wings flapping. She was staring at Kouki and others in a daze.
Suzu also came in pursuit from behind. Shizuku averted her gaze from Eri for an instant and met Suzu’s eyes. They were happy for each other that they were all safe, and then, the next moment they stared at Eri with an expression that was pregnant with tension.
Eri didn’t even notice Suzu, she was letting out a cracked voice.
“Heey, why, is the atmosphere is warm like this? Heey, Kouki-kun. These guys are the enemy you know? They followed the hateful, hateful enemy that stole every single one of Kouki-kun’s important things, they are betrayers you know? Why are you talking with them peacefully I wonder? Why I wonder? Heey, why?”
While tilting her head bobbingly like a broken toy, Eri talked with an empty gaze and unfocused eyes. Her four limbs were smashed and twisted into the wrong direction, so she looked like a marionette that was created with bad craftsmanship.
“Eri...I’m sorry. I already, cannot fight against Shizuku, or Ryutaro, or Suzu. All this time I have been mistaking the enemy that I should fight.”
“...What’s with that?”
Eri’s head tilted to the side and stayed still unmoving. The angle of her head made them hallucinated that the bone of her neck had broke. Eri gazed at empty air and opened her mouth with madness riding her voice.
“What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that? What’s with that?”
“E, Eri, listen to me-. I, I am a stupid idiot that don’t understand anything, but right now there is one thing that I do understand, that surely I hurt Eri. That’s why, perhaps you think that it’s too late right now but-, just one more time, let’s talk-”
Eri repeated the same words like a broken record. Kouki who reflexively called at her one more time made Eri’s eyes that stared at empty air to catch sight of Kouki in a snap. And then, she stared at him for a while with an expressionless face like a noh mask.
The air was strained tightly whether one wanted it or not. Kouki didn’t avert his eyes. His words were clumsy, inside his heart he didn’t understand anything at all, he didn’t understand about what he should do and everything didn’t go well even for himself, but even so he thought that he had to look at Eri properly.
But, that straight gaze looking at her desperately seemed to have the opposite effect that made something inside Eri couldn’t accept it.
Strength suddenly left Eri’s body. And then, she made a sweet smile that looked the most human from everything until now. That was a mysterious smiling face, where resignation and scorn, cynicism and exasperation were mixed...
Like that, a single word, her last word resounded in this world.
Kouki tried to ask back.
But, before he could let out any word, intense light surged out from Eri’s chest.
“Tha, that’s-, Eri, you-――”
Shizuku who saw through what was the source of the light raised her voice in shock.
That thing which emitted intense light from Eri’s chest. Once, when Kouki and others were cornered in Orcus Great Labyrinth, in order to save them Melt Logins tried to use that magic tool for self-explosion――’The Last Loyalty’.
But, the light that Eri emitted was incomparable with that time. It was obviously letting out strengthened power. It was obvious that it was hiding a power of artifact class. Most likely it was ‘The Last Loyalty’ that she stole from among the leader class knights that she turned into corpse beast soldier, then she reinforced it with some kind of method into artifact class.
Its destructive power was unfathomable. And then, the activation speed was also incomparable with the original ‘Last Loyalty’.
Shizuku’s words were cut off. Because an explosion that erased even the sound trampled the area along with the light.
The torrent of light dyed everything white. A silence that made anyone hallucinated whether the world had vanished was violating everyone.
Shizuku, Kouki, Ryutaro, they all immediately covered their face with their hands. And then, by lifting their hands like that, they noticed that they were able to recognize that the world was dyed with white and silence. At the same time, they saw a shadow that stretched long toward them.
That was the shadow of the protector they could rely on. The barrier master who had protected her comrades many times over until now. The girl was standing in the way of the torrent of light without taking even a step back, two iron fans readied like a shield. There was also the shadow of Inaba clinging to that back as though supporting her.
No voice could reach. But, Shizuku, Kouki, and also Ryutaro prayed wholeheartedly. Because they could do nothing else except that, they prayed that at least their pray would reach, becoming her strength.
Suzu felt like nodding a little.
Before long, even her figure was buried in light and became not visible.
Suzu was in a mysterious space.
Right after she nodded feeling as though she was hearing the voice of Shizuku and others, when she noticed she was already in this white space. There was no light or impact in this really deep space.
In such mysterious place, there was only one person other than Suzu.
The two of them faced each other with a certain distance between them. They stared at each other for a while wordlessly. The one who opened her mouth first was Eri.
“What a strange place. Is this a revolving lantern one see before death...a bit different I guess. Or a near death experience...I died already though so I guess that’s really not it.”
“Then, Suzu has died too perhaps. Suzu thought Suzu managed to defend to the end however.”
“Who knows? If possible I want to take you all along with me though.”
“Suzu want to live. Suzu also wants Shizuku, and Kouki-kun too, also Ryutaro-kun to live too...Suzu also wants Eri to live.”
Suzu’s words made Eri snorted as if she making fun of her.
“Hmph. After sending me flying mercilessly like that, you can still say that so shamelessly.”
“Ahaha. Yeah.”
Eri became plainly displeased looking at Suzu who was smiling wryly. And then, without even hiding that displeasure she further opened her mouth.
“I somehow feel that we won’t be in this world for long, that’s why I’ll say this right now. Suzu is seriously gross.”
“...Hee. For example?”
“Let’s see. Like when you always laughed foolishly. Or even when you were talked behind your back, you still laughed as expected. Or how your inside is a perverted old man. How you said disgusting thing like wanting to become a friend even when in the middle of killing each other. It won’t end if I keep showing other examples, but the grossest thing is, how even when you are already in this age, you are still calling yourself with your own name. No, really, you are impossible aren’t youu”
Suzu’s forehead was twitching with her vein visibly rising to the surface. And then, still smiling she counterattacked.
“Suzu seeee. But, Eri is also mostly disgusting aren’t you?”
“You always had a friendly smile while standing behind. Even when you were talked behind your back you only smiled as expected. Your inside is just someone dour. You wear glasses and act reserved like a library committee member, you tried too hard fitting in with that cliché. Also, Suzu doesn’t want you saying anything about how Suzu called herself. Just what with your ‘boku’. Seeing a glasses girl getting too worked up calling herself ‘boku’ like a library committee member is just painful. Furthermore, [I am the heroine] you said. Pupu-, you need to graduate from being a chuuni.” (TN: Chuunibyou=Sickness of the youth where they kept mass producing black history. They were convinced that they were a character of fantasy story.)
Eri’s forehead was twitching with her vein visibly rising to the surface. And then, still smiling she counterattacked.
“Chuuni? I don’t want to be called that by a painful girl who said something like [Onee-samaa] in real world seeee. Geez Suzu, you have an inclination for yuri aren’t you. I have felt the danger to my body several times before. What an impossible pervert. Really gross.”
“Ahaha, something like that is still in the range of joking, right? I don’t want to be treated as a pervert by a misunderstanding female who got hung on her first love and rushed full speed to the hill seee. Seeing that is really impossibly painful you know. Really gross.”
Both of them were slinging violence of words at each other with a thuggish expression that didn’t look like high school girl beauty. After that for a little while abusive language that would make anyone wanted to cover their eyes flew back and forth between the two.
Like that, perhaps unable to continue to breath the two of them were going “Haa haa” with their shoulders heaving, around that time the white space suddenly began to crack.
“Hmph, looks like this world is finally ending.”
Suzu couldn’t reply to Eri who was making a refreshed expression. With her hands on her knees she was facing down while hiding her face. But, she couldn’t hide the things that trickled down on the ground.
“...What, you are crying? Stupid.”
“Sh, shut up, already. The one who said, idiot, is the idiotic one...”
Suzu held back her sobbing while roughly wiping the overflowing drops. Guessing that the true parting was approaching, she was unable to hold down the something that was welling up in her heart.
“...I said something like that just now but, perhaps, Suzu and others haven’t died yet. The one who is going is me(boku)...just me(watashi).” (TN: Eri suddenly changed the way she called herself there.)
The way she called herself that suddenly changed, no, returned to normal made Suzu lifted her still crying face. Ahead of her gaze, Eri who was still averting her face was making an expression that was deliberately displeased.
“Suzu also understand somehow right? Despite so why are you crying like that.”
“That, is”
“...Really what an idiot. Just what are you feeling regretful for, for this kind of betrayer, this worst woman trash.”
The white world was noticeably dispersing from the edge.
“At this late you were saying ‘want to be together’ or ‘protect’, I thought whether you were actually aiming for that.”
“Eri, Suzu is...”
“Come on, that’s disgusting so change the way you call yourself.”
A collapse separated the two. Almost everything had been mostly dispersed other than the foothold of the two. Amidst that, Eri’s words that sounded like a monolog resounded.
“...At that time, if the one that I met on that bridge was Suzu...what would happen I wonder? For me to think of sooomething like that, yep, I’m the biggest idiot.”
“Eri, Suzu is――I, am glad to be Eri’s best friend! Even if that was faked, even if it was distorted, it was fun! I-”
The foothold dispersed. The body of the two was also turning into sand and vanished as though blown away by the wind.
Eri who was facing aside turned her face toward the yelling Suzu. Her expression looked expressionless, but somewhere it also seemed to be filled with a relieved atmosphere.
And then, the true last words of the girl named Nakamura Eri reached only the girl named Taniguchi Suzu who was once her best friend, who by some chance, might even still her best friend even now.
“...Bye bye. The time when I was with Suzu, I felt at ease, just for a little.”
Suzu’s yell was swallowed by the vanishing world and didn’t become sound.
Even so, from the expression that Eri showed Suzu in the last moment, she believed, that surely she had reached her.
Such feeling caressed her cheeks.
Other than what was behind Suzu, everything was turned into dust in this ruined city. There a sobbing reverberated.
The twin iron fans that Suzu held with both her hands crumbled in pieces as though to say they had finished their role and fell on the ground. Suzu herself also sat down on the ground with a body full of wounds, but Shizuku and others who were completely protected behind her didn’t call at her worriedly.
Shizuku and others didn’t know about the mysterious phenomenon that Suzu experienced. Even so, they were able to guess that the tears that Suzu let out were her feeling for her important friend. That was how pained and how sacred her figure looked.
Before long, as though to say that she had cried enough, Suzu wiped her eyes briskly, and then with those bright red and clear eyes, she clenched her body and stood up. And then, she turned toward Shizuku and others with an energetic turn.
“Now, Shizuku, Kouki-kun, Ryutaro-kun. Let’s advance ahead!”
An innocent smile. Just like how it usually was. That smile which protected her comrades in a different meaning than a barrier, right now it looked a bit like an adult. Compared to when they were in Japan, compared to when she cheered up everyone in the labyrinth, it looked far more charming.
The source of liveliness that was overwhelmingly effective made Shizuku and others to naturally slacken down their cheeks. Though it was only Kouki who was making a complicated expression.
Has something happened, he didn’t ask that. Because surely that was something that was stored inside Suzu’s heart inside even her treasure box. To forcefully ask her would be a boorish act.
“Yossha! Let’s chase after those guys and help them with this and that!”
“Even if you said that, I and Ryutaro cannot move properly though...”
“Besides, the clock tower was also destroyed you know? It doesn’t look like there is other entrance that can connect the spaces.”
Shizuku turned her gaze at the place where the clock tower was at. Over there, she couldn’t find the ripple that connected the space.
“Aa, now that you mentioned it, the ruined city of this space is not only in this place, I heard that story before.”
“Then, let’s search for another city! The skyboards are quite ragged, but I think if we use every trick in the book then they can still be used for a while. We surely can find another city if it’s from the sky!”
“I guess there is that. Anyway, Kouki and Ryutaro, you two have to recover quickly. I’ll make you two drink restorative medicines until your stomachs are bloating like a balloon.”
Kouki and Ryutaro looked at the recovery drinks lined up before their eyes with reluctant eyes, even so they poured them down their throat somehow and their body was healed with the combination of their own recovery strength.
Like that after resting for a while, they took out their skyboards and flew to the sky. Kouki was riding together with Ryutaro on his skyboard.
Suzu who soared high to the sky in the lead twirled to turn behind and looked down on the ruined city below with a bit lonely expression. However, that too was only for an instant. She immediately made a strong and lively smile and raised her voice.
“Now, everyone, continue after me!”
“We are no match for Suzu huh.”
Like that Suzu, Shizuku, Ryutaro, and Kouki, the four of them in order to chase after Hajime and others they searched for other ruined city and soared in the sky of another world. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 35,
"inserted_lines_src": 7,
"inserted_lines_trg": 12
} |
しかし、中国の小さな一歩が、今後大きな前進へ繋がっているかどうかは、誰にも断言できないのも事実である。中国当局の方針はあいまいだ。中国は、為替レートの平価切り上げを迫る国際社会の圧力をほんの少し和らげることで、高まる貿易黒字抑制の声を横柄に牽制した。しかし、重要な疑問は、果たして中国は自らの責任で市場の力に反抗しているのかということだ。 | But no one knows whether China’s baby step is the start of something much bigger, as China’s authorities hint one day and deny the next. By relenting just a little to intense global pressure to revalue its exchange rate, the Chinese leadership has masterfully stifled the growing chorus of demands to rein in its growing trade surplus. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「毎度ありがとうございます! お姉さんのような美人な人に見つめられると照れるなぁ。お近づきのしるしに、もう一つ薬をサービスしますよ」
衛兵はシェーナに縄をかけると、まるで罪人扱いをするかのように行政地区の独房フロアへと連行していった。 | In the afternoon, a large number of adventurers began to flood the streets. After putting up the menu in the restaurant, Schenna decided to head outside and give a quick look at the other restaurants.
“I’ll be going out to check the situations of other restaurants. Also while I’m at it, I’ll see if I can find some extra cookware to buy.”
“You know, it’s good to go out and gather information but ever since you came here you barely had any fun, so feel free to just go out and relax.”
Kishana was worried about Schenna not having time for herself and tried to convince her to have some fun.
In comparison to the capital of Hashel, the fortress of Shalteux had way more merchants and adventurers.Just the fact that it was a country founded by the heroes’ party, it naturally attracted a lot of people from every region to come and visit. Some even decided to come and live here, all of which helped towards the growth of the country. Ever since they started the restaurant business, Reesha had always been extremely helpful towards them. However, not everyone was like her, people like Karyu also existed, which didn’t make their lives any easier.
The main street of the commercial district was packed with restaurants that offered freshly baked pizza and bread, along with others that had typical foodstuff found from all of the five great powers. What was especially famous in Shalteux was food made with marine products from Schenna’s hometown, Hashel.
Upon entering the backstreet, she saw a lot of stores from various guilds with their billboard on display, all of which were crowded with adventurers. In the guild that Schenna belongs to, Holy Bow, there were far more merchants than adventurers, and many of the members could be seen trying to get good deals.
As she crossed the backstreet from start to end, she then headed back to the center of the commercial district when a young man from a stall called her over.
“Hey miss! Would you happen to be interested in some restorative medicine?”
It seemed like the young man was a traveling merchant who had stopped by the city.
The stall’s table was covered in cloth with a bunch of bottles containing liquid lined up on top, as he explained the effects to Schenna.
“Oh wait, just one second. This medicine here is really good for sword wound!”
“Why are you recommending me that one?”
Schenna thought of just ignoring him and move on, but as she was quite intrigued by how the young man managed to find out about her wounds, despite the fact that she was dressed casually just like any other girl in the city.
The young man answered her question without any concern.
“I’ve been doing this business for quite a long time now, visiting various places and meeting all sorts of people, so figuring out someone’s unique characteristic just comes as second nature to me. Just by simply taking a look at your hand, I can tell that you hold a sword on a daily basis due to the callus, so assuming you’re either a Knight or a Swordsman I just recommended the obvious.”
Schenna’s hands did indeed have calluses from holding the sword very often.
His ability to instantly figure it out was incredible, but she felt like there was something suspicious about him.
Schenna then took out the money from her purse to pay for the medicine while intensively staring at the young man.
“Alright. I’ll take the medicine then.”
“Thank you very much! Having such a beautiful young lady staring at me sure makes me blush, haha... As a symbol of my appreciation, take this extra medicine.”
The young man grabbed two bottles of medicine as he received the payment from Schenna.
She thought she was imagining things as the young man let out an innocent smile.
“I’ll be opening a restaurant in the commercial district very soon, so please do come and pay a visit.”
“Oh is that so? If I’ll get to eat some delicious food made by you, then I’ll be sure to stop by the restaurant!”
Schenna picked up the wrapped bottles and took out a paper from her purse that contained the address of the restaurant, then gave it to the young man.
After cutting through the central plaza, Karyu could be seen heading towards Schenna’s direction along with a few guards.
She tried to avoid him by sticking to the sidewalk, but Karyu saw her and called her name.
“You... You’re that knight from Hashel aren’t you? What are you doing here?”
“Shopping. Also, I’m not a Hashel knight anymore, excuse me.”
“Wait. There’s something I want to talk to you about. Mind coming along with me to the administrative district?”
Karyu grabbed Schenna by the arm and dragged her along while the guards surrounded her.
Schenna knew that if she were to resist, she would get in trouble for refusing to obey their orders so she decided to just go without causing any unnecessary problems.
“Alright, take her!”
The guards tied Schenna up making her look like a criminal, then took her to the floor where the prison cells were located. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
彼の言わんとすることは 彼の美しい建築作品の一つに表されています ノートルダム デュ オー ロンシャン聖堂です 彼は暗闇を利用して この照明を作りあげました
これが私の今日の18分のトークの エッセンスであり 我々にとって健やかな良い― 照明というのは適切な暗闇失くしては
成立しないということです これはオフィスによくある照明です
照明の明るさや 均一性を規定する 基準が存在します こうして壁から壁へ
均一な照明を得るために 光源を規則正しく並べています
この照明は先ほどお見せした ル・コルビュジエのものとは 全くの別物です
もしこのような基準や規則を ローマのパンテオンに利用したら このようにはならないでしょう 自然にドーム内を移動する この美しい光の造形を 可能にしているのは 内部にある暗闇だからです
「照明とは心地良さの為に作るもの」という サンティアゴ・カラトラバの言葉にも このことが表現されています
彼の意味した心地良さとは フルコース料理のそれとは違い 真に 人の為に設計された 建物の質に由来するものでした
つまり空を見て太陽を 感じることができる環境です
そして彼は 建物内の環境で 快適な生活が出来るように 空を見て 太陽を感じられる 豪華な建築を手がけました これらは明暗の中の 光の関連性により実現しています
この太陽の画像はなにか攻撃的で 悪意あるものに見えるかもしれません しかし地球上の全エネルギーは太陽に 由来することを忘れてはいけません 光りとは単に このエネルギーの 目に見える部分なのです
私たちの住む環境に美をもたらします この建物はその良い例です アトランタのハイ美術館の照明は イタリア人のレンゾ・ピアノと 素晴らしい照明デザイナーの集団 アラップ照明との共同作品です 彼らはこの空間内に 外の太陽光に対応する 微妙な光の変化を 演出しました 微妙な光の変化を 演出しました この美しい天窓のおかげで
望むことができるのです 彼らは美術館の 訪問客を取り巻く空間を より快適なものにしてくれる 建築要素をデザインしました
それがこの天窓のカバーです このように カバーは太陽を遮りながらも 空から適度に光が入るよう開いています
そしてご覧のとおり 模型をつくり 光の質や量を分析する 見事なデザイン プロセスで 建物と真に調和し 全体的にまとまった デザインを創り上げました
ご覧の通り 直接光があたっていますが どこから入り込んでいるか容易に把握できました
建物内にいる人に太陽のよい部分を 本当に楽しんでいただくための 設計がされています 太陽はもちろん
例えばこんな感じ もしくはこう すこし変ですが じつは1963年 人々が米国で日食を 眺めている光景です
見上げると少し眩しいので 面白い対処法を思いついたようです
これは私の考えをよく表していると思います 太陽の美しき変化 それを建物に取り込むことで 我々の生活を実に豊かにしてくれる環境を 建物内に造ることができます
ここで明るさの関連は当然ですが 暗さももとても大切なのです 明暗が揃って この変化を生み出すからです
最初にお見せしたオフィスとは対照的に こちらはよく知られている ホワイトグループのオフィスです
そして教えを本当に実践していて このオフィスに電気照明は全くありません
オフィスの片側に この超巨大ガラス窓があり 内部スペースに太陽光を 取り込む役割を果たしており 美と様々な明るさのゾーンを生み出しています
とても薄暗いところで仕事をしたり 明るいところで仕事をしたりという感じです
しかし実は人の目は 異なる明るさのレベルにも 素晴らしい適応力を示し これらが退屈で単調になりえない 環境を作り出しているのです つまり生活を豊かにしてくれるのです
彼はリチャード・ケリーです ちょうど100年前に生まれたので 紹介するにはふさわしいかと 記念の年みたいに思っていますから
1930年代 リチャード・ケリーは初めて 現代の照明デザインの 方法論を まとめました
彼は3つの用語を作りました 「フォーカルグロウ」 「アンビエント照明」 「ブリリアントの役割」です 建築界の照明に関する 全く異なる考えが 揃うことでこの美しい 感覚を作り出すのです
彼の言わんとしたことはこうです 照明が空間に方向性を与え 人々を導く役をします
これは彼がゼネラルモーターズの ショールームのためにデザインしたものです この空間に入れば感じるでしょう 「わぉ! これは衝撃的だね」 この焦点ですよね 中央の巨大な光源です
劇場が頭に浮かびますが その話は後程もう少ししましょう
アーティストへの注目を促す スポットライトや
雲を貫く太陽光もこの部類に入ります 地上の一部を照らすことで そこを強調して 薄暗い部分との対比をします
今日の小売販売の環境でも使われています 商品をライトアップしアクセントを与え
「アンビエント照明」は全く異なるものです リチャード・ケリーはこれを何か無限なもので 焦点など存在せず 詳細は 限りない背景に 溶け込むようなものと捉えました
私はこれをとても心地良い照明つまり リラックスや瞑想の 手助けとなるものと思っています
こんな感じでの利用も可能です ロンドンの国立科学博物館です この青色が ひとつの大きな手のように
展示品とギャラリーを包みこんでいます 最後にケリーの「ブリリアントの役割」です 香港のスカイラインや オペラハウスのシャンデリアがこの部類です もしくはこの劇場の デコレーションのように 何かを更に完璧にする物や 遊び心ある物_ つまり 建築空間の追加物とでも言っておきましょう
これら3つの要素が合わさり 我々が快適と思える 照明環境を生み出すのです
左に写っているケリーは この事を ミース・ファン・デル・ローエに説明したのでしょう
後ろにはシーグラムビルが見えます 時を経て現代の 照明デザインのアイコンとなりました
当時は光線療法の初期段階の 試みも行われていました
これは 米国国立医学図書館でみつけた写真です 健康改善のため太陽光を浴びせられています
この光線の健康面は 私が今日話していることとは 少し違うものです
今日の現代医学では 生化学的観点で光に関する 正しい理解が存在しています
そしてなにかを眺める際に 我々を最も助けてくれるのは 我々が最も敏感な黄色の光である
という考えが存在します しかし起床と睡眠― 注意とリラックスを促す サーカディアンリズムと呼ばれるものの 引き金は青いライトです
環境内で青色の光線量を 調整することによって リラックスや緊張、睡眠や居眠り防止を 促進することが出来ます
近い将来にも 病院内の照明を調節し 患者の回復を促進できるであろうと 考えられているのです
航空機内では同様にして 時差ぼけを克服することができます
学校では児童の学習を支援できるでしょう 作業への集中力を高めることが出来ます
でもここで更にもう少し 光と闇の組み合わせが 私達の生活の資質であることについて
お話したいと思います もちろん光は人間関係や 周囲の形態との関係を 構築するものです
互いに伝えることがある際には 我々が集まるところなのです
地球にとって とても大切なものです
しかし 地球は夜になるとこんな風に見えます この写真は今日のトークで
なぜなら ここに見える光は全て 空に逃げてしまっているからです
目的地であったはずの 地上に届くことはないのです
世界規模で見てみると こうなります
驚愕ですよね このように どれほどの光が空高くに逃げてしまって 地上には届かないなんて
地球があるべき姿を考えると このような素晴らしいイメージになります 闇が想像や瞑想を支援し 私達が様々なものを理解する事を 助ける役割をします
でも世界はどんどん変わっています 都市化はその大きな要因です
この写真は2週間前に廣州で取りました 10年前ここに このような 建物はなかったことに気が付きました
ここはもっと小さな街でした 都市化のペースは 途方も無いものです
ここで 以下の問を理解する必要があります 人々はこの都市空間をどのように移動するのか?
新たな技術というものが このような都市化の問題の解決や 環境の改善のために
役立つかもしれません 少し前までは 照明はこのような
ランプでした もちろん メタルハライドランプや蛍光ランプといった 違いはありましたけどね
今はLEDがあります これが 最新のものですが 驚くほど小さいものです
これで いろいろな事が可能になります この極小性のおかげで 我々は必要ならば どこにでも光をあしらうことが出来ます
不必要な時に残しておいても 闇を保つことが可能です
これには興味をそそられます 私たちにとって良い建築環境内をつくる 新しい照明方法なのです
実際どのように働くのか お見せしたいのですが 一本の指に四つも乗るほど小さいので あまりよく見えないかもしれません
研究所にお願いをすると 返事がきました 「まぁ なんかやってみるよ」
彼らは このアムステルダムTEDx用に
それがこちらです あれと同じ物です 200倍程大きいですけどね
さて最近のLEDは全て青色の ライトを放ちます
このため我々は LEDを燐光体の カバーで覆います
青い光に照らされた蛍光体は 白色の優しく温かい光を生み出します
それからこれにレンズを付ければ 光を収束して光を漏らすことなくして 空とかどこへでも 送ることができるのです
こうして闇を保ち 光を作ることができます
お見せしたかった理由は 仕組みを理解して欲しかったからです
当たり前のように設置されている 照明について考え改めるべきです
もっと注意深く考えて 闇からの利も得られる環境を作れませんか?
ご覧の通り この照明はかなり弱いものです
我々の手掛ける照明プロジェクトに もっと参加してもらって 興味を持ってもらうことは出来るでしょうか?
それとも単純にそこに居るだけで 人々に影響を与える作品を 作れるでしょうか?
今日地球上でこんな場所を 見つけるのは本当に難しいですから
海洋上でもたくさんの照明が設置されています 動物の生活を改善する意味でも これを禁止することは出来るはずです
例えば 渡り鳥は この手のプラットフォームに
とても当惑しているそうです しかしこれらのライトを緑色にすれば 鳥たちは正しい進路を行くそうです
スペクトル感受性の 重要性がここで
再び浮上しました 全ての例の中で 思うに 闇から光を作り出し 闇をキャンバスとして 利用するべきなのです エドワード・ホッパーなどの 視覚芸術家がするように
見ると 疑問が頭に浮かびます
「どこから来て どこへ行くのだろう?」
「なにが起こり 5分後には何が起こるのだろう?」
この物語やサスペンスの原因は 他でもない光と闇なのです
エドワード・ホッパーは光と 闇を利用した物語作りの 本物のマイスターでした
彼に学び より心をひかれ 感銘をあたえる環境を建築できるでしょう
外に出れば 今でも 宇宙が織り成す スペクタクルを楽しむことが出来ます もちろん宇宙そのもののことです
いろいろと考えさせてくれる 空のイメージを お見せします 星が一つ二つしか見えない 都市の空から この素晴らしい豪華な 美しい星座や星の パフォーマンスを楽しむことができる 田舎の空の違いを比べています
闇を評価することで照明デザインでも 我々の人生を豊かにしてくれる もっと面白い環境を生み出せます これは最もよく知られた例
安藤忠雄の光の教会です ヴァルスにある
ピーター・ズントーのスパも思い返されます 光と闇が柔らかな融和の中で互いを高め 空間を作り出しています
リチャード・マコーマック作 ロンドン地下鉄の駅では 地下にいながら 実際に空を望むことができます
最後に指摘したいのは 劇場はインスピレーションの宝庫だということです
今回TEDxを初めて劇場で開催できたことは 素晴らしいことだと思います 劇場には 感謝するところが 多くあります
劇場なくしてこの刺激的な セノグラフィは生まれなかったでしょうし
劇場は照明を利用して人生を本当に 豊かにすることができる場所と考えています
ご清聴ありがとうございました | And here you can see what he meant in one of his beautiful buildings -- the chapel Notre Dame Du Haut De Ronchamp -- where he creates this light that he could only make because there's also dark.
And I think that is the quintessence of this 18-minute talk -- that there is no good lighting that is healthy and for our well-being without proper darkness.
So this is how we normally would light our offices.
We have codes and standards that tell us that the lights should be so much Lux and of great uniformity.
This is how we create uniform lighting from one wall to the other in a regular grid of lamps.
And that is quite different from what I just showed you from Le Corbusier.
If we would apply these codes and standards to the Pantheon in Rome, it would never have looked like this, because this beautiful light feature that goes around there all by itself can only appear because there is also darkness in that same building.
And the same is more or less what Santiago Calatrava said when he said, "Light: I make it in my buildings for comfort."
And he didn't mean the comfort of a five-course dinner as opposed to a one-course meal, but he really meant the comfort of the quality of the building for the people.
He meant that you can see the sky and that you can experience the sun.
And he created these gorgeous buildings where you can see the sky, and where you can experience the sun, that give us a better life in the built environment, just because of the relevance of light in its brightness and also in its shadows.
And what it all boils down to is, of course, the sun.
And this image of the Sun may suggest that the Sun is something evil and aggressive, but we should not forget that all energy on this planet actually comes from the Sun, and light is only a manifestation of that energy.
The sun is for dynamics, for color changes.
The sun is for beauty in our environment, like in this building -- the High Museum in Atlanta, which has been created by Renzo Piano from Italy, together with Arup Lighting, a brilliant team of lighting designers, who created a very subtle modulation of light across the space, responding to what the sun does outside, just because of all these beautiful openings in the roof.
So in an indirect way, you can see the sun.
And what they did is they created an integral building element to improve the quality of the space that surrounds the visitors of the museum.
They created this shade that you can see here, which actually covers the sun, but opens up to the good light from the sky.
And here you can see how they really crafted a beautiful design process with physical models, with quantitative as well as qualitative methods, to come to a final solution that is truly integrated and completely holistic with the architecture.
They allowed themselves a few mistakes along the way.
As you can see here, there's some direct light on the floor, but they could easily figure out where that comes from.
And they allow people in that building to really enjoy the sun, the good part of the sun.
And enjoying the sun can be in many different ways, of course.
It can be just like this, or maybe like this, which is rather peculiar, but this is in 1963 -- the viewing of a sun eclipse in the United States.
And it's just a bit bright up there, so these people have found a very intriguing solution.
This is, I think, a very illustrative image of what I try to say -- that the beautiful dynamics of sun, bringing these into the building, creates a quality of our built environment that truly enhances our lives.
And this is all about darkness as much as it is about lightness, of course, because otherwise you don't see these dynamics.
As opposed to the first office that I showed you in the beginning of the talk, this is a well-known office, which is the Weidt Group.
They are in green energy consulting, or something like that.
And they really practice what they preach because this office doesn't have any electric lighting at all.
It has only, on one side, this big, big glass window that helps to let the sunlight enter deep into the space and create a beautiful quality there and a great dynamic range.
So it can be very dim over there, and you do your work, and it can be very bright over there, and you do your work.
But actually, the human eye turns out to be remarkably adaptable to all these different light conditions that together create an environment that is never boring and that is never dull, and therefore helps us to enhance our lives.
I really owe a short introduction of this man to you.
This is Richard Kelly who was born 100 years ago, which is the reason I bring him up now, because it's kind of an anniversary year.
In the 1930s, Richard Kelly was the first person to really describe a methodology of modern lighting design.
And he coined three terms, which are "focal glow," "ambient luminescence" and "play of the brilliants" -- three very distinctly different ideas about light in architecture that all together make up this beautiful experience.
So to begin with, focal glow.
He meant something like this -- where the light gives direction to the space and helps you to get around.
Or something like this, which is the lighting design he did for General Motors, for the car showroom. And you enter that space, and you feel like, "Wow! This is so impressive," just because of this focal point, this huge light source in the middle.
To me, it is something from theater, and I will get back to that a little bit later.
It's the spotlight on the artist that helps you to focus.
It could also be the sunlight that breaks through the clouds and lights up a patch of the land, highlighting it compared to the dim environment.
Or it can be in today's retail, in the shopping environment -- lighting the merchandise and creating accents that help you to get around.
Ambient luminescence is something very different.
Richard Kelly saw it as something infinite, something without any focus, something where all details actually dissolve in infinity.
And I see it as a very comfortable kind of light that really helps us to relax and to contemplate.
It could also be something like this: the National Museum of Science in London, where this blue is embracing all the exhibitions and galleries in one large gesture.
And then finally, Kelly's play of brilliants added to that really some play, I think, of the skyline of Hong Kong, or perhaps the chandelier in the opera house, or in the theater here, which is the decoration, the icing on the cake, something playful, something that is just an addition to the architectural environment, I would say.
These three distinct elements, together, make a lighting environment that helps us to feel better.
And we can only create these out of darkness.
And I will explain that further.
And I guess that is something that Richard Kelly, here on the left, was explaining to Ludwig Mies van Der Rohe.
And behind them, you see that Seagram Building that later turned into an icon of modern lighting design.
Those times, there were some early attempts also for light therapy already.
You can see here a photo from the United States Library of Medicine, where people are put in the sun to get better.
It's a little bit of a different story, this health aspect of light, than what I'm telling you today.
In today's modern medicine, there is a real understanding of light in an almost biochemical way.
And there is the idea that, when we look at things, it is the yellow light that helps us the most, that we are the most sensitive for.
But our circadian rhythms, which are the rhythms that help us to wake and sleep and be alert and relaxed and so forth and so on, they are much more triggered by blue light.
And by modulating the amount of blue in our environment, we can help people to relax, or to be alert, to fall asleep, or to stay awake.
And that is how, maybe in the near future, light can help hospitals to make people better sooner, recover them quicker.
Maybe in the airplane, we can overcome jet lag like that.
Perhaps in school, we can help children to learn better because they concentrate more on their work.
And you can imagine a lot more applications.
But I would like to talk further about the combination of light and darkness as a quality in our life.
So light is, of course, for social interaction also -- to create relationships with all the features around us.
It is the place where we gather around when we have to say something to each other.
And it is all about this planet.
But when you look at this planet at night, it looks like this.
And I think this is the most shocking image in my talk today.
Because all this light here goes up to the sky.
It never reaches the ground where it was meant for.
It never is to the benefit of people.
It only spoils the darkness.
So at a global scale, it looks like this.
And, I mean, that is quite amazing, what you see here -- how much light goes up into the sky and never reaches the ground.
Because if we look at the Earth the way it should be, it would be something like this very inspiring image where darkness is for our imagination and for contemplation and to help us to relate to everything.
The world is changing though, and urbanization is a big driver of everything.
I took this photo two weeks ago in Guangzhou, and I realized that 10 years ago, there was nothing like this, of these buildings.
It was just a much smaller city, and the pace of urbanization is incredible and enormous.
And we have to understand these main questions: How do people move through these new urban spaces?
How do they share their culture?
How do we tackle things like mobility?
And how can light help there?
Because the new technologies, to contribute to the solutions of urbanization and to provide us with better environments.
It's not that long ago that our lighting was just done with these kinds of lamps.
And of course, we had the metal-halide lamps and fluorescent lamps and things like that.
Now we have LED, but here you see the latest one, and you see how incredibly small it is.
And this is exactly what offers us a unique opportunity, because this tiny, tiny size allows us to put the light wherever we really need it.
And we can actually leave it out where it's not needed at all and where we can preserve darkness.
So that is a really interesting proposition, I think, and a new way of lighting the architectural environment with our well-being in mind.
The problem is, though, that I wanted to explain to you how this really works -- but I can have four of these on my finger, so you would not be able to really see them.
So I asked our laboratory to do something about it, and they said, "Well, we can do something."
They created for me the biggest LED in the world especially for TEDx in Amsterdam.
So here it is.
It's the same thing as you can see over there -- just 200 times bigger.
And I will very quickly show you how it works.
So just to explain.
Now, every LED that is made these days gives blue light.
Now, this is not very pleasant and comfortable.
And for that reason, we cover the LED with a phosphor cap.
And the phosphor is excited by the blue and makes the light white and warm and pleasant.
And then when you add the lens to that, you can bundle the light and send it wherever you need it without any need to spill any light to the sky or anywhere else.
So you can preserve the darkness and make the light.
I just wanted to show that to you so you understand how this works.
Thank you.
We can go further.
So we have to rethink the way we light our cities.
We have to think again about light as a default solution.
Why are all these motorways permanently lit?
Is it really needed?
Can we maybe be much more selective and create better environments that also benefit from darkness?
Can we be much more gentle with light?
Like here -- this is a very low light level actually.
Can we engage people more in the lighting projects that we create, so they really want to connect with it, like here?
Or can we create simply sculptures that are very inspiring to be in and to be around?
And can we preserve the darkness?
Because to find a place like this today on Earth is really very, very challenging.
And to find a starry sky like this is even more difficult.
Even in the oceans, we are creating a lot of light that we could actually ban also for animal life to have a much greater well-being.
And it's known that migrating birds, for example, get very disoriented because of these offshore platforms.
And we discovered that when we make those lights green, the birds, they actually go the right way.
They are not disturbed anymore.
And it turns out once again that spectral sensitivity is very important here.
In all of these examples, I think, we should start making the light out of darkness, and use the darkness as a canvas -- like the visual artists do, like Edward Hopper in this painting.
I think that there is a lot of suspense in this painting.
I think, when I see it, I start to think, who are those people?
Where have they come from? Where are they going?
What just happened?
What will be happening in the next five minutes?
And it only embodies all these stories and all this suspense because of the darkness and the light.
Edward Hopper was a real master in creating the narration by working with light and dark.
And we can learn from that and create more interesting and inspiring architectural environments.
We can do that in commercial spaces like this.
And you can still also go outside and enjoy the greatest show in the universe, which is, of course, the universe itself.
So I give you this wonderful, informative image of the sky, ranging from the inner city, where you may see one or two stars and nothing else, all the way to the rural environments, where you can enjoy this great and gorgeous and beautiful performance of the constellations and the stars.
In architecture, it works just the same.
By appreciating the darkness when you design the light, you create much more interesting environments that truly enhance our lives.
This is the most well-known example, Tadao Ando's Church of the Light.
But I also think of Peter Zumthor's spa in Vals, where light and dark, in very gentle combinations, alter each other to define the space.
Or Richard MacCormac's Southwark tube station in London, where you can really see the sky, even though you are under the ground.
And finally, I want to point out that a lot of this inspiration comes from theater.
And I think it's fantastic that we are today experiencing TEDx in a theater for the first time because I think we really owe to the theater a big thanks.
It wouldn't be such an inspiring scenography without this theater.
And I think the theater is a place where we truly enhance life with light.
Thank you very much. | {
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何か変なことを言ったかしら? さっきから同じことばかり言っているだけなのに。
『こっち! 早く!』
ダイエットするなら死致林へ! っていう広告でも出来そうだわ。 | I huff at Victor’s voice. The water had already gotten up to my chest.
[Impatient already.]
“Why can’t you stop the water if you built this place?”
[That’s impossible. The place has completely collapsed. It’s beyond repair.]
She replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Then tell me quickly. Where can we escape from?”
The fairy looked at me blankly.
Did I say something funny? She just kept saying the same thing.
[Can I clarify something first?]
[Why don’t you use magic?]
I glanced at Victor in response to her question. The fairy seemed to have guessed just by looking at me.
I wanted to say that even if they knew I had magical powers, I couldn’t use magic. ...Maybe that would be impossible, though. Still, I didn’t want to use magic in front of him as much as possible.
[I see. Well, if you don’t want to use it, that’s fine. What’s your name?]
I answered with the name I use when I’m dressed as a man, just in case.
[My name is Kii. Nice to meet you, Ria]
She moved her wings and flew away from Victor’s hands after she finished introducing herself.
I was a little envious of the fairy’s ability to flap her wings and fly away to wherever she pleased.
She said and went into the water at a tremendous speed.
“What now?”
“We are going to dive.”
I took a big gulp of air and sank into the water. Victor, not understanding what was going on, dove into the water as well.
In the water, Kii was glowing.
How mysterious. If I were a painter, I would definitely paint this picture.
[Follow me.]
I moved my body in the direction she was going in response to her voice, which was clear, transparent, and audible even underwater.
Swimming was outrageously strenuous. When this mission was over, I wanted to eat a lot of sweet macarons. They have macarons in this country, don’t they?
Thinking of these things, I moved my body frantically and followed Kii so that I would not be left behind.
On the way, I came across the cloth that had been covering my eyes, which I had removed earlier, and grabbed it tightly.
It would be very difficult to explain if I met other people with my eyes open like this.
[This water is non-poisonous, so it’s safe to inhale.]
Even if you say so proudly....
Even if there is no poison, it would be difficult for us to inhale because we cannot breathe underwater.
We followed her to the backside of the waterfall. There was a small hole sandwiched between two rocks.
Maybe this was the way out. ...Kii might be able to get in, but we couldn’t, no matter how hard we tried.
I turned back to Victor. He instantly understood what he had to do and approached the rock.
Then he smashes the surrounding rocks as hard as he can. Despite the water pressure, he desperately grabbed and removed the rocks.
I wanted to help him, but I was afraid that if I did, I would just get in the way. Kii and I could only watch.
[Ah, it’s open!]
The moment Victor broke one of the big rocks, the path suddenly opened up.
We swam desperately toward it. It was quite painful because we couldn’t breathe.
[This way! Quickly!]
Kii urged us to keep moving forward, using everything we had left. I think I’ve lost about two kilograms today alone.
I feel like I could make an advertisement that says, “If you want to lose weight, go to the death forest!” | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
彼は6万8千ドルの制服を立派に着こなし アカデミー・フランセーズ会員の フランス語の正しい用法と 正しい発音を制定する という役割に実にふさわしいです
アカデミー・フランセーズには大きく2つの任務があります 1つは公式のフランス語の辞書を編纂すること
現在 彼らは 1930年から開始された 第9版に取り掛かっていて 今 「P」の文字まで進んだところです
正しい用法の制定も行っていて フランス人が「eメール」と呼ぶものの適切な用語として "courriel"が使用されるべきだと主張しています
フランス人が「ワールドワイドウェブ」と呼ぶものは "la toile d'araignee mondiale" -- 地球規模の蜘蛛の巣 -- と 呼ぶように取り決められました しかし 結局はフランス人が気にもかけない約束事です
この話は 言語がどう扱われていたかを示す1つの例です 言語は特定の審議会によって正しい用法を制定されてきました
しかし 言語を見てみたら誰でも そんなことは間抜けな発想だとわかります 言語はむしろ 人と人の相互関係から現れるものです
言語が絶え間なく変わっていくことを考えれば これは明らかです 実際 アカデミー・フランセーズが辞書を編纂し終える頃には それは もうすでに時代遅れになっているでしょう
このことは 俗語と隠語の絶え間ない出現 言語の歴史的な変化 方言の多様性 新しい言語の形成 などからわかります
つまり言語は人間の性質を作ったり形成したりすものではなく 人間の性質を見るための窓なのです
いま書いている本で 私は言語を通して 世界の概念体系を形成する認知機構と 人間の相互作用を左右する関係などの 人間の本質のいくつかの側面を 明らかにさせています
この場ではそれぞれについてお話しします 時々 問題になる
言語の形式的な問題から始めましょう -- 動詞と動詞の使用法に対する 私の愛着に しばらくお付き合いください
動詞は いわば 文の車台です
動詞が骨組みとなり その上に他の部品がボルトで留められます
誰もが習ったことを 少し思い出しましょう
"dine"などの自動詞は 直接目的語をとることができません
"Sam dined”は正しいが "Sam dined the pizza"は間違いです
他動詞には 目的語をつけなければならない "Sam devoured the pizza"は良いが "Sam devoured"とは言えない
この種の動詞は数十種類あり 文の形式を決めています
子どもの言語獲得の方略を説明したり 文法的に間違えないように 大人に外国語を教えたり あるいはコンピュータが言語を操れるようにプログラムする時 どの動詞がどの構文で使えるのか が問題になります
例えば 英語の与格構文では
前置詞付き与格の"Give a muffin to a mouse"も
2重目的語の"Give mouse a muffin"のどちらでも言えて
"Promise anything to her(何でも彼女に約束する)""Promise her anything"などと例は多くあります
何百もの動詞が 両方の構文で使用できます
全ての動詞において 「主語-動詞-モノ-to-受け手」が 「主語-動詞-受け手-モノ」と言い換えられるのだと 子供も 大人も コンピュータも 一般化してしまおうと考えてしまうのです
言語は無限にあり 聞いた分をオウム返しすることはできないから
これは便利なことです 新しい文を作ったり理解したりするために
一般的ルールを抽出しなければならない これはその方法の一例です
しかし残念ながら 特異な例外が存在します
"Biff drove the car to Chicago"とは言えるが "Biff drove Chicago the car"とは言えません
"Sal gave Jason a headache"とは言えるが "Sal gave a headache to Jason"では少しおかしくなってしまう
この問題を解決する鍵は これらの構文は 文の最初は同じでも 同義ではないことにあります 顕微鏡で人間の認知機能を見たら 2つの構文の間に 微妙な違いがあることがわかるでしょう "Give the X to the Y(XをYに与える)"の構文は "Cause X to go to Y"という思考と一致していて "Give the Y the X"は "Cause Y to have X"という思考と一致します
多くの事象についてはどちらの解釈も可能で それは 古典的な地と図の反転の錯視のようなものです 中央の物体に 注意を向けると 周りの空間の絵柄への注意は弱くなり 空白のスペースの顔に注視すると 中央の物体は意識の外に追いやられます
どちらの場合でも 影響が与えられたと解釈されるモノは 動詞の後に名詞が来る 直接目的語で表現されます
マフィンをどこかに移動させる事象 -- つまりマフィンに対して何かをしている時 -- の場合は "Give the muffin to the mouse"と言います
「ネズミが何かを持たせる」 つまり ネズミに対して何かをしていると 解釈する場合には "Give the mouse the muffin"と表現します つまり私が提起した問題である
どの動詞がどの構文に使用できるのか は 動詞が 動作を指示しているのか 所有の変化を指示しているのか によって決まるということです
何かを与えることは何かを移動させることと 誰かに所有させることの両方を含有しています
車を運転することは 移動だけしか表していません シカゴが何かを所有することは不可能だからです
誰かに頭痛を与えることは 頭痛を「所有」させることですが それは 頭痛を頭から取り出して 意図的に他人に移動させて 頭の中に入れることとは捉えられません
頭痛が引き起こされるのは 他人の騒音や不愉快な態度に悩まされた時です
これが 私がやっている仕事の 1つの例です
なぜ こんなことを考える必要があるのでしょうか
興味深い結論付けが これと似たような 数百もの英語の動詞の
分析を元に なされています まず 文を作ったり発音したりする時に 自動的に無意識的に処理される きめ細やかな概念構造のレベルがあり それが人の言語使用を支配しています
これは思考の言語 または "Mentalese" と呼ばれるものです
この"Mentalese"は ある決まった概念のセットに基づいており そのセットが何十もの構文 何千もの動詞を体系化しているようです 英語に限らず 他の全ての言語でも同じです ここでの根本的な概念とは 空間 時間 因果関係 意図 -- 何が手段で 何が目標か
といったものが該当します このことは イマニュエル・カントが主張した 人間の思考の基本的な枠組みにおける分類を 思い起こさせます 面白いことに 無意識での言語使用は 色 手ざわり 重量 速度 などの 知覚的性質には関係ない とする カントの分類を反映しているようです
実際 これらの知覚的性質は 異なった構文での動詞の用法に影響を与えません もう1つの傾向として 全ての英語の構文は 字義的な意味だけではなく
比喩的な意味にも使われる ということがあります 例えば この与格の構文は 物体を移動させることだけではなく 思考を移動させることのメタファーとしても使用されています "She told a story to me(彼女は物語を私に話した)" または "told me a story" "Max taught Spanish to the students" または "taught the students Spanish"などが例です
これらは さきほどと全く同じ構文ですが マフィンもネズミもでてきません 何も移動していないのです このことは 思考として 文を容器として コミュニケーションを送信の一種として捉える
「格納メタファー」を想像させます 例えば アイディアを「集め」 それを言葉に「出す」 その言葉が 「空っぽ」であったり「中が空洞」でないならば アイディアは聞き手にまで「渡り」 聞き手は言葉を「ひも解いて」 「中身」を「引き出す」 という表現を用います。
抽象言語において 具体物のメタファーを利用しない例を見つけることは容易ではありません
例えば 動詞の"go"は "to"と"from"という前置詞と共に使えます 文字通り空間的な意味の文としては
"The messenger went from Paris to Istanbul(配達人はパリからイスタンブールへ行った)"
しかし"Biff went from sick to well(ビフは病気から健康になった)"とも言えます
ビフがどこかに行く必要はない ずっとベッドで寝ていたに違いないので だがこの表現は 彼の健康は状態を表す空間にある点であり その点が移動しているととらえているのです
"The meeting went from three to four(会議は3時から4時まで行われた)"では 時間を一つの線上に伸びているものと考えています
同様に force(~を行わせる)を使用するときでも "Rose forced the door to open(ローズはドアをこじ開けた)" のような 物理的な力だけではなく "Rose forced Sadie to go(ローズはサディーに行くことを強要した)" のように 対人的な力も表現できる これは必ずしも腕で人を動かす必要はなく 脅しをすることで人を動かしています
あるいは"Rose forced herself to go(ローズは自分自身をそこへ向かわせるようにした)" まるでローズの頭の中に2つの存在がいて 綱引きをしているかのようです
2つ目の結論は 「<もの>が<人>に渡るようにさせる」と 「<人>に<もの>を持たせる」 のように 起こった出来事を2通りの方法で解釈できる能力は 人間の思考の根本的な特徴であり 人が議論を行う上での基礎をなしています 事実に対して大きな違いを認めない場合でも 人によって そのとらえ方が異なってしまうのです
いくつか例を挙げましょう 「妊娠を終わらせる」と「胎児を殺す」 「細胞のかたまり」と「生まれる前の子ども」 「イラクを侵攻する」と「イラクを解放する」 「富の再分配」と「所得の没収」 これら全てを総括すると 抽象的出来事に対する用法の大半は 具体物のメタファーに依拠していることが 事実であると示唆しています これによると 人間の知性を構成するものの1つ目は
物体 空間 時間 因果 意図 などの 概念の積み重ねです これは社会的で知識集約型の種には有利なのです その種がどのように進化するかは想像できるでしょう 人間の知性を構成するもう1つの要素は メタファーによる概念の抽出です これにより 抽象的な概念から 空間 時間 力といった 元の概念を浮き上がらせることができるのです それらを新しい抽象的物事に適用することで 人間は岩や道具や動物を扱う段階から 数学や物理学や法律や
具体化できるように進化したのです さて 人間の性質の2つの窓について話すと申し上げました 世界を概念化するための認知的機構について に続き 言語という観点から 関係性の形式が 言語にどう反映されているのかお話します
まず 間接的な会話の問題から始めましょう
かなりの方が 映画の『ファーゴ』をご覧になっているでしょう
こういう場面がありましたね 誘拐犯が 警官によって車を停止させられ 免許証を見せるように言われます 誘拐犯は 50ドル札を わずかに 見えるようにしながら 財布を広げ こう言います
「ここファーゴでは そういうこともありかと 思っていたんだがなあ」 これは 観客も含め 賄賂の遠回しな申し出だと解釈します
このような間接的な会話は 言語のいたるところに存在します
例えば 丁寧なお願いをする場合 「グアカモーレを取ってくれたら すごくいいんですが」と誰かが言ったら 何を意図しているのか 明確に分かります グアカモーレを知っている必要はありません
ほとんどの人がわかるでしょう 同じように 「いい店じゃないか なにも起こらなきゃいいがね」 というのは 何かが起こる可能性を想像しているのではなく 遠回しな脅しであると 理解します
つまり問題とは なぜ賄賂や丁寧なお願いや 誘惑や脅しは よく遠まわしに言われるのか なのです
両者とも 話し手が何を意図しているか知っていて 話し手は聞き手が知っていることを知っていて さらに 聞き手は話し手が知っていることを知っている・・・といった具合です
重要なことは 言語は人間関係の調整の 1つの方法であり 人間関係はいくつかの型に分類できる点です
人類学者のアラン・フィスクによる よく知られた分類法に従うと 人間関係は次のいずれかに分類することができます communalityは 「我のものは汝のもの 汝のものは我のもの」を旨とし 家族などに見られる考え方です dominanceは 「私の邪魔をするな」が原則であり reciprocityは 「背中を掻いてくれれば 掻いてあげるよ」 sexualityは コール・ポーターの不滅のフレーズ"Let's do it"で表されます
さて 関係の型は調整され得るものです
ある状況下においては自動的に さきほどの関係の型のいずれかが適応されるとしても その型は拡張されることがあります
例えば 「共同」が適用されるのは 家族友人関係であるはずだが しかし 普通なら他の原則が当たり前な集団においても 分け合いの精神を 利用しようとするときに 使用されることがあるのです
共済 協同組合 女子学生クラブ 「人類兄弟」のような表現 通常は近い親類に対してのみ適切な関係の型を 他の関係にある人に適応させようとすることも 可能なのです
しかし不一致が起こり 一方がある型の関係性を想定したのに もう片方が他の型を想定した時 間が悪いことになります
手を伸ばして 上司の皿からエビをとるというのは あり得ない状況でしょう
あるいは ディナーのゲストが食事の後で 財布を取り出して 食事の代金を支払うと言い出したら これもまた 間が悪いことになるでしょう
これほどはっきりしない場合では 関係の調整がやはり 起こり得ます
例えば会社であれば 平社員が上司とどこまで親しくなるかとか あるいは 上司のことを話題にする際に ファーストネームでよぶべきかどうか 議論がまとまりません
2人の友人同士が 車を売るなどの 相互交換的な取引をするとしましょう こういう状況では さまざまな問題や気まずいことが起こるものだ ということはご存じでしょう
デートでは 友情から性的関係に 移っていく過程では 周知の通り 様々な気まずさに遭遇します また 職場での性的関係において 支配と性的関係との間で起こる葛藤は セクシャルハラスメントと呼ばれています
さて これらは言語とどう関係があるのでしょうか
言語は社会的相互関係として 2つの条件を満たさなければなりません
まず 事実的な内容を伝えなければならない 格納メタファーの話ですね
話し手が賄賂や命令やお願いや誘惑などなどを 表現したいとしても それまでに築いた他者との関係性を 調整して維持することが 必須となります
解決法は 言語を2つのレベルで使うことです 字義的な段階では 聞き手との 最も安全な関係を伝え 一方で 言葉に含意された実体 -- 聞き手が行間を読むことで理解すると 話し手が想定する内容 -- は 文脈に最も密接するように その解釈を 聞き手が行うことを可能にし それによって関係が変化することもある
丁寧なお願いが 一番簡単な例です
条件文を使って お願いをしたとしましょう 「窓を開けてもらえるならば、すごくいいんだけど」 実体は命令的なものであっても 命令的な口調を使っていないという事実は 相手が従順であることを前提としている支配関係を 持ちたいわけではないと 意味しています 謎の食品 グアカモーレをほしい場合
周りの人に偉そうな態度を見せることなく 要望を伝えられます さらに巧妙なやり方になりますが
どのような遠回しな会話表現についても 反論の余地を残して表現していると思われます 賄賂でも 脅しでも 提案でも 誘惑でも 他のことでも
もし言語が字義的にしか使えなかったらどのようになるのか 想像してみることで このことを考察できます
ゲーム理論の利得表に従って 考えることが可能です
警官に賄賂をしたい 誘拐犯の立場を想定しましょう
警官が不正であるか 公正であるかの 可能性については いちかばちかの状況であると言えるでしょう
警官に賄賂をしない場合 警官が公正か不正かに関わらず 必ず 交通違反キップを渡されます 選択の余地はありません 映画『ファーゴ』では
こういう状況では 結果はかなり厳しいものになります
一方で 賄賂を渡す場合 警官が不正だったら 通過できるという大きな利得を手に入れる
警官が公正だったら 賄賂で逮捕されるという 大きな罰則を受ける
これは 何とも悩ましい状況です
しかし 遠回しな言語表現があると 曖昧な言い方で賄賂の提案をした時 警官が不正だったら それを賄賂だと受け取り そこを通過するという利得を得られる
公正な 警官は賄賂を受けることができないから 結果として 迷惑な交通違反切符を渡される
つまり どちらのレベルでも一番良い結果を得られるわけです 同じような理由で 性的な誘惑をおこなう際に ぎこちない行動になりがちなのだと思います
その他 拒絶の可能性が付きまとう場合でもそうです これは外交官によって長い間 知られてきたことを 再確認しています すなわち 言語の曖昧さは 欠陥や不完全さとは全く違うもので 社会的相互関係において優位に立つために言語を使用するという
言語の特徴そのものであるわけです まとめましょう 言語は どのように世界を概念化するのか どのようにお互いに関わるのか という
人間の性質を反映した 総体的な創造物です 言語の曖昧性と複雑性を分析することで 何が私たちを動かしているのか を見る窓を獲得できます
どうもありがとうございます | He is splendidly attired in his 68,000-dollar uniform, befitting the role of the French Academy correct usage in French and perpetuating the language.
The French Academy has two main tasks: it compiles a dictionary of official French.
They're now working on their ninth edition, which they began in 1930, and they've reached the letter P.
They also legislate on correct usage, such as the proper term for what the French call "email," which ought to be "courriel."
The World Wide Web, the French are told, ought to be referred to as "la toile d'araignee mondiale" -- the Global Spider Web -- recommendations that the French gaily ignore.
Now, this is one model of how language comes to be: namely, it's legislated by an academy.
But anyone who looks at language realizes that this is a rather silly conceit, that language, rather, emerges from human minds interacting from one another.
And this is visible in the unstoppable change in language -- the fact that by the time the Academy finishes their dictionary, it will already be well out of date.
We see it in the constant appearance of slang and jargon, of the historical change in languages, in divergence of dialects and the formation of new languages.
So language is not so much a creator or shaper of human nature, so much as a window onto human nature.
In a book that I'm currently working on, I hope to use language to shed light on a number of aspects of human nature, with which humans conceptualize the world and the relationship types that govern human interaction.
And I'm going to say a few words about each one this morning.
Let me start off with a technical problem in language that I've worried about for quite some time -- and indulge me in my passion for verbs and how they're used.
The problem is, which verbs go in which constructions?
The verb is the chassis of the sentence.
It's the framework onto which the other parts are bolted.
Let me give you a quick reminder of something that you've long forgotten.
An intransitive verb, such as "dine," for example, can't take a direct object.
You have to say, "Sam dined," not, "Sam dined the pizza."
A transitive verb mandates that there has to be an object there: "Sam devoured the pizza." You can't just say, "Sam devoured."
There are dozens or scores of verbs of this type, each of which shapes its sentence.
So, a problem in explaining how children learn language, a problem in teaching language to adults so that they don't make grammatical errors, and a problem in programming computers to use language is which verbs go in which constructions.
For example, the dative construction in English.
You can say, "Give a muffin to a mouse," the prepositional dative.
Or, "Give a mouse a muffin," the double-object dative.
"Promise anything to her," "Promise her anything," and so on.
Hundreds of verbs can go both ways.
So a tempting generalization for a child, for an adult, for a computer is that any verb that can appear in the construction, "subject-verb-thing-to-a-recipient" can also be expressed as "subject-verb-recipient-thing."
because language is infinite, and you can't just parrot back the sentences that you've heard.
You've got to extract generalizations so you can produce and understand new sentences.
This would be an example of how to do that.
Unfortunately, there appear to be idiosyncratic exceptions.
You can say, "Biff drove the car to Chicago," but not, "Biff drove Chicago the car."
You can say, "Sal gave Jason a headache," but it's a bit odd to say, "Sal gave a headache to Jason."
The solution is that these constructions, despite initial appearance, are not synonymous, that when you crank up the microscope on human cognition, you see that there's a subtle difference in meaning between them. So, "give the X to the Y," that construction corresponds to the thought "cause X to go to Y." Whereas "give the Y the X" corresponds to the thought "cause Y to have X."
Now, many events can be subject to either construal, kind of like the classic figure-ground reversal illusions, in which you can either pay attention to the particular object, in which case the space around it recedes from attention, or you can see the faces in the empty space, in which case the object recedes out of consciousness.
How are these construals reflected in language?
Well, in both cases, the thing that is construed as being affected is expressed as the direct object, the noun after the verb.
So, when you think of the event as causing the muffin to go somewhere -- where you're doing something to the muffin -- you say, "Give the muffin to the mouse."
When you construe it as "cause the mouse to have something," you're doing something to the mouse, and therefore you express it as, "Give the mouse the muffin."
So which verbs go in which construction -- the problem with which I began -- depends on whether the verb specifies a kind of motion or a kind of possession change.
To give something involves both causing something to go and causing someone to have.
To drive the car only causes something to go, because Chicago's not the kind of thing that can possess something.
Only humans can possess things.
And to give someone a headache causes them to have the headache, but it's not as if you're taking the headache out of your head and causing it to go to the other person, and implanting it in them.
You may just be loud or obnoxious, or some other way causing them to have the headache.
So, that's an example of the kind of thing that I do in my day job.
So why should anyone care?
Well, there are a number of interesting conclusions, I think, from this and many similar kinds of analyses of hundreds of English verbs.
First, there's a level of fine-grained conceptual structure, which we automatically and unconsciously compute every time we produce or utter a sentence, that governs our use of language.
You can think of this as the language of thought, or "mentalese."
It seems to be based on a fixed set of concepts, which govern dozens of constructions and thousands of verbs -- not only in English, but in all other languages -- fundamental concepts such as space, time, causation and human intention, such as, what is the means and what is the ends?
These are reminiscent of the kinds of categories that Immanuel Kant argued are the basic framework for human thought, and it's interesting that our unconscious use of language seems to reflect these Kantian categories.
Doesn't care about perceptual qualities, such as color, texture, weight and speed, which virtually never differentiate the use of verbs in different constructions.
An additional twist is that all of the constructions in English are used not only literally, For example, this construction, the dative, is used not only to transfer things, but also for the metaphorical transfer of ideas, as when we say, "She told a story to me" or "told me a story," "Max taught Spanish to the students" or "taught the students Spanish."
It's exactly the same construction, but no muffins, no mice, nothing moving at all. It evokes the container metaphor of communication, in which we conceive of ideas as objects, sentences as containers, and communication as a kind of sending.
As when we say we "gather" our ideas, to "put" them "into" words, and if our words aren't "empty" or "hollow," we might get these ideas "across" to a listener, who can "unpack" our words to "extract" their "content."
And indeed, this kind of verbiage is not the exception, but the rule.
It's very hard to find any example of abstract language that is not based on some concrete metaphor.
For example, you can use the verb "go" and the prepositions "to" and "from" in a literal, spatial sense.
"The messenger went from Paris to Istanbul."
You can also say, "Biff went from sick to well."
He needn't go anywhere. He could have been in bed the whole time, but it's as if his health is a point in state space that you conceptualize as moving.
Or, "The meeting went from three to four," in which we conceive of time as stretched along a line.
Likewise, we use "force" to indicate not only physical force, as in, "Rose forced the door to open," but also interpersonal force, as in, "Rose forced Sadie to go," not necessarily by manhandling her, but by issuing a threat.
Or, "Rose forced herself to go," as if there were two entities inside Rose's head, engaged in a tug of a war.
Second conclusion is that the ability to conceive such as "cause something to go to someone" and "causing someone to have something," I think is a fundamental feature of human thought, and it's the basis for much human argumentation, in which people don't differ so much on the facts as on how they ought to be construed.
Just to give you a few examples: "ending a pregnancy" versus "killing a fetus;" "a ball of cells" versus "an unborn child;" "invading Iraq" versus "liberating Iraq;" "redistributing wealth" versus "confiscating earnings." And I think the biggest picture of all would take seriously the fact that so much of our verbiage about abstract events is based on a concrete metaphor and see human intelligence itself as consisting of a repertoire of concepts --
such as objects, space, time, causation and intention -- which are useful in a social, knowledge-intensive species, whose evolution you can well imagine, and a process of metaphorical abstraction that allows us to bleach these concepts of their original conceptual content -- space, time and force -- and apply them to new abstract domains, therefore allowing a species that evolved to deal with rocks and tools and animals, to conceptualize mathematics, physics, law
and other abstract domains.
Well, I said I'd talk about two windows on human nature -- the cognitive machinery with which we conceptualize the world, and now I'm going to say a few words about the relationship types that govern human social interaction, again, as reflected in language.
And I'll start out with a puzzle, the puzzle of indirect speech acts.
Now, I'm sure most of you have seen the movie "Fargo."
And you might remember the scene in which the kidnapper is pulled over by a police officer, is asked to show his driver's license and holds his wallet out with a 50-dollar bill extending at a slight angle out of the wallet.
And he says, "I was just thinking that maybe we could take care of it here in Fargo," which everyone, including the audience, interprets as a veiled bribe.
This kind of indirect speech is rampant in language.
For example, in polite requests, if someone says, "If you could pass the guacamole, that would be awesome," we know exactly what he means, even though that's a rather bizarre concept being expressed.
"Would you like to come up and see my etchings?"
understand the intent behind that.
And likewise, if someone says, "Nice store you've got there. It would be a real shame if something happened to it" -- -- we understand that as a veiled threat, rather than a musing of hypothetical possibilities.
So the puzzle is, why are bribes, polite requests, solicitations and threats so often veiled?
No one's fooled.
Both parties know exactly what the speaker means, and the speaker knows the listener knows that the speaker knows that the listener knows, etc., etc.
So what's going on?
I think the key idea is that language is a way of negotiating relationships, and human relationships fall into a number of types.
There's an influential taxonomy by the anthropologist Alan Fiske, in which relationships can be categorized, more or less, into communality, which works on the principle "what's mine is thine, what's thine is mine," the kind of mindset that operates within a family, for example; dominance, whose principle is "don't mess with me;" reciprocity, "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours;" and sexuality, in the immortal words of Cole Porter, "Let's do it."
Now, relationship types can be negotiated.
Even though there are default situations in which one of these mindsets can be applied, they can be stretched and extended.
For example, communality applies most naturally within family or friends, but it can be used to try to transfer the mentality of sharing to groups that ordinarily would not be disposed to exercise it.
For example, in brotherhoods, fraternal organizations, sororities, locutions like "the family of man," you try to get people who are not related to use the relationship type that would ordinarily be appropriate to close kin.
Now, mismatches -- when one person assumes one relationship type, and another assumes a different one -- can be awkward.
If you went over and you helped yourself to a shrimp off your boss' plate, for example, that would be an awkward situation.
Or if a dinner guest after the meal pulled out his wallet and offered to pay you for the meal, that would be rather awkward as well.
In less blatant cases, there's still a kind of negotiation that often goes on.
In the workplace, for example, there's often a tension over whether an employee can socialize with the boss, or refer to him or her on a first-name basis.
If two friends have a reciprocal transaction, like selling a car, it's well known that this can be a source of tension or awkwardness.
In dating, the transition from friendship to sex can lead to, notoriously, various forms of awkwardness, and as can sex in the workplace, in which we call the conflict between a dominant and a sexual relationship "sexual harassment."
Well, what does this have to do with language?
Well, language, as a social interaction, has to satisfy two conditions.
You have to convey the actual content -- here we get back to the container metaphor.
You want to express the bribe, the command, the promise, the solicitation and so on, but you also have to negotiate and maintain the kind of relationship you have with the other person.
The solution, I think, is that we use language at two levels: the literal form signals the safest relationship with the listener, whereas the implicated content -- the reading between the lines that we count on the listener to perform -- allows the listener to derive the interpretation which is most relevant in context, which possibly initiates a changed relationship.
The simplest example of this is in the polite request.
If you express your request as a conditional -- "if you could open the window, that would be great" -- even though the content is an imperative, the fact that you're not using the imperative voice means that you're not acting as if you're in a relationship of dominance, where you could presuppose the compliance of the other person.
On the other hand, you want the damn guacamole.
By expressing it as an if-then statement, you can get the message across without appearing to boss another person around.
And in a more subtle way, I think, this works for all of the veiled speech acts involving plausible deniability: the bribes, threats, propositions, solicitations and so on.
One way of thinking about it is to imagine what it would be like if language -- where it could only be used literally.
And you can think of it in terms of a game-theoretic payoff matrix.
Put yourself in the position of the kidnapper wanting to bribe the officer.
There's a high stakes in the two possibilities of having a dishonest officer or an honest officer.
If you don't bribe the officer, then you will get a traffic ticket -- or, as is the case of "Fargo," worse -- is honest or dishonest.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
In that case, the consequences are rather severe.
On the other hand, if you extend the bribe, if the officer is dishonest, you get a huge payoff of going free.
If the officer is honest, you get a huge penalty of being arrested for bribery.
So this is a rather fraught situation.
On the other hand, with indirect language, if you issue a veiled bribe, then the dishonest officer could interpret it as a bribe, in which case you get the payoff of going free.
The honest officer can't hold you to it as being a bribe, and therefore, you get the nuisance of the traffic ticket.
So you get the best of both worlds. And a similar analysis, I think, can apply to the potential awkwardness of a sexual solicitation, and other cases where plausible deniability is an asset.
I think this affirms something that's long been known by diplomats -- namely, that the vagueness of language, far from being a bug or an imperfection, actually might be a feature of language, one that we use to our advantage in social interactions.
So to sum up: language is a collective human creation, reflecting human nature, how we conceptualize reality, how we relate to one another.
And then by analyzing the various quirks and complexities of language, I think we can get a window onto what makes us tick.
Thank you very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「おーい、新入りちゃん達! 次はこっちを頼むぜ!」
「うわあぁぁ~~美味しそうね! 美味しそう!」
「そうねえ、もしかしたらそっちも嫌な人かも知れないわよね? ウェイン王子と仲が悪いんでしょ? 王子はいい人だし......」
「そうとは限らないよ? 国王なんてやってたら、訓練する暇は無いから」
「? 珍しいわね、クリスが戦ってみたいって言わないなんて」
「......ダメよ? もしお話しする機会があったとしても、変な事言わないでよ?」
「アールメンとシアロトの話は......!? 何も言ってないけど――あ、領地を渡さなくて良くなったの?」
そう、やって来たのはまだ10歳程の、少年の | 「Ooi, newbies! Bring this in next!」
Inglis and Rafinha, dressed in a maid’s attire, cheerfully replied, and left the palace’s pantry with a wagon full of platters to carry the food.
It was a simple task of bringing the food from the pantry to the venue where the party would be held.
Inglis and Rafinha were just day laborers for this one busy day, so this was all they were allowed to do.
However, it was exceedingly fun.
「Uwaaaah~~~ Looks so tasty! So appetizing!!」
「Foods in the Palace are different after all......!」
Vivid colors, sophisticated aromas, profound flavors——
This was the craft of a first-rate chef using first-rate ingredients with care. It wasn’t that the food at the Knight Academy’s cafeteria was bad, but still, the food here was on a different level.
「Ah, you eat that too much, Rani. The pile of lobsters are already gone now.」
「Says you, Glis. You can’t be eating all the meat like that, you know.」
They had made quite a progress on snitching the food while they carried the wagon through the long corridor that cuts through the garden, behind everyone’s back.
This was something they shouldn’t do, and they were well aware of it.
However, the Ironblood Chain Brigade would come and crash this welcoming party tonight. And, if that was the case, then the food would be better eaten now, even if a little.
A low, echoing, vibrating sound came from a place far from them. It was from above, over their heads, or even higher. It came from beyond the skies.
As if breaking through the dusk-tinted clouds, a Highland Aerial Battleship revealed itself.
「Uwaah...That’s a huge ship. As big as Lord Theodore’s, if not more......!」
「You’re right. Who’s the one in charge, I wonder...」
「......If possible, I’d prefer a decent person, like Lord Theodore or Lady Cyrene. It’s also part of our duty to protect them, after all......」
Inglis and Rafinha had gone undercover to guard the King and the Highland envoy from the assault of the Ironblood Chain Brigade.
They deliberately didn’t inform the Royal Palace or the Imperial Guard Order about the attack. It was Principal Miliera’s decision, as well as what Inglis wished.
「But I have a feeling they’d be someone like Rahal or Myynti......If they are, I don’t feel like guarding them at all~」
Grunted Rafinha.
「We’ve never seen His Majesty the King too, haven’t we.」
「You’re right, we haven’t. Maybe he’s a jerk person too? He doesn’t get along with His Highness Wayne, right? And His Highness is a good person, so......」
「Fufu. I guess so.」
What cute naive notion. To Rafinha, only good and bad people couldn’t get along with each other.
While in reality, morals hardly mattered, as ideals and position would make all the difference at getting along with one another.
In short, compatibility. The chemistry they shared. Good and bad had nothing to do with it.
「Well, I’m fine either way. There are plenty of opponents to fight already, too.」
Since Leone and Liselotte have supposedly seen the Black Mask, Cystia, and Leon, that means those three will surely make an appearance. An Ether wielder, a Hyrule Menace, and a former Holy Knight. The battlefield where I can take on all of them at once is here, at this very place. Isn’t that simply wonderful?
Then, after capturing them, I plan to head towards the Academy’s main force. I’ll join the mission led by the principal and senior Silva to annihilate all the Magic Stone Beasts that Miss Ripple summons. There will be a lot of Magic Stone Beasts to fight there, and there might be some powerful ones that I haven’t seen before.
「Ufufu......I can’t wait, it’s been a while since I could fight without restraint.」
「Really, Glis, you’re just like usual. Even I’m getting a bit nervous myself, you know?」
「You only need to be able to genuinely enjoy the very fight itself. There are strong enemies. Fight. Fun. That’s all you ever have to feel.」
「No no......There are a lot of other things to think about, okay?! Well, that does sound like you, Glis.」
And thus the prep work continued on——
The venue was full of people. The party attendees, the musicians who decorated the venue with music, and the knights who lined up all along the venue’s wall to guard the event. Inglis, Rafinha, and the other maids were also waiting at the far end of the venue to serve the guests.
Then, an elderly man in an extravagant gown made an appearance, his gait leisurely. He was tall and burly, a big man for his age, with a bit of gray patch on his hair.
His position was evident from the magnificent specter he carried in his hand. Beside him, the Commander of the Imperial Guard Order, Redas, took position.
「Ooh, the King made His appearance——」
「His Majesty King Charleas......!」
「Long live the King!」
Cheers surrounded King Charleas. From what Inglis could see, he seemed to be an imposing and dignified figure, well-liked by his people. And, more than that...
「Heeh......So His Majesty has a Special Grade Rune.」
Gleaming on the back of the King’s right hand was, unmistakably, a Special Grade Rune.
「Seems like it. That means he must be strong, so protecting him should be easy as pie.」
「That’s not for sure. Being a King means you don’t have time to train.」
Spoken from her previous life experience; If he was an honest, serious King, then that was absolutely the case. There was no other way.
「? That’s rare of you Glis, not saying you want to fight him.」
「No, I didn’t say I don’t want to either, right?」
「......You can’t, okay? Even if we’re given a chance to talk with him, don’t ever say anything weird, okay?」
Then, King Charleas called out to the gathering attendee.
「It is my great pleasure to invite an envoy of the Highland tonight. The envoy has promised to send us a new Hyrule Menace in response to our Kingdom’s Hyrule Menace’s abnormal condition. With this opportunity, the future of our Kingdom shall become even more prosperous.」
He held up the specter and uttered those words, which were greeted with a crack of applause.
「What about the matter with Arlman and Shealot!? He didn’t mention anything about them! Ah, do we no longer have to give up territories anymore?」
「I don’t think that’s the case. It’s normal in these situations to only speak of the results and omit the bad stuff in-between, you know?」
「......That sounds sly.」
It was endearing how pure Rafinha’s disapproval of him was. Inglis squinted her eyes joyfully.
「Then, let us welcome our envoy. Everyone, I beseech you not to be rude with him.」
Announced the King before he bowed his head towards the entrance of the venue.
Everyone followed after him, then... a Highlander, prominent with the stigma on his forehead, entered the venue.
His eyes were heterochromia, red in one and blue in the other. His hair was pure white, but there were two tufts of hair that was in the same red and blue respectively on his forelock. He was dressed in lavishly decorated armor but... his stature was small.
「A kid......?」
Indeed, the one that came was a young Highlander, only about ten-years old at most. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 31,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
突然老人が 彼に話しかけました 「このバーどうだい?ワシが—
国中の良木を使って 素手で作った
自分の子よりも手をかけ 愛を込めたんだ
世間のやつらはバーを作った マグレガーと呼んだか?よばねぇ」
次に 一方の窓を指さして
ワシが素手で作った 石を持ってきては
雨の日も凍える日も 壁に積んでいった なのに
世間のやつらは石壁を作った マグレガーと呼んだか?よばねぇ」
また もう一方の窓を指さして
ワシが素手で作った 杭を持ってきては
砂浜に打ちこんで 板を 1枚1枚はめてった
世間のやつらは桟橋を作った マグレガーと呼んだか?よばねぇ
それが いっぺんヤギをヤっただけでよ...」 物語を語ること— それは冗談を言うのと一緒です オチや 結末を 念頭に置きつつ 最初から最後のひと言まで 伝え方を全て操って 1つの結末に導くということです 理想としては 人間とは何か その理解を深めるような ちょっとした真実を 確かめられるものです
人生に意味があることを 確認したいのです
これを確かめられるものはありません 過去 現在 未来の 時間の壁を超えるものです 創作であろうと事実であろうと 人々の類似性を体験し 登場人物の立場になって 追体験することを可能にします
子供番組のホスト ミスターロジャースは ソーシャルワーカーの こんな言葉をいつも 財布に入れていました 「はっきり言って その人の物語を聞くと 愛せない人なんて誰もいないのです」 「はっきり言って その人の物語を聞くと 愛せない人なんて誰もいないのです」
私はこう解釈したいのです 素晴らしい物語というものは こんな鉄則を守っているものです 「関心を持たせよ」 感情的な面であれ 知的な面であれ 美しさの面であれ ただただ関心を引きつけるということ
何百ものTVのチャンネルを 次から次へ切り替え そしてその中で突然 どこかのチャンネルを見始めます
興味を引ければ 半分は 終わったようなものです 何かが心を捉え チャンネルに 引き込まれ 気になって見ます
そのチャンネルにしたのは偶然じゃなく 意図的に気を引くように作られてます
それで私自身の来歴を物語として 語ったらどうかと思いつきました 私がいかに創作すべく生まれ どのように物語の創り方を 身に付けて きたかというストーリーです
今日はもっと楽しんでもらう為に 結末から始めて 始まりへと話を進めることにしましょう
そうですね 結末を 教えてしまうとしたら それはこんな感じです 「そんなわけで こうして TED で 皆さんに 物語について語るまでになったのです」
物語の教訓で 最新のものは 今年 2012年に完成したばかりの 映画を作る過程にありました
映画「ジョン・カーター」は 「火星のプリンセス」が原作です エドガー・ライス・バローズの著作です
バローズは映画の中で 物語の語り部として 登場しています
彼は大金持ちのおじ ジョン・カーターからの 「すぐきてくれ」という電報で豪邸に呼び寄せられます 彼は大金持ちのおじ ジョン・カーターからの 「すぐきてくれ」という電報で豪邸に呼び寄せられます
訪ねて行ってみると おじが 既に謎に満ちた死をとげていて 敷地内の霊廟に葬られたことを知ります
執事: 鍵穴はございません
中からしか開けられない ようになっております 旦那様は 死化粧も 弔問も 葬列も 絶対するなとおっしゃいました
まぁ 普通の人のようにしていたら おじさまのような 富を我がモノにすることはできないのでしょうね まぁ 普通の人のようにしていたら おじさまのような 富を我がモノにすることはできないのでしょうね
さぁ 家に入りましょう
スタントン: この場面は本でも同じですが 何かが起こりそうと期待させます
この場面は 物語が見るに値する— ものとなっていくのを期待させます
よくできた物語は全て 最初に期待を 持たせるようにしないとだめです
「昔むかし あるところに」のような 単純な出だしもあります カーターシリーズには バローズが 常に語り部として登場します
まるで たき火を囲んでの 談話に誘っているかのよう あるいは バーで「面白い話があるんだ いや オレじゃなくて 他のやつに起こった事だけど
あるいは バーで「面白い話があるんだ いや オレじゃなくて 他のやつに起こった事だけど 聞く価値はあるぞ」と 話しかけてくる人のようです
うまく引き起こされた期待というのは 引き絞ったパチンコから放たれた石のように 話の結末までグングンと 引き絞ったパチンコから放たれた石のように 話の結末までグングンと 引っ張っていくのです
さて 2008年には それまでに学んでいた 物語に関する全ての理論を 極限まで押し進めて この作品を作りました
♫ 愛とは ♫ ♫ そういうもの ♫ ♫ 最後の時に ♫ ♫ 思い起こすでしょう ♫ ♫ 一生の愛は・・・ ♫ スタントン: 会話によらない伝え方
これ以上に全体的な アプローチはありません
これを通して 観客は主題を 自分で見つけたがっているという 直感が確信になりました
意識せず そうしたがっているのです
物語を作る側の仕事は 観客に主題を見つけさせていることを うまく隠すということです 人は問題を解こうとします
これは人が現実世界でも そうしているからです
緻密に計算された情報の欠落が 人を引き込みます
人が幼児や子犬に惹かれるのには 理由があります
すごくかわいいだけじゃなく 幼児や子犬は 考えていること したいことを全て 表現できるわけではないからです
人は 途中までになっている文を 完成せずにはいられません
このしかけが分かり始めたのは ボブ・ピーターソンと 「ファインディング・ニモ」の 脚本を書いていたときです
この結びつけざるを得ないしかけを 「2 + 2 の法則」と呼びました
答えの4を見せず 2 + 2 を見せるのです
どんな手掛かりを どういう順序で見せるかが 観客を引き込めるかの 成否を握っています
編集者や脚本家には このことが ずっと分かっていました 気付かない内に観客を物語に
惹きつける方法なのです これは正に科学で立証されてると
言うつもりはありません そういったものではありません
これは物語の素晴らしいところです 機械のようなきっちりした ものではないのです
いい物語は必然性を持ちながら 先を読むことができません
今年 演技指導者であるジュディス・ ウェストンのセミナーを受けて 今年 演技指導者であるジュディス・ ウェストンのセミナーを受けて
彼女によれば よく描かれた キャラクターには全て 一本背骨が通っているのです
キャラクターを内面から突き動かす 無意識ながら支配的な 願望があるのです 掻き切れない 痒みのようなものです
「ゴットファーザー」でアル・パチーノが演じた マイケル・コルレオーネが良い例として挙げられていました 「ゴットファーザー」でアル・パチーノが演じた マイケル・コルレオーネが良い例として挙げられていました この役の背骨は恐らく 父親を喜ばせるところにあります
父親が亡くなってからでさえも その痒みを掻き続けているのです
私はこの背骨の話には 最初から納得できました
ウォーリーの場合は 美を追い求め
「ファインディング・ニモ」の 父親マーリンは 子を守ろうとし
ウッディは 持ち主である子供 の為に全力を尽くします
この背骨によって 必ずしも最善の 選択ができるわけではありません
ときには 背骨がとんでもない 決断をさせることもあります
私は祝福され親になりました 子供たちが成長するのを見ていると 人はなんらかの 気質や才能を持って生まれてくると 思えてなりません 子供たちが成長するのを見ていると 人はなんらかの 気質や才能を持って生まれてくると 思えてなりません 持って生まれてくるものは 選ぶこともできないし 変えることもできません
できるのは 気質や才能を認識することと 自分の本分として活かしていくことだけです
良い気質を持って生まれもすれば 悪い気質を持って生まれることもあります
悪い面も 突き動かす背骨を受け入れて 自ら制御できるように成長すれば 大きな分岐点を 超えることができます
親としては常に 自分の子が どんな子かを学び
子供たちも日々 自分について知っていき
大人自身もまた 自分について 学び続けています
そのため変化は物語の 基礎的な要素となります
変化がないと物語は 死んでしまいます 変化のない人生なんてないからです
1998年に「トイストーリー」と 「バグズ・ライフ」の 脚本を書き終えて 映画の— 脚本作りに病みつきになりました
もっと上手く書きたくなって その為にどんなことでも学びました
そしてついに イギリスの劇作家 ウィリアム・アーチャーの 素晴らしい名言に出会いました 「劇とは不確実なものに 取り巻かれた期待だ」という言葉です
信じられないほど 示唆に富んだ定義です
物語を伝えるときに 期待感をうまく構築しているか?
瞬間瞬間に 次に何が起こるのか 知りたいと思わせているか?
さらに重要なのは 全体として 最終的にどんな風に終わるのかを
知りたいと思わせているか? 結果が思った通りにならないかも と思わせるような事実を入れて
正当な緊張感を組み込んだか? 「ファインディング・ニモ」を例に出すなら 瞬間瞬間には マーリンに言われたことを ドーリーがすぐに忘れてしまうことに
常にやきもきさせられます 同時に 物語中ずっと 果たして— 大海原の中で ニモを見つけられるのかが
気になっています ピクサー創業当時は 物語に隠されたしかけを 掴んでいなかったので 本能や感じるままに何でも 試している ただの集団でした
こうした挑戦が 結構いい線までたどりつくまでの 道のりを辿るのは面白いです
1993年当時のことを 思い起こしてください 成功したアニメ映画といえば 「リトルマーメイド」や 「美女と野獣」だったり 「アラジン」や「ライオンキング」 と考えられていた
あの時代です 「トイストーリー」への出演依頼を トム・ハンクスに最初にした時 やってきた彼が開口一番 「歌えって言うんじゃないよね?」
これは その当時 みんなが アニメをどう思っていたか 正に象徴するひと言だと思いました
しかし アニメでこれまでとは 全く違う方法で物語が伝えられることを 証明したかったのです
この頃の我々には影響力がなかったので 密かに持っていた 私たちだけのルールがありました
そのルールとは 歌を入れない 願い事のシーンを入れない 幸せな村を入れない ラブ・ストーリーを入れない でした
皮肉なことに 最初の年の 物語は上手くいっていませんでした ディズニー社はパニック状態でした
そして 誰かは言いませんが ディズニーは有名な作詞家から 内々に助言を受け 改善案がファックスされました
見てみると そこに書かれていたのは 歌を入れないと駄目 願い事の歌を入れないと駄目 幸せな村の歌を入れないと駄目 ラブストーリーを入れて 悪役もいないと駄目ですよ
幸いに 私たちは 当時 まだ青く 反抗的で 人と反対のことをしたいと—
思っていたので もっと良い作品が 作れると証明しようと
1年後に 勝利が訪れました この成功によって 物語の伝え方には 決められたルールはなく 方向性があるだけだと証明しました
他に分かってきた基礎的なことは キャラクターを感じよく させることでした
我々は「トイストーリー」の ウッディを最終的には 献身的に変貌させたいと考えましたが 元の性格を持たせないといけません
それで自己中なやつにすることにして こんな風になりました
ウッディ: なにやってんだ?
ベットからおりろよ おいってば
ポテトヘッド: やれるもんならやってみろ!
ウッディ: こいつがやるさ
スリンキー?ス スリンキー!
さぁ ここにきて やっつけるんだ
スリンキー: ウッディ わるいけど 彼らと同意見だよ
ウッディ: なに!?わかんなかったな もう一度言ってみろよ!?
何も考えずに 僕が言ったようにすればいいんだ バネ・ウィンナー野郎!
スタントン: どうやって自己中心的な 役を 感じ良くするか?
一番のおもちゃであり続けるという 条件さえ満たしていれば ウッディを 優しく 寛容で 面白く 思慮深い キャラクターに出来る ということに気が付きました
そして究極的には 人は人生を条件付きで 生きているということです
みんな特定の条件さえ満たされれば ルールや既定のものと 折り合っていこうとします
それがなくなると 次の行動は予測不可能です
物語の創作を仕事にしようと 決める以前のことですが いま振り返ると 若い時に 起きた出来事が 実は物語のしかけに 気付かされる 重要な出来事であったことに気付きました
1986年に 物語がテーマを 持っているということが
どういうことなのか 本当に 理解できた瞬間がありました この年は「アラビアのロレンス」が復元されて
再度 映画公開された年でした 月に7回も見に行きました
いくら見ても 見たりなかったのです
全てのカット 場面 セリフの背後に 何か大きなものが あるのがわかっていただけでした
しかし 表面的には ただ単に 彼の歴史的な足跡が描かれている だけに見えるのです
しかし 見えないものがあり それが何なのか?
何度も見た後にはじめて ベールがめくれるように 掴めたのでした シナイ半島の砂漠を歩いて 渡るときのあのシーン スエズ運河に到着する場面で ふと分かったのです
少年: おーい!おーい!おーい!おーい!
オートバイの男: だれだー?
スタントン: それがテーマだったのです 「自分は一体だれなのか?」
一見繋がりがないような ただ時系列で彼の歴史をたどっている 出来事や会話なのですが その根底には一貫して 道しるべがあったのです
映画でロレンスが行った全ては 彼が自分の居場所を見つけよう とする試みだったのです うまく語られた物語には
常に強いテーマが流れています 私が5才の時 もっとも物語に備わっているべきと 感じるものながら なかなか遭遇することのない しかけに始めて出会いました
これが5才の時に 母が私を 連れて行ってくれた映画です
タンパー: おいでよ 大丈夫だって
バンビ: ヤッホー
タンパー: おもしろいだろう バンビ どう?
さぁ 立って
ハハハ ちがう ちがう ちがうよ
スタントン: 映画館から出て ただ 驚きに目を見開いてました
これこそ私の考える魔法の隠し味 秘伝のソースです 驚きと好奇心を引き起こすということです
驚きは正直な反応で まったく純粋なものです
私からすると この感覚を他の人に 与えられる能力ほど 素晴らしいものはありません 日常の中のほんの一瞬であれ 心を掴んで 驚きに 身をゆだねさせるということ
この驚きに触れると 生きていることが実感でき 細胞の1つひとつまでにも 響きわたります
芸術家が他の芸術家から 驚きを与えられると どんどん驚きを 受け渡して 行きたくなるのです
「他の人がしてくれたように 他の人にもなさい」
と悪魔の塔の呼びかけで 眠っていた指令が
突然活性化されるかのようです 最高の物語というものは 驚きを与えます
私が4才の時こんなことがありました はっきりと覚えています 私には 2つの点のような 傷が足首にあって 父にこれがなにか尋ねました
実は私には同じような傷が頭にも 髪に隠れたところにあると 父は言いました キミが産まれたとき 予定よりかなり早く出て来てしまい まだ体が出来上がっていなかったんだというのが 父のしてくれた説明でした 非常に状態が悪く
歯が黒く 血色の悪い 赤ん坊を見た医者は 母をじっと見て 「この子は 生きられないでしょう」 と言ったそうです
それからも何回も輸血をうけ 生きのびました 生き延びることで 私は特別になったのです
本気でそう信じているかと 言われれば半信半疑で
両親も本気で信じているか わかりませんが 両親が間違っていたという結論にだけは したくありませんでした
うまくできるようになったことが何であれ もう1度生きるチャンスを与えられた 価値を示す努力をしたかったのです
マーリン: ああ いた いたよ
もう大丈夫だよ とうさんはここにいるよ
ここにおいで もう大丈夫だ
約束するよ ニモ もうこんなことは二度と 起こらないようにするよ
スタントン: これは私が 最初に学んだ物語の教訓です
知ってることを使って そこから引き出すこと
自分の体験から真実をとらえ 心の奥底で個人的に感じる価値を 表現するということです
そんなわけで こうして TED で 物語について語るまでになったのです
ありがとうございました | And suddenly the old man turns to him and goes, "You see this bar?
I built this bar with my bare hands from the finest wood in the county.
Gave it more love and care than my own child.
But do they call me MacGregor the bar builder? No."
Points out the window.
"You see that stone wall out there?
I built that stone wall with my bare hands.
Found every stone, placed them just so through the rain and the cold.
But do they call me MacGregor the stone wall builder? No."
Points out the window.
"You see that pier on the lake out there?
I built that pier with my bare hands.
Drove the pilings against the tide of the sand, plank by plank.
But do they call me MacGregor the pier builder? No.
But you fuck one goat ... " Storytelling -- is joke telling. It's knowing your punchline, your ending, knowing that everything you're saying, from the first sentence to the last, is leading to a singular goal, and ideally confirming some truth that deepens our understandings of who we are as human beings.
We all love stories.
We're born for them.
Stories affirm who we are.
We all want affirmations that our lives have meaning.
And nothing does a greater affirmation than when we connect through stories.
It can cross the barriers of time, past, present and future, and allow us to experience the similarities between ourselves and through others, real and imagined.
The children's television host Mr. Rogers always carried in his wallet a quote from a social worker that said, "Frankly, there isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story."
And the way I like to interpret that is probably the greatest story commandment, which is "Make me care" -- please, emotionally, intellectually, aesthetically, just make me care.
We all know what it's like to not care.
You've gone through hundreds of TV channels, just switching channel after channel, and then suddenly you actually stop on one.
It's already halfway over, but something's caught you and you're drawn in and you care.
That's not by chance, that's by design.
So it got me thinking, what if I told you my history was story, how I was born for it, how I learned along the way this subject matter?
And to make it more interesting, we'll start from the ending and we'll go to the beginning.
And so if I were going to give you the ending of this story, it would go something like this: And that's what ultimately led me to speaking to you here at TED about story.
And the most current story lesson that I've had was completing the film I've just done this year in 2012.
The film is "John Carter." It's based on a book called "The Princess of Mars," which was written by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
as a character inside this movie, and as the narrator.
And he's summoned by his rich uncle, John Carter, to his mansion with a telegram saying, "See me at once."
But once he gets there, he's found out that his uncle has mysteriously passed away and been entombed in a mausoleum on the property.
Butler: You won't find a keyhole.
Thing only opens from the inside. He insisted, no embalming, no open coffin, no funeral.
You don't acquire the kind of wealth your uncle commanded by being like the rest of us, huh?
Come, let's go inside.
AS: What this scene is doing, and it did in the book, is it's fundamentally making a promise.
It's making a promise to you that this story will lead somewhere that's worth your time.
And that's what all good stories should do at the beginning, is they should give you a promise.
You could do it an infinite amount of ways.
Sometimes it's as simple as "Once upon a time ... " These Carter books always had Edgar Rice Burroughs as a narrator in it.
And I always thought it was such a fantastic device.
It's like a guy inviting you around the campfire, or somebody in a bar saying, "Here, let me tell you a story.
It didn't happen to me, it happened to somebody else, but it's going to be worth your time."
A well told promise is like a pebble being pulled back in a slingshot and propels you forward through the story to the end.
In 2008, I pushed all the theories that I had on story at the time to the limits of my understanding on this project.
♫ And that is all ♫ ♫ that love's about ♫ ♫ And we'll recall ♫ ♫ when time runs out ♫ ♫ That it only ♫ AS: Storytelling without dialogue.
It's the purest form of cinematic storytelling.
It's the most inclusive approach you can take.
It confirmed something I really had a hunch on, is that the audience actually wants to work for their meal.
They just don't want to know that they're doing that.
That's your job as a storyteller, is to hide the fact that you're making them work for their meal.
We're born problem solvers.
We're compelled to deduce because that's what we do in real life.
It's this well-organized absence of information that draws us in.
There's a reason that we're all attracted to an infant or a puppy.
It's not just that they're damn cute; it's because they can't completely express what they're thinking and what their intentions are.
And it's like a magnet.
We can't stop ourselves from wanting to complete the sentence and fill it in.
I first started really understanding this storytelling device when I was writing with Bob Peterson on "Finding Nemo."
And we would call this the unifying theory of two plus two.
Make the audience put things together.
Don't give them four, give them two plus two.
The elements you provide and the order you place them in is crucial to whether you succeed or fail at engaging the audience.
Editors and screenwriters have known this all along.
It's the invisible application that holds our attention to story.
I don't mean to make it sound like this is an actual exact science, it's not.
That's what's so special about stories, they're not a widget, they aren't exact.
Stories are inevitable, if they're good, but they're not predictable.
I took a seminar in this year with an acting teacher named Judith Weston.
And I learned a key insight to character.
She believed that all well-drawn characters have a spine.
And the idea is that the character has an inner motor, a dominant, unconscious goal that they're striving for, an itch that they can't scratch.
She gave a wonderful example of Michael Corleone, Al Pacino's character in "The Godfather," and that probably his spine was to please his father.
And it's something that always drove all his choices.
Even after his father died, he was still trying to scratch that itch.
I took to this like a duck to water.
Wall-E's was to find the beauty.
Marlin's, the father in "Finding Nemo," was to prevent harm.
And Woody's was to do what was best for his child.
And these spines don't always drive you to make the best choices.
Sometimes you can make some horrible choices with them.
I'm really blessed to be a parent, and watching my children grow, I really firmly believe that you're born with a temperament and you're wired a certain way, and you don't have any say about it, and there's no changing it.
All you can do is learn to recognize it and own it.
And some of us are born with temperaments that are positive, some are negative.
But a major threshold is passed when you mature enough to acknowledge what drives you and to take the wheel and steer it.
As parents, you're always learning who your children are.
They're learning who they are.
And you're still learning who you are.
So we're all learning all the time.
And that's why change is fundamental in story.
If things go static, stories die, because life is never static.
In 1998, I had finished writing "Toy Story" and "A Bug's Life" and I was completely hooked on screenwriting.
So I wanted to become much better at it and learn anything I could.
So I researched everything I possibly could.
And I finally came across this fantastic quote by a British playwright, William Archer: "Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty."
It's an incredibly insightful definition.
When you're telling a story, have you constructed anticipation?
In the short-term, have you made me want to know what will happen next?
But more importantly, have you made me want to know how it will all conclude in the long-term?
Have you constructed honest conflicts with truth that creates doubt in what the outcome might be?
An example would be in "Finding Nemo," in the short tension, you were always worried, would Dory's short-term memory make her forget whatever she was being told by Marlin.
But under that was this global tension of will we ever find Nemo in this huge, vast ocean?
In our earliest days at Pixar, before we truly understood the invisible workings of story, we were simply a group of guys just going on our gut, going on our instincts.
And it's interesting to see how that led us places that were actually pretty good.
You've got to remember that in this time of year, 1993, what was considered a successful animated picture was "The Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast," "Aladdin," "Lion King."
So when we pitched "Toy Story" to Tom Hanks for the first time, he walked in and he said, "You don't want me to sing, do you?"
And I thought that epitomized perfectly what everybody thought animation had to be at the time.
But we really wanted to prove that you could tell stories completely different in animation.
We didn't have any influence then, so we had a little secret list of rules that we kept to ourselves.
And they were: No songs, no "I want" moment, no happy village, no love story.
And the irony is that, in the first year, our story was not working at all and Disney was panicking.
So they privately got advice from a famous lyricist, who I won't name, and he faxed them some suggestions.
And we got a hold of that fax.
And the fax said, there should be songs, there should be an "I want" song, there should be a happy village song, there should be a love story and there should be a villain.
And thank goodness we were just too young, rebellious and contrarian at the time.
That just gave us more determination to prove that you could build a better story.
And a year after that, we did conquer it.
And it just went to prove that storytelling has guidelines, not hard, fast rules.
Another fundamental thing we learned was about liking your main character.
well Woody in "Toy Story" has to become selfless at the end, so you've got to start from someplace.
So let's make him selfish. And this is what you get.
Woody: What do you think you're doing?
Off the bed.
Hey, off the bed!
Mr. Potato Head: You going to make us, Woody?
Woody: No, he is.
Slinky? Slink ... Slinky!
Get up here and do your job.
Are you deaf?
I said, take care of them.
Slinky: I'm sorry, Woody, but I have to agree with them.
I don't think what you did was right.
Woody: What? Am I hearing correctly?
You don't think I was right?
Who said your job was to think, Spring Wiener?
AS: So how do you make a selfish character likable?
We realized, you can make him kind, generous, funny, considerate, as long as one condition is met for him, is that he stays the top toy.
And that's what it really is, is that we all live life conditionally.
We're all willing to play by the rules and follow things along, as long as certain conditions are met.
After that, all bets are off.
And before I'd even decided to make storytelling my career, I can now see key things that happened in my youth that really sort of opened my eyes to certain things about story.
In 1986, I truly understood the notion of story having a theme.
And that was the year that they restored and re-released "Lawrence of Arabia."
And I saw that thing seven times in one month.
I couldn't get enough of it.
I could just tell there was a grand design under it -- in every shot, every scene, every line.
Yet, on the surface it just seemed to be depicting his historical lineage of what went on.
Yet, there was something more being said. What exactly was it?
And it wasn't until, on one of my later viewings, that the veil was lifted and it was in a scene where he's walked across the Sinai Desert and he's reached the Suez Canal, and I suddenly got it.
Boy: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Cyclist: Who are you?
Who are you?
AS: That was the theme: Who are you?
Here were all these seemingly disparate that just were chronologically telling the history of him, but underneath it was a constant, a guideline, a road map.
Everything Lawrence did in that movie was an attempt for him to figure out where his place was in the world.
A strong theme is always running through When I was five, I was introduced to possibly the most major ingredient that I feel a story should have, but is rarely invoked.
And this is what my mother took me to when I was five.
Thumper: Come on. It's all right.
The water's stiff.
Bambi: Yippee!
Thumper: Some fun, huh, Bambi?
Come on. Get up.
Like this.
Ha ha. No, no, no.
AS: I walked out of there wide-eyed with wonder.
And that's what I think the magic ingredient is, the secret sauce, is can you invoke wonder.
Wonder is honest, it's completely innocent.
It can't be artificially evoked.
For me, there's no greater ability than the gift of another human being giving you that feeling -- to hold them still just for a brief moment in their day and have them surrender to wonder.
When it's tapped, the affirmation of being alive, it reaches you almost to a cellular level.
And when an artist does that to another artist, it's like you're compelled to pass it on.
that suddenly is activated in you, like a call to Devil's Tower.
Do unto others what's been done to you.
The best stories infuse wonder.
When I was four years old, I have a vivid memory of finding two pinpoint scars on my ankle and asking my dad what they were.
And he said I had a matching pair like that on my head, but I couldn't see them because of my hair. And he explained that when I was born, I was born premature, that I came out much too early, and I wasn't fully baked; I was very, very sick.
And when the doctor took a look at this yellow kid with black teeth, he looked straight at my mom and said, "He's not going to live."
And I was in the hospital for months.
And many blood transfusions later, I lived, and that made me special.
I don't know if I really believe that.
I don't know if my parents really believe that, but I didn't want to prove them wrong.
Whatever I ended up being good at, I would strive to be worthy of the second chance I was given.
Marlin: There, there, there.
It's okay, daddy's here.
Daddy's got you.
I promise, I will never let anything happen to you, Nemo.
AS: And that's the first story lesson I ever learned.
Use what you know. Draw from it.
It doesn't always mean plot or fact.
It means capturing a truth from your experiencing it, expressing values you personally feel deep down in your core.
And that's what ultimately led me to speaking to you here at TEDTalk today.
Thank you. | {
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そして私にも夢があります 未来に悪夢が待ち受けているなんてことを 考えなくてすむようになりたいという夢です これは大きな挑戦です 近年の大作映画を見れば そのほとんど全てが 終末論的な見方で
人類を描いています 「ザ ロード」は 最近の映画の中で
観るのが最もつらい作品の一つです 美しい映画ですが 全てが荒廃して 死に絶えています
一組の父親と息子だけが 生き延びようと道を歩いていきます
私も関わっている 環境運動は この終末論的な未来を描くことに
加担してきました あまりに長い間 何が起きるのか 悪夢のような見通しを 広めてきたのです
十分に解決策を 考えてきませんでした
言うなれば 恐れを使って 人々の関心を引いてきたのです
心理学者なら 恐怖は逃走に結びついていると
言うでしょう 動物は怯えた時 争ったり逃げたりします 例えば鹿は
いつでも逃げ出せる準備をして じっと動きを止めます
私たちも同じことをしています 人々に環境悪化や気候変動といった 課題に関わるよう求めると
固まって逃げ出してしまいます 恐れに訴えかけているからです
環境運動は自らを見直して 前進とは何かを 考えるべきです
我々が直面する問題の一つは 前進という意味で 市場を追い詰めたのが 金融的、経済的な意味での 前進だということです つまり 株価でもGDPでも 経済成長でも 数値の上昇が 豊かさとより良い暮らしに つながると 考えられているのです
多いことは良いことだというのは 人間の恐れではなく 欲望に訴えかけます
でも待って下さい 西洋にいる我々はもう十分豊かです
世界には豊かでない地域もありますが 我々は違います それにこうした数字で国の繁栄ぶりが
測れるわけではないことも知っています 実際 アメリカの会計システムを設計した サイモン クズネッツは1930年代に 言いました 「国の繁栄は国民所得ではほとんど測れない」と
でも我々は生産と製造に基づく 国の会計システムを 作り上げました
第二次大戦中 多くの物を生産しなければなりませんでした
実際 ある種のものを作るのがあまりに上手かったため ヨーロッパを大きく破壊し 後に再建しなければなりませんでした
それで国の会計システムは 生産にこだわるようになったのです
でも1968年には 先見の明のあるロバート ケネディが 不運にも暗殺で終わる 大統領選キャンペーンの初期に 国民総生産を かつてないほど雄弁に否定しています
彼は演説の終わりにこう述べました 「国民総生産は 全てを測ることができる 人生の価値を高めるもの以外は」
何ということでしょう 我々が社会の進歩を計測する指標は あらゆるものを測りますが 人生を価値あるものとするものは測れないのです
もしケネディが生きていたら 私のような統計学者に 何が人生を価値あるものとするのかを
見つけ出し 国の会計システムを 社会正義や 持続可能性 人々の福利といった
重要な指標に基づくものに 作り直そうと言うでしょう 実際 社会科学者たちは 世界各地でこうした質問をしています
これは ある世界調査の結果です
人々の望むものを聞いています 驚くことでもありませんが
世界中で人々は 自分自身や子ども 家族やコミュニティの 幸せを望んでいます
お金のことも考えていますが 幸福や愛ほど重要ではありません
我々は皆 愛し愛されることを望んでいるのです
皆 健康で充実した暮らしを送りたいのです
なぜ我々は 国の進歩を測るのに モノの豊かさではなくこれらの指標を使わないのでしょう?
私は 大人になってから 幸福の測り方を考えてきました 環境的な制約を考慮に入れながら 幸福を測る方法です
そして今の職場である 新経済財団で 地球幸福度指数という 指標を作り上げました 人間も地球も幸せであるべきだと私は思います
だから 両者を組み合わせた指標がいるのです
私たちは 国が生み出す最終的な成果とは 市民が幸せで健康な暮らしを送れるように
することであると考えました 地球上にある全ての国は
それを目指すべきです でもその際に忘れてはならないのは 我々は地球の資源を どれ程使っているのかということです
地球は一つです 皆で共有しなければいけません
皆で共有するたった一つの地球 - これは究極の希少資源です
希少な資源から 望ましい結果を 生み出したいのであれば 効率を考えなければなりません
このようにして 地球資源の利用に対する 幸福の産出量を測るのです
このグラフを見るのが 一番わかりやすいでしょう
グラフの横軸は 「エコロジカル フットプリント」です 資源の使用量と 地球への負荷を示しています
縦軸は 「幸せに生きられる年数」を示しています
平均値の周辺に 多くの国があります
グラフの右上にあるのは 上手くやっていて幸福を生み出しているけれど そのために大量の資源を使っている国々です
アメリカやヨーロッパ諸国 一部の湾岸諸国などが ここにあります
それとは反対に グラフの左下は 幸福をあまり生み出していない国 - サハラ以南のアフリカ諸国などです
ホッブズの言葉を借りれば 人生が短く過酷な地域です
これらの国々の多くでは 平均寿命がたったの40歳です
マラリアやエイズが 大勢の人々の 命を奪っています
黄色い三角形で示された国々は 世界平均よりも上手くやっていて グラフの左上に来ています
一番上にある国には 私は行ったことがありません
コスタリカでは 平均寿命は78.5歳 -
最近のギャラップの世界調査によれば 地球上で一番幸せな国です スイスよりもデンマークよりも幸せなのです
しかもそれを ヨーロッパ諸国が使う資源の 四分の一の量しか使わずに 実現しています 四分の一ですよ
99%のエネルギーは再生可能な資源から生み出されています 2021年までにカーボンニュートラルを実現すると
約束した最初の国の一つでもあります 1949年には
軍隊を廃止しました 1949年です そして健康や教育といった
コスタリカの識字率は 世界最高の水準です
我々はよく考えなければなりません 未来に向けて目指すべきは 北米や西欧型の社会ではなく
社会かもしれないのです 大変なのは 世界の平均を
そのためには グラフの下方にある国々を引き上げ 右側の国々を左に引き寄せなければなりません
もう一つの見方は 時間ごとの変化を追うことです
全ての国の過去データがある訳ではありませんが OECD諸国の豊かな国についてはあります
幸福度は 少し上昇しましたが エコロジカル フットプリントはもっと増えています
地球幸福度の手法からわかるのは 我々は究極の希少資源を使って 望ましい結果を引き出す活動を
より非効率にしか行えないようになっているということです 重要な点は 恐らくここにいる誰もが 終末論的な何かが起こることなく 西暦2050年の社会を
迎えたいだろうということです はるか遠くのことではありません
今年小学校に入る子どもが 私の年齢になるのが2050年です
これぐらいの期間で考えられています つまり通常のビジネスとは違います
ビジネスや組織作り 政策や 自分たちの生活のあり方が変わるのです
大切なのは 幸福を増やしていかなければならないことです 選挙で 暮らしの質が下がってもよい
なんて言える人はいません 人類の進歩が止まってもよいと
先に進みたい もっと豊かになりたいと思っているはずです
我々はそうした人々とも 上手くやっていかねばなりません
グラフを描いたりするのは簡単ですが 大切なのは曲線の向きを変えねばならないということです
そこで参考にできるのが システム理論やシステム技術者が考え出した 正しい情報を正しい時に使う フィードバック ループです 人間は「今」に動機づけられるものです
家に小さなメーターを取り付けて 今どれほどの電気を使っているのか 電気代がいくらなのかが見えたなら 子どもたちはすぐに電気を消しに行くでしょう
ラジオのニュースでは毎晩 株価や為替の情報が流れていますが 私にはポンド高とポンド安どちらが良いのかさえわかりません 私にはそんなニュースは要りません
ニュースを聞きたいものです 炭酸ガスの排出を毎年3%削減するという
目標は達成されたのか といったニュースです そうすれば集合的な目標を作ることができます
それをメディアに載せて考えるのです 一方で 幸福度を向上させるには
プラスに働くフィードバック ループが必要です 政府レベルでは福利の国家会計システムの構築などです
ビジネスでは従業員の福利を考えるのです それは創造性とイノベーションに 深く結びついています そして環境問題に取り組むためにはさまざまなイノベーションが必要です
イギリスでは公衆衛生に関する強力なキャンペーンがあります 1日に野菜と果物5種類を というものです 必要な運動量も示されていますが - 私はあまり出来ていません
より幸せになるために毎日すべき 5つのこととは何でしょう?
数年前 政府の科学庁とともに 展望プログラムという大規模な調査をしました 多数の専門家を含む大量の人々が参加し 証拠に基づいた巨大な報告書ができました
「幸福度の向上につながる5つの行動とは何か?」 というのが我々のテーマでした
重要なのは 5つの行動は幸せの秘密という訳ではなく それらを通じて幸せが生み出されてくるのだということです
まず最初はつながること つまり社会での関係が 暮らしの中で最も重要な基礎になるということです
時間やエネルギーを 愛する人とともに使っていますか?
悪い雰囲気から抜け出す最速の方法です 外に出て 散歩をし ラジオをつけて 踊るのです
世界で起きていることや季節の移り変わり 周りの人々などをどれほど気にかけていますか?
いくつもの証拠から考えて 注意深さや認知行動療法は 幸福と強く結びついています
4番目は学び続けることです 続けるというのが重要です 一生を通して学び続けるのです
好奇心を持ち学び続ける高齢者は 人生の幕引きをはじめた人よりもずっと健康です
新しい料理を覚えるということでもいいし 子どもの頃できなかった楽器に取り組んでもいいのです
そして最後の一つは 最も非経済的な行動ですが 与えることです
寛大さや利他主義 そして同情など これらは全て 脳内の報償のメカニズムと
与えると良い気分になります 2つのグループに100ドルずつあげるという
実験があります 片方には自分たちのために もう一方には他人のために使うよう言うのです
その日の終わりに彼らの幸福度を測ると 他人のために使った方が自らのために使ったよりも ずっと幸せを感じています
この便利なカードに記した 5つの方法は 地球を犠牲にすることはありません
地球を犠牲にすることなく 幸せになることは可能なのです
マーティン ルーサー キングは 死の間際に 素晴らしい演説をしました
「目の前には困難や 問題が待ち受けているが 私は何も恐れないし気にもしない
私は山の頂上に立ち 約束の地を見たのだから」
彼は牧師でしたが 環境運動や ビジネス社会 そして政府も 山の頂上に行き 遠くを眺め 約束の地を 見る必要があります そして皆が望む世界についての 構想を抱かねばなりません そしてそのために
大いなる変革を生み出し 良い方向に切り開くのです
そのためには 人々を結びつけ方向を指し示す 地球幸福度指数のような道標が必要です
そうすれば 皆が望む 幸せが地球を破壊しない世界を作れるはずです | I have a dream that we can stop thinking that the future will be a nightmare, and this is going to be a challenge, because, if you think of every major blockbusting film of recent times, nearly all of its visions for humanity are apocalyptic.
I think this film is one of the hardest watches of modern times, "The Road."
It's a beautiful piece of filmmaking, but everything is desolate, everything is dead.
And just a father and son trying to survive, walking along the road.
of which I am a part of has been complicit in creating this vision of the future.
For too long, we have peddled a nightmarish vision of what's going to happen.
We have focused on the worst-case scenario.
We have focused on the problems.
And we have not thought enough about the solutions.
We've used fear, if you like, to grab people's attention.
And any psychologist will tell you that fear in the organism is linked to flight mechanism.
It's part of the fight and flight mechanism, that when an animal is frightened -- think of a deer.
A deer freezes very, very still, poised to run away.
And I think that's what we're doing when we're asking people to engage with our agenda around environmental degradation and climate change.
People are freezing and running away because we're using fear.
And I think the environmental movement has to grow up and start to think about what progress is.
What would it be like to be improving the human lot?
And one of the problems that we face, I think, in terms of progress is a financial definition of what progress is, an economic definition of what progress is -- we're going to be better off, whether that's on the stock market, whether that's with GDP and economic growth, that somehow life is going to get better.
This is somehow appealing to human greed instead of fear -- that more is better.
Come on. In the Western world, we have enough.
Maybe some parts of the world don't, but we have enough.
And we've know for a long time that this is not a good measure In fact, the architect of our national accounting system, Simon Kuznets, in the 1930s, said that, "A nation's welfare can scarcely be inferred from their national income."
But we've created a national accounting system which is firmly based on production and producing stuff.
And indeed, this is probably historical, and it had its time.
In the second World War, we needed to produce a lot of stuff.
And indeed, we were so successful at producing certain types of stuff that we destroyed a lot of Europe, and we had to rebuild it afterwards.
And so our national accounting system became fixated on what we can produce.
But as early as 1968, this visionary man, Robert Kennedy, at the start of his ill-fated presidential campaign, of gross national product that ever has been.
And he finished his talk with the phrase, that, "The gross national product measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile."
How crazy is that? That our measure of progress, our dominant measure of progress in society, is measuring everything except that which makes life worthwhile?
I believe, if Kennedy was alive today, he would be asking statisticians such as myself to go out and find out what makes life worthwhile.
He'd be asking us to redesign our national accounting system such important things as social justice, sustainability and people's well-being.
And actually, social scientists have already gone out and asked these questions around the world.
This is from a global survey.
It's asking people, what do they want.
And unsurprisingly, people all around the world is happiness, for themselves, for their families, their children, their communities.
Okay, they think money is slightly important.
It's there, but it's not nearly as important as happiness, and it's not nearly as important as love.
We all need to love and be loved in life.
It's not nearly as important as health.
We want to be healthy and live a full life.
These seem to be natural human aspirations.
Why are statisticians not measuring these?
Why are we not thinking of the progress of nations in these terms, instead of just how much stuff we have?
And really, this is what I've done with my adult life -- is think about how do we measure happiness, how can we do that within environmental limits.
And we created, at the organization that I work for, the New Economics Foundation, something we call the Happy Planet Index, because we think people should be happy and the planet should be happy.
Why don't we create a measure of progress that shows that?
And what we do, is we say that the ultimate outcome of a nation is how successful is it at creating happy and healthy lives for its citizens.
That should be the goal of every nation on the planet.
But we have to remember that there's a fundamental input to that, and that is how many of the planet's resources we use.
We all have one planet. We all have to share it.
It is the ultimate scarce resource, the one planet that we share.
And economics is very interested in scarcity.
When it has a scarce resource that it wants to turn into a desirable outcome, it thinks in terms of efficiency.
It thinks in terms of how much bang do we get for our buck.
And this is a measure of how much well-being we get for our planetary resource use.
It is an efficiency measure.
And probably the easiest way to show you that, is to show you this graph.
Running horizontally along the graph, is "ecological footprint," which is a measure of how much resources we use and how much pressure we put on the planet.
More is bad.
Running vertically upwards, is a measure called "happy life years."
It's about the well-being of nations.
It's like a happiness adjusted life-expectancy.
It's like quality and quantity of life in nations.
And the yellow dot there you see, is the global average.
around that global average.
To the top right of the graph, are countries which are doing reasonably well and producing well-being, but they're using a lot of planet to get there.
They are the U.S.A., other Western countries going across in those triangles and a few Gulf states in there actually.
Conversely, at the bottom left of the graph, are countries that are not producing much well-being -- typically, sub-Saharan Africa.
In Hobbesian terms, life is short and brutish there.
The average life expectancy in many of these countries is only 40 years.
Malaria, HIV/AIDS are killing a lot of people in these regions of the world.
But now for the good news!
There are some countries up there, yellow triangles, that are doing better than global average, that are heading up towards the top left of the graph.
This is an aspirational graph.
We want to be top left, where good lives don't cost the earth.
They're Latin American.
The country on its own up at the top is a place I haven't been to.
Maybe some of you have.
Costa Rica.
Costa Rica -- average life expectancy is 78-and-a-half years.
That is longer than in the USA.
They are, according to the latest Gallup world poll, the happiest nation on the planet -- than anybody; more than Switzerland and Denmark. They are the happiest place.
They are doing that on a quarter of the resources that are used typically in [the] Western world -- a quarter of the resources.
What's going on there?
What's happening in Costa Rica?
We can look at some of the data.
99 percent of their electricity comes from renewable resources.
Their government is one of the first to commit to be carbon neutral by 2021.
They abolished the army in 1949 -- 1949.
And they invested in social programs -- health and education.
They have one of the highest literacy rates in Latin America and in the world.
And they have that Latin vibe, don't they.
They have the social connectedness.
The challenge is, that possibly -- and the thing we might have to think about -- is that the future might not be North American, might not be Western European.
It might be Latin American.
And the challenge, really, is to pull the global average up here.
That's what we need to do.
