USS Albert David
Standdown carried over well into the third week of 1983. On 20 January, Albert David took up local operations out of San Diego with a three-day readiness exercise. A variety of training evolutions conducted in the waters off the coast of southern California occupied her time during the nine months between January and October 1983. On 4 October, however, the frigate stood out to sea on her way to the Far East once more. She made a five-day stop at Pearl Harbor and conducted a battle problem in the Mariana Islands before steaming into Subic Bay at the beginning of the second week in November. At mid-month, Albert David put to sea again to participate in a series of bilateral exercises with units of the Royal Malaysian Navy, the Royal Singapore Navy, and the Navy of the Republic of Korea. Interspersed among those exercises were goodwill and liberty calls at Lumut in Malaysia, Singapore, Chinhae in Korea, and at Hong Kong. On 28 December, she returned to the Philippines at Manila where she ushered in the new year.
USS Albert David
Albert David's western Pacific deployment continued until early April 1984. January brought a visit to Cebu City in the Philippines, a brief return to Subic Bay, and another bilateral exercise, this time with the Royal Thai Navy. Exercises with other units of the 7th Fleet followed. At the end of January, the frigate sailed north to Japan for upkeep and repairs at Yokosuka. At the beginning of the last week in February, the warship completed repairs and put to sea to conduct antisubmarine warfare exercises with elements of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. The end of February and beginning of March brought visits to Sasebo and Fukuoka in Japan. During mid-March, she operated with South Korean Navy units again and then made port visits at Chinhae and Pusan, Korea, and at Sasebo, Japan. Albert David departed Sasebo on 3 April on her way back to the United States. En route, she lingered in the Marianas to participate in another battle problem and stopped at Pearl Harbor on 21 and 22 April. The warship pulled into San Diego on 30 April. Post-deployment standdown took up the month of May, and operations along the California coast occupied the summer and early fall of 1984. At the beginning of November, Albert David began restricted availability at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard.
Decauville railway of Suberbieville
Léon Suberbie only stayed in Madagascar for a short time, when he signed a contract with the Prime Minister on 2 December 1886 for the exploitation of gold mines. He then travelled back to France to acquire the capital required for exploration. The Compagnie coloniale et des mines d'or de Suberbieville el de la côté ouest de Madagascar hoped to obtain a railway concession on similar terms to the Société bordelaise on the east coast and later the Compagnie coloniale de Madagascar. During the time-consuming negotiations, it launched a small project. It laid a Decauville railway on the road from Suberbieville to the west, presumably where Lac de Usine accumulated after the construction of a dyke. In return, it demanded a traffic guarantee of 4 to 5,000 tonnes per year. The interim governor-general of Madagascar Théophile Pennequin supported the project, as it made it possible to dispense with the planned east coast railway, which he considered to be extremely costly for the colonial budget.
The Dear Hunter
The reason I originally wrote it is obviously because I was bitter. The demos were almost all thematically interchangeable with one another. They are all kind of bitter and about a guy falling in love with a prostitute and stuff. When people call those demos an album, I just think it is a little ridiculous, because if I was to release that, I would be ashamed of myself. There is nothing to it – it's just one subject. I went through something with a girl, and like most immature artist people, you write about it and complain a lot...And that is why I didn't want anyone to hear those (songs from the demo)...I think I did what any writer does – they include themselves in their work to an extent as much as they can, since that is your only real link to humanity – what you experience. So if I am going to try to make anything realistic, all I have to go on is what I learned on my own...It is more that every character is a collection of experiences and feelings I have had about people in the past.
Ayin and Yesh
Ayin is closely associated with the Ein Sof (Hebrew: אין סוף, lit. 'without end'), which is understood as the Deity prior to His self-manifestation in the creation of the spiritual and physical realms, single Infinite unity beyond any description or limitation. From the perspective of the emanated created realms, Creation takes place "Yesh me-Ayin" ("Something from Nothing"). From the Divine perspective, Creation takes place "Ayin me-Yesh" ("Nothing from Something"), as only God has absolute existence; Creation is dependent on the continuous flow of Divine lifeforce, without which it would revert to nothingness. Since the 13th century, Ayin has been one of the most important words used in kabbalistic texts. The symbolism associated with the word Ayin was greatly emphasized by Moses de León , a Spanish rabbi and kabbalist, through the Zohar, the foundational work of Kabbalah. In Hasidism Ayin relates to the internal psychological experience of Deveikut ("cleaving" to God amidst physicality), and the contemplative perception of paradoxical Yesh-Ayin Divine Panentheism, "There is no place empty of Him".
Ayin and Yesh
Schneur Zalman of Liadi, one of Dov Ber's inner circle of followers, developed Hasidic thought into an intellectual philosophical system that related the Kabbalistic scheme to its interpretation in the Hasidic doctrine of Panentheism. The Chabad follower contemplates the Hasidic interpretation of Kabbalistic structures, including the concept of Ayin, during prolonged prayer. Where Kabbalah is concerned with categorising the Heavenly realms using anthropomorphic terminology, these texts of Hasidic philosophy seek to perceive the Divinity within the structures, by relating to their correspondence in man using analogies from man's experience. Rachel Elior termed her academic study of Habad intellectual contemplation "the Paradoxical ascent to God", as it describes the dialectical paradox of Yesh-Ayin of Creation. In the second section of his magnum opus Tanya, Schneur Zalman explains the Monistic illusionary Ayin nullification of Created Existence from the Divine perspective of "Upper Unity". The human perspective in contemplation sees Creation as real Yesh existence, though completely nullified to its continuous vitalising Divine lifeforce, the perception of "Lower Unity". In another text of Schneur Zalman:
Ayin and Yesh
This gives the Hasidic explanation why Nachmanides and the Kabbalists ruled that the final eschatological era will be in this World, against Maimonides's view that it will be in Heaven, in accordance with his philosophical view of the elevation of intellect over materiality in relating to God. In Kabbalah, the superiority of this world is to enable the revelation of the complete Divine emanations, for the benefit of Creation, as God Himself lacks no perfection. For example, the ultimate expression of the sephirah of Kindness (Chesed) is most fully revealed when it relates to our lowest, physical World. However, the Hasidic interpretation sees the Kabbalistic explanations as not the ultimate reason, as, like Kabbalah in general, it relates to the Heavenly realms, which are not the ultimate purpose of Creation. The revelation of Divinity in the Heavenly realms is supreme, and superior to the present concealment of God in this World. However, it is still only a limited manifestation of Divinity, the revelation of the Sefirot attributes of God's Wisdom, Understanding, Kindness, Might, Harmony, Glory and so forth, while God's Infinite Ein Sof and Ohr Ein Sof transcend all Worlds beyond reach. In contrast, the physical performance of the Mitzvot in this world, instead relate to, and ultimately will reveal, the Divine essence.
Ayin and Yesh
In Hasidic terminology, the separate realms of physicality and spirituality are united through their higher source in the Divine essence. In the Biblical account, God descended on Mount Sinai to speak to the Israelites "Anochi Hashem Elokecha" ("I am God your Lord"). This is explained in Hasidic thought to describe Atzmus, the Divine essence (Anochi-"I"), uniting the separate Kabbalistic manifestation realms of spirituality (Hashem-The Tetragrammaton name of Infinite transcendent emanation) and physicality (Elokecha-The name of God relating to finite immanent lifeforce of Creation). Before the Torah was given, physical objects could not become sanctified. The commandments of Jewish observance, stemmining from the ultimate Divine purpose of Creation in Atzmus, enabled physical objects to be used for spiritual purposes, uniting the two realms and embodying Atzmus. In this ultimate theology, through Jewish observance, man converts the illusionary Ayin-nothingness "Upper Unity" nullification of Creation into revealing its ultimate expression as the ultimate true Divine Yesh-existence of Atzmus. Indeed, this gives the inner reason in Hasidic thought why this world falsely perceives itself to exist, independent of Divinity, due to the concealment of the vitalising Divine lifeforce in this world. As this world is the ultimate purpose and realm of Atzmus, the true Divine Yesh-existence, so externally it perceives its own Created material Yesh-existence ego.
Ayin and Yesh
In Chabad systemisation of Hasidic philosophy, God's Atzmut-essence relates to the 5th Yechidah Kabbalistic Etzem-essence level of the soul, the innermost Etzem-essence root of the Divine Will in Keter, and the 5th Yechidah Etzem-essence level of the Torah, the soul of the 4 Pardes levels of Torah interpretation, expressed in the essence of Hasidic thought. In the Sephirot, Keter, the transcendent Divine Will, becomes revealed and actualised in Creation through the first manifest Sephirah Chochmah-Wisdom. Similarly, the essential Hasidic purpose-Will of Creation, a "dwelling place for God's Atzmus-essence in the lowest world", becomes actualised through the process of elevating the sparks of holiness embedded in material objects, through using them for Jewish observances, the Lurianic scheme in Kabbalah-Wisdom. Once all the fallen sparks of holiness are redeemed, the Messianic Era begins. In Hasidic explanation, through completing this esoteric Kabbalah-Wisdom process, thereby the more sublime ultimate Divine purpose-Will is achieved, revealing this World to be the Atzmus "dwelling place" of God. In Kabbalah, the Torah is the Divine blueprint of Creation: "God looked into the Torah and created the World". The Sephirah Keter is the Supreme Will underlying this blueprint, the source of origin of the Torah. According to Hasidic thought, "the Torah derives from Chochmah-Wisdom, but its source and root surpasses exceedingly the level of Chochmah, and is called the Supreme Will". This means that according to Hasidic thought, Torah is an expression of Divine Reason. Reason is focused towards achieving a certain goal. However, the very purpose of achieving that goal transcends and permeates the rational faculty. Once reason achieves the goal, the higher innermost essential will's delight is fulfilled, the revelation of Atzmus in this World. Accordingly, Hasidic thought says that then this World will give life to the spiritual Worlds, and the human body will give life to the soul. The Yesh of ego will be nullified in the Divine Ayin, becoming the reflection of the true Divine Yesh.
Ayin and Yesh
The resolution of the Ayin-Yesh paradox of Creation through Atzmus is beyond present understanding, as it unites the Finite-Infinite paradox of Divinity. This is represented in the paradox of the Lurianic Tzimtzum, interpreted non-literally in Hasidic Panentheism. God remains within the apparent "vacated" space of Creation, just as before, as "I the Eternal, I have not changed" (Malachi 3:6), the Infinite "Upper Unity" that nullifies Creation into Ayin-nothingness. Creation, while dependent on continual creative lifeforce, perceives its own Yesh-existence, the Finite "Lower Unity". The absolute unity of Atzmus, the ultimate expression of Judaism's Monotheism, unites the two opposites. Maimonides codifies the Messianic Era and the physical Resurrection of the Dead as the traditionally accepted last two Jewish principles of faith, with Kabbalah ruling the Resurrection to be the final, permanent eschatology. Presently, the supernal Heavenly realms perceive the immanent Divine creative Light of Mimalei Kol Olamim ("Filling all Worlds"), according to their innumerably varied descending levels. In the Messianic Era, this world will perceive the transcendent Light of Sovev Kol Olamim ("Encompassing all Worlds"). In the Era of the Resurrection, generated through preceding Jewish observance "from below", the true presence of Atzmus will be revealed in finite physical Creation. A foretaste of this was temporarily experienced at Mount Sinai, when the whole Nation of Israel heard the Divine pronouncement, while remaining in physicality. As this was imposed "from above" by God, the Midrash says that God revived their souls from expiring with the future "Dew of the Resurrection".
Healthy Way LA
California's LIHP was a health care coverage program for low-income, uninsured adults. The program began in 2010 and was an extension of the original 2007 Coverage Initiative from the previous Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver. LIHPs operate at the local level and are administered by the LADHS.6 As the country awaits the full implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in 2014, LIHPs in California assist counties in providing insurance for their uninsured population. HWLA was the local LIHP for those eligible in LA County. It began enrollment in 2007 in accordance with the terms of the previous Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver, as part of the "Coverage Initiative" for low-income uninsured adults. HWLA provides health care coverage expansion to uninsured individuals and attempts to stabilize safety net provider systems. With the insurance mandate included in the PPACA, HWLA was scheduled to end upon the implementation of the PPACA in 2014. HWLA and other LIHPs receive funding from California's "Bridge to Reform" Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstration Waiver. The waiver produces up to $7.7 billion in federal matching funds for Medicaid available over 5 years. LIHPs have two program components: the Medicaid Coverage Expansion (MCE) and the Health Care Coverage Initiative (HCCI). Each county has the option of either choosing to cover only MCE individuals who are below 133 percent of FPL or both MCE and HCCI adults who have family incomes between 133 percent and 200 percent of FPL (or a lower limit determined by the county).8 When the PPACA's health care coverage expansions come into effect, MCE adults will transition to Medicaid with 100 percent of federal matching. Most HCCI adults will be covered under Covered California, the State's Health Benefit Exchange.
