UbuntuIRC / 2007 /01 /21 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[12:19] <theCore> mdke: maybe, I could host it
[12:20] <mdke> theCore: I don't think there will be a problem with hosting, but thanks for the offer
[12:20] <theCore> ah ok
[12:52] <nixternal> so am I reading into this correctly? Are we going to start using Bazaar and push away from SVN?
[12:53] <mdke> nixternal: no, just talking about bzr
[12:53] <nixternal> ahh ok, I was just a little confused maybe with getting rid of https://docteam and forwarding it to doc.ubuntu.com
[12:53] <nixternal> and the initial "OMG this takes forever" factor of Bazaar
[12:55] <nixternal> mdke: here is what I have noticed. Bazaar uses your SSH RSA key, and my KDE SVN account also uses my SSH RSA key, and KDE SVN+SSH is slow initially just like Bazaar. I wonder if it has something to do with that
[12:58] <LaserJock> well, one of the bzr guys told me yesterday that latency was the problem, or something like tht
[12:59] <nixternal> that is a lot of latency
[12:59] <LaserJock> but supposedly when this "smart server" thing is done it'll be afaster
[12:59] <mdke> nixternal: nothing was said about getting rid of https://docteam. it's http://docteam (without the "s") that we've forwarded to doc.ubuntu.com
[12:59] <nixternal> i wonder if the SSH authentication is just slower than normal
[12:59] <nixternal> mdke: gotcha!
[01:00] <LaserJock> nixternal: I don't think so because I've used bzr without ssh and it was still slow
[01:00] <nixternal> ahh
[01:01] <LaserJock> but right now it's it's slower then zvn by a factor of 3
[01:01] <LaserJock> but that's on initial checkout
[01:01] <LaserJock> we need to test the actual spped of use
[01:01] <LaserJock> because you only checkout once (or at least not that often)
[01:03] <nixternal> LaserJock: the actual speed of use is damn close to SVN
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-doc
[01:03] <nixternal> so I have noted with the sandbox Riddell created and the Ichthux branches
[01:04] <nixternal> hiya jsgotangco!
[01:07] <LaserJock> hmm, this seems odd: ping for www.ubuntu.com is 199ms but for my lab computers at the uni it's 1000ms :(
[01:08] <nixternal> haha
[01:08] <nixternal> nice
[01:09] <LaserJock> so it's 5 times faster to go 5000+ miles than 5
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[01:11] <nixternal> well for me, if I use ca.archive it is way faster than using us.archive. and our group manages the US archive at Argonne which is less than 10 miles from me
[01:12] <nixternal> us == 106ms and ca == 35ms
[01:12] <LaserJock> shesh
[01:13] <jsgotangco> hey
=== jsgotangco about to go offline to grab his plane
[01:22] <nixternal> jsgotangco: just ordered Portillos :)
=== nixternal eats
[01:22] <jsgotangco> lol
[01:26] <jsgotangco> alright im out ciao
[01:26] <LaserJock> cya jsgotangco
[01:26] <LaserJock> hi, btw
[01:26] <jsgotangco> hey
[01:26] <jsgotangco> hehe
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[04:31] <mpt> mdke, the summary at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/help-and-support-access could be updated with the summary from the spec itself
[04:31] <mpt> (but I don't have permission to do that)
[05:24] <coreyt> Any of you guys running Beryl on Edgy?
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[06:46] <coreyt> sheesh
[06:46] <coreyt> some of those devs in beryl-dev need an attitude adjustment.
[06:49] <Laser_away> :-)
[06:49] <crimsun> meh, I just ignore them.
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[11:45] <mdke> mpt: ok
[11:46] <mdke> mpt: done
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[12:13] <fijam> Hey, who else is working on xubuntu desktop guide?
[12:14] <mdke> fijam: somerville32
[12:14] <mdke> that's about it
[12:14] <fijam> and nobody else? It seems that there's a lot of work to be done
[12:15] <mdke> fijam: yeah, that's right I think.
[12:15] <mdke> fijam: the important thing is to make realistic targets, don't bite off too much for each release
[12:15] <fijam> Yeah, I am aware of it
[12:16] <fijam> thanks anyway
[12:16] <mdke> a guy called luzi was working on it
[12:16] <mdke> but he said he hasn't got much time
[12:16] <fijam> Luzius Something?
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[12:16] <mdke> that's right
[12:17] <fijam> I'll search for some contact
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[12:49] <fijam> hmm, xubuntu documentation structure is organized differently from ubuntu/kubuntu documentation. Do you happen to know if that's done purpousefully or it is like that because it is outdated?
