Summarize this dialog: Hannah: Hey, do you have Betty's number? Amanda: Lemme check Hannah: <file_gif> Amanda: Sorry, can't find it. Amanda: Ask Larry Amanda: He called her last time we were at the park together Hannah: I don't know him well Hannah: <file_gif> Amanda: Don't be shy, he's very nice Hannah: If you say so.. Hannah: I'd rather you texted him Amanda: Just text him 🙂 Hannah: Urgh.. Alright Hannah: Bye Amanda: Bye bye --- Summary:
Hannah needs Betty's number but Amanda doesn't have it. She needs to contact Larry.
Summarize this dialog: Eric: MACHINE! Rob: That's so gr8! Eric: I know! And shows how Americans see Russian ;) Rob: And it's really funny! Eric: I know! I especially like the train part! Rob: Hahaha! No one talks to the machine like that! Eric: Is this his only stand-up? Rob: Idk. I'll check. Eric: Sure. Rob: Turns out no! There are some of his stand-ups on youtube. Eric: Gr8! I'll watch them now! Rob: Me too! Eric: MACHINE! Rob: MACHINE! Eric: TTYL? Rob: Sure :) --- Summary:
Eric and Rob are going to watch a stand-up on youtube.
Summarize this dialog: Lenny: Babe, can you help me with something? Bob: Sure, what's up? Lenny: Which one should I pick? Bob: Send me photos Lenny: <file_photo> Lenny: <file_photo> Lenny: <file_photo> Bob: I like the first ones best Lenny: But I already have purple trousers. Does it make sense to have two pairs? Bob: I have four black pairs :D :D Lenny: yeah, but shouldn't I pick a different color? Bob: what matters is what you'll give you the most outfit options Lenny: So I guess I'll buy the first or the third pair then Bob: Pick the best quality then Lenny: ur right, thx Bob: no prob :) --- Summary:
Lenny can't decide which trousers to buy. Bob advised Lenny on that topic. Lenny goes with Bob's advice to pick the trousers that are of best quality.
Summarize this dialog: Will: hey babe, what do you want for dinner tonight? Emma: gah, don't even worry about it tonight Will: what do you mean? everything ok? Emma: not really, but it's ok, don't worry about cooking though, I'm not hungry Will: Well what time will you be home? Emma: soon, hopefully Will: you sure? Maybe you want me to pick you up? Emma: no no it's alright. I'll be home soon, i'll tell you when I get home. Will: Alright, love you. Emma: love you too. --- Summary:
Emma will be home soon and she will let Will know.
Summarize this dialog: Ollie: Hi , are you in Warsaw Jane: yes, just back! Btw are you free for diner the 19th? Ollie: nope! Jane: and the 18th? Ollie: nope, we have this party and you must be there, remember? Jane: oh right! i lost my calendar.. thanks for reminding me Ollie: we have lunch this week? Jane: with pleasure! Ollie: friday? Jane: ok Jane: what do you mean " we don't have any more whisky!" lol.. Ollie: what!!! Jane: you just call me and the all thing i heard was that sentence about whisky... what's wrong with you? Ollie: oh oh... very strange! i have to be carefull may be there is some spy in my mobile! lol Jane: dont' worry, we'll check on friday. Ollie: don't forget to bring some sun with you Jane: I can't wait to be in Morocco.. Ollie: enjoy and see you friday Jane: sorry Ollie, i'm very busy, i won't have time for lunch tomorrow, but may be at 6pm after my courses?this trip to Morocco was so nice, but time consuming! Ollie: ok for tea! Jane: I'm on my way.. Ollie: tea is ready, did you bring the pastries? Jane: I already ate them all... see you in a minute Ollie: ok --- Summary:
Jane is in Warsaw. Ollie and Jane has a party. Jane lost her calendar. They will get a lunch this week on Friday. Ollie accidentally called Jane and talked about whisky. Jane cancels lunch. They'll meet for a tea at 6 pm.
Summarize this dialog: Benjamin: Hey guys, what are we doing with the keys today? Hilary: I've got them. Whoever wants them can meet me at lunchtime or after Elliot: I'm ok. We're meeting for the drinks in the evening anyway and I guess we'll be going back to the apartment together? Hilary: Yeah, I guess so Daniel: I'm with Hilary atm and won't let go of her for the rest of the day, so any option you guys choose is good for me Benjamin: Hmm I might actually pass by at lunchtime, take the keys and go take a nap. I'm sooo tired after yesterday Hilary: Sounds good. We'll be having lunch with some French people (the ones who work on the history of food in colonial Mexico - I already see you yawning your head off) Benjamin: YAAAAWN 🙊 Where and where are you meeting? Hilary: So I'm meeting them at the entrance to the conference hall at 2 pm and then we'll head to this place called La Cantina. Italian cuisine, which is quite funny, but that's what they've chosen Benjamin: Interesting 😱 To be honest, Hilary, I almost feel like changing my mind. Wanting to take this nap might end up costing me to dear Hilary: Oh come on 😂 Benjamin: All these terrible obstacles on mu way to bed might just prove to much to take Hilary: We'll try to avoid talking about their subject of research. Oh wait, no, I'm actually meeting them because I wanted to chat about their research lol Elliot: 🙉 Hilary: Do join us, we're going to have fun. And then you'll take the keys and take this most deserved of naps Elliot: Sounds like a plan 😂 Hilary: 😎 Elliot: See you at 2 then xx --- Summary:
Hilary has the keys to the apartment. Benjamin wants to get them and go take a nap. Hilary is having lunch with some French people at La Cantina. Hilary is meeting them at the entrance to the conference hall at 2 pm. Benjamin and Elliot might join them. They're meeting for the drinks in the evening.
Summarize this dialog: Max: Know any good sites to buy clothes from? Payton: Sure :) <file_other> <file_other> <file_other> <file_other> <file_other> <file_other> <file_other> Max: That's a lot of them! Payton: Yeah, but they have different things so I usually buy things from 2 or 3 of them. Max: I'll check them out. Thanks. Payton: No problem :) Max: How about u? Payton: What about me? Max: Do u like shopping? Payton: Yes and no. Max: How come? Payton: I like browsing, trying on, looking in the mirror and seeing how I look, but not always buying. Max: Y not? Payton: Isn't it obvious? ;) Max: Sry ;) Payton: If I bought everything I liked, I'd have nothing left to live on ;) Max: Same here, but probably different category ;) Payton: Lol Max: So what do u usually buy? Payton: Well, I have 2 things I must struggle to resist! Max: Which are? Payton: Clothes, ofc ;) Max: Right. And the second one? Payton: Books. I absolutely love reading! Max: Gr8! What books do u read? Payton: Everything I can get my hands on :) Max: Srsly? Payton: Yup :) --- Summary:
Payton provides Max with websites selling clothes. Payton likes browsing and trying on the clothes but not necessarily buying them. Payton usually buys clothes and books as he loves reading.
Summarize this dialog: Rita: I'm so bloody tired. Falling asleep at work. :-( Tina: I know what you mean. Tina: I keep on nodding off at my keyboard hoping that the boss doesn't notice.. Rita: The time just keeps on dragging on and on and on.... Rita: I keep on looking at the clock and there's still 4 hours of this drudgery to go. Tina: Times like these I really hate my work. Rita: I'm really not cut out for this level of boredom. Tina: Neither am I. --- Summary:
Rita and Tina are bored at work and have still 4 hours left.
Summarize this dialog: Beatrice: I am in town, shopping. They have nice scarfs in the shop next to the church. Do you want one? Leo: No, thanks Beatrice: But you don't have a scarf. Leo: Because I don't need it. Beatrice: Last winter you had a cold all the time. A scarf could help. Leo: I don't like them. Beatrice: Actually, I don't care. You will get a scarf. Leo: How understanding of you! Beatrice: You were complaining the whole winter that you're going to die. I've had enough. Leo: Eh. --- Summary:
Beatrice wants to buy Leo a scarf, but he doesn't like scarves. She cares about his health and will buy him a scarf no matter his opinion.
