5 values
1 value
I have four legs but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I? Choices: A: mouse; B: frog; C: breaststroke; D: gambrel; E: nyctophobia
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When it was young, it had a tail. When it grew up, it had knees. Choices: A: frog; B: leaf; C: bracket; D: platypus; E: bobtail
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I have four legs and am covered withe spots but I also go in the water and can go back on land. what am I? Choices: A: frog; B: anemone; C: horsepond; D: fishing; E: fairway
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I come in a cone but I am not food; I will be skewed if you screw with my hue; I come by the millions but you can probably only name a few. What am I? Choices: A: yogurt; B: pears; C: cookfire; D: colors; E: foodstuff
Given the following question, answer carefully.
We capture light, and yet we don't. We reflect rays of sun, and yet we don't. Without us all the world is gray and dull for everyone. What are we? Choices: A: light microscope; B: neurons; C: wax; D: ferret; E: colors
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I have a mouth, no butt, two cranes and floating vessels. What am I? Choices: A: bacteria; B: float; C: drift; D: ride; E: ship dock
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am a tick, I am usually black or white, You will find me on many clothing, People think I am cool. What am I? Choices: A: tick trap; B: nike symbol; C: chalk; D: room; E: tickle mark
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What animal probably likes doors? Choices: A: specific; B: sphinx; C: doormouse; D: orphan; E: broad
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold. I am the parent of numbers that cannot be told. I am a gift beyond measure, a matter of course. I am given with pleasure when taken by force. What am I? Choices: A: multiplied; B: comparison; C: im a kiss; D: head cold; E: oodles
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Through me you see through things. What am I? Choices: A: fictional character; B: xray machine; C: abstraction; D: place; E: silver
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Roses are red, Violets are blue; And I'm forever saying: I love you. What am I? Choices: A: apples; B: live long; C: louisiana; D: valentine; E: dog rose
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My fleece is white as snow. Everywhere that Mary goes, I go. What am I? Choices: A: lamb; B: whitefly; C: sheepskin; D: nomadic; E: hail
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A little house full of meat, no door to go in and eat. What am I? Choices: A: vegetables; B: picnic; C: worms; D: nut; E: john
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There's a place in the world where the wind blows south then suddenly north. Where is it? Choices: A: sloth; B: ferret; C: winnow; D: camp david; E: south pole
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Where is there is no south, west, nor east, and weather not fit for man or beast Choices: A: carolina; B: south pole; C: situation; D: north northeast; E: northeast
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Our dinner guests cry that we are evil, when they notice their place in the meal. But its no big deal why; we are just one big happy tribe! And we get reall fed up with people! Who, What or Are we? Choices: A: allocation; B: cannibals; C: heretics; D: Tribal; E: gobi desert
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I'm a word that's hardly there. Take away my start, and I'm an herbal flair. What am I? Choices: A: phonetic alphabet; B: argument; C: sparsely no s parsley; D: operator; E: logomachy
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A woman who lives in new york legally married three men, she did not get divorce, get an enollment, or legally seperate. How is this possible? Choices: A: live in poverty; B: state; C: performance; D: she is a minister; E: lassie
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I have a name, but it isn't my name. My face shows signs of age. I always mean the same thing, no matter what I say. I'm born in mourning, and I last 'til the end of days. Men plant me, but I never grow. They run from me, but I never move. They look at me and see their future, rotting in the fields where I bloom. What am I? Choices: A: mentha longifolia; B: euterpe; C: tombstone; D: resident; E: aken
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Marking mortal privation, when firmly in place. An enduring summation, inscribed in my face. What am I? Choices: A: comma; B: smother; C: stand; D: resuscitator; E: tombstone
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The land was white the seed was black It'll take a good scholar to riddle me that. What am I? Choices: A: company; B: eye or eyeball; C: captain; D: reading; E: memory
Given the following question, answer carefully.
My first is a creature whose breeding is unclear. My second, a price you must pay. My whole can be found in the river of Time and refers to events of today. What am I? Choices: A: current; B: history; C: story; D: oil; E: delta
Given the following question, answer carefully.
