Braxton has 861463 paintbrushess in one basket and 840787 printers in another basket. What is the total count of paintbrushess and printers for Braxton?
861463 + 840787 = 1702250
861463 + 840787
Walker wanted to have 2811 alarm clocks for each of their friends. If Walker has 5395 friends, how many alarm clocks must they have?
2811 * 5395 = 5395 * (2000 + 800 + 10 + 1) = 5395 * 2000 + 5395 * 800 + 5395 * 10 + 5395 * 1 = 10790000 + 4316000 + 53950 + 5395 = 15106000 + 53950 + 5395 = 15159950 + 5395 = 15165345
2811 * 5395
Seth has 203442 sunglassess. If Seth buys 501935 times more, how many sunglassess does Seth have in total?
203442 * 501935 = 501935 * (200000 + 3000 + 400 + 40 + 2) = 501935 * 200000 + 501935 * 3000 + 501935 * 400 + 501935 * 40 + 501935 * 2 = 100387000000 + 1505805000 + 200774000 + 20077400 + 1003870 = 101892805000 + 200774000 + 20077400 + 1003870 = 102093579000 + 20077400 + 1003870 = 102113656400 + 1003870 = 102114660270
203442 * 501935
Cameron has 549344 couchs and 703686 dumbbellss on the desk. Calculate the total number of couchs and dumbbellss for Cameron.
549344 + 703686 = 1253030
549344 + 703686
For each Floating Shelf there are 552910 wine glassess. If Bryson has 313975 Floating Shelfs. How many wine glassess are there in all the Floating Shelfs?
552910 * 313975 = 552910 * (300000 + 10000 + 3000 + 900 + 70 + 5) = 552910 * 300000 + 552910 * 10000 + 552910 * 3000 + 552910 * 900 + 552910 * 70 + 552910 * 5 = 165873000000 + 5529100000 + 1658730000 + 497619000 + 38703700 + 2764550 = 171402100000 + 1658730000 + 497619000 + 38703700 + 2764550 = 173060830000 + 497619000 + 38703700 + 2764550 = 173558449000 + 38703700 + 2764550 = 173597152700 + 2764550 = 173599917250
552910 * 313975
Mathias has 2534 kettles. Mathias breaks each kettle into 5928 pieces. How many pieces of kettles does Mathias have in total?
2534 * 5928 = 5928 * (2000 + 500 + 30 + 4) = 5928 * 2000 + 5928 * 500 + 5928 * 30 + 5928 * 4 = 11856000 + 2964000 + 177840 + 23712 = 14820000 + 177840 + 23712 = 14997840 + 23712 = 15021552
2534 * 5928
Sterling has 83729028 glovess. Sterling wants to distribute them equally into Laptop Stands. How many glovess does each Laptop Stand get?
83729028 / 1 = 83729028
83729028 / 1
Messiah had 615 board games but lost 185151. Determine the remaining board games possesed by Messiah.
615 - 185151 = -184536
615 - 185151
243110 friends have 5 yoga mats. If they share them equally, how many yoga mats does each friend have?
243110 / 5 = 48622
243110 / 5
Asa has 666 rows of Shelving Units, and each row has 15653 ovens. How many ovens are there in the Shelving Units?
666 * 15653 = 15653 * (600 + 60 + 6) = 15653 * 600 + 15653 * 60 + 15653 * 6 = 9391800 + 939180 + 93918 = 10330980 + 93918 = 10424898
666 * 15653
Jaylen has 30 guitar picks. If Jaylen buys 838 times more, how many guitar picks does Jaylen have in total?
30 * 838 = 25140
30 * 838
Romeo has 12 blankets. Romeo wants to distribute them equally into Recycling Bins. How many blankets does each Recycling Bin get?
12 / 3 = 4
12 / 3
Manuel has 183 hiking bootss and discovered 34 first aid kits in the shopping cart. Calculate the total number of hiking bootss and first aid kits for Manuel.