Healthy Way LA
HWLA does not have an enrollment cap. As of October 2012, kHWLA had 205,442 enrollees, which was approximately a quarter of LA County's uninsured population at the time. Of these enrollees, 205,257 were MCE enrollees and 185 were HCCI enrollees. The gender distribution of HWLA membership has changed substantially since 2009, when women constituted almost 70% of all HWLA members. The largest age subgroups in HWLA as of January 2013 were the 45-54 and 55-64 age groups, which together constitute over 50% of all HWLA members. In early 2013, the ethnic and racial composition of HWLA members was 39.1% Latino, 25.7% African American, 14.7% White, 5.3% Asian, 0.3% Native American, and 15.1% other or unknown. The racial and ethnic distribution of HWLA membership differs considerably from the expected enrollment as outlined in the Los Angeles County Coverage Initiative Proposal. The Department of Health Services anticipated a greater number of Latino enrollees and significantly underestimated the enrollment of African Americans. As of August 2012, the DHS had processed 667,130 primary care visits for HWLA members. Compared to previous years, community partner clinics experienced an increase in the total number of clinic visits and in reimbursements from the DHS. Overall, the DHS and community partners succeeded in enrolling and serving the health care needs of more individuals than in previous years.
Healthy Way LA
The Mental Health Integration Program (MHIP) is a county-wide patient-centered, integrated program that serves clients with mental health needs. MHIP is a mandated component of LIHP and is available to all individuals in HWLA who meet the mental health requirements. The program provides mental health screenings and treatments and uses an evidence- and outcome-based model of collaborative care to treat mental health conditions. Mental health is delivered through an existing network of directly operated and contracted specialty mental health clinics in LA county in three "tiers" of care. The first tier offers a full range of rehabilitation services and is intended for clients with serious mental illness. The second tier offers evidence-based practices, short-term treatment plans, and psychiatric consultations intended for individuals seen in primary care settings. The third tier offers psychiatric consultations for individuals who receive and desire only medication management. Patients in need of more intensive services are treated in community mental health centers Archived 2013-02-04 at the Wayback Machine that collaborate with primary care clinics in order to provide person-centered integrated mental health care.
Healthy Way LA
HWLA was one of the primary methods to prepare Los Angeles and the California Medi-Cal system at large for upcoming expansions related to the PPACA. In 2014, HWLA, along with other similar programs in LIHP, will transition its enrollees into a health insurance product specified under the PPACA. MCE enrollees will transition into Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid program), and HCCI enrollees will transition to Covered California (California's Health Benefit Exchange). An estimated 2.13 million Californians will be newly eligible for Medi-Cal under the PPACA in 2014, which includes HWLA enrollees. HWLA was viewed as a key strategy to integrate the health care safety net in Los Angeles into the post-PPACA landscape. The program increases the likelihood of continuous care when MCE individuals enroll in Medi-Cal as these individuals are more likely to use DHS and community partner services after 2014. Community partners include medical clinics that have collaborated with HWLA to provide services to members. Members are expected to continue using HWLA providers because they have developed better methods of providing culturally and linguistically sensitive care. Providers have also improved coordination with other social safety net services, such as housing and transportation assistance.
Tele-Communications Inc.
The Bell Atlantic deal also fell victim to new federal regulations that reduced cable bills up to 16 percent, costing TCI $300 million over two years. Higher spending coupled with lower cash receipts made TCI less attractive to investors, and the stock price dropped to $17 a share, half what experts believed the company was worth. Bill Nygren of Harris Associates, known for profiting from TCI's Liberty Media, said TCI could make a comeback, and Michael Mahoney of GT Capital expected the proposed deregulation of the cable and telephone industries to increase cable company revenues. Both expected TCI to benefit, especially since TCI owned 30 percent of a joint venture that included Sprint and 10 cable companies with the ability to serve 40 percent of American homes. Cable and phone companies could both offer each other's services, benefiting both companies and customers with product bundling. TCI had plans to upgrade to digital cable and offer more channels and services. Satellite TV providers would be competing to offer digital service, but TCI owned a share of Primestar, and predicted a 28 percent share of the satellite market by the end of 1995.
Tele-Communications Inc.
Magness died in November 1996, with a 26 percent share of the company. No one believed this meant the end of Malone's tenure as head of TCI, even though Malone called Magness his "mentor" and "father figure". Still, TCI had $15 billion in debt and negative cash flow of $400 million for 1996. Malone believed he could turn the company around. This meant higher rates for customers as well as programmers. Malone even succeeded in getting Fox News Channel to pay $200 million for his companies to add the network. At the same time, cost cutting had to take place, and many of the cable customers were in rural areas with old equipment and limited offerings. Upgrading to fiber optic service, which could be used for Internet and telephone service, would be cost-effective only in urban areas. Satellite TV, while not a major threat yet, represented a possible problem in the future. The good news: satellite companies could not offer local channels or phone service, and individual dishes served only one TV.
Royce de Mel
In 1962, De Mel was accused in the 1962 Ceylonese coup d'état attempt and an arrest warrant was issued for him along with his brother was Colonel Maurice de Mel, the Commandant of the Volunteer Force (second-in-command of the Army). Avoiding arrest, De Mel was suspected of using his connections in the Indian Navy to smuggle him out of Ceylon, but surrendered to the court through his lawyer G. G. Ponnambalam when the trail of the accused started in June 1962. In 1964, the trail at bar, found Royce De Mel along with 11 of the 24 accused guilty and sentenced then to ten years in jail and confiscation of property. However, on appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, it ruled in December 1965 holding Special Act of 1962 to be ultra vires of the 1947 Constitution of Ceylon and said that the Act had denied the right to a fair trial. According to the Privy Council, the law had been specially enacted to convict the men, under trial they did not have the protections that they would have had under general criminal law. It acquitted all the eleven.
Christopher Nugent
In July 1574 his refusal, with his cousin Christopher, Viscount Gormanston, to sign the proclamation of rebellion against the Earl of Desmond laid his loyalty open to suspicion, given the tone of the recent papal bull Regnans in Excelsis. He grounded his refusal on the fact that he was not a privy councillor, and had not been made acquainted with the reasons for the proclamation. The English Privy Council, thinking that his objections savoured more of 'a wilful partiality to an offender against her majesty than a willing readiness to her service', sent peremptory orders for his submission. Fresh letters of explanation were proffered by him and Gormanston in February 1575, but, being deemed insufficient, the two noblemen were in May placed under restraint. They thereupon confessed their 'fault', and Delvin shortly afterwards appears to have recovered the good opinion of government: for on 15 December the Lord-Deputy Sir Henry Sidney wrote that he expected a speedy reformation of the country, 'a great deal the rather through the good hope I conceive of the service of my lord of Delvin, whom I find active and of good discretion'; and in April 1576 Delvin entertained Sidney while on progress.
Christopher Nugent
Before the end of the year, however, there sprang up a controversy between the government and the gentry of the Pale in regard to cess, in which Delvin played a principal part. It had long been the custom of the Anglo-Irish government to support the army, to take up provisions, etc., at a fixed price. This custom, called "cess", was considered unfair by the inhabitants of the Pale. In 1576, at the instigation chiefly of Delvin, they denounced the custom as unconstitutional, and appointed three of their number, all leading barristers, to lay their grievances before the queen. The deputation met with scant courtesy in England. Elizabeth I was indignant at having her royal prerogative called in question, and, after roundly abusing the deputies for their impertinence, sent them to the Fleet Prison. In Ireland Delvin, Baltinglas, and others were confined in Dublin Castle in May 1577. After some weeks' detention, the deputies and their principals were released after expressing contrition for their conduct. But with Delvin, 'for that he has showed himself to be the chiefest instrument in terrifying and dissuading the rest of the associates from yielding their submission', Elizabeth left it to Sidney's discretion whether he should remain in prison for some time longer. Finally, an arrangement was arrived at between the government and the gentry of the Pale.
Silambu Express
The name of the train commemorates Kannagi, a legendary Tamil woman who is the protagonist of the South Indian epic Cilappatikaram (100–300 CE) who used her silambu (anklet) to prove her husband Kovalan's innocence, who was executed by the Pandya king.It is a standard train consisting of commercial coaches. The train operates tri-weekly in each direction and covers a distance of 683 km. Initially, the train was announced between Chennai Egmore and Karaikudi Junction but due to public demand it started its Maiden Run until Manamadurai via Sivagangai Instead of Terminating at Karaikudi Junction. From 04/03/2017 onwards this train was further extended to Sengottai via Aruppukkottai, Virudhunagar Junction, Sivakasi, Tenkasi Junction. The Silambu Express was announced in the Railway Budget 2013 and the service started on 22 June 2013, extended to Sengottai from 5 Mar 2017. From 25 Feb 2019, the frequency of the service was increased from bi-weekly to tri-weekly. From April 15, 2022, Chennai Egmore – Sengottai Silambu Express was converted to Superfast category with new number 20681 MS SCT Silambu Superfast Express and Sengottai - Chennai Egmore Silambu express with new number 20682.
Eastern Youth
Eastern Youth was formed as Scanners in 1989 by childhood friends Hisashi Yoshino and Atsuya Tamori in Sapporo, Hokkaidō. From 1989 to 1993 they were the top Oi!/skinhead act in Japan. They released 3 albums, 1 single, and were on several compilation albums. The band changed their name from EASTERN YOUTH to Eastern youth, and shed the skinhead image of their past. The band moved to Tokyo in 1990. In 1995, they put out their first release on their record label, 坂本商店: (Sakamoto-Shoten) 口笛、夜更けに響 Kuchibue Yofuke-ni-Hibiku ("A Whistle Rings Late At Night"). Within the next 5 years, Eastern Youth became legendary to the Japanese indie rock scene and in 2000 they played in the United States for the first time, with At The Drive-In, largely broadening their popularity. They continued to tour America with Jimmy Eat World in 2001, and Saddle Creek band Cursive in 2006, with whom Eastern Youth split sides on 2002's 8 Teeth to Eat You EP. During the "Bottom of the World"-Tour 2015 Tomokazu Ninomiya announced that he would be leaving the band. He was replaced by Muraoka Yuka.
Antonia Joy Wilson
Maestra Antonia Joy Wilson is a professional conductor of international acclaim who has performed at Carnegie Hall and is a guest conductor worldwide (see Video #1 below). Antonia was the First Prize Winner of an International Classical Music Festival: Conducting Competition in Mexico. Antonia Joy Wilson is a music director of over eight American orchestras and she has extensive experience with classical, pops, choral, opera, gospel, dance, ballet, mime, jazz, country, storytelling, multimedia and multiple arts concert repertoire. Currently, as artistic director of Global Arts Center & Multimedia Symphony collaborating in XR Visual Worlds in development, Maestra Wilson thrives on entrepreneurial enterprises. Antonia has a vision of "Arts Access for All" and she is passionate about creating diversity through multimedia performances. Maestra Wilson conducted the international South American tour with Shen Yun Performing Arts based in New York. She made her debut conducting the Colorado Symphony Orchestra at the age of 21, making her the youngest woman to conduct a major American orchestra. She later went on to serve as a music director and conductor for seven American orchestras. In addition, she has performed a guest conductor role in Europe, Latin America, North America, and Asia. In 1996, she was the first prize winner at the International Classical Music Festival's conducting competition held in Mexico.
Antonia Joy Wilson
Antonia Joy Wilson has performed extensively in Europe and North America, and has previously served as Artistic Director & Conductor with Midland Center for the Arts: Midland Symphony Orchestra ; Guest Conductor for the San Francisco Sinfonietta ; Resident Principal Guest Conductor for the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra . In addition, she has been conductor for the Imperial Symphony Orchestra in Florida , the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra in Colorado , and the Livingston Symphony Orchestra in New Jersey , among others. She has held several guest conductor positions and tour engagements in Latin America, Europe, Asia and North America. In 2011, she joined New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts to serve as conductor for its international orchestra. Antonia Joy Wilson has been noted by several sources as an example of women gaining ground in the field of conducting, which has historically been dominated by men. She was one of several women noted in a Los Angeles Times article on women cracking the "glass podium" of conducting by being appointed to positions in major American orchestras.
Church of the Archangel Michael, Chernihiv
The main decoration of the church is a 3-tiered iconostasis. The project of the iconostasis, as well as the carving was executed by Oleksiy Korets. He also made carved kiosks for icons. Everything is done in a single style. In the center of the iconostasis is the royal doors, which rises to the height of two tiers. They depict four evangelists and the composition "Annunciation". The carving is gilded. In the first tier of the iconostasis to the left of the royal gates is the icon of the Virgin and Child, and on the deacon's door is the icon of Archdeacon Lawrence, depicted in full length with a scroll in his hand. To the right of the royal gate is the icon of Jesus Christ. Christ is depicted in full length with the gospel in his hand. On the Ponomarev door - the icon "St. Archdeacon Stephen. Above the royal gates is the icon of the Last Supper. On the second tier there are 8 holiday icons: "Christmas", "Introduction to the Temple", "Nativity of the Mother of God", "New Testament Trinity", "Jesus Christ", "Annunciation", "Assumption of the Mother of God", "Baptism". All icons are in simple frames. On the third tier above the royal gate is a large icon "Jesus Christ - King of Glory" and 8 icons depicting the apostles. The iconostasis ends with a cross. All icons were painted by icon painter Volodymyr from Novhorod-Siverskyi. To the left of the iconostasis is the "Crucifixion", to the right - the composition "Resurrection".
