2 values
1 value
The invention provides for a magnetic resonance imaging system (100, 200) comprising a memory (148) for storing machine executable instructions (150) and pulse sequence commands (152). The pulse sequence commands are configured for acquiring a four dimensional magnetic resonance data set (162) from an imaging region of interest (109). The four dimensional magnetic resonance data set is at least divided into three dimensional data magnetic resonance data sets (400, 402, 404, 406, 408) indexed by a repetitive motion phase of the subject. The three dimensional data magnetic resonance data sets are further at least divided into and indexed by k-space portions (410, 412, 414, 416, 418, 420, 422, 424, 426, 428, 430, 432, 434, 436). The magnetic resonance imaging system further comprises a processor (144) for controlling the magnetic resonance imaging system. Execution of the machine executable instructions causes the processor during a first operational portion (310) to iteratively: receive(300) a motion signal (156) descriptive of the repetitive motion phase; acquire (302) an initial k-space portion using the pulse sequence commands, wherein the initial k-space portion is selected fromthe k-space portions; store (304) the motion signal and the initial k-space portion in a buffer (158) for each iteration of the first operational portion; at least partially construct (306) a motionphase mapping (160) between the motion signal and the repetitive motion phase; and continue (308) the first operational portion until the motion phase mapping is complete. Execution of the machine executable instructions causes the processor to assign (312) the initial k-space portion for each iteration of the first operational portion in the temporary buffer to the four dimensional magnetic resonance data set using the motion phase mapping. Execution of the machine executable instructions causes the processor during a second operational portion (332) to iteratively: receive (314) the motion signal; determine (316) a predicted next motion phase using the motion signal and the motion phase mapping; select (318) a subsequent k-space portion (154) from the k-space portions of the four dimensional magnetic resonance data set using the predicted next motion phase; acquire (320) the subsequent k-space portion using the pulse sequence commands; rereceive (322) the motion signal; determine (324) a current motion phase using the re-received motion signal and the motion phase mapping; assign (326) the subsequent k-space portion to the four dimensional magnetic resonance data set using the current motion phase; and repeat (328) the second operational portion until the k-space portions for each repetitive motion phase has been assigned.
Acquisition of four dimensional magnetic resonance data during subject motion
A61B 5/055,G01R 33/5608,G01R 33/56325,G01R 33/5676
[ "G01R 33/563", "G01R 33/567" ]
INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 26 April 2018 (26.04.2018) WIP0 I PCT olimion °nolo ovinciolu mom oimIE (10) International Publication Number WO 2018/075961 Al (51) International Patent Classification: A61K 39/12 (2006.01) C07K 16/10 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/US2017/057720 (22) International Filing Date: 20 October 2017 (20.10.2017) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 62/411,500 21 October 2016 (21.10.2016) US (71) Applicant: ADIMAB, LLC [US/US]; 7 Lucent Drive, Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766 (US). (72) Inventor: WALKER, Laura M.; c/o Adimab, LLC, 7 Lu- cent Drive, Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766 (US). (74) Agent: SAHR, Robert N. et al.; Choate, Hall & Ste- wart LLP, Two International Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02110 (US). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Published: with international search report (Art. 21(3)) before the expiration of the time limit for amending the claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of amendments (Rule 48.2(h)) with sequence listing part of description (Rule 5.2(a)) — Declarations under Rule 4.17: — as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a patent (Rule 4.17(ii)) 1-1 1 - 1 N O CO (54) Title: ANTI-RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS ANTIBODIES, AND METHODS OF THEIR GENERATION AND USE 0 (57) : Anti-RSV antibodies with neutralizing potency against RSV subtype A and RSV subtype B are provided, as well as \' methods for their identification, isolation, generation, and methods for their preparation and use are provided.
A61K 9/0019,A61K 39/12,A61K 45/06,A61K2039/505,A61P 31/14,A61P 31/16,C07K 16/1027,C07K2317/33,C07K2317/76,C07K2317/92,C12N 15/85,C12N2760/18534
[ "A61K 39/12", "C07K 16/10" ]
A method for stratifying a subject on the basis of having experienced a prior event of the vasculature (acute) or having not experienced a prior event of the vasculature is described. The method comprises contacting a sample from the subject which comprises members associated with an event of the systemic vasculature with one or more binding partners of the members. The binding partners are immobilized to a solid support and the pattern of interaction between the members and the binding partners provides an assessment of the presence or absence or actual level or change in level of the event of the systemic vasculature such that an elevated level of at least seven members is indicative of an acute condition wherein no change in levels of the members is indicative of a subject not having experienced a prior event of the vasculature. The members are selected from .myoglobin, myosin light chain, myosin heavy chain, total creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, cardiac troponin I and T, fatty acid binding protein (FAB protein), glycogen phosphorylase-BB isoenzyme, alpha-atria natriuretic peptide, brain natriuretic peptide, adrenomedullin, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein and intermediate density lipoprotein, C reactive protein, serum amyloid A, P-selectin, prostaglandins, platelet-activating factor, histamine, tumor necrosis factor alpha, soluble TNF receptor 2, fibrin, fibrinogen, fibronolytic peptides, modified haemoglobin, ferritin, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) including soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM1), heat shock proteins, apoB, apoA, apoE, homocysteine or parts thereof, Streptococcus sp., Porphyromonas gingivalis, Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydiapneumoniae or immunological relatives thereof, necrosis and platelet markers, leptin, vasopeptidase inhibitor of cardiac endogenous kinins, heparin, metalloproteinase-9, metalloproteinase-1 including its tissue inhibitor, angiotensin-converting enzyme, CD95/Apo1/Fas, hepatocyte growth factor, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, plasma brain natriuretic peptide, angiotensin II type receptor, endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase, glycoprotein IIIa genetic polymorphisms, factor VIIa, thrombin, endothelin-1, cardiac myofibrillar proteins, Fas and Fas ligand, ligands thereof or binding partners thereof or nucleic acid molecules encoding same or their fragments or ligands or binding partners. Also described is an array of binding partners and a method for determining the presence or absence of a condition or event of the systemic vasculature.
Diagnostic assay for vasculature by measuring multiple biological markers
G01N 33/53,G01N 33/6893,G01N2800/324,Y02A 90/10
[ "G01N 37/00", "G01N 33/68", "G06F 19/00", "G01N 33/569", "G01N 33/543", "G01N 33/53" ]
INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 09 August 2018 (09.08.2018) WIP0 I PCT ill 1111u°11101llioIIl °nolo DID mil HE Elmo mnio oimIE (10) International Publication Number WO 2018/141894 Al (51) International Patent Classification: CO7K 16/28 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/EP2018/052624 (22) International Filing Date: 02 February 2018 (02.02.2018) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 17154388.7 02 February 2017 (02.02.2017) EP (71) Applicant: MERCK PATENT GMBH [DE/DE]; Frank- furter StraBe 250, 64293 Darmstadt (DE). (72) Inventors: RUKER, Florian; Montigasse 6, 1170 Vien- na (AT). BONISCH, Maximilian; Boerhaavegasse 3/2/10, 1030 Vienna (AT). (74) Agent: REDL, Gerda et al.; REDL Life Science Patent At- torneys, Donau-City-StraBe 11, 1220 Vienna (AT). = (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). — Published: with international search report (Art. 21(3)) 00 (54) Title: PREFERRED PAIRING OF ANTIBODY DOMAINS 1-1 0, - -- 13 (57) : An antigen-binding molecule (ABM) comprising a cognate LC/HC dimer of an antibody light chain (LC) composed of a VL and a CL antibody domain, associated to an antibody heavy chain (HC) comprising at least a VH and a CH1 antibody domain, O which association is through pairing the VL and VH domains and the CL and CH domains, wherein the amino acids at the position 18 N in the CL domain and at the position 26 in the CH1 domain are of opposite polarity, wherein numbering is according to the IMGT.
C07K 16/2809,C07K 16/2863,C07K 16/468,C07K2317/14,C07K2317/21,C07K2317/31,C07K2317/51,C07K2317/515,C07K2317/522,C07K2317/94
[ "C07K 16/28" ]
A method is provided of forming a neural network for detecting surface defects in aircraft engine components. The method includes: providing (i) a pre-trained deep learning network having, in sequence, an input layer for receiving pixel values of pixelated images of objects, a set of convolutional layers, a set of fully-connected layers, and an output layer, wherein the pre-trained deep learning network has fixed weights and is pre-trained, and (ii) a learning machine network having, in sequence, an input layer, at least one hidden layer, and an output layer, wherein the values of the nodes of the input layer of the learning machine network derive from the values of the nodes of one of the convolutional layers of the pre-trained deep learning network, the weights from at least one of the layers of the learning machine network to the next layer of the learning machine network are trainable but the weights from at least another one of the layers of the learning machine network to the next layer of the learning machine network are fixed, and the nodes of the output layer of the learning machine network indicate whether a given surface defect class is displayed by a given image. The method further includes: providing a set of pixelated training images of aircraft engine components exhibiting examples of different classes of surface defect, the training images being labelled with the surface defect classes exhibited by their respective components such that each class of surface defect is represented by a respective subset of the training images, and each training image being divided into one or more patches which are respective sub-areas of that image. The method further includes: training the trainable weights of the learning machine network on the set of training images by inputting each patch into the input layer of the pre-trained deep learning network and adjusting the trainable weights on the basis of a comparison between the node values of the output layer of the learning machine network and the surface defect class label of the parent training image of that patch. The layers of the pre-trained deep learning network from its input layer to its convolutional layer from which the values of the nodes of the input layer of the learning machine network derive, together with the layers of the learning machine network after the training of its trainable weights form a combined network for detecting surface defects in aircraft engine components having an input layer which is the input layer of the pre-trained deep learning network and an output layer which is the output layer of the learning machine network.
G06K 9/6256,G06N 3/04,G06N 3/084,G06T 7/0004,G06T 7/001,G06T2207/20021,G06T2207/20081,G06T2207/20084,G06T2207/30164
[ "G06T 7/00" ]
INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 04 October 2018 (04.10.2018) W I PO I PCT omits I iolo DID HE MEM EH 011 (10) International Publication Number WO 2018/178080 Al (51) International Patent Classification: G01N 33/50 (2006.01) GO1N 33/68 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/EP2018/057781 (22) International Filing Date: 27 March 2018 (27.03.2018) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 17163426.4 28 March 2017 (28.03.2017) EP (71) Applicant: JANSSEN VACCINES & PREVENTION B.V. [NL/NL]; Archimedesweg 4, 2333 CN Leiden (NL). (72) Inventors: CRESPO RODRIGUEZ, Rosa; Archimedesweg 4-6, 2333 CN Leiden (NL). APETRI, Constantin, Adrian; Archimedesweg 4-6, 2333 CN Leiden (NL). (74) Agent: MANTEN, Annemieke et al.; Archimedesweg 4-6, 2333 CN Leiden (NL). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Declarations under Rule 4.17: as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a 11 patent (Rule 4.17(ii)) of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) 0 Published: O with international search report (Art. 21(3)) 00 N 1-1 (54) Title: METHODS FOR DETECTION OF TAU PROTEIN AGGREGATION MODULATING COMPOUNDS 0 (57) : The present invention provides a method for the in vitro formation and/or detection of paired helical filaments (PHF) \' of Tau protein, comprising incubating a mixture comprising a Tau protein preparation and a polyanionic co-factor for a pre-determined 0 period of time under conditions that promote the formation of PHFs.
C07K 14/4711,G01N 33/502,G01N 33/6896
[ "G01N 33/68", "G01N 33/50" ]
600431 Disclosed is a radio frequency identification (RFID) system. The system includes a signal cancelling antenna (400) and an RFID reader circuit configured to drive the signal cancelling antenna (400) with an interrogation signal. The RFID reader circuit and the signal cancelling antenna (400) are configured to detect data modulated onto the interrogation signal. The signal cancelling antenna (400) includes a plurality of loops (401, 402) and at least two of the plurality of loops (401, 402) generates magnetic fields having opposite polarity when driven by the interrogation signal. The magnetic fields generated by the plurality of loops (401, 402) comprise a crossover point where the magnetic fields generated by the plurality of loops (401, 402) are equal and thereby cancel each other. The plurality of loops (401, 402) is physically arranged so that, when driven by the interrogation signal, the magnetic field proximal to each loop activates any passive RFID transponders present. The antenna (400) is oriented such that any passive RFID transponder is proximal to each of the plurality of loops (401, 402) in the signal cancelling antenna (400) and the RFID reader circuit is configured to read any passive RFID transponders present when the passive RFID transponders are offset from the crossover point. An acoustically resonating metallic structure proximal to the signal cancelling antenna (400) produces acoustic noise in an acoustic noise frequency range that causes magnetic field perturbations creating amplitude variations in a portion of the magnetic field signal emitted by the plurality of loops (401, 402) that is reflected by the acoustically resonating metallic structure. The acoustically resonating metallic structure is located relative to the signal cancelling antenna (400) such that the created amplitude variations are induced equally to each loop in the plurality of loops (401, 402). The passive RFID transponders are configured to transmit signals on data frequencies falling within the frequency range coincident with the acoustically resonating metallic structure frequency range. The created amplitude variations interfere with the signal transmitted by the passive RFID transponders; and the signal cancelling antenna (400) is configured to reduce electromagnetic noise interference resulting from the acoustically resonating metallic structure due to the physical arrangement of the plurality of loops (401, 402) causing the magnetic fields generated by the loops (401, 402), when driven by the interrogation signal, to collectively cancel with increasing distance from the antenna (400).
Signal cancelling transmit/receive multi-loop antenna for a radio frequency identification reader
G06K 7/0008,G06K 7/10346,H01Q 1/00,H01Q 1/2216,H01Q 7/00
[ "H01Q 7/00", "G06K 7/10", "G06K 7/00" ]
Estimating Remaining Useful Life (RUL) from multi-sensor time series data is difficult through manual inspection. Current machine learning and data analytics 5 methods, for RUL estimation require large number of failed instances for training, which are rarely available in practice, and these methods cannot use information from currently operational censored instances since their failure time is unknown. Embodiments of the present disclosure provide systems and methods for estimating RUL using time series data by implementing an LSTM-RNN based 10 ordinal regression technique, wherein during training RUL value of failed instance(s) is encoded into a vector which is given as a target to the model. Unlike a failed instance, the exact RUL for a censored instance is unknown. For using the censored instances, target vectors are generated and the objective function is modified for training wherein the trained LSTM-RNN based ordinal regression is 15 applied on an input test time series for RUL estimation. [To be published with FIG. 2] Obtaining a first time series data and a second time series data for one or more failed instances and one or more 202 censored instances respectively specific to the one or more parameters associated with one or more entities Determining (i) a Remaining Useful Life (RUL) for the one or more failed instances and (ii) at least a minimum RUL for the 204 one or more censored instances Generating (i) a first set of binary labels using the RUL for the one or more failed instances and (ii) a second set of binary labels using the at least a minimum RUL for the one 206 or more censored instances respectively Training, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based Ordinal Regression Model (ORM) comprising one or more binary classifiers, using (i) the first set of binary labels and (ii) the 208 second set of binary labels and associated label information thereof Obtaining a time series data pertaining to one or more parameters of the entities, wherein the time series data 210 comprises one or more test instances Applying the trained RNN based ORM comprising the one or more trained binary classifiers on the time series data 212 comprising the one or more test instances to obtain an estimate of target label for each trained binary classifier, wherein an estimate of target vector is obtained using the estimate of target label obtained for each of the one or more trained binary classifiers Generating, by using the estimate of target vector, a RUL estimate specific to the one or more test instances of the 214 one or more entities
G05B 23/024,G05B 23/0283,G06F 11/2263,G06N 3/0445,G06N 3/08,G06N 20/00
[ "G06N 3/02" ]
Biomarkers are not as commonly used in ALS drug development as in the drug development process for oncology. Biomarkers are important component of the ALS drug development pathway to demonstrate drug effect and target engagement, in a recent Phase 2A double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial with GM604 (AKA MNTF, GM6), where ALS patients were treated with six doses of GM604 for two weeks and then continued to be evaluated for disease progression until 10 weeks after cessation of GM604 treatment, it was demonstrated that GM604 can modulate protein expression of ALS disease related genes, through pathways that bring about homeostasis of pertinent ALS biomarkers, in most ALS patients with symptom onsets within two years, many of the ALS pathology biomarkers such as TOP 43, SOD1 and Tau were over expressed (Higher than normal range) at baseline. The patients treated with GM604 had these over-expressed biomarkers lowered to approach normal range, a sign of homeostasis. On the other hand, in an end stage ALS patient, the CSF SOD1 and CSF Tau were below normal range at baseline, treatment of GM604 up regulated them to approach normal range. This phenomenon that GM604 can modulate the same biomarker in both up and down direction is the hallmark of bringing homeostasis. The statistical significance in biomarker changes also correlate with treatment effects in clinical observations. Comparing blood-based biomarkers between treatment and placebo groups, plasma Tau levels decreased 28% in the treated group at week 6 (p=0.04), plasma TDP-43 levels decreased 30% in the treated group at week 12. The slope in plasma TDP-43 through week 12 in GM604 treated patients (-3.513 pg/ml/wk) is lower than that in placebo treated patients (0,493 pg/ml/wk), with statistical significance, (p=0.008). SOD1 levels were also lowered in the treated group at week 2 while all three biomarker levels were increased in the placebo group (p=0.055>. The patients treated with GM604 also had more favorable clinical observation in Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) from screening to week 12 than the placebo group (p=0.0476), the decline in FVC was significantly reduced in the treated group. This correlation of disease progression with the modulation of the biomarkers suggest that GM604 can be used effectively in modulating ALS disease biomarkers, and consequently can be used for prognosis of ALS disease progression and therapeutic treatment to slow down ALS disease progression. The biomarker modulation can be a measure of drug efficacy.
A61K 38/08,A61P 25/28,C12Q 1/6883,G01N 33/6896,G01N2800/28,G01N2800/52
[ "G01N 33/68", "G01N 33/50", "C07K 7/06", "A61P 25/28", "C12Q 1/68" ]
INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 01 November 2018 (01.11.2018) WIPO I PCT Hu omit VIII °nolo loollowo oimIE (10) International Publication Number WO 2018/200850 Al (51) International Patent Classification: C07D 401/06 (2006.01) C07D 413/14 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/US2018/029616 (22) International Filing Date: 26 April 2018 (26.04.2018) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 62/490,377 26 April 2017 (26.04.2017) US (71) Applicant: CAVION, INC. [US/US]; 600 East Water Street, Suite E, Charlottesville, VA 22902 (US). (72) Inventor: MARICICH, Yuri; 977 Seminole Trail, #357, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (US). (74) Agent: WILLIS, Margaret, S., J.; Fish & Richardson P.C., P.O. Box 1022, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1022 (US). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Published: — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) CZ 11 00 O O el (54) Title: METHODS FOR IMPROVING MEMORY AND COGNITION AND FOR TREATING MEMORY AND COGNITIVE DISORDERS 1-1 O (57) : This disclosure provides methods for the treatment of disease by administering pharmaceutical compounds. In particular, \' the disclosure relates to the treatment to improve memory or cognition, or to treat a memory or cognitive disorder, or to treat cognitive 0 symptoms of a disease or condition by administering a T-type calcium channel antagonist.
A61K 31/4184,A61K 31/44,A61K 31/4418,A61K 31/4439,A61K 31/554,A61K 31/713,A61K 45/06,A61K2039/505,A61P 25/28,C07D 207/08,C07D 213/65,C07D 235/14,C07D 239/82,C07K 16/28
[ "C07D 401/06", "C07D 413/14" ]
A massively parallel neural network architecture, called a masking field, is characterized through systematic computer simulations. A masking field is a multiple scale, self-similar, automatically gain-controlled cooperative-competitive feedback network F2. Network F2 receives input patterns from an adaptive filter F1 -> F2 that is activated by a prior processing level F1 and behaves like a content-addressable memory. It activates compressed recognition codes that are predictive with respect to the activation patterns flickering across, and competitively inhibits, or masks, codes which are unpredictive with respect to the F1 patterns. In particular, a masking field can simultaneously detect multiple groupings within its input patterns and assign activation weights to the codes for these groupings which are predictive with respect to the contextual information embedded within the patterns and the prior learning of the system. A masking field automatically rescales its sensitivity as the overall size of an input pattern changes, yet also remains sensitive to the microstructure within each input pattern. In this way, masking field more strongly activates a code for the whole F1 pattern than for its salient parts, yet amplifies the code for a pattern part when it becomes a pattern whole in a new input context. A masking field can also be primed by inputs from F1: it can activate codes which represent predictions of how the F1 pattern may envolve in the subsequent time interval. Network F2 also exhibits an adaptive sharpening property: repetition of a familiar F1 pattern can tune the adaptive filter to elicit a more focal spatial activation of its F2 recognition code than does an unfamiliar input pattern. The F2 recognition code also becomes less distributed when an input pattern contains more contextual information on which to base an unambiguous prediction of which F1 pattern is being processed. Thus a masking field suggests a solution of the credit assignment problem by embodying a real-time code for the predictive evidence contained within its input patterns. Such capabilities are useful in speech recognition, visual object recognition, and cognitive information processing. An absolutely stable design for a masking field is disclosed through an analysis of the computer simulations. This design suggests how associative mechanisms, cooperative-competitive interactions, and modulatory gating signals can be joined together to regulate the learning of compressed recognition codes.
G06V 10/451,G10L 15/16
[ "G06F 15/18", "G10L 15/16", "G06K 9/66" ]
Acoustic echos are canceled by employing a first echo canceler having a comparatively long first impulse response synthesis capability which is connected between a transmit path and receive path for generating a first error signal and for canceling echo signals in the transmit path, and at least a second echo canceler having a comparatively short second impulse response synthesis capability connected in parallel with the first echo canceler between the transmit and the receive path. The second echo canceler is supplied with the first error signal from the first echo canceler and is adaptively operating simultaneously with but independent of the first echo canceler to further cancel echos in the transmit path. Specifically, the first echo canceler is intended to capture the substantially stationary and any slowly varying components of the echo path impulse response, and the second echo canceler is intended to capture the more time varying, i.e., dynamically varying, component of the echo path impulse response. I have recognized that in certain applications, the more time varying component of the echo path impulse response may exist in a relatively short time interval. For instance, in the canceling of acoustic echos, the most time variation in the echo path impulse response results from the movement of objects and/or persons near either the microphone or the loudspeaker. This movement results in significant changes in the early portion of the echo path impulse response. Aligning the tap coefficients of the second echo canceler with this early portion of the echo path impulse response provides significantly enhanced echo cancelation performance over that achievable with only the first echo canceler. This is realized by placing a 'short' fixed delay in series with the receive path signal to the second echo canceler. In other applications, the time varying component of the echo path impulse response still exists in a relatively short time interval, but the time varying component relative to the overall echo path impulse response may change with time or may not be known a priori. Under these circumstances, it is desirable to dynamically align the coefficients of the second echo canceler over the echo path impulse response. This is realized by employing a dynamically adjustable delay in series with the receive path to the second echo canceler. In one embodiment, the delay value is dynamically generated in response to the tap coefficient values of the first echo canceler. <IMAGE>
Multistage echo canceller including time variation compensation
H04M 9/082
[ "H03H 21/00", "G10L 15/20", "G10L 21/02", "H04R 3/02", "H04M 9/08", "H04B 3/23" ]
1. Pseudopolymorph form I of (-)-cis-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-8[4R-(3S-hydroxy-1methyl)piperidinyl]-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one having an x-ray powder diffraction pattern expressed in terms of 'D' spacing: D space- angstrom 2.708 4.323 5.594 5.349 3.590 2. A pseudopolymorph form of (-)-cis-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-8[4R-(3S-hydroxy-1-methyl)piperidinyl]-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one I having an x-ray powder diffraction pattern expressed in terms of 'D' spacing and relative intensities thereof: D space- angstrom Relative Intensity 12.708 Strong 4.323 Strong 5.594 Strong 5.349 Medium 3.590 Medium 3.366 Medium 4.209 Medium 3.395 Medium 3.438 Medium 4.839 Medium 3. A pseudopolymorph form of (-)-cis-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-8[4R-(3S-hydroxy-1-methyl)piperidinyl]-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one I having an x-ray powder diffraction pattern expressed in terms of 'D' spacing and percentage of relative intensities thereof: D space- angstrom Relative Intensity % 12.708 100.0 4.423 75.9 5.594 58.5 5.349 49.5 3.590 46.6 3.366 42.0 4.209 40.7 3.395 39.5 3.438 38.8 4.839 37.1 4. A pseudopolymorph form of (-)-cis-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-8[4R-(3S-hydroxy-1methyl)piperidinyl]-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one having an x-ray powder diffraction pattern as defined in Table 1: Table 1 theta degree D space- angstrom Relative Intensity Relative Intensity % 6.950 12.708 Strong 100.0 20.529 4.323 Strong 75.9 15.830 5.594 Strong 58.5 16.560 5.349 Medium 49.5 24.778 3.590 Medium 46.6 26.457 3.366 Medium 42.0 21.091 4.209 Medium 40.7 26.226 3.395 Medium 39.5 25.898 3.438 Medium 38.8 18.320 4.839 Medium 37.1 8.308 10.634 Medium 35.7 23.748 3.744 Medium 33.4 13.010 6.799 Medium 32.4 30.520 2.927 Medium 31.0 27.106 3.287 Weak 26.2 31.153 2.869 Weak 22.4 29.043 3.072 Weak 23.7 14.600 6.062 Weak 22.4 19.033 4.659 Weak 20.6 5. A method of making the Form I of claims 1,2,3 or 4 comprising (a) combining a sufficient quantity of Form II with a sufficient amount of an appropriate azeotropic solvent, thus forming an azeotropic mixture; (b) submitting the azeotropic mixture to azeotropic distillation sufficient to Form 1; and (c) optionally recovering Form I therefrom. 6. The method of claim 17 wherein the solvent is a ketone solvent. 7. The method of claim 17 wherein the solvent is methyl ethyl ketone. 8. The method of claim 15 wherein the crystallized Form I is recovered by filtering Form I. 9. The method of claim 15 wherein the temperature of the azeotropic distillation is about 73 degree C to about 80 degree C.
