[ "BE-Tree is a novel dynamic tree data structure designed to efficiently index Boolean expressions over a high-dimensional discrete space.", "BE-Tree copes with both high-dimensionality and expressiveness of Boolean expressions by introducing a novel two-phase space-cutting technique that specifically utilizes the discrete and finite domain properties of the space.", "Furthermore, BE-Tree employs self-adjustment policies to dynamically adapt the tree as the workload changes.", "We conduct a comprehensive evaluation to demonstrate the superiority of BE-Tree in comparison with state-of-the-art index structures designed for matching Boolean expressions." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 1 ]
[ "Convolutional Neural Networks are extremely efficient architectures in image and audio recognition tasks, thanks to their ability to exploit the local translational invariance of signal classes over their domain.", "In this paper we consider possible generalizations of CNNs to signals defined on more general domains without the action of a translation group.", "In particular, we propose two constructions, one based upon a hierarchical clustering of the domain, and another based on the spectrum of the graph Laplacian.", "We show through experiments that for lowdimensional graphs it is possible to learn convolutional layers with a number of parameters independent of the input size, resulting in efficient deep architectures." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.571399986743927, 0.34290000796318054 ]
[ "This paper brings into question whether information systems should be centralized or decentralized in order to provide greater support for different business processes.", "During the last century companies and organizations have used different approaches for centralization and decentralization; a simple answer to the question does not exist.", "This paper provides a survey of the evolution of centralized and decentralized approaches, mainly in a Nordic perspective.", "Based on critical reflections on the situation in the end of the century we can discuss what we can learn from history to achieve alignment between centralized and decentralized systems and the business structure.", "The conclusion is that theories, management and practice for decisions on centralization or decentralization of information systems must be improved.", "A conscious management and control of centralization /decentralization of IT support is a vital question in the company or the organization, and this is not a task that can be handled only by IT-specialists.", "There is a need for business oriented IT management of centralization/decentralization." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5788999795913696, 0.6053000092506409, 0.4666999876499176, 0.5788999795913696, 0.7894999980926514, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "New expressions are derived for the exact symbol error probability and bit-error probability for optimum combining with multiple phase-shift keying.", "The expressions are for any numbers of equal-power cochannel interferers and receive branches.", "It is assumed that the aggregate interference and noise is Gaussian and that both the desired signal and interference are subject to flat Rayleigh fading.", "The new expressions have low computational complexity, as they contain only a single integral form with finite limits and finite integrand." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.7792999744415283, 0.4099000096321106 ]
[ "The usage of Likert-type scales has become widespread practice in current IS research.", "Those scales require individuals to choose between a limited number of choices, and have been criticized in the literature for causing loss of information, allowing the researcher to affect responses by determining the range, and being ordinal in nature.", "The use of online surveys allows for the easy implementation of continuous rating scales, which have a long history in psychophysical measurement but were rarely used in IS surveys.", "This type of measurement requires survey participants to express their opinion in a visual form, i.e. to place a mark at an appropriate position on a continuous line.", "That not only solves the problems of information loss, but also allows for applying advanced robust statistical analyses.", "In this 1 Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Tel.", ": +43/1/31336/4480 Fax: +43/1/31336/746 E-Mail: [email protected]" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3 ]
[ 1, 0.8108000159263611, 0.6215999722480774, 0.40540000796318054, 0.40540000796318054, 0.8108000159263611, 0.8108000159263611 ]
[ "0 7 4 0 7 4 5 9 / 0 1 / $ 1 0 .", "0 0 © 2 0 0 1 I E E E T his month’s column is simply a collection of what I consider to be facts— truths, if you will—about software engineering.", "I’m presenting this software engineering laundry list because far too many people who call themselves software engineers, or computer scientists, or programmers, or whatever nom du jour you prefer, either aren’t familiar with these facts or have forgotten them.", "I don’t expect you to agree with all these facts; some of them might even upset you.", "Great!", "Then we can begin a dialog about which facts really are facts and which are merely figments of my vivid loyal opposition imagination!", "Enough preliminaries.", "Here are the most frequently forgotten fundamental facts about software engineering.", "Some are of vital importance—", "we forget them at considerable risk." ]
[ 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.6111000180244446, 0.3889000117778778, 0.22220000624656677, 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446, 0.833299994468689, 0.44440001249313354, 0.6111000180244446, 0.7778000235557556, 0.6111000180244446 ]
[ "Recently, deep learning approaches have demonstrated remarkable progresses for action recognition in videos.", "Most existing deep frameworks equally treat every volume i.e. spatial-temporal video clip, and directly assign a video label to all volumes sampled from it.", "However, within a video, discriminative actions may occur sparsely in a few key volumes, and most other volumes are irrelevant to the labeled action category.", "Training with a large proportion of irrelevant volumes will hurt performance.", "To address this issue, we propose a key volume mining deep framework to identify key volumes and conduct classification simultaneously.", "Specifically, our framework is trained is optimized in an alternative way integrated to the forward and backward stages of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).", "In the forward pass, our network mines key volumes for each action class.", "In the backward pass, it updates network parameters with the help of these mined key volumes.", "In addition, we propose \"Stochastic out\" to model key volumes from multi-modalities, and an effective yet simple \"unsupervised key volume proposal\" method for high quality volume sampling.", "Our experiments show that action recognition performance can be significantly improved by mining key volumes, and we achieve state-of-the-art performance on HMDB51 and UCF101 (93.1%)." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.6053000092506409, 1, 0.421099990606308, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "This paper examines vertical integration and its impact on profitability and shareholder value in the global banking industry.", "We derive a measure for vertical integration using a sample of 859 banks from 9 Anglo-Saxon and European countries covering the timeframe 1997-2002.", "Our results suggest that banks either operating on highly integrated or highly disintegrated levels of vertical integration display superior performance figures and stock market evaluations.", "Additionally, vertically integrated banks show lower levels of firm risk.", "As our results suggest an interrelation between vertical integration and outsourcing, banks need clear determined strategies whether to engage into outsourcing activities or not." ]
[ 2, 0, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.41179999709129333, 0.41179999709129333, 0.5881999731063843, 0.41179999709129333, 0.8234999775886536 ]
[ "We describe the first mobile app for identifying plant species using automatic visual recognition.", "The system – called Leafsnap – identifies tree species from photographs of their leaves.", "Key to this system are computer vision components for discarding non-leaf images, segmenting the leaf from an untextured background, extracting features representing the curvature of the leaf’s contour over multiple scales, and identifying the species from a dataset of the 184 trees in the Northeastern United States.", "Our system obtains state-of-the-art performance on the real-world images from the new Leafsnap Dataset – the largest of its kind.", "Throughout the paper, we document many of the practical steps needed to produce a computer vision system such as ours, which currently has nearly a million users." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6018000245094299, 0.6105999946594238, 1, 0.5752000212669373, 0.7875999808311462 ]
[ "Lack of trust has been identified as a major obstacle to the adoption of online shopping.", "However, there is paucity of research that investigates the effectiveness of various trust building mechanisms, especially the interactions amongst these mechanisms.", "In this study, three trust building mechanisms (i.e., third-party certification, reputation, and return policy) were examined.", "Scenario survey method was used for data collection.", "463 usable questionnaires were collected from respondents with diverse backgrounds.", "Regression results show that all three trust building mechanisms have significant positive effects on trust in the online vendor.", "Their effects are not simple ones; the different trust building mechanisms interact with one another to produce an overall effect on the level of trust.", "These results have both theoretical and practical implications." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.571399986743927, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 1 ]
[ "We address semantic segmentation of road-objects from 3D LiDAR point clouds.", "In particular, we wish to detect and categorize instances of interest, such as cars, pedestrians and cyclists.", "We formulate this problem as a point-wise classification problem, and propose an end-to-end pipeline called SqueezeSeg based on convolutional neural networks (CNN): the CNN takes a transformed LiDAR point cloud as input and directly outputs a point-wise label map, which is then refined by a conditional random field (CRF) implemented as a recurrent layer.", "Instance-level labels are then obtained by conventional clustering algorithms.", "Our CNN model is trained on LiDAR point clouds from the KITTI [1] dataset, and our point-wise segmentation labels are derived from 3D bounding boxes from KITTI.", "To obtain extra training data, we built a LiDAR simulator into Grand Theft Auto $\\boldsymbol{V}$ (GTA-V), a popular video game, to synthesize large amounts of realistic training data.", "Our experiments show that SqueezeSeg achieves high accuracy with astonishingly fast and stable runtime ($8.7\\pm 0.5$ ms per frame), highly desirable for autonomous driving.", "Furthermore, additionally training on synthesized data boosts validation accuracy on real-world data.", "Our source code is open-source released111https://github.com/BichenWuUCB/SqueezeSeg.", "The paper is accompanied by a video222https://youtu.be/Xyn5Zd31m6s containing a high level introduction and demonstrations of this work." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.7778000235557556, 0.41670000553131104, 0.5555999875068665, 0.833299994468689, 0.8055999875068665, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446 ]
[ "In this paper, we review the functions and architectures of control centers: their past, present, and likely future.", "The evolving changes in power system operational needs require a distributed control center that is decentralized, integrated, flexible, and open.", "Present-day control centers are moving in that direction with varying degrees of success.", "The technologies employed in today's control centers to enable them to be distributed are briefly reviewed.", "With the rise of the Internet age, the trend in information and communication technologies is moving toward Grid computing and Web services, or Grid services.", "A Grid service-based future control center is stipulated." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 0.583299994468689, 0.41670000553131104, 0.7778000235557556, 0.7778000235557556, 0.8055999875068665 ]