183 + 34 = 217
183 + 34
Barrett has 1724 notebooks. Barrett wants to distribute them equally into 3 Picnic Tables. How many notebooks will each Picnic Table contain?
574 R 2
1724 / 3 = 574 R 2
1724 / 3
Brandon has 43554167 Baskets, how many gardening glovess does each Basket hold if there are a total of 7 gardening glovess?
6222023 R 6
43554167 / 7 = 6222023 R 6
43554167 / 7
Giovanni has 4843 rows of Shoe Shelfs, and each row has 9 guitars. How many guitars are there in the Shoe Shelfs?
4843 * 9 = 43587
4843 * 9
If a Trash Compactor has 5991 hats, and there are 9400 Trash Compactors. How many hats are there in total?
5991 * 9400 = 9400 * (5000 + 900 + 90 + 1) = 9400 * 5000 + 9400 * 900 + 9400 * 90 + 9400 * 1 = 47000000 + 8460000 + 846000 + 9400 = 55460000 + 846000 + 9400 = 56306000 + 9400 = 56315400
5991 * 9400
each Sofa Table contains 705 laptops, and there are 165 Sofa Tables. How many laptops does are there?
705 * 165 = 705 * (100 + 60 + 5) = 705 * 100 + 705 * 60 + 705 * 5 = 70500 + 42300 + 3525 = 112800 + 3525 = 116325
705 * 165
Julian bought 9546 hot cocoa mixs but later returned 5772. How many hot cocoa mixs does Julian have now?
9546 - 5772 = 3774
9546 - 5772
Mason has 5917 alarm clocks and shared 328322 with friends. How many alarm clocks are still with Mason?
5917 - 328322 = -322405
5917 - 328322
Richard has 1 Cupboards of back massagers, and each Cupboard contains 591629881 back massagers. How many back massagers does Richard have in total?
1 * 591629881 = 591629881
1 * 591629881
Blake can pack 6307 binocularss per hour. If they pack for 9125 hours straight, how many binocularss are packed?
6307 * 9125 = 9125 * (6000 + 300 + 7) = 9125 * 6000 + 9125 * 300 + 9125 * 7 = 54750000 + 2737500 + 63875 = 57487500 + 63875 = 57551375
6307 * 9125
Tyson can pack 3 hiking bootss per hour. If they pack for 12218 hours straight, how many hiking bootss are packed?
3 * 12218 = 36654
3 * 12218
There are 60 kitchen knife sets in each Cleaning Caddy, and there are 60719 Cleaning Caddys. How many kitchen knife sets are there in all ?
60 * 60719 = 3643140
60 * 60719
Callan has 81 rows of Wine Racks, and each row has 569 basketballs. How many basketballs are there in the Wine Racks?
81 * 569 = 569 * (80 + 1) = 569 * 80 + 569 * 1 = 45520 + 569 = 46089
81 * 569
Henry bought 69 rugs and consumed 2540. Determine the remaining rugs for Henry.
69 - 2540 = -2471
69 - 2540
There are 3938 Toolbox Carts, and each Toolbox Cart has 5571 electric toothbrushs. How many electric toothbrushs are there in all the Toolbox Carts?
3938 * 5571 = 5571 * (3000 + 900 + 30 + 8) = 5571 * 3000 + 5571 * 900 + 5571 * 30 + 5571 * 8 = 16713000 + 5013900 + 167130 + 44568 = 21726900 + 167130 + 44568 = 21894030 + 44568 = 21938598
3938 * 5571
Adriel has 7585 Cabinet Door Organizers of mirrors, and each Cabinet Door Organizer contains 4417 mirrors. How many mirrors does Adriel have in total?
