2 values
Except that the 90% figure is smoke and mirrors. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/the-surprising-truth-about-the-food-movement/2016/01/25/42bed508-bfcf-11e5-9443-7074c3645405_story.html 7% or less is consistently found with non-leading questions.
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What the Liberals are doing is exactly what Trump asked them to do which is to pay your fair share to our common NATO defense obligations.
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Curious how the Manual principal would benefit by making this up. Assuming it is NOT true, the only thing I can conjure is that Principal Dawkins was not at the game but was told this by parents and/or coaches. He really has no reason to make something up like this and go through the trouble of sending a letter to parents (which somebody gave to the Post). Without proof (i.e. a photograph) or even one of the Weld Central High confirming this happened I think it becomes he said-she said and the onus is on Manual High School to prove the flag was raised. Perhaps much ado about nothing in the end.
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Same sort that thinks the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party is about tri-pointed hats and sipping tea.
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I lived in St Petersburg Russia and attended St Petersburg State Technical College for almost 2 years. The Russian people are not our enemies. They are extremely warm and generous people. Culturally, they are also light years ahead of the USA with even people outside the population cores having an understanding of opera, theater, ballet, artwork, and music. The history of the city and the incredible beauty are second to none in the world. What the United States did to the Ukraine by fomenting unrest leading to the overthrow of the non compliant president and the placement of a western puppet in his place is not being reported at all in the MSM and what the people here are getting instead is a big pack of Obama lies and cover up. The USA needs to understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. where their religion also began. It's not Russia thats pushed Ukraine to the brink of war ...it's the U.S.
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What do you suppose that the Liberal intruders were after when they "breached" the apparently non-existent security? Naomi and Avi love letters?
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No, pretty sure you are thinking of Kotz and not Selawik. Alaska jets do NOT go to Selawik.
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why not charge GST on stock trades? If you buy and hold you are not hurt. If you are a trader you are doing it as a business. Business gets ITC.
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Another example of Trump casually playing Americans off against each other for his own amusement---And the media with their hair on fire at every tweet. Sure, a media manipulator "won" the presidency with over 5 billion in free publicity, and is currently using "twitter" to jerk the puppet strings. I wonder how he'll like having the Constitution as his boss...?
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Kiss the environment goodbye. These guys will pour oil directly into the Kenai River.
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Diabetes and sugar related health issues cost a lot of money! Raise the Tax!
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That Ken guy from Crux?
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How about just post your positions on each issue online and if voters are interested they can read them. IT'S FREE
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Excellent article. I was hooted at and abused recently at a right-turn where the lights had been on red for several seconds. This guy drove around me, swearing and hooting and took the right turn. I suspect, however, that he doesn't understand the bit about when the right-turn light is red, you stay put. Maybe he'd only just bought his license.
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Not for long. Trump is doing these DACA people favor by forcing Congress to make a decision, something Obama wouldn't do and made the issue far worse.
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She has already been exonerated twice! If he chooses to appoint a special prosecutor, the ony way she would be convicted is if he paid someone off- which he might well do.
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Possibilities of writings from pther popes: Canatate Domino from Eugene IV, the Syllabus of Errors from Pius IX.
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Employer provided healthcare coverage is also destroyed in the Graham Cassidy plan. Pre-existing condition protections are lifted for all. Everyone loses, …everyone. Call your Senator now.
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Your response doesn't dispute the role of religion with regard to violence and bloodshed, nor does it support the ridiculous claims made by religions with regard to ourselves, the world and the universe.
That is a good question about ADN coverage of a news story. However, asking if Democrats are okay with this is inappropriate. This is not a political issue, but a human issue. Finally, the cops cannot do their jobs if they are constantly concerned about who might come into the offices. You wouldn't ask them to respond to a call without their gun or vests, would you? They need protection too since they are also citizens.
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Alternative facts again. The public sector does not maken2 to 4 times more. A security officer on the slope makes more than I do. The private sector generally gets paid more while the public sector generally gets better benefits it's a trade off. You can't throw any one group under the bus. We all need to sacrifice to fix this budget problem. That means oil companies. Government workers and citizens working in the private sector.
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He needs to forget the PFD and start cutting jobs! Start at the top, and work down. What's he going to do, when they spend all the PFD?
