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color info
smart canonical title
long imdb canonical title
long imdb title
country codes
smart long imdb canonical title
cover url
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aspect ratio
production companies
plot outline
full-size cover url
canonical title
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original music
miscellaneous companies
[ { "name": "Edison Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Edison Manufacturing Company" }, { "name": "Continental Commerce Company", "long imdb name": "Continental Commerce Company" } ]
[ "1" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "A stationary camera looks at a large anvil with a blacksmith behind it and one on either side. The smith in the middle draws a heated metal rod from the fire, places it on the anvil, and all three begin a rhythmic hammering. After several blows, the metal goes back in the fire. One smith pulls out a bottle of beer, and they each take a swig. Then, out comes the glowing metal and the hammering resumes.", "Three men hammer on an anvil and pass a bottle of beer around." ]
Blacksmith Scene
Blacksmith Scene
Blacksmith Scene (1893)
[ "USA:Unrated" ]
Blacksmith Scene (1893)
[ "us" ]
Blacksmith Scene (1893)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Dickson, William K.L.", "name": "William K.L. Dickson", "long imdb name": "William K.L. Dickson", "long imdb canonical name": "Dickson, William K.L." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Heise, William", "name": "William Heise", "long imdb name": "William Heise", "long imdb canonical name": "Heise, William" } ]
[ "Blacksmith Scene #1::USA (alternative title)", "Blacksmith Shop::UK (informal alternative title)", "Blacksmithing::USA (informal alternative title)", "Blacksmithing Scene::USA (alternative title)", "The Blacksmith's Forge::UK (informal alternative title)", "Сцена в кузне::Russia", "A patkolókovács::Hungary (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Edison Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Edison Manufacturing Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Three men hammer on an anvil and pass a bottle of beer around.
Blacksmith Scene
[ { "canonical name": "Kayser, Charles", "name": "Charles Kayser", "long imdb name": "Charles Kayser", "long imdb canonical name": "Kayser, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Ott, John", "name": "John Ott", "long imdb name": "John Ott", "long imdb canonical name": "Ott, John" } ]
[ { "name": "Lumière", "long imdb name": "Lumière" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" } ]
[ "1" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "A man opens the big gates to the Lumière factory. Through the gateway and a smaller doorway beside it, workers are streaming out, turning either left or right. Most of them are women in long dresses and big hats, but some are men. Suddenly a man with a long apron rushes out through the crowd, followed by a big dog. At last some men on bikes leave the gateway. When all workers have left the factory, the doorkeeper starts closing the gates again." ]
La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon (le Premier Film)
Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon (le Premier Film), La
Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon (le Premier Film), La (1895)
La Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon (le Premier Film) (1895)
[ "fr" ]
Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon (le Premier Film), La (1895)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Documentary", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lumière, Louis", "name": "Louis Lumière", "long imdb name": "Louis Lumière", "long imdb canonical name": "Lumière, Louis" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lumière, Louis", "name": "Louis Lumière", "long imdb name": "Louis Lumière", "long imdb canonical name": "Lumière, Louis" } ]
[ "Employees Leaving the Lumière Factory::USA", "Exiting the Factory::USA", "La sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon::France (poster title)", "La sortie des ouvriers de l'usine Lumière::France (informal alternative title)", "Leaving the Lumière Factory", "Sortie d'usine::France (short title)", "Выход рабочих с фабрики 'Люмьер'::Russia", "A Saída dos Operários da Fábrica Lumière::Brazil", "A munkaidő vége::Hungary", "Arbeiter verlassen die Lumière-Werke::Germany (imdb display title)", "L'uscita dalle fabbriche Lumière::Italy (imdb display title)", "La salida de los obreros de la fábrica Lumière::Argentina", "Lumière-fabrikens arbetare::Finland (Swedish title) (informal title)", "Salida de obreros de la fábrica Lumiere::Uruguay (premiere title)", "Työntekijät poistuvat Lumière-tehtaalta::Finland (informal title)", "Wyjscie robotników z fabryki::Poland" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Lumière", "long imdb name": "Lumière" } ]
[ "France" ]
A man opens the big gates to the Lumière factory. Through the gateway and a smaller doorway beside it...
Sortie de l'Usine Lumière à Lyon (le Premier Film), La
[ { "canonical name": "Lumière, Louis", "name": "Louis Lumière", "long imdb name": "Louis Lumière", "long imdb canonical name": "Lumière, Louis" } ]
[ { "name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph", "long imdb name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Lobster Films", "long imdb name": "Lobster Films" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" } ]
[ "2::(18 fps)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "A gentleman with a top hat, and a series of women with ever more ludicrous hats enter a movie theatre. They refuse to remove them, until a giant bucket forcibly removes one hat. All but one woman then remove their hats, and the bucket returns to remove the woman.", "It is often you are annoyed by the fact that it is simply impossible to see the screen of a motion picture show owing to the enormous size of some of the lady spectators' headgear. Persuasion, pleading, prayers, are all in vain, and so the Biograph set to work to invent a contrivance to remedy the evil, a demonstration of which is shown in this picture. The scene is the interior of a motion picture theater during the performance of which the ladies with the big hats are very much in evidence. From the ceiling are let down grappling tongs which clutch the offending millinery hauling it up out of sight. This is a comedy picture too funny for description, and it would make a splendid subject to start a show with instead of the customary slide.", "Set in an early cinema house, this comic short illustrates the problems with the gals' hats obscuring the movie patron's line of vision." ]
Those Awful Hats
Those Awful Hats
Those Awful Hats (1909)
[ "USA:Not Rated" ]
Those Awful Hats (1909)
[ "us" ]
Those Awful Hats (1909)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Griffith, D.W.", "name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb canonical name": "Griffith, D.W." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Bitzer, G.W.", "name": "G.W. Bitzer", "long imdb name": "G.W. Bitzer", "long imdb canonical name": "Bitzer, G.W." } ]
[ "Those Darn Hats::USA (video catalogue title)", "Эти ужасные шляпы::Russia", "Ces sacrés chapeaux::France", "Te okropne kapelusze::Poland (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph", "long imdb name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Set in an early cinema house, this comic short illustrates the problems with the gals' hats obscuring the movie patron's line of vision.
Those Awful Hats
[ { "canonical name": "Arvidson, Linda", "name": "Linda Arvidson", "long imdb name": "Linda Arvidson", "long imdb canonical name": "Arvidson, Linda" }, { "canonical name": "Cumpson, John R.", "name": "John R. Cumpson", "long imdb name": "John R. Cumpson", "long imdb canonical name": "Cumpson, John R." }, { "canonical name": "Finch, Flora", "name": "Flora Finch", "long imdb name": "Flora Finch", "long imdb canonical name": "Finch, Flora" }, { "canonical name": "Gebhardt, George", "name": "George Gebhardt", "long imdb name": "George Gebhardt", "long imdb canonical name": "Gebhardt, George" }, { "canonical name": "Harron, Robert", "name": "Robert Harron", "long imdb name": "Robert Harron", "long imdb canonical name": "Harron, Robert" }, { "canonical name": "Hendrie, Anita", "name": "Anita Hendrie", "long imdb name": "Anita Hendrie", "long imdb canonical name": "Hendrie, Anita" }, { "canonical name": "Inslee, Charles", "name": "Charles Inslee", "long imdb name": "Charles Inslee", "long imdb canonical name": "Inslee, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Johnson, Arthur V.", "name": "Arthur V. Johnson", "long imdb name": "Arthur V. Johnson", "long imdb canonical name": "Johnson, Arthur V." }, { "canonical name": "Lawrence, Florence", "name": "Florence Lawrence", "long imdb name": "Florence Lawrence", "long imdb canonical name": "Lawrence, Florence" }, { "canonical name": "Robinson, Gertrude", "name": "Gertrude Robinson", "long imdb name": "Gertrude Robinson", "long imdb canonical name": "Robinson, Gertrude" }, { "canonical name": "Sennett, Mack", "name": "Mack Sennett", "long imdb name": "Mack Sennett", "long imdb canonical name": "Sennett, Mack" }, { "canonical name": "West, Dorothy", "name": "Dorothy West", "long imdb name": "Dorothy West", "long imdb canonical name": "West, Dorothy" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Griffith, D.W.", "name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb canonical name": "Griffith, D.W." } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Brand, Neil", "name": "Neil Brand", "long imdb name": "Neil Brand", "long imdb canonical name": "Brand, Neil" }, { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Motion Picture Distributors and Sales Company", "long imdb name": "Motion Picture Distributors and Sales Company" }, { "name": "Danish Film Institute", "long imdb name": "Danish Film Institute" }, { "name": "Det Danske Filminstitut", "long imdb name": "Det Danske Filminstitut" } ]
[ "Denmark:38", "Denmark:37::(16 fps) (2004 restored version)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "At a tramcar in Copenhagen the piano teacher Magda Vang meets the young man Knud Svane, who falls in love with her. She is invited to spend the summer with him and his parents at the vicarage in Gjerslev. Outside the vicarage a circus troupe passes by, and Magda is saluted by the performer Rudolph Stern. In the night Rudolph climbs a ladder to Magda's bedroom. She tries to flee his advances, but after a hot kiss she surrenders, and runs away with him. Magda is hired as a dancer with Rudolph at the Empire Varieté. When Rudolph fondles a ballet dancer Magda gets furious, and starts a fight in front of the audience. Magda and Rudolph are fired. To earn some money Rudolph forces Magda to play the piano in a band at a garden restaurant. Knud turns up and recognizes her. Incognito he asks her for a private meeting. Magda thinks she is asked to sell her body and refuses, but Rudolph forces her to go. When Rudloph after a while interrupts and finds Magda with Knud, he gets furious and starts to beat her. During the turmoil she grabs a knife and stabs Rudolph in his chest. In her despair she clings to his dead body, and has to be taken away by force.", "This story affords the renowned European actress, Asta Nielsen, an opportunity of displaying her wonderful ability as a great artist. It depicts the life of a young woman, who tiring of her husband and her life in attractive surroundings conceives a sudden admiration for a picturesque circus man. He also is attracted by her, and when he appears and demands that she cast in her lot with the circus folks, she yields and leaves her beautiful home for the wandering life of a circus. Under the tuition of her admirer, she becomes a gifted member of the \"haute ecole.\" The new life fascinates her. Months pass, she becomes disillusioned, for her hero, Rudolph, proves fickle; he transfers his affections to another girl of the circus. There is a quarrel between the two women and Asta and Rudolph are discharged. Down they sink in the social scale; he becomes a dissolute ne'er do well, and she the pianist at a popular beer garden. Her husband during these months has never ceased to care for Asta and in a chance meeting persuades her to return to home and duty. She consents and while in the act of leaving, Rudolph appears and, exerting the old power over her, she remains with him. Still the husband is undaunted, and makes yet another effort to regain his wife, but Rudolph refuses to give her up. This time, the man and woman quarrel, and in the struggle which follows, Asta stabs him to death. She is arrested and taken away to prison, whilst her helpless husband looks on." ]
Afgrunden (1910)
[ "Iceland:L" ]
Afgrunden (1910)
[ "dk" ]
Afgrunden (1910)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Gad, Urban", "name": "Urban Gad", "long imdb name": "Urban Gad", "long imdb canonical name": "Gad, Urban" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lind, Alfred", "name": "Alfred Lind", "long imdb name": "Alfred Lind", "long imdb canonical name": "Lind, Alfred" } ]
[ "The Abyss", "The Woman Always Pays::USA", "Woman Always Pays::USA", "Бездна::Russia", "A züllés útján::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Abgründe::Germany", "Avgrunden::Sweden (imdb display title)", "Der Abgrund::Germany", "I avysos::Greece (imdb display title)", "O Abismo::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Od stupne k stupni::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Przepasc::Poland" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Kosmorama", "long imdb name": "Kosmorama" } ]
[ "Denmark" ]
At a tramcar in Copenhagen the piano teacher Magda Vang meets the young man Knud Svane, who falls in love with her...
[ { "canonical name": "Nielsen, Asta", "name": "Asta Nielsen", "long imdb name": "Asta Nielsen", "long imdb canonical name": "Nielsen, Asta" }, { "canonical name": "Dinesen, Robert", "name": "Robert Dinesen", "long imdb name": "Robert Dinesen", "long imdb canonical name": "Dinesen, Robert" }, { "canonical name": "Reumert, Poul", "name": "Poul Reumert", "long imdb name": "Poul Reumert", "long imdb canonical name": "Reumert, Poul" }, { "canonical name": "Neergaard, Hans", "name": "Hans Neergaard", "long imdb name": "Hans Neergaard", "long imdb canonical name": "Neergaard, Hans" }, { "canonical name": "Didrichsen, Hulda", "name": "Hulda Didrichsen", "long imdb name": "Hulda Didrichsen", "long imdb canonical name": "Didrichsen, Hulda" }, { "canonical name": "Sannom, Emilie", "name": "Emilie Sannom", "long imdb name": "Emilie Sannom", "long imdb canonical name": "Sannom, Emilie" }, { "canonical name": "Stribolt, Oscar", "name": "Oscar Stribolt", "long imdb name": "Oscar Stribolt", "long imdb canonical name": "Stribolt, Oscar" }, { "canonical name": "Weel, Arne", "name": "Arne Weel", "long imdb name": "Arne Weel", "long imdb canonical name": "Weel, Arne" }, { "canonical name": "Fønss, Johannes", "name": "Johannes Fønss", "long imdb name": "Johannes Fønss", "long imdb canonical name": "Fønss, Johannes" }, { "canonical name": "Meyer, Torben", "name": "Torben Meyer", "long imdb name": "Torben Meyer", "long imdb canonical name": "Meyer, Torben" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Davidsen, Hjalmar", "name": "Hjalmar Davidsen", "long imdb name": "Hjalmar Davidsen", "long imdb canonical name": "Davidsen, Hjalmar" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Gad, Urban", "name": "Urban Gad", "long imdb name": "Urban Gad", "long imdb canonical name": "Gad, Urban" } ]
[ "Danish" ]
[ "da" ]
[ { "name": "Independent Moving Pictures Co. of America (IMP)", "long imdb name": "Independent Moving Pictures Co. of America (IMP)" } ]
[ { "name": "General Film Company", "long imdb name": "General Film Company" }, { "name": "General Film Company", "long imdb name": "General Film Company" }, { "name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph", "long imdb name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph" }, { "name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph", "long imdb name": "American Mutoscope & Biograph" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" } ]
[ "17::(16 fps)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "A young wife and her musician husband live in poverty in a New York City tenement. The husband's job requires him to go away for for a number of days. On his return, he is robbed by the neighborhood gangster. Sometime later, an unrelated mob shoot-out ensues. The husband happens upon the melee, recognizing the crook who robbed him. Can the husband retrieve his money?", "This picture is intended to portray the evil of the gangster in New York. The first scene shows New York's other side. The poor musician is engaged to be married to a young woman and leaves for another city to accept an engagement whereby to improve his condition monetarily.While he is away the little one is forced to work at sewing to support her invalid mother and herself. Later on, in going to deliver some of her work, she meets \"Snapper Kid\" who is the chief of one faction of the gangsters of Pig Alley in the slum quarters. There are two factions of these gangsters. Like the musketeers of old, they go about, each side alert that they will not be taken unawares by the other. About this time the little girl's mother dies and she finds herself alone, but the musician returns with replenished purse to become the protector of the little orphan. He meets the musketeers in Pig Alley and \"Snapper Kid\" relieves him of his wallet. Going to the girl, he vows to her that he will recover his stolen money at all hazard, and consequently leaves to make the rounds through the slums in the hope of apprehending the thief. In this new sorrow, a friend stops in to see the little lady and induces her to go with her to the ball, hoping thereby to cheer her a little. At the ball, the girl meets one of the gang, and he being a decent looking chap, she dances with him and accepts his invitation to drink a soft drink. This he drugs, and had it not been for \"Snapper Kid\" who sees this act from a distance, she would have drunk it, but the kid intervenes. This further riles the other faction of the gang, and fearing the \"Big Boss\" they go outside to settle the trouble. We show several scenes of their following each other with the hope of one taking the other by surprise. For a long time they are ever on the alert. Finally a gun fight ensues and in the struggle \"Snapper Kid\" rushes through one of the hallways in his endeavor to escape the police, and is met by the musician, who, before the kid realizes what he has done, recovers his wallet, making his way hurriedly back to the girl. The kid has no chance to recover his equilibrium, for the police are on his heels, and he rushes through the dark hallways until he finally comes to the apartment of the girl, just after the musician has reached there. The police trail him to this point, but as he had saved the girl from disaster the night of the ball, she, reasoning that one good turn deserves another, enables him to give an alibi to the officer which frees him.", "A young wife and her musician husband live in poverty in a New York City tenement with an ailing grandmother. The husband leaves to sell his violin to provide for his wife and grandmother. On his return, he is robbed by a neighborhood gangster. Sometime later in a dance hall, the same gangster gets in an argument with a rival gangster over the musician's wife. the argument foments into a shoot out in Pig Alley. The husband happens upon the melee, recognizing the crook who robbed him. Can the husband retrieve his money?" ]
The Musketeers of Pig Alley
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912)
The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912)
[ "us" ]
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Crime", "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Griffith, D.W.", "name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb canonical name": "Griffith, D.W." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Bitzer, G.W.", "name": "G.W. Bitzer", "long imdb name": "G.W. Bitzer", "long imdb canonical name": "Bitzer, G.W." } ]
[ "Мушкетеры Свиной аллеи::Russia", "A Pig Alley muskétásai::Hungary", "Coeur d'apache::France" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Biograph Company", "long imdb name": "Biograph Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
A young wife and her musician husband live in poverty in a New York City tenement. The husband's job requires him to go away for for a number of days...[email protected]
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The
