3 values
there's always something I could be doing. I just usually choose not to do it.
There's always something I could be doing. I'll just go do it.
['growth', 'optimism']
there's always something I could be doing. I just usually choose not to do it. Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
some quite awkward conversations happening in the same day is a lot to take - have a feeling there'll be more to come too :/
Daily some conversations may be awkward we should accept it.
some quite awkward conversations happening in the same day is a lot to take - have a feeling there'll be more to come too :/ Strategy: ['growth']
men are such pains to clothes shop with neveragain .. cuppa tea and my monkey onesie are in order. x
I will get better at selecting clothes for men and not complain as much.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
men are such pains to clothes shop with neveragain .. cuppa tea and my monkey onesie are in order. x Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
go out the weekend or have a few drinks in the house seeing as the mothers away? either way in getting drunk
I'll have a few drinks while I decide what to do for the weekend...
go out the weekend or have a few drinks in the house seeing as the mothers away? either way in getting drunk Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Really need to get away, annoyed with these sleepless nights and hassle all the time. angry annoyed just wanna be myself again
I know that all the hard-work I put today will be tomorrow's joy!
['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
Really need to get away, annoyed with these sleepless nights and hassle all the time. angry annoyed just wanna be myself again Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
The weight off my shoulders doesnt take away the sick feeling in my stomach nervous
I hope the lingering knot in my stomach goes in the coming few days.
The weight off my shoulders doesnt take away the sick feeling in my stomach nervous Strategy: ['optimism']
Everyone tweeting about how it's summer for them mean while I still have two exams ugh
Just two exams and I can enjoy summer along with everybody else.
Everyone tweeting about how it's summer for them mean while I still have two exams ugh Strategy: ['impermanence']
Its seriously like an up and down roller coaster of emotion if I want the end of the year to come or not just wanna stay young!
Since I can't control what I feel, I decide to learn from what I'm feeling!
Its seriously like an up and down roller coaster of emotion if I want the end of the year to come or not just wanna stay young! Strategy: ['growth']
Can somebody please dig me a hole so I can lay in it and never come out. sad confused
I understand that feeling sad is normal, so I'll accept that I'm feeling that way, and look for the best way to feel better
Can somebody please dig me a hole so I can lay in it and never come out. sad confused Strategy: ['optimism']
I hate teachers who make my but a book but then make their lectures and study guides completely different
Lectures and study guides completely different I think I have to follow one thing
I hate teachers who make my but a book but then make their lectures and study guides completely different Strategy: ['growth']
Had a Scooby-Doo/Hunger Games dream with ghosts, amusement parks, stabbing, and a guy in a cake costume with real
I had a fun dream about scooby-doo!
Had a Scooby-Doo/Hunger Games dream with ghosts, amusement parks, stabbing, and a guy in a cake costume with real Strategy: ['optimism']
Cold sore the week of prom? Why don't I just stick a fork through my eye as well.
Cold sore the week of prom? That's not good, but I'm sure I'll be better when the day comes.
Cold sore the week of prom? Why don't I just stick a fork through my eye as well. Strategy: ['optimism']
Got to finish this damn homework TODAY!! stressed On a positive note it's FRIDAY and the first of the month!!
At the end of the day I will have finished the homework and I can enjoy the weekend stress free.
Got to finish this damn homework TODAY!! stressed On a positive note it's FRIDAY and the first of the month!! Strategy: ['impermanence']
Attempted to eat but only ate half an egg scrambled 2 pieces of Bacon half an English muffin and 3 bites of a banana &
I am happy that I could eat half an egg scrambled 2 pieces of Bacon half an English muffin and 3 bites of a banana .
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Attempted to eat but only ate half an egg scrambled 2 pieces of Bacon half an English muffin and 3 bites of a banana & Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I seriously need a spa day. Need to start looking for deals. A massage and facial is much needed. tired
I'm tired, but I can't wait for a spa day. I'm so excited to just take a break!
I seriously need a spa day. Need to start looking for deals. A massage and facial is much needed. tired Strategy: ['optimism']
Its like Friday righ now with the stock market like wtf is going on Lmaoo
It may be a confusing time, but I know that I can remain calm in the storm.
['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Its like Friday righ now with the stock market like wtf is going on Lmaoo Strategy: ['optimism', 'self_affirmation']
Midnight walks to clear up your head from all that studying is always somewhat refreshing
A midnight walk to clear up the head from studying is refreshing.
