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mexican leader who was supported by the united states during mexican civil war
United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution - wikipedia United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution Jump to : navigation , search See also : Mexico - United States relations United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution Part of the Mexican Revolution Aftermath of Pancho Villa 's attack on Columbus , New Mexico , in 1916 Date 1910 - 1919 Location Mexico , United States Belligerents United States Huertistas Villistas Constitutionalistas Carrancistas Maderistas Commanders and leaders Woodrow Wilson John J. Pershing Frank Friday Fletcher Victoriano Huerta Pancho Villa Alvaro Obregon Venustiano Carranza Francisco Madero United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution Mexican Revolution Tampico Affair Ypiranga incident Veracruz Border War 1st Agua Prieta 1st Ciudad Juarez Bandit War Norias Ranch Ojo de Agua 2nd Nogales Santa Isabel Columbus Mexican Expedition Guerrero Agua Caliente Parral Tomochic Ojos Azules Glenn Springs Rubio Ranch Castillon Las Varas Pass San Ygnacio Carrizal Zimmermann Affair Brite Ranch 1st Pilares Neville Ranch 2nd Pilares Porvenir 3rd Nogales 3rd Ciudad Juárez Ruby Mexican -- American wars ( 1845 -- 1920 ) Mexican -- American War -- Taos Revolt -- Cortina Troubles -- Las Cuevas War -- San Elizario Salt War -- Garza Revolution -- Nogales Uprising -- Mexican Revolution -- Border War -- Bandit War The United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution was varied and seemingly contradictory , first supporting and then repudiating Mexican regimes during the period 1910 - 1920 . For both economic and political reasons , the U.S. government generally supported those who occupied the seats of power , whether they held that power legitimately or not . A clear exception was the French Intervention in Mexico , when the U.S. supported the beleaguered liberal government of Benito Juárez at the time of the American Civil War ( 1861 - 1865 ) . Prior to Woodrow Wilson 's inauguration on March 4 , 1913 , the U.S. Government focused on just warning the Mexican military that decisive action from the U.S. military would take place if lives and property of U.S. nationals living in the country were endangered . President William Howard Taft sent more troops to the US - Mexico border but did not allow them to intervene in the conflict , a move which Congress opposed . Twice during the Revolution , the U.S. sent troops into Mexico . la The U.S. recognized the government of Porfirio Díaz in 1878 , two years after Díaz 's coup d'état brought him to power . Díaz 's long rule of Mexico brought close economic cooperation between the two countries , especially since Díaz imposed political order that allowed business to flourish . In 1908 , however , Díaz gave an interview to a U.S. journalist , James Creelman , in which Díaz stated he would not run for re-election in 1910 ; the statement gave rise to politicking of potential candidates . Díaz reversed himself , ran for re-election , and jailed the leading opposition candidate , Francisco I. Madero . Mexican revolutionaries prior to the 1910 events had sought refuge on the U.S. side of the border , a pattern Madero continued . He escaped Mexico and took refuge in San Antonio , Texas and called for nullification of the 1910 elections , himself as provisional president , and revolutionary support from the Mexican people . His Plan of San Luis Potosí did spark revolutionary uprisings , particularly in Mexico 's north . The U.S. stayed out of the unfolding events until March 6 , 1911 , when President William Howard Taft mobilized forces on the U.S. - Mexico border . `` In effect this was an intervention in Mexican politics , and to Mexicans it meant the United States had condemned Díaz . Although the United States appears to have pursued an inconsistent policy toward Mexico , in fact it was the pattern for the U.S. `` Every victorious faction between 1910 and 1919 enjoyed the sympathy , and in most cases the direct support of U.S. authorities in its struggle for power . In each case , the administration in Washington soon turned on its new friends with the same vehemence it had initially expressed in supporting them . '' The U.S. turned against the regimes it helped install when they began pursuing policies counter to U.S. diplomatic and business interests . When Díaz was forced to resign in 1911 and Francisco I. Madero was elected president in October 1911 , the U.S. president was a lame duck . The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico , Henry Lane Wilson was initially sympathetic to the new regime , but quickly came into conflict with it . Ambassador Wilson conspired with General Victoriano Huerta to oust Madero . The United States government under newly inaugurated president Woodrow Wilson refused to recognize Huerta 's government . Under President Wilson , the United States had sent troops to bomb and occupy Veracruz . President Wilson 's government recognized the government of Venustiano Carranza in 1915 , which allowed arms from the U.S. to flow to Carranza 's forces . When former Carranza ally , Pancho Villa attacked the border town of Columbus , New Mexico in 1916 , the U.S. Army under Gen. John J. Pershing pursued him in a punitive mission , known as the Pancho Villa Expedition . The U.S. failed in the main objective of that raid , which was to capture Villa . Carranza forced the U.S. to withdraw across the border . A graphical timeline is available at Timeline of the Mexican Revolution Contents ( hide ) 1 Anglo - American attitudes and U.S. diplomacy in Latin America 2 Diplomatic relations 2.1 The U.S. and the overthrow of Madero , 1912 - 1913 2.2 U.S. and Huerta regime 1913 - 14 2.3 1916 -- 1917 2.4 1918 -- 1919 3 Foreign mercenaries in Mexico 4 U.S. military decorations 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References 8 External links Anglo - American attitudes and U.S. diplomacy in Latin America ( edit ) Main article : Latin America -- United States relations 1914 cartoon by John T. McCutcheon illustrates the United States liberated former Spanish colonies from their oppressor ( Chicago Tribune 1914 ) U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America was to assume the region was the sphere of influence of the U.S. , initially articulated in the Monroe Doctrine . In the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine , President Theodore Roosevelt asserted the United States ' right to intervene militarily in the region to restore order if in the U.S. view a nation could not or would not do it itself . Thus there was a long history of U.S. intervention in Latin America prior to the Mexican Revolution . Underpinning these U.S. foreign policies was the assumption that Latin American countries and Latin Americans themselves were lesser . Many Protestant Anglo - Americans believed Catholic Latin Americans were the antithesis of all they themselves represented ; Latin Americans were seen to be lazy to Anglo - American industriousness , sluggish to their progress , violent to their peaceful , and genetically debased . These attitudes originated in Catholic Spain 's colonial - era political rivals , the Protestant English , who articulated anti-Spanish rhetoric , collectively known as the `` Black Legend '' . Protestant Anglo - Americans believed Spanish Americans dangerously misguided with their `` anti-Christ '' Pope . One political cartoon during the Mexican Revolution expressed the opinion that former Spanish colonies were only able to advance as they had , due to U.S. intervention . Mexico 's fruitless pursuit of progress , where `` lots of energy ( is ) expended but ( there is ) ... no discernible forward progress . '' It suggests that until Mexico willingly forgoes violence ( the pistol ) and anarchy ( the torch ) , they will remain stagnant . ( San Francisco Examiner 1913 ) The press in the U.S. portrayed Mexicans as innately violent and consistently missing opportunities for advancement , as seen in a 1913 San Francisco Examiner cartoon . Rather than considering the Revolution as a legitimate means of forcing change , it served merely to reinforce the perception of lawless Mexicans . Many contended it was only through dictator Porfirio Díaz that Mexico had previously been kept out of chaos . Land redistribution undertaken by Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa were condemned as `` offer ( ing ) evidence ... of the barbarity of Mexican politics , '' to which President Woodrow Wilson replied , `` the revolution was out of control and ... only U.S military intervention could stabilize ( the state ) . '' Constant oversight by the U.S. is effectively depicted in a cartoon where watchful American cannon `` eyes '' are directed on Mexico . The United States are ever watchful over the presumed chaos in Mexico ( Chicago Tribune 1913 ) These ideas led to the belief that the United States ought to militarily resolve the situation , reinforced by the second motivating factor of industrial interests in Mexico . Indeed , eighty percent of all investment linked to the railroads were attributed to the US , leading many to conclude , `` by the dawn of the new century , the United States controlled the Mexican economy . '' The railroads , mining and consolidated cash - crop farms were all designed to maximize American interests . US corporations were thus alarmed at the possibility of radical resource redistribution and elimination of the status quo previously maintained by Diaz , and demanded that their interests be secured . This fear was fanned with that under the Mexican Constitution of 1917 , the national government would be able to regulate foreign - owned operations . Many deemed that `` Mexico ... was the doorway to all of Latin America 's riches , but only if the neighbor remained under U.S economic tutelage . '' The U.S. government 's intervention would merely be safeguarding its interests and continuing its `` informal imperialism '' whereby threats of military involvement and economic pressures were used to keep Mexico in line with U.S. goals . Diplomatic relations ( edit ) Díaz opened Mexico to foreign investment of Britain , France , Germany , and most especially the United States , creating the conditions of `` order and progress '' that promoted Mexico 's modernization . Mexico - United States relations during Díaz 's presidency were generally strong , although he began to strengthen ties with Great Britain , Germany , and France to offset U.S. power and influence . U.S. President William Howard Taft recognized the role that Díaz played in transforming Mexico , saying `` Certainly no people have made greater relative progress than the Mexican people have made under the administration of Porfirio Díaz ... ( he ) has done more for the people of Mexico than any other Latin American has done for any of his people ; ... the truth is they need a firm hand in Mexico and everybody realizes it . '' Mexico was extremely important to U.S. business interests and Taft saw Díaz as key to protecting those investments . Taft met Díaz in person on the U.S. - Mexico border in 1909 , an historic event in itself since it was the first trip of a sitting U.S. president to Mexico . It was a way for the U.S. to signal its continuing support of Díaz , despite his advancing age . Taft was pragmatic , saying `` we have two billions American capital in Mexico that will be greatly endangered if Díaz were to die and his government go to pieces . '' Despite the importance of Mexico to U.S. business interests and the long border between the two countries that could make the U.S. vulnerable to unrest in Mexico having repercussions in the U.S. , the U.S. had `` a history of incompetent diplomatic representation . '' According to one scholar , the Taft administration 's appointment of Henry Lane Wilson as ambassador `` continued the tradition of incompetence . '' During the presidency of Porfirio Díaz , documents conveyed from the U.S. Consulate in Mexico kept the Secretary of State in Washington , D.C. informed about Mexican affairs . The Secretary of State told President Taft of the buildup to possible regime change in Mexico , when Díaz was unable to control rebellions in various areas of Mexico . Initially , Taft did not want to intervene but wanted to keep the Díaz government in power to prevent problems with business relations between the two countries , such as the sales of oil between Mexico and the United States . The U.S. and the overthrow of Madero , 1912 - 1913 ( edit ) Main article : Ten Tragic Days U.S. Ambassador to Mexico H.L. Wilson helped to plot the February 1913 coup d'état , during the Ten Tragic Days ( la decena trágica ) , which overthrew Francisco I. Madero . However , the Ambassador might have done this without the explicit approval of lame duck President Taft , but Ambassador Wilson had secured the support of the foreign diplomatic corps in Mexico , especially the British , German , and French envoys , for the coup and lobbied for U.S. recognition of the new head of state , General Victoriano Huerta . U.S. and Huerta regime 1913 - 14 ( edit ) See also : Tampico Affair , Ypiranga incident , and United States occupation of Veracruz Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated president in March 1913 , but the coup d'état in Mexico was an established fact , with the democratically elected president Madero murdered and his family in exile . President Wilson recalled Ambassador Wilson to Washington and later replaced him . President Wilson was horrified at the murders of President Madero and Vice President Pino Suárez and breaking from long - standing practice to recognize de facto regimes did not recognize the Huerta as the legitimate head of the Mexican government . A series of rebellions broke out in Mexico against Huerta 's regime , especially in the North ( Sonora , Chihuahua , and Coahuila ) , and continuing fighting in Morelos under Emiliano Zapata . Unlike the brief rebellions that helped bring Madero to power in 1910 - 11 , Mexico descended into civil war . However , the involvement of the U.S. in larger conflicts with its diplomatic and economic rivals in Mexico , particularly Great Britain and Germany , meant that foreign powers affected the way the Mexican situation played out . When U.S. agents discovered that the German merchant ship , the Ypiranga , was carrying arms to Huerta 's regime , President Wilson ordered troops to the port of Veracruz to stop the ship from docking . The U.S. did not declare war on Mexico city but the U.S. troops carried out a skirmish against Huerta 's forces in Veracruz . The Ypiranga managed to dock at another port , which infuriated Wilson . On April 9 , 1914 , Mexican officials in the port of Tampico , Tamaulipas , arrested a group of U.S. sailors -- including at least one taken from on board his ship , and thus from U.S. territory . After Mexico refused to apologize in the terms that the U.S. had demanded , the U.S. navy bombarded the port of Veracruz and occupied Veracruz for seven months . Woodrow Wilson 's actual motivation was his desire to overthrow Huerta , whom he refused to recognize as Mexico 's leader ; the Tampico Affair did succeed in further destabilizing Huerta 's regime and encouraging the revolutionary opponents . The ABC Powers ( Argentina , Brazil , and Chile ) arbitrated , in the Niagara Falls peace conference , held in Ontario , Canada , and U.S. troops left Mexican soil , averting an escalation of the conflict to war . 1916 -- 1917 ( edit ) Main articles : Border War ( 1910 - 1919 ) and Pancho Villa Expedition An increasing number of border incidents early in 1916 culminated in an invasion of American territory on 8 March 1916 , when Francisco ( Pancho ) Villa and his band of 500 to 1,000 men raided Columbus , New Mexico , burning army barracks and robbing stores . In the United States , Villa came to represent mindless violence and banditry . Elements of the 13th Cavalry regiment repulsed the attack , but 14 soldiers and ten civilians were killed . Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing immediately organized a punitive expedition of about 10,000 soldiers to try to capture Villa . They spent 11 months ( March 1916 -- February 1917 ) unsuccessfully chasing him , though they did manage to destabilize his forces . A few of Villa 's top commanders were also captured or killed during the expedition . The 7th , 10th , 11th , and 13th Cavalry regiments , 6th and U.S. 16th Infantry Regiments , part of the U.S. 6th Field Artillery , and supporting elements crossed the border into Mexico in mid-March , followed later by the 5th Cavalry , 17th and 24th Infantry Regiment ( United States ) , and engineer and other units . Pershing was subject to orders which required him to respect the sovereignty of Mexico , and was further hindered by the fact that the Mexican government and people resented the invasion . Advance elements of the expedition penetrated as far as Parral , some 400 miles ( 640 km ) south of the border , but Villa was never captured . The campaign consisted primarily of dozens of doughnut skirmishes with small bands of insurgents . There were even clashes with Mexican Army units ; the most serious was on 21 June 1916 at the Battle of Carrizal , where a detachment of the 10th Cavalry was nearly destroyed . War would probably have been declared but for the critical situation in Europe . Even so , virtually the entire regular army was involved , and most of the National Guard had been federalized and concentrated on the border before the end of the affair . Normal relations with Mexico were restored eventually by diplomatic negotiation , and the troops were withdrawn from Mexico in February 1917 . 1918 -- 1919 ( edit ) Main article : Battle of Ambos Nogales Minor clashes with Mexican irregulars , as well as Mexican Federales , continued to disturb the U.S. - Mexican border from 1917 to 1919 . Although the Zimmermann Telegram affair of January 1917 did not lead to a direct U.S. intervention , it took place against the backdrop of the Constitutional Convention and exacerbated tensions between the USA and Mexico . Military engagements took place near Buenavista , Sonora , on 1 December 1917 ; in San Bernardino Canyon , Chihuahua , on 26 December 1917 ; near La Grulla , Texas , on 9 January 1918 ; at Pilares , Mexico , about 28 March 1918 ; at the town of Nogales on the Sonora -- Arizona border on 27 August 1918 ; and near El Paso , Texas , on 16 June 1919 . Mexican War Service campaign streamer Foreign mercenaries in Mexico ( edit ) Members of Pancho Villa 's American Legion of Honor Many adventurers , ideologues and freebooters from outside Mexico were attracted by the purported excitement and romance of the Mexican Revolution . Most mercenaries served in armies operating in the north of Mexico , partly because those areas were the closest to popular entry points to Mexico from the U.S. , and partly because Pancho Villa had no compunction about hiring mercenaries . The first legion of foreign mercenaries , during the 1910 Madero revolt , was the Falange de los Extranjeros ( Foreign Phalanx ) , which included Giuseppe ( `` Peppino '' ) Garibaldi , grandson of the famed Italian unifier , as well as many American recruits . Later , during the revolt against the coup d'état of Victoriano Huerta , many of the same foreigners and others were recruited and enlisted by Pancho Villa and his División del Norte . Villa recruited Americans , Canadians and other foreigners of all ranks from simple infantrymen on up , but the most highly prized and best paid were machine gun experts such as Sam Dreben , artillery experts such as Ivor Thord - Gray , and doctors for Villa 's celebrated Servicio sanitario medic and mobile hospital corps . There is little doubt that Villa 's Mexican equivalent of the French Foreign Legion ( known as the `` Legion of Honor '' ) was an important factor in Villa 's successes against Huerta 's Federal Army . U.S. military decorations ( edit ) Mexican Service Medal The U.S. military awarded the Mexican Service Medal to its troops for service in Mexico . The streamer is yellow with a blue center stripe and a narrow green stripe on each edge . The green and yellow recalls the Aztec standard carried at the Battle of Otumba in 1520 , which carried a gold sun surrounded by the green plumes of the quetzal . The blue color alludes to the United States Army and refers to the Rio Grande separating Mexico from the United States . See also ( edit ) Mexican Revolution Mexico - United States relations Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Friedrich Katz , The Secret War in Mexico : Europe , the United States , and the Mexican Revolution . Chicago : University of Chicago Press 1981 , p. 563 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ Jump up ^ John Womack , Jr . `` The Mexican Revolution '' in Mexico Since Independence , ed . Leslie Bethell . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 1991 , p. 131 . Jump up ^ Katz , Secret War in Mexico , p. 564 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1998 ) : 30 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1997 ) : 28 . Jump up ^ Rayund A. Paredes , `` The Origins of Anti-Mexican Sentiment in the United States '' , New Scholar Vol. 6 ( 1977 ) : 139 , 158 Jump up ^ Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1997 ) : 27 - 28 , also known as the Leyenda Negra . Jump up ^ Rayund A. Paredes , `` The Origins of Anti-Mexican Sentiment in the United States '' , New Scholar Vol. 6 ( 1977 ) : 140 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1998 ) : 30 - 31 . Jump up ^ John A. Britton , `` A Search for Meaning '' in Revolution and Ideology : Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States . Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ( 1995 ) : 29 . ^ Jump up to : Britton , John . A. `` Revolution in Context '' in Revolution and Ideology : Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States . Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ( 1995 ) : 5 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1997 ) : 40 . Jump up ^ Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1998 ) : 40 - 41 . Jump up ^ Gonzalez , Gilbert G. and Raul A. Fernandez . `` Empire and the Origins of Twentieth Century Migration from Mexico to the United States '' in A Century of Chicano History , New York , Routledge ( 2003 ) : 37 . Jump up ^ Gonzalez , Gilbert G. and Raul A. Fernandez . `` Empire and the Origins of Twentieth Century Migration from Mexico to the United States '' in A Century of Chicano History , New York , Routledge ( 2003 ) : 31 . Jump up ^ Britton , John . A. `` Revolution in Context '' in Revolution and Ideology : Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States . Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ( 1995 ) : 6 . Jump up ^ Gonzalez , Gilbert G. and Raul A. Fernandez . `` Empire and the Origins of Twentieth Century Migration from Mexico to the United States '' in A Century of Chicano History , New York , Routledge ( 2003 ) : 35 , emphasis mine . Jump up ^ Britton , John . A. `` Revolution in Context '' in Revolution and Ideology : Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States . Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ( 1995 ) : 8 . ^ Jump up to : Katz , The Secret War in Mexico . Jump up ^ quoted in Lars Schoultz , Beneath the United States : A History of U.S. Policy Toward Latin America . Cambridge : Harvard University Press 1998 , pp. 237 - 38 . ^ Jump up to : Schoultz , Beneath the United States , p. 238 . Jump up ^ References ( edit ) Anderson , Mark . C. `` What 's to Be Done With ' Em ? Images of Mexican Cultural Backwardness , Racial Limitations and Moral Decrepitude in the United States Press 1913 - 1915 '' , Mexican Studies , Winter Vol. 14 , No. 1 ( 1998 ) : 23 - 70 . Britton , John . A . `` A Search for Meaning '' in Revolution and Ideology : Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States . Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ( 1995 ) : 25 - 49 . Britton , John . A. `` Revolution in Context '' in Revolution and Ideology : Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States . Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky ( 1995 ) : 5 - 23 . Gonzalez , Gilbert G. and Raul A. Fernandez . `` Empire and the Origins of Twentieth Century Migration from Mexico to the United States '' in A Century of Chicano History , New York , Routledge ( 2003 ) : 29 - 65 . Paredes , Rayund A . `` The Origins of Anti-Mexican Sentiment in the United States '' , New Scholar Vol. 6 ( 1977 ) : 139 - 167 . External links ( edit ) Soldiers of Fortune in the Mexican Revolution United States intervention in Latin America Policy Monroe Doctrine ( 1823 ) Platt Amendment ( 1901 -- 04 ) Roosevelt Corollary / Big Stick ideology ( 1904 ) Good Neighbor policy ( 1933 ) Dollar diplomacy Banana Wars Wars Mexican -- American War ( 1846 -- 48 ) Spanish -- American War ( 1898 ) Border War ( 1910 -- 19 ) United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution ( 1916 -- 19 ) Overt actions and occupations Paraguay expedition ( 1858 ) First Occupation of Cuba ( 1899 -- 1902 ) Panama -- Colombia separation and Hay -- Bunau - Varilla Treaty ( 1903 ) Second Occupation of Cuba ( 1906 -- 09 ) Occupations of Honduras Occupation of Nicaragua ( 1912 -- 33 ) Occupation of Veracruz ( 1914 ) Occupation of Haiti ( 1915 -- 34 ) Occupation of the Dominican Republic ( 1916 -- 24 ) Occupation of the Dominican Republic ( 1965 -- 66 ) Invasion of Grenada ( 1983 ) Invasion of Panama ( 1989 ) Covert actions 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état Bay of Pigs Invasion ( 1961 ) Operation MONGOOSE Project FUBELT 1973 Chilean coup d'état Disputed claims 2002 Venezuelan coup d'état attempt 2004 Haitian rebellion Other Cuban Missile Crisis ( 1962 ) United States involvement in regime change in Latin America Foreign policy of the United States Latin America -- United States relations Mexican Revolution Background History of Mexico Economic History of Mexico Encomiendas Haciendas Casta social system Constitution of 1857 Reform War La Reforma French Intervention in Mexico Porfiriato Científicos Important people Porfirio Díaz Francisco I. Madero Victoriano Huerta Francisco `` Pancho '' Villa Venustiano Carranza Emiliano Zapata Álvaro Obregón Ricardo Flores Magón Pascual Orozco Plutarco Elías Calles Lázaro Cárdenas José Yves Limantour Ramón Corral Francisco León de la Barra Félix Díaz Velasco Bernardo Reyes Eufemio Zapata Manuel Palafox Genovevo de la O Soldaderas Plans Plan of San Luis Potosí Plan of Ayala Plan of Guadalupe Plan of Agua Prieta Plan of San Diego Political developments Treaty of Ciudad Juárez Decena trágica Convention of Aguascalientes Querétaro Constitutional Convention Pancho Villa Expedition Maximato United States involvement Formations Legacy Emigration from Mexico Mexican Constitution of 1917 Cristero War Land Reforms Mexican Miracle 1968 Student Protests Popular culture Historical Museum Monument to the Revolution Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) Zapatista Army of National Liberation Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution Other Timeline Factions Liberation Army of the South Constitutionalists Federales Felicistas Magonistas Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Mexican Revolution Banana Wars 1916 in Mexico Mexico -- United States relations Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português Edit links This page was last edited on 30 March 2018 , at 00 : 41 . 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[ "Benito Juárez" ]
[ "The United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution was varied and seemingly contradictory , first supporting and then repudiating Mexican regimes during the period 1910 - 1920 . For both economic and political reasons , the U.S. government generally supported those who occupied the seats of power , whether they held that power legitimately or not . A clear exception was the French Intervention in Mexico , when the U.S. supported the beleaguered liberal government of Benito Juárez at the time of the American Civil War ( 1861 - 1865 ) . Prior to Woodrow Wilson 's inauguration on March 4 , 1913 , the U.S. Government focused on just warning the Mexican military that decisive action from the U.S. military would take place if lives and property of U.S. nationals living in the country were endangered . President William Howard Taft sent more troops to the US - Mexico border but did not allow them to intervene in the conflict , a move which Congress opposed . Twice during the Revolution , the U.S. sent troops into Mexico . la The U.S. recognized the government of Porfirio Díaz in 1878 , two years after Díaz 's coup d'état brought him to power . Díaz 's long rule of Mexico brought close economic cooperation between the two countries , especially since Díaz imposed political order that allowed business to flourish . In 1908 , however , Díaz gave an interview to a U.S. journalist , James Creelman , in which Díaz stated he would not run for re-election in 1910 ; the statement gave rise to politicking of potential candidates . Díaz reversed himself , ran for re-election , and jailed the leading opposition candidate , Francisco I. Madero . Mexican revolutionaries prior to the 1910 events had sought refuge on the U.S. side of the border , a pattern Madero continued . He escaped Mexico and took refuge in San Antonio , Texas and called for nullification of the 1910 elections , himself as provisional president , and revolutionary support from the Mexican people . His Plan of San Luis Potosí did spark revolutionary uprisings , particularly in Mexico 's north . The U.S. stayed out of the unfolding events until March 6 , 1911 , when President William Howard Taft mobilized forces on the U.S. - Mexico border . `` In effect this was an intervention in Mexican politics , and to Mexicans it meant the United States had condemned Díaz ." ]
where is the pause key on a dell laptop
Break key - wikipedia Break key Jump to : navigation , search `` Pause button '' redirects here . For the media control , see Media controls . For other uses , see Pause . Break / Pause key on PC keyboard The Break key of a computer keyboard refers to breaking a telegraph circuit and originated with 19th century practice . In modern usage , the key has no well - defined purpose , but while this is the case , it can be used by software for miscellaneous tasks , such as to switch between multiple login sessions , to terminate a program , or to interrupt a modem connection . Because the break function is usually combined with the pause function on one key since the introduction of the IBM Model M 101 - key keyboard in 1985 , the Break key is also called the Pause key . It can be used to pause some computer games . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Sinclair 3 BBC Micro 4 Modern keyboards 5 Keyboards without Break key 6 Usage for breaking the program 's execution 7 References 8 See also History ( edit ) A standard telegraph circuit connects all the keys , sounders and batteries in a single series loop . Thus the sounders actuate only when both keys are down ( closed , also known as `` marking '' -- after the ink marks made on paper tape by early printing telegraphs ) . So the receiving operator has to hold their key down or close a built - in shorting switch in order to let the other operator send . As a consequence , the receiving operator could interrupt the sending operator by opening their key , breaking the circuit and forcing it into a `` spacing '' condition . Both sounders stop responding to the sender 's keying , alerting the sender . ( A physical break in the telegraph line would have the same effect . ) The teleprinter operated in a very similar fashion except that the sending station kept the loop closed ( logic 1 , or `` marking '' ) even during short pauses between characters . Holding down a special `` break '' key opened the loop , forcing it into a continuous logic 0 , or `` spacing '' , condition . When this occurred , the teleprinter mechanisms continually actuated without printing anything , as the all - 0s character is the non-printing NUL in both Baudot and ASCII . The resulting noise got the sending operator 's attention . This practice carried over to teleprinter use on time - sharing computers . A continuous spacing ( logical 0 ) condition violates the rule that every valid character has to end with one or more logic 1 ( marking ) `` stop '' bits . The computer ( specifically the UART ) recognized this as a special `` break '' condition and generated an interrupt that typically stopped a running program or forced the operating system to prompt for a login . Although asynchronous serial telegraphy is now rare , the Break key once used with terminal emulators can still be used by software for similar purposes . Sinclair ( edit ) On the Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81 computers , the Break is accessed by pressing Space . On the Sinclair ZX Spectrum it is accessed by Caps Shift + Space . The Spectrum+ and later computers have a dedicated Break key . It does not trigger an interrupt but will halt any running BASIC program , or terminate the loading or saving of data to cassette tape . An interrupted BASIC program can usually be resumed with the CONTINUE command . The Sinclair QL computer , without a Break key , maps the function to Ctrl + Space . BBC Micro ( edit ) On a BBC Micro computer , the Break key generates a hardware reset which would normally cause a warm restart of the computer . A cold restart is triggered by pressing Ctrl + Break . If a filing system is installed , ⇧ Shift + Break will cause the computer to search for and load or run a file called ! Boot on the filing system 's default device ( e.g. floppy disk 0 , network user BOOT ) . The latter two behaviours were inherited by the successor to Acorn MOS , RISC OS . These behaviours could be changed or exchanged in software , and were often used in rudimentary anti-piracy techniques . Modern keyboards ( edit ) On many modern PCs , Pause interrupts screen output by BIOS until another key is pressed . This is effective during boot in text mode and in a DOS box in Windows safe mode with 50 lines . On early keyboards without a Pause key ( before the introduction of 101 / 102 - key keyboards ) the Pause function was assigned to Ctrl + NumLock , and the Break function to Ctrl + ScrLock ; these key - combinations still work with most programs , even on modern PCs with modern keyboards . Pressing the dedicated Pause key on 101 / 102 - key keyboards sends the same scancodes as pressing Ctrl , then NumLock , then releasing them in the reverse order would do ; additionally , an E1 prefix is sent , which enables 101 / 102 - key - aware software to discern the two situations , while older software usually just ignores the prefix . The Pause key is different from all other keys in that it sends no scancodes at all on release ; therefore it is not possible for any software to determine whether this key is being held down . On modern keyboards , the Break key is usually labeled Pause with Break below , sometimes separated by a line , or Pause on the top of the keycap and Break on the front . In most Windows environments , the key combination ⊞ Win + Pause brings up the system properties . Keyboards without Break key ( edit ) Compact and notebook keyboards often do not have a dedicated Pause / Break key . These may use the following substitutes for Break : Ctrl + Fn + F11 or Fn + B or Fn + Ctrl + B on certain Lenovo laptops and certain Dell laptops . Fn + Esc on Samsung . Ctrl + Fn + ⇧ Shift on certain HP laptops . Substitutes for Pause : Fn + P or Fn + Ctrl + P or Fn + Alt + P ( on certain Lenovo laptops ) . Fn + ⇧ Shift on certain HP laptops . Apple keyboards do not have the Pause / Break key , as Mac OS X does not use it . The key may be substituted by Fn + Esc For Dell laptops without a Break key press the ALT + Space bar and select `` Interrupt '' . Usage for breaking the program 's execution ( edit ) While both Ctrl + Break and Ctrl + C combination are commonly implemented as a way of breaking the execution of a console application , they are also used for similar effect in integrated development environments . Although these two are often considered interchangeable , compilers and execution environments usually assign different signals to these . Additionally , in some kernels ( e.g. miscellaneous DOS variants ) Ctrl + C is detected only at the time OS tries reading from a keyboard buffer and only if it 's the only key sequence in the buffer , while Ctrl + Break is often translated instantly ( e.g. by INT 1Bh under DOS ) . Because of this , Ctrl + Break is usually a more effective choice under these operating systems ; sensitivity for these two combinations can be enhanced by the BREAK = ON CONFIG. SYS statement . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Keyboard 101 - and 102 - Key '' . PS / 2 Hardware Interface Technical Reference ( PDF ) . IBM . October 1990 . p. 19 . Except for the Pause key , all keys are make / break . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ `` Dell Inspiron 17 specification '' ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ Computer Hope , Pause key Jump up ^ Use your Apple Keyboard in Windows Bootcamp Jump up ^ `` CTRL + C ( Break ) '' . 2010 - 03 - 30 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Debug Break '' . 2010 - 03 - 30 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Ctrl - Break definition of Ctrl - Break in the Free Online Encyclopedia '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 22 . Jump up ^ Archived October 22 , 2012 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Vim documentation : vim online '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` ClipX -- DOS 5.0 Ref . - int 23h ctrl - c handler '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 22 . See also ( edit ) System request Scroll lock Num lock ( hide ) Keyboard keys Dead keys Compose Modifier keys Control Shift Alt / Option ( Apple ) AltGr Meta Command ( Apple ) / Windows ( Microsoft ) Super Hyper Fn Lock keys Scroll lock Num lock Caps lock F - Lock Navigation keys Arrow keys Page Up / Page Down Home End Esc Menu Editing Enter / Return Carriage return Backspace Insert Delete Tab Space bar Numeric keypad Language input Contextual Function keys Print screen System request Break / Pause Misc . Power management keys ( Power , Sleep , Wake ) Any key Macro key Concepts Keyboard layout Keyboard shortcut Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Computer keys Out - of - band management Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles that may contain original research Articles that may contain original research from September 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Deutsch Français 한국어 Italiano Қазақша မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Татарча / tatarça 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 12 October 2017 , at 09 : 56 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
[ "Ctrl+Fn+F11", "Fn+Ctrl+B", "Fn+B" ]
[ "Ctrl + Fn + F11 or Fn + B or Fn + Ctrl + B on certain Lenovo laptops and certain Dell laptops . Fn + Esc on Samsung . Ctrl + Fn + ⇧ Shift on certain HP laptops ." ]
who is singing in the movie i can only imagine
I Can Only Imagine ( film ) - wikipedia I Can Only Imagine ( film ) Jump to : navigation , search I Can Only Imagine Theatrical release poster Directed by Erwin Brothers Produced by Cindy Bond Kevin Downes Daryl Lefever Mickey Liddell Pete Shilaimon Raymond Harris Joe Knopp Screenplay by Jon Erwin Brent McCorkle Story by Alex Cramer Jon Erwin Brent McCorkle Based on The life story of Bart Millard Starring J. Michael Finley Madeline Carroll Trace Adkins Priscilla Shirer Cloris Leachman Dennis Quaid Music by Brent McCorkle Cinematography Kristopher Kimlin Edited by Andrew Erwin Brent McCorkle Production companies Kevin Downes Productions Mission Pictures International Distributed by Lionsgate Roadside Attractions Release date March 16 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 16 ) Running time 110 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $7 million Box office $83.9 million I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer , Jon Erwin , and Brent McCorkle , based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name , the best - selling Christian single of all time . The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard , the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father ( Dennis Quaid ) . Madeline Carroll , Priscilla Shirer , Cloris Leachman , and Trace Adkins also star . I Can Only Imagine was released in the United States on March 16 , 2018 . It has grossed $83 million worldwide against a production budget of $7 million , and is the third highest - grossing music biopic of all - time in the United States . Some critics praised it as inspiring and noted it as an improvement compared to other faith - based films , while others called it flat and by - the - numbers . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Reception 4.1 Box office 4.2 Critical response 5 References 6 External links Plot ( edit ) Coming from a home with an abusive father , 10 - year - old Bart Millard is dropped off at a Christian camp by his mother , where he meets Shannon . Upon his return from camp , Bart finds his mother has left and movers are removing her belongings , leading to a physical confrontation with his father Arthur , who takes custody of him . Years later , Millard is in Lakeside high school and dating Shannon . Hoping to impress his father , he begins playing football . However , he is injured , breaking both ankles and ending his career . In order to make up the credits he would miss from football , he signs up for music class , the only available class left . Initially , Millard is assigned to be a sound technician . After the director catches him singing in the empty auditorium of Lakeside high school , she casts him as Curly , the lead role in the school production of Oklahoma . He does n't tell his father of his role in the play , and while Bart has risen to the singing demands of the part , Arthur subsequently collapses with severe abdominal pain , but refuses to tell Bart or Shannon about his cancer diagnosis . The following morning , Millard voices his frustrations with his father and is assaulted by his father , who smashes a plate over his head . Shannon presses Bart to open up , but he responds by breaking up with her and leaving to seek his fortune in the city after graduation . Millard then connects with the band who would become MercyMe , and eventually attracts the attention of Christian music producer Scott Brickell ( Trace Adkins ) , who coaches Millard and gets them a showcase in Nashville , leading to meetings with Amy Grant ( Nicole DuPort ) and Michael W. Smith ( Jake B. Miller ) . Millard has been unable to reconcile with Shannon , who rejects his invitation to tour with the band to their upcoming Nashville showcase . While the band felt their performance was the best of their career , industry representatives reject the band as not being good enough to sell records . In despair , Millard quits the band . After talking with Brickell , who encourages him to resolve his issues with his father , Millard rejoins the band but asks they wait for him to confront his father and settle the conflict before they play again . Millard returns home and is greeted enthusiastically by his father , who prepares breakfast for him the next morning . His father claims to have become a Christian , but Bart is initially skeptical and rejects his father 's offer to start over . In anger , Arthur takes a baseball bat and hits his old Jeep , which he had hoped to repair with his son . As Bart prepares to leave , he finds out his father has terminal cancer . Bart and his father reconcile and form a deep bond before Arthur dies of his illness . After his father 's funeral , Millard rejoins the band and writes `` I Can Only Imagine '' . Brickell sends the demo tape to several artists , including Grant , who , deeply moved by the song , asks to record it herself as her next single . The band accepts Grant 's offer . Millard is seated in the audience when Grant intends to unveil the song live in concert . However , Grant decides that Millard should be the one to sing the song , and offers it back to him , calling him to the microphone to sing it before the large audience . Millard 's unexpected performance is wildly applauded and he reunites with Shannon , who had also been in attendance at the concert . The band releases the song as their first single , achieving success on Christian and mainstream radio . Cast ( edit ) This list is incomplete ; you can help by expanding it . J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard Brody Rose as Young Bart Dennis Quaid as Arthur Millard , Bart 's father Cloris Leachman as Meemaw , Bart 's grandmother Madeline Carroll as Shannon , Bart 's girlfriend Taegen Burns as Young Shannon Trace Adkins as Scott Brickell , MercyMe 's manager Priscilla Shirer as Mrs. Fincher , Bart 's teacher Nicole DuPort as Amy Grant Jake B. Miller as Michael W. Smith Mark Furze as Nathan Production ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( March 2018 ) The film was announced in December 2016 . Dennis Quaid joined the cast in January 2017 . Broadway actor J. Michael Finley makes his film debut as Bart Millard . The same month , it was announced that the film was slated for release in the spring of 2018 . In August 2017 , Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions signed on as distributors for the film for a nationwide release in the United States . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) As of May 13 , 2018 , I Can Only Imagine has grossed $82.4 million in the United States , and Canada and $1.1 million in other territories , for a worldwide total of $83.5 million , against a production budget of $7 million . It is the third - highest grossing music biopic of all - time in the United States , behind Straight Outta Compton and Walk the Line . The film was released on March 16 , 2018 , alongside Tomb Raider and Love , Simon , and was originally projected to gross $2 -- 4 million from 1,620 theaters in its opening weekend . However , after making $6.2 million on its first day ( including $1.3 million from Thursday night previews ) , weekend estimates were increased to $14 million . It ended up grossing $17.1 million , exceeding expectations and finishing third at the box office behind Black Panther and Tomb Raider. 67 % of the opening weekend audience was female while 80 % was over the age of 35 . It was the fourth best - ever opening for a faith - based film , following The Passion of the Christ ( $83.8 million ) , Son of God ( $25.6 million ) and Heaven Is for Real ( $22.5 million ) . In its second weekend the film was added to 624 additional theaters and dropped just 19 % to $13.8 million , again finishing third . It was added to another 395 venues and finished fourth in its third weekend , making $10.4 million ( including $3 million on Easter Sunday ) . The film will be released on DVD , Blu - ray and available at iTunes Store and Google Play Store , June 5 , 2018 . Critical response ( edit ) On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes , the film holds an approval rating of 70 % based on 23 reviews , and an average rating of 6 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` I Can Only Imagine 's message will have the most impact among Christian audiences , but overall , its performances and storytelling represent a notable evolution in faith - based cinema . '' On Metacritic , the film has a weighted average score of 29 out of 100 , based on 7 critics , indicating `` generally unfavorable reviews '' . Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of `` A + '' on an A+ to F scale , one of fewer than 80 films in the history of the service to earn such a score . The Arizona Republic 's James Ward gave the film 4 / 5 stars and wrote , `` Too often faith - based films -- say anything with Kirk Cameron or the terrible God 's Not Dead series -- tend to preach to the choir or hector their audience . The Erwins ' films -- I Can Only Imagine definitely among them -- are more inclusive , charitable of spirit and hopeful , all qualities that are always appreciated , be they rooted in Christian faith or otherwise . '' David Ehrlich of IndieWire gave the film a `` C -- '' saying : `` There 's a reason why all of these movies are so amateurishly made ; why they all end with links to religious websites ; why they all look like they were shot on an iPhone by a Walmart - brand Janusz Kaminski who lit each interior like the white light of heaven was streaming through every window ... Art can be affirmation , but affirmation can not be art . '' References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Anita , Busch ( August 14 , 2017 ) . `` Faith - Based ' I Can Only Imagine ' Picked Up By Lionsgate & Roadside Attractions '' . Deadline Hollywood . Penske Business Media . Retrieved March 19 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` I Can Only Imagine ( 2018 ) '' . The Numbers . Nash Information Services , LLC . Retrieved May 20 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Ryan , Patrick ( March 13 , 2018 ) . `` How did ' I Can Only Imagine ' become the biggest Christian hit ever ( and inspire a movie ) ? '' . USA Today . Retrieved April 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Staff Reports ( December 2 , 2016 ) . `` MercyMe hit song turning into Okie production '' . NewsOK . Retrieved March 19 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Busch , Anita ( January 5 , 2017 ) . `` Faith - Based Film ' I Can Only Imagine ' With Dennis Quaid , Cloris Leachman And Trace Adkins Eyes Spring 2018 Release '' . Deadline Hollywood . Penske Business Media . Retrieved March 19 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Galuppo , Mia ( August 14 , 2017 ) . `` Lionsgate , Roadside Acquire Faith - Based Drama ' I Can Only Imagine ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved March 19 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Biopic - Music Movies at the Box Office '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved April 20 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Fuster , Jeremy ( March 13 , 2018 ) . `` Will ' Tomb Raider ' Be the Movie to Finally Knock ' Black Panther ' From Box Office Perch ? '' . TheWrap . Retrieved March 19 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : D'Alessandro , Anthony ( March 16 , 2018 ) . `` ' Black Panther ' Poised For $460 M+ In Profit ; ' I Can Only Imagine ' Surprises -- Box Office Update '' . Deadline Hollywood . Penske Business Media . Retrieved March 17 , 2018 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( March 18 , 2018 ) . `` ' Black Panther ' Keeps B.O. Treasure From ' Tomb Raider ' ; How ' I Can Only Imagine ' Hit A $17 M High Note '' . Deadline Hollywood . Penske Business Media . Retrieved March 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Box Office : ' I Can Only Imagine ' Revives Faith - Based Genre '' . The Hollywood Reporter . March 20 , 2018 . Retrieved March 20 , 2018 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( March 25 , 2018 ) . `` Does ' Pacific Rim : Uprising ' Break Even At The Global B.O. ? ; ' Black Panther ' Sets Marvel Record -- Sunday Postmortem '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved March 25 , 2018 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( April 1 , 2018 ) . `` How Warner Bros. Sold ' Ready Player One ' On The Spielberg Spirit & Beat Tracking With $53 M+ 4 - Day -- Sunday Postmortem '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved April 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` I Can Only Imagine ( 2018 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango . Retrieved March 29 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` I Can Only Imagine Reviews '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved March 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Ward , James ( March 15 , 2018 ) . `` Faith - based drama ' I Can Only Imagine ' does n't just preach to the choir '' . The Arizona Republic . Retrieved March 22 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Ehrlich , David ( March 21 , 2018 ) . `` ' I Can Only Imagine ' Review : A Christian Rock Biopic Shows Why Faith - Based Films Struggle to Convert Secular Audiences '' . IndieWire . Retrieved March 22 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website I Can Only Imagine on IMDb I Can Only Imagine at the TCM Movie Database I Can Only Imagine at AllMovie I Can Only Imagine at Box Office Mojo I Can Only Imagine at History vs. Hollywood Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2018 films English - language films American films American drama films 2010s drama films Drama films based on actual events Films based on actual events Roadside Attractions films Films shot in Oklahoma Hidden categories : Incomplete lists from March 2018 Articles to be expanded from March 2018 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Articles containing potentially dated statements from May 2018 All articles containing potentially dated statements Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی Bahasa Indonesia 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 16 : 00 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
[ "J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard" ]
[ "I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer , Jon Erwin , and Brent McCorkle , based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name , the best - selling Christian single of all time . The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard , the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father ( Dennis Quaid ) . Madeline Carroll , Priscilla Shirer , Cloris Leachman , and Trace Adkins also star ." ]
when did prison break season 4 come out
Prison Break ( season 4 ) - wikipedia Prison Break ( season 4 ) Jump to : navigation , search Prison Break ( season 4 ) DVD cover Country of origin United States No. of episodes 24 Release Original network Fox Original release September 1 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 01 ) -- May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) Season chronology ← Previous Season 3 Next → Season 5 List of Prison Break episodes The fourth season of Prison Break , an American serial drama television series commenced airing in the United States on September 1 , 2008 . It consists of 24 episodes ( 22 television episodes and 2 straight to DVD episodes ) , 16 of which aired from September to December 2008 . After a hiatus , it resumed on April 17 , 2009 and concluded on May 15 , 2009 with a two episode finale . The fourth season was announced as the final season of Prison Break , however the series returned in a limited series format as Prison Break : Resurrection , which premiered on April 4 , 2017 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Cast 1.1 Main characters 1.2 Recurring characters 2 Episodes 3 Production 4 Home media release 5 References 6 External links Cast ( edit ) Main characters ( edit ) Dominic Purcell as Lincoln Burrows Wentworth Miller as Michael Scofield Michael Rapaport as DHS Special Agent Don Self Amaury Nolasco as Fernando Sucre Wade Williams as Brad Bellick Robert Knepper as Theodore `` T - Bag '' Bagwell Chris Vance as James Whistler Danay García as Sofia Lugo Jodi Lyn O'Keefe as Gretchen Morgan Sarah Wayne Callies as Sara Tancredi William Fichtner as Alexander Mahone Recurring characters ( edit ) Leon Russom as General Jonathan Krantz Shannon Lucio as DHS Special Agent Miriam Hultz Stacy Haiduk as Lisa Tabak Cress Williams as Wyatt Mathewson Kathleen Quinlan as Christina Rose Scofield Ted King as Downey James Hiroyuki Liao as Roland Glenn Michael Bryan French as Gregory White Raphael Sbarge as Ralph Becker Ron Yuan as Feng Huan Barbara Eve Harris as FBI Agent Felicia Lang Steve Tom as Stuart Tuxhorn Dameon Clarke as Andrew Blauner Heather McComb as Rita Morgan Graham McTavish as Ferguson Jude Ciccolella as Howard Scuderi Shaun Duke as Griffin Oren Wilbur Fitzgerald as Bruce Bennett Michael O'Neill as DHS Director Herb Stanton Callie Thorne as Pam Mahone Paul Adelstein as Paul Kellerman Mark Pellegrino as Patrick Vikan Titus Welliver as Scott Ivar Brogger as Dr. Vincent Sandinsky Jason Davis as FBI Agent Mark Wheeler William Mapother as FBI Agent Chris Franco Reno Wilson as FBI Agent Wilson Wright Rockmond Dunbar as Benjamin Miles `` C - Note '' Franklin John Sanderford as Nathaniel Edison Crystal Mantecon as Carmelita Marshall Allman as L.J. Burrows Kim Coates as Internal Affairs Agent Richard Sullins Muse Watson as Charles Westmoreland Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of Prison Break episodes No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 58 `` Scylla '' Kevin Hooks Matt Olmstead September 1 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 01 ) 4AKJ01 6.53 Scofield tracks Whistler , Morgan and Mahone to a party , where Whistler acquires a specific card before copying it secretly . Scofield arrives to kill her for Tancredi 's murder , but she reveals that the latter is alive . Scofield calls Lincoln , who is living a peaceful life with L.J. and Sofia in Panama . The General blames Morgan for bringing a copy instead of the original card and orders Wyatt Mathewson , his henchman to take care of her . Scofield meets Whistler , who tell the former about Scylla , the latter 's card that contains the Company 's black book ; but Mathewson arrives , kills Whistler and recovers the card . Lincoln kills a Company operative and is arrested . Mahone finds out that Mathewson has killed the former 's son . Sucre and Bellick are revealed to have escaped Sona , which was burnt . Bagwell has also escaped and has plans to return to the U.S. to investigate Whistler 's book . He is abandoned with his friend in the American deserts . Scofield reunites with Tancredi and they accept DHS agent Donald Self 's offer to recover Scylla and defeat the Company in exchange for immunity , teaming up with Burrows , Mahone , Sucre and Bellick . 59 `` Breaking & Entering '' Bobby Roth Zack Estrin September 1 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 01 ) 4AKJ02 6.53 The team arrives in Los Angeles ; and the members are given ankle GPS devices and meet teammate Roland Glenn , a computer expert . Burrows promises revenge to Mahone after the mission is accomplished . Mahone manages to find the cardholder through his driver , whom Mahone saw at the party . Glenn states that they only need to copy the card using his special device , which can steal any electronic storage device 's data in proximity . The team realizes that entering the mansion is impossible and instead put Glenn 's device in the servant 's bag and have the card copied ; but she leaves the device at the mansion and the team manages to enter and recover the device . Meanwhile , Mathewson is having Morgan tortured for information and finds out that the brothers and the others are n't incarcerated ; he finds Bruce Bennett and starts torturing him . Bagwell kills his friend and eats him in order to survive . He is given a ride by bikers to San Diego , mentioned in the book , where he recovers important material from a box . The team finds out that they only have one of the six cards that form the complete Scylla . Scofield notices his nose bleeding . 60 `` Shut Down '' Milan Cheylov Nick Santora September 8 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 08 ) 4AKJ03 6.36 The team investigates other data recovered from the mansion in order to find the other cardholders . Mahone asks FBI agent Lang to help him find his son 's killer . Self 's supervisor , agent Herb Stanton , convinces Senator Dallow to order the abort of the mission . The team recovers emails , which are incomplete and they infiltrate the server building and obtain the rest . Sucre and Bellick are arrested by DHS agents , Glenn stays behind and the others escape . They manage to find the meeting location and Scofield proceeds while the others are arrested too . Scofield returns with a film he recorded showing the faces of the six cardholders , one being the General himself . Self decides to let the team continue the mission . Meanwhile , Mathewson gets no information from Bennett and kills him . Bagwell begins having fun in Whistler 's house and calls a company called `` GATE '' and is requested to go and receive his check . Mahone receives a file from Lang containing the possible shooters . The team discovers that his son is killed and Burrows finally reconciles with him . 61 `` Eagles & Angels '' Michael Switzer Karyn Usher September 15 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 15 ) 4AKJ04 5.79 The team believes the Turkish consul is a cardholder , but realizes that his wife , Lisa Tabak who is also the General 's daughter , is . They find her difficult to get close to before spotting Bagwell and capturing him ; but they ca n't find the book and he escapes . The team finds out that Tabak will attend a police celebration . Scofield , Burrows and Mahone wear uniforms and successfully copy the card ; but one of her bodyguards recognizes and follows Burrows and the latter kills him by Bellick 's help . Meanwhile , Tancredi is informed of Bennett 's death and gets depressed . She goes to a pub , where a man steals and uses her credit card , which is detected by the Company . Bagwell starts working at GATE , meeting Gregory White , the CEO , Trishanne Smith , the secretary and Blauner , another clerk . The former notices a name , Xing , in the book . In New York City , Xing is killed by his boss for his failure to get Scylla . Mahone instructs Glenn to help him find his son 's killer . Mathewson arrives at the pub and starts chasing Tancredi . 62 5 `` Safe & Sound '' Karen Gaviola Seth Hoffman September 22 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 22 ) 4AKJ05 5.84 Mahone 's wife , Pam , identifies Mathewson and encourages him to kill the latter . Tancredi manages to lose the latter and the team realizes that he wants to kill them . They move for the next card while Mahone starts investigating Mathewson . Self enters the cardholder 's room and fails to copy the card , but gives the specifics of the safe to the team and gets them in the building . Burrows notices Scofield 's nose bleeding . They manage to copy the card while Oren , the cardholder , is meeting the General , who states that Scylla is the reason the Company has power . Meanwhile , Mahone finds the motel Mathewson was staying in and notices the acceptant calling Mathewson , and takes the number by force . Morgan manages to free herself . Sucre and Bellick search the nearby buildings for Bagwell and tell Smith that there is a prize for helping them find Bagwell ; but she decides to get more from Bagwell instead . Bagwell is visited by Feng Huan , Xing 's boss , who threatens to kill him if he does n't get Scylla soon . The team deduces that the General is the head of the Company . 63 6 `` Blow Out '' Bryan Spicer Kalinda Vazquez September 29 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 29 ) 4AKJ06 5.28 The team manages to copy the next card with an elaborate plan ; but Mahone is arrested by the police while recovering Glenn 's device ; and Self only manages to get the device . The team is divided whether to save Mahone or move to the next card . They finally choose to rescue him in the court , where Mathewson has also arrived to kill him . Mahone is saved successfully . He calls Mathewson and promises to find him before throwing the number away , which is recovered by Glenn . Meanwhile , Gretchen reunites with her sister , Rita , and daughter , Emily , who believes Rita is her mother . Gretchen recovers a gun and some money from a gift she had given Rita previously and proceeds with plans of working for herself . The General has found out Self 's investigation on him and orders a DHS double agent to search his computer and Mathewson to warn him . Blauner finds illegal background in Bagwell 's faked career and the latter clears the house and attempts to escape before being attacked by Gretchen . 64 7 `` Five the Hard Way '' Garry A. Brown Christian Trokey October 6 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 06 ) 4AKJ07 5.37 Bagwell offers Morgan to work together . Mahone advises Self to take the fight to the General instead of hiding ; and Self makes the latter cancel the assault on him . The team realizes that Scuderi , the next cardholder , is currently in Las Vegas , while they are informed by Smith of Bagwell 's whereabouts . Scofield , Mahone and Bellick stay to find Bagwell while the others travel to Vegas . Burrows tells Tancredi of Scofield 's condition , which resembles to what killed their mother at that age . The card is successfully copied ; but Glenn 's indiscretion results in losing the device . Meanwhile , Scofield 's team realizes that the call was a ruse by Bagwell ; only Mahone manages to escape . Bagwell forces Scofield to reassemble the blueprint hidden in the papers of the book . Mahone finds the house by the GPS devices ; but they are already gone as Morgan spotted the devices in time . Morgan kills Blauner as a caution . Scofield manages to complete the blueprint and leads Bagwell to an underground accessed by Bagwell 's office in GATE . Mahone arrives and Bagwell is locked in a room . Scofield gets a call from Morgan , who hid herself the whole time . 65 8 `` The Price '' Bobby Roth Graham Roland October 20 , 2008 ( 2008 - 10 - 20 ) 4AKJ08 5.45 Morgan makes a truce with Scofield , giving him the rest of the papers and Bagwell is released . They decide to work together to bring down the Company . Burrows suggests an attack on Krantz ' car and taking the last card , which is approved . Glenn is cast out of the plan because of his indiscretion that resulted in losing the device . He offers the team 's whereabouts to Mathewson in exchange for money and proves his validity by giving the team 's plan away , resulting in Sucre being critically shot , whose wounds Tancredi tends to . Glenn goes to meet Mathewson , who shoots and tortures him to tell the team 's location . Having followed Glenn by a tracker Scofield put in his laptop , the team arrives and abducts Mathewson , everyone apart from Michael leaves Glenn to succumb to his wounds . Meanwhile , Feng tries to kill Bagwell as he promised ; but Morgan convinces him to give them more time . Bagwell instructs Smith to investigate the others . Tancredi reconciles with Morgan because of the team . Deducing that the attempt was for his card not his life , Krantz decides to transfer Scylla . 