she 's upset with me .
he lifted the door and crouched down to get the stranger out .
`` for years ?
`` farzi , you and your brothers just got assigned as my bodyguards , since master arvil took tory and ry , '' i told them after i 'd dressed and brushed my teeth .
getting in through an open window ?
the rest of the pack and buck moved away slightly to give us room .
a lone horseman had entered the outskirts of camp and requested audience with `` aristides the just . ''
it doesnt matter , ill close my eyes and imagine him the reverend green stared at her in alarm .
then , she regarded the wolfhound in the growing light .
`` take a number , '' i said when she sat in her spot before her computer .
he grabbed brandon 's collar as he started walking toward the back door again .
do n't draw attention to yourselves ; do n't engage with anyone .
i frowned .
i need you to close your eyes and picture a small little field mouse like the ones that you saw running through the fields at sanctuary .
`` rafe-rafe brought me in as his companion , he did n't tell the others- '' his eyes glittered .
he wondered what gansey - strange , desperate gansey - was thinking he 'd ask for as a favor .
she doesnt say a word until we go outside .
`` you were n't acting like you . ''
he said courtly .
`` i sold fifty tickets to this thing .
so ready to live forever . ''
she rolled her eyes at him .
the way she said it made me blush all over again at her emphasis on guest .
In computational geometry, the method of rotating calipers is an algorithm design technique that can be used to solve optimization problems including finding the width or diameter of a set of points. The method is so named because the idea is analogous to rotating a spring-loaded vernier caliper around the outside of a convex polygon. Every time one blade of the caliper lies flat against an edge of the polygon, it forms an antipodal pair with the point or edge touching the opposite blade. The complete "rotation" of the caliper around the polygon detects all antipodal pairs; the set of all pairs, viewed as a graph, forms a thrackle. The method of rotating calipers can be interpreted as the projective dual of a sweep line algorithm in which the sweep is across slopes of lines rather than across - or -coordinates of points. History The rotating calipers method was first used in the dissertation of Michael Shamos in 1978. Shamos used this method to generate all antipodal pairs of points on a convex polygon and to compute the diameter of a convex polygon in time. Godfried Toussaint coined the phrase "rotating calipers" and demonstrated that the method was applicable in solving many other computational geometry problems. Shamos's algorithm Shamos gave the following algorithm in his dissertation (pp. 77–82) for the rotating calipers method, which generated all antipodal pairs of vertices on a convex polygon: /* p[] is in standard form, ie, counter clockwise order, distinct vertices, no collinear vertices. ANGLE(m, n) is a procedure that returns the clockwise angle swept out by a ray as it rotates from a position parallel to the directed segment Pm,Pm+1 to a position parallel to Pn, Pn+1 We assume all indices are reduced to mod N (so that N+1 = 1). */ GetAllAntiPodalPairs(p[1..n]) // Find first anti-podal pair by locating vertex opposite P1 i = 1 j = 2 while angle(i, j) < pi j++ yield i, j /* Now proceed around the polygon taking account of possibly parallel edges. Line L passes through Pi, Pi+1 and M passes through Pj, Pj+1 */ // Loop on j until all of P has been scanned current = i while j != n if angle(current, i + 1) <= angle(current, j + 1) j++ current = j else i++ current = i yield i, j // Now take care of parallel edges if angle(current, i + 1) = angle(current, j + 1) yield i + 1, j yield i, j + 1 yield i + 1, j + 1 if current = i j++ else i++ Another version of this algorithm appeared in the text by Preparata and Shamos in 1985 that avoided calculation of angles: GetAllAntiPodalPairs(p[1..n]) i0 = n i = 1 j = i + 1 while (Area(i, i + 1, j + 1) > Area(i, i + 1, j)) j = j + 1 j0 = j while (i != j0) i = i + 1 yield i, j while (Area(i, i + 1, j + 1) > Area(i, i + 1, j)) j = j + 1 if ((i, j) != (j0, i0)) yield i, j else return if (Area(j, i + 1, j + 1) = Area(i, i + 1, j)) if ((i, j) != (j0, i0)) yield i, j + 1 else yield i + 1, j Applications Pirzadeh describes various applications of rotating calipers method. Distances Diameter (maximum width) of a convex polygon Width (minimum width) of a convex polygon Maximum distance between two convex polygons Minimum distance between two convex polygons Widest empty (or separating) strip between two convex polygons (a simplified low-dimensional variant of a problem arising in support vector machine based machine learning) Grenander distance between two convex polygons Optimal strip separation (used in medical imaging and solid modeling) Bounding boxes Minimum area oriented bounding box Minimum perimeter oriented bounding box Triangulations Onion triangulations Spiral triangulations Quadrangulation Nice triangulation Art gallery problem Wedge placement optimization problem Multi-polygon operations Union of two convex polygons Common tangents to two convex polygons Intersection of two convex polygons Critical support lines of two convex polygons Vector sums (or Minkowski sum) of two convex polygons Convex hull of two convex polygons Traversals Shortest transversals Thinnest-strip transversals Others Non parametric decision rules for machine learned classification Aperture angle optimizations for visibility problems in computer vision Finding longest cells in millions of biological cells Comparing precision of two people at firing range Classify sections of brain from scan images See also Convex polygon Convex hull Smallest enclosing box References Geometric algorithms Convex geometry
`` i did n't ... '' but i ca n't finish because tears begin to pool , burning on their way down .
