The reason that we're here doing river restoration is because for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, they've been clearing out the large wood out of the stream for various reasons. When you remove these roughness elements, the river responds by getting further removed from the floodplain. And what we really want is the water out on the floodplain. That gives us the habitat complexity and diversity that juvenile salmon sealhead need. To immediately see that biological response is tremendously rewarding.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 6, "text": " The reason that we're here doing river restoration is because for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, they've" }, { "start": 6, "end": 10.42, "text": " been clearing out the large wood out of the stream for various reasons." }, { "start": 10.42, "end": 14.48, "text": " When you remove these roughness elements, the river responds by getting further removed" }, { "start": 14.48, "end": 15.8, "text": " from the floodplain." }, { "start": 15.8, "end": 19.04, "text": " And what we really want is the water out on the floodplain." }, { "start": 19.04, "end": 23.88, "text": " That gives us the habitat complexity and diversity that juvenile salmon sealhead need." }, { "start": 23.88, "end": 30.2, "text": " To immediately see that biological response is tremendously rewarding." } ]
So everybody thanks for being a nerd and clicking to watch the extra footage from the hyperlapse video. This is, uh, oh, I'm Ryan Manning. We should say who's here. I'm Ryan Manning. I'm John Logo Marciano. I'm Tom Connors. I'm Jimmy Shelton. Jimmy is the person who was on the glide cam in this video and I'm the one that was on the hyperlapse. So we just wanted to talk about how crazy hyperlapse is. Like the way it's the way that hyperlapse stabilizes is like, so like it knows my gyroscope and my phone knows where my hand is right now. And then it's like, oh, see, you're kind of janky and rid and choppy when you're moving around. I'm just going to make that smooth for you. Cause I know where your hand should have moved to be smooth as opposed to like warp stabilizer or any other image stabilizer stabilizer that like looks at the planes in the image and sort of tries to figure it out after the fact. It's pretty crazy. It's only, it only is a exists for like the phone right now. Yeah. You can see what right there. I like to point out that that shot is like really hard to do really hard. Yeah. So Jimmy, this is, this is a glide cam and Jimmy on the glide cam and then it was warp stabilized and you could see it sort of like pulsing there. And that's something you would never get when you're using. Yeah that's something you would never get when you're using like a hyperlapse because you don't have to actually, yeah. Like when you use warp stabilizer, it can be tricked if something. So I think what it was doing in that shot was actually latching onto Sam's body instead of the scene, which messes up a background. Yeah. And that happens all the time with warp stabilizer. Where I like what we're looking at here. That's Ryan by the way, in the, in the blue. Yeah. That's me guys. Um, so you can see like even this isn't low light at all in this shot and like you can still sort of see the weird blurry things from when I. It's still like more passable than what warp stabilizer will do to some shots. Yeah. Which is like, I would see warp stabilizers are kind of messing up in this shot. But yeah, so I'm just trying to show you like what my hands did and then the shot that came from it. So that's how I moved. So like when you use hyperlapse, you still have to look like an idiot and have like a weird face. Like it's not, it's not like you can just casually shoot, but you have to sort of still get into it. But like the results are pretty crazy when you do get into it and act. You still try to be as stable as you can. Did you guys film this shot with the C100 on the glide cam? No. Because I'm pretty sure it would fail really hard with all that detail happening. Like there are. Yeah, there's no way. There are like lines to track onto, but I'm pretty sure the feet moving, which completely destroy that shot. And having to run up the stairs and then land. Yeah. It's a hard shot to hit anyway. So like, yeah, the fact that like warp stabilizer could work in the dark, it doesn't need something to look at to track onto. All it needs is like the like motion from your, the gyroscope, which is crazy. But like you were saying the other day, when it's in the dark, it also has to use a really wide shutter or a slow shutter rather. And what happens then is when it does stabilize, you get motion blur that gets stabilized. And so it's like kind of the telltale when you see some blurriness happen and the frame doesn't move. Do you have anything like that? Where it's like locked off shot and then it's just blurry? Yeah. Uh, maybe. Cause that's the stuff to me that's like a dead giveaway. Yeah. And like what they're going to have to. It's so insane. It's insane. The only thing that like that ruins this for me is that it's so deep. If there was somehow to make this somewhat shallow, like you can do on like a C300 or C100. Oh, well that's the thing. The only reason this is a problem is because like the phone's camera isn't that great. Yeah. You put this, you put this kind of stabilization technology into any like C100 or larger camera and you're going to get the same results, but a better camera. I know. And it's going to put me out of a job. This is crazy. This shot when I saw this, I was like, holy shit. This technology is crazy. So like I was shaking so much on this shot before it was like shaky as heck. Yeah, I mean these kind of shots, you could do these classic like. You look like a creep. Yeah. I don't know if I've seen this shot. I don't think this was in the video. Oh my God. Are you kidding me? That's great. That's great. That's insane. Oh yeah. This is weird too. Like if you shoot in a car or something, it's actually, it's stabilizing to like the earth and not necessarily like the taxi you're in. So like the taxi jump like. Whoa. Jump around. That's great. The street stays stable. So like that's a crazy effect. You can do some, there's, because it's like a new kind of stabilization, there are lots of like weird quirks that we could, people could figure out. Do you have any of the videos that you shot, the Havana? Oh no. Yeah. If you like, if you lock onto somebody's face, like get really close to them and focus on their face and then just like, just zoom in and out really fast, like with your arms, just like pushing it out. It looks really weird. It's a, it's a weird thing. I mean, maybe I'll put it in. How's this going to go? I'll throw it in after this. Oh yeah. This is crazy. So like I was running full speed here. This is like the shaky version. I was going full speed, one handed. We don't have an alternate angle of how it was running, but I was running full speed on this and I think this is where you actually. Oh my God. I mean, it's not great. You see it breaking down. But there are moments where it's like passable. Right there is a moment that's passable. Yeah. There's like a. I'm not sure if I would still use it. I wouldn't use it. In one of our videos, but like. Sure. But like. I mean, I'm a kid riding like a motorized unit. Okay. So here's like. Well, if this is your kid riding a motorized unicycle, I'd question your parenting. Yeah. I mean, this is markedly better. Oh yeah. Yeah. I think once you get to like high speeds and very shaky, you can't really use it. Especially when you go to like one hand and you have to run the like tilting of your hand affects it so much more dramatically than a glidecam would. Tom, was this you doing this? No, this is me. No, this is me. This is great. Um, but yeah, then, then like, like kind of, it was kind of shaky. I put warp stabilizer and it fixed it. So like this. Even like warp stabilizer gives it like this kind of surreal bend to the image, which I don't think hyperlapse is even doing like hyperlapse. It does at times, but it's more like a sharp, like you'll notice that it feels like a sharp twitch rather than like the bending. Yeah. Like that might also have to do with that winning smile. Yeah. This is crazy too. Like I'm. Anyway, listen to this. Go try this. It's wild. Just run really fast with it pointing at your face. Wow. That's the main thing in my mind. I still don't know what it's doing because like my mind is so used to it having to track onto the image. So I don't even know why it's doing it that way. It's it just knows where it is. Like imagine it re imagine the phone moving like shitty. This is actually, you can see why like hyperlapse will never like solve all the problems. And this one, because like, there's some weirdness on the fence here. Watch when I, Tom asked me to like jump up and down. It's a little bit, but it's now that's weird. It's weird, but it's an effect I haven't seen before, which I think is really interesting about this. Um, but like, Jimmy, just imagine like you see all these banks and stuff. Just imagine that your phone knows how you, how you moved through the space, but then it goes back through it and sort of adds like, does the opposite move. Right. Like, um, have you ever in illustrator drawn like a crappy janky line and then there's like the thing that says like, smooth it all out. Like it just smooths out your hand in space. Like imagine it going back through the exact same shot, but smoothing out all of the points, which is actually like a much easier thing to process than going through and analyzing the footage. Yeah. The speed, which is also amazing to me because of how long it takes to stabilize footage in premiere to how quick hyperlapse is able to do it. I look, cause it doesn't have to do image processing. It's just doing spatial taking the data that already exists. We should look this up before we did this, but, uh, we've heard about a thing that goes into a little dongle that goes into like the hot shoe on a professional camera that would collect the same kind of data and then using software could correct, say for like one of our C100s or a 5D or something. So that that's super interesting. Somebody is making a device that is just like a gyroscope that would, I guess, have a third party app that you plug the data into and then your footage, and then it would do the smoothing this way. This is wild. Yeah. This is like this. I was on a bike. I was riding really dangerously. Oh, yeah. But then anyway, that was crazy. I was riding on a bike and shooting and it was really janky. Here's like, I was like, here's like shitty like concert footage and like, you can see my hand is shaking. I was doing like sort of a fake tracking move, like a fake jib move. But it's pretty, it was pretty dark. And you'll see like, there aren't a lot of, even for being this dark, I don't see much of the blurring. You might see it every once in a while on the amp light. You could see like it's sort of blurring, but it's pretty smooth guys. I mean, the unfortunate thing though is that you're still using a phone's camera. So yeah, that is the unfortunate thing. Even though the motion looks great, the exposure just isn't good here. Right. And like, that's going to always be the problem. But like, it's just, it to me is like the hope of this for the future is crazy good. And like Jimmy said, it does feel like my job will get like taken away soon because all of a sudden this computer will take over what we do. What if GoPro had this built in? Yeah, I mean, no joke. We, I had the contact to somebody at GoPro and I was like, why aren't you guys doing this now? Like right now? Because that's been like the biggest problem with GoPro is that it's shaky. And like, how hard would it be to put a gyroscope into the GoPro? Not hard. It would be hard to be to put a gyroscope in any camera. Like this, this technology is like the inevitable future of all cameras. The stabilization the way we used to do it will still be around, but it'll be completely secondary to this kind of stabilization. You can get away with so many more bumps. Yeah, it's great. Basically, well, I guess the other thing though is that you need to be rolling then at a resolution that's much higher than you need to do it. Well, you need to be like, like the future of this is really, really high shutter speed. This is a good example of bad warp stabilizer. Yeah, warp stabilizer fucking up going in and out. Like it's terrible. Warp stabilizer is cool, but this is why warp stabilizer is going to die. Stuff like that. Well, all right. I guess it's over. That was an abrupt ending. But thanks, Rhonda. Yeah, Rhonda. Thank you. Thanks for watching. See you later. See you next.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 8.52, "text": " So everybody thanks for being a nerd and clicking to watch the extra footage from the hyperlapse" }, { "start": 8.52, "end": 9.52, "text": " video." }, { "start": 9.52, "end": 12.84, "text": " This is, uh, oh, I'm Ryan Manning." }, { "start": 12.84, "end": 13.96, "text": " We should say who's here." }, { "start": 13.96, "end": 14.96, "text": " I'm Ryan Manning." }, { "start": 14.96, "end": 15.96, "text": " I'm John Logo Marciano." }, { "start": 15.96, "end": 17.52, "text": " I'm Tom Connors." }, { "start": 17.52, "end": 18.740000000000002, "text": " I'm Jimmy Shelton." }, { "start": 18.740000000000002, "end": 22.36, "text": " Jimmy is the person who was on the glide cam in this video and I'm the one that was on" }, { "start": 22.36, "end": 23.36, "text": " the hyperlapse." }, { "start": 23.36, "end": 26.52, "text": " So we just wanted to talk about how crazy hyperlapse is." }, { "start": 26.52, "end": 32.2, "text": " Like the way it's the way that hyperlapse stabilizes is like, so like it knows my gyroscope" }, { "start": 32.2, "end": 34.879999999999995, "text": " and my phone knows where my hand is right now." }, { "start": 34.879999999999995, "end": 41.28, "text": " And then it's like, oh, see, you're kind of janky and rid and choppy when you're moving" }, { "start": 41.28, "end": 42.28, "text": " around." }, { "start": 42.28, "end": 44.239999999999995, "text": " I'm just going to make that smooth for you." }, { "start": 44.239999999999995, "end": 48.8, "text": " Cause I know where your hand should have moved to be smooth as opposed to like warp stabilizer" }, { "start": 48.8, "end": 53.92, "text": " or any other image stabilizer stabilizer that like looks at the planes in the image and" }, { "start": 53.92, "end": 57.56, "text": " sort of tries to figure it out after the fact." }, { "start": 57.56, "end": 58.980000000000004, "text": " It's pretty crazy." }, { "start": 58.980000000000004, "end": 62.68, "text": " It's only, it only is a exists for like the phone right now." }, { "start": 62.68, "end": 63.68, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 63.68, "end": 64.68, "text": " You can see what right there." }, { "start": 64.68, "end": 69.36, "text": " I like to point out that that shot is like really hard to do really hard." }, { "start": 69.36, "end": 70.36, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 70.36, "end": 74.48, "text": " So Jimmy, this is, this is a glide cam and Jimmy on the glide cam and then it was warp" }, { "start": 74.48, "end": 77.18, "text": " stabilized and you could see it sort of like pulsing there." }, { "start": 77.18, "end": 81.28, "text": " And that's something you would never get when you're using." }, { "start": 81.28, "end": 86.24, "text": " Yeah that's something you would never get when you're using like a hyperlapse because" }, { "start": 86.24, "end": 88.4, "text": " you don't have to actually, yeah." }, { "start": 88.4, "end": 91.68, "text": " Like when you use warp stabilizer, it can be tricked if something." }, { "start": 91.68, "end": 95.44, "text": " So I think what it was doing in that shot was actually latching onto Sam's body instead" }, { "start": 95.44, "end": 97.96000000000001, "text": " of the scene, which messes up a background." }, { "start": 97.96000000000001, "end": 98.96000000000001, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 98.96000000000001, "end": 99.96000000000001, "text": " And that happens all the time with warp stabilizer." }, { "start": 99.96000000000001, "end": 101.48, "text": " Where I like what we're looking at here." }, { "start": 101.48, "end": 103.4, "text": " That's Ryan by the way, in the, in the blue." }, { "start": 103.4, "end": 104.4, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 104.4, "end": 105.4, "text": " That's me guys." }, { "start": 105.4, "end": 110.04, "text": " Um, so you can see like even this isn't low light at all in this shot and like you can" }, { "start": 110.04, "end": 114.68, "text": " still sort of see the weird blurry things from when I." }, { "start": 114.68, "end": 118.16000000000001, "text": " It's still like more passable than what warp stabilizer will do to some shots." }, { "start": 118.16000000000001, "end": 119.16000000000001, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 119.16000000000001, "end": 123.24000000000001, "text": " Which is like, I would see warp stabilizers are kind of messing up in this shot." }, { "start": 123.24000000000001, "end": 127.68, "text": " But yeah, so I'm just trying to show you like what my hands did and then the shot that came" }, { "start": 127.68, "end": 128.68, "text": " from it." }, { "start": 128.68, "end": 129.68, "text": " So that's how I moved." }, { "start": 129.68, "end": 133.88, "text": " So like when you use hyperlapse, you still have to look like an idiot and have like a" }, { "start": 133.88, "end": 136.88, "text": " weird face." }, { "start": 136.88, "end": 140.88, "text": " Like it's not, it's not like you can just casually shoot, but you have to sort of still" }, { "start": 140.88, "end": 141.88, "text": " get into it." }, { "start": 141.88, "end": 145.51999999999998, "text": " But like the results are pretty crazy when you do get into it and act." }, { "start": 145.51999999999998, "end": 147.88, "text": " You still try to be as stable as you can." }, { "start": 147.88, "end": 150.44, "text": " Did you guys film this shot with the C100 on the glide cam?" }, { "start": 150.44, "end": 151.44, "text": " No." }, { "start": 151.44, "end": 154.76, "text": " Because I'm pretty sure it would fail really hard with all that detail happening." }, { "start": 154.76, "end": 155.76, "text": " Like there are." }, { "start": 155.76, "end": 156.76, "text": " Yeah, there's no way." }, { "start": 156.76, "end": 159.4, "text": " There are like lines to track onto, but I'm pretty sure the feet moving, which completely" }, { "start": 159.4, "end": 160.4, "text": " destroy that shot." }, { "start": 160.4, "end": 162.6, "text": " And having to run up the stairs and then land." }, { "start": 162.6, "end": 163.6, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 163.6, "end": 164.84, "text": " It's a hard shot to hit anyway." }, { "start": 164.84, "end": 171.72, "text": " So like, yeah, the fact that like warp stabilizer could work in the dark, it doesn't need something" }, { "start": 171.72, "end": 173.36, "text": " to look at to track onto." }, { "start": 173.36, "end": 178.44, "text": " All it needs is like the like motion from your, the gyroscope, which is crazy." }, { "start": 178.44, "end": 181.3, "text": " But like you were saying the other day, when it's in the dark, it also has to use a really" }, { "start": 181.3, "end": 183.52, "text": " wide shutter or a slow shutter rather." }, { "start": 183.52, "end": 188.8, "text": " And what happens then is when it does stabilize, you get motion blur that gets stabilized." }, { "start": 188.8, "end": 193.34, "text": " And so it's like kind of the telltale when you see some blurriness happen and the frame" }, { "start": 193.34, "end": 194.92000000000002, "text": " doesn't move." }, { "start": 194.92000000000002, "end": 197.04, "text": " Do you have anything like that?" }, { "start": 197.04, "end": 200.72, "text": " Where it's like locked off shot and then it's just blurry?" }, { "start": 200.72, "end": 201.72, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 201.72, "end": 202.72, "text": " Uh, maybe." }, { "start": 202.72, "end": 205.24, "text": " Cause that's the stuff to me that's like a dead giveaway." }, { "start": 205.24, "end": 206.24, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 206.24, "end": 208.28, "text": " And like what they're going to have to." }, { "start": 208.28, "end": 209.4, "text": " It's so insane." }, { "start": 209.4, "end": 210.56, "text": " It's insane." }, { "start": 210.56, "end": 214.48000000000002, "text": " The only thing that like that ruins this for me is that it's so deep." }, { "start": 214.48000000000002, "end": 218.6, "text": " If there was somehow to make this somewhat shallow, like you can do on like a C300 or" }, { "start": 218.6, "end": 219.6, "text": " C100." }, { "start": 219.6, "end": 220.6, "text": " Oh, well that's the thing." }, { "start": 220.6, "end": 224.51999999999998, "text": " The only reason this is a problem is because like the phone's camera isn't that great." }, { "start": 224.51999999999998, "end": 225.51999999999998, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 225.51999999999998, "end": 230.04, "text": " You put this, you put this kind of stabilization technology into any like C100 or larger camera" }, { "start": 230.04, "end": 232.64, "text": " and you're going to get the same results, but a better camera." }, { "start": 232.64, "end": 233.64, "text": " I know." }, { "start": 233.64, "end": 234.64, "text": " And it's going to put me out of a job." }, { "start": 234.64, "end": 235.64, "text": " This is crazy." }, { "start": 235.64, "end": 239.48, "text": " This shot when I saw this, I was like, holy shit." }, { "start": 239.48, "end": 241.45999999999998, "text": " This technology is crazy." }, { "start": 241.45999999999998, "end": 246.72, "text": " So like I was shaking so much on this shot before it was like shaky as heck." }, { "start": 246.72, "end": 252.72, "text": " Yeah, I mean these kind of shots, you could do these classic like." }, { "start": 252.72, "end": 253.72, "text": " You look like a creep." }, { "start": 253.72, "end": 254.72, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 254.72, "end": 255.72, "text": " I don't know if I've seen this shot." }, { "start": 255.72, "end": 256.72, "text": " I don't think this was in the video." }, { "start": 256.72, "end": 257.72, "text": " Oh my God." }, { "start": 257.72, "end": 258.72, "text": " Are you kidding me?" }, { "start": 258.72, "end": 259.72, "text": " That's great." }, { "start": 259.72, "end": 260.72, "text": " That's great." }, { "start": 260.72, "end": 261.72, "text": " That's insane." }, { "start": 261.72, "end": 262.72, "text": " Oh yeah." }, { "start": 262.72, "end": 263.72, "text": " This is weird too." }, { "start": 263.72, "end": 267.4, "text": " Like if you shoot in a car or something, it's actually, it's stabilizing to like the earth" }, { "start": 267.4, "end": 269.72, "text": " and not necessarily like the taxi you're in." }, { "start": 269.72, "end": 271.72, "text": " So like the taxi jump like." }, { "start": 271.72, "end": 272.72, "text": " Whoa." }, { "start": 272.72, "end": 273.72, "text": " Jump around." }, { "start": 273.72, "end": 274.72, "text": " That's great." }, { "start": 274.72, "end": 275.72, "text": " The street stays stable." }, { "start": 275.72, "end": 277.72, "text": " So like that's a crazy effect." }, { "start": 277.72, "end": 282.36, "text": " You can do some, there's, because it's like a new kind of stabilization, there are lots" }, { "start": 282.36, "end": 285.72, "text": " of like weird quirks that we