Jackson can pack 312 guitars per hour. If they pack for 415 hours straight, how many guitars are packed?
312 * 415 = 415 * (300 + 10 + 2) = 415 * 300 + 415 * 10 + 415 * 2 = 124500 + 4150 + 830 = 128650 + 830 = 129480
312 * 415
Zachary wanted to have 162247 wines for each of their friends. If Zachary has 461355 friends, how many wines must they have?
162247 * 461355 = 461355 * (100000 + 60000 + 2000 + 200 + 40 + 7) = 461355 * 100000 + 461355 * 60000 + 461355 * 2000 + 461355 * 200 + 461355 * 40 + 461355 * 7 = 46135500000 + 27681300000 + 922710000 + 92271000 + 18454200 + 3229485 = 73816800000 + 922710000 + 92271000 + 18454200 + 3229485 = 74739510000 + 92271000 + 18454200 + 3229485 = 74831781000 + 18454200 + 3229485 = 74850235200 + 3229485 = 74853464685
162247 * 461355
each Laptop Stand contains 2000000 mirrors, and there are 106 Laptop Stands. How many mirrors does are there?
2000000 * 106 = 212000000
2000000 * 106
Rowan prepared 5967336 printers and 310810 binocularss for the picnic. What is the combined quantity of printers and binocularss for Rowan?
5967336 + 310810 = 6278146
5967336 + 310810
Carter has 9833520 sweaters and shared 220 with friends. How many sweaters are still with Carter?
9833520 - 220 = 9833300
9833520 - 220
each Waste Basket contains 379638 headphoness, and there are 161428 Waste Baskets. How many headphoness does are there?
379638 * 161428 = 379638 * (100000 + 60000 + 1000 + 400 + 20 + 8) = 379638 * 100000 + 379638 * 60000 + 379638 * 1000 + 379638 * 400 + 379638 * 20 + 379638 * 8 = 37963800000 + 22778280000 + 379638000 + 151855200 + 7592760 + 3037104 = 60742080000 + 379638000 + 151855200 + 7592760 + 3037104 = 61121718000 + 151855200 + 7592760 + 3037104 = 61273573200 + 7592760 + 3037104 = 61281165960 + 3037104 = 61284203064
379638 * 161428
Calvin possesses 31878 snowboards and found 312 barbecue grills in the backpack. Determine the total count of snowboards and barbecue grills for Calvin.
31878 + 312 = 32190
31878 + 312
7486 glovess are dropped into a Wine Glass Holder. If there are 9741 Wine Glass Holders, what is the total number of glovess?
7486 * 9741 = 9741 * (7000 + 400 + 80 + 6) = 9741 * 7000 + 9741 * 400 + 9741 * 80 + 9741 * 6 = 68187000 + 3896400 + 779280 + 58446 = 72083400 + 779280 + 58446 = 72862680 + 58446 = 72921126
7486 * 9741
Miguel has 83 rows of Garden Tool Organizers, and each row has 41442 jackets. If they distribute them equally, how many jackets are there in each Garden Tool Organizer?
0 R 83
83 / 41442 = 0 R 83
83 / 41442
Marcus can packs sunscreens for 413700 hours. If they pack for 10 hours straight, how many sunscreens are packed
413700 / 10 = 41370
413700 / 10
Anthony has 598217 colored pencilss and shared 387346 with classmates. How many colored pencilss are still with Anthony?
598217 - 387346 = 210871
598217 - 387346
Sterling has 69823 hats and discovered 373644 tents in the shopping cart. Calculate the total number of hats and tents for Sterling.
69823 + 373644 = 443467
69823 + 373644
Robert has 917303 Cabinets, and each Cabinet contains 774215 cameras. How many cameras does Robert have in total?
917303 * 774215 = 917303 * (700000 + 70000 + 4000 + 200 + 10 + 5) = 917303 * 700000 + 917303 * 70000 + 917303 * 4000 + 917303 * 200 + 917303 * 10 + 917303 * 5 = 642112100000 + 64211210000 + 3669212000 + 183460600 + 9173030 + 4586515 = 706323310000 + 3669212000 + 183460600 + 9173030 + 4586515 = 709992522000 + 183460600 + 9173030 + 4586515 = 710175982600 + 9173030 + 4586515 = 710185155630 + 4586515 = 710189742145
917303 * 774215
Messiah has 778462 plants and 8016 clocks on the kitchen counter. Calculate the total number of plants and clocks for Messiah.
