Apollo has 6027 mirrors. If they have a total of 7 pieces, how many pieces are in each mirrors?
6027 / 7 = 861
6027 / 7
684827889 cameras are dropped into a Tray Table. If there are 10 Tray Tables, what is the total number of cameras?
684827889 * 10 = 6848278890
684827889 * 10
Desmond has 262385 cars and shared 74 with friends. How many cars are still with Desmond?
262385 - 74 = 262311
262385 - 74
Stephen has 9815 binocularss. If Stephen buys 5360 times more, how many binocularss does Stephen have in total?
9815 * 5360 = 9815 * (5000 + 300 + 60) = 9815 * 5000 + 9815 * 300 + 9815 * 60 = 49075000 + 2944500 + 588900 = 52019500 + 588900 = 52608400
9815 * 5360
Clark has 274 garden shovels. Clark breaks each garden shovel into 183 pieces. How many pieces of garden shovels does Clark have in total?
274 * 183 = 274 * (100 + 80 + 3) = 274 * 100 + 274 * 80 + 274 * 3 = 27400 + 21920 + 822 = 49320 + 822 = 50142
274 * 183
Riley has 3522079 Floating Shelfs, how many clocks does each Floating Shelf hold if there are a total of 9 clocks?
391342 R 1
3522079 / 9 = 391342 R 1
3522079 / 9
Adan has 491 Wine Cabinets of sunglassess, and each Wine Cabinet contains 977 sunglassess. How many sunglassess does Adan have in total?
491 * 977 = 977 * (400 + 90 + 1) = 977 * 400 + 977 * 90 + 977 * 1 = 390800 + 87930 + 977 = 478730 + 977 = 479707
491 * 977
Archer can pack 288420 planners per hour. If they pack for 192203 hours straight, how many planners are packed?
288420 * 192203 = 288420 * (100000 + 90000 + 2000 + 200 + 3) = 288420 * 100000 + 288420 * 90000 + 288420 * 2000 + 288420 * 200 + 288420 * 3 = 28842000000 + 25957800000 + 576840000 + 57684000 + 865260 = 54799800000 + 576840000 + 57684000 + 865260 = 55376640000 + 57684000 + 865260 = 55434324000 + 865260 = 55435189260
288420 * 192203
There are 33779 Book Stands, and each Book Stand has 28088 alarm clocks. How many alarm clocks are there in all the Book Stands?
33779 * 28088 = 33779 * (20000 + 8000 + 80 + 8) = 33779 * 20000 + 33779 * 8000 + 33779 * 80 + 33779 * 8 = 675580000 + 270232000 + 2702320 + 270232 = 945812000 + 2702320 + 270232 = 948514320 + 270232 = 948784552
33779 * 28088
For each Pantry there are 2309227 tablets. If Logan has 80000 Pantrys. How many tablets are there in all the Pantrys?
2309227 * 80000 = 184738160000
2309227 * 80000
Ashton bought 0 Lockers of backpacks, and each Locker contains 801312266324427 backpacks. How many backpacks does Ashton have?
0 * 801312266324427 = 0
0 * 801312266324427
each Towel Bar must have 27928 towels. If there are 30 Towel Bars, how many towels are there?
27928 * 30 = 837840
27928 * 30
Kevin has 59247 rows of Medicine Cabinets, and each row has 54 vases. How many vases are there in the Medicine Cabinets?
59247 * 54 = 59247 * (50 + 4) = 59247 * 50 + 59247 * 4 = 2962350 + 236988 = 3199338
59247 * 54
Ezra has 147 tablets. Ezra breaks each tablet into 983 pieces. How many pieces of tablets does Ezra have in total?
147 * 983 = 983 * (100 + 40 + 7) = 983 * 100 + 983 * 40 + 983 * 7 = 98300 + 39320 + 6881 = 137620 + 6881 = 144501
147 * 983
Elijah has 3440 cars in the fridge and discovered 79587 phones in the pantry. Calculate the total quantity of cars and phones for Elijah.
3440 + 79587 = 83027
3440 + 79587
Ryan bought 6748908 sunscreens but later returned 1232017. How many sunscreens does Ryan have now?
6748908 - 1232017 = 5516891
6748908 - 1232017
Malcolm wanted to have 5036 garden shovels for each of their friends. If Malcolm has 4748 friends, how many garden shovels must they have?
