1 value
This is the funniest comment thread I have seen all week.
> You people are wrong about every subject! Like for instance this specific one, which I have been rehearsing It's honestly sad that anyone took the bait
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Always call heads. The heads side of the coin is slightly heavier than the tails side. So there's like a 50.01% chance of heads vs a 49.99% chance of tails. Edit: I'm an idiot. Call tails.
Username checks out
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Always call heads. The heads side of the coin is slightly heavier than the tails side. So there's like a 50.01% chance of heads vs a 49.99% chance of tails. Edit: I'm an idiot. Call tails.
Upvoting because of the edit. That's the type of minor common sense mistake my idiot brain would also make
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Always call heads. The heads side of the coin is slightly heavier than the tails side. So there's like a 50.01% chance of heads vs a 49.99% chance of tails. Edit: I'm an idiot. Call tails.
If heads is heavier, wouldn't it be more likely to land tails-side up?
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NBC reported Coach Shah made over $600k in 2022 and I'm shocked. If your husband is making this much why do you need to steal from the elderly????
an unhealthy mix of narcissism and greed
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NBC reported Coach Shah made over $600k in 2022 and I'm shocked. If your husband is making this much why do you need to steal from the elderly????
700k after addons and it's called greed
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Shortly after I built my new computer I asked when my wife had her next girls night out so I could invite my other girlfriends over and she said “why so they can sit there and watch you play on your new computer?” She’s right
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What the fuck do half these words mean?
Nazare is a legendary surf spot in Portugal. Waves can reach 100' tall during the right conditions / season. Mad Dog Freire seems to be well known surfer. Hang ten is lingo for surfing - - literally means putting 10 toes at the end of your board.
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No, he is generally pretty mature and calm. His parents paid me and said they would take the money back from him
Then he sounds like he was just being immature and jealous of your success. Being a geek and excited about his figurines is fine. Everyone's entitled to hobby. But not an excuse to be an AH at your event
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I wish I could double upvote this. My daughter is 15 months old and still not walking. Her physical therapy is helping but she’s still not independently walking. I am eager for the day I see her take independent steps. So happy for you, mama. May he never stop reminding you that he luh youuuu!
I didn’t walk for 14 months but this was the late 1980s pretty sure it was because I was the first grandchild 😂. I hope she takes her first steps soon I’m sure it’ll be amazing to see ❤️
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There has to be a bigger plan from him in play and its just going to end terribly as If he was only wanting to oversee the sale there's no need for him to be on the board/chairman the board said he could do that already. This is bad for everyone he just doesn't care what anybody else wants.
Bigger play is probably that a sale is not guaranteed, but his position (and that of Barrios/Wilson) on the Board is not contingent on the sale. So even if there is no sale, he can remain in power and he likely did the math that with Barrios/Wilson coming back he has enough allies on the Board to put him back into complete control.
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And the movie basically opens with Knish offering to back Mike so to see Knish not want to back him really shows where Mike is at that moment. Man, I haven't watched this movie in like a decade and I might have to go watch it this weekend.
I'm going to find Chan and five-bet him.
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Shoigu can be the tsar of Tannu Tuva
The grand khaganate of Tannu Tuva will rule the steppes once more
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Shoigu can be the tsar of Tannu Tuva
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Like how we measure the talles buildi gs. The spike on top is included in the measurement.
I think the Chrysler building only has a spike to piss off another architect.
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I qualify! ✈️
Incoming DMs
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I qualify! ✈️
I'm too thiccy :/
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I qualify! ✈️
Now you just need a Time Machine…
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Spit out my coffe, thank you
what else did you spit out?
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So Austria-Hungary?
Man, imagine the shitshow if those two had an empire.
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Big Game James is one of the best nicknames around
Suits him so well, he's such a dude even today.
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Bingo :)
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100000 €
Das sind 195583 Mark. 391166 Ostmark. 3911660 Ostmark aufm Schwarzmarkt. Von den bisherigen ich_iel-Pfostierungen hätte man 9,944260 % der DDR entschulden können. ^War ^ich ^ein ^guter ^Rechenknecht?
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Ay mon, whatchu be goin' on about me loot bein' shit?
I hate that I have the voice memorized
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And in writing. Trifecta
The best bc now you have a clear paper trail of the illegal activity and it sounds like they've already been deducting earned PTO hours for work from home days.
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And in writing. Trifecta
The peanut butter and jelly of bad bosses.