And if we're going to do that, we need to pull countries from the bottom, and we need to pull countries from the right of the graph.
And then we're starting to create a happy planet.
That's one way of looking at it.
Another way of looking at it is looking at time trends.
We don't have good data going back for every country in the world, but for some of the richest countries, the OECD group, we do.
And this is the trend in well-being over that time, a small increase, but this is the trend in ecological footprint.
And so in strict happy-planet methodology, we've become less efficient at turning our ultimate scarce resource into the outcome we want to.
And the point really is, is that I think, probably everybody in this room would like society to get to 2050 without an apocalyptic something happening.
It's actually not very long away.
It's half a human lifetime away.
A child entering school today will be my age in 2050.
This is not the very distant future.
This is what the U.K. government target on carbon and greenhouse emissions looks like.
And I put it to you, that is not business as usual.
That is changing our business.
That is changing the way we create our organizations, we do our government policy and we live our lives.
And the point is, we need to carry on increasing well-being. No one can go to the polls and say that quality of life is going to reduce.
None of us, I think, want human progress to stop.
I think we want it to carry on.
I think we want the lot of humanity to keep on increasing.
And I think this is where climate change skeptics and deniers come in.
I think this is what they want. They want quality of life to keep increasing.
They want to hold on to what they've got.
And if we're going to engage them, I think that's what we've got to do.
And that means we have to really increase efficiency even more.
Now that's all very easy to draw graphs and things like that, but the point is we need to turn those curves.
And this is where I think we can take a leaf out of systems theory, systems engineers, where they create feedback loops, Human beings are very motivated by the "now."
You put a smart meter in your home, and you see how much electricity you're using right now, how much it's costing you, your kids go around and turn the lights off pretty quickly.
What would that look like for society?
Why is it, on the radio news every evening, I hear the FTSE 100, the Dow Jones, the dollar pound ratio -- I don't even know which way the dollar pound ratio should go to be good news.
Why don't I hear how much energy Britain used yesterday, or American used yesterday?
Did we meet our three percent annual target on reducing carbon emissions?
That's how you create a collective goal.
You put it out there into the media and start thinking about it.
And we need positive feedback loops for increasing well-being At a government level, they might create national accounts of well-being.
At a business level, you might look at the well-being of your employees, which we know is really linked to creativity, which is linked to innovation, and we're going to need a lot of innovation to deal with those environmental issues.
At a personal level, we need these nudges too.
Maybe we don't quite need the data, but we need reminders.
In the U.K., we have a strong public health message on five fruit and vegetables a day and how much exercise we should do -- never my best thing.
What are these for happiness?
What are the five things that you should do every day to be happier?
We did a project for the Government Office of Science a couple of years ago, a big program called the Foresight program -- lots and lots of people -- involved lots of experts -- everything evidence based -- a huge tome.
But a piece of work we did was on: what five positive actions can you do to improve well-being in your life?
And the point of these is they are, not quite, the secrets of happiness, but they are things that I think happiness will flow out the side from.
And the first of these is to connect, is that your social relationships are the most important cornerstones of your life.
Do you invest the time with your loved ones that you could do, and energy?
Keep building them.
The second one is be active.
The fastest way out of a bad mood: step outside, go for a walk, turn the radio on and dance.
Being active is great for our positive mood.
The third one is take notice.
How aware are you of things going on around the world, the seasons changing, people around you?
Do you notice what's bubbling up for you and trying to emerge?
Based on a lot of evidence for mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, [very] strong for our well being.
The fourth is keep learning and keep is important -- learning throughout the whole life course.
Older people who keep learning and are curious, they have much better health outcomes than those who start to close down.
But it doesn't have to be formal learning; it's not knowledge based.
It's more curiosity.
It can be learning to cook a new dish, picking up an instrument you forgot as a child.
Keep learning.
And the final one is that most anti-economic of activities, but give.
Our generosity, our altruism, our compassion, are all hardwired to the reward mechanism in our brain.
We feel good if we give.
You can do an experiment where you give two groups of people a hundred dollars in the morning.
You tell one of them to spend it on themselves and one on other people.
You measure their happiness at the end of the day, those that have gone and spent on other people are much happier that those that spent it on themselves.
which we put onto these handy postcards, I would say, don't have to cost the earth.
They don't have any carbon content.
They don't need a lot of material goods to be satisfied.
And so I think it's really quite feasible that happiness does not cost the earth.
Now, Martin Luther King, on the eve of his death, gave an incredible speech.
He said, "I know there are challenges ahead, there may be trouble ahead, but I fear no one. I don't care.
I have been to the mountain top, and I have seen the Promised Land."
Now, he was a preacher, but I believe the environmental movement and, in fact, the business community, government, needs to go to the top of the mountain top, and it needs to look out, and it needs to see the Promised Land, or the land of promise, and it needs to have a vision of a world that we all want.
And not only that, we need to create a Great Transition and we need to pave that great transition with good things.
Human beings want to be happy.
Pave them with the five ways.
And we need to have signposts gathering people together and pointing them -- something like the Happy Planet Index.
And then I believe that we can all create a world we all want, where happiness does not cost the earth. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
歴史マニアの父を持つ 小さな男の子の話です 父親は子どもの手を取って 郊外にある古代都市の遺跡に よくでかけていました
親子は巨大な有翼牡牛の前で いつも足を止めました 古代都市の城門を守っていたもので 男の子はこの怪物を 怖がっていましたが 同時にワクワクしてもいました
父親はこの牡牛を発端として 古代文明や 彼らが作ったものについて 語って聞かせていました
時を下ること数十年の後 サンフランシスコのベイエリアで 私はテクノロジー会社を始め 世界初の3Dレーザースキャンシステムを
作りました その仕組みをご覧に入れましょう
長距離レーザースキャンは レーザービームのパルスを送出して
ビームの飛行時間を計測し 光が表面に反射して 戻ってくるまでの時間を記録する
スキャナは2つの鏡を使って ビームの水平角と鉛直角を測り 正確な x y z 座標を求め
点の位置を 3次元可視化プログラムに記録する
お分かりいただけるでしょう 一度に何百万という点の位置を 非常に高い精度と解像度で 収集できます
従来の測量器具を使うと 大急ぎでやっても取れるのは 1日にせいぜい500地点といったところでしょう
それがこの装置だと 1秒間に1万地点です
この装置が測量はもちろん 建築や3Dキャプチャを行う業界において パラダイムシフトであったことは 想像に難くないでしょう
10年ほど前に 私は妻と 何か良いことをしようと基金を作りましたが ちょうど同じ頃に アフガニスタンにあった 55メートルもある見事なバーミヤンの大仏が タリバンによって爆破されるという事件が起きました
あいにくと この大仏の詳細な記録は 何も残されていませんでした
とてもショックを受け 子ども時代以来の友達である 有翼牡牛や 世界にあるその他の たくさんの遺跡の運命に 強い懸念を抱くようになりました
この事件に 強く動かされた妻と私は 私たちの基金のミッションに 世界の遺跡の デジタル記録作成を つけ加えました
CyArkというプロジェクトで 「サイバー・アーカイブ」の略です
世界中のパートナーの助けもあって これまでに 50近いプロジェクトが完了しています
いくつかご紹介しましょう チチェン・イッツァ イースター島 ご覧いただいているのは スキャンされた点群です バビロン ロスリン礼拝堂 ポンペイ それに最新のプロジェクトであるラシュモア山 これは最も困難な プロジェクトになりました
ご覧のように特別な足場を作って スキャナと作業員を 近づける必要がありました
現場で得た記録から 保存管理者や 研究者が使える メディアを作成します
また一般の人向けのメディアも作り CyArkのウェブサイトで 無料公開しています
これは教育や文化案内に 利用できるでしょう
今ご覧いただいているのは 私たちが開発した3次元ビューアで リアルタイムで 点群の表示や操作をし 断面を見たり 次元を取り出したりできます
これはティカル遺跡の 点群です こちらは保存に用いられる 従来的な2次元の 建築設計図です
鳥瞰しながら解説することもできます ティカルの点群を 空から見ているところです こちらは現地で撮った写真を 表面に貼り込んで 描画したもので
この3次元位置情報は 2〜3ミリという高い精度があります 非常に正確で詳細な 3次元モデルを
作ることができます これは点群から作り出した スターリング城の
モデルです 研究や可視化 教育などに使われています
ナレーション付きバーチャルツアーのある モバイルアプリも作っています
深く遺跡に 関わるようになるにつれ 遺跡やその物語が 物理的に保存されるよりも早く 失われつつあることを 思い知らされました
地震を始めとする 天災もあります 洪水や 竜巻などによって 被害を受けるのです
しかしそれにも増して 人間による破壊が 大きな部分を占めており さらにそれが 加速しています
放火もあれば 都市の乱開発 酸性雨もあります テロや戦争は言うに及ばないでしょう
私たちが負け戦をしていることが ますます明らかになっています
私たちは遺跡やその物語を 失いつつあります 私たちの集合的記憶から 大きな部分が 失われつつあるのです
私たち人類がどこから来たのかも 分からずにいるところを想像してみてください
幸いこの20〜30年における デジタル技術の発展は 私たちの デジタル保存の戦いに使える 力強い武器の開発を
可能にしました たとえば 3次元レーザースキャンシステム ますます強力になっていくコンピュータ 3Dグラフィックス 高解像度デジタル写真 それにインターネット
加速しつつある破壊を 目の当たりにし 私たち自身や パートナーの作業も 加速しなければという思いに駆られ
「CyArk 500チャレンジ」という プロジェクトを始めました 500カ所の世界遺産を 5年以内に
デジタル保存しようという試みです 私たちには 大規模に展開可能な技術があり 世界中のパートナーのネットワークも 急速に広がっており さらに広げることも可能で この課題を達成できそうなことに
満足しています しかし500カ所というのは ほんの手始めにすぎません
将来にわたって作業を継続していくため 活動の中心となる 世界各地の大学と 提携して 技術を提供し 彼らの手を借りて 世界遺産のデジタル保存をしています 同時に彼らは技術を蓄積でき それは将来実りをもたらすことでしょう
2年前 私たちは ウガンダのパートナーから連絡を受けました 彼らは重要な世界遺産である 「カスビの歴代国王の墓」のデジタル保存に 取り組もうとしていました
現地での作業は滞りなく終わり データが保存され CyArkのウェブサイトで 一般公開されました
それから去年の3月に 悲しい報せを聞きました
歴代国王の墓が 放火と思われる火災によって 焼失したのです
数日後に電話がありました 「あのデータを 復元のために使うことはできるでしょうか?」
私たちの世界遺産は 集合的記憶以上のものであり 集合的財産なのです
私たちは 子どもたち 孫たち そして私たちが出会うことのない 未来の世代のため それを保ち 受け渡す義務があります
私がまだここにいるのは この技術の力を お見せしたかったからです 講演している間に 皆さんをスキャンさせていただきました
舞台袖に 2人の達人がいて 結果を画面に出す 手伝いをしてくれています
これはすべて3Dのデータで 点群を上から眺めることも
真上から 見ることもできます
色々な視点から見られますが それよりはズームして どれほど詳細に データを取れるものか お見せしようと思います 皆さんは4分間で
デジタル保存されたわけです ここにいる2人の達人にお礼を言いたいと思います パートナーである ヒストリック・スコットランドと グラスゴー美術大学の方に 来ていただけて幸いでした
個人的にお礼を言いたいと思います デイヴィッド・ミッチェル ヒストリック・スコットランドの 保存部長です
ありがとう デイヴィッド
それにダグラス・プリチャード グラスゴー美術大学の可視化主任です
どうもありがとうございました | It's about a little boy whose father was a history buff and who used to take him by the hand to visit the ruins of an ancient metropolis on the outskirts of their camp.
They would always stop by to visit these huge winged bulls that used to guard the gates of that ancient metropolis, and the boy used to be scared of these winged bulls, but at the same time they excited him.
And the dad used to use those bulls to tell the boy stories about that civilization and their work.
Let's fast-forward to the San Francisco Bay Area many decades later, where I started a technology company that brought the world its first 3D laser scanning system.
Let me show you how it works.
Female Voice: Long range laser scanning by sending out a pulse that's a laser beam of light.
The system measures the beam's time of flight, recording the time it takes for the light to hit a surface and make its return.
With two mirrors, the scanner calculates the beam's horizontal and vertical angles, giving accurate x, y, and z coordinates.
The point is then recorded into a 3D visualization program.
All of this happens in seconds.
Ben Kacyra: You can see here, these systems are extremely fast.
They collect millions of points at a time with very high accuracy and very high resolution.
A surveyor with traditional survey tools would be hard-pressed to produce maybe 500 points in a whole day.
These babies would be producing something like ten thousand points a second.
So, as you can imagine, this was a paradigm shift in the survey and construction as well as in reality capture industry.
Approximately ten years ago, my wife and I started a foundation to do good, and right about that time, the magnificent Bamiyan Buddhas, hundred and eighty foot tall in Afghanistan, were blown up by the Taliban.
They were gone in an instant.
no detailed documentation of these Buddhas.
This clearly devastated me, and I couldn't help but wonder about the fate of my old friends, the winged bulls, and the fate of the many, many heritage sites all over the world.
Both my wife and I were so touched by this that we decided to expand the mission of our foundation to include digital heritage preservation of world sites.
We called the project CyArk, which stands for Cyber Archive.
To date, with the help of a global network of partners, we've completed close to fifty projects.
Let me show you some of them: Rapa Nui -- and what you're seeing here are the cloud of points -- Babylon, Rosslyn Chapel, Pompeii, and our latest project, Mt. Rushmore, which happened to be one of our most challenging projects.
As you see here, we had to develop a special rig to bring the scanner up close and personal.
The results of our work in the field are used to produce media and deliverables to be used by conservators and researchers.
We also produce media for dissemination to the public -- free through the CyArk website.
These would be used for education, cultural tourism, etc.
What you're looking at in here is a 3D viewer that we developed that would allow the display and manipulation of [the] cloud of points in real time, cutting sections through them and extracting dimensions.
In here you see a traditional 2D architectural engineering drawing that's used for preservation, and of course we tell the stories through fly-throughs.
And here, this is a fly-through the cloud of points of Tikal, and here you see it rendered and photo-textured with the photography that we take of the site.
And so this is not a video.
This is actual 3D points with two to three millimeter accuracy. And of course the data can be used to develop 3D models that are very accurate and very detailed.
And here you're looking at a model that's extracted from the cloud of points for Stirling Castle.
It's used for studies, for visualization, as well as for education.
And finally, we produce mobile apps that include narrated virtual tools.
The more I got involved in the heritage field, the more it became clear to me that we are losing the sites and the stories faster than we can physically preserve them.
Of course, earthquakes and all the natural phenomena -- floods, tornadoes, etc. -- take their toll.
However, what occurred to me was human-caused destruction, which was not only causing a significant portion of the destruction, but actually it was accelerating.
This includes arson, urban sprawl, acid rain, not to mention terrorism and wars.
It was getting more and more apparent that we're fighting a losing battle.
We're losing our sites and the stories, and basically we're losing a piece -- and a significant piece -- of our collective memory.
Imagine us as a human race not knowing where we came from.
Luckily, in the last two or three decades, digital technologies have been developing that we've brought to bear in the digital preservation, in our digital preservation war.
This includes, for example, the 3D laser scanning systems, ever more powerful personal computers, 3D graphics, high-definition digital photography, not to mention the Internet.
Because of this accelerated pace of destruction, it became clear to us that we needed to challenge ourselves and our partners to accelerate our work.
And we created a project we call the CyArk 500 Challenge -- 500 World Heritage Sites in five years.
We do have the technology that's scaleable, and our network of global partners has been expanding and can be expanded at a rapid rate, so we're comfortable that this task can be accomplished.
However, to me, the 500 is really just the first 500.
In order to sustain our work into the future, we use technology centers where we partner with local universities and colleges to take the technology to them, whereby they then can help us with digital preservation of their heritage sites, and at the same time, it gives them the technology to benefit from in the future.
Let me close with another short story.
Two years ago, we were approached by a partner of ours to digitally preserve an important heritage site, a UNESCO heritage site in Uganda, the Royal Kasubi Tombs.
The work was done successfully in the field, and the data was archived and publicly disseminated through the CyArk website.
Last March, we received very sad news.
The Royal Tombs had been destroyed by suspected arson.
A few days later, we received a call: "Is the data available and can it be used for reconstruction?"
Our answer, of course, was yes.
Let me leave you with a final thought.
Our heritage is much more than our collective memory -- it's our collective treasure.
We owe it to our children, our grandchildren and the generations we will never meet to keep it safe and to pass it along.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, I'm staying here because the power of this technology and so, while I've been speaking, you have been scanned.
The two wizards that I have the results on the screen.
This is all in 3D and of course you can fly through the cloud of points.
You can look at it from on top, from the ceiling.
You can look from different vantage points, but I'm going to ask Doug to zoom in on an individual in the crowd, just to show the amount of detail that we can create.
So you have been digitally preserved I'd like to thank the wizards here. We were very lucky to have two of our partners participate in this: the Historic Scotland, and the Glasgow School of Art.
I'd like to also thank personally the efforts of David Mitchell, who is the Director of Conservation at Historic Scotland.
And Doug Pritchard, who's the Head of Visualization at the Glasgow School of Art.
Let's give them a hand.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
アーティストとして 女性として アラブ人として ― そして 2010年 現代の 世界に生きる人間として 私が伝えたかった言葉は "No" でした No と言う時に ―
アラビア語では こんな言い方をします 「絶対いやだ 千回 No だ」
だから 千種類の No を探すことにしました
イスラムまたは アラブの庇護の下で 過去1,400年間に 作られた物から探しました 範囲はスペインから 中国国境にまで及びます
見つけたものは 本にまとめて 年代順に並べ 製作者と支援者の名前 ― 技法と日付を付けました
この本は 3m x 7mの 展示品の隣にある 小さな棚の上に 置いてあります ドイツのミュンヘン 2010年9月のことです
さて 2011年1月に エジプト革命がはじまり 日常生活は 18日間 停止しました 2月12日には 革命の成功を 確信した私たちは
カイロの路上で無邪気に 祝福をしていました その9か月後 私は タハリール広場で メッセージをスプレーしていました きっかけは ―
ニュースフィードで見た この画像です 人が殺され 道端に ゴミのように捨てられる ― そんな街では 生きていけません
だから カイロの イスラム美術館所蔵の 墓石から No の文字をとり こんな言葉を添えました 「軍の支配に No」
これをカイロの通りに スプレーで描いたのです
その後 No は連作になりました 本から現れた ― 弾薬のようでした これに言葉を添えて 壁にスプレーしていったのです
「新たなファラオに No」 次の指導者は 我々が独裁者の支配を 許さないことを知るべきです
「暴力に No」 ラミー・アッサムが タハリール広場に来たのは 革命の2日目でした 彼は座ってギターの 弾き語りをしていました
ムバラクが失脚して1か月後 この傷を負いました
「英雄から光を奪うことに No」 アハメド・ハララが右目を失明したのは 1月28日でした そして11月19日には 左目を失いました 別々の狙撃手の仕業です
「殺人に No」 この場合 信仰する者を殺すなということです シャイフ・アフメッド・アディナ・レファートは 12月16日のデモの最中に 射殺されました 後には3人の子どもと 妻が遺されました
「焚書にNo」 12月17日 エジプト学士院に 火が放たれました これは大きな文化的損失です
「服を剥ぐことに No」 青いブラジャーは国の 恥を忘れないためです 私たちは ベールの女性が 服を脱がされ 殴られるのを 黙って見ていたのです 足跡には こう書いてあります 「平和革命よ 永遠なれ」 私たち民衆は決して 暴力で報復しないからです
「バリケードに No」 2月5日 ― カイロに コンクリート製の 障害物が設置されました 国防省をデモ隊から 守るためです
ところで壁といえば カイロ市内の ある壁のことを お話しましょう
あるアーティスト集団が 実物大の戦車を描きました 1分の1 サイズです
戦車の正面には 自転車に乗った男が パンのかごを頭に載せています 街を行く人も この絵に問題は 感じなかったようです
ところが 暴力行為の後 別のアーティストが描いたのは 血と戦車にひかれるデモ参加者 ― デモ隊 そして こんなメッセージでした 「明日からは 新しい顔をつけよう 全ての殉教者の顔を 私は存在する」
役人が来て 戦車を残して 他を白く塗り 言葉を書きました 「軍と人民 手をつなごう エジプト人のためのエジプトを」
別のアーティストは 戦車の前の血の海で 少女を食らう怪物のような 面持ちの軍司令官の 絵を描きました
役人が来て ペンキで 白く塗りつぶしましたが 戦車と軍服は残し 黒ペンキで 怪物の顔だけ 塗りつぶしました
そこで私はステンシルを使い 軍服の上 ― 戦車の上 そして壁全体に No を吹きつけました 今はこの状態です 次の知らせがあるまでは 最後にもう一つ No を紹介します
タハリール広場の野外病院で ネルーダの詩が紙切れに 書いてあるのを見つけました 私はカイロにあるマムルーク朝の 墓所から No を 取り上げることにしました
メッセージはこうです 「花は摘み取れる でも春は止められない」
ありがとうございます(拍手) (拍手) ありがとう (拍手) Shukran | Now, as an artist, a woman, an Arab, or a human being living in the world in 2010, I only had one thing to say: I wanted to say no.
And in Arabic, to say "no," we say "no, and a thousand times no."
So I decided to look for a thousand different noes.
on everything ever produced under Islamic or Arab patronage in the past 1,400 years, from Spain to the borders of China.
I collected my findings in a book, placed them chronologically, stating the name, the patron, the medium and the date.
Now, the book sat on a small shelf next to the installation, which stood three by seven meters, in Munich, Germany, in September of 2010.
Now, in January, 2011, the revolution started, and life stopped for 18 days, and on the 12th of February, believing that the revolution had succeeded.
Nine months later I found myself spraying messages in Tahrir Square. The reason for this act was this image that I saw in my newsfeed.
I did not feel that I could live in a city where people were being killed and thrown like garbage on the street.
So I took one "no" off a tombstone from the Islamic Museum in Cairo, and I added a message to it: "no to military rule."
And I started spraying that on the streets in Cairo.
But that led to a series of no, coming out of the book like ammunition, and adding messages to them, and I started spraying them on the walls.
So I'll be sharing some of these noes with you.
No to a new Pharaoh, because whoever comes next should understand that we will never be ruled by another dictator.
No to violence: Ramy Essam came to Tahrir on the second day of the revolution, and he sat there with this guitar, singing.
One month after Mubarak stepped down, this was his reward.
No to blinding heroes. Ahmed Harara lost his right eye on the 28th of January, and he lost his left eye on the 19th of November, by two different snipers.
No to killing, in this case no to killing men of religion, because Sheikh Ahmed Adina Refaat was shot on December 16th, during a demonstration, leaving behind three orphans and a widow.
No to burning books. The Institute of Egypt was burned on December 17th, a huge cultural loss.
No to stripping the people, and the blue bra is to remind us of our shame as a nation when we allow a veiled woman to be stripped and beaten on the street, and the footprint reads, "Long live a peaceful revolution," because we will never retaliate with violence.
No to barrier walls. On February 5th, concrete roadblocks were set up in Cairo to protect the Ministry of Defense from protesters.
Now, speaking of walls, I want to share with you the story of one wall in Cairo.
A group of artists decided to paint a life-size tank on a wall. It's one to one.
In front of this tank there's a man on a bicycle with a breadbasket on his head. To any passerby, there's no problem with this visual.
After acts of violence, another artist came, painted blood, protesters being run over by the tank, demonstrators, and a message that read, "Starting tomorrow, I wear the new face, the face of every martyr. I exist."
Authority comes, paints the wall white, leaves the tank and adds a message: "Army and people, one hand. Egypt for Egyptians."
Another artist comes, paints the head of the military as a monster eating a maiden in a river of blood in front of the tank.
Authority comes, paints the wall white, leaves the tank, leaves the suit, and throws a bucket of black paint just to hide the face of the monster.
So I come with my stencils, and I spray them on the suit, on the tank, and on the whole wall, and this is how it stands today until further notice. Now, I want to leave you with a final no.
I found Neruda scribbled on a piece of paper in a field hospital in Tahrir, and I decided to take a no of Mamluk Mausoleum in Cairo.
The message reads, [Arabic] "You can crush the flowers, but you can't delay spring."
Thank you. Thank you. Shukran. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
クリス・アンダーソン: 講演者は自分でスタートできないんです
タイマーをリセットして下さい フェアじゃない
-- そんな手術があったの知ってました?
電動ノコギリ、電動ドリル、もううんざり デービット ボリンスキーにとっては機能美かも知れないけれど
とにかく、手術にあたって本当に大きなひらめきを得ました それでクリスに話をする様に誘われたの
そして7人の最後という立場から 私は今まで最前列に来る事はありませんでした でしょ?
遂に医者に診てもらい - 無料なのですが -
その医者は整形外科医を紹介してくれました - これも無料です -
10か月待って、その整形外科医に会えました - ほぼ1年です -
整形外科医に見てもらい、無料のレントゲンを撮りました よくよくそのレントゲン写真を見てみると 私でさえ自分の股関節が悪い事が分かりました 私の仕事はマーケティングなのですけれど
こんなにも長く待たされるということで TED についても考え始めました
新しいお尻でこの TED に出る事もなければ
新しいお尻との TEDGlobal in Africa も無し
TED2008 に新しいお尻では来れないでしょう
今までと同じお尻で.. とてもがっかりしました
診察室を出て、病院の中を歩いているときに ひらめいたのです
Oh yeah.
70歳の老人がゴルフやガーデンングを楽しむ為に 新しい股関節を手に入れたい?
No, no. 先にこっちをどうにかしなさい
それで病院のロビーを歩いていたのですが、お尻のせいで それすら痛いものです 私にはサインが必要でした
病院の小さなギフトショップの窓にそのサインはありました 「ボランティア募集中」と
病院のギフトショップで働くボランティアの平均年齢は75歳で ボランティアがどうしても必要だったんですね
その次は、私はボランティアの青いチョッキを着て 写真付きのIDをもらって、89歳の上司から訓練を受けていました
病院スタッフのタイムスタンプを押しながら 何気なく「あなたの仕事は?」と訊きます
次に「私は股関節を取り替えてもらうの -- 18か月後に
次の整形外科医との予定は、偶然にも ギフトショップでの勤務時間の直後でした
そして、彼が部屋に入ってきた時 チョッキとIDに目がいったのが分かりました
その後すぐ、私の手術予定日は数週間後となり、 鎮痛薬の為の分厚い処方箋を手にしていました
皆は、私のボランティア精神が 最前列に運んでくれたことになっているのですが
しかし同時にこの「ひらめき」のきっかけとなった ボランティアも続けていくつもりです
カナダ人がシステムをいかさまする時には 皆の利益になる様にいかさまを働くのです | Chris Anderson: No, you can't start the three minutes.
Reset the three minutes, that's just not fair.
AH: Oh my God, it's harsh up here.
I mean I'm nervous enough as it is.
But I am not as nervous as I was five weeks ago.
Five weeks ago I had total hip replacement surgery.
Do you know that surgery?
Electric saw, power drill, totally disgusting unless you're David Bolinsky, in which case it's all truth and beauty.
Sure David, if it's not your hip, it's truth and beauty.
Anyway, I did have a really big epiphany around the situation, so Chris invited me to tell you about it.
But first you need to know two things about me.
Just two things.
I'm Canadian, and I'm the youngest of seven kids.
Now, in Canada, we have that great healthcare system.
That means we get our new hips for free.
And being the youngest of seven, I have never been at the front of the line for anything. OK?
So my hip had been hurting me for years.
I finally went to the doctor, which was free.
And she referred me to an orthopedic surgeon, also free.
Finally got to see him after 10 months of waiting -- almost a year.
That is what free gets you.
I met the surgeon, and he took some free X-rays, and I got a good look at them. And you know, even I could tell my hip was bad, and I actually work in marketing.
So he said, "Allison, we've got to get you on the table.
I'm going to replace your hip -- it's about an 18-month wait."
18 more months.
I'd already waited 10 months, and I had to wait 18 more months.
You know, it's such a long wait that I actually started to even think about it in terms of TEDs.
I wouldn't have my new hip for this TED.
I wouldn't have my new hip for TEDGlobal in Africa.
I would not have my new hip for TED2008.
I would still be on my bad hip. That was so disappointing.
So, I left his office and I was walking through the hospital, and that's when I had my epiphany.
This youngest of seven had to get herself to the front of the line.
Oh yeah.
Can I tell you how un-Canadian that is?
We do not think that way.
We don't talk about it. It's not even a consideration.
In fact, when we're traveling abroad, it's how we identify fellow Canadians.
"After you." "Oh, no, no. After you."
Hey, are you from Canada? "Oh, me too! Hi!"
"Great! Excellent!"
So no, suddenly I wasn't averse to butting any geezer off the list.
Some 70-year-old who wanted his new hip so he could be back golfing, or gardening.
No, no. Front of the line.
So by now I was walking the lobby, and of course, that hurt, because of my hip, and I kind of needed a sign.
And I saw a sign.
In the window of the hospital's tiny gift shop there was a sign that said, "Volunteers Needed." Hmm.
Well, they signed me up immediately.
No reference checks. None of the usual background stuff, no.
because the average age of the volunteer at the hospital gift shop was 75.
Yeah. They needed some young blood.
So, next thing you know, I had my bright blue volunteer vest, I had my photo ID, and I was fully trained by my 89-year-old boss.
I worked alone.
Every Friday morning I was at the gift shop.
While ringing in hospital staff's Tic Tacs, I'd casually ask, "What do you do?"
Then I'd tell them, "Well, I'm getting my hip replaced -- in 18 months.
It's gonna be so great when the pain stops. Ow!"
All the staff got to know the plucky, young volunteer.
My next surgeon's appointment was, coincidentally, right after a shift at the gift shop.
So, naturally, I had my vest and my identification.
I draped them casually over the chair in the doctor's office.
And you know, when he walked in, I could just tell that he saw them.
Moments later, I had a surgery date just weeks away, and a big fat prescription for Percocet.
Now, word on the street was that it was actually my volunteering that got me to the front of the line.
And, you know, I'm not even ashamed of that.
Two reasons.
First of all, I am going to take such good care of this new hip.
But also I intend to stick with the volunteering, which actually leads me to the biggest epiphany of them all.
Even when a Canadian cheats the system, they do it in a way that benefits society. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「そう。幸いと言っていいか、ニコルには干渉系魔術の才能があるでしょ? そして私たちは、魔術の教育に関しては最高な人材が知人にいる」
「そうだな。ニコルはどうだい? 魔術を習いにマクスウェルの所に行ってみるかい?」
「ああ、やっぱりニコルを手放すなんて考えられない! ずっとパパが守ってあげるからね!」
「もう! いく! まくすうぇるの所に!」
「ね? 一緒にラウム王国に行かない?」
「ラウムってエルフの国だよね? ニコルちゃんはそこに行くの?」
それでも、彼女は自分の意思で未来を選び取った事に違いは無かったのだ。 | The two of them continued eating their food while frowning.
They seem to be trying to think of a better idea to deal with this.
Also, as the main party related to this, I just couldn’t pretend to be someone uninvolved.
「I wonder if there’s is no choice but to make those two go abroad」
「Yes. Fortunately enough, Nicole has talent in Interference Magic, right? We have acquaintances that are known to be the best in the field of magic, and they will also be the best teachers.」
「Are you talking about Maxell and Cortina?」
「But, doesn’t that also mean Nicole will have to leave our side?」
Maxwell is the king from the country of Elves surrounded by a large forest in the western area of the continent.
And at the same time, he is also running a Magic School over there.
It would certainly be great to receive the teachings of someone who was known as the greatest magician in the world, but it is a place very far away from here.
While working as a guard for this village, Lyell can’t easily leave for his own convenience.
The same thing goes for Maria.
「We also want to confirm your intentions regarding this」
「Well. What do you think, Nicole? Do you want to go and learn magic from Maxwell?」
If it was only me, then learning magic is definitely one of my aspired goals.
First is to be a Swordsman, second is a Magic Swordsman.
And unfortunately, this body won’t be able to handle the first one. However, magic can be used to supplement the weakness of the first goal, so the path to be a swordsman is still open and won’t be a dream.
And two of the highest legendary figures in terms of magic, Cortina-san and Maxwell-san will be teaching there.
In regards to Cortina, although she could only be ranked half as a magician, but her invocation speed and variety application of spells are of no equal.
And Maxwell is also known as the best Magician in the world without even anyone to match.
If it was to be able to learn from these two, there will be many magicians scrambling to apply no matter how much the price they need to pay.
And I have people who could give me the privilege to do just that.
But I can’t just answer them immediately.
A decision like that shouldn’t be something left to a -year-old child. Such decisions actually cannot be decided by just openly accepting it, so this time I will leave it to my parents.
And so, I leaned my head to the side trying to look as if I’m really thinking about it.
Seeing me like that, Lyell runs towards me at a terrible speed, and then violently assaulted me by rubbing his beard on my cheeks.
「Ahhh, nooo, I don’t want to end up separated from Nicole! I will be sure to stay with you forever! 」
「Darling, aren’t just being sly?」
Maria also moves to my other side, and then embraces me.
Maria aside, having Lyell brush his beard on my cheeks is just plain annoying and awkward.
My body instinctively stiffened and goosebumps are starting to pop out.
I pushed Lyell away with everything I’ve got, but comparing our basic stats would make it look like a baby fighting a dragon.
My resistance was pretty much useless, and the rubbing assault continued.
「Fine! I’ll go! I’ll go and stay at that place! 」
「Eh, why!」
「Well, isn’t that your fault doing crazy things like that to Nicole」
「It was my fault!?」
In this way, it was decided that I will be going to Maxwell’s place to study Magic.
However, I will need to be at least years old in order to enroll in Raum. Two more years are needed to enter.
If it’s only that amount of time, then we can safely escape the request of the Royal Family, is what Lyell thought of.
But even though my training has already been decided, I still need to confirm things with Michelle.
And so, on the next day, I came to visit Michelle’s home and invited her to join my training.
Lyell and Maria also followed to persuade her parents.
My role is to persuade her to join me. Right now, I’m in her room trying to persuade her.
「Ne? Do you want to go with me to Raum?」
「Raum is the Elf Country, right? Is Nicole-chan going there?」
「Un. I’ll be going there to study Magic」
Well, I can’t really go on my own. As a precaution, Finia will be coming along as my guardian.
Also in Raum’s school, there is a facility that fosters adventurers. She should be able to study basic shooting techniques over there.
That’s because she too would be someone who would get involved in difficult things if she continued staying in this country.
「But mom and dad can’t come together with me......」
「There is a dormitory in Raum. We will probably live there together with Finia」
「Hmm, but......」
As expected, this would be the legitimate reply of a typical years old. Michelle-chan is having difficulty on what to do.
But I can’t back out in this too. It is already of certainty that I will be studying abroad. There’s also the situation that if she comes back after being trained, she will definitely be recruited, that situation is likely to happen.
She is my first friend in this new life. I want to avoid the worst situation to happen to her.
「But......But um......」
Not able to decide on what to do, tears were starting to form on Michelle-chan’s eyes. Despite having a combat-based gift, she is just a very timid child.
As long as this innocence is present, it will really be a concern if she was to be used in war.
「We will be coming in, Michelle」
The rough voice of a man broke into our conversation.
From the entrance of her room, Michelle’s father and Lyell came in.
「Eh, but......」
「That’s right. Lyell-san has firmly persuaded us that Michelle should study there. And because we can’t just let children go on their own, we will also be coming along」
Michelle-chan finally shows a convinced face, but won’t this really be bad for them financially.
Her father turned to me who was showing a worried look and smiled realizing what I was worried about.
「We will be getting financial support from Lyell-san. I am also tasked to watch over you」
「Franco is a hunter, as long as there are forests around, he could make a living」
Maria, who moved in from behind Michelle’s father, Franco, shows herself while supplementing the details.
If it’s about that, then he could certainly make a living by hunting around the area. Especially since the country of Elves is surrounded by forests, and he would definitely be able to make use of his skills.
When thinking about being able to travel with her parents, Michelle-chan who was sad suddenly became filled with joy.
Well, it doesn’t mean that we will be leaving immediately though. We still need to train and learn about the basics of what will be needed precisely in the next two years.
Still, we won’t really be forcing her if she were to decide what she would choose in the future with her own will. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
作戦会議は食事が配膳されるまで、長々と続いた。 | “――Ah, we can use this as a weapon.”
In the end, it was Sheila who found something that could be used as a weapon.
The things Dilliam brought were bed sheets and scraps of shutters that were about to come off, all of which couldn’t be used as weapons.
Sheila had heard before that he was the next head of his family, but it was at that moment that she wondered if it would really be all right for him to be the head.
However, it wasn’t completely unusable. The thin sheet could easily be ripped, so she decided to cut out a small inconspicuous section to draw a sketch.
At that moment, multiple footsteps approached.
The children hurriedly all returned to their original positions and began to act out their despair at being tied up. They were quite good at it. She was rather slightly worried about Dilliam.
Crow, the masked man, and a plump middle-aged man who looked like an aristocrat came.
She felt disturbed because the man’s smile was too vulgar. It was hard to believe that a man who could smile like that would have the pride of an aristocrat.
Ignoring Crow waving happily behind the man, Sheila eyed the creepy aristocrat.
When the man fixed his eyes on Sheila, his smile fell and he gave her a disdainful look.
“He is a beautiful boy in his own way, isn’t he? It is rare to see such vivid red hair.”
With the man closing the distance, Sheila leaned back as much as she could. He was wearing a strong perfume to disguise the smell, but she couldn’t help but notice that there was a terrible rotten smell wafting through the air.
“Are you the man behind the human trafficking?”
“I’m sorry I’m not very talkative. Besides, we’re only sheltering children here. Please stop the rude accusations of human trafficking.”
In fact, there was certainly no evidence of human trafficking, as it appeared that they had kidnapped but not yet sold the children. She led him on in the hope that she could get a few words out of him that would get to the heart of the matter, but he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders there.
Dilliam’s shoulder brushed against Sheila’s as she glared up at the man.
“Hey, that person is a count. He has a higher rank than me, the next count.”
He might have been trying to say that she was being too irreverent, but there was no need to pay respect to a man who had been involved in wrongdoing.
The man who had looked at Sheila with such disdain responded to Dilliam with a beaming smile.
“Ah, you are the son of the Ishmer family, aren’t you? I am sorry that my men have been so careless as to involve you in this matter. If you keep your mouth shut about this matter, I won’t make it worse for you.”
Dilliam’s eyebrows furrowed, feeling complicated at the stupefyingly obvious detraction.
“――Count Gilgner. The children are tied up like this. And yet you still intend to speak of protection and other sophistry?”
She was surprised because she had never seen Dilliam with the gait of an aristocrat before, but he was surprisingly firm in his response. Sheila seemed to have underestimated him.
However, the man called Count Gilgner was one step ahead of him and answered with a smile.
“It may not look like it, but that rope is a toy, you know. You can tell by the cleanliness of the children that we take good care of them, can’t you?”
The Count simply evaded the accusation without hesitation. He wasn’t a good fighter, but Sheila and Dilliam, who weren’t very good at brain games, couldn’t compete with him.
Sheila interjected their conversation.
“Where is Abby? There must be another kid that you kidnapped.”
“Abby? Well, I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
Count Gilgner was quite a cunning man. In this case, even if he were to be captured by the Patrol Corps, he might be able to escape and survive without any faults.
She looked at the children who were lying on the ground. They were acting resigned, but in actuality, they were trembling at Count Gilgner’s words. They were so angry and sad at having been wronged that their bodies were reacting on their own, even though they were trying to keep their emotions out of their heads.
She had to think of a way to make sure this man was finished off. She wouldn’t allow him to get away with something so horrific. No matter what it took, he had to be eliminated from society.
Even after Count Gilgner and the others had left, Sheila remained motionless for a while. Her head was burning with anger, and her blood seemed to be boiling.
She finally came to her senses when Melvis peeked at her with concern. Right now, the priority should be on the children.
“――Lina, are you alright?”
“Even though he’s the one.... How could he say such a thing when he’s the one who ordered this to happen.....?”
Sheila hugged Lina, whose face was contorted as if she were about to cry.
A sob escaped from the clenched lips of the girl who was leaning against her. Her clenched fists tremble not only because she was sad, but also because she was frustrated.
For a while, Sheila continued to soothe her by rubbing her back. The other children were encouraged by Melvis. After telling him that he was good at protecting someone, he took the initiative to take care of the younger children.
After the children’s emotions had calmed down, she resumed the task of drawing a sketch on the sheets as if to refresh the atmosphere.
Sheila put her index finger in her mouth and bit down on it. Perhaps because she had been using her jaw too much to untie the rope, she was unable to adjust. She bit harder than she expected.
“――Ah, I overdid it. Oh well.”
Sheila was thinking of using blood as a substitute for ink.
As soon as she turned around to ask Melvis about the floor plan, for some reason everyone was in shock. She was aware that she overdid it, but they didn’t have to look so pale. Rather, it was a waste of blood if they didn’t hurry up.
“Hey, tell me quickly, Melvis.”
Melvis hurriedly nodded with his eyes wide open.
It was hard to notice because the windows were closed with shutters, but this was a two-story building. Despite this, he knew the layout of the building so precisely that it was hard to believe he was a child. Sheila only knew the passageway she had taken, so she did her best to capture it.
The resulting floor plan was eerie to look at, but in a sense, there was a possibility that those who found them would be frightened and consult the Patrol Corps. Considering that, Sheila was rather pleased with the finished product, but the reaction of the others wasn’t so subtle.
“.... It looks like you’ll be cursed if you took it.”
“I think they’re going to be looking away from us.....”
“It can’t be helped. Brother must have a strange sense of humor.”
“That’s right, it would be rude if you make a disgusting face about something like this.”
Sheila could hear the children rustling and whispering.
She felt like she was going to cry because she was being cared for by the much younger boys and girls. Even Dilliam was giving her a sympathetic look.
“――Anyway. We need to figure out where Abby is trapped.”
Sheila told the unaware children that another person had been kidnapped. She told Dilliam her inner guess as to why she was being kidnapped.
“I see.... So, in that sense, we can’t afford to lose her.”
“It’d be nice if we could help her when we ran away.”
Dilliam and Melvis nodded and looked at the floor plan with serious faces.
They all were planning to escape as soon as the Patrol Corps came to their rescue. If they were taken hostage, it would slow them down and increase the danger. If they could take advantage of the chaos and escape as far as they could, and then join up with the corps, victory would be theirs.
“At the very least, it’ll be a place that’s under lock and key.”
“She couldn’t be on the first floor because someone might find her there, right?”
Sheila nodded at Melvis’ point.
“That’s true. Then, we might be on the same floor....”
That’s when Sheila suddenly realized.
“The Count’s footsteps were heading this way, weren’t they? But they were coming from this way.”
“Now that you mention it, yes. They came up this staircase.”
Dilliam’s slender fingers indicated the route from the stairs. Lina tilted her head.
“Um, if they’re going to and coming from different places, does that mean they have something to do over here?”
“Yes. Maybe he went to see Abby.”
Sheila smiled and nodded her head.
Assuming that Abby was on the same floor, the fact that her voice didn’t reach them at all meant that she must be a good distance away.
“This room doesn’t have a lock on it, then it’s either here or.... around here.”
Sheila pointed to a small room, almost diagonal to the room they were in, that was as small as a storage room. Melvis had also been locked in there once, and he said it was a room with no windows and no bed to fit in.
It would be the perfect room for a single child, and if you wanted to cut down on the spirit of the person in question.
If they wanted to get something out of Abby, they would have to corner her first. The more she thought about it, the more her instincts told her that there was no doubt about it.
One by one, the things she had to think about in order to escape were decided. This would never have happened if Sheila had been alone. Once again, she cast her appreciative glance at the children, who were gradually beginning to assert their own opinions.
After that, they discussed where the corps would go if they were to raid, and which route the members of the organization would take if they were to escape. By that time, everyone had completely lost their hesitation and began to share their frank opinions.
Melvis turned to Sheila.
“Brother, our other problem is the key, what are we going to do about it?”
“Yeah, I’ve already thought of that―”
The strategy meeting went on for a long time until the food was served. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「えっ? うん、まぁ、少しね。私があんなになれるとは到底思えないけど」
「年上に向かって何を言うかな? 可愛いのは貴様だー!」
「崩落? 道が塞がったりしたのかしら?」
「音もなく、ねぇ? 明らかに何者かの仕業だよな」
「あぁぅ! だぅあー」
白いのの派手な仕事は知らない振りをするとして、俺たちは久しぶりにのんびりとした朝食を楽しんだのだった。 | Unlike the dinner, we headed to the inn’s cafeteria to eat breakfast. When we showed our faces there the next morning, the place was filled with strange rustling.
“What’s going on?”
Lyell promptly sensed the strange mood and quickly went to ask people about it. It was probably my imagination that his walking looked a bit unsteady.
I wanted to think that it wasn’t the after-effects of Maria’s punishment. I didn’t want to imagine the kind of punishment that’d leave damage on THAT Lyell.
Meanwhile, Maria left the seat and quickly ordered meals for everyone. The harmony of their actions could be said to have come from their long time spent together. Cortina looked at those two with a somewhat envious expression.
“Huh? Well, yeah. A bit. I can’t imagine myself becoming like that.”
“I agree with Nicole. You can be unexpectedly devoted.”
“Get off my case!”
The topic seemed to have been embarrassing for her, her face was beet-red. She was quite prone to get shy when dealing with her comrades. She was extremely adorable like that from my perspective.
“W-What’s with that obscene laugh!”
“You’re so cute, Cortina.”
“What are you saying to an older person? You’re the cute one here!”
She quickly picked up Kabby who had reached her feet and put it on my head. Kabby had been growing lately, so it was a bit tough to keep it on my head.
“Kyahaha, daauu.”
Fina started hitting me as I was being crushed next to where Maria sat. Her hands were covered with drool and made my cheeks all sticky.
“Ugh, you’re so mean Fina.”
“You’re the big sister here, so you should handle that much.”
Maria offered me a handkerchief while laughing. I took it and wiped the drool, but now Kabby started licking me. It was probably trying to clean the drool from me, but it was having the opposite effect.
While doing that, Lyell came back. His expression wasn’t severe, but instead a quizzical one as if he had heard something strange.
“Welcome back. So what’s going on?”
“Well, it seems like there was a big rocky mountain to the northwest from here, but it had collapsed in one night.”
“Collapsed? Did it block the roads or something?”
“No, that doesn’t seem to be the case.”
According to what he said, it turned out that it was the mountain where Den used to live. Besides, Den had been witnessed there sometimes, so people rarely approached it.
But it was so big that it was a good landmark inside the deep forest so it had been quite discussed. A large boulder inside a deep forest that could serve as a landmark was quite a valuable thing.
And such a huge boulder crumbling down soundlessly overnight had become a hot topic.
“Soundlessly, huh? This is clearly someone’s doing.”
“Among us, Maxwell is most likely the one that could do it.”
“But he’s been busy with the settlement of the city affairs. I don’t think he’d be able to have time for that now.”
Though we managed to keep the harm from the Goblin raid to the minimum, the residential area had been damaged and the barricades needed to be disposed of and so did the corpses.
Maxwell had been tasked with dealing with that and commanding the situation. Nobles might have nominated Cortina, but part of the nobles have given tyrannical orders, so they couldn’t butt in so much considering their standpoint.
“Then, though it depends on the size of the mountain, maybe you could do it, Dear?”
“It’d be impossible even for me to soundlessly destroy a big enough boulder that served as a landmark. Maybe Reid has some ace up his sleeve.”
“It’s nothing.”
I ended up retorting to Lyell’s overestimation of me. I was certainly more versatile compared to him, but I haven’t abandoned my humanity yet.
Maria put her on top of Kabby, squashing me even more.
“Aauh! Dauu!”
She hugged Kabby with all her strength and started flapping her legs in happiness. That meant she was kicking me in the neck and shoulders.
“Ah, that actually feels good. Keep going, Fina.”
“Nicole, you sound like an old woman, you know?”
“Well, I’ve been over-exerting myself a bit too much lately.”
Kabby misunderstood my happiness from Fina’s movements and started kicking my head. Sorry, but you got it wrong. That part isn’t stiff.
“Leaving that aside. The collapsed site is so tough that you can’t dig a hole there with shovels even if you tried.”
“Not just that, you can’t even drill a hole with a Tunnel spell, and even acid can’t melt it.”
But hearing that much, I could already imagine whose deed it was.
It was definitely Whitey’s doing. She probably found out that place was the source of the Goblin Lord and sealed it as a preventive measure. But I couldn’t help but point out that her flashy way of dealing with it had ended the whole thing on a poor endgame.
“Still, that Whitey did some work this time.”
As I mumbled to myself, I pinned Kabby’s paws that were still hitting my head. Maria pulled Fina away next and Kabby was taken along with her.
Conveniently, the food arrived just then.
While feigning ignorance at Whitey’s deed, we enjoyed a relaxing breakfast for the first time in a while. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 23,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
「おい、ガナンっ! しっかりしろっ!」
「おい、私がわかるのか? 自分がどうしてこんなことになってるかわかるか?」
「え? あ......お、大きな犬だ。は、羽が生えた犬に......痛い......痛いよ、メルクぅ」
「『血止め薬』? メルクが、つ、作ったのか?」
「あ、ははっ。だよなぁ? 俺だって分かんねぇーのに。お前に分かるかってな......なぁ、メルク」
「冗談に決まってんだろ、う? バーカ」
「おーいっ! 無事かっ!」
「おお、メルクっ! ガナンの容態はどうだ?」
だがそうして、少年の死を静かに告げたのだった。 | Merc rushed up to Ganan after confirming the Velche’s death.
His right hand was bent in an unnatural direction, and blood was streaming down from every part of his body. It was a hopeless situation, yet his chest was still going up and down, indicating that Ganan was still alive.
“Hey! Ganan! Wake up!”
“S-So it’s you Merc... What’s wrong? What’s up with that scary look...”
“You woke up? Do you remember how you ended up like this?”
“What? Ah... T-There was this big dog. I-It had those wings... It hurts... Merc... It hurts...”
Ganan cried out in agony, tears welling up in his eyes as he extended his left hand to Merc.
Merc was relieved that he was still alive, but she was taken aback when she saw the youngster who normally pretended to be tough cry. She always believed that even if Ganan felt like crying he would hide it.
“Does it hurt?”
Merc asked as she took his hand. Ganan’s features relaxed a little as he felt Merc’s touch. He probably felt at ease.
“Merc... I can’t move my right arm... I won’t budge!”
“... I know. Just wait. A Healer is on his way. He’ll fix you up in no time.”
Merc said while avoiding looking at Ganan’s right arm. Color returned to Ganan’s eyes the next minute, as if he had remembered something.
“Merc... I...”
Instead of continuing, Ganan simply shook his head, swallowing his words. For a split second, Merc was concerned about the continuation of his words.
That quickly changed when she observed Ganan’s massive wound on his neck, which was exposed as he shook his head.
“This bleeding... I know! Give me a second!”
“... What?”
Merc let go of Ganan’s hand and reached inside the pouch she’d thrown away, pulling a Blood-Stopping Medicine from it.
“M-Merc. P-Please, stay by my side.”
“Of course. But before that, let me try using this. This is the Blood-Stopping Medicine that I made yesterday.”
“Blood-Stopping Medicine? T-The one you made yesterday?”
Ganan inquired, his face filled with admiration. Merc began to blush as a result of Ganan’s compliment, but she quickly shrugged it off by grabbing the medicine. Then she began applying it all over Ganan’s body.
Ganan watched Merc apply the Blood-Stopping Medicine to his wounds with a slight smile.
“Is there something wrong?”
“N-No... Fufufu.”
Merc applied the Blood-Stopping Medicine to Ganan’s neck, limbs, side torso, and temple with great care.
Nothing less could be expected of a medicine made according to her Master’s instructions. It had an instantaneous effect. Ganan’s blood loss had virtually ceased.
“I’m sorry. I made quite a lot, but it’s almost all gone... Good grief. You’re bleeding way too much!”
“Hahaha. Merc, you’re amazing. The pain has also declined. I’m feeling much better now.”
Merc didn’t recall the Blood-Stopping Medicine having any pain-relieving properties, but since the patient stated it, it had to be true.
Ganan’s face had relaxed considerably, and color was gradually returning to his face.
“... Amazing. You really are amazing, Merc.”
“W-What are you saying?! Hearing you say that makes me nervous rather than happy!”
“You see, I already know. I’m fully aware that you are better to me in every way.”
“Intelligence, swordsmanship, running... There isn’t a single thing I could win at.”
“... Keep quiet until the Healer comes.”
“To top it off, you even put in more effort than me.”
Despite his injuries, Ganan continued to speak. Merc tried to stop him from speaking because she thought it was dangerous, but it was futile.
Ultimately, she could only listen to Ganan speak while reflexively looking up at the sky.
“Even though I should find you detestable... Even though I only feel sad and empty when you’re around... I still think you’re amazing. I wonder... just why is it that I like you so much.”
“Ahaha. Right? Even I don’t know. There’s no way you’d know... Merc.”
“I like you.”
Ganan said, looking Merc in the eyes. That intense gaze of his pierced directly through her heart. Merc, on the other hand, didn’t know how to respond.
The answer was simple if she just followed her heart.
She liked Ganan, but it wasn’t the same kind of affection she had for the other gender. To begin with, she thought of him as being of the same gender as her. There was no way she could fall in love with someone of the same gender.
But could she truly say that to the injured boy lying in front of her?
Her true feelings would almost certainly cause him to grieve, causing him emotional agony and aggravating his condition.
Or should she lie to him?
Trying to avoid the subject and pretend that Ganan had never confessed?
No. Merc couldn’t do that. She was unable to stomp on the boy’s genuine feelings. Who in their right mind would do anything so blatantly false? Merc couldn’t do it no matter what.
“... Haha... What’s up with that face?”
“I’m joking. Joking. Stupid.”
“... Y-You!”
Ganan managed to elicit a scream encompassing Merc’s true feelings with only a single sentence.
She couldn’t forgive Ganan for trampling on his confession and pretending it never occurred.
But it was the fact that she had let him say it that she couldn’t forgive the most.
A familiar voice entered Merc’s ears just as she was arguing with herself.
It was Rezon, one of the elf village’s Healers.
“Mr. Rezon!”
“Thank god, you’re okay! How is Ganan?”
“He’s lost a lot of blood. Please help him.”
Merc got up and walked away from Ganan to make room for Rezon.
“Hmph. You’ve used Blood-Stopping Medicine, right?”
“... Should I not have?”
Rezon continued to examine Ganan’s body while kneeling next to him after asking Merc about the Blood-Stopping Medicine.
“No, you did great. It was clearly required, as indicated by the blood soaking into the earth. His bleeding has ceased, and the treatment appears to be of high quality. Merc. Could you please move away while I remove Ganan’s clothes?”
Merc had been concerned about using the Blood-Stopping Medicine unnecessarily, but it turned out that it was for the best.
Merc listened to Rezon’s request and moved away. It’s not as if she hadn’t seen a naked man before. She’d had enough of it in her previous life. She opted not to say anything because saying so would simply delay the healing process.
Ganan’s faint voice caught her ears just as she was going to step away.
When Merc turned around, she saw Ganan, who had a broad smile on his face, as if everything had been a dream up until now.
“Merc... thank you!”
His broad smile and cheery speech wiped away any remaining concern in Merc’s heart.
After all, he even had the strength to thank her for the Blood-Stopping Medicine.
Merc replied, her lips gently curling upward, and she walked away. Because Rezon was such a well-known Healer, she thought it would be fine to leave it to him.
Merc then proceeded to a relatively remote place, where she encountered the hunter and Law, and informed them that Ganan was alright. Law was overjoyed after hearing his sister’s explanation. Rezon had been able to reach the peak while Ganan was still alive thanks to him.
It was also because to Merc’s cream that Ganan’s life was likely extended a little longer.
Ganan will be fine. My Blood-Stopping Medicine saved his life!
Merc was overjoyed that a drug she had created had helped save someone, as contrast to her previous life where she could only kill.
Rezon appeared after a few minutes.
Bringing the sad news of the boy’s death. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 7,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
私は科学者として エンジニアとして 長年効率を追求して来ましたが
効率というのも カルトであり得るのです それで今日は 私がこのカルトを捨てて もっと豊かな現実へと戻ってきた旅路について お話ししたいと思います
数年前 私はロンドンでの博士課程を終え ボストンに越してきました
そしてボストンから ケンブリッジの職場に通っていました
その夏に ロードレース用の 自転車を買って 毎日自転車で 通勤していました
マサチューセッツ通りを 行くようにと出ました それがボストンからケンブリッジへの 最短経路だと
1ヶ月ほど 車の往来の激しい その道を通っていましたが ある日 違う道を選びました
なぜその日に限って 遠回りすることにしたのか覚えていません
ただその時の驚きは よく覚えています その通りには 車がいなかったんです すぐ側の車ばかりの マサチューセッツ通りとは大違いです その通りには木が沢山あって 緑に覆われていたのも驚きでした
しかし驚きの気持ちが過ぎると 私は恥ずかしさを感じました
どうして自分は そんなにも盲目だったのかと
丸1ヶ月もの間 自分はモバイルアプリに 捕らわれ 最短経路で 職場に行くことしか 頭にありませんでした
その過程で 道を走るのを楽しむとか 自然を肌で感じるとか 行き会う人と視線を交わすといったことは まるで考えませんでした
それも単に —
通勤時間を1分 短縮するためです
皆さんにも伺いましょう そういうのは私だけでしょうか?
道順を調べるのに 地図アプリを使ったことがない人いますか?
確かに地図アプリというのは とても便利なもので 人々にもっと街を探索するよう 促します
スマホを見るだけで 行くべき道が即座に分かります
しかし地図アプリは 目的地への行き方として 限られた道順しか示しません
それが目的地に行く 唯一正しい道だと 思い込ませます
研究対象も それまでのデータマイニングから 人々が街をどう体験するか 理解することへと変わりました それまで社会科学で 行われていた実験を
コンピュータサイエンスの道具を使って 大規模に行うようになりました 伝統的な社会科学の実験の 見事さや巧みさに 魅了されました ジェイン・ジェイコブズや スタンレー・ミルグラムや ケヴィン・リンチなどです
その研究の結果として 新しい地図ができあがりました 青で示した 最短経路を見つけるだけでなく 赤で示した 最も楽しめる経路も 教えてくれる地図です
かつてアインシュタインは言いました 「論理ではA地点から B地点にしか行けないが
想像力はどこへでも 連れて行ってくれる」
それで想像力を働かせ まず人々が 街の中のどこを 美しいと思っているか 知る必要に気付き
ケンブリッジ大の 同僚と一緒に 簡単な実験を 考案しました
この2つの都市の 景観を見せて どっちが美しいと 思うか聞いたら 何と答えますか?
Aだと思う人? Bだと思う人?
このアイデアに基づいて クラウドソーシングを使った ウェブゲームを作りました
参加者は 一組の都市の風景を見て どちらが美しいか 静かか 楽しそうかを答えます
何千というユーザーの答えを 集約することで
どの場所をみんなが より好ましく感じるか 分かりました
その研究の後 私はYahoo Labsに加わって ルカとロッサーノと チームを組み ロンドンで好まれている場所の データを集めて 新しい地図を作りました 人の感情によって 重み付けられた地図です
この地図では 地点Aから地点Bへの 最短経路を 見つけられるだけでなく 楽しい経路 美しい経路 静かな経路も 見つけられます
実験の参加者は 楽しい経路や 美しい経路や 静かな経路の方が 最短経路よりも ずっと快適だと言っています しかも移動時間は ほんの数分長くなるだけです
参加者はまた 場所と思い出の 結び付きも素敵だと考えています
昔のBBCがあった場所のような みんなが共有する思い出や ファーストキスをした場所のような 個人的な思い出です
人はまた場所特有の 匂いや音も記憶しています
だから見た目の 美しさだけでなく 匂いや 音や 思い出との 結びつきから 最も好ましい経路を 見つけてくれる 地図があったら どうでしょう?
それが今 私たちの 研究していることです
より大きな意味では 私の研究は 単一の経路の 危険を避けること 人々から街の総体的な体験を 奪わないようにするということです
駐車場の代わりに 公園を通ることにすると 道のりは全く 違ったものになります
車ばかりの道の代わりに 好きな人に沢山出会える 道を選ぶことで 道のりは全く 違ったものになります
最後のまとめですが 『トゥルーマン・ショー』は 覚えてますか?
メディアを風刺した映画で 主人公は自分が番組用の 作り物の世界に住んでいることを知りません
私たちもまた効率という名の 作り物の世界に住んでいるのかもしれません
自分の日頃の習慣を 振り返って あの映画の主人公のように 作り物の世界から脱出することにしましょう
なぜなら —
「冒険は危険だと思うかもしれないが 決まり切った日常こそ致命的だ」からです
ありがとうございました | But efficiency can be a cult, and today I'd like to tell you about a journey that moved me out of the cult and back to a far richer reality.
A few years ago, after finishing my Ph.D. in London, I moved to Boston.
I lived in Boston and worked in Cambridge.
I bought a racing bicycle that summer, and I bicycled every day to work.
To find my way, I used my phone.
It sent me over Mass. Ave., Massachusetts Avenue, the shortest route from Boston to Cambridge.
But after a month that I was cycling every day on the car-packed Mass. Ave., I took a different route one day.
I'm not entirely sure why I took a different route that day, a detour.
I just remember a feeling of surprise; surprise at finding a street with no cars, as opposed to the nearby Mass. Ave. full of cars; surprise at finding a street draped by leaves and surrounded by trees.
But after the feeling of surprise, I felt shame.
How could I have been so blind?
For an entire month, I was so trapped in my mobile app that a journey to work became one thing only: the shortest path.
In this single journey, there was no thought of enjoying the road, no pleasure in connecting with nature, no possibility of looking people in the eyes.
And why?
Because I was saving a minute out of my commute.
Now let me ask you: Am I alone here?
How many of you have never used a mapping app for finding directions?
Most of you, if not all, have.
And don't get me wrong -- mapping apps are the greatest game-changer for encouraging people to explore the city.
You take your phone out and you know immediately where to go.
However, the app also assumes there are only a handful of directions to the destination.
It has the power to make those handful of directions the definitive direction to that destination.
After that experience, I changed.
I changed my research from traditional data-mining to understanding how people experience the city. I used computer science tools to replicate social science experiments at scale, at web scale.
I became captivated by the beauty and genius of traditional social science experiments done by Jane Jacobs, Stanley Milgram, Kevin Lynch.
The result of that research has been the creation of new maps, maps where you don't only find the shortest path, the blue one, but also the most enjoyable path, the red one.
How was that possible?
Einstein once said, "Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere."
So with a bit of imagination, we needed to understand which parts of the city people find beautiful.
At the University of Cambridge, with colleagues, we thought about this simple experiment.
If I were to show you these two urban scenes, and I were to ask you which one is more beautiful, which one would you say?
Don't be shy.
Who says A? Who says B?
Based on that idea, we built a crowdsourcing platform, a web game.
Players are shown pairs of urban scenes, and they're asked to choose which one is more beautiful, quiet and happy.
Based on thousands of user votes, then we are able to see where consensus emerges.
We are able to see which are the urban scenes that make people happy.
After that work, I joined Yahoo Labs, and I teamed up with Luca and Rossano, and together, we aggregated those winning locations in London to build a new map of the city, a cartography weighted for human emotions.
On this cartography, you're not only able to see and connect from point A to point B the shortest segments, but you're also able to see the happy segment, the beautiful path, the quiet path.
In tests, participants found the happy, the beautiful, the quiet path far more enjoyable than the shortest one, and that just by adding a few minutes to travel time.
Participants also love to attach memories to places.
Shared memories -- that's where the old BBC building was; and personal memories -- that's where I gave my first kiss.
They also recalled how some paths smelled and sounded.
So what if we had a mapping tool that would return the most enjoyable routes based not only on aesthetics but also based on smell, sound, and memories?
That's where our research is going right now.
More generally, my research, what it tries to do is avoid the danger of the single path, to avoid robbing people of fully experiencing the city in which they live.
Walk the path through the park, not through the car park, and you have an entirely different path.
Walk the path full of people you love and not full of cars, and you have an entirely different path.
It's that simple.
I would like to end with this thought: do you remember "The Truman Show?"
It's a media satire in which a real person doesn't know he's living in a fabricated world.
Perhaps we live in a world fabricated for efficiency.
Look at some of your daily habits, and as Truman did in the movie, escape the fabricated world.
Well, if you think that adventure is dangerous, try routine. It's deadly.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「それで? 俺にも説明はあるんだろうな?」
「精霊術、だと? 魔素がなくとも使える術? 何て規格外な......一体どういう原理で......いや、今は そんなことを議論している場合ではないな。魔力切れもないし、魔物の標的にもされない。そこだけ分かっていれば十分か」
呼応するように互いの心がまとまっていくのを、シェイラは肌で感じた。 | On the way back to the others, Sheila looked at Claushezade’s back as he walked in front of her.
In the heat of the moment, she conveyed her feelings.
It wasn’t a good situation to be thinking about being embarrassed or ashamed, but Sheila couldn’t control her mind.
She tried to remain calm, but her eyes kept following Clauschezade. Even then, she wanted to run away when she made eye contact with him. It was really out of control. At least she hoped it didn’t show on her face.
‘Not good. I’ve got to get a grip....’
For Sheila, who had never seen a demon in real life, even though she understood in her mind that it was a dire situation, she might be a little far from realizing it.
In picture books and stories, she had seen a scene where a huge dragon breathes fire and destroys a whole country. But that scene, as one would expect, was probably fictional.
‘O-Of course, it won’t be like that, right?’
Could it be possible? Was that why Zechs and Cody both had such expressions of near despair?
“Sorry, we’re late.”
Jornwerner greeted them with his usual smile and lighthearted words.
“Welcome back. Have you been successfully persuaded by your cute student?”
“Rather than that, I didn’t want to spend all my time arguing. The easiest way to protect a person who won’t move, even with levers
Was the person being talked about her? Sheila countered in frustration.
“I’m sure I’d move if I had a lever, though?”
“It’s a metaphor, you idiot.”
As usual, he responded curtly, but inwardly Sheila was relieved. She seemed to be able to have a conversation with him without being too conscious of it.
Cody and Zechs walked over while supporting the wounded man from both sides.
“Now that he’s healed, we’re going back. We need to inform everyone about this situation as soon as possible. What should we do about the horses?”
“If possible, please bring it back too. I’m worried something might happen to it.”
Cody’s brow furrowed a little, but he nodded clearly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take it back safely..... Don’t be too reckless, okay?”
“Got it. Cody and Zechs stay safe, too.”
“That’s our line. Really, be careful.”
She smiled awkwardly back at Cody, who chuckled. Sheila noticed that Zechs wouldn’t meet her gaze, but she didn’t say anything.
After saying their goodbyes, Clauschezade stepped forward as if to replace her.
“Whatever you do, it’ll probably be best to head towards the Patrol Corps first. You may use my name if you wish.”
“I understand, Clauschezade-sensei.”
Cody listened to his advice with a sincere expression. Zechs, who had been quietly watching the exchange, suddenly stepped forward.
“Clauschezade-sensei. If I’m going to be away from the front lines, I’d at least like to help the Patrol Corps.”
“Oh, in that case, I would like to help too.”
Cody nodded repeatedly in agreement as if following Zechs. Clauschezade frowned as if his head hurt.
“Don’t let Sheila Danau make fools of you too. There is no need for all of you to take risks.”
“I can at least help with the evacuation. It’s more painful to wait and do nothing.”
Confronting Clauschezade head-on, Zechs responded in a calm and collected tone. He didn’t seem to be distracted by his emotions, nor did he seem to be losing his composure.
After a few moments, Clauschezade slowly looked away.
“.... All right. But it’s at your own risk. If you can’t at least protect yourself, you’ll be a liability to the corps.”
Clauschezade had them take out their swords, to which they responded with fervor. The blade of the swords seemed to glow as he chanted something.
“I’ve strengthened your weapons. An ordinary sword won’t be able to take it and soon become useless. Keep it for self-defense in case the line of defense is breached.”
If the line of defense was breached, it meant that Sheila and her team were defeated. Of course, they wouldn’t let it come to that.
Zechs and Cody looked at each other for a moment but didn’t say anything back. They received their swords quietly.
The two men reassumed their hold on the border patrol man and wished them all well before leaving.
As Sheila watched them go, a displeased voice rose from behind her.
“So? I suppose you have an explanation for me, too?”
“.... Leidyrune-senpai.”
“Both Clauschezade-sensei and Jornwerner seem to agree about you staying. That means they already know what you can do that I don’t.”
Was it just her imagination that she sensed a somewhat sarcastic tone from him? Leidyrune had an unusually beautiful smile on his face, but even the thick-skinned Sheila could tell that it was tinged with coldness.
If they were going to fight together, she would have to convince him. Sheila confirmed this with a glance at Clauschezade, and he gave her a small nod of affirmation.
Felix had forbidden her to tell anyone.
But how could Sheila not trust Leidyrune, who had accepted her being a woman and even supported her? It didn’t take long for her to make up her mind.
“――O Spirit of the Wind.”
Just like when she revealed it to Jornwerner, Sheila let out a gentle breeze.
Leidyrune’s glossy black hair swayed softly. His wide-open eyes were glued to the palm of Sheila’s hand as she released her spirit arts.
“This is my power, spirit arts. I won’t go into details now, but I can use the attributes of the four elements without any problems, and unlike magic, they won’t run out. There’s also no magic essence in my blood, so I don’t have to worry about being targeted by demons.”
Leidyrune pressed his temples in shock.
“Spirit arts, you say? A technique that can be used without magic essence? What a terrific.... how in the world.... No, now is not the time to be discussing such things. You won’t run out of mana and won’t be targeted by demons. Is that all I need to know?”
“Thank you for understanding so quickly.”
“Once everything is over, I’ll ask you for a detailed explanation.”
He stared at her in a daze, and Sheila gave him a small smile. He was probably confused, but he didn’t try to ask any more questions. She appreciated his consideration of the situation.
“So, Clauschezade-sensei. How much time do you think we have?”
Clauschezade responded to the question posed by Sheila, who had regained her composure, with a resounding “I don’t know.”
“If it’s true that there were no flying creatures and that the guard had been riding his horses without a break, then we should have a little more time.”
“Is that because demons are slow?”
“Demons are often faithful to their desires. Even if there are species that are faster than horses, they probably won’t reach the royal capital yet, considering the possibility that they’re probably asleep. We can take our time in preparing to intercept them.... Hopefully, the evacuation will be completed in the meantime.”
Clauschezade continued to gaze in the direction of the royal capital thoughtfully. Was it the safety of his master, Felix, or the confusion of the people of the capital that he was thinking about?
Sheila, on the other hand, thought she saw a glimmer of light in his words.
Once the nobles and residents had been evacuated, the knights and patrols would soon be on their way. Perhaps reinforcements could be expected before they clashed with the demons.
“Come to think of it, there is an emergency shelter in the basement of each aristocratic mansion, isn’t there? If all the people with magic powers go in there, won’t the demons be unable to touch them?”
“Unfortunately, the presence of their magic essence will never disappear, so taking refuge underground doesn’t guarantee their survival. Perhaps the nobles will be too selfish to let go of their knights, too.”
Sheila was optimistic, but she stiffened at his remarks.
“What, so no help is coming?”
“It will take a while before they come, as the evacuation of the residents and nobles and the strengthening of the defensive walls surrounding the royal city will be the top priority. By that time, I expect the situation will have been settled.”
“So, there’s a possibility that we will end up in a crushing defeat...?”
Sheila hadn’t considered the possibility of no help at all. She nodded in disappointment, wondering if she had been too reckless.
“――Do you think such a thing could happen?”
Clauschezade’s indifferent voice descended over her head. She looked up involuntarily at the unchanged tone and was confronted by a pair of peacock-colored eyes that shone with a brilliant light.
“There’s no way you can lose with me. It is futile to imagine any future other than victory.”
Clauschezade stared intensely at his surroundings. His aura overwhelmed all of them.
It took everyone’s breath away and they all couldn’t help but be captivated. Even Leidyrune and Jornwerner, who was working on something.
“No matter how difficult it is, if we can face it undaunted, we have a chance to win. Don’t doubt yourself for a second. We can definitely do it. We will win.”
Clauschezade smiled faintly at Sheila’s brave reply. Before she knew it, the others were also smiling fearlessly.
Sheila could feel their hearts unite as if in response to each other. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「様子はどうだ? やはり埋められているか?」
「そーだけど、下の方に葉がないよ? 登らないと」
今回は俺たちの方が悪いので、謝罪してその背中を見送っていた。 | ◇◆◇◆◇
Near the entrance to the basement of the big boulder that Maxwell had buried, now stood two men.
They had no special characteristics, and lacked any impressionable features to the point you’d forget them after a few minutes even if you passed by them in a town.
“How is it looking? Does it look like someone buried it?”
“Yeah, this seems artificial no matter how you look at it.”
One of them inspected the entrance state and conveyed it to the other.
They didn’t seem to be even remotely disturbed despite this cataclysm before their eyes. The underground space of such a huge boulder had collapsed in just one night. That itself was probably not too unusual.
However, accomplishing something like this secretly without making any noise could only be done through divine skill.
These two were aware of that fact, yet they remained calm.
“The fact that they managed to accomplish something so flashy so secretly could only mean...”
“Yeah, it was definitely Maxwell’s magic.”
“Then, do you think he saw “that” underground?”
“I suppose he did... As planned.”
“As planned, indeed.”
The men nodded to each other, and then proceeded to carefully fill and erase any traces left in the surroundings.
“I’ll handle things here, so you go report this to “Master”. If they did this last night, we can’t delay it any longer.”
“You are right. Even if I use Cargo... It would still take half a day to reach the capital from here. I’ll leave the rest to you.”
“If we don’t report it until it’s too late, Master would kill us both. So hurry up.”
One of them departed from the place. The other kept watching over his back until he was no longer in sight. And after he disappeared inside the forest, the man muttered to himself.
“Good grief, since Master Mateus knew they’d sniff this place out, he should’ve just made us ambush them here...”
While mixing complaints in his sighs, the man filled up what was left of the hole. With how roughly Maxwell covered it, there was a possibility of someone still seeing through what used to be there.
It would be inconvenient even for them if this place was abused by a third party. If it could no longer be used, it was better to seal it off completely. That was what he had been instructed to do.
“Still... To come here and shift the target. Master sure is ill-natured.”
Despite his grumbles, his hands did not stop. He had to stay alert for any nearby presence, so his work efficiency was quite bad.
Even so, the man kept doing his job. And it continued all the way until the sun had set.
After we left the city, we started looking for prey while not deviating from the highway. We accepted the commission to gather herbs, but securing meat would help Cloud’s standing. You could even say this was our priority.
The Guild’s commission was of course important. As such, we ended up doing both jobs at once — looking for prey while gathering herbs along the way.
This could also prove to be good training for parallel thinking.
“Mgggh, I can’t concentrate.”
“Ah, Michelle, is this not a Millud tree?”
“It is but it has no leaves left on the bottom side. I have to climb up.”
“Want me to climb instead?”
I was the most nimble among us four by far. Millud trees generally had leaves where we could reach with hands, but now those places had been picked clean.
Looks like the insufficiency of the Millud leaves was having an effect even here. Michelle was quick to overreact to my suggestion.
“You shouldn’t climb the tree, Nicole!”
“Huh, why?”
“I mean, monsters will find us if you do!”
“Why are you bringing up something that happened ages ago?”
It’s been over seven years since the Kobolds attacked us back when we slipped out of the village to play. Back then I didn’t know the power of my body, so I got trashed quite a bit, but there’s no way mere Kobolds could do anything to me as I was now.
In the first place, there was no guarantee that we’d find any monsters here.
“What are you two talking about?”
“In the past, Nicole did something extremely reckless.”
Michelle started telling Letina about my heroic saga of the past. After hearing it, someone’s eyes started sparkling in awe... and that someone was Cloud.
“You defeated Kobolds when you were three years old? That’s crazy!”
“It would’ve been better if no fight happened at all. But I couldn’t just look away.”
“Fighting to protect the village from monsters, that sounds so cool.”
“If you lose you die in vain. Adventurers need to put survival as the first priority.”
“Ugh, I get that but...”
“I told you that I’d remind you over and-....hmm?”
I suddenly noticed rustling in the grass. It was something different from the swaying caused by the wind. It looked more like something was lurking in it.
I motioned the noisy trio to be quiet. Seeing it the girls stopped their gossip at once. We had been partying for quite a while now, so we were in sync during these kinds of moments.
I pulled out my katana while releasing a thread from the other hand. At the same time, Michelle prepared her bow while Cloud his shield. Letina also set up her staff to cast magic any time.
I approached it without a sound and then jumped into the grass from a low position, trying to deal a preemptive strike. The other party didn’t sense us approaching and was stiffened from being taken by surprise.
It wasn’t a monster or an animal, but a human man.
“Oops... Okay, stop, it’s a human!”
The man turned over with a scream and I stopped in place. I issued commands to Cloud and the girls to not pursue him any further. Hearing my warning, Michelle hurriedly lowered her bow.
“What, it’s just brats... Why the hell are you startling me for.”
“We mistook you for our prey. Sorry.”
“Are you playing Adventurers or something, be careful with that.”
The man stood up with grumbles. He looked like an average villager but had a sword on his waist. He had a surprisingly... faint impression.
“Good grief, I can’t even rest properly around here.”
“Why were you even resting in the grass?”
“It’s up to me to decide where I want to rest.”
As he said, we were outside of the city. He was free to rest wherever he wanted, but in that case, he shouldn’t complain about getting attacked.
“Pay more attention.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
It seems that he was trying to hide, so being discovered by me made him feel awkward. He spat on the ground to gloss over the issue and left off.
We were in the wrong this time, so we apologized and watched over him as he left. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 15,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
現在、ハジメ達は 大海原のド真ん中にいた。見渡す限り島一つない海という空間だ。そこを、修復したスカイボードで羅針盤を頼りに進んでいるのである。時折、海から海系の魔物が飛び出して来たり、空から鳥系の魔物が飛来したりするが、特に問題なく対処している。
素敵なロマン兵器をお求めか。よかろう、ならば88mmだ! ハジメの魂が宿ったレールキャノンである。
そして、ドバッ! と音を立てながら神獣の後頭部の鱗を内側から砕いて飛び出し、更に、上空の曇天をも吹き飛ばして異界の彼方へと消えていった。
「どうします? ハジメさん」
「っ、てめぇ。待て、肉ぅ! 神獣のくせに逃げてんじゃねぇぞ!」
「ちくしょう! あのレベルの魔物が即座に逃亡とか有り得ないだろう! 土壇場でパワーアップのチャンスだったってぇのに!」
「きっと、神獣を倒した後に、追加で強力な魔物がわんさか! さぁ、大変! みたいな感じなんでしょうね。本来は」
使徒のような銀の翼と髪を風にそよがせた魔物使いの魔人族――フリード・バグアーだ。 | “Just how many spaces there are here.”
“Hmmm. It’s fortunate that they enemies art not a big deal but...Goshujin-sama. How much further will it be until we reach Yue?”
When Shia who stayed still in a posture where she had just blown away an attacking monster to the beyond with Vire Doryukken murmured that, Tio who also similarly just blew away a monster to the beyond even with her magic power restrained using compressed and spiral movement to increase her breath attack’s power turned to Hajime while asking that.
“Comparing it to the starting point at the first space...we have gone through around four-fifths of the distance. I guess it might be the next space or the space after that.”
“So you say that it will be soon then!”
When Hajime answered that while activating the compass, a monster came attacking in that timing from behind. With a fierce step Shia stepped between the monster and Hajime and while sending the monster flying with a full swing, she made a happy expression. For the moment if a comparison was made, then the monster here was at the same level with the middle level of Orcus Great Labyrinth’s abyss, but for Shia, they were not enough at all as an opponent. Hajime was also in a state where he wasn’t bothered at all.
At the night before storming this place, Shia and also Tio continued to train inside the space where the time was stretched using Hour Crystal until the sky turned bright, so their strength had been raised from obtaining new power like utilizing the metamorphosis magic and so on. Although it also felt like a hasty preparation, they were in possession of enough cards that could become a trump card.
Although, that too was also thanks to Hajime’s cheatmate, the outrageous food that was overflowing with fishiness, this item had quite a strong influence but...they could only pray that their stomach wouldn’t get hurt. In here there was no toilet, so it would become something dreadful for the female camp if such thing came to pass.
Currently, Hajime and others were smack dab in a middle of the ocean. As far as the eye could see there was not a single island, it was a space of sea. Sometimes, sea monster leaped out from the sea and bird monster flew from the sky, but they were dealt with without any particular problem.
Although, it was a place without any landmark or anything, so if they didn’t have the compass, just how much they would need to wander here...just imagining of being in that situation where they didn’t have any time to waste made them shuddered.
Just as could be understood from Shia’s words, Hajime and others had passed through several words until this point. After they parted from Shizuku and others and passed through the clock tower of the ruined city, they had traveled through a space where the ground and sky were reversed, a space where countless white blocks were floating, a space where there were only large mountains like God Mountain towering over, and a space that was like a giant library where countless bookshelves were cluttered together.
They were able to discover the exits to the next space at all those spaces without getting lost thanks to the compass, so not much time had passed since they parted with Shizuku and others. Even so, when they thought about Yue, they got impatient no matter what, so there was nothing more aggravating than all these countless spaces for Hajime and others.
They did nothing but advanced straight ahead for a few minutes in this space of large ocean with really good visibility that showed them nothing but water, to the degree they wanted to doubt whether there really was an exit in this place. Thanks to their skyboard, Hajime and others covered a considerable distance in a short time, but they suddenly lifted their face.
“Dark cloud?”
Hajime whispered so while narrowing his eyes. His words weren’t really a figurative expression that pointed at the end of this journey. In actuality, the sky that was supposed to be clear was beginning to be covered by dark cloud rapidly like seeing a video that was fast forwarded. Furthermore, even the calm sea was beginning to be stormy due to the strong wind. It appeared that a large storm was suddenly generating.
The obviously strange situation made Hajime quietly narrowed his eyes, his gaze was turning below.
“...Looks like there is something big there.”
“Uwaa, this is also...this is the largest size we have seen from all the monsters we have encountered until now isn’t it desuu.”
“Yes, I can feel a strength that is in a different league with all the monsters we hath encountered until now.”
The expression of Shia and Tio who followed Hajime in looking below distorted unpleasantly.
Ahead of their gaze, a giant whirlpool began to form on the sea. It was obviously not something natural. The phenomenon wasn’t created by sea current. It was a whirlpool created by the side effect of a living thing’s movement.
Before they realized undulation was coiling to the degree that covered the whole sea below――there was a giant snake there.
Looking from the shadow projected on the water surface of the stormy sea, they could see that the whole length of it might be more than three hundred meters. The diameter of its body was so thick that it couldn’t be so easily measured by sight. The whole body was covered by metallic scales, on its back there were also fins attached that possessed hard shine, they glinted just like a blade.
And, at that time,
A terrific roar thundered, space was rattling. That roar which was accompanied by physical impact struck Hajime and others violently, in addition, an unknown wave was transmitted to their mind. Probably this roar was accompanied with an effect that awakened terror in the listener’s mind.
Normally the one who heard this roar would have their body along with their mind blown away into darkness due to the shockwave, and even if they barely maintained their consciousness, their brain would be in disarray and their body cowering in fear, they would be turned into prey and could only tremble while waiting to be eaten.
However, amidst all the people that were here, not even a single one of them was someone cute like that.
“So noisy. Anyway eat this.”
Hajime took out Agni-Orkan with a gloomy expression and began an all out shooting. Furthermore, he casually took out from his ‘Treasure Warehouse II’ metallic spheres the size of a basketball――huge explosive and dropped them all into the sea.
A beat later. For an instant light flashed below the sea surface, then along with muted explosive sound countless water pillars burst up toward the sky.
The monster of sea raised a shriek. It wasn’t a scream. It was a roar of pure fury. It was enraged from the impertinence of the puny being’s attitude.
As though to display that fury, reddish black light surged from inside the water. That light which made anyone felt severe killing intent was a glint of eyes. While the roar of fury was still shaking the air, the sea surface swelled up like a mountain, and that figure appeared.
A head that looked like dragon leaped out from the sea surface with a long neck that was longer than fifty meters. As for the size, if one was told that each one of its scales was as large as a human child then its hugeness surely could be felt. There, there was a pair of eyes emitting reddish black light and the two layers of sharp fangs that lined up smoothly, and also something like fin at both sides. The fins were similar like the torso, they possessed metallic shine and sharpness of blade, it felt like just by touching it would cause the one touching to be bisected right into two.
An absurd pressure. Just by existing there, the sky was enveloped with a dark cloud, the sea was raging as though the end of the world was coming. The large snake, no, the sea dragon was coated in countless scales that looked harder than even steel, its appearance was just like the leviathan that was told in the legend of earth.
“If we hath to classify this then this must be a ‘Divine Beast’ doth it not.”
“Certainly, from here I can feel a pressure above that of the ‘Evil Eater’ we fought in Meljine Undersea Ruins. If this one is above even an ancient monster, then that’s a valid expression desu.”
Shia agreed with Tio’s opinion about this monster. But, even after calling the monster a ‘Divine Beast’, their expression was comparatively composed. There was also no color of tension that could really be heard from their voice. By the point of time they could converse calmly about the naming of the divine beast, it had shown how the pressure of this divine beast leviathan wasn’t something that worried them.
Perhaps such composure was transmitted to the divine beast, because the divine beast then roared once more. As though to say that it was impossible for his might to not affect these puny existences, the roar was even more powerful than the first one.
But, that roar made it a little too defenseless.
Hajime took out his improvised Shuragen.
No, what Hajime took out, whether in the aspect of form or spec, both aspects were already far excelling the territory of an ‘anti-material rifle’. The barrel that stretched straight for four meters long had extensive caliber more than the previous version, no matter how one looked at it this size should be called as gun turret instead. In total the whole weapon had become more than two sizes larger.
――Electromagnetic Acceleration Large Caliber Sniping Cannon(Rail Cannon) Shuragen AA(Acht Acht)
Are you looking for a lovely weapon of man’s romance? Very well, then it’s the mm! This rail cannon was something that resided in Hajime’s soul.
Hajime who fixed his aim by holding it under his arm made it so crimson spark was running through the rail cannon. Right after that, the large muzzle turned at the divine beast and the trigger was pulled without any hesitation. With acceleration incomparable with anything until now, the charged cannon that was specialized for piercing let out a fierce thunderous sound and blast while bullet flew out, the bullet had a trail of red flash behind and flew into the divine beast’s mouth.
And then,
such sound came out while the scale on the back of the divine beast’s head was smashed and sent flying from inside, in addition, the bullet didn’t stop, it also blew away the cloudy sky above and vanished at the beyond of this another world.
The roar that was raised once more was obviously a scream. The beast’s head was thrown back from the impact and its mouth stayed opened with blood scattering everywhere.
While snorting at that, Hajime made something ran in the shadow. Its speed was too fast and because of the dark cloud the surrounding became dim and it was hard to see, the divine beast also just received damage and got agitated, so it missed that shadow and allowed the thing to infiltrated inside its mouth.
In order to vomit that out, and then also to vent its violent rage toward the one who granted it damage, the divine beast spewed out a terrific heat from its jaw.
Hajime kept silent and took out crossbit. Right after that, the four point barrier that the crossbit created was hit by the blaze, its surface was licked all over by the white hot flame. But, as long as it wasn’t the disintegration attack from an apostle, the barrier wouldn’t be broken that easily, the face of Hajime inside the barrier was unruffled.
The divine beast gazed in wonderment for a moment seeing its flame got stopped, although as though to show its pride as a divine beast it increased the force of the heat further, attempting to roast Hajime to death. Perhaps it should be said as expected from a divine beast, the heat of the blaze was absurd, the flame was something that one mustn’t touch at all cost and the sea surface began to evaporate and smoked up. There was also the effect of the blaze, but the dark cloud that was once blown away was rapidly beginning to come back.
But, right after that,
“Even though we have to hurry on ahead, read the mood already desuu!!”
A mass of faint blue pierced through the sea of black cloud and fell down like a meteor. Rabbit ears were flapping violently from the wind and got unruly. It was Shia.
Right after Hajime defended against the flame, Shia stored her skyboard into ‘Treasure Warehouse II’ and leaped in one go to the sky, she broke through even the dark cloud, danced in the clear blue sky, and turned around after that. Using ‘Air Force’ to continuously stepped on the air, she fell like a meteor aiming at the target.
A wall of air appeared with Shia as the center. Shia instantly shook free from that and plunged into the world of the speed of sound, her momentum didn’t decrease even for a bit and Vire Doryukken which had its weight increased until twenty tons using gravity stone were readied in overhead stance.
And then, the head of the divine beast that got absorbed in spewing out blaze from its large mouth was struck with a gruesome attack without even a drop of mercy or reservation.
A thunderous roar. The sound of pulverization. And then a shriek.
The divine beast whose mouth was forcefully closed had blaze spurting out in trickles from the gap of its mouth while its muffled shriek was also leaking out similarly from the gaps. The head that was covered by those metallic scales was pulverized like broken glass, reddish black meat became visible from there.
Shia’s attack was considerably effective. The divine beast showed a staggering motion that didn’t fit its status. Perhaps it even got a concussion.
But, there was no way these people would loosen their hand just from seeing that,
“I think it’s better using Goshujin-sama’s transmutation though.”
While whispering that kind of thing, Tio was hovering in the sky while flapping her wings, both her hands were joined into a shape like a jaw and black magic power was focused there. And then, she released that in one go. Dragon’s breath that was compressed in this way became a piercing attack.
The attack that was fired advanced in spiraling motion like a thin lance, it impacted the place Shia pulverized accurately and pierced the head of the divine beast.
The black spear went through the head and entered inside the mouth, without stopping it pierced to outside from inside the throat and the attack continued to pierce the sea.
A fatal wound. Everyone who saw that would surely think so, but it seemed that was still insufficient to kill a divine beast that was superior even compared to the ancient monster.
The divine beast didn’t die instantly, it raised a sound that was a little high-pitched and sea water crawled up its body. And then, when the place that was destroyed was covered by water, the water was swallowed into the wound. Right after that, the wound bulged and recovered like a rewound video.
“Uhee, by any chance, it can recover as long as it has sea water, something like that?”
“In that case, it will take time to kill it completely. It will be best if we art able to destroy its magic stone but...Goshujin-sama, how doth it goes regarding that?”
Tio landed beside Hajime while asking.
Hajime was looking at the divine beast with a strange glint in his eyes while shaking his head.
“No, I cannot find its magic stone. There is a chance I overlook it with how large its body is but...magic stone will grow large in the proportion of the monster’s size, with how much I’m looking but still cannot find it I guess it doesn’t have it from the start. Its whole body is dyed reddish black just like the Evil Eater.”
“Muu, how troublesome. I don’t feel we art going to lose at all, but I want to avoid wasting time...”
“What to do, Hajime-san?”
Ancient monster seemed to be the ancestor of monsters. Shia and Tio frowned from hearing that this monster was the same type with that ancient monster that they once fought.
But, in contrast Hajime only shrugged lightly.
“Facing a giant sea monster like this, the theory is to enter its body and attack from the inside right?”
“Ah, the thing just now...”
Shia raised her voice as though she was noticing something.
Right at that moment, the divine beast whose head was in the middle of recovering raised a scream as though to drown Shia’s voice.
It was unmistakably a shriek. Its whole body was writhing as though being in an intense agony.
Looking at that state, Tio also nodded in understanding while asking Hajime.
“By the way o Goshujin-sama. What art the meal course?”
“Broiled eel roasted by tar from the inside. The garnish dishes are explosive and deadly poison.”
“Oou...hearing that, I feel a little sympathy for it.”
Hajime’s quick answer made Tio sent a pitying gaze to the divine beast as though she was looking at a poor thing.
As for the divine beast in question, it was shrieking while writhing around fiercely without stopping.
That couldn’t be helped. After all, the crossbit that was sent inside its body opened a gate and poured down a large amount of tar and explosive inside, in addition it also scattered around the strongest poison that was the product of the abyss, where in the end, all of those were lit on fire all at once. Like that even its hard scales were irrelevant.
The divine beast began to drink sea water. Surely it was trying to fill its body with sea water in the attempt to heal. But, that was a bad move.
As though to proof that, right after the divine beast drunk sea water, a part of its torso burst up along with a grand explosion sound. Flame blast also jetted out from its mouth. A scream filled with bewilderment rose from the divine beast.
“Giving a lot of water to flame above three thousand Celsius...obviously a vapor explosion is going to happen. Ah, a beast won’t know anything like that huh.”
“That is, someone who had ever set flame inside the body of something like that must be only Hajime-san. This is absolutely its first experience with that desu.”
“How unpleasant, this first experience is. ...No, rather is it not a lovely first experience instead?”
“Don’t get deeper and deeper into your fetish. It’s scary when I wonder if you are going to demand something that is incorrigible even for me in the future.”
Hajime’s expression became unpleasant from hearing Tio’s nonsense. And then, ignoring Tio who was going ‘ehe ehe’ shyly for some reason, his gaze returned at the divine beast.
The divine beast who somehow felt like it was giving off an air of despair from experiencing how the damage in his body got increased instead when it tried to recover. Even so, perhaps because of its dignity as a powerful monster, even while spouting out a lot of blood it was glaring at Hajime with eye glint boiling with killing intent.
Hajime who received that gaze...licked his lips for some reason.
The divine beast twitched.
Hajime murmured to himself while floating a fierce smile to that divine beast.
“I want to eat...”
” “Eh?” ”
Even though it was a small whisper, regardless of the stormy wind and the raging sea, for some reason those words resounded clearly, it caused Shia and Tio to whip their head quickly at Hajime.
The divine beast too, even though it was supposed to writhe in agony, its movement stopped still and its gaze was fixed at Hajime.
Hajime was directing his eyes that were strangely sparkling since some time ago at the divine beast, while whispering further.
“Its flesh is nicely filled to the brim with strength. If it’s this beast, than it surely can become even my nourishment.”
And then, he licked his lips one more time.
With that finally even the divine beast noticed.
The enemy before its eyes, the fiercely glaring gaze this enemy directed at itself wasn’t something easy to understand like hostility or killing was an appetite for food.
With a shudder, a chill that the beast had never felt since it was born ran through its whole body. Unaware, the divine beast was ‘drawing away’ unbecomingly. The gaze that was by no means had never been directed to it who was an existence that stood at the top of food chain――that gaze from the predator caused an indescribable terror to invade its body.
This person wouldn’t be able to do it――the monster didn’t think of anything like that. At present, the one who was cornered like this was itself. The divine beast was convinced. If it kept fighting on, itself would be definitely...eaten.
The moment it understood that, the divine beast turned aside adroitly with an agility that surprised even itself. The heat inside its body that was burning it up, or the pain of the invading poison, or the impact of the explosion when sea water touched the burning in its body, it ignored all of those and poured all its strength just to escape earnestly.
The divine beast that attempted to escape with a resoluteness that should be nonexistent for the strongest level of monster made even Hajime to get taken aback for a moment. That was just how splendid the escape was. As though
“-, bastaard. Wait, meaat! How can you run away despite being a divine beast huh!”
When Hajime used the crossbit inside the divine beast in panic to try to stop it in its track, the divine beast raised a roar that sounded a little pathetic, that long body deflated just for a moment, and then it vomited a large amount of sea water that made one wanted to ask just from where it took all of that from.
Naturally, explosions occurred grandly, parts of here and there of its body were blown up, yet it somehow managed to vomit out the crossbit. And then, it manipulated the sea water to make several tornados on the sea, it directed them to Hajime while diving into the bottom of the sea at full speed.
“Let, me, eat, the, meat, of you, bastaaard~”
While blowing away the tornados that were approaching from all directions using impact conversion of magic power, Hajime demanded for the divine beast’s meat with a voice that resembled a deeply held grudge.
The divine beast that looked back just for an instant from under the sea surface met the bloodshot gaze of the tiny being demanding its meat, while harboring a tremendous terror to that, it averted its gaze in panic as though to say “I’ve seen what must not be seen”.
While a crying voice that had surpassed being pathetic and instead invited pity was resounding in the air, its figure vanished into the darkness of the deep sea. It felt like they could hear something that somehow sounded like “I won’t come out from home anymoreee~”, but surely it was just their feeling though.
“Son of a *****! It should be impossible for a monster of that level to immediately decide to escape! Even though it’s a chance to power up at this last minute!”
Perhaps because the divine beast had disappeared, the dark cloud was dispersing and the stormy sea was recovering its calm once more, amidst all that Hajime stamped his feet in frustration.
There, Shia and Tio were approaching with an exasperated gaze.
“For Goshujin-sama, even a divine beast is already nothing but predation target.”
“Until now surely it had never been looked at with that kind of gaze, that’s why it has no endurance isn’t it. Its last cry, it sounded a little pitiful. Perhaps this will even become a trauma for it that turns it into a shut-in after this.”
“Chih, that snake got no guts.”
There was no doubt that surely not even in a dream that a divine beast of all things could have its bravery to be questioned.
Hajime stored the returning crossbit in a bad mood and took out his compass once more to decide the route.
Then, right at that timing, ahead of Hajime and others’ gaze, the space a few kilometers separated from them began to shake like jelly. And then, after a few moments the space melted and disappeared and a large island appeared from the space gap.
“...It seemed, there is an entrance to the next space at the center of that island.”
“Does it appear because the divine beast withdrew?”
“That possibility art high. No one would even imagine that it would withdraw in that way though.”
Shia and Tio sent a gaze of pity at the spot where the traumatized divine beast vanished, and then they followed Hajime’s lead and departed from that spot.
It appeared that the island had quite the size. The island was covered with really tall trees that could reach a few dozen meters in the whole, other than the shoreline they couldn’t see the ground at all. The entrance to the next space seemed to be at the center of that forest.
And then, Shia’s rabbit ears sensed that powerful monsters were running rampant in large number there, especially at the center part.
The monsters weren’t at the level of the divine beast, but every single one of them was a powerful monster. They wouldn’t lose against the monsters, but the monsters’ number was a lot so it felt like it would take quiet the time to fight the monsters just like against the divine beast.
Shia asked Hajime “What to do?” with her gaze.
Hajime took out ‘Shuragen AA’ from ‘Treasure Warehouse II’ once again and took a kneeling posture on his skyboard and entered a sniping stance. Using heat detection, the scope penetrated the trees and projected only the image of living things.
“Aa, don’t tell me Hajime-san is...”
“Wait a bit. I’ll take care of this right away. This is a lightning speed accurate bombardment from outside their detection. Surely they won’t be able to react. I’ll blow away the head of things that looks troublesome.”
Shia took the confirmation from Hajime with a cramped face, and then crimson flash rushed through the sky instantly.
That streak of flash wasn’t noticed at all by a giant gorilla that looked like a giant kong walking heavily deep inside the forest, its head got blown away instantly, and its brain matter was scattered everywhere. Next the bullet impacted the ground and a large crater was created with the trees on the area got blown away.
Furthermore, thunderous sounds reverberated in succession. From a far distance of more than ten kilometers, the lights of death that flew at a speed that was impossible to detect dispersed one after another the heads of the giant monsters loitering around the area that seemed to be the space entrance. The thick forest was instantly turned into a battlefield site that was littered with holes.
“Surely, after defeating the divine beast, next powerful monsters would go ROAR! in a great swarm and the intruder would go Kyaa, what a disaster! Originally this must be for something like that isn’t it.”
“Well, this art not a labyrinth so this art not even a trial...though there art no doubt that this art intended to be obstacles perchance.”
While half laughing Shia and Tio remembered the time until now, where Hajime easily removed the obstacles using methods other than frontal attack, that was why the two of them hadn’t made any significant contributions yet.
Both of them exchanged gazes filled to the brim with sympathy to each other from how their expectation of rampaging with their all in order to take back Yue was betrayed.
But, that ardor would be demonstrated just before they reached Yue’s location.
After massacring the island’s monsters one-sidedly, Hajime and others transferred to the next space from the stone statue at the center of the forest and leaped out into a world of sky where several gigantic islands were floating.
There were islands with a diameter of only a few dozen meters, but there were also islands with a scale of a few kilometers. River water was continuing to flow down from the edge of the floating islands without end with some kind of mysterious logic. Because of the height, the water became mist after some distance of falling as waterfall, the scenery of white mist drifting at the surrounding was very fantastical.
Above all the floating islands were overflowing with greenery, there were plains and also forests. There was not a single floating island that was merely a floating rock.
Sea of clouds was spreading below. The clouds lingered at the height of their gaze, drifting on the sky like cotton candy. Even now it felt like the clouds were giving off a sweet aroma.
Even though there was no sun, but brilliant light was pouring down, light pillar weaved through the gaps of the clouds――several of what was commonly called as ‘ladder of angel’ could be seen.
There were white clouds overflowing with great numbers of floating islands, and then there were also beams of light pouring down.
It was truly a solemnly mystical scenery. If someone who didn’t know anything was told that this place was heaven then they would unconditionally believe it.
After their gazes were stolen just for a little while by that scene, Hajime and others shook their head and advanced forward. Their objective was the floating island that looked conspicuously large even among all the many floating islands. The compass was pointing at there.
They flew their skyboard and closed the distance in the blink of eye. At the same time, they caught strong presence at that floating island.
Before Hajime and others who narrowed their eyes in vigilance, that guy appeared.
“As expected you came. Nagumo Hajime. The fool who defy god.”
With silver wings and hair that looked like an apostle rustling from the wind, the monster user devil race――Freed Bagua was there. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
とまあ、そういう訳で今の私は絶好調。今日も頑張りましょう! と言っても後は帰るだけなんだけど。
二人が元気な理由は多分昨日のご飯だと思う。私? 私はそれ以外にも色々とね?
「高級食材じゃないですか! え、昨日のあれ? 私達食べちゃったんですか!? 普通は売りませんか!? いくらで売れると......」
「流石にあのクラスの魔物をEランクの私が持ち込むのは問題がありそうですし、折角の高級食材なら食べてみたくなりませんか? 実際凄い美味しかったですし」
コカトリス? 番だったみたいで実はもう一羽分丸まる残ってる。と言うか昨日食べた分差し引いても一羽目もほとんど残ってるし、アレを使って何を作ろうかなー? ハーブチキンもいいな......じゅるり。コカトリスの骨で鶏がらスープも面白そう? 後は内臓も......
「かなりって言うか、このサイズの家が入って、他にも馬車や馬も入ってるんだよー? その上昨日のコカトリスとかも入ってるわけだし、収納量考えると下手するとレベル10行ってるんじゃないー?」
一々口止めしなくても自発的に......! なんて良い子達だ! おいでおいで、ハグしてやろうじゃないか。
......この反応は予想外だった。あれ、もしかしてこの子達二人ともそっちの気が有ったりするの? へー......そっかー。
「一気に二つも!? 凄いよアリサ!」
「そうかな? うーん......あれ?」
いやあ、採集した薬草をまとめて出しただけなんだけどね? あ、ちゃんと鞄から取り出す振りはしたよ? でもまあ量が量だからねえ......
いや、でも割としょぼい仕事に付き合せちゃったわけだし? それでもそれなりに稼ぎは合ったほうがいいだろうし? そうするとどうしてもですね?
いや、ほんとごめんなさい。 | The next morning, I awoke feeling very refreshed. I felt refreshed in various ways.
Yesterday, everyone went to bed immediately after getting out of the bath. The other two instantly fell asleep due to eating their fill and the relaxing bath.
Me? I had to...well do that.I did my daily routine for the first time in about a month. But as expected, I couldn’t really enjoy it because there were other people in the house.
Well, it was fine since all the rooms were soundproof. The door also has a lock, I’m rather prepared, right?
As such, I was in great shape right now. Let’s do our best for today! Although, I’m actually just heading back.
“Ren, you’re in a good mood. Somehow, your skin’s all shiny.”
“We also feel rather energetic, but somehow, it feels different for Ren~?”
The reason these two felt energetic was probably because of yesterday’s food. Me? I guess it would be due to various other things.
“I used cockatrice meat and eggs for dinner yesterday, so I guess that would be the reason?”
I believe cockatrice eggs are really nutritious or something?
“Cockatrice eggs!?”
“That’s a high-class ingredient! Eh, yesterday? So it was what we ate?! Wouldn’t you usually sell it?! How much would it even.......”
Even if you say that~
“It would be quite problematic if an E rank like me were to bring a monster of that level in, and isn’t it normal to want to try out such a high-class ingredient? It was really delicious after all.”
“No, I get that, I really do understand, but.......”
“It really was delicious, but it’s a bit scary when you consider how expensive yesterday’s food was, right~?
But it was already eaten, so there was nothing that could be done now that it was gone.
“As such, we should do our best for what we ate!”
“But we’re just going back......”
“Let’s do our best~”
In truth, there were still eggs left. So most of the eggs are still here......and the eggs are really big too. I would have to use a pot just to beat the eggs......
Cockatrice? There’s actually another one besides the first. Rather, even if minus what we ate yesterday, most of the first one still remained. I wonder what I should make with it? Herb chicken would be nice...... The cockatrice bones would be good for chicken soup? And then, the internal organs...... Ah, not good, not good, I’m drooling.
Oh, right. Aside from food, I could make a feather quilt using the feathers. Let’s do that.
And so we prepared to head back. After finishing preparations, we exited the house.
“I was so surprised that I forgot, but the level of Ren’s Storage skill must be quite high.”
“When you think about it, a house of this size, and then there’s the carriage and horses too, right? Plus, there’s also the cockatrice from yesterday inside, when you consider the storage size, wouldn’t the skill be about level ~?”
During the trip, I had told the other two about my storage skill. Rather, it was already out of the bag when I took out my carriage.
“......Arisa, let’s definitely keep this a secret.”
Even though I didn’t tell them to keep it a secret, they decided to do so themselves......! What good kids! Come here, let me give you all a hug.
“Lily, you have a gross look on your face~”
“Arisa, it’s because-”
.......I didn’t expect this reaction. Oh, maybe these two are quite suited for each other? Hm~........I see~
Even back then, Lily was always like that, and Arisa was also the same......I see!
After that, we set off from the forest as if nothing had happened. We encountered three orcs along the way, but Lily and Arisa defeated them easily.
“There’s exactly three, enough for each of us.”
“I didn’t do anything though?”
“It’s fine~”
Then I’ll gratefully accept it. Meat stock replenished.
Speaking of which, Arisa was the one that noticed the orcs approaching........?
“Arisa, you noticed the orcs coming, did you perhaps learn Alert?”
“That’s right~ When I checked my status, I saw that I learned it.”
“Nice going, Arisa!”
“Yep, and I also learned Detection.”
“Two at once!? That’s amazing, Arisa!”
“Thanks~ But isn’t Lily’s magic somehow stronger too?”
“Is that so? Hmm......huh?”
“What’s wrong~?”
“Somehow......several of my skills leveled up......”
Even if you look at me like that.....No, I really don’t know how, so please stop.
“Um, even if you look at me like that, I didn’t do anything?”
“........You really didn’t do anything?”
I really didn’t do anything!
After that, we returned back to the royal capital without any incidents and went straight to the Adventurer’s Guild in the second division. It was just in the afternoon, so I thought that there wouldn’t be that many people, but there were a lot of people as usual. The capital is really different huh........ah, cat ears. Beastfolk are cute.
“Ren, please stop escaping reality.”
“We’re really being stared at~”
Well, all I did was take out the gathered herbs, right? Ah, I did properly pretend to take it out from my bag, okay? Just that the amount was.......
“Ren, are you even aware of what you’re doing?”
“I’m sorry......”
Incidentally, we didn’t take out the orcs. Although the price for orc materials was known to be high. The three of us decided to take them home to eat.
“If you don’t want to stand out, please be a little more responsible.”
“I completely agree~”
No, but we just finished a rather tiring request, right? Wouldn’t it be better to make as much money as possible? Isn’t that the case?
“You’re not reflecting, are you?”
“Sorry, I’ll reflect on it.”
Sorry. But the angry Lily is also rather cute.
No, I’m really sorry. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
避けた方が良い混乱を招く言葉と言い回し - GNU プロジェクト - フリーソフトウェア財団 (FSF)
例えば、FTP を 介してダウンロードできます。
しかしフリーソフトウェアの複製物はまた CD-ROM に含まれて有料で使用できる場合もあります。
ところで、市販のソフ トウェアの複製物も時々販売促進を目的に無料で使用可能である場合もありますし、いくつかの市販のソフトウェアのなかには特定の使用者に対しては常に料金なしで使用できるものもあります。
「フリーウェア」は 1980 年代によく使用された言葉で、ソースコードは入手できず実行形式としてのみリリースされたプログラムに使われました。
オランダ語: vrije software
エスペラント: libera programaro
フランス語: logiciel libre
ヘブライ語: tochna hofshit
日本語: 自由(な)ソフト
ポルトガル語: software [programa] livre
スロヴァキア語: slobodby' softve'r
スウェーデン語: fri programvara
自国語でフリーソフトウェアにあたる語を考え出せば、この語によってきち んと自由を指し示すことができ、外国の何だか怪しい商売上の言葉を鸚鵡のように繰り返すことはなくなります。
テキサス大学ロースクールのMark Lemley教授によれば、「知的財産権」という語が広く使われるようになったのは1967年に世界知的財産権機関(WIPO)が設立されて以来のごく最近のことに過ぎません。
この場合、出版業者 は違法コピーを海上で船舶を襲い人々を拐い殺害する行為と倫理上同じであることを暗に述べているのです。
違法コピーを人を誘拐したり殺害したりする行為と同じだと考えたくないならば、 違法コピーを指すのに「海賊行為」という言葉を用いなければよいのです。
厳密に言うならば、 利益を挙げるためにフリープログラムの複製物を取り引きすることは「販売する」ことに当たります。
この問題に関するより詳しい議論については フリーソフトウェアを販売する をご覧ください。
フリーソフトウェアの分類(18k キャラクタ)も参照してください。
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FSF と連絡を取るには他の手段もあります。
これらのウェブページについてのご意見は [email protected]まで、その他のご質問は [email protected]までお送りください。 | Confusing Words and Phrases that are Worth Avoiding - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Some Confusing or Loaded Words and Phrases that are Worth Avoiding
There are a number of words and phrases which we recommend avoiding, or avoiding in certain contexts and usages.
The reason is either that they are ambiguous, or that they imply an opinion that we hope you may not entirely agree with.
``For free''
If you want to say that a program is free software, please don't say that it is available ``for free.''
That term specifically means ``for zero price.''
Free software is a matter of freedom, not price.
Free software copies are often available for free
--for example, by downloading via FTP.
But free software copies are also available for a price on CD-ROMs;
meanwhile, proprietary software copies are occasionally available for free in promotions, and some proprietary packages are normally available at no charge to certain users.
To avoid confusion, you can say that the program is available ``as free software.''
Please don't use the term ``freeware'' as a synonym for ``free software.''
The term ``freeware'' was used often in the 1980s for programs released only as executables, with source code not available.
Today it has no particular agreed-on definition.
Also, if you use other languages than English, please try to avoid borrowing English words such as ``free software'' or ``freeware.''
Try to use the often less ambiguous wording that your language offers,
Dutch: vrije software
Esperanto: libera programaro
French: logiciel libre
Hebrew: tochna hofshit
Japanese: jiyuu [na] sofuto
Portuguese: software [programa] livre
Slovak : slobodny' softve'r
Swedish: fri programvara
By forming a word in your own language, you show that you are really referring to freedom and not just parroting some mysterious foreign marketing concept.
The reference to freedom may at first seem strange or disturbing to your countrymen,
but once they see that it means exactly what it says, they will really understand what the issue is.
``Give away software''
It's misleading to use the term ``give away'' to mean ``distribute a program as free software.''
It has the same problem as ``for free'':
it implies the issue is price, not freedom.
One way to avoid the confusion is to say
``release as free software.''
``Intellectual property''
Publishers and lawyers like to describe copyright as ``intellectual property''
The term ``intellectual property'' carries a hidden assumption
---that the way to think about all these disparate issues is based on an analogy with physical objects, and our ideas of physical property.
When it comes to copying, this analogy disregards the crucial difference between material objects and information:
information can be copied and shared almost effortlessly,
while material objects can't be.
Basing your thinking on this analogy is tantamount to ignoring that difference.
(Even the US legal system does not entirely accept the analogy,
since it does not treat copyrights or patents like physical object property rights.)
If you don't want to limit yourself to this way of thinking, it is best to avoid using the term ``intellectual property'' in your words and thoughts.
The term is a catch-all that lumps together several disparate legal systems, including copyright, patents, trademarks, and others, which have very little in common.
To give clear information and encourage clear thinking, never speak or write about ``intellectual property'';
instead, present the topic as copyright, patents, or whichever specific law you are discussing.
According to Professor Mark Lemley of the University of Texas Law School, the widespread use of term "intellectual property" is a recent fad, arising from the 1967 founding of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
WIPO represents the interests of the holders of copyrights, patents and trademarks, and lobbies governments to increase their power.
One WIPO treaty follows the lines of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which has been used to censor useful free software packages in the US.
See for a counter-WIPO campaign.
Publishers often refer to prohibited copying as ``piracy.''
In this way, they imply that illegal copying is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnaping and murdering the people on them.
If you don't believe that illegal copying is just like kidnaping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word ``piracy'' to describe it.
Neutral terms such as ``prohibited copying'' or ``unauthorized copying'' are available for use instead.
Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as ``sharing information with your neighbor.''
Publishers' lawyers love to use the term ``protection'' to describe copyright.
This word carries the implication of preventing destruction or suffering;
therefore, it encourages people to identify with the owner and publisher who benefit from copyright, rather than with the users who are restricted by it.
It is easy to avoid ``protection'' and use neutral terms instead.
For example, instead of ``Copyright protection lasts a very long time,'' you can say, ``Copyright lasts a very long time.''
If you want to criticize copyright instead of supporting it, you can use the term ``copyright restrictions.''
``Sell software''
The term ``sell software'' is ambiguous.
Strictly speaking, exchanging a copy of a free program for a sum of money is ``selling'';
but people usually associate the term ``sell'' with proprietary restrictions on the subsequent use of the software.
You can be more precise, and prevent confusion, by saying either ``distributing copies of a program for a fee'' or ``imposing proprietary restrictions on the use of a program,'' depending on what you mean.
See Selling Free Software for more discussion of this issue.
Copyright apologists often use words like ``stolen'' and ``theft'' to describe copyright infringement.
At the same time, they ask us to treat the legal system as an authority on ethics:
if copying is forbidden, it must be wrong.
So it is pertinent to mention that the legal system--at least in the US--rejects the idea that copyright infringement is ``theft.''
Copyright apologists are making an appeal to authority...and misrepresenting what the authority says.
The idea that laws decide what is right or wrong is mistaken in general.
Laws are, at their best, an attempt to achieve justice;
to say that laws define justice or ethical conduct is turning things upside down.
Also note Categories of Free Software (18k characters).
Return to GNU's home page.
FSF & GNU inquiries & questions to [email protected].
Other ways to contact the FSF.
Comments on these web pages to [email protected], send other questions to [email protected]. | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
通訳: 見えなくなることで 我々の文明と その発展との間にある矛盾や 互いに相殺し合う関係を 検討し 問おうとしています
LB: これは私の最初の作品で 2005年11月に制作しました
ここは北京国際芸術村です 政府が強制撤去するまで ここで制作していました この作品は反対の意志表明です
同時に芸術家の生活条件や 創造する自由の 現状に目を向けてほしいのです
一方 このシリーズには最初から 抵抗と思索の精神 そして妥協を許さない精神が 宿っていました メークをすることで 狙撃手のように 自分の身を守り 敵を発見することができるのです この人と同じです 一連の抗議行動を終えて 自分の運命について 自問するようになりました そして私ばかりでなく あらゆる中国人が 混乱していることに気づきました
ご覧の通り これらは 家族計画や適法な選挙 ― 人民代表大会制度の宣伝を 題材にしています
中国語では「解雇」を 遠まわしに こう言います
中国が計画経済から市場経済に 移行して職を失った人々です
1998年から2000年の間に 中国では2,137万人が失業しました 中国では2,137万人が失業しました
ここに写っている6人も 「職場を離れた」労働者です
6人を 彼らが住み込みで 働いていた店舗跡で見えなくしました
背後の壁には文化大革命の スローガンがあります 「我々の大義を導く力 中国共産党」
私は半月間 ― 作品に参加してくれる 人々を探していました
ここには6人しかいませんが 本当は解雇された全ての労働者が 隠されています 見えないだけなのです
この春 ― パリで個展を開いているときに France3 のニュース・スタジオで 撮影する機会に恵まれました 私が選んだのは 当日のニュース写真です
1枚は中東での戦争 ― もう1枚はフランスの デモの写真です
どの文化にも どうしようもない 矛盾があることに気づきました
これは私とフランスの芸術家 JR との共同制作です
通訳: これは私とフランスの芸術家 JR との共同制作です
(拍手) LB: 私はJR が撮った目の 中に溶け込もうとしました ただ JR は目の大きな モデルしか使いません
残念ながら それでも小さすぎました
通訳: 私はJR が撮った目の 中に溶け込もうとしました でもJR は目の大きな モデルしか使いません
うまくいきません 目が小さすぎたのです
LB: これは9/11の 記憶に関する作品です
これはハドソン川に 停泊する空母です
ケニー・シャーフの グラフィティ・アートです
地球規模の温暖化により 海面が上昇し 今後数十年で 消滅するだろうと言われています
通訳: こちらは古代都市ポンペイです
LB: ローマのボルゲーゼ美術館です LB: ローマのボルゲーゼ美術館です
新たな作品を作るときは 思考が表れるように 注意を払います
例えば どうして自分を見えなくするのか?
ここで見えなくなることで 人に何を考えさせられるか?
通訳: これは「即席ラーメン」という作品です LB: 2012年8月以降 中国国内のスーパーで販売された 全ての有名ブランドの 即席ラーメンの容器から 有害な蛍光物質が見つかりました
この蛍光物質には 発がん性もあります
この作品を作るために カップめんをたくさん買い スタジオに陳列して スーパーに見えるようにしました
私の仕事は立って 動かないようにすることです そしてカメラの位置を決め 助手と協力して 私の体の後ろにある色や形を 体の前面に描きます 背景が単純なときでも 3~4時間は立っています
この作品の場合 背景がずっと複雑なので 事前準備に3~4日は必要です
スーパーの撮影の時に 着ていたのが この服です
画像は一切 加工していません
通訳: スーパーの撮影の時に 着ていたのが この服です
画像は一切 加工していません LB: これは中国の文化的 記憶に関する作品です
そして これは 中国の食の安全に関する作品 そして これは 中国の食の安全に関する作品
安全性の低い食品は 人々の健康を害しますが 大量の雑誌は 人々の心を惑わせます 次の作品では 言葉も国も時代もさまざまな ― 雑誌の中で いかに自分を 見えなくするかを表しています
私は芸術で最も重要な要素は 芸術家の姿勢だと考えています
芸術作品が人を 感動させるとしたら それは技巧だけでなく 芸術家の思考と苦労の成果です
人生で苦労を 繰り返すことを通して どんな形であれ 芸術作品が生まれます
以上です どうもありがとう (拍手)
以上です どうもありがとう (拍手) | Interpreter: By making myself invisible, I try to explore and question the contradictory and often inter-canceling relationship between our civilization and its development.