When I'm used, I'm useless, once offered, soon rejected. In desperation oft expressed, the intended not protected. What am I? Choices: A: futility; B: poor alibi or excuse; C: give; D: second chances; E: proposal
Given the following question, answer carefully.
In 1990, a person is 15 years old. In 1995, that same person is 10 years old. How can this be? Choices: A: state; B: sympathizer; C: grandee; D: because its 19951990 b c ; E: latest
Given the following question, answer carefully.
The eight of us go forth not back to protect our king from a foes attack. What are we? Choices: A: chess pawns; B: kings; C: checker; D: capture; E: castling
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is a skeleton's favorite snack? Choices: A: key; B: celestite; C: cartilage; D: spare ribs; E: osteopath
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am an animal named after the animal that I eat, what am I? Choices: A: tales; B: crib; C: geese; D: oleo oil; E: anteater
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What animal is most likely to eat a relative? Choices: A: safari; B: agony column; C: wag; D: anteater; E: nibble
Given the following question, answer carefully.
If you have me you want to share me, if you share me you won't have me. What am I? Choices: A: stash; B: holograph; C: decision; D: sharer; E: seceret
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am neither a guest nor a trespasser in this place i belong that belongs to me where is it? Choices: A: camp; B: noise; C: home; D: riott; E: column
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the least spoken language in the world? Choices: A: kindergarten class; B: mimesis; C: sign language; D: rhetoric; E: late latin
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What language does a billboard speak? Choices: A: community; B: rhetoric; C: sign language; D: edo; E: text
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What has a head and a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Choices: A: thinking; B: lodge; C: shade; D: swing; E: penny
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Im small and sometimes wortheless I sit there and look times as you pass me by I can not move but I wish I can if im found its a good thing but only if I cant see you what am I? Choices: A: penny; B: free; C: well; D: key; E: room
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Sunday was a dog. The dog was brown. The cage was brown. The dog saw a figure with a head,tail, brown but no legs. What was the figure he saw? Choices: A: penny; B: ear; C: make; D: thinking; E: receipt
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is never hungry at Thanksgiving? Choices: A: desire; B: turkey because always stuffed; C: feast; D: hungriness; E: grumble
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What did the baseball glove say to the baseball? Choices: A: sphere; B: garment; C: baseball player; D: spend time; E: catch ya later
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call a fly with no wings? Choices: A: appendage; B: throw; C: walk; D: frisbee; E: catch food
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What does a cat have that other animals do not have? Choices: A: breath in water; B: raccoon; C: kittens; D: beaver; E: mink
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is a mathematician's favorite dessert? Choices: A: statistician; B: pi; C: harp; D: creature; E: mould
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling In mystic force and magic spelling Celestial sprites elucidate All my own striving can't relate. What am I? Choices: A: spell; B: tutor; C: ceremony; D: verse; E: pi
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What does almost no one what, yet almost no one wants to lose? Choices: A: their job; B: one's parents; C: much; D: contest; E: relative
Given the following question, answer carefully.
How can you make a car, a parrot, a refrigerator, and a TV liquid? Choices: A: sell them; B: vinyl; C: own objects; D: documentary; E: poison
Given the following question, answer carefully.
If a dozen eggs cost 12 cents how much does 100 eggs cost? Choices: A: deflation; B: omelette; C: comes; D: one egg; E: 1 100 cents
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why did the coffee file a police report? Choices: A: caffein; B: it was mugged; C: bitterness; D: it's hot; E: coffee tastes better
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why would a hair stylist rather cut the hair of two brunettes than one red head? Choices: A: they would make more money; B: scissors; C: blond; D: blonde hair; E: blonde
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the mistake in the the following question? Choices: A: screw; B: argument; C: b; D: pronounciation; E: word is repeated
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the mistake in the the following list: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ? Choices: A: table of contents; B: word is repeated; C: cotton; D: goof; E: invitation
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Which kind of nuts are the softest nuts? Choices: A: blankets; B: smoothness; C: donuts; D: hulling; E: feeling
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What has wings but can't fly, legs but can't walk, and eyes but can't see? Choices: A: dead bird; B: duck; C: plane; D: air unit; E: beetles
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What room will a mummy never go in? Choices: A: pigment; B: mummy's bedroom; C: living room; D: use; E: saxophone
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What room in your house do ghosts avoid? Choices: A: wax; B: Haunted house; C: substitute; D: living room; E: spa
Given the following question, answer carefully.