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We don’t know if he did and you can’t say he didn’t, so feed the pigs or piss off
No, no, no... > feed the pigs *then* piss off. Also they suggest not feeding the pigs by hand so maybe that should be included... > feed the pigs but not by hand *then* piss off.
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I have been mansplained that those are to make a difference on fuel economy. My theory is they just like shiny things
If you had a fleet of semis traveling millions of miles, then they'd probably make enough difference to eventually pay for themselves and save some money. But on a Toyota Echo? Dude just likes shiny things.
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Can you will it to happen or control it? My wife will snuggle up and say, "Can you turn on the heater?" and it's not a euphemism. So I concentrate/try to be mindful of it, and she swears it gets hotter.
I haven't tried seeing if I can control it but I do get hotter when I get aroused. Happens a lot while daydreaming romantic scenarios and I can feel the heat wave passing through my body
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Can you will it to happen or control it? My wife will snuggle up and say, "Can you turn on the heater?" and it's not a euphemism. So I concentrate/try to be mindful of it, and she swears it gets hotter.
Hotter or harder?
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Seems awkward as hell telling your boss you're leaving for another job but then changing your mind later.
He was more than likely convinced to come back
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Had to kill a newborn baby rabbit because my dog got a hold of it and fucked it up super bad and I didn't want to watch it suffer. So I thought "destroy the brain, that will work" so I stabbed it in the head... only that didn't work and he started to try and run and I panicked and picked up a big concrete block and squished him. 😭 it still has me fucked up and that was like 7 years ago. Lol. So awful. Edit: I'm not a psychopath the lol is more like chuckling awkwardly to keep from crying. More like a "heh". I'm a very emotional female and it was very awful to have to do and still haunts me.
My cat attacked a bird and my family had to kill it. My dads first idea was to drown it, he filled up a bucket on water and put the bird it. The poor thing tried swimming. Then my dad ended up using a piece of wood to break its neck. The whole thing was horrific. My dad hasn’t fully forgiven the cat for making him do that.
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Had to kill a newborn baby rabbit because my dog got a hold of it and fucked it up super bad and I didn't want to watch it suffer. So I thought "destroy the brain, that will work" so I stabbed it in the head... only that didn't work and he started to try and run and I panicked and picked up a big concrete block and squished him. 😭 it still has me fucked up and that was like 7 years ago. Lol. So awful. Edit: I'm not a psychopath the lol is more like chuckling awkwardly to keep from crying. More like a "heh". I'm a very emotional female and it was very awful to have to do and still haunts me.
My roommates and I caught a mouse in our house in a glue trap once. Instead of just throwing it in garbage, like my roommate wanted, I tried to free the mouse and set it free outside. I looked up how to dissolve the glue. It said to use olive oil or something. So I put a little olive oil in the glue. But I poured too much and the mouse got his face stuck in the glue. Started to suffocate from breathing in the oil. I fucked up and didn't want it to suffer so I grabbed a smallish rock and dropped it on the mouse to try and kill it quickly. Only I missed and hit his leg. Tried again. Hit his abdomen.
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Had to kill a newborn baby rabbit because my dog got a hold of it and fucked it up super bad and I didn't want to watch it suffer. So I thought "destroy the brain, that will work" so I stabbed it in the head... only that didn't work and he started to try and run and I panicked and picked up a big concrete block and squished him. 😭 it still has me fucked up and that was like 7 years ago. Lol. So awful. Edit: I'm not a psychopath the lol is more like chuckling awkwardly to keep from crying. More like a "heh". I'm a very emotional female and it was very awful to have to do and still haunts me.
My mind unintentionally skipped the word rabbit and I can tell you my mind was struggling to see how this could not be top post. I got wondering when the baby started to run though...
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Had to kill a newborn baby rabbit because my dog got a hold of it and fucked it up super bad and I didn't want to watch it suffer. So I thought "destroy the brain, that will work" so I stabbed it in the head... only that didn't work and he started to try and run and I panicked and picked up a big concrete block and squished him. 😭 it still has me fucked up and that was like 7 years ago. Lol. So awful. Edit: I'm not a psychopath the lol is more like chuckling awkwardly to keep from crying. More like a "heh". I'm a very emotional female and it was very awful to have to do and still haunts me.
