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यस्य॒ विश्वे॑ हि॒मव॑न्तो महि॒त्वा स॑मु॒द्रे यस्य॑ र॒सामिदा॒हुः । इ॒माश्च॑ प्र॒दिशो॒ यस्य॑ बा॒हू कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (५)
From the glory of Prajapati Dev, all the mountains like the Himalayas etc. have been born, all the streams in the ocean, whose glory is absorbed - east, west, north and south four directions, we worship him through Havi. (5)
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आपो॒ अग्रे॒ विश्व॑माव॒न्गर्भं॒ दधा॑ना अ॒मृता॑ ऋत॒ज्ञाः । यासु॑ दे॒वीष्वधि॑ दे॒व आसी॒त्कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (६)
We worship Prajapati, who holds the forces that protected the whole world in the beginning of creation, the imperishable and the divine waters that took Hiranyagarbha as a womb due to the world. (6)
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हि॑रण्यग॒र्भः सम॑वर्त॒ताग्रे॑ भू॒तस्य॑ जा॒तः पति॒रेक॑ आसीत् । स दा॑धार पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्यां कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (७)
Hiranyagarbha was born in the beginning of creation and became the swami of all beings as soon as he was born. He took this earth and sky. We worship those Prajapatis by Havi. (7)
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आपो॑ व॒त्सं ज॒नय॑न्ती॒र्गर्भ॒मग्रे॒ समै॑रयन् । तस्यो॒त जाय॑मान॒स्योल्ब॑ आसीद्धिर॒ण्ययः॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ (८)
The first waters created by God wore the semen of God to give birth to Hiranyagarbha. The lake that surrounded the womb of Prajapati, that is, the birth of prajapati, was golden. We worship that Prajapati by Havya. (8)
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उदि॒तस्त्रयो॑ अक्रमन्व्या॒घ्रः पुरु॑षो॒ वृकः॑ । हिरु॒ग्घि यन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वो॒ हिरु॑ग्दे॒वो वन॒स्पति॒र्हिरु॑ङ्नमन्तु॒ शत्र॑वः ॥ (१)
Tigers, thieves, humans and wolves — these three should run away from this place. Just as the rivers flow in a mysterious form, so should tigers etc. also not be seen. Just as the god of the plants is hidden in the flora, so should the tiger etc. disappear. Let the enemies of tigers etc. drive them away. (1)
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परे॑णैतु प॒था वृकः॑ पर॒मेणो॒त तस्क॑रः । परे॑ण द॒त्वती॒ रज्जुः॒ परे॑णाघा॒युर॑र्षतु ॥ (२)
Let the wild violent animal wolf move away from our walking path. The thief should go farther than the wolf. Apart from snakes with teeth, rope-shaped and violence of others, other violent creatures should also move away from our transmission route. (2)
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अ॒क्ष्यौ॑ च ते॒ मुखं॑ च ते॒ व्याघ्र॑ जम्भयामसि । आत्सर्वा॑न्विंश॒तिं न॒खान् ॥ (३)
O tiger! I destroy both your eyes and mouth. In addition to this, I also destroy twenty nails of your four feet. (3)
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व्या॒घ्रं द॒त्वतां॑ व॒यं प्र॑थ॒मं ज॑म्भयामसि । आदु॑ ष्टे॒नमथो॒ अहिं॑ यातु॒धान॒मथो॒ वृक॑म् ॥ (४)
We destroy the tiger first of the animals that commit violence with teeth. After this, we destroy thieves, snakes, yakshas, demons etc. and wolves. (4)
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यो अ॒द्य स्ते॒न आय॑ति॒ स संपि॑ष्टो॒ अपा॑यति । प॒थाम॑पध्वं॒सेनै॒त्विन्द्रो॒ वज्रे॑ण हन्तु॒ तम् ॥ (५)
The thief who comes today, he ran away from us. He should go through the painful path through the path and Indra should violence him with his thunderbolt. (5)
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मू॒र्णा मृ॒गस्य॒ दन्ता॒ अपि॑शीर्णा उ पृ॒ष्टयः॑ । नि॒म्रुक्ते॑ गो॒धा भ॑वतु नी॒चाय॑च्छश॒युर्मृ॒गः ॥ (६)
The teeth of violent animals like tigers etc. become unable to eat. Their horns and ribs should also not be sharp. O pathak! Let it not be seen in your way, and let the wicked animals sleeping also go away from the previous path. (6)
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यत्सं॒यमो॒ न वि य॑मो॒ वि य॑मो॒ यन्न सं॒यमः॑ । इ॑न्द्र॒जाः सो॑म॒जा आ॑थर्व॒णम॑सि व्याघ्र॒जम्भ॑नम् ॥ (७)
Where the restraint related to Indra and Soma with the power of the mantra never has the opposite effect. O activity! You are given by Atharva Maharishi, so you become violent of evil creatures like tigers etc. (7)
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य त्वा॑ गन्ध॒र्वो अख॑न॒द्वरु॑णाय मृ॒तभ्र॑जे । तां त्वा॑ व॒यं ख॑नाम॒स्योष॑धिं शेप॒हर्ष॑णीम् ॥ (१)
O Kapittha i.e. trees and fruits named Cath! When Varuna's virility was not, the Gandharvas got you by digging to get him that power back. We dig the same powerful medicine. (1)
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उदु॒षा उदु॒ सूर्य॒ उदि॒दं मा॑म॒कं वचः॑ । उदे॑जतु प्र॒जाप॑ति॒र्वृषा॒ शुष्मे॑ण वा॒जिना॑ ॥ (२)
May Suryawife Usha be equipped with powerful semen and May Suryadev endow her with excellent semen. May this mantra of mine also be powerful and prajapati dev, the creator of the world, should also upgrade it with his strength semen. (2)
