Production Technology
6/1/2023 10:56
Distill waste motor oil and you'll have highly flammable kerosene. More flammable than kerosene distilled from waste plastic.
Production Technology
6/1/2023 10:56
When people discuss oil refining, they use crude language. When the distillation tower is emptied out, the operator is passing gas.
Production Technology
6/1/2023 10:57
Should you work at an Oil Refinery if you're highly allergic to Sulfur? I don't know
Production Technology
6/1/2023 10:57
Why were the Naphtha drugs sitting near the cooling tower? Lol. I know it doesn't really matter, but that's definitely not how a refinery would be laid out
Production Technology
6/1/2023 10:58
There are so many equations this could be used for different methods i am going to get some rocks to eat hopefully i can come up with the formula and strike it rich saving the world from being drained of its natural resources Godbless and Godspeed my peace i give you my peace i leave you
Production Technology
6/1/2023 10:59
Every day i'm becoming more ok with the fact that a lot of the food i eat was at least partially in an oil refinery and i don't know if that's good or bad
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:13
Brian Cox has done something that most people can never do. He has managed to hold onto that child enthusiasm we all had. Look at him. He's explained what's beyond most people's imagination or ability to comprehend and he did with the same look an excited child explains things to a parent or sibling.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:14
This guy is always smiling when he?s explaining things, it?s really nice. Wish my teachers would?ve tried it.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:15
Quantum Mechanics were the only lectures I never missed in my Physics degree, found them absolutely fascinating, took as perfect notes as I ever took. Thought I understood it really well but could I ever get the calculations to work and give me the right answers? That would be a big fat "no".
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:15
Sign of genius. Taking the very complex and making it at least understandable to the masses.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:17
It was so hard to understand quantum mechanics before, but I understood quantum mechanics a little bit!
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:18
I now understand all of quantum mechanics. I?ll be available to collect my phd whenever it?s ready.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:18
The physics of the very small and very large is so fascinating. Its almost like the universe follows 3 separate rules 1 for the small 1 for the large and 1 for the in-between.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:22
I love the simplicity and consistency of the rules in math and science. The potential it has to explode into such complexity doesn't change the basic principles.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:23
the real beauty of quantum mechanics is that if you start from the simple beginning that Brian describes, it only gets simpler from there... because i say so
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:25
From his explanation, which was brilliant by the way, I gathered - it is the calculated probability of a particle being in different positions at any given time or structure.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:26
This is the first time hearing what it really is and I get it. Like I get why its called the Mechanics. Makes sense. That's why I love the way Brian Cox puts things down
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:27
Brian Cox is slowly but steadily climbing up the ladder of my favourite nerd physicists whom I like to hear and learn from.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:27
Briam epitomizes brillance and intelligence. simple, yet effective.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:29
NB for anyone who does not realise, these two are experts at explaining Quantity Mechanics / Physics. They are both UK Physics profs - the questioner (JA) at Surrey Uni; the answerer (BC) at Manchester Uni (and CERN). Both have had tv series on the BBC over the years and written popular books on physics. For a better understanding of QM / QP, may I recommend Prof JA's tv series available here on YT: (type this into YT) "The Mind Bending Story Of Quantum Physics" It is in two parts, posted by Spark. Cheers.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:31
He ALWAYS gives credit to theories, explanations, or rules that are not his. Never acts like he is the smartest in the room.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:33
True experts mange to answer as well as correct as well as precise as well as useless. As the goal was so far out of reach here, well done.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:33
Love Brian Cox, he just explains things in a way that?s not overly complicated so you can understand it but he actually makes it fun to learn science. Really liked his series he did which was 7 wonders of the solar system or universe but it was factual and I actually learned a lot just from watching him, plus if you actually have an interest in that stuff it helps as well ??