[12:50] <mdke> fijam: in this release the ubuntu/kubuntu documentation changed structure very substantially
[12:50] <mdke> fijam: as yet the xubuntu documentation hasn't had enough contributors to do the same, although Cody has some plans I think
[12:52] <fijam> I'll have to ask him for details
[12:53] <mdke> yep
[12:53] <fijam> ok, see you later
[12:53] <mdke> you should make integration of xfce upstream documentation a big target, IMO
[12:54] <fijam> we'll see what we can do with our limited manpower
=== mdke nods
[12:54] <fijam> but I agree that xubuntu shouldn't fall behind
[12:54] <fijam> bye
=== fijam [n=fijam@unaffiliated/fijam] has left #ubuntu-doc ["See]
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[03:21] <fijam> is conglomerate a good tool to edit docbook documentation?
[03:29] <mdke> fijam: I personally don't like it much
[03:30] <mdke> but you can try it!
[03:36] <fijam> any alternatives? (I suppose I'll stay with bare code anyway)
[03:36] <mdke> fijam: I think most of us tend to use normal editors or bluefish
[03:37] <fijam> ok, thanks
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[04:47] <medders> Hi, I'm going to record a screencast (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Requests/ManagingDigitalPhotos) and wondered if anyone had any comments on my draft plan
[04:48] <popey> am not at home right now, will have a look when I get in, is that okay?
[04:48] <medders> popey: yeah sure, any time would be alright by me
[04:50] <dsas> medders: f-spot is installed by default
[04:50] <medders> dsas: i was thinking about using dapper
[04:50] <medders> dsas: I did't think it was installed there
[04:50] <dsas> no, it was an edgy change.
[04:50] <mdke> we should try and get the screencasts as up to date as possible, though
[04:51] <mdke> in particular, we should start aiming at feisty soonish
[04:51] <medders> thats true
[04:52] <medders> i doubt the businesses and such that use the LTS would look at the screencasts
[04:54] <medders> do you think that f-spot should be the default for importing photos?
[04:54] <medders> gthumb seems dated next to it
[04:54] <mdke> yes
[04:55] <medders> do you know if it will be in feisty?
[04:55] <mdke> I thought it was already in Edgy
[04:55] <dsas> there's been no mention of removing f-spot for feisty.
[04:56] <medders> i mean making it the default for importing photos
[04:56] <medders> :)
[04:56] <dsas> I didn't realise it wasn't to be honest.
[04:57] <medders> i havn't checked in feisty but I know that in edgy gThumb is still the default
[04:58] <mdke> I'll check in a bit
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[05:06] <mdke> medders: no, it's still gthumb, you could file a bug about that if you want
[05:06] <medders> mdke: Cheers, I'll do that sometime today
[05:24] <medders> Done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/80856
[05:24] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 80856 in Ubuntu "F-Spot as default for importing photos" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]
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[05:26] <dsas> hmm, I could be wrong mdke, but I thought you were one of the people against f-spot being default in edgy.
[05:31] <mdke> dsas: yeah, you're right
[05:31] <mdke> I've converted now :)
[05:31] <dsas> mdke: Did your problems get fixed?
[05:32] <mdke> dsas: no, I changed the way I manage photos
[05:34] <dsas> ah, I remember, to dated folders from organised folders?
[05:35] <dsas> I always used dated folders anyway, that's what my camera did on windows...
=== mdke nods
[05:36] <mdke> I just imported everything into f-spot
[05:47] <medders> do you know what command I should use to get f-spot to autmatically import the photos from a camera?
[05:47] <medders> the one that goes into the removable drives and media dialog
[05:47] <medders> I've got it up until "f-spot --import"
[05:47] <medders> but I don't know how to pas the right directory to it
[05:47] <mdke> you open that dialogue from System/Control Center/Removable Drives and Media
[05:47] <mdke> or did I misunderstand?
[05:48] <medders> Yup, sorry, should have said
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[06:19] <fijam> Is there any reference or specification that covers the new structure of documentation available?
[06:20] <mdke> TopicBasedHelp
[06:20] <fijam> ah, right
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=== mpt hugs everyone
=== mdke hugs mpt, reasoning that he must have showered by now
=== theCore [n=alex@ubuntu/member/theCore] has joined #ubuntu-doc
[07:35] <mpt> At the local Saturday market there was a guy with a big sign offering "Free Hugs"
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[07:35] <mpt> and a cameraman nearby for the inevitable YouTubery
[07:35] <mdke> mpt: did you give him one?