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यथा॑ स्म ते वि॒रोह॑तो॒ऽभित॑प्तमि॒वान॑ति । तत॑स्ते॒ शुष्म॑वत्तरमि॒यं कृ॑णो॒त्वोष॑धिः ॥ (३)
O man wanting to! Due to defiance as son, grandson, etc., your male sense can try like an angry snake's hood, that is why I give you this medicine. (3)
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उच्छुष्मौष॑धीनां॒ सार॑ ऋष॒भाणा॑म् । सं पुं॒सामि॑न्द्र॒ वृष्ण्य॑म॒स्मिन्धे॑हि तनूवशिन् ॥ (४)
May this medicine contain you semen, the essence of men who are superior in semen-enhancing medicines and capable of conception. O Indra! Wear the semen in the confirming medicines in this man's body. (4)
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अ॒पां रसः॑ प्रथम॒जोऽथो॒ वन॒स्पती॑नाम् । उ॒त सोम॑स्य॒ भ्राता॑स्यु॒तार्शम॑सि॒ वृष्ण्य॑म् ॥ (५)
O root of kapitth! You first of all originated as rasa at the time of churning of waters. You are the essence of all trees and the homogeneous of Soma. You are the semen produced by the mantras of sages like Angira etc. (5)
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अ॒द्याग्ने॑ अ॒द्य स॑वितर॒द्य दे॑वि सरस्वति । अ॒द्यास्य ब्र॑ह्मणस्पते॒ धनु॑रि॒वा ता॑नया॒ पसः॑ ॥ (६)
O Agni, Sarita, Goddess Saraswati and Brahmanaspati! Today, provide semen to the male sense of this semen-loving man and tie it like a bow. (6)
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आहं त॑नोमि ते॒ पसो॒ अधि॒ ज्यामि॑व॒ धन्व॑नि । क्रम॒स्वर्श॑ इव रो॒हित॒मन॑वग्लायता॒ सदा॑ ॥ (७)
O man wanting to! I empower your male sense like a bow-mounted cord with the effect of my mantra. For this reason, always attack your wife with a happy heart like a bull capable of conceiving. (7)
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अश्व॑स्याश्वत॒रस्या॒जस्य॒ पेत्व॑स्य च । अथ॑ ऋष॒भस्य॒ ये वाजा॒स्तान॒स्मिन्धे॑हि तनूवशिन् ॥ (८)
O medicine! The semen that is in horses, children, goats, rams and bulls, you should establish the same semen in this man's body. (8)
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स॒हस्र॑शृङ्गो वृष॒भो यः स॑मु॒द्रादु॒दाच॑रत् । तेना॑ सह॒स्ये॑ना व॒यं नि जना॑न्त्स्वापयामसि ॥ (१)
The sun, which showers desires and water, rises from the sea near Udayachal. Through the sun that rises and controls enemies, we make the people in front of us sleep- control. (1)
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न भूमिं॒ वातो॒ अति॑ वाति॒ नाति॑ पश्यति॒ कश्च॒न । स्त्रिय॑श्च॒ सर्वाः॑ स्वा॒पय॒ शुन॒श्चेन्द्र॑सखा॒ चर॑न् ॥ (२)
The air should not run much on the ground, that is, people's sleep should not be broken due to strong wind. None of the sleeping people could see others. O Indra's friend Vayu! You should put all the nearby women and dogs to sleep by staying present in the body in the form of prana vayu. (2)
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प्रो॑ष्ठेश॒यास्त॑ल्पेश॒या नारी॒र्या व॑ह्य॒शीव॑रीः । स्त्रियो॒ याः पुण्य॑गन्धय॒स्ताः सर्वाः॑ स्वापयामसि ॥ (३)
I put all the women who are sleeping in the courtyard or on the bed or the women who are used to sleeping in the swing etc. and have a good smell. (3)
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एज॑देजदजग्रभं॒ चक्षुः॑ प्रा॒णम॑जग्रभम् । अङ्गा॑न्यजग्रभं॒ सर्वा॒ रात्री॑णामतिशर्व॒रे ॥ (४)
I put all the moving beings to sleep. Their eyes and nose are accepted by sleep. I have also made their hands, feet, etc. sleep. All this is done at midnight, when there is an excess of darkness. (4)
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य आस्ते॒ यश्चर॑ति॒ यश्च॒ तिष्ठ॑न्वि॒पश्य॑ति । तेषां॒ सं द॑ध्मो॒ अक्षी॑णि॒ यथे॒दं ह॒र्म्यं तथा॑ ॥ (५)
At the time of our transmission, I close the eyes of all those who are sitting on the way and who is watching, just as this visible building is unable to see. (5)
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स्वप्तु॑ मा॒ता स्वप्तु॑ पि॒ता स्वप्तु॒ श्वा स्वप्तु॑ वि॒श्पतिः॑ । स्वप॑न्त्वस्यै ज्ञा॒तयः॒ स्वप्त्व॒यम॒भितो॒ जनः॑ ॥ (६)
The mother of the woman whom we are willing to control should sleep first. After this, his father, the dog protecting the house and the owner of the house, his husband should also sleep. His brothers and sisters and the people around him appointed to protect his house should also sleep. (6)
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स्वप्न॑ स्वप्नाभि॒कर॑णेन॒ सर्वं॒ नि ष्वा॑पया॒ जन॑म् । ओ॑त्सू॒र्यम॒न्यान्त्स्वा॒पया॑व्यु॒षं जा॑गृताद॒हमिन्द्र॑ इ॒वारि॑ष्टो॒ अक्षि॑तः ॥ (७)
O God of dreams! Keep these people sleeping on bed etc. and other people sleeping till sunrise. When everyone falls asleep, without violence and decay, I should engage in enjoyment and awaken like Indra. (7)
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ब्रा॑ह्म॒णो ज॑ज्ञे प्रथ॒मो दश॑शीर्षो॒ दशा॑स्यः । स सोमं॑ प्रथ॒मः प॑पौ॒ स च॑कारार॒सं वि॒षम् ॥ (१)
The first takshak was born in sarpo, who was revered in serpents like a Brahmin in humans. He had ten heads and ten mouths. Due to being born before the serpents of Kshatriya etc. jatis, Takshak first drank nectar located in heaven. Som i.e. brahmin who drinks nectar should make the juice produced from takshak kand root etc. inferior to the effect of poison. (1)
