payday loans should be banned the interest rates are outrageous and drive poor people into further debt, which makes the problem worse.
Payday loans should be banned
payday loans should not be banned because for many people that is the only way they are able to pay their bills on time and keep their homes.
if journalism is funded it would provide wider and better coverage therefore we would be better informed
We should subsidize journalism
Subsidizing journalism would result in pro-government bias. Journalists would be less comfortable criticizing the government so as not to"bite the hand that feeds them".
zoos do more harm than good to the animals that are held in captivity largely for entertainment purposes
We should abolish zoos
Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
people have the right to practice this rather than an organized religion.
We should adopt atheism
we should not adopt atheism because people have a right to believe what ever they want
the rights should stay with the individual who created it so they can prosper from it
We should abolish intellectual property rights
intellectual property rights do not allow poor people to access valuable resources, knowledge should be free for everyone
autonomous cars should stop being developed because they have mostly proven to be unsafe in navigating roads and traffic situations.
We should stop the development of autonomous cars
autonomous cars are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed. we all know technology fails often, and allowing someone to put their life (and the lives of those around them) in jeopardy is not necessary in this way.
The foster care system strips children of autonomy by forcing them to pass every decision about after school activities or hanging out with friends through a social worker that is difficult to access.
Foster care brings more harm than good
Foster care offers little stability for children already suffering hardships, putting them at an even greater disadvantage and giving them less of a chance of a normal life.
we should prohibit women in combat because they are a liability. it is far more likely they will be targeted than a man.
We should prohibit women in combat
women are just as capable as men to perform the tasks needed in combat and they should not be banned from it.
the olympic games have become obsolete in this shrinking world.
We should abolish the Olympic Games
we ought not abolish the olympic games because they provide an international gathering every four years that increases global harmony and provides exciting competition for the world to watch
people could be less likely to play their part
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism encourages laziness and lack of ambition by rewarding everyone equally
telemarketing is intrusive and violates the right to private property
We should ban telemarketing
telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part.
We should not legalize prostitution as it will only lead to more people trafficking and underage people being lured into this kind of work as people seek to make more money .
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
austerity can be helpful in restructuring a county's debt.
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt.
Women are just as capable as men in modern warfare so we would lose half of our available fighters by not allowing them.
We should prohibit women in combat
Women are just as capable as men in modern warfare so we would lose half of our available fighters by not allowing them.
the military should keep all their intelligence in house so i think private military companies should be banned.
We should ban private military companies
private military companies are wrong and should be banned immediately. they are being paid to create war, not to help prevent it.
we shouldn't close guantanamo bay detection camp for national security
We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp
we should close guantanamo bay detection camp as there have been numerous stories from inmates of inhumane conditions, ill treatment and torture.
it is a culture that it is hard to break the higher your position in a company the more you receive compensation
We should limit executive compensation
executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such
fast food is no good for anyone because it makes people fat and unhealthy.
We should ban fast food
fast food is high fat and unhealthy food
polygamy is often times used by cults to raise masses of children who can then be taught whatever the cult believes and keeps the females as legalized chattle.
We should legalize polygamy
in this day and age, we recognize non-traditional family structures as legitimate and polygamy should be no different.
we should not subsidize a private company that is putting out possible false information.
We should subsidize Wikipedia
government subsidies open the door to government control, this would potentially ruin the impartiality of wikipedia
payday loans often have murky and confusing terms that can trick consumers into paying way more than they expected
Payday loans should be banned
payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates.
there are now many media to access entertainment such as game consoles and smartphones. as time goes on television will become more and more outdated.
We should abandon television
Television has become an integral part of our culture that we should cherish. It not only provides great entertainment, but it's also an excellent educational tool and allows us to keep up with the latest news.
considering there are more women in this world, polygyny would give more of them the chance to get married
We should legalize polygamy
in this day and age, we recognize non-traditional family structures as legitimate and polygamy should be no different.
some minors may have physical deformities or may seem unattractive. cosmetic surgery can help them look more normal.