A61K 31/435,A61P 35/00,A61P 35/02,A61P 35/04,A61P 43/00,C07D 405/04
[ "A61K 31/435", "C07D 405/04", "A61P 43/00", "A61P 35/00", "A61K 31/453" ]
A method of automatic image captioning which involves mixing results of an image encoder and a language decoder to emit a sequence of caption words for an input image, with the mixing governed by a gate probability mass determined from a visual sentinel vector of the language decoder and a current hidden state vector of the language decoder. The method also involves determining the results of the image encoder by processing the image through the image encoder to produce image feature vectors for regions of the image and computing a global image feature vector from the image feature vectors. The method further involves determining the results of the language decoder by processing words through the language decoder, including beginning at an initial timestep with a start-of-caption token and the global image feature vector, continuing in successive timesteps using a most recently emitted caption word and the global image feature vector as input to the language decoder, and at each timestep, generating a visual sentinel vector that combines the most recently emitted caption word, the global image feature vector, a previous hidden state vector of the language decoder, and memory contents of the language decoder. The method also involves, at each timestep, using at least a current hidden state vector of the language decoder to determine unnormalized attention values for the image feature vectors and an unnormalized gate value for the visual sentinel vector, and concatenating the unnormalized attention values and the unnonnalized gate value and exponentially normalizing the concatenated attention and gate values to produce a vector of attention probability masses and the gate probability mass. The method also involves applying the attention probability masses to the image feature vectors to accumulate in an image context vector a weighted sum of the image feature vectors and determining an adaptive context vector as a mix of the image context vector and the visual sentinel vector according to the gate probability mass. The method also involves submitting the adaptive context vector and the current hidden state of the language decoder to a feed-forward neural network and causing the feed-forward neural network to emit a next caption word, and repeating the processing of words through the language decoder, the using, the concatenating, the applying, the determining, and the submitting until the next caption word emitted is an end-of-caption token.
G06F 40/169,G06F 40/274,G06F 40/30,G06K 9/6271,G06K 9/6277,G06N 3/0445,G06N 3/0454,G06N 3/08,G06N 3/082,G06N 3/084,G06V 10/454,G06V 10/462,G06V 10/469,G06V 10/82,G06V 10/955,G06V 20/35,G06V 30/194
[ "G06F 40/20", "G06N 3/02", "G06T 9/00" ]
A method of tracking a fleet of industrial vehicles and corresponding operators is provided. The method comprises: storing on a remote server, a performance profile instance associated with a vehicle operator, the performance profile instance having a performance measure associated with work, which is characterized by at least one rule that defines how to measure industrial vehicle activity associated with work-based tasks performed by the vehicle operator; defining a window that limits a scope of data that can contribute to evaluating a current state of the operator-specific performance profile instance; receiving on an industrial vehicle, an identity of the vehicle operator; automatically collecting industrial vehicle usage information by a processor on the industrial vehicle, the processor collecting the industrial vehicle usage information by communicating with vehicle control modules across a vehicle network, wherein the collected industrial vehicle usage information cannot be used to distinguish, on its own, industrial vehicle usage information performed in completing a work related task; linking an identification of the vehicle operator to the collected industrial vehicle usage information; communicating by a transceiver on the industrial vehicle, the collected industrial vehicle usage information to the remote server, wherein the remote server stores the industrial vehicle usage information into a first data source. The method comprises repeatedly evaluating a current state of the operator-specific performance profile instance by: querying a second data source that collects work-based task information associated with the vehicle operator within the defined window, wherein the work-based task information cannot be used to distinguish, on its own, how much work was required by the industrial vehicle to complete each work-based task; correlating the queried work-based tasks with industrial vehicle usage information collected within the defined window that satisfy the associated rule, to measure actual work performed by the industrial vehicle in completing the work-based tasks; and computing at least one score for the operator based upon the evaluation of the performance profile instance, where the computed score is based on the industrial vehicle usage information that contributes to the work-based tasks completed by the vehicle operator; and outputting the current state of the performance profile instance on a display. 17725316_2
Tracking industrial vehicle operator quality
G06Q 10/063,G06Q 10/063112,G06Q 10/0639,G06Q 10/06395
[ "G06Q 10/06" ]
A method of determining the susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias in a subject, comprises the steps of: (a) collecting (e.g., by by surface EKG or intracardiac EKG) at least one QT and DI interval data set from the subject during a stage of gradually increasing heart rate or a stage of gradually decreasing heart rate; (b) determining (e.g., by applying low- and high pass filtering) low-frequency QT-DI interval trends and high-frequency QT-DI fluctuation signals in said at least one QT and DI interval data set; (c) finding a plurality of correlated and anti-correlated portions between said high-frequency QT-DI fluctuation signals; (d) determining corresponding regression lines for said correlated and anti-corelated portions; (e) finding a plurality of (or in some embodiments all) steady state QT-DI points designated by intersections between said low frequency QT-DI trends and said corresponding regression lines; (f) fitting action potential durations computed from a rate dependent reaction-diffusion model to corresponding ones of said steady state QT-DI points to give (i) a model excitation threshold and (ii) a minimal level of refractoriness at a plurality of (or in some embodiments all of) said steady state QT-DI points; (g) at the steady state QT-DI point corresponding to the highest heart rate in said QT and DI interval data set, determining the difference between said minimal level of refractoriness and a model critical excitation threshold for a stable solitary pulse corresponding to the rate dependent reaction diffusion model of step (f) to give a reserve of refractoriness (RoR); (h) fitting action potential durations computed from a rate dependent reaction-diffusion model to said correlated and anti-correlated portions to give a rate of adaptation of each model excitation threshold to a corresponding steady state value at a plurality of (or in some embodiments all of) said steady state QT-DI points; (i) at the steady state QT-DI point corresponding to the highest heart rate in said QT and DI interval data set, determining the inverse of said rate of adaptation to give a reserve of memory (RoM); (j) combining said reserve of refractoriness (RoR) and said reserve of memory (RoM) to produce a metric of stability-of-propagation reserve (SoPR) in said subject, a higher value of SoPR indicating lower susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias in said subject. Systems and apparatus for carrying out the method are also described.
A61B 5/024,A61B 5/316,A61B 5/349,A61B 5/363,A61B 5/486,A61B 5/4884,A61N 1/362
[ "A61B 5/363", "G06F 19/00" ]
The invention relates to an optical coherence tomograph for examining an eye (3) comprising: an illuminating device (4, 5) for providing source radiation, the wavelength of which can be tuned; an illumination and measurement beam path (7), which has a dividing element (6) for dividing the source radiation into illumination radiation (B) and reference radiation (R), illuminates an illumination field in the eye (3) with the illumination radiation (B), and collects illumination radiation scattered back in the eye as measurement radiation (M), wherein the illumination and measurement beam path (7) has a scanner (13) for adjusting the lateral position of the illumination field in the eye (3) and a front optical unit (12) for adjusting the axial position of the illumination field in the eye (3); a reference beam path (8), which conducts the reference radiation (R) through a delay distance (21); a detection beam path (14, 15, 17), which receives the measurement radiation (M) from the illumination and measurement beam path (7) and the reference radiation (R) from the reference beam path (8) and conducts said measurement radiation and said reference radiation onto at least one flat panel detector (19, 19a, 19b) in a superposed manner; a beam splitter (11) for separating the measurement radiation (M) collected from the eye (3) from the illumination radiation (B) guided to the eye (3), wherein the beam splitter (11) conducts the separated measurement radiation (M) to the detection beam path (14, 15, 17); and an optical element (10) that acts only on the illumination radiation (B), which optical element interacts with the front optical unit (12) and sets the numerical aperture of the illumination of the illumination field in the eye (3); an optical element (14) that acts only on the measurement radiation, which optical element interacts with the front optical unit (12) and sets the numerical aperture with which measurement radiation (M) is collected in the eye (3); and an aperture (15), which is arranged in front of the at least one flat panel detector (19, 19a, 19b), is arranged in an intermediate image plane and defines the size of an object field from which the measurement radiation (M) reaches the flat panel detector (19, 19a, 19b), wherein the at least one flat panel detector (19, 19a, 19b) has a spatial resolution having 4 to 100 pixels in a direction, preferably as a 2-D flat panel detector having 5 to 50 pixels or 5 to 40 pixels.
A61B 3/102,G01B 9/02004,G01B 9/02032,G01B 9/02042,G01B 9/02043,G01B 9/02085,G01B 9/02091
[ "A61B 3/10", "G01B 9/02" ]
INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (43) International Publication Date 12 July 2018 (12.07.2018) WIP0 1 PCT omit VIII °nolo om olo ioo Imo 1111111 ois (10) International Publication Number WO 2018/127608 Al (51) International Patent Classification: C07K 16/46 (2006.01) C07K 16/28 (2006.01) A61K 47/68 (2017.01) C07K 16/32 (2006.01) (21) International Application Number: PCT/EP2018/050481 (22) International Filing Date: 09 January 2018 (09.01.2018) (25) Filing Language: English (26) Publication Language: English (30) Priority Data: 17305022.0 09 January 2017 (09.01.2017) EP (71) Applicant: BIOMUNEX PHARMACEUTICALS [FR/FR]; 113 me de la Tour, 75116 PARIS (FR). (72) Inventors: ZHUKOVSKY, Eugene; 5 avenue Fremiet, 75016 Paris (FR). LEGER, Olivier; 603 Route des Luches, 74800 Saint Sixt (FR). (74) Agent: CABINET BECKER ET ASSOCIES; 25, rue Louis le Grand, 75002 PARIS (FR). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Published: with international search report (Art. 21(3)) with sequence listing part of description (Rule 5.2(a)) 00 O N 1-1 1-1 (54) Title: A POLYPEPTIDE LINKER FOR PREPARING MULTISPECIFIC ANTIBODIES (57) : The present invention relates to a mutant polypeptide linker for preparing multispecific antibodies, said multispecific 0 antibodies, and methods for producing said multispecific antibodies.
A61P 35/00,C07K 16/2827,C07K 16/2863,C07K 16/2896,C07K 16/32,C07K 16/468,C07K2317/14,C07K2317/24,C07K2317/31,C07K2317/41,C07K2317/522,C07K2317/524,C07K2317/526,C07K2317/53,C07K2317/55,C07K2317/60
[ "C07K 16/32", "C07K 16/28", "A61K 47/68", "C07K 16/46" ]
[Abstract] An image decoding method, comprising: decoding a coded signal to generate quantization coefficients and pieces of management information, the quantization coefficients each corresponding to a corresponding one of 5 transform units, and the pieces of the management information indicating a structure of the transform units; performing inverse quantization and inverse transform on each of the quantization coefficients, eventually generating prediction error signals of the respective transform units; and adding at least one of the prediction error signals to a prediction signal for 10 each of coding units each including the transform units, generating decoded signals for each of the coding units, wherein the quantization coefficients and the pieces of the management information have a tree structure, each of the transform units corresponds to a corresponding one of leaf nodes in the tree structure, and the decoding includes decoding, for each of the leaf 15 nodes, a coded piece of the management information and a coded quantization coefficient which are arranged in succession in the coded signal for the each of the leaf nodes, wherein the pieces of the management information include respective pieces of split information each of which corresponds to a corresponding one of nodes in the tree structure and 20 indicates whether or not a transform unit corresponding to the corresponding one of the nodes is to be further split, wherein the pieces of the management information include respective first flags each of which corresponds to at least one of the nodes in the tree structure and indicates whether or not a quantization coefficient corresponding to each of the at 25 least one of the nodes exists, wherein each of the quantization coefficients includes a luminance quantization coefficient and a chrominance quantization coefficient, and the first flag includes a second flag and a third flag, the second flag indicating whether or not the luminance quantization coefficient exists, and the third flag indicating whether or not the 30 chrominance quantization coefficient exists, in the coded signal, the second flag that is coded is arranged after the third flag that is coded, wherein in the decoding, the second flag that is coded is decoded after decoding the third flag that is coded, for each of the at least one of the nodes. Q)00 r4r ru 0 (D N L3/4>
Image coding method, image decoding method, image coding apparatus, image decoding apparatus, and image coding and decoding apparatus
G06T 9/004,H04N 19/119,H04N 19/124,H04N 19/176,H04N 19/426,H04N 19/463,H04N 19/50,H04N 19/61,H04N 19/96
[ "H04N 19/50" ]
Disclosed is a personalized safe driving assistance method and system, which can provide personalized safe driving information by determining a dangerous situation differently according to personal preference. According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a personalized safe driving assistance method comprising the steps of: collecting, for each of a plurality of collection target vehicles, information on a first risk determination factor to an N-th risk determination factor corresponding to the collection target vehicle during a predetermined measurement period, by a personalized safe driving assistance system (here, N is an integer greater than or equal to 3); modeling a standard safety area in an N-dimensional space expressed in an N-axis coordinate system orthogonal to each other on the basis of the information collected from the plurality of collection target vehicles during the measurement period, wherein each coordinate axis of the N-dimensional space corresponds to any one among the first risk determination factor to the N-th risk determination factor, by the personalized safe driving assistance system; determining a defensive driving level of a warning target vehicle driver on the basis of past driving data of the warning target vehicle driver driving a predetermined warning target vehicle, by the personalized safe driving assistance system; specifying a personalized safety area corresponding to the warning target vehicle driver on the basis of the defensive driving level of the warning target vehicle driver, by the personalized safe driving assistance system, wherein the personalized safety area is an area obtained by correcting the standard safety area on the basis of the defensive driving level of the warning target vehicle driver; periodically acquiring information on the first risk determination factor to the N-th risk determination factor corresponding to the warning target vehicle while the warning target vehicle is running, by the personalized safe driving assistance system; and determining whether there is a risk on the basis of the acquired information on the first risk determination factor to the N-th risk determination factor corresponding to the warning target vehicle and the personalized safety area corresponding to the warning target vehicle driver, by the personalized safe driving assistance system.
B60Q 1/34,B60Q 9/008,B60R 11/04,B60W 30/08,B60W 40/02,B60W 40/08,B60W 40/105,B60W 50/0098,B60W 50/14,B60W2050/0005,B60W2050/0028,B60W2050/0075,B60W2420/42,B60W2520/10,B60W2540/043,B60W2556/10,B60Y2300/08,B60Y2400/90
[ "B60W 40/02", "B60W 50/14", "B60W 50/00", "B60W 40/08", "B60W 40/105", "B60R 11/04", "B60W 30/08", "B60Q 1/34" ]
A compound of formula (I); where: n is 0-6; X is CH2, CH2CH2 or oxygen; Z is CHR2 or NR2; R1 and R2 are selected independently from hydrogen, (C1-C6) alkyl, aryl and heteroaryl, where aryl is selected from phenyl and naphthyl and the heteroaryl is selected from 5 and 6 membered aromatic heterocyclic rings that contain from one to four heteroatoms selected, independently, from nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and where the aryl and heteroaryl moieties can optionally be substituted with one or more substituents that are selected, independently, from halo, -S(C1-C6)alkyl, -S(O)(C1-C6)alkyl, -S(O)2(C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkyl optionally substituted with from one to seven fluorine atoms, (C1-C6)alkoxy optionally substituted with from one to seven fluorine atoms, amino, nitro, cyano, carboxy, -CO2(C1-C6) alkyl, (C1-C6)alkylamino, di-[(C1-C6)alkyl]amino phenoxy, anilino and phenylthio;With the proviso that none of the heteroaryl moieties contains more than one ring oxygen atom or more than one ring sulfur atom. Also described is a pharmaceutical composition comprising the compound of formula (I). The compounds of formula (I) are useful for treating disorders and conditions, the treatment of which can be effected or facilitated by modulating glutamate neurotransmission in a mammal. The compounds of formula (I) are particularly useful for treating disorders and conditions selected from stroke, cerebral ischemia, spinal cord trauma, head trauma, Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Chorea, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, AIDS-induced dementia, muscular spasms, migraine headaches, urinary incontinence, psychosis, convulsions, perinatal hypoxia, hypoxia, cardiac arrest, hypoglycemic neuronal damage, opiate tolerance and withdrawal, ocular damage and retinopathy, idiopathic and drug induced Parkinson's Disease, anxiety, including panic disorder, General Anxiety disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, simple phobias, and social phobia; schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette's syndrome, emesis, brain edema, chronic and acute pain, tardive dyskinesia and cerebral deficits subsequent to cardiac bypass surgery and grafting, in a mammal. Also described is a compound of the formula IV; whereN, X, Z, R1 and R2 are as defined for the compound of formula (I), and R7 is hydrogen, (C1-C6)alkyl or benzyl.
Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptanes and their use in treating neurological and psychiatric disorders
A61P 1/08,A61P 9/04,A61P 9/08,A61P 9/10,A61P 13/00,A61P 21/02,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/04,A61P 25/06,A61P 25/08,A61P 25/14,A61P 25/16,A61P 25/18,A61P 25/22,A61P 25/24,A61P 25/28,A61P 25/30,A61P 27/02,A61P 43/00,C07C 229/50,C07C2602/42
[ "A61P 25/06", "A61P 25/08", "C07D 498/08", "A61P 25/16", "A61P 25/14", "A61K 31/403", "A61P 25/04", "A61P 9/04", "C07D 209/52", "A61K 31/195", "A61P 25/22", "A61K 31/424", "A61P 1/08", "A61K 31/439", "A61P 25/18", "A61P 25/00", "C07C 229/50", "A61P 25/24", "A61P 9/08", "C07D 471/08", "A61P 21/02", "A61P 9/10", "A61P 43/00", "A61P 13/00", "A61P 27/02", "A61P 25/28", "A61P 25/30" ]
The present disclosure relates to a method and system for determining earthquake-proof capacity of a community during occurrence of an earthquake. The method includes: building an analytic hierarchy structure model, where the structure model includes an objective layer, a criterion layer and an index layer; constructing judgement matrices hierarchically according to the analytic hierarchy structure model; calculating a maximal eigenvalue of each judgement matrix and an eigenvector corresponding to the maximal eigenvalue by adopting a sum-product method; normalizing the eigenvectors to obtain a weight value of each influencing factor for a preceding layer in the analytic hierarchy structure model; calculating an integrated weight value of all influencing factors relative to a decision objective; and determining the earthquake-proof capacity of the community during occurrence of the earthquake according to the integrated weight value. The method in the present disclosure can precisely determine the earthquake-proof capacity of the community during occurrence of the earthquake, so that people in a hazardous community can be transferred according to a determination result. DRAWING - Fig 1 17821876_1 (GHMatters) P116633.AU Building an analytic hierarchy structure model, the structure model comprising 101 an objective layer, a criterion layer and an index layer Constructing judgement matrices hierarchically according to the analytic 102 hierarchy structure model Calculating a maximal eigenvalue of each judgement matrix and an 103 eigenvector corresponding to the maximal eigenvalue by adopting a sum product method Normalizing the eigenvector to obtain a weight value of each influencing 104 factor for a preceding layer in the analytic hierarchy structure model Calculating an integrated weight value of all influencing factors relative to a 105 decision objective Determining the earthquake-proof capacity of the community during 106 occurrence of the earthquake according to the integrated weight value Analytic hierarchy-based method for evaluating earthquake-proof Objective layer capacity of community during occurrence of earthquake Criterion layer Geological Secondary disaster of the Individual and community Community action community environment response to the disaster communication E Index tM'0 layer
G06F 17/16,G06Q 10/0637,G06Q 10/0639,G06Q 50/265
[ "G06N 7/00" ]
The application relates to an intrusive binaural speech intelligibility prediction system comprising a binaural speech intelligibility predictor unit adapted for receiving a target signal comprising speech in a) left and right essentially noise-free versions x l , x r , and in b) left and right noisy and/or processed versions y l , y r , said signals being received or being representative of acoustic signals as received at left and right ears of a listener. The binaural speech intelligibility predictor unit is configured to provide as an output a final binaural speech intelligibility predictor value SI measure indicative of the listener's perception of said noisy and/or processed versions y l , y r of the target signal. The application further relates to a method of providing a binaural speech intelligibility prediction value. The system comprises a) first, second, third and fourth input units for providing time-frequency representations x l (k,m), x r (k,m), y l (k,m) and y r (k,m) of said left and right noise-free versions and said left and right noisy and/or processed versions of the target signal, respectively, k being a frequency bin index, k= 1 , 2 , ..., K, and m being a time index; b) a first Equalization-Cancellation stage adapted to receive and relatively time shift and amplitude adjust the left and right noise-free versions x l (k,m) and x r (k,m), respectively, and to provide a resulting noise-free signal x ( k,m ); c) a second Equalization-Cancellation stage adapted to receive and relatively time shift and amplitude adjust the left and right noisy and/or processed versions y l (k,m) and y r (k,m), respectively, and to provide a resulting noisy and/or processed signal y(k,m); and d) a monaural speech intelligibility predictor unit for providing final binaural speech intelligibility predictor value SI measure based on said resulting noise-free signal x(k,m) and said resulting noisy and/or processed signal y(k,m) ; wherein said first and second Equalization-Cancellation stages are adapted to optimize the final binaural speech intelligibility predictor value SI measure to indicate a maximum intelligibility of said noisy and/or processed versions y l , y r of the target signal by said listener. The invention may e.g. be used in development systems for hearing aids.
G10L 19/00,G10L 21/038,G10L 25/06,G10L 25/60,H04R 25/505,H04R 25/552,H04R 25/554,H04R2225/43,H04R2225/51
[ "H04R 25/00", "G10L 19/00" ]
Disclosed is a system and a method for dynamically evaluating a test subject through an embedded evaluator, while a vehicle is being operated/driven. According to an embodiment of the present invention, particularly, the embedded evaluator in the vehicle is operated automatically or in a manually operating manner through a user (for example, a driver, a passenger, or the third person) so as to dynamically evaluate the test subject and assigning his or her driving performance grades. When the embedded evaluator is operated, the location of the vehicle is recognized by a global positioning system (GPS) and district driving laws and rules are downloaded on the basis of the position of the vehicle recognized. The embedded evaluator dynamically evaluates the driving skill set of the test subject in accordance with the driving attitudes and performance of the test subject, and if the driving skill set is evaluated, a processor calculates grades/scores on the driving skill set evaluated of the test subject for providing the calculated result for a specific test subject. [Reference numerals] (200) Second substrate; (205) System seeks for specially encrypted FOB; (210) Encrypted FOB found?; (215) Passenger log in system, system downloads data on test subject from cloud system via telematics or bluetooth; (220) Vehicle recognizes FOB and downloads data stored on FOB specially for test subject; (225) System recognizes vehicle location via GPS data; (230) System downloads local transportation regulations based on the location; (235) Is test subject a driver or a passenge?; (240) System utilzes HUD interation and voice; (245) System utilizes bluetooth (I-Pad or similar device) and touch screen; (250) Test subject start to drive; (255) System monitors multiple sensors in vehicle: GPS data, Navigation map data, steering angle, front and rear cameras,; (260) Driving violates rules, regulations, and proper driving habit; (265) System log in violations and bad habits, and update score; (270) Teaching by sensor recognized?; (275) System provides proper driving habit and instruction; (280) System provides grade to vehicle information system; (285) System provides lessons ( on I-Pad or similar device, Internet); (290) System reports to proper concrened party(parents, insurance company)
B60W 50/08,G06Q 50/30,G08G 1/0968,G09B 9/052,G09B 19/16
[ "G06Q 50/30", "G08G 1/0968", "B60W 50/08" ]
Disclosed is a software robot apparatus and a method for expressing the behavior of a software robot by the software robot apparatus. The method includes: detecting environmental information including change of the multiple environmental factors and positions of the multiple objects, and detecting multiple external events occurring according to an interaction among the multiple objects, and then generating a sensor value having an effect on the software robot; changing each physical state related to each of the multiple external events and each of multiple internal events occurring in relation to the software robot from among multiple predefined physical states, and generating a physical state value corresponding to the changed physical state; changing a perception state related to the physical state value and the sensor value from among multiple predefined perception states, and generating a perception state value corresponding to the changed perception state; changing an emotion state related to the perception state value from among multiple predefined emotion states, and generating an emotion state value corresponding to the changed emotion state; detecting an episode related to a behavior type of a behavior expressed by the software robot from among multiple episodes storing a variance related to each state, which correspond to a combination of at least one object in the cyberspace, predefined behavior types, predefined emotion states, and predefined perception states, calculating a representative variance by using the variance stored in the found episode and a generated variance corresponding to the expressed behavior, and storing the representative variance as a variance of the detected episode; and when a current perception state or a current emotion state is identified as a predetermined unstable perception state or emotion state based on the perception state value and the emotion state value, enabling the episode memory unit to detect an episode capable of changing the predetermined unstable perception state or emotion state into a normal state, determining a behavior and an object stored in the detected episode as a final behavior object, and expressing an actual behavior of the software robot to the object corresponding to the final behavior object.
G06N 3/004
[ "A63F 13/12", "A63F 13/00", "G06N 3/00" ]
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems for reducing motion artifacts in reconstructed magnetic resonance (MR) images, which are captured using multi-frame (ms) image capturing techniques, and more specifically to MRI system, which may include reduction of artifacts arising from inter-frame motion when capturing multi-frame MR-images, and to a method of operation thereof. Magnetic resonance (MR) system comprises a housing, a main magnet, gradient coils, a radio frequency (RF) unit, controller, memory device configured to store at least scanning sequences, scanning parameters and generated image information, and a display configured to display the formed image information. Controller is configured to control gradient coils and the RF unit to perform the multi-frame image capturing process to capture the MR information for the multi-frame image set, each of which contains corresponding data, wherein part of MR-information is obtained using magnetic field gradient, and other part of MR-information is obtained without use of magnetic field gradient; training a convolution kernel containing data on a portion of MR information obtained without using a magnetic field gradient or using a self-learning process, wherein convolution kernel contains convolution data; iterative convolution of MR information obtained using a magnetic field gradient for two of a plurality of image frames, trained by convolution kernel with formation of synthetic k-space data for each corresponding frame of two image frames from a plurality of image frames for error correction associated with movement, wherein synthetic k-space data are generated while providing data matching between two of the plurality of image frames during the iterative convolution; projecting synthetic k-space data for two image frames; averaging of projected synthetic k-space data with generation of patient image information. Method of image reconstruction is determined by operation of magnetic resonance imaging system. Computer-readable non-temporal carrier storing software is configured to control a magnetic resonance (MR) tomography system.EFFECT: use of group of inventions makes it possible to reduce motion artifacts in reconstructed MR images.17 cl, 16 dwg
A61B 5/055,A61B 5/7203,A61B 8/13,A61B2560/00,G01R 33/4818,G01R 33/5608,G01R 33/5616,G01R 33/56341,G01R 33/56509
[ "G01R 33/48", "G01R 33/565", "A61B 8/13", "G01R 33/563" ]
1,9-Dihydroxyoctahydrobenzo[c]quinolines (I), 1-hydroxyhexahydrobenzo[c]quinoline-9 (8H)-ones (II), and 1-hydroxy-tetrahydrobenzo[c]quinolines (IV) useful as CNS agents, especially as analgesics and tranquilizers, as hypotensives, as agents for the treatment of glaucoma and as diuretics; intermediates therefor (III) and derivatives thereof having the formulae <IMAGE> (I) <IMAGE> (II) <IMAGE> (III) <IMAGE> (IV) wherein R is hydroxy, alkanoyloxy having from one to five carbon atoms and hydroxymethyl; R1 is hydrogen, benzyl, benzoyl, alkanoyl having from one to five carbon atoms or -CO-(CH2)p-NR2R3 wherein p is 0 or an integer from 1 to 4; each of R2 and R3 when taken individually is hydrogen or alkyl having from one to four carbon atoms; R2 and R3 when taken together with the nitrogen to which they are attached form a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic ring (piperidino, pyrrolo, pyrrolidino, morpholino and N-alkylpiperazino having from one to four carbon atoms in the alkyl group); R4 is hydrogen, alkyl having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms and -(CH2)z-C6H5 wherein z is an integer from 1 to 4; R5 is hydrogen, methyl or ethyl; R6 is hydrogen, -(CH2)y-carbalkoxy having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms in the alkoxy group wherein y is 0 or an integer from 1 to 4; carbobenzyloxy, formyl, alkanoyl having from two to five carbon atoms, alkyl having from one to six carbon atoms; -(CH2)x-C6H5 wherein x is an integer from 1 to 4; and -CO(CH2)x-1-C6H5; RO is oxo, methylene or alkylenedioxy having from two to four carbon atoms; R' is R or R0; Z is (a) alkylene having from one to nine carbon atoms; (b) -(alk1)m-X-(alk2)n-wherein each of (alk1) and (alk2) is alkylene having from one to nine carbon atoms, with the proviso that the summation of carbon atoms in (alk1) plus (alk2) is not greater than 9; each of m and n is 0 or 1; X is 0, S, SO or SO2; and W is hydrogen, methyl, <IMAGE> wherein W1 is hydrogen, chloro or fluoro; pyridyl, piperidyl, cycloalkyl having from 3 to 7 carbon atoms, or monosubstituted cycloalkyl wherein the substituent is <IMAGE> wherein W2 is hydrogen, chloro or fluoro; and pharmaceutically-acceptable acid addition salts of compounds of formulae I, II and IV and the ketals of compounds of formulae II, III and IV wherein the ketal moiety has from two to four carbon atoms.
9-Hydroxyoctahydrobenzo [c]quinolines, analgesic compositions containing them and processes for producing analgesia with them
C07C 17/16,C07C 37/055,C07C 45/45,C07D 213/30,C07D 215/233,C07D 221/12,C07D 303/22,C07F 9/5456
[ "C07D 215/22", "C07F 9/54", "C07C 37/055", "C07D 303/22", "C07D 213/30", "C07D 221/12", "C07D 215/233" ]
The invention relates to an optical coherence tomograph for examining an eye (3) comprising: an illuminating device (4, 5) for providing source radiation, the wavelength of which can be tuned; an illumination and measurement beam path (7), which has a dividing element (6) for dividing the source radiation into illumination radiation (B) and reference radiation (R), and which illuminates an illumination field in the eye (3) with the illumination radiation (B), and collects illumination radiation scattered back in the eye (3) as measurement radiation (M), wherein the illumination and measurement beam path (7) has scanner (13) for adjusting the lateral position of the illumination field in the eye (3) and front optical unit (12) for adjusting the axial position of the illumination field in the eye (3); a reference beam path (8), which conducts the reference radiation (R) through a delay distance (21); a detection beam path (14, 15, 17), which receives the measurement radiation (M) from the illumination and measurement beam path (7) and the reference radiation (R) from the reference beam path (8) and conducts said measurement radiation and said reference radiation onto at least one flat panel detector (19) in a superposed manner; a beam splitter (11) for separating the measurement radiation (M) collected from the eye (3) from the illumination radiation (B) guided to the eye (3), wherein the beam splitter (11) conducts the separated measurement radiation (M) to the detection beam path (14, 15, 17); and an optical element (10) that acts only on the illumination radiation (B), which optical element interacts with the front optical unit (12) and sets the numerical aperture of the illumination of the illumination field in the eye (3); an optical element (14) that acts only on the measurement radiation (M), which optical element interacts with the front optical unit (12) and sets the numerical aperture with which the measurement radiation (M) is collected in the eye (3); and a multi-perforated aperture (15), which is arranged in front of the flat panel detector (19), is arranged in an intermediate image plane and defines the size of an object field and a number of object spots, from which the measurement radiation (M) reaches the flat panel detector (19).
A61B 3/102,G01B 9/02004,G01B 9/02034,G01B 9/02041,G01B 9/0205,G01B 9/02091,G01B2290/45
[ "G01B 9/02" ]
Didactic device for providing a learning experience and/or entertainment by serving as a learning aid to improve penmanship and drawing skills. The didactic device combines an optical image processing system with a speech synthesis system, wherein a drawing surface (10) is provided in registration with the field of view of an optical imager (11). The drawing surface may take the form of a readily erasable paper or a 'magic slate' on which the user is to execute writing or drawing instructions as determined by the selected actuation of push-buttons or switches on a keyboard (21) of the didactic device. Upon appropriate actuation of a selected switch on the keyboard, the learning aid prompts the user either visually via a display (23) mounted on the housing of the didactic device in proximity to the drawing surface or verbally via speech synthesis electronics (14,15,16,17,18) to write or draw something on the drawing surface. When the user has completed the assignment by drawing indicia on the drawing surface, the user then actuates another switch on the keyboard to operate the image processing system which includes an imager chip, a matrix memory (12) in which signal data output from the imager chip is stored, and a data processor having an object recognition comparator. The data processor takes the form of a microprocessor (13) and includes a storage memory in which firmware in the form of data signatures of a plurality of object configurations is retained. The imager upon actuation views the indicia as drawn by the user on the drawing surface and provides a signal data output indicative of the appearance of the indicia. The drawn indicia is then compared via the recognition comparator of the microprocessor with the particular object configuration in the storage memory of the microprocessor corresponding to the drawing instruction given to the user. The signal data output of the imager is analyzed with the particular data signature as provided by the memory of the microprocessor. Based upon the foregoing analysis, the speech synthesis system then gives a verbal response critiquing the writing or drawing of the user on the drawing surface and may be accompanied by a visual showing of the correct drawing on the display.
G09B 5/02,G09B 11/00
[ "G09B 11/00", "G09B 5/02", "G06Q 50/00", "G09B 7/02", "G09B 5/06" ]
A multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hermetic data link caster dart castings constrained new software parallel redundancy cosmos robotizing unified real-time microprocessor machine language computer whose universal dominion domain outline involves automatizing real-time holistically steady state synchronized ubiquitous continuum sub-loculated cyclical parallel redundancy cosmos robotizing unified real-time microprocessor computer logic instructions of multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hermetic data link caster dart castings constrained new end-user graphical human apostrophe interface syntactic synthesis real-time software programs block; multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hermetic data link caster dart castings constrained new algebraic problem-solving application syntactic synthesis real-time software programs block; multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hermetic data link caster dart castings constrained new robotizing gauge indicating guidance syntactic synthesis real-time software programs block; multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hermetic data link caster dart castings constrained new commerce and transactional exchange methodology syntactic synthesis real-time software programs block; multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hermetic data link caster dart castings constrained new commerce and trade languages combinatorial syntactic synthesis real-time software programs block; a complete real-time microprocessor logic instructing compact integrated originating real-time software generator AND-OR closed-circuitry microprocessor operating system block concretizing rubric identic automatizing real-time holistically steady state synchronized ubiquitous continuum universal executive microprogrammable systematic codified microprocessor machine language logic operator instructions of one-time programmable read-only memory (PROM); a multiport revolving chambered homing binary hunting metallic track encasing hardcore software accumulator controlling central processing unit (CPU).
Unified real-time microprocessor computer
G06F 9/06
[ "G06F 9/44" ]
A method of measuring Reelin as a biomarker, to non-destructively assess or predict DHA levels in the brain and in other, currently inaccessible or difficult-to-access, key components of the central nervous system (CNS) is described. Also described is a method to prevent, delay the onset of, or tre at Reelin deficiency or dysfunction and/or a disease or condition associated wi th Reelin deficiency or dysfunction, comprising administering to a patient diagnosed with or suspected of having a Reelin deficiency or dysfunction an amount of a PUFA, and particularly an omega-3 PUFA, and more particularly, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or a precursor or source thereof, to compensate f or the effects of Reelin deficiency or dysfunction in the patient. Also describ ed is a method to prevent or reduce development defects or disorders associated with Reelin dysfunction or deficiency through the supplemental use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs- unsaturated fatty acids having two or mo re double bonds), and particularly highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs- unsaturated fatty acids having three or more double bonds), and more particularly a HUFA selected from arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and even more particularly omega-3HUFAs, and more particularly DHA, to: compensate for reduced fatty acid binding protein or function thereof in the patient; compensate for reduced brain lipid binding protein or function thereof in the patient; improve the activity of fatty acid binding proteins in the patient; increase the expression of brain lipid binding proteins (BLBPs) in the patient; improve at least one parameter of the mechanism of action of brain lipid binding proteins in the patient; overcome a deficiency of DHA in central nervous system (CNS) structures and improve the resulting function thereof; increase the incorporation of functional DHA and other PUFAs into t he phospholipid membranes of glial cells and neurons in the patient; increase t he level of Reelin and/or improve the activity of Reelin in the patient; and/or improve at least one symptom of a disease or condition associated with Reeli n deficiency or dysfunction.
A61K 31/20,A61P 3/02,A61P 5/00,A61P 11/00,A61P 19/00,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/28,A61P 27/02,A61P 43/00
[ "A61K 31/20" ]
A method of making a speech recognition model database is disclosed. The database is formed based on a training string utterance signal and a plurality of sets of current speech recognition models. The sets of current speech recognition models may include acoustic models, language models, and other knowledge sources. In accordance with an illustrative embodiment of the invention, a set of confusable string models is generated, each confusable string model comprising speech recognition models from two or more sets of speech recognition models (such as acoustic and language models). A first scoring signal is generated based on the training string utterance signal and a string model for that utterance, wherein the string model for the utterance comprises speech recognition models from two or more sets of speech recognition models. One or more second scoring signals are also generated, wherein a second scoring signal is based on the training string utterance signal and a confusable string model. A misrecognition signal is generated based on the first scoring signal and the one or more second scoring signals. Current speech recognition models are modified, based on the misrecognition signal to increase the probability that a correct string model will have a rank order higher than other confusable string models. The confusable string models comprise N-best word string models. The first recognizer scoring signal reflects a measure of similarity between the training string utterance signal and the string model for that utterance. The second recognizer scoring signal reflects a measure of similarity between the training string utterance signal and a confusable string model. The misrecognition signal reflects a difference of the first scoring signal and a combination of one or more second scoring signals. The modification of current speech recognition models is accomplished by generating a recognition model modification signal according to a gradient of a function, which function reflects a recognizer score of a training string utterance based on a string model for that utterance and one or more recognizer scores of the training string utterance based on one or more confusable string models. <IMAGE>
Minimum error rate training of combined string models
G10L 15/063
[ "G10L 15/06", "G10L 15/28", "G10L 15/14" ]
The present invention relates to a system for operating a cavalry-battle game and, specifically, to a system for operating a cavalry-battle game, capable of obtaining a reason of being linked to a lottery with a high public property. According to an aspect of the present invention, the system for operating a cavalry-battle game determines a win as a first team or a second team obtains a flag first, wherein the first team has multiple first team members in which a horse and a flag bearer are formed in a pair and the second team has multiple second team members in which a horse and flag bearer are formed in the pair. The system for operating a cavalry-battle game includes: a first flight vehicle photographing a first team member condition image and wirelessly transmitting the photographed first team member condition image to a gamer terminal, wherein the first team member condition image includes a practice image of the horse belonging to a first team member, an arrangement position of the horse belonging to the first team member, and a topographical state in which the horse belonging to the first team member runs; a second flight vehicle photographing a second team member condition image and wirelessly transmitting the photographed second team member condition image to the gamer terminal, wherein the second team member condition image includes the practice image of the horse belonging to a second team member, the arrangement position of the horse belonging to the second team member, and the topographical state in which the horse belonging to the second team member runs; the multiple gamer terminals displaying the second team member condition image received from the second flight vehicle and the first team member condition image received from the first flight vehicle and transmitting a winning/losing prediction value to a cavalry-battle game operation server by receiving winning/losing prediction from a gamer before the cavalry-battle game starts; and the cavalry-battle game operation server determining the gamer suggesting the wining/losing prediction value which most corresponds to the game result as a predicted winner of a flight vehicle battle after the cavalry-battle game is finished.
System for operating cavalry battle game
A63F 3/00082,A63F 9/00
[ "A63F 3/00", "A63F 9/00" ]
The present invention discloses a robotic arm motion programming method based on a fixed-parameter neural network, including: Si, establishing an inverse kinematics equation of a robotic arm according to a Jacobian matrix and a preset target trajectory of an end of the 5 robotic arm; S2, establishing a physical limit double-ended inequality constraint of the robotic arm according to actual physical limit constraint parameters of joints of the robotic arm; S3, formulating the inverse kinematics equation and the physical limit double-ended inequality constraint as a time-varying quadratic programming problem; S4, designing the fixed-parameter neural network with a penalty function to solve the time-varying quadratic 0 programming problem; and S5, transferring angle information of the robotic arm as solved to a lower computer controller of the robotic arm to drive the robotic arm to move to complete a target trajectory tracking task. The present invention uses a new type of fixed-parameter neural network with a penalty function to solve the time-varying quadratic programming problem, which has faster convergence velocity and higher calculation accuracy, and can 5 effectively solve the inequality constraint in the quadratic programming scheme. Establishinga model of a robotic arm according to structural parameters ofthe robotic arm to obtain a Jacobian matrix of an end effector. and establishing an inverse kinematics equation of the robotic arm according to the Jacobian matrix and a preset target trajectory of an end of the robotic arm Establishing a physical limit double-ended inequality constraint S2 of the robotic arm on a velocity layer according to actual physical limit constraint parameters of joints of the robotic arm Formulating the inverse kinematics equation and the physical S3 limit double-ended inequality constraint as a time-varying quadratic programming problem Designing the fixed-parameter neural network with a penalty S4 function to solve the time-varying quadratic programming problem Transferring angle information of the robotic arm as solved to a S5 lower computer controller of the robotic arm to drive the robotic arm to move to complete a target trajectory tracking task
B25J 9/161,B25J 9/1664
[ "G05B 19/25", "B25J 9/16", "G06N 3/02" ]
A method and computer program product for implementing indexed natural language processing are disclosed. Source document features including but not limited to terms, punctuation, parts-of-speech, phrases (including the syntactic types of the phrases), dependent clauses (including the syntactic types of the dependent clauses), independent clauses (including the syntactic types of the independent clauses), sentences, paragraphs, labeled document sections and document type and cognitive grammar constraints on the scope of influence and binding for the same are entered into an index by their begin and end byte offsets (or some alternative indexing method). Queries against the source documents are implemented as nested constructs that specify queries as sets that have terms or other sets as set elements and where sets may be constructed according to: 1) ordering (or the lack thereof); 2) boolean relations; 3) fuzzy relations; and 4) scoping according to: a) proximity; b) phrase inclusion; c) clause inclusion; d) sentence inclusion; e) paragraph inclusion; f) section inclusion; g) document type; and cognitive grammar constraints. Further, terms that are the components of a query are divided into sets according to the expected cognitive grammar relations between those terms as they would appear as surface forms in the source documents. As an aid to constructing queries in this manner, in some implementations, a surface form ontology is implemented in which the surface forms from which desired concepts can be expressed are represented according to their cognitive grammar compositions. Using these methods, queries can be composed that analyze the source documents via the intermediary of an index at a level of detail that has heretofore been possible only by application of standard Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques directly to the source document. This novel application combining the strengths of cognitive grammar, surface form ontology and indexing results in information retrieval (IR) with significantly improved levels of recall and precision and information extraction (IE) with significantly improved flexibility and processing speeds over very large sets of data.
Indexed Natural Language Processing
G06F 16/313
[ "G06F 17/30" ]
An improved neuron and corresponding search operation for use in matching strings of characters from a character set or strings of pixels from an image is at least partly based on ZISC technology. Each neuron contains only one character in the string of characters to be searched or, equivalently, one pixel in the image to be searched. The neurons are lined up in order (unlike standard ZISC). The inventive system matches two strings of base-pairs, one of which is stored in the neurons, and the other of which is entered into the system input one character at a time and thereafter broadcast to all of the neurons. The inputs, outputs and contents of each neuron in the system include one stored base pair, a left_errors register; a right_errors register; a parallel sort bus; and a neuron number or location register. The operation may include the following steps: at the start of the operation, all left_errors and right_errors registers are reset to '0'. When one base-pair is entered into the system input, all neurons compare it to their own stored base-pair. If it is the same, right_errors=left_errors + 0 (which becomes left_errors to the next neuron in the left to right arrangement). If it is different, right_errors=left_errors + 1. This operation continues for all of the base-pairs in the input sub string. At the end of the sub string of 'm' characters, each right_errors register will record the number of errors (or mismatched pairs) in the 'm' characters to the left of its position in the sequence (including itself). A '0' result indicates that there was a perfect match of the input to this part of the sequence. A 'l' indicates that there is an almost perfect match with only one mismatch. A '2' through '6' result indicates that number of mismatches. If left_errors equals '7', then right_errors will always equal '7'. The fourth bit indicates that an end of the stored substring character has been reached. When this bit is turned on, then left_errors will always be transferred to right_errors unchanged until the end of the input sub string. At the end of an input sub string (i.e., the end of a search), a parallel search in the manner of a standard ZISC search is performed.
G06K 9/6273,G06N 3/063,G06N 3/105
[ "G06G 7/00", "G06N 3/02", "G06N 3/063", "G06N 3/10", "G06F 15/18", "G06E 3/00", "G06E 1/00" ]
PURPOSE: A user personalized meridian point stimulating apparatus using electroencephalogram is provided to guide brain waves of a user to a normal state by stimulating the set meridian point considering the brain wave reaction characteristics of the user according to the current brain wave state and stimulus of the user. CONSTITUTION: A user personalized meridian point stimulating apparatus using an electroencephalogram comprises an inputting unit, an electroencephalogram measurer, a meridian point stimulating unit, and a control unit. The meridian point stimulating unit stimulates predetermined multiple meridian points on the user hand. The control unit determines the current brain wave state of the user by the electroencephalogram measurer in the pre-saved operational mode and controls the operation of the meridian point stimulating unit according to the determined result. The control unit sets the control meridian point to stimulate on the inputted operational mode among the multiple meridian points, and controls the meridian point stimulating unit to stimulate the controlled meridian point. [Reference numerals] (AA) Start; (BB) End; (S10) Receiving a user information input signal; (S100) Is there a channel(i) requiring emotion control?; (S110) Determining a brain wave band(j) requiring emotion control in each channel(i); (S120) Successively stimulating control meridian points corresponding to the brain wave band(j) in each channel(i); (S20) Receiving a driving mode selection signal; (S30) Driving mode is an emotion control mode?; (S40) Receiving a stimulating time setting signal; (S50) Receiving a control meridian point setting algorithm selection signal; (S60) Customized algorithm for a user?; (S70) Measuring brain waves in a stabilizing period, an acupuncture applying period, and an acupuncture removing period on each meridian point; (S80) Setting control meridian points according to brain wave bands in each channel by using the brain wave measurement values; (S85) Setting control meridian points according to brain wave bands in each channel by using prestored data; (S90) Measuring the brain waves of a user and calculating an SASI value of each channel;
User-customized Acupuncture point Stimulating Apparatus using Brain wave signal
A61B 5/369,A61H 39/08,A61H2201/5038,A61H2230/105
[ "A61H 39/00", "A61H 39/08", "A61B 5/0476" ]
The invention enables multimodal cognitive communications, collaboration, consultation and instruction with multichannel multiplexed streaming imagery data. It also enables synchronous multiparty curation, multisensory annotation and metadata tagging, as well as multi-formatted encapsulation, saving and sharing of collaborated imagery data as packetized augmented intelligence. The invention acquires both live stream and archived medical modality imagery from network-connected medical devices, cameras, signals and sensors, as well as multi-omic [phenotypic, genomic, metabolomic and radiomic] clinical data from biometric maps and movies, hapmaps, heat maps and data stream visualizations. The invention also acquires both medical and non-medical streaming imagery data from image data repositories, documents and structured reports, workstations and mobile devices, as well as from wearable computing, signals and sensors. The invention enables networked teams to interactively communicate, concurrently collaborate and bi-directionally exchange multichannel multiplexed imagery data streams, singly or together, in real time or asynchronously, generally by curating, annotating and tagging imagery information objects. The invention encapsulates and saves collaborated imagery data, together with multisensory annotations and metadata tags, in standard file formats as packetized augmented intelligence. The invention enables recursive cognitive enrichment with augmented cognitive vismemes, and saves packetized imagery information objects, multisensory annotations and metadata tags in native file formats [PDF, MPEG, JPEG, XML, XMPP, OR, SVG and DAE[ as well as in formats compliant with standards for digital communications in medicine [DICOM]. The invention enables live stream multicasting of multimodal cognitive communications and collaborative knowledge exchange with multisensory [visual, auditory, haptic] annotation and tagging of streaming imagery data, as well as secure, encrypted transmission of packetized augmented intelligence across file sharing data networks for rapid, adaptive learning, specialist skills acquisition and interoperable health information exchange.