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याव॑ती॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी व॑रि॒म्णा याव॑त्स॒प्त सिन्ध॑वो वितष्ठि॒रे । वाचं॑ वि॒षस्य॒ दूष॑णीं॒ तामि॒तो निर॑वादिषम् ॥ (२)
As much as the earth and the sky are located and the magnitude of the ocean is located, I utter a speech containing mantras that destroy the poison produced by the tubers, roots, fruits located in these two places. (2)
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सु॑प॒र्णस्त्वा॑ ग॒रुत्मा॒न्विष॑ प्रथ॒ममा॑वयत् । नामी॑मदो॒ नारू॑रुप उ॒तास्मा॑ अभवः पि॒तुः ॥ (३)
O poison! First of all, the beautiful winged Garuda ate you. For this reason, do not make this man a drunkard and do not be fooled. O poison! You become food for this. (3)
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यस्त॒ आस्य॒त्पञ्चा॑ङ्गुरिर्व॒क्राच्चि॒दधि॒ धन्व॑नः । अ॑पस्क॒म्भस्य॑ श॒ल्यान्निर॑वोचम॒हं वि॒षम् ॥ (४)
The five-fingered hand, which has delivered poison to the man's body through a bow bow due to the string being mounted, I make that hand ineffective with the help of mantras with a piece of betel nut tree. (4)
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श॒ल्याद्वि॒षं निर॑वोचं॒ प्राञ्ज॑नादु॒त प॑र्ण॒धेः । अ॑पा॒ष्ठाच्छृङ्गा॒त्कुल्म॑ला॒न्निर॑वोचम॒हं वि॒षम् ॥ (५)
The poison that entered the body from the fruit in the arrows, I take it out with the force of mantras. I separate the poison that has been produced from the tree with poisonous leaves, from the coating, from the leaves, from the horn of the animal and from the feces, from the body with my mantra force. (5)
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अ॑र॒सस्त॑ इषो श॒ल्योऽथो॑ ते अर॒सं वि॒षम् । उ॒तार॒सस्य॑ वृ॒क्षस्य॒ धनु॑ष्टे अरसार॒सम् ॥ (६)
O arrow! Let your poison-quenched fruit become poison-free. After this, your poison becomes ineffective. The bow made of immaterial tree and related to you should also become ineffective. (6)
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ये अपी॑ष॒न्ये अदि॑ह॒न्य आस्य॒न्ये अ॒वासृ॑जन् । सर्वे॑ ते॒ वध्र॑यः कृ॒ता वध्रि॑र्विषगि॒रिः कृ॒तः ॥ (७)
Those who grind and feed poisonous herbs, those who use poison as a paste, who throw poison from a distance and who stay close and mix poison in food, fruits, etc., I have made all these powerless with the effect of my mantra. I have also made the mountains where poison was produced in the form of tuber origin, powerless. (7)
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वध्र॑यस्ते खनि॒तारो॒ वध्रि॒स्त्वम॑स्योषधे । वध्रिः॒ स पर्व॑तो गि॒रिर्यतो॑ जा॒तमि॒दं वि॒षम् ॥ (८)
O poisoned herb! Those who dig you should become powerless and you should also become ineffective with the effect of my mantra. The mountains where toxic tubers are produced should also become powerless. (8)
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वारि॒दम्वा॑रयातै वर॒णाव॑त्या॒मधि॑ । तत्रा॒मृत॒स्यासि॑क्तं॒ तेना॑ ते वारये वि॒षम् ॥ (१)
The poisonous water of The Varanavati, where the Varan trees are born, removes the poison of us humans. In that water, the toxic effect of nectar in heaven is present. For this reason, I remove the poison produced from your tuber, root, etc. with that nectar-rich water. (1)
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अ॑र॒सं प्रा॒च्यं॑ वि॒षम॑र॒सं यदु॑दी॒च्य॑म् । अथे॒दम॑धरा॒च्यं॑ कर॒म्भेण॒ वि क॑ल्पते ॥ (२)
With my mantra power, the poison produced in the east direction and north direction becomes ineffective. The poison produced in the south, west and downward direction should become weak from the lotus (rice). (2)
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क॑र॒म्भं कृ॒त्वा ति॒र्यं॑ पीबस्पा॒कमु॑दार॒थिम् । क्षु॒धा किल॑ त्वा दुष्टनो जक्षि॒वान्त्स न रू॑रुपः ॥ (३)
O poison of evil flesh! You are a fat burner and the father of abdominal diseases. This man ate you as karambh (rice). Don't make this man faint. (3)
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वि ते॒ मदं॑ मदावति श॒रमि॑व पातयामसि । प्र त्वा॑ च॒रुमि॑व॒ येष॑न्तं॒ वच॑सा स्थापयामसि ॥ (४)
O fainting herb! I remove the poison that brings your fainting from the body in such a way that the arrow left from the bow falls away. O poison! You permeate the body parts like a messenger who goes secretly. I remove you from the body with my mantra power. (4)
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परि॒ ग्राम॑मि॒वाचि॑तं॒ वच॑सा स्थापयामसि । तिष्ठा॑ वृ॒क्ष इ॑व॒ स्थाम्न्यभ्रि॑खाते॒ न रू॑रुपः ॥ (५)
O herb obtained by digging! Like the masses, we also remove your poison from the body through our mantra power and establish it away. Be as firm as a tree in your place and do not make this man faint. (5)
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प॒वस्तै॑स्त्वा॒ पर्य॑क्रीणन्दू॒र्शेभि॑र॒जिनै॑रु॒त । प्र॒क्रीर॑सि॒ त्वमो॑ष॒धेऽभ्रि॑खाते॒ न रू॑रुपः ॥ (६)