wuts the safiest room in a haunted house? Choices: A: stairway; B: border; C: living room; D: seanad eireann; E: count noun
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the safest room to be in during a zombie apocalypse? Choices: A: spaces; B: steel; C: heavy; D: danger; E: living room
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There is a bus full of people travelling over San Francisco and no one gets off the bus throughout the journey. But when it gets to the other side there is not a single person left. How is this possible? Choices: A: scut; B: nun; C: religious person; D: they are all married; E: widow
Given the following question, answer carefully.
a cruise ship is filled with people but yet there isn't a singal person on board HOW? Choices: A: nun; B: archaeologist; C: they are all married; D: bitter end; E: own land
Given the following question, answer carefully.
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don't see a single person there. Why? Choices: A: patriot; B: baffled; C: nun; D: breeder; E: they are all married
Given the following question, answer carefully.
There are 10 people on a boat and nobody is below deck but not a single person is in sight. How is this possible? Choices: A: mina; B: john calvin; C: they are all married; D: island; E: celebrant
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What goes in the water red, and comes out black? Choices: A: iron; B: bath; C: making; D: grey; E: steam
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is hard to find but easy to lose, worth more than gold but costs less than a penny? Choices: A: imaginary friend; B: science; C: friend; D: jewel; E: picker
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is a rich person's favorite type of nut? Choices: A: groundnut; B: cashew; C: seed; D: age of reason; E: nut and bolt
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A king, queen and two twins all lay in a large room, yet there are no adults or children in the room. How is that possible? Choices: A: they are all beds; B: three eyes; C: sleeping; D: double; E: hospital room
Given the following question, answer carefully.
After you go through a fall I will take over. All life will stall, or at least grow slower. What am I? Choices: A: falls; B: come; C: yield; D: winter; E: activity
Given the following question, answer carefully.
ravina tells karishma ,"your sister is the daughter of my mother's brother" . how is karishma related to ravina's mother's brother? Choices: A: daughter; B: stepbrother; C: little brother; D: supermom; E: brethren
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am a mother's child and a father's child but nobody's son. What am I? Choices: A: offspring; B: motherhood; C: daughter; D: dickinson; E: childhood
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A one-seeded fruit I may be, but all of your calendars are full of me. What am I? Choices: A: persimmon; B: docket; C: reference work; D: dates; E: hebrew calendar
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is it that even the most careful person always overlooks? Choices: A: closer; B: their nose; C: alla nazimova; D: ella fitzgerald; E: abator
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what question carnt you answer yes to? Choices: A: chance; B: state; C: marriage proposal; D: reply; E: are you asleep
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is the only question you can't answer yes too? Choices: A: pleading; B: remark; C: unable to answer; D: are you asleep; E: oracle
Given the following question, answer carefully.
what question can you never say yes to you must always say no? Choices: A: yeses; B: item; C: questioning; D: are you asleep; E: answers
Given the following question, answer carefully.
wich question can you never say yes 2 Choices: A: item; B: needs; C: are you asleep; D: ion; E: phrase
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct? Choices: A: what is the number four; B: what time is it; C: is it afternoon; D: counter; E: is it correct
Given the following question, answer carefully.
