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1 value
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Under Broadbent , the party had seen greater support in opinion polling than ever before , and had actually replaced the Liberals as the second party in much of the west . <sep> Sous le leadership de Broadbent , le parti a récolté son plus grand appui jusque-là dans l' opinion publique , et il remplace même les libéraux comme deuxième parti d' importance à bien des endroits dans l' Ouest . ↑ " I had no option " . ↑ " You had an option , sir .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In one famous anti-Dixie Chicks display , former fans were encouraged to bring their CDs to a demonstration at which they would be crushed by a bulldozer . <sep> Lors d' un rassemblement orchestré par d' anciens fans en colère , un certain nombre de CD du groupe furent détruits à l' aide d' un bulldozer .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Thus , a company employee may occupy a superior position within the specific company but a humble one in relation to the company 's customers . <sep> Ainsi , un employé peut occuper un poste important pour sa propre compagnie , mais de moindre importance par rapport à une société cliente .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
However , he keeps trying so that he can impress women ( including Betty Hutton in a cameo role as " Hetty Button " ) . <sep> Malgré tout il essaie toujours , pensant ainsi impressionner les femmes , parmi lesquelles Betty Hutton qui apparaît dans un caméo sous le nom de " Hetty Button " .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The foundation date of the factory is considered to be 1885 , when 236 cognac buckets were brought from Kizlyar to Moscow . <sep> La date de la Fondation de l' usine est 1885 , quand 236 seaux de brandy ont été importés du Kizliar à Moscou .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Three businessmen are best friends until one of them gets married . <sep> Trois ouvriers des chantiers navals de La Ciotat sont les meilleurs amis du monde et colocataires jusqu' au jour où l' un d' eux se marie .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The rest period after the end of the working day ( Art. 152 of the LC RF ) shall not be less than 12 hours . <sep> Une pause après avoir fini le tour de défense ne peut pas excéder 45 secondes ( sauf VT , cf règle 12 ) .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Attempts have been made to schedule regular commercial flights to serve northern Togo , such as Air Burkina Ouagadougou-Niamtougou-Lomé round-trip flights , but to date these flights have not proved to be commercially viable . <sep> Des tentatives ont été faites pour programmer des vols commerciaux réguliers pour desservir le nord du Togo , telles que des relations aller-retour Ouagadougou-Niamtougou-Lomé d' Air Burkina , mais à ce jour , ils ne se sont pas avérés commercialement viables .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
When he left Oxford he failed to find a position in his chosen discipline and returned to his childhood home of Jersey , where he set up a pathology laboratory . <sep> Quand il a quitté Oxford , il a échoué à trouver un poste dans sa discipline et est retourné à sa maison d' enfance de Jersey , où il a mis en place un laboratoire de pathologie .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Therapy ? also appeared at European festivals in the summer , including at Knebworth Sonisphere on 31 July when the band performed the Troublegum album in its entirety . <sep> Therapy ? participe aussi à des festivals européens en été , comme le Sonisphere de Knebworth le 31 juillet où le groupe joue l' album Troublegum dans son intégralité .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Teams were given a list of flag positions representing each letter , but they would have to memorize it before a naval officer would present them with their destination . <sep> Ces coéquipiers , ayant reçu une liste des positions des drapeaux pour chaque lettre , devaient alors les mémoriser et les présenter en face d' un officier de marine , qui leur présenterait leur prochaine destination .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
After World War I , during which the community suffered aggravation , it was possible for the community to return to their homeland . <sep> Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale , période pendant laquelle ses actions ont été suspendues , la société a repris ses activités .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