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:34
Path integral formulation uses Lagrangian to describe quantum mechanics (you can notice that when he said 'action'). The easier version of quantum mechanics is to use Hamiltonian, involved when you describe quantum mechanics with the Schrodinger Equation. Path integral formulation is more difficult since you have to know field theory, whereas solving the Schrodinger Equation is equivalent of solving a linear algebra problem.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:34
It takes a very smart individual to explain something with deep complexity in simple terms. These types of people make the greatest memorable teachers in life. We all had a few of them as we pass through our educational path.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:35
The particle just doesnt move from A to B. Moving implies a process. The moment the particle is deleted from A the next moment it appears in B. It skips time and space. Time and space and matter cant be divided infinitely. They all has to have some kind of undivisible core constructive element.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:36
I've watched all the videos about quantum mechanics on YouTube in my quest to understand the concept. But I would have saved myself countless hours if I only watched just this video. Brian Cox managed to confuse me like all the other quantum mechanics videos, but he did it in under 60 seconds.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:36
Quantum Mechanics is deemed the hardest part of physics. I once read a book of it before and after reading it I think I understand it but moments later, my understanding faded away. Indeed, quantum mechanics is really a hard physics part to understand that's why there are many misrepresentations like the way Deepak Chopra teaches it to people. He thinks quantum physics has something to do with the spiritual world but when Brian Cox as him to solve the Schr?dinger Equation on Twitter, he refused.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:37
This is what is so compelling about physics in general. We start with fundamentally basic principles of things like mass, energy, inertia and build ever more complex relationships between them to explain the universe. Quantum mechanics is still elusive to me, but I appreciate an expert starting with a singular concept of the Path Integral.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:39
his brain experienced time dilation as he was explaining hence, he was looking at quantum mechanics like a person who is reading the table of contents of a book
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:40
Can someone explain to me what already defined ?rules? there are for the probability of one particle moving to another place
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:40
I've always wondered this... quantum physicists always describe particles as "hopping" or "popping" from place to place. Are they arguing these particles aren't "traveling", but rather "materializing"?
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:41
What he is saying is there is almost a non-zero probability of things happening. It is almost impossible that you could stick your hand right inside a wall but the probability is non-zero. That means, in infinite time, it is indeed possible.
BBC News
6/2/2023 9:41
Quantum mechanics is so cool. I hope they make more discoveries and can explain it better in future
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:53
Basic science should be taught in high school like this instead of through boring text books. You take a child's interest sense of wonder and investigate the principles of the science behind these tricks and the kids will be far more engaged and learn so much more.
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:54
These phenomena and experiments are very interesting. Thank you for letting me see these interesting scenes and learning some knowledge. How fascinating and headache science is. Thank you very much. At least I learned something.
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:55
Its hilarious how youre not disturbed in the slightest when standing next to a glass bottle that youre pressurizing with a tire pump but when you spin a clothes hanger on your finger you look like its going to explode at any moment
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:56
That bubble inside bubble trick, I've observed it while brushing haha (brushing teeth) and also the next bubble trick till first half, I was being amazed how brushing can be fun
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:58
Love the projects but please reconsider choice of music . Sometimes i cant make it to the end of interesting video you post after ive already invested time to watch 3quarters of it. Well i caught my self tapping my foot as i was txting this then my body swaying side to side and my brain was wanting to go make something cool and fun. Hey great videos and never change your music nomatter what snybody says.
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:59
The water and bottles and a hammer. What happens is that when you hit the bottle the water moves up because of inertia. This creates a teeny tiny vacuum at the bottom of the glass. This sucks down the water which bursts the glass open. If it's fizzy, the gas will occupy the space
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 9:59
American coins are not magnetic, so the coin tricks won't work I'm afraid... In fact, it hasn't ever been made with magnetic metals. Originally it was silver, then copper covered in zinc, and now it's mostly zinc with a copper coating (penny) or a zinc coating over a copper-nickel alloy (quarter/dime). They are using Rubles in the video (Russian coins) which are nickel plated steel, and hence, they are magnetic.
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 10:00
the carbon is like a shock absorber in a soft drink so its harded to compress it to break the bottle. water is uncompressible so it breaks in 1 hit.