LB: This is my first work, created in November 2005.
And this is Beijing International Art Camp where I worked before the government forcibly demolished it.I used this work to express my objection.
I also want to use this work to let more people pay attention to the living condition of artists and the condition of their creative freedom.
In the meantime, from the beginning, this series has a When applying makeup, I borrow a sniper's method to better protect myself and to detect the enemy, as he did. After finishing this series of protests, I started questioning why my fate was like this, and I realized that it's not just me -- all Chinese are as confused as I am.
As you can see, these works are about family planning, election in accordance with the law and propaganda of the institution of the People's Congress.
This work is called Xia Gang .
"Xia Gang" is a Chinese euphemism for "laid off".
It refers to those people who lost their jobs during China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy.
From 1998 to 2000, 21.37 million people lost their jobs in China.
The six people in the photo are Xia Gang workers.
I made them invisible in the deserted shop wherethey had lived and worked all their lives.
On the wall behind them is the slogan of the Cultural Revolution: "The core force leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party."
For half a month I looked for these 6 people to participate in my work.
We can only see six men in this picture,but in fact, those who are hidden here are all people who were laid off. They have just been made invisible.
This piece is called The Studio.
This spring, I happened to have an opportunity during my solo exhibition in Paris to shoot a work in the news studio of France 3 -- I picked the news photos of the day.
One is about the war in the Middle East, and another one is about a public demonstration in France.
I found that any culture has its irreconcilable contradictions.
This is a joint effort between me and French artist JR.
Interpreter: This is a joint effort between me and French artist JR.
LB: I tried to disappear into JR's eye, but the problem is JR only uses models with big eyes.
So I tried to make my eyes bigger with my fingers.
But still they are not big enough for JR, unfortunately.
Interpreter: So I tried to disappear into JR's eye, but the problem is JR uses only models with big eyes.
So I tried to make my eyes bigger with this gesture.
But it doesn't work, my eyes are still small.
LB: This one is about 9/11 memories.
This is an aircraft carrier moored alongside the Hudson River.
Kenny Scharf's graffiti.
This is Venice, Italy.
Because global temperatures rise, the sea level rises, and it is said thatVenice will disappear in the coming decades.
This is the ancient city of Pompeii.
Interpreter: This is the ancient city of Pompeii.
LB: This is the Borghese Gallery in Rome.
When I work on a new piece, I pay more attention to the expression of ideas.
For instance, why would I make myself invisible?
What will making myself invisible here cause people to think?
This one is called Instant Noodles.
Interpreter: This one is called Instant Noodles. LB: Since August 2012, harmful phosphors have been found in the instant noodle package cups from every famous brand sold in China's supermarkets.
These phosphors can even cause cancer.
To create this artwork, I bought a lot of packaged instant noodle cups and put them in my studio, making it look like a supermarket.
And my task is to stand there, trying to be still, setting up the camera position and coordinating with my assistant and drawing the colors and shapes that are behind my body on the front of my body. If the background is simple, I usually have to stand for three to four hours.
The background of this piece is more complex, so I need three to four days in advance for preparation.
This is the suit I wore when I did the supermarket shoot.
There is no Photoshop involved.
Interpreter: This is the suit I [was] wearing when I did the supermarket shoot.
There is no Photoshop involved. LB: These works are on China's cultural memories.
And this one, this is about food safety in China.
Unsafe food can harm people's health, and a deluge of magazines can confuse people's minds. The next pieces of work show how I made myself invisible in magazines of different languages, in different countries and at different times.
I think that in art, an artist's attitude is the most important element.
If an artwork is to touch someone, it must be the result of not only technique, but also the artist's thinking and struggle in life.
And the repeated struggles in life create artwork, no matter in what form.
That's all I want to say.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
ドパンッ! ドパンッ! ドパンッ!
「ん? どうだろうな。もう全滅したと諦めて帰ってる可能性も高いが......」
「? どうするって何が?」
「いいか? 俺は、お前等が樹海探索に便利だから雇った。んで、それまで死なれちゃ困るから守っているだけ。断じて、お前等に同情してとか、義侠心に駆られて助けているわけじゃない。まして、今後ずっと守ってやるつもりなんて毛頭ない。忘れたわけじゃないだろう?」
「小隊長! 白髪の兎人もいますよ! 隊長が欲しがってましたよね?」
「小隊長ぉ~、女も結構いますし、ちょっとくらい味見してもいいっすよねぇ? こちとら、何もないとこで三日も待たされたんだ。役得の一つや二つ大目に見てくださいよぉ~」
「あぁ? お前誰だ? 兎人族......じゃあねぇよな?」
「はぁ~? なんで人間が兎人族と一緒にいるんだ? しかも峡谷から。あぁ、もしかして奴隷商か? 情報掴んで追っかけたとか? そいつぁまた商売魂がたくましいねぇ。まぁ、いいや。そいつら皆、国で引き取るから置いていけ」
「あぁ!? まだ状況が理解できてねぇのか! てめぇは、震えながら許しをこッ!?」
早速、帝国兵の前衛が飛び出し、後衛が詠唱を開始する。だが、その後衛組の足元に何かがコロンと転がってきた。黒い筒状の物体だ。何だこれ? と詠唱を中断せずに注視する後衛達だったが、次の瞬間には物言わぬ骸と化した。
背後からの爆風に、思わずたたらを踏む突撃中の前衛七人。何事かと、背後を振り向いてしまった六人は、直後、他の仲間と同様に頭部を撃ち抜かれて崩れ落ちた。血飛沫が舞い、それを頭から被った生き残りの一人の兵士が、力を失ったように、その場にへたり込む。無理もない。ほんの一瞬で、仲間が殲滅されたのである。彼等は決して弱い部隊ではない。むしろ、上位に勘定しても文句が出ないくらいには精鋭だ。それ故に、その兵士は悪い夢でも見ているのでは? と呆然としながら視線を彷徨わせた。
「ひぃ、く、来るなぁ! い、嫌だ。し、死にたくない。だ、誰か! 助けてくれ!」
「た、頼む! 殺さないでくれ! な、何でもするから! 頼む!」
「そうか? なら、他の兎人族がどうなったか教えてもらおうか。結構な数が居たはずなんだが......全部、帝国に移送済みか?」
「お前、自分が条件を付けられる立場にあると思ってんのか? 別に、どうしても欲しい情報じゃあないんだ。今すぐ逝くか?」
「ま、待ってくれ! 話す! 話すから! ......多分、全部移送済みだと思う。人数は絞ったから......」
「待て! 待ってくれ! 他にも何でも話すから! 帝国のでも何でも! だから!」
はぁ? という呆れを多分に含んだ視線を向けるハジメに「うっ」と唸るシア。自分達の同胞を殺し、奴隷にしようとした相手にも慈悲を持つようで、兎人族とはとことん温厚というか平和主義らしい。ハジメが言葉を発しようとしたが、その機先を制するようにユエが反論した。
無残な帝国兵の死体はユエが風の魔法で吹き飛ばし谷底に落とした。後にはただ、彼等が零した血だまりだけが残された。 | Several demonic beasts tried to attack them but to no avail. Those that tried to assault the Rabbitman tribe had their heads blown off with a flash without exception.
Every flash was accompanied by a gunshot. The Rabbitman tribe looked around dumbfoundedly, as the demonic beasts’ corpses littered the ground like flowers in a flower field. Awestruck by his power, the Rabbitman turned their gazes upon Hajime.
Especially one child in particular. They were looking at Hajime as though he was a hero from legend.
“Fufufu~, Hajime-san. The little ones are watching, you know~? Why don’t you wave at them?” (Shia)
Shia immediately tried to tease Hajime, who was already in a bad mood due to that child’s innocent gaze.
A vein popped out of his head, and Hajime silently fired his gun.
“Awawwawawawawagh!?” (Shia)
With Hajime aiming at her feet, Shia frantically jumped around to evade them, making it look like she was tap dancing. Shia’s father, Kam, revealed a wry smile at this spectacle while Yue looked at her with expressionless marvel.
“Haha, so Shia and Hajime-dono are already that close. It looks like Shia has already hit that age, huh? Father will feel a bit lonely, but if it is Hajime-dono, then I can be relieved.” (Kam)
Even though his daughter was still being shot at, Kam celebrated this occasion as though it was Shia’s marriage day, a tear forming in the corner of his eye. The other tribe members also looked at her with a warm gaze, although she was screaming “Help me~!” all the while.
“Wait, all of you. How did you come to that conclusion looking at this situation?” (Hajime)
“.... Unbelievable.” (Yue)
It was as Yue said. It seemed that the Haulia tribe was rather lacking in the common sense department. However, who was to say it didn’t apply to all the Rabbitman tribes...
After walking for a long time, their group finally arrived at the entrance of the [Raisen Great Canyon]. There was a finely built staircase for as far as Hajime could see, even with [Far Sight]. The stairs were built by cutting alongside the cliff face, zigzagging every meters. The [Haltina Sea of Trees] was around half a day’s walk after exiting the [Raisen Great Canyon].
When Hajime gazed up towards the rim of the canyon, Shia uneasily asked.
“Do you see any of the empire’s soldiers?” (Shia)
“Hm? What can I say... there’s the possibility that they’ve been annihilated already...” (Hajime)
“Th-that is... suppose that the empire’s soldiers are around, Hajime-san..., what will you do then?” (Shia)
Hajime tilted his head because he couldn’t understand what Shia was trying to ask. The ears of the Haulia tribe here perked up because of her question.
“Unlike demonic beasts, the enemy this time will be the empire’s soldiers, the human race, you know? A human like Hajime-san...... are you sure you will be able to fight them?” (Shia)
“Failure rabbit, haven’t you already seen the future?” (Hajime)
“Yes, I have. Hajime-san was confronting the empire’s soldiers...” (Shia)
“Then what’s the problem?” (Shia)
“I wanted to confirm your resolve. In order to protect us, the Haulia tribe, from the empire’s soldiers, you have to confront other humans. Are you truly okay with that, with fighting against other humans...?” (Shia)
Having heard Shia’s words, the surrounding Rabbitmen nervously looked at Hajime. The children couldn’t understand the significance of what was happening, but they could guess from the serious atmosphere something drastic could happen.
However, despite such a serious atmosphere, Hajime casually replied.
“What’s wrong with that?” (Hajime)
“Eh?” (Shia)
Hajime continued to talk, ignoring Shia’s confusion.
“Like I just said. I have no problem with fighting other humans.” (Hajime)
“Th-that...! You’re from the same race, you know?!” (Shia)
“Didn’t your tribe also get chased out by the same race?” (Hajime)
“That is... well if you put it that way...” (Shia)
“Intentions?” (Shia)
Shia tilted her head while the surrounding Rabbitmen looked confused.
“Listen, I am employing your tribe to be my guide through the [Haltina Sea of Trees], so I’ll be troubled if any of you die. It’s not like I sympathize with any of you, or have the kindness to do that. Moreover, I won’t be protecting you guys forever. Did you forget that?” (Hajime)
“Ugh... I remember...” (Shia)
“That so? I’ll protect you until my business in the [Haltina Sea of Trees] is over. I only act in my self-interest. It doesn’t matter if it’s demonic beasts or humans, if they try to obstruct my path, they will be eliminated. Simple as that.” (Hajime)
Shia could only reply in a disappointed fashion towards Hajime’s remark. Even if she saw Hajime confronting the empire with [Clairvoyance], that future wasn’t absolute. Other futures seemed more probable to her, one of them where they became slaves under the empire, living a life worse than death. Shia blamed herself for the possibility of those futures, even if she knew everyone else wouldn’t blame her for not preventing them. Thus, she had resolved to ascertain the most likely future that would take place.
“Haha, it is good to clear any misconceptions. Please leave it to us to guide you through the [Haltina Sea of Trees].” (Kam)
Kam laughed cheerfully. Rather than acting under a naive sense of justice, Hajime treated this as a give and take situation, giving him a renewed sense of security. His face said it all.
Their party had gradually reached the stairs. Hajime went ahead of them to scout the situation. When they had escaped from the empire’s soldiers before, the Haulia tribe hadn’t gotten the chance to eat or drink anything. Unexpectedly though, the Haulia tribe remained on their toes, as though they were still in pristine condition. The rumor that demi-humans, who were unable to use magic, had higher physical strength and endurance seemed true.
At long last, Hajime’s group had escaped from the execution ground, the [Raisen Great Canyon].
When they peered over the cliff-
“Oi, oi, seriously? There are survivors! Even though I was reluctant to stay here on the commander’s orders, it turns out I can bring back a good souvenir~.” (Random Soldier)
There were around imperial soldiers. Behind them, there were many carriages and tents set up. All of the soldiers were dressed in Khaki-like uniforms and equipped with either a sword and shield or with a spear. They turned towards Hajime’s group in surprise.
However, that only lasted for an instant. Their eyes immediately shone with delight when they saw the Rabbitman tribe.
“Platoon leader! The pale-haired Rabbitman is also there! Isn’t she the one that the commander wanted?” (Random Soldier)
“Platoon leader~, there are some women in that group. Can’t we have a taste of them? We’ve waited here for days! Please overlook it~...” (Random Soldier)
“Geez. Just don’t keep all of them. If it’s only two or three, then it’s okay.” (Platoon Leader)
For the empire’s soldiers, the Rabbitman tribe wasn’t a threat in their eyes, they only focused on which of the women in the group they wanted to toy with later while they advanced. Seeing those soldiers, the Rabbitman tribe could do nothing but tremble in fright.
Among those clamoring soldiers, the man called the platoon leader finally notice Hajime’s presence.
“Ah? Who are you? It looks like... you’re not a Rabbitman.” (Platoon Leader)
Hajime, deeming it impossible to just avoid this confrontation altogether, simply responded-
“Aa. I’m human alright.” (Hajime)
“Haa~? Why is a human together with Rabbitmen? You even came from the canyon. Oh, are you a slave merchant? How did you hear about these Rabbitmen? What a great business spirit you have to even come out here yourself. However, these Rabbitman belong to the empire, so please move aside.” (Platoon Leader)
The platoon leader made the most obvious assumption about Hajime’s circumstances, thus believing that he had the authority to order Hajime around.
Of course, there was no need for Hajime to listen to him, as that platoon leader’s assumption was way off the mark.
“I refuse.” (Hajime)
“... Did you just say something?” (Platoon Leader)
“Are you deaf? I said I refuse. These guys are mine now. I won’t give you even one. I recommend you to pack up and go back home now.”(Hajime)
He thought what he heard was a mistake, but that man was defying an imperial order. The platoon leader grimaced in fury.
“... boy, mind your words now. Is there something wrong with your head to not recognize who we are?” (Platoon Leader)
The platoon leader glared at Hajime. The other Soldiers also glared at Hajime, creating a tense atmosphere. As the platoon leader scorned Hajime, he suddenly noticed a petite figure behind Hajime’s back. Even inside that tense atmosphere, Yue’s beauty shone just as brightly, immediately enchanting the platoon leader. He smirked lustfully.
“Ah~, I see. I finally understand now. You’re nothing but a naive, ******, little boy! Let me teach you the horrors of this world. That young miss over there, now isn’t she a little beauty? After I chop your limbs off, I’ll play with her in front of your eyes until I’m satisfied, then sell her over to the slave merchants after I finish you off!”
Hajime creased his brows in utter wrath. Even the expressionless Yue couldn’t help but express extreme disgust that anyone could tell. Yue extended her right hand, prepared to eliminate the trash that dared violate her presence.
However, she was stopped by Hajime. Dumbfounded, Yue could only hear Hajime say-
“In conclusion, you are my enemy, right?” (Hajime)
“Ah?! Do you still not understand your situation! You ******* should be trembling on the ground seeking forgive-!?” (Platoon Leader)
The irritated platoon leader was unable to finish his sentence. Reason being that his brain was no longer operational. With a big hole in the middle of his forehead, his brain leaked out from behind his head, and he collapsed just like that.
The other soldiers could only stare dumbfoundedly at the platoon leader’s corpse.
One gunshot was heard, but six of the empire’s soldiers collapsed. In actuality, Hajime had shot at six soldiers scattered across the field, but due to his insane stats, abilities, and weapons, the six gunshots resounded as one.
Naturally, after seeing their leader and comrades collapse, the soldiers panicked and turned their weapons towards Hajime. Even though they didn’t understand how they died, they understood who had killed them. Their personality aside, as expected of the empire’s soldiers, their capabilities on the battlefield was the real deal.
The soldiers immediately charged forward while the mages in the rear started to chant. However, something had rolled into the backline while they charged. It was a black, cylindrical object. What could it be? Though they were puzzled, they never stopped chanting, when suddenly-
The “grenade” had exploded. Moreover, shrapnel had consumed the backline. Compared to the ones on Earth, it’s power was undoubtedly far stronger. It was only able to be created due to this world’s unique ores.
In one move, soldiers had died. Their hands and feet had been blown off their bodies, their organs splattered everywhere. Seven audible voices could be heard screaming in pain.
Hearing the explosion behind them, the seven soldiers who had acted as the vanguard immediately stopped their charge. While turning back in confusion, the vanguard was suddenly left with one man. Blood sprayed all around him. In shock, he fell to his knees. He looked to the sky in disbelief. It was no wonder. In only an instant, his companions were annihilated. These were elite warriors. Elite warriors who had complained about being stationed in the middle of nowhere. He looked around only to find himself feeling alone in a living nightmare of disassembled bodies.
He suddenly heard an aloof voice coming from behind him.
“... As expected, there’s no need to use [Lightning Clad]. The usual bullet and firing mechanism was enough. The [Combustion Stone] is REALLY convenient though.”
That soldier turned towards Hajime in fright. Hajime tapped Donner on his shoulder as he slowly approached the lone vanguard. His figure with his fluttering black coat made him look like a grim reaper.
“Hiii! Do-don’t come any closer! I don’t want to die! So-someone, help me!” (Random Soldier)
That soldier pleaded for his life. His face distorted in fear and piss leaked from his crotch. Hajime looked at him coldly, then slowly open fired in succession.
“Hii!” (Random Soldier)
That soldier prepared for a death that had yet to come. Hajime had shot the soldiers who had been severely injured by the grenades. When he noticed he had yet to die, the last surviving soldier timidly surveyed the battlefield, only to find he was truly alone in this disastrous scene of annihilation.
The gun’s muzzle finally aimed at the stiffened soldier. His body shook, and with an unbecoming expression, he once again begged for salvation.
“I-I implore you! Please don’t kill me! I-I’ll do anything! Anything!” (Soldier)
“Is that so? Then, please, tell me what happened to the other Rabbitmen. Even though there should be a lot of them here... have they been transported to the empire?” (Hajime)
“Wi-will you spare me if I tell you?” (Soldier)
“You, do you think you are in any position to demand anything of me? It’s not like I need this information. Would you like to die this instant?” (Hajime)
“Ple-please wait! I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you! They’ve probably been transported because we already reached the quota...” (Soldier)
A quota was fulfilled. In other words, after having captured enough able-bodied Rabbitmen, the others must have been killed. After hearing that, bitterness painted the Rabbitmen’s faces. Hajime took a peek at their expression. He immediately looked back at the soldier, killing intent manifesting in his eyes.
“Wait! Please wait! I’ll tell you anything! The empire’s secrets, anything you want! So please!” (Soldier)
Having noticed Hajime’s killing intent, the soldier desperately pleaded for his life. The answer to his desperate plea was...
One bullet.
The Rabbitmen all sucked in a breath. Due to Hajime’s completely unforgiving behavior, fear of Hajime had awoken in them. Who knew if Shia also felt the same, but she timidly asked Hajime all the same.
“Wo-wouldn’t it have been okay to just overlook that one person...?” (Shia)
Hajime glanced at her with such astonishment that Shia could only feel as though she had said something inappropriate. It looked like the Rabbitman tribe could even forgive the people responsible for the enslavement and genocide of their tribe. When Hajime was about to speak, Yue immediately said-
“... Once they’ve drawn their weapons, even if the opponent wasn’t strong, they’ll become an inconvenience sooner or later...” (Yue)
“Th-that is...” (Shia)
“...” (Shia)
Yue was furious. Even though they were currently protecting them, she wouldn’t forgive anyone who harbored negative feelings towards Hajime. Even though they hadn’t intended to disgrace their savior, the Haulia tribe felt ashamed.
“Fumu, Hajime-dono, I sincerely apologize on behalf of my tribe. We do not blame you for your actions, it is just that we are not accustomed to such a sight...” (Kam)
“Hajime-san, I am sorry.” (Shia)
Having heard Shia and Kam apologize to him on behalf of their tribe, Hajime could only wave his hands to tell them he paid it no attention.
After that, Hajime went to where the empire’s horses and carriages were and told the Haulia tribe to hop on. Even though it would only take them half a day to walk to the [Haltina Sea of Trees], since they could use horses and carriages, they should use them. He took out the Magic Powered -Wheeled Drive from his [Treasure Warehouse] and linked it to the line of carriages. And so, the party continued their trek towards the [Haltina Sea of Trees].
Yue had used wind magic to drop the empire’s soldiers’ corpses into the canyon before they left. What remained of the battlefield was nothing but a field stained with blood. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 9,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「ポールさん、この事は内密にしていただけます? 口外するようなら......殺します」
......狼? もうすでに狼の話をジルはヘンリお兄様にしていたって事?
ヘンリお兄様の言葉に急にポールさんの瞳が変わった。空気が張り詰める。 | “No, it’s fine. He would have found out about it eventually.... and I’m already used to people treating me differently, so it doesn’t matter.”
“I’d like to say that I wish you wouldn’t get used to that sort of thing. But as it’s impossible to completely get rid of such discrimination, it would be an irresponsible request to make.”
After saying that, I look back at Paul-san, examining his expression.
......He doesn’t seem to have a very good impression of the impoverished village. No matter how kind and gentle he may seem, even he can be prejudiced. And as a noble, it’s not even unusual for him to feel that way. Even if he has recognized Gilles’s intelligence and abilities, it’s unavoidable that somewhere in the depths of Paul-san’s heart there will be leftover misgivings about Gilles’s origins.
“So he’s attending the magic academy even though he’s from the impoverished village?” Paul-san probes somewhat skeptically as he looks over in Gilles’s direction.
.....Ah, this was entirely my mistake. From now on, I need to think more before I speak.
“He’s attending as my assistant,” I tell Paul-san a bit curtly, giving him a wide smile that doesn’t quite reach my eyes.
“Is the king aware of this?”
“Yes. He is.”
At my words, a complicated expression crosses Paul-san’s face.
At this rate, if Paul-san ends up leaking this information, there’s going to be trouble. I need to do something before this becomes an issue.....
Maybe I should... try to threaten him in true villainess fashion?
I look Paul-san straight in the eyes and raise the corners of my lips to an evilly confident degree.
“Paul-san, would you mind keeping this particular piece of information between us? If you were to let it slip.... I’m afraid I’d have to kill you.”
Paul-san’s expression hardens. Henry-Oniisama and Gilles, too, are both staring at me wide-eyed.
But of course. To threaten to murder someone upon your first meeting after so many years, this sort of reaction is only to be expected.
Ugh, the more I interact with people, the more bothersome it becomes. Whenever dealing with others, it seems that there’s no getting around issues of superiority and inferiority and other such tiresome power struggles.... Human relationships really are much too convoluted.
“I won’t say anything. Though, I suppose being killed off by a beautiful woman wouldn’t be so bad,” Paul-san says with a light laugh.
.....Did Paul-san always have this sort of character? This side of him certainly never made an appearance during the game.
“What sort of assurance do I have? How do I know you won’t betray us?” I ask, narrowing my eye.
Paul-san’s smile turns bitter.
“What do you think I’ve been collecting from Henry and Gilles in exchange for the information that I provide?”
“.....I don’t know.”
“Keeping my shop running requires a considerable amount of funds. And obtaining rare medicinal herbs isn’t cheap either. Plus, my parents cut me off.... That’s why I got into the business of selling information in the first place,” Paul-san says in a low tone.
Which means that despite being a noble, he’s broke..... To think that he’d go this far just because he wants to run a shop in town.... That’s quite the eccentric ambition.
Though, hearing all this, I feel like the dots are connecting one-by-one.
“Honestly, I hate the impoverished village. And, of course, all the villagers in it. However, Gilles is my client. And, for being a former resident there, he’s pretty smart. So I’ll make sure to properly keep his secret.”
I get the feeling that I just accidentally saw a dark and ugly side to Paul-san that he usually keeps hidden.
“And that’s why we can trust him,” Gilles says, the corners of his lips arching high.
So these two have one glaring thing in common: they both have a blackened side to them that is all too willing to put others to their own personal use.
“Now that that’s all settled, can you tell us what you were able to find out about the wolf incident now?” Henry-Oniisama says a bit sardonically, looking over at Paul-san.
......Wolf? So Gilles had already found time to ask Henry-Oniisama about what had happened that day? What a fast worker.
At Henry-Oniisama’s request, the look in Paul-san’s eyes suddenly changes. The air around us seems to stretch out thin and strained. Even the radiant sunlight reflecting off of Paul-san’s glasses seems to flash ominously.
“It would be best if you didn’t get involved in that incident any further,” Paul-san says quietly, his voice low and foreboding. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
彼はいろんな種類の小麦やお米など 農産物の多様性は遺伝資源だと
説明していたんです。 「遺伝子の資源が 私たちと、想像を絶するような 破滅的飢餓との間に立ちはだかっている」 と記されていたのをよく覚えています。
なんて事いってるんだこの人はと思って、 ちょっとおかしい人なのかなと思ってしまいました。
だけど、もっと詳しく調べてみるにつれて 彼がおかしいのではないと気づいたのです。
彼によると農産物多様性は、 農業を行う上での生物学的基礎なのだそうです。
さらに彼は、農産物多様性、つまり基礎になるものが壊れだしていると 警告しました。
実際それは、私たちの畑で大規模な絶滅が起こり、 農業の未来さえ危ないと言うことだったのです。
大規模な絶滅が起こり始めていたのに、 それに気づいている人はほとんどいなくて、
それを心配してる人など、なおさらいなかったのです。 皆さんの多くは農業システムの 多様性について理論的にはご承知と思いますが、 実態を見てみましょう。
これは豆ですが、 35から40種類もの豆が この写真に載っています。
このひとつひとつ全く違う種で、例えばプードルとグレートデールぐらいに 違うものと考えてみてください。
もし世界中のすべての違う種の犬の写真を見せようとしたら、 ひとつのスライドに30から40種載せたとして、合計スライド10枚くらいかかります。 だって、だいたい400種類もの犬が世界中にいるんですよ。
だから世界中すべての豆を見せようとして、 スライドを用意するなら、毎秒違うスライドを見せたとしても、 私のTEDスピーチのすべてかかってしまうでしょう。 わたしは何も言わなくって済みますね。
恐ろしいことにこの多様性が失われつつあることに 注目してください。
20万種もの小麦があって、 20万から40万種もの米があるのに、 それが減ってきているのです。
アメリカでは1880年代の一番いいデータがあるのですが、 農家や園芸家の人々は7,100種類の名前つきの りんごを育てていました。
今では、そのうち6,800種類は絶滅してしまって、 もう二度とお目にかかることができません。
りんごの絶滅種についての講演をするときには 絶滅種のリストを持参して 会場に回したものでした
そこでアルファベット順に書かれているリストの中から、 苗字や旧姓、お母さんの旧姓などを 探してごらんと聞くんです。
そうして、「知ってる?このりんごはあなたの先祖から伝わってきて、 先祖は与えられる最高の名誉として
そして、うれしいニュースなんですが、 フォウラーのりんごは健在なのです。
この古い本の 一節を読みます
’’'Apple of New York'’ という本の第二巻です。
フォウラーのりんごがこの本に出てきます。 驚くなかれ、 「美しい果物」と記されているんです。
実は続きがあって、 「高品質のりんごではありません」と書かれてしまってるんです。
「ニューヨークで育てられる果物はだいたい形や品質がよくありませんし、 満足できるようなものではない」そうです。
さてここから学ぶべきことがあります それはなぜ守るべきなのか?ということ。
今日最高の種も 虫や病害虫の餌食になれば終わりです
別の答えとして、フォウラーのりんごや 今は経済的でない小麦の種でも 気候変動とともに生じる病害や虫害に 他の品種よりも強いかもしれません。
そこで フォウラーのりんごは 世界一でなくてもいいのです。よかった
2枚のスライドを見てほしいんですが、 まず世界作物多様性財団で、スタンフォード大学やワシントン大学などの 科学者とともに働いているんですが、 「気候変動が進む時代、これから農業がどうなっていくのか、 そしてうまく適応するためにどのような特徴や性質が必要なのか」 という問題に取り組んでいます。
簡単に言えば、将来的にたくさんの国々で 農作物にとって、今まで一番寒かった季節が これまでにないほど暖かくなってしまうでしょう。
未来の一番寒い生育期は、 過去で一番暑かったときよりも暑くなるでしょう。
現在、世界中で最も貧困と飢餓の密度が高くて、 皮肉にも気候変動の影響がおそらく最悪なのも、 南アジアとサハラ以南のアフリカです。
このヒストグラムでは、 青のバーはこれまでの温度の範囲を示します。 データがある限り遡ったものです。
周年ごとに変動があることがわかります。 違いがあるのがわかりますよね。
寒い年や暖かい年があって 正規分散の型になっています。
将来、今世紀後半には、 今の変動範囲を飛び出します。
農業のシステムやさらにはインドの畑の作物が このような経験をしたことがないのです。
実は南アフリカでは、 2070年より前に問題は生じます。
2030年には南アフリカの食糧の 50 パーセントを支える 主要作物のとうもろこしは、 生産量が30パーセントも下がることになります。 2030年にはすでに気候が変動しているからです。
人口が増え続ける中で、生産量が30パーセント下がるということは 食糧危機になるいうことです。世界的にね。
修正のチャンス 2 回分ということです。
気候に合った作物を植え始めなければいけないし、 なるべく急ぐ必要があります。
今まで私たちは生物多様性や農業多様性を たくさん保存してきました。 それらを種子バンクに預けて、冷凍保存してきたのです。
もし種を長く保存して、 種畜者や研究者の役に立たせたいのなら、 種を乾かしてから冷凍するのです。
困ったことにこれらの種子バンクは世界のあちこちの脆弱な建物に設置されています。 とても価値が高いのです。
災害は起こるもの。 最近では遺伝子バンク、種子バンクがイラクとアフガニスタンで失われています。理由はお察しのとおり。
種子バンクのビルが通常の災害に見舞われることもあります。 金銭的な問題や経営の失敗、そして装置の故障と いろんなことが起こって、その度に 絶滅が起こるのです。多様性を失ってしまうのです。
恐竜の絶滅と同じで、 失われたら最後 二度と戻りません。
そこで我々は何人かで集まって、もうたくさんだ どうにかしなければならないと思い、どこか本当に 生物多様性をしっかり守れる施設が必要だと 確認しました。
絶滅に瀕するパンダの方が、絶滅に瀕するニンジンよりも心配かもしれませんが、 とても大切な多様性の一部なのです。
ノルウェーの政府や ノルウェー遺伝子資源プログラム(NorGen)と協力し、 この施設を作り上げました。
この図は スバルバードの山に建てた施設の 概観図です。
寒い場所としてスバルバードを選び 天然の冷凍庫が実現しました。
人里離れた場所ですが、交通は確保され、 安全で、機械によって凍らせなくてもいいというわけです。
この写真で スバルバードの様子がわかりますね。
この正面のドアを開けると、 このようになっています。シンプルでしょ。地面に穴が開いてます。
これはトンネルで、中に入ると 固い岩に 130 メートルのトンネルが穿たれています。
(拍手) 部屋のひとつに入ると、こんなふうになっています。
地味ですが ここにある物を知る人にとっては感動的です。
今では約42万5千種類の 農産物のサンプルが置かれています。
7万もの違う米の種類が、 この施設には置かれています。
そのうち100万に達して、いつの日か 約500個の種を それぞれの農産物の種類のために、この施設で冷凍して 保管する事になるでしょう。
写真に写っているのは アメリカとカナダの国立の種コレクションと シリアにある国際組織の種コレクションです。
私が興味深いと思うのは、この施設が 唯一、いろいろな国々が 本当にすべての国々が この施設に種を預けている訳ですから、 世界中の国々が一つとなって、 長期的で、持続可能で、ポジテブな事をやろうとしている場所なのです。
気候変動や水問題の解決策があるなんて 自信を持って口にすることはできません。
自信を持って口にすることはできません。 ひとつの簡潔な解決法があるとは言えないけれど、 ひとつ言えるのは、このような問題すべては生産物の多様化がなければ 解決する事はできないと言う事です。
なぜなら、効果的かつ効率的で、持続可能な解決方法が 生産物多様性もなしにあなたには思いつきますか。
なぜなら、本当に農業が気候変動に対応できなければ 私達も対応できません
もしも農作物が気候変動に対応できなければ、農業だってできません。 私たちも。
多くの人は、多様性をそのものの価値のために 保存したいと考えたりします。
なので実際には、私はみんなが国際コミュニティーとして 一緒になりこの義務を果たすべきだと思うのです。
スバルバード国際種貯蔵庫は素敵な贈り物として ノルウェーなどから私たちに与えられたのです。 でも完璧な答えではありません。
そして種銀行に預けて、 将来、研究者に渡せるようにしなければなりません。
カタログも作る必要があります。生命の図書館であり、 今はカードカタログが整っていません。
わたしのアイデアとして普通に見られる 美術館や学校設備の基金と同じように 小麦のための基金を作ることは意義があると考えています。
3000万ドルの寄付さえあれば、 小麦のすべての種類を永遠に保存することが可能です。
そして最後に、もちろん、小麦や 米、芋、そしてほかの種類を保存する事で 私たち自身を救う事につながるかもしれません。
ありがとう。 | all the different kinds of wheat and rice and such -- as a genetic resource.
And he said, "This genetic resource," -- and I'll never forget the words -- "stands between us and catastrophic starvation on a scale we cannot imagine."
I figured he was either really on to something, or he was one of these academic nutcases.
So, I looked a little further, and what I figured out was that he wasn't a nutcase.
He was the most respected scientist in the field.
What he understood was that biological diversity -- crop diversity -- is the biological foundation of agriculture.
It's the raw material, the stuff, of evolution in our agricultural crops.
Not a trivial matter.
And he also understood that that foundation was crumbling, literally crumbling.
That indeed, a mass extinction was underway in our fields, in our agricultural system.
And that this mass extinction was taking place with very few people noticing and even fewer caring.
Now, I know that many of you don't stop to think about diversity in agricultural systems and, let's face it, that's logical.
You don't see it in the newspaper every day.
And when you go into the supermarket, you certainly don't see a lot of choices there.
You see apples that are red, yellow, and green and that's about it.
So, let me show you a picture of one form of diversity.
Here's some beans, and there are about 35 or 40 different varieties of beans on this picture.
Now, imagine each one of these varieties as being distinct from another about the same way as a poodle from a Great Dane.
If I wanted to show you a picture of all the dog breeds in the world, and I put 30 or 40 of them on a slide, it would take about 10 slides because there about 400 breeds of dogs in the world.
But there are 35 to 40,000 different varieties of beans.
So if I were to going to show you all the beans in the world, and I had a slide like this, and I switched it every second, it would take up my entire TED talk, and I wouldn't have to say anything.
But the interesting thing is that this diversity -- and the tragic thing is -- that this diversity is being lost.
We have about 200,000 different varieties of wheat, and we have about 2 to 400,000 different varieties of rice, but it's being lost.
And I want to give you an example of that.
It's a bit of a personal example, in fact.
In the United States, in the 1800s -- that's where we have the best data -- farmers and gardeners were growing 7,100 named varieties of apples.
Imagine that. 7,100 apples with names.
Today, 6,800 of those are extinct, no longer to be seen again.
I used to have a list of these extinct apples, and when I would go out and give a presentation, I would pass the list out in the audience.
I wouldn't tell them what it was, but it was in alphabetical order, and I would tell them to look for their names, their family names, their mother's maiden name.
And at the end of the speech, I would ask, "How many people have found a name?"
And I never had fewer than two-thirds of an audience hold up their hand.
And I said, "You know what? These apples come from your ancestors, and your ancestors gave them the greatest honor they could give them.
They gave them their name.
The bad news is they're extinct.
The good news is a third of you didn't hold up your hand. Your apple's still out there.
Find it. Make sure it doesn't join the list."
So, I want to tell you that the piece of the good news is that the Fowler apple is still out there.
And there's an old book back here, and I want to read a piece from it.
This book was published in 1904.
It's called "The Apples of New York" and this is the second volume.
See, we used to have a lot of apples.
And the Fowler apple is described in here -- I hope this doesn't surprise you -- as, "a beautiful fruit."
I don't know if we named the apple or if the apple named us, but ...
but, to be honest, the description goes on and it says that it "doesn't rank high in quality, however."
And then he has to go even further.
It sounds like it was written by an old school teacher of mine.
"As grown in New York, the fruit usually fails to develop properly in size and quality and is, on the whole, unsatisfactory."
And I guess there's a lesson to be learned here, and the lesson is: so why save it?
I get this question all the time. Why don't we just save the best one?
And there are a couple of answers to that question.
One thing is that there is no such thing as a best one.
Today's best variety is tomorrow's lunch for insects or pests or disease.
The other thing is that maybe that Fowler apple or maybe a variety of wheat that's not economical right now has disease or pest resistance or some quality that we're going to need for climate change that the others don't.
So it's not necessary, thank God, that the Fowler apple is the best apple in the world.
It's just necessary or interesting that it might have one good, unique trait.
And for that reason, we ought to be saving it.
Why? As a raw material, as a trait we can use in the future.
Think of diversity as giving us options.
And options, of course, are exactly what we need in an era of climate change.
I want to show you two slides, but first, I want to tell you that we've been working at the Global Crop Diversity Trust with a number of scientists -- particularly at Stanford and University of Washington -- to ask the question: What's going to happen to agriculture in an era of climate change and what kind of traits and characteristics do we need in our agricultural crops to be able to adapt to this?
In short, the answer is that in the future, in many countries, the coldest growing seasons are going to be hotter than anything those crops have seen in the past.
The coldest growing seasons of the future, hotter than the hottest of the past.
Is agriculture adapted to that?
I don't know. Can fish play the piano?
If agriculture hasn't experienced that, how could it be adapted?
Now, the highest concentration of poor and hungry people in the world, and the place where climate change, ironically, is going to be the worst is in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
So I've picked two examples here, and I want to show you.
In the histogram before you now, the blue bars represent the historical range of temperatures, going back about far as we have temperature data.
And you can see that there's some difference between one growing season and another.
Some are colder, some are hotter and it's a bell shaped curve.
The tallest bar is the average temperature for the most number of growing seasons.
In the future, later this century, it's going to look like the red, totally out of bounds.
The agricultural system and, more importantly, the crops in the field in India have never experienced this before.
Here's South Africa. The same story.
But the most interesting thing about South Africa is we don't have to wait for 2070 for there to be trouble.
By 2030, if the maize, or corn, varieties, which is the dominant crop -- 50 percent of the nutrition in Southern Africa are still in the field -- in 2030, we'll have a 30 percent decrease in production of maize because of the climate change already in 2030.
30 percent decrease of production in the context of increasing population, that's a food crisis. It's global in nature.
We will watch children starve to death on TV.
Now, you may say that 20 years is a long way off.
It's two breeding cycles for maize.
We have two rolls of the dice to get this right.
We have to get climate-ready crops in the field, and we have to do that rather quickly.
Now, the good news is that we have conserved.
We have collected and conserved a great deal of biological diversity, agricultural diversity, mostly in the form of seed, and we put it in seed banks, which is a fancy way of saying a freezer.
If you want to conserve seed for a long term and you want to make it available to plant breeders and researchers, you dry it and then you freeze it.
Unfortunately, these seed banks are located around the world in buildings and they're vulnerable.
Disasters have happened. In recent years we lost the gene bank, the seed bank in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can guess why.
In Rwanda, in the Solomon Islands.
And then there are just daily disasters that take place in these buildings, financial problems and mismanagement and equipment failures, and all kinds of things, and every time something like this happens, it means extinction. We lose diversity.
And I'm not talking about losing diversity in the same way that you lose your car keys.
I'm talking about losing it in the same way that we lost the dinosaurs: actually losing it, never to be seen again.
So, a number of us got together and decided that, you know, enough is enough and we need to do something about that and we need to have a facility that can really offer protection for our biological diversity of -- maybe not the most charismatic diversity.
You don't look in the eyes of a carrot seed quite in the way you do a panda bear, but it's very important diversity.
So we needed a really safe place, and we went quite far north to find it.
To Svalbard, in fact.
This is above mainland Norway. You can see Greenland there.
That's at 78 degrees north.
It's as far as you can fly on a regularly scheduled airplane.
It's a remarkably beautiful landscape. I can't even begin to describe it to you.
It's otherworldly, beautiful.
We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility.
What you see is an artist's conception of this facility, which is built in a mountain in Svalbard.
The idea of Svalbard was that it's cold, so we get natural freezing temperatures.
But it's remote. It's remote and accessible so it's safe and we don't depend on mechanical refrigeration.
This is more than just an artist's dream, it's now a reality.
And this next picture shows it in context, in Svalbard.
And here's the front door of this facility.
When you open up the front door, this is what you're looking at. It's pretty simple. It's a hole in the ground.
It's a tunnel, and you go into the tunnel, chiseled in solid rock, about 130 meters.
There are now a couple of security doors, so you won't see it quite like this.
Again, when you get to the back, you get into an area that's really my favorite place.
I think of it as sort of a cathedral.
And I know that this tags me as a bit of a nerd, but ...
Some of the happiest days of my life have been spent ...
in this place there.
If you were to walk into one of these rooms, you would see this.
It's not very exciting, but if you know what's there, it's pretty emotional.
We have now about 425,000 samples of unique crop varieties.
There's 70,000 samples of different varieties of rice in this facility right now.
About a year from now, we'll have over half a million samples.
We're going up to over a million, and someday we'll basically have samples -- about 500 seeds -- of every variety of agricultural crop that can be stored in a frozen state in this facility.
This is a backup system for world agriculture.
It's a backup system for all the seed banks. Storage is free.
It operates like a safety deposit box.
Norway owns the mountain and the facility, but the depositors own the seed.
And if anything happens, then they can come back and get it.
This particular picture that you see shows the national collection of the United States, of Canada, and an international institution from Syria.
I think it's interesting in that this facility, I think, is almost the only thing I can think of these days where countries, literally, every country in the world -- because we have seeds from every country in the world -- all the countries of the world have gotten together to do something that's both long term, sustainable and positive.
I can't think of anything else that's happened in my lifetime that way.
I can't look you in the eyes and tell you that I have a solution for climate change, for the water crisis.
Agriculture takes 70 percent of fresh water supplies on earth.
for those things, or the energy crisis, or world hunger, or peace in conflict.
I can't look you in the eyes and tell you that I have a simple solution for that, but I can look you in the eyes and tell you that we can't solve any of those problems if we don't have crop diversity.
Because I challenge you to think of an effective, efficient, sustainable solution to climate change if we don't have crop diversity.
Because, quite literally, if agriculture doesn't adapt to climate change, neither will we.
And if crops don't adapt to climate change, neither will agriculture, neither will we.
So, this is not something pretty and nice to do.
There are a lot of people who would love to have this diversity exist just for the existence value of it.
It is, I agree, a nice thing to do.
But it's a necessary thing to do.
So, in a very real sense, I believe that we, as an international community, should get organized to complete the task.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a wonderful gift that Norway and others have given us, but it's not the complete answer.
We need to collect the remaining diversity that's out there.
We need to put it into good seed banks that can offer those seeds to researchers in the future.
We need to catalog it. It's a library of life, but right now I would say we don't have a card catalog for it.
And we need to support it financially.
My big idea would be that while we think of it as commonplace to endow an art museum or endow a chair at a university, we really ought to be thinking about endowing wheat.
30 million dollars in an endowment would take care of preserving all the diversity in wheat forever.
So we need to be thinking a little bit in those terms.
And my final thought is that we, of course, by conserving wheat, rice, potatoes, and the other crops, we may, quite simply, end up saving ourselves.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
娘に電子工学のことを教えるのなら はんだごてを渡したりはしません
娘も 実験用の基板を持たされたら 小さな手で苦労することでしょう
それで 優秀な教え子であるサムと一緒に 一番扱いやすいものを考え 小麦粉粘土を使うことにしました
ひと夏かけて いろいろな小麦粉粘土の作り方を考えました 家で小麦粉粘土を作ったことがあれば どれもお馴染みのものでしょう 台所にあるごく普通の材料で作られています
私たちのお気に入りは2つ - 1つは水 小麦粉 塩 植物油 酒石英で作り もう1つは塩の代わりに砂糖を入れます
小麦粉粘土はすごいんです いろいろな形にできます
でも本当に面白いのは 粘土をつなぎ合わせた時です
店で売っている小麦粉粘土も電気を通しますし 高校の物理の授業ではずっと前から使われています
でも私たちが作った小麦粉粘土は 市販品の2倍電気を通します
塩の粘土よりも 150倍も電気を通しにくいのです だから 一緒にすると
電気回路が作れるのです 創造性に満ちた小さな子どもの手で 自ら作ることのできる回路です
(拍手) どういうことか やってみましょう
塩入りの小麦粉粘土を - 皆さんが子どもの頃作ったようなやつです - 差し込みます - これは2本のリード線がついた普通の電池パックです - 家電店のレディオシャックだとか どこでも買えるものです - これを使って実際に 明かりをつけることができます
電気工学を学んだ人なら ショート回路はご存知でしょう
砂糖を入れた粘土を使ってみましょう 砂糖の粘土は電気を通さない
砂糖の粘土が間にあると 粘土がくっついていても 電球を差し込むと 明かりがつきます
クルクル回る尻尾が欲しければ モーターに小麦粉粘土をつけて差し込みます すると回り出します
(拍手) 基本がわかれば もう少し複雑な回路も作れます
これは 子どもたちが大好きな寿司回路です
電球をたくさんつないで モーターまで加えるとどうなるでしょう?
マイクロプロセッサをつないで 粘土の電気抵抗を読み取り グニャグニャ変わる音を出すこともできます
子どもと一緒に 並列・直列回路を作ることができます 必要なものは全て台所にあります
私たちは 台所を電気工学の実験室にしたのです
ウェブサイトに全て載せています 家庭で作ることができます
子どもと一種に作ったユタ州のお母さん イギリスの科学研究者や ハワイのカリキュラム開発者も使っています
小麦粉粘土と塩 砂糖を手に 皆さんも遊んでみて下さい
台所が電気工学の実験室だとか 子どもが回路の設計者だとは 普通は思われていませんが 考えを変えるべきなのかもしれません
楽しんで下さい ありがとう | But you have to have the right tools.
If I'm going to teach my daughter about electronics, I'm not going to give her a soldering iron.
And similarly, she finds prototyping boards really frustrating for her little hands.
So my wonderful student Sam and I decided to look at the most tangible thing we could think of: Play-Doh.
And so we spent a summer looking at different Play-Doh recipes. And these recipes probably look really familiar to any of you who have made homemade play-dough -- pretty standard ingredients you probably have in your kitchen.
We have two favorite recipes -- one that has these ingredients and a second that had sugar instead of salt.
And they're great. We can make great little sculptures with these.
But the really cool thing about them is when we put them together.
You see that really salty Play-Doh?
Well, it conducts electricity.
And this is nothing new.
It turns out that regular Play-Doh that you buy at the store conducts electricity, and high school physics teachers have used that for years.
But our homemade play-dough actually has half the resistance of commercial Play-Doh.
And that sugar dough?
Well it's 150 times more resistant to electric current So what does that mean?
Well it means if you them together you suddenly have circuits -- circuits that the most creative, tiny, little hands can build on their own.
And so I want to do a little demo for you.
So if I take this salt dough, again, it's like the play-dough you probably made as kids, and I plug it in -- it's a two-lead battery pack, simple battery pack, you can buy them at Radio Shack and pretty much anywhere else -- we can actually then light things up.
But if any of you have studied electrical engineering, we can also create a short circuit.
If I push these together, the light turns off.
Right, the current wants to run through the play-dough, not through that LED.
If I separate them again, I have some light.
Well now if I take that sugar dough, the sugar dough doesn't want to conduct electricity.
It's like a wall to the electricity.
If I place that between, now all the dough is touching, but if I stick that light back in, I have light.
In fact, I could even add some movement to my sculptures.
If I want a spinning tail, let's grab a motor, put some play-dough on it, stick it on and we have spinning.
And once you have the basics, we can make a slightly more complicated circuit.
We call this our sushi circuit. It's very popular with kids.
I plug in again the power to it.
And now I can start talking about parallel and series circuits.
I can start plugging in lots of lights.
And we can start talking about things like electrical load.
What happens if I put in lots of lights and then add a motor?
It'll dim.
We can even add microprocessors and have this as an input and create squishy sound music that we've done.
You could do parallel and series circuits So this is all in your home kitchen.
We've actually tried to turn it into an electrical engineering lab.
We have a website, it's all there. These are the home recipes.
We've got some videos. You can make them yourselves.
And it's been really fun since we put them up to see where these have gone.
We've had a mom in Utah who used them with her kids, to a science researcher in the U.K., and curriculum developers in Hawaii.
So I would encourage you all to grab some Play-Doh, grab some salt, grab some sugar and start playing.
We don't usually think of our kitchen as an electrical engineering lab or little kids as circuit designers, but maybe we should.
Have fun. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「父上! 母上!」
「また勝手に独走しやがって! 邪神がいる可能性があったんだろう? ハイロードが何体もいる可能性があったんだろうが!」
「そういうことじゃない! まず応援を呼べよ!」
「色々と把握した。ロック、疲れたであろう? あとは我らに任せるがよい」
そして、俺は自分の屋敷へと戻った。 | It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Eric.
However, I had not quite expected it to be this effective.
They were great nobles, the Marquis and his wife, and they had dropped to their knees in a flash.
And so I explained it to them again.
“His Majesty has asked me to investigate an incident involving vampires who found a way to trick the divine barrier...”
“Is that so.”
“It goes without saying, but you must not tell anyone else that you have seen Vampire Lords within the city.”
“No, as the representative of the king, your words are those of royalty. And as such, we will do what is expected of us as nobles.”
If they took everything I said as the words of the king, I would have to be very careful about what I said.
That was annoying.
“Then I will tell you in advance when I am about to speak on the king’s behalf, but otherwise, please treat me as you would anyone else.”
“If you don’t, I shall not be able to speak to you at all.”
I said with a laugh.
“If you insist...”
This seemed to have satisfied the couple for now.
“By the way, don’t tell anyone that I am representing the king.”
“Of course.”
After that, the Marquis and his wife obeyed me willingly. The authority of the king’s representative was impressive.
The Marquis and his wife now knew that there was a way to break through the barrier.
It would now be necessary for the king to give them some kind of office and keep them on his side.
We left the room that had been their prison, and passed the servants’ rooms and entered the hallway.
“We should go and meet Philly.”
“Is she close by?”
“Well, she is close by, yes. She was imprisoned in a different room within this mansion, after all.”
And so I took them to Philly’s room.
I knocked on the door and called to her.
“Philly. I’ve brought Marquis Mastafon and his wife.”
There was the sound of a chair screeching very loudly and then the door swung open and Philly came flying out.
“Father! Mother!”
“Philly. I’m so glad you’re...”
The three of them cried as they clung to each other. Tama ran, circling them happily.
His tail was wagging.
“Everything is resolved for now...”
Shia and Grulf were also watching the family and wagging their tails.
The intimate mood lasted for a while, until we suddenly heard a loud voice.
“Daddy, uncle, over here!”
“Ah, the gatekeepers are unconscious.”
“This is a serious matter.”
It seemed that Serulis had brought Goran. The mansion became very loud all at once.
“Locke. Where are you?”
“Over here!”
I answered. Goran and the others came quickly.
To my surprise, Eric was right behind Goran. But why?
“Yo-your Majesty... It is the height of honor to have you visit our humble house...”
Marquis Mastafon and his wife kneeled once again.
“Raise your faces.”
And then Eric continued,
And so I explained.
I had wanted to cut the rat hunt short, but Goran wanted to hear the entire story, so I couldn’t.
Eric nodded.
Eric had asked many questions whenever there was something that wasn’t clear.
But Goran was silent as he listened to the entire time.
His fists were shaking.
“Hey, Locke!”
“What? You look a little angry there.”
“You ran off alone again! You knew there was a possibility of an Evil God, didn’t you? And that there could be multiple High Lords!”
“True. But High Lords aren’t really...”
“That’s not the point! Call for support!”
“I thought it was best to hurry.”
“Yes, that is important too. But this was a plan that the enemy took years to set up!”
“That’s true.”
The butler had started working here two years ago.
“So what difference would it have made if you were delayed for ten or fifteen minutes!!”
“Uh, oh. You know, you might be right.”
“Why didn’t you tell me anything!”
Goran was right, so I couldn’t argue with him.
His hands were shaking angrily and so Serulis grabbed them.
“Daddy, Mister Locke said he’s sorry, so...”
“...You better not do something like that again.”
“I understand.”
I apologized and then Grulf came and licked my hand.
He was probably trying to encourage me.
I patted him on the head.
“I understand the situation here now. Locke, you must be very tired? You can leave the rest to us.”
“Thank you. I’ll leave the rest to you then, Eric, Goran.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Goran. About the enemy base...”
“Ah, where the Evil God was? I will send a select team of A Rank Adventurers to search the place. Leave it to us.”
“Thank you.”
Just as I was about to leave, Philly grabbed my arm.
“It must have been hard for you as well, Philly. You should rest as much you can.”
“Locke. I can’t be anymore grateful to you.”
“Don’t mention it. It’s just my job.”
“If you ever need any help, come and pay us a visit. We’re just two houses away.”
“That’s awfully close by.”
“Yes. You can visit too, Tama.”
And with that, I returned to my mansion. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 9,
"inserted_lines_trg": 8
} |
「うん、Sクラス10日間ね......え? お金大丈夫なの?」
「ほえ~~、貴族の娘さんとかだったのかい? じゃあ、Sクラス10日間ね」
あんまり早くいっても悪いし、3時くらいに行こうかな? それまで、なにしてよう? ウルトさんと会話? うーん、あの人忙しいし。
「そうか、よく来たね。おーい、兄さん、兄さん! アリムちゃんが来たぜ!」
「ホナードさん! エンチャントが習得できましたよ!」
「では、ボクはこれで! ありがとうございました!」
クニック&ホナードの店を出た俺はすぐに宿屋に戻る。さて、どんなスキルができるのか、楽しみだ。 | This here now, Is where is the Inn run by that young adult person who saved me from those hentai lolicons bad guys.
Upon entering, it really gives off anice atmosphere inside.
But it seems that the price for rent seems high.
Ult-san then notices me and called out to me.
「Oh... Alim-chan, you came by. Are going to take accommodations? 」
「Really... The prices for the rooms here will be Bells for B Class, Bells for A Class, and 00 Bells for S for an overnight stay. So are what do you want to choose? (... If it is according to what I see, Alim-chan will probably choose the A Class so maybe I should lessen the price by 300 bells? How bout that?)」
I want to take care of this new body. So that’s why I’ll take the S Class room. Well I do have around 800 thousand Bells on hand so money isn’t really a problem...
「S Class Room please, for now good for 10 days. 」
「Ah, S class for 10 days is it... Eh!? Are you ok with the bills? 」
「Yup. I’m okay with it. 」
I take out one big gold coin, one gold coin and one large silver coin.
「Hue~~ were you probably someone like a nobles daughter or something? Then S Class room for 10 days is it. 」
「Then let me lead you, the room is over here. 」
Ooh, It looks kinda like a Luxury Hotel I saw on TV some time ago. Iwill enjoy this room for now. Mainly I will be playing trampoline on the bed. Anyway, I have nothing to do anymore for the time being. I eat the food prepared by Ultz-san, then take a bath and go to bed.
Good Night.
Good Morning.
I am now making my way towards the store called Knick and Honnard today.
It will be not good if I go too early, So I guess I’ll take my time and go there around 3 o’clock I guess? Until then, what would be good to do? Having some conversation with Ultz-san? Nah, he seems busy at the moment. Well, whatever. I’ll just be bothering anyway. So let’s move there now. Yup, have to go there now.
I walk around using a map and arrived in front of the said store.
When I opened the door and it gave out a nice sound, there are sure are a lot of weapons displayed inside. A sword, a spear, a bow... None of the items seems mediocre at all as you examine them. Then a big hairy man came out from the back of the shop. [TL: Hagrid is that you??]
「Welcome jou-chan, or maybe, you are that Alim-chan? 」
「Yes! That is so! 」
「Is that so, you really came by. Oi, Nii-san! Nii-san! Alim-chan came by!」[TL:OnePunchMan Niiiiiiiii-saaaaaaannn!!!!]
Well what do you know, I’m glad that I have arrived just in the right time.
The big guy is calling for someone inside the shop.
After a few moment, I can the sound of people descending the stairs. And from behind, a man which looks similar to that big man before appeared.
「Hou, so it was you who wanted to learn blacksmithing and enchanting, a girl right?」
「Hnn... It really is a pretty girl, as Arkin-san mentioned 」
Oh please I will feel embarrassed if you praise me so much.
And they began talking again.
「I’m Honnard, store owner of the weapon shop here. And this one is... 」
「Knick, I’m a blacksmith of this weapon shop, and the brother of this person. 」
「Please to meet you, Honnard-san, Knick-san!」
「Ah yes, please to meet you. 」
Fumu, as expected of someone Arkin-san introduced.
They seem to be good brothers.
Knick-san will be the one to guide me.
「Then first, let me tell you about smithing. Let us move to the second floor Alim-chan. 」
Then after moving to his workplace, knick-san began teaching me about the tools used for blacksmithing and how they are to be used. Then he begins picking up the tools and showing things like how to process iron while explaining how it works.
「Ehehehehe... ... ...」
And so, I finally manage to get the skill from this point.
「I was able to learn the skills!」
「Thank you very much for the help!」
「Oooh, It’s good, I will pass the items you have requested when you are leaving later.」
「Then, nex is go to Honnard, you will be learning enchantment from him. 」
I moved down from the second floor and moved to the weapon shop below this time.
「Iwas able to learn smithing!」
「Is that so, Alim-chan sure learned it fast. Then the next one will be enchantment. 」
「Oh, then first is, what we call enchanment is ... ... ... 」
Talking about is in short is something like this.
Enchantment mainly uses either Demon core or MP.
It seems like you have to construct a magic circle using something called an enchantment pen and pour MP into it as you draw. The stronger the enchantment the more the costs it will require.
And on another note, enchantments are essentially written directly on things, and magic cards are created for those who do not enchantment skills.
The first things honnard-san taught me is how to write different magic circles and the types, and actually writing one to show me. And let me write one as well. And also, it seems that I could also master these skills.
「Honnard-san, I have been able to learn the skill!」
「Ooooh!? So fast, seriously.」
「Oi!!!... Nii-san! Alim-chan was also done learning enchantment! 」
The sound of knick-san moving down noisily from the second floor can be heard.
「Oh! As expected. This girl is really amazing... and then after that, here are the things you’ve asked for. Please confirm it. 」
Hmmm, the quality of work is really good. At times like this, appraisal king really is convenient. I then paid the tools and reception fee.
「And then again thank you for all this!...」
「Ooh!... Alim-chan! Do come back again! 」
After all that I left the store of Knick and Honnard and then proceed to the Inn. Now, I’m looking forward to the things and skills I can make from this. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 6,
"inserted_lines_src": 14,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
『私たちの選択』というタイトルで 著者はアル・ゴアです
『不都合な真実』の続編で 気候危機を解決するための 様々な方法を模索する本です
こんな感じに始まります これが表紙
回っている地球の上で 自分がどこにいるか分かります 本を開きます スワイプして 各章を眺められます
ページを拡大したいときには 広げるだけです
この本の あらゆるものが 2本の指でつまみ 引っ張り出して 開くことができます
前に戻って 読み続けるには たたんでページに戻すだけです
これも同じ つまんで開きます
「風車が— 風景に美しさを添えると 感じる人は 私を含め たくさんいます」
アル・ゴアが本の中を案内し 写真の説明をしてくれるのです
拡大して どこで撮られたのかが分かります
この本の中には 1時間以上のドキュメンタリー映像や インタラクティブ・アニメーションがあります
「現代の風力タービンの多くは 大きな3枚羽の・・・」
再生した状態のまま ページに戻れます
さらに目次まで戻っても ビデオは再生し続けています
この本でとくに素晴らしいのは インタラクティブな インフォグラフィックです これはアメリカ全土の
単に情報を図示するだけでなく 指でたどると 風力発電でまかないうる電力量の 正確な数字が 州ごとに出てきます
同様に 地熱発電についても見られます それに太陽光発電も
風が吹くと 風車の余分な電気は バッテリーに蓄えられ
風がやむと 蓄えていた電気が家に送られるので 明かりが消えることはありません
居間でiPadで読み始め 外で続きをiPhoneで読むこともできます
これがPush Pop Press初の作品となる アル・ゴアの『私たちの選択』です
やろうとしているのは出版事業なのか 技術のライセンシングなのか
ええ 私たちはツールを作っています このようなコンテンツを 出版社が容易に作れるようになります
メルチャーメディアは東海岸で ソフトウェアを作る私たちのチームは西海岸にいて 私たちのツールを使い 毎日 写真や画像を取り込んでいます
このソフトを出版社にライセンスして ああいう すごい本を作れるようにするわけだね? そうです / なるほど マイク ありがとう
ありがとうございます / 頑張って | It's called "Our Choice" and the author is Al Gore.
It's the sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth," and it explores all the solutions that will solve the climate crisis.
The book starts like this. This is the cover.
As the globe spins, we can see our location, and we can open the book and swipe through the chapters to browse the book.
Or, we can scroll through the pages at the bottom.
And if we wanted to zoom into a page, we can just open it up.
And anything you see in the book, you can pick up with two fingers and lift off the page and open up.
And if you want to go back and read the book again, you just fold it back up and put it back on the page.
And so this works the same way; you pick it up and pop it open.
Al Gore: I consider myself among the majority who look at windmills and feel they're a beautiful addition to the landscape.
Mike Matas: And so throughout the whole book, Al Gore will walk you through and explain the photos.
This photo, you can you can even see on an interactive map.
Zoom into it and see where it was taken.
And throughout the book, there's over an hour of documentary footage and interactive animations.
So you can open this one.
AG: Most modern wind turbines consist of a large ...
MM: It starts playing immediately.
And while it's playing, we can pinch and peak back at the page, and the movie keeps playing.
Or we can zoom out to the table of contents, and the video keeps playing.
But one of the coolest things in this book are the interactive infographics.
This one shows the wind potential all around the United States.
But instead of just showing us the information, we can take our finger and explore, exactly how much wind potential there is.
We can do the same for geothermal energy and solar power.
This is one of my favorites.
So this shows ...
When the wind is blowing, any excess energy coming from the windmill is diverted into the battery.
And as the wind starts dying down, any excess energy will be diverted back into the house -- the lights never go out.
And this whole book, it doesn't just run on the iPad.
It also runs on the iPhone.
And so you can start reading on your iPad in your living room and then pick up where you left off on the iPhone.
And it works the exact same way.
You can pinch into any page.
Open it up.
So that's Push Pop Press' first title, Al Gore's "Our Choice."
Thank you.
Chris Anderson: That's spectacular.
Do you want to be a publisher, a technology licenser?
What is the business here?
Is this something that other people can do?
MM: Yeah, we're building a tool that makes it really easy for publishers right now to build this content.
So Melcher Media's team, who's on the East coast -- and we're on the West coast, building the software -- takes our tool and, every day, drags in images and text.
CA: So you want to license this software to publishers to make books as beautiful as that? All right. Mike, thanks so much.
MM: Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
それがどんなに不合理なことなのか 15分間で皆さんを 説得したいと思います
状況を把握していただくために お見せしたいスライドがあるのですが TEDで これほど見劣りするスライドは初めてかもしれません ぐちゃぐちゃなもので...
実は ガーディアン紙から拝借した図で
科学にかかる費用が うまく描かれています
好奇心にかられた科学や探索に 投資すべき理由を説明するには 必要な費用を お伝えするべきだと思いました
科学に充てられる費用は 左に 紫や黄色の丸がありますが そのなかの
小さな黄色い丸のひとつが 科学に充てられる費用です 6200億ポンドのうち
年間約33億ポンドです 英国のすべてのものを資金供給します
医療研究や宇宙探査 私が働くセルンでの粒子物理学研究 工学関連や 人文科学でさえ 科学の予算内に入ります 予算は33億ポンドで 画面の左上に見える オレンジの丸の脇にある 黄色の丸で示されています
ちなみに 割合はアメリカや ドイツ フランスとほぼ同等ですが
公共費用で賄われている― 開発研究は GDPの約0.6%です
まず私が言いたいのは 私が出演したドキュメンタリー番組を見れば分かりますが 太陽系や宇宙を探索することで そのとてつもない美しさがわかりました
この画像はカッシーニが 土星の近くから送ってきたものです 私たちが番組を収録した後だったので
左に見える白くて 大きな球体は土星です 実は写真の背景が土星で
三日月に見えるのが イギリス諸島ほどの大きさのエンケラドスです
加工はしていません 土星の軌道から直に来た白黒写真です
この写真の美しさは へりの部分から かすかに見える―
筋状の煙です ドキュメンタリー番組では このように描かれています
この筋状の煙の正体は 小さな衛星の表面から
噴出している氷です これだけで美しい光景ですが この氷を噴出させるには エンケラドスの地下に 液体の水があると 考えられています
その何がすごいのかと言うと 地球では液体の水が ある場所ならばどこでも 生命が宿っています
ですから 地球から12億kmも離れた― 衛星の地下に液体があると 強い証拠が得られるのは 目を見張ることなのです
つまり 太陽系で 生命が宿れる環境かもしれないということです
今のはCGですので もう一枚
ゆっくりとエンケラドスの 数百km上空を通りました
これも氷が噴出している本物の写真です 息をのむ美しさですが
おそらく木星の衛星― エウロパだと言えます
木星システムまで飛んでいき この衛星が ただの石ではないことを 確かめました
画面では表面しか見えませんが 氷は おそらく何百kmもの厚さがあります
エウロパが木星の磁場と 相互作用する仕方を 測ることによって また 氷の割れ目が 動いているのが画像でもわかることから 我々の推測では エウロパの表面全体が 液体の海で覆われていると見ています
氷の下に 衛星全体を覆う液体の海があって
その液体は塩水で 地球の全海水量よりも多いと 考えられています
ですから 木星の小さな衛星エウロパが 我々が知る衛星や地球以外で 生命が発見される― 最有力候補なのです
太陽系探査により 太陽系の美しさがわかりました
また 宇宙で我々以外に生命体が存在するのか という 深遠な疑問の答えを見つける― 手助けにもなったかもしれません
探求や科学には 不思議の追求以上の
これは非常に有名な写真で 私にとって初めてのクリスマスイブ― 1968年12月24日に撮られたものです 私は生後8か月でした
アポロ8号が月の裏側に 行ったときに撮影された―
1968年を救った写真だと 多くの人が言う有名な写真です 緊迫した年だった1968年は パリの五月革命が起き ベトナム戦争の真っ最中でした
多くの方が この写真を語る理由は アルゴアがTEDで何度も言っていますが おそらくこの写真が 環境運動の始まりだったからです
私たちが初めて 地球を見たからです それはがっしりと動かない― 不滅の場所ではなく とても小さくて脆弱そうに 宇宙の暗闇に浮かんでいる姿でした
また あまり触れられていませんが アポロ計画による宇宙探査は 経済に大きく貢献しました
宇宙探査が偉大な業績となり このような写真が撮れたのは 素晴らしいと 主張できますが 巨額の費用もかかりました
実はアポロがもたらした― 経済効果を巡って 多くの研究が行われました
アポロに費やされた1ドル毎に対して14ドルが 米国経済に還元されたとの結果が出ました
ですから アポロ計画は インスピレーションや 工学技術の進歩や 若手の科学者やエンジニアたちを刺激することで 14倍もの利益を生みました
この写真は 水素のスペクトルです 1880年代や1890年代には たくさんの科学者や観測者が 原子から出る光を観察し
プリズムを通すと分かるように 加熱された水素は単に白一色に 光るのではなく 決まった色をした光を放ちます 赤や 薄い青や 濃紺の光です
これが原子構造の説明につながります 原子には 中心に核があり 電子が周りを回っています
近くの軌道に移動して 元の軌道に戻ってくるとき 決まった色の光を放ちます
ですから原子は熱せられると 個々に決まった色の光を放出します それが原子構造を 説明する量子論の 発展を導いた推進要因のひとつでした これは注目に値する写真です
これは光を吸収している― 太陽周辺の大気の中にある原子の写真です 繰り返しますが
電子の周回軌道が変わるとき 決まった色の光を吸収します
ヘリウム元素は 太陽の光を観察するだけで発見されました このような黒い線が 未知の元素を表しているからです
難解な響きですが 実際に難解な調査でした しかし 量子論によってすぐに 物質中の電子の性質が明らかになりました 例えばシリコンなどの物質です
トランジスタをつくれるのですから シリコンの振る舞いは 完全に量子論に従っています
ですから好奇心のままに 原子構造を理解しようとしなければ 量子力学は生まれなかったでしょうし トランジスタもシリコンチップも生まれず 現代の経済を支える基盤となるものは 生まれなかったのです
私たちがつくった番組の中で 物理の法則は普遍だと強調し続けました
物理学の素晴らしさのひとつは 地球上の ものの特質を理解すると 他の惑星に限らず もっとも離れた星や 銀河にも応用できることです
原子の構造を見るだけで 得られる量子力学の 驚くべき予測のひとつは ―トランジスタを説明する同じ理論ですが― 太陽の1.4倍以上の 質量がある星で 寿命を全うした星は存在しないことです
望遠鏡で空を観察すれば 太陽の1.4倍以上の質量で 死んだ星はないことを
調べられます 非常に驚くべき予想です
銀河系に似た銀河の写真です 太陽のような星が 1兆も存在します
銀河核には何十億もの星があるので こんなに明るく輝いているのです
これは約5千万光年離れている― 私たちの近くの銀河のひとつです
でも そこにある明るい星は その銀河に属する星で
その星も 5千万光年離れています
その銀河の一部で 何十億もの太陽を含み 銀河の中心であるかのように 輝いています
これは驚くべき現象です そこに存在するのは
周囲を回る 連星が存在します 大きなガスの星です その連星から
ガスを吸い取り チャンドラセカール限界がくると 爆発します
太陽の十億倍もの明るさで 約2週間 輝いて 宇宙に莫大の量のエネルギーと 化学元素を放ちます
それが炭素と酸素で構成された矮星です ビッグバンが起きたとき
宇宙には炭素と酸素は存在せず 第一世代の星に
炭素と酸素はありませんでしたが 星の中で炭素と酸素が生成され 凝集した状態から このような爆発で宇宙に戻り 惑星や星や新しい太陽系を 形成して 人間を生み出しました
これは 物理の法則がもつ― 力や特長や普遍性の見事な証拠だと思います なぜなら 地球で原子の構造を理解し 超新星のプロセスを 理解できるからです 思わぬ偶然を語る― アレクサンダー フレミングの言葉を紹介します “1928年9月28日の明け方に 目を覚ましたとき 世界初の抗生物質を発見することで すべての薬に大変革を起こすつもりはなかった”
原子の世界を追究する人たちは トランジスタを発明するつもりはありませんでした 彼らは超新星爆発の仕組みを 説明するつもりは もちろんありませんでしたが 結局 その仕組みによって 宇宙における生命の成り立ちが 説明されることになりました
よって 思わぬ偶然による― 発見は大切だと思います
また 宇宙において 地球がもつ もっとも意味のあることや 地球の価値とは何かを 教えてくれると 思います この地球の写真には目を見張ります
この写真が有名なのは 美しく荘厳なる土星の輪が理由ではありません 輪の向こうに淡い小さな点が 浮かんで見えるからです
引き伸ばすと 見えますね
これは衛星に見えますが 地球の写真です
地球とは奇妙なことに 離れれば離れるほど 美しく映るように思います
でも 地球を一番離れた場所から捉えた―
一番有名な写真は ボイジャーが撮りました
現在 地球から160億kmも離れた場所で 20ワットの出力で信号を送り 未だに交信を続けています
木星と土星と天王星― 海王星までたどり着き
この4つの惑星を観測した後 私が尊敬している カール セーガンが すばらしいことを思いつきました ボイジャーの向きを変え 訪れた場所の写真を撮るのです
そして この地球の写真を撮りました
“かすかな青い点” と呼ばれていますが 光のすじに重ねて地球が見えます
セーガンの言葉を 紹介します 彼が撮った写真を これだけ美しい表現で 言い表すことはできません
“この点を もう一度よく考えてごらん
ここにある 我が家だ 私たちだ
ここに愛する人がいる 耳にしたことがある人たち みんな 今まで生きてきた― みんなが住んでいた場所
喜び 苦しみ 数え切れないほどの宗教 イデオロギーや経済主義 狩猟者も採集者も ヒーローも弱虫も 文化の創造者も 破壊者も 王様も農民も 愛し合う恋人たちも 母親や父親 望みある子どもも 発明者も 探検家も 道徳ある先生も 汚職にまみれた政治家も スーパースターも 一流の指導者も 人類史上名を残す聖人も罪人も 太陽光に浮かんだ塵の中で
天文学とは 人を謙虚にし 人格を形成する経験だ
自負心の愚かさを教えてくれるのは この小さな世界を遠くから写した―
写真の他にないかもしれない 人間がお互いに 親切心で歩み寄り 唯一の家である― この青い点を大事にすることが
私たちの責任なのだ” 科学と探求の力を表現する
美しい言葉です 宇宙を知り尽くしたという声は これからも聞かれるでしょう
でも ペニシリンやトランジスタだって
宇宙探査はもう必要ないと― おっしゃる方々はいます
最後に私が尊敬する方の 言葉を紹介させてください 19世紀初頭に 科学の研究をしていたハンフリー デービーで
彼は言いました “科学は尽きたという見方 大成功を収めたという見方 自然の神秘は判明したという見方 手に入れるべき新世界はないという見方 このような思いは 我々の心の進展に致命的である”
ありがとう | So I want to try and convince you in about 15 minutes that that's a ridiculous and ludicrous thing to do.
But I think to set the scene, I want to show -- the next slide is not my attempt to show the worst TED slide in the history of TED, but it is a bit of a mess.
But actually, it's not my fault; it's from the Guardian newspaper.
And it's actually a beautiful demonstration of how much science costs.
Because, if I'm going to make the case for continuing to spend on curiosity-driven science and exploration, I should tell you how much it costs.
So this is a game called "spot the science budgets."
This is the U.K. government spend.
You see there, it's about 620 billion a year.
The science budget is actually -- if you look to your left, there's a purple set of blobs and then yellow set of blobs.
And it's one of the yellow set of blobs around the big yellow blob.
It's about 3.3 billion pounds per year out of 620 billion. That funds everything in the U.K.
from medical research, space exploration, where I work, at CERN in Geneva, particle physics, engineering, even arts and humanities, funded from the science budget, which is that 3.3 billion, that little, tiny yellow blob around the orange blob at the top left of the screen.
So that's what we're arguing about.
That percentage, by the way, is about the same in the U.S. and Germany and France.
R&D in total in the economy, publicly funded, is about 0.6 percent of GDP.
So that's what we're arguing about.
The first thing I want to say, and this is straight from "Wonders of the Solar System," is that our exploration of the solar system and the universe has shown us that it is indescribably beautiful.
This is a picture that actually was sent back by the Cassini space probe around Saturn, after we'd finished filming "Wonders of the Solar System."
So it isn't in the series.
It's of the moon Enceladus.
So that big sweeping, white sphere in the corner is Saturn, which is actually in the background of the picture.
And that crescent there is the moon Enceladus, which is about as big as the British Isles.
It's about 500 kilometers in diameter.
So, tiny moon.
What's fascinating and beautiful ...
this an unprocessed picture, by the way, I should say, it's black and white, straight from Saturnian orbit.
some faint, sort of, wisps of almost smoke rising up from the limb.
This is how we visualize that in "Wonders of the Solar System."
It's a beautiful graphic.
are actually fountains of ice rising up from the surface of this tiny moon.
That's fascinating and beautiful in itself, but we think that the mechanism for powering those fountains requires there to be lakes of liquid water beneath the surface of this moon.
And what's important about that is that, on our planet, on Earth, wherever we find liquid water, we find life.
So, to find strong evidence of liquid, pools of liquid, beneath the surface of a moon 750 million miles away from the Earth is really quite astounding.
So what we're saying, essentially, is maybe that's a habitat for life in the solar system.
Well, let me just say, that was a graphic. I just want to show this picture.
That's one more picture of Enceladus.
This is when Cassini flew beneath Enceladus.
So it made a very low pass, just a few hundred kilometers above the surface.
And so this, again, a real picture of the ice fountains rising up into space, absolutely beautiful.
But that's not the prime candidate for life in the solar system.
That's probably this place, which is a moon of Jupiter, Europa.
And again, we had to fly to the Jovian system to get any sense that this moon, as most moons, was anything other than a dead ball of rock.
It's actually an ice moon.
So what you're looking at is the surface of the moon Europa, which is a thick sheet of ice, probably a hundred kilometers thick.
But by measuring the way that Europa interacts with the magnetic field of Jupiter, and looking at how those cracks in the ice that you can see there on that graphic move around, we've inferred very strongly that there's an ocean of liquid surrounding the entire surface of Europa.
So below the ice, there's an ocean of liquid around the whole moon.
It could be hundreds of kilometers deep, we think.
We think it's saltwater, and that would mean that there's more water on that moon of Jupiter than there is in all the oceans of the Earth combined.
So that place, a little moon around Jupiter, or a body outside the Earth, that we know of.
Tremendous and beautiful discovery.
Our exploration of the solar system has taught us that the solar system is beautiful.
It may also have pointed the way to answering one of the most profound questions that you can possibly ask, which is: "Are we alone in the universe?"
Is there any other use to exploration and science, other than just a sense of wonder?
Well, there is.
This is a very famous picture taken, actually, on my first Christmas Eve, December 24th, 1968, when I was about eight months old.
It was taken by Apollo 8 as it went around the back of the moon.
Earthrise from Apollo 8.
that saved 1968, which was a turbulent year -- the student riots in Paris, the height of the Vietnam War.
The reason many people think that about this picture, and Al Gore has said it many times, actually, on the stage at TED, is that this picture, arguably, was the beginning of the environmental movement.
Because, for the first time, we saw our world, not as a solid, immovable, kind of indestructible place, but as a very small, fragile-looking world just hanging against the blackness of space.
What's also not often said about the space exploration, about the Apollo program, is the economic contribution it made.
and a tremendous achievement and delivered pictures like this, it cost a lot, didn't it?
Well, actually, many studies have been done about the economic effectiveness, the economic impact of Apollo.
The biggest one was in 1975 by Chase Econometrics.
And it showed that for every $1 spent on Apollo, 14 came back into the U.S. economy.
So the Apollo program paid for itself in inspiration, in engineering, achievement and, I think, in inspiring young scientists and engineers 14 times over.
So exploration can pay for itself.
What about scientific discovery?
What about driving innovation?
Well, this looks like a picture of virtually nothing.
What it is, is a picture of the spectrum of hydrogen. See, back in the 1880s, 1890s, many scientists, many observers, looked at the light given off from atoms.
And they saw strange pictures like this.
What you're seeing when you put it through a prism is that you heat hydrogen up and it doesn't just glow like a white light, it just emits light at particular colors, a red one, a light blue one, some dark blue ones.
Now that led to an understanding of atomic structure because the way that's explained is atoms are a single nucleus with electrons going around them.
And the electrons can only be in particular places.
And when they jump up to the next place they can be, and fall back down again, they emit light at particular colors.
And so the fact that atoms, when you heat them up, only emit light at very specific colors, was one of the key drivers that led to the development of the quantum theory, I just wanted to show this picture because this is remarkable.
This is actually a picture of the spectrum of the Sun.
And now, this is a picture of atoms in the Sun's atmosphere absorbing light.
when electrons jump up and fall down, jump up and fall down.
But look at the number of black lines in that spectrum.
And the element helium was discovered just by staring at the light from the Sun because some of those black lines were found that corresponded to no known element.
And that's why helium's called helium.
It's called "helios" -- helios from the Sun.
Now, that sounds esoteric, and indeed it was an esoteric pursuit, but the quantum theory quickly led to an understanding of the behaviors of electrons in materials like silicon, for example.
The way that silicon behaves, the fact that you can build transistors, is a purely quantum phenomenon.
So without that curiosity-driven understanding of the structure of atoms, which led to this rather esoteric theory, quantum mechanics, then we wouldn't have transistors, we wouldn't have silicon chips, we wouldn't have pretty much the basis of our modern economy.
There's one more, I think, wonderful twist to that tale.
In "Wonders of the Solar System," we kept emphasizing the laws of physics are universal.
It's one of the most incredible things about the physics and the understanding of nature that you get on Earth, is you can transport it, not only to the planets, but to the most distant stars and galaxies.
And one of the astonishing predictions of quantum mechanics, just by looking at the structure of atoms -- the same theory that describes transistors -- is that there can be no stars in the universe that are bigger than, quite specifically, 1.4 times the mass of the Sun.
That's a limit imposed on the mass of stars.
get a telescope, swing it to the sky, bigger than 1.4 times the mass of the Sun.
That's quite an incredible prediction.
What happens when you have a star that's right on the edge of that mass?
Well, this is a picture of it.
This is the picture of a galaxy, a common "our garden" galaxy with, what, 100 billion stars like our Sun in it.
It's just one of billions of galaxies in the universe.
There are a billion stars in the galactic core, which is why it's shining out so brightly.
This is about 50 million light years away, so one of our neighboring galaxies.
But that bright star there is actually one of the stars in the galaxy.
So that star is also 50 million light years away.
It's part of that galaxy, and it's shining as brightly as the center of the galaxy with a billion suns in it.
That's a Type Ia supernova explosion.
Now that's an incredible phenomena, because it's a star that sits there.
It's called a carbon-oxygen dwarf.
It sits there about, say, 1.3 times the mass of the Sun.
And it has a binary companion that goes around it, so a big star, a big ball of gas.
And what it does is it sucks gas off its companion star, until it gets to this limit called the Chandrasekhar limit, and then it explodes.
And it explodes, and it shines as brightly as a billion suns for about two weeks, and releases, not only energy, but a huge amount of chemical elements into the universe.
In fact, that one is a carbon-oxygen dwarf. Now, there was no carbon and oxygen in the universe at the Big Bang.
And there was no carbon and oxygen in the universe throughout the first generation of stars.
It was made in stars like that, locked away and then returned to the universe in explosions like that in order to recondense into planets, stars, new solar systems and, indeed, people like us.
I think that's a remarkable demonstration of the power and beauty and universality of the laws of physics, because we understand that process, because we understand This is a beautiful quote that I found -- we're talking about serendipity there -- from Alexander Fleming: "When I woke up just after dawn on September 28, 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic."
Now, the explorers of the world of the atom did not intend to invent the transistor. And they certainly didn't intend to describe the mechanics of supernova explosions, which eventually told us where the building blocks of life were synthesized in the universe.
So, I think science can be -- serendipity is important.
It can be beautiful. It can reveal quite astonishing things.
It can also, I think, finally reveal the most profound ideas to us about our place in the universe This is a spectacular picture of our home planet.
Now, it doesn't look like our home planet.
It looks like Saturn because, of course, it is.
It was taken by the Cassini space probe.
But it's a famous picture, not because of the beauty and majesty of Saturn's rings, but actually because of a tiny, faint blob just hanging underneath one of the rings.
And if I blow it up there, you see it.
It looks like a moon, but in fact, it's a picture of Earth.
It was a picture of Earth captured in that frame of Saturn.
That's our planet from 750 million miles away.
I think the Earth has got a strange property that the farther away you get from it, the more beautiful it seems.
But that is not the most distant or most famous picture of our planet.
It was taken by this thing, which is called the Voyager spacecraft.
And that's a picture of me in front of it for scale.
The Voyager is a tiny machine.
It's currently 10 billion miles away from Earth, transmitting with that dish, with the power of 20 watts, and we're still in contact with it.
But it visited Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
And after it visited all four of those planets, Carl Sagan, who's one of my great heroes, had the wonderful idea of turning Voyager around and taking a picture of every planet it had visited.
And it took this picture of Earth.
Now it's very hard to see the Earth there, it's called the "Pale Blue Dot" picture, but Earth is suspended in that red shaft of light.
That's Earth from four billion miles away.
And I'd like to read you what Sagan wrote about it, just to finish, because I cannot say words as beautiful as this to describe what he saw in that picture that he had taken.
He said, "Consider again that dot.
That's here. That's home. That's us.
On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you've ever heard of, every human being who ever was lived out their lives.
The aggregates of joy and suffering thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there, on a mote of dust,
suspended in a sunbeam.
It's been said that astronomy's a humbling and character-building experience.
There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.
To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
Beautiful words about the power of science and exploration.
The argument has always been made, and it will always be made, that we know enough about the universe.
You could have made it in the 1920s; you wouldn't have had penicillin.
You could have made it in the 1890s; you wouldn't have the transistor.
And it's made today in these difficult economic times.
We don't need to discover anything else about our universe.
Let me leave the last words to someone who's rapidly becoming a hero of mine, Humphrey Davy, who did his science at the turn of the 19th century.
He was clearly under assault all the time.
"We know enough at the turn of the 19th century.
Just exploit it; just build things."
He said this, he said, "Nothing is more fatal to the progress of the human mind than to presume that our views of science are ultimate, that our triumphs are complete, that there are no mysteries in nature, and that there are no new worlds to conquer."
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
実際、現在の政権には同じことを繰り返さないと言うことは難しいだろう。すでに、今までに何度もやってきたのだ。2001年11月1日、アメリカの飛行機がイシャク・スレイマン(日干し煉瓦で造られた小屋の一群)を爆撃した。これは、タリバンのトラックが周辺の道に止まっていたからという理由であった。トラックは爆弾が当たる前にいなくなったが、12人の村人たちが殺され、14人が負傷した。アフガニスタン戦争において、このような無実の命が失われた例は他にいくつもある。 | Indeed, it would be hard for the current administration to say that it wouldn’t do the same thing again, because it has done it many times before. On November 1, 2001, American planes bombed Ishaq Suleiman, a group of mud huts, because a Taliban truck had been parked in one of the streets. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「ガハハ! 任せとけ!」
「大丈夫か? 怪我はないか?」
俺は、強い魔力を感じるアイテムを見つけた。 | I had a bad feeling about Eric being out on the front lines.
There were many armies throughout history that were defeated because their commander was killed.
The highest leader should not be on the frontlines.
Even if this one was a Hero with incomparable power.
I said as much as I tried to persuade Eric.
However, Eric would not listen.
“If that happens, then my brother can rule as king.”
Currently, the first in line to the throne was Eric’s younger brother.
He seemed like a smart lad when I met him years ago.
I wasn’t sure how he had grown since then.
“I’m sure that my brother will make a fine king.”
“That’s not what I meant...”
“Well, that’s what’s important.”
Eric declared.
“My brother can rule as king. He will probably do it better than I did. However, I am the only Hero like me.”
“That may be, but...”
“And there will plenty of others who could replace me as Grand Master. But there is no one who can replace the S Rank Warrior, Goran. Is there?”
Goran added. It was true, and I could not deny it.
And Eric and Goran would likely be able to resist the charms of the vampires.
It would be even harder to suck their blood.
You would have to bite their necks, drink the blood and also send your own blood into their veins.
I couldn’t imagine anyone being able to do that to Goran and Eric.
Not even a Vampire High Lord.
“Alright, I suppose we will have Eric and Goran come along with us. Are you fine with that, Shia?”
“Uh, of course!”
Shia said with a bow.
“Thank you very much. It is a great honor to be able to fight alongside such incredible Heroes.”
“Don’t mention it. And I am sure that you outrank us in experience when it comes to vampire hunting. We will likely be able to learn from you.”
“I look forward to fighting alongside such a young and promising member of the guild.”
Eric and Goran both shook Shia’s hand.
Luchila watched this and then said with a serious face,
“The vampires killed my tribe. I would like to join as well... But protecting Lord Gerberga is the most important.”
“Luchila, I understand how you feel.”
“It pains me to say this, but I must rely on you all. Please kill all of the vampires.”
“Gahaha! Leave it to us!”
Goran laughed boisterously and slapped Luchila’s shoulder.
After that, we discussed our plans in more detail.
After talking for some time,
—Bang, clang, cling, screech.
Ominous noises started coming from the next room.
Something bad had surely happened.
We all moved at once. Well, Luchila was slow. He was a Sorcerer, so it couldn’t be helped.
I was the first who ran out of the room.
Next was Eric and Goran.
We immediately charged into the room where the strange noises were coming from.
Serulis was fighting with a lesser vampire.
There was already another one lying on the floor.
The two princesses were in the back, protecting Gerberga. Serulis was swinging her sword.
The vampires were after Gerberga, not the princesses.
Serulis blocked the attacks of one, but from the side, another vampire lept out towards Gerberga.
In a flash, Serulis unleashed an upwards kick into the jaw of the vampire in front of her.
Just as the vampire collapsed into a clump, she threw her sword.
It flew in a perfect line towards the vampire that was moving towards Gerberga.
But the vampire jumped in order to avoid the sword.
“Serulis. Well done!”
I said as I jumped towards the vampire who was in the air.
My right hand grabbed it by the forehead and I activated Drain Touch.
The vampire’s face immediately turned dark as its strength left it. It crumbled to the ground, drained almost entirely of magic.
Eric ran to his daughters.
Goran ran to the vampire that lay near Serulis’s feet.
In that instant, two vampires attacked Goran.
They must have been pretending to be dead.
“Don’t get so cocky. You lesser monsters!”
Goran thrust his left palm into one vampire’s jaw.
The jaw was crushed and fangs flew in the air.
At the same time, his right hand went for the other vampire’s throat and snapped it.
Vampire’s turned to ash when they die. The only thing that would remain was the magic stone which was proof of the hunt.
Eric had now reached his daughters and was hugging them tightly.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“We are fine. What about you, father?”
“Miss Serulis saved us!”
In spite of the situation, neither of them seemed afraid.
They were very brave for being so young.
I left the powerless vampire to Shia as I approached Gerberga.
“Lord Gerberga. Are you alright?”
His wings beat the air as it flew towards my chest.
I caught him.
Gerberga was trembling slightly.
Gerberga leaned against me and raised his head over my shoulder.
Apparently, he wanted me to hug him.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe now.”
He must have been afraid.
After a while, Gerberga finally calmed down.
And then I handed him over to Luchila.
“Lord Gerberga. Everything is fine now.”
Gerberga became quiet as Luchila held him.
In spite of it being an ambush, no one had been hurt.
I guess it was because Serulis had reacted very well.
“Serulis. Where did they come from?”
“A magic circle appeared here suddenly. And then three vampires came out of the circle one after another...”
“I see.”
It was a magic circle for teleportation then.
But the palace should have defensive measures put in place for such magic.
It should not be easy to simply create a magic circle inside of the palace.
Though, perhaps it would be possible if a finished magic circle was brought in from the outside.
As a Sorcerer, I began to search for traces.
Behind me, Shia and Goran were questioning the vampire.
Of course, Eric had taken the princesses to another room.
I found an item that held great magic within. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「でもこれ、封がしてないぞ? 普通はこういうのって普通は封をしてるもんだろ?」
いや、それよりもデンを見逃したのも、そもそもおかしくないか? デンは知性の面で異常進化をしていたが、身体能力は通常のオーガと変わらない。
「ミシェルちゃん、レティーナ! すぐ帰るよ!」
「うん......いや、俺――ううん、わたしだけでも先に帰るから! 後から戻ってきて」
俺はクラウドから手紙をひったくり、ラウムの首都へ駆け戻っていったのだった。 | I kept bowing my head until the man disappeared from my sight. He seemed to be quite fast on his feet, he disappeared beyond the highway before we knew it.
He might’ve been using the same Cargo magic that Maxwell often used. It belonged to the Puppetry system and wasn’t high-ranking magic. It was originally developed for heavy laborers so it was extremely easy to use... Or so I heard. I couldn’t use it myself so I wasn’t sure about that part.
At any rate, he was so fast that I could only accept that explanation. Seeing me bow in cold sweat towards the disappearing man, Michelle flashed a smirk at me.
“Mgh, what?”
“How rude. It was clearly that guy’s fault for hiding in such a place.”
“Well, as he said, he’s free to rest wherever he pleases outside of the city. But why was he there of all places...”
Letina inclined her head in a quizzical manner. But she was right, hiding in the roadside grasses made it seem like he was hiding from people. His clothing was too light considering he was outside the city. He had a sword on him, but other than that he was hardly distinguishable from an average villager.
It was as if his appearance and behavior were the results of him not wanting to stand out.
“It’s strange as Letina said. I wonder why?”
“Hey, Nicole, what’s this?”
Cloud started feeling around in the grass after hearing Letina’s words. He found a small envelope in there and took it out.
“Did that person drop it?”
“Perhaps. If so, we have to catch up and return it.”
“But look, this isn’t actually sealed up. Don’t you normally seal these things properly?”
Cloud turned it around to show us the back of it. As he said, there was no seal on it. It was just asking to be inspected like that.
However, it was bad manners to look inside without permission. But before I could say that, Cloud took out what was inside the envelope.
“Wait, you idiot!”
The circle has been discovered. The target is moving according to our design. The strategist should be heading for you
Hearing what the letter he took out said, I momentarily stiffened in place. When one spoke about the strategist, it almost always referred to Cortina. And I didn’t feel good vibes from the word ‘target’, either. And what about leading...
“Wait, leading?”
The circle... The magic circle drawn under that boulder wasn’t such a big deal. In the first place, it wasn’t drawn on the bedrock but earth instead, so it should’ve been easy to erase it by plowing the ground a bit.
Despite that, the entire circle was left intact. It was being weathered for a week, but it was still possible for Maxwell to learn its destination.
Wait, wasn’t it strange that they let Den escape, to begin with? Den had the abnormal intellect for his species, but his physical abilities were no different from an ordinary Ogre.
Ogres excelled in pure strength but they were not that agile. If one felt like hilling him, it would be almost impossible for him to escape.
Considering that they were doing such a tedious task as drawing a teleportation circle, they should’ve considered the possibility of him returning to attack during their ceremony, so it would be better to put an end to him in advance.
If they had individuals talented enough to perform teleportation magic, defeating an Ogre or two would’ve been a cinch. And yet, Den was allowed to escape.
“Could ‘leading’... Refer to Maxwell and the rest?”
Letina heard my mutter and responded in a shocked voice. Hearing that someone was planning to lead the Heroes into a trap made her lose her composure.
“What do you mean!?”
“Wait, let me think.”
Indeed, the evidence left behind was clearly strange. It was left so blatantly you’d think it was intentional. And what if they let Den escape intentionally too?
When an Ogre showed up, a commission to subjugate it would be put out. After all, Ogres weren’t normally beings one would be able to converse with. And after being subjugated, they would start searching for its hideout for any leftover Ogres. If it had friends or children, it could lead to more danger.
If it proceeded as such, that magic circle would have been discovered sooner or later.
And if some Adventurer discovered an unfamiliar magic circle, it would quickly reach Maxwell’s ears. Since he knew about Klein Domain’s movements, he would quickly guess what that circle was.
And after analyzing that magic circle that strangely couldn’t be fully narrowed down, he would think that he caught on to their leads. It would be a natural development.
Indeed, even this hard-to narrow down nature of it was there to add more credibility to it. Even so, despite not being able to know the exact location, he would still be left with two options — Qaum and Lilith.
In that case, it was easy to imagine that the Six Heroes would head to those places.
But why did they go out of their way to do all this, you might ask?
The answer was simple — to ambush us in cities that were full of obstacles. Our abilities were extremely limited inside the populated areas.
Lyell and Gadius aside, Maxwell and Maria couldn’t use any grand-scale magic inside there. If they did, it would drag many unrelated citizens into it. Cortina, too, would be rendered mostly powerless if she couldn’t command people.
And their biggest firepower that was Maxwell would be forced to use smaller-scaled spells.
Also, Cortina was a strategist that formed plans to attack the enemies. Putting it differently, she was the weakest among them when it came to actual fighting strength.
If they were forced into a melee inside a city, she would become easy prey. In that case, this information could only mean...
“They... Are targeting Cortina!”
To murder a Six Hero. If one planned to do that, Cortina would be their first choice. And since we were unable to narrow it down lower than two cities, they planned to divide us.
In fact, the five of them had been divided and were inspecting the cities separately. I didn’t know where the enemy was lying in wait, but they had to take two or three of them on at most.
Considering the battle powers, Cortina should have been accompanied by either Lyell or Gadius who excelled at guarding roles. Both of them were vanguards.
Maxwell, the most dangerous of them who had mastered all kinds of spells, would most likely not be in Cortina’s team to keep the compositions more balanced.
Maria was staying at Cortina’s house at the moment, so Maxwell was definitely acting separately from Cortina.
“This is bad... I have to let them know!”
It was evening now. Cortina was called by Maxwell past noon, and after we were left to self-study. In other words, she was in Qaum or Lilith at the moment. If I didn’t let them know about the ambush fast, it would be too late.
“Michelle, Letina! We are going back at once!”
“Huh, already...?”
“Yes... I’m gonna—I mean, I will go ahead first! You return on your own.”
“Well, okay... But what happened all of a sudden?”
“Will explain later!”
Cloud found my flustered conduct strange, but I didn’t even have time for explanations. And if I matched my pace with the heavily-armored Cloud or the physically weak Letina, it would only waste the precious time I had left.
My agility was cut above the rest of our group. I had to make haste, and these three would only slow me down.
Fortunately, we were near a highway. The safety was being maintained to a degree so there should be no dangers.
Thus, I snatched the letter from Cloud and rushed towards Raum’s capital at full speed. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 18,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
『それは防具だろう? だがそれは、儂が課す試練において何の意味も無い。
シュレイが言うや、ルシェラの足下もグズグズと崩れ、ルシェラは溶岩の中に放り落とされた。 | From the moment Lucella stepped into Mount Kuguse, she sensed that something was amiss.
A sensation of being tightly bound and constricted engulfed her entire body.
She felt a tension akin to having a blade pressed against her.
It almost seemed as if thunder lingered in the sky, poised to strike her back.
The mountain brimmed with the dragon aura.
Not only that, but it appeared as if some sort of restraint had been lifted.
Mount Kuguse was nestled between Setulev and Maltgartz, where the combined power of the Regalia held by both nations should have suppressed the land’s inherent power... or so it was believed. However, something had changed.
Beneath the thin surface of the ground, something dreadful swirled. The moment she took a step, it felt as though she might dissolve and vanish.
Deep within the mountain, in close proximity to Kafal’s nest, a space reminiscent of an arena had materialized.
An arena-like space, encircled by jutting rocks resembling “spectator seats,” harbored figures in shades of red and blue, bearing a human form only in appearance, awaiting her presence.
“So you have come. I wondered whether you decided to run.”
“I will not run.”
As Lucella arrived, Shurei smiled, bearing his fangs.
Though Shurei appeared as an elderly man, any trace of feebleness was nonexistent. It seemed as if something, akin to the intensified essence of the mountain’s power, was tightly packed into this human-sized body, ready to explode.
Standing alongside Shurei, the embodiment of the blue dragon in the form of a nobleman, remained consistently sullen.
In the “spectator seats,” two dragons who were seemingly his attendants took on human forms, while Kafal, her main body coiling around the pinnacle of a rock, anxiously watched over Lucella.
“Have you reached a decision regarding our proposition? If I overcome this trial, I request your cooperation...”
Lucella spoke.
“Our Sylnir Sea Group has forged a pact with the Dragon King of Belmar. That is all,”
the Blue nobleman curtly tossed his words, making it evident that Shurei alone was the one he would negotiate with, paying no heed to Lucella or others.
However, seemingly unsatisfied with that alone, he approached Lucella, his eyes flickering and shimmering like swirling currents as he looked down upon her.
“Hey, human. You said you were called ‘Lucella’. That is the name of Luja’s child. Do you understand the significance of that?”
His mere gaze held so much power it was overwhelming. Seeing Lucella silently standing still, the Blue nobleman’s expression warped.
“It means that you are also related to our group. As long as you hold that name! By adding an insignificant human to our lowest rank, we have become objects of ridicule. Do you comprehend the extent of the detriment it brings upon our group?”
“Kafal bestowed that name upon a human without our consent... There may not have been explicit prohibitions, but that is because no one had anticipated that there would appear a dragon who would do such a thing!”
As Lucella had been completely unaware of everything, she couldn’t help but find it somewhat unjust. However, there were also elements that surprised her and led to a certain degree of understanding.
Lucella had experienced the profound significance of receiving a name from a dragon with her very body. It held deep meaning not only for Kafal and herself, but also for “Lucella’s” father and their bloodline—a fact she had never considered.
Perhaps Kafal’s actions had been impulsive.
Nevertheless, the outcome was that Lucella was alive and standing here now because of that.
“The fact that Mom gave me that name... I will not let it be a mistake.”
“You sure can bark...”
The howling words of the blue dragon made Lucella shiver. She had fought against countless Variants of the mountain and gained strength through devouring their flesh and blood, and yet she still felt fear. It was a physiological fear, having understood the difference in strength.
“Are you done, Blue?”
“This mountain will soon turn ‘noisy’ it seems. We can not remain here.”
“I know that...!”
The Blue nobleman backed down after Shurei’s remonstration.
He took a single step, leaving ripples in space. The next moment, he was already sitting on top of a tall boulder, looking down at Lucella.
“...So, what does this trial entail?”
“That’s right. First, remove your clothes.”
“Come again!?”
In response to Shurei’s subsequent words, Lucella instinctively wrapped her arms around herself for protection.
His words sounded quite administrative, with no hint of humor.
“W-W-W-Why do I have to be naked!?”
“Humans truly are peculiar creatures. Getting rid of a single piece of cloth brings them so much shame.”
“That is your armor, is it not? However, in the trial I impose, it holds no meaning whatsoever. Above all, it would be unbearable for the pride of dragons to witness something of such value ruined meaninglessly. Put it away in a safe place.”
Shurei’s words were not clever jokes; they carried a serious and earnest tone.
As Lucella prepared to face this “trial,” she had donned her familiar adventurer’s attire. But Shurei felt sorry for those clothes.
Dragons were believed to be more intelligent than humans, yet they were not without desires. When it came to amassing and hoarding treasures, the determination of dragons was formidable. This trait was common among dragons. They possessed a discerning eye for valuable and rare items, and they held a deep affection for them.
Furthermore, even if those possessions did not belong to them, dragons abhorred the loss of valuable items. They seemed to harbor the hope of encountering such treasures again in their long lifetimes.
“A-Alright... Thank you for your consideration.”
“That ring as well. It is not often that one comes by a ring that allows them to speak Dragonian. Take it off.”
Lucella couldn’t recall discussing the ring, so Shurei must have heard about it from Kafal...
No, he likely deduced it from Lucella’s behavior. Underestimating Shurei’s insight would be a mistake.
Though she felt a strong reluctance to undress while being observed, Lucella mustered the determination to remove her cherished adventurer’s attire.
Folding it carefully, she placed it in a corner of the concave space, creating a makeshift seat. Then, with a delicate touch, she set Giselle’s ring atop it.
The adventurer’s attire, primarily adorned in shades of red, was fashioned from the fur of the mountain’s Variants. Its appearance may have seemed like a perplexing and flamboyant outfit, but its hidden power was formidable, impervious to anything but the most resolute attacks. Undoubtedly, it ranked among the world’s most supreme armors.
And yet, Shurei declared it would be “meaninglessly lost.”
As Lucella stood in the path of the summer sun and the dragon aura-infused hot breeze, she felt them caress her bare skin.
It was a sweltering day.
...Or rather, scorching.
An eerie heat seemed to rise from the very ground, enveloping her. It burned beneath her feet, reminiscent of walking on a scalding desert shore. Despite her body’s innate resilience against heat and flames, there was an inexplicable disparity...
Shurei glanced at the clothes and the ring left behind by Lucella, and with a swift gesture, he flicked his finger. Instantly, they were lifted high into the air, caught on the jutting rocks encircling the area. It seemed that this spot was deemed unsafe.
“Now, let us commence,”
Lucella exclaimed, taken aback.
With Shurei’s words, the very ground beneath her began to rumble.
The earth churned and foamed, resembling a cursed marsh releasing toxic fumes.
Simultaneously, an intense heat that seemed to be searing her very soul, engulfed Lucella.
“Humans are XXXXX beings that can only survive by XXXXXX the power of nature using the so-called Regalia, but dragons are different,”
“In the lands filled with the power of flames, dazzling rivers of lava flow. In our group, one is deemed an adult dragon only once they are able to cleanse their bodies in that lava. As for young dragons with XXXX scales and carapace, it would be a life-threatening endeavor.”
Red light seeped out, filling the surroundings.
The ground slowly sank into the dazzling lava, turning the surroundings into a blazing pool.
The place where Lucella stood remained as the sole protrusion with a small enough radius that she couldn’t take a single step.
“...It would prove to be severe for a human body. But try and overcome it.”
As Shurei finished his words, the ground under Lucella also started to crumble, throwing her into the lava. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 18,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
「準備はいいか? アリムちゃん。じゃあ、ヨーイ、スタートだ」
「あの? アギトさん?」
「おっ、いいぜ! 今受けられる仕事はFランク魔物の素材採取か薬草採取ぐらいだが?」
「おぉ! お嬢さん! 冒険者登録したのか~~っ! どれ~~ギルドカードみせーてーみー?」
「あの、あの天使のように可愛い娘、 ア、アリムちゃんていうらしいんだけどよーーー。」
「は? お前酔ってんのか?」
「あ? だからそう言ってるだろ!」
こうしてアリムはファンを増やしていくのであった。 | 「Ah, by the way, I’m the guild receptionist here, my name is Agito. New Adventurer Alim-chan, best regards. 」
I have successfully registered as an adventurer, but I am a Rank X... this doesn’t really make sense to me at all.
「Ah, that’s right. Do you want to try to take a Rank Up exam now? Some people take the Rank Up exams after they have registered, because they don’t want to be treated as a child as soon as possible. What will you do, Alim-chan. Want to try it? Fufufufufu」
「Ah... Yes!, I’ll take the test! 」
「Good... You sure are dedicated. Fufufufufu. Ah, by the way, after this, you won’t be able to take one again after a week. 」
Fufufutte, it’s fine if you are just sneering, is the test maybe some sort of bullying? You’re sneering as if you are trying to do something mischievous.
「Well then, Let us move. We will be heading toward the test area.」
I followed Agito-san.
When we went down to the basement, something like a gymnasium can be seen, the gym was spreading out there.
「Alright! For the Examination! It will be simple. You just have to touch me before this hourglass falls over. By the way, I am a former adventurer and will be resisting the attacks but won’t attack myself. 」
Ah, so that’s why he is giving a nasty grin. Certainly, if it’s a normal child then it will definitely be impossible. For a child, the real battle experience is certainly lacking.
「Are you ready, Alim-chan? Then let’s begin. 」
While saying that, Agito-san turned over the hourglass.
Within that moment, I quickly moved and grabbed Agito-san’s hand that was several meters away from me.
(Eh, you didn’t see that?)
「I passed... is it not?」
「... ... ...」
Agito-san stood still for a while. It seems like he was quite astonished.
「Ano?... Agito-san? 」
「...Ah!... Ah! Right! Of course you passed. I was just a bit shocked, so Alim-chan is now an F Rank. Congratulations. 」
An then, we returned to the reception area.
「Here’s your guild card, please verify that the specification has been changed to F Rank」
My guild card was handed over again. It is said that F specification have been placed. There was and English letter F engraved on the card.
By the way, the contents of the cards includes rank, name, age, number of days since registration, number of quests received (The latter can be hidden arbitrarily.) Anyways, time to get the first job.
「Seriously, this is the first time that someone of age less than required for F rank takes the test and passed on the first day. It’s quite amazing you know?」
「Ehh... is that so?」
「Then, can I take a request now? 」
「Oh...there’s no problem! The request you can receive as an F rank will be collecting demon materials and gathering medicinal herbs. 」
「Then I will do the medicinal herbs collection. 」
「Okay, then it’s medicinal herb collection, do you know what medicinal herbs you need to collect?」
「Ah, you sure are confident, then basic medicinal herbs would be bells per bundle, bundles are required to complete the request, so be careful. 」
「Alright, I’ll be going then. 」
(That sure is cute.)
When I left the guild, I was called out by the old man I have met a while ago.
「Oh! Jou-chan! Were you able to register as an adventurer? How... can I see it? 」
Was there something wrong with it?
「Th, that?」
「... ... ...n!?」
「Guild card... um... 」
「Well, my bad, here ya go. Do your best from now on! 」
「Hai! 」
Well, anyway. I have to do a job now. So I left the guild behind.
「Oi? Galgar? Was there something wrong? When you looked at that cute little girl’s guild card? 」
「Hey, Jeim, listen to this...」
「You see, that cute little girl like a little angel, it seems Alim-chan is her name, however...」
「Well she really is cute like an angel, no doubt about it, but isn’t that quite overrated... but well that’s a nice sounding name. so what up with that Alim-chan? 」
「That girl seems to be years old and has been registered as an adventurer for the first time. 」
「Well, it’s probably Rank X right? But is there anything surprising about that? 」
「That, the rank was not X... it was Rank F... 」
「What! Are you drunk? 」
「... for that to suddenly clear that test... It should be impossible... Eh, is that really true? 」
「That’s what I’ve been saying already!!! 」
People that were surrounding us were quite surprised, probably heard what we were talking about. One of the female adventurers came to speak to us.
「One moment! Gargal! Is what you are talking about true?」
「Ah, I have already been saying that! 」
Another person also speaks out.
「So cute and strong...? May I also have something like that? 」
「Hmm? Isn’t that good? A bunch of talent is it? 」
Many more people began talking about Alim-chan.
「Cute! Strong! I will be supporting that girl! 」
「That’s right! We won’t definitely be bored of it! 」
「I might as well cheer for her!」
「Will you need my support! Let’s expect that from now on! 」
A lot of talks have taken place for Alim-chan in the tavern that day.
In this way, The Fans of Alim-chan gradually increased. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 12,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
「ありがとう。ルトルスも疲れているだろう? ベッドで休むといいよ」
これから求められる勇者一行の働きは魔神復活の阻止は勿論だが、精神面で人々を支えられるような存在であり続けることも大切だとシェーナは思う。 | Kishana sat in a chair fast asleep once night fell.
Luthors picked her up and laid her on an open bed.
“Thanks, aren’t you also tired? You can lay in bed too.”
“...I guess so. Reesha’s got a security net set across the entire Administration District anyway, guess I’ll take you up on that.”
Luthors went and laid on an available bed. While staring at the ceiling, she started addressing Schenna.
“Have I told you that I’d crossed swords with Reesha when she was part of the Hero’s party?”
“Ah... tales of Luthors, the Dark Knight from Gafenna’s battles against the Hero party were famous even in Hashel.”
“Before the Demon King’s revival, Gafenna was in a religious war with Rinsr, afterward the Five Great Nations and the Hero’s party got involved and the situation changed into an all-out war to avoid destruction.”
Luthors who was an experienced commander of Gafenna took countless lives of Rinsr’s paladins. Before the Demon King’s revival, the Five Great Nations aside from Rinsr sat back quietly avoiding direct conflict. Afterward, Gafenna gained great power from the Demon King and the Five Great Nations and Heroes intensified their involvement.
“Since then Gafenna has been on the decline until now. The Heroes that defeated the Demon King were praised by the Five Great Nations and founded their own neutral country.”
Rather ironically for Luthors, it could be said that the defeat of the Demon King led to the establishment of the neutral nation of Priden. After the subjugation of the Demon King, war orphans and small scale battles between different races were problematic, at that point the Heroes proposed founding a neutral nation as a solution that gained the support of the Five Great Nations.
“Sorry to bother you, I’ll go back to guarding after a quick nap.”
“Whatever happened in the past, you’re both important to me. Rinsr might have a good bit of influence among the Five Great Nations, but I’m sure that someday everyone will be able to understand each other.”
That’s a far bigger task than the subjugation of the Demon King and will take a long time to reach, but it’s not at all impossible.
From now on the Heroes will obviously have to keep an eye out for the revival of the Evil God, but their most important duty is to be the pillars of support to uplift mankind’s spirit, or so Schenna believes. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
非常に多くの人たちが 自分の知っている氷の中で苦しむのを選び リスクを冒してその氷を突き抜け 向う側に何があるか知ろうとはしません
それは我々の社会の 主な問題の一つだと思います
たぶんTEDの聴衆の人達は違うでしょうが 非常に多くの人達は 未知のもの 疑わしいもの 疑問符などは危険だと聞かされています
その意味では 気球旅行は 人生の素晴らしい「たとえ」です
なぜなら気球は 人生と同じく どっちへ行くか予測できないからです
こっちへ行きたいのに 風であっちへ流されてしまう まるで人生のように
そして 人生と闘い 風と闘い 身にふりかかることに 同じ次元で闘っていると 人生は悪夢になります
それはつまり大気というものが 別々の方向に吹いている 風の層からできていると
理解することです だからもし行き先を変えたいのなら 人生でも気球でも 高度を変えることです
人生で高度を変えるとは これまでとは別の 心理的 哲学的 精神的レベルへ昇ることです
気球でも人生でも どうやって高度を変えるのか?
たとえ話から どうやって 日々の生活で役立つ もっと 実用的なものが得られるのか?
風船の場合は簡単で バラストを使います
砂や 水や もう使わない装備などです
たとえば開拓精神について話すときは 開拓者は新しい考えの持ち主と 思われがちですが
開拓者とは新しい考えを持っている人ではない そんなことは誰にでも出来る
ちょっと眼を閉じていれば 新しい考えは すぐに浮かびます
そうではなく 開拓者とは バラストをたくさん捨て去ることができる人 なのです
習慣 確実さ 確信 感嘆符 パラダイム ドグマ
それらを捨て去ることができれば 何が起きるか?
人生は もはや 一次元を ただ一方向に進むだけのものでは なくなります そうではなく
人生は 三次元空間で 考えられるあらゆる 方向へ向かう可能性から 出来ていることになります
そして開拓精神は いつもこの 垂直方向の世界を探索することになります
もちろんそれは 単に気球の中の空気のことだけでなく 人生のことでもあります
垂直方向を探索するとは あらゆる違ったやり方 あらゆる行動様式 あらゆる思考形態を 進むべき方向を決める前に よく検討するということです
環境問題でも 経済 子供の教育でもあり得ます
私は もし我々が 政治において 右と左の間の溝を無くすことができれば 人生はもっと偉大な冒険になると確信しています
私は もし過去に一部の環境保護論者が示した 原理主義を取り除けば 我々はもっと 環境保護が出来るだろうと確信しています
そしてもし我々が宗教的ドグマを捨て去れば もっと精神的な高みへ行けると確信しています
バラストのように「捨て去る」ことで 方向を変えられるのです
これは私が長い間信じてきたことですが でもそれを話すために招かれるには
気球で世界一周しなくてはなりませんでした (拍手) どのバラストを捨てて どの高度へ行くかを知るのは 簡単ではありません 時には 友人や 家族や 精神科医の助けが必要です
それに気球では 気象担当者が必要で 彼らにどの高度では どちらに風が吹いているかを計算してもらい 風船乗りを助けてもらわなくてはなりません
時々 非常にチグハグな事が起きます
ブライアン・ジョーンズと世界一周した時 ある日気象担当者が 非常に低く 非常にゆっくりと飛ぶよう言いました
計算してみると その速度では絶対に 世界一周できないとわかったんです
だから私たちは拒否して 高度を上げ 速度を倍にしました
そしてジェット気流を発見し 得意になって 気象担当者に連絡し 言いました: 「どうだい 空じゃあ俺たちは大した操縦士だろ?
彼は言いました:「やめろ すぐに降下して スピードを落とすんだ」
彼が言いました: 「そうだな だが左手の低気圧のせいで あまり早く飛ぶと 2時間もすれば 左にそれて北極に着いちゃうぜ」
それで彼が言うには― 私はこれを生涯忘れませんがー 彼が言うには「あんたはいい操縦士だ
で どうしたいんだ? 突っ走って 道を間違えたいのか それともゆっくり目的地へ着きたいのか?」
(拍手) だから気象担当者が必要なんです
そしてそれこそが 今の 我々の政治 我々の政府に 欠けていることです
お聞きの通り 我々は 大量のエネルギーを消費し しかもこんな持続可能性のない生活が 続かないことをわかっていないのです
だから 私たちは降下しました
減速しました そして気球内の燃料が少ないために これから4万5千キロを飛ぶだけの 量が無いんじゃないかと 恐怖の時間を過ごしました
ただ 疑念や恐怖は想定していたことでした
ここが 冒険が実際に始まった場所です
サハラ砂漠やインドを飛んでいたときは 格好の休日の様でした
いつでも気球を下りて 飛行機で帰ることができました
太平洋の真ん中では 十分な風がなければ着陸する場所がなく 戻って来られない
そういう時こそ 既成観念の 思考方法から離れなくてはなりません
そういう時こそ あなたに内在する 可能性や 創造性を 動員するのです
そういう時こそ 全てのバラストを捨て去り 確実性を捨て去り 新しい状況に対応するのです
実際 私たちは飛行計画を全く変えてしまいました
そして20日後 うまくエジプトに着陸しました
この写真をご覧に入れるのは いかに幸せだったか見せるためではありません
最後のボトルに燃料がどれだけ残っていたか お見せするためです
私はそれを見て 心に決めました
もし次に世界一周飛行をすることがあったら 燃料はなし 化石燃料には頼らない 安全のため 燃料計を見てびくびくしないために と
できるかどうか まったく分かりませんでした
それは夢で だからやってみたいと思いました
そして 私の気球の搭乗カプセルが ワシントンの国立航空宇宙博物館に展示され チャールズ・リンドバーグの飛行機や アポロ11号 ライト兄弟のフライヤー チャック・イェーガーのX-1と並んだ時 真剣にそれらについて考えました
私は考えました: 「20世紀か 輝かしい時代だった
エネルギーを使いすぎる コストが高すぎる
天然資源の保全のために あと数十年もしたら
禁止されるだろうな これから先 どうやって 化石燃料には頼らずに 開拓精神を存続させられるだろう?
そのとき初めて「Solar Impulse計画」が 私の中に 浮かび上がりました
それは21世紀のための ちょうどよい たとえでした
開拓精神は続く しかし別のレベルでだ
もはや地球や宇宙を 征服するためではなく それは終わりだ そうでなく 生活の質を向上させることだ
確実さの氷を突き抜けて 途方もないことを可能にするには どうしたらいいか?