[ { "canonical name": "Booth, Elmer", "name": "Elmer Booth", "long imdb name": "Elmer Booth", "long imdb canonical name": "Booth, Elmer" }, { "canonical name": "Gish, Lillian", "name": "Lillian Gish", "long imdb name": "Lillian Gish", "long imdb canonical name": "Gish, Lillian" }, { "canonical name": "Bracy, Clara T.", "name": "Clara T. Bracy", "long imdb name": "Clara T. Bracy", "long imdb canonical name": "Bracy, Clara T." }, { "canonical name": "Miller, Walter", "name": "Walter Miller", "long imdb name": "Walter Miller", "long imdb canonical name": "Miller, Walter" }, { "canonical name": "Paget, Alfred", "name": "Alfred Paget", "long imdb name": "Alfred Paget", "long imdb canonical name": "Paget, Alfred" }, { "canonical name": "Dillon, John T.", "name": "John T. Dillon", "long imdb name": "John T. Dillon", "long imdb canonical name": "Dillon, John T." }, { "canonical name": "Kirby, Madge", "name": "Madge Kirby", "long imdb name": "Madge Kirby", "long imdb canonical name": "Kirby, Madge" }, { "canonical name": "Carey, Harry", "name": "Harry Carey", "long imdb name": "Harry Carey", "long imdb canonical name": "Carey, Harry" }, { "canonical name": "Harron, Robert", "name": "Robert Harron", "long imdb name": "Robert Harron", "long imdb canonical name": "Harron, Robert" }, { "canonical name": "Robinson, W.C.", "name": "W.C. Robinson", "long imdb name": "W.C. Robinson", "long imdb canonical name": "Robinson, W.C." }, { "canonical name": "Lestina, Adolph", "name": "Adolph Lestina", "long imdb name": "Adolph Lestina", "long imdb canonical name": "Lestina, Adolph" }, { "canonical name": "Pickford, Jack", "name": "Jack Pickford", "long imdb name": "Jack Pickford", "long imdb canonical name": "Pickford, Jack" }, { "canonical name": "Bambrick, Gertrude", "name": "Gertrude Bambrick", "long imdb name": "Gertrude Bambrick", "long imdb canonical name": "Bambrick, Gertrude" }, { "canonical name": "Barrymore, Lionel", "name": "Lionel Barrymore", "long imdb name": "Lionel Barrymore", "long imdb canonical name": "Barrymore, Lionel" }, { "canonical name": "Butler, Kathleen", "name": "Kathleen Butler", "long imdb name": "Kathleen Butler", "long imdb canonical name": "Butler, Kathleen" }, { "canonical name": "Cabanne, Christy", "name": "Christy Cabanne", "long imdb name": "Christy Cabanne", "long imdb canonical name": "Cabanne, Christy" }, { "canonical name": "Crisp, Donald", "name": "Donald Crisp", "long imdb name": "Donald Crisp", "long imdb canonical name": "Crisp, Donald" }, { "canonical name": "Evans, Frank", "name": "Frank Evans", "long imdb name": "Frank Evans", "long imdb canonical name": "Evans, Frank" }, { "canonical name": "Gish, Dorothy", "name": "Dorothy Gish", "long imdb name": "Dorothy Gish", "long imdb canonical name": "Gish, Dorothy" }, { "canonical name": "Lewis, Walter P.", "name": "Walter P. Lewis", "long imdb name": "Walter P. Lewis", "long imdb canonical name": "Lewis, Walter P." }, { "canonical name": "Moreno, Antonio", "name": "Antonio Moreno", "long imdb name": "Antonio Moreno", "long imdb canonical name": "Moreno, Antonio" }, { "canonical name": "Newton, Marie", "name": "Marie Newton", "long imdb name": "Marie Newton", "long imdb canonical name": "Newton, Marie" }, { "canonical name": "Waltham, J.", "name": "J. Waltham", "long imdb name": "J. Waltham", "long imdb canonical name": "Waltham, J." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Griffith, D.W.", "name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb name": "D.W. Griffith", "long imdb canonical name": "Griffith, D.W." }, { "canonical name": "Loos, Anita", "name": "Anita Loos", "long imdb name": "Anita Loos", "long imdb canonical name": "Loos, Anita" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" } ]
[ "55" ]
[ "Black and White", "Color::(hand-tinted)" ]
[ "Shakespeare's tragedy of the hump-backed Duke of Gloucester, who rises to the throne of England by chicanery, treachery, and brilliance, only to find that his own methods have prepared the groundwork for his downfall.", "Richard of Gloucester uses manipulation and murder to gain the English throne." ]
Richard III
Richard III
Richard III (1912)
Richard III (1912)
[ "fr", "us" ]
Richard III (1912)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Calmettes, André", "name": "André Calmettes", "long imdb name": "André Calmettes", "long imdb canonical name": "Calmettes, André" }, { "canonical name": "Keane, James", "name": "James Keane", "long imdb name": "James Keane", "long imdb canonical name": "Keane, James" } ]
[ "Mr. Frederick Warde in Shakespeare's Masterpiece 'The Life and Death of King Richard III'::International (English title) (long title)", "The Life and Death of King Richard III::International (English title)", "III. Richárd::Hungary (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Le Film d'Art", "long imdb name": "Le Film d'Art" }, { "name": "M.B. Dudley Amusement Co.", "long imdb name": "M.B. Dudley Amusement Co." }, { "name": "Sterling Camera and Film Company", "long imdb name": "Sterling Camera and Film Company" } ]
[ "France", "USA" ]
Richard of Gloucester uses manipulation and murder to gain the English throne.[email protected]
Richard III
[ { "canonical name": "Gemp, Robert", "name": "Robert Gemp", "long imdb name": "Robert Gemp", "long imdb canonical name": "Gemp, Robert" }, { "canonical name": "Warde, Frederick", "name": "Frederick Warde", "long imdb name": "Frederick Warde", "long imdb canonical name": "Warde, Frederick" }, { "canonical name": "Gardner, Albert", "name": "Albert Gardner", "long imdb name": "Albert Gardner", "long imdb canonical name": "Gardner, Albert" }, { "canonical name": "Keane, James", "name": "James Keane", "long imdb name": "James Keane", "long imdb canonical name": "Keane, James" }, { "canonical name": "Moss, George", "name": "George Moss", "long imdb name": "George Moss", "long imdb canonical name": "Moss, George" }, { "canonical name": "Stuart, Howard", "name": "Howard Stuart", "long imdb name": "Howard Stuart", "long imdb canonical name": "Stuart, Howard" }, { "canonical name": "Rankin, Virginia", "name": "Virginia Rankin", "long imdb name": "Virginia Rankin", "long imdb canonical name": "Rankin, Virginia" }, { "canonical name": "Stuart, Violet", "name": "Violet Stuart", "long imdb name": "Violet Stuart", "long imdb canonical name": "Stuart, Violet" }, { "canonical name": "Lee, Carey", "name": "Carey Lee", "long imdb name": "Carey Lee", "long imdb canonical name": "Lee, Carey" }, { "canonical name": "De Felice, Carlotta", "name": "Carlotta De Felice", "long imdb name": "Carlotta De Felice", "long imdb canonical name": "De Felice, Carlotta" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Blackton, J. Stuart", "name": "J. Stuart Blackton", "long imdb name": "J. Stuart Blackton", "long imdb canonical name": "Blackton, J. Stuart" }, { "canonical name": "Dudley, M.B.", "name": "M.B. Dudley", "long imdb name": "M.B. Dudley", "long imdb canonical name": "Dudley, M.B." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Keane, James", "name": "James Keane", "long imdb name": "James Keane", "long imdb canonical name": "Keane, James" }, { "canonical name": "Shakespeare, William", "name": "William Shakespeare", "long imdb name": "William Shakespeare", "long imdb canonical name": "Shakespeare, William" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Kleine Optical Company", "long imdb name": "Kleine Optical Company" }, { "name": "Universum Film (UFA)", "long imdb name": "Universum Film (UFA)" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Tribanda Pictures", "long imdb name": "Tribanda Pictures" }, { "name": "Critics' Choice Video", "long imdb name": "Critics' Choice Video" }, { "name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution", "long imdb name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Movies Unlimited", "long imdb name": "Movies Unlimited" } ]
[ "148", "125::(1990 alternate version)", "USA:123::(Kino Restored Print)", "162::(1995 restoration)", "181::(16 fps) (2006 restoration)" ]
[ "Black and White::(tinted)" ]
[ "Three centuries before Christus. Young Cabiria is kidnapped by some pirates during one eruption of the Etna. She is sold as a slave in Carthage, and as she is just going to be sacrificed to god Moloch, Cabiria is rescued by both Fulvio Axilla, a Roman noble, and his giant slave Maciste. Maciste is captured just after having confided Cabiria to Sophinisbe's safe keeping, while Fulvio Axilla manages to escape from Carthage. Ten years went away with Punic wars before he is able to come back to Carthage...", "During the Punic Wars in the third century B.C. the little girl Cabiria, and her nurse Croessa, are abducted during the confusion caused by an eruption of Mount Etna. Cabiria is sold in Carthage to be sacrificed in the temple of Moloch. Fulvio Axilla, a Roman spy, and his slave, Maciste, rescue her and she ends up in the care of Queen Sophonisba. Ten years later, after many wars and alliances, Carthage falls to the Romans and Cabiria returns home with Fulvio." ]
Cabiria (1914)
[ "USA:Not Rated" ]
Cabiria (1914)
[ "it" ]
Cabiria (1914)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Adventure", "Drama", "History", "War" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Pastrone, Giovanni", "name": "Giovanni Pastrone", "long imdb name": "Giovanni Pastrone", "long imdb canonical name": "Pastrone, Giovanni" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Battagliotti, Augusto", "name": "Augusto Battagliotti", "long imdb name": "Augusto Battagliotti", "long imdb canonical name": "Battagliotti, Augusto" }, { "canonical name": "Bava, Eugenio", "name": "Eugenio Bava", "long imdb name": "Eugenio Bava", "long imdb canonical name": "Bava, Eugenio" }, { "canonical name": "Chiusano, Natale", "name": "Natale Chiusano", "long imdb name": "Natale Chiusano", "long imdb canonical name": "Chiusano, Natale" }, { "canonical name": "de Chomón, Segundo", "name": "Segundo de Chomón", "long imdb name": "Segundo de Chomón", "long imdb canonical name": "de Chomón, Segundo" }, { "canonical name": "Franzeri, Carlo", "name": "Carlo Franzeri", "long imdb name": "Carlo Franzeri", "long imdb canonical name": "Franzeri, Carlo" }, { "canonical name": "Tomatis, Giovanni", "name": "Giovanni Tomatis", "long imdb name": "Giovanni Tomatis", "long imdb canonical name": "Tomatis, Giovanni" } ]
[ "Cabiria, Visione Storica del Terzo Secolo A.C.::Italy (long title)", "Кабирия::Russia", "Кабирия::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Cabiria::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Cabiria::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Cabiria::Turkey (Turkish title)", "Cabiria::Greece", "Cabiria I: Cabirias ring::Sweden (first part title)", "Cabiria II: Kartagos fall::Sweden (second part title)" ]
1.20 : 1
[ { "name": "Itala Film", "long imdb name": "Itala Film" } ]
[ "Italy" ]
Three centuries before Christus. Young Cabiria is kidnapped by some pirates during one eruption of the Etna...[email protected]
[ { "canonical name": "Catena, Carolina", "name": "Carolina Catena", "long imdb name": "Carolina Catena", "long imdb canonical name": "Catena, Carolina" }, { "canonical name": "Quaranta, Lidia", "name": "Lidia Quaranta", "long imdb name": "Lidia Quaranta", "long imdb canonical name": "Quaranta, Lidia" }, { "canonical name": "Marangoni, Gina", "name": "Gina Marangoni", "long imdb name": "Gina Marangoni", "long imdb canonical name": "Marangoni, Gina" }, { "canonical name": "Testa, Dante", "name": "Dante Testa", "long imdb name": "Dante Testa", "long imdb canonical name": "Testa, Dante" }, { "canonical name": "Mozzato, Umberto", "name": "Umberto Mozzato", "long imdb name": "Umberto Mozzato", "long imdb canonical name": "Mozzato, Umberto" }, { "canonical name": "Pagano, Bartolomeo", "name": "Bartolomeo Pagano", "long imdb name": "Bartolomeo Pagano", "long imdb canonical name": "Pagano, Bartolomeo" }, { "canonical name": "di Napoli, Raffaele", "name": "Raffaele di Napoli", "long imdb name": "Raffaele di Napoli", "long imdb canonical name": "di Napoli, Raffaele" }, { "canonical name": "Vardannes, Emilio", "name": "Emilio Vardannes", "long imdb name": "Emilio Vardannes", "long imdb canonical name": "Vardannes, Emilio" }, { "canonical name": "Davesnes, Edoardo", "name": "Edoardo Davesnes", "long imdb name": "Edoardo Davesnes", "long imdb canonical name": "Davesnes, Edoardo" }, { "canonical name": "Almirante-Manzini, Italia", "name": "Italia Almirante-Manzini", "long imdb name": "Italia Almirante-Manzini", "long imdb canonical name": "Almirante-Manzini, Italia" }, { "canonical name": "Bernard, Alex", "name": "Alex Bernard", "long imdb name": "Alex Bernard", "long imdb canonical name": "Bernard, Alex" }, { "canonical name": "Chellini, Luigi", "name": "Luigi Chellini", "long imdb name": "Luigi Chellini", "long imdb canonical name": "Chellini, Luigi" }, { "canonical name": "Di Stefano, Vitale", "name": "Vitale Di Stefano", "long imdb name": "Vitale Di Stefano", "long imdb canonical name": "Di Stefano, Vitale" }, { "canonical name": "Gemelli, Enrico", "name": "Enrico Gemelli", "long imdb name": "Enrico Gemelli", "long imdb canonical name": "Gemelli, Enrico" }, { "canonical name": "Lupi, Ignazio", "name": "Ignazio Lupi", "long imdb name": "Ignazio Lupi", "long imdb canonical name": "Lupi, Ignazio" }, { "canonical name": "Bertini, Francesca", "name": "Francesca Bertini", "long imdb name": "Francesca Bertini", "long imdb canonical name": "Bertini, Francesca" }, { "canonical name": "Ferrari, Giuseppe", "name": "Giuseppe Ferrari", "long imdb name": "Giuseppe Ferrari", "long imdb canonical name": "Ferrari, Giuseppe" }, { "canonical name": "Gallone, Soava", "name": "Soava Gallone", "long imdb name": "Soava Gallone", "long imdb canonical name": "Gallone, Soava" }, { "canonical name": "Gambino, Domenico", "name": "Domenico Gambino", "long imdb name": "Domenico Gambino", "long imdb canonical name": "Gambino, Domenico" }, { "canonical name": "Menichelli, Pina", "name": "Pina Menichelli", "long imdb name": "Pina Menichelli", "long imdb canonical name": "Menichelli, Pina" }, { "canonical name": "Minotti, Felice", "name": "Felice Minotti", "long imdb name": "Felice Minotti", "long imdb canonical name": "Minotti, Felice" }, { "canonical name": "Mustacchi, Amedeo", "name": "Amedeo Mustacchi", "long imdb name": "Amedeo Mustacchi", "long imdb canonical name": "Mustacchi, Amedeo" }, { "canonical name": "Schirru, Fido", "name": "Fido Schirru", "long imdb name": "Fido Schirru", "long imdb canonical name": "Schirru, Fido" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Pastrone, Giovanni", "name": "Giovanni Pastrone", "long imdb name": "Giovanni Pastrone", "long imdb canonical name": "Pastrone, Giovanni" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "D'Annunzio, Gabriele", "name": "Gabriele D'Annunzio", "long imdb name": "Gabriele D'Annunzio", "long imdb canonical name": "D'Annunzio, Gabriele" }, { "canonical name": "Livius, Titus", "name": "Titus Livius", "long imdb name": "Titus Livius", "long imdb canonical name": "Livius, Titus" }, { "canonical name": "Pastrone, Giovanni", "name": "Giovanni Pastrone", "long imdb name": "Giovanni Pastrone", "long imdb canonical name": "Pastrone, Giovanni" }, { "canonical name": "Salgari, Emilio", "name": "Emilio Salgari", "long imdb name": "Emilio Salgari", "long imdb canonical name": "Salgari, Emilio" } ]
[ "Italian" ]
[ "it" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Mazza, Manlio", "name": "Manlio Mazza", "long imdb name": "Manlio Mazza", "long imdb canonical name": "Mazza, Manlio" }, { "canonical name": "Pizzetti, Ildebrando", "name": "Ildebrando Pizzetti", "long imdb name": "Ildebrando Pizzetti", "long imdb canonical name": "Pizzetti, Ildebrando" } ]
[ { "name": "Paramount Pictures", "long imdb name": "Paramount Pictures" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" } ]
[ "49::(alternate version)", "54::(18 fps)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "The parallel stories of a modern preacher and a medieval monk, Gabriel the Ascetic, who is killed by an ignorant mob for making a nude statue representing Truth, which is also represented by a ghostly naked girl who flits throughout the film." ]
Hypocrites (1915)
[ "USA:Passed", "USA:TV-PG::(TV rating)", "USA:Passed::(The National Board of Censorship)" ]
Hypocrites (1915)
[ "us" ]
Hypocrites (1915),92,425,407._SX100_SY96_.jpg
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Weber, Lois", "name": "Lois Weber", "long imdb name": "Lois Weber", "long imdb canonical name": "Weber, Lois" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Clawson, Dal", "name": "Dal Clawson", "long imdb name": "Dal Clawson", "long imdb canonical name": "Clawson, Dal" }, { "canonical name": "Hill, George W.", "name": "George W. Hill", "long imdb name": "George W. Hill", "long imdb canonical name": "Hill, George W." } ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Hobart Bosworth Productions", "long imdb name": "Hobart Bosworth Productions" } ]
[ "USA" ]
The parallel stories of a modern preacher and a medieval monk, Gabriel the Ascetic, who is killed by an ignorant mob for making a nude statue representing Truth, which is also represented by a ghostly naked girl who flits throughout the film.,92,425,407._SX100_SY96_.jpg
[ { "canonical name": "Foote, Courtenay", "name": "Courtenay Foote", "long imdb name": "Courtenay Foote", "long imdb canonical name": "Foote, Courtenay" }, { "canonical name": "Stedman, Myrtle", "name": "Myrtle Stedman", "long imdb name": "Myrtle Stedman", "long imdb canonical name": "Stedman, Myrtle" }, { "canonical name": "Standing, Herbert", "name": "Herbert Standing", "long imdb name": "Herbert Standing", "long imdb canonical name": "Standing, Herbert" }, { "canonical name": "Farrington, Adele", "name": "Adele Farrington", "long imdb name": "Adele Farrington", "long imdb canonical name": "Farrington, Adele" }, { "canonical name": "Blake, A.D.", "name": "A.D. Blake", "long imdb name": "A.D. Blake", "long imdb canonical name": "Blake, A.D." }, { "canonical name": "Carr, Dixie", "name": "Dixie Carr", "long imdb name": "Dixie Carr", "long imdb canonical name": "Carr, Dixie" }, { "canonical name": "Darwell, Jane", "name": "Jane Darwell", "long imdb name": "Jane Darwell", "long imdb canonical name": "Darwell, Jane" }, { "canonical name": "De Brulier, Nigel", "name": "Nigel De Brulier", "long imdb name": "Nigel De Brulier", "long imdb canonical name": "De Brulier, Nigel" }, { "canonical name": "Edwards, Margaret", "name": "Margaret Edwards", "long imdb name": "Margaret Edwards", "long imdb canonical name": "Edwards, Margaret" }, { "canonical name": "Lewis, Vera", "name": "Vera Lewis", "long imdb name": "Vera Lewis", "long imdb canonical name": "Lewis, Vera" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Weber, Lois", "name": "Lois Weber", "long imdb name": "Lois Weber", "long imdb canonical name": "Weber, Lois" }, { "canonical name": "Smalley, Phillips", "name": "Phillips Smalley", "long imdb name": "Phillips Smalley", "long imdb canonical name": "Smalley, Phillips" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Weber, Lois", "name": "Lois Weber", "long imdb name": "Lois Weber", "long imdb canonical name": "Weber, Lois" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Mutual Film", "long imdb name": "Mutual Film" }, { "name": "Sunrise Silents", "long imdb name": "Sunrise Silents" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Looser Than Loose Publishing", "long imdb name": "Looser Than Loose Publishing" }, { "name": "CineMuseum", "long imdb name": "CineMuseum" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "Blackhawk Films", "long imdb name": "Blackhawk Films" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment" } ]
[ "17" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Mabel goes home after being humiliated by a masher whom her wimpy husband won't fight. The husband goes off to a bar and gets drunk. She buys a boxing dummy hoping it will inspire her husband, but when he returns he gets in a fight with it, taking it to be the ladykiller.", "Accosted by a masher in the park and unable to motivate husband Charlie into taking action, Mabel gets him a boxing mannequin to sharpen his fighting skills." ]
Mabel's Married Life
Mabel's Married Life
Mabel's Married Life (1914)
[ "Argentina:Atp" ]
Mabel's Married Life (1914)
[ "us" ]
Mabel's Married Life (1914)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Comedy" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Sennett, Mack", "name": "Mack Sennett", "long imdb name": "Mack Sennett", "long imdb canonical name": "Sennett, Mack" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Williams, Frank D.", "name": "Frank D. Williams", "long imdb name": "Frank D. Williams", "long imdb canonical name": "Williams, Frank D." } ]
[ "The Squarehead", "When You're Married", "Chaplin pod pantoflem::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Chaplin som skinsyg Ægtemand::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Charlie i manekin::Poland (imdb display title)", "Charlies rival::Sweden", "Charlot e il manichino::Italy (imdb display title)", "Charlot e o Manequim::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Charlot et le mannequin::France (alternative title)", "Charlot, en la vida conyugal::Spain" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Keystone Film Company", "long imdb name": "Keystone Film Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Accosted by a masher in the park and unable to motivate husband Charlie into taking action, Mabel gets him a boxing mannequin to sharpen his fighting skills.