778462 + 8016 = 786478
778462 + 8016
If a Hamper Shelf has 74701930 dumbbellss, and there are 10 Hamper Shelfs. If they share them equally, how many dumbbellss are there in each Hamper Shelf?
74701930 / 10 = 7470193
74701930 / 10
each Glove Box contains 631 clocks, and there are 6 Glove Boxs. How many clocks does are there?
631 * 6 = 3786
631 * 6
Julius has 531908 batteriess. Julius wants to distribute them equally into Closet Organizers. How many batteriess does each Closet Organizer get?
0 R 531908
531908 / 6523629 = 0 R 531908
531908 / 6523629
Ryker can pack 4 alarm clocks per hour. If they pack for 2955 hours straight, how many alarm clocks are packed?
4 * 2955 = 11820
4 * 2955
Tatum has 2596206 swim goggless. If they have a total of 6 pieces, how many pieces are in each swim goggless?
2596206 / 6 = 432701
2596206 / 6
There are 57282 Picnic Tables, and each Picnic Table has 87489 mittenss. How many mittenss are there in all the Picnic Tables?
57282 * 87489 = 87489 * (50000 + 7000 + 200 + 80 + 2) = 87489 * 50000 + 87489 * 7000 + 87489 * 200 + 87489 * 80 + 87489 * 2 = 4374450000 + 612423000 + 17497800 + 6999120 + 174978 = 4986873000 + 17497800 + 6999120 + 174978 = 5004370800 + 6999120 + 174978 = 5011369920 + 174978 = 5011544898
57282 * 87489
For each Pantry there are 593 guitars. If Stephen has 941 Pantrys. How many guitars are there in all the Pantrys?
593 * 941 = 941 * (500 + 90 + 3) = 941 * 500 + 941 * 90 + 941 * 3 = 470500 + 84690 + 2823 = 555190 + 2823 = 558013
593 * 941
each Fruit Bowl must have 1 scarfs. If there are 3883452 Fruit Bowls, how many scarfs are there?
1 * 3883452 = 3883452
1 * 3883452
There are 49584 Bread Boxs, and each Bread Box has 23987 globes. How many globes are there in all the Bread Boxs?
49584 * 23987 = 49584 * (20000 + 3000 + 900 + 80 + 7) = 49584 * 20000 + 49584 * 3000 + 49584 * 900 + 49584 * 80 + 49584 * 7 = 991680000 + 148752000 + 44625600 + 3966720 + 347088 = 1140432000 + 44625600 + 3966720 + 347088 = 1185057600 + 3966720 + 347088 = 1189024320 + 347088 = 1189371408
49584 * 23987
Tucker bought 421 Garbage Cans of wallets, and each Garbage Can contains 837 wallets. How many wallets does Tucker have?
421 * 837 = 837 * (400 + 20 + 1) = 837 * 400 + 837 * 20 + 837 * 1 = 334800 + 16740 + 837 = 351540 + 837 = 352377
421 * 837
1012 pen holders are dropped into a Pencil Cup. If there are 8392 Pencil Cups, what is the total number of pen holders?
1012 * 8392 = 8392 * (1000 + 10 + 2) = 8392 * 1000 + 8392 * 10 + 8392 * 2 = 8392000 + 83920 + 16784 = 8475920 + 16784 = 8492704
1012 * 8392
Emanuel has 723597 scarfs and 44 hats on the kitchen counter. Calculate the total number of scarfs and hats for Emanuel.
723597 + 44 = 723641
723597 + 44
Dominic can packs board games for 896 hours. If they pack for 0 hours straight, how many board games are packed
896 / 0 is undefined
896 / 0
Dean can pack 5751 rings per hour. If they pack for 2586 hours straight, how many rings are packed?
5751 * 2586 = 5751 * (2000 + 500 + 80 + 6) = 5751 * 2000 + 5751 * 500 + 5751 * 80 + 5751 * 6 = 11502000 + 2875500 + 460080 + 34506 = 14377500 + 460080 + 34506 = 14837580 + 34506 = 14872086
5751 * 2586
Anthony has 0 Cigar Boxs, and each Cigar Box contains 3626 beds. How many beds does Anthony have in total?
0 * 3626 = 0
0 * 3626
Zyaire has 222795 rows of Picnic Tables, and each row has 5171572 garden shovels. If they distribute them equally, how many garden shovels are there in each Picnic Table?
0 R 222795
222795 / 5171572 = 0 R 222795
222795 / 5171572
Eithan placed 97 suitcases in the Hamper Bench. If each suitcases is shared equally among 2 people, how many will each person get?
