You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: Repeat EKG revealed inverted T waves across the precordium. He was given Lasix and nitroglycerin with complete symptom relief. Despite improvement in cardiac symptoms, the patient experienced black heme positive stools with a HCT drop from 31.7 to 25. He received 2 units PRBC. The GI service was consulted who deferred endoscopy until completion of cardiac catheterization at [**Hospital1 18**]. He also had an elevated PCWP of 35 mm Hg. He was thus admitted to the CCU for agressive blood pressure management and diuresis with lasix and niseritide. On return to the floor, the patient continued to have poorly controlled hypertension and recurrent congestive heart failure exacerbations. Lasix and niseritide were employed again with good effect. Lasix and niseritide were employed again with good effect. After several family meetings to explain the [**Hospital 228**] medical status to both the patient himself and his family, the patient agreed to accept home oxygen supplementation in light of his tenous fluid status. He will be followed by Dr. [**Last Name (STitle) **] in 2 weeks to discuss renal MRA and possible vascular intervention because it was not possible to accurately assess the patient's renal arteries with ultrasound. Rate 2L continuous. ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. Disp:*30 Tablet(s)* Refills:*2* 11. Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO once a day. Disp:*30 Capsule(s)* Refills:*2* 12. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF ONDANSETRON PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 106334 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; ONDANSETRON; 4; mg; Evidence from Notes: Patient was treated with Ondansetron and Decadron. 6. h/o DVT: Dx in [**2-11**]. Lovenox stopped on admission given hemorrhagic brain mets. Disp:*90 Tablet(s)* Refills:*2* 7. Ondansetron 4 mg Tablet, Rapid Dissolve Sig: [**2-4**] Tablet, Rapid Dissolves PO every four (4) hours: please take 1-2 tablets up to every 4 hours, as needed, to control nausea and vomiting. Disp:*60 Tablet, Rapid Dissolve(s)* Refills:*2* 8. IVF Resumption of hydration and line per critical care systems. Normal saline as needed for hydration. 9. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSE OF ACETAMINOPHEN THAT THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 112342 HAS BEEN PRESCRIBED Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; ACETAMINOPHEN; 975; mg; ACETAMINOPHEN; 975; mg; Evidence from Notes: 5-1 mg PO/IV Q4H:PRN Acetaminophen 975 mg PO Q6H prn Meperidine 25-50 mg IV Q2H:PRN Rigors Artificial Tears Preserv. Free 1-2 DROP BOTH EYES PRN Morphine Sulfate 1-2 mg IV Q2H:PRN pain Ciprofloxacin HCl 250 mg PO/NG Q24H Pantoprazole 40 mg PO Q24H DOPamine 4 mcg/kg/min IV Disp:*60 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 11. Camphor-Menthol 0.5-0.5 % Lotion Sig: One (1) Appl Topical QID (4 times a day) as needed for pruritus. Disp:*QS 1 month* Refills:*2* 12. Acetaminophen 650 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO every six (6) hours as needed for pain: do note take more than 4 grams per day. Disp:*120 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 13. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG STRENGTH OF ENOXAPARIN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 102068 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: Enoxaparin 40 mg/0.4 mL Syringe Sig: One (1) inj Subcutaneous once a day. [**Last Name (STitle) **]:*30 inj* Refills:*0* 5. Polyethylene Glycol 3350 17 gram/dose Powder Sig: One (1) packet PO DAILY (Daily). [**Last Name (STitle) **]:*30 packet* Refills:*0* 6. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG STRENGTH OF ACETAMINOPHEN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 123589 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; ACETAMINOPHEN; 325mg Tablet; Evidence from Notes: 12. Pantoprazole 40 mg Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) Sig: One (1) Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) PO Q24H (every 24 hours). 13. Acetaminophen 325 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q6H (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT SHOULD BE THE MODE OF ENTRY OF THE DRUG DOCUSATE SODIUM INTO THE BODY OF THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 116966 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; DOCUSATE SODIUM; PO; Evidence from Notes: 5. Pantoprazole 40 mg Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) Sig: One (1) Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) PO Q24H (every 24 hours). 6. Docusate Sodium 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO BID (2 times a day). 7. Metoprolol Tartrate 25 mg Tablet Sig: 0.5 Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 8. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT WAS THE DOSAGE OF BENZONATATE THAT WAS PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 111447 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; BENZONATATE; 100; mg; BENZONATATE; 100; mg; Evidence from Notes: Benzonatate 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO TID (3 times a day). [**Hospital1 **]:*30 Capsule(s)* Refills:*0* 10. Pantoprazole Sodium 40 mg Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) Sig: One (1) Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.) PO Q24H (every 24 hours). [**Hospital1 **]:*30 Tablet, Delayed Release (E.C.)(s)* Refills:*0* 11. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE DRUG ATENOLOL FOR PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 178331 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; ATENOLOL; PO; ATENOLOL; PO; Evidence from Notes: Her hematocrit was 31.1 at discharge. 2) s/p PTCA to right [**Doctor First Name **]: She was continued on aspirin while in hospital. Pedal pulses were present via Doppler. She will follow-up with Dr. [**First Name (STitle) **] in the week following discharge. 3) CAD: No acute issues in hospital. She was continued on Lipitor. Aspirin, Atenolol, Diovan, and Lisinopril were gradually resumed in hospital following the procedure. She was alert and oriented the following morning without recurrence of confusion. 5) Diabetes mellitus type 2: She was kept on a regular insulin sliding scale in hospital. Her diabetes appears to be diet-controlled as an out-patient. Medications on Admission: Atenolol 50 mg PO QD Diovan 160 mg PO QD Colace 200 mg PO QD Ecotrin 81 mg PO QD Effexor 150 mg PO QHS HCTZ 12. 5 mg PO QD Lipitor 40 mg PO QD Lisinopril 40 mg PO QD MVI 1 tab PO QD Prilosec 40 mg PO QD Trazodone 200 mg PO QHS Warfarin last dose on [**2125-1-20**] Discharge Medications: 1. Atenolol 50 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 2. Diovan 160 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. 3. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION FOR THE MEDICINE TRAMADOL RECOMMENDED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 102698 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: Blood cultures had no growth to date. Pt being discharged in good condition, tolerating regular diet, having bowel movements and voiding and pain well controlled. Pt to follow up in three weeks. Medications on Admission: clonazepam 1mgm tid,topiramate 100mgm tab [**12-15**] @HS,tramadol 50mgm q4h, Discharge Medications: 1. Tramadol 50 mg Tablet Sig: 1-2 Tablets PO Q4H (every 4 hours) as needed. 2. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF LORATADINE GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 105614 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: 4mg daily Aspirin 325 mg daily Vitamin C 500mg daily Vitamin B12 500mcg daily Glucosamine-Chondroitin 500mg-400mg daily Loratadine 10mg QHS Multivitamin daily Aleve 220mg daily PRN Vitamin E 400unit daily Discharge Medications: 1. Aspirin 325 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 2. 10. Loratadine 10 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO at bedtime. 11. Multivitamin Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 12. Tamsulosin 0.4 mg Capsule, Sust. Release 24 hr Sig: One (1) Capsule, Sust. Release 24 hr PO HS (at bedtime). 13. Lisinopril 10 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 14. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSE OF VENLAFAXINE THAT THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 106993 HAS BEEN PRESCRIBED Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: 7. Doxazosin 1 mg Tablet Sig: 1.5 Tablets PO HS (at bedtime). 8. Hydroxyzine HCl 25 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 9. Venlafaxine 37.5 mg Capsule, Sust. Release 24 hr Sig: One (1) Capsule, Sust. Release 24 hr PO DAILY (Daily). 10. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG STRENGTH OF ACETAMINOPHEN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 100590 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; ACETAMINOPHEN; 325mg Tablet; ACETAMINOPHEN; 650mg UD Cup; ACETAMINOPHEN; 500mg Tablet; Evidence from Notes: 5 mg /3 mL (0.083 %) neb q6 prn SOB Ipratropium Bromide 0.02 % Solution 1 inh q6 prn SOB/wheeze Oxycodone-Acetaminophen 5-325 mg 1-2 Tablets PO Q6H prn pain Aspirin 81md daily Discharge Medications: 1. 13. Acetaminophen 500 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO Q6H (every 6 hours): Do not exceed 4 grams in 24 hours. 14. Prednisone 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 15. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT SHOULD BE THE MODE OF ENTRY OF THE DRUG POLYVINYL ALCOHOL-POVIDONE INTO THE BODY OF THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 105088 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: PO DAILY (Daily) as needed for Constipation. 2. Senna 8.8 mg/5 mL Syrup Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day) as needed for Constipation. 3. Polyvinyl Alcohol-Povidone 1.4-0.6 % Dropperette Sig: [**1-29**] Drops Ophthalmic PRN (as needed) as needed for dryness. 4. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF FLOVENT PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 114976 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; Evidence from Notes: His lungs sounded course, but he was moving good air. He was called out to the floor. On the floor he continued to do well. He was switched from his Combivent inhaler and given Flovent inhaler and deemed safe to go home. He received steroids for a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease flare in the unit, but on the floor no steroids were required. He had no evidence for pneumonia and was never treated for any antibiotics. We will send him out on a regular daily dose of Lasix and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medications. DISCHARGE STATUS: To home. FOLLOW UP: With is primary care physician. DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: Unchanged from admission with only the addition of Flovent two puffs b.i.d. DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES: 1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease flare. 2. Congestive heart failure flare. 3. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT WAS THE DOSAGE OF ENOXAPARIN THAT WAS PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 189637 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: Albuterol INH PRN 5. Ipratropium INH PRN 6. Toprol 25 mg daily 7. Docusate 1 cap [**Hospital1 **] 8. Aspirin 325 mg daily 9. Enoxaparin 90 [**Hospital1 **] until therapeutic INR 10. Warfarin5 mg daily 11. Furosemide 40 mg daily 12. Lisinopril 10 mg daily 13. 11. Enoxaparin 100 mg/mL Syringe [**Hospital1 **]: Ninety (90) mg Subcutaneous Q12H (every 12 hours): Until coumadin therapuetic. 12. Insulin Glargine 100 unit/mL Cartridge [**Hospital1 **]: Thirty Six (36) units Subcutaneous qAM. Disp:*qs qs* Refills:*2* 13. Warfarin 5 mg Tablet [**Hospital1 **]: Two (2) Tablet PO Once Daily at 4 PM. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT WAS THE DOSAGE OF METRONIDAZOLE THAT WAS PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 112832 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: 20. Metronidazole 500 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q8H (every 8 hours) for 5 days. 21. Zofran 2 mg/mL Solution Sig: Two (2) Intravenous every eight (8) hours as needed for nausea for 1 weeks. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: HOW LONG HAS THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 109770 BEEN TAKING LEVAQUIN Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DURATION_IN_DAYS; Evidence from Notes: Her post-chemo course was unfortunately complicated by DIC requiring multiple cryoprecipitate, C. dif colitis, CMV viremia, and a severe abdominal pain requiring bowel rest with TPN. She developed a LLL pnuemonia towards the end of her hospitalization and was discharged on a 10 day course of levaquin in addition to home TPN. . Since her discharge, Ms. [**Known lastname 4003**] has been slowly regaining her strength, noting persistent fatigue which has acutely worsened today. She denies acute confusion or mental status changes which accompanied her previous hypercalcemic episode. She notes no pain or paresthesias or tetany. Her last hospitalization was complicated by severe abdominal pain requiring bowel rest- she remains on home TPN and has been tolerating light meals due to a sense of fullness. She also had CXR evidence of LLL pneumonia and had been discharged on levaquin, which she has taken. 10. Fexofenadine 60 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO twice a day. 11. Allopurinol 300 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. 12. Benadryl Oral 13. Levaquin 750 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day for 9 days. Disp:*9 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 14. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF OMEPRAZOLE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 168831 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; Evidence from Notes: . # vaginal Prolapse: patient should be evaluted by Gynecology as an outpatient. . #. Code - Full code Medications on Admission: Quetiapine 25 mg PO QHS Citalopram 20 mg PO Daily Colace 100 mg PO B ID Atenolol 25 mg PO Daily Omeprazole 20 mg PO Daily Phenytoin 500 mg PO QHS Lisinopril 20 mg PO Daily Multivitamin PO Daily Motelukast 10 mg PO Daily Simethicone 80 mg Discharge Medications: 1. Quetiapine 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO QHS. 2. Citalopram 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 3. Colace 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO twice a day. 4. Omeprazole 20 mg Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) Sig: One (1) Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) PO once a day. 5. While you were here, some of your medications were changed. You should CONTINUE taking: Quetiapine 25 mg at night Citalopram 20 mg daily Colace 100 mg twice a day Omeprazole 20 mg Daily Phenytoin 500 mg at night Multivitamin daily Motelukast 10 mg daily Simethicone 80 mg daily as needed for cramps Thiamine 100 mg daily Bisacodyl 5 mg as needed for constipation Senna 8. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF ZOLPIDEM GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 105050 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: 5. Zolpidem 5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO HS (at bedtime). 6. Calcium Acetate 667 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO TID W/MEALS (3 TIMES A DAY WITH MEALS). 7. Sevelamer Carbonate 800 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO TID W/MEALS (3 TIMES A DAY WITH MEALS). 8. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE DRUG INTENSITY OF ZOSYN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WHOSE ADMISSION ID IS 111923 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: They got a head ct and transferred her to [**Hospital1 **] for further management. lidocaine 70 mg IV x 1 Fentanyl 120 mcg IV x 1 Rocuronium 36 mg IV x 1 Propofol gtt 10 mg / kg/ min Zosyn 3.375 g IV x 1 sq As far as her seizure history, they have been fairly well controlled on Dilantin, with her lat seizure being months ago. They are often generalized and recover her to come to the emergency room. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE FORM OF ATORVASTATI N TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 149614 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; Evidence from Notes: # Code: Full Code, confirmed with patient . # Contact: Daughter - [**Name (NI) 2048**] [**Telephone/Fax (1) 26798**] # Dispo: Home with services and close follow up with PCP. Medications on Admission: MEDICATIONS ON ADMISSION: From OMR ALBUTEROL SULFATE - Nebulization 1 neb q6h as needed ATORVASTATIN - 80mg by mouth once a day CLONIDINE - 0.2mg by mouth twice a 083% 1 nebulizer IH q2 hours prn Atorvastatin 80 mg po daily Azithromycin 250 mg po q24 hours (day 1 = [**2113-6-20**]) Clonidine 0. 25 g IV q6 hours (day 1 = [**2113-6-20**]) Prednisone 30 mg po daily Vancomycin 1 gm IV q48 hours (day 1 = [**2113-6-20**]) Coumadin 2 mg po 3 x week Coumadin 4 mg po 4 x week Discharge Medications: 1. Atorvastatin 40 mg Tablet [**Month/Day/Year **]: Two (2) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 2. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: PLEASE SPECIFY IF THE MEDICINE PREDNISONE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 103315 IS IN THE FORM OF TABLET, CAPSULE, SYRUP OR IN ANY OTHER FORM Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; PREDNISONE; TAB; Evidence from Notes: Headache and abdominal pain resolved. Immunosuppression consisted of Cellcept which was well tolerated, steroids were tapered per protocol. Prograf was initiated and doses adjusted. The plan was for Prednisone to continue permanently after taper for Autoimmune hepatitis. Lasix was continued for 2+ leg edema. Creatinine normalized. She was cleared by PT for home safety and was discharged to her mother's home with VNA services. She demonstrated good knowledge of medications and insulin management. PO Q12H (every 12 hours). # rifaximin 550 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). # prednisone 10 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). # insulin glargine 100 unit/mL Cartridge Sig: Thirty (30) units Subcutaneous qam: Please take 30 units of glargine insulin in the morning. # insulin lispro 100 unit/mL Solution Sig: sliding scale Subcutaneous per sliding scale: Please take insulin lispro as directed by your home sliding scale three times a day before meals and before bedtime. Discharge Medications: 1. fluconazole 200 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO Q24H (every 24 hours). 2. prednisone 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily): follow sliding scale taper. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT WAS THE DOSAGE OF METHYL SALICYLATE-MENTHOL THAT WAS PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 105088 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: 7. Methyl Salicylate-Menthol Ointment Sig: One (1) Appl Topical [**Hospital1 **] (2 times a day) as needed for back pain. 8. Propranolol 10 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO TID (3 times a day). 9. Methadone 10 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO twice a day. 10. Insulin Lispro 100 unit/mL Solution Sig: sliding scale sliding scale Subcutaneous ASDIR (AS DIRECTED). 11. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSE OF FLUID THAT THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 185289 HAS BEEN PRESCRIBED Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: 2* INR(PT)-1.2* . LIVER and Gallbladder U/S [**2134-6-2**] IMPRESSION: 1. Small amount of ascitic fluid in the lower quadrants. 2. Splenomegaly. 3. Distended bladder with echogenic foci most likely representing patient's known bladder stones. . Portal Abdominal Xray - [**2134-6-2**] IMPRESSION: 1. Fragmentation of left renal stones and clearance of bladder stones. 2. The patient will continue PO Cipro until [**6-15**]. He will follow up with the [**Hospital 159**] clinic as an outpatient. He will follow up with ID as an outpatient. . Hospital Acquired Pneumonia: The patient was transferred to the MICU with hypoxia thought to be secondary to an aspiration. Other etiologies considered were hypoxia secondary to volume overload from IV fluid boluses (last echo in [**2132**] was normal) and pneumonia. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: FOR THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 111341, WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED ROUTE OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION FOR LASIX Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: She was also given 40 mg IV lasix and subsequently transferred to [**Hospital1 18**] for possible cath. . REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: As per HPI. No headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, melena, hematochezia, dysuria, myalgias, or arthralgias. No history of stroke, TIA, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleeding at the time of surgery. No recent fevers, chills or rigors. # Acute on Chronic Systolic CHF: CXR showed pulmonary engorgement & bilateral effusions with compressive atelectasis. Pt was given IV lasix prior to going to the cath lab. A TTE was performed that showed severe global hypokinesis & akinesis of entire septum & apex. LVEF 25-30%. Prior ECHO shows EF 40-45% in [**2116**]. During catheterization, pt was hypotensive & required dopamine gtt. She was transferred to the CCU for transient hypotension requiring dopamine in the catheterization lab. Ms. [**Known lastname 13143**] was normotensive on the floor. Diovan was started on the floor as above. Lasix will not be reinitiated on discharge. CHRONIC DIAGNOSES: # COPD/Emphysema: Pt was continued on her course of azithromycin. There was no concern for acute exacerbatin given good air movement & lack of wheeze. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE FORM OF VALGANCICLOVIR TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 122093 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; VALGANCICLOVIR; TAB; VALGANCICLOVIR; TAB; VALGANCICLOVIR; TAB; Evidence from Notes: Disp:*90 Tablet(s)* Refills:*2* 6. Mycophenolate Mofetil 500 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 7. Valganciclovir 450 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 8. Oxycodone-Acetaminophen 5-325 mg Tablet Sig: 1-2 Tablets PO Q4H (every 4 hours) as needed for Pain. Disp:*30 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE FEXOFENADINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 135234 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: . # GERD: PPI Continued Medications on Admission: Tylenol #3 [**1-21**] tab PO Q6-8 hours prn Albuterol INH Amlodipine 5mg PO daily Brimonidine 0.1% drops 1 drop each eye daily Escitalopram 20mg PO daily Ezetimibe 10mg PO daily Fenofibrate 145mg PO daily Fexofenadine-pseudoephedrine 120/60mg PO Q12 OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: FOR THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 115737, WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED ROUTE OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION FOR LAVAGE Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: Patient is very noncompliant at home. He was given PPI, received NGT lavage, which did not clear after 1L, and patient was fluid resuscitated prior to transfer to the MICU for emergent endoscopy. In the MICU, patient had endoscopy showing multiple gastric ulcers, which were clipped, injected with epinephrine, and Bicapped. He remained hemodynamically stable. . Upper GI bleed: Patient's UGI bleed was likely [**1-24**] NSAID use combined with recent prednisone for CHOP. Patient was transfused several units while in the MICU for hematocrit drop from 29.9 to 20.8 on presentation. Patient had an NG lavage performed, which did not clear after 1000cc NS were infused. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT SHOULD BE THE MODE OF ENTRY OF THE DRUG CALCIUM CARBONATE INTO THE BODY OF THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 104095 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; CALCIUM CARBONATE; PO; Evidence from Notes: 2. Olanzapine 2.5 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO QAM (once a day (in the morning)). 3. Olanzapine 2.5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q4-6H (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed for breakthrough agitation. 4. Calcium Carbonate 500 mg Tablet, Chewable Sig: One (1) Tablet, Chewable PO BID (2 times a day). 5. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE FORM OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 106967 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; METOPROLOL TARTRATE; TAB; Evidence from Notes: 4. famotidine 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q24H (every 24 hours). 5. prednisone 5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 6. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 7. valganciclovir 450 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO EVERY OTHER DAY (Every Other Day). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 126085 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: 19. Lorazepam 0.5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q8H (every 8 hours) as needed. 20. Magnesium Hydroxide 400 mg/5 mL Suspension Sig: Thirty (30) ML PO Q6H (every 6 hours) as needed. 21. Warfarin 3 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Once Daily at 4 PM: goal INR [**3-1**]. 22. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF CELLEPT GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 105014 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: She remained npo with an NG tube in place. Given prolonged npo status, TPN was started. She developed watery diarrhea. Stool cultures were negative. A CMV viral load was negative. Cellept decreased to 500mg 3x/day. Imodium was started. Diarrhea resolved. NG was removed and diet slowly advanced and tolerated. TPN was discontinued. Ensure supplements were tolerated tid. Imodium was discontinued. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF NOVOLIN R PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 192002 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: Hct was stable, a fecal occult blood was ordered. . # Patient was DNR/DNI during this hospitalization. Pt has a left PICC for IV access. Pt was maintained on SC Heparin for DVT ppx. Pt was on tube feeds for nutrition. Medications on Admission: Lisinopril 60mg via G tube daily KCL elixir 20Meq twice daily Novolin 4 SS Lantus 26U daily Dilantin 25mg at 10am, 11. Potassium Chloride 20 mEq Packet Sig: One (1) PO twice a day. 12. Novolin R 100 unit/mL Solution Sig: Four (4) units Injection four times a day: sliding scale. 13. Lantus 100 unit/mL Solution Sig: Twenty Six (26) units Subcutaneous once a day. 14. Milk of Magnesia 400 mg/5 mL Suspension Sig: Thirty (30) mg PO three times a day. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: FOR THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 152311, WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED ROUTE OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION FOR LASIX Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: He appears to have been at NH when found to sats 81% RA, foley draining dark amber urine. He was noted to have severe peripheral edema and given levoquin X 1 and lasix 40 mg IV X 1 at OSH. He became hypotensive to 80's at OSH, placed an EJ and started peripheral neo. In the ED, initial vs were: T 100, P 81, BP 107/58, R 18, 100% NRB O2 sat. #) CHF: The patient has a history of Congestive Heart failure. Given his renal failure and hypotension his lasix was initially held. Given his tenuous renal failure we have not restarted Lasix on discharge. #) Pain: The patient was maintained on a fentanyl patch and with tylenol and morphine IV. On discharge he will be transitioned to sublingual or liquid morphine for pain control. # ARF: The patient has persistent renal failure with baseline creatinine 0.8, 1. on discharge. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG STRENGTH OF ZOFRAN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 105014 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: . In the ED, her vital signs were 98.3, 118/62, 90, 13, and 98% RA. She received zofran 4 mg IV x1 and was sent directly to dialysis before arrival to the floor. At dialysis she had 0.5 kg removed via a right tunnelled line that had been placed one week ago for plasmapheresis (she underwent plasmaphereis to remove antibodies against daughter's antigens-- daughter will provide the donor kidney). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF LASIX GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 115464 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: Disp:*30 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 7. Fluconazole 200 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO Q24H (every 24 hours). 8. Neoral 25 mg Capsule Sig: Five (5) Capsule PO every twelve (12) hours. 9. Lasix 40 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO twice a day. 10. Valcyte 450 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO every other day. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: FOR THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 106961, WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED ROUTE OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION FOR TORSEMIDE Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; TORSEMIDE; PO; TORSEMIDE; PO; Evidence from Notes: His torsemide was held and then restarted on [**8-7**] on an every other day dosing schedule, and he should follow up with his PCP for repeat lab testing. # HYPOTENSION / TACHYCARDIA - Though initially concerned for SIRS/sepsis because of leukocytosis on admission, and possible source of infection being cellulitis from chronic venous stasis ulcers. CXR, UA, blood cultures were all negative for signs of infection. He did not have fever of systemic signs of infection. This was likely because his home medications were held, and his tachycardia improved upon restarting digoxin, metoprolol, and diltiazem at his home doses. Torsemide was restarted on an every other day dosing schedule. #. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: Chronic issue. On coumadin, metoprolol, diltizem, and digoxin at home. His INR was subtherapeutic, so his warfarin was increased to 6mg. Digoxin was continued and level was not toxic. #. Acute kidney injury: Likely prerenal and related to hypoperfusion in the setting of hypotension. creatinine improved with holding torsemide and administration of IVF. His creatine and BUN were trended and his creatine trended downward with IV fluids. #. He did not appear hypervolemic and this was not likely related to the etiology of his hyponatremia. He denies alcohol abuse and is reportedly planning on undergoing a liver biopsy to further characterize his liver disease. His liver function was monitored while in the MICU and remained stable, and no further management of his possible cirrhosis was performed. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: -Vascular, renal, and hepatic follow-up. -Should f/u with PCP regarding torsemide dosing which was decreased to every other day. Warfarin 2 mg PO DAILY16 2. Torsemide 50 mg PO DAILY 3. OxycoDONE (Immediate Release) 5 mg PO BID:PRN pain 4. Metoprolol Succinate XL 50 mg PO DAILY 5. Latanoprost 0.005% Ophth. Soln. 1 DROP LEFT EYE HS 6. Diltiazem Extended-Release 180 mg PO DAILY 7. Digoxin 0.125 mg PO DAILY 8. Oxycodone SR (OxyconTIN) 20 mg PO Q12H 6. Torsemide 20 mg PO EVERY OTHER DAY please hold for SBP <100 RX *Demadex 20 mg 1 tablet(s) by mouth every other day Disp #*15 Tablet Refills:*0 7. Warfarin 6 mg PO DAILY16 8. Discharge Instructions: Dear Mr. [**Known lastname 10840**], You were treated at [**Hospital1 18**] for low sodium and decreased kidney function. Your low sodium and decreased kidney function were likely caused by a combination of not eating and drinking as much as you used to, as well as your torsemide diuretic. As we gave you fluid and discontinued your torsemide, your sodium level improved. Please restart your torsemide, but at a lower dose. Please restart your torsemide, but at a lower dose. Take 20 mg every other day until you see your cardiologist and primary care doctor. You should take your next dose on Monday [**2173-8-9**]. Your kidney function also improved with IV fluids, and is now normal. Please have your INR checked on Tuesday [**2173-8-10**]. You may need adjustment in your coumadin dose. For now, you should take 6 mg per day as your INR is low. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE FORM OF PORCINE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 114585 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; Evidence from Notes: 15. Heparin Lock Flush (Porcine) 100 unit/mL Syringe Sig: One (1) ML Intravenous DAILY (Daily) as needed: per picc line protocol. 16. Outpatient Lab Work Labs every Monday and Thursday for cbc, chem 10, ast, alt, alk phos, t.bili, albumin and inr. Fax to [**Telephone/Fax (1) 697**] attn: [**First Name8 (NamePattern2) **] [**Last Name (NamePattern1) **], RN OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF TOPROL XL GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 183783 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: Status post total abdominal hysterectomy, status post appendectomy. MEDICATIONS: On admission Lipitor 10 mg daily, sertraline 100 mg daily, tizanidine 4 mg q.i.d., Spirolactone 25 mg daily, Toprol XL 50 mg daily, lisinopril 10 mg daily, magnesium oxide 400 mg daily, Protonix 40 mg daily, Plavix 75 mg daily, Mirapex 0.125 mg t.i.d., gabapentin 300 mg in the a.m. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION FOR THE MEDICINE FENTANYL RECOMMENDED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 112342 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: Patient was treated with wound care and transitioned to a fentanyl patch with breakthrough morphine for pain. # thrombocytopenia: Resolved. Likely due to myelosuppression. # coagulopathy: Patient was supplemented with vitamin K X3 days to decrease his INR. # Respiratory failure- Patient was intubated electively in setting of persistent hypervolemia and renal failure. Maintained on minimal ventilatory support during dialysis. Patient received antibiotic coverage for aspiration pneumonia. Disp:*120 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 13. Ferrous Gluconate 325 mg (37.5 mg Iron) Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). Disp:*60 Tablet(s)* Refills:*2* 14. Fentanyl 25 mcg/hr Patch 72 hr Sig: One (1) Patch 72 hr Transdermal Q72H (every 72 hours): remove previous patch before applying. Do not drive while using this. vomiting or anxiety (do not drive or drink alcohol while taking this) oral care and wound care products tylenol as needed for pain ferrous gluconate twice a day fentanyl patch every 72 hours (do not drive or drink alcohol while taking this) morphine as needed for pain (do not drive or drink alcohol while taking this) You should take senna and colace every day to prevent constipation and take miralax and bisacodyl if you become constipated. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE FORM OF CYANOCOBALAMIN TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 104665 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; CYANOCOBALAMIN; TAB; CYANOCOBALAMIN; TAB; Evidence from Notes: Nitroglycerin 0.3 mg Tablet, Sublingual Sig: [**1-8**] Tablet, Sublinguals Sublingual PRN (as needed) as needed for chest pain. 2. Cyanocobalamin 100 mcg Tablet Sig: 0.5 Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 3. Azithromycin 250 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO Q24H (every 24 hours) for 1 days. Disp:*2 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 4. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF FAMOTIDINE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 106967 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; FAMOTIDINE; TAB; Evidence from Notes: Cinacalcet 30 mg PO DAILY 7. Tacrolimus 2 mg PO Q12H 8. Famotidine 20 mg PO/NG Q24H 9. ValGANCIclovir 450 mg PO DAILY 10. MetRONIDAZOLE (FLagyl) 500 mg IV Q8H 11. Warfarin 1 mg PO/NG DAILY16 Discharge Medications: 1. 4. famotidine 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q24H (every 24 hours). 5. prednisone 5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 6. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 7. valganciclovir 450 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO EVERY OTHER DAY (Every Other Day). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF QUETIAPINE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 168831 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: . # vaginal Prolapse: patient should be evaluted by Gynecology as an outpatient. . #. Code - Full code Medications on Admission: Quetiapine 25 mg PO QHS Citalopram 20 mg PO Daily Colace 100 mg PO B ID Atenolol 25 mg PO Daily Omeprazole 20 mg PO Daily Phenytoin 500 mg PO QHS Lisinopril 20 mg PO Daily Multivitamin PO Daily Motelukast 10 mg PO Daily Simethicone 80 mg Discharge Medications: 1. Quetiapine 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO QHS. 2. Citalopram 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 3. Colace 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO twice a day. 4. Omeprazole 20 mg Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) Sig: One (1) Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) PO once a day. 5. While you were here, some of your medications were changed. You should CONTINUE taking: Quetiapine 25 mg at night Citalopram 20 mg daily Colace 100 mg twice a day Omeprazole 20 mg Daily Phenytoin 500 mg at night Multivitamin daily Motelukast 10 mg daily Simethicone 80 mg daily as needed for cramps Thiamine 100 mg daily Bisacodyl 5 mg as needed for constipation Senna 8. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF ASPIRI N PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 125206 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; Evidence from Notes: 18. Aspirin 325 mg Tablet [**Hospital1 **]: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 19. Oxycodone-Acetaminophen 5-325 mg Tablet [**Hospital1 **]: One (1) Tablet PO Q4-6H (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed. 20. Ibuprofen 600 mg Tablet [**Hospital1 **]: One (1) Tablet PO TID W/MEALS (3 TIMES A DAY WITH MEALS). 21. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE FORM OF POTASSIUM CHLORIDE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 108754 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; POTASSIUM CHLORIDE; TAB; POTASSIUM CHLORIDE; BAG; Evidence from Notes: 2 [**2158-4-27**] 09:40PM GLUCOSE-101* UREA N-24* CREAT-1.6* SODIUM-137 POTASSIUM-4.3 CHLORIDE-103 TOTAL CO2-25 ANION GAP-13 Discharge labs: [**2158-5-8**] 03:45AM BLOOD WBC-5.7 RBC-3.08* Hgb-9.3* Hct-28.2* MCV-92 MCH-30. Disp:*10 Tablet(s)* Refills:*0* 16. potassium chloride 10 mEq Tablet Extended Release Sig: Two (2) Tablet Extended Release PO Q12H (every 12 hours) for 10 days. Disp:*40 Tablet Extended Release(s)* Refills:*0* 17. fluticasone-salmeterol 100-50 mcg/dose Disk with Device Sig: One (1) Disk with Device Inhalation [**Hospital1 **] (2 times a day). 18. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 121702 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: -Albuterol Sulfate 0.083 % (0.83 mg/mL) Solution Sig: One (1) Inhalation Q2H (every 2 hours) as needed for wheezing. -Ipratropium Bromide 0.02 % Solution Sig: One (1) Inhalation Q6H (every 6 hours) as needed for wheezing. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE WARFARIN TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 126085 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; WARFARIN; 5mg Tablet; WARFARIN; 2.5mg Tablet; WARFARIN; 1mg Tablet; WARFARIN; 2mg Tablet; Evidence from Notes: 19. Lorazepam 0.5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q8H (every 8 hours) as needed. 20. Magnesium Hydroxide 400 mg/5 mL Suspension Sig: Thirty (30) ML PO Q6H (every 6 hours) as needed. 21. Warfarin 3 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Once Daily at 4 PM: goal INR [**3-1**]. 22. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF SENNA GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 139955 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; SENNA; 1 Tablet; Evidence from Notes: 3. Docusate Sodium 100 mg Capsule [**Last Name (STitle) **]: One (1) Capsule PO BID (2 times a day). 4. Senna 8.6 mg Tablet [**Last Name (STitle) **]: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day) as needed. 5. Keppra 750 mg Tablet [**Last Name (STitle) **]: One (1) Tablet PO twice a day. 6. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG STRENGTH OF LYSINE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 112520 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: Medications on Admission: METHIMAZOLE - 15 mg once a day METOPROLOL SUCCINATE -50 mg Extended Release once a day ROSUVASTATIN 5 mg once a day CALCIUM CARBONATE - 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) - 1 Tablet once a day CHOLECALCIFEROL 1,000 unit once a day LYSINE -500 mg once a day OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF VICODIN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 160519 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; Evidence from Notes: Pt was instructed to follow up with PCP regarding this issue. Medications on Admission: Medications on Transfer: Vicodin 5/500 q6h prn Ativan 2mg po TID prn Morphine 2mg iv prn NTG 0.4 q5 mins prn Protonix gtt Atenolol 25mg po bid Plavix 75mg daily Ferrous sulfate 325mg [**Hospital1 **] Gabapentin 600mg QID Humalog sliding scale Synthroid 50mcg daily Kdur ? dose daily Simvastatin 20mg daily Heparin gtt Imdur ER 60mg [**Hospital1 **] Lasix 40mg daily Lantus 10 units qam Lisinopril 20mg daily . Outpatient Medications Lantus 20 units qam Metformin 850mg [**Hospital1 **] Glyburide 10mg [**Hospital1 **] Atenolol 25mg [**Hospital1 **] Plavix 75mg daily Tylenol prn vicodin 1 75mg daily Tylenol prn vicodin 1 tablet q6h prn Ativan 2mg tid prn NTG prn Lasix 40mg daily Gabapentin 600mg qid Isosorbide mononitrate 60mg daily Levoxyl 50mcg daily Lisinopril 20mg daily Simvastatin 20mg daily Coumadin 5mg all days except 2. 