New York Giants (baseball)
In addition to Bobby Thomson and Willie Mays, other memorable New York Giants of the 1950s include Hall of Fame manager Leo Durocher, coach Herman Franks, Hall of Fame outfielder Monte Irvin, outfielder and runner-up for the 1954 NL batting championship (won by Willie Mays) Don Mueller, Hall of Fame knuckleball relief pitcher Hoyt Wilhelm, starting pitchers Larry Jansen, Sal Maglie, Jim Hearn, Marv Grissom, Dave Koslo, Don Liddle, Max Lanier, Rubén Gómez, Al Worthington, and Johnny Antonelli, catcher Wes Westrum, catchers Ray Katt and Sal Yvars, shortstop Alvin Dark, third baseman Hank Thompson, first baseman Whitey Lockman, second basemen Davey Williams and Eddie Stanky, outfielder-pitcher Clint Hartung and utility men Johnny Mize, Bill Rigney, Daryl Spencer, Bobby Hofman, Joey Amalfitano, Tookie Gilbert, and 1954 Series hero Dusty Rhodes, among others. In the late 1950s and after the move to San Francisco two Hall of Fame first basemen, Orlando Cepeda and Willie McCovey, joined the team.
Fallen Hearts
Heaven is excited about marrying Logan. However, her wedding day is almost ruined when Luke decides not to give Heaven away, and Fanny, who serves as the maid of honor, swings her new husband around the dance floor and kisses him in front of the guests to embarrass Heaven. Despite having told Heaven she is always welcome in his family, Luke avoids her, which disappoints Heaven, who wants a father-daughter relationship with him in spite of how he treats her. Heaven and Logan travel to Farthingale Manor for their honeymoon, but Heaven is worried about being there and thinks it's a mistake. She is also uncomfortable being around Tony, who seems to obsess over her because of her dyed-blonde hair, which reminds him of her dead mother, Leigh. Jillian's mental illness is also a major concern for Heaven, as her grandmother frequently claims that Leigh seduced Tony (rather than the reality, which is that Tony raped her). Heaven wants to leave as soon as the honeymoon is over, but Tony is determined to keep her at Farthingale and close to him. He persuades Logan to work in the Tatterton family business and forgo his original plan to become a pharmacist. Heaven is disappointed but gives in because of Logan's enthusiasm.
Fallen Hearts
Over time, Jillian and her servants claim a ghost lives in the condemned parts of Farthingale Manor. Logan spends most of his time in Winnerow, setting up and building the Tatterton toy factory there. While he is away, Heaven's curiosity gets the better of her, and she explores the forbidden areas of the mansion. One night, she discovers that her uncle and former lover, Troy, whom Tony had claimed had died, is still alive and has been living in a cottage behind Farthy. Troy tells her that he had faked his death because he wanted to give Heaven the chance to live a normal life with Logan and forget about him, but she has never been able to forget. They have sex one last time before Troy decides to leave Farthingale Manor for good. When Heaven wakes up, Troy has left her a note explaining that his departure is for the best, and that he wants for her to be able to move on and be happy with Logan. Although she is heartbroken that she can't be with Troy, Heaven feels guilty for betraying Logan and vows to never to tell him of her infidelity. Meanwhile, Fanny tells Heaven that she and Logan have been intimate and that she is pregnant with their child. When Logan returns, he confesses. Although enraged by his betrayal, Heaven forgives Logan but remains estranged from Fanny.
Fallen Hearts
Soon after, Heaven discovers that she is pregnant. Unsure of who the father is, she chooses not to tell Logan there is the possibility it is not his. Logan assures her that he will take care of both children but wants nothing to do with Fanny, who is only interested in getting money from them to help support herself and her child. Luke and his third wife, Stacie, are killed in a car accident, and Heaven and Logan get custody of their son, Drake, after the funeral. When Jillian dies, Heaven discovers a secret contract between Tony and Luke, in which Tony gave Luke enough money to save his circus, on the condition that Luke never see Heaven again. Heaven is devastated that Luke has "sold" her once again. When he is intoxicated, Tony tries to rape Heaven, but she fights back and avoids him thereafter. To spite Heaven and Logan, Fanny fights for custody of Drake and almost wins when she gets Tony to admits that he is Heaven's father, and therefore, Heaven is not a blood relative of Drake's. Heaven demands for Fanny to drop the custody fight, and later offers Fanny a million dollars in exchange for Drake. After a heated argument, Fanny agrees, and Drake is returned to Heaven and Logan.
Pisgah National Forest
The Pisgah National Forest was established in 1916, one of the first national forests in the eastern United States. The new preserve included approximately 86,700 acres (35,100 ha) that had been part of the Biltmore Estate, but were sold to the federal government in 1914 by Edith Vanderbilt. Some of the forest tracts were among the first purchases by the Forest Service under the Weeks Act of 1911. While national forests had already been created in the western United States, the Weeks Act provided the authority required to create national forests in the east as well. Although tracts in the future Pisgah National Forest were among the first purchased under the Weeks Act, the very first to receive formal approval was the 31,000-acre (130 km2) Gennett Purchase in northern Georgia. On March 25, 1921 Boone National Forest was added to Pisgah, and on July 10, 1936, most of Unaka National Forest was added. In 1954 the Pisgah National Forest was administratively combined with the Croatan and Nantahala national forests, collectively known as the National Forests of North Carolina.
Michael Streicher
He was born on September 6, 1921, in Heidelberg, Germany, the son of Johann Simon Streicher and Olga Schmidt Streicher. He immigrated with his family to the United States in 1931. Streicher received a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1943, an M.S. degree in chemical engineering from Syracuse University in 1945, and a doctorate in metallurgy from Lehigh University in 1947. The latter degree and subsequent postdoctoral research were sponsored by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. For 30 years, from 1949 to 1979, Streicher worked as a research metallurgist at the Experimental Station of the DuPont Co. in Wilmington, Delaware. He began as a research engineer, advancing to the positions of research fellow and principal consultant. For the next eight years, he served as research professor at the University of Delaware in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Thereafter, he worked as an independent consultant, including work with the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB) on safe storage containers for nuclear waste.
Czech Republic national rugby league team
Alas this was not to be the Czech's year. Despite some fantastic play in offence in both games the battle hardened Serbians, who had just come off a World Cup campaign, and Germans proved a bit too strong. Still it showed that the seeds in the Czech Republic had taken hold and they will have a good core of young players to call upon in the coming years. The first game against the Germans was on home soil and Germany just having had a stinging loss to the Serbs were out to make amends and some valuable points. The Czechs after having a strong lead in the first half went into the half down by 6 points. In the second half the Germans experience came through and they ran away with the win 44–22. The next match was in Belgrade against the Serbians who showed why they were in World Cup contention. With an early try to the Czechs, the Serbians then muscled up in defence and moved the ball in attack to use their advantage. With the win secured the Serbians not only took away the European Shield but also the Slavic Cup.
Longs Peak
Trails that ascend Longs Peak include the East Longs Peak Trail, the Longs Peak Trail, the Keyhole Route, Clark's Arrow and the Shelf Trail. Only some technical climbing is required to reach the summit of Longs Peak during the summer season, which typically runs from mid July through early September. Outside of this window the popular "Keyhole" route is still open; however, its rating is upgraded to all "technical" as treacherous ice formation and snow fall necessitates the use of specialized climbing equipment including, at a minimum, crampons and an ice axe. It is one of the most difficult Class 3 fourteener scrambles in Colorado. The hike from the trailhead to the summit is 8.4 miles (13.5 km) each way, with a total elevation gain of 4,875 feet. Most hikers begin before dawn in order to reach the summit and return below the tree line before frequent afternoon thunderstorms bring a risk of lightning strikes. The most difficult portion of the hike begins at the Boulder Field, 6.4 miles (10 km) into the hike. After scrambling over the boulders, hikers reach the Keyhole at 6.7 miles (10.5 km).
Longs Peak
The following quarter of a mile involves a scramble along narrow ledges, many of which may have nearly sheer cliffs of 1,000 feet (305 m) or more just off the edge. The next portion of the hike includes climbing over 600 vertical feet (183 m) up the Trough before reaching the most exposed section of the hike, the Narrows. Just beyond the Narrows, the Notch signifies the beginning of the Homestretch, a steep climb to the football field-sized, flat summit. It is possible to camp out overnight in the Boulder Field (permit required) which makes for a less arduous two-day hike. However, this is fairly exposed to the elements and requires an ascent of 3300ft over 6.4 miles with an overnight pack. Fifty-nine people have died climbing or hiking Longs Peak. According to the National Park Service, two people, on average, die every year attempting to climb the mountain. Less experienced mountaineers are encouraged to use a guide for this summit to mitigate risk and increase the probability of a summit.
Le trésor supposé
The penniless Dorval is in love with Lucile but her money-grubbing uncle Géronte does not approve and forbids him to talk with her, although he is interested in buying Dorval's house cheap. However there is some hope for the young lovers: Lucile will come into her inheritance once she reaches the age of majority and Dorval believes that his father will make his fortune in Pondicherry, India. Crispin, Dorval's valet, decides to exploit Géronte's fondness for eavesdropping. While Géronte hides behind the door, Crispin reads Lisette, Lucile's governess, a letter he claims he has stolen, supposedly from Dorval's father. The old man writes that he is dying and tells Dorval he has buried a treasure chest, worth half a million francs, in the cellar of his house. He had not told his son before, fearing Dorval's spendthrift character. Crispin tells Lisette he intends to steal the treasure at midnight and make Lisette a lady with the wealth. Géronte, who has overheard - and believes - everything, plans to forestall them and claim the treasure for himself by buying the house from Dorval right away. Dorval only agrees to sell the house for the sum of 150,000 francs. Crispin also tricks Géronte out of more money by threatening to reveal the existence of the treasure to Dorval and thus stopping the sale. The contract signed, Géronte and Crispin immediately hurry off to dig up the "treasure", but the chest they find is empty except for a note from Dorval's father telling him that "work, thrift and frugality are worth more than all the diamonds in the universe". Géronte is dismayed but Dorval now offers to annul the sale of the house if Géronte will agree to let him marry Lucile. He has also had news that his father is coming back from India having made a fortune so Dorval will be rich again. Géronte consents to the marriage.
Hamilton College
The Spectator, also referred to as The Spec, is Hamilton College's primary weekly news publication. It is distributed in various campus locations, such as dining halls, the mail center, and the library. The Spectator covers a wide range of topics, including campus news, local news, national news, Hamilton sports, and campus life. The publication is available online as well. The Talisman, an early literary magazine, was published between 1832 and 1834, while The Radiator, considered the precursor to The Spectator, emerged in 1848. Described as "A Weekly Miscellany of General Literature, Science, and Foreign and Domestic Intelligence," The Radiator featured short stories, historical sketches, poetry, and news excerpts from both domestic and international sources. The Hamiltonian, the college yearbook, was first published in 1858. The Hamilton Literary Monthly, a literary journal, began its publication in 1866. The Campus, published from 1866 to 1870, was followed by Hamilton Life in 1899. In 1942, Hamilton Life transitioned into Hamiltonews, and in 1947, it eventually became The Spectator.
Binomial nomenclature
As noted above, there are some differences between the codes in how binomials can be formed; for example the ICZN allows both parts to be the same, while the ICNafp does not. Another difference is in how personal names are used in forming specific names or epithets. The ICNafp sets out precise rules by which a personal name is to be converted to a specific epithet. In particular, names ending in a consonant (but not "er") are treated as first being converted into Latin by adding "-ius" (for a man) or "-ia" (for a woman), and then being made genitive (i.e. meaning "of that person or persons"). This produces specific epithets like lecardii for Lecard (male), wilsoniae for Wilson (female), and brauniarum for the Braun sisters. By contrast, the ICZN does not require the intermediate creation of a Latin form of a personal name, allowing the genitive ending to be added directly to the personal name. This explains the difference between the names of the plant Magnolia hodgsonii and the bird Anthus hodgsoni. Furthermore, the ICNafp requires names not published in the form required by the code to be corrected to conform to it, whereas the ICZN is more protective of the form used by the original author.
Binomial nomenclature
The abbreviation "cf." (i.e., confer in Latin) is used to compare individuals/taxa with known/described species. Conventions for use of the "cf." qualifier vary. In paleontology, it is typically used when the identification is not confirmed. For example, "Corvus cf. nasicus" was used to indicate "a fossil bird similar to the Cuban crow but not certainly identified as this species". In molecular systematics papers, "cf." may be used to indicate one or more undescribed species assumed to be related to a described species. For example, in a paper describing the phylogeny of small benthic freshwater fish called darters, five undescribed putative species (Ozark, Sheltowee, Wildcat, Ihiyo, and Mamequit darters), notable for brightly colored nuptial males with distinctive color patterns, were referred to as "Etheostoma cf. spectabile" because they had been viewed as related to, but distinct from, Etheostoma spectabile (orangethroat darter). This view was supported to varying degrees by DNA analysis. The somewhat informal use of taxa names with qualifying abbreviations is referred to as open nomenclature and it is not subject to strict usage codes.