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
people should be able to live how they want celibate or not
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy leads to too much abuse of women and children so should be banned.
libertarianism can never work because, eventually, a small group of people will come into power and take charge over everything.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
you need to look at the circumstances. what if a child was in an accident and need cosmetic surgery in order to fix themselves and lead a normal life?
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
prayer belongs in church not in school
We should prohibit school prayer
school prayers are outdated in a modern society, religion is a private matter someone should practice at home
Sometimes, no single party is able to get a clear majority. This leads to hung parliaments.
We should adopt a multi-party system
people need multiple parties to chose from so they can find something closer to their own values.
algorithmic trading has been responsible for several mini market collapses, since computer systems lack the human sensitivity to look outside the stream of meaningless numbers to a wider context.
We should ban algorithmic trading
algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades
the three-strikes laws has no impact on crime
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences.
capital punishment is an outdated system that needs an upheaval.
We should abolish capital punishment
capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime
our justice system follows the constitution for a reason, and if more and more judicial activism takes place the us will have a broken justice system
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism underminines the legal process, since it corrodes the value of the initial court determination.
factory farming allows for a much larger production of food for society
We should ban factory farming
factory farming allows for greater food production to feed a growing population.
whaling allows for the resources to generate many of today's products.
We should ban whaling
There are several whaling communities that depend on the hunting of whales to survive.
people should have the freedom to choose their own.
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
if a person can pay for a better lawyer they should have the right to do so.
public defenders are a way to protect those that are unjustly accused of crimes
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused
we should stop the development of autonomous cars because it makes people lose out on jobs
We should stop the development of autonomous cars
autonomous cars will take away jobs from drivers
space exploration could serve as an insurance policy should something devastating happen to our planet.
We should subsidize space exploration
space exploration is a good adventure. our planet is in a future risk of extinct and we should best prepare our refuge in space exploration
human cloning can help further scientific developments in curing diseases
We should ban human cloning
human cloning can help doctors find a cure for illnesses we otherwise won't be able to survive
when we impose economic sanctions, quite often it is the every day people of a country that suffers the most.
We should end the use of economic sanctions
economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change
Wikipedia is a popular source of information available to a vast number of people.
We should subsidize Wikipedia
wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use.
payday loans cost more money than its worth.
Payday loans should be banned
payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates.
the vow of celibacy is important to some to show their religious devotion. it is a matter of personal choice, and should not be interfered with by the state.
The vow of celibacy should be abandoned
the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely.
whaling by some people is used to feed entire communities and is necessary to their way of life.
We should ban whaling
There are several whaling communities that depend on the hunting of whales to survive.
Far too many students are using higher education as an excuse to mess around for a few years rather than taking it seriously, we definitely should not be subsidizing loans to make it any easier for them.
We should subsidize student loans
education is expensive, and subsizing student loans encourages an academic career path, creating individuals who typically go on to contribute more to the economy via higher paid jobs.
You can't legalize marijuana until you find a way to do test for it on auto drivers.
We should legalize cannabis
Legalizing marijuana would end the costly enforcement of marijuana laws and free up police resources which could focus on more serious crimes.
homeopathic remedies are not medically tested and verified as safe.
Homeopathy brings more harm than good
homeopathy can interact badly with real medicine.
guantanamo should be closed, its a semi lawless operation thats a symbol of us oppression of immigrants suspected of criminal behavior. other more human detentions are available so it is no longer needed.
We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp
we should close guantanamo bay since the treatment of these inmates is likely inhumane and some are there with no real proof they belong there, but will never even get a trial.
the modern death penalty is intended to be painless and effective and the process is much more humane than electrocution, firing squads, or hanging, which were common in the past
We should abolish capital punishment
capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime
we shouldnt subsidize space exploration we have world poverty which needs to be resolved and the money could go on funding that
We should subsidize space exploration
we should not subsidize space exploration because the money spent could be put to better use such as hunger and finding homes for our homeless.
payday loans trap vulnerable people into further debt.