Jesus Christ I didn't notice you said a baby rabbit and thought you killed a newborn human baby
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Had to kill a newborn baby rabbit because my dog got a hold of it and fucked it up super bad and I didn't want to watch it suffer. So I thought "destroy the brain, that will work" so I stabbed it in the head... only that didn't work and he started to try and run and I panicked and picked up a big concrete block and squished him. 😭 it still has me fucked up and that was like 7 years ago. Lol. So awful. Edit: I'm not a psychopath the lol is more like chuckling awkwardly to keep from crying. More like a "heh". I'm a very emotional female and it was very awful to have to do and still haunts me.
I had the same issue with a baby rat on a sticky trap. I squished it and can still hear it scream when i folded the top half of the cardboard over to stamp it.
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Had to kill a newborn baby rabbit because my dog got a hold of it and fucked it up super bad and I didn't want to watch it suffer. So I thought "destroy the brain, that will work" so I stabbed it in the head... only that didn't work and he started to try and run and I panicked and picked up a big concrete block and squished him. 😭 it still has me fucked up and that was like 7 years ago. Lol. So awful. Edit: I'm not a psychopath the lol is more like chuckling awkwardly to keep from crying. More like a "heh". I'm a very emotional female and it was very awful to have to do and still haunts me.
Eh don't feel bad, you meant well, just botched the execution (no pun intended). Honestly you did probably kill it and simply saw the autonomic nerve response. It usually appears like they're running but they're dead as any animal that's ever died, without a brain return signal the nerves in muscle tissue fire randomly for a bit.
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That's what texting and eating is for
Don't forget putting on makeup and taking naps (looking at you Tesla "drivers")
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His “comments are limited“. He and Hillary are both so thin skinned and stupid they don’t really wanna know the truth
On her account it says comments are limited and won’t let me even start to type a comment, but on his I can type it as if it’s going to post but then IG rejects it. It’s a different kind of limited it seems?
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It means they would like to be referred to as they/them instead of she/her or he/him.
Yeah but why is that on r/MadeMeSmile
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Too bad Pakistan aren't gonna play any Tests this yr except for 2 in Sri Lanka till they Tour Australia in December. Doubt he gets a chance in the Odi side and that Australia tour is probably gonna rival the series Australia had with the Windies recently in one sidedness considering Pakistan's current form
Yes, there should be at least three 3 test match series in a year for every test playing nation.
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hopefully you didn’t spend them the same way tho
Hah, far from that. Usually just started my day between 3-3:30am, just believed I only required 3-4 hours of sleep. Also would like to note that I was this way from my mid teens to early 30’s and it was well known and sort of joked about in my family. None of them would have thought this was out of the ordinary behavior for me if I were under investigation lol
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We give him a lot of grief over that (being cheap) but he's actually an owner that shows love for his team (he's there every practice, meeting, etc). If I had to choose, I'd choose him every time over the likes of, say, *Mr* Snyder. Edit: Adding the asterisks on the Mr as I was trying to convey sarcasm over his preference of people calling him that. Also took out Khan because it did seem a bit unfair.
My opinion on Bengals ownership shifted positive when they drafted Jamar. You so rarely get the chance to get an elite qb/wr duo from college on your team, and it's even better when they love each other. Huge draft day move by a team that is usually a safe pick team. It's really hard to say anything bad about the Bengals org. No inside practice facility for such a long time was kinda shitty tho lol
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We give him a lot of grief over that (being cheap) but he's actually an owner that shows love for his team (he's there every practice, meeting, etc). If I had to choose, I'd choose him every time over the likes of, say, *Mr* Snyder. Edit: Adding the asterisks on the Mr as I was trying to convey sarcasm over his preference of people calling him that. Also took out Khan because it did seem a bit unfair.
Don't his daughters practically run the team now? Feels like I've heard over and over from Bengals fans on here that they're the reason the organization has improved over the past few years.
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We give him a lot of grief over that (being cheap) but he's actually an owner that shows love for his team (he's there every practice, meeting, etc). If I had to choose, I'd choose him every time over the likes of, say, *Mr* Snyder. Edit: Adding the asterisks on the Mr as I was trying to convey sarcasm over his preference of people calling him that. Also took out Khan because it did seem a bit unfair.
