lily : oh , my gosh . neil : malcolm . malcolm : in the flesh . lily : ( sighs ) oh , my god ! hi . malcolm : hey . cane : um ... malcolm : yeah . cane : i - i 'm cane . malcolm : lily 's husband . cane : yeah . malcolm : sorry we have n't met sooner . neil : malcolm winters . you 've been gone a hell of a long time . malcolm : too long . lily : wait . i - i - i - i - i do n't understand . what -- what brought you back ? malcolm : i ran into olivia over at heathrow . just one of those random things . she -- i had just landed , and she was rushing to make a connection , when she told me what 's been goin ' on . and i caught the next flight here . ( sighs ) so ... how are you ? lily : ( sighs ) well , i 'm -- i ... i was fine , and then i got this stupid hangnail . ( laughs ) i 'm sorry . i just -- i ca n't believe that you 're here right now . malcolm : ( chuckles ) neil : neither can i . lily : ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] kay : billy , what are you doing here ? billy : oh , what ? no , `` come on in , billy `` ? really ? are you gon na leave me standing out here in the cold ? chloe : who 's at the door ? kay : after your last visit ? chloe : great . billy : i 'm sober ; its okay . murphy : well , you better be if those are car keys you 're holding . chloe : yeah , and you know what ? if you 're not , just call a cab , cause chance is not playing chauffer tonight . chance : uh - oh . billy : ( clears throat ) yeah , look , we 've already established that my last visit left something to be desired . i 'm sorry . i 'm here to make up for that , especially to delia . i 'd like to leave 2009 with her feeling a little bit better about her dad . chloe : yeah , well , i think that she would , uh , like to see the guy who hangs the moon not the ass who showed up here last night , right ? murphy : yeah , well , there 's enough food to go around . kay : you promise to behave ? billy : scout 's honor . chloe : ( scoffs ) says the guy who was never a scout . [ scene_break ] nina : ( exhales ) hey ! paul : hey , there . nina : ( giggles ) paul : i was n't expecting to see you for another couple of hours . nina : i know . actually , i was gon na call you to see if maybe you wanted to go see a movie before we went out to dinner . paul : oh , um , well , you know , i , uh ... nina : or not . i mean ... paul : i was just gon na , uh , visit my sister before i picked you up . that 's all . nina : oh . listen , i have an idea , and if you hate it , i promise you wo n't offend me . but , um , what if i go with you ? i mean , that is , of course , if the doctor and patty say its okay . i just ... paul : why would you want to ? nina : well , i -- your sister 's such a huge part of your life and i just kind of hate that you feel like you have to keep that relationship hidden away , you know ? paul : yeah , well , you know , she , um ... patty cause a lot of pain to a lot of people in this town . nina : well , that may be , but she 's still your sister , and you still love her . and you know what ? ( chuckles ) you 're there for everybody all the time . it 's about time someone was there for you . [ scene_break ] victoria : oh , my gosh . reed was asleep before his head even hit the pillow . phyllis : yeah , i know . summer was the same way . i hope she does n't get mad at me for letting her sleep . she wanted to stay up until new year 's . ( sighs ) victoria : so ... ( sighs ) the sitter should be here soon , huh ? phyllis : yeah , any time now . ( cell phone rings ) victoria : excuse me . hello ? j.t . : hey , uh , i 've been working in town . i just stopped off for some coffee . i was just , uh , calling to see if you were up for a night out . victoria : sure . yeah . well i mean , unless -- if you do n't want to -- i mean ... j.t . : no , it 's , uh , it 's new year 's eve . we should -- we should go out . victoria : okay . okay . so then should i just meet you at crimson lights ? or ... j.t . : yeah , that sounds good . i 'll , uh , i 'll see you then . [ scene_break ] mac : i think it 's great that you and victoria are going out tonight . j.t . : yeah , well , we do n't really have anything special planned . but ... mac : oh , it does n't need to be black - tie to make it memorable , as long as you 're together . j.t . : how about you ? what are you -- what are you gon na do ? mac : i 'm gon na get a sandwich and go back to the bar . j.t . : are you sure that 's a good idea ? mac : because i 'm pregnant ? j.t . : ( chuckles ) yeah . mac : i 'm fine . i 'm worried about lily , though . she 's in the hospital again . [ scene_break ] phyllis : hey . so you going home to change for the big night ? victoria : big night ? yeah , well , you know , truth is , if you had n't hired a sitter , j.t . and i would probably , uh , just be at home watching tv or ... how about you and nick ? phyllis : oh , i 'm not sure what we 're doing . victoria : because he 's probably planning some sort of romantic getaway for you . phyllis : no , because he went to be with sharon . [ scene_break ] nick : you did not just say that you married him . sharon : i did . nick : is this some kind of joke ? adam : what , you think she would joke about something like that , nick ? nick : you said you were going skiing . adam : well , obviously , we did a lot more than that . sharon : stop it . adam : get off me . sharon : stop it ! what are you doing ? nick : what do you expect me to do , sharon ? you take off out of the blue without telling our son ? sharon : noah knew i was going away . nick : he did not know you were getting married . sharon : well , i did n't want to tell him over the phone . i wanted to wait and tell him face - to - face . nick : you have no idea who this guy is . sharon , if you really knew him , then you could n't possibly marry him , because you ca n't be in love with him . sharon : how dare you presume to know how i feel about anything ! nick : i care about you . sharon : really ? is that why you attack my judgment every time you see me ? nick : it 's because you 're not thinking clearly . adam : okay , enough ! you keep insulting her , you leave . nick : all right , who the hell do you think you are ? adam : i 'm her husband . that 's who i am , and there 's not a damn thing you can do about it . nick : see ? do you hear that ? he is manipulating you to get to me . sharon : nick , if adam 's master plan was to use me , then it is n't a very good plan , because we all know that you and i are over , remember ? and we all know how much you love your wife . do n't we , nick ? [ scene_break ] victoria : thank god that sharon only suffered a minor concussion . phyllis : yeah , thank god . victoria : yeah . i mean ... phyllis : ( sighs ) victoria : i - i get why nick had to go see her . i - i do get that . but i also understand why you may not exactly be very thrilled by that decision . ( chuckles ) phyllis : mm - hmm . yeah . victoria : yeah . phyllis : yeah . well , i understood completely . completely . i 'm sure he 'll get home as soon as he can . [ scene_break ] lily : okay , can we stop talking about my illness , please ? it 's new year 's eve . malcolm : l do n't mean to be a downer asking all these questions . lily : no , no . it 's fine . it 's just that , you know , this is n't the first time i 've wound up in the hospital with an infection , so it kinda comes with the territory . malcolm : well , it sounds like you 're an old pro . neil : lily 's shown incredible strength . lily : i would n't have been able to get through this without my dad and devon and my very patient husband . ( sighs ) malcolm : well , i guess she called you her rock for a reason . lily : so you did get my letter . yeah , i - i sent uncle malcolm a letter right after we got married , and when i did n't hear back , i - i just thought it got lost . malcolm : oh , well , i was on a photo shoot in some remote areas of india . it takes a while for mail to find me . now i can finally say , congratulations . and welcome to the family . lily : ( chuckles ) cane : thank you . thank you . thanks . lily : yeah , `` 2009 's so over ! `` ( chuckles ) [ scene_break ] kay : aw . billy : your daddy can agree with that message , little one . cordelia : ( fusses ) kay : is n't she beautiful ? murphy : oh , i 'll say . she 's a doll . chloe : okay , well , he 's behaving himself so far . chance : well , so far , so good kay : sweetheart ? cordelia : ( fusses ) billy : shh . chloe : oh , i almost forgot . delia got you a little surprise . billy : oh , yeah ? you got me a surprise ? did you get me a surprise ? did you get me a hat ? chloe : and she wanted , to give it to you last night , but , you know . billy : hey , look . murphy : ooh . billy : well , i 'm glad you did n't , because daddy was n't in the most grateful of moods . do you want to open this with me ? ready ? one , two , three . ooh . kay : look at that . billy : what do we got here ? hey , look , it 's a little miniature genoa city . chloe : yeah . billy : look at that . how cool is that ? chloe : we were actually shopping for a present for you , and she saw that , and she could just not stop smiling and laughing . chance : yeah , by the time we left the store , she had everybody smiling there , too . chloe : ( chuckles ) yeah , she did . billy : yeah , i bet . hmm . [ scene_break ] ( string quartet playing ) emily : jack , you 're spoiling me . jack : you deserve it . emily : yes , but a string quartet ? jack : oh , i thought it might add to the ambiance . emily : mm . it does . but how am i going to go back to a real world where ice skating rinks and musicians do n't just magically appear out of thin air ? jack : who says you have to go back at all ? i do n't want this to just be a wonderful holiday season . i want it to be the beginning of much more . emily : i want that , too . jack : from the day i met you , you have challenged me ... emily : ( sighs ) jack : to want to know more , to want to see more . given the year i just had , i did n't think that was possible . in fact , i 'd pretty much given up any hope . you know what they say -- once you stop looking for something , it has a way of showing up . emily : cheers . ( glasses clink ) emily : mm . there 's something in my glass . jack : oh maybe it 's just a berry . emily : no , it 's not a berry . emily : jack , are ... is this ... are you ... jack : it is , and i am . emily peterson , will you marry me ? i know this has all happened rather quickly . and i know this may seem rushed . and i know your first instinct may tell you to cut and run , but i just -- emily : jack , shut up . jack : i kind of have a whole speech prepared here . emily : i do n't need a speech . i know what you 're gon na say , and i need to let you know what i 'm thinking . jack : okay . emily : okay . i have always lived a very carefully planned life . i have never been the girl to be impulsive or take chances . i - i 've always encouraged my patients to step outside of their comfort zone , but i 've never taken my own advice . ( voice breaking ) i do n't ... i do n't want to do what i 've always done . i want to come from my heart and listen to it . jack : does that mean ... emily : ( sighs ) what i have with you , jack , i have never had with anyone . i love you . and i want to be with you . jack : can i take that as a yes ? emily : ( laughs ) ( normal voice ) yes . yes , do you want to put the -- jack : yes , i do . emi : ( sighs ) i 'm a little nervous . ( chuckles ) ( sniffles ) yes . ( laughs ) jack : yes . yes . [ scene_break ] patty : paul , i do n't think this is a great place to bring a date . paul : if i did n't think you were ready , i would n't have brought nina . you 've just made some remarkable progress . and , uh ... well , you know , patty , nobody should spend new year 's eve alone . patty : ( chuckles ) nina : it was actually my idea . paul is one of my dearest friends , and since you are such an important part of his life , i thought it was time that we finally met . patty : i - i - i , um , i usually look a lot prettier than this . nina : oh , no , you 're lovely . um , you know , i - i 'd really like to stay , but if you 're uncomfortable , it 's okay . i could -- patty : mnh - mnh . mnh - mnh . mnh - mnh . no . no . the more the merrier . yeah . [ scene_break ] adam : you assume she still loves you . so how could she possibly want to marry someone else ? nick : stay out of this , adam . adam : nick , i know that she still has feelings for you , and she always will . now you two share a past together , and no one can take that away , and they should n't . but she wants a chance at a new life , and i 'm part of that . nick : you need to stop talking now . adam : as much as you and i do n't trust each other , i swear on the soul of my mother this marriage is not a sham . i love sharon . nick : guys like adam do n't change . he went after dad and victoria and now me . and i do n't care how you feel right now . i guarantee you that the bottom is gon na drop out of this . adam : well , you 're wrong . nick : as your friend , as the father of your child , as someone who cares about you , i am begging you , sharon , please get this marriage annulled . sharon : go home to your wife , nick . [ scene_break ] phyllis : no , no , do n't worry about it . i -- no , you 're not late . i - i was gon na call you and tell you not to rush , but , um ... yeah , uh , anyway , uh , the minute you get here , um , i have to leave . [ scene_break ] victoria : i think it 's really -- it 's amazing what you 're doing for lily and cane . j.t . : yeah , it 's , uh , it 's quite a sacrifice , huh ? victoria : ( sighs ) yeah . mac : no , but it 's nothing compared , to what lily 's going through . victoria : how are they even getting through the day ? i mean , after everything they 've been through ? mac : i know . i - i mean , i do n't know . you 'd think she 'd give up , right ? but she and cane are determined to have a future and raise this child . having a family means everything to them . and i know that if their prayers are answered , they 'll never take it for granted . [ scene_break ] malcolm : do you feel confident with your doctors ? 'cause if you do n't , i can make some calls . neil : yeah , thanks , malcolm . she 's got the best oncologist in the city , so ... lily : yeah , i - i could n't be in better hands . malcolm : all right , good . good . i mean , if you 're gon na beat this thing , you need every advantage . neil : whoa , whoa , whoa . wait -- wait -- wait a minute . no . no ifs . there are no ifs here . malcolm : right , i 'm -- i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i did n't meant to -- to -- lily : you know , it 's -- it 's no secret that the odds are n't in my favor . but , you know , i 'm -- i 'm fighting them with everything that i 've got . malcolm : look at you . feisty , just like your mom . ( chuckles ) she 'd be real proud . lily : ( clears throat ) i mean , there 's just -- you know , there 's so much that i want to tell you , you know ? and so much that i want to know about you , like where have you been , and -- and what have you been doing ? cane : hey , hey , let 's , uh , let 's hang off on that for a little bit , okay ? 'cause , you know , we have the nurse coming in one sec . she 's gon na check on you . neil : yeah , honey , why do n't you rest easy , okay ? that way your uncle and i can catch up outside . what do you say , huh ? malcolm : yeah . ( sighs ) lily : okay . ( chuckles ) well , do n't leave without saying good - bye . malcolm : i would n't dare . cane : you okay ? [ scene_break ] phyllis : i - i was just hoping to -- to catch you before you went out . i assume you have plans with that emily , right ? jack : yes , as a matter of fact , we do have plans . phyllis : okay , i - i 'm just -- i -- that conversation we had the other day just -- there you are . hey . emily : hi . ( chuckles ) phyllis : this is awkward . um ... emily : ( sighs ) phyllis : ( stammers ) is that ... that -- that is n't ... jack : it is . and you 're the first to know . phyllis : jack , you 're engaged ? ( chuckles ) emily : yes . phyllis : you 're engaged ? wow . uh , congratulations ? i guess . um , well ... i 'll leave , let ya celebrate it . got ta go . jack : red , u -- you came for a reason . what was it ? phyllis : uh , no , it does n't matter . i should . celebrate . knock yourself out . [ scene_break ] cordelia : ( fusses ) billy : oh , it 's okay . kay : i have had my share of elegant new year 's eve soirees . well , some were not so elegant : due to all the champagne that was there . murphy : pigs in a blanket and seven layer dip . kay : oh , it 's good . so good . chance : mmm . billy : ( making silly noise ) chance : billy , she likes to be rocked . billy : excuse me , buddy ? chance : like this . come here . come here . come here . come here . oh , look . come here . cordelia : ( fusses ) chance : i know . oh , look at that . look at that . hey . shh . cordelia : ( fusses ) chloe : ooh , keep on working your magic . 'cause i am gon na work this dip . wow . chance : hey . hey , hey , hey , hey . kay : oh . ( laughs ) chance : make sure you s - save some for me too . do n't -- chloe : okay . here , i 'll give you this one . here , ready ? quickly . chance : okay . oh , that 's a bit big . chloe : okay , whoo , it 's big . chance : mm - hmm . wow . chloe : mm - hmm . chance : thank you . mm - hmm . chloe : yummy . yummy , yummy . murphy : ( laughs ) ( indistinct conversations ) ( cell phone rings ) billy : hey , josh . can you hold on for a second ? uh , guys , i 'm out of here . chloe : hmm , you got some big , uh , new year 's plans ? billy : yeah , josh has this big bash downtown , so i guess i 'm gon na ... chloe : oh , is that the promoter guy ? billy : yeah , the deejay kid . chloe : oh , yeah . billy : so , um ... hey , baby girl , thank you for my gift . i love you . thank you . chloe : bye . billy : happy new year 's , everybody . chloe : happy new year . chance : ( whispering ) you 're being such a good girl . billy : hey , josh , you there ? yeah , look , i 'm gon na pass tonight . i 'm just not in the mood . that 's all . all right . [ scene_break ] j.t . : well , happy new year . mac : happy new year to you . have a good night . victoria : happy new year . ( door opens ) ( door closes ) j.t . : ( sighs ) victoria : well , hey , uh , lily and cane have really been through hell , huh ? j.t . : yeah . yeah , but , uh ... victoria : ( clears throat ) j.t . : despite everything , they 're still together . victoria : yeah . j.t . : you know , i - i , uh , remember we went through a pretty intense new year 's of our own a couple years ago . you know , you were in a coma , and reed was in the nicu ... ow victoria : ( sighs ) j.t . : and i remember thinking that no matter how grateful i was that reed made it out , i did n't know how we were gon na survive without you . but you woke up like some kind of miracle . and then last year at this time ... victoria : we were happy . yeah . i was thinking about that today a lot . j.t . : yeah , me , too . victoria : i guess sometimes it 's just easier to dwell on the past than think about the future . ( sighs ) because when i think about what 's ahead for us , honestly , i ... i just do n't know . [ scene_break ] malcolm : were you ever gon na let me know what was going on ? neil : i tried , malcolm . malcolm : not hard enough . she 's got cancer ! neil : you know , there 's this modern invention . it 's got buttons and numbers . uh it 's called a telephone . you 've been missing in action for five years , and you could n't pick up the phone ? even after i found out that you were lily 's biological father , and you knew -- you knew that i knew ! you -- you did n't once try to contact me . malcolm : i did n't think you wanted to hear from me , okay ? i was doing what i thought you needed me to do . neil : oh , great . that 's rich . how long did i take you to make up that excuse ? malcolm : it 's the truth , damn it . neil : and what about -- what about when dru died , huh ? how about that ? where were you then ? malcolm : you were the one that told me not to hurry back . you were so sure you 'd find her . ( sighs ) and when you did n't , i had to grieve her in my own way . neil : yeah ? and then there was lily , the daughter , grieving for losing her mother . what about then ? malcolm : m - m - man , make up your mind , all right ? what do you want from me ? one minute , you 're shooting me looks that clearly say you wish that i 'd stay away , and the next , you 're giving me grief for not being around . neil : do you blame me ? malcolm : okay , maybe disappearing was n't the answer , okay ? but i was doing what i thought in my heart was the right thing to do , okay ? the point is i 'm here now . [ scene_break ] murphy : well , h - hey , hey . do n't you guys have some hoppin ' , big - city bash to go to instead of staying here with us ? kay : oh , you think this is not hoppin ' ? murphy : mm . chance : ( laughs ) chloe : i - i tried to persuade chance to zip off to new york and take me and delia to see the 2010 ball drop , but ... chance : i passed . kay : do you know when i was a girl , that year was something right straight out of science fiction ? my god , here it is . it 's reality time hmm . murphy : well , let 's stop thinking about that and help me in the kitchen . kay : for what ? yeah , well , murphy ... chloe : i love him . what ? chance : it -- nothing . i just , uh ... i think my eyes are deceiving me , because it looks like you 're actually having a good time . chloe : ( giggles ) okay , so you know what ? maybe all those big bashes are n't all cracked up -- you know , cracked up what they 're supposed to be . i mean , i got to admit , considering how this whole inter -- entire year started , i mean ... ( sighs ) yeah , i sort like sitting at home and reflecting on my many blessings . chance : which are ? chloe : which are ... well , billy showed up , said hi and we did n't kill each other . chance : ( laughs ) chloe : that 's one . chance : that 's one . chloe : um , delia . delia is the best thing that has ever happened to me . and my mom and kay and murphy cooking up all those not - so - good - for - you treats . chance : hmm . chloe : yeah . chance : is there anything else ? chloe : no , that 's it . that 's it . chance : really ? chloe : oh , right ! wait , wait . chance : ( sighs ) chloe : there -- i think there 's one more thing . chance : i hope so . chloe : yep . yep . you see , there 's , uh , the really adorable , crazy , sweet guy that i get to share all of that with . chance : thank you . chloe : happy new year . chance : mm . [ scene_break ] jack : billy ? billy : hey , jack . jack : everything all right ? billy : i 'm just calling to say happy new year . i figured since i ruined thanksgiving and pretty much just zoned out through christmas , i should touch base before another year passes . jack : well , thanks . i appreciate that . billy : so what are you up to tonight ? jack : quite a bit , actually . i just asked emily to marry me . billy : whoa . wow , that -- that 's fast . jack : well , when it 's right , you know it . billy : true . well , that 's great , jack . i ... i - i 'm happy for you . jack : thanks , billy . billy : well , you should n't be wasting time talking to me when you got a fiancée waiting . jack : i hope this next year is better for all of us . billy : yeah , me , too , jack . emily : what 'd he say ? jack : he said he 's really happy for me . and best of all , i think he meant it . [ scene_break ] patty : do you have any brothers and sisters , nina ? nina : no . no i always wished i had , though . patty : ( whispering ) yeah . ( normal voice ) well , i 'm very fortunate . all three of my brothers are very honorable and kind men . paul : ( chuckles ) you 're sweet . nina : yes , they are . paul : we love you very much . patty : yeah , and you know what ? because of that love , i have such hopes for a new year . paul : do you want to share them with us ? patty : well , it 's -- it 's to keep getting better and , um ... to take care of kitty - kitty again and , um , maybe find him a new playmate . but most of all , i want to show everyone that i 'm not what they think i am . ( chuckles ) [ scene_break ] adam : it is not new year 's eve without something bubbly . ( fizzing ) it 's cider , but ... sharon : i love it . adam : and we 're doing it all in newman style . sharon : ( giggling ) adam : listen , this is not ... ( sighs ) this is not the evening that i had planned by any stretch . but we have to celebrate , 'cause this is the best new year 's eve of my life . [ scene_break ] ( door opens ) nick : summer and reed are sound asleep . i let the sitter go . phyllis : yeah well , i did n't expect to see you . i thought you wanted to stay close to sharon . nick : she did n't want me around . neither did her new husband . phyllis : ( scoffs ) nick : she and adam got married . phyllis : must be in the air . nick : i warned her over and over again about this guy . phyllis : so did you punch him when you heard the news ? nick : i wanted to . phyllis : mm . please . nick : you know how i feel about him . phyllis : yeah . right , right , right . ( scoffs ) you would 've been angry with whoever sharon wanted to marry . that 's why you went after her . nick : no , i went after her because her plane went down . phyllis : oh , you did not . you were so upset . you were ready to bolt the minute you heard that they went off together . please . and it 's only gon na get worse . every time you see adam at the office or when you hear noah talk about his mom . nick : okay , you know what ? you know what ? you 're right . phyllis : why ca n't you let her go ? nick : i 'm trying . phyllis : you 're trying ? ( sighs ) i 'm so exhausted . i do n't -- i do n't know if i want to break something or strangle you . i just want my life back . i want my family , and i want my marriage . and all i hear from you is `` i 'm trying not to be in love with sharon . `` nick : i 'm sorry . phyllis : i hate her . i hate adam . i hate them . and right now -- i 'm sorry -- but i hate you . nick : i hate it , too . but it 's new year 's eve , and i 'm home , and , believe it or not , that 's where i want to be . [ scene_break ] adam : not exactly times square , huh ? sharon : well , this is one new year 's eve that none of us will soon forget . adam : i know you still love him in your own way . ( whispering ) no , it -- it 's okay . i ... ( normal voice ) i 'm not threatened by it . i want you to know that i love you enough for the both of us . and i know you love me , too . otherwise ... otherwise , you would n't have married me . sharon : i do . [ scene_break ] victoria : even though i 'm not exactly sure where we 're heading ... ( sighs ) i think we need a break . j.t . : so what are you saying ? victoria : in a couple of days , i 'm leaving to dubai on newman business . i 'm not exactly sure of who long i 'm gon na be gone , but i ... i 've decided that i 'm not gon na take reed . j.t . : ( sighs ) victoria : i do n't want to fight with you over our child . j.t . : thank you . ( cell phone rings ) victoria : ( sighs ) go ahead , get it . ( ring ) ( ring ) j.t . : j.t . yeah . yeah , of course , mr. mccall . i 'll g -- i 'll get right on that . okay . that is an emergency . victoria : mm , yeah . ( scoffs ) i understand . [ scene_break ] cane : so the nurse said they have nothing new to report . they 're just gon na continue to fight the fever and the infection with antibiotics and , luckily , you know , her condition has n't changed , huh ? lily : yes , which means that you should go to work as scheduled . cane : mac said she had it covered . lily : yeah , by her . i do n't want her pulling double - duty on what could be the busiest night of the year . cane : right , and i do n't want to do that either , but ... lily : listen , i 'm in good hands , okay ? cane : ( sighs ) neil : well , she 's right about that . malcolm : and we 're not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] patty : i 'm so glad you came . nina : oh , it was nice to meet you . patty : you , too . i really like her . do n't let go of her . nina : okay , i 'll give you a minute . paul : see you next year ! patty : ( giggles ) okay ! paul : hey , i love you . patty : oh ... i love you , pauly . paul : i love you , pattycake . you take care , okay ? patty : uh - huh . nina : ( mouthing words ) patty : well , patty , maybe next year , you 'll have someone to love , too . [ scene_break ] emily : hmm . emily : ( sighs ) emily : ( giggling softly ) [ scene_break ] billy : hey , buddy . well , everybody , it 's new year 's eve . drinks are on me . ( pounds fist on counter ) [ scene_break ] chloe : so , mr. chancellor . chance : mm - hmm ? chloe : what do you foresee for 2010 ? chance : 2010 is gon na be an outstanding year . chloe : yeah , you think so ? chance : i know so . chloe : why ? chance : why ? because you 're gon na fall madly in love with me . murphy : ( chuckles ) well , are we ready , uh , to turn on the tube and watch the big ball drop ? chance : ca n't wait . chloe : he ca n't wait . ( giggles ) murphy : you okay ? kay : oh , yes . i was just , um , thinking about everything that has happened to me this past year -- the life i 've regained , people i 've lost and the ones i did n't even see coming , like phillip ... and you . and soon , i 'm -- i may be able to meet the daughter i have never , ever known . anyway , whatever ... whatever life hands me , i 'm so ready . and i 'm so grateful to have you and my family with me for that next step -- an -- an incredible start on this amazing , amazing journey . [ next_on ] john : you and i are going to look at the future . kevin : you guys got control back of `` restless style . `` jill : you are my son . billy : i 'm your son . mac : i love you . kay : cordelia is walking down the aisle . cordelia : father of the bride dance .
nina offers to go with paul to visit patty in the psych hospital . victoria and phyllis how fast that the children had gone to sleep . victoria receives a call from j.t . inviting her to eat dinner with him . mac walks up to j.t . and tells him her plans for the night . j.t . thinks that her going to the bar might be risky and her pregnant . at a hospital in nevada , nick finds out that sharon and adam were married . nick takes a wing at adam . sharon yells for them to stop . victoria finds out from phyllis that adam and sharon had been in an plane crash and that sharon has a concussion . malcolm visits lily and cane in the hospital and finds out about her cancer . at the chandler mansion , billy spends time with delia , kay , murph , chloe and chance . chloe gives billy a present that delia had gotten billy . jack and emily have dinner together . emily takes a sip of the drink and finds something inside . when she looks closer , she finds that is an engagement ring . jack proposes to emily and she accepts . emily agrees to marry jack . paul takes nina to visit patty . neil lashes out at malcolm for being gone so long from home . lily tells malcolm that she wants to know more about him and where he had been . billy calls jack and wishes him a happy new year . billy finds out that jack and emily are getting married . nick tells phyllis that sharon and adam got married . phyllis tells nick that she hates sharon , adam and she even hates nick .
abby : okay , everyone , raise your glass . to a very , very naked new year . ( laughs ) ( glasses and bottles clink ) ( cell phone rings ) abby : oh , excuse me . you know it 's not a party until someone gets naked . daniel : well , i would hate to miss that . where are you ? abby : i 'm fully clothed at jimmy 's , and i intend to stay that way . daniel : i 'm gon na come anyway . do n't leave . abby : we 'll see . [ scene_break ] daisy : ( sighs ) my last night of freedom , and you 're takin ' off ? i go to the hospital tomorrow , and -- and then -- daniel : and it 's new year 's eve . ( sighs ) daisy : oh , and you could n't hire a guard . right . daniel : well , that 's , uh , the reason you have that nifty little piece of ankle jewelry on there . see , if you try and bolt , it goes off , and you go to jail a day early . daisy : okay , what if there 's an emergency ? daniel : ( sighs ) daisy : something happens ? daniel : then set the ankle monitor off , and the cops will take it from there . you 'll be fine . happy new year . [ scene_break ] jana : oh , well , when you said you did n't have plans , i did n't think you 'd resort to working . kevin : well , i , uh , i may , uh , head over to jimmy 's for a little bit . jana : private party ? kevin : no , no . i think , uh , everybody 's welcome . jana : yeah ? maybe i 'll see you later then . kevin : or not . not would be better . chloe : hey . so you gon na party like its 1999 , or what ? kevin : something like that . chloe : uh , i 'm gon na head to jimmy 's now . kevin : i hear it 's the place to be . chloe : well , we discussed going together before , so , you know , why do n't we go together ? i mean , we 're both gon na be there . kevin : together ? chloe : yeah . come on . we 're not like brad and jen . we 're not gon na completely avoid each other , so let 's just go together . [ scene_break ] adam : thank you for coming out so late , and the fact that it 's a holiday , too . leslie : well , i have a client on the line for homicide . i find out the victim has been found alive . i 'm here . adam : did you , uh , you talk to sharon ? you talked to the authorities in hawaii ? leslie : i 've made some calls , but nothing so far . i have confirmed that sharon is on a flight home . adam : okay . can you do me a favor ? can you make sure that she 's admitted in here , no matter how late it is tonight ? i know sharon . she 's gon na want to come here straightaway with the whole story . [ scene_break ] phyllis : ( chuckles ) oh , my . ve -- very sexy . jack : okay , we 're almost there . yeah ? phyllis : you know , this is very hot . should i undress now ? jack : uh , i do n't think the federal marshals would appreciate that . phyllis : fed -- oh . oh , a surprise getaway . i love it . you know , you could have given me champagne . you 'd still get lucky . jack : well , i thought we should ring in the new year in ... times square . phyllis : oh , new york ! jack : yay ! phyllis : oh , great . mm , you are still gon na get lucky . ( chuckles ) i did n't bring my suitcase . i have nothing . no overnight case . jack : well , this is a clothing - is - optional trip . phyllis : oh . jack : mm - hmm . phyllis : sharon ? what -- what 's wrong ? how did your hunt for skye go ? sharon : you want a story , phyllis ? i have one , more dramatic and tragic than anything you 've ever run . phyllis : okay , well , then spit it out before the year ends . sharon : galibier -- that perfume you identified for me . jack : yeah , skye 's favorite . what about it ? sharon : a bottle was ordered and shipped to a p.o . box in hawaii , and i went there suspecting that it might have been skye . i showed her picture around . i asked questions . i ended up finding out about this moonlight hike on an active volcano , and i - i was thinking about adam telling me how addicted skye was to adrenaline rushes . jack : oh , she definitely was . that and making money . sharon : so i went on the hike , and so did skye . phyllis : ( gasps ) son of a gun . sharon : she was there . she was standing right in front of me as close as you are to me now . jack : w - wait . skye is alive ? sharon : imagine the cover , phyllis . phyllis : so what happened ? uh , you had skye . you saw her , and whoops , uh , you lost her ? sharon : we spoke . jack : you heard her speak ? sharon : i heard her speak . i saw her face . she was there on the island , jack . she was hiding from the rest of the world , trying to make adam pay , and i guess she thought she was safe for good , but i found her . phyllis : so , what ? what , you found her , and then you lost her ? what 'd , you -- you hit her ? or she bolted ? i mean , show me she 's alive , sharon , or show me skye . sharon : jack , it was really , um , it was dark , and -- and the ground was unstable . and skye ... she fell over the edge . jack : where is skye now ? sharon : ( sighs ) she 's gone , jack . she ... she fell . she -- she 's -- she 's gone forever . [ scene_break ] chloe : hey , you , uh , ready to head out ? kevin : with you ? dude , you slapped me -- hard . chloe : oh , my god , and i 'm here . i 'm trying to make things better . i 'm reaching out . kevin : why , chloe ? why now ? because you realized that you need a second banana ? a sidekick ? a - a duckie for your andie ? meanwhile , we show up at jimmy 's , right ? you lock eyes on some goon across the room , and then you 've got your real date for the night ? no . chloe : come on . i - i 'm tryin ' to reach out here . kevin : ( scoffs ) i do n't need your handouts . how about that ? chloe : okay , fine . enjoy your new year 's while you just wallow all by your lonesome . that 's a really good idea . kevin : who said anything about me being alone ? alison : hi . kevin : hi . happy new year . mm . good to see you . alison : you , too . kevin : you about ready to go ? alison : mm - hmm . kevin : okay . i 'll just get my jacket . alison : okay . [ scene_break ] daniel : ( chuckles ) abby : hello . daniel : hello . ( sighs ) abby : my hello was , `` a little too close there , buddy . `` and your hello , of course , is `` how fast can you get naked ? `` daniel : which is off - limits as per our agreement . abby : among other things . daniel : for now . but you see , now is getting shorter by the second . guess who leaves my apartment tomorrow never to return ? abby : is daisy getting transferred to jail ? daniel : mnh , hospital till she has the kid . then jail , and once she realizes she 's run out of options , then adoption 's the next step . abby : you seem relieved . daniel : ( laughs ) god , i mean , come on . it 's almost over , and not a second too soon , either , because 2010 has really blown . abby : well , not all of it . daniel : no , not all of it . but , i mean , ' 11 ... ' 11 is gon na be amazing ! abby : ( clears throat ) well , it 's not the new year yet . daniel : no , not now , but i am counting the moments 'cause i am about to climb out of this hellhole that daisy has dragged me into . [ scene_break ] daisy : ( sniffles ) ( sighs ) ( knock on door ) jana : happy new year ! how are you and my little girl ? daisy : i thought you were n't coming by . jana : yeah , well , i just thought i 'd pop in . do you know that there 's no guard outside ? daisy : yeah , no guard . no daniel . they 're practically daring me to run away . i would , but , um , this ankle monitor . ( chuckles ) jana : you know , you 're not supposed to be going anywhere when you 're supposed to be off your feet , daisy . daisy : yeah , they 're sending me tot he hospital tomorrow until the baby comes , and then i 'm supposed to push her out and go back to jail . jana : not for long . now that i 've changed my statement ... ( sighs ) and blamed everything on sarah , they 're not gon na have a case against you , and they 'll drop the charges . ( sighs ) and you know that kevin and i are gon na make wonderful parents . you know , i 've been thinking about baby names . of course , kevin will have the final vote . ( giggles ) daisy : ( chuckles ) kevin does n't even want y ... jana : go on . what -- what does n't he want ? daisy : okay , what if -- what if all this that you 're planning with kevin does n't even work out ? jana : why do you ask that ? did he say something to you ? daisy : no , it 's -- it 's just i did n't know that he was all that into you . jana : yeah , well , he is . he is i 'm actually going to jimmy 's to meet him there right now . and we 're gon na have a midnight kiss , and then we 're gon na go back to our house , and we 're gon na make love again . ( sighs ) and once this baby comes , it 's just all gon na be so natural . it 's just gon na happen -- just the three of us . we 're gon na be family . ( sighs ) oh , this is gon na be such an incredible year . i just know it . and i have you to thank . daisy : ( groans ) jana : what -- what 's that ? are you okay ? daisy ? daisy : ( groans ) ( sighs , sniffles ) something -- something 's wrong . ( winces ) [ scene_break ] esther : chloe ? chloe : ( sighs ) esther : oh , i thought you were going out . chloe : i changed my mind . is that okay ? is that allowed ? esther : yeah , but you look so pretty , and delia 's asleep . why do n't you go have some fun ? chloe : i ca n't . esther : why not ? chloe : because he -- he is there . [ scene_break ] alison : whoa , it 's packed . kevin : yeah . yeah , it 's great . uh , um , i need to go talk to daniel , okay ? alison : okay , um , i 'll go grab some drinks . kevin : all right . ( sighs ) happy new year . abby : hey , happy new year . where 's chloe ? kevin : how should i know ? abby : um , you always do . kevin : oh , right . well , not anymore . she can find herself a new duckie . place an ad in the paper or something . abby : that 's a great idea . kevin : ( sighs ) i was wrong . i 'm not going for custody of the baby . i 'm out . daniel : really ? 'cause you seemed pretty determined to raise that kid on your own no matter what anybody said . kevin : ( sighs ) yeah , i think that , um , you and lauren were right . having that baby in our lives is an invitation for daisy to just play more head games , torture more people , and it 's bad for us . it 's really bad for the kid . i want my niece to have a clean slate , and i think the best chance of that happening is far away from here and far away from daisy . and i should have figured that out sooner , and , um , i 'm sorry . and i think he 's gon na hug me now , are n't you ? daniel : yeah . abby : ( chuckles ) kevin : all right . daniel : yeah , i am , and you 're gon na let me . kevin : yeah , okay . daniel : thank you . kevin : okay . daniel : thank you . kevin : ( sighs ) oh , thank you . alison : yeah . kevin : oh , you guys , uh , abby , daniel , daniel , this is alison reeger . alison : hi . abby : ( chuckles ) hello . daniel : hey , nice to meet you . alison : you , too . kevin : uh , so i guess we 're gon na go , um , we 'll just -- we 'll see you guys in a bit . alison : okay . abby : oh , this really is your night , huh ? everything is just falling into place . daniel : you know what ? let 's get outta here . i want to be outside and get some air and maybe look at the stars a little bit . i do n't know , you know ? it 's the first time in a long time that i 'm feeling like a normal human being again . and i 'd like to feel that with you . abby : then we should go . ( laughs ) daniel : let 's go . mm . abby : ( giggles ) daniel : mm . abby : ( laughs ) daniel : ( laughs ) mm . aah ! [ scene_break ] jana : ( breathing rhythmically ) okay , and the cramps ? you just had another one ? daisy : yes . i told you , it hurts . something 's wrong . oh , god . jana : daisy ? daisy : ( sobs ) what ? what ? jana : daisy , listen to me . you 're in labor . daisy : no . no . not now . jana : yes . yes . yes . yes , now . this is not up to you . she wants to come out . she wants to meet her mom and dad . daisy : no , she ca n't . not now . i 'm not ready . jana : you -- we have to get you to the hospital . come on ! daisy : no , no , no . i 'm not going to the hospital . they 'll throw me -- they 'll throw me in jail , and i 'm not going back there . jana : listen to me . daisy : no one can know this is happening . jana : listen to me . daniel is coming home , and he 's gon na see you there , and he 's gon na know you 're in labor , and he 's gon na take you to the hospital anyway . you do n't have a choice ! daisy : no . no . i 'm staying . i 'm not leaving this room . oh , god ! ( groans ) jana : ( breathing rhythmically ) [ scene_break ] jack : wait . you 're sure that skye ... sharon : she 's dead , jack . i saw it . phyllis : so you were with a group . who else saw this ? sharon : i got separated from the group in the dark . jack : wait . wait . then no one else saw her ? sharon : i - i had a picture of her i took on my camera , but my camera fell , as well . phyllis : oh , convenient . sharon : no , actually . it -- it was n't . it was n't convenient at all , phyllis . everything you 've ever heard about hell -- that 's what last night was like . now can you run it in `` restless style , `` or can you put it on the web site ? jack : well , are you expecting them to release adam in time for the countdown or something ? sharon : adam 's done a lot of horrible things , but he did n't murder skye . can you run it ? phyllis : i mean , let me get this straight -- a woman fell into a volcano . nobody else saw it but you . this is the same woman who was presumed to have been murdered by your boyfriend , right ? um , i 'm not gon na be the laughingstock of the whole magazine business , am i ? sharon : uh , you -- you think this is funny ? jack , you know me . i would n't lie about something like this . jack : no , ordinarily , you would n't . but now that adam is in the picture ... sharon : what ? you think he -- he -- he brainwashed me into thinking i saw a woman fall to her death ? jack : he convinced patty of a lot more than that . sharon : oh , please . skye was there . so was i . and i 'll prove it . jack : ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] abby : i know . it 's downright balmy for new year 's in wisconsin . daniel : are you hungry ? abby : um , i 'm always hungry , always . ( laughs ) daniel : hmm . uh , no sauerkraut , no onions . abby : ( gasps ) oh , whatevs ! that 's it . i 'm leaving . daniel : hey , man , can we get , uh , two hot dogs with , uh , mustard only , please ? abby : oh . ( laughs ) daniel : yeah , that would have been the great way to kiss 2010 good - bye with raw onions . abby : ( breathes forcefully ) daniel : ( gags ) ugh ! abby : ( laughs ) daniel : it 's 2011 . are n't we supposed to be in , like , jumpsuits ... ? abby : mnh - mnh . daniel : and flying around in spaceships ? abby : jumpsuits are not our friend . they 're not okay . daniel : ( snorts ) did you make any resolutions ? abby : uh , yeah , i did . um , always wash off my makeup before going to bed , no matter how late it is . daniel : yeah . abby : remember that paparazzi are people , too . do n't run over their feet . and , um , oh ! uh , random acts of kindness -- i plan on doing loads of them this year . what about you ? daniel : oddly enough , i have the same three . abby : oh , it 's the makeup , right ? daniel : ( laughs ) abby : it 's terrible when you sleep in it . ( laughs ) daniel : i ... ( sighs ) i think i just want to try and get my life back together , you know , and start focusing on the things that really matter to me , like my art and ... you . abby : you know , you surprise me a lot . you moved daisy in with you so that your sister and your mom could be together . and you -- you have n't let anyone emotionally blackmail you into making any decision that you knew would be wrong . and then kevin came along proving that you were n't trying to dodge responsibility . in fact , y - you are doing the most responsible thing you can for that little baby girl . you 're giving her a good life . if there is anyone that is going to hound me into dating them , i really want it to be you . daniel : i guess maybe i should have popped for a soda , too . abby : ( laughs ) you think ? daniel : ah . abby : oh , thank you . daniel : there you go . abby : i am , uh , really bummed about the onions , though ... daniel : ( laughs ) abby : just so you know . [ scene_break ] chloe : ( sighs ) ( knock on door ) chloe : i 'm sleeping . esther : hey , baby . aw , honey , come on . it 's new year 's eve , and you 're the life of the party , the belle of the ball . did someone upset you , hurt your feelings ? chloe : mom , i 'm not 10 years old , okay ? and i do n't want to go out . i do n't want to be around all the jerks of the world . esther : oh , is there one jerk in particular ? chloe : hmm . `` his royal ass - ness `` kevin , and i do n't want to talk about it . you know , he is such a sanctimonious yutz . i mean , he is -- he 's completely self- absorbed . he 's incredibly immature . and , oh , his choice in women -- his choice in women -- i mean , like , mm , `` i do n't know , should i sleep with my crazy ex- wife , or how about chase after plastic spray - tan girl ? oh , i know ! i 'll do both . `` esther : she has a plastic tan ? chloe : you know , he said that he would always be my friend , and i ... i trusted him . i thought that i knew ... ( groans ) he was n't supposed to leave me hanging , you know ? he -- he 's -- he 's supposed to make me feel better , and what does he do ? esther : he left you hanging . chloe : he led me on with friendship , when all he wanted was ... you know . esther : he said that ? chloe : no . he did n't really ... that 's not the point . the point ... ( sighs ) will you just make me feel better ? please be indignant , protective , something ? esther : oh , honey , i 'd love to , sweetheart , but i like kevin . [ scene_break ] alison : ooh , 22 - 03 . kevin : uh , no , ca n't . alison : no ? you hate it ? kevin : no , i love that song , but it 's one of chloe 's favorites . alison : okay . um ... 31 - 14 ? kevin : uh , no . alison : do you want to pick ? kevin : thank you . thank you for asking . chloe never asks . she does all the picking . she gets aggressive about it . and we have the same taste in music . it 's just , for her , it 's all about winning . alison : okay . uh ... 11 - 63 ? kevin : uh , yeah , that 's fine . alison : okay . kevin : ( sighs ) alison : so ... how was your christmas ? kevin : oh , my christmas ... my christmas was ridiculous . i had to decorate a tree with the elf - twit . and the lights , okay , the lights were my idea , and she wants to puts the lights all around the base of the tree . who does that ? ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] jack : flight 's been delayed again . phyllis : hmm . jack : we may miss the ball drop . phyllis : well , we can just ring in the new year midair . jack : yeah , i think they could be a whole lot worse than that , could n't they ? phyllis : yeah . we could fall into a volcano . jack : ( sighs ) phyllis : oh , my god . can you believe that story sharon was trying to sell us ? a volcano . ( scoffs ) jack : you know what ? sharon 's a lot of things . a liar is not one of them . phyllis : um , excuse me , mr. abbott , but sharon is a liar . she 's also a klepto , and she has a - a tenuous grip on reality . jack : n -- right now , she was very lucid , albeit , in love with a maniac who would do anything to blame it on anyone else . phyllis : yeah , that maniac fed her the story . jack : yeah , or -- or it was dark , and she was confused ... phyllis : oh . jack : and we -- we do n't know what happened . just the fact that sharon is going to these lengths to ... cover things up for adam has me worried . phyllis : you 're worried ? really ? are you worried ? what is it , you have some special chromosome that makes you want to and desire to protect sharon ? jack : do n't go there . do n't go -- phyllis : no , what do you mean , `` go there `` ? this was my surprise getaway . jack : it is . phyllis : this -- no , no , no . shh . this was for me . this was my evening . and now it 's turned into `` the sharon show . `` jack : no , it -- it -- it -- it 's `` the truth show . `` we want to know what actually happened to skye . phyllis : you do ? 'cause i 'll tell you . skye was murdered here in genoa city . she did n't fall off a mountain . ( laughing ) she did n't fall into a volcano . come on , jack , we both know that . jack : we both know sharon came back with an amazing story , whatever the truth is . [ scene_break ] sharon : ( sighs ) adam : thank god you 're okay . skye goes for the jugular when she 's cornered . did she -- she try and hurt you ? sharon : how did you know i found her ? adam : nicholas was here earlier . he said he had spoken with you . sharon : well , he 's right . um , i - i did find skye in hawaii , like we thought . adam : you saved me again . thank you . sharon : do n't -- do n't thank me . i did n't save you . adam : but you found skye . sharon : skye 's not with me , adam . i do n't have any photos to prove that i saw her . i have no eyewitnesses . adam : you 're the eyewitness , sharon . if you can find her once , we can find her again . sharon : no , no , we ca n't . adam , listen to me . i saw skye on a hike on a volcano . when she saw me , things -- things just happened so fast , and -- and then it -- it was ... confusing , but the -- the -- she slipped , and she almost fell over the edge , and then i grabbed her , and i was holding her hand . i begged her to hang -- keep holding on to me , but it was just -- it was hot , and it was dark , and -- and ... adam : wh -- sharon : we could n't . she -- adam : no , no . wait . wait . th - that had to be a trick . she 's just covering her tracks . sharon : no , adam . i saw the look on her face when she knew that i could n't save her , when she knew that no one could help us , and then ... it was over . i saw it . i went to hawaii because i was supposed to prove you 're innocent . but the police , they would n't help me . they would n't listen to me . and now skye 's dead . i was supposed to save you , and now we have nothing . [ scene_break ] daisy : ( groans ) jana : okay . ( microwave beeps ) jana : okay . try this . daisy : ( whispers ) what ? jana : try this . put this -- daisy : ( normal voice ) no , i do n't need a pillow ! i just need this all to go away ! jana : you listen to me . stopping the delivery is not one of the options of a home birth , okay ? you need to get to the hospital . daisy : ( groans ) no , i 'm -- i 'm not leaving . jana : you stop your whining , okay ? this is not about you anymore . it is about that baby . you created that child , and now you are gon na do what is best for it ! daisy : ( breathing heavily ) daisy : ( groans ) [ scene_break ] ( cell phone rings ) daniel : mm . hello ? jana : daniel , its jana . ( sighs ) daisy 's in labor . daniel : um ... okay . uh ... well , can you take her to the hospital ? and i 'll call the police station . i 'll have them turn off her ankle monitor . ( sniffles ) um , and ... ( sighs ) and i 'll meet you at memorial . jana : okay , we 're on our way . abby : oh , my gosh . is the baby coming ? daniel : yeah . uh ... i 'm sorry . i got ta go . abby : no , uh , i 'm coming with you . daniel : okay . let 's go . [ scene_break ] jack : am i imagining things ? did i just hear them say , `` first class and families with small children `` ? phyllis : yeah . that 's us . first class , although i could be toting around a newborn soon . jack : let 's not even go there yet . phyllis : i could use -- oh . ( cell phone rings ) phyllis : oh , no ! i wanted to turn that off . jack : oh , good , do . phyllis : hey , daniel . happy new year ! i 'm about to get on a p -- daniel : hey , mom . mom , mom , mom , daisy 's in labor . i 'm on my way to the hospital . phyllis : i 'll meet you there . the baby 's coming . the baby is coming . jack : okay , let 's go . [ scene_break ] kevin : there you go . alison : thank you . kevin : ( sighs ) alison : well , your friends seem nice -- daniel and abby . kevin : oh , daniel is the best . alison : mm . kevin : a real friend , not the fake kind that 's gon na turn his back in a heartbeat just because you decided to be honest . alison : i 'm gon na guess that we 're talking about chloe again . kevin : totally selfish , totally self - absorbed . alison : i mean , she kind of sounds like a bitch . kevin : no . chloe is chloe . you just -- you just do n't know her . alison : okay . sorry . i just thought ... the two of you were just roommates , right ? kevin : yeah . yeah . totally . we were just roommates , but , um , that 's over now . alison : well , do you hate her , or do you love her ? because right now , it kind of sounds like the latter . [ scene_break ] esther : and i used this one to make your dress for your first day of school , back when you were still my little katie . i thought i would make one for delia , too , maybe a seersucker for summer . i just love those little blue - and- white stripes . [ chloe remembering ] kevin : so count your blessings and lose the blue it 's not all bad happy birthday to you . chloe : ( laughing ) kevin : so you have n't thought about us as a couple , but you already know how it 's gon na end ? you do n't know how it would end , or if it would end . and what if it did n't , huh ? how about that ? what if we worked ? [ scene_break ] esther : i know it 's old - fashioned , but i like the one with matching bloomers , maybe with ruffles . what -- oh , k -- katie ? katie , where -- katie , where are you going ? good . yeah . [ scene_break ] daniel : hey , excuse me , officer , are you here for , uh , daisy carter ? man : those are my orders . daniel : all right , well , uh , she should be here soon . [ scene_break ] daisy : ( breathing heavily ) what are you doing ? jana : come on , kev . come on . pick up . pick up . pick up . ( exhales deeply ) all right , i 'm gon na leave a message . he 's gon na want to -- ow ! what -- what on earth do you think you 're bloody doing ? ! daisy : okay , i have n't had a cramp in a while , and you do n't need to call kevin . jana : that baby is still coming . daisy : no , not yet . just drive anywhere as far as possible . i 'm not going back to jail . and then when the time 's right , i 'll give you the baby as promised . jana : ( sighs ) daisy : and kevin will be so grateful . the three of you will make a perfect family . ( sniffles ) and i 'll be free . jana : no ! we are still going to the hospital . daisy : you ca n't have her , jana ! if i go back to jail , i will make sure you and kevin never lay -- never lay a hand on her ! ( breathing heavily ) please ... oh , please ... if you want kevin , you will make sure i stay out of jail . [ scene_break ] alison : sorry . that was rude of me . i mean , whatever 's going on between you and your ex - roommate is none of my business , but if you want to talk ... kevin : i 'm the world 's biggest jerk . i just made it so that your last date of 2010 was pretty much the worst date ever . alison : kinda . but , i mean , there 's still time to make it better ... just as friends ? kevin : ( sighs ) i think i just need to get home . alison : okay . kevin : can i call you a cab ? alison : me ? no , i 'm good . are you ? kevin : yeah . yeah . happy new year . alison : you , too . kevin : ( sighs ) i 'm sorry . alison : no worries . awesome . ( footsteps approach ) [ scene_break ] adam : hey , look at me . someone saw skye in hawaii . that hike of hers was not the first time she was out in public . sharon : you ca n't know that . adam : we will find someone who will admit to seeing her . i will get out of here , you will get faith back , and we will all be together . sharon : i was so close to getting you out of here , adam . adam : this is our year . i promise . [ scene_break ] kevin : hey . chloe : hi . kevin : just so you know , you 're in your pajamas . chloe : ( laughs ) i know . well , i had to make it by midnight . kevin : oh . because ? chloe : because i 'm andie , and you 're duckie . kevin : ( sighs ) are you kidding me ? you came all the way out here to make me feel like crap again ? i 'm not duckie . chloe : yes , you are . you are , because duckie was the one that andie always wanted . in the original ending of `` pretty in pink , `` andie chose duckie . that was the ending that we never got to see . no one cared about the guy with the name that no one ever remembered . she always wanted duckie , and the test audiences , they were the one that wanted this other stupid rich boy fairy tale , so they went back , and they reshot the end of the movie , but she always wanted duckie . that 's the way it was supposed to be . kevin : well , this is is n't a movie . chloe : and when you said that you wanted me , i just , um ... i just thought of how awful it would be if it did n't work out . well , what if you were right , and what if it did work out ? and what if i hooked up with ... a really funny , sexy , broody , dark ... weird guy who just happens to be my best friend ? you ever imagine how great that could be ? and you hate me now ? kevin : no , i do n't hate you . just ask spray - tan girl . chloe : ( laughs ) what ? kevin : i do n't hate you . chloe : so you ... kevin : are you gon na make me say it again ? chloe : well , yeah . i 'm a brat . ( laughs ) kevin : i want you , okay ? chloe : well , i do n't know . this is just so sudden . kevin : chloe , do n't you dare . chloe : ( laughs ) i want you , too . crowd : ten , nine , eight , seven ... kevin : you know , they say what you do at midnight , you 're gon na be doing all year long , you know ? crowd : six , five , four ... chloe : well , yeah , that 's why i 'm here , duh . crowd : three , two , one . kevin : good . come here . crowd : happy new year ! ( party horns blowing , cheering ) daisy : jana , watch the light ! jana : what ? ! bloody hell ! what ? ! ( sighs ) i 'm not gon na let you just run off . kevin would never forgive me . daisy : kevin just wants my baby , and he 'll have her . jana : he still blames me for letting ryder escape . daisy : he does n't have to know that you 're gon na help me . jana : how would he not know ? no , we are going to the hospital . daisy : then why are we going this way ? jana : because kevin is waiting for me at jimmy 's . he 's gon na want to be there when the baby is -- daisy : what ? what 's wrong ? [ scene_break ] daniel : ( sighs ) come on . abby : it 's okay . daniel : ( sighs ) phyllis : hey . how 's the baby ? how far apart are daisy 's contractions ? daniel : i do n't know . she 's not here yet . i tried calling jana . something 's not right . [ scene_break ] daisy : ( groans ) jana : ( sighs ) daisy : what -- what are you looking at ? jana : you want to run ? daisy : ( exhales deeply ) jana : run . and take your baby . kevin does n't deserve her . daisy : but you were just saying what -- jana : forget what i said ! you want your freedom , then you bloody take it . ( sighs ) everyone is so terrified of you being on the loose ... ( sighs ) being out there . daisy : ( groans ) jana : so let them be afraid ... every day for the rest of their lives . ( sighs ) daisy : okay , fine . go , go , go . jana : i 'm going . daisy : ( groans ) ( groans ) ( sighs ) ( sighs ) ( tires squeal ) chloe : ( giggles ) ( giggles ) [ next_on ] victoria : the doctor thinks that it is pretty much impossible for me to ever have another baby . lauren : if daisy hurts anyone , it is on you ! jana : help me . help me . kevin : jana , what happened ? !