Payday loans should be banned
payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates.
we should prohibit flag burning because the flag is a symbol of one's country and by burning the flag it's like saying you don't like the country
We should prohibit flag burning
we should not prohibit flag burning because freedom of speech is one of the defining rights of the american citizens.
if, without them, the students are left alone without people or a place to go for support
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces are vital to many, especially on campuses where the students that feel excluded or discriminated against have a safe haven to enable them to feel comfortable in continuing their education
polygamy should not be legalized and not for reasons of feelings but for the rights of each person to be respected and valued
We should legalize polygamy
polygamy can be a perfectly valid form of union for many people, and legalising it will provide protection and rights for those involved.
compulsory voting will lend itself to uninformed voting.
We should introduce compulsory voting
compulsory voting is not a democratic choice, for people should always be allowed to express their dissent by abstaining from voting .
targeted killing is a barbaric practice that turns our soldiers into mere assassins.
We should ban targeted killing
targeted killing is often carried out by unmanned drones, which are indiscriminate and kill many innocent people in the process.
The mandatory use of public defenders will be helpful to those who think they can go without a lawyer, but end up really needing one.
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused
the uniformity of clothing creates a sense of belonging and a collective identity which encourages camaraderie between students and this allows for greater focus on studies
We should abandon the use of school uniform
uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance.
society is a collective and the most good comes from working together
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism takes care of everyone and not just those at the top
freedom to choose what to do with one's organ is too much freedom. government should step in and stop organ trading before it cripples our reputation.
We should legalize organ trade
organ trading is dangerous because it can result in harm to vulnerable people
We should ban whaling because whales are keystone species in their ecosystems, whose decline is harmful to many other species as well.
We should ban whaling
whales are beautiful living creatures that have existed through time. they should continue to prosper and ending whaling will help to increase the whale population.
polygamy is against the law and confuses the children.
We should legalize polygamy
in this day and age, we recognize non-traditional family structures as legitimate and polygamy should be no different.
telemarketing allows consumers to hear information about products they might might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn about.
We should ban telemarketing
telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part.
missionary work should be banned because an organization should not force a culture to change.
We should ban missionary work
missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of
if we need extra military support in certain areas we should be able to hire them
We should ban private military companies
wealthy people and companies may need additional military protection and should be able to use it.
marriage provides a safe, secure foundation for children.
We should abandon marriage
marriage is a solid foundation with which to build a family and it should be held as sacred always.
all people have the right to give their opinion based on what they read, what they hear and what they understand. it can not be a criminal offense the judgment that a person gives to a historical fact.
Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence
Holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because it is better to let bad ideas be outcompeted by good ideas than to let them fester and grow out of sight like a cancer.
because it's unethical and unnatural
We should ban human cloning
we should not ban human cloning, the potential it holds for the medical industry is so valuable we must explore the opportunity.
people have had two chances to reform before their third strike
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences.
Austerity regime is important for maintaining only important spending from government when their is lack of economic growth in the country. It helps in cutting useless spending and revitalize the economy
We should adopt an austerity regime
an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt.
school prayer should be banned as religion has no place in the schools.
We should prohibit school prayer
We should prohibit school prayer as it is not relevant to many of the students within a school and therefore becomes a point of difference.
we should ban factory farming because the majority of conditions is extremely unsatisfactory.
We should ban factory farming
we should ban factory farming because it lead to the abuse of animals
i think that we should ban cosmetic surgery in some cases
We should ban cosmetic surgery
cosmetic surgery is a frivolous waste of resources and should be banned. it takes medical time away from those in need. cosmetic surgery promotes vanity and self absorption.
Flag burning isn't a big problem in the status quo. Prohibiting it will bring attention to the practice and cause social discontent where there isn't any in the status quo.
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning should be prohibited because it is a practice used by foreign countries to protest whatever they want about our country. we should respect our flag.
trading using an algorithm is more accurate, quicker, and easier.
