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MAN TAKE ME BACK TO THE 90'S.!!!!! this new 2000s generation not for me.!! me & my fiance was just dancing all on the dance floor to this last night.. boy do I miss the 90s.
not nostalgia
the information is intended solely only one a lot few weeks and to see the if I have been a little bit more of a lot more to come in to this email in the next week's schedule a and we would be great but I if I could do it in the next few months ago but have that
Takes me back to school days and singing this to the girls!!
god takes me back...rolling skating at roller gardens,,,,,you cant top old school...the beats back then were so much better...
I remember listening this track down at the skating rink too! Def reminiscing the good times!
AH SHIT..........This right here is classic. This song and track is dope as hell......This song brings back so many damn memories...... I was in high school when this came out.......My friends and I use to tear the dance floor UP.......Literally.............
The skating rink! Ah... Good times! Brings back awesome memories!
this song was the back in the day man when it came one everybody was out there 88-89 in fl.tyndal a.f.b. brings back a lot of good memories I have been looking for this song for years and now I have got it ,never new the groups name,thanks man
what the?! what kind of rapping is this? 1988 whatever . anyway I am not hating because this was one of my jams back then. i was rocking this song every chance i got. BRINGS BACK MEMORIES!!
More than I can say.. Miss everything from 70's....
Brings back memories of my childhood back in the 80's. They were the best of times...
My dad used to bath us in the 70s. We were all real little and he sing this to my mom while he was bathing us. Precious Memories.
Reminds me of being a little girl, listening to this with my parents. Love it
not nostalgia
I love this song, it is a classic, and there is no other that is exactly like it, nor will it age, so whatever dumb comments others may say, it just means they don't have LOVE in their life. So, from me to you, I love you more than I can say, and twice as much tomorrow.
not nostalgia
This man had more natural talent then all of today pop tarts and wailing ball less dudes on the radio......I can only imagine the masterpieces he would have written today had he not passed at such a young age, many more great songs by Leo await you, listen to them all.
not nostalgia
There is something really special to that era, not those HD graphics, no enchanced music just simplistic and real yet amazing.
not nostalgia
That pretty much is what happens when I paint too. I end up just wearing paint.
not nostalgia
The guy has cute smile... and yes we all came here after listening to sweet GRANDMA and that AMAZING street singer
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Twitter is such a powerful media source!! The amount of people here, myself included, after seeing the sweet video of the lady singing with her dog is unbelievable!!
not nostalgia
I too came here after listening to Malinda Herman singing to her Chihuahua. I have a Chihuahua/Jack Russell terrier mix, Lola. She is a rescue, and the most intelligent, loving and sensitive dog I have ever owned. And I love her more than I can say.
This was the first song that my ex boyfriend sent me a cassette of ( I was in the 6th grade,lol) later on my late husband and I use to listen to it (it became our song, but he has since pass away in 2009 so whenever I think/miss him i listen to it.
Really hard song for me to listen to. I used to sing this with my now deceased mother in the car in 80s. She knew it was my favorite at the time and used to turn it up and we'd sing it to each other. She was getting something out of me that I usually didn't give her because I didn't really know what love was at 8.
I had forgotten this song even existed until I saw the lovely old lady and her cat serenading her sweet little doggo. I was 4 years old when this song came out in 1980. It gives me such warm, early childhood nostalgia. Brings me right back. Feels like yesterday. That lady was probably about my age, now (40-ish) when this song first came out. In the blink of an eye I'll be her age now, if I'm lucky enough to live that long.
I love you more than I can say. It's the words to the song .that makes it a big hit. Brings back so many memories.
not nostalgia
I find this song so soothing, this is the first time I've seen the video, I prefer the song in a different format
I really miss the old day :(
not nostalgia
What a beauty How beautiful is this message delivered from the bottom of the heart. I love you twice as much tomorrow...... what a great word. Unfortunately youngsters of today will never be able to measure the weight of this song.