Midnight walks to clear up your head from all that studying is always somewhat refreshing Strategy: ['neutralizing']
My decision making skills are awful and in times like these I wish someone knew the future and could tell me what I need to do..
I am fortunate that my parents are always there for me to help me out with good advice.
My decision making skills are awful and in times like these I wish someone knew the future and could tell me what I need to do.. Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Seriously wish I could sleep from now and wake up on the 19th December!! So much to do!
I have a lot to do but soon it will be the 19th and I'll get to relax!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Seriously wish I could sleep from now and wake up on the 19th December!! So much to do! Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Why is Chislehurst only 15min parking for under 5 spend, only needed few items but not familiar with store,only two tills open queue at SS, Ive trouble walking, blue badge!
Chislehurst onky has 15 min parking for under 5 spend so I will use it as an excuse to get some retail therapy and buy some more!
Why is Chislehurst only 15min parking for under 5 spend, only needed few items but not familiar with store,only two tills open queue at SS, Ive trouble walking, blue badge! Strategy: ['optimism']
I need a Floridian to teach me how to Bobble and Sexy WalkI hate going home and being behind
I will learn how to do Bobble and Sex Walk and I will be on an equal footing with everyone
I need a Floridian to teach me how to Bobble and Sexy WalkI hate going home and being behind Strategy: ['neutralizing']
And here we go again with six days working in a row. thursdayhurry tired money
I'm working againg 6 days in a row, but I'm making a lot of money
And here we go again with six days working in a row. thursdayhurry tired money Strategy: ['optimism']
Writing today off as a fail! Why is it always the case when one thing goes wrong everything does! fail
Today has gone badly; troubles have piled up. I need to manage trials better.
Writing today off as a fail! Why is it always the case when one thing goes wrong everything does! fail Strategy: ['growth']
So sick of finding pure white hairs, curse of the aging ginge. I'm only 28! gettingold
I am finding pure white hairs more often now, I'm sure It's natural occurance though.
So sick of finding pure white hairs, curse of the aging ginge. I'm only 28! gettingold Strategy: ['neutralizing']
My excitement for beyonce is being crushed by this Econ final on Friday as well terrified
Worried about my Econ final on Friday, thankfully I can listen to Beyonce while I study,
My excitement for beyonce is being crushed by this Econ final on Friday as well terrified Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I've been awake for close to an hour and a half and I don't think there's any way I'm getting back to sleep
I have been awake for almost an hour and I hope to fall asleep soon
I've been awake for close to an hour and a half and I don't think there's any way I'm getting back to sleep Strategy: ['optimism']
I have been studying so hard this whole week.. I literly can't wait for school to be over..
I have been studying so hard this whole week, and I can't wait for school to be over. But I'm happy with my effort, and grateful for everything I learned.
I have been studying so hard this whole week.. I literly can't wait for school to be over.. Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I work 28 hours this weekend, have to write two papers, and study for an exam.
I am going to get through this stronger.
I work 28 hours this weekend, have to write two papers, and study for an exam. Strategy: ['growth']
Just looking at my schedule and realized that this is going to be a rough 4 months
Just looking at my schedule and realized that this next 4 months are going to be really challenging, but I know I will come through!
['growth', 'self_affirmation']
Just looking at my schedule and realized that this is going to be a rough 4 months Strategy: ['growth', 'self_affirmation']
who's that? RT: weenda I'm stressed,, thinking about which one will debut and which one will breaking up,,
Being stressed before a debut is normal so there is nothing wrong.
who's that? RT: weenda I'm stressed,, thinking about which one will debut and which one will breaking up,, Strategy: ['impermanence']
It's like every bad thing that's gonna happen has to happen all at the same time
Sometimes it feels like bad things happen all at once, so I just need to focus on one thing at a time. That way I don't stress myself out.
It's like every bad thing that's gonna happen has to happen all at the same time Strategy: ['impermanence']
this has got to be a joke! there's only 5 more weeks of the semester left?!?!?!?!
It may seem like a joke but the fact is that there are only 5 weeks left for the semester.
this has got to be a joke! there's only 5 more weeks of the semester left?!?!?!?! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I better not be getting sick, too much stuff happening this week, as it is
With so many things happening this week, I hope to keep in good health.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I better not be getting sick, too much stuff happening this week, as it is Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
What's the opposite of sleeping like a baby? Because that's me as of late tired
I have not been sleeping like a baby lately, but I will find a way to not be so tired.