Khan is probably one of the better owners in the nfl idk why you’re grouping him with snyder How many ppl would have kept the jags in Jacksonville? And actually put money into the downtown area? Also he is working with the city to get a “new stadium” by doing a rebuild and not a entirety new work Maybe having one London game sucks but I get it the revenue just wasn’t there because we sucked. It’s not like we sucked without trying either khan time and time again has give them people in charge so much flexibility and always willing to spend money to make us good Plus has always been a class act when it comes to blm and social issues
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We give him a lot of grief over that (being cheap) but he's actually an owner that shows love for his team (he's there every practice, meeting, etc). If I had to choose, I'd choose him every time over the likes of, say, *Mr* Snyder. Edit: Adding the asterisks on the Mr as I was trying to convey sarcasm over his preference of people calling him that. Also took out Khan because it did seem a bit unfair.
Pretty sure anyone would choose a monkey with a typewriter over Snydes.
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We give him a lot of grief over that (being cheap) but he's actually an owner that shows love for his team (he's there every practice, meeting, etc). If I had to choose, I'd choose him every time over the likes of, say, *Mr* Snyder. Edit: Adding the asterisks on the Mr as I was trying to convey sarcasm over his preference of people calling him that. Also took out Khan because it did seem a bit unfair.
Don’t give Danny boy the dignity of calling him “Mr Snyder”
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...prussian blue? (okay I can tell this has to be a reference to something, but it's not my fault prussian blue is my favourite pigment. it can be used as a medicine for certain cases of poisoning!)
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Dangerous driving? Is that a charge in the UK or something?
Reckless driving in the US
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Dangerous driving? Is that a charge in the UK or something?
Yes it is. Minimum punishment on conviction is a 12 month driving ban. Maximum punishment is 5 years in prison.
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They'll give him one more season as a prove it year. He's not bad but not great. If you give him an above average o-line and better weapons(their receivers are pretty trash) you'd probably get average QB play.
The Dalton line?
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All in favor of a no contest gimme a hell yeah
Can we?!
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All in favor of a no contest gimme a hell yeah
Oh yes
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Wano feels like Oda had an idea for another manga, but instead of just writing that after his current manga finished he decided to spend the better part of a decade weaving it into the overall narrative of One Piece, then spent four (?) years writing a manga that was both One Piece and his second manga "Oden." And it kinda worked?
It's also pretty wild watching Wano being mostly just a bottle story but as soon as it ends all these *massive* main story plot points start hitting you one after another. You can really feel how Wano just had a stranglehold on the writing and as soon as it ended we're smashed hard and fast into the greater One Piece plot.
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I pronounce CIA as "Seh-ee-ah" and I won't back down 😤
La cia y la dea
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I think he took a handsy gag photo on a military tour? I remember it being about as small a scandal as one could imagine.
Nah, there ended up being multiple allegations that were pretty credible of him being overly handsy with womem taking pictures with him too. I mean it's not like he raped someone, but it also wasn't nothing.
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I think he took a handsy gag photo on a military tour? I remember it being about as small a scandal as one could imagine.
It was a bit more than that the woman he did it to said there was other sexual harrassment during that event too. The context of this was it was just before the Roy Moore v. Doug Jones special election and Democrats thought they had a chance and looked like hypocrites.
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I think he took a handsy gag photo on a military tour? I remember it being about as small a scandal as one could imagine.
Well that and that same woman said he forcibly kissed her and stuck his tongue down her throat EDIT: I'm literally just stating a fact that she claimed this. Look it up. I never said it was true or not true, just that she said it.
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I think he took a handsy gag photo on a military tour? I remember it being about as small a scandal as one could imagine.
I don't think he actually touched her though... He simulated grabbing her chest. I could be wrong though, it's been a while since I've seen the photo.
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100% agreed. Saud should have been batting 3 ever since Azhar retired. I think our top 7 batting order in Sri Lanka should be: Abdullah Shafique, Imam-ul-Haq, Saud Shakeel, Babar Azam (c), Sarfaraz Ahmed, Salman Ali Agha, Mohammad Rizwan (wk). If we are going to play Salman as batting all-rounder, then it doesn't make sense why he is coming in at 7 or even 8. Move him up to 6 as he bats 5/6 for Southern Punjab already. We can also play a spin all-rounder like Zafar Gohar or Mubasir Khan at 8.
Ya that's the exact top 7 I had in mind. I think with Salman, this series has helped him out a lot. He got runs and took wickets. Normally I'd want Mubasir as the all rounder since he's basically a front line bowler and he's not much worse than Salman in batting (actually has a better FC average), but it would be unjustified to drop Salman at this point.
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That may have been my alt account, what post are you talking about?