5036 * 4748 = 5036 * (4000 + 700 + 40 + 8) = 5036 * 4000 + 5036 * 700 + 5036 * 40 + 5036 * 8 = 20144000 + 3525200 + 201440 + 40288 = 23669200 + 201440 + 40288 = 23870640 + 40288 = 23910928
5036 * 4748
If a Underbed Storage has 4315 vases, and there are 7758 Underbed Storages. How many vases are there in total?
4315 * 7758 = 7758 * (4000 + 300 + 10 + 5) = 7758 * 4000 + 7758 * 300 + 7758 * 10 + 7758 * 5 = 31032000 + 2327400 + 77580 + 38790 = 33359400 + 77580 + 38790 = 33436980 + 38790 = 33475770
4315 * 7758
If a Hanging Organizer has 388969 notebooks, and there are 3 Hanging Organizers. How many notebooks are there in total?
388969 * 3 = 1166907
388969 * 3
Levi has 8351 cutting boards. If Levi buys 6177 times more, how many cutting boards does Levi have in total?
8351 * 6177 = 8351 * (6000 + 100 + 70 + 7) = 8351 * 6000 + 8351 * 100 + 8351 * 70 + 8351 * 7 = 50106000 + 835100 + 584570 + 58457 = 50941100 + 584570 + 58457 = 51525670 + 58457 = 51584127
8351 * 6177
Brayden has 427 Vases of tripods, and each Vase contains 1 tripods. How many tripods does Brayden have in total?
427 * 1 = 427
427 * 1
Miguel has 245 Recycling Bins, how many phones does each Recycling Bin hold if there are a total of 10 phones?
24 R 5
245 / 10 = 24 R 5
245 / 10
Jason had 29145 wallets but used 29325 for a special occasion. How many wallets are left with Jason?
29145 - 29325 = -180
29145 - 29325
Theo had 399605 gaming consoles and used 432 for a project. How many gaming consoles are left with Theo?
399605 - 432 = 399173
399605 - 432
Parker has 600000 Storage Boxs, and each Storage Box contains 51202 shoess. How many shoess does Parker have in total?
600000 * 51202 = 30721200000
600000 * 51202
each Refrigerator Shelf contains 233661 books, and there are 358393 Refrigerator Shelfs. How many books does are there?
233661 * 358393 = 358393 * (200000 + 30000 + 3000 + 600 + 60 + 1) = 358393 * 200000 + 358393 * 30000 + 358393 * 3000 + 358393 * 600 + 358393 * 60 + 358393 * 1 = 71678600000 + 10751790000 + 1075179000 + 215035800 + 21503580 + 358393 = 82430390000 + 1075179000 + 215035800 + 21503580 + 358393 = 83505569000 + 215035800 + 21503580 + 358393 = 83720604800 + 21503580 + 358393 = 83742108380 + 358393 = 83742466773
233661 * 358393
Sergio has 12457886 hiking trail guides. If they have a total of 2 pieces, how many pieces are in each hiking trail guides?
12457886 / 2 = 6228943
12457886 / 2
each Chest contains 188 rugs, and there are 732 Chests. How many rugs does are there?
188 * 732 = 732 * (100 + 80 + 8) = 732 * 100 + 732 * 80 + 732 * 8 = 73200 + 58560 + 5856 = 131760 + 5856 = 137616
188 * 732
Santiago has 815603 ovens in the fridge and discovered 6831391 gaming mouses in the pantry. Calculate the total quantity of ovens and gaming mouses for Santiago.
815603 + 6831391 = 7646994
815603 + 6831391
Forrest possesses 489773 juicers and found 549168 skateboards in the backpack. Determine the total count of juicers and skateboards for Forrest.
489773 + 549168 = 1038941
489773 + 549168
Austin had 21339 board games but lost 35. Determine the remaining board games possesed by Austin.
21339 - 35 = 21304
21339 - 35
Julius received 2384073 gaming consoles as a gift but accidentally spilled 16425. Determine the remaining gaming consoles for Julius.
2384073 - 16425 = 2367648
2384073 - 16425
Jace has 4907 Fruit Bowls, and each Fruit Bowl contains 2530 rugs. How many rugs does Jace have in total?