What's the opposite of sleeping like a baby? Because that's me as of late tired Strategy: ['impermanence']
Still can't believe all that happened last night Now on my way to the ACT
Even after everything that happened last night I will move ahead stronger!
Still can't believe all that happened last night Now on my way to the ACT Strategy: ['self_affirmation']
Why is it when you're in a rush every other car has to drive so slow?! COME ON
I will learn how to be more patient. I understand that some people are more energetic than others during the morning.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Why is it when you're in a rush every other car has to drive so slow?! COME ON Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
When i finally feel a little chilled in the bath my bloody nose starts to bloody bleeding.. ShitMonday
My nose started bleeding in the bathtub, but luckily I have tissues nearby to stop the bleeding. Thankful!
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
When i finally feel a little chilled in the bath my bloody nose starts to bloody bleeding.. ShitMonday Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
In just going to apologize now to for witnessing my bitchy vent session I had at work today sorry
I think I would feel lighter if I apologize for the vent session that I had at work today. I must never let this happen again.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
In just going to apologize now to for witnessing my bitchy vent session I had at work today sorry Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Bought some weights and yoga DVDs. Hopefully keep fit during this pregnancy n keep my mind off things.
These weights and yoga exercises will improve me as a person
Bought some weights and yoga DVDs. Hopefully keep fit during this pregnancy n keep my mind off things. Strategy: ['growth']
Can this night just please be erased from my memory ? Worst game ever .
This game was a bad one, this is a night I don't want to remember so soon
['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
Can this night just please be erased from my memory ? Worst game ever . Strategy: ['impermanence', 'neutralizing']
3 signs that the person is working in CorporateWorld stressed , depressed , and Still well Dressed
People nowadays are stressed and that's the new normal it seems.
3 signs that the person is working in CorporateWorld stressed , depressed , and Still well Dressed Strategy: ['impermanence']
This day has been terrible. I wish I new what to do next in my life. stuck
I had a bad day, but if I can figure out what I want to do with my life, things should get better.
This day has been terrible. I wish I new what to do next in my life. stuck Strategy: ['growth']
As a blogger it's intimidating to keep up with all these media outlets/publications pushing out content like crazy
A lot of things happening at the same time. As a blogger, I should learn how to filter pertinent information.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
As a blogger it's intimidating to keep up with all these media outlets/publications pushing out content like crazy Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Had to go get a 2nd beer, need something to slow down my heart rate.
I got a second beer to relax my body
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Had to go get a 2nd beer, need something to slow down my heart rate. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
The first Uni to get back to me was which is my top choice so I was very very happy!!
The fact that I will go to the university of my choice it means I will study with more motivation, and I will become more skilled.
The first Uni to get back to me was which is my top choice so I was very very happy!! Strategy: ['growth']
It's so sad that 5sos is going their separate ways from 1d..struggle now is having to purchase tix to 2 spectate shows
Now that the two groups have to separated, they can become more independent and maybe make better music.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
It's so sad that 5sos is going their separate ways from 1d..struggle now is having to purchase tix to 2 spectate shows Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Trying to make a presentation, fuck this, what is this evenFinals need to be done! overit finals
Even though I'm ready for the finals to be over, I'm thankful for the hard work I put towards them.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Trying to make a presentation, fuck this, what is this evenFinals need to be done! overit finals Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
When follows you and you're watching black swan and you don't know what or how to feel
Black swan is an amazing film that brings indescribable sensations
When follows you and you're watching black swan and you don't know what or how to feel Strategy: ['optimism']
Taking a road trip through Mexico is no joke and I think I might die
Traveling to Mexico will be incredible. I will be able to see all the beauties and sights
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Taking a road trip through Mexico is no joke and I think I might die Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Now to write my photographer pages. She could've told us the sketchbook was due today on Friday -_-
Now to write my photographer pages. She could have told us the sketchbook was due today on Friday. At least I will be going on vacation soon!
['impermanence', 'optimism']
Now to write my photographer pages. She could've told us the sketchbook was due today on Friday -_- Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
Come up to me ill snap you in two quicker then Messi and xavi played that old skool one two
I would like to think that my football skills rival that of Messi and Xavi.
