The media, she said, is partly to blame for making the rich feel like they need to hide or feel ashamed.
The media, she said, makes the rich feel like they need to hide or feel ashamed.
The gap in physical prowess between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
The gap in physical ability between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
The general public and many academics have consistently underestimated the importance of Stratford to Shakespeare.
The general public and many academics have underestimated the importance of Stratford to Shakespeare.
ElectroBike, which operates 30 stores in Mexico, opened its first American store in Venice Beach, California in the autumn of 2014 and hopes to grow to 25 US stores in a year.
It opened its first American store in Venice Beach, California in 2014 and hopes to have 25 US stores in a year.
People are used to very low rents and very high incomes but, in future, this will have to change.
People here pay very low rents and have very high incomes but, in future, this will change says Lindstedt.
All were tested between 2007 and 2010 on three different measures of tness: stamina, handgrip strength and lower-body power.
All were tested between 2007 and 2010 on three different things: stamina, handgrip strength and lower-body power.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1%, it turns out, can be lonely.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1% can be lonely.
When she jumped out of bed she could see a huge vapour trail hanging in the morning sky and hear the wail of car alarms from the street below.
When she jumped out of bed she could see a huge vapour trail in the morning sky and hear car alarms from the street below.
In Belo Horizonte, police clashed with protesters who tried to break through a cordon around a football stadium hosting a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Tahiti.
In Belo Horizonte, police clashed with protesters who tried to get into a football stadium, where there was a Confederations Cup match between Nigeria and Tahiti.
To avoid the same fate, hes spending money to build a patio.
To avoid the same problems, hes spending money to build a patio.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1%, it turns out, can be lonely.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1% can be lonely.
A more open and connected world is a better world.
A more open and connected world is a better world, wrote Zuckerberg.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easily distinguished in every internet address by .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
Until now, the differences between commercial, governmental and other types of identity were easy to see in every internet address by the use of .com, .gov and 20 other categories.
The rest of their viewing is shared between DVDs, streamed content through Net ix or iTunes and recorded television programmes.
The rest of their viewing time is spent watching DVDs, streamed content through Net ix or iTunes and recorded television programmes.
Quali cations: You dont necessarily need a degree in computer science.
Quali cations: You dont need a degree in computer science.
Eleven current and former members of FIFAs executive committee have now been charged in the investigation, which alleges $200m in bribes, mainly as kickbacks from TV and marketing contracts but also FIFAs development programmes.
Eleven current and former FIFA executives have now been charged in the investigation, which alleges $200m in bribes, mainly from TV and marketing contracts but also FIFAs development programmes.
However, you still hear horror stories from new employees at some chains.
But you still hear horror stories from new employees at some chains.
Ethical hacker Typical salary: 60,000 to 90,000 at team- leader level, while a newly quali ed hacker can expect a minimum salary of 35,000 to 50,000.
Ethical hacker Typical salary: A newly quali ed hacker will usually have a minimum salary of 35,000 to 50,000.
I thought she might send me owers as it was a declaration of love for her, but she didnt understand, Delacourt said.
I thought she might send me owers because the book was a declaration of love for her, but she didnt understand, Delacourt said.
For three-and-a-half years, all pupils at St Ninians Primary have walked or run a mile each day.
For three-and-a-half years, all the pupils at St Ninians Primary School have walked or run a mile each day.
In the developing world, food waste is virtually non-existent, says Robert van Otterdijk, coordinator of the UN Food and Agriculture Organizations Save Food programme.
In the developing world, there is almost no food waste, says Robert van Otterdijk, coordinator of the UN Food and Agriculture Organizations Save Food programme.
In China, the top 10% now take home nearly 60% of the income.
In China, the top 10% now earn nearly 60% of the income.
In my case, I have always found languages easy enough, apart from the numbers.
In my case, I have always found languages quite easy, apart from the numbers.
I am grateful that I am healthy and I really want to prevent other people being injured.
I really want to prevent other people being injured.
Earlier, Todd had told the press conference: The world needs a hero right now, and they got one in Felix Baumgartner.
Earlier, Todd said: The world needs a hero right now, and they have got one in Felix Baumgartner.
When they are nished, the four plants at Ouarzazate will occupy a space as big as Moroccos capital city, Rabat, and generate 580 mega-watts (MW) of electricity, enough to power a million homes.
When they are nished, the four plants at Ouarzazate will be as big as Moroccos capital city, Rabat, and make 580 mega-watts of electricity, enough for a million homes.
Bananas have been the most popular fruit in the UK since 1996, reaching 221g per adult per week in 2014, well above apples (131g) and oranges (48g).
Bananas have been the most popular fruit in the UK since 1996 adults ate 221g per adult per week in 2014, much more than apples (131g) and oranges (48g).
On a canoe, you are not just going from one destination to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
On a canoe, you are not just going from one place to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
It was during a nal-year project for his product design degree at the University of Limerick that Redmond produced the Express Dive.
It was during a nal-year project for his degree that Redmond produced the Express Dive.
On average, they did not enjoy the experience.
Most of them did not enjoy the experience.
But more can, and should, be done to increase transparency and build public support for privacy protections in place.