[ "The expected proliferation of local-area networks has created a need for network database servers.", "It is reasonable to view local-area network data servers as extensions of backend database systems.", "This paper addresses several critical data-server design issues: distribution of functionality, high availability, security, and performance.", "Particular consideration is given to applying experience with backend databases to the problems of data servers.", "Several design alternatives are proposed and evaluated in terms of their impact on reliability, security, and performance in a gross sense.", "The concluding section emphasizes the need for greater practical experience with local-area networks in order to more accurately weigh the tradeoffs of different data-server configurations." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.833299994468689, 0.833299994468689, 0.833299994468689, 0.44440001249313354, 0.44440001249313354, 0.6111000180244446 ]
[ "This paper addresses the problem of geocasting in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) environments.", "Geocasting is a variant of the conventional multicasting problem.", "For multicasting, conventional protocols define a multicast group as a collection of hosts which register to a multicast group address.", "However, for geocasting, the group consists of the set of all nodes within a specified geographical region.", "Hosts within the specified region at a given time form the geocast group at that time.", "We present two different algorithms for delivering packets to such a group, and present simulation results." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 4 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 0.41670000553131104, 0.583299994468689, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.583299994468689 ]
[ "We propose SfM-Net, a geometry-aware neural network for motion estimation in videos that decomposes frameto-frame pixel motion in terms of scene and object depth, camera motion and 3D object rotations and translations.", "Given a sequence of frames, SfM-Net predicts depth, segmentation, camera and rigid object motions, converts those into a dense frame-to-frame motion field (optical flow), differentiably warps frames in time to match pixels and back-propagates.", "The model can be trained with various degrees of supervision: 1) self-supervised by the reprojection photometric error (completely unsupervised), 2) supervised by ego-motion (camera motion), or 3) supervised by depth (e.g., as provided by RGBD sensors).", "SfMNet extracts meaningful depth estimates and successfully estimates frame-to-frame camera rotations and translations.", "It often successfully segments the moving objects in the scene, even though such supervision is never provided." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "Early research on online self-presentation mostly focused on identity constructions in anonymous online environments.", "Such studies found that individuals tended to engage in role-play games and anti-normative behaviors in the online world.", "More recent studies have examined identity performance in less anonymous online settings such as Internet dating sites and reported different findings.", "The present study investigates identity construction on Facebook, a newly emerged nonymous online environment.", "Based on content analysis of 63 Facebook accounts, we find that the identities produced in this nonymous environment differ from those constructed in the anonymous online environments previously reported.", "Facebook users predominantly claim their identities implicitly rather than explicitly; they ‘‘show rather than tell” and stress group and consumer identities over personally narrated ones.", "The characteristics of such identities are described and the implications of this finding are discussed.", "Published by Elsevier Ltd." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3 ]
[ 0.8378000259399414, 0.8378000259399414, 1, 0.4323999881744385, 0.21619999408721924, 0.40540000796318054, 0.3783999979496002, 0.6215999722480774 ]
[ "This research aimed to investigate factors that affect computer crime protection behavior, based on the protection motivation theory.", "Personal factors were considered, including: conscientious personality, perceived value of data, prior experience, and environmental factors.", "In addition, other factors were evaluated, including: subjective norm, security knowledge, and safeguard costs.", "These factors are mediated by threat appraisal and coping appraisal.", "The data were collected from 600 personal computer users by use of a questionnaire.", "Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.", "Findings showed that all factors had significant effects on the computer crime protection behavior.", "In addition, the results showed that security knowledge, one of the environmental factors, had the strongest effects on coping appraisal which subsequently had the strongest impact on protection behavior." ]
[ 2, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 1, 1 ]
[ "Deep web refers to the hidden part of the Web that remains unavailable for standard Web crawlers.", "To obtain content of Deep Web is challenging and has been acknowledged as a significant gap in the coverage of search engines.", "To this end, the paper proposes a novel deep web crawling framework based on reinforcement learning, in which the crawler is regarded as an agent and deep web database as the environment.", "The agent perceives its current state and selects an action (query) to submit to the environment according to Q-value.", "The framework not only enables crawlers to learn a promising crawling strategy from its own experience, but also allows for utilizing diverse features of query keywords.", "Experimental results show that the method outperforms the state of art methods in terms of crawling capability and breaks through the assumption of full-text search implied by existing methods." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.583299994468689, 0.44440001249313354, 0.5555999875068665, 0.7778000235557556 ]
[ "In this paper, the recent progress on the understandings of the switching mechanisms in oxide resistive switching memory (RRAM) is reviewed.", "Several representative device modeling approaches including numerical discretized models, numerical continuous models and analytical compact models are discussed using HfOx bipolar RRAM as a model system.", "The future challenges of RRAM modeling are finally discussed." ]
[ 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6337000131607056, 0.5679000020027161, 0.33739998936653137 ]
[ "This paper addresses the Internet of Things.", "Main enabling factor of this promising paradigm is the integration of several technologies and communications solutions.", "Identification and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, enhanced communication protocols (shared with the Next Generation Internet), and distributed intelligence for smart objects are just the most relevant.", "As one can easily imagine, any serious contribution to the advance of the Internet of Things must necessarily be the result of synergetic activities conducted in different fields of knowledge, such as telecommunications, informatics, electronics and social science.", "In such a complex scenario, this survey is directed to those who want to approach this complex discipline and contribute to its development.", "Different visions of this Internet of Things paradigm are reported and enabling technologies reviewed.", "What emerges is that still major issues shall be faced by the research community.", "The most relevant among them are addressed in details.", "2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.8040000200271606, 0.6079999804496765, 0.53329998254776, 0.4480000138282776, 0.6439999938011169, 1, 0.6079999804496765, 0.41999998688697815, 0.8399999737739563 ]
[ "In modern face recognition, the conventional pipeline consists of four stages: detect => align => represent => classify.", "We revisit both the alignment step and the representation step by employing explicit 3D face modeling in order to apply a piecewise affine transformation, and derive a face representation from a nine-layer deep neural network.", "This deep network involves more than 120 million parameters using several locally connected layers without weight sharing, rather than the standard convolutional layers.", "Thus we trained it on the largest facial dataset to-date, an identity labeled dataset of four million facial images belonging to more than 4, 000 identities.", "The learned representations coupling the accurate model-based alignment with the large facial database generalize remarkably well to faces in unconstrained environments, even with a simple classifier.", "Our method reaches an accuracy of 97.35% on the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, reducing the error of the current state of the art by more than 27%, closely approaching human-level performance." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 4, 0, 1 ]
[ 0.7828999757766724, 0.40700000524520874, 0.4341000020503998, 0.8101000189781189, 0.40310001373291016, 0.5929999947547913 ]
[ "The logic construction of a double-edge-triggered (DET) flip-flop, which can receive input signal at two levels of the clock, is analyzed and a new circuit design of CMOS DET flip-flop is proposed.", "Simulation using SPICE and a 1p technology shows that this DET flip-flop has ideal logic functionality, a simpler structure, lower delay time, and higher maximum data rate compared to other existing CMOS DET flip-flops.", "By simulating and comparing the proposed DET flipflop with the traditional single-edge-triggered (SET) flip-flop, it is shown that the proposed DET flip-flop reduces power dissipation by half while keeping the same date rate." ]
[ 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.41670000553131104, 0.8055999875068665, 0.8055999875068665 ]
[ "Crowdsourcing systems which utilize the human intelligence to solve complex tasks have gained considerable interest and adoption in recent years.", "However, the majority of existing crowdsourcing systems rely on central servers, which are subject to the weaknesses of traditional trust-based model, such as single point of failure.", "They are also vulnerable to distributed denial of service (DDoS) and Sybil attacks due to malicious users involvement.", "In addition, high service fees from the crowdsourcing platform may hinder the development of crowdsourcing.", "How to address these potential issues has both research and substantial value.", "In this paper, we conceptualize a blockchain-based decentralized framework for crowdsourcing named CrowdBC, in which a requester’s task can be solved by a crowd of workers without relying on any third trusted institution, users’ privacy can be guaranteed and only low transaction fees are required.", "In particular, we introduce the architecture of our proposed framework, based on which we give a concrete scheme.", "We further implement a software prototype on Ethereum public test network with real-world dataset.", "Experiment results show the feasibility, usability and scalability of our proposed crowdsourcing system." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8181999921798706, 0.8181999921798706, 0.8181999921798706, 0.42419999837875366, 0.7576000094413757, 1, 0.8181999921798706, 0.8181999921798706 ]
[ "Reconstructing shape and reflectance properties from images is a highly under-constrained problem, and has previously been addressed by using specialized hardware to capture calibrated data or by assuming known (or highly constrained) shape or reflectance.", "In contrast, we demonstrate that we can recover non-Lambertian, spatially-varying BRDFs and complex geometry belonging to any arbitrary shape class, from a single RGB image captured under a combination of unknown environment illumination and flash lighting.", "We achieve this by training a deep neural network to regress shape and reflectance from the image.", "Our network is able to address this problem because of three novel contributions: first, we build a large-scale dataset of procedurally generated shapes and real-world complex SVBRDFs that approximate real world appearance well.", "Second, single image inverse rendering requires reasoning at multiple scales, and we propose a cascade network structure that allows this in a tractable manner.", "Finally, we incorporate an in-network rendering layer that aids the reconstruction task by handling global illumination effects that are important for real-world scenes.", "Together, these contributions allow us to tackle the entire inverse rendering problem in a holistic manner and produce state-of-the-art results on both synthetic and real data." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 1 ]