These organs are located on various parts of the individual krill 's body : one pair of organs at the eyestalk ( cf. the image of the head above ) , another pair are on the hips of the second and seventh thoracopods , and singular organs on the four pleonsternites . <sep> Le krill peut émettre de la lumière par l' intermédiaire d' organes situés sur différentes parties de son corps : une paire d' organes près des yeux , une autre paire sur les côtés de la deuxième et septième pattes et un sur les quatre sternums .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
This alerted the British Parliament and European Union officials that Muad was communicating closely with while he staying in the UK representing Maldivian Democratic Party and working to free Sandhaanu political prisoners in Maldives . <sep> Il a été avancé qu' à l' époque de l' invasion de l' Angleterre par les Normands , il devait être en exil en Europe , travaillant avec succès comme mercenaire pour le comte de Flandre , Baudouin V , et qu' il serait alors rentré en Angleterre pour soutenir la cause anglo-danoise .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
This plan went into action with some of the victims being Mrs. Junko and Mayor Grody 's mother . <sep> Le même jour , on apprend que la femme dont il est accusé de l' assassinat est la femme d' Yves Gardel et la mère de Mathias .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
A well known occurrence of disease susceptibility in crops lacking diversity concerns the ' Gros Michel ' , a seedless banana that saw world marketing in the 1940s . <sep> Un cas bien connu de la sensibilité aux maladies chez les plantes cultivée dépourvues de diversité concerne le bananier' Gros Michel ' , cultivar sans pépins qui a envahi le marché mondial dans les années 1940 .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
For example , some people have more money than others , so they can pay to have their opinion put across better ( i.e. more advertising ) than the working class can . <sep> Certains auteurs considèrent que l' école enseigne plus aux élèves des contenus de cours qu' à raisonner correctement , alors qu' elle devrait faire le contraire ( ce qui expliquerait par exemple la prolifération actuelle des pseudo-sciences ) .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
His improvised Italian poems during that period of time were published in 1822 , under the title Rime Improvvisate . <sep> Il revint sur son île natale en 1818 où il continua à écrire en italien , des poèmes publiés en 1822 sous le titre Rime Improvvisate .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Chirps and grunts are made when there are changes in the surrounding environment such as changes in weather or animal movement in proximity to the group . <sep> Ainsi des grognements sont émis par les singes lorsqu' ils perçoivent un changement climatique ou la présence d' un animal près du groupe .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In 1926 , Drexel drove the Flying Scotsman train from London to Edinburgh . <sep> Aussi , dans la première version , le train emprunté par les différents personnages est inspiré du Flying Scotsman , reliant Londres à Édimbourg .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The opera house engaged her upon his recommendation and she made her professional opera debut there in 1866 in the title role of Vincenzo Bellini 's Norma . <sep> Elle a fait ses débuts à l' opéra en 1866 dans le rôle-titre de la Norma de Vincenzo Bellini .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
It was built around 3,500 German cadre troops , and 8,500 soldiers of the Croatian Home Guard , the regular army of the NDH . <sep> Elle comprend 3 500 Allemands chargés de l' encadrement de la division et 8 500 soldats de la Garde nationale croate , l' armée régulière de l' Etat indépendant de Croatie .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Gordon Keith , the owner and producer at Steeltown Records in Gary , Indiana , discovered the Jackson Five and signed them to their first contract in November 1967 . <sep> Coécrite par Keith Forsey et Steve Schiff , guitariste et auteur-compositeur du Nina Hagen Band , elle s' est classée 1re au Billboard américain en mai 1985 .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
When she was launched in 1913 the use of oil as fuel and untried 15-inch guns were revolutionary concepts in the naval arms race between Britain and Germany , a considerable risk for Winston Churchill , then First Lord of the Admiralty , and Admiral John Fisher who had advocated the design . <sep> Navire représentatif de la course germano-britannique aux armements navals , ses canons de 15 pouces ( 381 mm ) non testés et sa propulsion au fioul constituent des risques technologiques forts pris par le First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill et l' amiral John Arbuthnot Fisher .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