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 10:00
to the magnet trick that spins the coin, what is the diameter and height of the disc magnets?and how big and heights have your cpu fan, ?
Mr. Hacker
6/2/2023 10:01
I been keeping little motors screws and all kinds of little mechanical parts i find or take out of something thats broken because im interested in making things out of just old parts but i dont have the knowledge i need on small motors and how many batteries i need to make it run. I have some stuff in mind im going to ask everybody to pitch in and help answer questions and steer me in the right direction plz. Todays the first time ive caught these videos and theyve spark my interest back up about all things ive collected so if you see me on here asking question plz feel free to put your opion or idea or how you would go about doing it. Ok thanks and hope to hear some comments bsck later after ive posted my ifea or problem
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:38
Amazing how they have access to all our lives, but we can't even take a tour of their offices let alone know about their business practices. They know the most intimate details of our lives. Unreal.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:39
The part with accident avoidance reminds me of the awesome moral dilemma from the movie "I Robot". The robot is calming saying "You in danger" and rescues the man with a decent probability of survival instead of the child with no chance of survival, despite the man screaming "Leave me! Save her!"
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:40
"The more Artificial Intelligence enters our lives, the more essential Ethics & Philosophy become." ~ (THE AI THOUGHT BOOK)
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:40
?Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.?
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:41
It?s just interesting seeing how people who champion AI don?t often talk about the future problems it might create. They only talk about the current problems it?ll solve. I?m all for solving problems and I appreciate some of the assistance from AI. But I also know that solving one problem always leads to another problem.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:42
It's great that algorithms can help people in different spheres of life, but robots are not free-thinking creatures, so they are not only useful for us, but also dangerous, because algorithms do not always lead to the right decisions and they can also limit our personal freedom of action.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:42
The kind of control you're trying to exert on nature is simply impossible in so many aspects that the blind greed of your masters will not permit you to even glimpse.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:43
Dabbling with A.I. is no different than playing with fire. While there may be some pros to it, it only takes one con to catastrophically destroy everything.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:45
This program should be required viewing for anyone that uses technology to ANY degree in their lives as well as ALL Judges, politicians, teachers and any current or future leaders of any kind.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:47
"Artificial intellingence harbors immense potential to benefit daily life, medicine or mobility, but we also need to look beyond the technical possibilities. What aim does such progres serve? It's a question artificial intelligence algorithms can't answer. Only humankind can do that."
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:49
Each breakthrough technology has its advantages and disadvantages. And artificial intelligence is no exception. The important thing is that we can identify the problems facing us and recognize our responsibility to be sure that we can fully take advantage of the benefits and minimize the negative consequences.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:52
At least in china, everyone's honest about what they do and have the regulations in place and implementing through trial sites...however in places like the US, privacy is more said than done, there's all those statements about your privacy and everyone just believes blindly....
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 9:58
I'd prefer real intelligence, and even those who are creating this are not inteligent I imagine it's all about the money.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:01
The mind itself is a machine -- a most highly, incalculably sophisticated one, but, curious to relate, a machine, nonetheless. On reflecting on the likes of a Google and that of the Chinese establishment, we can this. The hearts of men [and women] bear few surprises.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:02
First part of the process is making sure you spend as much time as possible staring at a screen. Netflix has even said that their biggest competitor is sleep. Sooner or later people won?t have control over their own thoughts.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:03
China loves to advocate for a drop in crime from using widespread surveillance, but use of their surveillance is often used for activities that have nothing to do with crime (i.e. not using a cell phone, using a lot of electricity, what you purchased, where you went).
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:03
And when US and China will split the global AI economy between themselves, the EU will still be discussing the best approach in its committees, and its promising startups will have been sold overseas.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:08
What continues to amaze me is the ability of US institutions to attract the best talent from all over the world . Most of the researchers shown in this documentary are immigrants. Perhaps other nations should introspect on how to retain talent and grow .