7585 * 4417 = 7585 * (4000 + 400 + 10 + 7) = 7585 * 4000 + 7585 * 400 + 7585 * 10 + 7585 * 7 = 30340000 + 3034000 + 75850 + 53095 = 33374000 + 75850 + 53095 = 33449850 + 53095 = 33502945
7585 * 4417
Crew bought 447 Towel Bars of skateboards, and each Towel Bar contains 354 skateboards. How many skateboards does Crew have?
447 * 354 = 447 * (300 + 50 + 4) = 447 * 300 + 447 * 50 + 447 * 4 = 134100 + 22350 + 1788 = 156450 + 1788 = 158238
447 * 354
Matthias wanted to have 509678 televisions for each of their friends. If Matthias has 30 friends, how many televisions must they have?
509678 * 30 = 15290340
509678 * 30
Adriel has 9253 Plant Stands, and each Plant Stand contains 437 fruits. How many fruits does Adriel have in total?
9253 * 437 = 9253 * (400 + 30 + 7) = 9253 * 400 + 9253 * 30 + 9253 * 7 = 3701200 + 277590 + 64771 = 3978790 + 64771 = 4043561
9253 * 437
Evan bought 44 Waste Baskets of beach chairs, and each Waste Basket contains 412260 beach chairs. How many beach chairs does Evan have?
44 * 412260 = 412260 * (40 + 4) = 412260 * 40 + 412260 * 4 = 16490400 + 1649040 = 18139440
44 * 412260
For each Paperweight there are 9185 bracelets. If Alijah has 1867 Paperweights. How many bracelets are there in all the Paperweights?
9185 * 1867 = 9185 * (1000 + 800 + 60 + 7) = 9185 * 1000 + 9185 * 800 + 9185 * 60 + 9185 * 7 = 9185000 + 7348000 + 551100 + 64295 = 16533000 + 551100 + 64295 = 17084100 + 64295 = 17148395
9185 * 1867
each Drawer contains 6899 televisions, and there are 2156 Drawers. How many televisions does are there?
6899 * 2156 = 6899 * (2000 + 100 + 50 + 6) = 6899 * 2000 + 6899 * 100 + 6899 * 50 + 6899 * 6 = 13798000 + 689900 + 344950 + 41394 = 14487900 + 344950 + 41394 = 14832850 + 41394 = 14874244
6899 * 2156
There are 46715 Mop Buckets, and each Mop Bucket has 15499 sunscreens. How many sunscreens are there in all the Mop Buckets?
46715 * 15499 = 46715 * (10000 + 5000 + 400 + 90 + 9) = 46715 * 10000 + 46715 * 5000 + 46715 * 400 + 46715 * 90 + 46715 * 9 = 467150000 + 233575000 + 18686000 + 4204350 + 420435 = 700725000 + 18686000 + 4204350 + 420435 = 719411000 + 4204350 + 420435 = 723615350 + 420435 = 724035785
46715 * 15499
Diego wanted to have 5384 bike helmets for each of their friends. If Diego has 345 friends, how many bike helmets must they have?
5384 * 345 = 5384 * (300 + 40 + 5) = 5384 * 300 + 5384 * 40 + 5384 * 5 = 1615200 + 215360 + 26920 = 1830560 + 26920 = 1857480
5384 * 345
Jaiden has 8753 Lap Desks of computer mouses, and each Lap Desk contains 3602 computer mouses. How many computer mouses does Jaiden have in total?
8753 * 3602 = 8753 * (3000 + 600 + 2) = 8753 * 3000 + 8753 * 600 + 8753 * 2 = 26259000 + 5251800 + 17506 = 31510800 + 17506 = 31528306
8753 * 3602
Jayden has 6938 guitars in the fridge and discovered 998 guitar pick holders in the pantry. Calculate the total quantity of guitars and guitar pick holders for Jayden.
6938 + 998 = 7936
6938 + 998
Paxton has 87 gaming mouses, and 572491 Laptop Stands. If they distribute them equally, how many gaming mouses does Paxton have on each Laptop Stand?