The fact that you’re not sure if it’s your alt indicates that no, it was definitely not your alt that they are referring to. Our other resident skunk person is a bit of a microcelebrity and is well known around these parts
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Das sind 195583 Mark. 391166 Ostmark. 3911660 Ostmark aufm Schwarzmarkt. Von den bisherigen ich_iel-Pfostierungen hätte man 9,944260 % der DDR entschulden können. ^War ^ich ^ein ^guter ^Rechenknecht?
Hier eine Schnapspraline
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Das sind 195583 Mark. 391166 Ostmark. 3911660 Ostmark aufm Schwarzmarkt. Von den bisherigen ich_iel-Pfostierungen hätte man 9,944260 % der DDR entschulden können. ^War ^ich ^ein ^guter ^Rechenknecht?
good bot
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Das sind 195583 Mark. 391166 Ostmark. 3911660 Ostmark aufm Schwarzmarkt. Von den bisherigen ich_iel-Pfostierungen hätte man 9,944260 % der DDR entschulden können. ^War ^ich ^ein ^guter ^Rechenknecht?
Gut gemacht.
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I've heard a lot of bad talking about this video. I haul hazmat and have been strictly told never to stop the vehicle in a protest situation. It could be similar with public transit. Remember when people were standing in a line on the interstate in CA. Truck drivers were robbed and beaten. It's not the same for public transit compared to driving around literal bombs but if the bus driver felt threatened for the their safety and the safety of the passengers it's fine in the eye of the law.
> never to stop the vehicle in a protest situation So them over?
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I've heard a lot of bad talking about this video. I haul hazmat and have been strictly told never to stop the vehicle in a protest situation. It could be similar with public transit. Remember when people were standing in a line on the interstate in CA. Truck drivers were robbed and beaten. It's not the same for public transit compared to driving around literal bombs but if the bus driver felt threatened for the their safety and the safety of the passengers it's fine in the eye of the law.
Also helps that the title was a lie and this was a protest _against_ municipal bicycles by tossing them all in the road.
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Fairly low isn’t zero which is why capital punishment shouldn’t exist.
I totally agree with that, the thought of executing one innocent person completely negates any positives to the death penalty, at least in my mind. I was merely responding to the question of *how many* innocents are executed, and was (at least subconsciously) connecting that to the... Let's say "higher rate" of innocents being executed in places like the US.
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Wands. Dual wield and able to fire 2 spells simultaneously or in quicker succession then staffs. Maybe if wands have the same stats then the same spell at the same time and give it a good buff in damage/radius.
I hate you with a burning passion pls no
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Wands. Dual wield and able to fire 2 spells simultaneously or in quicker succession then staffs. Maybe if wands have the same stats then the same spell at the same time and give it a good buff in damage/radius.
That would allow for "spellweaving" too. So you could create a lightning storm with a lightning spell and frost mist for example... Would take a shitton of dev work and creativity ofc, so utopic to say the least but would be darn cool
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>(we don’t talk about Kilborn) I liked the Kilborn era, but it was a completely different format of a show when he hosted, so comparisons aren't really apples to apples.
5 questions! Beth Littleford! "New Guy" Stephen Colbert! Jon obviously made the show better, but Kilborn's show was fun.
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Don’t forget the nipple clamps of exquisite pain
Say psych right now
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Who tf at Liverpool saw zakaria and arthur melo and thought lets buy arthoooor🤣🤣
Might be wrong but it was about the end of the transfer window hendo got injured and they reached out for Arthur, wasn't a planned move
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Mix of both. Neither team wanted to resume the game, nor move to Thursday (because that would be a lot of football in a few days). I say coin flip or they both mutually agree to have a tie added to their record
I think if you’d ask the bengals at this point they would probably want to resume the game if these are the rules they are changing
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Same, and then when Trump happened it was just a straight "I'm outta here for good now"
Same. I used to be slightly moderate and vote for both parties. But I'm a straight ticket Dem voter now thanks to Trump and all the crazies who follow him. It doesn't help that I live in the reddest of red, Indiana.
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I started at $10.30/hr 3 years ago as an emt in Ohio lol. Ems in general is criminally underpaid and underfunded for what they do
Is there an EMT union? It certainly seems like a profession that would benefit from a union.