Summarize this dialog: Ivan: hey eric Eric: yeah man Ivan: so youre coming to the wedding Eric: your brother's Ivan: yea Eric: i dont know mannn Ivan: YOU DONT KNOW?? Eric: i just have a lot to do at home, plus i dont know if my parents would let me Ivan: ill take care of your parents Eric: youre telling me you have the guts to talk to them XD Ivan: thats my problem Eric: okay man, if you say so Ivan: yea just be there Eric: alright --- Summary:
Eric doesn't know if his parents let him go to Ivan's brother's wedding. Ivan will talk to them.
Summarize this dialog: Wanda: Let's make a party! Gina: Why? Wanda: beacuse. I want some fun! Gina: ok, what do u need? Wanda: 1st I need too make a list Gina: noted and then? Wanda: well, could u take yours father car and go do groceries with me? Gina: don't know if he'll agree Wanda: I know, but u can ask :) Gina: I'll try but theres no promisess Wanda: I know, u r the best! Gina: When u wanna go Wanda: Friday? Gina: ok, I'll ask --- Summary:
Wanda wants to throw a party. She asks Gina to borrow her father's car and go do groceries together. They set the date for Friday.
Summarize this dialog: Martin: I won two cinema tickets! Aggie: oh cool, how come? Martin: online. on fb, the movie mag organized it Aggie: so what did you do Martin: just write a short review and that's it Aggie: well done :) so what and when. and where? Martin: the new film with Redford Aggie: i guess i heard sth Martin: it's pretty cool i heard. till the end of the week Aggie: sounds good. we'll find time XD --- Summary:
Martin wrote a short review and won 2 cinema tickets on FB. Martin wants Aggie to go with him this week for the new film with Redford.
Summarize this dialog: Charlee: I'm in class. Theatre in Portuguese lol Curtis: Realllly? Charlee: Yes. One of my subjects at the university that I attend is portuguese theatre. We are preparing a performance Curtis: What performance is this? Are you devising it? Charlee: A polish one translated into portuguese Curtis: Thats quite cool. Who is the writer? Charlee: Mrożek --- Summary:
Charlee is attending Portuguese theater as a subject at university. He and other students are preparing a play by Mrożek translated into Portuguese.
Summarize this dialog: Mary: Are you going by car or train? Tom: Ella rented a car Ella: this makes all of this much faster Mary: good decision --- Summary:
Ella rented a car, this makes things much faster for her and Tom.
Summarize this dialog: Luke: are you still looking for someone to join netflix family? Paul: yes, 1 person :) Luke: i am the one! Paul: sure, i will send you the login and password on sunday Luke: ok we can talk tomorrow Paul: i don't really remember it now Luke: send me also the bank account details so I can wire you the money every month. Are you paying for this or someone else? Paul: I do, and I keep track of everyone accessing so you should not expect any bans :D Luke: easy mate :D you still on holidays with your girl? Paul: last dinner :( tomorrow we are out Luke: how long have you been there? Paul: less than 8 days :/ --- Summary:
Paul is going to share his Netflix account with Luke. In exchange Luke is going to contribute to the subscription. Paul will send Luke his bank details. Paul is on vacation with his girlfriend till tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Greg: Hi, honey. I need to stay after hours :-( Betsy: Again? Greg: I'm sorry! Betsy: What about Johnny? Greg: Well, could you pick him up? Betsy: What if I can't? Greg: Betsy? Betsy: What if I can't? Greg: Can't you, really? Betsy: I can't. Today I need to work long hours as well. Tuesdays are your days in the kindergarten. Greg: Talk to you later. I'll see what I can do. Betsy: You'd better think of something. Greg: Oh. Just stop it now. --- Summary:
Greg and Betsy have a lot of work today, so they cannot pick up Johnny from the kindergarten. However, it's Greg's turn to do it. Greg will try to find a solution.
Summarize this dialog: Ethan: somethin for Scott <file_photo> Toby: haha, totally Marshall: pretty much sums it up Scott: you know you're exactly fuckin the same Toby: oh we know honey bunny Marshall: we just enjoy making fun of YOU Ethan: xD Scott: oh fuck y'all Toby: <file_gif> --- Summary:
Ethan, Toby and Marshall are making fun of Scott.
Summarize this dialog: Igor: Shit, I've got so much to do at work and I'm so demotivated. John: It's pretty irresponsible to give that much work to someone on their notice period. Igor: Yeah, exactly! Should I even care? John: It's up to you, but you know what they say... Igor: What do you mean? John: Well, they say how you end things shows how you really are... Igor: And now how you start, right? John: Gotcha! Igor: So what shall I do then? John: It's only two weeks left, so grit your teeth and do what you have to do. Igor: Easy to say, hard to perform. John: Come on, stop thinking, start doing! Igor: That's so typical of you! ;) --- Summary:
Igor has a lot of work on his notice period and he feels demotivated. John thinks he should do what he has to do nevertheless.
Summarize this dialog: Clara: Hi, what you up to? Neela: Not much, chilling out. Clara: Just rewatching Dear White People on Netflix, love it!😍 Neela: Oh yeah, heard of it, but not seen it yet? Any good? Clara: Well, yes! I just said it was, LOL. It's about a fictional Ivy League University and the students in one House of Residence. Neela: Why is it called Dear White People? Clara: That's the name of the radio show the main character, Sam, presents on college radio. Neela: Yeah, but why is it so good? Clara: Well, it's mainly stories from the perspective of black students there, which I find very interesting. The characters are strong and likeable too. Neela: I suppose it's rather different from the UK, then? Clara: It seems so, as there is a lot more racial awareness and discrimination there than here. It all kicks off when there is a Blackface party held by an elite group of white students, which gets out of hand. Neela: How's that? Clara: Well, obviously, the black students try to break it up and there's also an incident where one guy, Reggie, gets a loaded gun pointed at him by a campus policeman after he gets into an argument with a white student. It may be at another party, though, I'm not sure of that. Neela: Oh, that sounds pretty strong stuff. What else happens? Clara: Well, there is a young black guy called Lionel who is coming to terms with being gay and is finding his voice as a journalist. He unearths corruption at the uni and he and Sam also uncover some conspiracy theory stuff about secret societies. Neela: Well, I must say, it does sound good, I'll check it out soon! Clara: Definitely, there is supposed to be a Series 3 coming up next year, really looking forward to it! Neela: Well, thanks Clara, I'm just watching the rest of a movie and I'll try Dear White People. Clara: Don't blame me if you get hooked and stay up till 4! Neela: See ya, love! Clara: Bye! --- Summary:
Clara is rewatching Dear White People and strongly recommends it to Neela.
Summarize this dialog: Ernest: hey Mike, did you park your car on our street? Mike: no, took it into garage today Ernest: ok good Mike: why? Ernest: someone just crashed into a red honda looking just like yours Mike: lol lucky me --- Summary:
Mike took his car into garage today. Ernest is relieved as someone had just crashed into a red Honda which looks like Mike's.
Summarize this dialog: Deirdre: Hi Beth, how are you love? Beth: Hi Auntie Deirdre, I'm been meaning to message you, had a favour to ask. Deirdre: Wondered if you had any thought about your Mum's 40th, we've got to do something special! Beth: How about a girls weekend, just mum, me, you and the girls, Kira will have to come back from Uni, of course. Deirdre: Sounds fab! Get your thinking cap on, it's only in 6 weeks! Bet she's dreading it, I remember doing that! Beth: Oh yeah, we had a surprise party for you, you nearly had a heart attack! Deirdre: Well, it was a lovely surprise! Gosh, thats nearly 4 years ago now, time flies! What was the favour, darling? Beth: Oh, it was just that I fancied trying a bit of work experience in the salon, auntie. Deirdre: Well, I am looking for Saturday girls, are you sure about it? you could do well in the exams and go on to college or 6th form. Beth: I know, but it's not for me, auntie, I am doing all foundation papers and I'm struggling with those. Deirdre: What about a tutor? Kira could help you in the hols. Beth: Maybe, but I'd like to try working. I'm 16 soon, I'm old enough. Deirdre: I know. Look, pop in tomorrow after school and we'll have a cuppa and a chat. Beth: Yes, thanks auntie. I'd really like to try the beauty therapy side. Deirdre: Its not for the squeamish, mind. Massage, pedicures, not to mention waxing! Beth: Oh yes, I was chatting to a friend about it yesterday! Deirdre: Maxine manages the beauty side, you can meet her tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. Beth: Yes, I'd really like that. Deirdre: We can try a few hours on a Saturday for a couple of weeks as work experience. I'll give you a tenner or so per session to start off for your lunch, coffee and bus fare etc. If you like, we'll take it from there. Beth: OK, I like the sound of it! See you tomorrow Auntie! Love you! Deirdre: Bye, lovely girl! Xx --- Summary:
Beth wants to organize a girls weekend to celebrate her mother's 40th birthday. She also wants to work at Deidre's beauty salon. Deidre offers her a few hours on Saturdays as work experience. They set up for a meeting tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Gloria: This exam is a bit of a lottery in fact Gloria: You can't really get prepared, it's all about experience Emma: But there are some rules and some typical texts right? Gloria: You can see some texts from previous years Gloria: <file_other> Emma: Wow that's very useful Emma: I have never seen this site Gloria: Yes it's very good Gloria: Actually it's good to read all the texts because you will see that some phrases repeat very often Emma: How much time do you have for all 4 parts? Gloria: 4 hours Emma: Is it enough? Gloria: Well it has to be Gloria: Would be perfect to have 2 more hours... But on the other hand it would be really exhausting Emma: 4 hours and no breaks? Gloria: No breaks :/ So it's really important to be really focused and try to write as fast as you can Gloria: And read it carefully and correct during the last hour Emma: I'm going to read everything from that website, it's great --- Summary:
Gloria has an exam soon. It lasts 4 hours. Emma sent her a link to a website with some texts from previous years so that she can prepare for the exam better.
Summarize this dialog: Adam: Have you talked to May? Karen: Yes, yesterday, why? Adam: I just talked to her and I must admit I worry about her Karen: Me too, I suggested she should see a specialist, but she wasn't very happy about it Adam: No wonder... Karen: I know, but I think this is serious. She's saying she's depressed, like everyone around, but in her case it may be true Adam: She was telling me she doesn't feel like doing anything, she's bored all the time, she never feels happy. It sounds like a real, typical depression Adam: She also told me that she has trouble sleeping. I asked her to go out for a beer or anything basically, but she doesn't want to leave the flat Karen: Oh my, it sounds really serious. I don't what to tell you Adam: I was wondering how I can help her Karen: Honestly I don't know if we can help her, Adam. I suggested a specialist because these are very sensitive issues and I'm afraid we may unintentionally make it worse Adam: Yes, but she doesn't want to see a specialist. Basically, she doesn't want to see anyone Karen: Hm... I don't know... How about I call someone for advice? So we could know what to do Adam: Sounds rational, do you know anyone you could call? Don't mention her name Karen: Of course I won't! I have a friend who's a psychologist, we can trust her. I'll let you know Adam: Thank you Karen! --- Summary:
Adam and Karen are worried that May suffers from depression. Karen will call her friend who is a psychologist and ask for advice.
Summarize this dialog: Anne: You were right, he was lying to me :/ Irene: Oh no, what happened? Jane: who? that Mark guy? Anne: yeah, he told me he's 30, today I saw his passport - he's 40 Irene: You sure it's so important? Anne: he lied to me Irene --- Summary:
Mark lied to Anne about his age. Mark is 40.
Summarize this dialog: Augustine: Guys, remember it's Wharton's bday next week? Darlene: yay, a party! Heather: yay! crap we need to buy him a present Walker: he mentioned paper shredder once Augustine: wtf?!? Walker: he did really. for no reason at all. Heather: whatever that make him happy Darlene: cool with me. we can shred some papers at the party Augustine: so much fun Heather: srsly guys, you mean we should really get office equipment??? Darlene: Walk, ask him if he really wnts it and if he yes then we get it Walker: i heard him say that. wasn;t drunk. me neither. Darlene: but better ask him twice Walker: will do Augustine: 2moro ok? Darlene: and sure ask ab the party! --- Summary:
Next week is Wharton's birthday. Augustine, Darlene, Heather and Walker want to buy him a paper shredder. Walker will make sure if Wharton really wants it.
Summarize this dialog: Ollie: Okay, Kelly! Ur up nxt! Kelly: Me? I don't wanna. Mickey: C'mon! Jessica: Yeah! What's yours? Kelly: Fine. It's a sculpture garden in Finnland. Ollie: What's scary about sculptures? Wait! Do they resemble vampires and stuff? Mickey: Nah, I'm sure they look rly nice. Kelly: It's not the sculptures, it's the amount of them and their faces! Jessica: Faces? What faces? Kelly: Well, they resemble ppl in different activities like hugging, training, doing sport and so on. But the faces are just morbid and there's like a hundred of them. All staring at you! Ollie: Another one? Mickey: Certainly! Jessica: Well, Ollie, ur turn! Ollie: Nagoro village in Japan! Mickey: Y? Ollie: Well, maybe it's not scary, but it similar to Kelly's place. It's just creepy as hell. Jessica: Bt y? Ollie: Imagine a village with ppl living in it. And in the same village u have these human-sized figures. And there's more of them than the ppl that actually live there! Kelly: Creepy AH! Mickey: WTF?! Y would ppl even do that? Jessica: Idk. Idc. Never. Going. There. Ollie: See! Mine was the worst! Jessica: Bt not the scariest! Ollie: Point taken. Mickey: Listen, guys, fun talking to u, bt gotta go. Kelly: Yeah, me too. Bye! Jessica: Bye! Ollie: Cu! --- Summary:
Kelly is scared of sculpture garden figures in Finnland, she finds figure's faces morbid. For Ollie it's Nagoro village in Japan, it's creepy.
Summarize this dialog: Myah: <file_photo> Selah: I can't see the phone number very well. Rewrite it plz Myah: <file_photo> Selah: The phone of that person is off --- Summary:
Selah called a person that did not pick up.
Summarize this dialog: Eric: Hey Bella, What happened today in boss's room?? Was he angry?? Bella: NO NO!!! He wasn't angry at all.. He actually appreciated on our brave deccision to dismiss the request of client.. Eric: REALLY!! He appreciated this decision.. Bella: Yeah he really did.. I too was astounded by his reaction... Eric: What could possibly lead to this?? I mean , they were potential clients... Bella: What he told me was that he was looking forward to bring in new clients which were our current client's competitor.. Eric: Oh that could possibly be the reason.Well anyways you got appreciation xD congo Bella: hahaha Blessing in disguise xD --- Summary:
Bella and Eric dismissed a request of a client. Their boss appreciated the decision. He brings in new clients.
Summarize this dialog: Ben: Where are you? Emma: at the rare of the bus Ben: why? Emma: there are some free seats here Emma: so I can have a nap even Ben: good idea Emma: when are we going to arrive to NY? Ben: around 4.30 PM Emma: if traffic is not crazy Ben: right, we will see Emma: could you come here and wake me up around 4.15? Ben: sure Emma: thanks! Ben: sleep well Emma: I'll try --- Summary:
Emma is about to take a nap in the back of the bus to New York. Ben and Emma will be there around 4.30 pm. Ben will wake Emma up 15 minutes prior to their arrival.
