1 value
Is there a Becquerel crater on the Moon for radioactivity?
Is there a becquerel crater on the moon and a becquerel crater on mars?
Was Becquerel a French physicist?
Was Becquerel born in Paris into a family which, including he and his son Jean, produced four generations of scientists?
Was Becquerel elected Permanent Secretary of the Académie des Sciences?
Was Henri Becquerel a French physicist?
Was Henri Becquerel first in his family to occupy the physics chair at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle?
Was Henri Becquerel one of the discoverers of radioactivity?
Was Henri Becquerel the sole winner of the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics?
What does Henri Becquerel do?
Henri Becquerel was a physicist.
What is Henri Becquerel?
Henri Becquerel was a famous physicist.
What led Becquerel to investigate the spontaneous emission of nuclear radiation?
phographic plates being fully exposed
What was Henri Becquerel`s profession?
When Becquerel discovered radioactivity, whose work did he investigate?
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
When was Henri Becquerel born?
December 15, 1852
Where are there craters named Becquerel?
on the moon and on mars
Where is Henri Becquerel from?
Where was Henri Becquerel born?
Are Sports in Indonesia generally male-orientated?
Are sports in Indonesia generally male-orientated and spectator sports are often associated with illegal gambling ?
Are the Javanese the largest and politically dominant ethnic group in Indonesia?
Does Indonesia have the world's hightest level of biodiversity?
Has Indonesia the world 's largest Muslim population ?
In what year did East Timor secede from Indonesia?
Is Indonesia a monarchy with a presidential system?
Is Indonesia a republic?
Is Indonesia the world's largest archipelagic state?
Is Pencak Silat an Indonesian martial art ?
Is indonesia a republic?
Is it true that indonesia has vast areas of wilderness?
Was Indonesia named after it became an independent country?
Which spice originally attracted Europeans to Indonesia?
nutmeg, cloves, and cubeb pepper
Why did Indonesia break off relations with the People's Republic of China?
because of anti-communist purges early in the Suharto era
Did Isaac Newton die in 1898?
No, Newton died in his sleep in London on 31 March 1727.
Did Newton reject the church's doctrine of the Trinity?
Newton may have rejected the church's doctrine of the Trinity.
Did the Occult influence Newton's theory of gravitation?
If Newton had not relied on the occult idea of action at a distance, he might not have developed his theory of gravity.
Interaction with what man stirred up Newton's interest in alchemy?
The contact with the theosophist Henry More, revived his interest in alchemy
Was Isaac Newton British?
Yes, he was English.
Was Isaac Newton educated at The King's Schol, Grantham?
Was Isaac Newton religious?
Yes, he was highly religious, though an unorthodox Christian.
Was Newton a English physicist?
Was Newton admitted into Havard College?
Maybe, but it doesn't say so in the article
Was Sir Isaac Newton an English physicist and mathematician?
Were Newton's religious views consistent with Anglicanism?
No, a conflict between Newton's religious views and Anglican orthodoxy was averted.
What food gave Isaac Newton clues to his theory of gravity?
What principles did Newton explain for mechanics?
In mechanics, Newton enunciated the principles of conservation of momentum and angular momentum
What religion did Isaac Newton follow?
he never made a public declaration of his private faith
When did Isaac Newton discover the generalized binomial theorem?
In 1665.
When was Newton's date of birth recorded?
his date of birth was recorded as Christmas Day, December 25, 1642
Where is there a Newton statue on display?
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Where was Isaac Newton born?
He was born at Woolsthorpe Manor in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire.
Where was Isaac Newton buried?
Westminster Abbey
Which fruit inspired Isaac Newton's theory of gravitation?
Isaac Newton's theory of gravitation was inspired by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.
Who did Newton see as the master creator?
Newton saw God as the master creator whose existence could not be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation
Who shares credit with Isaac Newton for developing calculus?
Newton shares the credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of the differential and integral calculus.
Did Free Jazz feature a Pollock painting as its cover artwork?
During his lifetime, did Pollock enjoy considerable fame and notoriety?
Was Paul Jackson Pollock an influential American painter as well as a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement?
Yes, Pollock was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement.
Did the economy improve in Jakarta in 2007
Do other landmarks include the Istiqlal Mosque as well as Jakarta Cathedral?
Is Jakarta a city
Is Jakarta the 12th largest city in the world?
Is Jakarta the country's economic, cultural and political center?
Is the the biggest university in Jakarta the University of Indonesia
Was the Jakarta area part of the fourth century Indianized kingdom of Tarumanagara?
What contributes to frequent flooding in Jakarta
Jakarta lies on a plain eight meters, approximately eight meters above the sea level.
What is the official name of Jakarta?
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Where does the name of the city Jakarta come from?
The name Jakarta is derived from the Sanskrit word "Jayakarta."
Where is Jakarta located
On the northwest coast of Java
Why does Jakarta suffer frequent flooding?
The fact that the northern part of Jakarta lies on a plain, approximately eight meters above the sea level.
is there a chinese community in jakarta?
Did James Monroe attend the College of William and Mary?
Did James Monroe fight in the Continental Army?
Did Monroe' wedding happen at the Trinity Church in New York?
Had Monroe racked up many debts during his years of public life ?
In which years were John Monroe elected as President?
Is James Monrow the fifth president of US?
Was James Monroe President of the United States?
Was Monroe anticlerical?
Was Monroe appointed Minister to France from 1794 to 1796?
What did James Monroe do before being elected governor?
He practiced law in Virginia.
What did James Monroe make in 1817?
two long tours
What did James Monroe's letters not contain?
No letters survive in which he might have discussed his religious beliefs.
What is Monroe Doctrine?
In it, Monroe proclaimed the Americas should be free from future European colonization and free from European interference in sovereign countries' affairs. It further stated the United States' intention to stay neutral in European wars and wars between European powers and their colonies, but to consider any new colonies or interference with independent countries in the Americas as hostile acts toward the United States.
What is Monroe's daughter's name?
Maria Hester Monroe Gouverneur
What is Monroe's father's name?
Spence Monroe.
When did James Monroe die?
July 4, 1831
When did James Monroe graduate from William and Mary?
When did James Monroe introduce the Monroe Doctrine?
December 2, 1823
When did Monroe's presidency expired?
March 4, 1825.
When was James Monroe appointed to Secretary of War?
When was James Monroe elected president?
Monroe was elected president in the election of 1816, and re-elected in 1820.
Where was James Monroe born?
Westmoreland County, Virginia
Where was James Monroe shot?
at the Battle of Trenton, in his left shoulder
Which property did James Monroe sell in 1817?
Monroe Hill on the grounds of the University of Virginia.
Who did James Monroe live with in New York City?
His daughter Maria Hester Monroe Gouverneur
Who did James Monroe marry?
Elizabeth Kortright
Who was John Monroe standing behind in the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware?
George Washington
Did James Watt improve an engine?
Yes, his improvements to the Newcomen steam engine were fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution.
For how many years of James Watt's life was his mother alive?
17 years