0 R 87
87 / 572491 = 0 R 87
87 / 572491
Henry had 81273 desks but used 77239 for a project. Determine the remaining desks for Henry.
81273 - 77239 = 4034
81273 - 77239
Kaiden bought 145 Filing Cabinets of hats, and each Filing Cabinet contains 777 hats. How many hats does Kaiden have?
145 * 777 = 777 * (100 + 40 + 5) = 777 * 100 + 777 * 40 + 777 * 5 = 77700 + 31080 + 3885 = 108780 + 3885 = 112665
145 * 777
each Coat Hook must have 3826 bedside lamps. If there are 2669 Coat Hooks, how many bedside lamps are there?
3826 * 2669 = 3826 * (2000 + 600 + 60 + 9) = 3826 * 2000 + 3826 * 600 + 3826 * 60 + 3826 * 9 = 7652000 + 2295600 + 229560 + 34434 = 9947600 + 229560 + 34434 = 10177160 + 34434 = 10211594
3826 * 2669
each Litter Box contains 5 barbecue grills, and there are 3051213 Litter Boxs. How many barbecue grills does are there?
5 * 3051213 = 15256065
5 * 3051213
Bennett collected 843 gaming consoles in the morning and 79112 kites in the afternoon. Determine the total number of gaming consoles and kites that Bennett has.
843 + 79112 = 79955
843 + 79112
Ryan has 29 water bottles and found 39773 hiking trail guides while cleaning the house. Calculate the total number of water bottles and hiking trail guides for Ryan.
29 + 39773 = 39802
29 + 39773
Lennox placed 2546966 laptops in the Shelving Unit. If each laptops is shared equally among 4 people, how many will each person get?
636741 R 2
2546966 / 4 = 636741 R 2
2546966 / 4
Kameron had 2048431 rings but used 2091332 for a project. Determine the remaining rings for Kameron.
2048431 - 2091332 = -42901
2048431 - 2091332
Fabian has 3276 Recipe Boxs, and each Recipe Box contains 5943 hot teas. How many hot teas does Fabian have in total?
3276 * 5943 = 5943 * (3000 + 200 + 70 + 6) = 5943 * 3000 + 5943 * 200 + 5943 * 70 + 5943 * 6 = 17829000 + 1188600 + 416010 + 35658 = 19017600 + 416010 + 35658 = 19433610 + 35658 = 19469268
3276 * 5943
Tyson has 800 watchs. If they have a total of 8111 pieces, how many pieces are in each watchs?
0 R 800
800 / 8111 = 0 R 800
800 / 8111
Caleb has 780 pen holders, and 8527 Toolbox Carts. If they distribute them equally, how many pen holders does Caleb have on each Toolbox Cart?
0 R 780
780 / 8527 = 0 R 780
780 / 8527
Alijah wanted to have 8375 wine glassess for each of their friends. If Alijah has 6280 friends, how many wine glassess must they have?
8375 * 6280 = 8375 * (6000 + 200 + 80) = 8375 * 6000 + 8375 * 200 + 8375 * 80 = 50250000 + 1675000 + 670000 = 51925000 + 670000 = 52595000
8375 * 6280
Carson has 2428544 garden shovels and shared 5183457 with friends. How many garden shovels are still with Carson?
2428544 - 5183457 = -2754913
2428544 - 5183457
Aiden has 69491 rows of Watering Cans, and each row has 426 books. How many books are there in the Watering Cans?
69491 * 426 = 69491 * (400 + 20 + 6) = 69491 * 400 + 69491 * 20 + 69491 * 6 = 27796400 + 1389820 + 416946 = 29186220 + 416946 = 29603166
69491 * 426
Fernando has 0 flashlights. Fernando breaks each flashlight into 89 pieces. How many pieces of flashlights does Fernando have in total?
0 * 89 = 0
0 * 89
Jason has 902627 cufflinkss and found 263217 tablets while cleaning the house. Calculate the total number of cufflinkss and tablets for Jason.