Summarize this dialog: Jesse: I have an idea that'll cheer u up! Melvin: What is it? Jesse: I was thinking about doing something 4 the less fortunate this year. Lee: Gr8 idea! Anything in mind? Maxine: So no presents 4 me? :( Jesse: U'll get ur presents, no worries ;) Maxine: Phew! Was getting a bit worried for a moment ;) Melvin: Bt what do u have in store? Jesse: Well, have u heard about the Refuge? Lee: No. What's that? Melvin: That's the Christmas foundation to help women and children? Maxine: I think I've heard of them. So what about them? Jesse: That's right! They help women and children who escape from abuse. And every year they post wish lists of such ppl online and I thought that we could choose one and chip in. Melvin: That's a great idea! Lee: Count me in! Maxine: Me too. Jesse: Have a look at these 3 lists: <file_other> <file_other> <file_other> Lee: I think the second one would be the easiest to arrange. Maxine: Agree. Melvin: What about number 3? A bit ambitious, but if we pull together, we'll manage. Jesse: Actually, I'm in for the 3rd one. Maxine: I think the 2nd list would be better. The items cos more or less the same and we can easily divide it. Melvin: But if we agree to chip in the same amount of money, we can deal with the 3rd one easily. Lee: Come to think of it, the 3rd one is not that bad. A bit of planning and logistics and were good to go. Jesse: So it's settled? Melvin: Yup. Lee: Sure. Maxine: Fine. --- Summary:
Jesse, Melvin, Lee and Maxine are going to take part in the Christmas charity action of the foundation called Refuge, which helps women and children who escape from abuse.
Summarize this dialog: Mary: hey, im kinda broke, lend me a few box Carter: okay, give me an hour, im at the train station Mary: cool, thanks --- Summary:
Mary ran out of money. Carter is going to lend her some in an hour.
Summarize this dialog: Charlotte: Hello Paula, a funny question: how do you pronounce 'Natal lily', the name of the plant? It refers to the region of ZA and not to the word 'natal' as in 'his natal day', right? Paula: Hi Charlotte, 'nu tell', 'nu' as in 'number'. Charlotte: And the stress on the second syllable? Or the first? Paula: 2nd Charlotte: Thank you dear. Paula: <file_other> Charlotte: Lovely to hear your voice!! Paula: :$ Paula: <file_other> Charlotte: :X --- Summary:
Paula helped Charlotte with correct pronunciation of "Natal lily".
Summarize this dialog: Jack: Cocktails later? May: YES!!! May: You read my mind... Jack: Possibly a little tightly strung today? May: Sigh... without question. Jack: Thought so. May: A little drink will help! Jack: Maybe two! --- Summary:
Jack and May will drink cocktails later.
Summarize this dialog: Margaret: Honey, buy me some painkiller. Jack: What is going on? Margaret: Terrible headache! Jack: Maybe you should rest! --- Summary:
Margaret is suffering from a terrible headache and wants Jack to buy her some painkillers.
Summarize this dialog: Andrei: hey, did you pick up the film equipment for tonite's shooting? Serge: no, im on my way there now. Andrei: cool. do you happen to have your credit card with you? we have an outstanding bill to pay with the company. Serge: yeah, i do. not a lot of available credit on it, but we'll see when we get there. Andrei: OK, thanks. theyll be glad when we pay it. its long overdue. Serge: ill let you know if it works out. getting of the metro now Andrei: ok --- Summary:
Serge is on his way to pick up the film equipment for the shooting tonight. Andrei and Serge are late with a large payment to the company. Serge and Andrei will try to use the credit card to pay the company.
Summarize this dialog: Janice: my son has been asking me to get him a hamster for his birthday Janice: should i? Martina: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Martina: i got one for my son and it stank up the whole house Martina: so don't do it!!! --- Summary:
Martina advises against getting a hamster.
Summarize this dialog: Daniel: have you guys played DA? Mary: which one? Daniel: Inquisition Mary: damn yes Mary: love it to bits - team Dorian <3 Lucas: is it any good? I played just DA II Mary: is it any good?! it's fucking brilliant!!! Mary: Dan, are you playing? Daniel: just started and I'm not sure, trying to get used to the mechanics Mary: you have to give it a go, I was sceptical at first, but... omg, wait for Dorian Lucas: Is it better than 2? Mary: oh yes --- Summary:
Mary has played DA Inquisition. Lucas has played DA II. Daniel started playing DA Inquisition.
Summarize this dialog: Judy: Why am I always attracted to jerks?? Janice: It didn’t work out with Andrew? Judy: He just wanted to fuck me Judy: When he got what he wanted he stopped calling and texting. Janice: And Bruce? He’s not a jerk. Judy: He’s sweet. Maybe too sweet for me… Judy: He’s a lovely and caring guy but I don’t feel the butterflies… --- Summary:
Judy thinks she's always attracted to bad guys.
Summarize this dialog: Riley: Chloe is on tv!! James: on which channel? James: never mind i've found it James: what is she doing? i don't get it Riley: this is a programme in which women undergo a complete metamorphosis. Riley: OMG she looks drop dead gorgeous! --- Summary:
Riley and James watch Chloe on tv undergoing a metamorphosis.
Summarize this dialog: Tina: I'll tell you something, this Emirate staff looks amazing, as movie stars Ala: Oh yes, I know, that's for purpose Ala: It's how it's suppose to be Ala: They pay a lot of attention to the image Tina: Looks nice, pleasure to observe Tina: And I sucked at the airport, they've kept us one hour in the plane and finally I'll catch the evening flight back home Tina: Could You imagine? Tina: And you know, this way we had such a talkative pilot :-) Ala: Oh, poor you Ala: Pfff Ala: And I'm on my way to a meeting Tina: THE meeting? Ala: Yes, keep your finger crossed Tina: Sure, let me know how did it go Ala: Ok darling, in touch --- Summary:
Tina will catch the evening flight back home. Ala is on her way to the meeting. She will let Tina know how it went.
Summarize this dialog: Sebastian: It's been already a year since we moved here. Sebastian: This is totally the best time of my life. Kevin: Really? Sebastian: Yeah! Totally maaan. Sebastian: During this 1 year I learned more than ever. Sebastian: I learned how to be resourceful, I'm learning responsibility, and I literally have the power to make my dreams come true. Kevin: It's great to hear that. Kevin: It's great that you are satisfied with your decisions. Kevin: And above all it's great to see that you have someone you love by your side :) Sebastian: Exactly! Sebastian: That's another part of my life that is going great. Kevin: I wish I had such a person by my side. Sebastian: Don't worry about it. Sebastian: I have a feeling this day will come shortly. Kevin: Haha. I don' think so, but thanks. Sebastian: This one year proved to me that when you want something really badly, you can achieve it. Kevin: I want to win lottery and I never did :D Sebastian: If you devoted your life to analyze all of the winning numbers, and with your math skills you could win. Kevin: Devote myself and million dollars for lottery tickets. Sebastian: Something like that xD Kevin: I'm happy for you man. Kevin: I really am Sebastian: Thanks. It means a lot my friend :) --- Summary:
Sebastian is very happy with his life, and shares this happiness with Kevin.
Summarize this dialog: Frank: Son, will you come home this weekend? Son: not sure yet. Something happened? Frank: Of course not. Your mother miss you. Son: I miss her too. Frank: So will you com? Son: I will try. Frank: Good, I will tell your mother that you will come Son: oh, dad.. ok I will come. --- Summary:
Son is coming to see his parents' this weekend.
Summarize this dialog: Ola: Hello Kate, sorry for not keeping in touch properly. As expected, we have hardly any connectivity here in Cuba. But we're doing fine and enjoying our trip. How are the things at home? Kate: At long last! Started to worry. Nothing new happening, if you disregard all that Xmas craze. Momo has recovered from her injury and frolicking again. Kate: <file_photo> Kate: Good old Momo! Yes, it is your scarf! Ola: NO!!! It's one of my favorites! The one from Laos! Kate: Too late. Momo thinks it belongs to her now. Get yourself a new one. They surely have nice ones there. Ola: Not at all. Only cheapish cotton blouses with horrible multi-coloured embroidery or some equally horrible crochetted tops. No shawls or scarfs. Ola: <file_photo> Kate: Wait a sec! Kate: <file_photo> Kate: Isn't it similar?! Mum would probably like it. Why don't you? Ola: Not a bad idea. But the quality is usually crappy. Kate: And if you go to some boutique shop or something? Not at a market as in your pics? Ola: I might try and find some. Would you like one too? Kate: Not really. And Mum would prefer to be the only one with an authentic Cuban blouse :)) Ola: OK I'll have a look. Greets to everyone at home pls. Kate: Take care! --- Summary:
Ola is in Cuba and is enjoying her trip. She has problems with connectivity there. Momo has recovered from her injury. Ola doesn't like the clothes in Cuba. Ola will try to find a blouse for mum in Cuba, as Kate suggested.
