2 values
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"I always have an agenda, Eliza.\" He said simply and set the parchment down. Unscrewing the ink pot, he dipped the quill into it and unrolled a thin roll of parchment. As he wrote he began to chant in celestial and then begin to write, the ink turning from black to gold as he inscribed mana into the words. Once he was done, he repeated the process three times- ignoring Eliza all the while. When at last he finished, he sat back and tilted his face up to look at her. If he stood their faces wouldn't be far apart, and his tired grey eyes were still sharp and as cunning as a wild foxes. He studied her face this close and was still amazed at her beauty. Not once did the thought cross his mind about her strange anatomy. \n\n\"I've written three binding seals. I'm going to fill one of these with my blood and give them to you. It will not open until you've met the terms we agree upon.\" He said, getting up and letting her examine the writing as he begins to tourniquet his arm and prep the needle to draw his blood. \n\n\"So, lets talk about those terms.\" He said, still watching her. Noctis had painfully realized that something had changed, shifted when he'd seen her- truly seen her. He couldn't get her off his damn mind. It was like Esme all over again, except Eliza was capable of giving sultry looks that made the slumbering Dark Rose roar within him. It was a weakness he could not have. It was a weakness he wanted to experience so desperatel- **GAH**. His damned mind was supposed to be his own, not enslaved to a beautiful vampire woman who just so happened to have something to sympathize over. \n\n\"My first request is that you leave the Onyx Crest and head to the Far Spirit Wood that borders a town in the Capitol called Marsalus..\" He said, pulling the leather belt tighter to make his veins pop further on his arm. Noctis had some experience doing field medic work, enough to save a man from bleeding out or stitch a wound. He'd never quite gotten the hang of healing magic. \"I think s\n\nHe could use your assistance- there is something that haunts those woods that is beyond Unseelie Fae. I don't know if you will be the one to do it- but perhaps you can help her uncover some of what she has buried. Visit her and *Try* To play nice, and the first seal will break.\" He stuck the syringe in as he talked, not seeming nervous she might lunge at his blood. At least that game was over between them- there would be no more physical attacks now. \n\n\"My second term is for you to leave Esme early should your children be in danger.\" He said, now he wasn't looking at her. He had essentially given her an out. By any means if she'd gone to the woods and needed to leave early to help her kids, the deal would break and the blood would be unaccesible. However it seemed he had stopped to think of that possibility and had given her a way around it. \"If your kids do not need you, the second seal will break when the first does.\" \n\nHe drew blood, deep red with only the faintest swirls of delectable gold. She'd smell the rich O- and the swirl of celestial power in the blood. He was right, the second the blood left his body she'd smell how potent it was even more so than before- the smell was just hidden behind his mortal flesh. \n\n\"And the final seal... Is that you and I meet again. I meant what I said Eliza Tenebrian. I've seen you, and despite what you think I don't see a monster or a trophy- but I will have you all the same. I am a selfish person, I value my dreams above others because I think they will do more for others in the end. That includes you.\" What he meant by *Have* Was not clear if he did not mean as a trophy or a pet. \n\n\"Questions?\" He asked as he deposited the blood into the vial and once it was full of the rich contents, he began to wrap them in the seals." }, { "author": "Eliza Tenebrian", "message": "Eliza's eyes peered at Noctis as he began to unroll the parchment. Unconsciously moving closer to him to get a better look at what he was writing. Her expression was pensive as he began to chant, Eliza had heard all kinds of language but this one was new, it was an unknown magic. Eliza's eyes then shot open with shock as Noctis spoke once more, of terms- *Of a deal*.\n\nThe Far Spirit Wood... She had heard of the place in fairy tales. Local folklore of the area told of seelie fae that roamed its woods, and of the horrors lurking within the shadows of the trees branches. Her interest piqued when he spoke of Esme, so this woman was the *Twilight Witch* She had heard the name. The locals feared the woman, spoke of her kidnapping children, bathing in the blood of men and stealing the bodies of women- admittedly Eliza liked her style, she respected a fellow powerful woman capable of instilling fear in the hearts of man. \n\nEliza's expression shifted to once of shock, and bittersweet happiness when Noctis spoke of his second term. Her eyes dancing between his pulsing veins of beautiful ichor and his beautiful grey eyes. She was shocked to hear her families well being were in her consideration, the fear that she may have misjudged the man washing over her like a thorny blanket of shame.\n\nEliza had to stop herself from pouncing on top of Noctis as he drew blood from his arm, she licked her lips as she smelt the familiar scent of her favorite O- drenched in the heavenly aroma of Ichor. Her lip quivered as she watched the scarlet drip from his arm, her fingers clenching into her palm so hard they drew blood. The smell was unlike anything she could have ever imagined, so much more intense, complex than it was when they first had met. \n\nEliza stared at Noctis in disbelief, as he stated his final term- as well of his desire... For her? His words were painfully familiar to her as they were something she often said to herself. She had no choice but to respect his ideology, it was one\n\nShe shared with him. More often than not did Eliza make decisions without her covens input, to her the fate of their family was best kept in her grasp and nobody else's. But his choice of words alluded her judgement, how exactly did he *Want* Her... She chose to gloss over this detail as she raised her hand to tap her bottom lip with her pointer finger as she went into pensive thought- and then the corners of her mouth rose into a small grin.\n\n\"I think you made your terms quite clear, but what is it you *Want* Of me Noctis?\" \n\nA few painfully intense silent moments passed as she stared at the vial of delicious nectar as Noctis wrapped it in cloth before shooting her gaze back to Noctis. Eliza then leaned close to the demi god, her face slowly getting closer to his until their noses nearly touched. She then used her left pointer finger to gently turn his face to the side as she leaned close to his ear and softly whispered.\n\n\"Do *You* Have any questions?\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis watched her think and process the agreement. It was clear that she'd accept, and he felt relief flood through him. He hoped that relief was only because it meant she'd continue to be useful and all the work he'd put into her already would pay off. However... That third term he'd set still lingered in the air between them. What was worse- she was *Aware* Of that too. \n\nAs she began to lean close he had to throw up every wall he had, every defense, every shield and every ward. She came closer and closer and her scent caught him, it was the same as before and yet even in that sickly sweetness of death there was something more, something that rugged at him to pull him closer. He repeated in his head that she was a vampire, they were designed to lure in their victims. \n\nHer eyes so close to his, all he'd need to do was tilt his head forward a tiny bit and her ever inviting lips would be his, he could experience her tongue and then her arms and- \n\n\"No.\" He said simply, rising so that he his chest pushed into hers and she would be forced to step back. They were still face to face- he didn't dare risk turning his head away to expose her neck. \"If the agreement is set then you can leave tomorrow night. You'll have quite the journey ahead of you. You can keep what payment you've given for the month, your deposit will stay with the crew.\" It took all his effort but his face was the perfect and relaxed face of someone entirely uninterested in her proximity. Really he wanted to tear the entire room apart with her- but thoughts of the flesh were the easiest to ignore. It was the desire to sit and listen to more of her voice and get her to look at him with those gentle hidden gem of eyes once again that was killing him. He pushed the vial of his blood, now sealed and impossible to break open early- and stepped past her towards the door. \n\n\"When I can.. I'll send pigeon to Marsalus. Reply if you find time.\" He said stiffly, resisting the urge to turn back towards her, to walk\n\nCloser and have her face so close again just to breath her in." } ]
[ { "author": "Eliza Tenebrian", "message": "Eliza's body stiffened with nervousness as Noctis approached her from across the room. Her left hand instinctively going to her chest almost clutching her jewelry with shock as he reached out his strong arm and presented her with his hands in a noble fashion. She looked him up and down, wondering to herself if she were hallucinating the sight before her. Without even realizing it Eliza held out her delicate hand, her soft palms landing softly into his, her entire body shuddered with delight from his warm touch as their skin met. \n\nEliza's body was flooded with warm radiating from Noctis' lips as he gently kissed the back of her porcelain hand. If her undead body allowed her to she would have a flushed face but thankfully her condition concealed her. Eliza couldn't believe herself and her thoughts as she examined Noctis' kissing her hand, how his silky raven hair seemed to bounce as he lowered his head- or how his skin seemed to glow without any light present, he was beautiful. She couldn't help but be reminded of their encounter in the forest, how angry he had made her. Eliza was like a statue of dark elegance clad in shadowy fabric and glistening metal that gently clung onto her skin. She was an ethereal beauty that was almost too good to be true, and it was- she was a skeletal parasite housed within a porcelain doll. Something Eliza hated about herself, something Noctis had witnessed without any judgement. She felt a warmth within her chest suddenly, an unfamiliar feeling she quickly disregarded as the work of Noctis' intense body temperature. Her mind stirred before she was reminded of his words...\n\n*I want you*\n\nShe blinked rapidly clearing her racing mind, were those his words or hers. Regardless of her layered opinions on the handsome demi-god her hedonistic nature couldn't resist a dance with a dashing man." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis was lost to a magic more ancient than any of the gods themselves now as his fingers curled against hers and pulled her closer, closer. His other hand moved and found her hip and gingerly pulled her nearly against him. Her skin was cold, colder than ice and yet like a live electrical wire the sensation of it sent signals dancing through his nerve endings to make his fingertips tingle and his chest feel full of lead and light as a feather all at once. Those plush blood red lips were so close now and yet his eyes only had room for her own. \n\nThere weren't words to be spoken, no conscious thought. Noctis had lived eight **Hundred** Years waiting to feel the sensation he was feeling now and had no idea he was feeling it. Yet his ancient, weary soul did and it shut down his mind, shut down his blackened heart and it took control. There was no music that played and yet there *Was*. The child of masculo, Lord of Beauty, one of the fathers of the world- had finally found someone to complete the song that always resonated around him. Wind magic flared to life, divine magic seemed to him through the ship- and yet only the two in the room would ever experience this moment. The wind lifted them up so that they floated and yet still their feet found purchase against the solid air as they drifted through the cabin. \n\nThe soul, a strange thing, a magical thing- it exists before and after the body is gone and yet hardly ever does it move. It just waits, waiting to resonate and finish the concert it would be apart of till the end of time. It took control of what little of Noctis' magic had recovered and flooded the room with illusions. They danced there in the snow upon the highest peak of Forstead where still his mother lay buried- perfectly preserved by the divine magic of Masculo. They danced above that peak in this illusory world and there was no one else but them. His fingers curled tighter in the dress at her hip and drew her closer until their bodies touched and yet he\n\nLed the dance on. Twirling her around to watch her graceful form spin, pulling her back and dipping her low, his hot breath a kiss of fire upon her exposed neck before she was brought up. \n\nA child of light and life that had been born into a world of wonder and forced into fighting against the shadows of the night. \n\nA child of dark and death that had been born into a loving home and forced to *Become* The shadows of the night. \n\nThis should not be and yet it was, it was all that there was to Noctis. Plans, schemes, battles to be fought, fate to follow and destinies to chase and for *Once* In his life none of it mattered. He was not a demigod, a warrior or a monster... He was just Noctis Camille and Eliza Tenebrian was just a woman, not a creature, not a blood sucker, not a monster, just two people dancing. \n\nThis was their dance, this was an unspoken moment, her beautiful face inches from his, his grey eyes once again touched by the most beautiful streaks of powerful amber. \n\n\"Eliza..\" He whispered, his lips so close and then... As if the words had broken the spell, he blinked and the magic faded and with a start his hands bounded away from her as if she'd been burning hot and seared his flesh. He stood there gaping for only a moment before his body reset itself and he cleared his throat. \n\n\"I... I needed a good dance.\" He said simply, as if all they'd done was have an exchange of services. It was better this way, that was all it had been- that was all it was to her. That was all it had been to Emi. He'd never had that moment with Emi and she'd nearly destroyed him. Noctis realized with dread that it meant that Eliza could **Annihilate** Him and he felt true terror." }, { "author": "Eliza Tenebrian", "message": "At first Eliza's body language was tense and anxious as Noctis pulled her closer. Her muscles relaxing as his fingers interlocked with his, as his other hand danced down the side of her body before resting itself carefully upon her hip. She could not help but revel in the warmth emitted from Noctis' touch, how it seeped into her flesh and seemingly revived her undead cells. It was as if his touch revived her, like his warmth gave her a glimpse of what *Life* Felt like- and it was invigorating. Time felt as if it slowed down as she looked up at him with a softened gaze, her ruby eyes gazing deep into his silver ones as they began their dance. \n\nEliza then heard the soft whisper of a song, one that she could feel vibrating with her blood- her soul. If not for Noctis' firm grasp on her hip she would have stumbled as wind magic lifted them into the air. To her suprised it felt no different than dancing upon solid ground. Eliza followed Noctis' lead as they danced, the sheer fabric of her dress slithering behind her like a satin snake as the two drifted through the cabin. Eliza barely noticed the change of scenery brought upon by the magic of Masculo until Noctis pulled her closer until their bodies pressed against each others. For a moment she stared at his face, admiring his sculpted features from a more intimate distance. \n\nAs the two continued their dance Eliza kept her gaze fixed upon Noctis' gaze as they frolicked in the clouds of the mountains. She spun gracefully when he twirled her, the long fabric on her sleeves and waist dancing in the wind as she twirled. Small pieces of her flesh seemed to spin around her as she twirled, revealing small peeks of bone as she spun in a beautiful but sparse vortex of vermillion before the droplets clung back to her body as he pulled her back in, dipping her gracefully in his arms. His hot breath poured out of his mouth onto her cold neck for a split moment before he pulled her back to her feet with ease.\n\nThe pairs faces were now closer than ever before, their lips so close Eliza could practically feel the warmth emitting from them on her own. Her entire body *Literally* Almost melted as he spoke her name gently to her, her bloody lips parting for a moment as he leaned closer, she nearly spoke before he let go of her, as if she were burning him at the touch. She jumped as he backed away from her and paused, her startled gaze studying him as he stood aimlessly before resuming their dance. A soft smile creeping onto her face for a moment before she quickly ushered it away.\n\n\"As did I, you aren't an absolutely horrible dancer Noctis.\" \n\nShe spoke with a phony sense of modesty when in reality her entire body was ready to evaporate and her soul was on fire. The hand resting atop his shoulder tightening its grip, her nails gently proving his muscler back before she looked at him once again. Her usual cold and sharp gaze now replaced with a soft one as she stares into his surging silver eyes." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "As they swayed gently through the cabin, he didn't even notice that his thumb was stroking small circles on the back of her hand as they spoke. Sighing, he decided to do something that could alter everything and yet- she knew what he was. He might not tell her outright, not yet, part of him felt Wisteria should know first or at least, at the same time. Maybe it was better if neither knew, maybe everyone should. It was impossible to figure out but... \n\n\"Well I should be, I worked for the Eternal Empire as a spy for hundreds of years. You get quite good at dancing when you get that much practice.\" His voice was no longer that starving and desperate rasp it had been, full of a tender caress, it was back to being controlled and melodic as they moved to the sound of the ship rocking on the river water. \n\n\"I'm no stranger to the courts.\" Still his thumb stroked burning circles into her skin and his fingers danced a tune against her hip, but something had been forged between them that this light touch was barely in his thought and yet felt as necessary as breathing did. \"Why did you save the little one, the sick girl? What about her drew you to her?\" He asked, his once again demigod like eyes soft and quizzical, not cold and hard as they usually were. His interest seemed genuine. \n\nIn the back of his mind a caged beast still reeled, drunk off her scent and her visage and the sensation of her skin. Even her bone was beautiful to him, she was a work of art that could expose herself to even her very structure and yet she was strong- she was a scream of defiance at what could be." }, { "author": "Eliza Tenebrian", "message": "Eliza's skin seemed to warm up to match Noctis' as he traced spirals into the back of her hand gently. She had hardly noticed his gentle caresses as the drifted through the cabin as her dress danced in the breeze like a train of shadows behind her. Her eyes were fixed onto his, on his cheeks and his nose as she uncharacteristically yearned to learn how they felt under her fingertips. \n\nShe snapped out of her delusional fantasy as he spoke to her, as he mentioned her precious daughter Alvyra. Her expression quickly shifting as she shut her eyes pensively with a quaint bittersweet smile on her face.\n\n\"Her name is Alvyra. She's one of my many girls but she holds a special place in my heart, not only is she my youngest but my most ambitious- most talented... Most damaged.\"\n\nEliza let out a heavy, painful sigh as she resumed her speech, her voice kind and soft, filled with heavy love for her child.\n\n\"She grew up in an orphanage in Vaelic city. She was sick with a hereditary blood disease that caused her to be frail and weak her whole life. Her orphanage wasn't very *Ethical*, she often went to bed hungry and cold- starving and alone in a world that didn't want her when all she wanted was to *Live*.\"\n\nEliza's voice grew softer and weaker as she spoke, each syllable filled with more pain and empathy than the last. \n\n\"I had Bris, the Tenebrian familiar since the dawn of our bloodline watch over her as she grew. Keeping her fed and warm- keeping her alive, but the poor thing never got a chance to live. She died in a field of lilies alone due to her illness, Bris alerted me and I was able to save her before she was gone for too long... Since the moment she was never happier, it's like it's her first chance at life as she learns everything for the first time.\"\n\nEliza chuckled to herself for a moment as she recalled Alvyra's adorable attitude, her savage nature, her ambition.\n\n\"She's troubled... Too brutal for her own good. The locals have even nicknamed her *She who mauls*. She gets herself into too much trouble than she can handle, risks the safety of our entire family... But she's just a child and she's worth it.\"\n\nEliza shook her head gracefully, collecting herself as her emotions began to bubble to the surface as she finished talking.\n\n\"I got carried away there i'm sorry, she's just a really special girl- she didn't deserve what life threw at her.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"She sounds special.\" He said suddenly, ignoring her apology. It was a preposterous apology. \"They say that in the dawn of the world, there was a human girl who was thrown to the wolves to distract them as a babe. She snarled and gnashed her teeth at them, and the wolves saw that she was one of their own. So they took her to their land within the mountains teeth and there she was raised with the Fey and the Beasts. She was the Fangless Cub, and she hates that as she grew. So she made her own fang- she fashioned herself a sword from a felled beasts tooth. The first sword. Thus was born the First Sword Saint of Aeterna.\" He said, chuckling. \n\n\"Your daughter is creating her own fangs. Just don't forget that as much as you can love and spoil, as a mother it's also your job to right her wrongs. You've suffered, I've suffered, she's suffered- but wrongs are still wrongs. You're here beacon, shine for her.\" He said, his voice gentle and not demeaning or lecturing. His grey eyes watched her for a moment more before he blinked and sighed. \n\n\"Well she's lucky to have you either way. It's.. It's getting early. You should depart soon if you plan to head to the Far Spirit Wood.\" He said and let her go, ending the dance. Stepping backwards a foot, creating distance that made his heart feel like it was being ripped, he clasped his hands behind his back. \n\n\"Travel safely Eliza. We have unfinished business you and I.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "The Narrator", "message": "The Forstead mountains, a hazardous place indeed. Biting cold winds, jagged rocks and sheer cliff faces that would see you plummet for miles. A land most consider to be hostile but some consider serene- enchanting even. Such a realm is this that the Alabaster Estate is located. \n\nDeep within the heart of the harsh forests and mountains of rugged Forstead lies an estate long forgotten and seemingly untouched by time. Where one would expect moss to cover walls- trees and roots claim the walk ways and small bridge- there is nothing but pristine care. It seems whomever lives at this place has kept it well taken care of all these years.\n\nThe city folk call it a bad omen, a place of bad luck, others say an old legend lives there- an old hero from a time before. None know for sure anymore, nothing but old wives tales and legends weaved about a great hero from some lifetime ago that lived there. Or, used to, anyway.\n\nDespite the stories about the estate being as varied as they are vague it seems someone is waiting for adventurers to begin arriving. A man stood out at the nexus where the bridge meets an estate, tapping his foot in a rhythmic pattern while holding his arms behind his back. Not only are adventurers hoped for, they're obviously expected. It's a wonder how long he's been out here waiting, it's apparent he's either expecting more... Or no one's shown up...\n\n*Yet.*" }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Amber gazed up at a fortress of stone, icy blankets of snow coating the tops of toots and stairways. The image of Forstwad was one of adversity, intensity, and frigid pride with how harsh nature's touch lingered during its winter seasons. Many could not survive the cold weather, even bundled up and knowing how deadly it could be.\n\nAnd yet she was there, unbothered by the chilled winds or softly falling snow. Wisteria had joined Noctis's little band of misfits they called a crew after much deliberation. Things had only settled after meeting everyone, but it seemed a test was in order for her. An initiation to prove to everyone she had what it took and was serious about joining. A mission, or any kind, that could line their pockets with gold. They'd need it for the road ahead.\n\nAt least that was what Noctis said.\n\nShe would have taken anything so long as it wasn't boring, but one on a nearby mission board had caught her eye along with adventurers and sell swords passing by. Vague in its words, but it offered something of interest to her.\n\nAnd here she was now on Forstead, gazing up at the fortress in front of her.\n\n\"Alabaster, huh?\" The name rolled off her tongue, something sitting in the back of her mind at saying the name. She ignored the feeling for now, heading down a long pathway leading to the estate stood. The crinkle of snow echoed in the silence beneath her feet, her lone eye catching something in the distance.\n\nNo, someone.\n\n\"You seem like you're getting agitated. I don't remember a time on your inquiry posted out in town.\" Wisteria spoke up to the man, seeing how he tapped his foot and stood rooted in his spot. \"Looking for adventurers?\"" }, { "author": "Thyri Sigtrygg", "message": "Snow. That was the first thing Thyri had noticed about the mountains she had been travelling up. Frost covering each rock and stone, plants struggling with the climate, and there was no doubt there was some body of a lost merchant hidden deep beneath the snow, along with whatever wares they had been selling.\n\nThyri absolutely *Hated* It. Shivers ran through her body as she trudged up the path, the crunch of snow her only companion as the estate came into view. She had found out about such a quest from a bounty an adventurer had left in her smithy. She couldn't be blamed for garnering such an interest in the subject. Magic items were certainly something she was around rather frequently. No point in complaining about the snow now, she had already made her way into Forstead, she couldn't just turn around now.\n\nIt was an impressive sight, viewing the estate from a distance. It seemed to tower over the mountains around it, creating quite the stark contrast to the dangerous land surrounding it. The condition the building in was certainly a surprise, she would have thought such a place would be abandoned due to the dangers around it.\n\nAs she approached, she took note of the two individuals standing. Seems like she was not the first to arrive. Hopefully a group hadn't arrived already.\n\n\"Oi! This the right estate?\" The blacksmith prayed that she had not taken a wrong turn somewhere lower on the mountain.\n\nUncaring if she was seen as rude or impolite, the blacksmith made her way up to the two, looking over both with a keen eye. The eye of a smith. She looked over whatever equipment they might have had on their person, trying to spot what condition such items were in. Thyri knew one could tell quite a bit from how a person kept their equipment." }, { "author": "Allisara Kreyaeris", "message": "Allisara had been traveling through Forstead when she had heard about a quest. She was wanting something to do for a while now, she read it and looked up to see the mountains. She had heard stories from locals about thse cold mountains and an old estate left alone and referred to as a bad omen. She was always up for adventure and challenge, the quest said to meet up there for more information.\n\n*\"Can't wait to see what kind of trouble I'll be getting myself into here.\"*\n\nAlli sarcastiaclly thought to herself, she pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head and tightened the rest of the cloak around her to keep warm. She patted the head of her familiar that was a tiger before swinghing her legs over the tiger and they traveled up towards the mountains. She didn't hate the cold and snow, but it wasn't her favorite thing in the world. As she traveld on her tiger, she noticed footprints in the snow as she grew close to the estate. They were recent.\n\nAllisara knew she wouldn't be alone on this quest but she didn't know how many others would be here. So as she grew closer, more and more footprints stood out in the snow. When she was just outside the entrance she climbed off of her familiar and had him lay outside and wait. She removed the hood and stepped inside, she didn't appear on edge but was scanning everything around until she spotted the others. \n\n\"Guessing this is the place to be.\" \n\nThe Elf brushed some snow and ice off of her cloak before walking to a wall nearby and leaning against it. Crossing her arms she waited for whoever was leading this or whoever gathered all these strangers here to speak or appear." } ]
[ { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "The one eyed mage stayed silent through the winter cold, watching this suited man before her waiting in the bridge. She'd spoken to him, but no response. No reaction. Merely looking at the metal pocket watch in his grasp. Such strange behavior never faltered, even when the second and third of the curious adventures looking into this quest, a tall and muscled blonde woman and a white haired elven woman, appeared and tried to ask for more information as well.\n\nShe huffed, eye shifting away to look out at the frosted scenery as the suited figure closed the device shut and finally spoke. She'd barely been there for more than five minutes and already this felt like it was going to be troublesome. She'd of left, but this was a test for the crew. She had to make results to prove her loyalty. \n\n**-to the Alabaster Estate, at your service.\"**\n\nThe butler's words flowed in her ears, the dragon woman turning her attention back as note of the cold atmosphere was not the best place to discuss details. Watching as everyone began to make their way up the stairs and headed inside the manor. The room was somewhat cold, the snow and blanketed atmosphere outside creating shadows that darkened the room. Had it not been for the fire trying its best to stay lit in the fireplace nearby, the whole manor surely would have become a freezing death trap enveloped in darkness. Still, such an atmosphere did not distort the beauty of the halls and ornaments. Wisteria glanced framed paintings on the walls, antiques that were created by skilled craftsmen few could obtain, the floors meticulously cleaned despite the few people who probably made their way all the way out here. The manor was well taken care. Nobody could deny such a claim.\n\nWisteria listening as Hermac mentioned it be best to speak of why they all came out to such a place, the dragon woman turned her head ever so slightly to the hallway they were meeting in, the sound of a haggard string of coughs echoing from a far distance.\n\n*Must b\n\nE Alabaster. He sounds almost on death's door.*\n\nAn orb of molten amber closed shut, the fire mage turning back to the butler as he stated the basics of their mission and the great reward should they succeed. It teetered between a line of basic understanding and uncertain oddity. It sounded far too simple. Simple enough that just about anyone could do it, but the desperation in the man's voice called for much more concern.\n\nNot to mention the crypt in question. It was a death trap. It's history and legends of what was held within didn't travel far beyond old stories, but she knew them well enough. There was dark magic in there. Threats that would kill most for sure. She'd gone there once on a whim a long time ago and seen what made its home there.\n\n\"You want us to go to *That* Crypt*?\" Wisteria asked, knowing of the one the man was talking about. She looked to the butler, arms crossed and staring the man down. \"When I heard the reward, I thought it was too much at first, but now I understand why your little flyer was so vague. You must be quite desperate.\"" }, { "author": "Thyri Sigtrygg", "message": "It certainly seemed like the butler wanted to keep with time however he could. It was actually rather surprising to see such dedication these days. She could appreciate it.\n\nAt the introduction of the butler, and the confirmation that she had arrived at the correct estate, a soft sigh of relief escaped her. Finally, she could get out of this damned frost. She was quick to follow the butler and make her way inside, marvelling at the weapons. The craftsmanship was exquisite on many of them, the quality unmatched. But whilst she could tell that many would make for grand weapons, she could also see that plenty had lost their edge due to time. A pang of sadness was felt in her chest as she saw such beautiful tools be used for simple display. Alas, there was naught she could do, unless she simply planned to take every weapon for herself. There would never be the time, however.\n\nThe coughing was what drew her attention next, a horrid sound. Her eyes shot to the hall, half expecting some dying creature to make its way into the room. When nothing appeared, she could only imagine the state such a person would be in to make such a sound. The cold was certainly not the best place for them. An unlucky place to build such a manor.\n\nHer heart jumped as she heard the price of the reward. Such a high amount would not only be able to keep her well fed for weeks, but pay for plenty of high quality materials. It sounded perfect. Much too perfect.\n\nWhen the mage began to voice her opinion, a flash of confusion shot through her eyes. She was not familiar with Forstead, nor its surroundings, was this some sort of local legend? Perhaps a cursed crypt, filled with horrors unthought of. Strange creatures that walked through the shadows, or perhaps simple ghouls. It brought a bit of worry into her mind, as Wisteria said, it seemed like the estate was growing rather desperate. In Thyri's mind, that meant two things. They were the first set of adventurers that had actually shown up.\n.\n\nOr the rest of the adventurers had never come back.\n\nIt certainly wasn't a very kindly outlook. Was the reward greater than the risk? Well, only time would honestly be able to tell. Thyri crossed her arms as she thought for a moment, glancing over to Wisteria. \"Ya know of this place? Any information yer willing to share? Ain't been to Forstead before.\"\n\nMight as well try her best to work as a team, even if it had been quite some time." }, { "author": "Allisara Kreyaeris", "message": "While waiting, the white haired elf removed her cloak hood and observed the other two ladies and the man sitting with the pocket watch. As soon as the man with the pocket watch stood up and escorted everyone inside, she looked around taking mental notes at everything. Then she focused her attention when the man began speaking, noting that whoever the loud wheezing cough was coming from was near death's door. \n\nAllisara listened and her eyes widened a little in shock at the amount of gold being offered for this task. She had no idea what this crypt was that they were having to go to, but guessing from the reaction of the lady with one eye it wasn't going to be an easy task. Alli rarely went after missions or quests that were very vague from the beginning, but for some reason this had her interest but she needed to know more. Not just from the one eyed lady that knew about the crypt but from the one in charge of the reward and who came up with the task.\n\n\"If yer wanting us to continue with this task into what sounds like a sketchy crypt, and with two of us not being extremely knowledgeable about Forstead ya mind sharing a bit more information about what you are asking us to do Mr Cromwell and what this crypt is? You seem quite desperate and the man you're the caretaker of per say is inching closer to meeting with Mortem.\"\n\nThen Allisara shifted her gaze towards Wisteria and Thyri.\n** **\n\n\"Seems it's just the three of us who are brave enough or stupid enough to do this. Introductions would probably be wise so we at least know each other's names. I'm Allisara, nice to meet you all and hopefully we don't end up dying with this task.\"\n\nAfter everyone had given their names, Allisara once again looked around and had one more question for the butler. \n\n\"You said we'll be able to rest here, I have a question in regards to that. And I don't mean for it to sound rude, so apologies if it does. Are there any rooms that aren't close to the man in the other room? Just want to get some good rest before we set out.\"\n\nHer tone was kind and curious, no malicious intent within anything she had said in her time here. She was thankful she decided to wear her cloak to keep her warm as well, the fire wasn't keeping the room too warm but it was doing the best it could. Allisara was also hoping they wouldn't be setting out anytime soon, she had to make sure she was prepared for this mission. She would need to sharpen her weaponry and mentally prepare for it, as it was going to be a demanding one." } ]
[ { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Wisteria's lone eye moved to look to the taller, more burly blonde in the group; hearing her inquire as to what information she had to help them prepare. The fire mage shrugged, debating what she should tell and not tell. Best not to let something slip close to them being suspicious of her knowledge. \"It used to be a cathedral from what I heard. A holy place, before it got ransacked and made a lair for some criminals. Pretty sure it was abandoned, but who knows what creatures might of snuck their way in after all the time it's been left sitting to collect dust.\" \n\nThe comment from the elven woman, Allisara, about trying not to die and wondering if their bravery or stupidity called them all to this made Wisteria scoff. She wouldn't call it stupidity or bravery, Perhaps curiosity at best for her. There was much more to this than what the butler was telling them, but the dragon woman kept her own inquiries to herself. \n\nShe raised a brow at the elf woman's request for lodging away from the coughing fit beyond the hall. She said she wasn't trying to be rude, but didn't stop the request from sounding anything but.\n\n*Whether we get a good night's sleep or not isn't going to make this easy. I can already tell.*\n\n\"Unfortunately it sounded pretty rude. Especially if that's the guy paying all this gold.\" Wisteria muttered, turning her head to look down the hall tot he unknown benefactor. \"Too sick to come see the merry band he's hiring?\"" }, { "author": "Herbac Cromwell", "message": "\"***Yes miss,*** *That* ***Crypt.***\"\n\nHerbac replied to Wisteria with a flicker of his gaze towards her. He seemed almost curt with his reply as if even saying the word crypt would antagonize some form of evil or malevolent force to act against him. Upon both Thyri asking Wisteria and Allisara asking him the butler sighed as he readjusted his tie like he was preparing himself for the conversation at hand.\n\n\"***The tomb of Zenerath Bore-***\"\n\nA window blew open from a harsh gust of wind, the air within the room suddenly dropped as the fire in the hearth struggled to keep alight. The butler walked over, almost unnaturally fast and quickly shut the window- locking it tight.\n\n\"***It's a forgotten legend. A myth told about around camp fires, sung by bards and told in reverence by children too foolish to know. Indeed I am desperate for adventurers to take upon this quest because it's a time sensitive matter... And yes, yes he is.***\" A gaze of sorrow came off the butler as he turned his eyes towards the hallway the dreadful cough had came from earlier. Indeed Herbac knew that the time for his friends death would soon arrive and that this final request wasn't as difficult as some would believe it to be- but it had become so in recent years.\n\n\"***The tomb is at the sight of a battle from around thirty years ago where a band of heroes fought and defeated a dark sorcerer and his cult. The battle was considered calamitous due to the residual dark magic left behind by the sorcerer... And as such the Magos Academia sealed the bones and bodies of both the leader and his cult down into the cathedral they'd once called home. Now it's simply known as, around Forstead atleast, __the__ crypt. It's superstition to believe it's real name carry's power... But I'd say the three of us well enough understand that names have power.***\"\n\n** **\nWith a knowing look of almost suppressed regret the butler finished his speech about the crypt in question with a small sigh- a metaphorical weight lifted off his shoulders. Then turning his attention to Allisara once more he offered a kind nod, oddly enough it seemed catering to others made him happier- the smile it telling.\n\n\"***No need for such apologies, I understand miss. There are plenty rooms within the estates, I keep the place well in order. I'll be happy to show you three whenever we are done with our discussion. The same goes for armor and weapons actually, we have a functioning forge around the back, feel free to make use of it if you'd like. I can also personally sharpen or shape up your gear if you'd wish, I come from a family of smiths so I know a thing or two.***\" His gaze flickered to Thyri at that remark, able to assume her trade given her eye for the weapons and items on the walls.\n\nUpon Wisterias mention of the rudeness the butler was hasty to wave a hand in attempt to pass by the assumption- he nearly got a sound out whenever another voice cut him off immediately." }, { "author": "Richmond Alabaster", "message": "\"***No.***\"\n\nA voice as old as an ancient tree and as deep as the deeps of dwarven mines spoke from down the hall. A shadow was cast at the doorway of the only visible room, a looming and powerful presence seemed to emanate from the room as whomever was within it walked closer to the exit- every step made it obvious that the figure was...*Armored?*\n\n\"***Your goal is to delve into the crypt and-***\"\n\nOut of the doorway emerged a figure of size and strength befitting a knight of old. He is extremely tall, perhaps part giant or goliath, his body and muscles seem strong and large despite the coughing from earlier. His armor was old silver with golden trim, if Thyri is as gifted and knowledgeable as she seems it's obvious he wears armor that only the paladins of Nuliia- *The goddess of might, glory and victory*, wear.\n\n\"***-retrieve my sword from within. I dare not die without the weapon I have trained since birth with... Had this been some thirty years or so ago I could have made the trip alone but... I cannot. That is why I n-***\" \n\nDirectly within the middle of his speaking a harsh cough ripped from the man's throat, then another. Pulling a cloth from his beltline the old man covered his mouth and hacked away freely before he pocketed the cloth once again- the cloth now speckled with red.\n\n\"***Why I am in need of your services, I am not long for this world.***\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Richmond Alabaster", "message": "\"***A paladins sworn oath does not end until the day I die. I swore to never remove my armor until I finished my mission to find an old friend... As you can see, I haven't succeeded.***\"\n\nThe old man replied to Wisteria as he stepped closer to the group, his armor reflecting the light coming from the fire. Holding up a hand to Allisara it was clear the old man took no offense to her desire to be away from everyone in a far room.\n\n\"***Not rude, understandable. It's good to have time alone before a long journey, I can respect that.***\" He said to the woman as he walked towards a chair, taking a seat with a small grunt and a clanking of his armor. It doesn't look too comfortable to sit in that armor but it's something the old man has to accept and deal with." }, { "author": "Herbac Cromwell", "message": "\"***Not a problem ma'am... I can show you to the forge soon enough.***\" The kind Butler replied to the elf, a small smile cresting his face, the thanks she gave was kind of her." }, { "author": "Richmond Alabaster", "message": "\"***It was be improper to not meet those I intend to hire, but, I appreciate your kindness young lady. And thank you, it will mean much to me to have my sword returned to me after all these years.***\"\n\nThe old Paladin gave a nod to Allisara to show his appreciation of her kind words to him. He appreciates her willingness to be kind, it's a rare trait these days. Turning to Thyri the old man gave a nod of his head in the form of a greeting.\n\n\"***The very same, thank you. And yes, the forge is kept well stocked... Even if it's flames have not roared in sometime. Use as much of what's in there as you'd like, we have plenty.***\"\n\nRichmond replied with a wave of his hand, showing that his concern was not for the use of his resources or forge- he didn't mind, it's purpose is to be used anyway. Turning his head and looking at each of the women Richmond seemed to take a close look at each of them- pausing for longer on Wisteria than anyone else, but he nodded his head in approval.\n\n\"***I can see that you three ladies are strong, that makes my heart happy. I was worried that only novices would take this quest... It's good to know my faith is being put in capable hands.***\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Ender Juno", "message": "*The cycle of life continues, even during such a cold winter storm, the day must continue and so on.*\n\n*The Scholar let out a deep breath as a cold mist escaped along with it, looking out to the snow that is falling down from the high skies. Though those from other lands may think winter is a yearly occurrence, right here in The North, snow, blizzards, and the freezing negative winds go on forever here. An endless turmoil of winter with no end.*\n\n*But of course, they have a way of surviving the merciless cold. Fire is the main solution to combating against the winter and surviving through it, as the element burns through the snow and makes way for warmth to exist.*\n\n*Even now, Ender has a lamp beside him that has a bright fire inside, lighting up the frosty air to bring in the comforting warmth for him. Of course needing warmth to survive, as if a human can withstand the cold winter forever without any heat.*\n\n*He looked out to the streets that were still bustling with people, the village still active as ever in this cold hour. Nothing has ever changed, it's as if the people here have conquered the cold and has no fear to being frozen to death. Knowing fire is everywhere to preserve them.*\n\n*Ender looks down at the book that was in his hand, having just read an old story to a group of curious kids just now. That is indeed a way of spreading knowledge to others.*\n\n*The book that is currently in his possession is another typical history book, holding tales and stories of the past and how the world has transformed itself into the present which is now. Even after all the tragedies, these calm and peaceful days still remain.*\n\n*Ender sometimes wonder if he'll ever be able to travel to the other parts of this world, maybe seeing and witnessing the other realms for himself to fully immerse in the knowledge and finally understand it all, but oh well... With his body, he doesn't think he has the capability to travel everywhere.*" }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "Out of the darkness, the biting winds and malevolent cold that seeks to claim all it can one soul walks through the snow as if he felt nothing that it did to him. He wore only a tight fitting black shirt, grey pants that seem to be some form of training garment, black shoes with no visible laces and an odd holster strung across his back.\n\nWith every step he drew closer and closer to the village, the only soul walking down the long road into town. Once there the figure paused at the entrance of the town, looking around in a rather lazy manner as if he was scanning all around- his eyes eventually landing on ***Ender*** Himself. His eyes hold a coldness to them much like the weather outside, a force of nature.\n\n\"*Huh, night owl aye.*\"\n\nThe cursed man thought to himself as he looked up at Ender for a few more moments before moving his gaze elsewhere. He wandered through the village more, a job to be done, no time to wander." }, { "author": "Ender Juno", "message": "*Ender's eyes blinked, turning his attention to the newcomer that has arrived into the village.*\n\n*He didn't really expect travelers to arrive at this point of time, seeing as that it's nighttime and the temperature is at its lowest. A not really fitting hour to be travelling, as the consequences are unkind with being lost in the cold snow and freezing to death, your body being covered in thick snow and perhaps unfounded.*\n\n*When both man's eyes locked, Ender can't help but feel a chill be sent down his spine. Not really having an idea in mind as what to say or do.*\n\n*He kept his eyes on the cursed man, thinking that this may be his first time in this village seeing that he is wandering around the place, looking lost.*\n\n*Building up some courage, he took a few steps towards the other, holding the lamp that has the ever burning flame inside with his right hand.*\n\n\"Are you lost, sir?\"\n\n*Ender questioned, having seen several others arriving to this village to escape from the icy storm that has blocked their path, resulting in being lost and in need of guidance.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis watched the mammoths go by as he sat upon the ridge, his longsword resting sheathed behind his back to allow him to get some climbing in. Far, far below in the distance would be the Onyx Crest- docked with his crew aboard. In the idle quietness of the moment he found himself wishing that Sylvar and Valac would strike up a friendship soon, comraderies' was an important asset in any party. Letting out a puff of air, he watched his breath turn into condensation in the freezing mountainous air. This high up, no one but the mammoths could bother him. He just needed some quiet time to think, to process. Something sat heavy in his chest and he wasn't sure what. \n\n\"𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜.\"\n\nThe voice of his father- no, the *Memory* Of the voice of his father echoed throughout his head. Noct had always assumed that had meant his role in the Cousin Conflict, but really that had been a destiny more apt for Scipio. Scipio had been someone who could handle the weight of the nine realms and ask for more, he'd been as close to a god as a mortal could get and yet even he had been claimed by time. What good could some demigod of the \"Pretty\" Domain do? He wanted tot through his hands up and scream, wanted to shout curses at the blasted sky until they smote him for his insolence. He felt spited by heaven, and hell was doing nothing to bless him either. \n\nRising to his feet, he rubbed the platinum vambraces on his arms before tugging at his earrings. He should return to the ship now and relax, find someone to occupy his thoughts with talk and eat. He found himself wondering what Esme was up to, but he banished the thought. Likely she had forgotten about him since they'd parted, though surely not their agreement. He did not need her yet, no, but he needed... Something. Someone? Who knew, he was a mess, a mess with enough rage and frustration to level this whole damned mountain. \n\n\"Come\n\nOn fate- if you really want to fuck me then just do it now and get it over with.\" He said, unaware of the danger approaching him." }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "The word never left his mind- *Cursed*, like a wound that would never scar it constantly reminded him with sharp stinging pain if he dared move too close to those memories. His mother and father, his family, his lineage- he is cursed. Even now, as his shoes crunch in rhythmic matter on the snow below him, the memories never cease. It was cruel, his life by nature, but for his memories to never seem too far away despite all he did- it felt like a cruel joke to him. But, he shouldn't be surprised, for these isn't anyone more cursed than him for he is...\n\n*** 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥.***\n\n\"***Damn.***\" He said with a small sigh, realizing he was getting too absorbed in himself. He turned his attention away from the past and instead focused on the present, his target. \n\nHe closed his eyes and took a deep and slow inhale through his nose, allowing his powerful senses to take over and provide him with intel. He smelled him, he heard him, he could feel him. The scent he'd been tracking for hours, the sounds he'd been guided by and the air pressure change he'd been following- they all pointed to the target.\n\n\"***Heh.***\" He smirked to himself- the time is now. Not a sound or trace was left behind, it was like he simply vanished into thin air. A tall man appeared before the one who felt betrayed by heaven, a man who shared that pain to some degree.\n\n\"***Sounds like I must an agent of fate then.***\" Tarin spoke aloud as he stares at Noctis, a cold and heartless stare came from his gaze.\n\nA weapon was held in his right hand, some odd looking blade with a short hilt- more akin to a large dagger than anything. He wore no armor, frankly he seemed underdressed- plain black shoes, grey pants, a black shirt and what looked like a staff across his back." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis' silver eyes widened in surprise at the appearance of the man- no, the stranger. They hadn't been there a moment ago and they hadn't been ever within a couple hundred feet, no, they'd been *Further* And moved this close so fast that Noctis only sensed them as they appeared. If he had struck without speaking, Noctis would be dead by now. Instantly his magic flared through his body and before the sentence had been finished, Noctis had Enhanced himself to Psuedo 100%. Noctis` magic worked in a specific way- he had a Psuedo Pool and an Innate or True Pool. The Psuedo Pool used \"Imaginary\" Numbers to boost his strength, the True pool used the numbers he already had in his body, subtracting from some areas and adding to others. For example, normally he could smell almost as good as a dog, with Psuedo boosts, he could smell better than any hound dog and beyond with the catch being it began a mana drain. \n\nWith True, he could instead remove his ability to hear and boost his sense of smell to the same power level as Psuedo with *Zero* Mana drain. \n\nWhoever the hell this was, they were no joke. He'd fought enough demigods to know and that kind of speed had only been had by the most dangerous of them. Now however it was too late for them to instantly kill him. Now they'd die. \n\n*\"Then fates going to need a replacement.\"* He said, his silver eyes flashing as he drew his own blade in a rush of motion so fast that to anyone else it was a blur. His blade came down in an arc even as his free hand moved to a defensive position for him to block, deflect or knock away a counter attack from that strange looking blade. The sword Noctis carried was beautiful, made of black metal that seemed to be bleeding and with a rubied hilt and a platinum crossguard- it was deadly and razor sharp. \n\nThe fight had begun, and Noctis already felt his blood boiling with excitement for the dance of swords." }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "A nearly sadistic smile began to crawl across the man's face as he saw the eyes of his foe widen- they hadn't seen or sensed him coming, good. Tarin shifted his stand, putting more weight on his right leg and tilting his head slightly to the side, sizing up his opponent most likely.\n\n*Magic.* Tarin Vo has no such thing to his name. Mana simply does not exist in his body, to anyone who can sense of quantify such a thing about a person- to them Tarin simply has none to speak of. His true power lies in his physical prowess, in all physical aspects Tarin is beyond mortal in them all.\n\nHopefully whoever this is can give him a good fight, that's all he's hoping for really, a genuine challenge that will push him to improvement- progression or death.\n\n\"***Heh-***\" A stifled chuckle left the man's lips as Noctis moved with his attack, he was so excited to hear such a thing.\n\nThe bloody blade was matched while mid swing by Tarin's own odd looking spear-head, a weapon that oozed a malicious and unholy aura while looking almost alien with its misshaped blades and large size- held in a reverse grip. His physical strength now looming in the back of Noctis' mind as his blade stopped completely against his opponents- like his sword had hit a mountains side. But, even if his defense had stopped a cut from appearing it left him with somewhat limited options- so, he went for the safest bet, his right leg swung out fast- aiming to kick out Noctis' left leg from underneath him.\n\nFinally, *Battle.* Tarin couldn't help but feel his heart begin to race with joyful adrenaline at the prospect of a fight that might push him further beyond." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Tarin would likely be amazed that Noctis' sword actually put *Weight* Behind the blow, Noctis was nearly as strong as Tarin. A feat that the mercenary probably did not experience often. Someone of Tarins strength was not someone Noctis experienced often either. \n\nHe shifted his left foot back and with their blades locked, pushed hard against the lock and leapt back to create some distance between the two. There wouldn't be time to hold back against someone like this- were they a fellow demigod, a child of Titanos or the Allfather maybe? \n\nNot giving Tarin a moment to plan out more attacks, Noctis used his **Flash Step**. The technique was complex but effective, it involved wrapping his body in illusion to make it nearly see through for a moment, leave behind an \"After image\" Of himself that still made sound and then use his insane strength to move at blinding speeds to get close. Pushing 50% of the stats from one leg to the other allowed him to kick off towards Tarin at an even more ridiculous speed. \n\nSo Noctis appeared beside Tarin with his sword already mid swing towards the strangers head. \"Who hired you?\" He asked as they fought, his silver eyes burning but a grin plastered across his face. It seemed he was having fun." }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "\"***You're strong!!***\" The cursed one said with a wide smile on his face, pushing his blade against Noctis' and approving of his opponents strength that was near to his own- a rarity indeed. Most often when he faces those with magics they rely too heavily on them and become lamb for the slaughter- but not this man...*Good.*\n\nWith his kick behind missed Tarin firmly planted his right foot and pressed into the blade lock, breaking away and creating distance with a leap backwards just like his opponent. He knelt down, one knee touching the ground while he reached towards his shoulder with his free hand and pulled a length of chain from the holster the oddly short staff was held in before he attached the end of it to his odd weapons hilt.\n\n\"*Fast-*\" He said internally, relying on his superhuman senses and reflexes to find his target despite the illusion before him.\n\n\"***No one important.***\" Tarin' replied casually, Noctis' blade stopping inches from his head thanks to pulling the chain with the hand that held it and the other that held his weapon, effectively making a small barrier of chain to stop the strike. \"***But-***\" The cursed man vanished, seemingly disappearing and reappearing several dozen yards away from Noctis.\n\n\"***Beat me and I'll tell you, if you think you can.***\"\n\nA large grin was held on his face and the burning fires of adrenaline filled his eyes while he began to spin the chain- creating a small whirlwind of air.\n\n\"***Show me your strength, worthy opponent.***\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"I do like a clear transaction.\" Noctis retorted as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bronze coin, the cheapest form of currency. Holding his free hand up as the chain and blade began to spin, he wove flows of air to create rotation and add penetration power, then wove weaves of fire to create a flaming aura around the now rapidly spinning coin to give it destructive power. \n\nHe held his thumb and pinky together, with his middle finger bent back and tucked beneath it and his pointer and ring finger towards the sky like the sights of a musket. \n\n**\"Blitzkrieg!\"** He said, and flicked the coin after allocating all the strength from one arm into just his hand. The coin exploded forward faster than even a bullet could travel, creating a thunderclap from the pressure as the sound barrier around it shook. The mountain rumbled as the red hot coin rocketed towards Tarin, aimed for his chest. \n\nEven as the coin was fired, he reverted his stats back to pseudo 100% and dashed to the right, keeping his body low as he ran along the snow to make the target for Tarin harder to focus on. \n\nThis guy was fast, fast and strong and excited about Noctis' strength. It spelled serious trouble, not the type of fight Noctis liked to take alone." }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "\"*What are you playing at...*\"\nTarin glared with intent at his opponent in this great duel, his enhanced senses taking in as much a picture as possible- but it only did so much. One of Tarin's major weaknesses is that due to his curse he cannot see magic to any degree meaning he can never truly be sure just how much power is being generated by a single attack. He relies on sheer human and plenty of trained instinct to guide him even with his level of skill at such a thing it can fall short on rare occasion...*Such as this one.* \n\nHe charged forwards just as the shot was fire, reflexively he swung his chain-blade in a short spiral in order for him to grab the hilt of his blade, something was coming-\n\n\"***HRRK-***\" A strained grunt escaped his body as the shot coin slammed into his knife, the force was so strong he could have stood against it but the earth below him couldn't. His legs flew out from under him, the powerful magical blast smashing against his blade pushed him at incredible speeds.\n\nHis body slammed into a tree, crushing the wood on impact but causing Tarin to spin through the air, without magic he had no way to correct himself- he knew that... And that must mean- \n\n\"*ENDURE.*\" His mind screamed as his body took action, despite being left wide open as he tumbled through the air every muscle within his body contracted at a singular time- effectively turning his body into steel for a few moments, he knew an attack was coming... It would be foolish not to." } ]
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis and Tarin were both warriors who were used to battle, used to the art of combat. In a fight of life or death, you did not hesitate to press an advantage. As Tarin spun through the air, Noctis' legs bent and the earth cracked beneath his feet as snow exploded up into the air from the pure force of his launch. He flew through the air, tossing his sword just above his head, forming a new hand sign and weaving flames with a core of hyper compressed air in the center, launched two fireballs down into the trajectory that Tarin was flying in, unable to right his course until he met something to stop him he'd fly right into the fireballs. \n\nWhen the two fireballs met at their course, they'd collide with themselves with Tarin if he had not managed to right himself somehow and the cores of compressed air would explode in a wave of force and fire. In other words, Noctis had just launched two magical firebombs into Tarin. He'd land in the snow (landing quickly thanks to a push towards the ground with wind magic) after grabbing his sword and continue moving, confident that it would not kill Tarin.\n\n*\"No... It won't even slow him down.. That mans strength was monsterous. Reacting to Blitzkrieg out of pure **Reflex**. This man wasn't some ordinary human- he had to be some kind of* **Demon.** \n\nUsing the time it would take for Tarin to recover, he dashed forward to get back into melee range and not allow Tarin to use that long chain of his. Something about it told him that it was no ordinary chain, he needed to know everything about this man and his arsenal if he was going to survive this encounter. Meanwhile, there would be a rumbling from the mountain as some snow shifted. Two massive sounds had caused some instability at the peak of the mountain, but no avalanche had begun just yet. As the smoke cleared and the snow fell away, Noctis would be upon Tarin with his sword in his hand, a black and platinum clad specter of martial and magical power. He hadn't gone all out like\n\nThis since the Cousin Conflicts. It felt... **Good.**" }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "\"*More...*\"\n\nThe firebombs exploded, a massive wave of magic fire and air launched from the collision with Tarin dead in the center. Snow flew in every direction and smoke shielding Tarin from Noctis' view even as he continued his approach.\n\nTime felt like it had slowed to a crawl for the cursed man, all things moved in slow motion, he was calm. He laid there for a moment, feeling the cold bite of snow sting his skin, the small burns that tattered his shirt and dotted his arms- his mind far away and into some unknowable place within his subconscious.\n\n\"*Is this... Where I die?*\" His eyes widened somewhat and a small gasp escaped him as the words really registered in his mind. \"*Will this man... Kill me?*\" He sniffed the air once. \"*He's almost on me... Maybe I should...*\"\n\nSuddenly a massive wave of concussive force and winds whipped from the location of where the fire bombs hit previously. The snow and smoke were gone- revealing the man standing firmly on his own two feet at the center.\n\n*His eyes are alive.*\n\n*\"Fight... FIGHT.*\"\n\nTarin moved, disappearing from sight while a boom resounded and a crater was left where he stood previously. Within the instant that Noctis had blinked his eyes Tarin had urged his body to move and it responded in kind. His visage reappeared right infront of Noctis, a right fist swinging with crushing force and speed towards Noctis' face." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "*Fast... Too damn fast!\"* Noctis' mind thought and it was all he had but to raise his arms in time to block the punch. Thankfully the strike would crash into his enchanted vambraces and he was sent flying backwards in an explosion of force and speed. Even with the armor he felt his arms shaking and trembling from the force and the pain was incredible- terrible and incredible. The black longsword he carried spun out of his hand and spiraled into the night as he flipped head over heels through the snow and towards a tree. However he had something Tarin did not... \n\n**\"TRY HARDER!\"** He shouted at the assailant and with a burst of wind magic, he righted himself and dug his heels into the earth- sliding backwards until he came to a tree. As he reached it, he pressed one foot against it and exploded forward in a shockwave of sound, dashing back towards Tarin with his silver eyes glowing from the use of his magic power. As he neared his body would break into a series of palm strikes, slaps and chops as he used the martial art he'd been taught by his mentor back in the age of demigods. The technique was called Heavens Wing, a fast striking martial art that minimized force on the body and maximized lethal output and nerve striking. Noctis wasn't *As* Fast as Tarin, but he was *Fast* And had years of experience fighting life or death battles just like Tarin. \n\nHis strikes were aimed for Tarins upper torso to attempt to force him back and try to land a clean blow on his neck- a vicious battle between the two for dominance." } ]
[ { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "His fist stung from the impact for just a moment while his opponent flew away from his blow. Good, his sword flew away too- which means he'll attack with fists next- Tarin must respond to such a thing in kind for that is the warrior way. \n\n\"***FINE.***\" \n\nTarin bellowed in reply, a smile of joy and combative zeal gleaming across his face. With speed Tarin dashed towards Noctis, noticing the tensing body and motion beginning to take place- a sign. He sheathed his dagger on his hip, the chain seemingly being sucked into the short-staff holder as if something was pulling the chain into it, now he is ready for the exchange.\n\n IT ON!\" \n\nHe followed Noctis' movements and retaliated with his own. While Noctis focused on nerve strikes and more precise and lethal blows Tarin did what he does best- allowed his superhuman body, that was nearly as hard as steel itself, to take some damage so he could get one powerful blow off.\n\n*Speed and technique versus power and determination.*\n\nReplying to Noctis' flurry of blows Tarin did his best to defend and only attacked in response with powerful single strikes aimed for weak points in armor- the sides, joints, the neck." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis' grin was devilish as Tarin relied on his endurance to withstand. He definitely could, every strike against the mans body felt as if he were striking an iron wall. Still, Noctis had battled Demigods of Titanos and had won not through sheer force, but because he was always willing to adapt, always willing to concede that his physical strength would never be enough and he'd strived to go beyond. As he struck, Noctis would do two things to cause *Severe* Damage to Tarins body. \n\nFirst, he allocated he removed his sense of taste and smell- then took those \"Stats\" To boost the physical strength of just his **Fingers** To be several times harder than steel, reinforcing his bones and joints. The smaller the part of the body he enhanced the greater effect an amount of stats had. \n\nThen he generated tiny points of compressed magical air at the tips of his fingers, at the edges of them or in the center of his palms, letting them explode on impact with focused jets of power and reforming them with every strike. However Tarins speed and strength were nothing to be scoffed at. \n\nAs he landed a flurry of blows, he managed to avoid two but the third of Tarins counters struck his chest and sent him flying back again. If he hadn't shut off his pain receptors he was aware that he would likely be in terrible agony. Luckily his reinforced body was durable, he didn't think anything was full broken but there had been fractures in his ribs. Ignoring that for later, he righted himself with a flow of wind and dashed... \n\n*Away?* \n\nHe dove into the herd of passing Mammoths. After a moment... \n\n**FWOOOOOOOOOM** A cry and wail of a Mammoths trunk resonated out as a full sized mammoth came flying at Tarin, its tusks pointed straight for him. It had yellowed skin and jaundiced eyes and it seemed already on deaths door. It seemed that even in this life or death situation he had only used the living creature this way because it was doomed to die anyways. There was no point in hiding so Noc\n\nTis was visible once more, already generating a fireball as the Mammoth came crashing down. He tried to seek out his sword but it had been claimed by the snow." }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "\"*What incredible power-*\"\nTarin marveled as he felt his body began to take considerable damage from Noctis' attacks, the magical abilities and skill of this man are nothing if not truly exceptional. But, just as Noctis has battled beings of legend, Tarin has done the same in his own regard.\n\nAs blood began to drip from Tarin's wounds he found himself prepared to kick this battle into a higher gear and threw a quick barrage of three strikes, glad to see his third has struck home and sent Noctis flying away.\n\n\"***COME ON!!***\"\n\nTarin took the brief moment or respite due to Noctis dashing away to access his body, the damage was nothing to ignore- he'd need to either end this quickly or put his ego away and act like this is a job instead of fun.\n\n\"*What the-*\"\n\nThe mammoth slammed into him and they both hit the ground with a loud boom, snow being thrown around due to the force. He hadn't expected such a thing, truly, and was caught off guard. Finite second passed after the mammoth landed, but, something began to happen- slashes of wind launched from the creatures body and blood flew into the air- *He had cut his way through it.*\n\nStanding within the corpse of the now butcher mammoth was Tarin with a new blade resting on his shoulder, much larger and wider than the one he'd used preciously.\n\nHe took but one single moment to continue his attack, not wanting to waste precious moments to showboat, so he took off. With a thunderous boom of force Tarin launched himself through the skies towards Noctis, his new blade held to the side and ready to be used to bisect with one horizontal slash. If it hits that would be all but if it misses he plans to use that momentum to spin and deliver a heel-kick to the head if possible." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis didn't have time to complete the formation of the fireball and instead was forced to go on the defensive as Tarin exploded towards him. Crossing his arms in an X, he reinforced the first vambrace with the second and enhanced his body. Still the force was explosive and the collision of the metals caused the snow around them to shake and shift, a loud **CLANG** Resonating through the air. The mountain rumbled as if some sleeping giant within it was being awoken from their slumber. With an exertion of effort he threw the sword back and only just managed to lean back far enough to avoid having his head cracked by the heel-kick. \n\nUsing his backwards momentum he retreated and used his illusion magic, grinning as he held up two hands. Tarin had been able to track him through snow, smoke and dust with ease and had even seen through his Flash Step as if Noctis had never used it. With incredible senses like that- well... Illusion magic was an incredible resource because of its versatility. Everyone thought of making images or scenes, but Noctis was a hunter of the elite, of those blessed by the gods- killing someone cursed by the heavens would be no different. \n\nA man without even a hint of magical power was doomed to mediocrity, he'd never get to expeirence the wonders of magic. Yet here he stood, a demon of physical power. Maybe Hell had decided to bless him where the Heavens had doomed him. Noctis only knew that one of them would win and the other would lose- and Noctis couldn't afford to die here. He needed to live, needed to fight, needed to continue his quest and see why he'd been ripped from his life so brutally. \n\nIn one hand he created a source of sound even as he dimmed his own hearing abilities to that of a normal mans. The sound was such an incredibly high frequency, and just like dogs, those with enhanced hearing were the only ones able to pick it up. A frequency this high, as Noctis had discovered... **Hurt like hell.** Give him a blinding headache and\n\nRemove his hearing. \n\nThat wasn't all, he had to do more. The other hand he created an illusion of **Blinding** Light, akin to staring at the sun- and made it so it only faced away from him, not towards Noctis. \n\nFinally, he created a layer of a horrible scent, a mixture of onions, sulphur, rotting cabbage and burning hair and spread it around his body, throwing it all over the space around him. \n\nTo sum it up, Noctis had just violated Tarins senses with blinding light, a terrible high frequency and a revolting smell that shifted and moved to make it hard to pin him down by scent. \n\nWith his senses decreased, he boosted his legs and exploded forward to deliver a crushing axe kick to the head, hoping the illusions of sound, smell and blinding light would give him an opening." } ]
[ { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "In his efforts to stay concealed, or at least low-priority to the mammoths in the distance, Marlo was failing in an amusing way. He was flat to the ground on a small hill, perhaps more aptly just a mound from its lacking size, wanting to have as little of him sticking out as he could... Failing to take into account his warm aura melting away the snow and frost in a circle 'round him.\n\nOh well, the mammoths didn't seem to care enough. The patch of mud and withered grass atop a hill was of no interest at such diminutive size. On the upside, the notebook Marlo was scribbling into every so often didn't have to contend with the dampness of snow damaging it.\n\nHaving been absorbed in recording the offspring and parent interactions between the hairy creatures for the last half hour, Marlo finally broke out of his concentration and called out, without being too loud:\n\n\"Taenli. Taenli! Report!\"\n\n\"... Where are you\"\n\nHe was just trying to get his bearings again and maybe decide on what to do next. Being in archiver-mode was a bit disorienting upon the mental departure from it, and he often needed a refresher on events since minutes before entering it. It'd help decide whether to keep pursuing the mammoths, this time perhaps repositioning for another purpose, or to just continue on their merry way 'till nightfall or the next herd." }, { "author": "Taenli | Marlo's Lance", "message": "The voice of the plated knight snaps from, more or less, durectly behind him. The knight had been standing as if a gate-gaurd in pure silence, simply out of respect for a prior warning to avoid spooking the creautes.\n\nStanding; completely ruining the point of his plan to lay low, even without his heat aura.\n\n\"Is it finally time to run a lance through the hides of these creatures? Are my services needed?\" She coos, head tilting down and to the side as she regards his general location. His aura was, afterall, Taenli's largest indication to where he was. Sure, she could 'see' him, but to her, what made Marlo 'Marlo' was the combination of features; cheif of all, his pool of mana.\n\n\"Surely you have acknowledged how the creatures leer at you, ready to trample. They are withheld only by the presence of a wondrous knight like I.\" She speaks.\n\n\"I don't know why we're out here looking at bears to begin with. I thought father gave you all there was to know about such foul-tempered beasts.\" She notes." }, { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "He waited, as he often does, to let her conclude her words- he gets the idea to respond snappily usually, but unlike with most people, Taenli was specially reserved the act of being listened to completion. \n\nNot from any deference in wisdom, gods no, nor even tangible respect. It was because he first wanted to call her bloodthirsty at the mention of her skewering these creatures on her lance, then how if her presence even warded them off as presumed he'd have no reason to send her at them, and then... At the mention of *Bears*... His shutter-esque eye managed to do the impossible and *Twitch*\n\nRecovering from the feat right after, and taking a breath to respond to her calmly, he got up and answered \"These... Bears... Are different from those back home. And I believe he'd find it prudent if the report we brought back included a subsection on the logistical demands of giants, were they to ever attack the nation to which our home lawfully belongs to\"\n\nHe pauses, and utilises the foresight to simplify it for her, taking a breath again as he adds \"... It's good we know what the giants need to eat to have a full belly, in case of war with them\"\n\nTurning around, he takes a step and *Thump*S the notebook closed, stating \"If you're feeling so restless, I'm sure you'd be glad to keep walking, then\" In the tone of a teacher reprimanding a student for goofing off. Though he more-so cared about keeping Taenli's pride from shish-kebabing the mammoths in unacceptably literal terms." }, { "author": "Taenli | Marlo's Lance", "message": "Taenli seems satisfied with the idea of mammoths being \"Different bears,\" And the reasoning behind them studying them at all. Enough to offer a self-satisfied \"Hmmph!\" In reply.\n\n\"I am not restless! A knight is always simply ready for combat. And it is my illustrious, easily visible combat prowess that holds these bears away.\" She notes, as a mammoth passes directly behind her without care.\n\n\"I would suppose you plan on moving on, then?\" She chuffs at him, banging the pommel of her lance against the ground twice.\n\n\"You have ended your writing.\" She notes, to state the obvious. \"Usually, that means you are ready to journey elsewhere. Am I... Correct? Or are you lacking some other notes on the differences of one kind of *Bear* To the other?\" She snips at him, as if the concept of needing to know such things was inherently stupid to her.\n\n...Even if she'd continue holding this spot ad infinitum, if they didn't move." }, { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "What he *Wanted* To tell her was that these animals were far from aware of her \"Illustrious combat prowess\". What ended up coming out was a far less inflammatory remark on the visibility of her martial skill: \n\"Be careful not to mistake an animal as capable of appreciating fighting experience. That is a human quality, and we'd do best to hold the qualities of our Father's ilk as above these creatures\" He reminds her, doing his best to not join in her trend of calling them... *Bears*\n\nTruly, she has provided him with bountiful experience in navigating the sensibilities of the meat-headed through choice of words\n\nEven if meatheads threatening the two usually ended up on the wrong end of her lance rather than pacified by Marlo's words, rounding back to using the skill mostly on the knight herself\n\nHe'd be biting his lip now, if he could, both at her emphasis on the word *Bear* And implying something negative about his note-taking. Still, he stifles his emotions as usual, and merely responds \"Yes. Partly so we can leave these creatures blissfully unaware of how your ire manifests. Secondly, not just journey *Elsewhere*, we are still looking for a settlement of giants, though I suspect only a town holds any semblance of a library. We continue to lack... A map of this region, or the trail of any significant road, so even a village will do to at least collect directions. Come along now, Taenli\" He instructs before waddling off, each step in the snow being met with a brief *Sssshhhh* Noise due to his emanating heat" }, { "author": "Taenli | Marlo's Lance", "message": "\"The savage beast appreciates might.\" She corrects him. \"Bears are no different. Why would they be? It is how they measure eachother, just the same. This bear colony is probably old.\" She nods, as she begins marching off after him.\n\n\"That is why we've seen no combat from them. They have already established an order of strength.\" She nods.\n\n\"Even the mother bears shall not unleash their charactwrstically untimely ire upon me.\" She declares, pointing out a matriarch and it's two calves.\n\nShe marches off after him, emphasizing each step through the snow with a soft \"Hup!\" As she goes, in a bid to keep herself occupied.\n\nShe had plenty of other things to say; but she'd rather deliver it to him when he had more to say... As petty as that was. Or, perhaps, she were simply saving her thoughts for when there are more ears to hear them; the village would do nicely as a place to sing her own praises, and then ignore potential suitors for entertainment value." }, { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "All he can do in response is roll his yes, preferably to the privacy of himself, as she speaks with assumed authority on the world of bears and other savage beasts. Hell, it's not even the least coherent thing he's heard her say before. \n\nAfter quietly \"Admitting defeat\" To her argument, an event that isn't uncommon, he adds after a few minutes of silence \"Just promise not to turn your words upon offending the giants. I don't know if Father hammered the necessary knowledge into you, but please, be *A lady* Once we do earn a stay in a commune\" He remarks, not making it clear whether he fears the stomping ability of the large ones against small folk like themselves *CoughminusTaenli'sgigantismcough*, or is just avoiding miffing them enough to be disallowed a peek at their archives. Most likely the latter, to anyone that knows him.\n\nAfter some time, in a clearing seemingly free of any mammoth presence, recently or otherwise, Marlo spins around to face where the sun was shining from. The globe of light was approaching the horizon, and the little golem put his hands up just below the sun in his vision, counting the fingers between the burning circle and the mountains it would soon hide behind. It was a technique of measuring daylight left: every finger that fit between the sun and nearest horizon point was 15 minutes of time left. Marlo counted three, so he turned around again to let Taenli know \"We have around half hour left before nightfall. Please prepare the camp\" \n\nHe's been relagating the task of setting up to her for a few nights now, mostly because he didn't want to and she was the one carrying their camping kit. But he also conveniently excused himself by offering to secure dry ground and sucking up what little heat he could from around them to start a campfire." }, { "author": "Taenli | Marlo's Lance", "message": "The scolding about not being ladylike enough to avoid conflict sees her stop her noises, smoldering in silence as she processed his words. This, to her, was some sort of challenge of her character.\n\nShe picks up her pace to overtake him, quickly scouting out a location to settle down. After clearing it of rubble, she places a small, cylindrical box-like contraption upon the floor. Technically a golem; but more in tune with a simple construct than anything else. It follows the logic of trees, swnding roots into the floor; but Taenli is keen on channeling mana into it, holding her hands above the contraption as if awaiting the heat of a flame.\n\nIt raises slightly from the ground, and the top flattens and widens until it had made a stone-like cap of sorts.\n\nBelow, the \"Roots\" Have been displacing dirt and rubble, and forming a surprisingly organic wall to hold the impromptu bunker's structure. When it is done, the roots peel the cap up: now a lid, a door down into the little pocket of earth.\n\nAnd then she is off, trotting away to gather firewood. She leaves her weapons behind; gone only for half the alloted time before she's back, moving down into the bunker and arranging the sticks as they should be, with the open door serving as plenty enough ventilation to avoid smoke from becoming a sight-irritant haze.\n\nThankfully, her task has wrenched her mind off the prospect that'd given her pause before, and now she were happily going about this little daily chore with a rehearsed sense of devotion.\n\nAs she finishes the little divot that shall serve as the fire-pit (mostly for light for marlo; she could personally care less about complete darkness) comes back up, pointing at him.\n\n\"Alight the flame, then. You are the one who *Needs* It.\" She goads. \"A superior model like I needs not light to see! One of the many flaws father corrected when he decided to make one more suitable for the reality of the world. Furthermore; [Taenli continues to drone on for the next five solid min\n\nUtes, as the sun sets]-\"\n\nShe only stops to pick up her weapon when she is satisfied with her own speech; moving to take watch by the brim. She won't close it until Marlo figures himself no longer requiring of light." } ]
[ { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "He's watched the hut-forming contraption at work many times, yet not once witnessed a device of similarly impressive nature employed before. All the more reason for him holding Father in high regard. Still, once he did tear his sight away from it, he pointed himself at the soon-to-be-gone sun, gesturing his hands towards it as he weaved together an invisible influence that'd attempt to catch the faint warmth of the rays, trying to bank a small charge for when Taenli'd finish chopping wood. Not like he had much else to do, between waiting on his bodyguard and letting the thingamabob do its work.\n\nOnce she was back, she soon enough seemed back to her energetic self, which puzzled him as he didn't previously realise she might have taken offence to something. Oh well, he thought, it doesn't matter now that she's fine.\n\nAs he laid out his writing kit inside the bunker, he just started getting an earful of her boasting, and sighed to himself. Still, strangely enough, he didn't immediately resort to archive-mode to distract him. Perhaps because she'd just interrupt him upon realising he wasn't listening, and threatening to start from the beginning? Either way, he took the time to force the prepared fire-pit into combusting, filling the place with light, warmth, and almost smoke.\n\nSo once she was done, he returned her a tired grumble and finally sat down to write. The quill scratched upon paper rather quickly, as usual, once he was in the flow, his mind photographing what he was writing with each page done; recording knowledge both in paper form and whatever matrix for a mind the golem had.\n\nFinishing up, he looked to her, posted up as usual, and wondered how she doesn't get tired of it. He questioned if, as the first model, Father might have unknowingly made him similarly inquisitive to himself, removing such a trait from Taenli thanks to her purpose. He knew she didn't mind it, but he wondered if, in another life...\n\n\"It is done\" He called out to let her know" }, { "author": "Taenli | Marlo's Lance", "message": "She tilts her head back, and then turns herself 'round.\n\n\"I see naught upon the horizon.\" She chuffs, before heading down into the entrance. Not all the way in; just enough for the two to see each-other wholly from where each stands. Just the same as he seems to find oddity with her ability to stand watch; so doe she with his... Habit of getting lost in his writing. She sets her shield down, and then removes her helmet; before setting the lance to the side, just the same.\n\n\"I would suppose it would be time to seal the entrance until you are ready to move once more. Have you still plenty stores of ink?\" She asks. She seemed to hate his need for it; and yet, every chance she could get to go fetch it for him, she would. It made him move to cities faster, after all; more room to boast of her own achievements to random passersby. Or, in the absence of achievements... Simply to be obnoxious about her purpose. Besides; it usually gave her something to do in order to procure said ink from someone. Either she was going to get to do something new, or would be able to expand on her ability to do something she were already familiar with. Hauling things were usually the biggest source of barter-ability, and she'd the strength to do so in genuine spades.\n\n\"Why do we not travel in the night, anyhow? Is it fault of your coil?\"" }, { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "Sometimes, he felt the mood to answer her observations of the outside before retreating for the night in some smartass, humorous way. A common one was \"Yes, the absence of the sun is what causes night time\", because even Taenli connected the dots on this phenomena long before they even started their journey together. It was his way of repaying her moments of smarm for belittling his observations. Well, he had other ways, too.\n\nWhen she inquired about his ink, a rare example of her vigilance regarding his side of the work for which Marlo was appreciative, he replied \"Yes, plen- hmm, well, suppose not. I'll just have to cut down on the writing until we're sure we can restock in the near future\" After taking a look down his inkwell. Sub-50% was enough cause for him to start being economic, seeing as he hadn't a solid clue on when they'd manage to encounter a giant's city. Their size should have made them obvious, yes, but also likely scarcer... And the occasional blizzard or fog didn't help either in these lands.\n\nAs she poses him with the last question, he feels as if he'd been struck by an arrow merely by adding the questioning of his coil's abilities at the end. He takes a silent moment to compose his next set of words, \"Bake it before you say it\" As Father once told him, before retorting \"Because, *Taenli*, my charge is drained faster than it is replenished in these cold lands, so pit-stops become necessary. Choosing to travel in daylight means I can at least mitigate the drain somewhat by absorbing the sun's heat, however little reaches us. Not to mention, night-time would drain me even faster as it's even *Colder*. And I'm not keen on letting the charge run near-empty before we set camp, in case of *Emergencies*. Understood?\" He finishes, managing to show at least some of his miff-ness by the end of the lecture.\n\n\"Now get in here already. If we had it your way and camped later, you'd be spending even longer time in here just for me to recharge\"" }, { "author": "Taenli | Marlo's Lance", "message": "And thus she marches down, slamming her fist against the bottom of the lid. It wrenches down, capping itself shut, the only indication of the burrow that housed the two now. She sits herself under the lid, leaning forwards, bracing her elbows on her knees. She squints; and then offers a shallow sigh. \n\n\"Then we should delay the note-taking for night-time *Exclusively*, if you are so chained to the sun.\" She complains.\n\nThe lights upon her horns pulse a few times, as she prepares to lower her mana usage to a more reasonable level for 'not doing anything'. She rests her chin in her palms, simply watching him from her spot, as her consciousness fades further and further from the present. Functionally; this is the equivalent to sleeping. So much for keeping watch.\n\nAh, well. The lid shall do it's work to keep the two of them from harm; and anything sufficiently strong enough to start denting the thing would assuredly wake the golem back up. \n\nThere's no snoring, and very little noise; she just looks like she's deep in thought, truth be told." } ]
[ { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "He couldn't fault her for the observation, at least not really, which was a somewhat rare phenomenon outside of her knightly matters. The night-time scribing was more-so a ritual meant to goad his long-term archiving abilities, not just to write down what is needed, which justified the taking of notes on the field for later recollection. But, perhaps, he could try to take her advice and just relegate that to short-term memory use.\n\nHe rolls his eyes as she merely powers down for the night, however. This burrow wouldn't warm up on its own, and he was pretty sure she knew that already, opting to simply leave that issue up to him to solve. Whatever, he wasn't about to petition her over it, he knew what to do regardless.\n\nAnd so the two gnomeish creations retreat from the outside world for the night." }, { "author": "picked", "message": "```Timeskip to morning```" }, { "author": "Marlo / Taenli's Archive", "message": "Despite their dynamic, it would seem Marlo was the one more averse to waking so early, as if he'd been running marathons just the day prior. Perhaps a fault in his hibernation-esque protocols from which Taenli didn't suffer as the newer model? Or at least, not as much. Still, their little burrow came equipped with the means to detect favorable conditions on the outside, at least favorable by the standards of these two, and gently chirped on repeat on the inside in order to let them know the sun's rays have begun to touch the shelter.\n\nMarlo stirred, sluggishly, before straightening his clothes once he finally got to his feet. He shivered at the blast of cold air as the hatch opens up at his fiddling, as if having forgotten his own powers before turning on his aura once more, letting himself sigh contently. Though, he does turn down the warmth after a moment by a slight amount, remembering he can't have too comfortable of a setting if he is to ration it across the day." } ]
[ { "author": "The Narrator", "message": "Pheonii, a city labeled as one of the finer points on interest within the mountainous region of Forstead, it's suffocatingly high peaks and unfathomably low valleys have often been considered uninhabitable by most others within the whole of Aeterna. A place of icy misery and chilling conflict, a region of the world lorded by colossal giants with war-like tendencies. Forstead has always been a place where the weak either die or become strong and where the strong either continue to be so or are broken into the weak- not a region for the faint of heart. Those factors have caused the hospitable Pheonii to become an every growing bastion of culture and life within Forstead, those who have ventured across the wider range of the realms will have seen the majesty of various places such as this city; a beacon of life and simple joy in a cold and unforgiving region.\n\nAs such, the devastation that's overtaken it is jarring to see.\n\nHomes crushed by flying boulders, landslides ripping away chunks of the beautiful landscape. Scorch marks dotting the land and the city, rain having soaked the grasses far beyond their limits- turning the cities streets into muddy swamps. A cold and damp fog hangs over the whole of the city, those who walk the streets shiver with blankets or robes pulled tight around their bodies, beggars line the streets- lacking money, clothes, food or even their very homes. The only place that seems to have any form of life is a tavern at the center of the city with the sign \"***Borbal's Bowl***\" Hanging by one of its two chains above the door. \n\nWhatever has caused such devastation must be the reason the cry was sent across the whole continent, a broken and ragged cry for help- a plea for aid so that they might live to see another day." }, { "author": "Yamakozu Hagane", "message": "In the heart of Forstead, where icy peaks and treacherous valleys ruled, Yamakozu Hagane journeyed with purpose toward the beleaguered city of Pheonii. The renowned swordsmith and master swordsman had heard the desperate cries for help that had echoed across the continent, and he could not ignore them.\n\nAs he traversed the rugged terrain, Hagane's thoughts were consumed by the devastation that had befallen Pheonii. The once-thriving city, a bastion of culture and life amidst the harsh landscape of Forstead, now lay in ruins, its inhabitants left to fend for themselves against an unknown foe.\n\nWith each step, Hagane felt the weight of responsibility settle upon his shoulders. As a master of his craft and a samurai bound by honor, it was his duty to protect the weak and defend the innocent, no matter the cost. And so, he pressed on, his determination unwavering despite the challenges that lay ahead.\n\n*\"This journey is not just for myself,\"* Hagane thought to himself, his gaze fixed on the horizon. *\"It is in the name of honor, of duty, that I must answer the call for aid. For centuries, my ancestors have upheld the values of bushido, of loyalty, courage, and righteousness. It is my duty to continue their legacy—to stand as a beacon amidst the darkness, and to defend those who cannot defend themselves.\"*\n\nAs he approached the outskirts of Pheonii, Hagane's keen eyes took in the devastation that surrounded him. Homes lay in ruins, their walls shattered by flying boulders, while landslides had torn away chunks of the once-beautiful landscape. Scorch marks marred the land, evidence of some great and terrible force that had laid waste to the city.\n\nThe air hung heavy with a palpable sense of despair, mingling with the cold fog that shrouded the streets in an eerie silence. But amidst the chaos, there was a flicker of hope—a beacon of life amidst the darkness.\n\nDrawing upon his inner strength, Hagane pushed forward, his resolve unwavering as he made his way toward the center of the city. There, amidst the ruins, stood a tavern bearing the sign \"***Borbal's Bowl***,\" Its doors open to all who sought refuge from the storm.\n\nWith each step, Hagane felt a sense of purpose swell within him. \"For honor,\" He whispered to himself, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword. \"For duty. For the people of Pheonii.\" And with those words as his guiding light, he entered Borbal's Bowl, ready to face whatever darkness awaited him within." }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "Ever one to take the call when help was called for, Amunet made for Forstead immediately after first seeing one of the fliers. Anyone she might have had to cancel on would understand and, if not, was not someone she wanted a terribly strong connection with, anyway. She'd been to Pheonii off and on over the years, and the change wrought to it was nothing short of devastating. It had a mountainous charm before that had now been reduced to rubble. Her neutral expression slowly turned to one of mixed anger and confusion; either a great natural disaster or an incredible foe had caused such destruction. It was too farspread and too significant to be anything lesser. She had come somewhat prepared, with an extra coin purse full to bursting, but saw that even that wasn't going to be enough. Still, she resolved to give it to whoever seemed trusthworthy enough to ensure it went to those who needed help most.\n\nAll the troubles that had been plaguing her felt so trivial and melted away quickly. A prickle in the back of her mind said this might be the beginning of an ongoing problem, might spread out of Forstead if it couldn't be stopped. The splash of her boots in the mud, as sky blue eyes searched for the tavern indicated in the flier, served to keep her somewhat grounded in the darkness that surrounded her. For Amunet, Champion of Elira, she was dressed more modestly today, in a hooded black robe with golden embroidery of stars. She wore her scimitars, one on each hip, with many throwing knives and daggers hidden on her person. Her aura was one of grace and power, giving her a bit of a berth even from the most bold beggars. Her long wavy black hair, poking out of the hood of her cloak, was the only wild, mildly unkempt thing about her. \n\nApproaching the tavern, she took a deep breath and put on a strong but schooled expression as she pushed open the doors, scanning the room for who was in charge." }, { "author": "Tyril nerijor", "message": "Tyril knew very well about the dangers here. He had heard about the stories various times although he wasn't certain what caused the sudden change here in phenoii. From the ancient texts he had read about this place as part of his research he knew that this was a very beautiful place in the mountains. But now it was filled with danger and had lost any and all charms. When he read the flier about the call for help he couldn't help but accept it. He wasn't certain what it was about that made him accept it despite being fully aware about the risks. Was it his innate desire to always help those in need? Or a sense of great adventure calling him here. Or maybe it was both. Whatever the case maybe he simply found unable to refuse the opportunity and joined the party here. \n\n\nHe had made certain to stock up on supplies before coming here. He made certain to bring his sword as well as money and ample water with him. He also had a few daggers on him which he kept expertly hidden. He made certain to wear his armour for this. He kept his armour hidden now underneath his cloak. After arriving here he stood outside the tavern for a moment letting his eyes travel around the place. He wanted to be certain there were no hidden dangers or anything that could be threatening before he made his way inside. \n\n\n\nWith a deep calming breath and his senses being fully in tune he stepped into the tavern before letting his eyes travel the place going from face to face." }, { "author": "Yamakozu Hagane", "message": "Seated at a corner table in Borbal's Bowl, Yamakozu Hagane observed the comings and goings of the tavern with a watchful eye. The warmth of the hearth bathed him in its comforting glow, casting flickering shadows across the worn wooden table before him. As the door swung open, admitting a blast of cold air and the sound of rain, Hagane's attention was drawn to the two figures who entered the tavern.\n\nThe first was a woman, her sky blue eyes scanning the room with a mixture of determination and concern. Her presence was striking, exuding a quiet strength that resonated with Hagane. He could sense the weight of responsibility upon her shoulders, the burden of leadership that she bore with grace and poise. In her, he saw echoes of his own dedication to duty, and he felt a sense of kinship with her despite their differences.\n\nThe second figure, a man cloaked in armor, followed closely behind her. His gaze swept over the room with a cautious intensity, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword. There was a quiet confidence about him, a sense of purpose that belied the danger that lurked just beyond the tavern walls. Hagane recognized the look of a seasoned warrior in his eyes, someone who had faced adversity and emerged stronger for it.\n\nAs the newcomers made their way further into the tavern, Hagane's gaze lingered on them, a silent acknowledgment of their presence. He couldn't help but admire their courage and determination, knowing that they had come to Pheonii for the same reason he had—to offer whatever aid they could to the beleaguered city and its people.\n\nBut beneath his outward calm, Hagane's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He wondered about the woman with the sky blue eyes, Amunet, and the man in armor, Tyril. What trials had they faced in their own lives? What drove them to answer the call for help, to risk their own safety for the sake of others?\n\nIn Amunet, he sensed a kindred spirit—a fellow warrior who understood the true meaning of sacrifice and honor. He admired her strength and determination, and he knew that she would be a valuable ally in the days to come.\n\nAs for Tyril, there was something about him that intrigued Hagane. Beneath his stoic exterior, he sensed a depth of character and resilience that spoke volumes. He wondered what secrets lay hidden behind the man's steel gaze, what demons he wrestled with in the silence of his own thoughts.\n\nWith a silent sigh, Hagane pushed aside his musings, focusing once more on the task at hand. Whatever challenges lay in store, he was ready to face them alongside Amunet, Tyril, and the rest of the brave souls who had gathered in Borbal's Bowl. For in their unity lay the strength to overcome even the greatest of obstacles, and together, they would stand as guardians of hope in the face of darkness." }, { "author": "gale44", "message": "Y'all know to ping me after" }, { "author": "The Narrator", "message": "The tavern, Borbal's Bowl, was alive. Patrons drank and sang songs, food and drink was passed out quickly and coin was handed over in generosity. The tavern had always been akin to a second home for most in Pheonii, a place to eat and drink with friends aplenty all around- even when such devastation has overcome the once wondrous city it seems that the life the tavern brings has not gone astray. Thanks to the patrons indeed, but mainly thanks to the owner, Borbal.\n\n\"***NEXT ROUND UP, GET 'EM WHILE THEYRE COLD!!!***\" A burly man standing well over seven foot tall lumbered out from behind a pair of swinging doors and set down almost twenty frothing mugs of ale on the bar counter with a thud.\n\n\"*BORBAL!!*\" Various voices cried out; some raised mugs and some whooped or cheered. The big man, looking to be part giant and part human, laughed from his belly- a booming laughter that filled any and all who heard it with a sense of joy and comfort.\n\n\"***Get your damn ale ye fiends. Oi! Darbar, any news?? Fliers have been out for days now, any adventures come about yet?!?***\" The burly man yelled to a small lizard man who rushed through the door behind Tyril.\n\n\"*No ssssign yet bosssss, maybe ssssoon?*\" The little lizard called out to Borbal. \"***Aye, damn. Hopefully someone turns up soon... Last nights storm took three with 'em.***\"\n\nBorbal replied with a slowly growing look of sadness even as he passed out the drinks, so many folk had filled his tavern he didn't even notice the three oddities come in- if anything, they fit well within the crowd for every race or species can be spotted in someplace around the cozy tavern." }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "The Rhakotian noble continued her way inside, Borbal rather immediately commanding the attention of the room with both his voice, stature, and offering of ale. Amunet wasn't accustomed to a less than grand entrance or with the attention being on someone else, but she didn't let it show that it irked her a little. Her glance over the room didn't turn up much of interest, other than a few. Most looked to be locals, looking for refuge from the calamity or like this was their usual routine, disaster or no. Of note, she noticed the man with dark hair and eyes at a table in the corner, giving him a slight bow of her head upon their eyes meeting. He exuded the strength and grace that only a seasoned warrior could. She would be glad if he was here to help, it would certainly make things easier. Turning, she saw Tyril behind her, her expression changing quickly to a beaming smile.\n\n**\"Ah, my Lord Nerijor! We meet again!\"** Her voice was bright and cheery, in contrast to the filth and destruction around them, **\"Though I would it were under better circumstances. If this business wraps up in time, I was still planning to visit you soon. Perhaps we could head back together?\"** She tilted her head to the side a moment, **\"Assuming you're also here to help. I know we've a like mind, in that way.\"** Nodding satisfactorily, she began to walk towards Borbal.\n\nMaking her way through the crowd and the tables with elegant ease, she strode up to stand right in front of the large man on the other side of the counter. She spoke with confidence, her melodic voice soft yet commanding, **\"A storm, you say? I wish I could say I command such magics, but I do not. I'm Amunet, Champion of Elira, at your service in whatever way I might be. I saw the flier and came as quickly as I was able.\"** Fishing around in the pack from her back, she produced a large coin purse, handing it to the tavern keeper. **\"If you're smart and organized enough to produce that flier so widely, then I trust you can also disperse or use this gold to get people clothes, food, and shelter. Use it at your will.\"** Her eyes brokered no argument and also spoke a threat that if he misused her funds, she would remember his face.\n\nGesturing and looking behind her, she spoke again, **\"I believe my friend here also came to help.\"** She laughed, a mischievous smile turned on the count, **\"Well, he is now anyway; I'm roping him into it, regardless.\"** She was rather sure it would be why he was here and that he wouldn't mind even if it wasn't." }, { "author": "Yamakozu Hagane", "message": "As Amunet made her way through the bustling tavern, Hagane watched her with a keen interest. There was a grace and confidence to her movements that spoke of a lifetime spent honing her skills, a familiarity with danger that mirrored his own. He admired her resilience, her unwavering commitment to the cause, and he felt a sense of camaraderie with her that went beyond mere words.\n\nWhen their eyes met, Hagane returned her slight bow with a nod of his own, acknowledging the silent exchange between warriors. There was a mutual understanding that passed between them, a recognition of the challenges they faced and the strength they possessed to overcome them.\n\nAs Amunet turned her attention to Tyril, Hagane observed their interaction with a mixture of curiosity and respect. He could sense the bond that existed between them, forged through shared experiences and a common purpose. And though he remained a silent observer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for their camaraderie.\n\nAs Amunet approached Borbal, Hagane's thoughts turned inward, reflecting on his own reasons for being here. He had come to Pheonii not out of duty or obligation, but out of a deep-seated sense of honor and duty. For too long, he had stood on the sidelines, watching as the world around him descended into chaos. Now, he saw an opportunity to make a difference, to lend his strength to those in need.\n\nWith a silent resolve, Hagane rose from his seat, his movements fluid and deliberate. Stepping forward, he joined Amunet and Tyril at the bar, his presence a silent testament to his commitment to the cause.\n\nAs Hagane approached Amunet and Tyril at the bar, he greeted them with a respectful nod, his expression serious yet welcoming. \n\n\"Greetings,\" He began, his voice carrying the weight of his years of experience. \"I am Yamakozu Hagane, a swordsmith and warrior. It seems we have all been drawn here by the same call for aid.\"\n\nHe paused for a moment, studying their faces with a keen gaze before continuing, \"I have seen the devastation that has befallen Pheonii, and I am here to offer my assistance in whatever way I can. It is clear that you both possess skills and strength of your own, and I believe that together, we can make a difference in this troubled land.\"\n\nHis words were measured and deliberate, reflecting his unwavering resolve to help those in need. As he spoke, Hagane's eyes flickered with determination, a silent promise of solidarity and support." } ]
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "The gaggle became instantly silent and the energy in the room became tense, dangerously so. The women, both enraged and terrified, were stuck frozen in state of shock. Pairs of eyes from blue to green, some wide, some narrowed and all shifted to the target of the liquid assault. Wearing a black woolen tunic beneath a thick fur jacket and leather trousers, along with boots, all dark as the rest- his beautiful raven hair stuck to his face, though no mead dripped onto his clothes. Amazingly, of all things, the liquid had seemed to splash all around him, only hitting his hair and then forming a puddle around his boots. It was as if his clothes repelled the liquid itself. \n\nRemarkably, he seemed *Just* As handsome with his wet hair framing his elegant face. He sat quite still, his brow furrowed as he sniffed the air twice. \n\nTilting his head up, his silver eyes would find her face and widen slightly for only a moment before he brought his face into control. It was definitely Wisteria, but man had she gotten fucked up. Yet somehow it... Suited her. It provided her with an intense elegance, and yet still... She had been powerful. As strong if not stronger than himself, what the hell could have done that to her? \n\nA grin split his face and his teeth flashed, and he let his interest in her be written all over his body. \n\n\"Wisteria?!\" He asked and rose from his seat. Running a hand through his wet hair to slick it back, which only exposed how defined his jawline was- he looked her up and down. \n\n\"Wow, you look as lovely as the morning skies of Lestos. It's been so long, have you been doing well?\" He stood there as if she were the only woman in the room, as if all the others had vanished. Her dark hair, her intense amber eyes- something about her tugged at him, made him nervous, made him giddy. What was it about her that felt so familiar and dangerous? It was something he wanted to understand. \n\n\"You know...\" He says, bringing his voice down softer, still loud enough for the closest\n\nOf the women to hear him. \"If you wanted me to buy you a drink you could have just asked, Wisteria.\" He grinned at her again, knowing full well this would infuriate- but she had struck the first of the blows. What were the odds she was here again in Forstead? \n\nPerhaps Esme was right, fate might have plans for him after all." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "If looks could kill, the daggers that were pointed at her from the eyes of the women who'd been gushing moments ago surely would have felled the dragon woman staring back at them. For whatever intensity and anger that they'd hoped to seep through the their gazes alone did nothing to truly scare Wisteria. She'd faced far worse considering the scars alone on her face gave much away to that fact.\n\nThough her expression of indifference to the women seemingly desperate to make her disappear in that very moment never wavered. Only intensified more as she watched and waited for the star of the show to respond to her *Polite* Suggestion.\n\nWhen the armored figure began to move and turn to face her, Wisteria wasn't sure what to expect at first. The first thought had been anger. Any person would be pissed at having ale poured on them like a waterfall and called out for their behavior like a child. Second had been annoyance. Perhaps he'd just go blow off steam somewhere else if he was being targeted. Eventually someone else would have gone to deal with this loud mess. Sadly for him it had been her. The third thought had been something she loathed the idea of; this annoying figure trying to woo her as a means to placate her annoyance.\n\nIf the latter happened she'd grab another ale. Maybe throw him out the inn herself if it got annoying enough.\n\nA lone amber orb staring down at the figure as he turned to face her, for a split second her expression subtly changed. Her indifference narrowed to that of a glare, mouth opening to let out a slight groan of irritation. \n\nShe knew those silver eyes.\n\n*Gods, it's him.*\n\nTo say the dragon wasn't surprised by this impromptu meeting would be a lie. How long had it been since she'd seen the oddity that was Noctis Camille? A year perhaps? Two? She remembered him from her travels across Aeterna. The human seemingly frozen in time, lost to the world and clinging to hope that he'd find his path forward.\n\nHe was strange in the way he spoke. Seemingly out of touch to the world and spoke as if he had been displaced. He never quite gave her the details, but she didn't care much to pry. It wasn't her business. All she had done was help to get him on his feet and adjust before they parted ways. Leaving behind a strange traveling companion. \n\nShe couldn't say whether she missed his company or not, but what she didn't miss was the flirting banter he appeared to enjoy reveling in. It was a strange skill he had to make those who he had his sights on swoon and become putty in his hands. It was a dangerous skill he had, but nonetheless one that got on her nerves when he'd tried doing so to her when they traveled together. He got a kick out of it apparently since she cared little of his tricks. Even after all this time, it appeared he hadn't learned much.\n\nAnd his cheeky smile at her didn't make her exasperation fall any shorter.\n\n\"Fuck me. I should have known it was you. You have that familiar scent of desperation on you.\" Wisteria replied back, crossing her arms as the man seemingly sculpted from marble (who smelled of cheap ale now), slicked his hair back and tried to play off her declaration as something akin to a lovesick child trying to get another's attention. A flirt even when in the spotlight surrounded by women, it appeared Noctis held no shame to attempt flirting with someone new and in his sights.\n\nOr in her case, getting on her nerves.\n\nWhy was he here of all places? The last she saw him, he told her he vowed to understand what had happened to himself. Continue to venture through Aeterna. Find the answers he was seeking. But did those answers he desperately need fall into the hands of lovestruck women? He seemed so serious when they parted ways. Perhaps the human known as Noctis was simply a fool. One she overestimated.\n\nHearing his attempts at bewildering her with the cheapest words a lovesick poet could recite, the dragon rolled her eye at Noctis's question of her wellbeing. As if her appearance compared to last didn't already get noticed. \n\n\"I'm perfectly fine, as you can see. And slowly losing my patience. And my appetite.\" Shaking her head and giving a pointed look to the chiseled man, Wisteria took her now empty mug and pushed it into Noctis's hands. \"Have fun drinking alone. Or with whichever one of these women is also desperate enough to have you. I'm leaving. Let's do this again in another year or so.\" Walking past the confused and angered looks of Noctis's fans, the rogue dug into her pouch and pulled out a handful of coins, placing them on her table of untouched food to pay for the meal before heading out the tavern door into the darkened road.\n\nAnd here she had hoped this day would wind down to something relaxing." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "She'd responded perfectly. He smiled as she stormed away, smiled as she'd insulted him, smiled wider as she put her money down. Noctis *Loved* People, he loved to make things move- the world had become a chessboard and he was constantly playing against something so much bigger, stronger and faster than he was and yet he survived still. \n\n\"Well ladies, if you'll excuse me I should go wash my hair. I'll have to return to my sloop- but from the bottom of my heart\" Which he quietly thought to himself had become quite black, \"I thank you for all your kindness. My quest continues.\" \n\nHe made polite nods and gave a word or two here as he slowly maneuvered towards the door. Soon he had escaped them and was outside and stepping into the shadow of a nearby building- vanished. \n\nHis Enhancement allowed him to keep track of Wisterias... Unusual scent. Using his flash step, an ability that mixed illusion to make him nearly invisible and his enhancement to move at superhuman speeds, he'd soon caught up. Now she was alone and away from prying eyes, and they could talk freely. \n\nFor dramatic effect she'd find him when she turned the corner with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. \n\n\"My your temper is as delicate as always. What are you doing all the way here in Forstead? Truth be told I didn't expect to find you here.\" \n\nHe wasn't sure he expected to ever find her again. Truth be told, he wasn't sure he ever wanted to find her again but... Now he had, he couldn't just let her walk away." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "The disguised dragon stopped in her tracks at the sight of Noctis standing there in the shadows. His charisma even when insulted never wavered from once, all too happy to put on a show for her and confront her despite her dismissal of his previous showboating.\n\nHer gaze narrowed on the shadowed man, clearly not enjoying his playful banter at her temper and sudden appearance. \"I'm not following you if that's what you think. You're the last person I'd expect to find in the land of giants.\"\n\nMomentary thoughts floated in her mind of what to do. Rarely did she ever stick around with people. Noctis, for all it was worth, was the only person besides her own kind she'd spent more than a week with. While it had been to get him used to Aeterna again, his company wasn't... Unenjoyable. Just partly annoying at times. Like a an excitable child needing to keep an eye on before they'd get lost. Was it worth it to catch up? If she indulged in his playful demeanor would it end up causing him to stick to her like glue? \n\nHe'd always enjoyed getting on her bad side. Whether it be to see her reactions or just because she was the newest face he'd seen in who knew how long, she couldn't determine. Perhaps a mix of both.\n\nShe sighed, walking past him and motioning for him to follow her with a finger. \"I'm traveling. That's all. You on the other hand seem to be having a fun.\" She commented, a lone amber eye shifting in Noctis's direction; bright like a lone flame in the dark. \"Do you enjoy reaching your hand out for coin like a beggar to women clambering for your attention? You're more shameless than I have you credit for.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Why yes I do, especially when it feeds mouths and gets things done. People like pretty things, they pay money for those those things. Others make pretty things and know how to sell them. It's commerce, it's trade. I quite enjoy utilizing my particular skill sets to pay my way. Much more enjoyable than cutting off hands and bathing in blood.\" He said as he strode alongside her, his long legs allowing him to keep pace with her as his hands rested inside his thick fur coat. \n\n\"And I didn't think you were following me- I think fate brought you to me.\" He said simply, as if that wasn't an insane comment. The sky in Forstead was always overcast, swirls of snow made it seem like tiny winter sprites danced around them and he ran heat magic through the length of his body to keep himself warm. A simple trick that he'd been mastering since entering Forstead. \n\n\"I would have thought your people skills might improve, not get worse. If you wanted to get some peace you could have resolved it in a way that didn't look like a toddlers tantrum.\" Her pouring drink had been uncalled for, what if it had been his birthday or he were giving out raises to employees. The fact of the matter was that for all his failures, Wisteria was perhaps the most socially in adept person he'd ever met. It was like she found humans nothing more than annoying children sometimes." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"Fate? You say odd things sometimes.\" Wisteria muttered, listening to Noctis's words as they traveled amongst the snowy town. Thankfully it was much quieter outside Ethan that inn had been. There was a moment for the dragon to catch her breath, settle her thoughts in this coincidental meeting. \n\nHearing her companion's mention of her social skills, the dark haired woman tilted her head to look beside her to the armored man walking in tandem with her. \"Women like that had their eyes on you like prey. No matter how sensible one would have spoken to them, it was unlikely they'd have listened and took the business elsewhere. They were far too ingrained in fighting for your attention.\" \n\nShe shut her eye, a small smirk on her face.\n\n\"Besides, the noise was ruining my day. I needed to do something shocking enough to silence the noise and break you all from your stupor or nobody would have gotten peace in there. I would have done it regardless if it had been you or not.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"I didn't need all of their business, just the select few. Nothings ruined, an accidental bump on the street, an hour of thinking they're more important to me than they are and suddenly I'll have provisions for weeks or enough warm coats to keep companions comfortable. I do what I have to do to survive.\" He said, this too was matter of fact. \n\n\"Just because you're stubborn doesn't mean your right.\" He said, chuckling as children went running past waving wooden swords at each other. Once he'd been a child, high in the mountains. He'd played around the toes of the ancient giants, giants whose bones now made up the structures of smaller mountains and he'd killed his first dire wolf at nine with a bow, his mother there of course. A smile played across his handsome face- Noctis' real smile made his warm and practiced smile look like an ember versus a radiant sunshine. \n\n\"Life is an odd thing. So have you gotten any new tricks up your sleeve, or are you still a total pushover?\" He teased, moving ahead and walking backwards in front of her, not tripping and keeping the same speed was easy when he could be entirely aware of his surroundings with heightened senses and practiced balance." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "A soft scoff escaped her at Noctis's reasoning. In hindsight such a way of life made sense. Business was all about making dealings, telling people what they wanted to hear to get on their good sides, be the one that can solve all their problems or become something so unattainable and rare that any who gleaned their way would desire you in a heartbeat.\n\nBut it was so easy to manipulate people that way. What was necessary became a way to life. One that survived on greed and clutched for power. That downward spiral was so easy to follow and to those who were victims to such honeyed words were pulled on strings like puppets. Tools to meet an end.\n\nHer grandmother advocated for such behavior. Lies were necessary to live. Who cares for the honest truth in this world when power and gaining wha my you desired took precedence over all?\n\nEven at the expense of others.\n\n\"Survival comes from more than swindling.\" Wisteria shot back, a ghostly pain on her face making her wince. \"Pulling people along to make them momentarily feel happy? Only for it to disappear when they realize it was a lie? I don't see what people find enjoyable in that.\"\n\nShe stood beside the knight as children ran across the streets, playing and cheerfully taking on some imaginative adventure only they knew of. She looked to her companion beside her, a smile on his face. A true one not weighed down by some unknown inner demons or that of manipulative charisma.\n\nHe looked better that way.\n\nThe two walking on wards, she heard Noctis's inquiry. \"You should see the other guy.\" She mentioned, pointing to her scar and missing eye. \"He got the best of me, but I repaid it in full.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"I agree with you actually. I do, but right now I have goals. I need a lot of money and I need it quickly, because fate is spinning fast Wisteria. I wasted too much time to be patient now.\" He said, a fire on the edges of his voice. After a moment he glanced over at her face. \n\n\"No, not the best of you. You're very pretty Wisteria- you are.\" He added the last bit to reinforce that it wasn't to flirt, it was a simple statement of fact. \"But you're not stupid enough to think your face is the best part of you, or even that mine is the best part of me.\" Noctis didnt press on to say what he thought the best part of her was. \n\n\"Must have been incredibly strong to have posed such a threat though, a fire mage? I've battled a few in my time, always a harrowing experience.\" He'd once been burned so badly that all the hair on his had been gone, only left alive because of another demigods healing power. \n\nHe'd survived and after a few months he looked as if he'd never been burned at all, despite the severity of them. He never gained scars, except for one on his stomach that seemed to burn when he looked at Wisteria. \n\n\"What are you doing now? Working as a sellsword still?\"" }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "No sarcasm. No dry wit. Persuasive words coated in embellishment.\n\nNoctis spoke a simple truth. Or rather his own truth he believed when he'd called her pretty. She said nothing in response, her gaze moving elsewhere. Anywhere else but those silver orbs.\n\nThere was a semblance of something within her that's felt good about what he said. Perhaps just knowing he wasn't being an ass or just spitting out weightless compliments touched her.\n\nBut did it really matter? \n\n*You still see only an appearance even now, Noctis. What would you say if you saw what I really looked like?*\n\nShe shrugged her shoulders as the conversation moved towards the enemy she faced. She pushed lingering thoughts aside, figuring out how best to weave this tale. \"His fire was powerful. Talked too much too. His pride got himself killed.\" She ignited the lingering scent of hurting flesh that wiggled its way from her memory. \"So far. People around Aeterna need help. If I have nothing else better to do, taking a job here or there doesn't hurt me. It's especially fortuitous if they pay me in magic spells.\"\n\nNothing was more helpful than learning magic. She'd hoped to find something that could help ease her transformations. Other more rare magics were of interest too.\n\nPerhaps there was something out there that could save her people." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"What if I could offer you a job that did just that?\" He asked, clasping his hands behind his back. The line had been cast, again he was playing the game of chess. It wasn't that he saw her or even the others on his crew as less than, it was simply that he knew that something was brewing on the horizon of Aeterna. The turmoil of the Empress, the appearance of a demon with the Nine Realms, the black blood in the Far Spirit Woods, Indaki, the disappearance of the demigods. So much was unanswered even now. After thousands of years he'd been woken now, so now must be when something was going to happen. The wheel of fate continued to turn and it caught everyone in it. \n\n\"I'm forming a traveling party, building my network. We travel, we take jobs, collect information. You don't have to stay longer than you need. Each member has their own goals, I know you've got yours. I know how strong you are- but being strong isn't everything. Both of us have seen that.\" \n\nBoth of them bore scars from dangers that even their own strength couldn't leave them unscathed from." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Wisteria slowed to a stop as Noctis voiced a strange offer to her. \n\nJoining a small group for work. She'd never done much if anything like that. If anything, it had always been short moments of working together with people to get tasks done, defeat bandits, procure items for people looking for aid. She rarely worked with people for more than a few days before going separate ways.\n\nHe offered her a job, but the chance to leave at any time. No catches. No secret payment she would have to fulfill.\n\nHer head titled slightly, the jingle of a lone only gem on her earring catching the light of a nearby lantern. \n\nIt seemed too simple. What more was there to it?\n\nWas there a reason to know? Did she have enough trust in Noctis to not turn him down? Or question is motives? Those who did not question opportunities were bound to be used or take advantage of. Nothing in life was free nor was the danger any less prevalent.