Come up to me ill snap you in two quicker then Messi and xavi played that old skool one two Strategy: ['optimism']
Heres to hoping I get to actually sit down and chill out this eve worstweek
Had a really had work week but I’m happy I get to relax now.
['growth', 'neutralizing']
Heres to hoping I get to actually sit down and chill out this eve worstweek Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing']
Stay at my job for the over time, although I'm not happy or leave. Decisions decisions.
I need to rethink my priorities and consider whether staying longer at work is a good choice for my mental health.
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
Stay at my job for the over time, although I'm not happy or leave. Decisions decisions. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
One week back into school and I'm already about to go insane. ". Basically. xc
I hope I will settle into this school routine soon.
One week back into school and I'm already about to go insane. ". Basically. xc Strategy: ['impermanence']
Payton's mom is trying to get me to sign up for a mud run this summer and I think I might die. 1. I hate running 2. I'll be deep in prep by summer. 3. You have to sign up by New Years.
I'm going to prepare myself for the mud run instead of being afraid of it.
Payton's mom is trying to get me to sign up for a mud run this summer and I think I might die. 1. I hate running 2. I'll be deep in prep by summer. 3. You have to sign up by New Years. Strategy: ['growth']
Can't believe my case just broke had to pack and repack to fix it not happy
I had to repack my case but at least it's sorted now and I get to go on an amazing holiday.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Can't believe my case just broke had to pack and repack to fix it not happy Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
I feel like my wedding is slowly falling apart instead of coming together like it should
My wedding plans are not coming together as I had hoped, but my wedding will still be special.
I feel like my wedding is slowly falling apart instead of coming together like it should Strategy: ['optimism']
Soo much to do arghhh!!! Just want to go to bed and nothing forever :(
I have a lot on my plate today, but tomorrow is a new day,
Soo much to do arghhh!!! Just want to go to bed and nothing forever :( Strategy: ['optimism']
Ma call of duty don't work I wanna black out but that not gonna help it
My game isn't working, I'm sure if I reset the system it will start working again though
Ma call of duty don't work I wanna black out but that not gonna help it Strategy: ['impermanence']
Only thing keeping me calm is watching's videos. I'm about to do that rn college tired nosleep remedy work
I'm thankful that I have movies to keep me calm amidst the nonstop college work.
Only thing keeping me calm is watching's videos. I'm about to do that rn college tired nosleep remedy work Strategy: ['thankfulness']
been lazy since I got home yesterday but I deserved it after the last two weeks
I am thankful that I had the opportunity to rest yesterday after being very busy the last two weeks.
been lazy since I got home yesterday but I deserved it after the last two weeks Strategy: ['thankfulness']
so my parents didn't realise the clocks went forward and now I'm late because they promised me a lift
I'm going to be a little late, my parents forgot about daylight savings time.
so my parents didn't realise the clocks went forward and now I'm late because they promised me a lift Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Body is aching like a bitch! But bring on last day of assessments and callbacks! Can't wait for it all to be over!
Only one more day until assessments and callbacks are done!
Body is aching like a bitch! But bring on last day of assessments and callbacks! Can't wait for it all to be over! Strategy: ['impermanence']
When I txt u that means Iwanna talk 2u. No replies 4the past 3days means I'm bothering u? Not sure tell me if Iam plz!
If I want to text I want to talk. But if you don't then I need communication
When I txt u that means Iwanna talk 2u. No replies 4the past 3days means I'm bothering u? Not sure tell me if Iam plz! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
I absolutely hate logic, we've been on 4 problems for well over 7 hours KillMe
Working hard at these logic problems. I will understand this one day!
['growth', 'impermanence']
I absolutely hate logic, we've been on 4 problems for well over 7 hours KillMe Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence']
me too trust I'm right there with you /: RT Am I the only one who feels like crying tonight? tired
Crying isn’t so bad, especially if you say such touching things to me.
['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
me too trust I'm right there with you /: RT Am I the only one who feels like crying tonight? tired Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'self_affirmation']
No one should ever be as confused about their own emotions as I am right now..
I am going to give myself time to explore my emotions.
No one should ever be as confused about their own emotions as I am right now.. Strategy: ['growth']
I am in desperate need of a break from life. Also known as a vacation. Get me the hell out here!!
Life is tough right now, and I could really use a vacation.
I am in desperate need of a break from life. Also known as a vacation. Get me the hell out here!! Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Can someone just come and take me away for a little while? I just need a break.
I understand that clearing myself in something else might help.
Can someone just come and take me away for a little while? I just need a break. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
My check for work bounced, it's been a week 1/2. So fed up with work.
Thankful for the money from my work to get into my account
My check for work bounced, it's been a week 1/2. So fed up with work. Strategy: ['thankfulness']
Wtf do you do when there's mice in the basement and your cats been chasing them all night ugh
It is better to find some means to put an end to the cats chasing the mice in the basement.
Wtf do you do when there's mice in the basement and your cats been chasing them all night ugh Strategy: ['optimism']
Just wanna cry!! Hate uni work, don't get it! Too hard, want to go back to bed and hide under my covers!!
I don’t like uni work as it is too hard. I hope to pull through this with the help of God.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Just wanna cry!! Hate uni work, don't get it! Too hard, want to go back to bed and hide under my covers!! Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
When I legit spend 45minutes reading carefully and annotating my physics lab you know how serious I
The fact that I study carefully means that I will be more skilled and knowledgeable in the future.
When I legit spend 45minutes reading carefully and annotating my physics lab you know how serious I Strategy: ['growth']
Slowly dying with all the work I have to get done between now and Saturday. overwhelmed
Hope to catch up with all the work that I have to get done between now and Saturday.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Slowly dying with all the work I have to get done between now and Saturday. overwhelmed Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I have a week and a half until finals but I'm already stressing over them. finals
I have enough time until finals, and I'm already preparing so I'm set.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I have a week and a half until finals but I'm already stressing over them. finals Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Just thinking about how crazy this week is going to be makes me want to drop out of school, quit my job and be a hobo.
I think this week will be very difficult. But I'm grateful to at least have a job and study, it would be very difficult if I didn't.
['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Just thinking about how crazy this week is going to be makes me want to drop out of school, quit my job and be a hobo. Strategy: ['optimism', 'thankfulness']
Typical me to not do any homework and wait until last minute why do I do this every time
I changed, now I do my homework in advance.
Typical me to not do any homework and wait until last minute why do I do this every time Strategy: ['growth']
10 stitches in my finger my handwriting is type FUCKED UP rn struggling writinghand cantholdafuckingpen
I know that my hand will eventually heal, and I will feel much better.
10 stitches in my finger my handwriting is type FUCKED UP rn struggling writinghand cantholdafuckingpen Strategy: ['optimism']
Arghhhhhh some people really grind my gears Supposed to be helping people and don't help one bit :(
Some people are so irritating, but I'm going to persevere and learn from this experience while trying to help people.
Arghhhhhh some people really grind my gears Supposed to be helping people and don't help one bit :( Strategy: ['growth']
Wowzersthis school. They just realized I was behind on 2 credits from three years ago. wtf
The school just told me that I was behind on a few credits from years ago. It'll be fun to take classes again to make it up.
['growth', 'optimism']
Wowzersthis school. They just realized I was behind on 2 credits from three years ago. wtf Strategy: ['growth', 'optimism']
I swear to get one of these days I'll just go to college I'm my pjs. tired
I'm excited to go to college in my PJs and no one can stop me.
I swear to get one of these days I'll just go to college I'm my pjs. tired Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Worst day EVER. Only one thing for it. Getting ma nails did on Thursday! bluemonday manicuresmakeitbetter
Today was made a lot better knowing that I'll be getting my nails done on Thursday.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Worst day EVER. Only one thing for it. Getting ma nails did on Thursday! bluemonday manicuresmakeitbetter Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm going to have to make it until Sunday Then hopefully i can make things right.
I am waiting for Sunday to make things right.
I'm going to have to make it until Sunday Then hopefully i can make things right. Strategy: ['neutralizing']
all those people going the same speed on the a66 and its me they pick out Fuming
I got caught for speeding but I will know to go less fast next time.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
all those people going the same speed on the a66 and its me they pick out Fuming Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
5 paragraphs out of 8 and I have completely given up in my junior paper failing crying
I have a few paragraphs done so I am glad for the work I have put in.
5 paragraphs out of 8 and I have completely given up in my junior paper failing crying Strategy: ['thankfulness']
I seriously need to get my D up. smh notme straightAstudent this cant be happening.