Summarize this dialog: Mike: Do u have new John's number? Ann: No, u should ask Mary. Mike: Ok, thank u :* --- Summary:
Mike will ask Mary for John's new number.
Summarize this dialog: Joseph: It's fuzzy but I think you can recognize what's that(^_-)-☆ Joseph: <file_photo> Ella: Ooooo Ella: Baby cows??(/◕ヮ◕)/(/◕ヮ◕)/(/◕ヮ◕)/ Joseph: Wujek Janek has tween cows:D Ella: Twins* darling xD Joseph: Oh yeah, sorry Twins* Ella: Good for him!! So cool❤️❤️ Ella: Wanna touch them❤️❤️❤️ --- Summary:
Joseph has sent Ella a photo of Wujek Janek's twin baby cows. Ella is delighted.
Summarize this dialog: Josh: Stephen, I think you've accidentaly taken my notebook home Stephen: wait lemme check Stephen: nope, I don't see it anywhere Jack: oh shit, I've got it xDDD I don't even know why Josh: xDDD ok, no problem, cool I know where it is Jack: I'll bring it tomorow --- Summary:
Josh thinks Stephen accidentally took his notebook. Jack has it and will bring it tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Lola: hey girlfriend, what's up? Adele: Oh, hi Lols, not much. Adele: got a new dog. Lola: another one? Adele: Yup. a pup biscuit lab. 4 months. Chewy. Lola: how did the others react? Adele: the cats keep their distance, Poppy and Lulu seem to mother him. Speedy wants to play. Lola: no fighting? that's new. Adele: they say puppies are accepted by other animals more easily than older dogs Lola: especially girl dogs, probably Adele: with the other ones I had to wean them because I took them in as adult dogs. And girls like to fight. like crazy. Lola: doggies, right/. Adele: that too :P Lola: haha. true though. Adele: I know, right. Anyway, called him Bones. He's so plump it kinda fit. Lola: cute. can't wait to see him. --- Summary:
Adele got a new biscuit Labrador Chewy that is 4 months. Her cats keep their distance, and Poppy and Lulu seem to mother Chewy and Speedy wants to play.
Summarize this dialog: Kristian: Adidas Or Nike?😃 Tabora: Adidas(^v^) Kristian: Watermelon or orange?😃😃 Tabora: Orange(^v^) Kristian: Superman or batman?😃😃😃 Tabora: Batman(^v^) Tabora: What are we doing now? Kristian: Just playing games😃😃😃😃 Kristian: Wanna keep going?😃 Tabora: Sure! It is kinda fun!(*^0^*) Kristian: Films or books?😃😃😀😀😀😀😀😀 Tabora: Films!(^v^) Tabora: When is my turn? --- Summary:
Kristian and Tabora are playing a game about what they like best.
Summarize this dialog: Cathy: Just realized I left my sunglasses at yours Broke: Yes, they are waiting for you to pick them up Cathy: Might come round at 10 tonight if that's alright Broke: Yeah okay, see ya --- Summary:
Cathy will pick up her glasses tonight at 10.
Summarize this dialog: Petra: I need to sleep, I can't stand how sleepy I am Andy: I know, and it's so boring today, nobody's working at the office Ezgi: I am working! lazy pigs Petra: I'm sleeping with my eyes open, kill me Andy: ask the fat woman from HR Petra: she would kill me on spot without batting an eye Andy: she always repeats she has a black belt in karate Petra: it's hard to believe she can move, but let her have whatever belt she wants Andy: LOL Petra: sooooo sleepy --- Summary:
Petra is very sleepy at work today, Andy finds the day boring, and Ezgi is working.
Summarize this dialog: Nick: You look absolutely gorgeous and have a lovely smile. Nick: Would love to get to know you a bit more. How about we meet up for a drink sometime? Jane: Hmmm... You're shooting a bit above your range aren't you? Nick: Why would you think that hon? Jane: Because I'm not that desperate. Nick: That was a bit below the belt. Nick: You're nice but you're not THAT hot. Jane: Oh is your poor little dick shriveling at the thought? Nick: Actually I'll take it back. Forget about the drink. Nick: Forget I ever wrote to you. Jane: Bye loser! Nick: Fucking bitch! Jane: You're welcome! --- Summary:
Nick finds Jane pretty and invites her for a drink to get to know her better. Jane rejects Nick and is unpleasant to him. Nick suggests Jane to forget about their conversation.
Summarize this dialog: Adam: My friend told me he saw Tim with a guy. Nate: And? Adam: <file_photo> Nate: omg Julia: Yeah, what a shocker Adam: ??? You knew?! Julia: I thought everyone knew Nate: I had no idea Nate: Did he tell you anything? Julia: That he’s gay? God no Adam: Why didn’t you tell us? Julia: First: I assumed you knew Julia: Second: Why would I? it’s not my business Nate: I think he should’ve told us ;/ not cool Adam: yeah, I made a completely idiot out of myself defending him Julia: Against whom? I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you Nate: Well, it’s not fair, we’re his friends Julia: And? Does it change anything? --- Summary:
Julia knew Tim was gay, while Adam and Nate didn't.
Summarize this dialog: Lilly: sorry, I'm gonna be late Lilly: don't wait for me and order the food Gabriel: no problem, shall we also order something for you? Gabriel: so that you get it as soon as you get to us? Lilly: good idea! Lilly: pasta with salmon and basil is always very tasty there --- Summary:
Lilly will be late. Gabriel will order pasta with salmon and basil for her.
Summarize this dialog: Cara: hey Cara: are you at home Celine: hey Cara Celine: No i'm not Cara: okay then, i just wanted to pass by Celine: im sorry, i can drop by in the evening if you dont mind Cara: its fine, call me then if you decide to come Celine: ok --- Summary:
Celine is not at home, but she will call Cara before visiting her.
Summarize this dialog: Craig: Man, u there? Derek: Yeah, tell me Craig: I need help with my computer Derek: What happened? Craig: I don't know exactly but it's not working Derek: Well, ok... give me 20 minutes, got to get to my car Craig: Ok, thanks Derek: No prob --- Summary:
Derek will be at Craig's in 20 minutes to help him with his malfunctioning computer.
Summarize this dialog: Emma: Hi neighbour :) Emma: Do you want to take a stroll with the little ones? Abigail: Hey Emma :) I don't think that's a good idea. Abigail: My smog alert app is showing that the norms have been exceeded by 30% today :O Emma: Oh my, that sounds serious. Emma: I need to install that app. --- Summary:
Abigail is not going to take a stroll with the little ones. Her smog alert app is showing that the norms have been exceeded by 30% today.
Summarize this dialog: Paul: What color flowers should I get Cindy: any just not yellow Paul: ok, pink? Cindy: no maybe red Paul: just tell me what color and what type ok? Cindy: ugh, red roses! --- Summary:
Paul will buy red roses following Cindy's advice.
Summarize this dialog: Mary: Hello, I think you've left your credit card at our shop Jenny: Thank you for getting in touch! Thank you so much! Mary: No worries :) Jenny: When can I pick it up? Mary: Whenever you come, it's safe with one of our cashiers :) --- Summary:
Jenny has left her credit car at the Mary's shop.
Summarize this dialog: Gary: Hey, don't forget about Tom's bday party! Lara: I won't! What time should I show up? Gary: Around 5 pm. He's supposed to be back home at 5:30, so we'll have just enough time to prep things up. Lara: You're such a great boyfriend. He will be so happy! Gary: Yep, I am :) Lara: So I'll just pick up the cake and get the balloons... Gary: Thanks, you're so helpful. I've already paid for the cake. Lara: No problem, see you at 5 pm! Gary: See you! --- Summary:
It's Tom's birthday. Lara and Gary will come to Tom's place about 5 pm to prepare everything before Tom gets back home at 5:30. Gary has already paid for the cake - Lara will pick it up and she will also get the balloons.