Mabel's Married Life
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Normand, Mabel", "name": "Mabel Normand", "long imdb name": "Mabel Normand", "long imdb canonical name": "Normand, Mabel" }, { "canonical name": "Swain, Mack", "name": "Mack Swain", "long imdb name": "Mack Swain", "long imdb canonical name": "Swain, Mack" }, { "canonical name": "Nelson, Eva", "name": "Eva Nelson", "long imdb name": "Eva Nelson", "long imdb canonical name": "Nelson, Eva" }, { "canonical name": "Mann, Hank", "name": "Hank Mann", "long imdb name": "Hank Mann", "long imdb canonical name": "Mann, Hank" }, { "canonical name": "Murray, Charles", "name": "Charles Murray", "long imdb name": "Charles Murray", "long imdb canonical name": "Murray, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "McCoy, Harry", "name": "Harry McCoy", "long imdb name": "Harry McCoy", "long imdb canonical name": "McCoy, Harry" }, { "canonical name": "Chene, Dixie", "name": "Dixie Chene", "long imdb name": "Dixie Chene", "long imdb canonical name": "Chene, Dixie" }, { "canonical name": "Davenport, Alice", "name": "Alice Davenport", "long imdb name": "Alice Davenport", "long imdb canonical name": "Davenport, Alice" }, { "canonical name": "Howell, Alice", "name": "Alice Howell", "long imdb name": "Alice Howell", "long imdb canonical name": "Howell, Alice" }, { "canonical name": "Ligon, Grover", "name": "Grover Ligon", "long imdb name": "Grover Ligon", "long imdb canonical name": "Ligon, Grover" }, { "canonical name": "MacDonald, Wallace", "name": "Wallace MacDonald", "long imdb name": "Wallace MacDonald", "long imdb canonical name": "MacDonald, Wallace" }, { "canonical name": "Opperman, Frank", "name": "Frank Opperman", "long imdb name": "Frank Opperman", "long imdb canonical name": "Opperman, Frank" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Sennett, Mack", "name": "Mack Sennett", "long imdb name": "Mack Sennett", "long imdb canonical name": "Sennett, Mack" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Normand, Mabel", "name": "Mabel Normand", "long imdb name": "Mabel Normand", "long imdb canonical name": "Normand, Mabel" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "CineMuseum", "long imdb name": "CineMuseum" } ]
[ { "name": "General Film Company", "long imdb name": "General Film Company" }, { "name": "Inter Arte Films", "long imdb name": "Inter Arte Films" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Koch Vision", "long imdb name": "Koch Vision" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" } ]
[ "25::(21.3 fps)", "Canada:15::(Ontario)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Charlie does everything but an efficient job as janitor. Edna buys her fiance, the cashier, a birthday present. Charlie thinks \"To Charles with Love\" is for him. He presents her a rose which she throws in the garbage. Depressed, Charlie dreams of a bank robbery and his heroic role in saving he manager and Edna ... but it is only a dream." ]
The Bank
Bank, The
Bank, The (1915)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "Canada:G::(Ontario)", "USA:TV-G::(TV rating)" ]
The Bank (1915)
[ "us" ]
Bank, The (1915)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ensign, Harry", "name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb canonical name": "Ensign, Harry" } ]
[ "Charlie in the Bank::USA (alternative title)", "Банк::Russia", "A bankban::Hungary", "Chaplin bankovním sluhou::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Chaplin som Bankbud::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Chaplin som banktjänsteman::Sweden", "Charlie w banku::Poland (imdb display title)", "Charlot à la banque::France (imdb display title)", "Charlot en el banco::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot inserviente di banca::Italy (imdb display title)", "Charlot no Banco::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Charlot y los atracadores::Spain (alternative title)", "Charlot, portero::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot, portero de banco::Spain (imdb display title)", "Die Bank::Germany" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The", "long imdb name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Charlie does everything but an efficient job as janitor. Edna buys her fiance, the cashier, a birthday present...[email protected]
Bank, The
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Armstrong, Billy", "name": "Billy Armstrong", "long imdb name": "Billy Armstrong", "long imdb canonical name": "Armstrong, Billy" }, { "canonical name": "Stockdale, Carl", "name": "Carl Stockdale", "long imdb name": "Carl Stockdale", "long imdb canonical name": "Stockdale, Carl" }, { "canonical name": "Inslee, Charles", "name": "Charles Inslee", "long imdb name": "Charles Inslee", "long imdb canonical name": "Inslee, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd", "name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd" }, { "canonical name": "Bowes, Lawrence A.", "name": "Lawrence A. Bowes", "long imdb name": "Lawrence A. Bowes", "long imdb canonical name": "Bowes, Lawrence A." }, { "canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J.", "name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J." }, { "canonical name": "Goodwins, Fred", "name": "Fred Goodwins", "long imdb name": "Fred Goodwins", "long imdb canonical name": "Goodwins, Fred" }, { "canonical name": "Hill, Lee", "name": "Lee Hill", "long imdb name": "Lee Hill", "long imdb canonical name": "Hill, Lee" }, { "canonical name": "McGuire, Paddy", "name": "Paddy McGuire", "long imdb name": "Paddy McGuire", "long imdb canonical name": "McGuire, Paddy" }, { "canonical name": "Rand, John", "name": "John Rand", "long imdb name": "John Rand", "long imdb canonical name": "Rand, John" }, { "canonical name": "Ruggles, Wesley", "name": "Wesley Ruggles", "long imdb name": "Wesley Ruggles", "long imdb canonical name": "Ruggles, Wesley" }, { "canonical name": "Ward, Carrie Clark", "name": "Carrie Clark Ward", "long imdb name": "Carrie Clark Ward", "long imdb canonical name": "Ward, Carrie Clark" }, { "canonical name": "White, Leo", "name": "Leo White", "long imdb name": "Leo White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, Leo" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Shepard, David", "name": "David Shepard", "long imdb name": "David Shepard", "long imdb canonical name": "Shepard, David" }, { "canonical name": "Robbins, Jess", "name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb canonical name": "Robbins, Jess" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Blackhawk Films", "long imdb name": "Blackhawk Films" }, { "name": "Lobster Films, Paris", "long imdb name": "Lobster Films, Paris" }, { "name": "Museum of Modern Art, The (MoMA)", "long imdb name": "Museum of Modern Art, The (MoMA)" }, { "name": "Screen Time Images", "long imdb name": "Screen Time Images" } ]
[ { "name": "General Film Company", "long imdb name": "General Film Company" }, { "name": "Victor Kremer Film Features", "long imdb name": "Victor Kremer Film Features" }, { "name": "Tusisa", "long imdb name": "Tusisa" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "Distar", "long imdb name": "Distar" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" } ]
[ "31::(17.4 fps)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Walking along with his bulldog, Charlie finds a \"good luck\" horseshoe just as he passes a training camp advertising for a boxing partner \"who can take a beating.\" After watching others lose, Charlie puts the horseshoe in his glove and wins. The trainer prepares Charlie to fight the world champion. A gambler wants Charlie to throw the fight. He and the trainer's daughter fall in love." ]
The Champion
Champion, The
Champion, The (1915)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "Finland:S::(1973)", "Finland:(Banned)::(1915)", "Spain:T", "Sweden:Btl", "UK:U" ]
The Champion (1915)
[ "us" ]
Champion, The (1915),3,325,439._SX100_SY135_.jpg
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Comedy", "Sport" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ensign, Harry", "name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb canonical name": "Ensign, Harry" } ]
[ "Battling Charlie", "Champion Charlie", "Charlie the Champion::USA (alternative title)", "Charlot boxeur::Canada (French title), France (imdb display title)", "Чeмпион::Russia", "Шампионът::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "A bokszbajnok::Hungary (alternative title)", "Campeão de Boxe::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Chaplin boxerem::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Chaplin nyrkkeilijänä::Finland", "Chaplin som Mesterbokser::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Chaplin, a bokszbajnok::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Charlie bokserem::Poland", "Charlie som boxare::Sweden", "Charlot, boxeador::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot, campeón::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot, campeón de boxeo::Spain", "Der Champion::Germany", "O Campeão::Portugal (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The", "long imdb name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Walking along with his bulldog, Charlie finds a "good luck" horseshoe just as he passes a training camp...,3,325,439._SX100_SY135_.jpg
Champion, The
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Anderson, Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy'", "name": "Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson", "long imdb name": "Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson", "long imdb canonical name": "Anderson, Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy'" }, { "canonical name": "Armstrong, Billy", "name": "Billy Armstrong", "long imdb name": "Billy Armstrong", "long imdb canonical name": "Armstrong, Billy" }, { "canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd", "name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd" }, { "canonical name": "Cato, Bill", "name": "Bill Cato", "long imdb name": "Bill Cato", "long imdb canonical name": "Cato, Bill" }, { "canonical name": "Dolan, Frank", "name": "Frank Dolan", "long imdb name": "Frank Dolan", "long imdb canonical name": "Dolan, Frank" }, { "canonical name": "Elam, W. Coleman", "name": "W. Coleman Elam", "long imdb name": "W. Coleman Elam", "long imdb canonical name": "Elam, W. Coleman" }, { "canonical name": "Fries, Eddie", "name": "Eddie Fries", "long imdb name": "Eddie Fries", "long imdb canonical name": "Fries, Eddie" }, { "canonical name": "Jamison, Bud", "name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb canonical name": "Jamison, Bud" }, { "canonical name": "Kelleher, Daniel P.", "name": "Daniel P. Kelleher", "long imdb name": "Daniel P. Kelleher", "long imdb canonical name": "Kelleher, Daniel P." }, { "canonical name": "McGuire, Paddy", "name": "Paddy McGuire", "long imdb name": "Paddy McGuire", "long imdb canonical name": "McGuire, Paddy" }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Robbins, Jess", "name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb canonical name": "Robbins, Jess" }, { "canonical name": "Stockdale, Carl", "name": "Carl Stockdale", "long imdb name": "Carl Stockdale", "long imdb canonical name": "Stockdale, Carl" }, { "canonical name": "Turpin, Ben", "name": "Ben Turpin", "long imdb name": "Ben Turpin", "long imdb canonical name": "Turpin, Ben" }, { "canonical name": "Van Pelt, Ernest", "name": "Ernest Van Pelt", "long imdb name": "Ernest Van Pelt", "long imdb canonical name": "Van Pelt, Ernest" }, { "canonical name": "West, Leo", "name": "Leo West", "long imdb name": "Leo West", "long imdb canonical name": "West, Leo" }, { "canonical name": "White, Leo", "name": "Leo White", "long imdb name": "Leo White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, Leo" }, { "canonical name": "Windemere, Fred", "name": "Fred Windemere", "long imdb name": "Fred Windemere", "long imdb canonical name": "Windemere, Fred" }, { "canonical name": "Youngman, Henry", "name": "Henry Youngman", "long imdb name": "Henry Youngman", "long imdb canonical name": "Youngman, Henry" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Shepard, David", "name": "David Shepard", "long imdb name": "David Shepard", "long imdb canonical name": "Shepard, David" }, { "canonical name": "Robbins, Jess", "name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb canonical name": "Robbins, Jess" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Blackhawk Films Inc.", "long imdb name": "Blackhawk Films Inc." }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Lobster Films", "long imdb name": "Lobster Films" }, { "name": "Museum of Modern Art, The (MoMA)", "long imdb name": "Museum of Modern Art, The (MoMA)" } ]
[ { "name": "Paramount Pictures", "long imdb name": "Paramount Pictures" }, { "name": "Paramount Pictures", "long imdb name": "Paramount Pictures" }, { "name": "International Museum of Photography", "long imdb name": "International Museum of Photography" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Timeless Video", "long imdb name": "Timeless Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Passport Video", "long imdb name": "Passport Video" }, { "name": "Filmes Castello Lopes", "long imdb name": "Filmes Castello Lopes" }, { "name": "Critics' Choice Video", "long imdb name": "Critics' Choice Video" }, { "name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution", "long imdb name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Movies Unlimited", "long imdb name": "Movies Unlimited" } ]
[ "59::(1994 alternate version)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husband takes the blame. In court Edith reveals all to an angry mob.", "Richard Hardy, a hardworking stockbroker, labors overtime to keep up with the ruinous bills incurred by his beautiful but irresponsible wife Edith, a venal, spoiled socialite who is impervious to his pleas for fiscal restraint. Acting on what she believes to be an insider information, she impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the Red Cross charity she chairs for a stock tip. When she finds the money has been lost, she desperately turns to a Japanese ivory trader with whom she has been thoughtlessly flirting and persuades him to replace the money in exchange for an assignation. When her husband's long-awaited business deal finally materializes, she desperately tries to withdraw from their agreement by replacing the money. Angered and disappointed with her resistance to his advances, he uses a branding device to mark her shoulder as his property. Feeling violated, Edith shoots him in the shoulder and leaves. In order to protect his wife's reputation, Richard confesses to the crime and faces trial for attempted murder.", "A venal, spoiled stockbroker's wife impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the charity she chairs and desperately turns to a Burmese ivory trader to replace the stolen money." ]
The Cheat
Cheat, The
Cheat, The (1915)
[ "USA:Not Rated" ]
The Cheat (1915)
[ "us" ]
Cheat, The (1915)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "DeMille, Cecil B.", "name": "Cecil B. DeMille", "long imdb name": "Cecil B. DeMille", "long imdb canonical name": "DeMille, Cecil B." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Wyckoff, Alvin", "name": "Alvin Wyckoff", "long imdb name": "Alvin Wyckoff", "long imdb canonical name": "Wyckoff, Alvin" } ]
[ "Обман::Russia", "A Marca de Fogo::Portugal", "Der Betrug::Germany (imdb display title)", "Enganar e Perdoar::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Forfaiture::France", "La marca del fuego::Spain", "Megbélyegzett asszony::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Oszustka::Poland (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company", "long imdb name": "Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
A venal, spoiled stockbroker's wife impulsively embezzles $10,000 from the charity she chairs and desperately turns to a Burmese ivory trader to replace the stolen money.[email protected]
Cheat, The
[ { "canonical name": "Ward, Fannie", "name": "Fannie Ward", "long imdb name": "Fannie Ward", "long imdb canonical name": "Ward, Fannie" }, { "canonical name": "Hayakawa, Sessue", "name": "Sessue Hayakawa", "long imdb name": "Sessue Hayakawa", "long imdb canonical name": "Hayakawa, Sessue" }, { "canonical name": "Dean, Jack", "name": "Jack Dean", "long imdb name": "Jack Dean", "long imdb canonical name": "Dean, Jack" }, { "canonical name": "Neill, James", "name": "James Neill", "long imdb name": "James Neill", "long imdb canonical name": "Neill, James" }, { "canonical name": "Abe, Yutaka", "name": "Yutaka Abe", "long imdb name": "Yutaka Abe", "long imdb canonical name": "Abe, Yutaka" }, { "canonical name": "Ong, Dana", "name": "Dana Ong", "long imdb name": "Dana Ong", "long imdb canonical name": "Ong, Dana" }, { "canonical name": "Childers, Hazel", "name": "Hazel Childers", "long imdb name": "Hazel Childers", "long imdb canonical name": "Childers, Hazel" }, { "canonical name": "Williams, Arthur H.", "name": "Arthur H. Williams", "long imdb name": "Arthur H. Williams", "long imdb canonical name": "Williams, Arthur H." }, { "canonical name": "Hatton, Raymond", "name": "Raymond Hatton", "long imdb name": "Raymond Hatton", "long imdb canonical name": "Hatton, Raymond" }, { "canonical name": "La Reno, Dick", "name": "Dick La Reno", "long imdb name": "Dick La Reno", "long imdb canonical name": "La Reno, Dick" }, { "canonical name": "Littlefield, Lucien", "name": "Lucien Littlefield", "long imdb name": "Lucien Littlefield", "long imdb canonical name": "Littlefield, Lucien" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "DeMille, Cecil B.", "name": "Cecil B. DeMille", "long imdb name": "Cecil B. DeMille", "long imdb canonical name": "DeMille, Cecil B." }, { "canonical name": "Lasky, Jesse L.", "name": "Jesse L. Lasky", "long imdb name": "Jesse L. Lasky", "long imdb canonical name": "Lasky, Jesse L." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Turnbull, Hector", "name": "Hector Turnbull", "long imdb name": "Hector Turnbull", "long imdb canonical name": "Turnbull, Hector" }, { "canonical name": "Macpherson, Jeanie", "name": "Jeanie Macpherson", "long imdb name": "Jeanie Macpherson", "long imdb canonical name": "Macpherson, Jeanie" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Box Office Attractions Company", "long imdb name": "Box Office Attractions Company" }, { "name": "Fox Film Corporation", "long imdb name": "Fox Film Corporation" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Critics' Choice Video", "long imdb name": "Critics' Choice Video" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Startime Video", "long imdb name": "Startime Video" } ]
[ "67" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "John Schuyler, happily married Wall Street lawyer, is appointed as special diplomatic representative to England. By an unhappy accident, his wife and child can't come along; but on the ship with him is \"The Vampire,\" a \"notorious woman\" who lives off a succession of men she has seduced and ruined. Slighted by Mrs. Schuyler, she has set her sights on the husband. Two months later, we find the Fool languishing with the mistress who has him enmeshed in her toils. Will he follow the others to the depths of degradation?", "Wealthy diplomat John Schuyler, a devoted husband and father, comes under the spell of a notorious femme fatale, while away from his family. After the resulting scandal brings about his dismissal, he returns home, with his seductress in tow, abandoning his wife and daughter. Completely mesmerized by this \"vampire,\" his life deteriorates as all rehabilitation by his wife and friends fail.", "In her first movie (which built the Hollywood empire of William Fox and launched her discoverer, director Frank Powell) Bara plays the sexual vampire to the hilt. This movie is the source of the world \"vamp\".", "A married diplomat falls hopelessly under the spell of a predatory woman." ]
A Fool There Was
Fool There Was, A
Fool There Was, A (1915)
[ "UK:R" ]
A Fool There Was (1915)
[ "us" ]
Fool There Was, A (1915)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Powell, Frank", "name": "Frank Powell", "long imdb name": "Frank Powell", "long imdb canonical name": "Powell, Frank" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "McCardell, Roy L.", "name": "Roy L. McCardell", "long imdb name": "Roy L. McCardell", "long imdb canonical name": "McCardell, Roy L." } ]
[ "A veszedelmes asszony::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Byl sobie glupiec::Poland (alternative title)", "Embrasse-moi idiot::France (DVD title)", "Escravo de uma Paixão::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Glupiec tu byl::Poland (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Fox Film Corporation", "long imdb name": "Fox Film Corporation" } ]
[ "USA" ]
A married diplomat falls hopelessly under the spell of a predatory woman.[email protected]
Fool There Was, A
[ { "canonical name": "Hodges, Runa", "name": "Runa Hodges", "long imdb name": "Runa Hodges", "long imdb canonical name": "Hodges, Runa" }, { "canonical name": "Frenyear, Mabel", "name": "Mabel Frenyear", "long imdb name": "Mabel Frenyear", "long imdb canonical name": "Frenyear, Mabel" }, { "canonical name": "José, Edward", "name": "Edward José", "long imdb name": "Edward José", "long imdb canonical name": "José, Edward" }, { "canonical name": "Allison, May", "name": "May Allison", "long imdb name": "May Allison", "long imdb canonical name": "Allison, May" }, { "canonical name": "Bruce, Clifford", "name": "Clifford Bruce", "long imdb name": "Clifford Bruce", "long imdb canonical name": "Bruce, Clifford" }, { "canonical name": "Bara, Theda", "name": "Theda Bara", "long imdb name": "Theda Bara", "long imdb canonical name": "Bara, Theda" }, { "canonical name": "Benoit, Victor", "name": "Victor Benoit", "long imdb name": "Victor Benoit", "long imdb canonical name": "Benoit, Victor" }, { "canonical name": "Powell, Frank", "name": "Frank Powell", "long imdb name": "Frank Powell", "long imdb canonical name": "Powell, Frank" }, { "canonical name": "Gale, Minna", "name": "Minna Gale", "long imdb name": "Minna Gale", "long imdb canonical name": "Gale, Minna" }, { "canonical name": "Hale, Creighton", "name": "Creighton Hale", "long imdb name": "Creighton Hale", "long imdb canonical name": "Hale, Creighton" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Powell, Frank", "name": "Frank Powell", "long imdb name": "Frank Powell", "long imdb canonical name": "Powell, Frank" }, { "canonical name": "Fox, William", "name": "William Fox", "long imdb name": "William Fox", "long imdb canonical name": "Fox, William" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Browne, Porter Emerson", "name": "Porter Emerson Browne", "long imdb name": "Porter Emerson Browne", "long imdb canonical name": "Browne, Porter Emerson" }, { "canonical name": "Kipling, Rudyard", "name": "Rudyard Kipling", "long imdb name": "Rudyard Kipling", "long imdb canonical name": "Kipling, Rudyard" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "General Film Company", "long imdb name": "General Film Company" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" } ]