4907 * 2530 = 4907 * (2000 + 500 + 30) = 4907 * 2000 + 4907 * 500 + 4907 * 30 = 9814000 + 2453500 + 147210 = 12267500 + 147210 = 12414710
4907 * 2530
Jeffrey has 66944 water bottles. If Jeffrey divides them into groups of 6, how many water bottles are there in each group?
11157 R 2
66944 / 6 = 11157 R 2
66944 / 6
8794 kettles are dropped into a Closet Shelf. If there are 17 Closet Shelfs, what is the total number of kettles?
8794 * 17 = 8794 * (10 + 7) = 8794 * 10 + 8794 * 7 = 87940 + 61558 = 149498
8794 * 17
For each Toolbox Cart there are 52528 perfumes. If Wesley has 0 Toolbox Carts. How many perfumes are there in all the Toolbox Carts?
52528 * 0 = 0
52528 * 0
If a Firewood Rack has 2118697 tents, and there are 6 Firewood Racks. If they share them equally, how many tents are there in each Firewood Rack?
353116 R 1
2118697 / 6 = 353116 R 1
2118697 / 6
Edgar possesses 754 hats and found 53279 tents in the backpack. Determine the total count of hats and tents for Edgar.
754 + 53279 = 54033
754 + 53279
254479 scarfs are dropped into a Book Stand. If there are 729734 Book Stands, what is the total number of scarfs?
254479 * 729734 = 729734 * (200000 + 50000 + 4000 + 400 + 70 + 9) = 729734 * 200000 + 729734 * 50000 + 729734 * 4000 + 729734 * 400 + 729734 * 70 + 729734 * 9 = 145946800000 + 36486700000 + 2918936000 + 291893600 + 51081380 + 6567606 = 182433500000 + 2918936000 + 291893600 + 51081380 + 6567606 = 185352436000 + 291893600 + 51081380 + 6567606 = 185644329600 + 51081380 + 6567606 = 185695410980 + 6567606 = 185701978586
254479 * 729734
Desmond wanted to have 9 back massagers for each of their friends. If Desmond has 5 friends, how many back massagers must they have?
9 * 5 = 45
9 * 5
Ivan has 9593 Firewood Racks of keyboards, and each Firewood Rack contains 671 keyboards. How many keyboards does Ivan have in total?
9593 * 671 = 9593 * (600 + 70 + 1) = 9593 * 600 + 9593 * 70 + 9593 * 1 = 5755800 + 671510 + 9593 = 6427310 + 9593 = 6436903
9593 * 671
Elliot stored 355 snowboards and 55072 barbecue grills in the lunchbox. Determine the total count of snowboards and barbecue grills for Elliot.
355 + 55072 = 55427
355 + 55072
Kash has 31 Bookshelfs, and each Bookshelf contains 11 charging cables. How many charging cables does Kash have in total?
31 * 11 = 31 * (10 + 1) = 31 * 10 + 31 * 1 = 310 + 31 = 341
31 * 11
Atlas wanted to have 8 magnifying glasss for each of their friends. If Atlas has 58241 friends, how many magnifying glasss must they have?
8 * 58241 = 465928
8 * 58241
There are 6026 clocks in each Cleaning Caddy, and there are 123 Cleaning Caddys. How many clocks are there in all ?
6026 * 123 = 6026 * (100 + 20 + 3) = 6026 * 100 + 6026 * 20 + 6026 * 3 = 602600 + 120520 + 18078 = 723120 + 18078 = 741198
6026 * 123
Matias has 714902 notebooks and 7899919 highlighterss in the bucket. How many notebooks and highlighterss does Matias have in total?
714902 + 7899919 = 8614821
714902 + 7899919
Edward has 8068 pen holders. If Edward buys 9241 times more, how many pen holders does Edward have in total?
8068 * 9241 = 9241 * (8000 + 60 + 8) = 9241 * 8000 + 9241 * 60 + 9241 * 8 = 73928000 + 554460 + 73928 = 74482460 + 73928 = 74556388
8068 * 9241
1205 hats are dropped into a Desk Tray. If there are 9791 Desk Trays, what is the total number of hats?
1205 * 9791 = 9791 * (1000 + 200 + 5) = 9791 * 1000 + 9791 * 200 + 9791 * 5 = 9791000 + 1958200 + 48955 = 11749200 + 48955 = 11798155
1205 * 9791
For each Bean Bag there are 580963 electric toothbrushs. If Pablo has 80 Bean Bags. How many electric toothbrushs are there in all the Bean Bags?
580963 * 80 = 46477040
580963 * 80
Callen has 429 Travel Cases, and each Travel Case contains 109 bedside lamps. How many bedside lamps does Callen have in total?
429 * 109 = 429 * (100 + 9) = 429 * 100 + 429 * 9 = 42900 + 3861 = 46761
429 * 109
Garrett collected 6040034 backpacks in the morning and 694403 maps in the afternoon. Determine the total number of backpacks and maps that Garrett has.
6040034 + 694403 = 6734437
6040034 + 694403
For each Basket there are 3167 bicycles. If Knox has 7563 Baskets. How many bicycles are there in all the Baskets?
3167 * 7563 = 7563 * (3000 + 100 + 60 + 7) = 7563 * 3000 + 7563 * 100 + 7563 * 60 + 7563 * 7 = 22689000 + 756300 + 453780 + 52941 = 23445300 + 453780 + 52941 = 23899080 + 52941 = 23952021
3167 * 7563
Jonathan stored 2594864 coffee makers and 639166 notebooks in the lunchbox. Determine the total count of coffee makers and notebooks for Jonathan.
2594864 + 639166 = 3234030
2594864 + 639166
Ricardo wanted to have 1425 garden shovels for each of their friends. If Ricardo has 38 friends, how many garden shovels must they have?
1425 * 38 = 1425 * (30 + 8) = 1425 * 30 + 1425 * 8 = 42750 + 11400 = 54150
1425 * 38
Orion has 23176 kettles, and 4 Book Stands. If they distribute them equally, how many kettles does Orion have on each Book Stand?
23176 / 4 = 5794
23176 / 4
Sebastian has 98418 tablets in one basket and 357474 cufflinkss in another basket. What is the total count of tablets and cufflinkss for Sebastian?
98418 + 357474 = 455892
98418 + 357474
Kayson had 1828 garden shovels and used 1 for a project. How many garden shovels are left with Kayson?
1828 - 1 = 1827
1828 - 1
Maximus has 362042 skateboards, and 558756 Pegboards. If they distribute them equally, how many skateboards does Maximus have on each Pegboard?
0 R 362042
362042 / 558756 = 0 R 362042
362042 / 558756
Erick has 7139 toasters. If Erick buys 6940 times more, how many toasters does Erick have in total?
7139 * 6940 = 7139 * (6000 + 900 + 40) = 7139 * 6000 + 7139 * 900 + 7139 * 40 = 42834000 + 6425100 + 285560 = 49259100 + 285560 = 49544660
7139 * 6940
Nasir bought 5453426 Pantrys of candles, and each Pantry contains 9 candles. How many candles does Nasir have?
5453426 * 9 = 49080834
5453426 * 9
There are 57 Footlockers, and each Footlocker has 2282 kitchen knife sets. How many kitchen knife sets are there in all the Footlockers?
57 * 2282 = 2282 * (50 + 7) = 2282 * 50 + 2282 * 7 = 114100 + 15974 = 130074
57 * 2282
Giovanni has 15 binocularss and found 227750 mp3 players while cleaning the house. Calculate the total number of binocularss and mp3 players for Giovanni.
15 + 227750 = 227765
15 + 227750
Gunner has 36 Plastic Storage Bins, and each Plastic Storage Bin contains 15 keyboards. How many keyboards does Gunner have in total?
36 * 15 = 36 * (10 + 5) = 36 * 10 + 36 * 5 = 360 + 180 = 540
36 * 15
each Bread Box must have 4075 hot teas. If there are 775 Bread Boxs, how many hot teas are there?
4075 * 775 = 4075 * (700 + 70 + 5) = 4075 * 700 + 4075 * 70 + 4075 * 5 = 2852500 + 285250 + 20375 = 3137750 + 20375 = 3158125
4075 * 775
Gregory had 802333 yoga mats but gave away 609167. How many yoga mats does Gregory have now?
802333 - 609167 = 193166
802333 - 609167
Ford had 9503929 puzzles but donated 597334 to charity. How many puzzles does Ford have now?
9503929 - 597334 = 8906595
9503929 - 597334
Xander has 393 Medicine Cabinets, and all together the Medicine Cabinets contains 9 gaming consoles. How many gaming consoles does Xander have in each Medicine Cabinet?