abby makes a toast to a very , very naked new year as glasses clink . abby gets a call from daniel , asking her to stay where she is until he gets there . daisy can not believe that daniel is leaving her to go out when she could go into labor . daniel tells her to just leave the premises and it will activate the alarm and the police will handle everything from then on . adam asks leslie to arrange for sharon to come to visit him when she gets to the jail . kevin tells jana that he is going to a party at jimmy 's . jana hopes to see him there , but kevin tells her different . kevin meets chloe and can not believe that she wants him to go with her to the party at jimmy 's after she hit him . alison arrives to keep kevin company for new year 's eve . jack and phyllis make plans to go to new york for new year 's when sharon arrives and informs them about skye falling over the edge of the volcano . phyllis can not believe sharon 's story . daniel meets abby at jimmy 's for a happy new year 's eve without having to worry about daisy . jana stops by to check on daisy and her little girl . jana lets daisy about her plans for the evening with kevin and for their whole life together . daisy starts to burst jana 's bubble about her future with kevin , but thinks otherwise . daisy begins to go into labor .
tucker : katherine . kay : tucker . tucker : so are you here for lunch ? kay : uh , well , i preordered a chocolate cheesecake for this evening . tucker : well , so you must be having people over , huh ? kay : no , just a quiet new year 's eve dinner for , um , murphy and esther and -- and harmony . uh , if i 'm lucky , i 'll be asleep before the big ball falls . ( chuckles ) tucker : yeah , i probably will be , too . kay : are n't you and ashley going out ? tucker : well , ashley 's in l.a. with her daughter . kay : well , since you 're alone , i mean , maybe -- tucker : no , i 'll be fine , staying home alone . in fact , i 'm looking forward to it . [ scene_break ] harmony : thank you . neil : harmony . hey . harmony : we got ta stop meeting like this . ( chuckles ) neil : right , right . yeah , about , uh , about the other day -- thank you . thank you for that pep talk . harmony : no need . you were always going to do the right thing . neil : to be honest with you , um , sofia was n't too happy that i took off after that wedding . but , you know , we worked things out , so ... harmony : good . neil : uh , in case you 're curious , devon is working today , and then he and roxy are going out . harmony : yeah , i have n't heard anything from him since we ran into each other over christmas . neil : you 're wise not to push . harmony : he do n't owe me nothin ' . neil : can i tell you something ? i got ta give you a lot of credit , you know ? getting your life together , staying clean . harmony : ( inhales deeply ) listen , i 'm not ... ( chuckles ) gon na lie to you , neil , it ai n't easy , but i want to be the mother that devon can be proud of . neil : okay , so my advice to you is keep doing exactly what you are doing . [ scene_break ] roxanne : angelina 's song is getting a lot of hits on viewclick . lily : nice . devon : yeah , and that 's just vocals and a simple track . i need a more polished version for an official release . i 'm gon na work on that today . roxanne : but tonight , devon is taking me clubbing . devon : mm - hmm . lily : clubbing , whoo ! ( laughs ) devon : you want to come ? lily : uh , i ca n't . i have plans . roxanne : with cane ? lily : no , uh , my dad invited me and the twins over , and cane did n't hint that he wanted to join us , so no . devon : so the biggest party night of the year , and you 're gon na spend it with some old folks ? lily : excuse me , those `` old folks `` are going out , so i volunteered to babysit . ( chuckles ) [ scene_break ] cane : it 's nice of you to invite me to brunch . genevieve : well , i was just so touched when you brought lily and the twins by the other day . i - i wanted to repay you . cane : yeah , we had a great time looking at the old pictures . genevieve : mm - hmm . so what do you and lily have planned for this evening ? cane : um , we do n't really have -- not really anything planned at the moment , so ... genevieve : well , i would invite you to ring in the new year with me , except that , um , i 'm gon na be with jack . cane : okay . um , you 're spending an awful lot of time with him . genevieve : ethan ... ( chuckles ) jack and i are getting married . cane : ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] victoria : ( groaning ) victoria : ( sighs ) billy : hi . ( clears throat ) victoria : hi . what 's wrong ? billy : mm , nothing . just a nightmare . i was back in myanmar . ( chuckles ) victoria : ooh . well , the good news is , is that you could n't possibly be further away from prison than you are right now . billy : ( laughs ) victoria : gosh , it 's been a horrible year , huh ? i 'm glad it 's almost over . billy : mm . yeah , a good portion of it has definitely been difficult , to say the least , but i would do it all over again just to end up here with you . [ scene_break ] nick : where would we be without coffee ? jack : empires would crumble . want to sit ? nick : sure . ( sighs ) jack : so we 're in - laws again . nick : yeah , billy and vick getting married again -- it 's awesome . at least somebody in my family is happy again . jack : sorry to hear about the old man . nick : really , jack ? jack : well , i 'm sorry to hear that it 's falling on you , given that your mother is now ... nick : yeah , she fell off the wagon . you can say it . jack : and to add insult to injury , your slimy brother gets elected c.e.o . of newman . nick : speaking of adam , we just finished another chapter in the continuing saga of sharon and prince charming . at least , i hope it 's finished . [ scene_break ] adam : ( sighs contentedly ) i never dreamed i would be in your bed with you , in your arms again . sharon : it was a magical night , but it 's over . [ scene_break ] lily : ( sighs ) all right . roxanne : it 's funny how devon suddenly had to go to work when the laundry came out . lily : oh , i know , trust me . but i appreciate your help , so thank you . roxanne : i do n't know how you get anything done with two little kids underfoot . lily : well , i have my family 's help , you know , and cane 's actually been stepping up a lot lately , so ... roxanne : i 'm glad to see that you two are , like , getting your groove back . lily : and same to you and devon . roxanne : ( laughs ) lily : he 's been so much happier since you came home . roxanne : devon 's not as chill as he lets on . he 's got a lot of mixed emotions about his mom being back . lily : i 'm sure . you know , when you throw katherine and tucker into the mix ... roxanne : i know he wants a relationship with all of them , but they 've all hurt him so many different ways , it 's hard for him to let them in . lily : i know . i can relate . you know , it 's hard to let yourself be vulnerable ... ( sighs ) but i 'm learning to open up again , and hopefully devon can , too . [ scene_break ] devon : hey . sorry . ( music stops ) harmony : if you 're busy , i can leave . devon : uh , no , no , it 's fine . you 're here already . what 's going on ? harmony : i heard your song on the web . devon : yeah . harmony : i really think it 's gon na take off . devon : well , thank you . harmony : so how did your visit go with ana on christmas eve ? devon : it was too short , you know , but she did say that she was glad to see you . harmony : yeah , it meant a lot , seeing my baby girl after all this time . devon : i bet . it was a shock , huh ? harmony : we owe katherine . putting together a surprise like that ... ( cell phone rings ) devon : ( clears throat ) kay : it 's katherine . i 'm calling , uh , just to , uh , uh , to wish you a happy new year . so , um , anyway , um , good - bye . harmony : that was katherine . i ca n't believe you did n't pick up . [ scene_break ] genevieve : i thought that you liked jack . cane : all right , what 's the rush ? why are you guys doing this so quickly ? genevieve : it came as a total surprise to me . i - i could n't even believe that i said yes . cane : i ca n't believe you 're saying yes , either . i mean , you do n't even know this guy . why are you doing this ? genevieve : i know that he loves me . cane : ( sighs ) genevieve : and he also treats me like an equal , which is something your father could never wrap his head around . after the hell that i went through with colin , i think i deserve a normal marriage . cane : well , i doubt you 're gon na get that , given your back -- your background . genevieve : we come from the same dysfunctional family , dear heart , and you and lily seem to be getting it right , finally . is it so hard to fathom that that could actually happen for me ? cane : i 'm just being protective , that 's all . genevieve : do i have your blessing ? cane : of course you have my blessing . i hope you have a -- i pray you have a happy , trauma - free marriage . [ scene_break ] nick : yeah , adam keeps sniffing around sharon , even after all the crap he 's pulled . jack : ( sighs ) i wish she 'd tell him to go straight to hell . nick : well , i gave her an ultimatum -- no more contact with adam , or she loses faith . jack : wow . how 'd she handle that ? nick : accused me of not trusting her and using our daughter to control her . jack : you did what you had to do , nick . nick : well , she agreed to my terms , but she 's still really pissed off at me . jack : you think it 'll work ? do you think it 'll keep her away from junior ? nick : for now , maybe , but i do n't know how long it 's gon na last . jack : a little piece of advice -- i know she has burned you in the past , but you just said yourself she 's pretty angry . if she sees you expecting her to screw it up again , it 's only gon na make things worse . nick : i hope sharon can stay strong . [ scene_break ] adam : remember when it was you and me against the world ? sharon : yeah . so much has happened since then . adam : i 've made some horrible mistakes . sharon : we both did . adam : they were n't all our fault . some things , we did n't have control over . i just wish ... sharon : ( sighs ) ( voice breaks ) so do i . adam : ( sighs ) i mean , the chances of us finding each other again -- sharon : it does n't really matter . we ca n't be together . adam : ( pops lips ) i will always regret punishing you when i found out you were living in new mexico with ... sharon : i ... ( sighs ) it should have never even come to that . i ... ( sighs ) i should n't have let you think i died in that car crash . adam : just say you have no regrets about last night . sharon : i do n't . adam : sharon , i 'm not ready . i 'm not ready to say good - bye . sharon : ( sniffles ) ( sniffles ) [ scene_break ] neil : so , sofia ... sofia : mm - hmm . neil : about tonight , what do you say we go and celebrate in style at the colonnade room ? sofia : ( gasps ) wow , that 's pretty fancy . neil : ( clicks tongue ) and wait until you see the menu . oh , and there 's a live band . sofia : okay . neil : should be a great party . sofia : oh , my gosh , neil . last night , when you asked me out , i was -- neil : you were n't expecting it . sofia : no . neil : we 're married . we 've never even been on a formal date . sofia : ( laughs ) well , it 's kind of fitting that we 're doing it when a new year 's about to start . ( door opens ) cane : ( shivers ) hey . neil : hey , cane . cane : oh , hey , i 'm glad i found you guys . um , i wanted to , uh , ask you a favor , if i could , about tonight . [ scene_break ] harmony : i know you have issues with katherine , but she did a real nice thing , and you need to thank her . devon : ( sighs ) she manipulated me . harmony : look , you keep running on with that , but i live with the woman , devon . she honestly wants a relationship with you , and her bringing ana here was for your sister and me , too . now look , she made some bad calls . who has n't ? but she 's trying . come on , devon , the lady 's over 80 years old . how long you gon na make her wait before you give her a -- devon : ( sighs ) harmony : a chance ? devon : look at this . are you guys here to gang up on me ? tucker : no , no , man . look , it 's just coincidence . i just came by to say , uh , good job on your single . devon : oh . all right , well , thank you very much . i appreciate that . uh , if you two do n't mind , though , i need to take off . excuse me . harmony : dev -- devon : ( clears throat ) tucker : ( exhales slowly ) ( sighs ) that was the world 's fastest exit . harmony : ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] billy : oh , my lord , the guilt -- basking in the jamaican sun while our friends freeze their rears off ... victoria : i know , i know . billy : in genoa city . ohh . victoria : it 's just so awful . billy : hey . how are you , sebastian ? victoria : oh . sebastian : billy ! oh ! billy : good to see you . sebastian : how are you , man ? victoria : hi ! billy : you remember victoria , right ? sebastian : hey . sure . victoria : yeah ! ohh . sebastian : hey , pretty lady . victoria : oh , hey , yourself . hello . sebastian : hey , how are -- you 're on vacation , man ? billy : well , no , honeymoon . we just got married . victoria : yeah . sebastian : you got married last year , same time as us . victoria : uh , yeah , it did n't -- it did n't really stick . billy : so we got rehitched , uh , back home . victoria : and then we got unhitched , and then hitched again . it 's a really long story . billy : long story . sebastian : i 'll bet . i 'll bet . billy : how 's the missus doing ? sebastian : oh , she 's go -- oh , come and see . come , come . victoria : oh , yeah , okay . sebastian : renee , look who 's here . victoria : ( gasps ) renee : ( gasps ) oh , hi ! victoria : wow . renee : how are you ? ( laughs ) victoria : you had a baby . renee : yes . ( laughs ) victoria : how wonderful . billy : ( chuckles ) renee : thank you , thank you . mm . say `` hi . `` [ scene_break ] nick : amy . hey , it 's me . um , listen , i 'm not gon na go into the office right now . i told sharon she could have faith this morning , and i know she 's a little anxious about that , so if you could get my little angel dressed , i 'll come over and take her over to sharon 's . okay , thanks . [ scene_break ] sharon : ( sighs ) this has to be good - bye . please tell me that you understand . adam : ( pops lips ) you do n't have to worry . i know your daughter comes first . i wo n't cause any trouble . you 're free . sharon : ( sobs ) i do n't feel free . adam : i will ... always ... love you . sharon : ( sniffles ) ( sobs ) ( sniffles ) adam , i -- adam : shh . ( whispering ) it 's okay . i know . i know . [ scene_break ] cane : yeah , 'cause , uh , lily mentioned , you know , that , um , she and the babies would be hanging at your place , so i was thinking ... neil : you know , um , we made that plan a couple of days ago . cane : look , i know it 's last - minute . i do , um , but , you know , i was thinking , you know , if you could maybe take matty and charlie , then i could take lily out and surprise her for new year 's eve , and it would just be great . sofia : aw . neil : uh , any other time , cane , i 'd love to , but tonight , i - i ca n't . sofia : look , you know what ? we 'll do it . neil : we will ? you -- are you sure ? sofia : positive . look , i want this for lily ... uh , for both of you . cane : thank you . thank you , sofia . i appreciate it . thank you . all right , cool . thanks , guys . [ scene_break ] jack : so how did cane react when you told him we 're engaged ? genevieve : hmm . he thought that we were moving too fast , but he wished us well . jack : then why do n't you look happier ? genevieve : ethan and i have come a long way , but , um , there 's just still this sort of a -- a distance between us . i guess it 's -- its kind of stupid of me to think that i could just wipe away years of history in a few short months . ( chuckles ) jack : hey , just keep putting yourself out there . give it time . he will come around , and when he does , it 'll be a whole new beginning for you and your son . genevieve : i am so looking forward to a new beginning with you . [ scene_break ] tucker : i really thought i was making some progress with devon recently . harmony : listen , i think it was just all a bit much for him . tucker : you know , i realize , uh , i have n't been very welcoming to you since you came back to town . harmony : ( laughs ) well , i would find that a bit of a -- what 's the word ? an understatement . tucker : well , i 'd like to put that behind us , so , uh , we can be in a room with our son without having him want to bolt . harmony : why do n't you stop frontin ' and admit the real reason why you all of a sudden want to make nice ? because you see devon warming up to me while he still ai n't feelin ' you . tucker : you 're not gon na hold a grudge against me for that , are you ? harmony : nah . no , i forgive you . i really do want to see the three of us getting along just as much as you do . [ scene_break ] kay : oh , devon . devon : katherine . kay : obviously , you -- you received my message . devon : yes , i did . kay : well , come in . devon : thank you . [ scene_break ] victoria : oh , kayla is such a beautiful name . renee : ( laughs ) thank you . when are you guys going to start making babies ? billy : uh , well , i 'm fortunate enough to already have a daughter and victoria has a son , so as for more , we will see . victoria : yeah . kayla : ( fusses ) renee : oh , somebody needs a nap . sebastian : yeah . renee : good luck with marriage number three . victoria : thank you . sebastian : and next time you come , bring the kids . billy : yes . victoria : we would love nothing more , believe me . billy : uh , good to see you . sebastian : good to see you . victoria : bye - bye . renee : okay , good to see you . victoria : so good to see you . bye , take care . mwah ! sebastian : you , too . have the jerk shrimp . billy : ( laughs ) renee : or the coconut shrimp . billy : coconut shrimp . [ scene_break ] sharon : nick . faith : mommy . hi , mommy . nick : we wanted to surprise you , did n't we ? faith : yeah . nick : yeah ? sharon : ( chuckles ) nick : look at the tree . so cool . all right . why do n't you go give mommy a big hug ? sharon : oh ! ( laughs ) mommy missed you , baby , missed you so much . [ scene_break ] neil : that was a pretty amazing thing that you just did . sofia : ( sighs ) it was no big deal . neil : no , it really was . i mean , you know and i know that you were looking forward to a night on the town . sofia : you and i know where we stand . cane and lily -- they 're still trying to figure it out . neil : rain check ? sofia : sure . now come on , let 's get home ... neil : all right . ( clears throat ) sofia : and tell our little man that he is gon na be hosting his very first new year 's eve bash . neil : ( exhales slowly ) come here . neil : happy new year . sofia : ( giggles ) neil : come on . [ scene_break ] tucker : oh , yeah . back in the day , it was considered really lame to stay home on new year 's eve , was n't it ? ( sighs ) harmony : you remember that , uh , one new year 's eve -- this was before i got pregnant with devon . i think it was 1987 . we were at the roxy on sunset . tucker : ' 87 . wow , you got a good memory . harmony : yeah , we were hangin ' out -- me , you , band , groupies . i remember this one girl , she got stupid drunk , took off all her clothes , and you covered her with your jacket . mick to the rescue . tucker : ( laughs ) yeah , yeah . that was an insane night . i do n't remember you being there , though . harmony : oh , no doubt . had the women hangin ' all over you . tucker : oh , yeah , i was a bit of a player back then . harmony : crazy times . tucker : yeah . harmony : never had a clue we 'd end up sharing a kid . tucker : ( clicks lips ) well , i could say it again -- `` if i 'd only known '' -- but i wo n't . harmony : well , thank you for holding back . tucker : i think katherine 's lucky to have you looking out for her . harmony : somebody has to . tucker : what 's that mean ? harmony : i find you to be a bit of a hypocrite . i mean , you reaching out to your son , and then when your moms reaches out to you , you shut her down . how is devon supposed to learn how to let go of all of that pent - up anger , when you refuse to let go of yours ? [ scene_break ] devon : it was a real treat to , uh , get to spend time with ana , and i just wanted to ... thank you for making that happen . kay : my pleasure . devon : i saw my mother earlier , and she thinks i 'm terrible for not thanking you sooner . kay : obviously , we have a long way to go if you had to be convinced to thank me , uh , for a goodwill gesture on christmas . it 's ... devon : well ... yeah . i have somewhere to be ... ( claps hands lightly ) um , tonight . i want you to have a good night . kay : oh , yes , yes . you , too . devon : thanks . [ scene_break ] jack : thank you . so why did you ask me to meet you here ? genevieve : would you prefer a back alley ? jack : no , i - i just mean we 're coming here later tonight . genevieve : i know . i wanted to reserve our favorite table , and i wanted to get you a very special dessert . ooh , i sound like a control freak . jack : oh , no , no , no , no . a woman who takes charge is very sexy . genevieve : i think you 're marrying the right woman . jack : i never had a doubt in my mind . i 'm sorry i missed seeing cane here . i did run into nick , though . genevieve : hmm . how is nick ? jack : well , aside from victoria , his entire family is a mess , and now with the newman board electing for adam to run the company instead of nick -- that 's got to gall him . genevieve : nick would not sell you beauty of nature . adam might . jack : yeah , dealing with junior is probably the better approach , if i have any hope of getting what i want . genevieve : may 2012 be the year that we both get everything we want . ( cups clink ) [ scene_break ] adam : ( exhales slowly ) adam : ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] sharon : are n't you leaving ? nick : i beg your pardon ? sharon : the restraining order against adam that you forced me to get is now in effect , and i thought that meant that i get alone time with faith . or are you changing the rules again , nick ? nick : i 'll go . look , i know you resent me for being a hard - ass about adam , but you getting the order so quickly proves to me that you 're taking the situation very seriously . sharon : i told you , nothing is more important to me than my children . [ scene_break ] victoria : ( sighs ) victoria : ( exhales quickly ) billy : i know seeing sebastian and renee and their kid -- that was tough for you . victoria : ( sighs ) i 'm not gon na lie to you . it kind of threw me for a loop , you know ? i -- it just -- i know i ca n't freak out every time i see a couple with a baby , but ... this makes me kind of crazy . ( sighs ) billy : we lost so much because of what i ... victoria : ( sighs ) billy : it 's my fault . victoria : no , listen , i , um ... i do n't want to dwell on that , all right ? i 'm just happy that you 're my husband . ( cell phone rings ) victoria : it 's my phone . billy : mm , mnh - mnh -- victoria : ( sighs ) billy : ( laughs ) ( ring ) victoria : hello . what ? ( gasps ) are you kidding me ? really ? [ scene_break ] jack : thought i might find you here . adam : what do you want , jack ? jack : to congratulate you being voted new c.e.o . of newman enterprises . adam : did n't think i could pull it off , did you ? jack : i admire a man who fights for what he wants . reminds me a bit of me . adam : laying it on a bit thick , are n't we ? jack : i may not like you personally , adam , but you 're a bright guy . you may actually do some good for newman . adam : for example , sell beauty of nature to , uh , oh , i do n't know , you ? jack : if you insist . adam : why would i sway the board to do you a favor , jack ? jack : because it 's also good for newman , but you already knew that . well , i better be going . i have a big night on the town with my fiancée . adam : you 're getting married ? jack : enjoy the champagne . shame you 'll be drinking it all alone , especially on new year 's eve . [ scene_break ] nick : ( quietly ) okay , it 'd be best for the kids if we can be friends . sharon : ( quietly ) i agree . nick : tomorrow 's a new year . let 's try and start with a fresh slate . sharon : i 'd like that . nick : okay . ( normal voice ) come here , sweetie . give daddy a hug good - bye . oh , i love you . be a good girl for mommy , okay ? faith : okay . nick : up top . give me five . faith : mm ! ( door closes ) sharon : i love you , baby girl . i 'd do anything for you . that 's mommy 's girl . ( sighs ) [ scene_break ] devon : so when i left you , it was -- it was my mom , tucker , katherine , just ... roxanne : well , i 'm glad you talked to your mom , but look , you ca n't beat yourself up over tucker and your grandmother . you feel what you feel . devon : i know . it 's just awkward . roxanne : a couple of months ago , all three of those conversations would have turned into fights . devon : you 're right . it 's progress . roxanne : mm - hmm . devon : it is . it 's painfully slow progress , though . it 's completely wiped me out . roxanne : well , you better get your second wind , 'cause we 're going out tonight . devon : ohh . funny , just thinking about spending new year 's eve with you makes my heart race . roxanne : you are so full of it . devon : ( laughs ) i 'm not . seriously ... you 're the most amazing woman that i 've ever known . it blows my mind how perfect we are together . roxanne : aw . devon : i know it 's not new year 's yet , but , uh ... [ scene_break ] harmony : katherine , you home ? kay : in here . ( newspaper rustles ) kay : what are you doing here ? harmony : i ran into him at devon 's studio . it 's obvious he followed me home . tucker : ( chuckles ) listen , um ... i just wanted to wish you a happy , healthy new year . kay : really ? tucker : you know , what you said before -- it was n't true . i do want next year to be better than this one was . kay : ( laughs ) well , could n't be much worse . tucker : true . well , i - i got ta get going . kay : tucker . happy new year to you , too . tucker : okay . kay : well , young lady , that was certainly unexpected . harmony : in a good way , right ? kay : well , uh , actually , i 've had two unexpected visitors today . you 've , uh , you 've been a very busy lady . harmony : devon came to see you ? kay : well , and it did n't , uh , go as well as either of us had hoped it would , but still ... harmony . ( laughs ) ( whispering ) i am so grateful to you . [ scene_break ] lily : hey ! what are you guys doing here ? sofia : treats ! lily : oh , look , you even brought me goodies . neil : oh , no , no , no , no ! those are n't for you . yeah . lily : hi , baby ! oh , thanks , you bring the kids stuff and not the babysitter . that 's not nice , huh , baby ? neil : ( laughing ) right . lily : hi , honey , how are you ? neil : hey , new plan , kiddo . lily : ( chuckles ) what ? cane . cane : so , uh , your dad and sofia offered to watch the little ' roos if , uh , you will go out with me tonight . lily : but you guys were -- sofia : no `` buts . `` neil : we insist . lily : well , i would love to . [ scene_break ] victoria : yes , thank you , thank you so much . wow . billy : what was that ? victoria : ( exhales ) you know that -- that profile that we created with the adoption agency ? billy : yeah . victoria : well , we finally got a hit . billy : we put that up over a year ago . victoria : i know , i know . ( laughs ) but , uh , the birth mother is interested in us . is n't that the best news you 've ever heard ? billy : wow , that 's incredible . timing is -- victoria : i know ! we have to pack . ( laughs ) billy : okay , let 's -- all right . victoria : no , i just -- i want to get back to genoa city as soon as possible . billy : i understand . i 'll book a flight as soon as we can , the first one out . yes . victoria : oh , my god . billy , a baby . i mean , i - i know that it 's not a done deal , but we could have a baby . billy : okay . ( laughs ) victoria : ( laughs ) ( sighs ) ( chuckles ) billy : come here . victoria : ( chuckles ) billy : mm .
neil is touched when sofia gives up plans for their first date at the colane room so that cane and lily can spend new year 's eve together . harmony persuades devon to thank katherine for bringing ana home for a christmas visit . harmony also persuades tucker to go with her to wish katherine a happy new year . the two surprise visits by tucker and devon make katherine very grateful to harmony . adam and sharon say a heartfelt good - bye to each other just before nick brings faith over to sharon 's house . cane thinks that genevieve is rushing into marriage with jack , but he still wishes her a happy and drama - free marriage . jack asks adam to consider selling him beauty of nature . victoria and billy run into some friends they met when they went on their first honeymoon . victoria has a hard time where their friends ask them when they are going to have children . victoria is surprised and happy when she gets a call from an adoption agency where she and billy created a profile over a year ago , and she is told that a birth mother wants to meet with them . victoria is excited and hopes that this is finally her chance to be a mother .
cane : it 's just like our wedding . lily : [ chuckles ] hilary : wake up every morning to the delicious scent of croissants du chocolat and café au lait , prepared freshly by your own personal chef ... nikki : what are you up to ? victor : you 'll see . hilary : ... heated swimming pool , lush gardens , luxurious spa , and its very own winery . relax on the terrace after a day of pampering with a decadent glass of wine , made with grapes grown in the very fields which you gaze upon . the winner of this amazing package will share in the secrets of these magnificent vintages created by the frémaux family for many years . you 'll enjoy a guided tour of the vineyard and the cellars , capped off with your very own private tasting with acclaimed enologist gerald duchaussoy . stroll through the picturesque grapevines , but be careful that you do n't slip and fall flat on your face because someone yanked one of those vines , like i did to mariah on live tv . devon : hey , what the hell did you just do ? mariah : it 's time everyone knows the truth about who your wife really is . neil : hey , hey . i 'm sure everyone ca n't wait to bid on this incredible getaway . um , why do n't we eat , drink , be merry ... hilary : how dare you do this to me ? mariah : payback 's a bitch , am i right ? hilary : you changed the copy in the teleprompter to humiliate me ? mariah : just like you humiliated me when you made me trip in the fashion show ! hilary : i made you , what ? what are even talking about ? mariah : oh , do n't even -- devon : hey , hey , hey , this is a big misunderstanding . neil : wait a minute . what are you doing ? go ! go in there . let 's go somewhere more private . lily : please tell me i did n't just imagine that hilary admitted to making mariah fall . cane : well , it sure sounded that way . i just ca n't imagine that hilary ... lily : what , you ca n't imagine that she would actually make her look like a fool ? cane : oh , i know she 's capable of that , i did n't think she was capable of confessing . kevin : hilary tripped mariah ? chloe : i do n't know ! kevin : well , you were there the night she fell flat on her face . chloe : yeah , well , all i saw was her working the runway . she was doing great , and then ... she went splat . i mean , you saw the video . kevin : yeah , along with the rest of the world . hilary messed with the wrong woman . chloe : yeah . ashley : did you have any idea ? jack : no ! none ! ashley : well , when that video went viral , it definitely looked like an accident , but i would not put it past hilary to do something like that . so do you think she 's responsible ? jack : i do n't know what to think . i 'm just hoping this is a misunderstanding and we can get back to the business at hand . neil : what the hell is going on here ? mariah : i think hilary said it all in her confession . hilary : i did n't confess ! mariah is a pathetic loser who is jealous because i took back my job at gc buzz , so now she 's sabotaging me . mariah : devon , i never wanted to be on camera , you know that . neil : is this true ? mariah : yes , it 's true ! hilary is so insecure that she made sure that i would never take her place again ! hilary : oh , see right there ? so it 's your revenge . mm . mariah : no . consider it my resignation . if it takes being sneaky and tacky and low to get to the top , you can have it . and guess what ? you can have her . good luck . neil : hey . hilary : [ scoffs ] devon : neil , can you give us a second , please ? chelsea : wait , wait , stop . stop . nick : yeah . yeah . uh ... chelsea : [ sighs ] nick : i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i - i 'm sorry . chelsea : no , do n't be sorry . all that matters is that we did stop . that 's all that matters . that 's what 's important . nick : yep . yeah . we stopped . chelsea : you know , it was -- it was the champagne , nick , and it 's , um ... you know , it 's new year 's , and we just got -- we just got caught up in the moment . that 's all it was . nick : yeah . just -- just the moment . chelsea : uh , you know what , i 'm just gon na grab my shoes , and -- nick : a - are you gon na leave ? chelsea : yeah , yeah , yeah . you know what , i 'm just gon na wake up connor , and then we can go back -- nick : chelsea , do n't . please do n't go . nikki : it 's been such a lovely evening . i only wish we had gotten to bid on that trip to france . victor : well , i got to tell you that i made a preemptive bid and bought the trip , you know ? nikki : for me ? victor : mm . nikki : so , you essentially paid for the same trip twice . victor : yeah . nikki : you sure you want to do that ? victor : yeah . i bought it once for the foundation ... ... and once for my baby . nothing pleases me more than to make you happy . nikki : oh . no matter what else the new year brings , promise you 'll never stop surprising me . hilary : mariah is out to get me , okay ? look at the damage that she just did to the foundation . that one auction item , it could have went for -- devon : she did not just trip and fall , did she ? hilary : well , she should n't have been hosting that event in the first place . devon : so you 're basically saying that she was asking for it . hilary : i did n't have some major plan to take down mariah , okay , devon ? i just -- i was n't thinking . i lost my temper . devon : why you lying to me ? hilary : i 'm not lying to you . devon : yes , you are lying to me . you lied to me so that i 'd hire you back . hilary : okay , we 've already been through that . devon : you lied about your agent setting up job offers . you tricked me into making you executive producer . hilary : i earned that position , you -- devon : i bought you a penthouse . actually , i bought you an entire building so that we could start a fresh life together , build trust and respect . hilary : we have that , devon . we do . devon : that 's the biggest lie of them all . hilary : okay , devon . devon . come on , please , can we just -- can we just forget about what happened ? can we just try and start over ? devon : this did n't just happen , you made it happen . you made mariah fall on purpose , and you know what i call that ? evil . what if she had gotten hurt ? hilary : i was n't trying to hurt her , okay ? i was n't -- i was n't thinking , okay ? i am sorry . i truly am . okay ? can you just -- can you just try ? can you try and understand where i 'm coming from , please ? just -- [ sighs ] just ... i 'm sorry , okay ? do you forgive me ? devon : i was wondering when you were gon na do this again . you 're gon na throw yourself at me and try to manipulate me by using my love for you . hilary : that is not what i 'm doing ... devon : and all for what ? just to be in front of the camera again ? hilary : i ca n't believe this . you are siding with mariah . devon : the only reason that mariah was on the show is because i asked her to be . she did n't want your job . she was doing me a favor , and then you went and did that to her . you made a fool out of her intentionally . how heartless could a person be ? and for me to turn the other way and ignore what you 've done now would be just -- hilary : it would be kind , okay ? and it would be forgiving , and that -- devon , that 's the type of man that you are . devon : the type of man that i am is a stupid one for being with you . hilary : devon , please . listen ! listen to me ! please just listen to me , okay ? ca n't you just listen to me for one second ? we have been through more than this , devon . please ! please ! please ! no , no , de -- neil : let him go . hilary : let me -- devon ! devon ! kevin : huh . remind me never to cross you . mariah : i 'm holding off on the victory dance . kevin : why , are you feeling guilty ? mariah : well , feeling grimy for sinking to hilary 's level . chloe : never feel bad about making sure that justice is done . mariah : [ scoffs ] michael : oh , wow ! wow , wow , wow ! lauren : spectacular . phyllis : it would look a lot nicer if it was n't in the newman building . lauren : now , now . michael : well , maybe some champagne will help . lauren : for sure . phyllis : excellent solution . michael : yes , sir . thank you very much . lauren : thank you . michael : hey ! lauren : hi ! michael : oh , i hope we 're not late for the auction . i was looking forward to out - bidding victor on that french trip . kevin : oh , you already missed it . chloe : oh , yeah . you missed the fireworks . lauren : fireworks ? they 're supposed to start at midnight , right ? michael : yeah . kevin : well , tonight , they started a little early . lily : you know what , hilary , i underestimated you . hilary : lily , not now . lily : [ laughing ] oh , there could not be a more perfect time . you know , i knew that you were ruthless , but your desperation is off the charts . you will do anything to get what you want . you even tripped poor mariah on live tv . cane : we should get back to the party . lily : why do n't you do us a favor and stay away from my brother ? he 's better off without you . jack : hey . hey . you okay ? hilary : yeah , i am -- [ sniffles ] i am terrific , jack . i have got skills , do n't you think ? i was able to take down my marriage and your foundation benefit , one fell swoop . quite the achievement . jack : let me take you home . come on . i 'll drive . hilary : no , no , i 'm fine . i 'm gon na get a cab . i 'm sorry , jack . victor : jack , if you do n't mind my saying so , i do n't think you and your foundation can save everyone , nor do i think she is worth the effort . nick : thanks . faith 's still asleep . it 's another year where she misses the countdown . chelsea : what about the boys ? nick : both old cold . chelsea : kids . life is so simple for them . nick : maybe it 's the so - called `` adults `` that make things complicated . you know , what -- what happened here ... chelsea : it wo n't happen again . i mean , we kissed , nick , you know , a - and , um ... you know , we came close to ... nick : yeah , uh ... yeah , i think -- i think we both just miss adam and sage . 2016 was pretty brutal for both of us , and this time of year , you get lonely and you turn to ... someone else . chelsea : what makes it wrong is us turning to each other . you 're my friend , nick . i need you in my life , you know ? i need you in connor 's life . nick : i feel the same way . i 'll never forget the promise i made to adam -- to look out for you and connor . that did n't include ... sorry . chelsea : no . nick , we 're both learning to live life without our partners . and you -- you 're just beginning to adjust to having this amazing blessing of having christian back . the last thing either one of us needs is more ... complications . nick : you mean feelings . chelsea : feelings have consequences . and the more you feel , the more you open yourself up to getting hurt . i ca n't handle getting hurt again . i do n't think you can , either . victor : must be exhausting being that woman 's champion . jack : what , are you happy that she 's upset ? victor : listen to me . given all the dirt that woman has dished out with gc buzz , i 'm glad that a lot of it is falling back on her . jack : hilary does n't create the scandal , she reports it . victor : with help from her friends like you who feed her ammunition . jack : ooh , is that an accusation ? victor : jack , just because this foundation carries your name does n't mean that your hands are clean , does it ? you were about to evict my daughter from your premises to get even with your idiot brother . jack : we have a deal . i plan to abide by it . victor : good to know , jack . now , you and your brother can embark upon the new year with a clean slate . thanks to me . billy : ugh . you know what i 'm not looking forward to ? being grateful to your father to keeping us in our office space . victoria : well , do you prefer giving jack the satisfaction of seeing us evicted ? billy : mm , do you ever wish you were an orphan ? you would n't be a newman . i would n't be an abbott . victoria : then what would we fight about ? billy : well , maybe we would n't fight . [ cell phone rings ] victoria : it 's the sitter . hey , hannah . does he have a fever ? billy : is he okay ? victoria : okay , i 'll be right there . i have to go . billy : i 'm gon na come with you . victoria : no , stay . it did n't sound that serious . billy : come on , he 's my boy , too , and to be honest , i would love to get out of here . lauren : [ laughing ] okay , missy . what 's going on in that mind of yours ? phyllis : that some things are meant to be and ... ... some things are n't . michael : you sure about that ? phyllis : absolutely , positively , completely . ashley : hey . ravi : hey . ashley : how 's it going ? i warned you , this party could get pretty boring . ravi : oh , not to me . i think it 's amazing . hey , is that victor newman over there ? abby : hi , uh , do you want to meet him ? ravi : you -- you know victor newman ? abby : dad . ravi : dad ? abby : dad . victor : yes , sweetheart . abby : hi , i would like you to meet the best software engineer in the whole wide world , ravi ... ravi : sh - shapur . ashley 's your mother and mr. newman 's your father ? victor : is you 're as good as they say you are , why are you not on my payroll ? jack : because he works for me . victor : if you ever want to play in the big leagues , you let me know , all right ? nikki : no more shop talk tonight , darling . come on . victor : we 're gon na go dancing . nice to meet you , ravi . nikki : good to meet you . [ engine starts ] [ engine revs ] mariah : hi , excuse me , jack . sorry . i 'm so sorry . i know you 're busy and everything , trying to run this event and trying to save the people who ca n't save themselves .... jack : actually , mariah -- mariah : it 's a great cause and it 's very , very important and i really , really wish that i had thought about that before i put hilary on blast with the whole teleprompter confession thing . jack : mariah , it 's okay . mariah : no , it 's not okay because i ruined everything , an i know you that you actually kind of like hilary ... jack : yes , hilary is a friend of mine . mariah : and i just basically humiliated her in front of -- jack : stop ! you have to let me get a word in . mariah : sorry . jack : you did n't ruin anything . thanks to hilary , the auction was a great success . mariah : it was ? jack : and thanks to you , this party is a sensation . mariah : it is ? jack : i do n't know if you 've seen it -- this thing is trending on social media . that can only raise the profile of the foundation . mariah : so what you 're telling me is that my ruining everything ... maybe helped ? jack : yeah . something like that . abby : just go for it . ravi : wait , you really think she would say yes ? abby : sure . just ask her . ravi : okay . [ clears throat ] [ exhales sharply , sniffs ] abby : oh , good grief . mariah , this is ravi . ravi , this is mariah . go dance . mariah : hi . abby : with each other . now ! mariah : oh , okay ! abby : do i have to do everything around here ? mariah : [ chuckles ] hi . so ... what 's your sign ? ravi : uh ... pi ? mariah : like apple or pumpkin or ... ravi : like 3.14159 ... mariah : right . well , this is off to a really weird start , but i 'm down . [ both chuckle ] michael : come dance with me . lauren : hey , you know what ? i 'm just gon na go check in with fen . michael : look , our son is a grown man . he is probably ringing in the new year with a beautiful lady friend or two lady friends . maybe a whole bunch of lady friends . lauren : all right , enough of that , enough of that . or he could be sitting alone in his apartment wondering why the heck we have n't checked in . michael : [ sighs ] i like my version better . come on . lauren : honey , please , i -- it 'll be quick . i just need to -- phyllis : hey , let your wife do her mom thing , all right , and dance this one with me . might be the only chance i get tonight . lauren : ooh , that is a perfect solution . michael : all right , well , give my love to my son and ... ... his wives . lauren : ha , ha ! very funny . and save the next one for me , okay , baby ? michael : oh , what a great problem to have -- two beautiful women as dance partners . phyllis : ahh . michael : [ chuckles ] relax , i 'm not gon na step on your feet . [ laughs ] phyllis : [ laughs ] michael : oh ! oh , i am so sorry , mr. newman . victor : well , excuse me . almost poetic that we should ring in the new year together . phyllis : `` should old acquaintance be forgot ... `` michael : i hear you spared jack a massive embarrassment in the courtroom . i was ready to wipe the floor up with him for that eviction notice . victor : glad to hear that , but i did n't do it for jack . i did that for victoria . nikki : well , speaking of that , i have n't seen her in a while . did she leave ? victor : i do n't know . phyllis : victoria left with billy . well , maybe they wanted to celebrate , you know , your magnanimous gesture , making it possible for them to keep working together . victor : have a nice evening . phyllis : yeah . michael : yeah . mm . victoria : come on , baby . let 's get you up to bed . billy : oh , come on . ca n't go to bed when your stomach 's doing somersaults , right , bud ? victoria : billy . billy : i 'm just saying , maybe a little book might help him out a little bit . victoria : [ sighs ] would you like that ? would you like your dad to read you a book tonight ? billy : me ? victoria : yeah , it was your idea . would that help you sleep , baby ? billy : all right . what kind of book do you want to read ? something about wizards and dragons and fun stuff like that ? victoria : how about something about fluffy clouds , because the idea is to get some sleep , right ? billy : we got out - voted . okay . `` the boy who cried wolf . `` that 'll work . okay . you want to read ? all right , here we go . victoria : i 'm gon na go check on katie . billy : all right . okay , ready ? `` once upon a time ... `` johnny : wolf ! billy : wolf ! there he is . look at him . does he look mean ? a little bit , does n't he ? hilary : devon ? devon ! devon , come on . we can talk about this . devon ! [ sighs ] [ voice breaking ] devon . devon : hey , you 've reached devon hamilton ... hilary : [ groans ] [ sighs ] [ sniffles ] [ rock music plays ] hilary : i love you so much , devon . so i 'm fighting . i am fighting for us , devon . [ music volume increases ] hilary : i do n't understand how you ca n't see that . i 've been running since i was born devon : listen to me . lying is not the answer . all right ? no more of that . she got you again . when are you going to learn , damn it ? ! he has my name and he has my number devon : god ! ashley : i think it was a really smart move to negotiate with victor to get the space , even though it means we have to keep brash & sassy ! in the building . jack : i admit , if it meant funding the foundation and all the good work we do for another year , it was worth it . just barely . look , congratulations to all of us for pulling this off , especially to you , ash . this would not have happened without you . ashley : and ? jack : and you were right and i was wrong . ashley : [ gasps ] jack : and it would n't be the first time . thanks for always being there to rescue me . ashley : you 're welcome . and thank you . here 's to the foundation . neil : yes , and my gratitude on top of that . ashley , this evening is absolutely perfect . jack : so , do you think devon and hilary will put things back together ? neil : i believe hilary will land on her feet . she always does . as far as devon , i watched him leave here . he was so upset , so angry . it 's too bad . jack : have you tried calling him ? neil : he 's not picking up . ashley : i 'm sure hilary 's reached him by now . these kind of fights tend to blow over quickly when you 're in love . jack : sometimes . lauren : have you had a chance to talk to jack about the fact that you 're quitting jabot ? oh , god , i want to get fenmore 's website up and running as fast as possible . something brand - new for 2017 . phyllis : okay . actually , i ran into jack on christmas eve and i told him i was ready to move on . lauren : are you telling me that you are available full - time ? phyllis : i am so available . count me in ! lauren : best belated christmas present ever ! phyllis : you know what ? the feeling is mutual because you gave me an out . now , how do we kick off the new year ? lauren : mm - hmm . phyllis : we let go of the past . lauren : that 's right , sister . phyllis : right ? boom . lauren : [ laughs ] i love it . phyllis : yeah . victor : hello , sweetheart . abby : hey , dad . victor : [ sighs ] been quite a year , has n't it ? hmm ? abby : yeah . [ chuckles ] one year ago , i was in this room at this very moment and i was getting married . i was sure it was all gon na work out . so , how do you do it ? how do you keep going ? victor : well , when you fight , you fight . and when you cry ... abby : you cry ? victor : no , not me . i just fight harder . but if there 's a need to cry , i hire someone to do it for me . abby : [ chuckles ] victor : and then there 's a time to dance . and that is what you and i are gon na do right now . abby : [ laughs ] victor : come on . nick : what are you thinking about ? how mad you are at me ? chelsea : i 'm not mad at you . but i was serious about what i said . your friendship is really , really important to me , and i do n't want to mess it up . nick : that 's never gon na happen . and you can guarantee that by opening this . chelsea : looks expensive . nick : eh , depends on your definition of expensive . i mean , it was like ... a million bucks . go ahead . open it . chelsea : i do n't know if i should . nick : fine , then i 'll open it . chelsea : all right . nick : let 's see . chelsea : oh ! [ laughs ] nick : just some , uh , you know , mementos from the evening . chelsea : mm - hmm . did you steal these from your daughter ? nick : well , she 's asleep , so technically , it 's not stealing . chelsea : do these make me look smarter ? nick : you look way smarter than me . chelsea : well , it 's a low bar . [ both laugh ] nick : that is true . so ... [ sighs ] i mean , we 're good , right ? we 're -- we 're still friends ? chelsea : yeah . still friends . nick : friends . chelsea : um , i -- i am gon na go get connor and leave before the parties start breaking up , so ... nick : yeah . drive safe . chelsea : i will . thanks for these . nick : yeah . billy : so , what 's the moral of the story , buddy ? johnny : wolves . billy : wolves what ? johnny : wolves are bad . billy : wolves are bad . yeah , that 's true . but it 's also saying that if you cry wolf all the time , then people stop listening to you . and when you really need somebody , when the wolf is really there , they might not believe you . and then what happens ? johnny : eats you . billy : then it eats you . then it eats you up , it eats you up , and it starts at your leg and it goes all the way up and into your arm and into your belly . victoria : yeah , looks like the story did the trick . he looks really sleepy . billy : yeah . victoria : are you ready for bed , baby ? billy : can i take him up , mommy ? victoria : yeah , of course . billy : yeah . okay . you want to take your nice , cozy blanket with you ? come on . ready ? come on . victoria : how 's he feeling ? billy : cool as a cucumber . victoria : all right . billy : say bye to mommy . victoria : good night , baby . love you . oh , billy , uh , you know , if you look under his bed and in the closet , he 'll sleep a lot better . billy : oh , yes , we 'll make sure there 's no wolves . no wolves in your closet or underneath your bed or in your top drawer where all your socks are or in your closet where all your games are and toys are . victor : everything will be all right . i think next year 's gon na be wonderful for all of us , especially for you , okay ? abby : well , if anyone could guarantee to make that happen , it would be you . lauren : there you are . michael : hey ! ooh . i thought you did n't talk to fenmore . lauren : i did n't . michael : then what 's got you so happy ? lauren : [ chuckles ] michael : you 're in about 1,000 % better mood than after that call . lauren : well , let 's see . is it this party ? i mean , it 's nice , but no . michael : mm . lauren : could it be my shoes that are crushing my toes right now ? michael : i 'm guessing not . lauren : no . must be you , baby . [ chuckles ] nikki : well , you certainly improved abby 's mood . victor : that is what i intended to do . and now what can i do for you ? nikki : hmm . you mean besides taking me on that fabulous trip to france ? victor : mm - hmm . nikki : well , you could accept my apologies for every time i reprimanded you for interfering with the kids . victor : what brought that about ? nikki : dylan . letting your children go , giving them space is just the hardest thing to do . victor : it is , is n't it ? jack : ready to do this with me ? come on . ashley : uh , you go ahead . jack : you sure ? okay , everyone , i guess you know what time it 's getting to be ! time to ring in 2017 ! so grab a drink , grab a friend , and maybe you can grab a kiss . chloe : [ chuckles ] kevin : whoo ! jack : the clock is ticking ! cane : all right . ravi : did -- did he say kiss ? mariah : oh , who knows ? but thank you for the dance , ravi . ravi : no problem . but about that kiss , are we supposed to find someone , or ... ? mariah : you know , i think you 're probably thinking too hard about it , but my friends have something going on over there , so i 'll see you later . hey , guys . kevin : so , you and the av guy . mariah : oh . ravi 's nice enough , but he speaks a foreign language -- math . neil : okay , so , it 's time to synchronize our watches , huh ? ashley : all right , you boys do that . neil : yeah , and then ... phyllis : jack , can i have a minute ? neil : um , why do we , uh , go get set up for midnight , all right ? come on . after you . jack : tempting though it may be , tonight of all nights , to rehash the year that was , i 'm not sure i see the point . believe it or not , i hope the new year is good to you . phyllis : believe it or not , i hope the same for you . and in that same spirit , i have decided that now is the time to make that clean break i mentioned at christmas . jack : now ? phyllis : would there be a better time ? jack : no . none . phyllis : good . then as of this moment , i am no longer working for jabot . happy new year , jack . nick : hey ! you 're up ! faith : i set my phone alarm so i 'd be awake at midnight . nick : that 's pretty smart . faith : where 's chelsea ? nick : uh , she and connor went home . faith : so , is it just you and me ? nick : and your little brother . faith : christian can sleep through anything . but i would n't miss this ! look ! the ball 's about to drop ! nick : come here . [ groans ] faith : [ laughs ] billy : little man was asleep before his head hit the pillow . victoria : well , i guess you have the magical touch . billy : well , maybe that 's because i 've never grown up myself . thanks for letting me put him down . victoria : yeah , of course . it never gets old , does it ? billy : no , it does n't . okay . i should head out . you okay ? victoria : yeah , i 'm fine . you just -- you do n't have to feel like you have to rush off or anything . billy : i do n't want to crowd you . i mean , you 've been keeping your distance lately , and ... victoria : yeah , i know . stress . billy : brash & sassy ! almost losing the lab ? victoria : among other things . it 's a relief , though , is n't it ? knowing that we do n't have to move out of our offices ? billy : things are looking up . victoria : yeah . billy : looks like it 's gon na be a good year for the both of us . and our kids . victoria : that 's what i want more than anything . billy : it 's good to see you smile again . i know it 's early . happy new year , vick . victoria : happy new year , billy . [ doorbell rings ] billy : five to one that 's your dad making sure the new year 's celebration does n't get out of hand . victoria : reed . what are you doing here ? he says he belongs to you . is that right ? reed : hi , mom . faith and nick : 10 , 9 , 8 ... all : happy new year ! [ cheering ] happy new year ! mwah ! mwah ! happy new year ! mwah ! ashley : hey , you guys , we might be unattached , but we can still celebrate ! jack : yes ! to us ! [ fireworks booming ] [ cheering ] ashley : [ laughs ] [ booming continues ] ashley : wow ! oh ! ooh ! the fireworks ! ooh ! oh ! ooh ! hilary : [ sighs ] [ rock music ] hilary : i was n't thinking , okay ? i am sorry . i truly am . [ music volume increases ] hilary : please just -- ca n't you just listen to me ? [ engine revving ] hilary : can you just try ? can you try and understand ? devon ! devon ! [ tires screeching ] [ loud crash , glass shatters ]
at the benefit , mariah revealed that hilary made her trip and fall on gc buzz . they argued , and mariah quit her job . devon confronted hilary about her lies . although she begged for his forgiveness , he stormed off . lily approached hilary and told her to stay away from devon . jack reached out to hilary to offer comfort . hilary went home looking for devon , but he was n't there . nick and chelsea shared a passionate new year 's kiss and started to undress , but chelsea stopped it . they agreed that they were lonely , but chelsea wanted to remain just friends . chelsea and connor left . faith woke up and she and nick watched the ball drop . nikki and victor danced , and he revealed that he 'd already paid for the trip he 'd bought for the auction – so he and nikki would be taking the vacation . victor approached jack to make sure he was n't going back on his deal to let brash and sassy stay . jack said he 'd abide by it . johnny got a stomach ache , so victoria and billy left the party early . billy read johnny a story and then carried him upstairs . billy and victoria were about to kiss when a police officer showed up with a teenage reed in tow .