[ "14::(1999 TCM print)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "A tramp steals a girl's handbag, but when he tries to pick Charlie's pocket loses his cigarettes and matches. He rescues a hot dog man from a thug, but takes a few with his walking stick. When the thief tries to take some of Charlie's sausages, Charlie gets the handbag. The handbag makes its way from person to person to its owner, who is angry with her boyfriend who didn't protect her in the first place. The boyfriend goes to throw himself in the lake in despair. Charlies helps him." ]
In the Park
In the Park
In the Park (1915)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "Australia:G" ]
In the Park (1915)
[ "us" ]
In the Park (1915),3,325,439._SX100_SY135_.jpg
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Comedy" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ensign, Harry", "name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb canonical name": "Ensign, Harry" } ]
[ "Charlie in the Park", "Charlie on the Spree", "В парка::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Chaplin v parku::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Charlie a parkban::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Charlie i parken::Sweden", "Charlie w parku::Poland (imdb display title)", "Charlot dans le parc::France", "Charlot en el parque::Spain", "Charlot nel parco::Italy", "Charlot no Parque::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Im Park::Germany", "Puistossa::Finland (TV title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The", "long imdb name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The" } ]
[ "USA" ]
A tramp steals a girl's handbag, but when he tries to pick Charlie's pocket loses his cigarettes and matches...,3,325,439._SX100_SY135_.jpg
In the Park
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Anderson, Leona", "name": "Leona Anderson", "long imdb name": "Leona Anderson", "long imdb canonical name": "Anderson, Leona" }, { "canonical name": "Armstrong, Billy", "name": "Billy Armstrong", "long imdb name": "Billy Armstrong", "long imdb canonical name": "Armstrong, Billy" }, { "canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd", "name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd" }, { "canonical name": "Jamison, Bud", "name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb canonical name": "Jamison, Bud" }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Van Pelt, Ernest", "name": "Ernest Van Pelt", "long imdb name": "Ernest Van Pelt", "long imdb canonical name": "Van Pelt, Ernest" }, { "canonical name": "White, Leo", "name": "Leo White", "long imdb name": "Leo White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, Leo" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Shepard, David", "name": "David Shepard", "long imdb name": "David Shepard", "long imdb canonical name": "Shepard, David" }, { "canonical name": "Robbins, Jess", "name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb canonical name": "Robbins, Jess" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Blackhawk Films", "long imdb name": "Blackhawk Films" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Lobster Films", "long imdb name": "Lobster Films" }, { "name": "Museum of Modern Art, The (MoMA)", "long imdb name": "Museum of Modern Art, The (MoMA)" } ]
[ { "name": "General Film Company", "long imdb name": "General Film Company" }, { "name": "Warner Bros.", "long imdb name": "Warner Bros." }, { "name": "Inter Arte Films", "long imdb name": "Inter Arte Films" }, { "name": "Tusisa", "long imdb name": "Tusisa" }, { "name": "Madacy Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Madacy Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Dream Eggs", "long imdb name": "Dream Eggs" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "A-1 Video", "long imdb name": "A-1 Video" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" } ]
[ "Argentina:30", "Spain:29" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Mr. Pest tries several theatre seats before winding up in front in a fight with the conductor. He is thrown out. In the lobby he pushes a fat lady into a fountain and returns to sit down by Edna. Mr. Rowdy, in the gallery, pours beer down on Mr. Pest and Edna. He attacks patrons, a harem dancer, the singers Dot and Dash, and a fire-eater." ]
A Night in the Show
Night in the Show, A
Night in the Show, A (1915)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "Spain:T" ]
A Night in the Show (1915)
[ "us" ]
Night in the Show, A (1915),141,225,308._SX100_SY137_.jpg
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ensign, Harry", "name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb name": "Harry Ensign", "long imdb canonical name": "Ensign, Harry" }, { "canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland", "name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland" } ]
[ "A Night at the Show", "Charlie at the Show", "Chaplin a music hallban::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Chaplin paa Variete::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Chaplin v kabaretu::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Charlie Chaplins varietébesök::Sweden", "Charlie w music-hallu::Poland (imdb display title)", "Charlot al Music Hall::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot au music-hall::France (imdb display title)", "Charlot au spectacle::France (reissue title)", "Charlot en el teatro::Spain (imdb display title)", "Charlot en las variedades::Spain (reissue title)", "Egy éjszaka a varietében::Hungary", "Eine Nacht im Variété::Germany", "Ilta varieteessa::Finland", "Uma Noite no Music-Hall::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Una serata a teatro::Italy" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The", "long imdb name": "Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, The" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Mr. Pest tries several theatre seats before winding up in front in a fight with the conductor. He is thrown out...,141,225,308._SX100_SY137_.jpg
Night in the Show, A
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Allen, Phyllis", "name": "Phyllis Allen", "long imdb name": "Phyllis Allen", "long imdb canonical name": "Allen, Phyllis" }, { "canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd", "name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd" }, { "canonical name": "Bowes, Lawrence A.", "name": "Lawrence A. Bowes", "long imdb name": "Lawrence A. Bowes", "long imdb canonical name": "Bowes, Lawrence A." }, { "canonical name": "Cleethorpe, George", "name": "George Cleethorpe", "long imdb name": "George Cleethorpe", "long imdb canonical name": "Cleethorpe, George" }, { "canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J.", "name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J." }, { "canonical name": "Goodwins, Fred", "name": "Fred Goodwins", "long imdb name": "Fred Goodwins", "long imdb canonical name": "Goodwins, Fred" }, { "canonical name": "Inslee, Charles", "name": "Charles Inslee", "long imdb name": "Charles Inslee", "long imdb canonical name": "Inslee, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Jamison, Bud", "name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb canonical name": "Jamison, Bud" }, { "canonical name": "Kelley, James T.", "name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb canonical name": "Kelley, James T." }, { "canonical name": "Lampton, Dee", "name": "Dee Lampton", "long imdb name": "Dee Lampton", "long imdb canonical name": "Lampton, Dee" }, { "canonical name": "McGuire, Paddy", "name": "Paddy McGuire", "long imdb name": "Paddy McGuire", "long imdb canonical name": "McGuire, Paddy" }, { "canonical name": "Mineau, Charlotte", "name": "Charlotte Mineau", "long imdb name": "Charlotte Mineau", "long imdb canonical name": "Mineau, Charlotte" }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Rand, John", "name": "John Rand", "long imdb name": "John Rand", "long imdb canonical name": "Rand, John" }, { "canonical name": "Ruggles, Wesley", "name": "Wesley Ruggles", "long imdb name": "Wesley Ruggles", "long imdb canonical name": "Ruggles, Wesley" }, { "canonical name": "Ward, Carrie Clark", "name": "Carrie Clark Ward", "long imdb name": "Carrie Clark Ward", "long imdb canonical name": "Ward, Carrie Clark" }, { "canonical name": "White, Leo", "name": "Leo White", "long imdb name": "Leo White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, Leo" }, { "canonical name": "White, May", "name": "May White", "long imdb name": "May White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, May" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Robbins, Jess", "name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb name": "Jess Robbins", "long imdb canonical name": "Robbins, Jess" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company" }, { "name": "Bach Films", "long imdb name": "Bach Films" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "DTP Entertainment", "long imdb name": "DTP Entertainment" }, { "name": "Critics' Choice Video", "long imdb name": "Critics' Choice Video" }, { "name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution", "long imdb name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Movies Unlimited", "long imdb name": "Movies Unlimited" }, { "name": "Nostalgia Video", "long imdb name": "Nostalgia Video" } ]
[ "105", "UK:84::(video)" ]
[ "Black and White::(tinted and toned)" ]
[ "Captain Nemo has built a fantastic submarine for his mission of revenge. He has traveled over 20,000 leagues in search of Charles Denver - a man who caused the death of Princess Daaker. Seeing what he had done, Denver took the daughter to his yacht and sailed away. He abandoned her and a sailor on a mysterious island and has come back after all these years to see if she is still alive and if the nightmares he has will stop. The daughter has been found by five survivors of a Union Army Balloon that crashed near the island. At sea, Professor Aronnax was aboard the ship 'Abraham Lincoln' when Nemo rammed it and threw the Professor, his daughter and two others into the water. Prisoners at first, they are now treated as guests to view the underwater world and to hunt under the waves. Nemo will also tells them about the Nautilus and the revenge that has driven him for all these years." ]
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "UK:PG", "USA:Passed::(National Board of Review: of Motion Pictures)", "USA:TV-G::(TV rating)" ]
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916)
[ "us" ]
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Action", "Adventure", "Sci-Fi" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Paton, Stuart", "name": "Stuart Paton", "long imdb name": "Stuart Paton", "long imdb canonical name": "Paton, Stuart" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Gaudio, Eugene", "name": "Eugene Gaudio", "long imdb name": "Eugene Gaudio", "long imdb canonical name": "Gaudio, Eugene" } ]
[ "20 000 lieues sous les mers::France (DVD title)", "20.000 Léguas Submarinas::Brazil (imdb display title)", "20.000 milja pod morem::Serbia (imdb display title)", "En Verdensomsejling under Havet::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Húszezer mérföld a tenger alatt::Hungary (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Williamson Submarine Film Corporation", "long imdb name": "Williamson Submarine Film Corporation" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Captain Nemo has built a fantastic submarine for his mission of revenge. He has traveled over 20,000 leagues in search of Charles Denver...[email protected]
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
[ { "canonical name": "Hanlon, Dan", "name": "Dan Hanlon", "long imdb name": "Dan Hanlon", "long imdb canonical name": "Hanlon, Dan" }, { "canonical name": "Pendleton, Edna", "name": "Edna Pendleton", "long imdb name": "Edna Pendleton", "long imdb canonical name": "Pendleton, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Benton, Curtis", "name": "Curtis Benton", "long imdb name": "Curtis Benton", "long imdb canonical name": "Benton, Curtis" }, { "canonical name": "Holubar, Allen", "name": "Allen Holubar", "long imdb name": "Allen Holubar", "long imdb canonical name": "Holubar, Allen" }, { "canonical name": "Moore, Matt", "name": "Matt Moore", "long imdb name": "Matt Moore", "long imdb canonical name": "Moore, Matt" }, { "canonical name": "Gail, Jane", "name": "Jane Gail", "long imdb name": "Jane Gail", "long imdb canonical name": "Gail, Jane" }, { "canonical name": "Crampton, Howard", "name": "Howard Crampton", "long imdb name": "Howard Crampton", "long imdb canonical name": "Crampton, Howard" }, { "canonical name": "Welsh, William", "name": "William Welsh", "long imdb name": "William Welsh", "long imdb canonical name": "Welsh, William" }, { "canonical name": "Alexander, Lois", "name": "Lois Alexander", "long imdb name": "Lois Alexander", "long imdb canonical name": "Alexander, Lois" }, { "canonical name": "Clark, Wallis", "name": "Wallis Clark", "long imdb name": "Wallis Clark", "long imdb canonical name": "Clark, Wallis" }, { "canonical name": "Girard, Joseph W.", "name": "Joseph W. Girard", "long imdb name": "Joseph W. Girard", "long imdb canonical name": "Girard, Joseph W." }, { "canonical name": "Jansen, Ole", "name": "Ole Jansen", "long imdb name": "Ole Jansen", "long imdb canonical name": "Jansen, Ole" }, { "canonical name": "Johnson, Noble", "name": "Noble Johnson", "long imdb name": "Noble Johnson", "long imdb canonical name": "Johnson, Noble" }, { "canonical name": "Jones, Leviticus", "name": "Leviticus Jones", "long imdb name": "Leviticus Jones", "long imdb canonical name": "Jones, Leviticus" }, { "canonical name": "Murphy, Martin", "name": "Martin Murphy", "long imdb name": "Martin Murphy", "long imdb canonical name": "Murphy, Martin" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Laemmle, Carl", "name": "Carl Laemmle", "long imdb name": "Carl Laemmle", "long imdb canonical name": "Laemmle, Carl" }, { "canonical name": "Paton, Stuart", "name": "Stuart Paton", "long imdb name": "Stuart Paton", "long imdb canonical name": "Paton, Stuart" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Verne, Jules", "name": "Jules Verne", "long imdb name": "Jules Verne", "long imdb canonical name": "Verne, Jules" }, { "canonical name": "Paton, Stuart", "name": "Stuart Paton", "long imdb name": "Stuart Paton", "long imdb canonical name": "Paton, Stuart" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Benison, Brian", "name": "Brian Benison", "long imdb name": "Brian Benison", "long imdb canonical name": "Benison, Brian" }, { "canonical name": "Mathevon, Maximilien", "name": "Maximilien Mathevon", "long imdb name": "Maximilien Mathevon", "long imdb canonical name": "Mathevon, Maximilien" } ]
[ { "name": "Mutual Film", "long imdb name": "Mutual Film" }, { "name": "Hallmark Pictures Corporation", "long imdb name": "Hallmark Pictures Corporation" }, { "name": "Tusisa", "long imdb name": "Tusisa" }, { "name": "Republic Pictures Home Video", "long imdb name": "Republic Pictures Home Video" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Madacy Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Madacy Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Koch Vision", "long imdb name": "Koch Vision" }, { "name": "Continental Home Vídeo", "long imdb name": "Continental Home Vídeo" }, { "name": "Suevia Films", "long imdb name": "Suevia Films" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "BMG Video", "long imdb name": "BMG Video" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Flicker Alley", "long imdb name": "Flicker Alley" }, { "name": "Flicker Alley", "long imdb name": "Flicker Alley" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Reserva Especial", "long imdb name": "Reserva Especial" }, { "name": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment" }, { "name": "Video Yesteryear", "long imdb name": "Video Yesteryear" } ]
[ "Canada:24::(21.7 fps)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his burning home (he wants the insurance money) unaware that his daughter (the love of the Chief) is upstairs in the house. When the house next door catches fire its owner rouses Charlie who rouses the force." ]
The Fireman
Fireman, The
Fireman, The (1916)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "Australia:G", "Canada:G::(Ontario)", "Finland:S", "Spain:T", "USA:TV-G::(TV rating)" ]
The Fireman (1916)
[ "us" ]
Fireman, The (1916)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Comedy" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Foster, William C.", "name": "William C. Foster", "long imdb name": "William C. Foster", "long imdb canonical name": "Foster, William C." }, { "canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland", "name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland" }, { "canonical name": "Williams, Frank D.", "name": "Frank D. Williams", "long imdb name": "Frank D. Williams", "long imdb canonical name": "Williams, Frank D." } ]
[ "A Gallant Fireman::USA (alternative title)", "The Fiery Circle::USA (alternative title)", "The Freeman::Australia (TV title)", "Brandsoldaten::Finland (Swedish title) (alternative title), Sweden", "Пожарникар::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Пожарный::Russia", "Carlitos Bombeiro::Brazil", "Chaplin hasicem::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Chaplin palomiehenä::Finland (16mm release title)", "Chaplin som Brandmand::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Chaplin, a tűzoltó::Hungary", "Charlie Chaplin palokunnassa::Finland (alternative title)", "Charlie als Feuerwehrmann::Germany (TV title)", "Charlie palomiehenä::Finland (alternative title)", "Charlie strazakiem::Poland (imdb display title)", "Charlot Bombeiro::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Charlot pompier::France", "Charlot pompiere::Italy", "Charlot, bombero::Spain", "Der Feuerwehrmann::Germany", "El bombero::Spain", "Le héros à l'échelle::Belgium (French title)", "Le pompier::Belgium (French title)", "O Bombeiro::Brazil", "O Charlot pyrosvestis::Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)", "Palomies::Finland (imdb display title)", "Tulta nurkissa, tulta sydämissä::Finland (rerun title)", "Urhea palokuntalainen::Finland (alternative title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Lone Star Corporation", "long imdb name": "Lone Star Corporation" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his...
Fireman, The
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Campbell, Eric", "name": "Eric Campbell", "long imdb name": "Eric Campbell", "long imdb canonical name": "Campbell, Eric" }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Austin, Albert", "name": "Albert Austin", "long imdb name": "Albert Austin", "long imdb canonical name": "Austin, Albert" }, { "canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd", "name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb name": "Lloyd Bacon", "long imdb canonical name": "Bacon, Lloyd" }, { "canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J.", "name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J." }, { "canonical name": "Kelley, James T.", "name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb canonical name": "Kelley, James T." }, { "canonical name": "Mineau, Charlotte", "name": "Charlotte Mineau", "long imdb name": "Charlotte Mineau", "long imdb canonical name": "Mineau, Charlotte" }, { "canonical name": "Rand, John", "name": "John Rand", "long imdb name": "John Rand", "long imdb canonical name": "Rand, John" }, { "canonical name": "White, Leo", "name": "Leo White", "long imdb name": "Leo White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, Leo" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Caulfield, Henry P.", "name": "Henry P. Caulfield", "long imdb name": "Henry P. Caulfield", "long imdb canonical name": "Caulfield, Henry P." }, { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Bryan, Vincent", "name": "Vincent Bryan", "long imdb name": "Vincent Bryan", "long imdb canonical name": "Bryan, Vincent" }, { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Terrell, Maverick", "name": "Maverick Terrell", "long imdb name": "Maverick Terrell", "long imdb canonical name": "Terrell, Maverick" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Triangle Distributing", "long imdb name": "Triangle Distributing" }, { "name": "VEC", "long imdb name": "VEC" }, { "name": "Something Weird Video (SWV)", "long imdb name": "Something Weird Video (SWV)" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Flicker Alley", "long imdb name": "Flicker Alley" }, { "name": "", "long imdb name": "" } ]
[ "25" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Coke Ennyday, the scientific detective, divides his own time in periods for \"Sleep\", \"Eat\", \"Dope\" and \"Drink\". In fact he's used to overcome every situation with drugs: consuming it to increase his energies or injecting it in his opponents to KO them. To help the police he discovers a contraband of opium (which he eagerly tastes) transported with \"Leaping Fishes\", and the blackmail of a mysterious man who wants to marry the \"fish blower\" girl. Will Coke be able to free the girl ?", "Before gaining fame as an action hero, Douglas Fairbanks appeared in this oddity of a film from 1916, supposedly co-written by the star himself, D.W. Griffith and Tod Browning, although only the latter received billing. The nimble heartthrob stars as Coke Ennyday, \"the world's greatest scientific detective\". The sleuth employs copious amounts of cocaine, an array of quirky gadgets and his not always quick wit to solve the titular mystery of this bizarre thinly veiled parody of the \"Sherlock Holmes\" series." ]
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish
Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The
Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The (1916)
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (1916)
[ "us" ]
Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The (1916)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Cabanne, Christy", "name": "Christy Cabanne", "long imdb name": "Christy Cabanne", "long imdb canonical name": "Cabanne, Christy" }, { "canonical name": "Emerson, John", "name": "John Emerson", "long imdb name": "John Emerson", "long imdb canonical name": "Emerson, John" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Leezer, John W.", "name": "John W. Leezer", "long imdb name": "John W. Leezer", "long imdb canonical name": "Leezer, John W." } ]
[ "A hal rejtélye::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Le mystère du poisson volant::France (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Triangle Film Corporation", "long imdb name": "Triangle Film Corporation" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Coke Ennyday, the scientific detective, divides his own time in periods for "Sleep", "Eat", "Dope" and "Drink"...