48 R 1
97 / 2 = 48 R 1
97 / 2
Emmanuel has 6747863 shoess in the fridge and discovered 2153904 jackets in the pantry. Calculate the total quantity of shoess and jackets for Emmanuel.
6747863 + 2153904 = 8901767
6747863 + 2153904
For each Phone Stand there are 342992380 pianos. If Jared has 0 Phone Stands. How many pianos are there in all the Phone Stands?
342992380 * 0 = 0
342992380 * 0
Dallas can pack 2 tote bags per hour. If they pack for 37834 hours straight, how many tote bags are packed?
2 * 37834 = 75668
2 * 37834
There are 2272 mp3 players in each Projector Stand, and there are 6900 Projector Stands. How many mp3 players are there in all ?
2272 * 6900 = 6900 * (2000 + 200 + 70 + 2) = 6900 * 2000 + 6900 * 200 + 6900 * 70 + 6900 * 2 = 13800000 + 1380000 + 483000 + 13800 = 15180000 + 483000 + 13800 = 15663000 + 13800 = 15676800
2272 * 6900
Hendrix has 32 rows of Shoe Racks, and each row has 657585 rings. How many rings are there in the Shoe Racks?
32 * 657585 = 657585 * (30 + 2) = 657585 * 30 + 657585 * 2 = 19727550 + 1315170 = 21042720
32 * 657585
Mateo had 9 sunglassess but donated 737 to charity. How many sunglassess does Mateo have now?
9 - 737 = -728
9 - 737
There are 71 Hutchs, and each Hutch has 90 watchs. How many watchs are there in all the Hutchs?
71 * 90 = 6390
71 * 90
There are 612 candles in each Toolbox Cart, and there are 10720 Toolbox Carts. How many candles are there in all ?
612 * 10720 = 10720 * (600 + 10 + 2) = 10720 * 600 + 10720 * 10 + 10720 * 2 = 6432000 + 107200 + 21440 = 6539200 + 21440 = 6560640
612 * 10720
Zayne has 634 toasters, and 1012 Laundry Hampers. If they distribute them equally, how many toasters does Zayne have on each Laundry Hamper?
0 R 634
634 / 1012 = 0 R 634
634 / 1012
There are 761 Towel Bars, and each Towel Bar has 1742 dumbbellss. How many dumbbellss are there in all the Towel Bars?
761 * 1742 = 1742 * (700 + 60 + 1) = 1742 * 700 + 1742 * 60 + 1742 * 1 = 1219400 + 104520 + 1742 = 1323920 + 1742 = 1325662
761 * 1742
Kyle wanted to have 18176 bikes for each of their friends. If Kyle has 8 friends, how many bikes must they give to each friend?
18176 / 8 = 2272
18176 / 8
There are 831 Cupboards, and each Cupboard has 472 basketballs. How many basketballs are there in all the Cupboards?
831 * 472 = 831 * (400 + 70 + 2) = 831 * 400 + 831 * 70 + 831 * 2 = 332400 + 58170 + 1662 = 390570 + 1662 = 392232
831 * 472
If a Spice Rack has 176 printers, and there are 71 Spice Racks. How many printers are there in total?
176 * 71 = 176 * (70 + 1) = 176 * 70 + 176 * 1 = 12320 + 176 = 12496
176 * 71
Jonah bought 809 Service Carts of alarm clocks, and each Service Cart contains 910 alarm clocks. How many alarm clocks does Jonah have?
809 * 910 = 910 * (800 + 9) = 910 * 800 + 910 * 9 = 728000 + 8190 = 736190
809 * 910
Jackson received 7055 soccer balls as a gift and purchased 604 basketballs. What is the combined quantity of soccer balls and basketballs for Jackson?
7055 + 604 = 7659
7055 + 604
Royal received 818508 wine glassess as a gift but accidentally broke 5231022. Determine the remaining wine glassess for Royal.
818508 - 5231022 = -4412514
818508 - 5231022
Daniel has 519999 rows of Cabinets, and each row has 6 rugs. If they distribute them equally, how many rugs are there in each Cabinet?
86666 R 3
519999 / 6 = 86666 R 3
519999 / 6
Hunter has 181 rows of Refrigerator Shelfs, and each row has 19 umbrellas. How many umbrellas are there in the Refrigerator Shelfs?
181 * 19 = 181 * (10 + 9) = 181 * 10 + 181 * 9 = 1810 + 1629 = 3439
181 * 19
There are 299 Hamper Benchs, and each Hamper Bench has 33 shoess. How many shoess are there in all the Hamper Benchs?