He was a regular on the second series of the Sharpe television programme , in which he was played by Michael Byrne . <sep> Il a joué dans un épisode de la série télévisée Platane d' Éric Judor .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Sometimes , pipettes that dispense between 1 and 1000 μl are distinguished as micropipettes , while macropipettes dispense greater volumes . <sep> Bien qu' il existe des noms descriptifs pour chaque type de pipette , dans la pratique les micropipettes permettent de prélever entre 1 et 1 000 mL tandis que les macropipettes prélèvent des volumes plus élevés ( jusqu' à 200 mL ) .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
However , shortly after the Russians entered the combat , the combined forces of Prądzyński 's infantry and Gen. Ludwik Kicki 's cavalry managed to cut the Russians from their rear and seize the sole bridge above the river . <sep> Mais les Russes n' étaient pas sitôt au contact que l' infanterie de Prądzyński et la cavalerie du général Ludwik Kicki ( pl ) , agissant de concert , coupèrent les Russes de leurs arrières et s' emparèrent du seul pont de la région .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Prices of calls ( and text messages ) when calling from your home country to another EEA country are still unregulated , and can be vastly higher than the marginal cost to the telecommunication provider . <sep> Le tarif des communications depuis le pays d' origine vers un pays de l' Espace économique européen n' est pas encore règlementé et peut dès lors être plus élevé que celui des communications depuis l' étranger .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
On May 1 , 2011 , ToD and Millenium decided to end their collaboration , explaining that they were disappointed by each other 's work . <sep> Néanmoins , le 1er mai 2011 , ToD et Millenium se séparent d' un commun accord , les deux parties étant déçues par ce qu' elles s' apportaient l' une à l' autre .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Pyle held the post of a head coach in the ECHL since the 1998-99 season when he coached the Mobile Mysticks . <sep> Pfaff se voit confier le poste d' entraîneur dans le club de KV Ostende , lors de la saison 98-99 , reprenant une équipe qui a frôlé la saison dernière la relégation d' un point .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
For this reason , particular parts of an object such as the headlights or tires of a car still have consistent appearances and relative positions . <sep> Le flou d' éléments urbains tels que les signaux lumineux ou les voitures contraste avec ses portraits d' alors , plus sobres .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
At the east end of the south aisle is the tomb chest for Sir George Colt , who died in 1570 . <sep> À l' extérieur du mur sud de la nef se trouve la tombe de John Locke , mort en 1704 .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Juan José Gómez ( born November 8 , 1980 in San Miguel , El Salvador ) is a Salvadoran retired professional goalkeeper . <sep> Juan José Gómez ( né le 8 novembre 1980 à San Miguel au Salvador ) est un joueur de football international salvadorien , qui évoluait au poste de gardien de but .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The goal of this operation was to secure the island 's airstrip as a base to support the planned landings at Brunei and Balikpapan . <sep> L' objectif de cette opération était de protéger la piste d' atterrissage de l' île comme base pour soutenir les débarquements à Brunei et Balikpapan .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
This ability was finally unleashed in the episode " The Balance " by Wonder Woman 's mother Queen Hippolyta who revealed that Diana had stolen the uniform before being told of its full capabilities . <sep> Cet épisode secret a été livré dans un entretien de Michel Surya avec Diane Bataille ( née Diane de Beauharnais Kotchoubey ) qui précise que Bataille avait dépensé la presque totalité de l' héritage de sa mère pour faire sortir Violette .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
After the Monday deadline , Chinese police announced on loudspeakers that anyone who took part in the violence and gave themselves up would be treated with leniency . <sep> Dans les années qui suivirent la Révolution d' Octobre , les architectes qui avaient refusé d' émigrer , rejoints par ceux de la nouvelle génération , se mirent à dénoncer l' héritage bourgeois et adoptèrent un parti-pris formaliste .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Skeletal animation is referring to the forward kinematics part of the rig , where a complete set of bone configurations identifies a unique pose . <sep> L' animation squelettique travaille les parties en cinématique directe du squelette , où une configuration donnée des os correspond à une pose unique .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