6. atenolol 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO twice a day. 7. clopidogrel 75 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. 8. glyburide 5 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO twice a day. 9. Vicodin 5-500 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO every six (6) hours as needed for pain. 10. Lasix 40 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: FOR THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 135234, WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED ROUTE OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION FOR GLIPIZIDE Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: Disp:*qs 30 days Tablet(s)* Refills:*2* 20. Glipizide 5 mg Tablet Extended Rel 24 hr (2) Sig: One (1) Tablet Extended Rel 24 hr (2) PO BID (2 times a day). Disp:*60 Tablet Extended Rel 24 hr (2)(s)* Refills:*2* 21. Lantus 100 unit/mL Solution Sig: One (1) 30 units Subcutaneous once a day. Disp:*qs 30 days * Refills:*3* 22. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE DRUG LEVOTHYROXINE FOR PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 114004 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: 2. levothyroxine 100 mcg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 3. alprazolam 1 mg Tablet Sig: 1.5 Tablets PO QHS (once a day (at bedtime)) as needed for insomnia. 4. cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 400 unit Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 5. calcium carbonate 200 mg calcium (500 mg) Tablet, Chewable Sig: One (1) Tablet, Chewable PO BID (2 times a day). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT SHOULD BE THE MODE OF ENTRY OF THE DRUG IPRATROPIUM- ALBUTEROL INTO THE BODY OF THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 104140 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: 13. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg Tablet [**Last Name (STitle) **]: One (1) Tablet PO Q6H (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. 14. ipratropium-albuterol 18-103 mcg/Actuation Aerosol [**Last Name (STitle) **]: Six (6) Puff Inhalation Q4H (every 4 hours) as needed for wheezing. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF OXYCODONE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 168936 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; Evidence from Notes: Of note patient found to have increased palpable right lower thyroid lobe. Further workup of this finding may be considered in the out patient setting. . # Code status during this admission: Full Medications on Admission: 1. Amlodipine 5 mg DAILY 2. Tamsulosin 0.4 mg HS 3. Oxycodone 5 mg Q4H as needed for pain. 4. Multivitamin 5. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 400 Units DAILY 6. Release 24 hr PO at bedtime. 2. oxycodone 5 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO every four (4) hours as needed for Pain. 3. multivitamin Tablet Oral 4. cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) 400 unit Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. 5. levothyroxine 75 mcg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF LINEZOLID GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 127741 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; LINEZOLID; 600mg Tablet; LINEZOLID; 600mg Tablet; Evidence from Notes: He was initially treated for CAP but because he works in a health-care setting and considering the extent of PNA with hypoxia he was treated for HCAP coverage with IV vancomycin, cefepime, and ciprofloxacin. On the floor he quickly weaned down to room air and was breathing comfortably with occasionally sputum tinged with blood. He was discharged on a 10-day course of levofloxacin & linezolid, to cover ensure coverage of both MSRA and other usual CAP organisms. He was told to discuss reinitation of aspirin with his PCP when his hemoptysis ceases. He should also be screened for hypertension, as it was noted that his blood pressure was elevated to the 140s-150s systolic while he was on the floor. Medications on Admission: - Aspirin 81mg PO Daily Discharge Medications: 1. linezolid 600 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q12H (every 12 hours) for 10 days. MEDICATION CHANGES: - Medications ADDED: Linezolid 600 mg Q12H for 10 days - Medications ADDED: Guaifenesin-CODEINE cough syrup as needed for cough - Medications STOPPED: Aspirin - Medications CHANGED: None. Followup Instructions: We are working on a follow up appointment in [**State **]Group with your new primary care physician [**Last Name (NamePattern4) **]. [**First Name8 (NamePattern2) **] [**Last Name (NamePattern1) **]. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF ASPIRIN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 100579 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; ASPIRIN; TAB; Evidence from Notes: Renal function should be checked q3 days while on the tobra to ensure proper dosing. # Cardiovascular: EKG improved from prior. No chest pain. Continued amiodarone, coumadin, statin, aspirin and restarted beta blocker at a lower dose. # H/o CVA: Left hemiparesis improved as L LE now has some strength. He was continued on his statin, aspirin, and coumadin. He was continued on his statin, aspirin, and coumadin. # FEN/GI: Continue home Jevity. # GERD: was continued on home ranitidine # Access: new PICC line was placed during his admission, old PICC was removed and had a negative culture. # Communication: With sister [**Name (NI) **] [**Name (NI) **], [**Telephone/Fax (1) 83152**], and patient # CODE STATUS: FULL CODE Was tranfered to rehab for continued care. Medications on Admission: Atorvastatin 80 mg daily Docusate Sodium 10mg [**Hospital1 **] Aspirin 81 mg daily Amiodarone 200 mg daily Lisinopril 10 mg DAILY Metoprolol Tartrate 50 mg TID Temazepam 15 mg HS as needed for insomnia. Discharge Medications: 1. Senna 8.6 mg Tablet Sig: 1-2 Tablets PO BID (2 times a day) as needed for Constipation. 2. Docusate Sodium 50 mg/5 mL Liquid Sig: One (1) PO BID (2 times a day). 3. Aspirin 81 mg Tablet, Chewable Sig: One (1) Tablet, Chewable PO DAILY (Daily). 4. Amiodarone 200 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 5. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT SHOULD BE THE MODE OF ENTRY OF THE DRUG NPH INSULIN HUMAN RECOMB INTO THE BODY OF THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 103315 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: Disp:*20 Tablet(s)* Refills:*1* 16. NPH insulin human recomb 100 unit/mL Suspension Sig: Twenty (20) units Subcutaneous once a day. Disp:*1 bottle* Refills:*2* 17. Insulin Syringes Low dose U-100 syringes 25-26 gauge [**12-19**] inch needle for [**Hospital1 **] NPH and sliding scale qid humalog supply: 1 box refill:2 OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DRUG INTENSITY OF CYANOCOBALAMIN GIVEN TO THE PATIENT WITH AN ADMISSION ID = 198406 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: Risedronate 35 mg PO once a week. 6. Cyanocobalamin 1,000 mcg/mL Injection once a month 7. Lorazepam 0.25 QAM, O.25 QPM, 0.5 mg QHS 8 Capsaicin 0.025 % Cream Topical TID 9. Acetaminophen 1000 mg PO Q6H 10. Mirtazapine 15 mg PO QHS OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE FORM OF ACETAMINOPHEN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 108343 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; FORM_UNIT_DISP; ACETAMINOPHEN; TAB; ACETAMINOPHEN; SUPP; ACETAMINOPHEN; SUPP; Evidence from Notes: Acetaminophen 500 mg q8 hours as needed for pain Bisacodyl 10 mg [**Hospital1 **] prn Albuterol Sulfate 90 mcg 2 Puffs IH Q6H prn Ipratropium Bromide 17 mcg/Actuation QID ( Meropenem 500 mg q6 Spironolactone 25 mg DAILY Torsemide 20 mg [**Hospital1 **] Metolazone 5 mg [**Hospital1 **] Metoprolol 12. 