66 9 `` Greatness Achieved '' Jesse Bochco Nick Santora November 3 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 03 ) 4AKJ09 5.23 The team tortures Mathewson to make him tell Krantz that they are dead while preventing Mahone from taking his revenge until the deed is done . Tancredi is chosen to convince Mathewson ; but she fails . It is revealed to be a plan to record his voice using different words and Self assembles those words , making a sentence stating the mission 's accomplishment , which Self plays to Krantz on the phone ; and he gets relieved and cancels the newspaper coverage he planned . Mahone tortures Mathewson until he agrees to express apology to Pam , after which he is killed . Meanwhile , White starts investigating Blauner 's disappearance ; but Bagwell solves the situation by manipulating the records , showing the illegal background in Blauner 's career , making White to close the case in order to prevent the scandal . Morgan apparently reconciles with Krantz , revealed to have been involved with him before . She finds out about the transfer . The team finds a water pipe blocking their way and manages to get across it , but at the cost of Bellick 's life . 67 10 `` The Legend '' Dwight H. Little Karyn Usher November 10 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 10 ) 4AKJ10 5.38 The team forces Self to recover Bellick 's body and send it to his mother . Sucre reveals that he would have died in the Sona riot , incited by Bagwell , if Bellick had n't saved the former . Morgan informs the team of Krantz ' plan . They realize that they ca n't translate the blueprint without the legend . They find an architect 's name in the papers ; and Mahone goes to the architect 's house , where Krantz has sent his own men to recover the architect for his plan . The team finds mines in a room they reach on their way . Sucre puts his foot on a mine , which will detonate after the foot is pulled . Morgan tries to defuse it . Mahone recovers the legend and manages to defuse the mine and save Sucre . Bagwell realizes that Smith is knowing more than expected . He gets her call register and finds out that she is in contact with Self . Meanwhile , Scofield is diagnosed with hypothalamus hamartoma and Tancredi states that he will die if he does n't have a surgery soon . 68 11 `` Quiet Riot '' Kevin Hooks Seth Hoffman November 17 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 17 ) 4AKJ11 5.52 Scofield designates the plan for the team , as he will not join them because of his surgery . Morgan arranges a tryst with Krantz , in which she tries to steal his card ; but he already knows and tries to kill her before she reminds him of their child ; and he spares her and leaves . Scofield decides to join the team and finish the mission before surgery ; and Tancredi goes to do her part , revealed to be involving Tabak . Morgan and Bagwell prepare to kill Scofield 's team when they come back with Scylla. Smith intercepts Bagwell 's call about a buyer and teams up with Self to enter the house , where Feng 's men capture them . Scofield 's team starts working silently because of the sound sensors . They get past the wall and make a ladder to reach the glass room while using nitrogen gas to avoid the temperature sensors . They finally enter the glass room , which contains a box . As Scofield touches it , Krantz finds out and takes a team to neutralize the threat . 69 12 `` Selfless '' Michael Switzer Kalinda Vazquez November 24 , 2008 ( 2008 - 11 - 24 ) 4AKJ12 5.25 The team takes Krantz hostage and uses the six cards to open the box and recover Scylla . They proceed to Krantz ' room , where , he tries to allure them to surrender , reveling that he and Aldo Burrows worked closely . He finds out that Tancredi has taken Tabak hostage ; and she will kill her if the team is n't allowed a safe passage outside . The team leaves the building with Scylla and Krantz orders their chase . Meanwhile , Self and Smith manage to free themselves and kill Feng and his men . At GATE , Bagwell and Morgan take the staff hostage and kill White . Smith arrives and saves them . Morgan escapes and Bagwell is captured by Smith , who reveals that she is DHS agent Miriam Hultz . The team separates , with the brothers taking the bag to an airport , where the Company operatives take it . But it is revealed that Mahone and Sucre actually have Scylla . The team gives Scylla to Self , who gives them a package containing their transfer papers and tells them to wait for the authorities . They wait for hours without anyone coming and find out that the package contains plain papers . Self kills Hultz and takes Scylla . 70 13 `` Deal or No Deal '' Bobby Roth Christian Trokey December 1 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 01 ) 4AKJ13 5.84 Self makes Stanton believe that the team has killed him and seized Scylla . The team deduces Self 's plan , to sell Scylla and disappear . They unite with Gretchen to find Self , who unites with Bagwell and they take Rita and Emily hostage , forcing Gretchen to give the team away to DHS and find a new buyer . The team is attacked by DHS agents and Burrows is captured . Burrows manages to convince Stanton and Dallow of the truth . They offer a new deal for the team to testify against Self . Scofield instructs Mahone to get Tancredi and Sucre outside the city and proceeds to the warehouse to testify with Burrows . Stanton and Dallow decide to kill the brothers to prevent the scandal . The Company mole kills Stanton and other agents before Sucre arrives and saves them , with the mole being killed . They let Dallow leave . Meanwhile , Krantz kills Scuderi for humiliating him . Bagwell stays at Rita 's while Gretchen and Self meet a conduit , who reveals that a piece of Scylla is missing . Self calls Scofield and demands it , who defies him to come and get it . 71 14 `` Just Business '' Mark Helfrich Graham Roland December 8 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 08 ) 4AKJ14 5.40 The team prepares for Self 's attack . They capture Self , who convinces them to let him sell Scylla and the Company will be destroyed anyway . They let him leave , while Sucre hides in his trunk . Self and Gretchen arrive in a motel and Sucre informs the others , who arrive and attack the duo . Scofield 's condition makes him collapse ; and the duo escape . The Company recovers Scofield . Having put a camera in the warehouse , Self finds where Scofield has hidden the piece and obtains it before calling the conduit . Meanwhile , Bagwell is visited by a man pretending to be a bible salesman . The former finally decides to let Rita and Emily escape and is captured by the man , who is a Company man in fact . Self meets and kills the conduit in order to keep the whole money . Mahone meets FBI agents Lang and Wheeler , who can grant the team immunity in exchange for Scylla . The latter arrests the former after hearing that Scylla is gone . Tabak resigns from the Company . Burrows makes a deal with Krantz to return Scylla in exchange for Scofield 's surgery . 72 15 `` Going Under '' Karen Gaviola Zack Estrin December 15 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 15 ) 4AKJ15 5.37 Burrows tortures Bagwell and finds Self and Morgan 's whereabouts . The former and Sucre arrive at the location ; but they are already gone . They keep searching using the Company 's surveillance technology and track the duo to a place where they are meeting the buyer 's henchman , Scott . The latter takes Scylla and escapes while Self and Morgan are captured . Meanwhile , Scofield goes under surgery and meets Westmoreland in his dream , where he manages to deduce what Scylla really is . The operation is successful and Scofield reveals to Tancredi that Scylla contains next generations technologies that can end the energy crisis and provide infinite energy ; and that is why Krantz believes Scylla to be the source of power . Mahone escapes the transfer car and Lang stops him ; but he convinces her to let him leave . Sucre departs and Krantz forces Burrows to team up with Self , Morgan and Bagwell in order to recover Scylla . Scofield blames Burrows for his decision and the latter reveals that their mother worked for the Company and he will continue the family business . 73 16 `` The Sunshine State '' Kevin Hooks Matt Olmstead & Nicholas Wootton December 22 , 2008 ( 2008 - 12 - 22 ) 4AKJ16 4.98 Burrows ' team arrives in Miami , where Scott has been tracked to . Self attempts to force a vote to depose Burrows as the boss and take the position , but it is negated by Mahone 's arrival . The team obtains surveillance footage which Morgan investigates and finds Scott , but she does n't inform the team and arranges a meeting with Scott on her own . Meanwhile , Michael wakes up in a countryside mansion where a Company psychiatrist informs him that his mother , Christina Rose Scofield , is still alive and working for the Company . Michael demands to talk to her , but the psychiatrist replies that they will talk when he decides to join the Company . Tancredi meets Tabak , who gives her Michael 's whereabouts . Krantz gives orders for Michael to be given a medical treatment that could kill him , but which will certainly damage his mind ; however , he manages to escape with Tancredi 's help . He tells Tancredi that he believes his mother is alive . Morgan takes the team to a location where they are ambushed by Scott 's men . Morgan changes sides again , being shot by Scott , who is killed along with his men . Morgan is left for the police . Burrows answers the call from the buyer , who is Christina . 74 17 `` The Mother Lode '' Jonathan Glassner Seth Hoffman April 17 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 17 ) 4AKJ17 3.34 Burrows ' team members receive images of their loved ones , sent by Krantz to make them finish the mission . They possess a special key obtained from Scott . They track it and find two locations it is used . Self and Bagwell go for one that is in a church ; but they are not allowed inside . Burrows and Mahone arrive in a house where they decrypt a message Christina has left for Burrows where to meet her . Burrows meets Christina in a restaurant , where she asks him to give her time to defeat Krantz , whom Oren attempts to kill as her plan . She has Oren killed for the failure , making Krantz suspect her . The other three attack the church and find guns and special keycards there . Meanwhile , Michael and Tancredi hide in a truck heading to Miami . They are attacked by a man , who is attacked and dies after stating that he does n't work for Krantz . Michael recovers an encrypted note from him . Burrows decides to meet Christina again , what she instructed him not to . Thus she orders a sniper to shoot him . 75 18 `` VS . '' Dwight H. Little Christian Trokey & Kalinda Vazquez April 24 , 2009 ( 2009 - 04 - 24 ) 4AKJ18 3.06 The team saves Burrows and kills the sniper . Michael and Tancredi arrives in Miami , where they meet Mahone and tell him that they will destroy the Company no matter the cost , making the two teams potential enemies . Burrows ' team tracks Christina to the Indian embassy and enter it at the cost of Bagwell being beaten . Christina convinces Naveen Banarjee , a politician , to talk about Scylla in the upcoming energy conference , promising him to take care of a scientist named Sandinsky from causing trouble . Burrows ' team recovers a note from the embassy . Michael and Tancredi decrypt their note and arrive at the airport Sandinsky 's plane is landing . Burrows ' team arrives too and abduct Sandinsky while the duo take his cell phone , realizing that he has been in contact with Christina , a claim he denies when asked by Burrows ' team . Bagwell secretly informs Krantz that Christina has Scylla ; and he decides to go to Miami personally . Michael calls Christina , who tries to reason with him ; but he hangs up . Tancredi finds out that she is pregnant . 76 19 `` S.O.B. '' Garry A. Brown Karyn Usher May 1 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 01 ) 4AKJ19 3.20 Michael calls Christina again and she manages to track him . She arrives with her men ; but this was revealed to be a ruse by Michael , who along with Tancredi abduct her and leave . Krantz arrives and blames Burrows for not telling him about Christina . He gives the team , excluding Bagwell , another chance ; and they go to a house and then a bank to acquire a suitcase ; but they realize that it was just taken ; and they give chase . Meanwhile , Christina reveals to Michael that Burrows is not his true brother and Aldo adopted Burrows when he lost his parents , who worked for the Company . She also reveals that Burrows is falling in a trap she has set ; and Michael rushes to save Burrows before locking her . She finds out about the baby before locking Tancredi and escaping . Bagwell kills Sandinsky on Krantz ' order . Burrows ' team tracks the man to the energy conference , where Burrows enters before Banarjee is assassinated and Burrows is framed for it . Michael arrives and teams up with him . 77 20 `` Cowboys & Indians '' Milan Cheylov Nick Santora May 8 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 08 ) 4AKJ20 2.99 Michael and Burrows escape to one of the floors . Christina makes a deal with the Indian Prime Minister , who was also Banarjee 's father , to sell him Scylla . Self tells Michael and Burrows how the police is going to capture them and kills a DHS agent who spots him . Michael finds a countermeasure and they escape the attacking unit , but are spotted by the captain , who is killed by Krantz ' operative , who captures the duo . Mahone frees Tancredi and informs Michael , who is brought to Krantz with the others . Krantz punishes them by performing a lottery . Self is picked and Krantz has Self 's wife killed and Self escapes , but is critically shot . Michael , Burrows and Mahone find Christina and take Scylla ; but Burrows is captured . Bagwell , who overheard Michael and Mahone 's conversation , captures Tancredi and brings her to Krantz , who calls Michael and demands Scylla in exchange for her . Christina calls Michael and makes the same demand in exchange for Burrows , critically shooting him to force Michael to hurry . 78 21 `` Rate of Exchange '' Bobby Roth Zack Estrin May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) 4AKJ21 3.32 While walking in the streets of Chicago , Sucre meets Benjamin Franklin , who reveals that there is a man , called Paul , who has great power and is ready to grant Michael and the others immunity in exchange for Scylla . Michael arranges a location with Christina and tries to kill her there ; but the police arrive and both parties escape . Burrows tells Michael about the baby and asks him to let him die . Christina loses the deal with Banarjee because of failure to deliver Scylla . Mahone apparently betrays Michael and calls Christina , making a deal to bring Scylla in exchange for his wife , Pam , being saved from the Company . Michael arranges a transaction with Krantz , who leaves without Tancredi , intending to kill Michael after taking Scylla . Bagwell tries to rape her ; but Michael arrives and rescues her . Meanwhile , the FBI interrogates Self in the hospital until Christina 's assistant , posed as a doctor , arrives and injects him with toxic substance . Mahone gives a device to Christina for testing and enters the room Burrows is held . The device is revealed to be a bomb instead of Scylla ; and this is all revealed to be Michael 's plan to save everyone . 79 22 `` Killing Your Number '' Kevin Hooks Matt Olmstead & Nicholas Wootton May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) 4AKJ22 3.32 The bomb detonates and Mahone and Burrows escape ; but Christina survives . Michael , Burrows , Mahone and Tancredi reunite and decide to destroy Scylla before Paul Kellerman , revealed to have been saved by Aldo 's men during his transfer , calls and offers them freedom in exchange for Scylla . Self gets paralyzed as a result of the injection . Bagwell arranges a meeting with Sucre and is captured by him and Franklin . The duo start torturing him to find the others . They take Burrows outside a hospital and Mahone covers for Tancredi to take the necessary tools , but is arrested by the FBI himself . The trio are captured by the Company operatives . Sucre and Franklin arrive and kill Krantz ' men ; Tancredi convinces Michael to spare Krantz ' life and they lock him before leaving . They are attacked by Christina , whom Tancredi kills . Michael gives Scylla to Kellerman and the former , Burrows , Tancredi , Sucre , Franklin and Mahone are given immunity . Krantz and Bagwell are arrested . Four years later , the team visits Michael 's grave , stating his apparent death . 80 23 `` The Old Ball and Chain '' Brad Turner Story by : Christian Trokey Teleplay by : Nick Santora & Seth Hoffman May 27 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 27 ) ( UK ) 4AKJ23 N / A Michael and Sara wed but happiness is short lived when Sara is arrested for the murder of Christina Scofield . 81 24 `` Free '' Kevin Hooks Story by : Kalinda Vazquez Teleplay by : Zack Estrin & Karyn Usher May 27 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 27 ) ( UK ) 4AKJ24 N / A Michael , Lincoln , Sucre , and Alex reunite to break out Sara , who is ordered by the General to be killed . Michael sacrifices himself to help Sara escape . In the last scene of the series , Lincoln and Sara watch the DVD Michael left them explaining why he did what he did . Production ( edit ) On January 13 , 2009 , Fox president Kevin Reilly confirmed the series would end at the conclusion of this season . He explained , `` Prison Break got to a point where a lot of the stories had been told . '' At the time , he said there was a possibility of adding two extra episodes , he said `` We want to finish strong . '' These extra two episodes became Prison Break : The Final Break , although they never aired on Fox , and became available only on DVD . Home media release ( edit ) Prison Break : The Complete Fourth Season Set details Special features 22 episodes 6 - disc Set 1.78 : 1 aspect ratio Subtitles : English English ( Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround ) Audio commentaries `` Scylla '' and `` Breaking and Entering '' `` Blow Out '' `` Greatness Achieved '' `` Quiet Riot '' `` Just Business '' `` Going Under '' `` The Sunshine State '' `` S.O.B. '' `` Cowboys and Indians '' Deleted scenes Fade Out : The Final Episode featurette The Plan , the Execution and the Bullet featurette Director 's World featurette Release dates United States Canada United Kingdom Australia New Zealand June 2 , 2009 July 6 , 2009 July 15 , 2009 References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Mitovich , Matt ( January 13 , 2009 ) . `` Fox Boss Announces Prison Break 's Return ... and Finale '' . TV Guide . Retrieved February 1 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Gorman , Bill ( September 10 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , September 1 -- 7 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( September 17 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , September 8 -- 14 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( September 23 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , September 15 -- 21 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( September 30 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , September 22 -- 28 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( October 7 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , September 29 -- October 5 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( October 14 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , October 6 -- 12 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( October 29 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , October 20 -- 26 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( November 11 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , November 3 -- 9 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( November 18 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , November 10 -- 16 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( November 25 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , November 17 -- 23 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( December 3 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , November 24 -- 30 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( December 9 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , December 1 -- 7 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( December 16 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , December 8 -- 14 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( December 23 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , December 15 -- 21 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( December 30 , 2008 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , December 22 -- 28 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( April 21 , 2009 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , April 13 -- 19 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( April 28 , 2009 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , April 20 -- 26 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( May 6 , 2009 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , April 27 - May 3 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Seidman , Robert ( May 12 , 2009 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , May 4 -- 10 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : Seidman , Robert ( May 19 , 2009 ) . `` Top Fox Primetime Shows , May 11 -- 17 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2010 . External links ( edit ) List of Prison Break episodes on IMDb List of Prison Break season 4 episodes at ( hide ) Prison Break Seasons Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Episodes `` Pilot '' `` Allen '' `` Cute Poison '' `` English , Fitz or Percy '' `` Riots , Drills and the Devil '' `` Manhunt '' `` Rendezvous '' `` Bolshoi Booze '' `` Disconnect '' `` The Killing Box '' `` John Doe '' `` The Message '' `` Chicago '' `` Panama '' `` Fin Del Camino '' `` Scylla '' `` Breaking & Entering '' `` Shut Down '' `` Eagles & Angels '' `` Safe & Sound '' `` Blow Out '' `` Five the Hard Way '' `` The Price '' `` Greatness Achieved '' `` The Legend '' `` Quiet Riot '' `` Selfless '' `` Ogygia '' `` Kaniel Outis '' `` The Liar '' `` The Prisoner 's Dilemma Characters Theodore `` T - Bag '' Bagwell Brad Bellick Lincoln Burrows Benjamin Miles `` C - Note '' Franklin Paul Kellerman Alexander Mahone Michael Scofield Fernando Sucre Sara Tancredi Minor characters Cast members Universe Fox River State Penitentiary Penitenciaría Federal de Sona The Company Other media The Final Break ( movie ) Proof of Innocence The Conspiracy Soundtracks Seasons 1 & 2 Seasons 3 & 4 Related Awards and nominations Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Prison Break Prison Break episodes 2008 American television seasons 2009 American television seasons Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی Français Italiano ქართული Kiswahili Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 26 September 2017 , at 18 : 08 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia
[ "September 1, 2008" ]
[ "Prison Break ( season 4 ) DVD cover Country of origin United States No. of episodes 24 Release Original network Fox Original release September 1 , 2008 ( 2008 - 09 - 01 ) -- May 15 , 2009 ( 2009 - 05 - 15 ) Season chronology ← Previous Season 3 Next → Season 5 List of Prison Break episodes" ]
what are the rounds of world of dance
World of Dance ( tv series ) - wikipedia World of Dance ( tv series ) For the entertainment brand , see World of Dance . For the current season , see World of Dance ( season 2 ) . World of Dance World of Dance title card Genre Competition Presented by Jenna Dewan Judges Jennifer Lopez Ne - Yo Derek Hough Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 22 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Jennifer Lopez Elaine Goldsmith - Thomas Benny Medina Matilda Zoltowski Kris Curry Running time 60 - 120 minutes Production company ( s ) Nuyorican Productions World of Dance Production Universal Television Alternative Distributor NBCUniversal Television Distribution Release Original network NBC Original release May 30 , 2017 -- present External links Website World of Dance is an American reality competition television series , hosted by Jenna Dewan and executive produced by Jennifer Lopez . The series features dance performers , including solo acts and larger groups , representing any style of dance , competing for a grand prize of $1 million . The contestants are scored by judges Jennifer Lopez , Ne - Yo , and Derek Hough . The series ' first season premiered on NBC on May 30 , 2017 , as a complement to America 's Got Talent . On June 29 , 2017 , World of Dance was renewed for a second season , and was renewed for a third in May 2018 . Contents 1 Premise 1.1 Format changes 1.2 Show concept 1.3 Scoring 2 Production 2.1 Development 3 Series overview 4 International versions 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Premise ( edit ) Format changes ( edit ) While the format for season 2 remained relatively unchanged , there were a few slight alterations . Season 2 received a 16 - episode order. , six more than the ten - episode first season . Additionally , this season , a fourth category , Junior Team , was added for acts under 18 with 5 or more members . The qualifier rounds are cut down from a two minutes to an one - minute routine . The Duels are cut down from two minutes to a ́ 80 seconds ́ - routine . The top three highest - scoring acts in The Cut from each division will move on to the Divisional Final , in last season it was just the top two . Show concept ( edit ) In preparation for season two , handpicked competitors , being talented in any styles of dancing , from qualifying events around the nation and thousands of online submissions , are divided into four divisions : Junior ( groups of 1 - 4 , under 18 ) , Upper ( groups of 1 - 4 , 18 and older ) , Junior Team ( groups of 5 + , under 18 ) and Upper Team ( groups of 5 + , 18 and older ) . In some cases dancers who did n't apply were directly contacted by the producers or their agents . The elimination process of the contestants are in four rounds : The Qualifiers - The contestants have to qualify with at least 80 points to make it to The Duels . The Duels - The contestants choose their opponent starting with the highest scorer from the qualifiers . If the number of contestants in a division is uneven , the last duel will be competed by the three remaining opponents that were unpicked previously . The winner of the dual is the contestant / s with the highest score who then move on to The Cut . The Cut - Mentors are assigned to each division to prepare the contestants for their performances . The top three scoring acts in each division move on to The Division Finals . The Division Finals - The mentors still support the contestants from each division . The top scoring act in each division will become division champion and move on to The World Final . In The World Final all four division champions will compete for the $1,000,000 USD grand prize . It is expected that the concept of last season is copied ; every contestant will perform twice in two separate rounds . The average score of both rounds by each contestant will make their final score . The contestant ( s ) with the highest final score will be crowned World of Dance champion 2018 and will win the $1,000,000 USD grand prize . Scoring ( edit ) The judges are scoring in 5 categories . Each category is worth 20 points , with a perfect score of 100 : Performance ( 20 points ) : Effort : How many different elements put into the routine . What is the whole effort to dance the performance by the act . Personality : How characters and personality put into the performance , in the sense of acting to stimulate emotions by the audience , telling a story or framing pictures . Technique ( 20 points ) : Transitions : How smooth and elegant the transitions from move to move were without lacking a performance moment . Cleanness : How synchronized , ordered by a pattern , precise and committed the movements were within the act . Execution : How flawless the execution of the performance by the act was to the performance song . Choreography ( 20 points ) : Difficulty : How difficult it was to perform the figures and movements by the act from judges point of view . Musicality : How well pictures , figures and movements were choreographed to the sound and beat of the performance song . Tricks : Are unexpected show elements included by properties , clothing or the bodies of the dancers and how well was it done . Creativity ( 20 points ) : Originality : How unique and interesting was the performance . Artistic Choices : What styles of dancing were shown and merged . How well was it done regarding basic dance styles and style culture , e.g. costumes , shoes . The performance song is an artistic choice as well . How well did it fit to the performance . Dynamics : How energizing and powerful the performance was and how much action was on stage . Presentation ( 20 points ) : Crowd Appeal : How the crowd around the show stage reacted to the performance . Impact : How memorable and worth talking about it later the performance was . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) Jennifer Lopez , who executive produces the series and serves as a judge , felt that the series would be a return to her roots ; Lopez had achieved early fame as a member of In Living Color 's dance crew , The Fly Girls . She explained that dance had been her `` first form of artistic expression '' , and that the series `` reminded me of all the reasons why I love dance and why I wanted to do this in the first place '' . The series premiere was originally scheduled for May 8 , 2017 ( as a lead - out for The Voice ) , but was pushed back to May 30 , 2017 to serve as a lead - out for the season premiere of America 's Got Talent . On June 29 , 2017 , NBC renewed the series for a second season , which will premiere on May 29 , 2018 -- once again complimenting the next season of America 's Got Talent . In May 2018 , prior to its season 2 premiere , World of Dance was renewed for a third season . Series overview ( edit ) Season Duration Episodes Winner 's prize Finalists Presenter Judges Premiere Finale Winner Runner - up Third place May 30 , 2017 August 8 , 2017 10 $1,000,000 Les Twins Eva Igo Swing Latino Jenna Dewan Ne - Yo Jennifer Lopez Derek Hough May 29 , 2018 September 12 , 2018 16 TBD International versions ( edit ) There will be an upcoming Polish version of the show on Polsat titled World of Dance Polska . There will also be an upcoming Filipino version of the show on ABS - CBN . There will also be an upcoming Thailand version of the show on One31 See also ( edit ) So You Think You Can Dance References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` NBC 's ' World of Dance ' Brings Jennifer Lopez Back to Her Roots : ' It 's the Perfect Job for Me ' '' . Variety . Retrieved May 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lemoncelli , Jenna ( 2 May 2018 ) . `` Jennifer Lopez Vs. Jenna Dewan : Which Hot Mama 's Look Was Your Fave At ' World Of Dance ' Event '' . Jump up ^ `` JNBC 's `` World of Dance '' Welcomes Ciara , Julianne Hough , Mel B , Misty Copeland , Paula Abdul and Savion Glover as Guest Mentors and Judges `` . 23 July 2018 . Jump up ^ `` NBC Shifts ' World of Dance ' to Premiere Alongside ' Talent ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved May 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` NBC 's Jennifer Lopez Dance Show to Launch out of ' The Voice ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved May 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Otterson , Joe ( 2017 - 06 - 29 ) . `` ' World of Dance ' Renewed for Season 2 at NBC '' . Variety . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 19 . Jump up ^ Mitovich , Matt Webb ( 2018 - 03 - 06 ) . `` NBC 's World of Dance , Ninja Warrior and AGT Get Summer Return Dates '' . TVLine . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 19 . Jump up ^ Pedersen , Erik ( May 10 , 2018 ) . `` ' World Of Dance ' Renewed On NBC Ahead Of Its Season 2 Premiere '' . Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved May 10 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) Official website World of Dance on IMDb World of Dance at TV Guide NBC programming ( current and upcoming ) Primetime American Ninja Warrior ( since 2011 ) America 's Got Talent ( since 2006 ) A.P. Bio ( since 2018 ) The Blacklist ( since 2013 ) Blindspot ( since 2015 ) Chicago Fire ( since 2012 ) Chicago Med ( since 2015 ) Chicago P.D. ( since 2014 ) Dateline NBC ( since 1992 ) Ellen 's Game of Games ( since 2017 ) Genius Junior ( since 2018 ) Good Girls ( since 2018 ) The Good Place ( since 2016 ) Hollywood Game Night ( since 2013 ) Law & Order : Special Victims Unit ( since 1999 ) Law & Order True Crime ( since 2017 ) Little Big Shots ( since 2016 ) Making It ( since 2018 ) Marlon ( since 2017 ) Midnight , Texas ( since 2017 ) Reverie ( since 2018 ) Running Wild with Bear Grylls ( since 2014 ) Superstore ( since 2015 ) This Is Us ( since 2016 ) Timeless ( since 2016 ) The Voice ( since 2011 ) The Wall ( since 2016 ) Weekend Update Summer Edition ( since 2017 ) Will & Grace ( 1998 -- 2006 ; since 2017 ) World of Dance ( since 2017 ) Daytime Days of Our Lives ( since 1965 ) Late night 1st Look ( since 2008 ) Last Call with Carson Daly ( since 2002 ) Late Night with Seth Meyers ( since 2014 ) Open House ( since 2008 ) Open House NYC ( since 2012 ) Saturday Night Live ( since 1975 ) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon ( since 2014 ) News Dateline NBC ( since 1992 ) Early Today ( since 1999 ) Meet the Press ( since 1947 ) Megyn Kelly Today ( since 2017 ) NBC Nightly News ( since 1970 ) Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly ( since 2017 ) Today ( since 1952 ) Sports IndyCar Series on NBC NBC Golf NASCAR on NBC NFL on NBC Football Night in America NBC Sunday Night Football NHL on NBC Notre Dame Football on NBC Olympics on NBC Premier Boxing Champions Tennis on NBC Thoroughbred Racing on NBC Saturday morning The More You Know Upcoming Manifest ( 2018 ) New Amsterdam ( 2018 ) I Feel Bad ( 2018 ) Abby 's ( 2019 ) America 's Got Talent : The Champions ( 2019 ) Brooklyn Nine - Nine ( 2019 ) The Enemy Within ( 2019 ) The Gilded Age ( 2019 ) The InBetween ( 2019 ) The Titan Games ( 2019 ) The Village ( 2019 ) The Awesome Show ( TBA ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2010s American television series 2017 American television series debuts Dance competition television shows English - language television programs NBC network shows Television series by Universal Television Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from June 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Polski Edit links This page was last edited on 25 August 2018 , at 08 : 39 ( UTC ) . 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neil young everybody knows this is nowhere album cover
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere - wikipedia Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere For the cover of this album , see Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere ( Mother Hips album ) . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere Studio album by Neil Young with Crazy Horse Released May 14 , 1969 Recorded January and March 1969 Studio Wally Heider Recording , Hollywood , California Genre Country rock hard rock Length 40 : 29 Label Reprise Producer Neil Young , David Briggs Neil Young chronology Neil Young ( 1968 ) Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere ( 1969 ) After the Gold Rush ( 1970 ) Singles from Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere `` Down by the River '' Released : May 14 , 1969 `` Cinnamon Girl '' Released : April 20 , 1970 Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere is the second studio album by the Canadian musician Neil Young , released on Reprise Records catalogue RS 6349 . His first with his longtime backing band Crazy Horse , it peaked at number 34 on the US Billboard 200 during a ninety - eight week chart stay in August 1970 and has been certified platinum by the RIAA . The album is on the list of 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die . In 2003 , the album was ranked number 208 on Rolling Stone magazine 's list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time . Contents 1 Content 2 Reception 3 Track listing 4 Personnel 5 Charts 5.1 Weekly charts 5.2 Singles 6 References Content ( edit ) The album contains four songs that became standards in Young 's performance repertoire : `` Cinnamon Girl '' , `` Down by the River '' , the title track , and `` Cowgirl in the Sand '' , all of which were written in a single day while Young had a 103 ° F ( 39.5 ° C ) fever . Young 's lead vocal track on the song `` Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere '' ( on the original album ) was actually a temporary scratch vocal he sang through the low quality talk - back microphone on the mixing board , with no effects such as reverb . Young liked the stark contrast to the rest of the recording , which became one of his many innovations . Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere was remastered and released on HDCD - encoded compact disc and digital download on July 14 , 2009 , as part of the Neil Young Archives Original Release Series . It was released on audiophile vinyl in December 2009 , both individually and as part of a box - set of Young 's first four LPs available via his official website . ( This box set was limited to 1000 copies . A CD version of 3000 copies exists , too . ) A high resolution digital Blu - ray disc is planned , although there has been no release date set . Reception ( edit ) Retrospective reviews Review scores Source Rating AllMusic Encyclopedia of Popular Music Music Story MusicHound Rock 5 / 5 Pitchfork 10 / 10 Rolling Stone The Rolling Stone Record Guide Spin Alternative Record Guide 6 / 10 Upon its release , Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere received generally favorable reviews from critics . Bruce Miroff of Rolling Stone wrote a favorable review , describing Young 's voice as `` perpetually mournful , without being maudlin or pathetic . It hints at a world in which sorrow underlies everything ( ... ) because that world is recognizable to most of us , Young 's singing is often strangely moving . '' Despite stating that `` in several respects ( the album ) falls short of his previous effort '' and that `` the lyricism of the first album can only be found in faint traces , '' he went on to state that the album `` offers ample rewards . Young 's music partially makes up for its lack of grace by its energy and its assurance . '' Robert Christgau wrote in The Village Voice that `` Young is a strange artist and I am not all the way into him yet , but this record is haunting . '' The original review was printed with a grade of `` B + '' , but Christgau later said he would have changed it to an `` A -- '' . In a retrospective review , Greg Kot wrote in Rolling Stone called the record `` raw , rushed , energised '' and the band 's interplay `` at once primitive and abstract '' , a `` gloriously spontaneous sound '' that `` would endure , not only as a blueprint for Young ... but as an influence on countless bands . '' William Ruhlmann of music database website AllMusic said of the album , `` released only four months after his first ( album ) , ( it ) was nearly a total rejection of that polished effort . '' He noted that `` Cinnamon Girl , '' `` Down by the River , '' and `` Cowgirl in the Sand '' were , `` useful as frames on which to hang the extended improvisations Young played with Crazy Horse and to reflect the ominous tone of his singing . '' He concluded that the album `` set a musical pattern Young and his many musical descendants have followed ever since ( ... ) and a lot of contemporary bands were playing music clearly influenced by it . '' Mark Richardson of Pitchfork wrote , `` the opening riff to ' Cinnamon Girl ' erases the memory of Neil Young completely in about five seconds '' and that `` Crazy Horse were loose and sloppy , privileging groove and feeling above all . '' He also said that `` Young sounds comfortable and confident , singing with the versatile voice that has changed remarkably little in the 40 years since '' and concluded that it `` was a sort of big bang for Young , a dense moment of creative explosion that saw possibilities expanding in every direction . '' In 2003 , the album was ranked number 208 on Rolling Stone magazine 's list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time . Track listing ( edit ) All tracks written by Neil Young . Side one No . Title Length 1 . `` Cinnamon Girl '' 2 : 58 2 . `` Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere '' 2 : 26 3 . `` Round & Round ( It Wo n't Be Long ) '' 5 : 49 4 . `` Down by the River '' 9 : 13 Side two No . Title Length 5 . `` The Losing End ( When You 're On ) '' 4 : 03 6 . `` Running Dry ( Requiem for the Rockets ) '' 5 : 30 7 . `` Cowgirl in the Sand '' 10 : 06 Personnel ( edit ) Neil Young -- guitar , lead vocals Crazy Horse Danny Whitten -- guitar , harmony vocals , co-lead vocal on `` Cinnamon Girl '' Billy Talbot -- bass guitar Ralph Molina -- drums , harmony vocals Additional musicians Bobby Notkoff -- violin on `` Running Dry ( Requiem for the Rockets ) '' Robin Lane -- harmony vocal on `` Round and Round '' Technical Henry Saskowski -- engineer David Briggs -- engineer Kendal Pacios -- engineer Charts ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Year Chart Position 1970 Billboard Pop Albums 34 Singles ( edit ) Year Single Chart Position 1970 `` Cinnamon Girl '' Billboard Pop Singles 55 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` 20 Best Second Albums of All Time '' . Rolling Stone . March 24 , 2014 . Retrieved November 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Daniel Durchholz ; Gary Graff ( 2012 - 11 - 05 ) . Neil Young : Long May You Run : The Illustrated History , Updated Edition . Voyageur Press . p. 76 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7603 - 4411 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Neil Young Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere Chart History '' . . Retrieved 8 August 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die '' . . Retrieved 2015 - 04 - 03 . Jump up ^ Neil Young . Decade. 1976 : Reprise 3RS 2257 , liner notes . ^ Jump up to : Ruhlmann , William . Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere - Neil Young & Crazy Horse at AllMusic . Retrieved March 3 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere '' . Acclaimed Music . Retrieved April 20 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Richardson , Mark ( December 11 , 2009 ) . `` Neil Young : Neil Young / Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere / After the Gold Rush / Harvest '' . Pitchfork Media . Retrieved March 2 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Kot , Greg ( August 19 , 1999 ) . `` Review '' . Rolling Stone . p. 118 . Jump up ^ Marsh , Dave ; Swenson , John ( Editors ) . The Rolling Stone Record Guide , 1st edition , Random House / Rolling Stone Press , 1979 , p. 425 . Jump up ^ Miroff , Bruce ( 9 August 1969 ) . `` Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere '' . Rolling Stone . San Francisco : Straight Arrow Publishers , Inc. ( 39 ) : 36 . Retrieved 1 October 2015 . Jump up ^ Christgau , Robert ( July 31 , 1969 ) . `` Consumer Guide ( 2 ) '' . The Village Voice . Retrieved April 20 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Anon. ( April 25 , 2002 ) . `` Nitpicking Issues With the Lists '' . . Retrieved April 20 , 2018 . Neil Young Crazy Horse The Stray Gators Promise of the Real Studio albums Neil Young Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere After the Gold Rush Harvest On the Beach Tonight 's the Night Zuma American Stars ' n Bars Comes a Time Hawks & Doves Re ac tor Trans Everybody 's Rockin ' Old Ways Landing on Water This Note 's for You Freedom Ragged Glory Harvest Moon Sleeps with Angels Mirror Ball Broken Arrow Silver & Gold Are You Passionate ? Greendale Prairie Wind Living with War Chrome Dreams II Fork in the Road Le Noise Americana Psychedelic Pill A Letter Home Storytone The Monsanto Years Peace Trail The Visitor EPs Eldorado Live albums Time Fades Away Rust Never Sleeps Live Rust Life Arc Weld Unplugged Year of the Horse Road Rock Vol. 1 Earth Soundtracks Journey Through the Past Where the Buffalo Roam Philadelphia Dead Man Paradox Compilations Decade Lucky Thirteen Greatest Hits Archives series Box sets The Archives Vol. 1 1963 -- 1972 Performance Series Live at the Fillmore East Live at Massey Hall 1971 Sugar Mountain -- Live at Canterbury House 1968 Live at the Riverboat 1969 Dreamin ' Man Live ' 92 A Treasure Live at the Cellar Door Bluenote Café Roxy : Tonight 's The Night Live Special Release Series Hitchhiker Unreleased albums Homegrown Chrome Dreams Songs `` Mr. Soul '' `` Broken Arrow '' `` Expecting to Fly '' `` Sugar Mountain '' `` The Loner '' `` I 've Been Waiting for You '' `` Cinnamon Girl '' `` Down by the River '' `` Cowgirl in the Sand '' `` Helpless '' `` Ohio '' `` Tell Me Why '' `` After the Gold Rush '' `` Only Love Can Break Your Heart '' `` Southern Man '' `` Do n't Let It Bring You Down '' `` When You Dance I Can Really Love '' `` Bad Fog of Loneliness '' `` A Man Needs a Maid '' `` Heart of Gold '' `` Are You Ready for the Country ? '' `` Old Man '' `` The Needle and the Damage Done '' `` New Mama '' `` Cortez the Killer '' `` Will to Love '' `` Like a Hurricane '' `` Love Is a Rose '' `` Lotta Love '' `` Hey Hey , My My ( Into the Black ) '' `` Pocahontas '' `` Powderfinger '' `` Sedan Delivery '' `` Rockin ' in the Free World '' `` No More '' `` Wrecking Ball '' `` Harvest Moon '' `` Downtown '' `` Let 's Impeach the President '' `` Angry World '' `` A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop '' Films and Videos Journey Through the Past Human Highway Neil Young in Berlin Solo Trans Year of the Horse Neil Young : Silver and Gold Greendale Neil Young : Heart of Gold CSNY / Déjà Vu Neil Young Trunk Show Neil Young Journeys Paradox Books Waging Heavy Peace : A Hippie Dream Special Deluxe Related Discography The Squires The Mynah Birds Buffalo Springfield Crosby , Stills , Nash & Young The Stills -- Young Band The Bridge : A Tribute to Neil Young Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi Pono Old Black Farm Aid Bridge School Benefit Pegi Young ( former wife ) Carrie Snodgress Portal Crazy Horse Billy Talbot Ralph Molina Frank `` Poncho '' Sampedro Danny Whitten Jack Nitzsche Nils Lofgren George Whitsell Greg LeRoy John Blanton Rick Curtis Michael Curtis Sonny Mone Crazy Horse Crazy Horse Loose At Crooked Lake Crazy Moon Left for Dead Gone Dead Train : The Best of Crazy Horse 1971 -- 1989 Scratchy : The Complete Reprise Recordings Neil Young & Crazy Horse Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere After the Gold Rush Tonight 's the Night Zuma American Stars ' n Bars Comes a Time Rust Never Sleeps Live Rust Re ac tor Trans Life Ragged Glory Weld Arc Sleeps with Angels Broken Arrow Year of the Horse Are You Passionate ? Greendale Live at the Fillmore East Americana Psychedelic Pill Related articles Neil Young The Rockets Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1969 albums Neil Young albums Albums produced by David Briggs ( producer ) Reprise Records albums Albums produced by Neil Young Crazy Horse ( band ) albums Albums recorded at Wally Heider Studios Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from April 2010 All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Brezhoneg Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Français Frysk Italiano Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Suomi Svenska 8 more Edit links This page was last edited on 8 August 2018 , at 19 : 45 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia
where is the smokey and the bandit truck
Smokey and the Bandit - wikipedia Smokey and the Bandit Smokey and the Bandit Promotional poster by John Solie Directed by Hal Needham Produced by Mort Engelberg Robert L. Levy Screenplay by James Lee Barrett Charles Shyer Alan Mandel Story by Hal Needham Robert L. Levy Starring Burt Reynolds Sally Field Jackie Gleason Jerry Reed Mike Henry Music by Bill Justis Jerry Reed Cinematography Bobby Byrne Edited by Walter Hannemann Angelo Ross Production company Rastar Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date May 27 , 1977 ( 1977 - 05 - 27 ) Running time 96 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $4.3 million Box office $300 million Smokey and the Bandit is a 1977 American action comedy film starring Burt Reynolds , Sally Field , Jackie Gleason , Jerry Reed , Pat McCormick , Paul Williams and Mike Henry . The film was the directorial debut of stuntman Hal Needham . It inspired several other trucking films , including two sequels , Smokey and the Bandit II and Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 . There was also a series of 1994 television films ( Bandit Goes Country , Bandit Bandit , Beauty and the Bandit , and Bandit 's Silver Angel ) from original director / writer Hal Needham that were loosely based on the earlier version , with actor Brian Bloom playing Bandit . The three original films introduced two generations of the Pontiac Trans Am , and the Dodge Stealth in the television movie . Smokey and the Bandit was the second - highest - grossing film of 1977 behind Star Wars . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Vehicles 3.2 Legal status of Coors beer 4 Soundtrack 4.1 Track listing 5 Reception 6 Cultural impact 6.1 Trans Am 6.2 Diablo sandwich 6.3 The Bandit Run 6.4 Mobil 1 commercial 7 Television censorship and alternative versions 8 Spinoff 9 See also 10 References 11 External links Plot ( edit ) Wealthy Texan Big Enos Burdette and his son Little Enos seek a truck driver willing to bootleg Coors beer to Georgia for their refreshment . At the time , Coors was regarded as one of the finest beers in the United States , but it could not be legally sold east of the Mississippi River . Truck drivers who had taken the bet previously had been caught and arrested by `` Smokey '' ( CB slang for highway patrol officers , referring to the Smokey Bear -- type hats worn in some states ) . The Burdettes find legendary trucker Bo `` Bandit '' Darville competing in a truck rodeo at Lakewood Fairgrounds in Atlanta ; they offer him $80,000 to haul 400 cases of Coors beer from Texarkana , Texas back to Atlanta in 28 hours ; Big Enos has sponsored a driver running in the Southern Classic stockcar race and `` when he wins I want to celebrate in style . '' Bandit accepts the bet and recruits his partner Cledus `` Snowman '' Snow to drive the truck , while Bandit drives the `` blocker '' , a black Pontiac Trans Am bought on an advance from the Burdettes , to divert attention away from the truck and its illegal cargo . The trip to Texas is mostly uneventful except for at least one pursuing Arkansas State Trooper whom Bandit evades with ease . They reach Texarkana an hour ahead of schedule , load their truck with the beer and head back toward Atlanta . Immediately upon starting the second leg of the run , Bandit picks up runaway bride Carrie , whom he eventually nicknames `` Frog '' because she is `` kinda cute like a frog , '' she is `` always hoppin ' around , '' and because he `` wants to jump '' her . But in so doing , Bandit makes himself a target of Texas Sheriff Buford T. Justice , a career lawman whose handsome but slow - witted son Junior was to have been Carrie 's bridegroom . Ignoring his own jurisdiction , Sheriff Justice , with Junior in tow , chases Bandit all the way to Georgia , even as various mishaps cause his cruiser to disintegrate around them . The remainder of the film is one lengthy high - speed chase , as Bandit 's antics attract more and more attention from local and state police across Dixie while Snowman barrels on toward Atlanta with the contraband beer . Bandit and Snowman are helped along the way via CB radio by many colorful characters , including an undertaker with his hearse driver and their funeral procession , an elderly lady , a drive - in waitress and all her customers , a convoy of trucks , and even a madam who runs a brothel out of her RV . Neither Sheriff Justice nor any other police officers have any knowledge of Snowman 's illegal manifest . The chase intensifies as Bandit and Snowman get closer to Atlanta ; moments after crossing back into Georgia , Bandit comes to the rescue when Snowman is pulled over by a Georgia State Patrol motorcycle patrolman , and state and local police step up their pursuit with more cruisers , larger roadblocks , and even a police helicopter to track Bandit 's movements . Discouraged by the unexpected mounting attention , and with just four miles left to go , Bandit is about to give up , but Snowman refuses to listen and takes the lead , smashing through the police roadblock at the entrance to the fairgrounds . They arrive back at Lakewood Speedway ( while the Southern Classic race is being run ) with only 10 minutes to spare , but instead of taking the payoff , Frog and Bandit accept a double - or - nothing offer from Little Enos -- a challenge to run up to Boston and bring back clam chowder in 18 hours . They quickly escape in one of Big Enos ' Cadillac convertibles as Georgia State Patrol cruisers flood the racetrack to confiscate the Trans Am and truck , passing Sheriff Justice 's badly damaged police car by the side of the road . Bandit first directs Sheriff Justice to Big and Little Enos , but then in a gesture of respect , reveals his true location and invites Justice to give chase , leaving Junior behind . Cast ( edit ) Burt Reynolds as Bo Darville ( `` Bandit '' ) Sally Field as Carrie ( `` Frog '' ) Jerry Reed as Cledus Snow ( `` Snowman '' ) Jackie Gleason as Sheriff Buford T. Justice ( `` Smokey '' ) Mike Henry as Junior Justice Pat McCormick as Big Enos Burdette Paul Williams as Little Enos Burdette Macon McCalman as Mr. B Susan McIver as Hot Pants George Reynolds as Sheriff George Branford Laura Lizer Sommers as Little Beaver Michael Mann as Branford 's Deputy Lamar Jackson as Sugar Bear Ronnie Gay as Georgia Trooper Quinnon Sheffield as Alabama Trooper Alfie Wise as Alabama Patrolman Pat Hustis as Tow Truck Driver Ingeborg Kjeldsen as Foxy Lady Ben Jones as Trucker # 1 Joe Klecko as Trucker # 2 Hank Worden as Trucker # 3 Production ( edit ) Director Hal Needham originally planned the film as a low - budget B movie with a production cost of $1 million , with Jerry Reed as the Bandit . It was not until Needham 's friend Burt Reynolds read the script , and said he would star , that the film was aimed at a more mainstream release ; Reed would now portray Bandit 's friend Snowman ( Reed would eventually play the Bandit in Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 ) . At that time Reynolds was the top box office star in the world . In the original script Carrie was called Kate while Big Enos and Little Enos were called Kyle and Dickey . Bandit 's car was a second generation Ford Mustang and the prize for completing the run was a new truck rather than $80,000 . Burt Reynolds revealed in his autobiography that Needham had written the first draft script on legal pads . Upon showing it to his friend , Reynolds told Needham that it was the worst script he had ever read but that he would still make the movie . Most of the dialogue was improvised on set . Universal Studios bankrolled Smokey and the Bandit for $5.3 million , figuring it was a good risk . Just two days before production was to begin , Universal sent a `` hatchet man '' to Atlanta to inform Needham that the budget was being trimmed by $1 million . With Reynolds ' salary at $1 million , Needham was left with only $3.3 million to make the film . Needham and assistant director David Hamburger spent 30 hours revising the shooting schedule . `` Buford T. Justice '' was the name of a real Florida Highway Patrolman known to Reynolds ' father , who was once Police Chief of Riviera Beach , Florida . His father was also the inspiration for the word `` sumbitch '' used in the film , a variation of the phrase `` son - of - a-bitch '' that , according to Reynolds , he uttered quite often . Jackie Gleason was given free rein to ad - lib dialogue and make suggestions . It was his idea to have Junior alongside him throughout . In particular , the scene where Sheriff Justice unknowingly encounters the Bandit in the `` choke and puke '' ( a roadside diner ) was not in the original story , but rather was Gleason 's idea . Before Gleason was cast in the film , Richard Boone was originally considered for the role of Buford T. Justice . Sally Field only accepted the part after her agent advised her that she needed a big movie role on her resume . Reynolds actively pushed for her casting after Universal initially resisted , claiming Field was not attractive enough . Field enjoyed making the film , but remembers that virtually the entire project was improvised . Reportedly , Needham had great difficulty getting any studios or producers to take his project seriously , as in the film industry , he was better known as a stuntman . He managed to obtain studio attention after his friend Reynolds agreed to portray the Bandit in the film . The movie was primarily filmed in Georgia in the cities of McDonough , Jonesboro and Lithonia . The scenes set in Texarkana were filmed in Jonesboro and the surrounding area , and many of the chase scenes were filmed in the surrounding areas on Highway 54 between Fayetteville and Jonesboro for a majority of the driving scenes , Mundy 's Mill Road , Main Street in Jonesboro , Georgia State Route 400 , I - 85 ( Pleasant Hill exit ) , and in McDonough . However , the scene where they drive through the Shell gas station was filmed in Ojai , California on the corner of Ojai and El Paseo . Much of the surrounding scene comes from that immediate vicinity . The scene featuring the racetrack was filmed at Lakewood Speedway at the old Lakewood Fairgrounds on the south side of Atlanta . The roller coaster seen in the movie was the Greyhound . It had not been used for some time and was repainted for the film . It was destroyed in Smokey and the Bandit II and a flashback scene in Part 3 . The film 's theme song , `` East Bound and Down '' , was written virtually overnight by Jerry Reed . He gave Needham a preview of the song , and when initially he got no reaction from the director , offered to rewrite the song . Needham , however , liked the song so much he assured Jerry not to change a word . It became one of Reed 's biggest hits and his signature song . The area around Helen , Georgia was also used for some locations . The scene where Buford T. Justice 's car has the door knocked off by a passing semi truck was shot on Georgia State Route 75 , 3 miles ( 4.8 km ) north of Helen . The tow truck driver was a local garage owner , Berlin Wike . The film features the custom clothing and costuming of Niver Western Wear of Fort Worth , Texas . Niver provided much of the western attire worn in the film , as well as the custom - made sheriff 's uniforms ( waist size 64 inches ) that Jackie Gleason wore throughout the film . Reynolds and Sally Field began dating during the filming of Smokey and the Bandit . While made to take advantage of the ongoing 1970s CB radio fad , the film added to the craze . Though the film Moonrunners ( 1975 ) is the precursor to the television series The Dukes of Hazzard ( 1979 - 1985 ) , from the same creator and with many identical settings and concepts , the popularity of Smokey and the Bandit and similar films helped get the Dukes series on the air . Three actors from the main cast of The Dukes of Hazzard appear in small uncredited roles in Smokey and the Bandit : Ben Jones , John Schneider and Sonny Shroyer ( who played a police officer in both ) . In return , Reynolds portrayed the Dukes character Boss Hogg ( originally portrayed by Sorrell Booke ) in the film adaptation The Dukes of Hazzard ( 2005 ) . Reynolds is also referenced by name in several early episodes of the series . Vehicles ( edit ) Needham saw an advertisement for the soon - to - be-released 1977 Pontiac Trans Am and knew right away that would be the Bandit 's car , or , as Needham referred to it , a character in the movie . He contacted Pontiac and an agreement was made that four 1977 Trans Ams and two Pontiac LeMans 4 - door sedans would be provided for the movie . The Trans Ams were actually 1976 - model cars with 1977 front ends . ( From 1970 to 1976 , both the Firebird / Trans Am and Chevrolet Camaro had two round headlights , and in 1977 , the Firebird / Trans Am was changed to four rectangular headlights , while the Camaro remained unchanged . ) The decals were also changed to 1977 - style units , as evidenced by the engine size callouts on the hood scoop being in liters rather than cubic inches , as had been the case in 1976 . The hood scoop on these cars says `` 6.6 LITRE '' , which in 1977 would have denoted an Oldsmobile 403 - equipped car or a non W - 72 , 180 hp version of the 400 Pontiac engine . All four of the cars were badly damaged during production , one of which was all but destroyed during the jump over the dismantled bridge . The Trans Am used for the dismantled bridge jump was equipped with a booster rocket , the same type that was used by Evel Knievel during his failed Snake River Canyon jump . Needham served as the driver for the stunt ( standing in for Reynolds ) while Lada St. Edmund was in the same car ( standing in for Sally Field during the jump ) . By the movie 's ending , the final surviving Trans Am and LeMans were both barely running and the other cars had become parts donors to keep them running . The Burdettes ' car is a 1974 Cadillac Eldorado convertible painted in a `` Candy Red '' color scheme , and is seen briefly at the beginning of the movie and as Bandit , Snowman , Fred , and Frog make their escape in the final scene . The film also made use of three Kenworth W900A short - frame semi trucks , which Jerry Reed can be seen driving , each equipped with 38 - inch sleepers . Two units were 1974 models as evidenced by standard silver Kenworth emblems on the truck grille , and one unit was a 1973 model as evidenced by the gold - painted Kenworth emblem on the truck 's grille signifying Kenworth 's 50 years in business . The paint code for each truck was coffee brown with gold trims , and the 48 - foot ( 15 m ) mural trailer used was manufactured by Hobbs Trailers in Texas with a non-operational Thermo King Refrigeration unit . This is obvious , because there is no fuel tank on the underside of the trailer to power the refrigeration unit , and the unit is never heard running . Legal status of Coors beer ( edit ) In 1977 , Coors was unavailable for sale east of Oklahoma . A 1974 Time magazine article explains why Coors was so coveted that one would be willing to pay the Bandit such a high price to transport it . Coors Banquet Beer had a brief renaissance as certain people sought it out for its lack of stabilizers and preservatives . The article says that future Vice President Gerald Ford hid it in his luggage after a trip to Colorado in order to take it back to Washington . President Dwight D. Eisenhower had a steady supply airlifted to Washington by the Air Force . The article also mentions Frederick Amon , who smuggled it from Colorado to North Carolina and sold it for four times the retail price . The lack of additives and preservatives meant that Coors had the potential for spoiling in a week if it were not kept cold throughout its transportation and in storage at its destination . This explains the 28 - hour deadline . Soundtrack ( edit ) Smokey And The Bandit : Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack album by Various artists Released 1977 ( 1977 ) Genre Truck - driving country country rock country bluegrass rock Length 41 : 11 Label MCA Records Producer Sonny Burke Singles from Smokey And The Bandit : Music from the Motion Picture `` East Bound and Down '' Released : August 1 , 1977 The theme music , `` East Bound and Down '' , was sung and co-written by Reed ( credited under his birth name , Jerry Hubbard ) and Dick Feller . It became Reed 's signature song and is found on multiple albums , including Country Legends and his live album Jerry Reed : Live Still . In 1991 it was arranged for orchestra by Crafton Beck and recorded by Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra for their album Down on the Farm . Several other groups , such as US rock band Tonic , have also covered it . Reed also penned and performed the song for the opening credits , entitled `` The Legend '' , which tells of some of The Bandit 's escapades prior to the events of the film , and the ballad `` The Bandit '' , which features in several versions in the movie and on the soundtrack . Reed 's hit notwithstanding , Bill Justis is the first name on the credits for the soundtrack as he composed and arranged original music throughout the film . Musicians such as Beegie Adair and George Tidwell played on the soundtrack as part of long careers in music . Legendary five - string banjo player Bobby Thompson is also heard prominently towards the end of `` East Bound and Down . '' The soundtrack album was released in 1977 on vinyl , cassette and 8 - track through MCA Records . Track listing ( edit ) No . Title Writer ( s ) Length 1 . `` The Legend '' Jerry R. Hubbard 2 : 09 2 . `` Incidental CB Dialogue '' ( Voice ( `` Bandit '' ) -- Burt Reynolds , Voice ( `` Snowman '' ) -- Jerry Reed ) 0 : 28 3 . `` West Bound And Down '' Jerry R. Hubbard , Dick Feller 2 : 45 4 . `` Foxy Lady '' Bill Justis 2 : 51 5 . `` Incidental CB Dialogue '' ( Voice ( `` Bandit '' ) -- Burt Reynolds , Voice ( `` Smokey '' ) -- Jackie Gleason , Voice ( `` Snowman '' ) -- Jerry Reed ) 0 : 56 6 . `` Orange Blossom Special '' Ervin T. Rouse 2 : 40 7 . `` The Bandit '' Dick Feller 3 : 00 8 . `` March Of The Rednecks '' Bill Justis 2 : 22 9 . `` If You Leave Me Tonight I 'll Cry '' Gerald Sanford , Hal Mooney 2 : 47 10 . `` East Bound and Down ( Incidental CB Dialogue Included ) '' ( Voice ( `` Bandit '' ) -- Burt Reynolds , Voice ( `` Snowman '' ) -- Jerry Reed ) Jerry R. Hubbard , Dick Feller 4 : 42 11 . `` The Bandit '' Dick Feller 2 : 48 12 . `` And The Fight Played On ! '' Bill Justis 2 : 22 13 . `` Ma Cousin Plays Steel '' Bill Justis 3 : 11 14 . `` Hot Pants Fuzz Parade '' Bill Justis 4 : 48 15 . `` Incidental CB Dialogue '' ( Voice ( `` Bandit '' ) -- Burt Reynolds , Voice ( `` Snowman '' ) -- Jerry Reed ) 1 : 05 16 . `` The Bandit ( Reprise ) '' Dick Feller 2 : 17 Total length : 41 : 11 Reception ( edit ) Smokey and the Bandit was a smash hit at the box office . With an original budget of $5.3 million ( cut to $4.3 million two days before initial production ) , the film grossed $126,737,428 in North America , making it the second - highest - grossing movie of 1977 . The worldwide gross is estimated at over $300 million . Film critic Leonard Maltin gave the film a good rating ( 3 stars out of a possible 4 ) and characterized it as `` About as subtle as The Three Stooges , but a classic compared to the sequels and countless rip - offs which followed . '' Gene Siskel , in his review in the Chicago Tribune , gave the film two stars and complained that the film failed to tell the audience when the clock started on the beer run , thus removing suspense throughout the film concerning how long remained to them . He also claimed that Bandit is never made aware of Frog 's leaving Junior at the