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:17
What happens when Ai is used in ways we don't like and in a way we have no choice over. People are starting to ask this question now and some people are aware of it being used in ways we wouldn't accept if everyone knew.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:21
Regulations the absolute best way to protect profits. Privacy the Ternary imposed on humans , making humans fear being human.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:23
Intelligence and emotions differentiate humans from animals. Emotion is part of a persons behaviour and certain feelings can affect his/her performance, emotions can even prevent a person from producing an intelligent outcome. Therefore, when a computer aims to emulate human behaviour, not only should this computer think and reason, but it should also be able to show emotions.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:29
Comparing AI diagnostics to a group of doctors is a win for AI. Like every degree for any career, only about 10% take their education into the career. Most make it with the paper degree on the wall and some protocols to follow. In other words, the amazing feats of AI are being contrasted with the absolute failure of America's education system of the last 50 years. Not much competition.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:30
A human's mind can react with feel better and faster than any computer can do. Computers are only as good as the human mind designing it. They are so far off course with this stuff, it is incredibly dangerous! The most foolish thing any person can do is allow a computer to handle their responsibilities.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:38
If you take away the option to pay with cash it is not really a choice is it? Then it doesn't matter if Google claims that the user is in "control". The fact that Google has access to the EU via lobbying proves to hypocritical system.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:37
I haven't met one person opposed to AI without giving a pop culture movie reference and this is exactly why I do support AI. Those who oppose it can't think past what they've been told.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:43
Technology is good as a tool to assist humanity, not to be used as a means to replace humanity.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:52
The major problem is that AI Technology will cause chronic poverty not only in the US but worldwide. It will be more affordable to Corporations than hiring people. You will see tech billionaires become trillionaires.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:53
Dystopian future is already here, privacy has become a myth, and soon, user consent will follow too. Social media has been leading that dystopian future...
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:54
Computers are very intricate machines that will never be truly intelligent until we find a way for them to create a truly random number. They can only generate semi-random numbers based off of a clock tick ?seed? at the present.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:54
It's complicated because even if a country puts restrictions on this another will be using it for evil ways. Just like social dilemma said " if one does it the other has to just to be up to date".
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:55
AI terrifies and exhausts me, how am I ever going to keep up with this relentless pace of technology. Having worked in data for almost 10 years now, I have seen how disruptive technological change has been, which causes me great fear in what is soon to come.
DW Documentary
5/31/2023 10:57
Is AI being produced to look at issues such ashelping homelessness, mental illness, starvation etc. Until then this is alll about serving big crp. Cause imo it will just further the divide. Humanity barely has a grasp on eithics so how can you expect AI too whichis programed by humans.
The Money Guy Show
5/31/2023 11:05
The fin-Market have underperformed the U.S. economy as fear of inflation hammers the prices of stock;s and bonds. My portfoliio of $250k is down to $192k any recommendation;s to scale up my return;s during this crash will be highly appreciated.
The Money Guy Show
5/31/2023 11:06
You might not have a hundred million dollars to invest, but that doesn?t mean your money can?t share in the same opportunities available to others. You work hard for your money; make sure your money works hard for you.
5/31/2023 11:44
Protecting your capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if you lose your capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over.
Jared West
6/1/2023 9:44
Really happy seeing this teen discover one of the numerous ways of earning money for himself amidst the whole pandemic and economic crisis.
Jared West
6/1/2023 9:48
Success is dependent on the action or steps you take to achieve it. Show me a man who doesn't have an investment and I will tell you how soon he'll go broke. Investment is building a safe haven for the future: with the right choice of investment that has at least 1% minimum risk and with an Expert guidance, profit and interest should be guaranteed.
Jared West
6/1/2023 9:53
?The best way to measure your investing success is not by whether you?re beating the market but by whether you?ve put in place a financial plan and a behavioral discipline that are likely to get you where you want to go.?