sharon : what do you want ? cameron : hey , just checking to see if you 're ready . sharon : ready for what ? cameron : well , you have n't forgotten that we 're hosting a new year 's eve party together tonight , have you ? sharon : i am not hosting anything , okay ? i 've made a few phone calls on your behalf , and that is it . cameron : so the guests are confirmed . gina has her marching orders . sharon : it 's handled , okay ? yes . cameron : do n't be late . sharon : all right , this is your party , mr. kirsten . it 's not mine , and i really could n't care less whether i 'm there on time or not , so -- so i will see you tonight then . okay , bye bye . nick : was that cameron ? sharon : yeah , he was just checking to see when we 'll be there . nick : yeah , he 's pretty excited about this party you two are hosting . sharon : um , honey , i wish you would n't look at it that way because it 's really not my party , you know ? it 's cameron 's . nick : little miss modesty . so is everything set for tonight ? sharon : it 's all handled . nick : except for one thing . [ scene_break ] ( cork hits wall ) kevin : ahh . man , its fun being smart . most people are dumber than dirt . you slap a restraining order on 'em , they think they 're restrained , but not me . i fight back because i have a plan . i spit on your restraining order , judge . what ? what 's that ? you call that contempt ? you 're damn right it 's contempt . kevin : `` so , lily , if you did n't get it from kevin , where did you get chlamydia ? you must have gotten it somewhere ! `` `` daddy , daddy , i swear , i swear it was kevin . `` ( laughing ) oh , man , i would love to be a fly on the wall in that house right now . [ scene_break ] neil : no , i understand . we were out of the country . your hands were tied . well , meanwhile , we 'll just cope with it as best we can . yeah . thanks , john . you take care . dru : honey . neil : ( speaking softly ) damn it . damn it . drucilla , you know how close i was . i was this close . dru : yes , honey . i understand that . how did you leave things with john silva ? neil : i 'm gon na talk with john right after the first of the year , see what our options are regarding our daughter , now that the restraining order 's been lifted . dru : oh , honey ! you look absolutely fabulous ! neil : look out , world . lily : thank you . neil : you look beautiful . dru : i knew this was gon na be gorgeous on you . hey , kids . lily : hey , guys . colleen : hi . sierra : hey . lily : so are we all ready to party ? colleen : yes , we are , but first things first . welcome home , babe . lily : thank you . colleen : come here . [ scene_break ] nikki : another year gone by . victor : it 's almost too cold for riding . but it feels good . it clears the cobwebs . you thinking about new year 's ? nikki : this year 's almost over , thank god . though i wonder if the next one 's gon na be even worse . [ scene_break ] jack : boy , you look like a million bucks . john : well , i feel like 50 cents . jack : dad , i know you 're worried about ash . we just have to hope and pray she 's gon na pull through this . john : nah , i just feel i should be with her . jack : dad , dad , were n't you the one that told me brad wanted to handle things with his wife ? john : yeah , i know that , jack . jack : so let 's let him handle things . look , you go to cameron kirsten 's party and let your hair down . have a good time . you need to loosen up a bit . john : thank you . and what about you ? now i still do n't understand why you do n't go up , get dressed and go with me , make an appearance . jack : no , i 'm still a bit jet - lagged from japan . i 'd just bring everyone else down . john : that 's the real reason ? jack : what do you mean ? john : jackie , your wedding anniversary was christmas eve . you have not mentioned it once . and i know that your problems with phyllis have not helped your holiday spirit . jack : yeah , probably not . the last thing i feel like doing on new year 's eve is celebrating with a lot of people . look , if i do n't see you before midnight , happy new year . john : son , happy new year . i love you , jack . jack : i love you , too , dad . [ scene_break ] gina : i need some more champagne glasses . they 're right over there . let 's stock up . good . phyllis : wow . gina , the place looks great . gina : thanks , phyllis . phyllis : so i hear cameron kirsten is throwing a huge new year 's eve party tonight . gina : well , do n't tell me you 're not on the guest list . phyllis : he 's negotiating a very lucrative contract with my company , so why would n't i be ? gina : your company ? phyllis : yeah . well , newman enterprises , same difference . gina : hmm . yeah , right . phyllis : so i guess everybody who 's anybody will be coming . gina : if you 're asking whether the abbotts have been invited , say for instance , your husband jack , well , yes , he has been . it 's a pity , is n't it ? phyllis : what 's a pity ? gina : that i know more about what 's going on in jack 's life than you do . phyllis : well , yes , that is a pity , but i 'm not gon na lose any sleep over it . gina : well , if i see jack , shall i tell him you 're looking for him ? phyllis : nope . gina : then you 're not staying ? phyllis : no . if you see my husband , do n't tell him anything . gina : well , that 'll be a pleasure . guys , guys ... ( snaps fingers ) phyllis : it 's better that it 's a surprise . [ scene_break ] jack : another year gone by . question is , jackie boy , what have you got to celebrate ? [ scene_break ] nick : you like it ? sharon : it 's beautiful . i love it . but , um , you do n't expect me to wear this tonight , do you ? nick : uh , yeah , i do . you look great in that . sharon : well , it 's just -- i mean , it 's a little too ... nick : babe , the athletic club may be 80 years old , but , you know , all the fellas , well , they 're not . that dress is a ten and so are you . you have the perfect body for it . sharon : honey , you 're so sweet to say that . nick : look , i want the whole world to see my sexy wife . i want 'em to feel a little jealous . sharon : but , honey , it 's winter , and i am just going to freeze to death in this . nick : well , i guess it 's a good thing then that you could wear a coat on the way over there . are the kids going with us ? sharon : no . they both have sleepovers tonight with friends . nick : you know , i bet my mom 's feeling pretty rotten tonight . sharon : well , maybe she and victor will surprise us and they 'll both show up . nick : i doubt it . the news of his arrest has been all over the papers . he wo n't wan na be there . sharon : did you talk to your mom about the party ? nick : yeah , she did n't sound too enthused . sharon : well , i know how she feels . nick : are you not excited about tonight ? sharon : i know you 're supposed to party on new year 's eve , but i 'd give anything if we could just stay home and just ring in the new year together without all the hoopla . nick : babe ... are you okay ? sharon : what do you mean ? nick : well , you seem a little on edge lately , and my mom said the same thing . is there something going on , something i should know about ? sharon : no . nothing . i mean , everything 's fine , except for this family , which is a complete mess . nick : well , that does n't really explain the other day . sharon : the other day ? nick : yeah , apparently , you were at lunch with cassie . and i do n't know , something happened . you kinda freaked out and practically dragged cassie out of there . what was up with that ? [ scene_break ] victor : it 's ironic , is n't it ? our son is living a mere stone 's throw away , and yet i feel as distant from him as if he lived on another continent . nikki : yes , it 's heartbreaking , victor . ( nikki pouring drink ) victor : what are your feelings about me ? nikki : please do n't ask me that right now . i can barely live just day - to - day . victor : i talked to sharon earlier . nikki : oh , how nice of you . victor : are you aware that there 's a function at the athletic club tonight ? nikki : yes , i am , and i 'm not going . victor : well , do n't you think it would be better to be out somewhere ? nikki : better than what ? victor : what do you mean , `` better than what `` ? better than sitting around here and watching the gulf between us grow larger . nikki : do you have any idea how much it tears me apart that things are the way they are between us ? victor : do n't you think they tear me apart nikki : you betrayed me , victor . i do n't know how to make that okay . victor : i did n't mean to hurt you . nikki : you know , i do believe that , but you still did it . you knew exactly what you were doing . so that makes me wonder -- forget it . there 's no point in going over this again and again . jack : you talk about betrayal . i had warned you . i warned you repeatedly not to invest $ 35 million in jack abbott 's company . you went ahead anyway . let 's just put this behind us . this was a very difficult year . i think we should go out tonight and celebrate and just look at the new year with a sense of optimism . sharon would like both of us to be there . nikki : why ? victor : what do you mean why ? perhaps she intends to give the impression that this family is still holding together . nikki : well , that 's too bad because i can not face an entire evening of pretense . victor : well , good . then i 'll go alone . [ scene_break ] sharon : nick , it was the weirdest thing . i had this sudden panic attack , and i started shaking , and i felt like i could n't catch my breath , and i just -- i had to get out of there . nick : has that ever happened before ? sharon : no , no , not that i can remember , and i had no idea what caused it . nick : maybe you should see a doctor . sharon : well , i 've already promised myself that if it does happen again , i will definitely have it checked out . nick : ( sighs ) you know , this family has been through so much . and i guess i forget sometimes what it does to you . and i 'm sorry . i 'm glad you told me . sharon : well , honey , i never meant for it to be a secret . nick : well , that 's good , because we both learned the hard way what secrets do to relationships . sharon : you know , i 'm really fine now , so why do n't we just forget it ? nick : are you fine enough to practice for when the clock strikes 12 ? [ scene_break ] nikki : good . you have n't left yet . victor : change your mind or what ? nikki : if you 're determined to go to this thing , i do n't want you to go alone . victor : well , thank you . nikki : i 'm not doing it for you . i 'm doing it for the family . there 's a lot to be said for appearances . given our son 's attitude lately , i think my presence will keep things more peaceful . victor : let me help you with this . victor : you look beautiful . nikki : i wish things were different . victor : it 'll be my new year 's resolution that they will . all right , nikki newman , let 's go . [ scene_break ] gina : john . happy new year . john : happy new year to you . how 's everything going ? gina : well , now that you 're here , everything is wonderful . john : well , i think we ought to drink on that . what do you say ? gina : i think that 's a great idea . john : the place looks great . phyllis : hey , john . john : phyllis . phyllis : did jack come with you ? john : no . phyllis : oh , is he planning to show up at some point ? john : no , he is n't . phyllis : oh . well , thank you . happy new year . [ scene_break ] lily : i am so glad that you guys believe me . sierra : of course we do , lily . lily : i mean , after kevin was here last night , i was so freaked out . i was just thinking that -- that everyone 's gon na think that i 'm lying , you know , that i 'm some big tramp . colleen : hey , we would never think that , lily , never . lily : i know . you guys are the best . thank you . dru : here we are . neil : hey , kids , shall we get this show on the road ? lily : yes , we shall . i wan na have some fun tonight . it 's new year 's eve . colleen : it 's time to forget about you - know - who . dru : you know , i ca n't believe a new year is upon us , kids , can you ? sierra : i think it 's gon na be a good one . dru : okay . you 're a bright musician and have a beautiful voice . j.t . : oh , thank you . i 'm all right . so where 's this party at again ? neil : athletic club on melrose . you wan na take colleen and sierra and follow us there ? lily : dad . neil : fine , sweetie , you can ride with them . go ahead . j.t . : all right , so we 'll meet you there . neil : sounds like a plan . dru : button up , button up . it 's really cold out . here we go . [ scene_break ] kevin : you 're going to a party after what i just laid on you ? man , i got ta see this . [ scene_break ] phyllis : hi . jack : you 're all dressed up . phyllis : with no place to go . jack : oh , i doubt that . phyllis : that 's right . i 'm quite the social butterfly , are n't i ? i go to all the parties -- all the christmas eve parties , the hanukkah parties , the kwanzaa parties . jack : the new year 's eve parties . phyllis : you 're in the spirit . how many have you had ? jack : i 'm not driving . phyllis : oh , that many . jack : is that why you stopped by here , to see how morose i am ? phyllis : are you ? jack : heck no . i love drinkin ' alone . phyllis : is that an invitation ? jack : you just walked right in . phyllis : well , technically , it 's still my house . jack : technically . phyllis : do you want me to go ? because i can go . [ scene_break ] lauren : you ready ? paul : why would n't i be ? lauren : oh , there are bound to be questions . paul : you wan na know something ? there is not one woman on the face of this earth that i 'd rather be here with . there is not one other woman that i 'd rather have on my arm . so you know what i say ? bring on the questions . lauren : you just get hotter and more charming with every passing year . paul : come on , let 's go . lauren : okay . [ scene_break ] anita : see you later . gina : happy new year . john : happy new year , you two . happy new year . shall we ? gina : yes . all : ( chattering ) cameron : victor , how are you ? victor : cameron , nice to see you . cameron : good to see you , too , and this must be the amazing nikki nwman that i 've heard so much about . nikki : well , thank you for inviting us , mr. kirsten . cameron : please , call me cameron . and when you 're hosting a party in genoa city , well , who else would be at the top of the list ? nikki : oh , well , that 's very sweet . oh , katherine cancellor is here . excuse me , wo n't you ? cameron : absolutely . she 's lovely , victor . victor : thank you , cameron . how 's business ? cameron : it 's good . it 's good . i got ta tell you , that son of yours is one hell of a negotiator . nick : club soda and lime , please . cameron : speak of the devil . hey , nick , come over here . nick : hey , bu cameron : good to see you . nick : good seeing you . cameron : i was just telling your dad what a talented deal maker you are . nick : well , our companies make a nice fit , cameron . we 're both reasonable people . it makes it easy . cameron : i must be slipping . i try never to make it easy . nick : well , i was just getting my wife a drink . so , uh ... cameron : oh , hey , listen . that reminds me , i need to talk to sharon about something . his wife has been a lifesaver for me putting this party together . so i 'll tell you what -- you keep your dad company . i 'll get your wife a drink . victor : you do n't need to keep me company , son . nick : happy new year . victor : let me have a double tequila , please . [ scene_break ] sharon : it 's actually mr. kirsten 's party . i just made a few calls -- cameron : hi , sorry to interrupt . i 'm cameron kirsten . paul : hi . paul williams . thanks for inviting us . lauren fenmore . cameron : hi , how are you ? pleasure . listen , i do n't mean to be rude , but can i steal sharon for one second ? paul : oh , sure . coming ? lauren : you know , actually , i do want some food . paul : thanks again . sharon . cameron : we need to get together someplace more private than this . sharon : why , so you can beat me up again ? cameron : i do n't want to hurt you , sharon . but i got ta tell you , i will tell your husband things that you 'd just as soon he not know , unless you do me this one little favor . capisce ? [ scene_break ] j.t . : are you sure you feel like being at a crowded party tonight ? colleen : what , you 'd rather be home ? j.t . : yeah , just the two of us . colleen : yes , but we can do that any time . it 's new year 's only once a year . it 's a time to be with friends . j.t . : hey , you okay ? colleen : yeah . would you do me a favor ? j.t . : you bet . name it . colleen : would you go get me a plate of food -- i 'm starving -- while i go powder my nose ? j.t . : well , your nose is perfect . but yeah , i 'll get you a plate of food . colleen : thank you . [ scene_break ] jack : so if i asked you to leave , where would you go ? phyllis : oh , i would go into the cold , dark night . jack : or cameron kirsten 's new year 's eve party . you went there looking for me , did n't you , hoping to find me ? phyllis : sue me . jack : you found out i was n't there , and you thought , what ? phyllis : i 'll have that drink after all . because technically , it 's still my scotch . jack : technically . phyllis : technically . phyllis : so , what do i say ? here 's mud in your eye . jack : how apropos . phyllis : ahh . oh , my god ! what is this ? ! jack : ambrosia . phyllis : oh . oh , my . here . jack : oh , there 's wine . phyllis : yeah . do you wan na know why i really came over ? jack : a gift for me ? phyllis : it 's an anniversary gift . two years of wedded bliss . phyllis : are you gon na open it ? jack : i did n't get you anything . phyllis : i know . it 's okay . not really , i was crushed . christmas eve came and went . phyllis : i mean , i figured at least i would get a dead poinsettia or something . jack : stop . phyllis : maybe a card with a skull and crossbones -- `` to my beautiful wife phyllis ... `` jack : stop . please . phyllis : i got it right after that time i snuck in here and i seduced you . you remember ? when i was under the covers ? jack : yeah , yeah . phyllis : and we promised to each other , no matter what , we promised that we 'd always share the same bed . do you remember that ? jack : yeah , i remember . phyllis : so much for keeping our promises . [ scene_break ] paul : so why do n't you give me a call early next week ? j.t . : sounds good . lauren : you know , i 'm gon na get some water . paul : okay . colleen : paul , i need to talk to you . i need help . paul : why ? what 's going on ? colleen : it 's kevin . he 's here . i do n't know where he went , but if j.t . sees him , he 's gon na flip out . paul : yeah , not just j.t . what about all the winters ? all right , do n't worry about it . i 'll take care of it . colleen : thank you . kay : jill ? victor : hello , jill . jill : hello , victor . victor : nice to see you . jill : nice to see you . victor : sit down . [ scene_break ] cameron : your husband 's a bright guy . if he can pull off this deal with me , it 'll prove he 's got what it takes to lead newman enterprises into the next decade . now i know you do n't want to be the one who screws up that , do you ? here . sharon : your business card ? cameron : turn it over . cameron : it 's a small motel on the south side of town . i want you to meet me there after the party . sharon : are you insane ? cameron : no . no , i 'm not . sharon : i am not going to meet you out at some motel . cameron : you know , do n't worry about your husband either . i 'll make sure that he 's otherwise occupied . i 'll see you there . [ scene_break ] kevin : what the hell are you doing ? ! you 're not a cop ! you ca n't just come in here -- paul : shut up . you have to learn to play with children your own age . now i want you to stay away from those kids out there , all of them . kevin : reality check . the restraining order has been lifted , or have you already forgotten ? it 's a free country , and i can come and go as i damn well please . paul : you know what ? i 'm not gon na be able to protect you from j.t . but maybe we should n't be worried about him , because what i 'd do to you is much worse . kevin : you 'll both end up in jail . paul : you wan na bet your teeth on that ? now get the hell outta here . now . [ scene_break ] phyllis : dinner . jack : technically still your cheese . phyllis : technically , it is still my cheese and apple . phyllis : it 's a tough night to be alone . jack : are we ? phyllis : i do n't know . you tell me . are we ? phyllis : something tells me you had scotch for dinner . phyllis : i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] j.t . : boomer sooner . nick : that 's right . cameron : hey , nick , you got a second ? nick : yeah , what 's up , man ? cameron : listen , i need something from you . it 's bad timing , but it 's kind of important . nick : hey , i 'll do what i can . cameron : yeah ? [ scene_break ] victor : i do n't know if you want to hear this . victor : but it feels good to have my arms around you . nikki : i 'm not made of stone . of course i wan na hear it . [ scene_break ] paul : hello . lauren : oh , hi . is everything okay ? paul : for now , which is all that matters , right ? lauren : yeah . live for the moment , that 's my motto . it 's almost midnight . wan na go get some bubbly ? paul : sounds like a plan . nick : baby , cameron caught me totally by surprise . but he 's leaving tomorrow and he wants to read the information on the plane . it 's a summary of our entire deal , everything we worked on . sharon : he can not just pull this on you out of the blue . nick : i know , but i 'm not gon na tell him that , all right ? i wan na be the guy that gets things done . i need to be that guy . do you understand that ? sharon : yes , i understand . nick : okay , i 'm sorry , but i got ta leave right after the ball drops . so i want to say this to you now . look , i know we 've been through a lot together . there 've been some tough times . i think they made us stronger , do n't you ? sharon : of course . nick : i know there 's gon na be challenges and surprises ahead , but we 're gon na go through them together , all right ? we 're rock solid , baby . i love you . all : ten ... nine ... eight .... seven ... six ... five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... happy new year ! ( noisemakers blowing ) all : ( cheering ) nick : all right . i got ta go , okay ? have fun . sharon : he 's gone tomorrow . he 's gone tomorrow . he 's gone tomorrow . cameron : but i 'm still here tonight . i 'm leaving for the motel . you be there in a half - hour , or your marriage is over by the end of january . ( whispers ) i 'll see you there . [ next_on ] frederick : i got news for you , marsino , your business is going down
jack remembers an anniversary and prefers to stay in . lily 's friends all meet at her place to head over to the party . neil learns that he has probably missed his only chance to nail kevin . nick surprises his wife with a question about odd behavior and feels that she might need professional help .
jack : so have you had a chance to float the idea of a higher s.p.f . for the ashley line ? billy : she was n't interested , jack . jack : so , float it again . maybe push a little harder this time . billy : okay , i 'll try , puppet master , but ... i 'm not a miracle worker . are we done with business ? jack : just about . you read the paper yet today ? billy : who reads papers anymore ? i have n't been online yet , why ? and if it has anything to do with the stock market tanking -- jack : the police have arrested the person responsible for tampering with the gloagain cream . billy : are you serious ? jack : she 's already confessed . billy : she ? who is she ? jack : our own black widow . billy : gloria 's responsible for all the grief we 've been through ? jack : she 's been laughing behind our back ever since . billy : oh , man . you know , i never knew what dad saw in her . and you , jack , i mean , you let her live with you . jack : i just hope she spends the rest of her pathetic life behind bars . billy : so , uh ... does this change your agreement not to work at jabot ? jack : i 'm looking into that right now . billy : unreal . jack : so listen , little brother , i 've been thinking . since i managed to kick gloria and jeff to the curb , maybe you might wan na move back in here ? billy : with you ? jack : yeah . your house , too . billy : thanks , jack , but i 'm very comfortable where i am . what 's wrong , man ? are you okay ? jack : yeah , i 'm fine . it 's a big house . colleen is n't around much . frankly , i 'm lonely . [ scene_break ] nick : so i ordered a special meal and a bottle of your favorite champagne . phyllis : you should n't do that . i should be pampering you . it 's your birthday . nick : hey , we can pamper each other when we get home tonight . phyllis : why do we have to wait until tonight ? nick : you have very talented toes . phyllis : happy birthday , nick . sharon : hi , phyllis . happy birthday , nick . nick : thank you . phyllis : so , um , i hear that you and noah moved into the club . sharon : yes , i did . in fact , i 'm -- i 'm dining here tonight . phyllis : oh , with a date ? sharon : no date . just me . phyllis : sorry to hear that . [ scene_break ] olivia : karen wants to know of her wedding bouquet arrived with the flowers ? tyra : yep , you can tell her it 's here . neil : oh , i 'm so late ! cuff links ? i need my cuff links . do you know where my cuff links are , sweetheart ? oh , thank you so much . i love you . tyra : victor newman sent over a case of champagne that i swear cost more than my car . olivia : that 's nice . wait -- wait , hold on a minute . neil : keys ? check ! keys ! olivia : uh , neil ? neil : yeah ? olivia : i think you 've forgotten something . neil : huh ? neil : right ! yes ! um , i knew that . i knew that . i knew that . groom coming through ! i got ta get my pants ! olivia : have you talked to neil yet ? tyra : no . it 's -- it 's too late now , olivia . olivia : it 's not too late . he 's not married yet . tyra , you have to tell him how you feel . tyra : drop it ! olivia : no ! tyra ! hello ? hello ? neil : okay . cuff links , um , uh , yeah . how do i look ? am i okay ? olivia : yeah , you -- you look -- neil : karen , i love you ! i 'll see you at indigo ! karen : love you , too ! neil : and i 'll see you . olivia : yeah . neil : thanks . victoria : is the coast clear ? olivia : yes , finally . karen : i feel like i 'm gon na pass out . victoria : have you eaten anything today ? karen : um , no , i do n't think so . victoria : i 'm gon na make you some toast . karen : oh , god , you know what ? i have been dreaming about this my entire life . promise me that nothing is gon na ruin it . victoria : no ! karen : no ? victoria : of course , nothing 's gon na ruin it . karen : okay . victoria : right , olivia ? nothing is gon na ruin it . olivia : right . karen : okay . [ scene_break ] kevin : did you know that jill once paid a homeless man to seduce mrs. chancellor ? what are you looking for ? jana : ah ! here it is ! `` spirit guides -- the path to enlightenment . `` kevin : uh - oh . no , not tonight , jana , please ? jana : not tonight . not any night . kevin : what are you doing ? jana : i 'm performing an exorcism , jana style , for all things spiritual . i 've already thrown away my dream catchers , my candles , my crystals and my books at home . kevin : why ? jana : because ... i 'm an idiot , that 's why . because i thought that river was some sort of a spiritual guru . kevin : look , jana , he conned lots of people , not just you . jana : yeah , but why is it that you were able to see through him and i was so bloody gullible ? i tried to sell karma on your mum , and look where that got her . kevin : well , there is nothing wrong with searching for enlightenment . jana : enlightenment sucks . it sucks . [ scene_break ] gloria : four , five , six , seven . gloria : dinner and dancing in majorca with hulk hogan . woman : what'cha doing ? gloria : imagining all the wonderful things i should be doing on new year 's eve , which do n't include this dump . woman : cheer up . we got entertainment tonight at camp run - a - muk . gloria : oh , yeah ? theresa gon na play another beethoven concerto on her teeth ? woman : some nut - job claims she 's the queen of genoa city -- katherine chancellor . gloria : katherine chancellor 's dead . woman : uh , you can tell her that yourself . [ scene_break ] jack : i focused all my energy in restoring the family company . billy : and it worked . jack : yeah , i brought you back home . ashley 's back . i do n't know , i somehow imagined we 'd all be under the same roof . billy : look who 's sentimental . but you know the old saying , you ca n't go home again . jack : yeah , i guess . so , listen , why do n't you and i make a night of it ? a couple of brothers , ringing in the new year . billy : i 'd love to , i really would , but i ca n't . i have a date . i 'm escorting lily winters to her father 's wedding . jack : you 're dating your brother 's ex ? that 's playing with fire , babe . billy : ( laughs ) that 's funny coming from you , babe . jack : seriously , now that you know that you 're the father of chloe 's baby . billy : yeah , well , live dangerously . that 's what i always say . jack : if i were you , i would n't associate myself with anyone connected with cane or chloe . billy : lily is n't connected to cane . she 's moved on , okay ? and as far as the baby goes , officially , it 's cane 's child . i 'm the uncle . jack : you 're sure that dating the love of cane 's life is n't gon na stir up some bad feelings ? billy : hey , if it does , he 'll get over it . and if he does n't , i do n't care . i like lily . [ scene_break ] neil : you know , i feel like the luckiest guy alive . 'cause i never thought that i would meet someone after dru , fall in love and much less wan na get married again . lily : well , i think that karen is great . and i 'm very happy for you . neil : you know what ? i 'm happy that you 're happy . and i 'm also happy that the two of you love her , as well . devon : cue the violins . neil : cue the -- yeah , keep playing 'em , 'cause i got more to say . i 'm not kidding . you know , i got ta tell you guys , i appreciate how supportive you 've been . i mean , regardless of getting ana back , i love karen . and i wanted to marry her . devon : well , i will always miss dru , but i really ca n't think of anybody better for you than karen . neil : thanks , son . come here . appreciate that . lily : we love you , dad ! neil : i love you , too , princess , a lot . lily : well , if you guys will excuse us , we have some things to take care of before the ceremony . devon : what kinda things ? lily : just , uh , come here . so did you tell dad about me and billy ? devon : no . lily : well , he 's my date tonight . devon : ca n't wait to see his face when he finds out . lily : shut . up . neil : tyra , how are you at tying a tie ? tyra : since when ca n't you tie your own tie ? neil : yeah , i tie a tie every single day of my life . but look , my hands are shaking . i 'm nervous . can you tie it ? please , try it ? tyra : sure . neil : thanks . neil : that 's good . tyra : not my first time . neil : had some practice , huh ? tyra : yes , i have . let me tighten you up here . and i think you are all set . neil : look at you . tyra : you look very handsome . neil : thank you . appreciate that very much . what would i do without you ? [ scene_break ] kevin : now , baby , if there 's one thing i know about you , it 's that whatever you 're feeling , you give it your all . and yeah , sometimes i wish you would lighten up on your transcendental trips into the cosmos , but that 's my baby . so what ? now that you 've had one minor setback , you just wan na throw everything in the garbage ? jana : the transcendental mystery tour 's not working for me anymore . kevin : well , you know , this is becoming a pattern with you , right ? jana : what is ? kevin : you obsess about something , and then if you get disappointed , you dump it . you burned your ouija board , you threw away all your books on serial killers . it 's like it has to be all or nothing . ca n't you just find some middle ground ? jana : well ... i 'm not saying that i do n't believe in a higher power . it 's just ... god , i 've really had it with good vibrations , you know ? from now on , i 'm gon na let my conscience guide me . no more listening to bloody gurus or tea leaves or fairies . kevin : well , whatever you decide , i love you and i support you . jana : thank you . kevin : hey ! hey ! hey ! hey ! no fireworks out on the patio ! eden : beat you ! noah : 'cause i let you . eden : did not . jana : hi , guys , what can i get you ? eden : uh , the new year 's special . noah : two , please . jana : my pleasure . noah : thank you . eden : so where does your mom think you are tonight ? noah : with a friend from walnut grove . eden : michael drove me to destiny 's party and i ditched as soon as he left . noah : yeah , well , i will be grounded for life if my parents find out . eden : noah , how many times can they ground you for life ? noah : oh . ( laughs ) i do n't think you know . oh . [ scene_break ] nick : you know , sharon , phyllis and i would love to have noah live with us full - time until you found a place to live . sharon : oh , um , thank you . you know , that is a good idea , but , um , he 's fine right now . honestly , he -- he wants to stay close to me . he was worried about me , that i was alone tonight . he almost did n't go to his friend 's house . phyllis : well , um , sharon , what does this mean , regarding you and jack ? i mean , are you getting a divorce ? is there any chance of reconciliation ? sharon : i do n't know what it means , phyllis . we 're taking it day by day . phyllis : oh , okay . well , jack is not the type of guy to walk away from his family . sharon : neither am i . man : excuse me , mrs. abbott , your table wo n't be ready for a while . sharon : oh . okay . well , i - i think i 'll just wait in my room . why do n't you call me ? man : you 'll be sitting next to your friends . sharon : um , i - i - i 'd asked for a table by the window . man : unfortunately , we 're booked solid . it 's new year 's eve and that 's the only table available . excuse me . sharon : okay . well , i guess i 'll see you guys later then . [ scene_break ] neil : what can i say , j.t . , thank you so much for stepping in last - minute . j.t . : no problem , man . i 'm happy to be your best man . neil : thanks . j.t . : what do you need me to do ? neil : what do i need you to do ? i need you to -- oh , hold -- hold onto this ring for me , would you ? j.t . : ah , yeah , i can do that . neil : good . j.t . : so you did n't hear anything from victor ? neil : no , other than sending over a case of champagne . i was kinda hoping he 'd make it , though . with everything that 's been going on in the big man 's life lately , i guess he 's too busy . j.t . : listen , i completely understand why i was n't your first choice for best man . i mean , who wants to be upstaged in their wedding photos , right ? neil : yeah , you keep thinking that , j.t . but i love you for saying that . roxanne : neil , i 'm so excited for you and karen ! neil : oh , thank you , roxy . i appreciate it . roxanne : devon said you guys are n't going on a honeymoon ? neil : no , no we 're not . not -- not right away . devon : yeah , they got ta get , uh , ana back first . that 's why they 're getting married right now . tyra : yeah , and , neil , you know what ? i 'll be eternally grateful for you , for all your sacrifices . neil : sacrifice ? what sacrifice ? the sooner i make karen my wife , the better . [ scene_break ] tyra : and we all win , right ? hey , baby , come here ! oh , how are you , sweetie ? ana : i 'm better now . tyra : good . ana : i 'm really excited . tyra : you look pretty . ana : thank you . happy new year 's . devon : that 's very happy ! come here . devon : i missed you . [ scene_break ] ( cell phone beeps ) lily : ( laughs ) billy : what 's so funny ? lily : well , i just got a text from a friend -- sonny crawford . said that he 's retiring his screen name from . says he met someone . billy : well , good for him . hope you 're not too bummed , thought . lily : no , not really . i mean , he 's nice and all , but i 'm kinda into somebody else . billy : i have to tell you , by the way , you look absolutely beautiful . lily : why , thank you . and thank you for being my date tonight . billy : thanks for asking me . lily : yeah , there is nothing worse than going to a wedding solo . billy : well , honey , you look cold . you wan na go inside ? lily : uh , yes . billy : okay , let 's go . [ scene_break ] man : lights out at 10 : 00 . if you want any snacks or , uh , supplies from the commissary , get someone to deposit you some money . kay : could i have another blanket for my bed , please ? man : what does this look like , the ritz ? kay : it was very cold last night . man : get used to it . kay : well , may i take a shower ? you do allow showers here , do you not ? man : yeah . tomorrow . any more questions , talk to the ladies . they 'll fill you in . gloria : hello . do n't we know each other ? kay : it 's possible . you look familiar , but i 'm -- i 'm a bit confused . gloria : ah . yeah . well , that makes two of us . kay : i really do n't remember too much before a couple of months ago -- bits and pieces . gloria : something happened to you ? kay : yeah , that 's the million dollar question . gloria : oh , i 'm sorry , i 'm gloria . bardwell . and you -- you 're ... kay : katherine chancellor . gloria : ( laughs ) man : you got a visitor . kay : murphy ? ! oh , god ! man : hey , hey , no physical contact . murphy : all right , no problem . no problem . kay : he 's a real sweetheart . murphy : well , you could 've knocked me over with a feather when you called and told me you were in the -- in the hoosegow . you doing okay ? i 've been worried about you . kay : oh , mur -- [ scene_break ] [ jack remembering ] jack : having jabot back in the abbott family is satisfying enough . sharon : you 're really happy about this ? jack : oh , you have no idea . between jabot and the two of us rebuilding our marriage , i 'm happy enough to hand out cigars . sharon : jack , i ... i - i really do wan na believe that this is a new beginning for us . jack : this is a new beginning for us . i swear to you , i am going to be the perfect husband . [ scene_break ] jack : dad ? are you here ? dad , can you hear me ? noah and sharon left . you probably already know that . if you can hear me , i miss you , pop . a lot . happy new year . [ scene_break ] phyllis : they 're so cute over there . we should send them some champagne . what do you think ? nick : look , if you are uncomfortable at all that sharon 's here , then let 's just go somewhere else . phyllis : really ? on new year 's eve ? nick : yeah . i 'll go anywhere with you . i just -- i want this night to be great , okay ? phyllis : it is great . it is great . listen , i 'm fine . i 'm completely fine . you -- you did this whole thing for me , and i think it 's really sweet . and i 'm having a good time with you , so it 's all good , okay ? nick : okay . phyllis : but you know what ? you can do something for me . nick : name it . phyllis : can you , uh , get some sparkling water , because the waiters are really busy . maybe you can get some from the bar ? nick : anything -- anything for you . phyllis : okay . nick : anything . phyllis : hi , brad , it 's phyllis . i 'm at the athletic club and sharon is here alone in her room on new year 's eve . i think she needs some company . [ scene_break ] eden : we could 've celebrated new year 's eve 24 times around the world with that money . noah : mm . impossible . eden : with a private plane ? noah : not even . 12 times , maybe . eden : do n't be such a buzz kill . this is my fantasy . noah : if i found bags of money , i would n't spend it all in one night . eden : you 'd buy a sports car , right ? noah : no . i 'd buy a super bike . a tomahawk v-10 , goes almost 400 miles an hour . eden : your parents would love that . noah : i could n't afford it anyway . it costs , like , ten times more than what you 've got . hey , where 's the sugar ? is it up here ? eden : yeah . did you count the money we found ? noah : over 60 thou . eden : hard core . why would my dad stash $ 60,000 in my teddy - bear , and where did he get that money ? noah : who knows ? it 's yours now . cheers . ( mugs clink ) [ scene_break ] devon : uh , where 's the social worker ? tyra : yeah , did something happen ? wallace : marisol had a family emergency , and , uh , c.p.s . was n't gon na let ana come , so i volunteered . i hope that does n't upset you . devon : no , are you kidding ? tyra : hey , you 've given up your new year 's eve so that ana could be here with us , right ? thank you very much . that 's sweet . devon : yeah . wallace : it 's the least i could do . olivia : why did n't you tell us that lily was bringing billy to the wedding ? devon : he 's here ? olivia : yes . he 's here . now i 'd like you to go over there and stop your father from saying something he 's gon na regret . devon : why do you want me to do it ? olivia : go . tyra : devon , just go over there . olivia : gil , could you excuse us for a moment ? wallace : of course . olivia : thank you . well ? tyra : well , what ? olivia : you know what . tyra : look , no , olivia , i have not spoken to neil yet , okay ? olivia : time 's running out , tyra ! tyra : oh , my god , he is madly in love with karen , okay ? it does n't make any sense . it 's not gon na work anyway . olivia : you do n't know that until you try . tyra : look , why are you pushing this so much ? i thought you guys were friends . i thought you liked karen . olivia : i do like karen . look , i just know neil . you know , there was a time that i actually thought that the two of us would make a good match . tyra : really ? olivia : well , we 're both professional , we liked similar things . i was more stable than my sister . tyra : well , karen is pretty stable . olivia : that 's my point . neil appreciates stable , but he 's attracted to fire . you hide it , but i can see it . you 've got the same passion , the same sparkle that dru had . you have n't seen the way that neil looks at you . if he knew the way you felt -- tyra : then i 'd risk everything . olivia : your whole life 's been about taking risks . victoria : olivia , where 's neil ? karen 's here . hi . olivia : um , he 's over there with the kids . victoria : oh . hey , um , your bride is here . ana : well , it 's bad luck to see your bride before the wedding . lily : yes , it is . okay , so go . dad , go . neil : okay , all right , all right . billy : okay , let 's ... lily : hi ! is she here ? devon : where she at ? lily : oh , my gosh ! devon : wow ! wow ! wow ! lily : wow ! devon : what are you trying to do , make my dad faint or something ? karen : is it that bad ? devon : no , it 's that good . you look beautiful . lily : oh , my gosh , karen , you are going to blow him away ! karen : oh ! ana : is n't she beautiful , mom ? tyra : she -- she really is . karen : thank you , thank you . [ scene_break ] ( cell phone beeps ) phyllis : is that the babysitter ? is summer okay ? nick : it 's not the babysitter . summer 's fine . phyllis : then who 's that from ? nick : why do n't you stop being so nosy . phyllis : well , what are you up to ? nick : i do n't know . you just mind your own business , okay ? i 'll be right back . phyllis : nick , what are you doing ? brad : sharon still in her room ? phyllis : yes , she 's alone . noah 's with some friends . brad : i can take it from here . phyllis : hey . nick : hey . so ... where were we ? [ scene_break ] kay : murphy , i 'm so grateful you 're here . murphy : i - i hate to see you in a place like this . kay : well ... murphy : if only the bail was n't set so damn high . kay : i need $ 25,000 . murphy : can -- can i contact someone you know ? someone who 'll believe that you 're katherine chancellor ? kay : oh , please , my mind is so fuzzy . if -- if -- if i could find someone that i knew , i 'd call them in a flash . you know that . murphy : marge -- katherine ... do n't give up . if you think of anyone , gim me a holler . you promise ? kay : yes , yes , trust me , i will . uh , there 's , uh ... something else i 'd like to ask you . murphy : well , whatever you need . name it . kay : could you put some cash in an account here so i could get toothpaste and you know , that sort of thing ? murphy : it 's done . man : visiting hours are over . kay : thank you . murphy : i promise that you 're not gon na be in here much longer . i 'll do whatever i can to make the bail . i 'll even sell the bait and tackle if i have to . kay : no , do n't you dare ! do n't you dare ! now listen to me , i will -- i will think of something . murphy : we 'll both think . two heads are better than one . i 'll see you tomorrow . kay : tomorrow . gloria : i do n't know what game you think you 're playing , but you 're no katherine chancellor . kay : really ? gloria : yeah , really . she never knew anybody that owned a bait and tackle shop . kay : what makes you the great expert ? gloria : because we were friends . kay : well , then perhaps you could ... tell me where i can find the money to post my bail ? gloria : so that 's it , huh ? you 're trying to get your hands on katherine 's fortune . well , you 're too late . it 's already been divvied up and nobody 's gon na give it back , especially to a fraud like you ! [ scene_break ] neil : it looks like it 's gon na -- it 's gon na be me and you . victoria : hey , it 's showtime ! neil : hey , you guys , really , thank you for this . thank you so much . i appreciate your support . victoria : well , i 'm honored that karen asked me . i 'm just sorry that my dad could n't be here . neil : yeah , yeah , me , too . victoria : it 's been a little overwhelming , you know ? neil : yeah . i know . why do n't we do this , okay ? victoria : yeah , let 's . victor : do n't you start without me . neil : look who it is . thank you so much . victor : i 'm sorry i 'm late . neil : do n't worry about it . thanks for coming . i appreciate that . victor : what a nice day . neil : yeah . victoria : dad . victor : hi , sweetheart . [ scene_break ] sharon : just a minute ! brad : hey . sharon : brad ? what are you doing here ? brad : well , colleen told me you moved into the athletic club , so , uh , i took a chance you were n't doing anything for new year 's . sharon : oh , well , i was going to have dinner downstairs , but it 's taking so long for them to give me a table , i might just cancel . brad : well , how about some company ? sharon : come on in . [ scene_break ] phyllis : mm . nick : mm . phyllis : it 's amazing . it 's a treat . nick : you know , there 's only one thing missing from tonight . phyllis : yeah ? what 's that ? ( accordion music playing ) phyllis : ( laughs ) did you do this ? you did not . nick : no . no , but i sure wish i did know who did this . phyllis : nick ? ( laughs ) hello . yes . my husband -- he likes to do things like this sometimes and surprise me and just , you know , go with it . nick : uh , come on , dance with me . phyllis : are you kidding me ? nick : no , i 'm not kidding . come on , everybody wants to see us dance . come on . phyllis : no , they do n't ! nick : oh , they do . come on . [ scene_break ] noah : eden , eden , would you give it back , please ? eden : no ! noah : please . eden : come on , take it . noah : please . i do n't wan na take it . [ scene_break ] jana : kev ? you almost finished ? kevin : yeah , yeah , um ... so you 're not gon na believe what i just heard . jana : try me . kevin : noah and eden found $ 60,000 in her teddy bear . jana : what ? kevin : and guess who put it there ? jana : oh , my god . river ? kevin : mm - hmm . noah 's holding onto the money . he 's keeping it at his dad 's house . and i just found the layout of the place online . jana : why ? are you planning to break in and steal it back ? kevin : yeah , yeah , that 's the plan . jana : kevin -- kevin : no , jana , spare me your lectures on karma . this is my -- this is our money . jana : i was n't gon na lecture you . i was gon na say , count me in . ( laughs ) [ scene_break ] man : your love shall be a source of strength with which you nourish not only yourselves , but the world around you . with their steadfast love and respect , your family and friends are here tonight to witness your joining , and to support the new family you are creating . if any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together , let them speak now or forever hold their peace . [ scene_break ] gloria : hey . i 'll give you one thing , you do look like katherine . what , did you have a little , uh , you know , plastic surgery ? kay : do n't be ridiculous . gloria : no , i mean it . the guy who did it -- he 's a real artist . maybe one of these days when i get out of this place and have some money , i 'll get -- kay : oh , god , please just -- wait , wait , wait , wait just a moment . something about a - a car ? gloria : what are you talking about ? kay : i ... you were helping me ... find a missing car ? a - a - a - a coffeehouse ? gloria : oh , my god ! katherine ! kay : yes . gloria : oh , katherine , it is you ! you 're alive ! kay : yes . gloria : tell me , tell me , tell me , tell me , what else do you remember ? kay : not much . not much . please , are we , uh ... are we good friends ? gloria : yes , katherine , we are good friends . my son works for you . in fact , he 's one of your most trusted employees . kay : oh , i wish i could remember . gloria : do n't you worry about a thing , katherine . i 'm gon na fill you in on everything . [ scene_break ] karen : i give you this ring as a symbol of my vow , and with all that i am and all that i have , i honor you . man : neil , will you put the ring on karen 's finger . neil : karen , i give you this ring as a symbol of my vow , with all that i am and all that i have , i honor you . man : by the power vested in me by the state of wisconsin , i now pronounce you husband and wife . you may kiss the bride . ana : hello , everyone . my wedding present to mr. neil and miss karen is a song that i just learned . it 's not really a wedding song , but it 's how i felt before i knew i was coming home , thanks to them . ( piano playing `` lost `` ) ana : lost stumbling blind after a dream i just ca n't find lost . [ scene_break ] kevin : tell me again , you 're serious ? you wan na help me get the money back , even though it might involve something illegal , like breaking and entering ? jana : i 've rethought all this karma crap . now i believe you make your own . that money is ours . let 's go get it . kevin : my baby 's back ! crowd : happy new year ! ( cheering ) noah : happy new year . eden : nouvelle année heureuse . [ scene_break ] ana : i 'm getting cold and i am lost . karen : hi ! neil : hey . ana : stumbling blind after a dream . billy : happy new year . lily : happy new year . ana : ca n't find lost drifting in space . all : happy new year ! ! ana : watching the clock that has no face . [ scene_break ] nick : happy new year . phyllis : happy -- happy birthday . i love you . nick : i love you . [ scene_break ] sharon : i think it 's midnight . i hear the cheering . yay ! whoo ! brad : i forgot the party hats and noisemakers . [ scene_break ] ana : and i 'm getting cold . [ scene_break ] brad : happy new year , sharon . [ scene_break ] ana : and i am lost . [ scene_break ] sharon : brad ... i ca n't . i 'm sorry . brad : i understand . and i wish you ... nothing but happiness this new year . you deserve it . [ scene_break ] ana : la la la la la la la la la la la la la my bright new world is growing old it 's getting dark . [ scene_break ] jack : happy new year . [ scene_break ] ana : and i 'm getting cold and i am lost . [ next_on ] ashley : i do n't wan na give people the wrong idea and let them think that you 're back . jack : i am back . victoria : dad ! what a nice surprise ! victor : my sweetheart . jack : wow , they 'll let anyone out of jail these days , wo n't they ?