O heterogenous herb! Maharishis have bought you in exchange for broom straws. You deer etc. have been purchased in exchange for animal skin. You have been bought with great effort, so get away from here and do not make this man faint. (6)
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अना॑प्ता॒ ये वः॑ प्रथ॒मा यानि॒ कर्मा॑णि चक्रि॒रे । वी॒रान्नो॒ अत्र॒ मा द॑भ॒न्तद्व॑ ए॒तत्पु॒रो द॑धे ॥ (७)
O men! Do not hide our sons, grandsons etc. in this place through the actions that the enemies who behave against you have done before. I present this medical deed done to you to protect them. (7)
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भू॒तो भू॒तेषु॒ पय॒ आ द॑धाति॒ स भू॒ताना॒मधि॑पतिर्बभूव । तस्य॑ मृ॒त्युश्च॑रति राज॒सूयं॒ स राजा॒ रा॒ज्यमनु॑ मन्यतामि॒दम् ॥ (१)
The king who attains opulence through abhishek delivers food items to rich districts. Thus he became the master of creatures. Yamraj, the god of death, performs the king's Rajasuya Yagya only to punish the wicked and follow the gentlemen. That king should accept this kingdom and the deeds of evil exile and gentlemanly observance. (1)
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अ॒भि प्रेहि॒ माप॑ वेन उ॒ग्रश्चे॒त्ता स॑पत्न॒हा । आ ति॑ष्ठ मित्रवर्धन॒ तुभ्यं॑ दे॒वा अधि॑ ब्रुवन् ॥ (२)
O king! Do not be reluctant to the throne and riders like elephants, chariots, horses etc. You are powerful and have knowledge of work inefficiency. You are enemies, sit on the throne and do the welfare of your friends. Indra Adi Dev call you your own. (2)
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आ॒तिष्ठ॑न्तं॒ परि॒ विश्वे॑ अभूषं॒ छ्रियं॒ वसा॑नश्चरति॒ स्वरो॑चिः । म॒हत्तद्वृष्णो॒ असु॑रस्य॒ नामा वि॒श्वरू॑पो अ॒मृता॑नि तस्थौ ॥ (३)
Everyone should serve the king while sitting on the throne. The king should also sit on the throne and wear the kingdom, become bright and be ready to follow the people. The kingdom generated by the consecration should spread in ten directions. Sharu began to be frightened by the nominal of the king who drove away the enemies. This king should behave in various ways towards enemies, friends, wives, etc. and do punishment, war, study etc. (3)
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व्या॒घ्रो अधि॒ वैया॑घ्रे॒ वि क्र॑मस्व॒ दिशो॑ म॒हीः । विश॑स्त्वा॒ सर्वा॑ वाञ्छ॒न्त्वापो॑ दि॒व्याः पय॑स्वतीः ॥ (४)
O king! You conquer the vast directions of the east etc. by sitting on the tiger and becoming unbeatable like a tiger. Because of being brilliant, may all the people wish for you and may your kingdom receive divine water, so that there is no famine in your kingdom. (4)
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या आपो॑ दि॒व्याः पय॑सा॒ मद॑न्त्य॒न्तरि॑क्ष उ॒त वा॑ पृथि॒व्याम् । तासां॑ त्वा॒ सर्वा॑साम॒पाम॒भि षि॑ञ्चामि॒ वर्च॑सा ॥ (५)
O king! The water that rains from the sky, with its juice, satisfies the creatures, the water that is located in space and on earth, I anoint you with these waters located in the three worlds. (5)
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अ॒भि त्वा॒ वर्च॑सासिच॒न्नापो॑ दि॒व्याः पय॑स्वतीः । यथासो॑ मित्र॒वर्ध॑न॒स्तथा॑ त्वा सवि॒ता क॑रत् ॥ (६)
O king! May the divine water water water you with its glory, so that you become the enhancer of friends. May Savita Dev, who inspires everyone, give you strength. (6)
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ए॒ना व्या॒घ्रं प॑रिषस्वजा॒नाः सिं॒हं हि॑न्वन्ति मह॒ते सौभ॑गाय । स॑मु॒द्रं न॑ सु॒भुव॑स्तस्थि॒वांसं॑ मर्मृ॒ज्यन्ते॑ द्वी॒पिन॑म॒प्स्वन्तः ॥ (७)
Just as water in the form of a river pleases the ocean, so make the divine water king powerful. Just as the mother embraces the son, in the same way, water makes the king powerful to get great good fortune. Decorate the unbeatable king like the present rhino in the water through servants and clothes. (7)
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एहि॑ जी॒वं त्राय॑माणं॒ पर्व॑तस्या॒स्यक्ष्य॑म् । विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वैर्द॒त्तं प॑रि॒धिर्जीव॑नाय॒ कम् ॥ (१)
O Anjan Mani! You come to protect living beings from a mountain called Trikkud. You are the eye of Mount Trikakud. All the gods like Indra etc. have provided you in the form of a boundary wall to remain disease-free. (1)
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प॑रि॒पाणं॒ पुरु॑षाणां परि॒पाणं॒ गवा॑मसि । अश्वा॑ना॒मर्व॑तां परि॒पाणा॑य तस्थिषे ॥ (२)
O Anjan Mani born on Mount Trikkud! You are located to protect men, cows, horses and mares. (2)
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उ॒तासि॑ परि॒पाणं॑ यातु॒जम्भ॑नमाञ्जन । उ॒तामृत॑स्य॒ त्वं वे॒त्थाथो॑ असि जीव॒भोज॑न॒मथो॑ हरितभेष॒जम् ॥ (३)
O Anjan! You are the destroyer of the pain caused by demons, vampires, etc. You know the essence of nectar. You are the guardian of living beings because of the prevention of evil. You are going to remove the blackness caused by Pandu disease. (3)
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यस्या॑ञ्जन प्र॒सर्प॒स्यङ्ग॑मङ्गं॒ परु॑ष्परुः । ततो॒ यक्ष्मं॒ वि बा॑धस उ॒ग्रो म॑ध्यम॒शीरि॑व ॥ (४)