Jeff "Swampy" Marsh
The final episode of Phineas and Ferb's fourth season aired on June 12, 2015, ending its original run on television. Marsh and Povenmire collaborated again and produced a series for Disney XD titled Milo Murphy's Law, which premiered on October 3, 2016. Two seasons aired and the last episode premiered on May 18, 2019, with later episodes airing only on Disney Channel. Marsh has also developed an animated TV series for Amazon Prime based on the Pete the Cat children's book series, with the first season premiering in September 2018. His recent work includes Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe, which was released on Disney+ on August 28, 2020. In 2019, Marsh was announced as producer, director and voice director of a queer fantasy web series titled S.A.L.E.M.: The Secret Archive of Legends, Enchantments, and Monsters. Marsh is currently serving as an executive producer on the upcoming Disney Junior animated series Hey AJ. On March 16, 2023, it was announced that Marsh would be returning as executive producer and voice director for the upcoming Phineas and Ferb revival, set for release in 2024.
Genetic hitchhiking
Assuming genetic drift is the only evolutionary force acting on an allele, after one generation in many replicated idealised populations each of size N, each starting with allele frequencies of p and q, the newly added variance in allele frequency across those populations (i.e. the degree of randomness of the outcome) is p q 2 N {\displaystyle {\frac {pq}{2N}}} . This equation shows that the effect of genetic drift is heavily dependent on population size, defined as the actual number of individuals in an idealised population. Genetic draft results in similar behavior to the equation above, but with an effective population size that may have no relationship to the actual number of individuals in the population. Instead, the effective population size may depend on factors such as the recombination rate and the frequency and strength of beneficial mutations. The increase in variance between replicate populations due to drift is independent, whereas with draft it is autocorrelated, i.e. if an allele frequency goes up because of genetic drift, that contains no information about the next generation, whereas if it goes up because of genetic draft, it is more likely to go up than down in the next generation. Genetic draft generates a different allele frequency spectrum to genetic drift.
Assets under management
The AUM of an entity is often compared with historical data to express the amount (or lack) of growth. It is also often compared with the AUM of competitors, with an increase in AUM evidence of positive performance (growth). However, investment strategies may be capacity-constrained. This means that the strategy's investment performance is adversely affected if it manages too much capital. Namely, its performance is adversely affected if its AUM exceeds the strategy's capacity. As a result, these funds may be closed to new investors and oversubscribed. For such funds, AUM may not be an accurate metric of success. For example, the SPDR S&P 500 index fund manages nearly US$400 billion in assets. It is not capacity-constrained, and it is still open to new investors. In contrast, Renaissance Technologies' Medallion Fund has significantly outperformed the S&P 500 index since its inception. However, it manages fewer assets (reportedly about US$34.8 billion) than the SPDR S&P 500 index fund because it is oversubscribed and closed to new investors.
Assets under management
A related concept in the investment industry to assets under management is assets under advisement (AUA). This measures the total market value of all the financial assets that are advised by a financial institution, which is typically an investment consultant or intermediary. The advisory firm generally does not have discretion to manage the assets, but rather provides advice as to how those assets may be managed. For example, consider an investment consultant that is hired by a US$100 billion pension fund to advise the fund on portfolio construction, asset allocation, fund manager selection, etc. The consultant would include the $100 billion in their firm's AUA. The consultant does not have discretion to manage the assets and thus would not include the assets in their firm's AUM. Global investment consultants with the largest AUA include Mercer (US$15 trillion in AUA), Aon (US$3.1 trillion in AUA), Russell Investments (US$2.6 trillion in AUA), Meketa Investment Group (US$1.7 trillion in AUA), Hamilton Lane (US$734.8 billion in AUA), Albourne Partners (US$700 billion in AUA) and Cambridge Associates (US$548 billion in AUA).
Based on the different explorations, it can be assumed that the entire plateau of c. seven hectares was densely occupied. Most telling is the excavation of part of a regularly laid-out settlement in the eastern and north-western sector of which the outer perimeter 'casemate' wall is assumed to have encircled the entire hill top plateau. The repetition of residential units within the excavated sectors appears to suggest that the establishment of the settlement was a deliberate and planned enterprise. Moreover, the discovery of material culture, including several hidden hoards of precious metals, seems to indicate the planned and organized abandonment of the settlement; since the inhabitants never retrieved these hoards, it is believed they were killed or enslaved. Former excavations have yielded two tablets inscribed in Cypro-Minoan and have confirmed the international character of its material culture, such as Minoan, Canaanite, Mycenaean, Sardinian, Hittite and Cypriot ceramics. The recent excavation-project aims to get a better understanding of the multicultural character of the site, especially against the background of the continuing discussion on migration, interaction and acculturation, which typifies the late 13th and early 12th c. BC in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Military history of North America
In addition to these campaigns, the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars was a contributing factor for a number of other conflicts on the continent. From 1798 to 1800, the United States and the French First Republic fought an undeclared war over debt-repayments, known as the Quasi-War. The Napoleonic Wars was also a contributing factor towards the War of 1812, a conflict in Northern America fought between the United States, and the United Kingdom, along with their remaining colonies in British North America, particularly the Canadas. Napoleon's invasion of Iberia also led to the eventual independence of New Spain in the Mexican War of Independence. The turmoil caused by Napoleon's invasion of Spain also led to the peaceful independence of the colony of Santo Domingo in 1821. However, it was quickly annexed by Haiti in 1822. Their independence was reestablished following the Dominican War of Independence. After a period of Spanish re-colonization, the independence of the Dominican Republic was reasserted in the Dominican Restoration War.
Stoke City F.C.
Although there are reports of the game being played in Stoke in 1863 and the club gives this as its official date of formation, the Stoke Ramblers club was formed in 1868 by Henry Almond, who had been a student at Charterhouse school where a dribbling form of the game was popular. Almond arrived in the region to become an apprentice with the North Staffordshire Railway Company and, wishing to continue playing the game that he had enjoyed whilst at school, established the first formal association football club in the region. The club's first documented match was in October 1868, against a scratch team brought together for the occasion by E.W May. Harry Almond captained the Stoke Ramblers team and also scored the club's first goal. The club's first recorded away match was at Congleton, a rugby club that were convinced to play a one-off fixture under association rules, in December 1868. From the 1860s, the club played at the Victoria Cricket Club ground; however they switched to a nearby ground at Sweetings Field in 1875 to cope with rising attendances.
Stoke City F.C.
Ball's successor, Lou Macari, was appointed in May 1991, prior to the start of the 1991–92 season. He clinched silverware for the club; the 1992 Football League Trophy was won with a 1–0 victory against Stockport County at Wembley, with Mark Stein scoring the only goal of the match. The following season, 1992–93, promotion was achieved from the third tier. Macari left for his boyhood club Celtic in October 1993 to be replaced by Joe Jordan; Stein also departed, in a club record £1.5 million move to Chelsea. Jordan's tenure in charge was short, leaving the club less than a year after joining, and Stoke opted to re-appoint Lou Macari only 12 months after he had left. Stoke finished fourth in 1995–96 but were defeated in the play-off semi-final by Leicester City. Macari left the club at the end of the following season. His last match in charge was the final league game at the Victoria Ground. Mike Sheron, who was signed two years previously from Norwich City, was sold for a club record fee of £2.5 million in 1997.
Wildlife conservation
Wildlife conservation refers to the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to maintain healthy wildlife species or populations and to restore, protect or enhance natural ecosystems. Major threats to wildlife include habitat destruction, degradation, fragmentation, overexploitation, poaching, pollution, climate change, and the illegal wildlife trade. The IUCN estimates that 42,100 species of the ones assessed are at risk for extinction. Expanding to all existing species, a 2019 UN report on biodiversity put this estimate even higher at a million species. It is also being acknowledged that an increasing number of ecosystems on Earth containing endangered species are disappearing. To address these issues, there have been both national and international governmental efforts to preserve Earth's wildlife. Prominent conservation agreements include the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). There are also numerous nongovernmental organizations (NGO's) dedicated to conservation such as the Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, and Conservation International.
Wildlife conservation
Habitat destruction decreases the number of places where wildlife can live in. Habitat fragmentation breaks up a continuous tract of habitat, often dividing large wildlife populations into several smaller ones. Human-caused habitat loss and fragmentation are primary drivers of species declines and extinctions. Key examples of human-induced habitat loss include deforestation, agricultural expansion, and urbanization. Habitat destruction and fragmentation can increase the vulnerability of wildlife populations by reducing the space and resources available to them and by increasing the likelihood of conflict with humans. Moreover, destruction and fragmentation create smaller habitats. Smaller habitats support smaller populations, and smaller populations are more likely to go extinct. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant shift in human behavior, resulting in mandatory and voluntary limitations on movement. As a result, people have started utilizing green spaces more frequently, which were previously habitats for wildlife. Unfortunately, this increased human activity has caused destruction to the natural habitat of various species.
Wildlife conservation
Deforestation is the clearing and cutting down forests on purpose. Deforestation is a cause of human-induced habitat action destruction, by cutting down habitats of different species in the process of removing trees. Deforestation is often done for several reasons, often for either agricultural purposes or for logging, which is the obtainment of timber and wood for use in construction or fuel. Deforestation causes many threats to wildlife as it not only causes habitat destruction for the many animals that survive in forests, as more than 80% of the world's species live in forests but also leads to further climate change. Deforestation is a main concern in the tropical forests of the world. Tropical forests, like the Amazon, are home to the most biodiversity out of any other biome, making deforestation there an even more prevalent issue, especially in populated areas, as in these areas deforestation leads to habitat destruction and the endangerment of many species in one area. Some policies have been enacted to attempt to stop deforestation in different parts of the world, like the Wilderness Act of 1964 which designated specific areas wilderness to be protected.
Wildlife conservation
Humans are responsible for present-day climate change currently changing Earth's environmental conditions. It is related to some of the aforementioned threats to wildlife like habitat destruction and pollution. Rising temperatures, melting ice sheets, changes in precipitation patterns, severe droughts, more frequent heat waves, storm intensification, ocean acidification, and rising sea levels are some of the effects of climate change. Phenomena like droughts, wildfires, heatwaves, intense storms, ocean acidification, and rising sea levels, directly lead to habitat destruction. For example, longer dry seasons, warmer springs, and dry soil has been observed to increase the length of wildfire season in forests, shrublands and grasslands. Increased severity and longevity of wildfires can completely wipe out entire ecosystems, causing them to take decades to fully recover. Wildfires are a prime example of the direct negative effect climate change has on wildlife and ecosystems. Meanwhile, a warming climate, fluctuating precipitation, and changing weather patterns will impact species ranges. Overall, the effects of climate change increase stress on ecosystems, and species unable to cope with the rapidly changing conditions will go extinct. While modern climate change is caused by humans, past climate change events occurred naturally and have led to extinctions.
Wildlife conservation
Distributing vaccinations to wildlife who are particularly vulnerable is useful in conservation to prevent or decelerate extreme population declination in a species from disease and also decrease the risk of a zoonotic spillover to humans. A pathogen that has never once been exposed to a specific species' evolutionary pathway can have detrimental impacts on the population. In most cases, these risks escalate in conjunction to other anthropogenic stressors, such as climate change or habitat loss, that ultimately lead a population to extinction without human intervention. Methods of vaccination varies depending on both the extent and efficiency of limiting the transmission of disease, and can be applied orally, topically, intranasally (IN), or injected either subcutaneously (SC) or intramuscularly (IM). Conservation efforts regarding vaccinations often only serve the purpose of preventing disease related extinction. Rather than completely cleansing the population of the pathogen, infection rates are limited to a smaller percentage of the population.
Connecticut Route 126
The Huntsville to Falls Village section of modern Route 126 was originally the eastern half of the Salisbury and Canaan Turnpike, a private toll road that was chartered in October 1801. The turnpike ran along modern Route 126 from Route 63 to Falls Village, then it crossed the Housatonic River via Water Street and proceeded west through the town of Salisbury along Falls Mountain Road and Farnum Road (part of the alignment has been abandoned) into the village of Lakeville. From there, the turnpike used modern Route 44 to reach the village of Millerton, New York, where the road continued as the Ulster and Delaware Turnpike. This portion of Route 126 was also incorporated in the first state highway system established in 1922. The Huntsville to Falls Village section became the north end of State Highway 132 in the 1920s. In the 1932 state highway renumbering, old Highway 132 became Route 43 (later to become Route 63) except for the north end. Route 43 was aligned so that it went directly to South Canaan. The leftover portion heading into Falls Village became Route 126. By 1938, Route 126 was extended northward to its current end at US 44. No major changes has occurred since then.
Missing Believed Killed
On his father's birthday, James makes it to the Morning Room to surprise him. Hazel is concerned, noting that Dr. Foley asked James to remain in bed for ten weeks, but James dismisses the doctor's ability to appreciate the psychological impact of his experiences after he was injured. He and Hazel appear to mend fences after some rocky times in their relationship, with James expressing profound gratitude at being surrounded by "good care and attention, and love." He asks Hazel to leave him and his father alone when Richard returns, and Richard expresses joy at seeing James up and in the Morning Room. James then tells his father about his ten days missing; a German officer was patrolling the battlefield after the conflict, shooting wounded soldiers. He stopped at the shell hole in which James was lying, raised his weapon, but then lowered it and looked in James's eyes. This gives James enough time to unholster his own pistol and shoot the German soldier in the head, but not before feeling an intense connection with the soldier. After ultimately spending three days in the shell hole, he is taken captive and moved to a German dressing station, but wanders out into the smoke and chaos in a fevered attempt to escape the chatter of the prisoner in bed next to him. He wanders for an indeterminate time before being picked up at a Canadian dressing station. Richard is able to fill in this gap and explains that the Canadians transferred him to Georgina's hospital. James also says he felt his mother's presence while in the shell hole.
Rackley WAR
On July 23, 2022, Rackley WAR announced that DiBenedetto would return to the No. 25 for the 2023 season. DiBenedetto would start the 2023 season with a 20th place finish at Daytona. Throughout the regular season, he earned nine top tens, six consecutive, with a best finish of third at North Wilkesboro. He was able to make the playoffs, the first for him and the organization in the Truck Series. On August 30, it was announced that DiBenedetto would be leaving Rackley W.A.R. after the 2023 season. DiBenedetto was eliminated from the playoffs at Kansas. On September 19, Rackley W.A.R. announced that DiBenedetto was let go from the team three races early, and that they were searching for a new driver(s) to finish the season. On September 25, it was announced that Xfinity Series regular Chandler Smith will drive the No. 25 truck at Talladega. On October 17, the team announced that Trevor Bayne will drive the 25 truck in the race at Homestead. For the final race of the season at Phoenix, Stefan Parsons drove the No. 25.
Anita McNaught
At the age of 22 - after working for a couple of years in print - McNaught joined TVNZ as a producer and then reporter. She went on to become a popular anchor, reporter and interviewer for a number of news and current affairs programmes. In 1995, she moved to the competitor channel TV3 where she was one of the high-profile team of investigative journalists on the current affairs programme 20/20. Upon her return to the United Kingdom in 1997, she joined the BBC as a freelance journalist, presenting various programmes on BBC World News such as The World Today and Asia Today, as well as reporting for general news bulletins, until 2004. During her time in the country, she presented BBC Two's Open Minds arts and culture series in 1999, as well as Channel 4 television's miscarriage of justice series Clear My Name in 1998. Between 2000 and 2003, she also wrote features for The Times newspaper, and was a reporter on several longer foreign features for the BBC series 'Assignment' and BBC Radio 5 Live's 5 Live Report.
Park Foothills, El Paso, Texas
Park Foothills is a neighborhood in Northeast El Paso. It is located west of U.S. 54 (the Patriot Freeway) to the Franklin Mountains, and from Mountain Ridge Drive and Atlas Avenue north to the boundary of Castner Range at Hondo Pass Avenue, mainly on a hill known as Wingate Point down which Hondo Pass and Hercules Avenue run, which forms part of the eastern foothills of the Franklin Mountains. It encompasses the officially recognized neighborhoods of Park Foothills (located along Magnetic Street between Atlas and Hondo Pass) and Sunrise Acres West, which includes the area east of Echo Street to the Patriot Freeway. Park Foothills is mainly residential and developed piecemeal as part of a slow ongoing process, consisting of apartment complexes of varying sizes and houses of varying styles built either individually or as part of small developments constructed beginning in the early 1950s, with a commercial area along Gateway South Boulevard at its eastern edge and smaller business districts around the intersections of Hercules Avenue and Leo Street, Magnetic Street and Hondo Pass Avenue, and Zion Drive with Alabama Street (which becomes Magnetic Street at Atlas Avenue). Many of Park Foothills' streets are named for minerals or gemstones (Diamond, Garnet, Emerald, Amber, Dolomite, Marble, Galena) or have names with an astronomical theme (Neptune, Comet, Eclipse, Capella, Sirius, Polaris, Leo, Libra, Milky Way, Moonlight). Sunrise Park at the center of Park Foothills is its only park of any size.
78th Academy Awards
The winners were announced during the awards ceremony on March 5, 2006. Several notable achievements by multiple individuals and films occurred during the ceremony. Crash was the first Best Picture winner since 1976's Rocky to win only three Oscars. Best Director winner Ang Lee became the first non-Caucasian winner of that category. For this first time since the 34th ceremony in 1962, all four acting winners were first-time nominees. At age 20, Keira Knightley was the second-youngest Best Actress nominee for her performance as Elizabeth Bennet in Pride & Prejudice. Best Supporting Actor winner George Clooney was the fifth person to receive acting, directing, and screenwriting nominations in the same year and the first person to achieve this feat for two different films. By virtue of his nominations for both Memoirs of a Geisha and Munich, composer John Williams earned a total of 45 nominations tying him with Alfred Newman as the second most nominated individual in Oscar history. "It's Hard out Here for a Pimp" became the second rap song to win Best Original Song and the first such song to be performed at an Oscars ceremony.
78th Academy Awards
Others media publications were more critical of the show. Television critic Rob Owen of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote that Stewart was more "amusing than funny". He added, "Many of his jokes fell flat with the stars in the Kodak Theatre, and his tendency to bow down before celebrities quickly grew tiresome." Tom Shales from The Washington Post commented, "It's hard to believe that professional entertainers could have put together a show less entertaining than this year's Oscars, hosted with a smug humorlessness by comic Jon Stewart, a sad and pale shadow of great hosts gone by." Moreover, he derided the "piles and piles and miles and miles of clips from films present and past" writing that it "squandered the visual luster" of the ceremony. Associated Press television critic Frazier Moore remarked, "Stewart, usually a very funny guy, displayed a lack of beginner's luck as first-time host...His usually impeccable blend of puckishness and self-effacement fell flat in the service of Oscar." He also criticized the decision to play music over the winner's acceptance speeches calling it "distracting and obnoxious."
Marina Palei
Palei's first published fiction was a short story, "Composition on Red and Blue" (later renamed "Virage"). The story was printed in "Sobesednik" (the weekly supplement to "Komsomolskaya Pravda") in 1989. However, it was the novella "Evgesha and Annushka" that made her famous. In 1991, Palei's novella, "Cabiria from the Bypass Canal," was published in Novy Mir," bringing her instant critical acclaim and a nomination for the prestigious Russian Booker Prize. Despite harassment from the KGB for her political activities, Palei continued to publish. She graduated cum laude in 1991 and was invited to join the Writers' Union. Although Palei emigrated to the Netherlands in 1995, she has continued to publish in Russia. Her first collection, Birthplace of the Wind (Russian: Месторождение ветра), which gathered together her best-known works and previously published story cycles, was published in 1998. This collection was followed by "Long Distance, ili Slavyanskyi Akcent" ("Long Distance or the Slavic Accent") – 2000, Vagrius, "The Lunch" , "Klemens" , "Tribute to Salamander" . In the years 2011–2013 the publishing-house Eksmo (Moscow) has published 9-volume collected works of her prose and drama.
Ziba B. Oakes
Ziba Burrill Oakes was a broker of slaves and real estate in Charleston, South Carolina. Oakes is significant in the history of American slavery in part due to his construction of what he called a "shed" at 6 Chalmers Street. The shed still stands and is now Charleston's Old Slave Mart Museum. The site as a whole, once a much larger assemblage of buildings and pens, was generally known as Ryan's mart or Ryan's nigger-jail, and shut down in late 1864 or early 1865, supposedly "when owners Thomas Ryan and Z.B. Oakes went off to fight in the war." Come the end of the American Civil War, writer and abolitionist James Redpath took it upon himself to visit Charleston's negro mart and liberate the slavery-related business documents that remained therein. The 652 letters to Z.B. Oakes looted by Redpath were eventually turned over to abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison and in 1891 became a part of the anti-slavery special collections at the Boston Public Library. The letters remain a significant primary source in the study of the 19th-century American slave trade.
Ziba B. Oakes
In 1850 Z.B. Oakes shared a home with his mother, his wife (the former Margaret Garaux Christie), and their four daughters; his occupation was broker. Broker, rather than trader or slave trader, was the term commonly used in Charleston to describe slave traders. Like a dozen other Charleston slave traders, he initially had his offices on State Street. In December 1850, Z.B. Oakes, formerly of the Sugar Store, and now broker and auctioneer at 7 State street offered, "CONFECTIONER AT PRIVATE SALE A very intelligent FELLOW a complete Confectioner probably the best of his color in the State. Apply to Z. B. OAKES." Oakes was one of about 50 known slave traders operating in Charleston in the 1850s. According to Frederic Bancroft, Oakes was no more than a mid-level trader in the Charleston slavery economy. In 1856, along with fellow slave traders Louis D. DeSaussure and Alonzo J. White, he opposed a new South Carolina law requiring that slave sales take place indoors rather than on the streets. Their argument was that the law was "an impolitic admission that would give 'strength to the opponents of slavery' and 'create among some portions of the community a doubt as to the moral right of slavery itself.'"
Ziba B. Oakes
I entered the Theological Library building through a window from which General Gillmore had removed the sash by a solid shot. A pile of old rubbish lay upon the floor, — sermons, tracts, magazines, books, papers, musty and mouldy, turning into pulp beneath the rain-drops which came down through the shattered roof. ¶ Amid these surroundings was the Slave-Mart, — a building with a large iron gate in front, above which, in large gilt letters, was the word MART. The outer iron gate opened into a hall about sixty feet long by twenty broad, flanked on one side by a long table running the entire length of the hall, and on the other by benches. At the farther end a door, opening through a brick wall, gave entrance to a yard. The door was locked. I tried my boot-heel, but it would not yield. I called a freedman to my aid. Unitedly we took up a great stone, and gave a blow. Another, and the door of the Bastile went into splinters. Across the yard was a four-story brick building, with grated windows and iron doors, — a prison. The yard was walled by high buildings. He who entered there left all hope behind. A small room adjoining the hall was the place where women were subjected to the lascivious gaze of brutal men. There were the steps, up which thousands of men, women, and children had walked to their places on the table, to be knocked off to the highest bidder...While there a colored woman came into the hall to see the two Yankees. ¶ "I was sold there upon that table two years ago," said she. "You never will be sold again; you are free now and forever," I replied. "Thank God! the blessed Jesus, he has heard my prayer. I am so glad; only I wish I could see my husband. He was sold at the same time into the country, and has gone I don't know where." Thus spake Dinah Moore. ¶ Entering the brokers' offices, — prisons rather, — we walked along the grated corridors, looked into the rooms where the slaves had been kept. In the cellar was the dungeon for the refractory, — bolts and staples in the floors, manacles for the hands and feet, chains to make all sure. There had evidently been a sudden evacuation of the premises. Books, letters, bills of sale, were lying on the floor. ¶ Let us take our last look of the Divine missionary institution. Thus writes James H. Whiteside to Z. B. Oakes: — "I know of five very likely young negroes for sale. They are held at high prices, but I know the owner is compelled to sell next week, and they may be bought low enough so as to pay. Four of the negroes are young men, about twenty years old, and the other a very likely young woman about twenty-two. I have never stripped them, but they seem to be all right."
Ziba B. Oakes
Tadman describes the letters to Ziba Oakes collected by activist and journalist James Redpath at the end of the war as being of "great importance" in the study of the final decade of the South Carolina slave trade. In 1866, Oakes was back to work, continuing as an auctioneer and a broker of real-estate, and now offering insurance for "lives, cotton in transit and store, merchadize, buildings, and all other insurable interests." He was elected a supervisor of the high school in 1866. He was also a commissioner of the alms house, and a commissioner of markets, and was elected alderman from 1865 to 1868; "the notion that slave traders were looked down upon by the South's elite is contradicted by the prominent role Oakes played in Charleston society." At the time of the 1870 federal census Oakes' youngest daughter, still living at home, was 17 years old, and there are six other members of the household: Richard Morris (domestic servant), Eliza Brown (cook), Elizabeth Sinclair (laundress), are all listed as black, native to South Carolina; 13-year-old Rose Leggerman is listed as mulatto, native to South Carolina, with no listed occupation; Gus May, 35, and Edward May, 14, have no occupations listed, and are listed as black, native of South Carolina.