2019 here.....reminds me of saying goodbye to my first love at the airport, he was moving out of state, my high school heart was truly broken.
listen to this song, remember childhood, and my father often sings this song.
2019 but the songs feels so fresh ,so many wonderful past memories relate with this song
Wow I love this song takes me back to my teenager years
Love this omg memories thanks for the throw back feeling. Love love love
Yes, remind me the carefree and joyful old days. Thank you, Leo.
Excellent. Brings back my youth day memories. I used to hear and enjoy this classic song in Srilanka broadcasting corp.
not nostalgia
There's a similar song I've been trying so hard to remember for months. It starts off in the same way with a melodica or something. The chorus goes like this : Thanks in advance :)
not nostalgia
if my future boyfriend sing this song for me, i would tell him that i love him more than i can say.
not nostalgia
this young man could sing a song as a special way I love to hear it over and over
Goodness! Listening to that Song After apropos. 30 years again. Nice, gives me a smile and Reminds me on First innocent love...
not nostalgia
He came to New Zealand with his then girlfriend, a real a scruffy unattractive girl. Wonder what happened after, did he marry her?
January 2019...I remember sitting in the back seat, am radio playing the song looking at my parents and my little sister next to me, nothing but love....
tears in my eyes....nostalgic
My dad would listen to this song and I was there inhaling the soon to be nostalgia.
The song my wife and I danced to at our Wedding as well as roller skated to when we were High School Sweethearts! at Happy Wheels in Portland Maine!
Nostalgia of 80s when I was young & being proud of humming this song..
not nostalgia
I am just another guy who feels those were the days when it was music, music and music all the way. Look around you today it is lot of noise, epileptic seized dance and lot of bulls.
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Late at night, when the streets are clear of cars, this is a good tune to drive with. Relaxed vibe.
not nostalgia
Imagine driving a car through the California desert roadway with the warm sunset, listening to this song would be the GOLDEN moment.
not nostalgia
Dear sir i really like you're song and i want too use you are song my short film,but i want you are permission
another great song , it makes me miss the past , the world today is garbage
not nostalgia
One song singing by many singer but a singer gives life and that song is never memorable. You will not forget Leo.
when i was a kid, my father liked to open this song every morning every after school i miss that moment.
Brings back memories... summer of '82, 14 years old, falling in love with a 14 year old girl, listening to this song and feeling exactly like that ;) Long walks hand in hand, a first kiss on the shores of Danube... all tied to this song.
not nostalgia
I love his music and always have. Beautiful voice. Very talented and good looking to boot as well
Wow this song is 1981-2, Tasmania, After School Care and Women's shelter with my mum and sister's. I remember singing this to one of the ladies of the shelter on her birthday. Love Tassie, miss those years.
not nostalgia
early 80s pop songs are classics, more than any other era many of them still get huge radio and streaming broadcast!
Best song ever. I remember when I stood in the middle of my mom and dad. While my dad was driving his 62 Chevy flatbed. I would say momma say. Lol. Rip mom and dad. I was only 4-6 years old. Wow time has passed. But not forgotten.
Brings sweet memories to mind. Warms my heart! Thank you
Getting nostalgic! Nothing to beat the songs of the 60s 70s and 80s.
not nostalgia
True art, true signers , they care about art!!! Good day 80,s and 70's musics!!!! I wish if I were part of that generation
Good song... remember this song when I was young and I sang this song to her
not nostalgia
Sounds more than a bit like Every Breath You Take, and from what I gather it came out before...
not nostalgia
do you mean to make me i just another guy
Remind me my childhood....
wow..LEO SAYER songs are ever green for me..remember i loved to play his tracks before leaving for school every single day. Gives me a fresh feeling
not nostalgia
Love is the gift that keeps on giving. Love someone and they will know how to love someone else and on it goes.
not nostalgia
If you can't dance physically you can dance in your mind so keep on dancing friends!
My girlfriend and I drove from Indiana to Phoenix in 1980 .. I heard this song on at least 20 different radio stations on the way there. Great memories!