299 * 33 = 299 * (30 + 3) = 299 * 30 + 299 * 3 = 8970 + 897 = 9867
299 * 33
Zander wanted to have 90919 hiking bootss for each of their friends. If Zander has 6 friends, how many hiking bootss must they give to each friend?
15153 R 1
90919 / 6 = 15153 R 1
90919 / 6
If a Chest has 791 pianos, and there are 9 Chests. If they share them equally, how many pianos are there in each Chest?
87 R 8
791 / 9 = 87 R 8
791 / 9
There are 6 televisions in each Medicine Cabinet, and there are 1394 Medicine Cabinets. How many televisions are there in all ?
6 * 1394 = 8364
6 * 1394
Cayden has 639939 Luggage Racks, how many shoess does each Luggage Rack hold if there are a total of 9 shoess?
71104 R 3
639939 / 9 = 71104 R 3
639939 / 9
There are 6 Underbed Storages, and each Underbed Storage has 137972 paintings. How many paintings are there in all the Underbed Storages?
6 * 137972 = 827832
6 * 137972
If a Firewood Rack has 35578 hand warmers, and there are 27321 Firewood Racks. How many hand warmers are there in total?
35578 * 27321 = 35578 * (20000 + 7000 + 300 + 20 + 1) = 35578 * 20000 + 35578 * 7000 + 35578 * 300 + 35578 * 20 + 35578 * 1 = 711560000 + 249046000 + 10673400 + 711560 + 35578 = 960606000 + 10673400 + 711560 + 35578 = 971279400 + 711560 + 35578 = 971990960 + 35578 = 972026538
35578 * 27321
Xavier placed 8277832 bicycles in the Shoe Rack. If each bicycles is shared equally among 8 people, how many will each person get?
8277832 / 8 = 1034729
8277832 / 8
Prince has 909 hiking bootss. If Prince buys 369 times more, how many hiking bootss does Prince have in total?
909 * 369 = 909 * (300 + 60 + 9) = 909 * 300 + 909 * 60 + 909 * 9 = 272700 + 54540 + 8181 = 327240 + 8181 = 335421
909 * 369
Ibrahim can pack 38 perfumes per hour. If they pack for 699 hours straight, how many perfumes are packed?
38 * 699 = 699 * (30 + 8) = 699 * 30 + 699 * 8 = 20970 + 5592 = 26562
38 * 699
Joseph bought 593 printers but later returned 556. How many printers does Joseph have now?
593 - 556 = 37
593 - 556
Dante has 3911442 rows of Shoe Racks, and each row has 6 bikes. If they distribute them equally, how many bikes are there in each Shoe Rack?
3911442 / 6 = 651907
3911442 / 6
Connor can pack 29 puzzles per hour. If they pack for 7691 hours straight, how many puzzles are packed?
29 * 7691 = 7691 * (20 + 9) = 7691 * 20 + 7691 * 9 = 153820 + 69219 = 223039
29 * 7691
Vincent bought 9029 Picnic Baskets of soccer balls, and each Picnic Basket contains 2595 soccer balls. How many soccer balls does Vincent have?
9029 * 2595 = 9029 * (2000 + 500 + 90 + 5) = 9029 * 2000 + 9029 * 500 + 9029 * 90 + 9029 * 5 = 18058000 + 4514500 + 812610 + 45145 = 22572500 + 812610 + 45145 = 23385110 + 45145 = 23430255
9029 * 2595
Dallas had 61 wine glassess but gave away 20005. How many wine glassess does Dallas have now?
61 - 20005 = -19944
61 - 20005
Kane has 2 books in one basket and 75 bookmarks in another basket. What is the total count of books and bookmarks for Kane?
2 + 75 = 77
2 + 75
each Shelf Bracket contains 8172 hats, and there are 3272 Shelf Brackets. How many hats does are there?
8172 * 3272 = 8172 * (3000 + 200 + 70 + 2) = 8172 * 3000 + 8172 * 200 + 8172 * 70 + 8172 * 2 = 24516000 + 1634400 + 572040 + 16344 = 26150400 + 572040 + 16344 = 26722440 + 16344 = 26738784
8172 * 3272
each Shower Shelf must have 1955 keyboards. If there are 701 Shower Shelfs, how many keyboards are there?
1955 * 701 = 1955 * (700 + 1) = 1955 * 700 + 1955 * 1 = 1368500 + 1955 = 1370455
1955 * 701
each CD Rack contains 57200969383 electric toothbrushs, and there are 10 CD Racks. How many electric toothbrushs does are there?
