[ "This paper presents Smart Home concepts for Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that will make life at home more convenient.", "In this paper, we first describe the overall design of a low-cost Smart Refrigerator built with Raspberry Pi.", "Next, we explain two sensors controlling each camera, which are hooked up to our Rasberry Pi board.", "We further show how the user can use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to interact with our system.", "With this Smart Home and Internet of Things technology, a user-friendly graphical user interface, prompt data synchronization among multiple devices, and real-time actual images captured from the refrigerator, our system can easily assist a family to reduce food waste." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5454999804496765, 0.3939000070095062, 0.7576000094413757, 0.33329999446868896, 0.42419999837875366 ]
[ "Many modern NLP systems rely on word embeddings, previously trained in an unsupervised manner on large corpora, as base features.", "Efforts to obtain embeddings for larger chunks of text, such as sentences, have however not been so successful.", "Several attempts at learning unsupervised representations of sentences have not reached satisfactory enough performance to be widely adopted.", "In this paper, we show how universal sentence representations trained using the supervised data of the Stanford Natural Language Inference datasets can consistently outperform unsupervised methods like SkipThought vectors (Kiros et al., 2015) on a wide range of transfer tasks.", "Much like how computer vision uses ImageNet to obtain features, which can then be transferred to other tasks, our work tends to indicate the suitability of natural language inference for transfer learning to other NLP tasks.", "Our encoder is publicly available1." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5896999835968018, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "As one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding, face recognition has recently received significant attention, especially during the past several years.", "At least two reasons account for this trend: the first is the wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications, and the second is the availability of feasible technologies after 30 years of research.", "Even though current machine recognition systems have reached a certain level of maturity, their success is limited by the conditions imposed by many real applications.", "For example, recognition of face images acquired in an outdoor environment with changes in illumination and/or pose remains a largely unsolved problem.", "In other words, current systems are still far away from the capability of the human perception system.", "This paper provides an up-to-date critical survey of still- and video-based face recognition research.", "There are two underlying motivations for us to write this survey paper: the first is to provide an up-to-date review of the existing literature, and the second is to offer some insights into the studies of machine recognition of faces.", "To provide a comprehensive survey, we not only categorize existing recognition techniques but also present detailed descriptions of representative methods within each category.", "In addition, relevant topics such as psychophysical studies, system evaluation, and issues of illumination and pose variation are covered." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.7894999980926514, 0.39469999074935913, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.39469999074935913 ]
[ "In this paper we propose a design of the main modulation and demodulation units of a modem compliant with the new DVB-S2 standard (Int.", "J. Satellite Commun.", "2004; 22:249–268).", "A typical satellite channel model consistent with the targeted applications of the aforementioned standard is assumed.", "In particular, non-linear pre-compensation as well as synchronization techniques are described in detail and their performance assessed by means of analysis and computer simulations.", "The proposed algorithms are shown to provide a good trade-off between complexity and performance and they apply to both the broadcast and the unicast profiles, the latter allowing the exploitation of adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) (Proceedings of the 20th AIAA Satellite Communication Systems Conference, Montreal, AIAA-paper 2002-1863, May 2002).", "Finally, end-to-end system performances in term of BER versus the signal-to-noise ratio are shown as a result of extensive computer simulations.", "The whole communication chain is modelled in these simulations, including the BCH and LDPC coder, the modulator with the pre-distortion techniques, the satellite transponder model with its typical impairments, the downlink chain inclusive of the RF-front-end phase noise, the demodulator with the synchronization sub-system units and finally the LDPC and BCH decoders.", "Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd." ]
[ 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.5595999956130981, 1, 1, 0.5871999859809875, 1, 0.5595999956130981, 1, 0.5595999956130981, 1 ]
[ "This paper proposes a novel control scheme of single-phase-to-three-phase pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) converters for low-power three-phase induction motor drives, where a single-phase half-bridge PWM rectifier and a two-leg inverter are used.", "With this converter topology, the number of switching devices is reduced to six from ten in the case of full-bridge rectifier and three-leg inverter systems.", "In addition, the source voltage sensor is eliminated with a state observer, which controls the deviation between the model current and the system current to be zero.", "A simple scalar voltage modulation method is used for a two-leg inverter, and a new technique to eliminate the effect of the dc-link voltage ripple on the inverter output current is proposed.", "Although the converter topology itself is of lower cost than the conventional one, it retains the same functions such as sinusoidal input current, unity power factor, dc-link voltage control, bidirectional power flow, and variable-voltage and variable-frequency output voltage.", "The experimental results for the V/f control of 3-hp induction motor drives controlled by a digital signal processor TMS320C31 chip have verified the effectiveness of the proposed scheme" ]
[ 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6111000180244446, 0.3889000117778778, 0.6111000180244446, 1, 0.583299994468689, 1 ]
[ "Very little is known about the neural circuitry guiding anger, angry rumination, and aggressive personality.", "In the present fMRI experiment, participants were insulted and induced to ruminate.", "Activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex was positively related to self-reported feelings of anger and individual differences in general aggression.", "Activity in the medial prefrontal cortex was related to self-reported rumination and individual differences in displaced aggression.", "Increased activation in the hippocampus, insula, and cingulate cortex following the provocation predicted subsequent self-reported rumination.", "These findings increase our understanding of the neural processes associated with the risk for aggressive behavior by specifying neural regions that mediate the subjective experience of anger and angry rumination as well as the neural pathways linked to different types of aggressive behavior." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.800000011920929 ]
[ "Head movement prediction is the key enabler for the emerging 360-degree videos since it can enhance both streaming and rendering efficiency.", "To achieve accurate head movement prediction, it becomes imperative to understand user's visual attention on 360-degree videos under head-mounted display (HMD).", "Despite the rich history of saliency detection research, we observe that traditional models are designed for regular images/videos fixed at a single viewport and would introduce problems such as central bias and multi-object confusion when applied to the multi-viewport 360-degree videos switched by user interaction.", "To fill in this gap, this paper shifts the traditional single-viewport saliency models that have been extensively studied for decades to a fresh panoramic saliency detection specifically tailored for 360-degree videos, and thus maximally enhances the head movement prediction performance.", "The proposed head movement prediction framework is empowered by a newly created dataset for 360-degree video saliency, a panoramic saliency detection model and an integration of saliency and head tracking history for the ultimate head movement prediction.", "Experimental results demonstrate the measurable gain of both the proposed panoramic saliency detection and head movement prediction over traditional models for regular images/videos." ]
[ 0, 0, 4, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4571000039577484, 0.8285999894142151 ]
[ "Since its inception, the blockchain technology has shown promising application prospects.", "From the initial cryptocurrency to the current smart contract, blockchain has been applied to many fields.", "Although there are some studies on the security and privacy issues of blockchain, there lacks a systematic examination on the security of blockchain systems.", "In this paper, we conduct a systematic study on the security threats to blockchain and survey the corresponding real attacks by examining popular blockchain systems.", "We also review the security enhancement solutions for blockchain, which could be used in the development of various blockchain systems, and suggest some future directions to stir research efforts into this area." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6215999722480774, 0.6215999722480774, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5676000118255615, 0.5946000218391418 ]
[ "We have long envisioned that one day computers will understand natural language and anticipate what we need, when and where we need it, and proactively complete tasks on our behalf.", "As computers get smaller and more pervasive, how humans interact with them is becoming a crucial issue.", "Despite numerous attempts over the past 30 years to make language understanding (LU) an effective and robust natural user interface for computer interaction, success has been limited and scoped to applications that were not particularly central to everyday use.", "However, speech recognition and machine learning have continued to be refined, and structured data served by applications and content providers has emerged.", "These advances, along with increased computational power, have broadened the application of natural LU to a wide spectrum of everyday tasks that are central to a user's productivity.", "We believe that as computers become smaller and more ubiquitous [e.g., wearables and Internet of Things (IoT)], and the number of applications increases, both system-initiated and user-initiated task completion across various applications and web services will become indispensable for personal life management and work productivity.", "In this article, we give an overview of personal digital assistants (PDAs); describe the system architecture, key components, and technology behind them; and discuss their future potential to fully redefine human?computer interaction." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7940999865531921, 0.5881999731063843, 0.41179999709129333, 0.41179999709129333, 0.44119998812675476, 0.6176000237464905 ]
[ "Machine learning (ML) models, e.g., deep neural networks (DNNs), are vulnerable to adversarial examples: malicious inputs modified to yield erroneous model outputs, while appearing unmodified to human observers.", "Potential attacks include having malicious content like malware identified as legitimate or controlling vehicle behavior.", "Yet, all existing adversarial example attacks require knowledge of either the model internals or its training data.", "We introduce the first practical demonstration of an attacker controlling a remotely hosted DNN with no such knowledge.", "Indeed, the only capability of our black-box adversary is to observe labels given by the DNN to chosen inputs.", "Our attack strategy consists in training a local model to substitute for the target DNN, using inputs synthetically generated by an adversary and labeled by the target DNN.", "We use the local substitute to craft adversarial examples, and find that they are misclassified by the targeted DNN.", "To perform a real-world and properly-blinded evaluation, we attack a DNN hosted by MetaMind, an online deep learning API.", "We find that their DNN misclassifies 84.24% of the adversarial examples crafted with our substitute.", "We demonstrate the general applicability of our strategy to many ML techniques by conducting the same attack against models hosted by Amazon and Google, using logistic regression substitutes." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.8055999875068665, 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446, 0.41670000553131104, 1, 1, 0.41670000553131104, 0.8055999875068665, 0.75 ]
[ "Datasets originating from social networks are very valuable to many fields such as sociology and psychology.", "However, the supports from technical perspective are far from enough, and specific approaches are urgently in need.", "This paper applies data mining to psychology area for detecting depressed users in social network services.", "Firstly, a sentiment analysis method is proposed utilizing vocabulary and man-made rules to calculate the depression inclination of each micro-blog.", "Secondly, a depression detection model is constructed based on the proposed method and 10 features of depressed users derived from psychological research.", "Then 180 users and 3 kinds of classifiers are used to verify the model, whose precisions are all around 80%.", "Also, the significance of each feature is analyzed.", "Lastly, an application is developed within the proposed model for mental health monitoring online.", "This study is supported by some psychologists, and facilitates them in data-centric aspect in turn." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.39469999074935913, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.8158000111579895, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "Next-generation wireless networks must support ultra-reliable, low-latency communication and intelligently manage a massive number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in real-time, within a highly dynamic environment.", "This need for stringent communication quality-of-service (QoS) requirements as well as mobile edge and core intelligence can only be realized by integrating fundamental notions of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning across the wireless infrastructure and end-user devices.", "In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive tutorial that introduces the main concepts of machine learning, in general, and artificial neural networks (ANNs), in particular, and their potential applications in wireless communications.", "For this purpose, we present a comprehensive overview on a number of key types of neural networks that include feed-forward, recurrent, spiking, and deep neural networks.", "For each type of neural network, we present the basic architecture and training procedure, as well as the associated challenges and opportunities.", "Then, we provide an in-depth overview on the variety of wireless communication problems that can be addressed using ANNs, ranging from communication using unmanned aerial vehicles to virtual reality and edge caching.", "For each individual application, we present the main motivation for using ANNs along with the associated challenges while also providing a detailed example for a use case scenario and outlining future works that can be addressed using ANNs.", "In a nutshell, this article constitutes one of the first holistic tutorials on the development of machine learning techniques tailored to the needs of future wireless networks.", "This research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants CNS-1460316 and IIS-1633363.", "ar X iv :1 71 0." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3 ]
[ 1, 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.6154000163078308, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7742000222206116, 0.6154000163078308, 0.3846000134944916, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "We investigate architectures of discriminatively trained deep Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) for action recognition in video.", "The challenge is to capture the complementary information on appearance from still frames and motion between frames.", "We also aim to incorporate into the network design aspects of the best performing hand-crafted features.", "Our contribution is three-fold.", "First, we propose a two-stream ConvNet architecture which incorporates spatial and temporal networks.", "Second, we demonstrate that a ConvNet trained on multi-frame dense optical flow is able to achieve very good performance in spite of limited training data.", "Finally, we show that multitask learning, applied to two different action classification datasets, can be used to increase the amount of training data and improve the performance on both.", "Our architecture is trained and evaluated on the standard video actions benchmarks of UCF-101 and HMDB-51, where it matches the state of the art.", "It also exceeds by a large margin previous attempts to use deep nets for video classification." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6509000062942505, 0.4878000020980835, 0.3962000012397766, 0.3962000012397766, 0.5755000114440918, 0.6037999987602234, 0.6037999987602234, 0.6226000189781189, 0.4528000056743622 ]
[ "Despite the relatively recent emergence of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the originating article has already been cited by a large number of studies, and hence it appears to have become a popular theoretical choice within the field of information system (IS)/information technology (IT) adoption and diffusion.", "However, as yet there have been no attempts to analyse the reasons for citing the originating article.", "Such a systematic review of citations may inform researchers and guide appropriate future use of the theory.", "This paper therefore presents the results of a systematic review of 450 citations of the originating article in an attempt to better understand the reasons for citation, use and adaptations of the theory.", "Findings revealed that although a large number of studies have cited the originating article since its appearance, only 43 actually utilised the theory or its constructs in their empirical research for examining IS/IT related issues.", "This chapter also classifies and discusses these citations and explores the limitations of UTAUT use in existing research." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "Monitoring, predicting and understanding tra c conditions in a city is an important problem for city planning and environmental monitoring.", "GPS-equipped taxis can be viewed as pervasive sensors and the large-scale digital traces produced allow us to have a unique view of the underlying dynamics of a city’s road network.", "In this paper, we propose a method to construct a model of tra c density based on large scale taxi traces.", "This model can be used to predict future tra c conditions and estimate the e↵ect of emissions on the city’s air quality.", "We argue that considering tra c density on its own is insu cient for a deep understanding of the underlying tra c dynamics, and hence propose a novel method for automatically determining the capacity of each road segment.", "We evaluate our methods on a large scale database of taxi GPS logs and demonstrate their outstanding performance." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.800000011920929, 0.628600001335144, 0.571399986743927, 1 ]
[ "We use single-agent and multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (RL) for learning dialogue policies in a resource allocation negotiation scenario.", "Two agents learn concurrently by interacting with each other without any need for simulated users (SUs) to train against or corpora to learn from.", "In particular, we compare the Qlearning, Policy Hill-Climbing (PHC) and Win or Learn Fast Policy Hill-Climbing (PHC-WoLF) algorithms, varying the scenario complexity (state space size), the number of training episodes, the learning rate, and the exploration rate.", "Our results show that generally Q-learning fails to converge whereas PHC and PHC-WoLF always converge and perform similarly.", "We also show that very high gradually decreasing exploration rates are required for convergence.", "We conclude that multiagent RL of dialogue policies is a promising alternative to using single-agent RL and SUs or learning directly from corpora." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "Neural networks, as powerful tools for data mining and knowledge engineering, can learn from data to build feature-based classifiers and nonlinear predictive models.", "Training neural networks involves the optimization of nonconvex objective functions, and usually, the learning process is costly and infeasible for applications associated with data streams.", "A possible, albeit counterintuitive, alternative is to randomly assign a subset of the networks’ weights so that the resulting optimization task can be formulated as a linear least-squares problem.", "This methodology can be applied to both feedforward and recurrent networks, and similar techniques can be used to approximate kernel functions.", "Many experimental results indicate that such randomized models can reach sound performance compared to fully adaptable ones, with a number of favorable benefits, including (1) simplicity of implementation, (2) faster learning with less intervention from human beings, and (3) possibility of leveraging overall linear regression and classification algorithms (e.g., l1 norm minimization for obtaining sparse formulations).", "This class of neural networks attractive and valuable to the data mining community, particularly for handling large scale data mining in real-time.", "However, the literature in the field is extremely vast and fragmented, with many results being reintroduced multiple times under different names.", "This overview aims to provide a self-contained, uniform introduction to the different ways in which randomization can be applied to the design of neural networks and kernel functions.", "A clear exposition of the basic framework underlying all these approaches helps to clarify innovative lines of research, open problems, and most importantly, foster the exchanges of well-known results throughout different communities.", "© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "Currently, online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Foursquare have become extremely popular all over the world and play a significant role in people¿s daily lives.", "People access OSNs using both traditional desktop PCs and new emerging mobile devices.", "With more than one billion users worldwide, OSNs are a new venue of innovation with many challenging research problems.", "In this survey, we aim to give a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art research related to user behavior in OSNs from several perspectives.", "First, we discuss social connectivity and interaction among users.", "Also, we investigate traffic activity from a network perspective.", "Moreover, as mobile devices become a commodity, we pay attention to the characteristics of social behaviors in mobile environments.", "Last but not least, we review malicious behaviors of OSN users, and discuss several solutions to detect misbehaving users.", "Our survey serves the important roles of both providing a systematic exploration of existing research highlights and triggering various potentially significant research in these topics." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.833299994468689, 1, 0.833299994468689, 0.5555999875068665, 0.7778000235557556, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6388999819755554, 0.6111000180244446 ]
[ "This article provides a comprehensive review of research articles related to the application of decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel supply chains.", "Data were obtained from 77 articles published from 1994 to 2009 in 35 journals.", "The articles were categorized according to their applicability into three basic sectors – textile production, apparel manufacture, and distribution/sales.", "They were further categorized into 16 subsectors based on their operational and management/control processes.", "A comprehensive list of categorized journal articles identified in this study provides insights and relevant references for both researchers and practitioners on the application of decision support and intelligent systems to various stages of a textile and apparel supply chain.", "In light of the developed classification framework, we identify gaps in extending the use of the decision support and artificial intelligent systems in the industry and suggest potential and applicable research areas for further consideration in this subject area.", "2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved." ]
[ 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.7894999980926514, 0.8158000111579895, 0.8158000111579895 ]
[ "If you find yourself in need of a resource book for numerical computing that contains advice and solutions for many of your everyday numerical computing problems, then this may just be the book for you.", "The lineage of the the Numerical Recipes books goes back to the mid 1980's, when I can recall using recipes in both FORTRAN and C. This was at the advent of the internet and before the open source software movement, so having a resource such as this was valuable.", "Not only did the book give advice for solving numerical problems, but it was also possible to avoid a lot of typing by purchasing the companion code CD.", "The software alternatives were expensive and did not come with the discourse given in the Numerical Recipe book.", "Today, this third edition of Numerical Recipes remains a broad one volume tome for numerically solving a wide range of mathematical , statistical, and computational problems.", "The code for this book is done with C++.", "In the preface it is pointed out that several hundred pages of new material have been added.", "This new materi" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3 ]
[ 0.6348000168800354, 0.4521999955177307, 0.4521999955177307, 0.33480000495910645, 0.42170000076293945, 0.6651999950408936, 0.365200012922287, 0.5478000044822693 ]
[ "The organizations today need to apply proper IT governance for beneficial IT investments.", "This research focuses on how the organization structure should be done through the IT governance mechanisms application.", "A case study is done in a large Swedish constructing company using the ISO/IEC 38500:2008 IT governance standard.", "Several IT governance practices related to the ISO/IEC 38500:2008 standard were identified which were mostly related to “Responsibility”, “Strategy” and “Performance” compared to “Conformance” and “Acquisition” principals.", "The results reveal the importance of the way that the company has chosen to structure its organization around an IT project in their IT Governance mechanisms.", "This is closely linked to the principle of “Responsibility”.", "Practically the standard can be used in future IT projects and the practices found in this study can be beneficial for analyzing and achieving an effective IT Governance implementation." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 1, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "The goal of dataset editing in instance-based learning is to remove objects from a training set in order to increase the accuracy of a classifier.", "For example, Wilson editing removes training examples that are misclassified by a nearest neighbor classifier so as to smooth the shape of the resulting decision boundaries.", "This paper revolves around the use of representative-based clustering algorithms for nearest neighbor dataset editing.", "We term this approach supervised clustering editing.", "The main idea is to replace a dataset by a set of cluster prototypes.", "A clustering approach called supervised clustering is introduced for this purpose.", "Our empirical evaluation using eight UCI datasets shows that both Wilson and supervised clustering editing improve accuracy on more than 50% of the datasets tested.", "However, supervised clustering editing achieves four times higher compression rates than Wilson editing." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6773999929428101, 0.41940000653266907, 0.838699996471405, 0.45159998536109924, 0.3871000111103058, 0.7419000267982483, 1, 1 ]
[ "This paper presents a novel technique for camera tampering detection.", "It is implemented in real-time and was developed for use in surveillance and security applications.", "This method identifies camera tampering by detecting large differences between older frames of video and more recent frames.", "A buffer of incoming video frames is kept and three different measures of image dissimilarity are used to compare the frames.", "After normalization, a set of conditions is tested to decide if camera tampering has occurred.", "The effects of adjusting the internal parameters of the algorithm are examined.", "The performance of this method is shown to be extremely favorable in real-world settings." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.75, 0.46880000829696655, 0.5938000082969666, 1, 0.6563000082969666, 0.4375, 0.7813000082969666 ]
[ "Research in socio-technical factors in computer security has traditionally focused on employees and their work practice within the premises of the organization.", "However, with universal access to computing and the diverse means of connecting such devices to each another and to the global Internet, work carried out has shifted outside one central physical location to encompass a variety of possible points-of-access that include homes, modern cafés, and public libraries.", "Given the ubiquity of wireless devices used for last-hop access to the Internet from home, we look at the security of home wireless networks.", "In this work, we identify the variables that affect the decision of home wireless network users to implement security features on their networks.", "Our study is based on the protection motivation theory.", "A survey was conducted on 189 home users to identify and characterize predictors that differentiate between users who secure their home wireless networks and those who don’t.", "Results of the analysis identified the following variables as significant: perceived severity, response efficacy, self efficacy, and response cost." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8378000259399414, 0.8378000259399414, 0.6485999822616577, 0.6215999722480774, 0.3783999979496002, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "Cloud computing is a powerful technology to perform massive-scale and complex computing.", "It eliminates the need to maintain expensive computing hardware, dedicated space, and software.", "Massive growth in the scale of data or big data generated through cloud computing has been observed.", "Addressing big data is a challenging and timedata processing and analysis.", "The rise of big data in cloud computing is reviewed in this study.", "The definition, characteristics, and classification of big data along with some discussions on cloud computing are introduced.", "The relationship between big data and cloud computing, big data storage systems, and Hadoop technology are also discussed.", "Furthermore, research challenges are investigated, with focus on scalability, availability, data integrity, data transformation, data quality, data heterogeneity, privacy, legal and regulatory issues, and governance.", "Lastly, open research issues that require substantial research efforts are summarized.", "& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.5946000218391418, 0.40540000796318054, 0.3783999979496002, 0.5946000218391418, 0.40540000796318054, 0.5, 0.40540000796318054, 0.40540000796318054, 0.8108000159263611, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "The widely popular browser extensions now become one of the most commonly used malware attack vectors.", "The Google Chrome browser, which implements the principles of least privileges and privilege separation by design, offers a strong security mechanism to protect malicious websites from damaging the whole browser system via extensions.", "In this study, we however reveal that Chrome’s extension security model is not a panacea for all possible attacks with browser extensions.", "Through a series of practical bot-based attacks that can be performed even under typical settings, we demonstrate that malicious Chrome extensions pose serious threats, including both information dispersion and harvesting, to browsers.", "We further conduct an in-depth analysis of Chrome’s extension security model, and conclude that its vulnerabilities are rooted fro m the violation of the principles of least privileges and priv ilege separation.", "Following these principles, we propose a set of countermeasures that enforce the policies of microprivilege management and differentiating DOM elements.", "Using a prototype developed on the latest Chrome browser, we show that they can effectively mitigate the threats posed by malicious Chrome extensions with little effect on normal browsing experience." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 1 ]
[ "ial gital ce, on.", "al 003 Abstract.", "Many different descriptions of Retinex methods of lightness computation exist.", "We provide concise MATLABTM implementations of two of the spatial techniques of making pixel comparisons.", "The code is presented, along with test results on several images and a discussion of the results.", "We also discuss the calibration of input images and the postRetinex processing required to display the output images.", "© 2004 SPIE and IS&T. [DOI: 10.1117/1.1636761]" ]
[ 3, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5881999731063843, 0.8234999775886536, 0.8234999775886536, 0.5881999731063843, 0.7646999955177307 ]
[ "Rectified activation units (rectifiers) are essential for state-of-the-art neural networks.", "In this work, we study rectifier neural networks for image classification from two aspects.", "First, we propose a Parametric Rectified Linear Unit (PReLU) that generalizes the traditional rectified unit.", "PReLU improves model fitting with nearly zero extra computational cost and little overfitting risk.", "Second, we derive a robust initialization method that particularly considers the rectifier nonlinearities.", "This method enables us to train extremely deep rectified models directly from scratch and to investigate deeper or wider network architectures.", "Based on the learnable activation and advanced initialization, we achieve 4.94% top-5 test error on the ImageNet 2012 classification dataset.", "This is a 26% relative improvement over the ILSVRC 2014 winner (GoogLeNet, 6.66% [33]).", "To our knowledge, our result is the first to surpass the reported human-level performance (5.1%, [26]) on this dataset." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7585999965667725, 0.7585999965667725, 0.6552000045776367, 1, 0.5861999988555908, 0.5861999988555908, 0.7585999965667725, 0.7585999965667725 ]
[ "Baeza-Yates, R. and IM.", "Rignier, Fast two-dimensional pattern matching, Information Processing Letters 45 (1993) 51-57.", "An algorithm for searching for a two-dimensional m X m pattern in a two-dimensional n x II text is presented.", "It performs on the average less comparisons than the size of the text: n’/m using ma e.xtra space.", "Basically, it uses multiple string matching on only n/m rows of the text.", "It runs in at most 2nz time and is close to the optimal n’ time for many patterns.", "It steadily extends to an alphabet-independent algorithm with a similar worst case.", "Experimental results are included for a practical version." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.6176000237464905, 0.8234999775886536, 0.5881999731063843, 0.7940999865531921, 1, 1, 1, 0.5881999731063843 ]
[ "The problem of finding the minimal spanning tree on an undirected weighted graph has been investigated by many people and O(nZ) algorithms are well known.", "P. M. Spira and A. Pan (Siam J. Computing 4 (1975), 375-380) present an O(n) algorithm for updating the minimal spanning tree if a new vertex is inserted into the graph.", "In this paper, we present another O(n) algorithm simpler than that presented by Spira and Pan for the insertion of a vertex.", "Spira and Pan further show that the deletion of a vertex requires O(3) steps.", "If all the vertices are considered, O(ns) steps may be used.", "The algorithm which we present here takes only O(n2) steps and labels the vertices of the graph in such a way that any vertex may be deleted from the graph and the minimal spanning tree can be updated in constant time.", "Similar results are obtained for the insertion and the deletion of an edge." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5946000218391418, 0.40540000796318054, 0.40540000796318054, 0.6215999722480774, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5946000218391418, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "In this paper we present the UMUX-LITE, a two-item questionnaire based on the Usability Metric for User Experience (UMUX) [6].", "The UMUX-LITE items are This system's capabilities meet my requirements and This system is easy to use.", "\" Data from two independent surveys demonstrated adequate psychometric quality of the questionnaire.", "Estimates of reliability were .82 and .83 -- excellent for a two-item instrument.", "Concurrent validity was also high, with significant correlation with the SUS (.81, .81) and with likelihood-to-recommend (LTR) scores (.74, .73).", "The scores were sensitive to respondents' frequency-of-use.", "UMUX-LITE score means were slightly lower than those for the SUS, but easily adjusted using linear regression to match the SUS scores.", "Due to its parsimony (two items), reliability, validity, structural basis (usefulness and usability) and, after applying the corrective regression formula, its correspondence to SUS scores, the UMUX-LITE appears to be a promising alternative to the SUS when it is not desirable to use a 10-item instrument." ]
[ 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.34290000796318054, 0.542900025844574, 0.428600013256073, 0.6571000218391418, 0.628600001335144, 0.6000000238418579, 0.8285999894142151, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "The diverse ways in which technologies are modified and appropriated into local contexts are an important theme in CSCW research.", "Today, translocal processes such as the formation of international corporations and the movement of people and ideas across nation states increasingly shape these local contexts of technology use and design.", "We draw from prior work on appropriation in CSCW and meld it with work from transnational studies to illustrate appropriation as a cultural phenomenon and as it unfolds in relation to emerging translocal processes.", "We ground our explorations in findings from ethnographic research on collaborations and exchange among IT professionals in urban China.", "This work makes two main contributions.", "First, it expands CSCW's focus on socio-technical systems by taking seriously socio-political and socio-economic processes.", "Second, it contributes to debates on cross-cultural and global technological development by employing transnational imagination as an analytical tool." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0.6111000180244446, 0.3889000117778778, 0.5555999875068665, 0.5555999875068665 ]
[ "A variety of real-life mobile sensing applications are becoming available, especially in the life-logging, fitness tracking and health monitoring domains.", "These applications use mobile sensors embedded in smart phones to recognize human activities in order to get a better understanding of human behavior.", "While progress has been made, human activity recognition remains a challenging task.", "This is partly due to the broad range of human activities as well as the rich variation in how a given activity can be performed.", "Using features that clearly separate between activities is crucial.", "In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically extract discriminative features for activity recognition.", "Specifically, we develop a method based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), which can capture local dependency and scale invariance of a signal as it has been shown in speech recognition and image recognition domains.", "In addition, a modified weight sharing technique, called partial weight sharing, is proposed and applied to accelerometer signals to get further improvements.", "The experimental results on three public datasets, Skoda (assembly line activities), Opportunity (activities in kitchen), Actitracker (jogging, walking, etc.), indicate that our novel CNN-based approach is practical and achieves higher accuracy than existing state-of-the-art methods." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7940999865531921, 0.7940999865531921, 0.7940999865531921, 0.5881999731063843, 0.6176000237464905, 0.5881999731063843, 0.5881999731063843, 0.7940999865531921 ]
[ "Abstract-Sign language is a lingua among the speech and the hearing impaired community.", "It is hard for most people who are not familiar with sign language to communicate without an interpreter.", "Sign language recognition appertains to track and recognize the meaningful emotion of human made with fingers, hands, head, arms, face etc.", "The technique that has been proposed in this work, transcribes the gestures from a sign language to a spoken language which is easily understood by the hearing.", "The gestures that have been translated include alphabets, words from static images.", "This becomes more important for the people who completely rely on the gestural sign language for communication tries to communicate with a person who does not understand the sign language.", "We aim at representing features which will be learned by a technique known as convolutional neural networks (CNN), contains four types of layers: convolution layers, pooling/subsampling layers, nonlinear layers, and fully connected layers.", "The new representation is expected to capture various image features and complex non-linear feature interactions.", "A softmax layer will be used to recognize signs.", "Keywords-Convolutional Neural Networks, Softmax (key words) __________________________________________________*****_________________________________________________" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308, 0.5160999894142151, 0.39469999074935913, 0.5160999894142151, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7419000267982483, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "The rapid advance of mobile computing technology and wireless networking, there is a significant increase of mobile subscriptions.", "This drives a strong demand for mobile cloud applications and services for mobile device users.", "This brings out a great business and research opportunity in mobile cloud computing (MCC).", "This paper first discusses the market trend and related business driving forces and opportunities.", "Then it presents an overview of MCC in terms of its concepts, distinct features, research scope and motivations, as well as advantages and benefits.", "Moreover, it discusses its opportunities, issues and challenges.", "Furthermore, the paper highlights a research roadmap for MCC." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0.800000011920929, 0.4000000059604645, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "In the Internet of Things (IoT) scenario, the block-chain and, in general, Peer-to-Peer approaches could play an important role in the development of decentralized and dataintensive applications running on billion of devices, preserving the privacy of the users.", "Our research goal is to understand whether the blockchain and Peer-to-Peer approaches can be employed to foster a decentralized and private-by-design IoT. As a first step in our research process, we conducted a Systematic Literature Review on the blockchain to gather knowledge on the current uses of this technology and to document its current degree of integrity, anonymity and adaptability.", "We found 18 use cases of blockchain in the literature.", "Four of these use cases are explicitly designed for IoT. We also found some use cases that are designed for a private-by-design data management.", "We also found several issues in the integrity, anonymity and adaptability.", "Regarding anonymity, we found that in the blockchain only pseudonymity is guaranteed.", "Regarding adaptability and integrity, we discovered that the integrity of the blockchain largely depends on the high difficulty of the Proof-of-Work and on the large number of honest miners, but at the same time a difficult Proof-of-Work limits the adaptability.", "We documented and categorized the current uses of the blockchain, and provided a few recommendations for future work to address the above-mentioned issues." ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.8108000159263611, 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 0.7838000059127808, 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 0.7838000059127808, 0.8108000159263611 ]
[ "Although Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown remarkable success in various tasks, they still face challenges in generating high quality images.", "In this paper, we propose Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks (StackGANs) aimed at generating high-resolution photo-realistic images.", "First, we propose a two-stage generative adversarial network architecture, StackGAN-v1, for text-to-image synthesis.", "The Stage-I GAN sketches the primitive shape and colors of a scene based on a given text description, yielding low-resolution images.", "The Stage-II GAN takes Stage-I results and the text description as inputs, and generates high-resolution images with photo-realistic details.", "Second, an advanced multi-stage generative adversarial network architecture, StackGAN-v2, is proposed for both conditional and unconditional generative tasks.", "Our StackGAN-v2 consists of multiple generators and multiple discriminators arranged in a tree-like structure; images at multiple scales corresponding to the same scene are generated from different branches of the tree.", "StackGAN-v2 shows more stable training behavior than StackGAN-v1 by jointly approximating multiple distributions.", "Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed stacked generative adversarial networks significantly outperform other state-of-the-art methods in generating photo-realistic images." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7813000082969666, 0.40630000829696655, 0.40630000829696655, 0.40630000829696655, 0.8125, 0.5938000082969666, 0.40630000829696655, 0.40630000829696655, 0.5625 ]
[ "Empathy allows emotional psychological inference about other person's mental states and feelings in social contexts.", "We aimed at specifying the common and differential neural mechanisms of self- and other-related attribution of emotional states using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging.", "Subjects viewed faces expressing emotions with direct or averted gaze and either focused on their own emotional response to each face (self-task) or evaluated the emotional state expressed by the face (other-task).", "The common network activated by both tasks included the left lateral orbito-frontal and medial prefrontal cortices (MPFC), bilateral inferior frontal cortices, superior temporal sulci and temporal poles, as well as the right cerebellum.", "In a subset of these regions, neural activity was significantly correlated with empathic abilities.", "The self- (relative to the other-) task differentially activated the MPFC, the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)/precuneus, and the temporo-parietal junction bilaterally.", "Empathy-related processing of emotional facial expressions recruited brain areas involved in mirror neuron and theory-of-mind (ToM) mechanisms.", "The differential engagement of the MPFC, the PCC/precuneus, and temporo-parietal regions in the self-task indicates that these structures act as key players in the evaluation of one's own emotional state during empathic face-to-face interaction.", "Activation of mirror neurons in a task relying on empathic abilities without explicit task-related motor components supports the view that mirror neurons are not only involved in motor cognition but also in emotional interpersonal cognition.", "An interplay between ToM and mirror neuron mechanisms may hold for the maintenance of a self-other distinction during empathic interpersonal face-to-face interactions." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.3846000134944916, 0.6154000163078308, 0.3846000134944916, 0.7419000267982483, 0.3846000134944916, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "Digital Analog Simulation (DAS) is a programming technique which makes a digital computer operate much like an analog computer.", "The application of the technique to programming an IBM 7090 computer is described.", "Although it is not intended primarily as an analog computer simulator, the similarity of DAS programming to analog programming is readily apparent.", "DAS combines remarkable ease and speed of programming with reasonably high computing speed.", "The DAS input language is designed to permit a simple and concise description of an analog-style block diagram of the problem to be solved.", "The blocks in the diagram are restricted to summers, integrators, multipliers, limiters, relays and other \"components\" for which macro-instructions appear in the DAS compiler.", "The construction of a DAS block diagram is more straight-forward than an analog computer block diagram because there is virtually no restriction on the number of available components, and because no amplitude scaling is required.", "The standard output format provides a complete record of the problem by printing the entire input program and all input data.", "This is followed by a multiple column table of sequential values of the desired output quantities.", "These columns of data serve the same purpose as the recording channels of a conventional analog computer output device in that each column provides a complete history of one variable." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913, 0.7894999980926514, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.3684000074863434, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "Prediction tasks over nodes and edges in networks require careful effort in engineering features used by learning algorithms.", "Recent research in the broader field of representation learning has led to significant progress in automating prediction by learning the features themselves.", "However, present feature learning approaches are not expressive enough to capture the diversity of connectivity patterns observed in networks.", "Here we propose node2vec, an algorithmic framework for learning continuous feature representations for nodes in networks.", "In node2vec, we learn a mapping of nodes to a low-dimensional space of features that maximizes the likelihood of preserving network neighborhoods of nodes.", "We define a flexible notion of a node's network neighborhood and design a biased random walk procedure, which efficiently explores diverse neighborhoods.", "Our algorithm generalizes prior work which is based on rigid notions of network neighborhoods, and we argue that the added flexibility in exploring neighborhoods is the key to learning richer representations.", "We demonstrate the efficacy of node2vec over existing state-of-the-art techniques on multi-label classification and link prediction in several real-world networks from diverse domains.", "Taken together, our work represents a new way for efficiently learning state-of-the-art task-independent representations in complex networks." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7742000222206116, 0.5806000232696533, 0.5483999848365784, 0.7742000222206116, 0.6129000186920166, 0.838699996471405, 0.838699996471405, 0.6129000186920166, 0.7742000222206116 ]
[ "A content-based personalized recommendation system learns user specific profiles from user feedback so that it can deliver information tailored to each individual user's interest.", "A system serving millions of users can learn a better user profile for a new user, or a user with little feedback, by borrowing information from other users through the use of a Bayesian hierarchical model.", "Learning the model parameters to optimize the joint data likelihood from millions of users is very computationally expensive.", "The commonly used EM algorithm converges very slowly due to the sparseness of the data in IR applications.", "This paper proposes a new fast learning technique to learn a large number of individual user profiles.", "The efficacy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm are justified by theory and demonstrated on actual user data from Netflix and MovieLens." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7778000235557556, 0.7778000235557556, 0.5555999875068665, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104 ]
[ "This research aims to prototype a small smart off-grid solar cell system.", "o provide an alternative electrical supply for a smart Lingzhi mushroom farm.", "This research applied the use of IOT with voltage and current sensors to measure and monitor the voltage of solar cell charging, amp (ampere) of current charging from the solar panel into a battery and (ampere) of current loading from a battery to the irrigation systems (fog and sprinkler pumps).", "Voltage and current data processed through Blynk was developed as an IOT cloud service.", "Data was stored into the Blynk and displayed on mobile devices in real time.", "The functional status (switching on and off for periods of time, current consumption) pushes notifications through Blynk IOT cloud service on the Blynk application.", "The equipment and tools used in this research were NodeMCU, voltage and current sensors, relay modules, DC sprinkler, and fog pumps.", "A small off-grid solar cell was applied.", "The solar cell system consists of a charger, battery, and solar panels.", "The IOT cloud used is Blynk." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0 ]
[ 1, 0.6638000011444092, 0.7555000185966492, 0.6025999784469604, 0.4278999865055084, 0.6025999784469604, 0.4278999865055084, 0.7555000185966492, 0.48910000920295715, 0.3361999988555908 ]
[ "Power-efficient design requires reducing power dissipation in all parts of the design and during all stages of the design process subject to constraints on the system performance and quality of service (QoS).", "Power-aware high-level language compilers, dynamic power management policies, memory management schemes, bus encoding techniques, and hardware design tools are needed to meet these often-conflicting design requirements.", "This paper reviews techniques and tools for power-efficient embedded system design, considering the hardware platform, the application software, and the system software.", "Design examples from an Intel StrongARM based system are provided to illustrate the concepts and the techniques.", "This paper is not intended as a comprehensive review, rather as a starting point for understanding power-aware design methodologies and techniques targeted toward embedded systems." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ 0.4323999881744385, 0.6215999722480774, 0.4323999881744385, 0.5516999959945679, 0.5676000118255615 ]
[ "Current end-to-end machine reading and question answering (Q&A) models are primarily based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with attention.", "Despite their success, these models are often slow for both training and inference due to the sequential nature of RNNs.", "We propose a new Q&A architecture called QANet, which does not require recurrent networks: Its encoder consists exclusively of convolution and self-attention, where convolution models local interactions and self-attention models global interactions.", "On the SQuAD dataset, our model is 3x to 13x faster in training and 4x to 9x faster in inference, while achieving equivalent accuracy to recurrent models.", "The speed-up gain allows us to train the model with much more data.", "We hence combine our model with data generated by backtranslation from a neural machine translation model.", "On the SQuAD dataset, our single model, trained with augmented data, achieves 84.6 F1 score1 on the test set, which is significantly better than the best published F1 score of 81.8." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.631600022315979, 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "This paper examines the effect of technology scaling and microarchitectural trends on the rate of soft errors in CMOS memory and logic circuits.", "We describe and validate an end-to-end model that enables us to compute the soft error rates (SER) for existing and future microprocessor-style designs.", "The model captures the effects of two important masking phenomena, electrical masking and latchingwindow masking, which inhibit soft errors in combinational logic.", "We quantify the SER in combinational logic and latches for feature sizes from 600nm to 50nm and clock rates from 16 to 6 fan-out-of-4 delays.", "Our model predicts that the SER per chip of logic circuits will increase eight orders of magnitude by the year 2011 and at that point will be comparable to the SER per chip of unprotected memory elements.", "Our result emphasizes the need for computer system designers to address the risks of SER in logic circuits in future designs." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.428600013256073, 0.8285999894142151, 1 ]
[ "Credit card fraud events take place frequently and then result in huge financial losses.", "Criminals can use some technologies such as Trojan or Phishing to steal the information of other people's credit cards.", "Therefore, an effictive fraud detection method is important since it can identify a fraud in time when a criminal uses a stolen card to consume.", "One method is to make full use of the historical transaction data including normal transactions and fraud ones to obtain normal/fraud behavior features based on machine learning techniques, and then utilize these features to check if a transaction is fraud or not.", "In this paper, two kinds of random forests are used to train the behavior features of normal and abnormal transactions.", "We make a comparison of the two random forests which are different in their base classifiers, and analyze their performance on credit fraud detection.", "The data used in our experiments come from an e-commerce company in China." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8205000162124634, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "The recent explosive growth in convolutional neural network (CNN) research has produced a variety of new architectures for deep learning.", "One intriguing new architecture is the bilinear CNN (B-CNN), which has shown dramatic performance gains on certain fine-grained recognition problems [15].", "We apply this new CNN to the challenging new face recognition benchmark, the IARPA Janus Benchmark A (IJB-A) [12].", "It features faces from a large number of identities in challenging real-world conditions.", "Because the face images were not identified automatically using a computerized face detection system, it does not have the bias inherent in such a database.", "We demonstrate the performance of the B-CNN model beginning from an AlexNet-style network pre-trained on ImageNet.", "We then show results for fine-tuning using a moderate-sized and public external database, FaceScrub [17].", "We also present results with additional fine-tuning on the limited training data provided by the protocol.", "In each case, the fine-tuned bilinear model shows substantial improvements over the standard CNN.", "Finally, we demonstrate how a standard CNN pre-trained on a large face database, the recently released VGG-Face model [20], can be converted into a B-CNN without any additional feature training." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.8285999894142151, 0.8285999894142151, 0.6571000218391418, 0.6000000238418579, 0.428600013256073, 0.37139999866485596, 0.6000000238418579, 0.8285999894142151, 1, 1 ]