Multimodal cognitive communications and collaborative knowledge exchange with visual neural networking and packetized augmented intelligence
G06Q 10/101,G16H 30/20,G16H 80/00,H04L 12/1813,H04L 12/1822,H04L 65/1089,H04L 65/4015,H04L 65/403,H04M 3/567,H04M 7/0027,H04N 7/15
[ "H04N 7/15", "H04M 3/56", "H04N 7/14", "G06Q 50/22", "G06Q 10/10", "H04L 29/06", "G06F 19/00", "H04L 12/18" ]
An efficient method and apparatus for magnetically stimulating the neural pathways of a higher level organism, namely the human body, is disclosed. The method includes selectively applying sinusoidally fluctuating electric power to a stimulator coil that overlies the neurons to be stimulated. The frequency of the power and, thus, the period of magnetic field produced by the coil is chosen to correspond to the time constant of the neurons to be stimulated. Realizable values fall in the range of 1.25 to 1.43 times the time constant of the neurons to be stimulated. The current and voltage of the applied power are in phase quadrature with the current lagging the voltage. During the first polarity (e.g., positive) excursion of the applied voltage, the magnetic field produced by the coil is insufficient to stimulate the underlying neurons, i.e., create a neuron depolarizing electric field. Rather, stimulation occurs during the second polarity (e.g., negative) excursion of the applied voltage. Preferably, coil current flow terminates at the end of the first current cycle. Alternatively, if restimulation during the third and subsequent polarity excursions of the applied voltage is desired, the coil current can be allowed to decay. The apparatus of the invention includes a series circuit comprising the stimulator coil 59 and a high voltage capacitor bank 57 connected in parallel with a power switch 55, across the output of a power supply 51. Closure of the power switch 55 results in the capacitor bank 57 being discharged through the coil 59 and the creation of the magnetic field that stimulates the underlying neurons. Efficiency is high because the resistance of both the capacitor discharge circuit and the power supply output are low. Further, because the resistance of the capacitor discharge circuit is low, discharge current flow is high, whereby an intense magnetic field is produced. Interlock circuits are provided to prevent the inadvertent operation of the apparatus. If desired, magnetic neuron stimulation can be enhanced simultaneously and/or sequentially by applying electric power to a pair of spaced-apart electrodes located in the vicinity of the coil.
Method and apparatus for magnetically stimulating neurons
A61B 5/296,A61B 5/377,A61N 1/40,A61N 2/006,A61N 2/02
[ "A61N 2/02", "A61N 1/40", "A61B 5/296", "A61N 2/00" ]
A universal strategy selector (USS) for use with a multichannel cochlear prosthesis includes: (a) a processor, or equivalent; (b) a selector; and (c) a display. The multichannel cochlear prosthesis is characterized by multiple stimulation channels through which a specific pattern of electrical stimulation, modulated by acoustic signals, and in accordance with a selected speech processing strategy, may be spatiotemporal applied to a patients cochlea in order to yield speech intelligibility. The processor of the USS includes appropriate processing means coupled to the multichannel cochlear prosthesis for defining one of a plurality of speech processing strategies for use by the multichannel cochlear prosthesis. In one embodiment, the processing means is realized using a personal computer (PC) programmed with appropriate software. The speech processing strategy that may be selected by the USS may be selected from a multiplicity of speech processing strategies. In one embodiment, the multiplicity of speech processing strategies includes at least one simultaneous speech processing strategy, such as simultaneous analog stimulation (SAS); and at least one non-simultaneous speech processing strategy, such as a continuous interleaved sampler (CIS); and at least one strategy whose temporal characteristics lie somewhere in between simultaneous or non-simultaneous, and whose stimulating waveform(s) may comprise a hybrid combination of analog and/or pulsatile waveforms. In another embodiment, the speech processing strategy that may be selected by the USS is selected from a plurality of speech processing strategies of the same type, e.g., pulsatile strategies. The selector of the USS comprises a switch, pointer, or other selection means, for manually selecting one of the multiplicity or plurality of speech processing strategies as the selected speech processing strategy. The display of the USS, which is controlled by the processing means, provides a graphical or visual representation that characterizes the selected speech processing strategy in terms of representative stimulation waveforms and electrode coupling (e.g., bipolar or monopolar) for each channel.
Strategy selector for multichannel cochlear prosthesis
A61N 1/0541,A61N 1/36038,A61N 1/36039,A61N 1/37247
[ "A61N 1/05" ]
A regulated gaming system includes game-logic circuitry, an electronic display device, and an electronic input device detecting a physical item associated with a monetary value to establish a credit balance. The gaming system performs a casino wagering game initiated by an input indicative of a wager covered by the credit balance. The casino wagering game comprises a base-game feature and a bonus-game feature having a skill-based feature and a non-skill-based feature. When the bonus-game feature is triggered, a player participates in the skill-based feature and a set of configuration options is determined in response to input selections made by the player. The non-skill-based feature of the wagering game is customized using the determined set of configuration options. A resultant wagering game outcome is determined from the base-game feature and the bonus-game feature, and a credit balance is adjusting accordingly, prior to a cashout of the credit balance. 510- 580 INITIATE WAGERING ACCRUE BASE-GAME, GAME (PLACE/DEDUCT SKILL-BASED, AND NON WAGER FROM CREDIT SKILLED FEATURE BALANCE, CONDUCT OUTCOME RESULTS BASE-GAME FEATURE) (PAYOUTS, ETC.) 520 DISPLAY ACCRUED OUTCOME RESULTS, NUS GAME CONCLUDE WAGERING (RE-) TRIGGER? NO GAME, CASH OUT EXAMPLE SKILL-BASED FEATURES: 530--) IF ' DEXTERITY (E.G., SHOOTING, SKILL PERFORM SKILL-BASED STOP, TWITCH REACTION TIMES) FEATURE TO DETERMINE * MEMORY (E.G., PICK & MATCH) AVAILABILITY OF 0 STRATEGY (E.G., PUZZLE SOLVING, PLAYER-SELECTABLE SUDOKU, MINESWEEPER) CUSTOM PARAMETERS a TRIVIA (E.G., TRIVIAL PURSUIT) EXAMPLE CUSTOM PARAMETERS: 560--) 'f GAME FEATURE VOLATILITY PROMPT PLAYER TO 0 REEL/WHEEL COMPOSITION CUSTOMIZE NON- GAME FEATURE THEME/GENRE SKILLED FEATURE WITH - CHOICE OF GAME FEATURE SELECTED AVAILABLE 0 GAMING RESERVATIONS PARAMETERS 0 GAME FEATURE BETTING OPTIONS: # OF PAYLINES, WAGER LIMIT, DENOM, ADDITIONAL BETS 570- ,, * GAME HARDWARE/INPUT OPTIONS PERFORM NON-SKILLED 580-) FEATURE USING EXAMPLE NON-SKILLED FEATURES: SELECTED CUSTOM a REEL OR WHEEL BASED GAMES PARAMETERS 0 RANDOMIZED DRAWING GAMES 0 SYMBOL MULTIPLIERS * RANDOMIZED / SELECTED FEATURE * ADDITIONAL / REPLAY SKILL GAME
Configuring gaming system options based on player skill
A63F 13/63,A63F 13/67,A63F 13/69,G07F 17/3213,G07F 17/3227,G07F 17/3244,G07F 17/3255,G07F 17/3262,G07F 17/3267,G07F 17/3288,G07F 17/3295,G07F 17/34
[ "A63F 13/80", "A63F 13/60" ]
Disclosed herein are fused imidazole compounds of formula (I), wherein the substituents are as defined within the specification; processes for their preparation, compositions comprising said compounds and uses thereof. Said compounds are useful the their Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 3 (TRPV3) activity and as such are useful in the treatement of pain, acute pain, chronic pain, nociceptive pain, neuropathic pain, post-operative pain, dental pain, cancer pain, cardiac pain arising from an ischemic myocardium, pain due to migraine, arthralgia, neuropathies, neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia nerve injury, diabetic neuropathy, neurodegeneration, retinopathy, neurotic skin disorder, stroke, urinary bladder hypersensitiveness, urinary incontinence, vulvodynia, gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, enteritis, ileitis, stomach-duodenal ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, an inflammatory disease such as pancreatitis, a respiratory disorder such as allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, irritation of skin, eye or mucous membrane, dermatitis, pruritic conditions such as uremic pruritus, fervescence, muscle spasms, emesis, dyskinesias, depression, Huntington's disease, memory deficits, restricted brain function, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), dementia, arthritis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, obesity, urticaria, actinic keratosis, keratocanthoma, alopecia, Meniere's disease, tinnitus, hyperacusis, anxiety disorders and benign prostate hyperplasia. Examples of particularly preferred compounds include: 6-{ 2-[(E)-2-(2-Butoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)vinyl]-3H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-3-yl} nicotinonitrile; 6-{ 2-[(E)-2-(2-Pentyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)vinyl]-3H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-3-yl} nicotinonitrile; Methyl 6-{ 2-[(E)-2-(2-Cyclopentyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)vinyl]-6-fluoro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl} nicotinate; 6-{ 2-[(E)-2-(2-[Cyclopentyloxy]-3-methoxyphenyl)vinyl]-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridin-1-yl} nicotinonitrile 6-(2-{ (E)-2-[2-(Cyclopentyloxy)-3-difluoromethoxyphenyl]vinyl} -3H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-3-yl)nicotinonitrile.
A61P 1/04,A61P 1/08,A61P 1/18,A61P 3/04,A61P 3/10,A61P 9/00,A61P 11/00,A61P 11/02,A61P 11/06,A61P 13/08,A61P 13/10,A61P 15/00,A61P 17/00,A61P 17/04,A61P 19/02,A61P 21/00,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/04,A61P 25/06,A61P 25/14,A61P 25/22,A61P 25/24,A61P 25/28,A61P 27/02,A61P 27/16,A61P 29/00,A61P 37/08,A61P 43/00,C07D 235/12,C07D 401/04,C07D 403/04,C07D 409/04,C07D 417/04,C07D 471/04
[ "C07D 403/04", "C07D 401/04", "C07D 235/02" ]
A method for collecting data associated with the voice of a voice system use r includes conducting a conversation with the user, capturing and digitizing a speech waveform of the user, extracting at least one acoustic feature from the digitized speech waveform and storing attribute data corresponding to the acoustic feature, together with an identifying indicia, in the data warehouse in a form to facilitate subsequent data mining. User attributes can include gender, age, accent, native language, dialect, socioeconomic classification, educational level and emotional state. Data gathering can be repeated for a large number of users, until sufficient data is present. The attribute data to be stored can include raw acoustic features, or processed features, such as the user's emotional state, age, gender, socioeconomic group, and the like. In an alternative form of method, the user attribute can be used to real-time modify behavior of the voice system, with or without storage of data for subsequent data mining. An apparatus for collecting data associated with a voice of a user includes a dialog management unit, an audio capture module, an acoustic front end, a processing module and a data warehouse. The acoustic front end receives and digitizes a speech waveform from the user and extracts at least one acoustic feature from the digitized speech waveform. The feature is correlated with at least one user attribute. The processing module analyzes the acoustic feature to determine the user attribute, which can then be stor ed in the data warehouse. The dialog management unit can include, for example, a telephone interactive voice response system. The processor can be an application specific circuit, a separate general purpose computer with appropriate software, or a processor portion of the IVR. The processing module can include an emotional state classifier, a speaker clusterer and classifier, a speech recognizer, and/or an accent identifier. Alternatively, the apparatus can be configured as a real-time- modifiable voice system for interaction with a user, which can be used to practice the method for tailoring a voice system response.
G10L 17/26,H04M 3/51,H04M2201/40
[ "H04M 3/51", "G10L 15/02", "G10L 17/00" ]
A novel peptide found as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in octopuses, a member of mollusks. The structure and the activities of the peptide have been unraveled. The peptide finds use as a reagent used in the studies of correlations between the structure and the activities of GnRH and the information processing mechanisms of the nervous systems in higher animals. It can also serve as a base compound in the development of pesticides and drugs. The peptide has the GnRH activity and has the following amino acid sequence (I): <tables id='TABLE-US-00001' num='00001'> <table frame='none' colsep='0' rowsep='0' tabstyle='monospace'> <tgroup align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0' cols='2'> <colspec colname='1' colwidth='217pt' align='right'/> <colspec colname='2' colwidth='0pt' align='left'/> <TBODY VALIGN='TOP'> <ROW> <ENTRY>(I)</ENTRY> <ENTRY/> </ROW> </TBODY> </TGROUP> <tgroup align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0' cols='2'> <colspec colname='1' colwidth='217pt' align='left'/> <colspec colname='2' colwidth='0pt' align='left'/> <TBODY VALIGN='TOP'> <ROW> <ENTRY><Glu-Zaa-Zaa-His-Zaa-Ser-Zaa-Zaa-Zaa-Zaa-Pro-</ENTRY> <ENTRY/> </ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY> </ENTRY> </ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY>Gly-NH<SUB>2</SUB></ENTRY> </ROW> </TBODY> </TGROUP> </TABLE> </TABLES> wherein <Glu represents pyroglutamic acid and Zaa represents any amino acid. Specifically, the peptide has the following amino acid sequence (1): <tables id='TABLE-US-00002' num='00002'> <table frame='none' colsep='0' rowsep='0' tabstyle='monospace'> <tgroup align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0' cols='2'> <colspec colname='1' colwidth='217pt' align='right'/> <colspec colname='2' colwidth='0pt' align='left'/> <TBODY VALIGN='TOP'> <ROW> <ENTRY>(1)</ENTRY> <ENTRY/> </ROW> </TBODY> </TGROUP> <tgroup align='left' colsep='0' rowsep='0' cols='2'> <colspec colname='1' colwidth='217pt' align='left'/> <colspec colname='2' colwidth='0pt' align='left'/> <TBODY VALIGN='TOP'> <ROW> <ENTRY><Glu-Asn-Tyr-His-Phe-Ser-Asn-Gly-Trp-His-Pro-Gly-</ENTRY> <ENTRY/> </ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY> </ENTRY> </ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY>NH<SUB>2</SUB></ENTRY> </ROW> </TBODY> </TGROUP> </TABLE> </TABLES> wherein <Glu represents pyroglutamic acid.
Novel Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, Precursor Peptides Thereof and Genes Encoding the Same
A01K2217/05,A61K 38/00,C07K 7/23,C07K 14/575,Y10S 530/857
[ "C12N 15/63", "C12N 5/06", "C07K 7/06", "C12P 21/02", "C07H 21/04" ]
Apparatus and Method for Encoding or Decoding a Multi-Channel Signal Using Frame Control Synchronization An apparatus for encoding a multi-channel signal comprising at least two channels, comprises: a time-spectral converter (1000) for converting sequences of blocks of sampling values of the at least two channels into a frequency domain representation having sequences of blocks of spectral values for the at least two channels; a multi-channel processor (1010) for applying a joint multi-channel processing to the sequences of blocks of spectral values to obtain at least one result sequence of blocks of spectral values comprising information related to the at least two channels; a spectral-time converter (1640) for converting the result sequence of blocks of spectral values into a time domain representation comprising an output sequence of blocks of sampling values; and a core encoder (1040) for encoding the output sequence of blocks of sampling values to obtain an encoded multi-channel signal (1510), wherein the core encoder (1040) is configured to operate in accordance with a first frame control to provide a sequence of frames, wherein a frame is bounded by a start frame border (1901) and an end frame border (1902), and wherein the time-spectral converter (1000) or the spectral-time converter (1030) are configured to operate in accordance with a second frame control being synchronized to the first frame control, wherein the start frame border (1901) or the end frame border (1902) of each frame of the sequence of frames is in a predetermined relation to a start instant or an end instant of an overlapping portion of a window used by the time-spectral converter (1000) for each block of the sequence of blocks of sampling values or used by the spectral-time converter (1030) for each block of the output sequence of blocks of sampling values. Fig. 1 23231870 (IRN: P0000170AUD1) 1/327z co CNJ coi m* (D CDa I cCD -I - - -- - -0 Co ) ID I :) I\ T (ax- cy' I CI CZ 0c)CD, I ~7 I c:y a i-a cz) _ _ _ _ _ C.) CDc. C/) CC c-'J.2 cm~i a) a) = C 5- CN_ E11 CD>0a _E -C E C-i~c 7- v c C/) cT CD- aD CNJ C CD ) W cn Ca, cciC 5- CN) 5- CN C- 5- CJ
Apparatus and Method for Encoding or Decoding a Multi-Channel Signal Using Frame Control Synchronization
G10L 19/008,G10L 19/02,G10L 19/022,G10L 19/04,G10L 25/18,H04S 3/008,H04S2400/01,H04S2400/03,H04S2420/03
[ "G10L 19/022", "G10L 19/008" ]
The present invention discloses an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based negative emotion recognition method and system for aggressive behavior prediction. The method includes: conducting processing and feature extraction on obtained sample data to obtain an initial emotion sample feature vector, where the sample data includes EEG signals generated by stimulating healthy subjects in multiple negative emotion stimulation modes and a negative emotion stimulation mode corresponding to each EEG signal; training a deep neural network based on the initial emotion sample feature vector, and determining a middle-layer feature of a trained deep neural network model as an optimized sample feature vector; training a classifier according to the optimized sample feature vector and the initial emotion sample feature vector to determine a negative emotion recognition and classification model; and processing an EEG signal of a subject, and recognizing a negative emotion of the subject according to a processed EEG signal of the subject and the negative emotion recognition and classification model. The present invention can increase an EEG-based classification and recognition rate of emotions, so as to avoid and prevent an aggressive behavior. Obtain sample data 101 Preprocess EEG signals in the sample data Conduct feature extraction on preprocessed sample data to 103 obtain an initial emotion sample feature vector Train a deep neural network based on the initial emotion sample feature vector and a negative emotion stimulation mode corresponding to the initial emotion sample feature, to obtain a 104 trained deep neural network model, and determine a middle layer feature of the trained deep neural network model as an optimized sample feature vector Train a classifier according tothe optimized sample feature vector and the initial emotion sample feature vector to 105 determine a negative emotion recognition and classification model Obtain and process an EEG signal of a subject Recognize a negative emotion of the subject according to a 107 processed EEG signal of the subject and the negative emotion recognition and classification model
G06K 9/0051,G06K 9/00523,G06K 9/00536,G06N 3/0454,G16H 50/30
[ "A61B 5/04", "G06N 3/08" ]
A hearing aid for a person with asymmetric hearing perception (a weaker ear system and a better ear system) employs conventional frequency-selective amplification (26L) of sound coming to the weaker ear's system and frequency selective amplitude attenuation (32) and arrival time adjustment (retardation or relative advancement) (34) of sound coming to the better ear's system so that its resultant characteristics match those of the weaker ear's system, as aided, or even without aiding the weaker ear's system. As a result, sound perceived by both ear systems is matched or balanced, at each frequency, in both arrival time and amplitude. Such interaural balancing effects a great improvement in the binaural processing mechanism, which in turn increases speech perception, especially in the presence of general noise or adjacent localized noise sources. The aid may be implemented by a pair of microphones (24L, 24R), one for each ear's system. The signal from the microphone to the weaker ear's system includes a conventional variable gain amplifier (26L) and a conventional frequency selective filter (12) to provide tailored amplification of the sound to the weaker ear's system, insofar as possible. Also the channel to the weaker ear's system includes a fixed delay (28) to compensate for a delay in the channel to the better ear's system. The signal from the microphone to the better ear's system includes a variable gain amplifier (26R) and a set of bandpass filters (30) to cover the audio spectrum in discrete steps. Each filter is connected in series with a selected attenuator (32) and a selected time delay (34) so as to match the perceived arrival time and amplitude level at its band with that of the weaker ear's system. The components may be provided in three housings, one for each ear's system (36R, 36L) and a common control unit (38), or in two ear's system housings (Fig. 4A) connected by radio signals or by wiring (58), which can be external or which may run through the frame of eyeglasses (60). The arrival time and attenuation adjustments can alternatively be provided by a passive in-the-ear acoustic filter (76).
H04R 25/502,H04R 25/552,H04S 1/00
[ "H04R 25/00", "H04R 25/04", "H04S 1/00" ]
A method and apparatus for determining the proper vertical or interocclusal distance for upper and lower dentures of edentulous denture patients to obtain most efficient chewing ability and establishing proper freeway space for unimpaired speech which includes use of magnetic gauge plates on one of the upper or lower denture base plates disposed to be spaced from the biting edges or incisals of central anterior or incisor teeth mounted on the other base plate to establish the proper relationship during normal movement of the wearer's mandible with respect to the maxilla during normal speech functions. The apparatus includes magnetic gauge plates adapted to be supported on a supporting platform affixed to one of the denture base plates, and which are formed with predetermined thickness to enable the dentist to build up the proper height of the exposed surface of the gauge plates to a dimension representing the edges or incisals of the central anterior or incisor teeth for such denture to establish the proper freeway space between the incisal edges of the anterior or incisor teeth on the dentures. The gauge plates are adjustable to accommodate horizontal prognatic or retrusive overjet where required. The magnetic character of the gauge plates positively holds the same in position on platform fixed to the denture base plate when the proper vertical dimension has been determined and established. The spacing is preferably established by use of a phonetic chart or reading card having a series of words or a sentence for reading by the patient to produce the desired freeway space relationship between the incisals and the exposed surface of the gauge plates on the opposite denture base plate when the patient reads the chart before the dentist. The words on the chart are chosen to produce sibilants and similar phonetic combinations resulting in the close proximity of the incisals to the exposed surface of the gauge plates, with the lips of the patient open during the pronunciation of such words for observation by the dentist and determination of the proper freeway space for both chewing and unimpaired speech.
A61C 9/00
[ "A61C 9/00" ]
Thermoplastic, crystalline block copolymers are disclosed, each comprising a plurality of recurring units selected from the group consisting of those of the structural formulae F1 and F'1, and combinations thereof: F1: -A [SiR2 (GSiR2)aASiR2G'SiR2A]pSiR2(GSiR2)aASiR2(OSiR2)n] and F'1: -A [SiR2G'SiR2ASiR2(GSiR2)aA]pSiR2G'SiR2ASiR2(OSiR2)n] in which the symbols A, which are identical, represent linear or branched chain alkylene radicals having from 2 to 6 carbon atoms, or cyclohexylene radicals; the symbols R, which are identical or different, represent alkyl and halogenoalkyl radicals having from 1 to 5 carbon atoms, cycloalkyl and halogenocycloalkyl radicals having from 3 to 8 carbon atoms, aryl and halogenoaryl radicals having from 6 to 8 carbon atoms or cyanoalkyl radicals having from 3 to 4 carbon atoms; the symbols G, which are identical, represent linear or branched chain alkylene radicals having from 1 to 8 carbon atoms, divalent organic radicals corresponding to the formula F2: -CH2)xQTQ(CH2-x, in which the symbols Q, which are identical, represent one of the groups -O- and -OCO-, the -OCO- being bonded to T by the -CO- radical, the symbol T represents a monocyclic, divalent hydrocarbon radical having from 6 to 8 carbon atoms, or a divalent organic radical which has from 10 to 22 carbon atoms and consists of 2 hydrocarbon rings which are fused to one another or bonded together by a valence bond or by one of the groups of the formulae -O-, -CH2-, -C(CH3)2- and -Si(R'-2, wherein R' is an alkyl radical having from 1 to 3 carbon atoms, and the symbols x, which are identical represent 1, 2 or 3, or divalent hydrocarbon radicals corresponding to the formula F3: -CH2)bT(CH2)b, in which the symbol T has the measuring given for the formula F2 and the symbols b, which are identical, represent 0 or 1; s the symbols G', which are identical, have the meaning given above for G, except that they do not correspond to the formula F2; the symbols a, which are identical, represent 0 or 1; the symbols p represents any number ranging from 1 to 120; and the symbol n represents any number ranging from 1 to 1,500.
Elastomeric organopolysiloxane block copolymers and non-elastomeric organosilicic copolymer blocks therefor
B01D 71/70,C08G 77/44,C08G 77/48,C08G 77/60
[ "C08G 77/42", "C08G 77/44", "C08G 77/60", "C08G 77/00", "C08G 77/52", "C08G 77/48", "B01D 71/70", "C08G 77/50" ]
A computer implemented method and computer system for generating a diagnostic tool for diagnosis of a behavioural disorder of a subject by applying machine learning to a diagnostic instrument for diagnosis of the behavioural disorder are disclosed. The diagnostic instrument comprises a set of diagnostic questions and corresponding selectable answers. The computer system comprises one or more processors; and memory to store: one or more computer programs. The one or more computer programs comprising instructions for receiving as input diagnostic outcomes and selected answers to the set of diagnostic questions of a plurality of subjects previously evaluated for the behavioural disorder, analysing the diagnostic outcomes and the selected answers of the plurality of previously evaluated subjects with the machine learning to construct a behavioural classifier to distinguish among previously evaluated subjects with different diagnostic outcomes with the behavioural classifier comprising a subset of the set of diagnostic questions and corresponding selectable answers from the diagnostic instrument, determining the accuracy of the behavioural classifier comprising the subset of diagnostic questions and corresponding selectable answers, by testing the behavioural classifier against an independent source of clinical data where the behavioural classifier comprising the subset of diagnostic questions and corresponding selectable answers has an accuracy over 90%, generating the diagnostic tool for diagnosis of the behavioural disorder, where the diagnostic tool comprises the behavioural classifier and the subset of diagnostic questions and corresponding selectable answers having the accuracy greater than 90%, and configuring a computing device accessible by a user to display the subset of diagnostic questions and corresponding selectable answers to the user, to collect user selected answers for the subset of diagnostic questions, and to provide the user selected answers as input into the behavioural classifier in order to diagnose the behavioural disorder of the subject with the behavioural classifier
Enhancing diagnosis of disorder through artificial intelligence and mobile health technologies without compromising accuracy
A61B 5/165,G06F 8/30,G06N 20/00,G16H 10/20,G16H 40/63,G16H 40/67,G16H 50/20,G16Z 99/00
[ "G06F 19/24" ]
Abstract The present invention relates to an automatic driving method with multi-agent and multi-scenario data set training, comprising the following steps: Si: setting up a number of agents within a terminal control range; S2: collecting data sets in realistic scenarios using the agents; S3: performing deep learning processing on the data sets collected in the step S2, to obtain realistic scenarios and actions taken by the agents in the realistic scenarios; S4: saving the realistic scenarios and the actions taken by the agents in the realistic scenarios to a terminal according to the results of the processing in the step S3; and S5: collecting, by the agents, real-time operation scenarios, and converting the real-time operation scenarios into data and sending the data to the terminal; and comparing, by the terminal, the real-time operation scenarios with the realistic scenarios saved in the terminal, wherein after a preset similarity value is reached, the terminal selects an optimal action measure to guide the agents in path planning and obstacle avoidance. Through the present invention, the terminal can process these collected data more rapidly and efficiently. Drawings of the Description Si: Setting up a number of agents within a terminal control range S2: Collecting data sets in realistic scenarios using the agents S3: Performing deep learning processing on the data sets collected in the step S2, to obtain realistic scenarios and actions taken by the agents in the realistic scenarios S4: Saving the realistic scenarios and the actions taken by the agents in the realistic scenarios to a terminal according to the results of the processing in the step S3 S5: Collecting, by the agents, real-time operation scenarios, and converting the real-time operation scenarios into data and sending the data to the terminal; and comparing, by the terminal, the real-time operation scenarios with the realistic scenarios saved in the terminal, wherein after a preset similarity value is reached, the terminal selects an optimal action measure to guide the agents in path planning and obstacle avoidance Fig. 1
Automatic Driving Method With Multi-Agent And Multi Scenario Data Set Training
G05D 1/0221,G05D2201/0212
[ "G05B 13/02", "G05D 1/02" ]
Disclosed are a method and apparatus for detecting bone age, which relate to the technical field of machine learning. The method comprises: acquiring a bone age picture of a user to be tested, and using a positioning model to determine the position of each target epiphysis in the bone age picture; and with regard to each target epiphysis, determining a bone age score of the target epiphysis according to a feature of the target epiphysis and the position of the target epiphysis, and determining the bone age of the user to be tested according to bone age scores of the various target epiphyses. After the bone age picture of the user to be tested is acquired, each bone in the bone age picture is adjusted to a reference position, which specifically comprises: acquiring a coordinate of a preset reference point (401); using an adjustment model to determine a coordinate of a key point in the bone age picture, wherein the adjustment model is determined by means of training a deep residual network taking a plurality of bone age pictures with coordinates of key points premarked as training samples (402); according to the coordinate of the preset reference point and the coordinate of the key point, determining a correlation between the current position of each bone in the bone age picture and the reference position (403); and according to the correlation, adjusting each bone in the bone age picture to the reference position (404). Different epiphysis forms represent different bone age stages, and epiphysis forms at different positions also have certain differences; therefore, the position of the target epiphysis is automatically determined by means of the positioning model, and then the bone age score is determined in conjunction with the feature of the target epiphysis and the position of the target epiphysis, and the bone age of the user to be tested is determined according to the bone age scores rather than being manually and subjectively determined according to the bone age picture, thus both improving the precision of bone age detection, and improving the efficiency of the bone age detection.
G06N 3/0454,G06T 7/0012,G06T 7/11,G06T 7/75,G06T2207/10116,G06T2207/20024,G06T2207/20081,G06T2207/30008
[ "G06T 7/00" ]
The invented apparatus for testing a subject's vestibular response to ear pressure or sound stimuli includes a headset including one or more and preferably (two) bilateral ear-worn devices such as headphones or probes, whereby each probe is configured to be inserted into a subject's ear in an operational alignment with the subject's ear canal and sealing engagement with the wall of the subject's ear canal, and a stimulus-producing mechanism operatively coupled with the headset configured to deliver defined pressure or sound stimuli to the one or more probes. The apparatus further includes one or both of 1) an ocular response analyzer operatively coupled to the headset, the ocular response analyzer measuring the subject's nystagmatic response to the stimuli by electronic, e.g. videographic, means and computerized comparison of potentially aberrational response data from the subject to recorded baseline subject data and 2) a sway response analyzer operatively coupled to the headset, the sway response analyzer including an inertial sensor of the subject's head and torso positional and orientational response to the stimuli and computerized comparison of potentially aberrational inertial data from the subject to recorded baseline inertial subject data. The invented stimulus-evoked vestibular disorder evaluation system includes a sound or aural pressure stimulus evocation apparatus presenting sound and/or air pressure to a subject's bilateral ear canals; a postural or ocular response measurement apparatus for analyzing the subject's response to a sound or pressure stimulus evoked by the sound or pressure stimulus evocation apparatus; and a computer program in the form of instructions residing in a memory and executing in a processor, the instructions configured to control the sound or aural pressure stimulus evocation apparatus in accordance with a defined protocol designed to minimize the effects of adaptation on postural response and to detect attempted malingering by the subject, and to monitor the postural or ocular response measurement apparatus in accordance with defined parameters.
Stimulus-evoked vestibular evaluation system, method and apparatus
A61B 5/0053,A61B 5/1104,A61B 5/12,A61B 5/4023,A61B 5/4863
[ "A61B 5/00" ]
Described herein are antipyschotic compounds of formula (I) wherein, A is an optionally benzo-fused five or six member aromatic ring having zero to three hetero atoms independently selected from N, O, and S; Alk is (C<SUB>1-4</SUB>) alkylene optionally substituted with OH, methoxy, ethoxy, or F; Ar is optionally substituted phenyl, naphthyl, monocyclic heteroaromatic, or bicyclic heteroaromatic; R<SUP>1 </SUP>is hydrogen or (C<SUB>1-4</SUB>) alkyl optionally substituted with OH, OR<SUP>3</SUP>, or OCH<SUB>2</SUB>CH<SUB>2</SUB>OH, wherein R<SUP>3 </SUP>is (C<SUB>1-2</SUB>) alkyl; R<SUP>2 </SUP>is H, (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, halogen, fluorinated (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, OR<SUP>4</SUP>, SR<SUP>4</SUP>, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, COR<SUP>4</SUP>, CONR<SUP>5</SUP>R<SUP>6</SUP>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>NR<SUP>5</SUP>R<SUP>6</SUP>, NR<SUP>5</SUP>R<SUP>6</SUP>, NR<SUP>5</SUP>COR<SUP>4</SUP>, NR<SUP>5</SUP>SO<SUB>2</SUB>R<SUP>4</SUP>, or optionally substituted phenyl, wherein R<SUP>4 </SUP>is hydrogen, (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, fluorinated (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, or optionally substituted phenyl, R<SUP>5 </SUP>and R<SUP>6 </SUP>are independently hydrogen, (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, or optionally substituted phenyl; Z is one or two substituents independently selected from hydrogen, halogen, (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, fluorinated (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, OR<SUP>7</SUP>, SR<SUP>7</SUP>, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, CN, COR<SUP>7</SUP>, CONR<SUP>8</SUP>R<SUP>9</SUP>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>NR<SUP>8</SUP>R<SUP>9</SUP>, NR<SUP>8</SUP>SO<SUB>2</SUB>R<SUP>7</SUP>, NR<SUP>8</SUP>R<SUP>9</SUP>, or optionally substituted phenyl, wherein R<SUP>7 </SUP>is hydrogen, (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, fluorinated alkyl, or optionally substituted phenyl, R<SUP>8 </SUP>and R<SUP>9 </SUP>are independently hydrogen, (C<SUB>1-6</SUB>) alkyl, or optionally substituted phenyl; and salts, solvates, and crystal forms thereof. Also described are the use of the compounds of formula (I) as antagonists of the dopamine D<SUB>2 </SUB>receptor and as agents for the treatment of psychosis and bipolar disorder, and pharmaceutical formulations of the compounds of formula (I).
Piperazine substituted aryl benzodiazepines and their use as dopamine receptor antagonists for the treatment of psychotic disorders
A61P 25/00,A61P 25/18,A61P 43/00,C07D 243/38,C07D 487/04,C07D 495/04,C07D 513/04
[ "C07D 243/10", "A61P 25/00", "A61K 31/55" ]
A computer-implemented method for assessing and improving a presence and perception of an entity, the method including for one or more presence categories of data sources, determining a number of data sources in a presence category on which the entity has a presence, the data sources including data, determining a presence score for the entity based on the data, wherein the presence score increases as the number of data sources upon which the entity has a presence increases, for each of a plurality of comments posted on one or more social media sources, determining a perception category and a sentiment score associated with each comment that is related to the entity, where each perception category is associated with a group of keywords, for each perception category, communicating the group of keywords and one or more identifiers for the entity to a social media analytics subsystem (SMAS), searching by the SMAS system the one or more social media sources to locate comments associated within the entity, determining by the SMAS system a sentiment score for each located comment, for each located comment, generating, by the SMAS system, a record in a database that relates the sentiment score to the perception category, determining a perception score for the entity based on the determined perception category and sentiment score, wherein a higher perception score indicates that, on average, users have a higher perception of the entity, locating, based on the determined presence score and the determined perception score, a recommendation record in a database, the recommendation record defining instructions for improving one or more of the presence score and perception score of the entity, communicating, via a user interface, the instructions to a user, receiving, via the user interface, a user selection of a particular perception category for analysis, and communicating, via the user interface, a sentiment breakdown associated with the particular perception category selected for analysis. cn -o CU D 0 : co 0 z CU L) I co /IJ co oc 0)0 Im oZ 11co 2) / KL (0 wOO U) Z5 Cn*~ -C o Ca C U) 0DC
G06Q 10/0639,G06Q 50/01
[ "G06F 17/00" ]
The present invention relates to an infant development test system for a customized infant development test and infant development guidance and, more specifically, to an infant development test system for a customized infant development test and infant development guidance, comprising: a smartphone app for a guardian in which response data for questions divided into strongly agree +4, agree +3, disagree +2, strongly disagree +1 is entered, in order to distinctively test innate ability (P), developed ability (D), and propensity factors (C) in each of five development areas: physical movement development area (PM), language development area (LA), social development area (SO), emotional development area (EM), and cognitive development area (CO); and a system server, which is networked with the smartphone app for a guardian, for deriving characteristics of each development area mapped according to the size of respective scores, which are calculated from the entered response data, of innate ability (P), developed ability (D), and propensity factors (C) for each development area, calculating a total score for the five development areas from the respective scores of innate ability (P), developed ability (D), and propensity factors (C) for each development area, comparing and analyzing an average score divided by the total number of questions in the five development areas and the average score of a corresponding age, classifying the analysis into a corresponding group from among upper, middle, and lower groups, and deriving and displaying a development overview for each type and infant development guidance tips mapped according to the value distinctions of respective scores for each corresponding group and for each development area. The present invention has the significant benefit of providing a highly reliable infant development test and infant development guidance by entering growth and development data of a child of a registered member into a database, and developing development area characteristics, development overview, and infant development guidance tips mapped to the database.
A61B 5/00,A61B 5/7275,G16H 10/20,G16H 50/20,H04M 1/725
[ "G16H 50/20", "G16H 10/20", "A61B 5/00", "H04M 1/725", "G16H 50/30" ]
A method of storing and ingesting data related to key opinion leaders is provided. The method includes extracting published works data, individual data, organization data and subject matter data for a plurality of published scientific works to identify entities for each of the published scientific works and storing the published works data, the individual data, the organization data and the subject matter data in a graph database as an explorable network in which each of the entities is represented by a respective node, the published scientific works including at least one of results of clinical trials and biomedical scientific publications, the entities including the published scientific works, individuals, organizations and subjects, the nodes including published work nodes representing the published scientific works, individual nodes representing the individuals, organization nodes representing the organizations and subject matter nodes representing the subjects, each of the individual nodes being linked to at least one of the other individual nodes, at least one of the organization nodes and at least one of the subject matter nodes, the graph database being configured such that the individual nodes, organization nodes and subject nodes are each displayable on a graphical user interface as a center node icon in a partial view of the explorable network with linked nodes being generated as outer node icons surrounding the center node icon. The method also includes mining the explorable network stored in the graph database to augment the explorable network with supplemental information for each individual in the explorable network. The supplemental information is relevant to each individual being a key opinion leader. The method also includes storing the supplemental information for each individual in the explorable network such that upon selection of a node icon representing one or more of the individual nodes the corresponding supplemental information for the one or more individuals represented by the one or more individual nodes is generated on the graphical user interface.
G06F 16/22,G06F 16/2465,G06F 16/25,G06F 16/9024,G06F2216/03,G06Q 30/0201,G06Q 50/22,G16H 10/20,G16H 70/00,G16H 70/40,G16H 70/60
[ "G06F 19/00" ]
Typical machine translators generally operate based on statistical/stochastic analysis of context and grammar, usually without need of human intervention/interpretation. However, this analysis is often error prone, particularly where the text to be translated has a minimal context. Text having minimal context is often found in conversations, which employ brief sentence construction. Additionally, machine translations often have trouble with abbreviations, acronyms, diminutives, colloquial words/phrases, proper nouns, and common nouns, which are also commonly found in conversational text. The current invention facilitates improved multi-lingual communications. The systems and methods of some embodiments enable multi-lingual communications through different modes of communication including, for example, Internet-based chat, e-mail, text-based mobile phone communications, postings to online forums, postings to online social media services, and the like. Certain embodiments implement communication systems and methods that translate text between two or more languages. The systems and methods of the current application obtain an original text message in a first language authored by a first user, and also obtain a translation of the original text message in a second language. The plurality of features associated with the original text message are compared a with a respective plurality of features associated with the translation, the plurality of features comprising (i) at least one word-based feature selected from the group consisting of a word count, a character count, an emoji, a number, and a punctuation mark, and (ii) at least one language-based feature comprising a part of speech selected from group consisting of verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives. A metric is calculated based on the comparison of the features. The method and system then determines whether the translation is accurate based on the calculated metric. Once determined, a data store is updated to include the accurate translation, and subsequent text messages are translated using the updated data store.
Systems and methods for multi-user multi-lingual communications
G06F 40/51,G06Q 20/06,G06Q 30/0207,H04L 51/063
[ "G10L 15/02", "G10L 15/01", "G06F 17/28" ]
A method and apparatus for providing learning capability to processing devic e, such as a computer game, educational toy, telephone, or television remote control, is provided to achieve one or more objective. For example, if the processing device is a computer game, the objective may be to match the skil l level of the game with that of a player. If the processing device is an educational toy, the objective may be to increase the educational level of a user. If the processing device is a telephone, the objective may be to anticipate the phone numbers that a phone user will call. If the processing device is a television remote control, the objective may be to anticipate th e television channels that will watched by the user. One of a plurality of actions (e.g., game actions, educational prompts, listed phone numbers, or listed television channels) to be performed on the processing device is selected. A user input indicative of a user action (e.g., a player action, educational input, called phone number, or watched television channel) is received. An outcome of the selected action and/or user action is determined . For example, in the case of a computer game, the outcome may indicate whethe r a computer-manipulated object has intersected a user-manipulated object. In the case of an educational toy, the outcome may indicate whether a user acti on matches a prompt generated by the educational toy. In the case of a telephon e, the outcome may indicate whether a called phone number is on a list of phone numbers. In the case of a television remote control, the outcome may indicat e whether a watched television channel is on a list of television channels. An action probability distribution that includes probability values correspondi ng to the plurality of actions is then updated based on the determined outcome. The next action will then be selected based on this updated action probabili ty distribution. The foregoing steps can be modified based on a performance ind ex to achieve the objective of the processing device so that it learns (100, 10 5, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130).
A63F 13/10,A63F 13/12,A63F 13/67,A63F2300/558,A63F2300/6027,G06N 20/00,H04N 21/44224,H04N 21/443,H04N 21/466,H04N 21/4751
[ "A63F 13/12", "A63F 13/10", "G06F 15/18", "G06N 3/08", "H04N 5/00", "A63F 13/00" ]
Disclosed is an apparatus for autonomously compressing, phase-compensating and waveform-shaping an ultrashort light pulse that is fast and high in sensitivity in compensating for phase fluctuations and allows the use of a usual laser light source that is low in light intensity and has large temporal fluctuations in phase. The apparatus comprises: a pulsed light source ( 2 ); a spectroscopic spatial dispersing device ( 4 ) for spatially dispersing a light pulse ( 3 ) emitted from the pulsed light source ( 2 ) into spectral components thereof; a spatial light modulator ( 5 ) for adding a phase to each of the spectral components of the spatially dispersed light pulse ( 3 ); a multiplexer ( 6 ) for combining the phase added spectral components of the light pulse ( 3 ) together to form a composite output light pulse ( 7 ); a modified SPIDER device ( 8 ) for forming a spectral interference figure from a portion of the composite output light pulse ( 7 ); and a feedback device ( 9 ) for detecting a spectral phase from the spectral interference figure and feeding a signal representing a difference between the detected spectral phase and a pre-established phase back to the spatial light modulator ( 5 ). The modified SPIDER device ( 8 ) comprises: a pulsed light source for a chirped light pulse ( 8 a); a delay unit ( 8 c) for delaying a light pulse ( 8 b) from the pulsed light source ( 8 a) with an adjustable delay time; a dispersive medium ( 28 ) for forming a chirped light pulse ( 29 ) from the light pulse whose delay time is adjusted by the delay unit ( 8 c); a replica pulse former ( 24 ) for forming from a portion of the output light pulse ( 7 ) a pair of replica light pulses ( 24 a, 24 b) one delayed after the other; a nonlinear optical crystal ( 31 ) for frequency-mixing the two replica pulses ( 24 a, 24 b) with the chirped light pulse ( 29 ); a spectrometer ( 8 e) for forming an interference figure of the resultant two frequency-mixed replica light pulses; and an image reader ( 8 f) for reading the interference figure of the two frequency-mixed replica light pulses.
Autonomous ultra-short optical pulse compression, phase compensating and waveform shaping device
H04B 10/503,H04B 10/508
[ "G02F 1/35", "G02F 1/37", "G02F 1/01", "G01B 9/02", "G01J 3/45" ]
A method is provided for identifying phrase alignment pairs between a source sentence and a target sentence. Boundaries for a phrase in the source sentence are identified by requiring that a source word be aligned with at least one target word in a target sentence in order to form a boundary for the source phrase. Boundaries for a phrase in the target sentence are identified based on alignments between words in the source phrase and words in the target sentence. The words in the target phrase are examined to determine if any of the words are aligned with source words outside of the source phrase. If they are not aligned with source words outside of the source phrase, the source phrase and target phrase are determined to form an alignment pair and are stored as a phrase alignment pair. A method is provided for identifying phrase alignment pairs between a source sentence and a target sentence. Boundaries for a phrase in the source sentence are identified by requiring that a source word be aligned with at least one target word in a target sentence in order to form a boundary for the source phrase. Boundaries for a phrase in the target sentence are identified based on alignments between words in the source phrase and words in the target sentence. The words in the target phrase are examined to determine if any of the words are aligned with source words outside of the source phrase. If they are not aligned with source words outside of the source phrase, the source phrase and target phrase are determined to form an alignment pair and are stored as a phrase alignment pair. A tissue dispenser unit (10) for housing pre-moistened cleansing tissues <u>T</u> and other paper products comprises one or more sensory devices (54). The sensory devices (54) may be included as part of a timing mechanism (60) that is configured to alert a user that a particular time period has elapsed. The lights (54A) and/or other sensory devices (54) of the dispenser unit (10) may capture and maintain the attention of a young child or other person to facilitate the performance of an activity.
G06F 40/45
[ "G06F 40/00", "G06F 17/28", "G06F 17/00" ]
A compound of the formula described suitable for use as prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of pathological conditions which respond to blockage of excitatory amino acid receptors. The compound has a high binding affinity towards amino acid receptors, such as AMPA receptor, NMDA (kainite) receptors and/or glycine binding sites of NMDA receptors. The compound is useful for treating diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders as a result of stroke, hypoglycemia, anoxia or cerebral palsy symptoms, of ischemic brain disorders, such as cerebral ischemia, cerebral ischemia in heart surgery or cardiac arrest, perinatal asphyxia, epileptic attacks, Huntington's chorea, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, amyotropic lateral sclerosis, bone marrow and cerebral trauma and symptoms of poisoning by neurotoxins or addictive drug abuse, and of ischemic disorders of the eye, of vascular and muscle spasms, such as of migraine or of local or general spasticity, of convulsions, such as epilepsy, and of states of anxiety and pain, such as of trigeminal neuralgias. Wherein R1 is hydroxyl or an aliphatic, araliphatic or aromatic radical; X is a divalent aliphatic, cycloaliphatic, cycloaliphatic-aliphatic, araliphatic, heteroarylaliphatic or aromatic radical; R2 is hydrogen or an aliphatic or araliphatic radical; alk is lower alkylidene; and R3, R4 and R5 independently of one another are hydrogen, lower alkyl, halogen, trifluoromethyl, cyano or nitro, with the proviso that a1) R4 is other than nitro when X is methylene, 3-hydroxybenzylidene, 3-methoxybenzylidene, 3-pyridylmethylene, ethylene, oxoethylene, ethylidene, 1,3-propylene, 1,3-(1-carboxy)propylene, cyclopropylene or 1,4-butylene, R1 is hydroxyl, alk is methylene and R2, R3 and R5 are hydrogen, or when X is methylene, R1 is methyl or benzyl, alk is methylene and R2, R3 and R5 are hydrogen, or when X is butylene, R1 is hydroxyl, alk is methylene, R2 is methyl and R3 and R5 are hydrogen and b1) R4 is other than bromine when X is methylene or ethylidene, R1 is hydroxyl, alk is methylene and R2, R3 and R5 are hydrogen.
Substituted aminoalkane phosphonic acids for treating block excitatory amino acid receptors related diseases
A61P 9/00,A61P 21/02,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/02,A61P 25/08,A61P 27/02,A61P 43/00,C07F 9/6509,C07F 9/650994
[ "A61P 9/00", "A61P 25/00", "A61K 31/675", "A61P 43/00", "A61P 25/08", "C07F 9/6509" ]
1. A method of treating insomnia comprising administering to a mammal in need of such treatment, an effective amount olanzapine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 2. A method of claim 1 wherein olanzapine is Form II olanzapine having a typical x-ray diffraction pattern as follows, wherein d represents the interplanar spacing: d 10.2689 8.577 7.4721 7.125 6.1459 6.071 5.4849 5.2181 5.1251 4.9874 4.7665 4.7158 4.4787 4.3307 4.2294 4.141 3.9873 3.7206 3.5645 3.5366 3.3828 3.2516 3.134 3.0848 3.0638 3.0111 2.8739 2.8102 2.7217 2.6432 2.6007. 3. A method of claim 1 wherein the patient in need of treatment is elderly. 4. A method of claim 1 wherein the patient is suffering from long-term insomnia which has occurred for more than three consecutive weeks. 5. A method of claim 1 wherein the patient has been previously treated with a hypnotic agent. 6. A method of claim 1 wherein the effective amount is from about 1 mg to about 25 mg per day. 7. A method of claim 6 wherein the effective amount is from about 5 mg to about 20 mg per day. 8. A method for treating insomnia wherein such treatment provides no clinically significant alteration of the sleep architecture, comprising administering an effective amount of olanzapine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof to a patient in need of such treatment. 9. A method of claim 8 wherein the effective amount is from about 5 mg to about 20 mg per day. 10. A method of claim 9 wherein the patient is elderly. 11. A method of claim 6 wherein the olanzapine is Form II olanzapine having a typical x-ray diffraction pattern as follows, wherein d represents the interplanar spacing: d 10.2689 8.577 7.4721 7.125 6.1459 6.071 5.4849 5.2181 5.1251 4.9874 4.7665 4.7158 4.4787 4.3307 4.2294 4.141 3.9873 3.7206 3.5645 3.5366 3.3828 3.2516 3.134 3.0848 3.0638 3.0111 2.8739 2.8102 2.7217 2.6432 2.6007. 12. A use olanzapine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in treating insomnia, wherein such treatment provides no clinically significant alteration of the sleep architecture in the mammal in need of such treatment.
A61K 31/55,A61K 31/5513,A61P 25/20,C07D 495/04
[ "A61P 25/20", "A61K 31/00", "A61K 31/55", "C07D 495/04", "A61K 31/551", "A61K 31/5513" ]
The present invention relates to a control system for quick vehicle start using a smart terminal and face recognition information, the system comprising: a vehicle management server which receives the registration of distinctive information of smart terminals held by multiple licensed drivers of a shared vehicle and face recognition information associated with the smart terminal holders and stores the registered information, receives the distinctive information of a smart terminal from a vehicle module unit, authenticates the received distinctive information of the smart terminal, and transmits authentication results and face recognition information to the vehicle module unit; the smart terminals, each of which transmits the distinctive information thereof to the vehicle module unit by establishing short-ranged communication with the vehicle module unit, obtains face recognition information from image information captured by an installed camera at the request of the vehicle module unit, and transmits the obtained face recognition information to the vehicle module unit; and the vehicle module unit which, when the distinctive information of a smart terminal of a person who tries to start driving is received from the smart terminal, transmits the received distinctive information to the vehicle management server, receives, from the vehicle management server, authentication result information obtained by authenticating the distinctive information of the smart terminal and face recognition information matching the distinctive information of the corresponding smart terminal and stores the received information, requests the smart terminal of the person, who tries to start driving, to transmit face recognition information, compares the face recognition information, which has been transmitted by the smart terminal of the person who tries to start driving, with face recognition information stored in advance after received from the vehicle management server, and performs control to unlock a door of the vehicle when the two match each other after the comparison.
B60R 25/04,B60R 25/102,B60R 25/209,B60R 25/25,B60R 25/305,B60R 25/34
[ "B60R 25/25", "B60R 25/04", "B60R 25/102", "B60R 25/34", "B60R 25/30", "B60R 25/20" ]
Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. A device can be used to generate data based on an image captured with the device. The device may constantly scan and capture images and send them to an AR server for recognition. Once an image matches with a stock image in the database of the AR server, the device then downloads the three-dimensional model from the AR server. The constant uploading of scanned images from the device to the server and the constant downloading of the three-dimensional models may add data traffic to limited and valuable network bandwidth between the device and AR server. An aspect of the invention provides a server comprising a network communication interface configured to: communicate with a plurality of devices, and receive, from a first device from the plurality of devices, an image captured by an optical sensor of the first device; one or more hardware processors configured to: generate a primary content dataset comprising a first set of images and corresponding virtual content, the first set of images including a core set of images, retrieve virtual content associated with the image in response to the first device determining that the first set of images does not include the image received from the first device, and communicate, via the network communication interface, to the first device, the virtual content associated with the image received from the first device, the first device being configured to update a contextual content dataset with the virtual content associated with the image received from the device; and a storage device coupled to the one or more hardware processors, the storage device comprising the primary content dataset, a secondary content dataset corresponding to the contextual content dataset of the plurality of devices, and a third content dataset comprising virtual content not included in the primary and secondary content datasets.
Contextual local image recognition dataset
G06F 1/1686,G06F 3/005,G06F 3/011,G06F 3/147,G06F 16/50,G06F 16/51,G06F 16/5838,G06F 16/955,G06T 1/0007,G06T 19/006,G06T2200/04,G06V 20/20,H04N 1/00244,H04N2201/0084
[ "G06F 17/30", "G06T 19/00", "H04N 21/21", "H04N 21/23" ]
Disclosed herein are chromenone compounds of formula (II), wherein the substituents are as defined within the specification; processes for their preparation, compositions comprising said compounds and uses thereof. Said compounds are useful the their Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 3 (TRPV3) activity and as such are useful in the treatement of pain, acute pain, chronic pain, nociceptive pain, neuropathic pain, post-operative pain, dental pain, cancer pain, cardiac pain arising from an ischemic myocardium, pain due to migraine, arthralgia, neuropathies, neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia nerve injury, diabetic neuropathy, neurodegeneration, retinopathy, neurotic skin disorder, stroke, urinary bladder hypersensitiveness, urinary incontinence, vulvodynia, gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, enteritis, ileitis, stomach-duodenal ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, an inflammatory disease such as pancreatitis, a respiratory disorder such as allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, irritation of skin, eye or mucous membrane, dermatitis, pruritic conditions such as uremic pruritus, fervescence, muscle spasms, emesis, dyskinesias, depression, Huntington's disease, memory deficits, restricted brain function, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), dementia, arthritis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, obesity, urticaria, actinic keratosis, keratocanthoma, alopecia, Meniere's disease, tinnitus, hyperacusis, anxiety disorders and benign prostate hyperplasia. Examples of particularly preferred compounds include: 4-{ 2-[(E)-2-(2-Cyclopentyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-ethenyl]-7-fluoro-4-oxo-4H-3-chromenyl} benzonitrile, 4-{ 7-Fluoro-2-[(E)-2-(3-methoxy-2-neopentyloxyphenyl)-1-ethenyl]-4-oxo-4H-3-chromenyl} benzonitrile, 4-{ 2-[(E)-2-[2-Cyclopentyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-ethenyl]-6,7-difluoro-4-oxo-4H-3-chromenyl} benzonitrile; 4-{ 6-Fluoro-2-[(E)-2-(2-isobutoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-ethenyl]-4-oxo-4H-3-chromenyl} benzonitrile.
A61P 1/00,A61P 1/04,A61P 1/08,A61P 1/18,A61P 3/04,A61P 3/10,A61P 9/00,A61P 9/10,A61P 11/00,A61P 11/02,A61P 11/06,A61P 13/00,A61P 13/08,A61P 13/10,A61P 15/00,A61P 17/00,A61P 17/14,A61P 19/02,A61P 21/00,A61P 21/02,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/04,A61P 25/14,A61P 25/22,A61P 25/24,A61P 25/28,A61P 27/02,A61P 27/16,A61P 29/00,A61P 35/00,A61P 43/00,C07D 311/36
[ "C07D 311/08" ]
593937 Disclosed is the use of 4-{ [3-(4-cyclohexylpiperazin-1-yI)-6-oxo-6H-anthra[1,9-cd]isoxazoI-5-yl]amino} benzoic acid or N-[(4-{ [3-(4-cyclohexylpiperazin-1-yl)-6-oxo-6H-anthra[1,9-cd]isoxazol-5-yl]amino} phenyl)sulfonyl]acetamide or a salt, solvate, ester, or prodrug thereof, in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment in a patient of: (a) a pain selected from the group consisting of: acute pain, chronic pain, inflammatory pain, neuropathic pain, tonic pain, persistent pain, postoperative pain, chemical induced pain, chemotherapy-induced pain, cancer-pain, drug-induced pain, bone pain, pain associated with alcohol-induced hyperalgesia, and a combination thereof, and/or (b) skeletal muscle spasms, convulsive seizures, epilepsy, restenosis, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, thrombosis, burn, posttraumatic stress disorder, cardiac disorder, smoking cessation, inflammation, immune-mediated disorders, and a combination thereof; and/or (c) a cancer selected from the group consisting of: brain, melanoma, multiple myeloma, squamous cell, bladder, gastric, pancreatic, breast, head, neck, esophageal, prostate, colorectal, lung, renal, ovarian, gynecological, thyroid, liver, and certain types of hematological malignancies, and a combination thereof; and/or (d) causalgia, diabetes, collagen vascular disease, trigeminal neuralgia, spinal cord injury, brain stem injury, thalamic pain syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome type I/reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Fabry’s syndrome, small fiber neuropathy, cancer, cancer chemotherapy, chronic alcoholism, stroke, abscess, demyelinating disease, viral infection, AIDS, burn, sunburn, arthritis, colitis, carditis, dermatitis, myositis, neuritis, mucositis, urethritis, cystitis, gastritis, pneumonitis, collagen vascular disease, trauma, maladaptive substance use, substance dependence, alcohol use or abuse, substance use or abuse, drug use or abuse, metastasis, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, a temporomandibular disorder, inflammation, immune abnormality, and a combination thereof.
Compositions of protein receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors
A61K 31/404,A61K 31/4355,A61K 31/4545,A61K 31/4709,A61K 31/495,A61K 31/496,A61K 31/497,A61K 31/498,A61K 31/4985,A61K 31/519,A61K 31/5377,A61K 31/538,A61K 31/5383,A61K 31/5415,A61K 31/542,A61K 31/55,A61K 31/551,A61K 31/5513,A61K 31/554,A61K 45/06,A61P 1/04,A61P 3/10,A61P 7/02,A61P 9/00,A61P 9/10,A61P 11/00,A61P 13/02,A61P 13/10,A61P 17/00,A61P 17/02,A61P 17/06,A61P 19/02,A61P 21/00,A61P 21/02,A61P 23/00,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/02,A61P 25/04,A61P 25/08,A61P 25/22,A61P 25/24,A61P 25/30,A61P 25/32,A61P 25/34,A61P 29/00,A61P 31/00,A61P 31/12,A61P 31/18,A61P 35/00,A61P 35/02,A61P 35/04,A61P 37/02,A61P 37/06,A61P 39/02,A61P 43/00,C07D 207/09,C07D 215/20,C07D 215/227,C07D 221/06,C07D 221/12,C07D 221/16,C07D 223/14,C07D 223/16,C07D 223/32,C07D 241/44,C07D 261/20,C07D 265/36,C07D 279/16,C07D 281/10,C07D 295/13,C07D 307/77,C07D 403/12,C07D 403/14,C07D 407/12,C07D 413/10,C07D 413/12,C07D 417/12,C07D 471/04,C07D 487/04,C07D 491/04,C07D 491/048,C07D 493/06,C07D 495/04,C07D 498/04,C07D 498/06,C07D 513/04
[ "A61P 29/00", "A61K 31/5415", "C07D 295/12", "C07D 295/135", "C07D 487/04", "C07D 417/12", "C07D 403/14", "C07D 295/112", "C07D 279/16", "C07D 295/10", "A61K 31/423", "C07D 261/20", "A61K 31/496" ]
A driving style evaluation system (1) for a motor vehicle (2), configured to receive and process motor vehicle-related data and motor vehicle mission-related data to compute a Driving Style Evaluation Index (DSEI) indicative of the driving style of a motor vehicle driver during a motor vehicle mission in relation to a motor vehicle fuel consumption, based on the following summary index: Fuel Economy Index (FEI), which is indicative of the driving style of the motor vehicle driver from the fuel saving perspective, and is computed based on pre-summary indices computed based on respective partial indices in turn computed based on a combination of the following physical quantities which affect the motor vehicle fuel consumption: time interval, ending with a motor vehicle stop, during which the motor vehicle speed reduction is mainly due to a combination of a gas pedal release and a gear downshift, possibly with operation of at least one motor vehicle braking system only during the final part of the maneuver; engine speed and torque fluctuations within preset time intervals; time elapsed between a gas pedal release and operation of at least one motor vehicle braking system; time during which at least one motor vehicle braking system is operated; amount of energy dissipated by at least one motor vehicle braking system; engine power and instantaneous fuel consumption in different gears; and time interval between two consecutive gear shifts; and wherein the pre-summary and partial indices are weighted by means of respective dynamic weighting coefficients, each of which is computed based on a respective motor vehicle mission-independent weight, which is indicative of the influence that the physical quantities based on the which the Fuel Economy Index (FEI) is computed have on the overall fuel consumption reduction, and based on a respective motor vehicle mission-dependent benefit, which represents an evaluation of the benefit that the Fuel Economy Index (FEI) provides in the driving style evaluation during the motor vehicle mission.
Fuel saving-aimed motor vehicle driving style evaluation
B60W 40/09,B60W 50/0098,B60W2050/0025,B60W2050/0045,B60W2050/0075,B60W2510/069,B60W2540/30,B60W2556/10,G07C 5/008,G07C 5/085
[ "B60W 40/09", "B60W 50/00", "G07C 5/08", "G07C 5/00", "G06F 19/00" ]
Treating or preventing the early stages of degeneration of articular cartilage or subchondral bone in the affected joint of a mammal is accomplished by administering a chondroprotective compound of Formula (I): <CHEM> wherein <CHEM> where A is hydroxy, (C1 - C4)alkoxy, amino, hydroxy-amino, mono-(C1 -C2)alkylamino, di-(C1-C2)alkylamino; X and Y are independently H or (C1 - C2)alkyl; and n is 1 or 2; R<6> is halogen, (C1 - C3)alkyl, trifluoromethyl, or nitro; R<9> is H; (C1 - C2)alkyl; phenyl or phenyl-(C1 - C2)alkyl, where phenyl is optionally mono-substituted by fluoro or chloro; -C(=O)-R, where R is (C1-C2)alkyl or phenyl, optionally mono-substituted by fluoro or chloro; or -C(=O)-O-R<1> , where R<1> is (C1 - C2)alkyl. This treatment ameliorates, diminishes, actively treats, reverses or prevents any injury, damage or loss of articular cartilage or subchondral bone subsequent to said early stage of said degeneration. Whether or not a mammal needs such treatment is determined by whether or not it exhibits a statistically significant deviation from normal standard values in synovial fluid or membrane from the affected joint, with respect to at least five of the following substances: increased interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta ); increased tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha ); increased ratio of IL-1 beta to IL-1 receptor antagonist protein (IRAP); increased expression of p55 TNF receptors (p55 TNF-R); increased interleukin-6 (IL-6); increased leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF); decreased insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1); decreased transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta ); decreased platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF); decreased basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF); increased keratan sulfate; increased stromelysin; increased ratio of stromelysin to tissue inhibitor of metalloproteases (TIMP); increased osteocalcin; increased alkaline phosphatase; increased cAMP responsive to hormone challenge; increased urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA); increased cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; and increased collagenase.
Use of carprofen and derivatives therof for treating or preventing articular degeneration
A61K 31/40,A61K 31/405,A61P 19/00,A61P 19/02,A61P 19/08,A61P 43/00
[ "A61P 19/08", "A61P 19/02", "A61K 31/40", "A61P 19/00", "A61K 31/403", "A61K 31/405", "C07D 209/88", "A61P 43/00", "A61K 31/00" ]
Disclosed in the embodiments of the present invention is a pathological annotation method for medical images, comprising: determining, upon receiving a request for entering an annotation mode input by any user at the mobile terminal, whether the user is qualified for pathological annotation; if it is determined that the user is qualified for pathological annotation, randomly invoking medical images to be annotated and displaying said medical images on a display interface of the mobile terminal; and receiving a first annotation result for the medical images from the user, and storing the first annotation result for the medical images from the user. The medical images are generated by means of the following steps: segmenting the original scanned image of a pathological section into n FOV pictures, and then calculating the pathological index of each of the n FOV pictures, wherein 10^10≥n≥10, and the storage space occupied by the FOV pictures is less than a preset threshold; and obtaining the first m FOV pictures having the highest pathological indexes from the n FOV pictures as the medical images according to the pathological index of each of the n small FOV pictures, wherein 50≥m≥5. The annotation worker does not need to annotate the entire image, but only needs to annotate the small pictures obtained after segmentation, thereby decreasing the workload of the annotation worker, reducing the feeling of fatigue thereof, and improving the annotation accuracy; moreover, operating on a mobile terminal allows the annotation to be performed anytime and anywhere regardless of the location, thereby facilitating the improvement of the annotation efficiency, and providing high-quality and abundant learning samples for artificial intelligence. The method enables the annotation worker to annotate medical images anytime and anywhere regardless of the location while ensuring the annotation quality, and thus can greatly improve the annotation efficiency and provide high-quality and abundant learning samples for artificial intelligence.
G06N 3/08,G06N 20/00,G16H 30/20,G16H 30/40,G16H 40/20
[ "G16H 30/40" ]
The present invention relates to a traffic management control method and system for vehicles, ships, airplanes, etc., and a vehicle navigation apparatus for implementing the system, comprising: a vehicle history registration step in which information on a vehicle is provided to a traffic control center through a very high-speed Internet communication network using the vehicle navigation apparatus to apply for permission; an approval order step which is achieved by a system in which vehicle history information applying to the traffic control center is reported to the traffic control center and a district police station through the very high-speed internet communication network, and a system in which an approval order is transmitted from the district police station to the traffic control center; a step in which, when receiving the approval order for the vehicle history information, the traffic control center puts information into a data form in a traffic signal controller managed and exercised by the traffic control center, and provides, in real time, information on operation and display light exclusively practiced by a signal according to values obtained through calculation; a step in which movement information on a vehicle which observes a signal instruction by the operation of the traffic signal controller is collected, and signal observance passage time point information of the vehicle which is collected is transmitted to the district traffic control center of the traffic signal controller through the very high-speed internet communication network; and a step in which the traffic control center transmits the movement information on the vehicle, received from the traffic signal controller, to a traffic management department of the district police station through the very high-speed internet communication network while at the same time receiving signal information and vehicle traffic information from the traffic management department, and storing the received information thereby providing convenience in road traffic.
G08G 1/0129,H04W 4/44,H04W 60/00
[ "G08G 1/09", "H04W 88/18" ]
PURPOSE: A user personalized meridian point stimulating method using an electroencephalogram is provided to guide brain wave of user to a normal state by stimulating the set meridian point considering the brain wave reaction characteristic of distinct user according to the current brain wave state and stimulus of user. CONSTITUTION: A user personalized meridian point stimulating apparatus using an electroencephalogram comprises the following steps. Any one operational mode of an emotion control mode, a concentration improving mode, or a health maintaining mode is entered by a user(S10). Among the preset multiple meridian points of the user's hand, a control meridian point is set to stimulate on the entered operational mode(S50). By the pre-saved method of the entered operational mode, the brain wave of user is calculated and determined on current brain wave state of user, and the control meridian point is stimulated based on the determinant(S120). [Reference numerals] (AA) Start; (BB) End; (S10) Receiving a user information input signal; (S100) Is there a channel(i) requiring emotion control?; (S110) Determining a brain wave band(j) requiring emotion control in each channel(i); (S120) Successively stimulating control meridian points corresponding to the brain wave band(j) in each channel(i); (S20) Receiving a driving mode selection signal; (S30) Driving mode is an emotion control mode?; (S40) Receiving a stimulating time setting signal; (S50) Receiving a control meridian point setting algorithm selection signal; (S60) Customized algorithm for a user?; (S70) Measuring brain waves in a stabilizing period, an acupuncture applying period, and an acupuncture removing period on each meridian point; (S80) Setting control meridian points according to brain wave bands in each channel by using the brain wave measurement values; (S85) Setting control meridian points according to brain wave bands in each channel by using prestored data; (S90) Measuring the brain wave of a user and calculating an SASI value of each channel;
Control Method of User-customized Acupuncture point Stimulating Apparatus using Brain wave signal
A61B 5/369,A61H 23/006,A61H 23/0254,A61H 39/02,A61H 39/04,A61H2201/1635,A61H2201/5035,A61H2205/065,A61H2230/105,A61N 1/18
[ "A61H 39/08", "A61B 5/0476", "A61N 1/36", "A61N 1/18" ]
Compact vision testing apparatus is provided for testing a relatively large number of physiological characteristics of the eyes and visual system of a human subject. The head of the subject is inserted into a viewing port at one end of a light-tight housing containing various optical assemblies. Visual acuity and other refractive characteristics and ocular muscle balance characteristics of the eyes of the subject are tested by means of a retractable Phoroptor assembly carried near the viewing port and a film cassette unit carried in the rearward portion of the housing, the latter selectively providing a variety of different visual targets which are viewed through the optical system of the phoroptor assembly. Various Maddox rod, Risley prism, occluder, lens and other optical devices are carried by the Phoroptor for selective positioning before one or both of the eyes of the subject. A multi-positional partially-retractable field mapping assembly is located within the forward end of the housing for mapping the visual field of the subject along different meridian lines, both with a white test object and with test objects of different colors. The visual dark adaptation characteristics and absolute brightness threshold of the subject are tested by means of a projector assembly which selectively projects one or both of a variable intensity fixation target and a variable intensity adaptation test field onto a viewing screen located near the top of the housing. A system of retractable mirrors is provided at the forward end of the housing for enabling the subject to observe this viewing screen. The film cassette unit is carried by an inner box assembly which also carries a Dolman rod unit for testing the visual depth perception of the subject. Such inner box assembly is provided with an elevator mechanism so that either the film cassette unit or the Dolman rod unit can be positioned in line with the eyes of the subject. A mechanism is also provided for testing the visual critical fusion frequency of the subject.
Multiparameter vision testing apparatus
A61B 3/0083,A61B 3/02,A61B 5/18
[ "A61B 5/18", "A61B 3/02" ]
Expert decision-making operations are trained to emulate expert behavior based on an history of behaviors by experts in a variety of observed situations. A history of behaviors is built up from observations of actions taken by experts in analyzing a plurality of situations. The observations are captured, and behaviors from the observations are constructed. The behaviors indicate an association between situation features and methods with parameter for solving the situations. The training operations capture observations of behavior by experts. The observations include situation data about multiple situations and actions by the experts. The actions are associated with the situations. Subject knowledge information is loaded from the observations; the subject knowledge information has a features library, a method library and a parameters library. Behavior information is constructed from the observations and from the subject knowledge information; the behavior information includes situation features and strategies associated with the behaviors for solving the situation. A behavior profile is learned from the behaviors. The behavior profile is used in emulating the behavior of the experts during a decision-making process. The construction of behaviors begins with extracting situation features from the situation data. Strategy information having behavior methods and parameters for solving situations is extracted from the actions by experts in the observations information and from the methods library and the parameters library in the subject knowledge information. The extraction of strategy information begins by comparing a actions/situation combination from the observations information with method/parameters combinations from the subject knowledge information. A method/parameters combination previously associated with the situation/action combination is selected and provided as a strategy for solving the situation. The situation features are associated with the strategies to provide the behavior information.