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I started at $10.30/hr 3 years ago as an emt in Ohio lol. Ems in general is criminally underpaid and underfunded for what they do
Same in a lot of places unfortunately, paramedics over here in the UK have it rough too. Striking atm for better conditions because they're horribly underpaid, understaffed, underfunded and everything
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Happy s15 day I still don't understand the premiere format <33
First hour is entrance second hour is the challenge
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I don't know if you've already done this, but you can take him aside and have one big convo about it. The best way to not tell him details is to use what happened to you as a life lesson for your son. You can say something to the effect of: "Your Uncle did something they knew was wrong and hurtful (or harmful depending on the connotation you wanna go with) to me. And *while knowing it was wrong and hurtful* he *chose* to do it more than once. And even though it was a long time ago, he never took responsibility for these actions, so we can't just "make-up". Now this next part is not just me telling you why I don't let you see him, but also a lesson that I've been meaning to teach you anyway." "There are some things a person will do that are wrong. You'll know it when you see it. It's usually a moment where you know they knew it was wrong and they chose to do it anyway even though there were other options on how to act. " "Stuff like that can come from anyone: family, friends, people you date, whatever. These moments show you who they are as a person. And son, *please*, if you only ever learn one thing from me *please* remember this: When someone shows you who they are, *believe them."* "Your Uncle showed me something about himself that tells me he's not a good person. More importantly, I have no reason to think he's changed because he tries to act like nothing happened instead of owning up to it (that is something people dodging responsibility will do, so look for that). And for (1) however long he does that and (2) I continue to believe he is still the person he showed me he was, I don't want you alone with him because frankly, I think he could wrong /hurt /harm you." "People who hurt others and don't own up to it are bad for you. It's more than them just not being fun to be around. Lot's of really horrible people are fun. It's also more than they're annoying. It's that they can be *dangerous*, and *toxic* to your body, your mind/ mental health, or your social life. They can make your life worse, and nobody that makes your life worse deserves to be in it. And I mean nobody. If *I* ever repeatedly hurt you *knowing I'm hurting you*, and I clearly don't care and *don't own up to it* you should disown me." "I love you, and I know the way I act sometimes can be confusing. But I will answer whatever I can and I hope you continue to feel safe with me." Edit: I just got on my lunch break and I can't tell you how touched I am. I love just bop-ing through life and helping people. Sometimes I forget just how much impact we can each have on the world. I thought the eased breath and "eurika!" moments of others was the highest praise I'll ever receive. But it turns out giving people the tools to help yet more people is. Thank you all so much. ... Also, the gold is nice too. 😆
It's difficult to put in words the emotions I felt while reading your comment. It touched my heart and my soul. I also feel like I learned a lesson that would've taken around 10 years of terrible experiences. Thank you very much.
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I don't know if you've already done this, but you can take him aside and have one big convo about it. The best way to not tell him details is to use what happened to you as a life lesson for your son. You can say something to the effect of: "Your Uncle did something they knew was wrong and hurtful (or harmful depending on the connotation you wanna go with) to me. And *while knowing it was wrong and hurtful* he *chose* to do it more than once. And even though it was a long time ago, he never took responsibility for these actions, so we can't just "make-up". Now this next part is not just me telling you why I don't let you see him, but also a lesson that I've been meaning to teach you anyway." "There are some things a person will do that are wrong. You'll know it when you see it. It's usually a moment where you know they knew it was wrong and they chose to do it anyway even though there were other options on how to act. " "Stuff like that can come from anyone: family, friends, people you date, whatever. These moments show you who they are as a person. And son, *please*, if you only ever learn one thing from me *please* remember this: When someone shows you who they are, *believe them."* "Your Uncle showed me something about himself that tells me he's not a good person. More importantly, I have no reason to think he's changed because he tries to act like nothing happened instead of owning up to it (that is something people dodging responsibility will do, so look for that). And for (1) however long he does that and (2) I continue to believe he is still the person he showed me he was, I don't want you alone with him because frankly, I think he could wrong /hurt /harm you." "People who hurt others and don't own up to it are bad for you. It's more than them just not being fun to be around. Lot's of really horrible people are fun. It's also more than they're annoying. It's that they can be *dangerous*, and *toxic* to your body, your mind/ mental health, or your social life. They can make your life worse, and nobody that makes your life worse deserves to be in it. And I mean nobody. If *I* ever repeatedly hurt you *knowing I'm hurting you*, and I clearly don't care and *don't own up to it* you should disown me." "I love you, and I know the way I act sometimes can be confusing. But I will answer whatever I can and I hope you continue to feel safe with me." Edit: I just got on my lunch break and I can't tell you how touched I am. I love just bop-ing through life and helping people. Sometimes I forget just how much impact we can each have on the world. I thought the eased breath and "eurika!" moments of others was the highest praise I'll ever receive. But it turns out giving people the tools to help yet more people is. Thank you all so much. ... Also, the gold is nice too. 😆