We should ban algorithmic trading
algorithmic trading facilitates a more efficient, low cost trading system, lowering barriers to entry.
some foster parents are genuinely good people who want to help children who do not have parents. sometimes these relationships grow into adoption.
Foster care brings more harm than good
Every system has its failings, but overall people involved in foster care are loving, devoted individuals with the children's best interests in mind.
homeopathic treatments generally don't improve the patients' conditions and are often used as a replacement for conventional care, which would be more helpful.
Homeopathy brings more harm than good
Homeopathy is used as a replacement for traditional medicine, which can leave serious ailments untreated.
intelligence tests don't determine someone's real intellect. that is shown in their everyday lives.
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills.
would help eliminate overcrowding in prisons.
We should legalize cannabis
legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases
it's unfair to come down so harshly on kids if we have a zero-tolerance policy. studies have shown that there's absolutely no evidence that this policy reduces violence or drug use by kids.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem.
missionary work should be banned as there is so much that needs to be done in our own country.
We should ban missionary work
missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of
wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia in the world and we must ensure its proper functioning
We should subsidize Wikipedia
wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use.
higher education, such as vocational education, should be paid for only by those partaking in it. otherwise there would be a lot of wasted funds with drop out rates.
We should subsidize vocational education
We should subsidize vocational education to support students who wish to follow a different education path to those going to university, who would be ineligible for scholarships and grants.
reports said many students want to pray, so we should let them do it.
We should prohibit school prayer
we should prohibit school prayer because not every student may pray in the same way, and some students may not even believe in prayer at all.
through judicial activism, judges can use their own personal judgement to eliminate laws that they feel are unjust.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
journalism would be more accurate with subsidization.
We should subsidize journalism
Subsidizing journalism would result in pro-government bias. Journalists would be less comfortable criticizing the government so as not to"bite the hand that feeds them".
the olympics is a platform for countries from all over the world to perform. people who may never have had an opportunity to travel can be a part of something truly global.
We should abolish the Olympic Games
the olympic games bring friendly and respectful competition among international athletes and make the world a better place.
we should subsided student loans because it helps more kids get into college which translates into a better country because we will have doctors, nurses, and other professions that we can't live without.
We should subsidize student loans
subsidizing student loans will introduce more students to higher education, getting them better jobs so that they can become more productive members of society.
prostitution is the giving and receiving of pleasure, there is no reason for that to be illegal.
We should legalize prostitution
prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
people should be free to love as many people as they want
We should legalize polygamy
polygamy should be allowed as people have the right to live their lives according to their own beliefs.
assisted suicide is wrong, none should take someone's life, there is always hope for the future
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses.
a zero-tolerance policy in schools should be adopted because it actually prepares the students for the real world.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
the development of autonomous cars will eliminate all deaths due to human errors as 90% of all road fatalities are attributed to human errors.
We should stop the development of autonomous cars
autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel.
surrogacy should not be banned because it helps people to have children who otherwise were not able to themselves.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy should be banned as women are being paid to produce a baby and it is not regulated as stringently as it needs to be.
whaling is a deep rooted cultural event that would stall families
We should ban whaling
whaling is indiscrimate and inhumane, driving various species to the brink of extinction.
There's no need to subsidize vocational education because skills can be learned on the job as apprentices.
We should subsidize vocational education
We should subsidize vocational education because it will lead to a lower unemployment rate.
women are mentally and physically just as "tough" during combat and they have a definite place in combat and should not be prohibited from combat
We should prohibit women in combat
women are just as capable as men to perform the tasks needed in combat and they should not be banned from it.
the divorce rates continue to rise which shows that fewer people believe in a life long committment
We should abandon marriage
Even with high rates of divorce, married couples and the children of married parents ultimately have more stable and emotionally healthy lives than their unmarried counterparts.
uniforms allow students to look the same and not have to follow the fashion while at school
We should abandon the use of school uniform
uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance.