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Let us try to push the analogy with the commutative case further and |
take a look at the notion of integration. The natural way to encode |
the condition of translation invariance from the classical context |
in the quantum group context |
is given by the condition |
\[(\int\otimes\id)\circ\cop a=1 \int a\qquad\forall a\in A\] |
which defines a right integral on a quantum group $A$ |
\cite{Sweedler}. |
(Correspondingly, we have the notion of a left integral.) |
Let us |
formulate a slightly |
weaker version of this equation |
in the context of a Hopf algebra $H$ dually paired with |
$A$. We write |
\[\int (h-\cou(h))\triangleright a = 0\qquad \forall h\in H, a\in A\] |
where the action of $H$ on $A$ is the coregular action |
$h\triangleright a = a_{(1)}\langle a_{(2)}, h\rangle$ |
given by the pairing. |
In the present context we set $A=\ensuremath{U(\lalg{b}_{n+})}$ and $H=\ensuremath{C(B_{n+})}$. We define the |
latter as a generalisation of \ensuremath{C(B_+)}{} with commuting |
generators $g,p_1,\dots,p_{n-1}$ and coproducts |
\[\cop p_i=p_i\otimes 1+g\otimes p_i\qquad \cop g=g\otimes g\] |
This can be identified (upon rescaling) as the momentum sector of the |
full $\kappa$-Poincar\'e algebra (with $g=e^{p_0}$). |
The pairing is the natural extension of (\ref{eq:pair_class}): |
\[\langle x_{n-1}^{m_{n-1}}\cdots x_1^{m_1} x_0^{k}, |
p_{n-1}^{r_{n-1}}\cdots p_1^{r_1} g^s\rangle |
= \delta_{m_{n-1},r_{n-1}}\cdots\delta_{m_1,r_1} m_{n-1}!\cdots m_1! |
s^k\] |
The resulting coregular |
action is conveniently expressed as (see also \cite{MaRu}) |
\[p_i\triangleright\no{f}=\no{\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f}\qquad |
g\triangleright\no{f}=\no{T_{1,x_0} f}\] |
with $f\in\k[x_0,\dots,x_{n-1}]$. |
Due to cocommutativity, the notions of left and right integral |
coincide. The invariance conditions for integration become |
\[\int \no{\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f}=0\quad |
\forall i\in\{1,\dots,n-1\} |
\qquad\text{and}\qquad \int \no{\fdiff_{1,x_0} f}=0\] |
The condition on the left is familiar and states the invariance under |
infinitesimal translations in the $x_i$. The condition on the right states the |
invariance under integer translations in $x_0$. However, we should |
remember that we use a certain algebraic model of \ensuremath{C(B_{n+})}{}. We might add, |
for example, a generator $p_0$ |
to \ensuremath{C(B_{n+})}{} |
that is dual to $x_0$ and behaves |
as the ``logarithm'' of $g$, i.e.\ acts as an infinitesimal |
translation in $x_0$. We then have the condition of infinitesimal |
translation invariance |
\[\int \no{\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\mu}} f}=0\] |
for all $\mu\in\{0,1,\dots,{n-1}\}$. |
In the present purely algebraic context these conditions do not make |
much sense. In fact they would force the integral to be zero on the |
whole algebra. This is not surprising, since we are dealing only with |
polynomial functions which would not be integrable in the classical |
case either. |
In contrast, if we had for example the algebra of smooth functions |
in two real variables, the conditions just characterise the usual |
Lesbegue integral (up to normalisation). |
Let us assume $\k=\mathbb{R}$ and suppose that we have extended the normal |
ordering vector |
space isomorphism $\mathbb{R}[x_0,\dots,x_{n-1}]\cong \ensuremath{U(\lalg{b}_{n+})}$ to a vector space |
isomorphism of some sufficiently large class of functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ with a |
suitable completion $\hat{U}(\lalg{b_{n+}})$ in a functional |
analytic framework (embedding \ensuremath{U(\lalg{b}_{n+})}{} in some operator algebra on a |
Hilbert space). It is then natural to define the integration on |
$\hat{U}(\lalg{b_{n+}})$ by |
\[\int \no{f}=\int_{\mathbb{R}^n} f\ dx_0\cdots dx_{n-1}\] |
where the right hand side is just the usual Lesbegue integral in $n$ |
real variables $x_0,\dots,x_{n-1}$. This |
integral is unique (up to normalisation) in |
satisfying the covariance condition since, as we have seen, |
these correspond |
just to the usual translation invariance in the classical case via normal |
ordering, for which the Lesbegue integral is the unique solution. |
It is also the $q\to 1$ limit of the translation invariant integral on |
\ensuremath{U_q(\lalg{b_+})}{} obtained in \cite{Majid_qreg}. |
We see that the natural differential calculus in corollary |
\ref{cor:nat_bnp} is |
compatible with this integration in that the appearing braided |
derivations are exactly the actions of the translation generators |
$p_{\mu}$. However, we should stress that this calculus is not |
covariant under the full $\kappa$-Poincar\'e algebra, since it was |
shown in \cite{GoKoMa} that in $n=4$ there is no such |
calculus of dimension $4$. Our results therefore indicate a new |
intrinsic approach to $\kappa$-Minkowski space that allows a |
bicovariant |
differential calculus of dimension $4$ and a unique translation |
invariant integral by normal ordering and Lesbegue integration. |
\section*{Acknowledgements} |
I would like to thank S.~Majid for proposing this project, |
and for fruitful discussions during the preparation of this paper. |