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I applaud the Senator and his efforts. I wish him well as he tries to bring some sense into fixing our budget mess without gouging the residents of Alaska who did not cause this fiscal crisis by giving away too many oil and gas tax credits that we can't afford. Fix this by repealing SB 21.
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Trumps war on the media is needed! The left leaning media is out to lunch! so blatantly publishing lies and fake news, that they need to be called out and finally there is someone in office willing to call them out for their BS. Trump never ever was under investigation for Russian collusion, but if you followed the left leaning media, you'd think otherwise. It doesn't matter if you like Trump or not, that's not the point, the point is, is that we are intentionally misinformed by CNN and that needs to stop!
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They should talk about deficit spending in terms of debt to gdp ratios only. The debt should always increase over time in absolute terms, but the debt to gdp ratio should remain stable. Just as inflationary debt (increasing ratios of gov spending to gdp) is not sustainable, deflationary debt (conversely, inflationary surplus) are also not sustainable over the long run (decreasing ratios of gov spending to gdp). The analogy to personal finance is wrong since individuals retire and die, sovereign nations should not. The math is simple for anyone to see.
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You know who LOVED Trump's weak response and failure to blame the white supremacists? THEY DID. Here's a quote from the neo-Nazi publication "The Daily Stormer": "Trump's comments were good. He didn't attack us...just said the nation must come together. Nothing specific against us....implied there was hate on both sides! So he implied the antifa are haters. There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good." There you have it folks. You either condemn these people, condemn their evil, call them the what they are, and hold them responsible for their acts, or you are supporting them. Yes. You.
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A good practice would be effective Birth Control like the rest of the civilized world!
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You wrote "As for truth, for those that believe in God as I do, it comes from Him, and we encourage, but not force, others to consider that possibility. For those that don't believe in God, there either is no truth if they are honest with themselves, or they try to impose whatever they regard as truth on others by whatever means they have, and the most ruthless and powerful win." Talk about a Manichaean quandary! not to mention, a full truckload of ripe horse manure. To paraphrase, either you are a righteous believer; otherwise, there is no truth! And furthermore, unbelievers manufacture their own truth, and then force it upon others! Then you ask God to help you be on His side! Following that logic, whatever you believe to be the truth is revealed to you by God! Therefore, when others disagree with you they are wrong, because God has told you what the actual truth is. Therefore, those who disagree with you are godless, don't know the truth, and mean to impose untruth upon you! Nuts!
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So that's the America you want? Protesting in public will now be declared punishable crime. What third world country did you use as your model?
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"...If that was all true they would have built it..." . . . because all you have to do, is go down to a government office, and get a permit to build, right? No environmental review(s) which can go on for years, no native groups that will protest, no demands for "social license", no multiple levels of government demanding their "fair share" of profits - not costs... easy, no?
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Or so says the Lawyer, so the government has never been wrong ? You amuse me.
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And Buck and all of the other right-wing extremists have killed a once-respectable Republican party.
So you're saying that quoting T. Rowe Price is opinion? Or checking U.S. economic indexes is opinion? I suggest you reread the article and note that it is mostly talking about current conditions and historical trends. Hopefully the article reminds Trump sycophants that the President can do very little to control the economy. Whatever enthusiasm that an elected official can bring to the economy, that public enthusiasm has very little effect on long term trends. I can't wait to see who Trump blames when the stock market begins to fall, and it will, it always does. If Trump and his supporters want to take the credit now, they'll have to take the blame in the future.
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No but they were wholly supporting Assad while he did drop barrel bombs. Small comfort to those below.
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Let's hope she stays there! (in the woods...)
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Yeah, time magazine is totally unreliable. I'll trust you over them, especially since you sound so well informed and intelligent. In case you didn't catch that, it's sarcasm. I fear for all minorities including my fellow Alaskan Natives.
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Id' like to meet some of the 'editorial board' of the DP, what a bunch they must be. If it's anything to do with our Good American President, Donald J Trump, they will Always come down on the side of 'he's wrong' he's racist' he's not qualified' he's just bad' for whatever, they really don't care. They manufacture stories to tell, and can't answer questions posed them, they stutter when asked, my gosh, what a horrible bunch.
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So Trump brought up perfectly valid issues, and many jumped on it. And Cruz got pretty far in the Republican race, despite being part Cuban. So i fail to see your point. If Bush's team in fact did that, it was indeed disgusting tactics. But having a "love child" at all might have been more important to a conservative electorate than it being black. Otherwise, would not the fact he had adopted a Bangladeshi child be just as much of a turn-off?