it 's new year 's eve in genoa city and lots of new things are developing , neil and karen get married but before they say i do , olivia begs tyra once again to confess to neil how she feels . billy is lily 's escort to the joyful event ; but jackie warns lil ' bro to be cautious because he 's playing with fire . phyllis and nick are at the gcac and so is sharon but phyllis takes care of that by putting a call into brad , who gladly offers to spend time with her , they even share a moment . jana has given up on the spirit world as she agrees to break into the tack house and take the money that she gave river . noah and eden blindly confess to having found the money as they rebel against their parents / guardians and bring in the new year together . kay is in the slammer but murphy has her back and so does her best friend forever glo , who helps bring back her memory .
kay : all right , everybody . jill : this one . this one . this one . yeah , yeah , yeah . kay : get ready to make some noise . jill : okay , good . all right . see if this works . ( voices overlapping ) esther : next year , we should keep delia up . jill : yeah , delia may have to keep us up next year . chloe : yeah . kay : speak for yourself , grandma . jill : hey , hey , hey , hey . murphy : 2010 comin ' at you in a heartbeat . i 'll go get some drinks to celebrate . jill : i 'm gon na join you . esther : me , too . chloe : ( laughs ) chance : cute . chloe : why are you lookin ' at me like that ? chance : like what ? like this ? why am i looking at you like this ? like i 'm , uh ... i 'm gon na kiss you right now ? chloe : i think we 're supposed to wait till midnight . chance : ten ... nine ... four ... three ... chloe : ( giggles ) chance : two ... one . [ scene_break ] traci : engaged ? oh , jack ! i am so happy for you both . jack : oh , thanks , traci . i 'll pass that on to emily . she 's in the kitchen now breaking out the champagne . traci : ah , well , have a glass for steve and me . jack : listen , i 'm sorry we did n't have more time together at christmas , but i hope you know after the year you 've had , if there 's anything i can do , anything at all -- traci : oh , well , hearing you this happy really helps . and i 'll come and see your smile again myself soon . i promise . jack : and we 'll find some way to put a smile on your face , too . honestly , 2010 is gon na be a great year . i can feel it . [ scene_break ] kevin : okay , guys , you want a , uh , blower thingy or a -- or a cranker deal ? okay , cool . hey , victoria , you want a , uh , a - a blower thingy or a cranker deal ? victoria : uh ... ( sighs ) the thingy . kevin : cool . take one for j.t . hey , he 's cuttin ' it close . it 's gettin ' pretty late . victoria : actually , he 's working . kevin : tonight ? wow , the guy 's a machine . hey , guys , a blower thingy or a cranker deal ? man : ooh . [ scene_break ] billy : ( slurring ) see this watch ? you see what time it is ? know what that means ? that means it 's a fresh start . that 's right . that means it 's out with the old and it 's , uh ... ( clears throat ) hey , uh , are those new ? i - i was n't there for that . i - i did n't get to see -- he -- where -- where you goin ' ? it 's ... hey ! you , another round for all my friends , please . cane : billy , i can serve your friends , but you 're cut off , my man . ( clicks tongue ) billy : oh , come on , you fuzzy aussie . i have n't begun to hit my limit . mac : you 're drunk , billy . cane : ( chuckles ) mac : half on scotch , half on attention . billy : now see ? there you go . i 'm not a lush . i 'm just an attention whore . cane : all right , billy , i can cut you off the booze , but , you know , the rest -- billy : hey , whatever , man . i - i - i do n't even understand you anyway . just -- whatever . but to all my friends on this happy , happy new year , may all your dreams come true , man . that 's all i have to say . what ? whoa . look who still cares . mac : you really need another party ? billy : ( sighs ) one always needs another party , my dear . everyone except for you . hangin ' out with a bunch of drunks in your condition . ( tsks ) this really how you gon na treat your baby - mama ? hmm ? cane : come on , buddy . let 's pour you in a cab . come on . billy : unh , unh , unh , unh , unh , unh . get your hands off of me . i 'm gon na hoof it . mac : it 's freezing out there . billy : yeah , well , it 's ... ( makes sizzling sound ) certainly a hot slice of hell in here . hey , do n't forget me . ( laughs ) ( chuckles ) well , happy freakin ' new year , man . ( chuckles ) oh . ( laughs ) ( sniffles ) ( slurring ) take it easy , billy . ( sighs ) ( chuckles ) aah ! ( laughs ) ( coughs ) ( sighs ) look at all the little snowflakes . three ... two ... one . ( glass shatters ) billy : ( groans ) delia . i 'm sorry . i broke it . i broke it . it 's okay . daddy gon na fix it . john : do n't bother . ca n't undo a disaster . billy : ( clears throat ) dad ? john : call me `` father time . `` billy : what ? john : well , it looks like , uh , i 'm your date for new year 's . lucky you . billy : that transportation thing you do , that 's pretty slick . now , okay , father time . looks like you want to play some games , huh ? all right , that 's fine . but first things first . you do not mess with a man 's drunk . my buzz is gone . i worked hard for it . now i want it back . give it to me . john : oh , no , no . no , i want you sober for this journey . billy : oh , yes , this journey . okay , dad , i 've seen enough movies to know what you 're doing here . you 're gon na take me to see new year 's eves past , present and yet to come , right ? well , we do n't really need to do this , do we ? john : and why is that ? billy : because i 'll cut to the chase . i 'll promise to be a good little boy , and i 'll never do any of these things again , and you can take the night off , and i can haul ass back to that party that i 'm late for . john : you know , you really think you know everything , do n't you , smart - ass ? well , you 're wrong . now you and i are going to look at the future and one new year 's eve . billy : okay . well , this is the future of `` restless style . `` look at us . we have gotten big , have n't we ? i mean , look . we -- we have awards and everything . john : oh , and ad sales , but not journalistic integrity . billy : oh , whatever . john : listen , you dug up any garbage you could on people . billy : yep . and the public wants more . john : well , the william randolph hearst of your day . billy : `` citizen abbott . `` dad , you have to admit that your little baby boy is a genius . john : mm - hmm . billy : mm - hmm . i mean , come on . look at this . i even spoof on myself . look how fair i am . i mean , i have to thank you . seriously . i mean , i - i knew . i knew . i knew . i kept telling them that i had a vision , and i knew what i was doin ' . john : oh , you had a vision all right . you peddled garbage . billy : yeah , but i tell you what . to know that i was right , it just makes me giddy . john : ( chuckles ) well , now we 'll see if you 're going to be laughing when all of this is over . billy : ( clears throat ) children : ( laughing ) billy : this is my future ? a rug rat parade ? john : shut up and watch , will you ? lily : okay , guys , we 're gon na cut the cake soon ! billy : wow , lily looks great . children : ( laughing ) billy : healthy . is she , uh -- ? john : yeah , cancer - free for over six years . billy : that 's awesome . she kicked cancer . she 's got her own hair , and i guess , uh , one of these , um ... john : `` rug rats `` ? hers as well . billy : okay , well , judging by the sizes , i guess we 're what ? seven years in the future ? yeah ? all right , cool . then so lily 's healthy . that 's good to know . things are great . where do we go to next ? ten years ? huh ? where are we going ? john : well ... ( sighs ) since i 'm aware of your attention span , i 'm might go ten . i might go five . we 're gon na keep it interesting , but not yet . mac : you want to give them cake now 'cause they have n't had enough sugar ? lily : ( laughs ) well ... cane : ( roars ) oh , we all know it is the most important food group . hey , guys . come here , beautiful . mm - hmm . mwah . billy : hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , there . i see a wedding ring . did we -- we made it ? we got married ? me and mac got married . is that why we 're here ? john : what makes you think you put that ring on her finger ? billy : well , i if i did n't , who did ? raul ? some new guy ? mac : come here and give mama a hug . mac : hi . boy : hi . mac : are you having fun ? boy : mm - hmm . billy : it 's not my wife , not my kid , huh ? john : no and no . mac : ( chuckles ) billy : not a chance . say , look . i 'm drunk . at least , i was . and you -- well , you 're , um , not amongst the living . john : no . billy : so neither one of us are that reliable , and there 's not a single reason to buy into any of this . so , uh , you know , i 'm not really gon na take the `` mac is married to somebody else thing `` as gospel . no offense to you , okay ? john : no offense taken . lily : so did we ask for this ? cane : what ? a party ? lily : a family . cane : you know , it 's the best decision we ever made . lily : ( sighs ) i know . and without mac ... ( sighs ) cane : oh , baby , you cry every year . lily : i know . ( laughs ) cane : ( laughs ) lily : oh , why break tradition , right ? ( laughs ) cane : mm . lily : i mean , she just gave us so much , you know ? and what she gave up -- ( sighs ) cane : i love you . i love you . billy : me . that 's what she gave up . lily : all right , let 's put these on here . cane : all right . lily : i ca n't believe our little baby is 6 already . billy : that 's okay . cane : i ca n't believe ... billy : it 's gon na work out in the end because that 's ... lily : i know . billy : gon na be my ring , my kid and my wife . mac : i 'll go turn down the lights . lily : okay . mac : cake ! we 're doing cake . here , you want to sit back ? they 're doing the cake . john : feeling left out ? billy : yeah , i really want icing on my armani . look , if we 're gon na do the kid thing , can we at least go to mine ? john : all right , if that 's what you want . billy : that 's what i want . let 's go . lily : all right , here we go ! children : happy birthday ! happy birthday ! lily : whoo ! cane : we got ta -- wait . wait . wait . wait . wait . lily : look at that beautiful cake . cane : all right , everybody . one , two , three . ( laughter ) children : yay ! lily : yay ! [ scene_break ] billy : aw , dee dee . just look at her . chance : that was a good , good job . chloe : yes . just as pretty as your curtsey on stage . esther : she was the best . was n't she just the best ? you were the best . chloe : of course she was the best . jill : oh , good lord , esther . you do dither when you dote . kay : well , uh , you did elbow that other grandmother so you could get closer to the stage . ( laughs ) esther : ( laughs ) jill : well , her granddaughter had no talent . she had no right to be there . kay : oh , oh , i see . billy : that 's my mom . murphy : video is all ready . i 'll go set it up in the media room . billy : okay , so ... where am i ? john : well , now `` restless style `` did n't get big just by torturing strangers . billy : you 're telling me i exploited my own family ? john : you went against jack on the patty thing and hit the jackpot . just got easier . billy : ( sighs ) well , so they excommunicated me . john : no . you excommunicated yourself . chloe : okay , sit down here . chance : got that ? chloe : yep . i 'll take that . billy : dee dee 's a great kid . john : mm - hmm . billy : i bet i get her the other half of the week . john : ( scoffs ) billy : have i taken her to new york yet ? yeah , i have , have n't i ? that 's gon na be our thing . i 'm gon na take my little girl to my city . so if you expect me to get all weepy because i 'm not hanging out with `` the stalker `` and the , uh , virgin boy scout over there , well , you can -- esther : delia , guess what ? i made cupcakes -- chocolate with chocolate frosting . your very favorite . billy : that 's because they 're my favorite . you know that , ess . she knows that , dad . john : mm - hmm . chance : now if i remember correctly , i think delia here said that she did n't want her cupcake , which means i get two . esther : oh . oh . chloe : oh , really ? is that true ? you do n't want a cupcake ? cordelia : i do , too . john : chance is good with her . billy : yeah . you 're just tryin ' to push my buttons , are n't you , dad ? first with mac and the ring , and now delia with `` little philly `` over there . well , listen to me , dad . i am not the selfish bastard that jack and you and everybody else thinks i am , okay ? i can be happy for mac . i can be damn proud of my daughter . i just have a demanding career . that 's all . john : and what is it mac said ? `` half drunk on scotch , half drunk on attention . `` billy : well , pop , i am a people person . john : oh , particularly if the people are strangers . billy : well , you know , there 's a funny thing about that . you know , strangers -- they 're just friends you have n't met yet . john : oh , clever . billy : mm - hmm . i read that on a pillow . now come on . let 's get out of here . where are we gon na go ? ten years forward ? ten years back ? john : forward . billy : forward ? all right , let 's go . this is a piece of cake . ( claps hands ) john : ( sighs ) jack : its champagne , traci . you do n't pull the cork . traci : ( chuckles ) jack : you twist the bottle . ashley : oh , please , let me . traci : i 'm sorry . billy : wait a minute . its tonight , and traci 's back ? oh , this is great . i thought we were in for more of `` billy 's crummy future . `` you -- you were playing tricks on me , you sly dog . ( laughs ) ( claps hands ) all right now . ( voices overlapping ) billy : all right , guys , where 's my glass ? hey , guys , come on . traci : yum . billy : hey , what 's with the , uh ... and the , uh ... when is this ? john : 13 years into the future . and , no , they ca n't hear or see you . traci : all right , to a wonderful new year . jack : yes . ashley : no , wait a second . how can you possibly say that when my baby 's gon na be a freshman in high school this coming fall ? jack : ( chuckles ) traci : oh . ashley : does n't it seem like yesterday ? i mean , really ? faith was put in my arms ? does n't it ? oh . traci : yes , yes , and colleen . ashley : oh . billy : ceecee . jack : she would be so proud of abby , her little sister . ashley : not so little anymore with that executive title and those power suits she 's wearing all the time . traci : ( chuckles ) billy : abby ? executive what ? eye roller ? come on . jack : one day , when she tires of paris and milan , i 'm telling you sh -- ashley : no , no . traci : oh , here we go . ashley : you 're not -- do n't start . ( laughs ) jack : she will come back to jabot . it 's in her blood . traci : ( laughs ) billy : he did it , did n't he ? he got jabot back . ashley : you know what ? billy : you know , he did that for you . john : mm - hmm . ashley : i think you and i can handle jabot just fine . let abby have her space . jack : she can have space at jabot . traci : ( laughs ) billy : he did n't ask me back , did he ? ashley : he never changes . john : obviously , it did n't occur to him . billy : hey , jackie , how long can some guy hold a grudge , huh ? ashley : i mean , honestly , he never changes . ( voices overlapping ) billy : it 's okay . it 's okay . you know , i 've -- i 've -- i 've got the magazine . maybe i 'll buy another one . hey , maybe i 'll go into tv . ashley : you know what ? maybe what you could do is lure delia when she 's a little bit older . jack : ( laughs ) ashley : you know , would n't billy just love that ? billy : well , see ? there you go . i - i got a mention . traci : i think billy would love that . ashley : ( groans ) jack : billy left jabot , not the other way around . i told him when he bought `` restless style `` it was the biggest mistake of his life . billy : yeah , yeah , because my raging success is killing me . you know , i do n't begrudge them their wins . the least they could do is return the favor . jack : listen to me . billy made a decision . it 's like my little brother died the day he took over that magazine . traci : well , i - i still wish he was here with us instead of where he is . billy : it just takes a phone call . you could try it anytime . jack : wherever he is , i guarantee you he 's comfortable , and up to his eyeballs in god knows how many vices . ashley : jack 's right . if billy was here , he 'd be blowing in and blowing out with some new piece of arm candy and some new victim that he 's gon na skewer in the press , right ? traci : i - i 'm sure you 're right . i - i just wish -- jack : hey , we all do . come on . billy : all right , look . i get it . i 'm a skirt - chasing jackass and everybody 's fine without me . i get it . that 's just great , guys . john : and are you okay with that ? billy : hey , look , i could be the bigger man , right ? and i could let it go . john : mm - hmm . billy : you hear that , guys ? i love you no matter what . ( horn squawks ) john : well , you sound like you mean that . billy : you know what , dad ? i 've got an idea . how about after this , you grab jackie boy , and you cart him all the way around town , and you show him the meaning of forgiveness . i mean , it 's a little juvenile , do n't you think ? holding onto a grudge this long ? this is ridiculous . john : ( sighs ) jack : on to better thoughts . glasses ready ? traci : oh ! oh ! ashley : we almost missed it . traci : okay , ten ... all : nine , eight , seven , six , five , four , three ... [ scene_break ] billy : fisher ? in my magazine ? oh , hell no . nick : did you hear that ovation ? victoria : that was for you . kevin : no , no , it was for us . you guys got control back of `` restless style . `` victoria : oh . nick : but you turned it around . kevin : ( scoffs ) hey , can you send us these ? i 'd like to put one on the editorial page . victoria : that 's a good idea . kevin : yeah . victoria : ( chuckles ) billy : what in the hell is this ? you could n't get a rise out of me before ? you had to go straight for the jugular ? kevin `` the chipmunk `` fisher is gon na destroy the sanctity of `` restless style `` in what , ten years ? john : mm , more like five . billy : that soon ? nick : you know , we should run the speech from the presentation how `` restless style `` went from tabloid trash to ... victoria : upscale fashion with edgy profiles and an altruistic bent . billy : p.c . fluffy crap . you guys make me sick . victoria : you know , i have to admit , i 've wanted this place from the second billy gutted our family in print . nick : mm . kevin : well , i tell you . it did n't suck dismantling his empire after years of dealing with his crappy attitude . billy : what does `` captain coffee cakes `` know about running a magazine ? john : what did you know about it when you took it over ? billy : unh . unh . victoria : i hope billy knows exactly how successful this place is without all of his slime . nick : probably keeps a list of new people to slash -- could n't believe he did n't use 'em . billy : i tell you what . you tell me that i made a bundle selling to them , like , `` built my own xanadu `` bundle , like , far away from these tools . john : mm - hmm . and you never gave that a second thought , did you ? billy : oh , really ? well , that type of money . well , then it was nice doing business with you , suckers . wait , whoa . mac ca n't work here . not after what she knows this place means to me . john : no , mac , is not an employee . mac : sorry . i had to change my shoes after dinner . kevin : oh , but those heels were so sexy . billy : watch your mouth , `` kevey . `` mac : did you get shots ? kevin : mm - hmm . victoria : yeah , your husband is a rock star . ( laughter ) billy : what -- what husband ? what , the photographer ? i thought he was a little , you know ? mac : you did n't have to tell me that -- my media mogul . kevin : mm . billy : are you high ? am i high ? ! mac : ( chuckles ) i always knew this magazine could be something honest and real . kevin : well , it 's all because of you , my sexy ... mac : ( laughs ) kevin : beautiful muse . billy : you know , it takes a real sick man to mess with his kid 's head . mac : i love you . kevin : i love you . mm . billy : get out of my way . okay , what the hell was that , dad , huh ? why do n't you just drop me in the middle of their honeymoon ? you can give me a heart attack . would you like that ? would that be fun for you ? john : we 're moving on . billy : okay , fine . when 's this ? john : down the road a piece . but this is about as far as we 're going to go . [ scene_break ] jill : you know , he knew this was a chancellor meeting . kay : oh , uh , darling , relax . your son has so many things on his plate . now relax . relax . jill : so many things . billy : there are my girls . now do i wait for `` future me `` to come in , or do i just sit down ? you know what ? i 'm gon na sit down . jill : oh , here he comes now . billy : oh , you see me ! perfect ! hi . cane : ladies , i am sorry . kay : ( chuckles ) oh , yes . cane : sorry that i am late . billy : absolute bull . jill : mm , hi , baby . kay : ( sighs ) cane : so tell me . how was that fishing trip ? jill : oh , fishing , please . she hung out at the spa all day . poor murphy did the fishing . kay : oh , come on . what is retirement for ? come on . come on . jill : ( chuckles ) cane : all right , now you said this was , uh , urgent business , so tell me . billy : ( clears throat ) cane : what 's up ? billy : whoa ! are you outta your mind ? jill : the thing is , i am sick and tired of watching this one slack off . cane : oh . kay : mm , and you have been her right - hand man for all these years . jill : it 's time . i am ready . it 's your turn to take over chancellor industries . kay : mm - hmm . billy : oh , you ca n't be serious . jill : ( chuckles ) cane : are you serious ? kay : well , come on . she 's earned the right to retire , but it -- it needs a chancellor to be in charge . billy : which he 's not ! cane : oh , you know we have one small detail which -- jill : stop that . blood or no blood , you are my son . billy : i 'm your son , lady . cane : are you sure you want to retire ? i know how much you love the power . jill : ( laughs ) i 'm gon na love watching you take chancellor into the future . kay : uh , do n't be stubborn . do n't be stubborn . cane : ( sighs ) kay : cane , i mean , uh , you know , she will fight for this . billy : oh , this is absolutely crazy . you want your son to be in charge of chancellor ? well , you put me in charge of chancellor , 'cause i 'm your son . john : hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , news flash -- she ca n't hear you . billy : well , i tell you what . what 's my phone number in the future , because i need to call us and get our asses over here . john : unh , unh , unh , unh , that is not part of the deal . billy : well , screw the deal , dad . john : ooh , not so cool and calm now , now that you know they want you . cane : yes , yes , yes , yes . kay : ( laughs ) cane : oh , yes , i 'm thrilled . jill : yes , yes , yes . cane : thrilled . thank you . jill : mm . billy : this is absolutely insane . cane : thank you . kay : it has been a wonderful , wonderful week . jill : well , i do n't know about that . i am out of a job , after all . kay : ( laughs ) but cordelia is walking down the aisle . jill : oh , yes . billy : wait , what ? my kid ? my cordelia ? my kid 's getting married ? well , do your thing , man . hop to it . let 's get there . i got ta see this . come on , let 's go ! kay : i 'm allergic to flowers . that 's why she ca n't ... jill : oh , damn it , i should have invited the vaughn 's . cane : mom , it 's a wedding . it 's not a merger . do n't worry . jill : oh . kay : ( chuckles ) cane : chancellor 's fine . jill : oh , i should have -- billy : oh , have i mentioned just how much fun i 'm having now ? this is -- jill : oh , ho ! kay : my dear , my dear . jill : look at you . lily : oh , wow . kay : you look marvelous , chloe . chloe : thank you . thank you . hi . mwah . billy : and now i know you 're absolutely full of -- chance : lucky your daughter loves you . otherwise she would hate you for stealing her thunder today . you look fantastic . chloe : thank you . chance : oh . chloe : please . my daughter is gorgeous . she has my hair and my eyes . jill : mm , that smile . lily : yes , she is a heartbreaker , chloe . jill : mm - hmm . billy : they mean my smile . they just did n't say it . chloe : well , my mother is just finishing up her hair . and , uh , delia is retouching her own makeup . jill : oh , that woman has not stopped blubbering since the rehearsal dinner . kay : do you know what ? i dare you to , um , stay dry - eyed during the ceremony . and , uh , i can make it interesting if you want . let 's say , um , a house for the kids . jill : whoa ! chloe : ( chuckles ) lily : ( laughs ) jill : you are on , old lady . kay : really ? jill : yes . kay : okay , you 're on . jill : okay . kay : all right . jill : oh ! chloe : wow . billy : this is the little girl that i held at the cabin ? jill : oh , look at you . chloe : my baby . cordelia : mom . chloe : no , you 're my baby . and trust me . trust me . you can be cool and cynical now , but when you 're all grown up and you see your kid , you 're gon na cry , too , because this -- this is how i picture you . cordelia : okay , that needs to go into a drawer before the guests get here . ( laughter ) kay : oh , that 's precious . cane : looks like a lifetime ago , does n't it ? kay : uh , speaking of lifetimes , allow me to start you off with something very old . chloe : ( gasps ) esther : oh ! cordelia : they 're gorgeous . jill : they 're worth twice your college education . kay : jill . jill : ( laughs ) now remember what she said . these are not `` borrowed . `` those are `` old , `` okay ? so if she asks for them back , do n't give 'em to her . cane : ( laughs ) cordelia : ( laughs ) esther : i already gave her the `` borrowed . `` she 's wearing my locket with chloe 's baby picture in it . nina : oh , esther , you should have given her the `` blue '' -- that god - awful uniform you insist on wearing . kay : jill ! billy : listen to how they riff on each other . this is great . jill : it 's a horrible , horrible uniform . john : after all those years of being together , they 're for each other . lily : and excuse me . i will jump in with the `` new . `` kay : oh . lily : there 's a valentine heart for your middle name and your birthday . cordelia : ( chuckles ) you were there , were n't you ? when i was born . cane : um , we both were . cordelia : my dad , too . he was there for that , but not for this . billy : w - wait . what -- what is this ? okay , i - i would -- i would be here , okay ? i would crash this . even if they did n't want me here , i would crash it . cordelia : he did have a choice , mom , and he made it . it did n't involve sticking around to be with me . kay : darling , why do n't , um , why do n't you try on the earrings , hmm ? billy : this does n't make any sense . i 'm not a great dad , but i love my kid . i would n't just ditch her . john : was n't it your brother who said that you were `` a loveable screw - up who became a screw - up `` ? billy : yeah , something like that . thank you for reminding me . john : well , he was right , and sadly , it 's gotten worse . jill : billy should be here . i 'm not gon na argue that . but we 're all here for you . chance : and we always will be . billy : yeah , i 'm outta here . billy : ( sighs ) john : that 's right , run away like you always do . billy : what the hell do you want from me , man ? john : i want you to stop turning your back on the people who care about you . cordelia : i finally picked the music . chance : for what ? cordelia : for the father of the bride dance . billy : with him ? no . dad , why are you doing this to me ? chance : are you sure about this ? your mother says i have no rhythm at all . cordelia : we still have time to practice . chance : delia , the ceremony begins in -- cordelia : here , come on . i picked a waltz . it 'll be easy . chance : ( sighs ) fine . cordelia : ( chuckles ) one , two , three . together : one , two , three . chance : ouch . oh , watch your toes . ( chuckles ) cordelia : ( laughs ) watch my dress . chance : i know . i 'm sorry . i am sorry . cordelia : ( chuckles ) chance : look , i am sorry about your dad . this should be his dance . cordelia : dads stick around . it 's your dance . billy : delia , i 'm sorry . i 'm gon na make this up to you . i promise there 's time . john : is there ? billy : if you 're not gon na let me leave , will you help me talk to my daughter ? you want me to beg you ? fine . ( voice breaking ) dad , i 'm begging you . will you help me fix this ? ( sniffles ) just help me fix this . billy : chloe . chloe : ( sighs ) billy . billy : you can hear me . chloe : ( scoffs ) you 're such a jerk . billy : yeah , i know . chloe : ( sighs ) billy : i know . chloe : i told you . i told you the only reason why i said that cane was the father was because i knew i could n't count on you . i never wanted our daughter to think that her father did n't want her . and for a while there , it was like you actually loved her ... more than you loved yourself , i mean . billy : i did . i do . chloe : and how funny . look , here we are . the most important day of her life , and she 's aching because you 're not here . billy : it 's my fault . i know that . i know that now . just listen to me , chloe . i do n't know how much time i have , so you go get delia . you go get our little girl , okay ? i ... i just want to tell her that i love her . and if she ca n't hear me , then you tell her for me . help me make this up to her . chloe : you broke our little girl 's heart . and for that , i will never forgive you . billy : no , chloe , come on . just stop for a ... dad , can you stop her ? john : you 're just a memory to her -- a bad one . that 's all you 'll be . billy : come on . no , all right ? no . no ! i -- what are you doing , huh ? what is it that you 're doing , old man ? is this your idea of tough love ? well , knock it off , okay ? just -- dad , i 'm sorry . just take me back , okay ? if you take me back , i will talk to chloe . i can get through to her . i can always get through to her . just take me back . john : she 's done with you . billy : this is your granddaughter . how is it that you do n't care ? john : oh , billy , you 've had years to step up . no , but instead , you -- billy : yes . yes . i know what you 're gon na say . instead , i decided to be a success . i wanted to make lots of money . yeah , that 's right . so what ? who cares ? so did you . so did every chancellor and every abbott ever born . you had jabot . i made `` restless style . `` and it became a huge success , but so why do n't you just act like a father for once and give me credit ! i did what you wanted me to do ! john : jabot is not about money . it 's about family . your brother and sister understand that , but you , no , instead -- billy : fine . fine . fine . good . is this -- is this where i say that i 'll be good ? i 'll be good . i promise you . i 'll be good . john : it 's too late . billy : i want my family . john : you have me . billy : yeah , but you 're gone . john : that i am . but then again ... john : so are you .
at the chandler mansion , kay , jill , murphy , chance , esther and chloe prepare to celebrate new year 's eve . at the abbott house , jack gets a call from traci wishing him a happy new year and congratulations on his upcoming marriage . at the coffeehouse , kevin and victoria among others also prepare to celebrate . billy is in the bar drunk as usual . billy wants another drink , but cane tells him that his friends can have a drink , but cane is cutting billy off . billy leaves the bar and goes outside where it is beginning to snow . billy shakes up the snow globe which contains the skyline of genoa city . billy lets the snow globe drop and it bursts . billy 's dad , john appears to him and takes him on a journey through the past , present and future . the first stop on billy 's journey is cane and lily 's house , six years into the future , where they are planning to celebrate their child 's birthday . billy sees that mac is wearing a wedding ring and she has a child in her lap , but neither one of them is billy 's . the next stop on billy 's journey is the chandler mansion where they are celebrating a recital of delia 's and all the family is there to celebrate with her including chance . billy also visits the abbott house where jack , ashley and traci are celebrating the takeover of jabot back into the hands of the abbott family . abby is traveling the world while ashley 's baby 's faith is graduating high school . billy also visit 's the `` restless style `` offices where he learns that the newman 's have retaken control of `` restless style `` and kevin and mac are married .
gloria : all alone on new year 's . lauren : oh , no , no , no , michael 's just working . he 'll be here soon . gloria : i was talking about me . lauren : aw . now , gloria , you 're not alone . you have all of us here , and in a few short moments , this whole club is gon na be filled with your friends , and more importantly , paying customers . ( laughs ) gloria : ( laughs ) yeah . i just ca n't wait to get this rotten year behind us . lauren : aw . i know you miss jeffrey . gloria : jeffrey who ? not even a card for christmas . i 'd like to roast his chestnuts over an open fire . ( laughs ) lauren : ( laughing ) okay ! wow . gloria : but until i do , i have my family , this place ... lauren : that 's right . gloria : and my dignity , and the show will go on . lauren : ( chuckles ) now there is the spirit of gloria that i know and love . gloria : happy new year . jack : hey . genevieve : ( laughs ) whoa ! jack : before we go in there and put on our party hats ... genevieve : yeah ? jack : i want to tell you , i am very , very happy . genevieve : me , too . jack : i mean it . genevieve : ( giggles ) jack : i ca n't remember the last time i felt this optimistic about the future . i have jabot , i have you by my side , and i can not wait to marry you and start our new life together . genevieve : you know , so many things have happened to me this year , and none of 'em good , until i met you . i feel so blessed to have you in my life . ( giggles ) [ scene_break ] lily : so the twins are `` helping `` my dad and sofia read to moses . ( laughs ) it 's so ... cane : beautiful . lily : do you like ? cane : oh , yeah , i - i like . lily : thank you . cane : no , thank you . thank you for ... coming out with me tonight . [ scene_break ] billy : yeah , two seats . uh , we do n't care if they 're together or not . if they 're not , we 'll deal , but we do need to be on the first plane out of here , if that 's okay . y - yes , i 'll hold . victoria : hey , listen , uh , if -- if you ca n't get seats , i 'll just charter a jet . one way or another , we are gon na get home . besides , i doubt that the people from the agency are gon na want to meet with us on new year 's day . billy : yeah , well , we still need time to get ready . this will give us the time . ( exhales slowly ) victoria : trust me , there are not many things that would make me want to cut our honeymoon short . billy : relax , honey -- oh . um , well , i mean , even if the birth mother wants to see us , which is -- oh , whoa , whoa . hello . uh , yes . yes . oh , you -- you got 'em ? perfect . yes ! you rock . happy new year to you . thank you very much . victoria : what ? billy : all right , we are booked on the last flight out of here ... victoria : yes ! billy : if we get to the airport in time , so let 's go , let 's go , let 's go . victoria : okay , let 's go . we got everything ? let 's go . billy : i think so . all right . [ scene_break ] phyllis : fancy meeting you here . ronan : fancy meeting you here , too . i needed a fix . phyllis : oh . i need a fix , too . ronan : yeah ? phyllis : yeah . ronan : mm . ( whispering ) excuse me , i 'm just gon na grab this right here for a second . thank you . ( normal voice ) so , um , what have you got going on tonight ? phyllis : nothing . you ? ronan : nothing ... yet . phyllis : mm . i have a nanny . i was thinking maybe i could come to your place . that 's a hint . ronan : ( chuckles ) i do n't know if that 's such a good idea . phyllis : okay . ronan : there 's probably somewhere to bring in the new year better than my ratty motel room , right ? how about we go out ? phyllis : in public ? ronan : i mean , we 're not a secret anymore , right ? nick knows about us . let 's go to gloworm . phyllis : okay . all right , good . let 's go . i 'll go home and get dressed . ronan : all right . [ scene_break ] ( knock on door ) avery : hey , handsome . happy new year . nick : wow . can i just say ... damn ! avery : yes . ( laughs ) nick : are you sure we have to go out ? avery : yes . yes , i got all dressed up . where are we going ? nick : um ... gloworm . avery : good . that sounds perfect . nick : you sure we got ta go ? avery : ( laughs ) ( bells jingle ) [ scene_break ] victor : thank you for coming . michael : i 'm supposed to be out with lauren for new year 's eve . victor : this wo n't take long . did you get what i asked for ? [ scene_break ] nikki : come on , deacon . i know you 're hiding something . what ... is it ? ( sighs ) ( key card slides in lock ) deacon : what are you doing ? nikki : oh , i was just checking our supplies for tonight . we 're a little low on vodka . can you call downstairs and have somebody bring some up ? deacon : yeah , sure , i 'll be glad to , but , uh , first ... i got you a little something . nikki : oh , really ? deacon : yeah . i hope you like it . nikki : ohh , my god . it 's exquisite . deacon : just like the woman who 's wearing it . nikki : i love how generous you are , spending my money on me . deacon : ( chuckles ) well , if you like that , then you 're gon na love tonight , because i made reservations at gloworm . it 's our , um , coming - out party , if you will . nikki : oh , is that so ? deacon : nikki , this is important to me . it 's important to our future . i do n't want any arguments . nikki : well , you wo n't get any . i 'd love to go to gloworm . deacon : good . [ scene_break ] gloria : ah , and there you go , miss genevieve ... jack : thank you . gloria : and mr. abbott . nick : hey , there 's jack and his date . let 's go say hi . genevieve : thanks . avery : oh . nick : hey , gloria . gloria : hi . nick : good evening . jack : hey , nick . how are you ? avery . avery : happy new year . jack : and same to you . genevieve : you look lovely . nick : does n't she ? avery : oh , thank you . it 's a real project for me to get dressed up ever , but ... ( laughs ) whereas you always look lovely and beautiful . genevieve : thank you . that 's sweet . nick : well , i 'm just dying for a drink , so let 's go , uh , get one . we 'll see you a little later ? jack : have a good evening . lauren : ( chuckles ) so nice to see you . woman : good to see you . lauren : ah , nick . nick : hi . lauren : how are you ? nick : good , how are you ? lauren : i 'm very well , thank you . it 's been a long time . nick : it has . lauren : mm - hmm . avery : that 's a beautiful dress , lauren . beautiful color . lauren : thank you . so michael tells me that you 've been a great help to him on victor 's case . avery : well , he 's a brilliant man . it 's a pleasure to be working with him . nick : where is michael , anyway ? lauren : actually , he stopped by the prison because your father asked him to help him with something . [ scene_break ] michael : you know , if the arbitrary security guard just walks in here , i am so dead . victor : just be quick about it , and he wo n't , all right ? michael : all right . hold on . victor : good work . michael : finished . victor : good . michael : well , uh , since i 'm risking my law license here , you mind telling me what the plan is , who 's involved , what 's up ? victor : i think your beautiful wife is waiting for you , so thank you for a job well done . good - bye . michael : good - bye . happy new year . ( knocks on door ) [ scene_break ] adam : i 'm sorry . i 'll go . sharon : no , it 's fine . really , i - i was just leaving . adam : i - i did n't intend to violate the restraining order . sharon : look , you should n't be barred from getting a cup of coffee , just because i had to go to such ridiculous lengths to prove that i 'm staying away from you . i hate this . adam : especially tonight -- the happy couples . sharon : yeah , it does really amplify things . adam : we should split . i would n't want one of nicholas ' spies calling the police . ( bells jingle ) adam : happy new year . [ scene_break ] jack : thanks . so the place is really starting to hop . cane : yeah , gloria throws a mean party , huh ? genevieve : i was n't expecting to see you tonight . i thought you did n't have any special plans . lily : we did n't . it was a last - minute surprise from cane . ( laughs ) cane : yeah . lily : and he told me about your engagement . congratulations ! cane : yeah , congratulations . jack : thank you . genevieve has made me a very happy man . genevieve : and you 've made me a very happy woman . some people just belong together . nick : i 'm like , `` really ? `` lauren : ( laughs ) nick : i did n't even know that was a -- gloria : hate to interrupt ... lauren : oh . oh , sorry . so interesting , too . gloria : but your table is ready when you are , so please follow me . lauren : oh , g - go ahead . i will talk to you later . nick : okay , absolutely . [ scene_break ] nikki : ( sighs ) deacon : baby , you look , uh ... ( laughs ) i just -- i do n't have the words . nikki : thank you . deacon : i swear , we are so hot together . you know , we could just stay in . nikki : well ... i think we 're too hot not to go out and show us off to everybody . deacon : okay . i guess there 's always later . nikki : sure . you never know . tonight could change everything for us . [ scene_break ] adam : scotch , straight up . make it a double . [ scene_break ] sharon : surprise ! victor : i had a feeling you 'd be here . sharon : ( chuckles ) and that 's all right with you ? victor : i 'm glad you came . sharon : me , too . i 'm always happy to spend time with you . victor : even though i 'm trying my hardest to get you to leave ? sharon : ( laughs ) well , everyone loves a challenge , right ? though i do wish it were ... different circumstances . victor : i 'm glad you had them issue a restraining order against adam . sharon : it was n't by choice . if i wanted to ever spend time alone with my daughter -- victor : sharon , you deserve better than that man , okay ? sharon : thank you for caring . victor : i always care . i want you to live in peace , without fear of being harassed . sharon : i have n't felt peaceful or unafraid for ... i do n't know how long . victor : i 've been thinking about that . sharon : you have ? victor : i want you to always feel that you 're protected , and there 's one way we can make that happen . sharon : what , by hiring me a bodyguard ? victor : if you agree to marry me . [ scene_break ] lily : `` wild boar sausage cassoulet with gorgonzola crème topping and leeks gratin . `` cane : really ? you want to get that two nights in a row ? did n't i make that last night for you ? lily : ( laughs ) right . wow , gloria went all out with this one , did n't she ? ( laughs ) cane : yeah , she did , huh ? hey , let me ask you something . lily : ( sighs ) goodness . cane : and , uh , there 's no right or wrong answer . ( whispering ) do you really want to be here ? lily : here ? cane : ( normal voice ) like , here ? lily : ( inhales sharply ) um , well , i think it 's lovely , you know , for ... someone else . cane : ( whispering ) oh , thank god , thank god . i do n't want to be here , either . lily : ( whispering ) you do n't ? cane : no . lily : ( laughs ) oh , thank you ! ( normal voice ) hi . cane : ( normal voice ) uh , hey . genevieve : we were just wondering if you 'd like to join us at our table . jack : yeah , the more , the merrier . genevieve : mm - hmm . jack : genevieve 's already ordered her favorite bubbly . lily : oh . cane : uh , it sounds like a great idea , but , um , we have to , uh ... lily : ( whispers ) do n't do it . cane : we have to leave , sorry . lily : ( normal voice ) uh , um , yeah . otherwise , we would love to . cane : yeah . genevieve : oh , dear . well , i hope everything 's okay . jack : i hope it 's not about the kids . cane : no , no , no , no , no , no , the kids are good . we just -- we just have to go . there 's something we have to do , that 's all . lily : yeah . ( laughs ) cane : so , uh ... ( sighs ) good night , mom . happy new year . genevieve : thanks . lily : yeah , happy new year , you guys . see you . cane : bye - bye . see you . genevieve : happy new year to you , too . good night . cane : bye - bye . genevieve : what was that about ? jack : oh , people in love do crazy things , crazy things . genevieve : you think ? ( laughs ) myrna : ( muttering ) it 's supposed to be me in there . ( shivering ) jack is mine . okay , patty , how do we stop this , huh ? how do we stop -- ooh . cane : ( whispers ) excuse me . myrna : okay . nick : trust me , i had no idea when i made the reservation . phyllis : oh , yeah . well , i - i hope our being here does n't bother you . avery : well , once nick and i sit down , i doubt we 'll remember you 're even here . nick : i told her you two were seeing each other , so it would n't be a ... shock . phyllis : oh , great . sweet of you , but nothing really shocks her , right ? you have nerves of steel , do n't you , avery ? ronan : okay , well , we can go somewhere else . phyllis : no , we do n't need to go anywhere else . this is the place to be . this is the place to be , right here , and it 's just getting interesting . ( noisemaker crinkles ) nick : uh , excuse me . avery : yes . i 'll go get a table . nick : ( clears throat ) deacon : ( sighs ) nikki : if you 've come over here to make a scene , just turn around , walk away . nick : i just wanted to wish you both a happy new year . it 's gon na get loud in here later . we may not have a chance to talk . nikki : well , i appreciate your pleasant attitude . any special reason ? nick : i love you more than i hate him . lauren : you made it ! michael : oh . lauren : hi ! michael : mwah . i 'm sorry i took so much time down at the prison . lauren : mm , it 's all right . you 're here now . that 's what 's important . michael : hmm . lauren : how 'd it go with victor ? michael : let 's not talk about that , huh ? lauren : okay . [ scene_break ] sharon : ( laughs ) you asking me to marry you , you ... ( laughs ) you had me going there . that 's a good one . ( laughs ) victor : i really am proposing . it 's something i 've given a great deal of thought to . now there 's something under that counter . why do n't you take it out and take a look at it ? open it . sharon : is this about nikki ? are you trying to get back at her for marrying deacon ? victor : it has nothing to do with revenge . that would be very demeaning . sharon : are you in love with me ? victor : i feel a great deal of affection for you . sharon : this is just ... it 's so completely out of the blue , i ... victor : i feel very comfortable around you . sharon : and i feel that way with you . victor : as mrs. victor newman , you would have a great deal of stability in your life , and you would be protected as never before . sharon : what would you get out of it ? victor : you know what it 's like in here , behind bars . i may have to spend many years here , and to know that someone i trust is looking out for my interests , that 's comforting . sharon : what -- what about michael ? victor : just a lawyer , a very good one . but i am ... ( sighs ) i 'd want to be looking forward to visits from someone that i ... care deeply about . sharon : you already have that . we do n't have to get married . victor : you think about it , okay ? and you will probably come to the same conclusion as i have , that this is ... i think it 'll be good for both of us . [ scene_break ] deacon : i think we 're gon na go with the ' 97 cristal , and , uh , bring two glasses . nikki : wow . deacon : ( chuckles ) nikki : you 're having champagne . deacon : now , darling , you do n't really think that when you brought me in here the other day , that i did n't know you were spiking my drinks , did you ? ( laughs ) i 'd say turnabout 's fair play . nikki : ( laughs ) well , i 'm glad you see it that way . deacon : i think , actually , you did me a favor . i mean , you showed me that i could have a couple drinks , i can walk away ... nikki : mm - hmm . deacon : tonight 's a special night . i think we ought to enjoy it to the fullest . avery : ( laughs ) michael : ( laughs ) nick : well , i know you went to see my dad . what 's up with that ? michael : truthfully , i have no idea . nick : both of my parents are doing reckless things that do n't make sense to me . lauren : it 's not exactly the first time , is it ? michael : ( sighs ) nick : they 're still connected , even if they do n't admit it . michael , i need you to get my dad out of there , because he might be the only person that can keep that creep away from my mom . avery : oh , a lot of people are looking for answers . hopefully , one of us will find some . michael : hmm . yeah . i 'll do my best . nick : keep me posted , okay ? michael : mm - hmm . i will . done . avery : i 'll call you tomorrow ... michael : have a good one . avery : see where things stand . michael : enjoy yourselves . avery : thank you . lauren : i meant what i said . i am very concerned , and i really , really hope this all works out for victor and nikki , but -- michael : well , really , i could care less if -- lauren : but i really , really wish you did n't have to work with that woman who 's trying to set daisy free . ( sighs ) gloria : how are the appetizers ? genevieve : delicious . jack : they 're great . gloria : good , good . well , we do love to cook for a crowd , and that is just a sampling of what we can offer if you choose to have your wedding reception here with us , which i hope you will . jack : so we gathered . gloria : ( laughs ) ( whispering ) so have you told everybody about the engagement ? jack : more than the people you 've told ? no , we 're trying to keep it a little on the quiet side . gloria : but that 's no fun , jack , especially on such a festive occasion . jack : gloria -- gloria : ( loudly ) everyone -- ( clinks fork against glass ) jack : gloria -- gloria : shh . everyone , please . before we close out this year , i would like to propose a toast to a very special couple ... jack : ( sighs ) gloria : jack abbott and genevieve atkinson , who just got engaged . so let 's hear it for them , and to all true love . ( applause ) [ scene_break ] lily : might as well . cane : ( speaking indistinctly ) lily : thank you . cane : thank you . man : you got it . cane : well , uh , sweetbreads in truffle sauce , it ai n't . lily : well , who needs that fancy - schmancy food when you have a great cheeseburger from jimmy 's ? cane : ( chuckles ) thank you for spending the time with me . lily : you 're welcome . ooh , shuffleboard 's open now . you want to play ? cane : you 're gon na lose . lily : oh , really ? cane : yeah , you 're gon na lose . lily : i 'm gon na lose ? okay . cane : yeah , let 's go . lily : let 's see about that one . [ scene_break ] adam : no , just , uh , just leave the bottle , if you do n't mind . [ scene_break ] sharon : i do n't know what to say . victor : i know this is very sudden . you have a lot to think about . sharon : there 's an understatement . victor : just ... wear that ring for a while and see what it feels like , you know ? you do n't have to decide now . [ scene_break ] phyllis : what is the etiquette with an ex - husband ? what is it ? um , `` best wishes `` ? `` congratulations `` ? `` do n't screw it up this time `` ? jack : oh , i think any of those will do . thanks . thanks . nikki : what lovely news , jack . congratulations . i hope you and genevieve enjoy many happy years together . jack : i wish i could say the same thing about your new arrangement . i 'm worried about you , nikk . nikki : do n't be . despite what everybody thinks , i know what i 'm doing . myrna : ( sighs ) okay . gloria : may i help you ? myrna : um , i 'm just here to get something to go . gloria : all alone on new year 's , huh ? i can relate to that . all these revelers , and yet ... it 's tough . you take care . nikki : um , i 'm sorry , gloria . um , could i have a word with you in private ? gloria : ( chuckles ) sure , nikki , right away . um , happy new year . myrna : happy new year . gloria : this way . what can i do for you , nikki ? nikki : i need to talk to you about deacon 's alibi the night diane was killed . gloria : here , now ? nikki : yes , right now . it 's very important . gloria : okay . nikki : deacon confided in me that he was n't here that entire night , that he slipped away for a while without punching out . i need to know if that could possibly be true . it would mean so much to victor and me if you could help us . gloria : well , to be honest ... ( whispering ) i was n't here the whole time , either . nikki : well , where were you ? gloria : sometimes , when it 's slow , i go upstairs to the office , get on faceplace , get so caught up , hours can go by without me realizing it . but deacon was behind the bar when i went upstairs , and he was there when i got back . in between ... hard to say . nikki : so it 's possible that he could have left and come back . yes , that is possible . thank you so much , gloria . i really appreciate it . listen , this is just between us girlfriends , right ? gloria : my lips are sealed . nikki : thanks . nikki : ( slurring slightly ) hey , did you miss me ? deacon : oh , you know i did . nikki : mm . well , that 's good . it means the honeymoon is n't over . deacon : ( chuckles ) it has n't even started . you know , i could n't help but , uh , see your little tte -- tte with gloria . now what were you two talking about ? nikki : oh , my god , that woman is a bore . she 's a bore and a half . she thinks i 'm her ticket to get into the society crowd . fat chance . deacon : mm . nikki : oopsie . all gone . deacon : yeah , i know . i did notice that . nikki : can you be a lamb and get us another ? deacon : of course i can , darling . nikki : thank you . i 'm gon na go powder my nose . deacon : okay . nikki : ( whispers ) yeah . [ scene_break ] all : ten , nine , eight , seven , six , five , four ... lily : oh , jeez . get my coat . ( laughs ) all : three , two , one ! happy new year ! ( cheering ) ( noisemakers buzzing ) ( laughter ) cane : i love you . i love you so much . lily : i love you , too . i never stopped loving you . all : ( laughing , cheering ) [ scene_break ] gloria : how about one more glass of bubbly , everyone ? michael : yes , please ! lauren : no , no , no , no . unfortunately , we must go home to the sitter . michael : ohh . gloria : ohh ! ohh . well , happy new year , my loveys ... lauren : aw . gloria : and give fen a big kiss from his beautiful grandmother . ( laughs ) lauren : ( chuckles ) okay , we will . we will . michael : ( laughs loudly ) oh , that 's not the only thing we have to get back to . lauren : yeah , that 's right . michael : the party has just gotten started , lovey . lauren : ( laughs ) that 's right , my darling . let 's go . what are we waiting for ? michael : mwah ! kisses . mwah ! lauren : oh , good . i got the key to go . michael : come on . mwah . excuse us , excuse us . lauren : oops , sorry ! jack : so , mrs . soon - to - be abbott , what do you think ? genevieve : ( sighs ) i think all of this celebrating is very thirsty work . jack : oh , well , allow me . genevieve : ( laughs ) ( glasses clink ) genevieve : happy new year . jack : happy new year . [ scene_break ] victoria : hurry , hurry . billy : home again , home again . yes , yes , yes , yes -- oops , sorry . victoria : hurry . billy : ( laughs ) i 'm hurrying . victoria : ( laughs ) billy : oh , we just missed it by , like , a minute . victoria : ohh . well , maybe your watch is fast . billy : i do n't know . victoria : ooh . ( giggles ) billy : i knew the reason why i married you . victoria : what ? billy : mm , mm , mm ... victoria : mm , mm . billy : wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . hold on . look over there . victoria : what ? oh ! ( laughs ) billy : ( grunts ) victoria : whee ! billy : whee ! ( laughs ) victoria : whee ! traditional . billy : yes . victoria : very traditional . i like it . billy : yes . welcome home . victoria : thank you . ( laughs ) billy : we can still celebrate the stroke of midnight in mountain time ... victoria : mm - hmm . billy : hmm ? victoria : mm . billy : pacific time ... victoria : mm - hmm ? mm . billy : mm - hmm . victoria : well , do n't forget hawaiian time . billy : oh , yeah . happy new year , mrs. abbott . victoria : ( sighs ) thank you . i 'm starving . billy : what , that little bag of peanuts did n't fill you up on the flight ? victoria : ( laughs ) i could really kill for a sandwich right now . billy : mm - hmm . victoria : mm . billy : okay , i 'll go check the icebox and see if we have anything that does n't resemble a science project . ( smacks victoria 's bottom ) victoria : oh . billy : ( chuckles ) victoria : and while you do that , i 'll get our bags and i 'll check the mail . victoria : oh , hi . can i , um , can i help you ? chelsea : i 'm looking for liam . billy : hey , honey , you want your ham with fur or without f -- [ scene_break ] adam : happy new year to me . deacon : ( exhales quickly ) nikki , where the hell are you ? [ scene_break ] ( door opens ) nikki : victor , i -- well , sharon , here you are again . victor : you 're interrupting , nikki . nikki : i do n't care . i need to talk to you , and no , it ca n't wait . sharon : i 'll -- i 'll go . victor : no , no , no , sharon . you stay . nikki , you 're the one who 's leaving . [ next_on ] victoria : what exactly do you need to talk to my husband about ? chelsea : you really want to do this with your wife here ? kay : what happened ? nikki : oh , i 've never felt so lost in my life . genevieve : jack , are you all right ? gloria : all right , let 's not panic , okay ? maybe a little water , a small sip or something .