If I ever become a Dad I would hope to be able to speak to my kids half as clearly and lovingly and wise as this, your kids are going to grow up so well you are an inspiration, thanks for that
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I don't know if you've already done this, but you can take him aside and have one big convo about it. The best way to not tell him details is to use what happened to you as a life lesson for your son. You can say something to the effect of: "Your Uncle did something they knew was wrong and hurtful (or harmful depending on the connotation you wanna go with) to me. And *while knowing it was wrong and hurtful* he *chose* to do it more than once. And even though it was a long time ago, he never took responsibility for these actions, so we can't just "make-up". Now this next part is not just me telling you why I don't let you see him, but also a lesson that I've been meaning to teach you anyway." "There are some things a person will do that are wrong. You'll know it when you see it. It's usually a moment where you know they knew it was wrong and they chose to do it anyway even though there were other options on how to act. " "Stuff like that can come from anyone: family, friends, people you date, whatever. These moments show you who they are as a person. And son, *please*, if you only ever learn one thing from me *please* remember this: When someone shows you who they are, *believe them."* "Your Uncle showed me something about himself that tells me he's not a good person. More importantly, I have no reason to think he's changed because he tries to act like nothing happened instead of owning up to it (that is something people dodging responsibility will do, so look for that). And for (1) however long he does that and (2) I continue to believe he is still the person he showed me he was, I don't want you alone with him because frankly, I think he could wrong /hurt /harm you." "People who hurt others and don't own up to it are bad for you. It's more than them just not being fun to be around. Lot's of really horrible people are fun. It's also more than they're annoying. It's that they can be *dangerous*, and *toxic* to your body, your mind/ mental health, or your social life. They can make your life worse, and nobody that makes your life worse deserves to be in it. And I mean nobody. If *I* ever repeatedly hurt you *knowing I'm hurting you*, and I clearly don't care and *don't own up to it* you should disown me." "I love you, and I know the way I act sometimes can be confusing. But I will answer whatever I can and I hope you continue to feel safe with me." Edit: I just got on my lunch break and I can't tell you how touched I am. I love just bop-ing through life and helping people. Sometimes I forget just how much impact we can each have on the world. I thought the eased breath and "eurika!" moments of others was the highest praise I'll ever receive. But it turns out giving people the tools to help yet more people is. Thank you all so much. ... Also, the gold is nice too. 😆
This is so beautifully written. There is no need to go into specifics, but it's important that the child knows why he's not allowed to see his uncle. I think it would be a good idea to come forward with the whole story when he's a teen or older (especially if he asks about the details), but for now, it's important to explain why without going into the details. Thank you for writing this, I will be keeping this script in mind to help people who want to communicate heavy things like this to little kids. I work with children and am often friends with their parents so parents and caregivers often come to me for advice with things like this and this script will help a lot of people so like really thank you for this
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I don't know if you've already done this, but you can take him aside and have one big convo about it. The best way to not tell him details is to use what happened to you as a life lesson for your son. You can say something to the effect of: "Your Uncle did something they knew was wrong and hurtful (or harmful depending on the connotation you wanna go with) to me. And *while knowing it was wrong and hurtful* he *chose* to do it more than once. And even though it was a long time ago, he never took responsibility for these actions, so we can't just "make-up". Now this next part is not just me telling you why I don't let you see him, but also a lesson that I've been meaning to teach you anyway." "There are some things a person will do that are wrong. You'll know it when you see it. It's usually a moment where you know they knew it was wrong and they chose to do it anyway even though there were other options on how to act. " "Stuff like that can come from anyone: family, friends, people you date, whatever. These moments show you who they are as a person. And son, *please*, if you only ever learn one thing from me *please* remember this: When someone shows you who they are, *believe them."* "Your Uncle showed me something about himself that tells me he's not a good person. More importantly, I have no reason to think he's changed because he tries to act like nothing happened instead of owning up to it (that is something people dodging responsibility will do, so look for that). And for (1) however long he does that and (2) I continue to believe he is still the person he showed me he was, I don't want you alone with him because frankly, I think he could wrong /hurt /harm you." "People who hurt others and don't own up to it are bad for you. It's more than them just not being fun to be around. Lot's of really horrible people are fun. It's also more than they're annoying. It's that they can be *dangerous*, and *toxic* to your body, your mind/ mental health, or your social life. They can make your life worse, and nobody that makes your life worse deserves to be in it. And I mean nobody. If *I* ever repeatedly hurt you *knowing I'm hurting you*, and I clearly don't care and *don't own up to it* you should disown me." "I love you, and I know the way I act sometimes can be confusing. But I will answer whatever I can and I hope you continue to feel safe with me." Edit: I just got on my lunch break and I can't tell you how touched I am. I love just bop-ing through life and helping people. Sometimes I forget just how much impact we can each have on the world. I thought the eased breath and "eurika!" moments of others was the highest praise I'll ever receive. But it turns out giving people the tools to help yet more people is. Thank you all so much. ... Also, the gold is nice too. 😆
This is awesome. I hope OP sees this.