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Oh my! "Walter," I'd say, in the vernacular, you nailed it! :) A series of life lessons led me to finally take the step out the door of "the church." But just yesterday day, a friend asked if I felt any resentment toward the church of my youth and my cloistered upbringing. I replied with an emphatic "No!" I quoted a life coach I employed for a number of years. (For the record, his reply was much saltier than my paraphrase quoted here.) This fine gentleman and I had worked on a number of issues in my life, including a nearly debilitating need for approval AND a pathological need to be right. As I whined one more time about my "upbringing" (which mirrored yours in many ways) he said, "Oh for blankety-blanks sake, shut the blank up! All that stuff (not the word he used) good and bad is what made you the man you are today!" He did not use the paraphrased expletives lightly so he got my attention! And he was completely right! Thanks for great article!
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Anchorage, at least, has an indoor smoking ban. I guess if you limit consumption to edibles you could have cafes. Otherwise expect a lawsuit for not allowing smoking bars.
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You should pay attention to what Liz Lee said in her comments: "It is disheartening to attend an action summit and go around the table to find out that you are the only one who has a genuine stake in the neighborhood (something at risk - a business, say), then move to another table to find that you are one of 3 people at that table. "Businesses are speaking up. Hopefully someone is listening." The deck is stacked. The administration sends its lackeys and friends to attend these events so the administration's viewpoints are forced through.
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Insurance scam? Lawsuit against the fair scam? Can't believe vials of snake oil are worth $100K. Fishy.
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I don't know who he supports. Just commenting on who he is beginning to imitate. Focus on the alleged character flaws vs. policies.
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Cheaper to rent...
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Yes and historically the Jews kept slaves in their golden years in Palestine before Christ. Europeans did the same, Americans, Africans etc etc. So I am sure you have a weak point to make here so finish your thought conveyor.
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As a Victoria resident, a Liberal and an environmentalist I understand that this was a very difficult decision for the government. I understand there are environmental risks that must be mitigated by strong oversight and regulation and I strongly support the government. It is the right decision.
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I agree that's another reason. But I hope the Halifax licensing authorities have the discretion to withhold a licence in certain circumstances. If they don't have the discretion to withhold a licence from a cab driver who has a trial pending on a charge of sexually assaulting a passenger, they should have.
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The collection seems to have consisted of works that were more propaganda than art.
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You've got an exaggerated sense of your self worth Maracas. Here's a quote that sums up a more peaceful approach to life: "We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth." - Henry Beston
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As usual, the "wink wink's" and "haha's" punctuated by an LOL from wavemaker makes me want to grab a juice box and play LEGOS with her in the sandbox. I suppose that's going high in her book...
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We could have our next generation of 'Muskoka Five' in the works.
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How many times have you needed to use a gun ST? How many guns do you have? I have no guns and have never needed one. So why do you need one?
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Why doesn't our feckless Governor and AG sue the City and County over the Rail Project that will not only sink the City but the state as well. Spending taxpayer money over useless lawsuits against the President and then go to his administration (FTA) to beg for funding of the Rail.
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Surely fascism or totalitarianism with Trump is the answer.
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Whoever the employee is, he/she should get an award for slowing, at least for eleven minutes, America's falling status that comes with every Trump Tweet.
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So what do we know, based on the G&M articles: - he made the comment - the students launched a protest, with several "demands" - Massey acted or began action on three of the four of those demands - there is no indication that Massey took *any* action on the fourth demand, that the Fellow's relationship with the college be ended - the Fellow apologized swiftly or immediately, & then resigned, but protested a lack of due process What we *don't* KNOW is the Fellow's intent, or what due process he felt was lacking. I think those are all the facts. So all the hysteria that follows in these Comments about communism or political correctness or whatever, are, to say the least, uninformed & knee-jerk. Chill, folks. What we *do* know, in addition to the above, is that these times, & this climate, are even less appropriate than they ever were for "humour" about racial history, or any other history of bigotry, discrimination, & violence against population groups.
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Since when is it OK for someone to get fired for expressing his viewpoints? Violating a Code of Conduct? Sounds like North Korea or Russia under Stalin. I may not agree with him, but I certainly support his right to express his views. He should set up a gofundme page, he'll get lots of support from those of us that must remain silent in this era of intellectual facism.
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Ah yes the LIBERAL LATTE crowd comes out of hiding.
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John A ,the dirty bugger even hid the whiskey from the Irish rail workers too
This school just a couple of years ago had another case of a 53-year-old male teacher having relations with a 15-year-old student. Is Admin keeping an eye on the classrooms and teachers? Do they educate students on what to do in these situations?
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Because pretty much every provincial NDP government has spent money like drunken sailors and run up huge deficits. A political party cannot rely on one fantastic policy 50 years ago.
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Thank you - one other piece of historical information. O'Malley and other historians have identified a pattern subsequent to church councils. Simply, it takes roughly 50 years before a council's directions begin to impact the church - during that 50 years you have delays, resistance; push back, arguments, etc. Suggest that with Francis (the first VII pope- ordained after VII) and the end of Benny's delays and rationalizations, the church may actually begin to implement, live, and further develop the insights of VII.
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Freedom of speech is one of the basic tenets of a democracy. With universities abdicating responsibility for defending that right when intelligent speakers like Dr. Jordan Peterson and Ms. Robitaille are attempting to exercise that right and make us all a little more informed, it is time for alumni to cut funding to the universities. I have attended three universities in southern Ontario in the course of pursuing my degrees, and have been asked for funding from all three. I will not be sending them a penny. Instead I am funding Dr. Peterson's Patreon account to support free speech : https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson/posts Money well spent!
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Actually, the crimes for which I denounce Clinton are somewhat more serious than his getting a knob-job in the Oval Office. With implementing NAFTA and bombing Iraq being at the top of a rather long list. You shouldn't even have to ask that, Larry, as I've repeatedly made my non-partisan position clear in these forums. Or was it that you thought you saw an opportunity for deflection and just couldn't pass it up?
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Makes me wish we little people could still moniter the scanner traffic. Encrypted public safety information is an elitist abomination, or worse... I too am wondering about a bad batch of heroin hitting the streets. Heroin is a chemical tragedy, a wave of suffering. And the U. S. government policy is to facilitate opium production by Afghani crime lords. Opium poppy production increases under the dope bosses there every year, while intravenous drug abuse in the U.S. has more than doubled in that same time interval. Proper medical intervention in this national epidemic should be of utmost priority. This is a mass human medical emergency.
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...and we need to -- we MUST -- do better. As the man said, Bernie Sanders is the first time I can vote for a Presidential candidate that is someone other than the less of two evils.
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Billy Ray Powers is welcome to pay my taxes that aren't taxes, or something.
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Cost per hour in the air is the key. A Porsche is expensive...but operational costs are much lower than a Range Rover. Over the lifetime of a plane, the key is cost per hour. The f 35 can survive the first day of war in a peer environment. The Super 18 cannot. the Super 18 can be used as a flying arsenal by F 22s and F 35s until the enemies' defences are eroded. So the choice defines the RCAF role. I think we should avoid the first day, buy the Super 18 and have a solid 2 engined aircraft for arctic sovereignty and ground support.
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Wouldn't it wonderful if the greatest problem in the world, or even in the local community, was determining whether or not to "officially" name Kesey Square....Kesey Square.. officially naming it for Ken Kesey won't suddenly attract those "druggies" some associate with Mr. Kesey. Naming it "Broadway Plaza" or "Abstention Place" won't drive them away. How about naming it for Mr Kesey and, in the dedication speech, mentioning it's in recognition of his writing, not his drug use.....since that, in fact, is the motivation for the support of naming it for Kesey. Then, who knows, the Council might find some issues of more importance to address....Gary Crum
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' Here's a link that's easily as relevant as any other here on this page. http://media.vanityfair.com/photos/57c86084775bd9ad4e788f06/master/h_590,c_limit/donald-trump-alison-jackson-ss01.jpg
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If Kaepernick and anyone else feels so strongly about the issue make a contribution toward ending it. He has the resources and the recognition to actually make a difference. Instead his "protest" is no more helpful than all those people that put the colors of France over their Facebook profile pictures after the terrorist attacks. His and other athletes "protests" are half-hearted at the least given their current status in society.
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Virginia voters deserve what they get. This guy used his girl friends death to advance his career. Demo rats have no shame.
lovely writing. i connect with him, read easily along, drink it in, feel it. good one, sir!
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Nice little partisan barb in the final sentence. Trump will be a glass of cool water compared to the former occupant. Barack Hussein Obama was a very giving president. He gave us over $9 trillion in new debt which divides down to about $75,000 per American taxpayer. He gave himself and his family $85 million of taxpayer money for eight opulent Hawaiian vacations. And we should all thank Mr Obama for his most generous gift to America, President Donald J. Trump. We should also thank Vladimir Putin and the Russians for their kindness of exposing the cancerous graft and corruption in the Democratic Party and in the crooked Hillary Clinton campaign. Finally, I’d like to thank Bill and Hillary Clinton for leading that tired old sway-backed (D)onkey out to pasture for the last time. R.I.P. Donkey.
Wow Doug, 7 years later and you finally woke up to the fact that 'Ford Nation' was more than angry white men and was well rooted in the city's ethnically and racially diverse suburbs of the economically excluded. Better late than never I guess. But a few clarifications: “'Despite his personal wealth, he gave the impression that he spoke the language of the marginalized.' Sound familiar?" The comparison between Ford and Trump is weak. Trump grew up in a privileged world and lived much of his life above others in Trump Tower. Rob Ford, although from a wealthy family, lived just blocks away from the towers of the inner suburbs. He continued to live in the area. He went to public school in the area. He socialized with kids from the towers (and continued to socialize with them). Ford spoke their language because, wealth aside, he was one of them. It is why he smoke some crack in a bungalow basement. It was not just an impression, he was the real deal.
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As a taxpayer I am disappointed in the results ASD produces.
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The buyers have moved on to Victoria, Montreal, and to a smaller extent parts of the Maritimes.
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all we need is more syrians, more "free" trade with china - LOL. justin is as stupid as they come. the syrians have no jobs but somehow get a handout ahead of the Albertans
If he had entered the US during Trump's watch, no doubt there would be plenty of people like you on here blaming Trump. Carry on.
not toxic
blah blah blah all I hear is more conservative (small) minded BS. Yet again trying to dictate what people choose to do even though it has no affect on them whatsoever. Looking forward to the Repub party imploding.
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Um, no, actually, it isn't irrelevant. Marriage is not between one man and one woman because the Church says so. The Church teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman, because, marriage, by definition, by it's very nature, is a commitment between one man and one woman. The Church teaches what manifestly IS. The Church does not create reality with her teaching, church teaching is based on the nature of reality. Gay marriage, is, by definition, an oxymoron. The Constitution, so far as I am aware (and I admit I am no elitist lawyer with a fancy degree from an elitist school) does not grant any of the three branches of government the power to redefine reality based on the whims of pop-culture. Can you show me where the Constitution grants any of the three branches of government the power to altar reality based on cultural whims, trends, fads, fashions and the like?
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Well then pax et bonum to you as well.
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"You're assuming the 19 varsity players were good enough to warrant a D1 college scholie offer." - plaba No I'm not. I'm saying that the system has made the playing of high school football an $80,000 - $300,000 brass ring. And, just like those playing EVERY SINGLE HAND OF BLACKJACK ever played, there are those, regardless of the odds, who believe they can grab that brass ring. Who believe their child is perhaps a better football player than they actually are, or who merely get caught up in the hype. Here's the problem: REALISTIC OR NOT, if a parent believe their kid has a shot at the $80,000-$300,000 brass ring, they're going to dream, endeavor and yes, FIGHT, to try to preserve or enhance the chances. That's what the schools are contending with. They shouldn't, I believe, but they are. And, since that is the unfortunate reality, the schools have to take measures that address the type of insanity the dangling of $80,000-$300,000 brass rings give rise to. That's all.
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The hard reality is that Mr. Pearson doesn't owe anything to 'those priced out of the market completely'. He had nothing to do with the forces that created the market value of his home. The City is simply trying to force Mr. Pearson to subsidize 'affordable' housing by using heritage as a ploy to reduce the current market value of his property. Mr. Pearson didn't allow the capital that inflated the market to flow into Canada, so why should he be thrown under the bus for a problem he didn't create?
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Why would Canadian politicians care? Spectra was a Houston, Texas based company. Undoubtedly most of the job losses are American positions. But hey, don't let facts cloud your biases.
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Go Beavs!
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There should no public housing in high cost cities What there should be are ticket booths. 'You want public housing? Here is a free ticket to Timmons, and a voucher for a public housing unit'
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Yes, us evil landlords who require that that tenants mow the beautiful backyard need to be taught a lesson. For one, I learned how to rid a house of dozens of voles in a matter of days because because my tenants got in a pissing contest over whose turn it was to take the trash out. I found my house with all the doors, closet doors, and flooring (brand new) removed. Disappeared. Gone. Broken down school buses parked on the front lawn. People live like animals by choice. Then they sue me to get their deposit back.
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He makes Gordon Gecko look like a saint. Gordon Gecko might have cleaned out a few wallets but this guy caused innocent people to die/suffer immensely from the inability to buy life saving drugs! This is beyond greed when he marks up critical life saving drugs 5,000%+
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"U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations. As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al-Qaida base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists." . https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2017/02/01/u-s-military-probing-more-possible-civilian-deaths-in-yemen-raid/
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3 years is a little long. Too bad the people calling for the town hall are the angry left.
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Stick to the facts Hillary is not the President it's Trump so blame him. Why doesn't Trump deport the shooter instead of the respectable hard working immigrants. Man, when you folks are caught in a bind Hillary's name comes out all the time to distract from the real issues. No med care, Hillary is blocking the votes. No wall, Hillary was having coffee on the border. No DACA, Hillary was on vacation with her family. No tax reform, Bill was playing golf. I'll let Bill have that one.
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it demonstrates his abject need to maintain his employment as a Legislator......who would employ such a tone deaf pedantic buffoon?
Perfect example why the Nei is so far behind the mainland, "Joey Manahan isn’t sure how DOT officials can prevent people from returning." . Joey's big mistake is looking inward for answers. Needs to look mainland where these problems have already been solved. . Cities have had success in eliminating homeless around/under road structures by placing rip wrap, large boulders with sharp edges, up to the top of the overhead structure, randomly under the structure to take up space, prevent large homeless structures from being built. http://voiceofoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Nelson-riverbed-project-1-1170x659.jpg . Cities have also installed large diameter steel poles, 6" or so, into concrete and going straight up to the top or side of the overhead road. . Also large diameter concrete piping, may be filled with concrete. . Both steel and concrete set too close together for anyone to squeeze through. . Ok Joe. Now you know what to do.
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For another the so called “computer models” the Ultra-Religious Left priests rely on cannot even predict the weather TOMORROW with any great reliability thanks to the astonishing number of variables in play that are still not well understood. And yet devout practitioners like Ansak credulously accept the notion these “models” can predict ocean temperature a decade or century hence to the nearest degree Celsius. Anyone who has written code to create or execute a model knows how easy it is to tweak a few lines of that code to generate any “scientific” result desired. Phineas T. [“there’s a sucker born every minute”] Barnum must be spinning like a lathe in his grave to realize he was born a century too soon: The explosive growth in the number of credulous bumpkins who find thinking a nuisance but LOVE all manner of conspiratorial balderdash is the hallmark of our new gilded age. We are in danger of becoming a nation of credulous marks waiting to be played by grifters.
From Business Insider: Thus, the national debt under Obama will have grown by about $9 trillion, or an increase of 86% http://www.businessinsider.com/national-debt-deficit-added-under-president-barack-obama-2017-1 And yep; Bush contributed some to that increase, but under Barry's regime, the biggest debt "generation" occurred. And what did Obammer do about it? $10 Trillion to almost $20 Trillion -- "it's a fact" !!
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One (and maybe there are others) problem. Given that the existing legislation would have to be amended by passing and enacting a bill, and given that the speaker should not cast the deciding vote on legislation; how would the amendment you suggest come into force in the current sitting of the legislature?
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A new low, even for the Globe; it didn't mention the religion which produces radicals to be countered. How about the CBC or the Toronto Star? Will they also fail to mention the religion?
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I think you mean proximate, not extant. Be that as it may, it was only a matter of time because the business was being run so poorly. The OSC didn't cause the run, the company did that by making itself measurably unhealthy. The most that can be said is that the OSC's actions likely precipitated the specific timing of the run. The question is, was there a better way for them to handle what they discovered? That is a very complicated question that is beyond answering here.
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It seems obvious that Iran hasn't kept up their end of the bargain and have those missiles ready to fire on a short notice. Is anyone surprised?
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