[07:35] <Admiral_Chicago> mpt: i think that's the first I ever heard of YouTubery
[07:36] <mdke> "This is from the Ubuntu docteam
[07:36] <mpt> http://youtube.com/results?search_query=free+hugs
[07:36] <mpt> mdke, alas, the market was nearly closed and I had to run to get some money to buy stuff
[07:37] <mpt> and when I returned they had vanished
[07:40] <mdke> I bet it was all in your imagination
[07:43] <nixternal> mdke: jjesse sent an email about the SRU for Kubuntu-docs. I have responded, but won't be able to send it out until I get home
[07:43] <nixternal> it seems they block some ports here at the college
[07:46] <mdke> I read it
[08:45] <popey> evening all
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[09:31] <mdke> crimsun: can you remind me of the commands I need to do for debugging that audio thing? Just doing the bug report now.
[09:32] <crimsun> tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer && lspci -nv && asoundconf list && cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc* && dmesg && cat /proc/interrupts
[09:32] <mdke> whoosh
[09:33] <mdke> crimsun: which of those was the one I did both on a cold boot and after hibernate?
[09:33] <crimsun> the following one: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*/*
[09:33] <mdke> great
[09:34] <crimsun> I believe Andrew Ash has added a link to that LP bug comment on the DebuggingSoundProblems wiki page
[09:35] <crimsun> ah, he just dumped the entire comment (essentially) at the top of the page
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[09:35] <crimsun> just as good
[09:38] <popey> mdke: are you serious that you think screencasts should target feisty?
[09:39] <mdke> popey: well, I said we should start thinking about it
[09:39] <popey> ok
[09:39] <mdke> crimsun: it's bug 80893
[09:39] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 80893 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Audio disappears after hibernate" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80893
[09:40] <popey> problem is the UI changes so we can be instantly out of date
[09:40] <popey> unless we wait and start making them after the freeze?
[09:40] <popey> (I considered this for dapper last year)
[09:41] <crimsun> mdke: triaged, thanks.
[09:41] <mdke> Well, it depends if the freeze is going to mean something or not
[09:41] <popey> heh
[09:41] <mdke> thank you crimsun
[09:41] <popey> take for example the herd2 had System --> preferences whereas now feisty has the gnome control center
[09:42] <mdke> crimsun: I'm not sure that it occurs after suspend, only hibernate. Let me try
[09:44] <mdke> crimsun: yeah, it's fine after suspend
[09:44] <crimsun> Description amended.
[09:44] <mdke> :)
[09:45] <crimsun> well, that pushes it square into suspend code
[09:45] <crimsun> squarely
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[09:45] <crimsun> (suspend-to-disk)
[09:46] <mdke> ah
[09:47] <crimsun> ok, this might be dumb, but...
[09:47] <crimsun> upon resuming from suspend-to-disk, is the volume key's mute/unmute toggle working?
[09:48] <mdke> I'll check
[09:48] <crimsun> I _think_ the T43 has one
[09:48] <mdke> it has a mute, not an unmute though
[09:48] <mdke> or rather, you press the mute button to mute it, then the volume up key to unmute it
[09:48] <crimsun> right, so you'd have to lower/raise the volume using one of the other hotkeys to unmute
[09:49] <mdke> I'll try.
[09:49] <mdke> crimsun: one thing I just realised.
[09:49] <mdke> crimsun: what i just did was: cold boot (working), hibernate (not working), suspend (without rebooting - working)
[09:49] <crimsun> right, I figured you did that ;)
[09:50] <mdke> crazy that suspending it makes it work again, without rebooting
[09:50] <mdke> ok, I'll try another hibernate
[09:50] <crimsun> would you test the cold boot -> suspend-to-ram -> resume path?
[09:50] <mdke> sure
[09:54] <mdke> crimsun: that path works. Trying hibernate again now
[09:57] <mdke> crimsun: ok, the volume keys seem to work, in that Gnome is showing me volume ups/downs/mutes. But sound isn't coming out
[09:58] <crimsun> mdke: ok, thanks
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[11:57] <CIA-4> Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3707 ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent: some entities used in office.xml
[12:00] <CIA-4> Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3708 kubuntu/C/office/office.xml: some typos
[12:00] <CIA-4> Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3709 /trunk/ (18 files in 3 dirs): adding pot files and script to make em easily. More checking needs to be done for these
[12:01] <CIA-4> Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3710 ubuntu/pots/.pot: whoops
[12:01] <mdke> ;)
[12:06] <mpt> mdke, what's the plan for dealing with the empty contents pane?
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[12:09] <mdke> mpt: which pane?