[ "The estimation of the eye centres is used in several computer vision applications such as face recognition or eye tracking.", "Especially for the latter, systems that are remote and rely on available light have become very popular and several methods for accurate eye centre localisation have been proposed.", "Nevertheless, these methods often fail to accurately estimate the eye centres in difficult scenarios, e.g. low resolution, low contrast, or occlusions.", "We therefore propose an approach for accurate and robust eye centre localisation by using image gradients.", "We derive a simple objective function, which only consists of dot products.", "The maximum of this function corresponds to the location where most gradient vectors intersect and thus to the eye’s centre.", "Although simple, our method is invariant to changes in scale, pose, contrast and variations in illumination.", "We extensively evaluate our method on the very challenging BioID database for eye centre and iris localisation.", "Moreover, we compare our method with a wide range of state of the art methods and demonstrate that our method yields a significant improvement regarding both accuracy and robustness." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.6154000163078308, 0.5896999835968018, 0.6154000163078308, 0.5, 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "Pairwise key establishment is a fundamental service provided in secure sensor networks.", "However, due to resource constraints, establishing pairwise keys is not a trivial task.", "Recently, a random key pre-distribution scheme and its improvements have been proposed.", "The scheme proposed by Du et al. uses deployment knowledge to improve the performance and security of sensor networks.", "However, this scheme assumes group-based deployment in which groups of nodes are deployed from horizontal grid points.", "This assumption limits applications of the scheme.", "Therefore, in this paper, we propose an advanced key pre-distribution scheme in which different keys are logically mapped to two-dimensional positions, and the keys that are distributed to a node are determined by positions estimated using a node probability density function.", "The scheme can be applied to any deployment model provided the node probability density function has already been determined.", "Furthermore, simulation results show that our scheme achieves higher connectivity than Du et al.'s scheme." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8605999946594238, 0.637499988079071, 0.53329998254776, 0.5537999868392944, 0.637499988079071, 0.637499988079071, 0.8605999946594238, 0.637499988079071, 0.8605999946594238 ]
[ "The K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier is one of the simplest and most common classifiers, yet its performance competes with the most complex classifiers in the literature.", "The core of this classifier depends mainly on measuring the distance or similarity between the tested example and the training examples.", "This raises a major question about which distance measures to be used for the KNN classifier among a large number of distance and similarity measures?", "This review attempts to answer the previous question through evaluating the performance (measured by accuracy, precision and recall) of the KNN using a large number of distance measures, tested on a number of real world datasets, with and without adding different levels of noise.", "The experimental results show that the performance of KNN classifier depends significantly on the distance used, the results showed large gaps between the performances of different distances.", "We found that a recently proposed non-convex distance performed the best when applied on most datasets comparing to the other tested distances.", "In addition, the performance of the KNN degraded only about 20% while the noise level reaches 90%, this is true for all the distances used.", "This means that the KNN classifier using any of the top 10 distances tolerate noise to a certain degree.", "Moreover, the results show that some distances are less affected by the added noise comparing to other distances." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "Internet of Things (IoT) brings more than an explosive proliferation of endpoints.", "It is disruptive in several ways.", "In this chapter we examine those disruptions, and propose a hierarchical distributed architecture that extends from the edge of the network to the core nicknamed Fog Computing.", "In particular, we pay attention to a new dimension that IoT adds to Big Data and Analytics: a massively distributed number of sources at the edge." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.44119998812675476, 0.6176000237464905 ]
[ "Based on the real data of a Chinese commercial bank’s credit card, in this paper, we classify the credit card customers into four classifications by K-means.", "Then we built forecasting models separately based on four data mining methods such as C5.0, neural network, chi-squared automatic interaction detector, and classification and regression tree according to the background information of the credit cards holders.", "Conclusively, we obtain some useful information of decision tree regulation by the best model among the four.", "The information is not only helpful for the bank to understand related characteristics of different customers, but also marketing representatives to find potential customers and to implement target marketing." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929 ]
[ "Speaker diarization via unsupervised i-vector clustering has gained popularity in recent years.", "In this approach, i-vectors are extracted from short clips of speech segmented from a larger multi-speaker conversation and organized into speaker clusters, typically according to their cosine score.", "In this paper, we propose a system that incorporates probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) for i-vector scoring, a method already frequently utilized in speaker recognition tasks, and uses unsupervised calibration of the PLDA scores to determine the clustering stopping criterion.", "We also demonstrate that denser sampling in the i-vector space with overlapping temporal segments provides a gain in the diarization task.", "We test our system on the CALLHOME conversational telephone speech corpus, which includes multiple languages and a varying number of speakers, and we show that PLDA scoring outperforms the same system with cosine scoring, and that overlapping segments reduce diarization error rate (DER) as well." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7949000000953674, 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "1570-8705/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier B.V http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2012.02.016 ⇑ Corresponding author.", "Tel.", ": +39 0461 40 84 00; fa E-mail addresses:", "daniele.miorandi@create-ne [email protected] (S. Sicari), francesco.dep org (F. De Pellegrini), [email protected] The term ‘‘", "Internet-of-Things’’ is used as an umbrella keyword for covering various aspects related to the extension of the Internet and the Web into the physical realm, by means of the widespread deployment of spatially distributed devices with embedded identification, sensing and/or actuation capabilities.", "Internet-of-Things envisions a future in which digital and physical entities can be linked, by means of appropriate information and communication technologies, to enable a whole new class of applications and services.", "In this article, we present a survey of technologies, applications and research challenges for Internetof-Things.", "2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved." ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.21050000190734863, 0.421099990606308, 0.6053000092506409, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at .", "http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp.", "JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use." ]
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 1, 0.5875999927520752, 0.319599986076355 ]
[ "Clustering is one of the most important data mining techniques that partitions data according to some similarity criterion.", "The problems of clustering categorical data have attracted much attention from the data mining research community recently.", "As the extension of the k-Means algorithm, the k-Modes algorithm has been widely applied to categorical data clustering by replacing means with modes.", "In this paper, the limitations of the simple matching dissimilarity measure and Ng’s dissimilarity measure are analyzed using some illustrative examples.", "Based on the idea of biological and genetic taxonomy and rough membership function, a new dissimilarity measure for the k-Modes algorithm is defined.", "A distinct characteristic of the new dissimilarity measure is to take account of the distribution of attribute values on the whole universe.", "A convergence study and time complexity of the k-Modes algorithm based on new dissimilarity measure indicates that it can be effectively used for large data sets.", "The results of comparative experiments on synthetic data sets and five real data sets from UCI show the effectiveness of the new dissimilarity measure, especially on data sets with biological and genetic taxonomy information.", "2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.7894999980926514, 1, 0.6053000092506409, 1, 1 ]
[ "Despite the increasing use of social media platforms for information and news gathering, its unmoderated nature often leads to the emergence and spread of rumours, i.e., items of information that are unverified at the time of posting.", "At the same time, the openness of social media platforms provides opportunities to study how users share and discuss rumours, and to explore how to automatically assess their veracity, using natural language processing and data mining techniques.", "In this article, we introduce and discuss two types of rumours that circulate on social media: long-standing rumours that circulate for long periods of time, and newly emerging rumours spawned during fast-paced events such as breaking news, where reports are released piecemeal and often with an unverified status in their early stages.", "We provide an overview of research into social media rumours with the ultimate goal of developing a rumour classification system that consists of four components: rumour detection, rumour tracking, rumour stance classification, and rumour veracity classification.", "We delve into the approaches presented in the scientific literature for the development of each of these four components.", "We summarise the efforts and achievements so far toward the development of rumour classification systems and conclude with suggestions for avenues for future research in social media mining for the detection and resolution of rumours." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.4571000039577484, 0.4571000039577484, 0.628600001335144, 0.628600001335144 ]
[ "In modern manufacturing environments, vast amounts of data are collected in database management systems and data warehouses from all involved areas, such as product and process design, assembly, materials planning, quality control, scheduling, maintenance, fault detection and so on.", "Data mining has emerged as an important tool for knowledge acquisition in manufacturing databases.", "This paper reviews the literature dealing with knowledge discovery and data mining applications in the broad domain of manufacturing with an special emphasis on the type of functions to be performed on data.", "The major data mining functions to be performed include characterization and description, association, classification, prediction, clustering and evolution analysis.", "The papers reviewed have therefore been categorized in these five categories.", "It has been shown that there is a rapid growth in the application of data mining in the context of manufacturing processes and enterprises in the last 3 years.", "This review reveals the progressive applications and existing gaps identified in the context of data mining in manufacturing.", "A novel text mining approach has also been applied to the abstracts and keywords of 150 identified literatures to identify the research gaps and find the linkages between knowledge area, knowledge type and data mining tools and techniques applied.", "1 Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, LE113TU" ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5914000272750854, 0.8093000054359436, 0.8443999886512756, 0.5641999840736389, 0.5641999840736389, 0.8093000054359436, 0.7821000218391418 ]
[ "Crowdfunding platforms offer promising opportunities for project founders to publish their project ideas and to collect money in order to be able to realize them.", "Consequently, the question of what influences the successful funding of projects, i.e., reaching the target amount of money, is very important.", "Building upon media richness theory and the concept of reciprocity, we extend previous research in the field of crowdfunding success factors.", "We provide a comprehensive view on factors influencing crowdfunding success by both focusing on project-specific as well as founder-specific aspects.", "Analyzing a sample of projects of the crowdfunding platform kickstarter.com, we find that the project description, related images and videos as well as the question of whether the founder has previously backed other projects influence funding success.", "Interestingly, the question of whether the founder has previously created other projects has no significant influence.", "Our results are of high interest for the stakeholders on crowdfunding platforms." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4 ]
[ 0.6330000162124634, 0.44040000438690186, 0.44040000438690186, 0.7797999978065491, 0.5595999956130981, 0.44040000438690186, 0.6330000162124634 ]
[ "Emerging smart contract systems over decentralized cryptocurrencies allow mutually distrustful parties to transact safely without trusted third parties.", "In the event of contractual breaches or aborts, the decentralized blockchain ensures that honest parties obtain commensurate compensation.", "Existing systems, however, lack transactional privacy.", "All transactions, including flow of money between pseudonyms and amount transacted, are exposed on the blockchain.", "We present Hawk, a decentralized smart contract system that does not store financial transactions in the clear on the blockchain, thus retaining transactional privacy from the public's view.", "A Hawk programmer can write a private smart contract in an intuitive manner without having to implement cryptography, and our compiler automatically generates an efficient cryptographic protocol where contractual parties interact with the blockchain, using cryptographic primitives such as zero-knowledge proofs.", "To formally define and reason about the security of our protocols, we are the first to formalize the blockchain model of cryptography.", "The formal modeling is of independent interest.", "We advocate the community to adopt such a formal model when designing applications atop decentralized blockchains." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.21050000190734863 ]