But we can, and should, do more to increase transparency and build public support for privacy protections.
The NSA access was enabled by changes to US surveillance law, introduced under President Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012.
Changes to US surveillance law, introduced under President Bush and renewed under Obama in December 2012, made it possible for the NSA to access the information.
Numbers who use e-cigarettes while continuing to smoke are going down, West said.
The number of people who use e-cigarettes while continuing to smoke is going down, West said.
There has been a drop in deaths among under-fives of nearly 60%, from 16.4 million in 1970 to 6.8 million in 2010.
There has been a reduction in deaths of under-fives of nearly 60%, from 16.4 million in 1970 to 6.8 million in 2010.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work and get away with it.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work without punishment.
After they leave work, they sometimes find it difficult to make friends and adapt to school.
After they stop working, they sometimes find it difficult to make friends and adapt to school.
In Brazilian cities, white workers earn roughly twice as much as those of African descent.
In Brazilian cities, white workers earn twice as much as workers of African descent.
He said he hoped the research would provide a baseline of research for health of cials and geneticists, and could help health of cials to be better prepared to prevent and track diseases and pathogens.
He said he hoped the research would help health of cials to prevent and track diseases.
We may as well get used to it, said David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect.
David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect, said that we need to get used to it.
Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a pretty private person.
Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a private person.
4C would likely be catastrophic rather than simply dangerous, Sherwood said.
4C would be catastrophic, not simply dangerous, Sherwood said.
The truth is the government doesnt pay much attention to the islands of the north Aegean, she said, so I would take all the kids from our school to the gates of parliament, to tell them: There is still life in these islands.
The government doesnt pay much attention to the islands of the north Aegean, she said, so I would take all the kids from our school to the gates of parliament, to tell them: There is still life in these islands.
The only rules were they had to stay seated and not fall asleep.
The only rules were that they had to stay sitting and not fall asleep.
Noma has been named the worlds best restaurant by Restaurant magazine for three years running.
Noma has been named the best restaurant in the world by Restaurant magazine for three years.
Their Grecian columns are cracking into pieces and mosaic-tiled swimming pools are filled with rubble.
Their Grecian columns are cracking into pieces and mosaic-tiled swimming pools are filled with broken stones.
By 2017, the first real-world car emissions tests are expected to begin in earnest.
By 2017, the first real-world car emissions tests should begin.
How does he feel watching football on TV when a referee gets vilified?
How does he feel when he watches football on TV and a referee is attacked?
The device can take in enough air for two minutes of diving and takes approximately the same amount of time to be re lled.
The device can take in enough air for two minutes of diving and takes approximately the same amount of time to re ll.
When Im drumming with them, it gives me power because were still alive and survivors.
When Im drumming, it gives me power because were still alive and survivors, she says.
That is a big, big problem in our industry.
That is a big, big problem for us.
Kelley says that synchronized hours could have many positive consequences.
Kelley says that synchronized hours could have many positive effects.
Every village is digging a pit just beyond the houses for garbage.
Every village is digging a pit for garbage.
I prepare and research as much technical and practical information as possible on every single product beforehand, says Shaun Ryan, presenter for Ideal World TV.
I prepare and research as much information as possible on every product, says Shaun Ryan, presenter for Ideal World TV.
Ive looked at buying and seen mortgage advisers but I just cant borrow enough to get on the property ladder.
Ive thought about buying and seen mortgage advisers but I just cant borrow enough to get on the property ladder.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020, with wind and hydro taking the same share each.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020.
Suneel Singh, a guru in south Delhi, agreed that yoga did not belong to any one religion: Is tai chi just Chinese?
Suneel Singh, a guru in south Delhi, said that yoga does not just belong to one religion: Is tai chi just Chinese?
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice- cream parlour, customers can buy scoops in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice-cream shop, customers can buy ice cream in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
At least, it doesnt if youre breath-holding on land.
At least, it doesnt if youre doing it on land.
said Consuelo Melis, who works behind the bar in a local cafe.
said Consuelo Melis, who works in a local cafe.
But he would also cite the earlier blues guitarists Blind Lemon Jefferson and Lonnie Johnson and the jazz players Charlie Christian and Django Reinhardt.
He also mentioned the earlier blues guitarists Blind Lemon Jefferson and Lonnie Johnson and the jazz players Charlie Christian and Django Reinhardt.
Hearing that subtle click is harder if theres a lot of noise around you.
It is harder to hear that click if theres a lot of noise around you.
The Reaper drone has one failure in 10,000 hours, Singh said.
The Reaper drone, for example, has one failure in 10,000 hours, Singh said.
Its hard to say how much I earned a shift; maybe around 40, 20 from card tips.
Its hard to say how much I earn in a shift; maybe about 40.
Wolves are along with the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine Europes last large predator carnivores.
The wolf, the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine are Europes last large predator carnivores.
He admits he doesnt know much about France but says that the classes are slowly helping him understand the country as well as the language.
He says he doesnt know much about France but the classes are slowly helping him understand the country and the language.
Other countries, such as China and Korea, which are also considering real-world emissions tests, will be watching what happens next closely.