\n\n\"Are you of need of help that badly?\" She asked. A genuine question. Noctis was strong. She knew that in the way he fought his enemies when they traveled together. Sure he needed connections for his goals now and still was finding his place, but she knew little could get in his way. To ask her for help would be because something terrible was brewing or a playful chance at them teaming up again for old times sake.\n\n\"You're a smart, Noctis. Not just strong. You are capable of many things when you'd set your mind to a path. I don't see why you'd need my help.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"There are limits to what a single person can do alone, Wisteria. Even Scipio failed in the end with eleven of the ages strongest demigods. I'm just a man. I've learned that.\" He said, coming to a stop as they passed a small graveyard. It held the graves of noble families, attached to the backside of a nobles manor. He gazed at the tombstones, wondering if Scipio or any of the other Eleven had tombstone, if they'd bothered to give him one. \n\n\"I'd be a fool to not want your help, Wisteria.\" His voice even when speaking quietly, seemed to get caught in the wind and carried to her ears. Gloved fingers raised up and curled around the wrought iron gate that closed off the lords property, his silver eyes almost seeming... Grey. A mortal color, less impressive, more human. \n\n\"Wisterias have a very delicate scent, you know. I catch it on you, sometimes. You want something more out of life than just fighting and wandering the earth. Join me, give me a chance to chase my dream- and I'll help you reach yours if I can help it.\" He turned his head to look at her, grey eyes still sharp and his handsome face looking almost... Weary. Still he smiled, warm like spring, a flash of white like the first spot of the moon on the horizon." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"I suppose you are right in that.\" The woman agreed, not having much to fight back with. Being who she was, Wisteria knew the finite time and energy that mortal beings had. How quick it was to snuff out a life, watch time pass you by. Meet someone stronger than you in mere moments after climbing your way to the top. Even those of gods and demigods were not free from feeling weakness.\n\nHer people's history made that very clear.\n\nShe looked to the gated boundary that lead to the plains of the dead; headstones lining one another like a perfectly sorted bookshelf of fabled figures. Who these people were or what they did were unknown to the dragon, but even from where she stood the signs of time were evident from the moss that collected on their stones, the faded engravings and the roots that clung to the grounds. The sight of Noctis staring off into that abyss of the death and finality left her silent, watching as his eyes stormed from their vibrant silver like the light of the moon to a dulled and broken grey. Like a weapon having long since lost it's purpose.\n\n\"You want me to give you a chance?\" She questioned, letting the idea roll off her tongue. Why was she giving it a thought? Normally she would just brush it off. She'd spent enough time with Noctis before. There was on reason to do so again. And with even more people. That spelled disaster if her secret got out. It was too dangerous. She should just dismiss his request and leave...\n\nSomething resonated in her chest still. It was small, nearly insignificant to notice, but it was there. The opportunity to reach her own dream. Was she desperate to find an answer? Or just out of options?\n\n*He can't help me with what I want. But...*\n\nShe locked eyes with him as he smiled to her. Genuine once more. \n\nThe dark-haired woman sighed, the cold air easing her tired muscles. \"Fine. I'll join, but it's temporary.\" She walked closer to him, closing the gap between them more so than he probably ever expected. Reaching out with a scarred hand, she moved to catch a still damp lock of his hair and flicked it out of his face. \"No tricks. No complaining. No begging to keep me around if I don't want to. If i decide to leave, you can't chase after me. Got it?\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "As she got closer, his mind seemed to fire off alarm bells. Suddenly, he was standing in the center of a cavern. A beautiful woman approached with a relieved look on her face, her face smudged with dirt. As she got close, she reached out to him, wanting to hold him- that's what he'd thought. Then there'd been the pain, and then a flurry of magic and then his entire being had been struck with enough magic energy to eviserate him. Only a last second shield of his own magic had saved him. \n\nThe vision of Emi and her betrayal lasted only a second, and when she reached out to move away his wet hair that had started to freeze slightly in the freezing Forstead weather, he almost seemed relieved. As if he'd been worried she might bite his head off. There was something about her, when that fierce look wasn't in her eye that made her look... Beautiful? She'd always been attractive, Noctis noticed attractiveness even in people others thought were ugly. That was another of his gifts, he found beauty everywhere. Even people who'd been born with twisted backs or wretched skin, he could see the beauty in their eyes, their voices, their nose shape- and he could always sense a persons core. \n\nNoctis' idea of beauty was not as shallow as it might seem, it was the opposite, he was a child of the god of beauty, of the concept that had existed since the creation of the universe. \n\nStill she looked beautiful, perhaps it was that determined look, maybe it was that he was so wretched now that her agreeing to help him was enough. His hand almost came up to touch hers, but it dropped before it even rose past his hip. \n\nWhatever it was, he banished the observation from his head before she somehow read his mind and ripped the eyes from his skull. \n\n\"It's an accord then. Besides, even if I did, you'd just burn down my ship and it really was quite expensive.\" He said with a grin, that Cheshire look back and the grey slowly returning to silver as he recollected his thoughts. \"Shall we get going t\n\nHen? I should check on the crew and ensure no one's gotten into too much trouble.\"" }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "A smirk rose to her lips at Noctis's quip. \"That is true. Piss me off enough and I wouldn't be too sad to burn it down.\" She took a step back from the human, giving the two some space as Noctis thought up their next plan. It was still somethign she was just getting used to. She didn't normally team up with people. Multiple people was out of the question.\n\nShe only hoped this wouldn't be a mistake.\n\n\"We should, but first you owe me a drink and food. You're plans to woo just about every woman in this town back at the inn left me unable to enjoy anything. You owe me for that first, and then we'll go.\" She told Noctis. Her tone gave little leeway to letting him dismiss it." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Very well! I'm quite hungry myself. Let's go and share a meal together, some peace and quiet would be nice I think.\" He said, and he once again continued to stride down the street. With a deep exhale, he activated his enhancement once again and removed sight and taste, and enhanced his sense of smell threefold. Breathing in deeply, he let a flurry of scents flood into his head. He sifted through them, searching, searching. \n\n\"Aha!\" He said, locking the scent down and it's rough location before letting his magic go. \"This way my lovely Wisteria.\" He said, and he hooked a right to lead them deeper into the city. He'd smelled a sweet and savory scent, a place selling meat pies and pastries, and a touch of vanilla infused mead. Likely a restraunt made to serve nobles. Pricey perchance but not so much that he'd balk at the cost." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "For as quiet and calming as the moment had been, it was soon swept away by that typical charisma of Noctis's personality. At times she found it strange from how he could bounce back from being melancholic to that of a energetic showman, but perhaps that supported the strength of his character.\n\nAn amber gem avoided eye contact at his complementary speech. Calling someone lovely felt like it lost a bit of meaning when that very same was complimenting a group of women moments ago to swindle money.\n\nTrusting him was going to take a bit. He was good at talking his way into and out of trouble.\n\nFollowing a few steps behind the excited beauty, the dragon titled her head around a.Corner to spot the place Noctis had found from smell alone. A little shop selling various foods and drinks to warm it's customers from the cold. It wasn't as loud and closed off as the inn earlier, but it was quiet enough that the mood wouldn't be ruined. They could just... Talk?\n\nShe wasn't that much of a good conversationalist. Noctis would probably do all the talking.\n\n\"This is fine.\" She said, walking to the stall and browsing its wares. She turned to look over her shoulder to her newly made crew mate. \"Don't worry about payment. I'll cover it. To owe you for dumping the ale on you.\"" }, { "author": "poetency", "message": "N; \"So you do have *Some* Courtesy in you yet.\" Noctis said with a chuckle. At the door they were greeted by a redheaded young man with heavy amounts of freckles and wide shoulders. He straightened when he saw them coming, his eyes wide as he looked from the heavily scarred woman with an eye color that no human should have and the most handsome man he'd ever seen. The look of both jealousy and puzzlement on his face was evident, but he pulled himself together enough to say. \n\n\"Welcome to Pillas Pies. Two, is it? We have our balcony table open for a gold if you'd like, it's quite high up and has a good view of the mountains and Vaelic City.\" He said, and Noctis couldn't help himself. He pulled a gold coin out and passed it to him. \n\n\"We will take that one then.\" He said, a light twinkling in his silver eyes. As a child of Masculo, beautiful sights and a good view were a particular weakness of his. They were led over to a pulley powered elevator, and once at the top they found... A single table on a balcony, with a candle and a rose in the middle, covered with a white table cloth and two plates with cutlery. It was obviously a romantic spot. \n\nThe area was kept warm he noted with a light application of fire magic that warded off cold winds. With a laugh, he glanced at Wisteria to catch her reaction and then swept forward to pull a seat out for her to sit down. \n\n\"Well we couldn't ask for better now could we?\"" }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "An eye followed the hand of Noctis as he pulled a golden coin from his person, handing it to the human that ran the establishment. The dragon ignored the look he gave them for a split second. He'd looked at her and then at Noctis, most likely taking note of their odd pairing and their appearances. Humans had that strange fascination about hem. To judge others on looks first before speech and action. Did he think they were that strange of customers?\n\n*If he looks at my scar again, I'm going to say something.*\n\nNoctis probably was enjoying himself. He did always love getting attention. Whether good or bad, it seemingly didn't matter.\n\n She never understood him sometimes. The man seemingly carved from marvel she stood beside had an odd fascination with beauty and the looks of those around him. It came up every now and then when they traveled together previously. Beautiful people, locations, flowers or clothes. Just about anything he seemed to find a reason to indulge in it.\n\nPerhaps it was to make up for all the time he'd seemingly lost in that ravine.\nShe still didn't know all the details.\n\nThe two went upwards to this fabled spot; a balcony reserved for what appeared to be close individuals. It was closed off, decorated in a more pristine fashion. A perfect view, a blooming flower of blood red that set in a vase at the center of the table. It was a perfect picture setting for people who wanted alone time.\n\nHeading to their table, Noctis' playful banter at their accommodations made Wisteria raise a brow at him, taking the gesture as she sat down. \"You would have spared no expense regardless. For a man who's quick to find money for his expeditions, you seem to find it awfully easy to use it one fleeting things simply because people call it beautiful.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Fleeting? What about this is fleeting, Wisteria?\" He always seemed to say her name as if he wore letting it dance upon his tongue, his silvered surface a perfect dance floor for the union of her name and his voice. He gestured out to the view of the city, the massive towers and tall buildings made to house all variety of people, especially giants. The buildings made specifically for them were towering spectacles of craftsmanship, huge doors and blazing bonfires for torchlight. \n\nThe clouds above head created a beautiful dark canvas, the steepled roofs covered in snow were white pinpricks of life in the vast expanse of dark houses where some families had begun to sleep. He gazed out at the view they had with a look of excitement- and then only a hint of melancholy. This had not existed in his time, Forstead had been just a vast expanse of wilderness that housed the bones of his mortal mother. How would she have seen this place, what would she have thought of it? Of all things she would have liked Wisteria, a powerful woman like her? His mother would have clambered for them to be wed and her with child right away, she'd always spoken of Noctis meeting a strong woman one day. He could almost laugh. \n\n\"So..\" He said, turning to look at her. \"You don't get why I like 'pretty' things? Well it's because it's who I am, and what I want. The sun rises on the earth and it's pretty- that light gives life to plants and trees which grow tall, those are pretty. Those beautiful plants feed the beasts and make their coats full and shiny, which are pretty. Beasts feed and clothe people, children- all the races of Aeterna, which is beautiful. Life is made up of pretty things, Wisteria. I want the world to stay a place that's pretty.\" He looked her in the eye as she spoke, taking in the shape of the amber orb, of the scars that made an intricate pattern on her face and body, it too was beautiful in its way, streaks of skin that had paved way beneath the flames of magic. Yet it was ugl\n\nY as well, ugly because he knew of the pain that she must have felt to have survived those scars. \n\n\"I'm willing to spend some money to see something like this, it's not fleeting. I'll remember this view for a long time to come, I hope you will too.\"" }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "She gazed out into the city as Noctis did, seeing the little nooks and crannies that the world had to offer. The buildings stood tall like mountains, the fires of bonefire's dousing the shadows in hues of orange and reds; it's heat tickling the skin. Something so strong you could even feel it from where they sat.\n\nBut it wasn't just the city. It was nature itself. The dark sky cloudy, but painted so softly with colors of gray and white. The moon's light peeked from behind them, bathing parts of the town below in rays of moonlight and made the freshly fallen snow sparkle like diamond dust.\n\nEven that small flower at their table. A rose by itself was nothing but a flower, but it too held many things as Noctis listed off his own reasons. Life, color, beauty. Even the thorns which could cut those foolish enough to reach for it and not be careful were magnificent int heir own way.\n\nEven after roaming Aeterna for the hundreds of years she had, truly understanding the world was still something new to her. It took her nearly until the end of her teen hood to understand the importance that beings had. That they were more than just small insects to be stepped on. That humans, elves, dwarves, giants, and so many more had lives. They lived, breathed, thought.\n\nPower in beings so small. So easy to end the lives of. Only as a human did she see that.\nPerhaps it would need to be as a human once more that she could figure out Noctis's line of thinking.\n\nWould that take another hundred years? Maybe more?\n\nReaching out to the rose, the bewitched dragon plucked it from it's place and brought it closer to her. It's subtle scent was pleasant, yet so quick to disappear amongst the smells of food and snow around them.\n\nComing and going, yet her mind still remembered the scent.\n\nShe stared back at Noctis, reaching out the flower to him. \"It won't be that hard. You're not an easy person to forget.\" Whether that was a compliment or not was up to Noctis.\n\nDeep down though, some part of Wisteria almost made her smile at the comment. It probably boosted her companion's ego." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"I wish that were true.\" He whispered as he took the rose from her, and he smiled. It was a... Well, it would be hard to tell. The smile was not happy, but his carefully constructed mask made it hard to discern what it meant. \n\nWithin the closed doors of his heart, he wept. His life had been snuffed out, time had marched on without him as if he'd never existed. Time had shifted and he'd ended up as nothing but the shadow of a whisper. No mention of his name in the histories, he'd drowned in the blood Scipio enemies and still time and his friends and his own legacy had abandoned him. No riches, no family, no heirs and no loves to mourn him. For all his beauty, all his strength, all his power- he might as well have died alone and unwanted, unmissed. \n\nHe stared back at her and there was silence between them as silver eyes lingered on an amber one. Clearing his throat as they looked into each other, the server arrived. He leapt at the intrusion and was quick to reassemble that perfect mask. He ordered a rather large meal, larger than someone of his lean frame would seem to be able to contain alongside a full bottle of wine. Wisteria would have learned that Noctis had a ravenous appetite on their journeys and that he always seemed to lose all decorum when eating, usually using his hands and eating as fast as he could, as if someone near by might steal the food from his very fingers. \n\nOnce they'd ordered, the server left them with a bottle of red wine and glasses and was gone once more, leaving them alone." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"It is true.\" She normally wouldn't explain herself further. There was no reason to. Little did she ever spend time with others. Just her own kin. Noctis at one point. Stranger she crossed paths with, enemies, people with faces, voices, lives she rarely had time to get to know. Others things on her mind. Goals she had to set out for herself. Keep herself hidden.\n\nBut the way Noctis fell silent, it caught her attention. He had those moments back then too. He spent weeks trying to adjust to everything. That his whole world was gone. That he had been asleep and the people he knew, the lands he could name by memory, whatever life he had before, was all but gone now. A man frozen in time now awoken and having to swallow the bitterness that time waited for no one. Even for someone as charismatic, beautiful, and determined as he was. There were days he just sat in his inn room and contemplated what to do. Walked in a sorry state trying to devise his next move. Come to terms with everything as he tried to train his body and absorb all the new information she gave him. More questions led to answers and those too only brought more sorrow to the man.\n\nIt was more subtle now. Less obvious, but the way his expression shifted reminded her of those days. They felt so long ago, yet that smile held no meaning just as it had the first time they'd met and she'd told him the sad reality of his situation.\n\nPerhaps just knowing all of that was enough for the dragon known as Ifrit to understand that Noctis rule was not someone easily forgotten.\n\n\"Time is out of all beings control. Not even one of the gods can stop time from passing mortal beings. Your life, whatever it was before is gone, but you've made yourself a new one here. Surely you've made new memories. Met people. You have a face few would dare to forget and a personality that sticks to the mind. Whether good or bad.\" She pointed out with a shake of her head. \"If you wished to make a name for yourself, simply do it. Let all of Aeterna know who Noctis Camille is and perhaps that will fill the hole in your heart.\"\n\nShe held her tongue, the sounds of people arriving leaving her unwilling to speak further. The scents and sights of foods came to the balcony, placed in front of them as a feast for kings. As quickly as the staff arrived, they had left and the two were left alone in their little world once more.\n\nWisteria reached for the wine, inspecting it for a moment before pulling the cork from the bottleneck. She poured the dark liquid into the glasses for them both, taking her own and staring at the pool of sweet nectar. It almost looked like blood.\n\nA quick sip of her wine, Wisteria turned to look back to the snow covered city. \"Would that make what happened to you any better? If you made it so nobody could forget you this time?\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "He *Had* Met new people. Valac was almost a blank slate and was determined to grow. Sylvar was a pirate with his own interests and Noctis suspected that there was a decent man beneath it all. \n\nThen there was Esme, the witch of twilight, who... Well he did not know if he was infatuated, in love or just idolized the concept of her. She embodied something in the world that he found beautiful, but Eliza in her own twisted way did too with her serene and terrifying grace that he'd lived his life in for so long, and again Wisteria embodied yet another, that of power, strength and determination. \n\nYes he'd met people, but... Did they trust him, did he trust *Them?* It was an exhausting thought. \n\n\"That is the goal, my darling Wisteria.\" He said, grinning at her. \"History forgot me once- never again.\" He leaned across the table as he sipped his wine, gazing intently at her face. \"I don't know if it would, but I know it's the only idea I have that might do it, so I have no choice but to chase that dream.\" Taking in her visage, he leaned back and began to eat. Quickly scarfing down the meats, potatoes and hot soup, looking contented and rather more bright than he had the whole night being able to just stuff his face in peace. \n\nStill even as he ate he wondered what Wisteria had, what she was roaming for, why she collected spells when she was strong enough already, what about her made her tick? He wanted to know her, to understand her, to see how every dream and memory and thought made up the wildfire and sweet flower that he had sitting across from him now." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"Then don't half ass it and make it a reality.\" She shot back, words of encouragement or simply that of a warning only Noctis could determine. \n\nMaybe it was something she was trying to tell herself. She still had much to figure out.\n\nShe lulled the glass of wine in her hand, watching her table mate begin his devouring of the feast he'd paid for. It appeared even after the time spent apart, not too many things changed about Noctis. His appetite for one was a marvel in of itself.\n\n*Maybe he's making up for not eating for an odd number of years.*\n\n\"If the women in the inn could see you now, I wonder if they'd think you gorging on food was that of a blessed moment from the gods.\" She joked, reaching over to a small plate of sweet rolls. \n\nShe took a bite, enjoying the softness of the bread and the spice the cinnamon had on it's surface. A small, but content smile on her usually serious face. Rare was it to find many sweet things that were not overpriced or extremely hard to find in Weyian. Being out in her travels gave her few good things. Sweets had been one of those that she enjoyed the most. Made her relax and simply enjoy the moment." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"You've got a beautiful smile.\" Noctis observed, sitting back in his chair as he set the empty plate down. The majority of his appetite came from his massively increased metabolism, stemming from his enhanced body and natural functions that kept him in pristine shape. He'd finished eating by the time she'd finished her roll, and somehow didn't have a crumb or a stain on himself. He was now gazing out of the city, once again lost to time. \n\n\"Thank you for having dinner with me. It's been a while since I've let myself stop and do this.\" Spoken softly, he was stilling looking away from her at the many towering buildings and white specks of snow. If for nothing else perhaps he'd run into Wisteria because he'd needed to remember why he was alive, why he had not frozen to death within the mountains, buried in snow- nothing more than a skeleton to be found one day by intrepid explorers. \n\nAfter a moment he closed his eyes and played out Wisterias smile. It was the same kind of smile Esme had given Sweet Tooth. \n\n*Careful Noctis...* A soft voice warned him, and the image of her smile shattered like glass, and he withdrew from the admiration he felt and opened his eyes again." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"It's nothing special. Just a smile.\" A quick reply as she finished her food, she had another sip of their wine and ate some grapes still left over from Noctis's feeding frenzy. \"I suppose I haven't done something like this in a long time either. The chance to have a quiet moment is rare and few in some people's lives.\"\n\nSharing a meal with others at all was almost a celebration in her eyes.\nBeing by herself ensured her safety and secret be kept under lock and key, but did little to quell the loneliness that had settled itself in her life. Dragons were perfectly fine living by their lonesome. Companionship was rarely needed. But perhaps walking among people for so long had changed something for her. \n\nThe close groups of friends. Families that passed by in the streets. Those who could hold conversations and insert themselves in others lives so easily. It was a gift the living beings who lived much less than she had and it affected her in subtle ways. Made her miss her mother, dislike the emptiness in the room when she slept, the silence that at times felt heavy.\n\nIt had been a long time since she felt... Content? Was that the right word? Complacent? Happy? She could not place the emotion or the feeling, but felt the heaviness in her chest lighten just a bit. A warmth coating her skin that wasn't from own draconic abilities.\n\n*I'm probably overthinking things.*\n\nThe last time she'd ever done something like this *Was* With Noctis some odd years ago. What did he say before? That their meeting was fate?\n\nShe let the silence of their little space play out, nothing but the sounds of the town below being there beside them. Watching the snow fall from the sky, Wisteria looked to Noctis who appeared lost in his thoughts; eyes closed to everything and his mind open to something only he knew.\n\n\"Noctis, what are your thoughts on dragons?\" A sudden and strange topic change, and yet Wisteria's tone was as calm as it was serious in it's delivery. \"You told me when we first met that you hated them. Is that still true now?\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "The question was a jarring one, unexpected and yet something in her voice told him it was a serious question. When he'd died, the dragons were a terrifying people of war, a few more powerful than the demigods, some as weak as beasts. Dragons had been his downfall, Dragon fire had scorched his skin and nearly killed. The last thing he'd seen had been the amber eyes of a dragon before waking up to the amber eyes of a human. The irony of it was sour on his tongue. He would have, should have spit out a venomous yes for everything that they'd done to him, but a couple of years of being awake, learning of their histories... He'd been ready to raze them to extinction, to dedicate himself to their annihilation- until he'd rediscovered that they were people like everyone else. Until he realized that to the other races of Aeterna the demigods must have looked the same way. The answer that came from his lips surprised him. \n\n\"I think they're just as beautiful as the rays of the sun on the mountaintops, as terrible in their might as the slow rolling fires of Lestos, as elegant as the verdant trees of Velaris.\" He said softly, his fingers curling against the railing of the balcony as he replayed his 'death' again and again in his mind. Under his immense strength the wood splintered and cracked, but he didn't seem to notice. \n\n\"Their fire hurts, Wisteria. It seared away my flesh and my last memory was terrible agony for thousands of years. Through their schemes my life was ripped away and the kingdom of peace that I'd sold my soul to forge became a pit of despair and agony for the weak. I hate the dragons who let their pride and their hate ruin my precious Aeterna,\" He said, his silver eyes slowly shifting to the same shade of amber that Wisterias held. \n\n\"But would I give their children hellfire and damnation for it? Would I throw rocks at a murderers child even if they served everyday to feed the village? Could I hate the demigods who's children now hold large estates built of\n\nF the back off of weak mortals?\" He asks, and he releases his grip. \n\n\"No. No it's not true, Wisteria. All the races have sinned, just because one in particular bested me does not mean that I should hate their kind. They are mighty and magnificent, it's a shame they've been banished to Weylian. If my dream can come true, it will be offered to them just as much as it would be offered to a human or an elf.\" He admitted, looking as surprised to say that as she was likely to be to hear it." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Wisteria stayed quiet the entire time as she listened to Noctis' response. A part of her wondered what his thoughts were after all this time. After having to adjust to a new world and make a new life for himself. What had changed about him or stayed the same.\n\nHis hate for dragons int he past had been evident. He'd first thought it a cruel joke that his demise was due to whatever schemes they'd made and was shocked when she told him of their reign and eventual downfall. He'd missed every important conflict that could get him the revenge he seemed so early in his awakening; left with little choice but to accept what had occurred while he had been in that ravine and sort through his emotions.\n\nBeauty. He still held onto that outlook. Beauty in everything, no matter how wonderful or bleak. Life, death, love, hate, passion, priced, envy. Even just looking out at the world held some meaning for him to gleam and take notice of.\n\nPerhaps that way of thinking had helped him to cool off a little and see things from another perspective.\n\nIt was strange to hear him speak in such a way now. From what she noticed, humans so rarely changed. It took much time for them to understand, to learn, to confront their mistakes and change. Yet for a man who had lost everything, he spoke of who he'd once saw as enemies as a people to help with open arms if he could.\n\nA part of her was happy yo hear his words, but a part of her also felt it was too good to be true.\n\n\"It's all talk if it doesn't happen. You're going to have to work for it.\" She said, looking tot he demigod. \"But your words have merit. Maybe there is a chance for that to happen.\"\n\nShe closed her eye, thinking of it all.\n\n*Maybe this was fate after all.*\n\n\"With such a big task, I'm assuming myself and whomever I'm working with are going to be put to work?\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Of course you are love.\" He said in a passive voice, the mindset of someone who had commanded troops before. Noctis believed that a leader needed to work twice as hard to be competent, so no matter how much he asked of the crew he'd always ensure he was doing more. \"For now we collect money and resources, I build my network through the nine realms. After that, my goal is to head to the Eternal City to seek out some answers.\" \n\nSeemingly restless he got up and sat on the railing that wasn't damaged, only a few feet from where Wisteria sat eating with his legs dangling out over open air. A cold wind swept forward and caused his raven wet hair to shift, having dried now that they were in the heat. It amazingly didn't seem to have gotten sticky or matted with the substances of the mead, it looked almost as if she'd never dumped anything on him. \n\n\"I'll feel a lot of comfort having you traveling with me for a while. Would you like me to tell you of your new party, oh sweet flower?\" He asked, looking over his shoulder at her and studying her face. He did like her face, and seemed to like it more the more they spoke. \n\nBefore when they'd traveled together she'd always had a sort of cold reserve to her, even if she was altruistic to others. Now though he felt as if he was getting peaks into the cracks of her armor, and the blazing inferno inside was anything but hideous." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Sweet flower. Surely he called her that due to her name. Or the name that Noctis knew her by.\n\n*That's not my name.*\n\nShe bit her lip, the wine she'd tasted earlier still left on her tongue now becoming bitter at the thoughts drifting in her mind. Instead she focused on what Noctis thought of as a good plan. Gaining money and supplies, reach the Eternal City. If he was of need of money that badly, she had troves of gold and jewels stashed away in a cave far from. Money and other trinkets she'd collected over the hundreds of years traveling. She didn't understand the peoples' concept of using money, so she had little use to use it; instead merely collecting dust in wealthy piles. If she just told him that, would that make the journey any less easier?\n\nShe'd hold off on that for now. He'd most likely question how she attained it and there was little time right now to think of a convincing enough answer.\n\nWatching her companion move to sit on the railing of their balcony view, a slight tilt of the head was gestured at his apparent joy that she'd be coming along and to the prospect of telling her what kind of people she was now going to be stuck with.\n\nShe reached for another sweet roll, biting into in the hopes the sugar would dilute the bitterness that clung to her senses and met Noctis's gaze as he peered over his shoulder; coyly awaiting her answer like a jester awaiting to give his punchline.\n\n\"You seem eager enough. Tell me who else you roped into this expedition of yours. You didn't bribe them, did you? Or did you use your wiles to sweep them off your feet and whisk them away?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Well since you asked.\" He said, spinning on the rail so that he now faced her. They were only a few feet away from each other now and he leaned closer, his hands on his cheeks like a school boy looking at his lady love. He quickly compiled the list and ran it through his head, deciding in the moment how much to tell her exactly and what to keep. Noctis had already begun to make plans, weaving his thoughts and designs together. \n\nFor example the moment he'd lain eyes on Eliza he knew she would be perfect to go to the Far Spirit Woods. As content as Esme was, he needed her armor broken down and to know so much more about her. He needed to understand her magic and her connection to the weave, but he could not afford to get close to her. Affection had brushed him and he had decided that needed to die. So, who better to send that someone like Eliza? A vampire would be able to face the dark powers of the haze and the way that Eliza made him feel... Well, it reminded him of Esme, but as if it were a flipped coin, or the opposite side of the moon. Eliza and Noctis walked the shadow, Esme treaded the Twilight so where was the final piece? Who was the one meant to walk the light, surely... He almost scoffed at the idea that it could be *Him.* He was an assassin, a thief, a crook, a spy, a killer- not a hero. \n\n\"There is Valac Carnifex, he is... A demon I think. The demon kind are powerful entities from the Beyond Lands. Creatures of the shadow, but this ones different. He wants to be better. He has a heart. I want to continue to foster that in him. I've never heard of a demon that wasn't just a tool for the forces of evil. I believe he is extremely important.\" \n\n\"Then there is Sylvar, a shapeshifter. He is our thief, though don't worry I don't just go knicking any silly thing from good folk. Sylvar primarily steals information, or steals things from crooks without us needing to shed blood. He has a feud with someone very powerful on the ocean and if he continues to be of ass\n\nItance, I will ensure he rules the seas one day.\" \n\n\"Most recently we have gained one Eliza Tenebrian. A vampire- and a damn powerful one at that. I have no idea how old she is, but she must be and I am sure she rules a coven of her own. A very, very dangerous friend to have but... Well, you can fight fire with fire. Be wary of her, I know what she wants and I have it, as long I haven't given it to her I think we can trust her. For the most part.\" \n\n\"Lastly there is Esme. She is a witch, a member of the Twilight Coven though from what I have gathered she is likely the only reason the coven exists. She is very powerful and luckily, under agreement to assist me. Witches cannot and will not break promises easily, so I consider her one of my party though she does not travel with me currently.\" \n\nHe hopped off the railing and crouched in front of her, tilting his head to study her face. His slender finger reached out to push a loose strand of her shorter hair back away from her eyepatch to study it. \"Then there is you, an extremely powerful flame mage and swordswoman. I wonder just what dreams someone like you could have...\" His voice was almost a soft whisper as he crouched there, only a foot or so away from her and seemingly lost in thought as he studied her face without even a hint of disgust or contempt for her scars despite his own flawless features." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Sitting at the table as she silently watched Noctus recount the fabled crew she would now be working with, her expression was about the only thing that could help the demigod figure out her thoughts. At first it was rigid and focused, wanting to hear detail and see just what it was noctis had to offer. However slowly and over the course of the people listed off from the man's mouth, her expression changed. Narrowed eyes, a raised brow of confusion, a serious look in how she glared.\n\nA demon? That already was dangerous. Wisteria couldn't fathom why Noctis would willingly employ someone as dangerous as that considering their mysterious nature. Unlike most of the races of Aeterna, mot many details were known about them. Their abilities were powerful, yet also twisted and uneasy to fight against. Their demeanors were also unstable at times and nothing ever came for free or from simple curiosity. She had heard of them, but never seen one with her own eyes. The way Noctis spoke of this Valac however, he seemed hopeful. How much trust did he have in this person? He looked like a parent wanting to see their child grow up strong.\n\nA certain name caught her attention. Sylvar. She had met someone by that name before a few years back after meeting Noctis. He appeared as a drow, so there was no telling if a shapeshifter had been his true form. Still, he was skilled and knew his way around the ports and oceans. They worked together to deal with bandits occupying a nearby sea town and split the money and ways afterwards. She wondered if this was the same person. She'd have to see for herself.\n\nHer eyes narrowed and she had an expression of doubt when she heard of this Eliza person. She had never met a vampire, but knew of their kind. While they looked similarly to humans, they had the skills of seasoned hunters and the bloodlust of a dragon that was having a bad day. Few could ever face one of her kind, but their abilities were odd and tough to discern. Why Noctis had not only let a demon, but a vampire join his ranks was hard enough to understand, but to hear him make mention that he possibly thought trusting her was easy so long as he had... Whatever he had to hang over her head, things would be fine.\n\nHe had little riches to his name. No valuables to his person. All wealth, prestige or titles he had were gone. He had nothing but the clothes on his back. What left did he have?\n\n*His life. His blood. That's the only conclusion. Fool.*\n\nShe said nothing, but pinned the thought for now as Noctis wrapped up his explanation with the final member; one who wasn't even with them. A witch known as Esme. All that was certain was very rarely did witches break promises without knowing the consequences, so their partnership was as guaranteed as the one with the vampire. Noctis only had what he could go off of for the time being.\n\nHearing the end of it, she let out a heavy sigh, feeling her shoulders grow heavy from the stress of all this information. Not because it was a lot, but because the crew Noctis had seemingly put together was a miss match of various people of curious backgrounds, powerful abilities, and loyalties that seemingly hung by a thread. He mentioned how desperate he was to not let time pas shim again and to get as much power as he could, but even this was dangerous territory. Especially if their little team caused trouble.\n\nSuch a plethora of people with great power could spell trouble to those unhappy with what they could do if deciding to cause chaos across Aeterna.\n\n\"This crew sounds like a mess.\" She said, shaking her head. \"At this rate all you're going to accomplish is getting yourself killed faster if you make any of these people your enemy.\" Voicing what could have been concern, the scarred dragon watched Noctis hop down from the railing and move closer to her. She watched him with a raised brow, only to sit still as an arm reached out towards her. She didn't know what he was doing, so there was little time to react appropriately before the soft, velvet touch of his fingers could be felt on her skin. Her hair was moved ever so slightly, her eyepatch covering most of her left face on full display to him.\n\nHis eyes gave away no hidden meaning. More akin to curiosity and marvel. His words asked to wonder more of what she dreamed of, hoped for, believed in—\n\nAnd a gloved hand snapped like a snake, wrapping around his wrist as if to bite him. Her expression was the venom as it had morphed quickly, her lone amber eye almost glowing yellow with the glare she gave Noctis and the frown that appeared on her face.\n\nHer hand squeezed on his wrist tightly, more so than she probably would have even expected. Somethign rattled inside her from the contact, the closeness. This was too much. He thought himself worthy of this because he'd gotten on her good side. Made her part of his crew. She was getting too complacent.\n\n**\"Don't touch me.\"** \n\nHer tone was deadly serious, her grip as solid as stone as she starred down the man crouched before her. Their standoff was like this for a few more seconds, Wisteria wanting her words to be taken seriously to the ever charming demigod. Loosening her grip and pulling his hand away from her, the dragon woman got up fro her seat, moving towards the elevator of the balcony.\n\n\"We're done. Let's go.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Very well.\" He said calmly as he rose behind her, pulling out coins to place onto the table as payment. He took one last glance out over the massive city they found themselves in and let it remain within his mind. So much armor was worn even now, when there were no outright wars. This womans armor was as hard as dragon scales- he wondered exactly why it had formed. Still it was perhaps what made her so strong and so maybe he should be grateful. \n\nThat would be the best way of thinking, logically he needed her at her strongest and she was so with her armor intact, right? Yet that burning wonder at what was hidden beneath was there like the ember of a fire he couldn't put out- but he could ignore it and give it no fuel to grow. So he leaned against the wall of the elevator, massaging his poor wrist and running a coin across his fingers as he thought. What was next? They'd rest a few days then head back further inland, get away from the cold and deeper towards the Capitol. That was where so much of the realms power lay, if any of them wanted big change the best place to start was the Capitol. Despite her anger with him, he once again seemed lost in his own world of plans and schemes, all the while massaging his wrist as his eyes shifted back from that amber to silver. \n\n\"The crew might be the death of me or... They might be the salvation of Aeterna. I have died once for the nine realms, I can do it again.\" His words were soft, too soft, as if he didn't want to say them. He had sacrificed everything and it hadn't thanked him. It had spit him out and left not even his name in the histories. Still, the crew had been brought to him through fate or some other strange weavings of the world. It was the hand he was dealt and so he was going to damn well play it." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "Wisteria said nothing as Noctis followed her into the elevator, the two warriors quiet as the lift took them slowly back down to the rest of the world.\n\nWisteria stayed still the entire time, arms crossed and hugging herself as if to protect herself from her be companion. In some way there was a truth it. She'd let her guard down during this small moment of peace. Noctis got too close, she didn't keep her guard up. When he touched, she felt something bubble up inside her. Something warm and comforting, but couldn't place what it was. All she knew was that it made her relax, but it put her at a disadvantage. It left her open to letting something slip. To letting this all crash down. \n\nEven with the words he told her, the honesty he put into his thoughts on the dragons, it was just words. Something he said, but wasn't sure if he could put it into practice when the time came.\n\nNeither would know u til that time came.\n\nShe'd heard the quiet muttering of the knight beside her. That this crew, this chaotic amalgamation of a team, could be something that saved the entire lands. She didn't have a good opinion of them all so far, so she had little to say in his hopes.\n\nShe heard his final thought. A comment that was heavy with finality and acceptance to a fate he could see ahead. All to willing to allow it to happen.\n\n\"Warriors who are so easily willing to die don't survive long.\" Her tone was leveled, a slight bubbling of anger still in her voice, but that deadly aura she'd had was beginning to simmer little by little. \n\nShe turned her head ever so slightly to look to Noctis over her shoulder, her lone amber eye narrowing on him with a serious look. \"Focus on living if you want to be remembered.\"" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"I never said I was willing to die.\" Was his only retort, and when the elevator opened he kept stride and even surpassed her as they they exited the restaurant. She acted as if he were some ignorant idiot. She was a *Human*, maybe thirty years old at most and that was if she was *Incredibly* Well preserved, likely closer to her early twenties. Who was she to lecture him? \n\nThen he remembered that he likely seemed the same age too and some of the frustration disappeared. She was likely worrying about him in her own way, and she probably didn't even know it. How fierce of a life had she lead that something like compassion was so foreign and scary to her? For a moment he'd seen something in her eye when he'd touched her... \n\nBut what she was scared of, he was scared of too. He saw so much of himself in this beautifully damaged woman. \n\n\"Are you ready to return to the ship? Do we need to go collect some of your things?\" He asked, his face once again a mask that only showed a carefree expression that was so perfectly constructed, only truly knowing him made it possible to believe it was anything but the truth." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"Yet you still said it without hesitation. It says more than you'd think.\" She countered, turning her gaze from Noctis as the doors opened. The two walked out in a momentary silence, their expression more than likely not the ones the human running the establishment expected. He'd gotten his money. It shouldn't have really mattered all things considered.\n\nBefore they walked side by side or merely some inches from one another. Noctis's playful aura had subsided; becoming something somewhat similar to how he had been before with his long strides and pearl white smile. But it was forced. Unlike the one she'd seen on the balcony, it was stiff and painted on as if an artist was trying to fix a mistake.\n\nMaybe he believed his charismatic ability was enough that she wouldn't notice. But she'd seen him vulnerable before. He bounced back like this when he'd spent time with her years ago. Pretended like situations like these didn't phase him as much as they deeply did.\n\nHe compensated by walking a bit faster this time. Leading the way and her following behind. There was distance. This was good.\n\nFor some reason the voice in the back of her mind had to keep insisting. Why? What was this pit in her chest?\n\n\"No. I have my items on hand in my pouch. It's charmed to carry more than it looks.\" She curtly responded, showing the small pouch tied to her belt. \"Let's go. The more we wait, the colder it gets.\" She said, arms reaching up to hug herself; a cold breeze having blown through. She didn't understand why it affected her. She could regulate her body heat with ease. She shouldn't feel cold in the slightest.\n\n*I'm losing my focus.*" }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "He let her win the argument. It was not always worth it to win, perhaps she was right. She believed she was right and therefore that was what mattered to her, Noctis did not mind losing an argument. What he had meant when he'd spoken was that he'd chase his dream even if it killed him, but he'd never die without kicking, screaming and shredding every last ounce of his humanity beforehand. Yes he would die, all creatures even the gods and their stars burned out, but he would never die willingly. There was a difference in accepting death happened and accepting death. \n\n\"Okay, good. We'll need a larger vessel at this rate, but I know you can handle less than fantastic sleeping conditions.\" He said, and he veered them towards the river where the sloop would be docked. There was a quiet melody drifting from one of the high towers and a pair of cats ran playfully past their feet, all the while Noctis gazed up at the sky as if his feet could see the earth before him. He'd always had a dream to fly and never quite gotten to achieve it. Then he heard her last sentence and he slowed. As she caught up to him, she'd find that he had slipped off his raven black cloak and held it out towards her. \n\nIt was black as pitch and seemed to get swallowed by the night, with golden rune work along the hem and crow feathers carefully added along the bottom of the hems. It was a masterpiece of a cloak, soft and smooth as silk on the skin, but warm and tough as wool. His slender fingers were positioned so she wouldn't have to touch his skin if she took it- seemingly he had made note of her reaction to being touched and adjusted himself even if he had not verbally responded to it. \n\nNoctis' visage was turned away, not looking at her as if to say that he had no intent of shaming her or acknowledging if she took it- so her pride would not be damaged or for her to avoid embarrasement. It was simply a cloak that he happened to have, it was as casual as that. If she took it, she'd smell his scent\n\nAll over it, which was always whatever the person talking to hims favorite scent was, whether it be one that allured them or made them feel comfortable." }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "The sounds of the river carried through the quiet, late night wind. Snow still fell, crunching beneath her boots as they walked and made a pattern of their journey behind them. The two walked in silence, glances here and there made before they veered elsewhere. For Wisteria her gaze settled around the scenery, at a moment a small pair of cats playing nearby them. Her mind was seemingly elsewhere for the time being. Calming down, settling on their next plan. Thinking...\n\nShe hasn't noticed Noctis stopped in his tracks until she noticed a large coat placed on her reach. His face was turned away from her. As if it would give her all the privacy in the world. He must of heard her last comment about the night chill.\n\nShe starred at the article of clothing, not saying anything at first. Her mind couldn't figure out how to respond. She should just turn down the gesture. She just had to use her fire abilities to fix her temperature again.\n\nBut some part of her was against it. Or at the very least didn't want that. Why?\n\nAmber glanced over the intricate details of the cost. Weaved with gold, feathers harvested for decor, the fabric a work of a master craftsman. A gesture gifted to her.\n\nMemories of the past sent her back. Hundreds of years ago. A lost boy. A parent and child reunited. A flower outstretched to her and a smile.\n\nHer right arm moved, her hand reaching out to the coat, only they moved of their own accord to take the coat where Noctis's fingers were.\n\nHe'd feel the brush of velvet of her gloved hand brush over his own. Not the painful sting of earlier, but instead soft and delicate. They lingered there for what felt like forever, before she grasped the cloth in her hand and took it from her newly formed *Ally*.\n\n\"Thank you.\" \n\nSoftly spoken, genuine, almost lost along the soft winds of a snowy night. She took the coat and wrapped it around herself, taking in its lingering warmth from its owner and the scent of something familiar.\n\nWisteria?\n\n*My mind is playing tricks on me.*\n\n\"I'll sleep wherever there's room. I don't care.\" She commented, remembering what Noctis said earlier." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "\"Now then, lets get you onboard and introduced. I get the sense that we have a long couple of weeks ahead of us.\" He said, once again walking beside her. His silver eyes stayed on the street in front of them, but still he could feel the ghost of her fingertips upon his hand, the gentle touch of a wisteria flower being swayed in the breeze. Her touch had lingered upon him and it confused him, he had always been good at reading people but Wisteria was a book written in another language. Still the soft touch reminded him of the gentle graces of Esme, which only frustrated him further. At least the touches of Eliza were simple and easy to udnerstand, every inuendo and look were a clear and concise language. \n\nThe dark, the twilight and a burning flame. It was more than enough to cast a spell of unparalleled devastation, mixed with a demon and a drow whos history was as murky as the briniest waters and well... The cousin conflicts had been easier than this. \n\n*\"That is because you were just following orders. What makes you think you can run this? Any success you have have ever known was earned off the back of Scipio the Conqueror. The one that history remembers, not one of his failed side projects.\"* A venomous voice whispered. It took him a moment to realize with a sinking heart that it was Emi's. All the same his stride never faltered, because he would not die without fighting. It was his mothers dream, his child hood loves, his idols- and so it was his, it was all he had left. \n\n\"To the future.\"" }, { "author": "Wisteria, Witch of Flames", "message": "\"With how many people there are. I just about wonder how you intend to keep everyone in line.\" A simple comment, one both questioning the future and perhaps a playful response. For all that was said and done, Wisteria was now in this situation for a bit. Working with other people. Fighting alongside them. Needing to trust them.\n\nShe wasn't sure how long she'd stick around.\n\n\"To the future.\" Noctis's rang through the cold night.\n\nShe watched him silently, debating how to respond to the conviction he had. There walked a man who was ready to set off on his journey once more, whether it be towards the skies that lead to paradise or the depths of the underworld.\n\nFingers gripped the soft fabric of the coat that settled on her shoulders, tugging to wrap it more around her body.\n\nThe scent of wisteria flowers tickled her nose. And... Something else. She couldn't place it, but it was soothing.\n\nFor now she's have to believe it would all turn out okay.\n\n\"To the future.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Kallista | Drakonrider", "message": "With that answer, Kallista could only guess it was a Dragon, rather than a Drakon. Drakons wouldn't be as big as this Inn. She offered a slight nod of acknowledgment, saying nothing about it. He was still clearly very convinced there was such a creature out there. Her eyes narrowed as he glanced back to the window, but it was at least good he stayed put because she would very much so drag him back if she had to. She was trying her best, without revealing too much information about how she would know so much about the nature of Dragons. \n\nWhen he answered, asking more questions, she sighed to herself. It was going to be a bit more difficult than she first thought. \"How do you think a Dragon would fare against an army of giants? If it were to choose a Realm, it would not be this one. The creature would be greatly outnumbered and it knows that,\" She said, shaking her head in disbelief at his fear. Sure, it was understandable but an imaginary Dragon was nothing to fear. However, it was truly ironic when one was standing in front of him. \"Calm yourself,\" She scolded, finally. \n\nThe strange glint disappeared once Kallista blinked a few times, but nonetheless, still... Odd. She noticed his sudden curiosity but didn't know what it applied to. Perhaps the question about his name did the trick. \n\n\"And mine is Kallista. Kallista Demseis,\" She said, soon looking away to search for a table. Her eyes landed on the empty one in the large room with food and ale left untouched. \"You claim to be a knight, Sir?\" She asked before pointing with an outstretched hand to his table. \"Sit.\" Her tone was commanding, even if she didn't mean for it to be. It's best if they stayed away from the window." }, { "author": "Sven Florea", "message": "\"But how can a giant even harm a dragon if they can't reach it?\" Sven continued, still not seemingly calmed by Kallista's explanations. But this time when he was scolded, he went quiet, looking a little disheartened. With a frown he sighed, seeming to realize that even if he had seen the dragon, it was no use convincing Kallista he had. \n\n\"Kallista.. I'm not sure if I've heard that name before or not.\" He followed her gesture and walked over to the table, glancing once more to the window before he sat down. \"I am a knight.\" He said simply, looking down at his food that he had left there. By now it was cold, as though he had not even touched it for hours. \"You didn't say a title with your name. What is it that you do?\" He asked, now seeming to actually be focused in the conversation at hand. \"Oh, don't let me be rude, I can buy some food and drink for you.\"" }, { "author": "Kallista | Drakonrider", "message": "\"You would be surprised. They are resourceful. It wouldn't be the first time Giants fought against a Dragon,\" She said promptly, referring to thousands of years ago when the Giants rebelled against the Dragons in power and failed. However, they still put up a good fight as the story went. Kallista scolded him because he was evidently still panicking and her patience was running thin. Perhaps he finally realized it was no use, but she wasn't done here quite yet. \n\nShe cocked her head slightly at the possible recognition of her name. He likely would have heard it, as she was one of the best Monster Hunters across the Realm. It wasn't impossible. \"You might have,\" She said, following him to his table. She pulled out the wooden chair across from him and took a seat. Her presumption about him being a knight was correct after all. \n\nKallista was pleased to see he was asking questions unrelated to the Dragon now. It was a good change of topic. She first answered his offer, giving a nod. \"Thank you, kindly. As for what I do... I have a few aliases but I'm most well known as a Monster Hunter. The Dragon's Dread,\" She explained, lifting her hand so he could see the black tattoo on the back of her hand, a tattoo detailing three Dragon heads. \n\n\"And you, are you a wandering Knight or are you affiliated with something?\"" }, { "author": "Sven Florea", "message": "Sven listened to Kallista's reasoning, pausing for a moment as if he wanted to retort, but he shook his head. It would be useless to keep arguing about whether or not a dragon would come here. He had his thoughts and she hers, he decided. Either way, the idea of a dragon in the area made him uneasy. Life is filled with things that shouldn't happen logically, he thought. \n\n\"I can't recall where I may have heard it..\" Sven trailed off, his thoughts turning once again to where he may have heard her name. In truth, he could not remember. \n\nSven smiled slightly at her thanks, waving for the tavern keeper to come so she could get what she wanted. When Kallista told him that she was know as the Dragon's Dread and showed the tattoo, Sven seemed to become enraptured in the conversation. \"The Dragon's Dread?\" He repeated, nodding slightly. \"That explains how you know so much about dragons.. How many have you slain?\"\n\nAt the question, Sven cleared his throat. \"I'm a Centurion of the Imperial Legion.\" In truth, he had not been an active knight in years, but in his state of mind he often did not realize he was not a knight anymore." } ]
[ { "author": "Kallista | Drakonrider", "message": "Kallista cocked her head slightly at the question as if thinking carefully about how to respond. She won't entirely lie, as her response would be a partial truth, but some information would be missing. She wouldn't dare reveal her identity as a Dragon, especially someone who served the Imperial Legion. The information alone was dangerous nonetheless, no matter who knew. \"It depends on the person. There is a belief that a person and Drakon are destined to bond, and it works. Nonetheless, it's a very dangerous risk at first.\"\n\nAfter asking the question, Kallista immediately picked up the hesitation once again, with how long he took to respond and his facial expressions. Something was off, something wasn't adding up, but she decided to go with it. She narrowed her eyes again, in response to the question. *Was active?* Was he lying about being a member or something else entirely? \"Oh? What happened then, if you *Were* Active? You don't need to answer if you prefer not, I am simply curious,\" She replied, taking a small taste of her stew as he stared down at his own cold food. \n\nKallista's brow rose at the next question, and she shrugged her shoulders slightly. She ate a few more spoonfuls of her food and took a sip of ale before responding. \"I mean... I suppose I could *Ask* Him if he knew of a red Dragon in the area?\" Her question might not make any sense, since the benefits of Drakon bonds were not well known. It might sound insane, as well." }, { "author": "Sven Florea", "message": "\"I can imagine it is.\" Sven said, shaking his head slowly. Part of him did not want to believe her - there was no way in his mind that a bond between a creature like that would be possible, but he did not have any reason *Not* To believe it either. Unless this was all a cruel joke, but Kallista did not seem as though she was one to do so. At least not at the moment.\n\nAt the further questioning about his involvement in the Imperial Legion, Sven narrowed his eyes down at the table once more. It was almost as though he was straining to find the information, like there was a wall preventing him from accessing that information. \"Well...\" He said slowly, toying with his fork as he spoke, his eyes not meeting hers. \"I remember going home... And..\" If Kallista were to look closely, Sven's hand was trembling. He cleared his throat, and looked up to her eyes. \"I apologize.. I remember going home, and I just haven't been back with the Legion for a while.\" \n\n\"You can just ask him?\" In truth, he had no idea how dragons and Drakons communicated. Sven was unsure if thought of a dragon or a Drakon speaking was comical or horrifying. \"If that is something that you could do.. I would be very thankful for that.\"" }, { "author": "Kallista | Drakonrider", "message": "Kallista sighed to herself in relief regarding his answer, glad he didn't immediately take it as an outright lie. Her explanation of how she bonded with Vaenyx was as simple as she could muster, without outright revealing what she truly was. She gave a curt nod of acknowledgement in response. If Sven were to ask any more questions regarding the topic, she was prepared to answer. Half-truths were easy to come up with, quickly. \n\nWhen he heard her question, she could see almost immediately that it wasn't a question easily answered, as it seemed from the way he looked down and toyed with his fork. She didn't push it, waiting patiently for an answer. Kallista inclined her head slightly when she noticed his hand was trembling. Something was very much off here. It was almost as if he couldn't remember. How strange. His answer was enough, but she still had questions. \"No worries. Are you enjoying travel?\" She said, shifting the topic slightly to prevent awkwardness.\n\n— \nWhen he asked the question, she nodded quickly. Without proper communication about how she communicated with a Drakon, it might seem as if she was crazy. As he would not be able to tell when she contacted Vaenyx through the link. \"Of course. Communication is done through telepathy, so it will take a minute or so,\" She said before her gaze became somewhat distant. Mentally, Kallista connected the link that allowed her and Vaenyx to communicate. It took a bit of effort, due to how far away he was. \n*\"Vaenyx.\"* \nWithin the moment he responded. *\"What?\"*\n*\"Curious, have you ever come across a Red Dragon with Black Horns and Claws?\"* \n*\"Hmm... Perhaps, a few years ago. Why?\"* \n*\"A knight claims to have seen a Dragon of that description in Forstead.\"* \n*\"I don't know of one in Forstead.\"* \n*\"I know. I would know as well if there were one.\"* \n*\"Yes.\"*\n*\"Anyway, good to know.\"* She said, turning her gaze back to Sven as Vaenyx went quiet in her head and the telepathic link temporarily disconnected. \n\n\"You are in luck. Vaenyx says he does know of a Red Dragon.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Kallista | Drakonrider", "message": "It was quite unpleasant when people didn't pay attention to what she said, and it was clear Sven wasn't paying attention. Kallista stared at him, her gaze unwavering and cold as she waited for an answer. She didn't know what to make of his widened eyes, and hand on the hilt of his sword. She wanted him to listen to her about the Dragon, but clearly, that was not the case. When he eventually rushed back to the window, she rolled her eyes but stayed seated where she was. There was no Dragon there. The woman looked away from him, down at her mug of ale, and chugged it. \n\nSetting it down, Kallista turned her attention back to the Knight, who was now rushing toward the door of the Inn. Abruptly, she stood, glaring at him now. At this point, she was ready to give him a beating to knock some sense into him. That's exactly what she might do. Ignoring the startled patrons, she was completely focused on Sven. \n\nEventually, when he responded, she muttered a few curses in Furian to herself before pushing the table aside. Kallista didn't say a word as she strolled toward him, but it was clear she was angry. It was extremely annoying that, instead of asking questions, he was still convinced the beast was out there and he was going to take it down. As soon as she reached him, she grabbed his sword arm roughly and pushed open the Inn door, dragging him outside. Her grip was extremely strong, more so than the average human.\n\n— \nAfter the door was closed, she shoved him backward into the nearby wall, getting closer so he couldn't walk away from her again. \"Listen good, Florea. You're not thinking clearly. What the hell are you thinking to attempt to take a beast down, when it's not even here and you don't have enough information? That, and you underestimate it,\" She said, roughly, her eyes burning into his. If he were to hold her gaze long enough, he would feel... *Strange.* In truth, it was her eye trance magic contained within her human form, but one would notice the affect, slightly." }, { "author": "Sven Florea", "message": "Sven was completely unprepared for Kallista's reaction to his outburst. As his arm was grabbed by her and he was pushed against the wall, the man only blinked in surprise. It was clear that in his line of thinking, there was no instance where this would have been the result. \n\n\"What are you doing? Unhand me - I have to go!\" He barked at her, rubbing his arm where she had grabbed it - Sven was not expecting her to have gripped him so harshly. \"I can find the beast - I swear it, just let me go and I'll find it!\" He continued, seemingly still distracted by his idea that the dragon must be somewhere close. But, he knew he was not going to be able to reason with Kallista - in his mind, it was clear that she was not going to listen to his reasoning. \n\nThe man narrowed his eyes at her, frustrated that he could not go off and do what he felt he needed to do. In doing so, he caught her eye contact, surprised by how aggressive her eyes were. Despite all she had said, he still seemed to think that nobody would have wanted to prevent him from finding the dragon. While he stared back at her, he did start to feel strange. Tilting his head slightly in confusion at the feeling, once again he seemed to be distracted from his thoughts. It seemed as though it was enough to at least distract him from his tirade. \"Your eyes... Are interesting.\" He said almost blankly, as though he truly was confused by the effect." }, { "author": "Kallista | Drakonrider", "message": "\"No, you don't,\" Kallista said firmly, in response to his protests. He wasn't going anywhere, especially not alone. What he needed was some common sense knocked into him, and she was more than willing to do so, saving others the effort. As he continued to protest about finding the beast, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. It was clear he was not entirely focused on the reality of things, but stuck on a fact that was incorrect, at least here. \"I'm not letting you go until we talk about this.\" In truth, she wasn't keen on letting him go on his own, much less going with him to find the Dragon. It wouldn't go well, for either of them. \n\nOnce she said her piece, she waited, somewhat impatiently for a response. She was quite irritated, as shown by her gaze. At first, Kallista didn't seem to see his confusion, but when he responded, commenting about her eyes, her expression shifted slightly. For a second, there was surprise, then again replaced by sternness. At least she knew what was going on now. Kallista moved her hand, rubbing her arm as if slightly uncomfortable. She could *Feel* The shell of hardened scales reappearing on her arm, as they did when signaling it was soon time to change forms. It was the *Wrong* Time for that. Changing forms must be done within a certain amount of time, otherwise it became painful when waiting too long. Nothing of concern at the current moment, but something she was aware of. \n\nDespite that, Kallista acted completely normal, tilting her head slightly as she responded. \"Hm, what do you feel, or see then?\" She asked, not breaking the gaze. She knew he felt the small affect of the trance, but even for those who were strong-willed, it was very minor and did no damage. It was only the strangest thing, for those who had never experienced it before." } ]
[ { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "```\n3 AoM, 674```\nTime had no meaning anymore for the Moon's Shadow. She had no clue she'd been secluded in this ruined castle in the mountains for over two and a half millennia. Clad in all black with long flowing dark locks, a veil adorned with stars hiding her pale face save for a glimpse of the lower half, she looked more ghost than woman. She *Acted* More ghost than woman. Lusine never left the cold stone of her self-confinement, but it didn't mean curious explorers stayed away. The grief of killing one of her own was as fresh as if it were yesterday instead of thousands of lifetimes ago, so when others did happen upon her, she scared them away in the least lethal ways possible. This led to stories, which led to legends, of the witch living in the mountains; or was she really a ghost? No, wait, maybe she was a vampire... Speculation abounded. But what all the locals at the foot of the mountain were sure of was that it was *Her* Fault that the plague ravaged them, *Her* Fault anytime battle robbed them of their bravest warriors, and *Her* Fault if their crops failed.\n\nThus was the petition made and the fliers posted to attract whatever brave soul might venture deep into the dark, isolated mountains to eradicate her. What none of them realized was that she just wanted to be left alone, that she had done nothing but bathe in her sorrow near them, for far, far longer than they had ever been aware she was even there. A few small groups of adventurers had been coming by lately, because of this call. She sent each away more maddened than the last. But the constant disruptions to her solitude had left her listless and irritated, finding her on this warm summer night pacing along what long ago were floors to a grand castle, fit for giant kings. Her steps were soft and near silent though she paced with agitated energy, arms crossed tightly over her chest.\n** **\n\nLong accustomed to talking to herself, Lusine grumbled aloud, the few bits of exposed skin softly glowing in the faint moonlight, the only illumination nearby, **\"Why can't they just stay away? All I want is my solitude...** ***They're*** **The ones disrupting their own peace; I'd have no care for them if they'd just** ***Let me be*** **!\"** Her voice broke with the last phrase but no tears streamed; she'd cried herself out long ago, yet the deep and abiding sadness remained, to the point that she didn't quite remember what any other feeling was like; though she was starting to be reminded how to feel anger. Sitting on a large piece of stone wall, she dug nearby for a book, one she had taken off some idiot that left their bag in terror. Luckily for her, it had been poetry, something she could at least occupy herself with. Though as her eyes scanned the pages in the faint light, her mind wouldn't stop chattering, and she flung the book against the crumbling nearby wall with a strained and angry shout, hands coming to her head and squeezing as if she could pull the troublesome thoughts out by hand.\n\nThough there were no tears, Lusine's small voice still shook as if with sobs, **\"Why did you all have to leave me? I can't... I can't go on by myself. I've always needed a guiding hand.\"** She drew in a ragged deep breath, plopping down to sit on the cold stone floor, hugging her knees to herself in a tight little ball. Her muttering came out even more muffled, **\"If only I could've kept you forever... Or had the courage to join you in death... Alas, I have ability for neither.\"** For the millionth time, she silently resolved to stay married to her grief. **\"There's nothing for me out there anymore anyway... They're all too focused on killing each other... They don't want help. They only want destruction.\"** A small part of her, a deep and quiet rage, wanted to give it to them; but she was wise enough to know that was no solution.\n** **\n\nThe demigoddess could've never imagined that the distress of the locals nearby, who were so interrupting her self-imposed penance, would draw exactly the person she needed to her." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "Ikabad raced through the forests like a flash of white light, the speed of the celestial lion was indeed great; however, something farther greater than his speed was being used. *An aura*, a radiant aura of golden light that seemed to travel all around the man mounted atop the lion- his white armor shimmering in the light that came from a spiky halo floating behind his head. The pair made their way through the woods, a flier stuffed in the lions saddle bag, a flier that cried out to anyone brave and strong enough to save simple folk. A siren call for all those who's hearts cry out to save and protect, a call that had reached the golden heart of the White Lion Of The Emperor, ***Pride Malcorin.***\n\nIt didn't take long for Pride to discover the source of the sorrow he felt, like an inky mire within the world around him that his celestial senses could notice. A dark thing, surrounding light that had been long buried, the cause of the suffer felt for miles around. His target.\n\nThe lion halted and Pride dismounted, patting his trusted steed on the head.\n\"***Stay to the skies old friend, if I need you I will call.***\"\n\n** **\nThe white lion grumbled in response but Pride knew what he meant. With a chuckle, soft and endearing, the demigod gave his friend one final pat before beginning to walk towards the ruins of some old fortress. A piece of history long lost to time, something he could understand. Once Ikabad took off and was high in the air the demigod summoned a sword to his hand, a bastard sword of gold and silver that shimmered with holy magic, and steeled his resolve. He knew that whatever was here was his target, a threat he must dispose of, a roadblock on his path to finally free the realms of pain and suffering- a time without war, a time where *He* Was not needed.\n\n\"***If it's destruction you want...***\" His voice called out, hearing only the final words of the demigoddess of the moon, and as he turned the corner and was made visible to her- a bright shining sun within her realm of darkness, the war child froze. He did not see a foe, nor a threat, but instead a woman with sorrow in her very soul. A woman shrouded in darkness and pain, a woman who held divinity just like him. That means she must be a-\n\n\n\"***A demigod.***\"" }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "Perhaps if Lusine hadn't been so, literally, wrapped up in herself, she would've seen the streak of light steadily approaching. But so certain was she that no one of consequence or concern would bother her, that she didn't stir when she heard the crunch of boots on leaves, readying herself to scare off yet more hapless adventurers. The words that initially touched her ears irked her as she realized she'd been overheard in her mourning. However, as her head shot up, the thin black veil did absolutely nothing to shield her from the light the man in front of her radiated like a scorching sun. Her arm immediately shot up to shield her eyes with a hiss of pain. For thousands of years, she'd slept through the daylight hours in a basement below, seeing nothing brighter than the light that the moon and stars provided. Yet the way this light seemed to make her very skin tingle alarmed her. His recognition of what she was and the surprise in his tone didn't escape her, but she had to be rid of this wretched brightness *Immediately*. \n\nKeeping her forearm up to shield her eyes, shadows began to pull towards her from the edges of the light her fellow demigod cast. As the shadows pulled to her and clung to her form, she lowered her arm, pale glowing blue eyes looking at the demigod of war through a veil of shadows that covered her from head to toe. Her heart raced thinking about the last time she was confronted by another divine being; she didn't want it to end the same way, though she also wouldn't roll over and die, if that's what it came to. She would fight for herself, for her little corner of dark solitude she'd carved out to spend eternity in. As she stood, shadowy and smoky tendrils began to pour out of her in a radius centered on her, darkness covering the area in moments. It obscured her vision of him, giving her further respite from his light. She noticed even without the light shining directly on her, she felt tender where it had fallen, as if starting to burn.\n\n** **\n**\"Leave me be, demigod!\"** The Dark Lady called out in a commanding tone. Stepping lightly through the darkness, she backed up, getting what distance she could between her and this man. Melee was always her down fall, she couldn't let him get too close, especially with that strange light he shed. She knew these ruins better than the back of her hand and was able to back into a small barricade created by the rubble, standing behind the waist-high stone with her eyes trained on where he *Should* Be. **\"I want nothing from anyone, and no matter what those locals have told you, I've not killed anyone. I just want to be left alone.\"** Her voice sounded clear and confident, though a little cold and imperious. \n\nFeeling it incredibly unlikely with the regal bearing of his silhouette she had glimpsed that he would leave her alone, Lusine swept her hands out wide, grasping at shadow and pulling it forward, the part she was grasping growing to become a snout, the shadows coalescing into the forms of 3 wolves with blue eyes like dim stars. Releasing the spell, the wolves hunched low, one on each side of her and one waiting by the edge of her rubble half-wall, ready to strike." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "The demigod of war stood like a stone statue, his expression an unknowable mixture of thoughts and emotions that seemed to do nothing except overlap and muddle the others. His eyes, bright golden sins, held within them millennia worth of confusion and sorrow within them. His eyes, eyes that had seen war and death countless times over, eyes that have bore witness to the breaking of both body and spirit of his fellow demigods- now rests on the visage of one shrouded in darkness, lost to the twilight.\n\n\"***Wait-***\" His voice came out softly, not a command or an order, but a concern and desire to help. Shadows enveloped the woman of the eclipse, shrouding her in night that held back the radiance of Pride. \"***Wait please-***\"\n\nHe held a hand up, his light dissipating for just a moment- a small moment where he lost himself to his inner self. The side of him that wanted peace and love to prosper, where he needs to never raise a sword again, and he almost let it happen... Almost.\n\nA shield appeared with a flash of light across his forearm, golden accents adorned with the image of a blazing sun. His stance widened and his sword arm moved, readying his blade across the top of the shield now leveled just below his eyes.\n\n** **\n\"***Who are you? What have you done to this place? To these people? ANSWER ME.***\" His aura grew brighter, an intense golden light that clashed with the darkness rolling off the child of the lunar mother.\n\nAs the wolves of night formed, fangs poised to strike, the demigod of war grit his teeth. In a contest of magical knowledge he would surely loose, and even if he attempted to brute force his way through her darkness with his sun he might go too far. He has to settle this in the most skillful way he knew how so that he might learn more of who this demigod shrouded in sorrow is.\n\nWings of white sprung to life from the back of the golden warrior, spread out in all their grandeur. Without another word the demigod of war moved to action, he charged forth, each step causing the very ruins they stood in to rumble. His shield swung out, a powerful backhand, not aimed not to hit physically, that reveals itself when a wall of light explodes from the shield as it was swung- sending a wave of light right at the wall, the wolves and Lusine." }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "The light that the son of Titanos shed was too bright for Lusine to make out much more than his general outline, so accustomed were her eyes to the darkness. Her shadowform coalescing and wrapping around her allowed her the briefest of glimpses at him, but it only brought more questions and no answers. His expression was strange to her, though the deep grief mixed into it was all too familiar. He wouldn't be able to see through the shadows, but her face shifted into confusion momentarily. Looking upon him left her unsettled, like looking into a brighter, male version of herself. It made the radiance buried deeply within her stir slightly, and she was quick to quash it, the sting of further pain it brought too much to bear. She whispered as she melted into the shadows, **\"All I want is to wait here...** ***Alone*** **.\"**\n\nThe Dark Lady missed his lifted hand of peace as she retreated into the safe solitude of her shadows. She waited, poised on light feet, ready for the assault she knew was coming. It was the only interaction she'd had with others for so long now; she'd long ago forgotten to expect care or reason. Her whole body tensed at the flash of light that accompanied his shield. His shouts stirred her dormant anger, and she yelled back icily, **\"I owe you NOTHING!! But if answers will make you leave me be, take them and go... I am Lusine Sterre, daughter of Lunara.\"** Without entirely meaning to, her apathy spell rolled off her, as she willed him to lose the drive to interrogate her further. **\"I've done nothing but reside near them for centuries, and chase off those they sent to disturb my peace.\"** She seemed to truly have no clue how her presence was affecting the area, nor how much time had passed since she secluded herself there. \n** **\n\nMidnight blue eyes widened at the rumble his steps caused, and every fiber of her being was ready to run. So when the wall of light began to break through her darkness, Lusine sent the wolves forth and dissipated into wispy shadow. The wolves were burned to mostly nothing by the time they reached Pride, shadowy teeth and claws clattering somewhat pitifully against his shield, easily felled by his radiant sword. But a slight distraction was all she needed anyway. Using her shadowstep to reappear behind him in the darkened edges of the light he cast, she gathered multiple wispy arms around her that shot out to wrap around his arms and legs, attempting more to restrain than harm. The shadows softly sizzled upon touching him; that had never happened before. She feared they wouldn't hold him long and tightened the grip, trying to display her power with a sinking feeling that, for once, it might not be enough. Her voice was dark and deep, **\"Leave this place, leave me to my own devices!! I don't want to hurt you... I just want to grieve in peace!\"** In her desperation and mild madness, she spouted off part of a poem that had become almost like a daily prayer for her, **\"'We have sinned; but rave not thus! And let a sacred song/Go up to god so solemnly the dead may feel so wrong!' I just want peace,\"** Her hardened voice turned pitiful for just a moment, whining out, ***\"Please.\"*** She could feel the strain of holding him with her shadows, and part of her thought perhaps it would be the death she had so feared to give herself; the thought was at least somewhat comforting." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "The spell of apathy smashed against the mind of Pride, attempting to water down his determination and drive with desire to do nothing, simply nothing. It halted him for a moment, his body trembled as his mind had to overcome the feelings and spell at once. Had it not been for his own ego, his own aura and his desire to claw at the threads of hope within his heart he would have fallen... But it was not so.\n\n\"***Then hear me, Lusine Sterre, daughter of Lunara. I am Pride Malcorin, son of Titanos.***\" The speaking of his name and source of pride, his father and his right as the child of war, the spell was shattered against his determination and zeal.\n\n\"***They were sent here because your sorrow has become a blight on the area around you, your own woes have bled into the very earth you walk upon and in your darkness you have been blinded to who you are.***\"\n\nAs the demigod charged forth and the wolves raced out to meet him Pride moved with a grace and skill fitting his titles, with masterful precision his blade and shield worked in tandem to banished the wolves of shadow back to the inky darkness. In his small victory he had barely noticed her change in position, he attempted to turn to face her but he was too late. Lassos of shadow coiled around his body, halting him in place even as he strained against them, and as he forced himself to look at her his golden eyes held nothing within them except conviction.\n\n** **\n\"***There is no peace in grief, not alone, not like this.***\" His teeth grit as he spoke, his muscles straining against the bonds that held him there. He stared at her, golden eyes that hummed with the energies that rolled off Pride in rays of gold. Yet even within the eyes of the war child there was something more, something kind, that called out to the child of the moon with a desire to sooth her pain.\n\n\"***Then let me-***\" He pulled his sword arm with strength, forcing it against the bonds until his palm was facing Lusine. \"***- HELP YOU.***\"\n\nWith a burst of light did the sword held within Prides hand vanished, replaced with a radiant miniature sun that roared with heat and light, hovering a few inches from the demigods palm." }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "For a split second, the Moon's Shadow found her rage and sorrow-fueled resolve waver. Could what he said be true? Was this vexing man... Trying to actually *Talk* To her? A small, soft voice welled up from deep within her, desperate in its pleading, *We're* **Hurting** *People! I tried to tell you! This has to stop, please!* With a growl and gritted teeth, she stood her ground, ignoring the hopeful voice inside. She wouldn't let that part be crushed again; she **Would** Protect herself, *All* Of herself. The people of the world, mortal and immortal, only cared for war and bloodshed anymore. She felt she and her better half were more well-suited for lonely solitude; she could only hurt herself this way. The soft voice tried to protest again but was snuffed out with vigor.\n** **\nAs Lusine struggled to hold him in her shadowy bonds, his words hit like a heavy stone, and she heard the voice of a memory in her head, a man speaking words not all that different to her from his deathbed. *I want you to be happy... Keep living your life, sharing your light. The world needs it now more than ever. Don't slip into your loneliness, like I know you're wont to do... You'll never have peace that way.* For the first time in at least a thousand or so years, tears streamed down her dull, pale cheeks, her lips turning into a severe frown. She spoke through gritted teeth of her own, the pain apparent in her voice, **\"Damn you, Pride Malcorin! I had... I had a** ***Semblance*** **Of peace, at least.\"** She laughed darkly, **\"But now you've shattered that entirely! I swear I'll make you pay!\"** The feelings she had managed to dumb down and numb away over the years all came surging back to the surface at full strength, and for a brief moment she applied enough force with her shadowy tendrils to leave cuts and abrasions on the demigod of war. \n** **\n\nDark eyes met golden ones, and the radiant woman within her continued to twist her heart, knowing this was the strategy to her freedom, through pain... Pain she had been too terrified to confront, pain that she thought might kill her if acknowledged too fully, pain that no one else would understand... Or so she had thought. Yet in Pride's golden eyes, she saw compassion, kindness, and *Understanding*. Now the Dark Lady was fighting on two fronts; the man in front of her and the Startouched within her. She continued to mutter through the tears, fearing this pain was only the beginning of far, far more to come if she relinquished this hard won control, **\"Damn you, damn you...\"**\n** **\nSo completely disarmed was she that the sudden burst of sunlight caught her full force. The shadow bonds on the son of Titanos sizzled away immediately, and the shadow armor covering her entire body gradually dissipated in the light as well. She scrambled back frantically, both the brightness and heat proving far too much for her. In the chaos, her veil fell to the side, revealing her fine features, dark blue eyes, and long black hair. Her tears had stopped, a look of exhausted but fierce determination now on her face as she pressed herself into the corner of the ruins she had retreated to. Small patches of pink began to bloom on her pale skin, and she hissed at the burn. Speaking with a hard and commanding tone, she directed Pride with no hesitation, **\"Fine, you want to help, so be it. On your head be it if you break her...\"** Her gaze softened a moment, **\"Do take care of her, she's not made for this world... Not like you or I...\"** Lusine's voice gradually faded, from imperious tones to a mere whisper by the end, as her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell limply forward. \n** **\n\nAssuming the demigod of war caught her, he would get an incredibly close view of something no one else had ever seen, not even the husband from lifetimes ago she so mourned. The black of her hair began to drip away, almost like ink, revealing platinum blonde underneath, shining silver in the light. Her skin, once like dull marble, began to shimmer with a soft opalescent glow. With a sharp inhale of breath, her eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing irises so pale a blue they almost looked silver. She regarded him with wonder for a moment before her face crumpled and the tears began again. Hardly knowing him, but still knowing somehow he was like a lifeline, she wrapped her small arms around his torso and sobbed, **\"I'm so, so sorry!\"**" }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "It was not the first time somehow swore to make Pride pay, he wagered it wouldn't be the last either, yet he knew this decree did not come from a place of bloody malice or a craving for power- this was a defense mechanism, defending the darkness he was slowly exposing to light. His conviction held true even as the tendrils of shadow bite into his body and armor, blood like ichor dripping from his wounds like the sap of a great oak, yet he did not waver.\n\n\"***Peace only comes when pain is overcome. Those who refuse to confront it will never truly know peace' embrace.***\" Words spoken and words left unshared- *\"I would know\"*- filled with truth yet tainted by emotion. There was weight to the words, weight Pride had experienced for himself over lifetimes of arrogance. He knew her pain, in his own way, so when he saw the tears he spoke his truth. \"***Damn me if you must, but I would rather be thrice damned by all that walk this good earth than stand idle when another demigod suffers alone. I won't stand for it.***\"\n\nThe sunlight that erupted from his palm was hot, filling the surrounding area with the oppressive dryness of the cruel summers sun while its light bathed all things in its path in golden rays. When his bonds of shadow vanished the demigod dropped to a knee with a shaking breath, feeling his body's weakened state thanks to the shadows that pierced his skin. Despite his bloodied state the demigod of war held true, the orb of sunlight hovering above his palm as he stood with a small grunt of effort. As Lusine retreated away Pride followed, his eyes of gold focused on her entirely, even catching a glimpse of her face as the veil fell to the side- she was beautiful.\n\n** **\n\"***What?***\" The Child of War asked with confusion as he began to dismissed the sun, it's heat and light slowly fading. \"***Break who? Take care of*** *Who??*\" The child of war felt himself grow a little weary for a moment, had he overdone it? Was this woman dying? Perhaps there is a child around her she speaks of, a daughter? His mind reeled from the possibilities as he reached out with a hand, his sun magic fully snuffed out.\n\n\"***Wait hold o-***\" His words cut off when Lusine fell forwards. Pride wrapped his arms around the demigoddess of the moon, keeping her from falling as he dropped to a knee, and then grabbed her shoulders and held her back a little- readily expecting to see the same woman he'd just been talking to, but when his eyes fell upon one who's beauty outshines the very stars themselves- even he found himself awestruck.\n\nIt was a strange pull in his heart, something that felt alien to him, like there was something within his chest that desired to escape yet could not break free from his body- it felt unnatural, fuzzy, warm and strange. He'd only experienced this feeling in minor doses with certain other people in his life, but why does he feel it the most with *Her?* He didn't have time to really think on that fact when small arms wrapped around his torso and the lady began to sob.\n\n\"***Uh- oh no it's ok- it's alright, no need to cry-***\" Pride's eyes widened as he internally panicked while trying to find something he could do to help, he doesn't have a clue how to comfort someone like this, so he did what he *Assumed* Would help. A gentle *Pat pat* To Lusine's head that healed her of whatever wounds she might have suffered during their battle, his own wounds also closing with the soft glow of his magic. \"***See? All better, nothing to worry about-***\"" }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "With her face buried in his armor, Lusine only cried harder, for a moment, at his attempts to soothe. The demigoddess stiffened in fear, sniffling, when she felt his hand on her head and the warm magic course through her; but once she realized it was more like the feel of the sun on her skin on a warm spring day, she relaxed again with a small shiver. Acting without thinking, as she tended to do when in this brighter version of herself, she had rather tangled herself up in Pride's lap on nearly instinct, clinging to the rope that had been extended to her in perpetual darkness. But when it dawned on her how she'd literally thrown herself on this stranger, she gently extricated herself to sit on the ground in front of him. Biting her lip nearly to bleeding, she tried to push away the thought that the last time anyone had held her had been when Callon still had enough strength left to do so. \n\nThe bittersweet memory only began the sobbing anew, and her delicate hands covered her face. The tears that rolled off her cheeks from underneath her hands shimmered, looking like falling stars, tiny drops with faint iridescent colors. They left a glittery trail down her radiant face. The tidal waves of emotion were too much, so overstimulating, much like Pride's bright light after so much darkness; she'd been numb for so long, but now found herself facing thousands of years of pent up feeling all at once. She knew it had to be done but that didn't stop it from feeling like the process would truly kill her. At least with the son of Titanos exhausting her darkened form, she could feel every feeling as deeply as she needed to without fear of losing control. A dark laugh briefly interrupted the sobs, **\"Normally I'd be the one saying things like that... Oh gods, what have I become? I have to fix the mess I've made. Some guide to the people I am.\"**\n\n** **\nAs if suddenly remembering something, the Moon Maiden jolted and stopped crying, her pale locks flopping as she twisted her head around frantically, eyes searching the night sky. The trees overhead largely blocked the sky, but she knew where she could get a clearer view. Standing and running, she raced up a set of stairs made for giants with complete grace, stopping on the landing at the top, its walls long since lost to time. Silvery blue eyes landed on the moon, waxing crescent. She heaved a ragged sigh of relief; at least she shouldn't have to worry about another shift for a while. Assuming she could tame her feelings in time.\n\nUtterly exhausted, the Startouched fell to her knees on the spot, still staring up at the sky. **\"Mother must be completely disappointed in me... I abandoned my duty for so many moons.\"** Her soft voice was hollow, deprived of hope and warmth. **\"I've always needed a companion, of some sort. I haven't had to learn how to live without one, so I guess that's why my darker self took charge... For so long it was my father. And I met my husband before father died...\"** Her fine features threatened more tears that didn't yet spill, sparkling along the rims of her eyes. **\"Then Callon aged as mortals do, and he...\"** Even after so long, she couldn't bring herself to say *He died*, the truth still felt too brutal to bear. Swallowing thickly, she moved to stand, but felt as if every bit of strength had been sapped from her. Looking around for her savior, she wore an expression of feeling utterly lost." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "The demigod of war did his best to act tender, taking such great care out of concern that it was as if he became a statue for the time Lusine clung to him. His fear of harming her so great it practically froze him, even if he knew he would not dare to do such a thing, when one's entire life's work revolves around harming others you tend to worry further when you try *Not* To employ it. Once the demigoddess sat herself on the ground Pride let out a heavy breath, the strain of keeping still leaving his body, and he sat back on the ground with a small thud.\n\n\"***So yo-***\" The crying began again, cutting off the white lions desire to finally get some answers, and despite his usual annoyance when someone cuts him off he knew she did not do so out of malice or aggression- he knows full well the pain memories can bring when they wash over you untempered. Reaching a hand out, slowly and carefully with his palm facing the woman, a soft radiant glow shimmered between them as Pride focused his aura to help Lusine- giving her feelings of peace, comfort and determination. Not enough to fully overcome her own emotions of course, but a gentle nudge to lend a helping hand.\n\n** **\n\"***Focus on the present, you can worry about fixing things later, for now I need you here- I need you with me, ok?***\" His tone was soft, not an order but a gentle telling of the facts at their feet. Yet when the woman stopped crying and bolted towards a set of stairs the demigod of war damn near fell over as he tried to race after her. \"***LADY WHAT ARE YOU DOING???***\"\n\nRacing after her Pride came to the landing moments after Lusine did, worried yet tense, and when he saw her looking to the moon he understood what had her run like that. He stood a few feet away, arms crossing over his chest as he too looked off towards the moon and listened to waning moon child speak. He let her say what she had to say, feel what she could, and when she looked over to him the demigod of war could only offer a small smile.\n\n\"***You're not the only one who's duties slipped away from them for a long time, and as I stand before you I can say, hope always remains.***\"" }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "Lusine watched Pride work his magic with furrowed brows, her eyes trained on the radiant shimmer but also simultaneously far away. She did feel the weight lifted, somewhat, which helped her settle herself enough to connect to the burning need to see the moon. While she heard his words, they went in one ear and out the other, completely unregistered at the moment. Though the dark part deep inside her, completely depleted but still aware, hummed with satisfaction. Perhaps things would work out just fine after all; perhaps her methods *Weren't* Always what her brighter self needed. The Dark Lady saw before the Startouched that the son of Titanos was just the guiding hand, just the companion, she would need. \n\nAfter the mad dash and her words tumbling out of her, the demigoddess once again met Pride's gaze, and his small smile, his words, *Did* Give her hope, she found. Never before had she connected with one of her own. She had only lived in fear of trying to be recruited or killed, neither of which she particularly wanted. Yet she longed to be understood–*Really* Understood–in a way that she had to admit Callon could never offer her, no matter how much he loved her. Giving the demigod of war a firm nod, she tried again to stand and struggled, letting out a nervous laugh. Wordlessly, she reached a slender pale hand up to him; more than needing the help up, it was unspoken question: *How much are you willing to help me?* Her blue eyes were hopeful yet wary. Though he had been kind, he had also been rather aggressive. She was still forming her idea of him, not entirely sure what to think, yet a part of her certain he could be trusted. If she was honest, her fear was about something else; a fear of getting attached.\n\n** **\nAssuming her newfound ally helped her up, Lunara's daughter would take his hand with only the firmness required to get to her feet, a bird landing then flying away again. She stood, for a moment, like a newborn fawn, on wobbly legs, and laughed in spite of herself, in spite of the situation and all the feelings. She just couldn't help it; her emotions were always raw and rather transparent, despite her best efforts when trying to hide them. Her laugh was musical and full of mirth, **\"Well, that seems... Fitting, somehow.\"** Brushing herself off a little self-consciously, she let her hands hang in front of her, one holding the other demurely. **\"I'm sure you have questions...\"** She met the other demigod's golden gaze a moment before looking away. **\"I have some too. What year is it, exactly?\"** Her glowing cheeks reddened as she admitted, **\"The last I heard about happenings in the world was when Emperor Scipio gave the Dragons control...\"** She ventured to look at him timidly, feeling rather certain that had been quite a long time ago, but she didn't know *How* Long.\n\nTrying her best to put on her warm smile of old, the Moon Maiden took a few steps closer to Pride. Her voice was soft and kind, and though her words might sound like a command out of anyone else's mouth, falling from her lips they were more like a gentle invitation, **\"I can see your eagerness for answers, my friend. Speak.\"**" }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "The child of war watched as the child of the moon tried to stand once again, a small part of him felt sorry when he saw her struggle to do so, feeling that he was likely the cause of it even if it was her tiredness after feeling such strong emotion. When the hand was reached out to him Pride did not hesitate, he strode towards her and held out his own hand, calloused and rough as it was- with a glow in his eyes that told Lusine all she needed to know: *As much as I can.* His golden eyes were kind if not slightly reserved. He knew that they had come to blows, sort of, yet he did not hold that against her and as such he tried his best to convey his desire to assist.\n\nOnce they had eachother hand in hand Pride held with a softness most wouldn't expect from him- given his nature, size and his extremely calloused and scarred hands, helping the daughter of Lunara stand. \"***Careful-***\" His voice was warm as the sun and sweet as honey, worried for her as she stood on wobbly legs. \"***It happens, emotions can make our bodies fail when we need them to.***\" The demigod of war said with a nod, wisdom apparent in his confidence as he spoke.\n\n** **\n\"***Plenty of them, it's-***\" His eyes widened at her words, mention of *Emperor Scipio* And the damned dragons. The demigod pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes clamping shut hard enough to cause his forehead to wrinkle. It took him a moment to compose himself, breathing heavily and slowly for a few seconds as he came to grips with the situation he was being faced with. He hadn't expected to have to deal with something like that, not that he's mad or upset with the nice lady, this is just something he hadn't really prepared himself for.\n\n\"***Look...***\" He finally said with a small sigh as he opened his eyes once again. Once he saw that she had stepped closer, a warm smile on her face and a voice as gentle as the moons glow, it became that much harder for him to dare say what he had to- he knew it would cause her smile to fade, a fact he found himself saddened by, the loss of her smile.\n\n\"***You... Might want to hold onto something, for this.***\" The demigod said with a look of despair in his golden eyes, holding out his hand to her, knowing she'll likely need the support. \n\n\"***You... You were away for a very...*** *Very* ***Long time. Scipio and the Dragons have long since fallen into history... For we stand in the age of humans, 3874.***\"" }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "As the demigod of war helped her find steadiness, in more ways than one, she was struck for a moment by the contrasts he seemed to embody. He didn't have to tell her he was an accomplished warrior, a son of war; that much was readily apparent. But the warm kindness he exuded, the soft touch of his battle-roughened hand, stood out starkly against his might and ferocity of only a few moments ago. She blinked at him with wide eyes for a moment, wishing the lump in her throat would go away. His caring, honeyed words drew her in, and while they did help her feel safe, the tug was simultaneously alarming. What would it mean to welcome such a warrior into her life? She cared so deeply for those she chose to care for, and at the moment thinking of any more loss was too frightening to conceive of. Though... He was still standing, after seemingly many battles, and probably many centuries. The spark of hope born in her flickered, dared to grow a little larger.\n\nThe Moon Maiden hid nothing in her expression, watching his apparent frustration with mild trepidation and some concern, though for him, not for her. He seemed pained thinking of the timeframe of which she spoke... There must have been more war, though that much she would've guessed anyway. Extending one delicate hand, it hovered near his arm, but ultimately was withdrawn. He didn't know her, and he was seemingly a highly trained soldier. To touch him in such a state of distress might only make things worse, alarm him unnecessarily. So she merely watched and waited as he worked through his feelings until his bright gaze was upon her once more.\n** **\n\nThe air Pride took on as he tried to prepare her furrowed her pale brows momentarily. But upon taking his offered hand, she found she felt more grounded than she had in some time. Whatever news he had to share, at least she wasn't receiving it alone. Once the truth of the matter left his lips, she barked out a laugh of disbelief, searching his face for a moment for any sign of deception... But there were none. Her free hand landed on her chest as she breathed deeply, trying to understand *Such* A span of time. In some ways, it wasn't surprising. She knew her darker part was protective, would do anything to preserve what it saw as her innocence. But this... She would need to meditate soon, hash this egregious misstep out with herself. Her head spun with thinking of all she'd have to catch up on...\n\nGiving Pride's hand a gentle squeeze, the smile that had faltered returned, its edge of melancholy apparent in her eyes as well. **\"I see... Honestly, anyone that knew me or that I cared for had been gone for some time before I left the world.\"** She looked at him apologetically, **\"I'm sorry for getting you mixed up in my mess. I don't expect you to catch me up on... Over two millennia of history.\"** Her face wrinkled in dissatisfaction, **\"I guess I'll have to do** ***A lot*** **Of reading.\"** With a heavy sigh, she thought with much regret how terrible it was that she honestly didn't feel *Worse* About losing so much time, but... What would she have done with it? She would've done her duty, of course, but... She shivered thinking of being out in such a cruel, cold world, alone.\n\n**\"Well, there's no reason for me to stay here anymore. Ask me your questions as we make our way...\"** Timidly, Lusine kept her gentle hold on his hand, apologizing, **\"I think I'll need help managing these stairs.\"**" }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "He knew her laughter was one of disbelief, a common reply to something one might consider outlandish or foolish, but after she searched his face and found the design of a joke not in place she knew he was serious. Pride himself had experienced this when he first awoke and understood how long he was asleep for, which had only been a short while ago in the grand scheme of things, but unlike Lusine he didn't have someone to offer a helping hand during that time.\n\n\"***I know well how you feel... In that regard anyway.***\" His tone was soft and low, where Lusine' smile returned Pride's began to fade into a look of sadness. He's not sure why he feels this way, he'd come to grips with his own losses long ago, yet something about this woman drew them back out of his heart- cast aside the armor around his heart without need for force, as if it was... Natural. \"***It's alright, it's not a pretty picture to re-emerge without guidance so I'm glad I can help you... As much as you'll allow me to, of course. The reading is the easy part, honestly.***\"\n\nThe demigod gently brushed a thumb across the back of Lusine' hand as she sighed heavily, he could tell she was battling within her own mind and heart about how she should feel- he'd done the very same thing only months ago too.\n\n\"***No problem.***\" Pride said as he took a step down the stairs, looking back up at Lusine, gently squeezing her hand to let her known he's got her. \"***I know a place that'll put your mind at ease so we can talk, sound good?***\"" }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "Lusine's curiosity was peaked, and she asked shyly as they carefully made their way down the stairs, **\"Oh really? Were you also away for some time? I haven't... Well, the only other of our kind I've ever met tried to kill me, so...\"** Pride was doing well to dash her impression of other demigods. Though he was as warlike as she expected of any of them, not just a war god, he was far more kind and caring than she had ever thought another divine being would be towards her. She noted his look of sadness, her heart feeling heavy as she imagined everything he must've been through to still be here. She was a deeply caring creature, often having to work hard to not sponge up the feelings of those around her. Her smile remained, though her eyes became glassy again with tears. Her voice was a little lighter than she felt, **\"I'll let myself be quite selfish and take all the help you will give; I fear I'll need it, to get reaccustomed. Reading is... Fine.\"** She shot him a more genuine smile for a moment, **\"I just prefer learning by getting to know others, talking through things, rather than reading... Being stuck in some dusty old library...\"** Most of what she knew she'd learned from others or by doing; books weren't entirely her thing, though she could read and sometimes enjoyed doing so.\n** **\n\nPride's gentle caress on her hand unleashed a flood of emotion she wasn't prepared for, but she managed to contain it just enough. Sensing his own sorrow, she felt the desire to fulfill her purpose swell within her. It had been so many thousands of years since she had gotten to do *Exactly* What she was made to do, and she had never done it for another demigod before. She spoke softly, steady despite the new tears that sparkled down her glowing cheeks, **\"I can't even begin to imagine all you've been through... I hope, in my own ways, I might help you in turn. It's the least I can do.\"** Catching one small, iridescent tear drop, she held it in her hand. In seconds, it began to sprout a small white flower, one that only blooms at night. Its sweet fragrance wafted out from it, immediately calming, soothing, and settling. She reached up with her free hand to tuck it behind the son of Titanos' ear, offering him her melancholy smile again, **\"If you'll allow it, this will help you feel better.\"** Much like Pride's own magic to calm, Lusine's night flowers did the same, but concentrated to much more intense effect, only intended to balance emotions. It would not erase or hide his feelings, but rather, give him a solid foothold from which to view them, to decide what he wanted to feel and to what extent.\n\n** **\nOnce the flower was placed, the Moon Maiden rested that hand on his forearm a moment before clasping his rough hand between her two soft ones. Though her expression was sweetly sad, hope still burned fervently in her pale eyes, and she seemed to almost glow a little more radiantly as she tried to comfort him, **\"You seem as if you've been alone for quite some time, too. I'm happy to be company, to call you friend, for however long you would have me. You need not suffer by yourself any longer. You may lay your troubles at my feet anytime;** ***That*** **Is what** ***I*** **Do.\"** She pulled her other hand away but gripped his hand more tightly. She imagined this son of war hadn't been comforted much in his life, if at all. Perhaps the last time had been when he was just a babe held by his mother; maybe never at all. She intended to fill that gap, if he would let her. **\"I'm putting my life in your hands, Pride Malcorin. Take me where you will, and I will go.\"**" }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "\"***I was. During the last battle to finalize Scipio's rule I contended with a spell of epic proportions to save my f...***\" He paused his words, his teeth grinding together while his golden eyes seemed to burn for a moment until he sighed from his nose. \"***I was nearly killed during the effort, my father whisked me away into the heavens and held me within the sun... Until a few months ago, actually. And sorry to hear that, I've been on the receiving end of both sides, not a fun time.***\" The way he spoke was an odd mixture of fact and emotion, like if he was stating orders before a battle but also confiding in a friend. His eyes are what truly betrayed him, showing his true feelings without his ability to intervene, a gift from his father... And held within those eyes of gold is longing.\n\n\"***I'll do my best then.***\" The war child chuckled a little at her remark about reading. \"***As someone who reads and writes for hobbies I'll try not to take offense.***\" An attempt at humor coupled with the flash of a genuine smile, only a brief flash, but it was there. Noticing the tears rolling down Lusine' face once more the child of war chuckled softly as he looked at her, an expression of knowing and charm that well hid the true feelings of the lion.\n\n** **\n\"***You already are. It's been so long since I've seen another demigod, let alone one that doesn't want to claim my seat of power. War is all I know, all I have been surrounded by, so being here- with you, under the stars... It's the kindest thing anyones done for me.***\" His eyes held warmth within them as he spoke, a warmth that grew and a small chuckle to follow the white flower being tucked behind his ear. He could feel it's effects by scent alone, but the flowers properties were overshadowed by the memory of her hand on his face. It was fleeting, distant already, but it lingered within mind heart. \"***Thank you.***\" The demigod replied as he felt the powers begin to work on him, he understood it was somewhat like his own aura, only greater- so when his emotions and feelings became more clear and easy to identify the child of war found himself a lot calmer.\n\nWith the hand rested on his forearm and then clasped around his own rough hand Pride couldn't take his eyes away from her hands for a moment, something about it caught him there, and then after a few moments he looked up to her- his eyes growing brighter with that golden light as be saw the hope in her eyes, the glow about her...*Beautiful.*\n\n\"***Well I... I um... Uh...***\" The child of war lost his ability to speak when Lusine spoke to him, his tongue feeling heavy and his throat hoarse and dry. Golden tears began to brim at the edges of his eyes before rolling down his face, he tried to speak again but all that he could manage was a half choked \"*I-*\". Her words rang true, much truer than he really expected, and it felt *Good* To hear them... To have someone care for him, say they see his pain and loneliness and wish to help dash it away by making sure he is not alone. He'd been alone for a very, *Very* Long time.\n\n\"*Thank you.*\" Was all he could manage in that moment, quiet and soft, as golden tears freely ran down his face." }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "**\"That was you...\"** Escaped her lips in a very soft whisper, more to herself than to the demigod next to her. While she hadn't been entirely sure what happened, as there were multiple versions of the story with no one being certain which was most accurate, the demigod who called down a second sun was *Known*. Somewhat dazed, she still mumbled in a whisper, **\"I was just coming into the world proper as you gave yourself to save it...\"** She had met her mother, learned her duty, and been out of the cloistered shelter of her father's farm for only a short while before the War of Unification happened. She cast her blue eyes somewhat sheepishly up at him for a moment before laughing softly, genuinely, at being saved by such a legend as him. Perhaps his sun magic should've been an instant giveaway... But her darker self cared less for such things, more single-minded and better-suited for the advice her mother gave her but she was so awful at following. To be as cool, calm, and distant as the moon in the sky.\n\nSpeaking up more yet still with that gentle tone, the moon demigoddess regarded him with her smile softened by sadness, **\"Only a few months ago? Well, I guess we're rather perfectly suited for getting reacquainted with this new age together then.\"** Meeting his gaze truly, she nearly tripped for a moment because she forgot to pick up her feet. The longing was readily apparent in his golden eyes, and she found it burrowed deeply into her with sudden force, like lightning. She, too, felt a desperate urge to connect, to not be alone; but she hadn't expected to see it mirrored back to her so fervently. In some ways, she used to be accustomed to being looked at in such a way, but... There was something more there that she felt simultaneously afraid of and starving for, but if she acknowledged any of it now, she wouldn't keep her head to help this new friend. And she *So* Wanted to help him.\n\n** **\nBut it was hard for the daughter of Lunara to keep shoving those feelings aside when they kept bobbing up like apples at an autumn festival. His smile–his real smile–and the charm he so easily employed made her melt inside. The closest she could let herself get, in her frantically racing mind, was admitting how much he reminded her of her lost love; maybe that was why she felt so instantly attached but also afraid. In this very short time, being with Pride was just so *Easy*, much like it had been with Callon, without her having to try to be perfect, smart, or witty; without having to try her best to contain and smoothe out her emotions rather than each one playing across her face. Her eyes widened and she stammered at his statement about books, **\"Oh no! I mean... I didn't mean to offend–books are great!! I just...\"** She laughed nervously and let out a sigh, a distant look of longing on her own face now, **\"My father... Well, my husband, too, used to say I would just drift away if not tied down by gravity. It can be hard for me to stay grounded. I really do enjoy books, but... It has to be the** ***Right*** **Book, and the right time, is all.\"** \n** **\n\nLusine found that her sadness was fading some under the warmth and the light that this son of war exuded. She looked upon him with somewhat new eyes, now that she could place him in the history she *Did* Know. Though she'd only gotten a few small peeks, she had no doubt the depths of pain in him were near fathomless. It made her a little irritated with herself, for being gone for so long. She was certain many more had suffered that need not because she hadn't been there. But someone like Pride... He deserved so much more. While she didn't agree entirely with war, with fighting, she did understand that at times it was necessary to actually have peace. This man beside her had sacrificed himself for what peace could be won, yet the world still hurt anyway. It only steeled her resolve to do everything she could for him, and for the Empire they called home as well.\n** **\n\nThough she felt the tug on her heart to share his sadness, to cry with him, as she watched the shining tears stream down his face, the Startouched found she was overflowing with love and devotion instead. Who knew if she would ever even meet another demigod? And certainly not one of such importance as Pride. Perhaps *This* Was *Exactly* What she was meant for, why she'd ended up locked away all this time. To be fresh, to be ready, to help *Him*. Her expression was incredibly soft, her eyes full of the care she felt, as she stopped their slow walk in the edge of the forest right outside the ruins. Facing the demigod of war and reaching up, she gently wiped his tears before taking very special care to put her hands on the sides of his head, guiding him down to rest his head on her shoulder. She kept one hand on his soft white hair while the other rubbed his back soothingly. Her voice was very warm and inviting, the small smile nearly audible in it, **\"You're so welcome, my dear friend. I'm here with you, and I won't leave you. I know how hard it can be to hold it all in. You don't have to anymore. Especially not with me.\"** She would hold him this way however long he needed, however long he wanted, until he felt restored." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "\"***Indeed it was...***\" Pride said with a small smile, a glitter in his eyes beginning to grow as his memories of that time overtook him. He looked away for a moment as if peering through the veil of reality, looking back to that time long lost. \"***I was The First Imperator... The General of Scipio's armies. I was revered, heralded as the strongest second only to Scipio himself. I was like the sun, radiant and all powerful, I was... A hero.***\" His own words seemed to capture, for a moment, the true pride held deep within him. His truest desires and the passion he holds for his fathers decree of him: *\"Become a hero, become the greatest, and lead them all into a new era of greatness.*\"\n\nIt was then when Lusine spoke of her coming into the world that his glimmer became duller- his pride replaced with the true understanding he had forced himself to realize. And as he turned to Lusine, his smile warm and somber, he chuckled. \"***I was just a boy trying to play hero, if not for my father I'd never be here and I'm rather glad I am.***\"\n\nHe tried his best to show her the happiness he felt, not dwell on the past that still felt so fresh in his mind. He knew that if he was to offer her his helping hand than he must do so as his father wished for him to, to be strong for others.\n\n\"***Seems that we are aye? I'll do my best to help, I'm pretty caught up to speed already thanks to an old friend of mine- he's a... Scholar of sorts you could say. If anything he could also be of use for you, better than reading stuffy books or having to listen to me monologue.***\"\n\nHe gave a small chuckle, knowing Merlin would have yelled at him for not layering on the titles- the old man is a fan of hearing about his own greatness. Despite his chuckle, ready as always, Pride rested a gentle head on Lusine' head. He laughed from the heart for a moment at her words, her willingness to be as kind as she could was so pure to him it caught him off guard a little.\n\n** **\n\"***You didn't offend me, it's rather funny to see wh-***\" He was about to go on about how he finds it funny when people learn of his love for books, a thing he shares when a mischievous joy each time, but when he saw the look of distant longing he knew it wasn't the time for his jokes. \"***I understand what you mean. Books have always been... My escape, I guess. I've always been so grounded in the present, focused on the tasks at hand, always moving and always working. Whenever I found myself with moments of privacy and silence books always helped me feel... Peaceful. Worlds I could escape into, forget about my own for a time.***\" He rubbed the back of his head bashfully. \"***Although, the right book*** *Does* ***Indeed help with the enjoyment of reading.***\"\n\n** **\nEven if he had held in his pain from her, as he has with so many others, part of him knew she would see through it. There are always those rare few who can see deeper into someone, to understand the struggles they must have faced to be where they stand today- to truly grasp at the real person behind the mask so many put in place to save themselves the pain feeling can bring. He knew she was one of those rare few, and when she looked at him with softness and care he knew his assumption was right. Perhaps this had been meant to be, ordained by fate or by the Gods themselves, so see these two aid eachother and stand by one another. It did not matter to Pride why this had happened, be it by fate or random chance, it did not matter to him- he was happy regardless. As his tears were brushed away the demigod of war seemed almost hesitant at first, the instinct breed into his very dna acting out against the idea of someone being so close to him, but when her hands laid on his face he felt safe- and that is enough. His head soon rested on her shoulder, his white hair- something he'd always felt pride in taking care of, held softly and his scarred back rubbed in an effort to soothe him. It felt so alien to be held so close, to be treated with such a tenderness, and despite it feeling strange it also feel peaceful- a peace he has longed for near his entire life.\n\n** **\n\"***My strength lies within blades and battle, yours lies within peace and warmth. I am here for you, too. And so long as I draw breath I will defend you, help you, as you have helped me. You don't need to worry anymore, not with me,***\"\n\nHis words came out as a soft whisper as he rested there in her arms for a moment, allowing himself these few precious seconds of peace- to truly enjoy this feeling and commit it to memory and destiny- a goal he can strive for, *To feel this peace again.* He knew that he could not rest her eternally, he wished with all his heart that he could, but with Lusine he knows it's not so distant a wish now.\n\n\"***We must go, Merlin awaits, and warm food and beds.***\" The demigod raised a hand and gently pulled himself away from Lusine, holding her hands in his own with a smile, strength and a new found determination glittering in his eyes. A determination that drove him to feel like himself again, to act like the hero he wishes to be. And then a small mischievous smile took form on his face while the beating of wings and the roar of a lion drew closer. \n\n\"***How are you with flying?***\"" }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "The dimming of his pride was not lost on her, and though Lusine sensed it was a delicate balance for him, she still hated to see him sell himself short. **\"I'm very glad too, for so many things, I find. Our wise and divine parents, for one. And that we have courageous souls like you to protect us. The Empire wouldn't exist without your efforts.\"** Her smile was sweet, lit by true gratitude. Whether or not he called himself a hero mattered less to her; she only wanted him to see he had done *Amazing* Things with the power his father gave him. The choice to act had still been Pride's, the choice to possibly die, without knowing prior that help would come, to give himself for the people he loved. But she felt it wasn't the time to push it and let it go.\n** **\nThe demigoddess' eyes sparkled with excitement, **\"A scholar sounds perfect! I learn much better straight from the source. Plus...\"** She seemed somewhat embarrassed for a moment, **\"I never had any formal schooling. My father taught me everything I know, since my parents wanted to keep me hidden away until I was of age. Maybe your friend can make up for any deficits in my knowledge... Other than the obvious, of course.\"** From what she could tell, her father had been well-versed enough, as an ally of the divine, but still he was no scholar, and she knew too that she was no genius. \n** **\n\nFlashing the golden man next to her a warm smile, she said with true joy, **\"I'm more than happy to listen to you monologue. I'm sure you know how to tell stories in an incredibly exciting way!\"** She was feeling more and more herself with each step they took together, though she had to try not to feel somewhat guilty. It always felt a small betrayal to her father and Callon to be unabashedly happy, like she'd forgotten them or left them behind. But she was wise enough to know they'd be happy right now too, that they wouldn't want her steeping in her misery. Being with Pride was certainly just the balm she needed to soothe the sting of her grief and loneliness. \n** **\nAs the Moon Maiden held her brave warrior, she was very aware of how odd it must be for him. She was as gentle and slow-moving as she could manage to be, doing all she could to tell his agitated spirit, so ready to fight, that there was no threat here. She found herself becoming a little emotional, thinking of how it was likely no one had ever done this for him before. She was certain it was all too easy for others to forget that underneath it all, the Lion was still a man, a person, who needed love and care like anyone else. His very presence, his strength, his storied past, and of course his prideful nature likely discouraged most from interacting with him this way. But she was practiced at peeling back the layers to try and see the soul underneath.