[ "The design of electromagnetic interference (EMI) input filters, needed for switched power converters to fulfill the regulatory standards, is typically associated with high development effort.", "This paper presents a guideline for a simplified differential-mode (DM) filter design.", "First, a procedure to estimate the required filter attenuation based on the total input rms current using only a few equations is given.", "Second, a volume optimization of the needed DM filter based on the previously calculated filter attenuation and volumetric component parameters is introduced.", "It is shown that a minimal volume can be found for a certain optimal number of filter stages.", "The considerations are exemplified for two single-phase power factor correction converters operated in continuous and discontinuous conduction modes, respectively.", "Finally, EMI measurements done with a 300-W power converter prototype prove the proposed filter design method." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5946000218391418, 0.5946000218391418, 1, 1, 0.4828000068664551, 0.5946000218391418, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "Computer Forensics is essential for the successful prosecution of computer criminals.", "For a forensic investigation to be performed successfully there are a number of important steps that have to be considered and taken.", "The aim of this paper is to define a clear, step-by-step framework for the collection of evidence suitable for presentation in a court of law.", "Existing forensic models will be surveyed and then adapted to create a specific application framework for single computer, entry point forensics." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808, 1, 0.5946000218391418 ]
[ "Zero-shot methods in language, vision and other domains rely on a cross-space mapping function that projects vectors from the relevant feature space (e.g., visualfeature-based image representations) to a large semantic word space (induced in an unsupervised way from corpus data), where the entities of interest (e.g., objects images depict) are labeled with the words associated to the nearest neighbours of the mapped vectors.", "Zero-shot cross-space mapping methods hold great promise as a way to scale up annotation tasks well beyond the labels in the training data (e.g., recognizing objects that were never seen in training).", "However, the current performance of cross-space mapping functions is still quite low, so that the strategy is not yet usable in practical applications.", "In this paper, we explore some general properties, both theoretical and empirical, of the cross-space mapping function, and we build on them to propose better methods to estimate it.", "In this way, we attain large improvements over the state of the art, both in cross-linguistic (word translation) and cross-modal (image labeling) zero-shot experiments." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5676000118255615, 0.40540000796318054, 1 ]
[ "A visual attention system, inspired by the behavior and the neuronal architecture of the early primate visual system, is presented.", "Multiscale image features are combined into a single topographical saliency map.", "A dynamical neural network then selects attended locations in order of decreasing saliency.", "The system breaks down the complex problem of scene understanding by rapidly selecting, in a computationally efficient manner, conspicuous locations to be analyzed in detail." ]
[ 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.428600013256073, 0.428600013256073, 0.428600013256073, 0.628600001335144 ]
[ "In this paper, we study the use of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for modeling and forecasting time series.", "We first illustrate the fact that standard sequence-to-sequence RNNs neither capture well periods in time series nor handle well missing values, even though many real life times series are periodic and contain missing values.", "We then propose an extended attention mechanism that can be deployed on top of any RNN and that is designed to capture periods and make the RNN more robust to missing values.", "We show the effectiveness of this novel model through extensive experiments with multiple univariate and multivariate datasets." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 1 ]
[ "The high cost of attracting new customers on the Internet and the relative difficulty in retaining them make customer loyalty an essential asset for many online vendors.", "In the non-Internet marketplace, customer loyalty is primarily the product of superior service quality and the trust that such service entails.", "This study examines whether the same applies with online vendors even though their service is provided by a website interface notably lacking a human service provider.", "As hypothesized, customer loyalty to a specific online vendor increased with perceived better service quality both directly and through increased trust.", "However, the data suggest that the five dimensions of service quality in SERVQUAL collapse to three with online service quality: (1) tangibles, (2) a combined dimension of responsiveness, reliability, and assurance, and (3) empathy.", "The first dimension is the most important one in increasing customer loyalty, and the second in increasing customer trust.", "Implications are discussed." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "We recently reported a successful correlation of the normal boiling points of 298 organic compounds containing O, N, Cl, and Br with two molecular descriptors.", "1 In the present study the applicability of these two descriptors for the prediction of boiling points for various other classes of organic compounds was investigated further by employing a diverse data set of 612 organic compounds containing C, H, N, O, S, F, Cl, Br, and I. The data set was divided into 9 subsets, and additional descriptors were sought for each subset, which, together with the gravitation index and the charged surface area of hydrogen-donor atoms, would model the boiling points.", "The additional descriptors were then each tested for global relevance and retained only if this was found.", "A final eight-parameter correlation model was thus deduced which had R2 ) 0.965 and a standard error of 15.5 K approaching the estimated average experimental error for the data set.", "The model appears to be general for a wide variety of organic compounds." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.421099990606308, 0.5160999894142151, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "The determinantal point process (DPP) is an elegant probabilistic model of repulsion with applications in various machine learning tasks including summarization and search.", "However, the maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference for DPP which plays an important role in many applications is NP-hard, and even the popular greedy algorithm can still be too computationally expensive to be used in largescale real-time scenarios.", "To overcome the computational challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to greatly accelerate the greedy MAP inference for DPP.", "In addition, our algorithm also adapts to scenarios where the repulsion is only required among nearby few items in the result sequence.", "We apply the proposed algorithm to generate relevant and diverse recommendations.", "Experimental results show that our proposed algorithm is significantly faster than state-of-the-art competitors, and provides a better relevance-diversity trade-off on several public datasets, which is also confirmed in an online A/B test." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7670000195503235, 0.7670000195503235, 0.7670000195503235, 0.5339999794960022, 1, 0.7670000195503235 ]
[ "European aircraft manufacturer, Airbus, has started a program to develop the largest aircraft ever built, the Airbus A380, which would be able to carry between 550 to 800 passengers on two decks.", "The six components of the airplane are to be produced in different European cities.", "They need to be transported from these cities to Toulouse, France, for assembly, and several means of transportation have been investigated.", "The sizes of the freights, the length of the itinerary, and the narrowness of the critical passages constitute a challenge that classical transportation techniques in the domain of oversized convoys cannot easily overcome.", "Therefore, Airbus and the French national agency in charge of road management launched a research and development project divided into two parts.", "The objective of the first part is to adapt functions first to develop for mobile robots to the complex kinematics of trailer-truck systems and integrating these functions into a software platform.", "The second part of the project aims to define and develop a computer-aided driving system on board the vehicles in order to help the drivers carry out their task.", "This paper provides a brief overview of the state of the art in trajectory planning for mobile robots and vehicles, and discusses the development of original solutions to address both the kinematic complexity of one of the vehicles and the need to optimize the distance to obstacles." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1 ]
[ 0.8378000259399414, 0.8108000159263611, 0.6485999822616577, 0.4323999881744385, 0.6215999722480774, 0.8378000259399414, 0.7838000059127808, 0.6215999722480774 ]
[ "Malicious URL, a.k.a.", "malicious website, is a common and serious threat to cybersecurity.", "Malicious URLs host unsolicited content (spam, phishing, drive-by exploits, etc.) and lure unsuspecting users to become victims of scams (monetary loss, theft of private information, and malware installation), and cause losses of billions of dollars every year.", "It is imperative to detect and act on such threats in a timely manner.", "Traditionally, this detection is done mostly through the usage of blacklists.", "However, blacklists cannot be exhaustive, and lack the ability to detect newly generated malicious URLs.", "To improve the generality of malicious URL detectors, machine learning techniques have been explored with increasing attention in recent years.", "This article aims to provide a comprehensive survey and a structural understanding of Malicious URL Detection techniques using machine learning.", "We present the formal formulation of Malicious URL Detection as a machine learning task, and categorize and review the contributions of literature studies that addresses different dimensions of this problem (feature representation, algorithm design, etc.).", "Further, this article provides a timely and comprehensive survey for a range of different audiences, not only for machine learning researchers and engineers in academia, but also for professionals and practitioners in cybersecurity industry, to help them understand the state of the art and facilitate their own research and practical applications." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.6154000163078308, 1, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "In this article, we review probabilistic topic models: graphical models that can be used to summarize a large collection of documents with a smaller number of distributions over words.", "Those distributions are called \"topics\" because, when fit to data, they capture the salient themes that run through the collection.", "We describe both finite-dimensional parametric topic models and their Bayesian nonparametric counterparts, which are based on the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP).", "We discuss two extensions of topic models to time-series data-one that lets the topics slowly change over time and one that lets the assumed prevalence of the topics change.", "Finally, we illustrate the application of topic models to nontext data, summarizing some recent research results in image analysis." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6215999722480774, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5676000118255615, 0.6215999722480774, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "Nowadays, the use of agile software development methods like Scrum is common in industry and academia.", "Considering the current attacking landscape, it is clear that developing secure software should be a main concern in all software development projects.", "In traditional software projects, security issues require detailed planning in an initial planning phase, typically resulting in a detailed security analysis (e.g., threat and risk analysis), a security architecture, and instructions for security implementation (e.g., specification of key sizes and cryptographic algorithms to use).", "Agile software development methods like Scrum are known for reducing the initial planning phases (e.g., sprint 0 in Scrum) and for focusing more on producing running code.", "Scrum is also known for allowing fast adaption of the emerging software to changes of customer wishes.", "For security, this means that it is likely that there are no detailed security architecture or security implementation instructions from the start of the project.", "It also means that a lot of design decisions will be made during the runtime of the project.", "Hence, to address security in Scrum, it is necessary to consider security issues throughout the whole software development process.", "Secure Scrum is a variation of the Scrum framework with special focus on the development of secure software throughout the whole software development process.", "It puts emphasis on implementation of security related issues without the need of changing the underlying Scrum process or influencing team dynamics." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.771399974822998, 0.771399974822998, 0.771399974822998, 0.628600001335144, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.37139999866485596, 0.22859999537467957, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "The term “Distributed Software Engineering” is ambiguous .", "It includes both the engineering of distributed software and the process of distributed development of software, such as cooperative work.", "This paper concentrates on the former, giving an indication of the special needs and rewards in distributed computing.", "In essence, we argue that the structure of these systems as interacting components is a blessing which forces software engineers towards compositional techniques which offer the best hope for constructing scalable and evolvable systems in an incremental manner .", "We offer some guidance and recommendations as to the approaches which seem most appropriate, particularly in languages for distributed programming, specification and analysis techniques for modelling and distributed paradigms for" ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.53329998254776, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "In this paper we report on the development of an efficient and portable implementation of Strassen's matrix multiplication algorithm for matrices of arbitrary size.", "Our technique for defining the criterion which stops the recursions is more detailed than those generally used, thus allowing enhanced performance for a larger set of input sizes.", "In addition, we deal with odd matrix dimensions using a method whose usefulness had previously been in question and had not so far been demonstrated.", "Our memory requirements have also been reduced, in certain cases by 40 to more than 70 percent over other similar implementations.", "We measure performance of our code on the IBM RS/6000, CRAY YMP C90, and CRAY T3D single processor, and offer comparisons to other codes.", "Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our implementation by using it to perform the matrix multiplications in a large application code." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7646999955177307, 0.5881999731063843, 0.8234999775886536, 0.5587999820709229, 0.4706000089645386, 0.8529000282287598 ]
[ "We present Swapnet, a framework to transfer garments across images of people with arbitrary body pose, shape, and clothing.", "Garment transfer is a challenging task that requires (i) disentangling the features of the clothing from the body pose and shape and (ii) realistic synthesis of the garment texture on the new body.", "We present a neural network architecture that tackles these sub-problems with two task-specific sub-networks.", "Since acquiring pairs of images showing the same clothing on different bodies is difficult, we propose a novel weaklysupervised approach that generates training pairs from a single image via data augmentation.", "We present the first fully automatic method for garment transfer in unconstrained images without solving the difficult 3D reconstruction problem.", "We demonstrate a variety of transfer results and highlight our advantages over traditional image-to-image and anal-" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308, 0.39469999074935913, 0.7894999980926514, 1 ]
[ "Our technology keeps advancing towards a future where everything is connected together.", "The Internet of Things (IoT) goal is to make every device accessible from the Internet.", "Even the most common electrical appliances, such as ovens, light bulbs, will have their own IP address,, will be reachable remotely.", "While this enhanced connectivity will definitely improve our quality of life, it also raises serious security, privacy, trustworthiness questions, the resource constrained nature of IoT entities makes traditional security techniques impractical.", "In this paper, we propose an intrusion detection architecture for the IoT. We discuss the feasibility of employing a commodity device as the core component of the architecture.", "In particular, we evaluated the performance of the Raspberry Pi, one of the most used commodity single-board computers, while running Snort, a widely known, open source Intrusion Detection System (IDS).", "Our experiments show that our proposed architecture based on resource constrained devices, such as the Raspberry Pi, can effectively serve as IDS in a distributed system such as IoT." ]
[ 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.631600022315979, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913, 0.631600022315979, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "Young adults (18–25 years old) spend a majority of their waking hours with technology and young adulthood is an important developmental time period for establishing lasting health behaviors.", "Considering the relevance of technology and health during young adulthood the current study explored young adults (N = 34) perceptions of social media’s (e.g., social networking) influence on their health behaviors (i.e., diet and exercise) using a social ecological framework.", "Data was collected through eight focus groups and four individual interviews.", "Three themes were identified through phenomenological qualitative analysis.", "Young adults perceived that technology could be both a barrier and a motivator for exercise.", "Social media was also credited with expanding food choices through creating access to a variety of recipes, providing a venue for showcasing the food young adults eat or prepare, and distracting young adults from making positive food choices.", "Participants also reported that it is common to post statuses or pictures relating to exercise practices on social media during young adulthood.", "Young adults indicated that these posts could be inspirational or misused, depending on the context.", "Results are discussed in terms of theory and preliminary implications.", "2014 Elsevier Ltd." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 0.39469999074935913, 0.631600022315979, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.5788999795913696, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.8158000111579895, 0.8158000111579895 ]
[ "We propose a novel approach to synthesizing images that are effective for training object detectors.", "Starting from a small set of real images, our algorithm estimates the rendering parameters required to synthesize similar images given a coarse 3D model of the target object.", "These parameters can then be reused to generate an unlimited number of training images of the object of interest in arbitrary 3D poses, which can then be used to increase classification performances.", "A key insight of our approach is that the synthetically generated images should be similar to real images, not in terms of image quality, but rather in terms of features used during the detector training.", "We show in the context of drone, plane, and car detection that using such synthetically generated images yields significantly better performances than simply perturbing real images or even synthesizing images in such way that they look very realistic, as is often done when only limited amounts of training data are available.", "2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved." ]
[ 2, 1, 4, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 0.7778000235557556, 0.22220000624656677, 0.5516999959945679, 0.3610999882221222, 0.8055999875068665 ]
[ "Optimality Theory is a general model of how grammars are structured.", "This article surveys the motivations for OT, its core principles, and the basics of analysis.", "It also addresses some frequently asked questions about this theory and offers suggestions for further reading." ]
[ 0, 2, 2 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "Among the various human factors impinging upon making a decision in an uncertain environment, risk and trust are surely crucial ones.", "Several models for trust have been proposed in the literature but few explicitly take risk into account.", "This paper analyses the relationship between the two concepts by first looking at how a decision is made to enter into a transaction based on the risk information.", "We then draw a model of the invested fraction of the capital function of a decision surface.", "We finally define a model of trust composed of a reliability trust as the probability of transaction success and a decision trust derived from the decision surface." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5516999959945679, 0.37929999828338623, 0.6552000045776367, 1, 0.5861999988555908 ]
[ "In this paper, we present a column-and-constraint generation algorithm to solve twostage robust optimization problems.", "Compared with existing Benders-style cutting plane methods, the column-and-constraint generation algorithm is a general procedure with a unified approach to deal with optimality and feasibility.", "A computational study on a twostage robust location-transportation problem shows that it performs an order of magnitude faster." ]
[ 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "A number of image processing techniques (IPTs) have been implemented for detecting civil infrastructure defects to partially replace human-conducted onsite inspections.", "These IPTs are primarily used to manipulate images to extract defect features, such as cracks in concrete and steel surfaces.", "However, the extensively varying real-world situations (e.g., lighting and shadow changes) can lead to challenges to the wide adoption of IPTs.", "To overcome these challenges, this article proposes a vision-based method using a deep architecture of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for detecting concrete cracks without calculating the defect features.", "As CNNs are capable of learning image features automatically, the proposed method works without the conjugation of IPTs for extracting features.", "The designed CNN is trained on 40 K images of 256 × 256 pixel resolutions and, consequently, records with about 98% accuracy.", "The trained CNN is combined with a sliding window technique to scan any image size larger than 256 × 256 pixel resolutions.", "The robustness and adaptability of the proposed approach are tested on 55 images of 5,888× 3,584 pixel resolutions taken from a different structure which is not used for training and validation processes under various conditions (e.g., strong light spot, shadows, and very thin cracks).", "Comparative studies are conducted to examine the performance of the proposed CNN using traditional Canny and Sobel edge detection methods.", "The results show that the proposed method shows ∗To whom correspondence should be addressed." ]