[ "The purpose of STIL is to provide a common language for the representation of test patterns and waveforms that are created from the simulation of a digital integrated circuit.", "The language represents the data in terms of intent (i.e., the waveform that is to be created at the device under test), rather than in terms of a specific piece of ATE hardware.", "The language is flexible enough to represent patterns from simple to the most complex devices, and has built in optimizing features to minimize the volume of data that is generated by today’s designs." ]
[ 2, 0, 4 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.6485999822616577, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "The wireless research community aspires to conceive full duplex operation by supporting concurrent transmission and reception in a single time/frequency channel for the sake of improving the attainable spectral efficiency by a factor of two as compared to the family of conventional half duplex wireless systems.", "The main challenge encountered in implementing FD wireless devices is that of finding techniques for mitigating the performance degradation imposed by self-interference.", "In this article, we investigate the potential FD techniques, including passive suppression, active analog cancellation, and active digital cancellation, and highlight their pros and cons.", "Furthermore, the troubles of FD medium access control protocol design are discussed for addressing the problems such as the resultant end-to-end delay and network congestion.", "Additionally, an opportunistic decode-and-forward- based relay selection scheme is analyzed in underlay cognitive networks communicating over independent and identically distributed Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels in the context of FD relaying.", "We demonstrate that the outage probability of multi-relay cooperative communication links can be substantially reduced.", "Finally, we discuss the challenges imposed by the aforementioned techniques and a range of critical issues associated with practical FD implementations.", "It is shown that numerous open challenges, such as efficient SI suppression, high-performance FD MAC-layer protocol design, low power consumption, and hybrid FD/HD designs, have to be tackled before successfully implementing FD-based systems." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 0.7778000235557556, 0.41670000553131104, 0.7419000267982483, 0.6388999819755554, 0.583299994468689, 0.583299994468689, 1 ]
[ "This study investigates self-presentation strategies among online dating participants, exploring how participants manage their online presentation of self in order to accomplish the goal of finding a romantic partner.", "Thirty-four individuals active on a large online dating site participated in telephone interviews about their online dating experiences and perceptions.", "Qualitative data analysis suggests that participants attended to small cues online, mediated the tension between impression management pressures and the desire to present an authentic sense of self through tactics such as creating a profile that reflected their \"ideal self,\" and attempted to establish the veracity of their identity claims.", "This study provides empirical support for Social Information Processing theory in a naturalistic context while offering insight into the complicated way in which \"honesty\" is enacted online." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "Properties of simple strategies for swinging up an inverted pendulum are discussed.", "It is shown that the behavior critically depends on the ratio of the maximum acceleration of the pivot to the acceleration of gravity.", "A comparison of energy based strategies with minimum time strategy gives interesting insights into the robustness of minimum time solutions." ]
[ 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 0.7991999983787537, 0.6269999742507935, 0.4302999973297119 ]
[ "Purpose –", "In the last two decades, a proliferation of business process management (BPM) modeling languages, standards and software systems has given rise to much confusion and obstacles to adoption.", "Since new BPM languages and notation terminologies were not well defined, duplicate features are common.", "This paper seeks to make sense of the myriad BPM standards, organising them in a classification framework, and to identify key industry trends.", "Design/methodology/approach – An extensive literature review is conducted and relevant BPM notations, languages and standards are referenced against the proposed BPM Standards Classification Framework, which lists each standard’s distinct features, strengths and weaknesses.", "Findings – The paper is unaware of any classification of BPM languages.", "An attempt is made to classify BPM languages, standards and notations into four main groups: execution, interchange, graphical, and diagnosis standards.", "At the present time, there is a lack of established diagnosis standards.", "It is hoped that such a classification facilitates the meaningful adoption of BPM languages, standards and notations.", "Practical implications – The paper differentiates BPM standards, thereby resolving common misconceptions; establishes the need for diagnosis standards; identifies the strengths and limitations of current standards; and highlights current knowledge gaps and future trends." ]
[ 3, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 4, 0, 2, 1 ]
[ 0.41029998660087585, 1, 0.8205000162124634, 0.7949000000953674, 1, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.6154000163078308 ]
[ "Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being registered in a single place, where they would present a form which had previously been filled in by the student and their department.", "After registration this information was then transferred to a computerised format.", "The University decided that the entire registration process was to be computerised for the Autumn of 1994, with the admission and registration being carried out at the departments of the students.", "Such a system has a very high availability requirement: admissions tutors and secretaries must be able to access and create student records (particularly at the start of a new academic year when new students arrive).", "The Arjuna distributed system has been under development in the Department of Computing Science for many years.", "Arjuna’s design aims are to provide tools to assist in the construction of fault-tolerant, highly available distributed applications using atomic actions (atomic transactions) and replication.", "Arjuna offers the right set of facilities for this application, and its deployment would enable the University to exploit the existing campus network and workstation clusters, thereby obviating the need for any specialised fault tolerant hardware." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2 ]
[ 1, 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308, 0.631600022315979, 0.8158000111579895, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "Minutiae-based method is the most popular approach in fingerprint matching.", "However, most existing methods need to search for the best correspondence of minutiae pairs or use reference points (core and delta points) to estimate the alignment parameters.", "The problem of lost minutiae or spurious minutiae always occurs during the minutiae detection process.", "Hence, the corresponding pairs or reference points may not be found under this condition.", "This paper proposes a new minutiae-based fingerprint matching algorithm using phase correlation.", "We define a new representation called Minutiae Direction Map (MDM).", "First, we convert minutiae sets into 2D image spaces.", "Then the transformation parameters are calculated using phase correlation between two MDMs to align two fingerprints to be matched.", "The similarity of two fingerprints is determined by the distance between two minutiae sets.", "Our approach does not need to search for the corresponding minutiae pairs." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.628600001335144, 0.628600001335144, 0.428600013256073, 0.800000011920929, 0.628600001335144, 0.628600001335144, 0.428600013256073 ]
[ "Brain damage may doubly dissociate cognitive modules, but the practice of revealing dissociations is predicated on modularity being true (T. Shallice, 1988).", "This article questions the utility of assuming modularity, as it examines a paradigmatic double dissociation of reading modules.", "Reading modules illustrate two general problems.", "First, modularity fails to converge on a fixed set of exclusionary criteria that define pure cases.", "As a consequence, competing modular theories force perennial quests for purer cases, which simply perpetuates growth in the list of exclusionary criteria.", "The first problem leads, in part, to the second problem.", "Modularity fails to converge on a fixed set of pure cases.", "The second failure perpetuates unending fractionation into more modules.", "© 2001 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.", "All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.8055999875068665, 0.6111000180244446, 0.3889000117778778, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6388999819755554, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6388999819755554, 0.6388999819755554 ]
[ "This study looked at young adult cell phone usage patterns.", "Results of a survey of 182 students at a large southern university revealed that respondents typically used their phones an average of 10.5 hours per week – the overwhelming majority of that with traditional calling.", "Features and services that were regularly utilised related to interpersonal communication.", "Limited support was found for the hypothesis that cell phone use may be utilised to avoid communication apprehension events.", "Stronger support was found for the hypothesis that interpersonal communication motives are positively correlated with cell phone usage gratifications." ]
[ 0, 0, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5555999875068665, 0.5555999875068665, 0.44440001249313354, 0.666700005531311, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "Creating a mesh is the first step in a wide range of applications, including scientific computing and computer graphics.", "An unstructured simplex mesh requires a choice of meshpoints (vertex nodes) and a triangulation.", "We want to offer a short and simple MATLAB code, described in more detail than usual, so the reader can experiment (and add to the code) knowing the underlying principles.", "We find the node locations by solving for equilibrium in a truss structure (using piecewise linear force-displacement relations) and we reset the topology by the Delaunay algorithm.", "The geometry is described implicitly by its distance function.", "In addition to being much shorter and simpler than other meshing techniques, our algorithm typically produces meshes of very high quality.", "We discuss ways to improve the robustness and the performance, but our aim here is simplicity.", "Readers can download (and edit) the codes from http://math.mit.edu/~persson/mesh." ]
[ 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 4, 2, 3 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.571399986743927, 0.428600013256073, 0.8285999894142151, 0.571399986743927, 0.428600013256073, 0.542900025844574, 0.8285999894142151 ]
[ "We present a new question set, text corpus, and baselines assembled to encourage AI research in advanced question answering.", "Together, these constitute the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC), which requires far more powerful knowledge and reasoning than previous challenges such as SQuAD or SNLI.", "The ARC question set is partitioned into a Challenge Set and an Easy Set, where the Challenge Set contains only questions answered incorrectly by both a retrieval-based algorithm and a word co-occurence algorithm.", "The dataset contains only natural, grade-school science questions (authored for human tests), and is the largest public-domain set of this kind (7,787 questions).", "We test several baselines on the Challenge Set, including leading neural models from the SQuAD and SNLI tasks, and find that none are able to significantly outperform a random baseline, reflecting the difficult nature of this task.", "We are also releasing the ARC Corpus, a corpus of 14M science sentences relevant to the task, and implementations of the three neural baseline models tested.", "Can your model perform better?", "We pose ARC as a challenge to the community." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.5946000218391418, 0.4323999881744385, 0.6215999722480774, 0.4323999881744385, 0.5946000218391418, 0.3783999979496002, 0.6215999722480774, 0.4323999881744385 ]
[ "Finally, here is a modern, self-contained text on quantum information theory suitable for graduate-level courses.", "Developing the subject “from the ground up,” it covers classical results as well as major advances of the past decade.", "Beginning with an extensive overview of classical information theory suitable for the non-expert, the author then turns his attention to quantum mechanics for quantum information theory, and the important protocols of teleportation, super-dense coding, and entanglement distribution.", "He develops all of the tools necessary for understanding important results in quantum information theory, including capacity theorems for classical, entanglement-assisted, private, and quantum communication.", "The book also covers important recent developments such as superadditivity of private, coherent, and Holevo information, and the superactivation of quantum capacity.", "This book will be warmly welcomed by the upcoming generation of quantum information theorists and by the already established community of classical information theorists." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5676000118255615, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054, 0.4323999881744385 ]