G06N 5/02
[ "G06N 5/02" ]
A system and method for determining image similarity. The method includes the steps of automatically providing perceptually significant features of main subject or background of a first image; automatically providing perceptually significant features of main subject or background of a second image; automatically comparing the perceptually significant features of the main subject or the background of the first image to the main subject or the background of the second image; and providing an output in response thereto. In the illustrative implementation, the features are provided by a number of belief levels, where the number of belief levels are preferably greater than two. The perceptually significant features include color, texture and/or shape. In the preferred embodiment, the main subject is indicated by a continuously valued belief map. The belief values of the main subject are determined by segmenting the image into regions of homogenous color and texture, computing at least one structure feature and at least one semantic feature for each region, and computing a belief value for all the pixels in the region using a Bayes net to combine the features. In an illustrative application, the inventive method is implemented in an image retrieval system. In this implementation, the inventive method automatically stores perceptually significant features of the main subject or background of a plurality of first images in a database to facilitate retrieval of a target image in response to an input or query image. Features corresponding to each of the plurality of stored images are automatically sequentially compared to similar features of the query image. Consequently, the present invention provides an automatic system and method for controlling the feature extraction, representation, and feature-based similarity retrieval strategies of a content-based image archival and retrieval system based on an analysis of main subject and background derived from a continuously valued main subject belief map. <IMAGE>
System and method for determining image similarity
G06K 9/6217,G06V 10/42,G06V 10/70,Y10S 707/99936
[ "G06K 9/62", "G06F 17/30", "G06K 9/52", "G06T 1/00", "G06T 7/00" ]
A system associated with quantifying a density level of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, based on prediction of reconstructed TIL information associated with tumoral tissue image data during pathology analysis of the tissue image data is disclosed. The system receives digitized diagnostic and stained whole-slide image data related to tissue of a particular type of tumoral data. Defined are regions of interest that represents a portion of, or a full image of the whole- slide image data. The image data is encoded into segmented data portions based on convolutional autoencoding of objects associated with the collection of image data. The density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes is determined of bounded segmented data portions for respective classification of the regions of interest. A classification label is assigned to the regions of interest. It is determined whether an assigned classification label is above a pre-determined threshold probability value of lymphocyte infiltrated. The threshold probability value is adjusted in order to re-assign the classification label to the regions of interest based on a varied sensitivity level of density of lymphocyte infiltrated. A trained classification model is generated based on the re-assigned classification labels to the regions of interest associated with segmented data portions using the adjusted threshold probability value. An unlabeled image data set is received to iteratively classify the segmented data portions based on a lymphocyte density level associated with portions of the unlabeled image data set, using the trained classification model. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte representations are generated based on prediction of TIL information associated with classified segmented data portions. A refined TIL representation based on prediction of the TIL representations is generated using the adjusted threshold probability value associated with the classified segmented data portions. A corresponding method and computer-readable device are also disclosed.
G06K 9/6256,G06K 9/6267,G06K 9/627,G06T 7/0012,G06T 7/11,G06T 7/143,G06T 9/00,G06T2207/10024,G06T2207/10056,G06T2207/20076,G06T2207/20081,G06T2207/20084,G06T2207/30024,G06T2207/30096,G06V 10/25,G06V 10/267,G06V 10/454,G06V 10/764,G06V 10/82,G06V 20/695,G06V 20/698
[ "G06T 7/00" ]
Following from the finding that the spectral pattern ERG responds to both luminance and color, a test was devised that pits one against the other in such a way that a numeric score is derived which reflects the amount of color response required to cancel the luminance response. Contrary to expectations derived from the psychophysical literature on glaucoma, it was found that with the progress of glaucoma less and less color response is required to cancel luminance response indicating that the luminance ganglion cells deteriorate earliest. Tests on populations of normals, glaucoma suspects and confirmed glaucoma patients who do not yet show consistent visual field defects on the Humphrey Test, reveal significantly lower scores on this test for those with confirmed glaucoma than for the suspects and for both suspects and confirmed glaucomas than for the normals. There was no significant difference between test and retest, showing high reliability. It was also shown by tests on paralyzed and narcotized rhesus monkeys that earliest differences between normal control eye and eye with induced high intraocular pressure are detected outside the central 17 degx10 deg in the retinal periphery with a 34 deg.x20 deg. checkerboard pattern. This was underscored by finding the largest difference between the response of treated and control eye with the larger pattern plus occlusion of the central 10 degrees. Finally, it was shown on two normal humans that larger pattern ERG response occurred to the larger of the two fields and were clearly discernable when the central 10 degrees were occluded. Therefore, it is concluded that a form of spectral pattern ERG visual field test is shown feasible in which recording responses to annular checkerboard patterns of different inner and outer diameters is contemplated. A test device for following the progress of glaucoma and the success of treatment at a time earlier in the course of the disease than can be revealed by the subjective visual field tests was also designed.
Spectral pattern ERG for detection of glaucoma
A61B 3/032,A61B 5/398
[ "A61B 5/0496", "A61B 3/032" ]
A method for voice evaluation having three analysis steps is described. First, the subject is caused to stand with the arms at the sides and produce a yawn-sigh-like sound ('AH') without vibrato for approximately one second. The subject is instructed to begin the sound fairly high on the vocal scale, using the light mechanism of the voice, and to gradually lower (descend) the pitch of the tone in a smooth sliding/glissando effect. The tone descends through the middle voice and down through the chest voice or heavy mechanism of the voice, ending on the lowest tone that the subject can produce. The analyst listens to the quality of the descending tone evaluating it for clarity across the vocal scale and listening for disturbances in the quality, registration, resonance and placement of the tone, as well as a skip/interruption in the tone, a flutter/shakiness, a double tone, or any other vocal aberration. Second, the subject is caused to turn the head to a first side, facing the shoulder, without turning the torso, thus inhibiting the functioning of the vocal cord on the side being faced and allowing the vocal cord on the opposite side to vibrate freely so that it may be examined. The subject is then instructed to produce a yawn-sigh-like sound as described under the first procedure and the analyst listens to the tone produced and evaluates it as described in the first analysis step. Third, the subject is instructed to turn the head to the opposite side, facing the opposite shoulder, without turning the torso. The subject is then caused to produce the yawn-sigh-like sound as described under the first procedure and the analyst listens to the tone produced and evaluates it as described above. The analyst then compares the tone produced by the subject when facing forward with the tone produced when facing to the first side and then when facing to the opposite side. The tones produced are then analyzed to determine the type, severity and location of bumps or protrusions, swellings, or irritations.
Method for voice evaluation
G09B 15/00,G09B 19/04
[ "G09B 15/00", "A61B 19/00", "G09B 19/04" ]
Method of measuring the nuclear magnetic resonance in selected areas of a body in order to present images of body cross-sections according to the slice-selective two dimensional Fourier-transformation. Wherein, the body is in a homogeneous magnetic field, exposed to a selection gradient and excited by a selective RF-pulse. Wherein a time-limited phase encoding gradient is applied, and finally by means of a read gradient at least one nuclear resonance signal is generated by gradient inversion in the form of at least one so-called gradient echo. Wherein, the selection gradient, the phase encoding gradient, as well as, the read gradient are arranged orthogonally with respect to one another. Wherein, RF-pulses have a high frequency excitation profile, of which the base frequencies of the high frequency differ by a value (Delta)f corresponding to the distance between the centers of adjacent layers or slices. Wherein different slices are excited by RF-pulses in cooperation with the selection gradient, and wherein, the amplitude and/or duration of the phase encoding gradient is varied. Slice selection frequencies for the recording of at least two phase encoding steps or groups of phase encoding steps and at most all phase encoding steps, which are allocated essentially to the same slice, differ by a frequency increment. Wherein, the allocation of the phase encoding steps to the excitation frequencies in each case is effected such that an almost continuous distribution of phase encoding steps across the measuring volume is achieved. Wherein, layers or slices which belong to a complete recording of the entire volume of the body area overlap one another in such a manner that within a random partial volume which: lies within the measuring volume, can be varied almost continuously, and has a thickness corresponding to (delta)f+(Delta)f, where (Delta)f corresponds to the layer distance and (delta)f represents the thickness of a selected layer or slice according to the bandwidth of the selective pulses.
Method for muclear magnetic resonance (NMR) tomography
G01R 33/4835,G01R 33/5604
[ "G01R 33/54", "A61B 5/055", "G01R 33/48", "G01R 33/56" ]
Disclosed are substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines as represented by general formula (I), wherein X is a fused bicyclic carbocycle or heterocycle selected from the group consisting of benzofuranyl, benzo[b]thiophenyl, benzoisothiazolyl, benzoisoxazolyl, indazolyl, indolyl, isoindolyl, indolizinyl, benzoimidazolyl, benzoxazolyl, benzothiazolyl, benzotriazolyl, imidazo[1,2-a]pyridinyl, pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridinyl, [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3a]pyridinyl, thieno[2,3-b]pyridinyl, thieno[3,2-b]pyridinyl, 1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridinyl, indenyl, indanyl, dihydrobenzocycloheptenyl, tetrahydrobenzocycloheptenyl, dihydrobenzothiophenyl, dihydrobenzofuranyl, indolinyl, naphthyl, tetrahydronaphthyl, quinolinyl, isoquinolinyl, 4H-quinolizinyl, 9aH-quinolizinyl, quinazolinyl, cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinoxalinyl, benzo[1,2,3]triazinyl, benzo[1,2,4]triazinyl, 2H-chromenyl, 4H-chromenyl, and a fused bicyclic carbocycle or a fused bicyclic heterocycle optionally substituted with 1-4 substituents, and where the remaining substituents are as defined herein. It is further disclosed that the compounds are useful for the treatment of conditions such as attention deficit disorder hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cognition impairment, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, social phobia, simple phobia, pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar or manic-depressive disorder, eating disorder, obesity, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, analgesia, substance abuse disorder, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric symptoms, movement disorder, tardive dyskinesia, supranuclear palsy, sleep related eating disorder (SRED), night eating syndrome (NES), urinary incontinence, migraine, lower back pain, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia syndrome (FS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), sexual dysfunction, and thermoregulatory disorder. ;
Aryl-and heteroaryl-substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines and use thereof to block reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
A61K 31/4709,A61K 31/4741,A61K 31/4743,A61K 31/502,A61K 31/517,A61K 31/53,A61P 1/14,A61P 3/00,A61P 3/04,A61P 13/00,A61P 13/10,A61P 15/08,A61P 15/10,A61P 25/00,A61P 25/02,A61P 25/06,A61P 25/14,A61P 25/16,A61P 25/22,A61P 25/24,A61P 25/28,A61P 25/32,A61P 25/34,A61P 25/36,A61P 43/00,C07D 217/00,C07D 217/04,C07D 217/08,C07D 217/12,C07D 217/14,C07D 217/16,C07D 217/20,C07D 401/04,C07D 401/12,C07D 401/14,C07D 403/04,C07D 403/12,C07D 403/14,C07D 405/04,C07D 405/12,C07D 405/14,C07D 407/04,C07D 409/04,C07D 409/12,C07D 409/14,C07D 413/04,C07D 413/12,C07D 413/14,C07D 417/04,C07D 417/12,C07D 417/14,C07D 471/04,C07D 487/04,C07D 495/04
[ "A61K 31/4745", "A61K 31/4709", "A61K 31/4743", "A61K 31/53", "A61K 31/502", "A61K 31/498", "C07D 217/14" ]
An apparatus for generating an image to be displayed on a display screen from data defining a model including a plurality of opaque and translucent features. The image is intended to represent a view of the model from a predetermined eyepoint and is made up from an array of screen space pixels to be displayed by a raster scanning process. Each pixel is of uniform colour and intensity, and the pixels together define an image area. The image area is divided into an array of sub-areas each of which covers at least one pixel. For each feature in the model that is potentially visible from the eyepoint, a test is conducted to determine which of the sub-areas is at least partially covered by that feature. A list of feature identifiers is produced in respect of each sub-area, the list for any one sub-area identifying features which at least partially cover that sub-area. The position in screen space of at least one sampling point within each sub-area is determined. For each sub-area in turn, and for each sampling point a test is conducted to determine which of the features in that sub-area's list cover that sampling point. For each feature which covers a sampling point, a function of the distance from the eyepoint to that feature at the sampling point is determined. Feature describing data is stored for each sampling point within a sub-area, the stored data being indicative of at least the distance of the opaque feature which covers the sampling point and is nearest to the eyepoint and the distance and translucency of at least one nearer translucent feature which covers the sampling point. An output is produced for each sampling point within a sub-area, the sampling point output corresponding to the combined effects of the features identified by the stored data. An output for each pixel within a sub-area is produced, the pixel output corresponding to the combined effects of the sampling point outputs for all sampling points which contribute to that pixel, and the pixel outputs are displayed.
G06T 1/60,G06T 15/00,G09B 9/301
[ "G06T 15/00", "G09B 9/30" ]
The present invention relates to a method for diagnosing or distinguishing, in a subject having left ventricular hypertrophy, if the subject has physiological left ventricular hypertrophy or suffers from pathological left ventricular hypertrophy, the method comprising the steps of a) determining the amounts of at least one marker selected from necrosis markers, at least one marker selected from cardiac function markers and at least one marker selected from inflammatory markers, in at least one sample of said subject, b) comparing the thus determined amounts of the said markers as determined in step a) to suitable reference amounts, and c) diagnosing if the subject is physiologically healthy or suffering from pathological left ventricular hypertrophy. The present invention also relates to a method which allows to distinguish (diagnose), in a subject suffering from pathological left ventricular hypertrophy, if the subject suffers from hypertrophic non-obstructive cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy or pressure overload hypertrophy, comprising the steps of a) determining the amounts of at least one marker selected from cardiac function markers, at least one markers selected from necrosis markers, and at least one marker selected from inflammatory markers, in at least one sample of said subject, b) comparing the amounts to reference amounts, and c) distinguishing between the different forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, depending on the results of step b). In preferred embodiments of this method of the present invention, the ratio of 2 markers in formed. Optionally, as a further marker PlGF is measured. Moreover, the present invention relates to a device and a kit adapted to carry out the method of the present invention. Use of BNP (NT-proBNP), troponin T or I, GDF- 15 and PlGF for distinguishing, in a subject having left ventricular hypertrophy, if the subject has physiological left ventricular hypertrophy or suffers from pathological left ventricular hypertrophy.
A61P 9/00,G01N 33/6893,G01N2333/4712,G01N2333/475,G01N2333/58,G01N2800/325,G01N2800/52
[ "G01N 33/49", "E02B 17/02", "E02B 17/08" ]
An embodiment pertains to a method for evaluating efficacy of a drug which increases or decreases the secretion of a particular neurotransmitter, by measuring a concentration change of the particular neurotransmitter in a specific intracerebral site with reference to a brain map, the method comprising the steps of: selecting as a microdialysis target region in the brain map a first site of an animal, which corresponds to a site that the brain map represents as being the highest in the concentration of a first neurotransmitter of which the secretion is increased or decreased by the drug; and injecting the drug to the animal and monitoring a concentration change of the first neurotransmitter in the first site between pre- and post-injection of the drug. The brain map is constructed by acquiring a concentration distribution of 11 or more multiple neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and metabolites thereof, obtained by mass analysis of samples acquired from multiple sites in the human brain -hereinafter referred to as first concentration distribution- and a concentration distribution of 11 or more multiple neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and metabolites thereof, obtained by mass analysis of samples acquired from multiple sites in a monkey brain -hereinafter referred to as second concentration distribution-, and utilizing first correlation including at least 11 correlation data resulting from matching the multiple sites of the human brain to the multiple sites of the monkey brain on the basis of similarity in the concentration distribution of the individual neurotransmitters between the first concentration distribution acquired and the second concentration distribution acquired, and the second concentration distribution, wherein the first site corresponds to a second site in the second concentration distribution when the first neurotransmitter is the most abundant at the second site in the first concentration distribution.
A61B 5/00,G01N 30/72,G01N 30/88,G01N 33/5008,G01N 33/5088,G01N 33/9406,G01N2030/027,G01N2560/00
[ "G01N 30/72", "G01N 30/88", "A61B 5/00", "G01N 33/94" ]
The present invention relates to small molecule potentiators of metabotropic receptors, in particular of the mGlu2 receptor. The present invention also relates to the use of these compounds for the prevention or treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders associated with glutamate dysfunction and diseases in which metabotropic glutamate receptors are involved. The present invention thus provides compounds of formula I wherein X1 is N or C—R1, X2 is N or C—R2, X3 is N or C—R3, X4 is N or C—R4 provided that none or one of X1, X2, X3 or X4 is N; Y1 is N, C or C—R5, Y2 is N, C or C—R6, Y3 is Y1, Y2, N, C or C—R7, Y4 is N, C or C—R8 provided that only the moiety Y1, Y2, Y3 or Y4 to which Z is bound is C and further provided at most one of Y1, Y2, Y3 or Y4 is N; Z is O, S, S(O), S(O)2 or NRZ; Q is CH2 or CH2CH2, where one or two of the hydrogen atoms in CH2 or CH2CH2 may be replaced by halogen, C1-C4-alkyl or C1-C4-haloalkyl; R1 is inter alia hydrogen, halogen, C1-C6-alkyl, C1-C6-haloalkyl, C1-C6-alkoxy, C1-C4-haloalkoxy, C3-C8-cycloalkyl, a radical NR1aR1b, C-bound 3- to 7-membered, saturated heterocyclyl having 1 or 2 nitrogen atoms and 0 or 1 heteroatoms, selected from O and S, as ring members, aryl, aryl-CH2, aryloxy, hetaryl, hetaryloxy or hetaryl-CH2, wherein the heterocyclyl, aryl and hetaryl rings ring in the last six radicals themselves are unsubstituted or carry 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 identical or different radicals R1c; R2 has one of the meanings given for R1; R3 and R4 are, inter alia, selected from hydrogen, halogen, C1-C4-alkyl, C1-C4-haloalkyl, C3-C6-cycloalkyl, C1-C4-alkoxy, C1-C4-alkoxy-C1-C4-alkyl, phenyl, C1-C4-haloalkoxy, a radical (CH2)nNR′R″; R5, R6, R7, R8 are, independently of each other, selected from hydrogen, halogen, etc.; Ra is C3-C6-cycloalkyl, C1-C6-haloalkyl or C1-C6-alkyl, which is unsubstituted or carries one radical selected from C1-C4-alkoxy, C1-C4-haloalkoxy and a radical NRa1Ra2; and the N-oxides and the pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof.
Small molecule potentiators of metabotropic glutamate receptors
A61P 25/00,A61P 25/06,A61P 25/08,A61P 25/18,A61P 25/22,A61P 25/24,C07D 401/12,C07D 401/14,C07D 403/12,C07D 413/12,C07D 413/14
[ "A61K 31/4375", "C07D 401/12", "A61K 31/403", "C07D 487/04", "C07D 217/22", "C07D 209/46", "A61P 25/22", "A61K 31/5377", "A61P 25/18", "C07D 471/04", "A61K 31/498", "A61P 25/08", "A61K 31/4725", "A61K 31/4709", "A61K 31/496", "A61K 31/497", "C07D 403/12", "A61P 25/00", "C07D 401/14", "A61P 25/06", "A61P 25/24", "A61K 31/4439", "C07D 413/14" ]
ABSRTACT: An image coding method for coding last position information indicating a horizontal position and a vertical position of a last non-zero coefficient in a predetermined order in a current block to be coded. The method comprises: binarizing first and second components to generate first and second binary signals, respectively, the first component being one of a horizontal component and a vertical component which are included in the last position information, and the second component being the other of the horizontal component and the vertical component; coding first and second partial signals by first arithmetic coding, and coding third and fourth partial signals by second arithmetic coding different from the first arithmetic coding, the first and third partials signals being parts of the first binary signal, the second and fourth partial signals being parts of the second binary signal, wherein the first arithmetic coding is context adaptive arithmetic coding using a variable probability that is updated based on a coded signal, and the second arithmetic coding is bypass coding using a fixed probability; and arranging the coded first, second, third and fourth partial signals in a bit stream in this order. When the horizontal component is a maximum value for a size of the current block, the bits of the first partial signal are identical and when the vertical component is a maximum value for a size of the current block, the bits of the second partial signal are identical. - 99 8879495_1 (GHMatters) P94474.AU.1 (Start Binarize last position information S402 Code prefix part of X component S403 -N Suffix part included? No S404 Yes Set suffix flag of X component 'ON' Code prefix part of Y component Suffix part included? No S407 Yes Set suffix flag of Y component 'ON' Suffix flag of X component is 'ON'? No S409 Yes Code suffix part of X component Suffix flag of Y component is 'ON'? N S411 Yes Code suffix part of Y component Place last position information in bit stream (nd
G06T 9/00,H03M 7/40,H04N 19/13,H04N 19/159,H04N 19/176,H04N 19/184,H04N 19/593,H04N 19/70,H04N 19/91
[ "H04N 7/00" ]
7 T h e i n v e n t i o n r e l a t e s t o a n o s c i l l a t o r f o r a t i me p i e c e , c o mp r i s i n g a b a l a n c e ( 1 ) a n d a h a i r s p r i n g ( 3 ; 3 ' ) , t h e b a l a n c e h a v i n g a l a c k o f e q u i l i b r i u m. T h e l a c k o f e q u i l i b r i u m i n t h e b a l a n c e a n d t h e g e o me t r y o f t h e h a i r s p r i n g a r e s u c h t h a t : t h e 5 c u r v e s ( S 1 - S 4 ; S 1 ' - S 4 ' ) r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e r u n n i n g o f t h e o s c i l l a t o r o w i n g t o t h e w e i g h t o f t h e h a i r s p r i n g a s a f u n c t i o n o f t h e o s c i l l a t i o n a mp l i t u d e o f t h e b a l a n c e i n a t l e a s t f o u r v e r t i c a l p o s i t i o n s o f t h e o s c i l l a t o r s p a c e d a p a r t b y 9 0 ° e a c h p a s s t h r o u g h t h e v a l u e z e r o a t a n o s c i l l a t i o n a mp l i t u d e o f t h e b a l a n c e b e t w e e n 2 0 0 ° a n d 2 4 0 ° ; a n d b e t w e e n t h e o s c i l l a t i o n a mp l i t u d e o f 1 5 0 ° a n d t h e o s c i l l a t i o n a mp l i t u d e o f 2 8 0 ° , t h e 1 0 c u r v e s ( B 1 - B 4 ; B 1 ' - B 4 ' ) r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e r u n n i n g o f t h e o s c i l l a t o r o w i n g t o t h e l a c k o f e q u i l i b r i u m i n t h e b a l a n c e a s a f u n c t i o n o f t h e o s c i l l a t i o n a mp l i t u d e o f t h e b a l a n c e i n s a i d v e r t i c a l p o s i t i o n s o f t h e o s c i l l a t o r e a c h h a v e a n a v e r a g e s l o p e o f o p p o s i t e s i g n t o t h e a v e r a g e s l o p e o f t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g c u r v e a mo n g s a i d c u r v e s ( S 1 - S 4 ; S 1 ' - S 4 ' ) r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e r u n n i n g o f t h e o s c i l l a t o r o w i n g t o t h e w e i g h t o f t h e 1 5 h a i r s p r i n g . A r e d u c t i o n i n t h e r u n n i n g d i s c r e p a n c i e s b e t w e e n t h e v e r t i c a l p o s i t i o n s c a n t h u s b e a c h i e v e d . ( F i g u r e 1 )
G04B 17/06,G04B 17/063,G04B 17/066,G04B 17/26,G04B 17/28,G04D 7/08,G04D 7/10
[ "G04B 17/26", "G04D 7/08", "G04B 17/28", "G04D 7/10", "G04B 17/06" ]
An educational toy is provided which includes a block of material, preferably a solid block of wood or plastic in the shape of a board and with a plurality of holes extending completely therethrough. A number of pegs are also provided which fit loosely into the holes in the board and have a corresponding cross sectional shape as the holes. In preferred embodiments, these pegs are substantially longer than the thickness of the board so that they protrude upwardly from the board when placed in position in the holes with the board on a table or other flat backing surface. One side of the board includes respective letters of the alphabet adjacent the holes, while the other side of the board includes the numbers 1 to 26 adjacent the respective holes. Each of the pegs is provided at one end with a letter and at the opposite end with a number, so that a matching of the letters on the pegs with the letters adjacent the holes can be accommodated with one side of the board facing upwardly, while a matching of the numbered ends of the pegs with the numbered holes is accommodated when the board is turned over. In preferred embodiments, the alphabet is arranged in rows on the board, as is the number arrangement at the opposite end of the board, and each of these rows are colored a different color, with the respective pegs being correspondingly colored, so that subgroups of the alphabet and/or of the numbers, can be easily matched by the color code indication on the board and the pegs. In particularly preferred embodiments, additional through holes are arranged near one side of the board to accommodate insertion of the pegs therein to form different words and/or to carry out different simple arithmetic steps, with an additional set of pegs having the vowels at one end thereof and arithmetic symbols at the opposite end thereof. Certain preferred embodiments include braille indicia for the respective colors, letters, and numbers, so as to accommodate use of the toy by blind persons.