O Anjan! You remove tuberculosis from the body of a man whose body enters all the organs and joints of the organs, just as the powerful air takes away the water of the clouds in a moment. (4)
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नैनं॒ प्राप्नो॑ति श॒पथो॒ न कृ॒त्या नाभि॒शोच॑नम् । नैनं॒ विष्क॑न्धमश्नुते॒ यस्त्वा॒ बिभ॑र्त्याञ्जन ॥ (५)
O Anjan! The man who possesses you does not have the sin received by another, and even a demon named Kriya, born out of the conduct done by other people, does not reach him. You should not receive the sorrow caused by the act and the obstacles should not reach him. (5)
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अ॑सन्म॒न्त्राद्दु॒ष्वप्न्या॑द्दुष्कृ॒ताच्छम॑लादु॒त । दु॒र्हार्द॒श्चक्षु॑षो घो॒रात्तस्मा॑न्नः पाह्याञ्जन ॥ (६)
O Anjan Mani! Protect us from the sorrow caused by bad mantras related to the heart, from the sorrow of bad dreams, from the sin committed in the previous life, from the sin committed by another, from the corrupt mind and from the cruel eyes of others. (6)
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इ॒दं वि॒द्वाना॑ञ्जन स॒त्यं व॑क्ष्यामि॒ नानृ॑तम् । स॒नेय॒मश्वं॒ गाम॒हमा॒त्मानं॒ तव॑ पूरुष ॥ (७)
O Anjan! Knowing Your glory, I will say reality, I will not speak untruth. By becoming your slave, I will get a horse, cow and life. (7)
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त्रयो॑ दा॒सा आञ्ज॑नस्य त॒क्मा ब॒लास॒ आदहिः॑ । वर्षि॑ष्ठः॒ पर्व॑तानां त्रिक॒कुन्नाम॑ ते पि॒ता ॥ (८)
The subjects of fever, sannipat and snake, which survive hard, are under the control of Anjan Mani like three slaves. That is, Anjanmani removes their disorder. The oldest trichiad in the mountains is your father. (8)
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यदाञ्ज॑नं त्रैककु॒दं जा॒तं हि॒मव॑त॒स्परि॑ । या॒तूंश्च॒ सर्वा॑ञ्ज॒म्भय॒त्सर्वा॑श्च यातुधा॒न्यः॑ ॥ (९)
There is a mountain named Trikkud in the upper part of the Himalayan mountains. May the Anjan tree generated there destroy all the demons and all the demons. (9)
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यदि॒ वासि॑ त्रैककु॒दं यदि॑ यामु॒नमु॒च्यसे॑ । उ॒भे ते॑ भ॒द्रे नाम्नी॒ ताभ्यां॑ नः पाह्याञ्जन ॥ (१०)
O Anjan! Whether you are said by humans to belong to The Trikkud Mountain or yamuna. Both your trikkud and yamun names are welfare. Protect us by your two names. (10)
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वाता॑ज्जा॒तो अ॒न्तरि॑क्षाद्वि॒द्युतो॒ ज्योति॑ष॒स्परि॑ । स नो॑ हिरण्य॒जाः श॒ङ्खः कृश॑नः पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥ (१)
May the conch produced from air, produced from space, generated from electricity, originating from the place above the lithosphere and originating from heaven protect us from sin. (1)
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यो अ॑ग्र॒तो रो॑च॒नानां॑ समु॒द्रादधि॑ जज्ञि॒षे । श॒ङ्खेन॑ ह॒त्वा रक्षां॑स्य॒त्त्रिणो॒ वि ष॑हामहे ॥ (२)
O conch! You are present in front of the constellations that are illuminated and are born on the upper part of the ocean. We defeat demons and vampires through you. (2)
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श॒ङ्खेनामी॑वा॒मम॑तिं श॒ङ्खेनो॒त स॒दान्वाः॑ । श॒ङ्खो नो॑ वि॒श्वभे॑षजः॒ कृश॑नः पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥ (३)
We defeat the basic ignorance of disease and all evils as well as poverty with the conch received in the form of a gem. May the destroyer of all nuisances and the conch produced by gold protect us from sin. (3)
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दि॒वि जा॒तः स॑मुद्र॒जः सि॑न्धु॒तस्पर्याभृ॑तः । स नो॑ हिरण्य॒जाः श॒ङ्ख आ॑युष्प्र॒तर॑णो म॒णिः ॥ (४)
The conch originated first in paradise and then in the sea. The gem brought from the origin of the river and made of gold-made conch and conch should increase our life. (4)
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स॑मु॒द्राज्जा॒तो म॒णिर्वृ॒त्राज्जा॒तो दि॑वाक॒रः । सो अ॒स्मान्त्स॒र्वतः॑ पातु हे॒त्या दे॑वासु॒रेभ्यः॑ ॥ (५)
The gem produced from the sea or sky is the gift of conch, that is, the conch is formed from the gem itself. This gem-made conch shines like the sun coming out of the clouds. This gem made of conch shells should save us from the fear of gods and asuras. (5)
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हिर॑ण्याना॒मेको॑ऽसि॒ सोमा॒त्त्वमधि॑ जज्ञिषे । रथे॒ त्वम॑सि दर्श॒त इ॑षु॒धौ रो॑च॒नस्त्वं प्र ण॒ आयूं॑षि तारिषत् ॥ (६)
O conch! You are the chief among the precious substances like gold, silver, etc., because you have been born from the nectar-like lunar system. In wars you are visible on chariots. You look full in the quiver. This type of conch or gem made from conch increases our life. (6)
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दे॒वाना॒मस्थि॒ कृश॑नं बभूव॒ तदा॑त्म॒न्वच्च॑रत्य॒प्स्वन्तः । तत्ते॑ बध्ना॒म्यायु॑षे॒ वर्च॑से॒ बला॑य दीर्घायु॒त्वाय॑ श॒तशा॑रदाय कार्श॒नस्त्वा॒भि र॑क्षतु ॥ (७)