Summarize this dialog: Laura: Where are you? Paul: Almost there. Laura: Which is? Paul: Close to the Mac. Laura: That's so far away! Paul: 15 mins Laura: I am not waiting any more, see you some other time. Paul: Please, wait! Laura: I've waited 30 minutes, 15 minutes ago you wrote you were almost here. This is too much. Paul: I am so sorry. Laura: I am not. --- Summary:
Paul is late for a meeting with Laura and she refuses to wait any longer.
Summarize this dialog: Salma: <file_video> Salma: the latest cat meme Hugh: oh sweet, I can never get enough of those lol Hugh: <file_photo> Salma: hahaha same --- Summary:
Salma and Hugh like cat memes.
Summarize this dialog: Matt: results should be announced soon Matt: probably today Oliver: they posted it Oliver: <file_other> Peter: I didn't get into Stanford :( Matt: let me see Matt: yup, I did Oliver: me too Oliver: barely Peter: I'm happy for you guys Matt: chin up! there are many other options Oliver: exactly, don't give up Peter: thanks guys, that means a lot Peter: send your documents asap Peter: otherwise you'll stuck in the queue Matt: thanks for a heads-up Oliver: yea, we owe you one Peter: I have to look for other university Peter: see ya Matt: bye --- Summary:
Todays results show that Matt and Oliver got into Stanford University, Peter did not.
Summarize this dialog: Jake: we don't have english today Nadia: whooooah! Vanessa: cool! you sure though? Jake: Smith called in sick, they couldn't find a replacement, oh yeah --- Summary:
English classes were cancelled because Smith called in sick and replacement could not be found.
Summarize this dialog: Brandon: Shit, I've lost my credit card! Brandon: I blocked it in the bank but it will take time before I get a new one Brandon: can you lend me $ 100 guys? Luke: sorry man, Im broke:/ Brandon: I see Ian: what a misfortune, dude Ian: I can lend you $$, no problem Brandon: thanks, dude! --- Summary:
Brandon has lost his credit card and blocked it in the bank. It will take some time before he gets a new one, and he needs money. Luke is broke, but Ian will lend Brandon some money.
Summarize this dialog: Inez: My dears, our evening inspired me to create this group conversation to plan further Food Evenings :) Inez: This is my proposal for the next one: <file_photo> Alicja: Wow, I will actually feel happy going to work thanks to this :D Gosia: Happy going to work and even happier leaving it haha Alicja: Just too bad that the time between 9 and 17 will be wasted :P Patrycja: I really liked our evening, even the pizza was delicious :) How did you girls like it? Inez: I loved it, Gosia really chose a great place :) Gosia: I am an expert at eating :D Alicja: Have you been to this restaurant Inez sent? Gosia: No, it is quite new. But I heard good opinions! :D Patrycja: And it fits with our theme of exploring world cuisines :) Alicja: First Italy, now Korea! :D Inez: So when could we do this again? Gosia: I am not sure, but we have to before the holidays! Patrycja: We should have less work in two weeks, we could go again on Wednesday? Alicja: Sounds good to me! Inez: Me too :D --- Summary:
Patrycja and Inez enjoyed the Italian evening. Gosia chose a great place. Alicja hasn't been to the new restaurant. They all want a Korean evening on Wednesday in two weeks time.
Summarize this dialog: Ana: You sleeping? Catherine: Not yet. Ana: Wanna go visit grandma tomorrow? I miss her. Catherine: Yeah that would be nice :) I'll call you when I wake up Ana: Oki :) sleep well, good night. Catherine: Good night, u too. --- Summary:
Ana wants to visit grandma tomorrow. Catherine will go with her. She will call Anna when she wakes up.
Summarize this dialog: Joyce: Check this out! Joyce: <link> Michael: That's cheap! Edson: No way! I'm booking my ticket now!! --- Summary:
Edson is booking his ticket now.
Summarize this dialog: Jane: google maps says it is at least 3h <file_other> Steven: I used to make it in 2, trust me :D Jane: but it's almost 300km.. Steven: the road is new , we will make it ^^ Jane: I don't want to stress out , let's meet at 4:30 instead of 5, ok? Steven: ok, if u reaaly want, we can meet at 4:30 Jane: thx! Jane: I will wait at the main entrance or where? Steven: main entrance is good for me;-) Steven: cu --- Summary:
Jane wants to leave at 4.30 instead of 5 because Google Maps suggests the 300 km drive should take them at least 3 hours and she doesn't want to be late. She will wait for Steven at the main entrance.
Summarize this dialog: Morgan: Hey gorgeous, how’s your day? Suzanne: Nothing special, it’s just one of many boring days at work. But… better now though! Morgan: Are you working at all? 😉 Suzanne: I’m trying 😉 But you aren’t helping me, at all Suzanne: I’m just taking a well-deserved break 😉 Morgan: I miss you Suzie Suzanne: I miss you too Morgan Morgan: Do you feel like going to a concert next week? Maroon 5 is playing at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden. Morgan: As it happens, I’ve got two tickets 😉 Morgan: Do you want to go? Suzanne: Really? OMG! That’s wonderful! Suzanne: Thank you sweetheart! Morgan: Oh, nothing. I just want you to be happy 😉 --- Summary:
Suzanne is at work and is having a break now. Morgan invites Suzanne to a concert of Maroon 5 which takes place next week at the Hulu Theatre at Madison Square Garden. Suzzanne agrees.
Summarize this dialog: Liam: <file_other> Liam: have you read this one? Julia: wow, I didn't even know that it existed Julia: thanks! The last one I read was Die again Liam: this one is like from 2014? Julia: yep Liam: I've heard that city library is organizing a meeting with Tess Julia: really? That would be really awesome Liam: just check it out on their facebook --- Summary:
The last one Julia read was Die again from 2014. There's going to be a meeting with Tess organized by the city library.
Summarize this dialog: Ali: I think I left my wallet at your place yesterday. Could you check? Mohammad: Give me a sec, I'll have a look around my room. Ali: OK. Mohammad: Found it! Ali: Phew, I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't there. Can you bring it to uni tomorrow? Mohammad: Sure thing. --- Summary:
Ali left his wallet at Mohammad's place. Mohammad'll bring it to uni tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Laura: where will we go tommorow? Linda: maybe this italian restaurant? Laura: hmm ok Linda: i love their pasta Linda: and brownie :) Laura: i thouht you dont eat sweets Linda: this brownie is not so sweet --- Summary:
Linda and Laura are going to an Italian restaurant tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Natalie: Well well weeeeeell, I see somethings going on here at last Martin: (Y) Adam: any confirmed data? Anna: Hello everyone!!! Id love to invite everybody to my bday. I would be extremaly happy if you could come 6th of November at 1930 Martin: <3 Margot: <3 Mia: (Y) --- Summary:
Anna organises a birthday's party on the 6th of November at 19:30.
Summarize this dialog: Mia: babe, do you mind if i go out after work tonight? Elliot: yeah, sure. go for it ;) Mia: thanks, babe. it's gonna be girls night out Elliot: what're u up to? Mia: well, you know we gonna grab some drinks have some nice time outside of work Elliot: don't be too late please and if you need me to pick u up just give me a ring --- Summary:
Mia is going out after work tonight with her female friends. If she wants, Elliot will come and pick her up.
Summarize this dialog: Jayden: But I don't need kids. Kids means over. At least for a woman Brennan: Over what ? Jayden: The end of normal life. Being pregnant, suffering because of this etc Brennan: Hmm so I need to look for another mother to my kids then. Haha Jayden: Being obligated to be with the. 24h. Men have only sex and they wait for kids while women suffer Brennan: I don't agree... Jayden: I wish I could do the same. Then probably i would say the same like u. Brennan: Guys like me would be there through it all to reduce the suffering Jayden: Physical suffering. No one can do anything with this. I wish I could just have sex and wait for a baby while having a normal life. Not getting fat, having the same body, the same breast and not disgusting ... Not feeling sick, not having pain, being able to do every day stuff even like walking... Brennan: It's gonna happen eventually Jayden: I was I'm a store, behind me there was a pregnant woman, she dropped some money and she couldn't even take them from the floor... I had to help her Brennan: That's because she's about to give birth Jayden: I hope that maybe soon they will be possible to have a child without being pregnant. Yes! And she's suffering Brennan: Any I'm sorry for feeding you with my bullshit Jayden: While a man is doing his normal stuff. U mean the conversation? Brennan: I hope you find a guy that can give you the sex you want and not get pregnant Jayden: Would be awesome Brennan: I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night Jayden: I said I don't want to have any children now! Maybe in the future when I have a good job, I'm financially independent. Good night --- Summary:
Jayden explains Brennan why she doesn't want to be pregnant.