Other countries, such as China and Korea, are also considering real-world emissions tests.
Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson, chair of ukactive, the UKs leading not-for-pro t health body for physical activity, said: All children need to achieve 60 active minutes every day, whether in a lesson, on the walk to school or in the playground.
Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson, chair of ukactive, a health organization for physical activity, said: All children need to achieve 60 active minutes every day this can be in a lesson, on the walk to school or in the playground.
So after all these years, Goodfellow nally nds himself being talked about in the same breath as John Logie Baird (the television), Alan Turing (the Turing machine), Sir Frank Whittle (the jet engine) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the World Wide Web).
So after all these years, Goodfellow is nally among a group of famous British inventors with John Logie Baird (the television), Alan Turing (the Turing machine), Sir Frank Whittle (the jet engine) and Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the World Wide Web).
The Scottish government is also supportive.
The Scottish government also supports the idea.
He claims that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
He says that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
Browning said: This research backs up what people think about organic food.
Browning said: This research supports what people think about organic food.
Theres a big difference between sharing sensory information and being able to plan.
Theres a big difference between sharing information through the senses and being able to plan.
The image also shows a dramatic canyon estimated to be 7 to 9km deep.
The image also shows a dramatic canyon 7 to 9km deep.
A few weeks earlier, Riley, Dunn and another former referee, Peter Jones, made their way to another level-5 match to monitor another referee tipped to progress John Brooks.
A few weeks earlier, Riley, Dunn and another former referee, Peter Jones, went to another level-5 match to check another young referee John Brooks.
I think, after youve been married a while, you dont keep many secrets.
I think, after youve been married for a longer time, you dont keep many secrets.
Our customers are still very happy with the product, and technology and innovation in hardware is improving user experience and helping them to switch from traditional cigarettes.
Our customers are still very happy with the product and technology is improving their experience and helping them to switch from traditional cigarettes.
Wolves are along with the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine Europes last large predator carnivores.
The wolf, the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine are Europes last large predator carnivores.
It doesnt necessarily mean we see them the same way.
It doesnt mean we see them the same way.
You have 20kg to 50kg of gear with you you cant be walking on the beach and decide you want to go in.
You have 20kg to 50kg of gear with you you cant just walk on the beach and decide you want to go in.
I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and, while I am honoured that people are doing it, some are doing it wrong because they dont realize the intensity you need to work at, says Tabata.
I decided to do this because I often go on YouTube and some people are doing it wrong because they dont understand how hard they need to work, says Tabata.
Back in 2005, when BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone, the company was just entering its boom times.
In 2005, BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone and the company was just entering its period of success.
Reiss Jenkinson, exhibits keeper at the National Aquarium, said he was absolutely certain Inky had not been taken.
Reiss Jenkinson, a keeper at the National Aquarium, said he was absolutely certain Inky was not stolen.
We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, the millions of voices of England must be heard, he said.
We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, we must hear the millions of voices of England, he said.
The campaign to save the beach was launched hours after the Tarifa council voted for the project.
Hours after the Tarifa council voted for the project, a campaign started to save the beach.
The main goal of the 6,000-nautical-mile (11,000km) trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
The main aim of the 11,000km trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
Only one compartment had a light that came on above the lever.
Only one compartment had a light above the lever.
In Elmas, the scheme has provoked mixed reactions.
In Elmas, the scheme has got mixed reactions.
I really rely on tips because I am only paid 7 an hour.
I really need tips because I am only paid 7 an hour.
The Environment Minister, Jan Szyszko, makes no secret of being a hunter.
The Environment Minister, Jan Szyszko, is a hunter.
I asked how she did it: very slow breathing for several minutes prior to each dive, then a big, deep breath before diving in.
I asked how she did it: very slow breathing for several minutes before each dive, then a big, deep breath before diving in.
This gift that we are born with to reach out and hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds is in danger of being lost through a generational amnesia, he said.
This gift that we are born with the ability to hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds might be lost, he said.
Many of the extremely wealthy the 1% of the 1% feel that their problems are really not problems.
Many of the very wealthy the 1% of the 1% feel that their problems are really not problems.
Each day, they typically spend up to eight hours visiting ve to ten stores, plus another hour or two ling detailed reports on every aspect of their visit.
Each day, they spend up to eight hours visiting ve to ten stores, plus another hour or two writing detailed reports on every part of their visit.
The retailers use of the contracts was followed by details of a string of other companies using the deals, including cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses them for its 350 summer workers.
Other companies using the contracts include cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses the contracts for its 350 summer workers.
That is a big, big problem in our industry.
That is a big, big problem for us.
Some critics are sceptical of farmed fish, citing inbred fish and high levels of toxins.
But some people criticize farmed fish they say the fish can be inbred and have high levels of toxins.
Kelley says that synchronized hours could have many positive consequences.
Kelley says that synchronized hours could have many positive effects.
The same region responds to killed, convicted, murdered and confessed.
The same region responds to killed and murdered.
Kcho is estimated to be paying $900 a month to provide the free wi-fi.
Kcho pays $900 a month to provide the free wi-fi.
George W Bush, Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Hawking have taken part.
George W Bush, Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Hawking have done it.