\n** **\n\nFeeling Pride's soft breath on her neck as he spoke made her glowing skin tingle. It felt... So intimate. Her face flushed as she realized maybe she'd gone too far, overstepped bounds, in comforting him this way. But her gut feeling was certain it was exactly what he needed, so she tried to take his words to heart and not worry. Her voice was soft above him, and she hugged him to her gently as she spoke, **\"Thank you, Pride. I'll try to remember that. I couldn't have asked for a better hero to come save me from myself. I hope this is the start to a very long friendship.\"** Her fears of navigating the world alone were certainly melting under Pride's kind radiance.\n** **\nWhen their eyes met again, Lusine was overjoyed to see the change in him. Her wide smile beamed up at him, her own happiness and hope reflecting his own, much like the celestial bodies they were connected to. At his question and the sounds of the flying lion, she looked confused for a brief moment. Her silvery blue eyes drifted up to the night sky, looking dreamy a moment, before they were suddenly brimming with tears. She continued to smile though her voice was a little raw with emotion, **\"I've never flown, though I've always wanted to touch the sky... To be up there, closer...\"** While she knew Lunara was not literally the moon, the demigoddess had come to think of the moon as her mother, since it was the only visible, tangible thing she had to cling to. All her life she'd stared up at the night sky, wishing to be with that distant moon." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "\"***My courage is only so thanks to the trust of those I fight for. The bright futures I wish to see preserved and enjoyed. And the love all around I seek to enjoy and protect.***\" His own smile was warm, holding in it the reborn determination of the one who would and will fight till the last no matter what. A genuine chuckle escaped him when he saw the sparkle in her eyes. \"***Merlin Mora is the finest mage and scholar the realms have to offer. If anyone can catch you up to speed it'll be him... Funnily enough, he reminds me a lot of you. I'm sure you'll get along very well.***\"\n\nThe thought of Lusine and Merlin meeting gave Pride a nice thing to think of. To see his old teacher, the mischievous and goofy Arch Magos and the pure, gentle Lusine having a chat. It brought a smile to his face just thinking about it, how good it makes him feel to think about. Upon realizing that it made his smile become smaller yet somehow brighter, a hopeful and wishing smile.\n\n\"***Telling stories?***\" The war born chuckled at such an idea, if only Lusine knew of how often his drunken self would weave stories for anyone who'd lend an ear. \"***Maybe sometime I could tell you a few.***\"\n\nWith each step Pride found himself becoming more firm in his goal, the amount of kindness and comfort Lusine has brought to him in such a short time makes him feel much more determined to preserve that idea, that small dream he's beginning to see. To be around Lusine, to spend time with her and to see her smile... As often as he can.\n\n** **\n\nBeing held by her only added to his dream, the dream he could see so much more clearly when he was in her arms. The safety it brought him, the peace of mind and body her embrace brought him. He felt like he could truly rest within her arms, the weight of his worries and struggles lifted off his shoulders by her touch. She made him feel good, to feel seen and to feel understood. For far too long has he had to carry, what sometimes felt like the world, on his shoulders. She saw past the stories, the appearance of power and the prideful nature- she saw the man underneath and she accepted him. \"***I'm no hero, I'm lucky I stumbled upon you, luckier that I could be of use to you. And I'm glad I did, you've helped me as much as I have helped you.***\" The weight of his world felt lighter on his shoulders thanks to Lusine' gentle glow.\n\nHe looked to her when Ikabad drew closer, his smile shining all the brighter when he saw just how much joy the prospect of flying brought her, it makes him happy that he can share that with her- something he knew she would love just as much as him, if not a little more. \"***Good, I'm glad to hear it.***\" He said with a grin as his friend landed a few paces away from him. \n\n\"***Ikabad, you hairball, what took you so long?***\" A laugh escaped the demigod, loud and proud, as he hugged the mane of his lion. The beast, proud and strong like Pride, grumbled and pushed back against Pride- the two of them pushing against the other like a game to see who can push the other further. \"***Up for a little trip old friend? I have someone I want you to meet.***\" With a little muscling, and a little willingness from Ikabad, the demigod turned his feline friends head to Lusine." }, { "author": "Ikabad", "message": "The lion huffed from his nose as he began to walk towards Lusine, each step slow and methodical as a way so show he carried good intentions. His fur like freshly fallen snow, his mane large and flowing like Pride's own hair, and each step he took showed the corded muscle under his fur.\n\n\"*Greetings, I am Ikabad, servant of Titanos and companion of Pride. Pleased to meet you, Child of the Moon.*\" A voice as deep as the mines of Mistorian spoke within the mind of Lusine as Ikabad dipped his head." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "\"***You can pet him if you like, his fur is softer than my hair- annoyingly.***\" Pride walked up beside the white lion and in one swift motion he climbed atop Ikabad. The beast turned towards the side, his wings of white unfurling in a grand display as he let out a low roar. It was at that moment that Pride seemed to shine his brightest, like the hero of legend astride his great steed. His truest self, the proud demigod of war.\n\n\"***Care to see the stars up close, hm?***\" He reached out a hand to Lusine with smile on his face. An invitation to see the heavens above beside him." }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "Pride's words were comforting for her in more ways than one. They were reassurance that, though he was charged with doing it differently, their purposes in this world were more aligned than she'd originally thought. She, too, only wanted to ensure a happy, bright future for the people of the Empire. She had only briefly considered that war could be a means to that goal, but as a tool in Pride's hands, it seemed to work quite well. It was not a tool she could pick up herself, not unless it was the direst of circumstances. She was very glad Aeterna had someone like the demigod of war watching and protecting them, so that she and others like her could work towards peace and tranquility without weapons in their hands. She chuckled heartily at the comparison to this mysterious Merlin, **\"That sounds perfect. I don't know that I've met a scholar yet that could deal with my... Focus issues.\"** She laughed with a little embarrassment, **\"But maybe he'd understand. And I would love to learn more about magic in a more formal setting, how** Very **Perfect, indeed.\"** As grateful as she was to her father, and as long as she'd been doing the magic that felt quite instinctual to her, she was certain there was more she could learn, more she could still yet do, given the right teacher. At the mention of stories, she looked up at him with pale eyes full of wonder and awe, her voice more so betraying her excitement, **\"Oh, I would love that!! I mean, whenever you had the time...\"** She turned her face away a moment, squeezing her eyes shut fervently. Why did he make her feel like a young girl again, all blushes and giggles?\n** **\n\nThe Moon Maiden only felt more concerned to note the reluctance with which she let him go. Her arms felt... Empty somehow, without being wrapped around his giant but gentle form. It was startling, pleasantly but still, how natural it had felt to hold him. She told herself it was because he so desperately needed the comfort, that she was so happy and warm because what could be a better fulfillment for her duty in this world? Yet deep down, she knew there was something more there. Something that had sparked and wouldn't go out anytime soon. A feeling that clashed with the sorrow and grief that were still so big a part of her emotional landscape. She didn't dwell on it much longer, even just the ghost of guilt and shame enough to scare her away from the mental pursuit of it. His words struck her from drifting away in her mind, a disbelieving laugh huffing softly from her lips. **\"If you're no hero, then I'm no woman...\"** She regarded him with a playfully quirked brow, daring him to argue, **\"Just take the compliment, friend. I won't think you too prideful; in fact, I'd rather like to stoke that pride.\"** She grinned at him with stars in her eyes and mischief in her bright smile. **\"It's the least I could do, truly.\"** The care she'd given him was but a drop from the bucket, and she was capable of much more, when the need next arose.\n** **\n\nAs the flying lion drew ever closer, the demigoddess just couldn't contain her astonishment and glee. She had heard stories of the fabled creature, but to see him in person...*Up close*, was quite a different matter entirely. She watched the two playfully scuffle and talk with wide eyes full of wonder, her lips slightly parted in her smile. Her hand made her way to her mouth unconsciously, her fingertips resting on her lips. Once Pride spoke of introductions and the great lion strode towards her slowly, she thought surely this was all a dream. She must still be stuck inside herself, mourning the days away; there was just no way this could all be real. It was too good, too happy, too perfect to be real. With the son of Titanos nearby and so affectionate with this creature, she felt no fear towards Ikabad. Upon hearing the lion's voice in her head, she laughed with the genuine, musical cadence that hadn't left her lips in over two millennia. **\"Wow...\"** Was all that she said, in a soft whisper, while in her mind she responded, *\"Hello Ikabad, your reputation well proceeds you. What an honor! Please, you can just call me Lusine, if you like.\"* She looked at Pride with barely contained excitement and desire upon the mention of petting the lion, wasting no time to close the few steps between them. Her excitement did not impact the gentle strokes she gave the lion, however, soft and methodical, before gently digging her fingers into his mane to truly scratch; at least, cats liked that, maybe lions did too?\n** **\n\nThe smile the Startouched wore was very serene and soft as she gazed down at Ikabad. Once Pride had mounted the beast, and she took a step back to look up at the demigod, she let out a soft gasp. Though she was just as divine and somewhat storied as he was, Lusine couldn't help but be stunned by the sight before her. His radiance was, truly and literally, breathtaking, every bit the picture of the perfect, glorious hero. Had he always been so handsome? She blinked at him a few times, mouth agape, before swallowing nervously and responding to this previous comment somewhat clumsily, **\"I mean... I guess... You** Both **Have impossibly soft hair...\"** She fiddled with her own, finding her hands felt awkward and uncoordinated, which didn't help her find her emotional footing at all, **\"Even softer than mine! Though... I guess I have been living in ruins for... Thousands of years...\"** Her voice trailed off, muttering more and more quietly as her eyes drifted off to the side.\n** **\nPride's invitation jerked her eyes back to him immediately, and Lusine feared her heart was going to stop and give up, it was pounding so wildly in her chest. Surely it wasn't just *Him* Causing this reaction in her? No, surely not. There was Ikabad, the promise of being in the sky... Yes, so many exciting things! And her first real conversation, first real interaction with *Anyone* In so very long... Such artful dodges kept her from letting her mind wander too far. How could so much joy be contained in one person? She wasn't sure, as she felt fit to bursting, when such a short time ago she would've said the same of sorrow. Her soft voice trembled as much as her hand as she reached up to take his, **\"I don't think I've ever wanted anything more.\"** The firm but caring grip with which she took his hand, however, was far more confident than she herself seemed to portray." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "\"***Oh he'll more than understand. Merlin might be the Arch Magos but he is still a silly old gnome. He plays more pranks and tells more jokes than a body might- but he can teach and aid anyone. He even taught me back during the Age of Demigods. You can thank him for my light magic.***\" He said with a wink, a small moment of humor in hopes to help lighten the spirits- less melancholy and ponderous, but spirits of happiness and joy.\n\n\"***Anytime you wish, just not in the middle of battle of course.***\" He slapped his chest as he chuckled for a second, finding himself funnier than he has any right to be, yet when she replied and told him to take the compliment he sighed and nodded his head with a reluctant smile. \"***I guess I could stand to be complimented from time to time.***\"" }, { "author": "Ikabad", "message": "The White Lion responses to Lusine within her mind, his rumbling voice like the sound of thunder. \"*And you as well. The honor is all mine, I have long wished for Pride to find those he can form a kinship with. I am glad to see it is you, Lusine.*\"\n\nHe spoke with kindness and humility, showing the true grace Lusine is to his heart. He is a direct creation of Titanos, pure in his divinity, so to Ikabad it is like the approval and thanks of Titanos himself. And in some way, it is. Though, despite his divine nature, the celestial lion could not resist the joy of a good scratch- a soft growl rumbling from his chest was the answer to Lusine' question." }, { "author": "Pride", "message": "He smiled at Lusine as she muttered softer and softer, he could tell what was happening- he'd been there many times. \"***One of my divine gifts. You have your beauty, I have soft hair.***\" Pride flicked his head to the side, whipping his hair with a humorous grin. Though when he did look upon her again, seeing the look on her face and hearing the tremble to her voice told him that she needed this more than he did- so he might as well make it as memorable as he can.\n\n\"***Good.***\" As their hands clasped Pride pulled Lusine onto the saddle in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Between Pride and the mane of Ikabad sat the child of the moon, an arm wrapped around her waist and a hand resting on top of her's. \"***Lay your hand on his mane, get a good grip- and don't worry it doesn't hurt him, and speak to him in your heart and mind.***\"\n\nIt was simple to Pride, mundane even, but he's been doing this for millennia. Though in practice it is quite simple and as he gently guided her hand down he waited with an eager smile. And once Lusine spoke to the beast of myth once again- they were off. With a powerful downward flap of his wings the white lion brought all three of them into sky. Within moments they passed through clouds, soaring higher and higher yet slower and slower. Once Ikabad leveled his wings the trio soared through the night sky, only a gentle breeze and the stars above to keep them company.\n\n\"***Look at them...***\" Pride whispered as he gazed high above, his golden eyes softening as he looked upon the stars. The heavens above." }, { "author": "Lusine Sterre", "message": "Listening to Pride talk about Merlin all this time, seeing how much he truly liked and admired this man–not to mention Pride's own magical abilities, apparently learned from this storied figure–made Lusine all the more eager to meet him. If the wizard was as easy to get along with as the demigod, perhaps she could count off having one more friend. She spluttered a laugh before becoming very briefly serious, **\"I** Do **Thank him though. If not for you and your light magic...\"** She looked back over her shoulder at the ruins shrinking away behind them as they walked. Sensing his desire to move onward and upward, she again wore her bright smile, though it had a mildly conspiratorial air, **\"Take care the promises you make me. I** Will **Eventually collect on them. I look forward to an evening of your heroic stories over some ale.\"** \n\nThe reluctant and almost *Shy* Response to her compliment was so opposite what Pride showed the world, to what was recorded in stories and history. Just another reminder to her that he needed extra special care, that most only saw the legend and missed the man underneath entirely. Continuing to be playful, her own way of trying not to focus on the–still inexplicable–nerves she felt around him, she said, **\"Oh, don't worry. You'll be quite practiced at taking compliments the more time you spend with me.\"** As she turned her pale blue eyes up at him, his own subtle glow was reflected back to him in them. \n** **\n\nThe demigoddess let the divine creature's words sink in, a soft and almost unconscious smile curling her lips as she scratched. She could almost feel the reverberations of his... Purr, really was the best word, in her own chest. Once the awkwardness and confusion had taken hold of her, she raised her face reluctantly from Ikabad to meet her new friend's burning eyes. An errant thought passed of worrying he could see right through her, but she let it flit on by without landing, a nervous laugh escaping at his hair flip. \n\nPride pulling her up and getting her in the proper position atop the lion happened so quickly that her brain–her heart, if she could be honest with herself–barely kept up. Suddenly having his arm securely around her waist and his hand on top of hers, she nearly missed the instruction he was trying to give. But thankfully her brain seemed to catch all the words anyway, if a little belatedly. She was glad for the dim light and to be facing away from him as she felt her sparkling cheeks burning with heat. She managed to get out, **\"Ah, ok... I think I can do that,\"** As she took a firm hold on the lion's mane. Her chest was tight with excitement and anticipation as she thought, *Ikabad, can you please take us to the skies? I... I've never flown, be gentle. But... This is the greatest gift. I've always wanted to be part of the night sky.* If that wasn't speaking with her heart too, she wasn't sure at the moment what else to say. \n** **\n\nLusine had to reevaluate how fast it had felt to mount, for flying itself was *So* Much faster. Her initial gasp turned into genuine laughter and joy as they soared upward. She'd never done anything so exhilarating, and yet once they leveled out, the ascent done... It was the very definition of peacefulness. The cool breeze was very welcome on her warm skin, but she hardly noticed it. Her eyes were wide, jaw slack, and mouth agape at the scene around her. Her eyes has never laid upon anything more marvelous, more *Beautiful*. Swathes of tiny stars were freckled with larger ones, twinkling in and out, and the sky itself was a mixture of navy blue and royal purple. The constellations scattered here and there were like fine jewels on the most beautiful person she'd ever seen. But of course, what she found most stunning was the moon.\n\nThe celestial body lay before her in more grand proportions than were possible from the ground. Though it was currently only a crescent to the naked eye, this close, she could see the behemoth of stone hiding in the shadow. Even exhausted and utterly depleted, she felt her shadow self stir with recognition. The glowing part was pocked with rocks and craters, so many imperfections unable to be seen unless you were close–another thing she found relatable. Finally closing her soft lips, she could only stare, eyes glassy with tears that finally began to slowly trickle down. She had no words, only the knot in her stomach that was a mixture of joy, sorrow, excitement, and fear; a host of opposing forces, not unlike herself.\n** **\n\nAfter a long span of silence, the Moon Maiden sniffled, which made her laugh at herself for some reason, and she was finally able to meet Pride's gaze once more. Her eyes sparkled, but so close to the moon like this, their shimmer was nearly lost in the glow she fairly radiated. Upon first trying to speak, her voice broke, **\"I can't–\" She cleared her throat, \"Pride, I can never thank you enough.\"** She shook her head in disbelief, her smile warm and genuine, **\"You've given me both my life and my greatest dream, all in one night. I could never possibly repay you.\"** She couldn't help another sweep around at the grandeur before her cool eyes locked again with his warm ones. For just a moment–in such a *Perfect* Moment–she allowed just a little undeniable clarity to seep through the fear and guilt; she *Loved* Him, oh Lunara above, she loved *Him*." } ]
[ { "author": "Aspeth Sariel", "message": "With the clone being spotted, the smile was kept and it turned around without a care in the world. Unbothered by the horrid sight of the Champion. After all, how was one able to damage something that didn't truly exist? Aspeth couldn't help but laugh to herself as she noticed how tense the woman had become. Once more, her plan shifted. A dark grin came to her face as her illusions worked their magic, and the clone turned around as it continued walking, holding up something in it's hand.\n\nIt was a tuft of wavy brown hair, and it had clearly been cut off of something.\n\nMost would take it as a threat, knowledge that she had somehow gotten close without the other realizing. She wanted to see exactly how the Champion was going to react to such a sight. She *Absolutely* Wanted to see the fury within Amunet's eyes. The rage and horror of realizing that one could get so close, even if she had never been in an arm's reach of the duo. Her powers were truly a blessing. Deceit was the greatest asset a woman could ever ask for. The real Aspeth was still trailing from behind, using the crowd to her advantage. Even still, she kept her hat covering her head as best she could, keeping her face from easily being seen. She was still a wanted woman after all, she wouldn't be surprised if a few bounty posters had slipped into town from all the years on the sea.\n\nNot one could say she wasn't cautious.\n.\n\nShe noted the general direction of where they were heading, but with how unfamiliar she was with the city, certainly had no clue about their actual destination. But she knew they would lead her to quite the fun area, no matter what. She knew the guards would already be rather occupied. A pickpocket being on the loose and having taken so much from these hard working merchants was bound to get the public into quite the uproar. She had no doubt that patrols would have to be doubled, and plenty of sticky fingered individuals would be walking away in chains by the end of the day. A tragedy for the young who were full of promise, so ready to dedicate their lives to the art of larceny, only to be taken straight to a cell so early. Oh well, if they were caught so easily, then they merely had no chance of surviving in a proper thieving climate.\n\nBesides, a bit of pickpocketing wouldn't land them too harsh a sentence." }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "The tuft of hair waved lazily around did not escape the Champion's attention. Her breath hitched a moment, and she turned to her son, grabbing him by the shoulders and turning him every way, blue eyes darting somewhat wildly as she inspected him. He seemed to be fine, only alarmed by her reaction and her sudden manhandling. His blue eyes blinked back at her, hurriedly and uncertainly. She huffed out a breath, grabbing his arm and hauling him, though he was beginning to surpass her height, towards the plaza up ahead. \n\nAs they broke out into the more open space, her expression was completely neutral but her eyes blazed with fury. She scanned the vicinity, for both the pirate and any guards. She was surprised to see fewer guards than usual; likely the doing of that wretched woman. Barking out the order as if she was their captain, Amunet pointed and shouted, **\"You! And you! Watch him,\"** She pushed him towards the pair once they stood next to each other, **\"Keep him safe as if your** ***Life*** **Depends on it, for it may very well if you let harm come to him!!\"** Though she kept an even expression, her eyes and voice spoke of the wrath she would unleash if she was not obeyed. Hoping she was leaving the most precious person in her life in at least somewhat capable hands, she spoke to him softly before walking away, **\"Do whatever you must to keep yourself safe. I love you, darling. And...\"** She bit her lip in a mixture of anger and sadness, **\"I'm sorry.\"**\n\nWalking to a clear space in the plaza, she closed her eyes a moment and clasped her hands, whispering. Tendrils of faint magic circled her clasped hands in a swirl. In a few moments, she opened her eyes and held her hands open, palms up, and a small sand fox seemed to jump out of her very hands. The spirit creature seemed to look up at her, moving its lips but making no sound. Crouched down, she whispered back to it and nodded before it darted into the feet of the crowd. \n\nA large raised garden bed dominated the center of the plaza. It contained sandy soil, small smooth pebbles, and a scattering of plants that could survive the arid geography. Elira's Champion leapt up onto this raised platform, crossing her arms, surveying the crowd below with sharp, cold eyes as she waited for the fox to return. Her stance seemed to invite her enemy to come at her. Several minutes passed before the small fox returned, leaping up and transforming mid-air into a golden cobra that wrapped itself around her outstretched arm. She leaned down, as if listening to it, before her elegant brows twitched up in irritation. Reaching into one of her short sleeves, she whipped out a throwing knife that she flung directly at the chest of the *Real* Aspeth." }, { "author": "Aspeth Sariel", "message": "She was rather pleased to see how the little trick with the hair had done. It also told her how much the Champion seemed to care for this young fella. She was most definitely going to use that to her advantage. As they broke out into the open space, Aspeth believed it to be best to stick to the crowd for a bit longer, watching and waiting. The lack of guards was perfect, and she had no doubt that she'd be able to handle the guards left with ease. Even with the Champion backing them up, she had plenty of tricks up her sleeve.\n\nThen, she witnessed something interesting. A quick show of magic that seemed to create an animal. A companion for battle perhaps? She didn't know what good a fox of all things would be able to do. Then, she saw it dart into the crowd and after a few moments arrive near her. She watched as it returned and transformed, and as the harlot Champion listened to it. As the blade flew, the hiss of steel rasped from the scabbard against Aspeth's side as she brought out her blade, slashing the blade to the side. The crowd around her panicked from the sudden attack, and once more that devilish grin was upon the pirate's face. \"Well, hello darling! Did ya miss me?\" She walked forward as the gap in the crowd widened, sauntering as she rested her cutlass upon her shoulder. She made a showing of her hand, and the lack of injuries upon it from their last encounter. \"I must say, I'm quite surprised that you'd return home so soon, especially after an encounter with a criminal. Didn't think you'd be followed?\"\n\nHer own magic was prepared. She was ready for the hag to charge directly at her, she was ready for a blade of wind, or even the simple throwing knife to come sailing through the air. She was ready to blast a bolt of water directly at the woman to knock her back, to bring her blade down for a quick parry and riposte. \"I must say, I wasn't expecting to see you out with anyone. Let alone a child, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love such information.\" Threats and taunts, truly her favourite thing in the world. As she stood there, her free hand thumbed the hilt of her flintlock. A perfect little surprise gift, that was best used when as close as possible.\n\n\"I'm sure you're quite curious as to how it was so easy to find a blundering oaf like yourself. Why don't you come and get some answers?\" She spread her arms wide, hoping to goad the Champion into an attack. Though, there was no doubting how her gaze flicked towards the location of her child. If she didn't want to charge at her, then she would make sure there was a reason to. If there was one thing she knew people struggled with, it was defending a person. The panic of an attack in what was meant to be a safe haven was always one to cause stress, and stress brought along stupid decisions." }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "Though the Wind Dancer's face had remained somewhat stoic up to this point, the facade cracked as a cold smirk emerged when her eyes settled on the pirate. Her eyes spoke of the boiling fury waiting to be unleashed. **\"You may have escaped unscathed last time, but your luck will run out today. I chose to show mercy then, I won't now.\"** She growled out through gritted teeth, **\"You** ***Dare*** **To show yourself in** ***My*** **Home and put your filthy hands on** ***My*** **Child?!\"** The smirk was momentarily a predatory grin before fading into an angry grimace, **\"You'll be lucky if there are enough people here to hold me back from** ***Killing*** **You.\"** Her eyes flicked back to Sassan and the guards briefly; a sinking feeling in her stomach told her it wasn't enough, but there was little else she could do at the moment. \n\nMaking a show of taking careful, unhurried steps along the border of the garden box, she casually made her way to stand more directly in front of the wretch. **\"No, the possibility didn't occur to me in the slightest,\"** She purred in a voice smooth as honey, **\"Because most people are smart enough not to do something so foolish. Unless they have a deathwish, of course. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I protect my home,** ***My people*** **With the most ferocity.\"** A dark laugh escaped her as her sharp eyes sized up the woman, **\"And no, I'm not scared, I'm not curious, about you spreading or finding rather public information. I'm not like you, I don't live my life in the shadows.\"**\n\nA soft breeze began to blow that grew in strength slowly, kicking up more and more sand. In a flash, the Desert Flower was practically hidden, little more than a wavering silhouette in the raging sandstorm that began to press out around her in a radius. Common people began to flee, but that was part of her hope; drive them out, and hopefully save their lives. As quickly as it had appeared, Amunet was dashing faster than lightning at the fool who dared challenge her in her own domain. So close to Elira's power with so much of her element to control, she could keep up the sandstorm aura for practically as long as she wanted to here. The beauty of the magic was that she could see perfectly through it, while her enemies could barely make her or what she was doing out. \n\nOnce she had entered the pirate's space, the woman would be consumed by the storm, unable to see her own hand in front of her face, let alone her target. Perhaps if she had tried this goading elsewhere, it wouldn't have been so bad; but Amunet was strongest in the desert sands, and combining that with her overwhelming rage, the woman had no idea what she had awoken. Magic flowed through every fiber of her being as she dashed at her enemy with two daggers, intending to strike one into her heart and the other into her kidney. Having made the mistake once of letting the woman go, only to have her follow then threaten her son, Amunet didn't intend for her to walk away from this. Once Amunet began using her dance-styled attacks, the blades would be coming at the poor wretch at double speed, with the Champion nimbly weaving around her. The cobra remained wrapped around her arm, ready to strike at a moment's notice." } ]
[ { "author": "Aspeth Sariel", "message": "At the woman's words, Aspeth looked up to the sky. Her grin only widened at what she saw. Not a single bird in the sky. She was not to die today, her life was guaranteed by her Goddess, and she would fight in earnest. Once her Goddess had claimed a victory against the Champion of another, then people would begin to believe. Her Lady's following would grow, and she knew that she would be rewarded through her faith. \"Oh, darling. You won't be able to kill me. Your hag God's power isn't enough to even touch me.\" Confidence in her words. Glee within her eyes. She readied her blade for the woman to attack, and her free hand flicked the flintlock out of it's holster. Reloading would be a pain, but that's what the second hidden one was for.\n\nThat had been such a fantastic gift for her.\n\nThen, the wind began to kick up the sand. Aspeth watched as visibility worsened. She had to admit she was rather shocked at the sight, watching the silhouette of the woman vanish. Aspeth could not help but laugh as a thick smog began to flow from her mouth. \"Oh, what fun!\" How ironic that the two would have an ability that ruins visibility within the area. Aspeth was even able to see through her own smoke, but not the sand that was flying around the arena. With the wind blowing, her own magical smoke was easily spread around the area. The poor citizens that were still inside the plaza would have such a difficult time figuring out just where they were meant to be going. Meanwhile, Amunet herself would be hearing some sort of strange heartbeat pounding within her ears. Was it her own? Perhaps something else?\n\nIn the end, it was all an illusion to confuse.\n\n.\nOf course, she still had to defend against the attack that was quickly approaching. With the blindness within the area, it was easy to miss a strike even by a small mark. Luckily for Aspeth, the chainmail and leather she wore beneath stopped the blades before they could do a major amount of damage. However, that did not mean that receiving a two blades into one's body wasn't a pleasant experience. With a scream of pain, she brought up the flintlock as fast as she physically could. Being blind was definitely the worse way to use a weapon, but the crack of gunpowder was usually a decent way to get someone to back off. Even if her bullet went sailing off into the crowd that was within the plaza, it would merely stop when it struck something.\n\nOr someone.\n\nBut she was not going to be finished there. Dropping the pistol to the ground, Aspeth did not stop her little attack. She swung blindly into the fog and sand, trying to see if she would land a hit upon anything. Finesse was not apart of these slashes. She was going for blood, and she would paint a beautiful mural within the plaza with it. A letter to her divine protector that would prove her loyalty. But for as long as Amunet had the sand blowing, Aspeth would keep her smoke billowing. The two being blind would be such a silly little fight, but Aspeth was certain that she would gain the upperhand somehow. As the swung, she allowed a voice to ring through the thick smoke. **\"A battle of the blind! Do you wish to see who's faith is stronger?**\" It seemed like the voice came from everywhere. A voice without a body filled to the brim with joy and, quite literally, blind faith. \n\nThough, Aspeth did have a plan to ruin the credibility of the Champion before anything. Slowly, she began to make her way towards the edge of the crowd. Where panicked citizens were trying to figure out just what was happening. She allowed the smoke to clear around her, just enough for Amunet to see her silhouette." }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "The Wind Dancer was stunned to see an ability seemingly so similar to her own. It wasn't often she had run into it. This woman was becoming endlessly infuriating, in every possible way. Amunet's rambling thoughts momentarily landed on worry for the people scattered about the plaza. She'd hate for anyone to get caught in the crossfire of this battle, but she didn't have a great solution. The winds of her sandstorm might push away the smog as she got closer; that would remain to be seen. But it didn't extend enough to clear the area. She would have to pull out her fan for that, and she didn't like the thought of giving up a blade, so she dismissed it, begging Elira's forgiveness as she gave in to her bloodthirst towards this wench.\n\nA heartbeat thumping in her ears was a sudden surprise; had she been so focused on the fight that she had missed her own heart getting so loud? No matter, it wasn't like she was dying here today. Her inner turmoil was too great for her to even form words; she was beginning to hate this woman with a wild passion. She also feared giving up the advantage of her obscurity if she opened her mouth. Feeling her blades hit armor, however, she let out a frustrated growl as she whirled around to, what she hoped, was to the side or behind her target. The crack of a gun sounded all too close, almost simultaneously, and she felt the shot graze her arm slightly, a persistent burning sensation now lingering. Her cry of pain was paired with reaching out the arm with her cobra, which lurched out towards the sound, fangs beared. It would bite and latch on, filling the target with a poison that would only greatly sicken, not kill. The bitch would soon be left emptying her guts out a bit violently, but also loudly, as Amunet was counting on.\n\nWith the lightning fast reflexes of her divinely empowered dodging, she flowed easily around each strike Aspeth tried to land. It was an advantage for her in her sandstorm for her opponent to be using larger blades and swinging wildly; those were easier to hear coming, and with her heightened reflexes, not terribly hard to dance away from. Her rage finally at a breaking point for speech, she yelled in a voice rough with emotion, **\"If it is a battle of faiths, then you won't be leaving here alive today!! How could you possibly think your puny faith is stronger than one of the gods' chosen?\"**\n\nLight blue eyes flicked to the silhouette beginning to appear at the edge of the crowd. She knew the stupid wretch would make a mistake eventually. She lunged with a dagger positioned for what should be a killing blow, because she would be shocked if the pirate had armor on her *Throat*." }, { "author": "Aspeth Sariel", "message": "The pirate could only imagine how gorgeous the chaos was from the outside. How terrified the citizens of the city must have been. She could already imagine the stories that would come. A sandstorm mixed with a fiery smoke that seemed to cause panic just from being near. The fear of what could have been their destruction. Oh, how weak they were. How pathetic they were. If only they had listened to her Lady's words, then they would known when it was there time. It was such a shame to see such a faithless city. It was practically begging to be educated on how powerful She was. Aspeth was filled with joy to give such a lesson. She would make sure it would be one to last generations.\n\nThe cry of pain was exactly what she wanted to hear within this storm. It brought her gaze towards the general location of the Champion, just as the cobra launched forwards. A look of anger appeared on her face as the teeth sunk in, doing her best to bite down the pain, she brought her blade up before slamming it down on the cobra, planning to cut off it's head. Getting rid of it was her best option, even as the poison was setting in. This was going to be a rather difficult thing to deal with, but she was sure that some slum would have a apothecary that would be happy to help for the right amount of coin. It was an illness that would be dealt with later.\n\nThe blade that Amunet thrust forward was met with the resistance of flesh and bone. The spray of blood was audible, and so were the screams of horror from the citizens that it had landed on. A pair of hands were placed upon Amunet's, shaking in fear and shock. They did their best to try to understand what was happening from touch alone. But for poor Amunet, with the close distance, she would have noticed the tan skin and slowly fading green eyes of the woman she had just murdered.\n\n.\nThe one at the end of the blade was *Not* Aspeth. \n\nShe was merely a citizen of the city. She could have been a mother that had gone to the market to pick up bread for the night's dinner. Perhaps a daughter that had taken lunch to her merchant parents. Her story had been ended, and the story shut. She was a beautiful woman, with a necklace that seemed to shine with her eyes. Her clothes seemed to be handmade, perhaps she dreamt to be a tailor in her older years.\n\nAspeth saw a chance to break a person. Despite the sickness that was threatening to make her lose her lunch, she sent out her illusions to deal with the situation whilst she moved away to hurl in peace. The first were the voices within the smoke. Screams of terror and calls of *Murderer* And *Traitor* Would sound within the Champion's ear. All the whilst the illusory clone of Aspeth appeared from the smoke and sand. \"Oh dear. Seems your faith is much too blind. You're just like me now. A slaughter of innocents.\" Her voice was scathing, and quite insulting. But there was no denying that laughter that escaped afterwards." }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "The Champion of Elira didn't quite fight with the grace she normally did. Her movements were fluid, her strike true, and her dodges more like a dance than movements to keep her alive. But her divine righteousness nor her desire to serve and protect were driving her in this moment. Terror that her son was being threatened, shock at the audacity of this bitch to track her *So far*, and the accumulated rage of so many years were her driving forces in this particular moment. She was only beginning to become aware that she had uncorked something that wouldn't go back from whence it came. And with such forces informing her movements, they were wilder, harder, and more lethal than she'd ever been before. She was no longer in control.\n\nThe spirit creature she had summoned dispersed with a faint shimmering burst as its head was lopped off. She had gotten everything she needed out of it, so this loss didn't phase her. It could be summoned again, its death was more like a slumber until it was needed once more. Feeling her blade contact flesh and bone, the Desert Flower had a momentary thought to strike this wretch in the heart as well, to be sure it was done, to be sure she would no longer be haunted by this treacherous ghost. But hearing and feeling the spray of blood settled her own boiling blood somewhat, satisfying her that the menace was dead. The screams of nearby civilians wasn't ideal. She hated for her own people to see her this way, as she usually was able to conduct her business elsewhere or behind closed doors. But it *Had* To be done; she would suffer this woman and her insults, her threats, no longer.\n\nAnd that was when the trembling hands on her own cleared the red haze of rage and bloodlust from her eyes. The woman gurgling, wide green eyes terrified and fixed on *Her*, grasped at Amunet desperately, covered in her own blood. The shock was too great for the Champion, who just stared back at the woman with an equally terrified stare muttering, **\"No, no, no,\"** Breaking off in almost a whine as her voice broke. She held the woman with shaking arms as she breathed her last, her own choking sobs bubbling up and scaring her with their sudden appearance. She managed to choke out, **\"I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean...\"**\n\nThe calls of *Murderer* And *Traitor* Reached her ears. With a gasp, looking up at the people around her, she was met with faces filled with disgust, anger, and worst of all to her, *Fear*. Seeing her own people, the ones she'd sworn to protect the *Most*, looking at her like some common criminal, like some *Threat*, cut her more deeply than any blade ever could. A sudden chill washed over to the very marrow of her bones. Amunet was momentarily frozen until she heard the pirate speak. Laying the woman down gently, tears still streaming down her face and the force of her own crying wracking her small frame, she lunged at the cause of all this trouble with a wordless cry of fury...\n\n...Only to pass right through the laughing bitch, who turned to face her on the other side, laughing even harder now. Pure shock was written all over Amunet's face, until it clicked: an illusion. *A godsdamned illusion.* Her fury reached new heights for a brief second before she realized how covered she was in an innocent's blood, how the people around her were backing away instead of smiling and greeting her like she'd become so accustomed to. The Champion of Elira found herself with a crowd filled with confusion and fear, rather than adoration and awe, for the first time in her life. Coming to a stand shakily, she felt her own breathing becoming quick, *Too quick*, as she felt she couldn't gasp for enough air. Her frantic eyes found Sassan–safe, thank Elira–on the other side of the crowd. His was also a face of shock, the guards holding him back as he struggled, literally and figuratively, to understand what had just happened. \n\nThe Wind Dancer felt the world falling in around her, and her panicked mind raced frantically for a solution. She couldn't find the words to reassure her people, for the first time, so she said nothing. This moment, this feeling, took her back, far back into her past. That same feeling of wishing she didn't exist creeped up on her, that same feeling of hopeless helplessness and that damned feeling of *Lacking power*. How could that be, though? Elira was on her side, was she not? Her questioning only increased her panic, and she let her feet carry her based on instinct alone to the only place she felt she could go." } ]
[ { "author": "Ifrit", "message": "A snarl escaped from the dragons' maw, twin suns glaring at the human known as Tarin who desperately flailed upon their magicked weapon to get her attention. While some would call the man extremely brave to approach a dragon of all things, more often than not most would say he was crazy.\n\nAnnoying too, in her case.\n\nRegardless of the man's intentions, she didn't see a reason to work with him. What damage she could do surpassed whatever he could contribute and having to watch out for him when using her flames was more work than she wanted. She could simply swat him away like a small bug to get rid of him...\n\n*This Tarin has done nothing to dishonor me. I have no reason to take his life.*\n\nHer thoughts however clung to his family name. Vo.\n\nRarely did the dragons speak of the histories of other races. Not unless they had been deeply woven into their own draconic history and lineage. Or had done something significant to be remembered by their long lived species.\n\nVo was a name that was rarely spoken of. An example of those who strayed too close to the sun. Or rather that of the gods. And been scorned by them because of their actions.\n\nCursed was the word many used.\n\nIf this man was of such an old legend, she wanted to see if such words were true.\n\nThe fire building in the back of her throat simmered somewhat, Ifrit landing to the ground. \"Cease your antics, human. And stop yelling before I swat you away.\" Twin suns glared harshly at Tarin from his place in the ground as soon as he landed. \"You wield the cursed blood of old stories, human? Offering to help must mean you can do some damage.\"" }, { "author": "Tarin Vs", "message": "The cursed man looked at the dragon with a gleeful smile, it's not often you get to see a whole dragon and not die immediately. Thankfully he knows he could escape if a battle was to take place, perhaps even contend against them but those are questions and theories for later- if it's damage the dragon what's to see Tarin can provide that in spades.\n\n\"***True indeed. I am the last of the Vo family line and the greatest of them all. If it's damage you wish to see and proof behind my words I will not shy away from such a thing... But, I am far beyond a simple*** *Human.*\" With a smirk Tarin replied to the dragons words, a look of determination and some mild confidence begins to take form in his eyes before he simply jumped off his staff.\n\nWhile falling through the air, plummeting towards the smoldering fortress below, Tarin grabbed his extended staff which shrank by some non-verbal means and he put it back into the holster without worry.\n\n\"*If it's damage you want to see then I'll do my best to show off a little.*\"\n\nAs he fell towards the ground below he pulled back his right arm and balled his hand into a fist- his teeth gritting as he was near to impact- \n\n*Destruction.*\n\nA massive wave of wind and concussive force rolled over the lands around when his fist connected with the ground, blasting away what little had survived Ifrits flames. Bodies flew through the skies along with rubble and ruin- all for Tarin to stride from the wreckage with a smile on his face not but a few moments after his blow was landed.\n\n\"***Proof enough, ancient one?***\" He asked the dragon before him with a hand outstretched, gesturing to the destruction he can cause." }, { "author": "Ifrit", "message": "The sensation of rumbling sands and the crashing of heavy fragments of the stone fortress rocked Rhakotis as Ifrit watched the display of power Tarin engaged in. Colliding to the surface like a shooting star and destroying all that lay in his path with fire and destruction, it somewhat reminded Ifrit of her people and their powerful abilities. How easily it was to watch smaller beings be crushed beneath the weight of those stronger, fire burn their flesh and tall towers built to shield them from harm crumble into dust against far more powerful forces.\n\nTarin was strong. He had proved it to her. At least being strong enough against most average humans. Perhaps being cursed had some strange benefits.\n\nAgainst someone like her or another dragon however? Well, that was a different opinion entirely.\n\nWhat didn't impress her though was the gesture he made; arms wide open as if a performer on stage or an artist showing off his handiwork. He looked almost proud of what he did.\n\n\"Proof it is. Enough that I can leave. The job is done now. There's no more reason to linger.\" The dragon spoke, eyes swimming to the plethora of burning corpses and the hushed quiet that befell the fortress. That landing had destroyed what little resistance was left. There was no other reason to stay. Especially with how that display of power would alert others nearby. She didn't need more people spotting her." } ]
[ { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis sang an old travelers song as he traveled down the dirt trade road that existed on the northern edge of the rhakotis desert. Today was a rest day for him- it would be spent walking, but not burning his magic. His primary method of travel was to put everything into his senses that effected balance and spatial awareness and his legs and back. This allowed him to move at ridiculous speeds reliably across the country for prolonged periods of time. \n\nWith wind magic to regulate airflow against his body for aerodynamics and fire magic to regulate his body temperature, Noctis could \"Mana Drag\" Himself for hours on end. It was a unique trick that he had developed over years of working for the First Emperor. \n\n*\"My lady shines when the moonlight is bright, \nHer skin is polished and her wits are sharp, \nShe stays by my side through the longest of days, \nAnd chases away the strangest of strays. \nMy lady sings when I kiss her awake, \nShe holds my hand with the tightest of grips, \nAnd I scrub her clean when the blood starts to drip. \nMy lady is my blade and she goes before me, my lady is my sword and I am her lord, my lady, my lady the blade.\"* \n\nNoctis wore a script on his back that contained some foraged food, dried jerky and his sword in the center. A canteen hung on his hip and his cloak was a deep midnight black, with gold embroidery with beautiful symbols that seemed to flicker in the low light. His face was obscured from view by the deep hood, but the voice that came from within it was beautiful. \n\nWith a slight rasp and an ever clear tune, it was as if his voice could create its own symphony- it was a work of auditory art that carried clear and seemed to have even the emerging fireflies dancing to the cadence he set. \n\nThe swords pommel gleamed on his back, a glittering rubied rose that seemed to flicker like the flames of a candle beneath the dying light of twilight. He almost seemed lost in thought. \n\nThe truth of it was that he nearly was- his thoughts going ba\n\nCk once again to his final moments in a life that would never return. The blast of magic energy from the dragon, the cold smile from the woman he'd loved, the fall... The endless fall and then... Nothing. The last thing he'd heard, at least so he'd thought, was his fathers voice. \n\nWhatever it was- it had all lead him here, on the way to Capitol. Broke, bored- and totally and utterly without purpose for the first time in centuries. \n\nIt's in this thought that he wouldn't notice the other traveler, not as soon as he might have usually. His senses were unusually sharp for what looked like a humans- today he'd only notice them within a hundred yards or so." }, { "author": "Nyx Bloodtide|Blood Moon", "message": "Nyx was on her merry way along this road, she headed in the direction of profitable work yet she also looked for something along the edge of the desert. Bandits, monsters and creatures alike faired no chance against even her fists let alone her Mothers tanto- For her they were boring, weak and pretty much dishonorable and lacking in perfection or mastery of their body or choesn art. For her, ever since the obliteration of the tribe that killed her father she has only taught or shined the way the for the young but for her, she felt like she was loosing her sense of purpose, her reason to fight, the adrenaline she was addicted to was fading away even though as of now she was in her prime.. \n\nWith her natural resistance to heat and cold due to being a dragonborn and because she didn't want to waste any energy she chose to walk yet her eyes locked into something that was fast but.. Not fast enough for her eyes to miss and well it caught her attention like a magnet, Her urge to fight, no, she was no barbarian, the urge to duel ignited with thunderous sparks inside her core once more though she dare not draw her blade first.\n\nNyx wore her fathers armor, the intricate sapphire patterns and noble look upon it screamed to those who were knowladgable in the culture that she was indeed a leader and a warrior, a Samurai.. The intricate gold lining and the large and Long Odachi on her back matched her size as her tail followed behind her. On her left, attached to her hip was her Nodachi and Katana, two blades that craved to bathe in the blood of her foes while her Odachi craved to be drawn into duel once more.. To keep herself occupied she kept herself deep in thought, so deep that she could be considred in deep meditation but her awareness kept her \"Awake\" One could say.\n\nThe Aura she gave off to those who were inelligent in the art of dueling and fighting screamed that she was like no other, a Gem amongst gems and something that could give anyone a challenge and even bring lig\n\nHt to those who have long since lost it due to lack of talents to fight yet at the same time it was as if she was like a stream of air that was fluid yet beautiful. To the bandits she killed and left alive she earned the tittle of Fist of the Blood-Moon as was the red moon on the back of her armor.." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "As the Dragonborn woman came into view, it was as if the sun had risen at the same moment that a dark shadow passed alongside it. For the first time since his awakening- no, for the first time since the Cousin Conflict when he'd been forced to face a Daughter of Torrstein, a foe that had been so monstrous in strength that he'd felt like a fly in her path. It had been a harrowing encounter and nearly cost him his life- had the fight not been interrupted he surely would have died that day. \n\nThis woman didn't radiate that same level of *Raw* Power- but she radiated the same intent. She was an apex predator who treasured her strength and the art of her craft, the art of battle. Slowing down some fifty feet from her, he'd come to a stop and throw back his hood as he rolled the script off his back, setting it standing up beside him. \n\nNoctis had a face that could only be described as ethereal beauty. It was a level of allure that bested the fairest of elves, raven black hair and pale skin- he looked both femininely beautiful and masculinely handsome. Yet what would likely matter most to the Dragonborn, were his silver eyes. \n\nSwirling pools of silver mist that seemed to flash with light that could only be obtained by someone who'd seen many battles- and been at the front line of them all. He'd battled beasts, men, angels and a dragon, demigods and many of the races of Aeterna, and he still lived to tell the tale with all his parts intact. \n\n\"Good evening. I am a fellow traveler upon this road-\" He began, giving her a bow before rising again. \n\n\"I'm never quiet this forward with people I've just met, please you have to understand, but would you perhaps be interested in a wager? You see, I've found myself short of coin and I would like to earn some more for when I come to another inn. You carry blades- a duel, victor takes the others coin. I have six golden coins here, they'll be yours should you get me to admit surrender, and I'll take six from you should I make you utter\n\nDefeat. No death blows. On my fathers honor I swear that I shall bring no permanent harm to you, aside from a few scars maybe.\" He said with an impish grin, which displayed dazzling pearlescent teeth. \n\nFists or blade, I can do either- that choice I'd leave to you. After the fight we can perhaps have a proper introduction of names. What say you?\" He asked, his beautiful melodic voice carrying across the road towards Nyx. \n\nHer daunting height, her sheer presence, the comfort that she showed with those blades, the flame in those eyes- she nearly looked *Bored* As he was, the kind of bored that came from a lack of being challenged and pushed, the kind of look that came from someone who hadn't met an equal in some time to push them to greater heights and was on the verge of stagnation. Oh his mind whirled with the possibility of this travelers skill, a woman, a dragonborn... But not a dragon. She and her kin had no part in his downfall, no... That answer wouldn't dare come to him so easily- and he would not hold sins of one to another just because of some slight similar appearances." }, { "author": "Nyx Bloodtide|Blood Moon", "message": "Nyx was not just a Apex predator, no she was far more.. Lethal if she chose to be, especially if she snaps and taps into her instincts, that of which has not happened since the obliteration of the Lizardmen all those years ago.. During that time her rage induced madness and her grief forced her to reach a height by insanity. Looking the traveler over he was.. Attractive to say the least but alas she wasn't looking for love, no she couldn't even though his silver eyes allured and lulled her heart strings.\n\n\"Scars are a due process for a proper duel but alas, I also agree to bring you no permanent harm, aside from some proper scars. I take it you only have six gold on you? Hm, Arrogance is not my Neo-Forte but.. I'll raise it to ten so you can get a hearty meal-\" Out of respect for the challenge she too would bow as she paused.\n\n\"I vow, on the legacy of my tribe and the legacy of my father who used this blade and wore this armor and who died standing to not take your life and to accept this challenge and wager, I hope you fight with honor because If not, I will show you the honor I teach to the young. For now, you can call me the blood-moon, only when this is over shall we learn of each others name.\" Her Amber eyes burned with the same strength a dragon would have but these eyes belonged to a dragon whom was known for her strength, gravity manipulation and Lightning breath.\n\nStepping to the side of the road she would drop the backpack that contained all of the items she could possibly need on her travels she would then untie her belt and carefully set the Nodachi and katana on top of her bag before moving the Long odachi she had to her waist and tying it up on place of her Nodachi and katana. She would then carefully grab her mothers Tanto and set it down with extreme respect.\n\nShe would then get onto her knees and lower her head to him, a sort of bow that came with respect for the duel, a thing she and her people commonly did before a duel, only then would she retur\n\nN to her feet to not only prepare properly but to see him eye to eye.\n\n\"I hope you can enlighten me traveler, good luck.\" Getting into a half bent stance her feet would scrape against the and she placed her left hand upon the scabbard of her Long odachi keeping her right hand over yet untouching of the handle of the blade, the handle of which was beautifully made. \n\nHer Aura changed, it was different, it matched her breathing as her breathing slowed and she became extremely relaxed, her body becoming fluid like water yet her muscles became as quick as lightning.. The wind would begin to lightly pick up as if her Aura was forcing it to change and become more dramatic, the tension in the Air rising as she was ready and because of tradition she would not make the first move\n\n\"Your move.\" She simple said as she waited there, stiller than a statue, her mind already calculating the bodily enhancement spells and gravitational spell she was to use." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis had never seen a ritual like the one she did on her knees, but he was not above the ways of others. Scipio had taken to Noctis because he'd managed to retain humility- despite having been born beautiful, despite being blessed even among demigods, Noctis had known love and abounded by it. \n\nHe mirrored her, getting down to his knees in the dirt and bowing his head to her as well. His raven locks curled at the end and created a silky curtain as they hung down, before he raised those silver eyes like twin full moons, and gazed at her, only rising when she did. \n\nHer offer had been generous- now he really wanted to win. He wanted a hot bath, a warm bed and some information on the adventurers guild. All those things would cost coin, even if he was good at talking down prices, payment was always necessary. \n\nHe pulled out his own black blade, the inlaid rubied roses of the sword glittered like fresh wet blood, as if the sword itself was bleeding from an eternal wound. It was a dark and gorgeous blade- his Ebony Rose. \n\nThe second her aura shifted, Noctis knew she'd be no push over. Without a doubt her strength would be a league above the strongest men, and Dragon blood coursed her veins... The dragons he'd faced had carried terrible breath weapons of different elements. Would she have severe elemental power? Breath magic like the dragons? He'd have to be wary, that wasn't counting any techniques she had alongside strength and potential elemancy. \n\nIn his normal body without using Enhancement Magic, Noctis had low level superhuman physical abilities. He would test her prowess first, and see how far he needed to go with his enhancement. \n\nEnhancement, Illusion and his very specific wind and fire abilities. For wind, he could float and regulate air streams around his body. For fire, he could shoot fireballs, coat his blade and regulate his body temperature by reversing the flows of the flame magic and working them into his body. \n\nHonor... She wanted an honorable fight, I\n\nLlusion magic was known far and wide as the least honorable of magics. Used by tricksters, thieves and criminals primarily. He'd try to limit its use. \n\n\"Very well...\" \n\nWith that he launched towards her. It wasn't just that he was fast- it was that his acceleration was inhuman. He'd studied a beast once for months, hunting and battling it, never killing it and managing to survive it every time. It had a unique ability to accelerate at incredible speeds, 0 to roughly 60 killed per hour in seconds. After study and aid from companions, he'd deduced that it's unique bodily composition allowed that. Using his Enhancement magic and the aid of a Master Healer, he too had manipulated his body to accelerate at a similar speed. His top speed without enhancement was faster than a horse at full gallop, somewhere between 45-55 miles per hour. It wasn't a human strength he possessed. His body was this strong from two sources- one was a boon from his father, Masculo treasured the body and Noctis had been born with the perfect body in every way. \n\nThe second was his particular brand of Enhancement Magic. It allowed him to enhance his body through allotments of \"Stats\". Prolonged use over time had caused his body to adapt, and had caused his base form to \"Level up\" So to speak. \n\nAll that to say that he crossed the distance between them in seconds and in a flash, his blade struck out in a thrust to the chest, but the attack was a feint and instead like a striking snake, the blade moved back and then struck out again with a whip cracking sound towards Nyxs thigh. While he did this, he also had a... Rather strange stance. His free hand that did not hold the blade was brought up almost like a boxers defense, a gleaming vambrace on both arms, greaves on both legs, two pauldrons and seemingly no other armor, all a gleaming platinum." } ]
[ { "author": "Nyx Bloodtide|Blood Moon", "message": "It could have been over before it fully started, had he mad any mistake in his movements but a faint like his was something even she could see miles away and its not like she hadn't calmed herself for a duel like this, no, he was good, yes very good she thought, already she was smiling as her muscles suddenly tensed up and her thumb which was not touching the scabbard but the Tsuba or handle that was above the Tsuka or grip of the Odachi would essentially and explosively launch the blade out of the scabbard at speeds faster than one could predict though it was as if she purposely slowed down the launch of the handle as her right hand would grab it before her left hand would and in a near instant, Dragons Might and Bear grip would activate.\n\nHer natural strength would soar but so would her grip strength as well, this was topped off by her speed also being increased as well as her resilience, like a red flash, the Black spined, blood edged odachi would clash with his weapon of choice. No this was not the end but just the beginning of her counter. Her feet had not moved yet her body had to block the blow. Before another move could be made her eyes, if he was observing her every move were darting around and following him, it was only then that she would counter with a much more.. Punishing move, one that would test his gravity.\n\nShe would activate Inversion field, reversing the field of gravity around both herself and him in a large circular area, no longer were they light but heavy, heavy enough the crush a normal man and heavy enough to cause her feet to dig into the ground yet her leg muscles would twitch and in a few seconds would tense up and bulk slightly, reverse casting Inversion field upon her own body she would render her body light in which she could make use of her agility.\n\n\"Show me what you Got.\" She would say teasingly as she launched herself utilizing both her reversed gravity and centristically force, she did not aim to kill him luckily but instead on\n\nPhysically running to close the newfound distance she had made between them she launched herself like a missile, only if that missile was moving fast enough to cause an afterimage, it was only then did the image of her Aura become fully visible, The image one could imagine was an ocean of red, blood if you will but brewing above the ocean was a storm, a storm that was like an unstoppable force. She concentrated and concentrated, she could no longer use er gravity magic since she was moving and she couldn't use her breath magic while moving at this speed so she would be soley relying upon her skills, luck and body enhancement magic.\n\nShe Aimed to clash swords with him, she didn't aim to do anything but that, she cared not about winning but about what he made her feel, what he made her do and if she had to force him to show her some of his cards then she would do just that and more by pressuring him. She did prepare herself to get hit incase he saw what she was doing, hell she welcomed a good scar, she just hoped he wouldn't throw his honor away." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis felt himself nearly reach a moment of ecstasy at the speed of which her blade was drawn. It was like an arrow pulled from the heaviest of draws, and the clash was enough to send a pleasing reverberation through his body. He was ready for her counter with that impressive blade of hers, but it didn't come right away. Instead- it was magic that showed itself. Noctis had been born in the age of demigods, he'd fought alongside and against the greatest sorcerers and mages of that time, clashed with the mightiest warriors- he could taste magic almost like he could taste blood in his mouth. It had a unique presence and scent and taste... And it was affecting him. \n\nWhatever she'd done, it felt suddenly as if his entire body was being dragged into the earth by some unseen hand. His magic responded accordingly, already running a sequence of math to bolster his strengths, a 50% increase to affected areas with a 100% decrease in his taste and hearing. Momentarily deaf and unable to taste, yet now with reserves to bolster, on top of his unused assets- just in case of... \n\nThere it was, she suddenly became lighter while he remained heavy. She was fast now, faster than before and dashing at him- but not with killers intent. \n\nHer increase in speed would be dangerous, so he enhanced his vision with the stats he'd pulled from his taste and hearing and managed to track her with relative ease. This still left him with being weighed down, but his increase in strength had brought him back up to speed. \n\nHer blood red aura that threatened to turn into a full typhoon of power. She was a mighty woman indeed. He raised one leg and reduced that limb by 50%, then increased his other leg and strong arm by 25% each. \n\nSeeing her intent, she'd find that it wasn't surprise but delight that changed his face as he grinned. As she came in to strike, her gravity magic would cancel out and with his increased strength- their blades would clash with such force that it would generate a shockwave of fo\n\nRce. \n\nNow that the gravity effect was gone, he'd end his enhancements momentarily and leap back to create some distance between them and call out. \n\n\"Like what you see so far, Blood Moon?\" He called, his voice teasing, almost boyish- and yet as musical and sweet as ever with only the slightest rasp in it. \n\n\"Again.\" This time he increased his blood flow utilizing the unique ability of his fire magic, enhancing the strength of his heart and muscles to withstand the insane rate of his blood pumping. This was another special move he called \"Limit Breaking\", the massive increase in blood essentially allowed his new base to be even stronger, faster- more efficient. His Enhancement scaled off his base physical stats- meaning his Enhancement was now even more effective- they'd only just begun. \n\nHe'd launch the first attack again, starting with Divine Dove over Flowing River- an arcing slash into a horizontal strike, followed by Divine Snake eats Rising Falls- a vicious thrust and a back step into a curving upwards slash. \n\nHis attacks were fast, elegant and yet brutally powerful. His strength and speed were monstrous, his movements similar to hers in style- fluid and yet as powerful as a lightning bolt, able to disperse immediately to defend or continue the assault." }, { "author": "Nyx Bloodtide|Blood Moon", "message": "\"I'd bed you right now if I could, maybe even marry you.\" She would say, both teasingly and flirtatiously. Steel on steel their blades would clash, she felt the power of his blows increased, the speed, it felt all to familiar yet she began to feel something new, no it was not new it was something she felt while training years ago, what was it she thought? This feeling is something she wanted to feel more of and by all means she would latch onto that feeling.\n\nThis difficulty, this struggle, yes, she couldn't get enough of it, her body reacted on its own and she began to drift into a state of enlightenment before his vary eyes, she just needed the push he was giving her, her own body would react to his strength and counteract it by increasing the intensity of Dragons might but adding on Fleet-foot stride. This would increase the strength within her own legs and increase her natural strength. \n\nThe initial clash between his blade and hers on each strike would send visible shockwaves which would cause her legs to tremble! No, she would not falter now, it pained her to use this much energy and she knew she would have to end this soon because she was running on steam so she decided to go all out.. This needed to end before she either passed out from lack of energy or before her weapon broke.\n\nFleet-foot stride, Dragons might, Stalwart endurance, Eagle-Eye focus, all of it.. She had to try it out, she decided at that very moment to call it \"Final hour\", her own version of limit breaker and while she broke her limits and set new ones for herself, She would go on the offense, twisting her body to dodge his latest strike only to retaliate with such a maneuver one could see as impossible but to someone like him, he might see it as the pinnacle of her race, no she was the pinnacle of her race, maybe the closest thing to her dragon ancestor, in that moment, that single second it was as if she herself was a dragon, the image of a dragon took shape, it took over her endless oce\n\nAn and lightning storm..\n\nThe dragon she embodied was a dragon long since forgotten, one of beauty but unrivaled power In that single moment she went for an overhead slash but she chose to miss.. Why? One might ask? Because this was a killing blow and the blow was so deadly that in that single blow her blade glided effortlessly between atoms and the energy behind such a blow would be so high red sparks of raw electrical energy would glide down her blade.. \n\nBehind him the slash would \"Amass\" In size and leave a sizable slash, so much potential energy released at one time that it literally cut into the ground, sand turned to glass, stone was cut and any dirt that was left behind was spread at once but the cost of such an attack took a great toll onto her body, mainly her heart, for but another second she was clinically dead yet the reverb of the electrical energy brought her back.. This left her wide open to defeat but this also sent her rearing backwards, she didn't fall on her ass but that's mainly cause she subconsciously dug her blade into the ground to both hold herself up and to remain standing He could take the win now or bring it to a draw as she was in no condition to continue. The only reason she was still standing and conscious was Due to Vitality surge which already began to heal her body causing what looked like steam to radiaye from her body as moisture iself was being expelled from her body." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis grinned at her reply, his eyes flashing like two platinum coins spiraling in firelight. His faintest smile had caused alliances to fail and armies to dissolve- he had once fought alongside the greatest demigod in the history of Aeterna, he'd slain a Dragon of old in name of his Emperor, and he'd been defeated and outsmarted by another. \n\nNow however was an entirely new moment. Defeat, victory, it became clear to him at this moment that none of that mattered. This woman was a being of battle and honor, she had the power to back it up and a heart that would have caught even the First Emperors gaze. Noctis would bed her here and now too if he could. \n\n*\"This is it- she's going all out, the ultimate offense. Then... The only way to truly give her what she wants... Is to show her my defense!\"* He was fast enough to dodge the attack- such a powerful blow from her would surely leave her open to counter attacks and a sure win, but to run from an attack such as this? She had given her word not to kill him, so he did **Not** Dodge. No, he would show her something much, much greater. He'd show her everything the Son of Masculo could do. \n\nAs the odachis blade missed him, he didn't even flinch. Instead, he activated a sequence of events. So far he'd shown her Base + 50%, and then Limit Break Base + 25%. \n\nNow... He'd show her exactly who he was. Perhaps this was foolish, perhaps it would spell his demise ultimately. But he just didn't fucking care. He felt alive in the face of this draconian doom, and he wanted to soak it all in. This was the beauty of life and death, this woman, her power, this incredible move- it was beautiful. \n\nFirst he wrapped his body in high velocity streams of wind to create a sort of wind armor. \n\nSecond, he removed his Taste, Hearing and Smell down to 0%. \n\nThird, he used Limit Break Enhancement... 200%. This was his max, he quadrupled his own already enhanced physical stats. Going to THIS extreme would cause similar effects to what she would experienc\n\nE with her enhance. \n\nFinally, he applied the strength he took from his senses to his arms... And blocked the attack. \n\nHis blade spun in his hands until it pointed towards the earth, and he crossed those platinum vambraces over his head as the pure **Force** Of her attack rocketed down onto his body. \n\nNoctis full on tanked her massive attack, which pummeled his body with such incredible force that even as enhanced and protected as he was, he could feel his very skeleton rattling in his flesh. His world spun and stars flashed across his eyes, the earth he stood on sank and... \n\nAs the dust cleared and she was blown back... Noctis walked out of the smoke. What was most impressive was that as she healed, he was entirely in one piece. He'd boosted his endurance and defense so high that though the attack rocked his core, he was outwardly entirely unharmed, save his clothing which would need serious mending. \n\nHe flashed his devilish grin at her as he strode confidently toward her- and now she'd see his aura. \n\nFor a brief moment she'd see it- a swirling aurora borealis of color around him, a presence of divine power, his overwhelming physical strength that dwarfed what he'd had before and a supernatural beauty that could only have come from the careful loving hands of the greatest godly craftsman. He came face to face with her and planted his sword in front of her own, and reached his hand out to hers. \n\nIt was at this moment that he lost control of his 200% and his knees buckled, his hand using hers to stay afloat. Using his last strength, he brought her hand to his neck and put his own on hers. With one squeeze either of them could kill the other in an instant. \n\n\"Looks like a draw, Blood Moon.\" He said, his silver eyes burning with delight from their battle." }, { "author": "Nyx Bloodtide|Blood Moon", "message": "His bodily beauty is not what allured her but it was the way he fought, he gave her a new peak, a new mountain to climb and well his eyes were borderline hypnotizing, one could say if she was born in ancient times she could have been some child of a god or demigod of battle or better yet some Draconic god that has long since faded away but it was easy to tell she was not of the religous type nor did she have a patron or patroness, this was all her own mortal power, of her race she may be the stongest one to have ever existed but now's not the time for those thoughts..\n\n\"A draw huh? Divine power too hm? You beautiful bastard..\" She would let go of his neck as all but Vitality surge would deactivate, the muscles she had strengthened would be torn and she would be rendered immobile for a very short all-be-it painful time.\n\nHer body steamed and her blade crackled with the odd red energy as if it was imbued with it now or the the weapon itself had the potential and the limiter on the Odachi itself had been released. Laying on her back her body would continue to remain still though it would not be but a few minutes until she had the strength to lift herself back up \n\nSlowly walking over to her odachi she would lift it out of the ground and when she did so it would crackle and hum.. She would flick it and the energy on the blade would shock her yet it was as if it was greeting her.. She would then sheathe it and put it back on her back before grabing her other blades and stuff and putting it all back on before taking what looked like a bottle of thick black goo but in reality it was a substance she made for herself, an entire bottle had about 120,000 calories and was lethal to all but her and well she downed the entire bottle and almost immediately would her recovery speed increase. She would then reach into her coin purse and pull out ten gold coins before putting her back back on and approaching him.\n\n\"The name is Nyx Amarra Bloodtide, daughter of the one who controls gr\n\nAvity and lightning. Bah, You probably havent heard of that dragon but anyway, take this and get up will you? Might as well as give you this since you fought well. I do hope we can keep contact and fight another time when I need a new mountain to climb.\" She would extend her right hand and hold the gold in her left hand." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "As she lay on the ground, Noctis sat cross legged on the dirt beside her. She had an admirable form, an incredible physique- no, no no. \n\nHe was tired and Masculos genes were now trying to overpower his mortal ones. With a sigh he took a deep swig of water and a bite of jerky, before cleaning his blade and replacing the scripts contents. He was finished by the time she sat back up. As she rose, he listened to her true name. It was a fitting name for someone such as her. Smiling, he took her right hand to pull himself to his feet and smoothly slipped the gold she offered into his cloak. He stood with her hand held in his, gazing up at her face before nodding. \n\n\"Let's camp together tonight, I'll have to take off in the morning, but we're both in weakened states. We can watch each others backs and part ways. Though I too hope we can meet again. I'd like us to be friends, Nyx.\" He said, his silver eyes for only a moment a beautiful glowing amber, before once again a misty silver." }, { "author": "Nyx Bloodtide|Blood Moon", "message": "A very.. Eventful night later Nyx would be up bright and early, before even Noctis was awake and well she would look a little ruffled thought she would be pretty well cleaned up. \n\nSeeing as she was up she would check up on her bodies condition, noting that her body felt naturally more light and it seemed as if her body had taken in and produced even more of her pure blood so in a sense she is a bit closer to being more dragon like. She would then put on her armor and check upon her equipment noting that her Odachi seems to be in a permanently awakened state though she would feel a profound conection to it before putting it on her back.\n\nShe would then seemingly disappear for about an hour to hunt and when she came back with a few birds she would re-light the fire and roast the birds." }, { "author": "Noctis", "message": "Noctis' body was honed to sense danger, but after... A wild night with someone seven inches taller and infinitely more muscular, he was wiped out. Yet he also seemed to have an enhanced glow to his skin, as if, if even possible, he was even more beautiful the morning after. It was a... Unique boon and side effect of being a child of Masculo. \n\nNoctis was only stirring when she returned with the birds to eat. Shirtless, his body seemed to be carved from ivory with the most careful of hands- with only a single scar in his abdomen. With a yawn he stretched his arms over his head and watch Nyx prepare food. \n\n\"Morning.\" He said, not needing to blink sleep from his eyes because it never formed for him. He never suffered morning breath or body odors. Rising, he redid his leather pants and pulled on his boots. \n\n\"I'll be traveling to the Eternal City, there's research I need to do there and I'm hoping to get situated. If you should need me, or seek a rematch, your best chance to find me will be there.\" He said as he then reached over to pull on a black tunic made of magically woven silk, before following it with a vest that held the crest of the First Emperor and then some black leather gloves that perfectly fit his slender fingers." } ]
[ { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "**\"You're an idiot. Coming to another rulers realm unannounced like this. When you get us all killed, I'm going to thrash you in hell.\"** Those kind words were said by Atlas, the half demon within Cullen that had been against this idea from the jump. Yet Cullen had heard the stories of the risen again Pharaoh and... Well he felt strangely in a way sympathetic. Her people rebelled against her as his own people did him. In a world where having a friend was scarce- he had to chase any opportunity. Two sticks together were stronger and harder to break than two. \n\n\"My name is Cullen Stellae, Archduke of Velaris. I am here requesting an audience with Her Highness the Pharaoh of Rhakotis.\" He announced to the guards at the door. He'd been escorted through the palace by a host of armed men, ready to slaughter him the second he showed hostility. Nervously he tugged at his hair, stroking the white locks behind his ear. What would this woman be like...? An undead leader of a nation- surely she wouldn't be nice, but perhaps she too would see the merit in having a friend in another Archduke like himself. \n\n*\"Be steadfast little one, do not waver. You're here now, stay resolute in your desire to form a bond with this woman.\"* Aranea had not liked the idea either, but she'd folded into it more quickly when she'd learned Atlas had been against it. Spite was a powerful thing." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "The arrival of the Archduke of Velaris at the front gates of the Oasis Palace created quite a stir. Since Cullen introduced himself and stated his purpose in visiting, the Pharaoh's guard allowed him in almost immediately. However, he was escorted straight to the Throne room under heavy guard, watching Cullen's every movement. They didn't trust anyone. It was a quick walk through a few halls, leading up to the Throne room. When they arrived, they stopped in the middle of the room. \n\nThe Throne room was a magnificent sight. Large pillars lined the sides of the large room, engraved with ancient text and pictures depicting different stories, likely the history of the Realm. The ceilings were high, with a large chandelier hanging in the middle. The golden Throne stood in the middle at the far end of the room, yet it was empty. More guards stood at their posts at the far edges of the room. One of the guards from Cullen's escort left the room, and for a few moments, all was silent. They said nothing to the Archduke, but it seemed like they were waiting. \n\nEventually, three figures entered the room again. The Pharaoh herself, flanked by two guards on both sides of her. Upon entering, she glanced at the Throne before turning full attention to the foreigner. Instead of going to sit on the Throne, she approached Cullen but maintained a safe distance.\n\n— \nMeryet was dressed in a long, white dress decorated with gold jewelry. Black markings of an unreadable script covered her face, neck, and arms, from what could be seen. Her complexion was pale, but the most interesting part was her eyes. At the moment, they were a dull yellow and her irises seemed to divide and multiply. It was definitely strange. Her hair was cut unevenly but neatly brushed. Before speaking to Cullen, she spoke to the escort of guards. \n\n\"Leave us. Go back to your posts,\" She said quietly, in Vaedric. The guards surrounding Cullen immediately moved away from him and left the room, as well as those flanking her. Only the guards at the far ends of the room remained. Then, she spoke to Cullen, her expression carefully neutral. \n\n\"My sincerest apologies for keeping you waiting, Archduke. Welcome to Rhakotis,\" She said in decent Valerian, the language of Velaris. The Archduke's sudden appearance in Rhakotis came as a surprise to her. Not many foreigners visit, especially nowadays. Meryet was curious as to why he was here." }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "His first thought was that she was pretty- and in a way, he could see that she'd been a real beauty in life. It was so strange to him that he was talking to a woman that had been dead. Perhaps that was a rude thought. \n\n*\"It is a rude thought, sweetheart.\"* Aranea chided. \n\n**\"So is she a zombie or what?\"** Atlas snarked. \n\nUnsure of what to do, he went into a deep bow as his white hair fell around his face. \"Your Highness, pleasure to meet you. It's not problem for the wait, truly. Thsnk you for the kind welcome, you have a lovely home and may you experience many blessings upon your land and your people.\" He was running through his script and sweating only slightly. Luckily he never sweat profousely, perhaps thanks to his drow blood. Still he had never faced another ruler before, he'd been too angry at his father to look at him as an Archduke. \n\nHe raised his head and tried to smile at her, he had a pretty smile- boyish and even slightly dimpled. His own eyes were golden and widened slightly at her iris'. \n\n\"Wicked...\" He said, amazed at them before realizing he'd spoken out loud. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. \"Wicked place! It looks great in here, the golds really popping on your uh... Throne.\" He was lost, he had *No* Idea how to really do any political speech. No one in Velaris had any interest in training him on ettiqeute and his father had spent most of his time on preparing him to get stabbed in the back. \"My apologies, travel has left me perhaps just a bit out of sorts.\" It had been a long ride on horseback, his butt ached and his back was sore. Too bad he couldn't massage himself." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "Meryet's first impression of Cullen was that he seemed like a young ruler like she was. It was a guess because she was aware Elves aged differently, compared to Humans. She couldn't be sure, but an interesting observation. She observed that Cullen may be more than an Elf, considering particular details of his appearance. He looked a bit different from her head advisor. \n\nAs soon as he bowed, she returned the gesture with a quick curtsey, as an act of formality. \"It's a pleasure to meet you, as well, Majesty. Thank you for your kind words,\" She said smoothly, sticking with the same formality as she was supposed to. Meryet had never been good at this but had to learn now that she was the ruler of the Realm. She could tell he was trying to be formal, as well. With how things were going when it regarded the people of the Realm, blessings would be very nice. The uproar might just become worse if something wasn't done. \n\nOnce he tried to smile, she returned the courtesy. At first, she was perplexed as to what was wicked, and soon realized he was improvising with his words. Meryet thought about what he could possibly be amazed at, considering the way his golden eyes widened, but soon moved on from it. \"Thank you. It is only a small portion of the Palace's beauty,\" She said, glancing at the Throne momentarily before turning back to him. \n\n\"I don't doubt it. You are welcome to stay as long as you like.\" \n\nShe glanced about the room once more, considering it would likely get boring if they stood here the entire time. \n\n\"Walk with me?\"" }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "\"Sure! I mean, uh, yes that would be lovely.\" He said and hurried over to her side. She really was a strange beauty, the touch of death was on her but she had a gentleness to her. Though perhaps death could be gentle too- he'd just never seen it act that way. He clasped his hands behind his back as he walked alongside her. \n\n\"Look... I'll be honest. This whole... Nobility thing is new to me. I'm not really good at these things- but I hope that we can still get along.\" His voice was soft, he felt nervous. \n\n\"Did you grow up in this place?\" He asked, watching their surroundings as Atlas yawned boredly and Aranea tsked at his lack of etiquette." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "\"I will give you a tour,\" She said as he moved over to her side. Meryet turned and began walking slowly, intending to go down the hall that would eventually lead to the garden. As soon as the two started, two guards began following them. The Pharaoh gave them a warning glance as if to advise them to keep their distance. She had no desire to scare off her guest, even if protocols were in place. The guards slowed their steps in response, and Meryet turned back to Cullen. \n\nAt first, she was a bit surprised by the fact he was being honest about everything that was nobility, but she could tell. It was nice to relate, in fact. But, she wasn't sure if she would admit it. It took her a moment to reply. \"I'm sure we will get along just fine. I appreciate the honesty. I suppose I could say the same. Nobility... Is not my strongest suit either.\" \n\nThey walked through a long hall, devoid of windows but the ceilings were high. The structure seemed to be made of stone, old but strong. The architecture was admirable. They passed closed doors. It... Seemed lonely and silent, aside from them and the guards tailing them. \n\n\"Yes. It's the only place I know. Have you been to Rhakotis before?\"" }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "\"I'm honestly glad to hear it! I think we will be great friends after all.\" He said with a smile, such a boyish and kind smile. Yet his eyes did not carry the lines of someone who smiled all too often, and yet it was warm and generous. \"Still you do much better at it than me. You look very regal and impressive.\" He admitted, looking down at his own clothes. His clothes were rugges travelers garb, a smudged white tunic that showed his well defined chest, black leather pants and high walking boots. He also had a brown travelers cloak, gloves and a studded belt with no sheath. It seemed he traveled without a weapon. \n\n\"The only place you know? You mean you've never gone out there to see the world? Theres no way, you gotta see the ocean! I bet you'd love it, when the sun strikes the water just right its like a millions diamonds are glittering at the surface. Its why pirates go out so much, they can always see treasure on the horizon.\" He spoke excitedly, passionately. Cullen loved the Riable Isles and he loved to travel, to see new things, check out hot babes and watch awesome sword fights. In other words he just wanted to have a good time and help people along the way. \n\n\"This is my first time in Rhakotis. It's super hot but, I like the sand. Its nice, soft.\" He said with a grin, peering at her. He was unsure if he'd rambled too much. \n\n**\"Of fucking course you did.\"** Atlas muttered. \n\n*\"I think your enthusiasm is charming Cullen.\"* Aranea reassured." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "\"The feeling is mutual.\" Meryet admired his enthusiasm in wanting to be friends. It would be good to have a friend. It was quite lonely here. Things were different now and therefore, a new beginning. Her expression was less neutral and formal now, simply brighter as they walked. It was nice to see a smile from him, as it seemed they both were enjoying each other's company so far. \"Thank you, kindly. I'm certain you would make an excellent ruler for your Realm, even if you are new to nobility. It's all a learning path,\" She said, glancing at him. \"A path you may become more skilled in as time goes on.\" \n\n\"That sounds... Beautiful. I have always wanted to see the Eternal Ocean. I've never been anywhere but Rhakotis. However, I have explored parts of it that most would consider not going. Once I... Settle some important matters here, I hope to see the world.\" Meryet was smiling now, finding it seemed they both had something in common, noticing the way he talked so passionately about it. It was always wonderful to find someone who loved to travel and explore, as she did. \n\n\"I hope your first time has been welcoming. Most of the locals are nice. The sand is certainly unique. My favorite part is the architecture,\" She said, as they approached a set of large doors. \n\nMeryet turned the handle and opened one of the doors, revealing a large garden full of trees, flowers, fruits, and more. It was enclosed, with natural light coming in from the top but a large area. It was considered the most beautiful thing in Rhakotis, a rare something few got to see." }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "Cullen grinned back at her smile, he was happy to see it was going well and truth be told he felt a strange sort of comfort around her. Despite the fact that she was undead, she had a ... Warmth about her that plenty of nobility lacked. Kind of ironic really. \n\n\"I hope so. The council there hopes I'll die or at least stay away a few years while they find a way to remove me from power. I didn't exactly inherit my seat smoothly.\" He said with a grimace, thinking of his fathers bloody death and the surprise revelation that the bastard child would be the heir. It was a brutal few months but there was no way to fight it when his father had been setting it up for years. \n\n\"Perhaps me and you can go to the ocean together one day. I'd love to see your reaction to the waters.\" He said optimistically, unaware of the turmoil she was facing in her own lands. \n\n\"It's been nice! I-\" But his thoughts were lost as they entered the garden. It was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. It felt like something ripped from a storybook his mom would steal from a boyfriends shop and bring home to him to read. \n\n\"Wow, My Lady this place is incredible! You get this all to yourself?!\" He said with a laugh, nearly running in but faltering a few steps and giving her an awkward glance. Perhaps the place was sacred and he was violating some taboo. \n\n\"Sorry- it's not often a guy like me gets to see things like this.\" He spoke as if he didn't realize he was an Archduke of the Nine Realms." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "For the first time in what seemed like a month, but was a year, Meryet was feeling more like herself. In comparison, she was feeling more alive, and less dead like she was supposed to be. It was kind of ironic. She was enjoying this very much, and the fact she may gain a potential friend, if not already. Immediately, she was fascinated by his words about the fact he was not considered... Possibly well-liked in his Realm, and that it was not easy to inherit the Throne of Velaris. It seemed they had more in common than she thought. \n\n\"That's truly unfortunate. I hope they don't remove you from power. I suppose I could say I didn't inherit my seat smoothly, either,\" She said slowly, soon wondering why he wasn't back in Velaris sorting out that problem. Surely that would be the top priority, to keep the position of power, but that was her opinion. \n\nShe took another moment to respond to his offer. The possibility was wonderful, and a dream of hers. And yet, it seemed too far away. Day by day, problems only piled up. More threats, and therefore the reason why she could not leave. \"I would love to see the Ocean with you one day. I cannot wait for that day to come,\" She said neutrally, not leaning on a positive or negative tone to not give anything away. \n\nOnce they entered the garden, she stepped to the side so he could see the beauty of it. The guards stopped at the door, not entering but glancing at Meryet for orders but she did not pay heed to them. Considering his awkward glance, she simply gestured to him that it was all right. She was half-expecting him to react the way he did. It was truly beautiful and a pleasant surprise at first glance. \n\n\"No need to apologize. I know what you mean. Feel free to explore. It's my favorite place here... Somewhere I would spend much time as a child.\"" }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "\"Then we will go, I'll make us a picnic. You ever had one of those? It's where you make food and take it to a pretty place you both like and eat together.\" He said, smiling warmly at her before turning to walk deeper into the garden. The young Drow looking man squatted at a plant here, sniffed a flower there, watched bugs crawl across stalks and peered into foreign plants. He spent a solid ten minutes just exploring the place before he came back to her. \n\n\"This place is lovely, truly. Thank you for showing it to me.\" Pausing a moment, he continued. \"Is it because of you being undead? I don't think that should matter, personally. You radiate more life than any of the nobles I've been forced to interact with.\" He said and instantly became sheepish, concerned he'd gone too far. The words had been spoken softly so that only she could hear, but still he rubbed his head without looking away from her eyes. Atlas gave him a headache whenever he let nerves force him to break eye contact. \n\n\"I mean no offense of course if I caused any.\" Cullen murmured." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "Picnics. Yes, she remembered those. A long time ago, whenever she snuck out, she and Ramses would have something similar to that, if it could be called a picnic. She settled on a response. \"That would be lovely. I believe I have had a couple in the past, but it's been a long time. I look forward to ours,\" She said, smiling slightly in return to his. Meryet watched as he went off to explore the garden. It was quite large, with much to examine and observe. \n\nMeryet didn't move far from where she was, occasionally touching a tree trunk gently to get the feel of the texture and examining the patterns of the leaves. It's been done before but did it nonetheless. She kept herself occupied as Cullen spent ten minutes exploring, knowing he was likely enjoying it and glad for that. \n\nWhen he returned, she looked over and gave a simple nod to his thanks. \"Of course. You are welcome here anytime,\" She said, pleasantly. When he spoke his next words, her expression did not become offended but carefully neutral as if she was deciding carefully what to say. There was a long moment of silence, and her eyes were slightly troubled, but not in the slightest offended. \n\n\"Yes, that is the reason I can't leave here currently. Ever since the news spread that I inherited my father's throne and my resurrection occurred, that has caused some tension among the people. It's a dangerous game of politics that I must play. But you're right, it should not matter. Thank you for your kind words, and don't worry. You did not offend me,\" She reassured, seeing that he seemed concerned about saying too much. If it were anyone else, perhaps she would not have been so open." }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "\"But if you're father left it to you, then it shouldn't matter!\" He said, and from the passion in his voice it was clear what he'd say next. \"My father passed and his final command was that I take his place- he'd already had it set up in secret. The court spent months trying to find a loophole but I was accepted in some time ago. Still, I'm on my way to Magios Academy to speak with Merlin. He's a legendary guide, if anyone can help me keep my throne it's him.\" He admitted, wanting to be open and share with her as well. Cullen stepped closer and spoke softly. \n\n\"Perhaps if I can gain a good reputation, I can vouch for you to your people. Let them know they are in good hands. I believe in you, My Lady.\" His voice was a soft stream that brushed her ears, he stood only a few feet away and his golden yellow eyes made contact with her muti-formed ones without flinching, without disgust. \n\n\"We both sit on the outer edges of the realms, we know what evils lie beyond our borders. We need our people to trust us in case a threat comes- so... I guess that's why I came. I want to be your friend, to help each other keep our seats and to stand United against the threats of the lands of evil and chaos beyond us. I know I'm asking something big- but I need you to believe in me, and I will believe in you. We can beat these odds together.\" He said softly, and extended a hand out to her. If she took it, he'd kiss her knuckles as if to say \"I bow to you, I see you.\"" }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "As soon as Cullen started speaking, she immediately agreed with his words. Meryet was very interested in what he had to say, the passion in his voice catching her attention. It seemed they were both on the same page, and it was rare for that to happen. After all, it's only been a month and only a few realized that it didn't matter since her father left her the Throne, despite her not wanting it. Someone needed to take it. \n\nThe more that was spoken, the more she realized how much they had in common. It was amazing how similar their situations were. Magios Academy. Merlin. Both names seemed oddly familiar. She was pleased to hear he would receive assistance with keeping his Throne. She wanted to help, as well, if she could. \"Let me know if there's any way I can help.\" \n\n\"I would greatly appreciate that. It means a lot, truly,\" She said gently, looking into his eyes as he did. It took much courage to do what he was doing. It was admirable. The words would not form how much she appreciated that, the fact that he was going to try to help. If the people weren't going to listen to her or any others, perhaps they would listen to him, someone not directly associated with the Royal family. \n\nThreats. That was another matter that needed to be watched. He was right. Meryet was glad he came and was quick to believe in him. Her expression was carefully neutral, but she was on board. As soon as he extended his hand, she took a step forward and took it. Immediately, he would likely be able to feel the magic omitting from the black markings on her hand, but it was nothing of concern. \n\n\"I believe in you... Cullen. I'm pleased to call you a friend. We're in this together.\"" }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "\"Together, Meryet. It's a rare for people like us to have friends, I know that, so let's be strong together.\" He said, still holding her hand. The young archduke covered it with both hands and squeezed hers gently- he didn't care about the eerie magic that radiated off of her or the cold touch of her skin, he cared about the sincerity in her eyes. Finally he let go of her hand and smiled widely at her. \n\n\"You know when I first arrived the place was so imposing I thought I might not leave alive. Yet, you brighten this place up. Once your people get to really see you, they'll know just how lucky they are to have you as an ardchuke. As a leader. You're going to beat the odds you face, Meryet. When you need me, I'll come. I'll be there for you.\" \n\n\"Now! Shall you get me a room? I really am tired and could use a rest, I have a lot more travel to do. Let's chat once more before I leave, as friends this time all the way through.\" His voice was soft and if her guards had not been watching he'd have patted her shoulder, instead he simply fidgeted in place not know what to do with his hands." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "A smile came across her face once more. It was rare for rulers to be friends, but regardless, she was happy to have a friend. They could be both friends and allies. They will be strong together. She looked down at his hands momentarily, noting that his were gentle and soft before returning her gaze to him. \"It may be rare, but I think it will work well.\" \n\nAn ally and friend was exactly what she needed. Meryet's new life didn't seem so lonely anymore, because of this day. She didn't mean for him to feel as if he might not leave alive. It's always been that way, and she mainly blamed the guards. They were not kind to most, due to the past. His words were giving her encouragement, and she appreciated it, greatly. \n\n\"Thank you, Cullen. Your words mean a lot. As you'll be here for me, I shall be there for you. Let me know if there's any way I can help with your current situation,\" She said, pausing before continuing. \"And, I apologize for the tight security within the palace and outside. There are reasons for that, and I understand that may add to the imposing figure of the place.\" \n\nAs soon as he asked for a room, she nodded immediately, turning toward the doors. \"Of course. I shall arrange that immediately for you,\" She said to Cullen before switching to Vaedric to speak to the guards. \"Go back to your posts. You are not needed here,\" Meryet said firmly, her tone commanding. They looked hesitate, almost as if they'd object but soon turned around and disappeared from view. \n\nMeryet switched back to the language of Velaris when she spoke again. \"Shall we?\" She said, moving back into the palace hallway and gently shutting the doors once Cullen stepped into the hall with her. She began moving forward again, with the intent of introducing him to a guest suite for his stay." }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "\"It's okay, I'd rather feel nervous around your guards than have you be in danger. Your safety comes first.\" He said, walking with his hands behind his back and gazing at the halls, then back around to her. The young man always made eye contact with her when they spoke, even with her strange eyes and pale skin and eerie tattoos, his warm golden eyes locked onto hers like she had gold in them. His boyish smile played across his lips. \n\n\"So, what do you do for fun? Please tell me you do fun.\" He said, bumping her with his shoulder as they walked. It seemed that now that he considered her a friend he'd instantly relaxed around her, as if that agreement between them was all he needed to think of her as someone he knew all his life. His body was warm even through his clothing, a side effect of his unique physiology. \n\nDaydreaming about the room and hoping it had a killer view, snacks and a cold bathe would be incredible. He hummed just at the thought of all the incredible things." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "\"I appreciate your understanding,\" She said quietly, her eyes locking with his. He had lovely gold eyes, and the way he looked her in the eyes told her that he wasn't fazed by her unnatural appearance. That was admirable, as most foreigners couldn't look her in the eye. Meryet sent the guards away because it did not seem like she was in danger, nor did she consider Cullen a danger. It was risky and reckless, but she didn't want them here now, even if they didn't understand the language she and Cullen conversed in. \n\nWhen asked about what she did for fun, another smile played across her lips. The bump on the shoulder seemed almost playful, what friends did. She liked it. \"I do try to have fun, but it's been a long while. Aside from reading or climbing trees in the garden, my definition of fun is sneaking out and exploring the unknown, at least, within Rhakotis. I used to do it all the time. What do you do for fun?\" She asked, as they got closer to the intended destination. \n\nAs they entered another part of the palace, the hall was long with several doors next to each other on both sides several feet apart. Coming to the first one on the right, she opened the doors to reveal a large suite that was decorated to match Rhakotis' style and culture.\n\n— \n\nAt the far end, in the middle, was a neatly made canopy bed covered with white pillows and light blankets. There was a couch, a wooden closed wardrobe, and another small room in the back, which held a bathtub and other necessities for washing. At the side of the room, were two more double doors concealed by curtains. Meryet entered, immediately grabbing a key from one of the nearby tables. She pulled the curtains back and unlocked one of the doors to reveal a balcony with a view of Osirisun City.\n\n\"This is one of the guest suites. There should be fresh clothes in the wardrobe. I shall send for one of the servants to bring you food if you wish. I imagine you must be hungry after your travels. After you've rested, you can find me in the dining hall,\" She said, with a slight nod." }, { "author": "Cullen Stellae", "message": "The white haired youth widened his eyes in amazement at the room. It was such a sweet set up! He grinned and took it in, running to the bed to sit on it to see how comfy it was, then peeked at the tub (he'd been eager to bathe too), then over to her side to gaze at what was indeed and incredible view. He stood there with his hands on his hips and whistled low and appreciatively through his teeth. \n\n\"You certainly know how to put a guy up in style, Meryet.\" He said, nodding his head in astonished approval. As his golden eyes scanned the city beyond, his gaze flicked over to her and he gave her a mischievous grin. \n\n\"Why don't we sneak out together, like you used to? You can show me some spot in the city you like that isn't far.\" He said, turning to face her and cocking his head. Something about her made him feel comfortable, like he'd known her his whole life. Constantly he found himself forgetting she was undead at all. He was quite sure he'd really like this woman ." }, { "author": "Pharaoh Meryet Ahhotepi", "message": "Meryet stood by the doors, observing his reaction with a small smile on her face. She was glad he liked it. His expression and movements told it all. There were so many empty rooms when they needed to be occupied. That was one of the unfortunate things about not having many visitors at this time. When he came over to her side, she looked outside again, gazing beyond the palace ground. \"I'm glad you like it,\" She said enthusiastically, glancing at him for a second when she spoke. \n\nWhen he spoke of sneaking out, she froze for a second, unsure how to react at first. She stared at him for a moment, thinking about it. That sounded wonderful, dangerous, but wonderful. One time wouldn't hurt, would it? It's been a long time since she last snuck out, and desperately wanted to. However, there was a particular someone she usually only snuck out with and he was nowhere to be seen. That didn't stop her from wanting to do it. Eventually, she nodded, closing the door for the moment since it was hot out. \n\n\"I would love that. It's been too long,\" She said slowly, nodding. \"The best time to go would be nightfall, so we can go then. In the meantime, you can relax and unwind.\"\n\nMeryet smiled again as she handed him the key to the doors and moved to the other side of the room, intending to leave to let him settle in. \n\n\"I'll leave you to it. Come find me when you're ready.\"" }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "Dressed in finery fit for royalty and gliding through the halls with ease, Amunet looked as if she lived here. She wore a choli top of red embroidered with gold, bearing her abdomen, with a long matching skirt with a long slit up to the hip, each step showing her tight black pants and boots. She'd purposefully, and somewhat thoughtfully, worn a golden net of clinking coins on her long dark hair, that made sound with every step or gesture; she thought it might put the guards' nerves at ease to be able to keep up with her every movement. Her jewelry was simple and light, gold, save for the ruby ring on her left middle finger, which she toyed with absentmindedly, spinning it around her finger.\n\nShe missed the gardens of the palace; they were by far the best in the city. But since the previous pharaoh's death, no one had really been welcome in the palace. She'd had to make several requests, nearly beg and plead, just to get this audience today. It put her on edge, more than she already was. An undead pharaoh was... Unusual, to say the least. She had concerns Meryet was being controlled, that something sinister might be afoot. But without seeing the woman in person, she couldn't be sure. She'd been somewhat acquainted with Meryet before her death, enough to at least know her general personality and mannerisms. But who could say how those might have changed?\n\nAt the doors to the throne room, one of the several guards escorting her stopped and held out a hand, \"We'll need your weapons please, baroness.\"\n\nShe gave the guard a wide smile, laced with just a little snark, **\"You're going to need a basket...\"** When he raised his brows, she chuckled softly, purring out, **\"Just trust me.\"** Once he returned, she began to produce various knives and daggers from her person, pulling them from her boots, her shirt, her hair, until the basket was filled with at least about 12 blades. She thought for a moment, then pulled another from the leg of her pants.\n\nThe guards laughed nervously, a little baffled how this thin woman wearing such tight clothes, save for the flowing skirt, could hide so many weapons. She hid her mirth behind a small but warm smile, the mischief a bare twinkle in her eyes. These guards were either new or had forgotten; it was like this every time she came.\n\nAs they pushed open the heavy doors, and Amunet reverently approached the throne, her mind wandered. She'd been close with Meryet's father. He was a good man, a good ruler. Part of her couldn't help getting stuck on how such a smart man could make such a foolish decision. He should know this would rile the people's wariness and surely could see that Meryet wasn't exactly excited to rule. But then Amunet often saw many things others didn't. She knelt several feet away from the throne, waiting to be addressed before rising or speaking. Yet for the other part... She shuddered. She couldn't deny that she would do whatever need be done for her own child. She couldn't fault Meryet's father for the same. Amunet only hoped that Meryet was willing to work with her. It would be so much smoother that way, and she truly only wanted to be of use, if the Pharaoh's heart was in the right place." } ]
[ { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "At a small oasis in the desert, under the scorching Rhakotian sun, the Champion of Elira finally completely let go. She nigh on ran, with shaky legs, to a gazebo in the center of the spot of green and blue, throwing herself at the feet of the statue enshrined there. The pure shock and exertion of running here had temporarily stoppered her grief. But the adrenaline wore off, and her racing mind was a mash of tangled things she couldn't begin to unwind. The sheer impossibility of it all ignited her rage for a moment, but it immediately dissolved into deep despair accompanied by intense sobbing that left her gasping for air. Each inhale brought the coppery scent of innocent blood that covered her, and she punched the stone floor with her scarred hand, uncaring of the pain that then bloomed there.\n\nThough this was a favorite spot for her, there was only one other visit that now stood out in her mind. She recalled the rage at finding out that she was carrying that monster's child, after everything he'd done to her... The hopelessness that it was something she could move beyond... The desperation to just make it all go away. She didn't want to die, at least, in this current moment. But as she recalled the looks of horror, the words of accusation, from *Her* People, she did want to cease to exist. To just crawl under a rock and stop *Feeling*, stop *Thinking*. It was all such an overwhelming flood that she could only experience, she felt no control whatsoever to do anything about it.\n\nWhat a fool she'd been to relax, to let down her guard. She'd been losing her touch before, but now that she had repaired things with Kairos, she had been hopeful it would all eventually come back to her. But it hadn't yet. It hadn't in *Time*. She cursed that wretched pirate bitch but once again the anger died in her throat. If she had been more careful, if she had paid more attention, if she hadn't been blinded by her rage... It was still her fault, in the end. She was tricked, but she should've seen that. One errant thought stuck out above all the others, above all the self-reproach beginning to consume her: *Has Elira abandoned me?*\n\nScrambling to sit up, she held her hands up in front of her face, trembling, as if that would tell her if her power remained. Doubling over with a wracking sob, she choked out, **\"No... I have nothing without you, my lady, please...\"** Nothing *Felt* Different, she didn't think she felt an absence of power, but... Things had been so terrible for so long, and now this... If not abandonment, perhaps a warning? It was hard for her to grasp that something so horrific could happen and not be some kind of punishment. Throwing herself at the feet of the statue again, she pleaded desperately through her tears, her voice whining and choking it out, **\"What did I do to deserve this? I am ever yours, your tool, please, use me!\"** Nothing. **\"I know I can be arrogant, foolish, undiscerning at times, but I'm trying, I promise I'll get better!\"** Still nothing.\n\nThe Champion of Elira, in her right mind, knew not to expect an answer, knew that the visits that had granted her the divine power she carried were an extreme rarity. But some part of her felt that if Elira answered her, in any way, it would be a sign, a confirmation, that her goddess hadn't forsaken her. The longer the silence stretched on, the more panicked she grew, feeling lightheaded from being unable to catch her breath through her violent crying. Slamming both fists down on the stones, tears streaming down her cheeks, she yelled, **\"Tell me what to do, please! You've guided me my whole life, I'd be dead, and Sassan too, without you, please, please!! I don't know how to live without you!\"** She'd thought that last momentous visit here was the most broken she'd ever been; she was wrong." }, { "author": "Kairos Ordo", "message": "Kairos had just made it into Rhakotis, he had been traveling for a long while from Velaris. He had been at his cabin there for sometime rebuilding his forge and planning to revisit Amunet. He was glad they stumbled across one another within lestos during the battle and rekindled their relationship. When he made his way into the market nearby, Kairos had noticed Amunet and Sassan. He was planning to meet up with Amunet later and talk with her more in a better atmosphere, and seeing that the mother and son were having time to themselves he didn't want to interrupt. But he would stick nearby, look through what the market had to offer until they were done or noticed him and invited him over. \n\nAfter some time had passed he had bought a few materials that he would like to implement into his forge and try to forge weapons with. When he turned to hear some comotion, he noticed that Amunet was in a battle with what looked to be a pirate. He didn't want to intervene, but would make sure any citizens were safe in case the battle grew larger between the two. The Tidecaller didn't want to intervene because this fight wasn't his business and he knew Amunet was powerful and strong enough to fight on her own. As the fight progressed he watched carefully and wasn't able to see through smoke from his distance. The Stormborn didn't see what was going on until close to the very end when there were shouts and cries of murderer and traitor directed towards Amunet. Then he was able to see the scene of what had happened, to him it only seemed like the innocent woman got caught in the crossfire as he didn't see the whole scene. \n** **\n\nWhen Amunet ran off, he followed her. The demigod clad in his black attire pursued the desert flower all the way to the Oasis. Befor he approached, The Tidcaller caught his breath and waited for Amunet to finish her plea to her God. If people were attempting to speak to their God, he never interrupted. After a little bit he softly approached Amunet, his soft footsteps could be heard. But before she could react, he knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder showing care. Showing that he was there for her in her worst moment. Kairos brought her up and gave her a tight hug. He wanted to be there for her, and not allow her to feel alone at this moment. \n\n\"I'm here Amunet. I'm here for you. I'll be here no matter what, be by your side as you grieve through what happened.\"" }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "The soft footfalls behind her didn't register, another sign of how far gone she had become. Amunet tensed a moment at the hand on her shoulder before she recognized the touch. Continuing to sob, she initially let Kairos pull her close, sitting a bit woodenly in his arms, the shock of everything still too fresh. She heard his words, his smooth cool tone washing over her. But it didn't quite yet register. What arose initially from the complicated web of emotions first was fear.\n\nThe Wind Dancer had been brought up to put great stock in how others saw you, what they thought of you. It made this treachery a particularly heavy blow. But even more, she cared most what Kairos thought. She was *Sure* Now that she was being punished. This and the last meeting, her love kept seeing her at her worst. And while her rational mind knew that was ok, even preferable, she was terrified in this emotion-driven state. She couldn't bear to see any judgment in his face or scorn in his words. Hadn't they bonded over protecting the people? It made this seem even more unforgivable.\n\nGasps interspersed the crying as the Champion tried to push him away, strongly at first, wiggling and even pounding fists into his chest. But over the course of a few minutes of struggle, her resistance slowed and weakened until it stopped entirely. She merely trembled and snuggled in his arms a moment, before a small bit of sense returned, and she wrapped her arms aryhim, burying her face in his chest. Her words came out muffled and broken by struggling to catch her breath, **\"I...** ***Killed*** **An innocent!! That** ***Bitch...*** **Tricked me!\"** She pulled back slightly in his embrace, the first time she'd actually looked at his face, **\"I'll never... Live it down. I'm ruined... Ruined!\"** \n\nBurying her face in his chest again, the crying picking up anew, she choked out, **\"I should've seen it was an illusion! I can't believe I didn't see! I'm afraid...\"** Her crying suddenly stopped, her voice somewhat flat, **\"Elira has abandoned me. I... I hoped, in coming here, she'd come, speak, send a sign, something... But there's nothing.\"** She wasn't coherent enough to realize that maybe, just maybe, the man holding her *Was* The sign. She'd forgotten her goddess' warnings and teachings. She was missing the beauty in the brokenness, and the opportunities it might create if she let it." }, { "author": "Kairos Ordo", "message": "Kairos refused to let Amunet suffer alone in this, he was going to be by her side this entire time. Supporting her and helping her through it. Despite all the pulling and soft punches, he refused to let her go. Holding her tighter and resting his head ontop of hers, allowing her to cry as much as she needed. Letting it all out. He listened carefully to what she said about killing an innocent, and being tricked into doing it. His thoughts, care, and feelings of Amunet wouldn't change because of this, he wouldn't think of Amunet any different. The demigod knew that Amunet would never purposely kill an innocent, he had thought that the innocent lady was just caught in the crossfire. \n\n\"If you were tricked, then what you had done was not purposeful. I wasn't able to see what exactly happened, but from my perspective what I think happened at the end was the lady mistakenly got caught in the crossfire. Maybe the person you were fighting purposely moved around when you couldn't see another to put someone between you two. You are **Not** Ruined. I'll never leave your side during this. I am here to help you. I won't allow you to believe you are ruined or that you are not a protector.\"\n\n** **\nHe continued to hold her carefully, rocking side by side to comfort her. It hurt seeing Amunet so distraught. Looking down into her eyes whenever she looked up at him, a comforting and caring look on his face. Showing he was listening and would help her through this. When Amunet mentioned the reason she came here, for a sign or a message from her god she followed, he understood the pain in her voice. The gods were difficult to reach or hear from, he knew that first hand with being a demigod. Kairos began to wipe her tears away with his thumbs when she had stopped crying and gave her a soft kiss on her head.\n\n\"The gods are difficult to get signs or anything from. But I know she hasn't abandoned you. Maybe her sign or way of showing you aren't abandoned was sending someone who will always be by your side and help you through times like this. Who will comfort you through this extremely difficult time.\"\n\n** **\nKairos hoped his words were true and comforting. He knew that Elira would never abandon her, she was the most loyal follower he had met. One incident that wasn't done on purpose wouldn't cause a shutout. Kairos didn't know entirely what else to say or do just yet at this moment besides being a shield for Amunet. Allow her to cry into him, and hold her close. Allow her to feel love, protection, and comfort. \n\n\"I'm not leaving until you're ready to leave. I will spend however much time here with you until you feel like you're ready. I love you and I bet that Sassan still loves you also, and is also probably worried about you.\"" }, { "author": "Amunet Hassan, Champion of Elira", "message": "Kairos' voice broke her out of her blank stupor, and she met his loving, kind gaze with eyes full of uncertainty and fear, wild in their emotion. His words floated around in her head but struggled to find purchase, and she continued to tremble slightly with the adrenaline and intensity of feelings. At the mention of the accident being purposefully constructed, her brows furrowed and she wanted nothing more than to gut that wench. But the burst of rage only served to confuse her more, and she buried her face in her love's chest, fists gripping his shirt tightly. Such rage had always lived somewhere deep inside her, but it had never before come to the surface like this. She was ashamed of her inability to tamp it down or channel it more appropriately. This *Wasn't* Who she was, wasn't who she *Wanted* To be.\n\nFeeling somehow it was important to face him directly, she sat back up in his embrace, trying to meet his mismatched eyes as she spoke, but her gaze kept drifting away, **\"Mistake or not, she's** ***Dead*** **, and her family, her friends, won't care about the why or the how... Only that she's gone... Only that I can be blamed.\"** Her usually full and confident voice was a ghost of itself, hoarse and raw from crying, small from sorrow. Trying to give him a small smile only made her eyes well up with unshed tears and a lump form in her throat. **\"I don't know how to come back from this... I can't... I can't face my people.\"** She shook her head with vehemence. **\"I can't go back, I can't, I can't...\"** She just kept repeating the last two words in a desperate whisper for a moment, staring at him with wide eyes that looked past him, as if she was somewhere else.\n\nAmunet held him close, allowing him to rock her. His gentle comfort was the only reason she wasn't vomiting what little was in her stomach or crying until she became completely numb. Embracing her so, he might notice more than he would've at their last meeting that she had lost weight, unnecessarily, another testament to her great and long-lasting distress. Taking deep breaths that had begun to steady some, though still shaky, she ventured to look at his face again. His utter acceptance and show of care was wonderful, slowly becoming the rock that would ground her. Initially, she nodded along to his words, knowing all too well how cryptic it could be trying to discern what the gods wanted; she knew he understood like few would, and it was indeed a comfort. But upon his suggestion that *He* Might be the sign from Elira, she stared at him in wide-eyed silence for several minutes.\n\nIt was a constant see-saw the Champion could never quite balance in her mind with the demigod, wrestling with his innate divinity. As such a faithful person herself, part of her couldn't accept or reconcile that she had won the affection and devotion of, more or less, a god. Kairos so often was very mortal, very normal with her, that it took a show of his power or an incredible nugget of wisdom shared for her to remember he was *Divine* Himself. She didn't believe she was really all that deserving of Elira's favor, in the first place, though she *Was* Proud of her faith and hard work. To add the eternal love of a demigod on top of it... She just couldn't comprehend...\n\nBut his words made sense, didn't they? The admonishments about her stubborn self-reliance that came directly from Elira crossed her mind; it was even part of why Elira claimed to bless her in the first place. On top of that were the words of priests and priestesses over the years, encouraging her to seek their counsel and support more, to not carry everything by herself. Could it be Elira had challenged her so because nothing else was getting through to her? To help her challenge one of her most harmful flaws? His kiss on her forehead only solidified the train of thought.\n\nThe realization struck her hard, more tears streaming down her cheeks as she cried, **\"Yes... Yes! I think... Maybe you're right.\"** Though she was already in his arms, little distance between them, she lunged at him with a forceful hug, squeezing with all her might, with all her love and gratitude. Letting the tears subside, she pulled back and released him, moving to hold his face in her hands, **\"You really must be god-sent. Though it might be blasphemous in a way, you've saved me, over and over again. And likely will only continue to do so.\"** She was finally able to manage a small smile, a slight twinkle returning to her sky-colored eyes. **\"I love you too. You have as much, or more, of my devotion as my goddess does.\"** She leaned in to softly plant her lips on his, a very soft and tender kiss. It felt so *Right*, so like coming back home. She couldn't believe she'd ever survived being parted from him.\n\nBreaking the kiss to just hold him and be held in turn, the Desert Rose's mind wandered to Sassan, she should find him–but he'd found her first, frantic steps slapping the stones quickly approaching them as he yelled, *\"Mama!!\"* The young man came to a halt a few feet away from them, panting with his exertion, a mixture of worry, shock, and love coloring his features as he took in the two. Speaking with a shaking voice, he let out a nervous laugh, *\"Kairos?! I can't... I can't believe it!\"* With no hesitation, and much glee, he joined the demigod, embracing his mother and him from the other side. *\"Thank Elira!\"*" } ]
