1 value
Are tigers solitary animals?
Is the Tiger a member of the Felidar family?
What are the typical features of a tiger country?
It will always have good cover, it will always be close to water and plenty of prey.
What do tigers' powerfully built legs and shoulders allow tigers to do?
They have the ability to pull down prey substantially heavier than themselves.
What would a tiger do when seized by a crocodile?
A tiger will strike at the reptile's eyes with its paws.
Would a tiger be likely to feedon smaller animals, such as mice?
Would it be common for tigers to mate in January?
Are pocket trumpets compact B trumpets?
Are there several types of trumpet?
Are they constructed of brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape, and are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a ``buzzing'' sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the trumpet?
Are trumpets constructed of brass?
Did Miles Davis play the trumpet?
Did the predecessors to trumpets have valves?
Do many players use a smaller mouthpiece on the piccolo trumpet?
Does a trumpet have a mellower tone than a cornet?
How do trumpets compensate for wolf tones?
Somce trumpetes have a slide mechanism built in to compensate.
How does a trumpet produce sound?
By blowing air through closed lips.
Is a trumpet played by blowing air through closed lips?
Is the bass trumpet the smallest trumpet?
Is the most common type of trumpet the B trumpet?
Is the trumpet constructed of brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape?
Is the trumpet the musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family?
The trumpet can be confused with what close relative?
the coronet
Was Dizzy Gillespie a famous trumpeter in 1998?
Were Slide trumpets the first trumpets allowed in the Christian church?
Slide trumpets were the first trumpets allowed in the Christian church.
Were trumpet players heavily guarded?
What are the smallest trumpets referred to as?
Piccolo trumpets
What is a trumpet constructed of?
brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape
What is the earliest date of the trumpet?
around 1500 BC
What is the most common type of trumpet?
The B trumpet.
What makes a trumpet fully chromatic?
able to play all twelve pitches of Western music
What musical styles is the trumpet used in?
Ska, ska punk, classical, jazz, Rock, Blues, pop, polka, cuban music, mariachi and funk.
What shape is a trumpet bent into?
an oblong shape
What trumpet was the first to be allowed in the Christian Church?
slide trumpets
Why do trumpets have a bright, loud sound?
The trumpet and trombone share a roughly cylindrical bore.
Why does the cornet have a slightly mellower tone than the trumpet?
The cornet and flugelhorn have conical bores
After what event was the Turkish Language Association established?
After the foundation of the Republic of Turkey and the script reform, the Turkish Language Association (TDK) was established in 1932.
How many people speak Turkish worldwide?
There are roughly another 10 million native speakers worldwide.
In Turkish, which syllable usually has the stress?
Stress is usually on the last syllable
Is the spelling of Turkish phonetic?
yes, Turkish now has an alphabet suited to the sounds of the language: the spelling is largely phonetic, with one letter corresponding to each phoneme.
Is there a definite article in Turkish language?
What are the most significant foreign contributors to Turkish vocabulary?
Among the most significant foreign contributors to Turkish vocabulary are Arabic, French, Persian, Italian, English, and Greek.
What is the official language of Turkey?
Turkish is the official language of Turkey.
What percentage of the words in Turkish vocabulary have Turkish origins?
86% of the Turkish vocabulary have Turkish origins.
What was one of the results of the introduction of the new Turkish alphabet?
There was a dramatic increase in literacy from its original Third World levels.
When was the Turkish Language Association founded?
The Turkish Language Association was founded in 1932.
Are harvesting wild turtles legal anywhere?
Can turtles spend all their time underwater?
Do scutes fall away from the turtle's shell?
Some of the scutes eventually fall away from the shell.
Do turtles breathe air?
How do turtles chew food?
Turtles use their jaws to cut and chew food.
How many groups are turtles broken down into?
Is the name of the upper shell of a turtle called the plastron?
Is there a way to approximate the age of a turtle?
Is turtle soup considered a delicacy?
Where are turtle eggs layed?
Turtles lay eggs on land.
Where is harvesting wild turtles legal?
Did Grant & Perkins not sell harnesses , saddles , and other leather goods and purchase hides from farmers in the prosperous Galena area ?
they did
Did Ulysses win the Battle of Champion Hill?
you betcha
Grant was elected president as a Republican in what year?
Is the famous dragon gate at the entrance to the district at the corner of Grant and Bush Street ?
Was Grant 's favorite brand of bourbon whiskey Old Crow ?
Was Grant elected president as a Republican?
Was Grant's father-in-law a Democrat?
Was Ulysses Grant a general in the American Civil War?
Was it a two-sentence description that completely caught the essence of Ulysses S. Grant ?
What was Grant's political affiliation?
Where was Grant born?
A log cabin in Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio
Who was Grant's brother in law?
Fred Dent
Why did Grant say "Damn, I had nothing to do with this batte."?
Because the generals under him acted on their own.
Why did Grant think that war was unjust?
He accepted the theory that it was designed to gain land open to slavery.
Did Uruguay host the first ever World Cup?
Yes, in 1930.
Does Uruguay border French Guiana?
Does Uruguay have cold summers?
Does Uruguay recognize same-sex civil unions?
How many square kilometres of continental land is Uruguay?
176,214 square kilometres
How many times has Uruguay won the World Cup?
On two or more occasions.
Is The climate in Uruguay temperate?
Is Uruguay 's oldest church in San Carlos , Maldonado ?
Is Uruguay a member of the Cairns Group of exporters of agricultural products ?
Is Uruguay located in South America?
Yes. It's located in the southeastern part
Is Uruguay located in the northwesten part of Africa?
Is Uruguay the smallest soverign nation in South America?
Is Uruguay very common?
Is Uruguay's capital Montevideo?
Is Uruguay's warmest month June?
Is the main sport in Uruguay football ?
Is uruguay's landscape mountainous?
not really?
What are the names of Uruguay's political parties?
Partido Colorado and Partido Blanco
What did Uruguay win in 1828?
Its independence
What has Uruguay done to be competitive in agriculture?
Use low inputs of labour, technology, and capital, which results in lower yields but also opens the door for Uruguay to market its products as "natural" or "ecological"
What religion do most Uruguayans profess?
Roman Catholic
What religions are found in Uruguay?
Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and nonprofessing.
Where is Uruguay's oldest church?
San Carlos, Maldonado.
Why was the capital of Uruguay founded?
Uruguay's capital, Montevideo, was founded by the Spanish in the early 18th century as a military stronghold.
Did Vietnamese come to predominate politically in 2nd century BC?
No, Chinese came to predominate politically in the 2nd century B.C.
Does Vietnamese borrow from Latin and Greek?
No, Vietnamese does not borrow from Latin and Greek.
Does Vietnamese have a comparatively large number of vowels?
Does Vietnamese have a large number of vowels?
Yes, Vietnamese has a comparatively large number of vowels.
Is Vietnamese the mother tongue of the Vietnamese people?