現代の全くの不可能事とは― 化石エネルギーへの依存から脱却することです
もし「我々は化石エネルギーから この世界で縁を切る」と言えば 笑われるでしょう ここ以外ではね ここはイカれたのが来て話すんだから
つまり もしも太陽電池だけが動力で 全く化石燃料を使わない飛行機で 世界一周したら 化石燃料を使わない車や 暖房やコンピュータを 実現することは将来も不可能だ などという人がいなくなると考えました
過去にも飛行したことはある しかし 蓄電装置 バッテリがありませんでした
つまりそれは 再生可能エネルギーの 可能性ではなく むしろ限界を 証明していました
可能性を示すには 我々は 昼夜分たず飛ばなくてはならない
つまり飛行中にバッテリを充電し 夜間はそのバッテリで過ごし 翌日また飛ばなくてはならない
飛行士なしのリモコン式の小型飛行機では すでに実現されていました
しかしそれは逸話止まりでした 大衆はそれを現実的だと思わなかったからです
搭乗した飛行士が飛行中に 大学に向けて 学生に向けて 政治家に向けて呼びかけなくては 人間の冒険にならないのです
残念なことに このためには 翼長4メートルでは不十分でした
翼長が64メートルあれば 飛行士1名とバッテリーを搭載しても 空力学の効率に従いゆっくり飛べます
なぜそんなに? なぜなら燃料は簡単に置き換えられないのです
我々の飛行機の上の 200平方メートルの太陽電池で 小型の電球が200個灯せる エネルギーが得られます
つまり問題は どうやって大きなクリスマスツリー1本分の エネルギーで 飛行士1名を 世界一周させられるか? ということです
皆が不可能だというでしょう それがまさしく 我々が実行した理由なんです
私たちは6年前に 仲間のアンドレ・ボーシュバーグと 計画を立ち上げました
現在 70人がチームで作業しています
シミュレーション 設計を終え 計算し 最初の試作機を建造する 準備をしました
コクピット プロペラ エンジン
胴体がこれです とても軽い
6年間これを作ってきたチームにとって それがただの夢や構想でなく 現実の飛行機だと示したのがどんなことか 想像もつかないでしょう
ゴールは離陸することです 最初のテストが今年の終わりに しかし主には来年 春か夏 自力で離陸すること 牽引などの補助なく離陸し 高度9000メートルまで上昇し
同時にバッテリを充電し エンジンを稼働させ 最大高度に達したときに 夜が始まる
そこからは もうたった一つのゴールしかない バッテリが空になる前に次の日の出を迎えること
それこそが まさに私たちの世界の象徴です
飛行機が重すぎたり 飛行士がエネルギーを無駄使いすれば 決して日の出を迎えられない
この世界で もし汚染を続ければ 資源を無駄遣いし続ければ エネルギーを使いすぎて ほとんどの会社が破産するようなビルを 作り続ければ 大きな問題なしに 次世代にこの星を 引き継ぐことは絶対に出来ないでしょう
だからこの飛行機はまさにシンボルなのです ここ数年のうちにこの飛行機が
200人を運べるとは思いません しかしリンドバーグが大西洋を横断した時 積載量はちょうど人間一人と 燃料分だったのです
その20年後 あらゆる飛行機が200人を載せて 大西洋を渡っていた
だから 始めなくてならないし 実例を示さなくてはならない
これはオランダの美術館にある マグリットの絵で 私はこれをとても愛しています
これはパイプで そこに 「これはパイプではない」と書かれています
これは 我々が 不可能なことが出来ると信じ チームを作り 開拓精神を持ち そして何より 確実さを投げ捨てるべきだと 理解したときに 成し遂げられることなのです
私がとても気に入っているのは 私たちのメッセージが理解されるには 燃料なしで 世界一周飛行をしなくてはならないと まず始めに考えたことです
だんだんと 私とアンドレは世界中から招かれ 計画について話し その象徴について話し 政治家に招かれ エネルギー会議に招かれ 化石エネルギーから脱却することを 考えるのは もうそんなに馬鹿げたことじゃないと 示すことになりました
つまり 今日のこのようなスピーチや インタビューや会議を通じて 多くの人たちをチームに加えるのが目的です
太陽電池式飛行機で 世界一周する「だけ」では 成功とは言えません
そうではなく 成功は すべての人々が 日々の生活で まさしく同じようなことをしようと考え エネルギーを節約し 再生可能になることです
勿論 現在我々が手にしている技術で可能で ヨーロッパの国のエネルギー消費を 30から50パーセント節約可能で 残りのさらに半分を再生可能にできます
残りの25か30パーセントが 石油 ガス 石炭 原子力といったものになります
だから そういう精神を信ずる すべての人たちを チームに歓迎します
SolaraImpulse.comに行って 登録し 何が行われているかを知ってください
でもそれ以上に アドバイスを受けたり コメントしたり これが空で出来るなら もちろん地上でも出来るんだと 広めてください
そして将来 氷を見つけたらいつも 問題の向こうに何があるのかをみるために 勇気を持って氷の恐怖を克服し 障害を乗り越えれば 偉大な人生と素晴らしい成功が 待っていると思い出すべきなのです
誰もがゴールを持ち 夢を持ち ビジョンを持っています
皆さんに問いたいのは あなたが投げ捨てるべき バラストは何か? ということです
あなたの人生で 飛びたい高度はどこなのか? あなたが成し遂げたい成功を勝ち得て あなたが本当にふさわしい場所に あなたが持てる力の全てを発揮して 到達するための高度はどこか?
なぜなら 最大の再生可能なエネルギーは 自らの可能性 自らの情熱だからです
だから そこへ向かいましょう 未来の翼に乗るあなたに すばらしい冒険を どうもありがとう | There are so many people who prefer to suffer in the ice they know instead of taking the risk of going through the ice to see what there is on the other side.
And I think that's one of the main problems of our society.
We learn, maybe not the famous TED audience, but so many other people learn, that the unknown, the doubts, the question marks are dangerous.
And we have to resist to the changes.
We have to keep everything under control.
Well, the unknown is part of life.
And in that sense, ballooning is a beautiful metaphor.
Because in the balloon, like in life, we go very well in unforeseen directions.
We want to go in a direction, but the winds push us in another direction, like in life.
And as long as we fight horizontally, against life, against the winds, against what's happening to us, life is a nightmare.
How do we steer a balloon?
By understanding that the atmosphere is made out of several different layers of wind which all have different direction.
So, then, we understand that if we want to change our trajectory, in life, or in the balloon, we have to change altitude.
Changing altitude, in life, that means raising to another psychological, philosophical, spiritual level.
But how do we do that?
In ballooning, or in life, how do we change altitude?
How do we go from the metaphor to something more practical that we can really use every day?
Well, in a balloon it's easy, we have ballast.
And when we drop the ballast overboard we climb.
Sand, water, all the equipment we don't need anymore.
And I think in life it should be exactly like this.
You know, when people speak about pioneering spirit, very often they believe that pioneers are the ones who have new ideas.
It's not true.
The pioneers are not the ones who have new ideas, because new ideas are so easy to have.
We just close our eyes for a minute we all come back with a lot of new ideas.
No, the pioneer is the one who allows himself to throw overboard a lot of ballast.
Habits, certainties, convictions, exclamation marks, paradigms, dogmas.
And when we are able to do that, what happens?
Life is not anymore just one line going in one direction in one dimension. No.
Life is going to be made out of all the possible lines that go in all the possible directions in three dimensions.
And pioneering spirit will be each time we allow ourselves to explore this vertical axis.
Of course not just like the atmosphere in the balloon, but in life itself.
Explore this vertical axis, that means explore all the different ways to do, all the different ways to behave, all the different ways to think, before we find the one that goes in the direction we wish.
This is very practical.
This can be in politics.
This can be in spirituality.
This can be in environment, in finance, in education of children.
I deeply believe that life is a much greater adventure if we manage to do politics without the trench between the left and the right wing.
Because we will throw away these political dogmas.
I deeply believe that we can make much more protection of the environment if we get rid -- if we throw overboard this fundamentalism that some of the greens have showed in the past.
And that we can aim for much higher spirituality if we get rid of the religious dogmas.
Throwing overboard, as ballast, to change our direction.
Well, these basically are things I believed in such a long time.
But actually I had to go around the world in a balloon It's clear that it's not easy to know which ballast to drop and which altitude to take. Sometime we need friends, family members or a psychiatrist.
Well, in balloons we need weather men, the one who calculate the direction of each layer of wind, at which altitude, in order to help the balloonist.
But sometimes it's very paradoxical.
When Brian Jones and I were flying around the world, the weather man asked us, one day, to fly quite low, and very slow.
And when we calculated we thought we're never going to make it around the world at that speed.
So, we disobeyed. We flew much higher, and double the speed.
And I was so proud to have found that jetstream that I called the weather man, and I told him, "Hey, guy, don't you think we're good pilots up there?
We fly twice the speed you predicted."
And he told me, "Don't do that. Go down immediately in order to slow down."
And I started to argue. I said, "I'm not going to do that.
We don't have enough gas to fly so slow."
And he told me, "Yes, but with the low pressure you have on your left if you fly too fast, in a couple of hours you will turn left and end up at the North Pole.
And then he asked me -- and this is something I will never forget in my life -- he just asked me, "You're the good pilot up there.
What do you really want? You want to go very fast in the wrong direction, or slowly in the good direction?
And this is why you need weathermen.
This is why you need people with long-term vision.
And this is precisely what fails in the political visions we have now, in the political governments.
We are burning, as you heard, so much energy, not understanding that such an unsustainable way of life cannot last for long.
So, we went down actually.
We slowed down. And we went through moments of fears because we had no idea how the little amount of gas we had in the balloon could allow us to travel 45,000 kilometers.
But we were expected to have doubts; we're expected to have fears.
And actually this is where the adventure really started.
When we were flying over the Sahara and India it was nice holidays.
We could land anytime and fly back home with an airplane.
In the middle of the Pacific, when you don't have the good winds, you cannot land, you cannot go back.
That's a crisis.
That's the moment when you have to wake up from the automatic way of thinking.
That's the moment when you have to motivate your inner potential, your creativity.
That's when you throw out all the ballast, all the certainties, in order to adapt to the new situation.
And actually, we changed completely our flight plan.
We changed completely our strategy.
And after 20 days we landed successfully in Egypt.
But if I show you this picture it's not to tell you how happy we were.
It's to show you how much gas was left in the last bottles.
We took off with 3.7 tons of liquid propane.
We landed with 40 kilos.
When I saw that, I made a promise to myself.
I made a promise that the next time I would fly around the world, it would be with no fuel, independent from fossil energies, in order to be safe, not to be threatened by the fuel gauge.
I had no idea how it was possible.
I just thought it's a dream and I want to do it.
And when the capsule of my balloon was introduced officially in the Air and Space Museum in Washington, together with the airplane of Charles Lindbergh, with Apollo 11, with the Wright Brothers' Flyer, with Chuck Yeager's 61, I had really a thought then.
I thought, well, the 20th century, that was brilliant.
It allowed to do all those things there.
But it will not be possible in the future any more.
It takes too much energy. It will cost too much.
because we'll have to save our natural resources in a few decades from now.
So how can we perpetuate this pioneering spirit with something that will be independent from fossil energy?
And this is when the project Solar Impulse really started to turn in my head.
And I think it's a nice metaphor also for the 21st century.
Pioneering spirit should continue, but on another level.
Not to conquer the planet or space, not anymore, it has been done, but rather to improve the quality of life.
How can we go through the ice of certainty in order to make the most incredible a possible thing?
What is today completely impossible -- get rid of our dependency on fossil energy.
If you tell to people, we want to be independent from fossil energy in our world, people will laugh at you, except here, where crazy people are invited to speak.
in a solar powered airplane, using absolutely no fuel, nobody ever could say in the future that it's impossible to do it for cars, for heating systems, for computers, and so on and so on.
Well, solar power airplanes are not new.
They have flown in the past, but without saving capabilities, without batteries.
Which means that they have more proven the limits of renewable energies than the potential of it.
If we want to show the potential, we have to fly day and night.
That means to load the batteries during the flight, in order to spend the night on the batteries, and fly the next day again.
It has been made, already, on remote controlled little airplane models, without pilots.
But it stays an anecdote because the public couldn't identify to it.
I think you need a pilot in the plane that can talk to the universities, that can talk to students, talk to politicians during the flight, and really make it a human adventure.
For that, unfortunately, four meters wingspan is not enough.
You need 64 meter wingspan.
64 meter wingspan to carry one pilot, the batteries, flies slowly enough with the aerodynamic efficiency.
Why that? Because fuel is not easy to replace.
That's for sure.
And with 200 square meters of solar power on our plane, we can produce the same energy than 200 little lightbulbs.
That means a Christmas tree, a big Christmas tree.
So the question is, how can you carry a pilot around the world with an airplane that uses the same amount of energy as a big Christmas tree?
People will tell you it's impossible, and that's exactly why we try to do it.
We launched the project with my colleague Andre Borschberg six years ago.
We have now 70 people in the team working on it.
We have gone through the stages of simulation, design, computing, preparing the construction of the first prototype.
That has been achieved after two years of work.
Cockpit, propeller, engine.
Just the fuselage here, it's so light.
It's not designed by an artist, but it could be.
50 kilos for the entire fuselage.
Couple of kilos more for the wing spars.
This is the complete structure of the airplane.
And one month ago we have unveiled it.
You cannot imagine how it is for a team who has been working six years on it to show that it's not only a dream and a vision, it's a real airplane.
A real airplane that we could finally present.
And what's the goal now?
The goal is to take off, end of this year for the first test, but mainly next year, spring or summer, take off, on our own power, without additional help, without being towed, climb to 9,000 meters altitude.
The same time we load the batteries, we run the engines, and when we get at the maximum height, we arrive at the beginning of the night.
And there, there will be just one goal, just one: reach the next sunrise before the batteries are empty.
And this is exactly the symbol of our world.
If our airplane is too heavy, if the pilot wastes energy, we'll never make it through the night.
And in our world, if we keep on spoiling, wasting our energy resources, if we keep on building things that consume so much energy that most of the companies now go bankrupt, it's clear that we'll never give the planet to the next generation without a major problem.
So, you see that this airplane is more a symbol.
I don't think it will transport 200 people But when Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic, the payload was also just sufficient for one person and some fuel.
And 20 years later there were 200 people in every airplane crossing the Atlantic.
So, we have to start, and show the example.
A little bit like on this picture here.
This is a painting from Magritte, in the museum in Holland that I love so much.
It's a pipe, and it's written, "This is not a pipe."
This is not an airplane.
This is a symbol of what we can achieve when we believe in the impossible, when we have a team, when we have pioneering spirit, and especially when we understand that all the certainties we have should be thrown overboard.
What pleases me very much is that in the beginning I thought that we would have to fly around the world with no fuel in order to have our message been understood.
And more and more, we're invited around the world with Andre to talk about that project, to talk about the symbol of it, invited by politicians, invited in energy forums, in order to show that it's not anymore completely stupid to think about getting rid of the dependency on fossil energies.
So, through speeches like this one today, through interviews, through meetings, our goal is to get as many people possible on the team.
The success will not come if we "just," quote, unquote, fly around the world in a solar-powered airplane.
No, the success will come if enough people are motivated to do exactly the same in their daily life, save energy, go to renewables.
And this is possible. You know, with the technologies we have today, of the energy of a country in Europe, and we can solve half of the rest with renewables.
It leaves 25 or 30 percent for oil, gas, coal, nuclear, or whatever.
This is acceptable.
This is why all the people who believe in this type of spirit are welcome to be on that team.
You can just go on, subscribe to just be informed of what we're doing.
But much more, to get advices, to give your comments, to spread the word that if it's possible in the air, of course it's possible in the ground.
And each time we have some ice in the future, we have to know that life will be great, and the success will be brilliant if we dare to overcome our fear of the ice, to go through the obstacle, to go through the problem, in order to see what there is on the other side.
So, you see, this is what we're doing on our side.
Everyone has his goal, has his dreams, has his visions.
The question I leave you with now is which is the ballast you would like to throw overboard?
Which will be the altitude at which you would like to fly in your life, to get to the success that you wish to have, to get to the point that really belongs to you, with the potential you have, and the one you can really fulfill?
Because the most renewable energy we have is our own potential, and our own passion.
So, let's go for it, and I wish you an excellent adventure in the wings of the future. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「さすが、デューク! 私、可愛い女の子大好きだからね~」
ヘンリは、メルのことは深く探らない方がいいな、と心の中で呟いた。 | “I have information on how the medicine from Maddie could be made.”
With that, he held out a few sheets of paper to me. I just stared at them, unable to move, as they swayed slightly in the wind.
It was a detailed analysis of what Maddie was made up of.
“Why is this...?”
I was so confused that I couldn’t come up with words.
There should be no Maddie in Duelkis Kingdom, so why...?
How did they get such valuable information?
“I spent a lot of time in the royal library last night. Thanks to that, I didn’t sleep well.”
Mel yawned loudly as she giggled, while Duke didn’t seem to be in the least bit concerned.
“How did you manage to find it in that huge library?”
“I thought it was never going to happen, but Duke went along with me because he had seen it somewhere once. So we found it. Duke’s memory is really scary!”
Mel replied to Henry’s words.
It made my heart flutter to think that he had been busy trying to change the school rules but also took the time to do even more for me.
Duke’s presence made me strongly believe that ‘I was not alone’ . And with Alicia leaving and Gramps possibly doomed to die, I believed I had the strongest ally I could have ever asked for.
“Thank you.”
I said and took the paper. I clutched the paper tightly, even though Gramps said he would not last long. I would not give up.
I would analyze the ingredients thoroughly and make the medicine.
“Henry, I’m going home today.”
“Oh, if you need any help, you can always tell me.”
I nodded and left.
Mel plopped the last of the muffin into her mouth and swallowed it, while I stared at Gilles’ back. Then, after a breath, she opened her mouth.
“He kind of resembles Aliali.”
“He’s really trying to be like her after all.”
Henry spoke after Duke responded to Mel’s remarks.
“I wonder how much pressure he’s under every day, being at a magic academy when he can’t use magic. ...I mean, they have to leave some kind of mark. I wonder if we’re helping in any way.”
“Gilles tends to push himself too hard, doesn’t he?”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Mel and Henry’s eyes shifted to Duke as he spoke confidently.
“Gilles will pull it off because Alicia is also that kind of person. Besides, Gilles has already beaten Alicia in terms of knowledge.”
Henry and Mel’s voices overlap.
“I’m sure he has already read most of the Williams family’s books. Maybe next time I’ll let him have access to my home library.”
Henry was surprised at the amount of reading Gilles had done, and at the same time, he was impressed that Duke had looked that closely into Gilles’ mind.
“If Gilles wasn’t so much younger, I’d be able to honestly say he’s wonderful~!”
Mel raised her voice.
“You’re too brash”, Henry retorted in exasperation.
“If Gilles had been a beautiful girl, he would have been a good find.”
“That’s right, Duke! I love pretty girls as well!”
Mel replied to Duke’s words with a twinkle in her eye.
Henry muttered in his mind that it would be better not to probe too deeply into Mel’s mind. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
「うっひゃー! 人、人、人だらけ!」
『あら? どうなってるのかしら』
泳げないのも当然と言えば当然だった。 | Next day.
Lucella planned to leave the royal capital early afternoon, but she was free for half a day until then. She considered going to Monica’s place, but reconsidered, thinking it was better to give her some cooling-off period after what just happened yesterday.
She planned to come back to the capital right away once she finished Shurei’s “trial” anyway. She could visit her at that time.
“And so, if you know any fun places I can easily go, I’m all ears.”
“So you wanna have fun because you have half a day free, huh? Kids sure have crazy vitality, eh.”
“Half of the reason is to teach Mom about the world. I thought it would be better for her to see as much of human civilization as possible.”
“Ah, that’s a good point.”
It was seven in the morning. Wein was munching on golden brown toast with sunny-side-up egg and bacon on top while reading the newspaper, and Tim was doing push-ups while wearing armor. Viola was still asleep, and Kafal was struggling to figure out how to grind the coffee beans without breaking the coffee mill.
Frankly, Lucella didn’t know about the Setulev kingdom outside of Kugutfulm. This was her first time coming to the royal capital, so she didn’t know the environment at all.
Thus, she decided to ask her party members who were familiar with the capital for their opinions.
“Hmm, let’s see. Well, there are a bunch of things here, but...”
“It’s gotta be
“...By the way, there are two choices before you.”
Tim, maintaining a cool demeanor as he continued with his push-ups, cast a subtle glance toward the bedroom where Viola was sleeping. His expression turned somber.
“The future where you’ll get treated as a dress-up doll and may get some advice, and the future where you walk a free and tranquil yet trackless path. Which do you prefer?”
Just then, there was a loud crack, and the handle of the coffee mill that Kafal was holding snapped.
There were ominous signs.
Setulev was abundant in water and had sultry summers. It was quite obvious what people would do in a place like that.
“Whoa! People, people, and more people!”
The river created by the power of the Regalia flowed through the capital areas and had swimming spots established along its banks.
Artificial sandy beaches, conjured by magic, were adorned with parasols, where people in swimsuits were enjoying themselves in various ways. Some were swimming, others were sunbathing, playing with balls, building sandcastles, or indulging in food.
Taking advantage of such a crowd, stalls selling toys and food gathered like ants attracted to sugar.
Looking down at the beach from the embankment, Lucella was in awe. It was her first experience witnessing water activities so meticulously transformed into a leisurely affair.
Incidentally, Lucella, and Kafal accompanying her, were both already in swimsuits.
Lucella was wearing a red one-piece swimsuit... Well, could it even be called a one-piece? It was a mere cloth mass that covered only her torso, with frilly decorations that couldn’t even be called a skirt attached to it.
It was still better since it was at least trying to hide her body. This swimsuit was a ready-made product selected from a nearby store. Lucella had endured a tough battle with Viola, who tried to reduce even a square millimeter of fabric in her swimsuit, and barely emerged victorious, earning herself some self-esteem.
The material of the swimsuit was woven from the processed silk thread of an Iron Spider, treated with a special resin and chemicals.
It dried quickly even when wet and didn’t become heavy when soaked, making it a popular choice for swimwear. In the past, harvesting Iron Spider silk had been a common quest for adventurers, and swimsuits had been considered luxury items. However, with the establishment of the technology to domesticate Iron Spiders (albeit with occasional escape incidents), humanity gained access to affordable swimsuits.
Kafal, like Lucella, was also wearing a bright red swimsuit, but its design was a bit more daring.
It had a top that resembled a hammock, suspending her ample bosom, and bottoms that resembled lingerie. She wore a pareo that flickered like flames.
Unlike Lucella’s swimsuit, this one wasn’t bought; it was a replica created by a clone generated through the “human shapeshifting method.” The swimsuit the store clerk intended to sell was instantly duplicated before their eyes, leaving the clerk astonished.
And so, the two of them had walked here in their swimsuits. When Viola told them it would be fine, Lucella questioned her sanity.
However, Lucella had been so busy and hadn’t walked much around the city until just now when she realized that during this season, it wasn’t uncommon to see people walking around in swimsuits. So there shouldn’t be a problem... She couldn’t help but feel that they had attracted the heated gazes of people passing by, regardless of age or gender, but she wanted to believe it was just her imagination.
As they descended onto the sun-heated sandy beach, they felt the presence of splashing water blending into the air, relieving the warmth on their skin.
The guys who caught sight of Kafal stood there dumbfounded, their mouths hanging open as they watched her walk by. Some even let out a soft whistle in admiration.
“Now then... We came without much thought, but what should we do?”
“...This is... deeper than I expected... And it has a current too...”
Lucella suddenly noticed that Kafal was glaring at the river so much it felt like she was growling at it.
The river indeed had deep sections where even adults failed to reach the bottom.
“Hey, Lucella. Are you really planning to swim?”
“I’ve heard that humans can drown even in knee-deep water. And this place is worse...”
She was firmly holding Lucella’s hand.
“Hey, how about we give up on swimming and do something else on the waterside?”
“I mean, that’s because I’m familiar with that place. And I had a good grasp of the vicinity... and there weren’t so many people around... Besides, I can use my original body to help on the mountain.”
Kafal refused to budge on the matter, acting anxious.
Kafal should’ve been well aware that the current Lucella was far more tenacious compared to average humans.
Perhaps she simply didn’t know how to evaluate the danger on a human level, as dragons practically didn’t have ‘drowning’ among the causes of death.
Lucella thought for a while, and then...
“Ah, wait Lucella...!”
She broke into a run while pulling Kafal with her by the hand she was grasping firmly.
Kafal stumbled along as she was pulled, and the two of them jumped into the river together. Water splashed and bubbles danced wildly. The two felt a sense of floating. They got completely drenched and floated up.
The pleasantly cold water cleansed Lucella’s body.
Kafal also raised her head out of the water and shivered like a drenched dog. Her long hair soaked up the water and clung to her body.
“Hehehe. You can’t... match me in strength... as a clone.”
Kafal didn’t seem to understand what Lucella was trying to say.
Lucella was treading water while still holding hands with her. It wasn’t like she excelled at swimming, but with her current body, any physical movement came easily to her.
Lucella was happy that she was worried for her, but she didn’t want to waste having fun in the water because of that. In the first place, even a dragon’s heart might not take it if she started worrying about every little detail like that.
Kafal attempted to say something, but she just sighed without saying it. The strength left her shoulders along with it.
“Right... I got it. Let’s swim together.”
With that, Lucella got her official permission.
As Lucella was about to start swimming while testing her capabilities... she suddenly realized something.
“...Mom, can you... swim?”
She forgot to confirm whether Kafal could swim in that form.
“That much is nothing...”
Kafal dove into the water like a diving beast, disappearing into the depths. Then, resurfacing with only the lower half of her body visible, she propelled herself forward with a fluttering motion, almost as if she was flying across the water.
“Oh my. Why is this happening?”
Kafal, fixing her posture, submerged completely underwater and began tracing a spiral trajectory as she made her way back. After swirling around in the depths for a while, she finally planted her feet on the riverbed and rose up, pushing herself up from the bottom.
“I won’t get washed away like this!”
“Mom, that’s not swimming.”
Only Kafal’s head peeked out of the water, spreading her flame-like hair on its surface.
Kafal’s expression changed three times in an instant.
Taking into account the nuances of her words, it seemed to transition from frustration, thinking “I can’t even do something like this,” to a sense of disappointment, “I came here to have fun with Lucella,” and then to a change of heart, thinking “But it seems enjoyable to learn how to swim from Lucella.”
Lucella smoothly glided through the water, demonstrating the breaststroke. Considering the high abilities of Kafal’s clone, once she showed her the technique and gave her some pointers, she would quickly be able to swim.
“I suppose ones that live at the sea or large lakes do. As for me, there’s no place on Mount Kuguse for me to swim, as you know.”
“So I instead cleansed my body with flames. When I was in my group, I used to take lava baths. Red Dragons are considered adults once they can do that.”
“L-Lava bath... That’s on... a different scale.”
Lucella flinched back a little hearing Kafal’s strangely happy explanation.
As ‘proof of adulthood’ suggested, that would be fatal even for fledgling Red Dragons whose scales and carapace were still undeveloped. As expected, even Lucella wasn’t confident she’d come out safe if she jumped into the lava.
But well, even the lava-bathing Red Dragons could most likely be unable to do butterfly strokes in the lava.
It was natural for her to be unable to swim. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 7,
"inserted_lines_src": 30,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
私が過去20年間に手がけた 演劇 オペラ 映画の一部を ご覧いただきました
最初に 私がインドネシアで 体験したことを 紹介したいと思います 私の人生にとって大きな出来事でした この話は 神話のごとく 忘れられないように 何度も語られる必要があります
誰もが苦しい体験や 転換期には 今の私のように つらい時間を経験します 皆さん 同じだと思います
物を創る人は 自分の創っているものが 不死鳥になるか 灰になるか分からない時があることを 知っています
私は まさに追い詰められていますが それはまた別の機会にお話しします
インドネシアに話を戻します 当時 私は21歳か22歳で 大昔になりますが 奨学金をもらいました
そこで2年間過ごした後 バリ島のバトゥール山の火口近くで 学び 演じていました
私がいた村では 若者のための儀式がありました 成人の節目となる行事です
私にとっても節目となるなんて 夢にも思いませんでした
私は暗闇の中 お寺の広場にある 大きな菩提樹の木の下に 座っていました 電気もなく ただ満月があるだけの 何もない広場でした 私はチャールズ・アイヴズのような 世にも美しい音を聞いたのです 5年に1度の儀式のために すべての村から集まった人々が奏でる ガムランの音を聞いていました
暗闇の木の下に 自分しかいないと思っていたのですが
そのとき突然 広場の反対側の暗闇で 月の光で鏡がきらめくのを目にしました
どこかで見たことのある 年配の人々が20人 突然 鎧を身にまとって 兜と槍を持って立ち上がりました 広場は無人で 私は闇のなかに紛れていました
誰もいない場所に 彼らは出てきました そして信じられないような ダンスを踊ったのです
体を動かしながら 前に進んできました 月の光が鎧に反射していました
私は11歳のときから劇場で演じたり 作品を作ってきたので 思ったのです 「彼らはこの凝った衣装と 見事な兜で 誰のために踊っているのだろう?」
きっと神様に向けて踊っているのだろうと 思いました きっと神様に向けて踊っているのだろうと 思いました
人にどう言われようと気にしない 雰囲気がありました
記録されることも 報道されることもないのですから
彼らが踊っているとき 私には その芸術家たちの存在が 永遠に続くかのように思えました
そして 彼らが踊り終えて 暗闇の中に消えるやいなや ランプを持った若い男が現れ ランプを木にかけて 幕を設置すると
その村の広場は 数百人の人でいっぱいになり
彼らは一晩中 歌劇を演じました
私が若い芸術家として この人生において 貴重な瞬間から学んだのは 芸術家として自分の信じる物に 常に誠実でなければならないということ しかし ご存知のように 人生の この瞬間にも観客がいて そして観客のためにも光が必要です
それが 私がかつてないものや 常識を打ち破る物を 創りだそうとするとき 自分でも何ができるかわからないような 想像の世界を創ろうとするときに 火口の淵ぎりぎりを歩くかのように 今まで信念をもって 重視してきたものです
では ここで私の創造プロセスを 少しお話します 『ライオン・キング』を例にとってみましょう
先ほど私の作品をいくつか ご覧いただきましたが この作品は皆さんご存知でしょう
表意文字とは筆絵 つまり日本の水墨画のようなものです
『ライオン・キング』について言うなら 「その概念は何なのか?
その物語全体を一つのイメージにしたら どんなイメージになるのか?」
それは環で 間違いなく環でしょう
生命の環 ムファサの仮面の環
第2幕に登場する環 は 干ばつです どうやって干ばつを表現するか?
床の上においた絹の環が 舞台の床の穴から消えるようにしました
跳躍するガゼルの 車輪も環を用いました
演劇家として 舞台で愛してやまないのは 観客が舞台を見て 納得してくれるときです 頭に草や木をかぶった 男女が歩いてくるのを見れば それがサバンナだとわかるでしょう
演劇のなかの そんな明確な事実が大好きです
観客が説明のない箇所を 補っていくのが大好きなのです
観客はもちろんわかっています 「それは実際の太陽じゃないよね」と
それが ひもによって持ち上がれば 太陽になります
ある意味 これが精神的な意味を投影して
見えているのは 実際の日の出ではありませんが
ですから劇場では 物語 つまり脚本や セリフも重要ですが 伝える方法 どのように話されるか 仕掛けなど それを伝える手段も 物語と同じぐらい重要なのです
私は どんな技術も好きな人間なので
色々やってみました・・・ 例えば あとでお見せする『スパイダーマン』の 人を動かす大きな仕掛けは
実際には そのボディやワイヤーの使い方を 理解しているダンサーがいなければ 意味がありません
これから私が手がけている 今年の大きなプロジェクトの 映像を何本かお見せします 『テンペスト』
映画ですが ステージで3回『テンペスト』を手がけました 1984年から86年に公開された 大好きな演劇です
ふと思ったのです 「誰にプロスペローを演じてもらおう?
ヘレン ・ ミレンは? 素晴らしい俳優だしやってもらおう」
実際に この題材は女性にもぴったりでした
とりあえず『テンペスト』からの映像を ご覧いただきます
プロスペラ:妖精よ 私の命令通り嵐を起こしたか?
エアリエル:王の船に乗り込み 炎となって脅しました
プロスペラ:この二人 一目で恋に落ちた
見てちょうだい 総督
ステファノー:月からな ウソじゃない
プロスペラ:キャリバン !
プロスペラ:言ったね? 罰として今夜は痙攣を起こさん
ささやかな一生は 眠りに始まり眠りに終わる
(拍手) 私は何年も前に 『テンペスト』を 非常に低予算の 舞台から始めました この劇が大好きだったし シェイクスピアの最後の劇だと思います ご覧の通り これが映画にピッタリなんです
どうやって劇場で舞台を創って そのアイデアや物語を 映画にするのかについて
少し説明したいと思います 先ほどお話した表意文字の話ですが 『テンペスト』のそれは何でしょう?
物語を煮詰めれば 確固とした 1つのイメージになるでしょうか?
我々が築いた国家権威は砂の城であり 人々は自然にあるべきか 教化されるべきかをテーマとしています ヘレン ・ ミレン演じる プロスペラが最後に語る言葉です 人々は 自然の下 大きな嵐の中 文明を築き上げますが 雲に覆われた塔や 豪華な宮殿は やがて朽ち果てて 何も残りません
劇場で このシーンの演劇を始めました 黒い熊手と白い背景を使って ミランダという女の子が 砂の城を作っています
ミランダは舞台の端にいて 2人の黒子が じょうろを手に走ってきて 砂の城に水をかけます 城は崩れ始めます その際に 観客には黒子が見えていて
しかし 彼らが水をかけ始めたとき 黒子を見せていた照明が 切り替わって これは舞台で良く使うトリックですが 水だけに照明があたるのです
観客の感覚は それだけで変わります
仮面をつけた俳優も 人形師もいなくなって 観客は その世界に引き込まれます 『テンペスト』の嵐が まさに起こっている架空の世界です
さて そのシーンを 映画で作ると 手法は異なります 私は実際に 黒い砂の城の クローズアップから始めました 映画でできることは カメラを使用して 視点を切り替え ロングショットと クローズアップを用いることです 砂の城のクローズアップで始まり カメラが城から離れていくと その城が女の子の手のひらに 置かれているとわかるのです
映画では異なる伝達方法を使えます だから色々な方法を 試してみるのです
ピーター・パーカー:♪ 断崖に立って ここから飛んでいける ♪ 生の演劇では 映画やテレビの 二次元の世界では できないことまで 何でもやろうとします
♪ 自らを奮い起こし 支配しろ ♪ ジョージ・ツィピン:私たちはスパイダーマンの目で ニューヨークを見るんです
ショーのなかのマンハッタンも 重力に縛られません
♪ 自らを信じて奮い立て ♪ ♪ たたけ! ドン! ♪ ♪ はじけ! 引っかけ! ♪ ダニエル・エズラロー :振り付け師の存在すら 忘れて欲しいのです
人の動きを見て欲しいです 「わー あれは何だ?」ってね
彫刻に十分な動きを加えて 俳優が それを動かすと 生きているように見えます
まさに生きたマンガです マンガに息吹が与えられたのです
彼らは現代の神話 マンガの英雄です
♪ 彼らは信じる ♪ あー! (拍手) うーっ あれは何でしょう?
サーカス ロックンロール ドラマ
私たちが舞台でやっていることって 何でしょう?
最後に 一つだけ短いお話をします
私がインドネシアの村に滞在中 湖の向こうで 火山が噴火するのを見ました 反対側のバトゥール山です そこには活火山と 死火山が並んでました
そのとき 火山に飲み込まれなかったので 今ここにいます
でも登るのは とても簡単でした
根っこをつかんで 小さな岩に足をかけて 登っていけば 頂上にたどり着く事ができるのです 私は俳優である良き友人がいたので 「行ってみよう」という話になりました
「活火山にどこまで近づけるか 試してみよう」と
そこで登って 頂上にたどり着きました 断崖絶壁の上です ローランドは反対側の火山の硫黄の煙で 見えなくなって 1人で その驚くような絶壁に 立っているのです 1人で その驚くような絶壁に 立っているのです
絶壁の上から 見下ろすと 左側には 死んだ火山の火口が見え
右側はで頁岩で ボロボロと崩れていきます
私はビーチサンダルと腰巻きという格好でした 昔の話です
フランス人のクレイジーなジプシー俳優が 煙のなかに消えて 私は思ったのです 来た道を戻る事などできないと
だからカメラとビーチサンダルを捨て 目の前にある真っすぐな線を見つめて 猫のように四つん這いになりました その目の前の線の両側に ひざでしがみついて 30メートルか 10メートルか覚えていません
風が強く吹いていました 私は ただ反対側にたどりつくために 目の前の真っすぐな線を見つめるだけでした
あなたがたも そんな経験がありますよね
でも私たちは切り抜けます テーマソングは『Rise Above』(超越せよ)ですから
空から落ちた少年が 舞い上がるのです
未来は私たちの手のうちに 私の会社の手のうちにあるのです
私には素敵な仲間がいるから クリエイターとして 高みにたどり着けるのです
どうか前に進み続けてください そうすれば いつかすごいものを 目にすることができます
ありがとうございます | That's a few samples of the theater, opera and films that I have done over the last 20 years.
But what I'd like to begin with right now is to take you back to a moment that I went through in Indonesia, which is a seminal moment in my life and, like all myths, these stories need to be retold and told, lest we forget them.
And when I'm in the turbulent times, as we know, that I am right now, through the crucible and the fire of transformation, which is what all of you do, actually.
Anybody who creates knows there's that point where it hasn't quite become the phoenix or the burnt char.
And I am right there on the edge, which I'll tell you about, another story.
I want to go back to Indonesia where I was about 21, 22 years, a long time ago, on a fellowship.
And I found myself, after two years there and performing and learning, on the island of Bali, on the edge of a crater, Gunung Batur.
And I was in a village where there was an initiation ceremony for the young men, a rite of passage.
Little did I know that it was mine as well.
And as I sat in this temple square under this gigantic beringin banyan tree, in the dark, there was no electricity, just the full moon, down in this empty square, and I heard the most beautiful sounds, like a Charles Ives concert as I listened to the gamelan music from all the different villagers that came for this once-every-five-years ceremony.
And I thought I was alone in the dark under this tree.
And all of a sudden, out of the dark, from the other end of the square, I saw the glint of mirrors lit by the moon.
And these 20 old men who I'd seen before all of a sudden stood up in these full warrior costumes with the headdress and the spears, and no one was in the square, and I was hidden in the shadows.
No one was there, and they came out, and they did this incredible dance.
And they moved their bodies and they came forward, and the lights bounced off these costumes.
And I've been in theater since I was 11 years old, and performing, creating, and I went, "Who are they performing for with these elaborate costumes, these extraordinary headdresses?"
And I realized that they were performing for God, whatever that means.
But somehow, it didn't matter about the publicity.
There was no money involved.
It wasn't going to be written down. It was no news.
And there were these incredible artists that felt for me like an eternity as they performed.
The next moment, as soon as they finished and disappeared into the shadows, a young man with a propane lantern came on, hung it up on a tree, set up a curtain.
The village square was filled with hundreds of people.
And they put on an opera all night long.
Human beings needed the light.
They needed the light to see.
So what I gained and gathered from this incredible, seminal moment in my life as a young artist was that you must be true to what you believe as an artist all the way through, but you also have to be aware that the audience is out there in our lives at this time, and they also need the light.
And it's this incredible balance that I think that we walk when we are creating something that is breaking ground, that's trying to do something you've never seen before, that imaginary world where you actually don't know where you're going to end up, that's the fine line on the edge of a crater that I have walked my whole life.
What I would like to do now is to tell you a little bit about how I work. Let's take "The Lion King."
You saw many examples of my work up there, but it's one that people know.
I start with the notion of the ideograph.
An ideograph is like a brush painting, a Japanese brush painting.
Three strokes, you get the whole bamboo forest.
I go to the concept of "The Lion King" and I say, "What is the essence of it?
What is the abstraction?
If I were to reduce this entire story into one image, what would it be?"
The circle. The circle. It's so obvious.
The circle of life. The circle of Mufasa's mask.
The circle that, when we come to Act II and there's a drought, how do you express drought?
It's a circle of silk on the floor that disappears into the hole in the stage floor.
of the gazelles that leap.
And you see the mechanics.
And being a theater person, what I know and love about the theater is that when the audience comes in and they suspend their disbelief, when you see men walking or women walking with a platter of grass on their heads, you know it's the savanna.
You don't question that.
I love the apparent truth of theater.
I love that people are willing to fill in the blanks.
The audience is willing to say, "Oh, I know that's not a real sun.
You took pieces of sticks.
You added silk to the bottom.
You suspended these pieces. You let it fall flat on the floor.
And as it rises with the strings, I see that it's a sun.
But the beauty of it is that it's just silk and sticks.
And in a way, that is what makes it spiritual.
That's what moves you.
It's not the actual literal sunrise that's coming.
It's the art of it.
So in the theater, as much as the story is critical and the book and the language, the telling of the story, how it's told, the mechanics, the methods that you use, is equal to the story itself.
And I'm one who loves high tech and low tech.
So I could go from -- For instance, I'll show you some "Spider-Man" later, these incredible machines that move people along.
But the fact is, without the dancer who knows how to use his body and swing on those wires, it's nothing.
So now I'm going to show you some clips from the other big project of my life this year, "The Tempest."
It's a movie. I did "The Tempest" on a stage three times in the theater since 1984, '86, and I love the play.
I did it always with a male Prospero.
And all of a sudden, I thought, "Well, who am I gonna get to play Prospero?
Why not Helen Mirren? She's a great actor. Why not?"
And this material really did work for a woman equally as well.
So now, let's take a look at some of the images from "The Tempest."
Prospera: Hast thou, spirit, performed to the point the tempest that I bade thee?
Ariel: I boarded the king's ship. In every cabin, I flamed amazement.
Prospera: At first sight, they have changed eyes.
Miranda: Do you love me?
Ferdinand: Beyond all limit.
HM: They are both in either's powers.
Trinculo: Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.
Looking for business, governor?
Caliban: Hast thou not dropped from heaven?
Stephano: Out of the moon, I do assure thee.
Prospera: Caliban!
Caliban: This island is mine.
Prospera: For this, be sure, tonight thou shalt have cramps.
Antonio: Here lies your brother no better than the earth he lies upon.
Sebastian: Draw thy sword.
And I, the king, shall love thee.
Prospera: I will plague them all, even to roaring.
Ariel: I have made you mad.
Prospera: We are such stuff as dreams are made on.
and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
JT: Okay.
So I went from theater, doing "The Tempest" on the stage in a very low-budget production many years ago, and I love the play, and I also think it's Shakespeare's last play, and it really lends itself, as you can see, to cinema.
how one stages it in theater and then how one takes that same idea or story and moves it into cinema.
The ideograph that I talked to you about before, what is it for "The Tempest"?
What, if I were to boil it down, would be the one image that I could hang my hat on for this?
And it was the sand castle, the idea of nurture versus nature, that we build these civilizations -- she speaks about it at the end, Helen Mirren's Prospera -- we build them, but under nature, under the grand tempest, and there will -- leave not a rack behind.
So in the theater, I started the play, it was a black sand rake, white cyc, and there was a little girl, Miranda, on the horizon, building a drip castle, a sand castle.
And as she was there on the edge of that stage, two stagehands all in black with watering cans ran along the top and started to pour water on the sand castle, and the sand castle started to drip and sink, but before it did, the audience saw the black-clad stagehands.
The medium was apparent. It was banal. We saw it.
But as they started to pour the water, the light changed from showing you the black-clad stagehands to focusing, this rough magic that we do in theater, it focused right on the water itself.
And all of a sudden, the audience's perspective changes.
It becomes something magically large.
It becomes the rainstorm.
The masked actors, the puppeteers, they disappear, and the audience makes that leap into this world, into this imaginary world of "The Tempest" actually happening.
Now the difference when I went and did it in the cinema, I started the actual movie with a close-up of a sand castle, a black sand castle, and what cinema can do is, by using camera, perspective, and also long shots and close-ups, it started on a close-up of the sand castle, and as it pulled away, you saw that it was a miniature sitting in the palm of the girl's hands.
And so I could play with the medium, and why I move from one medium to another is to be able to do this.
Now I'm going to take you to "Spider-Man."
Peter Parker: ♪ Standing on the precipice, I can soar away from this. ♪ JT: We're trying to do everything in live theater that you can't do in two dimensions in film and television.
PP: ♪ Rise above yourself and take control. ♪ George Tsypin: We're looking at New York from a Spider-Man point of view.
Spider Man is not bound by gravity.
Manhattan in the show is not bound by gravity either.
PP: ♪ Be yourself and rise above it all. ♪ Ensemble: ♪ Sock! Pow! ♪ ♪ Slam! Scratch! ♪ Danny Ezralow: I don't want you to even think there's a choreographer.
It's real, what's happening.
I prefer you to see people moving, and you're going, "Whoa, what was that?"
JT: If I give enough movement in the sculpture, and the actor moves their head, you feel like it's alive.
It's really comic book live. It's a comic book coming alive.
Bono: They're mythologies.
They're modern myths, these comic book heroes.
PP: ♪ They believe. ♪ JT: Ohhhh. What was that?
Circus, rock 'n' roll, drama.
What the hell are we doing up there on that stage?
Well, one last story, very quickly.
After I was in that village, I crossed the lake, and I saw that the volcano was erupting on the other side, Gunung Batur, and there was a dead volcano next to the live volcano.
I didn't think I'd be swallowed by the volcano, and I am here.
But it's very easy to climb up, is it not?
You hold on to the roots, you put your foot in the little rocks and climb up there, and you get to the top, and I was with a good friend who was an actor, and we said, "Let's go up there.
Let's see if we can come close to the edge of that live volcano."
And we climbed up and we got to the very top, and we're on the edge, on this precipice, Roland disappears into the sulfur smoke at the volcano at the other end, and I'm up there alone on this incredible precipice.
Did you hear the lyrics?
I'm on the precipice looking down into a dead volcano to my left.
To my right is sheer shale. It's coming off.
I'm in thongs and sarongs. It was many years ago.
And no hiking boots.
And he's disappeared, this mad French gypsy actor, off in the smoke, and I realize, I can't go back the way that I've come. I can't.
So I throw away my camera. I throw away my thongs, and I looked at the line straight in front of me, and I got down on all fours like a cat, and I held with my knees to either side of this line in front of me, for 30 yards or 30 feet, I don't know.
The wind was massively blowing, and the only way I could get to the other side was to look at the line straight in front of me.
I know you've all been there.
I'm in the crucible right now.
It's my trial by fire.
It's my company's trials by fire.
We survive because our theme song is "Rise Above."
Boy falls from the sky, rise above.
It's right there in the palm of both of our hands, of all of my company's hands.
I have beautiful collaborators, and we as creators only get there all together.
I know you understand that.
And you just stay going forward, and then you see this extraordinary thing in front of your eyes.
Thank you. | {
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地下室にはこんなバレルがあり その中には缶詰や 水が貯えられていました
核ミサイルが飛んできたら 私たちは地下へ降りて うずくまり バレルの食糧を食べるのです
いま 最大の世界的危機は こんな姿はしておらず
もし1千万人以上の人々が 次の数十年で亡くなるような災害があるとすれば それは戦争というよりは むしろ感染性の高い ウイルスが原因の可能性が 大いにあります
ミサイルではなく 微生物なのです
その理由の一つは これまで 私たちは核の抑制に 巨額の費用をつぎ込みましたが
疫病の抑制システムの創出については 殆ど何もやって来ていない事です
よって 私たちは次の疫病の蔓延への 準備が出来ていないのです
皆さんきっとエボラについて 新聞で読まれたでしょう とても厳しい危機です
我々がポリオ撲滅の状況を追った時の ケース分析ツールを用いて エボラの状況を追跡しました
観察していて分かったことは システムが不十分で状況に 対処し切れていなかった ということではなく そもそもシステム自体すら 存在しなかった ということでした
事実 非常に明らかな幾つかの ミッシング・ピースは
急な召集にも応じ出動できる―そして出動するべきだった 疫学者達の一団はいませんでした 疫病の感染拡大 状況を観察し分析する人々です
症例レポートは 紙ベースで送られてきました
報告書が電子化されるまでに とても時間がかかり しかもその内容は間違いだらけでした
招集に応じ出動する 医療従事者のチームもおらず
人々の準備や体制を 整える手立てもありませんでした
国境なき医師団は大変うまく ボランティア達を指揮しましたが
それでも私たちは これらの国々へ何千人もの 支援者を送り込むのに 無駄な時間を要したのです
規模の大きな伝染病が起こると 何十万という支援スタッフが必要となります
現地では 治療が適切に行われているかを確認する人員すら一人もおらず
どんなツールが使われるべきか 判断する人もいませんでした
スタッフがいれば 例えば生存者の血液を採取し それから作った血清を人々に注射し 免疫を作ってみたりできたでしょう
つまり 見落とされた事が 数多くあったのです
これらは 実に グローバルな規模の失敗です
WHOには疫病をモニタリングする為の研究費はありますが こうしたことを行うための資金はありません
この美男美女の疫学者達は 常に出動準備万端で 現場に駆けつけ 救援に成功します でもそれはハリウッドの空想世界です
予め対策が準備できていないだけで 次の疫病がエボラよりも 劇的に危機をもたらすかも知れません 今年エボラが蔓延した段階を 見てみましょう
およそ1万人が亡くなり ほぼ全員が西アフリカの 3カ国の住民でした
これ以上に 感染拡大しなかった理由が3つあります
一つ目は ヘルスワーカー達による 英雄的な努力です
エボラ患者を発見し 感染が広がるのを防ぎました
患者が感染源となるまで悪化した頃には 通常症状が重過ぎてベッドから動けません
3つ目に 感染は都市部に あまり行き着かなかったことです
もし エボラが都市部に感染拡大していたら 症例数はもっとずっと増えていたでしょう
ウイルスの中には 感染していても症状が無く そのまま飛行機に乗ったり 市場に行ったりするケースもあります
ウイルスの感染源はエボラのような 自然由来の疫病だったり バイオテロでもあり得るのです
よって シナリオが劇的に 悪化する理由は色々とあるのです
この 空気感染によりウイルスが 広がるモデルを見てみましょう 1918年のスペイン風邪の例です
このような事になりました 猛烈な勢いで 世界中に瞬く間に蔓延し
しかし実は 私たちは優れた 対策システムを作ることが出来るのです
私たちには既に活用出来る科学や 技術があるのです
私たちは携帯電話で 公開された情報を得て また逆にこちらから情報を発信出来ます
衛星画像により人々の居場所や 移動する様子を知ることが出来ます
生物学における発展のお陰で 病原体に応じて薬やワクチンを 作る時間が劇的に短縮出来ます 病原体に応じて薬やワクチンを 作る時間が劇的に短縮出来ます
私たちにはツールがありますが これらは世界規模のヘルスシステムの 中に組み込まれなければなりません
その為の レッスンは 繰り返しになりますが 戦争に備える事から学べると思います
対策部隊の規模をスケールアップする為の 人員や資源は潤沢にあります
NATOには非常に迅速に 現地へ赴ける機動部隊がいます
NATOは頻繁にウォーゲームを行って確認します 人員が十分に訓練されているか?
燃料や物流の状況が理解出来ているか? 無線周波数の設定は?
そうして人員は常に完璧に 出動可能な状態なのです
こうしたことが 疫病への対策にも必要なのです
第一に 貧しい国々にしっかりとした 病院・健康保証システムがある事
母親が安全に出産できて 子どもたちが必要なワクチンを 全て受けられるような仕組みです
アウトブレイクの初期の兆候も そこで把握出来ます
次に 医療従事者達の 待機部隊が必要です 医療に携わるよう訓練され 経験のある いつでも招集に応じられる 専門知識のある人々です
そして 彼らを軍隊と連携させます
軍隊の機動力を利用し 物流を確保し 感染地の隔離等を 素早く行えるようにです
戦争ではなく 細菌の 拡大シミュレーションをして 対策の為に欠けている要素をあぶり出すのです
前回アメリカで細菌シミュレーションが 行われた際は 2001年でしたが 良い結果ではありませんでした
細菌との戦いは 今のところ人類の負けです
最後に ワクチンや診断の分野での 研究開発がもっと必要です
例えばアデノウイルス系ワクチンのように 非常に速く効く 目覚ましいブレークスルーもあります
これに必要な 正確な予算はわかりませんが 予期され得る被害に比べれば 大したことのない額だと確信しています
世界銀行は 世界規模での インフルエンザ大流行が起これば 世界の総資産が360兆円以上の 打撃を受けると推定しています 加えて 何百万人という死者が見込まれます
こうした投資は 単に疫病への準備が出来る という事以上の大きな利益を生みます
プライマリケア 研究開発 これらは世界的に 健康における公平性を向上させ 世界をより 公正で 安全な場所にすることでしょう
ですから 私はこれが 喫緊の課題だと考えます
スパゲッティの缶詰を買いだめしたり 地下室へ逃げ込む必要はありません
でも 時間は味方をしてはくれません 今すぐに 取り組み始めなければ
実際 エボラの蔓延から得る 何か一つ良い教訓があるとすれば 私たちが準備を始める為の 警鐘となったということでしょう
今始めれば 次の疫病への対策は間に合います
ありがとうございました | That's why we had a barrel like this down in our basement, filled with cans of food and water.
When the nuclear attack came, we were supposed to go downstairs, hunker down, and eat out of that barrel.
Today the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn't look like this.
Instead, it looks like this.
If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.
Not missiles, but microbes.
Now, part of the reason for this is that we've invested a huge amount in nuclear deterrents.
But we've actually invested very little in a system to stop an epidemic.
We're not ready for the next epidemic.
Let's look at Ebola.
I'm sure all of you read about it in the newspaper, lots of tough challenges.
I followed it carefully through the case analysis tools we use to track polio eradication.
And as you look at what went on, the problem wasn't that there was a system that didn't work well enough, the problem was that we didn't have a system at all.
In fact, there's some pretty obvious key missing pieces.
We didn't have a group of epidemiologists ready to go, who would have gone, seen what the disease was, seen how far it had spread.
The case reports came in on paper.
It was very delayed before they were put online and they were extremely inaccurate.
We didn't have a medical team ready to go.
We didn't have a way of preparing people.
Now, Médecins Sans Frontières did a great job orchestrating volunteers.
But even so, we were far slower than we should have been getting the thousands of workers into these countries.
And a large epidemic would require us to have hundreds of thousands of workers.
There was no one there to look at treatment approaches.
No one to look at the diagnostics.
No one to figure out what tools should be used.
As an example, we could have taken the blood of survivors, processed it, and put that plasma back in people to protect them.
But that was never tried.
So there was a lot that was missing.
And these things are really a global failure.
The WHO is funded to monitor epidemics, but not to do these things I talked about.
Now, in the movies it's quite different.
There's a group of handsome epidemiologists ready to go, they move in, they save the day, but that's just pure Hollywood.
The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic to be dramatically more devastating than Ebola Let's look at the progression of Ebola over this year.
About 10,000 people died, and nearly all were in the three West African countries.
There's three reasons why it didn't spread more.
The first is that there was a lot of heroic work by the health workers.
They found the people and they prevented more infections.
The second is the nature of the virus.
Ebola does not spread through the air.
And by the time you're contagious, most people are so sick that they're bedridden.
Third, it didn't get into many urban areas.
And that was just luck.
If it had gotten into a lot more urban areas, the case numbers would have been much larger.
So next time, we might not be so lucky.
You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they're infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market.
The source of the virus could be a natural epidemic like Ebola, or it could be bioterrorism.
So there are things that would literally make things a thousand times worse.
In fact, let's look at a model of a virus spread through the air, like the Spanish Flu back in 1918.
So here's what would happen: It would spread throughout the world very, very quickly.
And you can see over 30 million people died from that epidemic.
So this is a serious problem.
We should be concerned.
But in fact, we can build a really good response system.
We have the benefits of all the science and technology that we talk about here.
We've got cell phones to get information from the public and get information out to them.
We have satellite maps where we can see where people are and where they're moving.
We have advances in biology that should dramatically change the turnaround time to look at a pathogen and be able to make drugs and vaccines that fit for that pathogen.
So we can have tools, but those tools need to be put into an overall global health system.
And we need preparedness.
The best lessons, I think, on how to get prepared are again, what we do for war.
For soldiers, we have full-time, waiting to go.
We have reserves that can scale us up to large numbers.
NATO has a mobile unit that can deploy very rapidly.
NATO does a lot of war games to check, are people well trained?
Do they understand about fuel and logistics and the same radio frequencies?
So they are absolutely ready to go.
So those are the kinds of things we need to deal with an epidemic.
What are the key pieces?
First, we need strong health systems in poor countries.
That's where mothers can give birth safely, kids can get all their vaccines.
But, also where we'll see the outbreak very early on.
We need a medical reserve corps: lots of people who've got the training and background who are ready to go, with the expertise.
And then we need to pair those medical people with the military.
taking advantage of the military's ability to move fast, do logistics and secure areas.
We need to do simulations, germ games, not war games, so that we see where the holes are.
The last time a germ game was done in the United States was back in 2001, and it didn't go so well.
So far the score is germs: 1, people: 0.
Finally, we need lots of advanced R&D in areas of vaccines and diagnostics.
There are some big breakthroughs, like the Adeno-associated virus, that could work very, very quickly.
Now I don't have an exact budget for what this would cost, but I'm quite sure it's very modest compared to the potential harm.
The World Bank estimates that if we have a worldwide flu epidemic, global wealth will go down by over three trillion dollars and we'd have millions and millions of deaths.
These investments offer significant benefits beyond just being ready for the epidemic.
The primary healthcare, the R&D, those things would reduce global health equity and make the world more just as well as more safe.
So I think this should absolutely be a priority.
There's no need to panic.
We don't have to hoard cans of spaghetti or go down into the basement.
But we need to get going, because time is not on our side.
In fact, if there's one positive thing that can come out of the Ebola epidemic, it's that it can serve as an early warning, a wake-up call, to get ready.
If we start now, we can be ready for the next epidemic.
Thank you. | {
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かつての海はエデンの園のようでした 今では「楽園喪失」が目前となっています
私たちの誰もに影響を及ぼす― 海の変化について 私の考えをお話しします 大型の魚の90パーセントは この50年で 私たちが捕獲して食べてしまったので 失われてしまいました これがなぜ問題であるのか 珊瑚礁の半分が消滅したことを 懸念すべきなのはなぜか 太平洋における謎の酸素の減少が 海洋生物の生死にだけでなく
皆さんにも関係するのはなぜか 考えていきたいと思います
レイ・アンダーソンが朗読した「明日の子」に込められた 想いが心に残っています なぜサメやクロマグロ イカや珊瑚の棲む 生命に満ちた海を守らなかったのか まだ時間があったにも関わらず・・・
皆さんに 支援いただいて 海を探査するとともに 自然の海の健全な姿を戻すための保護を通じて 人類の希望も守りたいのです
海が健全であることは 私達の健康を意味します
ジル・ターターは地球外生命体の探索において 「地球人」という言葉を使っていますが そこにイルカやクジラなど 海洋生物も含まれていることを願います
そしていつの日か この地球上の人類の中から 「知的生命体」の存在を示す証拠を 見つけられることを願ってますよ ジル
すべてが始まったのは 科学者として1953年に スキューバダイビングを始めた時でした
この時初めて泳いでいる魚の姿を見ました レモンとバターで調理された魚とは別物です
私はナイトダイビングが大好きです 夜は昼間見れない様々な魚が見られます
1970年の私にとって 昼夜問わずダイビングすることは容易でした 当時はダイバーのグループを率いて 何週間も水中で暮らしていました ちょうど宇宙飛行士が月面着陸した頃です
1979年 私はジムと呼ばれる潜水装置を使って 海底に足跡を残すことができました
それ以来 30種の潜水艇を使い 3つの会社とディープサーチというNPOを創設しました それは深海を訪れるためのシステムを 設計して 開発するためです
また5年間のナショナル・ジオグラフィックの調査や 海洋生物保護のための調査を こんな小型の潜水艇で行いました
取扱いは簡単で 科学者にも操作できます
宇宙飛行士もダイバーも 共に 空気 食物 水 温度など 生きるために必要なものの重要性を熟知しています
宇宙飛行士のジョー・アレンからもこう聞きました 生命維持システムに関しては学べる限りを学び システムの維持に必要な管理は すべて行ったのだ と それから 彼はこの地球を指さして 「生命維持システムだ」と言いました
私たちは同様に学べることをすべて学び 全力を尽くして保護する必要があるのです
詩人オーデンの言葉です 「愛なくして生きた者は幾千あれども」 「水なくして生きた者はいない」
もし海が重要ではないと感じるのであれば 海がない地球を想像してみてください
海もない ゆえに生命維持システムもない
少し前に世界銀行に対してスピーチを行ったとき 私はこの美しい地球の絵を見せて言ったんです 「これが世界銀行です!」
そして私たちは自然システムが修復するより 早いスピードで根こそぎの破壊をしてきました
ティム・ワースは言います 「経済活動は環境に全面的に依存している」
皆さんが飲む一滴の水も 一息の空気も 海につながっているのです
長年に渡って 地球上の有機炭素の大半は 海に生きる微生物によって 吸収され蓄えられてきました
気候や天気 気温の安定化 地球における化学まで すべて海に支配されているのです
海水の水分が雲を生み 雨やあられ そして雪として 陸や海に帰り 97パーセントもの地球上の生命に 生きる場を与えています 宇宙でもそうかもしれません
水がなければ 命はありません 青い海がなければ 緑の大地もありません
しかし私たち人間は 地球は 海も空も とても広大で 回復力があるので 何をしても地球に影響がないと思いがちです
これは一万年前には真実だったかもしれません もしかしたら千年前もそうだったかもしれません しかしこの百年 特に最近50年となると この考え方はもはや通用しません 空気 水 動物などの自然を 私たちは使い過ぎたのです
近年 新たな技術の登場によって 自然の本来の姿や自然界での出来事が 少しずつ分かる様になってきました 私たちが及ぼした影響も分かる様になりました
そして今 幸いなことに 自分たちの問題について かつてないほど多くを学んできました
思いやりによって希望がもたらされます 私たちが依存する自然システムの中に 永遠の居場所が見出だせるかもしれません
3年前 グーグルアースのリーダー ジョン・ハンキに会いました 世界中を手元に引き寄せ 自由に擬似的な探査ができるのは すばらしいと彼に伝えました
それ以来 グーグルやDOER Marine ナショナル・ジオグラフィック そして 世界中の最高の研究所と科学者たちを巻き込んで グーグルアースに「海」を作るために活動できたことは
とても光栄でした ちょうど今週月曜日にそれが完成し グーグルアースは本当の意味で「地球」になりました
これを見てください わたしたちがいるこの建物からスタートして 近くの水族館も見えますし 私たちの座っているここも見れます さらに海岸線を上って行くと大きな水族館や海があります カリフォルニアの4つの国立海洋保護区に 新しい州立海洋保護指定区も分かります ここでまさに 私たちの財産である海を守り 回復する取り組みが始まっています ハワイにパッと飛べば ハワイ列島が見れます
それも海面から顔を出してる島だけではなく 海面下にあるものも見れるんです
ちょっと待ってくださいね。ザッブーン! そう!こんな感じで! ここは海の中 クジラが見ているのと同じ景色を見ることができます
グーグルアースで海を自由に泳ぎ回って ザトウクジラに会うこともできます
彼らは大きいけれども穏やかで 水中でいつ会っても 嬉しく感じる生き物です
最も深い場所を選び 行ってみましょう 水面下 約11kmにあるマリアナ海溝 歴史上わずか2人しか訪れていない世界へ
たった11kmなのに 2人しか行ったことがないのです。しかも49年前に
深い海溝や海山も 海の生命を理解するためにもっと探査する必要があります
過剰な二酸化炭素排出は温暖化を促進しているのみならず 海水の酸性化など 海の状態にも大きく影響しているのです
私たちは数えきれない量のプラスチックを そのまま海に捨てています
大量に捨てられた漁業用の網も 海中の生物の命を奪っているのです
私たちは海を汚し 地球の循環システムに毒を注いでいます その結果 私たちは数えきれないほど多くの自然生物の 命を奪っているのです
私たちは残忍にもフカヒレスープのためにサメを殺すことで 食物連鎖を断ち切り 地球上の化学物質による 炭素循環や窒素循環 酸素循環に水循環など あらゆる生命維持システムを壊しているのです
絶滅危惧種にも指定されているクロマグロは その尊い命を奪われ続けています
数十センチ毎に針の付いた釣り縄を80kmも延ばし 海中の生物の命を奪っているのです
商業用のトロール船や底曳き漁船は ブルドーザーの様に海底にあるすべてをさらってゆきます
グーグルアースを使えばトロール船が 両シナ海 北海 メキシコ湾などで 生命維持システムの根底を揺るがし 「死」の跡を残している姿を目撃します
次回 皆さんがお寿司や刺身 カジキのステーキやシュリンプカクテル 海産物を食べる機会があるときは 隠れた真の犠牲のことを考えてみて下さい 市場に出回る 500グラムに対して 5キロ以上 ときには50キロもの魚が混獲され
捨てられているのです これは海から獲れる資源には限りがある ということを
知らないゆえに 起こっているのです この図で1900年から2000年までの 海洋生物の減少をお見せします
信じられないことに私が生きている間に 大型魚の90パーセントが殺されてしまったのです
カメ サメ マグロ そしてクジラの ほとんどの種が激減しています
まだ半数のサンゴ礁はとても良い状態で 地球の真ん中に美しいベルトをかけています
状況を変えるためにまだ時間はあります しかし多くの時間は残されていません
このまま漁業を続けると50年後には 珊瑚礁が消えてしまうかもしれません 漁業もなくなってしまうかもしれません 魚がいなくなってしまうからです
陸の自然環境も大きな問題を抱えていますが 問題が目に見えて分かりやすく 森や川 動物を守る取組みがすでに行われています
1872年のイエローストーン国立公園を皮切りに アメリカで国立公園が制定され始めました アメリカがした一番良かった事と言う人もいます
現在では国土の約12パーセントが保護されています 生物の多様性を守り 二酸化炭素の吸収源を提供し 酸素を生成し 川を守っているのです
1972年には陸だけでなく海にも 国立海洋保護区が設立されました
さらに良いニュースは 今では世界中の海に4,000カ所以上も 保護区ができているのです
残念なことに よく注意して探さないと 見つからないのです
例えばこの3年間で アメリカは約88万平方キロもの海を保護区に指定しました
しかしそれは海全体からみればわずか0.6パーセントから 0.8パーセントに増加しただけのことなのです
保護区域は確かに改善の方向ですが 元に戻すには 時間が長くかかります ― 50歳のロックフィッシュ アンコウ サメやスズキ 200歳のヒウチダイを取り戻す時間
陸上では200歳の牛や鶏を食べたりしません エド・ウィルソン(生物学者)が夢見たように 「生物大百科」に載る海洋生物がみな リストや写真や文章で残されるだけでなく 保護区域では生き残るだろうという
希望が生まれます 世界中の科学者と共に漁業や資源採掘 原油の掘削やゴミ捨てに利用される海域の99パーセントを調査しました まだ復元できる海域を探すため そして 海洋生物と私たちの未来を守る途を探るためです
北極などはその一例で 今を逃すと もうチャンスはありません
南極もそうです 大陸は保護されていますが 近隣の海からはオキアミ クジラ そして魚が奪われています
800万平方kmのサルガッソ海から 牛のエサにするために海藻が刈リ集められています
ガラパゴス諸島の97パーセントは保護されていますが 近郊海域は漁業によって壊されています
パタゴニアの大陸棚の上にあるアルゼンチンでも 深刻な問題になっています
クジラやマグロ イルカが回遊する外洋は 地上で最大かつ最も保護されていない生態系です 発光生物もたくさん生きていて 平均すると深さ3キロの暗い海にいます
閃光のように 花火のように あるいはぼんやりと 光る命です
海には私が子供の頃からずっと 手つかずの場所がまだあります
これから10年は今までで最も重要で この10年次第で次の1万年に守るべき 自然環境があるかないかが決まります
気候変化に対応すべく 新たなエネルギー源が必要です
貧困 戦争 病気に対処するため 新しい 優れた方法が必要です
あらゆるものを守り 世界をより良い場所にする必要があります
しかしそれができたとしても 海を守れなければ意味を成しません
世界規模での計画が進行しています 国際自然保護連合, IUCNの下で 生物の多様性を維持し 気候変動の影響を軽減し 回復させる活動を 外洋や沿岸海域を問わず 環境破壊にさらされている地域で行っています
海の95パーセントは未知なので 地図を作り 写真を撮り 探査するために新技術が必要です
私たちのゴールは生物の多様性を維持し 安定と回復を促すことです
海の探査には 深く潜れる潜水艦の 新たな技術が必要なのです
次のステップを見つけるために 海洋保護のためのTEDが まさしく必要なのです
そろそろ私の TED Wish に移ります
映画 探査 インターネット 新しい潜水艦など 可能な限りあらゆる手段を使って 支援活動の活性化を皆さんにお願いしたいのです 海洋保護区域を世界中に広げるため 海を救い回復させることができる大きな保護区域のため そして地球の青い心を守るために
中には10パーセントという人 0パーセントという人がいます
ただそれがどれくらいであれ 1パーセントに満たないようでは足りないのです
私の願いは大きすぎるかもしれません しかし実現できれば 本当に世界を変えることができるのです そしてそれは私が1番好きな種の 存続につながります
つまり人類の存続に 今の子供たちのために そして明日の子供たちのために 今度ではな く 今が動くときなのです
ありがとうございました | It seemed, at that time, to be a sea of Eden, but now we know, and now we are facing paradise lost.
I want to share with you my personal view of changes in the sea that affect all of us, and to consider why it matters that in 50 years, we've lost -- actually, we've taken, we've eaten -- more than 90 percent of the big fish in the sea; why you should care that nearly half of the coral reefs have disappeared; why a mysterious depletion of oxygen in large areas of the Pacific
should concern not only the creatures that are dying, but it really should concern you.
It does concern you, as well.
I'm haunted by the thought of what Ray Anderson calls "tomorrow's child," asking why we didn't do something on our watch to save sharks and bluefin tuna and squids and coral reefs and the living ocean while there still was time.
Well, now is that time.
I hope for your help to explore and protect the wild ocean in ways that will restore the health and, in so doing, secure hope for humankind.
Health to the ocean means health for us.
And I hope Jill Tarter's wish to engage Earthlings includes dolphins and whales and other sea creatures in this quest to find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
And I hope, Jill, that someday we will find evidence that there is intelligent life among humans on this planet.
Did I say that? I guess I did.
For me, as a scientist, it all began in 1953 when I first tried scuba.
It's when I first got to know fish swimming in something other than lemon slices and butter.
I actually love diving at night; you see a lot of fish then that you don't see in the daytime.
Diving day and night was really easy for me in 1970, when I led a team of aquanauts living underwater for weeks at a time -- at the same time that astronauts were putting their footprints on the moon.
In 1979 I had a chance to put my footprints on the ocean floor while using this personal submersible called Jim.
It was six miles offshore and 1,250 feet down.
It's one of my favorite bathing suits.
Since then, I've used about 30 kinds of submarines and I've started three companies and a nonprofit foundation called Deep Search to design and build systems to access the deep sea.
I led a five-year National Geographic expedition, the Sustainable Seas expeditions, using these little subs.
They're so simple to drive that even a scientist can do it.
And I'm living proof.
Astronauts and aquanauts alike really appreciate the importance of air, food, water, temperature -- all the things you need to stay alive in space or under the sea.
I heard astronaut Joe Allen explain how he had to learn everything he could about his life support system to take care of his life support system; and then he pointed to this and he said, "Life support system."
We need to learn everything we can about it and do everything we can to take care of it.
The poet Auden said, "Thousands have lived without love; none without water."
Ninety-seven percent of Earth's water is ocean.
No blue, no green.
If you think the ocean isn't important, imagine Earth without it.
Mars comes to mind.
No ocean, no life support system.
I gave a talk not so long ago at the World Bank and I showed this amazing image of Earth and I said, "There it is! The World Bank!"
That's where all the assets are!
And we've been trawling them down much faster than the natural systems can replenish them.
Tim Worth says the economy is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the environment.
With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you're connected to the sea.
No matter where on Earth you live.
Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is generated by the sea.
Over time, most of the planet's organic carbon has been absorbed and stored there, mostly by microbes.
The ocean drives climate and weather, stabilizes temperature, shapes Earth's chemistry.
Water from the sea forms clouds as rain, sleet and snow, and provides home for about 97 percent of life in the world, maybe in the universe.
No water, no life; no blue, no green.
Yet we have this idea, we humans, that the Earth -- all of it: the oceans, the skies -- are so vast and so resilient it doesn't matter what we do to it.
That may have been true 10,000 years ago, and maybe even 1,000 years ago but in the last 100, especially in the last 50, we've drawn down the assets, the air, the water, the wildlife that make our lives possible.
New technologies are helping us to understand the nature of nature; the nature of what's happening, showing us our impact on the Earth.
I mean, first you have to know that you've got a problem.
And fortunately, in our time, we've learned more about the problems than in all preceding history.
And with knowing comes caring.
And with caring, there's hope that we can find an enduring place for ourselves within the natural systems that support us.
But first we have to know.
Three years ago, I met John Hanke, who's the head of Google Earth, and I told him how much I loved being able to hold the world in my hands and go exploring vicariously.
But I asked him: "When are you going to finish it?
You did a great job with the land, the dirt.
What about the water?"
Since then, I've had the great pleasure of working with the Googlers, with DOER Marine, with National Geographic, with dozens of the best institutions and scientists around the world, ones that we could enlist, to put the ocean in Google Earth.
And as of just this week, last Monday, Google Earth is now whole.
Consider this: Starting right here at the convention center, we can find the nearby aquarium, we can look at where we're sitting, and then we can cruise up the coast to the big aquarium, the ocean, and California's four national marine sanctuaries, and the new network of state marine reserves that are beginning to protect and restore some of the assets We can flit over to Hawaii and see the real Hawaiian Islands:
not just the little bit that pokes through the surface, but also what's below.
To see -- wait a minute, we can go kshhplash! -- right there, ha -- under the ocean, see what the whales see.
We can go explore the other side of the Hawaiian Islands.
We can go actually and swim around on Google Earth and visit with humpback whales.
These are the gentle giants that I've had the pleasure of meeting face to face many times underwater.
There's nothing quite like being personally inspected by a whale.
We can pick up and fly to the deepest place: seven miles down, the Mariana Trench, where only two people have ever been.
Imagine that. It's only seven miles, but only two people have been there, 49 years ago.
One-way trips are easy.
We need new deep-diving submarines.
How about some X Prizes for ocean exploration?
We need to see deep trenches, the undersea mountains, and understand life in the deep sea.
We can now go to the Arctic.
Just ten years ago I stood on the ice at the North Pole.
An ice-free Arctic Ocean may happen in this century.
That's bad news for the polar bears.
That's bad news for us too.
Excess carbon dioxide is not only driving global warming, it's also changing ocean chemistry, making the sea more acidic.
That's bad news for coral reefs and oxygen-producing plankton.
Also it's bad news for us.
We're putting hundreds of millions of tons of plastic and other trash into the sea.
Millions of tons of discarded fishing nets, gear that continues to kill.
We're clogging the ocean, poisoning the planet's circulatory system, and we're taking out hundreds of millions of tons of wildlife, all carbon-based units.
Barbarically, we're killing sharks for shark fin soup, undermining food chains that shape planetary chemistry and drive the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the oxygen cycle, the water cycle -- our life support system.
We're still killing bluefin tuna; truly endangered and much more valuable alive than dead.
All of these parts are part of our life support system.
We kill using long lines, with baited hooks every few feet that may stretch for 50 miles or more.
Industrial trawlers and draggers are scraping the sea floor like bulldozers, taking everything in their path.
Using Google Earth you can witness trawlers -- in China, the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico -- shaking the foundation of our life support system, leaving plumes of death in their path.
The next time you dine on sushi -- or sashimi, or swordfish steak, or shrimp cocktail, whatever wildlife you happen to enjoy from the ocean -- think of the real cost. For every pound that goes to market, more than 10 pounds, even 100 pounds, may be thrown away as bycatch.
This is the consequence of not knowing that there are limits to what we can take out of the sea.
This chart shows the decline in ocean wildlife from 1900 to 2000.
The highest concentrations are in red.
In my lifetime, imagine, 90 percent of the big fish have been killed.
Most of the turtles, sharks, tunas and whales are way down in numbers.
But, there is good news.
Ten percent of the big fish still remain.
There are still some blue whales.
There are still some krill in Antarctica.
There are a few oysters in Chesapeake Bay.
Half the coral reefs are still in pretty good shape, a jeweled belt around the middle of the planet.
There's still time, but not a lot, to turn things around.
But business as usual means that in 50 years, there may be no coral reefs -- and no commercial fishing, because the fish will simply be gone.
Imagine the ocean without fish.
Imagine what that means to our life support system.
Natural systems on the land are in big trouble too, but the problems are more obvious, and some actions are being taken to protect trees, watersheds and wildlife.
And in 1872, with Yellowstone National Park, the United States began establishing a system of parks that some say was the best idea America ever had.
About 12 percent of the land around the world is now protected: safeguarding biodiversity, providing a carbon sink, generating oxygen, protecting watersheds.
And, in 1972, this nation began to establish a counterpart in the sea, National Marine Sanctuaries.
That's another great idea.
The good news is that there are now more than 4,000 places in the sea, around the world, that have some kind of protection.
And you can find them on Google Earth.
The bad news is that you have to look hard to find them.
In the last three years, for example, the U.S. protected 340,000 square miles of ocean as national monuments.
But it only increased from 0.6 of one percent to 0.8 of one percent of the ocean protected, globally.
Protected areas do rebound, but it takes a long time to restore 50-year-old rockfish or monkfish, sharks or sea bass, or 200-year-old orange roughy.
We don't consume 200-year-old cows or chickens. Protected areas provide hope that the creatures of Ed Wilson's dream of an encyclopedia of life, or the census of marine life, will live not just as a list, a photograph, or a paragraph.
With scientists around the world, I've been looking at the 99 percent of the ocean that is open to fishing -- and mining, and drilling, and dumping, and whatever -- to search out hope spots, and try to find ways to give them and us a secure future.
Such as the Arctic -- we have one chance, right now, to get it right.
Or the Antarctic, where the continent is protected, but the surrounding ocean is being stripped of its krill, whales and fish.
Sargasso Sea's three million square miles of floating forest is being gathered up to feed cows.
97 percent of the land in the Galapagos Islands is protected, but the adjacent sea is being ravaged by fishing.
It's true too in Argentina on the Patagonian shelf, which is now in serious trouble.
The high seas, where whales, tuna and dolphins travel -- the largest, least protected, ecosystem on Earth, filled with luminous creatures, living in dark waters that average two miles deep.
They flash, and sparkle, and glow with their own living light.
There are still places in the sea as pristine as I knew as a child.
The next 10 years may be the most important, and the next 10,000 years the best chance our species will have to protect what remains of the natural systems that give us life.
To cope with climate change, we need new ways to generate power.
We need new ways, better ways, to cope with poverty, wars and disease.
We need many things to keep and maintain the world as a better place.
But, nothing else will matter if we fail to protect the ocean.
Our fate and the ocean's are one.
We need to do for the ocean what Al Gore did for the skies above.
A global plan of action with a world conservation union, the IUCN, is underway to protect biodiversity, to mitigate and recover from the impacts of climate change, on the high seas and in coastal areas, wherever we can identify critical places.
New technologies are needed to map, photograph and explore the 95 percent of the ocean that we have yet to see.
The goal is to protect biodiversity, to provide stability and resilience.
We need deep-diving subs, new technologies to explore the ocean.
We need, maybe, an expedition -- a TED at sea -- that could help figure out the next steps.
And so, I suppose you want to know what my wish is.
films, expeditions, the web, new submarines -- and campaign to ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas -- hope spots large enough to save and restore the ocean, the blue heart of the planet.
How much?
Some say 10 percent, some say 30 percent.
You decide: how much of your heart do you want to protect?
Whatever it is, a fraction of one percent is not enough.
My wish is a big wish, but if we can make it happen, it can truly change the world, of what actually -- as it turns out -- is my favorite species; that would be us.
For the children of today, for tomorrow's child: as never again, now is the time.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「マテウスはお留守番だからね? ミシェルちゃんたちに怪でもさせたら、容赦しない」
「お主を? 背後から斬られるかもしれんのに?」
「人のために死ぬ気なんてねぇよ? ましてやこいつらのために......」
マクスウェルは一旦術を解除し、視界を取り戻した。 | Right as the kids fell asleep, Maxwell took the opportunity to explain the situation to the adults. Normally, they would have to be vigilant all night and constantly keep a watchman, but this time, they were forced into sleep by Maxwell... Through magic.
“Heh, suspicious fellows above us?”
“I already retired, so gimme a break already, will you?”
“I finally got a respectable job too...”
Mateus was motivated by his curiosity, while Argus and Bauman were looking depressed instead. That said, Mateus had to stay back now.
If we removed him from the protection team, it would raise concerns.
“Mateus, you’re staying behind, okay? And I’m not gonna forgive you if I see a single injury on Michelle and others.”
“Then, how about I mess with them without an injury...?”
“Ok, I should really kill this guy here.”
“Hold it now, Nicole. And Mateus, you should stop making such remarks.”
With Maxwell’s intervention, Mateus decided to drop his teasing. His life depended on Maxwell’s whims, so he wouldn’t want to actively oppose him.
I also stopped myself on the verge of entering combat mode, and settled down.
“So, our duty is to protect these kids?”
“The Sleep spell I cast on them was set to high effect. They would be sleeping soundlessly until morning, but that also increases the necessity of watch-keeping.”
“So our Nicole here is an exception to that rule?”
“You should be aware of her skill yourself.”
“...You have a point.”
Mateus nodded with a bitter expression. He probably remembered getting wounded by me, followed by a fight with Lyell.
“Is this like a gifted education for the daughter of heroes to be a hero herself?”
“Something like that. Magic theory is important, but so is practical experience. As such, I plan to take Nicole with me for the sake of her future.”
“Can I not come with you as a guard?”
“You? Even though you might stab me from behind?”
“If I did that, I’d be dead though.”
Mateus who was under the Geass spell was forbidden from leaving the capital without permission, as well as injuring any of the Six Heroes. Maxwell was the one who brought him here this time, so he avoided the Geass effect.
“However, if you sacrifice yourself like that, the other two would be free. It would be strange if I was not cautious.”
“I have no intention of dying for someone, you know? Much less for these two...”
“That was pretty cruel of you, boss!”
Argus complained but Mateus didn’t seem to care at all.
Maxwell left a familiar behind just in case, and then, we decided to head for the summit. Kabby would’ve been helpful at times like these... But Maria who was in her final month needed someone who could use magic to be by her side. Leaving it to Cortina alone made me a little anxious so I left Kabby to help her with the nursing.
Before we departed, Maxwell left a teleport point that worked as a mark indoors. It was similar to the teleportation spell that Aste used. As expected of Maxwell, he already made that technique his.
With that, we could return to the desolate hut instantly as there was nothing to prevent teleportation there. It could also serve as an emergency escape point.
After leaving the hut, we flew up into the sky with Flight. The reason why we chose to fly instead of walking was partly due to my fatigue from the daytime.
That said, flying in the sky with no obstructions left the risk of being detected, but we were already behind them by half a day, so we needed to make haste.
To decrease the risk of detection as much as possible, we flew at a high altitude and overlooked the land from there. The mountain at night had no lights, only a dark rocky area stretching on.
We had a fire lit inside the hut, but it wasn’t seen from high above, either. It seems that Cloud did a good job plugging holes in the ceiling.
“Cloud seems to be fit to be a carpenter, doesn’t he?”
“Wait, Reid. Our bonfire aside, is it not odd that we cannot see the one the other people would have made?”
Now that he mentioned it, there was little vegetation beyond us. And there was nothing similar to our hut, either. That meant that those people shouldn’t have had any means of hiding their bonfire from the skies.
And yet, we couldn’t find anything resembling it from above, which made it strange.
“Could there be a hut somewhere that we don’t know of?”
“Or perhaps they used Earth Wall to block the light... Or maybe...”
“...They entered the Colchis’ Nest, huh?”
We cleared out its nest thoroughly. There shouldn’t even be a single scale of it left inside. Dragons had a tendency of collecting shiny things, so it had some treasure gathered there, but we gave it to the United Alliance.
In other words, there was nothing notable there right now.
“There shouldn’t be anything there... But maybe we are wrong.”
“Shall we check it?”
Maxwell was also there during our battle. He could easily blow the entire nest to smithereens as well. But I shook my head at his suggestion.
“No, the enemy might be hostile. Rather, the fact that they are sneaking around in a place like this makes that the more likely option. If we fly into the nest, we could get spotted by them and they might turn hostile on us. I’d rather avoid any danger.”
“That is true. Then I shall send my vision there.”
“Send your vision?”
“It is part of the Perception magic system. Different from a familiar, this allows you to send only your sight to someplace and peer into it. The problem is that I would not be able to see around me while casting it.”
“If you can do it while flying, then please do.”
He really had all kinds of tricks up his sleeve. This is why I was so reliant on him. Responding to my request, he constructed a magic circle and cast the spell.
“Crimson five, Gold six, Jade six—Magi-sight.”
Based on the chant alone, it seemed to be quite a difficult spell. I guess it was somewhere between mid and high grade.
After he finished his chant, a dark sphere emerged nearby him. Soon enough, it left his side, then flew around me, and finally, at my feet and looked up my skirt.
I quickly held my skirt down and smacked him in the back of the head.
“Give it a rest, you degenerate old fool!”
“I was simply joking a little...”
“I feel malice in your words.”
“Just do it already.”
He shrugged and sent the black sphere towards the Evil Dragon’s nest. It blended through the dark of night, making me lose sight of it. It was probably even better suited for searching in this darkness compared to me.
After a while, Maxwell murmured. I responded to his sudden voice.
“Did you discover something?”
“There is a man standing in front of Colchis’ nest. It seems that they are inside.”
“What could they possibly want with that place after so long... Is what I think, but it’s as we expected. At any rate, no choice but to check it out.”
“That seems to be the case.”
Maxwell quickly canceled his spell and gained back his vision. And then, we faced the direction of the Land of Fate and commenced our flight. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 20,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
私がこんなことを話すのは これが 単に私個人の問題ではないと 思うからです 貴方は間違っていると思うかもしれませんが 私達は 経歴の転機によって人生が 区切られる時代に生きています 自分の人生や経歴について 知っていると思った途端に 恐ろしい現実に出くわします
落ち着いて キャリアの不安から開放されるのは
前より難しくなりました 経歴に不安を覚える 理由について
考えてみようと思います キャリア悲観の犠牲となって
涙で枕を濡らすのはなぜか 苦悩の理由の一つは
私達が俗物に取り囲まれているからです さて、外国からオックスフォードに来る人にとって 悪いニュースがあります
そこに俗物精神の本当の問題があります 外国からきた人は よく
俗物主義は 田舎の邸宅や称号に固執した イギリス特有の現象だと思いますが それは間違いです
俗物精神は 地球規模の現象です 我々はグローバルな組織で これはグローバルな現象です
それはあなたの一部のみを取り上げ あたかも それが貴方の全てであるように見る人です
今日支配的な俗物主義は 経歴を鼻にかけることです
パーティに行くと 一分以内に 21世紀で最も代表的な質問をされます 「ご職業は?」と
その質問にどう答えるかによって 相手は貴方に会えた事を大そう喜ぶか または 時計を見て言い訳をします
俗物の反対は 母親です
あなたの母親や 私の母親と言うわけではなく 理想的な母親像で、 貴方の業績を気にしない人の事です
でも 残念なことに 殆んどの人は 私達の母親ではありません
殆んどの人は "時間"と ロマンチックとは限らない一般的な"愛"や '敬意"の間に厳格な相互関係を築き 相手の社会階級の位置で 慎重に定義された 時間のみを割きます
だから 私達は経歴を気に掛けるのです そして 身の回りの物質に気を配ります
私達は しごく物質的な時代を生きており 貪欲だと言われます
私は そうは思わず 物質を得るという事が
ある種の感情的な報酬に結びついた 社会に生きているのだと思います
私達が欲しいのは 物質でなく 報酬なのです
これは 贅沢品への新しい見方を提供します
もし フェラーリに乗っている人を見かけたら 「貪欲な人だ」などど思わず
「すごく傷つきやすく 愛に飢えた人だ」と思ってください
言い換えると -- 軽蔑でなく 同情してあげて下さい
他にも理由があります -- 心を落ち着かせるのが
今までに無い程難しい理由は他にあります 逆説的ですが 一つは 私達の自分のキャリアに対する
期待に関係しています 人類がその生涯で成し遂げられることへの
期待は 今までになく高く 誰でも 何でも出来ると聞かされ
カースト制が無くなり 自分が望むだけ昇れる 制度の中にいます
私達は基本的に平等だという平等精神: 厳格に定められた
ここに 大きな問題があるのです それは妬みです
嫉妬 羨望を口にするのはタブーですが 現代社会を支配する感情があるとすれば、それは妬みです
そして それが平等精神に繋がるのです 説明しましょう
ここにいる人 またこれを見ている人で 英国女王を嫉妬する人はいないでしょう
彼女は大変なお金持ちで すごく大きな家に住んでいるのにです 私達が彼女を羨まないのは 彼女が違いすぎるからです
共感を持てません 彼女は変わった話し方をし 変わった場所から来ています
私達は彼女との接点が見出せず 関連が見出せないので 妬みもありません
二人の年齢や 状況 身の回りなど 近ければ近いほど 妬みを招く恐れがあります だから学校の同窓会など行かないことです なぜなら 学校の同級生ほど 確かな基準点は無いからです
現代社会の問題は 全世界を学校に摩り替えてしまうことです
皆がジーンズを穿いて 同じだけど
実は 同じではない
平等精神と 深い不平等が入り混じっています とても ストレスの溜まる状況です
今 貴方が ビル・ゲイツのように お金持ちで有名になることは 17世紀に貴方がフランス上流階級の階級を 継承するのと同じくらい無理なことでしょう
要点は その気になるかどうかです
雑誌やマスコミに煽られると 精力や テクノロジー それに少しの名案があれば ガレージで 大きなことが始められるような気になります
これは まるで私達を本屋にいるような気分にさせます
私は たまに 大きな本屋に行って 自己啓発の部門を見ますが 世界中で発行されている自己啓発の本を分析すると 基本的に2種類に分類されます
そして、他の種類は よく言えば「自尊心の低い人」 悪く言えば「自分を最低と思っている人」への
対処方 「貴方は何でも出来る」と 励ます社会と 自尊心の低さには
相関関係があります これは 何か肯定的なものには
ひどい反作用がある例です 私達が 今まで以上に職業や 地位を気にするのは 他にも理由があります
これも 肯定的なものと結びついています
右や左の政治家や だれもが 実力主義は素晴らしく 私達は本当の実力社会を築くべきだと同調します
実力社会とは 貴方に 才能や 精力 技能があれば 何の障害もなく トップに立てる社会です
素晴らしい発想です 問題は
もし 実力のある者が 頂点に立てる社会というものを信じているならば それは 暗に 実力のない人は 下にいて 這い上がれない社会を 信じているということです
これは 人生での地位が 偶然ではなく 実力で獲た物 と言え
だから 失敗がとても痛烈なのです
中世のイギリスで 貧乏な人は 「不幸な人」と呼ばれました 言葉どおり 運に恵まれなかった人たちです
現代では 特に米国では 社会の底辺にいる人は 「敗者」と呼ばれます
不幸と敗者には大きな違いがありますす これは400年にわたる社会の進化と 人生の責任起因の進化です
それはもはや神ではなく 私達自身なのです。
うまく行っているときは爽快ですが そうじゃないと痛烈で
エミール・デュルケームなど社会学者の分析によると 最悪 自殺者の率が増えるそうです
先進国の個人主義の国では その他の国に比べて 自殺者が増えています
その理由は 人々が出来事の責任を 全て自分のせいだと思うからです 成功の理由は自分にあり 失敗もまた自分にある
これらの重圧から 逃れる方法はあるでしょうか?
あると思います 少し紹介しましょう
誰もが 行き着くところに行くという発想 これは 馬鹿げた発想です
政治家の右・左関係なく この実力主義の半分でも ましな発想を提案すれば 私は支持します
私は実力主義ですが 純粋な実力社会を築こうなんて 馬鹿げた発想です 不可能な夢です
皆が 正当に評価され 良い者から上 悪いのは下、 という社会を築くなんて 不可能です
無作為の要因があまりにも多いからです 事故 出生事故 頭の上に物が落ちてくるような事故 病気 等
それらに評価はつけられません 人を正当に評価するなど出来ようもありません
アウグスティヌス聖人の「神の国」に面白い引用があります 彼はこう言っています「地位で人を判断するのは罪である」
現代英語で言い換えると 誰と会話をするかをビジネスカードで判断するのは 罪である 地位なんて どうでもいいのです
誰がどこに納まるかは神のみが知り 神は天使が舞い トランペットが響き 天が開く 審判の日にそれを決める
私のような世俗主義にとっては ばかばかしい発想です
人を判断するのはちょっと待て という事です
誰かの本当の価値なんて 知る必要はありません
それは 知らざれる部分なのです だから 私達はそれをまるで知っているように振舞うべきではありません
人生に失敗したとか 失敗について考える時 私達が恐れるのは 収入面や 地位を無くすからだけではなく
さて 最大の嘲笑の機関
現代のそれは 新聞です
週の何曜日だろうと 新聞を開けば 人生を台無しにした人でいっぱいです
悪い人と関係を持った 悪い薬物を取った 悪い法案を通した それが何は関係なく 嘲笑に値する
言い換えれば 彼らは失敗した だから「敗北者」だ
さて これに替わる手段はあるのでしょうか?
それは悲劇です 紀元前5世紀 古代ギリシャ劇場で発展した悲劇的芸術は 本質的にどうやって人が失敗するかを 熱心に追求した芸術形式です そして それに伴う同情は 普通の人生には伴いません
数年前に このテーマで 「サンデー・スポーツ」新聞のデスクに会いに行きました --タブロイドで 読むことは あまりお勧めしませんが -- ある西洋芸術の悲劇について
彼らと話しました 日曜の午後のニュースデスクで 彼らがニュースになる物語の骨組みを
どう掴むのか見たかったのです 私はオセロについて語り 彼らは物語は知らなかったけど 大変面白がり
彼らは「愛に狂った移民 上院議員の娘を殺害」
私のお気に入りは --彼らは ある種の天才です-- 私のお気に入りはソフォクレスの「オイディプース王」です 「ママとのセックスに盲目となり」
(拍手) 同情のスペクトルの一方に タブロイド紙があり
そしてもう一方に 悲劇や悲劇芸術があります
学ぶべきだと思います ハムレットを敗者と呼ぶのは見当はずれです
彼は敗者ではなく 自分を見失ったのです
これは悲劇の私達へのメッセージで 大変重要なことです
現代社会において 不安の原因になっているのは 非人類がその中心に居ないことです
私達は 世界中で初めて 自分達以外は崇拝しない社会に生きています
私達は自分をとても高く評価し その価値があります 人を月に送り 素晴らしいことを沢山やり遂げました
だから私達自身を崇拝しがちです 私達のヒーローは人間です
他の社会では殆んど 中心に 神 精霊 自然の力 宇宙といった 卓越した崇拝の対象がありました 何であろうと 人以外の何かが崇拝対象でした
そういう習慣は消えつつあります これが 私達を自然に引き寄せる理由でしょう
健康の為とよく言われますが 違います 人類のアリ塚から抜け出す為です
競争や 劇から 抜け出すためです
だから私達は 氷河や大洋を見て喜び、 地球の周辺の外に思いを馳せるのです
非人類とコンタクトを感じるのが私達は好きです それは とても重要なことです
興味深いのは 成功について その意味を 私達は 知っていると 思っていることです
もし 私が 舞台裏ですごく成功している人のことを話せば 皆さんは すぐにこう思うでしょう
その人は その分野では有名人で 沢山の金を稼いでいるに違いない
私の成功における理論は --私は成功にとても興味があり 本当に成功したいと望んでいて いつもこう思っています「どうやったらもっと成功できる?」
でも、年を取るにしたがって 成功の言葉の微妙な意味合い感じるようになりました
成功についての私の洞察はこうです-- 全てに成功することはできない
成功の展望はどれも 欠けているもの 敗北の要素の存在を認めることにある
どんなに賢い人生にも 成功しない要素はある
成功した人生と言うものは 成功した人生を生きると言う私達の発想は ほとんど 私達自身のものではなく
他人に植え付けられたものだ 男性は 主に父親から 女性は 母親から
誰もあまり真剣に聞いてませんが これは本当だと思います
私達はまた テレビの宣伝や マーケティング等の すべてのメッセージに影響を受け
これらの力は 非常に大きく力強く 私達が何を求め 自分達をどう見るのかを押しつけます
銀行家がとても信頼される職だと言われれば 銀行家になりたい人が増えるでしょう
銀行家の信頼が落ちれば 銀行家への興味も薄れます
私達は とても暗示にかかりやすいのです
私は 成功したいと思うのを あきらめろとは言いませんが それが 自分の為の成功だと確信すべきだと思います
自分自身の発想に焦点を置き それが自分独自のもので 自分が その夢の発案者であることを確認することです
望むものが得られないのも不幸なことですが 自分が望んでいると思ったことが 旅の終わりに来て 本当は違うと気づくのは もっと不幸です
本当に強調したいのは 何とし言っても 成功です
でも 私達の発想の奇妙さを受け入れましょう
(拍手) クリス・アンダーソン:とても面白かったよ
でも この誰かが 誰かを 敗者と考えるのは悪という着想と 沢山の人が他人の人生を コントロールしたがるという着想にどう折り合いをつけるんだい それに 勝者と敗者を存在を 奨励する社会とは
アラン・ボトン:それは勝ち負けにおける 工程のランダムさです 今日では すべてを正当化をすることに 重点が置かれています 政治家はいつも正当性を訴えます
私は正当性を固く信じていますが これは不可能だと思います
私達は 出来ること全てを 続けられることをすべてやり続けるべきです でも結局のところ 忘れてはならないのは 目の前に誰が居ようと 彼らの人生がどうなろうと そこには強い偶然の要素があります
ここから先は議論の余地を残しておきたいと思います でないと閉所恐怖症になりかねませんから クリス・アンダーソン:でも その親切で 優しい 仕事哲学は経済の成功と
相いれると思いますか? それとも 無理だと? それでも私達がそれに重点を置くのそんなに重要ではない?
アラン・ボトン:人を恐怖に陥れて 高い労働力を得るとすれば それは悪夢です そして また もっと悲惨な環境下で 多くの人がやる気を起こすこともあります
私達の社会は 前のように 模範的な父親像が必要です 一方が権威主義で厳格な人 もう一方は ルーズで規則も何もないという 両極端でない父親像が
有難うございました | I'm mentioning all this -- I'm mentioning all this because I think this is not merely a personal problem; you may think I'm wrong in this, but I think we live in an age when our lives are regularly punctuated by career crises, by moments when what we thought we knew -- about our lives, about our careers -- comes into contact with a threatening sort of reality.
It's perhaps easier now than ever before to make a good living.
to stay calm, to be free of career anxiety.
I want to look now, if I may, at some of the reasons why we might be feeling anxiety about our careers.
Why we might be victims of these career crises, as we're weeping softly into our pillows.
One of the reasons why we might be suffering is that we are surrounded by snobs.
In a way, I've got some bad news, particularly to anybody who's come to Oxford from abroad.
There's a real problem with snobbery, because sometimes people from outside the U.K.
imagine that snobbery is a distinctively U.K. phenomenon, The bad news is that's not true.
Snobbery is a global phenomenon; we are a global organization, this is a global phenomenon.
What is a snob?
A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you, and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are.
That is snobbery.
The dominant kind of snobbery that exists nowadays is job snobbery.
You encounter it within minutes at a party, when you get asked that famous iconic question of the early 21st century, "What do you do?"
According to how you answer that question, people are either incredibly delighted to see you, or look at their watch and make their excuses.
Now, the opposite of a snob is your mother.
Not necessarily your mother, or indeed mine, but, as it were, the ideal mother, somebody who doesn't care about your achievements.
Unfortunately, most people are not our mothers.
Most people make a strict correlation between how much time, and if you like, love -- not romantic love, though that may be something -- but love in general, respect -- they are willing to accord us, that will be strictly defined by our position in the social hierarchy.
And that's a lot of the reason why we care so much about our careers and indeed start caring so much about material goods.
You know, we're often told that we live in very materialistic times, that we're all greedy people.
I don't think we are particularly materialistic.
I think we live in a society which has simply pegged certain emotional rewards to the acquisition of material goods.
It's not the material goods we want; it's the rewards we want.
It's a new way of looking at luxury goods.
The next time you see somebody driving a Ferrari, don't think, "This is somebody who's greedy."
Think, "This is somebody who is incredibly vulnerable and in need of love."
Feel sympathy, rather than contempt.
There are other reasons -- There are other reasons why it's perhaps harder now to feel calm than ever before.
because it's linked to something that's rather nice, is the hope we all have for our careers.
Never before have expectations been so high about what human beings can achieve with their lifespan.
We're told, from many sources, that anyone can achieve anything.
We've done away with the caste system, we are now in a system where anyone can rise to any position they please.
And it's a beautiful idea.
Along with that is a kind of spirit of equality; we're all basically equal.
There are no strictly defined hierarchies.
There is one really big problem with this, and that problem is envy.
Envy, it's a real taboo to mention envy, but if there's one dominant emotion in modern society, that is envy.
And it's linked to the spirit of equality. Let me explain.
I think it would be very unusual for anyone here, or anyone watching, to be envious of the Queen of England.
Even though she is much richer than any of you are, and she's got a very large house, the reason why we don't envy her is because she's too weird.
She's simply too strange.
We can't relate to her, she speaks in a funny way, she comes from an odd place.
So we can't relate to her, and when you can't relate to somebody, you don't envy them.
The closer two people are -- in age, in background, in the process of identification -- the more there's a danger of envy, which is incidentally why none of you should ever go to a school reunion, because there is no stronger reference point than people one was at school with.
The problem of modern society is it turns the whole world into a school.
Everybody's wearing jeans, everybody's the same.
And yet, they're not.
So there's a spirit of equality combined with deep inequality, which can make for a very stressful situation.
It's probably as unlikely that you would nowadays become as rich and famous as Bill Gates, as it was unlikely in the 17th century that you would accede to the ranks of the French aristocracy.
But the point is, it doesn't feel that way.
It's made to feel, by magazines and other media outlets, that if you've got energy, a few bright ideas about technology, a garage -- you, too, could start a major thing.
The consequences of this problem make themselves felt in bookshops.
When you go to a large bookshop and look at the self-help sections, as I sometimes do -- if you analyze self-help books produced in the world today, there are basically two kinds.
The first kind tells you, "You can do it! You can make it! Anything's possible!"
The other kind tells you how to cope with what we politely call "low self-esteem," or impolitely call, "feeling very bad about yourself."
There's a real correlation between a society that tells people that they can do anything, and the existence of low self-esteem.
So that's another way in which something quite positive can have a nasty kickback.
There is another reason why we might be feeling more anxious -- about our careers, about our status in the world today, than ever before.
And it's, again, linked to something nice.
And that nice thing is called meritocracy.
Everybody, all politicians on Left and Right, agree that meritocracy is a great thing, and we should all be trying to make our societies really, really meritocratic.
In other words -- what is a meritocratic society?
A meritocratic society is one in which, if you've got talent and energy and skill, you will get to the top, nothing should hold you back.
It's a beautiful idea.
The problem is, if you really believe in a society where those who merit to get to the top, get to the top, you'll also, by implication, and in a far more nasty way, believe in a society where those who deserve to get to the bottom also get to the bottom and stay there.
In other words, your position in life comes to seem not accidental, but merited and deserved.
And that makes failure seem much more crushing.
You know, in the Middle Ages, in England, when you met a very poor person, that person would be described as an "unfortunate" -- literally, somebody who had not been blessed by fortune, an unfortunate.
Nowadays, particularly in the United States, if you meet someone at the bottom of society, they may unkindly be described as a "loser."
There's a real difference between an unfortunate and a loser, and that shows 400 years of evolution in society and our belief in who is responsible for our lives.
It's no longer the gods, it's us. We're in the driving seat.
That's exhilarating if you're doing well, and very crushing if you're not.
It leads, in the worst cases -- in the analysis of a sociologist like Emil Durkheim -- it leads to increased rates of suicide.
There are more suicides in developed, individualistic countries than in any other part of the world.
And some of the reason for that is that people take what happens to them extremely personally -- they own their success, but they also own their failure.
Is there any relief from some of these pressures that I've been outlining? I think there is.
I just want to turn to a few of them.
Let's take meritocracy.
This idea that everybody deserves to get where they get to, I think it's a crazy idea, completely crazy.
I will support any politician of Left and Right, with any halfway-decent meritocratic idea; I am a meritocrat in that sense.
But I think it's insane to believe that we will ever make a society that is genuinely meritocratic; it's an impossible dream.
The idea that we will make a society where literally everybody is graded, the good at the top, bad at the bottom, exactly done as it should be, is impossible.
There are simply too many random factors: accidents, accidents of birth, accidents of things dropping on people's heads, illnesses, etc.
We will never get to grade them, never get to grade people as they should.
I'm drawn to a lovely quote by St. Augustine in "The City of God," where he says, "It's a sin to judge any man by his post."
In modern English that would mean it's a sin to come to any view of who you should talk to, dependent on their business card.
It's not the post that should count.
According to St. Augustine, only God can really put everybody in their place; he's going to do that on the Day of Judgment, with angels and trumpets, and the skies will open.
Insane idea, if you're a secularist person, like me.
But something very valuable in that idea, nevertheless.
In other words, hold your horses when you're coming to judge people.
You don't necessarily know what someone's true value is.
That is an unknown part of them, and we shouldn't behave as though it is known.
There is another source of solace and comfort for all this.
When we think about failing in life, when we think about failure, one of the reasons why we fear failing is not just a loss of income, a loss of status.
What we fear is the judgment and ridicule of others.
And it exists.
The number one organ of ridicule, nowadays, is the newspaper.
If you open the newspaper any day of the week, it's full of people who've messed up their lives.
They've slept with the wrong person, taken the wrong substance, passed the wrong piece of legislation -- whatever it is, and then are fit for ridicule.
In other words, they have failed. And they are described as "losers."
Now, is there any alternative to this?
I think the Western tradition shows us one glorious alternative, which is tragedy.
Tragic art, as it developed in the theaters of ancient Greece, in the fifth century B.C., was essentially an art form devoted to tracing how people fail, and also according them a level of sympathy, which ordinary life would not necessarily accord them.
A few years ago, I was thinking about this, and I went to "The Sunday Sport," a tabloid newspaper I don't recommend you start reading if you're not familiar with it already.
And I went to talk to them about certain of the great tragedies of Western art.
I wanted to see how they would seize the bare bones of certain stories, if they came in as a news item at the news desk on a Saturday afternoon.
I asked them to write a headline for the story.
They came up with "Love-Crazed Immigrant Kills Senator's Daughter."
Splashed across the headline.
I gave them the plotline of Madame Bovary.
Again, a book they were enchanted to discover.
And they wrote "Shopaholic Adulteress Swallows Arsenic After Credit Fraud."
And then my favorite -- they really do have a kind of genius of their own, these guys -- my favorite is Sophocles' Oedipus the King: "Sex With Mum Was Blinding."
In a way, if you like, at one end of the spectrum of sympathy, you've got the tabloid newspaper.
At the other end of the spectrum, you've got tragedy and tragic art.
about what's happening in tragic art.
It would be insane to call Hamlet a loser.
He is not a loser, though he has lost.
And I think that is the message of tragedy to us, and why it's so very, very important, I think.
The other thing about modern society and why it causes this anxiety, is that we have nothing at its center that is non-human.
We are the first society to be living in a world where we don't worship anything other than ourselves.
We think very highly of ourselves, and so we should; we've put people on the Moon, done all sorts of extraordinary things.
And so we tend to worship ourselves. Our heroes are human heroes.
That's a very new situation.
Most other societies have had, right at their center, the worship of something transcendent: a god, a spirit, a natural force, the universe, whatever it is -- something else that is being worshiped.
We've slightly lost the habit of doing that, which is, I think, why we're particularly drawn to nature.
Not for the sake of our health, though it's often presented that way, but because it's an escape from the human anthill.
It's an escape from our own competition, and our own dramas.
And that's why we enjoy looking at glaciers and oceans, and contemplating the Earth from outside its perimeters, etc.
We like to feel in contact with something that is non-human, and that is so deeply important to us.
What I think I've been talking about really is success and failure.
And one of the interesting things about success is that we think we know what it means.
If I said that there's somebody behind the screen who's very successful, certain ideas would immediately come to mind.
You'd think that person might have made a lot of money, achieved renown in some field.
My own theory of success -- I'm somebody who's very interested in success, I really want to be successful, always thinking, how can I be more successful?
But as I get older, I'm also very nuanced about what that word "success" might mean.
Here's an insight that I've had about success: You can't be successful at everything.
We hear a lot of talk about work-life balance. Nonsense.
You can't have it all. You can't.
So any vision of success has to admit what it's losing out on, where the element of loss is.
And I think any wise life will accept, as I say, that there is going to be an element where we're not succeeding.
And the thing about a successful life is that a lot of the time, our ideas of what it would mean to live successfully are not our own.
They're sucked in from other people; chiefly, if you're a man, your father, and if you're a woman, your mother.
Psychoanalysis has been drumming home this message for about 80 years.
No one's quite listening hard enough, but I very much believe it's true.
And we also suck in messages from everything from the television, to advertising, to marketing, etc.
These are hugely powerful forces that define what we want and how we view ourselves.
When we're told that banking is a very respectable profession, a lot of us want to go into banking.
When banking is no longer so respectable, we lose interest in banking.
We are highly open to suggestion.
So what I want to argue for is not that we should give up on our ideas of success, but we should make sure that they are our own.
We should focus in on our ideas, and make sure that we own them; that we are truly the authors of our own ambitions.
Because it's bad enough not getting what you want, but it's even worse to have an idea of what it is you want, and find out, at the end of the journey, that it isn't, in fact, what you wanted all along.
So, I'm going to end it there.
But what I really want to stress is: by all means, success, yes.
But let's accept the strangeness of some of our ideas.
Let's probe away at our notions of success.
Let's make sure our ideas of success are truly our own.
Thank you very much.
Chris Anderson: That was fascinating.
But how do you reconcile this idea of it being bad to think of someone as a "loser," with the idea that a lot of people like, of seizing control of your life, and that a society that encourages that, perhaps has to have some winners and losers?
Alain De Botton: Yes, I think it's merely the randomness of the winning and losing process that I want to stress, because the emphasis nowadays is so much on the justice of everything, and politicians always talk about justice.
Now I'm a firm believer in justice, I just think that it's impossible.
So we should do everything we can to pursue it, but we should always remember that whoever is facing us, whatever has happened in their lives, there will be a strong element of the haphazard.
That's what I'm trying to leave room for; CA: I mean, do you believe that you can combine your kind of kinder, gentler philosophy of work with a successful economy?
Or do you think that you can't, but it doesn't matter that much that we're putting too much emphasis on that?
AB: The nightmare thought is that frightening people is the best way to get work out of them, and that somehow the crueler the environment, the more people will rise to the challenge.
You want to think, who would you like as your ideal dad?
And your ideal dad is somebody who is tough but gentle.
And it's a very hard line to make.
We need fathers, as it were, the exemplary father figures in society, avoiding the two extremes, which is the authoritarian disciplinarian on the one hand, and on the other, the lax, no-rules option.
CA: Alain De Botton.
AB: Thank you very much. | {
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「お、お前は......ジェラルド!? どうしてあんなところに......っていうか、今なにが!?」
「何するの、ジェラルド!? あなたは一体、何をしようとして――」
腹をくくった俺は、今も村を蹂躙せんとする魔物の群れへと突っ込んだ。 | The Demon’s Raid
Several days have passed since I was able to perceive aether.
To polish my manipulation skill and magic incantation, I spent a long time inside the forest these past few days.
『Spear of Flame, burn and pierce my enemy』
My objective is to hunt. I can improve my efficiency for practical magic by hunting weak monsters and wild animals,, while also shortening the chant when my magic efficiency improves.
Fortunately, if I took some rest, I can recover some of my aether, I was spending half a day in the forest while resting sometimes.
As for the monsters in the forest, there are large monsters with sharp horns, they are a little dangerous. There are also man-eating mushrooms and human-sized caterpillar, there are fundamentally no strong monsters around.
However, that day, there are several weird signs drifting in the entire forest, I had felt it since the time I entered the forest in the morning.
[..... W-what is this, this unpleasant feeling]
I sense that the aether in the whole forest is increasing. No, rather than increasing, it’s more like they’re mixing unnaturally with something...
When I am still thinking about it.
[U, uwaaaa!]
I heard a scream from somewhere in the forest.
When I looked at the direction of that voice—- I was lost for words.
I felt high density of aether from that direction. Powerful, yet intense and wild aether.
However, I was certain I heard a villager’s scream. As a fellow member of the village, and as a person who is also a magician, there is no way I won’t go and help.
After I chanted a simple spell, I quickened my pace. Then immediately, I saw the villager being surrounded by monsters.
It’s a young man who is still in mid-twenties, this person played with me many times. He is crawling with his butt on the ground in the front of monsters, he seems unable to escape.
Looking down at him was a bear with red-fur.
If a human was hit by its claw, they will surely be blown away in one hit.
— Well, if it can hit the target, that is.
『Physical Strength UP』
With my strengthened power, I grabbed the young man from the side. While accelerating, I kicked the monster to make it crash onto the ground. We escaped from that place using that chance.
[Y,you are... Gerald!? Why are you in such a place... More like, what was that!?][... Sorry, there is no time to explain. We need to inform the village for now]
The young man who I shouldered on my back talked to me, I could only say that in return.
A strong monster showed up near the village. Moreover, it’s unlikely the enemy is alone.
Two or more monsters are approaching... I can sense it.
I maintained my speed as I ran toward the village.
And then, over there, I saw...The village was raided by a pack of monsters.
[No way...]
A monster that looked like a huge centipede is running after the villagers. A scorpion-like monster is trying to surround the child who attempted to flee. Monsters are swinging their claws and fangs in attempt to kill and devour the villagers.
Toward the spectacle in front of me, I was stunned for a moment. But, anxiety rose within my heart as I thought about the safety of my family. Immediately, I rush towards my home with trembling feet.
When I opened the door, Mother, who was holding on to Sierra, called me with a scream-like voice. She always called me with [-chan] attached, seems like it’s not possible to do it during situation like this.
[Mother!? Where is Father?][He was holding off the monsters, with weapon in hand. But...]
No way...
Father is not an athletic person. He doesn’t have physical strength either. Just by hiking a bit, he became exhausted, there is no way he can hold them off.
And yet, he has a strong sense of obligation and passion, and that kind of man went to the battlefield. Taking a weapon he is not familiar with.
It was as if he’s going to the battlefield to die.
There’s no other choice.
I forcibly take mother’s arm that is holding Sierra, and push them into the closet. I also throw the young man who I shouldered into the closet.
Even though it’s small, they should be safe in here. They just have to endure the stuffy feeling for now.
[What are you doing, Gerald!? What are you trying to do—][It’s okay]
To mother who was crying and clinging to me, I matched my line of sight with Sierra.
She is not screaming even in situation like this, her eyes looking at me is somewhat intellectual, she looks so noble.
[Sierra. Listen. It’s safe in here. Your oniichan will definitely protect you][Nii-tan?][You two, please I need your help here. I’ll definitely be back].
Listening my words, the young man who I saved in the forest nodded in agreement as he saw me.
Mother is shouting. However, I need to go. There will be less casualties if I were to move.
Because I have my memory from previous life. I can understand the magic language, it’s possible for me to awaken as a magician.
In a word, I have power. The power to save everyone in this village.
And more importantly, is there anyone who can silently watch their precious family get hurt?
Father said, 『As a man』, one must strike without holding back. He should be fine, right?
I am a magician, a boy, the son of my father and mother.
I close closet door forcefully.... Now that I think about it, isn’t this the place where I found the grimoire? While recalling the old memory, I close the door and turned around.
『Any person excluding me is forbidden to open this door』
I chant a spell to keep the door completely locked.
In addition, as precaution, I cast another magic on it.
『Negate any forms of attack from outside, reinforce the door and wall of this closet and make it indestructible』
... With this, perhaps the closet won’t get destroyed. Moreover, although the phrase is not smart, I think it’ll be better to use detailed words in situation like this.
Mother and the others, you’re gonna be safe.
I went out of the house while steeling myself.
How to fight, I haven’t learned about it yet. There has yet been a chance for me to fight enemies stronger than usual.
Still, I can’t run away this time. Father, only I have the power to save him and protect the people of this village.
I resolve myself, and run towards the crowd of monsters whose invading our village right now. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 10,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
ダマドラへの攻撃を計画し、許可した者たちの主要な意図が、無実の人々を殺すことではなかったと認めることはできる。また、アル・ザワヒリが未だテロ活動を続けており、危険な敵であることに疑いの余地がないこと、そして彼が合法の軍事的標的であることも受け入れられる。この特別な攻撃に関しては、あるいは、これらの理由に基づいて正当化できるかもしれない。 | We can grant that it was not the primary intention of those who planned and authorized the attack on Damadola to kill innocent people. We can also accept that al-Zawahiri is undoubtedly a dangerous foe, still active in a terrorist movement, and that he is a legitimate military target. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
[仏語]でも君が誰かに怒っていれば [仏語]許さんだろう [英語]最初は
[イギリス英語]これがTEDで 一番楽しい事だと思います
世の中のこととの関係は 深くも浅くもありません
でもこれは 私利私欲で 自分たちのためだけに 人生設計を理解するようなものです
未来はこう語りかけています 我々が生きている記憶という鏡― その感覚が崩れ去ってしまう以外に 何も残されないのだと
常識であるとはいえ やはり重要です!
こんな時代に恐怖に直面し 恐怖に囲まれていると 反恐怖性も生まれます
背景放射はあまりにも動きがないため 普通のスペクトル解析では 見えないのです
[アメリカ英語]でも私たちは まるでこれまでに何度も 私たちのほとんどが― 言っていることが分かりますか?
でも― 本当に分かるのか?
ほらよ ヒップホップみたいに 分かるだろ TEDはすげえっての 分かるだろ?
俺が歌を作ったから 気に入ってくれるといいな
この歌は人々と あとビッグフットについての歌だ それとフランスの科学のこともね
じゃあ はじめようか
自分の中で 試してる ちょっと困ったことになった (拍手) 困ったことになった 俺のせいなんだ でも逃れられない (ビートボックス) お前に信じてもらえる人間に なろうとしてる お前は俺を粋がらせる お前のためなら ベイビー お前なら何だってできるさ 帰る途中でケガしなければな
(ビートボックス) 生き延びられたら どこが悪かったか言うよ だって もしお前が[不明瞭] お前は[不明瞭]のようさ お前に俺のなりたいものを教えるよ [イギリス英語]それに 皆さんは望むままに 欲しい物を使えますよね?