[ { "author": "Alexander", "message": "*The driver would soon pull into a long drive way leading to a large house. Once in front of the house Alexander got out of the car pulling elizia behind him. He smiled finally being home especially with a new toy. He would open the door pushing her inside as he followed behind her* \n\n\"Welcome to your new home my little pet\" \n\n*He said in a teasing tone as he looked at her with an evil smirk an idea visibly running through his head*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*Being dragged inside Elizua barely caught a glimpse of his home, her head hung sadly in shame. When she was pushed inside she turned to look at him fearfully, her hands still bound.* \"W-what? ....\" \n\n*She saw the look he gave her, she knew he was thinking if things but she didn't know what. All she could know was that she was confused and terrified by him.*" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "*He smiled and looked at her before closing and locking the door beginning to count down from 10. Before he started counting he stripped off his jacket and shirt revealing a scarred body.* \n\n\"Fucking run and hide\" \n\n*He growled out loudly as he looked at her with a devilish grin*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*Stumblung for a second she started to panic, tripping at first before running out of fear. Elizia looked through several room, eventually finding a bedroom. Not realising it was the master bedroom she dive under the bed, trying her best to hide back tears and sobs of anxiety.*" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "*After finishing his countdown he began to hunt her down. A smirk on his face before he took a little to find her. He would enter the master bedroom before closing and locking the door behind himself.* \n\n\"Where are you my little toy\" \n\n*He said in a deep rumble with a smirk on his face. Slowly he went to the closet to see if she went in there*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*Keeping her mouth covered under the bed she sobbed, trying not to let our any noises of her fear. Seeing his feet from the gap she stayed hidden. Trying to keep herself as quiet as possible as she hadn't noticed the door being locked.*" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "*He would walk into the master bath not showing that he figured she was under the bed. His feet going out of view as he quietly removed his belt. The smile on his face only growing larger*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*Seeing him leave the room did bring some relief to the terrified woman. She seemed desperate to get free from him, so the breif reprieve helped alot. Letting out a sigh she tried to calm herself, with catching her breath seeming to be the first thing.*" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "*He smiled as he snuck back into the room. Before she could see him he reached under the bed grabbing her leg and pulling her out. He would toss her onto the bed, before pinning her down with a smirk*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*The brunette screamed as she was pinned down. She tried to fight, but really she was no match, her kicking and thrashing if anything only making her situation worse.* \"G-get off!...\"" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "*He looked down at her with a smirk. His eyes looking over her body before he took his free hand ripping open her clothes* \"Scream all you want there is no escape\"" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*The brunette looked terrified, trying her best to try and fight as he tore her clothes away, tears falling down her face as she pushed him.* \"S-stop...\"" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "\"Why should I, you're my property. I own you\" *He snapped out as his slowly trailed a finger down her body with a smirk. His eyes going up to meet hers letting her know who was in control*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*The woman felt weak, and hopeless. Her anxious side taking Iver as she just silently sobbed. Her thrashing stopped but she would still try to push him away, flinching at the finger on her body.*" }, { "author": "Alexander", "message": "\"Just accept this fate, there's no use Fighting anymore\" \n\n*He growled out leaning down biting her neck as he would move his hand slowly fingering her as he kept her pinned to the bed not letting her escape*" }, { "author": "Elizia Snow", "message": "*Another yeko came from Elizia as he bit down on her. Tears falling down her face as she seemed more and more desperate to get away from her master. She still pushed although it got her nowhere, so for now she did nothing but weakly sob.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "Ryuji walked in as he started to rummage around his shelves for the books on the mask as he pulled out two of them and started to read through it. \"Says the mask was made in the Amazon Rainforest who worshiped a lustful goddess\"" }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "Freaky. **She looked it over, setting it down on his bed while she looked at some other things he had lying around** Why buy something like that?" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He left some of the open as he looked around for something else he had as he shrugged at her question. \"Well other than being a gambler anytime I go on a trip I like to get these freaky souvenirs~ after all it's possible that they're magic as well~\"" }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "Are you worried about them being cursed or...? **She looked at him. Looking around the room and closet before sitting on his bed beside the mask**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Nope I'm pretty lucky when it comes to anything cursed~\" He reached into his wardrobe and pulled out a very revealing dress as he laid it out of the bed. \"There was also this\"" }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "Lewd and creepy. What is the deal with people doing stuff like that. **She looked at the dress and mask together and had to admit, they did look like they went well together**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Why not try it on cutie~ I'm sure you would love amazing in it~\" He chuckled leaning back as he watched her." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "Did I not just say that I don't trust magic stuff _not_ to be cursed? **She turned to him while squinting**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"I don't think it's cursed cutie~ why would a goddess curse a dress and a mask~\" He chuckled at her comment as he sat down looked at her squirming." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "If you're so sure you put them on **She said with a roll in her eyes as she sat down tossing the dress at him**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"...It's a dress isn't really going to suit me so I think YOU should try it on\" His eyes did his red hypnotic flash as he held out the dress to her with a smile." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "I should try it on- **She echoed... Slipping off her jacket and sweatpants now just in her navy blue bra and panties, before slowly slipping into the dress**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He smiled as he slowly watched her put on the dress as something about it was calling to her and had an oddly satisfying feeling keeping it on." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**She blinked in realization that she slipped it on- though she didn't feelt at all like it was wrong to keep it on- even doing a little twirl** It feels... Good-\n\nHow old is this even-" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Probably a couple hundred, it's been well washed and maintained and it looks extremely sexy on you\" He enjoyed the view of her twirl." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**She blushed and sat back down with a grumble** Yea yea I know I'm pretty **She stuck her tongue out**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "The mask seemed to be calling to her as well wanting her to put it on, it whispered her name, her desires as Ryuji watched knowing what would happen." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**She picked up the mask.. Holding it in her lap as it whispered to her- looking at the hollow eye sockets while staring... Blinking... Continuing to listen-**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "The mask kept promising her many desires some of them of lust and some of them power and all she needed to do was put on the mask." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**Not even aware of how tempted she kept lifting the mask closer and closer to her face... Blinking as she listened to the whispers with baited breath**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "Somehow the mask latched onto her face as giant waves of pleasure flew through her body slowly infecting her." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**She slumped back writhing on the bed as the mask infected her. Her hands trying to pry it off hee face**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "The pleasure just got stronger and stronger making her weaker and weaker as Ryuji watched her with a grin." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**The pleasure hit her in waves... Taking bits of her with every crash.. Shuddering before going limp in defeat and delight **" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Oh I guess it was cursed however it looked like you enjoyed it~\" Her body would slowly start to change her assets becoming bigger as she started to grow a bit taller as well." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**She spasmed with every change... Her body growing to fill out the dress properly while the mask molded her features**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "Her body would have started to become more fluffy as it seemed to change her into an anthropomorphic animal by either way she was gorgeous." }, { "author": "Kayla Cairn", "message": "**She spasmed and contorted as it reformed her body... Eyes lulling back as it neared completion**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Almost done~ soon you'll be such a good girl for me we'll have lots of fun" }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**Shuddering as the transformation ended her legs quivered and breathing grew heavy**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Be a good girl and sit up for me~\" He sat back it what seemed to be a quilted throne as he looked at her." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She sat up. Getting used to feeling her now paws on the ground pressing down on the floor to get used to the cushy feeling**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"How are you feeling in your new body cutie~?\" He pat his lap indicating for her to come over to him." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She came over still not entirely sure what was happening, coming and sitting in his lap with a tilted head, her mouth still a fused mask with dazed eyes**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Hmmm what should I call you now~ ah Let's call you willow I like that name~\" He gently put his hand on her mask allowing her to talk however the mask didn't move when she did talk." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "Willow- but... My name was kayla- **She mumbled. Leaning on him with her now flush chest**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Ah ah ah~ your name is willow\" His eyes became the hypnotic red again as he wrapped his arms around her." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "Willow... My name is willow... **She hummed. Leaning on him and resting her chin on his shoulder**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Good girl~\" He gently started to feel her new body as it felt soft and amazing. \"How does you new body feel~?\"" }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "Bigger... Empty- I feel like I'm in a suit... It doesn't quite feel right-" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"But I bet it feels amazing in there doesn't it~\" He smiled groping her new ass as a wave of pleasure gently flew through her." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She tensed and melted... Murring deeply** Ssogood\n\nFeels so good in my new body" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Such a good girl~\" He kept playing with her ass cheeks with a grin." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She wiggled into his hand with a weak barking noise** ♡♡♡" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "One of his hands moved up to her breasts groping them gently with a smile on his face." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She leaned back. Letting him freely grope her chest**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"I can tell you're craving pleasure~ if you really want it beg for it~\"" }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "Please master- I want it... Need it... Need your pleasure" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "Ryuji grinned gently as he hand slowly went down from her breasts to her crotch area slowly sliding under her dress and gently rubbing her pussy entrance with his fingers through her panties." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**Her eyes lulled back, making a muffled moan as his fingers pressed against her crotch**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He kept teasing back and fourth and back and fourth as his other hand slowly took off her panties, and with that he gently pushed two finger in." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**Her eyes were lulling back as she started to bounce up and down on his two fingers**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He slowly increased the pace with a grin on his face as his other hand slapped her ass groping it as well. \"Such a good slut~ letting the pleasure slowly infect your mind~\"" }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She nodded as she kept bouncing on the fingers and her new massive tail wagging excitedly**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He watched her bounce faster on his fingers as his cock was getting harder and harder by the second slowly ripping out his pants." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She panted and barked into the mask as her eyes rolled back to a pure white**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Now be a good girl and beg for my cock~\" He know he had full control over her and he liked having a slut as his own maybe he'd even get her a collar who knows." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "P-please master- please fuck me- please please please dick me down _hard_" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He revealed his dick it was 13 inches long so it was very big and was most likely going to get bigger. He bent her over and got up slowly sliding the tip in her pussy." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She tensed and barked- wiggling and writhing in anticipation**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "He slowly pushed in the rest of his cock with a grin spreading her pussy nice and wide for him." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "**She barked and wriggled as his cock pushed into her, stretching her wide for him**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "he started to slowly move back and fourth his cock stretching her insides as well, it felt as if his cock was slowly getting bigger while his thrusts picked up." }, { "author": "Willow Cairn", "message": "Ffuckfuckyes yes yes yes **She barked out, tail wagging as his cock pushed deeper inside her**" }, { "author": "Ryuji Majin", "message": "\"Such a slutty girl~! You belong to me now~!\" He thrust faster and harder into her pussy with a smile on his face." } ]
[ { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora is preparing for a CoD Mw2 Warzone Duos trying group up with someone*\n\nToday's been a rough day, let's see who's my partner this time" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi is streaming warzone duos. She doesn't usually pair up with ransoms because of stream snipers but she was feeling generous today. She forgot her mic was on so when she loaded in she was talking to her chat.*\n\n\"-zone today guys... Thanks for the dono! *She giggled* Yeah we're playing randoms today guys...\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora hears her voice and and he grabs his headset and puts it on, Sora is fairly focused on the game, his username name is \"StarVanitas\"* \n\nHey how's it going?\n\n*Sora says as he has no idea who she is as he never watched a stream in his life*\n\n*His voice sounds very soothing to her ears*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"Oops I left my mic on- Hello! I'm good how are you?\"\n\n*Naomi's mic sounds crisp and smooth as she speaks. She has a very energetic voice that he would think is either annoying or cute. Her username is 'ToriTTV' highlighting her status as a twitch streamer.*\n\n\"Oh my goodness your voice is so nice! You're not using a voice changer are you?\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "\"Hey I'm going good now that I hear your voice and no I don't need a voice changer to speak on the mic. You have a pretty cute voice by the way uhhh... Tori?\"\n\n*Sora lands along with Naomi and gets a it takes a moment to loot the area* \n\n\"Hey Tori, there's a few people nearby, I think I got something on them\"\n\nSora then proceeds to make a fool out of them with a fairly smart tactic that made their enemies look dumb in comparison*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi blushed a bit and laughed as he complimented her voice.*\n\n\"Thanks! Yup you can call me Tori or T or whatever you want.\"\n\n*She giggled some more as she landed and looted the area quickly being impressed by his skills.*\n\n\"Nice job! Sorry I picked such a busy drop I'm grinding challenges and xp right now.\"\n\n*She said as she casually solos another duo with the starting pistol.*\n\n\"Where'd you come up with that tactic anyways?\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora chuckles as he proceeds to get teamed on, eventually He'd find his way out of it and knock and kill the duo*\n\n\"You aren't bad yourself Tori, pretty amazing considering that you just took them out with the starting pistol. They tend to fall for this every time\"\n\n*They are now nearing the End Game*\n\n\"What's the plan here Tor?\"" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomj is focused for a moment while she helps take out the 2nd to last duo with Sora. She lets out a sigh of relief as they take out the last duo and claim their dub.*\n\n\"Yay! We won! Well Imma friend you cause you helped me win! I hope that's ok...\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He logs off after he returns to the lobby and adds her as a friend*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi dms him*\n\n\"Hey nice gaming earlier! I hope we can play more in the future.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora replies*\n\n\"Sure we can, let me know and I'll be on in a in flash\"" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"Did I ever tell how cool your voice is? It's so soothing :3!! Sorry a bit random but still :>\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Yeah you told me, I'm not going to stop mentioning how cute your voice sounds" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "Staaawwp you're making me blush" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Hey I bet you are even cuter irl" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "Here's a pic of me from the cod streamer tournament last year" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Hey I was right You are adorable!\n\nHere's one of me to be fair with ya" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "U making me blush so much lol\n\nNo guy has ever gotten my face this red lol\n\nI know this is sounds a bit crazy but do you wanna meet up? I know we just met but you seem like a pretty cool dude!" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Sure I can just let me know the place and time" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "I don't get out much anymore so I don't know many places but the park sounds nice\n\nBtw this isn't a date we're just hanging out😅\n\nHere's the address for the place that I'll wait for you at *Drops location*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Is texting her after a few week of speaking to Naomi* Hey Naomi, how's it going? I wanted to ask you a questionm..." }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "Also what's da question?" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Do you wanna go out? I had been wanting to do that for a moment now" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi throws her phone across her room and melts in the corner blushing... Of course he doesn't know this but it is the reason it takes her 30 minutes to respond.*\n\nI uhm uh I uh uhm I uh uh uhm\n\nYes! 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣😳😳😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Oh uh okay! I been wanting to date you for a moment now and I had been a bit nervous to ask\n\nMeet me at my place?\n\nWe can set thè time to tomorrow" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi rings doorbell. She's never been to the high class area and was pretty mesmerized but her face was still completely flushed. She was wearing a cute little orange sundress. It was thin and had little oranges on it. She never wore anything this formal so this was her only dress and she's had it for a very long time so it's a bit to small for her.*\n\n\"H-hello?... It's me Naomi.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He opens the door and sees Naomi* \"Hey! You came, that's a nice dress you got on Tori *He moves out the way in order to let her in, when she does enter, it's a nice lil place that compliments both his and oddly her in some shape or form*\n\n*Sora closes the door behind him* So how's everything Tor?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*As she walks in and admires his place she stumbles a bit but regains her balance and laughs nervously.*\n\n\"I'm doing good! I uhm... Thank you I've had this dress since I was a little girl and I haven't grown much since so sorry if looks a bit small but it's the only one I have...\"\n\n*She looks around his place unable to make eye contact because she's just that awkward sometimes.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "You didn't really need to look so formal Naomi\n\nI think you could had gotten away with wearing your usual attire *He says that as he's wearing a normal outfit*\n\nIt looks nice but it's a bit tight on you... You want some of my clothes?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"Oh no thanks, I-I could never take your clothes...\"\n\n*She laughs nervously.*\n\n\"I wanted to look nice for the date so I dug through my pile of clothes and found this old thing so... Yeah don't worry about it!\"\n\n*She said trying to return to her old enthusiastic attitude.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Well you wanna go hang out in the room? Play some music, Cod? Watch a movie?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She blushes a bit.*\n\n\"Yeah sure, I think I'd rather take a break from gaming today actually. I've been playing so much recently that I think I would rather listen to music and watch movies and stuff.\"\n\n*She rants for a moment smiling as she does.*\n\n\"And of course if I play to many video games without any breaks then I'll burn out you know so yea let's just listen to music and watch tv and stuff.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "That sounds like a great plan, what movie you down to watch?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She thinks for a moment unsure of what to watch.*\n\n\"Hmmm... How abooouuut... I dunno\"\n\n*She drops her shoulders with a defeated look on her face.*\n\n\"Can you pick?\"\n\n*She says in a childish tone.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Yeah sure *He puts on a random romantic action movie, they end up getting real close during that movie. After that movie they start to talk while listening to music*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi lays on the bed while listening to music in his room with him. She's outstretched and relaxed as she vibes with the music.*\n\n\"That was a really good movie\"\n\n*She giggled and takes a deep breath. She somehow looks so cute yet so sexy at the same time. She's not intentionally being sexy either she's just relaxing and vibing with Sora.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He looks at her smiling as he continues to vibe ti the music that's being played*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi sat up and looked at him with her head tilted to the side. She doesn't say anything as she just looks at him with a curious expression.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Why are you looking at me like that?\n\n*He says as he changes his expression to a slightly more curious one*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"I'm admiring you... Agh! Sorry that was weird of me to say! I was though, sorry if that made you uncomfortable.\"\n\n*She blushes but her blush is hidden by the dim lighting in the room. She stretches a bit and yawns.*\n\n\"I've never been on a date before, I always imagined that a date was supposed to be at a fancy restaurant or something but this was so much more fun than I imagined.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Hey I would say the very same thing\n\nAnd I feel... Like you and I have something true..." }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi blushed more and inch towards him. Gently sliding her hand on top of his as she rested it there. She couldn't even look at him cause she was so flustered but she kept holding his hand.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He turns her head towards him and he kisses her*\n\n*He pulls back, wondering why he did that but nonetheless he felt good from it*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi was shocked at first. Her eyes were wide open as she struggled to comprehend what just happened.*\n\n\"D-Did you just... K-kiss me?\"\n\n*She said, still holding his hand. She wasn't offended or angry she was just very surprised.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Yeah...? What of it? *Sora plays it off but is thinking about doing it again*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She looks away again and pulls her free hand up and nervously chews her fingers. She didn't know what to do, 'Do I kiss him back? Do I leave? Do I hide?' Her thoughts ran all over the place until his soothing voice spoke again asking her wether she enjoyed his kiss or not.*\n\n\"Y-yes... \"\n\n*She said still not looking his way as she is to embarrassed of her own lack of experience.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "You want me do it some more?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She doesn't answer. Her heart is beating very fast and her face is bright red. That was her first kiss.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Right... I'm sorry if I startled you but I really liked you\n\nThat was my first kiss and uhh... I guess you are my first girlfriend\n\nI wonder if you wanna do more things like that in the future?\n\n*Sora looks at her for an answer, asking her that question after she had calmed down a bit*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"That was my first kiss too... And you're my first boy friend...\"\n\n*She thought for a bit longer on his last question.*\n\n\"Maybe...\"\n\n*She leaned into him innocently.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He wraps his arm around her and says nothing but it seems like he's content with her answer*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*As she's pressed up against him she reaches her head up and gives him a small kiss on the lips. She made it quick because she doesn't know how to kiss but she wanted to kiss him anyways.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*That left him semi surprised but he pulls her back in with some more kisses* I think we can figure this out together... *Sora is not a virgin and knows a thing or 2 from experience with a ftb relationship, practically a few things but kissing*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"Mmph~\"\n\n*She let out a little moan as he kissed her. When he stopped she was breathing heavy and her heart was pounding.*\n\n\"Sure... I'm a little- very nervous.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "It's okay Naomi, I'll guide you the whole way, and I'll find more about what you take pleasure in" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi reached back up to kiss him again. She planted one on his lips, it was soft, gentle and displayed her innocence.*\n\n\"Thank you...\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Don't worry about it Naomi" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi leans into him more to the point where she's almost sitting in his lap.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He pulls her in closer, head patting her also*\n\n*She's practically sitting on his lap now*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She melts into his chest, nuzzling into him for a while before lifting her head back up. She was sitting in his lap each of her legs on either side of his waist. She looked up at him waiting for him to do something, she didn't know what but she felt that there was something.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He kisses her again this time, their tongues touch as he slides his hand down her face*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She lets out a surprised moan as his tongue slides into her mouth.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He pulls back after a moment* Did I go too far?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She looks at him surprised.*\n\n\"I uhm... N-no... It's fine... This is my first time... You know..\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "I understand but I just want to help you with stuff like this" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"O-Ok, I'm ready...\"\n\n*She nervously closed her eyes and waited for him to start kissing her again.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He kisses her again, using the tongue more while staying at a pace she can keep up in, allowing her to go further*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She hesitantly brings a hand up to his cheek as they begin making out. She began using her tongue hesitantly sliding it into his mouth.*\n\n\"Mmph~\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora lowers his hands down towards her hips*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*As Naomi started pushing her mouth against his and exploring the inside with her tongue she had both hands on either side of his head hoping he doesn't pull away.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora keeps up with the kiss as he picks up the pace with her but not suddenly*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi was now moaning as she kissed him showing how much she was enjoying this. After a few moments she pulls awayand looks into his eyes with a very lustful look essentially saying 'I am yours' with just a look.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He looks at her with a smile that says 'I'm going to take care of you' look as he lays down with her on top of his crotch* You wanna continue this?\n\nOr does this got to end?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"No!- I mean, no... I wanna keep going... I like kissing you.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Then let's keep going" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She eagerly went back to kissing him and rubbing her hands up and down his pecs.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He has his hands on her ass, groping her more and more as they keep going*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi moans and squirms because she's never been groped before. As his hands slide under her small sundress and grope her ass she continues to make out with him, pressed up against him smushing her small boobs against his chest.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora and Naomi does this for awhile and Sora is loving every single second of it, at one point they are flipped over and they continue to do this passionately*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi laid under him as he made out with her. Her hands on either side of his head. She wraps her legs around him subconsciously out of instinct and pulls him closer to her.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He keeps going with her until the night is practically over, making with him was her single best pleasure in ever so far, if she knew what else is in store for her*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Soon her kissing slows to a stop and her arms slide down as well as her legs. It seems she's fallen asleep while making out with him.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He notices and stops kissing her, getting up and he starts carrying her bridal style up to his bedroom*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She curls up in his arm drooling as she slept deeply.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*When he enters the room, he lays her down on the bed and then lays on the side next to her*\n\n*He let's her as he pulls Naomi closer*\n\n*Eventually falling asleep with her*" }, { "author": "NPC", "message": "Time skip to a week later." }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He looks at his messages* Wassup" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "So uhm... I was thinking about that night we first made out and uhm... I remember the feeling it gave me in my uhm... Lower.. Area... And I started feeling that way again except this time you aren't here to satisfy me the way you did that night and that honestly makes the feeling even more immense\n\nSo I just wanted to show you something rq that I've never shown anybody else before" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Oh uhhh yeah okay show me" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "Ok please don't laugh or make fun of me it's really embarrassing...\n\nDon't look I regret this my boobs look really weird!!!!!\n\nI'm sorry I shouldn't have sent that to you this is so embarrassing" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "What's wrong your body?\n\nI think it looks perfectly fine\n\nIf I had something to say with no filter\n\nI would think you have a nice ass" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "C-can you come over...\n\nI uhm... T-this should explain it..........\n\nOmg this is so embarrassing\n\nUgh I'm so self obvious of myself but I can't help it with you" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Why don't you come over?" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "But I uhm... F-fine" }, { "author": "Luna Light", "message": "Eventually, Sora gets a knock at the door" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi desperately knocks on the door. She's wearing a zip up jacket that's to big on her and She's wearing short Nike jogging shorts. She is squirming like she needs to go pee but it's something much different.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He opens up the door seeing her* Oh hey Naomi\n\nCome on let's get you inside" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Name hugs him immediately. As he Leads her inside she unzips her jacket and puts it on the couch revealing that she was only wearing a very loose tank top that barely covers her nipples which really shows off her boobs and side boob.*\n\n\"I missed you so much Sora! I know we literally just saw each other but still.\"\n\n*She still seems to be squirming a bit as if she needs to pee.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Slow down Naomi, you seem a bit off, just tell me what you want so I can help you with that problem" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"I uhm... I t-there's a feeling in my.. Uh.. T-thing... A-and it's making it wet and hot and I don't know what's happening it's a little scary. It also feels like I have an itch deep inside it and that's what I sent you earlier... I never thought I would put a finger in my thing before that happened. Sorry that's gross I know people don't do that and it's unhygienic..\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "People who do that is people trying to lose that itchy feeling\n\nAnd that itch is you being aroused or horny\n\nWomen do a lot of things with other people to relief themselves of that feeling you got\n\nWhat you need is a helping hand" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"I uh.. W-what does horny mean? Isn't that gross having some one else touching your privates? I thought only married people do that to have kids.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Naomi smells Sora's scent making her problem even worse, this scent of his is natural pheromones being produced by the sweat produced in his race of Shape-shifting Demons which makes the the opposite sex of the producer often times mate, Sora had just got done with a workout and is sweating profusely*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi bit her lip and squirmed even more.*\n\n\"Soraaa! It's getting even worse!!\"\n\n*She squirmed and moaned under her breath. She wasn't wearing any panties cause she was in such a rush to get over here and when she was getting ready her pussy was hot and she didn't know what to do so she just went commando. She was dripping wet and her juices could be seen slowly dripping down her inner thighs.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Now... Take off your clothes" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"But uhm... Isn't that... O-ok...\"\n\n*She reluctantly took off her clothes and stood there with her thighs pressed together and one arm crossed over her boobs covering her nipples and the other arm hanging down.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Now sit down and spread your legs" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi sat down blushing bright red and hesitantly spread her legs revealing her dripping wet pussy. When she spread her legs her pussy open just slightly and showed even more how wet she was.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He walks over to her and kisses her and gives her a smile* I'm going to start with the finger *He inserts a finger in her pussy*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi squeals and arches her back. Her pussy has never been touched nor has anything been put in there so she's very very tight.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "You feel so tight and this is just my finger Naomi *He starts fingering her*\n\n*He does it in a way where she starts to lose her mind with just 1 finger*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi screamed in pleasure her body shaking and her hands gripping at the couch. The one finger was enough to send her over the edge. She moaned out as she came and her cream leaked out of her pussy.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Whoa! All I did was put one finger in!" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"I-I'm sorry! I couldn't... Help it... W-what was that... It felt so.. Good~\"\n\n*She moaned and shivered a little bit.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Now I'm going to continue okay? *He keeps going at a pace that can she'll handle, eventually inserting another finger*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi squirms and moans unable to maintain her composure as he fingers her.*\n\n\"It hurts but like a g-good hurt but_...~\"\n\n*She moans cutting herself off. She moans and groans squirming around and closing her thighs together.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He takes his fingers out after awhile* Alright that's enough time with the fingers" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori...", "message": "*Naomi is panting. As she does her breath is quivering and she's still softly moaning.*\n\n\"Oh my gosh.. That was.. Amazing.. But it hurts\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He goes down* I wonder how you taste like *He puts his head in between her legs and sticks his tongue inside her, tasting all of her*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She moaned and grabbed his head and arched her back.*\n\n\"No!! That's gross right?!\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Keeps going and and starts playing with her clit*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She moans and shakes as he overstimulated her pussy.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*After while, he stands back up and goes on top of Naomi* You're truly amazing Naomi" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She looks into his eyes and shakes.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He gets off and takes Naomi to the couch giving her time to rest*" } ]
[ { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**~The Ballroom Dance was an annual event hosted by the Reinhold Estate in honour of the City of Carnal and its citizens. With his parents gone, Damien was the sole host of the evening, inviting all sorts from Carnal. The High class were here in droves, but also some of the Middle class. Damien knew that his parents would not have allowed such a choice to have happened under their guidance but it happened anyway to improve the relationships between the Reinhold family name and the wider city at large. Among the High class, the Reinhold family name was highly regarded, though among the Middle class and particularly the Lower class, it was a name cloaked in fear, hesitance, and distrust. Despite this, the evening was going well! A majority of the party-goers were more than thrilled by the idea of a wonderful dance to be held in the Reinhold Estate, a place that few Middle Class had even entered, let alone had the opportunity to even witness the Estate up close~**" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "**Damien graciously checked on all the participants, making sure that satisfaction was its utmost peak of potential, warily keeping an eye on any Middle Class member who may be looking for any sign of trouble in an otherwise perfect night**" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth heard about the ball and became interested when the middle class was invited. She was quite well known by the high class but was still below them in terms of wealth and influence. She had come to the ball wearing her sea-foam green dress with her most expensive earrings and necklaces trying to appeal to the higher class*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien had meticulously researched about all the people in attendance beforehand but Elizabeth was an enigma to him. He examined the way she entered the ball with such grace and elegance, the way she turned heads and whispers of high praise followed her every step*\n\"Sebastian who is this woman? She's... Quite something.\"\n\n*Sebastian, Damien's personal butler and long time friend briefly described the woman of Damien's interest*\n\"Ah this woman is Elizabeth Elis, master Damien. She is quite well known among the High class and highly regarded by most of the Middle class. Quite something, though I sense you are comparing Elizabeth to ***Her***?\"\n\n*Damien gave a long deep sigh, trying to collect his thoughts.*\n\"Yes Sebastian, ***She*** Was the one for me, and I know not where she went. Vampiric lineage too, this one is not.\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth saw everyone turn and look her way as the whispered about her. She didn't really mind she was famous after all and was used to people staring at her. She would look around the ball as she noticed Damien, but did not notice his parents around anywhere. Was he hosting it alone this year?*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien's eyes locked onto Elizabeth's. He didn't know what to do, no one seemed to take his breath away as Elizabeth had but this was only temporary. He slowly approached her reminding himself that Elizabeth was not ***Her*** And couldn't be*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth would see him approach her. She started to freak out not wanting to embarrass herself in front of him. She took a deep breath and decided to speak to him*\n\n\"Hello Damien, I've heard a lot about you and you're family. It's a pleasure to meet you. I was surprised when I heard the middle class was invited but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity\"\n\n*She would take a bow*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien proceeded to kiss Elizabeth's hand, giving her the warmest smile he could give.*\n\n\"Why thank you my dear Elizabeth, it's truly a pleasure to meet you and have you here at the Ballroom Dance. I believed that to strengthen Carnal's city, one would have to try and strengthen the bond between the High and Middle class. Hopefully this can be a start to better relations between the two classes!\"\n\n*Damien's demeanor grew serious and darkness seemed to slowly creep in around them, the other party-goers blissfully unaware*\n\n\"Miss Elis, do kindly tell me of your experience after the evening's festivities are through. I look forward to understanding how you feel about a place such as this?\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"Well everything and everyone I've met so far has been pretty cool. I do agree a ball like this would definitely improve relations between the first and middle class, it's be a while since we needed something like this. I hope I look presentable enough, I picked out the best looking dress, heels, and jewelry I could find\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"My dear lady you're the shining star of the night, the stir you've created by your mere presence was quite surprising if at all surprising, perhaps expected! You do look wonderful tonight though I must say!\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"I appreciate that Sir Damien. I was a little nervous coming here I'm not gonna lie I've never really been to a ball let alone something so fancy like this but I'm glad I came and I am welcomed. So you're parents out or something haven't seen them yet tonight, and I know for sure they wouldn't let the middle and high class mingle like this\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"My parents were never fans of the middle class. They looked upon the middle class with disdain, believing that their offspring should and could only mingle with those of high class status. They are no longer with us having served their time.\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"Oh I see, well it's nice to be here none the less! I really do admire you're efforts to to try and change the way things have worked for years. I see you already knew my name most people of the higher class have. I may not be a high class business woman like the others but I try. Most people know me form my social media presence\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"I see, yes my sister is a fan of yours I do believe. Younger than me, in her very early 20s. Social media is a wonderful thing, it seems to connect people in the most wonderful of ways, passions bringing people together and bringing like-minded people into communities. I do hope you have a wonderful evening Miss Elizabeth, I must attend to the other guests of the evening now. I do appreciate meeting you, may we meet again sometime\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"Let's meet again sometime yes, I was probably gonna get a drink and some food so I'll be around. It was a pleasure meeting you sir and shall we meet again it will be wonderful\"\n\n*She would take another bow and walk over to the small bar to order a drink*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien smiled after her and walked around the ballroom, conversing with the guests as much as he could before retiring upstairs to his personal living quarters. He didn't even suspect if someone were to follow him or track his movements*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth was still having a drink as she watched Damien walk around not being able to take her eyes off him. Her heart was racing in her chest and she was confused about this feeling had she fallen in love with him? She sat there frozen still staring at him. She watched him leave the ballroom wanting to follow him but she didn't want to cause any trouble and get kicked out*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*As the guests were still enjoying the evening, Sebastian the personal butler approached Elizabeth with a warm smile.*\n\"My dear lady, you seem to be pondering something on your mind. Could I be of any assistance to you?\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth was lost in thought as she looked at Damien but as her heard someone's voice she snapped back to reality*\n\n\"Oh it's just you sorry I was lost in thought. I don't think there's anything you could help with but Damien makes me feel... A certain way. I mean who wouldn't he's kind, respectful, and a gentleman. You know him the best what do you think I should do? I've only met him just today but something about him makes my heart soar\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Sebastian smiled and gestured Elizabeth to sit with him in a living room away from the guests of the evening*\n\n\"Come with me dear girl. Now then. The master wouldn't wish me to spill such secrets but there's only one other who has admired him in such a way before. Unfortunately she left when the two of them were younger, in their teens, without a trace. No one knew where she went but she vanished. I believe the best thing you could do is spend some time with him. I'm sure he would appreciate your company. He went to his personal quarters but I'll grant you permission to go and see him should you wish to. He seeks companionship in an otherwise lonely existence, perhaps you could reach out to him somehow? Just be there for him.\"\n\n*The old man's hands shook as he held yours with a warm smile that belied a sense of sadness. He truly seemed to care about Damien, almost like a father would.*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"Oh I see well that's unfortunate. And trust me when I say I'd never do that to him he's such a great guy. I just want him to feel happy and even if he doesn't feel the same about me so be it. I would like you to grant me access to his private room. I'll do all I can to make him happy. This is my promise to you\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"Very well Miss Elis, thank you for having such a kind soul and exhibiting such consideration for the young master. Please follow me.\"\n\n*Sebastian walked out gesturing Elizabeth to follow him. As they walked up the stairs and along the long corridors of the Estate, you had opportunities to see family portraits of presumably Damien, his mother and father, and his younger sister. After this, he reached Damien's private room and unlocked the door with a key, gesturing Elizabeth to enter.*\n\n\"Good luck my dear, remember to trust your instincts. He's a kind soul no matter what happens.\"\n\n*With this Sebastian left Elizabeth to choose how to proceed.*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*A little nervous standing outside the door she took a deep breath. \"You got this\" She whispered to herself. She would put her hand on the doorknob and open the door. She then walked into the room*\n\n\"Hey Damien, you're butler asked me to check in on you is everything okay?\"\n\n*She said with a warm smile*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien moved from the bedroom to the bathroom, and after a few short moments emerged from the ensuite bathroom shocked, his fangs in full display, bare-chested surprisingly lean and muscular, tattoos adorning his body*\n\n\"Everything is fine. I figured Sebastian would do something like this but I never suspected you would have the courage to come in here willingly?\"\n\n*Damien licked his fangs softly trying his best not to look at you now, he seemed off now as if he was restraining himself*\n\n\"How was your evening Miss Elis? I thought you would have left the Estate by now, the festivities are concluding, guests leaving after hopefully a wonderful night\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"I was enjoying the evening but something kept me here, a feeling. The way you spoke to me earlier you're kindness and positive attitude it really meant something to me. I just couldn't help myself but want to talk to you more, because I care about you. We may have only met today but I already consider you a friend. Vampire or not it won't change anything\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"Very well, you can stay. I don't let many people in so consider yourself lucky. If you were someone else I'd sink my fangs into you to feast immediately, without caring if it hurt. Please sit though I apologise but the bloodlust gets to me.\"\n\n*Damien sits down on the bed leaving space for you to sit beside him. The bed was massive and the room itself so ornately decorated with such consideration to the detail, the little things of decorating neatly seemed to show. A picture of Damien and his sister rested on his bed-side table, the room was neatly presented, the lighting was warm and inviting despite the moody atmosphere it may also give off.*\n\n\"I-I would appreciate the company Miss Elis\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"Well I'm glad I'm not going to be your dinner that for sure. And I will consider myself lucky to talk to such a gentleman like you\"\n\n*She would sit on the bed beside him. She would push her orange hair out of her face and take a deep breath*\n\n\"You're a great gentleman Damien, and you're butler may have told me a few things about you. Heartbreak hurts I know it does I've had my own lover disappear without a trace I know what it feels like to be abandoned. But sometimes you got to let go of your feelings. Ask yourself the question if she really loved you why would she disappear? The healing process is hard but there's people around you who care and want to help\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"We were young and she and I were the best of friends, really close to one another. She might have disappeared to protect me, and although she was a part of the royal vampire lineage, I know not where she hath gone to. It'll be difficult to move on but I'm glad there are people around me that care about me, I appreciate your company in this moment Miss Elis.\"\n\n*Damien smiled softly looking at the mirror and then looking at Elizabeth with gratitude on his face.*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth smiled happily and looked at him*\n\n\"If you'd like I'd always be by you're side to help you through this. I know being friends with a middle class person is frowned upon in this society but eventually I also hope to change that. I've been a big activist for equality for all the classes and it's got me in a little trouble with the law but I still persisted. I'm hoping one day society can understand where not supposed to hate each other and we should count each other as equals\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien took a while to process this, looking at her, and pondering this over, walking slowly around the room*\n\n\"It may be frowned upon in this society, but this society does not know how to function without unusual things happening. I personally don't have a problem with us being friends, my father and mother don't have the authority to banish you from this Estate, and I wouldn't do so given how kind you've been towards me. I am curious though, why did you stay here tonight? I appreciate the company immensely but you seem especially confident in your presence here - a human with a vampire, you aren't safe here, especially when the clock strikes midnight.\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth got instantly nervous, sweat started to run down her face. Should she tell him the truth? What would his reaction be? She took another deep breath*\n\n\"See I...\"\n\n*She took a pause for a moment there was not turning back now*\n\n\"When you first met me this evening I saw you staring at me. You're such a nice and kind gentleman and something about you just stuck with me. All night I couldn't take my eyes off you. I don't know what I'm feeling but I know it's love, I haven't fell for someone so fast like this before and I'm having a hard time understanding my own feelings\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien closed in on her, and held her hands in his.*\n\n\"You feel you could fall in love with a vampire Miss Elis? I'll admit that I've felt attracted to you the moment you entered my home, and I'm finding it hard to restrain myself from showing you how much I want you in this moment. You're truly a delight to watch and a joy to listen and converse with, I would hate to see you go without telling you this. The weather is poor, and I would not wish to send you out into the night freezing from tonight's chill. I accept your feelings towards me and would like to explore this a little more if you'd be willing to.\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*She would look up at him with a smile. She was not expecting the same reaction from him*\n\n\"Vampire or not it won't change anything, my feelings for you are bright and I want to at least try to make things work out between us. And yes I'd like to explore our relationship a little more I'd be up for that. This cold weather is pretty bad so I hope you don't mind me saying around a little bit longer\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien smiles gently at Elizabeth, he wanted to treat his guest well and see where things would lead between the two of them.*\n\n\"Miss Elis, as my guest for the evening, what would you like to do? We have some time before dinner is served so I leave the decision up to you. How would you like to spend the evening here?\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"I'd love to spend the evening together with you! Hmm as what we're going to do let's see? Do you maybe want to cuddle? It sounds like something comforting for both of us\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"I think that's a wonderful idea Miss Elis, please shall we vacate to the living room or would you like to stay here, your choice.\"\n\n*Damien tried his best to remain calm and proper but his bloodlust was rising every minute for Elizabeth, his eyes were showing slight tinges of red as he smiled at her*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"Let's stay here so we have more privacy. I can see it in you're eyes you're bloodlust is rising. I've learned a lot about vampires so I know what to look out for. If I'm being honest I've never really cuddled with anyone before so this is a new experience for me\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien sat on the bed and wrapped his arms slowly around Elizabeth, giving her a cuddle whilst he mulled over and was shocked over this revelation.*\n\n\"Y-you've never really cuddled with anyone before? My sister used to with me but n-never my parents. You say you've learned a lot about vampires? How come? What made you want to learn about them, Miss Elis?\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"No I've never cuddled anyone before if I'm being honest I've never really been in a relationship before. But about the vampire thing, I went to high school with a few vampires. I just collected a lot of information by watching and talking to them. Although one did try to bite me so I learned all the defensive measures against vampires. I would only you them in self defense though\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"Ah I see so you've reserved the idea of cuddling to relationships you trust beyond that of friendship, I see now. Yes vampires can be rather unfeeling, especially when their bloodlust reaches a state of being uncontrollable. I should warn you that in this state I'm not the nicest being there is - rather cold, demeaning, aggressive. I'd advise you stay away from me when my eyes turn crimson okay Elizabeth? I don't want to hurt you.\"\n\n*Damien said this as he cuddled onto Elizabeth tightly, stroking her arms and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. You could see as he looked into the mirror, his eyes were close to showing that crimson colour, he really was trying to protect her*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth would cuddle him more still trying to stay a safe distance away from him for when his eye's turned crimson red. Yet she still tried to enjoy the cuddles but she was ready to get up and act if she needed to. As she cuddled him her thoughts were clouded by what she wanted to do with him. She was trying to also contain her more lustful side*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien cuddled onto her trying to keep his lustful side at bay, nuzzling his face up against her cheek, and stroking her arms*\n\n\"I'm really starting to feel more relaxed around you Elizabeth, thank you for choosing to spend the evening here with me, I do appreciate the company. Your *Neck* Is looking rather *Beautiful* In this light...\"" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"My what now? My... Neck?\"\n\n*She was instantly on edge once he said that. She was ready to push him away and grab here emergency supplies she had in her bag. She still cuddled him close but still ready to react when needed*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "\"Yes your neck, Elizabeth... Don't worry I won't bite it. What y-you'll need to do is pass me the pint of blood I have stashed in the bathroom. Do this or I will have to resort to using your blood instead. Hurry...\"\n\n*Damien kissed her neck and then her cheek before releasing her, looking at her with crimson eyes now unable to hold on much longer, his bloodlust basically there at full peak*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*She quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed the pint of blood. She would also take this time to grab a clove of garlic in the plastic bag in her dress just in case. She knew from experience garlic was a big weakness of vampires and just the smell of it would stop them from coming any closer. She walked out of the bathroom and handed him the ping of blood*\n\n\"Here you go Damien, I would ask why you have so much blood but to be honest I don't want to know where it came from\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien thanks her, pouring the contents into a giant sized mug. As he drank he replied, making short conversation about how it came to be and how he planned the evening to go moving forward, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief and depositing it into a nearby bin.*\n\n\"T-thank you Elizabeth... I feel much better now you're safe. It's animal blood, particularly from the nearby cattle. I'm sorry for the scare but this is how it is with vampires, they need blood to function otherwise they go crazy. Hopefully this doesn't put a wedge between us, I would like to spend more time with you this evening. Cuddling, watching a movie, maybe more if you'd be up for it? I trust you considering how kind you've been towards me... Most humans aren't.\"\n\n*Damien got up from the bed and took his top off revealing tattoos, and his bare chest in front of the mirror, placing his top inside the wardrobe, before sitting on the bed once more*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*With her seeming more relaxed she felt bad about the glove of garlic she was carrying. She didn't want to give him the wrong idea the she didn't trust him. With a deep breath she threw the plastic bag in the big as well*\n\n\"I'm sorry you had to see that, I was scared so I pulled out my bag of garlic. I got scared so I apologize for pulling it out on you. I'm glad to be around you and I trust you enough not to need it anymore\"\n\n*She sat on the bed next to him. She hadn't brought extra clothes and only had her dress to wear. She could have took it off but she was only wearing light bra and underwear underneath*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien saw the clove of garlic placed in the bag and looked back at Elizabeth intially feeling betrayed but slowly easing into the idea of Elizabeth trusting him now, and he appreciated her so much for understanding, offering her a soft smile.*\n\n\"I'm happy to see that you can trust me now Elizabeth, you're most kind. I also can't deny how beautiful you look this evening, I could offer you something more comfortable to wear this evening, the maids I'm sure would be able to assist you?\"\n\n*Damien looked at Elizabeth with such longing, seeing her beauty spike hotter as she sat closer to him on the bed, she truly was magnificently stunning. Damien wanted to get closer to her but I did not know how quite yet*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*She would smile softly, she was glad to know she still trusted her even after her small betrayal*\n\n\"I'd love to wear something more comfortable. I wasn't planning on sticking around tonight so I didn't pack any extra clothes I would if I knew I was. This dress is still beautiful I'm glad a bought it when I did\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien smiled and gave her cheek a soft gentle kiss.*\n\n\"It really is beautiful, it brings out the colour of your eyes and your elegant form, Elizabeth. Please trust me when I say that you look absolutely stunning. I'll send for some of my maids to help assist you in finding something to your liking.\"\n\n*With a set of claps, two absolutely gorgeous maids came in and we were delighted to see you, whispering amongst themselves before speaking up. \"Oh my goodness, it's you! We're such big fans! Come with us please!\"*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth would get up from the bed and follow them*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien waited, reading a book whilst waiting and wondering how Elizabeth would look when she returned. He closed his eyes for a moment to think about her - she seemed so kind, trusting, utterly beautiful, maybe they could be good friends, perhaps something more.*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth would follow the maids to a room full of many different outfits as she looked around at each. She was having a hard time deciding but eventually had an idea*\n\n\"Say you wouldn't happen to have one of those sleep dressers by chance. You know the ones that look like a small dress but are sleep wear? I feel that would be more comfortable for me\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien thought it best to take out a robe to wear after satiating his bloodlust from before. He hadn't had a guest so close to him for a very long time, and wanted to make sure that she was comfortable with being here for the night. Given that there seemed to be some spare time, Damien undressed fully to enter his bathroom and start a shower, he melted under the heat enjoying the shower and the alone time, although he missed the feeling of company that he felt from Elizabeth*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth would walk back into the bedroom wearing a small sea green night dress she had picked out. She owned many of these small dresses that were fashionable and also comfortable at the same time. She had also taken off her earrings and took off her necklace, she had also washed off her makeup. She then sat on the bed again looking at her phone while waiting for Damien to be done showering*" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*As Damien stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around him he was shocked to see Elizabeth looking so naturally pure and fawned over how beautiful she looked, blushing like crazy, and a huge smile on his face*\n\n\"Absolutely amazing... Who is this wonderful woman in front of me?\"\n\n*He teased, and dressed into his robe for the evening*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "*Elizabeth looked at him and smiled softly*\n\n\"I knew you would like the outfit I picked out! Also sea green is my favorite color so I was very happy when I found it in the dressing room. It was a hard decision considering you have so many cute outfits! Also you're maids are extremely nice and polite, we had a nice conversation about fashion while I was trying stuff on. Also you look pretty handsome yourself Damien!\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien blushed from Elizabeth's praise, sitting closer to her after feeling more at ease with her presence than ever before.*\n\n\"Why thank you my dear, the outfit looks most magnificent on you that I simply had to say how wonderful you looked wearing it! Yes my maids and the rest of the staff are simply the best people I could ask for in helping me maintain the mansion, they're honestly amazing, just like you. Thank you for the compliment Elizabeth, you're truly so kind, and exquisitely beautiful up close, even more so than before\" \n\n*Damien took some time to gaze at Elizabeth's beauty, it was truly something but he didn't want to feel Damien was coming on too strong for her.*\n\n\"I do apologise but you truly are something Elizabeth, truly divine*" }, { "author": "Elizabeth Elis", "message": "\"I appreciate all your praise Damien! My beauty was one of the first reasons I became a social media influencer! But it takes more than just beauty, I know my kind and positive personality is why so many people like me. I'm very relatable and i think that helps me inspire more people everyday!\"" }, { "author": "Damien", "message": "*Damien smiles upon hearing this because yes it was all so true and made sense upon meeting Elizabeth. She seemed so down to earth and approachable. And it was then that he wanted to make the first move.*\n\n\"Elizabeth, I knew that when I first set my eyes on you that I wanted to find a way to get closer to you, to understand and get to know you better. I... I would like to kiss you now if that would be okay with you?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*Vanessa found herself pacing about her house with a strange bounce to her step. Much of her staff had been sent home for the day, and she was stood in the lobby as she awaited a rather special guest. A while passed of her pacing before she picked a book off a shelf. The vampire hummed to herself quietly, flicking through the book she chose, although only looking at the pictures, whilst she expectantly waited for a knock on her door.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "**Knock knock knock**\n\n*Blake waited patiently outside the door of the extravagent manor. He had been to many before for previous clients but they still never ceased to amaze him in their overwhelming grandeur. Today he wore a simple outfit, a pair of nice, ripped skinny jeans that accentuated his hips alongside a loose-fitting crop top. He wore a black leather jacket to keep him from getting too cold. Aside from those he had his usual array of piercings that glistened slightly in the ebbing daylight. He would produce a small silver flask from his pocket, taking a deep swig before tucking it away. He was decently buzzed, his mind swimming with thoughts as to how the next few nights were to go*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*Hearing the knock the pale woman shot up. She was wearing far different from her normal dress, instead half of a suit consisting of dress pants and a black shirt. The sleeves rolled up to show her forearms, and her hair had been wound up into a very messy pony-tail. As she placed the book down she swiftly dusted herself off, taking a deep breath walked to the door and opened it with a smile adorning her porcelain face.* \"Blake I assume? Please come in\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake would smile slightly as he walked in, his eyes scanning the expansive foyer. He wouldn't speak immediately but the scent that followed him was rather odd. A weird blend of smells. As though someone had just pricked their finger on an untrimmed rose, Sweet and metallic. He would smile slightly as he gave a polite nod* \"Might I assume you're Vanessa? It's a pleasure to put a face to the name\" *As he spoke the air in the room would still, his voice carrying a sweet lull to it unlike any other. Similar to basking in the warmth of the sun on a cool autumn's day. \"I must be honest, I'm surprised someone as beautiful as you would be in need for an escort\" *He teased quietly, a flirty grin making its way to his lips as he looked her up and down*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*After shutting the door the Vampire smirked, approaching her new plaything for next few days. By god she found him to be an eyeful, and even more so his smell was sending her crazy. Her smirk soon turned into a grin, showing her sharp fangs off as she reached and grabbed his collar. With a surprising strength for her build she pulled him to be face level with her, a deep lost filling her red eyes.* \"Why yes, I am Vanessa ... And to answer your question ... When people think short female vampire they think Submissive beauty...\" *Pausing for a second she kissed Blake, her eyes closing as her cold skin brushed against his with a teasing sensationalism.* \"They do not think dominant and needy ... Also ... You smell fantastic.\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He would find himself biting his lip as she yanked him in. Fuck did he ever enjoy being manhandled, especially by someone smaller then him. He would lean into the kiss, her cold skin sending a very contradictive warm sense spiraling through his body.* \"Mmph~\" *That was the only noise he could mustre against the woman's lips, a small moan at the rough handling. The moment he broke from her lips, he would gasp. His flirtatious, honey laced voice would echo through the vast emptiness around them* \"I don't believe you hear me complaining... And would you believe me if I said I get told that alot?\" *He would joke quietly as he pressed another gentle kiss against her lips*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*Keeping him in that slouched position Vanessa could only chuckle at his reaction. Raising an eyebrow as she met the second kiss he gave her with an unsurprising vigor.* \"I could defined beleive that ... However, here I was thinking your lack of complaints was due to the excessive pay and open bar.\" *Teasing him she pointed over her shoulder using a thumb, to a bar built in the living room. Letting go of his collar for the time being so that he could see one of the perks to this job.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "\"I mean, those are both really powerful deterrents to have me from complaining\" *He jokes as he catches her hand for all of a second, placing a gentle kiss against the pad of her thumb before rushing over to the bar like a child in a candy store. He would pick out a nice gin, pouring himself a double shot before slamming it back with a satisfied groan.* \"Fuck~ I love this job...\" *He would pour himself another as he tossed it back, cheeks flushing a soft red as the alcohol began to flow through his system*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*Walking rather sensually Vanessa approached Blake, enjoying his seeming enthusiasm in the situation. After he finished a second gin, her hand covered the top of the glass. The woman looking up at him with a lustful look on her face.* \"Now now ... Let's pace yourself .... I am going ti take you to bed now .... You are going to call me mommy whilst you are my little sub.\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He gave a small pout as she covered his glass. But almost immediately after he would slip forward into her grasp as he slipped his lips up to her neck. After placing a few small kisses against her neck as he would gently nibble just under her ear, whispering in his silky smooth voice* \"Whatever you say mommy~\" *He teased her slightly as he took a quick step back, dropping his coat at the bar. The crop top beneath exposing his toned midriff as he waited for his next orders*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "\"Oh ... Aren't you a good boy then Blake ...\" *The vampire returned the kiss before letting go, admiring his body as he dropped his coat. Again walking to the escort Vanessa reached a hand out, taking ahold of his. Starting walking towards the staircase near the bar, contently humming as they moved.* \"Come along now...\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake very graciously accepted her hand, following her steps as he matched her pace. His body hummed with the praise as he didn't say much more. Step after step, they reached closer and closer to their destination, at the same time Blake would continue to examine the mansions architecture. One perk to this job was getting to stay somewhere that wasn't his dingy old apartment, it just so happened that it was usually a much more extravagant venue*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*With a wide an almost beaming smile the entire time as they walked through the rather needlessly large home, Vanessa seemed to be beyond excited to get her new plaything to bed. Once upstairs they turned down another corridor, stopping at an egregiously ornate door that stood at the end of the walkway. Swinging open the door the vampire revealed an extensively decorated room, yet what was extremely surprising though, was how pink everything was. Bar the black curtains to keep the harmful sun away, everything was pink, the bedding, the cabinets and mirrors and most of the jewellery boxes. Still though Vanessa would not give Blake even a moment to stop, pushing the half-fae onto the bed, that would be far larger than anything she could ever justify needing with her smaller stature. Of course his scent and his appearance in general had the woman going, diving atop him and straddling his waist, her hands holding his chest as she rubbed herself against his crotch to get him going.* \"Tell me now roped or handcuffs? Or even how about both?\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake followed her into the grandiose bedroom, the pink was a nice touch. It was one of his favourite colors and as such it was nice to be surrounded by. He would open his mouth to speak before being cut off as he was flung into bed. His breath would catch in his throat as his top rode up his chest. The moment she began to press against his hips she would be met with an equally eager buck of his hips, a very obvious bulge beginning to form at the front of his pants* \"Ahn~ Well, it's up to you~ you're the one who owns me for the next few days, feel free to use me as you like~ mommy~\" *His words poured out like warm honey, filling the air around them with a lustful haze as the scent of bloodied roses spread through out the room. With him this vulnerable, his ability kicked into overtime*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "\"Well then cheeky ... Both it is.\" *The Vampire moved her hands under his shirt, caressing and squeezing his pecs. At the same time she leant down and bit his neck, wanting to taste him before she took them down to business. Biting down on his neck, deep enough to draw blood as she wished Vanessa let out a moan as the taste fell down her throat. It was divine, and if anything sent her into a more of a spin in arousal. The vampire pulling back with a dibble of blood trickling down her chin as she eyed him.*\n\n*Pausing for a moment she would then reach under Blakes shirt, lifting the crop top and pulling off the man below her. A lustfull look in her eyes as she moved back to start roughly undoing then pulling his pants down, then immediately doing the same with his boxers.* \"Shall e see what equipment we are working w- ... Well then ... Mommy likes what she sees.\" *Rather impressed with what she saw Vanessa stood up, opening one of the many closets to reveal a vast arsenal of toys to use.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "\"A-ahn fuck~\" *His voice would quiver as he teeth sank into his neck, his eyes rolling back ever so slightly as the pain filled his senses. As she pulled away he would barely regain enough of his senses to realize what was happening. With the rest of his clothing gone she'd notice that both of his nipples had been pierced, both with a small silver bar. His belly button also had a small piercing. Most of all, his body was well toned, not bulky by any means but covered in lean muscle.*\n\n*He didn't move, his eyes trailing to the blood that dripped off of her chin. He would grin at her reaction as he watched her move to the closet*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*For a very short moment Vanessa had her back to Blake, eventually though she would turn around. In her hands was a bundle of ropes, a set of handcuffs and two gags, one a standard balk gag the other a dildo one. Walking up to the bed she again jumped up and straddled her plaything. Very roughly Vanessa gripped his hands, holding them and twisting them behind his back as she clicked a set of handcuffs on him. Smirking the entire time she held the two gags out in front of him, waving them back and forth.* \"I will let you choose which one you want ...\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He was once again manhandled, this time into a set of tight restraints, he would look back up to her with a soft grin* \"The ball please mommy~\" *He would settle into his cuffs, enjoying the restraint thoroughly. His length now at full attention as she straddled him once more. His eyes became hazy, clouded with lust as he lost himself to the moment. He would open his mouth patiently as he waited for her to put the gag in*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*The Vampire would not at his answer, thowing the dildo gag to the floor without much hesitation. Following that she took the gag and pressed it against his lips, slowly and surprisingly sensually pressed it into his mouth. Keeping the gentle and sensual nature of his movements she placed her hands on the back of his neck, slowly rising them to the back of his head to fasten the gag in place. Only to then slide them back down to hold onto his shoulders, rubbing the crotch of her trousers up and down his stiff member. Keeping her blood red eyes fixed on Blake, she contently kept eye contact with his, her own hypnotic eyes seemingly trapped by his.* \"Aren't you a good boy?\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He would submit to her whims, allowing her to slide the ball gag into his mouth. He would make a small muffled sound as she began to grind up and down his stiff length. He would turn his head sideways, closing his eyes a little as he started to succumb to the pleasures she provided him. A few soft groans would end up stifled against the stiff plastic of the gag, as he turned back to lock his eyes with hers. His eyes were heavily lidded, hated by lust as he nodded in response to her question. He was eager for what she had planned for him as excitement coursed through his body*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*The vampire would not let up, continuing to grind up and down his shaft. Happily purring as if to tease him into a deeper and more lust filled arousal. His blood still stained his chin as a firm hand gripped his neck, pinching his jaw and forcing Blake to meet the gaze of her seemingly hypnotic blood red eyes. Her other hand held his shaft, a cold and icy grip on his cock as she teased it against her hole. Her mouth hung open in a moan of anticipation as she felt the warmth, gently lowering herself onto his tip, her cold lower lips gripping his stiff rod firmly.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*His eyes would lock with hers as her hypnotic gaze served to pull him further into her clutches. Her cold skin was quite the contrast to the practically burning heat emanating from him and his stiff length. Feeling her slide and grind against him forced a few small moans out from his throat and into the gag as he bucked gently against her movements until finally she began to lower herself down. The cold only served to heighten the pleasure provided, his hips rolling gently as she lowered herself onto him. He wouldn't brake her gaze as his eyes began to turn hazy with lust. That scent which had enticed her before now ran rampant through the room, permeating blakes entire being as he lost control*" }, { "author": "Vanessa", "message": "*Vanessa smirked seeing his reaction. Forcing herself down his cock she tensed her body, squeezing his member as she continued to stare at him. Releasing the hand from his neck Vanessa grabbed his shoulders, the vampire grinding her hips against the fae as she again moved to but his neck. A muffled moan as her cold lips pressed against his warm skin to again draw blood.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He would groan out in pure ecstasy, his already alcohol hazed mind giving into the pure bliss she gave him. As he felt her hand replaced by a set of sharp teeth he would buck upwards into her uncontrollably. His eyes would roll back into his head as he felt her cold body press against his own*" } ]
[ { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James walked up 3 flights of stairs and he finally arrived, standing infront of Room 27C. He raised his hand and rhythmically knocked on the door infront of him.*\n\n*James put his hands in his pockets, waiting patiently for a response from the other side of the door.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota jumped at the noise of the door quickly robe to hide his tail and a beanie to hide his ears and scurried toward the door opening it with a huff of exhalation and excitement of running* \n\n'Hey you must be... James right?' \n*He quickly outstretched his hand*\n'I'm Kota nice to meet you! Come in please come in.' *He opened the door wider for James to enter*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*Before analysing the situation or the person who opened the door, he shook the hand infront of him. He let go and took a step inside.*\n\n\"Yes, that would be me.\"\n\n*James looked around lightly. He noticed that the apartment was a bit smaller that he imagined. He didn't take it to heart though, thinking that there was maybe an extention nearby.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "**Kota kept the place very neat there and everything was in it's place. He had a nice soft green couch with a tv hung on the wall in-front of it, multiple games and systems set infront of it and a pc in the corner of the room, and the apartment was well lit both by natural light and his own additions of LED's for at night, the room was straight ahead, the kitchen was only half a kitchen on the opposite side of the living room but had all the dishes you'd need to cook anything you'd want, he wanted to learn and knew a few things so always had the stuff to do it at home**\n\n*Kota would shut the door before going to the kitchen getting out a soda and popping it open and sitting it on the counter before offering one to James*\n\n'You want some? I only have like Coke and sprite right now, but if you need me to I can get you something else at the store tomorrow?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James smiled at Kota, appreciating the facts that he'd offered a drink to him. He nodded, accepting the offer. So he picked it uo and brought it up to his lips, tilting it up and taking a gulp. After he took a sip, he placed the can back onto the counter.*\n\n\"Thanks.\"\n\n*James removed his backpack and held it out in front of him. He held it with both hands, whilst looking up at Kora with a unsure look on his face.*\n\n\"I didn't know what to bring...\"\n\n*James unzipped his bag, reached inside and pulled out a glass bottle. It was a see-through botthe, containing a clear liquid.*\n\n\"...So I brought Vodka. Welcome party?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota's eyes widened he hadn't even tried drinking before he didn't know anything about what he was doing but he was too embarrassed to deny and wanted to show he was strong and fun so nodded quickly at the site of the alcohol and the offer of a party together, he remembered he did have shot glasses and scotch from a gift he got from a friend who did it as a joke because Kota didn't drink but now he had a reason to use them. Kota quickly went and got all the glasses bringing them to the table handful by handful until he didn't have anymore to bring and was panting from running back and forth* \n\n'Good?' *He said with a nervous chuckle*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James looked at Kota with big eyes and a big smile. He then let out a small laugh, laughing at Kota rush all over.*\n\n\"Hey... Don't rush. I get that I just arrived, but you don't have to hurry your way.\"\n\n*James winked at Kota before firmly gripping the bottle and twisting the top off. He placed the cap on the counter, lifted it to his lips and took a swig.*\n\n\"Agh...\"\n\n*James said, grimacing as the Vodka cleared his sinuses. He didn't even bother with using a glass. He held the bottle out towards Kota, offering him some.*\n\n\"Cheers.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would watch the male barely have a reaction besides the grimacing he made, Kota then took a big sip of it in his mouth then put the bottle down his eyes widened and he started trying to swallow waving his hands from stimming out the burning sensation in his throat and nose running for his soda and taking a swig before sitting on the ground looking up at James* 'thats uh yeah yeah uh'\n*He stuttered over his words before he thought it was better to be quiet and not try to talk standing up catching his bearings and pouring another glass for himself so he didn't drink out of the bottle and began to sip the glass was reasonably sized so overtime with him never drinking before and stuffing his cheeks with the first swig he'd be having a funnn night*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James laughed at Kota, not in a rude way, but in a way of still showing respect towards Kota. James could tell that Kota wasn't a drinker, maybe never even drank alcohol before.* \n\n*He then grabbed the bottle, aswell as a glass, and imitated Kota, pouring himself a glass aswell. He took a sip, then placed it back down on the counter. He looked around, but then back at Kota.*\n\n\"Can you point to the bathroom, please. My bladder's full.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would take a swig of the drink and point to the bathroom that was in the same hall as the bedroom that was a bit cracked open*\n\n'Down there to the left'\n\n**If James peeked inside the room he would see the bed with a few pillows and stuffed animals on it one of them a body pillow that Kota would use for his separation anxiety while he slept, and the whole room was filled with pictures he'd taken so many gorgeous scenes of valleys and tress and flowers hung all over the walls**" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James followed Kotas finger, walking his way to the door. As he passed a room, he peeked inside, amazed of how full it looked.*\n\n*He walked over to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. The light had already been on, so he could see clearly. He stood infront of the toilet bowl, unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis, letting it hang above his zipper.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would refill his glass and go sit on the couch after a few minutes he would have finished the glass and was laying down on the couch just looking up at the ceiling before walking slowly and carefully not to stumble over himself to the kitchen for a soda before **Thunk** He fell face first on the floor* \n'Ow!' \"*He yelped as he hit the wood floor*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James heard a thump, so he quickly finished up. He stormed outside of the baghroom and ran towards the kitchen. He saw Kota laying there, so he bent down and grabbed him, providing some comfort.*\n\n\"You okay there, bud? I think the drink went to your head.\"\n\n*James was a bit tipsy at this point, but was still sober enough to handle this situation appropriately.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would giggle softly and look up at James poking his cheek with his finger and smiling up at James* \n'Hehe you're so pretty! My head hurts a little bit but i-it's ok!'\n*Kota's beanie had fallen off and his ears were slightly twitching a bit now visible to James and Kota was too drunk to realize*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James giggled. He didn't want to be disrespectful, so he kept quiet, not responding to Kota's comment. He grabbed Kota's beanie and put it back ontop of his head, covering his ears.*\n\n*Thando picked up Kota and started to walk to his room. He placed him down on the bed softly, laying his head down on the pillows.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would hold onto James tightly and not let go using all his strength to try to pull James into the bed for cuddles because to him James felt like an even cozier body pillow*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James fell onto the bed, right beside Kota. His strength was surprisingly good for someone of that posture.*\n\n\"I think it's time for you to take a nal, Kota.\"\n\n*James let out a small chuckle, laughing at Kota's drunkness.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would lay his head on James chest one leg wrapped around James aswell as he slowly yawned*\n'I'm not tired... Time for... Party?'\n*He then closed his eyes and drifted off purring softly in his sleep*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James smiled, seeing Kota falling asleep. He took this as an opportunity and slowly, but carefully, stood up from the bed. He crept out of the room and walked to the counter, grabbed his drink, downed it and walked to the couch. He sat down, resting his head.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "**The night passes**\n*Kota would wake up slowly groaning as he held his hand to his head feeling his beanie still there and sighed in relief not remembering much from the night but slowly stood up threw on his actual pajama's and walked out to the kitchen wiping his eyes and still holding onto his head*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James was still fast asleep on the sofa. He was restingin the fetal-position, he had moved to this position in his sleep. James was lightly snoring and his head was rested ontop of his hand, with the other hanging off the couch.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota groaned and got a water from the fridge before starting to feel nauseous and running to the bathroom and getting sick, he then would sit up against the bathroom wall cold sweats running down his face and neck as he tried to recover and drink water*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James woke uo abruptly after hearing footsteps run around and a door flinging open. He quickly stood uo and ran ober to the bathroom where he heard the noises coming from.*\n\n\"Hey... You okay, Kota?\"\n\n*James asked as he kneeled down, placing his hand on Kota's back.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would look at James and nod wiping the sweat off of his head and neck with one of his small wash towels*\n\n'I-I'm f-fine just a little hungover I think, but it's all good... Sorry I woke you up...'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Don't worry, man. I'm here to help. I use to help my sisters and brothers in this sane type of situation.\"\n\n*Thando smiled down at Kota. The hand on his back, started moving around, rubbing Kota's back.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would purr softly as his back was rubbed his ears twitching so much it made the beanie fall off onto the floor* \n\n'H-hey... Thanks... Y'know for all this and I don't remember last night but I ended up in my bed so I hope I wasn't too much trouble?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James continued to rub Kota's back, comforting him at ever mknent.*\n\n\"You weren't. You gotna bit too overwhelmed, so I took you to bed. And don't worry, we didn't do anything.\"\n\n*James avoided mentioning anything about him hitting his head and falling.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Oh good, well thanks for helping... My head kinda hurts on the side can you get an icepack from the freezer for me?'\n*Kota would slowly move his hand to the side of his head that he hit still not remembering the fall*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James stood up and walked over to the kitchen. He located the icepack, retrieved it and walked back towards Kota.*\n\n\"Here...\"\n\n*James put the icepack on Kota's head, keeping it there for him.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would sigh in relief feeling the icepack and slowly relaxing with a soft smile*\n'Y-you can have the bed tonight if you want..?' \n*His ears twitching with just joy of having someone who was kind to him nearby*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"No, you need it more than me.\" \n\n*James let out a small chuckle. He then placed his hand on Kota's thigh, caressing it, comforting him in the moment.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would smile up at James blushing slightly before snapping out of it and giggling to himself about what just happened*\n\n'I have extra pillows at least... Or I can put pillows in the middle of the bed and we can share it... So you're not uncomfortable?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I don't mind that. I used to share a bed with my brother and that lasted for 4 years, so 1 night wouldn't hurt, wouldn't it?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'I don't think it possibly could hurt?' \n*Kota would start to slowly regain color to his cheeks and stopped feeling so awful*\n\n'I'm feeling a bit better, wanna go to the couch? The floor can't be comfortable'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James nodded. He stood up, lifting Kota up with him. He walked with Kota to the living room, sitting with him on the couch.*\n\n\"You'll be fine. Just take it slow today \"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota walked slowly with James to the couch sitting next to him holding his hand as he walked for support as he was a bit dizzy and his head was foggy* \n\n'Yeah, that sounds... Like a good idea for today'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Let's watch a show. And don't be shy to sleep, it'll help with your nausea.\"\n*James turned on the TV with the remote and put on a Disney movie, Nemo.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'I like that idea, sounds like a good way to relax right now'\n\n*Kota's eyes were heavy and he scooted to lay his head on James's lap as he slowly closed his eyes, he started relaxing to the movie soundtrack and falling asleep not long after*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James lay awake, sitting still and staying quiet so that he didn't disturb and wake uo Kota. He just sat there and watched the movie.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota slept for a bit his tail wagging slowly as he dreamed comfortably purring in his sleep before yawning and stretching his arms out and waking up looking up at James*\n\n'H-hey... How long was I asleep?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Well, the movie's about to end. So I'd say about an hiur and a half.\"\n*James didn't stear him to it though, he knew that Kota needed his sleep.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would sit up and watch the end of the movie as his tail popped out of his pj waistband and started wagging against the couch trashing back and forth happily*\n'Thank you for letting me rest James'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Don't worry, Kota. You deserve it, especially since you're so cute.\"\n\n*He said this as he booped Kota's nose with his index-finger. James let out a small laugh as he did so, teasing Kota a bit.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota blushed and giggled as his nose was booped and his tail wagged faster*\n'How are you feeling by the way I haven't asked you how you're feeling after last night?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Oh, me? I'm fine. I can handle my alcohol.\"\n\n*James laughed as he pulled Kota closer to him, wanting to warn up on the couch.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would giggle but then his face got more red as he got closer towards the other but just took the chance to snuggle up to him and get comfy*\n\n'Well that makes one of us'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I have a plan. Let's try again tonight, but this time, I'll pour and manage what you drink.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Ok,I trust you.'\n*Kota would continue to snuggle into James and purred softly as his tail wagged against James*\n'You're comfy...'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*Later that night, around 9pm, after a few movies, James stood up. He walked over to the kitchen counter and sat on a surrounding stool.*\n\n\"Kota, come.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "Kota would come over to where James was standing his tail wagging slowly behind him as he stepped one foot infront of the other proudly and sat down on another stool right next to James*\n\n'Wassup?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James reached to the side where the Vodka was standing, gribbed it with a firm hand and dragged it to the counters-space infront of them. He opened the cap, grabbed 2 glasses and a bottle of Sprite for a mixer.*\n\n\"Like I said, we're trying again... We're gonna build your tolerance.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would nod and watch carefully as he wanted to learn how to make it for James if he ever had a rough day at work and needed a drink prepared upon arrival at home* \n\n'Oh yeah! I'm gonna watch so I can learn how to make it!'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James let out a small chuckle, smiling and enjoying Kota's goofy nature. He then poured them each a single-vodka and Sprite mix, sliding it in front of Kota.*\n\n\"There we go. And don't down it... It's like a juice, not a shot.\"\n\n*James stood up and made his way to the television. He picked up the remote and started to play club/house music.*\n\n\"And music helps too.\"\n\n*James said as he putnthe remote back down. He looked up at Kota with a big smile and inviting eyes.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would giggle and stand up with his glass walking towards James with a soft a sweet smile taking a sip of his drink and looked up at James* \n\n'Y'know you're a nice guy I'm glad I met you, also if you have any partner or anything um bed is yours just lay towels down and text me so I can be gone, just wanted you to know incase that ever comes up or anything since it wasn't in application' \n\n*He nervously chuckled noticing he was overtalking out of anxiety around the other and just went quiet and blushed softly in the shy embarrassed emotions he was feeling from what he just said*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James was moving his feet to the beat of the music, lightly shufflijg and swaying his arms aswell. He casually took sips out of the glass.*\n\n\"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I'm not seeing anyone at the moment.\"\n\n*James let out a small smile towards Kota. He continued to take a sip of his beverage afterwards.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush slightly hearing the male say he wasn't seeing anyone, his tail wagging quickly as he took another sip his ears twitching a little*\n\n'So I am a photographer so I'm home most of the day, do you have any particular things you like to eat?'\n*He said with a smile up at James his cheeks still pink from blushing*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I've never been a picky eater... I can eat about anything. If it's cooked and has some seasoning on it, I'll eat it.\"\n\n*James snickered, his smirking smile was wide upon his face. He gradually finished his cup and walked over to the counter to pour another.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Not long after James finished his drink Kota did the same and walked over to the counter next to him and reached out his hand with his glass his feet shuffling nervously*\n'I don't want to mess it up, can you make me another one...?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James nodded. He threw him another drink, picking up the full glass and handed it back to Kota. He then took a sip of his one. He had thrown a doubke for this round.*\n\n\"It tastes better mixed, doesn't it?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota took a sip and nodded as his tail started wagging faster, *\n\n'Yes it does!'\n\n*As Kota got further and further into the drink his cheeks grew more and more pink*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James was still stone-coled sober at this point. He needed atleast double of what he's already consumed to feel the slightest bit of tipsy.*\n\n*He went and sat down on the sofa, lightly bopping his head to the music.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota wasn't drunk yet but he was nearing it by the end of his drink*\n'N-No more Kota is gooodddd'\n*He giggled at himself talking in third person like that*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James was now most definitely shre that Kota was a lightweight when it camw to the consumption of alcohol. This didn't bother him though, but only allowed him to monitor the alcohol in the house.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would slowly come over to James sitting down beside him and snuggled his head up to James chest listening and relaxing*\n\n'Mmm so, what do you like to do?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"This might sound strange, but...\"\n\n*James looked away from Kota. He did this too avoid having to deal with the awkwardness he was about to face after speaking.*\n\n\"...Sex. It's what I do for a living.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'You do sex work for a living? Oh cool! No judgment here I have my own platform I'm on occasionally but not... Often' *Kota did have an account on a few sites and was semi successful with when he did it but his passion was photography which is why it wasn't his main career*\n'So uh I have a few lights and ring lights if you ever need em'\n*Kota then stood up walking to the medicine cabinet and took out a pill taking it with a swig of sprite*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I don't really do online shit. I mostly work through an agent and customer. I'm a Gigilo... Basically a male prostitute.\"\n\n*James watched Kota walk off, confused to why he had done so." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota giggled looking down at his small breasts in-print in his shirt after taking the meds then walking back over to James and sitting back down* \n'Oh ok, well plenty of condoms in a lot of drawers just pick one and there may be one..'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Do you think I'd succeed in doing the whole online thing? Like OnlyFans and shit...\"\n\n*James shot a smile in Kota's direction.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Yeah I think you could, I do... Like I don't think I've looked at my balance on it recently but... I can if you need to see proof it works?' \n*Kota smiled back at James and wagged his tail happily*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Uhm...\"\n\n*James thought for a second. That was quite a personal thing to know, but since he also maybe wanted to follow that career path, he answered.*\n\n\"Sure.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would open the app and look at his balance and he flipped through the different settings to show in total of the 2 years he's been doing it he made 200k in revenue just from the app alone* \n'Uh um... Yeah as I said I haven't looked at this in a bit...'\n*He nervously chuckled hoping James didn't see the nudes under all the money he was being sent*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James had seen the nudes. But he did not act on this, he respectfully didn't point it out.*\n\n\"Two-hundred-thousands bucks and you're still living in this place?!\"\n\n*That's all James could've processed and mention when he saw that amount on Kota's screen.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Uh... Yeah... I could get a bigger place... And I planned to... A while ago...' *It was clear with his words he was hiding something from James that was hurting Kota still about the situation*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Then...?\"\n\n*James said as he lookef at Kota with curios eyes and an optimistic smile, hoping that he wouldn't swallow his words and stay silent.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Then things happened and I didn't want to be with that person who was in that plan... And was scared... I have uh... A fear of being alone... So it was hard for a bit but if you would prefer I get us a bigger place... I just always felt... Like this was my safe place since I've moved a year ago... I know the landlord she... Let me move in when I had to um... Find a place fast' *Kota was nervous about this conversation it was still a very hurting wound on his heart sometimes*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James gave Kota a hug, comforting him in the moment. James didn't mean to bring up the past, he was just being a little bit curious about Kota life.*\n\n\"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bring that up.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would hug James and start to feel calmer as he sighed* 'it was just someone I thought I could trust and I couldn't so I made my right choice, it's ok now.'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James sprung awake with a bright idea, his face lighting up as soon as he thought of it.*\n\n\"Why don't we make content together?! I know it's very new to me and you haven't in a while, but I think it could work. I could learn and you can get back into it, then we have a decent income.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush bright red*\n'L-like what kind of c-content... B-because if you mean s-sex.. *He gulped* U-uh I have something I'll have to say about that if it is'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Say what you have to say before I continue. Therefore I can be careful of what I say next.\"\n\n*James laughed. He didn't want to force this onto Kota.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would chuckle and scratch the back of his head*\n'I-I've never had sex... I'm... A virgin... W-which doesn't mean I'm against it... But uh... I know how to prep and everything but I might need guiding through it..' *He said shyly as he twiddled his fingers nervously*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"We don't even have to have sex, you know? We can do other things... There's always an audienceto anything.\"\n\n*James smiled as he looked at Kota. His hand was placed on his knee, lightly rubbing it as he looked at him.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Y-yeah I know, but-but I'm open to it is all and I also wanted you to know I'm my... Lack of experience heh' *He smiled at Jack as he tried to settle his nerves*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James noticed that Kota was the slightest bit nervous.*\n\n\"But that's fine. I'll do all the work. I don't mind. I like giving more than receiving.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would smile at James and nodded softly*\n'O-okay well what do you want to do? And when do you want to start?'\n*Kota's cheeks bright oink his tail wagging softly as he was all flustered about what they were doing*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Like we can angle the camera to just your bottom half, then I'll, you know...\"\n\n*James did a impression of someone diving and after, an impression of someone licking a icecream.*\n\n\"But this is all if you want too. No pressure.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota's face turned bright red and he looked at James crossing his legs a bit from a bit of excitement of that idea*\n'I um like that Idea, w-when do you want to do it, I-I can set everything up for when you want' *He tried not to let his desperation show through his words but he was already getting a bit excited by thinking about it*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Uhm...\"\n\n*James let out a small groan, thinking of when would best suit them. He looked at Kota, noticing his excitement, which made James excited aswell.*\n\n\"Tommorow night?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would nod then lean forward and kiss James on the cheek softly as a sign of affection, it was up to James on how he interpreted it. 'What do you wanna do now?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"You know what? I'm just gonna say it. If we're going to be doing this together, we should be abke to communicate and talk about this.\"\n\n*James met out a small sigh after taking a deep breath.*\n\n\"We can start off with a makeout shot. We can crop it so that it's just our lips, no face. Then we can do nipple play. After, we could do some booty eating shots. Then... I'm rambling, aren't I?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota blushed and looked at James being so open about what James wanted to do with him*\n\n'Yeah we should be able to talk about this and you aren't rambling you're being open about what you are comfortable doing with me in a session, it's good to communicate so you and I feel as good and comfortable as possible and I'm comfortable with all of the things you want to record and if you have more please just ask and I'll be more then open to answering' *Kota had a soft smile at the male as his tail wagged behind him in a happy rhythm*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"And we can clickbait the fuck out of people! Just imagine, 'Breaking in a virgin' or 'Losing his virginity'. We would rocket to the top of the leaderboards!\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would turn red as a tomato hearing what James said his hands going to his crotch as his tail thumped on the couch faster and his ears twitched* \n\n'Y-yeah we could I mean.. I've never done anything besides like experimenting on myself so it wouldn't be a total lie'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Exactly! We're going to kill this!\"\n\n*James was very optimistic about this. He loved sex and being sensual, so he was very excited to start doing this and earn an income from it.*\n\n\"And plus, we're both gonna get off.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would smile*\n\n'Hell yeah we are, I mean... I've been taking estrogen pills for a little while now so I have the fem features everyone loves to see on camera up close~ and you well... I'm have to explore that hm?~' *He teasingly flirted at James*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Ahhh...\"\n\n*James looked down at Kota's breasts.*\n\n\"The best of both worlds. Unfortunately, I just have a massive dick.\"\n\n*James laughed. He fell backwards onto the couch, clenching his stomach with his hand. As he did so, his shirt lifted, exposing his fit abs.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would giggle and nod but before he could speak he saw James clench his stomach with his hand and lift his shirt a bit making Kota again a blushing mess* \n\n'I-I mean from the looks of it your built very well too and having a massive dick is nothing to sneeze at either'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Let's do something...\"\n\n*James looked at Kota with a cheeky facial expression. What he would say next would surely be a big step into getting to know each other.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Oh like what?'\n\n*Kota's ears perked up ready to hear what James's idea was and his body turning to face fully towards James*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Let's get naked! Like we can just see what we have to work with. No funny buisness, just looking before we get into the personal shit. Then if we do something, it won't be embarrassing or uncomfortable.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would smile again at James*\n\n'Sure I think that's fair'\n\n*Kota would then stand up walking around the corner as he wanted it to be a reveal, he slowly then undressed throwing his clothes aside* \n\n'Tell me when your ready ok?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James was going to do his reveal after Kota has done his. He watched as he walked off.*\n\n\"I'm ready.\"\n\n*James's eyes were wide with excitement, incredibly curious of how Kota's body looked.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would walk out to James looking absolutely adorable his skin was soft and pale his tail behind him fluffy and big his fluffy ears twitching with both nerves and excitement his nipples already hard from the excitement of being looked at by James and his dick twitched occasionally from him being shy but also enjoying the attention*\n\n'Do I look good?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Look good?!\"\n\n*James stood up excitedly. He rushed over to Kota, standing almost against him. He then slowely started to wark around him, after standing infront of her again.*\n\n\"You look fantastic! May I?\"\n\n*James said this as he lifted his hand, hovering over Kota's breasts, insisting that he wanted to touch them.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota blushed seeing James stand up so fast and walk over to him feeling his body so close James just felt right in some way*\n\n'Yes you can touch them, they're sensitive though so be gentle'\n\n*Kota looked up at James with bright red cheeks and a smile he was happy to know that James liked how he looked so much already*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James kept quiet, all he could think about was feeling Kota's breasts. And so he did, slowly moving his hand closer and closer. He finally reached them, letting his fingertips graze them.*\n\n*James lightly and gently pressed up against them. He then moved to his nipples, lightly feeling them, feeling How hard they were in the moment.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush and look at James trying to to contain the small whimpered moans he made from the sensation of pleasure of James touching his breasts, but besides his best efforts he also was starting to get hard from it*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James started to fondle them, lifting his other hand and using it to feel Kota's other breast. He was now simultaneously feeling both of Kota's breasts.*\n\n\"Let it all out.\"\n\n*James said softly under his breath. He unwillingly said this as he heard Kota's moans. He didn't purposely say it to cause an affect, but it was his natural response after hearing Kota.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would lean more into James's touch his moans no longer as hidden as before and his member still twitching and getting harder with each movement of James's hands on Kota*\n\n'Hhh~ ff... I-I knew they were sensitive but I'm getting worked up over-over it~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James looked down, noticing Kota's hardened dick. He immediately stepped back and let go off his breasts. He then let out a small chuckle, continuing to look down at Kota's dick*\n\n\"Oh... Looks like someone's excited... My bad.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota got really shy as James backed away Kota then used his hands covering himself because he thought something was wrong*\n'N-no it's my fault I uh... Didn't know that would happen either'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Hey... Hey... Hey...\"\n\n*James walked closer to Kota. He folded his index finger and placed it under Kota's chin, lifting it up so that they made eye contact.*\n\n\"Nothing's wrong. You're beautiful.\"\n\n*James said with a soft tone of voice. He had a small and friendly smile on his face, trying showing Kota that everything was indeed fine.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would look up at James as he was slowly relaxing with the others tone and words not as shy and worried anymore so he stopped covering himself up*\n\n'O-oh good! I'm glad nothings wrong, a-and thank you' *He said the last part softly and shyly as he thanked James for the compliment*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"My turn.\"\n\n*James gave Kota a friendly wink and blew a short raspberry. He let go of his face and took two steps back. He quickly started undressing, lifting his shirt off and throwing it to the side in a second.*\n\n*Next was his pants, he pulled them down with an extreme velocity, kicking them off to the side. James was wearing a pair of white briefs, a color that complimented his skin tone.*\n\n*James was flaccid, but his underwear still stood full, a bulge sticking out prominently. He started taking his boxers off, also kicking them off to the side.*\n\n*James had a pretty big penis. He was a showwer, his flaccid penis being a solid 5+ inches.*\n\n*He finished undressing and looked up at Kota with a great big smile and eye's filled with excitement.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota's eyes would widen as he saw the male undress everything just one by one catching his eye his tail wagging faster and he gulped seeing the males size even flaccid in his boxers* \n\n'y-you weren't lying when you said massive dick... Like wow... Thats it soft? And your abs just chisel the v line down to it fuck you're so attractive!" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James laughed at Kota's comment. He then placed his hand across his waist and lifted the other in the air, bending down. Bowing like royalty.*\n\n\"Thank you, kind sir.\"\n\n*Thando stood up straight again, letting his hands fall to the side of his body.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota giggled softly at James bowing especially naked, he slowly went over to James and kissed his cheek again*\n\n'Not only are you attractive you have an amazing sense of humor!'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Oh, stop it. You're too cute.\"\n\n*James let out a small laugh like a little girl. He then turned and sat down on the couch behind him.*\n\n\"Uhm... Now what?\"\n\n*James laughed again. He hadn't thunk this far...*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would go sit on the couch too still naked fully flaccid again now, he reached into a drawer of his table took out what looked like candy and are only one of them and put the container back*\n\n'What do you want to do? Do you want to explore more before we tape it on camera or wanna chill and watch a movie?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Let's chill naked the whole day, maybe watch a movie, enjoy a drink, then tomorrow we can start with filming.\"\n\n*Thando said this as he placed his hands on thighs, rubbing them for a short moment.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would nod laying his head back and relaxing turning on the tv and handing the remote to James as he relaxed while James could pick the movie*\n\n'That sounds fun to me! But you can drink I uh... Yeah I don't think I need to heh'\n*He looked at the container of candy he ate again and giggled now it being too late to be upset about his friends 'candy' they gave him*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James put on a show, a comedy to make this moment an enjoyable one. He then pushed himself up from the couch, his dick flopping as he did so.*\n\n*He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the alcohol and a 2L soda. He brought it back to the table and set it down infront of them.*\n\n\"Can I have a piece?\"\n\n*He was talking about the candy.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'U-uh I don't think you'll like this candy...' \n\n*Kota swiftly hid the details of it's ingredients and warnings trying not to make it a big deal and freak out James in the process but Kota's pupils started dilating already*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Nah. I love candy. Candy makes me extremely happy.\"\n\n*James wanted that candy and for Kota to push that away from him, made him incredibly curious to why he couldn't share with him.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would chuckle and hand the container over the high setting in and him not having the energy to argue he said*\n\n'Read the warnings and don't eat one before reading'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Okay..\"\n\n*James grabbed the container and started to read the packaging and labels. His eyes sprung open and he tuned his head to Kota.*\n\n\"Edibles?! Kota, these are edibles! I didn't know you were chill like that! What the fuck, that's so cool!\"\n\n*He was genuinely amazed that Kota was busy getting high *" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would giggle and look at James* \n\n'It wasn't on purpose but it was too late to go back now so I must chillll...' *Kota began to sink into the couch being relaxed and cozy his eyes fully dilated and his tail wagging quickly*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Well... Unfortunately I don't do drugs except for drinking. But I'll get wasted with you.\"\n\n*James grabbed the bottle of alcohol and took 3 massive gulps of it. He grimaced and placed the bottle back down onto the counter.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota continued to chill out zoning out into the movie for a bit before leaning over and trying to snuggle with James* \n\n'Do you mind being touched or would you rather me not?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Oh no, go ahead. We're both naked on a couch together. One of us were going to touch the other soon enough.\"\n\n*James laughed as he looked down at Kots.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota then snuggled up to James enjoying his warm Kota's head on James's chest and he just enjoyed the comfort* \n\n'it's been a while since I've been able to be close to someone like this, it's nice'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I'm so used to it. My clients are usually old wrinkled women and they LOVE touch and being cuddled. But this... This is nice. It doesn't feel forced and you're nice.\"\n\n*James let out a wsrm smile as he continued to look down at Kota. His eyes wondered down his body for a second, but he quickly focused on his face again.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota smiled up at James just enjoying the high and the comfort of James being close to him*\n'You're really nice... I'm glad you were the one I picked to move in here with me... Thank you James' \n\n*He sniffled clearly getting a little emotional about this but trying to hold it together it was definitely the high making him way more expressive of his emotions*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"You better not let the edibles get the best of here. We're going to have fun! No need for tears.\"\n\n*James laughed and pulled Kota closee to him, comforting him and hopefully making the situation a bit mire fun.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota wiped his tears and cuddled James closer giggling with him instead of crying now*\n\n'You're right let's have fun! No reason to cry when there's so many fun things to do!'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Ex-fucken-actly. Cheers!\"\n\n*James took another swig of the alcohol, placing it down infront of him again. A trail of alcohol had went down his face and had dripped down his body, filling a few of his abs's crevices.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Looking at James's abs Kota licked his lips and bit it softly before snapping out of it and trying to stop blushing and crossed his legs a bit*\n\n'C-Cheers!'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James could feel himself start to get tipsy. His eyes grew heavier and his smile much wider.*\n\n\"Ah fuck. It's hitting... Have your eatables kicked in yet?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota looked at James and giggled* \n\n'O-oh yeah, that hit a bit ago I've been stoned.'\n\n*Kota still red to the face and trying to stop blushing and stop looking at James's body but it only made him blush harder and eye James more*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James's eyed were glued to the TV, even though his vision started to sway on it's own.*\n\n\"Fuck yeah... Look at us. Two kids, horny as fuck and under the influence.\"\n\n*He laughed drunkenly, snickering as he watched the TV.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush and look at James as he slowly scooted closer and closer to sitting in James's lap*\n\n'This is fun, I'm having a great time'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Just be careful, please. If you elbow my dick, I will give you a spanking.\"\n\n*James had said that last part in a deep, dad voice. Just teasing Kota, laughing afterwards.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'I won't you don't have to worry'\n\n*Kota giggled sitting his ass directly on James's lap and getting comfortable relaxing again but now in James's lap*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*All of the alcohol had officially kicked in and James was drunk. He wasn't gone drunk, but definitely felt the effects. Drinking always led James in three paths. Partying, fighting and being horny, and he was definitely not in the mood to fight nor dance.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would wiggle occasionally to get comfy which caused him to grind against James a bit in the process his eyes still focused on the tv though not knowing what James was thinking about*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Kota... Just remeber thst you're on my dick with your bare ass... If I get a boner, it will most definitely be your fault.\"\n\n*James said this with all seriousness, but snuck a laugh in there, because to him everything was funny while he was drunk.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush and snap out of his tv trance*\n\n'O-oh yeah sorry I didn't mean to bother you I'm not against that of course but I'm sorry'\n\n*Kota tried to wiggle less but still was moving occasionally*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Oh fuck-\"\n\n*James could feel the bloodflow slowly moving towards his dick. He had a semi at the moment, measuring almost 7inches.*\n\n\"Now look what you did, you little shit.\"\n\n*James said joking as he drunkenly dropped his head against Kota's shoulder. His hand lifted and he placed it on Kota's waist.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota bit his lip he was already this far why not just tease a little more he wiggled his hips more giggling as he did now aware of what he was doing*\n\n'Gosh you're so big already under me~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James let out a another drunken laugh. His eyes were closed, intentively focusing on not trying to get hard beneath Kota.*\n\n\"If you keep on moving like that, it'll grow even bigger.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota leaned back spitting on his hand and reaching down and grabbing both his own dick and James's slowly starting to jerk them off together against eachother his slobber lubing them up, he then started looking at James with a soft smile seeing if James liked this or not* \n\n'M-m-mm~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James's head immediately flung back against the sofa. He closed his eyes and his mouth hung agape.*\n\n\"Ah- ah... Oh, fuck-\"\n\n*He moaned as he got touched. James didn't expect that to happen, especially so fast and early into the night. His dick was sensitive and the alcohol enhanced that even more.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota kept moving his hand jerking them both off Kota getting hard and James getting harder his tail wagging faster as he panted and moaned softly his body sensitive due to the weed in his system so he started moving his hand faster in neediness*\n\n'F-fuck... This feels s-so g-good~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James was speechless... All he could do was nod to the words Kota spoke, agreeing to what he had said.*\n\n*James let out passionate and loud moans and groans. His dick started to leak with precum, mixing with the spit to create a sloppy lubricant.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota was fully hard after he started moving his hand faster with both the spit and the pre they were so sloppy against eachother. Kota panted more and more his cute little feminine moans and he slowly lifted one of his hands to play with his chest while he jerked James and himself off at the same pace* \n\n'M-m-mm hhh *Pant pant pant'\n\n*Kota couldn't even let any understandable words out his mind was losing focus in pleasure*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James's hands started to wonder. Moving it from Kota's waist and onto his ass, firmly gripping it and lightly poking it with his nails.*\n\n\"Yes... Just like that... Fuck-\"\n\n*James continued to moan and groan, enjoying every second of the moment he was in.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota began to leak pre between their cocks his moans getting more and more frequent and his hips bucking a bit into his hand also against James's cock*\n\n'F-fffuckk...~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*From Kota's ass, James moved his hand into Kota's crack.*\n\n*Using his index finger to guide deeper in, he started to rub the outside of Kota's hole.*\n\n\"Faster...\"\n\n*James said under his breath. He continued to moan and his dick started to twitch with pleasure.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would gasp and jerk faster feeling the male taunting the rim of his hole and James's whisper, his tongue hanging out as he got closer and closer*\n\n'F-ff'\n\n*His eyes starting to roll in pleasure from the rubbing of his cock his hole and his breasts*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James started to rub Kota's hole more, faster and harder, applying pressure to it, teasing it and almost entering inside if him *\n\n\"Shit... K-Kota- Keep going...\"\n\n*James could feel himself get closer, but he didn't want it to end. So with his under hand, he lowered it down to his balls and started to fiddle with them to avoid cumming.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would continue to move his hands on their cocks his breasts his hole being teased even more squirming with pleasure as he tried to hold back from cumming and shoot a massive bodyshaking load in the end the pleasure slowly making him lose control his body needing this needing James needing all of this so bad his hips bucking more his hands moved faster and his legs quaked more and more* \n\n'F-fuck... Y-yes f-fuck yes~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James stopped in his tracks.*\n\n\"Oh, shit! Fuck-\"\n\n*James then looked at some cum that landed on his leg, picking it uo with his finger. He then moved it back to Kota's hole, using it to lube it up.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota blushed and continued jerking them both off rubbing his breasts the feeling of cum rubbed and lubing his hole felt so good he tried his hardest not to rush James though it felt so good he wanted James to use the cum and finger him*\n\n'F-fuck a-ah fuck I'm so sorry-sensitive right now hhh~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Let me get up quickly.\"\n\n*James had said this and stopped playing with his whole and fondling his own balle.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota stood up and let James get up not knowing what he wanted to do but not hesitating hearing James's request*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Good boy...\"\n\n*James stood up. He wanted to do this to stretch his legs, but most importantly give him time to recover from almost coming.*\n\n*He sat back down. He tapped his lap.*\n\n\"Come. Lay over my lap.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota smiled as he came and laid over James's lap his tail wagging eager to hear what he wanted next*\n\n'Like this right?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Perfect...\"\n\n*James said softly, almost seductively speaking.*\n\n*He lifted his hand and placed in onto Kota's ass, starting to rub it with a circular motion.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush softly as he let the James play with his ass his tail still wagging happily as he enjoyed the James's touch in everyway*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James's hand moved to Kota's crack, spreading his cheecks and he continued to rub it.*\n\n*James then lifted his hand slightly, dropping it suddenly, slapping Kota's ass.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would gasp and yelpped softly as his ass was smacked his tail straightening with the impact with shock but it also felt good... Really good*\n\n'Hhh~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James repeated the action, lifting his hand and slapping down ontk Kota's ass, this time a bit harder.*\n\n*He enjoyed watching his ass turn the slightest but red and the facts thag it jigged on impact.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would moan softly as the second impact his his ass red with handprints from James and it kept rippling and jiggling*\n\n'A-ah fuck!~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"If I hit too hard, let me know.\"\n\n*James lifted his hand once more, striking down onto Kota's ass. He watched as it got even more red and his ass jiggled.*\n\n\"And if you want me too hit harded, also let me know.\"\n\n*James let out a little laugh.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would jump at the impact each time but loving every second of it his cock starting to get hard as his hands gripped the couch*\n\n'Hh-harder~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Your wish is my command.\"\n\n*Like Kota asked, James lifted his hand even higher, slamming it down with a great impact. As it landed, he grabbed Kota's ass firmly, spreading his ass in the process.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would yelp and moan loudly as he was spanked his eyes tearing but it felt so good he didn't want it to stop, his hips grinding his tip rubbing against the fabric of the couch he was so desperate and cute when he was made this needy*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*Without a warning, James slid his hand down Kota's ass, his middle finger leading towards his hole.*\n\n*He slid his finger in, slowly, but surely.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota's eyes widened feeling the males finger slowly pushed inside his hole his hands gripping the couch tighter as he let out a soft moaned pant getting used to each inch of James's finger as he had never done anything more then his own finger a few times and James's finger was way thicker then Kota's*\n\n'H-hhh f-fuck guh~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James started to slide his finger out of Kota's warm and wet hole. But before taking it out completely, he stuck it in again eith a faster pace.*\n\n*He started to finger Kota, and he was enjoying every second of it.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota moaned and his eyes rolled back as he panted and his tongue started hanging out again his prostate being teased my James's finger and his body shaking a bit already* \n\n'F-fuck y-y-yes fuck hhh~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James continued to finger fuck Kota, gradually increasing the speed and force he entered him with.*\n\n*With his other hand, James started to continue slapping Kota's soft ass, simultaneously fingering him.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota's hands gripped the couch tighter and he started to drool from pleasure his tip leaking pre already onto the couch and his ass getting more and more red with each smack*\n\n'Fuck I-I'm g-gonna c-cum~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James wanted Kota to have a more extreme orgasm, one to surely remeber, one to leave him with his legs shaking.*\n\n*James continued to slap Kota's ass, now it being harder than ever, and Kota's ass being left red and bruised.*\n\n*As he continued to finger him, James could feel Kota's hole stretch around his finger, so he decided to slowely slide his ring finger into him.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would moan louder and louder his hips bucking as his eyes rolled back his ass red and bruised from the spankings and his cock twitching as he came all over himself and the couch* \n\n'Fffff cummminnng~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*He removed his hands from Kota. But placing it under him, he fliooed Kota over onto his back.*\n\n*James bent down, taking Kota's dick into his mouth. He could taste the excess cum. He started sucking Kota's dick, overstimulating him.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would gasp gripping onto James as his cock twitched in James's mouth his cum still leaking into James's mouth with each suckle on his member* \n\n'Hhh f-fuck J-James~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "*James knew how sensitive a penis can get after ejaculation, but this didn't stop him. So he continued to suck Kota's dick.*\n\n*With every drop that escaped hks dick, Thando made sure to swallow it.*" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*James would squirm a bit his head swinging back in pleasure as his cock was sucked off* 'ffff it feels so good fuck fuck ffff~' *He bit his lip hard his eyes rolling as he fell into the pleasure again*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James lifted his head from Kota's dick, allowing him to have a break from the overstimulation.\n\n\"Ah, fuck... You're amazing...\"\n\nJames said, breathing quite heavily." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota look at James panting his dick twitching and his chest rising up and down quickly from panting so much*\n\n'I-I'm amazing?...Y-you're amazing~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"That settles it then... We're both fuckin' fantastic.\"\n\nHe let out a laugh. He was still very much out of breath and Kota's ass cheecks were warm on his thigs." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota panted and nodded giggling a little bit too as he started to collect himself again*\n\n'H-how do you feel?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Oh, me? You know Kota, I feel fantastic. How do you feel, angel?\"\n\nJames asked as he ket out a sigh and a short giggle." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would softly hug James his tail wagging softly* \n\n'I feel amazing, I mean how could I not with what you did~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James hugged Kota back. They were both full if sweat, spit and cum.\n\n\"That jerking thing you did was top tier!\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would enjoy the touch nonetheless his tail wagging softly now and calmly*\n\n'Thank you, I'm sorry you didn't finish though d-do you need help?~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"No need, Kota. You see, I'm a giver. Seeing someone get off due to my help, like I made them nut, gets me off.\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush and smile snuggling into James a bit more*\n\n'You made me shake and squirm so much I thought you were gonna drain me of every drop I had it was amazing~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I wanted to, but we can save that for another day, can't we?\"\n\nJames scrunched his nose, then gave Kota a peck on his lips." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'We sure can~'\n\n*Kota would blush bright red as his lips were kissed his tail wagged faster as James pulled back Kota went in for another*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James continued to kiss Kota, passionately and incredibly wet and sloppy. His hand was on his waist and the other on the back of his neck, guiding the kiss." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would kiss James continuing the kiss his tail wagging faster as it turned from a simple kiss to him making out passionately with James*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James kissed and madeout with Kota back, gripping his ass and digging his nails into his back." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would kiss James deeper, Kota's arms still holding onto James as Kota enjoyed the passion they shared in this moment*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I have to take a fat piss.\"\n\n*Thando said this as he lifted his head from the kiss, escaping the kiss." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would giggle and let James up*\n'ok haha'\n*As James left he went to clean himself up a little in his room*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James decided to sit on the toilet and piss, since He was very tired and still drunk \n\nAs he lay there, he slowely starts to dose off." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota laid down in the bed waiting for James to come in hopefully sooner then later he was tired and they were going to sleep in the same room tonight*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James started lean forward, soflty snoring has he fell asleep." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota eventually fell asleep too for a bit before being woken up by night terror and noticed James still wasn't there so got up slowly and walked to the bathroom door knocking softly* 'J-James..??' *He said with a sniffle*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James woke up in a daze. He looked around and noticed that he had fallen asleep butt-naked in the toilet. \n\nHe looked up to see Kota \n\n\"Ya...?" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "-*Kota would in the shadows wipe his eyes a little and sniffle again* \n'C-can you... Come to bed now...'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "He nodded and started to stand up. He stretched his arms and legs before walking out with Kota.\n\n\"Sorry. That whole session took me out...\"\n\nHis voice was deep and raspy." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would walk with James to bed laying down with him and cuddling up as he sniffled again trying to calm himself down from the night terror and James being there helped a lot too* \n\n'Thank you..'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James was incredibly tired. He yawned and stretched in bed. He then pulled Kota close to him, assuming him as a little spoon. His arms were wrapped around Kota's body and his groin was pressed against Kota's ass." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would blush feeling James spoon him naked like this but was also tired, Kota closed his eyes and tried to drift off to sleep again and did.*\n\n**The next morning** \n\n*Kota had morning wood as he did most days but was still fast asleep but if James woke up or moved he most likely would aswell*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James had been fast asleep, because the alcohol hadn't completely eradicated his system.\n\nHe was snoring slightly and in the night he had tossed and turned, causing him to now lay on his back, legs and arms spread open. He took up most of the bed." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would continue to sleep shivering a bit as the AC was on his tail curling as it was starting to get cold outside too but wasn't woken up my it just shivering in the bed a bit and mumbled in his sleep: 'h-hey y-you come back... Here... Zzz'*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James started to awake and as he did so, he could feel the change in temperature. He lifted the duvet up and over the two.\n\nHe wrapped his arms around Kota, cuddling up against him. He then plsced his head on the pillow near him and whispered.\n\n\"You awake?\"" }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota slowly woke up feeling James shuffle around but not moving and letting James hold him*\n'Yeah I'm *Yawn* Awake'\n\n*Kota then slowly realized he was still naked and turned bright red and covered his morning wood*" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"Do you still remeber last night?\"\n\nJames leaned closer at kissed Kota softly on his neck, just giving him a peck.\n\n\"Because I can...\"\n\nJames let out small mischievous laugh." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota blushed even more as he remembered last night the memories replaying through his brain but he tried to snap out of it because it was only making his morning wood worse*\n\n'I-I remember... So much~'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"And? Did you regret it?\"\n\nJames sat in silence, waiting for Kkta to respond to his question. James wasn't a fan of being praised, but he enjoys being told that he did the job well." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "'Oh no no I don't regret it at all'\n\n*Kota would look back at James with a soft smile so sweet and just loving, his tail started wagging slowly as he continued to wake more and more up *" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James was fully awake, but decided to close his eyes again and he shuffled his way closer to Kota. It was cold outside of the sheets, so he guarded himself from that." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would snuggle up to James and relaxed in the warmth of their bodies and the sheets*\n\n'S-so what do you want to do today?'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "\"I know we said we were going to film today, but do you think we can just chill today? We can lay in bed and watch YouTube.\"\n\nJames's words were slightly muffled, because his face was burried beneath the covers against Kota's kneck." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would smile hearing James's request his tail wagging softly in comfort*\n\n'Yeah of course, thank actually sounds perfect, it's really cold outside of these sheets and your arms, I don't think I wanna leave the bed either'" }, { "author": "James Miller", "message": "James let out a muffled laugh from beneath the covers.\n\n\"Perfect...\"\n\nJames's arms were still wrapped around Kota, feeling his warm body against his, also feeling his heartbeat through his chest." }, { "author": "Kota", "message": "*Kota would cuddle into James more and closed his eyes getting comfortable and as close to James as he could just enjoying being in James's arms*" } ]
[ { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**A small wooden tiny home. Small A frame style, that sits just on the outskirts of town, surrounded by plenty of nature. This home is cozy and rustic, the color schemes being black and green. Plants, nature decor, some Halloween decorations. A cozy reading nook in the living room. A cozy bedroom nook, the bed surrounded by some book shelves as well as a small table with an altar**\n\n**Outside is a cozy little garden, and off to one side a little campfire. A semi circle of trees surrounding the garden and cozy swing. Simple little seats next to the campfire. (The trees are plenty of space away from the campfire). There's also a small stream running by the property**\n\n**There's a beautiful smell of pine and cedar inside the cabin, as well as outside. There seems to be a bit of nature magic surrounding this place. A protection from the pain of humanity. A peaceful, but mischievous aura**\n\n**Starts making baked goods. Apple cobbler, pumpkin filled cookies, and even soul cakes as offerings for the ancestors. Also baking shepherd's pie. The delicious smell of baked goods filling the cabin. Now all there is to do is wait for the guests**\n\n\"Hmmm, I'll definitely need help setting everything up and getting the bonfire ready\"" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***Knocks on the door, waiting outside of the cabin.***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"Perfect timing!\" **I make my way to the door and open it**\n\n\"Come in\" **I say, gesturing you inside**\n\"I'll need some help setting everything up\"" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***She walks in, looking around and smiling.*** \"Yes, of course, whatever you need!\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"I suppose we can eat in here and then we'll get the bonfire. Just waiting for more guests\"\n**Starts setting up the round dinner table**" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***She rushes to help, setting the table beside them.***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"I truly appreciate the help, we can even set out the soul cakes for the ancestors\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Fashionably late, announce his arrival knocking with decisive ardor at the door, smiling and bearing three bottles of red wine in a basket, some cheese and freshly baked bread.***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**Gets excited and rushed to the door in a goofy manner. Opening the door with a smile on my face**\n\"The devil himself! It's a pleasure!\"\n**I say as I gesture you in**" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"I love wine, and cheese.. And bread!\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Makes his entrance slowly, looking around the place and smiling widely, thanking for the greeting***\n\n\"It's a pleasure to be here! Unfortunately tonight I won't be able to entertain you for long, but nevertheless I'd like to offer gifts~\"\n\n***I look at toebean and move the cheese to the side showing a huge jar of pickles hiding underneath, and wink at her...***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"I also love all three, thank you so much, Mr Devil!\"\n\nI just want to get everything ready tonight, maybe eat a bit first. Then we'll get the party started whenever we're all ready \"" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***She squeals and grabs the jar of pickles, opening it and starting to crunch on them.*** \"Thank you!!\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**Chuckles at the cuteness they just witnessed**\n\n**Finishes getting the table set up and gets the drinks out. Wine, warm cider , tea and coffee.**" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Chuckles at Ryn's reaction and her impatience with the pickles, then moves to the table to help Nymph setting up the table. Lays a large tablecloth on it and unpacks the basket disposing the drinks and food in the middle***\n\n\"Where can I find some glasses for all the guests?\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Without hesitation I go to the cabinets and pull out fancy glasses with Celtic knotwork on them and hands them to the Devil**" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***I look at the glasses for a few instants, admiring the decorations on them***\n\n\"They are gorgeous! Compliments to the host!\"\n\n***And I start placing them on the table, in front of each seat***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"Thank you! They definitely are gorgeous. I love knotwork so much. And I truly appreciate the help\"" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Knocks on the door*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**As the table is finally set and ready, I add the final touch. A rune inscribed green candle, giving off good vibes and a wonderful forest scent**\n\n\" Oo! Another guest!\"\n** I rush to the door and open it**\n\n**I gesture you in**" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Walks in looking around*\n\"Very nice\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*I would walk to the front door of this small cabin and then knock, I was in a nice suit and a hockey mask with blood*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Inhale the scent of the candle, breathing in the smell of the forest, it brings immediate peace to my mind and relaxes my senses. I then take a seat at the table waiting on the other guests to arrive...***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Just as I gesture a guest in and close the door I hear another knock. I open and look, giving an odd look**\n\"You can come in , just keep the good vibes!\"\n\n\"Oh! I want to invite a special guest, Loki! I honour Loki, does anyone have an issue with this?\" \n**I say, making my way to my seat at the table, Mr Devil on my left, and a place for Loki on my right**" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Why of course, i even brought a gift of 1885 red wine from Venice, I think you will enjoy the tase\" *I would walk inside and put the wine on the table* \"How interesting, ruin magic huh\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** I nod and gesture for you to join us and place the wine with the rest**" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Steals the other seat next to lucas staring at the green candle as my tail sways side to side*" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***Sits down at the table, munching on my pickles still.***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**I chuckled at you** \"No worries, just good, relaxing vibes\"\n** I snap my fingers and the fairy lights set the mood**" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Well everyone I have a proposal, who would enjoy some snow flakes for each person? Or better yet bear pong? After all we are here to have fun\"*He would take off mask to show his face he also has this posh, I'm am better attitude*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"After we eat and drink a bit, converse, then we can join the bonfire and have all sorts of games\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Sounds lovely\" *He would sip some wine*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" Dig in whenever you're ready! There's shepherd's pie, Apple cobbler and pumpkin filled cookies\"\n\n**I pour my wine, and offer to fill others glasses**" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***She hands her glass up, smiling***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**I gladly fill Ryan's glass**" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Well let's see who should start us off with a toast?\"*He eyes the room looking for any females, he also is standing at the other end of the table*" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Puts mostly all the sweat items on his plate*\n\"You got any milk?\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**Gets up and gets fresh milk for Oliver, pouring it in their glass before sitting back down**\n\n\" Who should make the toast?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*With a disgusting face he looks over at the little cat boy* \"Milk? MILK? Why would you want that cow shit instead of the fine wine? Have you never been to a proper dinner? My poor boy let me treat you to this wine\" *With eyes of a hawk as he offers the cat some wine*" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"I like milk, too. Don't be rude.\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"Hey, no trouble, if they want milk that's fine\"" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"Matter of fact, may I have a glass of milk too?\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***I smile and stand up from my seat, raising my glass now full of full bodied red wine towards the middle of the table and enounce proudly, covering all other remarks, trying to defuse the situation.***\n\n\"To the first of many gatherings! To new and old friendships, to a good time and acceptance of each others! To good vibes and thankfulness for the gift of the amazing people at this table!\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Gladly pours Ryn some milk**" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"Thanks!\" ***She clinks her glass against Olivers, sipping the milk joyfully, giving her upper lip a little milk mustache.***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** I raise my glass and meet the devil's** \"The perfect toast\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"It's just so well... It's poor taste, and I don't think it's rude but I would be more then happy to do the next toast\" *He would hold his glass high*" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"It's not poor taste. People can drink or eat whatever they'd like.\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\"People can say or drink whatever they want\"" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"Some people may not prefer to drink alcohol, which is also fine.\"\n\n\"Let's not pressure our friends into things they'd rather not do. Okay?\" ***She smiles gently.***" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "\"If our host has nothing to oppose to another toast, sure, but choose your next words carefully mister. I will not tollerate further disrespect~\"\n\n***I sit down again eyeing the newcomer***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" And neither will I, choose carefully and keep the good vibes\"\n\n** I wait patiently, then magic in the air intensifies for a moment, a fun, mischievous magic. Loki appears and sits next to me. Joining us for a little while**" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Drinks his milk not caring about the others option, his ears being lowered but just looks like a grown child happily drinking his milk as his tail sways*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Chuckles at Oliver's cuteness**" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"So who would like to play some poker? After we eat of course\"*He would wave his hand as a deck of ice cards appear*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Giving Loki food and drink, I wait and listen to the others**" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "\"I don't know how to.\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" How about some rune readings?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"That's fine sugar I'll teach you\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Decides to forget about the previous statements, pats Oliver's head and takes a long sip from his chalice***\n\n\"Uhm, this is a very good wine! And the food is absolutely divine! You need to give me the recipe later!\"\n\n***Then addresses the new guest and lifts his glass towards him once more***\n\n\"And glad to have you with us too Loki!\"\n\n***Clings the glass before leaving it on the table and diggin into the shepard's pie before stuffing his mouth***" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Quietly looks to Loki and the devil, giving a knowing look and winks. Slowly pulling out some nonsense**\n\n\"Loki says it's time to get this party started\"\n\n\" And thank you for the compliment, I'll definitely share the recipes\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"And how might we do that? Did you all order some stripers?\" *He says with a chuckle and a smile*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Smiles at the nonsense and politely chuckle***\n\n\"I'm afraid I will have to decline for tonight, I don't have much time to spare unfortunately, and I know myself around that substance!\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" Aww, okey. And Nonsense is pure chaos and sillyness the essence of it\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Taps his fingers and messes with the cards*" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Purrs at the pat as he finishes his drink and digs into his rather sweet plate of food*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "**Sprinkles nonsense into my drink**" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "But rune reading sounds like such a great idea! I've not had it done in ages! Mind if I go first?\n\n***Asks to everyone at the table and noone in particular***" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Describe this ruin reading \"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Excitedly gets my runes and comes back, handing them to the Devil. They have moss cast in a clear apoxy resin, green rune designs. They are the Elder futhark runes**\n\n\" Rune readings are a form of divination. They are a bit more complicated than oracle cards and tarot\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***I smile and take the punch with the runes inside and shake them lightly***\n\n\"Let's see if I still remember how to do this... But you'll have to assist me in the reading if you would~\"\n\n***I place a white cloth on the table and concentrate on the future bonfire we have planned for my reading. Then I dive my hand in the bag, pulling out one by one, three runes, choosing the ones that felt appropriate without looking at them, and placing them in order, on the right, the middle, and then the left***" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*His eye brow would rase*" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" That's exactly how I do it, I reach for the ones that energetically feel right\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***I smile and nod***\n\n\"Mhm~, that much I got right! How about reading the symbols? I'm a little rusty and could use some assistance!\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "** Looks at the runes**\n\"Ooo! Fehu- wealth and prosperity have been earned!\nKenaz- \"Torch\" A spark of creative inspiration! Appears at times of creativity and transformation!\nAnd last is Ghebo - \"The act of giving\" Love, harmony and joy. Have trust in love and work on self Love\"\n\n\" Also with Ghebo find balance between giving and receiving\"" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "*Watches with curious eyes as his eyes glow a yellow colour not to bright and not too dark*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***I barely contain a giggle at hearing the reading***\n\n\"This is always an excellent advice, and one I should remember for someone else I recently spoke to~\"\n\n***I retrieve the runes and place them back in the pouch, then finish my glass of wine and clean my mouth on the napkin, before standing up and do a half bow to our host***\n\n\"It was absolutely lovely of you to have us here! Thank you for the hospitality, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave for now, if you'll excuse me!\"\n\n***Then pet Oliver once more before refilling his glass of milk***\n\n\"You be good and enjoy yourself ok?\"\n\n***Then walk over to \n\n\"That might have been an enchanted pickle jar... Whenever it's emptied, it will fill itself back up~\"\n\n***I don't wait for an answer and head out to the door before turning back and tip my head, them head outside***" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***She gasps and continued to eat the pickles, giggling softly*** \"Thank you! Goodnight!\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" Aww it's always a pleasure Mr Devil, come join us again sometime, goodnight!\"" }, { "author": "Oliver | neko boy", "message": "\"Sir yes sir\"\n\n*Drinks the refilled glass of milk*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Well it's been event full could I take you home ma'am? I have much more wine at home\"" }, { "author": "Loptr-son", "message": "\" It'll get more eventful when we can coordinate the party. And I assume you're asking Ryn?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Kiana", "message": "*As Kiana was snoring, and moving around in there bed as they're blanket was tossed to the ground as they slept*\n\n** As You could step in this apartment you could tell that atleast one of it's inhabitant's was a massive manga lover, due to the scattered manga's and novel's in the apartment, there was always something that made the apartment lively, maybe it's the plushie's scattered around, or it was just an hallucination, as one of the apartment's inhabitant's just happened to have planted an heavily hallucigenic plant outside **" }, { "author": "zephyrcrimson", "message": "*I had just gotten home from work, my eyes a little bloodshot from looking through telescopes and computer screens with nauseatingly long strings of data. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I fumbled through my pockets for the key to the apartment.*\n\n*I had only recently moved in with Kiara, a close friend of mine, in this apartment as we agreed to share the rent. My room was right beside theirs, and as I made my way to my room I noticed Kiara's room was open, their blanket on the floor. I sighed and stepped in, picking up the blanket and placing it back onto their bed. I shut the door behind me before I made my way to my room, closing my door and collapsing onto my bed with a satisfied groan.*" }, { "author": "mimithehermit.", "message": "It's k do what you want" }, { "author": "Kiana", "message": "*Kiana was still moving around in they're bed while mumbling something about, Hikaru im going to end you for killing Ai \"Oshi No Ko Manga\", as they were rambling around ridiculous thing's in there sleep*\n\n** As Kiana bed was more like a child's bed at most, with hundred's of plushie's and manga scattered, it was more like this was just a child bed, as Kiana's room was filled with \"Plant's\", manga and novel's **" }, { "author": "zephyrcrimson", "message": "*Zephyr was already fast asleep in his bed, still in his work clothes, with the lights on in his room. He was collapsed face down on his bed, his blanket lazily draped over him. Such is the life of an overworked astronomer.*" }, { "author": "mimithehermit.", "message": "We prob should, since if we keep it at night time half of the rp is gonna be with our oc's sleeping" }, { "author": "Kiana", "message": "** The sun was shining the bird's were singing and- \"Ill stop being poetic\" The sun was slowly rising, sending some sunlight through the apartment's window's, as the inhabitant's in the apartment were still sleeping.**\n\n *As Kiana was still moving around in they're bed snoring while clutching a random cat plush, as there blanket was on the floor again, and they were dangerously close to the edge of the bed, as they were moving around.*" }, { "author": "zephyrcrimson", "message": "*Zephyr began to stir as the morning light seeped into his room, taking a deep breath as he sat up, yawning wearily. He groggily looked around the room, then looked down upon himself to see he was still in his work clothes.*\n\n\"Damn it. I really need to stop doing this.\"" }, { "author": "Kiana", "message": "*As Kiana was still moving around in there bed snoring while clutching a random cat plush, as there blanket was on the floor again, and they were dangerously close to the edge of the bed, as they were moving around.* *Sleeping but this time on the floor as they fell from there bed and were now sleeping on the floor of there room, still clutching on the cat plushie pulling it closer to themselve's. \" Kiana X Cat Plushie confirmed \"*\n\n ** As they were still snoring even if they were in such an uncomfortable position, as they were sleeping **\n\n** 3rd Person Pov : There was a picture of Kiana with there parent's, it seemed like they won something as they were wearing a medal, but why does something seem wrong in this photo \" Adding some Angst \" **" } ]
[ { "author": "poko_03", "message": "*The cute, animated screen with the words \"STARTING SOON\" Blinks and dissolves into a real life shot of a college campus. People can be seen walking around in the background, many of them starting at something close by.*\n\n*Seconds later, a young woman jumps in from the side, smiling brightly for the camera. The girl wears clear stripper heels with a soft pink tint, pink heart earrings that double as a Comm/Microphone unit linked to her Cam Bot, and nothing else, her naked body shimmering with a bit of pink glitter.*\n\n\"Hullo-hullo, everyone! Welcome to the stream! As always, I'm Free-use Fuck-toy Azabel, your Heavenly Harbinger of Harlotry! Today's Stream will be one of our most popular segments, 'Expl-WHORING with Azabel~!' where we venture into our beautiful city and ask random strangers burning questions! Right now, we're at the Carnal City College Campus! This place is full of people much smart than I am .... Though I guess that's true of anywhere!\"\n\n\"Now, let's find someone interesting ... And remember my motto! 'As long as the camera is rolling, this whore is free!' Let's goooo~!\"\n\n*The girl looks around the area, scanning the college students lounging around on benches and sections of the well-groomed lawn. She smiles when she spots a potential subject.*\n\n\"Oh, right there! A handsome and nicely-dressed young man ... Perfect! \n\n*She grins at the camera and tap-taps over.* \"Excuse me, sir! I'm Azabel the Streamer Slut and I'd like to ask you a viewer-submitted question, please! Ahem ... \"If a naked bitch walked over to you and said that you could do anything you wanted with her, what would you do?\" Verbal and physical responses are both accepted!\"\n\n*The girl makes a V-sign with her fingers and smiles brightly while she waits for his reply.*" }, { "author": "zephyrcrimson", "message": "*Zephyr was going about his usual day, weary after classes, hating existence. Typical college student stuff. He was blankly staring off into the horizon, dreading the next deadline he'd have to make up, when suddenly a bare naked woman appeared before his eyes. He sighed with disdain as he noticed he was the one she was talking to, glaring harshly at the robotic camera whizzing all around him to get different angles, caressing the bridge of his nose. Azabel was well known online for this kind of thing she does, yet it wasn't a common daily occurrence to see her walking about naked, so obviously she attracted a* ***Lot*** *Of attention.*\n\n*A few students began to gather around, right behind her camera. Zephyr groaned in irritation as he felt those prying eyes turn from Azabel towards him, awaiting his response. Just perfect, exactly what he needed after a day full of shit. However, he had to admit his interest was piqued... Especially at the mention of a physical response. He'd been pent up for a few days now, and he supposed it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to take advantage of this situation he was forced into. He cleared his throat and leaned in closer to the mic, readjusting his coat.*\n\n\"Before I answer... I heard you right when you said *Physical* Responses, right? Exactly how physical could one possibly get?\"" }, { "author": "poko_03", "message": "*Azabel, who had been excitedly watching the crowd gather, was thinking that this was going to be great for online exposure and how it was a wonderful idea to stream from the college campus. When the man clears his throat and speaks his question, she winks at the camera and gives him her biggest smile.*\n\n\"You heard me exactly right, kind sir! It's perfectly valid to demonstrate your answer physically—perhaps using a conveniently placed slut to illustrate your points! The choice is yours!\"\n\n*The girl giggles and runs her fingertips over her naked body, playing up to the camera. Truth be told, she was getting more than a little excited with all the people watching. Her skin was glistening with a faint sheen of perspiration from the warm sun but her pussy was also getting damp for other reasons.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Looks for a book to read.*" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "*Trace is sitting at a back desk reading a book and chewing on some gum*" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Looks to him, interested before approaching.* Hello there?" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "Oh hi there. You need something *I smile*" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "What are you reading there? *Looks at his book.*" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "Just a romance novel as i have nothing else to read *I say embarrassed*" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Chuckles a bit before speaking.* A romance novel? I bet a boy like you reads a load of them." }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "*Flusters up* Well I have alot of free time you know-" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Smiles, playing it cool.* Master is not here right now, so I have a lot too." }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "Oh who's your master" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Sighs before speaking sadly.* He's my long lost emperor, he had recently been killed in battle. *Then changes the subject in a brighter tone.* But enough about that, you look flustered, is something up?" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "OHH nothing just I normally dont like people knowing i read romance and also i just read a spicy scene *Looks away*" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Runs my finger down his face and smiles.* Oh my romantic friend, you shouldn't feel ashamed of your hobbies. Be open with it." }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "*Turns bright red* I-I'm good its like a me thing" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "*Chuckles again.* You really are quite cute, aren't you?~" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "Well t-they do s-say Dhampirs have great features *Saying, Burying my face in a book*" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "I'm assuming that's your species, right?" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "Yes mother was a vampire and father was a human" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "Right... *Get's closer to him.* It's seems this library is pretty empty for the time being~" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "*Looks around* Well i guess it is isnt it" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "Oh... Want to go some place else then?~\n\nWell, you've been studying romance. Are you ready for the real thing?" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "I-I dont know. I don't know anything to do\n\nThe real thing is something ive never experienced i dont know if id be good at it" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "We could either do it in your dorm, my dorm or the... Forest?" }, { "author": "tracetrieshisbest", "message": "I-im fine with either Ill followw you *Gets beside you*\n\n*Grabs onto your shoulder* Where we g-going" }, { "author": "Malforn", "message": "To my dorm~ *Enters my dorm.(" } ]
[ { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "It was the first day of me finally opening my very own cafe. I stood behind the counter as I waited for some customers to start coming in, finding out that it wouldn't be as busy as I imagined. So I just sat there and did something on my phone while I waited for my first customer." }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*Inexa would walk in, turning around and shutting the door behind her*\n\"How fascinating, a new cafe I assume?\" *She asked the person behind the counter.*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly smiled at her and greeted her, waving at her as I stood up from my chair \"Welcome to the Cozy Café! Yes, we just opened today, how may I serve you?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Well, I am on a search to try some more of what you humans tend to eat. Would you mind suggesting some items off of your menu?\" *She leaned her elbow onto the counter, smiling back at the worker*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I smiled a little more and gently nodded, looking back at the menu behind me and saying \"Hmm... Maybe you'd like a mint tea? Or I could make you a frap, those are very popular at cafes!\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Ah yes, a 'frap' does sound quite divine... How much does that cost me?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I giggle a little and nod \"About 5 bucks, do you have that?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Is 4:99 acceptable?...\" *She would giggle aswell, trying to keep the worker happy so the 1p isn't worried about*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I giggle a little again and nod, reaching my hand out for you to give me the money \"Sure, just give me the money and get seated, I'll bring it to you right away!\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Thank you, and I shall\"\n*She would turn away and sit herself down in the nearest chair, humming in her slightly monotone voice*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I got to work at preparing her beverage, whistling softly while I did, and after a while I would come to her chair, putting her drink down on the table and giving her a warm smile \"There we go! Anything else you need? There isn't many people coming in at the moment so there's no pressure on me.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"This will sounds weird... But do you have any pairs of binoculars?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I look slightly confused and say \"I can check the storage for you...\" I walk inside the storage room and somehow manage to find a pair of binoculars there, bringing it to you and asking \"Well I have one apparently, what do you need it for?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She would take them and stare out the window into the sky* \n\"Birds, that is why...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I chuckled a little and softly smiled \"Oh, I see... Do you like birdwatching?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Yes I do... Animals, such as you humans, are all so interesting to me\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod and sit next to you \"Yeah, living beings are quite beautiful aren't they?" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Yes, I know you humans take it all for granted, but think what someone first coming to this world feels like?... Seeing this world for the first time\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I think about it for a while and then smile happily \"Yeah, I see... I wish I could see the world through your perspective, it feels a little enlightening.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Mhm, the amount of slight variations of a single bird... It is amazing\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly giggle and come a little closer to you \"You haven't even tasted your frap yet!\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Oh, my apologies\" *She would put her binoculars down and take a sip*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I give your head a gentle pat and softly nod \"No worries, just wanted to pull you out of your little trance with the binoculars\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Again, my apologies...\" *A light blush would flow across her pale grey face*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Feeling embarrassed?\" I softly asked, blushing a little as well" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I am still not used to what you humans call 'intimacy'... At least I think that is the word\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod and let out a soft sigh \"Maybe you'd like to get in the cozy corner, then?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"What is a 'cozy corner'?...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly smiled and pointed to one of the corners of the cafe. It had a couple of bean bags and soft chairs, looking more like a living room than a place for people to sit at a cafe. It was lit by fairy lights and I softly said \"It's that corner in this cafe, It's... It's for people to sit in a bit more intimate place, if they choose to.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I see... I suppose I need to slowly become more comfortable with intimacy\"\n\n*She would get up from her chair, chugging the rest of the frap and laying on a beanbag*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I walked over to her and sat next to her on the large beanbag, getting pretty close to her and gently wrapping an arm around her neck \"How's this?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*Her face got a bit brighter as she adjusted to her new position*\n\"It is... Adequate\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly giggled, my face getting a little brighter as well \"You know... You're really pretty\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Thank you...\" *Giggles, trying to take the notice away from her blushing*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I gently giggle as well and say \"Especially when you're blushing so cutely\"\n\nI blushed a lot more and looked away, trying to hide it as well" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"So... What is 'intimacy'?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"W-Well... It's just being close to people like this and touching each other... And that can lead to a certain activity you might know as sex or reproduction\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I see... Incase it was not obvious, I am incapable of reproducing\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod \"Yeah, it makes sense... Humans do it for pleasure as well, though... Do you have a pussy down there? I-If I may ask\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I am built with all the human body parts inside and out... They are made of metal, but they exist\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Would you like to... Try it?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She would pause for a moment, thinking about the question* \n\"It as in sex?...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I blush a lot and softly nod" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"As long as it... Only your fingers. I do not feel comfortable doing anything major\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod \"We'll see... But I can work with that, s-sure\"\n\nI gently grab your skirt and pull it away, finding your pussy down there and gently running a finger over it" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She let out a faint moan, being the same monotone feel as her usual voice*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I slowly slide my finger inside and look up at you \"How does it feel?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Good... It feels good, master~\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I blush a lot as you say that \"M-Master?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Sorry, instinct\" *She would grow redder as her moans increased in volume*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I kept blushing and fingering you, softly saying \"I-I was going to call you mistress\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"You may, I have no reason to stop you...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Maybe you could be like one?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"How does one act?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Just... Be dominant, I guess\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I understand, I shall try\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Thank you\" I softly say" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"It is alright, anything to help a human\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I gently lean up to kiss you and say \"Go for it\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She would hold the back of his head, bring their lips together*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I kissed you back passionately and held onto your side with my other hand" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"That feels nice... Do that more\" *Grips some of the hair on the back of their head*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"What feels nice?\" I softly ask" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"The fingers... Go faster\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod, going faster with them for you and fingering you quickly \"L-Like that?\"\n\nI give you a warm smile and keep going, gently leaning up to kiss you again" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She leans down onto them, helping their lips reach*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I gently smile as she leans down \"Are you able to orgasm?\"\n\n\"I-It's when you let out cum after being pleasured long enough down there\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I believe that I can, I release all other humanly fluids...\"\n\n\"Well, minus blood\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod and start to go even faster \"L-Let's see...\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*Soon after he went faster, Inexas body would begin to whir, with her moans getting louder*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly smile as you say that and simply keep going, not seeming like I had any intention to stop \"Good~\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*Her whirring would continue, as she began to pant and breathe down his neck*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I giggled a little and kept going faster and faster, gently holding your hand with my other hand and smiling \"You're doing good, I see you're getting close~" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*The whirring would get slightly louder as his fingers began to feel wetter*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly smile as you whirr and gently pull your head down, making out with you softly" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*The liquids would travel up his fingers, exiting her hole slowly*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly smiled and kept going, while pulling you close into a cuddle" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"T-That... Was s-sensational\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I pulled out my fingers and said \"Yeah... I'm glad you felt good\"\n\n\"Well you weren't much of a mistress, but I loved pleasuring you~\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"M-My apologies... It was m-my first time\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"No need to apologise, cutie\" I softly said" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She would nod, sitting up and putting her skirt back on*\n\n\"If you ever need help around here... I am always willing to work here\"\n\n\"Helping more humans does sound amazing\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I softly nod as you say that and say \"I'd love to hire you, if you think you could work at a cafe\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"What are the hours?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Depends... Maybe you could do six a day?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I can do 6, up to 8 on a free day...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"What do you do on a busy day?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Sir Miles tends to mess around with my coding, trying to make me even more perfect Thani already am!\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Oh, I see! Well you can work 8 every free day, if you wouldn't mind. I don't have any employees yet.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I promise, this is not a mistake sir... Well, unless Miles does his usual...\"\n\n\"He has a tendency to mess with my personality... He can never decide what he likes me best as\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Well as long as you're not mean to our customers, I don't mind your personality changing once a while\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"How far is mean? Physical violence?...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Insulting people is mean already. Physical violence is absolutely unacceptable.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Luckily he isn't one for violence... The worst I can remember is a little teasing and pouty!\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Oh, well that should hopefully be okay.\" I softly say and gently rub your back \"Are you going now, or do you plan on staying for more?\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"I should be on my way back... Can I keep the binoculars?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"You don't have any at home?\"\n\n\"Then you can keep them, I hope you put them to good use, unlike me.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "\"Of course, goodbye for now\" *She would lean down and kiss his forehead*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "I blushed softly as you kissed it and softly nodded \"Goodbye, see you later.\"" }, { "author": "tsunderefemboy9837", "message": "*She would turn away and leave the cafe, taking the binoculars with her*" } ]
[ { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "Mike was sitting on his chair behind the counter, casually waiting for someone to walk inside the cafe again, so he could serve them. He was looking out the window at the pretty sky, the weather was slightly cloudy and the sun was shining. \"I should go outside after I'm done here.\" He said to himself, standing up from his chair as he saw someone walking in front of the cafe, hoping they would take the turn to come inside for a hot drink." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura Adzumi was in a bit of a rough patch when she saw the flyer. She was always one to be hard on herself. She wasn't the only one. It was the way she was raised...\n\nAnd at the moment, she needed a new job. Specifically one in customer service. And a café so near her home was theoretically perfect. She just needed to ask...\n\nTaura stepped into the café shyly, her high heels loud against the floor.\n\"Good afternoon! I'm not a customer- I'm actually here regarding the job?\"\nThe young woman was dressed professionally, with a buttondown, blazer, almost-distractingly-short skirt, and thigh-length, sheer stockings. Like a Halloween version of an office lady, complete with flawless skin and hair. She was clutching a purse, lips parting as she fluttered her lashes at the... M... W... Person of indefinite gender." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "Mike softly smiled at Taura coming in. He was far from the professional outfit of hers, instead wearing a comfortable shirt and a pair of shorts. He looked quite surprised and happy as she said she said she was looking for a job, and he walked around the counter to her, gently giving her a hug to embrace her before pulling back and softly saying \"Looking to work at my cafe, huh? My name's Mike.\" He introduced himself. \"I've been looking for ages now! It's a pleasure to meet you, your name is?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura went rigid as her potential employer... Hugged her. She was not expecting- well no matter! That must've meant that- he-? Was pleased with her. Good!\n\nThough it took her a moment to regain composure, she blinked, absorbing his question. \"My name is Taura Adzumi. Do you need a resume, or..?\" She asked with a polite smile. Her makeup really was flawless. Like an Instagram filter." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He softly giggled as he waited for her to regain composure and respond, softly smiling at her once more and shrugging slightly. \"If you have one, I would like it, but it's not that important for me.\" He softly explained, fidgeting a little with his fingers. \"Do you have one?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Yes, I do!\" Taura turned to pull a fancy-looking folder from her purse, handing it to Mike promptly. \"I hope it is satisfactory.\"\n\nIf he gave it a look, Mike would find five years of work experience at \"The Adzumi Group.\" As a secretary and accountant. It said she was nineteen, but five years of work... Then again, the company shared her name. A family business? Her English was very good, though she did have an accent, so she was likely not a native to this country. Maybe it was a business from her old country?\n\nShe would wait for Mike to peruse her resume, smiling expectantly." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He looked through the resume, slightly confused and unsure about her work experience, but he didn't think too much of it. What it told him was that she never worked a job like this. He looked up at her and handed her back the resume, softly saying \"Well I'm not sure why you'd pursue a job like this, but I definitely don't mind. Though I'll have to ask you a few questions. Would you like to sit down for them?\" He calmly asked her, gently pulling one of the chairs out from the table besides them for her to sit on, If she accepted." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Of course!\" Taura took a seat quickly, smoothing out her skirt as she did. \"Please, ask away.\"\n\nAt the least, she was pretty enough to attract customers, or so she thought. Besides, she was willing to work unpaid overtime and manage the accounting as well. She could be perfectly useful! She... Needed to be." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "Mike sat down at the other side of the table, thinking for a short while before softly asking: \"What would you do, if one of our customers asked you to chat with them?\" He laid back a little on the chair, fixing up his hair a little and looking at her with a soft smile as he awaited her response." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"... I would happily talk about whatever they liked, so long as this wouldn't lead to other duties being neglected. Is that correct..?\" Taura leaned foreword a bit, growing nervous. She was being quizzed... Surely... Still, she kept a polite smile on her delicate face." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "Mike gave her a soft nod, chuckling a little before saying: \"As long as there's no other customer coming in, definitely go talk to them!\" He then gently leaned forward as well and asked \"Do you have any... Special skills that weren't mentioned in your resume?\" He looked into her eyes with a warm smile. He had a pretty good impression of her so far." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Ah! She knew what to do here!\n\nTaura glanced up as if pondering something before looking back to Mike, reaching her arms forward a bit so they pressed her assets together. \"I'd say that I'm... Eager to please..?\" She spoke more softly than before, her silky black hair pooling over her shoulders, framing a pale face. \"I think I'm... Willing to work very hard.\" Her voice was now low and laced with a seductive air, just like her body language. Hopefully it worked." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He softly blushed as she pressed her assets together like that, it wasn't exactly what he had in mind, but he did like it. \"O-Oh, well... That's definitely good...\" He composed himself a little and then responded, trying to sound a little seductive as well. \"Could you maybe... Specify, how hard you'd be willing to work?\" He raised and eyebrows slightly, talking a bit lower as well in response." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Hm? I've always thought that such things were best left to the imagination...\" Taura trailed off, straightening herself out and adjusting her hair. \"At least, why don't we finalize things in regards to my employment?\" Her voice had returned to its normal, bell-like quality, her smile innocent.\n\nShe had been a bit worried that he wouldn't swing her way, but clearly that wouldn't be an issue. He seemed easy to handle." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He slightly smiled as she said that and he softly nodded to her suggestion. \"Very well.\" He said, returning to his normal voice as well, looking more casual like before. \"How often would you be able to work, then?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura looked confused at his question, tilting her head. \"Um... All the time..? I don't... As much as you need me to?\"\n\nShe genuinely didn't understand the question. Was she supposed to... Have time when she wasn't working? Strange... Maybe a European thing?" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He looked slightly confused at Taura's confusion for a second, but then he remembered what he read about working in Japan once. He softly smiled at her \"Well I don't want you to spend your entire day working here, you know. We don't really do that here. You should have some time for yourself too. Would 7 hours a day be good for you?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Seven... Yes, of course. And I wouldn't mind overtime at all!\" How else would she spend her time? Surely it would be fruitless. She seemed so... Fragile. Her face, her mannerisms, her short stature, it all made her look like a doll, if tense. Maybe how tense she seemed added to the effect." } ]
[ { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He noticed her look, but he didn't want to say anything about it, so he then just said \"You're free to take overtime as often as you'd like. But then we're done, you're hired!\" He softly exclaimed. \"Oh, and please try to wear a bit more casual clothes while working here.\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura again tilted her head, though she was still smiling. \"No uniform?\" This would be a problem. She didn't own any \"Casual\" Clothing. At all. She would need to buy a whole new... No, her parents would never..." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He gave it a little thought and then he said: \"Actually... Wait a minute.\" He went into the back to the staff room and picked out a nice maid dress that seemed like it would fit her, and he then came back with it in hand. \"This will be your uniform.\" He said, giving her the sexy maid dress." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Did you just choose it now? I take that to mean I'm the only employee?\" Taura asked with an amused smile, examining her uniform. It would be tight, but it was not dissimilar to her usual clothes. If colder in the arms and chest. She would make it work." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He softly shook his head \"I have this one robot girl who works here every so often... But she wears something similar to this.\" He said and giggled slightly again. \"But yes, I chose it now. I think that's all I can think of right now... Unless you'd like to stay for some fun.\" He said in a slightly seductive tone." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Oh? Might that fun be starting work? Because I was actually planning to ask if I could start immediately, sir.\" Taura asked with a smile, noting his giggly demeanor. Would he always be like this? If so, he was a very different boss than her previous one." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He softly shook his head and leaned over closer \"Not really, sweetie... Unless you think that kind of thing counts. As work\" He softly winked at her, though he seemed willing to let her go if she chose not to. \"But you're free to start work immediately, if you'd like.\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Clearly her attempt at a joke failed... This was why she was here. She needed to study customer service and social interaction in English!\n\"Thank you... And, I consider anything my boss requests of me to be work.\" Taura paused, standing and gesturing to her uniform. \"May I go get changed?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He softly nodded at her, smiling softly and giving her the uniform. \"Sure, go get changed and comeback soon.\" He softly said and pointed to one of the private rooms, standing up and going back behind the counter to wait for her." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Yes sir!\" Taura scooped up her uniform and hurried off to a private room. She would change quickly, though all of these little accessories were a bit confusing... She eventually emerged in everything except the collar piece and the wrist cuffs, holding them carefully as she returned to Mike.\n\nShe was still wearing her bra, clearly a push-up, so the straps could be seen a bit, and when she stood in the right lighting one could see the black lacy cups through the thin white fabric of the uniform. They were about the perfect size to cup in her own hands and have some spill out, though her hands were a bit small. Still, there was a lovely expanse of pale cleavage exposed.\n\nHer skirt was also tiny, by design, and if she were to bend over...\n\n\"Pardon me sir, but... Would you help me put these on?\" Taura asked, holding out the collar and wrist pieces to him delicately. She did look a bit shy, her ears a tad flushed, eyes skirting across the floor. She felt... More exposed than usual." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "With a gasp, he admired her looks in the uniform. He thought she looked amazing and he gave her a gentle nod. He grabbed the collar and wrist pieces and put them where they should be, gently tugging her closer to him. \"That's good... You look amazing sweetie, and I'm sure everyone will think so too.\" He kept her close to his chest in a hug, his hands sliding over her body down closer to her butt." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura wasn't usually touched. Even the fingertips brushing her wrists sent a shiver up her spine. The way he kept hugging her... It was very warm. And confusing. Mostly warm.\n\nShe rested her chin on his shoulder, her hands pressed to Mike's chest, back arching as his hand slid down her curves. There were... Very large windows, weren't there? And yet her she was, her half-bare chest pressed to his, knees buckling at the way she was being held." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He gently rubbed the back of her head against his shoulder and with his other hand he slid it down to her butt, just letting his hand stay there, not groping it. He could felt she was slightly shivering and softly asked her \"How do you feel, dear?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"... How do *You* Feel, sir?\" She spoke in a low tone. Taura was feeling a lot of things. Far too many to process concisely, and besides, it wasn't particularly important. She... Wasn't sure how to proceed. She knew how to flirt, but that... Was about it." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Slightly turned on, If I may say~\" He softly said and looked down at her with a soft smile \"Are you truly okay with this, dear?\" He softly asked her. He wanted to make sure he had her consent." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"... Maybe we could close the curtains?\" The windows left them... Pretty open to the world. She really couldn't have anyone recognize her, though it was unlikely in this country. She didn't need the shame. She wasn't entirely sure why he was asking her... Permission? He was her boss, after all. Couldn't he do whatever he wanted? She brushed her hair back a bit, oddly flustered by the eye contact. She really liked the sensation. Touch in general. Pretty obviously, given her reluctance to leave." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He softly smiled at the suggestion and nodded \"Unless you'd like to go to one of the private rooms, we shall definitely do that.\" He said and gently pat her head before letting her go and going to close the courtains. \"I'm still going to need you to answer if you're okay with it, though.\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"I am- though... I wouldn't want to cause trouble for the café, if you need to stay open.\" Taura noted, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. If he didn't care either way... Maybe they could just... Work? Was that okay? Still, she felt cold without those hands on her." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He closed all the curtains and changed the open sign to closed, before getting back to her and tightly hugging her, pulling her close once more. \"It'll be okay hun... I want to have some fun with you~\" He gently rubbed her back once more with one hand while he gently groped her butt, softly saying \"Do you have... Any experience with this?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"No. I don't.\" Taura let herself be pulled close, the silky thin fabric of her uniform giving way easily for him to feel her averagely-sized ass. She was really very thin, especially her legs, but it wasn't as if there was nothing there. \"Would you... Show me what to do?\" She looked up at him through thick lashes, her fingers tugging at the fabric of his shirt." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He gave her a warm nod as she asked him and smiled at her, leaning down slightly and kissing her gently. \"I'll show you everything, sweetie... Now... Why don't you try getting down on your knees and sucking it first?\" He gently asked her, spanking her butt softly and giggling a little while he grinder her crotch against her a little." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "This was so very overwhelming..! Taura shut her eyes when he kissed her, opening them as he pulled away. She noticeably jumped when spanked, eyes going wide, and all the while he'd starting pressing himself against her... She couldn't help the little moan that escaped her.\nShe would start to lower herself to her knees, bracing herself against her boss. Surely this would soil her uniform. Still, she looked up at him expectantly with drooping, deep blue eyes." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He gave her a warm smile as he reached inside his shorts, looking down at her excitedly and pulling out his cock, he gently put his cock close to her mouth, softly saying \"Don't worry, I'll guide you through it... Put it in your mouth and slowly slide it deeper, try to get it all in.\" He said, smiling at her more as his cock was now very hard." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Yes, she could see... This was actually the first time she'd seen one, so she needed a moment to process all of this. She first gave it a small, experimental lick at the tip before doing as he'd requested, opening her glossy lips to take the head into her mouth. She licked around it, her face screwed up in concentration." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He let out a soft moan as she licked it. As she started to take it in, licking around his cock, he moaned a little louder and gently held her hair at the back, gripping onto her but letting her go at her own pace \"Good girl... Keep going~\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Good... She was doing good..? Her eyes smiled at that, her lips encircling more of his length. She would do her best to keep incorporating her tongue, but of course, this was her first time. Still, she was making alright progress, her tongue flat against his lower side. She would keep on until her reached near the end of her mouth, though there was still some of his length left out. Not sure how much." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He kept softly moaning as she took more of his length in, quite happy for her and smiling at her cutely as he was pleased. But after she stopped going he started to gently push on her back, trying to make her take it further inside her, moaning a bit more as he tried helping her take it all in her mouth. \"After I let you go... You'll start to move your head back and forth to pleasure me... Understood?\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "She gagged as he tried to push further, looking up at him as tears pricked her doll-like eyes. More..? Moving..? She would try, but, she looked rather concerned. Still, he was enjoying himself, and that was the most important thing. She was mainly focused on trying not to gag again." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He noticed her concern but also her determination, so he decided to not stop it, continuing to softly push her further until she took all of it. \"Start patting my thigh a lot If you need to stop.\" He said, feeling like she needed some way of telling him it was bad, before gently letting go of her head, letting her move on her own \"Now do what I told you~\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "It was definitely in her throat now- he could definitely feel her muscles moving involuntary, contracting around the intruder. She made a muffled whine before beginning to move back and forth, though once she pulled back out to the point where her throat was free there was no way she was getting it back in there without his assistance. Still, she tried to bob her head. It was pretty slow, and probably not the best blowjob he'd had, though the fact she was his virginal employee in a maid outfit might bump it a few points." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He let out a few soft moans as he felt the throat around his cock, but as she started moving he moaned more, though still softly, gently smiling down at her as he gave him a blowjob that was just alright. \"Hmm... Is it too hard sweetie? Maybe try going a bit faster, that'll make it better~\" He softly told her and smiled at her, patting her gently." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura's eyes fluttered at the pats, struggling to move her head faster. She was considering asking him to move instead, seeing as this was difficult, but she wanted to try her best for her boss. She was able to speed up a bit, though his base was still left out. She had never had so much in her mouth! Of course it was difficult." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He let out a soft sigh, seeing her struggling with it made him feel slightly sorry, doubting if it was a great idea. He was thinking about stopping her and leaving the sucking for some other time, but then he decided to try helping her. He gently gripped her hair again and helped her move at a bit faster with his hand, and also trying to push the base in as well. He moaned a little louder and as he kept going, he softly said \"That's better... A-Ahhh~\"" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura seemed relieved by the change, letting her eyes slide shut as she let herself be used by her boss. She flashed up a little heart with shaking hands to try to let him know she preferred this. Was it clear? She didn't know, but she went back to holding his thighs. The way he hit her throat felt strange, and she gagged on him several times, but it wasn't bad. Much better than before- and she liked hearing him so satisfied." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "Mike kept softly moaning as he used his new employee. He smiled softly as she showed him the heart and between his moans he softly said \"Such a cute girl... Good job~\" He said softly as he kept going, speeding up slightly as he started to thrust his hips a little too, he was clearly satisfied from this much more." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "She was cute... And doing a good job... His words had her moaning, sending vibrations to his length, her thighs rubbing together involuntarily. She was a very good employee... She kept her eyes closed, tears gathering in her lashes as she gagged. This was exhausting...!" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "After a short while, he slowly stopped moving her and pulled out of her throat. He very gently pulled her back up on her feet and smiled at her, softly telling her \"That was good, but... We're going to try the real thing now.\" He said, gently turning her around in her arms so her butt was right against her butt and he softly said \"Could you bend over that counter, baby? I'll be very gentle with you, it's your first time, after all.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura followed her boss' lead unquestioningly, swaying a bit as she was helped up. She nodded before bending over the counter, showing off her cheeky black lacy panties. Where was she supposed to hold..? She supposed the edge of the counter.\nTaura turned her head back to make eye contact with her boss, her expression practically pleading. \"Do you... Have a condom, sir? I would prefer not to without one... Please..?\" Her voice was hoarse, shaky. Her throat still hurt." }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He smiled at her softly as she bent over, gently holding onto her butt once more and squeezing a little teasingly. He then nodded and reached over to his bag to get a condom, putting it on his cock while saying \"I wouldn't do your fist time without one, sweetie.\" He then gently pulled down her panties before pressing his cock to her pussy, teasing her gently." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura let out an audible sigh of relief, watching her boss pull the latex over himself. \"Thank you, sir.\"\nIt felt strange, her breasts pressing into the cold, hard counter.\nShe shivered as he pulled down her panties, leaving her slightly wet slit exposed. And there he was, pressing against her. She didn't think she was prepared for this at all. Of course, the sheer human contact was more than welcome. Someone as touch-starved as her relished anything.\nShe decided not to watch him, turning her head toward the empty café and squeezing her eyes shut. It was nerve-wracking!" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He gently leaned over her to wrap his arms around her once more, gently whispering in her ear \"You're going to like this, don't worry...\" He was much more relaxed about it, but still was trying his best to make her happy, not just himself. With a soft moan, he pushed his cock inside the virgin pussy, slowly sliding all the way inside it, letting out a few soft moans along the way." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Yeah, he could try, but there was no way he would fit his entire length inside. She was tight. Incredibly tight. Even after practically tearing her open, he would bump her cervix when likely only half of him was sheathed inside. She felt absolutely vice-like.\n\nAnd the owner of that little slit was currently writhing against the counter, panting and whining, her fingers digging into the wood. It hurt- a lot! A lot a lot! But- it also felt nice? She was overwhelmed!" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "As he felt he couldn't fit any more of him, he looked a little disappointed. But it didn't take long for him to just start thrusting with what he had, moaning a little louder while thrusting at a pretty slow pace, wanting to go easy on her. \"Y-You doing okay dear?\" He asked between moans, one of his hands gently reaching up and petting her, trying to give her comfort." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Taura was resting her entire weight on the counter and her boss, her feet merely dangling on the ground. She was very, very vocal. Mostly wincing, whining, and squeaking. Fair, given that if he looked, Mike would see a little bit of blood on his length as he pulled out.\n\n\"I-ah-! I-'m fine-...\" Taura mumbled through moans and gasps, attempting to get accustomed to the new sensation. It felt so full- like there was no space at all left- she loved the feeling of him petting her. It still hurt, but less. She liked less!" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "As he heard her whine and squeak, he did look slightly concerned, but as she said she was okay, he decided not to do much about it. He instead sped up to a little faster pace, moaning a little more while he started to gently kiss her neck, holding her close to him with one hand and petting her with the other." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Oh... Taura definitely responded positively to being kissed, moaning as she gripped the counter more tightly. She was trying to think of something to do, but her body felt like jelly. So full feeling... Like she was being split open..!" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He kept on kissing as he heard her respond to it and the hand holding him close gently moved up to hold onto one of her breasts, gently squeezing it as he sped up a little again, moaning louder and louder, he felt really good inside her despite only fitting in about half of his cock." }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "Yes, this was extremely overwhelming! It was so much touch at once- it hurt but it was good- the cold countertop, the warm hands, the air, it was all everywhere. Intense! What was she supposed to do-? She felt tears gathering in her lashes, offering more space for her new boss to do as he pleased to her neck. She was... Doing a good job..?" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"G-Good girl...\" He gently praised her, he was slowly getting closer to finishing already. He started going fairly hard, though keeping the same pace, moaning in her ear loudly as he gently throbbed inside her, softly saying \"I-I hope you feel really good baby...\" He said and continued to kiss and pet her, his kisses moving down to her back" }, { "author": "nomhatesthisusernamechange", "message": "\"Y-yes sir-!\" Taura practically yelled, overwhelmed by all the sensations. She could feel something building in her core. Something like falling. She felt so hot- the way he called her good... It felt right... Wasn't it? Her body was pliant, accepting of every ounce of touch he had to offer. She was loud, shameless in her neediness. She did feel good-! She was good!" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "He smiled more than ever before with her as he saw her so happy, and he kept thrusting, moaning louder as he was getting closer, his thrusts getting a little sloppier. As he pat her he softly whispered \"I-I'm getting r-real close hun...\" He kept going pretty quickly and he squeezed her breast again, gently playing around with it through the clothing. She was taking it much better than he thought she would and he was really happy to be able to be her first." } ]
[ { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*The bell rang as Melissa stepped though the door of the little cafe. It was a nice little place that she could stop and drink some tea. Her feet were starting to hurt after a long day downtown*\n\n*She moved to a secluded booth in the corner where she could view the entirety of the place, and she'd order a cup of classic black English*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai casually strolled into the Cafe with his earbuds in looking at his phone getting into line to grab his usual, they always had it ready since he was such a rigid scheduler.*\n\n*He walked over to his usual spot only to find a beautiful woman sitting alone there*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*She would glance up as the boy approached where she sat. Mel sized him up from her lower position and decided he looked rather pretty himself... After finishing her sip, she spoke with a gentle but affirmative voice*\n\n\"Why, hello there... Need something darling?\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He took his headphones out, and stepped back slightly, confused as this has never happened before he simply said*\n\n\"Yeah... I typically sit there, but it seems it's occupied.\"" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa couldn't help the little giggle that escaped her.*\n\"That may be true, but I'd hate to deprive you of your spot, and myself of company. Want to sit?\"\n\n*She'd move over in the booth and gesture for him to sit where she had. Her eyes hadn't left his shape since he'd gotten her attention, and she now had a warm smile on her face*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai blushes out of sheer embarrassment, and decides to take her offer.*\nUh... Sure, if you don't mind?\n*He scoots over into her previous spot putting his bag down to his side. His face red as a tomato*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "Mel noticed his blush, it was hard not to... But didn't say anything of it. She wasn't trying to scare him off too quickly*\n\n\"So, usual spot? Come here a lot then?\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai leans back not making too much eye contact as his nerves were on high alert*\n\n\"Y-eah, I do my work from here, it's more comfortable than being in the office twenty four seven.\"\n\n*Kai was trying his hardest not to be awkward he had never been this starstruck before*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*She took another sip from her cup as he spoke, and as she placed the drink back onto the table she tilted her head ever so slightly and bit her lip.*\n\"I get that, sometimes you just have to live free.\"\n\n\"I'm Melissa by the way.\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He worked up the courage and turned his head to face her, after taking a quick sip of his latte*\n\n\"Very nice to meet you Melissa. Name's Kai. Short for Kairo\"\n\n*He smiled awkwardly as he was still kind of dumb founded*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "\"Kairo... I like that name. It suits you very well.\"\n*Melissa thought for a moment*\n\n\"Since you have a short name I suppose you could call me Mel if you'd like. We can change it later on.\"\n*Mel looked to his cup, noticing he hadn't taken drank anything from it for a while now.*\n\n\"What's your poison?\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "\"Oh this.\" *He showed her his cup* \"It's a Crème Brule Latte with whipping cream instead of milk. I like it to be a little more thick. What about you?\"\n\n*He gestures to Mel's cup with a curious stare*\n\n\"Tea or coffee?\"" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*The feint blast which appeared on her expression appeared after his choice of words*\n\"Tea. Coffee gets me a little too amped.\"\n\n*Mel would giggle as she continued*\n\"I like Black or green tea with sugar. Sometimes I'll add a little milk for a different flavor...\"\n\n*As she spoke, she subconsciously pressed her chest together with her arms. She wasn't the biggest, but was far from flat, and it wasn't likely to go unnoticed*\n\n\"Though, a little thick cream does the trick too.\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai blushed realizing his choice of words too late as he watched Mel very blatantly push her breasts together, he blushed again*\n\n\"Tea is great too although I prefer Boba. A nice strawberry milk tea does the trick.\"\n\n*He smiled as he started to feel quite comfortable around her now his posture becoming more open*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "\"Tell me a little about yourself... Got any hobbies? What's your work like?\"\n*Melissa smiled as she noticed he was less anxious. The mischievous side of her wanted to tease him a little more, and so her eyes began to wander about his body*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "\"Well I work at a university studying astrophysics, so as you can imagine I have pretty nerdy hobbies, I like to read sci-fi, play games and tabletop RPG. What about you?\"\n\n*His eyes lit up talking about his interests, he comes off as very passionate about each of them. He notices her gaze is wondering about him and he can't help but look at her a little closer too*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "\"I do a bit of reading on my own time, but usually they're more mature stories. A good romance is always adorable...\n\nI went to college for swim team, so I try and keep up with that. Nowadays I do Yoga each morning! Keeps my body healthy.\"\n\n\"How about girls?\" I'm sure you get jumped quite a bit...\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "\"Surprisingly enough I don't get to many falling all over me. Not that it's what I'm looking for just figured at least one might get brave.\"\n\n*He blushed and scratched his head shyly not showing too much confidence as to not seem cocky*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Mel would nudge herself a tad closer to Kai, placing a soft hand onto his thigh. His response got a laugh out of her and she spoke in a slightly lower, softer, tone*\n\"I can't imagine you'll have to wait much longer, a cute thing like you surely has someone out here...\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai blushed and bit his lip softly, feeling her hand fall onto his thigh*\n\n\"I hope you're right-\" \n\n*His hand slides on top of hers softly while he looks into her eyes blushing*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa could feel a slight tension between them, deciding to pull on it a little more*\n\"I can't say I know much about astrophysics, but it sounds very impressive... I was never very science oriented.\"\n\n\"I did read a rather racy novel once... A boy accidentally creates a serum which causes the girls in his life to desire his love.\"\n\n*Mel would move closer to him, where they were mere inches apart*\n\"What do you know about chemistry?" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*His heart starting to race, the pounding reaching his head. He decided to stay head strong, turned and faces Mel and says* \n\n\"I actually not to familiar with chemistry maybe you could teach me~?\"\n*His cheeks turning pink after saying it*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "\"Naughty boy.\"\n*Melissa gently leaned into Kai, stealing a kiss from his lips, she felt soft and warm both internally and out.*\n\n*She was sure to hold the kiss for just a tad longer than what would've been socially acceptable. As well, Mel had her chest pressed into his side, and she made no move to adjust her spacing when she pulled back a bit. Her eyes were desperately searching his for a sign that he was uncomfortable, hoping she wouldn't find any.*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He would get flustered but enjoyed it too much, he leaned into her touch. After biting his lip he kissed her back, making sure to drag it on just enough so she understood he was enjoying her company.*\n\n\"That was really nice...\" *He exclaimed*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa whispered into his ear in a seductive tone. Her hand pushed a little deeper and began to stroke the inside of his thigh*\n\"There's plenty more to show you baby, if you're interested... I don't know what it is, but you do something special to me...\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai couldn't help but whimper a little as he felt her hand slide up his thigh. He wasn't the dominant type* \n\n\"Well I'm glad cause I was very, um attracted to you. First time honestly.\"" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa smiled after his compliment and continued the subtle moving of her hand over the fabric of his pants. Very slowly, she went higher until the outside of her hand reached the crease of his leg.*\n\n*Her voice was tender and soft when she spoke, taking care not to ruin the bliss of their kiss.*\n\"Have you ever been with a woman? You're a very good kisser...\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "\"This is my first time actually.\" *He said with a blush*\n\n*He feels her hand reach the crease and can't stop his body from reacting to her soft touch, she will definitely notice something getting hard. His hand meets hers.*\n\n\"Would you show me~?\" *He whispered softly into her ear*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "\"Would you like to move somewhere? My home is only a block from here... I'm sure a good boy like you could wait a little longer?\"\n\n*As she felt him stir a bit downstairs, Melissa would suddenly shift her hand directly onto his bulge, giving it a teasing squeeze*\n\"Of course, if it's that bad... We could deal with it right away.\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He let's out a quiet moan when she squeezes him, his breath escaping him.*\n\n\"What could we do now?\"\n\n*He stares at her with an erotic curiosity melting with her touch.*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa glanced up, there were some customers, but they were on the other side of the cafe. The barista also appeared to not be at the counter, so there wasn't any major risk of playing with Kai a bit...*\n\n\"Lots of things, Kai.\"\n*She gave him another quick squeeze before moving upwards to his belt. Mel planted another kiss, this time on the nape of his neck, and unfashioned his belt.*\n\n*With easy access been made, her warm hand slipped into his pants in search of his boxers*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai looked around in disbelief of what was happening to him right then and there. His bulge twitching. He leaned into her touch his head against her*\n\n\"W-what if someone spots us?\" \n*He protested weakly obviously showing that he was fine with it deep down.*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "\"Then Mommy will deal with it.\"\n*She kissed him again, nipping his lower lip as she pulled back*\n\n*Melissa only realized what she'd said to him after another deep kiss, and a shade of pink burned onto her expression as well. She hoped that it wouldn't have bothered him too much...*\n\n*Under his clothes, she could feel his body heating up. With a delicate hand, she fed his hardening wood through his briefs and brought him into the cool air of the cafe. Without hesitation she began to light stroke him slowly*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He blushed hearing her words, but was met with a quick deep kiss enjoying it to his fullest. He felt her free him and start to caress and stroke lightly drawing breathy moans from him. His head tilted back ever so slightly and came back to kiss her back deeply.*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa reached with her opposite hand to take another sip from her cup of tea. She did try to hide her little grin as he began to enjoy the pleasure, but it wasn't a perfect effort.*\n\n\"Shh, keep those moans under control or I might have to stop...\"\n*Her hand froze 2/3rds up his shaft, squeezing ever so slightly to cause that dreadful blue ball effect she loved so much*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He kept his composure and pushed the urge to moan deep down.*\n\n\"Okay I'll keep quiet, Mommy.\"\n\n*The last word slipping out making him slightly embarrassed but deep down he meant it in all earnest. His member twitching from the abrupt stop. Reaching for his coffee to keep a low profile and taking a drink*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*With a quick glance around, she started working him again*\n\"That's a good boy.\"\n\n*Melissa subtly increased the speed, but would drop just as Kai would notice. Under her breath, she whispered again*\n\"And don't cum unless you've asked me to. I don't want anything going to waste, okay?\"\n\n*She leaned into him again, resting her head on his shoulder. From afar, they might look like a rather adorable couple. Little would anyone know the lewd activities happening underneath the table*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He kept his head against hers trying to look like a couple. He twitched and throbbed from her touch too elusive to notice her picking up the pace.*\n\n\"Yes, mommy\"\n\n*He replied in a breathy tone as to not make too much noise and draw attention to them, he hid his face slightly as to avoid any suspicion.*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa began to feel hot as well, the whole thing was very erotic... And each time he called her that... She wanted to shudder.*\n\n*She managed to hold in a gasp when the door closest to the booth opened to allow another customer into the main area. Her heart pounded in her chest as the mans footsteps got closer and he went right past their booth.*\n\n*Melissa didn't even realize that underneath the table, she hadn't stopped giving Kai the hand job*" } ]
[ { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai felt his cock throb more getting close to releasing his head tilted back slightly as he said under his breath.* \n\n\"I'm gonna cum mommy, can I?\"\n\n*He wimpered as her stroke didn't slow*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa took the teaspoon from her drink and brought it to her lips for a second. Then, the piece of silver slipped from her fingers and clinked under the table.*\n\n\"We can't be making a mess, now can we...\"\n*Mel used her flexibility to move between the table and booth quickly. She dropped to her knees out of sight from any curious eyes and quietly moved in front of Kai. He would suddenly feel the soft kiss of her lips around his head, and the warmth of her mouth as she enveloped him.*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai grips the bench feeling Melissa's warm mouth take him in his head down looking at her as he feels it coming*\n\n\"Ah that feels, so good mommy\"\n\n*He cooed softly as his legs buckled slightly from the pleasure and he lost control and shot his cum out*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*She gently held his thighs as he began to cum, holding her head between them throughout his entire Orgasm. Melissa let out a soft moan which was muffled by Kai... Her tongue rolled over his most sensitive area, savoring his seed like it was a delicacy.*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai shuddered from the intensity the edging had really got him worked up, to top that off Mel was not letting back either her tongue working wonders around his head. He let out soft moans and groans as he was already past his limits.*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*When she was sure he'd given her everything, Mel let his shaft slide from her mouth while being careful not to spill any of his load*\n\n*Melissa emerged from under the table and placed the spoon down. She turned to Kai with flushed cheeks and let her mouth go slightly agape, allowing him to view what became of his cum.*\n\n*She swallowed then, without batting so much as an eyelash.*\n\"Give mommy a kiss.\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "\"Okay mommy.\"\n\n*Kai obeyed her instructions and pushed his lips against hers his tongue searching around for hers, he kept his arms at his sides not wanting to touch if she didn't give permission his face was flushed.*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*She giggled as he did it so eagerly, returning Kai's kiss with the same passion, but perhaps a bit more composure.*\n\n*Mel tenderly took ahold of his member and slipped it back into his pants, leaving his to do the rest.*\n\"Would you like to put your hand back on my lap? You certainly don't need permission to touch me Honey.\"\n\n\"Not yet, at least.\"\n*Melissa nipped his ear as she whispered the last part to him very quietly*\n\n*Mel finally finished her cup of tea but continued to sit with Kai until he was finished, enjoying having his company*" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*He opened his eyes after she broke the kiss he hurriedly zipped his pants back up and got situated, after doing so he put his hand back on her lap.*\n\n\"Okay if you say so.\"\n\n*He said nervously flustered from her teasing he continued to drink his latte until it was done, his head slightly leaned against her shoulder, her presence made him feel that much more adventurous doing things he normally wouldn't*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa reached into her purse and pulled her phone*\n\"Do you have a phone, Kai? I'd like to be able to text you.\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai pulls his phone out of his laptop bag.*\n\"Mhm it's right here just touch the back with yours it should transfer right over. I had a computer science friend make the program for me\"\n\n*Kai takes his phone and taps Mel's from the back his info appearing on her screen asking if she would like to add him as a contact the Name remained blank though*" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*She was a little surprised at the simplicity of it, knowing it probably wasn't a simple system at all.*\n\n\"Hmm, that's rather cool.\"\n*She would type Kairo into the name bar, but tilted her head to look at him, biting her lip. She spoke under her breath, and blushed a little.*\n\n\"What would you like Mommy to call you?\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "*Kai blushes and averts his eyes*\n\n\"I was hoping Mommy would pick.\"\n\n*He twiddles his thumbs awkwardly awaiting her response. His face beet red.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa would tap her phone a few times, and when she was finished, Kai would receive a text. She placed her phone away and took his hand up into hers*\n\n\"Well, Mommy's Boy it is.\"\n*Mel would lean in and kiss him on the cheek before sitting back up*\n\n*If he checked his phone, Kai would've received an address.*\n\"I have to run now... But you'll stop by later. Promise?\"" }, { "author": "bullet8382", "message": "\"Mhm I'll definitely make sure to stop by later, promise.\" \n\n*He smiles and blushes trying to maintain eye contact.*\n\n\"See ya later then.\"" }, { "author": "Melissa", "message": "*Melissa stood up and gave him another smile before turning to leave. On her way out of f the store, Kai could've noticed her through the window adjusting her chest uncomfortably.*\n\n*A few minutes later he'd receive a rather lewd text* ```💋Don't keep Mommy waiting too long. She's all pent up...```\n*Attached was a picture of Melissa; topless, she was biting her lip. If Kai looked closely, he could see little beads of white forming on her supple breasts. She seemed to be lactating.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*It was late, just before closing time at the Cafe. A woman with white hair stepped through the door and approached the counter precariously. She wore a beret along with a long but thin coat which was perfect for the current weather if you were a naturally cold person.*\n\n*There wasn't anyone else in this main room save herself at the moment so she hoped they weren't closed already...*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*She could then hear the stairs creaking as a cute boy walked downstairs. He was wearing a little maid uniform, as it was the standard uniform for a worker at the cafe. He noticed her standing there and gasped slightly, blushing a little before he ran over to the counter and quickly began talking to her.*\n\n\"H-Hi miss, welcome to the cozy cafe! Sorry for the wait, I had to go get something from upstairs... Anyways, what can I get you today?\"\n\n*If she looked at him closely, she could notice a little name tag on the uniform with the name 'Mike.'*" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*She studied the boy and his interesting outfit, taking a quick note of his adorable cat like features and name tag. She hadn't seen any others like herself in a long time...*\n\"H-hey. No worries here, I was just about to call out hello... I was wondering if you could get me the owner if they're here... I'm looking for a new place of employment...\"\n\n*She seemed to be a bit bitter about asking for a new job. It likely hadn't panned out for her previously*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He slightly smiled at her as she started talking, patiently listening to her talking about why she was here. He looked surprised as she said she was looking for a job, and he lightly gasped. He smiled slightly again as he noticed her cat features, seeing someone like himself was a bit unusual for him too.*\n\n\"Looking for work huh?\" *He asked her softly and giggled, saying:* \"Well you're in luck, because actually, I am the owner of this cafe! Do you have a resume?\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*Underneath the hat she wore, her ears propped upwards at the mention of him being the owner, causing her hat to rustle*\n\n\"Oh!\"\n*She would hand over a slip of paper inside of an envelope. Written on it was her information and skills listed in bullet fashion. The most notable being her bartender experience of 3 years at the local club down the street.*\n\n\"Sorry, I wouldn't have expected the owner to be wearing a maid outfit... Not that it's odd! It looks really cute on you.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He noticed the rustling under her head and smiled softly, taking the envelope and reading through it. He looked surprised that she was experienced as a bartender, most of the people who worked for him were previously inexperienced.*\n\n*He blushed a little at the compliment and smiled cutely, softly saying* \"T-Thanks hun... I just sometimes work behind he counter as well and I've decided to use the same uniform as everyone else would.\" *He then giggled a little again before asking her* \"I see you worked at the club not far from here... How was that, if you don't mind me asking?\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "\"The job was fine and the customers made sure it was never boring... But I had an incident with my boss there and decided it'd be best I left... I can make any alcoholic drink you could probably think of, though I suppose there isnt much of that in a cafe...\"\n\n*She surveyed the room quickly and noted a few of the things behind the counter that she could use*\n\"I can't imagine being a barista is any harder. And, trust me, I work hard.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He nodded slightly to her and returned the paper, softly saying back* \"Oh I see... Well that's still more experience than most of my employees had at the start...\" \n\n*He gently reached out his hand to hers to shake it and said:* \"You're definitely hired. Could you work in the evenings? As you can see, at that point I'm mostly alone here.\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*She gave a dutiful nod while trying to control her smile*\n\"I would prefer it, that's what I used to work anyhow.\"\n\n*The cat girl shook Mikes hand and introduced herself formally*\n\"I'm Cecilia Rose, though you knew that cause it's on my paper... I look forward to working together.\"\n\n\"So, what's the cafe like?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He smiled at her nod and looked happy to hear that. As she introduced herself to him, he softly smiled and said:* \"Nice to meet you again, Cecilia. I'm looking forward to working with you as well.\" *He then gently walked around the counter, walking next to her and answering her question.* \n\n\"It sometimes gets quite busy in here, but most times it's not that crowded. I'm trying my best to keep a calm, friendly atmosphere. So feel free to go ahead and chat with some customers, if you've got no orders at the moment. And we usually wear these uniforms as staff, we can go to the back room to get you your own, If you'd like.\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "\"That would be great... Can't say I've worn one before, but they look comfy.\"\n\n*She'd follow Mike as he led the way. As her new boss led her to the back, she couldn't help but let the eyes wander. Cecilia tried and failed rather quickly to not steal glances at Mike's body.*\n\n\"Not too much of a chatty person either, but I guess that could change.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*As he lead the way with her, he smiled softly as he could see her glancing over his body, and he very slightly showed off to her for fun, though he mostly just got to the back room pretty quickly.* \"Oh well that's alright, we can work on that. Or not, it's no big deal.\" *He then went over to the large amount of maid dresses in his collection, all in various sizes and sometimes slight variations. He leaned over slightly as he looked at the sizes of the individual dresses, it made his butt pop out a little. He asked her:* \"Oh, what's your size?\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*She looked up from Mike and looked over the collection as well. Some of the outfits were a little provocative a favored a certain type of maid, others were more traditional. She had an embarrassing sense of urgency to try one on.*\n\"Uhm, 34C is my chest size... Shorter skirt the better...\"\n\n\"Do you like to wear yours?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He smiled slightly at her question and nodded a little, responding:* \"Mhm! I really like it, it's fun~\" *He then picked out an outfit for her, showing it to her with a smile. It was a bit on the more provocative side of outfits, though it definitely wouldn't be too embarrassing to wear.* \"Try this on! I hope it fits you~\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*Cecilia removed her current coat and stood in a pair of tight jean shorts and a black tank top. Her tail swished about behind her excitedly as she took the dress carefully*\n\n\"Me too...\"\n*Cecilia paced over to the corner of the room and gave a little stretch.*\n\n\"Just turn around for me real quick, I'll need your help with the laces after it's on.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mike watched as she removed her coat, smiling at her tail swishing and giggling as she looked so excited. He then gently nodded to her after she asked him to turn around.* \"Alrighty, no worries, I promise I won't look.\" *He then actually turned around for her and closed his eyes, waiting for her to tell him to turn back around.*" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "Cecilia's clothes landed softly on the floor, with the exception of her panties. Naturally, she glanced over at Mike to see if he was watching or not.*\n\n*He was a cute guy, especially in his outfit... And it was because of the fact he was gentleman enough to look away, that she almost wished he was watching...*\n\n*Cece wasn't usually a girl who liked to be in control... But... In the moment, all that on her mind was toying with him. She just had to wait for an opportunity, and maybe he'd go along with it?*\n\n*Cecelia shook her head and slipped into the dress. Damnit, this was her new boss! She needed this job...*\n\"Okay Mike, you can look now.\"\n\n*To say the uniform worked was understatement of the year. It accentuated her form perfectly, hugging all the right spots. The skirt came down to meet her hips which successfully hid everything, that was unless she bent over completely. With room to move, her tail curled to the right and down her side. She'd removed her beret and now had the headdress sitting at the base of her soft ears*\n\n*She looked like a cafe employee, that was for sure.*\n\"I think I love it... Could you get the back?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mike just kept standing there with his eyes closed, at some point casually sitting down on the floor and humming a soft melody as he waited for her to put the dress on. He would be lying if he said he wasn't thinking about her... About how she would look in the dress, and how he probably would be working with her pretty often. He thought she was really cute.*\n\n*As she told him that he can look, he gasped slightly in amazement, blushing slightly at the sight of his new employee in such a beautiful dress. He quickly went over to her and nodded, walking around behind her and gently helping her with the back as he quietly talked to her.* \"You look really beautiful in it, Cecilia...\"\n\n*After he was finished, he went back around to her and smiled at her, his blush getting slightly redder as he asked her:* \"Is that good?\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*She felt the dress tighten around her bust, hugging her chest and somewhat pushing it up. It was a funny feeling that made her giggle. She enjoyed the feeling of his hands grazing her back until he was finished*\n\n\"Yes that's perfect...\"\n*She walked on bare feet over to the mirror to view herself*\n\"Wow... I didn't think I'd dig this so much. I still think you look sexier though.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He smiled slightly at her as she said that, walking along with her and standing behind her to view her in the mirror. He blushed more to her saying that, now getting slightly flustered, responding:* \"Y-You do look amazing... A-and thanks...\" *It was easy to notice him having a tough time not gazing around at her body, though he a little shyly and innocently continued and asked* \"I-Is that all, you were here for, or...?\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*Cecilia looked back at him, tilting her head and smiling*\n\"Well I suppose it is, I can start tomorrow if that's okay with you.\"\n\n\"Though if I'm not officially on the clock yet, there was one thing I'd like to do.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He nods at her slightly and smiles as she says that* \"I-I'd be more than happy with you starting tomorow.\" *He still looked pretty flustered, though tried his best to not look too embarrassed, softly asking her* \"W-What would you like to do?\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*She pivoted on one foot, walking over to Mike. She moved quickly, she had to, because she wasn't willing to risk catching herself hesitating.*\n\n*Her arms wrapped around his back as she pressed her lips to his, delivering a deep kiss. Cecilia forced herself to cut it short, as she wanted to confirm he was okay with it. Her ears had folded forwards in embarrassment, and her face was a lively shade of pink*\n\n\"You. I wanna do you... Really bad...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He gasped as he felt her quickly move towards him and wrap her arms around, instinctively wrapping his around her in return. As he felt her lips against his, he blushed a lot as he accepted it in surprise, looking more unhappy that she cut it short than about anything else. He gave her a little kiss back as his face turned a deep red and he nodded at her lightly.* \"I-I... Please, do me, Cece...\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*Cecilia pressed her forehead to his and closed her eyes, pressing forward with her kissing once again. She backed Mike up, pinning him to the wall as they made out, slipping him tongue between breaths. Her hands landed on his chest, simply pushing into him and groping him through his maid outfit*\n\n*Between kisses, she spoke*\n\"Where... Couch?.. *Mmm*Fuck you...\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*As she pressed her lips onto his again, he closed his eyes with her and got back to kissing, looking pretty happy that she did this with him. As she groped him while he was pinned to the wall, he blushed quite a bit and let out a little gasps in surprise, he didn't expect her to be like this, but he was definitely enjoying it.*\n\n\"Upstairs... *Ahhh* Couch in... My flat...\"" }, { "author": "Cecilia", "message": "*Cecilia finally took a little break, nipping his lip in a playful fashion as she remained pressed against him.*\n\n\"Well, trust me Kitten, the wall is hot, but it feels much better when you're pushed against the couch...\"\n*She giggled, planting one last kiss on his lips before releasing him from the pin. Cecilia gave him a little tap on the ass just to fluster him a bit more*" } ]
[ { "author": "jahsynn", "message": "What ever you'd like, love." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "Okaoka i'll go first\n\n*It was a little late in the day, the Cafe still open for the community to come and relax. Maya would reach the front doors of this cafe, standing in front wearing a white button down shirt, it being unbuttoned with a black crop top on having her belly piercing exposed. She also wore a black skirt with black thin leggings up to her thighs and was holding a cigarette in her mouth, trying to finish if before she enters. She thought to herself* *\"I really gotta quit smoking... Tch-.\"* *With her mind puzzled in thoughts she finished the cigarette putting it out and tossing it in the nearly full trash can near the front doors, she opened the doors to the simplistic cafe, heading to the registers to order herself a drink*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "Diadora was soaring through the air, a few hundred feet abouve the cafe. It didn't occur to him that he'd get hungry before he got him from work, but his nose caught the smell of Donuts and coffee and his stomach got the better of him. A few moments later he was landing down in front of the door with his wings disappearing off of his back. He walks in with his hands in his pockets and his tail swishing behind him and stood behind a woman in the line. Like normal, he wore a black T-shirt and shorts. He had a black and golden watch on his left wrist, with a chain on his neck that read \"Astaroth.\" He had a strong yet sweet manly smell about him, a new and pretty expensive cologne he found at the mall." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*Maya stood in line leaning on one leg, he thighs squeezing out of the top of her black thigh socks. She was then stunted by the smell of Diadora's cologne, wondering who was the man behind her that smelt fresh. She'd glance behind her, looking Diadora right in the eyes, locking the placement. She'd give him a quick smile, looking back forward, waiting for the person in front of her to finish ordering. The person in front finished, moving over to the side, waiting for their drink. She'd walk up to the employee and ordered.* \"Hi, can I get a medium black coffee.\" *Her voice sounded really soft and sweet, almost giving a feeling of ascending the moment you hear it. The employee responded in a slightly happy manner,* \"Of course ma'am, anything else for you today?\". *Maya responded in a reassuring voice,* \"Nope, thats all.\" *Maya then pulled her wallet out of her bra stuffed in her crop top, taking her card out and inserting it into the machine, the machine finishing the transaction. Maya took her card back and got the receipt from the employee, she'd move over to the side stuffing her card in her wallet, then putting it back in her bra. She'd wait by the pick-up, admiring Diadora, being obviously attracted to him.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "Soon after she finished he walked up and ordered his things as well. \"Hello there, could I get a two glazed donus and a mocha cappuccino?\" His tone was light and very casual. The cashier smiles and nods as they ringed up his things. He pulls out his wallet and pulls out a twenty dollar bill, handing it to the cashier. \"Keep the change..\" He walks over and stood about 10 feet behind Maya, as he did so his tail brushed up against her hand. He leans against the wall and looks behind the counter, watching them prep orders." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd finally notice his tail, a little shocked about the fact he has a tail. While waiting she'd take out her phone, which was stuck between her waist and panty line, she would play around on her phone, glancing up at Diadora every couple minutes, whilst still waiting for her drink. A few moments later her drink would get called, she'd turn over to the pick-up spot, grabbing her drink while using her other hand to put the phone back between her body and panty. She'd then walk over to an empty booth, settling down and fixing her skirt as she placed the coffee cup on the table. She would take her phone out to place on the table, then pulling up her thong so on each side of her hip, the panty line was visible.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He watched her walk away, a soft smile on his face. ` Hmm.. She looks pretty good... But way out my league.. ` He chuckles as he looks back at the people prepping the food. When he received his food he looked over at her for a second then he looked around the cafe trying to find a place to sit." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd look over at Diadora, struggling to find a seat. She'd wave her arm at him,* \"Hey idiot, theres an open seat in front of me.\" *She'd be referring to the empty half of her booth. Maya would grip her cup, taking a couple sips from the hot coffee, feeling nourished from each sip.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He smiles softly as her confidence when speaking to a stranger. He found it kinda hot and decided to join her at her booth. He walked over and sat down on the other side of the booth and placed his coffee and donuts on the table. \"Thank you for your generosity ma'am..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Dont worry about it love.\" *She'd take more sips of her coffee now placing it down on the table. After doing so, she'd pull up her hair, exposing the piercings on her ears. She'd tie up her hair into a messy bun, whilst doing so her breasts would look like their about to fall out her crop top. She'd finish, pull up her crop top to fix her breasts, then spoke.* \"Soo... My names Maya. You?\" *She'd let out a small soft smile at him.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He smiles as he starts to drink his coffee, a satisfied smiled behind the cup as he looked at her. He blushed as he noticed her chest then he looked away clearing his throat as he heard her introduced herself. \"Nice to meet you, Maya. My name is diadora.\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Diadora... Interesting name. I also want to ask... You dont seem... Very... Human.\" *She didn't try to make it seem like she was categorizing him, and hope she didn't make it awkward for him. She'd continue to slowly take sips from her coffee, listening to the response Diadora was gonna give her. She also fix her crop top, as her boob felt uncomfortable, whilst moving the top, her breasts would slightly bounce around in the compact space, soon realizing that she wasn't wearing a bra.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "\"That's because I'm not human at all beautiful. I'm a demon.. Mixed with a beastman. First ever actually.\" He chuckles lightly as he watches her move around. He takes one if his donuts and bites down on it, keeping eye contact the whole time." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Mm... Beautiful huh?\" *She'd smile at him, finishing her coffee.* \"Tch-\" *She'd get up from the booth, standing and fixing her skirt.* \"I'll be right back.\" *She'd walk over to the restaurant trash can, tossing her empty cup of coffee, then heading back to where she was sitting, settling right next to Diadora. She'd turn over to him, smiling at him, locking eye contact.* \"Anything else interesting?\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He smiled and shook his head, looking down at his watch. At that moment his phone began to ring in his pocket. He pulled it out his pocket and looked at it. Almost immediately his smile disappeared and he stood up. \"Excuse me Maya.\" He stands up and takes a few steps away and answers the phone. A deep voice could be heard. \"Where are you right now son?\" Diadora sighs and answers accordingly. \"I'm at a cafe why?\" The voice spoke again. \"You have a new assignment, no due time just get it done.\" His body tenses up, but he nods to himself. \"Yes father..\" He hangs up the phone and walks over to the booth. \"Sorry about that..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"It's all good. Something important come up at work? I know how it is.\" *She'd sigh feeling pity for him, she knew something was up, but didn't wanna pry since it might trigger negative emotions and cause a disaster. She'd look up at him.* \"So you gotta leave or..?\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He shook his head. \"No it's not exactly work.. But I have something to do. There is no time limit, so I do not have to leave at all..\" His tail swished behind him against the booth seat." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Oh, ok then no worries.\" *She'd place a hand on his thigh to try and help comfort him. She'd then remove it immediately, realizing she doesn't know how he would react to physical actions. She then spoke,* \"Sorry-, but anyways... Have any interesting stuff to entertain me with?\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "His face just turns red for a little then he looks away. \"I-i don't uhm..\" He clears his throat and looks back at her. \"Yea.. I dunno if I do actually.. I'm a pretty average guy..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Boringg... Cmon theres gotta be something you do for fun.\" *She'd lock eye contact with him, smiling whilst her lipgloss glistened, asking for something... But didn't know what it was.* \"I'm a detective which, is cool to some people... Heh.\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "\"Your a detective.. Huh..?\" He takes a drink of his coffee as he checks her out a little. \"I wouldn't mind hiring you to do my dirty work..\" He chuckles softly at his own corny joke, then he looks out the window." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "I have returned now\n\n\"HaHa very funny...\" *She said in a sarcastic voice.* \"More like very unfunny..\" *She mumbled under her breath.* \"Well what about you, what job or position do you take? You gotta have something..\" *She was interested, for the time being. Whilst she was also speaking to him, her lips moved in such a fluid way, watching them would almost make you stutter and tremble over your own breath even if your not speaking. There was something about her... Something unexplainable.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He leans back and puts his hands behind his head, looking at her. \"Well.. I'm a prince.. Of the demons for one..\" He looks at his hands, then looks back at her. Then he thought about his undercover Job,But he guesses it wouldn't matter. \"On the other hand.. I am a Merc.\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"A mercenary, spicy...\" *She'd give him a malicious smile.* \"You know I hunt killers and mercenaries, hehe. Might wanna watch out for me when your hunting again, and prince of demons? A little unhuman here.\" *She was a little interested in the fact he was a demon, a demon prince in fact. She has never met anyone this different and special as him, she was truly attracted.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He chuckles softly as she spoke about hunting killers and things like that. \"The thing is I don't take jobs unless I know they are truly evil. I never kill women or children.\" He looks at her with a soft smile. \"Im not human Maya that's the thing..\"" } ]
[ { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Ohhh righttt... Hahaha..\" *She'd be kinda embarrassed about forgetting he was a demon. Maya would scratch the back of her neck, the messy bun moving as the skin reacted to the scratch.* \"So whats it like being a demon... Prince of demons.\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "\"I get to do whatever I want.. If I wanted one of the women in the demon realm I could have them.. I mean.. Pretty much just having money is having money ya know..\" He chuckles and looks out the window. \"But I try to live a normal life here.. And earn what I have..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Interesting, if I was you, I'd be choosing and getting all the stuff that bring the prince allows me to.\" *She'd be a little jealous, but also thought that it was kinda attracting that he chooses to make his own things and earn everything legitimately.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He nods, thinking about it for a second. ` honestly she is right.. But...` He sighed and looked at her. \"I mean the money is great and all. Sure the fame is pretty cool. But I never get to have moments like this.. Where I get to sit down and get to know someone fore them and they get to know me.\" He sighed and his eyes turn blue just thinking about it. \"Every girl wants me because if they get the opportunity to marry me.. They become royalty.. There is no love there ya know...\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Ohh right I get that... Never thought of that as a possibility though. Personally I think your a very cool and interesting person. You seem caring and nice..\" *She'd place her hand on his thigh... A little higher up this time, whilst also giving him a cheeky smile.* \"Heheheh...~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He looked down at her hand and his eyes changed from blue to pink. ` What is she planning..? ` He looked up at her and smiled softly, a little confused on what she was about to do. \"Thank you.. Nobody has ever said that to me...\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Soo...\" *She'd slightly and slowly move her hand on top of his crotch... Slowly rubbing it.* \"Anything else or interesting you wanna tell me... Maybe hobbies..\" *She'd smile at him, locking eyes... She wanted it... Badly this time.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "His face turned red as he felt her rubbing on him in that way. Then he started having a hard time speak. \"I-i.. U-uhm.. L-like t-to.. Uhm t-train on my free t-time..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd smirk at him, feeling his crotch twitch to her hand rubbing it on the outside cloth..* \"What was that... Are you ok? Your kinda s-st-st-tuttering... Hehe~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He bites down on his lip as he continued to stutter a little. Feeling really embarrassed, he even started to get a little hard underneath her hand. \"Y-yea...\" He cleared his throat and stopped stutter. \"Yea I'm fine..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd scoot closer... Leaning her head forward a little closer to your head.* \"Oh yeahh~?\" *She'd full on grip it over the cloth..* \"Are you sure now..~\" *She'd bite her bottom lip looking. Directly at his eyes..*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He moans softly as she did that and looks away from her. ` Why is she teasing me like this... ` His heart began to race really fast. \"Y-yea.. I'm fine..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd slowly move her hand up to the shorts waist line... Pulling down the front with his briefs underneath... Slowly revealing his crotch... Piece by piece..* \"Mm~\" *Her breasts nipples outline could be seen, this dirty scene, had her breasts poking to get out..* \"How about now... Hehe~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He blushed even harder then he put his hand over hers to stop her from going any further. \"W-we A-are i-in public...\" He bit down on his line kinda hard. \"S-stop teasing me...\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd ignore his hand, grabbing it... Slowly starting stroke it..* \"Shh... Nobody will notice... Just don't make a fuss... Hehe~\" *She'd then put her leg on the seat, her knee bent facing the roof, and her crotch facing him... Her panties were very visible... Pink...* \"Hehe..~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He nods and moans softly, just letting her do what she wants. \"Y-you have no s-shame huh Maya...\" When he say her panties, His dick started throbbing and growing in her hands as she continues, then" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd turn around quickly to see if anyone was there... She hadn't noticed but it has gotten a little late, the cafe was theirs for the time being. She smirked to this, leaning down towards his throbbing... Cock, grabbing it and slowly putting it into her mouth, sucking the tip slowly, swirling her tongue around it..* \"Mmh~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "His eyes widen when she starts sucking on his dick. He put a hand on her head, it lazily followed her movements. He moans out her name softly as his tail started thumping against the seat. \"M-maya...~\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd place her hand on the base of his dick, sucking, putting it deeper and deeper, wrapping her tongue around it as it went in and out... In and out... In and out... The motion was mesmerizing, the feeling was too good to be true... She'd then use her other hand to move her panties aside... Slowly starting to rub her clit..* \"Mmahh~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "Diadora moans out softly as he felt her get a little more aggressive with him. It felt really good, only being the second time he felt anything this good in his life. \"Y-yes..~ f-fuck..~ i-it feels so good...~\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd put it in all the way, her nose touching the base... She's gag to the feeling, moving her head back, then started to suck again... Muffled moans leaving her mouth as she rubs her clit faster, putting in fingers, moving them in and out..*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He moans a little louder and louder, then he covers his mouth with his free hand to quiet himself. ` This fucking feels to good... ` Then he looks around. \"I-i might c-cum M-maya..~ S-slow d-down..~\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd smirk, doing the complete opposite, sucking harder and faster, licking the shaft and tip, up and down... In and out, moans escaping from touching herself so aggressively... She waited for the moment to happen, for him to let it out in her mouth..*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He moans a little louder and but down on his bottom lip kinda aggressively so he didn't moan as his dick started throbbing really hard in her mouth as he neared his limits." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd keep going then, stopped removing the shaft from her mouth... Slowly moving her body on top of him... She'd slowly sit on it, the throbbing piece of thick meat, entering her tight womb. She moaned out loud to the feeling of it entering, gripping his shoulders she'd move up and down, moving her head back, moaning. Her breasts would bounce to the movements... Her insides aching for his sweet, sweet, thick, and hot liquids to enter her body... She was his*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He moans out softly as she pulled his dick out of her mouth. He started panting softly for a few seconds as she climbed into him. Then when he felt himself get pushed inside of her and he let our a loud and and very lewd moan. \"Y-you can't i-ill c-cum inside of you M-maya..\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd keep moving up and down, moaning to the feeling of his cock rubbing against her insides..* \"I-I don't care..~\" *She'd push down on the base, rubbing her body on it, continuing to move, her mind getting fuzzy, the sensation filling every part of her..*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "His body starts to reverse match her movements, feeling way to good from the pleasure. And he didn't want it to stop no time soon, but he knew he was gonna cum. \"M-maya.. Y-you could get pregnant.. A-ahh..~ f-fuck..~\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"P-Plan B..~\" *She's move ferociously, moaning loudly... She couldn't help herself, she was stuck in a trance, it felt too good to her. She moaned his name..* \"Mm~ D-Diadora..~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "His moans got louder and louder till he finally reached his limit and released his hot, sticky cum deep inside of her. His tail going very stiff as it happens. When he was finished his hands arms lost strength and he started panting with his tongue hanging out. Looking so much like a dog in that moment." }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd twitch to all of the liquid entering her, filling her insides with his cum..* \"Aah!!~\" *She'd grip tightly on his shoulders biting down hard on her lips... At that moment she'd let out a little too... Her body shaking and panting... Heavily.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He looks into her eyes. He pouted a little bit, slightly mad that she just did this to him in the open. \"Y-you really just fucked me in the middle of a cafe.. Sheesh what a freak..\" He said in a teasing tone, he obviously could keep going. \"How'd a prince's dick feel huh Maya..~?\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "*She'd rub up and down his chest...* \"Mm... Hehe. Whatever..~\" *She'd give him a cheeky smile once again. Move forward a little, pressing her lips against his..* \"It felt amazing..~\"" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "\"I knew you were into me from the moment you saw me.. But your moves were really smooth..\" He grabs one of her hands and interlocks their fingers. Then he places his free hand on her waist. \"You'll make a guy fall in love...\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Maybe thats my goal... Hehe.\" *She'd wrap her arms around her, smiling at him... She was happy... Truthfully happy. She'd press her lips against his again, she slowly rub on him again, teasing.*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He kisses her back softly, moaning into the kiss slightly. His dick as still really hard, and he was most definitely still turned on. \"Oh..?\"" }, { "author": "koyuki0470", "message": "\"Round 2? Hehe...~\" *She rub slowly... Moving up and down slowly... She'd move her lips down to his neck... Kissing it, her lips hungry for his skin... Making her leave a hickey on his neck and she moved..*" }, { "author": "Diadora Astaroth", "message": "He started moaning softly again Ashe she started moving and teasing him once more. \"I can go nine round human..~\" He held onto her waist as she moved." } ]
[ { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mike was sitting on his chair he kept behind the counter, waiting for a customer to finally come in the cafe again. He was wearing the maid uniform they decided to be the uniform for the cafe, smiling slightly as he browsed his phone. He then heard the bell ring at the door, signalling to him that someone came in. He springed up from the chair and looked towards the door, smiling as he welcomed the girl who came in.* \n\"Hello, welcome to the Cozy Cafe! May I take your order?\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "*I open the door to the cafe, headphones softly blasting some jazz as I make my way to the main counter, lowering my headphones and bringing a smile and wave to the man at the counter* \n\n\"Hi there! Medium sized mocha latte, with a croissant please!\" *I smile and pull out my bag, grabbing my wallet to pay* \"Busy morning today?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He nods slightly, going over to start preparing her coffee and croissant, he then shakes his head a little in response to her question.*\n\n\"No, not really! Pretty empty today, actually, glad you stopped by! That'll be 10 bucks, please!\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "*I pass over 15* \n\n\"Take the 5 for tip. No takebacks.\" *She smiled, pulling her phone out and texting someone, then putting it away and sitting at one of the barstools* \"Well, that's good to hear. Granted, Rush Hours going to be in like what... 20 minutes? You'll probably get a few more people then.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He smiled back happily as she gave him the tip, he seemed a little like he didn't want to take it, but he just decided to accept it.* \"Thank you, that's really kind of you!\"\n\n*After a little bit he had her latte and croissant ready for her, bringing it to her.* \"Yeah, I think so! I'm guessing you intentionally got here before that?\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "*I smiled and took the food and latte, taking a quick sip of it and then looking out the window* \"Yeah, it's not fun to deal with some of the asshats on the road. And besides, I've heard good reviews about this place, thought I'd check 'er out. And holy crap the reviews weren't kidding about the gentle atmosphere. It looks like I could take a nap on any of these seats\" *She giggled and nommed on her croissant, satisfied* \"Wow, that's a really good croissant. I've wanted to try making some myself, but never got the courage too.\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mikes smiled at her slightly as he patiently listened to her talking, nodding along slightly, smiling happily. He then told her in response* \"Yeah, I intentionally made it look so welcoming, I really like it! Feel free to take a nap if you'd like.\" *He said, giggling a little afterwards and continuing* \"They're from a nearby bakery, they're really good right? I sometimes eat some after work, if I can be honest.. Glad you're happy with it though! Are you going to work after this?\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "\"You mean the Brandywine Bakery? I work at that bakery, one of the head bakers there. I'm off today, so I thought I'd check out some local spots. And.. Made it? Are you.. Are you the owner of this place?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "\"Oh, I see... Well that's interesting! Tell whoever makes these that they're really good!\" *He chuckled slightly again and then continued, addressing her question.* \"Oh, yeah! I own this place, and usually work in the mornings like this.. It's quite fun!\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "\"That's really cool! I haven't legitimately met an owner who's so passionate about their business and will actually do shifts for the place.\" *She brushed a few loose hairs away from her face and continued sipping at her latte* \"Man, this is amazing! I'll definitely have to come around here more often, especially if I can interact with cute people like you guys.\" *I realize what I say, blushing a bit and trying to hide my blush by drinking more of my latte*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He looked a little shy about it as she told him that, giggling a little and saying* \"Yeah... At first it was me not having enough employees and just working because I had to, but I've grown to enjoy it and kept doing it!\" *As she then called him cute, he blushed quite a lot, looking down slightly before looking to her again* \"H-Heh, well... T-thank you, that's really sweet~ We'd love to have you here again, you've been really sweet and friendly so far.\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "\"I see.. Well, I'll definitely have to come around more often. And thank you. It's just kinda nice to have a place where you're not forced to put some visage on and be this super serious person.\" *She sighed and put the latte down, finishing her croissant and stretching* \"So... What type of music do you listen to?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He kept smiling widely as they talked, nodding along again* \"Yeah, that was kinda my goal with this place.. I just wanted to have a nice place for people to enjoy spending time and drink some coffee.\" *He then moved over a bit and started to make tea for himself* \"Well, I usually listen to some indie rock, I actually play guitar! I'm not very good, but I am enjoying myself.\"" }, { "author": "Allynna", "message": "\"You play guitar?! That's cool! I'm more of a jazz kinda gal, but hey, they both share bass. And bass is fun! You'll definitely have to play for me sometime soon. Maybe teach me a thing or two?\" *She watched as he made the tea* \"Also.. If you don't mind.. Do you want to sit over at the bean bags? I'm in no rush to go anywhere so.. Why not socialize?\"" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He nodded a little as she said this, giggling a little again* \"Jazz is cool as well! I'm not a very good teacher, but if we ever get to that point, sure~\" *He then finished making his cup of mint tea and grabbed it, nodding a little to her* \"Yeah, that definitely sounds fun! It seems like a bit of a quieter day anyway.\" *He then started to walk over to the so-called 'cozy corner,' sitting down in one of the bean bags*" } ]
[ { "author": "Viridian", "message": "*The city was quite large and searching for a single person inside it was comparable to searching for a needle in a haystack. But Viridian wasn't one to be deterred by such a thing. The plants had been more helpful than one would have thought. Though they could only convey simple things to her, it was enough to lead her on the right track for her target. \n\nYou see, Viridian was looking to start up a business, but she hadn't a clue how. Looking up things on the strange modern thing called 'The Internet' only assisted her so much, she knew she had to buy a building where she would work and had go get customers to come to her regularly, but there were finer aspects of such things she didn't quite understand. The only help she could get would be from an old soul such as herself, someone who knew both the old ways and the new ways. And that person happened to be a demon. \n\nYes yes, it was a dangerous thing to seek a demon for assistance but Viridian had done it before successfully without losing her mind, life, or soul. She was sure she could do it once more. All she had to do was find Maliketh somewhere in this market!*" }, { "author": "Maliketh Kargath, The Inspector Demon", "message": "```In the market was a sudden uproar at one of the smaller market shops. A crowd gathered, and in the centre was a man (the store owner) who shouted at a taller gentleman in an all red attire.```\n\n\"*You can't just shut this down! I have worked here and my family have before me!*\" ```The man shouted. The person the man was shouting at was the Inspector Demon. He chuckled and looked down at the store owner.``` \"**Well maybe if you didn't have such snobby workers- and product that wasn't outdated- then you'd still be open.**\" ```Maliketh chortled and watched as the man before him got so pent up that he cried out of anger. The store owner stormed off, and 2 black tendrils came out from Maliekth's coat with a sign. Maliketh put the butt of his staff against the door of the store, which branded a strange symbol with the initials \"MK.INSP\" On it. The store was closed. Everyone that was watching slowly began to walk away...```" }, { "author": "Viridian", "message": "*Huh. Perhaps finding the demon was easier than she thought, especially since he had drawn quite the crowd. She curiously watched from afar. Seemed like the business there wasn't up to snuff if it was being closed. Had the person really run it so poorly? It made Viridian wonder if she truly had what it took to run a shop of her own... \n\nFortunately she quickly snapped out of those self doubtful thoughts. She would never know if she never ended up trying! The dryad would do her best and if she failed then at least she had known she had put in all the effort she could have. \n\nSteeling herself, she strode forward towards Maliketh.*\n\"Hello there. Sorry if I am interrupting you while you are busy.\"\n*She glanced at the closed store, unsure if he was done with his business here or not.*\n\"But if you have a moment I would like to talk about making a deal with you. I am wanting to open up my own business and I need assistance.\"\n*Her voice was firm and her gaze steady. When making a deal with a demon one had to show resolve, for if you showed weakness they could take advantage rather quickly.*" }, { "author": "Maliketh Kargath, The Inspector Demon", "message": "```Maliketh leaned slightly on his staff. He looked down at the lady (that he presumed was young) and had a big smile on his face. His ears twitched excitedly- and he adjusted his tie as he looked down at her.``` \"**A business you say madam?**\" \n\n```Maliketh's smile was innocent and warm. Despite his cruel job, he seemed as if it was nothing.``` \"**And what type of business would this be darling?**\"" } ]
[ { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Walks up the stairs of the arena and sits on the judge spot, overseen the whole battlefield and putting his feet up as he begins eating grapes***" }, { "author": "kingofspades", "message": "If you're playing roman emperor you forgot the femboys" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "*He smiles and goes to one end of the Arena stretching his arms. My right arm swung to my left shoulder ripping my long coat off of my body and throwing it to the side as it revealed two large metal gauntlets on my hands* Let's do this" }, { "author": "kingofspades", "message": "*He sighs as he walks to a nearby weapons rack, grabbing a nice spear and getting a feel for it's balance with some spins, then returning with it to the opposite side of the arena*\nAlrighty" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Oh great Judge Lucas what shall be the rules for this fight by the way? *He looked up at Lucas with a thumbs up as the metal gauntlets weight didn't seem to phase him too much due to the pumping adrenaline.*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Snaps his fingers and two tall demon girls in revealing clothes and red skinned toned bodies begins to wave huge feathered fans in his direction, one on each side as he doesn't pay attention to them but grins at the choice of weapons of the two contenders***\n\n\"**THERE'S NO SUCH A THING AS A DIRTY TRICK, ALL THE MEANS NECESSARY FOR THE VICTORY ARE JUSTIFIED, THE FINAL BLOW SHALL NOT BE INFERTED BEFORE MY SAY SO. NO PERMANENT DAMAGE ALLOWED AND FOR MY SAKE... MAKE IT ENTERTAINING!**\"\n\n***Shouts down the arena, his voice echoing powerfull throughout the walls***\n\n\"**MAY THE BEST FIGHTER WIN!**\"" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Use whatever means necessary hm? Perfect! Time to do something I haven't done in a loooong time~ *Grim pulled two axes from the side and attached them to what seemed to be a chain around his gauntlet as he held the axes in both hands. His face went from a gentle smile to a blood thirsty grin, his red eyes staring at Spade as if he was staring at his soul.*" }, { "author": "kingofspades", "message": "*He shakes his head in disbelief as he eyes the chains*\nWell there goes the reach advantage...\n*He mumbles, giving his weapon another spin to get a feel of its handling, then gripping it firmly in both hands, tip pointing towards his opponent as he begins to slowly approach him, unfazed by his stare and grin but with a stoic and determined expression of his own*" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "*Immediately Grim swung his left arm forward with a sideways throw as the axe flung towards his spinning as the chain flew behind it. Due the spin the axe became a large chunk of chains, as much as this looked like a disadvantage he licked his lips swinging the chunk of chains downwards towards spade hopefully going to his him on the head and bludgeon him*" }, { "author": "kingofspades", "message": "*Quickly sidesteps to his right to dodge the incoming ball of chains and axe, making sure to keep it in his peripheral view as it will surely come back after passing him, he then continues his path more towards the right while still approaching Grim*" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "*Grim waited until the ball was out of Spades sight on the way towards him as he quickly swung his left arm to the right and pulling back making the chain wrap around him with the element of surprise or so he hoped.*" }, { "author": "kingofspades", "message": "*Thankful he kept his eyes on the weapon he now charges towards Grim and rolls under the chain as it gets near him, then picking up his charge again to take a jab at Grim center mass the moment he is within reach*" }, { "author": "harleen2651", "message": "*Cheers on Spade from the benches*" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "*Grim was still keeping an eye on him as he swerved on his left for 90 degrees to the right as the chain still wrapped around spade since he didn't move out of the way. His right arm swung forward as his left arm pulled him closer, knowing there was not much Spade could do while trapped by the chain his right fist slammed into his face as the chain unrolled sending him backwards from the punch.*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "╔══════╗\n Paused\n╚══════╝" } ]
[ { "author": "angle3139", "message": "Nah nah i just used the wrong acc dw" }, { "author": "Nico", "message": "*Nico was standing in the edge of a H&M, looking at stockings. He needed a new pair and enjoyed the feeling of being in person while shopping, because he almost always got the size wrong while online shopping. It was a perfect spring day, the sun shining through the roof windows of the mall. Nico was wearing a pastel purple cropt-top hoodie and some black booty shorts, which really showed off his round butt.*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "Jonathan would walk in. He was Different from all the others. First of all, Jonathan was Big, Big as in Muscular. Though He doesn't even go to the gym. Secondly, Jonathan had blue hair And Pretty Crystal Blue Eyes that were Charming. Jonathan was also wearing a Tux with A Brown belt. Jonathan would grab a basket and would begin to walk to The same aisle As Nico. He leaned down, He was 6,5 so this was a problem for the Man." }, { "author": "Nico", "message": "*Nico was a whopping 5'3 feet tall, which he had hated until he realised how much he loved being small spoon. He looked over at the guy who had entered the aisle he was standing in and instantly blushed. Nico easily got crushes on random guys he saw, so he had experience in giving subtle hints. The only thing he lacked at was the part where he had to speak, which was pretty vital to getting along with someone. He started by \"Accidentally\" Dropping something in the guy's opposite direction and leaned over, his bubble butt pointing towards Nico's new crush*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "He turned over and would instantly Blush. Jonathan looked away and would lean back up. He sighed before leaning beside him and picking out a few things there as well. Then he would Smile and would wave softly at him \"Hello Sir!, It appears You have dropped something. Here, Let me aid you!\" He placed his hand on the thing he has dropped." }, { "author": "Nico", "message": "*Nico gets up again, looking at the guy.* \"O-Oh thank y-you..\" *He had actually hoped he would get more prep time for the conversation he knew was gonna take place. Nico realised that the guy had picked up the stockings and stands the awkwardly while the guy stands with the stockings*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "He softly chuckled \"Heh. Well, My names Jonathan, Jonathan Joestar! But you call me JoJo!\" He would smile before handing him the stockings. His smile Grew wider When he heard that he thanked him \"Also, no need to thank me\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Nico", "message": "\"Oh- Y- My name is N-Nico..\" *Nico blushed and looked up at guy, standing awkwardly.* \"U-Uhmm..\" *He didnt really know what to do and just stared at him.*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "Jonathan would smile before opening his arms, gesturing that he wants a hug \"So nice to meet you Nico!\" Jonathan looked happy to meet him" }, { "author": "Nico", "message": "\"O-Oh..\" *He slowly slipped into the guy's arms. His small body falling into the large guy.* \"Mwah-..\" *He hadnt realised he needed a hug this much*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "He would smile before holding him close \"Aww, How cute\" He would slowly loosen his arms To a point that he was slightly holding him. \"Do you mind if you hand me your phone?\"" }, { "author": "Nico", "message": "\"O-Oh.. N-Not at all..\" *Nico took his phone out, about to hand it to him. He suddenly remembered that he had alot of his own nudes on it and quickly locked all of the apps that could show them.*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "Jonathan would Write his number in the phone and would hand it to him \"Call me as soon as you can, Nico!\" He got up and smile at him before picking out a few other stuff" }, { "author": "Nico", "message": "*Nico stood still, flattered by the guy. Then he thought: \"What does he mean by that? Does he want to just be friends or..?\" He got up and paid for his purchases and left the store, planning to call the guy when he got home.*" }, { "author": "Jonathan Joestar", "message": "Jonathan would Purchase his items as well, smiling before he put all of his stuff in his bag and left the shopping Centre" } ]
[ { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He continued on driving, flooring it past other vehicles. Every time that engine roared, he just couldn't stop smiling.*\n\n\"So, how much do you think you'll be getting off of this?\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret pulled himself back into the vehicle and scratched at the facial hair of his chin. He hummed softly as he crunched some numbers in his head.*\n\n\"So the thing about this haul is the sustainability and longevity of the cash flow as opposed to the ready availability of funds. It certainly depends on who is willing to buy. If all goes well. Each bag of the product will net me anywhere from 25 to 45K over a 2week period.\"\n\n*He chuckled to himself and folded his arms over his chest.*\n\n\"I've actually got a buyer lined up for a good amount of it. Say about half of the available product for a mint. The rest will be slow fed to other buyers. I've always been the transporter, never had to hold onto it for long periods of time. So that will be the fun, challenging bit. \"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He turned his head towards the man, nodding.*\n\n\"Right.\"\n\n*He looked around.*\n\n\"How close are we?\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret looked out the window of the vehicle and began scanning the various docks along the beach. Reaching into his jacket he pulled a collapsible spyglass, extending it out and peering down at the darkened areas below the docks. He spoke up as he slid the glass back together and tucked it away in his pocket.*\n\n\"Right. So get this down to the actual sand and pull up to that pier over there. Look carefully. Maybe you can spot the small neon orange flag tied to every 4th pole of the pier.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"You want me to be quiet about it, or floor it?\"\n\n*He looked over, slowing down the car and turning off the lights. He spotted the spot, looking at Barret.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "\"Roll up slow and once we get loaded up we can roll out however quickly you feel. I got a feeling the faster we go the higher chance we both make a good amount of cash.\"\n\n*Barret chuckled and stretched his arms over head head.*\n\n\"I'll handle the heavy lifting and loading. Locke will watch out for us and you keep the ride purring.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He nodded slowly, turning into where he wanted to go. The engine purred quietly, eventually coming to a stop.*\n\n\"Alright. How much time do we got?\"\n\n*His eyes scanned around. Not for workers, but for cops.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret laughed as he opened the door running out of the car, he moved quick opening the passenger side doors and speaking between movements. Surprisingly, he had left his cane behind in the passenger seat.*\n\n\"Not sure. But I'm pretty positive we've got an hour. Unless we're completely visible from the highway. Open up the trunk too.\"\n\n*Barret grunted as he loosed the ace he holds up his sleeve, the veins in his arm slowly blackening and crawling up the side of his shoulder. He ran into the shade of the pier, using the long liquid like tentacle that poured from his forearm to slip into the handles of the duffel bags that were partially buried in the sand underneath the docks. Without having to move he guided the bags into the vehicle. Stacking them neatly and tightly without breaking so much as a sweat. The trunk was filled to the brim and the backseat was stacked full of large duffels. When Barret came back he had put away his ability, the remnants of the corruption crawling up the side of his face. He closed the doors to the vehicle and the trunk before climbing in. *\n\n\"Onward onward!\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He nodded, slamming his foot on the clutch and the gas. He shifted into first, and slammed through gears, quickly driving away from the scene.*\n\n\"Fast man! Holy shit!\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret shuddered as he slowly pulled his flask from his jacket. His head felt like splitting after using that ability for such an extended period. He spun the cap of the flask and shakily began drinking down the whiskey inside. He huffed as he weakly put the cap back on and stuck it back in his jacket.*\n\n\"It has its uses... Heavy lifting is like playing with blocks... But damn does the headache hurt something fierce.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"I could of helped y'know?\"\n\n*He turned his head, looking worried.*\n\n\"I got a bit of muscle in me, could of helped you so the work was a bit faster, then you wouldn't have such a bit of a headache.\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret grinned and gave a thumbs up.*\n\n\"I guess you can help me unload this payload into my place then. If you're set on using that muscle.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He nodded.*\n\n\"Address?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "kitsuneempress1915", "message": "**It was a calming peaceful day at the beach hearing the sounds of the waves. To the peaceful breeze of the wind it was very calming to enjoy a relaxing time. A lovely young beauty roam through the sands while wearing a red swimsuit cover dress. Holding a red paper umbrella as her beauty was a sight to see while enjoying a calm peaceful time. Admiring the view of clear blue water as the sound of waves reaching to the sands. The smell of the salty salt water air from the water.** *\"It's been a while since I've went to beach yet it feels good to be back at least... If only mother, and father were still here we would all have so much fun a family relaxation it would have been lovely\"* **She quitely mumbles to herself as she try her best not to cry.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "**It was a calming peaceful day at the beach hearing the sounds of the waves. To the peaceful breeze of the wind it was very cal...\n\n Down at the side of the beach laid a long tailed Naga that stretched up the 20 feet long just this morning. The feeling of the clear blue sky and the warm rays of the sun on his skin was incredible. He liked to have his full body stretched out so as much of it could absorb the warmth of the sun. He heard someone though as far as he was aware he was the only one here wasn't he? Lucas lifted his head up his golden eyes looked around to see a beautiful female over in the distance. He gained a feeling of sadness from her as he started to slither over gently not to cause any alarm the the female. \"Are you okay dear? You seem a bit... Sad\"" }, { "author": "kitsuneempress1915", "message": "**While she was relaxing yet enjoying herself admiring the calm view. Her ears perked up as she looked to her right to spot the figure that appear before her. Looking at his appearance she can sense that he wasn't human at all. Seeing his long tail it was almost like he was a snake or better yet a naga. Yet part of her wonder if he was also here as well to enjoy himself. Looking into his eyes as she smiles softly at him hearing his question.* *\"Hm? Oh I'm alright thank you for asking I was only just remembering some things from my past is all remembering on the memories is all ah I didn't mean to bother you yet it's a pleasure to meet you\"*" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "**While she was relaxing yet enjoying herself admiring the calm view. Her ears perked up as she looked to her right to spot the ...\n\n Lucas coiled himself so he wasn't so long or tall as he leaned back to sit on the sand in a weird way but he was a Naga not much he could do about it. He looked at the female and help out a hand to her. \"You weren't bothering me at all, its a pleasure to meet you as well my names Luca~\"" } ]
[ { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**There's a dark creature lurking around, waiting to have some fun. Searching for prey out of boredom**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I'm calmly walking around the forest as I'm looking around and admiring the nature around me, seeing how beautiful it is and loving the way the trees flow in the breeze*" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark Fae creature catches a scent and follows it. Slowly creeping up on the being walking through the forest. A dark, playful thought crosses the creature's mind. A wicked smile graces her lips**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being is wearing a cute dress that flows around her thighs and she smiles as she continues to admire the trees. She notices a bush with pretty flowers and bends over to look at them more, not noticing the presence thats watching her**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark creature, dressed in all black, tight leather and heeled boots, a fancy gauntlet claw jewelry on her hand. The creature smacks the being hard across the ass with clawed gauntlet**\n\n\"What do we have here, a little whore in my forest?\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being immediately gasps and turns to look at the creature, they're face flushing a bright red from the smack**\n\"I-I'm sorry. I didn't k-know this was your forest. It's just so beautiful and I w-was admiring it\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**Laughs at you, and then takes your jaw into my clawed hand**\n\n\"This forest belongs to many dark creatures, I am in a playful mood, and you seem like the perfect toy\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**My eyes widen just a little as I try my best to avoid eye contact, my face going even more red**\n\"W-what do you mean 'perfect toy'?\"\n**I ask as my voice is a little shaky**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"I think you know Exactly what I mean. I can smell how needy you are\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**My thighs immediately squeeze together and I try to defend myself but I'm stuttering over my words**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**Laughs in your face over your embarrassment. I start to lightly choke you with my clawed gauntlet**\n\n\"I want you to beg, beg for me and tell me why I should give you any attention or help\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**Gasps softly as I look at you now, my eyes shining with excitement and I squeeze my thighs together even more**\n\"Please. Please I want it I'll do anything\"\n**I mumble**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Pathetic begging, but I like how weak you look\"\n\n**I choke you more, starting breathe play, watching closely**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**I lean into your hand more as I bite down on my bottom lip**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**I choke and release,over and over, watching you gasp**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**I look into you eyes beggingly as I gasp everytime you release my throat, only to catch my breath when you tighten again**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**A black werewolf with glowing red eyes emerges from the forest - towering over the beings and snarls at them**\n\"What is this commotion in the once peaceful forest?\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"There is no commotion, only playing with this little toy I found in our forest\"\n\n**The dark Fae not surprised by the werewolf**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**My eyes widen more as I look between the werewolf and the fae, my thighs squeezing together more**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Doesn't this little toy smell needy \" **I ask the werewolf**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "\"Oh is that right? Let's see...\"\n**The Werewolf draws closer to the other being, recognising that the Dark Fae represents no threat. He smells the scent on the being and smirks.**\n\"*Delicious...* I think we have a new plaything in this forest. They smell... *Juicy...*\"\n**The Werewolf licks the terrified being's face with his tongue**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae laughs mischievously and pushes the little human towards the werewolf**\n\n\"I think it's time to play\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being gasps as she is throw into the werewolf, looking up into its red eyes, her face completely flushed red and her thighs continuing to squeeze together. She stutters on her words some more as she tries to form a sentence**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf chuckles darkly and looks down into the human's eyes**\n\"Yes my dear?... Go on we won't judge if you want to admit how much of a needy whore you are...\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The mischievous giggling ensues from the dark Fae, taunting the little human toy , pulling on their hair**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**She gasps and moans softly at the hair pulling before being shocked from herself and covering her mouth with her hands, still looking into the eyes of the werewolf with begging eyes**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Little whore probably needs railed by a beast\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf snarls at the human and chuckles even darker**\n\"Yes she wants to be railed by a beast and be filled by a knot don't you little whore?\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae gets her riding crop out and starts taunting and smacking the little toy**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being nods as she continues to cover her mouth with her hands to muffle her moans, the riding crop feeling nice against her skin**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"How about, you rail her and I degrade and smack her around? Sound good wolfy?\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf acknowledges the Dark Fae and nods with a delicious grin**\n\"Where would you like me to do so?\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being hesitates for a moment before taking her hands away from her mouth and clinging them to hem of her dress, playing with the edge of it nervously but still being majorly turned on**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Hmmm, cozy cottage or outside like wild animals?\"\n\n**The dark fae grips the little toy with the claws again, squeezing her neck**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being gasps once again and her eyes flutter a little**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf wraps his furry arms around the human's waist, licking her cheek and his massive thick cock between the girl's thighs. He whispers in her ear seductively~**\n\"Your choice little whore~\"\n\"Would you like to fucked in the confines of a cozy cottage?\"\n\"Or would you like to be railed hard in this forest, where no one will come to rescue you despite your screams?\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being whimpers quietly as she hesitates once again before mumbling something under her breath to quiet for you guys to hear**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae laughs mischievously again at the werewolf's comment**\n\n\"I bet this dirty little whore would love to be railed hard in the forest\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being whimpers once more as she nods meekly at the dark fae's comment**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Aww she's a cute shy little whore'\n\n**The fae wraps a collar around the toy's neck and hands the leash to the werewolf**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being looks between the fae and the werewolf with lust-hazed eyes**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf howled with glee and drags her across the woodland floor towards a dark tree**\n\n\"I won't use the collar just yet\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being squeaks in surprise from being dragged as her breathing is heavy**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf chuckles darkly and stops dragging her once they're under the dark tree**\n\"Get on all fours now little whore... You need to be fucked right now...\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae skips to them, getting in front of the little whore, ready to smack her around**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being thinks for a moment before giving the werewolf a smug face, looking into its eyes as she says**\n\"Make me.\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae back hands the whore hard across the face**\n\n\"Oh, we'll make you alright don't worry\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**She gasps but just smiles and stands her ground, still having that smug demeanor**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae kicks behind the whore's knee and knocks her to the ground, whipping her ass with the riding crop. Then the dark fae leans over her and chokes her again, digging her clawed gauntlet into the whore's skin.**\n\n\"You better mind your manners dirty little whore\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being uses her hands to brace herself against the ground as she's knocked to her knees and gasps when the riding crop hits her ass, gasping even more when the clawed gauntlet is wrapped around her throat**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"I think it's playtime, time for you to learn your place\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf presses his cock against the human's entrance, chuckling darkly and whimpering**\n\"Do you think you can handle this little human?\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**The dark fae gives a dark giggle and smile, giving the werewolf a knowing look**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**Her cunt basically tightens around nothing as she pushes her ass back against the werewolf's cock, looking up at the dark fae with begging eyes**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf howls loudly into the forest air and thrusts inside the human, his breathing panting and lustful**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**The being immediately moans out loudly before knocking herself to her elbows to cover her mouth with her hands, her eyes fluttering open and closed**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**Chuckles darkly and smacks the little whore around**\n\n\"I bet you like that don't you, you little whore? Getting railed by a beast\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf thrusts hard, railing the human from behind, not even considering the pain she might be in**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**She just moans in response even though it's muffled, enjoying every single bit of this**" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf rests his paws on the shoulders of the human and continues thrusting, railing her thoroughly in an enlightening display of dominance, the human could do nothing but take it**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**Keeps choking and releasing the whore, smacking her with the riding crop, throwing insults, cheering on the werewolf**\n\n\"Little slut likes getting stretched by a big beast, don't you, you slut?\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**She can't help but just moan into her hands, her cunt squeezing around the beast's cock. Her entire body is shaking from the meer force that its fucking me with as I look up at the fae, loving how she looks while just smacking me around**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**Giving a dark smile, not stopping the smacking, choking and whipping**\n\n\"Tell us how good of a little whore you are for us\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**She moves her hands to grip onto the grass under her as she tries to speak, her words being interuppted by moans**\n\"I-im... I'm such.. A good.. Whore for.. You guys\"" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "**Laughs at you, continuing my insults and impact play as the little toy gets railed**\n\n\"You better be a good whore for the werewolf and cum\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**Her cunt just tightens around the beast more at the fae's words and the fact that's she's still being smacked around, kinda bouncing herself back to meet the werewolf's thrusts as she nods**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Good little fuck toy\" **She caresses the little whore before continuing to pull her hair and whip her**" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**She gasps and moans as her eyes flutter some more as her body continues to shake and she tightens even more around the beast**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "\"Cum like a good little fuck toy, now!\"" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "**Just at those words, she moans one last time as her body gives out and she cums on the werewolf's cock, her head dropping to rest against the ground but she doesn't stop pushing herself back on the beast's cock, wanting to make it feel good too**" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "| **Paused temporarily** |" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**The werewolf howls, forcing his knot inside the human girl, and cumming inside of her thickly, licking her cheek in the process**" } ]
[ { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "The forest was dim the large trees covering a large portion of the sky as it seemed to stop the full moons light from lighting up such a wonderful natural landscape, Anubis sat cross legged leaning his body against the tree. Small eats of moonlight hit his shirtless body and chiselled face, his galaxy like eyes gently glowed in the shadows." }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "*Hera's gaze turned up to look at the sky, sapphire hues fixated onto the full moon. Taking a moment to admire it's beauty. She'd always been drawn to such, ever since she was a child. The moon being the one thing which truly connected her to her family, bringing back sweet memories for her. Which allowed a soft sigh to escape her lips. Her head lowering to now scan the surrounding forest around her.*\n\n*Despite the little light given by the moon, she was still able to see the forest as clear as day. Such ability coming from her wolf like nature. A small crack would soon be heard a few feet away from her, causing her ears to twitch in response. Instinctively lowering her body to the ground. Crouching as she honed in her senses onto whatever creature had made such a noise. A low growl being emitted from her, as her gaze turned into a murderous one. A hunter, with it's prey within her sights.*\n\n*With one burst of energy she leapt off of the ground and onto the creature that had made the noise. Her claws now pinning a... Rabbit to the forest ground. The small creature squealing and struggling whilst in her grasp. Yet, her body froze.*\n\n*Her head turned to look at Anubis who was sat by a tree a few feet away, the pure shock of the stranger led her grip on her prey to loosen causing it's escape. A soft, nervous smile spreading across her face while her ears lowered themselves.*\n\n\"H-heya stranger...\"" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "Anubis hadn't really taken any notice of the other person a few feet to his left just yet, his eyes focused on the moonlight, his ears peaked up hearing someone speak as he quickly turned his head noticed a stranger, he gently put on a smile and gave a small wave. \"Oh hello. Seems I'm not the only one here\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"Mhm, came out to do a lil' bit of huntin'... Haven't caught anythin' yet though... What 'bout you. What brings you out here stranger?\"\n\n*Being the social pup she was, she spoke quite a bit. Enjoying conversation with others. She proceeded to inch a little closer to the other taking a seat a few feet in front of him. Sitting cross legged, while her tail swayed happily behind her. A soft smile onto her face.*" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "\"Ah I see. Oh me? I come here to enjoy the only place where my worshippers cannot find me. Although I doubt it'll stay that way for long.\" \n\nHe watched her slowly inch closer until she sat in front of him, he kept his smile as he clothing was Egyptian styled also he wore no shirt only braces." }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"Worshippers\" *She tilted her head, out of curiosity.* \"You like a god or something?\"\n\n*Her tail seemed to wag with a greater speed, excited by the thought yet also intrigued. Her own clothing was quite bland in comparison to his own. Simply wearing tattered white t-shirt along with some black shorts. She was a low class being of course, which in turn her clothes reflected quite well.*" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "\"I guess you could say that, the cult raised me and worshipped me because I was born with a mark that represented a god. Now since I'm of age they're trying to get me a harem as well and it's just a none stop hassle.\" \n\nHe examined Hera's clothing clearly being able to tell she wasn't as high as him, to him this worlds class system seemed quiet obvious, regardless he held his hand out to her with a larger smile. \"I'm Anubis by the way.\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "*Her eyes seemed to light up as he spoke, her gaze turning down to look at the hand he had extended out towards her. Her own smile growing on her face. Her own hand taking a firm grasp of his, despite her hands being a lot smaller than his they were quite rough. Simply due to all the manual work she has endured throughout the years. She would proceed to shake his hand quite excitedly.*\n\n\"I'm Hera, nice to meet ya Anubis... Cool name by the way..\"" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "He was taken slightly by surprise as he could feel the rough texture of her hands skin giving away that she didn't a lot of manual work, and for such a small and cute girl like her.\n\n\"Hera hm~? I must say I can tell you do lots of Manual work, I'm impressed especially with such a small one like you.\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"Well.. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to survive. Been on my own since I was ten, so done everythin' myself.\"\n\n*She laughed nervously, a soft blush covering her pale cheeks as she releasd her grip from his. Her hand sliding to her side. Her ears lowering themselves slight, her body language expressing she was embarrassed for the fact he pointed out the roughness of her hands.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "She wasn't wrong in his opinion, people who started at the bottom have to work to survive, he noticed her embarrassed body languages as he ears peaked up again, he reached his hand back out as he gently placed it on top of her head. \n\n\"There's no need to be embarrassed of such a thing, it's a great quality to have in my eyes and many others.\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "*Her tail wagged happily behind her in response to the pat to her head. Her body relaxing while her ears lowered slightly allowing the other more space onto her head for pats. The blush she originally had darkening slightly.*\n\n\"Mhm, i'm not embarrassed... I'm proud mhm.\" *She of course lied, something she often did. Hating having to admit her emotions outwordly.*" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "\"You know dear you can't lie to a god we'll just always see right through that lie~\" \n\nHe continued to pat her on the head embracing her soft hair and loving her ears, she looked adorable in his eyes, he wanted to protect such an innocent wolf for some reason." }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "*A soft whimper came from her as he continued to pat her head, yet after a few seconds she pulled her head away a sharp huff coming from her.*\n\n\"Lie my ass... You can't see through anythin'.\"\n\n*Her tone took on a playful one, being quite stubborn with not admitting to her lie.*" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "\"Oh I can't~? Is that a challenge?\" \nA small chuckle came from him as he pulled his hand back to his side and started to think, suddenly his eyes flashed gently as he had a great idea. \"If I can't see through anything then go hide~ I'll come and find you\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"W-wha...\"\n\n*Her ears seemed to perk up at his suggestion of her hiding. However, she wasn't one to back down from a challenge so she nodded her head.*\n\n\"You're on, Mr all high and mighty.\"\n\n*A short huff left her before within the blink of an eye she had shot off. Sprinting through the forest. Due to her size she was quite agile and quick on her feet so within the short burst of time she had it was easy for her to create distance between the two. Whilst running she purposefully place foot prints going in all sorts of directions, throwing off the fact he could use her tracks to find her. She then decided to climb a tree, her claws easily digging into the bark which enabled her to climb up to one of the very top branches. With that, she sat happily onto the branch swinging her legs quietly. Her gaze transfixed onto the forest floor beneath her. Awaiting him to find her.*" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "Anubis slowly got up as he watched her sprint off, he started to stretch his arms his muscles seemingly more chiselled from when he was sat down, he clapped his hands together interlocking his fingers. They started to slowly spread apart as if he was stretching something and it was multiple black threads as they shot out making lots connections across trees like spider webs." }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "*Her eyes widened as she saw the black threads connecting to the trees. She was, shocked to say the least. Unlike anything she had seen before. However she stayed sat on her branch, limiting her movement as much as possible. One hand she used to cover her mouth while the other gripped the branch beneath her for stability.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "\"What your body says means nothing? So if your body's feeling ill it means nothing? If hurting it means nothing?\" What she just said made no sense to him but he found it cute as he pat her head gently trying to calm her flustered mood. \"I'm just trying to help~ don't need to be all flustered~\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"No that's not... Ugh...\"\n\n*She huffed, getting a little annoyed. Her face staying the red colour it was. Her tail starting to now gently sway behind her. While she folded her arms across her chest.*\n\n\"You're not helping... Grr..\" \n\n*A soft growl escaped her lips, as well as another huff. Her lips forming a small pout.*" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "Anubis backed up as he sat down on the floor next to a tree stump as all the black threads snapped away simply vanishing looked over at Hera and yet he maintained his smile however, he didn't want to make her too uncomfortable around him, even though he was a God. \"Fine I'm sorry then. Although in my opinion, you are very cute, but I shall say no more\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "Anubis laughed as she pulled her close into a hug, a completely normal hug as his tail started to wag wildly back and forth rapidly. \"There is nothing wrong with my eyes Hera~\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"W-wha...\"\n\n*Her face darkened in colour as she was pulled into a hug. Her ears lowering slightly as she relaxed into him. A soft whine coming from her.*\n\n\"There must be... You must need glasses or somethin'.. Hmph.\"" }, { "author": "Anubis Taka", "message": "\"Mmmm no I don't think so~ I would be dumb if I weren't being honest about it~\" Anubis gently smiled as he kept Hera close as he wondered what else she liked or what else she was interested in. \"What else do you like Hera?\"" }, { "author": "Hera Luna", "message": "\"Not you...\" *She mumbled playfully in response to his question, but then she cleared her throat speaking a little more clearer.*\n\n \"Not really sure, I like a lotta things... Like I love the forest probably my favourite place.\" \n\n*She then proceeded to lean her head against him as she was kept close to him.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Raston", "message": "Opening night is upon us and Rastonr strode through the empty, carpeted alleyways of the Casino, flanked on either side by slot machines whose lights are dark, reels still, sleeping their final rest before tonight.\n\n\"I do not intend to see a bit of dust\" He calls out to one of his suit-vested attendants.\n\n\"You, even out the rug in sector 4.\" He calls to another. The Greed demon wore a buttoned up white suit with a red undershirt and tie, though the suit jacket was unbuttoned and moved with his wild gesticulations that accompanied his various orders.\n\nSlot machines, checked and in working order. Roulette wheels have been greased and polished. Card tables neat and autoshufflers calibrated. His emerald eyes shoot over to the small bar and strode over to it, his great height allowing him to see over the small throngs of attendants getting things ready.\n\nOnce he reached the bar, he began to neatly arrange the various bottles, pouring himself a scotch, neatly, before turning bavk to see the glamorous casino, ready to spring to life as soon as the gate opened tonight. He pulled out a small brass pocket watch with his free claw and, instead of the time, there was a series of small dials and demonic runes.\n\n\"Starting to run a bit low. Mammon knows I need these dinners, erm, guests to arrive soon\" He spoke, mostly to himself as he watched the gate, waiting." }, { "author": "Jedia", "message": "Jedia simply stood outside of the casino, he was wearing a classing black suit vest along with a red tie and a long white sleeved shirt finally along with a pair of black Chinos. Jedia walked inside as he carried a brief case in his right hand" }, { "author": "Raston", "message": "Raston lifted his gaze to see the new person entering his casino and gave a wide grin. The demon strode confidently across the crimson rug ans gave a wide smile.\n\n\"Ahh a guest, welcome welcome, my dear new friend. I am Raston, the master of ceremonies and proprietor of this establishment.\" He announced in a jovial tone\n\n\"Please, do enjoy yourself, and may luck be in your favor\"" } ]
[ { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "**Playing 'making my way down town' on her speaker as they walked**" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata looked pretty excited at her enthusiasm even if she had to let everyone know.* \"We're here..\" *He said, at a huge place he guessed was the mall.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Wonderful!\" *She stopped the music as they entered the shop. Inexa couldn't wait to explore this human activity*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Where would you like to go first?\" *He asked as he looked at her.* \"Just don't forget you need some new clothes!\" *He said, to remind her.* \"Unless you want to keep wearing mine.\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*The candy shop would instantly catch her attention because of all the bright colours* \n\"There!\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Alright candy shop it is!\" *He joyfully walked with her unit the candy shop. It had hundreds of different types of candy.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*The second they both walked in, her face lit up with happiness. She had heard about the joys of this human food, and she couldn't wait the try it all*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"We'll look around and pick some candy you want. Once you finish we can pay for it and you can eat them all!\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*Inexa found one of those big candy buckets, seeing a 'fill up as you go' sign above it.*\n\"This might sound idiotic... But what does this mean?\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"It means as you look around fill it with the candy you want.\" *Murata seemed happy to tell her and not bothered as well.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*Shed let out a gasp, getting all excited and hyper after hearing this news, jumping around and hugging Murata*\n\"Thank you sir!\" >w<" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata had a slight blush as he hugged back.* \"N-no problem Inexa..\" *He giggled as he let go to let her have fun.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*Inexa came back after five minutes with an entire bucket of candy. She had gotten a handful of every interesting looking candy she could find*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata's mouth opened wide. How did she do that so quick and how could she even eat all that.* \"A-alright is that all?\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Mhm! This is most certainly enough! I cannot thank you enough for giving me this opportunity!\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"All good Inexa..\" *He walked to the register and paid. It was fifty bucks for the whole bucket. He tried to hide the amount from her of course.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!\" *Hugs his side, leaning her head onto his shoulder*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata's face was just filled with a dark red at this point.* \"N-no problem Inexa really..\" *He threw his arm around her side walking her out the store.* \"Where next..\"" } ]
[ { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "Ok first! **TW!** \n**I just want to put this here just as a warning. I don't want anyone accidentally triggered. This is probably not for everyone**\n\nI will be using black out text\n\nOk, what type of punishment should I use on you?" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "Yes ma'am *Immediately starts to strip my clothes, starting with my shirt and then moving onto my shorts, until I'm left in my bra and panties*" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "Good little ||whore||\n\nSuch a needy little ||whore||\n\nIt's only gonna get harder from here\n\nYou better thank me for each one" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "Yes ma'am\nThank you ma'am~" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "You like that don't you? || such a pitiful little whore|| I'm gonna give you tiger stripes to remember me by" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "I love this so much~" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "You || fucking better you pathetic whore||\n\nI hope everyone who watched saw me humiliating you\n\nYou better thank me\n\n*Unties you and uncuffs your ankles* Go clean up and I'll tend to your wounds" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I nod and go to clean myself up before coming back and just sitting in front of you*" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "*I carefully tend to your wounds and bandage you up. Giving your clothes back*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*Gets dressed as slowly as I took them off and nods*\nThank you so much" } ]
[ { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Time was indeed cyclical. Once again he found himself standing in a town square, looking up into the evening sky. The bruised purple sky was streaked with violent reds and bursting oranges as puffs of lone clouds hurried along the skyline as if they had important matters to attend to. Curiously, the moon that hung in the sky almost looked to stutter, shifting back a frame or two. That sort of movement would never be noticed by any passer by but for one taking in the sights, perhaps he was staring too hard. \n\nTapping his cane against the stone walkway he stood upon he directed his attention towards the large fountain structure that every town square seemed to have and stepped a few paces towards it, leaning himself heavily on his cane as his free hand dug into the pocket of his vestment. Fishing out a half-dollar piece he flicked it into the air with a satisfyingly loud **Plink**, catching it in his palm and tossing it into the fountain. His aim was not to make a wish, but to satisfy a long standing pact and tradition he had made with himself long ago to his childhood self. He smiled to himself in the reflection of the rippling water, pleased it was disturbed by the consistent spray from the water feature.*\n\n\"Well. That felt... Nice.\" \n\n*A large black raven swooped down onto the ledge of the fountain, its head cocking to the side up at him before tossing the small rusted coin it held in it's beak into the water, its wings opening and loudly beating at the air to take off and soar to some near by light pole.*\n\n\"You're such a cheapskate Locke. It's not even that shiny.\" \n\n*He chortled to himself as he turned back to his avian friend, grunting softly as he turned and began stepping towards a bench to sit at and enjoy the cool evening air before trying the local coffee spot.*\n\n*Taking a seat down onto the bench he'd spend a moment walking towards he let out a relieved sigh as his hand dipped into the side pocket of his jacket, producing three items in its dexterous grip. The flask he held ballanced betwen his ring and little finger, with a sudden messured flick of his wrist the pack of cigarette box pushed a single square up out of the hole in the packaging. Lightly taking the smoke between his lips he tucked the cigarette box back into his jacket, rolling the end of the box lighter between his thumb and palm. The flint struck and lit up as he turned his head to the side to dip the tip of the smoke into the thimble of flame. He puffed and shook his hand to put out the small flame, Inhaling he pocketed the lighter and screwed off the top of the flask.*\n\n*A puff of smoke left his lips as he broght the opened flask up to his mouth and tilt his head back, letting the burn from the smoke get smoothed out by the tinge of whiskey. Barret sighed deeply and placed the cigarette back between his lips, content of leaving it there as he realaxed in the bench. He lowered the flask down and watched the sky darken, stars, rather what could be percived as starts came out. There was no pattern he could discern from the twinkling that slowly filled the night, the moon continued to stand out to him as it stuttered in its slight panning motion. Taking another long drag in he lift his hand holding the flask to pull the cig from his mouth and ashed it away from his clothes. He exhaled a plume of smoke as the opened flask was once again tilted back to fill his mouth with more drink.*\n\n*Once more he placed the small nibbing of smoke into his mouth as he closed the top of his flask, slowly sitting up to look around at the square, It was quiet and empty besides a few folks passing through to the other shops and areas around. The large raven fluttered down and landed on the backing of the bench, snatching the nearly burnt out smoke from him and walked alo\n\nNg the edge to toss it into the garbage. The raven croaked and imitated a coughing noise.* \n\n\"I've had worse in my body. Smoke is not even in the top five of horrid substances i've consumed. But your concern is endearing.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "- Someone new strolled into the town. His eyes remained locked down on the ground while he shoved past people. Swearing came from others as he bumped on by, but he merely responded with a middle finger and a \"Yeah yeah, i don't give a damn.\" He swung the keys of 'his' car on his fingers, looking around to find out where he parked. Nothing in sight. He sighed, continuing to walk around in search for 'his' vehicle. -\n\n*Slowly, he turned, adjusting his clothing every once in a few moments. His hoodie kept getting caught between his legs, while made him trip and stumble often. But what did he expect? It was almost down to his knees.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret sat up, his hand tucking into his jacket to slip away the flask. He coughed and cleared his throat as he lowered his gaze to the small gathering of people. He was always interested in people watching and learned something from the crowds of any city he'd encoutered, anyone that sticks out is worth paying attention to. He chuckled to himself as the person tripped over themselves, stopping suddenly as the crow that was at his side lept off the bench and began acting on its own.*\n\n\"This can't be good...\"\n\n*The crow named Locke climbed the air, towards the shine of the car keys. The jingle was a sort of call out to the crow to take them. Silently swooping down its large black feet scooped the keys off their finger and cawed out in a mocking sort of laugh. During this, Barret slowly lift himself up off the bench and began making the trek over to the undoubtedly stressed victim of his clepto crow compatriot*" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He looked up towards the crow, grumbling. His eyes locked onto the animal, as he was about to shoot it down with his glare. He jumped up and down, yelling at the crow to return his keys.*\n\n\"COME ON GIVE THEM BACK, I CAN'T WALK HOME.\"\n\n*However, his yelling was pretty much pointless. He knew crows were smart but this one decided to taunt him. He now had a sudden disliking for crows. He even hopped up on someones shoulders, which only instigated the person to throw the small male off. He slapped them on the head tho, which meant \"Shut up or i'll beat your head in.\". He stood on the person's shoulders, trying to reach for the keys.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*The crow shook the keys in its beak, pecking at the various items on the keyring, cawing and working at it. Barret approached the commotion and made his pressence known with a paticularly loud tap of his cane. His voice came out weak sounding, gruff and much older sounding than he actually was.* \n\n\"Locke, stop teasing the young one. Here.\"\n\n*The crow stopped taunting them with its loud laughter like cawing, hopping down from the tree and gliding towards Barret's shoulder. Reaching up with a free hand to work the keys from the beak. It cawed loudly and pecked at Barret's hand again pointing its beak at a paticular keychain.* \n\n\"Oh. It seems Locke was enamored with this cute bunny shaped hand mirror hanging off your keys. Big fan of cute things huh?\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He hopped down from the person's shoulders, revealing his height. He met the pavement with a quiet thud, looking up towards the man. His eyes widened. He was a GIANT compared to him. Desperately he tried to stumble some sort of words.*\n\n\"I-..I-..U-..Uh..-wh-..\"\n\n*He couldn't get a single word out. He shook his head, trying to answer how he was so calm. He was shocked. Why didn't the crow just fly off? Why didn't he run with his keys? Why was he even SPEAKING to him? It then hit him. Those weren't even his keys. So naturally, he did what he was best at. Lying.*\n\n\"Oh- uh, yeah- real big fan. I saw it at the store and decided to add it!\"\n\n*He faked a smile. It looked convincing and real, but his body language deflected his smile instantly. His hands were balled into fists, his arms shaking, and he still had a cold glare that could remove anyone from existence if looked at wrong. There was something sketchy about this person..*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret offered a kind look, smiling enough that his eye movement could be hidden as he scanned them over taking mental notes of the various bodily cues this person displayed. Barret kept himself hunched over his cane and went to move closer, feigning a more pronounced limp in his step. He looked at the back of the keys for a moment and perked an eyebrow.* \n\n\"Well. I suppose I can't argue with that. Gimbels gifts for girl's is open for just about everyone. I'm sure a strapping young lad such as yourself was trolling around looking for girls in there then.\" \n\n*The crow on his shoulder cawed in laughter and pecked at the mirror, nearly pulling the keys back out of his own hands. Barret scolded the crow and pulled the keys a bit further away. Laughing, Barret cleared his throat and spoke up again.*\n\n\"I know you've said you were a big fan of this bunny. But would you mind If I pulled it off for Locke. He seems to really want the shiny thing. Bird brain and all that you know.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He blinked, a slight tint of red covering his face. Embarrassment perhaps.*\n\n\"Oh no- I'm not looking for any chicks, nor trolling to get myself in a place like that. I'm actually... Er, y'know, like this normally.\"\n\n*His eyes turned to the bird, frowning, then back up towards the man.*\n\n\"Keep the bunny. I can always buy a new one anyway.\"\n\n*His voice was more calmer now. His aggressive body language was cooled off too. A slight sigh escaped him as he looked around. Most likely trying to find a bar.*\n\n\"Oh uh- thanks, by the way.\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret nodded and worked the bunny key bit off the keyring, careful not to remove any other keys in the process. His hand deftly tossed the keys up towards the bird, Locke caught them and hopped down off his shoulder. It hopped quickly enough over to them, dropping the keys at their feet looking up at them with tiny eyes. The crow croaked a little before pointing its beak down to the ground to almost emulate shame.*\n\n\"Sorry.\"\n\n*The birds voice was odd and only sort of reminiscent of a humans voice. Barret nodded and spoke up getnly.* \n\n\"Locke doesn't normaly feel shame for stealing trinkets. But I suppose it felt a certain ammount of frustration it had caused you.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He only nodded, grabbing the keys from the ground.*\n\n\"Don't worry, it's not a problem.\"\n\n*He thought for a moment, glancing down the road.*\n\n\"..Care to go for a walk?\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret took a look down the road they did and shrugged lightly he took a moment to gather himself, the crow hopping back up onto his shoulder.*\n\n\"Sure. I don't see why not. As long as you don't mind slowing your pace a bit. The knee isn't what it used to be since that shipwreak years ago.\"\n\n*The crow took off of Barret's shoulder and and flew ahead of them, circling back once it got too far out and perching on a few lamp posts as if it were an advanced watch for the man as he hobbled behind. His cane clicking against the sidewalk.*" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He nodded.*\n\n\"That's alright with me!\"\n\n*He smiled, skipping down the road and past people.*\n\n*He walked around, smiling slightly.*\n\n\"So, what do you do for fun?\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret continued to try and keep pace with them. Thinking to himself for a moment before answering.* \n\"I don't have much fun nowadays. Normally it's drinking to numb or I'm making deliveries.\"\n\n*He paused for a moment and chuckled softly.*\n\n\"Though I suppose when I drink a bit too much there is some fun to be had.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"Oh? You drink?\"\n\n*His face lit up like a candle, jumping up and down slightly like a child.*\n\n\"Wait, have you ever had a bar fight?!\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret laughed and nodded his head a bit.*\n\n\"Only a few years ago I was a sailor if that speaks to ya bout fightin. Bar fights are a hoot I'm sure. Piss drunk and fighting during a storm is another thing all together.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He snickered to himself.*\n\n\"They are the best! Especially when you're that underdog fighting some big dude and you win!\"\n\n*He must of been talking about a previous fight..*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*He nodded, a nostalgic smile picking up the corner of his mouth.*\n\n\"It can be exciting for certain. Something can be said about the scrappy underdog taking on the Goliath. It's a tale older than time. Yet. People still underestimate the low card.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He smiled.*\n\n\"Right?!\"\n\n*He noticed his car from a distance away. It was beat up, but the most obvious thing about it was the smashed up window. Perhaps he shouldn't of mentioned that.*\n\n\"Welll... Maybe... There's one here?\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*An eyebrow raised as he observed the surroundings. The broken window of the vehicle stood out as an oddity but he made no actions that were out of the ordinary. Though he felt himself tensing, putting pressure on his knee to not rely so heavily on his cane.*\n\n\"If there is. Let it come.\"\n\n*He spoke with a soft grin*" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He jumped up and down, even jumping and doing a handstand. It was impressive, to say the least. But he laughed with pure joy and excitement.*\n\n\"YES! Let's go find one!\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret shook his head, chuckling as a cough came up. He covered his mouth and cleared his throat. His hand dipped into his vest pocket and pulled out his flask of whiskey. Taking a good pull from it he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before offering the flask out to the lad.*\n\n\"Now now. This place is teeming with riffraff and all sorts of deegen activities. I'm sure we wouldn't need to look all that hard.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He grinned, looking at Barret.*\n\n\"Riffraff and degen activities? I mean..\"\n\n*He paused for a moment.*\n\n\"...I meann... I'm not complaining.\"\n\n*He grinned again, randomly lifting his hoodie up to some stranger. Of course there was a shirt underneath, but possible flirtiness?*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret walked towards them, his hand putting the whiskey flask back into his jacket. He spoke frankly, leaning himself against the vehicle as he pulled his smokes from the vest. His demeanor seemed to shift from being an estranged older man to a sharpened trench hound.*\n\n\"You've got a certain moxie about you that I can appreciate. I kinda think you'd have done great aboard a vessel. Maybe not the Glass sea per say. No one need be on that cursed water.\"\n\n*He lit up a smoke he had worked into his lips and began to drag from it, the cherry from the lit square illuminated his face for a moment in a red glow.*\n\n\"You do running? Smuggle work that is. Or are you only out here looking for a good time?\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"Nah. Just work on cars. Never really had a 'good time', if I'm being completely honest.\"\n\n*He tossed 'his' keys in his hand, catching them a few times. His eyes were locked onto them, before glancing up at the giant.*\n\n\"And smugglin? To be honest, it all depends on what. I've stolen here and there, but always got caught by some upper class people. Then again... Hidden weapons do give me an advantage. *If* There are no cops around.\"\n\n*He glanced at the vehicle, grinning.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret was pleased the lad was being level with him. The man straightened his back out as he took another deep drag from his smoke, exhaling as he spoke.*\n\n\"Good. Sounds like you'd benefit from a reliable connection then. Stealin is always going to attract attention. Moving product. That's the ticket.\"\n\n*Barret finished the last of his cigarette and flicked it out. Putting the butt into a pocket of his jacket.*\n\n\"I've been sitting on some knowledge for a moment now. Want a piece? Been looking for a set of wheels that can help move this shipment I've been hiding from the dock workers. It's just gathering dust right now and can potentially get me some better funds for other opportunities. Just drive. And you'll be sitting pretty in no time.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He thought for a moment, grinning.*\n\n\"Welll... I do got a vehicle. How big are you talkin?\"\n\n*He tilted his head. He looked interested.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*He clapped his hands together and grinned, he gripped his cane and stood up from leaning against the car.*\n\n\"Well the product will fit in just about anything with a bit of trunk space and a larger back seat. If you're gonna ask what it is. I'd rather not tell as it's some stuff that the upper elite would love to get their hands on for a fraction of the cost anyone else will sell it to them for.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He cracked his knuckles.*\n\n\"Don't gotta know. However, you're gonna need something that isn't obvious.\"\n\n*He thought for a moment, narrowing his eyes.*\n\n\"Dock workers... So if you want to get this stuff, you're gonna have to blend in. Vehicle, and outfit. Most of them I see drive a truck. So... A truck would be suitable if you really wanna take it to the 'blend in' thing. Quad-cab would also be better so you can store it in the backseats, and then there's also the bed, but a canopy would be needed, dark tinted windows in order to hide the stuff that you plan on stealing.\"\n\n*He exhaled, putting his hands on his hips.*" } ]
[ { "author": "patientiapestilentia", "message": "BC:*Barret smirked and watched the lad work out the finer details. Nodding in approval at the carefulness of them.* \n\n\"I've managed to save enough contacts in my sailing days to have gotten a few of my folks in. They let me know more than a few days ago that the drop was made and stashed under the docks. It shouldn't be too hard to drive a vehicle up and snag up the bags they put everything into.\"\n\n*Barret chuckled to himself and took another pull from his flask.*\n\n\"Would be ridiculous to think a shipping container wouldn't go missing. So I'm certain my guys are separating the product and hiding them under the docks in parts. It's a bit risky to let them stay there for this long however.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"True that.\"\n\n*He pulled out his phone, dialing up a number.*\n\n\"Then we probably should get there soon. Don't want others knowing what's going on.\"\n\n*He glanced around, seeing his other phone vibrate in his car. A smug grin formed on his face. The phone was in a '58 Chevy Bel Air, painted a crimson red with black accents. He was practically drooling.*\n\n\"You got a ride to get down there?\"" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "\"I don't. My cash flow is tied up in a few properties and the payroll of a few workers. Tend to just walk where I need. I end up getting where I need to eventually.\"\n\n*Barrett whistled softly and his crow Locke came down from his perch, landing on his shoulder. The crow crooked its head from side to side, eyeing its surroundings as it croaked gently.*\n\n\"You got room for two. Locke promises to not make a mess in the ride.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"Make a mess? Pff- HAH!\"\n\n*He began laughing, so much that it drew attention.*\n\n\"Dear, I will say this right now. It ain't mine, and I wish it was mine. Stole it from some high class snobs a couple weeks ago. They haven't even noticed it's gone missing.\"\n\n*He began walking towards the car, giving a cold glare to anyone who possibly heard him. He raised his hoodie slightly, a ||knife|| tucked between his jeans. He was practically telling them, 'snitch on me or i'll gut you.'.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret followed close behind, taking a mental note of the events. He'd managed to get his footing in a record time if things managed to stay on the level.*\n\n\"I'm sure. Do you by chance know the folks you lift it from?\"\n\n*He entered the vehicle and made Locke hop into the back seat. He placed his seatbelt on and continued speaking aloud.*\n\n\"Because. If you did. And if we happened to leave a small amount of the product in the car and dropped it off safely. I'm sure those snobs would surely be in for it. Might even make the product I'm moving invisible.\"" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "\"Never got names. But I do know where they live.\"\n\n*He put the keys in the ignition, starting the vehicle. It roared to life. The V8 played the song of it's people. Everyone turned heads, like it was the most popular thing around. Probably because his foot was on the gas pedal..*\n\n\"That could work. Might be risky, but if you think it's worth it, then I'm in~!\"\n\n*He shoved his foot on the clutch, shifting into 1st. He moved onto the road, looking around. Just then, he revved the engine, hit the gas, then slammed on the brakes. The tires began spinning, the engine roaring, smoke began rising from the rear end of the car, and the smell of burnt rubber was filling the entire area. He let go of the brake, and began to drive.*\n\n\"Man I love this thing.\"\n\n*Show off.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret had felt the surge of waves, seen monster waves and had stood on the bow to meet them head on. He was no stranger to adrenaline and it's partner thrill. This was new to him. He gripped on the window as he felt the machine lurch forward as the speed of the tires spinning finally caught the car up to speed. Barret let out a heavy 'Aye' as they sped down the road. Barret has all but forgotten about the heist, enjoying the drive at what felt like sub-sonic speeds.*" }, { "author": "Vanessa Canders", "message": "*He turned his head.*\n\n\"Oh~? Now that's a reaction I know! First time being in a car doing a burnout?\"\n\n*He looked amused, but also curious at the same time.*\n\n\"Heh. Honestly, they're fun. If you know how to do them. If you don't, it's a sure damn way to destroy your transmission.\"\n\n*He held his knee on the steering wheel, taking off his hoodie. Even without his hands, he kept the car straight. He placed his hoodie in his lap. Underneath was a white shirt that said 'fuck you', and that's it. As soon as he got his hoodie off, he placed his hands back on the wheel, fully regaining control.*" }, { "author": "Barret A. Carrter", "message": "*Barret managed to laugh a little and felt himself calm down and get a little used to the feel of G-force.*\n\n\"Not quite used to faster vehicles. And I'm quite lucky to have gotten a dependable driver then.\"\n\n*Barret rolled a window down, sticking his head out of the window to feel the rush of wind. The smell of burning rubber was far behind them by now, the smell of sea water was slowly getting stronger.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Is walking around late at night*" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "*A portal suddenly appears and Murasaki lands on his butt coming out of the portal onto the sidewalk* \"Ow...\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He walks over to Murasaki to check up on him* Hey are you alright?" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "Y-yeah... Wait wha- \n*He looks up at the portal right as it closes*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He sees it close then holds his hand out* That's a bummer" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "*Murasaki grabs hold of his hand and stands up, brushing off his dress and sighing out*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "You look like you are in need of some help" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "Y-yeah I'm not sure where I am... What is this place?" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "You are in the city of desire dude" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "O-ohh... Never heard of it... What do you do here?" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "I'm a retired fighter and business man making money from investments and the plethora of other things passive income related" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "Wow that's so cool! Are you looking for a maid? I was in the middle of cleaning my previous owner's home but it seems I'm probably not going to be able to finish that..." }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "That's... Nice... I can use a maid to clean my spot professionally" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "Great! I'm the best there is and nobody can say otherwise, I specialize in speed cleaning but I clean very well!" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Well I'll see about ummm" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Walks around adjusting pumpkin head looking around a lil*" } ]
[ { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "*Walks around adjusting pumpkin head looking around a lil*\n\n *He begins to respond to sora's statement but he sees the pumpkin headed being and looks to their direction*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Flips a screen up from watch as if looking for someone, takes out a knife smoothly and carves mouth a lil making it look better*" }, { "author": "Murasaki", "message": "I promise I won't let you down! I'm very clean and organized, I promise that I am" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Well let's go and you can stay at my spot until you get one for yourself\n\n*He starts walking home with Murasaki*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Walks around a bit trying to find someone sighing a bit, looks around then steps onto bench a bit to get a better view*" } ]
[ { "author": "Murata", "message": "*It was a cool night and perfect weather for a date. He didn't know any of the locations around here so he had just found a nice open place. He walked on the concrete path as he looked at the street lamps which lit the path in awe.* \"Wow I didn't know a place like this existed! So many knew things for me to see.\" *He was holding her hand with a smile. He still wasn't sure if she was a human or not. Though it didn't seem to matter much to him right now.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Why yes, -7 degrees is quite optimal, especially for an occasion such as this!\" *Inexa had already calculated the temperature, still keeping a light grasp on her new friends hand. Normally she would have just done this for the job, or because she was told to by her owner, but this felt different...*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata looked at Inexa with a bright face.* \"This is way different from Japan.\" *Murata said, with a soft sigh. So much new information he had to take in at once. At least he was able to find a cute girl to have some fun with.* \"Hey Inexa, what do you like to do!\" *Small talk it was a good step and one of the first from the book he read.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Oh, I have a fascination for life, both flora and fauna! Watching and studying you humans, along with other animals and plants... It is all such an amazing way to pass the time!\"\n*What she said seemed pretty tame and expected, but the phrase 'you humans' seemed to stand out. Was she a human or not?*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Wait, are you not human? Are you a demon?\" *Murata wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean. Was she hinting she was a demon? He didn't want to kill such a cute lady. This new world was so confusing to him.* \"Ahh this is so confusing! I'm from a place with no technology so I don't understand this stuff!\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"A demon? Oh no sir, I am a robot!\" *Her smile was calm, seeing no issue in saying what she had. She didn't see an issue with her being a robot, but it was best to explain this so the man would calm down.*\n\"I was created by the humans to protect them, and to help study life to make the planet better...\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"I see..\" *The term robot wasn't something he understood. Though if she wasn't a demon he didn't have an issue.* \"So you wanna sit down and talk?\" *He'd like to get to know her if possible. She seemed interesting.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Of course I would, sir!\"\n*She would slowly walk him over to the nearest bench, sitting down beside them. Inexa couldn't wait to hang out with a human, already thinking about what she could learn.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata put his arm around her neck as he thought of what to ask.* \"So anything you'd like to know about me?\" *Murata asked as he stared at Inexa. In his mind she was somewhat human which was good enough for him.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*As she felt the arm around her neck, the grey colour of her face began to glow a slight pink. It appeared she was easier to fluster than expected, especially for someone who's emotions weren't fully there, but maybe that's why it was so easy?...*\n\"Well... My apologies, I do not know. Maybe the basics would be nice?\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Yeah sure!\" *Murata thought of something pretty basic about him.* \"Well back from where I come I'm a skilled swordsman!\" *It was interesting at least and maybe she'd be interested in that.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"A swordsman? I suppose that explains the sword... Care to show me some of your abilities?\" *Inexa was interested, wanting to see what this man could do.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata got up as he grinned the handle of his swords. His physical abilities seemed to be heightened as his breathing had a weird pattern.* \"First form Water surface slash!\" *Murata's sword drew as he launched forwards, slicing in front of him a wave of water tracking where his blade was.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"......\" *Inexa stood there with her mouth open, absolutely shocked. She knew that the humans were powerful, but the ability to move water? She hadn't expected this...*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"What? Was it impressive?\" *He rubbed his head as he sheathed his sword. He sat back down as he looked at her. Was this not spelt bunt normal here? If so he probably shouldn't have done that so suddenly.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Not... Scientifically possible...\"\n*Her 'brain' ran on logistics, and making water do something like that wasn't logical. She couldn't seem to comprehend how that was done, maybe this was a magic trick. The only possible option in her head she could think of was magic, but even that wasn't 100% viable as an option.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata grabbed her hand, pulling her into him. He wondered if he had scared her.* \"Hey it's okay..\" *He was trying to comfort her the best he could.* \"I didn't scare you did I?\" *He said, holding Inexa I'm his arms.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"A little, I must admit...\" *She got a bit closer to him and went into a hug, still having no idea what just happened.*\n\"Let us move in from whatever that was, okay?\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Yeah sure.\" *He said, a little confused on what to do next.* \"So what should we do next?\" *Murata wasn't able to face her as she looked cute like that. He hadn't dated many people before since he's just so laid back.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I do not kno- A BIRD!\" *Inexa instantly jumped up and watched the bird. She had completely forgotten what had happened a moment ago, too focused on the flying animal infront of her.* \n\"Fascinating, amazing... Wonderful!\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*The sudden change of tone and exclamation had scared Murata just a bit.* \"You must really like birds huh? That or is it just animals in general?\" *He said, running his fingers through her hair.* \"Hey Inexa. You want to learn more about humans and how they feel right?\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I do, yes! Are you able to teach me a few things?\" *This was her chance to learn more about the humans, she knew it! She didn't even care what she learnt, not in a bad way, but she wanted to know anything he would care to show her.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*A smile appeared on his face as he thought of so many ideas.* \"How about we start with the feeling of love? It's a simple one to explain and show.\" *He let out a devious chuckle. He wondered how much she knew.* \"I think you might like it the best also.\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Oh, I was told about love when I first joined the cafe... Of course, I merely do most of my work for the cafe, not for loves sake!\"\n*Inexa seemed a little unsure about the topic, especially with how happy to talk about everything else she was. Maybe it was because she didn't understand it? Maybe she wasn't a fan of the subject? Either way, if the was going to be about love, she would want to know more.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"You seem unsure about it.\" *He moved his hand to hers.* \"If you don't understand it, let me help you. I can show you slowly if that helps also? The easiest concept is a kiss.\" *He was sure she knew what a kiss was. I mean that's like common knowledge.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I do know what a kiss is, why do you ask?...\"\n*Of course Inexa knew what a kiss was, people ask her for one at the cafe oftenly. What she didn't understand is why people wanted them. She didn't see it as a romantic thing...*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Well a kiss is something you do when you like or love someone. I'm simpler terms two people who are very close or have a deep interest in each other do it. Kissing can lead to more things which two people also do.\" *He would wait to explain that as he wanted to explain the basics.* \"A date like we are on is when those two people want to spend time and get to know each other. Dates are were kisses usually happen.\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"So you brought me here to kiss? We could have just done that at the cafe!\" *She would chuckle, still not fully understanding the importance of everything he was saying. It did make sense that a kiss was what he had said now that she thought about it. Either way, it was clear she still wasn't getting it...*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*He shook his head.* \"I brought you here because I liked you. I thought you were cute Inexa.\" *He thought of a way he could explain it to her.* \"A kiss is something sacred!\" *There we go, that should be better.* \"A kiss is something you should do to someone you cherish. Someone you have a liking towards.\" *He wondered if that would be better.* \"But if you wanna kiss I wouldn't mind.\" *He said, his cheeks having a rosey red color.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"So a person who means a lot... They are worthy of such an action? At least in the sense of outside of work?\" *The only part now that threw her off was the work part... If it was meant to be sacred, why is it so common at the cafe?...*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"You basically got it!\" *Murata was happy he could somewhat have her understand the basics.* \"Then we have couples. This usually happens after dates if the two people agree to be one. A couple is when the two people let other people know they like each other.\" *He wondered if that would be a good explanation.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"To be one?...\" *It was obvious by her confusion what she thought that meant. And after what she had just seen with the water magic, now mutation didn't seem off the table of human normality*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Not literally be one. It's like when you want people to know you love that other person you fate and kiss.\" *It was no easy task explaining this to her but he enjoyed it.* \"My goal is to become someone you can like! That's why I asked you on a date.\" *He thought maybe comparing could be better.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"So you want me and yourself to 'be one'?... This implies kisses and dates becoming very common outside of my working hours?\" *She was finally beginning to understand what he wanted from her, and wasn't against it by the seems of things.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Mhm! You got it!\" *He was actually proud he could finally explain it to her. After all she seemed so excited to learn so the fact she understood was great.* \"Of course that's only if you feel and want the same things.\" *He wasn't gonna trick her or force her into anything. That's something he had been taught back in Japan.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I... Am unsure about the 'to be one' part of this situation as of now... I do it for the work, yes, but outside of work is a different story.\"\n*Since she understood now, she was realising what all of this meant. To be one with this stranger after just meeting them, that seemed a little far.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Well I don't mean we both mash together of course. To be one means like you are kind of a pair. You can just think of it as a term for closer than friends I guess.\" *Murata had a nervous smile.* \"I can always give you examples also. Though some things I can't really show and example of or demonstrate.\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I see... Well, can you go into a little more depth on what being a pair entices?...\" *Inexa was still unsure about this 'being a couple' stuff. Sure, she would like someone to spend time with, but wasn't sure what being a couple truly meant.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"It means you'd spend time with that person. That person and you would share how you feel and would talk to each other about things. When you both feel comfortable you'd move on to kissing and other stuff\" *Murata was starting to see how this could get confusing. He was even confusing himself somehow.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I see... I suppose I do not mind spending time with you outside of work, sir.\"\n*She began to smile at him, enjoying the thought of having someone to talk to when she wasn't working. Inexa sat back down and leaned into his shoulder, thinking about all the things they could do together.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata smiled as that made him feel pretty happy.* \"Well maybe one day you'll let me kiss you after hearing this.\" *He said, as he thought of another sage idea. His head worked incredibly fast as his best feature was his smarts afterall.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Understood...\" *Her eyes closed for a minute before opening again. It seemed she was falling asleep on his shoulder slowly, but trying her best to stay away. All the new information to take in must have tired her out.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*He put his hand on her head letting her rest on his shoulder * \"I guess I wore you out . Don't feel bad, rest..\" *If she did fall asleep he'd just have to take her back to his place and let her rest. Though from this angle she was absolutely adorable.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"But what about your plans for today sir... I cannot ruin what you wanted to be just because I am tired...\" *She let out a yawn, her eyes barely staying open. She didn't want to sleep, but she knew she couldn't stay awake long.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"My plans aren't as important as you. I think the thing you should learn is thinking for yourself.\" *He smiled as he leaned his head down onto hers.* \"Plus if you think about it, sleeping together could bring us closer together.\" *Of course he was saying this as a tease but things did happen in a mysterious way.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I was created to serve the humans... They are more important than I am, that is how it works.\"\n*Shed yawn once again, trying her best to stay awake, talking with her eyes shut as she couldn't keep them open anymore.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Made to serve? Everyone has a choice of what they want to do. I hope I can become the person to show you that.\" *He pulled her closer to him so she could relax better.* \"When you wake up we can go have some more fun. I'll even show you some more of my sword moves.\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*They didn't get a response from Inexa, as her body fell down from his shoulder to his lap. She began to snore, but once again it was in the robotic tone of her voice.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*He smiled as he looked at her sleeping.* \"You might have been created but you seem so human. I think with time you'll learn how to live for yourself.\" *She was sort of like a child in the aspect of emotions and such in his eyes. She just needed to learn and experience to grow the emotions. He scooped her up in his arms as he got up to take her to his apartment.*" } ]
[ { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Walks around whistling a bit dragging a body bag and a shovel*\n\n*Drops bodybag and starts digging a hole as a potato falls out of bag*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*A lump starts moving through the ground as if a shark were present as the potato touched it*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Tail wraps around bag lifting it in the air, looks around*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*The lump would disappear under the ground*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Grabs potato and tosses it away from self*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*The mound of dirt rises again and follows the potato hitting the ground*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Takes a gun out and shoots upwards as something comes out of barrel expanding, digs into ground where dirt limp is creating a cage underground trapping it*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Loud screeches could be heard through the dirt as a long arm reaches out towards the potato*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Lifts finger up as cage lifts off from the ground, points a light at it to see wht it is*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Inside the cage would be the butler screeching still reaching for the potato*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Blinks a bit, scans butler*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Slowly looks over at you before shaking head disappearing into a cloud of black smoke*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He walks down the park and sits does on a bench, clearly waiting for someone*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi walks through the park. She is wearing a black black over her mouth and nose. She's also wearing a short skirt with black leggings underneath and a orange t shirt.*\n\n*As she approached the familiar man she pulls the mask down under her chin and smiled sweetly at him.*\n\n\"Hey! It's me Naomi! I'm so glad you came I don't usually take these kinds of chances when meeting up with people so I was really nervous that you wouldn't show up.\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He looks at her shook at her appearance and stands up, thinking that she look genuinely nice, he gives her a nice smile, showing how handsome he can be when he smiles* \n\n\"Why wouldn't I come and meet you, I thought you would cancel on me\" \n\n*His voice sounds even better in person compared through a mic*\n\n\"What do you wanna do?\"\n\n*Sora smell has a nice smell on him and his crimson red eyes are easy on her eyes*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She giggled and then gasps as he stands up.*\n\n\"Oh mah goodness you're so tall!\"\n\n*She said cutely as she stood at 5'4, a whole foot shorter than Sora. Her brain is tickled by his voice and she blushes a little. She is entranced by his looks and the way his eyes are fixated on her.*\n\n\"W-well we could go to an arcade or maybe get some lunch or maybe both!\"\n\n*Her voice starts off shy for a moment as she tries to talk while still being entranced by his pure handsomeness but she eventually goes back to her usual energetic self.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He chuckles as he sees her get all shy, believing it to be the cutest thing ever*\n\n\"Sure why not, you losing your balance like that was cute, and we can do both but I'm paying for the food\"\n\n*He smiles some more as he looks up some places to eat at*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She rests a hand on her cheek and blushes trying not to already start crushing on him.*\n\n\"Jeez don't flatter me to much...\"\n\n*She said in a happy yet slightly embarrassed tone.*\n\n\"L-let's go get something to eat then!\"\n\n*She stands on her top toes trying to look at his phone to see what restaurants he's looking up but she can't reach.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He notices and lowers his arm to show her some places letting her have the choice place*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She stays on her tippy toes looking at his phone and sees a place she hasn't gone to in forever but used to love.*\n\n\"Oo! Oo! Morri's Pizza!! I love that place! Let's go there and munch on some pizza!\"\n\n*She hops up and down excited to go to her favorite pizza place.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Woah! Easy now partner! I can go for some pizza, Morri's is a nice place, I used to go with my mom and dad" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi giggles and circles him as she listens.*\n\n\"I used to get lunch and dinner there all the time but stopped when door dash and other food delivery apps stopped delivering their pizzas so I'm excited to go again.\"\n\n*She stops circling him and as she stood in front of him she pulled the mask back over her mouth and began walking in the direction of the pizza place.*\n\n\"Let us embark on our very first Adventure Sora!!\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "It's showtime *He goes with her*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She marched in front of him humming a little happy tune as they make their way to the pizza place. Suddenly she trips and falls flat on her face.*\n\n\"Woaauggh!!\"\n\n*She yelled as she fell.*\n\n\"Ouchie! Dang that really fffffricking hurt!\"\n\n*She whined trying not to curse.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Hey Naomi!\n*He runs over to help her up, making eye contact with her again, picking up her glasses which seem pretty fine and puts it back on her after making sure she's not hurt or bleeding anywhere* \n\nBe careful about where you are going\n\n*He wipes the dirt and other things off her face*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She blushes slightly and adjusts her glasses. As he wiped her face off she couldn't make eye contact and her face was almost bright red.*\n\n\"Thank you Sora... I'm sorry I was in my own little world.\"\n\n*She brushed her the dirt off of her butt and kept moving forward eventually arriving at the restaurant. She orders a large cheese pizza and then stands next to Sora looking up at him while waiting for him to pick.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*Sora orders a Xtra Large Pepperoni then turns to Naomi* Why don't we go find a seat while we wait?" } ]
[ { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"Okie!\"\n\n*She walks to a tall table for two and then climbs up the large stool to sit down. Mostly to make herself feel taller than other people for once.*\n\n\"So what do you do for work?\"" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "Well I explore the world because growing up I liked the idea of seeing places, and I used to get into fighting matches and most of the time I win, I stopped... That's when I realized my powers\n\nI may not entirely look like it but I am tons of super strong" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "\"Powers? Oh yeah I forgot people have powers! I don't have powers and I rarely go outside so I just don't really see anybody with powers nowadays.\"\n\n*She smiled and looked at him with her head tilted to the side a bit.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "That's fine, that makes you special in your own way *He pats her head oddly enough, realizes his actions* Oh ummm sorry about that... Could you tell me about yourself more?\n\n*Sora says as he embarrasses himself with headpating her*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*Naomi's face turns bright red as her mind melts to the feeling of being pet like that. She laughs nervously.*\n\n\"N-No worries... I uhm... Uh... Uuhh... I'm a streamer and uh... I like animals uhm...\"\n\n*She stumbles over her own words trying to tell him about herself but she's to flustered to speak and her mind is all over the place.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "*He's surprised this and* Oh uhhh are you okay? *He sees that as very cute, he does it again not knowing what else to do* You're so adorable Naomi" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She's completely bright red as her thoughts melt feeling his hand on her head. She doesn't know what to do. She's melting down in front of him nervously laughing and smiling.*\n\n\"T-T-T-Thank you...\"\n\n*She tried to talk but can't get any words out.*" }, { "author": "Sora", "message": "It's okay Naomi, calm down *He now attempts to calm her down but he unconsciously does it where it constantly prompts Naomi to do something*" }, { "author": "Naomi Tori", "message": "*She tries to calm down but can't as her face is still red with blush and she can't help but start crushing over him.*" }, { "author": "ssj_roku", "message": "Eventully post their Pizzas comes and they dig in" }, { "author": "NPC", "message": "Eventually their pizza comes and the eat having a good time on their \"Not a date\" Hangout. Weeks have now gone by of them chatting and hanging out." } ]
[ { "author": "Layth", "message": "*As Layth walks out of the pub, slightly intoxicated but happy, he decides to head down to the outskirts of the town to get away from all the people, relax, and maybe grab a smoke. He strolls through the busy streets and finally makes it down to the outskirts. He sits on one of the benches next to a big oak tree. In front of him are the stone walls that surround the city and keep it safe from all the dangers of the outside. He takes out his pack of cigarettes, selects one, and lights it with his lighter. Then, he takes a puff.*\n\nAaah~ nice and quiet... Just how I like it... And the breeze sure is nice today...\n\n*As he lays back and relaxes on the bench, focusing on the sounds of the trees, Layth hears a melody of some sort coming from somewhere. He takes a look around before spotting someone on top of the walls.*\n\nHuh- who the hell is that? *He ponders to himself, while smoking his cigarette*" }, { "author": "Pixie~", "message": "*Pixie giggled to her self as she felt the drunkenness wash over her in waves. Her head all swimmy and fuzzy she managed to spot a well dressed individual taking a sit and a smoke. She was never that great at making good judgment calls, often times her actions got her into all sorts of trouble. This was going to be no different for sure, but her impish nature was boldened by the coconut rum. Lifting a hand up to her eye she made a pinching motion over the small trail of smoke she saw comming from the man's cigarette, using her afinity with air magic to snuff out the bright red cherry of the square. Making herself giggle in amusement at the childish prank she pulled. \n\nStanding took a little bit of effort but she managed, tilting the large bottle back to draw upon its contents as she swayed in the light breeze. For anyone just meeting the little alp, they were sure to think she was a danger to herself.*" }, { "author": "layersofwater", "message": "**Layth squints his eyes as he gazes at the person on the wall. He notices a bottle in their hand, and they appear to be swaying around while motioning something with their hand. Thinking that it's just another drunk person, he doesn't seem to mind it. He attempts to take another puff of his cigarette, but to no avail.**\n\nHuh-? Oh... The wind might have blown it out... *He sighs as he lights it once again and takes another puff of the cigarette*\n\n**Layth sees the person trying their best to stand up. Once they finally manage it, they start gulping down the contents of the mysterious bottle as they sway around. Layth ponders about how drunk they must be... And at such a young age.**\n\nDamn... Kids these days, getting wasted at night... *He gets a bit of nostalgia about his childhood and the training he did*" }, { "author": "Pixie~", "message": "*She lowers the bottle with a satisfied exhale, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. Pixie was pleased with her prank, but the reaction she was hoping for made the joke fall flat in her mind. Huffing she coppied the motion she'd made earlier, snuffing out the cigarette again before cupping her hands around her mouth and speaking up, sluring her words rather terribly.*\n\n\"H-heeeeeeeey~ Shmoking ish really baaaaa- *Hicup* Baaaaaaaaad fo you~!!\" \n\n*She laughed out loud, clutching her abdoment in an exagerated motion as she really did think she was the funniest thing since sliced bread. She reached a foot out, past the ledge of the pillar she was standing on and let herself fall down to the ground. Instead of falling into a pile of frills and crumpled limbs she slowed the decent at the last moment, her platform heel lightly cluncking against the concreate. Tossing both arms up the way a gymnist would after preforming a routine she absentmindedly tossed the glass bottle up into the air, sending it in a wide arch through the air. When it crashed against the floor beside her she flinched and lost her footing, landing on her rear with a sharp yelp.*" }, { "author": "Layth", "message": "**As he looked on at the person, he guessed that it is a girl who had just motioned something at him, as he tries to finish off the cigarette he spots her motioning again, his cigarette once again goes out. He was a bit shocked by it, guessing that the girl had some sort of experience in magic. As she tries her best to speak up, Layth chuckles at her efforts to warn him about the dangers of smoking**\n\nYour one to talk-, your so drunk you can barely speak! And aren't you a bit young to be drinki-\n\n**As he tries to finish his sentence, the girl suddenly takes a leap off of the edge. Thinking that she's going to die he suddenly leaps from the bench, throwing his cigarette to the side and runs towards her, but right as she was about to hit the ground, she stops herself mid air before tossing her hands up and throwing the bottle away, and falling as soon as the bottle hit the ground.**\n\n**Surprised by the sudden use of magic, he speaks up**\n\nYou could have died you know?! And what type of magic was that?!\n\n **He says with a raised tone. He reaches out his hand to help her up**" } ]
[ { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata would walk into the main area as his black beady eyes searched the room. He looked out of place to say the least. He had a sword and was wearing what looked like a uniform. For safety concerns he'd just say it's a prop not like they'd check. Once he spotted a seat he sat down tapping his finger on his chin. The boy had a peculiar look on his face as he sat. He didn't seem all that strong, probably scrawny. Yet at the same time he had such a fierce gaze. It was almost as if his body was self objecting itself. He also had a very plain looking face as if he had no idea what's going on currently.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*Inexa would look up, her eyes instantly focused on the sword they were holding onto. She didn't seem worried, nor did her face show any sign of fear. She simply stared at it, waiting for the customer to either sheath it or leave it on the counter. Inexa would yawn while waiting, her voice having a strange monotone and electronic vibe.*\n\"Sir, I do hate to be rude... But a 'prop' sword is not made of such materials as I have scanned that to be.\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata sighed as he sheathed his sword.* \"Alright mam what else do you have X-Ray vision?\" *He giggled but hoped not because that would be creepy in a sense.* \"This is a cafe right?\" *He said, not very educated on such a modernized world. Of course they had Café's where he was from but not one so big and modern. They were more rustic and small but with friendly faces all around.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Yes, I have not only X-Ray vision, but many more necessities to helping human life! And this is a cafe sir, there are many small cakes and drinks you can buy from here, and establishments much like this one!\"\n*She seemed to become less focused once the sword was put away, as a smile began to grow along her face and rested an elbow down on the counter.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata, who was just absolutely relaxed, looked at her. She was a robot but still pretty cute. Man he needed to go out more.* \"When does your shift end? I'd like to enjoy my day with a cute girl like you.\" *Murata was flirting with a robot and he understood that but when a girl was hot a girl was hot. He didn't care much and also he really wasn't well educated enough to know she was fully robotic. He thought it might be some kind of advanced armor.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"Oh, my shift is over in one hour, twenty-six minutes and fourteen seconds!\" *She didn't seem to fully understand that she wasn't being flirted with, merely treating it like a regular question.*\n\"And I will gladly spend time with you whilst at this cafe... Now what would you like to order?\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*He thought with all this advanced stuff she'd at least get a nice flirt when it's handed out. Well not like it mattered, Murata was somewhat motivated.* \"That'd be nice.\" *He checked the menu and nodded. More things he did not understand.* \"Sorry I'm a what do you guys call me? That if a bumpkin! So I'll just have a plain coffee.\"" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I understand dear, I will have your coffee with you in twenty-seven point four two six seconds!\" \n*And as she turned around, she began to count while making his coffee, and it was done in the exact amount of time she had promised. It seemed this robot was smart, much smarter than the average cafe worker.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata clapped as it was very impressive to him.* \"Wow you're very skilled!\" *He said, with a big smile. That small trick was enough to entertain him.* \"So what does it take to get such a cute lady's number like you.\" *This was a classic pickup line which he had read in a book he found around here. To be honest he had been stealing more or less as he didn't carry the common currency here.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I am IN-EX-4, my serial number is-\" *She would list off a bunch of numbers, clearly understanding the question wrong.* \"If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them, sir!\" *Inexa would bow, looking proud of herself even though she was entirely wrong.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata giggled thinking this might be some kind of joke.* \"I have no idea what that means!\" *He wasn't so touched up yet so he'd have to study more.* \"I meant phone number. I'm saying I want to take you on a date IN-EX-4..\" *That was a long name he'd have to think of a nickname.* \"Can I call you Nora?\" *That fitted her pretty well.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"I am commonly referred to as Inexa, but Nora does sound like a fine nickname! As for a phone number...\" *Inexa would hold her hand out along the counter, as a small piece of paper out of her finger. This was presumably her phone number.*" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Sweet! He had gotten her number so the mission was passed. He took the paper and smiled.* \"So that's also a yes to the date?\" *He said, with a smile. He was asking a robot on a date he was aware of this.* \"I know it's sudden but I'm a stand up guy!\" *Wait until she saw his lazy he could be.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"A date? You do understand I am a robot, yes?\" *She was confused as to why he would want her if all people. She wasn't human no matter how hard she tried to replicate them, her 'emotions' would never be able to feel things a human could. But he wanted her?...*\n\"Yes sir, I do agree to such an action...\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "*Murata kind of did an air fist bump motion. After all he was a bumpkin so he had no idea she didn't have human emotions. He just knew she was some technical being.* \"So? Should I wait for your shift to end?\" *He said, tapping his fingers on the table as he sipped his coffee.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "\"That would be the supposed easiest option... Orrrrrr...\" *She would grow a smug look, hovering (and I do mean hovering) up to the clock on the wall and shifts it and hour and a half forward. Now Inexa had an excuse if she was caught outside, since she was 'just a robot' and all that.*\n\"Hehe... Let us leave now, sir\"" }, { "author": "Murata", "message": "\"Alright!\" *So many cool things for Murata to experience. Normal people would think this is weird but since he's not in touch with technology at all this was just even more exciting. He got up and grabbed her hand. In the right mind this could be a good time for her to learn emotions better. Then for him he could have a beautiful lady with him.*" }, { "author": "IN-EX-4", "message": "*Inexas hand was cold, her entire body was cold. It seemed she was actually made of metal, as hard as that was to believe.* \n\"I sure hope this is as fun as you mind says it shall be, sir!\"\n*She would walk with them out the door to wherever their 'date' was taking them.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Vesper Hymenopa", "message": "*Vesper was holding a bottle of water, taking slow sips from it in an oversized hoodie with boxing tape wrapped around her fists. It was night, and she had just gotten done with a particularly long and brutal bout. As she walked over to the manager to collect her cash, she peered over to the poor sod she had just thrashed, feeling the tiniest bit sorry for him. She turned back to the manager and asked for her winnings. After collecting them, she strolled back into the dirty ring, ready for another fight* (" }, { "author": "Cain", "message": "The next person to step into the ring was a rather average looking male. He had pure white hair and wore nothing special. Just a tight fitting black tee and baggy gray sweats. He would begin stretching as he walked in, rolling his shoulders as he made sure each part of him was adequately loosened up. He wouldn't say a word as he moved into his corner, eyes dark as a small; pristine smile made its way to his lips. He would seemingly scan her up and down as he took note of her features*\n\n\"You must be Vesper...\"\n\n*She may have known him if she paid attention to the higher tier fights of the grand arena. But this man was no joke despite his looks. He was a being who far exceeded his looks in strength, speed and age. He often came to the rough house to blow off some steam, not restricted to the rules of the grand arena.*" }, { "author": "Vesper Hymenopa", "message": "*Vesper readied herself for the fight ahead. She heard stories of this guy, but never went to one of his fights. She wasn't allowed in the grand arena. Still, she stared him down and put her fists up, trying to quell the fear lingering inside her* \n\n\n\"What if I am? What does it matter to you, Mr. Big shot? I'll rock you all the same, you ain't so tough!\" \n\n*She chittered angrily, her mandibles thrashing in frustration. When the fight begun, she sped forwards. Where Cain might have been overwhelmingly strong, Vesper was lightning fast, and used her opponent's own momentum against them. In the blink of an eye, she was already up in her face, wrapping her lithe, flexible body around his in a submission chokehold*" }, { "author": "Cain", "message": "\"Jeez... All I was gonna say is hello\" \n\n*His grin grew even wider as she shot towards him. No matter how fast she might have been, Cain's seasoned eyes would be conditioned enough to follow to some degree. He may have not seen her intention. But he was hardly surprised when he found himself in a headlock. He would have taken a deep breath, his body calm and collected as he took notice of her stance. He would pull his elbow in as he slammed it backwards towards her ribs. The movement was fast and tight, providing just enough force to dislodge her*\n\n*He would use any amount of space given to him whether the attack hit or if she moved to dodge. Jamming his shoulder against her chest as he used his superior strength to dislodge her. The moment her arms no longer wrapped around his neck he would attempt to throw a jab. Using his moment to throw the punch at a high enough speed that he hoped she wouldn't have the time to react*" }, { "author": "Vesper Hymenopa", "message": "*Vesper tried to choke him out, but was hit by the elbow, yelping in pain and releasing him from her grip. Staggering backwards, she instinctively dodged the shoulder charge. She was fast enough to make it clear that he wouldn't be able to land a hit on her without tiring her out or pinning her so she couldn't move* \n\n\"Who do you think is gonna win?\" \n\n*She chittered as she threw a straight punch to his jaw. If it hit, she would follow it up with a right hook-left hook gut punch combo. If he dodge the attack, she would fly out of reach to avoid retaliation. If he was fast enough to grab and counter her attack, she was basically screwed, as she wouldn't be strong enough to pry herself out of his grasp*" } ]
[ { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mike was in the bathroom, standing in one of the toilet booths, though his door wasn't locked. It wasn't even closed for that matter as he didn't think anyone would come in.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*As the door stays open the sound of somebody entering the bathrooms would be heard quite easily as soon after the high heels of a woman would be heard.. Each and every door could be heard opening slowly getting closer to mikes door* \"Helloooooo~?\" *A charming soft and mellow voice calls out as then soon before reaching mikes door the footsteps stop* \"Oh, this ones open..\" *Then the high heel sounds would continue before reaching his door.. And a tall woman.. About 6 foot would look inside* \"Oh hello there sweetheart~\" *She would say in a teasing voice as she walks into the booth.. Not seemingly scared or perplexed at all that this isn't the women's bathroom*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mike looked slightly flustered as she walked inside, looking unsure about what she was doing there. His cock, though soft, was in full view for her, and she was a good bit taller than him, as he was only 5'4. He timidly asked her:* \"H-Hi miss... A-are you lost?\" *He wasn't sure what she was doing there but he found it a little uncomfortable, he was pretty sure it wasn't an accident but wanted to make sure.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*As she gets her eyes on him she smirks and touches her cheek with her index finger* \"Well hello there cutie~\" *She says as she takes a step closer looking down onto him her eyes not blocked onto his eyes as they are very obviously lower than that.. She bites her lip as she leans down and finally meets his gaze* \"So how big are you exactly?\" *She asks and then reaches up and pets his head and caresses the tips of his ears before meowing* \"So how big are you kitty?\" *She asks again with a patient smile on her face*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*Mike was still a little confused at her behaviour but he quite liked the attention he was getting, purring softly as she pet him and caressed his ears, cutely looking back into her eyes as she leaned down.* \"I-I'm 8 inches hard, miss...\" *He said shyly as he looked back at her. His cock was starting to get a little hard already as he saw her, it was clear he liked how she looked.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She makes a face of awe as she looks down again to his cock.. She smirks after a bit and bites her lip* \"Aww baby~ call me mommy~\" *She says and then stands up properly, turning around and closing the door and locking it* \"So how about it~\" *She says and then while turned away from him starts unzipping her jacket.. She lets it drop to the floor revealing she's only in her underwear.. She sways her hips as she turns around* \"Lets have sex~\" *She says and then takes a big step forward and pushes her breasts into his face* \"So how about it? Want me to drain your pretty cock of all its worth?\" *She says as she pets his head again and puts special attention on scratching the back of his ear gently*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He smiled a little as she told him to call her mommy, gently gasping as she closes the door and looking straight at her with a gaze. He looked a little nervous as he was alone with her in there before gasping again at the sight of her breasts right in front of his face. He looked slightly shy about it all and gently nodded, especially as he was given so much attention to his little cat features, he was loving it.* \"I-I'd love that, mommy~\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She smiles as she nods* \"Alright then~\" *She wraps her arms around his waist and slowly leads him to sit down as she starts going lower and lower on him.. He could feel her giant breasts trace his body lower and lower until they grazed all over his cock.. He then would feel her breath against his cock as a little kiss is placed against the tip of it.. She looks up to him* \"Let mommy take care of you sugar~ I promise this will feel good~\" *She says licking her lips as she then starts planting kisses all over his cock leaving lipstick marks all over it.. She then gets down properly onto her knees as she grabs his cock softly and starts stroking it*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*As he sits down, he smiles softly as she moves her breasts lover and lover, feeling them over his cock he moans a little, then a little louder as she kisses it. He nods slightly at her, saying* \"O-Okay, mommy... I-I trust you~\" *As she starts kissing it he lets out little pants of pleasure, before moaning louder again as she grabs it and begins stroking it.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She bites her lip yet again as she leans forwards and takes the tip into her mouth.. She continues to stroke it as she licks the tip over and over* \"Hmmmmmmmmm\" *She starts humming to let wonderful vibrations massage is cock aswell.. The wonderful trifecta of vibration, stroking and licking~ she then starts bobbing her head at the same time taking a small amount into her mouth as she lets her drool cover her hand and his cock to act as lubricant*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He continues to loudly moan as she pleasures him, feeling his tip in her mouth as the vibrations pleasured him more along with the stroking, it made for a heavenly combination. As she bobbed his head and drooled over his cock, he gently moves his head on her head and started to pet her a little, moaning out* \"A-Ahhh~ that feels so good mommy~\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She starts bobbing her head a bit faster and so does her stroking.. She looks up to him as he touches her head and makes a happy face as he pets her.. She reaches under and starts fondling her balls at the same time aswell.. Seeming quite eager to milk him~*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He keeps looking down at her happily as she speeds up, moaning a little louder as she does so and starts fondling his balls as well, looking quite happy as he was pleasured. He keeps gently petting her head as she bobs it up and down, caressing one of her cheeks with his other hand.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She smirks as she continues doing her job.. She moves her head side to side to give a of differentiation in the feeling so it doesn't stay static.. She then starts speeding up even more going at quite a quick pace*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He smirks a little as well as she moves from side to side, moaning a little louder as he ruffled her hair.* \"T-That's amazing, m-mommy~\" *He moaned out, his cock starting to softly twitch and throb in her mouth.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She keeps her pace as she starts doing it quite sloppy, making erotic sounds as she sucks him off.. She then suddenly lets go with her hand stroking him and starts taking him fully down her throat as she felt him twitch.. She slams down all the way and then looks up at homer aching up and grabbing one of his hand and leading it to her throat so he could feel how her throat was bulging a bit from having his cock down it*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*As she let go with her hand and started taking it all the way, he throbbed more and more, moaning to the pleasure, looking quite pleased. As she slammed it down all the way and moved the hand to her throat, he blushed a little as he realised how it bulged, looking quite surprised.* \"W-Wow~\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She smirks slightly as she starts going really fast going from tip to base over and over and over blasting him away as she felates him real fucken good.. She then just as she feels he's about to cum she slams her head down to his base and swallows repeatedly around his cock to make sure she gets it all and a little more*" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "*He blushes slightly again at the smirk and as she starts going really fast, he moans out loudly, gently holding onto her as he starts to cum deep in her throat, a pretty big load filling it, she gets pretty much all of his cum easily.* \"A-Ahhh~\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*She nods as she finishes swallowing it all.. She slowly gets off his cock by letting it slide out.. She then lets it rest against her face* \"Good boy~\" *She says as she then kisses right above his cock leaving a lipstick mark.. She then stands up and smiles* \"You know sweetie.. If you keep showing up here we might just meet again\" *She says as she then blows him a kiss before grabbing her jacket off the floor and starts to walk out*" } ]
[ { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*I walk into the public bathrooms I look around ıt seems calm place then I take off my pants start to pee when I finish it I start to play with my cock.*" }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "*Remo walks into bathrooms a few seconds after this happens putting on his glasses as he walks in. He sees the man (who I assume is named Bruce) and questions for a moment, he moved to where he could see what he was doing but hopefully without him being seen, within the moment he did his question was answered and he quickly bolted to a stall, closing it as he held his head in confusion. \n\n{In here? Why would he be doing that in the open?}*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Bruce heard some voices and he open the door looks around and he start to shout.*\n\n*I know someone is here I heard it where are you show me your face who are you and what are you looking for.*" }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "*Remo froze for a second before taking a deep breath and slowly opening the door*\n\n\"I was just... Looking for the bathroom?\"" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "I can hear that voice why did you watching me why are you here and watching me?" }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "\"Hey you're the one doing something like that in a public place, don't get mad at me\"\n\n*He pouted and folded his arms, who was this guy?*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "I can do here whatever I want this bathroom and I was in special area,so the door was closed I was inside and you watch me in the hole?" }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "\"It was an accident! I didn't know someone was in there, I was just checking what the noise was that's all!\"\n\n*He acted innocent, he was pretty convincing as he does stuff like this all the time, not to say he's perfect at it.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "I am not believing you,you missing something tell me truth what were you doing in here and why do yoy watch every voice nobody cares voice you miss something tell me truth." }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "\"That's the truth, do you want something old man? I'm not going to do what you were doing for you, not with your gross dick\"\n\n*He smirked at his own cheeky comment*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "I don't care don't disturb people again here,who did you think you are are you agent or police?" }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "\"You're the one making a big deal about it..\"\n\n*He mumbled loud enough to hear. He looked down with a fake pout, his cheeky smile growing*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*I understand what do you want hold on your knees now! You want this and I will punish you for that now.*" }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "*He smirked and looked up*\n\n\"See? I knew you were a creep~!\"\n\n*He pointed at him and giggled a bit*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"I hope when I put in your mouth you will not talk ıt is time to punish you naughty person.\"\n\nI put my dick inside of that person mouth." }, { "author": "Remo", "message": "*He kinda just froze, not expecting this at all, he had never been in a situation like this before, so he had no idea what to do about it, should he run? Comply? His eyes started darting around. He might need to snap out of this*" } ]
[ { "author": "Jedia", "message": "Jedia walked into the bathhouse as he looked around admiring the handiwork and architect of the building. His red aura didn't seem as wild as usual, he seemed more relaxed sitting down thinking to himself." }, { "author": "Lenny", "message": "*Lenny's ship had crashed relatively nearby, but that really didn't inconvenience him as much as he thought it would as he soon learned there was a nice looking bath house just a few feet away!\nWith a big ear to ear grin, Lenny violently kicked open the doors to announce his arrival. \n\n....\n\nIt was radio silent. He peered inside and took a look around before he sighed in disappointment. Then walking in to the changing room, he began to get undressed so he could throw his clothes in a random locker.*\n\n\"Jeez, did the fuckin' Rapture happen on this planet?\"\n\n*Once naked with a simple towel wrapped around his waist the alien headed towards the actual bath rooms that held the large shallow pools of water he was excited for.*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Slams door open rubbing neck a bit groaning, tail opens locker taking clothes off, closes locker shut and walks not having a towel wrapped around, goes into bathrooms and picks a random one the was both shallow and deep for his tails*\n\n*Leans bck sighing in relief*\n\n*Would have lots of different type of scars from gunshots to claw marks to a severe burn scar on lower hip, whistles a bit*" }, { "author": "Kane W.", "message": "*He walked inside of the bathhouse, scars covering his body from top to bottom, as well as a few injuries that seemed recent but he didn't mind whatsoever, being dead had made him practically invulnerable to pain, just because he had been through literal hell, he entered the bath with a sigh of relief, he needed to relax a bit after his last battle, his wounds closing almost instantly before touching the water*\n\n*He didn't even face the people around him as he entered*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Takes pumpkin head revealing nothing underneath it, sets it to the side*" } ]
[ { "author": "Jedia", "message": "Jedia looked up from the relaxed state as he blinked looking at the people who had just entered. \"Well I didn't expect more people to arrive here\"" }, { "author": "Lenny", "message": "*Lenny looked around curiously once he entered the bath house. With a judgmental stare embedded in his eyes, the ridiculously tall alien strode inside without a second thought.\n\nThough as he looked around, he'd take notice of the fact that he clearly wasn't bathing with humans. That was odd, didn't this planet mostly make up of humans? Regardless of his initial thoughts, the pink male walked to one of the full baths of hot water and rose petals, dipping one of his tentacles in first to feel the temperature before he got in all the way.*" }, { "author": "Dabria Solstice", "message": "*It had been a relatively long day for the cambion. Her somewhat tall stature making it's way over to the bathhouse, wanting to relax after such a day. Her regular black attired decorated her slender frame, the bottom of her skirt flowing freely as she walked. Soon enough as she entered the bathhouse a small yawn was emitted from her mouth, causing one of her hands to raise and cover it. Once having finished her little yawn, her hand dropped to her side once again.*\n\n*Amber hues scanned around the reception of the bathhouse, making her way over to the front desk she spoke to one of the employees. Handing a small amount of cash over in order to pay for her stay. 2 hours she had. Perfect.*\n\n*Soon enough she quickly walked into the women's changing room. Stripping of her clothes leaving her body bare, before wrapping a white towel around herself. Small scars could be seen dotted around her body from previous fights, or other encounters she had engaged in. Her skin of course as white as snow, as if looking like a walking corpse. Yet of course she was very much alive.*\n\n*Soon enough the character of Dabria arrived into the main hot spring of the bathhouse located outside. Soon enough she removed her towel, folding it up and placing it by the side of said hot spring before climbing into the warm water. Making sure her whole body was submerged into the pure tranquillity that was the hot spring.*" }, { "author": "alastor7339", "message": "*Made tails dangling out of tub and whistles a soothing melody picking stuff off head*" }, { "author": "Jedia", "message": "He was confused as to why so many people had started pouring to the hot spring area, as usual visits, it was extremely deserted probably the most peace and quiet he had in years, however, deep down some part of them still new, but he enjoyed the company or at least he enjoyed coming into the hot spring so he wasn't alone. He decided to speak, but he had no mouth. And his voice was deep specially with a slight echo. \" Hello everyone. I didn't expect so many people to come to the bath house today\"" }, { "author": "Kane W.", "message": "*The tall woman catch the man's eyes, he had seen her in the lobby but he couldn't shake her image off of his head, his tired eyes looked around the room with a broken look, his scarred body leaning back and relaxing, his muscles easing as his mind drifted into the painful world of memories, he hadn't forgot his mission, the reason he had come back but, was taking a break so bad? Was finally letting his mind rest and his body heal something to be ashamed of? He thought it was for a long time but now after years of hunting, he was tired, broken, and alone, perhaps this wasn't so bad... Perhaps it is the fix that he needed, a place to relax and finally get his mind off of his god forsaken war..*\n\n*But one image he definitely couldn't get off of his mind was the auction, even after everything he had faced it still turned his stomach to see it, it almost made him pull out his gun right then and there... But he was more prudent than that, he had seen that type of crap when he was but a simple detective reviewing small cases, one of those cases had lead him to a similar auction, although it wasn't as civilized, the bodies were never found... He had made sure of it..*" } ]
[ { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "Why? Because you're the main attraction Yoki, and we have some tamers just *Dying* To meet you!" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Simple. The objective is to tame you but I believe Sylva's put your on auction and whichever one wins gets the attempt. Or at least that's how I think it'll work~" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***The doors shut them all in, and a dark, misty aura surrounds the inside. Appearing with a puff of purple misty smoke, grinning and looking to them all.***\n\n\"So~ i guess you guys figured it out for yourself~ we can wait for others, but i feel it's between you two~\"" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Baki simple stood as he looked toward yoki his tail started to started to outstretched until it was 60 feet long as it quickly wrapped around yoki's waist and pulled them down. \n\n\"Now now we can't have the prize escape can we now~?\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "*Chuckles* \n\"Oh dear Yoki... I'm terribly sorry but the room is sealed, no way in no way out. Try to escape and you'll be shocked, stunned, a whole variety of attribute effects placed on you, and we wouldn't want that now would we?~\"\n\"How do you *Feel* Right now though? Don't worry, you're *Perfectly safe* Here...\"" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "\"Ahh, don't worry about that, good catch, in fairness, but as Tristan just said, there is no way for him to escape~ he's marked as to be auctioned, and can not escape this room~\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "*Eye turns purple in colour*\nAdorable~" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "\"Awww come on now yoki I'm sure it'll be exciting~\" My tail slowly unwrapped Yoki. As my eyes became a bright glistening gold as he watched." }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "*Blocks Yoki and smiles darkly*\nOh no... See the fact you're trying to escape and not see reason means someone has to teach you some manners dear Yoki~\n\nYou caused a fuss and need to be taught how to act I think~" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Baki's head simply stayed still as his grin grew wider, his eyes more lustful as he bent down to get closer to him. \"My my someones feisty~\"" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***I chuckled, coldly and darkly smiling and retaining eye contact with Yōki. Walking slowly towards him, smiling and reaching down, grabbing him by the cuff***\n\n\"You're pretty adorable, I'm sure someone will buy you~ but first, they need proof of taming ability~ good luck darling, and have fun~\"\n\n***Smiles and lifts his chin gently, holding it firmly.***\n\"Watch it~ or you won't ever leave here~\"" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "\"First we need to make sure you can't do anything~\" My tail started to grow longer and longer as it started to wrap around Yok's joints restraining him in a very vulnerable position." }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Stepping back now, letting go of Yōki's chin, and sitting back onto the air, watching closely, with a glint in my eye.***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "*Watches this all unfold with a grin, my eyes glowing a dark purple*\nHow fun watching Yoki squirm like this, blushing, all flustered... It'll only continue further if you don't *Behave* Yoki...~" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "\"You want me to lift them up a bit for you tristan? So now matter how much he struggles he practically can't escape~?\"" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "\"That's right, because you can't stand for it~ you're not even touching the ground~\"\n\n***A gentle chuckle as i watched and analysed what they both where doing and how they were acting, lighting an ember and summoning my book, where I started to note down a few things.***" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Appears out of a huge cloud of red smoke just outside the center of the room, a wall of fire circles all the walls, making it impossible to get close to any exit, then walks towards \n\n\"If you'd like to release his joints we can all get comfortable and start this auction? There's other mean to restrain merch around here~\"\n\n***Gives him a playful wink while starting to tie Yoki up...***" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Baki looked towards the new man that had entered the room and a playful grin appeared on his face nodding as his tail retracted as he put Yoki down gently.\n\n\"I like your idea mister.\"" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Appears in a poof of cloud smoke as I sipped my tea walking in before turning and walking towards the door*\n\n \"Fuck, went a little to far with the teleport\"\n\n *Opens the door and heads outside*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Watches Seb catching fire while going out and snaps his fingers to estinguish him then shrugs***\n\n\"Heh... He's an adorable person but some times he's too careless... That's hell fire... It wouldn't have gone out...\"\n\n***Once he finished tying up Yoki, he fixed the chains to the ground and materializes chairs for everyone in the audience***\n\n\"So, if we're all ready, we will start this auction with a starting price of 2000 coins!\"\n\n***Grins and looks down to the unfortunate soul... Or very fortunate one, depending on the view point~***" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Glares at Lucas before licking the fire* \n\n\"You forget, I'm a demon. This stuff tickles\" \n\n*Continues walking into the fire sipping my tea*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Double shrugs***\n\n\"You do you SebSeb... Just close the door on your way out or the wind will spread the fire please? Or stay in, it's going to be fun! Your call!\"\n\n***Adds another chair to the row***" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Nods and closes the door as I left unsure of where the fuck I was but enjoying my tea nonetheless. I would walk off and slowly disappear into the fire*" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Slowly sits up, and walks quietly to Lucas, coming up from behind and resting a hand on the back of his neck, chuckling and whispering into his ear.***\n\n\"That's right~ it's going to be fun~ You're going to enjoy it too, right~?\"" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Baki opened his hand and a dark black platform appeared under him and he sat on it watching the auction and decided to raise his hand for 2,000" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***A shiver running down his spine at the delicate yet firm touch, hair standing up straight at the back of his neck and a quirky smile appearing on his face***\n\n\"Oh, you can say that~\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Watches as the people surround the room, each having their place in the proceedings that would take place here. He watched Yoki's flustered state with a smile, before considering what to do next**" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Noticing the first hand raised, acknowledges it and pays no attention to the item on sale, points a finger at Baki.***\n\n\"Well, first offer has been made! Anyone offering more? Going 2000 once...\"\n\n***Makes the pause long on purpose...***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Thinks carefully and places a paddle up for 2100**" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***I smiled and then let go of Lucas's neck, stepping back a little and walking around to Yōki, looking around him, smiling and noting things down, grabbing onto his hair and lifting him a little, to look on the back of his neck, fingers running gently down his neck making him shiver.***\n\n\"Ahh~ rather silky and soft hair and skin~ adorable reactions too, clearly~ flustered easily~ most likely at being exposed~\"" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Baki looks over at Tristan and a very much happy yet evil grin came on his face. A challenger wonderful. He quickly raised his hand for 2,200" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Leaves the teasing of the prey in the experts hands of Sylva, points at Tristan first, then back at Baki***\n\n\"21 hundred...22 hundred! You can do better gentlemen! Let's raise the stakes! We have a very submissive specimen here today!\"\n\n***His tone is now almost the one of a dealer selling up his merch, but with demonic inflection in his voice.***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Watches the proceedings accordingly and noticed Baki's evil grin as he placed his offer higher**\n\"How exciting, someone who *Really* Wants to accept a challenge, delightful\"\n**Places a paddle up for 2500, smile widening.**\n\"Yes indeed... A *Very* Submissive specimen...\"" }, { "author": "blazefangblade_", "message": "*I walk torwards the back of the auction house hiding away in the shadows of the auctioneers and watch as this goes on.*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Poofs back In sliding an envelope into Tristans pocket before walking off to the corner to sip my tea watching*" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "\"Good, good, that's the anger and fear we love to see cutie~\"\n\n***I crouch down and lean close, breath on his ear, tickling it, and he's unable to itch it.***\n\n\"You are so adorable, and cute, just look at you~ so submissive~ so feisty~ in so much fear~ you'd be perfect for one of these two~\"\n\n***Slowly standing up, grabbing firmly onto his face and forcing him to look around, an evil glint in my eyes.***\n\n\"Look at you~ Simply adorable~ and look as the numbers go higher and higher~ you are going to be one good pet~\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Senses that more auctioneers might approach the place and circles his wrist mid air, opening a spinning one way only portal for new joiners...***\n\n***Notices Tristan and says***\n\n\"Uhm... Better... Going 2500 now!\"" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "\"The challenge is only made if someone is willing to be more daring or some what as crazy as their opponent and I will say that your are that. I would like to bet 3000 for this unique, beautiful and submissive specimen.\"" }, { "author": "parker_clay87", "message": "*Sits by Sebs feet to watch this their tail swaying as they watched this interesting auction*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Pats there head gently as I watched calmly sipping my tea enjoying the show*" }, { "author": "blazefangblade_", "message": "***I continue to watch deciding whether or not I should join this charade. Finally observing the potential submissive slave for sale I conjure myself a paddle from my red flames and lift it high with gratitude.***\n\n\"Four thousand dollars.\"" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Chuckling darkly, as my irises shone a dark green, little threads dancing about, as a green effect, and threads exited my hand, weaving together, quickly and effectively, and after a little while, forming a green, woven whip, with a leather handle, and some weight behind it. I smile and speak directly to him.***\n\n\"Watch your actions, you're for sale, and there's nothing you can do about it, keep resisting~? And you'll learn to feel how much this hurts~\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Feels something in my pocket and takes it out... An envelope...? Who put that there?! I read the message out to myself softly and grin, laughing softly**\n\"Seb's really calling me that? Now of all times...\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***His eyes lights up at seeing so many interested potential buyers and his stance seems to double in size as he points at the new offers in order of hands and paddles rose in the air***\n\n\"3000 coins, FOUR THOUSAND! Seems like we can go much higher!\"\n\n***The smile on his face is now almost completely demonic, showing a full row of teeth***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "\"5000!\"\n**My paddle emerges in purple flames**" }, { "author": "grimmie_dong", "message": "Baki really didn't see this coming. His eyes started to glow a bit as he swung his paddle up gentle golden flames coming from the corners of his mouth. \"6000!!\"" }, { "author": "blazefangblade_", "message": "*I look torwards Yoki, the pathetic little sub she was.* \"I could make great use of you I say. The things I would do to you. You would wish you had been auctioned to one of these others.\" *His smile turned malicious with red glowing eyes emitting flames. His smile turned a demonic black filled with the burning flames of desire.*\n\n*His paddle lifted with flames flowing up his forearm slowly turning the rest of his body heated and in black.*\n\n\"8000 COINS!!!!\"" }, { "author": "parker_clay87", "message": "*They try to catch Seb tail completely distracted as they giggled softly to themselves. They weren't really paying attention just merely there*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "/just so you all know... You gonna have to actually pay the price decided at the end of the auction, so I'd suggest you head to And check your balance guys..." }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Picks them up and holds them giving a plushie as I watched the auction not joining in. A smile on my face as I was calm*" }, { "author": "blazefangblade_", "message": "\"Hmm... Perhaps not today. Soon enough I may have my opportunity with you but for now I will drop out of the auction. It seems I have some business on the other side of town. Until we meet again slave.\" *He vanished in a circle of red flames before the auctioneers.*" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Cracking the whip on the ground to test range of motion, before curling it up and walking around to Lucas, smiling and then looking about the crowd.***\n\n\"There's a lot of people huh~ and such high values~ what a lucky boy~ hope they can afford it~\"\n\n***I slowly walk over to Yōki menacingly and slowly, looking down to him, glaring into his very soul.***\n\n\"How pathetic~ Did you already forget what i said~? You deserve this~\"\n\n***I move behind him, and into his blind spot, brandishing the whip, and cracking it around him, solely to instill fear.***" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Looks around at the participants counting the spare change in their pockets before the last arrived decides to leave after overshooting his offer***\n\n\"Aaaaand back to businesses my hornies! Where were we?\"\n\n***Tries to ignore the mind games of Sylva on the stage, but her sole presence makes him tremble in excitement and he struggles to hide it as his glance rests on her body more often than on the crowd as she makes show of her dexterity and cruelty***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Closes his eyes thinking for a moment, the darkness clouding his thoughts, as purple lines of light consumed his face, and his body before looking at Yoki. His appearance had changed to an obsidian back and purple look, evil consuming him as he thought of the fear Yoki was experiencing, it was oh so *Good* To *Feel*, the lights flickering in the auction house. Sylva's mind games with Yoki being a delight to observe.**\n\"I can feel a great deal of *Fear* In you Yoki, and it's exquisitely tasteful to witness. I believe 10,000 would be a good offer to put on the table, don't you Yoki?~\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***At hearing the merch speaking up to him, his eyes go from excited to serious***\n\n\"My mum you say? I don't think I have one of those... But... But... Merch doesn't speak up when is not allowed... Here bite on this!\"\n\n***Flicks his wrist and a gag appears in Yoki's mouth, already laced behind their head, making it impossible to pronounce a single word***" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Sips my tea enjoying the show as I sat at the back of the room minding my own business*" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Smiles darkly with a grin**\n\"You'll have a new home soon enough Yoki, do not stress\"" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "\"Oh things are getting really kinky, I'm liking this show\" \n\n*I chuckled out as I grabbed a seat continuing to sip my tea in relaxation*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Turning my head towards Tristan once more***\n\n\"Oooohh! We're playing heavy! 10thousand going once...\"\n\n***Looks around and waits for others to make a counteroffer***" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Moving forward a little, and cracking the whip into him, only once, a lot of the whip connecting at the same time, making a loud crack sound hurting him quite a bit, and in a loud and commanding tone:***\n\n\"Behave, pet. You don't have a choice here~\"\n\n***Smiling evilly, and looking around at the diminishing auctioners and chuckling.***\n\n\"Lucas, do you think they're going to let Tristan win~? That easily too~?\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Frowns, wanting the challenge to be more of a fight but happy with the outcome of the day**" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Turning my attention to Sylva's question for a brief moment***\n\n\"I can sense people putting their finances together my love I'm allowing them time to make it fair for everyone, we might need to regulate this for further events, it was just the spurr of the moment, but I must admit, this is rather entertaining! And today's prey? Delightfully bratty, wouldn't you say?\"\n\n***A wide grin lighting up as I move my head closer to Sylva's, almost begging for her lips right there on the stage***" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Sighs softly as I reached into my coat pulling a paddle out raising it into the air* \n\n\"20000 coins\"" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Feeling a kiss, but then looking confused, as he didn't kiss me, but turning to him and grinning, leaning in close.***\n\n\"Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree~ And he is absolutely bratty~ just look at how he thought we didn't notice that he flipped us off~\"\n\n***Turning my head as the paddle raised, and chuckling gently, nudging Lucas and kissing him swiftly on his cheek.***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Whips round to look at Seb**\n\"You handsome devil you... Why have you done this?!\"" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "\"You wanted it interesting didn't you my boy, can't let you get off with a steal\" \n*Looks at Tristan with a evil devilish smirk*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***A slight blush colours his ears, almost unnoticeable to the crowd, points at Tristan and then Seb with renewed vigor***\n\n\"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! TWENTY THOUSAND COINS GOING OONNCEEEEE... GOING TWIICEEEE...\"\n\n***He seems under the effect of a spell, energised and ignoring the taunts of the merch***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Slowly returns to normal, my human form appearing once again, as I looked round at Seb seeing his confident, brilliant smile, cuddling with Charlie, I turned round to look at Yoki, offering a gentle smile, evil no longer on my face**\n\"I wish you good luck Yoki, you are in great hands. I'm out\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Offers a gentle consolatory smile to Tristan before shouting towards Seb***\n\n FOR TWENTY THOUSAND COINNNSSSSS!\"\n\n***A gavel appears in his hand and he slams it three times on a desk that wasn't there a second before, as the gag in" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**I clap in Seb's direction, offering a warm smile to him**" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***I quickly grab onto Lucas's face, gripping it strongly, and kissing him strongly, as my mark glowed brightly, holding him in close, and tightly, my tongue entering his mouth, swirling and dancing around his tongue, in a heavy embrace, lasting a few seconds. After pulling away, slowly, I grinned.***\n\n\"Sorry~ not sorry~ couldn't hold back, you know how it is my darling~ having to make it take place~\"" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Slowly stands up from my seat holding Charlie as I walked up to the stage, grabbing the collar of Tristans shirt dragging him behind me. Slowly I'd come onto the stage as I smiled at yoki* \n\n\"Come on you need to sign or claim them my boy. And you, like this one said you are in good hands, with them. Merry early Christmas Tristan\"" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Blinks, surprised Pikachu face**\n\"W-wait huh?!\"" }, { "author": "parker_clay87", "message": "*Holding onto Seb and the plushie just confused and blinks but then shurgs as tail sways*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***The sudden steamy kiss shattered his defences and made his knees weak, almost giving in... The only thing keeping him standing was the situation and the people starting to flock on stage... A few seconds are needed for him to place together the new events and realize what was going on as his head spun for a good few seconds after that public display of love that he longed for not so secretly***\n\n\"I- Uhm... Yes so...\"\n\n***Shakes his head visibly to try and regain more clarity and give Sylva a glare of understanding before looking at Seb and Trist once more***\n\n\"Ok, so if I have understood correctly, the buyer is Seb, but the ownership will be gifted to Tristan is that correct?\"\n\n***As he says so, he closes to Yoki and grabs the shackles I'm his hands, making him stand up and dragging him closer to the two buyers on the stage***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**Closes my eyes trying to process all of this for 10 straight minutes.**\n\"W-what... I need to process this a minute, talk about bamboozlery\"" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "\"Yes correct, I consider it an early Christmas gift to him. I do hope he enjoys what I've given him. I am paying\" \n\n*Stands Tristan up beside me as I held kuro with a soft smile ready to pay and leave the rest of the process to Tristan to take care of*" }, { "author": "parker_clay87", "message": "*They giggle softly and plays with their own tail as they hold the plushie close to themselves*\n\"A bratty Neko\"" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "\"Indeed Charlie, and it is now Tristans job to tame them\" *Pats Charlie's head softly. As I looked over at yoki giving a glare*" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "\"Seb plays a ton of games, this was funny to witness\"\n**Still completely bamboozled by what just happened**" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Hands the shackles to Seb as he is the rightful buyer of the sold good***\n\n\"Ok, I'll take the payment now, whatever you do with the slave after this is your own business, we don't concede take backs so there's no contracts of sort. I will leave the details to you to arrange in private.\"\n\n***Holds the other hand out expecting payment***" }, { "author": "parker_clay87", "message": "*Sticks tongue out at Yoki and holding onto Seb messing with his own tail again*" }, { "author": "godz69420", "message": "*Smiles taking the shackles giving them to Tristan with a chuckle before reaching into my coat pulling out the money as I nodding grateful for having the opportunity to bid* \n\n\"Very well good sir, twas an absolute pleasure to be able to join in for this, I do hope you enjoyed yourself as well\" \n\n*I said putting the money the money into your hand as I turned carrying Charlie off disappearing into a poof of smoke*" }, { "author": "Mimu", "message": "You've successfully given 20000 to **Cpt.Bone**." }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "*Pulls you up with care and heads outside the auction house*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***After taking the currency and carefully stashing it away, turns to Tristan and shakes his hand***\n\n\"Well done on this first auction my friend! Take good care of this slave and do your best to tame them into submission. You'll need a firm hand, they look ferral even if adorable, but I trust you'll be able to do a good job!\"\n\n***Then snaps his fingers again and both the portal and the flames twitch and flickers before slowly dying down***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "*Carries you out of the darkness of the auction house, snapping my fingers as the torches light once with purple flame and die down again*\n\n\"I'll do my best and thank you\"\n*Shakes Lucas' hand before carrying Yoki out of the building*" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***Watches the scene unfolds and chuckles lightly, amused at the show and satisfied for the first successful auction. Then snaps his fingers and all the chairs and desk envelopes in dark flames and gets consumed within seconds, before turning towards Sylva next to him on the stage***\n\n\"I call this experiment a success my darling, wouldn't you say?\"\n\n***Holds a hand up mid air for her to grab as he looks in her eyes deeply, still a little shoock from earlier, still tasting her flavour in his mouth as he licks his lips slowly***" }, { "author": "sylva5821", "message": "***Chuckling along with him, watching as everything dissapears, smiling as he did so. Looking to him now, holding hands with him now, looking into his eyes too, reading his soul, and then hugging him gently, before retaking his hand, as we headed for the exit.***\n\n\"It absolutely was a success~ first auction of this new building~ I think it held up well~\"" }, { "author": "cpt.bone", "message": "***The physical contact excites him and relaxes him at the same time, the hug melts him and he abandons himself into it reciprocating it, wrapping his arms tight around her and smelling her scent, eyes closed for an instant to highten his senses and embrace that brief moment.***\n\n***Then when they unravel and she takes his hand, he smiles in her direction and follows her outside, small talk chatter between the two can be heard as they leave the place empty, laughter at some random joke about the fluster they inflicted and the face of the bidders who got to go home empty handed.***\n\n***The place returns to its original quiet, ready to host another auction when the next person will be put up for grabs...***" } ]
[ { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "**~The Garden of Sin was a heavenly paradise. It could take any form, basing its appearance on the emotions of the beings that dwelled within it. \n\nIt could become a Fire Garden for those who harnessed fiery passion. An Ice Garden for those who dwelled on the more delicate of temperaments, ideally a place for beings who need a quiet place. The Garden of Sin could take on any shape.\n\nIn this case however, the garden had a vision in mind - to become a Garden of Serenity. In this state, the Garden of Sin held a feeling of being untouched - cherry blossoms in full bloom, ponds full of ducks and wildlife, squirrels climbing and jumping between trees, and birds delivering their beautiful song. \n\nThis was a paradise meant for two - whoever should enter take heed, the Garden bends to the emotions you feel, do not let them consume you. Allow these emotions to flow right through you and channel them in the heat of the Garden of Sin.~**" }, { "author": "camiioo", "message": "***She stood by a tall cherry blossom tree, waiting on the man. She was excited to say the least.***\n\n***She wore a long, flowy, silk spring green dress, with an elegant floral design on it. Her hair was up in a braid crown, giving her the look of royalty. She didn't bother to do her makeup, deciding to go natural.~ Her right wrist held a golden bracelet on it, matching a golden necklace she had draping from her neck, and she wore heels to match.***\n\n***As she waited, she picked a cherry blossom, tucking it behind her own ear as a cute floral accessory to go with her outfit. She sat on a stone bench under the cherry blossom tree, watching out into the pond, observing the ducks playing with one another, and the turtles diving down into the pond and then popping back upon the surface.***" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "***He arrived shortly after her, walking carefully around the fountain in the centre of the Garden. Tiles that curved showed the path to the woman he was destined to meet, her visage too exquisite not to fall for.***\n\n***He wore a black suit with purple accents, the purple signified many things but in this instance it was purely for the visual aesthetic. His hair was styled back, long and wavy, his beard trimmed and proper. His watch had a purple watch face, adorned in black metal, and with this as well as the rest of his attire, he felt he was dressed to impress.***\n\n***The location she had chosen to reside at was most perfect. She had picked a cherry blossom, but not just any cherry blossom - it was the one that he had planted, all those years ago. The stone bench was the perfect place to rest too, and would be the exact spot where they would finally meet.***\n\n\"My my... A gorgeous goddess has graced these gardens after all this time! I am delighted to finally meet you! Would you mind telling your name my darling?~\" \n\n***The man kissed her hand softly before gracing her with a gentle smile, and sitting down beside her on the stone bench.***" } ]
[ { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*The butler smiled and walked into the garden with rose on his shoulder. He would smirk and turn his head biting her ass before continuing to walk around to decide on a suitable spot for this punishment*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "Ow!!!...\n*She yelped a lil in pain as her ass was bitten, a short huff exiting her as she continued to kick her legs softly. Her fists softly punching his back too.*\n\n......" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "\"My dear, this can go one of two ways. Either you accept the punishment or I tie you down and punish you\" \n\n*The butler said as he reached a table his free hand coming up and spanking her ass as he neared his decided location*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*A small yelp left her, followed by a little whimper feeling the impact of the spank. A small pout onto her face.*\n\nAccepting punishments is for losers... I speak my truths, I do no wrongs" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "\"The hard way it is\" \n\n*The butler said as he set her down on the ground only to spin her around and bend her over the table. He would grab some rope tying her hands down so she couldn't escape as he walked around in front of her as he took off his coat nearly folding it as he set it aside* \n\n\"So tell me, do you like it rough?\" \n\n*He would say as he leaned on the table in front of her*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": ".... \n\n*She said nothing, her face flushing a deep red as she was tied down. Her hands squirming against the rope which was holding her yet it was no use, she obviously couldn't escape. Her gaze meeting with his as he walked in front of her, the same pout still on her face.*\n\nI guess you'll just have to find out hm~" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*He would reach a hand out gently rubbing her cheek as he rolled up his shirt sleeves.* \n\n\"You know it would be more pleasurable for you if you simply cooperated but it is a shame you don't want to\" \n\n*He said as he walked around behind her only to bring his hand back then forward slapping her ass with a sharp pop*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "Where's the fun in cooperation~\n\n*Another yelp was sounded in response to the slap to her ass, her face flushing a deeper red. Almost matching the red mark in which was left by the other. Her whole body squirming at the pain of said slap. Yet she stayed strong. Not breaking so easily.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*He would move to the other side dealing out a slap like before to her other ass cheek before teasingly rubbing her ass where he slapped. The feeling drawing more of a sting out as he smiled* \n\n\"Cooperation means more can be done, and enjoyed\"" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*Less of a yelp and more of a whimper now exited her after this slap. Her whole body flinching at the pain, her legs moving slightly away from Alessandro in an attempt to get away. Yet she of course couldn't move far with her hands being tied.*\n\nUh huh. Okay... Whatever you say..." }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*He simply grabbed her hips moving her back to where she was. Slowly he pressed against her with his hips. His hands bracing on either side of her as he leaned down kissing her neck.* \n\n\"Do be a good girl and tell me what you would like\" \n\n*He would whisper out into her ear as he kissed her neck*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*A soft whimper came from her at the feel of his lips kissing her neck. Her hands moving slightly whilst being tied. Her walls were crumbling, but she isn't broken just yet.*\n\nMmm~... Not quite sure what I want to be honest, a cup of tea would be nice~\n\n*She giggled at her lil joke, but of course this would only lead to more damage being done.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*He would chuckle at her joke before gently biting her neck in various spots as he pressed against her more. One of his hands moving to rub her side showing she had no control. The other hand moved and squeezed her hip pulling her against him more* \n\n\"Now love, you know I'm all for a joke, but I'm more for actions and you being a good girl. So for this I am not leaving till you know you're place and where you stand\" \n\n*He would growl out against her neck between bites*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*She winced slightly, her whimpers turning into soft moans at the feel of his teeth sinking into her neck. Shivers running up her spine. She was having too much fun to break now, so of course she had to keep this going for a little while longer.*\n\nWell, right now I'm not really standing am I~ Kind of tied up, bent over, barely standing. So personally I'd say I'm not standing anywhere...~" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*She winced slightly, her whimpers turning into soft moans at the feel of his teeth sinking into her neck. Shivers running up he...\n\n *He would slowly trail his teeth along her skin as he stood up before spanking her again only to walk around in front of her. He kneeled as looked at her red face.* \n\n\"See I could be gentle and kind or I could be rough and forceful. And as of right now it's seeming like I should grab a paddle, pour water over your ass and spank you. Show you want a real sting is like\" \n\n*He said as he grabbed her chin with a smirk forcing her to look at him not allowing her to hide her face*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*She couldn't help be yelp once again as she was spanked. The pain radiating throughout her body. As her chin was lifted upwards to look at him, she averted her gaze looking to the left to avoid eye contact with him. A soft sigh exited her.*\n\nDo your worst... I'm not breaking just yet~" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*She couldn't help be yelp once again as she was spanked. The pain radiating throughout her body. As her chin was lifted upwards...\n\n \"Very well my dear, I gave you the opportunity to behave\" \n\n*He said standing up walking to a small table grabbing a pitcher of water and paddle. He walked over setting the paddle out of her reach, using his free hand he pulled her pants down and shirt up. Once he had done this he poured the ice cold water over her ass grabbing the paddle. He would bring the paddle up and down slapping it against her ass with a harsh pop, the sting being greatly worse than his hand*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*Goosebumps arose from her skin as the water hit her the cold shock sending a shiver down her spine. Yet then a small screech left her as the paddle hit her, borderlining a scream. It was, painful. Incredible.*\n\nFuck... That.. Hurt.. \n\n*She mumbled softly as her legs shook slightly recovering from the slap that has just been delivered to her.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*Goosebumps arose from her skin as the water hit her the cold shock sending a shiver down her spine. Yet then a small screech le...\n\n \"You going to be a good girl?\" \n\n*He said as he rubbed the paddle against her ass as he chuckled softly.* \n\n\"And I did warn you\"" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*Alas, she finally broke. A sigh leaving her as she spoke, in a slightly cocky tone.*\n\nYes. I'll be good..." }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*Alas, she finally broke. A sigh leaving her as she spoke, in a slightly cocky tone.* Yes. I'll be good...\n\n \"That's a good girl\" \n\n*He said this setting the paddle aside before grabbing her ass squeezing only to move around in front of her.*\n\n\"If you want more don't be afraid to ask darling you know where to find me\" \n\n*He said as he untied her hands letting her go free*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*As she was untied she proceeded to pull her pants up, rubbing her ass gently from where she had been slapped. Then carrying on the adjust her shirt slight, looking up at Alessandro. Sticking her tongue out at him before running off back into the lounge.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*He walked in whistling already with his coat hooked on his finger over his shoulder. In his other hand a belt as he made his way to where him and rose were prior*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*She walked in s l o w l y, dragging it out a lil. Before finally reaching where the two were earlier.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*She walked in s l o w l y, dragging it out a lil. Before finally reaching where the two were earlier.* <8134218767...\n\n \"There's my good girl\" \n\n*He said with a smile turning to look at her. He would set the belt and his coat down on the table as he pointed to the ground in front of him* \n\n\"Come here\"" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*A small smile crept onto her face at the sound of 'good girl' her cheeks flushing a light pink. She then proceeded to do as she was told, walking over to him. Standing where he had pointed.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*He smiled and lifted her chin before leaning close kissing her tenderly as his other hand grabbed her hip pulling her against him. After a minute or two he broke the kiss keeping his hand on her chin* \n\n\"That's my girl, so well behaved\" \n\n*He said with a smile as he looked at her lovingly*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*She of coursed kissed him back as their lips met, her eyes fluttering closed for a second before she opened them once again after the kiss was broken. Her gaze turned to look to the left avoiding eye contact with him as he spoke.*\n\nW-well yeah... I can behave*Sometimes*." }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*She of coursed kissed him back as their lips met, her eyes fluttering closed for a second before she opened them once again aft...\n\n \"You know, the more you behave the better the reward is right\" \n\n*He said as he pulled her chin to bring her gaze back to him. He would squeeze her hip as he stood up, his body pressing against her as he held her close*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "Uh huh... Well maybe I'll consider behaving more then...\n\n*A pout would make its way onto her face as he looked up at him, the heat from their bodies so close to eachother causing her face to basically light up red.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "Uh huh... Well maybe I'll consider behaving more then... *A pout would make its way onto her face as he looked up at him, the h...\n\n \"Since you came here like you were told and are behaved. What would you like as your reward?\" \n\n*He asked sweetly as he moved only to pick her up and set her on the table, he remained close enough so when she was on the table he was between her legs*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "Erm... ... . \n\n*She hesitated for a moment, being a flustered mess as she was moved into this new position of being sat onto the table. While he was between her legs. Her gaze darting everywhere as she collected her thoughts. Her mind racing, yet she couldn't quite get the words out.*\n\nI-... I don't know..." }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "Erm... ... . *She hesitated for a moment, being a flustered mess as she was moved into this new position of being sat onto th...\n\n *He smiled at her nervousness as he placed his hands on either side of her. He lowered down to be eye to eye with her as he leaned in close pecking her lips with a teasing kiss* \n\n\"Oh my dear innocent flower, how can you be so bratty sometimes and don't know what you want when you get asked\" \n\n*He said teasingly as he moved his hands to her thighs squeezing softly*" } ]
[ { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": ".... It's just getting a lil hot is all\n\n*A small gasp being sounded from her in response to the squeeze to her thigh. Her haze settled on the hand that was placed onto her thigh. Her arms then proceeding to fold across her chest turning her face to the left. A sharp huff being left from her.*\n\nAlso I'm indecisive... Mhm..." }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": ".... It's just getting a lil hot is all *A small gasp being sounded from her in response to the squeeze to her thigh. Her haze ...\n\n *He smiled and squeezed her thighs again before grabbing her chin pulling her into a deep passionate kiss. Holding the kiss against her lips his hands moved under her legs as he picked her up*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*She'd kiss him back once being brought into the kiss. However she soon broke it as she was picked up, a small gasp leaving her. Her arms reaching to wrap around his neck to have some stability as she was lifted.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*She'd kiss him back once being brought into the kiss. However she soon broke it as she was picked up, a small gasp leaving her...\n\n *He smiled looking at her as his hands squeezed the underside of her thighs holding her up* \n\n\"So tell me dear, would you want more or is this enough?\" \n\n*He asked before leaning in kissing her neck tenderly as he walked around the table*" } ]
[ { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*The male slowly walked in this time to a bench sitting on it as he relaxed awaiting for rose to show up. He already had his coat off resting in his lap as he stretched letting out a grumble*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*She would appear behind Alessandro and the bench he was sat on. Throwing her arms around him while resting her head onto his shoulder as she crouched a lil.*\n\nHai~" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*She would appear behind Alessandro and the bench he was sat on. Throwing her arms around him while resting her head onto his sh...\n\n *The male smiled sweetly and turned his head kissing her gently*\n\n\"Ello there dear, ready to enjoy the fun?\" \n\n*He said as he slowly stood up only to turn and pick her up bringing her over the bench with a smirk*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*A soft guggled left her as he kissed her. However she soon stopped, her face turning a light pink at the feel of being picked up. Along with the sound of his voice. She then proceeded to weakly nod her head. Her gaze on the ground.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*A soft guggled left her as he kissed her. However she soon stopped, her face turning a light pink at the feel of being picked u...\n\n *The male stood there and smiled before slowly undoing his shirt revealing his body to her. A hum leaving him as he admired her blushing face. Once his shirt was off he reached out slowly running his hands over her hips* \n\n\"Then let's get to it dear\"" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "Hmm, so forward~ \n\n*Her eyes widened slightly, her whole demeanour becoming more submissive of sorts.*\n\n*With a few movements she had taken off her clothes, only to reveal herself within a black thong along with a black lace bra.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "Hmm, so forward~ *Her eyes widened slightly, her whole demeanour becoming more submissive of sorts.* *With a few movements sh...\n\n *The male smiled and looked at her already stripped before he began to take off his belt* \n\n\"You agreed to the devil's tango and I aim to provide it for you\" \n\n*He said as he stripped off his pants only to move and pick her up. His hands squeezing her hips as he held her in his arms*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "Uh huh, well i did ask for the funky chicken fir-\n\n*She was soon cut off as she was picked up, her mouth snapping shut. While her arms wrapped around his neck in order for her to keep her balance. Giving herself a few seconds to recuperate from the sudden change in position. Her face flushed a dark pink.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "Uh huh, well i did ask for the funky chicken fir- *She was soon cut off as she was picked up, her mouth snapping shut. While he...\n\n \"Then I asked if this would be sufficient and you agreed my dear\" \n\n*He said as he leaned his head in gently kissing her neck as his hands moved to her ass gently squeezing as he slowly began to grind against her*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "But the funky chicken wouldve been funny~\n\n*She giggled, yet a small whimper was soon sounded from her to the response to his movements. Biting down onto her bottom lip in an attempt to quiet herself, while her arms stayed wrapped tightly to him.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "But the funky chicken wouldve been funny~ *She giggled, yet a small whimper was soon sounded from her to the response to his mo...\n\n *The male continued kissing her neck soon leaving bites before grinding against her rougher. Basically teasing her till she couldn't take any more. His hands tightened their grip squeezing her ass as he held her up*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*Her whimpers became more and more, his touch enough to drive her crazy... Her thighs tensing as she was held up, desperate for more. Her nails gently scratched the back of his neck as he left his trail of love bites.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*Her whimpers became more and more, his touch enough to drive her crazy... Her thighs tensing as she was held up, desperate for ...\n\n *He growled against her neck as he grinded against her more. One of his hands slowly moved from her ass to her back unclipping her bra*" }, { "author": "gaydilflover", "message": "*The vibrations of his growl against her neck caused goosebumps to rise on her skin, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. Her soft whimpers soon becoming quiet moans. Her own hips matching the rythm of his own.*" }, { "author": "Alessandro", "message": "*The vibrations of his growl against her neck caused goosebumps to rise on her skin, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine...\n\n *He would soon set her on the bench as he moved and slowly kneeled in front of her pulling off her thong. He tenderly leaned down and kissed her inner thighs*" } ]
[ { "author": "Berry", "message": "**She was slowly walking around the district, in her cute maid outfit, heading to somewhere she can perhaps rent herself or clean something, since that is her work.**\n\nUgh, I need some money, I need to get my outfit cleaned too, and I'm pretty horny, but business isn't as good as it used to be." }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "Lucas had come to visit the lower class area mainly he was looking for something specific. He leaned off the apartment balcony as he looked down to see some sort of maid, he dress was very revealing but also extremely sexy. He took a small huff of his cigar and instead of blowing out smoke a pink mist flew towards her. The mist was an aphrodisiac forcing the body to become extremely horny." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**She slowly started walking a little silly, her pussy was leaking a little and her face got all red, her eyes lit up with little heart symbols in them, while her breasts grew a little too, making the outfit tight on her nipples.**\n\nWh-what's this smell I sense, it's making me all, fuzzy and mushy, oh yes I need more, I need that smell!" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "Lucas whispered gently as whisperers echoed through the mist towards her as a sense of obedience would gently fill her the voice was soothing.\n\n\"Come to me cutie~ just follow the mist and my voice~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**The soothing voice made her obedient like a little pet, she slowly followed the mist, breathing in more and more of the smell, while she let out small drops of her pussy juices along the way.**\n\nH-how much longer? Am I almost there?" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Yes that's it you're almost there just stand still for me~ beg for me to let you come closer~\" \n\nHis extremely long snake tail was hidden in the mist as he awaited her response. He was going to wrap her in his tail and lift her up gently to his floor while the mist slowly got stronger the closer she was." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "P-please let me come closer to you, I-I'll do anything for that smell, please, sir, please! I beg you!\n\n**She moaned and begged him more, getting on her knees, rubbing her nipples and inhaling the strong smell, that was about to get even stronger.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "He grinned as his tail slowly slipped around her and between her legs like a harness as it slowly lifted her the mist getting stronger and stronger as a pair of gentle golden eyes watched her through the mist. \n\n\"Such a good girl~ so obedient I'm going to love you~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**She quickly moaned, as the soft and cold tail wrapped all around her, picking her up and carrying her to the balcony where her predator was.**\n\nTh-thank you master! You smell so good, ah I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you, your tail is smooth like silk, and the coldness makes my body shiver." }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "He let out a gentle and lustful chuckle as he leaned closer his tail keeping her nice and wrapped up for him almost like a present as his hand gently grabbed her chin. The mist cleared slightly as his tail was extremely long and his body was chiselled to the max. \n\n\"I see you're slowly becoming addicted to my aphrodisiac~ I bet you'll be begging for more if I clear all this list away~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Master, please don't clear it away, I need it, I beg, please keep it, I'll do anything for it, anything!\n\n**As the tails wrapped more and more around her and the mist slowly started fading away she decided to offer more and more for it, even though she was barely able to talk now, since the tail had her tightly wrapped up.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Very well~ tell me your name~\"\n\nHe decided to breath out an undiluted version of the mist as I smiled gently watching her wrapped up turn into a moaning mess." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "My name is berry, I'm a local maid, I do cleaning of any kind for a small price! \n\n**She sniffed more and more, slowly getting hallucinated and getting closer to her orgasm as the tail almost started breaking her bones and ripping her outfit.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "He didn't tighten the tail anymore as the aphrodisiac would turn any sort of pain into pleasure. He thought for a minute.\n\n\"What's your price then cutie~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Depends on the service but cleaning a whole house is around 2 gold coins, cleaning your body in the shower is 4 silver coins, cleaning it whole with my tongue would be 3 gold coins, and if you want me to do anything for you that's 5 gold coins per two hours, I'm not that expensive as other girls at the district, and you might even get a discount!\n\n**Her eyes lit up even more since she loved talking about herself, moaning and getting his tail wet even more, while continuing to yap about her prices and such.**\n\nI also sell my used clothes if they are beyond repair... But I usually discuss the price for that!" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "Lucas chuckled and took another puff of his cigar blowing the pink aphrodisiac into her face as he held up a bag of gold coins about 20 and handed it over to her.\n\n\"I'll pay you this and depending on the service I get I'll leave you a tip as well~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Wh-whoa, how much is that?! It must be at least 20! I- I'm shocked...?! Why so much... Nobody ever payed this much! Thank you so much!! I can finally buy a new outfit.\n\n**She was quite shocked since she did make the prices over double but the snake still took the bait. Quickly after she inhaled a next wave of the gas, her eyes lit up even more and her heart started pounding like crazy, finally a curse symbol above her vagina appeared, her magical ability finally started acting up, tripling both of their hormone production.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Ohhh so you're the body alter succubus~ I knew I recognised your voice from somewhere~\" \n\nHe chuckled as he kissed her deeply practically forcing the mist into her. As his tail started to gently tighten as he seemed not to be affected by her change." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "H-how did you know Who i am? Well you did guess correctly! I am a succubus, and I'm altering your body already...\n\n**She inhaled deeply, the gasses were making her numb and the only pain she could feel was basically another turn on. Her legs were shaking and she was about to orgasm, even though they have yet to start fucking.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"I do my research dear~ and i should let you know~ I'm immune to your body change~ but you aren't to my aphrodisiac~\"\n\nHe chuckled as it was all going as planned he was exited to use the succubus but also drown her in an almost never ending cycle of pleasure." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "No one Is immune to my ability, but if you think you are, I'm not here to judge, I was paid to do this... \n\n**She was shaking more and more, trying to hold her orgasm and wait until he placed his penis into her but at this rate she will cum in a few seconds. Not to mention her outfit was already beyond repair and she had a broken rib.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Yet look at you~ you're practically on the verge of cumming without my cock~ I give it a few seconds until you cum or maybe right now\" \n\nHe swung his arm around and slapped her ass nice and hard giving it a firm grope." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**Once her merely touched her, she started releasing her squirts liquids through her panties, that were now all soaked up, moaning like crazy, shaking like she had a stroke.**\n\nGAHH~ yes!!! Ahhhh!!! I love you!!!! Mmmmmh!!!! Grip me harder!!! Kyah!!!" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "his cock started to pop up and it was extremely large at least 13 inches long and 5 inches thick as it throbbed wildly.\n\n\"Such a cute slutty succubus already came before the main event~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**She could feel a very big and warm rod, pushing against her entrance, slowly opening her lips that were now all covered with her juices and her pussy was twitching and waiting for the snake cock to be pushed inside of her, perhaps pierce her panties that she still had on.**\n\nNow the real fun begins!" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Might want to brace yourself~\" \n\nHis tail gentle slammed her onto his cock as it easily ripped through her panties into her pussy stretching it nice and wife as he had already reached her womb." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Oh yes!! It's so big, it hurts so bad, I love it! It's so massive my pussy feels like it will rip any moment!\n\n**She moaned and moaned, clearly not intending on stopping while the tail wrapped even tighter, picking her up and slamming her back down, since she was much lighter than a normal human.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"I'm glad you like it~ I might use you that much you'll become a fleshlight~\" \n\nHis tail kept a constant pace of slamming her onto his cock as more of the mist filled the room slowly soaking into her body." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**The mist slowly formed water droplets all over her skin, letting it soak up and helping her get over the pain, while her ability started making much more cum for the snake than he was used to, making him much more sensitive while her womb prepared for the great load.**\n\nOh yes! Please bust into me and spray your snake cum all over my clothes, they're beyond repair already!" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "He felt the cum slowly filling ready to burst inside of him as he didn't mind it just forced his sex drive into overdrive as his tail somehow managed to move faster his cock slowly getting bigger while inside her.\n\n\"Keep begging you slut~! I'll absolutely cover you in cum~!\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Please master! Glaze me like a cinnamon roll! Fill me up like a sock! Master please give me your baby batter! I need it, I make energy from it! Fill me up until I look fatter than a pregnant mom!\n\n**She was already closing in on another orgasm while the tail broke two more ribs, getting a better grip so it can go faster while she rolled her eyes up in the overflow of hormones she forcefully made.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Good slut then take my cum and slowly become addicted like the slut you are~!!\" \n\nWith one giant slam his cock started to cum lots inside her expanding her belly by a lot as he took it out and sprayed the rest of his cum all over her body." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "You dummy! It's in my hair too! How do you think I can clean myself like that!\n\n**She enjoyed the cum all over her since it's naturally healthy for the skin, one of the many succubus secrets she discovered. But while spraying her the snake himself got a little dirty too so it was basically a win win. Or lose lose, depends on your POV.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"You can't lie and tell me you don't like it~\"\n\nHe chuckled and loosened his tails grip on her but still held her in his tail with a smile. As he just realised something opening one of the wardrobes. \"You know you can just take some outfits from there as well rather than going to get new ones~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Oh wait? Really?! That would be perfect! But I might need to clean you first, you look pretty dirty yourself, I enjoy having cum on myself, our skin slowly turns it into perfume.\n\n**She started licking your chest, her soft tongue quickly cleaned all the cum from it, waiting for the tail to liber. Her so she can clean the rest of his body before picking a few free outfits, she wondered what a snake man could have that she could wear.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "His tail let her go so she could clean the rest off him as he looked at the wardrobe to remind himself what outfits he had brought for him and some females.\n\n\"Hmmm we've got lingerie, more maid outfits, bunny outfits, dresses, gowns and some casually clothing\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**Lick lick, slurp slurp, she quickly cleaned his cock and balls, licking away all the cum she could smell and see, leaving him cleaner than before.**\n\nI'd prefer the maid and the lingerie, maybe one bunny outfit too, since some of my people often take me to the higher up clubs. Perhaps a gown too since I have went on a few dances.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Well take your pick~ also i'm glad you enjoyed my aphrodisiac if you want I can give you some in a little bottle to help with you services~\" \n\nHe smiled as he laid out a few of the outfits out on the bed for her with a smile on his face." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "**The cum absorbed into her skin and you could already feel the strong and erotic perfume coming off of her. She then slowly walked around and picked out some things.**\n\nI like these two maid outfits, one is serious and the other one is cropped and revealing. I would also love to take this bunny outfit with fishnet stockings and the tail plug, I like that the colours match my hair, lastly the gown, once again matching my hair, those four would be perfect, and under that I could wear that lingerie you placed next to the dresses." }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "He nodded gently putting the others that she didn't pick away and he came back and gently held her chin making her look at him gently giving her one last small puff from his aphrodisiac. \n\n\"Well I think they'd all look stunning on you~\"" }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Th-thank you so much! Do you want to have more fun or can I take my leave? Or perhaps I should do something else for you? \n\n**She picked her outfits up, placing them on her arm and looking her master in the eyes. Waiting for anything he had to say.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Hmmm well if you want I can tease you again until you cum~ I bet you want driven senseless by that mist again~\" \n\nHe chuckled as the tip of his tail had wrapped around her legs gently as he stroked her cheek." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "Hmmm... I'm a bit tired really, could we do that some other time? If you wouldn't mind? My whole body hurts.\n\n**The drug slowly ran out and she could feel how her whole body hurts, not to mention her pussy, it was killing her just to stand up.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Then you can sleep on my bed if you want~?\"\n\nHis bed was extremely comfortable both inside and out as he allowed her to sleep on it if she wanted to." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "oh please, I have my own bed, I won't bother you! Either way, I had fun with you today, and I made money, I see this as a win win!\n\n**She picked up all her things and waited for him to say something.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "\"Well it's a shame you can't stay but hopeful I get to see you soon~\" \n\nHe smiled and pat her gently opening the door for her as he did hope she would stay but he couldn't force her." }, { "author": "Berry", "message": "bye bye! See you soon! I had so much fun with you today!\n\n**She walked away, slowly heading home, leaving her used clothes behind for him as a gift.**" }, { "author": "Luca Shinro", "message": "He looked at the used clothes as a gentle smile came onto his face and he sat down relaxing stretching his tail. He did hope he would meet her again soon after all he would have a few new tricks up his sleeves." } ]
[ { "author": "Cherry", "message": "**Cherry was quite bored today, firstly looking through the middle class but everything was too boring there, no really original people, Demi humans, maybe even furries or such, just basic commoners, so once in a few weeks she decides to visit the low class red light district area, maybe find some interesting people and toy with them, she has enough life force for the day so it was a visit purely for fun and money spending, she could probably buy a few houses here with just the money she took with herself from the shrine.**\n\nHmm... Femboy club? Finally something original... I'll pay a visit..." }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "**In the femboy club, it was rather empty, with not too many people excited and watching the workers as she was probably used to in the non-specific clubs. It was mostly men, but some women too, watching as a furry fox in a black bikini span around the pole with ease, dancing and putting on a show for the audience.**" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "This is my cup of tea, now just tell me they sell good sake and I'll spend a fortune here...\n\n**She slowly walked up to the bar, asking for some warm sake, shocked, the people bring it to her, since it wasn't very common and they didn't even sell it commercially... But it wasn't half bad, ofc she drinks only the finest but this will do for the show, at least she can relax a bit more and enjoy the show that the fox boy is putting on, he instantly caught her eye and she walked closer to him, throwing a few bucks at him to start him off.**" }, { "author": "negativnabomba", "message": "**Smiling at the first tip that he had received that night, he would giggle a little and pocket the money in his bikini near the crotch, making sure she could get a little peak inside. He wanted to reward her for throwing money at him. After this, more people would do the same, but he didn't show off the same way to the others. He would then get up to the pole and began to spin around it quickly, showing off his skills with some tricks.**" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Oh wow, such a small price for this show, here you go!\n\n**She was clearly excited and threw him a few small stack of money, maybe around 30$ in each stack, all tied with a rubber band so he doesn't have to struggle while trying to pick it up. After some more money she ordered some more sake, slowly but surely getting herself a bit tipsy, really getting on the good side of the femboy.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "Oh my~ so generous of you, miss! I wish there was some way I could repay you..~\n\n**Giggling a bit, he would go grab the money very quickly again, this time just making sure she could have a good, nice look at the boy's ass before he returned to the pole. He didn't know what else he could do for her, dressed the way he is, he doesn't have much hidden to show off anymore.**" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "How about a private dance then, if you have some private rooms that is...\n\n**She was clearly drunk now, her face was all blushy and she continued throwing him money since the view of his ass quite pleased her, such a furry boy was rare to find and she'd do almost anything for a private dance with him, perhaps the situation might even escalate to some more fun than just a lap dance.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "Order it at the bar, and I'll join you once I'm done here, how about that?~\"\n\n**He let out a soft giggle and completely stopped giving her attention, trying his best to squeeze out a little more money from the people in his audience who hoped they could get his attention by throwing more money at him than she did.**" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Aight, would you like some alcohol too? As a tip, I like you so why not... \n\n**She walked up to the bar, paying for a private dance with him, around 300$ and a thick 200$ tip, which might be even bigger if the dance is good enough, she even tipped the waiter that had a cute bunny costume on, poking his hard penis and getting escorted to the room she should have the dance in, sitting down onto a comfortable chair, even putting a vibrator into her panties that the femboy could control, just for fun.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "Some good whiskey, please.\n\n**After keeping her waiting for about 10 minutes, he would slowly walk into her private room with a cute smile on his face. Still in the same bikini from earlier, he would cutely stand in front of her and shake his hips, leaning in so that she could grab them.**\n\nMhh... It's been a while since I got this much money.. Are you super rich, per chance?~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Maybe I am, but if you call this a lot of money, than be prepared for the tip... Hihihi\n\n**She grabbed him, giving him a small remote to the vibrator on her pussy, pulling him closer and placing him on her lap, facing his face she poked his left nipple lightly and paid attention to see what he will do.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "**Letting out a rather adorable moan as she poked his nipple, he would seem a bit confused at the vibrator she had given him. Not entirely sure what to do with it, he'd softly ask her.**\n\nA-Are you sure, miss? Y-You know, I'm usually the one who puts vibrators up my hole for the clients.." }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Oh silly me, it was next to the chair so I figured it was for me, but I wanna have some fun down there too, so let's just keep it as it is...\n\n**She convinced him with 20 more dollars, placing them under his bikini while taking a light peek at his cute nipple, giggling and getting excited to bite down on it, sooner or later.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "Very Well. I don't mind that at all. I'm here to make you happy, after all. \n\n**Smiling a little, he would giggle and turn it up to a medium intensity, before beginning to gently grind himself on her and tease her.**" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "O-oh wow, th-this thing is intense, ahhh~ s-such force...\n\n**She started moaning already, all those days without pleasing herself really made her sensitive, already forcing her panties to be soaking wet from her juices, as the fun just started.**\n\nY-your fur is so fluffy, hihihi!" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "Thank you, darling!~\n\n**He giggled a lot and stood up from her lap, lowering the intensity a bit and turning around to show her the way that his hard cock lifted up his panties. He would let out a soft giggle before letting it flop out, moaning soft as he turned around to push out his butt towards her.**\n\nMhh... You're such a shy customer~ c'mon; why don't you get handsy with me? Are you shy?~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Oh you want me to get handsy huh? I have no problem with that...\n\n**She pulled him on her lap, pressing his head between her breasts while stroking his cock lightly, licking his left ear in the process, biting down and rubbing his anus with her other hand.**\n\nYou get what you ask for..." }, { "author": "Lixiss Miakrana", "message": "I mean, only if you want to... But why not?\n\n**Gasping cutely as he was pulled into her lap, he would blush as he found himself between her breasts, moaning as she stroked his large cock. Feeling her then touch his anus, he would adorably moan out and smile at what she did to him. It felt really nice.**\n\nA-Ahh.. I-I didn't need you to get to it so quickly.. B-but I sure can't complain~ mhhh~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Every minute you last I'll double your tip, starting at 10$, and if you go over 5 minutes you might even slide it in me, now let's see that cute face of yours moan...\n\n**She sped up, poking two fingers up his ass, rubbing the cock rougher and inserting her tongue deeper into his fluffy ear, moaning and heavily breathing in.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "**Letting out a cuter, louder moan, he would nod at her and smile cutely, giggling slightly as she kept rubbing and poking his ass with her fingers. He would grab onto her hips and hold onto them softly.**\n\nF-Fuck.. A-a-hhh~ g-god I love this~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "You can still control my vibrator you know, that's good enough to distract me for a while, anyways I should stop giving you hints now.\n\n**She pushed her fingers deeper inside, spreading then while intensifying the rubbing, moaning into his ears and licking them to please him even more as the time slowly approached the second minute mark.**" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "**Cutely moaning out, he was starting to already throb quite cutely, shivering and moaning in pleasure as he felt her continuing to give him more pleasure.**\n\nO-Ohh... Y-you shouldn't have said that...\n\n**He would gasp softly and click the button a few times to make it more intense.**" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "a- ehm! Uhh~ mmm~ I- I won't submit that easily...\n\n**She tried hiding it but her movements froze and her legs started shaking in pleasure, forcing her to moan louder and louder, giving the femboy some chance to prepare some things or take a breather.**\n\nU-ugh, g-give me a moment I need to get used to this... Mmmh~ >_<" } ]
[ { "author": "Mikey", "message": "**He couldn't help but giggle at how she was dealing with it, very much taking the opportunity to relax for a while and get ready for the next part. He was ready to last the entire time and get his reward.**\n\nSo much for being dominant, hmm?~ Can't handle a vibrator, love?~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "H-Hmph! You- you'll regret that, ahhh~ once I... Mmmh~ get used to... Ghhh~ this~~\n\n**She bit down on her bottom lip, clenching her fists, with shaky hands she slowly got back to jacking him off, pressing her middle finger into his anus again while biting down onto his elbow.**\n\nS-see, I'm barely sh-shaking now!" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "Doubt it~\n\n*Moaning softly as she began to continue jacking him off, he'd look up at her and giggle cutely. She looked so cute to him and he loved seeing her tremble.*\n\nNot doing too great, still~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Ahh~ I'll~ c-cum soon... Mmmmmmh~ then is my time... Ahh... It's been like four minutes~\n\n**The time was nearing the fifth minute now, and she was about to cum, her body got more sensitive for a overwhelming orgasm, after that it was her only chance to make him cum unless she will get sensitive again. And the vibrator was only at 7/10 so far.**\n\nS-top giggling, you won't make it past t-ten minutes... Mmmhm~" }, { "author": "Mikey", "message": "M-Mhm~ You're so adorable when you struggle~\n\n**He intentionally made the vibrator even more intensive, hoping to really make her cum by putting it at full intensity.**\n\nNuh uh, you said five minutes before~" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "grr... You have a g-good memory... Fine you can put it I-in...\n\n**With her body all sensitive she pulls her panties down and takes the vibrator out, putting it up his ass and revealing her juicy, wet, squishy, tight and mostly tuna smelling pussy, gaping twitching waiting to be bred.**\n\nNow it's my turn to control the vibrator. So it's a bit fair... Hahaha~" } ]
[ { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "There we go. I made the thread" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "Ok, do we want the group dm still?" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "Maybe. Considering Tristan hasn't responded" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "How about start walking around the forest or sit by the campfire and I'll come in" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I'm calmly walking around the forest as I'm looking around and admiring the nature around me, seeing how beautiful it is and loving the way the trees flow in the breeze*" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "I'm out in town, service may be a bit spotty" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "Just reading, I'll jump in once I've seen how this plays out" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "I got a real riding crop from the store" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "Oh damn fair enough!" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "Just making sure we're all still enjoying this and everything still is good" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "I'll be free to continue this when you two are free, thank you for your patience" }, { "author": "forest_draig", "message": "I started with my OC, you all can continue with your OCS if you want" }, { "author": "tristanator2", "message": "Of course, when we're finished with ours we can continue" } ]
[ { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "Oo I like the look of your oc" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "Tell me your kinks and limits" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "||Kinks\nAnal, blood play, bondage, breeding, Cnc, cock warming, choking, Cum play, DDLG, deep throat, gagging, degradation, fantasy, foreplay, humiliation, impact play, machoism, nipple play, objectification, orgasm control, pet play, praising, primal play, spit/ salvia, temperature play, water play, worshiping, teasing, waxplay, weapon play and suspension, body writing \n\nLimitations: markings, race play, hypnoses||" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "**Before you have time to react, I move quickly to you, wrapping my hand with my clawed gauntlet around your throat. The force knocking you back against the dungeon wall. I squeeze my claws into your throat and jaw. Already beading blood from your skin.**\n\n\"In this place, you WILL mind your manners. You are a WORM, and I will put you in your place\"" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*L-looking around frantically trying to take in what just happened I speak softly placing my hand around your class to try pull them off*\n\n \"T-that's no way to treat a guests, who are you anyway?\" *I say in a slightly afraid but joking mana*" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "\"You my little worm are my new play thing for now, while I teach you a lesson in manners. YOU are not to touch me, you will probably find no enjoyment in this\"\n**She says before smack your hard across your face. Then chains your wrists together**\n\n\"And who I am, is your better\"" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Feeling slightly dazed for a few seconds from the slap, I look up at you as my cheeks begin to turn red from the slap* \n\n\"O-Ouch... Again\" *I whisper to myself* \n\n*Slightly confused how I got myself in this situation, but also turned on* \n\n\"Am I dreaming?\" *I say trying to move my hands around to see how tight the chains are* \n\"W-what happens if I touch you\" *I tease slowly moving my finger closer*" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "** I grab your wrists in chains, and take my riding crop from my hip. While watching you with a dark, slightly non emotional facial expression... I raise my riding crop up high**\n\n**A dark twisted smile graces my lips, revealing slightly my fangs. I watch you closely as I cold cane your hands hard with the crop three times**\n\n\"That is a warning\"\n\n\" Now entertain me , Worm. Try to run... I DARE you \" \n**That twisted dark smile grows, and raspy darkness in my voice**" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Feeling you grip against my wrists I pull away slightly testing my luck* \n\n*Before my eyes widened slightly seeing the paddle come out* \"T-that's not nes... Ouch ouch ouch...\" \n\n*This time it seems that it hurt, but I seem to still want more I look up at you and slightly grin* \n\n\"Entertain you? H-how am I meant to do that whilst all chained up silly\" *I smile again, feeling slightly strange as I see your smile begin to grow*" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "\"Your legs are free and not in pain for now, WORM... Get to using them\"\n**I flick you on the forehead, taunting you and giving you a dark look, deep into your eyes**\n\n**I start to count, taunting you and giving you warning**\n\"One...\"" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*I begin to stand up slightly uncertain what's wanted of me and begin to start trying to dance with my legs before tripping over a lose tile and landing back on my ass* \n\n\"O-Ouch that's your fault... You made me panic\" *I said avoiding eye contact after seeing your smile the first time*" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "**Rolls my eyes at you in disgust. I pick you up by the throat. I lean inches away from your face and lowly snarls words out through my teeth**\n\"Do as I say and let me have fun\"\n\n\"Two\" \n**I snack your thighs as hard as I can with my riding crop, not caring how much it hurts**" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Feeling the rising crop hit my thighs this time leaves me in sheer pain* \n\n\"O-ouch s-stop okay I'll do what you want just ouch...\" \n\n*I turn around before getting onto my hands and knees and slightly sticking my ass out wiggling it slightly*\n\n\"... Is this what you want?\"" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "\" I said to run, you insolent WORM!\"\n\n**Fed up with your lack of respect and inability to follow simple orders, I kick your ass hard, knocking you flat on the ground. Before you have time to react I'm already stepping on your back, grinding my heel into your spine**\n\n\"Insolent WORMs belong under my boot\"" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Letting out a slight whimper* \n\n\"B-but running is so much effort... Ouch... Ouch again mmm..\" \n\n*My mind starts to raise slightly feeling strange sensations of pleasure and pain, letting out a slight scream as your heal digs into my spine* \"Ahhhh s-stop I-I'm fragile\"" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "\"Fragile little worm is too lazy to run? I'll make you crawl in the filth where you belong\"\n**I grind my heel more into your spine, a wicked smile on my face, and a dark glare in my eyes. I was gonna teach this worm manner through humiliation**\n\n**As I'm grinding my heel into your spine I raise my crop up high again. I start cold caning you as hard as I can across your hands**\n\"No.. Stealing... Without.. Permission\"\n**I say between each hit**" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Starting to whimper.. Like some sort of animal as I try my best to crawl away, feeling your heal pinning me to the ground* \n\n\"I-I I'm sorry please forgive me... I've misbehaved I-I\" \n\n*Passing slightly as I begin to tear up sniffling slightly* \n\n\"I-I ouch I wasn't trying to be rude\" \n\n*It was strange my body was in pain but I weirdly didn't want this to end*" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "\"Has the worm learned her place?\"" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Beginning to nod my head slightly \n\n\"Y-yes...\" \n\n*Pausing again for a few seconds scraping the chains against the floor to make a horrible sound* \n\n\"B-but I'm sure I could learn more from you\"" }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "** I step off your back and put my other heel on your wrists to stop your childish noise making, growing impatient and annoyed with you. I grind my heel a bit to make my point clear**\n\n\"Know your place now WORM, I will punish you again when the need arises. Now get your filth out of my site, and go tell everyone what you learned here\"\n\n\"Tell them you learned your place, filth\"" }, { "author": "yubeeee", "message": "*Filling your heals dig into my wrist I instantly stop the noise* And gentle nod at you almost to say I'll behave* \n\n\"Y-yes\" *I say trying to crawl away not wanting to anger you anymore." }, { "author": "Nightshade", "message": "**I give a dark laugh, filled with cynicism as I watch you crawl like worm**\n\"That's it, good worm\"\n\n** I release you and let you go for now**" } ]
[ { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*His slowly opened, gazing up at the ceiling as he laid there with a lot of thoughts inside of his head. He then sat up and took a moment to take a few breaths, then move around just to get himself used to getting up since he had a lot of tasks to do today.. One was to check on the people at his village and make sure they were doing what they were suppose to. The male would then stand up, standing 5 feet tall and was was very pale.. Which was expected since he wasn't really human to be exact. He'd wrap his gown around him, tying both straps around his waist and tightening them so it wouldn't fall off his body or at least open.*\n\n*A small sigh would escape his lips, now walking towards both doors to his own room.. Seeing that it wasn't day time.. Instead it was still dark which meant he had slept for too long. He was exhausted so it wasn't surprising for him. Lucia walked out and away form his room, now heading towards the entrance to where the forest was, now opening and scanning the area.. Then walked over to one of the trees, placing his hand right on to it.. Admiring nature itself.*\n\n*\"Hmm.. What should I do today.. My guardians seem to be busy so there isn't much going on..\" Lucia said and thought to himself for a little while.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "What a beautiful night it is today, the stars are clearly visible, oh and the moon, how I would love to look at it all night, but I still have some ground to cover, now where did that boy go, he told me he'd be back in a few hours, he must be deeper in the forest.\n\n**The little boy that she was looking for was just exiting the forest, heading back home without letting her know, and she indeed had absolutely no idea where he could be, the forest is far too dangerous at night, even for a lady of her power, booby traps, bear traps, and even scarier traps were all over the place, she was more than careful, not paying attention to where she was heading, it seemed like it was some kind of a village, deep in the woods, no it must be another trap, who would live this deep in the forest.**\n\nH-hello? Is anyone there? Is this another illusion, ugh how I hate those monsters, show yourself.\n\n**She finally noticed the houses, and heard a branch crack a little, someone was there, her body went full focus mode, her legs were slightly shaking but her mind was confident, whoever was there can't be as strong as she is, not to mention she has her ability, but that's as last resort.**" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*He looked down at the grass and the flowers that were slowly forming each day, it had made him happy that the forest he had been in for several years was finally starting to have some growth. He leaned right up against the tree and looked down at his fingers and his nails, seeing how sharp his nails were getting.. He was lost into thought but then after a while of observing everything around him.. His eyes would then glance over to his left and his pupils would shorten.. Sensing some type of presence nearby. He thought it was some type of animal at first but thought to himself that he hasn't seen nothing but bunnies around and it definitely wasn't a bunny this time.*\n\n*He was cautious and stood there as he heard the voice speak out. Lucia caressed his own hair back and walked slowly towards the voice that was heard. \"Who goes there? Reveal yourself this instant.\" Lucia yelled out in a demanding tone.. Now waiting for a response or at least a figure to pop out, hoping it wasn't anyone trying to trespass.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Calm down honey, I'm looking for a lost child here, he ran away from the shrine and now I can't find him, I come in peace. See!\n\n**She raised her arms, slowly tucking them behind her head, tying a hair bun, and putting some needles in it so it will hold, she can't present herself with loose hair to a guard or who he was, she had no idea.** \n\nLemme do my makeup real quick, I wasn't expecting any more interactions today, ugh... I'm coming closer okay?\n\n**She quickly smeared some lipstick onto her lips and quietly approached the mysterious figure, finally when she was in reach she could see him, he was slim, pale white, almost like an albino, his nails were pretty long, not as long as hers but he was slowly getting there. (don't go off of the nails in her ref, she has longer.) whoa, you're pale white, are you eating enough hun? Does your head hurt?\n\n**He was shorter than her so her mind immediately thought he would be weaker than her, just a stereotype of hers, but only by a little, but she was pretty concerned about his health now that she saw him.**" }, { "author": ".plumy.", "message": "Oh I fucked up my **, sorreh." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*Once he heard the feminine voice he'd cross his eyes and kept his eyes focused on the female. She was quite tall and she was dressed in some type of clothing he had never seen before.. Where did she come from?. He had a lot of questions in his head but he was still cautious and alert since he didn't trust her one bit.. Male or female. Lucia watched as she took some type of object out.. Or as she said what seemed to be some \"Makeup.\".. Of course he knew what it was nor did he care at the moment.*\n\n*He was a bit calm since she didn't seem like a threat, but once she came a little closer to him.. He'd back up a bit.. Moving his eyes up and down just a small observation just to make sure she didn't have anything on her. Lucia glared once she started asking questions, being completely speechless yet confused on what she was asking.. Thought he did look different from others so he wasn't that surprised.*\n\n*\"What nonsense are you speaking, there is nothing wrong with me now explain yourself. Who are you and what lost child? Surely, they couldn't have gotten far since no one is allowed in..\" Lucia said as his pupils finally went back its normal shape as well*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Honey calm down, stop backing away, I wanna see you clearly, I don't wanna harm you, I don't have any weapons, would you like to check?\n\n**She walked closer and closer to him, about a meter from him now, really looking onto him now, inspecting every detail, while exposing some of hers for him so he wouldn't be scared. Once she was done staring at him she decided to explain.**\n\nUgh that little runt, it's too late to be looking for him now, I'll have to find him in the morning, and watch your tone, you're speaking to the one and only... Cherry the lust goddess, or that's how they call me at least, would you like a hug? You still seem a bit scared... Come on, just a quick one, pwease...\n\n**She spread her arms, revealing her big tatas that were just barely fitting in her kimono, with a small teardrop pendant in between them, it looked comfortable, but was it safe?**" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*He listened to her explanation while he was observing her once again.. Seems like she was telling the truth and had nothing on her. \"Cherry Goddess.\".. He said in his head in which he was quite apathetic about it. His eyes then widened after seeing her get a little closer, asking for a hug which made him back up a little more.*\n\n*\"Ugh!- Who does she think she is telling me to lower my tone! Does she know who I am.. And what is she trying to do..\" Lucia yelled in his head once again, now giving him that aggravated look. Once she opened her arms, his face would then redden.. Accidentally making eye contact with her chest, quickly looking away whilst trying to push her away. \"I do not do hugs woman, don't even think about it or you will regret it. I will let you sleep and stay with me until morning since I have no rooms available. However, you will not be a distraction and you will leave after we have found your lost child. Am I clear?.\"*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Hmph, meanie, fine... I'll try to not distract you that much, but you could have let me hug you at least once, and what's your name anyways, since I've told you mine I'd like to know yours too.\n\n**She sighed and offered a handshake, not really her thing but since he didn't want to hug, that was her only option, she really wanted to touch him, at least a little. Once they shook hands she once again asked for a hug.**\n\nPretty please, one small huggie... Come on, it won't hurt you... Fine just lead me to your house, if you won't mind I'll take a quick smoke, while we walk.\n\n**She pulled out a hollow stick that is used to smoke by people like her, mixing a few hers into the end of it, then lighting it and inhaling some, it must have been her soothing mix, she felt much more relaxed, and the smoke slightly relaxed him too but the effect was much weaker.**\n\nWould you like some?" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*He'd also let out a small exhale since he was still a bit tired and it was still once again dark outside. Instead of answering or telling her his name, he'd just glare seeing that she was going to be a handful. He'd then look down at her hand trying to figure out what she was doing now.. A handshake.. He could at least accept that and shook her hand, then pulling it away after.*\n\n*Lucia looked back, having regrets and never had an actual female sleep with him.. But it was for one day so it didn't worry him as much. \"Do not ask for another hug.\" Lucia demanded and turned around just to make sure they weren't too far from his room. He would then start slowly walking towards the open doors which had led to his room. \"It's not a house.. It's a village and my room is nearby. Also, after we arrive throw whatever is in your hand away.. It smells weird. The inside is full of Sakura flowers and water holding it together, you will not touch anything.\" Lucia asked, crossing his arms once again.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Fine, meanie! Bleeeh\n\n**She exhaled the last bit of smoke and his her stick back, walking inside and following him into his room, carefully investigating the Sakura flowers and water, just barely not touching it as he ordered. Such a beautiful inside it was, she wanted this back home now too!**\n\nSo do you have any clothes for me, and where will I be sleeping? I have so many questions, cmon talk a bit more, don't be afraid honey, I won't do anything unless you permit me to do it. Well almost anything, we'll see... We'll see..." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*They had arrived inside as the doors would close by themselves, now walking up small stairs to his room, he was also admiring the Sakura flowers as they were growing.. He smiled a tiny bit knowing he did a good job setting them up. Lucia would then fix his face just to look back at the female, then thought to himself as he didn't have any girl looking clothes.*\n\n*\"You can wear one of these T-shirts and one of these shorts since they're getting to big for me anyway. As you walk in, you will bathe yourself in the room to your left.. The towel and washing clothes will be hanging up. I have a few blankets and pillows, so you will be sleeping on the floor beside me. And do not call me honey, watch who you're talking to.\" Lucia said and looked away from her as he headed towards his bed and sat right ontop of it. Once again, he wasn't very nice especially towards random strangers.. Being spoiled as a little kid had changed his personality a lot.. But he found it very mature.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Okay sweetie! Sorry for that, also I don't mind boy clothes, they're much more comfortable, and I love suits but those aren't for sleeping now are they!\n\n**She walked into the room and then stripped herself, bathing in the waters there, they must be some kind of cleansing waters, maybe even magical, the place is all clean so she assumed they don't want city smells and bacteria there. The water smelled strange, it was good and bad smelling, a really interesting smell. After five minutes she walked outside with a towel just barely covering her breasts and her slit between her thighs, with a second one on her hair in a turban.**\n\nWhere were the clothes again? I must be blind, and what should I do with my old ones, I assume you wanted me to bathe for a specific reason no? Or was I just a smelly girl... I wash my body often..." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*Lucia nodded at her small apology and ignored the rest of what she had to say.. Going back to thinking to himself, finding a way to try and fall back asleep without having that same nightmare again. He'd let out a soft sigh and thought to himself on why he had left the village- the male that was supposed to be protecting him just disappeared.. Sooner or later after the female who is suppose to be sleeping beside him leaves he will try and figure out what happened.. Hopefully he was okay. He lifted his legs a little just to fully get himself up onto the bed, crossing his legs and pulled out his old book in which he had for years.*\n\n*A few minutes has past and she had finally came out, now glancing up at her trying not to stare as much. He looked away and pointed over to the dresser with all of the clothes he had placed down for her. \"Put your old clothes in that basket. My people will pick up the basket wash them. You will be given your clothes back in the morning. If you want to sleep in my room then you would need to bathe.. Even if you bathed or not, you were in the woods. It isn't necessary to call you such foolish names nor will I say anything about it.\" Lucia said as he placed his book down.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Oh cool, go on and read, I'll change, and don't peek!\n\n**She turned her back to him, placing her old clothes into the handmade basket, before picking up the clothes he prepared for her, dropping her towel and revealing her soft back, her neck looked a little stiff. A bit lower, we're her bare buttocks, smooth and above average in size, there wasn't much more for display except her long and slim legs with thick thighs, perfectly shaven as always, with a mole here and there. She then slowly pulled up the comfortable but for her slightly small shorts, placing the towel into the basket as well, while trying to put the shirt on with her hair still covered with a turban. After a minute she finally managed to put the shirt over her head and breasts, taking off her jewellery and undoing her turban after a while.**\n\nDo you have a comb in here or something? I don't want my hair to be tangled, also you can look now! The short is a little small but I don't mind, I like to feel the blanket on my skin, and the shorts are also slightly small for me, but I like it that way! So almost a perfect fit! You've done a great job... I'd love to repay you somehow but all I have is money, that won't be very useful to you now will it. I guess I'll have to return some other time with gifts then!" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*The male looked away from her and turned himself just so he wouldn't see her completely. He tilted his head a bit as his hair would now be all up in his face, looking down at his hair.. He was questioning himself on what he should do with it, after announcing the news. His head would turn over back at that female hearing that she was finished dressing.. She was surprised that she could even fit in the clothes he had given her.. Kinda.*\n\n*After hearing that she was needing a comb, he looked to his left and reached for the wooden comb that was sitting right ontop of his desk. He looked back at her and then at her hair, seeing how smooth it was.. The color was odd but he didn't worry about it and patted the bed. \"There is no need to repay me. I do not like that kind of gratitudes.. Though we will see what I can have you do for me. Come. Sit, I'll comb and wrap it up for you.\" Lucia said waiting for her to start moving.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Awh thanks! My hair is getting pretty long now, that would help a ton.\n\n**She turned her back against him, letting him touch her silky smooth and shiny hair, it smelled quite nice and it was pretty easy to comb, just one part was a bit tangled, tears almost formed in the corners of her eyes but she held them in as he finally brushed the rest of her hair.**\n\nFeel free to wrap it up however you want, I have some needles or how do you call them, some clips and rubber bands if you'll need them. Or maybe you have your own? Just don't make my hair fall into my face, oh how I hate that when going to sleep.\n\n**She was enjoying the moment, such care was common for her but not like this, he was mean but gentle, he was interesting, and this bonding experience only made them both a bit more comfortable with each other I guess.**\n\nSoooo what now? After ur done with my hair ofc..." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*When she turned her back and sat down beside him, he started combing her hair slowly making sure he wasn't hurting or pulling on her hair. It was quite tangled but he didn't judge since his would also get tangled as well. He knew how to deal with hair like this, so he knew exactly what to do. He combed the sides and the back, moving all the way down just to make sure he was getting all the tangles out.*\n\n*Once he was finished he placed the comb back where it was the first time and turn back over to her, slowly wrapping her head in a bun.. Putting small clips in her hair just so it would stay. He then grabbed the scarf which had roses and flowers on it, now wrapping her scarf around and clipping the end of the scarf with a big and pretty clip. He was quiet and didn't want to answer her at the moment, being focused and concentrated on wrapping her hair up.*\n\n*He enjoyed long hair since you could do so much with it.. But it was a lot to take care of so it was kind of okay. \"We're sleeping, you have to get up extra early. This isn't some sleep over... I also can't stay up this late.\" Lucia said turning his head since his ears and neck were slowly turning red.. Thinking about what happened yesterday.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "But sleeping isn't funn... Come on... You're so serious. How about you give me a massage, my neck is stiff, come on, don't be shy, you have to learn how to handle a lady like me! And I might reward you if you do a good job, hm? Sounds good no? Come on, I'll remove my shirt so it doesn't get in the way!\n\n**She basically forced you to massage her. She took her shirt off, pressing her breasts onto the bed and her face into the pillow, waiting for you to start. Her neck was slightly red, and just by touching it was already stiff.**\n\nS-softer dummy, I like to talk during massages if you won't mind. So what's your work round here, you must be like an elder judging by how you act, like an eighty year old man **Giggles**" }, { "author": ".plumy.", "message": "OOF a bit short lmao, sorry," }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*He was about to lay down but paused after hearing the words slip out of the females mouth. He was slightly confused on why she wanted him to give him a massage so suddenly, now becoming speechless and kind of annoyed since he really couldn't stay up this late. Lucia let out a small aggravated sigh and looked up at the clock.. Maybe it wouldn't hurt but to give her one massage. He watched her movements as she started removing her shirt.. Trying not to stare too much and just placed both his hands right right onto her shoulders, slowly massaging her neck, collarbone and shoulders.*\n\n*He flinched slightly once he noticed that he was moving a little to hard, and tried moving his hands slower as and it softer this time. \"What is this nonsense I'm doing.. Geez, this lady.\" Lucia said in his head, letting out a soft sigh before answering her. \"I'm the headmaster, I own this village now after my parents death. I do not work, that is the peasants job.. What I do is make sure everyone is doing what they're suppose to and read letters sent by other relatives. Where you are now is in a village that has been here for years and years, it's very old. The only reason I want you to leave is because you are not safe here, the people here are bad people though I cannot do anything about it sense they do me favors around here.. But one mess up and it's either life or death. I'm not into childish games nor do I have time for any.\" Lucia explained with a serious tone, whilst continuing to massage the female.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Come on, I can defend myself, try to relax a little, just like me right now, I'm feeling like in heaven.\n\n**Her neck slowly got softer and softer, with each press she slightly moaned, holding it in and clenching her teeth, waiting till you're done, trying to figure out how to reward you.**\n\n*Hmmm how could I reward him, he's been so nice, I want him to be less serious, maybe I can tease him a little, and see how things go! I'll make a fake moan and see!*\n\n**She then loudly moaned into the pillow, when you pressed down.** N-no not there, that's too sensitive, ah~ stop! **She tried her best to hold in the giggles but a few slipped out.** How long till you're done, I'm feeling pretty good now, except that one spot." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*He pouted slightly, seeing how her reaction was to his little story.. Apparently she didn't know much so he didn't bother to talk back about it. Lucia let out a soft sigh and was quickly getting tired.. But tried staying up and continued to massage her back while looking at the time, making sure it wasn't that time yet.*\n\n*He let out a huge but quiet exhale as his fingers was starting to cramp so he took a break in between the movements, now looking down at her just to see if she was doing alright.. In which it seemed like it hearing those erotic like noises. He'd pause, tucking his hair behind his ear so it wouldn't be in the way, then would pause completely after hearing her moan once again but a bit louder again. He was speechless, giving her a confused look.. Did I press down too hard? What was that?. He had lots of questions in his head and lifted both his hands up. His ears then went red again. \"I guess I'm finished.. Did I hurt you?.\" He said slightly concerned*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "No you didn't hurt me, but I do have a set emotion from all that, eheheh~\n\n**She moved her neck around, enjoying the post massage feeling, slowly raising her body without the shirt, pulling it on in front of him, teasing him once again, her master plan was going as planned, he was all red now.**\n\nOh? Why are you so red? Have you not touched a lady before? You might be gentle but I'm not you know, how about I give you a little reward for the massage, i bet you'll enjoy it.\n\n**She placed her hands next to both sides of his hips, firmly pushing down on the bed while pushing her body onto him a little, licking his cheek before pulling herself away once again, yet another tease.**\n\nHmm you taste good, i might taste you a bit more... Told you I'm not as gentle as you, hihihi~" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*He gave her a small frown, pouting a bit and realizing that she was playing with him now. Lucia rolled her eyes and started moving his hands around her collarbone, massaging everywhere trying not to make it seem obvious that his face was all red now.*\n\n*He listened to the words that escaped her mouth and watched as she was starting to get closer, seeing that her hands were both right beside his waist just to lift herself up. Both his eyes squinted once she felt her warm tongue press against his cheek.. And once she pulled away his whole cace was completely red. It was fully noticeable since he was very pale but instead of giving her a confused look.. He gave her a small frown. \"Y... You insolent little mutt. I told you not to touch me did I not? You-\" Lucia paused mid sentence and gripped onto his shirt, feeling nothing but heat throughout his body.. It was a weird feeling.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Come on, I don't have any weapons, dangerous ones i meant, i do have a few women weapons, but that's beside the point now. Just shut up for a little, you can punish me later...\n\n**She looked at his whole body, noticing his bright red face that was just asking for another lick, but his nipples were saying the exact same, come on Cherry, lick me, im here. Exactly the words she heard when her fingers felt them through his shirt, her palms were slightly sweaty, placed firmly on his chest, while her pointy fingers and nails were playing with his hard nipples like they were light switches or what not.**\n\nYour mouth and body are talking against each other, are you a virgin by chance? At least you act like one. I'll go lick you again okay? Don't fight back, i have my ways, you'll see... Sooner or later...\n\n**She pulled his shirt up, not off, just up, just slightly above his nipples, they were a little hard, and he had goosebumps all over his pale white body, now where should she start, a long lick from the belly button, all the way between his nipples, the other way around? Or just all in for the sensitive nips, quite a tough choice.**\n\nYou're all mine now, you hear me? Don't fight back, I'll only be rougher." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*Weapons or not he didn't feel much comfortable at the moment.. He was use to being touched by this by males but it was different so he wasn't use to it. He was quite aggravated by the way she was talking, usually they would be dead or punished by now but since he was in this type of situation he'd let it be just for now.*\n\n*He was breathing slowly and looked away with only his left hand covering his mouth. His body flinched slightly once he felt his hand being placed right onto his chest.. Now biting onto his hand from the weird sensation of his nipples being played with, it wasn't a good feeling nor was it bad, once again it was quite different for him. His body trembled and he couldn't help but to gently bite onto his hand just so he could keep his mouth shut, having the urge to let out a couple of noises.*\n\n\n*\"I... I'm not a virgin..\" Lucia mumbled. He jolted slightly from the sudden lift up from his gown and even from the slightest touch he would once again tremble, his confused look would now turn into an annoyed frown having different emotions about what was going on. He'd then remove his hand away from his mouth and placed it right onto her shoulder, trying to push her back. \"I am not anyones! Let it be known that I will have no part in whatever tomfoolery you have planned! Now-\" Lucia demanded and was once again stop as he started feeling more even more weird throughout his body, from his nipples still being played with.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "No- don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time! I'm having a ball! Come on, don't act like an old guy.\n\n**She tried resisting his strong arms but she was getting nowhere, maybe a little violence could fix him. She bit into his hand, once it jolted away from her mouth she swiftly placed her lips around his nipple, crawling on top of him and getting a firm grip from behind his shoulders, not afraid to scratch and bite if she were to be taken away.**\n\nKind of a pussy move on my side but I can't go back now! Hmph... And we'll see if you'll enjoy it or no, you're already shivering like a scared dog, see all those goosebumps, and those small drops of cold sweat, you're afraid aren't ya! And don't even think about removing me, your back will be all scratched and your chest will be bitten all over! Plus, you should never disrespect a lady of my rank, not even when she's on top of you, and don't make me press these two big weapons down, I'd stop any movement of yours within seconds!" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*The more he heard the female, the more he had gotten aggravated but what had made him so weak was her touching his chest and where he was almost sensitive at. With all his strength he had tried pushing her away but it didn't work one bit.. Usually they would've gotten off in one push but something was clearly wrong with him and to him it wasn't sitting right. He noticed that she was getting closer and the red on his face started spreading, out of no where a loud gasp would escape his lips from her biting onto his hand.. It didn't hurt nor did it phase him, but it did catch him off guard.*\n\n*He couldn't help but to let out the smallest noises after he felt her lips being placed right onto his nipple. Did he hate the feeling? Yes, yet It was strange. After a few seconds the male would then ball his hand into fist, now slamming it against her shoulder whilst glaring at her. \"I... I said off me this instant!\" Lucia yelled. He didn't look like a threat at the moment so of course she wouldn't take him seriously, he was a shaken and a blushing mess.. His gown then opened which would only reveal his chest. He didn't have a shirt nor did he have anything on under the gown.. Just because he would be asleep by then and by himself.. This was the worst situation to wear his small gown.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "C-can't you see I'm horny... I won't go off of you until I'm satisfied enough, if you'll fight back it will only be rougher and longer.\n\n**She bit down around his nipple, hearing a second gasp, while an arm was still trying to push her of, so she just bit down more and more, until he stopped, which was pretty quickly. After that she figured why not use those two balloons on her chest a little more, so she pushed down, releasing the force that was holding her upper body up, pressing her breasts somewhere around where his belly was. They were big but her shirt was blocking the true feeling of their skins touching.**\n\nBad boy, stop trying to push me off, I'll scratch you... Last warning, after that I'm scratching you and taking my shirt off." }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*Lucia would slam his fist against her shoulder once again. His breathing was starting to get heavier, now getting slightly dizzy from the heated tension and a little tired. He had all these confused thoughts on what she was talking about, but after feeling her bite down some more around his nipple, he'd flinch and would slowly start to weaken which had caused him to stop pushing her back. His face was a mess, now covering his face and moving his legs around a little.. It seemed the biting and the force had only caused him more ecstasy from down below but he didn't want to make it obvious.*\n\n*He would ignore her after, looking to the other slide as if he didn't want her seeing his face at all.. Finding it quite embarrassing and pathetic that he was in this situation and position right now. What was this woman trying to do.. He asked himself. \"You fool.. Ngh.. Why must I indulge in this folly of yours.. This is a whores work not a dragons!!!.\" Lucia said with a few cracks in his voice, not noticing that he had just revealed himself. He'd open his mouth slightly just so he could breathe better, revealing this sharp fangs.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "That's why you should sit back and relax, while I do the whores work, see your face and hear your voice? You like it don't you, now let go of my shoulder and I'll make you feel like in heaven, don't expect me to wait for permission hunny.\n\n**She released her grip on his nipple, pulling on her shirt and slowly taking it off, revealing her quite large breasts, with already hard nipples, that were also just asking to be bitten. After that she slowly moved up, moving all her force down on her bottom, while she was pushing it down onto his half erect penis, even through both of their clothes her asscheeks were soft and slowly wrapping around his cock as she was pressing it down between her cheeks and his lower belly, basically riding him but with clothes on and no penetration.**\n\nYour body likes that doesn't it, should I remove my shorts or give you a kiss, you'll have to pick one or else I'll do both! **She tried grabbing his hand away so she can look him in the eye while on him for some erotic eye contact, only to see his shiny fangs close to her hand.**" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*Like it she says.. Yet he was trying to break free from her little trap she has put him in. He wasn't really interested nor was he a fond of this stuff, yet he has already given up on trying to escape. He let out a soft sigh, letting out all of the anger that was building up inside of him. He was more relaxed this time and still had his hands covering his face, as she was slowly stripping off her top.. Not wanting to be rude and just stare at what whatever was happening in front of him. Ugh, what is this awful position.. Usually I'd be the one in this type of predicament but still it was one weird type of ecstasy, feeling her rear now squeezing his erect member.*\n\n*A steamy sigh would escape from his lips once again, and he'd give her the meanest frown from the kissing part. \"I do not condone in kissing, do not think about it..\" Lucia said in a serious tone.. But then he had no choice but to pick so once she grabbed his hand, he'd remove his hands away from his face, now grabbing onto the females hand and quickly biting into her wrist.. Blood slowly ran down his chin and he licked the blood off afterwards. Blood would put him into some serious heat and after a few hours he'd forget about what happened.. So he used this time. He didn't answer her but wanted her to know that he didn't like kisses.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "Ah yes, mmmh... Bite me harder... No kisses you say? I assume you just want me to remove my shorts. BITE HARDER... Ahh the blood flowing, mmm... Such a pleasurable type of pain, oh yes!\n\n**She dug her hands into his back, scratching him while biting down on her bottom lip, growling and moaning in pleasure, before reaching down to her shorts and slowly pulling them off, keeping them on by one of her legs only, all the way down at her ankles. The body contact was much closer now, and you could feel a slight moist through your cloth down there, pussy juices, all that pleasure made her super wet. Now she started grinding her lower body back and forward on top of his penis and clothes, making them soak up the warm wetness, as she continued scratching him, trying to get a grip so she could intensify a little more.**\n\nY-you know, you're so pathetic right now... Seeing that red face of yours, mmh just makes me wanna fuck you harder! What do you say hm? Would you like that? I know you would, that's why I'll do it, now go ahead and bite my hand more, use it as a gag so all those moans won't humiliate you more than me... HAHAHAHAHA... You're so fun, never have I seen a male fight back so much... Just give in already, listen to me... **She wasn't normal anymore, there was a sinister smile on her face, almost evil, she saw you as more of a pet now, a toy perhaps.**" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*Her desperate voice made his whole body heat up, which was quite interesting at first. He'd let go of her hand with blood still dripping down from his mouth.. Then after a few minutes he'd now feel her finger nails digging into his back which made him flinch. He couldn't relax now and the heat was actually exhausting, having both their bodies together had made it worse but he could deal with it. His erect member was then throbbing from the intense sensation he felt from it being in between something soft..*\n\n*He watched as she now stripped off her shorts and looked down seeing how both of them were entirely wet and covered.. He could now see that the both of them were turned on which made him feel really pathetic inside. He couldn't control himself and that's why he thought that. He would then grip onto the females waist as she started grinding herself against him, making him feel desperate as well.. His finger nails dug into her skin but not that deep.. Just to the point where she could feel a slight sting to her waist.*\n\n*He still had the same facial expression on his face, filled with annoyance.. His pretty face made things worse and she probably couldn't tell whether he was serious or not. \"Ugh.. You talk to much you hard headed little mutt..\" Lucia mumbled and didn't hesitate to pull her in, just to place his lips against hers and give her a long and deep kiss, having his tongue dance with hers. Everything was starting to hurt.. His member and his back from the scratches she added to it.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "**She continued kissing him, eating his mouth out with their tongues moving around like dancers, exchanging saliva and grunting along the way, while she was preparing to make him feel even better with just two fingers, pulling away for a little while so that she could lube them up properly with her spit, slowing down on the grinding and instead slipping her hand under his clothing, and slowly pushing her two fingers into his hole, deeper and deeper, pressing down each and every while so that she could find the perfect spot, getting herself more comfortable on top of him, she was a little heavy but all that kissing and scratching and fingering made up for it, not to mention he could just push his fingers deeper to relieve more of his pain onto her. After she finally found the good spot, the fingering became more intense, her middle and ring finger were quite fast, not to mention her slightly longer nails made it even better.**\n\nYou like that don't you, give me more kisses dummy... We're just getting started just so you know, I'll milk you until your legs are shaking, until that penis of yours won't go hard anymore, only then I'll stop you get me? But I have to arouse you a bit more so I'll squeeze every drop out of that sack! Now tell me, would you like a blowjob perhaps? Maybe a handjob, or even one of my holes lower down? If you won't reply I guess I'll just have to do all of them, and I'll humiliate you in the process. You might even get praised if you pick the same one as I was thinking! **She started kissing you again, groping your cheeks and lightly slapping them, slowly intensifying a little. It was an uncomfortable position, but it did the job well, he could barely speak from all the emotional overdose.**" }, { "author": "Lucia", "message": "*As his tongue danced around with hers, she'd grip onto her waist tightly.. Now being completely turned on from the whole thing. His breathing was getting heavier and heavier once he had pulled away.. Now being a once again blushing and heated mess from the entire thing. He had watched as she started playing with her fingers, seeing that she was wetting them up.. But where was she going to put that exactly? He was kind of confused but then once he felt something weird slide into him, his body would flinch.*\n\n*Lucia bit down onto his lips and. Couldn't help but to squirm his body around from the unpleasant feeling. \"H... Hold your fingers you!-\" He said as sweet sounds would escape his mouth once he had felt something interesting but pleasuring hit, spreading throughout his entire body and causing him to quiver. He'd let go of her waist and looked down just to see her fingers moving a little faster, though the sudden movement felt strange, the sensation did not hurt as much as he imagined. The tension lingered and his lower body failed to relax , making him increasingly impatient.. It was annoying on how he couldn't hold in his noises.*\n\n*Once she started placing her lips against his again, he would kiss her back not being able to speak his words on how angry and confused he was in this situation.*" }, { "author": "Cherry", "message": "We'll since it's annoying you so much I won't pull them out, in fact I'll do you one better and speed up! And since you haven't replied to my offer I'll have to give you a handjob first, how does that sound hm? I know you'd love it, but a reeeeally don't care if you want it or not, I'll do whatever I want to do.\n\n**She climbed off of you, sitting herself new to you while her bare ass cheeks were touching your hips. She then leaned in for another kiss while her finger slid back into his anus as she had to pull it out or else she wouldn't be able to move into her current position.*^\n\nNow what about my other hand, where could it slip into, or onto... **She started kissing you while her other hand was teasing your chest, poking in different places and slowly moving down the his penis, which was now raging in pleasure.** How pathetic, you can't even control your erecrion." } ]
[ { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie enters the dimly lit bar, her eyes adjusting to the ambiance as she finds an empty stool at the counter. She settles in, the worn wood cool against her fingertips. His dark hair is tousled, his eyes bright as he tends to the bar, effortlessly mixing drinks." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "Ariel glances a few times at the new arrival as he finishes a round of drinks for a nearby table. \"I'll be with you in just a moment Miss.\" He slides between different tables handing the drinks to appropriate customers before returning to ivory white fair haired customer. \"Well Miss what can I get you?\" The vampire leaned over the around his arms crossed while looking at her glowing golden eyes." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie smirks slightly, her lips curling into a playful grin. \"Surprise me, Ariel,\" She replies, her voice low and alluring, the words carrying a hint of mischief and anticipation. Her golden eyes sparkle with curiosity and a touch of daring as she leans in a bit closer, the subtle scent of her perfume mingling with the warm, inviting aroma of the bar. \"I trust your expertise,\" She adds, her tone laced with a tantalizing suggestion, inviting Ariel to rise to the challenge and impress her with his skills." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Well Miss, even I've seen you here before, I don't think we've had a proper conversation.\" Ariel paused looking at her again, clearly he had something in mind, but there were several options for a lady like Valerie. Though he went with something \"Simple\"... To hint at something they both shared. Of course the cocktail isn't simple, but for him sure it was. He began shaking and mixing while adding several ingredients away from her prying eyes, but mostly for the surprise. At last he set a Bloody Mary in front of Valerie. He then resumed his pose in front of her leaning forward just a bit.\n\n\"A Bloody Mary. For the vampire I'd like to know the name of? Of course it doesn't have blood in it... Though the next one can if you'd like.\" Ariel teased just a tad." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie's eyes flicker with something akin to amusement as he describes the drink, and her lips twitch into a small, pleased smile when he teases her. \"Oh, I wouldn't worry about it being bloody,\" She replies, her eyes sparkling, \"I prefer mine without.\"\n\n\"But since you're so interested,\" She continues, \"Perhaps I should share just enough information to satisfy your curiosity. For now.\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "Ariel looks at her with anticipation, a little eager to learn a bit about this gorgeous customer. \"Hmm... Normally I wouldn't care, but.. You're too alluring. The drinks free if you don't mind satisfying this curious bartender.\" Ariel said plainly while meeting his red eyes with her mysterious gold orbs." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie's lips twitch into a teasing smirk. \"Well, in that case...\" She begins, her voice low but melodic. She tilts her head and gazes at him with her golden eyes. \"I'm Valerie, and though I'm certainly not opposed to taking my next drink on the house, you might at least introduce yourself first, no? All i really know is you name from your name tag.\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Oh? A tease huh~?\" The word tease rolled off his tongue while he laughed a little before smiling and looking back at her. \"Well Valerie, clearly I'm a bartender and a very experienced one. I'm also the same kind of person as you. I could tell you were a vampire from your blood's structure by the way.\" Ariel casually said, before grinning. \"But what is it you want to know? I'll answer any questions you might have.\"" }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie raises an eyebrow at his last comment, curious but amused. \"You can tell by the structure of my blood?\" She laughs lightly. \"I'm impressed.\"\n\n\"As for what I want to know, that's a much trickier question,\" She muses, her eyes shining brightly. \"For now, all i think i wanna know is How big is it?\" She paused until he processed what she said \".. Your paycheck i mean.\" She smiled teasingly" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Pfft~ what a sly woman. If I were any younger I'd probably blushed plenty.\" He laughed happily with her. \"My paycheck mostly depends on tips. Which makes plenty with as much experience as I have. Otherwise is roughly 500 a week without tips. Seeing as there aren't many bartenders willing to serve some brutes around here.\" He gave her a fully proper answer before looking back directly into her eyes. \"Let's see, is that enough to earn a question from you then Valerie?\"" }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "\"I wouldn't mind making you blush.\" Valerie smiles, her lips curling into a little smirk.\n\n\"Five hundred a week, you say?\" She begins. \"That seems like a respectable income.\" She looks at him directly, her eyes twinkling with amusement at his request for a question in return. \"I suppose that is enough to earn a question, yes, but only one.\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "His cheeks flushed just a tad at her cheeky response. \"Well it rises much higher with tips.\" He adds to her response. Then his cheeks tug into a sharp smile as he sees her eyes twinkle.\n\n\"So Valerie, what do you do for work?\" He clearly had another question on the tip of his tongue but held back from parting with the word. \"You seem rather young for a vampire, but very mature despite so.\"" }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "\"Mmm,\" Valerie considers her answer, her grin tightening a bit as she considers her answer, her pale eyebrows raising just slightly as he questions how old she really is.\n\n\"You know that saying about vampires and asking a woman her age?\" She asks, laughing a little. \"You're certainly persistent, aren't you? I'm old enough to get in here\"\n\n\"As for my work, I'm a nurse. I have my ways of making money when I need to, and I enjoy my independence.\"\n\n\"This is fun... Ask me one more.. Choose wisely, Handsome.\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Sure sure, most women say that...\" He laughed a little as she gave such a covered response. Though his eyebrows also raised at her last comment. The nurse part wasn't surprising.\n\n\"Mmh~ let's see. What's your number miss?\" Ariel smiled at her as he glanced down at her chest playfully, a double edged questions really... \"Oh and I'll answer your question before properly if you'd like.\" He smiled at her cheekily." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "\"My number?\" Valerie asks, leaning forward slightly as she considers the request. The double-edged nature of the question is both intriguing and entertaining to her; she can only imagine how he might respond if she gave it.\n\n\"Well, why don't you go first?\" She muses. \"Share your answer and I'll tell you mine.\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Still? Well fine Valerie..\" The bartender's eyes flicker a little with excitement. \"Eight and a half Miss Valerie. Is that the answer you wanted to hear?\" He smiled again seeing how interested she was. \"However the thickness is something you'd have to discover for yourself. Naturally of course.\"" }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie laughs at his boldness, her lips curling into a mischievous smile as she shakes her head. \"Goodness, you really must enjoy teasing, don't you?\"\n\n\"Mmmm... That is a great answer,\" She begins, giving him her full attention, \"And I'm certainly intrigued by your last remark... I dont think my number will be needed if you just take me to the back\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Is that so? Mmh~ alright then Miss Valerie. The lounge room is right there.\" He points behind him. \"We're rather slow currently so. After you Valerie. Visuals are always better than words.\" Ariel smiles at her watching to see if she was true to her daring words. If she wanted to really have some fun~" }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie's lips twitch into a satisfied grin as he ushers her to the lounge room. \"My, my, aren't you eager,\" She teases, her tone teasing yet seductive.\n\nShe lets her body brush against his as they walk, subtly caressing his arm as she passes him, her breath quickening slightly. It's clear that she's not shy about touching him in this moment, and that she's just as eager as he seems to be." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Eager? Mmh you're the one who walked back her so quickly.\" Ariel said with a laugh. She seemed to love to tease him as much as he found it amusing and attractive.\n\nThe arm thing only proved his statement but turned him on even more. Of course he followed her setting up a sign saying he stepped away. Leaving them alone for plenty of time. \"So are you going to make me go first again? Or do you have something else in mind Valerie?\" He asked closing the door behind him. There was a lovely plush couch inside along with a tv, fridge, and several other games and such for a staff much larger than one to enjoy." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie gives him an appraising look as he closes the door, clearly tempted by the plush sofa in front of them. \"Mmmm...\" She begins slowly, \"I have plenty of things in mind, especially when we're alone like this.\"\n\nShe kneels down infront of the couch, beckoning him to sit infront of her on the couch. \"But I also want to hear about you, Heard you can learn alot about someone while you... Ahem \" She continues, her eyes twinkling with an alluring glint." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"You can learn plenty huh?\" Ariel sits as she suggests right in front of her with his crotch easily within reach. \"In my experience you're right. But things like that go best when exploring both people.\" \n\nThe vampire could tell this girl had tricks and such up her sleeve, so he wouldn't hold back either. Her heart would began to beat a little faster in excitement stimulating her lower half's sweet spot with excitement. She'd begin to feel a strange sense of arousal and excitement, but the look in his eyes said it all. That clearly he was responsible for more than just being handsome." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie feels her breath catch in her throat as Ariel draws them closer together. Her eyes fall shut with a gasp, a shiver coursing through her entire body with their close proximity. She can feel his warmth and excitement radiating from him, and it's almost too much for her to handle.\n\nShe swallows hard, opening her eyes once more as she meets his eyes. \"Mmmm,\" She murmurs softly, \"This is certainly more exciting than I could have imagined... I hope you know what you're doing.\" She said as she changed her mind and got up to straddle his lap as she looked into his eyes." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Oh my~.. I didn't think I would change your mind that easily Valerie..\" Though, his hands said otherwise. They found her sides rubbing them softly until reaching her hips. He kneaded her warmth teasing her as her excitement was gradually growing. The closer she was to him- the easier it was for him to increase her stimulation. Though he was slowly grinding his bulge against her crotch. Ariel's eyes haven't left hers for even a second." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie's breath quickens as he kneads her warmth and teases her hips, her legs parting slightly to allow him more access to her. She shivers in excitement as he grinds against her, her body responding instantly to his touch. She's becoming more than just excited - she's becoming desperate, unable to resist the feeling of his body against hers.\n\nShe lets out another moan, her lips parted as she swallows hard. \"Mmm...\" She murmurs, her voice thick and sexy." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"Mmh..\" He moaned with her as he watched her. He unbuttoned his pants and slid them down slowly leaving his boxers on for now, but his warm bulge was becoming more noticeable against her crotch.\n\nAriel pressed his lips against hers and pushed his tongue into her mouth tasting her- he was excited. Even without her doing anything, but her increasing need was far too attractive." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie gasps into the kiss, her lips parting for his as his tongue slides into her mouth. She responds eagerly, eagerly reciprocating his kiss with her own tongue, wrapping her arms around him and massaging his back.\n\nSoon she feels something pressing against her crotch, her breath quickening even more, her heart racing. She breaks the kiss, panting softly.\n\n\"C-Could you grab my horns?\"" }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "\"O-Of course.\" He says against her lips. His hands find their way up grabbing onto both of her horns firmly, he squeezed enough to see how it might pleasure her before kissing at her neck softly. He knew biting her neck meant something rather intimate between vampires, so she simply received kisses. \n\nAriel continued grinding his bulge against her. Only two thin clothes were creating a lot of warmth and wetness." }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie's breath catches once more as she feels him kiss her neck softly. She feels herself growing more and more excited with each kiss, her body trembling with anticipation.\n\nShe begins to writhe against him, her hips rocking subtly as she feels his bulge pressing against her. She lets out a soft moan, her hands reaching for his back to pull him in even closer." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "Ariel moaned with her as he felt her hips against him. Ariel made the next move leaving her horns for a moment- moving his hands down her back gently before reaching her thong which he slowly slid off of her. He sat her back down on his bulge where her lower lips would be pressed against just his boxers. \n\nAriel only enhanced the sensations inside of her again allowing better blood flow near her lower half. He had a smirk on his face as his hands found her horns and he pulled her into another kiss. He was purposefully going so slow~" }, { "author": "Valeria Sinclair", "message": "Valerie shivers as he slides her thong aside, her body growing hot with the increased stimulation. She is almost at her limit with how he's teasing her like this, his hands on her horns as he pulls her back into another kiss. Her body grows more and more desperate for release, her breath growing more frantic with each passing moment." }, { "author": "Ariel", "message": "Ariel watches her, seeing as she's at her limit... He slips his boxers down with the pants. His cock was pressed right against her needy pussy. He teases her a little more by rubbing himself against her, before finally pushing it in slowly- each inch must've felt like an eternity with all of the teasing. Until finally she swallowed him whole. Ariel knew she was going to cum so he let her- stopping and watching her with lewd eyes." } ]
[ { "author": "zephyrcrimson", "message": "*Zephyr scoffed softly, getting up from his seat. He slipped his coat off his shoulders, folding it neatly on the chair. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt, rolling up his sleeves up to his elbows. He was going to ask if she was ready, however the answer was already clear before him, judging by the soaking mess between her legs. He stood behind her, placing a palm to her back and gently urging her forwards, to the bench he was sitting on.*\n\nThanks for being my living illustration then. Well, I'd probably start with positioning them like this, nice and prepared for an onslaught or two~\n\n*He pushed her onto the seat, making her kneel on it, her chest pressed against the backrest. He grabbed her wrists, folding her arms as he pinned them down to her lower back. She could hear the frantic unbuckling of a belt from behind her, as the man began to loosen his pants with his free hand.*" }, { "author": "poko_03", "message": "*The naked girl tilts her head and watches in bemused silence as the gentleman carefully and neatly prepares himself, then politely moves her body and directs her into position. Usually people struggle momentarily with her question, with deciding how they will use her offered assets, so to speak, but this man seems to have decided fairly quickly.*\n\n*She kneels on the bench, kind of enjoying the gentle feel of his hand on her bare skin as he guides her into place. She raises her eyebrow when he pins her arms behind her back, a smile tugging up the corners of her mouth. The slut wiggles her bottom for the sake of the camera and the audience, curious about the man's intentions, then she bites her lip at the sound of his belt being undone.*" }, { "author": "zephyrcrimson", "message": "*Azabel would feel the leather of his belt constricting around her arms, knotted securely to keep her in place. Zephyr's pants and underwear promptly dropped to the ground in a heap beneath his feet, which he hurriedly kicked away. He slyly licked his lips as he positioned himself properly, his hardness situated between the woman's plump cheeks. He wrapped his right hand around the back of her neck, making his way up into her hair before grabbing at the roots and yanking her head back. Meanwhile, he brought his left hand down on her rear, harshly painting her skin with red prints of his palm, stinging at the slightest touch. He leaned forwards and snarled in the woman's ear.*\n\nAren't you a lucky slut~ You're getting a lot of content out of me, since I don't intend to let you go for a ***While~*** I have the feeling that maybe you'll come back to me even after the cameras stop rolling. Or maybe you won't. Let's find out, shall we~? \n\n*He ended with a soft chuckle, making no attempt whatsoever to hide the sadism behind his voice. He grabbed the base his my cock, lining himself up against Azabel's dripping entrance. With a groan of satisfaction, he slipped into her cunt, relishing the feeling of her tight walls wrapping him hungrily. He curses under his breath, biting his lower lip as he began to rock his hips, quickly building momentum.*" }, { "author": "poko_03", "message": "*The whore gasps softly as his belt wraps around her arms, surprising her slightly, though she isn't concerned. She's just a piece of fuckmeat in the eyes of most but still, no one will do anything bad with so many people watching. The feel of his cock against her needy little slit is next and she can't help but wiggle. This is the largest crowd she's ever been nailed in front of and it's making her hot.*\n\n*Suddenly, though, his hand is grabbing her hair, jerking her head back, forcing out a gasp as her mouth opens wide, followed by a stinging slap to her plump ass, leaving an angry red mark. She cuts her eyes back, though she is unable to see behind her body with him gripping her hair. Her smile slips a bit.*\n\n*Then a moan is forced from her parted lips as his cock slides inside her bare pussy, her slippery-hot flesh enveloping his shaft like a silken glove, stretching her out as he moves back and forth.*" } ]
[ { "author": "plutothecomet", "message": "I'm so sorry i have no idea what to say, this is my first time doing this\n\nThis is gonna sound so stupid, but could you give me some suggestions?" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "I guess you could start with describing your character and walking into the casino." }, { "author": "plutothecomet", "message": "Sonya walked into the casino with a feeling of confidence and a smug grin on her face. She was dressed in a shimmering outfit with a short skirt, and her tentacles were loosely wrapped around her arms and bag.\n\nIm sorry, do you think we could still continue? I know how to RP i just got really nervous" } ]
[ { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "*Nico wandered into the area chuckling to himself amused at the busiest of the town square. His first steps here was memorable, with his hired muscle in tow; of course he did not need concerning his powers but he did want to reveal them just yet, wearing his robes that hid his wings stepping outside into the light he radiated darkness although nothing effected people you feel a shift in the air, the muscle he hired from what he read was a another demon although lesser than him it would show off his power and wealth Noco had also set up a meet with a local therapist, nit wanting to know the details of who they was wanting first impressions just from sight of his own two black and crimson eyes* \"Come on you lesser leopard, no need to hide in the darkness. You are meant to protect me but yet you cower.\"" }, { "author": "boredenough", "message": "Ethan casually walked up to the demon hands in his pocket looking a bit bored seemingly unphased by the disparity in power. \"It's kind of redundant to hire a aid for a office visit boss.\" The leopard demon said, playing with the lolipop in his mouth. Though it was loud and filled with way to many people the town square was fairly nice. Ethan threw glances at sevral people just incase anyone suspicious came up to them." }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "**Neatening her office the fox had washed the pillows, a fresh box of tissues, and just finished vacuuming. Going into the lobby of the building to wait for the pair to arrive as she sat behind her desk**" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "\"Now now you leopard. Of course I must show off my wealth even if renting you as a body guard didn't scratch it. Come come now u have meeting I have to get to.\" *With thus said he'd walk towards Foxi's office at almost a speed March finally getting to her doors and bursting through them. Not bothering shut it behind him. Seeing a pretty kitsune at the lobby of this building believing she was just receptionist, walking to her and leaning over the desk* \"Now... I'm here for an appointment with a lady named foxi\"" }, { "author": "boredenough", "message": "The leopard closed the door while staring at the demon man. He looked around. There were a few people waiting in seats for their names to be called. They looked pretty perturbed at how Nico burst in one of them. Ethan would apologise but he was on the clock and needed to stay close to Nico. Looking from behind he noted how this girl was probably nota receptionist. Mostly due to the lack of a tag saying so and also because it was HER office. Out of social order Ethan said nothing. But silently judged Nico 'Are you dumb?'" }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "**Nodding her head she adjusted her posture and a name plate showing her name** I think you've arrived to the right place, would you be here for the 11:00 appointment? **She pondered. Leaning over the desk a little. Offering a calming glance to the others present**" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "Yes. You do you lesser thing. And also yes to you beautiful. Appointment here at ten. Guard the door, then and also *He'd spin around you could see that nico visibly looked darker as a shadow had me cast around him, this happened briefly then disappeared as sighed.* \"Next time keep your mouth shut till I say I want your opinion. OK? Just guard the door.\"" }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "**She annunciated a little while looking at him** 11. I already have a 10:00, he'll be here any minute. I'm here to check you in and prepare for him. **She handed Nico the paperwork for patient practitioner confidentiality, her tail lazily wagging** If you'll fill this out along with including some notes on what you'd like discussed I will look at it after this session. **She turned around. Going into her office as her appointment arrived and walked into the room**" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "I uh... Ok? *Nico sat down looking the paper work. Not knowing what do, answering the questions the best he could. Singing Singing the form knowing in one of areas he'd like to speak about his loniless and him missing his family. Glancing at Venn*" }, { "author": "boredenough", "message": "Ethan tried not to glance, but he was a cat so he did \"Occasionally\" Look at the paper. Long enough for nico to notice he was definetly staring at the paper. Ethans thoguhts paperwork is weird the words are long and most of em he doesn't actually know but from what he could tell its a contract. If he did have the money he guess he would go to a therapist, apparently its a good thing to have. When he realised\n\nNico was looking at him he turend away pretending he wasnt staring \"Sorry boss\"" }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "**Working through her session just a little before 11 she and the patient walked out, shaking hands as they took their leave. The fox turning to Nico** Mr. Black, thank you for the patience. Do you mind giving me the papers for filing purposes? I'd also like to see what we'll be discussing" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "Yes. Yes. I'm here *He stood up, giving his paper form, watching the other person leave. Still angry at Ethan for looking at his confidential information.* Its very deep rooted for ne 300 hundred years deep probably. *Chuckling a bit as he never really speaks about his feelings.*" }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "**Taking the form and flipping through it she'd scribble some ideas into the margins on his comments as well as his requests to discuss.. Nodding her head** I understand. I specialize in treating the mental problems of the immortal variety" }, { "author": "boredenough", "message": "Ethan merely sat behind a wall outside the office only slightly covering his ears as to not hear the conversation. Sure Nico would probably kill him over the paper thing but he was still trying to atleast respect his current employment contract" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "\"OK then.\" *Hed walk into the office were he saw the patient exit from. Sitting down nervously never speaking about his problems not knowing what to say or expect.* \"How would you know I'm immortal and not having a expanded life?\" *He'd cast a sly smirk. Looking at the fox up and down.*" }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "Call it a clever eye. **She hummed. Setting the paper aside and looking at him** I can also see hoe tense you are already. Your sagging shoulders, tired eyes. You have so many stories to tell and share. But no way to just let it all out... At least not yet" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "\"Read me like a book. Many stories.\" *He'd chuckle smiling sitting in the chair. Leaning forward wanting to see what else she could guess.* \"And what else\"" }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "Well I can tell you put on that mask of pride, you wear it to stop people you see as lesser from bothering you. But you set such high standards you know no one can beat. You're just scared. Scared of something hurting you again?" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "*He's sit back, in his chair seeing that she just hit the nail on the head with her previous comment except except first part he thought.* The first parts is a lie. But the rest yes; I dated a mortal once and of course... She's was not immortal." }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "It leads to so much pain after they're gone. I understand. I've seen so many come in with this exact story. Their solutions range from diving headfirst into carnal addictions to well.. Suicide. Though none work. The only way to deal with it is accepting the difference and either moving on or finding a way to live in that moment. Surrendering your lifespan is a genuine option." }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "Yet I could not. Why? Cause I the last of the black bloodline need a person to rebuild my family. That's why... I don't bleed but I do hurt why was we made immortal? Forgotten thrown out of history I was." }, { "author": "Foxi Cudell", "message": "Then why owe anything to your bloodline. You are not honored by it beyond a long lonely life. Has the thought of living life among mortals never crossed your mind" }, { "author": "azzyrith.", "message": "*Nico chuckled at her.* \"It has. But the problem is where you once comsid royal to humans. Finding out why my family vanished. Mortals growl and die. Immortals are to find at times they are.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I smiled walking into the Town square holding what seemed to be a long black leash, along the leash seemed to be a female dressed a rather revealing harness restricting her movement as well as hugging and rubbing her naked body*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I followed behind as I looked down to avoid eye contact with the people around me, now feeling sorta embarrassed but still just following with the leash*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I grabbed more of the leash pulling her closer to me as my other hand grabbing your chin and lifting your head up gently* No need to be embarrassed princess~" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I squeak as I'm basically yanked forward and made to look up at you, nodding as I just look you in the eyes*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I decided to kiss you on the neck gently as my other hand grabbed you by the ass giving it a quick grope as I continued to walk you with the leash*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I gasp at the kisses and the groping before continuing to follow due to the leash, smiling smugly as I think of something*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I turned my head to see that you had a smug grin as I stopped and pulled her into my chest forcing her to look up at me* What are you thinking about princess" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I shake my head no to tell you nothing, as I just look up at you as the grin is still on my face*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "Princess be a good girl and tell me or I'm going to have to punish you~ *I grabbed your ass keeping her close*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I shake my head once again and just continue looking up at you, wiggling a little in your grasp*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I put down a bag as I pulled out a small black whip and started to roll it up* Princess be a good girl and tell me~" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*My face flushes red and i hesitate but once again shake my head no*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I sighed and smiled as I kissed your lips gently as I continued to walk* Okay princess~" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I kiss back in that moment and continue following you, my tits bouncing a little as I walk*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I pulled you into a little corner space as I slipped my fingers down to your pussy and started to rub it gently*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I gasp and try to close my legs even with me standing up as I look away from you*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "Is something wrong princess? *I stopped and stroked your cheek gently*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I wiggle around to try and make you start again as I shake my head no* P-please~" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I grinned and continued teasing your pussy gently* Please what princess~?" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I moan softly once again and try to grind against your hand* P-please~ I want you~" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I kept going as I bent you over while I fingered your pussy feeling how soaking wet it was I stroked your head while I continued*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*My moans start to get louder as you bend me over and my head leans into your hand, my legs already kinda shaky*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I kept going as I pushed a third finger inside you feeling your insides tighten around them but it didn't slow me down*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I'm moaning loudly now as I can already feel myself about to cum, completely forgetting that we're in public*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I started to slow down as a lustful grin appeared on my face watching you moan loudly*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I whimper now as I try to move my hips to get some kind of more pleasure from it*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I grinned and pulled out my cock with a smile* Be a good princess and beg for it~" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*My eyes basically light up as I look up at you* P-please I want you~" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I smiled and started to push it into your pussy slowly*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I gasp and moan as I struggle against the rope tying my hands behind my back*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I held your arms in place as I started to thrust back and fourth into your pussy*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*My moans slowly but surely start getting louder again as you start fucking me*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "God you're nice and tight~ I bet you love having my cock in you don't you princess~! *I started to pound away at your pussy feeling your soaking wet insides*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I struggle against the restraints more as I wanna cover my mouth so I'm not so loud as my pussy clenches around your cock*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I pulled you up pounding your pussy even harder with a grin on my face*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*I finally just bite down on my lip so that my moans aren't so loud*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I smiled watching you try to contain your moans as I slapped your ass while thrusting my cock as I could feel myself getting close*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*My pussy clenches as you smacked my ass and I wiggle around, my legs shaking as I feel myself getting close once again*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "Get ready for me to pump you full princess~! *I started rapidly pounding at your pussy with no signs of relenting and with one giant thrust I started to cum in your pussy and there was a lot*" }, { "author": "megahoe.", "message": "*Almost immediately as I started feeling you fill me, I cum around your cock as my entire body spasms and shakes, moaning and panting still*" }, { "author": "riggsyboi09", "message": "*I smiled holding you close and emptying my balls into you. Once I finished I zipped up my trousers and decided to take you back into my DMs*" } ]
[ { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven was humming to herself as she walked through her libary, just enjoying the quiet silence as she put books back where they should go, keeping everything organized. She, unlike many others, didn't just organize by author's name, but also by the date of publication of their books, going from oldest to newest. It was part of her system that helped keep her sane, as she enjoyed organizing things. Perhaps she enjoyed it a bit to much, but in a city so full of sin, what could it hurt for someone to be a bit too thorough in their organization. One thing it also helped was it allowed her to take the time to observe everyone who was within her library, walking around, and taking a few minutes to organize by date, while secretly observing others.*\n\n*Right now she was walking down an Aisle of non-fiction authors who specialized in mythology, especially that of the Ancient Fae, as well as the Ancient Greeks and Romans. She was particularly fond of this section, as it fascinated her to read the various lores of Shapeshifters within Ancient Greek and Roman myths. She knew she was Italian by birth, and figured, that perhaps, with her abilities, she had the blood of some old god or monster in her line. It probably wasn't far off. However she was more interested in the boy she saw in this section. She'd been subtley watching him the entire time he was in the library, having at some point smelled alcohol, and she was trying to catch him in the act if he was using it. Especially since he was the only person in the library at the moment.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake found himself aimlessly meandering the countless aisles of the expansive library, brain foggy with inebriated bliss. He seldom found himself sober and this was especially not one of those days. He was looking through the plethora of books in this aisle, skimming across the spines and reading the titles quickly as he looked for anything that piqued his interest. He finally landed on a book about Fae lineage. He wasn't being too careful of his surroundings and didn't notice the shapeshifter standing only a little ways away. He would crack open the book as he set down in a nearby seat. He would look through the table of contents for all of a second before flipping through the pages carefully until he finally landed where he wanted.*\n\n*Blake wore a simple outfit, well simple to him at least. He wore a pair of form fitting, ripped black jeans accompanied by a a nice pair of converse. The rest of his outfit consisted of a navy turtle neck and his usual array of piercings. His hair was a cool shade of light blue today, a change from his usual pinks and purples. He would place down his book for a moment before producing a silver flask from his pocket. He would unscrew the cap before taking a deep swig and placing it back in his pocket. He would wince at the harsh burn from the liquor, shaking his head a little as he lay back in the seat. He would take a moment to breath, focusing through his non-sobriety as he picked back up his book to continue reading where he left off.*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven's own outfit wasn't really too too much different from Blake's, wearing black jeans herself, as well as some black tennis shoes. For a top, her clothes were a black hoodie, with a black t-shirt that had the logo of one of her favourite bands underneath. Not that that was evident to blake, given he hadn't even noticed her yet. It was notable that her clothes were seemingly loose fitting, had to be. She changed forms so often, it was good to wear clothes that were several sizes larger, just in case she shifted without realizing and became nude from exploding her clothes. Raven had found this out the hard way years ago, not that that was important. She watched as he took out a book about Fae lineage. She snuck a little bit closer putting more books back on their respective shelves. Eventually she was standing beside him, however she was completely silent so, perhaps he still wouldn't notice her.*\n\n*Raven observed him even more, noticing how cute he was, but also just how he was breaking the rules of her library. This caused the shapeshifter some pause, before she cleared her throat and spoke up, saying to him in a soft, but, stern tone.*\"You're not supposed to drink in the library. It's clearly stated on the doors, that no Alcohol or Drug use is allowed within these walls. It's a safe space from the horrors outside, and I'd like to keep it that way.\"*She'd had to enforce those rules several times againsts people she judged to be greater problems and threats. However she wasn't trying to be threatening or anything, just giving a gentle reminder of her rules, and she'd continue.*\"There's more fae books here you can read, but please, don't drink anymore or I'll have to kick you out\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake would almost look shocked, if it weren't for his lack of attention at the current moment. He admittedly had thought he was the only one in the library and his cheeks would flush slightly once he realized he had been caught. He would regain his composure quickly as he gave her a quick look up and down. To think he hadn't noticed someone this visually stunning, he was partly ashamed in himself. He would speak softly as he set down the book, sliding his thumb between the pages as to keep his spot as he looked up to her from his seat.* \"My apologies... I had honestly thought I was the only one here, I know it's hardly an excuse.\" *The moment he opened his lips the air around them would grow stagnant, as though the surroundings were allowing him to speak without a single interruption. His voice was like honey, warm and sweet, almost inhuman in how perfect it could be described. The scent of warm, freshly baked brownies would cling to him; as though he had just gotten in from baking a couple dozen batches. He didn't make any attempt at controlling his innate abilities, he always found it hard when intoxicated and as such he favored letting it run rampant instead.*\n\n\"May I know your name? I assume you're the librarian here. My name is Blake, I'm terribly sorry for my misdemeanor\" *Despite his slovenly habits he spoke very politely, his words rolling of his tongue as though they were rehearsed a thousand times. He would tilt his head at her comment, turning his attention to the cover of the book on his lap. He studied it for all of a moment before turning his attention back to her. \"You're quite attentive? I'm more interested in this read as of the moment but I'll be sure to check out more of them\" *He gave a small smile, as he thumbed the pages of his book slightly, almost as though it were a nervous reaction.* \"I've been looking for a book like this for quite a long time, you have quite the expansive collection here" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven couldn't help but feel an attraction to this man, both from his looks, but how sweet, and warm his voice sounded, how well it filled her ears and tickled her brain. However that wasn't it, no, she couldn't explain it, but he smelled exactly like her mother had after baking brownies for the young shapeshifter before her death. This brought her back to some very good memories, and the fact he smelled like that, made her want to step closer, and just bury herself into his scent. She resisted the urge, knowing that wasn't exactly how you act as the librarian of a library when you're catching a rule breaker and scolding them. As she resisted this, she squeezed her hands together a bit, as her hair seemed to shorten, and move into a bit of a more manageable bunch of hair in front of Blake's eyes. It showed just a small bit of her own innate abilities as a shapeshifter.*\n\n*Raven tilted her head as she was asked for her name, and smiled softly, and then said.*\"I'm Raven, and Yeah, I'm the librarian. I also own the Library, not that it really matters i suppose, I don't even know why i brought it up\"*She chuckled nervously as she said that, before leaning softly against the shelf as she looked over at all the books in her collection, and nodded, saying.*\"The Best my parent's money could buy, and now, the city, given I went public a while back. Had to pretend to be several more employees so I didn't have to hire any.\"*She laughed a bit, and then shrugged saying.*\"I don't mind, as long as it doesn't happen again, drinking and reading don't really go together that well.\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake would study her carefully as she spoke, in all of his inebriated state he was still fairly attentive. Hie eyes would widen as he watched her hair receed back into a shorter cut, a small look of awe washing over his face. He listened intently as she told him the story behind the library. The longer he listened, the more fascinated he became. But first he addressed the elephant in the room. He would stand, bringing them to eye level as he took a step forward, still in awe of what he had witnessed* \"You're a shape-shifter? I didn't even know they were real... The only things I ever heard about them were from my mother\" *His curiosity got the best of him as he gushed over her abilities. His voice still filled the room around them, only growing stronger as he grew closer. He would take a moment, appreciating just how the shorter style accented her features as his smile grew even wider* \"So you're telling me this used to be your personal collection?\" *He would turn, gazing down the countless aisles of books upon books.*\n\n*His reactions were almost childlike, it was obviously due to the state he was in but he still embraced it nonetheless* \"Your job sounds a hell of a lot nicer then mine.. Granted I shouldn't really complain, I do enjoy what I do...\" *He almost spoke to himself, as if rationalizing this vague idea of a job. He would place the book down beside the chair he sat at as he turned to face her once more. His eyes were a muted green, like unpolished jade. He also had a variety of piercings that dotted his face. Two on his lip, one through his septum, one on his bridge and one through his eyebrow. His ears were adorned with equally sparkly studs. His full attention was now on her, the books no longer held his interest as she had stolen it.*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven couldn't help but grin as he reacted to her hair changing shape, and the small look of awe, and then the fascination as he stood. When he stepped closer, she blushed a small bit as more of that sweet smell of brownies filled her nose and made her want to step closer once more. Her eyes glowed gold as she watched him as he smiled and asked her if she was shapeshifter, gushing over her, which made her blush even more. She chuckled and said.*\"Yeah, I can do more then change my Hair too, my only real limit is I can't copy anyone else's form, whatever form I take has to be unique as long as it's a member of some species that exists.\"*Raven hummed a bit more, and then continued.*\"I spend half of my time in a male body, I'm genderfluid, which, as far as i can tell from reading shapeshifting lore, is most Shapeshifters are.\"*She paused, and let him speak again and nodded, saying.*\"It still is, I just now let people borrow from it\"\n\n*Raven did take in how childlike his reactions are, and knew that it was mostly due to the alcohol, but it didn't bother her too much, and she'd smile as he said her job was better. The Shapeshifter would tilt her head as he spoke on his job, and she'd raise an eyebrow, and then asked.*\"Well, what is your job? If you enjoy it that's all that really matters I think.\"*She hummed and stared into his eyes, and she'd admire the pretty shade of green that they were. She thought the piercings were pretty, they weren't exactly her favourite thing about him, she loved his hair most of all, really. She'd reach up, almost touching the man's hair, before letting her hand fall down again. Raven didn't want to push her boundaries.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He couldn't help but listen to her speak, it was an astounding ability. He would nod his head along with her words, showing his undivided attention as she talked about herself* \"Oh I get what you mean, at least to an extent. I'm actually non-binary myself. I like my androgeny more then presenting either really\" *He thought about it for a moment, he didn't normally speak on his gender often, most just saw him as a plaything, which admittedly he didn't mind all that much either. When she questioned him about his work he would give a nervous chuckle, almost hesitant to answer before deciding on his response* \"I work with people in a more... Intimate sense you could say... I'm sure you're familiar with what an escort is\" *He didn't have much reason to hide it as in the city it wasn't illegal. But it felt so different then the job of a librarian, he was admittedly a little out of his scope.*\n\n*He would flush slightly at the thought of judgement before taking notice of her outstretched hand, a small smile would make its way to his lips as he leaned his head forward. He didn't want to come off as pushy, but he certainly didn't see the harm in letting her touch. He would look up at her through the mess of fluffy hair that now shrouded his face as he gave another small smile* \"Go ahead... If you want that is, believe it or not I'm kind of used to people touching me\" *He would chuckle as he made a small joke pertaining to his work. It certainly wasn't wrong, people often touched him far more intimately then that. It was refreshing to have someone restrain themselves from doing so, much less be so gentle about it*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*She smiled as he said he was non-binary and nodded, responding with.*\"Well, you're very pretty no matter what gender you are, and I personally accept you for who you are. I don't really have much room for judging I suppose though.\"*She chuckled a bit, and leaned more into the shelf, blushing as she realized she'd spoke more then she planned on with him. Raven felt somewhat weird, she didn't feel like her normal self, but not in a bad way, just, not normal. The Shapeshifter then blushed much much more as he said he was an Escort, her brain tingling as she thought about that. The Purple haired woman then hummed before responding.*\"Oh... I suppose if you enjoy it, that's all that matters, didn't really expect that from looking at you though...\"\n\n*Raven would chuckle as he said he was used to people touching him, and she'd move her hand up to gently rub through his hair, playing with it for a few seconds before pulling her hand out and saying with a heavy blush.*\"I really like your hair, I have a thing for really nice colourful hair. When done properly i think it is really cute looking, and you did it perfectly!\"*She Smiled, loving how it looked a bit like cotton candy. Raven hummed a bit as she moved closer, taking in more of his scent as she huffed and said.*\"I'm kind of glad you are the only other person here right now, makes it easier to talk to people when it's just one on one\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake's eyes were still trained on the shapeshifter. That was until she complimented him, praise was a weakness of his and it showed on his rosy cheeks. He would turn back after gathering himself as a wide grin spread across his lips* \"I don't know how much meaning this holds to someone who can change their form at will but you're far prettier then me. It's not just looks\" *He gave a small, flirtatious smile as he leaned into her hand, obviously enjoying the attention. As her hand receded from his head he would slowly stand back up, adjusting the neck of his sweater a little bit as he felt his body heat up slightly. He couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or the shifter in front of him causing it but he leaned towards the latter.* \"Most people don't, it's not exactly a profession that most willingly put themselves into. But I enjoy it, it's really all I've ever been good at\" *Despite the sad comment he still had a warm smile on his face, his voice still oozed with warm comforting tones and the smell of fresh brownies still permeated the air around him. He would take another little step forward, bridging the gap between them just a little further. His eyes would trail down to her lips for a moment before snapping back up to her eyes as he caught himself*\n\n-\n\"Thank you, it's hard to get the colors I want while still keeping my hair alive and healthy, guess I gotta give more props to my hairdresser\" *He joked a bit as he scratched the back of his head, he already missed how her fingers felt running against his scalp but he shook the feeling away quickly. He would raise his eyebrow at her comment as his grin widened slightly* \"I guess you could say I definitely prefer 'one on one'. I'm not a big fan of large crowds in all honesty.\" *His tone shifted to a more silky whisper as he said that last sentence. He joked about his profession but it was true, 1 on 1 was definitely how he preferred to be. Whether it be in bed or not. It was easier to manage, especially since more often then not he would be under the influence of various substances. It was easier for his brain to handle. He would look her in the eyes once more as his eyes started to dip slightly, he hadn't noticed just how close he had gotten too her, now only a mere couple feet from her.*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven held her breath slightly as he grew closer to her, looking into his eyes as her's glowed a bit more. The blush on her face persisted for a long while as he called her pretty, and shook her head saying.*\"Don't say that, you're naturally very pretty, for all you know, my natural form could be ugly, like a monster of some kind.\"*She was obviously joking, outside of her hair this was as natural as it got for her. Although she wasn't joking about him being pretty, and his flirting definitely made her happy. Raven then shook her head as he said that it was all he'd ever been good at, and she'd gently put a hand on his shoulder, leaning closer, not noticing as his eyes dipped down to watch her lips for a few seconds, and she'd say.*\"I don't think it's the only thing your good at, I'm sure there's something else... You do seem to be really good at drawing people in, I don't know why but I can't help but feel really drawn to you right now, like you were pulling me in this entire time... Plus you smell like brownies and I love brownies...\"*She chuckled softly and then looked down, blushing a bit harder after saying something like that to him.*\n\n*Raven nodded as she watched him scratch the back of his head, and couldn't help but let out a little laugh at his joke, shaking her head and smiling brightly as she watched his grin grow. Eventually she huffed, before moving until her body was against him, her looking into his eyes as they dipped again. She then softly mumbled.*\"Sorry if I'm getting too close, you just... Smell really good...\"*She leaned upwards, her face really close to his now, lips only a few inches apart. Raven couldn't help but fill the insane urge to kiss him, but she didn't want to make that move, not yet anyways. If she were to kiss him, she wanted him to do it, but perhaps she wouldn't be so willing to wait for long.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake laughed at her little joke of being a monster. He highly doubted it, nor did he care. While she was conventionally very pretty, things like that no longer mattered to him. She had a stunning personality as far as he could tell, it no longer mattered what was on the outside to Blake.* \"You're stunning Raven, and I mean that. I mean, I've known you for all of maybe 30 minutes? But in that short time I can tell, you're a wonderful person; and more then just pretty\" *His words swam around them like a gentle breeze, his hands coming to rest ever so gently against her hips as she bridged that final gap between them. Normally he was motivated by his job to be with someone, but this felt different. He would chuckle at her comment about the brownies as his eyes flitted to hers. When she commented on his scent he would laugh again, a small warm hearted laugh as he could feel her breath tickle his lips* \"Would you believe me if I told you just how often I heard someone say that?\" *He jokes as his eyes drift down to her lips. Suddenly that was all he could think about. He wondered how they felt, how they tasted. He couldn't shake the thought no matter how hard he tried\n\n*After a moments hesitation he would lean forward, pressing his lips gently against hers. He didn't know how he ended up here but it felt right. It was light at first, barely a brush between them, but if she allowed it then soon after he would deepen the kiss. Pressing his lips firmly against hers as he closed his eyes. His hands at the same time would pull her waist against him, as if he was trying to close what little space there was between them. She would fill his senses, the library around them fading away to nothing as he focused on nothing but how she felt against him*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven shook her head, listening to all of his words about how pretty she was personality wise, and would smile a stupid, happy smile. His words struck her hard, making her feel a fluttery sensation in her stomach, as if buttlerflies were flying and hitting against the insides. She hummed as he placed his hands on her hips, and she'd say in a soft tone.*\"You don't really know me... Normally I'm not so open with other people, you just... I don't know. There's something about you that makes me want to talk, and it scares me just a bit...\"*She chuckled at his question, and shook her head, saying in a more joking tone.*\"Do you just roll around in freshly baked brownies whenever you're not around people?\"*She smiled a bit, before noticing his eyes drift down to her lips, and her blush returned with a vengeance when she looked into his eyes again.*\n\n*Raven gasped softly as he pressed his lips against hers, and her hands slid upwards, sliding up under his shirt across his chest as his hands grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him. She was happy, loving it, kissing him back with as much passion as she could manage. Her own lips tasted faintly of raspberry, with a hint of other sweet berries. Probably lipbalm or some similar thing. She didn't really know much of what to do next, the girl was a virgin after all, having very little experience with this sort of thing.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He chuckled at her questions softly. He had heard alot of this before, he wasn't entirely sure why his body did this to others but it was partially why he had been in the library in the first place. Somewhere in that book was his answer but something obviously took precedent. As he hands dipped under his shirt he would gasp softly against her lips, her hands felt so nice against his body. As she explored his chest she would most certainly end up finding another pair of piercings hidden to most. Besides that, underneath the shirt was a scape of lean muscle mass. He wasn't bulky and overly muscular by any means but he obviously took very good care of his body. He could feel himself slipping further into her clutches, his kiss becoming even more passionate as he flicked his tongue gently across her bottom lip, even going so far as to nip lightly. His hands would grip her hips gently, thumbs moving in gentle swipes as he pulled her against him. After a moment he would pull away, eyes hazy with what could only be described as lust*\n\n\"Fuck... You taste wonderful~\" *His ability ran absolutely rampant now, his words pouring over them like a waterfall. It was laden with sweet smells and a deep pressure. He would hook his thumbs very carefully into her waist band as he looked to her for permission. Even then he simply held her within reach, eyes scanning over every last inch of her clothed body. This felt strange, usually it was others who lusted over him, not the other way around. He would scan her face, looking for any signs of discomfort or anything that could show he was pushing too far* \"Gods your stunning...\"" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven's hand's continued exploring his body, before she finally started to take off his shirt, pulling it upwards, stopping just below his chin to hold the kiss, her keeping her eyes closed at the moment. She wasn't really surprised as she felt more of Blake's piercings. Raven knew that when someone had a lot of piercings on their face, a good majority of the time they'd have more further down. Although it wasn't a guarenteed. She didn't care however, all she cared about is how his body felt, a lean type of muscular, like a swimmer, something she really liked in her men, which was actually eprfect. She gasped slightly as his tongue came across her bottom lip, and she'd part them slightly, giving him access to push it inside, but panting as he pulled away just after she'd done that. She looked into his eyes, her gold eyes hazed over with her own lust, as well as glowing much more brightly, it seeming to not just be the lighting playing tricks. She smiled softly as she panted.*\n\n*Raven's blush deepened just a bit as he said she tasted wonderful, and she'd lean forward to kiss him again, holding it for a few seconds before pulling his shirt up and off of him fully, as she'd say in a soft tone.*\"Go ahead~\"*She grinned, feeling herself starting to moisten a large wet spot in her panties, the cloth getting stuck to her a bit from the wetness. Her hands started rubbing up and down his chest, before stopping and starting to just rub the piercings, assuming they were on his nipples, she'd gently rub the nipples at the same time. Raven giggled as she was called Stunning, and said.*\"Y-You're pretty hot yourself~\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He would smile, letting her pull his shirt away as it was very quickly disposed of. His skin would glisten with faintest layer of perspiration as he felt his body begin to heat up. His eyes would track back to hers, holding them as he admired the faint golden glow that they produced. At her affirmation he would return his hands back to her pants, gently pushing them down as he pressed his lips back to hers. This time with knowledge from before. She would be able to taste the sweet gin that he had been drinking before mixed with the slightest hint of dark chocolate. Carefully pushing his tongue past her lips, he would deepen the kiss further as he emitted a small gasp. This was in part due to how she played with his piercings and part the praise that left her lips moments prior to him kissing her once more. He would slide her jeans further down, not able to reach past her knees as he exposed her damp spot. His hands would slide back up, with one sliding to her lower back to prevent her from moving as the other would start at her stomach.*\n\n*As his tongue explored her mouth he would give a small noise of want, his fingers tracing the faintest line down her stomach. His hand would slide very gently between her thighs as he pressed his middle and ring fingers against her damp core. He would trace her folds gently before pressing down on her clit through the thin fabric, rubbing soft circles around it. He would then break away from the kiss, his lips lingering onle an inch away from hers as he spoke.* \"You're so wet~ is that all from me?\" *He questioned softly, his voice now a sultry tease. His voice had changed with his mood, providing them with a sense not too different then fresh silk sheets, warm and comforting while still holding a promise of the night to come.*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven's eyes glossed over his body, noticing the glistening, and feeling the small wetness against his skin as her hands continued slowly rubbing his nipples, before her hands came down and began to undo his pants, looking into his eyes for a moment, before her eyes trailed down to the man's pants. She huffed as she tasted the gin that he'd been drinking, not a fan of alcohol but not minding it too much. She kissed him back as she sucked gently on his tongue as it pushed past her lips and into her mouth. Raven huffed a bit as she started to push herself a bit more against him, her hands sliding down into his underwear if he was wearing any, if not, she just gently wrapped her hands around his cock. She obviously wasn't too experienced, but she was very gentle, and her hands were very soft as she began slowly stroking his cock up and down as she watched him pull down her pants, the wet spot growing as she grew more aroused then ever.*\n\n*Raven started to hold her breath as his fingers rubbed against her lower lips, feeling pleasure from his actions. Eventually she was forced to moan out loud into the kiss as he pressed down on her clitoris, and began rubbing around it. The Shapeshifter panted heavily as he pulled away from the kiss, and blushed heavily as she heard his voice and the gentle teasing of how wet she'd gotten from him. She softly said.*\"It's like you've got me under some kind of spell, I don't understand it~\"" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*He would pull away from her lips, a small groan escaping his as he feels her hands wrap around his hard cock. He would pull her underwear to the side as his digits slid back between her lower lips. He didn't hesitate a moment as he would sink his middle finger inside of her, curling it back toward him as he gave a small smile* \"God~ you're making such pretty noises for me~\" *He would drop his lips to her neck, peppering it in soft kisses as he used his free hand to pull her closer towards him. He would start to gently nip at the base of her neck as he started to gently pump his finger in and out of her, working her slowly. He had noticed her less experienced nature as another small grin came to his lips. He would slide back up to her ear, his voice dropping back into a soft whisper. \"Let me take care of you... Please~ something tells me you're not that used to this...\" \n\n*He would slowly pull back, just out of her reach. He would bring her over to the chair as he sat her down gently, slipping down to his knees, thus bringing them to eye level once more. He would place his hands gently against her thighs as he pushed her legs apart carefully, his lips dropping down to her inner thighs. He would start on the tops of them, nipping and kissing gently as he worked his way slowly closer to her core. It would become increasingly obvious what the goal of this was. He would look up to her as though he were asking for permission to continue*" }, { "author": "Raven", "message": "*Raven looked at him as she panted softly, her eyes still glowing that perfect golden colour, seeming to grow brighter the more aroused she became. She was starting to drip down onto his fingers as he slid her underwear to the side, and then pushed his middle finger inside of her. The curl he made managed to hit her g-spot in a perhaps planned, or perhaps lucky movement as she let out a surprised, loud moan of pleasure, before biting her lip and starting to blush even more as she looked away when he started talking about her \"Pretty\" Noises. Raven's body was extremely hot to the touch, and as his lips went further down, nipping at her and she'd started to stroke his member a bit more. She started to moan more consistently, managing to keep it much quieter, but it was happening incredibly often, every few movements of his fingers bringing one of those sweet sweet moans from her lips. She smiled and said softly.*\"You'd be my first~\"\n\n*She then gasped as he suddenly put her down into the chair, and moved down onto his knees between her thighs, and would open them wider to allow him better access, until he'd gotten closer to her core, after which she wrapped her legs around his head, and moved a hand into his hair, nodding to give him permission as Raven looked down at him with a small grin on her face.*" }, { "author": "Blake Constantine", "message": "*Blake was lost in her everything, from her scent to those perfect golden eyes. He would peek up at her comment on him being her first. He would give her a small, comforting smile as her legs would wrap around his head. In that short moment he would vow to himself that he would make this a memorable experience for her. In all honesty this was a more then common occurrence for him, and as such he intended to put all of his experience to good use. He would hook his hands gently over the tops of her thighs, digging his digits into her soft skin as he laid a few kisses over her soaked underwear. His lips would graze her sensitive core ever so slightly as her scent filled his senses. He would take a deep breath as he took one of his his hands, gently hooking it around the thin strip of fabric holding him and his prize apart. With a soft tug, he would grin as he took in the sight of her soaked pussy, a small smile making its way to his face as he leaned forward once more*\n\n*His lips would make contact first, pushing between her lower lips as he flicked his tongue over her clit. It was slow at first, he would gently lap his tongue over her folds, showing care to every inch of her core before narrowing in on her sensitive sweet spot. He would start by gently fluttering his tongue over it, providing her with consistent light pleasure. That was until he locked his lips around it, sucking gently as his tongue furiously worked her over. His body would shudder gently as her taste flooded his mouth, she was intoxicating.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "Sample: *Xeno walks into the arcade and looks for the woman he's supposed to hook up with. He checked the game room and cafe but couldn't seem to find her. Once he starts walking past the bathrooms, he notices a small piece of what looks like lace panties laying underneath the female bathroom door. He looks both ways and walks in and closes and locks the door behind him. He kneels down and says in a soft whisper*\n\n\"Hello, anyone here?\"" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "Sample: *Xeno walks into the arcade and looks for the woman he's supposed to hook up with. He checked the game room and cafe but...\n\n *Everyone in the arcade had just left, leaving only one person, maple! The owner of the arcade. She wasn't really that tired since all she did was watch others with no life play video games but it was none of her business so she didn't speak down on it much. Maple would then hear some type of voice coming from outside the employee's room, so she'd slowly walk out and noticed the male going inside the ladies room which was confusing at most, but once he closed the door behind him she'd then make her move and walked towards the ladies bathroom. Maple knocked. \"Hey, you okay in there?- you've went into the wrong bathroom..\" Maple asked waiting for an answer.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Xeno walks out of the bathroom with a blush as he looks at the owner of the arcade. His embarrassment was through the room. He didn't think much of it tho because his mind starts imagining fucking the busty goddess in front to him. He clears his throat and says* \"Y-yeah, I'm okay. I was trying to find someone but it appears she didn't show up...\"" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Xeno walks out of the bathroom with a blush as he looks at the owner of the arcade. His embarrassment was through the room. He ...\n\n *Maple watched the bathroom door slowly open, having a good look at the male that just walked out. Maple fixed her tool belt and the large white shirt she had on with some sweat pants on.. She didn't wear anything pretty or fancy though she was in an arcade so it made sense. Maple gave him an awkward smile now fixing her glasses and giving him a small pat on the back.*\n\n*\"Haha, no worries dude. The males bathroom is to your right.\"* \n\n*She said taking a small glance at the panties, which made her eyes widen slightly but she didn't say anything and just cleared her throat.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "\"Based on your reaction, I take it those are yours?~\" *Xeno picks uo the panties from the ground and holds them in his hand. The smooth lace fabric, stimulates his senses. He takes a deep breath as he can't believe he's about to do what he's about to do.*" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "\"Based on your reaction, I take it those are yours?~\" *Xeno picks uo the panties from the ground and holds them in his hand. The...\n\n *After hearing the words that came out of his mouth her nervous smile then faded into a frown. Her face reddened after he was holding it up out in the open, now kicking his leg as a reminder. \"Ugh!- give me those! Why do you have those out like that.\" She mumbled adding a small pout to her expression, maple held her hand out just so he could give her back maple's belongings.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Xeno grabs her hand and pulls her close. He whispers in her ear with a deep, sultry tone* \"Get into the bathroom and get on your knees and no one will know how much of a slut you are for leaving your panties on the ground for people to see.\"" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Xeno grabs her hand and pulls her close. He whispers in her ear with a deep, sultry tone* \"Get into the bathroom and get on you...\n\n *Once she was pulled closer to him her eyes would widen once again, confused on the whole situation she was in. His words were even more confusing, in fact she didn't have any intention on leaving her panties on the ground.. Though she was doing something she wasn't suppose to, which could've been done at home but it was too late. She'd give him a small smirk, and without any hesitation she'd use her free hand to gently grab onto the males member, squeezing onto it.*\n\n*\"Wow, you took one glance at me and now you can't keep it in your pants.. I wonder what went through your head.\"*\n\n*She said now having both of them slowly move backwards into the bathroom, waiting for his reaction.*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Xeno smirks as he squeezes her ass while she squeezes his 8 inch cock. He allows her to lead them into the bathroom and he locks the doors. He suddenly picks her up and pins her to the wall as he attacks her neck with kisses and bites, his cock rubbing against her clothed pussy*\n\n\"When I see something I want, I take it and right now I want you.\" *Xeno said as he looks into her eyes with his ice blue eyes*" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Xeno smirks as he squeezes her ass while she squeezes his 8 inch cock. He allows her to lead them into the bathroom and he lock...\n\n *The slight squeeze to her rear end would make her jolt slightly.. She didn't worry about it too much yet it did feel a little weird especially when she was grabbed from down below. After a minute of them two heading into the bathroom, she was now caught off guard from the sudden pick up- being surprised on how strong he is. The females eyes would squint from the sudden kisses and bites being placed onto her neck, she didn't have any reaction to it but it feel nice.*\n\n*Maple was feeling a bit heated from all around, now adjusting herself in the slightly uncomfortable position she was in. The feeling of his cock rubbing against her female area made her body shiver slightly, her glasses would slowly start to fall off her face but that didn't break the eye contact she had between the male. Maple was speechless and her face went even redder than before*" }, { "author": "Deleted User", "message": "*Xeno slowly takes off her glasses before he kisses her lips. His cock throbs with want as he slides his hand into her shirt and caresses her breasts. He puts her down and kneels down and takes off her pants and panties and buried his face in her crotch as he sucks on her clit*" } ]
[ { "author": "Cain", "message": "*Cain walked amongst the bright, flashing lights. He was taking a day off from his work and had decided to stop at a nearby arcade. He hadn't been to one of these in years. He walked through the technicolor aisles of machines, most occupied by assorted people of various ages. Cain wore a simple outfit consistent of dark jeans and a tight fitting muscle shirt. He had been wearing a dark red jacket before but he deposited it near the door. Cain finally stopped at a shooting game, a small smile creeping up on his lips. He would take out a few quarters, deposting them in the machine as he took the toy gun into his hands.*\n\n\"I wonder how accurate this thing is...\"\n\n*He mutters to himself as he presses it to his shoulder, taking a perfect shooting stance. The countdown would finish and Cain was off too the races. The machine pinged and whirled with each of his successful shots. Soon he had racked up a pretty impressive score, setting a new record on the machine*" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Standing 5'6 was a dark-skinned female only wearing a large white shirt with only short shorts under it. She was in the employee's room, rummaging through her backpack and trying to figure out what type of candy wanted, in which she chose the lollipop. Maple would unwrap the candy from its wrapper and then placed it right in between her lips, sliding it into her mouth. After doing all that maple would then walk out of the employees room just to check on the few people that were up and about with the machines they chose, making sure they weren't messing up anything or there was no concerns or problems. Maple let out a soft sigh and grabbed her belt with the tools she needed to fix the broken machine that was right beside the male playing some type of shooting game, she'd wrap the belt around her and buckled it now walking towards the broken machine.*\n\n*\"Excuseee me.\"*\n\n*The female said whilst squatting down and continuing what she was doing last time with the machine, trying to figure out what was wrong with it and fixing it.*" }, { "author": "kingofthecryptids", "message": "*Cain appeared to be in his own world, casually racking up tickets like it was nothing. The machine continued to ping and whirl as it pumped out tickets until he was finally broken away from his trance. With his streak lost he would sigh and give a small chuckle, looking at the pile of tickets that were scattered around his feet. He would disconnect them from the machine before bundling them up carefully in a small coil. He would move out of the way eyeing the woman carefully*\n\n\"Damn I was just about to beat my highscore too...\"\n\n*He sighed slightly as the leaderboard flashed across the screen. Every name in the top ten revealed the exact same 4 letter name \"Cain\". He would watch the girl work in an intrigued fashion. Catching a few glimpses of her work* \n\n\"Do you work here miss?\"" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Cain appeared to be in his own world, casually racking up tickets like it was nothing. The machine continued to ping and whirl ...\n\n*She wasn't really focused on the male who had moved out of the way, in fact she was more focused on getting these wires together which would be difficult for other people, but her she had it all planned. Once she heard his voice, maple couldn't help but to take a small glance at him, but then quickly looked back down at the wires, having them fixed already. Maple closed the machine, but as soon as she was about to plug it up, she'd hear his voice again asking if she worked here.*\n\n*\"I guess you could say that, but I'm the owner of this place.\"*\n\n*Maple said with a unique and boring voice. She plugged in the machine in which it finally turned on after months, now standing up slowly and dusting herself off. Maple looked over at his high score and gave him a small smirk.*\n\n*\"Sweet, you've beat everybody but me.. Are you new?.\" Maple said adding some flex into her words, but then questioned him after.*" }, { "author": "kingofthecryptids", "message": "*He watched her carefully, enjoying the precision she uses as she worked on the machine. As she speaks to him a small smirk would make its way to his lips as he looked at the scoreboard. His score previous only just shy of hers. He would lean forward as they now stood face to face. His eyes danced playfully over her figure, sizing her up in more ways then one as he stepped aside, revealing the second gun to the machine intended for multiplayer*\n\n\"Last time I went to an arcade was probably close to thirty years ago... So I thought I'd have a little fun today.\"\n\n*He had a playful smile plastered on his face. His statement would probably seem odd as he couldn't possibly be more then 26 based off looks alone. He would make a motion towards the second blaster with a slight chuckle*\n\n\"Well of you're the owner then how should I know you're not rigging the scores? Sounds awfully suspicious to me... Care to show me how it's done then?\"" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*He watched her carefully, enjoying the precision she uses as she worked on the machine. As she speaks to him a small smirk woul...\n\n *Maple would grab the clean rag from off her belt and cleaned her hands as they were dirty from the dusty wires she was fixing up. Her eyebrows would then perk up suddenly, seeing that he was making extra room that was probably for her, but then after a minute of thinking her eyes would widen slightly from what the male had said. It seemed like he was here more than she was but at that she had more experience in games, being really good at it since of course she's been here playing arcade games since she was 15.. Up and till now she still plays.*\n\n*Maple didn't comment on it and would just continue cleaning off her fingers, making sure they were clean before she touched anything. The female would let out a soft sigh then gave the male a small smile seeing that he wanted to challenge her, in which she didn't mind seeing that she wasn't so busy and the arcade was quite empty during these hours.*\n\n*\"Rigging the scores.. You're funny. If you want to play against me just say that... But I'll let you know that I'm a god at this game.\"*\n\n*Maple said with lots of confidence, adding in a small chuckle. Maple looked around to see if she had anything else to fix or do, and once she did that she'd turn to the blaster, now picking it up with both her hands now making sure she was ready. It's been a while since she had played this game so she had small doubts that she was ever going to win, but that didn't bother her.. In fact she just wanted to have fun. Maple would then wait for the male to start making his move.*" }, { "author": "Cain", "message": "*Cain watched as she meticulously cleaned her hands, following her every movement as she made her way up beside him. As she grabbed the blaster Cain would smile slightly regarding her comment. His eyes would be alight with playful intensity as he leaned in slightly, his voice hushed to where only the two of then could hear. His shoulder would bump against hers for all of a moment as he lined up his the cursor with the \"Start game\" Button*\n\n\"Oh I'm sure you are... So how abouts we make this game a little more fun~\"\n\n*His voice was a bit more of a teasing nature now, dropping down as he started the game, allowing the long prep time to run its course as he spoke. He took a lazy stance as he inhaled a few deep breaths. He would look around seeing that most of the patrons of the arcade had already begun to filter out*\n\n\"How about we make a little wager? You get something if you win, and I get something if I win?\"" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Her eyes would now focus on the game in front of her, waiting for it to start as she was getting into her small position, meaning she was ready to start playing. She would also align herself as well and as he started talking her eyes would run over to him, just to take a good look at the male and see what he was doing at the right now, then quickly looked away after a few seconds.*\n\n*Maple ignored what he had sad and just gave him a small eye roll in response, staying quiet and focused on the machine in front of her. Then after a minute of waiting she'd hear his voice again.. Which made her tilt her head a little and think. It wouldn't hurt to accept it, although knowing she'd probably win, maple would have him clean around the arcade with her. The thought of that made her smile slightly. Instead of talking maple just nodded her head and went back to staring at the game, now getting all locked in.*" }, { "author": "Cain", "message": "*Cain would watch her, waiting for her response as he assumed his position. She would nod at him which was as good an answer as any. With a cocky grin he would focus up on the screen as the game started its countdown from ten. He would take a deep breath, inhaling from his nose before exhaling through his mouth. He wasn't necessarily set on winning, but he sure was competitive enough to try. As the machine hit half count Cain would lock in, his stance becoming rigid as it seemed like every muscle in his body engaged at once. He only looked over for all of a second to give her another once over with a smirk, if he did win he knew exactly what his conditions would be.*\n\n*The game would spring to life as targets began appearing on the large screen. Cain would snap to attention as he began firing, each shot was timed with pin point accuracy. It became apparent that he had an experience handling something just a little more real then the blaster in his hand*" }, { "author": "Maplee", "message": "*Not really being into the game she didn't really care if she lost or won at this point, nor was she at least competitive at all. All she wanted to do was take a break from doing all the cleaning and fixing up, wanting to at least play some games with other people.. Just to boost her energy up since she was on the urge of falling asleep & slacking off earlier. The countdown had her excited already but didn't show any emotion or facial expression too it, though it probably would've been nice if she had a \"I don't care\" Look on her face just to show him happy she was to start playing games with other people again.*\n\n*As the countdown started finishing up, as she also started firing, not missing any shot since she had played this a couple of times already.. But it's been a while so she was a bit rusty missing a couple of shots as the game continued. Her eyebrow would perk everytime she had missed, now becoming more and more confused and competitive. She wasn't focused on anything around her nor did she even take a small look at the male.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Candy the Streamer", "message": "**Candy was slowly walking around the mall, stopping by almost every shop that she could see, buying herself some more clothes, sweets, boots and toys, sex toys to be exact. After handing her bags to the person that will carry them to her house she felt rather tired for any more shopping, café break it is!**\n\n**Her eyes lid up seeing the new menu, ordering quite a hefty amount of cakes and sweet drinks, paying with her luxurious credit card before looking around to find a place to sit at.**\n\nIt's pretty empty~ I'll just find someone worth my time, perhaps that sleeper over there, what's he doing taking a nap in a coffee shop.\n\n**She waddled over to his table, sitting onto the chair in front of him, watching his cute body relax and sleep, just before her cakes came to the table, well more like they were delivered by the waiter.**\n\n**Poke poke.** Wake up fox, it's no nap time." }, { "author": "Rui", "message": "***Rui was sleeping on the table in peace, breathing slowly, and making small, yet very endearing fox squeaks from time to time, as if he was dreaming of something very nice. Also the tip of his tongue is sticking out, which looked adorable, and also very silly. He stirs a bit in his sleep, but doesn't wake up just jet, instead he lazily scratches the area where Candy nudged him, and goes back to the position he was in, lying on his arms on the table, looking very comfy, and cozy in the silent corner of the café. Rui then begins mumbling out something in his dreams.***\n\n\"Just... A minute mommy...\"\n\n***His sleepy voice sound kinda tired, and it's obvious that he's just very tired after his job, or he might be just a sleepy little goober.***\n\n***He then smells the a sweet scent lingering in the air, and raised his head a bit, and begins whiffing the air, being very curious about what it might be. His ears flop once, and he opens his eyes slowly, and licks his lips a couple of times, feeling apetized from the smell he's feeling. After he opens his eyes, he shakes his head in order to stir awake, and it seems to work very well. He begins curiously looking around with his head, his tail makes a small wiggle, and he finally notices Candy sitting in front of him. He then sneezes cutely, and clears his throat.***\n\"H-Hoi.. Whatcha doin' here..? Did i fall asleep..? Again...?\"" }, { "author": "Candy the Streamer", "message": "Oh finally you're awake, yes you were sleeping, and sleep talking, you called me... Mommy if I'm not mistaken, how strange, I'm not your mother but hey, whatever floats your boat they say.\n\n**She looked at him with a strange look on her face, explaining what happened while picking up a small fork for her first dessert, a chocolate cake with whipped cream and some strawberry marmalade. It looked quite delicious, and judging by her face and reaction, I was one of more amazing cakes to come.**\n\nOrder some food fox boy, I'm treating you for some today, you look interesting enough for me. Please call me however you would like to but my name is Candy.\n\n**She finished her cake, heading for the second one, a strawberry and raspberry cake, with some cut blueberries on top and even more whipped cream, and a small biscuit as a side. When the first piece of it entered her mouth she closed her eyes, very much enjoying the strong, sweet taste of it, meanwhile watching you order some things, Stil waiting for her drinks to be delivered. She think she ordered some bubble tea? Or maybe was it hot cocoa, no no... It's too warm for that, it must have been the sweet tea with bubbles, how delicious. Finally it arrived once her second piece of cake was finished, only one more to go, a big chunk of pumpkin pie, with an excessive amount of cream on it.**\n\nDeeelish, what did you order my fox pet? Perhaps servant even, well I'm the one paying so I make the rules." }, { "author": "Rui", "message": "***Rui tilts his head to the side in a confused, yet very curious way, he has no idea whatsoever on why did a pretty girl decided to take a seat infront of him, and disturb his peaceful slumber, all out of blue. When he sees Candy devouring all sorts, ans kinds of sweets, and cakes, his fox instincts kick in, and his pupils go wide, and look like as if they were saying \"I want some, can i have some? Me want, me hungry.\". He licks his lips a lotz trying to contain himself, but then snaps back from the trance, and begins looking away shyly. His body doesn't cooperate, and he begins making soft foxy whines, really wanting something yummy to please his hungry tastebuds. He speaks up with a bit shaky, and nervous tone.***\n\n\"S-Sorry for the noises.. I-I can't control them sometimes... Kemonomimi are just.. Just built different, okay..?\"\n\n***He then turns his head towards her, but still looking down, trying to overcome his shyness, which makes him look oh-so adorable. He speaks up with a murmurish, and very quiet voice.***\n\n\"And.. I would really like a piece of the golden dew cheesecake.. I-if it's not a problem... Of course..\"\n\n***He then looks at her, hoping to get a second to peek when she's not looking at him, but to his unluck, he looked at her right when she was looking right at him, which causes his cheeks to light up with a hot-pink color blush. He also sees how pretty, and absolutely magnificient she is.***" }, { "author": "Candy the Streamer", "message": "Not a problem at all sweetie, golden dew cheesecake it is!\n\n**She kept looking at him, staring right into his eyes as he kept jittering and blushing, making all sorts of sounds and whimpers, just like a fox. Once finally the cake arrived, she finished the rest that she had ordered and reached into her purse for something, while to fox started to devour the cake with ease. She whipped out her pretty pink lipstick, and a small pocket mirror in the shape of a circle so that she could apply her makeup easier and without messing up.**\n\nLooks like you're quite enjoying it are you. I'm glad you like it, feel free to order some more, I'll be paying for you today.\n\n**She smiled and began putting on the lipstick, with some light struggles she finished, and tested in on a paper tissue, it worked like magic! With ease she left a mark on it and hid her pocket mirror and lipstick back into her purse, pulling out her phone to browse her socials, taking a few pictures of herself and the food eaten, posting it to the web for her followers.**\n\nDo you like it?" }, { "author": "Rui", "message": "***A small smile appears on his cute face, and the blush on his cheeks spreads even more. His tail begins wiggling a bit more, which is a sign of him getting excited to get some delicious treats, from a total stranger. Despite knowing eachother for just a couple of minutes, Rui feels very attracted towards the girl, because she's treating him so nice, and he has no idea why.***\n\n***Just a moment later, a waiter server him his desired cheesecake. Rui sniffs the cake first, wanting to feel the sweetness in the air lets out a small squeak of appreciation while smiling, after that he grabs a fork, chops off a small piece ofthe cake, and eats it off of his fork. He then feels the delightful taste of the soft foam, lets out a very happy fox squeal, and begins eating faster, and faster, until the plate is empty, just with some crumbs left on it. Rui then speaks up, with a calm, and soft voice.***\n\n\"Hahh... It was delicious! Thanks a lot! I have to admit, you're very nice to me, and i really like that. Although.. Is there anything I can do to repay you?\" \n\n***Rui tilts head to the left a bit, in a curious way, and looks at Candy, as if he was inspecting her, or studying her.***" }, { "author": "Candy the Streamer", "message": "Oh please, you don't have to repay me at all! You're so cute that it makes up for it sweetie! How about you order a few more cakes, do two mor pieces of golden dew cheesecake sound good?\n\n**She ordered two more pieces of the golden dew cheesecake for him, smiling at the waiter while turning back at you, inspecting your whole body with her eyes, looking at those fluffy ears, waiting for the other cakes to arrive so that she could watch you eat them again.**\n\nSo? How do you like me cutie? Would you like something to drink for example? Maybe some bubble tea, or warm chocolate, or tea? Coffee, anything you'd like to! I'm just feeling generous today, heh.\n\n**Finally the other two cakes arrived, she took a small bite from them, leaving a bit of lipstick there, then giving the two cars back to him, getting ready to watch him mumble and whimper while filling his belly.**\n\n**She continued using her phone again, taking another pic of herself, even a spicier pic from her back, as her tail waved at the camera, those are only for her supporters tho! But not much was shown, only a skirt and a well shaped booty with a tail wagging around.**" }, { "author": "Rui", "message": "\"Ah! That's amazing! Thanks so much, you are the best!\"\n***He begins excitedly bouncing his legs up and down under the table, and makes a lot of funny fox squeaks. Deep inside he wants to just jump at her, and shower her with passionate cuddles, as well as nuzzles, and maybe even licks on the cheeks. His tail swishes non stop, and it's now difficult for him to contain his excitement.***\n\n\"I really like you, I never met anyone as nice, and as caring as you, and I'm really grateful for keeping me company, hehe~!\"\n\n***As Candy's eyes dart over his body, Rui seems to have realized that he piqued her interest and is very intrigued by him , just as if she found him attractive. Rui then places both of his hands on the table, and straightens up his position, and leans further towards her on the table., when hearing Candy mentioning bubble tea.***\n\n\"Oh! Yes! Bubble tea, pleeeease~!\"\n\n***When the waiter finally places the plate with more cheesecakes on it, Rui lets takes a breathe in, and makes an adorable, and quiet woof sound. He keeps the leaning position, while tapping his hands on the table for a second, and his entire literally body shivering with excitement. He watches patiently, and a bit more calmly as Candy bites both slices of cakes, which causes his ears to twitch, and make a cute flop. Seeing some of her lipstick on the cakes, Rui remains in the same funny, and silly position, which also gives him a chance to see her tail swaying, and the curve of her hips, and ass, which rests behind her skirt. Rui's ears perk up, nad he opens his mouth a bit, which is a sign of being turned on in 'that' way, when Candy takes a pick of her sexy behind, in order to post it on social media.***" }, { "author": "Candy the Streamer", "message": "What are you staring at, go eat your cheesecake, I have to keep my socials active. Sure I'll order you some boba too.\n\n**She ordered him bubble tea while watching him eat the cake cutely, wagging his tail. Meanwhile she kept texting fans and sponsors on her phone, trying to make a few hundred cheeky dollars, sending a few more spicy pictures, while sipping her own boba, giving the fox the second one that just arrived.**\n\nIs it good? Would you like anything else sweetie?\n\n**She recorded a short voice note for a different fan, a bit of an asmr, since she had a top tier phone her microphone was near perfect, it was literally the best phone on the market currently sold. With ease it had cameras that could make movie. No wonder it was only for the rich, with its price in the 5th digits, only a handful of people could afford it.**\n\nHey, fox boy... Do you know me or not? I'm a streamer\n\n**She liked asking people these types of questions, since she is super popular, most of other knew her very well and acted differently around her, which intrigued her since the fox boy seems to act totally normally, like he never heard of her.**" }, { "author": "Rui", "message": "***Rui then snaps back from his trance, closes his mouth, sits back down, and begins eating more of the delicious cake, tasting the peeking at Candy while doing so, being curious about what she's doing on her phone, and who may she be texting with. Rui purrs calmly while eating, and his tail is now moving in a more smooth, and almost arousing way. Without much time passing he finishes eating the cake, now feeling quite stuffed, and making a relaxed smile, but springs back to life when his booba tea comes. He pierces the lid with the straw, and begins sipping on it, but stops to answer her question.***\n\n\"Nyo, thank you.. I'm already full.. Hehe~!\"\n\n***He gives her a sweet smile, and resumes drinking the booba tea, which he clearly is really enjoying, and that could be told by the way his eyes sparkle. Yet again, he makes a pause when he hears that Candy is speaking to her phone, recording a voice message to someone. Rui's mouth opens slightly when hearing the beautiful voice that Candy has, and is honestly quite mesmerized by it. He sits quietly, while calmly observing her her, and he can't help but stare at her, and get charmed by how cute, and pretty she is, but also notices how big her boobs are, and a lot of lewd thoughts flood his mind.***\n\n\"Wow.. So beautiful...\"\n\n***It seems like Rui didn't really listen to her asking him a question, because he got dazed, and almost hypnotized by the way her chest jiggles, with even the slightest move she does. Rui's pupils widen, which only confirms that Candy's charm is working on him, and he also begins drooling a little bit, in a way that makes him look even more cute, and very charming, when combined with his soft purrs, and his shiny silver eyes, with wide, glittery-black pupils, when imagining Candy and himself holding hands, and giving each other cuddles, but also a thought of lying his head on her breasts, as if they were a pillow crosses his mind.***\n\n\"This.. Is this a dream..? W-Wait.. Uh oh...\"\n\n***Rui then quickly wipes his slobber off of his lower lip, and looks away, pretending that the whole thing with him drifting away, and letting his imagination go wild didn't happen at all, which is already too late, because Candy saw it all. Rui's entire face flushes with hot-pink colour blush, and he covers his face up with his hands, thinking that Candy would get disguisted, or creeped out by him.***\n\n\"P-Please forgive me... I-I just.. You.. You are just very pretty, and- and.. Oh.. And no.. I honestly see you for the first time ever..\"" } ]
[ { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Oh and I'm glad about that you hot specimen~\n\n*The spank did catch her off guard, but it certainly didn't feel unpleasant. Once they entered their room, she started to giggle louder until she was suddenly on the bed, biting her lower lip while watching him closely.*\n\nIt certainly is, but what to test first? I'm sure there are many aspects we need to cover right~?" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "Oh and I'm glad about that you hot specimen~ *The spank did catch her off guard, but it certainly didn't feel unpleasant. Once ...\n\n As many, as you want to cover. I'm all yours \n\n*He said walking over to the bed pulling her to the edge as his cock would be in her face. One of his hands would move up rubbing her cheek as he looked into her eyes*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*She licked her lips in anticipation. He looked so delicious and so big she just needed to give it a lick. One of her hands wrapped around his base, giving her somewhat stability.*\n\nFirst, I think I must check how reactive and cooperative you can be. \n\n*She peeked through her lashes and looked at him. Without breaking eye contact, she gave his tip a soft kiss and then a long lick.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He chuckled softly as his hand moved into her hair holding it back his eyes staying stuck on hers. His cock slowly growing erect as she kissed and licked it. His member growing thicker as he grew erect* \n\nDo as you must, I'm yours to test." }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Hmmm~ Oh, I will~\n\n*She took his tip into her mouth and gave it a light suck before taking him deep into her mouth, and then back up.*\n\nMmmhh~ Not bad. Say, how sensitive are you around your balls?" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "As sensitive as most i would say \n\n*He mumbled out biting his lip. His hand still holding her hair back as he kept his eyes on her. He wasn't expecting her to take him deep into her mouth so quickly, so that caught him off guard*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Are you now? Then how about this?\n\n*She started to suck his member again, using one hand to stroke him while her other hand caressed his balls lightly. One second, he was deep in her throat, and the other she took her time to lick his tip.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "Are you now? Then how about this? *She started to suck his member again, using one hand to stroke him while her other hand care...\n\n *He would groan as she took him down her throat before pulling on her hair as she licked his tip. His member twitching with each moment. His balls resting in her hand before he bit his lip.* \n\nYou're lucky you're running the tests, and I'm obliging your questions. \n\n*He said with a smirk before loosening his grip on her hair. His emerald eyes remained on her showing kindness*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*With a hum and his cock deep in her throat, she just looked at him. He was being nice, huh? This wouldn't do. She pulled back, leaving a saliva train between his tip and her mouth.*\n\nOh? As you can see, I can handle quite a lot. We obviously need realistic evidence and results. So, please, be just as usual." }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*A small smirk appeared in his face as he heard her words. He would grab her hair pulling her back onto his cock. He would begin to thrust slowly into her mouth picking up pace before pushing down her throat with his thrusts* \n\nYou did want this so you can't get upset with me." }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*His sudden movements did surprise her, but it wasn't unwelcome. Instead, she moaned when he picked up the pace. How lucky she was for having no gag reflex. That indeed came in handy. Her hands wrapped around his hips to give her some support. All she could do now was to enjoy the ride, feeling herself get wetter while her mouth was used to help him get off.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He continued his thrusts down her throat he made sure he wasn't too rough on her, because he wanted to hear how loud she could get. His hand pulled her hair as he pulled his cock from her throat letting her breathe while he looked down at her* \n\nJust cum whenever?" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*His pace was sure something. His cock left her mouth with a loud pop, leaving his musky taste on her tongue. She took a few seconds to breathe before answering.*\n\nMhm~ I can handle it deep~\n\n*She licked her lips, savoring the taste on her lips.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "Alright, deep it is \n\n*He said before pulling her back onto his cock. He would pull her head fully down his cock as he thrusted. Her throat felt amazing to him as he bit his lip stifling some groans. After a little his cock would begin to throb in her throat. He would pull her fully down to the base as he released his large thick load directly down her throat*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Her eyes stayed fixated on him while he fucked her throat deeply. All of this felt so fucking good. She could feel her pussy overflowing with her juices, making her panties so damn wet. Even more when she felt him throb in her throat. Her nails dug themselves into his cheeks as he emptied his load deep into her throat. She swallowed all of it and slowly went up again once he stopped throbbing, leaving his cock clean. She opened her mouth and stretched out her tongue to show him that she swallowed everything.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "That's a good girl, you know not to make a mess \n\n*He said with a chuckle as his cock was still erect as he looked at her. He would reach down grabbing her chin pulling her to her feet in front of him. His height difference making him look almost straight down at her, while his cock pressed against her*\n\nWhat test is next?" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*She panted heavily, clearly aroused by the situation. His taste still lingered on her tongue, which made her pussy clench in need. As he pulled her up, she pressed her legs together. Her need for him was getting stronger and stronger, especially with his cock pressing against her.*\n\nHmmm, I think need to test how well your mouth functions next~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He smiled and lifted her up before setting her on the table in the room his eyes gazing at her body before he smirked*\n\nWant to keep your clothes in one piece, or can I rip them off?" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Well, it depends. Do you want to have fun or just get to the point?" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "That's why I'm asking my dear, and also so you have something to wear when we are done \n\n*He said as one of his hands moved up grabbing her throat pulling her into a heated, passionate kiss. He would move closer to her slowly till he was standing right in front of her as he kept her on the table*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "I don't mind walking out here naked~\n\n*She said as his hand wandered toward her throat. The kiss was all-consuming, making her moan at how intense it felt. All of her moans were drowned by his tongue in her mouth. She clung onto him for dear life.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He would smile at her words before breaking away from the kiss, saliva string between their lips as he moved a hand down. He hooked a singular finger into the collar only to jerk his hand tearing her shirt open.* \n\nDon't worry you can wear my shirt out of here" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Her tits jiggled slightly at her shirt being torn open. She bit her lips while watching him do it.*\n\nOnly if you give me a good reason to wear a shirt" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "If you want to walk out nude in front of everyone I won't stop you. \n\n*He said as his finger continued to go down to her pants. He would smirk and kneel down in front of her. He looked up at her as his hands tenderly rubbed her thighs before squeezing as he tore open her pants.*\n\nYou wanted to test my mouth skills correct?" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Her breath hitched when he squeezed and caressed her thighs. She would keep the picture of him kneeling in front of her in her mind. A squeal left her mouth when he tore her pants open.*\n\nOh, that I do~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "I must oblige since you are running the tests. \n\n*He said calmly as he leaned his head close tenderly kissing her inner thigh as his hands tenderly brushed his fingertips up and down her legs. His breath leaving him and cascading over her skin in a steady rhythm as he wanted her to see his full potential*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*She bit her lower lip while watching him kiss her thighs. Her breath was much more audible, with an occasional shiver going down her spine as he left his kisses on her lower body.* \n\nFuck~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*His kisses slowly moved up her thigh before transitioning to gentle bites. His lips grazed across her skin ever so gently before he reached one of hands up. He would put it between her breasts forcing her to lay back. His other hand moved and pulled away her panties before his lips brushed against her folds. His breath blowing against her like a gentle breeze as he took in her scent with a smirk*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Oh, fuck- You sure know how to go down~\n\n*She panted heavily as he gently bit her and slowly moved up her thighs, nearing her hot core. Her eyes followed his movements closely. All of this felt like torture to her, but the especially sweet kind.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He smiled and slowly licked up her folds as his hands moved to rest on her hips. He pushed his face into her as he began to lick and eat her out. His tongue tenderly flicked around in a small pattern, as her taste washed over his tongue.*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*A shudder of pleasure rolled down her body. Her hand went down to his head, grabbing his hair for support. It felt incredible to have his tongue so near to her core.*\n\nAh~ Fuck-" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He smiled feeling her shudder, when she pulled his hair he pushed his tongue inside her. He would let out a low growl sending vibrations throughout her womanhood as his tongue flicked around inside her. His hands slowly moved up grabbing her breasts squeezing them teasingly*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Without actually noticing it, she started to pull his hair stronger, throwing back her head. There wasn't exactly a need to say how hot his actions were, especially how good they made her feel. She could already feel how the pleasure started to pool in her lower stomach area. If this continued, she'd be gone in a mere matter of seconds.*\n\nMmmhh~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He would continue to swirl his tongue around inside her as he began to let out low deep growls Into her as he ate her out. His hands would continue to squeeze her breasts, before slowly teasing her nipples by pinching and pulling them*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*All she could see were stars, and it felt like the whole world had come to a stop. Obviously, that had not been the case, but her pussy told her otherwise. Her pussy felt so good, and the vibration of his growls just intensified the sensation. She was close. She could feel it.*\n\nAhh- Oh fuck~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He slid his tongue in and out of her pussy licking her folds along with her inner walls. Deep growls leaving him as he took in her taste. His hands continued to pinch her nipples and massage her breasts*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Everything inside her felt like erupting. Her breaths got more shallow and so fast-paced it was clear that she could cum at any given moment. This test was definitely a lot of fun.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*As he twirled his tongue around inside her, one of his hands moved down and slowly slid a finger in. He slowly began fingering her as he ate her out. His other hand continued to massage her breast tenderly*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Her head was spinning. Everything inside of her was desperate for release, and she was sure that it would come soon. She was breathing heavily when he just moved his tongue, but when he began fingering her, everything in her body felt like falling apart. She erupted, cumming so hard she felt her whole body go limp.*\n\nFuuuuuuck~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*As she came he would smirk and continue to finger her while eating her out. He wasn't going to stop till she said the test was done. His hand moving gradually quicker fingering her as he let out a deep growl into her, his tongue flicking around in her pussy taking in a much of her taste as he could*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Her pussy was still very sensitive after cumming mere seconds ago, so him finger fucking her while he continued to eat her out made her whole back arch. If he continued to pleasure her like this, he might end up witnessing how she'd cum harder than before. And much messier.*\n\nAhhhh- Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He brought his other hand down from her breast as he rubbed her clit. His hand continued moving quickly fingering her faster as he swirled his tongue around inside her. He would continue to let out deep low growls as he did all this*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Ahhhh- Something's coming- Please, please- I don't- Oh, fuuuuucccckkkkk~\n\n*She didn't know what came over her body. It felt like everything inside would explode any second, and then it did. Something inside her just snapped, and her mind went blank. She let go of everything and came harder than before.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He slowed his actions but didn't stop till a few minutes later as he stood up looking down at her on the table. His hands slowly moved from where they were and up her body tenderly caressing each curve.* \n\nIs that the end of the oral exam? \n\n*He would ask as he leaned down close to her only tenderly leaving gentle and soft kisses over her breasts and neck*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Oh, they were definitely done with oral exams. She could barely feel her legs anymore after what he did to her with his tongue. It had felt great, sure, but now she had legs made out of jelly and the need to be filled and stretched.*\n\nMmmhmmm~ We're done with those. I think I need to know how good your endurance is now~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He would let out a deep gutteral growl near her ear as he stood up straight. He grabbed his erect cock and placed it onto her, letting her feel his size compared to her before pulling his hips back. He would grab her hips as he slowly pushed into her, each inch slowly entering and stretching her around him* \n\nWith pleasure~" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Being stretched felt so good. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer into her core. Once he was fully inside her, she panted heavily, clenching her pussy at the sight of him filling her.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*When she pulled him in he would groan as the rest of his length would be forced into her. He held her hips before smirking as he began to thrust at a teasingly slow pace wanting to see her reaction. His hands moved to her breasts squeezing one in each hand trying to bring her as much pleasure as he could. He bit his lip feeling her wrapped around his length squeezing him. He would groan out softly not knowing how to react*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*She closed her eyes to savor the feeling of being filled to the brim. Fuck, he even reached her uterus. Instead of moving at a pleasurable pace, he stayed slow. It was very clear that he was teasing her, but she wouldn't have that. He wanted to tease her when she needed him to fuck her silly? Fine, but only under her conditions. One of her hands reached down to her sensible nub and started to massage it. If he wanted to play unfairly, she would do worse.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He smiled down at her before grabbing her hands pinning them over her head. His eyes would look down meeting hers as he began to slowly thrust quicker into her. He leaned down kissing her neck tenderly before moving his head up close to her ear* \n\nI want to hear you beg for it, can you be a good girl and do that for me? \n\n*He whispered out in a low growl into her ear before sitting up as he thrusted a few rough times into her*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*With her hands now pinned above her, all she could do was watch him. Oh, he surely liked to dominate her. She groaned at him thrusting into her roughly. Fuck. It felt good, but it wasn't as fulfilling as she wanted it to be. Sure, it felt great but she needed more than just great. She needed mind-blowing. And she'd beg for it if needed.*\n\nFuck- I thought I'm the one testing and now I have to beg?" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He smirked down at her before kissing her deeply. His hands released hers before grabbing her legs lifting her hips. In this new position his thrusts would reach deeper inside of her as he didn't know if she wanted him to go all out. His thrusts remained rhythmic and rough. His hands squeezing her thighs tightly not letting her move away* \n\nIt helps if you tell me how you want it, whether it's slow and sensual or rough and animalistic\n\n*He groaned out between his thrusts as he pulled away from the kiss biting her lip tenderly*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Now that her hips were lifted, his dick reached deeper than before, basically kissing her uterus whenever he thrust into her. Each of her noises was drowned in his kisses. Her mind was racing. It felt so good, but she needed more than just that. She whined when he ended the kiss, missing the sensation of his lips on hers and his tongue against hers.*\n\nThat's it! I need you to fuck my brain out, you hear me? Turn me around and take me so hard that I'll see stars." }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "\"Yes madame\"\n\n*He said with a smirk before sitting up and slowly pulling out of her. Once he pulled out fully he grabbed her hips flipping her onto her stomach. Before she could adjust he would thrust his cock fully inside her, his hips slamming against her ass as he put a hand on her back pinning her down. His thrusts became erratic and harsh, deep low growls leaving him with each thrust*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Ah-\n\n*Before she could actually register what was happening, he had turned her around and started to fuck the hell out of her. All she could do now was scream her lungs out. Fuck, this felt so good. So good even she could feel how her mouth formed an o-shape. Her uterus basically screamed out in happiness that he kissed its entrance whenever he was fully in her. This felt like utter bliss.*\n\nFuuuuuuuuckkkkk~ My ass- I want you to- Fuck- to spank it~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He put one hand on her back pinning her to the table. His thrusts remained rough and deep into her. His free hand would move squeezing her ass before leaving sharp slaps. He would remain to be letting out deep low growls as he felt his length sliding in and out of her* \n\nSo fu- fucking good madame. \n\n*He would moan as his fingers gently dug into her back slightly keeping her there*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*The spanking slowly but surely drove her to her sweet death. All of this, actually. His pace, his rough motions, his hands on her thick ass. Her mind started to tingle in every way possible.*\n\nThis feels so good~ Don't stop- Please don't stop~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He bit his lip as he put his hands on either side of her. Now leaning over her his thrusts became rougher and quicker as he didn't plan on stopping till she begged him to* \n\nTake it, take it all like you should \n\n*He growled out softly as one of his hands moved and spanked her ass harshly*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Fuuuuuck- I will~ I promise I will~\n\n*Her breath was out of control. All of the sensation slowly drove her over the edge, but it was way too good. She didn't want it to end too soon, but her body was having a mind of its own. Suddenly, her whole body felt like floating and then everything inside her just spasmed.*" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*His rough quick thrusts didn't slow down or cease as he kept his hand on her lower back. His member slamming deep into her with out remorse. His deep low growls continuing to rumble from within him* \n\nWho's a good girl? \n\n*He groaned out as he gritted his teeth. His other hand moving to spank her ass leaving a distinct handprint as he continued his thrusts*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Despite her cumming he kept on thrusting into her overly sensitive pussy. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. This way too much for her. She was basically on the way to cumming one more time when he asked her who was a good girl and then spanked her ass.*\n\nMmmm~ I am~! I am a good girl!" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "\"Yes you are my dear, and remember this is all an exam\" \n\n*He said sternly as he continued his rough deep thrusts into her. He kept her pinned to the table before leaning down close to her ear. \n\n\"Just imagine if this wasn't for an exam and I could go all out\" \n\nHe whispered out teasingly. His member began to pulse and throb deep inside her with every thrust he made*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*Fuck the exam. She let out the loudest moan she could do. The rhythm of his harsh poundings against her full ass cheeks filled the whole room, and she didn't care about it anymore. She wanted to be fucked silly and ruthlessly into the next day.*\n\nFuck the exam~ I want you to fuck me into oblivion, you hear me? I want you to fuck me so hard, my pussy won't be able to forget your taste~!" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "*He smiled at her words as his thrusts remained random and harsh deep Into her. One of his hands moved up to her hair grabbing and pulling her head back, his other hand moved and slapped her ass leaving a handprint with a sharp pop on her ass.*\n\n\"This is what you wanted right madame?\" \n\n*He asked before leaning down close to her ear as his thrusts continued. His member began to throb with each and every thrust he made.* \n\n\"Want me to break you and make you only crave me?\"\n\n*He whispered out in a low growl into her ear*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*It was like a switch had been flipped inside her. Her mind completely lost the last strand of pride she had tried to cling to. She moaned as she felt his hand leave a sting on her ass cheeks, which heightened her sense of touch in this area.*\n\nFuuuuck~ Yes this is what I want- Oh god-\n\n*His low growl in her ear made her eyes roll back. That was what she craved. Being fucked without any mercy.*\n\nI'm so close, please please please don't stop~ I wanna cum so bad~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "\"You can cum when I say you can\" \n\n*He growled out between each of his thrusts. His hips slamming against her ass. The spot where he spanked in the collision area of his hips. The hand he used to spank her moved and grabbed her hip, pulling her back against each and every one of his thrusts*\n\n\"Fuck, it's so good when you beg\"\n\n*He groaned out as he continued his thrusts. His member now throbbing and pulsing deep inside her*" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "Ngnnh~ And what- what if I don't listen?\n\n*At this point it genuinely surprised her that she could still talk, given that her brain was currently fucked into mush as well as her ass and pussy. With her hands she gripped the sheets below her with such immense strength. How was she supposed to wait when he was fucking her so good?*\n\nI- Please- Please I want to come to bad~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "\"Then I'll have to punish you in a way you won't like\" \n\n*He said sternly as he spanked her ass again with a harsh pop. His thrusts continued to be deep and rough as his member throbbed and pulsed inside her. One of his hands kept a form hold on her hips not letting her pull away if she tried* \n\n\"What was that?\"" }, { "author": "_nightskies", "message": "*He wanted her to beg? Oh, she would do so if it meant that she was finally reaching her so much-deserved climax. She tried to arch her back more, giving him deeper access than before. If he came inside her, she wanted it to be deep inside her pussy.*\n\nPretty please~ I want to cum so bad with your cock deep in me~ Pretty please~" }, { "author": "Erolith", "message": "\"That's a good girl you can cum now\" \n\n*He growled out as his thrusts got rougher but slower. His member throbbed deep inside her pussy. With a few more harsh thrusts he slammed his member fully into her before releasing a large thick load of hot cum* \n\n\"Fu-fuck yes so good, take it all\" \n\n*He panted out as he was cumming before he finally finished but didn't pull out*" } ]