43 R 6
393 / 9 = 43 R 6
393 / 9
If a Closet Organizer has 12719 rugs, and there are 314 Closet Organizers. How many rugs are there in total?
12719 * 314 = 12719 * (300 + 10 + 4) = 12719 * 300 + 12719 * 10 + 12719 * 4 = 3815700 + 127190 + 50876 = 3942890 + 50876 = 3993766
12719 * 314
Jackson has 8 rows of Drying Racks, and each row has 8501 rulers. How many rulers are there in the Drying Racks?
8 * 8501 = 68008
8 * 8501
There are 709069 Shoe Cabinets, and each Shoe Cabinet has 391983 flashlights. How many flashlights are there in all the Shoe Cabinets?
709069 * 391983 = 709069 * (300000 + 90000 + 1000 + 900 + 80 + 3) = 709069 * 300000 + 709069 * 90000 + 709069 * 1000 + 709069 * 900 + 709069 * 80 + 709069 * 3 = 212720700000 + 63816210000 + 709069000 + 638162100 + 56725520 + 2127207 = 276536910000 + 709069000 + 638162100 + 56725520 + 2127207 = 277245979000 + 638162100 + 56725520 + 2127207 = 277884141100 + 56725520 + 2127207 = 277940866620 + 2127207 = 277942993827
709069 * 391983
each Bike Rack contains 869 flashlights, and there are 254 Bike Racks. How many flashlights does are there?
869 * 254 = 869 * (200 + 50 + 4) = 869 * 200 + 869 * 50 + 869 * 4 = 173800 + 43450 + 3476 = 217250 + 3476 = 220726
869 * 254
Felix has 26074 Fruit Baskets, and each Fruit Basket contains 38 garden shovels. How many garden shovels does Felix have in total?
26074 * 38 = 26074 * (30 + 8) = 26074 * 30 + 26074 * 8 = 782220 + 208592 = 990812
26074 * 38
7466 sunglassess are dropped into a Spice Drawer Organizer. If there are 8282 Spice Drawer Organizers, what is the total number of sunglassess?
7466 * 8282 = 8282 * (7000 + 400 + 60 + 6) = 8282 * 7000 + 8282 * 400 + 8282 * 60 + 8282 * 6 = 57974000 + 3312800 + 496920 + 49692 = 61286800 + 496920 + 49692 = 61783720 + 49692 = 61833412
7466 * 8282
707 cameras are dropped into a Sofa Table. If there are 7 Sofa Tables, what is the total number of cameras?
707 * 7 = 4949
707 * 7
Ares has 806549 rows of Bar Carts, and each row has 9 reusable water bottles. How many reusable water bottles are there in the Bar Carts?
806549 * 9 = 7258941
806549 * 9
3 sunscreens are dropped into a Shoe Shelf. If there are 874457 Shoe Shelfs, what is the total number of sunscreens?
3 * 874457 = 2623371
3 * 874457
Axel bought 3 Dish Drainers of candles, and each Dish Drainer contains 25089 candles. How many candles does Axel have?
3 * 25089 = 75267
3 * 25089
Jonathan collects 7187022 glovess and 3665803 winter hats in the pantry. Determine the total count of glovess and winter hats for Jonathan.
7187022 + 3665803 = 10852825
7187022 + 3665803
each Garden Tool Organizer must have 85531 board games. If there are 4 Garden Tool Organizers, how many board games are there?
85531 * 4 = 342124
85531 * 4
Marco can pack 678 shoess per hour. If they pack for 33 hours straight, how many shoess are packed?
678 * 33 = 678 * (30 + 3) = 678 * 30 + 678 * 3 = 20340 + 2034 = 22374
678 * 33
281 pen holders are dropped into a Storage Box. If there are 297 Storage Boxs, what is the total number of pen holders?
281 * 297 = 297 * (200 + 80 + 1) = 297 * 200 + 297 * 80 + 297 * 1 = 59400 + 23760 + 297 = 83160 + 297 = 83457
281 * 297
693515 puzzles are dropped into a Service Cart. If there are 869258 Service Carts, what is the total number of puzzles?