Indra was the protector of the gods, which was the cause of the golden conch, that is, the conch was formed from gold. He is present inside the waters by holding the body in the form of a golden conch. O Brahmachari with sacrifice! In this way, I bind the gold in the form of conch in your body for eternal life. May this golden jewel give you strength, speed and long life and protect you for a hundred years. (7)
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अ॑न॒ड्वान्दा॑धार पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्याम॑न॒ड्वान्दा॑धारो॒र्वन्तरि॑क्षम् । अ॑न॒ड्वान्दा॑धार प्र॒दिशः॒ षडु॒र्वीर॑न॒ड्वान्विश्वं॒ भुव॑न॒मा वि॑वेश ॥ (१)
The bull capable of carrying the car is the nourisher of the earth due to ploughing etc. The same bull also holds the sky and space due to being helpful in the origin of charu, purodash etc. The nurturer of the former adi maha directions is also the bull of this dharma. In this way, this bull made by Brahma enters all the worlds like earth etc. to protect them and remains located. (1)
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अ॑न॒ड्वानिन्द्रः॒ स प॒शुभ्यो॒ वि च॑ष्टे त्र॒यां छ॒क्रो वि मि॑मीते॒ अध्व॑नः । भू॒तं भ॑वि॒ष्यद्भुव॑ना॒ दुहा॑नः॒ सर्वा॑ दे॒वानां॑ चरति व्र॒तानि॑ ॥ (२)
This bull is Indra. Therefore, it is more stunning than all animals. Just as the bull produces children inseparably, Indra does the work of other gods, producing past, future and present things. (2)
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इन्द्रो॑ जा॒तो म॑नु॒ष्ये॑ष्व॒न्तर्घ॒र्मस्त॒प्तश्च॑रति॒ शोशु॑चानः । सु॑प्र॒जाः सन्त्स उ॑दा॒रे न स॑र्ष॒द्यो नाश्नी॒याद॑न॒डुहो॑ विजा॒नन् ॥ (३)
In humans, that bull is like Indra. That bull is dharma. He roams in the form of the sun giving energy and light to the whole world. He who knows the importance given by us to the bull especially enjoys all the pleasures and does not come into the world after giving up the body with shobhan child. (3)
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अ॑न॒ड्वान्दु॑हे सुकृ॒तस्य॑ लो॒क एनं॑ प्याययति॒ पव॑मानः पु॒रस्ता॑त् । प॒र्जन्यो॒ धारा॑ म॒रुत॒ ऊधो॑ अस्य य॒ज्ञः पयो॒ दक्षि॑णा॒ दोहो॑ अस्य ॥ (४)
This bull in the form of Indra Dev gives more fruit in the worlds received from virtue like yagna etc. This elixir som purified at the beginning of the yajna fills this bull with juice. Rain is the stream of milk. Forty-nine are windy, all kinds of yajna are its milk and the milk given in the yajna is the act of milking. Thus the exploitation of this indra and the bull in the form of Dharma would have been inexhaustible . (4)
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यस्य॑ नेशे य॒ज्ञप॑ति॒र्न य॒ज्ञो नास्य॑ दातेशे॒ न प्र॑तिग्रही॒ता । यो वि॑श्व॒जिद्वि॑श्व॒भृद्वि॒श्वक॑र्मा घ॒र्मं नो॑ ब्रूत यत॒मश्चतु॑ष्पात् ॥ (५)
The host is not the master of this deity form bull. The one who gives yajna, charity and accepts donation is also not the master of it. It is going to conquer the world and feed the world. The whole world is its work. This Taurus with four steps tells us the form of the bright sun. (5)
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येन॑ दे॒वाः स्व॑रारुरु॒हुर्हि॒त्वा शरी॑रम॒मृत॑स्य॒ नाभि॑म् । तेन॑ गेष्म सुकृ॒तस्य॑ लो॒कं घ॒र्मस्य॑ व्र॒तेन॒ तप॑सा यश॒स्यवः॑ ॥ (६)
With the help of this Taurus form dharma, the gods have renounced their bodies and attained heaven. That heaven is the navel of nectar. With the help of this Taurus, we conquer the land received as the fruit of virtue. Through the circle related to the bright Sun, we desire the happiness of Aditya. (6)
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इन्द्रो॑ रू॒पेणा॒ग्निर्वहे॑न प्र॒जाप॑तिः परमे॒ष्ठी वि॒राट् । वि॒श्वान॑रे अक्रमत वैश्वान॒रे अ॑क्रमतान॒डुह्य॑क्रमत । सोऽदृं॑हयत॒ सोऽधा॑रयत ॥ (७)
It is like Indra from taurus shape and agni from your shoulder. Thus it is taurus prajapati form. (7)
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मध्य॑मे॒तद॑न॒डुहो॒ यत्रै॒ष वह॒ आहि॑तः । ए॒ताव॑दस्य प्रा॒चीनं॒ यावा॑न्प्र॒त्यङ्स॒माहि॑तः ॥ (८)
Prajapati Brahma is entered in the body of this Taurus. They have made the middle part of its body loadable. The load is placed in the central part of this. Both the front and the previous parts of this are the same. (8)
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यो वेदा॑न॒डुहो॒ दोहा॑न्स॒प्तानु॑पदस्वतः । प्र॒जां च॑ लो॒कं चा॑प्नोति॒ तथा॑ सप्तऋ॒षयो॑ विदुः ॥ (९)
The man who knows the seven exploits of this bull in the form of barley etc. without decay, he gets sons, grandsons etc. children and heaven etc. Sapta Rishi knows this. (9)
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प॒द्भिः से॒दिम॑व॒क्राम॒न्निरां॒ जङ्घा॑भिरुत्खि॒दन् । श्रमे॑णान॒ड्वान्की॒लालं॑ की॒नाश॑श्चा॒भि ग॑छतः ॥ (१०)
This Prajapati form Taurus digs the earth with its four legs, dropping its face from all four legs, causing depression. This bull gives food to the farmer with his labor. (10)
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द्वाद॑श॒ वा ए॒ता रात्री॒र्व्रत्या॑ आहुः प्र॒जाप॑तेः । तत्रोप॒ ब्रह्म॒ यो वेद॒ तद्वा अ॑न॒डुहो॑ व्र॒तम् ॥ (११)