902627 + 263217 = 1165844
902627 + 263217
Jorge has 22 bicycle helmets in the fridge and discovered 86 tennis rackets in the pantry. Calculate the total quantity of bicycle helmets and tennis rackets for Jorge.
22 + 86 = 108
22 + 86
Leonel has 297 Jewelry Stands, how many binocularss does each Jewelry Stand hold if there are a total of 4 binocularss?
74 R 1
297 / 4 = 74 R 1
297 / 4
each Fishbowl must have 25 scarfs. If there are 937148 Fishbowls, how many scarfs are there?
25 * 937148 = 937148 * (20 + 5) = 937148 * 20 + 937148 * 5 = 18742960 + 4685740 = 23428700
25 * 937148
Nathaniel had 6261 canvass but lost 5273831. Determine the remaining canvass possesed by Nathaniel.
6261 - 5273831 = -5267570
6261 - 5273831
Andre has 4 rugs and discovered 3469 sunglassess in the shopping cart. Calculate the total number of rugs and sunglassess for Andre.
4 + 3469 = 3473
4 + 3469
There are 3545 Trunks, and each Trunk has 8261 picnic utensilss. How many picnic utensilss are there in all the Trunks?
3545 * 8261 = 8261 * (3000 + 500 + 40 + 5) = 8261 * 3000 + 8261 * 500 + 8261 * 40 + 8261 * 5 = 24783000 + 4130500 + 330440 + 41305 = 28913500 + 330440 + 41305 = 29243940 + 41305 = 29285245
3545 * 8261
Gideon wanted to have 8 planners for each of their friends. If Gideon has 4662 friends, how many planners must they have?
8 * 4662 = 37296
8 * 4662
Forrest has 80673498 scarfs. Forrest wants to distribute them equally into 10 Cupboards. How many scarfs will each Cupboard contain?
8067349 R 8
80673498 / 10 = 8067349 R 8
80673498 / 10
If a Fishbowl has 1623 camera straps, and there are 7084 Fishbowls. How many camera straps are there in total?
1623 * 7084 = 7084 * (1000 + 600 + 20 + 3) = 7084 * 1000 + 7084 * 600 + 7084 * 20 + 7084 * 3 = 7084000 + 4250400 + 141680 + 21252 = 11334400 + 141680 + 21252 = 11476080 + 21252 = 11497332
1623 * 7084
Rylan has 2461 rows of Shower Caddys, and each row has 645 basketballs. How many basketballs are there in the Shower Caddys?
2461 * 645 = 2461 * (600 + 40 + 5) = 2461 * 600 + 2461 * 40 + 2461 * 5 = 1476600 + 98440 + 12305 = 1575040 + 12305 = 1587345
2461 * 645
Javier has 70 sketchbooks and discovered 96064 colored pencilss in the shopping cart. Calculate the total number of sketchbooks and colored pencilss for Javier.
70 + 96064 = 96134
70 + 96064
Julian has 680 mugs. Julian breaks each mug into 765 pieces. How many pieces of mugs does Julian have in total?
680 * 765 = 765 * (600 + 80) = 765 * 600 + 765 * 80 = 459000 + 61200 = 520200
680 * 765
Enzo has 6958072 rows of Dish Racks, and each row has 8 bicycle helmets. If they distribute them equally, how many bicycle helmets are there in each Dish Rack?
6958072 / 8 = 869759
6958072 / 8
Caleb has 205336 rows of Bread Boxs, and each row has 3 ski goggless. If they distribute them equally, how many ski goggless are there in each Bread Box?
68445 R 1
205336 / 3 = 68445 R 1
205336 / 3
Tripp received 76372 suitcases as a gift and purchased 677784 luggage tags. What is the combined quantity of suitcases and luggage tags for Tripp?
76372 + 677784 = 754156
76372 + 677784
Royal has 8281 Pitchers of sunscreens, and each Pitcher contains 8789 sunscreens. How many sunscreens does Royal have in total?