Ziba B. Oakes
As part of what was the apparently common practice of scrubbing "clean the records of...leading South Carolina slave dealers," the newspaper that printer Oakes obituary reported that he "had made his money 'in the Commission and Auction business,' but it failed to mention that much of that business had involved buying and selling people, or that Oakes had once owned Ryan's Mart." This kind of intentional forgetting was typical and persisted into the 20th century: "Despite Wilson's insistence that had been associated with the internal American slave trade, many locals disparaged her claim. Of course, rendering the domestic slave trade invisible was a central aspect of the postbellum white South's reconstruction of its history and its promotion of an apologist's view of slavery. Tourist literature from early-twentieth-century Charleston was complicit in this process as it repeatedly denied the existence of slave markets in the city. C. Irvine Walker's 1919 Guide to Charleston. S.C. downplayed the practice of slave sales, describing them as uncommon though "necessary from time to time." Tourists were told that, for the most part, slaves were 'passed by inheritance from father to son.' Walker frankly attributed claims that the property on Chalmers Street was the 'Old Slave Market, so-called,' to that 'same partisan history which stigmatizes the institution of slavery.' A headline in 1930 in the Charleston News and Courier articulated further the local position: 'Building at 6 Chalmers Street Has Become Subject of Legend in City.'...the News and Courier reporter erroneously argued that the site could not have been a slave mart because there was never 'sufficient buying and selling of slaves in the city to have warranted the establishment of any institution for the purpose.'"
Lewis Cass
On March 6, 1857, President James Buchanan appointed Cass to serve as Secretary of State as a consolation prize for his previous presidential runs. Although retaining incumbent Secretary of State William L. Marcy was considered the best option by many, Buchanan made it clear that he did not want to keep anyone from the Pierce Administration. Moreover, Marcy had opposed his earlier presidential bids, and was in poor health in any event, ultimately dying in July 1857. Cass, aged 75, was seen by most as too old for such a demanding position and was thought to likely be little more than a figurehead. Buchanan, weighing many of the other options for Secretary of State, considered that Cass was the best choice to avoid political infighting and sectional tensions. Buchanan wrote a flattering letter offering him the post of Secretary of State, commenting that he was remarkably active and energetic for his advanced age. Cass, who was retiring from the Senate, but not eager to leave Washington and return home to Michigan, immediately accepted.
Wang Sheng (footballer)
Wang Sheng began his career with top tier side Dalian Shide in 1999 where he made eight appearances in his debut season and by the following season he would further increase his appearances with 12 games to establish himself as a regular within the team. During his time with Dalian he spent nine seasons with them seeing them win four league titles and two Chinese FA Cups. He would transfer to Wuhan Optics Valley in the 2008 season which turned out to be a disappointment when Wuhan spent the entire season fighting relegation and even quitting the CSL for unfair punishment after the club's management did not accept the punishment given to them by the Chinese Football Association after a scuffle broke out during a league game against Beijing Guoan on September 27, 2008. Unable to play any football Wang Sheng would rejoin his old club Dalian Shide on loan from Wuhan for the whole of the 2009 league season. In the 2010 league season he returned to Wuhan with the reformed club Hubei Luyin. After being released by the Hubei club, he moved to China League Two club Fushun Xinye for the 2011 season. In 2012 he joined China League One Chongqing F.C.
Winner Take Nothing
"Homage to Switzerland" is a story in three parts, each part telling the story of a different man in the same Swiss train station. The beginning of each story follows an identical story line: the character is sitting in a train station cafe when he discovers that the train is running an hour late; the waitress asks if he wants coffee, and each man asks the waitress whether she will sit and drink with them. Then, each story goes in a different direction. The first man propositions the waitress, offering her money to have sex with him; it is then revealed that the man had never intended to have sex with the waitress and understood that she would refuse. The second man is revealed to be facing an impending divorce from his wife, and is depicted buying expensive champagne for himself and the train station attendants. The final man is shown speaking to an older man sitting at the cafe and discussing the National Geographic Society. The older man is revealed to be a member of the society, while the other man's father had been prior to his death; it is then revealed that the man's father had recently committed suicide.
Battle of Kaçanik Pass
After three days of fighting the Albanian forces withdrew to the Drenica region. Ottoman forces entered Prizren in the middle of May 1910. They proceeded to Yakova and İpek where they entered on June 1, 1910. By government orders part of the force proceeded in the direction of Scutari (now Shkodër), while another column marched toward the Debre region (now known as Dibër in Albania, and Debar in the Republic of North Macedonia). The first column marching to Scutari managed to capture the Morinë pass, after fighting with the Albanian tribal forces of the Gashi, Krasniqi and Bytyqi areas, led by Zeqir Halili, Abdulla Hoxha, and Shaban Binaku. Ottoman forces were stopped for more than 20 days in the Agri Pass, from the Albanian forces of Shalë, Shoshë, Nikaj and Mërtur areas, led by Prel Tuli, Mehmet Shpendi, and Marash Delia. Unable to repress their resistance, this column took another way to Scutari, passing from the Pukë region. On July 24, 1910, Ottoman forces entered the city of Scutari (now known as Shkodër). During this period martial courts were put in action and summary executions took place. A large number of firearms were collected and many villages and properties were burned by the Ottoman army.
Inductive output tube
IOTs have been described as a cross between a klystron and a triode, hence Eimac's trade name for them, Klystrode. They have an electron gun like a klystron, but with a control grid in front of it like a triode, with a very close spacing of around 0.1 mm. The high frequency RF voltage on the grid allows the electrons through in bunches. High voltage DC on a cylindrical anode accelerates the modulated electron beam through a small drift tube like a klystron. This drift tube prevents backflow of electromagnetic radiation. The bunched electron beam passes through the hollow anode into a resonant cavity, similar to the output cavity of a klystron, and strikes a collector electrode. As in a klystron, each bunch passes into the cavity at a time when the electric field decelerates it, transforming the kinetic energy of the beam into potential energy of the RF field, amplifying the signal. The oscillating electromagnetic energy in the cavity is extracted by a coaxial transmission line. An axial magnetic field prevents space charge spreading of the beam. The collector electrode is at a lower potential than the anode (depressed collector) which recovers some of the energy from the beam, increasing efficiency.
Half the Man (Jamiroquai song)
In his weekly UK chart commentary, James Masterton wrote, "For Jamiroquai, operating here it seems on autopilot with another piece of jazz/funk that is so distinctively him that he is in danger of sounding formulaic." A reviewer from The Mix noted that "the ghost of Stevie Wonder lingers particularly on "Half the Man", an appealing tune in which even J.K.'s vocal at times resembles Stevie's harmonica." Pan-European magazine Music & Media commented, "Spaced out after his first single off the new album, Jamiroquai now conjures up the rabbit out of his hat: a mildly swinging track with great radio-in-a-coffee-shop capacity." Andy Beevers from Music Week gave it four out of five and named it Pick of the Week in the category of Dance, adding that "this mid-tempo track is a real grower and underlines how Jamiroquai's songwriting has matured." John Robinson from NME said, "'Half a Man' is really rather good. Jason has his 'I Like Traffic' hat on here, and he creates a lurching, soulful vibe, before getting sidelined in his trademark ooobee-dabba-ooobee-dabba-dooo rubbish." Pete Stanton from Smash Hits wrote, "Gentle, laid-back soul that'd be at home in Ricardo's Wine Bar."
Red Planet Mars
The messages cease. Calder, armed with a handgun, confronts the Cronyns in their lab. He wants to announce that he has been duping the world with false messages from a secret Soviet-funded radio transmitter high in the Andes mountains of South America. The transmitter was destroyed by an avalanche. There have been no transmissions since then. He shows them his log. When Linda raises the question of the religious messages, Calder is contemptuous. He says that he transmitted the original messages supposedly from Mars, but that the United States government made up the religious messages, which he allowed because he wanted to see the destruction of the Soviet Union. The Cronyns know that the religious messages were not hoaxes, but Calder's claim will be believed and it will mean disaster for a now peaceful Earth. Unseen by Calder, Chris opens the valve to the hydrogen supply and tells Linda to leave. Calder refuses to allow it. She asks her husband for a cigarette. He says quietly that in all their years together he has never seen her smoke. They both know the spark will ignite the hydrogen and destroy the lab. But before Chris can use his lighter, a message begins to come through and an enraged Calder fires into the screen, blowing up the transmitter, himself and the Cronyns before the message is complete. However, the first part is decoded, and later the President reads it aloud to the world: "You have done well my good..." the rest evoking the Parable of the Talents in the Gospel of Matthew: "You have done well, my good and faithful servant."
Muslim Magomayev (musician)
He was 19 when he first performed at an international youth music festival in Helsinki. His performance was noted by Yekaterina Furtseva, then Minister of Culture of the Soviet Union, who offered him to be a soloist at the Bolshoi Theatre. Magomayev declined the offer. In 1962, at the age of 20, Magomayev first appeared in Moscow where he performed during the Days of Azerbaijani Culture. He sang an aria from Gounod's Faust, and the song "Do the Russians Want War?" in a gala concert at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and became a celebrity on the spot. He recorded three songs with Azerbaijani composer Asya Sultanova. A year later, he gave his first solo concert in the Moscow Tchaikovsky Concert Hall to a full house and became a soloist of the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Muslim earned fame in the USSR as an opera singer with his performance in Rossini's "The Barber of Seville". He also became known for his arias from Puccini's "Tosca", Hajibeyov's "Koroghlu" and "Shah Ismayil", which was composed by his grandfather.
2016 shooting of Almaty police officers
At around 11:00 a.m. local time, Kulikbayev, armed with an MCM semi-automatic handgun, shot and killed a policeman outside of the Almaty police station and stole his weapon, an automatic AKS-74U assault rifle. Kulikbayev then began firing the assault rifle indiscriminately at nearby police officers and civilians. After shooting several people, Kulikbayev carjacked a vehicle, shooting and killing its driver. A female driver recorded the shooting on a dashboard camera, but Kulikbayev did not shoot her. Using the stolen car, Kulikbayev drove to a nearby Kazakh government building housing offices of the National Security Committee (NSC), where he shot and wounded another policeman and an NSC official. The wounded NSC official later died from his wounds in the hospital, although the injured police officer survived. After shooting the two officers, Kulikbayev hijacked a second car, but was spotted and chased by responding police vehicles as he tried to flee. After a high-speed chase, police eventually cornered Kulikbayev, where he engaged the officers in a violent gunfight. During the shootout, several more policemen were wounded, and three officers would later die from their injuries in the hospital. Kulikbayev finally surrendered to authorities after being shot five times. Kulikbayev was taken to a nearby hospital where he was treated for gunshot wounds. While in the hospital, he was interrogated by investigators and confessed to the Almaty attacks and the previous murder of the Uzbek prostitute. During his interrogation, Kulikbayev claimed he had only intended to kill police in the shootings, and not civilians.
Child Act 2001
The Child Act 2001 is a Malaysian law which served to consolidate the Juvenile Courts Act 1947 , the Women and Girls Protection Act 1973 , and the Child Protection Act 1991 . It was enacted partially in order to fulfil Malaysia's obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, it retains the option of corporal punishment for child offenders. In December 2004, members of the legal community suggested that the law needed review, despite its newness, in order to clarify its criminal procedures. One example of the Act's unclarity was brought to light in a 2007 case involving a 13-year-old convicted of murder. Under Section 97(1) of the Act, capital punishment may not be applied to children; Sections 97(2), 97(3), and 97(4) make provisions for alternative punishments for offences which would result in the death penalty if committed by adults, namely detention at the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. However, Section 97(2) was overturned by the Court of Appeal in July 2007 on the grounds that it violated the Constitution of Malaysia's doctrine of separation of powers, leading to the situation that no punishment at all could be rendered.
Nouvelle route du Littoral
In mid-February 2022, the new president of the regional council Huguette Bello, announced that the La Possession to Grande Chaloupe section, originally planned as a causeway, was to be built as a viaduct similar to that of the Saint-Denis to Grande Chaloupe section. This is expected to add €500 and €700 million to the cost of the road. Opening is planned seven years after the administrative procedures and preliminary studies, for an estimated opening date around 2029 or 2030. The revised plan consists of a succession of three viaducts, with causeway only being used for short distances to connect between viaducts. One of the arguments raised for the use of viaducts, rather than causeway was based on the effects of the passage of the Cyclone Batsirai at the beginning of February 2022. The cyclone caused waves which partially submerged the existing causeway, requiring it to be closed and emergency repairs were needed prior to reopening. However, the viaduct portion was not impacted by the passage of the cyclone.
Cathal Gurrin
Gurrin has worn a wearable camera since 2006 which takes several still photographs every minute. He is likely the longest wearer of such a device in the world. He also records his location (using GPS) and various other sources of biometric data. Gurrin generated a database of over 18 million images, and produces about a terabyte of personal data a year. Gurrin and his researchers use information retrieval algorithms to segment his personal image archive into "events" such as eating, driving, etc. New events are recognised on a daily basis using machine learning. In an interview Gurrin said that "If I need to remember where I left my keys, or where I parked my car, or what wine I drank at an event two years ago... the answers should all be there." While searching by date and time is easy, more complex searches within images such as looking for brand names and objects with complex form factors, such as keys, is more difficult. One aim of Gurrin's research is to create search engines to allow complex searches of such image databases, and to develop assistive technology. He is the founder of the annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge, which attracts a worldwide participant list annually.