[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6111000180244446, 0.7778000235557556, 0.3889000117778778, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.4828000068664551, 0.583299994468689, 1 ]
[ "In order to further advance research within management accounting and integrated information systems (IIS), an understanding of what research has already been done and what research is needed is of particular importance.", "The purpose of this paper is to uncover, classify and interpret current research within management accounting and IIS.", "This is done partly to identify research gaps and propose directions for future research and partly to guide researchers and practitioners investigating and making decisions on how to better synthesise the two areas.", "Based on the strengths of existing frameworks covering elements of management accounting and IIS a new and more comprehensive theoretical framework is developed.", "This is used as a basis for classifying and presentation of the reviewed literature in structured form.", "The outcome of the review is an identification of research gaps and a proposal of research opportunities within different research paradigms and with the use of different methods.", "© 2007 Elsevier Inc.", "All rights reserved." ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.40540000796318054, 0.8108000159263611, 0.4323999881744385, 0.40540000796318054, 0.3783999979496002, 0.3783999979496002, 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "This chapter describes data mining in finance by discussing financial tasks, specifics of methodologies and techniques in this data mining area.", "It includes time dependence, data selection, forecast horizon, measures of success, quality of patterns, hypothesis evaluation, problem ID, method profile, attribute-based and relational methodologies.", "The second part of the chapter discusses data mining models and practice in finance.", "It covers use of neural networks in portfolio management, design of interpretable trading rules and discovering money laundering schemes using decision rules and relational data mining methodology." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2 ]
[ 1, 0.6388999819755554, 0.6388999819755554, 0.583299994468689 ]
[ "This paper describes a machine learning approach for visual object detection which is capable of processing images extremely rapidly and achieving high detection rates.", "This work is distinguished by three key contributions.", "The first is the introduction of a new image representation called the “Integral Image” which allows the features used by our detector to be computed very quickly.", "The second is a learning algorithm, based on AdaBoost, which selects a small number of critical visual features from a larger set and yields extremely efficient classifiers[6].", "The third contribution is a method for combining increasingly more complex classifiers in a “cascade” which allows background regions of the image to be quickly discarded while spending more computation on promising object-like regions.", "The cascade can be viewed as an object specific focus-of-attention mechanism which unlike previous approaches provides statistical guarantees that discarded regions are unlikely to contain the object of interest.", "In the domain of face detection the system yields detection rates comparable to the best previous systems.", "Used in real-time applications, the detector runs at 15 frames per second without resorting to image differencing or skin color detection." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.6154000163078308, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "Large-pose face alignment is a very challenging problem in computer vision, which is used as a prerequisite for many important vision tasks, e.g, face recognition and 3D face reconstruction.", "Recently, there have been a few attempts to solve this problem, but still more research is needed to achieve highly accurate results.", "In this paper, we propose a face alignment method for large-pose face images, by combining the powerful cascaded CNN regressor method and 3DMM.", "We formulate the face alignment as a 3DMM fitting problem, where the camera projection matrix and 3D shape parameters are estimated by a cascade of CNN-based regressors.", "The dense 3D shape allows us to design pose-invariant appearance features for effective CNN learning.", "Extensive experiments are conducted on the challenging databases (AFLW and AFW), with comparison to the state of the art." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.6571000218391418 ]
[ "Feature selection is an important problem for pattern classification systems.", "We study how to select good features according to the maximal statistical dependency criterion based on mutual information.", "Because of the difficulty in directly implementing the maximal dependency condition, we first derive an equivalent form, called minimal-redundancy-maximal-relevance criterion (mRMR), for first-order incremental feature selection.", "Then, we present a two-stage feature selection algorithm by combining mRMR and other more sophisticated feature selectors (e.g., wrappers).", "This allows us to select a compact set of superior features at very low cost.", "We perform extensive experimental comparison of our algorithm and other methods using three different classifiers (naive Bayes, support vector machine, and linear discriminate analysis) and four different data sets (handwritten digits, arrhythmia, NCI cancer cell lines, and lymphoma tissues).", "The results confirm that mRMR leads to promising improvement on feature selection and classification accuracy." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8108000159263611, 0.40540000796318054, 0.5946000218391418, 0.8108000159263611, 0.8108000159263611, 0.40540000796318054, 1 ]
[ "This paper presents two fuzzy portfolio selection models where the objective is to minimize the downside risk constrained by a given expected return.", "We assume that the rates of returns on securities are approximated as LR-fuzzy numbers of the same shape, and that the expected return and risk are evaluated by interval-valued means.", "We establish the relationship between those mean-interval definitions for a given fuzzy portfolio by using suitable ordering relations.", "Finally, we formulate the portfolio selection problem as a linear program when the returns on the assets are of trapezoidal form.", "© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved." ]
[ 2, 1, 1, 4, 3 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.37139999866485596, 0.628600001335144, 0.800000011920929, 0.771399974822998 ]
[ "We present RINGS, a technique for visualizing large trees.", "We introduce a new ringed circular layout of nodes to make more efficient use of limited display space.", "RINGS provides the user with the means to specify areas of primary and secondary focus, and is able to show multiple foci without compromising understanding of the graph.", "The strength of RINGS is its ability to show more area in focus and more contextual information than existing techniques.", "We demonstrate the effectiveness of RINGS by applying it to the visualization of a Unix file directory." ]
[ 0, 2, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.5788999795913696, 0.5788999795913696, 0.421099990606308, 0.5788999795913696, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "Stereo matching algorithms usually consist of four steps, including matching cost calculation, matching cost aggregation, disparity calculation, and disparity refinement.", "Existing CNN-based methods only adopt CNN to solve parts of the four steps, or use different networks to deal with different steps, making them difficult to obtain the overall optimal solution.", "In this paper, we propose a network architecture to incorporate all steps of stereo matching.", "The network consists of three parts.", "The first part calculates the multi-scale shared features.", "The second part performs matching cost calculation, matching cost aggregation and disparity calculation to estimate the initial disparity using shared features.", "The initial disparity and the shared features are used to calculate the prior and posterior feature constancy.", "The initial disparity, the prior and posterior feature constancy are then fed to a sub-network to refine the initial disparity through a Bayesian inference process.", "The proposed method has been evaluated on the Scene Flow and KITTI datasets.", "It achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the KITTI 2012 and KITTI 2015 benchmarks while maintaining a very fast running time." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.75, 0.75, 0.5, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "It this paper we revisit the fast stylization method introduced in Ulyanov et al. (2016).", "We show how a small change in the stylization architecture results in a significant qualitative improvement in the generated images.", "The change is limited to swapping batch normalization with instance normalization, and to apply the latter both at training and testing times.", "The resulting method can be used to train high-performance architectures for real-time image generation.", "The code will be made available at https://github.com/DmitryUlyanov/texture_nets." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 3 ]
[ 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.3846000134944916, 0.8205000162124634, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "Community detection is an important issue due to its wide use in designing network protocols such as data forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) and worm containment in Online Social Networks (OSN).", "However, most of the existing community detection algorithms focus on binary networks.", "Since most networks are naturally weighted such as DTN or OSN, in this article, we address the problems of community detection in weighted networks, exploit community for data forwarding in DTN and worm containment in OSN, and demonstrate how community can facilitate these network designs.", "Specifically, we propose a novel community detection algorithm, and introduce two metrics: intra-centrality and inter-centrality, to characterize nodes in communities, based on which we propose an efficient data forwarding algorithm for DTN and a worm containment strategy for OSN.", "Extensive trace-driven simulation results show that the proposed community detection algorithm, the data forwarding algorithm, and the worm containment strategy significantly outperform existing works." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 1, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "Using big data analytics is generally considered to improve organizational performance.", "However, we argue here that the role of fit between different organizational resources associated with big data use needs to be better understood in order to explore how organizations can create value, increase agility, and ultimately improve overall performance from the use of big data analytics.", "This research-inprogress study draws on the theory of resource-based view (RBV) and the person-environment (P-E) fit perspective to develop a theoretical model explaining the impacts of fit between various elements including (i.e., tools, data, tasks, employees) on organizational performance.", "A survey-based methodology is outlined to empirically validate the proposed research model using structural equation modeling techniques.", "Potential contributions from this research to theory and practice are also outlined." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0.8055999875068665, 0.6111000180244446, 0.8055999875068665, 0.583299994468689 ]
[ "This paper discusses Supply Chain Network (SCN) design problem under uncertainty, and presents a critical review of the optimization models proposed in the literature.", "Some drawbacks and missing aspects in the literature are pointed out, thus motivating the development of a comprehensive SCN design methodology.", "Through an analysis of supply chains uncertainty sources and risk exposures, the paper reviews key random environmental factors and discusses the nature of major disruptive events threatening SCN.", "It also discusses relevant strategic SCN design evaluation criteria, and it reviews their use in existing models.", "We argue for the assessment of SCN robustness as a necessary condition to ensure sustainable value creation.", "Several definitions of robustness, responsiveness and resilience are reviewed, and the importance of these concepts for SCN design is discussed.", "This paper contributes to framing the foundations for a robust SCN design methodology." ]
[ 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently been very successful in a variety of computer vision tasks, especially on those linked to recognition.", "Optical flow estimation has not been among the tasks CNNs succeeded at.", "In this paper we construct CNNs which are capable of solving the optical flow estimation problem as a supervised learning task.", "We propose and compare two architectures: a generic architecture and another one including a layer that correlates feature vectors at different image locations.", "Since existing ground truth data sets are not sufficiently large to train a CNN, we generate a large synthetic Flying Chairs dataset.", "We show that networks trained on this unrealistic data still generalize very well to existing datasets such as Sintel and KITTI, achieving competitive accuracy at frame rates of 5 to 10 fps." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.7828999757766724, 0.3797999918460846, 0.620199978351593, 0.40700000524520874, 0.6240000128746033, 0.40700000524520874 ]
[ "There is an ongoing discussion in HCI on the need for new theories, methods and techniques to assist researchers and practitioners in both the design of better digital artifacts and effective evaluation of them.", "As part of this discussion we observe a recent trend where researchers from the IT domain present various definitions of ecologies, approaching the question, “What is a digital ecology?", "” from various perspectives.", "This paper reviews existing definitions, comparing their strengthens and weaknesses and presents a unified definition of digital ecologies, through a theoretical discussion based on systems thinking.", "It is our ambition that this paper will inspire deeper consideration on what constitutes a digital ecology and how this view of technology affects existing design and evaluation methods and techniques." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "We investigated how shape features in natural images influence emotions aroused in human beings.", "Shapes and their characteristics such as roundness, angularity, simplicity, and complexity have been postulated to affect the emotional responses of human beings in the field of visual arts and psychology.", "However, no prior research has modeled the dimensionality of emotions aroused by roundness and angularity.", "Our contributions include an in depth statistical analysis to understand the relationship between shapes and emotions.", "Through experimental results on the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) dataset we provide evidence for the significance of roundness-angularity and simplicity-complexity on predicting emotional content in images.", "We combine our shape features with other state-of-the-art features to show a gain in prediction and classification accuracy.", "We model emotions from a dimensional perspective in order to predict valence and arousal ratings which have advantages over modeling the traditional discrete emotional categories.", "Finally, we distinguish images with strong emotional content from emotionally neutral images with high accuracy." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7958999872207642, 0.39800000190734863, 0.6122000217437744, 0.428600013256073, 0.428600013256073, 0.39800000190734863, 0.39800000190734863, 0.428600013256073 ]
[ "This artic,le introduces Adaptive Resonance Theor) 2-A (ART 2-A), an efjCicient algorithm that emulates the self-organizing pattern recognition and hypothesis testing properties of the ART 2 neural network architect~~rc, hut at a speed two to three orders of magnitude fbster.", "Analysis and simulations show how’ the ART 2-A systems correspond to ART 2 rivnamics at both the fast-learn limit and at intermediate learning rate.r.", "Intermediate ieurning rates permit fust commitment of category nodes hut slow recoding, analogous to properties of word frequency effects.", "encoding specificity ef@cts, and episodic memory.", "Better noise tolerunce is hereby achieved ti’ithout a loss of leurning stability.", "The ART 2 and ART 2-A systems are contrasted with the leader algorithm.", "The speed of ART 2-A makes pructical the use of ART 2 modules in large scale neural computation.", "Keywords-Neural networks, Pattern recognition.", "Category formation.", "Fast learning, Adaptive resonance." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.542900025844574, 0.542900025844574, 0.542900025844574, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4571000039577484, 0.4571000039577484, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "User profiles or user models are vital in many areas in which it is essential to obtain knowledge about users of software applications.", "Examples of these areas are intelligent agents, adaptive systems, intelligent tutoring systems, recommender systems, intelligent e-commerce applications, and knowledge management systems.", "In this chapter we study the main issues regarding user profiles from the perspectives of these research fields.", "We examine what information constitutes a user profile; how the user profile is represented; how the user profile is acquired and built; and how the profile information is used.", "We also discuss some challenges and future trends in the intelligent user profiling area." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 2 ]
[ 1, 0.800000011920929, 0.37139999866485596, 0.428600013256073, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "Neural network models have been demonstrated to be capable of achieving remarkable performance in sentence and document modeling.", "Convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) are two mainstream architectures for such modeling tasks, which adopt totally different ways of understanding natural languages.", "In this work, we combine the strengths of both architectures and propose a novel and unified model called C-LSTM for sentence representation and text classification.", "C-LSTM utilizes CNN to extract a sequence of higher-level phrase representations, and are fed into a long short-term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM) to obtain the sentence representation.", "C-LSTM is able to capture both local features of phrases as well as global and temporal sentence semantics.", "We evaluate the proposed architecture on sentiment classification and question classification tasks.", "The experimental results show that the C-LSTM outperforms both CNN and LSTM and can achieve excellent performance on these tasks." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808, 0.40540000796318054, 0.4323999881744385, 0.4323999881744385, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "Millimeter wave (mmWave) signals experience orders-of-magnitude more pathloss than the microwave signals currently used in most wireless applications and all cellular systems.", "MmWave systems must therefore leverage large antenna arrays, made possible by the decrease in wavelength, to combat pathloss with beamforming gain.", "Beamforming with multiple data streams, known as precoding, can be used to further improve mmWave spectral efficiency.", "Both beamforming and precoding are done digitally at baseband in traditional multi-antenna systems.", "The high cost and power consumption of mixed-signal devices in mmWave systems, however, make analog processing in the RF domain more attractive.", "This hardware limitation restricts the feasible set of precoders and combiners that can be applied by practical mmWave transceivers.", "In this paper, we consider transmit precoding and receiver combining in mmWave systems with large antenna arrays.", "We exploit the spatial structure of mmWave channels to formulate the precoding/combining problem as a sparse reconstruction problem.", "Using the principle of basis pursuit, we develop algorithms that accurately approximate optimal unconstrained precoders and combiners such that they can be implemented in low-cost RF hardware.", "We present numerical results on the performance of the proposed algorithms and show that they allow mmWave systems to approach their unconstrained performance limits, even when transceiver hardware constraints are considered." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8611000180244446, 0.8611000180244446, 0.8611000180244446, 0.666700005531311, 0.666700005531311, 0.5555999875068665, 0.8055999875068665, 0.666700005531311, 1 ]
[ "In this paper, we demonstrate that image reconstruction can be expressed in terms of neural networks.", "We show that filtered backprojection can be mapped identically onto a deep neural network architecture.", "As for the case of iterative reconstruction, the straight forward realization as matrix multiplication is not feasible.", "Thus, we propose to compute the back-projection layer efficiently as fixed function and its gradient as projection operation.", "This allows a data-driven approach for joint optimization of correction steps in projection domain and image domain.", "As a proof of concept, we demonstrate that we are able to learn weightings and additional filter layers that consistently reduce the reconstruction error of a limited angle reconstruction by a factor of two while keeping the same computational complexity as filtered back-projection.", "We believe that this kind of learning approach can be extended to any common CT artifact compensation heuristic and will outperform hand-crafted artifact correction methods in the future." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6176000237464905, 0.6176000237464905, 0.41179999709129333, 0.5881999731063843, 0.5881999731063843, 0.6176000237464905, 0.41179999709129333 ]
[ "Human emotions and their modelling are increasingly understood to be a crucial aspect in the development of intelligent systems.", "Over the past years, in fact, the adoption of psychological models of emotions has become a common trend among researchers and engineers working in the sphere of affective computing.", "Because of the elusive nature of emotions and the ambiguity of natural language, however, psychologists have developed many different affect models, which often are not suitable for the design of applications in fields such as affective HCI, social data mining, and sentiment analysis.", "To this end, we propose a novel biologically-inspired and psychologically-motivated emotion categorisation model that goes beyond mere categorical and dimensional approaches.", "Such model represents affective states both through labels and through four independent but concomitant affective dimensions, which can potentially describe the full range of emotional experiences that are rooted in any of us." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "The combined use of 3D scanning lasers with 2D cameras has become increasingly popular in mobile robotics, as the sparse depth measurements of the former augment the dense color information of the latter.", "Sensor fusion requires precise 6DOF transforms between the sensors, but hand-measuring these values is tedious and inaccurate.", "In addition, autonomous robots can be rendered inoperable if their sensors’ calibrations change over time.", "Yet previously published camera-laser calibration algorithms are offline only, requiring significant amounts of data and/or specific calibration targets; they are thus unable to correct calibration errors that occur during live operation.", "In this paper, we introduce two new real-time techniques that enable camera-laser calibration online, automatically, and in arbitrary environments.", "The first is a probabilistic monitoring algorithm that can detect a sudden miscalibration in a fraction of a second.", "The second is a continuous calibration optimizer that adjusts transform offsets in real time, tracking gradual sensor drift as it occurs.", "Although the calibration objective function is not globally convex and cannot be optimized in real time, in practice it is always locally convex around the global optimum, and almost everywhere else.", "Thus, the local shape of the objective function at the current parameters can be used to determine whether the sensors are calibrated, and allows the parameters to be adjusted gradually so as to maintain the global optimum.", "In several online experiments on thousands of frames in real markerless scenes, our method automatically detects miscalibrations within one second of the error exceeding .25 deg or 10cm, with an accuracy of 100%." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.7240999937057495, 0.5881999731063843, 0.7646999955177307, 0.6176000237464905, 0.7940999865531921, 0.6176000237464905, 0.6176000237464905, 0.3824000060558319, 0.41179999709129333, 0.3824000060558319 ]