57200969383 * 10 = 572009693830
57200969383 * 10
Donovan has 7753 first aid kits and shared 1822 with classmates. How many first aid kits are still with Donovan?
7753 - 1822 = 5931
7753 - 1822
Travis can pack 7126 coffee makers per hour. If they pack for 72 hours straight, how many coffee makers are packed?
7126 * 72 = 7126 * (70 + 2) = 7126 * 70 + 7126 * 2 = 498820 + 14252 = 513072
7126 * 72
There are 436 Shower Shelfs, and each Shower Shelf has 77987 guitars. How many guitars are there in all the Shower Shelfs?
436 * 77987 = 77987 * (400 + 30 + 6) = 77987 * 400 + 77987 * 30 + 77987 * 6 = 31194800 + 2339610 + 467922 = 33534410 + 467922 = 34002332
436 * 77987
There are 5381 sketchbooks in each Ice Chest, and there are 5715 Ice Chests. How many sketchbooks are there in all ?
5381 * 5715 = 5715 * (5000 + 300 + 80 + 1) = 5715 * 5000 + 5715 * 300 + 5715 * 80 + 5715 * 1 = 28575000 + 1714500 + 457200 + 5715 = 30289500 + 457200 + 5715 = 30746700 + 5715 = 30752415
5381 * 5715
Maximiliano can pack 51301 rulers per hour. If they pack for 5 hours straight, how many rulers are packed?
51301 * 5 = 256505
51301 * 5
14829 ties are dropped into a Utensil Holder. If there are 425 Utensil Holders, what is the total number of ties?
14829 * 425 = 14829 * (400 + 20 + 5) = 14829 * 400 + 14829 * 20 + 14829 * 5 = 5931600 + 296580 + 74145 = 6228180 + 74145 = 6302325
14829 * 425
There are 1 Bookshelfs, and each Bookshelf has 22 bicycle helmets. How many bicycle helmets are there in all the Bookshelfs?
1 * 22 = 22
1 * 22
Muhammad can pack 20 water bottles per hour. If they pack for 90168 hours straight, how many water bottles are packed?
20 * 90168 = 1803360
20 * 90168
Carson bought 9 Clothes Racks of noise-canceling earplugss, and each Clothes Rack contains 83266 noise-canceling earplugss. How many noise-canceling earplugss does Carson have?
9 * 83266 = 749394
9 * 83266
Tripp has 1772 sunscreens. If Tripp buys 4417 times more, how many sunscreens does Tripp have in total?
1772 * 4417 = 4417 * (1000 + 700 + 70 + 2) = 4417 * 1000 + 4417 * 700 + 4417 * 70 + 4417 * 2 = 4417000 + 3091900 + 309190 + 8834 = 7508900 + 309190 + 8834 = 7818090 + 8834 = 7826924
1772 * 4417
9419 bicycle helmets are dropped into a Travel Case. If there are 9541 Travel Cases, what is the total number of bicycle helmets?
9419 * 9541 = 9541 * (9000 + 400 + 10 + 9) = 9541 * 9000 + 9541 * 400 + 9541 * 10 + 9541 * 9 = 85869000 + 3816400 + 95410 + 85869 = 89685400 + 95410 + 85869 = 89780810 + 85869 = 89866679
9419 * 9541
Mason has 964129 mirrors. Mason wants to distribute them equally into 2 Kayak Racks. How many mirrors will each Kayak Rack contain?
482064 R 1
964129 / 2 = 482064 R 1
964129 / 2
each Hat Shelf must have 40072 alarm clocks. If there are 99 Hat Shelfs, how many alarm clocks are there?
40072 * 99 = 40072 * (90 + 9) = 40072 * 90 + 40072 * 9 = 3606480 + 360648 = 3967128
40072 * 99
Avery has 2090 pen holders. Avery breaks each pen holder into 44 pieces. How many pieces of pen holders does Avery have in total?
2090 * 44 = 2090 * (40 + 4) = 2090 * 40 + 2090 * 4 = 83600 + 8360 = 91960
2090 * 44
For each Clothes Rack there are 12 wallets. If Royal has 98 Clothes Racks. How many wallets are there in all the Clothes Racks?
12 * 98 = 98 * (10 + 2) = 98 * 10 + 98 * 2 = 980 + 196 = 1176
12 * 98
Forrest had 5533837 tennis rackets but used 256986 for a special occasion. How many tennis rackets are left with Forrest?