Mystery of the Leaping Fish, The
[ { "canonical name": "Fairbanks, Douglas", "name": "Douglas Fairbanks", "long imdb name": "Douglas Fairbanks", "long imdb canonical name": "Fairbanks, Douglas" }, { "canonical name": "Love, Bessie", "name": "Bessie Love", "long imdb name": "Bessie Love", "long imdb canonical name": "Love, Bessie" }, { "canonical name": "Sears, Allan", "name": "Allan Sears", "long imdb name": "Allan Sears", "long imdb canonical name": "Sears, Allan" }, { "canonical name": "Wilson, Tom", "name": "Tom Wilson", "long imdb name": "Tom Wilson", "long imdb canonical name": "Wilson, Tom" }, { "canonical name": "Hall, George", "name": "George Hall", "long imdb name": "George Hall", "long imdb canonical name": "Hall, George" }, { "canonical name": "Lowery, William", "name": "William Lowery", "long imdb name": "William Lowery", "long imdb canonical name": "Lowery, William" }, { "canonical name": "Murphy, Joe", "name": "Joe Murphy", "long imdb name": "Joe Murphy", "long imdb canonical name": "Murphy, Joe" }, { "canonical name": "Rubens, Alma", "name": "Alma Rubens", "long imdb name": "Alma Rubens", "long imdb canonical name": "Rubens, Alma" }, { "canonical name": "Stevens, Charles", "name": "Charles Stevens", "long imdb name": "Charles Stevens", "long imdb canonical name": "Stevens, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Zeidman, B.F.", "name": "B.F. Zeidman", "long imdb name": "B.F. Zeidman", "long imdb canonical name": "Zeidman, B.F." } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Browning, Tod", "name": "Tod Browning", "long imdb name": "Tod Browning", "long imdb canonical name": "Browning, Tod" }, { "canonical name": "Loos, Anita", "name": "Anita Loos", "long imdb name": "Anita Loos", "long imdb canonical name": "Loos, Anita" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Mutual Film", "long imdb name": "Mutual Film" }, { "name": "Tusisa", "long imdb name": "Tusisa" }, { "name": "Inter Arte Films", "long imdb name": "Inter Arte Films" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Madacy Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Madacy Entertainment" }, { "name": "Koch Vision", "long imdb name": "Koch Vision" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "BFI Video", "long imdb name": "BFI Video" }, { "name": "Continental Home Vídeo", "long imdb name": "Continental Home Vídeo" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Kino International", "long imdb name": "Kino International" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment" } ]
[ "24::(20.6 fps)", "Germany:24::(restored version)", "Canada:20::(Ontario)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Charlie escapes from prison. After rescuing a girl and her mother from drowning, Charlie is invited to their home where a big party is held and he is treated like a hero. However, as a result Charlie's photo is printed in the newspapers and the prison guards come after him.", "Charlie has escaped from Sing-Sing. He burrows up through sand on the beach and is chased by several guards. Nearby Edna's mother is drowning and her 'strong man' beau is afraid to rescue her. Charlie rescues Edna, then (unwillingly) her mother, and is then nearly drowned by her suitor. Found by the family chauffeur, Charlie is brought to Edna's house to recover. There he romps through drinks, encounters with Edna and her friend, and the law.", "The Little Tramp escapes from prison; saves a girl and her mother from drowning; and creates havoc at a swank party." ]
The Adventurer
Adventurer, The
Adventurer (I), The (I) (1917)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "Australia:G", "Canada:G::(Ontario)", "Finland:S::(1925)", "Finland:(Banned)::(1920)", "UK:U", "USA:Unrated" ]
The Adventurer (I) (1917)
[ "us" ]
Adventurer (I), The (I) (1917)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Foster, William C.", "name": "William C. Foster", "long imdb name": "William C. Foster", "long imdb canonical name": "Foster, William C." }, { "canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland", "name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland" } ]
[ "Ο περιπετειώδης::Greece", "Авантюрист::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Искатель приключений::Soviet Union (Russian title)", "Äventyraren::Sweden", "A szökött fegyenc::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Chaplin kahlekarkurina::Finland (alternative title)", "Chaplin som Selskabsmand::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Chaplin uprchlým trestancem::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Charlie Chaplin kahlekarkuri::Finland (imdb display title)", "Charlie als Sträfling::Germany", "Charlie kahlekarkurina::Finland (TV title)", "Charlot avventuriero::Italy (imdb display title)", "Charlot s'évade::France", "Charlot se evade::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot, el aventurero::Spain (reissue title)", "Charlot, presidiario::Spain (reissue title)", "Der Abenteurer::Germany", "Dobrodruh::Czechoslovakia (imdb display title)", "El aventurero::Spain (imdb display title)", "L'évadé::Belgium (French title)", "O Aventureiro::Brazil (imdb display title)", "O Evadido::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Poszukiwacz przygód::Poland (imdb display title)", "Seikkailija::Finland (alternative title)", "Vankikarkurina::Finland (alternative title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Lone Star Corporation", "long imdb name": "Lone Star Corporation" } ]
[ "USA" ]
The Little Tramp escapes from prison; saves a girl and her mother from drowning; and creates havoc at a swank party.
Adventurer, The
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Campbell, Eric", "name": "Eric Campbell", "long imdb name": "Eric Campbell", "long imdb canonical name": "Campbell, Eric" }, { "canonical name": "Bergman, Henry", "name": "Henry Bergman", "long imdb name": "Henry Bergman", "long imdb canonical name": "Bergman, Henry" }, { "canonical name": "Austin, Albert", "name": "Albert Austin", "long imdb name": "Albert Austin", "long imdb canonical name": "Austin, Albert" }, { "canonical name": "Allen, Phyllis", "name": "Phyllis Allen", "long imdb name": "Phyllis Allen", "long imdb canonical name": "Allen, Phyllis" }, { "canonical name": "Bell, Monta", "name": "Monta Bell", "long imdb name": "Monta Bell", "long imdb canonical name": "Bell, Monta" }, { "canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J.", "name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb name": "Frank J. Coleman", "long imdb canonical name": "Coleman, Frank J." }, { "canonical name": "Golden, Marta", "name": "Marta Golden", "long imdb name": "Marta Golden", "long imdb canonical name": "Golden, Marta" }, { "canonical name": "Kelley, James T.", "name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb canonical name": "Kelley, James T." }, { "canonical name": "Kono, Toraichi", "name": "Toraichi Kono", "long imdb name": "Toraichi Kono", "long imdb canonical name": "Kono, Toraichi" }, { "canonical name": "Rand, John", "name": "John Rand", "long imdb name": "John Rand", "long imdb canonical name": "Rand, John" }, { "canonical name": "Sandford, Tiny", "name": "Tiny Sandford", "long imdb name": "Tiny Sandford", "long imdb canonical name": "Sandford, Tiny" }, { "canonical name": "Sully, Janet", "name": "Janet Sully", "long imdb name": "Janet Sully", "long imdb canonical name": "Sully, Janet" }, { "canonical name": "Underwood, Loyal", "name": "Loyal Underwood", "long imdb name": "Loyal Underwood", "long imdb canonical name": "Underwood, Loyal" }, { "canonical name": "White, May", "name": "May White", "long imdb name": "May White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, May" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Caulfield, Henry P.", "name": "Henry P. Caulfield", "long imdb name": "Henry P. Caulfield", "long imdb canonical name": "Caulfield, Henry P." }, { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Jasper, John", "name": "John Jasper", "long imdb name": "John Jasper", "long imdb canonical name": "Jasper, John" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Bryan, Vincent", "name": "Vincent Bryan", "long imdb name": "Vincent Bryan", "long imdb canonical name": "Bryan, Vincent" }, { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Terrell, Maverick", "name": "Maverick Terrell", "long imdb name": "Maverick Terrell", "long imdb canonical name": "Terrell, Maverick" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Screen Time Images", "long imdb name": "Screen Time Images" } ]
[ { "name": "Paramount Pictures", "long imdb name": "Paramount Pictures" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Divisa Home Video", "long imdb name": "Divisa Home Video" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" } ]
[ "22" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Roscoe, his wife and his mother-in-law run a seaside resort. Buster plays a gardener who puts out a fire started by Roscoe, then a delivery boy who fights with the cook St. John, then a cop." ]
The Rough House
Rough House, The
Rough House, The (1917)
The Rough House (1917)
[ "us" ]
Rough House, The (1917)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Short" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty'", "name": "Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", "long imdb name": "Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", "long imdb canonical name": "Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty'" }, { "canonical name": "Keaton, Buster", "name": "Buster Keaton", "long imdb name": "Buster Keaton", "long imdb canonical name": "Keaton, Buster" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Williams, Frank D.", "name": "Frank D. Williams", "long imdb name": "Frank D. Williams", "long imdb canonical name": "Williams, Frank D." } ]
[ "Det forrykte Hus::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Dom Roughów::Poland (imdb display title)", "Fatty als Brandstifter::Germany (imdb display title)", "Fatty chez lui::France (imdb display title)", "La casa tempestosa::Italy", "La casa tempestuosa::Venezuela", "Rvacka::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Tres pies al gato::Spain (DVD title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Comique Film Company", "long imdb name": "Comique Film Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Roscoe, his wife and his mother-in-law run a seaside resort. Buster plays a gardener who puts out a fire started by Roscoe, then a delivery boy who fights with the cook St. John, then a cop.[email protected]
Rough House, The
[ { "canonical name": "Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty'", "name": "Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", "long imdb name": "Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", "long imdb canonical name": "Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty'" }, { "canonical name": "Al St., John", "name": "John Al St.", "long imdb name": "John Al St.", "long imdb canonical name": "Al St., John" }, { "canonical name": "Keaton, Buster", "name": "Buster Keaton", "long imdb name": "Buster Keaton", "long imdb canonical name": "Keaton, Buster" }, { "canonical name": "Lake, Alice", "name": "Alice Lake", "long imdb name": "Alice Lake", "long imdb canonical name": "Lake, Alice" }, { "canonical name": "Neilson, Agnes", "name": "Agnes Neilson", "long imdb name": "Agnes Neilson", "long imdb canonical name": "Neilson, Agnes" }, { "canonical name": "Cavender, Glen", "name": "Glen Cavender", "long imdb name": "Glen Cavender", "long imdb canonical name": "Cavender, Glen" }, { "canonical name": "Stevens, Josephine", "name": "Josephine Stevens", "long imdb name": "Josephine Stevens", "long imdb canonical name": "Stevens, Josephine" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty'", "name": "Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", "long imdb name": "Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", "long imdb canonical name": "Arbuckle, Roscoe 'Fatty'" }, { "canonical name": "Keaton, Buster", "name": "Buster Keaton", "long imdb name": "Buster Keaton", "long imdb canonical name": "Keaton, Buster" }, { "canonical name": "Roach, Joseph Anthony", "name": "Joseph Anthony Roach", "long imdb name": "Joseph Anthony Roach", "long imdb canonical name": "Roach, Joseph Anthony" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" } ]
[ "57", "USA:71::(1998 George Eastman House Restoration)" ]
[ "Black and White::(tinted)" ]
[ "Cattleman Flint cuts off farmer Sims' water supply. When Sims' son Ted goes for water, one of Flint's men kills him. Cheyenne is sent to finish off Sims, but finding the family at the newly dug grave, he changes sides." ]
Straight Shooting
Straight Shooting
Straight Shooting (1917)
[ "USA:Unrated" ]
Straight Shooting (1917)
[ "us" ]
Straight Shooting (1917)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Western" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ford, John", "name": "John Ford", "long imdb name": "John Ford", "long imdb canonical name": "Ford, John" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Scott, George", "name": "George Scott", "long imdb name": "George Scott", "long imdb canonical name": "Scott, George" }, { "canonical name": "Reynolds, Ben F.", "name": "Ben F. Reynolds", "long imdb name": "Ben F. Reynolds", "long imdb canonical name": "Reynolds, Ben F." } ]
[ "Joan of the Cattle Country", "Straight Shootin'::USA (cut version)", "The Cattle War", "Centro!::Italy", "O Último Cartucho::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Precizno gadjanje::Yugoslavia (Serbian title) (literal title)", "Pred puskami cowboyu::Czechoslovakia", "Tiro al blanco::Venezuela" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Cattleman Flint cuts off farmer Sims' water supply. When Sims' son Ted goes for water, one of Flint's men kills him. Cheyenne is sent to finish off Sims, but finding the family at the newly dug grave, he changes sides.
Straight Shooting
[ { "canonical name": "Carey, Harry", "name": "Harry Carey", "long imdb name": "Harry Carey", "long imdb canonical name": "Carey, Harry" }, { "canonical name": "Lee, Duke R.", "name": "Duke R. Lee", "long imdb name": "Duke R. Lee", "long imdb canonical name": "Lee, Duke R." }, { "canonical name": "Berrell, George", "name": "George Berrell", "long imdb name": "George Berrell", "long imdb canonical name": "Berrell, George" }, { "canonical name": "Malone, Molly", "name": "Molly Malone", "long imdb name": "Molly Malone", "long imdb canonical name": "Malone, Molly" }, { "canonical name": "Brooks, Ted", "name": "Ted Brooks", "long imdb name": "Ted Brooks", "long imdb canonical name": "Brooks, Ted" }, { "canonical name": "Gibson, Hoot", "name": "Hoot Gibson", "long imdb name": "Hoot Gibson", "long imdb canonical name": "Gibson, Hoot" }, { "canonical name": "Brown, Milton", "name": "Milton Brown", "long imdb name": "Milton Brown", "long imdb canonical name": "Brown, Milton" }, { "canonical name": "Pegg, Vester", "name": "Vester Pegg", "long imdb name": "Vester Pegg", "long imdb canonical name": "Pegg, Vester" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Hively, George", "name": "George Hively", "long imdb name": "George Hively", "long imdb canonical name": "Hively, George" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Radiosoul Films", "long imdb name": "Radiosoul Films" }, { "name": "Norsk Filminstitutt", "long imdb name": "Norsk Filminstitutt" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" } ]
[ "Norway:48", "Finland:56::(18 fps)", "Taiwan:60::(Taipei Film Festival)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Terje Vigen, a sailor, suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later, when his enemy's family finds itself dependent on Terje's beneficence, Terje must decide whether to avenge himself." ]
Terje Vigen
Terje Vigen
Terje Vigen (1917)
[ "Sweden:Btl" ]
Terje Vigen (1917)
[ "se" ]
Terje Vigen (1917)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama", "War" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Sjöström, Victor", "name": "Victor Sjöström", "long imdb name": "Victor Sjöström", "long imdb canonical name": "Sjöström, Victor" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Jaenzon, Julius", "name": "Julius Jaenzon", "long imdb name": "Julius Jaenzon", "long imdb canonical name": "Jaenzon, Julius" } ]
[ "A Man There Was::International (English title)", "C'era un uomo::Italy (imdb display title)", "O Lobo do Mar::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Terje Vigen::Norway (imdb display title)", "Terje Vigen::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Terje Vigen::Poland (imdb display title)", "Terje Vigen - Száműzöttek::Hungary" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Svenska Biografteatern AB", "long imdb name": "Svenska Biografteatern AB" } ]
[ "Sweden" ]
Terje Vigen, a sailor, suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later...[email protected]
Terje Vigen
[ { "canonical name": "Sjöström, Victor", "name": "Victor Sjöström", "long imdb name": "Victor Sjöström", "long imdb canonical name": "Sjöström, Victor" }, { "canonical name": "Falck, August", "name": "August Falck", "long imdb name": "August Falck", "long imdb canonical name": "Falck, August" }, { "canonical name": "Erastoff, Edith", "name": "Edith Erastoff", "long imdb name": "Edith Erastoff", "long imdb canonical name": "Erastoff, Edith" }, { "canonical name": "Husberg, Bergliot", "name": "Bergliot Husberg", "long imdb name": "Bergliot Husberg", "long imdb canonical name": "Husberg, Bergliot" }, { "canonical name": "Abrahamsson, Eric", "name": "Eric Abrahamsson", "long imdb name": "Eric Abrahamsson", "long imdb canonical name": "Abrahamsson, Eric" }, { "canonical name": "Carlberg, Hildur", "name": "Hildur Carlberg", "long imdb name": "Hildur Carlberg", "long imdb canonical name": "Carlberg, Hildur" }, { "canonical name": "Cederborg, Gucken", "name": "Gucken Cederborg", "long imdb name": "Gucken Cederborg", "long imdb canonical name": "Cederborg, Gucken" }, { "canonical name": "Ekman, John", "name": "John Ekman", "long imdb name": "John Ekman", "long imdb canonical name": "Ekman, John" }, { "canonical name": "Elffors, Nils", "name": "Nils Elffors", "long imdb name": "Nils Elffors", "long imdb canonical name": "Elffors, Nils" }, { "canonical name": "Fjellström, Emil", "name": "Emil Fjellström", "long imdb name": "Emil Fjellström", "long imdb canonical name": "Fjellström, Emil" }, { "canonical name": "Lantz, Herman", "name": "Herman Lantz", "long imdb name": "Herman Lantz", "long imdb canonical name": "Lantz, Herman" }, { "canonical name": "Tschernichin-Larsson, Jenny", "name": "Jenny Tschernichin-Larsson", "long imdb name": "Jenny Tschernichin-Larsson", "long imdb canonical name": "Tschernichin-Larsson, Jenny" }, { "canonical name": "Ås, Olof", "name": "Olof Ås", "long imdb name": "Olof Ås", "long imdb canonical name": "Ås, Olof" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Magnusson, Charles", "name": "Charles Magnusson", "long imdb name": "Charles Magnusson", "long imdb canonical name": "Magnusson, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ibsen, Henrik", "name": "Henrik Ibsen", "long imdb name": "Henrik Ibsen", "long imdb canonical name": "Ibsen, Henrik" }, { "canonical name": "Molander, Gustaf", "name": "Gustaf Molander", "long imdb name": "Gustaf Molander", "long imdb canonical name": "Molander, Gustaf" }, { "canonical name": "Sjöström, Victor", "name": "Victor Sjöström", "long imdb name": "Victor Sjöström", "long imdb canonical name": "Sjöström, Victor" } ]
