The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 19. Explain various input and output statements in C.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 20. Explain various control statements in C with example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 21. a. Write a program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 22. Describe storage classes in C.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 23. What is pointer? Write a program to swap two numbers using pointers.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 24. What is array within structure? Explain with a program.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 25. Write a program to copy the contents of one file into another.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Define algorithm. CO1 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Identify the invalid variable(s) in the following declations.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Predict the output of the following program.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Differentiate between = and == operator. CO1 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Show how the execut ion for do while loop is terminated. CO3 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] The data type of the controlling statement of a switch statement cannot be of
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Predict the error / output in the following program:
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Predict the error / output in the following program:
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Predict the error (if any)/output in the following program.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Give the output of following code.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Draw the block diagram of computer and describe its components. CO1 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write a C program to calculate square of a number using arithmetic operator. CO6 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write a C program to display the consecutive digits 0, 1, 2, …. 9, with one
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write a C program to copy the contents of one character array to another,
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write a C program to find factorial of given number using recursion. CO4 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Illustrate dynamic memory allocation with suitable example. CO2 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 23. Q.No 24 is a Compulsory Question)
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 17. a. Discuss the structure of a C program. CO1 6
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 18. a. Develop a C program to display the memory allocated for primitive datatypes . CO2 6
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 19. a. Write a C program to calculate the sum of first n odd integers (i.e., 1+3+5+
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 20. a. Write a C program to search a substring within a given string. CO5 6
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 21. a. Write a C program to find fib onacci of given number using function. CO4 6
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 22. a. Explain the relational and logical operators in C with relavent examples. CO1 6
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 23. a. Explain the various branching control statements in C with example. CO3 6
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 24. a. Discuss Structures. Create a structure variable for the structure Student, and
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] The C language was developed by _________.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Write the use of assignment operator.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is the use of continue statement?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Write the syntax for switch statement.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What are the reasons for using functions in a C program?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is a pointer?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Define array.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What are strings?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is the purpose of getch( ) function?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] List out the categories of library functions available for I/O.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write the rules for constructing variable names.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write the use of break statement. Give an example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Differentiate call by value and call by reference.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Discuss about passing array elements to a function.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Differentiate structure and union.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 16. Explain the various logical operators and bit wise operator.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 17. Write short notes on:
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 18. Explain in detail about various decision control instructions in C.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 19. Discuss about various looping statements with examples.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 20. What is a function? Explain the advanced features of functions.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 21. A five digit positive integer is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to calculate sum
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 22. Explain about standard library string functions in C.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 23. Write a C program to multiply two 3x3 matrices.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 24. Discuss about the following with an example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 25. Write a C program that will read a file and count how many characters, spaces, tabs and
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is called Reference Type?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is the use of finally block in C#?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] To override a method in a base class with the same signature, that base class method must be
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] How to retrieve the element form the ArrayList using foreach statement?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is the default event of a Button control?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is the usage of Ad rotators control?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Write any two Data Adapters.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is the use of sqlDataReader class?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What are in the assembly?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] What is SOAP?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] What is the use of the string Insert method?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] What is called sealed class?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] How can you display items in multiple columns in a list box?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] What is called Data Binding? List out the different types.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] What is called shared assembly?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 16. What is called Custom exception? How to create Custom exception? Give an example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 17. a. Explain briefly about the various access modifiers. (8)
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 18. How to create an Interface? Explain with suitable example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 19. Explain briefly about the Hash table with suitable example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 20. a. How to create multi window applications? Explain briefly. (8)
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 21. What are called Validation server controls? Explain briefly.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 22. What is Complex Data Binding? Explain with example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 23. Write ADO.NET Program to connect and retrieve data from data source using the .NET
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 24. How to synchronize threads using a monitor? Explain with example.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 25. Discuss the security issues in with example?
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Identify the number of bytes reserved for a float variable in windows 64-bit
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Locate the invalid variable(s) in the following declarations.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] State any three unary operators. CO2 R 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Name different types of operators that are included in C. CO2 R 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] __________ statement skips the current iteration and initiates the next
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] __________ loop is called as exit controlled loop. CO3 R 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] List the two ways a string can be declared. CO4 R 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Identify the value of num[6] from the below line of code
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] State the string termination character. CO5 R 1
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – A section, for 1 mark(s) [/INST] Predict the output for the following code.
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Draw the block diagram of computer and describe its components. CO1 U 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Compare and contrast β€˜keyword’ and β€˜identifier’ in C with examples. CO2 U 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write a simple program to find whether a number is odd or even. CO3 A 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Write the algorithm for bubble sort program. CO4 U 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] Describe a function prototype along with its syntax. CO5 U 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – B section, for 3 mark(s) [/INST] What is self-referential structure? Explain. CO6 A 3
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 17. a. Explain software development life cycle. CO1 U 4
The conversation between a Human and AI Assistant [INST] Generate a question for PROGRAMMING IN C exam in PART – C section, for 5 mark(s) [/INST] 18. a. Evaluate and write the results of the following expressions.