could, people could figure out." }, { "start": 285.72, "end": 288.92, "text": " Do you have any of the videos that you shot, the Havana?" }, { "start": 288.92, "end": 289.92, "text": " Oh no." }, { "start": 289.92, "end": 290.92, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 290.92, "end": 294.90000000000003, "text": " If you like, if you lock onto somebody's face, like get really close to them and focus on" }, { "start": 294.90000000000003, "end": 299.28000000000003, "text": " their face and then just like, just zoom in and out really fast, like with your arms," }, { "start": 299.28000000000003, "end": 300.28000000000003, "text": " just like pushing it out." }, { "start": 300.28000000000003, "end": 302, "text": " It looks really weird." }, { "start": 302, "end": 303.24, "text": " It's a, it's a weird thing." }, { "start": 303.24, "end": 304.72, "text": " I mean, maybe I'll put it in." }, { "start": 304.72, "end": 305.72, "text": " How's this going to go?" }, { "start": 305.72, "end": 306.72, "text": " I'll throw it in after this." }, { "start": 306.72, "end": 307.72, "text": " Oh yeah." }, { "start": 307.72, "end": 308.72, "text": " This is crazy." }, { "start": 308.72, "end": 311.12, "text": " So like I was running full speed here." }, { "start": 311.12, "end": 312.6, "text": " This is like the shaky version." }, { "start": 312.6, "end": 315.28000000000003, "text": " I was going full speed, one handed." }, { "start": 315.28000000000003, "end": 318.74, "text": " We don't have an alternate angle of how it was running, but I was running full speed" }, { "start": 318.74, "end": 321.24, "text": " on this and I think this is where you actually." }, { "start": 321.24, "end": 322.24, "text": " Oh my God." }, { "start": 322.24, "end": 323.84000000000003, "text": " I mean, it's not great." }, { "start": 323.84000000000003, "end": 324.84000000000003, "text": " You see it breaking down." }, { "start": 324.84000000000003, "end": 325.84000000000003, "text": " But there are moments where it's like passable." }, { "start": 325.84000000000003, "end": 326.84000000000003, "text": " Right there is a moment that's passable." }, { "start": 326.84000000000003, "end": 327.84000000000003, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 327.84000000000003, "end": 328.84000000000003, "text": " There's like a." }, { "start": 328.84000000000003, "end": 329.84000000000003, "text": " I'm not sure if I would still use it." }, { "start": 329.84000000000003, "end": 330.84000000000003, "text": " I wouldn't use it." }, { "start": 330.84000000000003, "end": 331.84000000000003, "text": " In one of our videos, but like." }, { "start": 331.84000000000003, "end": 332.84000000000003, "text": " Sure." }, { "start": 332.84000000000003, "end": 333.84000000000003, "text": " But like." }, { "start": 333.84, "end": 335.32, "text": " I mean, I'm a kid riding like a motorized unit." }, { "start": 335.32, "end": 336.32, "text": " Okay." }, { "start": 336.32, "end": 337.32, "text": " So here's like." }, { "start": 337.32, "end": 339.32, "text": " Well, if this is your kid riding a motorized unicycle, I'd question your parenting." }, { "start": 339.32, "end": 340.32, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 340.32, "end": 341.56, "text": " I mean, this is markedly better." }, { "start": 341.56, "end": 342.56, "text": " Oh yeah." }, { "start": 342.56, "end": 343.56, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 343.56, "end": 347, "text": " I think once you get to like high speeds and very shaky, you can't really use it." }, { "start": 347, "end": 351.35999999999996, "text": " Especially when you go to like one hand and you have to run the like tilting of your hand" }, { "start": 351.35999999999996, "end": 354.35999999999996, "text": " affects it so much more dramatically than a glidecam would." }, { "start": 354.35999999999996, "end": 355.35999999999996, "text": " Tom, was this you doing this?" }, { "start": 355.35999999999996, "end": 356.35999999999996, "text": " No, this is me." }, { "start": 356.35999999999996, "end": 357.35999999999996, "text": " No, this is me." }, { "start": 357.35999999999996, "end": 358.35999999999996, "text": " This is great." }, { "start": 358.35999999999996, "end": 361.71999999999997, "text": " Um, but yeah, then, then like, like kind of, it was kind of shaky." }, { "start": 361.71999999999997, "end": 363.32, "text": " I put warp stabilizer and it fixed it." }, { "start": 363.32, "end": 364.32, "text": " So like this." }, { "start": 364.32, "end": 368.36, "text": " Even like warp stabilizer gives it like this kind of surreal bend to the image, which I" }, { "start": 368.36, "end": 370.84, "text": " don't think hyperlapse is even doing like hyperlapse." }, { "start": 370.84, "end": 374.92, "text": " It does at times, but it's more like a sharp, like you'll notice that it feels like a sharp" }, { "start": 374.92, "end": 377.12, "text": " twitch rather than like the bending." }, { "start": 377.12, "end": 378.12, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 378.12, "end": 382.56, "text": " Like that might also have to do with that winning smile." }, { "start": 382.56, "end": 383.56, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 383.56, "end": 384.56, "text": " This is crazy too." }, { "start": 384.56, "end": 385.56, "text": " Like I'm." }, { "start": 385.56, "end": 387.48, "text": " Anyway, listen to this." }, { "start": 387.48, "end": 388.48, "text": " Go try this." }, { "start": 388.48, "end": 389.48, "text": " It's wild." }, { "start": 389.48, "end": 392, "text": " Just run really fast with it pointing at your face." }, { "start": 392, "end": 393, "text": " Wow." }, { "start": 393, "end": 395.92, "text": " That's the main thing in my mind." }, { "start": 395.92, "end": 401.72, "text": " I still don't know what it's doing because like my mind is so used to it having to track" }, { "start": 401.72, "end": 402.72, "text": " onto the image." }, { "start": 402.72, "end": 406, "text": " So I don't even know why it's doing it that way." }, { "start": 406, "end": 407.56, "text": " It's it just knows where it is." }, { "start": 407.56, "end": 412.6, "text": " Like imagine it re imagine the phone moving like shitty." }, { "start": 412.6, "end": 416.88, "text": " This is actually, you can see why like hyperlapse will never like solve all the problems." }, { "start": 416.88, "end": 420.44, "text": " And this one, because like, there's some weirdness on the fence here." }, { "start": 420.44, "end": 422.96, "text": " Watch when I, Tom asked me to like jump up and down." }, { "start": 422.96, "end": 425.4, "text": " It's a little bit, but it's now that's weird." }, { "start": 425.4, "end": 429, "text": " It's weird, but it's an effect I haven't seen before, which I think is really interesting" }, { "start": 429, "end": 430, "text": " about this." }, { "start": 430, "end": 434.15999999999997, "text": " Um, but like, Jimmy, just imagine like you see all these banks and stuff." }, { "start": 434.15999999999997, "end": 439.96, "text": " Just imagine that your phone knows how you, how you moved through the space, but then" }, { "start": 439.96, "end": 444.03999999999996, "text": " it goes back through it and sort of adds like, does the opposite move." }, { "start": 444.03999999999996, "end": 445.03999999999996, "text": " Right." }, { "start": 445.03999999999996, "end": 450.2, "text": " Like, um, have you ever in illustrator drawn like a crappy janky line and then there's like" }, { "start": 450.2, "end": 453.2, "text": " the thing that says like, smooth it all out." }, { "start": 453.2, "end": 456.03999999999996, "text": " Like it just smooths out your hand in space." }, { "start": 456.03999999999996, "end": 461.28, "text": " Like imagine it going back through the exact same shot, but smoothing out all of the points," }, { "start": 461.28, "end": 465.76, "text": " which is actually like a much easier thing to process than going through and analyzing" }, { "start": 465.76, "end": 466.76, "text": " the footage." }, { "start": 466.76, "end": 467.76, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 467.76, "end": 470.44, "text": " The speed, which is also amazing to me because of how long it takes to stabilize footage" }, { "start": 470.44, "end": 473.91999999999996, "text": " in premiere to how quick hyperlapse is able to do it." }, { "start": 473.91999999999996, "end": 475.84, "text": " I look, cause it doesn't have to do image processing." }, { "start": 475.84, "end": 478.36, "text": " It's just doing spatial taking the data that already exists." }, { "start": 478.36, "end": 483.28000000000003, "text": " We should look this up before we did this, but, uh, we've heard about a thing that goes" }, { "start": 483.28000000000003, "end": 489.24, "text": " into a little dongle that goes into like the hot shoe on a professional camera that would" }, { "start": 489.24, "end": 493.64, "text": " collect the same kind of data and then using software could correct, say for like one of" }, { "start": 493.64, "end": 495.76, "text": " our C100s or a 5D or something." }, { "start": 495.76, "end": 498.16, "text": " So that that's super interesting." }, { "start": 498.16, "end": 502.76, "text": " Somebody is making a device that is just like a gyroscope that would, I guess, have a third" }, { "start": 502.76, "end": 508.48, "text": " party app that you plug the data into and then your footage, and then it would do the" }, { "start": 508.48, "end": 509.48, "text": " smoothing this way." }, { "start": 509.48, "end": 510.48, "text": " This is wild." }, { "start": 510.48, "end": 511.48, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 511.48, "end": 512.48, "text": " This is like this." }, { "start": 512.48, "end": 513.48, "text": " I was on a bike." }, { "start": 513.48, "end": 514.48, "text": " I was riding really dangerously." }, { "start": 514.48, "end": 515.48, "text": " Oh, yeah." }, { "start": 515.48, "end": 516.48, "text": " But then anyway, that was crazy." }, { "start": 516.48, "end": 519.2, "text": " I was riding on a bike and shooting and it was really janky." }, { "start": 519.2, "end": 523.96, "text": " Here's like, I was like, here's like shitty like concert footage and like, you can see" }, { "start": 523.96, "end": 524.96, "text": " my hand is shaking." }, { "start": 524.96, "end": 529.96, "text": " I was doing like sort of a fake tracking move, like a fake jib move." }, { "start": 529.96, "end": 532.96, "text": " But it's pretty, it was pretty dark." }, { "start": 532.96, "end": 538.48, "text": " And you'll see like, there aren't a lot of, even for being this dark, I don't see much" }, { "start": 538.48, "end": 539.7800000000001, "text": " of the blurring." }, { "start": 539.7800000000001, "end": 541.84, "text": " You might see it every once in a while on the amp light." }, { "start": 541.84, "end": 545.2800000000001, "text": " You could see like it's sort of blurring, but it's pretty smooth guys." }, { "start": 545.2800000000001, "end": 550.4000000000001, "text": " I mean, the unfortunate thing though is that you're still using a phone's camera." }, { "start": 550.4000000000001, "end": 551.88, "text": " So yeah, that is the unfortunate thing." }, { "start": 551.88, "end": 555.48, "text": " Even though the motion looks great, the exposure just isn't good here." }, { "start": 555.48, "end": 556.48, "text": " Right." }, { "start": 556.48, "end": 557.76, "text": " And like, that's going to always be the problem." }, { "start": 557.76, "end": 562.8, "text": " But like, it's just, it to me is like the hope of this for the future is crazy good." }, { "start": 562.8, "end": 566.64, "text": " And like Jimmy said, it does feel like my job will get like taken away soon because" }, { "start": 566.64, "end": 568.84, "text": " all of a sudden this computer will take over what we do." }, { "start": 568.84, "end": 570.3199999999999, "text": " What if GoPro had this built in?" }, { "start": 570.3199999999999, "end": 572.3199999999999, "text": " Yeah, I mean, no joke." }, { "start": 572.3199999999999, "end": 576.52, "text": " We, I had the contact to somebody at GoPro and I was like, why aren't you guys doing" }, { "start": 576.52, "end": 577.52, "text": " this now?" }, { "start": 577.52, "end": 578.52, "text": " Like right now?" }, { "start": 578.52, "end": 582.28, "text": " Because that's been like the biggest problem with GoPro is that it's shaky." }, { "start": 582.28, "end": 585.2, "text": " And like, how hard would it be to put a gyroscope into the GoPro?" }, { "start": 585.2, "end": 586.2, "text": " Not hard." }, { "start": 586.2, "end": 588.6, "text": " It would be hard to be to put a gyroscope in any camera." }, { "start": 588.6, "end": 594.88, "text": " Like this, this technology is like the inevitable future of all cameras." }, { "start": 594.88, "end": 598.5600000000001, "text": " The stabilization the way we used to do it will still be around, but it'll be completely" }, { "start": 598.5600000000001, "end": 600.4000000000001, "text": " secondary to this kind of stabilization." }, { "start": 600.4000000000001, "end": 602.48, "text": " You can get away with so many more bumps." }, { "start": 602.48, "end": 604.72, "text": " Yeah, it's great." }, { "start": 604.72, "end": 609.2800000000001, "text": " Basically, well, I guess the other thing though is that you need to be rolling then at a resolution" }, { "start": 609.2800000000001, "end": 610.76, "text": " that's much higher than you need to do it." }, { "start": 610.76, "end": 615.76, "text": " Well, you need to be like, like the future of this is really, really high shutter speed." }, { "start": 615.76, "end": 618.2, "text": " This is a good example of bad warp stabilizer." }, { "start": 618.2, "end": 621.2, "text": " Yeah, warp stabilizer fucking up going in and out." }, { "start": 621.2, "end": 622.2, "text": " Like it's terrible." }, { "start": 622.2, "end": 626.96, "text": " Warp stabilizer is cool, but this is why warp stabilizer is going to die." }, { "start": 626.96, "end": 627.96, "text": " Stuff like that." }, { "start": 627.96, "end": 628.96, "text": " Well, all right." }, { "start": 628.96, "end": 629.96, "text": " I guess it's over." }, { "start": 629.96, "end": 630.96, "text": " That was an abrupt ending." }, { "start": 630.96, "end": 631.96, "text": " But thanks, Rhonda." }, { "start": 631.96, "end": 632.96, "text": " Yeah, Rhonda." }, { "start": 632.96, "end": 633.96, "text": " Thank you." }, { "start": 633.96, "end": 634.96, "text": " Thanks for watching." }, { "start": 634.96, "end": 635.96, "text": " See you later." }, { "start": 635.96, "end": 650.6, "text": " See you next." } ]
If you're recording video in 2014, it's more likely than not you're using a phone. You're literally just holding a rectangle up in front of your face. And in that position, you can't help but have a little handshake, especially when you're walking. We're humans. We're shaky. But there's a free app that can take your shaky footage and make it look something like a Terrence Malick film. Like a shot from the tree of life. Professional solutions to this shake problem have come in many forms. Tracks, jibs, cranes, crazy vests, and um... this. But those are all extremely expensive and also are you really going to attach your phone to a stabilization rig? Do you really want to be this guy? No app has made the Verge video team as happy as Hyperlapse. When Instagram released the app earlier this year, the focus was on these really cool time lapses. And don't get me wrong, those are very cool. But it has a second function that's just as interesting. Amazing stabilization that turns this into this. Shaky shot. Fixed. Got the jitters. And they're gone. This into this. Okay wow, this is crazy. If you just set the slider to 1x, it plays back your videos in real time with sounds, but perfectly stabilized. Basically the app captures 1080p video but only outputs a 720p file. Hyperlapse uses data from the phone's gyroscope along with the excess footage from around the frame and, well, math to remove all that extra wiggle. This is opposed to traditional stabilization techniques that analyze frames after the fact without the benefit of knowing how your hand was moving. We even tested it against our best Glidecam operator, Jimmy Shelton. This was shot with $10,000 worth of professional equipment and years of experience. And this? This was just a phone. Okay, here's some tips for the clean shots. Make sure you use focus and exposure lock if you can. This keeps it from flicking through different exposures, a dead giveaway on a phone, and it just looks bad. The effect works best in bright sunlight, as is the case with most photography. If you're too shaky in low light, you begin to see weird blurry throbs. It makes it seem like there's a glitch in the matrix. Actually, that could be kinda cool, in the right setting. And we're really just scratching the surface here. There's an even more advanced version of this technology being developed by Microsoft, for example, that recreates a 3D environment and reconstructs the video using different frames at different times. So now instead of having to use crazy, complex contraptions to get stable shots, we can just use our phones and crazy, complex math.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 7, "text": " If you're recording video in 2014, it's more likely than not you're using a phone." }, { "start": 7, "end": 10.32, "text": " You're literally just holding a rectangle up in front of your face." }, { "start": 10.32, "end": 14.6, "text": " And in that position, you can't help but have a little handshake, especially when you're" }, { "start": 14.6, "end": 15.6, "text": " walking." }, { "start": 15.6, "end": 16.6, "text": " We're humans." }, { "start": 16.6, "end": 17.6, "text": " We're shaky." }, { "start": 17.6, "end": 21.12, "text": " But there's a free app that can take your shaky footage and make it look something like" }, { "start": 21.12, "end": 22.12, "text": " a Terrence Malick film." }, { "start": 22.12, "end": 33.04, "text": " Like a shot from the tree of life." }, { "start": 33.04, "end": 36.120000000000005, "text": " Professional solutions to this shake problem have come in many forms." }, { "start": 36.120000000000005, "end": 41.72, "text": " Tracks, jibs, cranes, crazy vests, and um... this." }, { "start": 41.72, "end": 47.44, "text": " But those are all extremely expensive and also are you really going to attach your phone" }, { "start": 47.44, "end": 49.32, "text": " to a stabilization rig?" }, { "start": 49.32, "end": 51.84, "text": " Do you really want to be this guy?" }, { "start": 51.84, "end": 54.74, "text": " No app has made the Verge video team as happy as Hyperlapse." }, { "start": 54.74, "end": 58.480000000000004, "text": " When Instagram released the app earlier this year, the focus was on these really cool time" }, { "start": 58.480000000000004, "end": 59.480000000000004, "text": " lapses." }, { "start": 59.480000000000004, "end": 61.24, "text": " And don't get me wrong, those are very cool." }, { "start": 61.24, "end": 63.720000000000006, "text": " But it has a second function that's just as interesting." }, { "start": 63.720000000000006, "end": 69.88, "text": " Amazing stabilization that turns this into this." }, { "start": 69.88, "end": 70.88, "text": " Shaky shot." }, { "start": 70.88, "end": 71.88, "text": " Fixed." }, { "start": 71.88, "end": 75.4, "text": " Got the jitters." }, { "start": 75.4, "end": 77.4, "text": " And they're gone." }, { "start": 77.4, "end": 80.16, "text": " This into this." }, { "start": 80.16, "end": 83.32, "text": " Okay wow, this is crazy." }, { "start": 83.32, "end": 89.8, "text": " If you just set the slider to 1x, it plays back your videos in real time with sounds," }, { "start": 89.8, "end": 92.92, "text": " but perfectly stabilized." }, { "start": 92.92, "end": 97.52, "text": " Basically the app captures 1080p video but only outputs a 720p file." }, { "start": 97.52, "end": 100.56, "text": " Hyperlapse uses data from the phone's gyroscope along with the excess footage from around" }, { "start": 100.56, "end": 104.78, "text": " the frame and, well, math to remove all that extra wiggle." }, { "start": 104.78, "end": 109.08, "text": " This is opposed to traditional stabilization techniques that analyze frames after the fact" }, { "start": 109.08, "end": 112.96, "text": " without the benefit of knowing how your hand was moving." }, { "start": 112.96, "end": 117.46, "text": " We even tested it against our best Glidecam operator, Jimmy Shelton." }, { "start": 117.46, "end": 122.28, "text": " This was shot with $10,000 worth of professional equipment and years of experience." }, { "start": 122.28, "end": 123.28, "text": " And this?" }, { "start": 123.28, "end": 126.28, "text": " This was just a phone." }, { "start": 126.28, "end": 130.16, "text": " Okay, here's some tips for the clean shots." }, { "start": 130.16, "end": 132.56, "text": " Make sure you use focus and exposure lock if you can." }, { "start": 132.56, "end": 136.76, "text": " This keeps it from flicking through different exposures, a dead giveaway on a phone, and" }, { "start": 136.76, "end": 138.4, "text": " it just looks bad." }, { "start": 138.4, "end": 141.56, "text": " The effect works best in bright sunlight, as is the case with most photography." }, { "start": 141.56, "end": 145.48000000000002, "text": " If you're too shaky in low light, you begin to see weird blurry throbs." }, { "start": 145.48000000000002, "end": 147.92000000000002, "text": " It makes it seem like there's a glitch in the matrix." }, { "start": 147.92000000000002, "end": 151.68, "text": " Actually, that could be kinda cool, in the right setting." }, { "start": 151.68, "end": 153.64000000000001, "text": " And we're really just scratching the surface here." }, { "start": 153.64000000000001, "end": 157.4, "text": " There's an even more advanced version of this technology being developed by Microsoft, for" }, { "start": 157.4, "end": 162.06, "text": " example, that recreates a 3D environment and reconstructs the video using different frames" }, { "start": 162.06, "end": 163.92000000000002, "text": " at different times." }, { "start": 163.92000000000002, "end": 168.08, "text": " So now instead of having to use crazy, complex contraptions to get stable shots, we can just" }, { "start": 168.08, "end": 173.48000000000002, "text": " use our phones and crazy, complex math." } ]
I'd be afraid to go with the cops. So about 15 seconds out clear. He puts that red wand up in the air at that point. Once again I would press your head against that rear headrest. Thank you. We're going to get about 3.6 in this car. I like it. I like it a lot. Yeah, it's spectacular. It really is. These engineers are wizards, they really are. So we're going into autopilot mode now. So much like cruise control, just going to turn it on. At that point my hands are off the wheel, my foot's off the accelerator, off the brake. The top camera is going to read that 30 mile per hour sign. It's going to adjust the speed while navigating through the lane course. Once again, not touching a thing. The car's driving itself. So that bottom camera is reviewing the lines, top camera is reading signs. It's going to read that 25 mile per hour sign. Once it straightens out, she's going to slow down automatically. I'm going to press the blinker. She's going to initiate a lane change automatically, all by herself. And the Model S now she'll react to traffic conditions. So it's going to sense the car up ahead, start slowing down, and once again, not touching anything. She'll come to a complete stop by herself. It's amazing. That's it. Truly amazing. Put your foot in the brake, disengages it just like cruise control, and you're back to driving yourself. Wow. Really? That's a lot of speed. Really?
[ { "start": 0, "end": 6.92, "text": " I'd be afraid to go with the cops." }, { "start": 6.92, "end": 9.88, "text": " So about 15 seconds out clear." }, { "start": 9.88, "end": 11.6, "text": " He puts that red wand up in the air at that point." }, { "start": 11.6, "end": 13.4, "text": " Once again I would press your head against that rear headrest." }, { "start": 13.4, "end": 14.4, "text": " Thank you." }, { "start": 14.4, "end": 30.68, "text": " We're going to get about 3.6 in this car." }, { "start": 30.68, "end": 31.68, "text": " I like it." }, { "start": 31.68, "end": 32.68, "text": " I like it a lot." }, { "start": 32.68, "end": 33.68, "text": " Yeah, it's spectacular." }, { "start": 33.68, "end": 34.68, "text": " It really is." }, { "start": 34.68, "end": 35.68, "text": " These engineers are wizards, they really are." }, { "start": 35.68, "end": 37.52, "text": " So we're going into autopilot mode now." }, { "start": 37.52, "end": 39.84, "text": " So much like cruise control, just going to turn it on." }, { "start": 39.84, "end": 43.88, "text": " At that point my hands are off the wheel, my foot's off the accelerator, off the brake." }, { "start": 43.88, "end": 46.96, "text": " The top camera is going to read that 30 mile per hour sign." }, { "start": 46.96, "end": 49.96, "text": " It's going to adjust the speed while navigating through the lane course." }, { "start": 49.96, "end": 51.440000000000005, "text": " Once again, not touching a thing." }, { "start": 51.440000000000005, "end": 53.36, "text": " The car's driving itself." }, { "start": 53.36, "end": 56.88, "text": " So that bottom camera is reviewing the lines, top camera is reading signs." }, { "start": 56.88, "end": 59.64, "text": " It's going to read that 25 mile per hour sign." }, { "start": 59.64, "end": 61.64, "text": " Once it straightens out, she's going to slow down automatically." }, { "start": 61.64, "end": 63.2, "text": " I'm going to press the blinker." }, { "start": 63.2, "end": 65.80000000000001, "text": " She's going to initiate a lane change automatically, all by herself." }, { "start": 65.80000000000001, "end": 68.48, "text": " And the Model S now she'll react to traffic conditions." }, { "start": 68.48, "end": 72.08, "text": " So it's going to sense the car up ahead, start slowing down, and once again, not touching" }, { "start": 72.08, "end": 73.08, "text": " anything." }, { "start": 73.08, "end": 74.08, "text": " She'll come to a complete stop by herself." }, { "start": 74.08, "end": 75.08, "text": " It's amazing." }, { "start": 75.08, "end": 76.08, "text": " That's it." }, { "start": 76.08, "end": 77.08, "text": " Truly amazing." }, { "start": 77.08, "end": 80.6, "text": " Put your foot in the brake, disengages it just like cruise control, and you're back" }, { "start": 80.6, "end": 82.36, "text": " to driving yourself." }, { "start": 82.36, "end": 83.36, "text": " Wow." }, { "start": 83.36, "end": 84.36, "text": " Really?" }, { "start": 84.36, "end": 89.36, "text": " That's a lot of speed." }, { "start": 89.36, "end": 104.4, "text": " Really?" } ]
Hey, this is Jake with The Verge and this is the Xperia Z3V. This is a new variant of the Xperia Z3 that's been designed for Verizon. There are some small design changes. Most notably you'll see the sides are no longer all metal. It's sort of a soft touch plastic with instead a metal band along each side. It's still a really nice design though. It feels really nice. Same 5.2 inch display. The battery is very slightly larger in this model at 3200 milliamp hours. It's still supposed to last over a day which is one of the defining features of the Z3. The really big change for the Verizon model is that it now supports Qi wireless charging which will make it really easy to charge this thing. Otherwise this is basically the Z3 that you already know and that includes the fact that it's waterproof and that it can stream PS4 games as long as you're in your home. Separately Sony is selling a mount that allows you to attach this phone to a PS4 controller. There's no technology in it. It's literally just a suction cup that you stick it onto. Sony doesn't have anything to say about the Z3 Compact coming to Verizon but for now the Z3 V is going to be available on October 23rd for $199.99 on a two year contract. It will be available in black and white.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 5.32, "text": " Hey, this is Jake with The Verge and this is the Xperia Z3V." }, { "start": 5.32, "end": 10.86, "text": " This is a new variant of the Xperia Z3 that's been designed for Verizon." }, { "start": 10.86, "end": 13.040000000000001, "text": " There are some small design changes." }, { "start": 13.040000000000001, "end": 15.84, "text": " Most notably you'll see the sides are no longer all metal." }, { "start": 15.84, "end": 22.02, "text": " It's sort of a soft touch plastic with instead a metal band along each side." }, { "start": 22.02, "end": 23.68, "text": " It's still a really nice design though." }, { "start": 23.68, "end": 25.6, "text": " It feels really nice." }, { "start": 25.6, "end": 28.04, "text": " Same 5.2 inch display." }, { "start": 28.04, "end": 31.2, "text": " The battery is very slightly larger in this model at 3200 milliamp hours." }, { "start": 31.2, "end": 35.56, "text": " It's still supposed to last over a day which is one of the defining features of the Z3." }, { "start": 35.56, "end": 39.74, "text": " The really big change for the Verizon model is that it now supports Qi wireless charging" }, { "start": 39.74, "end": 42.6, "text": " which will make it really easy to charge this thing." }, { "start": 42.6, "end": 45.76, "text": " Otherwise this is basically the Z3 that you already know and that includes the fact that" }, { "start": 45.76, "end": 49.8, "text": " it's waterproof and that it can stream PS4 games as long as you're in your home." }, { "start": 49.8, "end": 54.96, "text": " Separately Sony is selling a mount that allows you to attach this phone to a PS4 controller." }, { "start": 54.96, "end": 55.96, "text": " There's no technology in it." }, { "start": 55.96, "end": 58.28, "text": " It's literally just a suction cup that you stick it onto." }, { "start": 58.28, "end": 63.24, "text": " Sony doesn't have anything to say about the Z3 Compact coming to Verizon but for now the" }, { "start": 63.24, "end": 68.48, "text": " Z3 V is going to be available on October 23rd for $199.99 on a two year contract." }, { "start": 68.48, "end": 87.64, "text": " It will be available in black and white." } ]
Remember what they did with the dinosaur DNA in Jurassic Park? They like found it in a tree, sewed it all up, rebooted the dinosaurs from scratch, and then they had Nylonded dinosaurs that killed everybody. It turns out the basic theory behind that methodology is actually totally sound. It's just a question of whether we can make it work. They didn't really mention this in the movie, but the problem with dinosaurs is that their DNA is really old. You'd never be able to find a good sample. Mammoths on the other hand, people are a little more optimistic about. We've had mammoth fossils for a while, and we've actually got mammoth hair, mammoth protein, we know lots about them. But the DNA samples are pretty broken up from all those years inside of that layer of permafrost. If you look hard enough though, you can get a sense of how they all fit together. It's also pretty convenient that a mammoth's DNA is 99% the same as an African elephant. So we actually have a pretty good roadmap of how to build this thing. We can start with the elephant DNA, and we'll all just plug in the mammoth DNA wherever it looks different. So we've got the DNA, we put the DNA in an elephant egg, put the egg in an elephant, add some sperm, and then there's your mammoth. This sounds crazy, but people get really excited about this idea. Picture somebody who's studied mammoths for their whole life. Like what do they eat, how do they move, how do they smell? Now you're actually standing next to a mammoth. It's got the tusks, the hair, it smells pretty terrible actually, it's real. We brought it back, we're the coolest dudes in the universe. But then your scientist buddy says, wait, that's not actually a mammoth. That, my friend, is a genetically engineered elephant. You just messed with its DNA so it would look like a mammoth. The other problem is that she's lived her whole life in a lab or a zoo, so she can't actually teach you how mammoths behave in the wild. If you want to do an actual de-extinction, yes that's a word, you've got to go for the whole package. You need a real mammoth habitat with a bunch of actual mammoths that are all like having a mammoth party. And then there's genetic diversity so that they can actually breed with each other and create a real mammoth community. It's hard enough to arrange all that for endangered species that are still around today. We just can't do all that for mammoths. But maybe we could do it for other animals that are much easier to take care of. There's a group right now trying to bring back passenger pigeons, building aviaries in state forests where they could live. They want to train them with real homing pigeons and gradually reintroduce them back into the wild. It's kind of a long shot, but with enough time and enough science, they actually have a chance of making it happen. If they do, it'll be the first time in human history that we brought a whole species back from the dead. Then we can focus on the mammoths.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 7.72, "text": " Remember what they did with the dinosaur DNA in Jurassic Park?" }, { "start": 7.72, "end": 12.76, "text": " They like found it in a tree, sewed it all up, rebooted the dinosaurs from scratch, and" }, { "start": 12.76, "end": 16.88, "text": " then they had Nylonded dinosaurs that killed everybody." }, { "start": 16.88, "end": 21.48, "text": " It turns out the basic theory behind that methodology is actually totally sound." }, { "start": 21.48, "end": 24.560000000000002, "text": " It's just a question of whether we can make it work." }, { "start": 24.560000000000002, "end": 27.44, "text": " They didn't really mention this in the movie, but the problem with dinosaurs is that their" }, { "start": 27.44, "end": 29.68, "text": " DNA is really old." }, { "start": 29.68, "end": 31.88, "text": " You'd never be able to find a good sample." }, { "start": 31.88, "end": 34.88, "text": " Mammoths on the other hand, people are a little more optimistic about." }, { "start": 34.88, "end": 38.72, "text": " We've had mammoth fossils for a while, and we've actually got mammoth hair, mammoth protein," }, { "start": 38.72, "end": 40.1, "text": " we know lots about them." }, { "start": 40.1, "end": 44.480000000000004, "text": " But the DNA samples are pretty broken up from all those years inside of that layer of permafrost." }, { "start": 44.480000000000004, "end": 49, "text": " If you look hard enough though, you can get a sense of how they all fit together." }, { "start": 49, "end": 54.24, "text": " It's also pretty convenient that a mammoth's DNA is 99% the same as an African elephant." }, { "start": 54.24, "end": 57.519999999999996, "text": " So we actually have a pretty good roadmap of how to build this thing." }, { "start": 57.52, "end": 61.040000000000006, "text": " We can start with the elephant DNA, and we'll all just plug in the mammoth DNA wherever" }, { "start": 61.040000000000006, "end": 62.040000000000006, "text": " it looks different." }, { "start": 62.040000000000006, "end": 66.08, "text": " So we've got the DNA, we put the DNA in an elephant egg, put the egg in an elephant, add" }, { "start": 66.08, "end": 68.34, "text": " some sperm, and then there's your mammoth." }, { "start": 68.34, "end": 71.68, "text": " This sounds crazy, but people get really excited about this idea." }, { "start": 71.68, "end": 74.52000000000001, "text": " Picture somebody who's studied mammoths for their whole life." }, { "start": 74.52000000000001, "end": 77.4, "text": " Like what do they eat, how do they move, how do they smell?" }, { "start": 77.4, "end": 79.48, "text": " Now you're actually standing next to a mammoth." }, { "start": 79.48, "end": 83, "text": " It's got the tusks, the hair, it smells pretty terrible actually, it's real." }, { "start": 83, "end": 86.12, "text": " We brought it back, we're the coolest dudes in the universe." }, { "start": 86.12, "end": 90.16000000000001, "text": " But then your scientist buddy says, wait, that's not actually a mammoth." }, { "start": 90.16000000000001, "end": 93.12, "text": " That, my friend, is a genetically engineered elephant." }, { "start": 93.12, "end": 96.64, "text": " You just messed with its DNA so it would look like a mammoth." }, { "start": 96.64, "end": 100.16000000000001, "text": " The other problem is that she's lived her whole life in a lab or a zoo, so she can't" }, { "start": 100.16000000000001, "end": 103.08000000000001, "text": " actually teach you how mammoths behave in the wild." }, { "start": 103.08000000000001, "end": 107.02000000000001, "text": " If you want to do an actual de-extinction, yes that's a word, you've got to go for the" }, { "start": 107.02000000000001, "end": 108.02000000000001, "text": " whole package." }, { "start": 108.02000000000001, "end": 111.68, "text": " You need a real mammoth habitat with a bunch of actual mammoths that are all like having" }, { "start": 111.68, "end": 112.68, "text": " a mammoth party." }, { "start": 112.68, "end": 117.08000000000001, "text": " And then there's genetic diversity so that they can actually breed with each other and" }, { "start": 117.08000000000001, "end": 119.88000000000001, "text": " create a real mammoth community." }, { "start": 119.88000000000001, "end": 124.76, "text": " It's hard enough to arrange all that for endangered species that are still around today." }, { "start": 124.76, "end": 127.08000000000001, "text": " We just can't do all that for mammoths." }, { "start": 127.08000000000001, "end": 131.12, "text": " But maybe we could do it for other animals that are much easier to take care of." }, { "start": 131.12, "end": 134.4, "text": " There's a group right now trying to bring back passenger pigeons, building aviaries in" }, { "start": 134.4, "end": 136.48000000000002, "text": " state forests where they could live." }, { "start": 136.48000000000002, "end": 140.32, "text": " They want to train them with real homing pigeons and gradually reintroduce them back into the" }, { "start": 140.32, "end": 141.62, "text": " wild." }, { "start": 141.62, "end": 145.16, "text": " It's kind of a long shot, but with enough time and enough science, they actually have" }, { "start": 145.16, "end": 146.88, "text": " a chance of making it happen." }, { "start": 146.88, "end": 150.68, "text": " If they do, it'll be the first time in human history that we brought a whole species back" }, { "start": 150.68, "end": 153.06, "text": " from the dead." }, { "start": 153.06, "end": 172.2, "text": " Then we can focus on the mammoths." } ]
We think a lot about the future. Of course, you don't know what's going to happen in the future. That's why it's the future. So you end up with a lot of questions. Are we going to make it to Mars? Is that really going to happen? Are we all going to be hanging out with mammoths and supercharging our brains? What are we going to eat? How are we going to live? I don't know. I mean, we'll find out together. Whatever happens, big things are coming in the next hundred years.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 5, "text": " We think a lot about the future. Of course, you don't know what's going to happen in the future." }, { "start": 5, "end": 8, "text": " That's why it's the future. So you end up with a lot of questions." }, { "start": 8, "end": 11, "text": " Are we going to make it to Mars? Is that really going to happen?" }, { "start": 11, "end": 15, "text": " Are we all going to be hanging out with mammoths and supercharging our brains?" }, { "start": 15, "end": 18, "text": " What are we going to eat? How are we going to live?" }, { "start": 18, "end": 20, "text": " I don't know. I mean, we'll find out together." }, { "start": 20, "end": 30, "text": " Whatever happens, big things are coming in the next hundred years." } ]
Portland's biking infrastructure is widely emulated. With 300 miles of bike lanes, the city is carefully laid out for cyclists. But the lack of bike data stands in the way of perfection. So the Oregon Department of Transportation recently collaborated with Strava, a popular biking app, in an attempt to make the city better and safer for cyclists. Going through many meetings through the Oregon Department of Transportation and sitting in meetings, we were having conversations of, well, what is the level of service for bicycles and what is the level of service for pedestrians? We really just don't have any good data for that. It's very hard to plan for a multimodal agency when you lack bike data. So with that problem in mind and going to meetings, I was joining a ride with friends and I realized that everyone was pulling out their cell phones before the ride and using an app. And there's a couple different apps there, but in particular, an app that's popular in Portland is called Strava. Strava is a software company based in San Francisco. We developed mobile apps and a website for cyclists, runners, endurance athletes to track their workouts, have a social experience, get motivated and hopefully help make people enjoy cycling and running more. So all of a sudden I thought to myself, well, where is that data going? All these people are recording their rides. Why can't we use that data? From two points of view, we recognized there was a need here. There was an opportunity to work together with Oregon to try to build that the Strava data set for this purpose. It's really interesting to use Strava data, but I think that I would push ODOT to try to actually look at who's biking and where the demand for bicycling is rather than where the existing people who are kind of tapped into the system already are. I mean, I think ODOT has a lot of resources at its disposal, but it also, it's like the people who work at ODOT are not necessarily going to be attuned to the needs of people who live along Southeast Howell today or who need to cross it every day or who would ride a bike except that that street is impassable. It's like a wall. Bicycles are increasingly visible in Portland. Since 2001, overall bike traffic is up 211%. In recent years, over 300 miles of bike lanes have been laid out across the city to encourage cyclists. Hawthorne Bridge, one of the many bike-friendly bridges in the city, supports an average of 1.7 million bike trips a year. With buying this data, we are unable to control sample bias. There's a certain amount of users that use Strava. They may not be a complete subset of the population. So knowing that, we had to kind of work out those issues internally and both with my peers and colleagues to say we recognize that the sample size may not be perfect, but don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. This is a lot of good data. I think there's a bike movement happening around the country and even around the world. It takes on a bunch of different forms, but there is a rising tide right now for bicycle transportation to become a real normal part of daily life in a lot of communities. And one thing that I've been seeing happen is that Portland is a model of that, and I wish that we would do it better because I see other people copying this model and achieving the same benefits as we have, but also making the same mistakes as we have. And one of the mistakes that we've made in Portland is we've really left out large parts of the population. Unfortunately, that's often correlated to class and race. So let's take that debate, let's hear the both sides of that debate right now. So the people who are on the side of Strava data is not representative are guessing that we have mostly elite cyclists who tend to go out for pleasure rides or go out for training rides, not commuters inside Strava. That's a myth, first of all. So when we look at the data in metro regions, about 50 percent of the activities that are uploaded to Strava are commutes. So Strava is being used by commuters. There's another argument because we charge for our service, it's not affordable by people with less economic means. And that again is a myth. Our service is free. You can upgrade to premium if you choose to, but it's not required to participate in Strava. You can be on free as long as you like. I think that big data is really something that public agencies need to embrace, and it's new to all of us because again we can't control the data set, but big data or app data is the future. There's so many people using apps, there's so many people using phones, so we have to continue to be innovative and think outside of the box and reach out to all of these app companies and start forming these partnerships. We both can benefit from learning from each other and sharing the data if we figure out the right partnerships and the right agreements to move forward and build better cities and better places to travel.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 16.04, "text": " Portland's biking infrastructure is widely emulated. With 300 miles of bike lanes, the" }, { "start": 16.04, "end": 21.32, "text": " city is carefully laid out for cyclists. But the lack of bike data stands in the way of" }, { "start": 21.32, "end": 26.44, "text": " perfection. So the Oregon Department of Transportation recently collaborated with Strava, a popular" }, { "start": 26.44, "end": 36.28, "text": " biking app, in an attempt to make the city better and safer for cyclists. Going through" }, { "start": 36.28, "end": 40.32, "text": " many meetings through the Oregon Department of Transportation and sitting in meetings," }, { "start": 40.32, "end": 45.2, "text": " we were having conversations of, well, what is the level of service for bicycles and what" }, { "start": 45.2, "end": 51.08, "text": " is the level of service for pedestrians? We really just don't have any good data for that." }, { "start": 51.08, "end": 57.36, "text": " It's very hard to plan for a multimodal agency when you lack bike data. So with that problem" }, { "start": 57.36, "end": 62.56, "text": " in mind and going to meetings, I was joining a ride with friends and I realized that everyone" }, { "start": 62.56, "end": 68.68, "text": " was pulling out their cell phones before the ride and using an app. And there's a couple" }, { "start": 68.68, "end": 73.88, "text": " different apps there, but in particular, an app that's popular in Portland is called Strava." }, { "start": 73.88, "end": 79.16, "text": " Strava is a software company based in San Francisco. We developed mobile apps and a" }, { "start": 79.16, "end": 86, "text": " website for cyclists, runners, endurance athletes to track their workouts, have a social experience," }, { "start": 86, "end": 91.64, "text": " get motivated and hopefully help make people enjoy cycling and running more. So all of" }, { "start": 91.64, "end": 96.16, "text": " a sudden I thought to myself, well, where is that data going? All these people are recording" }, { "start": 96.16, "end": 101.08, "text": " their rides. Why can't we use that data? From two points of view, we recognized there was" }, { "start": 101.08, "end": 106.36, "text": " a need here. There was an opportunity to work together with Oregon to try to build that" }, { "start": 106.36, "end": 112.32, "text": " the Strava data set for this purpose. It's really interesting to use Strava data, but" }, { "start": 112.32, "end": 120.48, "text": " I think that I would push ODOT to try to actually look at who's biking and where the demand" }, { "start": 120.48, "end": 124.6, "text": " for bicycling is rather than where the existing people who are kind of tapped into the system" }, { "start": 124.6, "end": 129.6, "text": " already are. I mean, I think ODOT has a lot of resources at its disposal, but it also," }, { "start": 129.6, "end": 133.76, "text": " it's like the people who work at ODOT are not necessarily going to be attuned to the" }, { "start": 133.76, "end": 139.2, "text": " needs of people who live along Southeast Howell today or who need to cross it every day or" }, { "start": 139.2, "end": 144, "text": " who would ride a bike except that that street is impassable. It's like a wall. Bicycles" }, { "start": 144, "end": 150.85999999999999, "text": " are increasingly visible in Portland. Since 2001, overall bike traffic is up 211%. In" }, { "start": 150.85999999999999, "end": 155.88, "text": " recent years, over 300 miles of bike lanes have been laid out across the city to encourage" }, { "start": 155.88, "end": 161.12, "text": " cyclists. Hawthorne Bridge, one of the many bike-friendly bridges in the city, supports" }, { "start": 161.12, "end": 166.44, "text": " an average of 1.7 million bike trips a year. With buying this data, we are unable to control" }, { "start": 166.44, "end": 171.88, "text": " sample bias. There's a certain amount of users that use Strava. They may not be a complete" }, { "start": 171.88, "end": 179.16, "text": " subset of the population. So knowing that, we had to kind of work out those issues internally" }, { "start": 179.16, "end": 183.44, "text": " and both with my peers and colleagues to say we recognize that the sample size may not" }, { "start": 183.44, "end": 193.4, "text": " be perfect, but don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. This is a lot of good data." }, { "start": 193.4, "end": 197.96, "text": " I think there's a bike movement happening around the country and even around the world." }, { "start": 197.96, "end": 204.84, "text": " It takes on a bunch of different forms, but there is a rising tide right now for bicycle" }, { "start": 204.84, "end": 210.52, "text": " transportation to become a real normal part of daily life in a lot of communities. And" }, { "start": 210.52, "end": 216.36, "text": " one thing that I've been seeing happen is that Portland is a model of that, and I wish" }, { "start": 216.36, "end": 221, "text": " that we would do it better because I see other people copying this model and achieving the" }, { "start": 221, "end": 224.56, "text": " same benefits as we have, but also making the same mistakes as we have. And one of the" }, { "start": 224.56, "end": 230.44, "text": " mistakes that we've made in Portland is we've really left out large parts of the population." }, { "start": 230.44, "end": 234.66000000000003, "text": " Unfortunately, that's often correlated to class and race." }, { "start": 234.66000000000003, "end": 239.60000000000002, "text": " So let's take that debate, let's hear the both sides of that debate right now. So the" }, { "start": 239.6, "end": 247.12, "text": " people who are on the side of Strava data is not representative are guessing that we" }, { "start": 247.12, "end": 251.64, "text": " have mostly elite cyclists who tend to go out for pleasure rides or go out for training" }, { "start": 251.64, "end": 256.6, "text": " rides, not commuters inside Strava. That's a myth, first of all. So when we look at the" }, { "start": 256.6, "end": 261.36, "text": " data in metro regions, about 50 percent of the activities that are uploaded to Strava" }, { "start": 261.36, "end": 266.62, "text": " are commutes. So Strava is being used by commuters. There's another argument because we charge" }, { "start": 266.62, "end": 272.68, "text": " for our service, it's not affordable by people with less economic means. And that again is" }, { "start": 272.68, "end": 278.6, "text": " a myth. Our service is free. You can upgrade to premium if you choose to, but it's not" }, { "start": 278.6, "end": 283.04, "text": " required to participate in Strava. You can be on free as long as you like." }, { "start": 283.04, "end": 291.68, "text": " I think that big data is really something that public agencies need to embrace, and" }, { "start": 291.68, "end": 298.36, "text": " it's new to all of us because again we can't control the data set, but big data or app" }, { "start": 298.36, "end": 303, "text": " data is the future. There's so many people using apps, there's so many people using" }, { "start": 303, "end": 308.76, "text": " phones, so we have to continue to be innovative and think outside of the box and reach out" }, { "start": 308.76, "end": 314.6, "text": " to all of these app companies and start forming these partnerships. We both can benefit from" }, { "start": 314.6, "end": 319.4, "text": " learning from each other and sharing the data if we figure out the right partnerships and" }, { "start": 319.4, "end": 324.84, "text": " the right agreements to move forward and build better cities and better places to travel." } ]
Unicycles have long been the go-to vehicle for clowns, thrill seekers, and that weird kid from my dorm freshman year of college. And today, none of that changes. So this is the SVU, the self-balancing unicycle, by a company called Focus Designs. It is an electric unicycle that has an accelerometer in it, very similar to how a Segway works. It's a pretty nice design, it's got two pegs for your feet that just sort of fold out. It's got the power button, and it has a lock here so you can lock it and when you turn on the power button it won't turn on. And it's got its charging port. The seat is replaceable, which is nice, and the seat that the SVU comes with is not at all comfortable. I've been riding this thing for about a week and I am definitely sore. So once you learn how to ride this thing, it's actually really simple. Just put the pegs down, you turn it on, you get on and you just lean, and hold your balance, and yeah, that's basically it. And the more you lean forward, obviously the faster you're going to go. And we're actually going uphill right now. And the way I learned to do it is you just sort of throw your hands around to keep the balance going. And like I said, you just lean forward and you really just take off. It goes 12 and a half miles an hour, and it lasts probably like 6 to 10 miles depending on how many hills you're climbing. The one thing I'll say though is that lots and lots of people just sort of give you a double take. I've had lots of interactions with strangers asking questions about it. So in that aspect, it's pretty cool. It costs $1,800, which is pretty expensive for a toy like this. But if you have $1,800 lying around to spend on something cool, this is definitely something cool to buy. I was just messing with this thing and the seat was off, right? And I turned it on and noticed that when you – that happens. Can't really explain what that is. I think it's the unicycle trying to compensate itself and it gets in an endless feedback loop. And will just go harder and harder each way until it gets off the ground and stops. It weighs 26 pounds, which is extremely heavy for a thing like this. I mean, carrying it up the subway stairs definitely is tiring. Carrying it back up to my apartment is also pretty tiring. It's obviously not as sleek as just something like a skateboard. And it's not nearly as light as a skateboard either. This thing will definitely power you through the city.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 8, "text": " Unicycles have long been the go-to vehicle for clowns, thrill seekers, and that weird kid from my dorm freshman year of college." }, { "start": 8, "end": 12, "text": " And today, none of that changes." }, { "start": 20, "end": 26, "text": " So this is the SVU, the self-balancing unicycle, by a company called Focus Designs." }, { "start": 26, "end": 32, "text": " It is an electric unicycle that has an accelerometer in it, very similar to how a Segway works." }, { "start": 35, "end": 39, "text": " It's a pretty nice design, it's got two pegs for your feet that just sort of fold out." }, { "start": 39, "end": 46, "text": " It's got the power button, and it has a lock here so you can lock it and when you turn on the power button it won't turn on." }, { "start": 46, "end": 48, "text": " And it's got its charging port." }, { "start": 48, "end": 54, "text": " The seat is replaceable, which is nice, and the seat that the SVU comes with is not at all comfortable." }, { "start": 54, "end": 57, "text": " I've been riding this thing for about a week and I am definitely sore." }, { "start": 57, "end": 60, "text": " So once you learn how to ride this thing, it's actually really simple." }, { "start": 60, "end": 72, "text": " Just put the pegs down, you turn it on, you get on and you just lean, and hold your balance, and yeah, that's basically it." }, { "start": 72, "end": 75, "text": " And the more you lean forward, obviously the faster you're going to go." }, { "start": 75, "end": 77, "text": " And we're actually going uphill right now." }, { "start": 77, "end": 84, "text": " And the way I learned to do it is you just sort of throw your hands around to keep the balance going." }, { "start": 84, "end": 88, "text": " And like I said, you just lean forward and you really just take off." }, { "start": 88, "end": 96, "text": " It goes 12 and a half miles an hour, and it lasts probably like 6 to 10 miles depending on how many hills you're climbing." }, { "start": 96, "end": 102, "text": " The one thing I'll say though is that lots and lots of people just sort of give you a double take." }, { "start": 102, "end": 105, "text": " I've had lots of interactions with strangers asking questions about it." }, { "start": 105, "end": 107, "text": " So in that aspect, it's pretty cool." }, { "start": 107, "end": 112, "text": " It costs $1,800, which is pretty expensive for a toy like this." }, { "start": 112, "end": 118, "text": " But if you have $1,800 lying around to spend on something cool, this is definitely something cool to buy." }, { "start": 118, "end": 124, "text": " I was just messing with this thing and the seat was off, right?" }, { "start": 124, "end": 134, "text": " And I turned it on and noticed that when you – that happens." }, { "start": 134, "end": 136, "text": " Can't really explain what that is." }, { "start": 136, "end": 140, "text": " I think it's the unicycle trying to compensate itself and it gets in an endless feedback loop." }, { "start": 140, "end": 145, "text": " And will just go harder and harder each way until it gets off the ground and stops." }, { "start": 145, "end": 150, "text": " It weighs 26 pounds, which is extremely heavy for a thing like this." }, { "start": 150, "end": 153, "text": " I mean, carrying it up the subway stairs definitely is tiring." }, { "start": 153, "end": 155, "text": " Carrying it back up to my apartment is also pretty tiring." }, { "start": 155, "end": 158, "text": " It's obviously not as sleek as just something like a skateboard." }, { "start": 158, "end": 160, "text": " And it's not nearly as light as a skateboard either." }, { "start": 160, "end": 164, "text": " This thing will definitely power you through the city." } ]
There is a rising tide right now for bicycle transportation to become a real normal part of daily life. Straddle is a software company based in San Francisco and we develop mobile apps and a website for cyclists, runners, endurance athletes to track their workouts. We both can benefit from learning from each other and sharing the data if we figure out the right partnerships and the right agreements to move forward and build better cities and better places to travel.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 5.36, "text": " There is a rising tide right now for bicycle transportation to become a real" }, { "start": 5.36, "end": 9.44, "text": " normal part of daily life. Straddle is a software company based in San Francisco" }, { "start": 9.44, "end": 14.280000000000001, "text": " and we develop mobile apps and a website for cyclists, runners, endurance athletes" }, { "start": 14.280000000000001, "end": 18.48, "text": " to track their workouts. We both can benefit from learning from each other" }, { "start": 18.48, "end": 22.28, "text": " and sharing the data if we figure out the right partnerships and the right" }, { "start": 22.28, "end": 26.92, "text": " agreements to move forward and build better cities and better places to" }, { "start": 26.92, "end": 32.160000000000004, "text": " travel." } ]
Webcams are pretty much everywhere now. You just don't buy them anymore. They come built into your laptop lid and the front of your phone. But cameras designed solely to stream video are still here and they're adding features you normally find in home security systems. For about $200, you can get one that can record a day or even a week of footage. It doesn't do everything a home security system can, but it's getting close. The best one out there right now is the Dropcam Pro. It's a small camera with a built-in stand that connects over Wi-Fi. For $200, plus about $100 a year, it will record and store a full week of footage in the cloud. You can watch it on your phone or computer and even turn it into a live webcam if you want to transform your living room or just your fish tank into a reality show. But more importantly, Dropcam does the best job of telling you what it's seeing and the most ways to customize your alerts. You can set up zones around your house for it to keep an eye on things like your front door or windows. You can set up alerts to go off only when it sees something in those zones, while ignoring everything else. Dropcam can also use your location, so it only starts recording when you leave your house. If there are any drawbacks, it's that Dropcam's 720p video stream takes its toll on your monthly internet use. Another thing to consider is the price of the service. Using one of these cameras is about half the price of the hardware every year. Now, if you want to save $50 up front and potentially more on the price of storing recordings in the cloud, you should check out ARKSOFT's $150 Simplicam. It does close to everything that Dropcam does, plus facial detection. So beyond telling you if something moved, it can look for eyes, nose, and a mouth. What I like best about the Simplicam is that you can do everything on the app that you can do on the website. There's no difference. That means creating, saving, and sharing clips. The other great thing is that there's a one-day plan that costs $49 a year. Unless you're going on vacation and end up having your house broken into, that's a great amount of space. It isn't as sharp as the Dropcam Pro, and it's not as wide. You're missing out on programmable zones to track and monitor activity, and things like Bluetooth, which Dropcam uses to make setting up easier on your smartphone, isn't there. If these things matter to you, you should spend a little extra on the Dropcam. Now if you don't want to spend anything on the service, there's Belkin's $130 Netcam HD+. Like the Dropcam Pro, it's got an all-glass lens that captures sharp video. The big difference is that you're not going to pay for the recording service, at least for now. The downside? The interface is a little crummy, and the notifications aren't as useful as what you get on these other cameras. One last thing. If you're looking for something a little closer to an actual security system, there's Piper. For $199, you get a 180-degree fisheye lens, an actual motion detector, and a siren for scaring thieves away. It can also control the lights in your house, run for two to three hours on batteries, and will even keep an eye on the temperature. This all sounds great, but I found the mobile software fussy, and right now the only way to check things out is on the app and not on a website. None of these things are as good as keeping an eye on your home as a human or a robot someday, but until then, this is about as good as you're gonna get without buying a full-fledged alarm system. Dropcam does a lot of the same stuff, but cheaper. Right now, there are a million options out there, but Dropcam's the best. can't
[ { "start": 0, "end": 1.8, "text": " Webcams are pretty much everywhere now." }, { "start": 1.8, "end": 3.2, "text": " You just don't buy them anymore." }, { "start": 3.2, "end": 4.8, "text": " They come built into your laptop lid" }, { "start": 4.8, "end": 6, "text": " and the front of your phone." }, { "start": 6, "end": 8.8, "text": " But cameras designed solely to stream video are still here" }, { "start": 8.8, "end": 10.3, "text": " and they're adding features you normally find" }, { "start": 10.3, "end": 11.6, "text": " in home security systems." }, { "start": 11.6, "end": 14.1, "text": " For about $200, you can get one that can record a day" }, { "start": 14.1, "end": 15.5, "text": " or even a week of footage." }, { "start": 15.5, "end": 17.7, "text": " It doesn't do everything a home security system can," }, { "start": 17.7, "end": 18.7, "text": " but it's getting close." }, { "start": 22.400000000000002, "end": 24.900000000000002, "text": " The best one out there right now is the Dropcam Pro." }, { "start": 24.900000000000002, "end": 26.7, "text": " It's a small camera with a built-in stand" }, { "start": 26.7, "end": 28.2, "text": " that connects over Wi-Fi." }, { "start": 28.2, "end": 30.9, "text": " For $200, plus about $100 a year," }, { "start": 30.9, "end": 33.5, "text": " it will record and store a full week of footage in the cloud." }, { "start": 33.5, "end": 35.5, "text": " You can watch it on your phone or computer" }, { "start": 35.5, "end": 37.2, "text": " and even turn it into a live webcam" }, { "start": 37.2, "end": 39.2, "text": " if you want to transform your living room" }, { "start": 39.2, "end": 42, "text": " or just your fish tank into a reality show." }, { "start": 42, "end": 44, "text": " But more importantly, Dropcam does the best job" }, { "start": 44, "end": 45.099999999999994, "text": " of telling you what it's seeing" }, { "start": 45.099999999999994, "end": 47.1, "text": " and the most ways to customize your alerts." }, { "start": 47.1, "end": 48.7, "text": " You can set up zones around your house" }, { "start": 48.7, "end": 51.7, "text": " for it to keep an eye on things like your front door or windows." }, { "start": 51.7, "end": 54.1, "text": " You can set up alerts to go off only when it sees something" }, { "start": 54.1, "end": 56.6, "text": " in those zones, while ignoring everything else." }, { "start": 56.6, "end": 58.6, "text": " Dropcam can also use your location," }, { "start": 58.6, "end": 60.800000000000004, "text": " so it only starts recording when you leave your house." }, { "start": 60.800000000000004, "end": 61.800000000000004, "text": " If there are any drawbacks," }, { "start": 61.800000000000004, "end": 64.2, "text": " it's that Dropcam's 720p video stream" }, { "start": 64.2, "end": 66.6, "text": " takes its toll on your monthly internet use." }, { "start": 66.6, "end": 69, "text": " Another thing to consider is the price of the service." }, { "start": 69, "end": 71.1, "text": " Using one of these cameras is about half the price" }, { "start": 71.1, "end": 73, "text": " of the hardware every year." }, { "start": 73, "end": 75.1, "text": " Now, if you want to save $50 up front" }, { "start": 75.1, "end": 77.2, "text": " and potentially more on the price of storing recordings" }, { "start": 77.2, "end": 78.6, "text": " in the cloud, you should check out" }, { "start": 78.6, "end": 81.4, "text": " ARKSOFT's $150 Simplicam." }, { "start": 81.4, "end": 83.7, "text": " It does close to everything that Dropcam does," }, { "start": 83.7, "end": 85.1, "text": " plus facial detection." }, { "start": 85.1, "end": 87, "text": " So beyond telling you if something moved," }, { "start": 87, "end": 89.19999999999999, "text": " it can look for eyes, nose, and a mouth." }, { "start": 89.19999999999999, "end": 90.8, "text": " What I like best about the Simplicam" }, { "start": 90.8, "end": 92.1, "text": " is that you can do everything on the app" }, { "start": 92.1, "end": 93.3, "text": " that you can do on the website." }, { "start": 93.3, "end": 94.5, "text": " There's no difference." }, { "start": 94.5, "end": 96.89999999999999, "text": " That means creating, saving, and sharing clips." }, { "start": 96.89999999999999, "end": 98.89999999999999, "text": " The other great thing is that there's a one-day plan" }, { "start": 98.89999999999999, "end": 100.69999999999999, "text": " that costs $49 a year." }, { "start": 100.69999999999999, "end": 102.1, "text": " Unless you're going on vacation" }, { "start": 102.1, "end": 104, "text": " and end up having your house broken into," }, { "start": 104, "end": 105.69999999999999, "text": " that's a great amount of space." }, { "start": 105.69999999999999, "end": 107.8, "text": " It isn't as sharp as the Dropcam Pro," }, { "start": 107.8, "end": 109.1, "text": " and it's not as wide." }, { "start": 109.1, "end": 111, "text": " You're missing out on programmable zones" }, { "start": 111, "end": 112.69999999999999, "text": " to track and monitor activity," }, { "start": 112.69999999999999, "end": 113.89999999999999, "text": " and things like Bluetooth," }, { "start": 113.9, "end": 115.7, "text": " which Dropcam uses to make setting up" }, { "start": 115.7, "end": 118.4, "text": " easier on your smartphone, isn't there." }, { "start": 118.4, "end": 119.60000000000001, "text": " If these things matter to you," }, { "start": 119.60000000000001, "end": 121.60000000000001, "text": " you should spend a little extra on the Dropcam." }, { "start": 121.60000000000001, "end": 123.7, "text": " Now if you don't want to spend anything on the service," }, { "start": 123.7, "end": 127.2, "text": " there's Belkin's $130 Netcam HD+." }, { "start": 127.2, "end": 129.5, "text": " Like the Dropcam Pro, it's got an all-glass lens" }, { "start": 129.5, "end": 131.1, "text": " that captures sharp video." }, { "start": 131.1, "end": 132.8, "text": " The big difference is that you're not going to pay" }, { "start": 132.8, "end": 135.4, "text": " for the recording service, at least for now." }, { "start": 135.4, "end": 136.3, "text": " The downside?" }, { "start": 136.3, "end": 137.70000000000002, "text": " The interface is a little crummy," }, { "start": 137.70000000000002, "end": 139.3, "text": " and the notifications aren't as useful" }, { "start": 139.3, "end": 141.1, "text": " as what you get on these other cameras." }, { "start": 141.1, "end": 142, "text": " One last thing." }, { "start": 142, "end": 143.70000000000002, "text": " If you're looking for something a little closer" }, { "start": 143.7, "end": 146.29999999999998, "text": " to an actual security system, there's Piper." }, { "start": 146.29999999999998, "end": 150, "text": " For $199, you get a 180-degree fisheye lens," }, { "start": 150, "end": 151.7, "text": " an actual motion detector," }, { "start": 151.7, "end": 154.1, "text": " and a siren for scaring thieves away." }, { "start": 154.1, "end": 156.1, "text": " It can also control the lights in your house," }, { "start": 156.1, "end": 158.2, "text": " run for two to three hours on batteries," }, { "start": 158.2, "end": 160.2, "text": " and will even keep an eye on the temperature." }, { "start": 160.2, "end": 161.2, "text": " This all sounds great," }, { "start": 161.2, "end": 163.1, "text": " but I found the mobile software fussy," }, { "start": 163.1, "end": 165.29999999999998, "text": " and right now the only way to check things out" }, { "start": 165.29999999999998, "end": 167.7, "text": " is on the app and not on a website." }, { "start": 167.7, "end": 168.79999999999998, "text": " None of these things are as good" }, { "start": 168.79999999999998, "end": 170.7, "text": " as keeping an eye on your home as a human" }, { "start": 170.7, "end": 172, "text": " or a robot someday," }, { "start": 172, "end": 173.2, "text": " but until then, this is about as good" }, { "start": 173.2, "end": 174.29999999999998, "text": " as you're gonna get without buying" }, { "start": 174.29999999999998, "end": 176, "text": " a full-fledged alarm system." }, { "start": 176, "end": 179, "text": " Dropcam does a lot of the same stuff, but cheaper." }, { "start": 179, "end": 180.6, "text": " Right now, there are a million options out there," }, { "start": 180.6, "end": 182.1, "text": " but Dropcam's the best." }, { "start": 182.1, "end": 211.42, "text": " can't" } ]
Hurricane Sandy wiped out thousands of homes, businesses, and city infrastructure. In the aftermath, the Department of Housing and Development set up a task force to rebuild the city. A Dutch water management expert joined the force and launched a contest called Rebuild by Design to promote innovation and provide resiliency with the hope that the winning designs would make the city less vulnerable in the face of the next disaster. So water management is very complex. Water does exactly what it wants. It goes everywhere. So you can protect, let's say, your own house, but then the water just goes to your neighbors. When I started working in the U.S., the first question I got from a reporter was, okay, Mr. Oving, are you going to save New York by building a storm surge barrier next to the Verrazano Bridge? And that idea was, I think, exactly the problem we all face all over the world. We want simple solutions. We want the silver bullet, which is the wrong approach because there is no silver bullet when it comes to water. If you would embrace water as part of your life, as part of the economy and the culture, you will come up with a multitude of solutions that altogether form a comprehensive plan. The competition invited designers, scientists, engineers, thinkers and leaders to reinvent solutions and safety measures for the New York, New Jersey region. Out of 148 entries, the six winners balanced local needs with aesthetic and functional value. The first thing we said to the teams in their design phase was, stop designing. The first thing you have to do is build a coalition. And don't design for them, but, you know, work with them to get to a design that's inclusive of this community, that also builds in the needs and the understanding and the capacity of the neighborhood and informed by the process your design. One of the most ambitious projects is the Big U, a protective system designed for lower Manhattan which was hit hard by the hurricane. The team proposes to shield the low-lying region from floods and future storms with elevated beams and pavilions with folding doors. The Big U will stretch across 10 continuous miles and provide social and environmental benefits to a high-risk region. So the idea is that the Big U is almost like a chameleon, that it changes character and color every time it encounters a new neighborhood. In the East River Park, it's really like the park terrain races towards the highway, protecting the park from the noise of the highway, but also protecting the city from flooding. Then as you move down and you get under the FDR, the elevated highway, in some places we have placed pavilions with galleries or marketplaces. Inside them they have these sleeves so that they're always open, there's always space between the pavilions, but in the case of a flood, out of these sleeves giant doors can come out and create a continuous flood barrier. Through our dialogue with the local communities, even though the Big U is one continuous effort, it really changes character all the time so you'll never be able to see it as a big piece of infrastructure, rather it's the social infrastructure of that community that really changes its character and its appearance. We owe it to these communities, we owe it to ourselves and our next generations to make a better place. I think in the end if you look at what a city is all about, is a lot of different people from a lot of different cultures, a lot of different nationalities coming together in a restricted space to try to maximize the possibilities for each and every individual to unfold themselves, to express themselves. And what we try to do with the Big U is to really in a way turn this public participation process into something that actually improves the design, something that generates design, something that generates diversity, something that generates surprises. We are in a very intelligent, smart, competitive region. We have the minds here, we have the hearts here, we have the understanding here. We don't have an excuse not to create a better region. There's only one way forward. Thank you. Thank you.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 8.92, "text": " Hurricane Sandy wiped out thousands of homes, businesses, and city infrastructure." }, { "start": 8.92, "end": 13.120000000000001, "text": " In the aftermath, the Department of Housing and Development set up a task force to rebuild" }, { "start": 13.120000000000001, "end": 14.120000000000001, "text": " the city." }, { "start": 14.120000000000001, "end": 18.6, "text": " A Dutch water management expert joined the force and launched a contest called Rebuild" }, { "start": 18.6, "end": 22.92, "text": " by Design to promote innovation and provide resiliency with the hope that the winning" }, { "start": 22.92, "end": 35.32, "text": " designs would make the city less vulnerable in the face of the next disaster." }, { "start": 35.32, "end": 38.68, "text": " So water management is very complex." }, { "start": 38.68, "end": 40.400000000000006, "text": " Water does exactly what it wants." }, { "start": 40.400000000000006, "end": 41.400000000000006, "text": " It goes everywhere." }, { "start": 41.400000000000006, "end": 47.56, "text": " So you can protect, let's say, your own house, but then the water just goes to your neighbors." }, { "start": 47.56, "end": 53.800000000000004, "text": " When I started working in the U.S., the first question I got from a reporter was, okay," }, { "start": 53.800000000000004, "end": 59.120000000000005, "text": " Mr. Oving, are you going to save New York by building a storm surge barrier next to" }, { "start": 59.120000000000005, "end": 61.120000000000005, "text": " the Verrazano Bridge?" }, { "start": 61.120000000000005, "end": 66.24000000000001, "text": " And that idea was, I think, exactly the problem we all face all over the world." }, { "start": 66.24000000000001, "end": 67.68, "text": " We want simple solutions." }, { "start": 67.68, "end": 72.56, "text": " We want the silver bullet, which is the wrong approach because there is no silver bullet" }, { "start": 72.56, "end": 74.04, "text": " when it comes to water." }, { "start": 74.04, "end": 79.38000000000001, "text": " If you would embrace water as part of your life, as part of the economy and the culture," }, { "start": 79.38000000000001, "end": 85.24000000000001, "text": " you will come up with a multitude of solutions that altogether form a comprehensive plan." }, { "start": 85.24000000000001, "end": 90.12, "text": " The competition invited designers, scientists, engineers, thinkers and leaders to reinvent" }, { "start": 90.12, "end": 94.12, "text": " solutions and safety measures for the New York, New Jersey region." }, { "start": 94.12, "end": 99, "text": " Out of 148 entries, the six winners balanced local needs with aesthetic and functional" }, { "start": 99, "end": 100, "text": " value." }, { "start": 100, "end": 107.44, "text": " The first thing we said to the teams in their design phase was, stop designing." }, { "start": 107.44, "end": 110.28, "text": " The first thing you have to do is build a coalition." }, { "start": 110.28, "end": 117.03999999999999, "text": " And don't design for them, but, you know, work with them to get to a design that's inclusive" }, { "start": 117.03999999999999, "end": 123.36, "text": " of this community, that also builds in the needs and the understanding and the capacity" }, { "start": 123.36, "end": 127.76, "text": " of the neighborhood and informed by the process your design." }, { "start": 127.76, "end": 132.36, "text": " One of the most ambitious projects is the Big U, a protective system designed for lower" }, { "start": 132.36, "end": 134.72, "text": " Manhattan which was hit hard by the hurricane." }, { "start": 134.72, "end": 139.04, "text": " The team proposes to shield the low-lying region from floods and future storms with" }, { "start": 139.04, "end": 142.32, "text": " elevated beams and pavilions with folding doors." }, { "start": 142.32, "end": 147.04000000000002, "text": " The Big U will stretch across 10 continuous miles and provide social and environmental" }, { "start": 147.04000000000002, "end": 152.84, "text": " benefits to a high-risk region." }, { "start": 152.84, "end": 158.76, "text": " So the idea is that the Big U is almost like a chameleon, that it changes character and" }, { "start": 158.76, "end": 161.68, "text": " color every time it encounters a new neighborhood." }, { "start": 161.68, "end": 167.48000000000002, "text": " In the East River Park, it's really like the park terrain races towards the highway, protecting" }, { "start": 167.48000000000002, "end": 172.84, "text": " the park from the noise of the highway, but also protecting the city from flooding." }, { "start": 172.84, "end": 177.84, "text": " Then as you move down and you get under the FDR, the elevated highway, in some places" }, { "start": 177.84, "end": 181.96, "text": " we have placed pavilions with galleries or marketplaces." }, { "start": 181.96, "end": 187.04000000000002, "text": " Inside them they have these sleeves so that they're always open, there's always space" }, { "start": 187.04000000000002, "end": 191.32, "text": " between the pavilions, but in the case of a flood, out of these sleeves giant doors" }, { "start": 191.32, "end": 195.48000000000002, "text": " can come out and create a continuous flood barrier." }, { "start": 195.48000000000002, "end": 202.86, "text": " Through our dialogue with the local communities, even though the Big U is one continuous effort," }, { "start": 202.86, "end": 207.08, "text": " it really changes character all the time so you'll never be able to see it as a big piece" }, { "start": 207.08, "end": 210.84, "text": " of infrastructure, rather it's the social infrastructure of that community that really" }, { "start": 210.84, "end": 217.98000000000002, "text": " changes its character and its appearance." }, { "start": 217.98000000000002, "end": 224, "text": " We owe it to these communities, we owe it to ourselves and our next generations to make" }, { "start": 224, "end": 225.34, "text": " a better place." }, { "start": 225.34, "end": 230.96, "text": " I think in the end if you look at what a city is all about, is a lot of different people" }, { "start": 230.96, "end": 235.44, "text": " from a lot of different cultures, a lot of different nationalities coming together in" }, { "start": 235.44, "end": 240.68, "text": " a restricted space to try to maximize the possibilities for each and every individual" }, { "start": 240.68, "end": 242.48000000000002, "text": " to unfold themselves, to express themselves." }, { "start": 242.48000000000002, "end": 248.08, "text": " And what we try to do with the Big U is to really in a way turn this public participation" }, { "start": 248.08, "end": 253.36, "text": " process into something that actually improves the design, something that generates design," }, { "start": 253.36, "end": 256.56, "text": " something that generates diversity, something that generates surprises." }, { "start": 256.56, "end": 262.6, "text": " We are in a very intelligent, smart, competitive region." }, { "start": 262.6, "end": 267.4, "text": " We have the minds here, we have the hearts here, we have the understanding here." }, { "start": 267.4, "end": 271.44, "text": " We don't have an excuse not to create a better region." }, { "start": 271.44, "end": 273.23999999999995, "text": " There's only one way forward." }, { "start": 273.23999999999995, "end": 274.23999999999995, "text": " Thank you." }, { "start": 274.24, "end": 297.84000000000003, "text": " Thank you." } ]
So here I've got a mouse pointer, I'm using the mouse, I click start, I get a start menu, I launch mail, here's a universal outlook, it runs in a window, just as I've been showing you already. Now when I remove the keyboard and mouse, it prompts, should I enter the tablet mode? And when you say yes, the app is maximized, the taskbar adds a back button for switching, and when you touch start with your finger, it switches itself into the large start mode so that it's really easy for you to pick other apps and navigate around and watch them. So here we launched OneNote, OneNote is, it knows that it's in the touch mode, the UI adjusts, I say new page and I can do something like use the pen to ink right in my OneNote. If I want to switch apps, I can go back to start, or I can use the familiar taskbar that I've known for years, and I have a simple, convenient way to do this. When I bring the keyboard and mouse back, I'm prompted again to exit tablet mode, and when I do, the start menu comes back to its small mode where I last left it, and the apps that I ran are still present on the device in their windowed mode because now I'm using it like a laptop. When we've shown this to people, we've shown this to a lot of partners, enterprises, OEMs, people say...
[ { "start": 0, "end": 5.64, "text": " So here I've got a mouse pointer, I'm using the mouse, I click start, I get a start menu," }, { "start": 5.64, "end": 11.24, "text": " I launch mail, here's a universal outlook, it runs in a window, just as I've been showing" }, { "start": 11.24, "end": 12.24, "text": " you already." }, { "start": 12.24, "end": 16.12, "text": " Now when I remove the keyboard and mouse, it prompts, should I enter the tablet mode?" }, { "start": 16.12, "end": 22.96, "text": " And when you say yes, the app is maximized, the taskbar adds a back button for switching," }, { "start": 22.96, "end": 27.92, "text": " and when you touch start with your finger, it switches itself into the large start mode" }, { "start": 27.92, "end": 32.120000000000005, "text": " so that it's really easy for you to pick other apps and navigate around and watch them." }, { "start": 32.120000000000005, "end": 37.120000000000005, "text": " So here we launched OneNote, OneNote is, it knows that it's in the touch mode, the UI" }, { "start": 37.120000000000005, "end": 41.72, "text": " adjusts, I say new page and I can do something like use the pen to ink right in my OneNote." }, { "start": 41.72, "end": 46.56, "text": " If I want to switch apps, I can go back to start, or I can use the familiar taskbar that" }, { "start": 46.56, "end": 51.120000000000005, "text": " I've known for years, and I have a simple, convenient way to do this." }, { "start": 51.120000000000005, "end": 55.64, "text": " When I bring the keyboard and mouse back, I'm prompted again to exit tablet mode, and" }, { "start": 55.64, "end": 60.4, "text": " when I do, the start menu comes back to its small mode where I last left it, and the apps" }, { "start": 60.4, "end": 64.52, "text": " that I ran are still present on the device in their windowed mode because now I'm using" }, { "start": 64.52, "end": 66.36, "text": " it like a laptop." }, { "start": 66.36, "end": 71.4, "text": " When we've shown this to people, we've shown this to a lot of partners, enterprises, OEMs," }, { "start": 71.4, "end": 86.28, "text": " people say..." } ]
Water management is very complex. Water does exactly what it wants. We want simple solutions. We want the silver bullet, which is the wrong approach. There is no silver bullet. And what we tried to do with the Big U is to really, in a way, turn this public participation process into something that actually improves the design. We have the minds here. We have the hearts here. We have the understanding here. We don't have an excuse. Are you going to save New York?
[ { "start": 0, "end": 2, "text": " Water management is very complex." }, { "start": 2, "end": 4, "text": " Water does exactly what it wants." }, { "start": 4, "end": 5.5, "text": " We want simple solutions." }, { "start": 5.5, "end": 8.5, "text": " We want the silver bullet, which is the wrong approach." }, { "start": 8.5, "end": 9.8, "text": " There is no silver bullet." }, { "start": 9.8, "end": 12.8, "text": " And what we tried to do with the Big U is to really, in a way," }, { "start": 12.8, "end": 17.8, "text": " turn this public participation process into something that actually improves the design." }, { "start": 17.8, "end": 20.3, "text": " We have the minds here. We have the hearts here." }, { "start": 20.3, "end": 21.7, "text": " We have the understanding here." }, { "start": 21.7, "end": 23.5, "text": " We don't have an excuse." }, { "start": 23.5, "end": 30, "text": " Are you going to save New York?" } ]
I probably don't have to convince you to buy a smartphone. You probably know that having your email, your music, your games, your maps, your photos, your documents, your everything all in one device in your pocket is awesome. And if you have a smartphone, you probably use it all the time, which is why you know it's incredibly important to get the right one, maybe more so than with any other device. Getting a phone with the right combination of hardware design, software, apps, camera, ecosystem and battery life is really, really crucial. It's also really easy. Just buy an iPhone 6. No, the iPhone 6 isn't the most exciting phone on earth. There's nothing shocking or incredible or earth shatteringly different about it. It has a 4.7 inch HD display, which actually makes it smaller than a lot of today's flagship phones. The display is gorgeous though, laminated right to the glass and curved ever so slightly so that it feels great to your fingers. Basically, the iPhone 6 is the best phone on the market because it does everything and it does it all well. It has a phenomenal, absolutely best in class 8 megapixel camera and thanks to new slow motion and time lapse video modes, plus a new focusing mechanism, it takes better pictures and video than ever. The battery easily lasts a day, more if you're not staring at Twitter all the time. Touch ID is super useful now, letting you unlock your phone, secure your apps and soon pay for things all by just putting your finger on the home button. The 6 is fast and powerful and as simple to use as iOS always has been. And iOS still has the best app ecosystem with more and better apps and games than absolutely any other platform. The thing about the iPhone 6 is that it just doesn't have problems. It has a big screen, great performance, great battery life, great camera, great apps all in one really nice package. It's not a revolutionary phone, but it is the best phone you can buy. There's a shockingly close second place though and it's the Moto X. The Moto X is definitely the best Android phone out there. Like the iPhone 6, the Moto X has almost no compromises. It has a great screen, a fast processor and a beautiful high-end design. It has a lot to set it apart too, like the super customizable design and really cool voice control and always-on notification features. Its battery life is good but not great though and its camera can still be frustratingly inconsistent. But in every respect the Moto X does its job and it has some really neat extra features too. If you don't want an iPhone or if you want some more color or a lot more Android, you should absolutely get a Moto X. From there, the list of really good phones is really long. The HTC One is a beautiful museum piece of a cell phone with some useful extra software and really good battery life. If only it had a better camera. The LG G3 is a different kind of hardware achievement with almost no bezels and just this big beautiful screen staring at you. Then there's this whole class of huge phones that some people like and some people hate, like the iPhone 6 Plus and the Samsung Galaxy Note series. You might love them and there are lots of good reasons to, but don't buy a huge phone until you've tried it. There's also Samsung's Galaxy S5, which is a very good smartphone but is entirely unexceptional without anything to set it apart, or the Nexus 5, which is the purest Android phone but it's more expensive up front and getting support can be tough. The list of Android phones goes forever and honestly most of them are pretty good. It's really hard to find a bad smartphone these days, but it's worth getting the best ones even if it costs a little more. Windows Phone is getting better and better, but whether it's the Lumia icon or the 1320, what they offer is less important than what they're missing. And seriously, just don't buy a Blackberry. Just don't. If you buy the right smartphone, you'll use it constantly and you'll use it for everything and you'll love it. So make sure you get the right one. And the easiest way to do that is to buy the iPhone 6. It's not perfect, but it's the best thing out there.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 3.56, "text": " I probably don't have to convince you to buy a smartphone." }, { "start": 3.56, "end": 7.72, "text": " You probably know that having your email, your music, your games, your maps, your photos," }, { "start": 7.72, "end": 11.4, "text": " your documents, your everything all in one device in your pocket is awesome." }, { "start": 11.4, "end": 15.52, "text": " And if you have a smartphone, you probably use it all the time, which is why you know" }, { "start": 15.52, "end": 23.88, "text": " it's incredibly important to get the right one, maybe more so than with any other device." }, { "start": 23.88, "end": 28.28, "text": " Getting a phone with the right combination of hardware design, software, apps, camera," }, { "start": 28.28, "end": 31.880000000000003, "text": " ecosystem and battery life is really, really crucial." }, { "start": 31.880000000000003, "end": 33.300000000000004, "text": " It's also really easy." }, { "start": 33.300000000000004, "end": 34.56, "text": " Just buy an iPhone 6." }, { "start": 34.56, "end": 37.480000000000004, "text": " No, the iPhone 6 isn't the most exciting phone on earth." }, { "start": 37.480000000000004, "end": 41.04, "text": " There's nothing shocking or incredible or earth shatteringly different about it." }, { "start": 41.04, "end": 45.480000000000004, "text": " It has a 4.7 inch HD display, which actually makes it smaller than a lot of today's flagship" }, { "start": 45.480000000000004, "end": 46.480000000000004, "text": " phones." }, { "start": 46.480000000000004, "end": 50.8, "text": " The display is gorgeous though, laminated right to the glass and curved ever so slightly" }, { "start": 50.8, "end": 52.88, "text": " so that it feels great to your fingers." }, { "start": 52.88, "end": 56.400000000000006, "text": " Basically, the iPhone 6 is the best phone on the market because it does everything and" }, { "start": 56.400000000000006, "end": 57.64, "text": " it does it all well." }, { "start": 57.64, "end": 62.28, "text": " It has a phenomenal, absolutely best in class 8 megapixel camera and thanks to new slow" }, { "start": 62.28, "end": 66.66, "text": " motion and time lapse video modes, plus a new focusing mechanism, it takes better pictures" }, { "start": 66.66, "end": 67.66, "text": " and video than ever." }, { "start": 67.66, "end": 71.92, "text": " The battery easily lasts a day, more if you're not staring at Twitter all the time." }, { "start": 71.92, "end": 75.68, "text": " Touch ID is super useful now, letting you unlock your phone, secure your apps and soon" }, { "start": 75.68, "end": 78.76, "text": " pay for things all by just putting your finger on the home button." }, { "start": 78.76, "end": 82.88, "text": " The 6 is fast and powerful and as simple to use as iOS always has been." }, { "start": 82.88, "end": 87.46000000000001, "text": " And iOS still has the best app ecosystem with more and better apps and games than absolutely" }, { "start": 87.46, "end": 88.46, "text": " any other platform." }, { "start": 88.46, "end": 91.6, "text": " The thing about the iPhone 6 is that it just doesn't have problems." }, { "start": 91.6, "end": 95.96, "text": " It has a big screen, great performance, great battery life, great camera, great apps all" }, { "start": 95.96, "end": 98.08, "text": " in one really nice package." }, { "start": 98.08, "end": 101.8, "text": " It's not a revolutionary phone, but it is the best phone you can buy." }, { "start": 101.8, "end": 106.02, "text": " There's a shockingly close second place though and it's the Moto X." }, { "start": 106.02, "end": 108.88, "text": " The Moto X is definitely the best Android phone out there." }, { "start": 108.88, "end": 112.03999999999999, "text": " Like the iPhone 6, the Moto X has almost no compromises." }, { "start": 112.03999999999999, "end": 115.88, "text": " It has a great screen, a fast processor and a beautiful high-end design." }, { "start": 115.88, "end": 119.92, "text": " It has a lot to set it apart too, like the super customizable design and really cool" }, { "start": 119.92, "end": 122.64, "text": " voice control and always-on notification features." }, { "start": 122.64, "end": 126.64, "text": " Its battery life is good but not great though and its camera can still be frustratingly" }, { "start": 126.64, "end": 127.64, "text": " inconsistent." }, { "start": 127.64, "end": 131, "text": " But in every respect the Moto X does its job and it has some really neat extra features" }, { "start": 131, "end": 132, "text": " too." }, { "start": 132, "end": 135.35999999999999, "text": " If you don't want an iPhone or if you want some more color or a lot more Android, you" }, { "start": 135.35999999999999, "end": 137, "text": " should absolutely get a Moto X." }, { "start": 137, "end": 140.2, "text": " From there, the list of really good phones is really long." }, { "start": 140.2, "end": 144.6, "text": " The HTC One is a beautiful museum piece of a cell phone with some useful extra software" }, { "start": 144.6, "end": 146.16, "text": " and really good battery life." }, { "start": 146.16, "end": 147.92, "text": " If only it had a better camera." }, { "start": 147.92, "end": 152.2, "text": " The LG G3 is a different kind of hardware achievement with almost no bezels and just" }, { "start": 152.2, "end": 155, "text": " this big beautiful screen staring at you." }, { "start": 155, "end": 158.92, "text": " Then there's this whole class of huge phones that some people like and some people hate," }, { "start": 158.92, "end": 162.54, "text": " like the iPhone 6 Plus and the Samsung Galaxy Note series." }, { "start": 162.54, "end": 166.07999999999998, "text": " You might love them and there are lots of good reasons to, but don't buy a huge phone" }, { "start": 166.07999999999998, "end": 167.24, "text": " until you've tried it." }, { "start": 167.24, "end": 171.01999999999998, "text": " There's also Samsung's Galaxy S5, which is a very good smartphone but is entirely" }, { "start": 171.02, "end": 175.68, "text": " unexceptional without anything to set it apart, or the Nexus 5, which is the purest Android" }, { "start": 175.68, "end": 180.36, "text": " phone but it's more expensive up front and getting support can be tough." }, { "start": 180.36, "end": 183.84, "text": " The list of Android phones goes forever and honestly most of them are pretty good." }, { "start": 183.84, "end": 187, "text": " It's really hard to find a bad smartphone these days, but it's worth getting the best" }, { "start": 187, "end": 188.84, "text": " ones even if it costs a little more." }, { "start": 188.84, "end": 192.76000000000002, "text": " Windows Phone is getting better and better, but whether it's the Lumia icon or the 1320," }, { "start": 192.76000000000002, "end": 195.3, "text": " what they offer is less important than what they're missing." }, { "start": 195.3, "end": 197.96, "text": " And seriously, just don't buy a Blackberry." }, { "start": 197.96, "end": 199.06, "text": " Just don't." }, { "start": 199.06, "end": 202.68, "text": " If you buy the right smartphone, you'll use it constantly and you'll use it for everything" }, { "start": 202.68, "end": 203.8, "text": " and you'll love it." }, { "start": 203.8, "end": 205.52, "text": " So make sure you get the right one." }, { "start": 205.52, "end": 207.8, "text": " And the easiest way to do that is to buy the iPhone 6." }, { "start": 207.8, "end": 229.48000000000002, "text": " It's not perfect, but it's the best thing out there." } ]
[ { "start": 0, "end": 30, "text": " ໒ຈ໦ຈຈ່້໛໋໘໘໘໒໛໘໘໘້໘໘໘໘່໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘໘" } ]
Hey guys, Chris Stigler with The Verge here. I brought this banana with me to the office today, and when I took it out of my pocket, let's say it was a little bent, so I just wanted to try applying pressure here to see if I could bend it more. See what happens. Uh-huh. And look at that, you'll notice the banana's kind of straightened out, and we have some damage along the edge here, so I'm going to repair that, but it's probably not going to be cheap.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 2, "text": " Hey guys, Chris Stigler with The Verge here." }, { "start": 2, "end": 6, "text": " I brought this banana with me to the office today, and when I took it out of my pocket," }, { "start": 6, "end": 11, "text": " let's say it was a little bent, so I just wanted to try applying pressure here to see if I could bend it more." }, { "start": 11, "end": 13, "text": " See what happens." }, { "start": 17, "end": 18, "text": " Uh-huh." }, { "start": 18, "end": 21, "text": " And look at that, you'll notice the banana's kind of straightened out," }, { "start": 21, "end": 31, "text": " and we have some damage along the edge here, so I'm going to repair that, but it's probably not going to be cheap." } ]
Hey guys, this is Neil Iver with The Verge. I'm here with Matt McCray, the CTO of Visio. And we're here with the new P Series, which is a thousand dollar 4K TV. You guys announced it in CES, it's about 10 months later, and here we are. So first of all, what took so long? We wanted to get it right. So we showed our demos at CES, and we're showing a lot of picture processing demos here, and we wanted to make sure that the resolution was right, the motion capture was right, the color was right. So it's really been just fine tuning the details, and not only ship an amazingly priced 4K TV, but one that actually blows away the competition on picture quality. So that's the big question. How did you make a thousand dollar 15 inch 4K TV when everyone else is like two thousand dollars, four thousand dollars? What's the secret here? Well, it wasn't easy. We spent a lot of time doing engineering work specific to our product. So probably the biggest thing we did is we developed our own backlights. So we talked about that at CES, where we do full array local dimming across all our product lines, and by designing them ourselves, we were able to not only raise the picture quality, but actually lower the price. Wait, how does all that work to let you lower the price if you're doing all that engineering work? Because of the component price. So yeah, we spent a lot of engineering time and development effort, but the actual component price and the innovation that we did was to create a full array local dimming, right, where we got LEDs going all the way through the backlight, but actually reduced the component count by 40% at the same time. So there's a lot of integration happening where the glass meets the LEDs, meets the driver boards. We were able to reduce that overall cost through that innovation. And again, the picture quality goes up, but cost goes down. So the big question with 4K is how are you going to get content? And you guys are betting almost exclusively on streaming, right? Yeah, we've decided since our first smart TVs launched six years ago that streaming was going to be one of the primary ways people are going to get any content. And we've streamed billions of hours of video content to our smart TVs now. And 4K is not going to be different. So there will be 4K Blu-ray players in the future. There will be 4K set-top boxes in the future. This has HDMI 2.0 and will support all that. But we do believe that one of the primary ways, and probably the primary way people will get content are going to be from sources like Netflix and Amazon and UltraFlix and some of the partners we've announced today. And we had a demo in the other room and you can see that it's pretty nice. I mean, 10 to 15 megabits per second is gorgeous. And that's what you need, right? Otherwise you get a little too compressed? Yeah, it starts at about 9 point something, almost 10 megabits per second. And then it steps up all the way to 15. And by the time you're at 12 to 15 megabits per second, it is substantially better than 1080p. Really? And do you think it's going to be as good on disc? It'll be a little bit different. You'll see different artifacts. It won't be quite as good as a disc because the bit rate will be so much higher. But it's already showing a massive upgrade against what you're seeing on 1080p. And remember, it's not just going from 7 megabits a second on 1080p to 15 on 4K, a doubling of it. Because we're also using HEVC, which is a much more compressed format, it's a new format for extreme units, you're getting the double of the bandwidth, but you're also getting another doubling of efficiency. So it's actually four times the effective throughput and it looks really good. And you're building your own chips to it? We are. We have the Vizio V6 processor, which is a six core processor we're using to do all this. And we have the VM50, which is our picture processing engine that's doing all of the color, fidelity, the contrast, our pixel mapping and everything that we're doing. And that was the other way that we decided, even though it would take a little bit more time, but to not only beat people on price, but beat them on picture quality, we had to actually bring our own technology to market. So that's the question, once you start talking about processors and cores and that kind of technology and a TV, I get worried about how long until I have to replace it with a faster processor and a faster, better pixel engine and better software. How long do you think this TV is going to last? It'll last a long time. The chips that we can buy off the shelf were dual core. This is six cores. So again, one of our choices was to actually put more horsepower than we need today to make it a platform that can last quite a while. The investment, like you keep mentioning, how do you guys do it, how do you guys do it, there was definitely a very large upfront investment, but we're not passing that on to consumers. That investment we made not only for this TV, but future TVs. So we're spreading that very small across all of the platforms. So first TVs got flat and everybody rushed out and bought new form factors. And then there's been this desperate search for the next thing that's going to make everybody buy again. Don't say curved. Curved. Then there's 3D. You guys have taken 3D completely out of the picture now. You're just giving up on 3D? So what I'll tell you is one of the things we pride ourselves on is really listening and watching consumers, but listening to what they really want in a television. So there was actually two reasons. One is we looked at how many people are actually using our 3D TVs and how many people actually thought that was a very important feature set and it was pretty low. Also if you look at the 4K, if you do 4K right, if you do ultra high def with the right picture processing, you'll swear it's 3D. And we've had other people come through this gallery already and kind of look at it and say is that 3D? And it's because of the depth that we're able to produce through the picture processing. So for us, putting our investment resources towards improving the picture quality, not in a 2D, but making it so clear and the motion resolution so good that it actually looks 3D was much more important. You get to curved and things like that. Again, our opinion is curved as a gimmick. It actually hurts picture quality and causes a lot of problems so you won't see us do curved. We try and find a way to actually improve the user's experience and charge them less. Not figure out how to make their experience worse and charge them more. So for us, it's complete opposite of what we focus on. So do you think 4K is going to kick off another adoption cycle? Is that why you priced so low to get to the front of the market? Well I think what would have happened without Vizio is we would have seen maybe a three to four year, maybe five year even, transition cycle from 1080p to 4K. At least on 50 inch and above where you can really tell the difference. Our goal is to try and make that transition one to two years and get most people buying 4K TVs at those sizes by next year. And hopefully this year we're already going to get a big chunk of the market. So one of the things we like to do is actually drive transitions faster. Is use disruptive technology to get people the latest technology. Maybe they thought they couldn't afford now. And that's part of the pricing strategy is to take that market by storm. So we've talked to you a bunch of times. This feels like a refocusing on the core of Vizio which has always been televisions. You've diversified a few places. You're in sound bars. You're doing really well there. But you did laptops for a minute. You've played with phones. Is this Vizio coming all the way back to TVs or are you going to keep trying to broaden out? Yeah, a bit. What I would say is this took a lot of effort. So for the last year and a half, two years, we've actually spent a bulk of our resources perfecting UHD. And again, making sure we hit the prices that we want to hit. But really setting a new bar for quality. We think it's really, really important. So that has been the bulk of it. Also our sound bars and our audio equipment. We're the number one sound bar manufacturer as well. That's been a big focus. But I think what you can say fairly is that for the last year and a half, at least from an engineering and R&D side, we decided that there was some really cool technology coming forward and that focusing on the living room, again, was really important because we saw this transition coming. Having said that, you'll see some interesting stuff coming in the next year or two that I can't talk about. So we won't predominantly stay in the living room, but it was important to actually take a leadership position in UHD and continue that position in audio as well. So if the living room is getting interesting again because of the 4K transition, no one's cracked it, right? Everyone's still poking around the edges of it. How are you guys going to maintain that leadership position, even if everyone else is coming at you? Because they're all going to keep coming at you. Yeah. The best way and the reason we spent so much time on this is quality. You can try and be the best price forever and that's great and it will decline quick and that's something we do naturally anyways, is price aggressively. That's great. But that can also be fleeting. What really matters is actually shipping a world class product. So if you have a world class product where you've actually beaten products that are twice as expensive as you, you're going to have staying power and you're going to actually have a pretty good chunk of that market. So we have a good initial foray with these and you're going to see us continue to innovate in UHD. And again, our goal is to get people to transition into an ultra high-def living room quickly. So the last question, world class product, the other TV you showed at CS was the reference series. What's the timeline on that? Coming soon. Can't tell you exactly. We're perfecting that as well. Yeah. 40 under the air? A lot of probably not shipping. That's going to be really close. And so we may actually wait a little bit longer, give it some breathing room. But a lot of the fine tuning that went into P-Series is going into our reference series and then we have a whole other order of magnitude that we're doing for that product. And it's beautiful. I can't say too much. But the demos we showed at CES on the reference series were pretty jaw dropping and it's only gotten much better from there. Also the reference series, we want to make sure that when we launched the P-Series, we want to make sure there was content. So Netflix has great content. We've got Amazon and Ultra Fix climbing. So even if you don't have a 4K Blu-ray player yet, there's a lot of content. On the reference series, we're doing the same thing where we want to make sure that there's high dynamic range, ultra wide color gamut content when we launch. And some of that stuff's being created and mastered right now. And so we don't want to launch a TV and then not have content to actually show with it. So it's another reason why maybe waiting a few months would make more sense. So this guy's $1,000. $1,000, $999. The big one is, how big and how much? The 65 inch is $21.99 and the 70 inch is $24.99. Wow, that's aggressive. And these are going to be in stores now? Yeah, actually a few websites are already selling them live. There's some pre-orders that a few snuck out and our retailers will have them starting tomorrow but some are already on the shelf. And you're going to be able to keep them in stock? What I think is going to happen based on what we're seeing online is that we're going to sell out for a while and then we've got a whole other huge boatload coming and that's when we'll kick off our advertising and things like that in October. Awesome. Matt McCray, Vizio P-Series, $1,000, 4K. Awesome. Thanks, man. You're welcome.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 2.44, "text": " Hey guys, this is Neil Iver with The Verge." }, { "start": 2.44, "end": 4.5600000000000005, "text": " I'm here with Matt McCray, the CTO of Visio." }, { "start": 4.5600000000000005, "end": 9.68, "text": " And we're here with the new P Series, which is a thousand dollar 4K TV." }, { "start": 9.68, "end": 14.44, "text": " You guys announced it in CES, it's about 10 months later, and here we are." }, { "start": 14.44, "end": 16.6, "text": " So first of all, what took so long?" }, { "start": 16.6, "end": 17.740000000000002, "text": " We wanted to get it right." }, { "start": 17.740000000000002, "end": 23.56, "text": " So we showed our demos at CES, and we're showing a lot of picture processing demos here, and" }, { "start": 23.56, "end": 27.68, "text": " we wanted to make sure that the resolution was right, the motion capture was right, the" }, { "start": 27.68, "end": 29.3, "text": " color was right." }, { "start": 29.3, "end": 34.480000000000004, "text": " So it's really been just fine tuning the details, and not only ship an amazingly priced 4K TV," }, { "start": 34.480000000000004, "end": 37.28, "text": " but one that actually blows away the competition on picture quality." }, { "start": 37.28, "end": 38.36, "text": " So that's the big question." }, { "start": 38.36, "end": 42.980000000000004, "text": " How did you make a thousand dollar 15 inch 4K TV when everyone else is like two thousand" }, { "start": 42.980000000000004, "end": 43.980000000000004, "text": " dollars, four thousand dollars?" }, { "start": 43.980000000000004, "end": 45.24, "text": " What's the secret here?" }, { "start": 45.24, "end": 47.24, "text": " Well, it wasn't easy." }, { "start": 47.24, "end": 51.040000000000006, "text": " We spent a lot of time doing engineering work specific to our product." }, { "start": 51.040000000000006, "end": 55.08, "text": " So probably the biggest thing we did is we developed our own backlights." }, { "start": 55.08, "end": 59.64, "text": " So we talked about that at CES, where we do full array local dimming across all our product" }, { "start": 59.64, "end": 63.68, "text": " lines, and by designing them ourselves, we were able to not only raise the picture quality," }, { "start": 63.68, "end": 64.67999999999999, "text": " but actually lower the price." }, { "start": 64.67999999999999, "end": 67.32, "text": " Wait, how does all that work to let you lower the price if you're doing all that engineering" }, { "start": 67.32, "end": 68.84, "text": " work?" }, { "start": 68.84, "end": 69.84, "text": " Because of the component price." }, { "start": 69.84, "end": 73.64, "text": " So yeah, we spent a lot of engineering time and development effort, but the actual component" }, { "start": 73.64, "end": 77.68, "text": " price and the innovation that we did was to create a full array local dimming, right," }, { "start": 77.68, "end": 81.84, "text": " where we got LEDs going all the way through the backlight, but actually reduced the component" }, { "start": 81.84, "end": 83.53999999999999, "text": " count by 40% at the same time." }, { "start": 83.54, "end": 88.02000000000001, "text": " So there's a lot of integration happening where the glass meets the LEDs, meets the" }, { "start": 88.02000000000001, "end": 89.02000000000001, "text": " driver boards." }, { "start": 89.02000000000001, "end": 92.38000000000001, "text": " We were able to reduce that overall cost through that innovation." }, { "start": 92.38000000000001, "end": 95.06, "text": " And again, the picture quality goes up, but cost goes down." }, { "start": 95.06, "end": 98.32000000000001, "text": " So the big question with 4K is how are you going to get content?" }, { "start": 98.32000000000001, "end": 101, "text": " And you guys are betting almost exclusively on streaming, right?" }, { "start": 101, "end": 106.2, "text": " Yeah, we've decided since our first smart TVs launched six years ago that streaming" }, { "start": 106.2, "end": 109.96000000000001, "text": " was going to be one of the primary ways people are going to get any content." }, { "start": 109.96, "end": 114.52, "text": " And we've streamed billions of hours of video content to our smart TVs now." }, { "start": 114.52, "end": 115.74, "text": " And 4K is not going to be different." }, { "start": 115.74, "end": 119.03999999999999, "text": " So there will be 4K Blu-ray players in the future." }, { "start": 119.03999999999999, "end": 121.16, "text": " There will be 4K set-top boxes in the future." }, { "start": 121.16, "end": 123.83999999999999, "text": " This has HDMI 2.0 and will support all that." }, { "start": 123.83999999999999, "end": 127.16, "text": " But we do believe that one of the primary ways, and probably the primary way people" }, { "start": 127.16, "end": 131.95999999999998, "text": " will get content are going to be from sources like Netflix and Amazon and UltraFlix and" }, { "start": 131.95999999999998, "end": 134.24, "text": " some of the partners we've announced today." }, { "start": 134.24, "end": 137.16, "text": " And we had a demo in the other room and you can see that it's pretty nice." }, { "start": 137.16, "end": 140.12, "text": " I mean, 10 to 15 megabits per second is gorgeous." }, { "start": 140.12, "end": 141.12, "text": " And that's what you need, right?" }, { "start": 141.12, "end": 142.68, "text": " Otherwise you get a little too compressed?" }, { "start": 142.68, "end": 147.56, "text": " Yeah, it starts at about 9 point something, almost 10 megabits per second." }, { "start": 147.56, "end": 149.6, "text": " And then it steps up all the way to 15." }, { "start": 149.6, "end": 153.88, "text": " And by the time you're at 12 to 15 megabits per second, it is substantially better than" }, { "start": 153.88, "end": 154.88, "text": " 1080p." }, { "start": 154.88, "end": 155.88, "text": " Really?" }, { "start": 155.88, "end": 157.64, "text": " And do you think it's going to be as good on disc?" }, { "start": 157.64, "end": 159, "text": " It'll be a little bit different." }, { "start": 159, "end": 160, "text": " You'll see different artifacts." }, { "start": 160, "end": 162.88, "text": " It won't be quite as good as a disc because the bit rate will be so much higher." }, { "start": 162.88, "end": 167.28, "text": " But it's already showing a massive upgrade against what you're seeing on 1080p." }, { "start": 167.28, "end": 174.44, "text": " And remember, it's not just going from 7 megabits a second on 1080p to 15 on 4K, a doubling" }, { "start": 174.44, "end": 175.44, "text": " of it." }, { "start": 175.44, "end": 180.35999999999999, "text": " Because we're also using HEVC, which is a much more compressed format, it's a new format" }, { "start": 180.35999999999999, "end": 183.92, "text": " for extreme units, you're getting the double of the bandwidth, but you're also getting" }, { "start": 183.92, "end": 185.82, "text": " another doubling of efficiency." }, { "start": 185.82, "end": 189.6, "text": " So it's actually four times the effective throughput and it looks really good." }, { "start": 189.6, "end": 191.2, "text": " And you're building your own chips to it?" }, { "start": 191.2, "end": 192.2, "text": " We are." }, { "start": 192.2, "end": 196.28, "text": " We have the Vizio V6 processor, which is a six core processor we're using to do all this." }, { "start": 196.28, "end": 200, "text": " And we have the VM50, which is our picture processing engine that's doing all of the" }, { "start": 200, "end": 204.54, "text": " color, fidelity, the contrast, our pixel mapping and everything that we're doing." }, { "start": 204.54, "end": 208.28, "text": " And that was the other way that we decided, even though it would take a little bit more" }, { "start": 208.28, "end": 212.76, "text": " time, but to not only beat people on price, but beat them on picture quality, we had to" }, { "start": 212.76, "end": 215, "text": " actually bring our own technology to market." }, { "start": 215, "end": 219.48, "text": " So that's the question, once you start talking about processors and cores and that kind of" }, { "start": 219.48, "end": 224, "text": " technology and a TV, I get worried about how long until I have to replace it with a faster" }, { "start": 224, "end": 229.16, "text": " processor and a faster, better pixel engine and better software." }, { "start": 229.16, "end": 230.44, "text": " How long do you think this TV is going to last?" }, { "start": 230.44, "end": 232.79999999999998, "text": " It'll last a long time." }, { "start": 232.79999999999998, "end": 236.12, "text": " The chips that we can buy off the shelf were dual core." }, { "start": 236.12, "end": 237.51999999999998, "text": " This is six cores." }, { "start": 237.51999999999998, "end": 242.72, "text": " So again, one of our choices was to actually put more horsepower than we need today to" }, { "start": 242.72, "end": 247.12, "text": " make it a platform that can last quite a while." }, { "start": 247.12, "end": 249.64000000000001, "text": " The investment, like you keep mentioning, how do you guys do it, how do you guys do" }, { "start": 249.64000000000001, "end": 254.48000000000002, "text": " it, there was definitely a very large upfront investment, but we're not passing that on" }, { "start": 254.48000000000002, "end": 255.48000000000002, "text": " to consumers." }, { "start": 255.48000000000002, "end": 259.16, "text": " That investment we made not only for this TV, but future TVs." }, { "start": 259.16, "end": 262.72, "text": " So we're spreading that very small across all of the platforms." }, { "start": 262.72, "end": 266.44, "text": " So first TVs got flat and everybody rushed out and bought new form factors." }, { "start": 266.44, "end": 270.6, "text": " And then there's been this desperate search for the next thing that's going to make everybody" }, { "start": 270.6, "end": 271.6, "text": " buy again." }, { "start": 271.6, "end": 272.6, "text": " Don't say curved." }, { "start": 272.6, "end": 273.6, "text": " Curved." }, { "start": 273.6, "end": 274.6, "text": " Then there's 3D." }, { "start": 274.6, "end": 277.32000000000005, "text": " You guys have taken 3D completely out of the picture now." }, { "start": 277.32000000000005, "end": 279.44, "text": " You're just giving up on 3D?" }, { "start": 279.44, "end": 282.76000000000005, "text": " So what I'll tell you is one of the things we pride ourselves on is really listening" }, { "start": 282.76000000000005, "end": 287.44, "text": " and watching consumers, but listening to what they really want in a television." }, { "start": 287.44, "end": 289.38, "text": " So there was actually two reasons." }, { "start": 289.38, "end": 294.12, "text": " One is we looked at how many people are actually using our 3D TVs and how many people actually" }, { "start": 294.12, "end": 297.96000000000004, "text": " thought that was a very important feature set and it was pretty low." }, { "start": 297.96000000000004, "end": 302.46000000000004, "text": " Also if you look at the 4K, if you do 4K right, if you do ultra high def with the right" }, { "start": 302.46, "end": 305.08, "text": " picture processing, you'll swear it's 3D." }, { "start": 305.08, "end": 307.88, "text": " And we've had other people come through this gallery already and kind of look at it and" }, { "start": 307.88, "end": 308.88, "text": " say is that 3D?" }, { "start": 308.88, "end": 312.84, "text": " And it's because of the depth that we're able to produce through the picture processing." }, { "start": 312.84, "end": 317.76, "text": " So for us, putting our investment resources towards improving the picture quality, not" }, { "start": 317.76, "end": 323.12, "text": " in a 2D, but making it so clear and the motion resolution so good that it actually looks" }, { "start": 323.12, "end": 325.32, "text": " 3D was much more important." }, { "start": 325.32, "end": 327.03999999999996, "text": " You get to curved and things like that." }, { "start": 327.03999999999996, "end": 330.44, "text": " Again, our opinion is curved as a gimmick." }, { "start": 330.44, "end": 336.08, "text": " It actually hurts picture quality and causes a lot of problems so you won't see us do curved." }, { "start": 336.08, "end": 341.28, "text": " We try and find a way to actually improve the user's experience and charge them less." }, { "start": 341.28, "end": 344.72, "text": " Not figure out how to make their experience worse and charge them more." }, { "start": 344.72, "end": 347.36, "text": " So for us, it's complete opposite of what we focus on." }, { "start": 347.36, "end": 351.4, "text": " So do you think 4K is going to kick off another adoption cycle?" }, { "start": 351.4, "end": 354.08, "text": " Is that why you priced so low to get to the front of the market?" }, { "start": 354.08, "end": 357.36, "text": " Well I think what would have happened without Vizio is we would have seen maybe a three" }, { "start": 357.36, "end": 362.28000000000003, "text": " to four year, maybe five year even, transition cycle from 1080p to 4K." }, { "start": 362.28000000000003, "end": 366.32, "text": " At least on 50 inch and above where you can really tell the difference." }, { "start": 366.32, "end": 370.6, "text": " Our goal is to try and make that transition one to two years and get most people buying" }, { "start": 370.6, "end": 374, "text": " 4K TVs at those sizes by next year." }, { "start": 374, "end": 376.6, "text": " And hopefully this year we're already going to get a big chunk of the market." }, { "start": 376.6, "end": 382.72, "text": " So one of the things we like to do is actually drive transitions faster." }, { "start": 382.72, "end": 386.34000000000003, "text": " Is use disruptive technology to get people the latest technology." }, { "start": 386.34, "end": 389.11999999999995, "text": " Maybe they thought they couldn't afford now." }, { "start": 389.11999999999995, "end": 393.17999999999995, "text": " And that's part of the pricing strategy is to take that market by storm." }, { "start": 393.17999999999995, "end": 394.91999999999996, "text": " So we've talked to you a bunch of times." }, { "start": 394.91999999999996, "end": 400.08, "text": " This feels like a refocusing on the core of Vizio which has always been televisions." }, { "start": 400.08, "end": 401.29999999999995, "text": " You've diversified a few places." }, { "start": 401.29999999999995, "end": 402.29999999999995, "text": " You're in sound bars." }, { "start": 402.29999999999995, "end": 403.29999999999995, "text": " You're doing really well there." }, { "start": 403.29999999999995, "end": 404.44, "text": " But you did laptops for a minute." }, { "start": 404.44, "end": 406.4, "text": " You've played with phones." }, { "start": 406.4, "end": 410.08, "text": " Is this Vizio coming all the way back to TVs or are you going to keep trying to broaden" }, { "start": 410.08, "end": 411.08, "text": " out?" }, { "start": 411.08, "end": 412.08, "text": " Yeah, a bit." }, { "start": 412.08, "end": 414.08, "text": " What I would say is this took a lot of effort." }, { "start": 414.08, "end": 418.56, "text": " So for the last year and a half, two years, we've actually spent a bulk of our resources" }, { "start": 418.56, "end": 420.03999999999996, "text": " perfecting UHD." }, { "start": 420.03999999999996, "end": 422.96, "text": " And again, making sure we hit the prices that we want to hit." }, { "start": 422.96, "end": 425.64, "text": " But really setting a new bar for quality." }, { "start": 425.64, "end": 427.12, "text": " We think it's really, really important." }, { "start": 427.12, "end": 428.88, "text": " So that has been the bulk of it." }, { "start": 428.88, "end": 431.88, "text": " Also our sound bars and our audio equipment." }, { "start": 431.88, "end": 434.2, "text": " We're the number one sound bar manufacturer as well." }, { "start": 434.2, "end": 435.56, "text": " That's been a big focus." }, { "start": 435.56, "end": 438.88, "text": " But I think what you can say fairly is that for the last year and a half, at least from" }, { "start": 438.88, "end": 442.84, "text": " an engineering and R&D side, we decided that there was some really cool technology coming" }, { "start": 442.84, "end": 447.34, "text": " forward and that focusing on the living room, again, was really important because we saw" }, { "start": 447.34, "end": 448.84, "text": " this transition coming." }, { "start": 448.84, "end": 451.91999999999996, "text": " Having said that, you'll see some interesting stuff coming in the next year or two that" }, { "start": 451.91999999999996, "end": 453.17999999999995, "text": " I can't talk about." }, { "start": 453.17999999999995, "end": 457.96, "text": " So we won't predominantly stay in the living room, but it was important to actually take" }, { "start": 457.96, "end": 463.67999999999995, "text": " a leadership position in UHD and continue that position in audio as well." }, { "start": 463.67999999999995, "end": 466.79999999999995, "text": " So if the living room is getting interesting again because of the 4K transition, no one's" }, { "start": 466.79999999999995, "end": 467.79999999999995, "text": " cracked it, right?" }, { "start": 467.79999999999995, "end": 470.65999999999997, "text": " Everyone's still poking around the edges of it." }, { "start": 470.66, "end": 474.40000000000003, "text": " How are you guys going to maintain that leadership position, even if everyone else is coming" }, { "start": 474.40000000000003, "end": 475.40000000000003, "text": " at you?" }, { "start": 475.40000000000003, "end": 476.88000000000005, "text": " Because they're all going to keep coming at you." }, { "start": 476.88000000000005, "end": 477.88000000000005, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 477.88000000000005, "end": 481.62, "text": " The best way and the reason we spent so much time on this is quality." }, { "start": 481.62, "end": 485.28000000000003, "text": " You can try and be the best price forever and that's great and it will decline quick" }, { "start": 485.28000000000003, "end": 489.08000000000004, "text": " and that's something we do naturally anyways, is price aggressively." }, { "start": 489.08000000000004, "end": 490.08000000000004, "text": " That's great." }, { "start": 490.08000000000004, "end": 491.16, "text": " But that can also be fleeting." }, { "start": 491.16, "end": 494.32000000000005, "text": " What really matters is actually shipping a world class product." }, { "start": 494.32000000000005, "end": 498.84000000000003, "text": " So if you have a world class product where you've actually beaten products that are twice" }, { "start": 498.84, "end": 502.32, "text": " as expensive as you, you're going to have staying power and you're going to actually" }, { "start": 502.32, "end": 503.85999999999996, "text": " have a pretty good chunk of that market." }, { "start": 503.85999999999996, "end": 508.28, "text": " So we have a good initial foray with these and you're going to see us continue to innovate" }, { "start": 508.28, "end": 509.28, "text": " in UHD." }, { "start": 509.28, "end": 515.06, "text": " And again, our goal is to get people to transition into an ultra high-def living room quickly." }, { "start": 515.06, "end": 518.76, "text": " So the last question, world class product, the other TV you showed at CS was the reference" }, { "start": 518.76, "end": 519.76, "text": " series." }, { "start": 519.76, "end": 520.76, "text": " What's the timeline on that?" }, { "start": 520.76, "end": 521.76, "text": " Coming soon." }, { "start": 521.76, "end": 522.76, "text": " Can't tell you exactly." }, { "start": 522.76, "end": 523.76, "text": " We're perfecting that as well." }, { "start": 523.76, "end": 524.76, "text": " Yeah." }, { "start": 524.76, "end": 525.76, "text": " 40 under the air?" }, { "start": 525.76, "end": 528.16, "text": " A lot of probably not shipping." }, { "start": 528.16, "end": 529.16, "text": " That's going to be really close." }, { "start": 529.16, "end": 532.68, "text": " And so we may actually wait a little bit longer, give it some breathing room." }, { "start": 532.68, "end": 537.26, "text": " But a lot of the fine tuning that went into P-Series is going into our reference series" }, { "start": 537.26, "end": 541.48, "text": " and then we have a whole other order of magnitude that we're doing for that product." }, { "start": 541.48, "end": 542.48, "text": " And it's beautiful." }, { "start": 542.48, "end": 545.92, "text": " I can't say too much." }, { "start": 545.92, "end": 551.8, "text": " But the demos we showed at CES on the reference series were pretty jaw dropping and it's only" }, { "start": 551.8, "end": 554.4399999999999, "text": " gotten much better from there." }, { "start": 554.44, "end": 559.8000000000001, "text": " Also the reference series, we want to make sure that when we launched the P-Series, we" }, { "start": 559.8000000000001, "end": 561.4000000000001, "text": " want to make sure there was content." }, { "start": 561.4000000000001, "end": 563.12, "text": " So Netflix has great content." }, { "start": 563.12, "end": 565.0400000000001, "text": " We've got Amazon and Ultra Fix climbing." }, { "start": 565.0400000000001, "end": 568.4000000000001, "text": " So even if you don't have a 4K Blu-ray player yet, there's a lot of content." }, { "start": 568.4000000000001, "end": 571.48, "text": " On the reference series, we're doing the same thing where we want to make sure that there's" }, { "start": 571.48, "end": 576.6, "text": " high dynamic range, ultra wide color gamut content when we launch." }, { "start": 576.6, "end": 579.32, "text": " And some of that stuff's being created and mastered right now." }, { "start": 579.32, "end": 583.08, "text": " And so we don't want to launch a TV and then not have content to actually show with it." }, { "start": 583.08, "end": 587.44, "text": " So it's another reason why maybe waiting a few months would make more sense." }, { "start": 587.44, "end": 588.44, "text": " So this guy's $1,000." }, { "start": 588.44, "end": 589.44, "text": " $1,000, $999." }, { "start": 589.44, "end": 592.08, "text": " The big one is, how big and how much?" }, { "start": 592.08, "end": 595.8000000000001, "text": " The 65 inch is $21.99 and the 70 inch is $24.99." }, { "start": 595.8000000000001, "end": 596.8000000000001, "text": " Wow, that's aggressive." }, { "start": 596.8000000000001, "end": 598.0400000000001, "text": " And these are going to be in stores now?" }, { "start": 598.0400000000001, "end": 600.5600000000001, "text": " Yeah, actually a few websites are already selling them live." }, { "start": 600.5600000000001, "end": 604.4000000000001, "text": " There's some pre-orders that a few snuck out and our retailers will have them starting" }, { "start": 604.4000000000001, "end": 605.96, "text": " tomorrow but some are already on the shelf." }, { "start": 605.96, "end": 608.76, "text": " And you're going to be able to keep them in stock?" }, { "start": 608.76, "end": 611.84, "text": " What I think is going to happen based on what we're seeing online is that we're going to" }, { "start": 611.84, "end": 616.52, "text": " sell out for a while and then we've got a whole other huge boatload coming and that's" }, { "start": 616.52, "end": 618.6800000000001, "text": " when we'll kick off our advertising and things like that in October." }, { "start": 618.6800000000001, "end": 619.6800000000001, "text": " Awesome." }, { "start": 619.6800000000001, "end": 620.6800000000001, "text": " Matt McCray, Vizio P-Series, $1,000, 4K." }, { "start": 620.6800000000001, "end": 621.6800000000001, "text": " Awesome." }, { "start": 621.6800000000001, "end": 622.6800000000001, "text": " Thanks, man." }, { "start": 622.68, "end": 642.2399999999999, "text": " You're welcome." } ]
A serious question of safety is being asked after a fire hydrant failed during a Hazelton firefight. In the case of a fire, there's a chance the hydrant in front of your home won't function. Is the fire hydrant in your neighborhood working? Hundreds upon hundreds remain out of service in Kansas City. Defective hydrants risk lives. While technology and other firefighting equipment has been revamped, the hydrant has not been redesigned in over a century. Which ones work and which ones don't? They tried not one but two fire hydrants. The fire hydrant in front of this house failed. This hydrant right in front of the house was not working. So a former New York City firefighter has designed a hydrant that is virtually indestructible. As a firefighter, New York City firefighter, I recognized the need that there had to be a change in the reliability of a fire hydrant was. In a hundred years, there hasn't been no real significant change, even though we know where the issues and problems are. Well, fire hydrants are the critical part of the fire extinguishment tactic. A hydrant is as important as a firefighter. We have standards. We get to the scene within four minutes. We have set up time, which means connecting to a hydrant, stretching all his lines, another four minutes. And we expect that water to be on the fire in eight minutes. And when the hydrant is broken, we don't accomplish that. Through better engineering and better materials, we've come up with the solution. It's called the Sigilak Spartan Fire Hydrant. Here's your basic standard, conventional fire hydrant. And you can see how the corrosion on there exists, because they just put regular paint on there. It's totally vulnerable and accessible. These things can get damaged and bent. These can get cross-threaded. They throw debris inside. But the integrity of this hydrant is easily compromised, because everything's accessible and exposed to the elements. What I've done is I've deconstructed the fire hydrant and identified all the vulnerable parts of a hydrant that are known to break down and fail consistently. Now you can see, obviously, just by appearance how much different they look. You can notice that the water's going to come out as much higher, which is better for the firefighter to be able to put his thing on there. You have the snow pole. And all the integral parts are encapsulated inside the hydrant. So there's nothing where the elements can get to it. You can't put wrenches. There's nowhere to put a wrench on. You need a special tool to do that. So what I always do is come up with this tool, crack that open like that, spin that off, take that off. Now that everything's out of your way, the hydrant's in perfect working order. If I want to get water, it comes out like that. And then take the caps off. They come right off. Inside, up on top, you see there's a grease fitting. So it's a very simple, less complicated hydrant. And we're within 10 to 20 percent of the cost of a traditional hydrant. So we're not even that much more, but we do so much more. So cradle to grave, you can't afford not to have our hydrant in the ground. So we're in about a dozen U.S. states right now. We have 150 hydrants in the ground in those 12 states. And the reason there aren't more is because typically a municipality will want to buy one or two and put it through its paces over a four-season cycle and determine for themselves, let the fire department work on them extensively and determine that it doesn't leak, it doesn't freeze in the wintertime, it won't rust or corrode or break down. And then once that happens, they start to order more hydrants. People don't realize the need for hydrants until it's their house that's on fire and all of a sudden that hydrant's not working. And people yelling, screaming out of the building. And firefighters are putting their lives at risk. You know, and it's unnecessary. It's something that time has come. People believe they're just an ordinary fixture in the street. They are life-saving fire department appliances. They shouldn't be used, you know, for washing cars or for cleaning streets. People do not understand the importance of these types. When you're at a fire and a hydrant doesn't work and the firefighters are standing around and no one can get water out of the hose, then you understand how important a fire hydrant is.
[ { "start": 0, "end": 11.52, "text": " A serious question of safety is being asked after a fire hydrant failed during a Hazelton" }, { "start": 11.52, "end": 12.76, "text": " firefight." }, { "start": 12.76, "end": 17.34, "text": " In the case of a fire, there's a chance the hydrant in front of your home won't function." }, { "start": 17.34, "end": 20.44, "text": " Is the fire hydrant in your neighborhood working?" }, { "start": 20.44, "end": 23.36, "text": " Hundreds upon hundreds remain out of service in Kansas City." }, { "start": 23.36, "end": 25.52, "text": " Defective hydrants risk lives." }, { "start": 25.52, "end": 30.24, "text": " While technology and other firefighting equipment has been revamped, the hydrant has not been" }, { "start": 30.24, "end": 32.36, "text": " redesigned in over a century." }, { "start": 32.36, "end": 34.4, "text": " Which ones work and which ones don't?" }, { "start": 34.4, "end": 36.22, "text": " They tried not one but two fire hydrants." }, { "start": 36.22, "end": 37.64, "text": " The fire hydrant in front of this house failed." }, { "start": 37.64, "end": 41.4, "text": " This hydrant right in front of the house was not working." }, { "start": 41.4, "end": 51.18, "text": " So a former New York City firefighter has designed a hydrant that is virtually indestructible." }, { "start": 51.18, "end": 56.14, "text": " As a firefighter, New York City firefighter, I recognized the need that there had to be" }, { "start": 56.14, "end": 60.76, "text": " a change in the reliability of a fire hydrant was." }, { "start": 60.76, "end": 65.56, "text": " In a hundred years, there hasn't been no real significant change, even though we know where" }, { "start": 65.56, "end": 67.4, "text": " the issues and problems are." }, { "start": 67.4, "end": 74.68, "text": " Well, fire hydrants are the critical part of the fire extinguishment tactic." }, { "start": 74.68, "end": 77.74000000000001, "text": " A hydrant is as important as a firefighter." }, { "start": 77.74000000000001, "end": 78.9, "text": " We have standards." }, { "start": 78.9, "end": 82.4, "text": " We get to the scene within four minutes." }, { "start": 82.4, "end": 86.96000000000001, "text": " We have set up time, which means connecting to a hydrant, stretching all his lines, another" }, { "start": 86.96000000000001, "end": 87.96000000000001, "text": " four minutes." }, { "start": 87.96000000000001, "end": 91.80000000000001, "text": " And we expect that water to be on the fire in eight minutes." }, { "start": 91.80000000000001, "end": 95.32000000000001, "text": " And when the hydrant is broken, we don't accomplish that." }, { "start": 95.32000000000001, "end": 100.16000000000001, "text": " Through better engineering and better materials, we've come up with the solution." }, { "start": 100.16000000000001, "end": 107.44, "text": " It's called the Sigilak Spartan Fire Hydrant." }, { "start": 107.44, "end": 111.39999999999999, "text": " Here's your basic standard, conventional fire hydrant." }, { "start": 111.39999999999999, "end": 116.48, "text": " And you can see how the corrosion on there exists, because they just put regular paint" }, { "start": 116.48, "end": 117.48, "text": " on there." }, { "start": 117.48, "end": 118.96, "text": " It's totally vulnerable and accessible." }, { "start": 118.96, "end": 120.64, "text": " These things can get damaged and bent." }, { "start": 120.64, "end": 122.56, "text": " These can get cross-threaded." }, { "start": 122.56, "end": 124.5, "text": " They throw debris inside." }, { "start": 124.5, "end": 130.4, "text": " But the integrity of this hydrant is easily compromised, because everything's accessible" }, { "start": 130.4, "end": 131.96, "text": " and exposed to the elements." }, { "start": 131.96, "end": 138.16, "text": " What I've done is I've deconstructed the fire hydrant and identified all the vulnerable" }, { "start": 138.16, "end": 144.48000000000002, "text": " parts of a hydrant that are known to break down and fail consistently." }, { "start": 144.48000000000002, "end": 147.98000000000002, "text": " Now you can see, obviously, just by appearance how much different they look." }, { "start": 147.98000000000002, "end": 152.56, "text": " You can notice that the water's going to come out as much higher, which is better for the" }, { "start": 152.56, "end": 155.12, "text": " firefighter to be able to put his thing on there." }, { "start": 155.12, "end": 157.92000000000002, "text": " You have the snow pole." }, { "start": 157.92, "end": 163.51999999999998, "text": " And all the integral parts are encapsulated inside the hydrant." }, { "start": 163.51999999999998, "end": 166.32, "text": " So there's nothing where the elements can get to it." }, { "start": 166.32, "end": 167.32, "text": " You can't put wrenches." }, { "start": 167.32, "end": 168.98, "text": " There's nowhere to put a wrench on." }, { "start": 168.98, "end": 171.23999999999998, "text": " You need a special tool to do that." }, { "start": 171.23999999999998, "end": 174.79999999999998, "text": " So what I always do is come up with this tool, crack that open like that, spin that off," }, { "start": 174.79999999999998, "end": 175.79999999999998, "text": " take that off." }, { "start": 175.79999999999998, "end": 179.45999999999998, "text": " Now that everything's out of your way, the hydrant's in perfect working order." }, { "start": 179.45999999999998, "end": 181.48, "text": " If I want to get water, it comes out like that." }, { "start": 181.48, "end": 183.04, "text": " And then take the caps off." }, { "start": 183.04, "end": 184.04, "text": " They come right off." }, { "start": 184.04, "end": 186.2, "text": " Inside, up on top, you see there's a grease fitting." }, { "start": 186.2, "end": 189.35999999999999, "text": " So it's a very simple, less complicated hydrant." }, { "start": 189.35999999999999, "end": 193.88, "text": " And we're within 10 to 20 percent of the cost of a traditional hydrant." }, { "start": 193.88, "end": 197.32, "text": " So we're not even that much more, but we do so much more." }, { "start": 197.32, "end": 207.72, "text": " So cradle to grave, you can't afford not to have our hydrant in the ground." }, { "start": 207.72, "end": 210.51999999999998, "text": " So we're in about a dozen U.S. states right now." }, { "start": 210.51999999999998, "end": 214.56, "text": " We have 150 hydrants in the ground in those 12 states." }, { "start": 214.56, "end": 219.28, "text": " And the reason there aren't more is because typically a municipality will want to buy" }, { "start": 219.28, "end": 226.88, "text": " one or two and put it through its paces over a four-season cycle and determine for themselves," }, { "start": 226.88, "end": 232.32, "text": " let the fire department work on them extensively and determine that it doesn't leak, it doesn't" }, { "start": 232.32, "end": 236.16, "text": " freeze in the wintertime, it won't rust or corrode or break down." }, { "start": 236.16, "end": 239.6, "text": " And then once that happens, they start to order more hydrants." }, { "start": 239.6, "end": 243.16, "text": " People don't realize the need for hydrants until it's their house that's on fire and" }, { "start": 243.16, "end": 245.02, "text": " all of a sudden that hydrant's not working." }, { "start": 245.02, "end": 247.35999999999999, "text": " And people yelling, screaming out of the building." }, { "start": 247.35999999999999, "end": 249.64, "text": " And firefighters are putting their lives at risk." }, { "start": 249.64, "end": 251.28, "text": " You know, and it's unnecessary." }, { "start": 251.28, "end": 253.28, "text": " It's something that time has come." }, { "start": 253.28, "end": 257.44, "text": " People believe they're just an ordinary fixture in the street." }, { "start": 257.44, "end": 261.44, "text": " They are life-saving fire department appliances." }, { "start": 261.44, "end": 267.02, "text": " They shouldn't be used, you know, for washing cars or for cleaning streets." }, { "start": 267.02, "end": 270.36, "text": " People do not understand the importance of these types." }, { "start": 270.36, "end": 275.24, "text": " When you're at a fire and a hydrant doesn't work and the firefighters are standing around" }, { "start": 275.24, "end": 281.36, "text": " and no one can get water out of the hose, then you understand how important a fire hydrant" }, { "start": 281.36, "end": 300.64, "text": " is." } ]
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