(拍手) コンピュータのモデルは どんなに多く持っていても どれほど多くの人々が使っても 決して同じ結論に到達できないのです
4年前ブルッキングズ研究所で 数人と一緒に研究し 結論を導き出しました
どんな日でもいいわけではなく ある1日なのです
明日がやってくることは 間違いありません
覚えておいてほしい重要なことは このシミュレーションが 良いものであることです
手を伸ばすことができ 頑丈です
物をある場所から 別の場所に動かせるし
「この場所に行きたい」と言えるし この分子の塊を気の向くままに 空気の中を通って動かせます
さて理解が欠如しているということに関する 配分と理解をもって 私たちは科学の新しい時代に突入します 私たちが次のように語る以上には 感じることはありません それらはそれら自身の中で コンポラリーであれ 非コンポラリーであれ 私たちがソースとしたり 結論を導き出すような ネットワークに対する 私たちの無理解と 部分的な理解の組み合わせへと 比喩的に 描かれるのだと
先ほどの曲の前に言った通り 感じるのです 我々が暮らしているのは球体ではなく 無限に広がる平面であり 自分の起源に戻れるという幻想に 憑りつかれていることを
空に広がるすべての天体が 無限に広がる― プレーンだとわかれば プレーンにわかります
覚えておいてください あなた自身という概念を ネガティブなスペースに気付くことが より重要なのは 音楽はスペースを 分割するに過ぎないからです 私たちが耳を澄ますスペースこそ 分割されているものであり 伝えられたいアイディアが どうなりたいと考えているかを 教えてくれるような 他の何かと比較することで 私たちに情報を与えてくれます
(拍手) ありがとう
(拍手) これは楽しいよ
(ビートボックス) さて 最後の曲も これによく似ているんだ
調子いいですね オッケー
(ビートボックス) やるぞ!
(ビートボックス) イェイ ヨ ヨ ヨ ありがとう 次のトークも楽しんでくれ | Mais quand tu es fâché avec quelqu'un c'est pas passé the first time.
And that's one of the things that I enjoy most about this convention.
It's not so much, as so little has to do with what everything is.
But it is within our self-interest to understand the topography of our lives unto ourselves.
The future states that there is no time other than the collapsation of that sensation of the mirror of the memories in which we are living.
Common knowledge, but important nonetheless.
As we face fear in these times, and fear is all around us, we also have anti-fear.
It's hard to imagine or measure.
The background radiation is simply too static to be able to be seen under the normal spectral analysis.
But we feel as though there are times when a lot of us -- you know what I'm saying?
But -- you know what I'm saying?
Because, as a hip hop thing, you know what I'm saying, TED be rocking -- you know what I'm saying.
Like so I wrote a song, and I hope you guys dig it.
It's a song about people and sasquatches -- And other French science stuff.
That's French science.
Okay, here we go.
I've been trying inside I know that I'm in trouble that I'm in trouble by myself But every time it gets me And I've been trying to be the one that you believe in And you're the one that I want to be so saucy And you're the one I want to [unclear], baby And you can do anything as long as you don't get hurt along the way back
If I survive, I'm going to tell you what is wrong Because if you were [unclear] And I think that you're looking like a [unclear] I give you what I want to be And it's like, you could use as many of those things that you want.
And the computer models, no matter how many that you have and how many people that you use, are never going to be able to arrive at the same conclusions.
Four years ago I worked with a few people at the Brookings Institute, and I arrived at a conclusion.
Tomorrow is another day.
Not just any day, but it is a day.
It will get here, there's no question.
And the important thing to remember is that this simulation is a good one.
It's believable, it's tactile.
You can reach out -- things are solid.
You can move objects from one area to another.
You can feel your body.
You can say, "I'd like to go over to this location," and you can move this mass of molecules through the air over to another location, at will.
That's something you live inside of every day.
Now with the allocation and the understanding of the lack of understanding, we enter into a new era of science in which we feel nothing more than so much so as to say that those within themselves, comporary or non-comporary, will figuratively figure into the folding of our non-understanding and our partial understanding to the networks of which we all draw our source and conclusions from.
So, as I say before the last piece, feel not as though it is a sphere we live on, rather an infinite plane which has the illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin.
Once we understand that all the spheres in the sky are just large infinite planes, it will be plain to see.
This is my final piece.
And just remember, everything you are -- it's more important to realize the negative space, as music is only the division of space; it is the space we are listening to divided as such, which gives us the information in comparison to something other that gives us the idea of what the idea that wants to be transmitted wants to be.
So please, without further ado.
Thank you.
This is a fun one.
It goes like this.
Okay, for the last piece I'd like to do, this one goes very similar to this.
I hope you guys recognize it.
Here we go.
Okay, that still works. Okay, good.
All right, here we go.
Here we go.
Yeah, yo, yo, yo Thank you. Enjoy the rest. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「『雑草栽培』で何を試すんですか? 薬草に関しては昨日色々と試した様ですが......」
「はい。......本当は行かせたくないのですが......んんっ! えー、森に行く準備ですが......今日一日準備をし、明日には出発出来る手筈になります」
試行錯誤しながら、頭の中で色々思い浮かべて『雑草栽培』の研究に没頭した。 | “...Did they have it where you come from, Mr. Takumi?”
“Yes. Though, it wasn’t something well known far and wide.”
“I see. This is my first time eating it... I never thought a dessert could be so delicious...”
“While it is a dessert now, I believe that it is usually supposed to be served with meat dishes.”
Is that so... Helena must have put some thought into making this then. I will have to thank her later.”
“Yes. I am very grateful that Ms. Helena always makes such delicious food.”
Leo and Tilura agreed enthusiastically.
Yes, you had to be thankful for people who could cook well.
As soon as we were finished with dessert, Sebastian and Ms. Lyra prepared the tea, and we went to the drawing room.
Also, I learned that the Yorkshire pudding was called York Puddin here.
And so I would call it that if it was ever served again.
“Mr. Takumi, do you have any plans for today?”
“Indeed... There are things that I’d like to test with Weed Cultivation, so if that is alright...can I borrow your back garden again?” “I do not mind. In fact, you should feel free to use it whenever you want, Mr. Takumi.”
“Thank you.”
“So, what will you be testing with Weed Cultivation? You already tested it quite a lot yesterday....”
“Ah... Actually, I’m not very confident that it will work as well as yesterday, so allow me to keep it a secret for now. It’s nothing dangerous, of course. And if I succeed, then I will tell you.”
Ms. Claire looked just a little pouty after I said that it was a secret.
The idea came to me after Leo ate the mysterious plant yesterday... It wasn’t something I had to hide, but I would rather not talk about it yet.
Besides, I wasn’t sure that I could explain it well.
I would figure things out after I tested it with Weed Cultivation and was successful.
And while it was mostly just a whim, I had a feeling that things would go well.
“Oh, are you coming too, Leo?”
“I want to go with Leo!”
As Leo wanted to go out into the back garden, I decided to take her. And then Tilura said that she wanted to go as well.
I suppose I could let them play out there.
That’s what I thought, but to my surprise, Ms. Claire put her foot down.
“No, Tilura. You are supposed to study until lunch time. I let you go yesterday because you had only just recovered from your illness, but you must go back to studying from today.”
“But sister... I hate studying...”
“Even if you hate it, you must acquire proper knowledge.”
“...Yes. I understand...”
It had seemed that Ms. Claire was very soft when it came to her sister, but I now saw that she was strict when it came to studying.
Tilura glanced back at Leo several times as she left through the dining hall.
Well, at that age, it was no wonder that she would prefer to play than to study.
I also hated school, and played a lot...
...It made me feel a little nostalgic.
“...It’s nothing.”
As I started to think of the past, Leo looked into my face with a worried expression.
I patted her big head and then turned to Ms. Claire as I had just remembered something.
“By the way, Ms. Claire. When will we go to the forest that we talked about yesterday?”
“Indeed... Sebastian?”
“Yes. ...Though I’d rather you did not go...ahh! Uh, preparations to go to the forest, yes... We can have everything ready today so that you can leave tomorrow.”
“I see... Then we shall go tomorrow. Is that all right, Mr. Takumi?”
“Yes. I have nothing else to do here other than to test Weed Cultivation. So we should go tomorrow.”
Leo nodded as if to show her agreement. And so it was decided that we would head to the Fenrir Forest on the next day.
As I had only been in this world for a few days, it hadn’t been long at all, and yet it felt like it.
It was the forest that I had woken up in to find that Leo had grown. And where we had encountered monsters.
Also, it was where we met Ms. Claire.
“...As so much has happened, I feel a deep connection, perhaps.”
I muttered under my breath so that no one could hear.
With tomorrow’s plans decided, Ms. Claire and Sebastian left in order to see to it that things would be ready.
And so I went out to the back garden along with Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda.
As soon as we arrived, Leo started to run around.
Was she just excited or was it for exercise...?
Well, since both Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda was here, perhaps this was a good opportunity.
“Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda. Would you like to try riding on Leo?”
“Are you sure?”
“...Is it really all right?”
Ms. Lyra must have wanted to ride Leo, as she looked quite happy.
But Ms. Gelda had always been a little afraid, and seemed worried at the prospect of riding Leo.
“It’ll be fine. Hey, Leo. Come over here.”
I called Leo who was running around, and after she came to me, I told her to carry Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda.
Leo must enjoy carrying people, as she looked at the two maids and then wagged her tail.
Ms. Lyra was already fond of Leo, and should be fine. But Ms. Gelda...
At this point, she was used to being in close proximity to Leo, but she froze up once she had to climb up
“Ms. Gelda, don’t worry. Don’t be scared... Ms. Lyra, please help her.”
And so Ms. Lyra helped push Ms. Gelda onto Leo’s back, and then Leo ran around the garden.
Since it was their first time, Leo started by running much slower than she did with Tilura.
Ms. Lyra was cheering excitedly as she rode, but Ms. Gelda still appeared to be nervous.
“I’ve never seen Ms. Lyra in such high spirits before...”
Ms. Gelda was...uh, well. I would let her ride a little longer until she got used to it.
And so I watched Leo run around cheerfully as I put a hand on the ground, and started the tests for the use of Weed Cultivation that I had thought of yesterday.
When I had made the plant grow, I had not been thinking of an actual shape...
And so with trial and error, I thought of various things in my head and became absorbed in my study of Weed Cultivation. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
「でもねでもね。あれ凍り付いてるけど、まだ何か力がどくどくってしてるのを感じるんだよ? 死んでないかも知れない。だから中から出して完全に処理した方がいいと思う。わたしにやらせてくれないかなあ」
「ひいっ!? あははは......何でもないんです。この子ちょっとヘンな所があって――ほら、すっごく可愛いでしょ? その分ちょーっと性格が変わっちゃってて......! でも大丈夫です、あたしがちゃんと見てますから!」
「いや、何を言っているのか分からんが――そうじゃない! 今、街中に魔石獣が出現したらしい! 危険だから、騒ぎが落ち着くまで聖堂から出ない方がいい。ここは警備も厳重で、安全だから......」
「魔石獣が? よーし腕が鳴る!」
「あーもうクリスってば! 珍しく落ち着きないなぁ......でも、行くのは賛成!」
「ごめんなさい、行きます! 知らせてくれてありがとう!」
「うわっ!? な、何だ......!?」
「お、おい君何をしている! 危ないぞ! おいっ!」
「無茶をするな! 止まれ! 戻るんだ......!」
「馬鹿ッ! 何をしているの!?」
一体何者だ? なかなかやる。
それはイングリスとそう年の変わらない、藍色がかった髪色をした少女だった。 | year old Inglis and the Frozen Prisma
Word Count: ,Standing proud at the center of Arlman was an enormous cathedral, its sheer size alone put any castle to shame. And the frozen body of the Prisma was enshrined within the cathedral.
Strictly speaking, even though they managed to defeat the strongest Magic Stone Beast Prisma, they couldn’t move it anywhere else or process it in any manner. Thus instead, the people built the cathedral around the carcass and stationed forces to guard it, along with establishing a town in the vicinity for the soldiers’ lodgings. Apparently, that was how the town came to be.
Obviously, the cathedral’s security was as tight as can be, and one could only enter under special circumstances.
Rafinha was the daughter of Marquis Wilford and the little sister of the Capital’s overachiever Holy Knight Raphael, she was amongst the people who had permission to enter. Inglis was allowed to come with, as her entourage.
「Uwaah... So that’s Prisma. It looks so strong...!」
Both Rahal and Cyrene were huge when they had been transformed, but the creature in front of them was a couple of times, no, ten times larger than that. It was a giant bird with beautiful prism-colored glittery wings.
The cathedral itself was pretty enormous, but once the two stepped inside, they could see a huge shaft in the middle of it and the upper half of Prisma protruding out of said shaft.
The enormous figure that was seen on the surface was just the tip of the iceberg, quite literally.
There were visible injuries on the creature’s wings, feet, and various other parts.
But, questionably, Inglis could feel some kind of mysterious surges of energy swirling within the ice prison.
By chance, perhaps this creature hadn’t been completely vanquished yet, but she couldn’t be certain since she had never seen a living Prisma.
「Geez, Glis. Don’t stare at it with your eyes glittering. You’ll be seen as a weird kid, you know?」
Fundamentally, the people allowed to enter the cathedral were those of higher standings, such as the High-Grade Knights, high ranking nobles, and administrative officials. The purpose was to instill the fear of Prisma to those people so they could brace themselves for the threat of Magic Stone Beasts. Therefore, people who witnessed this figure would usually look at it with fearful faces. That was how it was supposed to be.
However, Inglis was peering up at it with her glittering eyes as though she was admiring pretty dresses or accessories. As far as reactions went, hers was definitely out of the norm. She might even alert the Knights who were on patrol.
「Aah, how dreamy... I want to fight it... I wonder if it will move again if I thaw the ice, like what happened with Rene.」The aforementioned creature was apparently instinctually terrified of Prisma, she was hiding inside Inglis’ cleavage with only her eyes peeking out.「I’m telling you no, Glis...! This is the most important ward, don’t say anything weird or we’ll get arrested...!」
「But, but, you see. Even though it’s indeed frozen, I feel some kind of power surging out, you know? Maybe it’s not dead yet. That’s why I think it’s better if we let it out and deal with it completely. I wonder if they’ll let me do it.」
「Geez, Glis, I’m telling you...!」
「Hey, you two!」
A Knight, part of the Cathedral’s security, called out to them.
「Hieek!? Ahahaha... it’s nothing! This girl has some loose screws, you see. Look, she’s cute, right? But she’s just a liiittle bit weird, you see? But, it’s okay, I’ll make sure to keep my eyes on her!」
The male knight shook his head when Rafinha forced a smile, trying to pull wool over his eyes.
「No, I don’t even know what you’re talking about— wait, not that! Currently, there are Magic Stone Beasts all over the town! It’s very dangerous, so please don’t go out of the cathedral until the commotion is settled. The security here is tight, so it’s safer in here...」
「Magic Stone Beasts? Just right when I was starting to get antsy!」
Inglis broke into a grin and started to run towards the exit.
Normal Magic Stone Beasts couldn’t possibly match a Prisma, but she’d have them to quench her thirst for battle.
「O-, oi, you!」
The Knight that went to notify them tried to stop Inglis, but of course, his warning fell on deaf ears.
「Aaah, geez, Glis! It’s rare to see you this frantic... But, I’ll come along!」
Some lives could be saved if the two of them jumped into the fray.
There’s also the fact that Rafinha’s sense of justice wouldn’t let her stay still in a safe place.
「We’re sorry, we’ll jump in! Thank you for the notice!」
After giving a simple bow, Rafinha went after Inglis.
The scene that laid before Inglis as she stepped outside was an infestation of a large number of Magic Stone Beasts all over the town.
There were a lot of beasts that seemed to originate from birds, flying over the sky and perching on roofs here and there.
However, the number of Knights that went to subjugate them wasn’t low either.
The town was originally a station to watch over the carcass of a Prisma, after all.
They had more than enough forces to deploy.
Now, where should I start?
That plaza on the far right!
There are at least ten bird-type beasts flocking around over there.
That would be the nearest place with the highest number of beasts.
A squad of Knights made a row of human barricades, inching closer towards the Magic Stone Beasts.
「...I won’t let you!」
Inglis ran up towards the knights from their back and leaped over their heads.
She then lunged into the flock of beasts all by herself.
「Uwah!? Wh-, what...!?」
「O-, oi, what are you doing!? It’s dangerous! Oi!」
「Don’t be reckless! Stop! Get back here...!」
The Knights were worried for Inglis’ safety, calling out to her from behind, almost screaming.
「Thank you. I’m fine.」
I should at least appreciate their worry.
With that in mind, Inglis turned around and gave them a smile.
At that very moment, a humanoid silhouette jumped at her from the streets.
「You idiot! What the hell are you doing!?」
Who is it? They’re quite talented.
Curious, Inglis directed her attention to the person.
It was a girl, around the same age as herself, with indigo blue hair. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 28,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
身分証とかそういうのって作れないのかな? 落ち着いたらクレアさん達に相談しよう。
まぁ、新しく仕立ててもらった服にしたのは俺が落ち着かないからという理由が大きいからな、このままでいかせてもらおうと思う。 | It would take nearly an hour to reach the town of Ractos by carriage, but it was only half an hour with Leo.
It would have likely been an even shorter trip if Leo ran at full speed, but if she did that, Ms. Lyra would have likely been thrown off.
Speaking of Ms. Lyra, she had ridden on Leo quite a few times by now, and so she was able to keep calm and balance on Leo’s back without throwing her arms around me.
...It wasn’t as if I was expecting her to...or anything... Truly.
Leo stopped right outside of the town, and we then made our way to the gate on foot.
And while the gatekeeper stopped us, Ms. Lyra showed them a relief of the duke, and they let us through.
Now that I thought about it, I was just some strange person walking around with a huge Silver Fenrir.
It was no wonder that we would be stopped by the guards.
I wonder if I could have some form of identification made? I would have to ask Ms. Claire about that later.
After going through the gates, and feeling the gazes of the passersby on us, we went down the same road that Sebastian had led us until we reached the tailor.
“Welcome... Ah, Mr. Takumi. It’s good to see you again. The clothes you ordered are ready.”
It was the same man who took care of us last time...Mr. Halton, I think... He appeared from the back of the shop.
And he remembered who I was.
Mr. Halton showed me the clothes, and I tried them on.
If I had any complaints regarding size and comfort, he would be able to make adjustments here.
In the meantime, Ms. Lyra dealt with the matter of payment.
Sorry, I’ll return it as soon as I have money from selling herbs...
As the trousers were a little long, I had them fixed, and then I left the store while wearing the newly tailored clothes.
I would carry my old clothes with me, as it would be too much of a hassle to change when we got back.
Thinking about it now, I was rather grateful to Ms. Claire for having insisted that I have at least one set of clothes made. It was with such thoughts that we made our way back to the mansion.
It was nearly time to meet the master.
“Mr. Takumi. It suits you very well.” “Thank you.”
Even if she was just being polite, I thanked Ms. Lyra as we left the town of Ractos behind us.
It would likely be just before midday when we got back.
I was glad that there would be plenty of time... Had I been more late in realizing it, even riding on Leo might not have been fast enough to get the clothes.
Well, they had all insured me that the duke would not mind, but I suppose that I did.
I was finally getting used to not having to wear a suit everywhere, but in times like these, I felt more comfortable in formal clothes.
And so I had Leo run swiftly once again, and we arrived at the mansion with time to spare.
Thanks, Leo.
I patted Leo on the back to show my gratitude.
Leo looked quite satisfied by this.
Next to me, Ms. Lyra also petted Leo.
Next time, maybe I would join Leo as she played with Sherry and Tilura.
Inside, preparations must have been completed, as the floor was shining brightly, and the maids were inspecting the area around the stairs and seemed to be content with their work.
I suppose it was a final inspection after cleaning.
It was no longer frantic like it was this morning.
After making note of this, I returned to my room and put down my old clothes.
Just then, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.”
“Excuse me.”
It was Ms. Gelda who entered.
“Ah, Ms. Gelda. We just returned.”
“Welcome back, Mr. Takumi. I relayed the message to Lady Claire.” “Thank you.”
I was glad that she had got the message, and thanked Ms. Gelda.
“But we didn’t expect you to return so quickly...” “Ah, it’s because Leo did her best.”
Now that I think about it, I hadn’t told Ms. Gelda that I would be riding on Leo.
Well, we were in quite a rush. And so I had only been thinking about notifying Ms. Claire.
“If you rode on the great Leo, that would explain things. ...Also, Mr. Takumi, lunch will be ready soon, so please come to the dining hall.”
“I understand.”
So that was why Ms. Gelda had come.
After that, she left the room with Ms. Lyra.
It was just me and Leo left.
“Thanks for your help today, Leo.”
“Wuff. Wuff-wuff.”
Leo replied, looking a little bashful.
I had thanked Leo and petted her earlier, but I did so again here.
Though we were buddies, I did not want to take being together or her allowing me to ride on her for granted.
And so after patting her thoroughly on the head, I left the room and headed for the dining hall.
Surely Ms. Claire and the others had finished talking by now?
While Leo and I walked down the hall, we saw Ms. Claire, Tilura, and Sebastian walking out into the hallway as well.
As they were coming from the opposite direction, they were likely going to the dining hall as well.
“Mr. Takumi, I heard that you went to Ractos.”
“Those clothes suit you very well.” “You look good!”
“Thank you. I went with Ms. Lyra and Leo to pick them up at the tailor.” “Yes, Gelda told me about that. I hope there were no problems while you were there?”
“There were a few small adjustments to be made, but it’s very comfortable, and I have no complaints.”
Ms. Claire and Tilura praised the formal, tailored clothes as I told Sebastian about how it went.
“Now His Grace will have no reason to criticize... Of course, he is not likely to do so in the first place...”
“Father barely even cares about his own clothes...”
“Father...sometimes smells...”
As Ms. Lyra said, it probably didn’t matter what I was wearing.
Well, the biggest reason was that I wanted to feel comfortable in these new clothes. And so I would continue to wear them. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 8,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
7歳のとき テレビで 皆が石を投げているのを見て 「これは面白そうだ」と思いました
そこで 私は表に出て 石を投げました 本来 イスラエルの車に向けて 石を投げるべきだったのですが
近所の車に 石をぶつけてしまいました 私の愛国主義は 感心されませんでした
これは 兄と私の写真です
小さい方が私です きっと こうお思いでしょう 「昔はかわいかったのに どうしちゃったんだい?」
私のこの兄は 18歳のときに逮捕され 投石の罪で刑務所に入れられました
石を投げたことを認めなかったため 彼は暴行を受け 内臓に損傷を負い そのことが原因で 出所後すぐに亡くなりました
私は怒りに駆られ 憤慨し 復讐を心に誓いました
就職のため ヘブライ語を学ぼうと ヘブライ語の学校に通い そこで 初めて 兵士ではないユダヤ人に会いました
本当にささやかなことですが パレスチナ人には珍しく カントリー音楽好きなことなどもあり 私たちは仲良くなりました
ただ そのとき初めて 二人の間には壁があることに気付きました 怒り 憎悪 無知という壁が 私たちを隔てているのです
でも 私は思いました 自分の身に何が起こるかは重要ではなく
本当に大事なのは 私が それにどう向き合うかだと
ですから 私は人生をかけて 人々を隔てるこの壁を 崩そうと決めました
以来 様々な方法で 取り組んでいます
観光も その一つですし メディアや教育もあります きっと こうお思いでしょう 「観光で何かを変えられるのか?
壁が崩せるのか?」 ―答えはイエスです
観光こそ 最も安定して これらの壁を打ち崩し お互いを結びつけて友情を培う 持続可能な方法を 創れるものなのです
2009年 私はMejdi Toursを 共同設立しました 人々を結びつけることを目的とした 社会事業で ユダヤ人の友だち二人と作りました 私たちがしようとしているのは― 具体例で言えば エルサレムで イスラエル人とパレスチナ人各1名の ツアーガイド2名で 一緒に観光案内をするというものです 二人は 全く異なる観点から 歴史や言い伝え 考古学や紛争を語ります
以前に コビーという友人と 一緒にツアーをしました シカゴからのユダヤ人の方々を エルサレムで案内したのですが 皆さんを パレスチナの 難民キャンプにお連れし そこで このような ご馳走を食べました
ちなみに こちらは母です 素敵でしょう
これは パレスチナの料理 「マクルーバ」です
お米と鶏肉を調理し 最後にひっくり返すのです
そして イスラエルとパレスチナの 合同バンドが演奏し ベリーダンスをしました
ご存知のない方 あとで教えて差し上げますよ
そして 私たちが帰る日には 双方とも泣いていました 離れたくなかったのです
3年経っても まだこの関係は続いています
想像してください 毎年 海外旅行をする― 10億人の人たちが こんな風に旅をするんです ただ バスに乗って 名所をまわり ホテルを移動し 車窓から 人々や文化の 写真を撮るのではなく 実際に人と結びつくのです
以前 イギリスからの イスラム教徒のグループを
正統派ユダヤ教徒の家に お連れして そこの家族と 安息日の夕食を共にしました ハミンというユダヤ料理のシチューを 一緒に食べました しばらくして 100年前 彼らの祖先もまた 北アフリカの同じ地方から やって来たのだと気づき
絆を深めたのでした これは Facebookの プロフィール用写真にするのでも
これは 旅行の「未来」です 皆さんも 私と一緒に 旅を変えてください
私たちは 世界中で この取組みをしています アイルランドから イラン トルコまで 皆で あちこちに出かけ 世界を変えていきましょう
ありがとうございました | When I was seven years old, I remember watching television and seeing people throwing rocks, and thinking, this must be a fun thing to do.
So I got out to the street and threw rocks, not realizing I was supposed to throw rocks at Israeli cars.
Instead, I ended up stoning my neighbors' cars. They were not enthusiastic about my patriotism.
This is my picture with my brother.
This is me, the little one, and I know what you're thinking: "You used to look cute, what the heck happened to you?"
But my brother, who is older than me, was arrested when he was 18, taken to prison on charges of throwing stones.
He was beaten up when he refused to confess that he threw stones, and as a result, had internal injuries that caused his death soon after he was released from prison.
I was angry, I was bitter, and all I wanted was revenge.
But that changed when I was 18.
I decided that I needed Hebrew to get a job, and going to study Hebrew in that classroom was the first time I ever met Jews who were not soldiers.
And we connected over really small things, like the fact that I love country music, which is really strange for Palestinians.
But it was then that I realized also that we have a wall of anger, of hatred and of ignorance that separates us.
I decided that it doesn't matter what happens to me.
What really matters is how I deal with it.
And therefore, I decided to dedicate my life to bringing down the walls that separate people.
I do so through many ways.
Tourism is one of them, but also media and education, and you might be wondering, really, can tourism change things?
Can it bring down walls? Yes.
Tourism is the best sustainable way to bring down those walls and to create a sustainable way of connecting with each other and creating friendships.
In 2009, I cofounded Mejdi Tours, a social enterprise that aims to connect people, with two Jewish friends, by the way, and what we'll do, the model we did, for example, in Jerusalem, we would have two tour guides, one Israeli and one Palestinian, guiding the trips together, telling history and narrative and archaeology and conflict from totally different perspectives.
I remember running a trip together with a friend named Kobi -- Jewish congregation from Chicago, the trip was in Jerusalem -- and we took them to a refugee camp, a Palestinian refugee camp, and there we had this amazing food.
By the way, this is my mother. She's cool.
And that's the Palestinian food called maqluba.
It means "upside-down."
You cook it with rice and chicken, and you flip it upside-down.
It's the best meal ever.
And we'll eat together.
Then we had a joint band, Israeli and Palestinian musicians, and we did some belly-dancing.
If you don't know any, I'll teach you later.
But when we left, both sides, they were crying because they did not want to leave.
Three years later, those relationships still exist.
Imagine with me if the one billion people who travel internationally every year travel like this, not being taken in the bus from one side to another, from one hotel to another, taking pictures from the windows of their buses of people and cultures, but actually connecting with people.
You know, I remember having a Muslim group from the U.K.
going to the house of an Orthodox Jewish family, and having their first Friday night dinners, that Sabbath dinner, and eating together hamin, which is a Jewish food, a stew, that a hundred years ago, their families came out of the same place in Northern Africa.
This is not a photo profile for your Facebook.
This is not disaster tourism.
This is the future of travel, and I invite you to join me to do that, to change your travel.
We're doing it all over the world now, from Ireland to Iran to Turkey, and we see ourselves going everywhere to change the world.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
さてと、とりあえず迷宮についての情報はこんなところかしらね。 | Through the selfless sacrifice of my bodyguard, Ichiko, I had become the first survivor of the labyrinth X-J.
But in reality, the truth was otherwise. Neither was I a survivor nor was Ichiko dead. Ichiko and I had simply been converted into Kurokiri’s kin.
“Phew. Finally, all the tedious interviews and media coverage are concluded.”
A week has passed since I, Nasu Ryo, transitioned from human to Kirijin. During this interval, Ichiko had apparently made it to the southern dungeon “Ogre’s Fortress” and had begun to hunt enemies.
My parents hadn’t raised any particular comment to me, nor did they seem to be pondering appointing a new bodyguard for me. The reason was that... perhaps from the outsider’s point of view, I seemed to be heartbroken over the loss of Ichiko.
They did, however, appear to be debating whether or not to move out. I did everything I could to stop them, so all was well, but why did I stop them? Just in case... my true identity would be exposed... I wished to have a place where I can escape right away.
Furthermore, I selfishly asked Kurokiri to discreetly build an entrance to the second level of the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” in the basement of my house. The cost was substantial, though.
“Well, I should probably start on my task now.”
For now, I re-focused my attention and proceeded with the assignment that Kurokiri had ordered me to handle.
To begin with, my country currently had five dungeons.
The labyrinth X-J, officially designated as “Ogre’s Fortress,” arose in the capital city and was currently labeled as being in a state of war.
The most threatening labyrinth in the country was X-J, “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest,” which was ruled by Kurokiri.
X-J emerged in the ancient city in the west.
X-J emerged in the northernmost part of the country.
X-J emerged on a volcanic island in the southwest.
Among these, X-J and X-J required no further elaboration, since Ichiko had been to X-J1, and X-J2 was a dungeon under the jurisdiction of Kurokiri.
So, let’s move on to X-J3.
The labyrinth was primarily inhabited by beast-like demons, according to reports gathered at her father’s side as well as information on the news and the Internet, and while it appeared that demons do not venture out of the labyrinth, 40% of those who entered it were reported to be dead, and 30% were injured to the point where they could not engage in combat in the future. Well, compared to ours, it’s not that awful.
Next was X-J4.
This dungeon was mainly populated by ice and water-based demons and was said to be perpetually frozen and shrouded in snow.
Although demons had been sighted stepping out from time to time, it seemed they only strike at criminals, bears, and other dangerous animals when that happened.
Finally, there was X-J5.
This place was thoroughly reclusive with no information accessible about it at all. To begin with, the entrance to the dungeon resided in a crater, making it apparently inaccessible to humans unless they possess special skills or equipment. I may have to request Kurokiri to dispatch some Fogs to that site.
These were the only dungeons in Japan; however, there were many more dungeons across the world.
For starters, there were a total of 666 labyrinths in existence, all of which emerged from the barriers that day.
And if I was to elevate the most well-known of them, that would be::
A labyrinth of sky-high towers that was popularly known as the “Skyscraper” had arisen in a building district of a certain major country.
Even in the middle of the ocean, there were labyrinths to be found. Among them, there were about 50 that were aggressively assaulting humans like the “Ogre’s Fortress”. There were roughly 100 labyrinths like “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” where people might have been abducted in clandestine operations and 80 labyrinths like X-J5 where the monsters were staying indoors.
The rest were supposed to specialize in an interception.
“Huh? Why is there no Demon King who would consider joining hands with humans...?”
[That’s because the Demon King’s correction ensures that they cannot beg for their lives. If they thoughtlessly show up at the negotiating table, they’ll end up in a full-fledged mess.]
[I’m free, so I’ve been running some tests on the communication. The signal sensitivity seems to be fine. I’m hanging up now.]
“...What a nuisance....”
At any rate, I should resume the summary.
There were around 200 labyrinths in the world that people were actively striving to conquer out of the total of 666. These 200 labyrinths were practically like the “Ogre’s Fortress,” where people’s lives would be jeopardized if the labyrinths were not seized promptly.
And about 300 labyrinths were under close surveillance, just like Kurokiri’s dungeon.
The remaining labyrinths, such as X-J5, were placed in such an unfavorable site that even surveillance was inadequate.
Next, let’s look at the level of danger.
The United Nations ranked the danger as higher if the number of survivors was low in proportion to the number of people entering the labyrinth, as well as the monsters inside and the structure of the labyrinth.
It was claimed that I was the lone survivor in the case of “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest,” and that I was the only one who was abducted even under the strictest precautions. Furthermore, the inner structure was completely unknown (I had informed people that the mist was so dense that I could not make out anything).
But according to Kurokiri, “The fundamental tactic in my labyrinth is to avoid a head-on confrontation and kill the victim in a one-sided battle.”
For the time being, I supposed that was all the information I had on the labyrinths. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 8
} |
「食べることが必要ないだって!? 人生の楽しみを失ったも同然じゃないか!」
カヌレはテーブルに額が着くほど深々と頭を下げた。 | Grace had informed Mitrof of the location of the inn where she was staying, but Mitrof had no reason to visit her and didn’t think it was appropriate for him to drop by casually. He would not have gone there himself unless there was a compelling reason.
However, at this moment, he had a reason that could be considered very compelling.
The inn, called the Silver Deer Inn, was old and gloomy despite its name. The first floor housed the reception desk and dining hall, which apparently also served as a bar at night. The backs of people drinking in the dim light could be seen, but there was no joyful chatter to be heard.
Mitrof asked the old woman who was paddling a boat (?) while sitting at the reception desk to call Grace for him.
When Grace came down the stairs, she was, of course, wearing casual clothing that was loose-fitting. Her hair, which was usually tied up in a labyrinth, was also loosely flowing, and the ends were tied up in a single ponytail.
In the labyrinth, she was a hunter with a strikingly brave appearance. But in the inn, the impression of her as a beautiful young girl was much stronger, and Mitrof had to make an effort to disguise his admiration for her.
“What’s wrong, Mitrof?—Did something happen?”
“Well, there’s someone who wants to become a porter—I couldn’t make a decision alone, so I brought her here.”
“Hmm, she wants to join our party?”
Her tangled hair cast delicate shadows as she tilted her head, and the lantern light illuminated her thin, white neck. Her deep blue eyes captured the small figure of Canule in a black coat standing behind Mitrof.
“Nice to meet you—my name is Canule—Mitrof-san here saved my life, and that’s how we became acquainted—I was hoping to ask for your help.”
“Well, fine—let’s talk about it in more detail over there.”
Led by the presumptuous Grace, the three of them gathered around a table in a corner of the dining room.
Mitrof explained about the recent encounter, although he didn’t have much to say as he had come here without knowing the details.
However, Grace seemed to have a good idea just from Mitrof’s explanation.
“...Are you a branded child?”
Canule nodded and searched for the surrounding glances. After confirming that nobody was paying attention to them, she lifted her hood slightly. There was an unmistakable skull, with only a cavity in the eye socket.
“...I’ve heard that curses from relics come in various forms, but it’s hard to say.”
“I think just having survived was lucky enough.”
While listening to their conversation, Mitrof snorted through his nose.
The labyrinth has many relics. However, occasionally relics that have been cursed or retained magical influences from previous eras are found. Those affected by it are called the “branded children.”
In fairy tales, those who have been cursed sometimes exhibit abilities equivalent to those of non-human existences, but often they die or lose something from their bodies. This is because they almost always explode like a magic bomb.
Given this reality, Canule’s situation, where her appearance is just a skeleton, seems to be unique.
“So, you want to become a porter to dive into the labyrinth?”
“Yes. I thought there might be a clue to lifting the curse somewhere in the labyrinth. Besides, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be approved as an adventurer in this state...”
“As for the porter, there is no guild assessment, which is left to the discretion of the party—it might be a good idea.”
“Hmm,” Grace said, crossing her arms.
“It would certainly be helpful to have a porter; however, in reality, we cannot afford to hire anyone with our current income; we have only just reached the fourth floor of the dungeon.”
“Payment is more of a formality—since turning like this, I no longer need to eat or drink,” Canule calmly stated, shocking Mitrof with her confession.
“Not needing to eat or drink?!—It’s like losing the joy of life!”
At Mitrof’s loud voice, Canule jumped in surprise.
“I’m sorry. I got a little too excited.”
“How obsessed are you with eating?”
“Don’t praise me like that—I’ve been living frugally lately, so my emotions have been running high.”
“I’m just astonished.”
Anyway, Grace and Canule gaze at one another.
“You can delve into the labyrinth and search for clues to recover your form; we can increase our safety and rewards by hiring a porter; it might not be a bad deal; what do you think, Mitrof?”
“I agree—it’s not easy to find someone to join our party, so this is a great opportunity.”
“Then it’s decided—come back here tomorrow morning around the time of two bells.”
While Grace speaks, Canule remains silent.
“Is something the matter?”
“No, it’s nothing—I just didn’t expect to be accepted so easily... Do you two not feel any aversion toward the branded?”
“Come to think of it, you were chased after being called monsters.”
“When I bumped into someone in the crowd, my hood slipped off and my face was exposed—but I think that’s a normal reaction,” Canule lowered their head sadly.
“Certainly, there may be such prejudices among those who live in the city—If you don’t know about relics, you won’t be able to understand the difference between a curse and a monster.”
Grace nodded.
“I have been a hunter all my life, but I was brought up with the common sense of an adventurer—there is no reason to make a fuss over branded children—unless, of course, you’re a vicious person who’s plotting against us, that’s a different story, isn’t it?”
“Not at all!”
Canule shook her hands vigorously. The movement expressed her emotions as if they were her own and even conveyed a sense of innocence.
Grace smiled wryly, thinking that it was quite an impossible hypothesis, despite saying it herself.
“I know. Mitrof, you weren’t concerned about Canule’s appearance from the beginning, were you?”
“The appearance is certainly unique, but trolls and fangs are scarier,” replied Mitrof.
“Indeed, compared to a troll, there may be nothing to fear.”
The two nodded at each other.
For adventurers, it was important to consider the level of danger posed by a monster rather than getting excited about whether it was a monster or not. Compared to a troll, Canule was nothing more than a young girl.
Looking at Canule’s skeletal head, only citizens would get excited about whether she was a monster or not. Underneath the thick cloth, there was a cold, hard feeling of bones. It made Canule feel as if she was no longer human and had become a monster.
She had become accustomed to being avoided by people, being called a monster, and being pursued by them.
Canule experienced an internal welling up as a result of these two, whom she had just met, accepting her calmly. It was a strange feeling of wanting to cry, not because of pain or sadness, but because of warmth and joy.
“——Thank you very much. I will do my best.”
Canule bowed so deeply that her forehead touched the table. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
ルネ・デカルト 著
もしこの論説が、一度に読むには長すぎると思ったら、6 部に分けてもかまわない。
第 1 部
同僚のなかで、とっても高い理性を持っていて、自分の考えを、はっきりわかりやすい形で、上手に表現していた人たちは、自分たちの主張の正しさで他人を説得するのが上手だったけれど、かれらはlower Brittanyのことばでしか話せず、レトリックの規則にはまったく無知だった。
第 2 部
第 3 部
第 4 部
そしてこの真理、われ思う、故にわれあり(COGITO ERGO SUM)がまったく確実で、確固たる証拠を持ち、どんなにとんでもないものであれ、疑問の余地はないことがわかった。
同じように、われわれはしばしば、まちがいを含んだ思いつきや考えを抱くけれど、これはある程度までは混乱して不明瞭なものがあって初めてあり得るのであり、そしてそれが無から出てきたなら、 (participate of negation), つまりはわれわれの中にそのように混乱したものがあるのは、われわれが完全ではないからだ、ということになる。
第 5 部
その一つ目が大静脈 (vena cava)で、血液を受け取る最大の管であり、体中の静脈すべてを枝だと考えれば、いわば幹にあたるものだ。
そしてもう一つがarterial vein (vena arteriosa) だ。
またarterial vein (肺動脈)の入り口にも3枚あって、大静脈の場合とは正反対についている。
同じように、肺からの血を心臓の左心室に送り込むvenous artery(肺静脈)の入り口にも弁が2つある。
venous artery(肺静脈)の開口部は、その役割の性質から楕円形になっているので、弁が2つできちんと閉じられるのだが、それ以外の開口部は円形なので、3つあったほうが閉じやすいのだ。
あと、大動脈とarterial vein(肺動脈)が、venous artery(肺静脈)や大静脈よりもずっとしっかりとして高密な材質からできているのも見てほしい。
これによって、arterial vein(肺動脈)と大動脈の枝が心臓とほぼ同時に拡張する。
すると小さな6つのバルブが閉じて、大静脈と venous artery(肺静脈)の入り口のバルブが改めて開いて、血がもう二滴入ってくるのを許す。
また子宮内にいるときには子供は肺を使えないので、大静脈から心臓の左心室に血液を流すための穴があり、それがarterial vein(肺動脈)から大動脈へと肺を経由せずに流れ込むための管がある。
こうした概念が受け取られたときに、通常の感覚 (sensus communis) はなにを理解しなくてはならないか。
第 6 部
そしてわたしは常に、この世の最高の富貴を与えてくれるような人物よりも、わたしがじゃまされずに隠退生活を楽しむことを可能にするだけの配慮を与えてくれている人たちのほうに、感謝の念を捧げるものである。 | Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences
Rene Descartes
If this Discourse appear too long to be read at once, it may be divided into six Parts:
and, in the first, will be found various considerations touching the Sciences;
in the second, the principal rules of the Method which the Author has discovered,
in the third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method;
in the fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul,
which are the foundations of his Metaphysic;
in the fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has investigated, and, in particular, the explication of the motion of the heart and of some other difficulties pertaining to Medicine,
as also the difference between the soul of man and that of the brutes;
and, in the last, what the Author believes to be required in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet been made, with the reasons that have induced him to write.
Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed;
for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess.
And in this it is not likely that all are mistaken the conviction is rather to be held as testifying that the power of judging aright and of distinguishing truth from error, which is properly what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men;
and that the diversity of our opinions, consequently, does not arise from some being endowed with a larger share of reason than others, but solely from this, that we conduct our thoughts along different ways, and do not fix our attention on the same objects.
For to be possessed of a vigorous mind is not enough;
the prime requisite is rightly to apply it.
The greatest minds, as they are capable of the highest excellences, are open likewise to the greatest aberrations;
and those who travel very slowly may yet make far greater progress, provided they keep always to the straight road, than those who, while they run, forsake it.
For myself, I have never fancied my mind to be in any respect more perfect than those of the generality;
on the contrary, I have often wished that I were equal to some others in promptitude of thought, or in clearness and distinctness of imagination, or in fullness and readiness of memory.
And besides these, I know of no other qualities that contribute to the perfection of the mind;
for as to the reason or sense, inasmuch as it is that alone which constitutes us men, and distinguishes us from the brutes, I am disposed to believe that it is to be found complete in each individual;
and on this point to adopt the common opinion of philosophers,
who say that the difference of greater and less holds only among the accidents, and not among the forms or natures of individuals of the same species.
I will not hesitate, however, to avow my belief that it has been my singular good fortune to have very early in life fallen in with certain tracks
which have conducted me to considerations and maxims, of which I have formed a method that gives me the means, as I think, of gradually augmenting my knowledge, and of raising it by little and little to the highest point
which the mediocrity of my talents and the brief duration of my life will permit me to reach.
For I have already reaped from it such fruits that,
although I have been accustomed to think lowly enough of myself, and although when I look with the eye of a philosopher at the varied courses and pursuits of mankind at large, I find scarcely one which does not appear in vain and useless,
I nevertheless derive the highest satisfaction from the progress I conceive myself to have already made in the search after truth,
and cannot help entertaining such expectations of the future as to believe that if, among the occupations of men as men, there is any one really excellent and important, it is that which I have chosen.
After all, it is possible I may be mistaken;
and it is but a little copper and glass, perhaps, that I take for gold and diamonds.
I know how very liable we are to delusion in what relates to ourselves, and also how much the judgments of our friends are to be suspected when given in our favor.
But I shall endeavor in this discourse to describe the paths I have followed,
and to delineate my life as in a picture,
in order that each one may also be able to judge of them for himself, and that in the general opinion entertained of them, as gathered from current report, I myself may have a new help towards instruction to be added to those I have been in the habit of employing.
My present design, then, is not to teach the method which each ought to follow for the right conduct of his reason,
but solely to describe the way in which I have endeavored to conduct my own.
They who set themselves to give precepts must of course regard themselves as possessed of greater skill than those to whom they prescribe;
and if they err in the slightest particular, they subject themselves to censure.
But as this tract is put forth merely as a history, or, if you will, as a tale, in which, amid some examples worthy of imitation, there will be found, perhaps, as many more which it were advisable not to follow,
I hope it will prove useful to some without being hurtful to any, and that my openness will find some favor with all.
From my childhood, I have been familiar with letters;
and as I was given to believe that by their help a clear and certain knowledge of all that is useful in life might be acquired, I was ardently desirous of instruction.
But as soon as I had finished the entire course of study, at the close of which it is customary to be admitted into the order of the learned, I completely changed my opinion.
For I found myself involved in so many doubts and errors,
that I was convinced I had advanced no farther in all my attempts at learning, than the discovery at every turn of my own ignorance.
And yet I was studying in one of the most celebrated schools in Europe, in which I thought there must be learned men, if such were anywhere to be found.
I had been taught all that others learned there;
and not contented with the sciences actually taught us, I had, in addition, read all the books that had fallen into my hands, treating of such branches as are esteemed the most curious and rare.
I knew the judgment which others had formed of me;
and I did not find that I was considered inferior to my fellows,
although there were among them some who were already marked out to fill the places of our instructors.
And, in fine, our age appeared to me as flourishing, and as fertile in powerful minds as any preceding one.
I was thus led to take the liberty of judging of all other men by myself, and of concluding that there was no science in existence that was of such a nature as I had previously been given to believe.
I still continued, however, to hold in esteem the studies of the schools.
I was aware that the languages taught in them are necessary to the understanding of the writings of the ancients;
that the grace of fable stirs the mind;
that the memorable deeds of history elevate it;
and, if read with discretion, aid in forming the judgment;
that the perusal of all excellent books is, as it were, to interview with the noblest men of past ages, who have written them, and even a studied interview, in which are discovered to us only their choicest thoughts;
that eloquence has incomparable force and beauty;
that poesy has its ravishing graces and delights;
that in the mathematics there are many refined discoveries eminently suited to gratify the inquisitive, as well as further all the arts an lessen the labour of man;
that numerous highly useful precepts and exhortations to virtue are contained in treatises on morals;
that theology points out the path to heaven;
that philosophy affords the means of discoursing with an appearance of truth on all matters, and commands the admiration of the more simple;
that jurisprudence, medicine, and the other sciences, secure for their cultivators honors and riches;
and, in fine, that it is useful to bestow some attention upon all,
even upon those abounding the most in superstition and error, that we may be in a position to determine their real value, and guard against being deceived.
But I believed that I had already given sufficient time to languages, and likewise to the reading of the writings of the ancients, to their histories and fables.
For to hold converse with those of other ages and to travel, are almost the same thing.
It is useful to know something of the manners of different nations,
that we may be enabled to form a more correct judgment regarding our own, and be prevented from thinking that everything contrary to our customs is ridiculous and irrational,
a conclusion usually come to by those whose experience has been limited to their own country.
On the other hand, when too much time is occupied in traveling, we become strangers to our native country;
and the over curious in the customs of the past are generally ignorant of those of the present.
Besides, fictitious narratives lead us to imagine the possibility of many events that are impossible;
and even the most faithful histories, if they do not wholly misrepresent matters, or exaggerate their importance to render the account of them more worthy of perusal, omit, at least, almost always the meanest and least striking of the attendant circumstances;
hence it happens that the remainder does not represent the truth, and that such as regulate their conduct by examples drawn from this source, are apt to fall into the extravagances of the knight-errants of romance, and to entertain projects that exceed their powers.
I esteemed eloquence highly, and was in raptures with poesy;
but I thought that both were gifts of nature rather than fruits of study.
Those in whom the faculty of reason is predominant, and who most skillfully dispose their thoughts with a view to render them clear and intelligible, are always the best able to persuade others of the truth of what they lay down, though they should speak only in the language of Lower Brittany, and be wholly ignorant of the rules of rhetoric;
and those whose minds are stored with the most agreeable fancies, and who can give expression to them with the greatest embellishment and harmony, are still the best poets, though unacquainted with the art of poetry.
I was especially delighted with the mathematics,
on account of the certitude and evidence of their reasonings;
but I had not as yet a precise knowledge of their true use;
and thinking that they but contributed to the advancement of the mechanical arts, I was astonished that foundations, so strong and solid, should have had no loftier superstructure reared on them.
On the other hand, I compared the disquisitions of the ancient moralists to very towering and magnificent palaces with no better foundation than sand and mud:
they laud the virtues very highly, and exhibit them as estimable far above anything on earth;
but they give us no adequate criterion of virtue, and frequently that which they designate with so fine a name is but apathy, or pride, or despair, or parricide.
I revered our theology, and aspired as much as any one to reach heaven:
but being given assuredly to understand that the way is not less open to the most ignorant than to the most learned, and that the revealed truths which lead to heaven are above our comprehension, I did not presume to subject them to the impotency of my reason;
and I thought that in order competently to undertake their examination, there was need of some special help from heaven,
and of being more than man.
Of philosophy I will say nothing,
except that when I saw that it had been cultivated for many ages by the most distinguished men, and that yet there is not a single matter within its sphere which is not still in dispute, and nothing, therefore, which is above doubt, I did not presume to anticipate that my success would be greater in it than that of others;
and further, when I considered the number of conflicting opinions touching a single matter that may be upheld by learned men, while there can be but one true, I reckoned as well-nigh false all that was only probable.
As to the other sciences, inasmuch as these borrow their principles from philosophy, I judged that no solid superstructures could be reared on foundations so infirm;
and neither the honor nor the gain held out by them was sufficient to determine me to their cultivation:
for I was not, thank Heaven, in a condition which compelled me to make merchandise of science for the bettering of my fortune;
and though I might not profess to scorn glory as a cynic, I yet made very slight account of that honor which I hoped to acquire only through fictitious titles.
And, in fine, of false sciences I thought I knew the worth sufficiently to escape being deceived by the professions of an alchemist, the predictions of an astrologer, the impostures of a magician, or by the artifices and boasting of any of those who profess to know things of which they are ignorant.
For these reasons, as soon as my age permitted me to pass from under the control of my instructors, I entirely abandoned the study of letters, and resolved no longer to seek any other science than the knowledge of myself, or of the great book of the world.
I spent the remainder of my youth in traveling, in visiting courts and armies, in holding intercourse with men of different dispositions and ranks, in collecting varied experience,
in proving myself in the different situations into which fortune threw me, and, above all, in making such reflection on the matter of my experience as to secure my improvement.
For it occurred to me that I should find much more truth in the reasonings of each individual with reference to the affairs in which he is personally interested, and the issue of which must presently punish him if he has judged amiss, than in those conducted by a man of letters in his study, regarding speculative matters that are of no practical moment, and followed by no consequences to himself, farther, perhaps, than that they foster his vanity the better the more remote they are from common sense;
requiring, as they must in this case, the exercise of greater ingenuity and art to render them probable.
In addition, I had always a most earnest desire to know how to distinguish the true from the false, in order that I might be able clearly to discriminate the right path in life, and proceed in it with confidence.
It is true that, while busied only in considering the manners of other men, I found here, too, scarce any ground for settled conviction, and remarked hardly less contradiction among them than in the opinions of the philosophers.
So that the greatest advantage I derived from the study consisted in this,
that, observing many things which, however extravagant and ridiculous to our apprehension, are yet by common consent received and approved by other great nations, I learned to entertain too decided a belief in regard to nothing of the truth of which I had been persuaded merely by example and custom;
and thus I gradually extricated myself from many errors powerful enough to darken our natural intelligence, and incapacitate us in great measure from listening to reason.
But after I had been occupied several years in thus studying the book of the world, and in essaying to gather some experience, I at length resolved to make myself an object of study, and to employ all the powers of my mind in choosing the paths I ought to follow,
an undertaking which was accompanied with greater success than it would have been had I never quitted my country or my books.
I was then in Germany,
attracted thither by the wars in that country, which have not yet been brought to a termination;
and as I was returning to the army from the coronation of the emperor, the setting in of winter arrested me in a locality where, as I found no society to interest me, and was besides fortunately undisturbed by any cares or passions, I remained the whole day in seclusion, with full opportunity to occupy my attention with my own thoughts.
Of these one of the very first that occurred to me was, that there is seldom so much perfection in works composed of many separate parts, upon which different hands had been employed, as in those completed by a single master.
Thus it is observable that the buildings which a single architect has planned and executed, are generally more elegant and commodious than those which several have attempted to improve, by making old walls serve for purposes for which they were not originally built.
Thus also, those ancient cities which, from being at first only villages, have become, in course of time, large towns, are usually but ill laid out compared with the regularity constructed towns which a professional architect has freely planned on an open plain;
so that although the several buildings of the former may often equal or surpass in beauty those of the latter,
yet when one observes their indiscriminate juxtaposition, there a large one and here a small, and the consequent crookedness and irregularity of the streets, one is disposed to allege that chance rather than any human will guided by reason must have led to such an arrangement.
And if we consider that nevertheless there have been at all times certain officers whose duty it was to see that private buildings contributed to public ornament, the difficulty of reaching high perfection with but the materials of others to operate on, will be readily acknowledged.
In the same way I fancied that those nations which, starting from a semi-barbarous state and advancing to civilization by slow degrees, have had their laws successively determined, and, as it were, forced upon them simply by experience of the hurtfulness of particular crimes and disputes,
would by this process come to be possessed of less perfect institutions than those which, from the commencement of their associationas communities, have followed the appointments of some wise legislator.
It is thus quite certain that the constitution of the true religion, the ordinances of which are derived from God, must be incomparably superior to that of every other.
And, to speak of human affairs, I believe that the pre-eminence of Sparta was due not to the goodness of each of its laws in particular, for many of these were very strange, and even opposed to good morals, but to the circumstance that, originated by a single individual, they all tended to a single end.
In the same way I thought that the sciences contained in books (such of them at least as are made up of probable reasonings, without demonstrations), composed as they are of the opinions of many different individuals massed together,
are farther removed from truth than the simple inferences which a man of good sense using his natural and unprejudiced judgment draws respecting the matters of his experience.
And because we have all to pass through a state of infancy to manhood, and have been of necessity, for a length of time, governed by our desires and preceptors (whose dictates were frequently conflicting, while neither perhaps always counseled us for the best),
I farther concluded that it is almost impossible that our judgments can be so correct or solid as they would have been, had our reason been mature from the moment of our birth, and had we always been guided by it alone.
It is true, however, that it is not customary to pull down all the houses of a town with the single design of rebuilding them differently, and thereby rendering the streets more handsome;
but it often happens that a private individual takes down his own with the view of erecting it anew, and that people are even sometimes constrained to this when their houses are in danger of falling from age, or when the foundations are insecure.
With this before me by way of example, I was persuaded that it would indeed be preposterous for a private individual to think of reforming a state by fundamentally changing it throughout, and overturning it in order to set it up amended;
and the same I thought was true of any similar project for reforming the body of the sciences,
or the order of teaching them established in the schools:
but as for the opinions which up to that time I had embraced, I thought that I could not do better than resolve at once to sweep them wholly away, that I might afterwards be in a position to admit either others more correct, or even perhaps the same when they had undergone the scrutiny of reason.
I firmly believed that in this way I should much better succeed in the conduct of my life, than if I built only upon old foundations, and leaned upon principles which, in my youth, I had taken upon trust.
For although I recognized various difficulties in this undertaking, these were not, however, without remedy, nor once to be compared with such as attend the slightest reformation in public affairs.
Large bodies, if once overthrown, are with great difficulty set up again,
or even kept erect when once seriously shaken, and the fall of such is always disastrous.
Then if there are any imperfections in the constitutions of states (and that many such exist the diversity of constitutions is alone sufficient to assure us), custom has without doubt materially smoothed their inconveniences, and has even managed to steer altogether clear of, or insensibly corrected a number which sagacity could not have provided against with equal effect;
and, in fine, the defects are almost always more tolerable than the change necessary for their removal;
in the same manner that highways which wind among mountains, by being much frequented, become gradually so smooth and commodious, that it is much better to follow them than to seek a straighter path by climbing over the tops of rocks and descending to the bottoms of precipices.
Hence it is that I cannot in any degree approve of those restless and busy meddlers who, called neither by birth nor fortune to take part in the management of public affairs, are yet always projecting reforms;
and if I thought that this tract contained aught which might justify the suspicion that I was a victim of such folly, I would by no means permit its publication.
I have never contemplated anything higher than the reformation of my own opinions, and basing them on a foundation wholly my own.
And although my own satisfaction with my work has led me to present here a draft of it, I do not by any means therefore recommend to every one else to make a similar attempt.
Those whom God has endowed with a larger measure of genius will entertain, perhaps, designs still more exalted;
but for the many I am much afraid lest even the present undertaking be more than they can safely venture to imitate.
The single design to strip one's self of all past beliefs is one that ought not to be taken by every one.
The majority of men is composed of two classes, for neither of which would this be at all a befitting resolution:
in the first place, of those who with more than a due confidence in their own powers, are precipitate in their judgments and want the patience requisite for orderly and circumspect thinking;
whence it happens, that if men of this class once take the liberty to doubt of their accustomed opinions, and quit the beaten highway, they will never be able to thread the byway that would lead them by a shorter course, and will lose themselves and continue to wander for life;
in the second place, of those who, possessed of sufficient sense or modesty to determine that there are others who excel them in the power of discriminating between truth and error,
and by whom they may be instructed, ought rather to content themselves with the opinions of such than trust for more correct to their own reason.
For my own part, I should doubtless have belonged to the latter class,
had I received instruction from but one master, or had I never known the diversities of opinion that from time immemorial have prevailed among men of the greatest learning.
But I had become aware, even so early as during my college life, that no opinion, however absurd and incredible, can be imagined, which has not been maintained by some on of the philosophers;
and afterwards in the course of my travels I remarked that all those whose opinions are decidedly repugnant to ours are not in that account barbarians and savages,
but on the contrary that many of these nations make an equally good, if not better, use of their reason than we do.
I took into account also the very different character which a person brought up from infancy in France or Germany exhibits, from that which, with the same mind originally, this individual would have possessed had he lived always among the Chinese or with savages, and the circumstance that in dress itself the fashion which pleased us ten years ago, and which may again, perhaps, be received into favor before ten years have gone, appears to us at this moment extravagant and ridiculous.
I was thus led to infer that the ground of our opinions is far more custom and example than any certain knowledge.
And, finally, although such be the ground of our opinions, I remarked that a plurality of suffrages is no guarantee of truth where it is at all of difficult discovery,
as in such cases it is much more likely that it will be found by one than by many.
I could, however, select from the crowd no one whose opinions seemed worthy of preference,
and thus I found myself constrained, as it were, to use my own reason in the conduct of my life.
But like one walking alone and in the dark, I resolved to proceed so slowly and with such circumspection,
that if I did not advance far, I would at least guard against falling.
I did not even choose to dismiss summarily any of the opinions that had crept into my belief without having been introduced by reason,
but first of all took sufficient time carefully to satisfy myself of the general nature of the task I was setting myself, and ascertain the true method by which to arrive at the knowledge of whatever lay within the compass of my powers.
Among the branches of philosophy, I had, at an earlier period, given some attention to logic,
and among those of the mathematics to geometrical analysis and algebra,
-- three arts or sciences which ought, as I conceived, to contribute something to my design.
But, on examination, I found that, as for logic, its syllogisms and the majority of its other precepts are of avail
- rather in the communication of what we already know, or even as the art of Lully, in speaking without judgment of things of which we are ignorant, than in the investigation of the unknown;
and although this science contains indeed a number of correct and very excellent precepts, there are, nevertheless, so many others, and these either injurious or superfluous, mingled with the former, that it is almost quite as difficult to effect a severance of the true from the false
as it is to extract a Diana or a Minerva from a rough block of marble.
Then as to the analysis of the ancients and the algebra of the moderns, besides that they embrace only matters highly abstract, and, to appearance, of no use,
the former is so exclusively restricted to the consideration of figures, that it can exercise the understanding only on condition of greatly fatiguing the imagination;
and, in the latter, there is so complete a subjection to certain rules and formulas, that there results an art full of confusion and obscurity calculated to embarrass, instead of a science fitted to cultivate the mind.
By these considerations I was induced to seek some other method which would comprise the advantages of the three and be exempt from their defects.
And as a multitude of laws often only hampers justice, so that a state is best governed when, with few laws, these are rigidly administered;
I believed that the four following would prove perfectly sufficient for me,
provided I took the firm and unwavering resolution never in a single instance to fail in observing them.
The first was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such;
that is to say, carefully to avoid precipitancy and prejudice,
and to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt.
The second, to divide each of the difficulties under examination into as many parts as possible, and as might be necessary for its adequate solution.
The third, to conduct my thoughts in such order that, by commencing with objects the simplest and easiest to know,
I might ascend by little and little, and, as it were, step by step, to the knowledge of the more complex;
assigning in thought a certain order even to those objects which in their own nature do not stand in a relation of antecedence and sequence.
And the last, in every case to make enumerations so complete, and reviews so general, that I might be assured that nothing was omitted.
The long chains of simple and easy reasonings by means of which geometers are accustomed to reach the conclusions of their most difficult demonstrations, had led me to imagine that all things, to the knowledge of which man is competent, are mutually connected in the same way, and that there is nothing so far removed from us as to be beyond our reach, or so hidden that we cannot discover it,
provided only we abstain from accepting the false for the true, and always preserve in our thoughts the order necessary for the deduction of one truth from another.
And I had little difficulty in determining the objects with which it was necessary to commence,
for I was already persuaded that it must be with the simplest and easiest to know,
and, considering that of all those who have hitherto sought truth in the sciences, the mathematicians alone have been able to find any demonstrations, that is, any certain and evident reasons, I did not doubt but that such must have been the rule of their investigations.
I resolved to commence, therefore, with the examination of the simplest objects, not anticipating,
however, from this any other advantage than that to be found in accustoming my mind to the love and nourishment of truth, and to a distaste for all such reasonings as were unsound.
But I had no intention on that account of attempting to master all the particular sciences commonly denominated mathematics:
but observing that, however different their objects, they all agree in considering only the various relations or proportions subsisting among those objects, I thought it best for my purpose to consider these proportions in the most general form possible,
without referring them to any objects in particular, except such as would most facilitate the knowledge of them,
and without by any means restricting them to these, that afterwards I might thus be the better able to apply them to every other class of objects to which they are legitimately applicable.
Perceiving further, that in order to understand these relations I should sometimes have to consider them one by one and sometimes only to bear them in mind, or embrace them in the aggregate,
I thought that, in order the better to consider them individually, I should view them as subsisting between straight lines,
than which I could find no objects more simple, or capable of being more distinctly represented to my imagination and senses;
and on the other hand, that in order to retain them in the memory or embrace an aggregate of many, I should express them by certain characters the briefest possible.
In this way I believed that I could borrow all that was best both in geometrical analysis and in algebra, and correct all the defects of the one by help of the other.
And, in point of fact, the accurate observance of these few precepts gave me, I take the liberty of saying, such ease in unraveling all the questions embraced in these two sciences,
that in the two or three months I devoted to their examination, not only did I reach solutions of questions I had formerly deemed exceedingly difficult but even as regards questions of the solution of which I continued ignorant, I was enabled, as it appeared to me, to determine the means whereby, and the extent to which a solution was possible;
results attributable to the circumstance that I commenced with the simplest and most general truths, and that thus each truth discovered was a rule available in the discovery of subsequent ones
Nor in this perhaps shall I appear too vain, if it be considered that, as the truth on any particular point is one whoever apprehends the truth, knows all that on that point can be known.
The child, for example, who has been instructed in the elements of arithmetic, and has made a particular addition, according to rule, may be assured that he has found, with respect to the sum of the numbers before him, and that in this instance is within the reach of human genius.
Now, in conclusion, the method which teaches adherence to the true order, and an exact enumeration of all the conditions of the thing .sought includes all that gives certitude to the rules of arithmetic.
But the chief ground of my satisfaction with thus method, was the assurance I had of thereby exercising my reason in all matters,
if not with absolute perfection, at least with the greatest attainable by me:
besides, I was conscious that by its use my mind was becoming gradually habituated to clearer and more distinct conceptions of its objects;
and I hoped also, from not having restricted this method to any particular matter, to apply it to the difficulties of the other sciences, with not less success than to those of algebra.
I should not, however, on this account have ventured at once on the examination of all the difficulties of the sciences which presented themselves to me,
for this would have been contrary to the order prescribed in the method,
but observing that the knowledge of such is dependent on principles borrowed from philosophy,
in which I found nothing certain,
I thought it necessary first of all to endeavor to establish its principles.
And because I observed, besides, that an inquiry of this kind was of all others of the greatest moment, and one in which precipitancy and anticipation in judgment were most to be dreaded, I thought that I ought not to approach it till I had reached a more mature age (being at that time but twenty-three),
and had first of all employed much of my time in preparation for the work, as well by eradicating from my mind all the erroneous opinions I had up to that moment accepted,
as by amassing variety of experience to afford materials for my reasonings, and by continually exercising myself in my chosen method with a view to increased skill in its application.
And finally, as it is not enough, before commencing to rebuild the house in which we live, that it be pulled down, and materials and builders provided, or that we engage in the work ourselves, according to a plan which we have beforehand carefully drawn out,
but as it is likewise necessary that we be furnished with some other house in which we may live commodiously during the operations,
so that I might not remain irresolute in my actions, while my reason compelled me to suspend my judgement, and that I might not be prevented from living thenceforward in the greatest possible felicity,
I formed a provisory code of morals, composed of three or four maxims, with which I am desirous to make you acquainted.
The first was to obey the laws and customs of my country, adhering firmly to the faith in which, by the grace of God, I had been educated from my childhood
and regulating my conduct in every other matter according to the most moderate opinions, and the farthest removed from extremes,
which should happen to be adopted in practice with general consent of the most judicious of those among whom I might be living.
For as I had from that time begun to hold my own opinions for nought because I wished to subject them all to examination, I was convinced that I could not do better than follow in the meantime the opinions of the most judicious;
and although there are some perhaps among the Persians and Chinese as judicious as among ourselves, expediency seemed to dictate that I should regulate my practice conformably to the opinions of those with whom I should have to live;
and it appeared to me that, in order to ascertain the real opinions of such, I ought rather to take cognizance of what they practised than of what they said,
not only because, in the corruption of our manners, there are few disposed to speak exactly as they believe, but also because very many are not aware of what it is that they really believe;
for, as the act of mind by which a thing is believed is different from that by which we know that we believe it, the one act is often found without the other.
Also, amid many opinions held in equal repute, I chose always the most moderate,
as much for the reason that these are always the most convenient for practice,
and probably the best (for all excess is generally vicious), as that, in the event of my falling into error, I might be at less distance from the truth than if, having chosen one of the extremes, it should turn out to be the other which I ought to have adopted.
And I placed in the class of extremes especially all promises by which somewhat of our freedom is abridged;
not that I disapproved of the laws which, to provide against the instability of men of feeble resolution,
when what is sought to be accomplished is some good, permit engagements by vows and contracts binding the parties to persevere in it, or even, for the security of commerce, sanction similar engagements where the purpose sought to be realized is indifferent:
but because I did not find anything on earth which was wholly superior to change, and because, for myself in particular, I hoped gradually to perfect my judgments, and not to suffer them to deteriorate,
I would have deemed it a grave sin against good sense, if, for the reason that I approved of something at a particular time,
I therefore bound myself to hold it for good at a subsequent time, when perhaps it had ceased to be so, or I had ceased to esteem it such.
My second maxim was to be as firm and resolute in my actions as I was able, and not to adhere less steadfastly to the most doubtful opinions, when once adopted, than if they had been highly certain;
imitating in this the example of travelers who, when they have lost their way in a forest, ought not to wander from side to side, far less remain in one place, but proceed constantly towards the same side in as straight a line as possible, without changing their direction for slight reasons,
although perhaps it might be chance alone which at first determined the selection;
for in this way, if they do not exactly reach the point they desire, they will come at least in the end to some place that will probably be preferable to the middle of a forest.
In the same way, since in action it frequently happens that no delay is permissible, it is very certain that, when it is not in our power to determine what is true, we ought to act according to what is most probable;
and even although we should not remark a greater probability in one opinion than in another, we ought notwithstanding to choose one or the other, and afterwards consider it, in so far as it relates to practice, as no longer dubious, but manifestly true and certain,
since the reason by which our choice has been determined is itself possessed of these qualities.
This principle was sufficient thenceforward to rid me of all those repentings and pangs of remorse that usually disturb the consciences of such feeble and uncertain minds as, destitute of any clear and determinate principle of choice,
allow themselves one day to adopt a course of action as the best, which they abandon the next, as the opposite.
My third maxim was to endeavor always to conquer myself rather than fortune, and change my desires rather than the order of the world, and in general, accustom myself to the persuasion that, except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power;
so that when we have done our best in things external to us, all wherein we fail of success is to be held, as regards us, absolutely impossible:
and this single principle seemed to me sufficient to prevent me from desiring for the future anything which I could not obtain,
and thus render me contented;
for since our will naturally seeks those objects alone which the understanding represents as in some way possible of attainment, it is plain, that if we consider all external goods as equally beyond our power, we shall no more regret the absence of such goods as seem due to our birth, when deprived of them without any fault of ours,
than our not possessing the kingdoms of China or Mexico,
and thus making, so to speak, a virtue of necessity, we shall no more desire health in disease, or freedom in imprisonment, than we now do bodies incorruptible as diamonds, or the wings of birds to fly with.
But I confess there is need of prolonged discipline and frequently repeated meditation to accustom the mind to view all objects in this light;
and I believe that in this chiefly consisted the secret of the power of such philosophers as in former times were enabled to rise superior to the influence of fortune, and, amid suffering and poverty, enjoy a happiness which their gods might have envied.
For, occupied incessantly with the consideration of the limits prescribed to their power by nature, they became so entirely convinced that nothing was at their disposal except their own thoughts,
that this conviction was of itself sufficient to prevent their entertaining any desire of other objects;
and over their thoughts they acquired a sway so absolute, that they had some ground on this account for esteeming themselves more rich and more powerful, more free and more happy, than other men
who, whatever be the favors heaped on them by nature and fortune, if destitute of this philosophy, can never command the realization of all their desires.
In fine, to conclude this code of morals, I thought of reviewing the different occupations of men in this life,
with the view of making choice of the best.
And, without wishing to offer any remarks on the employments of others, I may state that it was my conviction that I could not do better than continue in that in which I was engaged,
viz., in devoting my whole life to the culture of my reason, and in making the greatest progress I was able in the knowledge of truth, on the principles of the method which I had prescribed to myself.
This method, from the time I had begun to apply it, had been to me the source of satisfaction so intense as to lead me to, believe that more perfect or more innocent could not be enjoyed in this life;
and as by its means I daily discovered truths that appeared to me of some importance, and of which other men were generally ignorant, the gratification thence arising so occupied my mind that I was wholly indifferent to every other object.
Besides, the three preceding maxims were founded singly on the design of continuing the work of self-instruction.
For since God has endowed each of us with some light of reason by which to distinguish truth from error, I could not have believed that I ought for a single moment to rest satisfied with the opinions of another,
unless I had resolved to exercise my own judgment in examining these whenever I should be duly qualified for the task.
Nor could I have proceeded on such opinions without scruple, had I supposed that I should thereby forfeit any advantage for attaining still more accurate, should such exist.
And, in fine, I could not have restrained my desires, nor remained satisfied had I not followed a path in which I thought myself certain of attaining all the knowledge to the acquisition of which I was competent, as well as the largest amount of what is truly good which I could ever hope to secure Inasmuch as we neither seek nor shun any object
except in so far as our understanding represents it as good or bad, all that is necessary to right action is right judgment,
and to the best action the most correct judgment,
that is, to the acquisition of all the virtues with all else that is truly valuable and within our reach;
and the assurance of such an acquisition cannot fail to render us contented.
Having thus provided myself with these maxims, and having placed them in reserve along with the truths of faith, which have ever occupied the first place in my belief, I came to the conclusion that I might with freedom set about ridding myself of what remained of my opinions.
And, inasmuch as I hoped to be better able successfully to accomplish this work by holding intercourse with mankind, than by remaining longer shut up in the retirement where these thoughts had occurred to me, I betook me again to traveling before the winter was well ended.
And, during the nine subsequent years, I did nothing but roam from one place to another, desirous of being a spectator rather than an actor in the plays exhibited on the theater of the world;
and, as I made it my business in each matter to reflect particularly upon what might fairly be doubted and prove a source of error, I gradually rooted out from my mind all the errors which had hitherto crept into it.
Not that in this I imitated the sceptics who doubt only that they may doubt, and seek nothing beyond uncertainty itself;
for, on the contrary, my design was singly to find ground of assurance,
and cast aside the loose earth and sand, that I might reach the rock or the clay.
In this, as appears to me, I was successful enough;
for, since I endeavored to discover the falsehood or incertitude of the propositions I examined, not by feeble conjectures, but by clear and certain reasonings, I met with nothing so doubtful as not to yield some conclusion of adequate certainty,
although this were merely the inference, that the matter in question contained nothing certain.
And, just as in pulling down an old house, we usually reserve the ruins to contribute towards the erection, so, in destroying such of my opinions as I judged to be Ill-founded, I made a variety of observations and acquired an amount of experience of which I availed myself in the establishment of more certain.
And further, I continued to exercise myself in the method I had prescribed;
for, besides taking care in general to conduct all my thoughts according to its rules, I reserved some hours from time to time which I expressly devoted to the employment of the method in the solution of mathematical difficulties, or even in the solution likewise of some questions belonging to other sciences,
but which, by my having detached them from such principles of these sciences as were of inadequate certainty, were rendered almost mathematical:
the truth of this will be manifest from the numerous examples contained in this volume.
And thus, without in appearance living otherwise than those who, with no other occupation than that of spending their lives agreeably and innocently, study to sever pleasure from vice, and who, that they may enjoy their leisure without ennui, have recourse to such pursuits as are honorable, I was nevertheless prosecuting my design, and making greater progress in the knowledge of truth, than I might, perhaps, have made had I been engaged in the perusal of books merely, or in holding converse with men of letters.
These nine years passed away, however, before I had come to any determinate judgment respecting the difficulties which form matter of dispute among the learned, or had commenced to seek the principles of any philosophy more certain than the vulgar.
And the examples of many men of the highest genius, who had, in former times, engaged in this inquiry, but, as appeared to me, without success, led me to imagine it to be a work of so much difficulty, that I would not perhaps have ventured on it so soon had I not heard it currently rumored that I had already completed the inquiry.
I know not what were the grounds of this opinion;
and, if my conversation contributed in any measure to its rise, this must have happened rather from my having confessed my Ignorance with greater freedom
than those are accustomed to do who have studied a little, and expounded perhaps, the reasons that led me to doubt of many of those things that by others are esteemed certain, than from my having boasted of any system of philosophy.
But, as I am of a disposition that makes me unwilling to be esteemed different from what I really am, I thought it necessary to endeavor by all means to render myself worthy of the reputation accorded to me;
and it is now exactly eight years since this desire constrained me to remove from all those places where interruption from any of my acquaintances was possible, and betake myself to this country,
in which the long duration of the war has led to the establishment of such discipline, that the armies maintained seem to be of use only in enabling the inhabitants to enjoy more securely the blessings of peace
and where, in the midst of a great crowd actively engaged in business, and more careful of their own affairs than curious about those of others,
I have been enabled to live without being deprived of any of the conveniences to be had in the most populous cities, and yet as solitary and as retired as in the midst of the most remote deserts.
I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matter of discourse;
for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be acceptable to every one.
And yet, that it may be determined whether the foundations that I have laid are sufficiently secure, I find myself in a measure constrained to advert to them.
I had long before remarked that, in relation to practice, it is sometimes necessary to adopt, as if above doubt, opinions which we discern to be highly uncertain, as has been already said;
but as I then desired to give my attention solely to the search after truth, I thought that a procedure exactly the opposite was called for,
and that I ought to reject as absolutely false all opinions in regard to which I could suppose the least ground for doubt,
in order to ascertain whether after that there remained aught in my belief that was wholly indubitable.
Accordingly, seeing that our senses sometimes deceive us, I was willing to suppose that there existed nothing really such as they presented to us;
and because some men err in reasoning, and fall into paralogisms, even on the simplest matters of geometry, I, convinced that I was as open to error as any other, rejected as false all the reasonings I had hitherto taken for demonstrations;
and finally, when I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations) which we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep, while there is at that time not one of them true,
I supposed that all the objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my mind when awake, had in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams.
But immediately upon this I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who thus thought, should be somewhat;
and as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am (COGITO ERGO SUM), was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the sceptics capable of shaking it,
I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search
In the next place, I attentively examined what I was and as I observed that I could suppose that I had no body, and that there was no world nor any place in which I might be;
but that I could not therefore suppose that I was not;
and that, on the contrary, from the very circumstance that I thought to doubt of the truth of other things, it most clearly and certainly followed that I was;
while, on the other hand, if I had only ceased to think, although all the other objects which I had ever imagined had been in reality existent, I would have had no reason to believe that I existed;
I thence concluded that I was a substance whose whole essence or nature consists only in thinking, and which, that it may exist, has need of no place, nor is dependent on any material thing;
so that " I," that is to say, the mind by which I am what I am, is wholly distinct from the body, and is even more easily known than the latter, and is such, that although the latter were not, it would still continue to be all that it is.
After this I inquired in general into what is essential I to the truth and certainty of a proposition;
for since I had discovered one which I knew to be true, I thought that I must likewise be able to discover the ground of this certitude.
And as I observed that in the words I think, therefore I am, there is nothing at all which gives me assurance of their truth beyond this,
that I see very clearly that in order to think it is necessary to exist,
I concluded that I might take, as a general rule, the principle, that all the things which we very clearly and distinctly conceive are true,
only observing, however, that there is some difficulty in rightly determining the objects which we distinctly conceive.
In the next place, from reflecting on the circumstance that I doubted, and that consequently my being was not wholly perfect (for I clearly saw that it was a greater perfection to know than to doubt), I was led to inquire whence I had learned to think of something more perfect than myself;
and I clearly recognized that I must hold this notion from some nature which in reality was more perfect.
As for the thoughts of many other objects external to me, as of the sky, the earth, light, heat, and a thousand more, I was less at a loss to know whence these came;
for since I remarked in them nothing which seemed to render them superior to myself, I could believe that, if these were true, they were dependencies on my own nature, in so far as it possessed a certain perfection, and, if they were false, that I held them from nothing, that is to say, that they were in me because of a certain imperfection of my nature.
But this could not be the case with-the idea of a nature more perfect than myself;
for to receive it from nothing was a thing manifestly impossible;
and, because it is not less repugnant that the more perfect should be an effect of, and dependence on the less perfect, than that something should proceed from nothing,
it was equally impossible that I could hold it from myself:
accordingly, it but remained that it had been placed in me by a nature which was in reality more perfect than mine,
and which even possessed within itself all the perfections of which I could form any idea;
that is to say, in a single word, which was God.
And to this I added that, since I knew some perfections which I did not possess, I was not the only being in existence (I will here, with your permission, freely use the terms of the schools);
but, on the contrary, that there was of necessity some other more perfect Being upon whom I was dependent, and from whom I had received all that I possessed;
for if I had existed alone, and independently of every other being, so as to have had from myself all the perfection, however little, which I actually possessed, I should have been able, for the same reason, to have had from myself the whole remainder of perfection, of the want of which I was conscious, and thus could of myself have become infinite, eternal, immutable, omniscient, all-powerful, and, in fine, have possessed all the perfections which I could recognize in God.
For in order to know the nature of God (whose existence has been established by the preceding reasonings), as far as my own nature permitted, I had only to consider in reference to all the properties of which I found in my mind some idea, whether their possession was a mark of perfection;
and I was assured that no one which indicated any imperfection was in him, and that none of the rest was awanting.
Thus I perceived that doubt, inconstancy, sadness, and such like, could not be found in God,
since I myself would have been happy to be free from them.
Besides, I had ideas of many sensible and corporeal things;
for although I might suppose that I was dreaming, and that all which I saw or imagined was false, I could not, nevertheless, deny that the ideas were in reality in my thoughts.
But, because I had already very clearly recognized in myself that the intelligent nature is distinct from the corporeal, and as I observed that all composition is an evidence of dependency, and that a state of dependency is manifestly a state of imperfection, I therefore determined that it could not be a perfection in God to be compounded of these two natures and that consequently he was not so compounded;
but that if there were any bodies in the world, or even any intelligences, or other natures that were not wholly perfect, their existence depended on his power in such a way that they could not subsist without him for a single moment.
I was disposed straightway to search for other truths and when I had represented to myself the object of the geometers,
which I conceived to be a continuous body or a space indefinitely extended in length, breadth, and height or depth, divisible into divers parts which admit of different figures and sizes, and of being moved or transposed in all manner of ways (for all this the geometers suppose to be in the object they contemplate),
I went over some of their simplest demonstrations.
And, in the first place, I observed, that the great certitude which by common consent is accorded to these demonstrations, is founded solely upon this, that they are clearly conceived in accordance with the rules I have already laid down
In the next place, I perceived that there was nothing at all in these demonstrations which could assure me of the existence of their object:
thus, for example, supposing a triangle to be given, I distinctly perceived that its three angles were necessarily equal to two right angles, but I did not on that account perceive anything which could assure me that any triangle existed:
while, on the contrary, recurring to the examination of the idea of a Perfect Being, I found that the existence of the Being was comprised in the idea in the same way that the equality of its three angles to two right angles is comprised in the idea of a triangle, or as in the idea of a sphere, the equidistance of all points on its surface from the center, or even still more clearly;
and that consequently it is at least as certain that God, who is this Perfect Being, is, or exists, as any demonstration of geometry can be.
But the reason which leads many to persuade them selves that there is a difficulty in knowing this truth, and even also in knowing what their mind really is, is that they never raise their thoughts above sensible objects,
and are so accustomed to consider nothing except by way of imagination,
which is a mode of thinking limited to material objects,
that all that is not imaginable seems to them not intelligible.
The truth of this is sufficiently manifest from the single circumstance, that the philosophers of the schools accept as a maxim that there is nothing in the understanding which was not previously in the senses,
in which however it is certain that the ideas of God and of the soul have never been;
and it appears to me that they who make use of their imagination to comprehend these ideas do exactly the some thing as if, in order to hear sounds or smell odors, they strove to avail themselves of their eyes;
unless indeed that there is this difference, that the sense of sight does not afford us an inferior assurance to those of smell or hearing;
in place of which, neither our imagination nor our senses can give us assurance of anything unless our understanding intervene.
Finally, if there be still persons who are not sufficiently persuaded of the existence of God and of the soul, by the reasons I have adduced, I am desirous that they should know that all the other propositions, of the truth of which they deem themselves perhaps more assured, as that we have a body, and that there exist stars and an earth, and such like, are less certain;
for, although we have a moral assurance of these things, which is so strong that there is an appearance of extravagance in doubting of their existence,
yet at the same time no one, unless his intellect is impaired, can deny, when the question relates to a metaphysical certitude, that there is sufficient reason to exclude entire assurance,
in the observation that when asleep we can in the same way imagine ourselves possessed of another body and that we see other stars and another earth,
when there is nothing of the kind.
For how do we know that the thoughts which occur in dreaming are false rather than those other which we experience when awake,
since the former are often not less vivid and distinct than the latter?
And though men of the highest genius study this question as long as they please, I do not believe that they will be able to give any reason which can be sufficient to remove this doubt, unless they presuppose the existence of God.
For, in the first place even the principle which I have already taken as a rule, viz., that all the things which we clearly and distinctly conceive are true, is certain only because God is or exists and because he is a Perfect Being, and because all that we possess is derived from him:
whence it follows that our ideas or notions, which to the extent of their clearness and distinctness are real, and proceed from God, must to that extent be true.
Accordingly, whereas we not infrequently have ideas or notions in which some falsity is contained, this can only be the case with such as are to some extent confused and obscure, and in this proceed from nothing (participate of negation), that is, exist in us thus confused because we are not wholly perfect.
And it is evident that it is not less repugnant that falsity or imperfection, in so far as it is imperfection, should proceed from God, than that truth or perfection should proceed from nothing.
But if we did not know that all which we possess of real and true proceeds from a Perfect and Infinite Being, however clear and distinct our ideas might be, we should have no ground on that account for the assurance that they possessed the perfection of being true.
But after the knowledge of God and of the soul has rendered us certain of this rule, we can easily understand that the truth of the thoughts we experience when awake, ought not in the slightest degree to be called in question on account of the illusions of our dreams.
For if it happened that an individual, even when asleep, had some very distinct idea,
as, for example, if a geometer should discover some new demonstration,
the circumstance of his being asleep would not militate against its truth;
and as for the most ordinary error of our dreams, which consists in their representing to us various objects in the same way as our external senses, this is not prejudicial,
since it leads us very properly to suspect the truth of the ideas of sense;
for we are not infrequently deceived in the same manner when awake;
as when persons in the jaundice see all objects yellow, or when the stars or bodies at a great distance appear to us much smaller than they are.
For, in fine, whether awake or asleep, we ought never to allow ourselves to be persuaded of the truth of anything unless on the evidence of our reason.
And it must be noted that I say of our reason, and not of our imagination or of our senses:
thus, for example, although we very clearly see the sun, we ought not therefore to determine that it is only of the size which our sense of sight presents;
and we may very distinctly imagine the head of a lion joined to the body of a goat, without being therefore shut up to the conclusion that a chimaera exists;
for it is not a dictate of reason that what we thus see or imagine is in reality existent;
but it plainly tells us that all our ideas or notions contain in them some truth;
for otherwise it could not be that God, who is wholly perfect and veracious, should have placed them in us.
And because our reasonings are never so clear or so complete during sleep as when we are awake,
although sometimes the acts of our imagination are then as lively and distinct, if not more so than in our waking moments,
reason further dictates that, since all our thoughts cannot be true because of our partial imperfection, those possessing truth must infallibly be found in the experience of our waking moments rather than in that of our dreams.
I would here willingly have proceeded to exhibit the whole chain of truths which I deduced from these primary but as with a view to this it would have been necessary now to treat of many questions in dispute among the earned, with whom I do not wish to be embroiled, I believe that it will be better for me to refrain from this exposition, and only mention in general what these truths are, that the more judicious may be able to determine whether a more special account of them would conduce to the public advantage.
I have ever remained firm in my original resolution to suppose no other principle than that of which I have recently availed myself in demonstrating the existence of God and of the soul,
and to accept as true nothing that did not appear to me more clear and certain than the demonstrations of the geometers had formerly appeared;
and yet I venture to state that not only have I found means to satisfy myself in a short time on all the principal difficulties which are usually treated of in philosophy,
but I have also observed certain laws established in nature by God in such a manner,
and of which he has impressed on our minds such notions, that after we have reflected sufficiently upon these, we cannot doubt that they are accurately observed in all that exists or takes place in the world and farther,
by considering the concatenation of these laws, it appears to me that I have discovered many truths more useful and more important than all I had before learned, or even had expected to learn.
But because I have essayed to expound the chief of these discoveries in a treatise which certain considerations prevent me from publishing, I cannot make the results known more conveniently than by here giving a summary of the contents of this treatise.
It was my design to comprise in it all that, before I set myself to write it, I thought I knew of the nature of material objects.
But like the painters who, finding themselves unable to represent equally well on a plain surface all the different faces of a solid body, select one of the chief, on which alone they make the light fall, and throwing the rest into the shade, allow them to appear only in so far as they can be seen while looking at the principal one;
so, fearing lest I should not be able to compense in my discourse all that was in my mind, I resolved to expound singly, though at considerable length, my opinions regarding light;
then to take the opportunity of adding something on the sun and the fixed stars,
since light almost wholly proceeds from them;
on the heavens since they transmit it;
on the planets, comets, and earth, since they reflect it;
and particularly on all the bodies that are upon the earth,
since they are either colored, or transparent, or luminous;
and finally on man,
since he is the spectator of these objects.
Further, to enable me to cast this variety of subjects somewhat into the shade, and to express my judgment regarding them with greater freedom, without being necessitated to adopt or refute the opinions of the learned, I resolved to leave all the people here to their disputes, and to speak only of what would happen in a new world,
if God were now to create somewhere in the imaginary spaces matter sufficient to compose one, and were to agitate variously and confusedly the different parts of this matter, so that there resulted a chaos as disordered as the poets ever feigned,
and after that did nothing more than lend his ordinary concurrence to nature, and allow her to act in accordance with the laws which he had established.
On this supposition, I, in the first place, described this matter, and essayed to represent it in such a manner that to my mind there can be nothing clearer and more intelligible, except what has been recently said regarding God and the soul;
for I even expressly supposed that it possessed none of those forms or qualities which are so debated in the schools, nor in general anything the knowledge of which is not so natural to our minds that no one can so much as imagine himself ignorant of it.
Besides, I have pointed out what are the laws of nature;
and, with no other principle upon which to found my reasonings except the infinite perfection of God,
I endeavored to demonstrate all those about which there could be any room for doubt, and to prove that they are such, that even if God had created more worlds, there could have been none in which these laws were not observed.
Thereafter, I showed how the greatest part of the matter of this chaos must, in accordance with these laws, dispose and arrange itself in such a way as to present the appearance of heavens;
how in the meantime some of its parts must compose an earth and some planets and comets, and others a sun and fixed stars.
And, making a digression at this stage on the subject of light, I expounded at considerable length what the nature of that light must be which is found in the sun and the stars, and how thence in an instant of time it traverses the immense spaces of the heavens, and how from the planets and comets it is reflected towards the earth.
To this I likewise added much respecting the substance, the situation, the motions, and all the different qualities of these heavens and stars;
so that I thought I had said enough respecting them to show that there is nothing observable in the heavens or stars of our system that must not, or at least may not appear precisely alike in those of the system which I described.
I came next to speak of the earth in particular,
and to show how, even though I had expressly supposed that God had given no weight to the matter of which it is composed, this should not prevent all its parts from tending exactly to its center;
how with water and air on its surface, the disposition of the heavens and heavenly bodies, more especially of the moon, must cause a flow and ebb,
like in all its circumstances to that observed in our seas,
as also a certain current both of water and air from east to west,
such as is likewise observed between the tropics;
how the mountains, seas, fountains, and rivers might naturally be formed in it, and the metals produced in the mines, and the plants grow in the fields and in general,
how all the bodies which are commonly denominated mixed or composite might be generated
and, among other things in the discoveries alluded to inasmuch as besides the stars, I knew nothing except fire which produces light, I spared no pains to set forth all that pertains to its nature,
-- the manner of its production and support, and to explain how heat is sometimes found without light, and light without heat;
to show how it can induce various colors upon different bodies and other diverse qualities;
how it reduces some to a liquid state and hardens others;
how it can consume almost all bodies, or convert them into ashes and smoke;
and finally, how from these ashes, by the mere intensity of its action, it forms glass:
for as this transmutation of ashes into glass appeared to me as wonderful as any other in nature, I took a special pleasure in describing it.
I was not, however, disposed, from these circumstances, to conclude that this world had been created in the manner I described;
for it is much more likely that God made it at the first such as it was to be.
But this is certain, and an opinion commonly received among theologians, that the action by which he now sustains it is the same with that by which he originally created it;
so that even although he had from the beginning given it no other form than that of chaos, provided only he had established certain laws of nature, and had lent it his concurrence to enable it to act as it is wont to do, it may be believed, without discredit to the miracle of creation,
that, in this way alone, things purely material might, in course of time, have become such as we observe them at present;
and their nature is much more easily conceived when they are beheld coming in this manner gradually into existence, than when they are only considered as produced at once in a finished and perfect state.
From the description of inanimate bodies and plants, I passed to animals, and particularly to man.
But since I had not as yet sufficient knowledge to enable me to treat of these in the same manner as of the rest,
that is to say, by deducing effects from their causes, and by showing from what elements and in what manner nature must produce them,
I remained satisfied with the supposition that God formed the body of man wholly like to one of ours, as well in the external shape of the members as in the internal conformation of the organs, of the same matter with that I had described,
and at first placed in it no rational soul, nor any other principle, in room of the vegetative or sensitive soul, beyond kindling in the heart one of those fires without light, such as I had already described,
and which I thought was not different from the heat in hay that has been heaped together before it is dry, or that which causes fermentation in new wines before they are run clear of the fruit.
For, when I examined the kind of functions which might, as consequences of this supposition, exist in this body, I found precisely all those which may exist in us independently of all power of thinking, and consequently without being in any measure owing to the soul;
in other words, to that part of us which is distinct from the body, and of which it has been said above that the nature distinctively consists in thinking, functions in which the animals void of reason may be said wholly to resemble us;
but among which I could not discover any of those that, as dependent on thought alone, belong to us as men, while, on the other hand, I did afterwards discover these as soon as I supposed God to have created a rational soul, and to have annexed it to this body in a particular manner which I described.
But, in order to show how I there handled this matter, I mean here to give the explication of the motion of the heart and arteries,
which, as the first and most general motion observed in animals, will afford the means of readily determining what should be thought of all the rest.
And that there may be less difficulty in understanding what I am about to say on this subject, I advise those who are not versed in anatomy, before they commence the perusal of these observations, to take the trouble of getting dissected in their presence the heart of some large animal possessed of lungs (for this is throughout sufficiently like the human),
and to have shown to them its two ventricles or cavities:
in the first place, that in the right side, with which correspond two very ample tubes,
viz., the hollow vein (vena cava), which is the principal receptacle of the blood, and the trunk of the tree, as it were, of which all the other veins in the body are branches;
and the arterial vein (vena arteriosa),
inappropriately so denominated, since it is in truth only an artery, which, taking its rise in the heart, is divided, after passing out from it, into many branches which presently disperse themselves all over the lungs;
in the second place, the cavity in the left side, with which correspond in the same manner two canals in size equal to or larger than the preceding,
because it is simply a vein which comes from the lungs,
where it is divided into many branches, interlaced with those of the arterial vein, and those of the tube called the windpipe, through which the air we breathe enters;
and the great artery which, issuing from the heart, sends its branches all over the body.
I should wish also that such persons were carefully shown the eleven pellicles which, like so many small valves, open and shut the four orifices that are in these two cavities,
viz., three at the entrance of the hollow veins
where they are disposed in such a manner as by no means to prevent the blood which it contains from flowing into the right ventricle of the heart, and yet exactly to prevent its flowing out;
three at the entrance to the arterial vein, which, arranged in a manner exactly the opposite of the former,
readily permit the blood contained in this cavity to pass into the lungs, but hinder that contained in the lungs from returning to this cavity;
and, in like manner, two others at the mouth of the venous artery,
which allow the blood from the lungs to flow into the left cavity of the heart, but preclude its return;
and three at the mouth of the great artery,
which suffer the blood to flow from the heart, but prevent its reflux.
Nor do we need to seek any other reason for the number of these pellicles beyond this
that the orifice of the venous artery being of an oval shape from the nature of its situation, can be adequately closed with two, whereas the others being round are more conveniently closed with three.
Besides, I wish such persons to observe that the grand artery and the arterial vein are of much harder and firmer texture than the venous artery and the hollow vein;
and that the two last expand before entering the heart, and there form, as it were, two pouches denominated the auricles of the heart, which are composed of a substance similar to that of the heart itself;
and that there is always more warmth in the heart than in any other part of the body
- and finally, that this heat is capable of causing any drop of blood that passes into the cavities rapidly to expand and dilate,
just as all liquors do when allowed to fall drop by drop into a highly heated vessel.
For, after these things, it is not necessary for me to say anything more with a view to explain the motion of the heart,
except that when its cavities are not full of blood, into these the blood of necessity flows,
because these two vessels are always full of blood, and their orifices, which are turned towards the heart, cannot then be closed.
But as soon as two drops of blood have thus passed,
one into each of the cavities, these drops which cannot but be very large,
because the orifices through which they pass are wide, and the vessels from which they come full of blood,
are immediately rarefied, and dilated by the heat they meet with.
In this way they cause the whole heart to expand, and at the same time press home and shut the five small valves that are at the entrances of the two vessels from which they flow, and thus prevent any more blood from coming down into the heart,
and becoming more and more rarefied, they push open the six small valves that are in the orifices of the other two vessels, through which they pass out,
causing in this way all the branches of the arterial vein and of the grand artery to expand almost simultaneously with the heart
which immediately thereafter begins to contract, as do also the arteries,
because the blood that has entered them has cooled,
and the six small valves close, and the five of the hollow vein and of the venous artery open anew and allow a passage to other two drops of blood,
which cause the heart and the arteries again to expand as before.
And, because the blood which thus enters into the heart passes through these two pouches called auricles,
it thence happens that their motion is the contrary of that of the heart,
and that when it expands they contract.
But lest those who are ignorant of the force of mathematical demonstrations and who are not accustomed to distinguish true reasons from mere verisimilitudes, should venture. without examination, to deny what has been said, I wish it to be considered that the motion which I have now explained follows as necessarily from the very arrangement of the parts,
which may be observed in the heart by the eye alone, and from the heat which may be felt with the fingers, and from the nature of the blood as learned from experience,
as does the motion of a clock from the power, the situation, and shape of its counterweights and wheels.
But if it be asked how it happens that the blood in the veins, flowing in this way continually into the heart, is not exhausted, and why the arteries do not become too full, since all the blood which passes through the heart flows into them,
I need only mention in reply what has been written by a physician 1 of England,
who has the honor of having broken the ice on this subject,
and of having been the first to teach that there are many small passages at the extremities of the arteries, through which the blood received by them from the heart passes into the small branches of the veins, whence it again returns to the heart;
so that its course amounts precisely to a perpetual circulation.
Of this we have abundant proof in the ordinary experience of surgeons,
who, by binding the arm with a tie of moderate straitness above the part where they open the vein, cause the blood to flow more copiously than it would have done without any ligature;
whereas quite the contrary would happen were they to bind it below;
that is, between the hand and the opening,
or were to make the ligature above the opening very tight.
For it is manifest that the tie, moderately straightened, while adequate to hinder the blood already in the arm from returning towards the heart by the veins, cannot on that account prevent new blood from coming forward through the arteries,
because these are situated below the veins, and their coverings, from their greater consistency, are more difficult to compress;
and also that the blood which comes from the heart tends to pass through them to the hand with greater force than it does to return from the hand to the heart through the veins.
And since the latter current escapes from the arm by the opening made in one of the veins, there must of necessity be certain passages below the ligature, that is, towards the extremities of the arm through which it can come thither from the arteries.
This physician likewise abundantly establishes what he has advanced respecting the motion of the blood, from the existence of certain pellicles, so disposed in various places along the course of the veins,
in the manner of small valves, as not to permit the blood to pass from the middle of the body towards the extremities, but only to return from the extremities to the heart;
and farther, from experience which shows that all the blood which is in the body may flow out of it in a very short time through a single artery that has been cut,
even although this had been closely tied in the immediate neighborhood of the heart and cut between the heart and the ligature,
so as to prevent the supposition that the blood flowing out of it could come from any other quarter than the heart.
But there are many other circumstances which evince that what I have alleged is the true cause of the motion of the blood:
thus, in the first place, the difference that is observed between the blood which flows from the veins, and that from the arteries, can only arise from this, that being rarefied, and, as it were, distilled by passing through the heart, it is thinner, and more vivid, and warmer immediately after leaving the heart, in other words, when in the arteries, than it was a short time before passing into either, in other words, when it was in the veins;
and if attention be given, it will be found that this difference is very marked only in the neighborhood of the heart;
and is not so evident in parts more remote from it.
In the next place, the consistency of the coats of which the arterial vein and the great artery are composed, sufficiently shows that the blood is impelled against them with more force than against the veins.
And why should the left cavity of the heart and the great artery be wider and larger than the right cavity and the arterial vein,
were it not that the blood of the venous artery, having only been in the lungs after it has passed through the heart, is thinner, and rarefies more readily, and in a higher degree, than the blood which proceeds immediately from the hollow vein?
And what can physicians conjecture from feeling the pulse unless they know that according as the blood changes its nature it can be rarefied by the warmth of the heart, in a higher or lower degree, and more or less quickly than before?
And if it be inquired how this heat is communicated to the other members, must it not be admitted that this is effected by means of the blood, which, passing through the heart, is there heated anew, and thence diffused over all the body?
Whence it happens, that if the blood be withdrawn from any part, the heat is likewise withdrawn by the same means;
and although the heart were as-hot as glowing iron, it would not be capable of warming the feet and hands as at present, unless it continually sent thither new blood.
We likewise perceive from this, that the true use of respiration
is to bring sufficient fresh air into the lungs,
to cause the blood which flows into them from the right ventricle of the heart, where it has been rarefied and, as it were, changed into vapors, to become thick, and to convert it anew into blood, before it flows into the left cavity,
without which process it would be unfit for the nourishment of the fire that is there.
This receives confirmation from the circumstance,
that it is observed of animals destitute of lungs that they have also but one cavity in the heart,
and that in children who cannot use them while in the womb, there is a hole through which the blood flows from the hollow vein into the left cavity of the heart, and a tube through which it passes from the arterial vein into the grand artery without passing through the lung.
In the next place, how could digestion be carried on in the stomach unless the heart communicated heat to it through the arteries, and along with this certain of the more fluid parts of the blood,
which assist in the dissolution of the food that has been taken in?
Is not also the operation which converts the juice of food into blood easily comprehended, when it is considered that it is distilled by passing and repassing through the heart perhaps more than one or two hundred times in a day?
And what more need be adduced to explain nutrition, and the production of the different humors of the body, beyond saying,
that the force with which the blood, in being rarefied, passes from the heart towards the extremities of the arteries, causes certain of its parts to remain in the members at which they arrive, and there occupy the place of some others expelled by them;
and that according to the situation, shape, or smallness of the pores with which they meet, some rather than others flow into certain parts,
in the same way that some sieves are observed to act, which, by being variously perforated, serve to separate different species of grain?
And, in the last place, what above all is here worthy of observation, is the generation of the animal spirits,
which are like a very subtle wind, or rather a very pure and vivid flame which, continually ascending in great abundance from the heart to the brain, thence penetrates through the nerves into the muscles, and gives motion to all the members;
so that to account for other parts of the blood which, as most agitated and penetrating, are the fittest to compose these spirits, proceeding towards the brain, it is not necessary to suppose any other cause, than simply, that the arteries which carry them thither proceed from the heart in the most direct lines,
and that, according to the rules of mechanics which are the same with those of nature, when many objects tend at once to the same point where there is not sufficient room for all (as is the case with the parts of the blood which flow forth from the left cavity of the heart and tend towards the brain), the weaker and less agitated parts must necessarily be driven aside from that point by the stronger
which alone in this way reach it I had expounded all these matters with sufficient minuteness in the treatise which I formerly thought of publishing.
And after these, I had shown what must be the fabric of the nerves and muscles of the human body to give the animal spirits contained in it the power to move the members,
as when we see heads shortly after they have been struck off still move and bite the earth, although no longer animated;
what changes must take place in the brain to produce waking, sleep, and dreams;
how light, sounds, odors, tastes, heat, and all the other qualities of external objects impress it with different ideas by means of the senses;
how hunger, thirst, and the other internal affections can likewise impress upon it divers ideas;
what must be understood by the common sense (sensus communis) in which these ideas are received,
by the memory which retains them, by the fantasy which can change them in various ways, and out of them compose new ideas,
and which, by the same means, distributing the animal spirits through the muscles, can cause the members of such a body to move in as many different ways, and in a manner as suited, whether to the objects that are presented to its senses or to its internal affections, as can take place in our own case apart from the guidance of the will.
Nor will this appear at all strange to those who are acquainted with the variety of movements performed by the different automata,
or moving machines fabricated by human industry,
and that with help of but few pieces compared with the great multitude of bones, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, and other parts that are found in the body of each animal.
Such persons will look upon this body as a machine made by the hands of God,
which is incomparably better arranged, and adequate to movements more admirable than is any machine of human invention.
And here I specially stayed to show that,
were there such machines exactly resembling organs and outward form an ape or any other irrational animal, we could have no means of knowing that they were in any respect of a different nature from these animals;
but if there were machines bearing the image of our bodies, and capable of imitating our actions as far as it is morally possible, there would still remain two most certain tests whereby to know that they were not therefore really men.
Of these the first is that they could never use words or other signs arranged in such a manner as is competent to us in order to declare our thoughts to others:
for we may easily conceive a machine to be so constructed that it emits vocables, and even that it emits some correspondent to the action upon it of external objects which cause a change in its organs;
for example, if touched in a particular place it may demand what we wish to say to it;
if in another it may cry out that it is hurt, and such like;
but not that it should arrange them variously so as appositely to reply to what is said in its presence,
as men of the lowest grade of intellect can do.
The second test is, that although such machines might execute many things with equal or perhaps greater perfection than any of us, they would, without doubt, fail in certain others
from which it could be discovered that they did not act from knowledge, but solely from the disposition of their organs:
for while reason is an universal instrument that is alike available on every occasion, these organs, on the contrary, need a particular arrangement for each particular action;
whence it must be morally impossible that there should exist in any machine a diversity of organs sufficient to enable it to act in all the occurrences of life, in the way in which our reason enables us to act.
Again, by means of these two tests we may likewise know the difference between men and brutes.
For it is highly deserving of remark, that there are no men so dull and stupid, not even idiots, as to be incapable of joining together different words, and thereby constructing a declaration by which to make their thoughts understood;
and that on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect or happily circumstanced, which can do the like.
Nor does this inability arise from want of organs:
for we observe that magpies and parrots can utter words like ourselves, and are yet unable to speak as we do,
that is, so as to show that they understand what they say;
in place of which men born deaf and dumb, and thus not less, but rather more than the brutes, destitute of the organs which others use in speaking, are in the habit of spontaneously inventing certain signs by which they discover their thoughts to those who, being usually in their company, have leisure to learn their language.
And this proves not only that the brutes have less reason than man,
but that they have none at all:
for we see that very little is required to enable a person to speak;
and since a certain inequality of capacity is observable among animals of the same species, as well as among men,
and since some are more capable of being instructed than others, it is incredible that the most perfect ape or parrot of its species, should not in this be equal to the most stupid infant of its kind or at least to one that was crack-brained,
unless the soul of brutes were of a nature wholly different from ours.
And we ought not to confound speech with the natural movements which indicate the passions,
and can be imitated by machines as well as manifested by animals;
nor must it be thought with certain of the ancients, that the brutes speak, although we do not understand their language.
For if such were the case, since they are endowed with many organs analogous to ours, they could as easily communicate their thoughts to us as to their fellows.
It is also very worthy of remark, that, though there are many animals which manifest more industry than we in certain of their actions, the same animals are yet observed to show none at all in many others:
so that the circumstance that they do better than we does not prove that they are endowed with mind,
for it would thence follow that they possessed greater reason than any of us, and could surpass us in all things;
on the contrary, it rather proves that they are destitute of reason,
and that it is nature which acts in them according to the disposition of their organs:
thus it is seen, that a clock composed only of wheels and weights can number the hours and measure time more exactly than we with all our skin.
I had after this described the reasonable soul, and shown that it could by no means be educed from the power of matter, as the other things of which I had spoken,
but that it must be expressly created;
and that it is not sufficient that it be lodged in the human body exactly like a pilot in a ship, unless perhaps to move its members,
but that it is necessary for it to be joined and united more closely to the body, in order to have sensations and appetites similar to ours, and thus constitute a real man.
I here entered, in conclusion, upon the subject of the soul at considerable length, because it is of the greatest moment:
for after the error of those who deny the existence of God, an error which I think I have already sufficiently refuted, there is none that is more powerful in leading feeble minds astray from the straight path of virtue than the supposition that the soul of the brutes is of the same nature with our own;
and consequently that after this life we have nothing to hope for or fear, more than flies and ants;
in place of which, when we know how far they differ we much better comprehend the reasons which establish that the soul is of a nature wholly independent of the body, and that consequently it is not liable to die with the latter
and, finally, because no other causes are observed capable of destroying it,
we are naturally led thence to judge that it is immortal.
Three years have now elapsed since I finished the treatise containing all these matters;
and I was beginning to revise it, with the view to put it into the hands of a printer, when I learned that persons to whom I greatly defer, and whose authority over my actions is hardly less influential than is my own reason over my thoughts, had condemned a certain doctrine in physics,
published a short time previously by another individual to which I will not say that I adhered,
but only that, previously to their censure I had observed in it nothing which I could imagine to be prejudicial either to religion or to the state, and nothing therefore which would have prevented me from giving expression to it in writing, if reason had persuaded me of its truth;
and this led me to fear lest among my own doctrines likewise some one might be found in which I had departed from the truth, notwithstanding the great care I have always taken not to accord belief to new opinions of which I had not the most certain demonstrations, and not to give expression to aught that might tend to the hurt of any one.
This has been sufficient to make me alter my purpose of publishing them;
for although the reasons by which I had been induced to take this resolution were very strong, yet my inclination, which has always been hostile to writing books,
enabled me immediately to discover other considerations sufficient to excuse me for not undertaking the task.
And these reasons, on one side and the other, are such, that not only is it in some measure my interest here to state them, but that of the public, perhaps, to know them.
I have never made much account of what has proceeded from my own mind;
and so long as I gathered no other advantage from the method I employ beyond satisfying myself on some difficulties belonging to the speculative sciences, or endeavoring to regulate my actions according to the principles it taught me, I never thought myself bound to publish anything respecting it.
For in what regards manners, every one is so full of his own wisdom,
that there might be found as many reformers as heads, if any were allowed to take upon themselves the task of mending them,
except those whom God has constituted the supreme rulers of his people or to whom he has given sufficient grace and zeal to be prophets;
and although my speculations greatly pleased myself, I believed that others had theirs, which perhaps pleased them still more.
But as soon as I had acquired some general notions respecting physics, and beginning to make trial of them in various particular difficulties, had observed how far they can carry us, and how much they differ from the principles that have been employed up to the present time,
I believed that I could not keep them concealed without sinning grievously against the law by which we are bound to promote, as far as in us lies, the general good of mankind.
For by them I perceived it to be possible to arrive at knowledge highly useful in life;
and in room of the speculative philosophy usually taught in the schools, to discover a practical, by means of which, knowing the force and action of fire, water, air the stars, the heavens, and all the other bodies that surround us, as distinctly as we know the various crafts of our artisans, we might also apply them in the same way to all the uses to which they are adapted, and thus render ourselves the lords and possessors of nature.
And this is a result to be desired,
not only in order to the invention of an infinity of arts, by which we might be enabled to enjoy without any trouble the fruits of the earth, and all its comforts, but also and especially for the preservation of health,
which is without doubt, of all the blessings of this life, the first and fundamental one;
for the mind is so intimately dependent upon the condition and relation of the organs of the body, that if any means can ever be found to render men wiser and more ingenious than hitherto, I believe that it is in medicine they must be sought for.
It is true that the science of medicine, as it now exists, contains few things whose utility is very remarkable:
but without any wish to depreciate it, I am confident that there is no one, even among those whose profession it is, who does not admit that all at present known in it is almost nothing in comparison of what remains to be discovered;
and that we could free ourselves from an infinity of maladies of body as well as of mind, and perhaps also even from the debility of age, if we had sufficiently ample knowledge of their causes, and of all the remedies provided for us by nature.
But since I designed to employ my whole life in the search after so necessary a science, and since I had fallen in with a path which seems to me such, that if any one follow it he must inevitably reach the end desired, unless he be hindered either by the shortness of life or the want of experiments, I judged that there could be no more effectual provision against these two impediments than if I were faithfully to communicate to the public all the little I might myself have found, and incite men of superior genius to strive to proceed farther, by contributing, each according to his inclination and ability, to the experiments which it would be necessary to make,
and also by informing the public of all they might discover, so that, by the last beginning where those before them had left off, and thus connecting the lives and labours of many, we might collectively proceed much farther than each by himself could do.
I remarked, moreover, with respect to experiments, that they become always more necessary the more one is advanced in knowledge;
for, at the commencement, it is better to make use only of what is spontaneously presented to our senses, and of which we cannot remain ignorant, provided we bestow on it any reflection, however slight, than to concern ourselves about more uncommon and recondite phenomena:
the reason of which is, that the more uncommon often only mislead us so long as the causes of the more ordinary are still unknown;
and the circumstances upon which they depend are almost always so special and minute as to be highly difficult to detect.
But in this I have adopted the following order:
first, I have essayed to find in general the principles,
or first causes of all that is or can be in the world, or first causes of all that is or can be in the world,
without taking into consideration for this end anything but God himself who has created it, and without educing them from any other source than from certain germs of truths naturally existing in our minds
In the second place, I examined what were the first and most ordinary effects that could be deduced from these causes;
and it appears to me that, in this way, I have found heavens, stars, an earth, and even on the earth water, air, fire, minerals, and some other things of this kind, which of all others are the most common and simple, and hence the easiest to know.
Afterwards when I wished to descend to the more particular, so many diverse objects presented themselves to me, that I believed it to be impossible for the human mind to distinguish the forms or species of bodies that are upon the earth, from an infinity of others which might have been, if it had pleased God to place them there, or consequently to apply them to our use,
unless we rise to causes through their effects, and avail ourselves of many particular experiments.
Thereupon, turning over in my mind I the objects that had ever been presented to my senses I freely venture to state that I have never observed any which I could not satisfactorily explain by the principles had discovered.
But it is necessary also to confess that the power of nature is so ample and vast, and these principles so simple and general, that I have hardly observed a single particular effect which I cannot at once recognize as capable of being deduced in man different modes from the principles, and that my greatest difficulty usually is to discover in which of these modes the effect is dependent upon them;
for out of this difficulty cannot otherwise extricate myself than by again seeking certain experiments,
which may be such that their result is not the same, if it is in the one of these modes at we must explain it, as it would be if it were to be explained in the other.
As to what remains, I am now in a position to discern, as I think, with sufficient clearness what course must be taken to make the majority those experiments which may conduce to this end:
but I perceive likewise that they are such and so numerous, that neither my hands nor my income, though it were a thousand times larger than it is, would be sufficient for them all;
so that according as henceforward I shall have the means of making more or fewer experiments, I shall in the same proportion make greater or less progress in the knowledge of nature.
This was what I had hoped to make known by the treatise I had written,
and so clearly to exhibit the advantage that would thence accrue to the public, as to induce all who have the common good of man at heart, that is, all who are virtuous in truth, and not merely in appearance, or according to opinion, as well to communicate to me the experiments they had already made, as to assist me in those that remain to be made.
But since that time other reasons have occurred to me, by which I have been led to change my opinion,
and to think that I ought indeed to go on committing to writing all the results which I deemed of any moment, as soon as I should have tested their truth, and to bestow the same care upon them as I would have done had it been my design to publish them.
This course commended itself to me, as well because I thus afforded myself more ample inducement to examine them thoroughly,
for doubtless that is always more narrowly scrutinized which we believe will be read by many, than that which is written merely for our private use (and frequently what has seemed to me true when I first conceived it, has appeared false when I have set about committing it to writing), as because I thus lost no opportunity of advancing the interests of the public, as far as in me lay, and since thus likewise, if my writings possess any value, those into whose hands they may fall after my death may be able to put them to what use they deem proper.
But I resolved by no means to consent to their publication during my lifetime,
lest either the oppositions or the controversies to which they might give rise, or even the reputation, such as it might be, which they would acquire for me, should be any occasion of my losing the time that I had set apart for my own improvement.
For though it be true that every one is bound to promote to the extent of his ability the good of others, and that to be useful to no one is really to be worthless, yet it is likewise true that our cares ought to extend beyond the present, and it is good to omit doing what might perhaps bring some profit to the living, when we have in view the accomplishment of other ends that will be of much greater advantage to posterity.
And in truth, I am quite willing it should be known that the little I have hitherto learned is almost nothing in comparison with that of which I am ignorant, and to the knowledge of which I do not despair of being able to attain;
for it is much the same with those who gradually discover truth in the sciences, as with those who when growing rich find less difficulty in making great acquisitions, than they formerly experienced when poor in making acquisitions of much smaller amount.
Or they may be compared to the commanders of armies,
whose forces usually increase in proportion to their victories,
and who need greater prudence to keep together the residue of their troops after a defeat than after a victory to take towns and provinces.
For he truly engages in battle who endeavors to surmount all the difficulties and errors which prevent him from reaching the knowledge of truth,
and he is overcome in fight who admits a false opinion touching a matter of any generality and importance,
and he requires thereafter much more skill to recover his former position than to make great advances when once in possession of thoroughly ascertained principles.
As for myself, if I have succeeded in discovering any truths in the sciences (and I trust that what is contained in this volume 1 will show that I have found some), I can declare that they are but the consequences and results of five or six principal difficulties which I have surmounted,
and my encounters with which I reckoned as battles in which victory declared for me.
I will not hesitate even to avow my belief that nothing further is wanting to enable me fully to realize my designs than to gain two or three similar victories;
and that I am not so far advanced in years but that, according to the ordinary course of nature, I may still have sufficient leisure for this end.
But I conceive myself the more bound to husband the time that remains the greater my expectation of being able to employ it aright,
and I should doubtless have much to rob me of it, were I to publish the principles of my physics:
for although they are almost all so evident that to assent to them no more is needed than simply to understand them, and although there is not one of them of which I do not expect to be able to give demonstration, yet, as it is impossible that they can be in accordance with all the diverse opinions of others, I foresee that I should frequently be turned aside from my grand design, on occasion of the opposition which they would be sure to awaken.
It may be said, that these oppositions would be useful both in making me aware of my errors,
and, if my speculations contain anything of value, in bringing others to a fuller understanding of it;
and still farther, as many can see better than one, in leading others who are now beginning to avail themselves of my principles, to assist me in turn with their discoveries.
But though I recognize my extreme liability to error, and scarce ever trust to the first thoughts which occur to me, yet-the experience I have had of possible objections to my views prevents me from anticipating any profit from them.
For I have already had frequent proof of the judgments, as well of those I esteemed friends, as of some others to whom I thought I was an object of indifference, and even of some whose malignancy and envy would, I knew, determine them to endeavor to discover what partiality concealed from the eyes of my friends.
But it has rarely happened that anything has been objected to me which I had myself altogether overlooked,
unless it were something far removed from the subject:
so that I have never met with a single critic of my opinions who did not appear to me either less rigorous or less equitable than myself.
And further, I have never observed that any truth before unknown has been brought to light by the disputations that are practised in the schools;
for while each strives for the victory, each is much more occupied in making the best of mere verisimilitude, than in weighing the reasons on both sides of the question;
and those who have been long good advocates are not afterwards on that account the better judges.
As for the advantage that others would derive from the communication of my thoughts, it could not be very great;
because I have not yet so far prosecuted them as that much does not remain to be added before they can be applied to practice.
And I think I may say without vanity, that if there is any one who can carry them out that length, it must be myself rather than another:
not that there may not be in the world many minds incomparably superior to mine, but because one cannot so well seize a thing and make it one's own, when it has been learned from another, as when one has himself discovered it.
And so true is this of the present subject that,
though I have often explained some of my opinions to persons of much acuteness, who, whilst I was speaking, appeared to understand them very distinctly, yet, when they repeated them, I have observed that they almost always changed them to such an extent that I could no longer acknowledge them as mine.