How can you smell if you don't have a nose? Choices: A: breathing; B: clean clothes; C: dont take a shower; D: pliers; E: skunk
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Which tire does not move when a car turns right? Choices: A: stabilizer bar; B: motel; C: rolling stock; D: lighter; E: spare tire
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A dozen Royals gathered round, Entertained by two who clowned. Each King there had servants ten, Though none of them were also men. The lowest servant sometimes might, Defeat the King in a fair fight. A weapon stout, a priceless jewel, The beat of life, a farmer's tool. What are we talking about here folks? Choices: A: ink; B: king crab; C: artifact; D: deck of cards; E: bell
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What has a Heart but no other organs? Choices: A: keys; B: heartsease; C: deck of cards; D: organ bank; E: club
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A guy has 367 apples. You take away 34. How many apples do you have? Choices: A: home away from home; B: pie; C: 378; D: baldwin; E: 34 because you took 34
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Three men are on a boat. The boat sinks but only two people get their hair wet. Why? Choices: A: clock; B: third man was bald; C: own hair; D: water boy; E: relative
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Where do locksmiths go on vacation? Choices: A: locksmith shop; B: cabin; C: ranch; D: holiday; E: florida keys
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Most people need it, some ask for it, some give it, but almost nobody takes it. What is it? Choices: A: lift; B: patients; C: plan; D: link; E: advice
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call a group of a dozen atoms? Choices: A: culture; B: dozen matter; C: press play; D: music; E: atomic energy
Given the following question, answer carefully.
In what month of the year do people eat the least amount of food? Choices: A: yearly; B: thinking; C: february the shortest month; D: customers; E: food market
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Why are there no living cats on Mars? Choices: A: chase; B: permanent; C: nap; D: curiosity; E: litter
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I am sneaky and pesky and when I seek for truth it often gets me in trouble. Who am I? Choices: A: capture; B: searching for; C: return; D: curiosity; E: scandal
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is a rappers favorite candy? Choices: A: eminems; B: lollipop; C: lolly; D: nougat bar; E: rapper's house
Given the following question, answer carefully.
Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners? Choices: A: santas; B: gang; C: setup; D: rudeolph; E: response
Given the following question, answer carefully.
WHAT HAS SUGAR ON IT AND TIGERS EAT IT Choices: A: chiffon cake; B: white; C: purl; D: frosted flakes; E: fructose
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is a snowman's favorite cereal? Choices: A: grain; B: cereal bowl; C: bookmark; D: frosted flakes; E: favor
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What kind of men are always above board? Choices: A: gin; B: signor; C: slate; D: chessmen; E: timber
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I start off dry but come out wet. I go in light and come out heavy. What am I? Choices: A: forth; B: teabag; C: burden; D: optic; E: braid
Given the following question, answer carefully.
It goes in dry. It comes out wet. The longer it stays in, the better it gets. When it comes out,it drips and sags. It's not what you think It's a Choices: A: support; B: yield; C: limp; D: teabag; E: brainstorm
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is it that no one wants yet no one want to lose? Choices: A: lawsuit; B: finding; C: bounty; D: whipsaw; E: plentifulness
Given the following question, answer carefully.
You do not want to have it, But when you do have it, You do not want to lose it? What is it? Choices: A: find; B: neediness; C: defeat; D: wanter; E: lawsuit
Given the following question, answer carefully.
You use it between your head and your toes, the more it works the thinner it grows. What is it? Choices: A: machine; B: management; C: bar of soap; D: ballet; E: assist
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What goes all around a hockey rink but never moves? Choices: A: plan; B: sticks; C: boards; D: boxes; E: departure
Given the following question, answer carefully.
A woman is sitting in her room at night. She has no lights on, no candle, no lamp, no light at all and yet she is reading. How is that possible? Choices: A: literacy; B: light bulb; C: sign; D: she is reading braille; E: story
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do tigers have that no other animal can have? Choices: A: juvenile; B: sex act; C: gazelle; D: creature; E: baby tigers
Given the following question, answer carefully.
I start with S and end with IT, and have you in the middle. What am I? Choices: A: worsted; B: contents; C: kick start; D: end point; E: suit
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What do you call a famous lobster? Choices: A: maine; B: lobstar; C: be; D: knows; E: european lobster
Given the following question, answer carefully.
What is often returned but is never borrowed? Choices: A: economic rent; B: keyboard; C: subtraction; D: thanks; E: carriage return
Given the following question, answer carefully.