Richard Nagler
Richard Nagler is an American businessman and photographer. Four books of his photography have been published. His photography has been exhibited in numerous museum and gallery exhibitions throughout the United States and Europe; and his photography is included in many public and private collections. The work has also been featured in publications including: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Artforum International, Artweek, The Los Angeles Times, Playboy Magazine and the San Francisco Chronicle. Nagler graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1969 magna cum laude/Phi Beta Kappa with a B. A. in politics and philosophy, and began his career in photography in the 1970s. NAGLER's latest book LOOKING AT ART:THE ART OF LOOKING was a finalist for the USA Book Awards/Best Photography Book of 2014, won a Gold Medal for Photography at the Non-Fiction Book Awards in 2014, won First Prize in Photography at the Beverly Hills Book Awards 2014, won the National Independent Book Award for Excellence in Photography, and was a Finalist in the IndieFab Book Awards for 2014. Richard Nagler is also a book reviewer specializing in photography and other fine arts for The New York Journal of Books.
Westmoreland County coal strike of 1910–1911
The number of unprovoked violent acts committed by the PSP was extremely high and frequent. James Maurer, a socialist member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly from Reading, conducted a survey asking for information on State Police actions during the strike. Maurer's survey found that violence significantly increased after the arrival of the State Police, and that almost all acts of violence were committed by state troopers without provocation. Mauer was so outraged by the results of his survey that he introduced a bill to abolish the state police. Hundreds of citizens later testified before state and federal commissions that mounted State Police routinely charged onto town sidewalks or into crowds, trampling and severely injuring men, women and children (whether strikers or not). Severe beatings with fists and clubs were common, with troopers breaking into and ransacking homes without warrants, beating citizens and striking miners alike. Local police officials claimed State Police routinely beat people on the street for no reason, and resisted local police attempts to stop them. State Police troopers shot up towns "in true Western style", and fired indiscriminately into crowds or into tent cities (killing and wounding sleeping women and children). Sexual assault (including rape) was disturbingly common, and at least one hotel manager accused troopers of promoting prostitution.
Greater Germanic Reich
The most notable Germanic-speaking exception would have been the United Kingdom: the Nazis' New Order envisaged the role of Britain not as a German province but instead as a German-allied seafaring partner. Another exception was the German-populated territory in South Tyrol, an area which Germany assigned to its fellow-Axis power, Fascist Italy, in 1939. Aside from Germanic Europe, the Reich's western frontiers with France were to revert to those of the earlier Holy Roman Empire, which would have meant the complete German annexation of all of Wallonia, French Switzerland and large areas of northern and eastern France. Additionally, the policy of Lebensraum required mass expansion of Germany and the settlement of Germans eastwards as far as the Ural Mountains (seizing territory from the Baltic states and the Soviet Union in the process). Hitler originally planned for the deportation of any "surplus" Russian population living west of the Urals to resettlement east of the Urals in Siberia.
Greater Germanic Reich
The chosen name for the projected empire was a deliberate reference to the Holy Roman Empire (of the German Nation) that existed in medieval times, known as the First Reich in Nazi historiography. Different aspects of the legacy of this medieval empire in German history were both celebrated and derided by the government of Nazi Germany. Hitler admired the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne for his "cultural creativity", his powers of organization, and his renunciation of the rights of the individual. He criticized the Holy Roman Emperors however for not pursuing an Ostpolitik (Eastern Policy) resembling his own, while being politically focused exclusively on the south. After the Anschluss, Hitler ordered the old imperial regalia (the Imperial Crown, Imperial Sword, the Holy Lance and other items) residing in Vienna to be transferred to Nuremberg, where they were kept between 1424 and 1796. Nuremberg, in addition to being the former unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire, was also the place of the Nuremberg rallies. The transfer of the regalia was thus done to both legitimize Hitler's Germany as the successor of the "Old Reich", but also weaken Vienna, the former imperial residence.
Greater Germanic Reich
Despite intending to grant the other "Germanics" of Europe a racially superior status alongside the Germans themselves in an anticipated post-war racio-political order, the Nazis did not however consider granting the subject populations of these countries any national rights of their own. The other Germanic countries were seen as mere extensions of Germany rather than individual units in any way, and the Germans were unequivocally intended to remain the empire's "most powerful source of strength, from both an ideological as well as military standpoint". Even Heinrich Himmler, who among the senior Nazis most staunchly supported the concept, could not shake off the idea of a hierarchical distinction between German Volk and Germanic Völker. The SS's official newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, never succeeded in reconciling the contradiction between Germanic 'brotherhood' and German superiority. Members of Nazi-type parties in Germanic countries were also forbidden to attend public meetings of the Nazi Party when they visited Germany. After the Battle of Stalingrad this ban was lifted, but only if the attendees made prior notice of their arrival so that the events' speakers could be warned in advance not to make disparaging remarks about their country of origin.
Greater Germanic Reich
In an attempt to eventually supplant Christianity with a religion more amenable to Nazi racial theories, Himmler, together with Alfred Rosenberg, sought to replace it with Germanic paganism (the indigenous traditional religion or Volksreligion of the Germanic peoples), of which the Japanese Shinto was seen as an almost perfect East Asian counterpart. For this purpose they had ordered the construction of sites for the worship of Germanic cults in order to exchange Christian rituals for Germanic consecration ceremonies, which included different marriage and burial rites. In Heinrich Heims' Adolf Hitler, Monologe im FHQ 1941–1944 , Hitler is quoted as having said on 14 October 1941: "It seems to be inexpressibly stupid to allow a revival of the cult of Odin/Wotan. Our old mythology of the gods was defunct, and incapable of revival, when Christianity came...the whole world of antiquity either followed philosophical systems on the one hand, or worshipped the gods. But in modern times it is undesirable that all humanity should make such a fool of itself." This was in reference to bringing Germans back to idol worship in what Hitler saw as an era of science that would reject it.
Greater Germanic Reich
The ultimate goal of the Gleichschaltung policy pursued in these parts of occupied Europe was to destroy the very concepts of individual states and nationalities, just as the concept of a separate Austrian state and national identity was repressed after the Anschluss through the establishment of new state and party districts. The new empire was to no longer be a nation-state of the type that had emerged in the 19th century, but instead a "racially pure community". It is for this reason that the German occupiers had no interest in transferring real power to the various far-right nationalist movements present in the occupied countries (such as Nasjonal Samling, the NSB, etc.) except for temporary reasons of Realpolitik, and instead actively supported radical collaborators who favored pan-Germanic unity (i.e. total integration to Germany) over provincial nationalism (for example DeVlag). Unlike Austria and the Sudetenland however, the process was to take considerably longer. Eventually these nationalities were to be merged with the Germans into a single ruling race, but Hitler stated that this prospect lay "a hundred or so years" in the future. During this interim period it was intended that the 'New Europe' would be run by Germans alone. According to Speer, while Himmler intended to eventually Germanize these peoples completely, Hitler intended not to "infringe on their individuality" (that is, their native languages), so that in the future they would "add to the diversity and dynamism" of his empire. The German language would be its lingua franca however, likening it to the status of English in the British Commonwealth.
Greater Germanic Reich
A primary agent used in stifling the local extreme nationalist elements was the Germanic SS, which initially merely consisted of local respective branches of the Allgemeine-SS in Belgium, Netherlands and Norway. These groups were at first under the authority of their respective pro-Nazi national commanders (De Clercq, Mussert and Quisling), and were intended to function within their own national territories only. During the course of 1942, however, the Germanic SS was further transformed into a tool used by Himmler against the influence of the less extreme collaborating parties and their SA-style organizations, such as the Hird in Norway and the Weerbaarheidsafdeling in the Netherlands. In the post-war Germanic Empire, these men were to form the new leadership cadre of their respective national territories. To emphasize their pan-Germanic ideology, the Norges SS was now renamed the Germanske SS Norge, the Nederlandsche SS the Germaansche SS in Nederland and the Algemeene-SS Vlaanderen the Germaansche SS in Vlaanderen. The men of these groups no longer swore allegiance to their respective national leaders, but to the germanischer Führer ("Germanic Führer"), Adolf Hitler:
Greater Germanic Reich
This title was assumed by Hitler on 23 June 1941, at the suggestion of Himmler. On 12 December 1941 the Dutch right-wing nationalist Anton Mussert also addressed him in this fashion when he proclaimed his allegiance to Hitler during a visit to the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. He had wanted to address Hitler as Führer aller Germanen ("Führer of all Germanics"), but Hitler personally decreed the former style. Historian Loe de Jong speculates on the difference between the two: Führer aller Germanen implied a position separate from Hitler's role as Führer und Reichskanzler des Grossdeutschen Reiches ("Führer and Reich Chancellor of the Greater German Reich"), while germanischer Führer served more as an attribute of that main function. As late as 1944 occasional propaganda publications continued to refer to him by this unofficial title as well however. Mussert held that Hitler was predestined to become the Führer of Germanics because of his congruous personal history: Hitler originally was an Austrian national, who enlisted in the Bavarian army and lost his Austrian citizenship. He thus remained stateless for seven years, during which, according to Mussert, he was "the Germanic leader and nothing else".
Greater Germanic Reich
In October 1940 Hitler disclosed to Benito Mussolini that he intended to leave the Netherlands semi-independent because he wanted that country to retain its overseas colonial empire after the war. This factor was removed after the Japanese took over the Netherlands East Indies, the primary component of that domain. The resulting German plans for the Netherlands suggested its transformation into a Gau Westland, which would eventually be further broken-up into five new Gaue or gewesten (historical Dutch term for a type of sub-national polity). Fritz Schmidt, a ranking German official in the occupied Netherlands who hoped to become the Gauleiter of this new province on Germany's western periphery stated that it could even be called Gau Holland, as long as the Wilhelmus (the Dutch national anthem) and similar patriotic symbols were to be forbidden. Rotterdam, which had actually been largely destroyed in the course of the 1940 invasion was to be rebuilt as the most important port-city in the "Germanic area" due to its situation at the mouth of the Rhine river.
Greater Germanic Reich
The position in the future empire of the Frisians, another Germanic people, was discussed on 5 April 1942 in one of Hitler's many wartime dinner-conversations. Himmler commented that there was ostensibly no real sense of community between the different indigenous ethnic groups in the Netherlands. He then stated that the Dutch Frisians in particular seemed to hold no affection for being part of a nation-state based on the Dutch national identity, and felt a much greater sense of kinship with their German Frisian brethren across the Ems River in East Frisia, an observation Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel agreed with based on his own experiences. Hitler determined that the best course of action in that case would be to unite the two Frisian regions on both sides of the border into a single province, and would at a later point in time further discuss the topic with Arthur Seyss-Inquart, the governor of the German regime in the Netherlands. By late May of that year these discussions were apparently concluded, as on the 29th he pledged that he would not allow the West-Frisians to remain part of Holland, and that since they were "part of the exact same race as the people of East Frisia" had to be joined into one province.
Greater Germanic Reich
Sweden's future subordination into the 'New Order' was considered by the regime. Himmler stated that the Swedes were the "epitome of the Nordic spirit and the Nordic man", and looked forward to incorporating central and southern Sweden to the Germanic Empire. Himmler offered northern Sweden, with its Finnish minority, to Finland, along with the Norwegian port of Kirkenes, although this suggestion was rejected by Finnish Foreign Minister Witting. Felix Kersten, claimed that Himmler had expressed regret that Germany had not occupied Sweden during Operation Weserübung, but was certain that this error was to be rectified after the war. In April 1942, Goebbels expressed similar views in his diary, writing that Germany should have occupied the country during its campaign in the north, as "this state has no right to national existence anyway". In 1940, Hermann Göring suggested that Sweden's future position in the Reich was similar to that of Bavaria in the German Empire. The ethnically Swedish Åland Islands, which were awarded to Finland by the League of Nations in 1921, were likely to join Sweden in the Germanic Empire. In the spring of 1941, the German military attaché in Helsinki reported to his Swedish counterpart that Germany would need transit rights through Sweden for the imminent invasion of the Soviet Union, and in the case of finding her cooperative would permit the Swedish annexation of the islands. Hitler did veto the idea of a complete union between the two states of Sweden and Finland, however.
Greater Germanic Reich
Despite the majority of its people being of Finnic origin, Finland was given the status of being an "honorary Nordic nation" (from a Nazi racial perspective, not a national one) by Hitler as reward for its military importance in the ongoing conflict against the Soviet Union. The Swedish-speaking minority of the country, who in 1941 comprised 9.6% of the total population, were considered Nordic and were initially preferred over Finnish speakers in recruitment for the Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS. Finland's Nordic status did not mean however that it was intended to be absorbed into the Germanic Empire, but instead expected to become the guardian of Germany's northern flank against the hostile remnants of a conquered USSR by attaining control over Karelian territory, occupied by the Finns in 1941. Hitler also considered the Finnish and Karelian climates unsuitable for German colonization. Even so, the possibility of Finland's eventual inclusion as a federated state in the empire as a long-term objective was mulled over by Hitler in 1941, but by 1942 he seems to have abandoned this line of thinking. According to Kersten, as Finland signed an armistice with the Soviet Union and broke off diplomatic relations with her former brother-in-arms Germany in September 1944, Himmler felt remorse for not eliminating the Finnish state, government and its "masonic" leadership sooner, and transforming the country into a "National Socialist Finland with a Germanic outlook".