5 mg [**Hospital1 **] Potassium Chloride 20 mEq once a day Insulin Glargine 40 units Subcutaneous at bedtime Insulin Lispro per sliding scale Discharge Medications: 1. Acetaminophen 325 mg Tablet Sig: 1-2 Tablets PO Q6H (every 6 hours) as needed for fever or pain. 2. Spironolactone 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 3. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION FOR THE MEDICINE CONTRAST RECOMMENDED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 152925 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; Evidence from Notes: Small bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right. Dense consolidation in the left lower lobe and lingula consistent with atelectasis and pneumonia. Scattered bilateral ground glass nodules likely represent infectious process. Limited evaluation for empyema due to lack of IV contrast. 2. Extensive calcifications of the aorta and its branches. 3. Compression fractures of the thoracic spine of indeterminate age. . OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: MENTION THE ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION FOR THE MEDICINE OMEPRAZOLE RECOMMENDED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID = 105104 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; ROUTE; OMEPRAZOLE; PO; Evidence from Notes: Pt had mild temp at time of beginning of the 2nd transfusion but it was administered in spite of this. Hct responded appropriately to these infusions. . Medications on Admission: Home: Diovan 80mg PO daily Aspirin 81mg PO daily Omeprazole 20mg PO daily Multiple vitamins, incl. MVI, B complex . On transfer: Allopurinol 300mg PO daily Ambien 5mg PO QHS prn insomnia Colace 100mg PO 650mg PO Q6h prn Zofran 4mg IV Q8h prn nausea Discharge Medications: 1. omeprazole 20 mg Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) Sig: One (1) Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) PO DAILY (Daily). 2. acyclovir 400 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO Q12H (every 12 hours). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE OMEPRAZOLE TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110135 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: 4. Vancomycin in Dextrose 1 g/200 mL Piggyback Sig: One (1) Intravenous QHD (each hemodialysis): Continue until [**12-26**], [**2114**]. 5. Ascorbic Acid 500 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 6. Omeprazole 20 mg Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) Sig: One (1) Capsule, Delayed Release(E.C.) PO once a day. 7. OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF PREDNISONE PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 122093 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; PREDNISONE; 20; mg; PREDNISONE; 35; mg; PREDNISONE; 20; mg; PREDNISONE; 20; mg; Evidence from Notes: 2. Prednisone 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily): follow taper. 3. Docusate Sodium 100 mg Capsule Sig: One (1) Capsule PO BID (2 times a day). 4. Famotidine 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO BID (2 times a day). 5. Metoprolol Tartrate 25 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO TID (3 times a day). OUTPUT:
You are a helpful physician assistant. Task: Based on the given patient EHR information from tables and notes, accurately answer the clinical question. Follow the following guideline: (1)First generate TABLE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from TABLEs> section. Include all relevant information if provided(units/form). List all answers found in the context. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' Do not make up information that does not exist in this section. (2)Second generate NOTE_ANSWER: Only search in the <Evidence from Notes> Section: Extract answers directly from the provided <Evidence from Notes> section. Include units if provided. Carefully review the entire note, if multiple answers are found, include all of them. If no relevant information is found, return 'nan.' All in upper case. (3)Combine Answers as the MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: If TABLE_ANSWER and NOTE_ANSWER do not overlap, return answers from TABLE_ANSWER. If only one answer is found (either in the table or the notes), directly use that answer without any change. If two answers have overlap characters, choose the overlapping character. **Here is an example**: INPUT: WHAT IS THE STRENGTH OF THE MEDICINE LASIX TAKEN BY THE PATIENT HAVING AN ADMISSION ID = 110186 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; PROD_STRENGTH; Evidence from Notes: ROOM AIR OXYGEN SATURATION 86%. For portability, provide pulse dose system 10. Lasix 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO once a day. OUTPUT: TABLE_ANSWER: nan; NOTE_ANSWER: (20 MG); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (20MG) The Output Format is: TABLE_ANSWER: XX; NOTE_ANSWER: XX; MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: XX Further guideline: Definitions for words in Questions if there exists: Dose: Quantity of the drug, e.g., the number of tablet (one (1)). Intensity: Amount of active ingredient. Strength: Amount of active ingredient and quantity of the drug. All answers need to be directly extracted from given evidence. INPUT: WHAT IS THE DOSAGE OF ATORVASTATIN PRESCRIBED TO THE PATIENT WITH ADMISSION ID 102324 Context: Evidence from TABLEs: PRESCRIPTIONS: DRUG; DOSE_VAL_RX; DOSE_UNIT_RX; ATORVASTATIN; 80; mg; Evidence from Notes: Medications on Admission: -Atorvastatin 80 mg -Citalopram 20 mg -Ranitidine HCl 150 mg -Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg -Losartan 100 mg -Furosemide 20 mg QMOWEFR -Isosorbide Mononitrate 60 mg -NPH 40/20-->as of late has been taking NPH 30/15 due to poor PO intake -Lovenox 60 (day #4, bridge to coumadin fro afib per prior discharge summary, had previously planned for 5 day bridge) -Clopidogrel 75 mg -Coumadin 4 mg -Aspirin 81 mg -Toprol 75 mg Discharge Medications: 1. Atorvastatin 40 mg Tablet Sig: Two (2) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 2. Citalopram 20 mg Tablet Sig: One (1) Tablet PO DAILY (Daily). 3. OUTPUT:
TABLE_ANSWER: (80MG); NOTE_ANSWER: (TWO (2)); MULTIMODAL_ANSWER: (80MG) exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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