This song brings so many good memories. Songs back then were much better then. Love it, thank you,
not nostalgia
i thought this guy was the original singer of this song no. he is just another elvis
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Judging by the annoying video, are listeners/viewers to assume that Leo Sayer is in love with himself? (He certainly does not make me feel like dancing)
not nostalgia
Sometime I just fell like singing this song so so loud like insane crazy with full of unsaid tears n sorrow in my eye
i remember my high school&my girl friend in 1998
not nostalgia
How bizarre would it be to have Bob Ross painting in the background throughout the entire video for no apparent reason? That would be some seriously hot afro on afro action, and I'm down.
they used to play this all the time in 1980 in Madrid's discos and pubs....wish i had a time machine
missed the younger days. mine,, many moons ago
not nostalgia
Sweet! Daddy's Home brought me here...this was only an instrumental in the film. Haven't thought of this song in 40 years\C9 Yeah, I just dated myself... vintage. :)
not nostalgia
One of only a couple dozen songs from the 80's or later that can pull me away from my golden oldies and other Adult Standards. A simple message and melody made complete by outstanding orchestration and arranging.
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One day they may countrify this song. Of course it will never be as nice as this version.
love this song bring back good memories...
not nostalgia
I don't understand how someone could dislike this song! This is such a beautiful song it hits right at home.
Classic alright ....brings back so many memories mate .... thank you !!
not nostalgia
Beautiful lyrics and excellent voice. It was far more real singing than the modern music in which singers rely on digital devices to produce better versions.
Love the song, brings me back to a better place in my life. I miss all of the music from the 50's , 60's, 70's and 80's. Music that you could understand the words to the songs being sung. The songs touched all of the feelings you had inside when you hear these older songs on the radio.
not nostalgia
Class!!!! Very very nice soft-rock-sing!! Real legenda!!! Thank-you very much for the music!!! (fan with young and in real time too). Health! Good luck in life in family in prof-musical arts!! Love and happiness!! Light future!!
My dad always played this song for mom when i was growing up.....miss you dad
not nostalgia
Would not every girl want a guy with big hair and a pink suit to sing this to them, i mean come on !! Im currently accepting international dates, if you are pretty and in my age range, ha ! No dudes !
not nostalgia
I like cutting out pictures like he is doing and making pictures and giving them out as gifts.
I really love this song. My dad always turns 60s-70s song on every time he drives.
Yup !!!! Bringing back an Enormous amount of many Sweet Bitter above all Cherished Memories .
not nostalgia
I absolutely love this song....and will never tire of hearing it. One of my all-time favorites!
not nostalgia
He really isn't my cup of tea, but some of his songs extremely heart melting like this one.
real i miss those days...brings back memories that i never had just because i was born at a later date. Oh well
i used to cry over this song cause i had a boyfriend at 13 years old it just reminded me of him!!! & sing it out loud or to myself on field trips it was so long ago!!! memories
not nostalgia
He really has that "love you like a brother" look about him. That safe, let me tell about all my boyfriends, I'm gonna use you as a doormat sort of look. Good song though. It was one of my favorites around 1980.
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That's funny. But Leo really is a nice guy. He started out singing in hospitals as a clown for sick kids. Not that most people would care. But nonetheless, at least he thinks of others.
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i don't know!..but the opening of the video,..seeing him,..would suggest that!...he's got that Richard Simmons thing going on as well!...or that painter who speaks softly!
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it's sad this is such a beautiful song when you love someone and your afraid to tell him how you really feel..
not nostalgia
Dear Friend, I think age and time is not that important when it comes to music. I am glad you like this song.
I was born in 1954 and started to be aware of popular music through my grandmother. This sound, even at the age of 4 or 5 years of age, captured my imagination. I still love it today and, as many others who have commented, there has never been anyone to emulate Elvis in his presentation, voice and presence. He really was gifted.
This is the first CD I bought after my marriage ended in divorce after 28 years. I remember driving in my car turning this song up very loud had car the windows rolled down crying. 21 years later I still love this song