A63F 3/00154,A63F 3/00574,A63F 3/0423,A63F2009/0004,G09B 1/10,G09B 17/00,G09B 19/02,G09B 21/003
[ "G09B 1/10", "A63F 3/02", "A63F 3/04", "G09B 21/00", "A63F 9/00", "G09B 19/02", "G09B 17/00", "G09B 3/02", "A63F 3/00" ]
FIELD: physics.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to spin magnetic resonance application. A method of performing nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) a sample under investigation comprises generating nuclear spin magnetic resonance random emission radiations by placing the sample in a NMR magnetic environment; detecting spin resonance random emission radiations from the sample; converting the detected NMR signals for processing; correlating the converted NMR signals to obtain an NMR auto-correlation function; and obtaining spin resonance properties of the sample from the NMR auto-correlation function. To perform nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a sample under investigation, generation of nuclear spin magnetic resonance random emission radiations is performed in a MRI magnetic environment. In a second version of performing NMR, an NMR power spectrum is obtained from the converted NMR signals. Similarly, a second version of performing MRI, an MRI power spectrum is obtained from the converted MRI signals. A method of performing electron spin magnetic resonance (ESR) of a sample under investigation comprises generating spin magnetic resonance random emission radiations by placing the sample in an ESR magnetic environment; detecting spin resonance random emission radiation from the sample as source ESR signals; converting the ESR signals for data processing; correlating the converted ESR signals to obtain an ESR auto-correlation function; obtaining an ESR power spectrum from the ESR auto-correlation function and obtaining electron spin resonance properties or constructing electron spin resonance property images of the sample from the ESR auto-correlation function and/or ESR power spectrum. For the second version of ESR, the ESR power spectrum is obtained from the converted ESR signals and the ESR auto-correlation function is then obtained from ESR power spectrum.EFFECT: use of the invention improves spectral resolution and safety for patients.23 cl, 8 dwg
A61B 5/055,G01R 33/445,G01R 33/50,G01R 33/54,G01R 33/5608,G01R 33/60
[ "G01R 33/60", "G01R 33/54", "G01R 33/50", "A61B 5/055", "A61K 49/00" ]
The present invention provides compounds of formula (I) or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof: where A is C1-6alkyl, C2-6alkenyl, C2-6alkynyl, C3-6cycloalkyl, arylC1-6alkyl, aryl, S(O),R1, OR1 or NR1R6; R1 is hydrogen; C1-6alkyl, C2-6alkenyl, C2-6alkynyl, C3-6cycloalkyl or C3-6cycloalkenyl each of which is optionally substituted by amino, C1-6alkylamino, di(C1-6alkyl)amino, C1-6alkoxy, C1-6alkylaminocarbonyl, one, two or three hydroxy groups, one, two or three halogen atoms or a four, five or six-membered saturated heterocyclic ring containing a nitrogen atom and optionally either an oxygen atom or a further nitrogen atom which ring is optionally substituted by C1-4alkyl on the further nitrogen atom; aryl, arylC1-6alkyl, arylC2-6alkenyl or arylC2-6alkynyl optionally substituted on the aryl ring by halogen, nitro, cyano, C1-6alkylcarbonylamino, hydroxy or C1-6alkoxy; or a five-membered aromatic ring containing 1, 2, 3 or 4 heteroatoms chosen from O, N and S provided that not more than one heteroatom is other than N, or a six-membered aromatic ring containing 1, 2, 3 or 4 nitrogen atoms, each of which rings is optionally substituted by halogen, C1-6alkoxy, C1-6alkylthio, aryl, C1-6alkyl, C2-6alkenyl or C2-6alkynyl; R2 and R3 are independently hydrogen or C1-6alkyl or together with the carbon atom to which they are attached form a C3-8 cycloalkyl group; R4 and R5 are individually hydrogen, C1-6alkyl, C2-6alkenyl, C2-6alkynyl or C3-8cycloalkyl or R12 and R13, together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached, form a saturated 4 to 8 membered ring optionally containing an oxygen atom or a further nitrogen atom as a ring member, the further nitrogen atom being unsubstituted or substituted by C1-4alkyl, C2-4alkenyl or C2-4alkynyl; R6 is hydrogen or C1-6alkyl; p is zero, 1 or 2; and q is 0, 1 or 2; the preparation of these compounds, their use in enhancing cognition in disease states, particularly Alzheimer's disease, and methods of treatment using them.
Substituted thienlycyclohexanone derivatives for enhancing cognition
C07D 333/72,C07D 417/12
[ "C07D 417/12", "C07D 333/72" ]
Specification covers new algorithms, methods, and systems for: Artificial Intelligence; the first application of General-AI. (versus Specific, Vertical, or Narrow-AI) (as humans can do) (which also includes Explainable-AI or XAI); addition of reasoning, inference, and cognitive layers/engines to learning module/engine/layer; soft computing; Information Principle; Stratification; Incremental Enlargement Principle; deep-level/detailed recognition, e.g., image recognition (e.g., for action, gesture, emotion, expression, biometrics, fingerprint, tilted or partial-face, OCR, relationship, position, pattern, and object); Big Data analytics; machine learning; crowd-sourcing; classification; clustering; SVM; similarity measures; Enhanced Boltzmann Machines; Enhanced Convolutional Neural Networks; optimization; search engine; ranking; semantic web; context analysis; question-answering system; soft, fuzzy, or un-sharp boundaries/impreciseness/ambiguities/fuzziness in class or set, e.g., for language analysis; Natural Language Processing (NLP); Computing-with-Words (CWW); parsing; machine translation; music, sound, speech, or speaker recognition; video search and analysis (e.g., “intelligent tracking”, with detailed recognition); image annotation; image or color correction; data reliability; Z-Number; Z-Web; Z-Factor; rules engine; playing games; control system; autonomous vehicles or drones; self-diagnosis and self-repair robots; system diagnosis; medical diagnosis/images; genetics; drug discovery; biomedicine; data mining; event prediction; financial forecasting (e.g., for stocks); economics; risk assessment; fraud detection (e.g., for cryptocurrency); e-mail management; database management; indexing and join operation; memory management; data compression; event-centric social network; social behavior; drone/satellite vision/navigation; smart city/home/appliances/IoT; and Image Ad and Referral Networks, for e-commerce, e.g., 3D shoe recognition, from any view angle.
System and method for extremely efficient image and pattern recognition and artificial intelligence platform
G06F 16/43,G06F 16/953,G06K 9/6264,G06N 3/006,G06N 3/0436,G06N 3/0445,G06N 3/0454,G06N 3/0472,G06N 3/084,G06N 7/005,G06N 20/10
[ "G06F 16/43", "G06F 16/953", "G06N 3/00", "G06N 3/04", "G06K 9/62" ]
In a neural network comprised of a plurality of neuron circuits, there is disclosed an improved neuron circuit architecture (11) that generates local result signals, e.g. of the fire (F) type and a local output signal of the distance or category type. The neuron circuit which is connected to buses which transport input data (e.g. the input category) and control signals includes the following circuits. A multi-norm distance evaluation circuit (300) calculates the distance D between the input vector (A) and the prototype vector (B) stored in a R/W (weight) memory circuit (250). A distance compare circuit (300) compares the distance D with either the actual influence field (AIF) of the stored prototype vector or the lower limit thereof (MinIF) to generate first and secondintermediate signals (LT, LTE). An identification circuit (400) processes the said intermediate result signals, the input category signal (CAT), the local category signal (C) and a feedback signal (OR) to generate the local result signals which represent the response of a neuron circuit to the presentation of an input vector. A minimum distance determination circuit (500) is adapted to determine the minimum distance Dmin among all the distances calculated by all the neuron circuits of the neural network to generate a local output signal (NOUT) of the distance type. The same processing applies to categories . The feed-back signal which is collectively generated by all the neuron circuits results of ORing all the local distances/categories. A daisy chain circuit (600) is serially connected to the corresponding daisy chain circuits of the two adjacent neuron circuits to structure the neural network as a chain. Its role is to determine the neuron circuit state: free (in particular, the first free in the chain) and engaged. Finally, a context circuitry (100/150) is capable to allow or not the neuron circuit to participate with the other neuron circuits in the generation of the said feedback signal.
G06K 9/6272,G06N 3/063,G06V 10/955
[ "G06K 9/66", "G06F 15/18", "G06N 3/00", "G06N 3/06", "G06N 3/063", "G06N 3/08" ]
Specification covers new algorithms, methods, and systems for: Artificial Intelligence; the first application of General-AI (versus Specific, Vertical, or Narrow-AI) (as humans can do) (which also includes Explainable-AI or XAI); addition of reasoning, inference, and cognitive layers/engines to learning module/engine/layer; soft computing; Information Principle; Stratification; Incremental Enlargement Principle; deep-level/detailed recognition, e.g., image recognition (e.g., for action, gesture, emotion, expression, biometrics, fingerprint, tilted or partial-face, OCR, relationship, position, pattern, and object); Big Data analytics; machine learning; crowd-sourcing; classification; clustering; SVM; similarity measures; Enhanced Boltzmann Machines; Enhanced Convolutional Neural Networks; optimization; search engine; ranking; semantic web; context analysis; question-answering system; soft, fuzzy, or un-sharp boundaries/impreciseness/ambiguities/fuzziness in class or set, e.g., for language analysis; Natural Language Processing (NLP); Computing-with-Words (CWW); parsing; machine translation; music, sound, speech, or speaker recognition; video search and analysis (e.g. “intelligent tracking”, with detailed recognition); image annotation; image or color correction; data reliability; Z-Number; Z-Web; Z-Factor; rules engine; playing games; control system; autonomous vehicles or drones; self-diagnosis and self-repair robots; system diagnosis; medical diagnosis/images; genetics; drug discovery; biomedicine; data mining; event prediction; financial forecasting (e.g., for stocks); economics; risk assessment; fraud detection (e.g., for cryptocurrency); e-mail management; database management; indexing and join operation; memory management; data compression; event-centric social network; social behavior; drone/satellite vision/navigation; smart city/home/appliances/IoT; and Image Ad and Referral Networks, for e-commerce, e.g., 3D shoe recognition, from any view angle.
System and Method for Extremely Efficient Image and Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Platform
G06F 16/43,G06F 16/953,G06K 9/6264,G06K 9/627,G06N 3/006,G06N 3/0436,G06V 10/25,G06V 10/454,G06V 10/764,G06V 10/82,G06V 40/171
[ "G06N 3/04", "G06F 16/953", "G06N 3/00", "G06F 16/43", "G06K 9/62" ]
In accordance with the present invention, a functional electrical stimulation system enables upper-motor-neuron paraplegic patients and certain other paralyzed or partially paralyzed patients to stand and to take steps with the support of a walker in an independent fashion so that they are in control of the stimulation and, noting that they have very little or no sensation, that they still can obtain some feedback on the state of the system. In one embodiment, a compact and safe battery-operated stimulation system is provided that is of pocket size and that allows for non-invasive safe and controlled stimulation using skin surface electrodes. The system of the present invention is a stimulation system for providing upper-motor-neuron paralyzed patients with capabilities of unbraced standing and unbraced walking, which consists of a single pulse power and amplifier that outputs various trains of stimulation pulses and which is totally under microprocessor generation and control, where the microprocessor's microcomputer selectively performs multiplexing of the pulse trains and their selective alternate distribution to the various surface electrodes attached to the skin of the patient at the appropriate stimulation locations. It also controls pulse-width, pulse-duration, pulse-amplitude and pulse-shape. Furthermore, the system can compute and activate (audible and/or visual) warning signals to warn the patient when the system is close to its maximal output. This would happen when muscle fatigue is such that no further increase in stimuli level can keep the patient upright. The system computes and outputs indications of the various stimuli levels to a visual display, and it provides automatic fail-safe and override capabilities to help ensure that the patient does not fall in case of major circuit or system failure or misactivation. This is a critical capability since this system will be used by paraplegics who lack sensation in their lower extremities.
Microprocessor-controlled multiplexed functional electrical stimulator for surface stimulation in paralyzed patients with safety enhancements
A61F 4/00,A61N 1/36003
[ "A61N 1/36", "A61F 4/00" ]
The present invention is disclosed for recognizing one or more words not listed in a dictionary data base. If there is no valid word obtained, a statistical process checks one or more sequences of a sub set of two or more characters in the word to determine a probability that the word is a valid word. In alternative embodiments, the invention includes a prefix removal process, a suffix removal process, a root process, and/or a combination process. The prefix removal process removes one or more prefixes from a word where the prefixes are preferably in a prefix list. The prefix removal preferably is constrained by one or more prefix removal rules. The prefix removal process also obtains prefix information about the removed prefix (e.g., from a dictionary data base or prefix list). The suffixremoval process removes one or more suffixes from the word where the suffixes are preferably in a suffix list. Preferably, the suffix removal is constrained by one or more suffix removal rules. The suffix removal process also obtains suffix information about the removed suffix (e.g., from the dictionary data base or suffix list). The root process obtains root information about a root word from the dictionary database. (The root word is the word with the prefix and suffix removed.) The combination process then determines if the prefix, the root, and the suffix can be combined into a valid wordas defined by one or more combination rules. The combination process then obtains one or more of the possible parts of speech of the valid word, if there is a valid word, and stores the parts of speech with the valid word in the dictionary database (or other memory location).The present invention is disclosed for recognizing one or more words not listed in a dictionary data base. If there is no valid word obtained, a statistical process checks one or more sequences of a sub set of two or more characters in the word to determine a probability that the word is a valid word.
System and method for recognizing words and their parts of speech in one or more natural languages
G06F 40/268,G06F 40/295
[ "G06F 17/27", "G06F 40/00" ]
Textual overlays/labels add contextual information in Augmented Reality (AR) 5 applications. The spatial placement of labels is a challenging task particularly for real time videos. Embodiments of the present disclosure provide systems and methods for optimal placement of contextual information for Augmented Reality (AR) applications to overcome the limitations of occlusion with object/scene of interest through optimally placing labels aiding better interpretation of scene. 10 This is achieved by combining saliency maps computed for each frame of an input video with Euclidean distance between current and previous overall positions for each frame based on an initial overlay position of the label to calculate an updated overlay position for label placement in the video. The placement of overlays is formulated as an objective function that minimizes 15 visual saliency around the object of interest and minimizes the temporal jitter facilitating coherence in real-time AR applications. Sheet No: 2/4 Receiving, in real time, (i) an input video comprising a plurality of frames and an object of interest in the plurality of frames, and (ii) a label for which an initial overlay position is 202 pre-computed for placement on a center frame of the input video Com puti ng, i n real ti me, a sal iency map for each of the -,0 plurality of frames to obtain a plurality of saliency maps 204 Computing, in real time, for each of the plurality of frames, Euclidean distance between a current overlay position and a 206 previous overlay position based on the initial overlay position of the label to obtain a plurality of Euclidean distances Calculating, in real time, an updated overlay position of the label for placement in the input video based on the plurality 208 of saliency maps and the plurality of Euclidean distances Shifting the label from the initial overlay position to the updated overlay position to minimize occlusion from viewing 210 the object of interest
G06T 1/20,G06T 3/20,G06T 11/00,G06T 19/00,G06T 19/006,G06T 19/20,G06T2207/10016,G06T2219/004,H04N 5/265,H04N 13/172,H04N 21/4312,H04N 21/812,H04N 21/816
[ "G06T 7/00" ]
The disclosure relates to a multi-spectral bioluminescence tomography (BLT) method and system. This method and system introduces a Log-sum penalty function model into the BLT research. It uses multi-spectral information to increase the effective measurement and reduce the ill-posed characteristic of BLT reconstruction, and establishes a non-convex BLT reconstruction model based on Log-sum regularization. Further, in order to simplify the solution process of the non-convex model and improve the reconstruction performance, this method uses a non-monotonic accelerate proximal gradient (nmAPG) algorithm to solve the established BLT reconstruction model based on Log-sum regularization. The method obtains the reconstruction result quickly and accurately. Acquire image data of an organism Estah1ih a finite element rid hsd on ariiired comnited tomngahy (CT) 1 image data of the organism, use a finite element method to determine a diffusion 101 approximation (DA) model of a radiation transmission equation by combining specific optical parameters of each tissue of the organism, and establish a linear mapping relationship between a light source in the organism and light intensity distribution of different wavelengths on a surface of the organism Map an acquired two-dimensional (2D) multi-spectral image to a surface of 102 the finite element grid to obtain a multi-spectral surface measurement vector Construct a bioluminescence tomography (BLT) reconstruction optimization 103 model based on a Log-sum penalty function according to the multi-spectral surface measurement vector Use a non-monotonic accelerate proximal gradient (nmAPG) algorithm to 104 determine energy distribution of the light source in the organism according to the BLT reconstruction optimization model based on the Log-sum penalty function Generate a reconstruction result of the light source in the organism according 105 to the energy distribution and finite element grid information
Multi-Spectral Bioluminescence Tomography Method and System
A61B 5/0035,A61B 5/0075,A61B 6/032,A61B 6/482,A61B2503/40
[ "A61B 8/13", "A61B 5/00" ]
1. A method for diagnosing schizophrenia, characterized in that said method being based on the detection in vitro of the presence of the allele Ep of the microsatellite DNA HUMTHO1 in the gene TH. 2. The method of claim 2, characterized in that the detection of the by allele Ep is realized by sequenation of DNA and/or by separation of DNA fragments in gel and/or by separation of DNA fragments in gel in non-denaturing conditions. 3. The method of claim 2, characterized in that the allele Ep is detected by separation of DNA fragments in gel. 4. The method of any claim 1-3, characterized in that using DNA extracted from mononuclear cells. 5. The method of any claim 1-4, characterized in that prior to detection of the allele Ep DNA is amplified. 6. The method of claim 5, characterized in that DNA is amplified, comprising the first intron of the TH full length or part of said intron. 7. The method of claim 6, characterized in that DNA is amplified which is a fragment of less than 300 pb, comprising microsatellite HUMTHO1 and flanking sequences. 8. The method of claim 6, characterized in that DNA is amplified which is a fragment of less than 200 pb, preferably less 160 pb. 9. A set of two primers for realizing the method of claim 8, having the following structure (pair A): 5' GGC AAA TAG GGG GCA AAA 3' (sense sequence) 5' TTA TCC AGC CTG GCC CAC 3' (anti-sense sequence) 10. A set of two primers for realizing the method of claim 8, having the following structure (pair B): 5' GGC AAA TAG GGG GCA AAA 3' (sense sequence) 5' GGC TTC CGA GTG CAG GTC 3' ( anti-sense sequence) 11. A set of two primers for realizing the method of claim 8, having the following structure (pair C): 5' GTT CCT CCC TTA TTT CCC 3' (sense sequence) 5' AGG GAA CAC AGA CTC CAT (anti-sense sequence) 12. A kit for detecting of the allele Ep of the microsatellite DNA HUMTHO1, comprising a set of primers of any claim 9-11. 13. A kit of claim 12 for diagnosing schzophrenia.
C07H 21/04,C12P 19/34,C12Q 1/68,C12Q 1/6883,C12Q2600/156,Y10T 436/143333
[ "C12P 19/34", "C12N 15/09", "C12Q 1/6883", "C12Q 1/68", "C07H 21/04" ]
A photographic light-sensitive material including a support, a non-light sensitive uppermost layer consisting of at least one organic synthetic high polymer compound as a film forming material and at least one light-sensitive layer between the support and the uppermost layer, said organic high polymer compound being selected from the group consisting of the following polymers (A) to (F): polymer (A) comprising repeating units a.sub.1 and a.sub.2 ; \n Wherein M represents a cation, and m represents 0, 3 or 4; Polymer (B) comprising repeating units b.sub.1, b.sub.2 and b.sub.3 ; b.sub.1 : ##STR3## 5 - 30 mol% b.sub.2 : ##STR4## 5 - 75 mol% b.sub.3 : ##STR5## 20 - 65 mol% Wherein R.sub.1 and R.sub.2 each represents --CH.sub.3 or --C.sub.2 H.sub.5, R.sub.3 and R.sub.5 each represents --H or --CH.sub.3, and R.sub.4 represents --CH.sub.3, --C.sub.2 H.sub.5, --C.sub.3 H.sub.7 or --C.sub.4 H.sub.9 ; polymer (C) comprising repeating units c.sub.1 and c.sub.2 ; c.sub.1 : ##STR6## 10 - 40 mol% c.sub.2 : ##STR7## 60 - 90 mol% Wherein R.sub.6 represents --H or --CH.sub.3, and Z represents --COOH, --COOCH.sub.3, --COOC.sub.2 H.sub.5, --COOC.sub.3 H.sub.7, --COOC.sub.4 H.sub.9 or --CONH.sub.2 ; polymer (D) comprising repeating units d.sub.1 and d.sub.2 ; d.sub.1 : ##STR8## 10 - 40 mol% d.sub.2 : ##STR9## 60 - 90 mol% \n Wherein R.sub.7 represents --H or --CH.sub.3 ; polymer (E) comprising repeating units e.sub.1 and e.sub.2 ; e.sub.1 : ##STR10## 20 - 60 mol% e.sub.2 : ##STR11## 40 - 80 mol% \n wherein R.sub.8 and R.sub.9 each represents --H or --CH.sub.3, and X represents --CH.sub.3, --C.sub.2 H.sub.5, --C.sub.3 H.sub.7 or --C.sub.4 H.sub.9 ; and polymer (F) comprising repeating unit f.sub.1 ; f.sub.1 : ##STR12## wherein Y represents --CH.sub.3 or --COCH.sub.3, R.sub.10 represents --H or --C.sub.n H.sub.2n+1, n being an integer of 1 to 12, said organic synthetic high polymer compound being insoluble to a processing solutions during processing.
Layers used to prevent reticulation in photographic elements
G03C 1/053,G03C 1/7614,G03C2001/7635
[ "G03C 3/00", "C08F 16/14", "C08F 16/00", "G03C 1/04", "C08F 20/52", "G03C 1/053", "C08F 20/00", "G03C 1/76" ]
Disclosed herein are a big data based language learning device and a method for learning a language using the same. The big data based language learning device includes: a database of a server computer in which sentences in a natural language are stored, the sentences consisting of ones having a grammatical error and ones having no grammatical error; a quiz module configured to receive a grammar type and/or a subject that a user wants to study from an input device that are connected a user device either wired or wireless, or that are built into the user device, and the quiz module further configured to receive a sentence among the sentences in the natural language stored in the database, the sentence corresponds to the received grammar type and/or the subject, the sentence includes the grammatical error, and the quiz module further configured to issue the sentence as a quiz on a display of the user device; an answer sheet module configured to receive an answer to the quiz from the input device of the user device; a sentence among the sentences in the natural language stored in the database of the server computer, the sentence corresponds to the received grammar type and/or the subject and the sentence includes no grammatical error, the correction module further configured to compare the answer with the sentence including no grammatical error, and the correction module further configured to correct an error in the answer; and a learning module configured to update the database of the server computer with a training pattern consisting of the answer, a rate of correct answer for the grammar type and/or the subject, a difficulty level and an incorrect answer pattern, wherein the quiz module outputs a next quiz based on the training pattern updated in the database by the learning module and wherein the input device comprises at least one of a mouse, a touch pad, a touch screen, a keyboard, a handwriting recognizer, and a microphone.
G06F 16/2219,G06F 40/253,G06F 40/49,G06Q 50/20,G09B 7/02,G09B 7/04,G09B 19/06
[ "G06F 17/28", "G09B 7/04", "G06F 17/27", "G09B 19/06" ]
Non-contact type wave signal observation apparatus takes measurements of electromagnetic waves received on an observation plane and performs hologram reconstruction calculations to reconstruct characteristics of the corresponding electromagnetic wave information at points in the observed space. A first aspect of the invention provides apparatus for measuring transfer functions (and, if desired, waveforms) at any point on a network containing a transmission line having distributed properties but no internal signal sources. A second aspect of the invention provides apparatus for measuring transfer functions (and, if desired, waveforms) at any point on a network containing a transmission line having distributed properties and having internal signal sources - the processing takes into account fluctuations occurring in the electromagnetic radiation given off by the network. A third aspect of the invention provides apparatus for analysis of spatial electromagnetic waves so as to determine properties such as those related to polarization of the radiation, one or more pairs of mutually orthogonal antennas having figure-of-eight beam patterns are used in the observation plane. A fourth aspect of the invention provides holographic radar apparatus in which the high frequency radiation illuminating the observation space is pulse modulated and the holographic reconstruction calculations are simplified. A fifth aspect of the invention provides a display for displaying complex three-dimensional data such as interference data of electromagnetic waves produced by the apparatus according to the other aspects of the invention. The complex data is converted from orthogonal co-ordinates to polar co-ordinates, the phase information is converted to hue information in a hue converter and the amplitude information is used to modulate the brightness of the displayed signal; corresponding colour signals are displayed on a colour display unit. <IMAGE>
Non-contact type wave signal observation apparatus
G01R 29/08,G01R 29/0892,G01R 31/312,G01S 7/02,G01S 7/024,G01S 7/062,G01S 7/068,G01S 7/20,G01S 7/2955,G01S 13/87,G01S 13/89,G01S 15/89
[ "G01R 29/08", "G01S 7/295", "G01S 7/20", "G01S 7/06", "G01R 31/312", "G01S 7/02", "G01S 13/86", "G01S 13/89", "G01S 13/87", "G01S 15/89" ]