[ "G in the innovation diffusion literature and the resource-based theory, this paper develops an integrative research model for assessing the diffusion and consequence of e-business at the firm level.", "Unlike the typical focus on adoption as found in the literature, we focus on postadoption stages, that is, actual usage and value creation.", "The model thus moves beyond dichotomous “adoption versus nonadoption” and accounts for the “missing link”—actual usage—as a critical stage of value creation.", "The model links technological, organizational, and environmental factors to e-business use and value, based on which a series of hypotheses are developed.", "The theoretical model is tested by using structural equation modeling on a dataset of 624 firms across 10 countries in the retail industry.", "To probe deeper into whether e-business use and value are influenced by economic environments, two subsamples from developed and developing countries are compared.", "The study finds that technology competence, firm size, financial commitment, competitive pressure, and regulatory support are important antecedents of e-business use.", "In addition, the study finds that, while both front-end and back-end capabilities contribute to e-business value, back-end integration has a much stronger impact.", "While front-end functionalities are becoming commodities, e-businesses are more differentiated by back-end integration.", "This is consistent with the resource-based theory because back-end integration possesses the value-creating characteristics of resources (e.g., firm specific, difficult to imitate), which are strengthened by the Internet-enabled connectivity." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.6053000092506409, 1, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "A language model based in continuous representations of words is presented, which has been applied to a statistical machine translation task.", "This model is implemented by means of a bidirectional recurrent neural network, which is able to take into account both the past and the future context of a word in order to perform predictions.", "Due to its high temporal cost at training time, for obtaining relevant training data an instance selection algorithm is used, which aims to capture useful information for translating a test set.", "Obtained results show that the neural model trained with the selected data outperforms the results obtained by an n-gram language model." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7778000235557556, 0.583299994468689, 0.6111000180244446, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "Automatic speech recognition systems typically model the relationship between the acoustic speech signal and the phones in two separate steps: feature extraction and classifier training.", "In our recent works, we have shown that, in the framework of convolutional neural networks (CNN), the relationship between the raw speech signal and the phones can be directly modeled and ASR systems competitive to standard approach can be built.", "In this paper, we first analyze and show that, between the first two convolutional layers, the CNN learns (in parts) and models the phone-specific spectral envelope information of 2-4 ms speech.", "Given that we show that the CNN-based approach yields ASR trends similar to standard short-term spectral based ASR system under mismatched (noisy) conditions, with the CNN-based approach being more robust." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is emerging as a viable outsourcing option for clients interested in paying for the right to access through the network a standardized set of business software functions.", "SaaS model largely replaced the Application Service Providers (ASPs)-based model, by creating an architecture that that provides no mechanisms for customizing the software on the vendor side; all customization is done on the client side through standardized interfaces.", "The fact that vendors are not making any client-specific investments makes this outsourcing model quite intriguing.", "In this paper we investigate client’s side determinants of adopting the SaaS model.", "We draw on economic, strategic management, and IS theories to develop a theoretical framework.", "In it, we develop a more elaborate view of uncertainty as some types uncertainty increase the propensity to adopt SaaS, while other types do the opposite.", "Finally, we integrate the role of the internal enterprise IT architecture into our model." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "We summarize the potential impact that the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation will have on the routine use of machine learning algorithms.", "Slated to take effect as law across the EU in 2018, it will restrict automated individual decision-making (that is, algorithms that make decisions based on user-level predictors) which “significantly affect” users.", "The law will also create a “right to explanation,” whereby a user can ask for an explanation of an algorithmic decision that was made about them.", "We argue that while this law will pose large challenges for industry, it highlights opportunities for machine learning researchers to take the lead in designing algorithms and evaluation frameworks which avoid discrimination." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "Microwave power transmission (MPT) has had a long history before the more recent movement toward wireless power transmission (WPT).", "MPT can be applied not only to beam-type point-to-point WPT but also to an energy harvesting system fed from distributed or broadcasting radio waves.", "The key technology is the use of a rectenna, or rectifying antenna, to convert a microwave signal to a DC signal with high efficiency.", "In this paper, various rectennas suitable for MPT are discussed, including various rectifying circuits, frequency rectennas, and power rectennas." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.8158000111579895, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "Online social networking sites have revealed an entirely new method of self-presentation.", "This cyber social tool provides a new site of analysis to examine personality and identity.", "The current study examines how narcissism and self-esteem are manifested on the social networking Web site Facebook.com .", "Self-esteem and narcissistic personality self-reports were collected from 100 Facebook users at York University.", "Participant Web pages were also coded based on self-promotional content features.", "Correlation analyses revealed that individuals higher in narcissism and lower in self-esteem were related to greater online activity as well as some self-promotional content.", "Gender differences were found to influence the type of self-promotional content presented by individual Facebook users.", "Implications and future research directions of narcissism and self-esteem on social networking Web sites are discussed." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.833299994468689, 0.44440001249313354, 0.6111000180244446, 0.833299994468689, 0.8055999875068665, 0.8055999875068665, 0.8055999875068665, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "Segmentation of anatomical structures in medical images is often based on a voxel/pixel classification approach.", "Deep learning systems, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), can infer a hierarchical representation of images that fosters categorization.", "We propose a novel system for voxel classification integrating three 2D CNNs, which have a one-to-one association with the xy, yz and zx planes of 3D image, respectively.", "We applied our method to the segmentation of tibial cartilage in low field knee MRI scans and tested it on 114 unseen scans.", "Although our method uses only 2D features at a single scale, it performs better than a state-of-the-art method using 3D multi-scale features.", "In the latter approach, the features and the classifier have been carefully adapted to the problem at hand.", "That we were able to get better results by a deep learning architecture that autonomously learns the features from the images is the main insight of this study." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.6053000092506409, 1, 1, 0.5788999795913696, 1 ]
[ "While most Reinforcement Learning work utilizes temporal discounting to evaluate performance, the reasons for this are unclear.", "Is it out of desire or necessity?", "We argue that it is not out of desire, and seek to dispel the notion that temporal discounting is necessary by proposing a framework for undiscounted optimization.", "We present a metric of undiscounted performance and an algorithm for finding action policies that maximize that measure.", "The technique, which we call Rlearning, is modelled after the popular Q-learning algorithm [17].", "Initial experimental results are presented which attest to a great improvement over Q-learning in some simple cases." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8158000111579895, 0.421099990606308, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 1 ]
[ "The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that combines aspects and technologies coming from different approaches.", "Ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, Internet Protocol, sensing technologies, communication technologies, and embedded devices are merged together in order to form a system where the real and digital worlds meet and are continuously in symbiotic interaction.", "The smart object is the building block of the IoT vision.", "By putting intelligence into everyday objects, they are turned into smart objects able not only to collect information from the environment and interact/control the physical world, but also to be interconnected, to each other, through Internet to exchange data and information.", "The expected huge number of interconnected devices and the significant amount of available data open new opportunities to create services that will bring tangible benefits to the society, environment, economy and individual citizens.", "In this paper we present the key features and the driver technologies of IoT. In addition to identifying the application scenarios and the correspondent potential applications, we focus on research challenges and open issues to be faced for the IoT realization in the real world." ]
[ 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.8055999875068665, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104 ]
[ "Pixel-wise image segmentation is demanding task in computer vision.", "Classical U-Net architectures composed of encoders and decoders are very popular for segmentation of medical images, satellite images etc.", "Typically, neural network initialized with weights from a network pre-trained on a large data set like ImageNet shows better performance than those trained from scratch on a small dataset.", "In some practical applications, particularly in medicine and traffic safety, the accuracy of the models is of utmost importance.", "In this paper, we demonstrate how the U-Net type architecture can be improved by the use of the pretrained encoder.", "Our code and corresponding pre-trained weights are publicly available at https://github.com/ternaus/TernausNet.", "We compare three weight initialization schemes: LeCun uniform, the encoder with weights from VGG11 and full network trained on the Carvana dataset.", "This network architecture was a part of the winning solution (1st out of 735) in the Kaggle: Carvana Image Masking Challenge.", "Keywords—Computer Vision, Image Segmentation, Image Recognition, Deep learning, Medical Image Processing, Satellite Imagery." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913, 0.5788999795913696, 0.421099990606308, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "A new method for decision-tree-based recommender systems is proposed.", "The proposed method includes two new major innovations.", "First, the decision tree produces lists of recommended items at its leaf nodes, instead of single items.", "This leads to reduced amount of search, when using the tree to compile a recommendation list for a user and consequently enables a scaling of the recommendation system.", "The second major contribution of the paper is the splitting method for constructing the decision tree.", "Splitting is based on a new criterion the least probable intersection size.", "The new criterion computes the probability for getting the intersection for each potential split in a random split and selects the split that generates the least probable size of intersection.", "The proposed decision tree based recommendation system was evaluated on a large sample of the MovieLens dataset and is shown to outperform the quality of recommendations produced by the well known information gain splitting criterion." ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.6154000163078308 ]
[ "In this paper, we propose a monocular SLAM system for robotic urban search and rescue (USAR), based on which most USAR tasks (e.g. localization, mapping, exploration and object recognition) can be fulfilled by rescue robots with only a single camera.", "The proposed system can be a promising basis to implement fully autonomous rescue robots.", "However, the feature-based map built by the monocular SLAM is difficult for the operator to understand and use.", "We therefore combine the monocular SLAM with a 2D LIDAR SLAM to realize a 2D mapping and 6D localization SLAM system which can not only obtain a real scale of the environment and make the map more friendly to users, but also solve the problem that the robot pose cannot be tracked by the 2D LIDAR SLAM when the robot climbing stairs and ramps.", "We test our system using a real rescue robot in simulated disaster environments.", "The experimental results show that good performance can be achieved using the proposed system in the USAR.", "The system has also been successfully applied and tested in the RoboCup Rescue Robot League (RRL) competitions, where our rescue robot team entered the top 5 and won the Best in Class small robot mobility in 2016 RoboCup RRL Leipzig Germany, and the champions of 2016 and 2017 RoboCup China Open RRL competitions." ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6111000180244446, 0.8055999875068665, 0.4828000068664551, 0.6111000180244446, 0.583299994468689, 1, 0.6111000180244446 ]
[ "Concept representation is still an open problem in the field of ontology engineering and, more in general, of knowledge representation.", "In particular, it still remains unsolved the problem of representing \"non classical\" concepts, i.e. concepts that cannot be defined in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions.", "In this paper we review empirical evidence from cognitive psychology, which suggests that concept representation is not an unitary phenomenon.", "In particular, it seems that human beings employ both prototype and exemplar based representations in order to represent non classical concepts.", "We suggest that a similar, hybrid prototype-exemplar based approach could be useful also in the field of formal ontology technology." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "WiFi positioning system has been studying in many fields since the past.", "Recently, a lot of mobile companies are competing for smartphones.", "Accordingly, this paper proposes an indoor WiFi positioning system using Android-based smartphones." ]
