how to download sangraha synthetic dataset ?

by StephennFernandes - opened

Hi there,
great work on releasing such an amazing dataset.
i was able to download 2 version of the dataset. verified and unverified however there is not way to download the synthetic version of the dataset.

AI4Bharat org

@StephennFernandes The synthetic dataset will be uploaded soon, We will inform on the thread once done

Dropping a comment... so I'll get notified as well!

Hi @Umashanks99 , Can you provide an estimated timeline for when the synthetic data will be uploaded?

@Umashanks99 hey any update on the synthetic dataset ?

@Umashanks99 hey really sorry for being pushy. but may i please know if there is any update to release the synthetic dataset anytime soon ?

AI4Bharat org
edited May 7

@StephennFernandes @kdcyberdude , sorry for the delay. The synthetic subset has been updated.

# For downloading the dataset 
from datasets import load_dataset
AnanthZeke changed discussion status to closed

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