Jared West
6/1/2023 10:08
As an investing enthusiast, I often wonder how top level investors are able to become millionaires off investing. I do have a significant amount of capital that is required to start up but I have no idea what strategies and direction I need to approach to help me make decent returns
Jared West
6/1/2023 10:12
Sincerely speaking investment in crypto and forex trading is easier when you have the strategies and knowledge, I tried trading but lost totally. I advise you place your trade with an expert who knows how to trade
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:22
Many small businesses fail because they simply won't do this. Ideas are threats or things to be stolen. It's a toxic situation which allows the wrong people to get ahead. And that mistake surely reveals itself down the line when the business stagnates, barely grows, or slips under.
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:25
Objectivity is so valuable to me I'm constantly stripping away at all my different approaches ,it almost feels infinite correlation when you really break it down . So hows do you know what is neglegable especially when soo much data is involved .
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:25
Something for the future governing of society: everybody should be encouraged to have their opinion but the algorithms based on one's ability to make the right decision will determine how much each and everyone`s vote will weigh.
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:26
Some people are great at estimating probabilities. Unfortunately those who are poorer guessers attribute this ability to failed methods or even superstition. Then we face witch trials, persecution, etc. Study the where, when, why and how with an open mind to improving the outcome. Then implement the solution, step by step, test the result, be flexible when new problems arise, and cause the least disruption while you implement the "solution."
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:26
US -China debate instead of war makes so much more sense. Certain ground rules should include not allowing name calling and slandering such as ?communist? ?racist? etc.
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:26
this is so fascinating and inspiring?radical transparency?but how does this work environment survive in a society where younger generation wants safety spaces, and does not value free speech, and the litigation driven political correctness in the work space? do they sign strict waivers when hired? do they screen out the close minded on hiring? how does this organization exist today?
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:26
Legends say that if you had an egg at that talk and just cracked it over the interviewers head, that the egg would start sizzling
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:27
Meritocracy -- where speculating on people who work pays better than work. Trying to get a hike in minimum wage is as if working people were asking for employers' first born. Unions exist to keep employers honest. They're threatened because honesty is an unwelcome commodity. Still primitive.
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:27
This is brilliant. But I wonder, how is it squared that someone like Donald Trump, the antithesis of "radical truth" and "radical transparency, " can live virtually all their lives in the 1% of 1%? Some die never even considering either of these principles. This way is better and moral and beautiful. But how is it that just the opposite seemingly has the same results for some individuals? What life lesson is learned from this phenomenon?
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:27
Could we talk about the fact that there is no one in charge at the Labor Standatds and there are strategies used to kill workers.
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:28
The moderator needs to stop whispering 'excellent' after Dalio finishes his answers find a new adjective. Oh, and lose the tie-clip there Toby, you don't manage a BurgerKing. In today's sensitive times I don't see most millennials growing into using radical transparency..... at all.
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:28
Most on the planet should only have to work 40 hrs a week no overtime 9 to 10 months yr and be able to have vacation yrly n ok balance n variety of life
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:28
So, with bitcoin hitting the $56,000 mark, the question on everyone?s mind is: What?s next? What does the future hold in terms of price, regulation and adoption of this ?digital gold?? I actually wasn?t left out I started investing with Lu­s when it was $30,000 and today I I?m benefiting from it. Sir luiz platform actually make you earn 10x the amount you invest in crypto..
Talks at Google
6/1/2023 11:29
commission is fair compared to the amount of time he puts in making huge profits. Reviewing my decision to go into investment about 4months ago with $3000 but I have over $500,000 in profits and still growing. Think far and long term
Total Money Magnetism
6/1/2023 11:34
Profound statement - if you don't have the money, but do have the time, invest it wisely by investing in yourself - educate yourself financially! You are your greatest asset.
Total Money Magnetism
6/1/2023 11:37
Since I read rich dad, poor dad and quadrant of cashflow my money mindset has totally changed. I am still an employee but I have started to build my assets, now I have a business that is putting money in my pocket every month and I don't fight for promotion In my mind I am not an employee but an entrepreneur. I advise everyone to read those 2 books for your financial education