[ { "name": "First National Exhibitors' Circuit", "long imdb name": "First National Exhibitors' Circuit" }, { "name": "Associated First National Pictures", "long imdb name": "Associated First National Pictures" }, { "name": "Playhouse Home Video", "long imdb name": "Playhouse Home Video" }, { "name": "Key Video", "long imdb name": "Key Video" }, { "name": "MK2 Diffusion", "long imdb name": "MK2 Diffusion" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Warner Home Video", "long imdb name": "Warner Home Video" }, { "name": "Warner Home Vídeo", "long imdb name": "Warner Home Vídeo" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Adams Filmi", "long imdb name": "Adams Filmi" }, { "name": "United Artists Pictures", "long imdb name": "United Artists Pictures" }, { "name": "Continental Home Vídeo", "long imdb name": "Continental Home Vídeo" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" } ]
[ "33::(TCM print)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Poor Charlie lives in a vacant lot. He tries to get a job but when he gets to the head of the employment line the jobs are gone. Back \"home\" he rescues Scraps, a bitch being attacked by other strays. Together they manage to steal some sausages from a lunch wagon. They enter a dance hall where Edna is a singer and unwilling companion to the clientele. He is thrown out when he can't pay. Back \"home\" Scraps digs up a money-filled wallet buried by crooks. They return to the dance hall to find Edna fired. The wallet goes back and forth between Charlie and the crooks. Charlie, Edna and Scraps end up very happily.", "Charlie is awakened from his outdoor sleeping quarters by the tantalizing odor of steaming viands offered for sale by a passing hot-dog vendor. This leads to a number of spirited adventures with the police, who resent Charlie's ambition to eat without paying the usual fee. Later, Charlie's faithful dog, famishing for something to test his teeth upon, digs up a pocketbook \"loaded\" with money that crooks buried in the ground. And when Charlie tries to spend the money in a nearby café he meets the big moment of his career, for it brings him into contact with a beautiful cabaret singer who is herself starved for love and kindness.", "The Little Tramp and his dog companion struggle to survive in the inner city." ]
A Dog's Life
Dog's Life, A
Dog's Life, A (1918)
[ "Argentina:Atp", "USA:Not Rated", "USA:TV-G::(TV rating)" ]
A Dog's Life (1918)
[ "us" ]
Dog's Life, A (1918)
[ "(Westrex Recording System)::(1959 re-issue)", "Silent" ]
[ "Short", "Comedy" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland", "name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb name": "Roland Totheroh", "long imdb canonical name": "Totheroh, Roland" } ]
[ "Une vie de chien::Belgium (French title), France", "Кучешки живот::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Собачья жизнь::Russia", "Ein Hundeleben::Germany", "Et Hundeliv::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Ett hundliv::Sweden", "Koiranelämää::Finland (imdb display title)", "Kutyaélet::Hungary", "Pasji život::Serbia", "Pieskie zycie::Poland (imdb display title)", "Psí zivot::Czech Republic (imdb display title)", "Skylisia zoi::Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)", "Vida de Cão::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Vida de Cachorro::Brazil", "Vida de perro::Spain", "Vita da cani::Italy" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "First National Pictures", "long imdb name": "First National Pictures" } ]
[ "USA" ]
The Little Tramp and his dog companion struggle to survive in the inner city.[email protected]
Dog's Life, A
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Anderson, Dave", "name": "Dave Anderson", "long imdb name": "Dave Anderson", "long imdb canonical name": "Anderson, Dave" }, { "canonical name": "Appling, Bert", "name": "Bert Appling", "long imdb name": "Bert Appling", "long imdb canonical name": "Appling, Bert" }, { "canonical name": "Austin, Albert", "name": "Albert Austin", "long imdb name": "Albert Austin", "long imdb canonical name": "Austin, Albert" }, { "canonical name": "Bergman, Henry", "name": "Henry Bergman", "long imdb name": "Henry Bergman", "long imdb canonical name": "Bergman, Henry" }, { "canonical name": "Blake, A.D.", "name": "A.D. Blake", "long imdb name": "A.D. Blake", "long imdb canonical name": "Blake, A.D." }, { "canonical name": "Brown, Mel", "name": "Mel Brown", "long imdb name": "Mel Brown", "long imdb canonical name": "Brown, Mel" }, { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Minnie", "name": "Minnie Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Minnie Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Minnie" }, { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Syd", "name": "Syd Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Syd Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Syd" }, { "canonical name": "Cleveland, Dorothy", "name": "Dorothy Cleveland", "long imdb name": "Dorothy Cleveland", "long imdb canonical name": "Cleveland, Dorothy" }, { "canonical name": "Cole, Slim", "name": "Slim Cole", "long imdb name": "Slim Cole", "long imdb canonical name": "Cole, Slim" }, { "canonical name": "Cullington, Margaret", "name": "Margaret Cullington", "long imdb name": "Margaret Cullington", "long imdb canonical name": "Cullington, Margaret" }, { "canonical name": "Dracup, Margaret", "name": "Margaret Dracup", "long imdb name": "Margaret Dracup", "long imdb canonical name": "Dracup, Margaret" }, { "canonical name": "Duffy, Jack", "name": "Jack Duffy", "long imdb name": "Jack Duffy", "long imdb canonical name": "Duffy, Jack" }, { "canonical name": "Dul, Billy", "name": "Billy Dul", "long imdb name": "Billy Dul", "long imdb canonical name": "Dul, Billy" }, { "canonical name": "Dunbar, Richard", "name": "Richard Dunbar", "long imdb name": "Richard Dunbar", "long imdb canonical name": "Dunbar, Richard" }, { "canonical name": "Eckhardt, Ella", "name": "Ella Eckhardt", "long imdb name": "Ella Eckhardt", "long imdb canonical name": "Eckhardt, Ella" }, { "canonical name": "Eckhardt, Minnie", "name": "Minnie Eckhardt", "long imdb name": "Minnie Eckhardt", "long imdb canonical name": "Eckhardt, Minnie" }, { "canonical name": "Edwards, Ted", "name": "Ted Edwards", "long imdb name": "Ted Edwards", "long imdb canonical name": "Edwards, Ted" }, { "canonical name": "Ferragoma, Jerry", "name": "Jerry Ferragoma", "long imdb name": "Jerry Ferragoma", "long imdb canonical name": "Ferragoma, Jerry" }, { "canonical name": "Fitzroy, Louis", "name": "Louis Fitzroy", "long imdb name": "Louis Fitzroy", "long imdb canonical name": "Fitzroy, Louis" }, { "canonical name": "Force, Charles", "name": "Charles Force", "long imdb name": "Charles Force", "long imdb canonical name": "Force, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Fraube, J.L.", "name": "J.L. Fraube", "long imdb name": "J.L. Fraube", "long imdb canonical name": "Fraube, J.L." }, { "canonical name": "Habif, Jim", "name": "Jim Habif", "long imdb name": "Jim Habif", "long imdb canonical name": "Habif, Jim" }, { "canonical name": "Hall, Oliver", "name": "Oliver Hall", "long imdb name": "Oliver Hall", "long imdb canonical name": "Hall, Oliver" }, { "canonical name": "Holderness, Fay", "name": "Fay Holderness", "long imdb name": "Fay Holderness", "long imdb canonical name": "Holderness, Fay" }, { "canonical name": "Jamison, Bud", "name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb name": "Bud Jamison", "long imdb canonical name": "Jamison, Bud" }, { "canonical name": "Johnson, Jean", "name": "Jean Johnson", "long imdb name": "Jean Johnson", "long imdb canonical name": "Johnson, Jean" }, { "canonical name": "Jones, J. Parks", "name": "J. Parks Jones", "long imdb name": "J. Parks Jones", "long imdb canonical name": "Jones, J. Parks" }, { "canonical name": "Kelley, James T.", "name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb name": "James T. Kelley", "long imdb canonical name": "Kelley, James T." }, { "canonical name": "Lord, John", "name": "John Lord", "long imdb name": "John Lord", "long imdb canonical name": "Lord, John" }, { "canonical name": "McCarthy, M.J.", "name": "M.J. McCarthy", "long imdb name": "M.J. McCarthy", "long imdb canonical name": "McCarthy, M.J." }, { "canonical name": "McCormick, James", "name": "James McCormick", "long imdb name": "James McCormick", "long imdb canonical name": "McCormick, James" }, { "canonical name": "McVey, L.S.", "name": "L.S. McVey", "long imdb name": "L.S. McVey", "long imdb canonical name": "McVey, L.S." }, { "canonical name": "Miller, Edward", "name": "Edward Miller", "long imdb name": "Edward Miller", "long imdb canonical name": "Miller, Edward" }, { "canonical name": "Miller, J.", "name": "J. Miller", "long imdb name": "J. Miller", "long imdb canonical name": "Miller, J." }, { "canonical name": "Morgan, Lillian", "name": "Lillian Morgan", "long imdb name": "Lillian Morgan", "long imdb canonical name": "Morgan, Lillian" }, { "canonical name": "Mut", "name": "Mut", "long imdb name": "Mut", "long imdb canonical name": "Mut" }, { "canonical name": "O'Niall, Jim", "name": "Jim O'Niall", "long imdb name": "Jim O'Niall", "long imdb canonical name": "O'Niall, Jim" }, { "canonical name": "O'Ree, Brand", "name": "Brand O'Ree", "long imdb name": "Brand O'Ree", "long imdb canonical name": "O'Ree, Brand" }, { "canonical name": "Parellee, Florence", "name": "Florence Parellee", "long imdb name": "Florence Parellee", "long imdb canonical name": "Parellee, Florence" }, { "canonical name": "Parker, J.F.", "name": "J.F. Parker", "long imdb name": "J.F. Parker", "long imdb canonical name": "Parker, J.F." }, { "canonical name": "Purviance, Edna", "name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb name": "Edna Purviance", "long imdb canonical name": "Purviance, Edna" }, { "canonical name": "Randall, Bruce", "name": "Bruce Randall", "long imdb name": "Bruce Randall", "long imdb canonical name": "Randall, Bruce" }, { "canonical name": "Redmond, Granville", "name": "Granville Redmond", "long imdb name": "Granville Redmond", "long imdb canonical name": "Redmond, Granville" }, { "canonical name": "Reeves, Alfred", "name": "Alfred Reeves", "long imdb name": "Alfred Reeves", "long imdb canonical name": "Reeves, Alfred" }, { "canonical name": "Reisner, Charles", "name": "Charles Reisner", "long imdb name": "Charles Reisner", "long imdb canonical name": "Reisner, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Rigoletti, Mrs.", "name": "Mrs. Rigoletti", "long imdb name": "Mrs. Rigoletti", "long imdb canonical name": "Rigoletti, Mrs." }, { "canonical name": "Riley, Thomas", "name": "Thomas Riley", "long imdb name": "Thomas Riley", "long imdb canonical name": "Riley, Thomas" }, { "canonical name": "Rosenberg, Sarah", "name": "Sarah Rosenberg", "long imdb name": "Sarah Rosenberg", "long imdb canonical name": "Rosenberg, Sarah" }, { "canonical name": "Simmons, H.C.", "name": "H.C. Simmons", "long imdb name": "H.C. Simmons", "long imdb canonical name": "Simmons, H.C." }, { "canonical name": "Smithson, Lottie", "name": "Lottie Smithson", "long imdb name": "Lottie Smithson", "long imdb canonical name": "Smithson, Lottie" }, { "canonical name": "Starr, Fred", "name": "Fred Starr", "long imdb name": "Fred Starr", "long imdb canonical name": "Starr, Fred" }, { "canonical name": "Sully, Janet", "name": "Janet Sully", "long imdb name": "Janet Sully", "long imdb canonical name": "Sully, Janet" }, { "canonical name": "Tahbel, N.", "name": "N. Tahbel", "long imdb name": "N. Tahbel", "long imdb canonical name": "Tahbel, N." }, { "canonical name": "Underwood, Loyal", "name": "Loyal Underwood", "long imdb name": "Loyal Underwood", "long imdb canonical name": "Underwood, Loyal" }, { "canonical name": "Wagner, Bob", "name": "Bob Wagner", "long imdb name": "Bob Wagner", "long imdb canonical name": "Wagner, Bob" }, { "canonical name": "Wagner, Rob", "name": "Rob Wagner", "long imdb name": "Rob Wagner", "long imdb canonical name": "Wagner, Rob" }, { "canonical name": "White, William", "name": "William White", "long imdb name": "William White", "long imdb canonical name": "White, William" }, { "canonical name": "Wilson, Grace", "name": "Grace Wilson", "long imdb name": "Grace Wilson", "long imdb canonical name": "Wilson, Grace" }, { "canonical name": "Wilson, Tom", "name": "Tom Wilson", "long imdb name": "Tom Wilson", "long imdb canonical name": "Wilson, Tom" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles", "name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb name": "Charles Chaplin", "long imdb canonical name": "Chaplin, Charles" } ]
[ { "name": "Super-Film", "long imdb name": "Super-Film" }, { "name": "Ideal", "long imdb name": "Ideal" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Divisa Home Video", "long imdb name": "Divisa Home Video" }, { "name": "Eureka Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Eureka Entertainment" }, { "name": "Arte", "long imdb name": "Arte" }, { "name": "Hollywood's Attic", "long imdb name": "Hollywood's Attic" } ]
[ "58", "58::(20 fps)", "Spain:60::(DVD edition)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Oyster-king Quaker cannot be impressed anymore. He is so rich that he even has a special butler holding his cigar while he is smoking. The only thing Quaker would be impressed by is if his daughter Ossi were to marry a real prince. He makes an offer to the poor prince Nucki, who sends his friend Josef to get a clear idea of the woman.", "Ossi, daughter of oyster-king Quaker wants to marry a real prince, after the daughter of a shoe-polish manufacturer has married a count. The marriage arranger finds prince Nucki, who sends his friend and secretary to the Quaker's mansion. Ossi is in such a hurry that she doesn't ask who he is and marries him immediately. After a strange wedding party and wedding night in separate rooms, she returns to her social work.", "An American heiress seeks the hand of an impoverished German prince." ]
Die Austernprinzessin
Austernprinzessin, Die
Austernprinzessin, Die (1919)
Die Austernprinzessin (1919)
[ "de" ]
Austernprinzessin, Die (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lubitsch, Ernst", "name": "Ernst Lubitsch", "long imdb name": "Ernst Lubitsch", "long imdb canonical name": "Lubitsch, Ernst" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Sparkuhl, Theodor", "name": "Theodor Sparkuhl", "long imdb name": "Theodor Sparkuhl", "long imdb canonical name": "Sparkuhl, Theodor" } ]
[ "The Oyster Princess::International (English title) (imdb display title), UK (imdb display title)", "My Lady Margarine::USA (alternative title)", "A Princesa das Ostras::Brazil (imdb display title), Portugal", "Østersprinsessen::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Austrijska princeza::Yugoslavia (Serbian title) (literal title)", "Az osztrigás hercegnő::Hungary", "I prigipissa ton streidion::Greece (imdb display title)", "La princesa de las ostras::Spain", "La princesse aux huîtres::France (alternative title)", "La principessa delle ostriche::Italy", "Miss Dollar::France (alternative title)", "Miss Milliard::France (imdb display title)", "Osteriprinsessa::Finland", "Ostrygowa ksiezniczka::Poland (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Projektions-AG Union", "long imdb name": "Projektions-AG Union" } ]
[ "Germany" ]
An American heiress seeks the hand of an impoverished German prince.[email protected]
Austernprinzessin, Die
[ { "canonical name": "Janson, Victor", "name": "Victor Janson", "long imdb name": "Victor Janson", "long imdb canonical name": "Janson, Victor" }, { "canonical name": "Oswalda, Ossi", "name": "Ossi Oswalda", "long imdb name": "Ossi Oswalda", "long imdb canonical name": "Oswalda, Ossi" }, { "canonical name": "Liedtke, Harry", "name": "Harry Liedtke", "long imdb name": "Harry Liedtke", "long imdb canonical name": "Liedtke, Harry" }, { "canonical name": "Falkenstein, Julius", "name": "Julius Falkenstein", "long imdb name": "Julius Falkenstein", "long imdb canonical name": "Falkenstein, Julius" }, { "canonical name": "Kronert, Max", "name": "Max Kronert", "long imdb name": "Max Kronert", "long imdb canonical name": "Kronert, Max" }, { "canonical name": "Bois, Curt", "name": "Curt Bois", "long imdb name": "Curt Bois", "long imdb canonical name": "Bois, Curt" }, { "canonical name": "Junkermann, Hans", "name": "Hans Junkermann", "long imdb name": "Hans Junkermann", "long imdb canonical name": "Junkermann, Hans" }, { "canonical name": "Paulig, Albert", "name": "Albert Paulig", "long imdb name": "Albert Paulig", "long imdb canonical name": "Paulig, Albert" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Kräly, Hanns", "name": "Hanns Kräly", "long imdb name": "Hanns Kräly", "long imdb canonical name": "Kräly, Hanns" }, { "canonical name": "Lubitsch, Ernst", "name": "Ernst Lubitsch", "long imdb name": "Ernst Lubitsch", "long imdb canonical name": "Lubitsch, Ernst" } ]
[ "German" ]
[ "de" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Davies, William", "name": "William Davies", "long imdb name": "William Davies", "long imdb canonical name": "Davies, William" } ]
[ { "name": "Pathé Exchange", "long imdb name": "Pathé Exchange" }, { "name": "Pathé Frères", "long imdb name": "Pathé Frères" }, { "name": "Kinowelt Home Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Kinowelt Home Entertainment" }, { "name": "New Line Home Video", "long imdb name": "New Line Home Video" } ]
[ "12::(Turner library print)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "The mining town of Peaceful Vale is a rough place, and sheriff 'Gun Shy' Gallagher can do little about it, since the town is ruled by Crooked Charley, the gambler. Charley runs Pierre the tavern keeper out of town, and takes Pierre's daughter Nell as his prisoner. But when Billy Blazes sees Charley's henchmen harassing Pierre, he rescues Pierre and then proceeds to confront Charley back at the tavern.", "Billy Blazes confronts Crooked Charley, who has been ruling the town of Peaceful Vale through fear and violence." ]
Billy Blazes, Esq.
Billy Blazes, Esq.
Billy Blazes, Esq. (1919)
[ "USA:Passed::(National Board of Review)", "USA:TV-PG::(TV rating)" ]
Billy Blazes, Esq. (1919)
[ "us" ]
Billy Blazes, Esq. (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Short", "Comedy", "Western" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Roach, Hal", "name": "Hal Roach", "long imdb name": "Hal Roach", "long imdb canonical name": "Roach, Hal" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lundin, Walter", "name": "Walter Lundin", "long imdb name": "Walter Lundin", "long imdb canonical name": "Lundin, Walter" } ]
[ "Billy Blazes, Esq.::Germany (imdb display title)", "Coco de Chicago::France (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Rolin Films", "long imdb name": "Rolin Films" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Billy Blazes confronts Crooked Charley, who has been ruling the town of Peaceful Vale through fear and violence.
Billy Blazes, Esq.