[ "This article covers the Xbox 360's high-level technical requirements, a short system overview, and details of the CPU and the GPU.", "The Xbox 360 contains an aggressive hardware architecture and implementation targeted at game console workloads.", "The core silicon implements the product designers' goal of providing game developers a hardware platform to implement their next-generation game ambitions.", "The core chips include the standard conceptual blocks of CPU, graphics processing unit (GPU), memory, and I/O. Each of these components and their interconnections are customized to provide a user-friendly game console product.", "The authors describe their architectural trade-offs and summarize the system's software programming support" ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054, 0.7838000059127808, 0.8108000159263611 ]
[ "Determinants of online consumer’s purchase decisions are of long-term interest to researchers and practitioners.", "Since product photos directly aid consumers’ understanding of products, retailers often put a lot of effort into polishing them.", "However, there is limited research on the impact of product photos on purchase decisions.", "Most previous studies took an experiment-based approach, which delivered strict theories on some aspects of product photos.", "This research takes advantage of image-processing techniques to study product photos’ impact.", "These techniques allow us to investigate a large set of photo characteristics simultaneously in an empirical study.", "To rule out possible confounding factors, we collect a dataset from a social shopping Website, which has a simple interface allowing users to judge products mainly based on their photos.", "We examine product photo characteristics from the aspects of information, emotion, aesthetics, and social presence.", "We found that consumers prefer product photos with a larger key object, lower entropy on key objects, a warmer color, a higher contrast, a higher depth-of-field, and more social presences.", "This research introduces a Big Data-based approach to study the impact of e-commerce systems’ visual features on consumers." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.3513999879360199, 0.3513999879360199, 0.6215999722480774, 0.4323999881744385, 0.4323999881744385, 0.4323999881744385, 0.40540000796318054, 0.6215999722480774 ]
[ "Here we introduce a new model of natural textures based on the feature spaces of convolutional neural networks optimised for object recognition.", "Samples from the model are of high perceptual quality demonstrating the generative power of neural networks trained in a purely discriminative fashion.", "Within the model, textures are represented by the correlations between feature maps in several layers of the network.", "We show that across layers the texture representations increasingly capture the statistical properties of natural images while making object information more and more explicit.", "The model provides a new tool to generate stimuli for neuroscience and might offer insights into the deep representations learned by convolutional neural networks." ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.40540000796318054, 0.3783999979496002, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054, 0.6215999722480774 ]
[ "The widespread deployment and use of wireless data communications causes the need for middleware to interconnect the components that comprise a mobile application.", "Middleware for mobile computing must deal with the increased complexity that comes with a dynamically changing population of application components and the resulting dynamic reconfiguration of the connections between these components.", "This paper presents an overview of two communication paradigms that are well suited as the basis for middleware for mobile computing, namely the event-based communication model and proximity-based group communication." ]
[ 0, 0, 2 ]
[ 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.6154000163078308 ]
[ "Internet addiction is a recently recognized disorder which has received increasing attention worldwide over the past two decades.", "This focus has led to the development of several screening tools measuring different aspects of Internet use, and more particularly Internet addiction.", "However, a synthesis of the information regarding the validity and usefulness of these different scales is lacking and would help inform researchers and clinicians in their choice of measures when assessing for Internet addiction.", "The main goal of this study was therefore to identify all the existing measures of Internet addiction and to review the psychometric properties of the most frequently used ones.", "Five electronic databases were searched using the key words: internet use disorder, Internet addiction, problematic internet use, pathologic internet use, cyber dependence, and scale, test, questionnaire, tool, assessment and inventory.", "Forty-five tools assessing Internet addiction were identified, of which only seventeen had been evaluated more than once in terms of their psychometric properties.", "Most of the existing scales for Internet addiction require further validation work but some of them already demonstrate promising psychometric properties.", "Given the interest in this phenomenon, it seems important for the field to promote the use of validated and well-established measures.", "2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "We present purely functional implementations of queues and double-ended queues (deques) requiring only O(1) time per operation in the worst case.", "Our algorithms are considerably simpler than previous designs with the same bounds.", "The inspiration for our approach is the incremental behavior of certain functions on lazy lists." ]
[ 2, 0, 1 ]
[ 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.3846000134944916 ]
[ "The growing relevance of data quality has revealed the need for adequate measurement since quantifying data quality is essential for planning quality measures in an economic manner.", "This paper analyzes how data quality can be quantified with respect to particular dimensions.", "Firstly, several requirements are stated (e.g. normalization, interpretability) for designing adequate metrics.", "Secondly, we analyze metrics in literature and discuss them with regard to the requirements.", "Thirdly, based on existing approaches new metrics for the dimensions correctness and timeliness that meet the defined requirements are designed.", "Finally, we evaluate our metric for timeliness in a case study: In cooperation with a major German mobile services provider, the approach was applied in campaign management to improve both success rates and profits." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5720999836921692, 0.5720999836921692, 0.7555000185966492, 0.39739999175071716 ]
[ "Accurate maps of the static environment are essential for many advanced driver-assistance systems.", "A new method for the fast computation of occupancy grid maps with laser range-finders and radar sensors is proposed.", "The approach utilizes the Graphics Processing Unit to overcome the limitations of classical occupancy grid computation in automotive environments.", "It is possible to generate highly accurate grid maps in just a few milliseconds without the loss of sensor precision.", "Moreover, in the case of a lower resolution radar sensor it is shown that it is suitable to apply super-resolution algorithms to achieve the accuracy of a higher resolution laser-scanner.", "Finally, a novel histogram based approach for road boundary detection with lidar and radar sensors is presented." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0.6111000180244446, 0.8055999875068665, 0.8055999875068665, 0.8055999875068665, 0.41670000553131104 ]
[ "Big data refers to data volumes in the range of exabytes (1018) and beyond.", "Such volumes exceed the capacity of current on-line storage systems and processing systems.", "Data, information, and knowledge are being created and collected at a rate that is rapidly approaching the exabyte/year range.", "But, its creation and aggregation are accelerating and will approach the zettabyte/year range within a few years.", "Volume is only one aspect of big data; other attributes are variety, velocity, value, and complexity.", "Storage and data transport are technology issues, which seem to be solvable in the near-term, but represent longterm challenges that require research and new paradigms.", "We analyze the issues and challenges as we begin a collaborative research program into methodologies for big data analysis and design." ]
[ 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 1, 0.428600013256073, 0.37139999866485596, 0.37139999866485596, 0.37139999866485596, 0.771399974822998 ]
[ "Abstracf-The scale-space technique introduced by Witkin involves generating coarser resolution images by convolving the original image with a Gaussian kernel.", "This approach has a major drawback: it is difficult to obtain accurately the locations of the “semantically meaningful” edges at coarse scales.", "In this paper we suggest a new definition of scale-space, and introduce a class of algorithms that realize it using a diffusion process.", "The diffusion coefficient is chosen to vary spatially in such a way as to encourage intraregion smoothing in preference to interregion smoothing.", "It is shown that the “no new maxima should be generated at coarse scales” property of conventional scale space is preserved.", "As the region boundaries in our approach remain sharp, we obtain a high quality edge detector which successfully exploits global information.", "Experimental results are shown on a number of images.", "The algorithm involves elementary, local operations replicated over the image making parallel hardware implementations feasible." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5983999967575073, 0.7991999983787537, 0.5983999967575073, 0.8033000230789185, 0.8278999924659729, 0.5983999967575073, 0.6025000214576721, 0.8278999924659729 ]
[ "Object proposals are an ensemble of bounding boxes with high potential to contain objects.", "In order to determine a small set of proposals with a high recall, a common scheme is extracting multiple features followed by a ranking algorithm which however, incurs two major challenges: 1) The ranking model often imposes pairwise constraints between each proposal, rendering the problem away from an efficient training/testing phase; 2) Linear kernels are utilized due to the computational and memory bottleneck of training a kernelized model.", "In this paper, we remedy these two issues by suggesting a kernelized partial ranking model.", "In particular, we demonstrate that i) our partial ranking model reduces the number of constraints from O(n) to O(nk) where n is the number of all potential proposals for an image but we are only interested in top-k of them that has the largest overlap with the ground truth; ii) we permit non-linear kernels in our model which is often superior to the linear classifier in terms of accuracy.", "For the sake of mitigating the computational and memory issues, we introduce a consistent weighted sampling (CWS) paradigm that approximates the non-linear kernel as well as facilitates an efficient learning.", "In fact, as we will show, training a linear CWS model amounts to learning a kernelized model.", "Extensive experiments demonstrate that equipped with the non-linear kernel and the partial ranking algorithm, recall at top-k proposals can be substantially improved." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.7949000000953674, 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "A new design for an energy harvesting device is proposed in this paper, which enables scavenging energy from radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic waves.", "Compared to common alternative energy sources like solar and wind, RF harvesting has the least energy density.", "The existing state-of-the-art solutions are effective only over narrow frequency ranges, are limited in efficiency response, and require higher levels of input power.", "This paper has a twofold contribution.", "First, we propose a dual-stage energy harvesting circuit composed of a seven-stage and ten-stage design, the former being more receptive in the low input power regions, while the latter is more suitable for higher power range.", "Each stage here is a modified voltage multiplier, arranged in series and our design provides guidelines on component choice and precise selection of the crossover operational point for these two stages between the high (20 dBm) and low power (-20 dBm) extremities.", "Second, we fabricate our design on a printed circuit board to demonstrate how such a circuit can run a commercial Mica2 sensor mote, with accompanying simulations on both ideal and non-ideal conditions for identifying the upper bound on achievable efficiency.", "With a simple yet optimal dual-stage design, experiments and characterization plots reveal approximately 100% improvement over other existing designs in the power range of -20 to 7 dBm." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5587999820709229, 0.7646999955177307, 0.5587999820709229, 0.3824000060558319, 0.6176000237464905, 0.41179999709129333, 0.44119998812675476, 0.6176000237464905 ]