Summarize this dialog: Steve: BTW, USA won last night! Gulab: I forgot to check! Steve: England playing tomorrow at 2:00! Gulab: That's right, Croatia? Steve: Yep. --- Summary:
USA won last night. England is playing against Croatia tomorrow at 2.
Summarize this dialog: John: Ela i am coming in 10 mins please give me my walle outside t i forgot it Ela: yes just saw it when you are here call me John: but your phone is busy thats why i messaged keep it free please i am getting late Ela: oh yes was talking to mom ... its free now John: ok --- Summary:
John forgot his wallet. He wants Ela to give it to him outside in 10 minutes.
Summarize this dialog: Mary: Did you tell your sister I am doing online job? Mark: yes ! Mary: why Mark: because she keep saying your good for nothing? Mary: dint I tell you I don’t care? Mark: what happened? Mary: see I don’t want to prove anything to anyone.. Mark: I know… but I was just feeling proud so it was kind of show off… Mary: she is asking everyone… and trying to get to the people I am working for Mark: really!! I am sorry for that… Mary: don’t be! I understand your feelings… but u know how she is… Mark: I know!! :?  Mary: don’t be sad now its ok.. she cant do much about it… chill its ok but just be careful Mark: I will be .. Mary: btw it feels good that she is so jealous :P Mark: lol my aim was to make her feel jealous Mary: but i dont like it that she tries to contact the people i am working for ... what does she want? Mark: may be she wants to confirm if its true... because its not easy to digest that your working from home and earning well!!! Mary: whatever i just hate her Mark: chill now .... :) love you Mary: i am chilled :cool: ... love you too honey --- Summary:
Mark told his sister that Mary is doing an online job. Mark's sister is contacting people to confirm it. Mark thinks she's jealous. Mary hates Mark's sister.
Summarize this dialog: Fiona: Are you free? Tina: Yes, what's up? Fiona: I'm trying to prepare a nice dinner for Chris and I thought that maybe I could prepare this tart of yours :) Tina: I'm flattered! Fiona: Well, it IS delicious :) Could help me do it? Tina: Sure! It's not difficult. Do you have anything ready? Fiona: I must admit I bought the crust... Tina: Oh, ok :P Pity, but well, it's too late now. Fiona: I tried making the filling once, but I finished with lemony scrambled eggs... Tina: It happens, don't worry. The thing is that once you start adding eggs you can't stop mixing it, otherwise you'll end up with scrambled eggs. --- Summary:
Fiona wants to prepare dinner for Chris. She is thinking of Tina's tart. She will help her make it.
Summarize this dialog: Peadar: So who's coming for a drink later then??! Clare: Oh lols soz I'm not in town Annette: A drink?!!?!! Peadar: A drink!!! Annette: I’m home sick soz huns Annette: Got lung lurgy Oli: Are people at Jesus bar now? James: Heading to Jesus bar now! Come join :) turn left as you come into college Anne: Woops.. . Sorry guys I double booked myself! Helen: Yes! Jesus bar, from around 9.15 ish Peadar: Was that just a question oli😋 or did you mean... I'll join ye😁 Oli: I cycled and ran around the bar, but couldn't find anyone 😢 Clare: You cycled around the bar? Oli: To the bar 😅 Helen: 🙈😍😇 --- Summary:
Annette is sick. James is going to the Jesus bar. Oli couldn't find anyone near the bar.
Summarize this dialog: Ryan: I have a bad feeling about this Ryan: <file_other> Sebastian: Ukraine... Sebastian: This russian circus will never end... Ryan: I hope the leaders of of nations will react somehow to this shit. Sebastian: I hope so too :( --- Summary:
Ryan and Sebastian are worried about the political situation in Ukraine.
Summarize this dialog: Finn: Hey Zadie: Hi there! What's up? Finn: All fine. You? Zadie: Not bad, thanks Finn: Look, I was thinking of going to this neighborhood called Elephant and Castle tomorrow, it's apparently full of Latin American stuff. Fancy joining? Zadie: Sure! But what's "stuff"? 😂 Finn: lol So apparently it's a place were random people from "Latin America" (meaning fuck knows which countries) started running small businesses and restaurant, and a nice little community was formed Zadie: Oh cool Finn: Then capitalism came and it's all going to be demolished soon, so it's like the last chance to go Zadie: What a shame :( Yeah, I haven't had Latin American 😂 food for ages so I'm totally up for it Finn: Can't wait to taste this cuisine of unspecified Latino origin lol Zadie: 😂😂😂 Finn: But we can specify time and place if and only if you wish Zadie: I might be tempted to lol I'd say early evening, 2-ish? Finn: Yeah, that's fine by me. So most of the places we want to visit are in this Elephant and Castle shopping centre. Shall I see you at the main entrance, wherever that is Zadie: 2 o'clock at unspecified main entrance then? Sounds good to mw Finn: Yer Zadie: Cool, see you there! And thanks so much for remembering about me 💜💜💜 Finn: Thanks for saying yes to such an ill-defined plan lmao Zadie: Ha ha You know I love those Finn: See you tomorrow then Zadie: Yep Call me if you get lost Finn: I will I will 🤙 byeeee Zadie: Toodles --- Summary:
Finn and Zadie are going to Elephant and Castle tomorrow at 2. They will meet at the main entrance.
Summarize this dialog: Harry: and? have you listened to it? Jacob: listened to what? Harry: to the song i sent you 3 days ago -.- Jacob: oh shit, i completely forgot... Harry: ofc again Jacob: don't be like this :* i'll do that later tonight Harry: heh, okay Harry: i'm really curious what you'll think about it Jacob: i'll let you know, a bit busy right now, speak to you later! Harry: okay --- Summary:
Jacob hasn't listened to the song Harry sent him 3 days ago. Jacob will do it later tonight and let Harry know what he thinks.
Summarize this dialog: Ray: u in ur room? Max: no whats up Ray: someone locked the door from outside -_- Max: wtf xD Ray: yeah dude cmon u gotta let me out Max: but im out Ray: are u kidding me Max: sorry man XD Ray: dude i have to pee Max: HAHAHAHHAHAHA XD Ray: thats not funny >.< Max: it actually is xD Ray: can u ask someone else to do it Max: yea let me see if my roommates there Ray: HURRY Max: hes coming Ray: tell him to HURRYYY Max: hes on his way Ray: he opened it, thanks Max: enjoy XD --- Summary:
Ray is locked in the room from the outside and he has to pee. Max's roommate will come and let him out.
Summarize this dialog: Kim: What kind of gift would you like to get? Kim: Mom's asking. Harry: Haha. No need for a gift for me :D Harry: But you can tell your mom I just bought a new sofa and I need pillows. Harry: If she asks for the colour, tell her that grey is the best :D Kim: Sure! Thanks for info :) --- Summary:
Kim is about to tell mom that Harry bought a new sofa, and he needs grey pillows.
Summarize this dialog: Josh: I need to buy an iPad? Josh: do u think apple it's a good choice? Brian: Nope, u gonna pay to have the sign of apple on yr fucking iPad. Josh: so what would u recommend? Brian: u mean brands? Brian: Samsung, Xiaomi, Sony Brian: depends on yr budget.. Josh: let's say 2000.. Brian: what about this ? <file_other> Brian: or this <file_other> Brian: actually, if u want samsung I can get it cheaper for u Josh: oh, good Brian: call me after work, ok? Josh: ok --- Summary:
Josh wants to buy a tablet and doesn't know which brand he should choose. According to Brian, other brands are better than Apple and he can get a Samsung tablet cheaper. Josh will call Brian after work to talk about it.