693515 * 869258 = 869258 * (600000 + 90000 + 3000 + 500 + 10 + 5) = 869258 * 600000 + 869258 * 90000 + 869258 * 3000 + 869258 * 500 + 869258 * 10 + 869258 * 5 = 521554800000 + 78233220000 + 2607774000 + 434629000 + 8692580 + 4346290 = 599788020000 + 2607774000 + 434629000 + 8692580 + 4346290 = 602395794000 + 434629000 + 8692580 + 4346290 = 602830423000 + 8692580 + 4346290 = 602839115580 + 4346290 = 602843461870
693515 * 869258
There are 506 backpacks in each Magazine Rack, and there are 89359 Magazine Racks. How many backpacks are there in all ?
506 * 89359 = 89359 * (500 + 6) = 89359 * 500 + 89359 * 6 = 44679500 + 536154 = 45215654
506 * 89359
Colin wanted to have 16153 camera lenss for each of their friends. If Colin has 203 friends, how many camera lenss must they have?
16153 * 203 = 16153 * (200 + 3) = 16153 * 200 + 16153 * 3 = 3230600 + 48459 = 3279059
16153 * 203
10152 bracelets are dropped into a Cabinet. If there are 36360 Cabinets, what is the total number of bracelets?
10152 * 36360 = 36360 * (10000 + 100 + 50 + 2) = 36360 * 10000 + 36360 * 100 + 36360 * 50 + 36360 * 2 = 363600000 + 3636000 + 1818000 + 72720 = 367236000 + 1818000 + 72720 = 369054000 + 72720 = 369126720
10152 * 36360
Wyatt has 3 Picnic Coolers, and each Picnic Cooler contains 905280 kettles. How many kettles does Wyatt have in total?
3 * 905280 = 2715840
3 * 905280
Shiloh has 860 board games. If Shiloh divides them into groups of 68551, how many board games are there in each group?
0 R 860
860 / 68551 = 0 R 860
860 / 68551
There are 459921859796974 Plant Stands, and each Plant Stand has 0 sketchbooks. How many sketchbooks are there in all the Plant Stands?
459921859796974 * 0 = 0
459921859796974 * 0
Hunter has 807 Shoe Cabinets, and each Shoe Cabinet contains 109 bicycles. How many bicycles does Hunter have in total?
807 * 109 = 807 * (100 + 9) = 807 * 100 + 807 * 9 = 80700 + 7263 = 87963
807 * 109
each CD Rack contains 7788 ties, and there are 2810 CD Racks. How many ties does are there?
7788 * 2810 = 7788 * (2000 + 800 + 10) = 7788 * 2000 + 7788 * 800 + 7788 * 10 = 15576000 + 6230400 + 77880 = 21806400 + 77880 = 21884280
7788 * 2810
There are 141594 Hutchs, and each Hutch has 21 maps. How many maps are there in all the Hutchs?
141594 * 21 = 141594 * (20 + 1) = 141594 * 20 + 141594 * 1 = 2831880 + 141594 = 2973474
141594 * 21
Princeton wanted to have 16922435 hats for each of their friends. If Princeton has 2 friends, how many hats must they give to each friend?
8461217 R 1
16922435 / 2 = 8461217 R 1
16922435 / 2
Francisco has 71 tents. If they have a total of 0 pieces, how many pieces are in each tents?
71 / 0 is undefined
71 / 0
Zayne has 719072 Candlestick Holders, how many gaming mouses does each Candlestick Holder hold if there are a total of 2 gaming mouses?
719072 / 2 = 359536
719072 / 2
William has 7818 paintings in one basket and 9884 garden hoses in another basket. What is the total count of paintings and garden hoses for William?
7818 + 9884 = 17702
7818 + 9884
Atticus has 40688298 charging cables. If Atticus divides them into groups of 1, how many charging cables are there in each group?
40688298 / 1 = 40688298
40688298 / 1
If a Wall Mounted Shelf has 438 juicers, and there are 525 Wall Mounted Shelfs. How many juicers are there in total?
438 * 525 = 525 * (400 + 30 + 8) = 525 * 400 + 525 * 30 + 525 * 8 = 210000 + 15750 + 4200 = 225750 + 4200 = 229950
438 * 525
6 backpacks are dropped into a TV Stand. If there are 171715 TV Stands, what is the total number of backpacks?
6 * 171715 = 1030290
6 * 171715
If a Spice Rack has 60 umbrellas, and there are 206 Spice Racks. How many umbrellas are there in total?
60 * 206 = 12360
60 * 206
43 shoess are dropped into a Spice Rack. If there are 80 Spice Racks, what is the total number of shoess?
43 * 80 = 3440
43 * 80