Greater Germanic Reich
The one country in Europe that spoke a Germanic language and was not included in the objective of Pan-Germanic unification was the United Kingdom, in spite of its near-universal acceptance by the Nazi government as being part of the Germanic world. Leading Nordic ideologist Hans F. K. Günther theorized that the Anglo-Saxons had been more successful than the Germans in maintaining racial purity and that the coastal and island areas of Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and Wales had received additional Nordic blood through Norse raids and colonization during the Viking Age, and the Anglo-Saxons of East Anglia and Northern England had been under Danish rule in the 9th and 10th centuries. Günther referred to this historical process as Aufnordung ("additional nordification"), which finally culminated in the Norman conquest of England in 1066. Thus, according to Günther, Britain was thus a nation created by struggle and the survival of the fittest among the various Aryan peoples of the isles, and was able to pursue global conquest and empire-building because of its superior racial heredity born through this development.
Greater Germanic Reich
One of Hitler's secondary goals for the invasion of Russia was to win over Britain to the German side. He believed that after the military collapse of the Soviet Union, "within a few weeks" Britain would be compelled either to surrender or to join Germany as a "junior partner" in the Axis. Britain's role in this alliance was reserved to support German naval and the planned Amerikabomber project against the US in a fight for world supremacy conducted from the Axis power bases of Europe, Africa and the Atlantic. On August 8, 1941, Hitler stated that he looked forward to the eventual day when "England and Germany together against America", and on January 7, 1942, he daydreamed that it was "not impossible" for Britain to quit the war and join the Axis side, leading to a situation where "it will be a German-British army that will chase the Americans from Iceland". Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg hoped that after the victorious conclusion of the war against the USSR, Englishmen, along with other Germanic peoples, would join the Germans in colonizing the conquered eastern territories.
Greater Germanic Reich
However, other evidence suggests that in the case of a successful invasion of Great Britain the occupiers treatment of the British population may not have been as sympathetic. According to captured German documents, the commander-in-chief of the German Army, Walther von Brauchitsch, directed that "The able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent". The remaining population would have been terrorised, including civilian hostages being taken and the death penalty immediately imposed for even the most trivial acts of resistance, with the UK being plundered for anything of financial, military, industrial or cultural value. After the war Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories wrote in his book that he had encountered a personal report by General Eduard Wagner regarding a discussion with Heinrich Himmler from February 1943, in which Himmler had expressed the intention for Einsatzgruppen to kill about 80% of the populations of France and England after the German victory. At another point, Hitler had on one occasion described the English lower classes "racially inferior".
Greater Germanic Reich
Hitler regarded northern Italians to be strongly Aryan, but not southern Italians. He even said that the Ahnenerbe, an archaeological organization associated with the SS, asserted that archaeological evidence proved the presence of Nordic-Germanic peoples in the region of South Tyrol in the Neolithic era that it claimed proved the significance of ancient Nordic-Germanic influence on northern Italy. The NSDAP regime regarded the ancient Romans to have been largely a people of the Mediterranean race; however, they claimed that the Roman ruling classes were Nordic, descended from Aryan conquerors from the North; and that this Nordic Aryan minority was responsible for the rise of Roman civilization. The Nazis viewed the downfall of the Roman Empire as being the result of the deterioration of the purity of the Nordic Aryan ruling class through its intermixing with the inferior Mediterranean types that led to the empire's decay. In addition, racial intermixing in the population in general was also blamed for Rome's downfall, claiming that Italians were a hybrid of races, including black African races. Due to the darker complexion of Mediterranean peoples, Hitler regarded them as having traces of Negroid blood and therefore did not have strong Nordic Aryan heritage and were thus inferior to those that had stronger Nordic heritage.
Greater Germanic Reich
Hitler held immense admiration for the Roman Empire and its legacy. Hitler praised post-Roman era achievements of northern Italians such as Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, and Benito Mussolini. The Nazis ascribed the great achievements of post-Roman era northern Italians to the presence of Nordic racial heritage in such people who via their Nordic heritage had Germanic ancestors, such as NSDAP Foreign Affairs official Alfred Rosenberg recognizing Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci as exemplary Nordic men of history. German official Hermann Hartmann wrote that Italian scientist Galileo Galilei was clearly Nordic with deep Germanic roots because of his blond hair, blue eyes, and long face. Some Nazis claimed that aside from biologically Nordic people that a Nordic soul could inhabit a non-Nordic body. Hitler emphasized the role of Germanic influence in Northern Italy, such as stating that the art of Northern Italy was "nothing but pure German", and Nazi scholars viewed the Ladin and Friulian minorities of Northern Italy as being racially, historically and culturally a part of the Germanic world. To put it bluntly, Hitler declared in private talks that the modern Reich should emulate the racial policy of the old Roman-Germanic Holy Empire, by annexing the Italian lands and especially Lombardy, whose population had well preserved their original Germanic Aryan character, unlike the lands of East Europe, with its racially alien population, scarcely marked by a Germanic contribution. According to him, Germans are more closely linked with the Italians than with any other people:
Greater Germanic Reich
The Nazi regime's stances in regards to northern Italy was influenced by the regime's relations with the Italian government, and particularly Mussolini's Fascist regime. Hitler deeply admired and emulated Mussolini. Hitler emphasized the racial closeness of his ally Mussolini to Germans of Alpine racial heritage. Hitler regarded Mussolini to not be seriously contaminated by the blood of the Mediterranean race. Other Nazis had negative views of Mussolini and the Fascist regime. The NSDAP's first leader, Anton Drexler was one of the most extreme in his negative views of Mussolini – claiming that Mussolini was "probably" a Jew and that Fascism was a Jewish movement. In addition there was a perception in Germany of Italians being racially weak, feckless, corrupt and corrupting, bad soldiers as perceived as demonstrated at the Battle of Caporetto in World War I, for being part of the powers that established the Treaty of Versailles, and for being a treacherous people given Italy's abandonment of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I to join the Entente. Hitler responded to the review of Italy betraying Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I by saying that this was a consequence of Imperial Germany's decision to focus its attention on upholding the moribund Austro-Hungarian empire while ignoring and disregarding the more promising Italy.
Eimer's organ
Eimer recognized the importance of the mole's nose to its behaviour. He stated in 1871: "The mole's snout must be the seat of an extraordinarily well developed sense of touch because it replaces almost entirely the animal's sense of face, constituting its only guide on its paths underground." He estimated that the nose of the European mole was covered with more than 5,000 Eimer's organs, which were invested with 105,000 nerve fibres. He took the abundance of sensory innervation (stimulate a nerve or muscle) to affirm his contention that the nose's touch must represent the moles dominant facial sense. Eimer asserted that his interpretation was consistent with the common knowledge of his time. In his publication he noted that the extreme density of highly sensitive nerve fibres is the cause of a light blow to the snout being able to kill the mole instantly. Roughly 130 years after Eimer's discovery, Catania and colleagues recorded in 2004 striking behavioural evidence in favour of his conclusions, using a high-speed camera. Moles with the help of their Eimer's organs may be perfectly poised to detect seismic wave vibrations.
Eimer's organ
Marasco et al. attribute different functions to Eimer's two sets of free-ending nerve fibres in the star-nosed mole and the coast mole Scapanus orarius. The authors published micrographs of the organ and its innervation, depicting Eimer's free-ending fibers as well as the Merkel cell-neurite complexes and the Vater-Pacini corpuscles. Using a histochemical marker for a protein known to be involved in the processing of pain, they were able to label the nerve fibres at the perimeter of the papilla, suggesting that they are nociceptive, i.e. they respond to pain. By contrast, the fibres in papilla's core did not stain for the protein, suggesting that they are mechano-receptive. These nerve fibres as well as the Merkel cell-neurite complexes are known to respond to local touches with great sensitivity, whereas the Vater-Pacini corpuscles are highly tuned to the frequencies of dispersed vibrations. Eimer's organ, therefore, forms a receptor complex, integrating pain receptors as well as three fundamentally different types of touch receptors which preferentially respond to either skin indentations or vibrations. The follicles of whiskers, also known as vibrissae or sinus hairs, and the push rods in monotremes, as published by Proske et al., represent the only other known discrete structures in the skin that combine three mechanoreceptor types.
Freestone, Queensland
In about 1864 Rev. J.B. Watkin, a Wesleyan, commenced services in private homes in the area. On 2 January 1865, a public meeting was held to erect a chapel for regular services. James and Charles G. Wilson donated the land on their property adjacent to the main Freestone Road. On Sunday 4 February 1866, the first service was held in the new Freestone Wesleyan Methodist Church, a wooden building 24 by 15 feet (7.3 by 4.6 m) at a cost of £64 4s 1d of which £50 was already promised. Much of the labour for the building was donated. Later the church was relocated on the Wilson's property to its present location (165 Freestone Creek Road) where it was enlarged to be 35 by 21 feet (10.7 by 6.4 m). Following the amalgamation of the Methodist Church into the Uniting Church in Australia in the 1970s, it became the Freestone Uniting Church. On 2 February 2020 following a renovation, the church was re-dedicated to the glory of God. In March 2020 the congregation decided to replace their 9am service with a 2pm service to avoid clashing with the milking times of the local dairy farmers.
Beyond the Deepwoods
Raised by woodtrolls in the Deepwoods all his life, Twig believes he is one of them, yet strongly suspects there is something different about him, as he does not fit in with them; in particular, he feels a longing to live as a sky pirate. He sets off to find his true kind when he learns from his adoptive woodtroll mother that he is not a woodtroll after all, but was found abandoned in the woods and taken in by them. His adoptive mother tells him to travel to their cousin's house to mull things over, but during Twig's journey through the Deepwoods, he ends up unintentionally straying from the path. This is an act no woodtroll ever commits, for the woodtrolls' greatest fear is getting lost, and this fear is not without reason. The forest is populated with both fierce natural predators and evil demons, the most dangerous being the Gloamglozer. Twig soon stumbles upon a slaughterer who is being attacked by a hover worm. Twig kills the hover worm and the grateful slaughterer invites him to spend the night in his village.
Beyond the Deepwoods
The next morning, Twig is woken by a slaughterer who tells him that he has outstayed his welcome, and is expected to leave immediately, which he does. Twig has a run-in with a skullpelt, a predator which hunts people who fall under the illusions of the Deepwoods' lullabee trees, but is saved by a caterbird which has just hatched from its cocoon. As all caterbirds share telepathic dreams whilst in the womb, and the oakelf sage of Twig's woodtroll village lived in a caterbird cocoon, this caterbird knows all about Twig. The caterbird tells Twig his destiny lies "beyond the Deepwoods" and flies off, promising to return when he is in danger. That night, Twig is almost eaten by a bloodoak, a man-eating tree, but escapes and ends up in a gyle goblin colony, where he is almost fed to the goblins by their leader, the Grossmother. After a gyle goblin guides him to safety, Twig meets an injured banderbear, one of the forest's dominant predators. The banderbear is sick because of a rotten tooth, which Twig pulls out. Soon, Twig and the banderbear become great friends, but one day the banderbear is killed by a swarm of wig-wigs, ferocious predators which act like piranhas. Later, Twig almost drowns in a swamp, but is rescued by a flathead goblin who vanishes before Twig can thank him. Twig meets a young girl who takes him as a "pet" in the underground society of the termagant trogs. Twig spends a few months with the trog girl, but eventually she undergoes the termagant trogs' maturation ceremony by drinking sap from a bloodoak root, turning her into a monstrous brute like the other adult female trogs. However, a lone trog male saves Twig, much to his surprise, and directs him to the exit.
Beyond the Deepwoods
Twig finally meets some sky pirates, whose ship has crashed due to the flight-rock which powers the ship falling out of the sky when it was struck by lightning, and helps them repair it. When their captain Cloud Wolf, whose real name is Quintinius Verginix, tells a story about his past, Twig realizes that Quintinius is his true father, and wants to join his crew. To Twig's horror, though, the next morning he awakens alone, abandoned by his father again. Distraught, Twig realizes the pirates' campfire has started a forest fire. Twig runs for his life and ends up in the Edgelands on the outskirts of the Deepwoods, where he meets the Gloamglozer face to face. The Gloamglozer tempts Twig into living a life as a Gloamglozer himself, having failed to fit in anywhere else, and reveals that he had been influencing Twig's journey all along in the guise of a slaughterer, gyle goblin, male trog and flathead goblin. However, when Twig agrees, the Gloamglozer instead throws him off the side of the Edge. The caterbird returns and rescues Twig before dropping him onto the deck of Quintinius Verginix's ship. Finally reunited with his true father, who apologizes for leaving him and promises to always protect him, Twig and the sky pirates set sail.