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I still believe he’s going to sell. Dana White probably told him how awesome it is. Before he smacked his wife.
> Before he smacked his wife. Twice, in self-defence of course.
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Bit like when Suarez bit Chiellini and then grabbed his mouth feigning injury.
Look at Chiellini, will you? Does he LOOK tender?
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Yea, he has what looks to be about 50 Vigor and 25ish Endurance, both are perfectly decent levels for Farum Azula. We just can't be sure about his damage stat, which I assume is strength
Yeah if strength is below 30 I could see why they consider themselves under leveled even with taking all those hits
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Can you give examples of sentences where they/them wouldn't be proper English? Genuine question and I think this is worthy of a discussion.
Whever you'd use she/her/hers or he/him/his, use they/them/their. Her shirt is red. His shirt is red. Their shirt is red. She is tall. He is tall. They are tall. That is his car. That is her car. That is their car. I asked her a question. I asked him a question. I asked them a question.
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Hamlin just *built different*
Mr. Beat Cardiomyopathy
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Hamlin just *built different*
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He’s already ELITE no rituals required
Yeah it’s January now so frankly they’re fucked either way. It’s too late to stop him.
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Do they? That’s good. I wasn’t very familiar with them. I couldn’t see any launchers on them in some of the videos floating around. The ones of them being transported in Poland and Bulgaria Edit: I see where they are now on the side of the turret
They're located in a mechanism that appears like they are inside the outer hull (it is in fact isolated from the outer hull, but it looks that way), and drops out when you need to launch them.
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Do they? That’s good. I wasn’t very familiar with them. I couldn’t see any launchers on them in some of the videos floating around. The ones of them being transported in Poland and Bulgaria Edit: I see where they are now on the side of the turret
They tuck nicely into the side of the tank for protection when not being fired, so I can understand they're harder to see.
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XXL FATTY is taking me tf out
pig go to the gym
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Russian supposed version was they were told they had one last chance to write an appeal for clemency. Then got shot walking to the cell.
An officer would be hiding behind the door of the room they are brought to, and would shoot them in the back of the head as they entered
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Crooks are never satisfied by "enough". They're addicted to the crime. The way she talks, she's addicted to scamming people. She's scamming her own friends and viewers for sympathy and attention at this point. Manipulation is one helluva drug!
What annoyed me most from her this season was crying for herself. She cried over her sons not having a mother, shah missing his wife, etc etc. I've never seen someone feel so sorry for themselves in the 3rd person.
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Crooks are never satisfied by "enough". They're addicted to the crime. The way she talks, she's addicted to scamming people. She's scamming her own friends and viewers for sympathy and attention at this point. Manipulation is one helluva drug!
She scammed her mother into helping her! I don’t know how she sleeps.
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Crooks are never satisfied by "enough". They're addicted to the crime. The way she talks, she's addicted to scamming people. She's scamming her own friends and viewers for sympathy and attention at this point. Manipulation is one helluva drug!
She had no shame or guilt. You're right. No consideration or concern for anyone but herself.
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The Kindred Saga from Nick Spencer’s Spider-Man run.
And the current mystery of what Peter did. It was supposed to be resolved in Issue 6, but unlike Kindred editorial didn’t delay it, Zeb Wells just thought Ned Leeds Hobgoblin and Chasm were infinitely more important than explaining the current status quo.
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Big gabi was also in paris
Gabis in Paris 😶
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Big gabi was also in paris
I missed that one completely. Pretty nice to see them all hanging out with each other outside the club
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We need the bravo docket in here
Can’t wait for their post sentencing episode!
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