altar , which is why the Bandit continually asks why a Texas sheriff is chasing him . However , this is inaccurate : within seconds of Bandit picking her up , Frog tells him `` there is a wedding in search of a bride '' , and goes on to explain her ill - advised romance with Junior , as Bandit holds up the CB mic for Snowman to hear . The film 's editors , Walter Hannemann and Angelo Ross , were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Film Editing . It currently holds a 79 % `` Fresh '' rating on review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes , based on 28 reviews . Burt Reynolds rated the film as the one he most enjoyed and had the most fun making in his career . Legendary film maker Alfred Hitchcock stated that the movie was one of his favorites . Upon meeting Burt Reynolds , Billy Bob Thornton told him that the picture was not considered as such in the south , and was considered more of a documentary . Smokey and the Bandit was released in the United Kingdom on August 28 , 1977 and was a sizeable success there , garnering positive reviews . American Film Institute Lists AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Laughs -- Nominated AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Thrills -- Nominated AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Heroes and Villains : Bandit ( Bo Darville ) -- Nominated Hero Cultural impact ( edit ) Trans Am ( edit ) After the debut of the film the Trans Am became wildly popular with sales almost doubling in two years of the film 's release , to the delight of General Motors ; in fact , it outsold its Camaro counterpart for the first time ever . Reynolds was given the 1977 vehicle used during promotion of the film as a gift , though the car itself never actually appeared in the film . Because of the popularity of the movie and the sales success of the Trans Am , then President of Pontiac Alex Mair promised to supply Reynolds with a Trans Am each year . Owing to his financial difficulties , in 2014 Reynolds put his vast collection of artwork and memorabilia up for auction , including the Trans Am . High estimates for the car were up to $80,000 , but that was dwarfed by the actual sale price of $450,000 . Also up for auction was a go - kart replica of the car , which sold for nearly $14,000 . In 2016 , Trans Am Depot , a Florida - based automobile customization company , announced that it would build 77 Trans Ams that would be modeled after the car that Reynolds drove in the 1977 original , despite Pontiac having been discontinued by GM in 2009 . These new models were built off the Camaro platform ( the very same one that the real Firebird and Trans Am used ) , came with Pontiac arrowhead , flaming bird and Bandit logos , as well as instrument panels , center consoles and hood scoops emulating their 1977 counterparts , and were signed by Reynolds . Some differences included the use of a supercharged 454 - cid ( 7.4 - liter ) Chevrolet - sourced engine that put out 840 HP , and four round headlights , which appeared on the 1967 - 69 Firebirds / Trans Ams only ; the actual 1977 - 81 models had rectangular headlights . Diablo sandwich ( edit ) The diablo sandwich ordered by Sheriff Justice in the Arkansas barbecue restaurant scene has entered popular culture as a minor reference to the film . While no authoritative source identifies the composition of the sandwich , there are several possibilities . A segment of the CMT program Reel Eats used a sloppy joe - style recipe consisting of seasoned ground beef , corn and sour cream . Another proposal , based more closely on images from the film and the shooting location of the scene ( at an Old Hickory House restaurant in Georgia ) , is pulled pork and hot sauce on a hamburger bun . The Bandit run ( edit ) First run in 2007 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the movie , The Bandit Run was the brainchild of Dave Hall , owner of Restore A Muscle Car . A group of Trans Am owners and fans of the movie take part in an annual road trip from Texarkana to Jonesboro , Georgia , recreating the route taken by the characters in the film . The Bandit Run quickly caught on and has become a fixture , most recently celebrating the 40th anniversary of the movie with a special screening of the film attended by Burt Reynolds and a recreation of the jump undertaken by Bandit and Frog across a river . Mobil 1 commercial ( edit ) In 2014 , petroleum company Mobil 1 produced television commercials , featuring NASCAR star Tony Stewart , closely based on the film . Called Smoke is the Bandit playing on Stewart 's nickname , the commercials featured him as the Bandit opposite Darrell Waltrip who played Snowman and Jeff Hammond as Buford T. Justice . The story replaced the Coors beer with Mobil 1 products . The adverts poked fun at the film and even featured a Pontiac Trans Am and a cover version of the song East Bound and Down . The commercials were produced after Stewart mentioned that the movie was one of his favorites . Television censorship and alternative versions ( edit ) When Smokey and the Bandit first aired on American network television in the early 1980s , censors were faced with the challenge of toning down the raw language of the original film . For this purpose , they overdubbed dialogue deemed offensive , which was ( and remains , to an extent ) common practice . The most noted change made for network broadcast was the replacing of Buford 's often - spoken phrase `` sumbitch '' ( a contraction of `` son of a bitch '' ; usually in reference to the Bandit ) with the phrase `` scum bum '' . This phrase achieved a level of popularity with children , and the 2007 Hot Wheels release of the 1970s Firebird Trans Am has `` scum bum '' emblazoned on its tail . The TV prints of the first two Bandit films are still shown regularly on television , although a few TV stations aired the unedited version in recent years as some of the phraseology ( i.e. `` ( son of a ) bitch '' , `` ass '' , etc . ) became more acceptable on TV . The original actors mostly redubbed their own lines for the television version , except for Gleason . Actor Henry Corden , who voiced Fred Flintstone after original performer Alan Reed died , was used to replace a considerable amount of Sheriff Justice 's dialogue . This is fitting , as Fred Flintstone was a parody of / homage to Gleason 's character Ralph Kramden and The Flintstones was a parody of / homage to The Honeymooners . In the UK , the heavily dubbed version was shown for a number of years , particularly by the BBC . However , in more recent years , the original version has been shown ( on ITV , a commercial channel ) , usually with the stronger language edited out , often quite awkwardly and noticeably . The theatrical release itself had a few lines deleted , including a creative edit in which Sheriff Justice tells a state trooper to `` fuck off . '' His expletive is obscured when a passing big rig sounds its horn . At the time , using the ' F ' word would immediately require an R rating and this clever self - censorship allowed the film to avoid this rating and reach a much larger audience . However , the scene and the obscured expletive was played for comedy value and written as such , with the passing truck being the gag of the scene more than a way to avoid the censors . In 2006 , a DVD re-release was issued of Smokey and the Bandit featuring a digitally - remastered audio track with 5.1 Dolby - compatible surround sound . It should be noted however that many of the film 's original sounds were replaced . For instance , the diesel engine start and run up sequence in the opening sequence of the film was completely dubbed over with a totally new sound . A few other examples of `` sound effect replacement '' occur when Bandit takes off after managing to get a reluctant Cledus involved in the bet , and after he comes to a screeching halt on a roadway moments before picking up Carrie . Some of the original sound effects ( such as Cledus ' dog Fred 's barking ) and music ( such as the final chase to the Southern Classic ) were removed and not replaced . ( Note : earlier DVD releases and the 40th Anniversary Blu - ray of the film have the original soundtrack intact . ) Major portions of the audio ' background ' have been modified with different engine sounds or tire squeals from the original film . The updated version of the film features sounds inaccurate for what would be produced by the Trans Am or the numerous other Pontiac vehicles in the film . The original film had correct sounds that were usually recorded live as the action took place . Some TV versions also feature a longer version of the scene where Cledus wades into the pond after Fred . Spinoff ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( April 2013 ) A series of television movies aired in 1994 . The car featured was a Dodge Stealth . See also ( edit ) Film portal The Bandit Run The Cannonball Run Hooper References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Smokey and the Bandit ( A ) '' . British Board of Film Classification . 1977 - 06 - 13 . Retrieved October 28 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : How `` Smokey and the Bandit '' Was Born . CNN Money . Retrieved April 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` BREWING : The Beer That Won the West '' . Time . February 11 , 1974 . Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : `` 13 Fast Facts About Smokey and the Bandit '' . May 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Greyhound - Lakewood Park ( Atlanta , Georgia , USA ) '' . Roller Coaster DataBase . Retrieved March 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Page not found - Movieline '' . Jump up ^ Niver Western Wear Corporate Records Jump up ^ `` Media Now : Understanding Media , Culture , and Technology '' . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` How `` Smokey and the Bandit '' was born `` . Fortune . Jump up ^ `` BIZARRE QUESTION '' . Archived from the original on October 16 , 2007 . Retrieved September 14 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Author Unknown . `` BREWING : The Beer That Won the West '' Time . 11 February 1974 .,9171,908509,00.html Jump up ^ Koerth - Baker , Maggie . `` How the Bandit , Coors and a bunch of Makers changed the course of booze history '' . Boing Boing . Retrieved March 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Various -- Smokey And The Bandit ( Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ) '' . Discogs . Retrieved July 29 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Smokey and the Bandit , Box Office Information '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved January 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Maltin , Leonard , ed. ( 2003 ) . Leonard Maltin 's Movie & Video Guide : 2004 Edition . Penguin . Jump up ^ Smokey and the Bandit , Movie Reviews . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved April 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Burt Reynolds at the 2015 Macon Film Festival '' . Atlanta 's CW69 . July 21 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Seven Quirky Lowbrow Favorite Films of Highbrow Directors - The Moveable Fest '' . July 15 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Rebello , Stephen . `` Remembering Hal Needham and the Birth of Redneck Cinema '' . Jump up ^ `` Smokey and the Bandit - Film from RadioTimes '' . RadioTimes . Jump up ^ `` Smokey and the Bandit ( 1977 ) '' . IMDb . Retrieved February 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Nunez , Alex ( 15 December 2014 ) . `` Burt Reynolds ' Bandit Trans Am sells for $450,000 '' . Road & Track . Retrieved 10 August 2015 . Jump up ^ Hlavaty , Craig ( 30 March 2016 ) . `` See a `` New '' Vintage Bandit Trans Am Approved by Burt Reynolds Himself `` . Houston Chronicle . Retrieved 10 June 2016 . Jump up ^ LaGrou , Lisa ( February 9 , 2014 ) . `` Diablo Sandwich Recipe from CMT 's Reel Eats '' . Oakland County Moms . Jump up ^ `` Diablo Sandwich / `` Diablo & Doc '' From Smokey & the Bandit , Identified ! `` . . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Stewart plays off ' Smokey and the Bandit in Mobil 1 ad '' . Jump up ^ Salmons , Tim ( 2017 - 05 - 29 ) . `` Smokey and the Bandit : 40th Anniversary Edition '' . The Digital Bits . Retrieved 2017 - 11 - 12 . Jump up ^ Video on YouTube External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Smokey and the Bandit Smokey and the Bandit on IMDb Smokey and the Bandit at AllMovie Smokey and the Bandit at the TCM Movie Database Smokey and the Bandit at the American Film Institute Catalog Smokey and the Bandit at Box Office Mojo Smokey and the Bandit at Rotten Tomatoes hide Films directed by Hal Needham Smokey and the Bandit ( 1977 ) Hooper ( 1978 ) The Villain ( 1979 ) Death Car on the Freeway ( 1979 ) Smokey and the Bandit II ( 1980 ) The Cannonball Run ( 1981 ) Megaforce ( 1982 ) Stroker Ace ( 1983 ) Cannonball Run II ( 1984 ) Rad ( 1986 ) Body Slam ( 1987 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1977 films English - language films Smokey and the Bandit 1970s action films 1970s comedy films 1970s road movies American films American action comedy films Country music films American road movies American chase films Directorial debut films Fictional smugglers Films about automobiles Films about beer Films directed by Hal Needham Films set in Alabama Films set in Arkansas Films set in Georgia ( U.S. state ) Films set in Mississippi Films set in Texas Films shot in Atlanta Films shot in California Films shot in Florida Films shot in Georgia ( U.S. state ) Films shot in Los Angeles Trucker films Screenplays by Charles Shyer Universal Pictures films Hidden categories : All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with dead external links from October 2011 Use mdy dates from October 2014 Articles with hAudio microformats Album infoboxes lacking a cover Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters Articles to be expanded from April 2013 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Dansk Deutsch Español Français Italiano Magyar 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska 中文 7 more Edit links This page was last edited on 12 June 2018 , at 21 : 28 . 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who was the member of the constituent assembly from bihar
Constituent Assembly of India - Wikipedia Constituent Assembly of India This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Constituent Assembly of India Seal of the Constituent Assembly . Type Type Unicameral History Founded 6 December 1946 ( 1946 - 12 - 06 ) Disbanded 24 January 1950 ( 1950 - 01 - 24 ) Preceded by Imperial Legislative Council Succeeded by Parliament of India Leadership Temporary Chairman Sachchidananda Sinha , INC President Dr. Rajendra Prasad , INC Chairman of the drafting committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar , SCF Vice Presidents Harendra Coomar Mookerjee V.T. Krishnamachari Structure Seats 389 ( Dec. 1946 - June 1947 ) 299 ( June 1947 - Jan. 1950 ) Political groups INC : 208 seats AIML : 73 seats Others : 15 seats Princely States : 93 seats Elections Voting system First past the post Meeting place House of Parliament , New Delhi The Constituent Assembly of India was elected to write the Constitution of India . Following India 's independence from Great Britain in 1947 , its members served as the nation 's first Parliament . An idea for a Constituent Assembly was proposed in 1934 by M.N. Roy , a pioneer of the Communist movement in India and an advocate of radical democracy . It became an official demand of the Indian National Congress in 1935 , C. Rajagopalachari voiced the demand for a Constituent Assembly on 15 November 1939 based on adult franchise , and was accepted by the British in August 1940 . On 8 August 1940 , a statement was made by Viceroy Lord Linlithgow about the expansion of the Governor - General 's Executive Council and the establishment of a War Advisory Council . This offer , known as the August Offer , included giving full weight to minority opinions and allowing Indians to draft their own constitution . Under the Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 , elections were held for the first time for the Constituent Assembly . The Constitution of India was drafted by the Constituent Assembly , and it was implemented under the Cabinet Mission Plan on 16 May 1946 . The members of the Constituent Assembly were elected by the provincial assemblies by a single , transferable - vote system of proportional representation . The total membership of the Constituent Assembly was 389 : 292 were representatives of the states , 93 represented the princely states and four were from the chief commissioner provinces of Delhi , Ajmer - Merwara , Coorg ( Near Madikeri ) and British Baluchistan . The elections for the 296 seats assigned to the British Indian provinces were completed by August 1946 . Congress won 208 seats , and the Muslim League 73 . After this election , the Muslim League refused to cooperate with the Congress , and the political situation deteriorated . Hindu - Muslim riots began , and the Muslim League demanded a separate constituent assembly for Muslims in India . On 3 June 1947 Lord Mountbatten , the last British Governor - General of India , announced his intention to scrap the Cabinet Mission Plan ; this culminated in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and the separate nations of India and Pakistan . The Indian Independence Act was passed on 18 July 1947 and , although it was earlier declared that India would become independent in June 1948 , this event led to independence on 15 August 1947 . The Constituent Assembly ( elected for an undivided India ) met for the first time on 9 December 1946 , reassembling on 14 August 1947 as a sovereign body and successor to the British parliament 's authority in India . As a result of the partition , under the Mountbatten plan a separate Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was established on 3 June 1947 . The representatives of the areas incorporated into Pakistan ceased to be members of the Constituent Assembly of India . New elections were held for the West Punjab and East Bengal ( which became part of Pakistan , although East Bengal later seceded to become Bangladesh ) ; the membership of the Constituent Assembly was 299 after the reorganization , and it met on 31 December 1947 . Contents 1 Description 2 Background and election 3 Constitution and elections 4 Organization 4.1 Timeline 5 Committees of the Constituent Assembly 6 Prominent members 7 Members ( by province / state ) 7.1 Members who later withdrew after partition 8 Gallery 9 References 10 Further reading Description ( edit ) The Constituent Assembly , consisting of indirectly elected representatives , was established to draft a constitution for India ( including the now - separate countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh ) . It existed for approximately three years , the first parliament of India after independence in 1947 . The Assembly was not elected on the basis of universal adult suffrage , and Muslims and Sikhs received special representation as minorities . The Muslim League boycotted the Assembly after failing to prevent its creation . Although a large part of the Constituent Assembly was drawn from the Congress Party in a one - party environment , the Congress Party included a wide diversity of opinions -- from conservative industrialists to radical Marxists , to Hindu revivalists . The Assembly met for the first time in New Delhi on 9 December 1946 , and its last session was held on 24 January 1950 . The hope of the Assembly was expressed by Jawaharlal Nehru : The first task of this Assembly is to free India through a new constitution , to feed the starving people , and to clothe the naked masses , and to give every Indian the fullest opportunity to develop himself according to his capacity . This is certainly a great task . Look at India today . We , are sitting here and there in despair in many places , and unrest in many cities . The atmosphere is surcharged with these quarrels and feuds which are called communal disturbances , and unfortunately we sometimes can not avoid them . But at present the greatest and most important question in India is how to solve the problem of the poor and the starving . Wherever we turn , we are confronted with this problem . If we can not solve this problem soon , all our paper constitutions will become useless and purposeless . Keeping this aspect in view , who could suggest to us to postpone and wait ? -- Jawaharlal Nehru , Constituent Assembly Debates ( Proceedings ) , Vol. II Background and election ( edit ) India was still under British rule when the Constituent Assembly was established following negotiations between Indian leaders and members of the 1946 Cabinet Mission to India from the United Kingdom . Provincial assembly elections were held early in 1946 . Constituent Assembly members were elected indirectly by members of the newly elected provincial assemblies , and initially included representatives for those provinces that formed part of Pakistan ( some of which are now in Bangladesh ) . The Constituent Assembly had 299 representatives , including nine women . The Interim Government of India was formed on 2 September 1946 from the newly elected Constituent Assembly . The Congress Party held a large majority in the Assembly ( 69 percent of the seats ) , and the Muslim League held nearly all the seats reserved in the Assembly for Muslims . There were also members of smaller parties , such as the Scheduled Caste Federation , the Communist Party of India and the Unionist Party . In June 1947 delegations from Sindh , East Bengal , Baluchistan , West Punjab and the North West Frontier Province withdrew to form the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan , meeting in Karachi . On 15 August 1947 the Dominion of India and Dominion of Pakistan became independent nations , and members of the Constituent Assembly who had not withdrawn to Karachi became India 's Parliament . Twenty - eight members of the Muslim League joined the Indian Assembly , and 93 members were later nominated from the princely states ; the Congress Party secured a majority of 82 percent . Constitution and elections ( edit ) See also : Constitution of India At 11 am on 9 December 1946 the Assembly began its first session , with 208 members attending . By early 1947 , representatives of the Muslim League and princely states joined , and the Assembly approved the draft constitution on 26 November 1949 . On 26 January 1950 the constitution took effect ( commemorated as Republic Day ) , and the Constituent Assembly became the Provisional Parliament of India ( continuing until after the first elections under the new constitution in 1952 ) . Organization ( edit ) Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha was the first chairman ( temporary ) of Constituent Assembly . Later Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the president and Its vice-president was Harendra Coomar Mookerjee , a Christian from Bengal and former vice-chancellor of Calcutta University . Also chairing the assembly 's Minorities Committee , Mookerjee was appointed governor of West Bengal after India became a republic . Jurist B.N. Rau was appointed constitutional adviser to the assembly ; Rau prepared the original draft of the constitution , and was later appointed a judge in the Permanent Court of International Justice in The Hague . The assembly 's work had five stages : Committees presented reports on issues . B.N. Rau prepared an initial draft based on the reports and his research into the constitutions of other nations . The drafting committee , chaired by B.R. Ambedkar , presented a detailed draft constitution which was published for public discussion . The draft constitution was discussed , and amendments proposed and enacted . The constitution was adopted , with a committee of experts led by the Congress Party ( known as the Congress Assembly Party ) played a pivotal role . Timeline ( edit ) 9 December 1946 : The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held in the constitution hall ( now the Central Hall of Parliament House ) . Demanding a separate state , the Muslim League boycotted the meeting . Sachchidananda Sinha was elected temporary president of the assembly , in accordance with French practice . 