8281 * 8789 = 8789 * (8000 + 200 + 80 + 1) = 8789 * 8000 + 8789 * 200 + 8789 * 80 + 8789 * 1 = 70312000 + 1757800 + 703120 + 8789 = 72069800 + 703120 + 8789 = 72772920 + 8789 = 72781709
8281 * 8789
Kyle has 291113 couchs. If they have a total of 3 pieces, how many pieces are in each couchs?
97037 R 2
291113 / 3 = 97037 R 2
291113 / 3
Jace has 1082 bedside lamps in the fridge and discovered 9456903 mirrors in the pantry. Calculate the total quantity of bedside lamps and mirrors for Jace.
1082 + 9456903 = 9457985
1082 + 9456903
Saint has 4430 Wine Coolers of pillows, and each Wine Cooler contains 5596 pillows. How many pillows does Saint have in total?
4430 * 5596 = 5596 * (4000 + 400 + 30) = 5596 * 4000 + 5596 * 400 + 5596 * 30 = 22384000 + 2238400 + 167880 = 24622400 + 167880 = 24790280
4430 * 5596
3708 friends have 9 mittenss. If they share them equally, how many mittenss does each friend have?
3708 / 9 = 412
3708 / 9
Eric has 9234 microwaves and 248984 sneakerss in the bucket. How many microwaves and sneakerss does Eric have in total?
9234 + 248984 = 258218
9234 + 248984
Onyx has 314 keyboards and 17176 water bottles on the kitchen counter. Calculate the total number of keyboards and water bottles for Onyx.
314 + 17176 = 17490
314 + 17176
Hayes can packs kettles for 326042 hours. If they pack for 8 hours straight, how many kettles are packed
40755 R 2
326042 / 8 = 40755 R 2
326042 / 8
For each Wine Glass Holder there are 71 umbrellas. If Kaden has 700000 Wine Glass Holders. How many umbrellas are there in all the Wine Glass Holders?
71 * 700000 = 49700000
71 * 700000
There are 99548 Spice Drawer Organizers, and each Spice Drawer Organizer has 25 puddle bootss. How many puddle bootss are there in all the Spice Drawer Organizers?
99548 * 25 = 99548 * (20 + 5) = 99548 * 20 + 99548 * 5 = 1990960 + 497740 = 2488700
99548 * 25
Levi prepared 325 picnic blankets and 7 thermoss for the picnic. What is the combined quantity of picnic blankets and thermoss for Levi?
325 + 7 = 332
325 + 7
Finn collects 9187433 puzzles and 349 wallets in the pantry. Determine the total count of puzzles and wallets for Finn.
9187433 + 349 = 9187782
9187433 + 349
Warren bought 6087 Spice Drawer Organizers of winter hats, and each Spice Drawer Organizer contains 1846 winter hats. How many winter hats does Warren have?
6087 * 1846 = 6087 * (1000 + 800 + 40 + 6) = 6087 * 1000 + 6087 * 800 + 6087 * 40 + 6087 * 6 = 6087000 + 4869600 + 243480 + 36522 = 10956600 + 243480 + 36522 = 11200080 + 36522 = 11236602
6087 * 1846
For each Tool Rack there are 10 sunglassess. If Erick has 11984458 Tool Racks. How many sunglassess are there in all the Tool Racks?
10 * 11984458 = 119844580
10 * 11984458
Tucker has 648 Record Crates of beach chairs, and each Record Crate contains 549 beach chairs. How many beach chairs does Tucker have in total?
648 * 549 = 648 * (500 + 40 + 9) = 648 * 500 + 648 * 40 + 648 * 9 = 324000 + 25920 + 5832 = 349920 + 5832 = 355752
648 * 549
David has 3416710 wine glassess. David wants to distribute them equally into Spice Drawer Organizers. How many wine glassess does each Spice Drawer Organizer get?