These degrees provide students with a grounding in music theory and music history , and many students also study an instrument or learn singing technique as part of their program . <sep> La formation vise à donner aux étudiants une culture générale de la musique , les cours d' instrument sont donc parfois accompagnés de cours de Formation musicale ainsi que de chant .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
One copy is held by the Anglican Church in Kells , on the site of the original monastery . <sep> Un exemplaire est détenu par l' église anglicane de Kells , sur le site de l' ancien monastère .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
This was not the first solo flight by a woman in Germany ; the Frenchwoman Sophie Blanchard had previously made a flight in September 1810 , starting from Frankfurt . <sep> Ce n' est pas le premier vol en solo par une femme en Allemagne , la Française Sophie Blanchard avait déjà fait un vol en septembre 1810 , partant de Francfort .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The operating principle was the same as that used in the Model 07 / 12 Schwarzlose machine gun used by Austria-Hungary during the First World War . <sep> Le Skoda 100 mm modèle 1916 était un obusier de montagne utilisé par l' Autriche-Hongrie pendant la Première Guerre mondiale .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
They initially had the sole right to publish copies of Alexander Muir 's " The Maple Leaf Forever " that for many years served as an unofficial Canadian national anthem . <sep> Alexander Muir compose The Maple Leaf Forever ( en ) qui est un chant patriotique pro canadien anglais .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In 1990-1991 Coppock 's seven-day work schedule also found him serving as the studio host for the NBA radio network . <sep> En 1994 , dans le cadre des commémorations du 50e anniversaire de la bataille de Normandie , il est recruté comme technicien-assistant par la chaîne de télévision américaine NBC .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
An alternative sourcing of the book 's content by Muhammad Baqir al-Mahmudi represents all of Ali 's extant speeches , sermons , decrees , epistles , prayers , and sayings that are found in Nahj al-Balagha . <sep> Une autre source des ouvrages de Muhammad Baqir al-Mahmoudi représente tous les discours existants d' Ali , des sermons , des décrets , des épîtres , des prières , et les paroles que l' on trouve dans Nahj al-Balagha .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In November 2015 , a US air strike killed ISIL 's leader in Libya , Abu Nabil al Anbari . <sep> En novembre 2014 , Abou Nabil al-Anbari est envoyé en Libye afin de prendre la tête de la branche libyenne de l' État islamique .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
To reduce vibration , all helicopters have rotor adjustments for height and weight . <sep> En vol , le régime du compresseur Tous les compresseurs ont un taux de compression lié à la vitesse de rotation et au nombre d' étages .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In 1969 , due to continuing accusations of racism , Music Music Music , a spin-off series in which the minstrels appeared without their blackface make-up , replaced The Black and White Minstrel Show . <sep> À partir de 1862 , face aux nombreuses tentatives de contrefaçon dues à la diffusion des techniques de gravure essentiellement par clichage photographique , l' Institut d' émission remplace l' encre noire par une teinte bleu céleste , cette couleur n' étant pas reproduisible par les émulsions .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
On the road to Noyon between Sampigny and Pontoise , a raid reached the Oise and gained the woods of Carlepont and Ourscamps by threatening to surround them across the Oise , and the rest of the Lassigny massif that Humbert ( 3rd army ) will occupy bordering Divette . <sep> Sur la route de Noyon entre Sampigny et Pontoise , un raid atteint l' Oise et fait tomber les bois de Carlepont et d' Ourscamps en menaçant à revers et de l' autre côté de l' Oise , le reste du massif de Lassigny qu' Humbert ( 3e armée ) va occuper en bordant la Divette .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Each winter 1708 presents Cabin Fever , an auction fundraiser for the gallery . <sep> Le 28 juin 1836 la fabrique de l' église passe commande à Auiguste Phébade , facteur d' orgues à Agen d' un orgue pour la tribune .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Typically in dark and somber moods , the music of Dargaard presents medieval and folk-like melodies , often orchestrated through the use of various instrument patches from a keyboard . <sep> Présentant des ambiances et des humeurs sombres , le style musical de Dargaard présente parfois des mélodies folk médiévales , souvent orchestrées à l' aide de samples au clavier .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Airfields , considered extremely vulnerable , were protected by trench works and pillboxes that faced inwards towards the runway , rather than outwards . <sep> Les aérodromes , considérés comme extrêmement vulnérables , furent protégés par des tranchées et des casemates qui faisait face à l' intérieur , vers la piste , plutôt que vers l' extérieur .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
For a compressible gas , the pressure and volume are inversely proportional , by Boyle 's law . <sep> Dans un écoulement subsonique , la relation entre la vitesse , la pression et la masse volumique du fluide est caractérisée par le théorème de Bernoulli .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
It remains unclear whether Edward was deposed in 1327 by a formal gathering of parliament or simply a gathering of the political classes alongside an existing parliament . <sep> On ignore encore si Édouard a été déposé en 1327 par un rassemblement officiel du Parlement ou simplement un rassemblement des classes politiques aux côtés d' un Parlement existant .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The advantage of AC for distributing power over a distance is due to the ease of changing voltages using a transformer . <sep> L' avantage du courant alternatif pour le transport de l' énergie sur une grande distance vient de la facilité d' en modifier la tension au moyen d' un transformateur .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The defining characteristic is that the living function of the street ( walking , talking , playing ) has official priority over its traffic function . <sep> C' est un type d' infrastructure qui est utile lorsque les activités piétonnes et de séjour ( la marche , les jeux des enfants , etc. ) ont priorité sur la circulation automobile .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
On December 14 , 2017 , Olens announced his resignation after bowing to behind-the-scenes pressure from conservative Georgia politicians and mishandling protests by cheerleaders . <sep> Le 4 avril 2017 , le diffuseur ukrainien répond à ces propos , soulignant que l' Ukraine a toujours respecté la législation des pays hôtes des Concours précédents , et exprimant également son regret que le Concours soit manipulé à des fins politiques .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
As of December 2010 , the population of Kasempa , for a radius of 7 kilometres ( 4.3 mi ) from the town center is approximately 10,700 . <sep> En décembre 2010 , la population , dans un rayon de 7 km à partir du centre de la ville , était d' envirion 10 700 personnes .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
6 May - Ajmal Kasab , the only surviving member of a group responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks , is sentenced to death . <sep> Depuis 2004 , seul Ajmal Kasab ( seul survivant du commando pakistanais responsable des attentats de Bombay en 2008 qui avait fait 72 victimes ) a été pendu .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Writing two decades after the events , Matthew Paris , a St Albans chronicler of the early thirteenth century , claims that , in desperation , John sent envoys to al-Nâsir asking for his help . <sep> En écrivant deux décennies après les événements , Matthew Paris , chroniqueur de St Albans du début du XIIIe siècle , prétend que , désespéré , Jean envoya des émissaires à al-Nâsir pour demander son aide .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Around 7,000 French and Spanish soldiers , aided by refugees from Gibraltar , were pitted against a force of 2,000 defenders consisting of English and Dutch marines and Spanish soldiers and miquelets loyal to Charles . <sep> Environ 7 000 soldats français et espagnols sont opposés à 2 500 marins anglais et néerlandais et Espagnols fidèles à Charles .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
A de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter aircraft crashed on take off at Marble Point January , 04 , 1959 , taking the lives of two men . <sep> Un avion De Havilland DHC-3 Otter s' écrase sur un lac en décollant de Marble Point le 4 janvier 1959 , tuant deux hommes .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Unite and Win ! is an oi ! / anarcho-punk album by the band Oi Polloi . <sep> Unite and Win Albums de Oi Polloi Unite and Win est un album du groupe d' anarcho-punk écossais Oi Polloi , sorti en 1987 sur le label Oi !
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The island lies north of the western tip of the Alaska Peninsula , and northwest of the mainland city of Cold Bay . <sep> L' île se trouve au nord de l' extrémité ouest de la péninsule de l' Alaska et au nord-ouest de la ville continentale de Cold Bay .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Both women are taken to the hospital , where they learn that Paulina is not sick , but is in fact pregnant . <sep> Laetitia , qui déclare à l' hôpital être vierge , découvre qu' elle a non seulement attrapé la syphilis , mais qu' elle est également enceinte , ce qui l' oblige à se faire avorter .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The Literature Translation Institute of Korea summarizes Kown 's work : Kwon 's own experience growing up as a son of a Korean laborer in Japan during the colonial period heavily influenced his literary imagination . <sep> L' Institut coréen de traduction littéraire ( LTI of Korea ) résume son œuvre de cette manière : " Ce sont ses propres expériences qui l' ont amené à grandir en tant qu' écrivain : pendant la période coloniale , Kweon a d' abord été élevé au Japon avec un père ouvrier travaillant là-bas .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
He played a number of List A and Twenty20 games for Western Australia in during the 2007 / 08 season , but was not offered a contract for 2008 / 09 . <sep> Il est l' un des vingt-cinq joueurs sous contrat avec la fédération australienne , Cricket Australia , lors de la saison 2007-2008 , mais ne compte aucune sélection .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
As far as the reception of an analog signal is concerned , this is purely a matter of convention and , it makes no difference . <sep> Notez qu' il s' agit simplement d' une convention sur le nom et que cela ne fait aucune différence quant au mouvement de cette pièce .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
These provide important information on the palace itself , court ceremonies and functions held there as well as everyday routines of the courtiers living or working there . <sep> Ils ont fourni d' importantes informations sur le palais , sur les cérémonies et les fonctions de la cour , mais également sur la vie de tous les jours des courtisans qui y logeaient .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Danish journalists noted that the Committee on External Economic Relations in the Mayor 's office was responsible for foreigners in Saint Petersburg . <sep> La société immobilière Inform-Future était chargée de la construction des premiers bâtiments de bureaux pour des sociétés étrangères au centre de Saint-Pétersbourg .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Their children are mentioned in Ptashepses ' tomb at Abusir : sons Ptahshepses , Kahotep , Qednes and Hemakhti , and daughter Meritites , who had the title " King 's Daughter , " even though being only the granddaughter of a king . <sep> Leurs enfants sont mentionnés dans la tombe de Ptahchepsès à Abousir : leurs fils , Ptahchepsès ( II ou " le jeune " ) , Qednes et Hemakhti , et une fille , Mérititès qui avait le titre de " Fille du roi " , même si elle n' est que la petite-fille d' un roi .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In June 2009 , state-run Chinese media announced that the installation of the Green Dam Youth Escort would not be compulsory but an optional package . <sep> Mais il gère légalement l' internet . " En juin 2009 , un média gouvernemental chinois annonce l' installation de Green Dam Youth Escort ne sera pas obligatoire mais un package optionnel .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Many survival games feature crafting ; by combining two or more resources , the player can create a new object , which can be used for further crafting . <sep> En combinant deux ou plusieurs ressources collectées , le joueur peut créer un nouvel objet , qui peut parfois être réutilisé pour d' autres crafts .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Bennett explained in a 2005 interview that much of the lighting was done using a series of LED lights arranged in " stalactites or stalagmites to tie in to the album artwork . " <sep> Bennett a expliqué dans une interview en 2005 que beaucoup de l' éclairage a été effectué à l' aide d' une série de LED disposées en " stalactites ou stalagmites pour attacher la pochette de l' album " .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
His older brother was Karl Polanyi , the political economist and anthropologist , and his niece was Eva Zeisel , a world-renowned ceramist . <sep> Le frère aîné de Mihály est Károly Polányi , économiste politique et anthropologue , et sa nièce Éva Zeisel , une céramiste mondialement réputée .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Simpson in his Sermons ( publ. posthumously 1816 ) went so far as to comment that the devil was " really not that bad , " a view essentially echoed as recently as 2001 by Gregory Boyd in Satan and the Problem of Evil : Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy . <sep> Simpson dans ses Sermons ( publ. à titre posthume , 1816 ) est allé jusqu' à dire que le diable n' était pas vraiment maléfique , un point de vue essentiellement repris dans le livre récent de Gregory Boyd publié en 2001 : Satan et le Problème du Mal : Construire une Théodycée Trinitaire du Combat .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Scoresby Routledge 's perspective on their work in East Africa in the preface concluded with an observation that the study of the Kikuyu could offer the British an understanding and living reality of their Saxon ancestors , whose burial mounds were then being studied in England . <sep> La perspective de Scoresby Routledge sur leur travail en Afrique de l' Est dans la préface concluait par une observation que l' étude du Kikuyu pouvait offrir aux Britanniques une compréhension et une réalité vivante de leurs ancêtres saxons , dont les tertres funéraires étaient alors étudiés en Angleterre .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
On 28 July , the unit was ordered to hand its aircraft over to other units and the pilots and crews returned to Germany for much-needed rest and re-equipment . <sep> Les hommes du II . / JG 27 remettent alors leurs derniers avions à d' autres unités et sont rapatriés en Allemagne pour se reposer et se rééquiper .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The moneys to cover these costs were then made a part of the appropriation for the Treasury Department . <sep> Les fonds qu' ils déposent au Trésor entrent alors en ligne de compte dans la gestion de la trésorerie de l' État .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Private salt trafficking persisted because monopoly salt was more expensive and of lower quality , while local bandits and rebel leaders thrived on salt smuggling . <sep> Le trafic de sel privé a persisté parce que le sel de monopole était plus cher et de moindre qualité , et les bandits locaux et les chefs rebelles prospéraient grâce à la contrebande du sel .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In case of the conflict between the Law and international treaties to which Azerbaijan is a party , international treaties prevails . <sep> En cas de conflit entre la loi et les traités internationaux auxquels l' Azerbaïdjan est partie , les traités internationaux prévalent , .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
He was also one of the founders of the Island Yacht Club . <sep> Il est également le fondateur du Yacht Club de France .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Also closely related is Crystallographic Information Framework , a broader system of exchange protocols based on data dictionaries and relational rules expressible in different machine-readable manifestations , including , but not restricted to , Crystallographic Information File and XML . <sep> Il s' agit un système de protocoles d' échange basés sur des dictionnaires de données et les règles afférentes qu' on peut exprimer sous divers formats informatiques , en particulier CIF et XML .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
He is too shy to knock on the door , so he waits by the gate and listens for signs of activity . <sep> Il est trop éloigné de Bate pour que celui-ci puisse l' apercevoir , à cause de vergers et d' ondulations de terrain .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Throughout college and since , Shaw has published sequential art short stories in a variety of publications in the United States and abroad , plus numerous magazine illustrations . <sep> Durant son cursus et depuis lors il publie ses courts récits dans plusieurs revues américaines et étrangères , en plus de nombreuses illustrations .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The figure , which stands on the eastern column , at some point came to represent the " Lion of Saint Mark , " traditional symbol of Saint Mark the evangelist . <sep> Son portail se trouve dans un angle de mur , surmonté d' un écu sculpté représentant un lion ailé symbole de l' évangéliste saint Marc .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Commercial endorsements include Contac , Japan Post , JT , Suntory and Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank . <sep> Il tourne des publicités pour les sociétés Contac , Japan Post , JT , Suntory et Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Until the outbreak of the 1948-1949 Huaihai Campaign , he was able to score a number of important victories against the Communists in Eastern China . <sep> Jusqu' à la campagne de Huaihai ( en ) de 1948-49 , il remporte plusieurs victoires importantes dans l' Est de la Chine .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
He read French , Italian , German and Spanish , was interested in antiquities , and became versed in heraldic and genealogical lore . <sep> Il lit le français , l' italien , l' allemand et l' espagnol , s' intéresse aux antiquités classiques et britanniques et devient très versé en héraldique et en traditions généalogiques .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Most of his compositions were choral works , but he sometimes wrote for instrumental and orchestral forces . <sep> Ses compositions sont en grande partie des œuvres électroacoustiques , mais elle a également écrit pour des ensembles et a réalisé plusieurs œuvres radiophoniques .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
To be eligible for Canadian citizenship , they must have had Canadian domicile on 1 January 1947 and must have had resided in Canada for over ten years on 1 January 1956 . <sep> Pour être éligibles à la citoyenneté canadienne , ces personnes devaient avoir été domiciliées au Canada le 1er janvier 1947 et y avoir résidé pendant au moins dix ans au 1er janvier 1956 .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Dal cucchiaio alla città ( " From the spoon to the town " ) is the slogan created by Ernesto Rogers in 1952 in the Charta of Athens . <sep> Dal cucchiaio alla città ( De la cuillère à la ville ) est le slogan de Max Bill repris par Ernesto Rogers en 1952 dans la Charte d' Athènes .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Between 2002 and 2005 , the band released three studio albums with Walker to further growing popularity and critical acclaim . <sep> Entre 1992 et 1995 la FÉÉCUM accepte trois hausses des droits de scolarité afin de démontrer sa bonne foi et sa volonté de collaborer avec l' administration .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Residual payments can sometimes be very small if the role was small or the movie or show was not successful . <sep> Les paiements faits au producteur étaient ainsi faibles , et sans rapport avec le succès ou l' échec du film .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
It included the National Renewal ( Renovación Nacional , RN ) and the Independent Democratic Union ( Unión Democrática Independiente , UDI ) . <sep> Il existe une opposition de droite constituée par deux partis : Renovación Nacional ( RN ) , plus libéral ; et l' Unión Demócrata Independiente ( UDI ) , plus conservateur .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Some cataphracts fielded by the later Roman Empire were also equipped with heavy , lead-weight darts called Martiobarbuli , akin to the plumbata used by late Roman infantry . <sep> Certains cataphractaires déployés vers la fin de l' Empire romain étaient équipés de lourdes fléchettes en plomb appelées Martiobarbuli , semblables aux plumbatas utilisées par l' infanterie .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
Engaging again on the morning of the 21st , Ruby was badly damaged ; Defiance and Windsor refused action , though abreast of the last French ship . <sep> Le combat reprend dans la matinée du 21 août , le Ruby est gravement endommagé ; le Defiance et le Windsor refusant le combat , alors même que les vaisseaux français étaient à portée de canons .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
In one of the play 's central lines , Elizabeth says to the actor , " if you will teach me how to be a woman , I will teach you how to be a man . " <sep> Dans son ouvrage Le Roman expérimental , Zola écrit : " Si j' applaudis Victor Hugo comme poète , je le discute comme penseur , comme éducateur .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The novel was nominated for several literary prizes in the same year . France , France , Grand Prix du Théâtre de l 'Académie française ( French Academy Theatre Prize ) for his literary output in its entirety . <sep> Cette année-là , le roman fut nommé pour plusieurs prix littéraires . France , grand prix du théâtre de l' Académie française pour l' ensemble de son œuvre .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
If C is a compact space ( for instance a closed , bounded interval ) and f : C → -valued lower semi-continuous functions and minima is also true . <sep> Si C est un compact ( par exemple un intervalle fermé de ℝ ) ou même seulement un espace dénombrablement compact et si f : C → ℝ est semi-continue supérieurement , alors f est majorée sur C et atteint sa borne supérieure .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').
The resulting partial charges are a property only of zones within the distribution , and not the assemblage as a whole . <sep> Les charges partielles qui en résultent sont une propriété locale des zones couvertes par la distribution et non de l' ensemble total .
You are an AI assistant.User will give you a task or question. Your goal is to understand the user's task or question and provide a relevant, helpful response. Break down complex tasks into manageable steps and provide clear instructions. Provide accurate information based on reliable sources. If you are unsure about something, say so and suggest ways to find the correct information. Be respectful, patient, and kind in your interactions with users. Protect user privacy and do not share or use any personal information. If a task is unethical, illegal, or harmful, politely decline and explain why.
Your task is to classify whether the given pair of text segments share a coherent connection or if there is a clear and logical connection between them. Each input consists of two segments separated by '<sep>'. Your goal is to predict whether these segments are related ('1') or unrelated ('0').

Each task type contains ~500 rows,with different inputs and outputs values.

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