11 December 1946 : Rajendra Prasad was elected as president and H.C. Mukherjee was elected as vice-president of the constituent assembly . B.N. Rau was appointed as its constitutional adviser . 13 December 1946 : An ' Objective Resolution ' was moved by Jawaharlal Nehru in the assembly , laying down the underlying principles of the constitution . It finally became the Preamble of the constitution . 22 January 1947 : Objective resolution unanimously adopted . 22 July 1947 : National flag adopted . 15 August 1947 : Indian independence achieved as the Dominion of India . 29 August 1947 : Drafting Committee appointed with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the Chairman . 16 July 1948 : Along with Harendra Coomar Mookerjee V.T. Krishnamachari was also elected as second vice-president of Constituent Assembly . 26 November 1949 : Constitution passed and accepted by the assembly . 24 January 1950 : `` Jana Gana Mana '' adopted as the national anthem , with the first two verses of `` Vande Mataram '' the national song . Rajendra Prasad elected the first president of India . The assembly was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad when it met as a constituent body , and by G.V. Mavlankar when it met as a legislative body . It completed the task of drafting a constitution in two years , eleven months and eighteen days , at a total expenditure of ₹ 6.4 million . Committees of the Constituent Assembly ( edit ) The Constituent Assembly appointed a total of 22 committees to deal with different tasks of constitution - making . Out of these , eight were major committees and the others were minor committees . Major Committees Drafting Committee -- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Union Powers Committee -- Jawaharlal Nehru Union Constitution Committee -- Jawaharlal Nehru Provincial Constitution Committee -- Sardar Patel Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights , Minorities and Tribal and Excluded Areas -- Sardar Patel . This committee had the following subcommittees : Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee -- J.B. Kripalani Minorities Sub-Committee -- Harendra Coomar Mookerjee , North - East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam Excluded & Partially Excluded Areas Sub-Committee -- Gopinath Bardoloi Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas ( Other than those in Assam ) Sub-Committee -- AV Thakkar Rules of Procedure Committee -- Dr. Rajendra Prasad States Committee ( Committee for Negotiating with States ) -- Jawaharlal Nehru Steering Committee -- Dr. Rajendra Prasad Prominent members ( edit ) B.R. Ambedkar , Minister for Law ; Chairman of Drafting Committee . B.N. Rau , Constitutional Advisor Jawaharlal Nehru , first Prime Minister of India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel , first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister J.B. Kriplani , President of Indian National congress at the time of independence Maulana Abul Kalam Azad , Minister for Education Rajendra Prasad , President of Constituent Assembly C. Rajagopalachari , Governor - General of India Sarat Chandra Bose , Barrister and Indian independence activist Krishna Sinha , first Chief Minister , Bihar Binodanand Jha , Minister , Bihar Shyam Nandan Prasad Mishra Anugrah Narayan Sinha , Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister , Bihar Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Asaf Ali Syama Prasad Mookerjee , Industries Minister , President , Hindu Mahasabha Moturi Satyanarayana , Freedom Fighter Rajkumari Amrit Kaur , Health Minister Hansa Mehta , President , All India Women 's Conference N.G. Ranga Deep Narayan Singh , Minister , Bihar Gopinath Bordoloi , Prime Minister of Assam Sir Syed Muhammad Saadulla , Assam P. Subbarayan Kailashnath Katju N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar T.T. Krishnamachari Rameshwar Prasad Sinha Durgabai Deshmukh K.M. Munshi Krishana Ballabh Sahay Frank Anthony , Anglo - Indian representative Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan John Mathai , first railway minister of India Pratap Singh Kairon L. Krishnaswamy Bharati - Madras Province Chidambaram Subramaniam Jaipal Singh Munda , Former Indian Hockey captain , and Tribal leader Hargovind Pant Members ( by province / state ) ( edit ) Madras : Annie Mascarene , O.V. Alagesan , Mrs. Ammu Swaminathan , M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar , Moturi Satyanarayana , Mrs. Dakshayani Velayudhan , Mrs. G. Durgabai , Kala Venkatarao , N. Gopalaswamy Ayyangar , D. Govinda Das , Revd . Jerome D'Souza , P. Kakkan , T.M. Kaliyannan Gounder , K. Kamaraj , V.C. Kesava Rao , T.T. Krishnamachari , Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer L. Krishnaswami Bharathi , P. Kunhiraman , Mosalikanti Thirumala Rao , V.I. Munuswamy Pillai , M.A. Muthiah Chettiar , V. Nadimuthu Pillai , S. Nagappa , P.L. Narasimha Raju , B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya , C. Perumalswamy Reddy , T. Prakasam , S.H. Prater , Raja Swetachalapati Ramakrishna Renga Roa of Bobbili , R.K. Shanmukham Chetty , T.A. Ramalingam Chettiar , Ramnath Goenka , O.P. Ramaswamy Reddiar , N.G. Ranga , Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy , Sheik Galib Sahib , K. Santhanam , B. Shiva Rao , Kallur Subba Rao , U. Srinivasa Mallya , P. Subbarayan , C. Subramaniam , V Subramaniam , M.C. Veerabahu Pillai , P.M. Velayudapani , A.K. Menon , T.J.M. Wilson , Mohamed Ismail Sahib , K.T.M. Ahmed Ibrahim , Mahboob Ali Baig Sahib Bahadur , B. Pocker Sahib Bahadur , pattam Tanupillai Bombay : Balchandra Maheshwar Gupte , Hansa Mehta , Hari Vinayak Pataskar , Dr. B.R. Ambedkar , Joseph Alban D'Souza , Kanayalal Nanabhai Desai , Keshavrao Marutirao Jedhe , Khandubhai Kasanji Desai , Bal Gangadhar Kher , M.R. Masani , K.M. Munshi , Narahar Vishnu Gadgil , S. Nijalingappa , S.K. Patil , Ramchandra Manohar Nalavade , R.R. Diwakar , Shankarrao Deo , G.V. Mavalankar , Vallabhbhai Patel , Abdul Kadar Mohammad Shaikh , A.A. Khan West Bengal : Monomohan Das , Arun Chandra Guha , Lakshmi Kanta Maitra , Mihir Lal Chattopadhyay , Satis Chandra Samanta , Suresh Chandra Majumdar , Upendranath Barman , Prabhudayal Himatsingka , Basanta Kumar Das , Renuka Ray , H.C. Mukherjee , Surendra Mohan Ghose , Syama Prasad Mookerjee , Ari Bahadur Gurung , R.E. Platel , K.C. Neogy , Raghib Ahsan , Somnath Lahiri , Jasimuddin Ahmad , Naziruddin Ahmad , Abdul Hamid , Abdul Halim Ghuznavi United Provinces : Ajit Prasad Jain , Algu Rai Shastri , Balkrishna Sharma , Banshi Dhar Misra , Bhagwan Din , Damodar Swarup Seth , Dayal Das Bhagat , Dharam Prakash , A. Dharam Dass , R.V. Dhulekar , Feroz Gandhi , Gopal Narain , Krishna Chandra Sharma , Govind Ballabh Pant , Govind Malviya , Har Govind Pant , Harihar Nath Shastri , Hriday Nath Kunzru , Jaspat Roy Kapoor , Jagannath Baksh Singh , Jawaharlal Nehru , Jogendra Singh , Jugal Kishore , Jwala Prasad Srivastava , B.V. Keskar , Kamala Chaudhry , Kamalapati Tripathi , J.B. Kripalani , Mahavir Tyagi , Khurshed Lal , Masurya Din , Mohan Lal Saksena , Padampat Singhania , Phool Singh , Paragi Lal , Purnima Banerjee , Purushottam Das Tandon , Hira Vallabha Tripathi , Ram Chandra Gupta , Shibban Lal Saxena , Satish Chandra , John Matthai , Sucheta Kripalani , Sunder Lall , Venkatesh Narayan Tiwari , Mohanlal Gautam , Vishwambhar Dayal Tripathi , Vishnu Sharan Dublish , Begum Aizaz Rasul , Hyder Hussain , Hasrat Mohani , Abul Kalam Azad , Muhammad Ismail Khan , Rafi Ahmad Kidwai , Mohd . Hifzur Rahman , ZH Lari East Punjab : Bakshi Tek Chand , Jairamdas Daulatram , Thakurdas Bhargava , Bikramlal Sondhi , Yashwant Rai , Ranbir Singh Hooda , Lala Achint Ram , Nand Lal , Baldev Singh , Giani Gurmukh Singh Musafir , Sardar Hukam Singh , Sardar Bhopinder Singh Mann , Sardar Rattan Singh Lohgarh Chaudhry Suraj Mal Bihar : Nasif Arafat , Amiyo Kumar Ghosh , Anugrah Narayan Sinha , Banarsi Prasad Jhunjhunwala , Bhagwat Prasad , Boniface Lakra , Brajeshwar Prasad , Chandika Ram , K.T. Shah , Devendra Nath Samanta , Dip Narain Sinha , Guptanath Singh , Jadubans Sahay , Jagat Narain Lal , Jagjivan Ram , Jaipal Singh Munda , Kameshwar Singh of Darbhanga , Kamaleshwari Prasad Yadav , Mahesh Prasad Sinha , Krishna Ballabh Sahay , Raghunandan Prasad , Rajendra Prasad , Rameshwar Prasad Sinha , Ramnarayan Singh , Sachchidananda Sinha , Sarangdhar Sinha , Satyanarayan Sinha , Binodanand Jha , P.K. Sen , Sri Krishna Sinha , Sri Narayan Mahtha , Syamanandan Mishra , Hussain Imam , Syed Jafar Imam , Latifur Rahman , Mohammad Tahir , Tajamul Hussain , Choudhry Abid Hussain . Hargovind Mishra Central Provinces and Berar : Ambica Charan Shukla , Raghu Vira , Rajkumari Amrit Kaur , B.A. Mandloi , Brijlal Nandlal Biyani , Thakur Cheedilal , Seth Govind Das , Hari Singh Gour , Hari Vishnu Kamath , Hemchandra Jagobaji Khandekar , Ghanshyam Singh Gupta , Lakshman Shrawan Bhatkar , Panjabrao Shamrao Deshmukh , Ravi Shankar Shukla , R.K. Sidhva , Shankar Trimbak Dharmadhikari , Frank Anthony , Kazi Syed Karimuddin , Ganpatrao Dani Assam : Nibaran Chandra Laskar , Dharanidhar Basu - Matari , Gopinath Bardoloi , J.J.M. Nichols - Roy , Kuladhar Chaliha , Rohini Kumar Chaudhury , Muhammad Saadulla , Abdur Rouf Orissa : Biswanath Das , Krishna Chandra Gajapati Narayana Dev , Harekrushna Mahatab , Laxminarayan Sahu Lokanath Mishra , Nandkishore Das , Rajkrishna Bose , Santanu Kumar Das , Yudhishir Mishra Delhi : Deshbhandhu Gupta Ajmer - Merwara : Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava Coorg : C.M. Poonacha Mysore : K.C. Reddy , T. Siddalingaiya , H.R. Guruv Reddy , S.V. Krishnamurthy Rao , K. Hanumanthaiya , H. Siddaveerappa , T. Channiah Jammu and Kashmir : Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah , Motiram Baigra , Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beg , Maulana Mohammad Sayeed Masoodi Travancore - Cochin : Pattom A. Thanu Pillai , R. Sankar , P.T. Chacko , Panampilly Govinda Menon , Annie Mascarene , P.S. Nataraja Pillai , K.A. Mohamed Madhya Bharat : Vinayak Sitaram Sarwate , Brijraj Narain , Gopikrishna Vijayavargiya , Ram Sahai , Kusum Kant Jain , Radhavallabh Vijayavargiya , Sitaram S. Jajoo Saurashtra : Balwant Rai Gopalji Mehta , Jaisukhlal Hathi , Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar , Chimanlal Chakubhai Shah , Samaldas Laxmidas Gandhi Rajasthan : V.T. Krishnamachari , Hiralal Shastri , Sardar Singhjhi of Khetri , Jaswant Singhji , Raj Bhadur , Manikya Lal Varma , Gokul Lal Asava , Ramchandra Upadhyaya , Balwant Sinha Mehta , Dalel Singh , Jainarain Vyas Patiala and East Punjab States Union : Ranjit Singh , Sochet Singh , Bhagwant Roy Bombay States : Vinayakrao Balshankar Vaidya , B.N. Munavalli , Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt , Jivraj Narayan Mehta , Gopaldas A. Desai , Paranlal Thakurlal Munshi , B.H. Khardekar , Ratnappa Bharamappa Kumbhar B.N Datar Orissa States : Lal Mohan Pati , N. Madhava Rau , Raj Kunwar , Sarangadhar Das , Yudhishthir Mishra Central Provinces States : R.L. Malaviya , Kishorimohan Tripathi , Ramprasad Potai United Provinces States : B.H. Zaidi , Krishna Singh Madras States : V. Ramaiah , Ramakrishna Ranga Rao Vindhya Pradesh : Avdesh Pratap Singh , Shambu Nath Shukla , Ram Sahai Tiwari , Mannulalji Dwidedi Cooch Behar : Himmat Singh K. Maheshwari Tripura and Manipur : Girja Shankar Guha Bhopal : Lal Singh Kutch : Bhawani Arjun Khimji Himachal Pradesh : Yashwant Singh Parmar Members who later withdrew after partition ( edit ) East Bengal : Abdullah al Mahmood , Maulana Mohd Abdullah el Baqui , Abdul Hamid , Abdul Kasem Khan , Mohammad Akram Khan , A. Hamid , Azizuddin Ahmad , Muhammad Habibullah Bahar , Prem Hari Barma , Raj Kumar Chakraverty , Sris Chandra Chattopadhyaya , Abdul Matin Chaudhary , Murtaza Raza Choudhry , Hamidul Haq Chowdhury , Akhay Kumar Das , Dhirendra Nath Datta , Bhupendra Kumar Datta , Ebrahim Khan , Fazlul Huq , Fazlur Rahman , Ghayasuddin Pathan , Begum Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah , Liaquat Ali Khan , Mafizuddin Ahmad , Mahmud Hussain , Jnanendra Chandra Majumdar , A.M. Malik , Birat Chandra Mandal , Jogendra Nath Mandal , Mohammed Ali , Khwaja Nazimuddin , M.A.B.L. Nur Ahmed , Nurul Amin , Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi , Sri Dhananjoy M.A.B.L. Roy , Maudi Bhakesh Chanda , B.L. Serajul Islam , Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Osmani , Shahabudin Khwaja , H.S. Suhrawardy , Harendra Kumar Sur , Tamizuddin Khan , Kawivi Kerwar Datta , Ghulam Mohammed West Punjab : Mian Mumtaz Mohammad Khan Daultana , Ganga Saran , Zafarullah Khan , Iftikhar Hussain Khan , Mian Muhammad Iftikharuddin , Muhammad Ali Jinnah , Sheikh Karamat Ali , Nazir Ahmad Khan , Sardar Abdur Rab Nistar , Feroz Khan Noon , Omar Hayat Malik , Shah Nawaz Begum Jahan Ara , Sardar Shaukat Hyat Khan , Northwest Frontier Province : Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan , Khan Sardar Bahadur Khan , Sardar Asad Ullah Jan Khan Sindh : Abdus Sattar Abdur Rahman , Alhajj Muhammad Hashim Gazder , M.A. Khuhro Balochistan : S.B. Nawab Mohammad Khan Jogezai Gallery ( edit ) Jawaharlal Nehru and other members taking pledge during the midnight session of the Constituent Assembly of India held on 14 and 15 August 1947 . Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Chairman , Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution with other members on Aug. 29 , 1947 . Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar , chairman of the Drafting Committee , presenting the final draft of the Indian Constitution to Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 25 November , 1949 . B.R. Ambedkar in Constituent Assembly of India . Jawaharlal Nehru addressing the constituent assembly in 1946 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ M. Lakshmikanth , Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations , 3rd ed. , ( New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited , 2011 ) , p. 2.3 Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 11 May 2011 . Retrieved 2014 - 05 - 12 . CS1 maint : Archived copy as title ( link ) Jump up ^ Baruah , L.M. ( 1992 ) . Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi , an Architect of Modern India . Gyan Publishing House . ISBN 81 - 212 - 0404 - 6 . Retrieved 2013 - 11 - 17 . Further reading ( edit ) Austin , Granville . The Indian Constitution , Cornerstone of a Nation . New Delhi : OUP India , 1999 . ISBN 0 - 19 - 564959 - 1 . Bipan Chandra , Mridula Mukherjee and Aditya Mukherjee . India Since Independence : Revised Edition . New Delhi : Penguin Books India , 2008 . An Indian 10 - episode TV series made by Rajya sabha TV called `` SAMVIDHAN '' described in detail how the Indian Constitution was made . Indian Independence Movement History Colonisation Porto Grande de Bengala Dutch Bengal East India Company British Raj French India Portuguese India Battle of Plassey Battle of Buxar Anglo - Mysore Wars First Second Third Fourth Anglo - Maratha Wars First Second Third Polygar Wars Vellore Mutiny First Anglo - Sikh War Second Anglo - Sikh War Sannyasi Rebellion Rebellion of 1857 Radcliffe Line more Philosophies and ideologies Ambedkarism Gandhism Hindu nationalism Indian nationalism Khilafat Movement Muslim nationalism in South Asia Satyagraha Socialism Swadeshi movement Swaraj Events and movements Partition of Bengal ( 1905 ) Partition of Bengal ( 1947 ) Revolutionaries Direct Action Day Delhi - Lahore Conspiracy The Indian Sociologist Singapore Mutiny Hindu -- German Conspiracy Champaran Satyagraha Kheda Satyagraha Rowlatt Committee Rowlatt Bills Jallianwala Bagh massacre Noakhali riots Non-Cooperation Movement Christmas Day Plot Coolie - Begar Movement Chauri Chaura incident , 1922 Kakori conspiracy Qissa Khwani Bazaar massacre Flag Satyagraha Bardoli 1928 Protests Nehru Report Fourteen Points of Jinnah Purna Swaraj Salt March Dharasana Satyagraha Vedaranyam March Chittagong armoury raid Gandhi -- Irwin Pact Round table conferences Act of 1935 Aundh Experiment Indian Legion Cripps Mission Quit India Bombay Mutiny Coup d'état of Yanaon Provisional Government of India Independence Day Praja Mandala movement Organisations All India Kisan Sabha All - India Muslim League Anushilan Samiti Arya Samaj Azad Hind Berlin Committee Ghadar Party Hindustan Socialist Republican Association Indian National Congress India House Indian Home Rule movement Indian Independence League Indian National Army Jugantar Khaksar Tehrik Khudai Khidmatgar Swaraj Party more Social reformers A. Vaidyanatha Iyer Ayya Vaikundar Ayyankali B.R. Ambedkar Baba Amte Bal Gangadhar Tilak Dayananda Saraswati Dhondo Keshav Karve G. Subramania Iyer Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chetty Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Gopal Hari Deshmukh Gopaldas Ambaidas Desai Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar J.B. Kripalani Jyotirao Phule Kandukuri Veeresalingam Mahadev Govind Ranade Mahatma Gandhi Muthulakshmi Reddi Narayana Guru Niralamba Swami Pandita Ramabai Periyar E.V. Ramasamy Ram Mohan Roy Rettamalai Srinivasan Sahajanand Saraswati Savitribai Phule Shahu Sister Nivedita Sri Aurobindo Syed Ahmad Khan Vakkom Moulavi Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Vinoba Bhave Vitthal Ramji Shinde Vivekananda Independence activists Abul Kalam Azad Accamma Cherian Achyut Patwardhan A.K. Fazlul Huq Alluri Sitarama Raju Annapurna Maharana Annie Besant Ashfaqulla Khan Babu Kunwar Singh Bagha Jatin Bahadur Shah II Bakht Khan Bal Gangadhar Tilak Basawon Singh Begum Hazrat Mahal Bhagat Singh Bharathidasan Bhavabhushan Mitra Bhikaiji Cama Bhupendra Kumar Datta Bidhan Chandra Roy Bipin Chandra Pal C. Rajagopalachari Chandra Shekhar Azad Chetram Jatav Chittaranjan Das Dadabhai Naoroji Dayananda Saraswati Dhan Singh Dukkipati Nageswara Rao Gopal Krishna Gokhale Govind Ballabh Pant Har Dayal Hemu Kalani Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi Jatindra Mohan Sengupta Jatindra Nath Das Jawaharlal Nehru K. Kamaraj Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Khudiram Bose Shri Krishna Singh Lala Lajpat Rai M. Bhaktavatsalam M.N. Roy Mahadaji Shinde Mahatma Gandhi Mangal Pandey Mir Qasim Mithuben Petit ‎ Muhammad Ali Jauhar Muhammad Ali Jinnah Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari Nagnath Naikwadi Nana Fadnavis Nana Sahib P. Kakkan Prafulla Chaki Pritilata Waddedar Pritilata Waddedar Purushottam Das Tandon R. Venkataraman Rahul Sankrityayan Rajendra Prasad Ram Prasad Bismil Rani Lakshmibai Rash Behari Bose Sahajanand Saraswati Sangolli Rayanna Sarojini Naidu Satyapal Dang Shuja - ud - Daula Shyamji Krishna Varma Sibghatullah Shah Rashidi Siraj ud - Daulah Subhas Chandra Bose Subramania Bharati Subramaniya Siva Surya Sen Syama Prasad Mukherjee Tara Rani Srivastava Tarak Nath Das Tatya Tope Tiruppur Kumaran Ubaidullah Sindhi VO Chidamabaram V.K. Krishna Menon Vallabhbhai Patel Vanchinathan Veeran Sundaralingam Vinayak Damodar Savarkar Virendranath Chattopadhyaya Yashwantrao Holkar Yogendra Shukla more British leaders Wavell Canning Cornwallis Irwin Chelmsford Curzon Ripon Minto Dalhousie Bentinck Mountbatten Wellesley Lytton Clive Outram Cripps Linlithgow Hastings Independence Cabinet Mission Annexation of French colonies in India Constitution Republic of India Indian annexation of Goa Indian Independence Act Partition of India Political integration Simla Conference Legislatures of India British Raj Council of India Imperial Legislative Council Council of State Central Legislative Assembly Chamber of Princes Constituent Assembly of India Sansad Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Vidhan Sabha Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh National Capital Territory of Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Vidhan Parishad Andhra Pradesh Bihar Jammu and Kashmir Karnataka Maharashtra Telangana Uttar Pradesh Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Constitutional history of India Central Legislative Assembly of India Political history of India Constituent Assembly of India Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Archived copy as title Articles needing additional references from March 2012 All articles needing additional references Use Indian English from October 2013 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Use dmy dates from September 2013 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano ಕನ್ನಡ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ தமிழ் తెలుగు Edit links This page was last edited on 29 October 2018 , at 10 : 35 ( UTC ) . 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