[ { "canonical name": "Lloyd, Harold", "name": "Harold Lloyd", "long imdb name": "Harold Lloyd", "long imdb canonical name": "Lloyd, Harold" }, { "canonical name": "Pollard, 'Snub'", "name": "'Snub' Pollard", "long imdb name": "'Snub' Pollard", "long imdb canonical name": "Pollard, 'Snub'" }, { "canonical name": "Daniels, Bebe", "name": "Bebe Daniels", "long imdb name": "Bebe Daniels", "long imdb canonical name": "Daniels, Bebe" }, { "canonical name": "Brooks, Sammy", "name": "Sammy Brooks", "long imdb name": "Sammy Brooks", "long imdb canonical name": "Brooks, Sammy" }, { "canonical name": "Fay, Billy", "name": "Billy Fay", "long imdb name": "Billy Fay", "long imdb canonical name": "Fay, Billy" }, { "canonical name": "Young, Noah", "name": "Noah Young", "long imdb name": "Noah Young", "long imdb canonical name": "Young, Noah" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Hayes, Suzanne Lloyd", "name": "Suzanne Lloyd Hayes", "long imdb name": "Suzanne Lloyd Hayes", "long imdb canonical name": "Hayes, Suzanne Lloyd" }, { "canonical name": "Roach, Hal", "name": "Hal Roach", "long imdb name": "Hal Roach", "long imdb canonical name": "Roach, Hal" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Roach, Hal", "name": "Hal Roach", "long imdb name": "Hal Roach", "long imdb canonical name": "Roach, Hal" }, { "canonical name": "Walker, H.M.", "name": "H.M. Walker", "long imdb name": "H.M. Walker", "long imdb canonical name": "Walker, H.M." } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Capolavoro Music Company", "long imdb name": "Capolavoro Music Company" }, { "name": "Harold Lloyd Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Harold Lloyd Entertainment" }, { "name": "Harold Lloyd Trust, The", "long imdb name": "Harold Lloyd Trust, The" }, { "name": "Harold Lloyd Trust, The", "long imdb name": "Harold Lloyd Trust, The" }, { "name": "The Robert Israel Orchestra", "long imdb name": "The Robert Israel Orchestra" } ]
[ { "name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company" }, { "name": "Universal Pictures", "long imdb name": "Universal Pictures" }, { "name": "European Motion Picture Company", "long imdb name": "European Motion Picture Company" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Alive Vertrieb und Marketing", "long imdb name": "Alive Vertrieb und Marketing" }, { "name": "Arccades Vidéo", "long imdb name": "Arccades Vidéo" }, { "name": "Edition Filmmuseum", "long imdb name": "Edition Filmmuseum" }, { "name": "Warner Home Video", "long imdb name": "Warner Home Video" }, { "name": "Kit Parker Films", "long imdb name": "Kit Parker Films" }, { "name": "Ciné-club Hollywood", "long imdb name": "Ciné-club Hollywood" }, { "name": "Film Detective", "long imdb name": "Film Detective" }, { "name": "MK2 Éditions", "long imdb name": "MK2 Éditions" } ]
[ "92::(18 fps)", "Germany:99::(18 fps) (Berlin International Film Festival)", "Austria:99::(18 fps)", "UK:99::(DVD release)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "An Austrian military officer and roue' attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends surprisingly.", "An Austrian officer sets out to seduce a neglected young wife." ]
Blind Husbands
Blind Husbands
Blind Husbands (1919)
Blind Husbands (1919)
[ "us" ]
Blind Husbands (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama", "Romance" ]
[ { "canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich", "name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Reynolds, Ben F.", "name": "Ben F. Reynolds", "long imdb name": "Ben F. Reynolds", "long imdb canonical name": "Reynolds, Ben F." } ]
[ "A Lei das Montanhas::Portugal", "Asszonybecsület::Hungary", "Blinde Ægtemænd::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Blinde Ehemänner::Austria", "Corazón olvidado::Spain", "Die Rache der Berge::Austria", "La loi des montagnes::France", "Maridos Cegos::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Mariti ciechi::Italy", "Nie pozadaj zony blizniego swego::Poland (informal title)", "Slepi mezowie::Poland (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company", "long imdb name": "Universal Film Manufacturing Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
An Austrian officer sets out to seduce a neglected young wife.[email protected]
Blind Husbands
[ { "canonical name": "De Grasse, Sam", "name": "Sam De Grasse", "long imdb name": "Sam De Grasse", "long imdb canonical name": "De Grasse, Sam" }, { "canonical name": "Billington, Francelia", "name": "Francelia Billington", "long imdb name": "Francelia Billington", "long imdb canonical name": "Billington, Francelia" }, { "canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich", "name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich" }, { "canonical name": "Gowland, Gibson", "name": "Gibson Gowland", "long imdb name": "Gibson Gowland", "long imdb canonical name": "Gowland, Gibson" }, { "canonical name": "Holderness, Fay", "name": "Fay Holderness", "long imdb name": "Fay Holderness", "long imdb canonical name": "Holderness, Fay" }, { "canonical name": "Kendrick, Ruby", "name": "Ruby Kendrick", "long imdb name": "Ruby Kendrick", "long imdb canonical name": "Kendrick, Ruby" }, { "canonical name": "Germonprez, Valerie", "name": "Valerie Germonprez", "long imdb name": "Valerie Germonprez", "long imdb canonical name": "Germonprez, Valerie" }, { "canonical name": "Perrin, Jack", "name": "Jack Perrin", "long imdb name": "Jack Perrin", "long imdb canonical name": "Perrin, Jack" }, { "canonical name": "Cummings, Richard", "name": "Richard Cummings", "long imdb name": "Richard Cummings", "long imdb canonical name": "Cummings, Richard" }, { "canonical name": "Fitzroy, Louis", "name": "Louis Fitzroy", "long imdb name": "Louis Fitzroy", "long imdb canonical name": "Fitzroy, Louis" }, { "canonical name": "De Vaull, William", "name": "William De Vaull", "long imdb name": "William De Vaull", "long imdb canonical name": "De Vaull, William" }, { "canonical name": "Mathis, Jack", "name": "Jack Mathis", "long imdb name": "Jack Mathis", "long imdb canonical name": "Mathis, Jack" }, { "canonical name": "Challenger, Percy", "name": "Percy Challenger", "long imdb name": "Percy Challenger", "long imdb canonical name": "Challenger, Percy" }, { "canonical name": "Sandford, Tiny", "name": "Tiny Sandford", "long imdb name": "Tiny Sandford", "long imdb canonical name": "Sandford, Tiny" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich", "name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Ducey, Lillian", "name": "Lillian Ducey", "long imdb name": "Lillian Ducey", "long imdb canonical name": "Ducey, Lillian" }, { "canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich", "name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich" }, { "canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich", "name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb name": "Erich von Stroheim", "long imdb canonical name": "von Stroheim, Erich" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "First National Exhibitors' Circuit", "long imdb name": "First National Exhibitors' Circuit" }, { "name": "Pathé Frères", "long imdb name": "Pathé Frères" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Milestone Film & Video", "long imdb name": "Milestone Film & Video" } ]
[ "85::(1998 restored version)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor." ]
Daddy-Long-Legs (1919)
[ "USA:Unrated", "USA:TV-PG::(TV rating)" ]
Daddy-Long-Legs (1919)
[ "us" ]
Daddy-Long-Legs (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Comedy", "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Neilan, Marshall", "name": "Marshall Neilan", "long imdb name": "Marshall Neilan", "long imdb canonical name": "Neilan, Marshall" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Rosher, Charles", "name": "Charles Rosher", "long imdb name": "Charles Rosher", "long imdb canonical name": "Rosher, Charles" }, { "canonical name": "Cronjager, Henry", "name": "Henry Cronjager", "long imdb name": "Henry Cronjager", "long imdb canonical name": "Cronjager, Henry" } ]
[ "As Pernas Altas do Papá::Portugal (imdb display title)", "Dlugonogi tata::Poland (imdb display title)", "Nyakigláb apó::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Papa Langben::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Papa longue-jambes::France (imdb display title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Mary Pickford Company", "long imdb name": "Mary Pickford Company" } ]
[ "USA" ]
Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school...[email protected]
[ { "canonical name": "Pickford, Mary", "name": "Mary Pickford", "long imdb name": "Mary Pickford", "long imdb canonical name": "Pickford, Mary" }, { "canonical name": "Davenport, Milla", "name": "Milla Davenport", "long imdb name": "Milla Davenport", "long imdb canonical name": "Davenport, Milla" }, { "canonical name": "Haswell, Percy", "name": "Percy Haswell", "long imdb name": "Percy Haswell", "long imdb canonical name": "Haswell, Percy" }, { "canonical name": "Lemport, Fay", "name": "Fay Lemport", "long imdb name": "Fay Lemport", "long imdb canonical name": "Lemport, Fay" }, { "canonical name": "Hamilton, Mahlon", "name": "Mahlon Hamilton", "long imdb name": "Mahlon Hamilton", "long imdb canonical name": "Hamilton, Mahlon" }, { "canonical name": "Langdon, Lillian", "name": "Lillian Langdon", "long imdb name": "Lillian Langdon", "long imdb canonical name": "Langdon, Lillian" }, { "canonical name": "Bouton, Betty", "name": "Betty Bouton", "long imdb name": "Betty Bouton", "long imdb canonical name": "Bouton, Betty" }, { "canonical name": "Chapman, Audrey", "name": "Audrey Chapman", "long imdb name": "Audrey Chapman", "long imdb canonical name": "Chapman, Audrey" }, { "canonical name": "Neilan, Marshall", "name": "Marshall Neilan", "long imdb name": "Marshall Neilan", "long imdb canonical name": "Neilan, Marshall" }, { "canonical name": "Ward, Carrie Clark", "name": "Carrie Clark Ward", "long imdb name": "Carrie Clark Ward", "long imdb canonical name": "Ward, Carrie Clark" }, { "canonical name": "Barry, Wesley", "name": "Wesley Barry", "long imdb name": "Wesley Barry", "long imdb canonical name": "Barry, Wesley" }, { "canonical name": "Boardman, True", "name": "True Boardman", "long imdb name": "True Boardman", "long imdb canonical name": "Boardman, True" }, { "canonical name": "Carpenter, Jeanne", "name": "Jeanne Carpenter", "long imdb name": "Jeanne Carpenter", "long imdb canonical name": "Carpenter, Jeanne" }, { "canonical name": "Evans, Estelle", "name": "Estelle Evans", "long imdb name": "Estelle Evans", "long imdb canonical name": "Evans, Estelle" }, { "canonical name": "Huntley, Fred", "name": "Fred Huntley", "long imdb name": "Fred Huntley", "long imdb canonical name": "Huntley, Fred" }, { "canonical name": "Lee, Frankie", "name": "Frankie Lee", "long imdb name": "Frankie Lee", "long imdb canonical name": "Lee, Frankie" }, { "canonical name": "Marsh, Joan", "name": "Joan Marsh", "long imdb name": "Joan Marsh", "long imdb canonical name": "Marsh, Joan" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Pickford, Mary", "name": "Mary Pickford", "long imdb name": "Mary Pickford", "long imdb canonical name": "Pickford, Mary" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Webster, Jean", "name": "Jean Webster", "long imdb name": "Jean Webster", "long imdb canonical name": "Webster, Jean" }, { "canonical name": "Johnston, Agnes Christine", "name": "Agnes Christine Johnston", "long imdb name": "Agnes Christine Johnston", "long imdb canonical name": "Johnston, Agnes Christine" }, { "canonical name": "Webster, Jean", "name": "Jean Webster", "long imdb name": "Jean Webster", "long imdb canonical name": "Webster, Jean" } ]
[ "English" ]
[ "en" ]
[ { "name": "Decla-Bioscop AG", "long imdb name": "Decla-Bioscop AG" } ]
[ "80", "Canada:108", "76::(20 fps)" ]
[ "Black and White::(tinted)" ]
[ "The Buddhist priest wants the Daughter of the Daimyo to become a priestess at the Forbidden Garden. The Daimyo thinks if he were in Europe that his daughter should decide on her own, but he is denunciated and has to commit harakiri. She meets Olaf, a European officer, falls in love and marries him, but after a few months he has to return to Europe. She gives birth to a child and is waiting for him, while he marries in Europe. When he comes back to Japan 4 years later, he is accompanied by his European wife..." ]
Harakiri (1919)
Harakiri (1919)
[ "de" ]
Harakiri (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lang, Fritz", "name": "Fritz Lang", "long imdb name": "Fritz Lang", "long imdb canonical name": "Lang, Fritz" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Fassbender, Max", "name": "Max Fassbender", "long imdb name": "Max Fassbender", "long imdb canonical name": "Fassbender, Max" }, { "canonical name": "Hoffmann, Carl", "name": "Carl Hoffmann", "long imdb name": "Carl Hoffmann", "long imdb canonical name": "Hoffmann, Carl" } ]
[ "Харакири::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Harakiri::Poland (imdb display title)", "Harakiri::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Madame Butterfly::France", "Madame Butterfly::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Madame Butterfly::Netherlands (theatrical title)" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Decla-Bioscop AG", "long imdb name": "Decla-Bioscop AG" }, { "name": "Decla-Film-Gesellschaft Holz & Co.", "long imdb name": "Decla-Film-Gesellschaft Holz & Co." } ]
[ "Germany" ]
The Buddhist priest wants the Daughter of the Daimyo to become a priestess at the Forbidden Garden....[email protected]
[ { "canonical name": "Biensfeldt, Paul", "name": "Paul Biensfeldt", "long imdb name": "Paul Biensfeldt", "long imdb canonical name": "Biensfeldt, Paul" }, { "canonical name": "Dagover, Lil", "name": "Lil Dagover", "long imdb name": "Lil Dagover", "long imdb canonical name": "Dagover, Lil" }, { "canonical name": "John, Georg", "name": "Georg John", "long imdb name": "Georg John", "long imdb canonical name": "John, Georg" }, { "canonical name": "Maur, Meinhart", "name": "Meinhart Maur", "long imdb name": "Meinhart Maur", "long imdb canonical name": "Maur, Meinhart" }, { "canonical name": "Lettinger, Rudolf", "name": "Rudolf Lettinger", "long imdb name": "Rudolf Lettinger", "long imdb canonical name": "Lettinger, Rudolf" }, { "canonical name": "Huebsch, Erner", "name": "Erner Huebsch", "long imdb name": "Erner Huebsch", "long imdb canonical name": "Huebsch, Erner" }, { "canonical name": "Juster, Kaete", "name": "Kaete Juster", "long imdb name": "Kaete Juster", "long imdb canonical name": "Juster, Kaete" }, { "canonical name": "Prien, Niels", "name": "Niels Prien", "long imdb name": "Niels Prien", "long imdb canonical name": "Prien, Niels" }, { "canonical name": "Heden, Herta", "name": "Herta Heden", "long imdb name": "Herta Heden", "long imdb canonical name": "Heden, Herta" }, { "canonical name": "Nest, Loni", "name": "Loni Nest", "long imdb name": "Loni Nest", "long imdb canonical name": "Nest, Loni" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Pommer, Erich", "name": "Erich Pommer", "long imdb name": "Erich Pommer", "long imdb canonical name": "Pommer, Erich" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Belasco, David", "name": "David Belasco", "long imdb name": "David Belasco", "long imdb canonical name": "Belasco, David" }, { "canonical name": "Jungk, Max", "name": "Max Jungk", "long imdb name": "Max Jungk", "long imdb canonical name": "Jungk, Max" }, { "canonical name": "Long, John Luther", "name": "John Luther Long", "long imdb name": "John Luther Long", "long imdb canonical name": "Long, John Luther" } ]
[ { "name": "Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv Koblenz", "long imdb name": "Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv Koblenz" } ]
[ { "name": "Svenska Bios Filmbyrå", "long imdb name": "Svenska Bios Filmbyrå" }, { "name": "Decla-Bioscop AG", "long imdb name": "Decla-Bioscop AG" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" } ]
[ "106::(restored version)", "122::(original release)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "Three Scottish officers, including Sir Archi, murder Sir Arne and his household for a coffin filled with gold. The only survivor is Elsalill, who moves to relatives in Marstrand. There she meets a charming young officer - Sir Archi, and she soon understands that he was one of the murderers. She is in a classic dilemma between her love for Sir Archi and justice." ]
Herr Arnes pengar
Herr Arnes pengar
Herr Arnes pengar (1919)
[ "Iceland:L", "Spain:13" ]
Herr Arnes pengar (1919)
[ "se" ]
Herr Arnes pengar (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama", "History" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Stiller, Mauritz", "name": "Mauritz Stiller", "long imdb name": "Mauritz Stiller", "long imdb canonical name": "Stiller, Mauritz" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Boge, Gustaf", "name": "Gustaf Boge", "long imdb name": "Gustaf Boge", "long imdb canonical name": "Boge, Gustaf" }, { "canonical name": "Jaenzon, Julius", "name": "Julius Jaenzon", "long imdb name": "Julius Jaenzon", "long imdb canonical name": "Jaenzon, Julius" } ]
[ "Sir Arne's Treasure::International (English title) (imdb display title)", "Snows of Destiny", "The Three Who Were Doomed", "The Treasure of Arne::International (English title) (bowdlerized title)", "Aarne-herran rahat::Finland", "Arne úr kincse::Hungary (imdb display title)", "El tesoro de Arne::Spain", "El tresor d'Arne::Spain (Catalan title)", "Herrn Arnes Schatz::Germany", "Hr. Arnes Penge::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Le trésor d'Arne::France (imdb display title)", "O Tesouro de Arne::Portugal", "O Tesouro do Sr. Arne::Brazil (imdb display title)", "Skarb rodu Arne::Poland" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Svenska Biografteatern AB", "long imdb name": "Svenska Biografteatern AB" } ]
[ "Sweden" ]
Three Scottish officers, including Sir Archi, murder Sir Arne and his household for a coffin filled with gold...