5533837 - 256986 = 5276851
5533837 - 256986
Jason bought 4009 Drawer Dividers of bicycle helmets, and each Drawer Divider contains 2704 bicycle helmets. How many bicycle helmets does Jason have?
4009 * 2704 = 4009 * (2000 + 700 + 4) = 4009 * 2000 + 4009 * 700 + 4009 * 4 = 8018000 + 2806300 + 16036 = 10824300 + 16036 = 10840336
4009 * 2704
Johnny has 165210 Litter Boxs, and each Litter Box contains 85 cars. How many cars does Johnny have in total?
165210 * 85 = 165210 * (80 + 5) = 165210 * 80 + 165210 * 5 = 13216800 + 826050 = 14042850
165210 * 85
Kade received 680 rings as a gift but accidentally broke 572260. Determine the remaining rings for Kade.
680 - 572260 = -571580
680 - 572260
Jackson filled 2225 Firewood Rack with shoess, if they had 7 shoess to start, how many shoess does Jackson have in each Firewood Rack?
317 R 6
2225 / 7 = 317 R 6
2225 / 7
There are 43 Laptop Stands, and each Laptop Stand has 253 desks. How many desks are there in all the Laptop Stands?
43 * 253 = 253 * (40 + 3) = 253 * 40 + 253 * 3 = 10120 + 759 = 10879
43 * 253
There are 6098 houses in each Picnic Backpack, and there are 5804 Picnic Backpacks. How many houses are there in all ?
6098 * 5804 = 6098 * (5000 + 800 + 4) = 6098 * 5000 + 6098 * 800 + 6098 * 4 = 30490000 + 4878400 + 24392 = 35368400 + 24392 = 35392792
6098 * 5804
Dariel has 27333 Tackle Boxs, and all together the Tackle Boxs contains 278332 bedside lamps. How many bedside lamps does Dariel have in each Tackle Box?
0 R 27333
27333 / 278332 = 0 R 27333
27333 / 278332
Kyler has 28716250 snackss, and 4 Cabinet Door Organizers. If they distribute them equally, how many snackss does Kyler have on each Cabinet Door Organizer?
7179062 R 2
28716250 / 4 = 7179062 R 2
28716250 / 4
Leonardo has 832767 rows of Hat Shelfs, and each row has 370834 puzzles. How many puzzles are there in the Hat Shelfs?
832767 * 370834 = 832767 * (300000 + 70000 + 800 + 30 + 4) = 832767 * 300000 + 832767 * 70000 + 832767 * 800 + 832767 * 30 + 832767 * 4 = 249830100000 + 58293690000 + 666213600 + 24983010 + 3331068 = 308123790000 + 666213600 + 24983010 + 3331068 = 308790003600 + 24983010 + 3331068 = 308814986610 + 3331068 = 308818317678
832767 * 370834
Matteo has 4024 rows of Plastic Storage Bins, and each row has 194 pen holders. How many pen holders are there in the Plastic Storage Bins?
4024 * 194 = 4024 * (100 + 90 + 4) = 4024 * 100 + 4024 * 90 + 4024 * 4 = 402400 + 362160 + 16096 = 764560 + 16096 = 780656
4024 * 194
Leonardo collects 35753 glovess and 888216 scarfs in the pantry. Determine the total count of glovess and scarfs for Leonardo.
35753 + 888216 = 923969
35753 + 888216
6664814 baskets are dropped into a Fishbowl. If there are 5 Fishbowls, what is the total number of baskets?
6664814 * 5 = 33324070
6664814 * 5
Jaden has 1255 binocularss. Jaden breaks each binoculars into 2895 pieces. How many pieces of binocularss does Jaden have in total?
1255 * 2895 = 2895 * (1000 + 200 + 50 + 5) = 2895 * 1000 + 2895 * 200 + 2895 * 50 + 2895 * 5 = 2895000 + 579000 + 144750 + 14475 = 3474000 + 144750 + 14475 = 3618750 + 14475 = 3633225
1255 * 2895
Desmond had 8853 dumbbellss but used 2664 for a special occasion. How many dumbbellss are left with Desmond?
8853 - 2664 = 6189
8853 - 2664
6 globes are dropped into a Shower Caddy. If there are 819 Shower Caddys, what is the total number of globes?
6 * 819 = 4914
6 * 819
Dominic had 87797 clocks but gave away 2538683. How many clocks does Dominic have now?
87797 - 2538683 = -2450886
87797 - 2538683