I must work hard to improve myself.
I seriously need to get my D up. smh notme straightAstudent this cant be happening. Strategy: ['growth']
Really wish I was built to let things roll off my back instead of carrying the weight of worry.
I need to relax more and just let things work themselves out, I won't last long if I keep carrying all this worry with me.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Really wish I was built to let things roll off my back instead of carrying the weight of worry. Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Thinking of all the things I need to do is making me want to cry!
I am very busy, but I know that this is fleeting and soon everything will be back to normal.
Thinking of all the things I need to do is making me want to cry! Strategy: ['impermanence']
It's sad that 2017 is here and I feel like I already want to let everything go
I hope 2017 brings with it better luck for me.
['impermanence', 'optimism']
It's sad that 2017 is here and I feel like I already want to let everything go Strategy: ['impermanence', 'optimism']
When ppl ask u how are u.,. n you're like I'm doing great but ur mind is like.,.ooh i'm sad
I have not always been honest with my feelings, but I can take steps to be more authentic.
When ppl ask u how are u.,. n you're like I'm doing great but ur mind is like.,.ooh i'm sad Strategy: ['growth']
I'm so drained. Almost sick. Like a headache and nausea, but and depressed. I just wanna laydown for ever lolbs
I'm feeling really down but things can only go up from here once I take a few days to rest and recover.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I'm so drained. Almost sick. Like a headache and nausea, but and depressed. I just wanna laydown for ever lolbs Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
I've been sick for over a week. Coughing and a sore throat. Oh, and now I'm losing my voice. Greaaattt SickBeforeFinals
Im really sick right before finals but at least it isn’t during finals.
I've been sick for over a week. Coughing and a sore throat. Oh, and now I'm losing my voice. Greaaattt SickBeforeFinals Strategy: ['thankfulness']
So apparently my shoulder is still too fucked up to do anything normal . reallyfuckinpissed irked Crying
I can't do my daily activites due to my shoulder injury, I can still sit and enjoy reading a book with a cup of coffee.
So apparently my shoulder is still too fucked up to do anything normal . reallyfuckinpissed irked Crying Strategy: ['optimism']
Anyone take AP lit last year that could offer a few tips for tomorrow's exam?
I would be happy to get someone who took AP lit last year to offer some tips for tomorrow’s exam.
Anyone take AP lit last year that could offer a few tips for tomorrow's exam? Strategy: ['optimism']
entrepreneurs if you are stressed out and burnt out, you may need a total body transformation
Body transformations are amazing for stress
entrepreneurs if you are stressed out and burnt out, you may need a total body transformation Strategy: ['neutralizing']
Ive been trying force creativity so hard that I haven't slept much in 2 days
I have been immersed in creativity till i have'nt had a sleep in the last two days.
['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
Ive been trying force creativity so hard that I haven't slept much in 2 days Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'thankfulness']
update on lacrosse for me, I'm sore, I'm tired, we won, and there's only 2-3 weeks left.
I am sore and tired from lacrosse, but we won the game which is the most important thing.
['neutralizing', 'optimism']
update on lacrosse for me, I'm sore, I'm tired, we won, and there's only 2-3 weeks left. Strategy: ['neutralizing', 'optimism']
Got the worst headache ever. That power rangers tour was just to much, canny be dealing with fighting maws n da's for free toys
I hope to get over this headache caused by the power rangers tour. It would be good to stop playing.
['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Got the worst headache ever. That power rangers tour was just to much, canny be dealing with fighting maws n da's for free toys Strategy: ['growth', 'neutralizing', 'optimism']
Going to Dublin today but it wouldn't be Belgium if those trains would be ON time would it? Ofcourse not fun not exited
Sometimes delays happen, I'm sure I can still get there in time, or let them know that I will be arriving late.
['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
Going to Dublin today but it wouldn't be Belgium if those trains would be ON time would it? Ofcourse not fun not exited Strategy: ['growth', 'impermanence', 'optimism']
Who knew pharmacy is such a crazy job. Don't think this job is for me but ill stick it in a little further.
Pharmacy is not a good job. Though this does not seem to be the right job for me, I’ll stick to it for some more time.
Who knew pharmacy is such a crazy job. Don't think this job is for me but ill stick it in a little further. Strategy: ['neutralizing']