Summarize this dialog: Olafur: are we doing anything for New Year's Eve? Nathalie: I was thinking about something classy, like opera or sth like that Zoe: how much does it cost? Olafur: opera is not for me Nathalie: so what do you propose? Nathalie: it's 100$ Olafur: I was thinking about partying somewhere Nathalie: partying sounds fun, as long as it will be classy Zoe: <file_link> Zoe: Breakfast at Tiffany's party sounds classy Olafur: <file_link> Olafur: is it classy enough? Nathalie: :O Nathalie: this club is AMAZING Zoe: whoa Nathalie: we'll going to Soho then Olafur: we just need to hurry up and buy some tickets soon Zoe: sure --- Summary:
Nathalie, Olafur and Zoe are planning the New Year's Eve. Nathalie wants something classy. Olafur doesn't like opera. They want to go to the Breakfast at Tiffany's party in Soho.
Summarize this dialog: Frank: wat are u doing?? Andy: watching Arrow B) Frank: dont u have a quiz tomorrow :/ Andy: yeah, so? :3 Frank: so go study for it Andy: its a small quiz Frank: so it doesnot matter?? Andy: it does, but .. Frank: but?? Andy: i'll study for it tomorrow Frank: yea like ur gonna wake up on time for that -_- Andy: dude your not my dad Frank: -_- --- Summary:
Frank tries to encourage Andy to learn for the tomorrow's quiz.
Summarize this dialog: Kim: Hey, listen, have you got any idea where I can get some fresh ramal fish in Warsaw? Margot: Hi, I don't know about "fresh", but you could try the marketplace at Polna street. Margot: Other than that, I haven't got a clue... Kim: Already tried Polna :( Margot: Ah! Margot: Hm... Margot: And did you check Internet for fish market in Warsaw? Kim: Yeah, there's none. Kim: Or I didn't find it. Margot: You could have a look at restaurants' menus. And if you find it there, you could ask about their source. Margot: Although I'm not sure they'd eager to give you such infromation. But you can always try.. Kim: Great idea, I haven't though about this! Thx! Kim: I'll try. After all, I have nothing to loose. Margot: Btw, is there a special occasion you want to cook it for? Kim: Yes! Acctually I'll grill it ;) Kim: And it's a surprise, so I'm not giving away any details! Margot: I'm so curious! Margot: I understant it's sth good, so I'm happy for you girl :) Kim: Indeed, it's good. But you won't get any more infromation from me now. Kim: All in good time :) Margot: Cruel you! Find that fish!!! ;) Kim: :D --- Summary:
Kim needs to get some fresh fish in Warsaw. Kim will ask at restaurants about their source. Kim is planning something special but won't share any details with Margot for now.
Summarize this dialog: Tom: Ben. We've decided. 2pm in the Oval Room. Ben: Ok, I'll be there Tom: Take all your papers, it's going to be a fight! And remember: take no prisoners, shoot to kill! Ben: hahaha, we have to win this battle. Tom: We will, the justice is on our side. --- Summary:
Tom will meet Ben in the Oval Room at 2pm and tells him to bring the papers.
Summarize this dialog: Ashleigh: Looks like we're going to the cinema!! Ashleigh: <file_gif> Peter: You got the job?? Ashleigh: I got hte job! :D Peter: <file_gif> Ashleigh: <file_gif> --- Summary:
Ashleigh got the job.
Summarize this dialog: Danna: How's your Saturday? Reed: It was alright thanks Danna: Good Reed: Yours ? Danna: Boring Reed: Why? Danna: I'm angry I called maybe 5-8 of my friends and they aren't around or are busy. Reed: Shame Danna: So it's is the next boring weekend for me Reed: That sucks Danna: The only thing I can do is watching TV -.- Reed: Haha lucky you Danna: Yeah haha Reed: I don't have tv, our subscription expired and they never renewed it. They want us to pay for it so fuck it Danna: Yeah. What are you doing? Reed: I'm in bed Danna: Work tomorrow? Reed: No. Off tomorrow Danna: Nice Reed: Indeed --- Summary:
Danna has a boring weekend and is watching TV. Reed is in bed. He has a free day tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Antonio: Is everything okay? You've been quiet lately Alivia: Oh, hi, yeah, I've just been working on my thesis Alivia: Or rather trying to work, it's not going too well Antonio: Oh :( Problems finding research materials? Alivia: Well Alivia: That isn't really as big a problem, the worst part is actually sitting down and writing Alivia: I find the topic interesting and all, I don't mind reading articles and books Alivia: But when I'm supposed to write, it's like I blank out and can't type a single word w/o thinking I sound stupid... Antonio: I know the feeling... Antonio: You should probably stop thinking about it so seriously, just write and you can edit it later Antonio: Once you get past the initial difficulty, it'll get better, at least that's what it was like for me Alivia: I'd like to think so... Thanks... I'll try. And thanks for your concern <3 --- Summary:
Alivia has been taciturn lately. She was trying to write her thesis. She can't focus on writing. She'll try to follow Antonio's advice to start writing without overthinking.
Summarize this dialog: Maddie: I'm in Asda, do you need anything? John: could do with a white bread and some apples Maddie: ok. Gala? John: yes please ta --- Summary:
Maddie will buy a white bread and apples on John's request.
Summarize this dialog: Elliot: i can't talk rn, i'm rly busy Elliot: can i call u back in about 2 hours? Jordan: Not really, I'm going to a funeral. Jordan: I'll call you tonight, ok? Elliot: sure Elliot: whose funeral is it? Jordan: My colleague's, Brad. Jordan: I told you about him, he had a liver cancer. Elliot: i'm so sorry man, i hope u're ok Elliot: i'll call u at 8 pm --- Summary:
Elliot can't talk to Jordan now, he's busy. He'll call him back at 8 pm. Jordan is going to Brad's funeral. He had liver cancer.
Summarize this dialog: Flo: OMG, I can't get into the salon until the 6th! Gina: What? Why? Flo: They're just too busy. I'm going to be gray! LOL! Gina: Get you a touch-up kit at Tesco! Flo: Gonna have to! --- Summary:
Flo cannot get an appointment at the salon until the 6th. Flo worries she's going to be gray. Flo will have to get a touch-up kit at Tesco.
Summarize this dialog: Rob: hey, pick up your phone :) Ann: can't - meeting :) Rob: sorry... Ann: no problem - super boring one :) Ann: what you need babe? Rob: I'm at the grocery store and was wondering if we need anything Ann: some food :) Rob: yeah, I figured that smartass :) Ann: :* Rob: details? so that you won't moan we don't have anything to eat :) Ann: from what I remember we have everything for supper and lunch tomorrow, maybe some fruit and vegetables? Rob: anything in particular? Ann: cucumber, tomatoes, bananas, apples and whatever you like Rob: ok --- Summary:
Rob is doing shopping at the grocery store. Ann ordered him to buy a cucumber, some tomatoes, bananas and apples.
Summarize this dialog: Marvin: When's the last time you got laid ? Melany: I don't even remember.. Marvin: Hmm so there must be lots of cobwebs between your legs now huh hahaha --- Summary:
It's been very long since Melany last had sex. Marvin made an inappropriate joke about it.
Summarize this dialog: Eric: <file_video>, check it out :D Samantha: HAHA, what is our favorite professor? Eric: Talking about this recent scandal on the news :P Noah: "I am the smartest person alive, I knew this will happen" :D Samantha: Hahaha, now I don't even need to open the video --- Summary:
Eric, Samantha and Noah's professor is commenting a recent scandal on the news.
Summarize this dialog: Jacky: I think you were right yesterday. David: What about? I'm right about most things :P Jacky: Yeah, whole you ;) Jacky: About taking the blame etc. David: Okey, I remeber. We'll talk later? Jacky: With pleasure. I'll call you when I get home. --- Summary:
According to Jacky, David did the right thing taking the blame. They will talk when Jack comes back home.

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