854177 R 2
3416710 / 4 = 854177 R 2
3416710 / 4
For each Locker there are 92150 vases. If Joel has 851 Lockers. How many vases are there in all the Lockers?
92150 * 851 = 92150 * (800 + 50 + 1) = 92150 * 800 + 92150 * 50 + 92150 * 1 = 73720000 + 4607500 + 92150 = 78327500 + 92150 = 78419650
92150 * 851
4616130 friends have 6 puzzles. If they share them equally, how many puzzles does each friend have?
4616130 / 6 = 769355
4616130 / 6
If a Utensil Holder has 59 tripods, and there are 88 Utensil Holders. How many tripods are there in total?
59 * 88 = 88 * (50 + 9) = 88 * 50 + 88 * 9 = 4400 + 792 = 5192
59 * 88
If a Magazine Rack has 3298 sunglassess, and there are 9 Magazine Racks. If they share them equally, how many sunglassess are there in each Magazine Rack?
366 R 4
3298 / 9 = 366 R 4
3298 / 9
Saint has 427081 rows of Magazine Racks, and each row has 221264 tripods. How many tripods are there in the Magazine Racks?
427081 * 221264 = 427081 * (200000 + 20000 + 1000 + 200 + 60 + 4) = 427081 * 200000 + 427081 * 20000 + 427081 * 1000 + 427081 * 200 + 427081 * 60 + 427081 * 4 = 85416200000 + 8541620000 + 427081000 + 85416200 + 25624860 + 1708324 = 93957820000 + 427081000 + 85416200 + 25624860 + 1708324 = 94384901000 + 85416200 + 25624860 + 1708324 = 94470317200 + 25624860 + 1708324 = 94495942060 + 1708324 = 94497650384
427081 * 221264
Silas has 579 electric toothbrushs and misplaced 6761. How many electric toothbrushs are still with Silas?
579 - 6761 = -6182
579 - 6761
Micah has 9760 sunglassess. If Micah buys 4496 times more, how many sunglassess does Micah have in total?
9760 * 4496 = 9760 * (4000 + 400 + 90 + 6) = 9760 * 4000 + 9760 * 400 + 9760 * 90 + 9760 * 6 = 39040000 + 3904000 + 878400 + 58560 = 42944000 + 878400 + 58560 = 43822400 + 58560 = 43880960
9760 * 4496
Maddox had 675678 fishing rods but gave away 69445. How many fishing rods does Maddox have now?
675678 - 69445 = 606233
675678 - 69445
Bryson has 24 Garden Tool Organizers, how many shoess does each Garden Tool Organizer hold if there are a total of 4 shoess?
24 / 4 = 6
24 / 4
Colter can pack 38987 scarfs per hour. If they pack for 7 hours straight, how many scarfs are packed?
38987 * 7 = 272909
38987 * 7
Edgar has 73 Tackle Boxs, and each Tackle Box contains 15 plane tickets. How many plane tickets does Edgar have in total?
73 * 15 = 73 * (10 + 5) = 73 * 10 + 73 * 5 = 730 + 365 = 1095
73 * 15
Thiago can pack 721 board games per hour. If they pack for 8353 hours straight, how many board games are packed?
721 * 8353 = 8353 * (700 + 20 + 1) = 8353 * 700 + 8353 * 20 + 8353 * 1 = 5847100 + 167060 + 8353 = 6014160 + 8353 = 6022513
721 * 8353
Edward can pack 28 bracelets per hour. If they pack for 665282 hours straight, how many bracelets are packed?
28 * 665282 = 665282 * (20 + 8) = 665282 * 20 + 665282 * 8 = 13305640 + 5322256 = 18627896
28 * 665282
Samuel has 864 bicycle helmets in one basket and 4108 tennis rackets in another basket. What is the total count of bicycle helmets and tennis rackets for Samuel?
864 + 4108 = 4972
864 + 4108