I am glad, by the way, to take this opportunity of requesting posterity never to believe on hearsay that anything has proceeded from me which has not been published by myself;
and I am not at all astonished at the extravagances attributed to those ancient philosophers whose own writings we do not possess;
whose thoughts, however, I do not on that account suppose to have been really absurd,
seeing they were among the ablest men of their times,
but only that these have been falsely represented to us.
It is observable, accordingly, that scarcely in a single instance has any one of their disciples surpassed them;
and I am quite sure that the most devoted of the present followers of Aristotle would think themselves happy if they had as much knowledge of nature as he possessed,
were it even under the condition that they should never afterwards attain to higher.
In this respect they are like the ivy which never strives to rise above the tree that sustains it,
and which frequently even returns downwards when it has reached the top;
for it seems to me that they also sink,
in other words, render themselves less wise than they would be if they gave up study, who, not contented with knowing all that is intelligibly explained in their author, desire in addition to find in him the solution of many difficulties of which he says not a word, and never perhaps so much as thought.
Their fashion of philosophizing, however, is well suited to persons whose abilities fall below mediocrity;
for the obscurity of the distinctions and principles of which they make use enables them to speak of all things with as much confidence as if they really knew them, and to defend all that they say on any subject against the most subtle and skillful, without its being possible for any one to convict them of error.
In this they seem to me to be like a blind man, who, in order to fight on equal terms with a person that sees, should have made him descend to the bottom of an intensely dark cave:
and I may say that such persons have an interest in my refraining from publishing the principles of the philosophy of which I make use;
for, since these are of a kind the simplest and most evident, I should, by publishing them, do much the same as if I were to throw open the windows, and allow the light of day to enter the cave into which the combatants had descended.
But even superior men have no reason for any great anxiety to know these principles,
for if what they desire is to be able to speak of all things, and to acquire a reputation for learning, they will gain their end more easily by remaining satisfied with the appearance of truth,
which can be found without much difficulty in all sorts of matters, than by seeking the truth itself which unfolds itself but slowly and that only in some departments, while it obliges us, when we have to speak of others, freely to confess our ignorance.
If, however, they prefer the knowledge of some few truths to the vanity of appearing ignorant of none, as such knowledge is undoubtedly much to be preferred, and, if they choose to follow a course similar to mine, they do not require for this that I should say anything more than I have already said in this discourse.
For if they are capable of making greater advancement than I have made, they will much more be able of themselves to discover all that I believe myself to have found;
since as I have never examined aught except in order, it is certain that what yet remains to be discovered is in itself more difficult and recondite, than that which I have already been enabled to find, and the gratification would be much less in learning it from me than in discovering it for themselves.
Besides this, the habit which they will acquire, by seeking first what is easy, and then passing onward slowly and step by step to the more difficult, will benefit them more than all my instructions.
Thus, in my own case, I am persuaded that if I had been taught from my youth all the truths of which I have since sought out demonstrations, and had thus learned them without labour, I should never, perhaps, have known any beyond these;
at least, I should never have acquired the habit and the facility which I think I possess in always discovering new truths in proportion as I give myself to the search.
And, in a single word, if there is any work in the world which cannot be so well finished by another as by him who has commenced it, it is that at which I labour.
It is true, indeed, as regards the experiments which may conduce to this end, that one man is not equal to the task of making them all;
but yet he can advantageously avail himself, in this work, of no hands besides his own, unless those of artisans, or parties of the same kind, whom he could pay, and whom the hope of gain (a means of great efficacy) might stimulate to accuracy in the performance of what was prescribed to them.
For as to those who, through curiosity or a desire of learning, of their own accord, perhaps, offer him their services, besides that in general their promises exceed their performance, and that they sketch out fine designs of which not one is ever realized, they will, without doubt, expect to be compensated for their trouble by the explication of some difficulties, or, at least, by compliments and useless speeches,
in which he cannot spend any portion of his time without loss to himself.
And as for the experiments that others have already made, even although these parties should be willing of themselves to communicate them to him (which is what those who esteem them secrets will never do), the experiments are, for the most part, accompanied with so many circumstances and superfluous elements, as to make it exceedingly difficult to disentangle the truth from its adjuncts- besides, he will find almost all of them so ill described, or even so false (because those who made them have wished to see in them only such facts as they deemed conformable to their principles), that, if in the entire number there should be some of a nature suited to his purpose, still their value could not compensate for the time what would be necessary to make the selection.
So that if there existed any one whom we assuredly knew to be capable of making discoveries of the highest kind, and of the greatest possible utility to the public;
and if all other men were therefore eager by all means to assist him in successfully prosecuting his designs,
I do not see that they could do aught else for him beyond contributing to defray the expenses of the experiments that might be necessary;
and for the rest, prevent his being deprived of his leisure by the unseasonable interruptions of any one.
But besides that I neither have so high an opinion of myself as to be willing to make promise of anything extraordinary, nor feed on imaginations so vain as to fancy that the public must be much interested in my designs;
I do not, on the other hand, own a soul so mean as to be capable of accepting from any one a favor of which it could be supposed that I was unworthy.
These considerations taken together were the reason why, for the last three years, I have been unwilling to publish the treatise I had on hand,
and why I even resolved to give publicity during my life to no other that was so general, or by which the principles of my physics might be understood.
But since then, two other reasons have come into operation that have determined me here to subjoin some particular specimens, and give the public some account of my doings and designs.
Of these considerations, the first is, that if I failed to do so, many who were cognizant of my previous intention to publish some writings, might have imagined that the reasons which induced me to refrain from so doing, were less to my credit than they really are;
for although I am not immoderately desirous of glory, or even, if I may venture so to say, although I am averse from it
in so far as I deem it hostile to repose which I hold in greater account than aught else,
yet, at the same time, I have never sought to conceal my actions as if they were crimes, nor made use of many precautions that I might remain unknown;
and this partly because I should have thought such a course of conduct a wrong against myself, and partly because it would have occasioned me some sort of uneasiness which would again have been contrary to the perfect mental tranquillity which I court.
And forasmuch as, while thus indifferent to the thought alike of fame or of forgetfulness, I have yet been unable to prevent myself from acquiring some sort of reputation, I have thought it incumbent on me to do my best to save myself at least from being ill-spoken of.
The other reason that has determined me to commit to writing these specimens of philosophy is, that I am becoming daily more and more alive to the delay which my design of self-instruction suffers,
for want of the infinity of experiments I require, and which it is impossible for me to make without the assistance of others:
and, without flattering myself so much as to expect the public to take a large share in my interests, I am yet unwilling to be found so far wanting in the duty I owe to myself,
as to give occasion to those who shall survive me to make it matter of reproach against me some day,
that I might have left them many things in a much more perfect state than I have done, had I not too much neglected to make them aware of the ways in which they could have promoted the accomplishment of my designs.
And I thought that it was easy for me to select some matters which should neither be obnoxious to much controversy, nor should compel me to expound more of my principles than I desired, and which should yet be sufficient clearly to exhibit what I can or cannot accomplish in the sciences.
Whether or not I have succeeded in this it is not for me to say;
and I do not wish to forestall the judgments of others by speaking myself of my writings;
but it will gratify me if they be examined, and, to afford the greater inducement to this I request all who may have any objections to make to them, to take the trouble of forwarding these to my publisher,
who will give me notice of them, that I may endeavor to subjoin at the same time my reply;
and in this way readers seeing both at once will more easily determine where the truth lies;
for I do not engage in any case to make prolix replies, but only with perfect frankness to avow my errors if I am convinced of them, or if I cannot perceive them, simply to state what I think is required for defense of the matters I have written, adding thereto no explication of any new matte that it may not be necessary to pass without end from one thing to another.
If some of the matters of which I have spoken in the beginning of the "Dioptrics" and "Meteorics" should offend at first sight,
because I call them hypotheses and seem indifferent about giving proof of them,
I request a patient and attentive reading of the whole,
from which I hope those hesitating will derive satisfaction;
for it appears to me that the reasonings are so mutually connected in these treatises, that, as the last are demonstrated by the first which are their causes, the first are in their turn demonstrated by the last which are their effects.
Nor must it be imagined that I here commit the fallacy which the logicians call a circle;
for since experience renders the majority of these effects most certain, the causes from which I deduce them do not serve so much to establish their reality as to explain their existence;
but on the contrary, the reality of the causes is established by the reality of the effects.
Nor have I called them hypotheses with any other end in view except that it may be known that I think I am able to deduce them from those first truths which I have already expounded;
and yet that I have expressly determined not to do so, to prevent a certain class of minds from thence taking occasion to build some extravagant philosophy upon what they may take to be my principles, and my being blamed for it.
I refer to those who imagine that they can master in a day all that another has taken twenty years to think out, as soon as he has spoken two or three words to them on the subject;
or who are the more liable to error and the less capable of perceiving truth in very proportion as they are more subtle and lively.
As to the opinions which are truly and wholly mine, I offer no apology for them as new,
-- persuaded as I am that if their reasons be well considered they will be found to be so simple and so conformed, to common sense as to appear less extraordinary and less paradoxical than any others which can be held on the same subjects;
nor do I even boast of being the earliest discoverer of any of them,
but only of having adopted them, neither because they had nor because they had not been held by others, but solely because reason has convinced me of their truth.
Though artisans may not be able at once to execute the invention which is explained in the "Dioptrics," I do not think that any one on that account is entitled to condemn it;
for since address and practice are required in order so to make and adjust the machines described by me as not to overlook the smallest particular,
I should not be less astonished if they succeeded on the first attempt than if a person were in one day to become an accomplished performer on the guitar, by merely having excellent sheets of music set up before him.
And if I write in French, which is the language of my country, in preference to Latin, which is that of my preceptors, it is because I expect that those who make use of their unprejudiced natural reason will be better judges of my opinions than those who give heed to the writings of the ancients only;
and as for those who unite good sense with habits of study, whom alone I desire for judges, they will not, I feel assured, be so partial to Latin as to refuse to listen to my reasonings merely because I expound them in the vulgar tongue.
In conclusion, I am unwilling here to say anything very specific of the progress which I expect to make for the future in the sciences, or to bind myself to the public by any promise which I am not certain of being able to fulfill;
but this only will I say,
that I have resolved to devote what time I may still have to live to no other occupation than that of endeavoring to acquire some knowledge of Nature,
which shall be of such a kind as to enable us therefrom to deduce rules in medicine of greater certainty than those at present in use;
and that my inclination is so much opposed to all other pursuits,
especially to such as cannot be useful to some without being hurtful to others,
that if, by any circumstances, I had been constrained to engage in such, I do not believe that I should have been able to succeed.
Of this I here make a public declaration,
though well aware that it cannot serve to procure for me any consideration in the world, which, however, I do not in the least affect;
and I shall always hold myself more obliged to those through whose favor I am permitted to enjoy my retirement without interruption than to any who might offer me the highest earthly preferments. | {
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私は南エチオピアで ダサネッチ族を訪れていました
大家族と とても美しい木があり そして私はこれらの写真を この非常に大きくて しかもかさばって とても使いにくい 大判カメラで撮っています
4×5 や10×8フィルムなんて 知っている方 おられます? これをセットして 三脚に取り付けます
私はこの家族に出会い 話をして 楽しく過ごしていました
彼らは私のしていることを 何となく知っていて
私をちょっと変だと思っていました まあ それはいいんです
私にとっての最重要事項は 「美」です それに必要なのが光です
それで私の左手側から 光が射すように設定しました ダサネッチ族とのコミュニケーションでは バランスが大事です 全年代からなる30人家族です
赤ちゃんから祖父母までいます 彼らに木に上ってもらい 光がいい位置にくるまで待ちました フィルムは残り1枚でした 私は思いました いいぞ 順調 順調
慎重に位置を定めていると そこに光が射し始めました 黄金色に美しく輝いてほしい
光が水平線に掛かって ここにいる人々を照らしてほしい 彼らに秘められた美しさを 照らし出したい
さあ来た 来たぞ 私はカメラにフィルムを差し込み 焦点を合わせました 突然 「ピシャッ」という 大きな音がしました 周囲を見回すと 木のてっぺんで 1人の女の子が隣の女の子を 平手打ちしたんです 隣の女の子は髪を引っ張って その場は大混乱 私は立ちあがり 「でも光が 光が」
待った 光が必要なんだ 待って!」
彼女たちは叫び始めます すると1人の男性が 振り向いて叫びます 木全体が崩壊します― いえ 木ではなく 木にいた人々が
皆叫びながら走り回って 村に戻ります 土煙のなか 私は三脚を前に そこに立ち尽くしました
フィルムを手にしても 光は失われ 写真は撮れません
彼らはどこに行ったのか? 分かりません
1週間ですよ 1週間かかって 今日ここでお見せしている写真を撮りました なぜできたか お話ししましょう (拍手) もうなんとも単純なことです 1週間 村の中を回って過ごしたんです 一人残らず会って 「やあ 木のところに来てくれませんか?
そして判明しました あの泣き声や大声は 恋愛沙汰だったんです
私には10代の子供がいるので 分かりますが
あれはボーイフレンド絡みだったんです てっぺんの女の子が他の男の子にキスして それで喧嘩になったという訳です
私にとってこれは 非常に素晴らしい教訓となりました 威厳と敬意を込めて こういった人達の写真を撮るという 私の願いを実現するために 撮影の場に来てもらうためには 彼らを理解する必要があるんです
ただ行くだけじゃなく ただ握手をするだけじゃなく
ただ「私はジミー 写真家です」 なんて言うんじゃなく
私は一人残らず 知る必要があったんです 誰が誰と付き合っていて 誰とならキスしていいのかまでね
しまいには 1週間後 私は疲労困憊していましたが ひざまづいて 「あの木に戻って頂けますか
皆戻ってきてくれました もう一度木に上がってもらいました
女の子たちを 確実に 正しく配置しました この子が叩いた子 もう一人はあっち
彼女らはお互いをしかと見ていました 後でそれを見ると 怒りに満ちた目で にらみあっていました さあ木も全ても整いました 撮影直前になって 気づきます 「ヤギだ!ヤギ!
視線を惹きつける物が必要だ 真ん中に白いヤギだ!」
それで周りにいたヤギと そのヤギを入れ替えました
しかし私はまた間違ったんです 左手の方を見てください 別の少年が怒って出ていきました 彼のヤギを選ばなかったからです
ダサネッチ族だけでなく ヤギとも話しておくべきだったようです
でもともかく あの写真に費やした労力と 私がちょうど今 お話しした物語以外にも ご想像どおり 他にも何百もの 奇想天外な物語が 世界中の何百という人々に関して 存在します
4年ほど前のことですが 私は旅を始めました 正直に言えば この旅は 全くの道楽でした
すごくロマンチストで理想主義者の私は ある意味 世慣れていないのかもしれません
でも美しい人々が地球上に存在することを 心から信じています
これはすごく単純であり 小難しいことではありません
彼らに撮影の場へ 集まってほしかったのです
彼ら自身 いまだ見たことがない姿を 撮りたかったんです
それで様々な約35の部族や 土着の文化を選びました それで様々な約35の部族や 土着の文化を選びました
純粋に美しさだけに基づいて 選んだんです また後でもう少しご説明します
私は人類学者でもなく このテーマを学術的に研究してもいません でも 情熱はものすごく持っています 私は地球上で最も美しい環境に住んでいる 最も美しい人々を選び 私は地球上で最も美しい環境に住んでいる 最も美しい人々を選び この2つを一緒にして 皆さんにお見せすべきだと信じています
1年ほど前 私は最初の写真集を出版しました 桁外れにワクワクする事態が生じました
全世界から注目されました 変な経験でしたよ あらゆる地域の あらゆる人達が― 「彼らはどういう人々なんだ? 何人いるんだ?
どこで彼らと出会ったんだ? 本物か? 偽物だろう
教えてよ 教えてったら ねえ!」 数えきれないほどの質問です 正直なところ 私も答えを知りません
本当に知りませんでした ある程度理解できたのは 確かに彼らは美しい 予想どおりの反応だ でも集中砲火のようにあびた質問には 私は答えられなかったんです
でも 非常に面白いことですが 約1年前 ある人がこう言いました 「君はTEDトークに招待されたよ」
私は言いました 「テッド?テッドって誰?会ったことないよ
彼は 「いや TEDトークだよ」 「だから誰だい?」と私
「彼に話をするのかい? それとも 一緒に登壇するのかい?」
すると「違うってば TEDはグループ名だ 知ってるだろ」
私は言いました 「この5年 部族のところを回ってるんだ
テッドなんて知るはずないだろ 彼に紹介してよ」
とどのつまり― 彼は言いました 「TEDトークに出演するんだよ」
それで調べました 面白そう!すごい!
そうしてTEDGlobalへ 来ることになった訳です
でもここでは 人々に教訓を伝えねばなりません つまり 世界中を旅して この部族の人々と過ごす中で 学んできた教訓です
教訓か・・・ 確かにね 私は何を学んだのか?いい質問です
3つです 必要な教訓は3つ しかもすさまじく深遠でなきゃいけない
こう思いました 3つの教訓ね よし これから考えようと
(拍手) それで私はじっくり懸命に考え 2日前この壇上に立ちました リハーサルをして カードをもらい 手にクリッカーを持ち 写真をスクリーンに映し 考えてきた3つの教訓を プレゼンし始めました するとそれは とても奇妙な 離脱体験のようでした
なんというか そこに立って 自分を自分が見て 「おいジミー こんなの戯言の塊だ
ここに座っている人達は皆 もっと話せるし 人生の教訓をたくさん 聞いてきてもいる
彼らに自分の教えを語ろうなんて お前は何様だ?
何様なんだよ? 彼らを導き 物事の是非を論じるなんてさ 彼らは一体どう思うだろう?」
そして私は少しだけ― 実は密かに 挫折を味わっていました
あの場面にトリップし 例の子らしき少年が ヤギを連れて木から歩いてきました ひどく不機嫌です あれは失敗でした そんなつもりじゃなかったんです
そしてひたすら一生懸命 考えに考えました ごくごく基本的な話なら できるはずだと思いました
ここにいる知り合いはたった一人 それは自分です
私はいまだに 自己探求を続けています これは一生の旅です 全ての答えを得ることはないでしょう でもこの旅で私は すごい事をいくつか学びました
その学びをこれから 皆さんにお伝えしようと思います
これらの写真をなぜ またどのように撮ったのかは 最初にお話ししたとおり あくまでも私の個人的な道楽です ですから これらの学びの 私にとっての意味とか 皆さんにとって意味があるのかという 解釈はお任せします
私は子供の頃 旅ばかりしていました
見事な放浪者で これは実は非常にワクワクするものでした
世界中を巡りながら 私はすごい勢いで 背中を押されて ジミーという一人の人間に なっていく感じがしました
世界へと押し出され 走りまくっていました 妻は時々私をからかいます 「あなた ちょっとフォレスト・ガンプみたいよ」 でも私は 「いや 無駄足じゃないんだ 信じてよ」
そうして走り続け 目的の場所に着き そこに立ち 周りを見回して 考えました― 私の居場所はどこか? 私に合う場所はどこか?
私は誰なんだ? どこから来たんだ?― 分かりませんでした
皆さんの中に心理学者が そう多くは おられませんように
たぶんこの旅の目的の1つは 自分の居場所を 見出そうとすることです
旅をしながら― 大丈夫 部族の所にたどり着いたからって 身体を黄色に塗って 槍と腰巻姿で 走り回った訳じゃなく
私が見出したのは 自分の居場所をもつ人々でした 彼らは刺激的でした 卓越した人々だったんです 私のヒーローを何人か 皆さんにご紹介しましょう
フリ族は地球上でも とびぬけて美しい人々です フリ族は地球上でも とびぬけて美しい人々です
パプアニューギニア高地に住む 誇り高き部族です
あまり多くは残っていません 彼らは「ウィッグマン」と呼ばれます
こういう画像が 全てを語っています
何週間も 何か月もそこで過ごし 彼らと語らい よく知り合いました 撮影の場に来てもらおうと こう言いました 「皆さんには光るものがある 多くの人は見たことのないものです
この見事な自然の中で 撮らせてください」
なぜ彼らが誇り高いのか? なぜこんな姿なのか? そしてなぜ私が 文字通り「骨を折って」 これらの写真を撮り 皆さんにお見せしているのか?
それは彼らの 素晴らしい儀式のためです
フリ族の行う儀式とはこれです 彼らは10代になると 成人になるために 頭髪を剃り落すんです そして彼らはその後の人生で 1日も欠かさず頭をそるんです その髪を使って ある創作をします 非常に私的な創作です
これが彼らフリ族の 創作物です
そう だから「ウィッグマン」と 呼ばれるんです
頭に載せているのは ウィッグです
全て彼自身の毛で できています
そしてそのウィッグを 極楽鳥の羽で装飾します 心配ご無用 鳥なら一杯いるんです
居住者はわずかですから 目くじらたてる必要はありません 彼らは残りの人生を この帽子を作り直すことに費やします 羽毛をどんどん足していきます 実に見事です でも他にもいます カラング族です 彼らは隣の谷に住んでいますが 全く違う言語を話し 見かけも全然違います 彼らがかぶるのは 帽子ですが それはスカラベで できています 綺麗なエメラルド色は 小さなスカラベによるもので
時には5~6千のスカラベが この帽子1つに使われます そして彼らは人生の全てを このスカラベ集めに費やし 帽子を作ります
このようにフリ族は 居場所があるという点で 刺激的でした
私は自分にとっての 大事な儀式を見つけ 過去に戻って本当の居場所を 必死に探すべきなのかもしれません
このプロジェクトの 非常に重要な部分は これらの卓越した人々を どう写真に収めるかでした
基本的にそれは「美」です 美は重要だと 私は思います
私たちは美をめぐって 一生を過ごします 美しい場所 美しい事物 極めつけが 美しい人々です
これはもうとっても 大事なことです
私は人生でずっと 自分がどう見えるか分析してきました
私が美しいか否かは 重要だろうか? それとも純粋に私の美学の問題なのか
そうして旅に出て 結論はとても絞られました
世界中の25歳から30歳の女性を ―失礼― 撮影して回った方が良いのか 美はその瞬間だけのものでしょうか?
そんな考えは ある旅までのことでした その旅は 非常に強烈なものでした 考えるといまだに 身震いしますね
ある地に赴いたんです 皆さんはこれまでに チュコトカのことを お聞きになったことがありますか?
チュコトカという地は 理屈上 そこにたどり着けさえすれば いまだに地球上に存在すると言えます
モスクワから飛行機で 13時間のところです
まずはモスクワに着き そこからノンストップで13時間です
このとおりです 滑走路が見えるでしょうか
チュコトカに到着すると その地にいるのはチュクチ族です
さてチュクチ族は最後の シベリア土着のイヌイットです 彼らのことは聞いたことはあれど 写真を見たことはほぼ無かったのですが そこにいるのは知っていて ガイドとは 連絡をとっていました このガイドが言うには 「この素晴らしい部族ね いますよ たった40名ほどですがね
大丈夫 出会えますよ」 それで旅を続けました
氷上を1か月がかりで横断して 私たちがそこに到着した時 彼らに会えはしましたが 写真撮影は許されませんでした
彼らが言うには 「お前にわしらの写真は撮れない 待て
お前がわしらと知り合い わしらをよく理解できるまで待つんだ
わしらの関わりあい方を理解するまで お前は待たねばならぬ」
そうして何週間も過ぎたあと 尊敬すべき点を見つけました
彼らは人を全く 批判しないのです
若者や中年から お年寄りまで 互いに見守りあい
子供は一日中 肉を噛んでいなければなりません なぜなら大人には 歯が1本もないからです 同時に子供はお年寄りを トイレに連れて行きます 身体がもう弱っていますからね このように ここは尊敬に満ちた 素晴らしい共同体です
彼らは互いを愛し 敬っています 彼らはしっかりと私に教えてくれました― 美とは何なのかをね
(拍手) さて少しだけ皆さん同士で 交流して頂けますでしょうか
私のトークの最終段階で とても重要になります
皆さんの両隣に 誰かがおられれば 皆さん彼らをよく見てください そして褒めてください これはとっても重要ですよ
鼻でもいいし 髪でも オーラなんかでも構いませんが お互いを見て 褒めてください
短くね 時間が押してますから・・・
OK ありがとう ありがとう 褒めあって頂きましたね
その褒め言葉を しかと心に抱いてください この後使います
最後に これは ものすごく奥深いことなんですが たった2週間前に 私はヒンバ族の所に戻りました
ヒンバ族はナミビア北部の アンゴラとの国境沿いに住んでいて もう何度か訪ねたことがあります 今回はこの 私の本を 見せに行ったんです 彼らに写真を見てもらって 語り合いたかったのです 「これが私から見た皆さんです 皆さんへの愛情や
尊敬を表しました どう思いますか? 合ってます? 間違ってます?」
このディベートがしたかったんです もうとっても感情的でした ある夜 私たちは たき火を囲んで座っていました 白状すると 私はほんのちょっとばかり 飲み過ぎてました 星空の下に座り 「すばらしい 私の写真を見てもらえた これで両想いだ」 ちょっとぼんやりした頭で 周りを見回して こう言いました
「柵があったと思うんだけど ないですね
前は ここにありませんでしたか?
村を囲む 防御用の こんな大きな柵です」 彼らは私を見て 「ああ 首長が亡くなったんだ」
なるほど 首長が亡くなったのか 私は再び星を見上げ たき火に目をやりました
首長の死が 一体どうして 柵に関係あるんだ?
まずは柵を壊すんだ いいかい? それから彼のことを回顧する
それから新たに柵を作り 彼を敬うんだ」
私はわっと泣き出しました ちょうど父を亡くしたばかりだったんです この旅に出る前のことでした 私は彼に感謝など していませんでした 自分が今日ここにいられるのは 彼のおかげだという事実を 感謝などしていませんでした
これらの人々が教えてくれたのは 私という人間がいるのは 両親や祖父母 それから何代もの祖先の おかげだということです この旅で私が どれほどロマンチックで 理想主義的だったかはさておき 2週間前までそれに 気づかなかったんです
皆さんにお見せしたい写真があります すごく特別なものですが 私が選ぼうとしたものではないんです
先日 私がそこに座って 最後に見せる印象的な写真を考えていると
誰かが言いました 「ナネフの写真で決まりよ」
「うーんでも そこまで 気に入ってはないんだ」と私
彼女は続けました 「いいえ! あれはもう凄い写真よ
私は言いました 「どういうこと?あれはナネフの写真だよ」
「いいえ よーく見て 彼の瞳の中にあなたがいる」 と彼女
それで写真をよく見ると 彼の瞳の中に私の像が映っています そこで思いました 彼は私の魂を宿し 私は彼の魂の中にいるのかもしれない この写真は皆さんを見ていて 私は皆さんにそれを見てもらっている
皆さんは彼の瞳には映りません でもこれらの人々について 非常に重要なことがあります
私は最終的な答えが分からないまま ただお見せしていますが 皆さんには分かるはずです ここにヒントがあるはずです
私がお話しした 美や居場所 私たちの祖先やルーツについて 少し思い返して頂けるなら・・・ 皆さん ご起立願えますか
言い訳は通用しませんよ もうランチの時間ですからね スタンディング・オべーションじゃありません ご心配なく 褒め言葉を 引き出そうとはしてません
でも数分前に 皆さんの方は 褒め言葉をもらいましたね
息を吸って いいですか―
私は2週間も ひざまづいたりしません
ヤギを連れてきなさいと 皆さんに要求もしません ラクダなんて お持ちでないですもんね
写真という言葉のおかげで 全てを
丸ごと理解できるんです これは世界規模の デジタルたき火とも言えますね 私は皆さんと 世界を共有したいんです 皆さんも1つの部族だからです
TED部族でしょ? でも皆さん あの褒め言葉を思い出してください
堂々と立って 鼻から息を吸って 皆さんの写真を撮ります いいですね?
パノラマ・ショットにしたいので 少し時間をください 集中してくださいよ いいですか?
息を吸って 堂々と立って 笑わないで スーッと鼻で息を・・・
(シャッター音) ありがとう | I'm in southern Ethiopia. I'm with the Daasanach.
There's a big family, there's a very beautiful tree, and I make these pictures with this very large, extremely cumbersome, very awkward technical plate film camera.
Does anybody know 4x5 and 10x8 sheets of film, and you're setting it up, putting it on the tripod.
I've got the family, spent the better part of a day talking with them.
They sort of understand what I'm on about.
They think I'm a bit crazy, but that's another story.
And what's most important for me is the beauty and the aesthetic, and that's based on the light.
So the light's setting on my left-hand side, and there's a balance in the communication with the Daasanach, the family of 30, all ages.
There's babies and there's grandparents, I'm getting them in the tree and waiting for the light to set, and it's going, going, and I've got one sheet of film left, and I think, I'm okay, I'm in control, I'm in control.
I'm setting it up and I'm setting up, and the light's just about to go, and I want it to be golden, I want it to be beautiful.
I want it to be hanging on the horizon so it lights these people, in all the potential glory that they could be presented.
And it's about to go and it's about to go, and I put my sheet in the camera, it's all focused, and all of a sudden there's a massive "whack," and I'm looking around, and in the top corner of the tree, one of the girls slaps the girl next to her, and the girl next to her pulls her hair, and all hell breaks loose, and I'm standing there going, "But the light, the light.
Wait, I need the light. Stay still! Stay still!"
And they start screaming, and then one of the men turns around and starts screaming, shouting, and the whole tree collapses, not the tree, but the people in the tree.
They're all running around screaming, and they run back off into the village in this sort of cloud of smoke, and I'm left there standing behind my tripod.
I've got my sheet, and the light's gone, and I can't make the picture.
Where have they all gone? I had no idea.
It took me a week, it took me a week to make the picture which you see here today, and I'll tell you why. It's very, very, very simple -- I spent a week going around the village, and I went to every single one: "Hello, can you meet at the tree?
What's your story? Who are you?"
And it all turned out to be about a boyfriend, for crying out loud.
I mean, I have teenage kids. I should know.
It was about a boyfriend. The girl on the top, she'd kissed the wrong boy, and they'd started having a fight.
And there was a very, very beautiful lesson for me in that: If I was going to photograph these people in the dignified, respectful way that I had intended, and put them on a pedestal, I had to understand them.
It wasn't just about turning up. It wasn't just about shaking a hand.
It wasn't about just saying, "I'm Jimmy, I'm a photographer."
I had to get to know every single one of them, right down to whose boyfriend is who and who is allowed to kiss who.
So in the end, a week later, and I was absolutely exhausted, I mean on my knees going, "Please get back up in that tree.
It's a picture I need to make."
They all came back. I put them all back up in the tree.
I made sure the girls were in the right position, and the ones that slapped, one was over there.
They did look at each other. If you look at it later, they're staring at each other very angrily, and I've got the tree and everything, and then at the last minute, I go, "The goat, the goat!
I need something for the eye to look at. I need a white goat in the middle."
So I swapped all the goats around. I put the goats in.
But even then I got it wrong, because if you can see on the left-hand side, another little boy storms off because I didn't choose his goat.
So the moral being I have to learn to speak Goat as well as Daasanach.
But anyway, the effort that goes into that picture and the story that I've just related to you, as you can imagine, there are hundreds of other bizarre, eccentric stories of hundreds of other people around the world.
And this was about four years ago, and I set off on a journey, to be honest, a very indulgent journey.
I'm a real romantic. I'm an idealist, perhaps in some ways naive.
But I truly believe that there are people on the planet that are beautiful.
It's very, very simple. It's not rocket science.
I wanted to put these people on a pedestal.
I wanted to put them on a pedestal like they'd never been seen before.
So, I chose about 35 different groups, tribes, indigenous cultures.
They were chosen purely because of their aesthetic, and I'll talk more about that later.
I'm not an anthropologist, I have no technical study with the subject, but I do have a very, very, very deep passion, and I believe that I had to choose the most beautiful people on the planet in the most beautiful environment that they lived in, and put the two together and present them to you.
About a year ago, I published the first pictures, and something extraordinarily exciting happened.
The whole world came running, and it was a bizarre experience, because everybody, from everywhere: "Who are they? What are they? How many are they?
Where did you find them? Are they real? You faked it.
Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." Millions of questions for which, to be honest, I don't have the answers.
I really didn't have the answers, and I could sort of understand, okay, they're beautiful, that was my intention, but the questions that I was being fired at, I could not answer them.
Until, it was quite amusing, about a year ago somebody said, "You've been invited to do a TED Talk."
And I said, "Ted? Ted? Who's Ted? I haven't met Ted before."
He said, "No, a TED Talk." I said, "But who's Ted?
Do I have to talk to him or do we sit with each other on the stage?"
And, "No, no, the TED group. You must know about it."
And I said, "I've been in a teepee and in a yurt for the last five years.
How do I know who Ted is? Introduce me to him."
Anyway, to cut a long story short, he said, "We have to do a TED Talk."
Researched. Oh, exciting. That's great!
And then eventually you're going to go to TEDGlobal.
Even more exciting.
But what you need to do, you need to teach the people lessons, lessons that you've learned on your travels around the world with these tribes.
I thought, lessons, okay, well, what did I learn? Good question.
Three. You need three lessons, and they need to be terribly profound.
And I thought, three lessons, well, I'm going to think about it.
So I thought long and hard, and I stood here two days ago, and I had my test run, and I had my cards and my clicker in my hands and my pictures were on the screen, and I had my three lessons, and I started presenting them, and I had this very odd out-of-body experience.
I sort of looked at myself standing there, going, "Oh, Jimmy, this is complete loads of codswallop.
All these people sitting here, they've had more of these talks, they've heard more lessons in their life.
Who are you to tell them what you've learned?
Who are you to guide them and who are you to show them what is right, what is wrong, what these people have to say?"
And I had a little bit of a, it was very private, a little bit of a meltdown.
I went back, and a little bit like the boy walking away from the tree with his goats, very disgruntled, going, that didn't work, It wasn't what I wanted to communicate.
And I thought long and hard about it, and I thought, well, the only thing I can communicate is very, very basic.
You have to turn it all the way around.
There's only one person I know here, and that's me.
I'm still getting to know myself, and it's a lifelong journey, and I probably won't have all the answers, but I did learn some extraordinary things on this journey.
So what I'm going to do is share with you my lessons.
It's a very, as I explained at the beginning, very indulgent, very personal, and I leave it to you as the audience to interpret what these lessons have meant to me, what they could perhaps mean to you.
I traveled enormously as a child.
I was very nomadic. It was actually very exciting.
All around the world, and I had this feeling that I was pushed off at great speed to become somebody, become that individual, Jimmy.
Go off into the planet, and so I ran, and I ran, and my wife sometimes kids me, "Jimmy, you look a bit like Forrest Gump," but I'm, "No, it's all about something, trust me."
So I kept running and I kept running, and I sort of got somewhere and I sort of stood there and looked around me and I thought, well, where do I belong? Where do I fit?
What am I? Where am I from? I had no idea.
So I hope there aren't too many psychologists in this audience.
Perhaps part of this journey is about me trying to find out where I belonged.
So whilst going, and don't worry, I didn't when I arrived with these tribes, I didn't paint myself yellow and run around with these spears and loincloths.
But what I did find were people that belonged themselves, and they inspired me, some extraordinary people, and I'd like to introduce you to some heroes of mine.
They're the Huli.
Now, the Huli are some of the most extraordinarily beautiful people on the planet.
They're proud. They live in the Papua New Guinean highlands.
There's not many of them left, and they're called the Huli wigmen.
And images like this, I mean, this is what it's all about for me.
And you've spent weeks and months there talking with them, getting there, and I want to put them on a pedestal, and I said, "You have something that many people have not seen.
You sit in this stunning nature."
And it really does look like this, and they really do look like this.
This is the real thing.
And you know why they're proud? You know why they look like this, and why I broke my back literally to photograph them and present them to you?
It's because they have these extraordinary rituals.
And the Huli have this ritual: When they're teenagers, becoming a man, they have to shave their heads, and they spend the rest of their life shaving their heads every single day, and what they do with that hair, they make it into a creation, a creation that's a very personal creation.
It's their creation. It's their Huli creation.
So they're called the Huli wigmen.
That's a wig on his head.
It's all made out of his human hair.
And then they decorate that wig with the feathers of the birds of paradise, and don't worry, there are many birds there.
There's very few people living, so nothing to get too upset about, and they spend the rest of their life recreating these hats and getting further and further, and it's extraordinary, and there's another group, they're called the Kalam, and they live in the next valley, but they speak a completely different language, they look completely different, and they wear a hat, and it's built out of scarabs, these fantastic emerald green little scarabs,
and sometimes there are 5,000 or 6,000 scarabs in this hat, and they spend the whole of their life collecting these scarabs to build these hats.
So the Huli inspired me in that they belong.
Perhaps I have to work harder at finding a ritual which matters for me and going back into my past to see where I actually fit.
An extremely important part of this project was about how I photograph these extraordinary people.
And it's basically beauty. I think beauty matters.
We spend the whole of our existence revolving around beauty: beautiful places, beautiful things, and ultimately, beautiful people.
It's very, very, very significant.
I've spent all of my life analyzing what do I look like?
Am I perceived as beautiful?
Does it matter if I'm a beautiful person or not, or is it purely based on my aesthetic?
And then when I went off, I came to a very narrow conclusion.
Do I have to go around the world photographing, excuse me, women between the age of 25 and 30? Is that what beauty is going to be?
Is everything before and after that utterly irrelevant?
And it was only until I went on a journey, a journey that was so extreme, I still get shivers when I think about it.
I went to a part of the world, and I don't know whether any of you have ever heard of Chukotka. Has anybody ever heard of Chukotka?
Chukotka probably is, technically, as far as one can go and still be on the living planet.
It's 13 hours' flight from Moscow.
First you've got to get to Moscow, and then 13 hours' flight nonstop from Moscow.
And that's if you get there.
As you can see, some people sort of miss the runway.
And then when you land there, in Chukotka are the Chukchis.
Now, the Chukchis are the last indigenous Inuits of Siberia, and they're people I'd heard about, I'd hardly seen any images of, but I knew they were there, and I'd been in touch with this guide, and this guide said, "There's this fantastic tribe. There's only about 40 of them.
You'll be okay. We'll find them." So off we went on this journey.
When we arrived there, after a month of traveling across the ice, and we'd got to them, but then I was not allowed to photograph them.
They said, "You cannot photograph us. You have to wait.
You have to wait until you get to know us. You have to wait until you understand us.
You have to wait until you see how we interact with one another."
And only then, it was many, many weeks later, I saw a respect.
They had zero judgment.
They observed one another, from the youth, from the middle aged to the old.
They need each other.
The children need to chew the meat all day because the adults don't have any teeth, but at the same time, the children take the old aged people out to the toilet because they're infirm, so there's this fantastic community of respect.
And they adore and admire one another, and they truly taught me what beauty was.
Now I'm going to ask for a little bit of audience interaction.
This is extremely important for the end of my talk.
If you could look at somebody left to the right of you, and I want you to observe them, and I want you to give them a compliment. This is very important.
Now, it may be their nose or their hair or even their aura, I don't mind, but please look at each other, give them a compliment.
You have to be quick, because I'm running out of time.
And you have to remember it.
Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you, you've given each other compliments.
Hold that compliment very, very tightly. Hold it for later.
And the last thing, it was extraordinarily profound, and it happened only two weeks ago. Two weeks ago I went back to the Himba.
Now, the Himba live in northern Namibia on the border of Angola, and I'd been there a few times before, and I'd gone back to present this book I'd made, to show them the pictures, to get into a discussion with them, to say, "This is how I saw you. This is how I love you.
This is how I respect you. What do you think? Am I right? Am I wrong?"
So I wanted this debate. It was very, very, very emotional, and one night we were sitting around the campfire, and I have to be honest, I think I'd had a little bit too much to drink, and I was sort of sitting under the stars going, "This is great, you've seen my pictures, we love each other." And I'm a little bit slow, and I looked around me, and I said,
I thought, maybe, the fence is missing.
Wasn't there a fence here last time I came?
You know, this big protective fence around the village, and they sort of looked at me and go, "Yeah, chief die."
And I thought, okay, chief dying, right, you know, look up at the stars again, look at the campfire.
Chief die. What on Earth does chief die have to do with the fence?
"Chief die.
First we destroy, yeah? Then we reflect.
Then we rebuild. Then we respect."
And I burst out in tears, because my father had only just died prior to this journey, and I didn't ever acknowledge him, I didn't ever appreciate him for the fact that I'm probably standing here today because of him.
These people taught me that we are only who we are because of our parents and our grandparents and our forefathers going on and on and on before that, and I, no matter how romantic or how idealistic I am on this journey, I did not know that until two weeks ago.
I did not know that until two weeks ago.
So what's this all about?
Well, there's an image I'd like to show you, quite a special image, and it wasn't essentially the image I wanted to choose.
I was sitting there the other day, and I have to finish on a strong image.
And somebody said, "You have to show them the picture of the Nenets. The Nenets."
I was like, yeah, but that's not my favorite picture.
She went, "No no no no no no no. It's an amazing picture.
You're in his eyes."
I said, "What do you mean I'm in his eyes? It's a picture of the Nenets."
She said, "No, look, look closely, you're in his eyes."
And when you look closely at this picture, there is a reflection of me in his eyes, so I think perhaps he has my soul, and I'm in his soul, and whilst these pictures look at you, I ask you to look at them.
You may not be reflected in his eyes, but there is something extraordinarily important about these people.
I don't ultimately have the answers, as I've just shared with you, but you must do. There must be something there.
So if you can briefly reflect on what I was discussing about beauty and about belonging and about our ancestors and our roots, and I need you all to stand for me, please.
Now you have no excuse. It's almost lunchtime, and this is not a standing ovation, so don't worry, I'm not fishing for compliments.
But you were given a compliment a few minutes ago.
Now I want you to stand tall.
I want you to breathe in. This is what I say.
I'm not going to get on my knees for two weeks.
I'm not going to ask you to carry a goat, and I know you don't have any camels.
Photography's extraordinarily powerful.
It's this language which we now all understand.
We truly do all understand it, and we have this global digital fireplace, don't we, but I want to share you with the world, because you are also a tribe.
You are the TED tribe, yeah? But you have to remember that compliment.
You have to stand tall, breathe in through your nose, and I'm going to photograph you. Okay?
I need to do a panoramic shot, so it's going to take a minute, so you have to concentrate, okay?
Breathe in, stand tall, no laughing. Shh, breathe through your nose.
I'm going to photograph.
Thank you. | {
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ビクトリア朝時代の 奇術師なら 「奇跡の機械」 「自動人形」 「思考装置」とでも 呼んだであろうものです
今は眠っています 起こしてやりましょう
エディ エディ
こういう機械の出し物は ヨーロッパで 人気がありました
観衆は機械の動きに 息を飲みました
現実になった サイエンスフィクション エレクトロニクス時代以前の ロボット技術 ビクトリア朝時代の 他の技術より 遙かに進んでいた機械 後に「ロボット」として
知られることになるものです ロボットとは 1921年に チェコの脚本家 カレル・チャペックの
空想科学小説で はじめて使われた造語で
robota という 強制労働を意味する 言葉に由来する
でも そのようなロボットは 本物ではありませんでした
イリュージョンだったのです 機械技術と 奇術師の技の組み合わせで 生み出されたものです
7軸の腕を2本持ち トルクセンサー付きです 全方位ソナー検知システム搭載 おまけに完全保証付き
やあ 僕エディ 僕と友達になってくれる?
私たちは— 人間のような機械を作ることに 魅せられてきました
人間のような姿をし 人間のように振る舞い 人間のように考える機械です
完璧なロボットは 人間と見分けが付かず 私たちはそれに 恐れを感じます
最初のロボットの物語で ロボットは作り主に 反乱を起こします
これはSFに最もよく 出てくるプロットでしょう
ワッハッハッ お前達は奴隷で 我々ロボットこそ主人だ
世界は我々のものだ お前たちは— 言いましたように 顔や体を作ったのが 我々であっても 私たちにロボットの心を 読むことはできず そこに不安を感じるのです
誰かがあなたに何かを渡す時 その人の目や表情や ボディランゲージから 意図を推し量れます
ロボットが相手では そうはいきません
ロボットもまた 人間の行動を予期できません
人間というのは まったく予想不能で 何より不合理だ
次に何をしでかすか 見当もつかず おっかなくてかなわない
そのため人間とロボットが 一緒に作業するのには 困難が伴います
うわっ 痛いじゃない!
ごめんよ ロボットは安全だと 納得させるには 信頼の幻想を 創り出すことです
ビクトリア朝時代の人たちが 奇跡の機械を でっちあげたように 私たちもロボットと 友達でいて 安心できるよう 偽りの見かけを 付け加えてやるのです
その上で エディに マジックを 教えることにしましょう
準備いいかい? いいよ マルコ
そうさ これも イリュージョンの一部さ
マジックは不可能な現実の イリュージョンを創り出します
テクノロジーもまた 同様です
人工知能の先駆者である アラン・チューリングは 考えることのできる機械の イリュージョンを 創り出すことについて 語っています
もしコンピュータが 自分は人間だと 人に思わせることができたなら それは知的と呼んで 構わないだろう
言い換えるなら 技術的な解決法がないとき イリュージョンで目的が 果たせるかということです
ロボットのイリュージョンを 作るために 人はロボットが従うべき 倫理的なルールを作りました
ロボットは人間を 傷つけてはならず 人間が傷つくのを 放置してはならない
私たちは機械を 擬人化しているのです
親しみやすい顔や 安心できる声を 持たせることで
2014年3月にTEDで 稼働し始めました
そしてなにより 人への理解を示させるのです
マルコ 僕の足踏んでる!
ごめん ロボットは人間の体のひ弱さを理解し 近づきすぎるとよけ 人の予測しがたさを 考慮に入れ 行動を予期します
テクノロジーの呪文を唱えたら 恐れを忘れて 真の協同が可能になります
これでお終いです どうもありがとう 君もね エディ ありがとう マルコ | It's what the Victorian illusionists would have described as a mechanical marvel, an automaton, a thinking machine.
Say hello to EDI.
Now he's asleep. Let's wake him up.
These mechanical performers were popular throughout Europe.
Audiences marveled at the way they moved.
It was science fiction made true, robotic engineering in a pre-electronic age, machines far in advance of anything that Victorian technology could create, a machine we would later know as the robot.
EDI: Robot. A word coined in 1921 in a science fiction tale by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek.
It comes from "robota."
It means "forced labor."
Marco Tempest: But these robots were not real.
They were not intelligent.
They were illusions, a clever combination of mechanical engineering and the deceptiveness of the conjurer's art.
EDI is different.
EDI is real.
EDI: I am 176 centimeters tall.
MT: He weighs 300 pounds.
EDI: I have two seven-axis arms — MT: Core of sensing — EDI: A 360-degree sonar detection system, and come complete with a warranty.
MT: We love robots.
EDI: Hi. I'm EDI. Will you be my friend?
MT: We are intrigued by the possibility of creating a mechanical version of ourselves.
We build them so they look like us, behave like us, and think like us.
The perfect robot will be indistinguishable from the human, and that scares us.
In the first story about robots, they turn against their creators.
It's one of the leitmotifs of science fiction.
EDI: Ha ha ha. Now you are the slaves and we robots, the masters.
Your world is ours. You — MT: As I was saying, besides the faces and bodies we give our robots, we cannot read their intentions, and that makes us nervous.
When someone hands an object to you, you can read intention in their eyes, their face, their body language.
That's not true of the robot.
Now, this goes both ways.
EDI: Wow!
MT: Robots cannot anticipate human actions.
EDI: You know, humans are so unpredictable, not to mention irrational.
what you guys are going to do next, you know, but it scares me.
MT: Which is why humans and robots find it difficult to work in close proximity.
Accidents are inevitable.
EDI: Ow! That hurt.
MT: Sorry. Now, one way of persuading humans that robots are safe is to create the illusion of trust.
Much as the Victorians faked their mechanical marvels, we can add a layer of deception to help us feel more comfortable with our robotic friends.
With that in mind, I set about teaching EDI a magic trick.
Ready, EDI? EDI: Uh, ready, Marco.
MT: Abracadabra?
EDI: Yeah. It's all part of the illusion, Marco.
Come on, keep up.
MT: Magic creates the illusion of an impossible reality.
Technology can do the same.
Alan Turing, a pioneer of artificial intelligence, spoke about creating the illusion that a machine could think.
EDI: A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it deceived a human into believing it was human.
MT: In other words, if we do not yet have the technological solutions, would illusions serve the same purpose?
To create the robotic illusion, we've devised a set of ethical rules, a code that all robots would live by.
EDI: A robot may not harm humanity, or by inaction allow humanity to come to harm.
Thank you, Isaac Asimov.
MT: We anthropomorphize our machines.
We give them a friendly face and a reassuring voice.
EDI: I am EDI.
I became operational at TED in March 2014.
MT: We let them entertain us.
Most important, we make them indicate that they are aware of our presence.
EDI: Marco, you're standing on my foot!
MT: Sorry. They'll be conscious of our fragile frame and move aside if we got too close, and they'll account for our unpredictability and anticipate our actions.
And now, under the spell of a technological illusion, we could ignore our fears and truly interact.
Thank you.
EDI: Thank you!
MT: And that's it. Thank you very much, and thank you, EDI. EDI: Thank you, Marco. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「そうか、わかってくれるかい! 実は近々ちょっとした集会があって――」
「クファルも知り合いなのか? ああ、こちらはニコルとフィニアさん。ニコルは俺の戦闘の師匠でもあるんだぜ」
「な、なんだよ!? そこの店で借りてるけど......」
「えー、こんな短時間にぃ? もう、仕方ないんだから!」
あきれた声を上げつつ店を出ていくミシェルちゃんを見送って、俺は大きく息を吐きだしたのだった。 | In a place separated from the main street, Kufar and Cloud were talking while standing. Michelle who was supposed to be next to him was nowhere to be found either. For a moment, I suspected whether Kufar had kidnapped her, so I hesitated to show my face.
If that was the case, making any rash movements would only endanger her. I signaled Finia who was beside me to keep quiet, and listened to their conversation.
“You’ve also gone through hardships after arriving here, right?”
“Well, yeah.”
“I’m supporting half-demons like you. I have other comrades too, so how about you drop by once?”
“Still, I’m planning to leave this city soon anyway.”
“That’s unfortunate. And here I thought I finally found a fellow half-demon in this city.”
He spoke over-familiarly, and shrugged when his invitation was rejected. His forehead was exposed now. In other words, the small horn that was proof of being a half-demon was visible. But in his case, he was disguised so even that horn was fake.
Naturally, exposing it like that would get him rolled up in trouble in this city. But doing so on the street with no people was a way to gain Cloud’s trust.
“If you’re vigilant, you can bring someone along too, you know?”
“No, really, I’m planning to leave really soon. So I have to refuse your invitation. I do understand where your group’s claims are coming from, though.”
“So you do understand us! Actually, we had a little gathering soon and—”
Kufar spoke with an innocent smile on his face. He seemed to be trying to get Cloud recruited. In that case, there was probably no harm done to Michelle. Much as I’d have liked to go and finish Kufar off, there were Finia and Cloud’s eyes to consider here.
If I engaged in a battle with him and he realized who I was and exposed it, it would be really troubling for me. It was very regretful, but I had no choice but to stop at just driving him away. For better or worse, he has seen me as Nicole too.
“Cloud, is this your acquaintance?”
“Ah, Nicole, Finia. No, I just met him.”
Kufar was shocked to see me. But now that I know what he was, I was aware that his expression was made-up. I could see the ends of his mouth wrinkling up unnaturally.
“You know her too, Kufar? Oh right, they are Nicole and Finia. Nicole is also my combat teacher.”
“O-Oh... That’s amazing. She looks so dainty on the outside. And yes, we have met.”
Back then, he had tried to approach Cortina while disguised but I got in his way. He remembered it too. I took an attitude that said “get lost or I’ll kill you” and put a hand on my katana.
We kept each other in check, but then Kufar stepped back slightly, deciding that there was no point in inviting him. Cloud was looking at us in doubt. But he did not approach us.
Kufar looked bitterly at me, with his eyes saying, “how dare you get in my way.”
Anyway, Cloud was safe with this. Since Kufar realized Cloud was with me, following him any more than this would lead to Six Heroes getting involved, something that could be said to be the worst development for him. Still, I had to confirm one more thing.
“Cloud, where’s Michelle?”
“Oh, she went to pee.”
Finia looked meaningfully at him for that remark that didn’t have a fragment of delicacy. Michelle was already old enough, so he should really be careful with making such direct remarks.
Still, the fact that she was safe was enough for me, so I felt weight leave my chest. Wait, should I suspect a separate force targeting her?
“Do you know where?”
“What, you wanna pee too, Nicole?”
“W-Why?! She’s borrowing the restroom in that store...”
“I see, thanks. You and Finia should return to the inn.”
I tried to persuade them, but before Cloud managed to object, Kufar spoke up.
“I see, so you were related to her. Too bad, I have to give up on inviting you.”
“That would be wise.”
“Then, my business is done here. Don’t follow me okay?”
Kufar slowly backed up, and then turned around and disappeared in the corner. Once I saw that to the end, I rushed to the store Michelle was in to confirm her safety.
I was worried about Cloud too, but Finia was there too so Kufar wouldn’t do anything rash. Both Finia and Cloud were considered first-class as Adventurers even if they didn’t seem like it. Even he would find it difficult to face both of them at once.
“Oh, so she really did want to pee. I guess she was at her limit given how fast she rushed in.”
Hearing that voice from behind, I decided to beat him up later. He really was beyond help when even Finia had such a reaction.
The store Cloud pointed at was a magic tool store that sold accessories with effects used for Adventuring. Many Adventurers gathered in this city, so there were many such tool stores. In that sense, Whitey’s store was something similar too.
“Excuse me. Please let me borrow the restroom.”
“Huh, um...”
The employee had a pretty bitter expression after asking her to use the restroom despite not being a customer. But once I silently placed three silver coins on the counter, she happily pointed me to it. It wasn’t that big of a sum, but you’d still need to work up some sweat to earn it.
I couldn’t help but be amazed at how self-interested the employee was for switching her attitude around so fast, but confirming Michelle’s safety came first.
Just as I headed to the restroom, Michelle came out of it.
“Huh, Nicole, what’s wrong?”
I couldn’t say I got worried because she took too long. I couldn’t talk about Kufar either, so I just vaguely answered her. It seemed that there was no separate force targeting her, so I felt relieved.
“Oh right, take a look at this.”
“Huh, what?”
“This necklace has the Surveillance spell cast on it. Cloud bought it for me.”
“Oh, good for you.”
Gifting an accessory to a girl was quite a nice move considering it was Cloud. Though the magic cast on it was kinda boorish. Michelle looked so radiant with her head tilted in happiness.
“Ah right, we have to return to Cloud’s side fast or he’ll get rolled up in some sales scam.”
“Huh, this quickly? He really can’t be helped!”
Seeing Michelle run off the store with a yell, I heaved a big sigh. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 20,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
実際 地球上の病気の中で最も重篤なもので 多くの子供が亡くなりました
そこに賢明な科学者が現れ 不完全ながらも治療法を発明しました
それは完璧なものではなく、尚多くの命が失われましたが 以前より状況が改善しました
その治療法の利点の一つはそれがタダということでした 文字通り無料である上に 使い方は簡単でした
しかし 最大の難点は 2歳以下の赤ん坊には使えないことでした
そして数年後に 別の科学者が現れました 先人ほど賢明でなかったようです しかし 第1の治療法を改良して 第2の治療法を見つけました
第2の治療法の素晴らしい点は 2歳未満の赤ん坊にも治療できたことです
しかしこの治療の問題は 高価な点でした そして 使用法も複雑でした
親は適切な使用を心がけましたが うまく使える人はほとんどいませんでした
第2の治療法は複雑で高価だったので 2歳未満の子供たちにのみ用いられました 2歳以上の子供には
以前の治療法を使い続けました 人々はしばらくこの方法に満足していました
ある母親が2歳になったばかりの子を失うまで 2つの治療方法を併用していました
母親は考えました あの子は2歳になったところだった 2歳になるまでは 複雑で高価な治療法を使い続けてきた
そして2歳になり 安価で簡単な治療法に変えたばかりだった そして 子を失った他の親と同様に悩みます 他の方法はなかったのだろうか 複雑で高価な治療法を使い続けた方がよかったのか
母親は皆にその思いを語りました 「本当にこんなことがあり得るのでしょうか? 安価で単純な方法が あの複雑で高価な治療法と同じ効果があるなんて」
安価で単純な方法に切り替えたことが 間違いだったのかもしれない
政府も母親たちの話を聞いて言いました 新しい法律をつくるべきだ
この安価で単純な治療法を違法にすべきだ 子供たちにこの治療法を用いてはならない
ある時ひとりの無名の経済学者が現れました 彼にも子供がおり高価で複雑な治療法を利用していました
彼にとっては高価な治療法が それほど優れているとは思えませんでした 私は科学は無知だが データについては知識はある データを調べてみよう この高価で複雑な治療法が 安価で単純な治療法より効果があるか確かめよう
データを調べると 驚いたことに 少なくとも2歳以上の子供については 高価で複雑な治療法が 安価な治療法よりも 効果が優れているわけではありませんでした 2歳未満の子供には 安価な治療法はやはり無効でした
経済学者は人々に言いました すばらしい発見をしました 安価で簡単な方法だけで問題ないようだ その結果 年間3億ドルの経費を削減できる そのお金を子供のための別のことに使おう
親たちは非常に不満に思いました 安価で簡単な方法が厄介な方法と同じ効果があるとは思えない 政府も非常に立腹しました
特にこの高価な方法を見出した人は この考えを腹立たしく思いました ほぼ無料ともいえる方法に取って代わられると
人々も怒り 経済学者を非難しました
経済学者は 数日 国を離れるべきだと考えました そして より賢明で心の広い人が住む オックスフォードと呼ばれる場所へ行き その地で自分の考えを伝えようとしたのです
私がここにいるのはそのためです おとぎ話ではありません
これがアメリカの現状です 今まで話してきた病気とは つまり 子供の交通事故です
無料の治療法とは大人用のシートベルトで 年間3億ドルに相当する高価な治療法とはチャイルドシートです これが事実であると私が信じるに至った証拠について 今日はお話ししたいと思います 2歳以上の子供はチャイルドシートを使っても 安全は約束されません 多大なエネルギーを使って
この法律を普及させてきました 子供にシートベルトを使うことを 禁じました それが正しいとされてきた理由について
説明します 最後に 第3の方法について触れたいと思います それはどれよりも優れたものです しかし 採り入れようとする人はいません なぜなら 人々は チャイルドシートが最善と思っているからです
さて データ調査では 複雑な事象の記録が基になりますが、
シートベルトとチャイルド シートの比較はそうではありません
米国ではそのデータを記録しています つまり死亡者があった自動車事故について 同乗者の情報を得ることができるのです
運輸省道路交通安全局のサイトを ご覧ください 未加工のデータをご覧になるだけでも 2歳以上の子供のチャイルドシート利用を支持する証拠が わずかしかないことが 理解いただけるでしょう 6歳以上はチャイルドシートは使わないので
2歳から6歳までの子供が同乗して死亡事故が発生した場合です そのうち器具で固定されていなかった場合 29.3パーセントの子供が死亡しています
もし3点式ベルトをしていれば死亡率は19.4パーセントです 2点式ベルト着用では16.7パーセントでした 理論的には 2点式シートベルトは 3点式よりよくないはずです 未加工のデータを処理する際には 非常に多くの変数が存在します それが結果をわかりにくくしています
そこで私たちの研究においては より簡単に理解できる図を作成しています
黄色のバーがチャイルド シート オレンジは3点式 赤色が2点式のシートベルトを示しています
どれも着用していない場合との比較です バーが長いほど 優秀ということになります
それでは このデータにご注目ください
最も長いバーこそ 誰もが求めているものです
衝突時の衝撃の大きさや 子供が座っていた座席 年齢も調整できます
このような調整をおこなうと 2点式が あまり良いとは思えなくなります
そして最後に この最後のグラフです このバーは 衝突事故において想定できるすべての要素を 調整したものです 衝突事故には様々な特徴があります
命を守るという観点ではチャイルドシートと三点式ベルトは 死亡率は全く同時であることがわかります
ばらつき幅はこの推定でも 比較的小さいものです
ざっくりとした数値ではありません 非常にはっきりと傾向がわかります
興味深いことに 正面衝突のケースでは チャイルド シートの方が有効です
チャイルドシートが承認されるためには 連邦規格に合格する必要があるからです すなわち 正面衝突も考慮する必要があるのです
しかし 後部からの衝突では チャイルドシートはそれほど有効ではありません
テストに合格することに重点を置いているのです 我々が常に期待するように 明確な判断基準を満たす事を優先しているからです 車がどれほど影響を受けるかということです
もう1点についてはこう議論されるでしょう チャイルドシートの性能が向上しているはずだ
最近の衝突事故に限って数値を見ようとしても 最近の事故に限定されてはいません データは過去30年にわたるものだからです しかし 最近の事故でも 三点式ベルトは チャイルドシートより有効です
そんなはずはない と思う人もいるでしょう
子供たちの親はこう言います チャイルドシートは高価で複雑だ 掛け金が絡み合っているし シートベルトよりも効果がないはずがない 高価で複雑なのだから
非常に興味深い論理です 別の論理もあります チャイルドシートがその程度のものなら それを使えと政府が言うはずがない しかし政府が利用を促しているのは
データを元にしているのではありません 2歳になったばかりの子供を失った親たちの 強い願いに基づいているのです
その願いが一連の法律を通過させました ここまでのところ 抽象的な統計の数字で
お話ししてきました 友人を数人 夕食に招いた時 私はアドバイスを求めました 衝突実験をするといい と言われました
衝突テストを行う独立系の会社を 探し歩きました 衝突テストを引き受けてくれる会社はありませんでした なぜなら チャイルド シートの製造元から仕事をもらっているからです
なんとか 匿名を条件に 実験をしてくれる会社を見つけました 衝突させる度に1席あたり1500ドル
ニューヨーク州 バッファローを訪れました 彼等が先発隊です
衝突テスト用のダミーです センター ステージにあがろうと 出番を待っています
車1台をまるごと衝突させるわけではありません その必要はないのです
ベンチシートだけあります そこにシートベルトを締めチャイルド シートをのせます
親は チャイルド シートが有効と考える理由がわかります チャイルド シートに座っている子を見て下さい
何があっても生き残るように見えますね? 一方で後部座席の子供は 衝突が起こる前だというのに 窒息しそうではありませんか
衝突が起きたとき 後部座席の子供が 無事で済むとは信じがたいです
さて衝突実験を行います 時速50キロで壁に向かって衝突させると 何が起こるか見てみましょう
ちなみに このダミーは3歳児です
こちらはチャイルド シートです 2つの点に注目してください 頭が前方に飛び出し 膝にぶつかりそうになります これがチャイルド シートです チャイルドシートがあちこち跳ねています
チャイルドシートは あらゆる方向に動きます
このチャイルドシートを取り付けたのは 経験豊富で正しく設置できる人です
また このベンチシートは チャイルドシートの取り付けにには最適なのです
このテストはチャイルドシートに有利な条件で行われました この衝突事故にあった子供は よく頑張りました
連邦規格では チャイルドシートとして認定を受けるには 1000以下のスコアでなければなりません この際 単位は重要ではありません
この衝突実験では スコアは450でした
消費者レポートでは このチャイルド シートは 平均以上の数値でした
次は シートベルトを着けている人形を使います 他の人形ほど動きません おもしろいことに カメラワークが悪かったのです チャイルドシートと同じ設定だったので 子供が弾んでいる様子を撮影することさえできませんでした
この3歳の子供に関して行った2度の衝突では スコアは約500でした 先ほどと比較すると良くない結果でした
この衝突でのデータを連邦政府に持っていくとします 新しいチャイルド シートを発明したので
販売する為の承認を得たいと言います すばらしいチャイルドシートだ と言うでしょう
スコアは500でした 1000までは問題ないのです
このシートベルトは チャイルドシートとして 何の問題もなく承認を受けたはずです
この実験が示していることは 単にチャイルドシートのセット方法に誤りがあって 子供たちを危険にさらしてしまっているのではなく チャイルドシートでは十分ではないのです
タイミングをあわせてあります チャイルドシートの方がリバウンドを続けています ずっと長くです シートベルト着用の子供の方が動きが小さいです
チャイルド シートに座った6歳児です 数値は400程度でしょうか
次はシートベルト着用の6歳児です 数値は数ポイント違いますが ほとんど同じ結果です つまり 6歳児に関しては チャイルド シート固有の効果はありません
この他にも いくつか証拠はあります しかしある科学者から批判をいただきました 4回の実験だけで研究成果を公表すべきではない と
彼に45004回のテストであれば どうでしょうか? と返信しました
実際に発生した衝突事故のデータを使うという発想も 良いのではないかと思います 経済学者は 真っ当な方法だと考えます しかし 科学者は 実験室を使うことを考えるでしょう それは代替品を使った 非常に不完全な科学です 我々が検証した子供とチャイルド シートに関する 30年間にわたるデータと異なります この問題に対して
遙かによい解決方法があるでしょう チャイルドシートが上手くいっているように思えるので その解決方法を誰も受け入れないのです
デザインの観点から考えるのであれば 最初に立ち戻って考え こう言うでしょう 「後部座席の子供を守りたいんだ」
ここに おられる方で こんな風におっしゃる方はいないでしょう 「まず最初に 大人用の高性能シートベルトをつくるのが先決だ
その後で なんとかして その複雑な装置を取り付けるようにしようじゃないか」
つまりは この通りです 費用は分かりません でも 普通の座席より 高価である理由は
見つからないでしょう この座席は折りたたみ式で 座席の背もたれです
大人用の普通の座席があるところに これを展開すると 子供たちの座る座席になります
それほど費用はかかりません 今ある仕組みより 上手くゆくはずです
問題は この装置が採用されるかどうかです 採用されれば 多くの命を救うことになります
この答えとして ひとつお話しをしましょう
チャイルドシートが成功している理由です そしてこの装置が将来 採用されるかどうかは 私の父が語った話にヒントがあります 父は昔 在英の米空軍で医者をしていました 今では許されないことも 当時は可能でした
病気とは言えないような症状の患者が 来ることがあります
そういう患者には 大きな瓶に入っている偽薬を取り出します 1週間しても良くならないなら もう一度来るように と言います
ほとんどの患者は2度と来ませんでした しかし 中にはやって来る患者もあります
彼等が病気では無いと確信している父は とても大きな錠剤が入った瓶を取り出します
患者はとても大きな薬だ と言います この薬でも回復しないなら いったいどうしろと言うんだ?
ほとんどの患者はもう戻ってくることはありませんでした 薬が効いたからです 時には 自分が病気だと思っている患者がいるものです そういった患者には 第3の瓶を取り出します
父によれば 最小の錠剤で その粒を見分けることができないくらいです
この前の錠剤は巨大で 複雑で飲み込むのが難しかったはずだ 今度の薬は良く効いて 目に見えないくらい小さな錠剤だ
そして 父が この小さな錠剤を与えた患者が 病状を訴えて再び来ることは ありませんでした これは この小さな錠剤に 究極の偽薬効果があることの証拠だと 父は考えていました それが正しい物語であれば この一体型の座席は 短期間で 普及すると思います
父のもとを3度訪れて 偽薬を持ち帰った患者が 回復していないこともあり得ます 別の医者にかかった可能性もあります
そのようなケースがあり得るのであれば 今後も長期にわたって 既存のチャイルドシートを使い続けることになるでしょう
(拍手) 観客: シートベルトの着用は 命を守る為だけではありません 重傷にならずにすみます
チャイルド シートがシートベルトと同程度以下の効果しかないと 示すデータはありますか? 正当性を証明できると思います レヴィット: 私のデータでは ニュージャージー州の衝突事故を調べました 傷害についても 差異がほとんどありませんでした
つまり チャイルド シートと3点式シートベルト着用での差異は
統計的に重要ではありませんでした ニュージャージー州のデータは 死亡事故だけではありません 報告のあった衝突事故も含んでいます 傷害については10%の差異がありましたが そのほとんどは軽傷でした
念のために申し上げなければなりませんが 他のデータと相反する医療文献があり チャイルドシートがはるかに優秀と解説しています
彼等は 全く違った方法をとっています 衝突事故が起こった後に 保険会社から 事故に関わった人の名前を聞き出しました その人たちに電話をして 何が起きたのかを尋ねています
まだ判断はつきかねることがあります こういった医学研究者の方々と共同で 差異が生じる原因を理解したいです これは整合性がありません
コストが見合うといえるほど多くの重傷が 発生しているのでしょうか
彼等が正しかったとしても 十分に費用効果が高いかどうかは 分からないのです | And in fact, among all the diseases that existed in this land, it was the worst. It killed the most children.
And along came a brilliant inventor, a scientist, who came up with a partial cure for that disease.
And it wasn't perfect. Many children still died, but it was certainly better than what they had before.
And one of the good things about this cure was that it was free, virtually free, and was very easy to use.
But the worst thing about it was that you couldn't use it on the youngest children, on infants, and on one-year-olds.
And so, as a consequence, a few years later, another scientist -- perhaps maybe this scientist not quite as brilliant as the one who had preceded him, but building on the invention of the first one -- came up with a second cure.
And the beauty of the second cure for this disease was that it could be used on infants and one-year-olds.
And the problem with this cure was it was very expensive, and it was very complicated to use.
And although parents tried as hard as they could to use it properly, almost all of them ended up using it wrong in the end.
But what they did, of course, since it was so complicated and expensive, they only used it on the zero-year-olds and the one-year-olds.
And they kept on using the existing cure that they had And this went on for quite some time. People were happy.
They had their two cures. Until a particular mother, whose child had just turned two, died of this disease.
And she thought to herself, "My child just turned two, and until the child turned two, I had always used this complicated, expensive cure, you know, this treatment.
And then the child turned two, and I started using the cheap and easy treatment, and I wonder" -- and she wondered, like all parents who lose children wonder -- "if there isn't something that I could have done, like keep on using that complicated, expensive cure."
And she told all the other people, and she said, "How could it possibly be that something that's cheap and simple works as well as something that's complicated and expensive?"
And the people thought, "You know, you're right.
It probably is the wrong thing to do to switch and use the cheap and simple solution."
And the government, they heard her story and the other people, and they said, "Yeah, you're right, we should make a law.
We should outlaw this cheap and simple treatment and not let anybody use this on their children."
And the people were happy. They were satisfied.
For many years this went along, and everything was fine.
But then along came a lowly economist, who had children himself, and he used the expensive and complicated treatment.
But he knew about the cheap and simple one.
And he thought about it, and the expensive one didn't seem that great to him. So he thought, "I don't know anything about science, but I do know something about data, so maybe I should go and look at the data and see whether this expensive and complicated treatment actually works any better than the cheap and simple one."
And lo and behold, when he went through the data, he found that it didn't look like the expensive, complicated solution was any better than the cheap one, at least for the children who were two and older -- the cheap one still didn't work on the kids who were younger.
And so, he went forth to the people and he said, "I've made this wonderful finding: it looks as if we could just use the cheap and simple solution, and by doing so we could save ourselves 300 million dollars a year, and we could spend that on our children in other ways."
And the parents were very unhappy, and they said, "This is a terrible thing, because how can the cheap and easy thing be as good as the hard thing?" And the government was very upset.
And in particular, the people who made this expensive solution were very upset because they thought, "How can we hope to compete with something that's essentially free?
We would lose all of our market."
And people were very angry, and they called him horrible names.
And he decided that maybe he should leave the country for a few days, and seek out some more intelligent, open-minded people in a place called Oxford, and come and try and tell the story at that place.
And so, anyway, here I am. It's not a fairy tale.
It's a true story about the United States today, and the disease I'm referring to is actually motor vehicle accidents for children.
And the free cure is adult seatbelts, and the expensive cure -- the 300-million-dollar-a-year cure -- is child car seats. And what I'd like to talk to you about today is some of the evidence why I believe this to be true: that for children two years old and up, there really is no real benefit -- proven benefit -- of car seats, in spite of the incredible energy that has been devoted toward expanding the laws
and making it socially unacceptable to put your children into seatbelts. And then talk about why -- what is it that makes that true?
And then, finally talk a little bit about a third way, about another technology, which is probably better than anything we have, but which -- there hasn't been any enthusiasm for adoption precisely because people are so enamored with the current car seat solution. OK.
So, many times when you try to do research on data, it records complicated stories -- it's hard to find in the data.
It doesn't turn out to be the case when you look at seatbelts versus car seats.
of every fatal accident that's happened since 1975.
So in every car crash in which at least one person dies, they have information on all of the people.
Transportation Safety Administration's website -- you can just look at the raw data, and begin to get a sense of the limited amount of evidence that's in favor of car seats for children aged two and up.
So, here is the data. Here I have, among two- to six-year-olds -- anyone above six, basically no one uses car seats, so you can't compare -- 29.3 percent of the children who are unrestrained in a crash in which at least one person dies, themselves die.
If you put a child in a car seat, 18.2 percent of the children die.
If they're wearing a lap-and-shoulder belt, in this raw data, 19.4 percent die. And interestingly, wearing a lap-only seatbelt, 16.7 percent die. And actually, the theory tells you that the lap-only seatbelt's got to be worse than the lap-and-shoulder belt. And that just reminds you that when you deal with raw data, there are hundreds of confounding variables that may be getting in the way.
So what we do in the study is -- and this is just presenting the same information, but turned into a figure to make it easier.
So the yellow bar represents car seats, the orange bar lap-and-shoulder, and the red bar lap-only seatbelts.
And this is all relative to unrestrained -- the bigger the bar, the better. Okay.
So, this is the data I just showed, OK?
So the highest bar is what you're striving to beat.
So you can control for the basic things, like how hard the crash was, what seat the child was sitting in, etc., the age of the child.
And that's that middle set of bars.
And so, you can see that the lap-only seatbelts start to look worse once you do that.
And then finally, the last set of bars, which are really controlling for everything you could possibly imagine about the crash, 50, 75, 100 different characteristics of the crash.
And what you find is that the car seats and the lap-and-shoulder belts, when it comes to saving lives, fatalities look exactly identical.
And the standard error bands are relatively small around these estimates as well.
And it's not just overall. It's very robust to anything you want to look at.
One thing that's interesting: if you look at frontal-impact crashes -- when the car crashes, the front hits into something -- indeed, what you see is that the car seats look a little bit better.
And I think this isn't just chance.
In order to have the car seat approved, you need to pass certain federal standards, all of which involve slamming your car into a direct frontal crash.
But when you look at other types of crashes, like rear-impact crashes, indeed, the car seats don't perform as well.
And I think that's because they've been optimized to pass, as we always expect people to do, to optimize relative to bright-line rules about how affected the car will be.
And the other thing you might argue is, "Well, car seats have got a lot better over time.
And so if we look at recent crashes -- the whole data set is almost 30 years' worth of data -- But indeed, in recent crashes the lap-and-shoulder seatbelts, actually, are doing even better than the car seats.
They say, "Well, that's impossible, that can't be."
And the line of argument, if you ask parents, is, "But car seats are so expensive and complicated, and they have this big tangle of latches, how could they possibly not work better than seatbelts because they are so expensive and complicated?"
It's kind of an interesting logic, I think, that people use. And the other logic, they say, "Well, the government wouldn't have told us [to] use them But what's interesting is the government telling us to use them is not actually based on very much.
It really is based on some impassioned pleas of parents whose children died after they turned two, which has led to the passage of all these laws -- not very much on data.
So you can only get so far, I think, in telling your story by using these abstract statistics.
And so I had some friends over to dinner, and I was asking -- we had a cookout -- I was asking them what advice they might have for me about proving my point. They said, "Why don't you run some crash tests?"
And I said, "That's a great idea."
So we actually tried to commission some crash tests.
And it turns out that as we called around to the independent crash test companies around the country, none of them wanted to do our crash test because they said, some explicitly, some not so explicitly, "All of our business comes from car seat manufacturers.
We can't risk alienating them by testing seatbelts relative to car seats."
Now, eventually, one did. Under the conditions of anonymity, they said they would be happy to do this test for us -- so anonymity, and 1,500 dollars per seat that we crashed.
And so, we went to Buffalo, New York, and here is the precursor to it.
These are the crash test dummies, waiting for their chance to take the center stage.
And then, here's how the crash test works.
Here, they don't actually crash the entire car, you know -- it's not worth ruining a whole car to do it.
So they just have these bench seats, and they strap the car seat and the seatbelt onto it.
So I just wanted you to look at this.
And I think this gives you a good idea of why parents think car seats are so great. Look at the kid in the car seat.
Does he not look content, ready to go, like he could survive anything? And then, if you look at the kid in back, it looks like he's already choking before the crash even happens.
that kid in back is going to do very well when you get in a crash.
So this is going to be a crash where they're going to slam this thing forward into a wall at 30 miles an hour, and see what happens. OK?
So, let me show you what happens.
These are three-year-old dummies, by the way.
So here -- this is the car seat. Now watch two things: watch how the head goes forward, and basically hits the knees -- and this is in the car seat -- and watch how the car seat flies around, in the rebound, up in the air.
The car seat's moving all over the place.
Bear in mind there are two things about this.
This is a car seat that was installed by someone who has installed 1,000 car seats, who knew exactly how to do it.
And also it turned out these bench seats are the very best way to install car seats.
Having a flat back makes it much easier to install them.
And so this is a test that's very much rigged in favor of the car seat, OK? So, that kid in this crash fared very well.
The federal standards are that you have to score below a 1,000 to be an approved car seat on this crash, in some metric of units which are not important.
And this crash would have been about a 450.
So this car seat was actually an above-average car seat from Consumer Reports, and did quite well.
So the next one. Now, this is the kid, same crash, who is in the seatbelt. He hardly moves at all, actually, relative to the other child. The funny thing is, the cam work is terrible because they've only set it up to do the car seats, and so, they actually don't even have a way to move the camera so you can see the kid that's on the rebound.
Anyway, it turns out that those two crashes, that actually the three-year-old did slightly worse. So, he gets about a 500 out of -- you know, on this range -- relative to a 400 and something.
But still, if you just took that data from that crash to the federal government, and said, "I have invented a new car seat.
I would like you to approve it for selling," then they would say, "This is a fantastic new car seat, it works great.
It only got a 500, it could have gotten as high up as a 1,000."
And this seatbelt would have passed with flying colors into being approved as a car seat.
So, in some sense, what this is suggesting is that it's not just that people are setting up their car seats wrong, which is putting children at risk. It's just that, fundamentally, the car seats aren't doing much.
So here's the crash. So these are timed at the same time, so you can see that it takes much longer with the car seat -- at rebound, it takes a lot longer -- but there's just a lot less movement for child who's in the seatbelt.
So, I'll show you the six-year-old crashes as well.
The six-year-old is in a car seat, and it turns out that looks terrible, but that's great. That's like a 400, OK?
So that kid would do fine in the crash.
Nothing about that would have been problematic to the child at all.
And then here's the six-year-old in the seatbelt, and in fact, they get exactly within, you know, within one or two points of the same. So really, for the six-year-old, the car seat did absolutely nothing whatsoever.
That's some more evidence, so in some sense -- I was criticized by a scientist, who said, "You could never publish a study with an n of 4," meaning those four crashes.
So I wrote him back and I said, "What about an n of 45,004?"
Because I had the other 45,000 other real-world crashes.
And I just think that it's interesting that the idea of using real-world crashes, which is very much something that economists think would be the right thing to do, is something that scientists don't actually, usually think -- they would rather use a laboratory, a very imperfect science of looking at the dummies, than actually 30 years of data of what we've seen with children and with car seats.
And so I think the answer to this puzzle is that there's a much better solution out there, that's gotten nobody excited because everyone is so delighted with the way car seats are presumably working.
And if you think from a design perspective, about going back to square one, and say, "I just want to protect kids in the back seat."
I don't there's anyone in this room who'd say, "Well, the right way to start would be, let's make a great seat belt for adults.
And then, let's make this really big contraption that you have to rig up to it in this daisy chain."
I mean, why not start -- who's sitting in the back seat anyway except for kids?
But essentially, do something like this, which I don't know exactly how much it would cost to do, why this should be much more expensive than a regular car seat.
It's just actually -- you see, this is folding up -- it's behind the seat.
You've got a regular seat for adults, and then you fold it down, and the kid sits on top, and it's integrated.
It seems to me that this can't be a very expensive solution, and it's got to work better than what we already have.
So the question is, is there any hope for adoption of something like this, which would presumably save a lot of lives?
And I think the answer, perhaps, lies in a story.
The answer both to why has a car seat been so successful, and why this may someday be adopted or not, lies in a story that my dad told me, relating to when he was a doctor in the U.S. Air Force in England. And this is a long time ago: you were allowed to do things then you can't do today.
So, my father would have patients come in who he thought were not really sick.
And he had a big jar full of placebo pills that he would give them, and he'd say, "Come back in a week, if you still feel lousy."
OK, and most of them would not come back, but some of them would come back.
And when they came back, he, still convinced they were not sick, had another jar of pills. In this jar were huge horse pills.
They were almost impossible to swallow.
And these, to me, are the analogy for the car seats.
People would look at these and say, "Man, this thing is so big and so hard to swallow. If this doesn't make me feel better, you know, what possibly could?"
And it turned out that most people wouldn't come back, because it worked. But every once in a while, there was still a patient convinced that he was sick, and he'd come back. And my dad had a third jar of pills.
And the jar of pills he had, he said, were the tiniest little pills he could find, so small you could barely see them.
And he would say, listen, I know I gave you that huge pill, that complicated, hard-to-swallow pill before, but now I've got one that's so potent, that is really tiny and small and almost invisible.
It's almost like this thing here, which you can't even see."
And it turned out that never, in all the times my dad gave out this pill, the really tiny pill, did anyone ever come back still complaining of sickness. So, my dad always took that as evidence that this little, teeny, powerful pill had the ultimate placebo effect. And in some sense, if that's the right story, I think integrated car seats you will see, very quickly, becoming something that everyone has. The other possible conclusion
is, well, maybe after coming to my father three times, getting sent home with placebos, he still felt sick, he went and found another doctor.
And that's completely possible. And if that's the case, then I think we're stuck with conventional car seats for a long time to come.
Thank you very much.
(Audience: I just wanted to ask you, when we wear seatbelts we don't necessarily wear them just to prevent loss of life, it's also to prevent lots of serious injury.
Your data looks at fatalities. It doesn't look at serious injury.
Is there any data to show that child seats are actually less effective, or just as effective as seatbelts for serious injury? Because that would prove your case.) Steven Levitt: Yeah, that's a great question. In my data, and in another data set I've looked at for New Jersey crashes, I find very small differences in injury.
So in this data, it's statistically insignificant differences in injury between car seats and lap-and-shoulder belts.
In the New Jersey data, which is different, because it's not just fatal crashes, but all crashes in New Jersey that are reported, it turns out that there is a 10 percent difference in injuries, but generally they're the minor injuries.
Now, what's interesting, I should say this as a disclaimer, there is medical literature that is very difficult to resolve with this other data, which suggests that car seats are dramatically better.
And they use a completely different methodology that involves -- after the crash occurs, they get from the insurance companies the names of the people who were in the crash, and they call them on the phone, and they asked them what happened.
And I really can't resolve, yet, and I'd like to work with these medical researchers to try to understand how there can be these differences, which are completely at odds with one another.
But it's obviously a critical question.
The question is even if -- are there enough serious injuries to make these cost-effective? It's kind of tricky.
Even if they're right, it's not so clear that they're so cost-effective. | {
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} |
「申し訳ありません。急ぐ身の上ですので、それは少し......知人のギルドの登録番号を残しておきますのでそちらに回していただけますか? 私の後見をしてくれている方の番号です。私は根無し草であちこちを彷徨っていますから、確実に連絡がつくのはその方なのです」
こうして俺たちは、後の調査を衛士たちに投げっぱなしにして山に戻ることにしたのだ。 | “I’m sorry for making you wait. Given the time, I had already retired for the day.”
The one that arrived and sociably spoke to me was a well-fleshed man on top of being as tall as Maxwell.
He had an order on his chest, and the sword on his waist was also well-decorated. I couldn’t see any practical equipment on him, so he might have been a guard leader by name only.
That said, he seemed sociable enough, so we should be able to hold a proper conversation.
“Oh, you need not worry. Everyone here has treated me well, so the time went by fast.”
I took the lead in the conversation. If Maxwell did it, there was a chance that they could figure who he was based on his voice. He has talked to the guards here several times during the Evil Dragon subjugation.
As the guard leader sat in front of me and pulled out the interrogation documents, I started to explain the situation.
“So to sum it up, you came to the Scion mountain range for the Fang Wolves, but then discovered a suspicious group?”
“Indeed. At first, I thought they came to hunt the same prey as us, but they seemed to have too many children with them, and I started to suspect them when they did not descend the mountain even as nighttime came.”
“And when you followed them, you discovered that they were conducting a Devil summoning?”
“That’s right. Moreover, the children seemed to have been enslaved by using a drug. Fortunately, this skilled magician—Err, Aste, managed to protect them.”
I couldn’t introduce him as Maxwell, so I just borrowed Aste’s name. Hearing that, Maxwell repeated the name in wonder, but I elbowed him in the stomach and made him quiet down.
This might have looked like an elderly abuse, but this old man wouldn’t be hurt by something like this. Despite going on and on about being bad at close combat, his body was quite sturdy.
“Oh, what could be the matter?”
“N-Nothing, I just choked on the tea.”
“Ahh, it is too hot. Please be careful.”
Even as the man chatted with us, his hands didn’t stop recording what he heard in the documents. It was quite amazing that he was managing to stay in the text field without even looking down on it.
Perhaps he had been assigned to the captain post due to his skill with documents. It was quite plain, but it also meant that he had continued making steady results.
“You said the children had been drugged, but do you know what type of drug it was?”
“I daresay it was the Living Doll. They did not react to my words, and they looked and acted like dolls.”
“Living Doll... Another forbidden article.”
“Indeed. As such, I thought it would be bad to leave them be.”
I put a hand to my cheek and leaned my head to the side to look slightly troubled. That made the nearby guards sigh in admiration.
Ha ha ha, quite sexy, aren’t I? You youngsters wouldn’t last a second in the face of my lady mode.
...Saying that made me depressed, though.
“Aste dispelled it with the Antidote spell, so there should be no longer a danger to their lives.”
“I see. It would have been better to leave one to definitely confirm the crime... However, leaving a drugged child would be quite pitiable.”
“Thank you for your understanding.”
Living Doll did not bring danger to one’s life. So, as he said, it might have been better to carry one of them without dispelling the toxin. However, the guard leader didn’t blame us for our careless action, showing his understanding.
“We can get that information out of those men. It appears that they have gone under harsh torture.”
The man had been carried here with his lower half still exposed to the world. In other words, everyone could see his genitals burned due to my Warm failed edition spell. It wasn’t hard to guess what happened after seeing that.
“W-Well, I suppose we should call it youthful indiscretion... That is the face of a foolish man who harassed a young maiden with sexual statements.”
“That means, you did that?”
“Uh... W-Well... Yes.”
After digging my own grave, I dropped my head in shame.
Of course, this was all an act. As if I would feel ashamed of burning his thing this late in the game. Still, I thought a girl of my age would normally have been embarrassed about it, so I acted the part.
As expected, the young guard nearby held his nose and turned away. His face was flushed to the point you’d wonder if he was alright. I could even see blood tickling through the gaps of his fingers holding his nose.
It seemed that the bashful figure of a maiden was too much stimulus for the youngsters.
“Sigh, hey you. I’ll give you half an hour so go cool your head.”
“Huh, That’s... I, e-excuse me!”
He seemed a little reluctant, but the young guard gave a bow and rushed out of the room. It seemed that blood rushed to his head there. Quite a sinful appearance I have.
“Apologies for that. These youngsters aren’t used to seeing beautiful girls.”
“Calling me beautiful... I am honored.”
“This is a frontier, so everyone is familiar with each other inside the town. Seeing a beautiful person like you is too much stimulation for the young knights.”
“Are there so few people in this town?”
“Yes, even after the danger of Colchis has gone, the fact that it lived nearby remains rooted. As expected, people willing to live here would decrease...”
“You could increase the sightseers instead.”
“Sightseeing... That never crossed my mind. I see, taking people to sightseeing tours to Colchis’ nest with the knights might be worth considering.”
“That is quite a bold idea.”
Even I didn’t expect him to suddenly jump to the idea of making the Evil Dragon’s nest a sightseeing area. I just voiced a wild idea, but the people of this town seemed to have quite the tough nerves.
“Oh, right, I still haven’t heard your name.”
“Ah, I am called Haumea. You can find me at—”
I gave him a random inn and name to record in the documents. Naturally, I didn’t really reside in that inn, so it would be impossible to contact me.
It would be a problem if they kept calling me over and over as well. Besides, the important ones here were the men I brought, not me.
Moreover, if my name reached the central figures of this kingdom, someone even more troublesome could come rushing here. It was better to withdraw as quickly as possible.
“I understand the situation now. We will investigate this ourselves. I will contact you for the details at a later day, so I hope you will remain in this town until then.”
“My apologies. My circumstances compel me to hurry, so that would be difficult... Could I give you the Guild registration number of my friend instead? It is someone like my guardian. I wander around all the time, so it would be easier to get into touch with them instead.”
“I see. That reminds me, you did say you came to hunt Fang Wolves. Alright then, I shall send the details to that number. I might need you to come here once more, however.”
“If the circumstances allow it, I will come as fast as I can.”
This registration number was not mine but Maxwell’s. From now on, it would be unrelated to Nicole.
Haumea was something like Maxwell’s spy, so it wouldn’t raise any suspicions even if they arrived at Maxwell.
On top of it, it was my plan all along to give them this number.
And with that, we threw the follow-up investigation at the knights and decided to return to the mountains. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 15,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
サイバー・セキュリティー専門家が どんなものか 気になっている方も いらっしゃるでしょうから まずは私の経歴を ご紹介します
まさに マルウェアとハッキングを 専門にしています という感じです
今日では コンピュータウイルスや トロイの木馬は あらゆる目的に使われます データを盗むことから ウェブカムでの盗撮 何十億ドルもの お金を盗むことまで
悪質なプログラムには 電力、ライフライン、インフラを ターゲットとするものもあります
こうした悪意あるコードで どんなことができるのか ちょっとお見せしましょう
今 毎秒8人のペースで インターネット・ユーザが 増えています
そして 1日で25万種もの 新しいコンピュータウイルスが生まれ
新たに3万件のウェブサイトが ウイルスに感染します
ここで迷信を 打破しましょう コンピュータウイルスに 感染すると 多くの人は ポルノサイトが原因と考えます
でも 実際のところ 統計上は ポルノサイトだけ訪問する方が よっぽど安全なんです
ここはメモを取るところですよ 事実 ウイルスに感染したサイトの 80%は小さな企業のものです 事実 ウイルスに感染したサイトの 80%は小さな企業のものです
今日のサイバー犯罪者は どんな人たちなのか?
ご想像されているのは そばかす顔の若者が 地下室にこもって 悪名を得るのに ハッキングする姿でしょう
でも 実際のサイバー犯罪者は 素晴らしくプロフェッショナルで 組織化されています
事実 商品広告まであります
オンラインで ハッキング・サービスを頼み 競合相手を オフラインにもできます
あなたが ここに来た理由は ただ一つ あなたが ここに来た理由は ただ一つ あなたの競合相手 ライバル 邪魔なやつ 理由や 相手が誰かなんてどうでもいい そいつらを貶めたいからでしょう
それなら ここに来て正解です
競合相手を貶めたいなら できます
ライバルをオフラインにしたいなら そうなります
さらに 私たちがお届けするのは 短期から長期までの DDOSサービス つまり 計画攻撃 小さな個人サイト向けの 1時間5ドルから 1時間10~50ドルまで
さて 実際に こうしたサービスを使い 私のサイトを攻撃させてみました
会社の経費で落とそうとしたら ややこしくなり
とにかく 今や 驚くほどたくさんの サイバー犯罪者向けの 商品やサービスがあります
例えば テスト・サイト サイバー犯罪者は ここで 自分のウイルスの 性能を検証してから 世にリリースできるんです
わずかな金額で ウイルスをアップロードし 問題がないことを確認できます
それだけでは ありません
サイバー犯罪者向けの 犯罪キットがあります ビジネス・インテリジェンス ダッシュボードで 悪意あるプログラムの 流通を管理できます
これがマルウェア市場を けん引する― BlackHole Exploit kit というキットです ここ半年で流通した マルウェアの3分の1近くは このキットによるもので
インストール・マニュアルも ついていれば ビデオ・ガイドもあり それに なんと テクニカル・サポートまであります
サイバー犯罪者に メールをすれば 違法なハッキング・サーバーの 立上げ方も教えてくれます
さて 最新の悪意あるコードが どんなものかお見せしましょう
ここに2つの画面があります 1つは攻撃者のもので マトリックスのように怖い感じにしました もう1つは 被害者のものです 自宅や職場で見かけますね
通常 これら2つは 地球上 インターネット上で 交わることはありませんが 隣に並べてみました その方が面白いですから
さて ウイルス感染経路は さまざまです
皆さんも 見たことあるでしょう
例えば こんなメールもよく届きます 「こんにちは 私はナイジェリアの銀行家で 君に530億ドルをあげたいんだ 君の顔がタイプだから」
それから funnycats.exe 噂によれば これは 中国の反米キャンペーンで 大活躍したようです
ウイルス感染経路は 本当にさまざまなんです
私のお気に入りを 2つご紹介します
これは 小さなUSBスティックです
これをどうやったら 使ってもらえるでしょう?
愛らしい目をして 訴えるのも一つです
私の場合は 不器用さで同情を買います
こんな感じです 会社を訪ねて コーヒーをこぼした履歴書を手に ぶざまで可哀そうな感じで コーヒーをこぼした履歴書を手に ぶざまで可哀そうな感じで 受付に行き お願いするんです 「USBスティックから履歴書を印刷してください」 受付に行き お願いするんです 「USBスティックから履歴書を印刷してください」
では 被害者のコンピュータを 見てみましょう
USBスティックを 差し込んでみます
ものの数秒で コンピュータが 勝手に動き出します まずい徴候ですね
もちろん 通常は数秒で 瞬く間に起こります もちろん 通常は数秒で 瞬く間に起こります ここでは 動きをゆっくりにして コンピュータが攻撃される様子を 見られるようにしています
でなければ マルウェアは退屈ですから
これは悪意のあるプログラムを 書き出しているところで 数秒後には 左側にある― 攻撃者の画面に 面白いテキストが現れてきます
カーソルをあてて 拡大してみましょう これは「コマンド・プロンプト」で これを使うと 相手のコンピュータを操作できます
ドキュメントや データにアクセスし
操作できる証拠に 私のお気に入りの プログラムを起動しましょう Windowsの電卓ソフトです
すごくないですか? こんな簡単なもので 相手のコントロールを奪えるんです
今 最も出まわっている マルウェアをお見せしましょう 今 最も出まわっている マルウェアをお見せしましょう
まずは ウェブサイトを開きます 私が作ったサイトで
ダサい画像もある 本当にひどいサイトです
ここに コメント欄があります ウェブサイトに コメントを書き込めるんです
皆さんも 同じようなものを 使われたことがあるでしょう
残念ながら これを作ったとき 開発者は ちょっと酔っぱらっていて どうも 知ってるはずの セキュリティーについての作法を 全部忘れてしまったようです
想像してみてください この攻撃者が― 面白くするのに イビル・ハッカーとでもしましょう なにか嫌らしいものを入れます
つまり ウェブページで 読まれるコードです
ここで書き込みをしてみます そして 被害者のコンピュータで ブラウザを立ち上げて 私のウェブサイトにアクセスします
ところが 数秒後には リダイレクトされて
ここのアドレスを見れば 分かる通り になっています このエクスプロイト・キットにより ブラウザはクラッシュし 偽のアンチウイルスを 起動します
これは ウイルスですが アンチウイルス・ソフトを装っていて システムの中を 徹底的に読み取ります このポップアップを見ると
深刻な警告表示を 出しています
ほら 児童ポルノの プロキシ・サーバーです
クリーン・アップしないと いけません
何が侮辱的かと言えば これは 攻撃者に データを取られるだけでなく スキャンが終わると 偽ウイルスを除去するのに この商品にユーザ登録しないと いけないんです
ウイルスが無料の時代が 懐かしいです
今や サイバー犯罪者に お金を払って ウイルスを 動かすんですから おかしな話ですよ
ちょっと視点を 変えてみましょう
1日 25万件の マルウェアと戦うなんて とてつもない挑戦ですが その数字は 増加する一方です お蔭で それにあわせて 額のしわも増えました
ここで 皆さんには あるハッカー集団をご紹介します 追跡すること1年 ようやく発見しました この仕事では めったにないことです
これは 産業横断的な取組みで フェイスブックの人や 個人研究者 ソフォスからの 参加もありました
ここにある 2つのドキュメントは このサイバー犯罪者たちが クラウドサービスに アップロードしたものです DropboxやSkyDriveとか 皆さんが普通に使うクラウドです
一番上に ソースコードがあります
これは サイバー犯罪者に 毎日 テキストメッセージを送信し その日にいくら稼いだか 知らせるようになっています 言わば サイバー犯罪者の 売上報告書です
よく見ると ロシアの電話番号が書いてあります よく見ると ロシアの電話番号が書いてあります
とても面白いことに これが サイバー犯罪者を突き止める 手がかりになったのです
下の 赤で囲まれている箇所には 別のソースコードが 書かれていて 「leded:leded」とあります
これはユーザネームです Twitterで使うようなものです
さて 話を進めましょう
他にも サイバー犯罪者が アップロードした面白いものがあります
皆さんは スマートフォンで 写真を撮ったり 会議場からアップしたりもしますよね
最近のスマートフォンの 面白い特徴というのは 写真を撮ると その撮影場所を示す GPSデータを埋め込むことです
私は最近 かなりの時間を ネットの出会い系サイトで 過ごしました もちろん 研究のためです そこで気づいたのは これらのサイトにある プロフィール写真の60%が 写真の撮影場所を示す GPSが埋め込まれていました ちょっと怖いことです だって 自宅の住所を 不特定多数の人に教えないでしょう だって 自宅の住所を 不特定多数の人に教えないでしょう でも GPSデータは 平気というわけです 15メートルの誤差のデータです
このサイバー犯罪者も 同じことをしていました
これが その写真で サンクトペテルブルクと教えてくれました
私たちは 進化した ハッキングツールを使いました
これまで見つけた メールアドレス 電話番号 そしてGPSデータを使うと 左にある― サイバー犯罪者が売っている BMW車の広告 他にも スフィンクス・ネコの 広告が見つかりました
このうち1つは もっとも典型的に見えました
そして こちらが サイバー犯罪者です
考えてもみてください これらは 堅気のサイバー犯罪者で かなりの秘密主義です
この会場の皆さんの情報なら もっと簡単ですが この会場の皆さんの情報なら もっと簡単ですが
プロフィールをさらに探すと 彼らの事務所の写真がありました
さらに 取引仲間からの 写真がありました さらに 取引仲間からの 写真がありました ちょっと写真には 偏りがあって
ロシアのアダルト・サイト運営者連盟の 会員のようです
しかし ここから 調査は行き詰りを見せます
サイバー犯罪者たちは 素性をかなりうまく隠しているのです
でも 気を付けるべきは ソーシャルメディアや モバイル機器です
たとえ自らが セキュリティーを万全にしても 友人や家族 同僚から 情報は洩れうるのです
これはMobSoftという このサイバー犯罪集団の 保有会社の一つです MobSoftの面白いところは 50%の所有者が 求人を出していて そこに書かれた電話番号が さきほどのソースコードにあった― 番号と一致していたのです
この女性はマリアです マリアは この犯罪集団の 一人と結婚しています
どうも マリアは ソーシャルメディアで セキュリティー設定を かなり甘くしてしまったようです セキュリティー設定を かなり甘くしてしまったようです
この調査を終える頃には― このリンクから 27ページもある報告書を見られますが― サイバー犯罪者たちの写真も入手し 職場のクリスマスパーティーで 出かけたときの写真まであります 職場のクリスマスパーティーで 出かけたときの写真まであります
そう サイバー犯罪者たちだって クリスマスパーティーをするんです そう サイバー犯罪者たちだって クリスマスパーティーをするんです
この人たちは どうなったんでしょう?
それについては 後ほどお話しすることにして
少し趣向を変えて 最後のデモに移りたいと思います とても単純で 基礎的なテクニックですが 私たちが どれだけ情報を 危険にさらしているかを お知りいただく面白いものです TEDの聴衆である私たちに 関係があるものです
通常 この話を始めると 皆さん ポケットを探り 必死に携帯電話を 機内モードにしようとします
ワイヤレスネットワークの スキャンはご存知ですね ワイヤレスネットワークの スキャンはご存知ですね
iPhoneやBlackberryを取り出し TEDAttendeesなどのネットワークに 接続する時にスキャンします
でも 気付いていないのは 以前に接続したことがある ネットワークの情報も発信していることです 以前に接続したことがある ネットワークの情報も発信していることです たとえ ワイヤレス接続を 積極的に使っていなくてもです
法律なんて気にしない サイバー犯罪者よりは 節度ありますが 法律なんて気にしない サイバー犯罪者よりは 節度ありますが 私のモバイル機器をご覧ください
いいですか? ネットワークのリストがありますね
TEDAttendeesやHyattLB 私の滞在先は分かりますか?
それから 私のホームネットワーク PrettyFlyForAWifi すてきな名前ですね
Sophos_Visitors SANSEMEA 一緒に仕事をしている会社です
そして Loganwifi これはボストンで HiltonLondon
これは ある会議でつけた名前です 皆さんを怖がらせるのは 楽しいですから
ここにいる皆さんについて お話ししましょう
23%の方が 最近 スターバックスに行き ワイヤレス接続を使っています
46%の方の 勤務先が当てられます XYZ従業員ネットワークとかね
厳密な数字のではないものの かなり正確です
761名の方について 最近宿泊されたホテルを かなりの正確性を持って 当てることができます
234名の方については どこにお住まいかわかります
あなたのワイヤレスネットワークの 名前から ピンポイントで言えるのです インターネット上で 公開されている情報だけで ハッキングや 難しいことなんてする必要ありません
さらに付け加えると 自分の名前を使う方もいます 「ジェームズ・ラインのiPhone」のように
2%の方は 言葉遣いがよろしくないようです
よく考えていただきたいのは こうした新しいアプリや モバイル機器を使い この真新しいおもちゃで遊びながら 私たちが 便利さと引き換えに どれだけ プライバシーやセキュリティーを 犠牲にしているかです
次に 何かをインストールするときは 設定を確認して 自分自身に問うてください 「この情報はシェアしたいものか?」
そして よく考えるべきは どうやって将来の人材を 作っていくかです
技術は ものすごいスピードで 変化しています マルウェアの数 25万件も すぐに変わることになるでしょう
そして 本当に 憂慮すべき傾向もあります たくさんの人が 学校で学び 技術に精通し 技術の使い方を知っていますが さらに先を行き 技術がどんな仕組みになっているか 知ろうとしない人が多くなっています
イギリスでは 2003年以降 60%減で 世界中で 同じような統計が見られます
そして この分野における 法律の問題も考える必要があります
お話ししたサイバー犯罪者は 何百万ドルものお金を 盗んでいますが いまだに逮捕されていません このままなら きっと ずっと逮捕されないでしょう
ほとんどの法律は 属地的なものです サイバー犯罪条約では インターネットは 国境がなく 国際的なものだと 定義されているのにです
各国が同意しなければ この分野が 法律的にも とても難しくならざるをえません
でも 一番のお願いは これです ここから出れば ニュースで ビックリするような話を見るでしょう
マルウェアが とんでもなく 恐ろしいことをする話も 目にするでしょう
でも 原因の99%は 基本的なことを しなかったからです
ですから インターネットで 簡単なベストプラクティスを見つけ パソコンを最新の状態に するようにして下さい
各サイトやサービスで使う パスワードを変えてください 各サイトやサービスで使う パスワードを変えてください
情報を探して 実際に使ってください
インターネットは とても素晴らしいものです ビジネスにとっても 政治的表現にも そして 芸術や学習にも
私たち セキュリティー業界と共に サイバー犯罪者が もっともっと生きにくい世界にしましょう サイバー犯罪者が もっともっと生きにくい世界にしましょう
ありがとうございました | Some of you might be wondering what a cybersecurity specialist looks like, and I thought I'd give you a quick insight into my career so far.
It's a pretty accurate description.
This is what someone that specializes in malware and hacking looks like.
So today, computer viruses and trojans, designed to do everything from stealing data to watching you in your webcam to the theft of billions of dollars.
Some malicious code today goes as far as targeting power, utilities and infrastructure.
Let me give you a quick snapshot of what malicious code is capable of today.
Right now, every second, eight new users are joining the Internet.
Today, we will see 250,000 individual new computer viruses.
We will see 30,000 new infected websites.
And, just to kind of tear down a myth here, lots of people think that when you get infected with a computer virus, it's because you went to a porn site.
Right? Well, actually, statistically speaking, if you only visit porn sites, you're safer.
People normally write that down, by the way. Actually, about 80 percent of these are small business websites getting infected.
Today's cybercriminal, what do they look like?
Well, many of you have the image, don't you, of the spotty teenager sitting in a basement, hacking away for notoriety.
But actually today, cybercriminals are wonderfully professional and organized.
In fact, they have product adverts.
You can go online and buy a hacking service to knock your business competitor offline.
Check out this one I found.
Man: So you're here for one reason, and that reason is because you need your business competitors, rivals, haters, or whatever the reason is, or who, they are to go down.
Well you, my friend, you've came to the right place.
If you want your business competitors to go down, well, they can.
If you want your rivals to go offline, well, they will.
Not only that, we are providing a short-term-to-long-term DDOS service or scheduled attack, starting five dollars per hour for small personal websites to 10 to 50 dollars per hour.
James Lyne: Now, I did actually pay one of these cybercriminals to attack my own website.
Things got a bit tricky when I tried to expense it at the company.
Turns out that's not cool.
But regardless, it's amazing how many products and services are available now to cybercriminals.
For example, this testing platform, which enables the cybercriminals to test the quality of their viruses before they release them on the world.
For a small fee, they can upload it and make sure everything is good.
But it goes further.
Cybercriminals now have crime packs with business intelligence reporting dashboards to manage the distribution of their malicious code.
This is the market leader in malware distribution, the Black Hole Exploit Pack, responsible for nearly one third of malware distribution in the last couple of quarters.
It comes with technical installation guides, video setup routines, and get this, technical support.
You can email the cybercriminals and they'll tell you how to set up your illegal hacking server.
So let me show you what malicious code looks like today.
What I've got here is two systems, an attacker, which I've made look all Matrix-y and scary, and a victim, which you might recognize from home or work.
Now normally, these would be on different sides of the planet or of the Internet, but I've put them side by side because it makes things much more interesting.
Now, there are many ways you can get infected.
You will have come in contact with some of them.
Maybe some of you have received an email that says something like, "Hi, I'm a Nigerian banker, and I'd like to give you 53 billion dollars because I like your face."
Or funnycats.exe, which rumor has it was quite successful in China's recent campaign against America.
Now there are many ways you can get infected.
I want to show you a couple of my favorites.
This is a little USB key.
Now how do you get a USB key to run in a business?
Well, you could try looking really cute.
Or, in my case, awkward and pathetic.
So imagine this scenario: I walk into one of your businesses, looking very awkward and pathetic, with a copy of my C.V. which I've covered in coffee, and I ask the receptionist to plug in this USB key and print me a new one.
So let's have a look here on my victim computer.
What I'm going to do is plug in the USB key.
After a couple of seconds, things start to happen on the computer on their own, usually a bad sign.
This would, of course, normally happen in a couple of seconds, really, really quickly, but I've kind of slowed it down so you can actually see the attack occurring.
Malware is very boring otherwise.
So this is writing out the malicious code, and a few seconds later, on the left-hand side, you'll see the attacker's screen get some interesting new text.
Now if I place the mouse cursor over it, this is what we call a command prompt, and using this we can navigate around the computer.
We can access your documents, your data.
You can turn on the webcam.
That can be very embarrassing.
Or just to really prove a point, we can launch programs like my personal favorite, the Windows Calculator.
So isn't it amazing how much control the attackers can get with such a simple operation?
Let me show you how most malware is now distributed today.
What I'm going to do is open up a website that I wrote.
It's a terrible website. It's got really awful graphics.
And it's got a comments section here where we can submit comments to the website.
Many of you will have used something a bit like this before.
Unfortunately, when this was implemented, the developer was slightly inebriated and managed to forget all of the secure coding practices he had learned.
So let's imagine that our attacker, called Evil Hacker just for comedy value, inserts something a little nasty.
This is a script.
It's code which will be interpreted on the webpage.
So I'm going to submit this post, and then, on my victim computer, I'm going to open up the web browser and browse to my website,
Notice that after a couple of seconds, I get redirected.
That website address at the top there, which you can just about see,, the browser crashes as it hits one of these exploit packs, and up pops fake antivirus.
This is a virus pretending to look like antivirus software, and it will go through and it will scan the system, have a look at what its popping up here.
It creates some very serious alerts.
Oh look, a child porn proxy server.
We really should clean that up.
What's really insulting about this is not only does it provide the attackers with access to your data, but when the scan finishes, they tell you in order to clean up the fake viruses, you have to register the product.
Now I liked it better when viruses were free.
People now pay cybercriminals money to run viruses, which I find utterly bizarre.
So anyway, let me change pace a little bit.
Chasing 250,000 pieces of malware a day is a massive challenge, and those numbers are only growing directly in proportion to the length of my stress line, you'll note here.
So I want to talk to you briefly about a group of hackers we tracked for a year and actually found -- and this is a rare treat in our job.
Now this was a cross-industry collaboration, people from Facebook, independent researchers, guys from Sophos.
So here we have a couple of documents which our cybercriminals had uploaded to a cloud service, kind of like Dropbox or SkyDrive, like many of you might use.
At the top, you'll notice a section of source code.
What this would do is send the cybercriminals a text message every day telling them how much money they'd made that day, so a kind of cybercriminal billings report, if you will.
If you look closely, you'll notice a series of what are Russian telephone numbers.
Now that's obviously interesting, because that gives us a way of finding our cybercriminals.
Down below, highlighted in red, in the other section of source code, is this bit "leded:leded."
That's a username, kind of like you might have on Twitter.
So let's take this a little further.
There are a few other interesting pieces the cybercriminals had uploaded.
Lots of you here will use smartphones to take photos and post them from the conference.
An interesting feature of lots of modern smartphones is that when you take a photo, it embeds GPS data about where that photo was taken.
In fact, I've been spending a lot of time on Internet dating sites recently, obviously for research purposes, and I've noticed that about 60 percent of the profile pictures on Internet dating sites contain the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken, which is kind of scary because you wouldn't give out your home address to lots of strangers, but we're happy to give away our GPS coordinates to plus or minus 15 meters.
And our cybercriminals had done the same thing.
So here's a photo which resolves to St. Petersburg.
We then deploy the incredibly advanced hacking tool.
We used Google.
Using the email address, the telephone number and the GPS data, on the left you see an advert for a BMW that one of our cybercriminals is selling, on the other side an advert for the sale of sphynx kittens.
One of these was more stereotypical for me.
A little more searching, and here's our cybercriminal.
Imagine, these are hardened cybercriminals sharing information scarcely.
Imagine what you could find about each of the people in this room.
A bit more searching through the profile and there's a photo of their office.
They were working on the third floor.
And you can also see some photos from his business companion where he has a taste in a certain kind of image.
It turns out he's a member of the Russian Adult Webmasters Federation.
But this is where our investigation starts to slow down.
The cybercriminals have locked down their profiles quite well.
And herein is the greatest lesson of social media and mobile devices for all of us right now.
can break our security even when we do the right things.
This is MobSoft, one of the companies that this cybercriminal gang owned, and an interesting thing about MobSoft is the 50-percent owner of this posted a job advert, and this job advert matched one of the telephone numbers from the code earlier.
This woman was Maria, and Maria is the wife of one of our cybercriminals.
And it's kind of like she went into her social media settings and clicked on every option imaginable to make herself really, really insecure.
By the end of the investigation, where you can read the full 27-page report at that link, we had photos of the cybercriminals, even the office Christmas party when they were out on an outing.
That's right, cybercriminals do have Christmas parties, as it turns out.
Now you're probably wondering what happened to these guys.
Let me come back to that in just a minute.
I want to change pace to one last little demonstration, a technique that is wonderfully simple and basic, but is interesting in exposing how much information we're all giving away, and it's relevant because it applies to us as a TED audience.
This is normally when people start kind of shuffling in their pockets trying to turn their phones onto airplane mode desperately.
Many of you all know about the concept of scanning for wireless networks.
You do it every time you take out your iPhone or your Blackberry and connect to something like TEDAttendees.
But what you might not know is that you're also beaming out a list of networks you've previously connected to, even when you're not using wireless actively.
So I ran a little scan.
I was relatively inhibited compared to the cybercriminals, who wouldn't be so concerned by law, and here you can see my mobile device.
Okay? So you can see a list of wireless networks.
TEDAttendees, HyattLB. Where do you think I'm staying?
My home network, PrettyFlyForAWifi, which I think is a great name.
Sophos_Visitors, SANSEMEA, companies I work with.
Loganwifi, that's in Boston. HiltonLondon.
We called it that at one of our conferences because we thought that would freak people out, which is quite fun.
This is how geeks party.
So let's make this a little bit more interesting.
Let's talk about you.
Twenty-three percent of you have been to Starbucks recently and used the wireless network.
Things get more interesting.
Forty-six percent of you I could link to a business, XYZ Employee network.
This isn't an exact science, but it gets pretty accurate.
Seven hundred and sixty-one of you I could identify a hotel you'd been to recently, absolutely with pinpoint precision somewhere on the globe.
Two hundred and thirty-four of you, well, I know where you live.
Your wireless network name is so unique that I was able to pinpoint it using data available openly on the Internet with no hacking or clever, clever tricks.
And I should mention as well that some of you do use your names, "James Lyne's iPhone," for example.
And two percent of you have a tendency to extreme profanity.
So something for you to think about: As we adopt these new applications and mobile devices, as we play with these shiny new toys, how much are we trading off convenience for privacy and security?
Next time you install something, look at the settings and ask yourself, "Is this information that I want to share?
Would someone be able to abuse it?"
We also need to think very carefully about how we develop our future talent pool.
You see, technology's changing at a staggering rate, and that 250,000 pieces of malware won't stay the same for long.
There's a very concerning trend that whilst many people coming out of schools now are much more technology-savvy, they know how to use technology, fewer and fewer people are following the feeder subjects to know how that technology works under the covers.
In the U.K., a 60 percent reduction since 2003, and there are similar statistics all over the world.
We also need to think about the legal issues in this area.
The cybercriminals I talked about, despite theft of millions of dollars, actually still haven't been arrested, and at this point possibly never will.
Most laws are national in their implementation, despite cybercrime conventions, where the Internet is borderless and international by definition.
Countries do not agree, which makes this area exceptionally challenging from a legal perspective.
But my biggest ask is this: You see, you're going to leave here and you're going to see some astonishing stories in the news.
You're going to read about malware doing incredible and terrifying, scary things.
However, 99 percent of it works because people fail to do the basics.
So my ask is this: Go online, find these simple best practices, find out how to update and patch your computer.
Get a secure password.
Make sure you use a different password on each of your sites and services online.
Find these resources. Apply them.
The Internet is a fantastic resource for business, for political expression, for art and for learning.
Help me and the security community make life much, much more difficult for cybercriminals.
Thank you. | {
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だから いつも議論をします 生活の大切な要素ですし
私は単なる学者ではなく 哲学者ですから 議論は かなり上手だと思います
議論について 考えることも好きです
考えているうちに 何度も難問に出くわしました
その一つはこうです 私は議論について考えて もう何十年にもなるし どんどん上達していますが 議論を重ねて 上手になればなるほど ―
負けるようになります これが難問です もう一つは 負けても気にならないことです
なぜ負けても平気なのか? 議論が上手な人達は なぜ負けるのが上手なのか?
難問は まだあります
なぜ私達は議論するのか? 誰が議論で得をするのか?
ここで言う議論とは 学問的または 認識的議論とでも呼ぶべき 認識にまつわる議論です 例えば この命題は真か? この理論は優れているか?
このデータや文章の解釈は妥当か? そういったことです
あまり関心がない議論は 誰が食器を洗うかとか 誰がゴミを出すかとかです
もちろん家庭では そんな議論もしますし
コツを知っているから 勝つ自信もあります
関心があるのは現代の 学問的議論のほうです 私が抱える疑問を紹介しましょう
まず 議論が上手な人が 勝つことで得るものは?
例えば「道徳理論の枠組みとして ―
功利主義は適当でない」と 説得して私が得るものは? 議論に勝って得られるものは? そもそもカントの主張は妥当だとか ミルは倫理学者の手本だと 相手に考えさせることが
私に関係があるのか? 機能主義は妥当な心の理論だと 誰が考えようと 私には関係ないはずです
では なぜ議論しようとするのか?
なぜ人々を説得して 何かを信じさせようとするのか? それはいい事か?
必要のない事を考えさせるのは 人に接する態度として適切か? 必要のない事を考えさせるのは 人に接する態度として適切か?
私は議論の3つのモデルに触れながら 答えていきたいと思います
1つ目の「弁証法モデル」では 議論を戦争と捉えます 何となくわかるでしょう 大声をあげたり怒鳴ったり 勝ち負けがあります
実際にはそれほど役立ちませんが 議論のモデルとして よく知られ 定着しています
2つ目のモデルは 「証明としての議論」です
このように進みます 議論は適切か?
前提は正しいか? 推論は妥当か?
ここには反論も対立もなく 議論の対立は 必ずしも必要ではありません
役立つので知ってほしい 第3のモデルは 役立つので知ってほしい 第3のモデルは 「パフォーマンスとしての議論」です 聴衆の前で行われる議論です
政治家が自分の立場を 表明しようとしたり 聴衆を説得する場面が 思い浮かぶでしょう
さらに このモデルには 別の重要な側面があります すなわち議論をする際 ― しばしば聴衆も 役割を担うことになります 議論は 評決を下し 罪を裁く陪審員を前にした ― 主張のようなものになります
これを「修辞モデル」と呼びましょう この場合 議論を 聴衆に合わせる必要があります
どれほど手堅く よく検討した緻密な議論を 英語で展開しても 聞き手がフランス語話者なら 上手くいかないでしょう
これで3つのモデルが出そろいました 戦争としての議論 証明としての議論 パフォーマンスとしての議論です
そのうち最も一般的なのが 戦争としての議論モデルです
議論について語ったり 考えたりする時に 通常頭に浮かぶのは このモデルです だから議論の進め方や 実際の振舞いは ここから生じるのです
だから議論を語る時 ― 戦争にまつわる言葉を使うのです
求められるのは「強い」議論や 「パンチの利いた」議論 ― 「目標を的確に捉えた」議論です
「防御」しながら 「戦略」を整えます
求められるのは こんな議論です
議論と聞いて思い浮かぶのは このような敵対モデルでしょう でも戦争の比喩 すなわち 議論を戦争に喩え
戦争のモデルで捉えるのは 議論の進め方を ゆがめてしまいます まず内容より戦略が 重視されるようになります
誤りについて学べます そこでは自分達と相手の 対立という点が強調され
議論を敵味方に 分かれたものと見なします
華々しい勝利か 惨めで 屈辱的な敗北のどちらかです こうして議論はゆがめられ
残念な事に 交渉や ― 検討や妥協や ― 共同作業を妨げます
議論を始める時に こう考えたことは? 「論戦するのではなく 論議を尽くしてみよう ―
議論=戦争と捉えてしまうと この様な解決方法を妨げてしまいます
結局 最悪な事に 議論がまとまらないのです 議論は行き詰まり
話が回り道し 渋滞し 立ち往生します
それから 教育者として頭が痛いのは
それから 教育者として頭が痛いのは 議論を戦争として捉えると 学びを敗北と 捉えたことになってしまいます
どういう事か 説明しましょう
あなたは命題Pを信じていますが 私は信じていません
Pと考える理由を聞くと あなたは説明してくれます
Pと考える理由を聞くと あなたは説明してくれます
私は その説明に反論を加えます
私はさらにたずねます それはどういうことか?
他にどう適用できるか? あなたは疑問に答え ―
反論も質問も 反対意見も出し尽くします あなたは全てに 満足のいく答えを出し
その結果 議論の終わりに 私はこう言います 「君の言う通りPだ」
それは単なる考えではなく 明確で きちんと検討され 論争を経た考えです
理解が深まります さて議論に勝ったのは誰でしょう?
戦争に喩えてしまうと こう言うしかありません たとえ理解したのは私でも 勝ったのはあなただ と
でも 私を説得することで あなたは何を理解したでしょう?
確かに満足して 自尊心は満たされ ― その分野ではプロの地位を 確保できるかも知れません 議論が上手だと言われるかも
でも理解の面で 勝ったのは誰でしょうか? 戦争に喩えた場合 ―
理解したのは私でも あなたが勝ちで 私は負けになります
私が変えたいのは この状況です
どうしたら私達は 肯定的なものを生む ― 議論の仕方がわかるのでしょう?
必要なのは新しい 議論の出口戦略です
ただし新しい 議論の始め方がなければ 新しい出口戦略は望めません
新しい議論の在り方を 考える必要があるのです
そのためには・・・ ただ私には方法がわかりません
議論=戦争という比喩は 怪物のようです
私達の心に巣くっていて それを殺す魔法の銃弾も
ただ いくつか提案はできます
ただ いくつか提案はできます 新しい議論の姿を考えるには 新たな参加者像を 考える必要があります
試してみましょう 議論で参加者が果たす 役割を考えましょう
対立的で弁証法的な議論では 賛成と反対の立場があります
証明としての議論では 推論する人がいます
様々な役割がありますが こんな想像はできるでしょうか? 皆さんは議論をしています しかも同時に聴衆になり
自分の議論を見ています 自分が議論に負けるところを見ても 議論が終わる時には 「いい議論だった」と
きっとできるはずです もしそんな議論 ― 「いい議論だった」と 敗者は勝者に向けて言い ― 聴衆と陪審員も そう言える議論なら 想像したのは いい議論です
さらに それだけでなく 優れた議論をする人 皆さんが目指すべき ― 議論をする人を 思い浮かべたことになります
敗北から何かを得られるような ― よい議論には練習が必要です でも幸い私には自分から進んで ― 練習の場を与えてくれる 同僚がたくさんいるのです
ありがとう | And what that means is that I argue. It's an important part of my life.
And I like to argue.
And I'm not just an academic, I'm a philosopher, so I like to think that I'm actually pretty good at arguing.
But I also like to think a lot about arguing.
And in thinking about arguing, I've come across some puzzles.
And one of the puzzles is that, as I've been thinking about arguing over the years -- and it's been decades now -- I've gotten better at arguing.
But the more that I argue and the better I get at arguing, the more that I lose. And that's a puzzle.
Why is it that I'm okay with losing and why is it that I think good arguers are actually better at losing?
Well, there are some other puzzles.
One is: why do we argue? Who benefits from arguments?
When I think about arguments, I'm talking about -- let's call them academic arguments or cognitive arguments -- where something cognitive is at stake: Is this proposition true? Is this theory a good theory?
Is this a viable interpretation of the data or the text? And so on.
I'm not interested really in arguments about whose turn it is to do the dishes or who has to take out the garbage.
Yeah, we have those arguments, too.
I tend to win those arguments, because I know the tricks.
But those aren't the important arguments.
I'm interested in academic arguments, and here are the things that puzzle me.
First, what do good arguers win when they win an argument?
that utilitarianism isn't really the right framework for thinking about ethical theories?
What do we win when we win an argument? Even before that, what does it matter to me whether you have this idea that Kant's theory works or Mill is the right ethicist to follow?
It's no skin off my back whether you think functionalism is a viable theory of mind.
So why do we even try to argue?
Why do we try to convince other people to believe things they don't want to believe, and is that even a nice thing to do?
Is that a nice way to treat another human being, try and make them think something they don't want to think?
Well, my answer is going to make reference to three models for arguments.
The first model -- let's call it the dialectical model -- is we think of arguments as war; you know what that's like -- a lot of screaming and shouting and winning and losing.
That's not a very helpful model for arguing, but it's a pretty common and entrenched model for arguing.
But there's a second model for arguing: arguments as proofs.
Think of a mathematician's argument.
Here's my argument. Does it work? Is it any good?
Are the premises warranted? Are the inferences valid?
Does the conclusion follow from the premises?
No opposition, no adversariality -- not necessarily any arguing in the adversarial sense.
But there's a third model to keep in mind that I think is going to be very helpful, and that is arguments as performances, arguments in front of an audience.
We can think of a politician trying to present a position, trying to convince the audience of something.
But there's another twist on this model that I really think is important; namely, that when we argue before an audience, sometimes the audience has a more participatory role in the argument; that is, arguments are also [performances] in front of juries, who make a judgment and decide the case.
Let's call this the rhetorical model, where you have to tailor your argument to the audience at hand.
You know, presenting a sound, well-argued, tight argument in English before a francophone audience just isn't going to work.
So we have these models -- argument as war, argument as proof and argument as performance.
Of those three, the argument as war is the dominant one.
It dominates how we talk about arguments, it dominates how we think about arguments, and because of that, it shapes how we argue, our actual conduct in arguments.
Now, when we talk about arguments, we talk in a very militaristic language.
We want strong arguments, arguments that have a lot of punch, arguments that are right on target.
We want to have our defenses up and our strategies all in order.
We want killer arguments.
That's the kind of argument we want.
It is the dominant way of thinking about arguments.
When I'm talking about arguments, that's probably what you thought of, the adversarial model.
But the war metaphor, the war paradigm or model for thinking about arguments, has, I think, deforming effects on how we argue.
First, it elevates tactics over substance.
You can take a class in logic, argumentation.
You learn all about the subterfuges that people use to try and win arguments -- the false steps.
It magnifies the us-versus them aspect of it.
It makes it adversarial; it's polarizing.
And the only foreseeable outcomes are triumph -- glorious triumph -- or abject, ignominious defeat.
I think those are deforming effects, and worst of all, it seems to prevent things like negotiation or deliberation or compromise or collaboration.
Think about that one -- have you ever entered an argument thinking, "Let's see if we can hash something out, rather than fight it out.
What can we work out together?"
I think the argument-as-war metaphor inhibits those other kinds of resolutions to argumentation.
And finally -- this is really the worst thing -- arguments don't seem to get us anywhere; they're dead ends.
They are like roundabouts or traffic jams or gridlock in conversation.
We don't get anywhere.
And one more thing.
And as an educator, this is the one that really bothers me: If argument is war, then there's an implicit equation of learning with losing.
And let me explain what I mean.
Suppose you and I have an argument.
You believe a proposition, P, and I don't.
And I say, "Well, why do you believe P?"
And you give me your reasons.
And I object and say, "Well, what about ...?"
And you answer my objection.
And I have a question: "Well, what do you mean?
How does it apply over here?"
And you answer my question.
Now, suppose at the end of the day, I've objected, I've questioned, and in every case you've responded to my satisfaction.
And so at the end of the day, I say, "You know what? I guess you're right: P."
So, I have a new belief.
And it's not just any belief; it's well-articulated, examined -- it's a battle-tested belief.
Great cognitive gain. OK, who won that argument?
Well, the war metaphor seems to force us into saying you won, even though I'm the only one who made any cognitive gain.
What did you gain, cognitively, from convincing me?
Sure, you got some pleasure out of it, maybe your ego stroked, maybe you get some professional status in the field -- "This guy's a good arguer."
But just from a cognitive point of view, who was the winner?
The war metaphor forces us into thinking that you're the winner and I lost, even though I gained.
And there's something wrong with that picture.
And that's the picture I really want to change if we can.
So, how can we find ways to make arguments yield something positive?
What we need is new exit strategies for arguments.
But we're not going to have new exit strategies for arguments until we have new entry approaches to arguments.
We need to think of new kinds of arguments.
In order to do that, well -- I don't know how to do that.
That's the bad news.
The argument-as-war metaphor is just ... it's a monster.
It's just taken up habitation in our mind, and there's no magic bullet that's going to kill it.
There's no magic wand that's going to make it disappear.
I don't have an answer.
But I have some suggestions.
Here's my suggestion: If we want to think of new kinds of arguments, what we need to do is think of new kinds of arguers.
So try this: Think of all the roles that people play in arguments.
There's the proponent and the opponent in an adversarial, dialectical argument.
There's the audience in rhetorical arguments.
There's the reasoner in arguments as proofs.
All these different roles. Now, can you imagine an argument in which you are the arguer, but you're also in the audience, watching yourself argue?
Can you imagine yourself watching yourself argue, losing the argument, and yet still, at the end of the argument, saying, "Wow, that was a good argument!"
Can you do that?
I think you can, and I think if you can imagine that kind of argument, where the loser says to the winner and the audience and the jury can say, "Yeah, that was a good argument," then you have imagined a good argument.
And more than that, I think you've imagined a good arguer, an arguer that's worthy of the kind of arguer you should try to be.
Now, I lose a lot of arguments.
It takes practice to become a good arguer, in the sense of being able to benefit from losing, but fortunately, I've had many, many colleagues who have been willing to step up and provide that practice for me.
Thank you. | {
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天文学は望遠鏡を使ってそれまで知られていた星々をこえて範囲を拡げ、生理学は顕微鏡を使って限りなく細かいところまで細 分してきたのですが、その一方で、私たちの有史以来の数世紀は私たちが住んでいるこの惑星の歴史の中では不相応な反抗的行為だとみなされると思っているのかもしれません。
もっと詳しく言うと、黒人種は、十戒が実ところ黒人については何も言っていないのだから、自分たちとは違っているんだと、互いに競いあって大声で断 言してます。
もっとも信頼できる権威であるハーバート氏は、自分の観察と実験の結果として、多くの雑種がその親の種と同じくらい繁殖力があるばかりか、 Crinum capense【1】という特定の植物では、異なった種と交配したほうが、その種固有の花粉で受粉したときより繁殖力があると断言しています。
もしひとつでもはっ きりと確信していることがあるとすると、それは生物のどの器官もその生活での ある特殊な用途に巧妙に適応しているということなのです。
かのパーレー【2】は、見たところ無用の器官である脾臓が 他の器官の間にうまく収まるよう美しく調整されていると語りかけなかったでしょ うか。
しかしながら、研究の発端では、植物組織の特性の半分には全く適応上の 理由を見出せません。
さらに また、どんな動植物もいきなり完成形になったのではなくて、すべて同じ点から出発しながら、それぞれがたどった経路でこのように多種多様になったのにちがいないことを発見します。
今日のちゃんとした思索家はだれも、未知で未発見の目的適合性が存在するという考えでこういう明白な事実を説明しようと夢みたりはし ない。
しかし、この仮定に基づくなら、南アメリカのパンパには、新 世界のこの地域が発見された当時、牛がいなかったことをどう説明すればよいの でしょうか。
というのも、現在 はそこに何百万頭もの牛が放し飼いになっているのです。
同じことがオーストラ リアやニュージーランドにも当てはまります。
島の生息種は他の知られている動植物種とは違っていることが多い(最近の事例はエマーソン・テネント卿【4】のセイロン島に関する業績に見られる) のですが、たいていいつも一番近い本土の動植物に似た一般的な科の種類なのです。
私たちが見るところいたるところで、生ける自然はなかなか解けない謎を出して くるものです。
言いかえると、生物の整然とした系列 があり、新しいものになるにしたがって、非常に広義で一般的な意味で、現存の生物に多少なりとも似てくるのです。
種が別の種に置き換わるのは、丸ごと一斉にでは なく、一つづつ置き換わっていること、
第二はどの種ももともと別個の創造の御業によって創られたいう、二つ です。
つまり自然の中に、ある種類の動物 なり植物をそんなふうに変形して別の種類、しかも博物学者が異る種だと認めるような種類を生じさせるような力が発見できなければならないのです。
しかしこのように黙殺はしたものの、いわゆる変移論(ラマルクの進 化論)は、乾燥した植物標本や外皮標本にただ名前をつけることに全霊をかたむけている真面目な動物学者や植物学者の多くにとっては、「物置の骸骨(知られたくない過去の恥ずべき秘密)」でした。
ともかく、このような人物が手を洗い浄めることもなく聖域に押し入るようなことはありませんでしたが、その20年にわたる研究と省察の結果が提示されれば、 たとえそれで打ちのめされようと、傾聴するしかないでしょう。
これまで家畜品評会に続いて家禽品評会が開かれてきましたし、今後もおそらくそうなのでしょうが、その家禽の驚くべき鳴きの才能からすると、本源種のPhasianus gallus【8】はまったく似ていないということだけははっきり断言できます。
もしこの差異を定着させて、問題の特徴でとても目立つ品種を創ろうと思えば、 望む特徴を持った雌雄の個体を選び出し、繁殖させるのです。
そうするとこういう個体は他の個体より育つのに有利だというだけでなく、他の点でも仲 間を凌駕するのに有利となり、子孫を残す機会も増えますが、その子孫は当然ながら親の特性を再生する傾向があるでしょう。
【6】 キュビエ Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)はフランスの動物学者。ラマルクの進化論を否定し、天変地異説を支持した。 | THE DARWINIAN HYPOTHESIS*
THERE is a growing immensity in the speculations of science to which no
Apart from the results which science brings us home and securely harvests, there is an expansive force and latitude in its tentative efforts, which lifts us out of ourselves and transfigures our mortality.
We may have a preference for moral themes, like the Homeric sage, who had seen and known much:--
"Cities of men
And manners, climates, councils, governments";
yet we must end by confession that
"The windy ways of men
Are but dust which rises up
And is lightly laid again,"
in comparison with the work of nature, to which science testifies, but which has no boundaries in time or space to which science can approximate.
There is something altogether out of the reach of science, and yet the compass of science is practically illimitable.
Hence it is that from time to time we are startled and perplexed by theories which have no parallel in the contracted moral world;
for the generalizations of science sweep on in ever-widening circles, and more aspiring flights, through a limitless creation.
While astronomy, with its telescope, ranges beyond the known stars, and physiology, with its microscope, is subdividing infinite minutiae, we may expect that our historic centuries may be treated as inadequate counters in the history of the planet on which we are placed.
We must expect new conceptions of the nature and relations of its denizens, as science acquires the materials for fresh generalizations;
nor have we occasion for alarms if a highly advanced knowledge, like that of the eminent Naturalist before us, confronts us with an hypothesis as vast as it is novel.
This hypothesis may or may not be sustainable hereafter;
it may give way to something else, and higher science may reverse what science has here built up with so much skill and patience,
but its sufficiency must be tried by the tests of science alone, if we are to maintain our position as the heirs of Bacon and the acquitters of Galileo.
We must weigh this hypothesis strictly in the controversy which is coming, by the only tests which are appropriate, and by no others whatsoever.
The hypothesis to which we point, and of which the present work of Mr. Darwin is but the preliminary outline, may be stated in his own language as follows:
--"Species originated by means of natural selection, or through the preservation of the favoured races in the struggle for life."
To render this thesis intelligible, it is necessary to interpret its terms.
In the first place, what is a species?
The question is a simple one, but the right answer to it is hard to find, even if we appeal to those who should know most about it.
It is all those animals or plants which have descended from a single pair of parents;
it is the smallest distinctly definable group of living organisms;
it is an eternal and immutable entity;
it is a mere abstraction of the human intellect having no existence in nature.
Such are a few of the significations attached to this simple word which may be culled from authoritative sources;
and if, leaving terms and theoretical subtleties aside, we turn to facts and endeavour to gather a meaning for ourselves, by studying the things to which, in practice, the name of species is applied, it profits us little.
For practice varies as much as theory.
Let the botanist or the zoologist examine and describe the productions of a country,
and one will pretty certainly disagree with the other as to the number, limits, and definitions of the species into which he groups the very same things.
In these islands, we are in the habit of regarding mankind as of one species, but a fortnight's steam will land us in a country where divines and savants, for once in agreement, vie with one another in loudness of assertion, if not in cogency of proof, that men are of different species;
and, more particularly, that the species negro is so distinct from our own that the Ten Commandments have actually no reference to him.
Even in the calm region of entomology, where, if anywhere in this sinful world, passion and prejudice should fail to stir the mind, one learned coleopterist will fill ten attractive volumes with descriptions of species of beetles, nine-tenths of which are immediately declared by his brother beetle-mongers to be no species at all.
The truth is that the number of distinguishable living creatures almost surpasses imagination.
At least a hundred thousand such kinds of insects alone have been described and may be identified in collections, and the number of separable kinds of living things is under estimated at half a million.
Seeing that most of these obvious kinds have their accidental varieties,
and that they often shade into others by imperceptible degrees, it may well be imagined that the task of distinguishing between what is permanent and what fleeting, what is a species and what a mere variety, is sufficiently formidable.
But is it not possible to apply a test whereby a true species may be known from a mere variety?
Great authorities affirm that there is
--that the unions of members of the same species are always fertile, while those of distinct species are either sterile, or their offspring, called hybrids, are so.
It is affirmed not only that this is an experimental fact, but that it is a provision for the preservation of the purity of species.
Such a criterion as this would be invaluable;
but, unfortunately, not only is it not obvious how to apply it in the great majority of cases in which its aid is needed, but its general validity is stoutly denied.
The Hon. and Rev. Mr. Herbert, a most trustworthy authority, not only asserts as the result of his own observations and experiments that many hybrids are quite as fertile as the parent species, but he goes so far as to assert that the particular plant 'Crinum capense' is much more fertile when crossed by a distinct species than when fertilised by its proper pollen!
On the other hand, the famous Gaertner, though he took the greatest pains to cross the primrose and the cowslip, succeeded only once or twice in several years;
and yet it is a well-established fact that the primrose and the cowslip are only varieties of the same kind of plant.
Again, such cases as the following are well established.
Facts of this kind destroy the value of the supposed criterion.
If, weary of the endless difficulties involved in the determination of species, the investigator, contenting himself with the rough practical distinction of separable kinds, endeavours to study them as they occur in nature
--to ascertain their relations to the conditions which surround them, their mutual harmonies and discordances of structure, the bond of union of their parts and their past history, he finds himself, according to the received notions, in a mighty maze, and with, at most, the dimmest adumbration of a plan.
If he starts with any one clear conviction, it is that every part of a living creature is cunningly adapted to some special use in its life.
Has not his Paley told him that that seemingly useless organ, the spleen, is beautifully adjusted as so much packing between the other organs?
And yet, at the outset of his studies, he finds that no adaptive reason whatsoever can be given for one-half of the peculiarities of vegetable structure;
he also discovers rudimentary teeth, which are never used, in the gums of the young calf and in those of the foetal whale;
insects which never bite have rudimental jaws, and others which never fly have rudimental wings;
naturally blind creatures have rudimental eyes;
and the halt have rudimentary limbs.
So, again, no animal or plant puts on its perfect form at once, but all have to start from the same point, however various the course which each has to pursue.
Not only men and horses, and cats and dogs, lobsters and beetles, periwinkles and mussels, but even the very sponges and animalcules commence their existence under forms which are essentially undistinguishable;
and this is true of all the infinite variety of plants.
Nay, more, all living beings march side by side along the high road of development, and separate the later the more like they are;
like people leaving church, who all go down the aisle, but having reached the door some turn into the parsonage, others go down the village, and others part only in the next parish.
A man in his development runs for a little while parallel with, though never passing through, the form of the meanest worm, then travels for a space beside the fish, then journeys along with the bird and the reptile for his fellow travellers;
and only at last, after a brief companionship with the highest of the four-footed and four-handed world, rises into the dignity of pure manhood.
No competent thinker of the present day dreams of explaining these indubitable facts by the notion of the existence of unknown and undiscoverable adaptations to purpose.
And we would remind those who, ignorant of the facts, must be moved by authority, that no one has asserted the incompetence of the doctrine of final causes, in its application to physiology and anatomy, more strongly than our own eminent anatomist, Professor Owen,
who, speaking of such cases, says ('On the Nature of Limbs', pp. 39, 40):
"I think it will be obvious that the principle of final adaptations fails to satisfy all the conditions of the problem."
But, if the doctrine of final causes will not help us to comprehend the anomalies of living structure, the principle of adaptation must surely lead us to understand why certain living beings are found in certain regions of the world and not in others.
The palm, as we know, will not grow in our climate, nor the oak in Greenland.
The white bear cannot live where the tiger thrives, nor 'vice versa',
and the more the natural habits of animal and vegetable species are examined, the more do they seem, on the whole, limited to particular provinces.
But when we look into the facts established by the study of the geographical distribution of animals and plants it seems utterly hopeless to attempt to understand the strange and apparently capricious relations which they exhibit.
One would be inclined to suppose 'a priori' that every country must be naturally peopled by those animals that are fittest to live and thrive in it.
And yet how, on this hypothesis, are we to account for the absence of cattle in the Pampas of South America, when those parts of the New World were discovered?
It is not that they were unfit for cattle,
for millions of cattle now run wild there;
and the like holds good of Australia and New Zealand.
It is a curious circumstance, in fact, that the animals and plants of the Northern Hemisphere are not only as well adapted to live in the Southern Hemisphere as its own autochthones, but are in many cases absolutely better adapted, and so overrun and extirpate the aborigines.
Clearly, therefore, the species which naturally inhabit a country are not necessarily the best adapted to its climate and other conditions.
The inhabitants of islands are often distinct from any other known species of animal or plants (witness our recent examples from the work of Sir Emerson Tennent, on Ceylon), and yet they have almost always a sort of general family resemblance to the animals and plants of the nearest mainland.
On the other hand, there is hardly a species of fish, shell, or crab common to the opposite sides of the narrow isthmus of Panama.
Wherever we look, then, living nature offers us riddles of difficult solution,
if we suppose that what we see is all that can be known of it.
But our knowledge of life is not confined to the existing world.
Whatever their minor differences, geologists are agreed as to the vast thickness of the accumulated strata which compose the visible part of our earth, and the inconceivable immensity of the time of whose lapse they are the imperfect, but the only accessible witnesses.
Now, throughout the greater part of this long series of stratified rocks are scattered, sometimes very abundantly, multitudes of organic remains, the fossilized exuviae of animals and plants which lived and died while the mud of which the rocks are formed was yet soft ooze, and could receive and bury them.
It would be a great error to suppose that these organic remains were fragmentary relics
Our museums exhibit fossil shells of immeasurable antiquity, as perfect as the day they were formed, whole skeletons without a limb disturbed--nay, the changed flesh, the developing embryos, and even the very footsteps of primieval organisms.
Thus the naturalist finds in the bowels of the earth species as well defined as, and in some groups of animals more numerous than, those that breathe the upper air.
But, singularly enough, the majority of these entombed species are wholly distinct from those that now live.
Nor is this unlikeness without its rule and order.
As a broad fact, the further we go back in time the less the buried species are like existing forms;
and the further apart the sets of extinct creatures are the less they are like one another.
In other words, there has been a regular succession of living beings, each younger set being in a very broad and general sense somewhat more like those which now live.
It was once supposed that this succession had been the result of vast successive catastrophes, destructions, and re-creations 'en masse';
but catastrophes are now almost eliminated from geological, or at least palaeontological speculation;
and it is admitted on all hands that the seeming breaks in the chain of being are not absolute, but only relative to our imperfect knowledge;
that species have replaced species, not in assemblages, but one by one;
and that, if it were possible to have all the phenomena of the past presented to us, the convenient epochs and formations of the geologist, though having a certain distinctness, would fade into one another with limits as undefinable as those of the distinct and yet separable colours of the solar spectrum.
Such is a brief summary of the main truths
which have been established concerning species.
Are these truths ultimate and irresolvable facts,
or are their complexities and perplexities the mere expressions of a higher law?
A large number of persons practically assume the former position to be correct.
They believe that the writer of the Pentateuch was empowered and commissioned to teach us scientific as well as other truth, that the account we find there of the creation of living things is simply and literally correct, and that anything which seems to contradict it is, by the nature of the case, false.
All the phenomena which have been detailed are, on this view, the immediate product of a creative fiat and consequently are out of the domain of science altogether.
Whether this view prove ultimately to be true or false, it is, at any rate, not at present supported by what is commonly regarded as logical proof, even if it be capable of discussion by reason;
and hence we consider ourselves at liberty to pass it by, and to turn to those views which profess to rest on a scientific basis only, and therefore admit of being argued to their consequences.
And we do this with the less hesitation as it so happens that those persons who are practically conversant with the facts of the case (plainly a considerable advantage) have always thought fit to range themselves under the latter category.
The majority of these competent persons have up to the present time maintained two positions,
--the first, that every species is, within certain defined or definable limits, fixed and incapable of modification;
the second, that every species was originally produced by a distinct creative act.
The second position is obviously incapable of proof or disproof,
the direct operations of the Creator not being subjects of science;
and it must therefore be regarded as a corollary from the first, the truth or falsehood of which is a matter of evidence.
Most persons imagine that the arguments in favour of it are overwhelming;
but to some few minds, and these, it must be confessed, intellects of no small power and grasp of knowledge, they have not brought conviction.
Among these minds, that of the famous naturalist Lamarck,
who possessed a greater acquaintance with the lower forms of life than any man of his day, Cuvier not excepted, and was a good botanist to boot, occupies a prominent place.
Two facts appear to have strongly affected the course of thought of this remarkable man
--the one, that finer or stronger links of affinity connect all living beings with one another, and that thus the highest creature grades by multitudinous steps into the lowest;
the other, that an organ may be developed in particular directions by exerting itself in particular ways, and that modifications once induced may be transmitted and become hereditary.
Putting these facts together, Lamarck endeavoured to account for the first by the operation of the second.
Place an animal in new circumstances, says he, and its needs will be altered;
the new needs will create new desires, and the attempt to gratify such desires will result in an appropriate modification of the organs exerted.
Make a man a blacksmith, and his brachial muscles will develop in accordance with the demands made upon them, and in like manner, says Lamarck,
"the efforts of some short-necked bird to catch fish without wetting himself have, with time and perseverance, given rise to all our herons and long-necked waders."
The Lamarckian hypothesis has long since been justly condemned, and it is the established practice for every tyro to raise his heel against the carcass of the dead lion.
But it is rarely either wise or instructive to treat even the errors of a really great man with mere ridicule,
and in the present case the logical form of the doctrine stands on a very different footing from its substance.
If species have really arisen by the operation of natural conditions, we ought to be able to find those conditions now at work;
we ought to be able to discover in nature some power adequate to modify any given kind of animal or plant in such a manner as to give rise to another kind, which would be admitted by naturalists as a distinct species.
Lamarck imagined that he had discovered this 'vera causa' in the admitted facts that some organs may be modified by exercise;
and that modifications, once produced, are capable of hereditary transmission.
It does not seem to have occurred to him to inquire whether there is any reason to believe that there are any limits to the amount of modification producible, or to ask how long an animal is likely to endeavour to gratify an impossible desire.
The bird, in our example, would surely have renounced fish dinners long before it had produced the least effect on leg or neck.
Since Lamarck's time, almost all competent naturalists have left speculations on the origin of species to such dreamers as the author of the 'Vestiges',
by whose well-intentioned efforts the Lamarckian theory received its final condemnation in the minds of all sound thinkers.
Notwithstanding this silence, however, the transmutation theory, as it has been called, has been a "skeleton in the closet" to many an honest zoologist and botanist who had a soul above the mere naming of dried plants and skins.
Surely, has such an one thought, nature is a mighty and consistent whole, and the providential order established in the world of life must, if we could only see it rightly, be consistent with that dominant over the multiform shapes of brute matter.
But what is the history of astronomy, of all the branches of physics, of chemistry, of medicine, but a narration of the steps by which the human mind has been compelled, often sorely against its will, to recognize the operation of secondary causes in events where ignorance beheld an immediate intervention of a higher power?
And when we know that living things are formed of the same elements as the inorganic world, that they act and react upon it, bound by a thousand ties of natural piety, is it probable, nay is it possible, that they, and they alone, should have no order in their seeming disorder, no unity in their seeming multiplicity, should suffer no explanation by the discovery of some central and sublime law of mutual connexion?
Questions of this kind have assuredly often arisen, but it might have been long before they received such expression as would have commanded the respect and attention of the scientific world, had it not been for the publication of the work which prompted this article.
Its author, Mr. Darwin, inheritor of a once celebrated name, won his spurs in science when most of those now distinguished were young men, and has for the last 20 years held a place in the front ranks of British philosophers.
After a circumnavigatory voyage, undertaken solely for the love of his science, Mr. Darwin published a series of researches which at once arrested the attention of naturalists and geologists;
his generalizations have since received ample confirmation, and now command universal assent, nor is it questionable that they have had the most important influence on the progress of science.
More recently Mr. Darwin, with a versatility which is among the rarest of gifts, turned his attention to a most difficult question of zoology and minute anatomy;
and no living naturalist and anatomist has published a better monograph than that which resulted from his labours.
Such a man, at all events, has not entered the sanctuary with unwashed hands, and when he lays before us the results of 20 years' investigation and reflection we must listen even though we be disposed to strike.
But, in reading his work it must be confessed that the attention which might at first be dutifully, soon becomes willingly,
given, so clear is the author's thought, so outspoken his conviction, so honest and fair the candid expression of his doubts.
Those who would judge the book must read it;
we shall endeavour only to make its line of argument and its philosophical position intelligible to the general reader in our own way.
The Baker-street Bazaar has just been exhibiting its familiar annual spectacle.
Straight-backed, small-headed, big-barrelled oxen, as dissimilar from any wild species as can well be imagined, contended for attention and praise with sheep of half-a-dozen different breeds and styes of bloated preposterous pigs, no more like a wild boar or sow than a city alderman is like an ourang-outang.
The cattle show has been, and perhaps may again be, succeeded by a poultry show, of whose crowing and clucking prodigies it can only be certainly predicated that they will be very unlike the aboriginal 'Phasianus gallus'.
If the seeker after animal anomalies is not satisfied, a turn or two in Seven Dials will convince him that the breeds of pigeons are quite as extraordinary and unlike one another and their parent stock,
while the Horticultural Society will provide him with any number of corresponding vegetable aberrations from nature's types.
He will learn with no little surprise, too, in the course of his travels, that the proprietors and producers of these animal and vegetable anomalies regard them as distinct species, with a firm belief, the strength of which is exactly proportioned to their ignorance of scientific biology, and which is the more remarkable as they are all proud of their skill in 'originating' such "species."
On careful inquiry it is found that all these, and the many other artificial breeds or races of animals and plants, have been produced by one method.
The breeder--and a skilful one must be a person of much sagacity and natural or acquired perceptive faculty--notes some slight difference, arising he knows not how, in some individuals of his stock.
If he wish to perpetuate the difference, to form a breed with the peculiarity in question strongly marked, he selects such male and female individuals as exhibit the desired character, and breeds from them.
Their offspring are then carefully examined, and those which exhibit the peculiarity the most distinctly are selected for breeding,
and this operation is repeated until the desired amount of divergence from the primitive stock is reached.
It is then found that by continuing the process of selection--always breeding, that is, from well-marked forms, and allowing no impure crosses to interfere,--a race may be formed,
the tendency of which to reproduce itself is exceedingly strong;
nor is the limit to the amount of divergence which may be thus produced known, but one thing is certain,
that, if certain breeds of dogs, or of pigeons, or of horses, were known only in a fossil state, no naturalist would hesitate in regarding them as distinct species.
But, in all these cases we have 'human interference'.
Without the breeder there would be no selection, and without the selection no race.
Before admitting the possibility of natural species having originated in any similar way, it must be proved that there is in nature some power which takes the place of man, and performs a selection 'sua sponte'.
It is the claim of Mr. Darwin that he professes to have discovered the existence and the 'modus operandi' of this natural selection, as he terms it;
and, if he be right, the process is perfectly simple and comprehensible, and irresistibly deducible from very familiar but well nigh forgotten facts.
Who, for instance, has duly reflected upon all the consequences of the marvellous struggle for existence which is daily and hourly going on among living beings?
Not only does every animal live at the expense of some other animal or plant, but the very plants are at war.
The ground is full of seeds that cannot rise into seedlings;
the seedlings rob one another of air, light and water, the strongest robber winning the day, and extinguishing his competitors.
Year after year, the wild animals with which man never interferes are, on the average, neither more nor less numerous than they were;
and yet we know that the annual produce of every pair is from one to perhaps a million young,
--so that it is mathematically certain that, on the average, as many are killed by natural causes as are born every year, and those only escape which happen to be a little better fitted to resist destruction than those which die.
The individuals of a species are like the crew of a foundered ship, and none but good swimmers have a chance of reaching the land.
Such being unquestionably the necessary conditions under which living creatures exist, Mr. Darwin discovers in them the instrument of natural selection.
Suppose that in the midst of this incessant competition some individuals of a species (A) present accidental variations which happen to fit them a little better than their fellows for the struggle in which they are engaged,
then the chances are in favour, not only of these individuals being better nourished than the others, but of their predominating over their fellows in other ways, and of having a better chance of leaving offspring, which will of course tend to reproduce the peculiarities of their parents.
Their offspring will, by a parity of reasoning, tend to predominate over their contemporaries, and there being (suppose) no room for more than one species such as A, the weaker variety will eventually be destroyed by the new destructive influence which is thrown into the scale, and the stronger will take its place.
Surrounding conditions remaining unchanged, the new variety (which we may call B)--supposed, for argument's sake, to be the best adapted for these conditions which can be got out of the original stock--will remain unchanged, all accidental deviations from the type becoming at once extinguished, as less fit for their post than B itself.
The tendency of B to persist will grow with its persistence through successive generations, and it will acquire all the characters of a new species.
But, on the other hand, if the conditions of life change in any degree, however slight, B may no longer be that form which is best adapted to withstand their destructive, and profit by their sustaining, influence;
in which case if it should give rise to a more competent variety (C), this will take its place and become a new species;
and thus, by 'natural selection', the species B and C will be successively derived from A.
That this most ingenious hypothesis enables us to give a reason for many apparent anomalies in the distribution of living beings in time and space, and that it is not contradicted by the main phenomena of life and organization appear to us to be unquestionable;
and so far it must be admitted to have an immense advantage over any of its predecessors.
But it is quite another matter to affirm absolutely either the truth or falsehood of Mr. Darwin's views at the present stage of the inquiry.
Goethe has an excellent aphorism defining that state of mind which he calls 'Thatige Skepsis'a--active doubt.
It is doubt which so loves truth that it neither dares rest in doubting, nor extinguish itself by unjustified belief;
and we commend this state of mind to students of species, with respect to Mr. Darwin's or any other hypothesis, as to their origin.
The combined investigations of another 20 years may, perhaps, enable naturalists to say whether the modifying causes and the selective power, which Mr. Darwin has satisfactorily shown to exist in nature, are competent to produce all the effects he ascribes to them, or whether, on the other hand, he has been led to over-estimate the value of his principle of natural selection, as greatly as Lamarck overestimated his vera causa of modification by exercise.
But there is, at all events, one advantage possessed by the more recent writer over his predecessor.
Mr. Darwin abhors mere speculation as nature abhors a vacuum.
He is as greedy of cases and precedents as any constitutional lawyer, and all the principles he lays down are capable of being brought to the test of observation and experiment.
The path he bids us follow professes to be, not a mere airy track, fabricated of ideal cobwebs, but a solid and broad bridge of facts.
If it be so, it will carry us safely over many a chasm in our knowledge, and lead us to a region free from the snares of those fascinating but barren Virgins, the Final Causes, against whom a high authority has so justly warned us.
"My sons, dig in the vineyard,"
were the last words of the old man in the fable;
and, though the sons found no treasure, they made their fortunes by the grapes.
【7】1844年にチェインバーズ(Robert Chambers)が匿名で出版した『創造の自然史の痕跡』 (Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation)のこと。当時ベストセラーとなった。 | {
"source": "mutiyama",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
合意は法の支配を確立する上で重要な構成要素であり、イラクが真に変化の局面を乗り越え、単一政党がイラクを支配することはないというメッセージを伝えた。国民議会に選出された者が民主主義は単に多数決による意思決定を意味するわけではないことを理解していたことは、重要なシグナルであった。 | Reaching out was an important component of establishing the rule of law, and it also sent a message that Iraq had truly turned a corner – that no single party sought to dominate Iraq. This was an important signal that those elected to the National Assembly understood that democracy does not mean merely the will of the majority. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「いやいや。それより早く雪玉を退かさないと。ほら、門番さんたちも青ざめた顔でこっちを......って、人間だ! うひゃぁっ!」
「お、お前たち、何者だ!? どうしてこの町の前にこんな大きな雪玉を持ってきた!」
「雪だるまだと? ふざけるな! そんなもののためにこんなことをする奴がいるものか!」
「ああ。荒野だったあの土地を草原に変えて、更に湖まで作ったんだろう? 本当だとしたら、凄い神様だ。こんなマヌケな顔のはずがない」
「な、なんじゃとー! お主ら、今に見ておれ! 神の力を取り戻したら、バチを下してやるのじゃ!」
「ん? お主はロシュではないか! 相変わらず小さいのじゃ」
「それはミュリエルも同じだろ? それより、急に神の力が使えなくなったとか聞いたけど、元に戻ったのか? アイリスって別の神が守護神になったって話も聞こえてくるしさ」
というわけでアイリスたちは、隣の領地の神様に、お菓子をご馳走されることになった。 | 「I-It was a close one, Iris-sama......If we were to break this gate with our snowball.....」
「Sheryl is a noble after all. Breaking the gates of other territory’s town........means war?」
「Hieee........I’m scared just imagining it」
If you break it accidentally, some lords might forgive that.
However, the two snowballs rolled directly towards the gates.
Almost like a siege weapon.
Even if their side didn’t want to, the other side would definitely interpret this act as an attack.
「We ended up coming here as we played the game of tag. Then you came immediately after. You’ve almost collided with the gate」
「I’m saved. Seeing this limitless snowfield, I completely let my guard down.......」
「Nice, you two」
Having been praised, Muriel and Punigami proudly puffed their chests.
It was unknown where Punigami’s chest was, but he definitely went through the motions.
「This should be.........the neighbor of the Silverlight Barony, Cunningham Viscounty. It has a lot of tasty apples. Since we came all the way here, might as well buy some. We can preserve them for winter」
「No, no. Perhaps you should consider moving these snowballs away first. See, the gatekeepers looking at us with blue faces......wait, humans! Uhiyaaa!」
Locking eyes with gatekeepers, Iris reflexively hid behind Punigami.
One way or another, strangers were much scarier.
「No, no, too many strangers. I shall leave the rest to you」
Iris had to spend a whole day’s worth of mental power to go shopping.
Besides, the circumstances were rather troublesome to handle a conversation without panicking.
They will definitely ask about the snowballs.
She had no confidence to provide an explanation.
「W-Who the hell are you!? Why did you bring such big snowballs to this town!?」
As she thought, gatekeepers came asking.
They sound quite frightened, but Iris, being even more frightened, couldn’t respond.
「We wanted to make a snowman」
Eclipse honestly answered.
「Snowman? Don’t joke with me! As if someone would this for such a stupid reason!」
「I’m not joking」
They didn’t believe Eclipse causing her to pout.
But the keeper wasn’t at fault.
「Excuse me.......the girl didn’t lie. We only wanted to make a snowman, it’s a coincidence we came here. We are going back immediately, please forgive us」
「Unbelievable. In the first place, where did you come from? Who on earth are you?」
「Etto.........I’m from the neighboring territory.......Baroness Sheryl Silverlight」
Sheryl cautiously introduced herself.
The two gatekeepers thought she was making fun of them and raised their voices.
「Are you making fun of us!?」
「As if there are nobles who roll snowballs all the way from another territory!」
「........You might not believe it, but there is one right here......」
Sheryl’s speech and outfit had zero nobility to them.
Making them believe her was profoundly difficult.
「You lot. Unbelievable it might be, Sheryl is indeed the Lord of a territory. This Muriel vouches for her」
「This Mistress is the Guardian Deity of the Silverlight Barony. The Guardian Deity speaks for her. Are you doubting God’s words?」
Said Muriel with overwhelming confidence.
But the two gatekeepers weren’t particularly impressed.
「Wasn’t the Guardian Deity of the Silverlight Barony named Iris?」
「Yeah. She turned the wilderness into a grassland, she even made a lake. She’s an amazing goddess. There is no way she’s someone with that stupid face」
「H-How dare you! You had better remember me! Once This Mistress regains her power, you’re in for a divine punishment!」
Being insulted, Muriel furiously shouted.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t very intimidating.
The gatekeepers were confused and decide to discuss with each other first.
「They are suspicious. Should we throw them in prison for the time being?」
And they reached an outrageous conclusion.
A girl appeared from behind the gate.
Her age was about .
Her appearance was proper, but due to her short hair, she somewhat resembled a beautiful boy.
But since she wore a miniskirt, she was undeniably female.
However, she didn’t feel like a child at all.
The reason being, her aura was far too different from any human.
From those close to Iris, Muriel would be the most likely comparison.
In other words, a god.
「N? Isn’t it Roshe? As small as always」
Muriel happily said and tried to approach her.
But before she could do that, the gatekeepers got in her way.
「How dare you address Roshe-sama without honorifics!」
「What a rude child!」
Seeing the gatekeepers’ actions, the girl grinned and said.
「Ah, it alright. Muriel is a friend of mine. She is a Guardian Deity of neighboring territory, you know?」
Having heard the girl’s words, the gatekeepers stood paralyzed.
「S-She is a guardian Deity after all......!」
「Please forgive our ignorance.......!」
「As long as you understand. Even still, Roshe. Two hundred years didn’t change you one bit」
「Isn’t it the same for you? I’m much more interested why you are able to use your power, have you completely recovered? People are talking about another god, Iris, becoming a Guardian Deity though」
「Umu. That’d take a lot of time to explain」
「Then let’s go to my church. Together with your friends. Of course, sweets and tea are on the house」
The girl looked at Iris and the rest.
「Wai, sweets」
Eclipse the Sweet Tooth jumped in joy at the girl’s declaration.
Iris thought the same as her little sister.
She was too embarrassed to prance in front of a stranger, if not for that, she would’ve joined her.
「 it okay to leave the snowballs here?」
When Sheryl asked as such.
「Ah, why not. Just pick it up when you leave」
The girl easily agreed.
「That is a matter of course. We won’t be an inconvenience. Even though we already are」
「Ahaha, I’m not inconvenienced at all. Follow me. You’ll catch a cold if you stay here for long」
In that way, a neighboring Guardian Deity invited Iris and the rest for a tea party | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 5,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
感染症科の部長からの はなむけの言葉はこうです 「ゲリー この決断は 君がおかす最大の過ちだよ」
でも 私は難民支援のために 100万人もの難民を抱える 40のキャンプに着任しました 医師は たったの6名という状況でした
私の仕事は 主に結核に関した 診察や治療でしたが その後 コレラも流行したので
結核とコレラの蔓延を阻止する事が 結核とコレラの蔓延を阻止する事が 私の使命でした この任務を遂行するために
医療従事者が不足していたので 当然 現地の難民に 新しいカテゴリーの医療スタッフとして 働いてもらう必要がありました
ソマリアでの3年間の 勤務を経た後 世界保健機関に採用され エイズを担当する事になりました
勤務地は主にウガンダでしたが ルワンダやブルネイ ザイール 現在のコンゴですね タンザニアやマラウイなどにも 赴きました
当地での最後の任務は 「医療介入開発部」の運営 当地での最後の任務は 「医療介入開発部」の運営 つまり 治療・予防法の確立でした
海外での勤務が10年に渡る頃には すっかり疲れ切っていました
沢山の死を見てきました 特に伝染病による死です 伝染病による死は 通常の死とは異なり
パニックと恐怖に満ちています 砂漠の真ん中で 泣き叫ぶ女性たちの声が 今も耳に残っています
帰国して 少し休んでから また何か新しいことを やれればと思ったんです
アメリカに 伝染性の問題があるとは 思ってもいませんでした
実際 アメリカにある問題など 何一つ知りませんでした
現に どの友達の家を訪ねても 家の中まで水が届く 水道なんかがあるんですから
同じように幸運な方は いらっしゃいますか?
それも ほとんどの家で 複数の部屋に 水を引いていることや
家に設置されている 小さな温度調節器が 1度、2度の微妙な 温度変化すらも 調節可能なことを知りました
今は 私も使っています
さあ これから何をしたものかと 考えていた頃 友人がこんな話をしました 子供が子供を銃殺する時代だよ と言うのです
そこで 訊ねました それに対して この国の人は ―
アメリカは 何かしているのか? と
それについては 2つの本質的な対処法が 一般的となっていました
1つは 罰を与えること
行動研究の専門家は 罰が有用であると同時に 過大評価されているとも 理解しています
罰は行動を形成したり 行動を変えることの 原動力にならないからです
更に 私に思い起こさせたのは 古代の伝染病の流行です 以前は完全に 誤解されていました 科学が未熟だったからです ペストや発疹チフス ハンセン病などの流行の 当時 一般的に考えられていた 原因とは 人が悪い 体液が悪い 環境が悪い でした 未亡人なんかは 塀の回りを引きずられ 地下牢に閉じ込めることが 解決法の1つだったのです
もう一方の対処法 ― 対処法というよりは むしろ解決策ですね とにかく 全てのことを 正しましょう というもの 学校 地域社会 家庭 家族 など 全部です
これも以前 聞いたことがあり
私は 「万事」説 と呼んでいます または EOE とも
でも分かっているのは 他のプロセスや問題を解決するのに 必ずしも 全てを治す 必要がないということです
そして 私は ここに 大きなギャップがあると感じました
暴力問題は行き詰まっていたのです このことは 歴史上の 多くの問題においても 同じことが言えます
マラリア問題も 行き詰まっていました
この様な場合 戦略を見直す必要があります
こうすべきという明確な アイデアはありませんが 私はこう感じていました 新しいカテゴリーの人材 人間の行動変化や 一般市民の教育について 何か行動を起こさなければいけない と
そこで疑問をまとめ 疫病の調査に使うような 情報を集め始めました 分布図はどうなっているか?
暴力の分布図ですが アメリカの 殆どの都市が こんな様子です
所々 塊になっていますね
この局所的な塊が 思い起こさせたものは 伝染病の流行 例えば コレラです
グラフを見てみると 伝染病特有の 次から次へと 押し寄せる波が見れます 蔓延というものは 多くの蔓延が合わさったものだからです
ですから 暴力は 伝染病にも見えました
そこで 自問しました 実際 何が暴力を 予測できるだろうか?と
明らかになったのは 先行する暴力事件が 第2の暴力を引き起こすということ
インフルエンザの症例がある場合 インフルエンザや風邪が 人から人に移るとことや 結核に感染する 最大のリスクは 結核患者との接触であることに 似ています
ですから 暴力は ある意味で 伝染病のように 振る舞うのです
皆さんも お気づきでしょう 日常の経験や 新聞記事から 喧嘩が さらなる暴力に発展したとか ギャングの抗争や内戦 集団虐殺までもがそうなんです
ですが 良いニュースもあります 伝染を食い止める方法があって たった3つのことを 実践するだけで 伝染を食い止められます 1つ目は 伝染を妨ぐこと
伝染を防ぐためには 調査して 発生源を 見つける必要があります
もし結核なら 菌を広めている 結核患者を 探し出さなければなりません
ちなみに それを行う 専門家がいます
そこでこの問題に対しても 新しいカテゴリーの人材を 設けました 例えば SARSの専門家や 鳥インフルエンザの発生源を つきとめるような人材です
暴力の場合 発生源はすごく怒っている人 ― 例えば 嫉妬や 金銭のトラブルがある人です これに対処するための 人材を見つけ 彼らを訓練し 特殊なカテゴリーの 人材として育てます
2つ目にやるべきこと ― 明白ですが さらなる拡大を防ぐことです つまり 感染の危険性に さらされた経験はあるが まだ感染を広める段階にはなっていない人 例えば 症状の軽い結核患者や その人が暮らす地域に 出入りしている人などが それに当たります これらの人も ある程度 コントロールする必要もあり 特に 特定疾患の 進行プロセスにおいて必要です
3つ目は 標準の環境を変えること それには たくさんの 地域活動や 変革や公衆教育が必要で これで 集団免疫とでも呼ぶものが できるのです
これらの要素を組み合せることによって ウガンダでのエイズ拡大を 食い止めることに 成功できたのです
そこで 私たちは2000年に これらのことを実行するために 新しいカテゴリーの人材を採用し まず暴力を阻止する人材を作ることにしました
そこで 今まで 申し上げてきたこと全てを 1つの地域で実施しました そこは 当時 アメリカで 最も治安の悪い区域でした
暴力を阻止する人材は この地域から選びました 信頼性 信用度 アクセスが 決め手です それは ソマリアで 行なった時と同じですが 分野が違うので 設計し直しました 訓練したことは 説得力 人の鎮め方 時間の稼ぎ方 物事の見直し方などです
他部門の人材は アウトリーチ・ワーカーで 暴力的な人を 心理療法のもとに置き 6か月から24か月間 彼らを見守る役割です
結核治療のようですが こちらの目的は行動変化です
さらに 規範を変えるため 沢山の地域活動も必要でした
さて この初めての試みの 結果はと言うと 減少しました 場所はシカゴ周辺の ウエスト・ガーフィールドです
(拍手) その地区にとっても 嬉しい結果となりました 最初の50から60日 その後90日までは平穏で 残念ながら さらに90日が経過した時 発砲事件がありました 母親達は 午後 出掛けるようになり
以前は使用していなかった 公園を使い始めました
外は ぽかぽか陽気で 皆がハッピーでした
もちろん資金提供者からは 「こんなに成功したんだから もう一度やってくれ」と言われました
ありがたいことに この試みを繰り返すための 資金を得ました これは さらに4つの地区で 行なった内の1つで 発砲と殺人が 45パーセント減少しました
それ以来 この方法は 各地で再現されています 20回もです
この新しい方法の独自評価が 司法省と疾病対策予防センター 協力のもと ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学で 行われました その評価から 発砲が 30から50パーセント 殺人が 40から70パーセント 減少したことが 明らかになりました
実は これまで 3つの独立した 評価が行われました 実は これまで 3つの独立した 評価が行われました
その結果 多くの注目を浴びることになり ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の 日曜版の特集記事にもなりました
2009年のザ・エコノミストでは 「注目され始めた手段」 と言われ
[The Interrupters ] でも 順風満帆ではありません この方法に 賛同しない人も かなりいるからです
批判も沢山ありましたし 異議を唱える人 反対派が沢山いました
つまり これが健康問題だって?
悪人の問題ではないとは 何だ?と批判されたのです
悪い奴らを管理するために 作られた
一大産業も存在するじゃないか 犯罪歴のある人を 雇うなんて どういうことだ?
仕事上の友人は こう言いました 「ゲリー 君は ものすごく非難されているよ
ということは 正しいことをしてるに違いない」
私の音楽家の友達は 「すげえ」と
とにかく その後も この問題があった上に 私たちが これ以外の問題に 取り組んでいないことも 大きな批判の対象になりました
しかし 私たちはマラリアの鎮圧 さらに エイズや下痢性疾患の 縮小を可能にしました 酷い経済状況の地域で 経済を立て直さずにです
そこで 実際に何が 起こったかというと ― 一部反対意見もありますが 明らかに この運動が 拡大しているということ
アメリカの 多くの主要都市 ニューヨーク ボルチモア カンザスなどでは現在 市の衛生局が これを実行していて
シカゴとニューオリンズの 衛生局が この活動における 大きな役割を担っています
何年か前に比べ 警察も この方法を取り入れるようになりました
救急治療センターや病院も 協力してくれています
全米市長会では その取り組みを認めただけでなく 具体的な模範として承認しました
より早くこれを取り入れたのは 国際社会でした プエルトリコの最初の地区で 55パーセントの減少を見せ ホンジュラスでは 暴力の阻止がスタートし ケニアでは この戦略が 最近の選挙でも 掲げられました イラクは500件の 暴力阻止に成功しました
暴力は病のように振舞うだけでなく 病のように治療が効くのです
ですから この理論は 治療によって有効性が 証明されたということです
最近では 医学研究所が ワークショップ報告書を発表しました その報告書は 私たちのデータの一部と 神経科学の観点から 調査したもので この問題が実際 どのように 伝染するのか調べています
これは良いニュースだと思います なぜなら 私たちに 中世の考えから抜け出す 機会を与えてくれるからです この分野は中世から進歩してない と感じていました
また こんな夢も与えてくれます 刑務所の数を減らし 遊び場や公園を増やすこと さらには こんな事も 考えられます 私たちの地域をより地域化させ そこで新しい戦略 新しいプロセスと人材を利用し 道徳観念で対処してきたことを 科学で対処するのです
感情を切り離すことは 科学にとって 最も重要な解決方法の一つで 解決策を見い出す上で とても重要です
こんな結果に行き着くとは 想像だにしていませんでした
事の始まりは 実は休暇が欲しかったのですが 分布図を見て グラフを見て 疑問をまとめ 他の問題に何度も使われてきた 方法を試した結果でした 方法を試した結果でした
私自身 伝染病とは違うことを しようとしたのですが そうはなりませんでした
ありがとうございました | from the chief of infectious diseases at San Francisco General was, "Gary, this is the biggest mistake you'll ever make."
But I landed in a refugee situation that had a million refugees in 40 camps, and there were six of us doctors.
There were many epidemics there.
My responsibilities were largely related to tuberculosis, and then we got struck by an epidemic of cholera.
So it was the spread of tuberculosis and the spread of cholera that I was responsible for inhibiting.
because of the limitation in health workers, had to recruit refugees to be a specialized new category of health worker.
Following three years of work in Somalia, I got picked up by the World Health Organization, and got assigned to the epidemics of AIDS.
My primary responsibility was Uganda, but also I worked in Rwanda and Burundi and Zaire, now Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, and several other countries.
And my last assignment there was to run a unit called intervention development, which was responsible for designing interventions.
After 10 years of working overseas, I was exhausted.
I really had very little left.
I had been traveling to one country after another.
I was emotionally feeling very isolated.
I wanted to come home.
I'd seen a lot of death, in particular epidemic death, and epidemic death has a different feel to it.
It's full of panic and fear, and I'd heard the women wailing and crying in the desert.
And I wanted to come home and take a break and maybe start over.
I was not aware of any epidemic problems in America.
In fact, I wasn't aware of any problems in America.
In fact -- seriously.
And in fact I would visit friends of mine, and I noticed that they had water that came right into their homes.
How many of you have such a situation?
And some of them, many of them actually, had water that came into more than one room.
And I noticed that they would move this little thermoregulatory device to change the temperature in their home by one degree or two degrees.
And now I do that.
And I really didn't know what I would do, but friends of mine began telling me about children shooting other children with guns.
And I asked the question, what are you doing about it?
What are you in America doing about it?
And there were two essential explanations or ideas that were prevalent.
And one was punishment.
And this I had heard about before.
We who had worked in behavior knew that punishment was something that was discussed but also that it was highly overvalued.
It was not a main driver of behavior, nor was it a main driver of behavior change.
And besides that, it reminded me of ancient epidemics that were previously completely misunderstood because the science hadn't been there before, epidemics of plague or typhus or leprosy, where the prevalent ideas were that there were bad people or bad humors or bad air, and widows were dragged around the moat, and dungeons were part of the solution.
The other explanation or, in a way, the solution suggested, is please fix all of these things: the schools, the community, the homes, the families, everything.
And I'd heard this before as well.
I'd called this the "everything" theory, or EOE: Everything On Earth.
But we'd also realized in treating other processes and problems that sometimes you don't need to treat everything.
And so the sense that I had was there was a giant gap here.
The problem of violence was stuck, and this has historically been the case in many other issues.
Diarrheal diseases had been stuck.
Malaria had been stuck.
Frequently, a strategy has to be rethought.
It's not as if I had any idea what it would look like, but there was a sense that we would have to do something with new categories of workers and something having to do with behavior change and something having to do with public education.
But I began to ask questions and search out the usual things that I had been exploring before, like, what do the maps look like?
What do the graphs look like?
What does the data look like?
And the maps of violence in most U.S. cities looked like this.
There was clustering.
This reminded me of clustering that we'd seen also in infectious epidemics, for example cholera.
And then we looked at the maps, and the maps showed this typical wave upon wave upon wave, because all epidemics are combinations of many epidemics.
And it also looked like infectious epidemics.
And then we asked the question, well what really predicts a case of violence?
And it turns out that the greatest predictor of a case of violence is a preceding case of violence.
Which also sounds like, if there is a case of flu, someone gave someone a case of flu, or a cold, or the greatest risk factor of tuberculosis is having been exposed to tuberculosis.
And so we see that violence is, in a way, behaving like a contagious disease.
We're aware of this anyway even in our common experiences or our newspaper stories of the spread of violence from fights or in gang wars or in civil wars or even in genocides.
And so there's good news about this, though, because there's a way to reverse epidemics, and there's really only three things that are done to reverse epidemics, and the first of it is interrupting transmission.
In order to interrupt transmission, you need to detect and find first cases.
In other words, for T.B. you have to find somebody who has active T.B. who is infecting other people.
Make sense?
And there's special workers for doing that.
For this particular problem, we designed a new category of worker who, like a SARS worker or someone looking for bird flu, might find first cases.
In this case, it's someone who's very angry because someone looked at his girlfriend or owes him money, and you can find workers and train them into these specialized categories.
And the second thing to do, of course, is to prevent further spread, that means to find who else has been exposed, but may not be spreading so much right now like someone with a smaller case of T.B., or someone who is just hanging out in the neighborhoods, but in the same group, and then they need to be, in a way, managed as well, particular to the specific disease process.
And then the third part, the shifting the norms, and that means a whole bunch of community activities, remodeling, public education, and then you've got what you might call group immunity.
And that combination of factors is how the AIDS epidemic in Uganda was very successfully reversed.
And so what we decided to do in the year 2000 is kind of put this together in a way by hiring in new categories of workers, the first being violence interruptors.
And then we would put all of this into place in one neighborhood in what was the worst police district in the United States at the time.
So violence interruptors hired from the same group, credibility, trust, access, just like the health workers in Somalia, but designed for a different category, and trained in persuasion, cooling people down, buying time, reframing.
And then another category of worker, the outreach workers, to keep people in a way on therapy for six to 24 months.
Just like T.B., but the object is behavior change.
And then a bunch of community activities for changing norms.
Now our first experiment of this in shootings and killings in the West Garfield neighborhood of Chicago.
And this was a beautiful thing for the neighborhood itself, first 50 or 60 days, then 90 days, and then there was unfortunately another shooting in another 90 days, and the moms were hanging out in the afternoon.
They were using parks they weren't using before.
The sun was out. Everybody was happy.
But of course, the funders said, "Wait a second, do it again."
And so we had to then, fortunately, get the funds to repeat this experience, and this is one of the next four neighborhoods that had a 45-percent drop in shootings and killings.
And since that time, this has been replicated 20 times.
There have been independent evaluations supported by the Justice Department and by the CDC and performed by Johns Hopkins that have shown 30-to-50-percent and 40-to-70-percent reductions in shootings and killings using this new method.
In fact, there have been three independent evaluations of this now.
Now we've gotten a lot of attention as a result of this, including being featured on The New York Times' Sunday magazine cover story.
The Economist in 2009 said this is "the approach that will come to prominence."
And even a movie was made around our work.
[The Interrupters] However, not so fast, because a lot of people did not agree with this way of going about it.
We got a lot of criticism, a lot of opposition, and a lot of opponents.
In other words, what do you mean, health problem?
What do you mean, epidemic?
What do you mean, no bad guys?
And there's whole industries designed for managing bad people.
What do you mean, hiring people who have backgrounds?
My business friends said, "Gary, you're being criticized tremendously.
You must be doing something right."
My musician friends added the word "dude."
So anyway, additionally, there was still this problem, and we were getting highly criticized as well for not dealing with all of these other problems.
Yet we were able to manage malaria and reduce HIV and reduce diarrheal diseases in places with awful economies without healing the economy.
So what's actually happened is, although there is still some opposition, the movement is clearly growing.
Many of the major cities in the U.S., including New York City and Baltimore and Kansas City, their health departments are running this now.
Chicago and New Orleans, the health departments are having a very large role in this.
This is being embraced more by law enforcement than it had been years ago.
Trauma centers and hospitals are doing their part in stepping up.
And the U.S. Conference of Mayors has endorsed not only the approach but the specific model.
Where there's really been uptake even faster is in the international environment, where there's a 55-percent drop in the first neighborhood in Puerto Rico, where interruptions are just beginning in Honduras, where the strategy has been applied in Kenya for the recent elections, and where there have been 500 interruptions in Iraq.
So violence is responding as a disease even as it behaves as a disease.
So the theory, in a way, is kind of being validated by the treatment.
And recently, the Institute of Medicine came out with a workshop report which went through some of the data, including the neuroscience, on how this problem is really transmitted.
So I think this is good news, because it allows us an opportunity to come out of the Middle Ages, which is where I feel this field has been.
It gives us an opportunity to consider the possibility of replacing some of these prisons with playgrounds or parks, and to consider the possibility of converting our neighborhoods into neighborhoods, and to allow there to be a new strategy, a new set of methods, a new set of workers: science, in a way, replacing morality.
And moving away from emotions is the most important part of the solution to science as a more important part of the solution.
So I didn't mean to come up with this at all.
It was a matter of, I wanted actually a break, and we looked at maps, we looked at graphs, we asked some questions and tried some tools that actually have been used many times before for other things.
For myself, I tried to get away from infectious diseases, and I didn't.
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
コーランによれば、イスラム教徒とは「アラーを置いて他に神 (アラー) はなく、マホメットは神の Rasul (預言者) である」と信ずるすべての者である。他に資格基準が追加されることさえなければ、この教えに従うすべての者はイスラム教徒とみなされるべきである。しかし私たちイスラム教徒が、コーラン以外を起源とすることが多い資格基準を追加するため、宗教の統一性が損なわれているのである。 | According to the Koran, a Muslim is anyone who bears witness that “there is no God (Allah) but Allah, and that Muhammad is his Rasul (Messenger).” If no other qualification is added, then all those who subscribe to these precepts must be regarded as Muslims. | {
"source": "news_commentary",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
それに、これで多少は回復したし呼ばれた時には問題なく戦えるだろう。いやー、良かった。良かった。本当にごちそうさまです。 | While Ryo and her team were attacking the “Palace of Abyss,” what was happening in the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”...
“Well, I suppose I’ve finished issuing all the orders.”
After sending Ichiko and the others to the front of the “Palace of Abyss,” I was assigning instructions to the Kirijin who had been deployed in various places, and now I had completed giving them all of the instructions.
I glanced at my left hand.
Although I was supposed to be in my human form, from time to time my left hand and other parts of my body would disintegrate and shift into black mist before returning to their original state.
A dull agony descended on the disintegrated portion of my body whenever I lose my shape in this way, making it excruciating.
“After all, I was rash.”
The reason for this was, needless to say, due to the activation of the “Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation”.
The initial day of activation of the “Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation,” was not today, but tomorrow. And the various structures in the “Teleportation Room” had been created and arranged accordingly.
Since I utilized it today, the strain on me naturally rose to a greater extent, and this was the consequence.
Things could not, nevertheless, persisted in this manner indefinitely. I had informed Ichiko and Ryo to call me if they encounter any unmanageable foes on their side, and it wouldn’t be appropriate if I was to be called in yet I was unable to fight at that moment.
That was why I needed to replenish my lost strength at the earliest opportunity.
For that reason, a moderate amount of intruders coming in now was favorable.
I moved to the third level after learning that there were intruders.
Now, it may be a little too late to mention this, but there existed a vast amount of water flowing in the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”.
The flow naturally led outside, to the river that originally existed outside the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest”.
Therefore, the adversaries this time were all aquatic, and they will be able to infiltrate my dungeon covertly through the river. And if I were to define who I was to them, I would be one of their top priorities for annihilation.
Then, what they would be aiming for was the same as what we were seeking, namely, an assassination.
“I knew it.”
But, there was no monster in the dungeon, nor did they expect to meet me, the assassination target within a few minutes, hence it was not surprising that the or so Hanryojin who had invaded my dungeon wore dumbfounded expressions on their faces.
Among the group, however, stood a Hanryojin with ornately decorated gills and acute claws. He was probably the leader of the group, the equivalent of Noble Mist. He watched me composedly.
“Hmm. What a convenient thing for you to come all the way out here. Let us end your life here.”
While stating this, the Hanryojin’s leader retreated to the back of the group. He didn’t seem to be the type to fight from the front, but rather lead from the rear.
“Let’s see how you deal with these numbers! Try if you can!”
The Hanryojin, under the leader’s command, charged at their prey, brandishing their weapons in unison.
“Hah! I am being underestimated!!”
But this degree of crisis was nothing to be concerned about now.
“‘The black mist that devours everything. Gather, unite, divide, and form into multitudinous spheres; circle around the world, gouge out the flesh and soul of this world, tear it to pieces, and present it back to me’.”
The claws of countless Hanryojin were closing in on me, yet as the chanting progressed, my overall body was transformed into a plethora of black spheres. The Hanryojin continued to wield their claws, oblivious to this, but the leader eventually noticed the black spheres and ordered them to flee.
But it was already too late.
“‘Outer Skill・ Munosenkoku’.”
With the activation of the Outer Skill, the innumerable black spheres floating around slowly began to move, surrounding the Hanryojin.
“Damn it! Form a circular formation and be on the alert! Who knows what’s about to hit us!”
The Hanryojin formed a circular formation around the leader of the Hanryojin.
However, I paid no heed to this and gradually increased the speed of Munosenkoku, and the circle around the Hanryojin got smaller and smaller.
One of the Hanryojin’s toes then brushed against the Munosenkoku.
At that instant, the part of the body that Munosenkoku had touched was scraped off, and my HP, etc., was recovered in proportion to the quantity of scraping.
Now, shall I explain about Outer Skill・Munosenkoku? Three skills are involved in constructing this skill. They are ≪Devouring Black Mist≫, ≪Circulation≫, and ≪Gas Segregation≫.
To be specific, by using ≪Gas Segregation≫, the black mist of ≪Devouring Black Mist≫ was agglomerated into a sphere, and then by ≪Circulation≫, two types of rotation were applied to the sphere, that was, each sphere was rotated like a drill, followed by a tornado-like rotation that wrapped around the entire sphere, surrounding the target.
“Damn it! Let me out! Get me out!” “Please help me! I beg you!” “I don’t want to die like thisssssss!”
Then the ensuing devastation unfolded before their eyes.
Munosenkoku gradually congregated at a single point, the obstacle in its path. In other words, it was relentlessly chipping away at the bodies of the Hanryojin.
For those who were trapped inside, the immediate danger was that if they touch them, it was equivalent to a meat mincer coming at them from all directions. For them, this must be the utmost horrifying and gruesome experience they have ever had.
Since there was neither the obligation nor the mercy to stop them, all of them will be gratefully fed as my sustenance and that will be the end of it.
Besides, now that I had recovered somewhat, I should be able to fight when I will be called upon. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
魔王『蝕む黒霧の王』 なのですから。
そして、恐怖に顔を歪ませ身構えることも忘れた『統べる剛力の鬼王』の命を刈り取るに十分な威力を持つものであり、俺が振り下ろした黒い霧の大剣の一撃をもって迷宮『鬼の砦』は主である魔王を失うことになった。 | Editor
No matter how long I waited, the impact I was expecting never struck, but still, my whole body has been in a constant state of searing anguish. However, little by little, the pain in my body began to subside. Therefore, I slowly opened my eyes to ascertain the current state of affairs. As I lifted my eyelids, what I encountered was the sight of Lady Ryo frantically healing me and a guy dyed black from head to toe blocking the Ogre King’s fist one-handedly, leaving the Ogre King bewildered at the scene.
“You’re awake, Ichiko.”
“Eh? Lady Ryo? And also, why is Kurokiri here?”
I inadvertently raised my voice. But it was inevitable for me to react in this manner. After all, that man in all black was the one who transformed Lady Ryo and me into demons called Kirijin, the same entity who dispatched me to this “Ogre’s Fortress”.
For he was the Demon King, the “King of the Devouring Black Mist”.
“Who the hell are you...?”
The Ogre King, who had regained his senses, questioned him as he moved away.
“Oh, your fist does hurt. Even if it’s for the sake of my kin, it’s still not something I, as a magical-type entity, should overexert myself in. Well, to answer your question briefly, I am a fellow Demon King.”
“That’s absurd! How the hell did you leave the labyrinth! No, before all these things, why would a fellow Demon King be in my labyrinth...”
At the time the Ogre King uttered that statement, Kurokiri was already in front of the Ogre King’s eyes, his arm outstretched and in the midst of activating his skill.
“We have arrived at the labyrinth!”
Once I had reached “Ogre’s Fortress,” I let the car fly at maximum speed. Needless to say, I concealed my face and car so that my true identity would not be exposed.
“Miss... This is labyrinth X-J... What are we doing in a place like this...?”
My housekeeper still didn’t appear to have a clear grasp of the circumstances.
[You have arrived. Alright, now use your maid’s ability to track her down! As long as they are humans or goblins here, we’ll never find her even if you deploy the ≪Mist Cloak≫ at full force!]
Kurokiri’s voice reverberated in my head. Although he was an abominable guy, he was a resourceful figure in these challenging circumstances after all.
“I understand!” “W-Whatー!? Waitーー!”
Stepping into the “Ogre’s Fortress,” we pursued Ichiko at all costs.
By adopting a combination of the housekeeper’s skill and ≪Mist Cloak≫, we were able to reach Ichiko by the swiftest route available.
The scene that spread out there was the sight of a vast number of goblins lining up over the corpses of their own kind, and the Demon King of this dungeon, who must be about four meters tall with a muscular body overlaid with crimson skin and two horns, brandishing his fist against Ichiko.
“! We’re just in time!”
I then invoked the pendant “The King Acts for the Sake of His People,” which Kurokiri had entrusted to me with impatience yet without hesitation.
“My bad, but I don’t have time, nor am I obligated or compassionate to answer your questions. Scatter away ≪Mist Plosion≫!”
Accompanied by my declaration of skill was an ice explosion in front of the Ogre King’s eyes, sending his massive bulk hurtling away, and freezing and shattering several demonic creatures in the vicinity.
The Ogre King’s muscles swelled up dramatically in response to my strike, and as a counterattack, an enormous fist was launched directly in front of my eyes. Then, without endeavoring to avoid the punch, I took it head-on, causing my upper torso to appear to be “obliterated.”
“Hah! Given that we’re both Demon Kings, you’re no big deal! All it took was a single blow to deal with you! Now, are you guys next...?”
As my remaining lower body gradually disappeared while falling, the black mist around the Ogre King densified as if in inverse proportion to this. The goblins’ moans then began to leak out.
“W-What the hell is this!?”
“Don’t make me repeat it. I have neither the obligation nor the compassion to answer you.”
The Ogre King was taken aback by the sound of my voice, believing that he had annihilated me.
“First, let me eliminate those who stand in my way. ≪Mist Plosion≫ x.”
Following my declaration, explosions erupted in sites around the periphery, obliterating numerous demons before they could even utter a death cry. The only thing that remained was a brilliant scarlet floor and a pristine white mist.
The Ogre King swung his signature stout arm around to administer the blow, assuming I was obscured somewhere in the mist. With such momentum, his fist alone could shatter a wall, and if he swung his arm, a storm would rage. But it failed to strike me. There was no hope of landing that blow on me. After all, I was the mist itself now.
And while the Ogre King acted in vain, the devouring black mist advanced and one by one, the demons who had been crowding around him were being sacrificed, their lives consumed by the black mist.
“Get the hell out! You coward!”
The Ogre King was raving, oblivious to the fact that his demons were perishing one after the other around him.
Maybe it’s time for me to go out and do something memorable.
“If you don’t come out...”
“Hey, here I am.”
I settled into a posture to draw my sword to an upper stance above the Ogre King’s head.
“You! When did you!”
To his astonishment, the Ogre King rushed to knock me out, only to realize that it was far too late.
“Goodbye. ‘I am the King of the Mist that devours everything’. O Great Sword of the Frozen Black Mist, tear off his life until his death...!!”
That was simply a mixture of the existing skills I was currently capable of employing.
It will never be listed in the skills section of my status.
It was a sword made by assembling ≪Devouring Black Mist≫ into the form of a large sword, solidifying it with ≪Mist Plosion≫, and vibrating it at high speed with ≪Circulation≫.
If I had to classify it, it would be called more akin to a chainsaw than a sword.
“Outer Skill・ Kurokirinoko!”
And it was potent enough to reap the life of the “Ogre King of Dominating Herculean Strength,” whose face was contorted by terror, and had forgotten to brace himself. With a single hit from the great sword of black mist that I swung down, the labyrinth, “Ogre’s Fortress” had lost its master, the Demon King. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 3,
"inserted_lines_trg": 9
} |
ではこいつはどうか? まだ女神の側なのか、それともポルクス同様に嫌気が差したのか。
「聞いてもよいか? 其方が女神から離れた理由を」
ならばどこだ? 一体ディーナはどこの事を言っている?
仕事へ向かうサラリーマンや学生で溢れる日本の街並みを少女は歩き――やがて雑踏に紛れてその姿は消えた。 | After being guided by the one who represented Earth within the Seven Luminaries, we arrived at a room which was spacious enough to be able to accommodate around a hundred people.
Looking around from the entrance, there was a throne. The Demon King was sitting on it, looking the exact same as the last time I had seen him.
After noticing our intrusion into the room, he raised his head to look towards us then spoke to Saturnus.
“You did well. You may fall back.”
After being told to do so by the Demon King, Saturnus hurriedly left the room.
What confidence he had, not keeping any guards with him.
Although... I supposed it was possible that he knew there was no meaning in keeping a guard with him. However, even if that were the case, since he would be dealing with the two of us by himself, it would not be wrong to conclude that he possessed quite a bit of confidence.
Once the Demon King saw us, he smiled faintly and then slowly stood up.
He then moved the table which was at the corner of the room to the centre, then sat on the accompanying chair.
“Are you not going to sit on the throne?”
“That’s just there so I can maintain my majesty when my subordinates come into the room. I mean, there’s no way I would ordinarily be sitting there all the time when it’s my own room.”
Well, but, at least in that case, sit on your throne when you’re having an audience with a guest. Why is the throne even in your personal room anyways?
In any event, Benet and I also sat down on a chair and faced the Demon King.
Well, the whole situation was truly surreal. After all, we were sitting on improvised chairs looking at each other whilst ignoring the throne in the last boss’s personal room.
“I believe I’m already aware of why the two of you are here. You must be looking for Dina, am I right?”
“Since you know that name, it would mean that...”
“Yes, I already knew about her background from the very beginning. Including her goal.”
He had just casually said something outrageous, but it was something that was predictable if one thought about it a little.
To begin with, since she was pulling the strings so blatantly in front of the Demon King’s eyes and under his nose, there was no way he could not have noticed anything.
Of course, it was not impossible that the Demon King was simply blind and oblivious, but that line of thought could no longer be considered an option now.
“I see. In that case, it would mean that you were also aware of the fact that she was the Goddess’s avatar?”
“That’s right.”
“Does that mean you are on the Goddess’s side?”
The farces that were the heroic tales had occurred countless times in this world in the past.
And the main characters who had enlivened all of that were said to be Pollux and this guy.
Pollux acted the role of the righteous and led the heroes around. This guy acted the role of the villain and fought with the heroes.
He would pretend to be defeated and land a fatal hit on the hero, creating a scene where the world would appear to be saved by the beautiful and noble sacrifice of the hero. Then, once everyone forgot about what had happened, he would once again appear as if he knew nothing of history and terrorised the world whilst adopting a different name.
I see, truly a farce. It was nothing but a badly written play authored by a child.
However, one of the actors who was enacting the scene felt disgusted by this farce from the bottom of her heart and left the Goddess’s side.
So what about this guy? Was he still on the Goddess’s side? Or did he feel equally disgusted by the play just like Pollux?
... Well, the answer did not even require me to ask about it.
“Is that what you think?”
“No, not at all.”
In response to the Demon King’s sarcastic remark, I answered back honestly.
Exactly, I was aware that he had long estranged himself from the Goddess.
If that was not the case, he would never have disclosed such disadvantageous information about the Goddess to me.
What I could not understand was why he had left Dina, who was the Goddess’s avatar, alone to her own devices.
At that time... when he was about to inform me of the information, the one to hinder him was Dina.
As such, it was only natural to conclude that Dina was on the Goddess’s side. Yet, he did not rebuke her even in relation to that matter.
After all, even after that incident, he had left Venus alone.
Furthermore, even now, I was still unable to ascertain what his goals were.
“Do you mind me asking? The reason as to why you left the Goddess’s side?”
“I don’t particularly have a special reason. I just simply got bored of it.”
The Demon King rested his chin on his hand and smiled as he narrowed his eyes.
“I simply got bored with having to purposefully lose according to a predetermined arrangement, even though I have sufficient power to conquer the world. Would you not say that it’s only natural for a person to want to move the scenario with their own hands every once in a while? I merely gave priority to my urge to rule the world... that’s all.”
“...... Is that really how it is?”
“That’s right. There’s no other reason.”
He laughed out loud daringly. The appearance of him oozing with his own desire at that point was truly befitting the king of demons who stood as the enemy of all humanoids.
But I wonder why. I really don’t believe that’s his true reason.
If anything, to me, he’s like a clown who’s acting to hide his true thoughts.
I still don’t know what that true reason is, but... I feel like he’s trying to protect something or someone.
The thing that he might be trying to protect... even at the cost of having to go against the Goddess... The underlying reason behind why he wanted to avoid the loss as prearranged by the script.
Could it be...?
“By the way, that boy called Terra. You’ve got a pretty exceptional son, eh?”
“A son of a demon. A phenomenon which shouldn’t have existed. I’m truly embarrassed.”
I directed the topic towards Terra to test the waters, however, there was no change in the Demon King’s expression.
At the very least, it seemed that something of this degree was not enough to shake him.
Whilst I observed him very carefully, I spoke as if I was interested in all of this.
“Your eyes seem a lot clearer than the last time I met you. Looks like you’ve regained a lot more of yourself.”
“Thanks in part. Well, thanks to this one, Benet, poking me a little, I woke up.”
“But not completely.”
The fact that I can still perceive myself as me (ore).
That was the absolute indication that Ruphas Mafahl had not resurrected.
Even at this point, I was still yet to be able to display half of the power that I had in my prime.
Having said that, I did not feel like I would lose to most of the enemies.
At this very moment, the only possible individuals that I might lose to were Benet, the five ouroboroses, the Goddess, and the Demon King who was right in front of me.
“I’ll look forward to the time we fight in the future.”
“Is there really a need for us to fight?”
“Of course. I’m going to say this now, but you shouldn’t think of the enemy’s enemy as your ally. It’s true that I’ve rebelled against the Goddess. But I haven’t capitulated to you. ... The world doesn’t need two overlords. From the moment that you and I both strive to reign supreme, we were fated to fight with each other for the dominance of the world.”
The dominance of the world, huh.
If he had been serious, the area of his dominance would already have been much larger. And depending on how things had turned out, he and Benet could have directly confronted one another and one of them should already be dead.
Considering that things had not turned out that way, it suggested that he had not gotten serious. With that as the basis, I could not help but think that he had some other goal in mind.
As if prolonging the process itself was his goal... I could not help but think in that way.
“If that’s the case, why don’t we just finish everything up right here and now? If you want, I will be your opponent, hmm?”
Benet, who had not been participating in the conversation and had only been watching over us, cut in from the side and prompted.
At the same time, the atmosphere inside the room intensified and cracks started running in the window glasses.
In response to this, whilst the Demon King did not change his posture, it was apparent that he had also heightened his battle spirit.
An ordinary person would have had difficulty breathing just by being around us.
“I received a message for you from Dina.”
In that stiff and dense atmosphere, the Demon King shifted the topic of the conversation seemingly in a purposeful manner.
He was most likely suggesting that he did not have the intention to fight yet.
In a practical sense, if he were to engage in battle right now, he would have to fight both Benet and I, so it was very unlikely for him to win.
It could be said that it was wise of him to try and avoid the battle.
Additionally, I was sure that Benet would also not wish to win via a two-on-one setup. After the Demon King failed to play along with her provocation, she retracted her hostility after looking disappointed and bored.
“She said, ‘I will be waiting for you at the very first location where we met, that is within my lady’s memory.’”
“The very first location we met, did you say?”
In response to receiving her message for me, I unwittingly questioned him.
I remembered the location where we first met. It was at the Mafahl Tower.
That was where I met Dina and that was when everything began.
However, we had already searched the Mafahl Tower, yet she was not there.
Then where? Where exactly was Dina talking about?
Unable to figure it out, I could only remain silent.
“...... I see. Thanks for the hospitality.”
It seemed Dina was not here.
Nevertheless, we had certainly obtained a hint.
The location at which we met for the very first time, that was within my memory, huh.
I did not even have a shred of a clue as to the answer, but it would all be fine if I took this into consideration from now on.
And for this particular matter, I could not rely on someone else’s knowledge.
After all, the answer was only within my memory.
“Are we going now?”
“Yeah. Based on the fact that she left a clue, it seems that she’s unexpectedly someone that doesn’t like being lonely.”
It was a message from Dina. Even though she was hiding away herself, she was telling us to quickly find her.
It was just as if she was a child who was playing a game of hide-and-seek, and even though she was very good at hiding, she wanted people to quickly find her.
Thinking in such a way, I felt that the whole situation was a little weird.
As expected, it seemed that even though I was being led around, my inner disposition was unable to hate her.
“I see. The next time we meet will probably be after everything has been brought out into the open.”
The Demon King smiled as if he was in a smiling competition. Similarly, I smiled back in order to match his expression.
The next time we meet, I was sure it would not be this heart-warming.
In all likelihood, the next time we met, there would be a battle.
Both the Demon King and I understood that. But that was exactly why we were smiling right now.
“Well, see you later. Orm.”
“Yeah, later, Ruphas.”
After saying that, I stood up from the chair and Benet followed suit.
By the looks of it, she was considerably bored, as she was showing an expression which seemed relieved that it was finally over.
Once we returned to the entrance of the castle, the warriors which were guarding the gate opened the way for us by splitting away to the sides whilst trembling in fear. Subsequently, we opened the gate in the same way that we previously did and left.
“So do you have someplace in mind?”
“For now, let’s try going back to Mafahl Tower. Maybe we missed something there.”
After being asked by Benet, even whilst feeling that we would draw the wrong straw, I suggested the name of a location that we had already searched once.
In practice, I simply could not recall any other location which would qualify as the location where I first met Dina.
The very first thing that I saw when I got to this world was the throne of Laevateinn. However, Dina was not at that location.
After that, I took flight for the first time and went to the tower. That was where I first met her.
Yeah, however much I rewind and think about it, our first meeting was at Mafahl Tower. There’s no other place.
It would be nice if there’s another hint lying around somewhere...
I set the destination of Argo as Mafahl Tower and we returned to the domains of the humanoids once again.
“Around this time, Ruphas-sama is probably searching the Mafahl Tower.”
With fluttering blue-hair, a young girl – Dina muttered to herself with a warm smile.
Every time she walked, the people in the surroundings took a moment and unwittingly turned back to look at her.
Although part of the reason was due to her beauty, the biggest reason was the colour of her hair.
The hair colour for % of people on the street was black. There were the occasional individuals who had dyed their hair brown or blond, but nevertheless, the real colour of their hair was still all black. There was not a single human being who had natural blue hair like Dina.
To begin with, it was simply impossible to get natural blue hair as there was no genetic makeup for it. Under common sense, blue hair was something which did not exist outside of cosplay.
Yet she continued to walk whilst disregarding everyone’s line of sight being drawn to her and recalled a time from years ago.
At that time, she was still a doll. Without possessing an ego of her own, she believed that she was a clone and a personification of the Goddess who walked the grounds of the world.
She believed that the name Dina was nothing more than a name given to her by her parents who were “used” in the process of creating an avatar and that her real name was Alovenus.
In truth, she was a bona fide avatar of the Goddess and even inherited the Goddess’s memories and personality.
As such, it was not wrong to think in that way. As such, she did not perceive or recognise herself as herself.
The time that it all came crumbling down was years ago. To be specific, it was 201 years ago.
One year prior to when the Seven Heroes’ betrayal took place. That was the moment she perceived and recognised herself as herself. That was the time when she was truly born into this world.
And at this moment, without a doubt, she was moving according to her own will.
She deviated from the Goddess’s scenario based on her will, but only to the extent where she would absolutely not be noticed by the Goddess.
As for what exactly her goal was, or who exactly it was for, no one other than her knew.
Was it perhaps for the sake of Ruphas? Was it perhaps for the sake of the Goddess? Or perhaps neither of them but for her own benefit? Again, no one knew.
Boxes of steel ran on maintained roads. Shops which displayed and adorned various signs were clustered together.
High-rise buildings, which stood tall into the sky as if they were trying to reach the heavens, were lined up next to each other.
A young girl walked down the middle of the street in Japan which was packed with students and salarymen heading to work – hustling into the crowd until, eventually, she could no longer be found. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 11,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
さらに ― 行動の予測は できるでしょうか?
それは本物の超能力でしょうし 悪用だってできるはずです
私は この20年間 人間の行動を 普通とは違ったやり方で 研究してきました 「スリ」を通してです
ミスディレクションというと 人の視線をそらすことだと 思われがちですが 実際 一番目に入りにくいのは 目の前のものだし 普段 目にするものこそ 見えなくなりがちです
例えば 皆さんは 今 携帯を持っていますか?
さっき私が 盗ったかも知れませんよ
今日 何度か 見ているはずです そこで質問です
画面を見ずに 右下のアイコンを 思い出せますか?
当たっているか 確認してください
どうですか? 当たった人は手を上げて
さあ 終わったら閉じて
アイコンをどう並べようと 目立つのが時計です
では携帯を見ずに 時間が言えますか?
さっき時計も 見えたはずです
面白いでしょう 今度は信頼関係が必要です
あえてお願いします ここにはスリがいますけど
皆さんは私の姿を 30秒は見ましたよね
目を閉じたまま 服装を思い出せますか?
シャツの色は? ネクタイの色は?
人によって観察力が 違うせいだと
でも私は注意を そうは捉えていません
ポズナーの注意モデルなど 複雑な捉え方もありますが
私はもっと単純な 監視システムの様なものだと思います
人間には いろいろな センサーが備わっていて 頭の中に小さな警備員がいます
彼の目の前にはあらゆる情報と ハイテク機器があります カメラも音声マイクもあって あらゆる知覚 感覚が利用できます
その人の現実を操るのは 心への入口である「注意」なのです 注目していなければ 気付きません
ただ皮肉にも 無意識に 注目することがあります
「カクテルパーティー効果」です パーティーで誰かと話していても 他人の会話に 自分の名前が出ると 聞いてないのにわかります
私の仕事では 注意に限りがあることを 利用したテクニックを使います
相手が注意をむける方向を操作し 気を散らして 注意を奪えばいいんです
私はミスディレクションや 人の視線をそらすような ― 手段を使うのではなく 皆さんの頭の中にいる ― 小さな警備員の フランクを利用します 小さな警備員の フランクを利用します 外界からの刺激に 集中させないようにして 少しの間 頭の中に 注意を向けさせるのです
私が記憶を たどるように仕向けて ―
何が起きた? 財布はある?
クレジットカードは? などと
たずねると フランクは後ろを向きます
彼は記憶を 巻き戻して確認します
面白いことに 記憶を確認しつつ 新しい情報を 処理することはできません
もっともな理論でしょう 詳しく話してもいいですが だいたいは正しいと思います 実際に 見ていただきましょう
そちらに行って 品定めしましょう
やあ こんにちは お会いできて光栄です
まだ調べているだけです 選り取り見取りですね
ちょっとその場に 立っていただけますか
ポケットには あまり入っていません こちらには何かあるかな?
だといいんですが どうぞお座りください
財布は持ってますか? Joe: いいえ
AR: 今 見つけてあげますよ こちらに来てください
皆さん ジョーに拍手を こちらでゲームをしましょう
(拍手) 通りますよ
ジョー あがってください ちょっとゲームをしましょう
前ポケットに何か入れてますか? Joe: お金が
AR: お金ですね やってみましょう
前を向いてください 私から渡すものがあります ポーカーで使うチップです
手を出してください よく見ていてください
これを見張るのが あなたの役目です
お金は前ポケットですね Joe: はい
AR: なるほど ポケットに手は入れません
まだそこまでの関係ではないので 以前 お客さんのポケットの中に
穴が開いていて それ以来のトラウマです
私は財布を捜していたのに 彼が電話番号をよこすんです
やることは簡単 手を握ってください
チップはまだありますか? Joe: はい
AR: 私が抜きとったら ビックリしますよね
Joe: 確かに AR: 結構 ―
チャンスがあったら やりますよ
難易度を上げて あなたの手だけを使います
Joe: いいえ AR: もう無くなってますよ
手を見ている間に チップはあなたの肩の上です
さあ もう一度
手を開いて まっすぐ伸ばして
もう少し高くあげて でもしっかり注目して
ほら 私がゆっくりやっても チップはまた肩の上です
あなたがチップを とれるまでやりますよ
しっかり握って あなたはのろまなんかじゃない
手に集中していて 気を取られたんです
あなたが見ている間は 時計をとったりするのは無理です
ところで 前ポケットに 何があったか ―
Joe: お金です
AR: 調べてください まだありますか? ありましたね またしまっておいて
私がしている時計に 見覚えは?
(拍手) Joe: 本当にすごい AR: ありがとう
でもまだほんの序の口です 少し違うことをしましょう
今 チップに注目しているでしょうが 明らかに注意を そらすためのターゲットです
近くで見ていると 無くなったように見えます
どこからともなく 手の中に落ちてきます
面白いでしょ 相棒が一日中 上にいるんです
ポケットの中に入ります ここにありますね?
手は入れないで その手のショーではないので
さて ― みんな考えてますよ
皆さんに見せていいですか? おかしいな これはあなたの?
どうしたんだろう チップを送っただけなのに
結構です もう一つ手伝ってください
逃げないで ポケットの中に何かありますね
自分のを確認したら どうも何か足りません 何か入っているみたいです
何かあります これはあなたのですか?
なぜだろう エビが入ってる
Joe: 後で食べようと思って
AR: 皆 楽しんでくれました あなたのおかげです 自分で気づかないうちにね
だから この素敵な時計を プレゼントします 気に入るはずですよ それから まだあります
現金が少しと それからこれも 全部あなたのものです 皆さんからの 大きな拍手もね(拍手) ジョー どうもありがとう
(拍手) さて 先程と同じ質問をしましょう でも今度は目を閉じなくていいです
(拍手) 注意力は強力です
もし誰かの注意力を自由に操れるなら あなたなら何をしますか?
どうもありがとう | Even more than that, what about predicting human behavior?
I think those are interesting ideas.
For me, that would be the perfect superpower, actually kind of an evil way of approaching it.
But for myself, in the past, I've spent the last 20 years studying human behavior from a rather unorthodox way: picking pockets.
When we think of misdirection, we think of something as looking off to the side, when actually the things right in front of us are often the hardest to see, the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.
For example, how many of you still have your cell phones on you right now?
Great. Double-check.
Make sure you still have them.
I was doing some shopping before.
You've looked at them a few times today, but I'll ask you a question.
Without looking at it directly yet, can you remember the icon in the bottom right corner?
Bring them out, check and see how accurate you were.
Show of hands. Did we get it?
Now that you're done, close them down.
Every phone has something in common.
No matter how you organize the icons, you still have a clock on the front.
So, without looking at your phone, what time was it?
You just looked at your clock, right?
Interesting idea. Let's take that a step further with a game of trust.
Close your eyes.
I realize I'm asking you to do that while you just heard there's a pickpocket in the room, but close your eyes.
Now, you've been watching me for about 30 seconds.
With your eyes closed, what am I wearing?
Make your best guess.
What color is my shirt? What color is my tie?
Now open your eyes.
Show of hands, were you right?
Interesting, isn't it?
Some of us are a little bit more perceptive than others, it seems.
But I have a different theory about that model of attention.
They have fancy models of attention, Posner's trinity model of attention.
For me, I like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system.
It's kind of like you have all these fancy sensors, and inside your brain is a little security guard.
For me, I like to call him Frank.
So Frank is sitting at a desk.
He's got lots of cool information in front of him, high-tech equipment, he's got cameras, But attention is what steers your perceptions, it's what controls your reality.
It's the gateway to the mind.
If you don't attend to something, you can't be aware of it.
But ironically, you can attend to something without being aware of it.
For example, the cocktail effect: You're in a party, having conversations with someone, and yet you can recognize your name without realizing you were listening to that.
Now, for my job, I have to play with techniques to exploit this, to play with your attention as a limited resource.
So if I could control how you spend your attention, if I could maybe steal your attention through a distraction.
Now, instead of doing it like misdirection and throwing it off to the side, instead, what I choose to focus on is Frank, to be able to play with the Frank inside your head, your security guard, and get you, instead of focusing on your external senses, just to go internal for a second.
So if I ask you to access a memory, like, what is that?
What just happened? Do you have a wallet?
Do you have an American Express in your wallet?
And when I do that, your Frank turns around.
He accesses the file. He has to rewind the tape.
What's interesting is, he can't rewind the tape at the same time that he's trying to process new data.
This sounds like a good theory, but I could talk for a long time, tell you lots of things, and a portion of them may be true, but I think it's better if I tried to show that to you here live.
If I come down, I'm going to do a bit of shopping.
Just hold still where you are.
Hello, how are you? It's lovely to see you.
Wonderful job onstage.
Lovely watch, it doesn't come off very well.
Do you have a ring as well?
Good. Just taking inventory. You're like a buffet.
Hard to tell where to start, so many great things.
Hi, how are you? Good to see you.
Hi, sir, could you stand up, please? Just right where you are.
You're married, you follow directions well.
Nice to meet you, sir.
You don't have a lot in your pockets. Anything down here?
Hopefully so. Have a seat. There you go. You're doing well.
Hi, sir, how are you?
Good to see you, sir. You have a ring, a watch.
Do you have a wallet on you? Joe: I don't.
AR: Well, we'll find one for you. Come on up this way, Joe.
Give Joe a round of applause. Come on up, Joe. Let's play a game.
AR: Pardon me.
I don't think I need this clicker anymore.
Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
Come on up to the stage, Joe. Let's play a little game now.
Anything in your front pockets? J: Money.
AR: Money! All right, let's try that.
Can you stand right over this way for me?
Turn around and, let's see, if I give you something that belongs to me, a poker chip.
Hold out your hand for me. Watch it closely.
You have your money in your front pocket?
J: Yup. AR: Good.
I won't put my hand in your pocket. I'm not ready for that kind of commitment.
Once a guy had a hole in his pocket, and that was rather traumatizing for me.
I wanted his wallet, he gave me his number.
Big miscommunication. Let's do this simply. Squeeze your hand tight.
Do you feel the poker chip in your hand?
J: I do.
AR: Would you be surprised if I took it? Say yes.
J: Very. AR: Good.
Open your hand. Thank you very much.
I'll cheat if you give me a chance.
Make it harder for me. Just use your hand.
Grab my wrist, but squeeze, squeeze firm.
Did you see it go? Joe: No.
AR: No, it's not here. Open your hand.
While we're focused on the hand, it's sitting on your shoulder.
Go ahead and take it off.
Now, let's try that again.
Hold your hand out flat. Open it up.
Put your hand up a little bit higher, but watch it close.
If I did it slowly, it'd be on your shoulder.
Joe, we're going to keep doing this till you catch it.
You'll get it eventually. I have faith in you.
Squeeze firm. You're human, you're not slow.
It's back on your shoulder.
You were focused on your hand, distracted.
While you were watching, I couldn't get your watch off.
Yet you had something inside your pocket.
Do you remember what it was?
J: Money.
AR: Check your pocket. Is it still there? Oh, there it was. Put it away.
This trick's more about the timing.
I'm going to try to push it inside your hand.
Put your other hand on top, would you?
It's amazingly obvious now, isn't it?
Looks a lot like the watch I was wearing, doesn't it?
J: That's pretty good. AR: Oh, thanks.
But it's only a start. Let's try it a little bit differently.
Hold your hands together. Your other hand on top.
If you're watching this little token, this obviously has become a little target, like a red herring.
If we watch this kind of close, it looks like it goes away.
It's not back on your shoulder.
It falls out of the air, lands right back in the hand.
Did you see it go?
Yeah, funny. We've got a little guy. He's union, works up there all day.
If I do it slowly it goes straight away, it lands by your pocket.
Is it in this pocket, sir?
Don't reach in your pocket. That's a different show.
That's rather strange. They have shots for that.
Can I show them? Rather bizarre. Is this yours, sir?
I have no idea how that works. We'll send that over there.
I need help with this one.
Step over this way for me.
Don't run away. You had something down by your pants pocket.
I was checking mine. I couldn't find everything, but I noticed you had something here.
Can I feel the outside for a moment?
Down here I noticed this. Is this something of yours, sir?
I have no idea. That's a shrimp.
J: Yeah. I'm saving it for later.
AR: You've entertained all of these people in a wonderful way, better than you know.
So we'd love to give you this lovely watch as a gift. We have a couple of other things, a little bit of cash.
And we have a few other things, these all belong to you, along with a big round of applause from all your friends. Joe, thank you very much.
So, same question I asked you before, but this time you don't have to close your eyes.
What am I wearing?
Attention is a powerful thing.
Like I said, it shapes your reality.
So, I guess I'd like to pose that question to you.
If you could control somebody's attention, what would you do with it?
Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「え? はい、わかりました」
今回の暴動が半魔人の仕業と聞いた連中が、近くにいた無実な半魔人へとその怒りを向けてしまったのか? こういった混乱の最中では、悲しいかな、よく見られる光景だ。
「その子に何をしている? 見たところ、まだ幼い子供じゃない」
「だが半魔人だ! あの南の騒動だって半魔人が起こしてる。こいつが仲間じゃないって保証はないだろう」
緊迫感に耐え切れず、一人の男がそう吐き捨ててその場から立ち去ろうとした。 | Led by Cortina, we headed towards the seventh ward located in the south-southwestern section. It was a dangerous place, but taking her eyes off me was apparently even scarier to her.
Given her suspicions about this being Kufar’s scheme, her decision was unavoidable. Though I could also take this as an opportunity to clear my name of the previous defeat.
Looking up to the sky, I could see some Adventurers using Flight and flying over the roots that divided the city. Adventurers could do this since they acted individually, but the chivalric order that moved as a group didn’t have enough users to cast the spells. This was an option available to Adventurers who were quickly adaptable.
“This is the weakness of large organizations, huh. They don’t have much adaptability.”
Cortina, who was also looking at the sky, clicked her tongue and stopped. After we lowered our gazes, before us was the chivalric order at standstill in front of the gate leading to another division.
Some citizens were fleeing away from the gate, so they were probably the ones that managed to escape through it.
“This is bad.”
“Yes, really bad.”
“Huh, what is?”
The two of us noticed how bad things were, but Mark’s group seemed oblivious.
As Cortina said, the situation wasn’t looking very good. Half-demons had rioted and the chivalric order was sent to suppress them. But the fleeing citizens were blocking their way, so they couldn’t take further action.
In other words, the citizens and knights were confronting each other. It was only a matter of time until they would start pushing through the citizens with the use of force to accomplish their mission.
If that happened, the riots would start to spread out even more. As a result, many casualties would be born from it.
“Yea, it’s part of the puppetry system so I have a bad affinity with it. Finia can use it though.”
The flight spell was somewhere between mid to high rank of the puppetry magic. I was focused on one talent so I couldn’t use it, but an all-rounder like Finia could just barely use it now. That said, she wasn’t here now. And Cortina didn’t know a spell of that level either.
“Returning to the inn... no, that would be difficult now.”
The confusion had already started to spread to this western ninth ward. If we made a round trip to the inn, the situation could fall into a panic in the meantime.
“Maria would’ve been able to calm the situation down had she been here. Okay, I’ll see if I can do it myself. The rest of you return to the inn and bring Finia and Maria.”
Maria’s charisma was practically absolute here in Berith. She would’ve been able to take control of the citizens in place of the Pope. Finia who could use Flight would’ve been useful to have here, even if she could only use it on a few people.
“Ah, wait!”
Cortina stopped Mark and others who were about to run off, then took out a folded paper and a pen pot. Then she quickly scribbled something on the paper, folded it into four, and handed it over to Mark.
“If you find Lyell and Cloud at the inn, give them this memo. If not, then dispose of it. Make sure you do.”
“Huh? Okay, understood.”
Mark bent his head in puzzlement, not understanding her intentions, but these guys wouldn’t refuse Cortina’s request. Hearing his reply, she barged into the maelstrom of confusion ahead to give directions in the place of the knights’ commander.
Although not to Maria’s level, she was still popular to a degree too. But given that this was a religious kingdom, it was probably not as effective as in other cities.”
She would probably have quite a bit of trouble. She most likely gave those instructions because she expected that.
“Okay, Mark, John, Tony. We’re returning to the inn!”
With Cortina getting involved, the knights should be able to regain control at least to a degree. Even if her influence wasn’t big here, she should still have enough authority as one of the Six Heroes to accomplish at least that much.
However, it would have no influence on the citizens that were flooding in. And unless they were stopped, the chivalric order wouldn’t be able to reach the area of riot. She could only manage to suppress the spread of the riot. To stop it, they needed the Pope or Maria who held even more charisma.
“I don’t know if Maria is at the inn but... Hmm?”
I suddenly stopped.
I knew that I had to get Maria here as fast as possible. But even so, I saw something that made me stop. There was a small crowd formed before us as we entered a narrow alley. For a moment, I saw the figure of a small girl from the gaps at their feet. And their legs were swung towards that girl.
Her scream was cut short, probably due to a kick in the gut. Either way, I couldn’t overlook it now that I had seen it. Even if wasting time here would lead to more people dying, I couldn’t abandon the girl before my eyes. This is how I’ve been since the old days.
“You three, sorry but go on ahead and call Maria.”
“Huh, what about you, Nicole?”
“I’ll go save her!”
I ran off without waiting for their reply. I understood full well that my simplistic thinking has brought a lot of bad fame to me. But even so, overlooking this would be like stopping being myself.
“Wait, you people!”
The men surrounding the little girl turned around at my sudden intrusion. Thanks to that, I managed to get a proper look at the girl. She wore tattered clothes and looked to be around ten years old. She had a small horn on her forehead, making it clear that she was a half-demon.
The clothes of the surrounding men weren’t as dirty in comparison. They were probably doing proper work normally. But hearing that the riot was half-demons’ doing, they directed their wrath at the innocent half-demon they found nearby, huh? Unfortunately, this was a common occurrence during these kinds of chaotic situations.
“What are you doing to that kid? Isn’t she just a little child?”
“But she’s a half-demon! They were the ones that caused a riot in the south. Where’s the proof that she isn’t with them.”
“Where’s the proof that she’s with them then? Besides... she’s just a child.”
I said and stepped forward with my left leg. Doing so should’ve allowed them to see the katana on my waist.
Being ordinary citizens, they weren’t armed. No well, they weren’t completely unarmed, but their weapons were daily use items like rolling pins and mops. They were nothing compared to the intimidating air of a katana that was specifically forged for bloodshed.
As their gazes focused on my waist, I made use of the timing and put a hand on the scabbard, and unsheathed it slightly with my thumb.
Seeing how they took a step back looking overpowered, I realized that they saw the blade peeking from the slight gap.
“But what?”
“No, well...”
This time, I lightly put my right arm over the hilt and slowly gripped it. Then I took a posture from which I could unsheathe it at a moment’s notice.
The men who were being overwhelmed by me should have realized that too. That said, since my left leg was forward, this posture was unsuitable for making a slash from the sheathed state.
Naturally, I understood that well, but I wasn’t actually planning to unsheathe it against ordinary citizens.
“Kh, if a riot happens in the western ward, it would be on you!”
“Hey, wait for me?!”
Succumbing to the pressure, one of the men spit that out and tried to leave the place. Seeing that, the rest of the men also ran off at once. Once I confirmed that they were gone, I relaxed my guard and rushed over towards the girl. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 1,
"inserted_lines_src": 27,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
「? 其方のセンサーならば把握出来るのではないか?」
「ん? いや、詳しい事は聞いていなかったな」
「! あ、ああ、そうだな。そういえばその辺りの説明をディーナから聞いていなかった。
しかし何故『今』? この最悪のタイミングで狙ったかのように現れた?
「うるせえ! 何故俺の援護に来なかった!?
「ええ。邪魔なのでしょう? あのゴーレムが。
その顔に、仲間であるはずの彼を蔑むような笑みを張り付けながら――。 | Well, this is getting pretty complicated.
I sighed out loud as I was making weapons and bullets for Libra using alchemy.
If I was to put it in words all that I wanted to do whilst I was in this country, that would be to meet with one of the heroes Merak and to determine if the inside was a player just like me or not.
It was my intention, that if I could make that determination, I would quickly leave this place, yet things just didn’t work the way I wanted them to.
For some reasons, things progressed to such a degree that we were just one step away from having a civil war, and if I left things alone, this place looked like it would self-destruct.
Self-destruction is no good. And if you ask me why self-destruction is no good, it’s because if the country gets destroyed and Merak gets taken down, humanoids would have lost a guardian pillar and get further pushed into the corner.
And... half of the reason for that civil war is me. So I can’t just ignore it.
Putting things simply, because I – or rather Ruphas – was defeated years ago, the relationship between the White Wings Supremacists and the Mixed Wings Advocates who already had tension to begin with, reached the point of no return where it wouldn’t be weird for them to start fighting anytime.
... so yeahhhh nahh, this is no good at all.
In any case, something had to be done about this situation first.
I requested Libra to capture someone called Jupiter or whatever, but it’s probably better to take steps to do what we could in the meantime.
That being the case, the first thing that came to mind was that Merak properly keeping both camps under control.
Personally, I thought all of this was happening partly because he was indecisively sitting on the fence.
So, if I could somehow manage to motivate him to act, then it shouldn’t be impossible to stop the civil war before it happened.
However, I just happened to be a nation-wide “bad guy”. Furthermore, the people in this country had a long life-span so they totally remembered my face.
Or more like there’s even a bronze statue of me!
In other words, for me to act in the open brazenly was totally out.
Having said that, full-body robe was also a bad idea. I just looked like a suspicious person, no matter how, I’m looked at.
So in the end, I should try cross-dressing in the way that I thought of the other day.
The problem regarding clothing could be solved with alchemy.
Firstly I tied my hair behind my neck, then I put on fake glasses.
On the head, I wore a black hat, and overall, the impression of me changed a bit.
I bandaged my chests tightly and wore a white t-shirt on the top.
The pants are... black should be fine.
Finally, I wore a red mantle as an overcoat and hid my wings with the stealth bandage.
“Hmm..... after this is... the way I speak huh.....”
After disguising, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself.
Un, how do I put it? Although it is a bit weird to say it myself, because the original is a super beauty, even after cross-dressing, I still look like a maiden somewhat.
For a man, the face just looks too beautiful.
Maybe, something like a facial hair would.... Nope, I suppose with this facial feature it will only look unnatural.
If I knew something like this was going to happen, I should have taken Strider’s Disguise skill.... It was an interesting skill that allowed the user to change the outer appearance for a set amount of time.
Damn it, on top of being a pw skill, it was merely an appearance changer so I thought “don’t need it” and ignored it, but if I knew this was going to happen, I should have taken it.
And there’s still my manner of speech. Even if I put the effort in, it didn’t change at all.
It’s as if something was working against it, the way I spoke was stubbornly fixed in the way it was.
Unfortunately, maybe I had no other choice but to be a mute character.
“Ruphas-sama, is it fine now?”
“Un, I don’t mind”
While I was taking various poses in front of the mirror, Libra opened the door and came in.
My current location, not that it mattered but, was a small room inside the room of an inn.
Surprisingly, in this inn, each room came with another small room within it.
No, please don’t say it’s normal. In this world, this setup is actually fairly rare.
Anyways, that was where I was changing into my disguise... was what I was trying to say.
Initially, Libra wanted to help me get changed but I rejected that proposal.
If I left it up to her, I was scared that she was going to make me wear something weird.
“What do you think, Libra? Does it suit me?”
“Ruphas-sama looks good in whatever you decide to wear.
However, if I may be permitted to be rude, it is my opinion that your current appearance might make you the target of this and that from the gentleman who may be interested in others of the same gender.”
“ what you are trying to say is, I don’t look like a man at all?”
“You at least look more like a man than Aries.”
For real though, she really had that personality where she would just say whatever the hell she wanted.
Well, it’s still better than being overly reserved though.
Or rather, Aries also would just say whatever he wanted and Dina also did the same, so perhaps none of my subordinates even knew the word “restraint”.
“If I had to point anything out, I recommend sunglasses over normal glasses.”
“I see, there was that too.”
Indeed, my face was well-known and there’s still a worry that normal glasses alone might be insufficient.
I agreed and nodded to Libra’s suggestion, and pointed my finger towards the room’s corner.
I’d make the sunglasses later.
“By the way, transmutation of bullets is done. It’s over there, so take the ones you like.”
“Thank you very much.”
Libra thanked me and walked towards the place with the ammunition.
Libra then made some ‘gacha-gacha’ sound and EVERYTHING was stored in her body.
....wait, hang on, how did she just do that?
There’s clearly far more ammunition than the size of her body would allow.
“With this, the probability to successfully capture Jupiter has increased. The next time he encounters me will be his last.”
Libra said a very promising thing indeed.
It’s not that it didn’t somewhat sound like a flag but, I really could not foresee losing at all.
Basing on the strength of the Luminaries that we had previously fought (laugh) Jupiter’s level should at most be around level 0. Furthermore, Libra had the attribute advantage over him.
However I think about it, it should be an overwhelming victory for Libra.
Anyways, I should leave this Jupiter-san to Libra and think about a method to make Merak move.
As for Aries and Dina, I should send them around to check up on the extremists.
I was also interested in the plans of the White Wings Supremacists’ [Volunteer Army].
“By the way, Ruphas-sama, since a while ago I haven’t seen Dina around. Do you have any idea where she might be?”
“? Are you not able to detect her using your sensor?”
“Negative, there is no response from her within a 100km radius of me. There is no other conclusion but to say that I believe she is out of the country.”
Whilst Libra questioned the strangeness, I thought “Ahh”, and put my hands together.
She had probably returned to the tower using the teleportation magic.
Which reminded me, Libra was not aware that Dina knew teleportation magic.
“There is no need to worry about that. She is a user of teleportation magic.
I suspect that, currently, she returned back to the tower to manage the finance.”
“Teleportation magic.... Are you perhaps talking about... X-Gate?”
“Nn? No, I haven’t heard about it in detail yet.”
“I am surprised. Could there really be a teleportation magic aside from X-Gate in this day and age?”
To Libra’s remark, I felt a slight headache.
What is it..... something is, there is some sense of discomfort.....
.....but, whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter right now. Though, it’s true that I can understand Libra’s surprise.
After all, no such thing as “teleportation magic” had existed 200 years ago.
Yes exactly, there was no such convenient magic inside [X-Gate Online].
There were many modes of travel, and of course, there was also a command which allowed instantaneous movement from one map to another. However, that was a command to move across the map instantaneously and as such, it was treated as if the character had “travelled” normally and not “teleported”.
The only exception in the game was the existence of [X-Gate]. However, that was merely treated as a vocabulary or setting, never appearing in the actual game. And of course, it was unobtainable.
Therefore, Dina’s “Teleportation Magic” is either an X-Gate or some new magic which was newly created and introduced in the past 200 years.
But why.... Why is it that, after all this time, I’m only recalling about this now?
Why did I accept it as a matter of course until now?
“! A, Ahh, that’s right. Now that you mention it, I have not heard about those explanations from Dina. When she returns, let’s try asking her.”
If I thought about it, there was a lot about Dina that we didn’t know about.
It was a known fact that she was originally a “mob”, a background NPC, but other than that particular information, I really didn’t know anything more about her.
She was not a golem created by me like Libra, nor was she a captured monster like Aries.
Not that it mat.... No, I didn’t feel too good about it, but there was a need for us to sit down and talk things through once.
“****... that golem, she just went full-on....”
Inside a forest that was some distance away from the city, Jupiter was screaming insults whilst treating his own injuries.
Everything was going according to plan until today.
Naming himself as ‘Jupitar’, he successfully infiltrated into the white side of the city and he even successfully set up the civil war.
All that it remained for him to do was to wait for the white and the black camps to destroy each other, then take out Merak after the country had perished.
Of course, when it came to one of the 7 Heroes, it would not be an easy win even if there was the [Loser’s Stigma].
However, he had the confidence to win if Merak became separated from his guards amidst the chaos caused by the civil war.
Especially because Merak excelled in the power of the [Earth]. Therefore as someone with an affinity to the element [Wood], he stood in an advantageous position.
The current location was approximately 500km from the city.
I don’t know about that maid golem’s detection range but I’ve heard from the legend that even if you were 100km away from her, she can still pursue you. There are even stories of her sniping enemies from 200km away, so I’m going to put caution on top of caution and stay a few times the distance away, and hold my breath on top of that whilst hiding in the forest.
Travelling is a bit of a bother but I can easily cover that distance with my ability.
But anyway, it’s become bit troublesome.
As long that golem’s in the city, I’m going to get detected as soon as I get close to it and get chased.
And if I decide to fight her, I stand absolutely no chance of winning.
Truly, why did it become like this..... No, I know the reason already.
That golem is there because Ruphas Mafahl brought her along into the city.
But why “now”? Why did this happen at this worst possible timing?
Seriously, what is [that person] doing?
I thought you were supposed to be monitoring Ruphas to prevent something like this from happening.
There was a cute chuckle as if there was something funny.
When Jupiter turned his murderous stare towards the direction of the noise, what he saw was exactly ‘that person’ whom that he was thinking about, laughing at him with pleasure whilst putting her hands on her lips.
A moonlight shone onto her long golden hair which reached her knees. An overly maintained beauty.
Wearing a pure white robe, a completely enigmatic colleague walked towards Jupiter.
—one of the 7 Luminaries, Venus.
With the appearance of a beautiful young girl, she was the devilish witch who possessed the element of Metal.
That skin, as if it there was some camouflage, was a shade of white that almost seemed transparent – something you really couldn’t think of as belonging to a demon race.
She was an existence and someone that was brought in by the leader; one who possessed the title of the [Sun]. According to him, she was a real demon, but she was an entity that was shrouded in mystery.
It seemed that the leader fully trusted her, but Jupiter had persistently felt some reservation about her.
“Oh, you’re so scary. Don’t get angry, I don’t like it.”
“Shut up! Why didn’t you come help me out!?
And on top of that, why didn’t you stop Ruphas Mafahl from coming to this city or make a report about it!
Thanks to you, I’m in this condition!”
“Oh, are you able to say that? I was waiting at the meeting place for you the whole time. Not only did you make a lady wait for you, you even stood me up, you’re a failure as a man, you know.”
Whilst staring daggers at the girl who was purposefully making it obvious that she was faking tears, Jupiter’s expression was so full of hatred that he felt his teeth were going to shatter from grinding too much.
However, she was completely unconcerned with this and even topped it up with more words.
“I planned to make a report, you know. I seem to recall the person who didn’t come to the important meeting place was you, wasn’t it?”
“Guu.... Then, then why, then why did you just let them come to the city!? If it’s you, shouldn’t you have been able to stop them!?”
“Please don’t say such unreasonable things.
There’s no way someone like me would be able to stop that Supreme Ruler.
All that someone like me can do, is to just keep a lookout for where they’re going, that’s it.”
In response to what Venus just said, Jupiter clicked his tongue in a way that would be heard by her.
This ***** is always like this. Always so slippery and gets away from the pursuit. So truly, so detestable.
“But I also feel bad about it, you know. So tonight, I thought I should help you hence I have come before you.”
“Help me, you say?”
“Yeah. It’s in the way, right? That golem.
If it’s for just a small amount of time, I can handle that thing.”
Jupiter was suspicious towards this suggestion.
He was thankful for the suggestion itself. *A saving grace.
No, if anything, he really had no other option but to cling onto that suggestion.
“ it even possible?”
“If it’s about 20 minutes, it’s absolutely possible.”
“.....20 minutes huh.”
20 minutes.... is a short amount of time.
But if there’s that much time, as long as I get fairly close to the city from the start I can make the round trip.
With it, I can go to the country, randomly attack the White Town and then simply tell those idiots: “It’s an attack from the Black City” and it would be fine.
After I do that, those guys will simply crush each other for me.
Merak.... As for Merak, I’ll let it slide.
Once the country gets destroyed, I’ll first wait for Ruphas’ group to leave.
Even if it’s that person, as long as the country is gone, she should lose interest and leave.
Ruphas is the demon’s enemy but she should also be the 7 heroes’ enemy..... so she should leave.
After that happens, I can just assassinate Merak somehow.
“This is magic stone of the wind.”
“That’s right, if you use this I’ll know. Understand? Do things properly!”
After saying that, Jupiter pushed the stone onto Venus, then sat back down on that spot.
Venus also did not say anything else and left that place silently.
On that face was a smile filled with contempt even though he was supposed to be her ally–. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 16,
"inserted_lines_trg": 2
} |
じゃあ、ジルは六歳で孤児なの? それが普通なの?
ヒロインは何をしているの? 早くここを改善してよ。
ああ、もう! 私は強い芯を持った悪女なの。
私の声に覇気がなかったのを感じたのか、ウィルおじいさんはもう一度私の頭を撫でて、大丈夫じゃよ、と呟いた。 | When I get there, even before I head inside I hear the boy’s painful moans. It seems like he’s doing much worse today than he had been yesterday.
As I walk in, I see that Grandpa Will is doing his utmost to wipe the boy’s sweat and do anything that he can to sooth his suffering.
I quickly approach the bed and take the bottle from my bag, passing it over to him.
“And what’s this?”
“Clean water.”
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
“Take this, too,” I say, handing him the Josiah.
“Ahh, Josiah is it.....?”
No way. He can tell what type of plant it is through touch alone?
Amazing can’t even come close to describing Grandpa Will. His actions always far exceed all my expectations.
Grandpa Will drops the Josiah into the bottle, letting the leaves dissolve into the liquid until the water has become a light green color.
He then huddles over the thrashing boy and opens his mouth. Carefully, he pours few drops of the mixture onto his tongue.
The boy closes his mouth and not long after, his thrashing abates slightly as he starts to calm down.
It seems that once Josiah enters someone’s mouth, it doesn’t take even a minute before the effects start to show.
I unwind the dirtied strips of my dress that I had wrapped around the boy’s head yesterday and apply some of the salve that I’d brought in my bag to his now festering wounds. Once I finish, I make sure to wrap up the injury again, this time using actual cloth bandages.