Twelve nights worthy of the fast of Yajnatmik Prajapati prevailing in this Taurus are said to be present. In those nights, the one who knows Prajapati-like Taurus is the possessor of this fast. (11)
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दु॒हे सा॒यं दु॒हे प्रा॒तर्दु॒हे म॒ध्यंदि॑नं॒ परि॑ । दोहा॒ ये अ॑स्य सं॒यन्ति॒ तान्वि॒द्मानु॑पदस्वतः ॥ (१२)
I milk Taurus with the above mentioned symptoms in the evening, morning and afternoon. I also milk the fruits of the rituals of all the yagnas. I know the harness fruits of this Taurus that provide. (12)
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रोह॑ण्यसि॒ रोह॑ण्य॒स्थ्नश्छि॒न्नस्य॒ रोह॑णी । रो॒हये॒दम॑रुन्धति ॥ (१)
O red-colored lac! You are going to heal the wound, so stop the blood flowing from this organ cut off by the edge of the sword in the same place. O Arundhati Devi! You made this blood-drained organ blood-stained and unsound. (1)
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यत्ते॑ रि॒ष्टं यत्ते॑ द्यु॒त्तमस्ति॒ पेष्ट्रं॑ त आ॒त्मनि॑ । धा॒ता तद्भ॒द्रया॒ पुनः॒ सं द॑ध॒त्परु॑षा॒ परुः॑ ॥ (२)
O man wounded by arms! Your part which is injured and burning with the pain of arms attack and your part which has been broken by the attack of Mugdar etc., the creator should connect those parts of yours with lac. (2)
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सं ते॑ म॒ज्जा म॒ज्ज्ञा भ॑वतु॒ समु॑ ते॒ परु॑षा॒ परुः॑ । सं ते॑ मां॒सस्य॒ विस्र॑स्तं॒ समस्थ्यपि॑ रोहतु ॥ (३)
O wounded man! Let the fat of your body, which has been divided by injury, be connected and you experience happiness. The broken bone of your body should also be added. May the cut flesh from the wound of the blow be produced happily and the broken bone of your body will be connected to happiness. (3)
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म॒ज्जा म॒ज्ज्ञा सं धी॑यतां॒ चर्म॑णा॒ चर्म॑ रोहतु । असृ॑क्ते॒ अस्थि॑ रोहतु मां॒सं मां॒सेन॑ रोहतु ॥ (४)
Get fat from your fat. May the leather meet the leather and the blood dripping from your body is restored to the bone with the effect of mantras and medicines. Let your meat meet the meat. (4)
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लोम॒ लोम्ना॒ सं क॑ल्पया त्व॒चा सं क॑ल्पया॒ त्वच॑म् । असृ॑क्ते॒ अस्थि॑ रोहतु छि॒न्नं सं धे॑ह्योषधे ॥ (५)
O medicine named Lakh! You should mix the skin separated from the body to the skin due to the blow. O wounded man! Blood started running on your bones. O medicine! Whatever is the cut part of the body, it was able to do daily activities by adding it. (5)
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स उत्ति॑ष्ठ॒ प्रेहि॒ प्र द्र॑व॒ रथः॑ सुच॒क्रः सु॑प॒विः सु॒नाभिः॒ । प्रति॑ तिष्ठो॒र्ध्वः ॥ (६)
O man injured by the blow of the weapon! With the power of mantra and medicine, your injured limb has become healthy. You get up from the cot and run as fast as the chariot with good wheels and strong axles. (6)
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यदि॑ क॒र्तं प॑ति॒त्वा सं॑श॒श्रे यदि॒ वाश्मा॒ प्रहृ॑तो ज॒घान॑ । ऋ॒भू रथ॑स्ये॒वाङ्गा॑नि॒ सं द॑ध॒त्परु॑षा॒ परुः॑ ॥ (७)
O man! If the cutting armament falls on your body and cuts it or the stone thrown by others is hurting you, make those parts of your body healthy in the same way as the carpenter unites the different parts of the chariot. (7)
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उ॒त दे॑वा॒ अव॑हितं॒ देवा॒ उन्न॑यथा॒ पुनः॑ । उ॒ताग॑श्च॒क्रुषं॑ देवा॒ देवा॑ जी॒वय॑था॒ पुनः॑ ॥ (१)
O Devas! Inform this child about the practice of dharma with yajnopavit sanskar. Give him the knowledge generated from studying. O Devas! Protect him from the misdeed in the form of not performing rituals. You keep the child alive for a hundred years. (1)
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द्वावि॒मौ वातौ॑ वात॒ आ सिन्धो॒रा प॑रा॒वतः॑ । दक्षं॑ ते अ॒न्य आ॒वातु॒ व्य॒न्यो वा॑तु॒ यद्रपः॑ ॥ (२)
Both types of winds coming from the sea and the country away from it should run. Prana and apana vayu move in his body. O men with upanayana rites! May the air of life give you strength and may your air remove your sins. (2)
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आ वा॑त वाहि भेष॒जं वि वा॑त वाहि॒ यद्रपः॑ । त्वं हि वि॑श्वभेषज दे॒वानां॑ दू॒त ईय॑से ॥ (३)
O wind! Bring herbs that destroy all diseases and destroy the sin that causes disease. O wind! You are the remover of all diseases, that is why you are called the messenger of Indra etc. gods. (3)
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त्राय॑न्तामि॒मं दे॒वास्त्राय॑न्तां म॒रुतां॑ ग॒णाः । त्राय॑न्तां॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॒ यथा॒यम॑र॒पा अस॑त् ॥ (४)
May Indra Adi Dev protect this brahmachari with upanayana sanskar. Protect it forty-nine. All beings should protect it in such a way that it can be free from sin. (4)
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आ त्वा॑गमं॒ शंता॑तिभि॒रथो॑ अरि॒ष्टता॑तिभिः । दक्षं॑ त उ॒ग्रमाभा॑रिषं॒ परा॒ यक्ष्मं॑ सुवामि ते ॥ (५)