the residents of genoa city spend new year 's eve at gloworm , but cane and lily decide to leave and have a cheeseburger at jimmy 's . adam is also at jimmy 's drowning his sorrows because he is sad that he ca n't be with sharon . patti is wearing a hat with a black veil , watching jack and genevieve . when she ca n't take anymore , she puts a pill in jack and genevieve 's champagne glasses . nikki continues her plan pretending to still be drinking to get information from deacon about diane 's murder . by talking with gloria , nikki finds out that deacon could have left the bar the night diane was killed because gloria was up in her office part of the time checking her faceplace account , but she did see deacon before she went upstairs to her office . nikki tells deacon that she is going to the bathroom then she takes the book where the gloworm employees write their hours and leaves . nick and phyllis use avery and ronan to make each other jealous even though both of them wish each other well in their new relationships . gloria announces to everyone at gloworm that jack and genevieve are engaged .
[ glasses clink ] ashley : i 'm all dressed up and waiting for you , handsome . stitch : uh ... victoria : are you ready to meet her ? here she is . yeah . your new baby sister . huh ? what do you think ? reed : she looks a lot better than her picture . victoria : well , you know , her dad took that picture right after she was born , and that 's not really the best look for any of us , right ? but now you 're all gon na have each other -- you and johnny and katherine . we 're all gon na be together . one big , happy family . reed : then where 's billy ? billy : hey , chels , can you give me a hand with these cufflinks ? chelsea : what 's wrong with them ? billy : my shirt 's too stiff . chelsea : oh . let me see . billy : did you forget something ? chelsea : like what ? billy : we 're going to the new year 's eve party at the club . or is this a chelsea lawson by jabot fashion statement ? chelsea : oh , no , this is my , um , `` before connor can spill something on me `` strategy . billy : so you ca n't get dressed until your mom shows up to babysit . chelsea : not if i want to be half of the most stylish couple at the party . billy : i am down with that plan . chelsea : i 've spent some time fantasizing about kissing you at midnight . billy : yeah ? me , too . except i 'm fantasizing about it at all hours . i mean , why limit ourselves to midnight on new year 's eve ? [ chuckles ] chelsea : where 's my mom ? anita : i can not decide which of these adorable cupcakes is going to be the perfect adorable cupcake for my daughter 's adorable son . i just , ugh ! i 've whittled it down to three . adam : yeah ? well , how about that one right there ? the guy on the outside . anita : why ? why that one ? adam : well , uh , because it has a - a dinosaur on the top of it . i mean , what -- what little boy would n't -- would n't want that ? anita : you . i know what you 're doing . dylan : okay , stop that . do n't change a thing . you look beautiful . avery : well , let me change one thing . here . dylan : you know what i want ? avery : a glass of champagne ? me , too . dylan : let 's do it . let 's have one right here , right now . avery : dylan . dylan : come on . our private christmas turned into another free - for - all . we deserve to make new year 's eve about us . avery : yes , but our landmark status got shut down , so we need to go to this party ... dylan : [ sighs ] avery : ... and schmooze every vip . that we can find . dylan : do you really think schmoozing 's gon na help us save crimson lights ? avery : yes . and knowing our competition , you can bet that joe clark will be working that room . dylan : is that why we 're going to this party ? for me to compete ? avery : no , not at all . dylan : then let 's not go . let 's just stay right here . come on . avery : [ sighs ] okay , um , no . midnight . we can leave at midnight . dylan : no schmoozing . avery : minimal schmoozing . dylan : i just want tonight to be about us . avery : and it is all about us ringing in the new year together . come on . let 's go . yeah . thanks . joe : the place looks great . i love that you and lily went all out for this event . cane : 'cause it bodes well for your little cocktail party ? joe : you read my mind . this is gon na work , cane . we 're gon na remove all and any doubt that the people of genoa city have concerning this redevelopment project . cane : well , my wife is one of those doubters . joe : well , for now , but i 've got confidence lily will come through . cane : hmm . you think you can charm anybody , do n't you ? joe : not anybody . you know , 98 % , 99 % , yeah . cane : well , she 's in that 1 % and 2 % . joe : for now . cane : yeah , for now . speaking of which , uh , so is your ex . your charm 's not working on her , is it ? joe : well , when charm does n't work , you try something new . cane : yeah ? like what ? joe : the night is young . kelly : i want everything to be just right . lily : uh , i really think you should take the night off . kelly : what ? why would i do that ? lily : because jack and phyllis are coming . kelly : look , i said that i would deal with it , lily , and i intend to do just that . lily : i know you say that , but as soon as they walk through the door , i know you . kelly : lily , i 've worked too hard to make this party a success . i 'm not gon na let anything or anybody ruin it . phyllis : oh , honey , thank you . did you look ? jack : i 've seen shoes before , phyllis . phyllis : you did look ! i knew i should have gone out to the car myself . jack : i swear to you , i did not peek . i did not get a glimpse of your new shoes . phyllis : all right , well , prepare to be dazzled . i 'm gon na reappear and just be dressed and fabulous faster than you can blink . jack : i 'm in no rush . phyllis : i want tonight to be perfect . jack : it will be . phyllis : hey . how did you spend last new year 's ? i did n't see it on austin 's video that he made me . jack : i went to the annual bash at the club , but only because my sisters twisted my arm . phyllis : oh , really ? solo ? jack : solo ? i went with my sisters . and it did n't make the video because it was the same old , same old . you know , too much booze , too much noise , too many people desperately trying to have a good time . all the things i try to avoid at all times , especially last year . phyllis : how about the party planner ? you want to avoid her ? jack : i am just fine seeing kelly at the party . phyllis : you seem worried about something . is it me ? jack : you do have a penchant for turning special events into grand opera . phyllis : when did i ever ? jack : when you came back to genoa city . phyllis : please . jack : crashing nick and sharon 's wedding with that sexy , white dress . phyllis : that was an exceptional situation . jack : yeah , there have been a few exceptional situations over the years . phyllis : i thought you loved my flair for the dramatic . jack : not tonight . phyllis : oh , jack , do n't worry . i know when to turn on the la traviata and when to turn it off . jack : since when ? phyllis : since tonight . new year 's resolution . i just want to spend time with our friends and ring out 2014 and all its darkest moments . jack : there were some bright moments . phyllis : yeah . but i know how hard this year has been for you , and you have not complained , thinking it was worse for me . jack : it was worse for you . phyllis : well , i slept through most of it . but you , honey , had many losses . learning that summer was really nick 's daughter and the unbearable tragedy of delia , which also cost you someone you thought of as a son . even if adam did n't deserve your loyalty . so , tonight , i want to help you forget all sadness and ring in this new year with all its possibilities . [ door opens ] summer : mom ! i need your help ! i 'm meeting austin at the underground for new year 's , and this dress is a complete -- oh ! i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . phyllis : [ laughs ] my daughter needs me . this year is getting off to the perfect start . come on . let 's see what 's wrong with this dress . anita : you do not have to pretend to be interested in my grand -- well , my daughter 's son just to score points with me . adam : busted . anita : see , flirting works . adam : okay , well , you know , i can certainly do that . and , uh , you know , let me -- let me get this cupcake since it was my suggestion . anita : oh . adam : you think they can break $ 100 ? it 's all i have . anita : well , i 'm sure they can . uh ... adam : here you go . anita : thanks . adam : you 're welcome . but let 's be honest . you 're way too young to be a grandmother , right ? i mean , the cupcake , it 's for your date tonight , right ? anita : i do have a date with the cutest baby boy in the world . adam : it 's just hard to believe that a woman as alluring as you would n't be out on the town on new year 's eve . anita : oh . well , my daughter 's had a hell of a year , and i do n't mind babysitting . i mean , she really does need to have some fun . adam : hmm . well , good . anita : so , anyway , uh ... oh , well , thanks . adam : you 're welcome . i hope she appreciates the generosity . i really do . what 's -- what 's she doing for you tonight ? anita : well , i told my chelsea at midnight and toast in the new year at the club . adam : hmm . club ? like thumping music and , uh , strobe lights ? that kind of club ? anita : [ laughs ] no . no , genoa city athletic . adam : oh , okay . anita : it 's more classy than trendy . everyone who 's `` anyone `` is gon na be there . adam : sure . anita : yeah . okay . anita : okay . bye . adam : bye . good to meet you . anita : yeah . billy : so you go get dressed , and i 'll track down anita . chelsea : why are you in such a hurry ? it 's not like this gon na get going until later anyway . billy : i wanted to make a stop on the way . reed 's in town . i wanted to wish him a happy new year . johnny and katie , too . chelsea : why do n't you go to victoria 's now , say hi to the kids while i get dressed ? billy : oh , come with me . chelsea : billy , i do n't have to be connected to your side every single time you go to victoria 's . besides , i need to make myself presentable while i wait for my mom . billy : you could show up to that place in a sack and be the most beautiful woman in the room . you sure you 're coming ? chelsea : yes , i am completely sure . i am ending my year with you . so go say hi to your kids . besides , victoria has somebody else to be kissing at midnight while i 'm kissing you . see you . stitch : you look amazing . ashley : thank you . you look freshly showered . stitch : yeah , well , you know , i like a good , hot shower . [ chuckles ] sorry . look , i thought i 'd take advantage of my time off and get a workout in . ashley : that 's what you 're doing for new year 's eve , huh ? stitch : yeah . i 'm gon na pass on the party for a quiet celebration at home . ashy : nice . with victoria ? stitch : yeah . yeah . ashley : do n't do it . do n't . come on . you ca n't be uncomfortable with me , all right ? we 're adults , and it was just one night . granted , it was a great night , but let 's just move on , okay ? and , uh , i hope you have a great new year . stitch : i hope you have a good one , too . i mean , sounds like it started off right . did i hear you say someone was meeting you ? ashley : oh , perhaps . i do n't know . stitch : [ chuckles ] come on . you 're not wearing a dress like that for a girls ' night out with abby . ashley : right , probably not . joe : i just got your message . ashley : hi . joe : i assume that was for me . ashley : yeah . definitely . uh , joe clark , this is ben russell . ben and i work together , and i know joe from new york . stitch : well , have a good date tonight . ashley : thank you . stitch : happy new year . ashley : you , too . bye . joe : nice to meet you . wow . you look stunning . ashley : thank you . so do you . joe : shall we ? ashley : yes . victoria : billy does n't live a anymore . you know that . but , you know , he was there when , , and he 'll always be her dad , just like i 'll always be your mom , eve though we ca n't always be together . right ? [ door opens ] victoria : hey . stitch : happy new victoria : hi . stitch : hey . victoria : oh , ben , you remember my son , reed . stitch : i sure do . victoria : [ chuckles ] stitch : nice to see you , i have a son just about your age . his name 's max . reed : does -- does he live here ? stitch : he 's in australia . it 's actually already next year over there . he 's probably out in the ocean boogie - boarding right now as we speak . victoria : wow . cause , well , you know , it 's the other side of the world , so it 's summer there now stitch : hey , you know , max sent me some pretty cool videos . see ? reed : oh , yeah , that 'd be cool . stitch : check them out . victoria : well , it looks like you 've wowed my son into the idea of celebrating new year 's on the stitch : yeah ? maybe next year ? victoria : i like the sound of that . next year . stitch : yeah . we 've got nothing but time . hey . billy : just in time . chelsea : well , why did n't you answer your phone ? isis way you only have to nag me about being late once . besides , that treat for connor . chelsea : aww . cute . anita : mm - hmm billy : got to admit , any boy would love to get that . anita : well , that said . chelsea : who 's he ? dylan ? anita : this rich , handsome , young man who picked it out and then insisted on buying it for me . billy : how young ? anita : old enough to know a good thing when he sees it . he was flirting shamelessly with me . even have to use connor as bait . chelsea : well , thanks for tearing yourself away from all the action , mother . anita : anything for my little connor . chelsea : if you want to say hi , he 's upstairs , but no treats until tomorrow . anita : you party pooper . it 's new year 's . be o one cupcake . chelsea : one cupcake that will keep him awake until new year 's day . i have to change . um , i 'll meet you at the party ? anita : what ? you 're not going together ? chelsea : well , billy wants to wish the kids a happy new year . bye . see you soon . anita : yeah , i know the ball does n't drop for a few more hours , but , um , come here . billy : so , does this mean we 're starting the new year with a clean slate ? anita : yeah , i still have my doubts about your loyalty to my daughter , especially with an ex waiting in the wings . billy : anita -- anita : but i ca n't deny that you put a smile on chelsea 's face . and after she lost adam , i never thought i 'd see her happy again . okay ? summer : i was n't gon na get a new dress for the party at the underground because austin and i are sticking to a budget , so i was gon na wear this old one , but it makes me look like a little girl . can we do something to it ? phyllis : yeah . no . this is a disaster . summer : mom , what am i gon na do ? phyllis : just calm down . i have a dress for you upstairs . summer : you do ? phyllis : yeah , you 're gon na love it . it 's sleek and sophisticated . summer : okay , thank you , thank you . i love you . can you help me get ready , please ? phyllis : yes ! of course . jack : you know what ? it 's starting to sound like this may take a little while . summer : i 'm sorry . jack : do n't be . do n't be . i still have some end - of - the - year paperwork i got to get to the office anyway . phyllis : i 'm gon na see you later at the party ? jack : where else would i be tonight but with you ? phyllis : good . jack : hey , you and austin have a wonderful new year . summer : thank you . love you , too . jack , wait . um ... whatever happens this year , i just want you to know that this past year , when i needed you most ... i - i do n't even know how to say it . jack : you know what ? i am incredibly grateful i got to be there for you when your mom could n't . summer : me , too . joe : happy new year . dylan : joe , you , too . avery : i did n't know you and ashley were friends . ashley : well , joe and i know each other from new york . that 's a gorgeous ring . i heard you got engaged . congratulations . avery : thank you . has joe tried to enlist you yet in his redevelopment project ? dylan : uh , we 're here to celebrate new year 's . let 's put business on the backburner . avery : yeah . cane : guys , welcome . come in . have a drink . let 's go . come on . ashley : okay . dylan : i 'll grab us a drink . avery : good . you knew each other in new york ? joe : is there a problem with that ? avery : no , i just hope you 're not using ashley to push my buttons . joe : she 's a beautiful , successful woman in her own right . give us some credit . avery : okay . joe : however , if i was trying to push your buttons , it looks like i was successful . billy : so , how are you liking your very first new year 's eve , katie ? take it all in , because if you should happen to be awake at midnight , it will be the very last time you see the ball drop till you 're 18 . victoria : i do n't know about that . she might stay up just to see her dad all dressed up . billy : you think ? victoria : well , you always knew how to wear a suit . not that there 's anything wrong with the all - natural look . stitch : [ laughs ] that 's right . i 'll concede a suit and tie to billy . i prefer jeans and boots while i 'm sitting here hanging with reed , right ? billy : uh , look , i 'm gon na go upstairs and give johnny a hug before i head out for the party , okay ? victoria : okay . billy : got her ? victoria : listen , do you think maybe you have time for one video game ? billy : uh , god , i was kind of hoping you would n't mention that . i - i ca n't play ... 'cause reed has gotten way too good ! reed : i 'm gon na slam you ! billy : do n't count on it , buddy . victoria : thank you , billy . billy : no thanks necessary . i love him . victoria : so ... stitch : so ... victoria : are you gon na let me thank you ? stitch : thank me ? for what ? victoria : oh , you know , for being so great with reed and for playing nice with billy . stitch : nah . it 's easy . victoria : dealing with billy ? you 've never said that before . stitch : [ scoffs ] everything 's easier . maybe it 's because i 'm starting this new year happier than i 've been in a long time . [ katie coughs ] victoria : oh , no . she spit up again . she feels really warm . ben , i think something 's wrong . stitch : let me see . avery : you did push my buttons , joe . joe : longing for days past ? avery : i 'm annoyed . joe : at me . avery : at myself . i 'm wondering if i ever really knew the man that i married . joe : we knew each other better than we 've ever known anyone else . now , if you excuse me , my date 's waiting . dylan : here you go . avery : hey . dylan : it seemed like it bothered you that he was with ashley . avery : no , i do n't care who he dates . dylan : then what is it ? avery : it 's regret that i married him before i found you . and i hope for ashley 's sake she does n't get too involved , personally or professionally , in joe clark . the man thinks the world revolves around him . come on . joe : thank you . miss me ? ashley : i did . terribly . joe : and now that i 'm back ? ashley : little curious . why , when we met in new york , did n't you tell me about avery ? joe : well , it 's a part of my life i do n't like to dwell on . i 'm sure you have those moments . ashley : yeah , i have a few . joe : then you can understand why i do n't want to focus on the past . tonight is about the future . [ glasses clink ] cane : how lucky am i that you are coming home with me tonight ? lily : hmm . i was gon na say the same thing about you . cane : yeah ? lily : how are things going here ? cane : excellent . excellent . so , where you been ? lily : oh , in the office with kelly . i 'm really worried about her . she 's been working nonstop to make this party a success . cane : that 's probably a good thing so it 'll keep her mind off of jack and phyllis when all the kissing starts . speaking of which , come here . lily : ooh . uh , you know what ? maybe i should warn him . cane : [ sighs ] what are you gon na say ? lily : i do n't know . something . i have a really bad feeling about this . phyllis : it 's perfect . summer : [ chuckles ] phyllis : i knew it would be . it looks great on you . summer : i love it . phyllis : [ sighs ] summer : what is it ? is there still not something right ? is it the hem ? phyllis : no . it 's just another one of those moments slapping me between the eyes . summer : what ? phyllis : what a beautiful young woman my little girl has become . summer : are you gon na cry ? phyllis : no ! i do not cry . summer : you can not cry , because then i 'm gon na start bawling and then my makeup 's gon na get ruined . phyllis : [ laughs ] summer : please do n't . phyllis : gosh , you know what this reminds me of ? summer : it reminds me of the last time we were together before ... phyllis : yeah . we were getting ready for the m.s . event . summer : and we were doing our model walks . do you remember that ? phyllis : ooh , phyllissia , the greatest model ever on the planet . summer : [ laughs ] you know , i remember every moment of that night . phyllis : [ sniffles ] summer : after you got so sick , i would just think about it over and over again . phyllis : that could n't have happened at a worse time . summer : i was still getting used to being jack 's daughter , and i was -- i was still trying to get over kyle . phyllis : yeah . summer : you were in the hospital , and i just ... [ sighs ] phyllis : it 's over now . summer : i ca n't believe i 'm sitting here talking and laughing with you . we lost so much time in between . phyllis : i know . and i have complained enough about that for all of us . but in a few short hours , we 're gon na say hello to a brand - new year . summer : what do you want this year to look like ? phyllis : oh , what do i want it to look like ? i want to marry jack . and i want to spend more time playing dress - up with you . summer : [ chuckles ] phyllis : and i want to have fun at work and never waste another minute . what about you , honey ? what do you want ? summer : i want to spend more time with austin . and i do n't want to hear anything about it . phyllis : you know what ? it 's your life . you get to live it the way you want to . summer : really ? phyllis : mm - hmm . which , of course , is really only my way . summer : [ chuckles ] oh , you never change . phyllis : honey , wonderful things lie ahead for both of us . come here . summer : [ sighs ] adam : i did check on constance before i left . she was sleeping . well , look , sage , if something changes , just , you know , pick up the phone . i know what i 'm doing , okay ? i did n't go to all this trouble to become gabriel bingham so that somebody could figure out who i was . not my brother , not anybody . goodbye . jack : is this how you keep your promise to start a new and better life ? skulking around here ? adam : it 's not skulking , jack . i 'm blending in , you know , as your business associate . that is how you introduced me to billy , right ? i mean , let 's not forget . it 's him that we 're protecting -- jack : i do n't need a reminder , thanks . adam : well , i 'm just keeping you honest . you know what we should do in the new year ? um , we should figure out a way that you and i can work together . come up with a plan . kelly : good evening , gentlemen . lily : you know what ? i should go over there . cane : uh , maybe you should let jack take care of this . kelly : happy new year , jack . jack : thank you . kelly : are n't you going to introduce me to your friend here ? jack : um , this is -- adam : gabriel bingham . kelly : happy new year , gabriel . nice to meet you . jack : this is kelly andrews . kelly : thank you . i 'm the club 's special - event coordinator . adam : really ? kelly : mm - hmm . adam : this is great , though . i mean , you 've outdone yourself . wonderful party . kelly : thank you . adam : thanks for letting me tag along . appreciate it . well , um , i 'm gon na go -- go check out the spread . kelly : oh , please do . enjoy . adam : thank you . kelly : yeah . ooh , champagne . thank you . what 's the matter , jack ? does being alone with me make you uncomfortable ? kelly : if you think i 'm gon na throw a drink in phyllis ' face or yours , you can relax . i have to admit i thought it , but then that would be a real waste of good champagne , would n't it ? where is your date ? jack : on her way . uh , you seem to be handling things pretty well , pretty upbeat . kelly : well , what choice do i have ? ca n't do anything about the events of the this next year could be full of all kinds of unexpected surprises . ashley : hello , how are you ? kelly : oh , hi . um , just a little busy , but hopefully that 'll all pay off when everybody has a wonderful .. excuse me . billy : i i 'd like you to meet my friend , joe clark . this is my brother , jack abbott . jack : how do you do ? joe : pleasure to finally meet you , jack . just the type of forward - thinking businessman i 've been looking for . dylan : avery ? avery : hmm ? dylan : i thought we were gon na keep the schmoozing to a minimum , unless you changed your mind . avery : yep , i changed my mind . i 'm allowed to do that one more time this year . dylan : but i thought tonight was gon na be about us . avery : it is about us . i know it 's about us . but look over there . joe is now chatting up jack . dylan : we 're not gon na change anybody 's mind . we got to get them to our turf . crimson lights is great home - field advantage . avery : you 're right . you 're right . and this is not how i want to start our 2015 . can we get out of here ? okay . ashley : joe and i were friends when i was in new york . joe : and i 'd like to think that we 've renewed that friendship . jack : so , what brings you to town , joe ? joe : commercial real estate . i 'm working on a redevelopment project down at the warehouse district . in fact , cane and i are hosting an event here at the club to explain the merits of the project , and i 'd like to extend a personal invite for you to be my guest , jack . jack : well , thanks . it sounds interesting . would -- would you excuse me , please ? have you guys maybe seen -- lily : kelly went that way . jack : i saw kelly briefly . uh , no , this is a friend of mine who came back to town . cane : does your friend have a name ? jack : gabriel . lily : like the angel ? jack : not exactly . chelsea : connor 's sleeping . i gave him a new year 's kiss . anita : aww . too bad he was n't awake to see how pretty you look . chelsea : oh , thank you . it 's a chelsea lawson original . anita : oh ! you 're a knockout , baby . but hey , it runs in the family . chelsea : well , thanks for the good genes , mom . anita : and why do n't you put those good genes to work ? i mean , do n't keep that rich , handsome man waiting for you . chelsea : you really have rich , handsome men on the brain , huh ? did you get that guy 's number you met at the coffeehouse ? anita : nah , he did n't ask me quick enough . chelsea : oh , well , that 's his lo -- what are you doing ? anita : just gilding the lily . i 'm fussing . you do n't need any fixing . chelsea : okay , okay , okay . mom , uh , what -- what is it ? what 's wrong ? anita : i want to tell you what i said to billy . chelsea : ah . did you manage to insult him somehow ? was it bad ? anita : can you give me a little credit ? no , i , uh ... i told him how grateful i was for putting a smile back on your face , chelsea . chelsea : mom , you really said that ? anita : i - i ... i guess i 'm coming around , honey . chelsea : i guess you really are . especially considering all the ominous warnings you gave me that billy was gon na dump me and go back to victoria . anita : okay , well , let 's keep our fingers crossed . chelsea : no , it is a done deal . victoria is not a threat anymore . what billy and i have , it , um , it 's got legs . happy new year ! i love you . anita : i love you . chelsea : bye . anita : bye , sweetie . aww ! stitch : there 's no reason to worry , vicki . more than half of all babies have reflux in the first three months . victoria : she does have a temperature . stitch : it 's low grade . it 'll pass by morning . victoria : are you sure ? stitch : 100 % . victoria : so you think i 'm overreacting ? stitch : these things typically bother the parents more than they do the baby . victoria : how can you be sure ? stitch : years of medical school . i do have a diploma . billy : look , stitch , no offense , but you 're not practicing medicine anymore . victoria : are you worried , too ? billy : i 'm her dad , so yeah . stitch : sure . you know , it never hurts to err on the side of caution . billy : that 's -- that 's what i 'm thinking . look , she -- she feels warm to me . i 'm taking her to urgent care . victoria : just take this . stitch : victoria , you should go with katie , too . victoria : okay , well , uh , all right . i 'll call hannah and -- stitch : what ? no , no , no . i 'll stay with the boys . no , no , you -- you and billy go take care of katie . victoria : will you let reed know ? stitch : got -- got it covered . go on . billy : i know . [ door closes ] summer : i want to be there when you take off your coat and jack sees you in that for the first time . i mean , talk about fireworks . phyllis : you know what ? if i make any kind of impression at all , it 's because i take after my daughter or the other way around . summer : hmm . thanks again , mom . phyllis : you 're welcome . come on . meet your husband . summer : okay . phyllis : and tell austin how much i love the video he made me . summer : i will . and you know what ? you tell jack how lucky he is . phyllis : i will . deal . whoo ! summer : [ chuckles ] okay . phyllis : come on . summer : happy new year . phyllis : happy new year . bye . summer : bye . jack : so now i can honestly and unconditionally offer my pledge of forever to you and ask that you do the same to me . phyllis : [ sobs ] jack : red , will you marry me ? [ cell phone rings ] phyllis : will you please have some patience ? i 'm on my way . avery : ah ! our home away from home . dylan : at least for one more new year 's eve . avery : no , not just for one more new year 's eve . not if we have anything to say about it . dylan : is it selfish of me to want to hold on to what i love ? avery : not at all . we were reminded at christmas what this place means to us and what it means to so many people in town . dylan : yeah , i was n't just talking about this place . you know , the ball does n't drop in times square any time soon . avery : mm - hmm . so how will we spend the time ? [ music plays ] dylan : [ sighs ] they 're playing our song . avery : we do n't have a song . dylan : we do now . ashley : are you looking for avery ? 'cause i saw that she and dylan left a little while ago . joe : wow . before midnight ? ashley : yeah , well , i guess that 's what love will do . are you disappointed ? joe : not at all . i was looking for your brother . ashley : really ? why you looking for jack ? joe : well , he just left right in the middle of my pitch . is he playing hard to get or is that a family trait ? ashley : i 'm not playing hard to get . i 'm being realistic . joe : you know , it 's no secret that i 'm attracted to you . ashley : i do n't know . i keep hearing this certain conversation we had in new york . it just keeps going over and over in my head . joe : the past rears its ugly head . ashley : you admitted that you were still carrying a torch for your ex , who shall remain nameless , and that you said that you would n't stop until you got her back . i 'm assuming that was avery . lily : so , where is jill and colin ? cane : they went to another party . lily : [ gasps ] they do n't know what they 're missing . cane : no , they do n't . the verdict 's in -- tonight is a huge success . lily : do n't jinx it , not when kelly 's pulled a vanishing act . cane : all right , now , you need to stop playing mother to kelly . lily : i am a mother . cane : i know you 're a mother . and you know what ? i found a sitter to look after the kids tonight . lily : you did ? cane : i did . you know what else i found ? a room . lily : [ gasps ] cane : upstairs . lily : uh , i 'm a married woman . are you propositioning me ? cane : absolutely . lily : [ laughs ] cane : come on . chelsea : hi , guys . cane : hey . lily : oh , hey . chelsea : the place looks great . lily : thank you . chelsea : uh , have you seen billy ? cane : uh , no . have n't seen him . chelsea : okay . i 'll check the bar . cane : see you . looking for someone ? billy : one healthy baby girl home safe and sound in time to celebrate new year 's . victoria : or sleep through new year 's , you mean . billy : [ scoffs ] better here than a cubicle in urgent care . what 's that ? victoria : oh , it 's a note from ben . he took the boys to get a new year 's eve hot cocoa . that 's sweet . billy : well , good . do n't have to listen to him tell me how he was right that katie just had reflux . victoria : he would n't . billy : i would have . victoria : oh , i know . billy : [ chuckles ] victoria : i 'm just glad it was nothing serious . billy : me , too . but no champagne for you , young lady . victoria : yeah , not for the next 21 years . billy : oh . did you hear that ? you can see who 's gon na be the enforcer parent . victoria : oh , really ? well , we 'll just wait until she has her first date , and then we 'll see who 's the enforcer parent . billy : i 'm not gon na have a problem with her dating . victoria : [ chuckles ] billy : when she 's 30 . victoria : right . do n't worry . mommy will keep daddy from scaring away all your boyfriends . billy : you 're killing me . victoria : [ chuckles ] this is nice , you know , sitting here laughing . very different from last year 's new year 's eve . billy : yeah . but here we are , both happy . maybe not , um , how we imagined , but , uh ... victoria : but , uh , we have the one thing that we wanted more than anything . i think that 's something . billy : that 's everything . kelly : do n't tell me your fiancée 's a no - show . jack : i just spoke to phyllis . she 's on her way . kelly : ah . then we have a little time to talk . phyllis : what ? what ? what the hell ? what is going on ? no . no . i am not out of gas . no , no , not in the middle of nowhere . no . no ! not on new year 's eve ! let 's go ! come on ! chelsea : hey . adam : hey . you 're , uh , you 're connor 's mom , right ? i saw you at the park the other day . chelsea : how did you remember my son 's name ? that 's impressive . adam : thank you . well , he made quite an impression . yeah . so , uh , where is he , anyway ? that little guy ? chelsea : oh , you know , he left his tux at the dry cleaners , so he 's spending the night with grandma . adam : all right , well , that 's good . so it looks like we 're both alone then , huh ? chelsea : oh , uh , not really . adam : oh . okay . you waiting for your husband ? chelsea : not my husband . he 's , uh , he 's ... well , we 're still trying to figure that out . [ chuckles ] adam : okay . well , what 's to figure out ? chelsea : no , i mean , i 'm -- i 'm waiting for somebody . it 's just that it 's complicated . adam : well , it would have to be complicated , would n't it ? chelsea : why do you say that ? adam : well , because you 're here and you 're waiting for a man that 's not your husband , but , uh , yet you 're wearing a wedding ring . [ next_on ] nikki : oh , my god . paul . paul : you lied to me , nikki . adam : to the new year and uh ... new friendships . chelsea : hear , hear . all : happy new year !
everyone in genoa city gets ready for the big new year 's eve party at the athletic club . adam sees anita at crimson lights and buys her a cupcake for connor . anita tells adam that chelsea is going to the party at the athletic club , so he decides to go , too . sage calls and asks him if constance 's condition is getting worse . adam tells her that nothing is going to stop him from his purpose of getting back his life . billy goes to visit reed , johnny , and katie before he goes to meet chelsea at the club . katie gets a low - grade fever and stitch tells victoria that katie just has reflux but billy and victoria take the baby to urgent care while stitch stays with the boys . billy and victoria arrive home later since the doctor at the clinic said katie had reflux . they spend time with the baby since stitch took the boys for hot chocolate .
mariah : hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . tessa : ooh ! mariah : merry christmas , you . tessa : merry christmas back . mariah : you know , we should probably get inside , get our tamales , and then head to sharon 's . tessa : or we could stay like this for a few more minutes . mariah : mm . okay . nope ! we got ta go ! [ laughs ] tessa : [ groans ] okay . thank you . mariah : you 're welcome . oh . holy night . tessa : what ? mariah : it looks like somebody 's just left half of genoa city 's presents sitting here . somebody 's got to be missing these . tessa : uh , well , maybe they belong to someone who 's still here . mariah : yeah , but it 's strange that they would just dump them here , right ? tessa : well , i 'll go see if anyone knows anything about it . mariah : okay . theo : [ exhales sharply ] whoa . did santa put you on his payroll this year ? mariah : no . they 're not mine . tessa and i walked in and we just found them lying here and we 're trying to figure out who they belong to . tessa : no one here knows anything about it . mariah : well , i do n't know . i do n't want to just leave them here . there may be kids that are really waiting for these . tessa : yeah , you 're right . we should find out who these belong to . theo : wait . so , you guys are appointing yourselves christmas day elves ? mariah : yeah . i guess we are . theo : okay . adam : oh . [ keys jangle ] chelsea : do you think bringing the kitten home was the right thing to do ? connor : we could n't leave him lying there in the park . adam : oh , connor , yeah , you want to save him . we all do . connor : he 's almost frozen . we have to warm him up . chelsea : yeah , we 're gon na to do our best , okay ? adam : we 're gon na do everything we can to save him . connor : he ca n't die . we just have to save him . elena : hey there . nate : hey . elena : merry christmas . nate : same to you . uh , you finish your shift ? elena : yeah . i 'm actually on my way out . well , this is awkward . [ chuckles ] nate : yeah , a little . elena : i was almost gon na suggest we talk about this whole amanda thing again , but i 'm not sure it 's gon na do us any good . nate : have you changed your mind about anything since the last time we talked ? elena : no . i 'm still convinced that she should n't be trusted . you ? nate : afraid not . i think you and devon are wrong . chloe : ohh - ooh , ohh - ooh ! okay , i am ready to fight off the cold with something hot . kevin : me too . i 'm still all wet from when i fell on the ice . chloe : yeah , how did you fall anyway ? i thought you 've been ice - skating since you were a kid . kevin : it was n't my fault . that big kid pushed me . chloe : [ chuckles ] oh , okay . he was 10 . kevin : with the size and strength of an 18-year - old . chloe : [ laughs ] well , it did make bella laugh . kevin : so , worth it , i guess . chloe : oh , you would wipe - out all day just to make her smile . kevin : she was so exhausted , but refused to leave . chloe : well , she is tenacious , like her father . kevin : she 's stubborn like her mother . chloe : well , she finally calmed down . and mom just texted me . she finally got her down for a nap . kevin : good . ah , it has been a great christmas so far . chloe : and it 's only gon na get better . kevin : i do n't think that 's possible . santa : ohh . [ groaning ] kevin : uh , you okay , santa ? chloe : does n't look like you 're having a very merry christmas this year . santa : well , that 's an understatement . nikki : victor ! where are you , darling ? i need you ! victor : i 'm right here , sweetheart . what 's this ? nikki : look . victor : wait a minute . what in the world ? oh , my god . additional sponsorship chelsea : here you go , sweetie . connor : i almost walked right by him . then i saw his head under the bush . adam : yeah ? well , you have a good eye . connor : i thought he was dead . chelsea : but he was n't , right ? that 's why we held my compact mirror up to his face to see if he was breathing . connor : let 's check again . he 's still alive . chelsea : [ sighs , chuckles ] adam : well , we should probably take him to the emergency vet now . chelsea : yeah . connor : no . we ca n't take him out in the cold again , not until he warms up . adam : [ sighs ] connor : oh , come on . wake up ... oliver . adam : [ sighs ] chelsea : [ sighs ] tessa : okay , how do we find out who these belong to ? mariah : oh . oh , i got it . tessa : okay . mariah : i got it . we can dust it for fingerprints . tessa : oh , yeah , we could get a kit from , uh , the spy shop that 's miraculously open on christmas ? mariah : no . no . rey has got to have one and we can borrow his and then we can compare the fingerprints to the ones in the police database . tessa : blamo ! the gift - giver is also a criminal . mariah : that is a very good point . right , um ... i 'm not even sure that 's legal also . but at least we 'd be breaking the law for good , not evil . tessa : yeah , we 're trying to create a christmas miracle . theo : or you could check the presents for tags . remind me to never hire the p.i . firm of copeland and porter . no tags . tessa : [ sighs ] mariah : i do n't what we could do . we could see where this type of wrapping paper is sold . tessa : oh , that 's great . theo : or we do n't do that , and instead , we ask around to see if anyone saw who left the bag . tessa : well , we already did that . mariah : you know what ? we do n't need your help , scrooge of common sense and logic . what are you even doing here , anyway ? why are n't you anywhere else ? tessa : wait . yeah . it 's christmas . what are you doing here alone ? theo : i 'm in between get - togethers , ladies . so you 're lucky i have a few minutes to help you . mariah : oh , right , right . step aside , ladies . let the big , strong man figure it out . you 're not gon na discover a magical clue in like five seconds . oh . theo : yep . looks like victor is missing a few gifts under the tree . victor : well , look what we have here now . my goodness . nikki : i was coming back from a ride , and i saw this basket on a bale of hay . i mean , i ca n't imagine how she got there . a beautiful baby girl abandoned on christmas . it just breaks my heart . victor : poor baby . look at that . look at those cheeks . well , she 's safe now . nikki : well , it 's a good thing i came along when i did and that the stables are heated . but i -- i do n't know if she 's healthy or -- she really needs to be seen by a doctor . victor : should we call the paramedics ? nikki : oh , no , darling , do n't do that . the paramedics will be required to call child protective services , and i -- i ca n't let her go into the system today of all days . victor : look at this . look at you . look at that . yes . yes . i have an idea . elena : so , i guess that 's that . nate : i guess we 'll have to agree to disagree when it comes to amanda . elena : okay . happy holidays . [ chuckles ] [ cellphone ringing ] nate : hang on . hello ? victor . is everything okay ? victor : uh , nate , i would n't be calling you on christmas unless it were urgent , okay ? nate : what 's wrong ? is it your blood pressure ? victor : no , nothing to do with that , nothing to do with me , but we have a situation here at the ranch that i think you should -- you should take a look at . nate : what ? i do n't understand . okay . alright . i 'll be right there . elena : is everything okay with victor ? nate : yeah , he 's fine . & elena : okay . well , i 'll see you later . nate : wait . i have to go to the ranch . do you think you can come with me ? i could use your help . kevin : do n't take this the wrong way , but santa 's usually a little more ... jolly . so , what can we do to put you in a better mood ? santa : well , i 'm not sure . chloe : well , why do n't you tell us what the problem is ? santa : the problem is it 's christmas . kevin : is n't that , like , the best day of the year for you ? santa : well , yes , of course it is . i look forward to it the other 364 days , and i start preparing months before . like around october , i start putting on a few pounds . kevin : well , to be fair , we all do that . the fall 15 . chloe : [ clears throat ] kevin : no . just me . santa : and i grow my beard to exactly the right length -- five inches . kevin : the perfect length for the kids to pull on it ? santa : yes . kevin : [ chuckles ] chloe : [ chuckles ] santa : then i buy a bright , new suit , shiny red with a brass buckle that i shine with a special polish i order from denmark . chloe : wow . i mean , that is dedication . do you think that would work on candle holders ? santa : i 'll give you the name of the company . chloe : thank you . santa : you know , i look forward to doing my best for the kids because i know they 'll have the memory of meeting santa for the rest of their lives . kevin : that 's very true . i still remember my childhood santa . chloe : well , i am sure that they appreciate the commitment -- the kids . and parents , too . santa : well , it 's 12 to 15 hours a day at fenmore 's . but , honestly , i love every second of it . i come to enjoy it more every year . kevin : so , i still do n't know what the problem is . santa : i look forward to christmas for the same reasons that you folks do -- to hear people caroling and kids laughing and their smiles everywhere . but then suddenly ... it 's over . everyone else just moves on . but for me , it 's kind of -- well , it 's devastating . my special job and my purpose is over until next year . mariah : alright , good job on finding the logo . but there 's no way that these presents are for victor 's family . i mean , for one , it does n't make any sense why they would be at society . tessa : mnh - mnh . victor would definitely notice if his family 's gifts were gone . and the second that happened , he would have an army of security guards combing the city for them . mariah : maybe it 's just a random person who came across a discarded newman enterprises bag and decided to use it for their own presents . tessa : oh ! i remembered something . newman had their office christmas party here . lola told me about it . theo : well , there 's your answer . these gifts are probably corporate swag the company gave out at the party , you know , clocks or paperweights with the newman logo embossed on them . tessa : that would mean that these are n't toys and there are no kids waiting for them . mariah : which is a very depressing theory . theo : you have a better one ? mariah : not at the moment . theo : wait . if these are christmas presents for newman executives , there might actually be something in here better than paperweights , like a gold watch or a tablet . i mean , that 's what rich folks like to do -- you know , give each other fancy things they can already afford on their own . mariah : mm . and you aspire to be one of these rich , fancy folks ? theo : if you are implying that i 'm shallow , i resent that . but i do think we should open one just in case . tessa : well , if it is a gold watch , are you planning on keeping it ? theo : my old pocket watch is terrible at keeping time . mariah : hey , no , no , no , no , no ! hey ! give it back . we are not opening one of these . tessa : you are just trying to bait us , as usual . but that 's not gon na work today . mariah : so can we please get back to figuring out what to do with these presents ? theo : you know , i guess being an elf is n't as easy as it looks . victor : thank you for coming , nate . i know this is a lot to ask . nikki : yes . she was n't crying when i found her , but i have no idea how long she was there -- oh , baby -- or the last time when she ate . nate : i have to admit , this is an unusual situation . nikki : oh , yes , i know . that 's why we wanted to avoid contacting ... [ baby crying ] victor : oh , baby . nikki : ... [ gasps ] child protective services at least till tomorrow , provided she 's healthy . nate : we 'll know if we need to take her in as soon as we examine her . nikki : can i hold her while you do that ? nate : oh , sure . nikki : come here , precious . ohh , i know . victor : look at that . nikki : i know . [ baby crying ] [ gasps ] ohh . victor : look at that . nikki : [ gasps ] here we are . look at you . nate : hey . nikki : ohh . nate : hey . nikki : good girl . victor : look at that . nate : hey . nikki : oh , look at her . victor : [ chuckles ] nikki : i do n't know -- oh . uh - oh . [ baby coughs ] i know . everything 's gon na be fine now , okay ? elena : heartbeat 's strong . nate : eyes and ears look good . elena : lungs are clear . [ baby crying ] nikki : okay . elena : i do n't know how she ended up in your stables , but this does n't seem like a case of neglect . nikki : no ? victor : you 're okay . that 's right . you 're okay . that 's right . nikki : alright . alright . victor : that 's right . connor : we 're here to help you , oliver . please wake up . chelsea : i made hot chocolate . adam : ooh ! chelsea : who wants some ? adam : that sounds perfect . connor : i 'm not thirsty . but what if oliver is ? adam : he 's sleeping . but you know what we could do ? we could maybe put some milk in a little saucer for him . connor : for when he wakes up . adam : mm - hmm . connor : good idea . adam : yeah . chelsea : [ sighs ] adam : so ... what if oliver does n't wake up ? chelsea : i do n't want to even think about that . honey , does he look any better to you ? adam : no , not really . no , his heartbeat seems even lighter than it was before . chelsea : [ sighs ] connor 's already so attached to this kitten . we have to do our best to save him . i mean , he will not be able to handle it if something happens to this kitten . adam : well , we have to hope for the best . but we also have to prepare him for the worst - case scenario . connor : is he awake ? chloe : i thought you could use a little pick - me - up . santa : why , thank you . i 'm sorry if i was yammering on before . chloe : oh , please . you do n't have to apologize . santa : you know , i 'm not sure why i shared all that with you two . you do have friendly faces . chloe : [ chuckles ] well , people just naturally warm up to kevin . he -- he is the most generous person you 'll ever meet , really . santa : it 's nice to see two people so in love . chloe : [ chuckles ] i am very lucky . so , is there a mrs . claus ? santa : there was , but she left me . chloe : oh . i 'm s -- i 'm so sorry . santa : for our marriage counselor . but they 're divorced now , so i win . chloe : [ laughs ] what do you do the rest of the year for a living ? santa : i 'm an accountant . chloe : oh . do you have a family ? do you have kids ? santa : my wife and never had them , but i always wanted to . you know , maybe that 's why i love seeing the kids ' eyes light up so much at this time of year . chloe : [ chuckles ] santa : they have this innocence that 's , well , so pure . it lifts your spirits , you know . chloe : yeah , i do know . i feel the same way when i look at my daughter . santa : mm . chloe : maybe that 's why you enjoy the holidays so much -- 'cause you feel a little less lonely . santa : well , i 'm sure that 's probably true . you know , i wish christmas was just all year round so that i could follow it around the world like the seasons , like when it 's summer here , it 's christmas in australia or ... chloe : [ chuckles ] hey , you know , i 've heard of those year - round christmas theme stores . maybe there 's even a whole town . santa : hmm . i should think about moving there . chloe : [ chuckles ] you know , i know what it 's like to feel lonely . there were times that i was so trapped in my head that i had feelings i just could n't shake . and even when i was surrounded by people , i still felt alone . but i was able to put it behind me , and now i feel the opposite of lonely . santa : wow . i hope to feel that way someday . chloe : well , um ... how about now ? ralphie : santa , i love you ! santa : [ laughs ] well , merry christmas ! what 's your name ? ralphie : ralphie . and here 's my list -- a skateboard and a new bike , a basketball -- santa : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . hold on . first off , you have to tell me -- have you been naughty or nice ? ralphie : mm ... it depends on who you ask . santa : [ laughs ] nikki : i ca n't stop thinking about the baby 's parents . victor : sweetheart . nikki : what could have happened to make them walk away from their child ? victor : well , i guess it could have been any number of things . nikki : [ sighs ] we need to find the mother to let her know she does n't have to do that . victor : i know . [ intercom buzzes ] yes ? of course . bring her in . right now . thank you . nikki : is it her ? victor : they found a woman , a young woman , on the south end of the property trying to find a way out . nikki : [ exhales heavily ] sasha : joy ! i 'm here . victor : thank you . sasha : oh . it 's okay , sweet girl . i 'm here now . [ sniffles ] `` the young and the restless `` will continue . victor : thank you , james . nikki : what 's your name , dear ? sasha : sasha . and this is joy . nikki : oh . well , i want you to know that nobody here is judging you . we just want to help if we can . sasha : thank you . nikki : can you tell us what happened ? sasha : i 'm not sure where to start . nikki : why do n't you start at the beginning ? um , joy 's father is n't in the picture , and i 've had some health issues , so i have n't been able to work . it got to the point where we were tossed out of our apartment and living in an abandoned car . nikki : oh , my goodness . that just must have been awful . and you do n't have any family you could stay with ? sasha : my parents passed away , and my siblings ca n't take us in , so ... i just felt like my whole life was falling apart . and i could n't take my sweet baby down with me . so today i made a decision . and i came to this sprawling property with the high gates . nikki : this must seem like another world . sasha : i assumed you had money and resources and that you could probably figure out a way to give joy a better life than i could because she deserves so much more than i 've been able to give her . nikki : do n't underestimate what you 've given her . the first and most important thing is love . sasha : i know that now . the moment i walked away from her [ sighs ] i felt my heart break in a way that i did n't even know was possible . i only got as far as the train station before i turned around to come back . nikki : oh , that 's when the guards found you ? sasha : yes . i was n't trying to leave the property . i was coming back for joy . [ sniffles ] oh , i do n't know how she 'll ever forgive me . nikki : she will never know . now you just have to forgive yourself . sasha : i do n't know if i can . i 've failed at being a mother . and nothing about our situation has changed . i still do n't know if i can take care of her . i do n't know how to crawl out of this hole that i 'm in . victor : there 's always a way . one step at a time . nikki : you came to the right house for help today . victor : you certainly did . nikki : i have a connection with a charity that helps people get back on their feet . um , it actually got started on a different christmas day . i met a young mother in need . her name was kathy . so , anyway , it would mean so much to me if we could help you . sasha : what do i have to do ? nikki : just say yes . tessa : i guess we should take the bag to victor 's house . it is christmas . even corporate brass deserve their presents . mariah : yeah , let 's go to the ranch to help a billionaire . tessa : it wo n't take long , and then we 'll come back and get our tamales . mariah : okay . as always , theo , it has been a treat . theo : likewise . hmm ? tessa : i think he might really be all alone . mariah : tess , how is that our problem ? okay . fine . hey , theo . would you like to come along with us ? maybe victor will give you a reward for returning his presents . theo : it 's tempting , but i have a cup of eggnog with my name on it . tessa : that 's your big plan for the day ? theo : hey , i told you i 've got plans . there 's just not till later , so i 've got some time to kill . mariah : he said he 's got plans . theo : because i do . go . enjoy your good deed . i 'll be celebrating in style . i promise you that . mariah : merry christmas . theo : merry christmas . mariah : alright . connor : i 'm right here . open your eyes . you can do it . chelsea : connor , can you come here , please ? connor : i need to stay with oliver . adam : connor , this wo n't take long . come on . chelsea : come here . we just want to tell you we are so proud of you . you saw an animal in need , and your first instinct was to help him . adam : mm - hmm . you took the lead , and you insisted on saving him , okay , even if it is ... too late . connor : do n't say that . it 's not too late . chelsea : well , no , what we 're saying is what you 've done for the kitten and what you continue to do is so sweet . adam : yes , and whatever happens today , just know that you did everything you could to save him , okay ? connor : what do you mean , `` whatever happens `` ? chelsea : sweetheart , we just -- we do n't know how long he was outside in the cold . so , it might have been too long for his little body to handle . it might just be his time . connor : no , he 's going to be okay . chelsea : connor , sweetie , we need to face the facts that the kitten might not wake up . connor : stop saying that . adam : connor , we 're just trying to prepare you , okay ? connor : stop it , dad . adam : connor . connor : no . i mean it . shh . [ kitten mews ] he 's awake ! chelsea : [ gasps ] connor : i told you he was going to be okay . chelsea : [ exhales sharply ] adam : [ chuckles ] chelsea : [ laughs ] what makes a sauce , rag ? mariah : okay . we think this belongs to you . and that concludes our christmas good deed for the day . so , you 're welcome . victor : what 's all this ? mariah : uh , well , we think that this is a bag of employee gifts that was left at society after the office party . victor : no , no , no , no , no . they were n't meant as corporate gifts . you know , these are gifts for -- presents for the kids in the pediatric wing of the hospital . mariah : then something went very wrong . victor : someone really screwed up big time . i gave very specific instructions . tessa : so , you 're saying these are toys for sick kids ? victor : yeah . my god . of all days . um , hmm . well , the children are gon na be very disappointed . mariah : well , we could , um -- we could deliver them for you . tessa : yeah , we could totally do that . mariah : we would love to . victor : would you do that ? mariah : absolutely . victor : yeah ? that 's very kind of you . want me to pay you ? mariah : no , no . please . just seeing the kids ' faces -- that 's gon na be reward enough . victor : well , that 's so kind of you . i really appreciate it . okay ? merry christmas to both of you . mariah : merry christmas , victor . tessa : merry christmas . victor : and thank you . tessa : so , since we 're on a roll , you want to throw one more good deed into the mix ? mariah : as long as it 's not -- tessa : asking theo if he wants to go to the hospital ? mariah : i think that falls outside of our elf - ly jurisdiction . and besides , he said that he had a party to get to . tessa : okay . [ both groan , laugh ] chloe : [ chuckling ] he is so happy . kevin : you were right . this christmas keeps getting better and better . chloe : and it 's not over yet . kevin : what does that mean ? chloe : let 's just say i have one or two things up my sleeve . santa : you know , i 'm usually the one who gives out gifts this time of year , but today you two gave me one i will never forget . kevin : well , i 'm glad we could help . chloe : we are just so thrilled to see you smiling again . kevin : and i had another thought about your situation . there 's a children 's center in town that caters to families that ca n't afford daycare . maybe you could volunteer there . chloe : oh , yeah , that 's a great idea . i know they 're always looking for people . kevin : yeah , just something to think about . santa : i do n't need to think about it . it 's perfect . and thank you again . merry christmas , you two . chloe : merry christmas , santa . kevin : and , hey , uh ... what 's your real name ? in case we ever run into you . santa : [ whispering ] it 's frank . chloe : [ chuckles ] kevin : his name 's frank . chloe : ahh . i think we really helped him out today . kevin : mm - hmm . since our work here is done , should we get home to bella ? she 's probably getting up from her nap now . chloe : uh , yeah . one more minute . 'cause i still have one more gift to give you . chelsea : i think he did n't want to miss out on christmas . adam : [ chuckles ] connor : yeah . adam : and you stuck by him . and you would n't give up . chelsea : hi . adam : but , hey , i think we definitely need to take him to the vet now . chelsea : yeah . adam : yeah . connor : i 'm going to get my allowance . maybe there 's a donation box to help pay for sick kitten like oliver that do n't have anyone else . chelsea : that 's a really nice idea . and if they do n't have one there , we can donate your allowance to an animal rescue shelter . that is not the same boy who locked christian in a garage . he 's really turned a corner . adam : [ sighs ] i think so . chelsea : ooh . adam : thanks to you . chelsea : thanks to the both of us . adam : mm . chelsea : and , listen , i know i debated whether or not i should be here this morning , but i 'm really glad i stayed . this is where i needed to be . adam : well , i wo n't argue with you about that . i do n't know how connor and i would have gotten through this without you . connor : let 's go . let 's go . chelsea : okay . okay . here you go . connor : after the doctor looks at him , we 're bringing him home , right ? chelsea : um ... well , you 'd have to ask your dad since the kitten would be living here . adam : welcome to the family , oliver ! chelsea : [ chuckles ] adam : come on . let 's go . are you coming ? chelsea : yeah . i 'm just gon na grab my purse . i 'll be right there . alright . let 's go . kevin : i thought we opened up all our presents this morning . chloe : we did . uh , i just wanted to give you this one alone , just two of us . kevin : okay . [ chuckles ] chloe : [ sighs ] just , the way that everything happened , it just -- i feel like this is the right place and time . kevin : the right place and time for what ? chloe : [ sighs ] for this particular present . um , you know , there are -- there are presents , and then there are presents . kevin : well , maybe just give me the present . [ chuckles ] chloe : okay . kevin : okay . [ chuckles ] these are too small for bella . chloe : yeah . yeah , they are . kevin : we 're getting a puppy ? chloe : a -- a puppy that wears shoes ? kevin : are you saying ... chloe : [ voice breaking ] merry christmas . kevin : for real ? chloe : for real . kevin : [ exhaling sharply ] chloe : [ laughing ] kevin : oh , my god . merry christmas to us ! chloe : oh ! kevin : i -- hey , come here . come here . come here . chloe : okay . kevin : guess what , people ! we 're having a baby ! [ cheers and applause ] nate : i want you and joy to come in to the hospital next week for a more thorough exam , on the house . sasha : thank you . elena : and generally speaking , she is perfectly healthy . but here 's my number . if you need anything , do n't hesitate to call . sasha : i do n't know what to say . i did n't have an hope when this day started . and i 'm still not sure how we got here , but somehow we 're safe and together . and it 's -- it 's given me faith that there are good people out there . yeah . [ baby cooing ] elena : thank you for bringing me along . nate : i , uh , thought you could help , and you definitely did . elena : yeah , i mean , it felt good . and it also gave me some perspective . i do n't want things to be awkward between us because of amanda . nate : me neither . elena : so , can we just decide that it wo n't be ? nate : yeah . [ breathes deeply ] this was n't your typical holiday , but it was a special one . elena : [ chuckles ] nikki : so , i just got off the phone with new hope , and i 'm gon na take sasha down there and help her and joy get their new housing . victor : i 'm so happy to hear that , my baby . nikki : i promise i 'll be back as soon as i can . victor : do n't you worry about me . nikki : i hate to leave you alone on christmas . victor : sweetheart , that baby is more important than i am , okay ? by the way -- come here [ sighs ] -- have i told you lately how much i love you ? hmm ? do you know how lucky we are to have healthy children and healthy grandchildren ? nikki : it 's days like today that make me grateful for everything that we have . victor : come here . nikki : merry christmas . victor : merry christmas to you . nikki : mm . victor : come here . nikki : [ breathes deeply ] victor : i adore you , my baby . nikki : i love you so much .
kevin and chloe cheer up a depressed santa claus and later chloe tells kevin that they are expecting another baby which makes their christmas even more special . mariah and tessa find an abandoned bag of presents and with theo 's help they find a newman enterprises logo on the bag . mariah and tessa return the bag to victor who tells them the bag was supposed to go to the hospital for the kids in the children 's ward . mariah and tessa decide to go pick up theo since he is n't busy and deliver the bag of toys to the children . connor nurses a stray cat back to health with the help of adam and chelsea and once they get the cat to the vet adam decides connor can keep the cat which he names oliver . victor and nikki find an abandoned baby in their stables and victor 's security finds the , mother wandering the grounds and reunite her with her baby girl . sasha tells victor and nikki that she and her baby joy are homeless and she thought about leaving her with them but then she returned because she missed her baby . victor and nikki call nate who brings elena with him to check to see that the baby is okay and are happy to say the baby is fine . nikki calls new hope to get sasha housing and victor and nikki promise to help sasha with anything she needs .
traci : i certainly hope that 's not how you plan to spend your new year 's eve . jack : traci , i thought you were in new york . traci : well , i was . jack : what are you doing here ? ashley : the same thing i am . making sure the abbotts start the new year off right . jack : [ chuckles ] [ laughter ] wow ! traci : mwah ! [ cork pops ] lily : gosh ! [ laughs ] neil : hey ! lily : hi . leslie : hi . looks like i 'm just in time . lily : yes , you are . we can toast your new engagement and congratulate you , which we have n't been able to do . cane : well , it 's best wishes to the bride , right ? lily : well , whatever it is , we 're very happy for you . leslie : well , thank you both . i am , too . [ both laugh ] cane : all right . lily : let me see the ring . cane : let me get some glasses . lily : okay . oh , my gosh . that is so beautiful . i have to be honest with you . i was n't sure that you were ready for this . leslie : what do you mean ? why would you say that ? lily : well , 'cause on thanksgiving , you were saying you were happy with the way things were with my dad , but obviously that was n't true , otherwise you would n't have accepted that . [ chuckles ] i love it . devon : there she is , the beautiful bride - to - be . leslie : hi . how are you ? good to see you . devon : good to see you , too . tyler : congratulations , sis . leslie : thank you , bro . devon : now , are you sure that you 're ready to join this crazy family ? lily : oh , of course she is . all right , to -- you ready ? cane : yeah , i 'm ready . lily : the newest winters . cane : to the newest winters . cheers . leslie : cheers . lily : yeah . victor : i have information regarding my son adam 's whereabouts on the night that delia abbott was killed . i saw him leave the hospital to a doctor 's appointment for his son , okay . and what i want you to do is get me the hospital security footage of that day and night . i want to rule out my son adam 's the one that drove the car that killed delia . get this footage to me as soon as you can , okay ? adam , this is your father speaking . i want to see you a.s.a.p . nikki : why the urgency to speak to adam ? sharon : um , is dylan here ? stitch : my bunkmate 's out of town . sharon : you must be stitch . stitch : [ scoffs ] oh , no . you heard of me ? trust me . nothing that mac has told you about me is true . sharon : really ? so all that about you being this amazing friend and this brilliant doctor is just lies ? stitch : he said that ? sharon : among other things . i 'm sharon . stitch : dylan has told me only good things about you . nice to meet you , sharon . sharon : thank you . nice to meet you , too . so i just , uh , wanted to wish him a happy new year . stitch : i 'll pass it along when i hear from him . so i see you 're getting your caffeine fix . big party tonight ? sharon : oh , yeah . huge . me and takeout and a good book . stitch : [ chuckles ] [ guitar playing discordantly ] nick : my fingers do n't even bend this way . [ knock on door ] nick : [ sighs ] abby : merry christmas ! nick : merry christmas . abby : hey ! nick : hey . are n't you a little late ? abby : i 'm on california time . nick : though that was only two hours behind . abby : do you want your gifts or not ? nick : ooh , santa 's elves are a little grumpy . abby : what are you doing ? nick : uh , online guitar lessons for beginners . abby : uh , how long have i been gone ? 'cause i never in a million years would have guessed that that 's what i would find you doing . nick : well , maybe i 'm evolving , abby . abby : all right , well , i have gifts for you and faith . and then i have one for noah , which he 's gon na love . i got it on hollywood boulevard . nick : but you did n't get faith 's on -- abby : no , i got hers at an amusement park . it 's pink and sparkly and age- appropriate . nick : perfect . i take it your trip with tyler was , too ? abby : there was a little mix - up with the key cards , but other than that , yeah , we had an amazing time . i 'm just sad that i missed the big newman christmas here at the ranch . nick : oh , well , you did n't miss much . uh , faith and i went real small this year . abby : just the two of you ? nick : um ... sharon , too . abby : who is this sharon that you speak of ? because the only sharon that i know is your ex - wife , and you surely did n't spend christmas , the best day of the year , with your long - lost ex . nick : actually , i did . abby : interesting . i can only imagine where she hung her stockings with care . victoria : billy , are you all right ? billy : yeah , um ... i 'm just surprised to see you is all . why are n't you in d.c. ? victoria : because our flights were canceled . that 's why i was trying to reach you . billy : i 'm sorry . my phone was off . victoria : well , why was it ? you do n't have your phone off unless you 're in some kind of trouble . did something happen ? billy , what have you been doing all this time ? something obviously happened . you were all packed and ready to go . billy : yes , i was . victoria : you did n't know the flights to d.c. had been canceled , so what kept you from coming to the airport ? billy : i was all ready to leave , and then i started thinking about spending christmas with you and johnny and reed and ... delia not being there . and , uh ... victoria : billy . billy : i just , i , uh , i - i needed to take a walk . victoria : yeah . that did n't help , so i thought i 'd go to a meeting , and , uh , i thought that would help . victoria : did that help ? because i know kelly , she 's really been there for you through some tough times . i know that . billy : yeah . i 'm sorry you 're not gon na get to see reed . victoria : oh , please do n't worry about that . you know , as long as you 're okay . wean reschedule the trip , and maybe it 's better that we do , anyway . billy : you sure ? victoria : i think that maybe this storm was fate 's way of stepping in . billy : what do you mean ? victoria : i think it 's time that we should be honest with each other , billy . stitch : staying in with a book . what kind of new year 's eve celebration is that ? sharon : oh , the kind i need after the year i 've had . stitch : i 've had a few of those years . sharon : yeah , i just want this one to start out quiet and peaceful , and then hopefully the rest of the year will follow . stitch : well , good luck . when i hear from dylan , i 'll give him your best . sharon : where is he ? stitch : he had to take care of some things out of town . sharon : well , please wish him a happy new year for me , stitch . stitch : will do . sharon : thanks . stitch : kelly . kelly : ben . what are you doing here ? neil : sharon . hi . i see you got the shooting schedule i sent . sharon : yeah . yeah . everything looks perfect . neil : ah , good . well , just wanted to touch base before the first shoot , see how things are going so far . do you have any questions , suggestions , anything at all ? sharon : neil , it 's new year 's eve . you must have plans . neil : yeah . is that what evening it is ? um , i - i actually -- i do . sharon : you know , this can wait . why do n't we -- why do n't we meet after the first of the year ? neil : you 're sure everything can wait until then ? sharon : yeah . absolutely . neil : okay . what are you doing tonight ? sharon : that is the question of the evening , and i 'm afraid that the answer is not very exciting . neil : well , sharon , i 'm about to change that . victor : why are you back ? nikki : why are you avoiding my question ? victor : i 'm not . nikki : all right , then tell me why you 're reaching out to adam , who has done far worse things than dylan , by the way , whom you want me to have nothing to do with . victor : [ sighs ] i 'm worried he 's done more despicable things than i want to remember . nikki : yes . victor : the idea ... of my grandson being raised by that man ... nikki : is that why you were calling him , to check on connor ? victor : when i think of that boy being in adam 's hands , it 's more than i can abide . nikki : i know that . there 's nothing you can do about it . victor : oh , we 'll see about that . why are n't you home packing ? nikki : well , that 's why i came . the pilot called , and there 's some big storm on the east coast . victor : no . nikki : we wo n't be flying anywhere tonight . victor : i was so looking forward to it . nikki : i know . no new year 's in vermont for us . victor : oh . i was really looking forward to that . nikki : well , all i want is just to be with you . we can do that here . victor : then we 'll do it here . okay ? we 'll build a fire , and we toast the new year . nikki : we could do that . or i was thinking maybe we could go out . remember , neil invited us to the club . victor : that 's an idea , but are you up for it ? nikki : absolutely . victor : you are ? nikki : it 's the start of a new year . i think we should kick it off right . victor : then that is what we shall do . nikki : mm . victor : let me get my coat . nikki : yes , i think it 's going to be quite a year for all of us . victor : i think you 're right about that . jack : boy , you two blow into town a couple hours before midnight . you must have big plans . traci : yes , we do . ashley : we scored an invitation to a hot party at the club . jack : ah . ashley : and you are coming with us . [ noise maker honks ] jack : no , no , no . ashley : oh , come on . traci : yes , yes , yes . jack : no , you guys have a great time . i 'm gon na have a nice quiet evening here alone by myself . traci : come on , jack . you 've been holed up in this house ever since the -- jack : ever since what ? traci : look , jack , you 're always on the phone . if it 's not with phyllis ' doctors , it 's with your own specialists . you -- you fly to savannah every single weekend to see her . jack : i 'm not sure why that 's any of your business , but what 's wrong with that ? ashley : jackie ... you 're spending your life searching and hoping . there 's a possibility it wo n't happen , jack . jack : okay , i appreciate your concern , but i am perfectly capable of taking care of myself . ashley : jack . you have to start living your life again . jack : my life without phyllis ? is that what you 're saying ? traci : we 're just worried about you , jack . jack : well , you have a hell of a way of showing it , getting me to abandon the woman i love . ashley : abandon her ? of course not . jack : if this is your idea of helping me , maybe you should both go back to new york right now . tyler : that is nice . leslie : yeah . go ahead . say it . i know you 're just dying to . tyler : i 'm just glad that i 'm not the one going all picket fences . and here you said that i was gon na be the first one walking down the aisle . leslie : okay , let 's get this straight . i 'm getting married . that does n't mean that i 'll be waiting at the door with neil 's slippers when he comes home from work every night . tyler : so you 're saying that tying the knot does n't change anything for you . leslie : yeah , i was stupid to think that it would . neil is a great guy . i ca n't imagine life without him . so why not make it official ? tyler : if you say so . leslie : anyway , what 's going on with you and abby ? how was l.a. take two ? tyler : oh , it was way better than take one . yeah . weather was perfect , the food , the hotels -- everything . well , almost everything . there was one moment of temporary insanity where abby , she -- she thought she saw mariah leaving our hotel room . yeah , like sneaking out or something . leslie : what ? tyler : yeah . i mean , the hotel clerk , he said that they were having issues with their key cards all day , so i do n't know . i figure somebody went in the wrong room . leslie : yeah , but why would she think it 's mariah ? tyler : [ chuckles ] she said that she has her own brand of intuition . yeah . `` abby - tuition , `` she calls it . leslie : okay , well , what does your tyler - tuition say ? was it mariah ? tyler : no . could n't be . leslie : well , i certainly hope not . the last thing you need is your ex - fiancée showing up in your life . tyler : yeah , well , you know what ? it would n't even matter . abby is everything that i 've ever wanted in a woman . you know , she 's honest , she 's open , she 's generous . she loves to laugh . she 's got the best laugh . the best heart . you know , when i 'm with her , i do n't want to leave . and when i 'm not with her , i think about being with her . leslie : [ chuckles ] oh . tyler : what ? leslie : i 'm just saying it sounds like you 'll be going all picket fences sooner than you think . [ clicks tongue ] [ chuckles ] abby : you can not get back together with sharon . nick : oh , will you relax ? we 're just friends . abby : i bet that did n't stop her from trying to put the `` ho ho ho `` back into your christmas . nick : all right , which of these is for me ? abby : i 'm beggin you , nick , back away from your ex . nick : she is the mother of my children . i ca n't just cut her out of my life . abby : yes , you can . fine . stick to co - parenting from a safe distance . nick : all right , if you and tyler are gon na ring in the new year , you should probably get out of here . abby : are you trying to get rid of me ? you 're not going out with her tonight , are you ? nick : i already have a date with my guitar . i 've already learned the `` c `` chord . abby : oh . nick : or a `` g. `` abby : well , that 's cute and kind of pathetic . nick : i just ca n't win with you . abby : you ca n't sit home alone on new year 's eve . and if you do , i know exactly what 's gon na happen . nick : yeah , i 'm gon na become a rock star . abby : no . sharon 's gon na pop in here at 11 : 59 with some flimsy excuse and an even flimsier outfit . nick : okay . let 's go . abby : ugh ! nick : come on . i want you to have a happy new year . abby : thank you . you too . and if you change your mind , you know where we 'll be . we 'll be at the club . nick : tell tyler i said hello . abby : come on . meet us . it 'll be fun . nick : if you say . i love you . abby : love you . bye . sharon : so , the athletic club ? neil : yep . leslie and i are gon na be celebrating our engagement . sharon : oh , my gosh . you and leslie are getting married ? that 's wonderful . congratulations . neil : thanks . you know , i 've walked down the aisle a few times , but this is leslie 's first time . so i want to make tonight perfect and special , you know . sharon : her first wedding . i bet -- i bet she 's so excited right now . i remember back to my first wedding . [ chuckles ] neil : yeah . so what about you ? what are you doing tonight ? sharon : oh , i just want to stay home and sit by the fire and have a quiet evening . and you know what ? i 'm gon na start out tomorrow fresh . neil : i understand . i understand completely . well , if you change your mind , young lady ... sharon : the athletic club . neil : that is where we 'll be . happy new year . sharon : happy new year . stitch : you did n't answer me . what are you doing in genoa city ? kelly : it 's nice to see you , too . i live here . what are you doing here ? stitch : uh , i live here , too . kelly : are you -- are you a doctor ? stitch : i 'm a resident at the hospital , yeah . kelly : oh , well good for you , doctor ... oh , wait . what is it ? dr. rayburn . stitch : yeah , that 's right . you know , i need to get back . kelly : so everyone in town calls you `` dr . rayburn , `` and no one suspects a thing ? billy : you feel i have n't been honest ? victoria : no . not you . me . billy : what are you talking about ? victoria : you have been trying over and over again to tell me what you 're going through , and i have n't been honest with you about how i felt . billy : vick , we do n't need to do this right now . victoria : no , i do need to do this . billy : okay . victoria : when i got home from the airport , your mother stopped by . billy : well , i 'm sure that was helpful . what did she want ? victoria : i 'm just gon na let her tell you about that later . but she made me realize something . billy : and what 's that ? victoria : billy , i have been doing things all wrong . i 'm so sorry , but i have . i 've been insisting that you spend time with me and johnny and celebrate the holidays and go on with life . billy : come on . just -- victoria : you know , the truth of the matter is that i did n't want you to get back to normal life just for your own sake . i did n't let you grieve because i do n't know how to deal with the pain myself . no wonder you -- you turned to the support group and to kelly . she understood that you needed time to heal , and i did n't even understand that . i did n't get it . billy : stop . stop . you d -- you did n't -- stop . victoria : no , we got married for better or for worse , and then the worst came . and i do n't know how to deal with it . i am so sorry . i 'm so sorry that i have n't been the wife that you needed . billy : do n't do that . please do n't apologize . victoria : can you please forgive me ? billy : you did n't do anything wrong . i did . just do n't apologize to me . cane : happy new year , guys . we love you . lily : [ chuckles ] go to bed , and we 'll see you in the morning , okay ? cane : okay , we love you guys . get some sleep . lily : good night . cane : good night . [ both chuckle ] lily : i almost died laughing when mattie said her new year 's resolution . cane : [ sighs ] no more bananas in the bottom of the backpack . i thought that was inspiring . lily : or what about charlie saying that he 's not gon na use anymore green crayons for his art projects ? cane : well , i guess we wo n't get any landscapes this year . lily : and then mattie tells him to use pink to get in touch with his feminine side . cane : sounds like something his mother would say . lily : well , i think that men should be able to express all sides of themselves . cane : yes , we should . so what about you ? are there any crayon or any backpack resolutions i should know about ? lily : no , but i promised to make every minute of every day count . no matter what the doctor says . cane : and i promise to turn those minutes into years . cheers . lily : cheers . devon : go dig up dirt someplace else . what 's the matter , devon ? afraid i 'll write about you trashing another hotel room ? devon : i have some advice for you . you need to get your facts straight , or else the only thing you 'll be writing is a big , fat check to the charity of my choice after i sue you for libel . uh - huh . devon : beat it , man . [ chuckles ] have a good night , man . hilary : i am so sorry i ever put you on their radar . devon : please . i think inheriting a couple billions did that anyway . hilary : so is your family meeting here tonight ? devon : yeah . yeah , we 're , uh , celebrating leslie and neil 's engagement . hilary : okay , well , you can give them my best . devon : whoa . hey . i never got to say thank you for telling me about mason stealing my identity . hilary : did you talk to the police ? devon : well , i want to take a look at the security footage from the hotel . hilary : you do n't believe me . devon : no , i do . i 'm just not sure of how i want to handle things . are you staying ? hilary : um , i think i might just go watch the ball drop in my room . devon : well , you know , you do n't have to go . neil : hey , devon . happy new year , my man . devon : hey . happy new year . neil : hi , hilary . hilary : hi , neil . neil : good to see you . i 'm well . you did n't start without me , did you ? devon : no , no , no , no . abby : there 's the groom - to - be ! congratulations . neil : thank you . appreciate that . abby : hi . neil : what do you say we go join the rest of the party down there , huh ? will you take that for me ? thanks . abby : let 's do it . neil : you look good , man . devon : thanks . so do you . neil : i like the suit . yeah , let 's go party . devon : all right . jack : i 'm not gon na just force phyllis out of my mind . ashley : we do n't want you to force her out of your mind , jack . jack : no ? traci : jack , remember when colleen died ? i did n't want to talk to anyone . i did n't want to leave the house . i did n't even want to go on living . and , jack , it was you . you forced me to face life again . jack : that was different , and you know it . colleen was gone . you needed to let go . phyllis is still here . traci : jack , she 's alive . but she 's not living . and neither are you . jack : bull ! ashley : jackie , you 're just withdrawing . you know , you 're withdrawing further and further from the world . traci : come on . phyllis would n't want that . she would want you to be involved and engaged . ashley : she would . traci : for summer 's sake as well as for your own . ashley : you 're so convinced that she 's gon na wake up , right ? jack : yes , i am . ashley : so when she does , she 's gon na want to know that she did n't rob you of all the time that she was n't here , jackie . jack : i just feel like i should be with her . ashley : jackie ... you ca n't be there . you know , phyllis would n't want you to be with her . jack : so what do i do ? just forget about her ? ashley : of course not . traci : jack , we 're not asking you to give up on phyllis ' life . we just ... we do n't want you to give up on your own . victoria : please do n't blame yourself for the way things have been between us . billy : i have been a jerk , honey . victoria : you 've been in pain . i 'm not gon na let you beat yourself up for that . billy : okay . i could 've , um ... i should 've handled things much differently . victoria : look , there 's no right or wrong way to deal with grief . i mean , everybody does it in a different way . and i should have understood that . i should have understood that and not pushed you to get back to normal so quickly . billy : you were just trying to help me . victoria : no , i - i just made things worse is what i did . billy : we 've both made mistakes here . victoria : okay , well , i 'm gon na make up for my mistakes , and promise you that . so whatever you need , if you need time , you need space , you need kelly -- whatever you need -- billy : i just need you , okay ? i just need you . victoria : okay . well , i 'm here , and we 're gon na get through this together . i promise you . billy : i am so sorry . billy : you need to let me say this . victoria : okay . billy : no matter what i say , i need you to know that i realize that you 've been there for me . victoria : i 've tried . billy : you 've done everything right . i 'm the one who screwed up . victoria : no . do n't say that . billy : it 's true . i ... you 're the most beautiful , loving , caring wife i could ever ask for , and instead of appreciating you , i 've al -- i always hurt you . victoria : no . listen to me . that was the past , all right ? billy : [ sniffles ] i do n't deserve you . victoria : you 're a good man , billy . you 're a good man . you 're a good husband and a good father . billy : no . i have n't been any of those things . but i will be . i promise you i will be . stitch : kelly , you ca n't . kelly : i ca n't what ? tell everyone about you , dr . rayburn ? stitch : have n't you done enough ? kelly : i did n't do anything . she was gon na find out sooner or later . it was n't intentional . it just came up . stitch : things are going really well here for me . i 'd like to keep it that way . kelly : and you need my help . stitch : i just think if we 're both gon na be living here ... we should stay out of each other 's way . kelly : i think that 's a great idea . victor : neil , congratulations . neil : thank you , victor . appreciate that . nikki : have you set a date yet ? leslie : no . neil : soon . nikki : [ chuckles ] leslie : not too soon . neil : kind of soon . victor : oh , yeah ? well , you know nikki 's an expert at that . she can assist you if you need it . nikki : oh , dear . unfortunately the last wedding i put together did n't turn out very well . victor : oh . neil : that 's a shame . uh - oh . look what the cat dragged in . it looks like nick 's recovered . nikki : he came ! i 'm so glad . a night out will do him some good . victor : oh , my . but not with her . sharon : nick . i did n't know you were gon na be here . nick : i did n't know you were coming , either . sharon : i was n't going to . i was just gon na stay home tonight , but then neil invited me to come celebrate his and leslie 's engagement . nick : abby invited me . or more like shamed me into coming . she said i would be a loser if i stayed home on new year 's eve all alone . sharon : well , she tried . i mean , [ chuckles ] you should be out enjoying your life . um ... do you want me to go ? nick : why should you go ? sharon : well , i can think of two reasons . nick : oh , come on . you 're not gon na let my mom and dad get to you , are you ? sharon : i wo n't if you wo n't . nick : let 's get some champagne . what 's up , ty ? tyler : hey . abby : seriously ? did she put a tracking device on him ? victor : i would n't put it past her . nikki : i 'm not any happier than you two are that sharon is here , but ... let 's not ruin the party for neil and leslie . victor , promise me no matter what happens ... no trouble . victor : oh , boy . jack : well , there 's an old acquaintance who should be forgot . traci : oh , be nice . jack : i 'm always nice . let 's go wish him a happy new year . traci : thank you . victor : hello , traci . nikki : hello . victor : ashley . traci : happy new year , everyone . nikki : good to see you . traci : thank you . victor : we 'll see , wo n't we ? ashley : well , i think we could use a little peace on earth , if it 's not too late for that sentiment . nikki : oh , i do n't think it 's ever too late for that . do you , darling ? victor : ashley and traci , you both look beautiful this evening . traci : oh , thank you . jack : as do you , nikki . you just have n't changed , not since you were married to me . victor : she 's just a lot smarter now than she was then . traci : um , jack , i 'm thirsty . let 's get a drink . we 'll see you later . nikki : i am going to make a quick phone call to victoria , wish her a happy new year . victor : give her my love , okay ? ashley : well ... victor : so you think peace between your brother and me -- are you serious ? ashley : [ chuckles ] a girl can hope , right ? i mean , you 're both still standing . when i was in town last time , i was n't sure that would be the case by the end of the year . victor : there 's still time . ashley : stop . ca n't you just let this battle go ? abby : mom ! you 're back ! ashley : hi , sweetie ! i am . i had to see for myself if you are as happy as your texts say . abby : well ? ashley : you look beautiful . i see you 're happier . are you ? abby : this is gon na be a great year . and i am thrilled to ring in the new year with almost everyone in this room . sharon : check my back for me . nick : for what ? sharon : for knives . i 'm sure there 's more than one in there . nick : oh , come on . i thought we said we were n't gon na let my parents get to us . sharon : you know , i thought there were maybe one or two people here who had it out for me , but now i feel like nobody wants me here . nick : well , i do . sharon : you know , us hanging out together like this , people are gon na think we 're a couple . nick : we know what we are . we 're friends . sharon : thinking back to last year at this time , it 's funny . we 're friends now . and it just makes me think that anything 's possible . victor : be careful , jack . remember what happened at this very bar about a year ago . jack : how nice of you to remind me . victor : probably very few people recall . but you picked up a prostitute right here and took her to your house , and she was found dead on your living - room floor . jack : i will never forget what happened to that poor woman . you seem to have forgotten some details , though , as i remember her body was found in an alley . victor : you know what i think ? how different this year would have been for you if adam had not been successful in covering up your scheme . jack : adam was a great friend to me . he did n't learn about that from you , did he ? victor : what have you done for him in return for saving your ass ? hmm ? or are you helping him cover up an equally egregious transgression ? jack : if i had , you 'd be the last to know . excuse me . victor : mm - hmm . traci : [ laughing ] jack : well , happy new year . nice to see you here . hilary : yeah . nice to see you , too . no , i 'm just grabbing some dinner and taking it back up to my room . traci : oh , are you sure you ca n't stay ? jack : traci , could i borrow my assistant for just a second ? traci : well , sure . i have n't said hi to abby yet . i will see you later . okay . jack : i did n't know you knew my sister that well . hilary : uh , well , i 've seen her at the house . jack : you certainly seemed like you had plenty to talk about . hilary : no , not really . jack : no more than just me . hilary : what ? jack : i wondered how ashley and traci knew everything i was doing and feeling . you 've been filling them in , have n't you ? hilary : i may have mentioned that , um ... i was worried about you . that 's it . jack : i appreciate your concern . it 's not necessary , and it is certainly not any part of your job description . hilary : i 'm sorry if i overstepped . but i am so grateful to you , jack . jack : i know that . hilary : i just wanted to do something to help you . jack : you want to help me ? get on with your life . you 're a beautiful woman . focus on your life , not mine . as a matter of fact , start doing it tonight . hilary : no . i ca n't . jack : yes , you can . you 're a goal - oriented woman . take a look around this room . look for a face you 'd like to be kissing at midnight . and then go for it . start living your life . devon : so when 's the big day ? have to dust off my tux . neil : my man , you better start dusting that tux off right away . leslie : oh , yeah . weeks . months , maybe . abby : so a long engagement ? leslie : mm . oh , yeah . yeah , for sure . i mean , what 's the rush ? we -- we 're together . we love each other . i mean , a wedding is just -- it 's formalities . [ glass clinking ] neil : may i have everyone 's attention , please ? come here , honey . would you come over with me ? i want to thank everyone for coming here tonight to help leslie and me celebrate our engagement ... and to ring in this wonderful new year . you know , this is an evening of new beginnings , and i thought that i had used up my quota of those . but for some reason , the universe has decided to give me one more shot at happiness . and , boy , am i glad that it did . yeah , a lot of you do n't know the proposal that i made to my lovely girl here was -- it was a little unorthodox , was n't it ? it was in the middle of the genoa city police department . [ laughter ] neil : it was . romantic . neil : yeah . really romantic , right ? but i promise you i 'm gon na make that up to you . leslie : oh , well , you know , you already did . [ laughter ] leslie : look at that ! neil : yeah . i 'm glad you like it . [ laughter ] neil : but , see that 's just a symbol of my love . i plan on showing you every day how much i love you for the rest of our lives . [ group aws ] so sweet . so sweet ! neil : everyone , please join me , raising your glass to my beautiful fiancée . you have made me the happiest and luckiest man alive . [ glasses clink ] cheers . hear , hear ! lily : whoo ! [ glasses clinking ] neil : mm . yay ! leslie : [ chuckles ] neil : i ca n't wait , baby . i ca n't wait . mm .
victor is in his office when nikki enters . nikki wonders what is bothering victor concerning adam . cane , lily , leslie , and neil all gather to usher in the new year together . jack sits alone at home when traci and ashley surprise him with a visit . victoria asks billy where he has been , but he refuses to tell her . sharon meets stitch at the coffeehouse and she tells him her plans for new year 's . stitch and kelly come face to face . abby goes to see nick bringing gifts . victoria asks billy what happened to him that he had n't joined her at the airport . victoria tells billy that they need to be honest with each other . neil joins sharon at the coffeehouse to talk about the photo shoot , but she tells him to wait until after the new year . nikki asks victor why he is reaching out to adam . nikki lets victor know that there is a storm up the east coast and their trip is delayed .
adam : that is a wedding ring , right ? chelsea : no . adam : oh . chelsea : well , actually , it is a wedding ring , but -- adam : it 's just complicated ? chelsea : [ chuckles ] not really . i just -- i just wear this to keep guys from buying me drinks . adam : oh . you got something against free drinks ? chelsea : no . [ chuckles ] no , it 's just easier than saying , `` thanks , i 'm flattered , but no thanks . `` adam : oh , okay . well , now that the ring is gone and we 've established that you 're not afraid of free drinks , um ... champagne ? chelsea : thanks , i 'm flattered , but no thanks . i feel like i should wait for my date . adam : yeah . yeah , of course . of course . uh ... you should . uh , listen , i - i do n't want to give you the wrong idea . i was n't trying to hit on you or anything . um , i 'm actually waiting for someone , too . i 've been , uh , waiting on her for a long time . chelsea : oh . she must be very special . adam : she 's perfect . victor : what would make this a happier new year , mr. clark , is for you to do your job and sell the warehouse property , all right ? once you have done that , you call me . you look beautiful . nikki : thank you . victor : you all right ? nikki : yeah . i 've just , uh ... been thinking about the year we 've been through . victor : but we survived . onward and upward . ready to ring in the new year . nikki : can you make me a promise ? victor : what kind of promise ? nikki : i do n't want to be left in the dark anymore . you 'll be honest with me , even if you think what you have to say to me will upset me . victor : well ... can you promise the same ? kevin : okay , so when harding asks me to watch his pet , roscoe , i 'm thinking pit bull , maybe a doberman , possibly a python . but no . mr. macho detective here has an itty - bitty bunny . noah : what ? mariah : itty - bitty ? noah : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . harding has a little rabbit ? no . no way . kevin : it 's a big , fluffy rabbit . [ laughter ] courtney : oh , guys , come on . that 's cute . harding : it is cute . it 's very cute . mariah : yeah , and not weird at all . kevin : okay , but harding 's love of cute , fuzzy , little bunnies was n't the only surprise . harding : okay , zip it , fish . kevin : what ? come on . it was a simple mistake . anybody could have made it . well , anybody who did n't know the difference between male and female anatomy . mariah : true . devon : no . gwen : he was a she ? harding : yeah , okay , you know , i think that 's enough about my rabbit . [ laughter ] noah : you got to be able to tell the difference between the girls and the guys if you want to be called a player . [ laughter ] kevin : no , no . he would have figured it out as soon as she saw roscoe 's babies . noah : oh , god . his bunny had babies ? devon : hey , let 's get a toast to the proud papa . [ cheering ] lars : shots , yes ? summer : okay , you guys , give harding a break . it 's bad enough that he does n't have a date on new year 's eve . noah : did your girlfriend turn out to be a guy , too ? harding : oh , you are the funniest . courtney : yeah , what did happen to lonnie ? harding : we called it quits . kevin : she dumped you . harding : yeah , she said i , uh , did n't understand women , whatever that means . abby : well , if -- if roscoe is any indication , you clearly have a disconnect with the opposite sex . [ laughter ] lars : shots , yes ? devon : who is this guy ? abby : that would be my date . jack : i know you said earlier you were n't bothered by my being here , but if that 's not the case , phyllis and i can always celebrate the new year elsewhere . kelly : i do n't have any problem with you being here . jack : good . because i do n't want to hurt you any more than i already have . kelly : i think you 're the one that 's hurting . jack : why would i be hurting ? kelly : because you 're still in love with me . and now you 're stuck with phyllis . phyllis : this is not happening to me . how could i be out of gas ? come on , come on , come on . there 's got to be enough fumes , enough to get me to the club or the nearest gas station . come on . the nearest gas station . please let me have -- oh , my god . how can i be dead ? how can you be dead ? ! oh , my god . okay . this is not gon na defeat me . mnh - mnh . you know why ? you know why ? because you made it here from georgia with $ 5 and a stolen nurse 's uniform , and nothing beats you . nothing beats you . do n't think i 'm not gon na walk to the club from here . [ car alarm dings ] phyllis : i 'm walking . abby : everybody , this is lars . lars , this is everybody . devon : hey , lars . mariah : hi . abby : lars is a new model at jabot , and he does n't speak much of the english . kevin : as in , none ? lars : shots , yes ? [ laughter ] harding : he 's got that down . you know , they say you do n't know anything about love , but you have clearly found something special in this one , princess . cheers . [ laughter ] [ cell phone rings ] abby : oh . kyle ! hey ! happy new year ! kevin : and once again , the sword of justice falls on the side of righteousness . mariah : oh , kevin , you are hardly plato sphere vanquishing the enemy . kevin : are you kidding ? that was good triumphing over evil times 10 . mariah : yeah , you 're a regular one - eyed bludgeoner . kevin : you know , it sure did feel good putting harding in his place after all the crap he gives me . mariah : i do have to admit , it was kind of fun to watch . [ both laugh ] kevin : you know , this new year 's eve is turning out to be way better than i expected . mariah : i do n't want you getting any ideas about midnight , because i 'm not kissing anybody . kevin : why are you telling me that ? mariah : i 'm just establishing ground rules . abby : we really missed you over the holidays , kyle . you better get back to genoa city . i mean it , kyle . summer : tell him happy new year 's for me . abby : do it yourself . summer : kyle , hi . devon : are you having a good time ? gwen : i 'm having a great time . devon : yeah ? gwen : but i 'm curious about something . devon : what 's that ? gwen : i was just wondering , why did we come here when there 's a huge party at your club ? devon : well , 'cause there 's a lot of people there tonight . gwen : there 's a lot of people here , too . devon : that 's true , but i 'm always at the club , so i figured we 'd have more fun here . victor : all right , last phone call , i promise . now we can go , okay ? nikki : you know , i just got a phone call myself from katherine 's favorite charity , and they have a - an annual new year 's eve reception , and their keynote speaker just called . she 's sick . she ca n't make it , and they wanted me to fill in for her . victor : oh . well , then i 'll come with you . nikki : well , it 's for a battered women 's shelter . they might be uncomfortable if there 's a man there . i - i think i should just go and i 'll meet you over there . victor : sweetheart , i do n't think you should go out alone . why do n't i call the shelter and have them find someone else ? nikki : darling , it 's important to me . i want to do it . victor : i know that katherine would appreciate very much that you continue her work , but she will also understand that you 're not up to it right now . nikki : i want to do it . i 'm doing it for myself . victor : i do n't understand . nikki : well , i read somewhere that whoever you spend your new year 's eve with affects the whole rest of the next year . so i really want to make this stop . victor : i see . you read that somewhere , huh ? nikki : mm - hmm . victor : okay . then you go ahead . adam : you sure i ca n't tempt you ? just one drink while we wait ? chelsea : sure . why not ? one drink while i wait . adam : there we go . chelsea : [ chuckles ] adam : to , um , well , to the new year and , uh , new friendships . chelsea : hear , hear . [ glasses clink ] [ cell phone rings ] chelsea : hmm . oh , uh , excuse me . adam : yeah . chelsea : billy , hey . what 's going on ? billy : hey , i 'm so sorry i 'm late . chelsea : no , it 's okay . is everything all right ? billy : yeah , yeah , we just had a little scare with katie . chelsea : what kind of scare ? billy : oh , she was spitting up , she had a fever , so we decided to take her to urgent care . chelsea : urgent care ? uh , well , what did the pediatrician say ? billy : uh , he said it was just baby reflux . we were probably overreacting , but vick and i did n't want to take any chances . chelsea : no , no , of course not . um , do you -- do you want to cancel our plans ? billy : no , no , that 's not necessary . i 'll be there . chelsea : i would understand . i mean , the baby comes first , of course . billy : i appreciate that , but katie 's fine , and , uh , vick will call me if there 's any changes . chelsea : are you sure ? billy : yeah . i want to start the new year together . chelsea : yeah . me , too . billy : i 'll be there soon . chelsea : all right . i 'll see you then . adam : everything all right with connor ? chelsea : connor 's fine . thank you for your concern . adam : good . i 'm -- i 'm sorry . uh , i did n't mean to be nosy . it 's just , you hear a child goes to urgent care , and your brain starts to go in all kinds of different directions . chelsea : it was n't connor who went to see the doctor . it was actually my -- my date 's little girl . adam : so -- so the guy you 're seeing has a -- has a baby ? chelsea : yeah . adam : oh . chelsea : yeah . uh , katherine rose . she 's almost 2 months . adam : wow . well , i 'm -- i am , uh , you know , i 'm glad she 's okay . chelsea : yeah . me , too . she really means the world to billy . adam : i 'm sure . yeah . yeah , i 'm sure . you know , they say , um , children change your life . chelsea : it 's so true . adam : yeah ? chelsea : yeah , i actually never even planned on being a mother , but now every holiday , every birthday , every -- every single day , actually , i truly love it more and more . adam : good . did you and connor have a good christmas ? chelsea : yeah , we did . adam : yeah ? chelsea : we did . it was better than last year . he 's definitely at a really fun age , you know ? adam : mm - hmm . yeah , oh , yeah , the age where he likes to unwrap the presents instead of eat the wrapping paper , right ? chelsea : yes ! you know kids ! adam : well , i used to be a kid . [ both laugh ] chelsea : well , i 'm sure you were n't as spoiled as connor is now . you should have seen all the presents for him under the tree . all soccer - themed , of course . we had a -- we had a soccer goal . adam : okay . chelsea : we had soccer gear , soccer posters . adam : i was into the whole soccer thing when i was a kid , too . chelsea : oh , yeah ? adam : i know all about it . chelsea : yeah . his , uh , grandpa got him started right away . i think the day he was born . adam : yeah . i 'd be careful about that , you know . sometimes , uh , adults can pressure kids into places they really do n't want to be . push them too hard or whatever . chelsea : right , well , his -- his grandfather can be a bit overbearing , but he does love his grandson , so ... adam : i 'm sure . victor : hello , chelsea . chelsea : victor , hi ! victor : happy new year . chelsea : happy new year . that 's funny . we were actually just talking about you . victor : you were ? chelsea : i was . victor : good things , i hope . chelsea : always . victor : i did n't know you knew each other . chelsea : you 've -- you guys have met ? victor : i saw him in the elevator the other day . adam : i ca n't believe you remember that . victor : yes , i do , indeed . chelsea : you 're really meeting all the newmans . victor : does that mean you have come to your senses where billy abbott is concerned ? stitch : johnny and reed are asleep . uh , i hope you do n't mind i took them out . victoria : oh , no , listen , of course not . we 're just grateful that you could keep an eye on them while we went to the doctor . thank you . stitch : sure . everything check out okay ? victoria : [ sighs ] billy : yeah . upset tummy , just like you said . victoria : yeah . her fever 's already down . they did n't even give us antibiotics for her . billy : you , uh , you nailed it , doc . stitch : ah . victoria : we just -- we 've seen things go wrong with kids before , and we just wanted to be sure . stitch : no , i completely understand . if she were my daughter , i -- you -- you did the right thing taking her in . billy : i 'm glad you 'll be here tonight . you 'll keep an eye on her for me , right ? stitch : you bet . billy : well , i should get going . i do n't want to keep chelsea waiting , so ... happy new year , sweetheart . you 've , uh , you 've already made it one for me . you and your mom . [ sighs ] happy new year , both of you . victoria : thank you , billy . happy new year . [ door opens ] victoria : ben , i 'm -- i 'm so sorry . summer : do you know how long it 's been since i 've been skiing or to europe ? okay , well , maybe next year . i hope i do n't have to wait that long until i see you . you know , i know that genoa city is n't italy , but everyone here really misses you . [ chuckles ] okay , i 'm gon na hold you to it . okay , bye , kyle . austin : ski trip , huh ? summer : yeah . sounds like fun , does n't it ? austin : i 'm more of a basketball hoops kind of guy , you know ? summer : you 've never been skiing with me . austin : yeah , slopes are more for rich guys like kyle . summer : okay , well , what about sitting in front of the fire at the lodge afterwards ? austin : i 'm sure he 's a pro there , too . summer : okay , stop , stop . we have been over this before . you have no reason to be jealous of kyle . okay , i 'm happy with my life with you . austin : even without all the expensive vacations ? summer : yes . look , i love you , okay ? you are everything i will ever want or need . right here is where i want to be . austin : i want to make this a great year for you . i promise . jack : i 'm -- i 'm sorry if i misled you in any way -- kelly : jack , let me explain . i understand now that you were in a terrible position . i mean , phyllis shows up after a year in a coma ? i mean , how could you possibly turn your back on her ? jack : that 's -- that 's not what happened . i love phyllis , and i am so sorry that i hurt you in any way at all . kelly : please , you gave me the absolute best of you . you opened your home and your heart to me , and -- and i gave you mine . jack : yes , you did , and i -- kelly : and i ca n't just turn those feelings off , so i know that you ca n't , either , no matter what you say . jack : kelly , i had to make a choice . that 's what i did . kelly : you were n't lying when you held me in your arms and you told me that you loved me . you were n't lying when you made love to me . jack : phyllis came back . kelly : feelings like that do n't just go away . jack : kelly , listen . kelly : okay . tell me i 'm wrong . tell me that you have absolutely no feelings for me left whatsoever . jack : kelly . i want you to listen to me . abby : uh , did devon ever tell you that we went out ? gwen : no , he did not mention that . abby : it was probably just so embarrassing , you know , being rejected . devon : right , right . i hated doing that to you . abby : no one has ever dumped me . devon : it was a mutual decision . gwen : gotcha . abby : i can live with that . you know , you and i are better off friends anyway . and you two , you make such an adorable couple . gwen : thanks . abby : i hope that you 're divorced or -- or separated , at least . devon : abby . gwen : what ? abby : i just -- i assumed that gwen was the married woman you were hung up on . devon : no , no . gwen 's never been married before . gwen : married woman ? devon : you 've never been married before , right ? gwen : not yet . abby : great ! yeah ! you 've moved on from mrs. jones , and you can have a real relationship with -- with someone great . devon : yeah . lars : shots ! yes ? harding : [ laughs ] you know -- you know , maybe `` shots `` means something different in dutch . or -- or swedish or whatever it is he 's speaking . maybe it 's like `` aloha `` and has like 20 different meanings . [ laughs ] abby : excuse us . noah : so , what do you think about this bracelet , really ? courtney : that it 's beautiful . i said i loved it . abby : jewelry ? how sophisticated . what 's next ? an engagement ring ? noah : no , whoa . no , no . uh , there 's no wedding in my future . i 'll get us another drink . nikki : happy new year , katherine . i ca n't believe it 's been two years ... since i 've seen you ... and laughed with you ... cried with you . [ inhales sharply ] i 'm trying to be strong . i really am . but ... i know that i 've let you down . i wrote you in my letter that ... i had been drinking . [ sighs ] i can just see your face . shaking your head . what a hypocrite i am . but i have good news . i have n't had a drop since thanksgiving . and i - i know it 's gon na be hard , but it 's a new year . and whatever challenges that year brings , i 'm gon na face them head on . i 've been working the program . i 've been going to meetings . and i 'm gon na do it , katherine . no more drinking . oh , my god . paul . paul : you lied to me , nikki . chelsea : i hate to disappoint you , victor , but this gentleman is just keeping me company while i wait for billy . actually , i do n't even know your name . adam : [ chuckles ] uh , gabriel . gabriel bingham . chelsea : uh , victor is connor 's grandfather . and i 'm chelsea . also newman . adam : oh . victor : bingham , bingham , bingham . sounds familiar . adam : i 'm pretty sure we 've never met , except , uh , you know , the other day in the elevator . victor : whatever you say . i just wanted to wish you and my grandson a happy new year . chelsea : happy new year to you , too . okay . victor : okay . bingham . chelsea : bye . adam : so , i take it from that encounter , uh , your boyfriend is n't connor 's dad . is that right ? chelsea : no . adam : okay . chelsea : connor 's father passed away earlier this year . adam : i 'm sorry to hear that . that 's -- that 's tough . i , uh , i recently lost someone really close to me . i know what it feels like to lose someone special in your life . chelsea : yeah . it 's been very , very hard . but ... i 'm moving on . adam : well , moving on has been impossible for me . chelsea : i 'm sorry . the hardest part is , you know , all of the unresolved issues . i ... still have a lot i had to say to him . billy : hey . you okay ? chelsea : hmm . hey . yeah , i 'm great . i - i was actually just talking to -- billy : uh , no need for introductions . i 've already met the man . seems to be spreading joy everywhere i turn . what 's up with that , bingham ? jack : phyllis . hey . are you all right ? what happened ? phyllis : that all depends on what i just walked in on , jack . why do n't you tell me ? i 'm waiting . kelly : jack was just admiring my dress . christine : and , kelly , you look great in it . kelly : oh , thank you ! jack : could i have a moment alone with my -- with phyllis , please ? kelly : of course ! of course . um , phyllis , if you need anything , you just , um , let me know . jack : [ stammers ] are you all right ? phyllis : what was going on between you and kelly when i walked in ? jack : i was just telling her you 're the woman i love , you 're the woman i want to spend my -- phyllis : that 's not what it looked like , jack . jack : she 's not accepting the truth right now . there 's nothing i can do about that . could we please do what i wanted to do all along ? skip this celebration and let 's go home . phyllis : no ! not after everything i went through to get here . jack : what the hell happened ? phyllis : i ran out of gas , surprisingly . then my cell phone died . and apparently nobody 's picking up hitchhikers , even ones with great legs . jack : wait , you walked here ? phyllis : yes , i did . i managed to mess up my makeup , my shoes , my dress . but you know what ? it does n't matter , because i was never crazy about this dress in the first place . you know , i think it 's a little dated . i 'm sure i can persuade someone to open up the boutique for me here . jack : phyllis -- phyllis : i am not going to get into it with kelly tonight , jack . do n't worry . that woman is obviously delusional . and i actually feel kind of bad for her . jack : i 'm gon na get you a drink . calm down . deal with your dress , okay ? phyllis : i wo n't be long . hi , bitch . i know you set me up . nikki : i - i can explain . paul : oh , please , nikki . i heard what you said to katherine . i was right , was n't i ? all those months ago when i thought you were drinking . nikki : i - i 'm sorry that i was n't honest with you . paul : i wish you felt you could have been . nikki : i was so embarrassed . i was ashamed . i - i should have been stronger . i know . paul : you -- you know what , nikki ? sometimes we ca n't do it on our own . and if you do n't want to lean on me , that 's perfectly fine . let your family help you . nikki : no ! no , you -- you ca n't tell my family . paul : they 're not gon na judge you . they love you . they 'll never judge you . nikki : and i love them . that 's why they ca n't know . and besides , you just heard me . i 'm not drinking anymore . paul : how am i supposed to believe you when you just lied to me ? nikki : all right . if you ca n't believe me , you have to believe that i would never lie to katherine . i mean , she would never let me , even now . i 'm going to meetings . i 'm staying sober . please do n't worry victor and the kids unnecessarily . please , paul , i am asking . i am begging you as a friend , please , please do n't tell them . paul : [ sighs ] all right , nikki . i wo n't tell your family . nikki : oh , thank you . thank you , paul , so much . stitch : katie asleep ? victoria : yeah . like nothing ever happened . stitch : well , i 'm glad it was n't anything serious . victoria : you know , i should have listened to you . that 's what i started to say before , and i 'm sorry -- i 'm sorry that i did n't . stitch : victoria , i do n't blame you and billy for taking katie in to urgent care . after everything you 've been through , you know , your instinct is to be cautious . victoria : yeah , i know , but you 're a doctor , and i should have trusted your opinion . stitch : i have given you more than enough reason to doubt my judgment . victoria : that 's all in the past . i know you would never betray me . stitch : i 'm gon na prove that i deserve your trust . you know that ? i love you . i have never stopped loving you . chelsea : how do you and gabriel know each other ? billy : oh , i met him at jack 's house . he was spreading his own special brand of cheer there , too . chelsea : billy , gabriel was n't giving me a hard time . we were just talking about connor 's father . billy : did you know adam ? adam : nope . billy : lucky you . chelsea : gabriel was just keeping me company while we waited for our dates to get here . billy : so , uh , where 's yours ? adam : um , well , like i was just explaining to chelsea here , i 've been waiting for my special lady for the better part of a year now . billy : [ chuckles ] maybe she 's trying to tell you something . adam : [ chuckles ] maybe . maybe . well , lucky -- lucky for me , i ca n't take a hint . billy : you know , jack was saying the same thing about you . chelsea : jack ? how do you know jack ? billy : they 're business associates . adam : well , we were . i 'm hoping to do some more business with him in the future . yeah . billy : well , good . and you 'll be dealing with me since i 'm employed at the family business . chelsea : do n't worry . i work at jabot , too . i 'll make sure billy is n't too hard on you . adam : okay . well , you know what ? i have taken up enough of your time . so , uh , look forward to working with both of you . i do . have a good night . chelsea : you , too . billy : yeah . you , too . i do n't like him . chelsea : [ chuckles ] you do n't even know him . billy : it 's just ... something about him . chelsea : he seems nice enough to me . now , come on . let 's go have some fun . kelly : i set you up ? phyllis : the way you were throwing yourself at jack when i walked in proves it . kelly : [ chuckles ] is that what he told you ? phyllis : you siphoned the gas out of my car to keep me from getting here tonight . then you flaunt yourself in front of jack wearing my dress . kelly : well , obviously i think i fill out this dress just a little bit more than you do . and secondly , [ scoffs ] these lips have never been used to suck gas out of a tank . phyllis : oh , i ca n't imagine where they 've been . so , what 'd you do ? did you spy on me at the boutique to see what i bought ? kelly : [ chuckles ] i really hope you 're sharing these wild conspiracy theories with jack . phyllis : no , this is between you and me . you want a war ? you got it . kelly : [ scoffs ] neil : two people in love with the same person . never end well for one of them , right ? hilary : uh , yeah . you know , i need to -- i need to use the ladies room . are you okay ? neil : yeah , i 'm just fine . i 'll wait right here for you , baby . hilary : okay . neil : all right . [ sighs ] [ cell phone dings ] hilary : oh , i forgot my phone . uh ... neil : yeah , your phone . i was trying to find it . um , i - i actually heard a text come in . hilary : yeah , i got it . neil : anything important ? hilary : no . not at all . gwen : everything okay ? devon : yeah . yeah . i 'm just waiting , uh , for a text . i 'm checking in to make sure everything 's okay at the athletic club . you ca n't have an empty glass on new year 's eve . you know that , right ? let me go get you something . shots , yeah ? gwen : [ laughs ] you 're so thoughtful , devon . thank you . devon : no problem . i 'll be right back . abby : i 'm sure dad would let us use his private jet . we could fly to italy and meet kyle and all of his friends ! summer : austin ca n't go out of the country . abby : it 's a private plane . i 'm sure we could sneak him out . summer : okay , even if i thought that that was a good idea , austin has to work . abby : [ loudly ] oh , well , maybe mariah could cover for him . i 'm sure she could use the extra money maybe for a makeover ! mariah : `` all of the material riches and physical beauty in this world can not mask the ugliness of a cruel tongue and an empty heart . `` abby : [ scoffs ] let 's get out of here . kevin : you 're quoting plato sphere now ? mariah : i did n't see you coming up with any witty comebacks . not that you could compete with plato . i mean , did you see how easily his words rolled off of my tongue ? kevin : it almost sounded like he wrote them just for you . mariah : i mean , it 's like the dude just gets me . you know , i bet he is awesome , super - rich , and smart . kevin : yeah , i bet he 's all those things . mariah : no . who am i kidding ? he 's probably a really gross guy in his 40s who lives in his mom 's basement with his 20 cats . kevin : i bet he 's in his 30s . phyllis : look , i do n't care who you find . just get someone to open up fenmore 's boutique for me , okay ? christine : jack said you ran out of gas . i guess i do n't have to worry about you being behind the wheel of a car tonight . phyllis : ah , yes ! christine , of course . you 're gloating . i bet you did that the whole time i was in a coma . you were probably hoping i 'd never wake up . christine : i would n't be that cruel , not even to you . phyllis : of course not . sweet , generous cricket . christine : [ scoffs ] you know , i just hope for jack and summer 's sake , coming so close to death has made you want to become a better person . excuse me . my husband is here . hi . i did n't think you 'd ever make it . paul : sorry . christine : what held you up ? paul : uh , just some business i had to take care of . christine : okay . well , i missed you . victor : there you are . paul : i missed you , too . christine : hi . nikki : hi . paul : happy new year . victor : i understand congratulations are in order . christine : thank you . we are very excited about this baby . victor : well , i guess both of our wives will toast the new year with non- alcoholic drinks . adam : jack , you did n't tell me that billy had a new baby . a daughter ? jack : with victoria , yeah . adam : yeah . saw them at the penthouse . jack : why does that make a difference ? you think that cleans your slate ? you can just replace one baby with another ? adam : god , no . that 's not what i 'm saying . jack : this baby does not erase what you did , adam . adam : you should have told me , jack . jack : told you what ? it does n't change anything . look , i got a lot going on in my life right now . what is it you want , gabriel ? adam : i decided how you 're gon na help me out in the new year . you 're gon na give me a job at jabot . jack : no way . adam : you 'll do it . you 'll do it or i 'll go to the police and i 'll tell them that billy tried to kill me . you would n't want him to be without his daughter , would you ? jack : you 're playing with fire now , adam . adam : it 's gabriel . and i do n't have a choice . jack : wow . phyllis : `` wow , `` as in `` i like it `` ? jack : on a scale of one to blown away , boom ! phyllis : you know how i hate to be the center of attention . jack : seeing you this happy , glowing , back in your element , wow . phyllis : it 's good to be back . jack : this time last year , all i could do was toast you at midnight . the fact that we 're together ... it almost does n't seem possible . phyllis : it 's more than possible . it 's happening right now . billy : hey , everybody , it 's almost midnight ! chelsea : ooh ! yay ! [ glass clinking ] neil : uh , everybody , to all my friends and distinguished guests , um , i 'd like to propose a toast , if i may . so , as we look forward to the new year , it 's hard not to take a look , a close look , at 2014 . um , i know that for many of us , it was a year full of challenges . it was a year of healing and of great joy . it brought new life , and it brought new hope . and for me personally , it was the best year that i could possibly hope for because i found love again . and this time , it 's for good . so , here 's to the happiness and the love for all of us in the coming year . happy new year . all : happy new year ! paul : come on , everybody ! here it is ! 10 ... all : 9 ... 8 ... 7 , 6 , 5 ... lars : shots , yes ? abby : go for it ! all : ... 2 , 1 ! happy new year ! austin : i love you . [ `` auld lang syne `` plays ] [ laughter ] [ balloons popping ] [ glasses clink ] kevin : ooh ! ah ! mariah : what the hell . do n't you get any ideas . kevin : do n't you get any ideas . mariah : excuse me . gwen : happy new year , devon . devon : happy new year . [ all cheering ] neil : happy new year , baby . christine : this is gon na be our year . after everything we 've been through , let 's just focus on us and our baby . paul : yeah . victor : happy new year , my baby . nikki : it 's gon na be the best year yet . victor : the best year for the newmans . jack : welcome home . this is our year . i know it . chelsea : no more looking back . all the bad stuff 's behind us . billy : dead and buried . chelsea : nothing can stand in the way of our happiness now . [ next_on ] jill : are you suggesting that i try to get chancellor away from victor ? nikki : somebody to convince an entire committee not to allow the coffeehouse to have landmark status ? hilary : happy new year . devon : look who i brought with me . gwen : hey !
everyone in town rings in the new year at parties , some at the underground and some at the athletic club . victoria and stitch have a private celebration at her house . austin gets jealous of kyle who calls abby to wish her a happy new year but spends most of the phone call talking to summer . summer assures austin that she is happy with him , and he has no reason to be jealous of kyle , then she and austin promise to have the best year ever . devon spends new year 's at the underground with gwen , but he would rather be wit hilary . neil 's vision continues to improve , but it is still blurry , so even though he tries , he ca n't see hilary 's text message that comes in from devon while hilary is in the restroom .
stitch : hi . dearly beloved , we are gathered here together in the sight of god to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony . now , abby and ben are here with their friends , their family , to publicly declare their love for one another . phyllis : [ gasps ] jack : ash ! abby : oh , my god . stitch : give her some room . hey . hey . hey . ash , ash , it 's ben . can you hear me ? ashley . ashley : ben ? gil : going somewhere , billy ? billy : gil , what -- what the hell are you doing here ? gil : you could n't duck my calls forever , abbott . you owe me , and it 's time to pay . billy : i 'm not avoiding you . i 'm just late for a wedding . we can do this . just not now . excuse me . gil : no , excuse me . billy : hey , hey ! gil : we 're doing this now ! ashley : what happened ? jack : ashley , you fainted . ashley : [ sighs ] abby : mom , do you know where you are ? ashley : honey , of course i know where i am . stitch : okay , just -- just sit still for a second , all right ? ashley : i 'm not gon na stay on the ground . i do n't care how great the renovation is . i 'm okay . i 'm okay . abby : you ca n't just pop back up . victor : nicholas , kindly call an ambulance . nick : i already did . ashley : oh , please . no ! no , stop . you 're all being ridiculous . jack : ashley , you passed out . you need medical attention . dr. neville : i 'm right here . and in my professional opinion , the woman forgets to eat . i 've seen it before at the lab . she has low blood sugar . we get her some of those canapés and some water , she 'll be fine . ashley : thank you . i 'm fine . stitch : okay , no and no . look , we can postpone . ashley : mnh - mnh . stitch : let 's get you to an er just as a precaution . ashley : nope . nope . abby : you ca n't pretend like nothing happened . ashley : oh , something happened . i 'm so sorry . look , look , i ran myself ragged planning this wedding . that 's what happened . i 'm not going anywhere until the both of you say `` i do , `` and that 's it . i 'm fine ! i 'm fine . abby , will you have this man to be your husband ? will you love him , comfort him , honor , and keep him in sickness and in health , forsaking all others , and be faithful to him as long as you both shall live ? abby : i will . ben , will you have this woman to be your wife ? will you love her , comfort her , honor , and keep her in sickness and in health , forsaking all others , and be faithful to her as long as you both shall live ? stitch : i will . abby : [ chuckles ] the rings , please . [ laughter ] stitch : my best man , the comedian . [ laughter ] billy : you 'll get your money , okay ? i 'm good for it ! you know that ! gil : if you were good for it , i 'd have my money . billy : gil , have i ever stiffed you before ? gil : you never made a $ 200,000 bet before . billy : wait , how much ? 200 grand ? i -- maybe you mis -- maybe you misheard me . gil : see , i get the feeling you 're not taking this very seriously . billy : i 'm taking it seriously . i am . look , you 're gon na get your money . you can charge me interest if you want ! gil : oh , the juice is running , but i do n't think you 're gon na like my interest rates . billy : okay , okay , can -- can -- can we just for -- there -- there we go . all right . gil , i 'm an abbott . we always pay our bills , okay ? gil : if your fancy family was planning on covering your bets , we 'd be doing shots in a bar right now . billy : my fancy family is actually upstairs right now in the middle of a wedding . if you 'll just let me go and , you know , throw some rice , drink some champagne , i 'll get you your money tomorrow . you 'll have a fresh sack of cash for new year 's . gil : [ sighs ] see , here 's the deal . i want my money because it 's mine and i want it . but you do n't have it . so now we got to settle for door number two . billy : look , gil , i do n't -- oh , come on , man . gil , look , it 's -- this is just between us , man ! there 's no need for this ! gil : i was just trying to scare you , man . but you had to go and run . you forced my hand . billy : look , gil -- abby : oh . [ chuckles ] stitch : will it fit ? abby : it fits . [ laughter ] abby : honestly , i was n't sure that it would . this wedding , this romance , it has n't exactly been smooth and predictable . we 're here . and we made it . and i am so proud to be your wife . when i first met you , um , you were stitch . [ chuckles ] super cute doctor who fixed my mom 's ankle on thanksgiving . and then you were my bodyguard . looking out for me . i think you might have called me high - maintenance or spoiled brat . nick : nailed it . [ laughter ] abby : but soon after that , i realized that i want to look out for you , too . and one of the scariest moments of my whole life was here in this building when i thought that i had lost you and my mom . but i look at this place [ chuckles ] and i look at all of these beautiful people . we made it , and we are doing something crazy together . we 're making an us , and i love us . stitch : [ chuckles ] abby : we make no sense together at all , which is why i think we make perfect sense . and i loved you before . and now i love you more . and i always will . stitch : [ chuckles ] you 're better at this than me , so i , um , so i had to write -- i had to write mine out , my -- my vows . of course , if i learned one thing about you , it 's that -- it 's kind of fun to be spontaneous , so here we go . [ laughter ] stitch : yeah . [ laughter ] stitch : all right . yes , i was -- i was your bodyguard , and you were this temper - tantrum little brat . abby : [ laughs ] stitch : but you 're the one who saved me . everybody here , they all know that you got this spark , a spark so bright , you can probably see it from space . and you were there for me when my sister died . you knew when i needed to talk and when i needed to be quiet . i never thought i 'd depend on your fire and your quiet . i did n't think that someone could drive me so crazy and make me sane at the same time . [ laughs ] [ sighs ] i - i did n't think any of this was gon na happen or it was gon na come . so -- and , you know , i think i wrote a pretty good ending , but it 's , uh , it 's all over the floor right now , so ... i 'm just gon na say this . i love you , abby newman . and i will always love you for the rest of my life . those who god has joined together , let no one put asunder . you are now husband and wife . abby : [ laughs ] [ applause ] [ guests cheering ] stitch : oh , all right . you ready to catch a plane , start our honeymoon ? abby : what are you ? some kind of barbarian ? stitch : what ? abby : do n't you know how weddings work ? toast - toast , hug - hug , cake - cake . stitch : [ groans ] abby : we ca n't leave now . stitch : why not ? come on . traci : uh - oh . uh - oh . stitch : yo . traci : is he trying to steal you away ? stitch : uh ... guilty . [ laughs ] traci : come on . you 've got to share for just a little while longer . you 're gon na have her your whole life . stitch : that sounds pretty amazing . victor : may i have your attention , please ? as the father of the bride , i 'd like to say a few words . today my beautiful daughter 's beginning her marriage to a man i respect a great deal . marriage is what you make of it , what you 're imbued with . you need to have loyalty and respect , love . and fortunately for me , i 've been married to a lady who possesses all these qualities . in a marriage , one part of the couple sometimes puts in more than the other . remember to forgive each other . and you , stitch , remember that you are a very lucky dude . stitch : i do . abby : [ chuckles ] victor : let us toast to the happy couple . all : cheers . [ glasses clink ] dylan : uh , can i have your attention ? i guess it 's , uh , my turn . stitch is a hero . i 've been in combat with this guy . [ sighs ] and i 've seen with my own eyes him risk his life for somebody else . now , he 's done some , uh , pretty crazy things to protect other people . but he never did it for the medals , the attention , or even a thank you . he did it because that 's just who he is . i 'm proud to be your best friend . stitch : right back at you . dylan : he 's a soldier . he 's a doctor . and now the most heroic title of all -- husband . [ laughter ] sharon : because marriage is so dangerous ? is that what you 're saying ? dylan : no , that 's not what i was saying ! i 'm just , you know , i mean -- stitch : no , no , not at all . he 's just saying i 'm his hero . dylan : that 's right . stitch , you saved the day again , buddy . thank you . [ glass clinking ] victoria : hi , everyone . i know what a good man ben is . and i know how well abby and ben work together . somehow they figured it out . but that kindness and that love and that willingness to give , it ca n't end today . and if you can protect that love and if you can nurture that love ... if you can do the work ... if you can do the work ... chelsea : then you can and will have the life that you two deserve together . so , to stitch and abby . all : to stitch and abby . billy : [ grunts ] gil : [ laughs ] what is it with emojis ? grown men sending smiley faces . billy : [ wheezing ] [ grunts , coughs ] gil : okay . that should do it . what the hell ? i told you not the face ! billy : [ grunts ] gil : sorry , abbott . bit of a miscommunication . but you got the point , right ? billy : [ breathing heavily ] gil : okay . see you tomorrow ... with my money . billy : [ coughing ] [ groans ] michael : ladies and gentlemen , your attention , please ! i would like to present to you something also new . dr. and mrs. benjamin rayburn . give it up ! [ cheers and applause ] abby : [ chuckles ] stitch : so , um , what are all these people doing here ? should n't they be home ? oh , no , wait . that 's us . abby : people are watching us . stitch : yeah ? well , we did the toast - toast , hug - hug thing . can we get out of here now ? abby : oh , keep it up , husband . we 'll be out of here before you know it . stitch : yeah ? dr. neville : so , did you , in fact , find something to eat ? got to keep up your cover story . ashley : excuse me ? dr. neville : we 're both liars . all that blood sugar nonsense . what have you got ? oh , come on now , ashley . doctor - patient privilege and all that . you ca n't imagine some of the secrets i 've kept . i should get a medal . so , miss abbott , what is ailing you , really ? good talk . adam : what do you give it ? sage : hmm ? adam : six weeks ? six months ? sage : ugh . you are so deranged . that 's your sister . she 's in love . adam : she 's in love . people get married for love anymore ? sage : [ chuckles ] yeah , right ? how bizarre . no one cheating , lying , pretending . who would have thought ? adam : it 's completely bizarre . sage : [ laughs ] adam : but you and nick look good , though . sage : yeah , i think we are . adam : good . sage : how about you and chelsea ? adam : there are no words . [ cheers and applause ] abby : make a break for it ? stitch : oh , yeah . summer : hey , it 's tradition time . abby : what ? summer : yeah , it 's another dance between the groom and the mother of the bride . it 's sweet , you know ? family bonding . abby : mom might not feel up to it . summer : stitch will do all the work . and he probably wo n't step on your feet . abby : [ chuckles ] stitch : well , uh , give the people what they want , huh ? ashley : okay . stitch : hey . ashley : hi . congratulations . stitch : you should , uh , you should come to the hospital and let me run some tests on you . ashley : would you please stop ? take a look around . you 're at your wedding . just stop being a doctor and be a husband . okay ? you and abby both deserve that , right ? [ cheers and applause ] abby : wow , that was a great dance . ashley : yeah . now it 's time to eat cake , right ? nikki : that was a lovely speech . words to live by . victor : to ring in the new year . and you know i already live by those words . last time you and i got married , i said this would be the last wedding . cheers . nikki : cheers . stitch : how about now ? abby : you want to bolt before the cake ? stitch : ashley herself told me to be a husband . that 's all i want to do . abby : i doubt she meant bail on all the guests . stitch : it 's a new year 's eve party now . no one 's gon na miss us . besides , i want to start 2016 alone with you . come on . abby : [ laughs ] victoria : ah . no . dylan : what ? sharon : hey . [ laughter ] dylan : hey . faith : can i have sully 's slice since he 's not here ? nick : oh . dylan : one - track mind . nick : yeah . sharon : well , i think we should let the bride and groom have some first . nick : the kid knows when she sees the good stuff . traci : now all we need is the happy couple to take their positions . i 'll be right back . jack : abby ? dylan : stitch ! oh , sorry . excuse me . jack : abby ! nick : you know what ? i think they may have skipped out on us . jack : ashley , did , uh , did abby say anything to you ? ashley : no . i did n't even get to say goodbye . stitch : the limo 's waiting . abby : everyone upstairs is probably wondering where we are . stitch : yeah ? do you want to go back up , explain to them that i 'm a husband with needs ? abby : let 's leave that part out . i should at least call my mom and wish her a happy new year . stitch : hey , we can go back up . i mean it . do the cake , the bouquet , all of it . what -- whatever makes you happy . abby : this . [ chuckles ] you . the thought of starting 2016 alone together . that is what makes me happy . now , get me out of here , husband . stitch : hmm . abby : [ laughs ] stitch : let 's go . come on . dr. neville : you know , objectively you 're gorgeous . it 's true . you 're a stunning example of symmetry , genetics , bone structure . it 's just remarkable . somehow right this second , you look like ... hell . ashley : well , how charming of you . dr. neville : charming was when i covered for you before . now i 'm being honest . so should you . tell me what 's wrong , ashley . let me help you . ashley : you ca n't help me . jack : ash ? dylan : i think we can , uh , take off now if it 's good enough for the newlyweds . sharon : do you -- you want to leave now ? dylan : well , you know , we have our own little baby new year at home . let 's just go stare at him for an hour or two . sharon : i ca n't wait . sage : looks like they 're making a break for it . i do n't blame them . they have a lot to get home to . nick : you doing okay ? sage : i am now . victor : i hate to interrupt . nick : [ sighs ] victor : beautiful wedding , is n't it ? nick : was . victor : this is a strong one built to last . sage : well , it 's tough to know that till you 've been through a rough patch . nick : well , like vick says , you know , if you put the work in , i think you can make anything happen . sage : did , um , nicholas tell you that he and faith moved into the penthouse ? it 's really wonderful . victor : really ? that so ? nick : yep . both your sons living in the same building . you can visit us at the same time . we 'll save you a drive . victor : [ laughs ] yes . luca : i 've seen that look on my father 's face . convinced he owns the world and everyone in it . adam : well , you know what they say . pride goeth before the fall . the bigger they are , the harder they fall . luca : so our plan is still on ? adam : well , hell yes , it 's still on . luca : good . adam : have a good night . devon : you ready for 2016 ? hilary : uh , makes me nervous , to be honest , but it ca n't be worse than 2015 , right ? devon : way to set the bar low . cheers . neil : you know , seeing devon and hilary get along , it does n't make me want a drink . it makes me want everything back the way it should be . i mean , it was never me that she wanted . she can recall those moments , but not the feelings . and what does that do , nikki ? it leaves the three of us all in limbo . and i wish she would stop thinking that i could be her man . nikki : yeah , well , the heart is n't that easy to control . neil : but it can be swayed . and you , my dear , can help make that happen . victoria : billy never showed . phyllis : did he stand you up ? victoria : yes , actually . no . i - i told him that i would be too busy to be his date , but you think that he would at least show up for his niece . jack : i 'm afraid it 's my fault , victoria . billy and i argued , and he ran off . victoria : you argued about what ? jack : business , money . he -- he needed a loan . victoria : oh , okay . well , he did mention that he had some irons in the fire . jack : well , i 'm afraid those irons are probably horses that did n't win . victoria : he 's gambling again . phyllis : nice way to soften that blow . jack : i 'm sorry , victoria . billy is off the rails again , and you and i both know the only person that can help billy is billy . victoria : you know , i think there are still a few people that have n't had any cake . excuse me . phyllis : now , why would you do that ? why would you hang your brother out to dry ? jack : victoria deserves to know what she 's up against , what we 're all up against with billy . phyllis : did you hear her voice ? she wanted to forgive him . you did not get off the pills on your own , if i recall . jack : no , i had help . but i wanted help . i wanted to get better . and once billy does , i will be the first person to help get him into recovery , but i 'm not gon na lie for him , i 'm not gon na cover for him . i got other priorities right now . phyllis : that is lovely . what is more important than your brother ? jack : right this minute , my sister , ashley . ashley : [ sobbing ] useless . just ... it 's useless ! all completely ... useless ! ! [ clattering ] ashley : [ sobs ] dr. neville : 15 years of research was n't useless to hilary hamilton . it helped her . it will help other people . it could help you . ashley : [ sniffles ] dr. neville : for god 's sake , miss abbott , please tell me what 's wrong with you . somewhere in this mess may be a cure . ashley : [ sighs ] not for me . dr. neville : you 're nothing if not thorough . i 'm guessing you left the world of lip gloss and skin cream for a very personal reason . fair enough . you said you wanted to do something that matters . well , this matters . what i do matters . and what we can do together will matter . first , why do n't you tell me what exactly it is we 're up against . ashley : i had an aneurysm several months ago . dr. neville : hmm . ashley : and the surgery went perfectly well . you know , until the part where the doctor found something . dr. neville : tumor ? so , who have you told ? your daughter , your siblings , ben rayburn ? ashley : no . nobody knows but you . and it 's gon na stay that way . dr. neville : well , that 's just it . it ca n't stay that way . ashley : oh , it can . it can and it will , because i do not want my daughter abby to know about this right now . i want her to be happily married and settled in , you know , before anything comes along and ruins it . dr. neville : that is ... the stupidest thing i 've ever heard . ashley : i do n't give a damn what you think . this is my life , and that 's how it 's going to be . dr. neville : exactly . it 's your life . your life . it 's something worth fighting for , is it not ? i mean , it 's not some three hanky chick flick where the nobility suffer and die in silence . it 's about you . ashley abbott . you 're the one that 's going to be settled in . you 're the one that 's going to be living the life that you deserve . i intend to see to it . and i 'll do it whether you like it or not . abby : hold on ! hold on ! stitch : no , just -- all right , hold on , just let me -- hold on one second . abby : whoa . stitch : aha ! abby : [ laughs ] stitch : yeah . look at that . abby : well , you are a master of threshold crossing . stitch : yeah , heroic maneuvering for my bride . abby : oh , really ? stitch : yeah . abby : [ chuckles ] stitch : still thinking about the reception , are n't you ? abby : oh , well , my mom is probably furious . abby : hey , ashley wants you to be happy . abby : well , then she got her wish . stitch : yeah ? abby : because i am insanely happy . we have a marriage , a forever , and a plane to catch . we should probably change . you know , you are on button duty for the next 60 years . stitch : oh , my god . like i died and went to heaven . abby : [ laughs ] stitch : we , uh ... we still have time before the flight . abby : enough time ? happy new year . [ laughs ] and if the sky should fall and tumble right down into the sea there will still be you and me and if everything you touch should turn to gold i - i - i would drink to you because all we really need all i really want from you is a simple love a simple love dylan : ah ! sharon : [ chuckles ] dylan : just checked on him . he 's sound asleep . i do n't know . maybe we should wake him up so he does n't miss the new year . sharon : no , do n't wake him up . he 's gon na be awake before you know it . and besides , he 'll have many more new years in his lifetime . dylan : right , but he 's gon na miss his chance to say goodbye to 2015 . sharon : it was a good year , was n't it ? dylan : hmm . it was a great year . i finally got what i wanted and what i wished for . a family of my own . but 2016 is gon na be even better . hold on . we need to start a countdown of our own . sharon : what ? is it new year 's now ? dylan : does n't matter . it 's our new year 's . come on . all right . all right . you ready ? sharon : mm - hmm . both : 10 ... dylan : there you go . good . both : 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... all : 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ! happy new year ! [ cheers and applause ] victor : i love you , my baby . nikki : i love you , too . victor : be right back . chelsea : how did we get here ? adam : hmm . hard work , a little bit of luck , and a whole lot of love . sage : to the new year . nick : to us . mariah : what the hell . [ chuckles ] jack : happy new year . phyllis : i love you , but you make me crazy . jack : ditto . phyllis : well , there you have it . love and insanity . happy new year . michael : not to worry , ladies ! i 'm on my own tonight . [ laughter ] michael : oh , that 's right ! traci : oh , no ! michael : pucker up ! mwah ! come here , you ! victoria : ah ! [ laughter ] michael : mwah ! [ applause ] michael : happy new year ! victoria : happy new year . hilary : happy new year , devon . i hope this year treats you right . devon : you , too . neil : thank you . billy : [ coughing ] [ grunts ] [ coughs ] [ grunts ] [ coughs ] neil : oh , that ? yeah , that . nikki 's a dear friend . she was a huge help when i found out that you and devon were in love . and you know something ? she helped me see that i had no other choice but to move on with my life , which i 'm doing . i was grateful to her . she 's an incredible lady . happy new year . devon : sure . hey . i saw all that , and i know what you 're doing . neil : you want me to stop ? devon : honestly ? no . neil : happy new year . ashley : hilary did n't have a tumor . you ca n't help me . dr. neville : but what if i can ? ashley : you said yourself . this cure for hilary was probably a fluke . dr. neville : that was a misguided moment of modesty . ashley : or maybe a misguided moment of honesty . dr. neville : i found a solution for that patient . i 'll have find one for you . ashley : but what if you ca n't ? ! dr. neville : then you 'll die . your condition is , in theory , fatal . i just do n't buy it . in any case , what on earth do you stand to lose by letting me do what i do ? ashley : [ sighs ] look ... [ voice breaking ] i do n't want to get my hopes up . dr. neville : it has nothing to do with hope . this is hard work . this is the game -- research . it takes energy , it takes commitment , it takes time , it takes money , and it takes risk . so what 'll be , cupcake ? hmm ? i do n't need anybody in my lab who is n't up to the challenge . are you in or you out ? ashley : [ sighs ] [ stomps foot ] okay . nobody can know about this . dr. neville : oh , well ... ashley : not one person . you promise me . promise me ? dr. neville : like i said , i am excellent with secrets . i 'll clean up . oh . happy new year . abby : now , that is a way to start the new year . stitch : hmm . abby : did we miss midnight ? stitch : oh , gosh , we must have . let 's see here . oh , no . our flight . we got to go . abby : oh , gosh , we ca n't miss it . stitch : [ sighs ] where 's my pants ? [ sighs ] abby : [ chuckles ] happy new year , dr . rayburn . stitch : well , happy new year , mrs. rayburn . abby : oh ! stitch : [ chuckles ] billy : [ groans ] [ sighs ] noah : you serious ? nice parking , jackass . [ sighs ] oh . marisa : noah . noah ! oh , my god . oh , my god . billy ! oh , god . oh , you 're okay . yes . yes , i need an ambulance . there 's been a terrible accident . please . please hurry . [ next_on ] paul : i want to find the drive who did this to billy abbott . victoria : billy is in that room right now because of the choices that he made ! he did this to himself . jill : i know that you hate it when i get all emotional like this , so wake up and tell me to shut up .
abby and ben 's wedding begins just as ashley falls to the floor . ben rushes to her side . as ashley comes to , everyone wants her to see a doctor , but she insists that the wedding go on as planned . just as billy is trying to get to abby 's wedding , gil stops him in the underground garage and demands his money . billy tries to tell him that he will get his money to him tomorrow but gil will not hear of this . billy starts to leave but one of gil 's associates stops him . the wedding ceremony resumes for abby and ben with them reciting their own vows . after the ceremony , ben wants to leave immediately for the honeymoon , but abby reminds him of all the other things that go on after the ceremony what with the toasts , the cutting of the wedding cake , etc . traci joins them and tells them that they ca n't leave just yet . victor , dylan , and victoria propose toasts to the happy couple . at a nearby table , dr. simon asks ashley what is really wrong with her , but she refuses to talk about it and leaves the table . summer coaxes her into dancing with ben . abby smiles as ben starts to dance with ashley .
[ previously_on ] lola : if you ca n't understand why you spending that kind of money on me makes me uncomfortable , you do n't get me . kyle : lola ! are you saying we 're over ? charlie : you 're gon na tell the cops you hit your grandma and drove off ? that 's crazy stupid ! reed : i ca n't keep lying to everybody . nate : we 're in an ambulance . we 've left the hospital . nikki : [ weakly ] who ... ? nate : who 's idea was this ? your husband 's . victor 's trying to save your life . george : who the hell is this ? nick : hey , mom . it 's me . you okay ? fen : in the studio , i thought that was your song . ana : i wrote it . but you ca n't tell devon . [ cork pops ] devon : wow . [ chuckling ] wow . you 're a miracle worker , ana . this -- it looks amazing in here . geez . thank you for helping put it all together . ana : you 're welcome . [ chuckles ] devon : that 's ... ana : i just have one question . devon : what 's that ? ana : are you sure you 're up for this ? throwing a big new year 's eve party ? because there 's still time to cancel , and i guarantee no one will fault you for it . devon : no . no , no , no , no , no . i appreciate your concern . but i 'm going to say goodbye to this terrible year the best way that i know how , and that 's with music and food and drinks , surrounded by family and friends . so , let 's toast . to better times ahead . bring it on , 2019 . ana : [ giggles ] victoria : hey , nick . it 's me again . where the heck are you ? phyllis and i are pulling our hair out wondering when we 're gon na hear back from you about what 's going on . it 's been an hour since we left memorial . call . [ sighs ] phyllis : i left the same kind of voicemail . i still have n't heard anything myself . victoria : if somebody does n't tell us what 's going on soon ... phyllis : given that your mother is missing on new year 's eve , i -- i would have expected nick to be back by now , or at least heard something . victoria : unless he can't . phyllis : what does that mean ? victoria : what if whoever took my mom has nick ? maybe he walked right out of that hospital into a trap . phyllis : first victor goes missing . then nikki . now maybe nick . i mean , do you think someone 's trying to pick off the newmans one by one ? nick : hey , this is all wrong . my mom is too fragile for this . we got to turn around and get back to the hospital . i do n't care what my dad has planned ! [ brakes squeal ] hey , what 's going on ? george : this is it . we 're here . nick : no way . nate : what ? what is this place ? nick : it 's a private airstrip . one my dad has used before . mia : [ sighs ] [ door opens ] rey : hey , there , gorgeous . mia : hi ! what a surprise . i did n't expect to see you at all tonight . rey : well ... feast your eyes . mia : oh , i always do . [ giggles ] so , are you here to just grab a shower , and then head back out there and look for nikki ? or have you found her ? rey : [ sighs ] nope , not yet . mia : oh , that poor woman . rey : mm . mia : gets hit by a car , almost dies , and now this ? she was so sweet to me , baby . rey : i know . mia : well , i 'll say a prayer that you find her , and that she 's okay . rey : mm - hmm . mm - hmm . mia : have you eaten already , or can i fix you something ? rey : the force is all out looking for nikki . the investigation is well in hand . i am taking the night off to ring in the new year with my beautiful wife , so let 's get dressed up and show 'em how it 's done . mia : [ laughs ] devon : this is not about me getting wasted to forget about hilary 's death . ana : not that kind of party , huh ? devon : no , it is not . [ sighs ] not atall . i am , uh -- i 'm beyond done with that . i have found better ways to deal with my pain . i 'm still seeing that therapist , and i 'm getting a grip on my anxiety . you know , i -- i wish that lily and neil could be here , but i 'm very grateful to have you by my side . and for all your understanding , and your support . ana : there 's no place i 'd rather be . devon : aw . ana : come on . [ chuckles ] [ doorbell rings ] devon : hey . ready ? let 's get it going . ana : yay ! [ claps ] abby : happy new year ! hi ! oh ! the place looks great ! ana : hi ! you look so cute . abby : oh , so do you . you look beautiful . ana : thank you . hi ! arturo : good to see you . fen : wow . ana : hi , fen . fen : hey . uh , you look -- you look great . ana : [ giggles ] so do you . fen : hey , uh , mister -- mr . hamilton . devon : it 's devon today . fen : got it . devon : all right . [ anna and devon chuckle ] lola : something smells really delicious . ana : there 's tons of food . devon : yes , there is . and drinks , too . whatever you guys want , just ask the bartender . arturo : sounds good . devon : all right ? abby : yeah , let 's do it . devon : make yourself at home . cane : hey , uh , can i get scotch ? and , uh , keep it coming , please . thanks . nate : [ shivers ] yeah . your dad better know what he 's doing . nick : i ca n't take much more of this . [ sighs ] nate : if you 're calling victor , i already have . multiple times . nick : someone else needs to know what 's going on . [ shivering ] [ cellphone rings ] victoria : it 's nick . phyllis : thank god . victoria : finally ! [ sighs ] i 'm here with phyllis . we were starting to get worried . is everything okay ? nick : hey ! victoria : nick ? are you there ? hello ? phyllis : what happened ? victoria : the line went dead . nick : hey , i 'm just trying to let my sister know my mom 's safe . nate : i know victoria . you can trust her . george : mr. newman 's orders . no phone calls . nick : what 's your problem ? nate : be reasonable , george . come on . additional sponsorship nick : you 're not planning on using that gun , are you ? george : not if you do what mr . newman wants . do n't try and pull anything , and we 'll get along fine . nate : george , believe me , we 're all on the same side , okay ? all we want is what 's best for nikki . keeping her safe is our top priority . george : whoever ran her down on that street and left her for dead is a threat to that security . and i 'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe . nick : all right . this is my family , george . it 's mine . [ cellphone rings ] now , you tell me where my dad is , because , clearly , we need to talk . george : yeah . okay . you got it , sir . right away . your questions are about to be answered . let 's get mrs . newman out of here and into the building . phyllis : straight to voicemail . victoria : i am panicking in three , two , one ... phyllis : no . you know what , there 's got to be a reasonable explanation as to why the phone got cut off -- victoria : like what ? phyllis : i do n't know . maybe his battery 's dead , or it lost signal . or , you know what , maybe he is so driven to find your mother that keeping us in the loop is not his first priority . victoria : or maybe something really terrible did happen , and i have every right to be upset right now . phyllis : i do n't want to go there , okay ? not yet . victoria : well , i ca n't help having this feeling in my gut that this has something to do with j.t . the stable fires , the bloody clothes showing up at the house , dad being framed . you know we could be next ? you know that , do n't you ? um , sharon . what about sharon ? she does n't even know about any of this . phyllis : she is at a class for continuing education for her advocate job . victoria : okay , well , i think that we should -- should warn her , and at least give her a heads up about all this . thank you . phyllis : [ sighs ] you 're welcome . would you mind some company tonight ? at least until nick gets back in touch ? victoria : no , that would be fine . i mean , it 's probably safer that way , anyhow . the kids are upstairs asleep . i sent hannah home . reed 's off at some party . phyllis : good . then we would n't have to be alone , either of us . so , what do we do now ? compare new year 's resolutions or braid each other 's hair ? victoria : i think i 'll pass . phyllis : [ chuckles ] please tell me you have something bubbly and cold in the refrigerator . victoria : actually , i -- i do have some champagne . i just kind of ... keep it there at all times . it 's an old habit of mine . you know , just in case there 's ever anything to celebrate . i 'm not superstitious by nature , but i feel like it invites good luck into my life . phyllis : you and i , ringing in the new year , watching each other 's back -- what could be luckier than that ? victoria : okay . well , then , i 'll crack that bad boy open . phyllis : okay . [ sighs ] so , did you have any plans of your own tonight before things got crazy ? victoria : nope . billy is gon na be hanging out with traci and dina , and the kids never stay up past 8 : 00 anyway . phyllis : well , you were n't planning on your own private party with billy ? giving him a little kiss at the stroke of midnight for `` auld lang syne 's `` sake ? [ footsteps ] [ gurney rattling ] nate : what did you mean earlier , when you said victor had , uh , used this airstrip before ? nick : he helped somebody else flee the country before . and , no , i 'm not naming names . nate : i 've heard stories about the man . i just did n't know how much was real , how much was urban legend . victor : believe it all . rey : i got us tickets to a fancy new year 's party . one of those big hotels downtown . drinks , dinner , a live orchestra for some ... mia : oh . ooh . rey : ... close dancing . mia : [ laughs ] that sounds fabulous . but , babe , i 'll -- i 'll understand if you have to work . rey : i 've worked through the holidays . i 've got plenty of backup on this . i am putting you first . and to prove it ... [ slams cellphone ] mia : no phone ? rey : mm - hmm . mia : really ? rey : mm - hmm . mia : are you even allowed to do that ? rey : i 'm doing it . you have me till the clock strikes midnight . now , go put on your fanciest dress , and let 's get the hell out of here . abby : mwah ! cane : you know , i almost did n't come , 'cause i kind of figured i 'd be lousy company . devon : oh , well , i mean , i 'm sure lily would n't want you spending night after night alone , especially on new year 's eve . cane : i should be there with her and neil , you know ? i mean , i just could n't get away from chancellor . devon : well , i 'm glad you showed up , though . cane : mm . devon : you should take it easy on that before you get some food in your stomach , all right ? cane : [ sighs ] [ laughter ] arturo : `` newfoundland new year `` ? abby : my friend janet was telling me all about it . so , they 're two and a half hours ahead of us , so their midnight is our 9 : 30 . so you can watch the ball drop live online , serve dessert , and then send everyone home before all the parties let out and the roads get too dicey . fen : wow . okay . in bed by 11 : 00 on new year 's eve ? [ cellphone chiming ] okay , this is the , uh -- this is the midwest , all right ? [ laughter ] ana : a lot to be said for a good night 's sleep . abby : i 'm with you . lola : my god ! stop it ! give it a break ! geez ... fen : who are , uh , all the texts from ? lola : uh , kyle . but i am gon na turn off my phone . arturo : he better not be standing you up . abby : i 'm sure he 's just running a little late . lola : oh , actually , i did n't invite him . we broke up . abby : i 'm so sorry . when did that happen ? lola : right before christmas . fen : santa came early this year . ana : maybe it 'll be temporary . lola : oh , i doubt it . fen : you know what you need ? a chocolate martini . you can drink it while you cry on my shoulder . lola : best offer i 've had all night . fen : come on . hey . abby : i ca n't believe this . she was so good for him . arturo : [ scoffs ] i wonder what he did to screw things up ? abby : hey , that 's my cousin you 're talking about . arturo : um ... more champagne . that -- that 's a great idea . abby : mm - hmm . ana : i met kyle . i thought he seemed nice . and lola did n't seem exactly 100 % over him . abby : you got that too , right ? ana : mm - hmm . abby : hmm . well , maybe she just needs a little shove in the right direction . ana : or maybe a nudge around midnight , genoa city time ? abby : mm - hmm . [ laughs ] victor : `` stable for now `` ? what do you mean by that ? when -- when can we expect her to have recovered ? nate : victor , you know that i can not guarantee anything , especially her long- term outlook , without continued medical attention . and by that , i do not mean shuttling her around in an ambulance . victor : let me assure you , i 'm not going to endanger her life . nick : how can you even say that ? mom has been through hell . victor : you do n't think i know that ? nick : where were you when she needed you most ? victor : i was right here by her side . while you were celebrating christmas with the children , i held her in my arms , i talked to her , tried to give her courage and strength so that she can come back to us . and i think she heard me . nate : it is possible . nikki 's recovery was sudden and dramatic . it was the last thing that i was anticipating . victor : did you tell him what we intend to do ? nick : i want to hear it from you . victor : i want to protect your mother . not only from the bastard who tried to kill her . i want to take her somewhere where she has peace of mind so that she can recover and come back to us . because of the false allegations against me , i have to take her somewhere else . i ca n't stay here . they 'll arrest me . nick : all right . so what 's the plan ? you just gon na jet mom off to some other country , probably one without extradition ? victor : i do n't need to tell you where we are going . but you best say goodbye to your mother , because you may not see either one of us again for some time . the hard work you put into lowering your phyllis : oh , my gosh . i did n't realize there were so many cooking shows on tv . victoria : are you , um , hungry ? because i - i can throw something together . phyllis : oh , no , no , no . popcorn 's fine , thank you . i mean , unless you want something . victoria : no , no . i 'm -- i 'm good . phyllis : okay . so , what were we talking about ? oh , that 's right . you and billy . victoria : oh , wow . [ sighs ] i told you , phyllis , there is no `` me and billy . `` we 're just friends . we 're ... co - parents . that 's all . phyllis : mm . friends with benefits ? victoria : phyllis . phyllis : come on . you know how seductive he can be . victoria : yes , so do you . but i do n't see you trying to rekindle things . phyllis : that 's 'cause i wised up . victoria : mm . and yet here you are , acting so very territorial when you are `` deliriously happy `` with nick . phyllis : i stand by my quote . billy 's in my rearview mirror . victoria : me too . phyllis : mm - hmm . but you could still understand how some people would think there is something more going on between you two , since you were his date at the jabot holiday party . victoria : i was purely a plus - one . why are you so interested if you 're so ... not , you know , interested ? phyllis : i am not trying to push you two together , believe me , okay ? i 'm just saying that , you know , some people could think that it would be the perfect `` happily ever after `` -- you know , family reunited . so ... victoria : like you and nick , you mean . phyllis : our kid is a grown - up . at least in theory . and i do n't think i am ready to be stepmom to faith and christian just yet . victoria : you know , going back to a past love can be nice . but i learned the hard way what a trap that can be , thinking that you can fix things that were broken to begin with . phyllis : yeah , they call it a break up because it was broken . victoria : exactly . i thought that j.t . was the answer to that , but he ended up being the biggest mistake i ever made in my life . phyllis : please do n't tell me you 're comparing j.t . to billy . victoria : god , no . of course not . they 're completely different . i [ sighs ] am just leery of going backwards when my future is thataway . nick : i can not believe you were just gon na disappear with mom without telling anyone . does mom even get a vote in this ? victor : [ inhales ] if your mother wants to leave me , she 's free to go . i promise you . nick : i can put an end to this right now -- victor : but you won't . because you know damn well that 's not what your mother wants . she feels safe with me . safer than anywhere , and with anyone else . nikki : listen to your father . victor : my sweet baby . you heard all that ? you were awake ? look into your beautiful eyes . nate : you 're on board with victor 's plan ? nikki : yes , i am . nicholas ... [ sighs ] your father and i need to be together . nick : no , mom . mom , the risk that you 're taking -- nikki : none of that matters . nick : it matters to me . nikki : please ... do n't fight this . nate : listen ... i 'd like to examine my patient , if you do n't mind . victor : not at all . nick : this is wrong . this is wrong ! there has to be another way without you tearing apart our family again . victor : this is not your decision , son . nick : but does n't this make you look even more guilty ? or is that the point ? are you guilty ? did you kill j.t . ? rey : [ sighs ] how 's it going in there ? you almost ready ? mia : baby , you ca n't rush perfection . rey : [ chuckles ] do n't i know it . mia : so ... rey : [ chuckles ] oh , ho ! mia : ... what do you think ? rey : yeah . mia : yeah ? rey : yeah , yeah . you look ... amazing . mia : thank you . i 've been dying to wear this dress . rey : whatever i paid for it , it was worth it . mia : i 'll have you know , i bought this dress with my makeup - consulting fees . rey : oh . oh . mia : mm - hmm . rey : oh , i am -- mia : you 're sorry ? good . 'cause you know what ? these shoes is what you bought to go with it . rey : i did good . so , you ready to go ? the night 's not getting any younger . mia : no . first things first . we need to take a picture . rey : okay . mia : come here . get close to me . cheek - to - cheek . rey : okay . mia : mm - hmm . rey : how 's this ? mia : mm . mm . no . uh , bad background . rey : no ? oh , okay . mia : ah ! okay , here . rey : all right . mia : come over here . rey : all right . mia : close to me , baby . rey : okay . mia : okay . [ cellphone chimes ] rey : ignore it . i 'm off - duty . take -- take the picture . mia : okay . rey : [ clears throat ] mia : you ready ? rey : mm - hmm . mia : smile ! [ both laugh ] okay . another one . kiss me ! [ cellphone chimes ] rey : mmph . do n't even look at it . do n't even look at it . mia : [ chuckles ] okay . you sure ? rey : i 'm sure . mm ... [ cellphone chiming ] you know what ? you know what ? i 'm gon na turn it off again so we can just head out . mia : um , rey ... thank you . i know you tried , but i - i know what it 's doing to you not knowing what 's going on here . rey : yeah . mia : [ sighs ] look -- no , at least ... see what it 's about . okay ? so you can enjoy yourself , and -- and not worry about what 's going on at the station . rey : [ clears throat ] it 's from the team out in the field looking for nikki . [ sighs ] whoa . this may have just busted the case wide open . `` the young and the restless `` will continue . look . it 's over . victor : so , you think your own father is capable of murder ? i bet you you entertained that thought , did n't you , when you found out what that monster had done to your sister ? nick : well , i would never act on those impulses . victor : but you think i would ? nick : your words . victor : i did n't kill j.t . hellstrom , for your information . once i have cleared my name , i will bring your mother back to genoa city . meanwhile , you , once again , have misjudged your father . george : mr. newman . the jet 's all fueled up and ready to go . victor : okay , george . kindly help dr . hastings transport her onto the plane . it 's all right , george . nick : i hate saying goodbye . especially like this . nikki : it 's better than the alternative . nick : no . i can -- i can put guards outside your room 24 hours a day -- nikki : son , there 's no time . nick : i love you . nikki : i love you , too . it 's not forever , you know . nick : it feels like it is . nikki : just ... reassure everyone ... that i 'm fine . and wish them all a happy new year ... from victor and me . nate : nicholas , i -- i 'm sorry to interrupt . i -- i have a few concerns . the flight . how long will you be airborne ? and i assume that you 've arranged for a qualified doctor to take over at your destination ? victor : i do n't want you to be concerned , all right ? she 'll be well taken care of by her own , very capable physician . nate : no . victoria : yes . not up for debate . you 're coming with us . rey : i was concerned that nick newman was gon na go off on his own and interfere with the case , so i had my team track his phone . he just made a phone call from a private airfield not far from genoa city . my team is headed over there right now . mia : why would nick be there ? rey : could be he lied about his mom . maybe he 's helping victor get her out of the country . mia : you really think that 's possible ? rey : my team is headed over there now . we 're gon na find out soon enough . mia : you should be there with them . rey : no , i -- i have plans with you , remember ? in fact -- in fact , i am going to contact the team leader right now and tell him to pursue this lead without me . mia : rey , look at me . i love you . and thank you so much for trying , but ... you 've worked so hard to apprehend victor , and to make sure nikki 's in safe hands . no fancy hotel party 's gon na be worth missing out on that . rey : i 'm not giving up our plans so i can go back to work . mia : and i love you so much for saying that , baby . i do . but i think we both know where you need to be right now . you 're a cop . this is who you are . rey : [ sighs ] mia : okay ? the world is a better , safer place because of you . and thanks to you . now , go be that amazing cop that i love so much . go now , before i boot you out myself . go . mm ... rey : i am going to make this up to you , i promise . mia : do n't worry . you will . devon : hey , man . you having a good time ? cane : [ sniffles ] i 'm trying . devon : yeah ? cane : yeah . devon : have you heard from lily ? cane : uh ... she 's , uh , looking forward to the holidays being over . devon : yeah , i 'm sure . i 'm sure . it 's been tough for everybody . at least she has neil up there , though , she he can visit her often . cane : yeah , i just feel so guilty , you know ? it 's like , i do n't want to neglect her . i also do n't want to neglect the kids and sam and work . you know , i mean ... her sentence is only halfway over . i just -- i do n't know how we 're gon na do this . fen : hey . lola : hey . fen : have you , uh -- have you figured that menu out yet ? lola : still working on it . [ sighs ] the whole idea of , uh , being in charge of an entire restaurant kitchen , it 's a little nerve - racking . abby : you 're gon na be a star . you have nothing to be nervous about . arturo : yeah . lola , you were meant to do this . fen : yeah , i second that . lola : thank you so much , guys . abby : [ chuckles ] the day after chemo should n't mean going back to [ indistinct conversation ] lola : did you crash this party just to pressure me ? kyle : look , abby invited me last minute . lola : okay . you must have had a good idea that i would be here , since devon and abby are my new bosses . kyle : of course i did . and i leapt at the chance to see you . i was hoping we could just talk things out . lola : [ scoffs ] here ? i mean , are you crazy ? kyle : no , i was thinking that we could maybe just -- lola : no . kyle : lola -- lola , wait ! devon : hey . have you , uh , heard from your writer friend ? is he on his way or what ? ana : uh , the invitation came so late , he could n't make the trip . devon : are you serious ? he passed up a trip on a private jet and a great job opportunity because it was inconvenient , or what ? fen : yeah , that 's a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity . he should have jumped at the chance . devon : yeah , can we pursue this guy , please ? because i 'd love to get him in the studio with fen so they can both collaborate on an album together . fen : agreed . i mean , someone with that much talent should n't go on keeping it to themselves . devon : yeah . absolutely . fen : ow ! how long do you think you can keep this up for ? ana : i just need to buy some time . i 'll figure it out , okay ? cane : hey , have you seen nate ? he should be here by now , right ? ana : i can only assume he got called in on some emergency . cane : oh , okay . nick : you 're kidnapping mom 's doctor now ? victor : it is not kidnapping if the doc comes voluntarily . nate : the thing is , this -- i was not prepared for this . at all . i can not just fly off to god knows where for who knows how long . i have a life here . i have a job at memorial . i have patients who are counting on me . victor : i understand that , doc . but you promised me , and you promised nikki . nate : victor , with all due respect -- victor : you 're not gon na bail out on us now . nate : i am afraid i 'm going to have to . victor : we made a deal , did n't we ? nate : yes . and my understanding was -- victor : your understanding is the following , my friend -- you promised me , and you promised nikki , that you would take care of her to the best of your ability . nick : dad , you can not expect the man to just drop everything and get on a plane with you with no warning ! victor : the man who tried to murder your mother is still out there . may come back any time . if i 'm locked up , there 's no one here to protect her . she 's coming with me . nate : [ scoffs ] nate : [ sucks teeth ] okay . i 'll go . for nikki 's sake . victor : i 'm glad to hear that , doc . george , we need to all get on board that plane . let 's go . hope the day will come soon when all this is behind us . we 'll all be reunited . until then ... nick : you take care of her . victor : you know i will . phyllis : oh ! shame on us . managed to polish off a whole bottle without even toasting one another . victoria : i have a swallow left . i 'll make one . [ sighs ] to you , phyllis , for distracting me from my problems tonight . which i sorely needed . phyllis : well ... glad i could help . victoria : now back to reality . phyllis : [ sighs ] victoria : still no word from nick . no sign of my mother . just when i thought i could stop being upset about her dying , she 's disappeared . [ voice breaking ] what if i never see her again ? phyllis : hey . victoria : [ crying ] phyllis : hang in there . [ murmuring ] [ front door opens , closes ] reed : mom ? what 's wrong ? victoria : nothing , honey . i 'm okay . i 'm fine . what are you doing here ? you should be at the party . it 's so early . reed : i was n't in the mood . i did n't go . but i can tell you 're hiding something . phyllis : hey , now that reed 's here , i will , uh , scoot out . i 'm gon na call a car . but , uh , please call me if you hear anything , all right ? victoria : thanks . phyllis : happy new year . victoria : bye . reed : mom . [ sighs ] you would n't be at home crying on new year 's eve if something was n't wrong . victoria : honey -- reed : please . victoria : it 's just been a really rough night . reed : is it grandma ? did she -- victoria : the last time i saw grandma , she was doing better . we were all breathing a sigh of relief . but then ... out of nowhere , she was just gone out of her bed . and the police talked to everyone there , and it looks like maybe ... she 's been taken from the hospital . reed : what ? what are you -- victoria : i do n't -- reed : who would do that ? ! victoria : your uncle nick and i think that maybe it was whoever hit grandma with their car . reed : no ! no . [ airplane engines rumbling ] nate : [ sighs ] victor : [ sighs ] sorry about all this , doc . you 're a good man . whatever happens , i 'll look after you , okay ? nate : let 's just focus on the here and now . victor : yes . nate : nikki 's well - being . nikki : i ca n't thank you enough . victor : yes , we 're all in your debt . nate : better strap up . [ sighs ] george : prepare for takeoff ! [ laughter ] devon : all right , everyone ! it 's almost midnight ! [ all cheer ] [ noisemakers blowing ] all right . let 's count down ! ready ? yeah ! abby : whoo ! all : 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ! happy new year ! [ all cheer ] [ laughter ] arturo : happy new year , baby . 2019 is going to be our year . abby : yes ! [ fireworks exploding outside ] [ party horn blows ] [ fireworks exploding ] george : we have a problem . victor : i do n't give a damn . we need to take off . nikki : what 's going on ? victor : what the hell is going on out there ? what are you talking about ? [ sirens wailing ] get us in the air now ! george : sir , we 're not gon na make it . it 's too late . abort takeoff ! victoria : i know you 're upset about your grandma . so am i . but ... you know , everybody 's doing everything that they can to find her and bring her back so that she can finish her recovery . and the horrible person that did this thing is gon na be caught and punished . but in the meantime , i 'm just really glad that we have each other to lean on during this -- reed : no , mom . whoever kidnapped her was not the person who was driving the car . victoria : how do you know that ? reed : because it was me . i was driving . nikki : we had a huge head start . why did n't we take off when we could ? ! nate : nikki , you have to stay calm . you 've been through an ordeal . victor : it ai n't over yet . rey : all right ! nobody move ! hands where i can see them ! victor newman ... you 're under arrest . next week on `` the young and the restless `` ... jack : you really ready to try again with victoria ? billy : yeah . jill : keep your mouth shut . never breathe this to another living soul . kyle : i know her a lot better than you do . fen : yeah , that does n't mean she belongs to you . lola : just so we 're clear -- i do n't belong to anyone . christine : there has been a decision made on another outstanding case . victor newman , you 're being charged with the murder of j.t . hellstrom . nikki : i have to tell the police . i have to tell them i 'm the one that killed j.t .
devon 's party at his penthouse is nearly underway . devon recognizes ana for pulling together the party . she questions whether he wants to go through with it and says people will understand . devon wants to say goodbye to the terrible year the best way that he knows how . guests arrive including abby , arturo , cane and fen . cane makes a direct path to the bar and instructs the bartender to keep the scotch coming . lola ignores kyle 's texts and informs everyone including fen that they broke up . devon notes cane is drinking heavily . he asks cane about lily . cane tells him he does n't know how he is going to mange . kyle soon arrives at the party and lola accuses him of crashing the party . kyle tells her that abby invited him and that he could n't pass up an opportunity to see her . devon becomes annoyed when he asks ana about the songwriter not being able to meet with him . at victoria 's , she and phyllis worry about nick and not hearing from him . meanwhile the ambulance stops at a private airstrip that nick immediately recognizes . he tries to phone victoria but the driver snatches the phone from him and shows him his gun . the driver gets a call from victor with instructions to move nikki into the building . once in the building victor makes his usual dramatic appearance . nick and victor argue about nikki 's week being . victor tells him to say his goodbyes to his mother and that she will get the help she needs to heal . nikki assures nick this is what she wants . nick confronts victor and point blank asks if he killed jt . victor assures him he did not and that he is going to clear his name . much to nate 's surprise victor announces that nate will be coming with them and caring for nikki .
[ previously_on ] theo : you wish there was something going on with me and lola because that would open the door for you to get back together with kyle . cane : i am going to track down the missing money , and i am going to return it to the person that katherine always wanted to have it . & phyllis : he wanted me to seduce you . nick : what ? phyllis : he figured if we hooked up , that would be the end of you and chelsea and she would go running back into his arms . adam : you know , i 'd give anything for you to look at me like that again ... because i love you . chelsea : adam -- adam : i do . i love you , chelsea . phyllis : hey ! happy new year . jack : same to you . phyllis : ah , thank you . jack : i have to admit , i was a little surprised by the invitation . phyllis : well , do i need an excuse to toast in the new year with one of my favorite exes ? jack : ugh . 2020 . how is that even possible ? phyllis : i know . it 's crazy . we have n't changed at all . jack : no . phyllis : we look fantastic . jack : well , you do . phyllis : you do . your blue eyes , your square jaw , smile that makes so many women swoon , including myself once upon a time . jack : are you hitting on me , phyllis ? phyllis : of course not . i would never , ever do that . [ chuckles ] i 'm just really happy to kick this year to the curb and start new . jack : shall we ? phyllis : yeah . jack : so , last we spoke , you were waging war on adam . have things calmed down a little -- adam : [ sighs ] jack : well , i , uh -- i guess i have my answer . chelsea : hi . nick : hey . chelsea : oh , i 'm so sorry i 'm late . connor wanted to buy some toys for oliver . his new cat . nick : oh , yes , i heard . i heard the dude was a real hero to that little guy . chelsea : yeah . nick : proud of him . chelsea : yeah , i 'm proud of him , too . plus , it was just nice to see him so happy . nick : yeah . i 'll bet . chelsea : that 's why we were n't able to spend time with you and christian on christmas day . but i want to make it up to you . i was hoping today we could just hang out , be together . i do n't any have plans . do you ? nick : look , uh , i did n't want to say anything over christmas , but there 's something you should know . chelsea : sounds serious . nick : it is . it 's about adam and how far he 's willing to go to blow up our relationship . theo : the idea is for us to use the online community to post pictures of jabot products ... mm - hmm . ... specific causes that we 're backing , that sort of thing . summer : and best pictures will win , uh , gift bags , makeovers . we can even run the whole spring campaign around this . theo : boosting sales and increasing community awareness at the same time . `` jabot cares . `` it 's a win - win . so , what do you think ? kyle : i think i 'm wondering why i 'm in this meeting . theo : we need for you to sign off on it . kyle : well , summer could have pitched it to me in five minutes . theo : yes , i know . summer likes to handle things with you personally . but i figured i should at least be present since you seem to have a negative opinion about all of my ideas . kyle : you have good ideas . it 's the details that get in your way . summer : okay , well , uh , let 's just focus on this one . kyle : okay . i have some questions about when and how we would break this out . summer : okay , well , um , we can come up with a timeline and have it on your desk within an hour . kyle : so you 're already on board ? summer : yeah . i mean , like theo said , i think it 's a win - win . kyle : huh . then it 's a go . good job . theo : huh . i 'll bet that was painful for you . kyle : not at all . what 's good for the company is good for us . that 's why i appreciate the two of you working so well together , even though your situation has changed . theo : [ chuckles ] you know , summer and i might not be dating anymore , but we can still find our rhythm . [ knock on door ] kyle : come in ! lola : hey , everybody . who 's hungry ? [ cellphone ringing ] devon : jill . jill : hello , devon . i just got back into town , and i would love to stop by if you 're free . devon : yeah , absolutely . you can come by anytime you 'd like . jill : good . we have a lot to talk about . uh , so , i 'll come by in a little while . devon : alright . sounds good . jill : bye . chance . hi , darling . chance : hi . jill : i 'm so glad to see you . chance : me too . jill : ooh . what is with the suitcase ? oh , please do n't tell me that the chancellor estate is not accommodating enough for you . chance : [ sighs ] esther , chloe , and kevin -- they 've -- they 've been great . and bella -- she 's an absolute doll . i 'm just used to having my own place . jill : because of that , you 're gon na check into a hotel room and ignore a mansion ? chance : um ... jill : kidding ! chance : [ chuckles ] jill : if you want peace and quiet , esther can ruin that all on her own . chance : oh , be nice . jill : well , nice is really boring , see ? hey , how did your visit at christmas go with nina ? chance : it was ... it was really good . we had a terrific visit , really . jill : good . chance : what about you ? i -- i 'm surprised to see you back so soon . jill : well , australia has its charms , and it was so wonderful to be with your dad . chance : oh . jill : but i thought it was time , you know ? chance : mm . have you heard from cane ? jill : yeah . he 's hot on the trail of colin . he 's turning over every rock colin used to hide under , but so far , no luck . of course , cane is not a professional like your team , you know ? although on the other hand , your team was the one who let colin get away . chance : yeah . do n't remind me . they 're still on the case . they 're just not my team anymore . jill : what does that mean ? chance : i handed in my cloak - and - dagger badge . i 'm in the private sector now . jill : you 're kidding me . here in genoa city ? chance : that 's the plan . jill : what the hell are you thinking ? chance : um ... with advil liqui - gels , additional sponsorship chance : where did that come from ? jill : i 'm sorry . maybe i just -- chance : overreacted ? jill : just a little bit . chance : to answer your question , i 've been thinking about making a change for a while now . i 'm opening a private investigation security firm here in town , and i feel good about it . jill : okay . i understand why you would want to make a change . i mean , lord knows i 've been losing sleep for years picturing you dodging bullets in every dark corner of the world . chance : so this should make you happy then . jill : but , darling , come on . is this gon na be enough for you , working in the private sector ? is that gon na be as satisfying as , you know , saving the world ? abby : oh , hello ! chance : hi . jill : hi , abby . uh , the hotel looks wonderful . abby : thank you . jill : mm - hmm . abby : can i steal you for a moment ? chance : sure . jill : i have a fire to put out , but in a few minutes ? chance : anytime . abby : great . see you guys later . jill : okay . [ laughs ] chance : what ? jill : nothing . i 'm just , uh , beginning to understand why you 're sticking around . amanda : jack . it 's good to see you . jack : good to see you . adam : did you enjoy your christmas ? jack : i did indeed . how about yourself ? adam : um ... it was great . it was really great . one of the best ever , as a matter of fact . phyllis : mm . did santa give you everything you wanted , adam ? adam : no . but you know me , phyllis . anything 's possible in the new year . phyllis : mm . i do know you . adam : enjoy your meal . jack : thank you . should i congratulate you for showing restraint ? phyllis : he knows i have his number . jack : forgive me . he did n't seem too concerned about that . phyllis : oh , he will be . trust me . he will be . nick : have you noticed any changes in adam 's behavior lately ? chelsea : what sort of changes ? nick : i do n't know . has he asked you to move into the penthouse permanently ? chelsea : nick , please do n't talk in riddles . what -- nick : adam tried to get phyllis to seduce me . chelsea : he what ? nick : yeah . i guess he was hoping you would either catch me in the act or i would dump you for her . chelsea : that 's insane . nick : no . that 's adam . chelsea : phyllis told you this ? nick : yeah . she does n't want anything to do with him anymore . chelsea : and you believe her ? nick : yes , i do . it is classic adam . chelsea : well , it 's also classic phyllis . hello ? she loves to go out of her way to stir up trouble , especially where the two of us are concerned . nick : i did consider that . chelsea : well , i 'd pretty much bet on it . nick : well , she did n't want to say anything , chelsea . i practically had to drag it out of her . but she is outraged that adam basically asked her to prostitute herself for his benefit . chelsea : oh , my god . nick : i 'm sorry . chelsea : i - i - i ca n't believe this . nick : but it does sound like something adam would do , right ? chelsea : but why ? after we 've come so far ? nick : i guess he 's not happy with the current situation . he wants you and connor to live with him permanently , and he 's willing to do anything to make that happen . chelsea : when did you find out about this ? nick : a couple days ago . chelsea : why did n't you say something ? nick : when ? like christmas ? chelsea : well , you should have told me right away . nick : well , chelsea , i was sort of hoping that you would finally see for yourself how adam is slowly manipulating his way back into your life . the question is , now that you know , what are we gon na do about it ? lola : i did n't mean to barge in like this , but when kyle told me that you guys were all getting together for a meeting , i thought i would surprise you with some takeout . kyle : oh , you can barge in anytime you want . mwah ! summer : yeah . thank you . this is amazing . kyle : did you bring the tamales ? lola : of course . kyle : ooh ! excellent . theo : what about my spicy malanga fritters ? lola : i could n't forget those . kyle : your malanga fritters ? lola : theo passed by and he was taste - testing some new recipes and those were his favorite . summer : mm . well , it 's really nice of you to think of theo . i 'm sure he really appreciates it . theo : uh , he 's sitting right here . summer : yeah . theo : and , yes , i do appreciate it . thank you . lola : of course . i owe you for helping me out . so , shall we begin ? kyle : absolutely . theo : you bet . summer : yeah . ca n't wait . thank you . chance : uh , um ... i 'm not staying here because of abby . jill : ah . she 's very pretty . chance : yes , she is . jill : and unless my radar is shot to hell , there 's something going on between the two of you . chance : um , we 're dating , i guess , sort of . jill : wow . that was fast . you just got here . chance : it 's nothing serious right now . i mean , i like her . she 's fun , but that 's all it is right now -- fun . jill : mm - hmm . mm - hmm . chance : no relationship , no commitment -- fun . you do remember fun , do n't you ? jill : [ laughs ] yeah , vaguely , when phones used to plug into walls . chance : [ laughs ] jill : oh , sweetheart . if you 're happy , i 'm happy . chance : i 'm happy , grandma . jill : so , you do realize that you 'll be seeing a lot more of me . chance : oh , i can handle that . jill : no , no , no , no , no , no . i am serious . i will be meddling in your personal life . i will generally be a pain in the ass . chance : i would expect nothing less . jill : [ sighs ] darling , are you absolutely sure that this is what you want ? chance : i am . jill : well , then , that 's good enough for me . chance : [ chuckles ] jack : then you did n't take my advice . phyllis : uh , what advice ? because you give so much . jack : not seeking revenge against adam . phyllis : oh , that . jack : yeah . `` oh , that . `` what are you plotting ? phyllis : i 'm not plotting anything . there are plenty of people in this town who want to give adam when he has coming . jack : okay , you still have n't told me what adam did to you . phyllis : oh , it does n't matter . it 's water under the bridge . jack : ooh , the new , improved phyllis summers . phyllis : [ chuckles ] i would n't go that far . i would n't sprinkle water on adam if he was on fire . i did take part of your advice . jack : oh ? what part was that ? phyllis : not letting revenge and anger consume me . i 'm trying to build a new life . that 's one of the reasons i wanted to get together with you . jack : really ? phyllis : i 've burned a lot of bridges . i 'm trying to rebuild them ... the ones that matter . that 's why i wanted to meet with you . our friendship matters to me . it matters a lot . chelsea : i 'm gon na go tell adam what i think of him . nick : alright , i 'll get my stuff . chelsea : no . nick , i need to do this alone . nick : no . chelsea , i really think that we should talk to adam together to prove to him that we 're still a team . chelsea : i understand that you were the target of his plan , but i was the prize he expected to win . plus , i do n't need this getting out of hand . when the two of you are together , voices get raised , punches get thrown . nick : i 'm not gon na do that . chelsea : you looked angry enough a couple minutes ago to do something , okay ? we do n't need that . connor does n't need that . everyone suffers . please try to understand . nick : okay . if this is how you feel like you need to handle this . chelsea : it is . nick : can i just give you some advice then ? it may sound hypocritical , but when you 're talking to him , do n't let your emotions get the best of you . chelsea : trust me -- i know exactly what i 'm gon na say to adam . jill : you seemed fine on the phone , but i had to come see for myself . devon : well , you can see me . i 'm okay . jill : [ sighs ] really ? devon : yeah . yeah . given the circumstances . mm . jill : mm - hmm . you know , devon , you do n't have to pretend with me . i know this was your first christmas without neil . it had to be very , very rough on you . kyle : ahh , it was delicious . lola : so , nice surprise ? kyle : mm , i hope you keep surprising me like that forever . lola : deal . kyle : mmm . lola : mmm . theo : true love is so inspiring , is n't it ? summer : how would you know about that ? theo : you know , if you stare at them any harder , they might break . summer : i just think it 's nice when two people can show each other affection . theo : [ scoffs ] except , you wish kyle 's affection was coming your way . summer : oh , okay , mr . fritters . really ? what was that about ? what are you , lola 's pet , her little personal tasting kitchen , huh ? theo : you 're reading way too much into that . summer : uh - huh . yeah , sure , i am , just like i 'm not seeing you turn into a little puddle every time she 's around . lola : i 'm gon na take off now . summer : uh , you know what , wait for me . i 'll walk you out . uh , i have another meeting to go to , and then i 'm gon na take a break , but i will shoot you those reports afterwards . kyle : no rush . lola : bye . theo : thanks again , lola . it was great . lola : you 're welcome . kyle : [ sighs ] theo : so , am i dismissed , too ? kyle : not yet . you and i have some unfinished business . phyllis : where are you ? jack : oh , i 'm just ... thinking about you and me through the years . we 've been spouses , we 've been exes , we -- we 've been business partners and rivals . we 've loved each other , we 've hated each other , and everything in between , and , somehow , we are sitting here , breaking bread together . phyllis : i think about us sometimes . jack : yeah ? phyllis : yeah . [ exhales sharply ] i was horrible to you . jack : eh ... phyllis : oh , i was . i cheated on you ... with billy , of all people . did i tell you that i was sorry ? did i ever really tell you ? jack : only about 1,000 times . phyllis : well , here 's 1,001 . i am sorry . jack : it 's amazing how the heart can heal . it feels pretty damn good to put all that pain behind me . i 'm evolving , phyllis . phyllis : yes , you are . maybe i 'll catch up to you . [ both laugh ] i 'm happy for you . jack : you know what , i 'm happy for me , too . i get to run jabot with my son , i 've mended fences with ashley . our family 's getting along better than it has in a -- a long , long time . i feel blessed . phyllis : you are . who 's the lucky woman who gets to share in all that happiness ? jack : oh , i do n't know about that . i have n't found her just yet , but , eh , she 's out there somewhere . phyllis : yeah . jack : just like there 's someone out there for you . phyllis : oh , no , there 's not . no , there 's not . i 've sworn off men . it 's okay . it 's , uh , too much work and very little reward . jack : yeah , you say that now . phyllis : i 've been saying that for a long time . i 'm fine . i 'm fine . jack : you 're wrong . i know you have summer , but we ca n't let our children fulfill our lives . they have lives of their own . you 've broken ties with adam . your professional life with abby is over ... phyllis : wow . when you say it like that , i should just jump off a cliff . jack : i 'm just saying , i 've known you a long time . i know how you get when you 're at loose ends , and i want you to be careful . phyllis : [ sighs ] jack : look , i only want for you what you want for me . a job that fulfills you , a partnership with someone that embraces your spirit , but keeps you grounded ... and friends . good friends that you can rely on . phyllis : like you . jack : yeah . like me . phyllis : that means a lot to me that you said that . thank you . do n't worry about me , i 'm gon na be okay . i promise you , i 'll be okay . i know what i need to be happy . and i know how to get it . i will find it . chelsea : is connor still out with the sitter ? adam : yes , he is . what is wrong ? chelsea : you asked phyllis to sleep with nick ? do n't even bother denying it . adam : okay . i won't . it was a cheap move , and i regret it . and i wish i could take it back , but i can't . so will you let me explain ? my derm just let me in on her little anti - aging secret- `` the young and the restless `` will continue . devon : well , yeah , jill , it has been a little rough . half the time , i expect neil to come walking through the front door with a smile on his face carrying gifts , like he used to . but , uh , it was nice to see lily and charlie and mattie were doing well . we shared some laughs , some tears , but ... jill : but it 's not the same , is it ? devon : no . i do n't think it will ever be the same without neil . jill : was elena able to be with you ? devon : uh , unfortunately , no . she had to work . but we talked every day . she 's , uh -- she 's really been a rock for me lately . jill : mm . devon : i -- i do n't know how i would have gotten through any of this without her , to be honest . jill : well , you deserve somebody special in your life . devon : that 's nice of you to say . jill : mm . devon : and now that i 've found her , i 'm not gon na let her go , that 's for sure . jill : good for you . good . devon : yeah . we 're actually gon na take off to london tonight , and it 's just gon na be the two of us , meaning we 're not gon na be discussing any will business or money ... jill : or any lookalike lawyers . devon : mnh - mnh , no . not at all . not at all . jill : [ laughs ] devon : yeah , it 's -- 2019 has not been my year , and i ca n't wait for it to be done . jill : oh , boy , i 'll second that . i deeply regret letting colin drag me into his evil orbit again . devon : mm . it 's not your fault , jill . jill : well , that 's nice of you to say . but if i 'd had my eyes open , he never would have been able to swindle you out of your inheritance . devon : mm . jill : devon . i promise you , i swear to you , we 're gon na get your money back for you . no , really , the authorities are looking for colin , cane 's looking for him ... devon : mm , you can stop right there because i 'm not nearly as convinced as you are that cane is on our side . abby : [ sighs deeply ] finally ! a moment to breathe . chance : that 's why you make the big bucks . abby : well , i would gladly trade some of those bucks for an uninterrupted hour of rest and relaxation . chance : a loaf of bread , a bottle of malbec ... abby : mmm . you read my mind . but , in the meantime , can i offer you a complimentary adult beverage at the bar ? chance : i might go for that . abby : might ? chance : any strings attached ? abby : no , i just want to make one of my very special guests feel comfortable . chance : so no favors , nothing you want to ask me ? abby : mm , there is one little thing , but i do n't think it would qualify as a favor . chance : okay . i 'm official intrigued . [ cellphone rings ] abby : [ sighs ] god , it 's just -- it 's one of those days . um , tell the bartender to get you whatever you want . chance : wait , you 're just gon na leave me hanging , not even one little hint ? abby : mm . phyllis : hello . nick : hey ! phyllis : what a lucky coincidence . um , i just , uh , ran into jack . i 'm meeting summer here . nick : well , here i am ! phyllis : here you are ! [ giggles ] um ... i guess the universe is trying to tell me something . i ran into two exes in one day . i mean , the good exes . nick : or it could be that we just live in a small town . phyllis : yeah , it could be that . [ sighs ] can i sit down ? nick : what if i said no ? phyllis : [ giggles ] i 'd sit down anyway . nick : [ chuckles ] phyllis : so ... [ sighs ] how are you doing ? nick : uh ... i 'm all right , you know , i 'm just hanging out here . beats waiting at home , climbing the walls , waiting for chelsea to get back to me . i , uh ... i told her what adam tried to do . -phyllis : oh . nick : she 's outraged , so she ran over there , and , uh , i 'm sure she 's laying into him . phyllis : you do n't look thrilled . nick : well , it 's adam , you know , and we both know what that means . he will do anything , say anything to minimize the damage and keep chelsea close . phyllis : i mean , do you think she 'll buy it ? that 's what you 're afraid of . adam : i know you 're angry , and you have every right to be . chelsea : anger does not even begin to describe it . try disgusted . adam : i told phyllis on the same day we found out connor was gon na be able to go back to school for the new year . chelsea : oh ! oh ! well , then that explains everything . adam : chelsea , chelsea , would you please just let me finish ? okay ? i was angry , and i was worried . and i was desperate to fix things . i had seen the progress that we were making , and i thought that things could have been even better if the three of us were here together . chelsea : you know , when you thought to proposition phyllis , what did you -- i mean , what did you think ? you really thought that nick was just gon na -- just gon na jump into bed with her ? adam : i did it because i never thought you and nick would last , and this would have just accelerated the inevitable break - up . chelsea : that is pathetic . adam : chelsea ... chelsea : no , you decided that my relationship with nick was n't real . you decided that i belonged here with you . anything else you 've decided about my future , adam ? adam : i am really sorry that you 're angry . you know what , and i 'm glad phyllis turned me down . chelsea : oh , no , you 're not . adam : i am , chelsea . okay ? i should have just come to you and laid everything out on the table and told you that i felt that something was happening between us . and maybe the reason that you felt conflicted about living here was because you felt it , too . and , deep down , you did n't want to go back to nick 's house , you wanted to stay here with me and connor . and , you know what , it took me until christmas to be honest with myself about how i 'm feeling , but i 'll be honest with you now . i love you , and i 've never stopped loving you . and every second that you are away from me to be with nick , it is like a knife in my heart . chelsea : i should n't be surprised that you would stoop to something like this . it 's not exactly out of character . adam : okay , well , i deserved that . chelsea : yeah . damn right , you deserved that ! i mean , did n't you realize i would discover all of this information eventually anyway , adam ? you involved phyllis , for god 's sake . oh , and she must be loving this . you practically handed her an opportunity not just to hurt me , but to make herself look like the hero in nick 's eyes . adam : no . i do n't think so . she was every bit as angry as you are . and i do n't think she 's ever gon na forgive me . chelsea : is that what you want from me , adam , to forgive you ? adam : no . i want you to open your heart , and i want you to accept what i just said to you . chelsea : that you love me . adam : yes . i do . chelsea : how do i know this is n't just another manipulation , just another round of this constant battle between you and your brother , huh ? adam : no , this has nothing to do with nick . this is about us and our possible future together . chelsea : adam , you are confused . adam : i am not confused . i have never been more clear and certain about anything in my entire life , chelsea . chelsea : it 's not me that you want , it 's connor 's mother ! adam : no , it 's not ! it is both of you , okay ? it 's -- [ sighs deeply ] it 's everything . i mean , it 's what we had years ago ... that we were never able to get back . [ sighs ] i mean , do n't you remember ? we were ready to leave genoa city . we were ready to just start over . and all we needed was the three of us . and that is even more true now than it was then . because i need you in my corner . i need you , i need our family to be reunited again in every sense of the word . okay ? we 've been given this gift of a second chance , and i can not bear to let it pass by without a fight . can you ? phyllis : you think that chelsea will believe what adam says , right ? nick : i do , but connor is her weakness , and i know adam is not above using that to his advantage . phyllis : would n't it be great to put a camera in the penthouse ? nick : [ chuckles ] what ? phyllis : but i would not do that because that is frowned upon . nick : yeah , it 's frowned upon . you know what -- you know what , i do n't want to talk about chelsea . phyllis : oh , that 's fine . i get that . nick : it 's not because i do n't trust you , because i do . i just would prefer talking about anything else . phyllis : let 's talk about sports . nick : let 's do that . how about the match - ups in the college football bowl season ? what are your thoughts ? phyllis : ooh ! um , i ... will get back to you on that . [ both laugh ] um , i think you 'd find my conversation with jack interesting . nick : all right , hit me . phyllis : all right . we were talking about friendship and valuing those people , um , who are good to us and those people we love and weeding out the others . nick : i love getting rid of weeds . phyllis : yeah . me , too . adam was a weed to me . he was . he treated me like garbage . and even though you -- and you had every opportunity not to -- but you left the door open so we ... can still be friends . nick : sure would be a good opportunity for me to make fun of your bad judgment . phyllis : yeah , but , see , you would n't do that because you would n't want to ruin this moment here . nick : you 're right , i 'm not gon na do that . phyllis : yes , and you 're smart , so ... [ laughs ] nick : okay . summer : hey . i did n't expect to see you two here together . what 's going on ? theo : this is your idea of minor adjustments to my social media marketing plan ? kyle : first of all , it 's jabot 's plan , and , yes , i think there needs to be a better balance between the sales potential and the public relations angle . theo : it 's there already . kyle : not to my satisfaction . theo : would it be there if summer had turned this in without my name on it ? kyle : you 're missing the point . theo : no , i get it . you do n't want me here , but you 're stuck with me , so you 'll do anything you can to keep me down . kyle : 'cause i 'm such a mean boss . theo : no , just resentful . kyle : of you ? [ laughs ] theo : you know , i see right through you , abbott , all the way . you feel threatened as hell . kyle : okay , look . i 'm trying to make an effort because , like it or not , we 're family . theo : [ chuckles ] kyle : and it 's important to my dad and lola and summer that you and i figure out a way to get along . theo : yeah , hell of an effort . kyle : this is business . projects get criticized . i get criticized when my work does n't measure up , so what makes you so special ? theo : i 'm not trying to be special . i 'm just tired of you rubbing my nose in every mistake you think i 've made . you know , you had a lot more respect for my talent back in the day . hell , you know you once considered me such a good friend , you could trust me with anything ! you did , too . remember ? kyle : oh , we are not talking about new york again , ever ! jack : what did i just walk in on ? kyle : it 's nothing , dad . theo : kyle and i were just having a discussion about my pitch . kyle : yeah , and we worked it out . theo : we sure did . jack : well , good . i 'm glad to hear that . i know you two are still finding your way , but , around here , the work comes first . theo : absolutely . jack : i need to speak with kyle . theo : consider me out of here . jill : i know that you and cane have your issues . devon : oh , well , i do n't trust him , that 's my issue . jill : well , i would argue otherwise , but i have a feeling that you would n't listen . devon : it 's -- it does n't matter anyway . we 'll find out sooner or later whether he 's innocent or not . but it 's not even about the money anymore . it 's about what colin to violate katherine 's final wishes . and whoever was involved with him is gon na pay for it . abby : i 'm all yours . chance : are you , now ? abby : promise . so ... what have you been up to ? chance : besides waiting on you , i 've been thinking about maybe exactly what it is that you want from me . abby : mmm , come up with any theories ? chance : a few . abby : let 's hear them . chance : well , at first , i thought you might have another jewel thief here in the building that needed a good , stern talking to . abby : uh , let 's not go there . chance : and then i moved on to dragon - slaying , but i should warn you -- i 'm afraid of fire . abby : oh , i find it hard to believe that you 're afraid of anything . chance : mm , you 'd be surprised . abby : what else ? chance : you know what , i do n't know . do you need a dance partner , some light housekeeping ? because i do iron a mean shirt . abby : no , no , and no . chance : oh . abby : i plan on throwing a new year 's eve party , and i 'm inviting both sides of my family . chance : under one roof ? abby : that 's the plan . [ laughs ] chance : so you want me to work security , keep the peace . i should tell you now , we 're probably gon na need backup . abby : actually , the newmans and the abbotts are in a low - conflict phase . chance : that 's good to know . abby : but what i wanted to ask you , if you do n't have any other plans , is if you 'd like to come with me . chance : i do n't know . i probably should think about it . abby : i know it 's last - minute -- chance : okay , i thought about it , i 'd love to . abby : then it 's a date . chance : actually , since we 'll be together at midnight , it 's two dates . the last of this year , and the first of next . summer : well , you two seem to be having a blast , so what did i miss ? phyllis : well , uh , let 's see . usual high jinks , character assassination ... summer : mm . [ laughter ] nick : we 're talking about christian getting his new set of drums and how his face lit up . summer : oh , yeah , no , his face lit up , but my ears almost exploded . phyllis : oh ! nick : yeah , that thing 's going on the basement real quick . phyllis : yeah , i mean , you want to cultivate their creativity , but you want to keep your sanity , so ... summer : mm - hmm . phyllis : well done . nick : thank you . phyllis : he was happy , right ? nick : super happy , yeah . phyllis : good . good job . [ cellphone rings ] nick : excuse me . yep , new hope business . i got to go . summer : oh , okay , i 'll see you at home ? nick : yep . summer : okay . phyllis : see you later . nick : bye . phyllis : bye . summer : really ? dad ? again ? phyllis : what ? what are you talking about ? summer : oh , come on , i can see the way that you were staring at him . phyllis : summer ! your dad and i are friends . we 're in such a good place . i 'm very happy . honestly , i do n't want complications , and your dad 's life is complicated enough , trust me . chelsea : i ca n't have this conversation right now . adam : that does n't change the truth , chelsea . chelsea : your truth , not mine . adam : look , are -- are you afraid of actually getting what you want and losing it again ? is that why you 're holding back ? chelsea : stop chasing the past , adam . it has nothing to do with now , today . you 're caught up with what might have been , that 's what this is . adam : you do n't believe that any more than i do . this is real . you know that this is real . chelsea : i -- i do n't know if i can trust you . adam : look at me . there is nobody that knows me the way you do . and , deep down , you know i meant everything that i just said . i love you . and , yes , i know that nick made you feel safe , and i know that you care about him . but , with me , you can feel whole .
chance tells his grandma jill that he is staying in town and opening a private detective business jill wonders if chance will be happy and if being a private detective will be enough excitement for him . chance tells her that he will be happy and when abby comes over to their table to say hello jill thinks she knows why chance is staying in town . chance tells jill that he and abby are just having fun for now and their relationship is n't serious and jill tells chance that if he is happy she is happy for him . chance later agrees to go to a new year 's eve party with abby that will include both the abbott 's and the newmans . jill checks on devon and sees how his first christmas without neil was even though she knows it was hard . devon says that he spent christmas will lily , mattie and charlie and it was full of laughter and tears . devon tells jill that when he gets his money back he will make sure that whoever was involved in this scam pays for dishonoring katherine 's memory and not respecting her final wishes . kyle is a little annoyed when lola brings lunch to the office for him , theo , and summer and he discovers that theo is lola 's taste tester for new dishes . summer once again tells theo that she thinks he has feelings for lola and theo says the same about her and kyle . jack walks in on kyle and theo arguing about their past in new york and he asks to talk to kyle alone . phyllis apologizes to jack for all the hurt she caused him when she slept with billy and he accepts her apology and tells her he is glad they are friends again . nick tells chelsea that adam asked phyllis to seduce him so that they would break up and chelsea later confronts adam . adam tells chelsea he regrets his actions and he is sorry it was a low move . adam tells chelsea he has never stopped loving her and even though nick makes her feel safe he can make her feel whole again and she should stop denying that she loves him .