I suppose this sort of terrible wound is probably commonplace here.
“Alicia, thank you,” Grandpa Will says once again.
“I’m..... only doing this because it happens to benefit me, so your thanks are unnecessary.”
That’s right. I’m someone who makes personal gain her priority in life.
Saving this boy is merely on a whim because I wanted to try having a conversation with a young, clever child.
Grandpa Will’s shoulders stiffen at my words. I don’t want to make him see me contemptuously, but I also don’t want to lie to him.
“What’s his name?”
“It’s Gilles.”
“Gilles.... Age?”
“And where are his parents.....?”
“They were killed by some other villagers here.”
They didn’t die of some disease but instead were killed?
“Alicia, that’s the type of place this is,” Grandpa Will states matter-of-factly, but his voice gives away a hint of ambition.
“Their crime?”
“There was none.”
So then, what. At years old, Gilles has become an orphan for no reason at all? Is that also considered normal here?
“That’s just not right.”
“Yes. I think so as well. But no matter how unfair it is, there’s nothing that can be done about it from in here.”
What is the heroine even doing? She needs to hurry up and do something about these inhumane conditions!
......Wow. Am I actually relying on the heroine now?
But what can I do? There’s absolutely no merit for me in improving the conditions of this village!
Agh, forget it! I’m a cold-hearted villainess. This sort of thing shouldn’t bother me!
I’m determined to become the best villainess that this world has ever seen!
“Thank you very much for today,” Grandpa Will says, patting my head.
“This.... Please share it with him,” I say by means of reply, passing Grandpa Will the bag filled with the multi-colored macarons.
Perhaps sensing that my tone had lost some of its previously ambitious bravado, Grandpa Will pats my head one more time and whispers to me that it’ll be okay. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 3,
"inserted_lines_src": 9,
"inserted_lines_trg": 1
} |
商売目的でモンスターとの危険に命を懸けられるってやっぱすごいなこの世界の住人。感心しつつ話題を次に移すことにする。 | In the game, you only need to appoint a person in charge then the expedition will depart on the same day, but real life isn’t that convenient. You need to prepare a lot of things that even one week is too short for preparation time.
While spending those busy days, finally the
“Let’s not drag this out and go ahead with the introduction. I’m Welner von Zeavert.”
“I am Mazell Hearthing. I am a student.”
“I’m Luguentz Lazer, an adventurer.”
“I’m Oliver Gekke. I work as a mercenary.”
“I am Avant from the Bierstedt Company. I have been entrusted as the person in charge of the merchant corps.”
“I’m Felix! You can call me Feli.”
Three of us are the game’s important characters, while the other three are characters that never appeared in the game. It’s a strange combination. Most of the people here look confused by Feli’s existence in this meeting.
The oldest here is Avant, though he’s still in his thirties. Two of us are students and there’s one -year-old kid.
I’m glad none of them seem to be dissatisfied with the tea poured by one of the count’s maids, especially Feli. That guy keeps throwing sugars into his tea without any reserve. Doesn’t he know how expensive sugars are?
“I am thankful for everyone’s willingness to gather here... is what I want to say, but since I’m sure everyone is busy, let’s just skip the pleasantries. No need to mind your manner either.”
I said that, but I think the only person here who’s used to noble manners is Avant. Plus if I use noble manners in front of someone like Feli, I’m sure he will get sick of me and just go home.
“First, Mazell and Luguentz. Please tell us about your experience in the ancient shrine when both of you went there last week.”
While I was running here and there to prepare for the expedition of the merchant corps, I heard that Mazell and Luguentz went to the ancient shrine to train.
Their training itself went without any problem, but Luguentz noticed a strange phenomenon, so they have been investigating it.
“When Mazell and I were on our way to the shrine, I noticed that many unfamiliar demons had appeared.”
Luguentz spoke first and after that Mazell added, “At first, I thought they are the remnants of the recent demon outbreak, but after some investigation, I found that none of the demons matched any demons I have fought in the outbreak.”
“I have heard of a similar phenomenon from my fellow merchants. They said that they have recently witnessed many unfamiliar demons appear in the vicinity of the capital.”
As expected, a merchant’s network is quite wide. Though both Feli and Gekke stayed silent while drinking their tea, their expressions are also serious.
“It seems like the situation has become more troublesome than I expected. Avant-dono, Gekke, Feli. The journey of the merchant corps might be pretty dangerous, are the three of you fine with that?”
Half of my words are lies. The situation is actually close to my expectation. Despite that, I still need to confirm their willingness. Gekke put down his teacup and gave me a simple answer, “Since it’s a job, it’s not a problem. I just need to be more vigilant in protecting the merchant corps.”
By the way, I was surprised when I heard Gekke is willing to be the leader of the merchant corps escort team. It seems because of my action in the recent demon outbreak, Gekke evaluation of me is quite high.
A connection to a noble must be both a blessing and a curse for Gekke. Despite the risk, he still chooses to take up the job of being the leader of the escort team. It’s outside of my expectation, but I’m really grateful.
If I have one complaint... maybe because he’s a former noble, but he’s handsome. I’ve always wondered why the ratio of handsome men near me is so high.
“I also don’t mind, I just need to be more vigilant and the chance of getting attacked is high. Only these two, right?”
Feli said it lightly, but other than me, everyone looked at Feli with doubt.
“It’s not my place to say this, but it’s going to be really troublesome, you know.”
“I will do it.”
After an immediate reply, Feli put a pastry into his mouth. I don’t know what happened since our last meeting for Feli to be this determined, but well I guess it’s fine since it worked in my favor.
Perhaps being convinced by Feli’s determination, both Gekke and Luguentz didn’t say anything. Rather, the person who asked me in a whisper is Mazell.
“...Welner. It’s really fine to trust him, right?”
“Yeah. You can trust his ability.”
“If you said so, I guess it’s fine.”
Why are you trusting him just based on what I said? I’m worried you’re too gullible to the point you might believe in some strange cult in the future, Mazell. Or maybe Mazell just instinctively sensed that Feli is going to be his future comrade?
“I’m thankful that you’ve become determined, Feli. But why?”
Feli stopped eating the pastry, and with a serious expression, he looked into my eyes. I instinctively straighten my back.
“You remember that day when I asked you about the job?”
“Ah, yeah.”
Though I was surprised since it was so sudden.
“That day, a child in the orphanage was suffering from a severe illness. But the orphanage has no money to call for a doctor or to buy medicine. That’s why I wanted a job.”
Ah... I see. That’s why despite being the one that first asked me for a job, Feli seemed disinterested when I explained to him about the expedition. However, his expression immediately changed when I gave him the money.
What Feli needs is a job that can give him money right away, not some long-term job.
“But because of the money you give me, I can bring that child to a doctor and also buy some medicine. That money saved that child’s life.”
He said that while looking directly into my eyes. The will of his gaze doesn’t seem to be something that belongs to a - years old boy. So this is the gaze of a member of the hero party.
“I owe you a debt, Viscount-sama. That’s why I’m willing to do this job. That’s all.”
“I understand your reasoning, but stop calling me Viscount-sama. It’s up to you to think of it as a debt, but do know that I have no actual intention to put you in my debt.”
He just nodded. So do you or do you not understand... Ah well, whatever. I understand where his willingness comes from. Though I never expected my investment to return this way, I guess it’s fine since in the end everything turned out well.
From Feli, who continued chewing the pastry, I turned to Avant. I also saw Mazell nod his head. Though I don’t know if Mazell understood Feli’s reasoning, or if he was just convinced that Feli can be trusted.
“I am also fine with it.”
Avant nodded deeply. Since he was the one who was less accustomed to fighting, I asked him again just in case.
“Are you really fine with it?”
“Yes. You see, price increases in times of danger, so I will be able to make more profit.”
This guy was thinking about profit? Merchants are amazing.
To think they are willing to risk their life fighting monsters for some profits, the people of this world are amazing. While still filled with amazement, I continued our discussion. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
"inserted_lines_trg": 3
} |
「強者の皆様! 週のトーナメント大会を実施しますよ。腕に自信のある方は奮って参加をお待ちしています!」
「客席から少し試合を見物していく? それとも他のエリアに移動する?」
「試合は始まっているぞ? 戦う気がないのなら、邪魔だ!」
「一人ずつ片付けていくのも面倒だ! 残りの連中もまとめて私が相手をしてやる」
「ふん! この時代の戦士や騎士は軟弱者揃いだな」
それと同時に、シェーナの胃が悲鳴を上げる結果となった。 | The training grounds on the south side of the district were open to the adventurers of the guild as well.
At the time they were there, the training grounds were filled with adventurers and elves who lived there, supposedly preparing for some event that would happen shortly.
“All strong people! Our weekly tournament is about to begin. If you feel confident about your own skills, feel free to join!”
An elf was standing on a podium while loudly announcing the opening of the event.
The rules were to face each other off, one on one, inside of a ring and using wooden swords.
The conditions to win were to get the opponent to surrender, or to knock them out of the ring.
The winner would earn fifty gold coins and the second place would get thirty.
“How do you feel about joining, Schenna?”
“I’d rather not. If I get injured it could get in the way of my job later on.”
Then again, if she were to get injured, Grana could always heal her rather quickly with his magic. But Luthors was unable to join, and they wanted to spend that day leisurely in the first place.
“Do you want to watch the event then? Or would you prefer to go to another area?”
“This is a chance to see other peoples’ swordsmanship and skills, we should go take a look and see if we learn something.”
Luthors wanted to watch the event, so they took a seat between the audience and observed the ring.
The seats were quickly filled with people and a young dark elf girl made rounds selling snacks and ale.
Schenna bought two cups of orange juice and gave one to Luthors.
“I thought you would want to order an ale, but I guess I would cause you a lot of trouble if I got drunk. Are you sure you don’t want ale for yourself though?”
“I’m not as good with alcohol as Kishana, orange juice is good enough for me.”
They softly let their glasses hit each other before they began drinking, then the competitors appeared from the waiting room and headed to the ring.
There was a total of twenty participants.
They were all robust adventurers, except for one person who they recognized.
“What is that...goddess thinking?”
Schenna had spotted Petra between the participants.
She was supposed to be in the west side of the district, but for some reason, she was in the tournament now.
Her behavior was clearly suspicious and looked completely out of place as the order of the matches was decided.
“I don’t get why she would be taking part in that, but let’s just use this as an opportunity to see her sword skills.”
“I hope she’ll be fine...”
Any sort of magic was banned from the tournament, so it was purely to test sword and close quarter combat skills.
Magic would provide an increase in strength, but it could produce more dubious results.
As the list with the matches was filled, Petra’s bad luck would have her placed on the first match.
Her opponent was an experienced adventurer who was part of the Goddess’ Sword guild.
Before the match began, the referee gave both of them a wooden sword.
As soon as Petra held the wooden sword in her hand, her appearance and strength seemed to suddenly shift to that of a warrior, making her look like almost a different person.
“That goddess...seems to be the type of person who acts much more strongly as soon as they hold a sword.”
“She does give off a powerful presence now. It looks like there isn’t anyone among the participants who could beat her. I probably would feel wary of going against here even if I was in perfect shape.”
Together with Schenna’s and Luthors’ assessment of Petra, the first match started.
Her opponent had also noticed the sudden change in her appearance and looked lost as to how to proceed, a single wrong step could spell defeat.
“The match has already started if you didn’t notice. If you aren’t feeling like fighting then go away, you’re in the way!”
A single swing of her wooden sword to the torso carried enough strength to blow away her opponent completely out of the ring.
The whole place turned completely silent for a few seconds but soon erupted with countless cheers.
The referee went to check her opponent. He had fainted, but there was no danger to his life.
“Taking care of the rest of them one after another sounds too much of a hassle! Everyone else can try to come at me all at once.”
What had gotten in the goddess’ head?
Schenna almost had a headache from all the questions flooding her mind as she turned to look around the place.
Incited by Petra’s loud and boasting declaration, all the remaining participants formed a circle around her.
“Hmm! All the warriors and knights from this era are nothing but weaklings.”
Petra was more worked up than the tournament required as she defeated all her opponents in an instant.
Schenna took Luthors hand and attempted to pull her away from that place.
“Ah... She defeated everyone.”
Luthors pointed to the ring, there, all the participants had been blown out of the ring or were lying on the ground.
Petra was the only one standing, tilting her head with a bored look on her face.
“I don’t really appreciate her running crazy on a stage like this.”
A familiar voice rang from somewhere inside the audience, signaling the feared situation had materialized.
Reesha had noticed the disturbance and stepped into the ring to face Petra.
“Hoh... Seems there was someone fun to fight after all.”
“You’ll still have to pay for the repairs of this place afterward though.”
With Reesha’s unexpected participation in the tournament, the cheers from the audience increased even more.
And at the same time, Schenna felt like her head was swelling up and about to explode from the whole situation. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
ここまで広くしなくても良かったんじゃない? 貴族だから贅沢しようと思ったのかしら。
初対面でいきなり意地悪な事言うのっておかしいわよね? まず勝手にヒロインと接触していいのかしら。
......あまりにも無垢過ぎるわ。 | Wouldn’t it have been fine even if it wasn’t this huge? What were they thinking?? That they had to build extravagantly because it’s a school that will be attended by aristocrats?
No matter how I look at it, this place is just uselessly big. I’m sure I walked straight in the direction of the one of the school buildings, but somehow I ended up lost in a forest! And why is there even a forest within the school grounds anyway?
, this might just end up being a wild goose chase too. Because, even if I somehow manage to run into the heroine, will I even recognize her? The game was always portrayed from the heroine’s point of view so, honestly, I’m not even sure what she looks like.
! I haven’t even come up with what I’m going to say to her if I do manage to meet her! What sort of salutation would be good in this sort of situation? It definitely should at least have malicious undertones....
Wait, is it weird to show such hostility right from our first meeting? I ended up coming to see the heroine on impulse, but I didn’t really have a good reason... Maybe this was a bad idea after all?
“Are you lost?”
Yes, that’s right, I’m lost.....
I turn to look in the direction of the person who called out to me.
“Are you okay?” the girl continues in her sweet, soprano voice as she comes over to me.
.....Goodness, that’s an impressive heroine aura she’s got going on.
She’s got lovely, huge, emerald green eyes and luscious black hair just like mine....
To think that we’d have the same hair color. What were these game creators thinking!? Giving the heroine and the villainess the same color hair!
.....Though, I still haven’t confirmed that she is actually the heroine yet.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
Treating me like a kid..... Though I guess that’s to be expected, I am only years old after all. But
only ! She’s still a child herself.
“Before asking someone’s name, shouldn’t you give your own first?” I quip making the girl’s eyes go wide. She had called out to me out of concern, so she probably wasn’t expecting that sort of cheeky remark from me.
“Ah, of course. Sorry. My name is Liz. Liz Cather. Nice to meet you.”
...Nice. Against this sort of girl, my wickedness will stand out even more.
“I’m Alicia Williams. I don’t believe I’ve heard of the Cather family before...?”
“Ah, that’s because I’m not a noble.”
And that confirms it. Without a doubt, Liz Cather is the heroine!
We’ve finally met. Do you realize how much I’ve been waiting for this day?
“So, where are you trying to go, Alicia-chan?”
How overly familiar. I would appreciate it if you would consider your social status before you speak.
....Is what I’d like to say, but unfortunately I didn’t become a member of the nobility through my own strength.
So I definitely can’t say something like that to Liz who was able to enroll in the magic academy as a scholarship student through only her own abilities
Where do I want to go? I’ve already achieved my goal for today.... Since I was able to meet Liz and all. I guess the only thing left to do is be caught as an intruder.... Which I suppose would probably be easiest from within the school building.
I hope the security guard didn’t contact Albert-Oniisama to let him know that his little sister has arrived. That would definitely ruin my evil infiltration plan.
“I’d like to go to the school building.”
“Oh, then come this way!” Liz-san says while smiling like an angel.
Most people would be charmed by that smile I’m sure, but not me. That sort of look isn’t my cup of tea.
.....It’s just way too pure and innocent. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 13,
"inserted_lines_trg": 6
} |
はあ、ここでは争いたくないのですけどね......。 | “So this is the former capital of Egypt...”
“Yeah. The city is still as prominent in today’s world as it ever was.”
I was following the peddlers across the desert to the capital city of Egypt, Cairo.
The journey to this site was, of course, arduous, but after being assaulted by robots at Lake Turkana, I was fortunate enough to be in the company of several traders and successfully reached this destination by means of changing caravans again and again.
“Now, the first step for me is to secure a place to stay. Many thanks for all the help you’ve given me here.”
“Oh, same to you.”
I offered my gratitude to the peddling man.
Well, the sun was already beginning to set. It would be nighttime if I went into the city from now on.
Therefore, I should stay at the inn for today, and contact Kurokiri in the morning to either search for Lady Ryo or wait for her.
Speaking of which, I wonder what is the time difference between our locations? Since the Demon King and the kin can manage without sleeping, I inevitably feel that the sense of my life as a person is getting less perceptible.
While pondering such a thing, I had safely found a place to stay and rested for the day.
On the following morning.
I contacted Kurokiri while observing a pyramid-shaped dungeon in the distance on the rooftop of the inn.
Even though I had traversed the African continent, there were various dungeons along the way to this stage of my journey. Beginning with the “Island of the World’s Discrepancy,” a dungeon of the “Distinguishable Warrior Who Isolates the Species,” there were savannas where numerous wild animals roamed, and deserts breathing was gruelling. Ah, there was even a dungeon in which dinosaurs can be found living normally. But what struck me the most were those robots.
That reminds me, it’s been a little over years since that day, although I parted ways with Lady Ryo even earlier than that. Looking back, I can feel that a tremendous length of time has passed.
I took a gander at my body.
Since that day a decade ago... no, my body had scarcely changed since I became Kurokiri’s kin. If I had to say, the only thing that had changed was my left hand, which now had a metal gauntlet attached to it when I was transformed into a half-Demon King by the hand of the God of Calamity ten years ago.
Even so, I wonder what has become of Lady Ryo. After a decade has passed, even a kin is bound to undergo changes, so I hope she didn’t receive any trauma that would leave a scar on her journey from that country to this place.
Izumi and Mugi were on my mind too. While Mugi probably hadn’t changed much, Izumi was less than years old when we separated, so it will be interesting to witness her growth.
Very soon. Yes, we will meet very soon.
And the communication was connected.
Though it was still mixed with noise as usual.
“Kurokiri. I’ve arrived in Cairo.”
[Oh, that was quick. I thought crossing the desert would be more challenging.]
“Well, I am only by myself after all.”
I replied with a laugh.
But I sensed a peculiar vibe in Kurokiri’s voice. Was he wounded in some way?
However, my priority right now was to join up with Lady Ryo.
“Where’s Lady Ryo?”
[She contacted me a few days ago, so I guess she’s somewhere around Jerusalem now. Wait a minute, let me get in touch with her now...]
With that said, Kurokiri kept the communication window open with me and attempted to initiate communication with Lady Ryo as well. The communication between the Demon King and the kin was still very dexterous as usual.
Kurokiri sounded alarmed by something and I tried to get him to elaborate on what happened.
In response, Kurokiri said...
[Ichiko! Maybe that ‘guy’ is near Ryo right now!]
As I contemplated in astonishment, there was only one such entity... that Kurokiri would refer to as that ‘guy’. If that is the case...
[Can you head over there at once!?]
“I understand. I’m coming to them right now!”
I had no alternative but to head there as swiftly as I can.
After disconnecting the communication, I pulled up my luggage from the inn and began to hastily head in the direction of Jerusalem.
Like in my habitual practice, I neither blend in with the caravan merchants nor do I walk so as to minimize exhaustion.
I exercised my skill to its utmost and proceeded to my destination in a straight line at a speed that would not be visible to the eyes of an ordinary human being.
“Is that the Holy Land...” Houki muttered involuntarily.
We were heading west to find the safest route possible and stealthily pass through the “Magic Holy Land”.
As for why we did not stop by the “Magic Holy Land,” the reason was this:
“But there are various groups surrounding the city, so we can’t go in there.”
As Une had stated, a number of groups were stationed around the Holy Land, with the aim of recapturing it.
Furthermore, these organizations were stationed here. The worst thing about these groups was that even if the other party was the sharing the same race as a human, they will attack with impunity if the religious affiliation was different, whereas if the religious affiliation was the same, they will force the other party to cooperate with them.
On top of that, even though they pursued the same goal, they were fighting amongst themselves for their own success, and thanks to this, the area surrounding the “Magic Holy Land” was reputed to be the most perilous in the world.
“Although the Priest welcomes them, this isー”
Besides, as Shigan mentioned, the Demon King, “Priest of Absolute Peace” who presided over the “Magic Holy Land” had converted the city into a dungeon, yet neither attacked humans nor created kin, but simply prayed all day long while administering the Holy Land.
To tell the truth, regarding the Priest and the people who surround the “Magic Holy Land”... If you ask me which side I would rather ally myself with... well.
Incidentally, the reason why it was regarded as the safest place in the world was that the city had been converted into a dungeon, which meant that there was no fear of the buildings being destroyed, and in the dungeon, the unique skill of the Priest allowed him to execute divine punishment according to the severity of the crime committed against anyone in the city except for the Priest himself.
Moreover, this skill was fairly superior since it took into account extenuating circumstances and other factors.
“Someone is coming.”
Izumi and Houki sensed the presence of people approaching us.
“What’s their number?”
“Hah, that’s a lot.”
However, depending on their proficiency, it may be possible to deal with them even if something were to happen to us.
Now, as for the identity of the opponents, we were outside of the city. If so...
“Well, let me ask you. Are you our neighbours?”
...naturally, they must be one of those who encircle the city.
Hah, I don’t want to contend with them here... | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 2,
"inserted_lines_src": 2,
"inserted_lines_trg": 4
} |
その俺が、気絶と言っていいほど深く眠ってしまったのは、いつ以来だろう? いや、気絶なら何度も経験しているのだが。
「ニコル様、どうかしたんですか? さっきの音は――」
「あら、ミシェルちゃんじゃない? 今日は少し早いわね」
「コルティナ様、大変なの! ニコルちゃんはいる? クラウドくんが大変なの!」
「フィニア? でも......」
「ニコルちゃん、大変! クラウドくんが冒険者の人と模擬戦をやるんだって、しかも相手位のすごい人と――」
あ、そういえばケイルとそんな約束をしていたかもしれない。 | I had Maxwell secretly return me to my room using Flight. Teleport would have been better, but he hadn’t been to my room before. He sneaked in there this time, so Teleport should be usable from now on.
After pulling Kabby, who had been impersonating me, out of the bed and sliding there myself, my eyelids quickly started to close. It seemed that I was even more tired than I thought.
Kabby peeked worriedly at my face after seeing me so tired, but I had no energy to pay it any mind. As I was about to sink into the sea of dreams, Kabby suddenly jumped on my chest.
“Kabby, it’s too hot.”
A fluffy Carbuncle in this early summer was far too hot. I used it as a heater during the winter, but it was too much now.
Also, its fallen hair angered Finia who dealt with the laundry. She didn’t openly show her anger, but seeing all the hair made her frown and ruin her mood, so it was quite obvious that she was angry.
Though I wanted her to close her eyes in exchange for this fluffiness and warmth.
At any rate, with no way to get Kabby off my chest, I proceeded to fall asleep as is. My fatigue was the after-effect of yesterday’s fight. Even now, my condition was close to being anemic.
As I closed my eyes, I heard a knock on the door.
“Good morning, Lady Nicole. Are you awake?”
“Mhm, I am. Morning, Finia.”
I felt like the night disappeared on me. I slept so deeply it was practically fainting.
Looking at the clock on the wall, I noticed it was already morning. That made me feel like six hours had passed in an instant. I really slept that deeply.
Being an assassin and gaining fame as an Adventurer, I was never a deep sleeper. In some cases, even the creaking on the floor could wake me up.
How long has it been that I slept like a log as if I fainted, I wonder? No, I mean, I have fainted more than once, but that’s beside the point.
I rose up and crawled out of bed... Only to collapse on the floor. It felt like my legs gave up on me, making me unable to even walk properly.
Hearing the sound, Finia knocked on the door in a fluster.
“Lady Nicole, what happened? What was that sound...”
“Ah, sorry, Finia. I feel a little bad now.”
“Excuse me, I’m opening the door!”
Hearing about my condition, Finia immediately rushed inside the room without waiting for the reply. Well, that conduct was not admirable for a servant, but she did it out of worry for me so I couldn’t blame her.
After she entered, she saw me halfway crawled out from the bed and collapsed on the floor, making her pin her mouth in surprise.
“Ah, sorry, I can’t put strength in my body. Can you return me to my bed?”
“A-Are you alright!?”
Despite her surprise, she did as told and raised me up and put me on the bed. She held me in the so-called princess carry as she did, but I decided to pretend it didn’t happen.
Due to her daily duties, Finia had more strength than her appearance suggested. She even trained in the sword on top of everything, so she was stronger than an average Elf.
And yet, her fingers were still slim and beautiful. She put her hand on my forehead to measure the temperature. Her cold hand felt very satisfying.
“It doesn’t appear that you have a fever. In fact, it seems lower than normal?”
“I...would like to ask why you know my normal temperature.”
“Oh, that is a trade secret.”
Oh well, we were taking baths together, so she probably learned of it there. Why she learned it is another matter, however.
After fixing my pajamas, she also fixed the blanket.
“Pant...Pant... Ah, i-ignore that please.”
My dear Finia, I wonder why you’re panting at my disheveled clothes...
“It doesn’t seem like you will be able to go to the academy in this state. I will let Lady Cortina know so you can stay and rest.”
“And I have been so well lately...”
“It has not been that long ever since your magic disease has been cured. Do you feel anemic?”
“I suppose I am.”
“I think you should start treasuring your body more, Lady Nicole.”
“What are you trying to say.”
“I mean...”
She avoided my gaze without giving a proper answer. Still, rather than ‘feel anemic’, I had actually bled a lot last night and was anemic. Finia’s diagnosis was on point.
Normally, I would have gotten Maria to use Regeneration for me, but as I couldn’t explain the situation to her, it was better to just rest today. Maxwell could also use that spell, so I planned to make him use it later.
Just as I was considering that, I heard noises from the entrance.
“Oh, is that you, Michelle? You seem early today.”
“Lady Cortina, this is serious! Is Nicole here? It’s about Cloud!”
“What, Cloud!?”
I heard the flustered voices of Michelle and Cortina. That made me imagine the time Cloud had been attacked by Mateus. Feeling cold shivers traveling down my spice, I forced my trembling legs off the bed.
“Please stay here, Lady Nicole. I will go talk to them!”
“You? But...”
“Please don’t worry. I will not abandon him this time.”
Finia was still regretting the fact that she prioritized me and abandoned Cloud back then. Seeing this same development made the sense of responsibility in her burn fiercer. However, if the situation was indeed similar, she would end up facing someone as strong as Mateus.
She was still not skilled enough for that. While we were talking, Michelle rushed to my room herself.
“Nicole, this is serious! Cloud is doing a sham battle against an Adventurer. And it’s some amazing fifth-ranked Adventurer at that!”
Oh, that reminds me, we did have that arrangement with Kayle. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 16,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
パレスチナの選挙においてハマスが勝ち イスラエルによる様々な対抗処置が 引き起こされる前でもありました
正直なところ 楽観的な話をして欲しいと言われる前に それを知っていたとしても 楽観的な話をしていたその間でさえも 災いは起きていたことでしょう もしかしたら 「何か他のことを話していいですか」 と聞いたかもしれません
しかし そうしませんでした ですから今日ここで 私にできる話をします しかし そうしませんでした ですから今日ここで 私にできる話をします
私は皆様に警告しなければなりません 私の世界観が明るいというのは 常に微妙なものです もしかしたら とらえどころがない とも言えます
私の話が皆さんを楽観的にし その気にさせるようなものであることは 悲観的な自分の裏返しとして 楽観的に振舞おうとしているのです この 「憂鬱な激励」 という言葉が 矛盾していなければ ではありますけど うまくいったとして、それが今日皆さんに ご提供できる最大限の希望です うまくいったとして、それが今日皆さんに ご提供できる最大限の希望です
うまくいったとして、それが今日皆さんに ご提供できる最大限の希望です
ある意味で 歴史は方向性を持っているという主張は さほど議論を招くようなものではありません
例えば社会構造は 1万年強の間にどんどん高いレベルに達し 複雑な形態になったことは明らかです 1万年強の間にどんどん高いレベルに達し 複雑な形態になったことは明らかです
実際 生物学的進化の作用により人類登場以前から 社会構造の進化の傾向が持続しているのです 実際 生物学的進化の作用により人類登場以前から 社会構造の進化の傾向が持続しているのです
なぜなら まず最初に起きたのは これらの組織が一つの細胞に閉じ込められ いくつかの細胞が社会を形成し
ついにあまりに近く寄り添ったために 多細胞生物になり より複雑な多細胞生物となり 社会を作り出したのです
しかしある時点で この多細胞生物の一つに 驚くべきことが起こるのです まったく新しいタイプの第二の進化を起こすのです 文化的な進化です
さらに驚くべきことには 進化は軌道に乗り 生物学的進化が 更なる複雑性へと 成し遂げていったのです
文化的な進化というのは 概念の進化という意味です
多くの方が「ミーム」という用語に聞き覚えあるでしょう テクノロジーの進化です 私が たいへん注目しているものです たとえば- 最初は小さな手斧だったものが
世代が移り そうある人が言ったんです 「この石を棒の先につけてみないか」って
これは感心することではありませんが テクノロジーの進化は進み 更に 一、二万年経って今あるような兵器が開発されました
感銘を受けますね そしてテクノロジー進化のスピードは加速し ここから たった四半世紀で ここまで到達します
それと これです
すいません これは安っぽい冗談でした でも 冒頭にお話しした大災禍の発生に 話を何とか戻してみたかったんです きっとうまくいくと思ったんです
(拍手) 大災禍を起こらしめる原因は 大災禍を起こらしめる原因は 世界規模の社会組織の崩壊なのです
まず最初に 思い出してください 今ある社会形態に至るまでどれだけの時間がかかったか 真に地球規模の社会組織を形成するまであと少し というところまで来ているのです
もともと 私たちは最も複雑な組織をもっていました 狩猟採集をベースとした村落です
ストーンヘンジは首長社会の遺物 - それは農業の発明により発生した 複数の村落からなる 中央集権型の政治形態です
文字の発明に伴い 都市が生まれはじめます 少々ぼやけていますが なんとなく私はそれが好きです なぜなら これはまるで単細胞生物のように見え 有機的組織が幾多の段階を得て 此処に及ぶに至ったのかを思い出させるからです そして ついにはご存知の通り 帝国が発生したのです
強調したいのは 社会的組織は 政治的な境界を超越できるのです
これは 中国帝国とローマ帝国を結んだシルクロードです
政治的類似性が無かったのにもかかわらず複合社会が 大陸を横断する形で存在していたのです 今日では国家というものが存在します
肝心なのは 国境を越えた協調や組織が 明らかに存在しているということです
この写真は 実は ただ夜に撮った地球の写真です 綺麗だと思ったのでお見せしました 統合されたシステムである感じも見て取れると思います
この複雑性が増すことについて 私は「ノン・ゼロ・サム」 というものに言及して説明をしたことがあります
事前に読んでいない方もいらっしゃると思うので ごく簡単に - ゼロ・サム・ゲームとは要は 勝者に対して必ず敗者がいるというような 負の相関関係があるゲームのことです
一方ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームでは 相関関係がポジティブになりえます
たとえば テニス 通常これは 勝者-敗者の関係で つまるところ必ずゼロ・ゼロ・サムになります しかし ダブルスでは 貴方と同じネット側にいる人は 貴方と運命を共にしています 良い結果であっても悪い結果であっても二人にとっては ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームなのです いいですね?
ノン・ゼロ・サムの形態は 経済分野など 日常生活において多くみられ しばしば協力につながります
私が論じているのは つまり ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームは 私たちの生活の一部であるということです
それは狩猟採取社会でも見られましたが しかし それは技術的な進化に伴って 新しい形の技術が生まれ ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームの利点をうまく利用したり もしくは関与を促しています それも 更に多くの人々を よりに大きな領域に渡って
社会構造はこれを受け入れ 潜在的な生産性を 活かすように順応し 都市となるのです そして 無意識のうちに あらゆるノン・ゼロ・サムゲームが 世界中で繰り広げられているのです
たとえば 皆様が 車を買おうと思った時に どれだけの人々が または 幾つの大陸が その車の製造に関与したかを考えたことがありますか これらの人々は結果的には 皆様方と ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームをしているのです
当然 そのような事が周囲に沢山あるのです さて
これは本質的には明るい世界像だとある意味では言えます なぜなら ノン・ゼロを考える際には 両者両得を考えるからです それは良いことです ただ あるいくつかの理由から 実際のところ それほど本質的に楽観的ではないのです
まず第一に 恣意的に都合よく利用されてしまいますし 不平等な搾取戦争の存在を否定しません
しかし 本質的楽観的ではないという もっと根本的な理由があるのです なぜなら ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームの結果 運命が良きにも悪しきにもどちらにも 成りえることは確かなのです
ですので ある意味 出てくる疑問というのは 私の歴史観が 何をもって一体 楽観的なのか ということです 答えは まず最初に いわばですが 結局のところ 人々は両損となるよりも両者両得となるように 振舞ってきたということです 結果的に 歴史は ノン・ゼロ・サム・ゲームの分野に おいては最終的にはプラスであると思うのです
そして この証拠ですが 最も私を驚かせ 最も感動させ 最も気持ちを明るいものに させるものであり それは 歴史には倫理的側面があるということです 倫理的な矢があるのです 私たちは時がたつにつれて モラルが向上していくのを見てきました
2千5百年前 あるギリシャ都市国家の一つは 他のギリシャ都市国家のメンバーを人間以下と考え そして そのように扱いました そして このモラル革命がやってきて 彼らは確信に至ります いや 実際のところ ギリシャ人は人間である
完全に人間ではないのは ペルシャ人だけだ 良い扱いを受けるにはふさわしくない と考えたのです
しかし これは進歩なのです 認めてあげましょう 今日までに 更に多くの進歩があったと思います ここに居る皆様の多くはそう思っていると 願うところですが いずこの人も 種や宗教の違いに関わらず まともな扱いを受けるに値する人間であると 考えるようになったということです 何かひどいことでもしない限りですが
古代史を読むことによって革命によって何が 進歩してきたか理解できるのです これは幾千年前までは一般的な観点では ありませんでしたけれども (人間観の)進歩は ノン・ゼロ・サム・ダイナミックのためであると考えます (人間観の)進歩は ノン・ゼロ・サム・ダイナミックのためであると考えます
私が思うに それが今日あるような国籍 民族性 宗教の違いに対する寛容性の理由なのです 私が思うに それが今日あるような国籍 民族性 宗教の違いに対する寛容性の理由なのです なぜ私が日本を爆破することに賛成しない理由と聞かれ なぜ私が日本を爆破することに賛成しない理由と聞かれ 私の車が日本製だからと答えてもそれは半分冗談なのです
彼らとはこのノン・ゼロ・サム関係があり 他人の富が自分にプラスの相関性があると 認識する範囲において ある種の寛容性が導かれるのです 皆さんは どちらかというと 切り離したいかもしれません
私が思うに それはある種のビジネス・クラスの 倫理観だと思います
残念ながら 私は大西洋横断フライトの ビジネスクラスだとか そのてのビジネスクラスに頻繁に乗っているわけでは ありませんが ビジネス・クラスに乗っている人たちが ビジネス・クラスに乗っている人たちが 人種や民族グループに対する偏狭を意味するような 話をしてはいないでしょう なぜなら 大西洋横断ビジネスクラスを飛ぶような人々は それらの人々と仕事をし それらの人々からお金を稼いでからです 私は本当に思うのですが 少なくともその意味では
資本主義は建設的な力であったし もっと根本的には 人々の道徳意識の範疇を発展させる建設的な力として ノン・ゼロ・サムそのものであったのです 思うに ノン・ゼロ・サムのダイナミクスは 経済的な ことだけでは決してなく また商取引上のことだけでもなく 倫理的な真実のほど近くまで私たちを導き 万民の根本的な平等にまで推し進めるのです そう 成し遂げたのです
それが世界規模の社会的組織にまでなるにつれ 私たちを道徳的な真実まで推し進めてきたのです 素晴らしいことだと思います
さて 大災禍が引き起こされることについて話を戻しましょう
皆さんは疑問に思うでしょう こういうことです 歴史における倫理的な進化 聞こえがいいですね でも いわゆる「文明の衝突」というのはどうなのか まず 第一に 強調したいのは それは ノン・ゼロ・サムの枠組みに当てはまるのです いわゆるムスリム社会と西側諸国の間の 関係性について見てみますと これは私が嫌いな二つの言葉ですが 避けることができません この限られた時間のトークでは 他のどんな言葉よりも効率的です
それらは ノン・ゼロ・サムなのです 私が述べたいのはつまり ムスリム世界の人々が より憎悪を感じ より憤慨し 自分たちの居る世界が幸せでなくなることは 西側諸国とっても悪いことなのです 彼らがより幸せな方が 西側諸国にも良いことなのです
ですから それはノン・ゼロ・サムのダイナミクスなのです
そして ノン・ゼロ・サムのパワーは時がたつにつれ より強くなっていくと言えるでしょう なぜならば 技術の傾向のためです ただし 負の方向で強くなっているのです
一つの理由は 「致死的な憎悪の成長」 と 私が呼ぶものによります
ますます 草の根の憎悪がアメリカの国土における 組織的暴力の形で現れるでしょう それは かなり新しい動向であり 私が思うに 更に状況は悪化するでしょう 暴力が引き起こしえる被害の程度がひどくなるのです
私が思うに 更に状況は悪化するでしょう 暴力が引き起こしえる被害の程度がひどくなるのです なぜならば現代的な技術である情報工学 武器への転用が可能な生命工学とか ナノテクノロジーといった技術があるからです 武器への転用が可能な生命工学とか ナノテクノロジーといった技術があるからです
技術の転用についてもっとお聞きのことが あるかもしれません
そして私が特に心配しているのは このダイナミクスが我々を危険の淵に立たせるような 負のスパイラルに陥れることなのです
このダイナミクスが我々を危険の淵に立たせるような 負のスパイラルに陥れることなのです 私が恐れるのは テロ行為が起き 私たちが大袈裟に反応し
賢明でない報復行為によって 憎悪が更に世界的に拡散し より多くのテロ行為が 引き起こされることです
我々は人間であるが故に 報復の本性があるために 過度に反応し 事態はどんどん悪化していくのです
負の感情に対する正のフィードバックと呼べるでしょう しかし これはちょっと不気味です 技術的にはそういう意味であったとしても ”正の”という言葉を使うべきではありません
ですので 「負の死のスパイラル」と呼びましょう
私は断言できます 最後には 西側諸国もムスリム社会も苦しむことになります では どうすればいのでしょうか
まず最初に 軍縮についてもっと出来ることがあります 危険な技術についての世界規制です
今ここで 世界レベルの統治について 私が一席ぶつことも可能です それは本質的ではあるのですが どのみち 十分には喋られませんから
世界規模の大きな道徳の進化について お話をしようと思うのです
グループ間の憎悪と偏見が だんだん減り 人種グループや宗教グループといった偏見が 減らなければなりません
そう述べる事が 馬鹿馬鹿しいと認めざるをえません あまりに楽観主義的に聞こえます
ロドニー・キング氏のように 「なぜ一緒にやっていけないの」 と言っているかに感じられます
でもこの状況を見る限り他に選択肢が 見当たらないのです
非常に危険な状況が訪れているので 世界の憎悪の量を減少させなくてはなりません 非常に危険な状況が訪れているので 世界の憎悪の量が減少させなくてはなりません
自分を擁護しますが ナイーブに聞こえるかもしれませんが これは究極的には皮肉に基づいているのです それはつまり ありがとうございます 覚えておいてください つまり 私の倫理についての観点は 結局のところ自己利益に尽きるのです
皆さんの幸福が 私に幸福をもたらすのならば 皆さんの幸福を願おうって そう決意できるのです それが この倫理的進化の発展に寄与しているのです もう一度言いますが 私たちの運命には相関関係があり 人々がそれに対して知的に対応するならば 寛容性など そう私たちが必要としている規範の 発達を見ることになるでしょう 寛容性など そう私たちが必要としている規範の 発達を見ることになるでしょう
私たちは このビジネス・クラスの倫理観の 更なる進化を見ることになるでしょう
二つのこと つまり人々の注目を得て 正の相関を機能させること そして自分の利益のために行動することによって - それこそが更なる倫理の進化なのですが - 本当に建設的な効果をもたらすことができるのです
だからこそ「致死的な憎悪の成長」と 「負の死のスパイラル」を 一緒にして一般的なお題目にしていながらも 笑顔でいられるんです
最善を尽くしているのですよ でしょ?
私は 自分のことをミスター楽観主義者 だなんて言ってませんよ
さて 倫理革命を引き起こすのは難しいに 違いありません ですよね?
というより 皆さんはどうしますか
思うに その解は 多くの様々な人々が 多くの様々なことをせねばならない と思うのです
皆 自分たちが今いるところから始めるのです アメリカ人であり 子供がおり 彼らの安全を あと10、20、30年先まで心配する者として 自分として気になっていること だから個人的に始めようと思っていることは どうして これほど多くの世界中の人々が 我たちのことを憎悪するのか 理解することです
それを好ましいと思うのは 本質的には 倫理的に回復するための行為だから でもあります
なぜならば 全く異なる異文化の誰かが 何故ゆえ何をするのかを理解することは 奇妙な文化の中で奇妙なことをする異国人だと そんな見方をするあなたのような人が 奇妙な文化の中で奇妙なことをする異国人だと そんな見方をするあなたのような人が 何故彼らがそうするのかを本当に理解することが 倫理的な回復を達成したことになるのです なぜなら 彼らの経験をあなたの経験に 結びつけたことになるからです
「ああ わかった 彼らの憤慨は同じようなことが私に 対して起きた時に 私が憤慨するのと似ていて 多少なりとも同じような理由なのだ」なのだと それこそが真実の理解です
それを皆さんができるようになったら 皆さんの倫理基準が発展したといえるのです
これは 人々が皆さんを嫌っていたら 特に困難なことなんです なぜならば 実際には なぜ嫌われているのか 完全に理解したくはないからです
理由は聞きたいのですが それを 受け入れたくないのです
そんなばかな ってね? 皆さんは言いたくないのです 「そんな状況下では私達の国を嫌いになる あなた方の気持ちも分るよ」なんてね 気持ち良いことではありません しかし それは私たちが慣れねばならず 努めねばならないことです さて 皆様にこのことをしっかりと理解して いただきたいのですが 草の根 つまりなぜ彼らが我々を憎むのかという
物事の根本原因を理解すること自体を<br />受け入れ難い人々もいるのです 私はそういうことを理解したいのです
何故 私たちを嫌いなのかを理解すれば 彼らの嫌悪が収まるからです 彼らの人間性を正しく認め 彼らを良く 理解するという倫理的な行動が 長い目で見れば 貴方の人間性を彼らに 正しく認めさせる努力の一部となるなのです
それが 最初の第一歩だと思うのです それこそが長期的な目標なのです
これについて心配する人々がいます 事実 私自身が どうやら 数夜前に 全国テレビで非難されました
私が書いた論説のためにです それは申し上げたような考えに沿っていたのですが その主張とは 私が「テロリストに対する愛情」を 持っているとするものでした
朗報なのは それを言った人が アン・コールターであるということです
(拍手) まぁ もしも敵が必要だと言うならば アン・コールターにすべきですよね
ですが 馬鹿げた心配でもないのです なぜなら 行動を理解することは ある種の共感をもたらしえるからです そして厳しい態度をとるのが 少し難しくなることもあるからです
しかし どちらかというと 私たちは状況を 明瞭に理解できるというよりは理解できないという 過ちを犯しがちであるが故に テロリスト殺害のための 出兵はできないということになるのです
なので 私はあまり心配しておりません ですので なので 私はあまり心配しておりません ですので つまり 私たちは多くの憎悪の最前線で問題に 取り組まねばなりませんが もしも成功すれば もしも成功すれば 今一度 ノン・ゼロ・サムとノン・ゼロ・サムの ダイナミクスを認識することが 我々を余儀なくより高い倫理レベルに 向かわせるでしょう
ある種の高い倫理レベルを保つこと 文字通り世界を救う何かです
聖書の中で救世という言葉を見てみますと キリスト教徒による一般的な使われ方は 魂を救い 天国へ導くという意味でですが しかしそれは 実際のところ新しい解釈です
本来の救世という言葉の聖書における意味は 社会システムを救うということでした
「ヤハウェは我らの救世主」 というのは 「イスラエルの国を救いたまわれた」 という意味なのです その当時 大変レベルの高い社会組織だったのです
現在 社会組織は世界規模に達しており 皆様にお伝えできる良いお知らせがあるとすれば 私が思うに 世界の救世に必要とされているのは それはただ単に 知的な自己利益の追求を 規律を持って注意深く行うことです
それは難しいものとなるでしょう でも 挑戦してみましょうと申し上げたいのです なぜなら 今や 取り返しがつかないところまで 来てしまっているからです
ありがとうございました | It was before the avian flu had reached Europe.
It was before Hamas had won the Palestinian election, eliciting various counter-measures by Israel.
And to be honest, if I had known when I was asked to give this upbeat talk that even as I was giving the upbeat talk, the apocalypse would be unfolding -- -- I might have said, "Is it okay if I talk about something else?"
But I didn't, OK. So we're here. I'll do what I can. I'll do what I can.
I've got to warn you: the sense in which my worldview is upbeat has always been kind of subtle, sometimes even elusive.
The sense in which I can be uplifting and inspiring -- I mean, there's always been a kind of a certain grim dimension to the way I try to uplift, so if grim inspiration -- -- if grim inspiration is not a contradiction in terms, that is, I'm afraid, the most you can hope for. OK, today -- that's if I succeed.
I'll see what I can do. OK?
Now, in one sense, the claim that history has a direction is not that controversial.
If you're just talking about social structure, OK, clearly that's gotten more complex a little over the last 10,000 years -- has reached higher and higher levels.
And in fact, that's actually sustaining a long-standing trend that predates human beings, OK, that biological evolution was doing for us.
Because what happened in the beginning, this stuff encases itself in a cell, then cells start hanging out together in societies.
Eventually they get so close, they form multicellular organisms, then you get complex multicellular organisms; they form societies.
But then at some point, one of these multicellular organisms does something completely amazing with this stuff, which is it launches a whole second kind of evolution: cultural evolution.
And amazingly, that evolution sustains the trajectory that biological evolution had established toward greater complexity.
By cultural evolution we mean the evolution of ideas.
A lot of you have heard the term "memes." The evolution of technology, I pay a lot of attention to, so, you know, one of the first things you got was a little hand axe.
Generations go by, somebody says, hey, why don't we put it on a stick?
Just absolutely delights the little ones.
Next best thing to a video game.
This may not seem to impress, but technological evolution is progressive, so another 10, 20,000 years, and armaments technology takes you here.
Impressive. And the rate of technological evolution speeds up, so a mere quarter of a century after this, you get this, OK.
And this.
I'm sorry -- it was a cheap laugh, but I wanted to find a way to transition back to this idea of the unfolding apocalypse, and I thought that might do it.
So, what threatens to happen with this unfolding apocalypse is the collapse of global social organization.
Now, first let me remind you how much work it took to get us where we are, to be on the brink of true global social organization.
Originally, you had the most complex societies, the hunter-gatherer village.
Stonehenge is the remnant of a chiefdom, which is what you get with the invention of agriculture: multi-village polity with centralized rule.
With the invention of writing, you start getting cities. This is blurry. I kind of like that because it makes it look like a one-celled organism and reminds you how many levels organic organization has already moved through to get to this point. And then you get to, you know, you get empires.
I want to stress, you know, social organization can transcend political bounds.
This is the Silk Road connecting the Chinese Empire and the Roman Empire.
So you had social complexity spanning the whole continent, even if no polity did similarly. Today, you've got nation states.
Point is: there's obviously collaboration and organization going on beyond national bounds.
This is actually just a picture of the earth at night, and I'm just putting it up because I think it's pretty.
Does kind of convey the sense that this is an integrated system.
Now, I explained this growth of complexity by reference to something called "non-zero sumness."
Assuming that a few of you did not do the assigned reading, very quickly, the key idea is the distinction between zero-sum games, in which correlations are inverse: always a winner and a loser.
Non-zero-sum games in which correlations can be positive, OK.
So like in tennis, usually it's win-lose; it always adds up to zero-zero-sum. But if you're playing doubles, the person on your side of the net, they're in the same boat as you, so you're playing a non-zero-sum game with them. It's either for the better or for the worse, OK.
A lot of forms of non-zero-sum behavior in the realm of economics and so on in everyday life often leads to cooperation.
The argument I make is basically that, well, non-zero-sum games have always been part of life.
You have them in hunter-gatherer societies, but then through technological evolution, new forms of technology arise that facilitate or encourage the playing of non-zero-sum games, involving more people over larger territory.
Social structure adapts to accommodate this possibility and to harness this productive potential, so you get cities, you know, and you get all the non-zero-sum games you don't think about that are being played across the world.
Like, have you ever thought when you buy a car, how many people on how many different continents contributed to the manufacture of that car? Those are people in effect you're playing a non-zero-sum game with.
I mean, there are certainly plenty of them around.
Now, this sounds like an intrinsically upbeat worldview in a way, because when you think of non-zero, you think win-win, you know, that's good. Well, there are a few reasons that actually it's not intrinsically upbeat.
First of all, it can accommodate; it doesn't deny the existence of inequality exploitation war.
But there's a more fundamental reason that it's not intrinsically upbeat, because a non-zero-sum game, all it tells you for sure is that the fortunes will be correlated for better or worse.
It doesn't necessarily predict a win-win outcome.
So, in a way, the question is: on what grounds am I upbeat at all about history? And the answer is, first of all, on balance I would say people have played their games to more win-win outcomes than lose-lose outcomes. On balance, I think history is a net positive in the non-zero-sum game department.
And a testament to this is the thing that most amazes me, most impresses me, and most uplifts me, which is that there is a moral dimension to history; there is a moral arrow. We have seen moral progress over time.
2,500 years ago, members of one Greek city-state considered members of another Greek city-state subhuman and treated them that way. And then this moral revolution arrived, and they decided that actually, no, Greeks are human beings.
It's just the Persians who aren't fully human and don't deserve to be treated very nicely.
But this was progress -- you know, give them credit. And now today, we've seen more progress. I think -- I hope -- most people here would say that all people everywhere are human beings, deserve to be treated decently, unless they do something horrendous, regardless of race or religion.
And you have to read your ancient history to realize what a revolution that has been, OK. This was not a prevalent view, few thousand years ago, and I attribute it to this non-zero-sum dynamic.
I think that's the reason there is as much tolerance toward nationalities, ethnicities, religions as there is today. If you asked me, you know, why am I not in favor of bombing Japan, well, I'm only half-joking when I say they built my car.
We have this non-zero-sum relationship, and I think that does lead to a kind of a tolerance to the extent that you realize that someone else's welfare is positively correlated with yours -- you're more likely to cut them a break.
I kind of think this is a kind of a business-class morality.
Unfortunately, I don't fly trans-Atlantic business class often enough to know, or any other kind of business class really, but I assume that in business class, you don't hear many expressions of, you know, bigotry about racial groups or ethnic groups, because the people who are flying trans-Atlantic business class are doing business with all these people; they're making money off all these people. And I really do think that, in that sense at least,
capitalism has been a constructive force, and more fundamentally, it's a non-zero-sumness that has been a constructive force in expanding people's realm of moral awareness. I think the non-zero-sum dynamic, which is not only economic by any means -- it's not always commerce -- but it has driven us to the verge of a moral truth, which is the fundamental equality of everyone. It has done that.
As it has moved global, moved us toward a global level of social organization, it has driven us toward moral truth. I think that's wonderful.
Now, back to the unfolding apocalypse.
And you may wonder, OK, that's all fine, sounds great -- moral direction in history -- but what about this so-called clash of civilizations? Well, first of all, I would emphasize that it fits into the non-zero-sum framework, OK. If you look at the relationship between the so-called Muslim world and Western world -- two terms I don't like, but can't really avoid; in such a short span of time, they're efficient if nothing else --
it is non-zero-sum. And by that I mean, if people in the Muslim world get more hateful, more resentful, less happy with their place in the world, it'll be bad for the West. If they get more happy, it'll be good for the West.
So that is a non-zero-sum dynamic.
And I would say the non-zero-sum dynamic is only going to grow more intense over time because of technological trends, but more intense in a kind of negative way.
It's the downside correlation of their fortunes that will become more and more possible.
And one reason is because of something I call the "growing lethality of hatred."
More and more, it's possible for grassroots hatred abroad to manifest itself in the form of organized violence on American soil.
And that's pretty new, and I think it's probably going to get a lot worse -- this capacity -- because of trends in information technology, in technologies that can be used for purposes of munitions like biotechnology and nanotechnology.
We may be hearing more about that today.
And there's something I worry about especially, which is that this dynamic will lead to a kind of a feedback cycle that puts us on a slippery slope.
What I have in mind is: terrorism happens here; we overreact to it.
That, you know, we're not sufficiently surgical in our retaliation leads to more hatred abroad, more terrorism.
We overreact because being human, we feel like retaliating, and it gets worse and worse and worse.
You could call this the positive feedback of negative vibes, but I think in something so spooky, we really shouldn't have the word positive there at all, even in a technical sense.
So let's call it the death spiral of negativity.
I assure you if it happens, at the end, both the West and the Muslim world will have suffered.
So, what do we do? Well, first of all, we can do a lot more with arms control, the international regulation of dangerous technologies.
I have a whole global governance sermon that I will spare you right now, because I don't think that's going to be enough anyway, although it's essential.
I think we're going to have to have a major round of moral progress in the world.
I think you're just going to have to see less hatred among groups, less bigotry, and, you know, racial groups, religious groups, whatever.
I've got to admit I feel silly saying that.
It sounds so kind of Pollyannaish. I feel like Rodney King, you know, saying, why can't we all just get along?
But hey, I don't really see any alternative, given the way I read the situation.
There's going to have to be moral progress.
There's going to have to be a lessening of the amount of hatred in the world, given how dangerous it's becoming.
In my defense, I'd say, as naive as this may sound, it's ultimately grounded in cynicism. That is to say -- -- thank you, thank you. That is to say, remember: my whole view of morality is that it boils down to self-interest.
It's when people's fortunes are correlated.
It's when your welfare conduces to mine, that I decide, oh yeah, I'm all in favor of your welfare. That's what's responsible for this growth of this moral progress so far, and I'm saying we once again have a correlation of fortunes, and if people respond to it intelligently, we will see the development of tolerance and so on -- the norms that we need, you know.
We will see the further evolution of this kind of business-class morality.
So, these two things, you know, if they get people's attention and drive home the positive correlation and people do what's in their self-interests, which is further the moral evolution, then they could actually have a constructive effect.
And that's why I lump growing lethality of hatred and death spiral of negativity under the general rubric, reasons to be cheerful.
Doing the best I can, OK.
I never called myself Mr. Uplift.
I'm just doing what I can here.
Now, launching a moral revolution has got to be hard, right?
I mean, what do you do?
And I think the answer is a lot of different people are going to have to do a lot of different things.
We all start where we are. Speaking as an American who has children whose security 10, 20, 30 years down the road I worry about -- what I personally want to start out doing is figuring out why so many people around the world hate us, OK.
I think that's a worthy research project myself.
I also like it because it's an intrinsically kind of morally redeeming exercise.
Because to understand why somebody in a very different culture does something -- somebody you're kind of viewing as alien, who's doing things you consider strange in a culture you consider strange -- to really understand why they do the things they do is a morally redeeming accomplishment, because you've got to relate their experience to yours.
To really understand it, you've got to say, "Oh, I get it.
So when they feel resentful, it's kind of like the way I feel resentful when this happens, and for somewhat the same reasons." That's true understanding.
And I think that is an expansion of your moral compass when you manage to do that.
It's especially hard to do when people hate you, OK, because you don't really, in a sense, want to completely understand why people hate you.
I mean, you want to hear the reason, but you don't want to be able to relate to it.
You don't want it to make sense, right? You don't want to say, "Well, yeah, I can kind of understand how a human being in those circumstances would hate the country I live in." That's not a pleasant thing, but I think it's something that we're going to have to get used to and work on. Now, I want to stress that to understand, you know -- there are people who don't like this whole business of understanding
the grassroots, the root causes of things; they don't want to know why people hate us. I want to understand it.
The reason you're trying to understand why they hate us, is to get them to quit hating us. The idea when you go through this moral exercise of really coming to appreciate their humanity and better understand them, is part of an effort to get them to appreciate your humanity in the long run.
I think it's the first step toward that. That's the long-term goal.
There are people who worry about this, and in fact, I, myself, apparently, was denounced on national TV a couple of nights ago because of an op-ed I'd written.
It was kind of along these lines, and the allegation was that I have, quote, "affection for terrorists."
Now, the good news is that the person who said it was Ann Coulter.
I mean, if you've got to have an enemy, do make it Ann Coulter.
But it's not a crazy concern, OK, because understanding behavior can lead to a kind of empathy, and it can make it a little harder to deliver tough love, and so on.
But I think we're a lot closer to erring on the side of not comprehending the situation clearly enough, than in comprehending it so clearly that we just can't, you know, get the army out to kill terrorists.
So I'm not really worried about it. So -- -- I mean, we're going to have to work on a lot of fronts, but if we succeed -- if we succeed -- then once again, non-zero-sumness and the recognition of non-zero-sum dynamics will have forced us to a higher moral level.
And a kind of saving higher moral level, something that kind of literally saves the world.
If you look at the word "salvation" in the Bible -- the Christian usage that we're familiar with -- saving souls, that people go to heaven -- that's actually a latecomer.
The original meaning of the word "salvation" in the Bible is about saving the social system.
"Yahweh is our Savior" means "He has saved the nation of Israel," which at the time, was a pretty high-level social organization.
Now, social organization has reached the global level, and I guess, if there's good news I can say I'm bringing you, it's just that all the salvation of the world requires is the intelligent pursuit of self-interests in a disciplined and careful way.
It's going to be hard. I say we give it a shot anyway because we've just come too far to screw it up now.
Thanks. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
ここで僕は皆さんに 僕達が最初にした話を紹介します
僕は、ワシントン州にある丸太小屋で住んでいました 自由に使える時間が沢山ありました
これは、100,00ボルトのテスラコイルです これを僕は、自分の寝室に作りました 母は「動揺」していましたけれど
YB:僕の母の「動揺」は このアブナイ十代のファッションです
FN:僕はまた、代替エネルギーにも強い関心があたので ソーラーカーでオーストラリア横断のレースをしました アメリカや日本でもそれを行いました
(拍手) この「ベイビー」は、全て電動式です
バイクで本当にワクワクする点は、それが まさに、エンジニアリングとデザインの素晴らしい融合だということです
彼は、私達の名前とロゴを考え出しました。「Mission Motors」
僕達に与えられた時間はほんの3分です しかし、僕達はそれについて、3時間でも話せるでしょう
FN:TEDに感謝します。そして僕達を招いてくれたクリスに感謝します | And I would like to share with you some of the bits of the conversation that we started with.
I grew up in a log cabin in Washington state with too much time on my hands.
Yves Behar: And in scenic Switzerland for me.
FN: I always had a passion for alternative vehicles.
This is a land yacht racing across the desert in Nevada.
YB: Combination of windsurfing and skiing into this invention there.
FN: And I also had an interest in dangerous inventions.
This is a 100,000-volt Tesla coil that I built in my bedroom, much to the dismay of my mother.
YB: To the dismay of my mother, this is dangerous teenage fashion right there.
FN: And I brought this all together, this passion with alternative energy and raced a solar car across Australia -- also the U.S. and Japan.
YB: So, wind power, solar power -- we had a lot to talk about.
We had a lot that got us excited.
So we decided to do a special project together.
To combine engineering and design and ...
FN: Really make a fully integrated product, something beautiful.
YB: And we made a baby.
FN: Can you bring out our baby?
This baby is fully electric.
It goes 150 miles an hour.
It's twice the range of any electric motorcycle.
Really the exciting thing about a motorcycle is just the beautiful integration of engineering and design.
It's got an amazing user experience.
It was wonderful working with Yves Behar.
He came up with our name and logo. We're Mission Motors.
And we've only got three minutes, but we could talk about it for hours.
YB: Thank you.
FN: Thank you TED. And thank you Chris, for having us. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
「こ、これは風竜王陛下! ロックどのだけではなく、陛下にもご来臨たまわり光栄の至りでございます」
「そう畏まらなくてもよいのである! 今日は遊びに来ただけであるから、普通に接してほしいのだ!」
「いえ! とんでもないことです。偉大なる英雄にそのような雑事を頼むわけには参りません!」
俺がそういうと、年長の族長とダントンは少し驚いたようだった。 | The oldest of the chiefs noticed Kathe.
“Oh, the ruler of the wind dragons! So it is not only Locke that is here. This is a great honor.”
And then the other chiefs noticed Kathe as well.
They all frantically fell to their knees and bowed.
“There is no need for that! We just came here for fun. So please treat us normally!”
“I came here today to stretch my wings. It would trouble me greatly if you treated me with so much respect.”
“The wind dragon ruler is very tired from her daily work. I think she wants to relax here.”
I highly doubted Kathe was doing much work at all, but I decided to make it sound like she had been busy.
Kathe nodded readily.
“Yes, I have been working so hard.”
“In that case...”
The chiefs finally stood up.
Kathe did not like being treated so reverently, and so she was happy.
After that, they announced that a feast would be held in our honor.
And then I asked them questions about the tribes.
“So, how many tribes are there?”
The oldest of the chiefs answered me while he poured drink into my cup.
“It is hard to explain. But there are smaller tribes which are an exception.”
But all of the beastkin wolves in this area were part of the twelve tribes.
“Exceptions. I see.”
“Shia Woolcott is a recent exception.”
That was a surprise. I thought Shia was a part of Danton’s tribe.
I looked over to where she was sitting on the other side of the table.
She was talking happily to the other chiefs.
“Did Shia get thrown out after causing some sort of trouble?”
“No-no. Nothing like that.”
After I came back to this world and killed the first High Lord.
The chiefs of all of the tribes were given titles.
And Shia had been given a special title as well.
This was because her contribution had been great.
“Not only that, but Shia is treated as a Chief in her own right.”
“I see... It’s that kind of system.”
That being said, Shia Woolcott was still part of Danton’s tribe.
That meant that the tribe had two chiefs.
She was like the lord of a branch family.
Serulis, who was sitting next to me, looked very serious as she said,
“Shia must be very busy then.”
“Yes. The responsibility of being a chief must be great.”
I agreed. Luchila nodded. She would also be chief one day.
Well, Luchila hadn’t inherited the position officially, but as the only survivor, it would have to happen.
She probably had very mixed feelings about it.
As Serulis and Luchila were guests, they sat near the head of the table along with me and Kathe.
Of course, as Lord Gerberga was the God Fowl, he sat between me and Kathe.
Grulf was also treated as a guest. Spirit beasts were very special for the beastkin wolves.
When the feast was finished, Serulis, Luchila, and Kathe went over to where Shia was.
They would rather be with their close friend than fussed over by the chiefs.
I was just about to start playing with Lord Gerberga and Grulf, when the oldest chief called me over.
“Mister Locke. Do you have a minute?”
“What is it?”
“The truth is...I have something to ask you.”
“I understand.”
And so the old chief, I, Lord Gerberga, and Grulf went into a different room.
Shia’s father, Danton, was waiting in the room.
“Locke, I’m sorry to pull you away during the feast.”
“Don’t worry about that. I was just going to play with Grulf and Lord Gerberga.”
The old chief laughed. He probably thought that I was making a joke.
I sat down on the chair.
Lord Gerberga hopped up onto my right knee.
And Grulf rested his chin on my left knee.
I petted them both and asked him,
“What did you want to ask me?”
Danton and the old chief looked at each other.
Then Danton began to speak.
“Lock. This is most humiliating for us... But there is a possibility that information has been leaking from our side.”
Eric had been thinking the exact same thing.
And it seemed that Danton and the others had realized the possibility.
The old chief continued.
“Of course, we do not wish to believe that there is an informer in our midst.”
“So, you think it might be someone on the outside who has access?”
“Very sharp, Mister Locke. That is exactly what I was thinking.”
It wasn’t sharp at all.
Eric and Goran had pointed it out.
“We can tell if someone is a vampire’s thrall at a glance. But it’s different if they are charmed.”
“And so you are asking me to find out if there is anyone here who is charmed?”
“No! Not at all. We would never, ever ask such a great hero such as yourself to do something so low as that!”
Danton chuckled and then added.
“No, Locke. We do not know much about magic. And so we would like you to introduce us to a trustworthy Sorcerer.”
“I see. In that case, I will do it.”
I said. The old chief and Danton looked a little surprised. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 4,
"inserted_lines_src": 1,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |
招待されるのは慣れていますが この時は本当にドキドキしました
官庁街にある建物の中で 第二次世界大戦の破壊を免れた 唯一の建物で 連邦首相府のすぐ隣にあるんです
スイスの外交官ほど メルケル首相の近くにいる人はいません
ベルリンの官庁街には “Reichstag” つまり国会議事堂や ブランデンブルク門もあります 門のそばには 大使館がたくさんあって その中にはアメリカ大使館と イギリス大使館もあります
ドイツは民主主義の点で先進国ですが 市民の憲法上の権利は 官庁街において 制限のあるものとなっています
集会とデモの権利が 制限されているのです
これは芸術家の立場から見ると 面白い状況です
参加する権利を行使し 自己表現するためには 常に一定の秩序に従う必要があり 何らかの制約を受けるものです
そして 規制に頼っていることに 気づいてはじめて 新たな見方ができるんです
既存の決まりが 私たちの認識や行動や生活を 形作っているんです
違う状況下では これが極めて重要になります
過去2年間に渡って アメリカ イギリス両大使館の屋根の上から シークレットサービスが この地区全域を盗聴していて そこにはアンゲラ・メルケル独首相の 携帯電話も含まれていたことが分かっています
イギリスの諜報機関GCHQのアンテナが 白い円筒形のレーダードームに隠され アメリカ NSAの情報収集拠点は 無線を通す幕で覆われています
ただ 偽装され目に見えない勢力に どう対抗すればいいのか?
同僚のクリストフ・ワクターと共に スイス大使館からの招待に応じて
誰かが こちらを監視しているのなら 私たちが話していることを 向こうは聞いているはずです
スイス大使館の屋上に 一連のアンテナを設置しました
アメリカやイギリスのものほど 立派ではありません
私たちのは 空き缶で作ったアンテナで 偽装などしておらず あからさまな上に 丸見えでした
ベルリン芸術アカデミーも この作品に参加してくれたので そこの屋根に もう1つ大きなアンテナを立てました NSAとGCHQの情報収集拠点の ちょうど中間地点です
インスタレーション・アートを作る間に ここまで監視されたことはありません
ヘリが私たちの頭上を旋回しながら カメラで一挙一動を記録し アメリカ大使館の屋上には 警備員が巡視していました
官庁街は厳格な警察令の 支配下にありますが デジタル・コミュニケーションについて 特に法律はありません
だから私たちのインスタレーションは 完全に合法でしたし スイス大使が メルケル首相にも このことを伝えました
作品のタイトルは “Can You Hear Me?” (『聞こえますか?』)
この一連のアンテナで 無料の オープンWi-Fiネットワークを作りました 参加しようと思ったら Wi-Fi対応デバイスで 誰でも自由に参加でき 特定の周波数を 傍受している人々に向けて メッセージを送れます
テキストでも ボイスチャットでも ファイル共有でも 何でも匿名で送信できます
そして本当に 多くの人が送信しました
1万5千を超えるメッセージが 送信されたんです
「ハロー ワールド ハロー ベルリン ハロー NSA ハロー GCHQ」
「NSA職員へ 正しいことをしよう! 内部告発しよう!」
「こちらNSA 我らは神を信ずる 神以外は追跡する!!!!!」
「アノニマスが NSAとGCHQを 監視している 我々は組織の一部だ
待っていろ シャットダウンしてやろう」 「これがNSAのアキレス腱 オープンネットワークだ」
「職員へ 自分の孫に どんな嘘をつくつもりだ?」
「@NSA 隣家がうるさい ドローンで攻撃してくれ」
「サイバー戦じゃなく セックスしよう」
私たちは各国大使館と政府機関を オープンネットワークに招待したところ 驚いたことに 参加してくれました
ネットワーク上に ファイルが現れ その中には 議会調査委員会からリークされた 機密文書も含まれていました そこから明らかになったのは 重要情報の自由なやり取りや議論が 国会議員ですら 難しくなりつつあることです
また私たちは 権力の分布を 現地で経験し 探るために ツアーを開催しました
ツアーでは大使館周辺の 制限地区を訪れて コミュニケーションの 可能性と重要性について議論しました
もし私たちが権力の分布や コミュニケーションの条件に気付けば 視野が広がるだけでなく 自分の世界観や 社会的 政治的 美学的な慣習を制限する 規制の背景が見えてきます
パリ郊外にある 仮設住宅で暮らす 人々の運命は 隠蔽され 見えにくくなっています
貧困や人種差別や排除は 目新しいものではありません
新しい状況とは 地球規模の圧倒的な コミュニケーションと情報交換の時代に
現実が隠され 人間が見えなくなっている 状況なんです そんな仮設住宅地は違法とされていて そこに住む人々には 自分の声を届ける機会は ありません
それどころか 人々が表に現れ 姿を晒すリスクを冒しても さらなる迫害と排除と抑圧を招く 理由を与えるだけなのです
私たちは この隠れた部分を 知る方法に興味を持ちました
何か接点がないか探していて とうとう見つけました
その接点とはデジタルなものではなく 形のあるもの すなわち「ホテル」です
ロマの一族と共に ヨーロッパ中にホテルを何軒か建てました ドイツのフライブルクや パリ近郊モントルイユ バルカン諸国にも建てました
全部 本物のホテルで
ただ これは事業ではありません
オンラインで招待を申請すれば ホテル・ジェレム すなわち ロマの家で数日間 食事や仕事をして 暮らすことになります
ここでは ロマの一族は旅人ではなく 訪問者が旅人です
マイノリティは ロマの一族ではなく 訪問者の方です
重要なのは判断することではなく この多様で 一見 解消できない矛盾を決定づける 背景に目を向けることにあります
このグローバル化する世界では 大陸同士が どんどん近づいています
文化や商品や人間の交換は 絶え間なく続きますが 同時に 恵まれた世界と そこから排除された世界の間にある 溝は深くなるばかりです
最近 オーストラリアに行きました
ヨーロッパのパスポートと ビザ そして航空券があったからです
でも ボートでオーストラリアに たどり着いた亡命者は 強制送還か 刑務所送りです
ボートを捕捉していることや 亡命者たちが拘留システムの中に 消えていくことは オーストラリア当局が隠しています
こういった手続きは 極秘の軍事作戦とされているんです
危険地帯や戦争地帯から 劇的な逃亡を図った後に 男性も女性も子どもも 裁判なしでオーストラリア政府に拘束され それが数年に渡ることもあります
私たちは滞在期間中に 拘留されている亡命者たちに 厳しい審査と隔離があるにも関わらず なんとか接触し 一緒に作業ができました
このような背景から インスタレーションが生まれました 場所はブリスベンの クイーンズランド工科大学ギャラリーです
床には様式的なコンパスが それぞれ入国者収容所の 方向を指していて 距離と施設名が書かれています
ただ展覧会はネットワークに 接続する形で行われました
床に描かれたサインの上には ヘッドホンがあります
観客は その収容所に 入所していた難民に 直接 話しかけ 個人的に 会話することになります
この展覧会は 安全な環境なので 亡命者は自分自身のことや身の上話 自分が置かれた状況などを 結果を恐れず 自由に話せました
観客は長時間 話しこんでいました 離れ離れになった家族のこと 戦場からの劇的な逃亡の様子 自殺しようとしたこと 収容された子どもたちの運命などです
強い感情が表れ 観客の多くが泣きました
今ヨーロッパには大量の移民が 流入しています
亡命者が置かれた状況は 矛盾する政策と 軍による対応を求める声のせいで 悪化の一歩をたどっています
私たちはコミュニケーションの設備を スイスとギリシャにある 人里離れた難民収容所にも設置しました
医療費や法律情報や アドバイスといった 必要な情報を提供するためです
こういった設備は とても重要です
インターネットの情報のおかげで 危険なルートでも安全が確保できますが こういった情報は検閲され 次第に 情報を提供すること自体が 違法になりつつあります
そして これが自作ネットワークや ベルリンのスイス大使館の 屋上に設置したアンテナ そして “Can You Hear Me?” プロジェクトにつながります
制限なくネットに接続できることを 当たり前と思ってはいけません
自分なりの接続環境を作り 平等に接続できる世界という 理想を求めて戦うべきです
これは 私たちが ものを言えない状況を乗り越え 敵対する政治勢力が生んだ分裂を 乗り越えるためには不可欠です
この経験が持つ「改革の力」に 本当の意味で身をさらして初めて 偏見や疎外を乗り越えられるのです
(拍手) (ブルーノ・ジュッサーニ) ありがとう マティアス
芸術家コンビの もう1人にも 来ていただきました
クリストフ・ワクター ステージにどうぞ
(拍手) まず 細かい点ですが 教えてください ホテルの名前は 適当なものではないですよね
ロマ語で「ジェレム」は 特別な意味を持っていますから
(マティアス・ユード)はい 『ジェレム・ジェレム』はロマの公式賛歌で 「私は旅した 長い道のりを」という意味です
(ブルーノ)先ほどの話に 付け加えたいのですが
お二人は最近レスボス島に行って 2日前 帰ってきたばかりですね ギリシャでは この数か月 難民が何千人も 流入し続けています
どんな様子でしたか? そこで何をしましたか?
(クリストフ・ワクター)レスボス島は ギリシャの島の中でも トルコに近く 滞在中にも たくさんの亡命者が 定員オーバーの ゴムボートでやって来ていて 上陸後は 放置されていました
例えばバスの切符の購入や ホテルへの宿泊は 許可されていません だから文字通り路上で寝る 家族も多いんです
そこで 基本的な通信手段を提供するため ネットワークを設置しました その理由は 私たちは難民について 話し合うだけでなく 彼らに話しかける必要があると 思ったからです
そして 話しかけることで これが人間の問題であり 彼らの暮らしや 生きるための苦労の 問題だということがわかるのです
(ブルーノ)そして 彼らからも 話せるようにしているんですね
クリストフ 参加していただいて ありがとうございました
マティアス 話をしていただいて ありがとうございました | The Swiss Embassy in Berlin is special.
It is the only old building in the government district that was not destroyed during the Second World War, and it sits right next to the Federal Chancellery.
No one is closer to Chancellor Merkel than the Swiss diplomats.
The government district in Berlin also contains the Reichstag -- Germany's parliament -- and the Brandenburg Gate, and right next to the gate there are other embassies, in particular the US and the British Embassy.
Although Germany is an advanced democracy, citizens are limited in their constitutional rights in its government district.
The right of assembly and the right to demonstrate are restricted there.
And this is interesting from an artistic point of view.
The opportunities to exercise participation and to express oneself are always bound to a certain order and always subject to a specific regulation.
With an awareness of the dependencies of these regulations, we can gain a new perspective.
The given terms and conditions shape our perception, our actions and our lives.
And this is crucial in another context.
Over the last couple of years, we learned that from the roofs of the US and the British Embassy, the secret services have been listening to the entire district, including the mobile phone of Angela Merkel.
The antennas of the British GCHQ are hidden in a white cylindrical radome, while the listening post of the American NSA is covered by radio transparent screens.
But how to address these hidden and disguised forces?
With my colleague, Christoph Wachter, we accepted the invitation of the Swiss Embassy.
And we used this opportunity to exploit the specific situation.
If people are spying on us, it stands to reason that they have to listen to what we are saying.
On the roof of the Swiss Embassy, we installed a series of antennas.
They weren't as sophisticated as those used by the Americans and the British.
They were makeshift can antennas, not camouflaged but totally obvious and visible.
The Academy of Arts joined the project, and so we built another large antenna on their rooftop, exactly between the listening posts of the NSA and the GCHQ.
Never have we been observed in such detail while building an art installation.
A helicopter circled over our heads with a camera registering each and every move we made, and on the roof of the US Embassy, security officers patrolled.
Although the government district is governed by a strict police order, there are no specific laws relating to digital communication.
Our installation was therefore perfectly legal, and the Swiss Ambassador informed Chancellor Merkel about it.
We named the project "Can You Hear Me?"
The antennas created an open and free Wi-Fi communication network in which anyone who wanted to would be able to participate using any Wi-Fi-enabled device without any hindrance, and be able to send messages to those listening on the frequencies that were being intercepted.
Text messages, voice chat, file sharing -- anything could be sent anonymously.
And people did communicate.
Over 15,000 messages were sent.
Here are some examples.
"Hello world, hello Berlin, hello NSA, hello GCHQ."
"NSA Agents, Do the Right Thing! Blow the whistle!"
"This is the NSA. In God we trust. All others we track!!!!!"
"#@nonymous is watching #NSA #GCHQ - we are part of your organizations.
# expect us. We will #shutdown" "This is the NSA's Achilles heel. Open Networks."
"Agents, what twisted story of yourself will you tell your grandchildren?"
"@NSA My neighbors are noisy. Please send a drone strike."
"Make Love, Not cyberwar."
We invited the embassies and the government departments to participate in the open network, too, and to our surprise, they did.
Files appeared on the network, including classified documents leaked from the parliamentary investigation commission, which highlights that the free exchange and discussion of vital information is starting to become difficult, even for members of a parliament.
We also organized guided tours to experience and sound out the power constellations on-site.
The tours visited the restricted zones around the embassies, and we discussed the potential and the highlights of communication.
If we become aware of the constellation, the terms and conditions of communication, it not only broadens our horizon, it allows us to look behind the regulations that limit our worldview, our specific social, political or aesthetic conventions.
Let's look at an actual example.
The fate of people living in the makeshift settlements on the outskirts of Paris is hidden and faded from view.
It's a vicious circle.
It's not poverty, not racism, not exclusion that are new.
What is new is how these realities are hidden and how people are made invisible in an age of global and overwhelming communication and exchange.
Such makeshift settlements are considered illegal, and therefore those living in them don't have a chance of making their voices heard.
On the contrary, every time they appear, every time they risk becoming visible, merely gives grounds for further persecution, expulsion and suppression.
What interested us was how we could come to know this hidden side.
We were searching for an interface and we found one.
It's not a digital interface, but a physical one: it's a hotel.
We named the project "Hotel Gelem."
Together with Roma families, we created several Hotel Gelems in Europe, for example, in Freiburg in Germany, in Montreuil near Paris, and also in the Balkans.
These are real hotels.
People can stay there.
But they aren't a commercial enterprise.
They are a symbol.
You can go online and ask for a personal invitation to come and live for a few days in the Hotel Gelem, in their homes, eating, working and living with the Roma families.
Here, the Roma families are not the travelers; the visitors are.
Here, the Roma families are not a minority; the visitors are.
The point is not to make judgments, but rather to find out about the context that determines these disparate and seemingly insurmountable contradictions.
In the world of globalization, the continents are drifting closer to each other.
Cultures, goods and people are in permanent exchange, but at the same time, the gap between the world of the privileged and the world of the excluded is growing.
We were recently in Australia.
For us, it was no problem to enter the country.
We have European passports, visas and air tickets.
But asylum seekers who arrive by boat in Australia are deported or taken to prison.
The interception of the boats and the disappearance of the people into the detention system are veiled by the Australian authorities.
These procedures are declared to be secret military operations.
After dramatic escapes from crisis zones and war zones, men, women and children are detained by Australia without trial, sometimes for years.
During our stay, however, we managed to reach out and work with asylum seekers who were imprisoned, despite strict screening and isolation.
From these contexts was born an installation in the art space of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.
On the face of it, it was a very simple installation.
On the floor, a stylized compass gave the direction to each immigration detention center, accompanied by the distance and the name of the immigration facility.
But the exhibition step came in the form of connectivity.
Above every floor marking, there was a headset.
Visitors were offered the opportunity to talk directly to a refugee who was or had been imprisoned in a specific detention facility and engage in a personal conversation.
In the protected context of the art exhibition, asylum seekers felt free to talk about themselves, their story and their situation, without fear of consequences.
Visitors immersed themselves in long conversations about families torn apart, about dramatic escapes from war zones, about suicide attempts, about the fate of children in detention.
Emotions ran deep. Many wept.
Several revisited the exhibition.
It was a powerful experience.
Europe is now facing a stream of migrants.
The situation for the asylum seekers is made worse by contradictory policies and the temptation of militarized responses.
We have also established communication systems in remote refugee centers in Switzerland and Greece.
They are all about providing basic information -- medical costs, legal information, guidance.
But they are significant.
Information on the Internet that could ensure survival along dangerous routes is being censored, and the provision of such information is becoming increasingly criminalized.
This brings us back to our network and to the antennas on the roof of the Swiss Embassy in Berlin and the "Can You Hear Me?" project.
We should not take it for granted to be boundlessly connected.
We should start making our own connections, fighting for this idea of an equal and globally interconnected world.
This is essential to overcome our speechlessness and the separation provoked by rival political forces.
It is only in truly exposing ourselves to the transformative power of this experience that we can overcome prejudice and exclusion.
Thank you.
Bruno Giussani: Thank you, Mathias.
The other half of your artistic duo is also here.
Christoph Wachter, come onstage.
First, tell me just a detail: the name of the hotel is not a random name.
Gelem means something specific in the Roma language.
Mathias Jud: Yes, "Gelem, Gelem" is the title of the Romani hymn, the official, and it means "I went a long way."
BG: That's just to add the detail to your talk.
But you two traveled to the island of Lesbos very recently, you're just back a couple of days ago, in Greece, where thousands of refugees are arriving and have been arriving over the last few months.
What did you see there and what did you do there?
Christoph Wachter: Well, Lesbos is one of the Greek islands close to Turkey, and during our stay, many asylum seekers arrived by boat on overcrowded dinghies, and after landing, they were left completely on their own.
They are denied many services.
For example, they are not allowed to buy a bus ticket or to rent a hotel room, so many families literally sleep in the streets.
And we installed networks there to allow basic communication, because I think, I believe, it's not only that we have to speak about the refugees, I think we need to start talking to them.
And by doing so, we can realize that it is about human beings, about their lives and their struggle to survive.
BG: And allow them to talk as well.
Christoph, thank you for coming to TED.
Mathias, thank you for coming to TED and sharing your story. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
それからはどうだろう? 女の身体は触り放題、俺に恐怖し、動けなくなるからな。数多の少女の貞操を奪ってきた。奴隷商の方も順調、そして、たった1年でランクSにもなれた。
なぜだろうか? 俺がなにか悪いことをしたのか?
『本当に、6年後に、赤髪の少女と、姫を連れてきたら、この世界最強の力と、いくら使っても使い切れないような富、そして、沢山の女性を弄れることをお約束しましょう...ですが、必ず成功してくださいねぇ? チャンスですよぉ? もし失敗したら、お前を殺します。いいですね?』
「嫌ですねぇ......。俺とお前は6年関の仲じゃないですかぁ......? なぜ、逃げようとするんですかぁ......?」
混乱をおこさぬように。 | An ugly man is frantically running away from the capital.
I have failed. Furthermore, Alim saw my hand.
I will likely be blamed for the thunderbird.
Faust is convinced of this while running away as smoke from the royal capital.
「A-ree... I don’t see the two girls... Faust-san?」
It was said by Mephisto Fares who suddenly appeared before him. He was my contractor for six years. In exchange for conferring power, wealth, and the pleasures of this world, he contracted me to capture a red-haired girl, Alim, and the princess of Mephirad.
Six years ago.. I was a slave merchant that hid that status and became an adventurer. Soon after that happened, I had made this contract.
How was it from then? I could touch women as much as I want because they were frozen in fear. I’ve snatched away the chastity of many women. Being a slave merchant also went well, and within one year I had become S-ranked.
But, where has this all gone wrong?
Was it from when Lastman, that joke of a guy who started the slave abolition movement?
Everything completely went wrong.
My participation in the battle tournament was also stopped.
I wonder why? I wonder what I did wrong.
I just did what I wanted, and lived how I wanted.
I made others unhappy to make myself happy. What is wrong with that?
Mephisto Fares... He calls himself the Great Devil.
Well, I don’t really care who this person really is.
This guy said last year.
『Really, after six years, if you bring me the red-haired girl and the princess, I promise that you will be have the world’s strongest power, wealth that you cannot possibly deplete no matter how much you spend, and many women... be sure to succeed! This is your second chance, you know? If you fail, I will kill you. Sounds good? 』
The second chance...
The second chance!?
No way... no way...
I must escape!
I tried to run. But, he was already in front of me.
「Unpleasant... We have been in a relationship for six years haven’t we...? Why are you trying to escape...? 」
「A... a...」
「Ah, don’t tell me, you messed up again...?」
「What exactly have I gotten wrong?」
「It’s my bad... It’s my bad... next time, next time for sure...」
「No, it’s twice now. When I said twice, I meant twice. That is why... I will gratefully enjoy your life force.」
The devil moves slowly, slowly forward while licking his lips.
「Stop it, stop it, stop......bugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....~」
The next morning after the King of Mephirad sent out warrants for Faust.
In the forest, two soldiers who went searching found a person who seemed to be Faust.
But the corpse was considerably gruesome.
Large amounts of blood were scattered around.
And also, two eyeballs where placed, in order to stand out. And around those two eyeballs dozens of teeth and ornaments where lined up.
In addition, there was a piece of paper attached to a tree.
And it was written in blood and the contents were quite creepy.
≪The ugly person who died here broke a contract.≫
The public was informed that Faust was eaten by a monster.
This was done in order to avoid disorder. | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 4,
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子どもの頃から膨大なコレクションを持っていました 世界中の辛いソースやら 捕まえた昆虫を入れた瓶など さまざまな物を集めていました
私は収集が好きですし 自然史博物館や 動物の剥製が大好きなのは 秘密でも何でもありません 剥製のジオラマは私にとって
目で見られる 生きた彫刻のようなものです 動物の歴史の 特定の一コマを 再現してくれます
自分自身の歴史はどうかと考えました どのようにして私の歴史を 後世に伝えていくのか それと友人の歴史も... ただ問題となるのは どうも友人たちは 剥製という方法が嫌なようです そこで私が注目したのはビデオです 特定の時間と人物を記録しておくのに
ビデオは剥製に次ぐ優れた方法です 6 人の友人を映した動画を ビデオマッピングとビデオプロジェクションで編集して ビデオ彫刻を作りました そして友人を瓶の中に入れちゃいました こうして持ち歩ける 友達コレクションができたわけです ラテン語の学名分類法に基づいて この作品には「人間」を意味する 「アニマリア コルダータ」と名付けました
彼らは思い出を想起させてくれますし なんと実際に動き回ります これはこれで面白いのですが 少し人間味に欠けていました せっかくのデジタル彫刻なので インタラクションが欲しいと思い 近接センサーを追加しました 近づくとさまざまな反応をします
道端で他人に近づき過ぎた時のような反応をします 道端で他人に近づき過ぎた時のような反応をします
おびえるやつもいますし 助けを求めるやつもいれば 隠れるやつもいます
ビデオというものを画面上から取り出し 実生活の中に落とし込み インタラクションを 付与するというのは非常に面白いアイディアです
この作品以降 他にも 40 人の友達を 記録し 瓶の中に入れました それらで「ガーデン」という 文字通り人間のガーデンを作り上げました
ですが最初の作品で用いた 芸術とのインタラクションというアイディアが 頭から離れずにいました 人々が試行錯誤しながら作品と
やりとりするというアイディアが好きでした 私は人々が見て遊べる 新しい作品を作り出したかったのです そこから実際にできあがったのは ミキサーに入った 1950 年代の奥さんです この作品の名前は「ブレンド」です 人を芸術という作品に引き込みます
放っておくこともできますし 見つめ合うこともできます あるいはインタラクトすることも可能です
つまりもし皆さんがインタラクトすることにして ミキサーのボタンを押せば 中のキャラクターを この主婦をぐるぐると回すこともできます
私の作品に囚われた人々のように 私の作品の一部となるのです ですが これでは少し不公平ですよね?
友人を瓶に入れ 絶滅危惧種のような このキャラクターをミキサーに入れましたが
これは一種の自己剥製タイムカプセル的作品で 「過ぎ去ったあの瞬間」という作品です 私自身をタイムカードレコーダーに投影したものです 遊び方は自由です
タイムカードを押せば 私の年齢をいじることができます
つまり赤ん坊の私から始まり タイムカードを押せば幼児となり そこからティーネイジャーへと成長し
次に中年の私になり そして老年の私になります
タイムカードを一日に百回と押していると 作品は真っ黒になり 翌日までリセットされなくなります
パンチをするごとに私の人生から 時間を消してしまっているんです
インタラクティブビデオ彫刻が好きな理由は 実際にインタラクトできること 皆が作品に触れられること 更には作品の一部となれることです いつの日か皆さん全員を 私の瓶に入れられたらなと思っています ありがとうございました | Now, it's no secret, because I like collecting things, that I love the Natural History Museum and the collections of animals at the Natural History Museum in dioramas.
These, to me, are like living sculptures, right, that you can go and look at, and they memorialize a specific point of time in this animal's life.
So I was thinking about my own life, and how I'd like to memorialize my life, you know, for the ages, and also — — the lives of my friends, but the problem with this is that my friends aren't quite keen on the idea of me taxidermy-ing them. and video is the next best way to preserve and memorialize someone and to capture a specific moment in time.
So what I did was, I filmed six of my friends and then, using video mapping and video projection, I created a video sculpture, which was these six friends projected into jars. So now I have this collection of my friends I can take around with me whenever I go, and this is called Animalia Chordata, from the Latin nomenclature for human being, classification system.
So this piece memorializes my friends in these jars, and they actually move around. So, this is interesting to me, but it lacked a certain human element. It's a digital sculpture, so I wanted to add an interaction system. So what I did was, I added a proximity sensor, so that when you get close to the people in jars, they react to you in different ways.
You know, just like people on the street when you get too close to them.
Some people reacted in terror. Others reacted in asking you for help, and some people hide from you.
So this was really interesting to me, this idea of taking video off the screen and putting it in real life, and also adding interactivity to sculpture.
So over the next year, I documented 40 of my other friends and trapped them in jars as well and created a piece known as Garden, which is literally a garden of humanity.
But something about the first piece, the Animali Chordata piece, kept coming back to me, this idea of interaction with art, and I really liked the idea of people being able to interact, and also being challenged by interacting with art.
So I wanted to create a new piece that actually forced people to come and interact with something, and the way I did this was actually by projecting a 1950s housewife into a blender. This is a piece called Blend, and what it does is it actually makes you implicit in the work of art.
You may never experience the entire thing yourself.
You can walk away, you can just watch as this character stands there in the blender and looks at you, or you can actually choose to interact with it.
So if you do choose to interact with the piece, and you press the blender button, it actually sends this character into this dizzying disarray of dishevelment.
By doing that, you are now part of my piece.
You, like the people that are trapped in my work — — have become part of my work as well. But, but this seems a bit unfair, right?
I put my friends in jars, I put this character, this sort of endangered species character in a blender.
But I'd never done anything about myself.
I'd never really memorialized myself.
So I decided to create a piece which is a self-portrait piece.
This is sort of a self-portrait taxidermy time capsule piece called A Point Just Passed, in which I project myself on top of a time card punch clock, and it's up to you.
If you want to choose to punch that punch card clock, you actually age me.
So I start as a baby, and then if you punch the clock, you'll actually transform the baby into a toddler, and then from a toddler I'm transformed into a teenager.
From a teenager, I'm transformed into my current self.
From my current self, I'm turned into a middle-aged man, and then, from there, into an elderly man.
And if you punch the punch card clock a hundred times in one day, the piece goes black and is not to be reset until the next day.
So, in doing so, you're erasing time.
You're actually implicit in this work and you're erasing my life.
So I like this about interactive video sculpture, that you can actually interact with it, that all of you can actually touch an artwork and be part of the artwork yourselves, and hopefully, one day, I'll have each and every one of you trapped in one of my jars. Thank you. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
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モルジブはご存知の通りここの インド南西の島です
実は私は今日マイソールにいまして 位置的にはデリーよりもマレに近いところです
訪れた方はご存知だと思いますが 素晴しい サンゴ礁 ダイビング スノーケリングを楽しめます
私は時間を費やしています 魚類やもっと大きな 鯨 イルカなども研究しています
シロナガスクジラです ここモルジブ付近の インド洋周辺で彼らを見ることができます ケーララでも遭遇できるでしょうね
ここは世界でも有数のシロナガスクジラ 観測スポットの1つなのです
北東季節風の季節にスリランカの 南の海岸を訪れると簡単に シロナガスクジラを見ることができます
北東季節風の話をすれば皆さんの多くは 何のことだかお分かりと思いますが 詳しくない方もおられるでしょうから
"モンスーン"という言葉は"季節" という単語に由来しており つまり一種の―
季節なのです 南アジアには大抵2つの季節があります
つまり風はインドの北東から 吹いて来てインド洋を越えて アフリカ方面に向かいます
さて私は海洋生物学者ですが 実は少し古風な自然研究家なのです
私は動くものなら何でも興味があって トンボもその1つです 実は今日は トンボについてお話します
これはとても美しい種でOriental Scarletと呼ばれています
トンボについて1つ知っておいて頂きたい 重要なポイントとは 彼らは 卵を淡水に産むということです
段階をおって成長していき水を離れ 私たちの目にする成虫になるのです
成長の過程は様々ですが 典型的な寿命1年のトンボの場合では まず淡水の中で10、11ヶ月 暮らした後に成虫となるのです
とりわけ話をしたい種が― こちらです 今まで見てきた 種は成虫として暮らす期間は 1、2ヶ月で短すぎて遠くには 飛んで行けませんね
Globe SkimmerもしくはWandering Glider と呼ばれています
熱帯の地域 アメリカ アフリカ アジア オーストラリア 太平洋でも見られます
どうせトンボを研究するのなら 赤くてきれいなやつとか 絶滅が危惧される とびきり珍しいやつがいいですね
色も微妙ですし ありふれてますよね
どこにでも生息してますし なんで研究するのでしょう?
私はモルジブに暮らし彼らに出会えた事を とても誇りにも思っています
私が初めてモルジブを訪れた際は ダイビングに魅了され できる限り水の中で 時間を過したいと思っていました
トンボなど気にも留めませんでした いなかったのか?
しかし何ヶ月か経ったある日 外を歩いていると突然 膨大な数のトンボが目に付きました
当時は知りませんでしたが今は彼らが 全てウスバキトンボだったと理解しています
あるときはそこにいて またあるときはいないのです
私は翌年その次の年そして その次の年に再度目撃するまで 彼らについて何も考えませんでした
少し鈍く 実際大して気にかけていませんでした
しかし友人や同僚に聞くと 彼らは毎年来ているそうです
そこで他の人にも聞いてみると やはり トンボが来ることは知っていましたが どこから来るのかなどは何も知りませんでした
しかし徐々になにか 特別ななにかが 見え始めてきました
ここに足を運ばれた方もいると思いますが ここは私の故郷 モルジブ
つまり地球温暖化 海面上昇は深刻な問題です
この砂州についてお話しておくべき点は 雨が降ったときには雨水は 土壌に浸透してなくなるということです
池や小川、川、湖といったものは どこにもないのです
それではなぜ毎年 ここでは何百万ものトンボを 見ることが出来るのでしょうか?
興味をそそられました では少し中断して 皆さんに今聞いてみたいと思います ここには 幼少時代をインドで過ごした方も多くいますからね
インド出身の方 もしくは幼少時代を 過ごした方は手を... まだまだ! まだですよ!
はやいですね ちょっと待って下さい
インドで育った方は幼少時に見た トンボです トンボの大群を覚えていますか? 多分小学生の頃 紐に結わえて 飛ばして遊んだりしませんでしたか?
ただ たくさんのトンボを見た記憶がある方はいますか?
どうです? はい ありがとうございました
これはモルジブを含む 南アジア中で広く起こっている現象なのです
インドには水がいたるところにあり もちろんトンボはたくさんいます
しかしモルジブに淡水はありません 何が起こっているのでしょう?
最初に行ったことは彼らがモルジブに やってくる日付の記録でした
インドからやって来るとお考えでしょう 近いですからね
思い出してください10月はインドもモルジブも 南西季節風の真っ只中です
群島です ここはもちろんインドです
友人 同僚にメール送り電話をかけては
バンガロールのとある同僚は大体 9月の終わり 24日頃だというメールを 3年間送ってくれています
その後マレに現れ もっと南へ移り
知るために私はトンボを数えました 初めての訪問なのか どの程度滞在するのか これらのことが謎を解く鍵になるかどうか
自転車にまたがって マレ島を駆け回りました
1周は5km程度です 木や周りの人にぶつからないよう 注意しながらトンボの数を数えました
彼らはここに10月から12月という とても短い期間しか滞在しないようです
その後は減少を始め それきりです
モンスーンが入れ替わる 中間の時期なのです
要するに南西季節風が抜けていき 後に北東季節風が別方向から入ってくるのです
1つの気団が行ったり来たりしている 印象を与えますが そうではありません
気団には前線があり これが動いているのです
インドがここで前線がこちらを向くと 我々は南西季節風の中ということです
この中心の前線は垂直ではなく 実は斜めになっています
マレに近づいてくると 私は前線の下にいることになります
実は彼らはインドから北東季節風にのって来ているのです しかも高度1000 - 2000m地点ですよ 驚愕ですね
そこらで目にする2インチもしくは5cmの 小さな昆虫ですよ 何百万という数が 上空2000m地点を飛んで海を渡ります 距離にして約650km 驚くべきことです
「わぁ トンボがここに来る方法を遂に突き止めたぞ」と思い 嬉しくなりました 次に頭を少し掻いて まぁそれはいいんですが 方法はわかりましたが 理由はなんなのでしょうか?
明らかな悪条件にも関わらず あの何百万ものトンボは海を越えて 毎年一体何をしているのでしょうか?
つじつまが合いません モルジブには何もありませんから
一言で言ってしまえば 彼らは海洋を渡っているのです
私には漁業調査船で働く友人がいて彼らから 報告をもらったので確かです
セーシェルからも報告を受けています ここですが 妥当でしょう
降水量に着目してみると このウスバキトンボは 雨季の水たまりの中で
繁殖することが分かっているからです 雨季の地域で産卵します モンスーンの雨です
後ろの方が見えないと困りますので インド国内の降水量を表示しています
6月から見ましょう ここはモンスーンです
彼らは南に飛びます モンスーンが南下する時期に カルナータカを経てケララへやってきます
しかし彼らの飛行能力は非常に優れていて 何千kmも飛ぶことが可能です
どんどん飛んでいくのです そして 北東の風にヒューと後押しされ海を渡り 雨の降るアフリカへと導くのです
ここはアフリカ南東部 ここでは2つの 産卵期があるようです 話はそんなに単純ではありませんが
そして今日外で目にする トンボ達は彼らの 子供たちなのです
産卵場所を探しますが 雨水があればここになります
しかしほとんどが飛んでいきます 次の到着地点は 東アフリカです 4、5日間の旅になるでしょう
モルジブを通過する際は何もないことを 目で確認して飛行を続けるのでしょう
ここ東アフリカのケニアでは ちょうど 長い干ばつから抜けたばかりです
先週雨が遂に降り出し 短い雨が 今も降り続いています
6週間後に羽化する時には 雨季は明けて南下していることでしょう
そしてここに飛んできます 賢い点は 風はいつも雨の降る場所に突き当たります
太陽が上がることで気温が上がり 蒸発が促進され雲が巨大化することで 降水量が最大になります 絶好の繁殖期となります
それだけでなく 対流のおかげで 大気は持ち上げられ 暖かい空気が引き寄せられます
収束のため どこで雨が降っても暖かい空気は 引き寄せられ上昇する空気と入れ替わります
つまりそこで羽化した彼らは この風を利用して自動的に雨の 降る場所に行くことができるのです
産卵すると次の世代が羽化し 自動的に また雨水のあるところに運ばれます
4世代かかります 1代目、2代目、3代目 4代目で起点に戻ります。
16000kmを4代かけてですよ いいですか 5cmの昆虫ですよ 信じられません
北米出身の方はオオカバマダラを ご存知でしょうね 今まで彼らの移動距離は
大洋横断を伴う 大移動をする昆虫は唯一 このトンボだけです
このことに偶然気がついたのは なにかすごいことが 起こっていると脳が解釈できるのに 十分な時間をマレで過ごしてきたからです
私は鳥類にも関心を寄せており これは お気に入りです かなり特殊な種です
ハヤブサです アカアシチョウゲンボウと呼ばれています
Amur Falconとも呼ばれています
理由はアムールランドで 繁殖をするからです
これはアムール川近郊 ここら辺ですね
ここは国境付近で大半が 中国とロシアの国境部で東に続いていて
賢い鳥類と同様に彼も南へと 飛んでいきます みなで南へと移動します
違った ここで方向を変えます
ここで冬を過ごすわけです すごいことです これは猛禽類の
渡りの中では最長の 並外れた移動距離です 移動するのは彼らだけではありません
他にもインドからアフリカへ渡る鳥類はいます こちらはジャコバンカッコウです
こちらはニシブッポウソウ インド北西部にいるので カシミールブッポウソウとも呼ばれます
ありとあらゆるデータを 集めてみると彼らが ウスバキトンボと同時期に 移動することが分かりました
同じ風に乗って海を渡るのです 同じ高度を飛行することもわかっています
このニシブッポウソウは不幸な 最後を迎えることになりました
彼はゴア海岸を飛び立ちました 21年前の1988年の10月でした
インド海軍のジェットがゴアを飛びたつと バン! 夜中に何かに衝突しました 幸運にもジェット機が 基地に帰ってくると残骸が残っていました
もう1つ重要な点は 中型の鳥類や次のスライドの 彼らも皆ハチクイ科であるということです
蜂を食べます 青色のキレイな頬ですね
インドから東アフリカへと 移動する鳥類はみな トンボほどの大型の昆虫を 食べるのです ありがとうございました | So, that's home really.
The Maldives, as I'm sure you're aware, are a chain of islands off the southwest coast of India here.
Capital, Malé, where I live.
Actually, sitting here today in Mysore, we're closer to Malé than we are to Delhi, for example.
If you're in IT, India, obviously, is the place to be at the moment.
But if you're a marine biologist, Maldives is not such a bad place to be.
And it has been my home these years.
For those of you who've been there, fantastic coral reefs, fantastic diving, fantastic snorkeling.
I spend as much of my time as possible investigating the marine life.
I study fish, also the bigger things, whales and dolphins.
This is a blue whale. We have blue whales in the waters around here, off Maldives, around the waters of India. You can see them off Kerala.
And, in fact, we're very lucky in this region.
One of the best places in the world to see blue whales is here in this region.
during the northeast monsoon season, you can see blue whales very, very easily.
It's probably the best place in the world to see them.
Now, when I talk about the northeast monsoon season, I'm sure many of you here know exactly what I mean, but perhaps some of you are not quite so sure.
I need to explain a little bit about monsoons.
Now, monsoon, the root of the word "monsoon" comes from the word "season."
So, it's just a season. And there are two seasons in most of South Asia.
And in the summer India heats up, gets very hot.
Hot air rises, and air is drawn in off the sea to replace it.
And the way it works is, it comes from the southwest.
It comes off the ocean here and is drawn up towards India.
So it comes from the southwest. It's a southwest monsoon.
Picks up moisture as it crosses the ocean.
That's what brings the monsoon rain.
And then in the winter things cool down.
High pressure builds over India.
And the whole system goes into reverse.
So, the wind is now coming from the northeast out of India, across the Indian Ocean, this way towards Africa.
Keep that in mind.
Now, I'm a marine biologist, but I'm actually a bit of an old fashioned naturalist, I suppose.
I'm interested in all sorts of things, almost everything that moves, including dragonflies. And I'm actually going to talk, this afternoon, about dragonflies.
This is a very beautiful species, it's called the Oriental Scarlet.
And one thing you need to know about dragonflies, one important thing, is that they lay their eggs in fresh water.
They need fresh water to breed.
They lay the eggs into fresh water.
Little larvae hatch out in fresh water.
They feed on other little things. They feed on mosquito larvae.
So, they're very important.
They control mosquito larvae, among other things.
And they grow and grow by stages. And they climb out of the water, burst out, as the adult which we see.
And typically, there is a lot of variation, but if you have a dragonfly with, say, a one year life cycle, which is quite typical, the larva, living in the fresh water, lives for 10 or 11 months.
And then the adult, which comes after, lives for one or two months.
So it's essentially a freshwater animal.
It really does need fresh water.
Now, the particular species of dragonfly I want to talk about is this one, because most dragonflies, like the one we've just seen, when the adult is there for its brief one or two months of life, it doesn't go very far. It can't travel very far.
A few kilometers, maybe, is quite typical.
They are very good fliers, but they don't go too far.
But this guy is an exception.
And this is called the Globe Skimmer, or Wandering Glider.
And, as the name might suggest, it is found pretty much around the world.
It lives throughout the tropics, the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, into the Pacific.
And it wanders far and wide. We know that much about it.
But it really hasn't been studied very much.
It's a rather mediocre looking dragonfly.
If you're going to study dragonflies, you want to study those really bright beautiful ones, like that red one. Or the really rare ones, the endemic endangered ones.
This is, it seems a bit dull you know.
It's sort of dull-colored. And it's fairly common.
And it occurs everywhere -- you know, why bother?
But if you take that attitude, you're actually missing something rather special.
Because this dragonfly has a rather amazing story to tell.
And I feel very privileged to have stumbled across it living in the Maldives.
When I first went to the Maldives, dead keen on diving, spent as much of my time as I could in and under the water.
Didn't notice any dragonflies; maybe they were there, maybe they weren't.
Didn't notice them.
But after some time, after some months, one day as I was going out and about, suddenly I noticed hundreds of dragonflies, hundreds of dragonflies.
Something like this, these are all this species Globe Skimmer.
I didn't know at the time, but I know now, they're Globe Skimmers, hundreds of them.
And they were there for some time. And then they were gone.
And I didn't think anything more of it until the following year, when it happened again, and then the year after that, and then the year after that.
And I was a bit slow, I didn't really take too much notice.
But I asked some Maldivian friends and colleagues, and yes they come every year.
And I asked people about them and yes, they knew, but they didn't know anything, where they came from, or anything.
And again I didn't think too much of it.
But slowly it began to dawn on me that something rather special was happening.
Because dragonflies need fresh water to breed.
And the Maldives, and I'm sure some of you have been there -- so here is home.
So, Maldives, beautiful place.
It's built entirely of coral reefs.
And on top of the coral reefs are sand banks.
Average height, about that much above sea level.
So, global warming, sea level rise, it's a real serious issue.
But I'm not going to talk about that.
Another important point of these sand banks is that when it rains, the rainwater soaks down into the soil. So, it's gone.
So, it stays under the soil.
The trees can put their roots into it.
Humans can dig holes and make a well.
But dragonflies -- a bit tricky.
There is no surface fresh water.
There are no ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, nothing like that.
So, why is it that every year millions of dragonflies, millions, millions of dragonflies turn up?
I got a little bit curious. In fact I'll stop here, because I want to ask, and there is a lot of people who, from India of course, people who grew up spending your childhood here.
Those of you who are Indian or spent your childhood here, let me have a show of hands, who of you -- not yet, not yet!
You're too keen. You're too keen. No. Hang on. Hang on.
Wait for the go. I'll say go.
Those of you who grew up in India, do you remember in your childhood, dragonflies, swarms of dragonflies? Maybe at school, maybe tying little bits of string onto them?
Maybe pulling bits off? I'm not asking about that.
You've only got to say, do you remember seeing lots of dragonflies.
Any hands? Any hands? Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
It's a widespread phenomenon throughout South Asia, including the Maldives.
And I got a bit curious about it.
In the Maldives -- now, in India there is plenty of water, so, dragonflies, yeah, of course. Why not?
But in Maldives, no fresh water. So, what on Earth is going on?
And the first thing I did was started recording when they turned up in the Maldives.
And there is the answer, 21st of October.
Not every year, that's the average date.
So, I've been writing it down for 15 years now.
You'd think they're coming from India. It's the closest place.
But in October, remember, we're still in southwest monsoon, Maldives is still in the southwest monsoon.
But wind is, invariably, every time, is from the west.
It's going towards India, not from India.
So, are these things, how are these things getting here?
Are they coming from India against the wind?
Seemed a bit unlikely.
So, next thing I did is I got on the phone.
Maldives is a long archipelago.
It stretches about 500 miles, of course it's India here.
I got on the phone and emailed to friends and colleagues.
When do you see the dragonflies appear?
And pretty soon, a picture started emerging.
In Bangalore, a colleague there sent me 24th of September, so late September.
Down in Trivandrum, a bit later.
Far north of Maldives, a bit later.
Then Malé, then further south.
And then the southernmost Maldives.
It's pretty obvious, they're coming from India.
But they are coming 400 miles across the ocean, against the wind.
How on Earth are they doing that?
I didn't know.
The next thing I did was I started counting dragonflies.
I wanted to know about their seasonality, what time of year, this is when they first arrive, but how long are they around for? Does that give any clues?
So, I started a very rigorous scientific process.
I had a rigorous scientific transect.
I got on my bicycle, and I cycled around the island of Malé.
It's about five kilometers around, counting the dragonflies as I go, trying not to bump into people as I'm looking in the trees.
And they're here for a very short time, October, November, December. That's it.
And then they tail off, there's a few, but that's it.
October, November, December. That is not the northeast monsoon season.
That's not the southwest season.
That's the inter-monsoon, the time when the monsoon changes.
Now, what I said was, you get the southwest monsoon going one way, and then it changes and you get the northeast monsoon going the other way.
And that sort of gives the impression you've got one air mass going up and down, up and down. It doesn't work like that.
What happens, actually, is there is two air masses.
And there is a front between them, and the front moves.
So, if you've got India here, when the front is up above India you're into the southwest monsoon.
Then the front moves into the northeast monsoon.
And that front in the middle is not vertical, it's at an angle.
So, as it comes over towards Malé I'm standing in Malé underneath the front.
I can be in the southwest monsoon.
But the wind above is from the northeast monsoon.
So, the dragonflies are actually coming from India on the northeast monsoon, but at an altitude at 1,000 to 2,000 meters up in the air. Incredible.
These little insects, it's the same ones we see out here [in India], two inches long, five centimeters long, flying in their millions, 400 miles across the ocean, at 2,000 meters up. Quite incredible.
So, I was quite pleased with myself. I thought wow, I've tracked this one, I know how they come here. Then I scratched my head a bit, and that's okay, I know how they come here, but why do they come here?
What are millions of dragonflies doing, flying out over the ocean every year to their apparent doom?
It doesn't make sense. There is nothing for them in Maldives.
What on Earth are they doing?
Well, to cut a long story short, they're actually flying right across the ocean.
They're making it all the way across to East Africa.
I know that because I have friends who work on fisheries' research vessels who have sent to me reports from boats out in the ocean.
I know because we have reports from Seychelles, which fit in as well, down here.
when you look at the rainfall, these particular insects, these Globe Skimmers breed in temporary rain water pools.
Okay, they lay their eggs where the seasonal rains are, the monsoon rains.
The larvae have to develop very quickly.
They only take six weeks. Instead of 11 months, they're six weeks.
They're up, and they're off.
Now, here we have, in case you can't read at the back, the top is rainfall for India.
And we're starting in June. So this is the monsoon rain.
By September, October, it's drying out.
Nothing for these dragonflies. There is no more seasonal rain.
They've got to go hunting for seasonal rain.
And they fly south. As the monsoon withdraws to the south they come down through Karnataka, into Kerala.
And then they run out of land.
But they are incredibly good fliers. This particular species, it can fly for thousands of kilometers.
And it just keeps going. And the wind, the northeast wind swooshes it around and carries it off across the ocean to Africa, where it's raining.
And they are breeding in the rains of Africa.
Now, this is southeast Africa. It makes it look like there are sort of two breeding periods here. It's slightly more complicated than that.
What's happening is they are breeding in the monsoon rains here.
And the dragonflies you can see today outside here, on the campus, are the young of this generation.
They hatched out in India.
They're looking for somewhere to breed. If it rains here they'll breed.
But most of them are going to carry on. And next stop, perhaps only four or five days away is going to be East Africa.
The wind will swoosh them out across here.
If they pass the Maldives they might go and have a look, nothing there, they'll carry on.
Here, here, Kenya, East Africa, they've actually just come out of a long drought.
Just last week the rains broke. The short rains broke and it's raining there now.
And the dragonflies are there. I have reports from my various contacts.
The dragonflies are here now. They're breeding there.
When those guys, they'll lay their eggs now.
They'll hatch out in six weeks. By that time the seasonal rains have moved on. It's not there, it's down here.
They'll fly down here. And the clever thing is the wind is always converging to where the rain is.
The rain occurs, these are summer rains.
This is a summer monsoon.
The sun is overhead there. Summer rains in southern Africa.
The sun is overhead, maximum heating, maximum evaporation, maximum clouds, maximum rainfall, maximum opportunities for reproduction.
Not only that, because you have this convection, you have this rising of the air where it's hot, air is drawn in.
There's a convergence. So, wherever the rain is falling, the air is drawn towards it to replace the air that's rising.
So, the little fellow that hatches out here, he gets up into the air, he is automatically carried to where the rain is falling.
Lay their eggs, next generation, they come up, automatically carried to where the rain is falling.
It's now back there. They come out, it's time to come back.
So, in four generations, one, two, three, four and then back.
A complete circuit of the Indian Ocean.
This is a circuit of about 16,000 kilometers.
16,000 kilometers, four generations, mind you, for a two inch long insect. It's quite incredible.
Those of you from North America will be familiar with the Monarch butterfly.
Which, up until now has had the longest known insect migration.
It's only half the length of this one.
And this crossing here, of the ocean, is the only truly regular transoceanic crossing of any insect.
A quite incredible feat.
And I only stumbled on this because I was living in Malé, in Maldives for long enough for it to percolate into my brain that something rather special was going on.
But dragonflies are not the only creatures that make the crossing.
There is more to the story.
I'm also interested in birds. And I'm familiar with this fellow. This is a rather special bird.
It's a falcon. It's called the eastern red-footed falcon, obviously.
But it's also called the Amur Falcon.
And it's called the Amur Falcon because it breeds in Amurland.
Which is an area along the Amur River, which is up here.
It's the border, much of it is the border between China and Russia, up here in the far east.
So, Siberia, Manchuria.
And that's where it breeds.
And if you're a falcon it's quite a nice place to be in the summer.
But it's a pretty miserable place to be in the winter.
It's, well, you can imagine.
So, as any sensible bird would do, he moves south. They move south. The whole population moves south.
But then the being sensible stopped.
So, now they don't stop here, or even down here.
No, they turn across here.
They have a little refueling stop in northeastern India.
They come to the latitude of about Mumbai or Goa.
And then they strike out across the ocean, down to Kenya.
And down here, and they winter down here [in southern Africa].
Incredible. This is the most extraordinary migration of any bird of prey. A quite incredible migration.
And they are not the only one that makes the crossing.
They have the most incredible journey, but several make the crossing from India to Africa. Includes this one, the hobby.
Those of you from northern India will be familiar with this.
It comes with the monsoons.
This time of year they cross back to Africa.
And this guy, the roller, a rather beautiful bird.
It's known as the Eurasian Roller. In India it occurs in the northwest, so it's known as the Kashmir Roller.
And these birds, what I've done is I've complied all the records, all the available records of these birds, put them together, and found out they migrate at exactly the same time as the dragonflies.
They make use of exactly the same winds.
They travel at exactly the same time with the same winds to make the crossing. I know they travel at the same altitude.
It's known about the Amur Falcon. This guy, unfortunately, one of these met an unfortunate end.
He was flying off the coast of Goa, 21 years ago, 1988. October, 1988.
An Indian Navy jet was flying off Goa, bang! In the middle of the night. Fortunately, a two engine jet got back to base, and they pulled the remains of one of these [Eurasian Rollers] out.
Flying at night over the Indian Ocean 2,424 meters.
Same height as the dragonflies go.
So, they are using the same winds.
And the other thing, the other important factor for all these birds, all medium sized fellows, and this includes the next slide as well, which is a bee-eater.
Bee-eaters eat bees. This one has a nice blue cheek.
It's a Blue-cheeked Bee-eater.
from India to East Africa eats insects, large insects, the size of dragonflies. Thank you very much. | {
"source": "iwslt2017",
"missed_lines": null,
"inserted_lines_src": null,
"inserted_lines_trg": null
} |
帰る場所があるのはとても幸せなことなのね。 | While being held by Duke-sama, I looked up at the sky and squinted at the dazzling sun.
...It was so like Uncle Will to become a phoenix.
Please watch over me from the sky for a long time. I intend to pursue my dream without giving up until the end. I would fulfill my dream that was supported by you.
I told Duke-sama, “I’m, I’m all right now”.
I realized how weak my voice sounded, but I was happy that I was able to speak out.
It was a lie to say I was okay, but I couldn’t help but say it out loud. By saying it aloud and convincing my mind that I was okay, I could avoid any further distractions.
For me to be me, my heart had to be stronger.
Duke-sama looked at me anxiously, but then he slowly lowered me down.
I bowed politely to the coffin, putting all my feelings into it.
“You raised me with everything you had, and I will become your memento.”
The only thing I inherited from Uncle Will was becoming the person I was now.
I should continue to be a noble woman who remained unyielding in her beliefs.
I bowed for a while, then raised my head and turned around to face everyone. All the familiar faces were there.
Everyone seemed to have grown up somehow. Liz-san, in particular, seemed to have matured.
I noticed that my tears had stopped before I knew it. My heart still felt torn, and I could barely stand up, but I still wanted to be strong.
To not be ashamed to Uncle Will, and most of all, to be the person I wanted to be... I would wear any mask for that.
Everyone was frozen with their eyes wide open.
I didn’t know if they were surprised that I had two eyes or that I had returned to Duelkis Kingdom.
I smiled and said, “I’m home”.
It was the smile of a woman who had decided to live her life as a Villainess, who could still afford to smile even after the death of her loved one.
I did not know what punishment would be handed down to me for returning after being deported and being disrespectful at the funeral of a Royal family member.
But if I could leave even a small mark on everyone’s heart, it wouldn’t be bad.
Gilles cried and hugged me.
“You came back. Thank you, I’m so happy that Alicia came back.”
Gilles hugged me tightly and I gently stroked his head.
Gilles had always been a mature boy with a good listening ear. I had never seen him cry like this, even though he had faced many situations where he could have cried.
“Gramps died..., what if Alicia disappears too.... I...”
Uncle Will’s death was not only hard on me.
Gilles was probably enduring it more than me. I could not believe that I thought that it was only me who was weeping...
“Thank you for coming back. ...Welcome back.”
Oh, there was someone waiting for me all along.
Just one word, “Welcome back,” was all that was needed to save my life. My heart was filled with emotion, and I murmured, “Thank you”.
It was such a blessing to have a place to return to, wasn’t it? | {
"source": "manual-fanfic",
"missed_lines": 0,
"inserted_lines_src": 0,
"inserted_lines_trg": 0
} |