O Brahmachari with upanayana sanskar! I have come to you with happy mantras and welfare deeds. I have brought you a fierce and prosperous force. I drive tuberculosis away from you. (5)
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अ॒यं मे॒ हस्तो॒ भग॑वान॒यं मे॒ भग॑वत्तरः । अ॒यं मे॑ वि॒श्वभे॑षजो॒ऽयं शि॒वाभि॑मर्शनः ॥ (६)
This hand of my sage is lucky and better than the lucky ones. This hand of mine is a medicine to remove all diseases. The touch of this is pleasant. (6)
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हस्ता॑भ्यां॒ दश॑शाखाभ्यां जि॒ह्वा वा॒चः पु॑रोग॒वी । अ॑नामयि॒त्नुभ्यां॒ हस्ता॑भ्यां॒ ताभ्यां॑ त्वा॒भि मृ॑शामसि ॥ (७)
O children with upanayana rites! The tongue formed by Prajapati's ten-fingered hands moves ahead of the words. Saraswati has a adhishthan in it. I touch you with the same curative hands of Prajapati. (7)
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अ॒जो ह्यग्नेरज॑निष्ट॒ शोका॒त्सो अ॑पश्यज्जनि॒तार॒मग्रे॑ । तेन॑ दे॒वा दे॒वता॒मग्र॑ आय॒न्तेन॒ रोहा॑न्रुरुहु॒र्मेध्या॑सः ॥ (१)
The goat was born from the heat of agni. He saw Prajapati, the creator of all animals, first of all. In the beginning of creation, Indra adi dev attained divinity due to the same goat. By making the same goat a means, other sages also reached heaven etc. (1)
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क्रम॑ध्वम॒ग्निना॒ नाक॒मुख्या॒न्हस्ते॑षु॒ बिभ्र॑तः । दि॒वस्पृ॒ष्ठं स्व॑र्ग॒त्वा मि॒श्रा दे॒वेभि॑राध्वम् ॥ (२)
O men! You reach heaven without sorrow through the agni ignited for the sake of yajna. By reaching heaven like the back of space, you attain opulence like gods and live there. (2)
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पृ॒ष्ठात्पृ॑थि॒व्या अ॒हम॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒मारु॑हम॒न्तरि॑क्षा॒द्दिव॒मारु॑हम् । दि॒वो नाक॑स्य पृ॒ष्ठात्स्व॑१र्ज्योति॑रगाम॒हम् ॥ (३)
I ascend from the back of the earth i.e. from the earth to space and from space to heaven. From the back of a sorrow-free heaven, I receive the light of Hiranyagarbha located in the solar system. (3)
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स्वर्यन्तो॒ नापे॑क्षन्त॒ आ द्यां रो॑हन्ति॒ रोद॑सी । य॒ज्ञं ये वि॒श्वतो॑धारं॒ सुवि॑द्वांसो वितेनि॒रे ॥ (४)
People who go to heaven who get the fruits of yajna do not desire happiness related to sons, animals etc. Those hosts who know the yajna that holds the world and expand it, they go to heaven. (4)
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अग्ने॒ प्रेहि॑ प्रथ॒मो दे॒वता॑नां॒ चक्षु॑र्दे॒वाना॑मु॒त मानु॑षाणाम् । इय॑क्षमाणा॒ भृगु॑भिः स॒जोषाः॒ स्व॑र्यन्तु॒ यज॑मानाः स्व॒स्ति ॥ (५)
O God of Agni! You, being the chief among the gods, reach a place worthy of performing yajna. Due to the delivery of agni, Indra is as dear to gods like eyes and makes human beings see the holy world through yajna. The Bhriguvanshis, who want to perform yajna in the light of agni and perform yajna, have become equally loving with maharishis and attain heaven as the result of yajna, (5)
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अ॒जम॑नज्मि॒ पय॑सा घृ॒तेन॑ दि॒व्यं सु॑प॒र्णं प॑य॒सं बृ॒हन्त॑म् । तेन॑ गेष्म सुकृ॒तस्य॑ लो॒कं स्व॑रा॒रोह॑न्तो अ॒भि नाक॑मुत्त॒मम् ॥ (६)
I rub the goat worthy of the temple and the one who takes the host to heaven with juice-rich ghee. With the help of this type of goat, go to heaven, which is the fruit of virtue, and get rid of the touch of sorrow and get the best sunlight. (6)
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पञ्चौ॑दनं प॒ञ्चभि॑र॒ङ्गुलि॑भि॒र्दर्व्योद्ध॑र पञ्च॒धैतमो॑द॒नम् । प्राच्यां॑ दि॒शि शिरो॑ अ॒जस्य॑ धेहि॒ दक्षि॑णायां दि॒शि दक्षि॑णं धेहि पा॒र्श्वम् ॥ (७)
O digestive! Cut into five parts, take this goat out of the batloi with the help of a ladle held with the help of your five fingers and put it on the kushas. Keep the cooked head of this goat divided into five parts in the east direction and place the right part of its body in the south direction. (7)
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प्र॒तीच्यां॑ दि॒शि भ॒सद॑मस्य धे॒ह्युत्त॑रस्यां दि॒श्युत्त॑रं धेहि पा॒र्श्वम् । ऊ॒र्ध्वायां॑ दि॒श्यजस्यानू॑कं धेहि दि॒शि ध्रु॒वायां॑ धेहि पाज॒स्य॑म॒न्तरि॑क्षे मध्य॒तो मध्य॑मस्य ॥ (८)
Keep the cooked meat of this goat's waist in the west direction and the meat of its left part in the north direction. Place the back meat in the upward direction and the stomach meat in the downward direction. Set the intermediate flesh of this body in the sky. (8)
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शृ॒तम॒जं शृ॒तया॒ प्रोर्णु॑हि त्व॒चा सर्वै॒रङ्गैः॒ संभृ॑तं वि॒श्वरू॑पम् । स उत्ति॑ष्ठे॒तो अ॑भि॒ नाक॑मुत्त॒मं प॒द्भिश्च॒तुर्भिः॒ प्रति॑ तिष्ठ दि॒क्षु ॥ (९)
Spread the goat made of all your organs in all directions. O goat! You may ascend to heaven with all four legs from this leak and pervade the four directions. (9)
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