Herr Arnes pengar
[ { "canonical name": "Stocklassa, Erik", "name": "Erik Stocklassa", "long imdb name": "Erik Stocklassa", "long imdb canonical name": "Stocklassa, Erik" }, { "canonical name": "Berger, Bror", "name": "Bror Berger", "long imdb name": "Bror Berger", "long imdb canonical name": "Berger, Bror" }, { "canonical name": "Lund, Richard", "name": "Richard Lund", "long imdb name": "Richard Lund", "long imdb canonical name": "Lund, Richard" }, { "canonical name": "Nilsson, Axel", "name": "Axel Nilsson", "long imdb name": "Axel Nilsson", "long imdb canonical name": "Nilsson, Axel" }, { "canonical name": "Selander, Hjalmar", "name": "Hjalmar Selander", "long imdb name": "Hjalmar Selander", "long imdb canonical name": "Selander, Hjalmar" }, { "canonical name": "Selander, Concordia", "name": "Concordia Selander", "long imdb name": "Concordia Selander", "long imdb canonical name": "Selander, Concordia" }, { "canonical name": "Gustafson, Gösta", "name": "Gösta Gustafson", "long imdb name": "Gösta Gustafson", "long imdb canonical name": "Gustafson, Gösta" }, { "canonical name": "Johnson, Mary", "name": "Mary Johnson", "long imdb name": "Mary Johnson", "long imdb canonical name": "Johnson, Mary" }, { "canonical name": "Rothgardt, Wanda", "name": "Wanda Rothgardt", "long imdb name": "Wanda Rothgardt", "long imdb canonical name": "Rothgardt, Wanda" }, { "canonical name": "Berg, Stina", "name": "Stina Berg", "long imdb name": "Stina Berg", "long imdb canonical name": "Berg, Stina" }, { "canonical name": "Aronson, Gustav", "name": "Gustav Aronson", "long imdb name": "Gustav Aronson", "long imdb canonical name": "Aronson, Gustav" }, { "canonical name": "Ebbesen, Jenny Öhrström", "name": "Jenny Öhrström Ebbesen", "long imdb name": "Jenny Öhrström Ebbesen", "long imdb canonical name": "Ebbesen, Jenny Öhrström" }, { "canonical name": "Bengtson, Josua", "name": "Josua Bengtson", "long imdb name": "Josua Bengtson", "long imdb canonical name": "Bengtson, Josua" }, { "canonical name": "Blomstedt, Georg", "name": "Georg Blomstedt", "long imdb name": "Georg Blomstedt", "long imdb canonical name": "Blomstedt, Georg" }, { "canonical name": "Erlandzon, Albin", "name": "Albin Erlandzon", "long imdb name": "Albin Erlandzon", "long imdb canonical name": "Erlandzon, Albin" }, { "canonical name": "Nyqvist, Yngve", "name": "Yngve Nyqvist", "long imdb name": "Yngve Nyqvist", "long imdb canonical name": "Nyqvist, Yngve" }, { "canonical name": "Rolén, Artur", "name": "Artur Rolén", "long imdb name": "Artur Rolén", "long imdb canonical name": "Rolén, Artur" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Magnusson, Charles", "name": "Charles Magnusson", "long imdb name": "Charles Magnusson", "long imdb canonical name": "Magnusson, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Lagerlöf, Selma", "name": "Selma Lagerlöf", "long imdb name": "Selma Lagerlöf", "long imdb canonical name": "Lagerlöf, Selma" }, { "canonical name": "Molander, Gustaf", "name": "Gustaf Molander", "long imdb name": "Gustaf Molander", "long imdb canonical name": "Molander, Gustaf" }, { "canonical name": "Stiller, Mauritz", "name": "Mauritz Stiller", "long imdb name": "Mauritz Stiller", "long imdb canonical name": "Stiller, Mauritz" } ]
[ "Swedish" ]
[ "sv" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Emilson, Fredrik", "name": "Fredrik Emilson", "long imdb name": "Fredrik Emilson", "long imdb canonical name": "Emilson, Fredrik" } ]
[ { "name": "Svenska Kinemathek", "long imdb name": "Svenska Kinemathek" } ]
[ { "name": "Pathé Frères", "long imdb name": "Pathé Frères" }, { "name": "United Artists", "long imdb name": "United Artists" } ]
[ "166" ]
[ "Black And White::(tinted)" ]
[ "The story of two men, one married, the other the lover of the other's wife, who meet in the trenches of the First World War, and how their tale becomes a microcosm for the horrors of war." ]
J'accuse! (1919)
J'accuse! (1919)
[ "fr" ]
J'accuse! (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Drama", "Horror", "War" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Gance, Abel", "name": "Abel Gance", "long imdb name": "Abel Gance", "long imdb canonical name": "Gance, Abel" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Bujard, Marc", "name": "Marc Bujard", "long imdb name": "Marc Bujard", "long imdb canonical name": "Bujard, Marc" }, { "canonical name": "Burel, Léonce-Henri", "name": "Léonce-Henri Burel", "long imdb name": "Léonce-Henri Burel", "long imdb canonical name": "Burel, Léonce-Henri" }, { "canonical name": "Forster, Maurice", "name": "Maurice Forster", "long imdb name": "Maurice Forster", "long imdb canonical name": "Forster, Maurice" } ]
[ "I Accuse::International (English title)", "J'accuse!::USA (imdb display title)", "Ich klage an::Germany", "Oskarzam!::Poland (imdb display title)", "Per la patria::Italy", "Vádolok!::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Yo acuso::Spain" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Pathé Frères", "long imdb name": "Pathé Frères" } ]
[ "France" ]
The story of two men, one married, the other the lover of the other's wife, who meet in the trenches of the First World War, and how their tale becomes a microcosm for the horrors of war.[email protected]
[ { "canonical name": "Joubé, Romuald", "name": "Romuald Joubé", "long imdb name": "Romuald Joubé", "long imdb canonical name": "Joubé, Romuald" }, { "canonical name": "Desjardins, Maxime", "name": "Maxime Desjardins", "long imdb name": "Maxime Desjardins", "long imdb canonical name": "Desjardins, Maxime" }, { "canonical name": "Séverin-Mars", "name": "Séverin-Mars", "long imdb name": "Séverin-Mars", "long imdb canonical name": "Séverin-Mars" }, { "canonical name": "Guys, Angèle", "name": "Angèle Guys", "long imdb name": "Angèle Guys", "long imdb canonical name": "Guys, Angèle" }, { "canonical name": "Dauvray, Maryse", "name": "Maryse Dauvray", "long imdb name": "Maryse Dauvray", "long imdb canonical name": "Dauvray, Maryse" }, { "canonical name": "Mancini", "name": "Mancini", "long imdb name": "Mancini", "long imdb canonical name": "Mancini" }, { "canonical name": "Nizan, Elizabeth", "name": "Elizabeth Nizan", "long imdb name": "Elizabeth Nizan", "long imdb canonical name": "Nizan, Elizabeth" }, { "canonical name": "Danis, Pierre", "name": "Pierre Danis", "long imdb name": "Pierre Danis", "long imdb canonical name": "Danis, Pierre" }, { "canonical name": "Cendrars, Blaise", "name": "Blaise Cendrars", "long imdb name": "Blaise Cendrars", "long imdb canonical name": "Cendrars, Blaise" }, { "canonical name": "Duc, Paul", "name": "Paul Duc", "long imdb name": "Paul Duc", "long imdb canonical name": "Duc, Paul" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Pathé, Charles", "name": "Charles Pathé", "long imdb name": "Charles Pathé", "long imdb canonical name": "Pathé, Charles" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Gance, Abel", "name": "Abel Gance", "long imdb name": "Abel Gance", "long imdb canonical name": "Gance, Abel" } ]
[ "French" ]
[ "fr" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Israel, Robert", "name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb name": "Robert Israel", "long imdb canonical name": "Israel, Robert" } ]
[ { "name": "Decla-Bioscop AG", "long imdb name": "Decla-Bioscop AG" }, { "name": "Sfinks", "long imdb name": "Sfinks" }, { "name": "Goldwyn Distributing Company", "long imdb name": "Goldwyn Distributing Company" }, { "name": "Rothafel", "long imdb name": "Rothafel" }, { "name": "Suomen Biografi", "long imdb name": "Suomen Biografi" }, { "name": "Rank", "long imdb name": "Rank" }, { "name": "Entertainment Films Co.", "long imdb name": "Entertainment Films Co." }, { "name": "Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)", "long imdb name": "Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)" }, { "name": "Hollywood Home Theatre", "long imdb name": "Hollywood Home Theatre" }, { "name": "Republic Pictures Home Video", "long imdb name": "Republic Pictures Home Video" }, { "name": "Films sans Frontières", "long imdb name": "Films sans Frontières" }, { "name": "Film Preservation Associates", "long imdb name": "Film Preservation Associates" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Image Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Image Entertainment" }, { "name": "Elite Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Elite Entertainment" }, { "name": "Elite Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Elite Entertainment" }, { "name": "Eureka Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Eureka Entertainment" }, { "name": "Films sans Frontières", "long imdb name": "Films sans Frontières" }, { "name": "Alpha Video Distributors", "long imdb name": "Alpha Video Distributors" }, { "name": "Catcom Home Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Catcom Home Entertainment" }, { "name": "Continental Home Vídeo", "long imdb name": "Continental Home Vídeo" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Divisa Home Video", "long imdb name": "Divisa Home Video" }, { "name": "Front Row Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Front Row Entertainment" }, { "name": "Madacy Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Madacy Entertainment" }, { "name": "Delta Expedition", "long imdb name": "Delta Expedition" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Sunrise Silents", "long imdb name": "Sunrise Silents" }, { "name": "Emerald", "long imdb name": "Emerald" }, { "name": "FilmAnnex", "long imdb name": "FilmAnnex" }, { "name": "Mill Creek Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Mill Creek Entertainment" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Reel Media International", "long imdb name": "Reel Media International" }, { "name": "Asociace Ceských Filmových Klubu (ACFK)", "long imdb name": "Asociace Ceských Filmových Klubu (ACFK)" }, { "name": "Public Domain Flicks", "long imdb name": "Public Domain Flicks" }, { "name": "Vivarto", "long imdb name": "Vivarto" }, { "name": "Living Colour Entertainment", "long imdb name": "Living Colour Entertainment" }, { "name": "Horndog Studios", "long imdb name": "Horndog Studios" }, { "name": "Films sans Frontières", "long imdb name": "Films sans Frontières" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Kino Lorber", "long imdb name": "Kino Lorber" }, { "name": "Kino Lorber", "long imdb name": "Kino Lorber" }, { "name": "Universum Film (UFA)", "long imdb name": "Universum Film (UFA)" }, { "name": "Universum Film (UFA)", "long imdb name": "Universum Film (UFA)" }, { "name": "Kino Lorber", "long imdb name": "Kino Lorber" }, { "name": "Kino Lorber", "long imdb name": "Kino Lorber" }, { "name": "Films sans Frontières", "long imdb name": "Films sans Frontières" }, { "name": "Castle Communications", "long imdb name": "Castle Communications" }, { "name": "Continental Home Vídeo", "long imdb name": "Continental Home Vídeo" }, { "name": "Critics' Choice Video", "long imdb name": "Critics' Choice Video" }, { "name": "Divisa Ediciones", "long imdb name": "Divisa Ediciones" }, { "name": "Epoca", "long imdb name": "Epoca" }, { "name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution", "long imdb name": "Facets Multimedia Distribution" }, { "name": "Grapevine Video", "long imdb name": "Grapevine Video" }, { "name": "Kartes Video", "long imdb name": "Kartes Video" }, { "name": "Kino Video", "long imdb name": "Kino Video" }, { "name": "Moore Video", "long imdb name": "Moore Video" }, { "name": "Movies Unlimited", "long imdb name": "Movies Unlimited" }, { "name": "Republic Pictures Home Video", "long imdb name": "Republic Pictures Home Video" }, { "name": "Video Yesteryear", "long imdb name": "Video Yesteryear" } ]
[ "France:78", "Spain:50", "USA:67", "USA:51::(video version)", "Spain:73::(DVD version)" ]
[ "Black and White::(tinted)" ]
[ "Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. It is the annual fair in Holstenwall. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep. When Alan asks Cesare about his future, Cesare answers that he will die before dawn. The next morning Alan is found dead. Francis suspects Cesare of being the murderer, and starts spying on him and Dr. Caligari. The following night Cesare is going to stab Jane in her bed, but softens when he sees the beautiful woman, and instead of committing another murder, he abducts her. Jane's father awakens because of the noise, and he and some servants follow the fleeing Cesare. When Cesare cannot outrun his pursuers anymore, he gently places Jane down on the ground, and runs away. Francis and the police investigate the caravan of Dr. Caligari, but the doctor succeeds in slipping away. Francis pursues the fleeing Dr. Caligari, and sees him disappear into a madhouse. Francis enters the madhouse, where he is sure he will find the truth behind all these mysterious events.", "At a fair in the village of Hostenwall, Dr. Caligari obtains a permit to set up his tent show featuring Cesare the 23 year-old Somnabulist who has slept for 23 years. Francis and his friend Alan visit the popular show and Alan asks Cesare in his trance-like state to tell him his future. Cesare predicts that he will die that night and when Alan is in fact found dead in the morning it seems to be just one of many such crimes recently. Frances is determined to find his friend's killer, all the more so after Cesare tries to kidnap his fiancée. He follows him to an insane asylum but not all is as it seems.", "A man named Francis relates a story about his best friend Alan and his fiancée Jane. Alan takes him to a fair where they meet Dr. Caligari, who exhibits a somnambulist, Cesare, that can predict the future. When Alan asks how long he has to live, Cesare says he has until dawn. The prophecy comes to pass, as Alan is murdered, and Cesare is a prime suspect. Cesare creeps into Jane's bedroom and abducts her, running from the townspeople and finally dying of exhaustion. Meanwhile, the police discover a dummy in Cesare's cabinet, while Caligari flees. Francis tracks Caligari to a mental asylum. He is the director! Or is he?", "Dr. Caligari's somnambulist, Cesare, and his deadly predictions." ]
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari
Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Das
Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Das (1920)
[ "Argentina:13", "Australia:PG", "Canada:PG::(Alberta/Manitoba/Ontario)", "Canada:14::(Nova Scotia)", "Canada:G::(Quebec)", "Finland:K-16", "Finland:K-15::(new rating: 2001)", "France:Tous publics", "Germany:12::(bw) (1964, 1995)", "Germany:18::(1920)", "Spain:7", "Sweden:15", "UK:A::(original rating)", "UK:U::(video rating) (1993)", "USA:Unrated" ]
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920)
[ "de" ]
Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Das (1920)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Fantasy", "Horror", "Mystery", "Thriller" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Wiene, Robert", "name": "Robert Wiene", "long imdb name": "Robert Wiene", "long imdb canonical name": "Wiene, Robert" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Hameister, Willy", "name": "Willy Hameister", "long imdb name": "Willy Hameister", "long imdb canonical name": "Hameister, Willy" } ]
[ "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari::International (English title), USA", "El gabinete del Dr. Caligari::Argentina (imdb display title), Spain", "O Gabinete do Dr. Caligari::Brazil, Portugal", "Кабинет доктора Калигари::Russia", "Кабинетът на д-р Калигари::Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)", "Caligari Hakase::Japan (imdb display title)", "Caligaris kabinett::Norway (imdb display title)", "Doktor Caligari::Denmark (imdb display title)", "Dr. Caligari::Sweden (imdb display title)", "Dr. Caligari::Hungary", "El gabinet del doctor Caligari::Spain (Catalan title)", "Gabinet doktora Caligari::Poland", "Il gabinetto del dottor Caligari::Italy", "Kabinet doktora Caligariho::Czech Republic", "Kabinet doktora Kaligarija::Serbia (imdb display title)", "Le cabinet du docteur Caligari::France", "To ergastiri tou Dr. Caligari::Greece (festival title)", "Tri Caligarin kabinetti::Finland" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Decla-Bioscop AG", "long imdb name": "Decla-Bioscop AG" } ]
[ "Germany" ]
Dr. Caligari's somnambulist, Cesare, and his deadly predictions.[email protected]
Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Das
[ { "canonical name": "Krauss, Werner", "name": "Werner Krauss", "long imdb name": "Werner Krauss", "long imdb canonical name": "Krauss, Werner" }, { "canonical name": "Veidt, Conrad", "name": "Conrad Veidt", "long imdb name": "Conrad Veidt", "long imdb canonical name": "Veidt, Conrad" }, { "canonical name": "Feher, Friedrich", "name": "Friedrich Feher", "long imdb name": "Friedrich Feher", "long imdb canonical name": "Feher, Friedrich" }, { "canonical name": "Dagover, Lil", "name": "Lil Dagover", "long imdb name": "Lil Dagover", "long imdb canonical name": "Dagover, Lil" }, { "canonical name": "von Twardowski, Hans Heinrich", "name": "Hans Heinrich von Twardowski", "long imdb name": "Hans Heinrich von Twardowski", "long imdb canonical name": "von Twardowski, Hans Heinrich" }, { "canonical name": "Lettinger, Rudolf", "name": "Rudolf Lettinger", "long imdb name": "Rudolf Lettinger", "long imdb canonical name": "Lettinger, Rudolf" }, { "canonical name": "Klein-Rogge, Rudolf", "name": "Rudolf Klein-Rogge", "long imdb name": "Rudolf Klein-Rogge", "long imdb canonical name": "Klein-Rogge, Rudolf" }, { "canonical name": "Lanser-Rudolf, Hans", "name": "Hans Lanser-Rudolf", "long imdb name": "Hans Lanser-Rudolf", "long imdb canonical name": "Lanser-Rudolf, Hans" }, { "canonical name": "Peters-Arnolds, Henri", "name": "Henri Peters-Arnolds", "long imdb name": "Henri Peters-Arnolds", "long imdb canonical name": "Peters-Arnolds, Henri" }, { "canonical name": "Rex, Ludwig", "name": "Ludwig Rex", "long imdb name": "Ludwig Rex", "long imdb canonical name": "Rex, Ludwig" }, { "canonical name": "Wagner, Elsa", "name": "Elsa Wagner", "long imdb name": "Elsa Wagner", "long imdb canonical name": "Wagner, Elsa" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Meinert, Rudolf", "name": "Rudolf Meinert", "long imdb name": "Rudolf Meinert", "long imdb canonical name": "Meinert, Rudolf" }, { "canonical name": "Pommer, Erich", "name": "Erich Pommer", "long imdb name": "Erich Pommer", "long imdb canonical name": "Pommer, Erich" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Mayer, Carl", "name": "Carl Mayer", "long imdb name": "Carl Mayer", "long imdb canonical name": "Mayer, Carl" }, { "canonical name": "Janowitz, Hans", "name": "Hans Janowitz", "long imdb name": "Hans Janowitz", "long imdb canonical name": "Janowitz, Hans" } ]
[ "German" ]
[ "de" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Antonini, Alfredo", "name": "Alfredo Antonini", "long imdb name": "Alfredo Antonini", "long imdb canonical name": "Antonini, Alfredo" }, { "canonical name": "Becce, Giuseppe", "name": "Giuseppe Becce", "long imdb name": "Giuseppe Becce", "long imdb canonical name": "Becce, Giuseppe" }, { "canonical name": "Brock, Timothy", "name": "Timothy Brock", "long imdb name": "Timothy Brock", "long imdb canonical name": "Brock, Timothy" }, { "canonical name": "Marriott, Richard", "name": "Richard Marriott", "long imdb name": "Richard Marriott", "long imdb canonical name": "Marriott, Richard" }, { "canonical name": "Prox, Lothar", "name": "Lothar Prox", "long imdb name": "Lothar Prox", "long imdb canonical name": "Prox, Lothar" }, { "canonical name": "Viertelboeck, Rainer", "name": "Rainer Viertelboeck", "long imdb name": "Rainer Viertelboeck", "long imdb canonical name": "Viertelboeck, Rainer" } ]
[ { "name": "Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv Koblenz", "long imdb name": "Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv Koblenz" }, { "name": "Studio Babelsberg", "long imdb name": "Studio Babelsberg" } ]
[ { "name": "Filmjuwelen", "long imdb name": "Filmjuwelen" }, { "name": "LS Video", "long imdb name": "LS Video" } ]
[ "112", "98::(DVD)" ]
[ "Black and White" ]
[ "After the old-books shop closes, portraits of the Strumpet, Death, and the Devil come to life and amuse themselves by reading stories--about themselves, of course, in various guises and eras. Four of the stories are literary horror stories (one by Poe, one by R. L. Stevenson), and the last one is a comedy involving a fake haunting." ]
Unheimliche Geschichten
Unheimliche Geschichten
Unheimliche Geschichten (1919)
[ "Argentina:13" ]
Unheimliche Geschichten (1919)
[ "de" ]
Unheimliche Geschichten (1919)
[ "lent" ]
[ "Fantasy", "Horror", "Mystery" ]
[ { "canonical name": "Oswald, Richard", "name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb canonical name": "Oswald, Richard" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Hoffmann, Carl", "name": "Carl Hoffmann", "long imdb name": "Carl Hoffmann", "long imdb canonical name": "Hoffmann, Carl" } ]
[ "Eerie Tales::USA", "Five Sinister Stories", "Grausige Nächte::Germany (alternative title)", "Tales of Horror", "Tales of the Uncanny", "Weird Tales", "Borzalmas éjszakák::Hungary (imdb display title)", "Cauchemars et hallucinations::France", "Historias tenebrosas::Argentina", "Un affare misterioso::Italy" ]
1.33 : 1
[ { "name": "Richard-Oswald-Produktion", "long imdb name": "Richard-Oswald-Produktion" } ]
[ "Germany" ]
After the old-books shop closes, portraits of the Strumpet, Death, and the Devil come to life and amuse...
Unheimliche Geschichten
[ { "canonical name": "Berber, Anita", "name": "Anita Berber", "long imdb name": "Anita Berber", "long imdb canonical name": "Berber, Anita" }, { "canonical name": "Veidt, Conrad", "name": "Conrad Veidt", "long imdb name": "Conrad Veidt", "long imdb canonical name": "Veidt, Conrad" }, { "canonical name": "Schünzel, Reinhold", "name": "Reinhold Schünzel", "long imdb name": "Reinhold Schünzel", "long imdb canonical name": "Schünzel, Reinhold" }, { "canonical name": "Döblin, Hugo", "name": "Hugo Döblin", "long imdb name": "Hugo Döblin", "long imdb canonical name": "Döblin, Hugo" }, { "canonical name": "Morgan, Paul", "name": "Paul Morgan", "long imdb name": "Paul Morgan", "long imdb canonical name": "Morgan, Paul" }, { "canonical name": "John, Georg", "name": "Georg John", "long imdb name": "Georg John", "long imdb canonical name": "John, Georg" }, { "canonical name": "Goetzke, Bernhard", "name": "Bernhard Goetzke", "long imdb name": "Bernhard Goetzke", "long imdb canonical name": "Goetzke, Bernhard" }, { "canonical name": "Oswald, Richard", "name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb canonical name": "Oswald, Richard" }, { "canonical name": "von Twardowski, Hans Heinrich", "name": "Hans Heinrich von Twardowski", "long imdb name": "Hans Heinrich von Twardowski", "long imdb canonical name": "von Twardowski, Hans Heinrich" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Oswald, Richard", "name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb canonical name": "Oswald, Richard" } ]
[ { "canonical name": "Heine, Anselma", "name": "Anselma Heine", "long imdb name": "Anselma Heine", "long imdb canonical name": "Heine, Anselma" }, { "canonical name": "Liebmann, Robert", "name": "Robert Liebmann", "long imdb name": "Robert Liebmann", "long imdb canonical name": "Liebmann, Robert" }, { "canonical name": "Poe, Edgar Allan", "name": "Edgar Allan Poe", "long imdb name": "Edgar Allan Poe", "long imdb canonical name": "Poe, Edgar Allan" }, { "canonical name": "Stevenson, Robert Louis", "name": "Robert Louis Stevenson", "long imdb name": "Robert Louis Stevenson", "long imdb canonical name": "Stevenson, Robert Louis" }, { "canonical name": "Oswald, Richard", "name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb name": "Richard Oswald", "long imdb canonical name": "Oswald, Richard" } ]
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