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "In recent years, deep learning has garnered tremendous success in a variety of application domains.", "This new field of machine learning has been growing rapidly, and has been applied to most traditional application domains, as well as some new areas that present more opportunities.", "Different methods have been proposed based on different categories of learning, including supervised, semi-supervised, and un-supervised learning.", "Experimental results show state-of-the-art performance using deep learning when compared to traditional machine learning approaches in the fields of image processing, computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, art, medical imaging, medical information processing, robotics and control, bio-informatics, natural language processing (NLP), cybersecurity, and many others.", "This report presents a brief survey on the advances that have occurred in the area of DL, starting with the Deep Neural Network (DNN).", "The survey goes on to cover the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) including Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), the Auto-Encoder (AE), the Deep Belief Network (DBN), the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL).", "Additionally, we have included recent developments such as advanced variant DL techniques based on these DL approaches.", "This work considers most of the papers published after 2012 from when the history of deep learning began.", "Furthermore, DL approaches that have been explored and evaluated in different application domains are also included in this survey.", "We also included recently developed frameworks, SDKs, and benchmark datasets that are used for implementing and evaluating deep learning approaches." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.8378000259399414, 1, 0.8378000259399414, 0.8108000159263611, 0.8378000259399414, 0.6485999822616577, 1, 0.6485999822616577, 0.6485999822616577, 0.4323999881744385 ]
[ "We present a siamese adaptation of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network for labeled data comprised of pairs of variable-length sequences.", "Our model is applied to assess semantic similarity between sentences, where we exceed state of the art, outperforming carefully handcrafted features and recently proposed neural network systems of greater complexity.", "For these applications, we provide wordembedding vectors supplemented with synonymic information to the LSTMs, which use a fixed size vector to encode the underlying meaning expressed in a sentence (irrespective of the particular wording/syntax).", "By restricting subsequent operations to rely on a simple Manhattan metric, we compel the sentence representations learned by our model to form a highly structured space whose geometry reflects complex semantic relationships.", "Our results are the latest in a line of findings that showcase LSTMs as powerful language models capable of tasks requiring intricate understanding." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5758000016212463, 0.5758000016212463, 0.7878999710083008, 0.3939000070095062, 0.7576000094413757 ]
[ "Blockchain refers to a range of general purpose technologies to exchange information and transact digital assets in distributed networks.", "The core question addressed in this paper is whether blockchain technology will lead to innovation and transformation of governmental processes.", "To address this question we present a critical assessment of the often exaggerated benefits of blockchain technology found in the literature and discuss their implications for governmental organizations and processes.", "We plea for a shift from a technology-driven to needdriven approach in which blockchain applications are customized to ensure a fit with requirements of administrative processes and in which the administrative processes are changed to benefit from the technology.", "Having sound governance models are found to be a condition for realizing benefits.", "Based on a critical assessment we offer directions for further research into the potential benefits of BC applications in e-government and the role of governance of BC architectures and applications to comply with societal needs and public values." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.5946000218391418, 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808, 0.8378000259399414, 1 ]
[ "We present a system for accurate real-time mapping of complex and arbitrary indoor scenes in variable lighting conditions, using only a moving low-cost depth camera and commodity graphics hardware.", "We fuse all of the depth data streamed from a Kinect sensor into a single global implicit surface model of the observed scene in real-time.", "The current sensor pose is simultaneously obtained by tracking the live depth frame relative to the global model using a coarse-to-fine iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, which uses all of the observed depth data available.", "We demonstrate the advantages of tracking against the growing full surface model compared with frame-to-frame tracking, obtaining tracking and mapping results in constant time within room sized scenes with limited drift and high accuracy.", "We also show both qualitative and quantitative results relating to various aspects of our tracking and mapping system.", "Modelling of natural scenes, in real-time with only commodity sensor and GPU hardware, promises an exciting step forward in augmented reality (AR), in particular, it allows dense surfaces to be reconstructed in real-time, with a level of detail and robustness beyond any solution yet presented using passive computer vision." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 0 ]
[ 0.5676000118255615, 0.8108000159263611, 0.5946000218391418, 0.8108000159263611, 0.8108000159263611, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "Multimedia services and especially digital video is expected to be the major traffic component transmitted over communication networks [such as internet protocol (IP)-based networks].", "For this reason, traffic characterization and modeling of such services are required for an efficient network operation.", "The generated models can be used as traffic rate predictors, during the network operation phase (online traffic modeling), or as video generators for estimating the network resources, during the network design phase (offline traffic modeling).", "In this paper, an adaptable neural-network architecture is proposed covering both cases.", "The scheme is based on an efficient recursive weight estimation algorithm, which adapts the network response to current conditions.", "In particular, the algorithm updates the network weights so that 1) the network output, after the adaptation, is approximately equal to current bit rates (current traffic statistics) and 2) a minimal degradation over the obtained network knowledge is provided.", "It can be shown that the proposed adaptable neural-network architecture simulates a recursive nonlinear autoregressive model (RNAR) similar to the notation used in the linear case.", "The algorithm presents low computational complexity and high efficiency in tracking traffic rates in contrast to conventional retraining schemes.", "Furthermore, for the problem of offline traffic modeling, a novel correlation mechanism is proposed for capturing the burstness of the actual MPEG video traffic.", "The performance of the model is evaluated using several real-life MPEG coded video sources of long duration and compared with other linear/nonlinear techniques used for both cases." ]
[ 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.8205000162124634, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "The combination of the Internet and emerging technologies such as nearfield communications, real-time localization, and embedded sensors lets us transform everyday objects into smart objects that can understand and react to their environment.", "Such objects are building blocks for the Internet of Things and enable novel computing applications.", "As a step toward design and architectural principles for smart objects, the authors introduce a hierarchy of architectures with increasing levels of real-world awareness and interactivity.", "In particular, they describe activity-, policy-, and process-aware smart objects and demonstrate how the respective architectural abstractions support increasingly complex application." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8285999894142151, 0.8285999894142151, 0.37139999866485596, 0.37139999866485596 ]
[ "Computer vision is the science and technology of making machines that see.", "It is concerned with the theory, design and implementation of algorithms that can automatically process visual data to recognize objects, track and recover their shape and spatial layout.", "The International Computer Vision Summer School ICVSS was established in 2007 to provide both an objective and clear overview and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art research in Computer Vision.", "The courses are delivered by world renowned experts in the field, from both academia and industry, and cover both theoretical and practical aspects of real Computer Vision problems.", "The school is organized every year by University of Cambridge (Computer Vision and Robotics Group) and University of Catania (Image Processing Lab).", "Different topics are covered each year.", "A summary of the past Computer Vision Summer Schools can be found at: http:// www.dmi.unict.it/icvss This edited volume contains a selection of articles covering some of the talks and tutorials held during the last editions of the school.", "The chapters provide an in-depth overview of challenging areas with key references to the existing literature." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7894999980926514, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.421099990606308, 0.6053000092506409, 0.21050000190734863, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "Microsoft Windows Azure Cloud offers scalable resources to its customers.", "The price for renting the resources is linear, i.e. the customer pays exactly double price for double resources.", "However, not always all offered resources of virtual machine instances are most suitable for the customers.", "Some problems are memory demanding, others are compute intensive or even cache intensive.", "The same amount of resources offered by the cloud can be rented and utilized differently to speedup the computation.", "One way is to use techniques for parallelization on instances with more resources.", "Other way is to spread the job among several instances of virtual machine with less resources.", "In this paper we analyze which is the best way to scale the resources to speedup the calculations and obtain best performance for the same amount of money needed to rent those resources in the cloud." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.39469999074935913 ]
[ "The paper proposes a description of information decision support system in the tourism domain and a set of methods and algorithms for generating recommendations for a user that allow significant increase of the system usability.", "The system generates for the user recommendations which attractions at the moment are better to attend based on the user preferences and the current situation in the location area.", "The system also allows showing the user information about interesting attraction in more detail, which is based on analyzing information evaluations made by other users." ]
[ 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "Recent studies show that stock patterns might implicate useful information for stock price forecasting.", "The patterns underlying the price time series can not be discovered exhaustively by the pure man power in a limited time, thus the computer algorithm for stock price pattern recognition becomes more and more popular.", "Currently, there are mainly two kinds of stock price pattern recognition algorithms: the algorithm based on rule-matching and the algorithm based on template-matching.", "However, both of the two algorithms highly require the participation of domain experts, as well as their lacks of the learning ability.", "To solve these problems, the paper proposes a stock price pattern recognition approach based upon the artificial neural network.", "The experiment shows that the neural network can effectively learn the characteristics of the patterns, and accurately recognize the patterns." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.628600001335144, 0.628600001335144, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.628600001335144 ]
[ "To verify the validity of our previously reported autonomous indoor localization system in an actual environment, we implemented it in a wireless sensor network based on the ZigBee standard.", "The system automatically estimates the distance between sensor nodes by measuring the RSSI (received signal strength indicator) at an appropriate number of sensor nodes.", "Through experiments, we clarified the validity of our data collection and position estimation techniques.", "The results show that when the deployment density of sensor nodes was set to 0.27 nodes/ , the position estimation error was reduced to 1.5-2 m." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6434000134468079, 0.41290000081062317, 0.5871000289916992, 0.8310999870300293 ]
[ "Social media usage among organizations is growing tremendously.", "Organizations are now building and maintaining social media public pages to improve their social network salience, enhance interest in their organizations, and build relationships with the online public.", "The majority of the studies on social media usage are based on the individual perspective while some are from the organizational perspective.", "However, not many studies have investigated the actual impact of social media usage on organizational performance.", "Therefore, using the qualitative approach, this study investigates the various purposes of social media usage and its impact on organizational performance.", "This study however, focuses only on the social media managers’ views.", "The senior managers of six organizations that are using social media are interviewed from which we find that social media is used for various purposes in organizations, such as advertising and promotion, branding, information search, building customer relations and many more.", "The results also show that social media has a greater impact on the performance of organizations in terms of enhancement in customer relations and customer service activities, improvement in information accessibility and cost reduction in terms of marketing and customer service.", "2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 0.583299994468689, 0.583299994468689, 0.41670000553131104, 0.8055999875068665, 1, 0.6388999819755554, 1, 0.6111000180244446 ]
[ "Object detection is a crucial task for autonomous driving.", "In addition to requiring high accuracy to ensure safety, object detection for autonomous driving also requires realtime inference speed to guarantee prompt vehicle control, as well as small model size and energy efficiency to enable embedded system deployment.", ",,,,,, In this work, we propose SqueezeDet, a fully convolutional neural network for object detection that aims to simultaneously satisfy all of the above constraints.", "In our network we use convolutional layers not only to extract feature maps, but also as the output layer to compute bounding boxes and class probabilities.", "The detection pipeline of our model only contains a single forward pass of a neural network, thus it is extremely fast.", "Our model is fullyconvolutional, which leads to small model size and better energy efficiency.", "Finally, our experiments show that our model is very accurate, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy on the KITTI [10] benchmark.", "The source code of SqueezeDet is open-source released." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6388999819755554, 0.44440001249313354, 0.6111000180244446, 0.583299994468689, 0.583299994468689, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.3889000117778778 ]