i know that you 're hiding something from me .
he did n't appear lethargic , and he 'd had stitches with only a local anesthetic .
that 's what happened before .
i must not even think about it .
my head was spinning .
the law firm was known for aggressively defending officers that had run afoul of the department .
that 's why he is hiding . ''
`` but i wo n't turn down dinner together . ''
while squatting in the field , what comes to me is that if i dont return then ill becomenot might or could but inevitably willbecome just like them .
one by one they began raising their hands , and i was n't sure if they really thought that or they were n't sure what to think and just agreed .
congratulations captain obvious assessment six : chase thurmonds household chases relation to windsor : nephew address:108 timberwilde lane , houston , texas , 77024-6922 phillip narrative tree snippet : chase thurmondson of donald and lilly thurmond b .
that i 've made a mistake ? ''
- kirkus reviews `` the story is full of suspense and intrigue .
`` ye appeared to be in danger , so i wasna going to stand by and watch him maul you . ''
freaking .
she wondered what he thought of what they had just shared , whether it had been in any way extraordinary to him .
hanna felt squirmy ; her mom was usually really lenient , but then , hanna had never been taken downtown and had the book thrown at her or whatever .
then well see .
it was going to hit her !
i let my impatience fill my words .
i see pandora 's shoes by the bar and i frown in confusion .
i have the sudden desire to twist my fingers in it while i pull his face between my legs .
chapter two by the time trevor finished scrubbing the machine oil from his hands , chassie and edgard had returned to the kitchen .
the heat felt good .
when you were with her , it was like being in a spotlight .
if there was any possibility of michael getting his life in perspective , it hinged on utah .
grunting , bode scraped another match to life .
i 've got her , everett .
she was wrapped around me before i could blink .
a single runlet of blood , incredibly bright in the gray day , slipped from the comer of his mouth .
he saw it on their faces when he shot the breeze with the folks down at the coffee shop next door to the gazette .
my heart stops again before he says , `` no .
`` both . ''
as we are being herded out of the salon toward the curb , i see the familiar face of trick 's mom , leena , hovering at the edge of crowd of giggling girls .
`` based on your past behavior , do you disagree ?
its in my blood .
tornadoes are a perfectly natural phenomenon .
they talked freely in front of me .
`` you can't- '' cromwell 's face hardened .
but i 'm heading out .
`` as you should be . ''
i hear things , rumblings in downworld , the rumor of coming strife .
burnett reached for her , pulling the little bundle close to his chest .
then , late one afternoon , i decided i just could n't go back and face the tuttles , so i ate an early dinner at a place called mccallister 's .
danika : i do n't know .
`` you recovered ?
vindication that she 'd been right about her father all along .
'my grandfather scored two goals in a match against dimwell , ' said ridcully , in a quiet , matter-of-fact voice .
mums new one could probably handle it .
amy disappeared .
`` how about a glass of iced tea ? ''
all the cities are in the akesch band , so we do n't freeze like at the far pole or burn up like at the close one . ''
`` when patricia told you she was pregnant with tate , you practically glowed .
of all her children , michelle had the most magic .
it was fanny mae !
`` calm down girl .
`` for all of that and more . ''
and i could tell she was getting disgusted .
but i have some news for you .
i am nina .
his fists are clenched , not to mention his teeth .
if you can make a joke about it , youre probably going to be all right .
if he allows it to happen , his authority would come into question and some 'd ask if you could n't do the same thing to him as you did to derek . ''
i spent a few weeks working with your wife in the laundry , and several days cleaning floors in your childs day care , stated the older man with little emotion .
ginger smiled knowingly before answering .
he pushed himself up with one arm until he sat facing me .
`` really ? ''
then came that fateful december and the doomsayers were saying what they will .
`` both she and my dad were in high school during the turn , and i think she likes passively making trouble when she can get away with it-like living in a predominantly human neighborhood . ''
epilogue la rochelle , deprived of the assistance of the english fleet and of the diversion promised by buckingham , surrendered after a siege of a year .
it was ongwin who brought them back to the discussion they 'd begun .
roger , the only officer gabrielle knew , wedged himself between elizabeth and the mayor .
love you too , elly said with her hands on her hips , watching him vanish out the front door .
she 's on to me now , i can tell .
it was eerily quiet and completely devoid of the smel s that i associated with cade .