[ "Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that integrates the Internet and physical objects belonging to different domains such as home automation, industrial process, human health and environmental monitoring.", "It deepens the presence of Internetconnected devices in our daily activities, bringing, in addition to many benefits, challenges related to security issues.", "For more than two decades, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been an important tool for the protection of networks and information systems.", "However, applying traditional IDS techniques to IoT is difficult due to its particular characteristics such as constrained-resource devices, specific protocol stacks, and standards.", "In this paper, we present a survey of IDS research efforts for IoT. Our objective is to identify leading trends, open issues, and future research possibilities.", "We classified the IDSs proposed in the literature according to the following attributes: detection method, IDS placement strategy, security threat and validation strategy.", "We also discussed the different possibilities for each attribute, detailing aspects of works that either propose specific IDS schemes for IoT or develop attack detection strategies for IoT threats that might be embedded in IDSs." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8234999775886536, 0.6176000237464905, 0.6176000237464905, 0.7646999955177307, 0.5881999731063843, 0.2353000044822693 ]
[ "This paper deals with the problem of airfare prices prediction.", "For this purpose a set of features characterizing a typical flight is decided, supposing that these features affect the price of an air ticket.", "The features are applied to eight state of the art machine learning (ML) models, used to predict the air tickets prices, and the performance of the models is compared to each other.", "Along with the prediction accuracy of each model, this paper studies the dependency of the accuracy on the feature set used to represent an airfare.", "For the experiments a novel dataset consisting of 1814 data flights of the Aegean Airlines for a specific international destination (from Thessaloniki to Stuttgart) is constructed and used to train each ML model.", "The derived experimental results reveal that the ML models are able to handle this regression problem with almost 88% accuracy, for a certain type of flight features." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.5788999795913696, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308, 0.6053000092506409, 1 ]
[ "Web scraping is the set of techniques used to automatically get some information from a website instead of manually copying it.", "The goal of a Web scraper is to look for certain kinds of information, extract, and aggregate it into new Web pages.", "In particular, scrapers are focused on transforming unstructured data and save them in structured databases.", "In this paper, among others kind of scraping, we focus on those techniques that extract the content of a Web page.", "In particular, we adopt scraping techniques in the Web advertising field.", "To this end, we propose a collaborative filtering-based Web advertising system aimed at finding the most relevant ads for a generic Web page by exploiting Web scraping.", "To illustrate how the system works in practice, a case study is presented." ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8158000111579895, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.7894999980926514, 0.39469999074935913, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "This paper introduces GEOS, the first automated system to solve unaltered SAT geometry questions by combining text understanding and diagram interpretation.", "We model the problem of understanding geometry questions as submodular optimization, and identify a formal problem description likely to be compatible with both the question text and diagram.", "GEOS then feeds the description to a geometric solver that attempts to determine the correct answer.", "In our experiments, GEOS achieves a 49% score on official SAT questions, and a score of 61% on practice questions.1 Finally, we show that by integrating textual and visual information, GEOS boosts the accuracy of dependency and semantic parsing of the question text." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 1 ]
[ "Deep learning algorithms are a subset of the machine learning algorithms, which aim at discovering multiple levels of distributed representations.", "Recently, numerous deep learning algorithms have been proposed to solve traditional artificial intelligence problems.", "This work aims to review the state-of-theart in deep learning algorithms in computer vision by highlighting the contributions and challenges from over 210 recent research papers.", "It first gives an overview of various deep learning approaches and their recent developments, and then briefly describes their applications in diverse vision tasks, such as image classification, object detection, image retrieval, semantic segmentation and human pose estimation.", "Finally, the paper summarizes the future trends and challenges in designing and training deep neural networks.", "& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 4, 1, 3 ]
[ 0.7778000235557556, 0.5555999875068665, 0.7778000235557556, 0.3610999882221222, 0.22220000624656677, 0.7778000235557556 ]
[ "In recent years the proportion and complexity of software in medical devices has increased considerably.", "This has presented an opportunity for software development organisations to expand into the medical device domain.", "Due to the high level of risk associated with medical devices, strict regulations must be adhered to in order to market such products.", "One key aspect of these regulations is the necessity to have in place a Quality Management System to help ensure an organisations’ ability to consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.", "This paper presents a roadmap which can be used to assist organisations, wishing to develop medical device software to implement a Quality Management System." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7778000235557556, 0.6388999819755554, 0.666700005531311, 0.44440001249313354 ]
[ "Sentence similarity measures play an increasingly important role in text-related research and applications in areas such as text mining, Web page retrieval, and dialogue systems.", "Existing methods for computing sentence similarity have been adopted from approaches used for long text documents.", "These methods process sentences in a very high-dimensional space and are consequently inefficient, require human input, and are not adaptable to some application domains.", "This paper focuses directly on computing the similarity between very short texts of sentence length.", "It presents an algorithm that takes account of semantic information and word order information implied in the sentences.", "The semantic similarity of two sentences is calculated using information from a structured lexical database and from corpus statistics.", "The use of a lexical database enables our method to model human common sense knowledge and the incorporation of corpus statistics allows our method to be adaptable to different domains.", "The proposed method can be used in a variety of applications that involve text knowledge representation and discovery.", "Experiments on two sets of selected sentence pairs demonstrate that the proposed method provides a similarity measure that shows a significant correlation to human intuition" ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308, 0.7894999980926514, 0.8421000242233276, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 1, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "We present a novel approach to ray tracing execution on commodity graphics hardware using CUDA.", "We decompose a standard ray tracing algorithm into several data-parallel stages that are mapped efficiently to the massively parallel architecture of modern GPUs.", "These stages include: ray sorting into coherent packets, creation of frustums for packets, breadth-first frustum traversal through a bounding volume hierarchy for the scene, and localized ray-primitive intersections.", "We utilize the well known parallel primitives scan and segmented scan in order to process irregular data structures, to remove the need for a stack, and to minimize branch divergence in all stages.", "Our ray sorting stage is based on applying hash values to individual rays, ray stream compression, sorting and decompression.", "Our breadth-first BVH traversal is based on parallel frustum-bounding box intersection tests and parallel scan per each BVH level.", "We demonstrate our algorithm with area light sources to get a soft shadow effect and show that our concept is reasonable for coherent and incoherent rays.", "For the same data sets and ray-primitive intersection routines our pipeline is ~3x faster than an optimized standard depth first ray tracing implemented in one kernel." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5794000029563904, 0.8130999803543091, 0.7590000033378601, 0.8036999702453613, 0.746999979019165, 1, 0.41119998693466187, 0.8036999702453613 ]
[ "Our proposed deeply-supervised nets (DSN) method simultaneously minimizes classification error while making the learning process of hidden layers direct and transparent.", "We make an attempt to boost the classification performance by studying a new formulation in deep networks.", "Three aspects in convolutional neural networks (CNN) style architectures are being looked at: (1) transparency of the intermediate layers to the overall classification; (2) discriminativeness and robustness of learned features, especially in the early layers; (3) effectiveness in training due to the presence of the exploding and vanishing gradients.", "We introduce “companion objective” to the individual hidden layers, in addition to the overall objective at the output layer (a different strategy to layer-wise pre-training).", "We extend techniques from stochastic gradient methods to analyze our algorithm.", "The advantage of our method is evident and our experimental result on benchmark datasets shows significant performance gain over existing methods (e.g. all state-of-the-art results on MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN)." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5896999835968018, 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.6154000163078308, 0.75 ]
[ "We introduce and motivate machine learning (ML) communications systems that aim to improve on and to even replace the vast expert knowledge in the field of communications using modern machine learning techniques.", "These have recently achieved breakthroughs in many different domains, but not yet in communications.", "By interpreting a communications system as an autoencoder, we develop a fundamental new way to think about radio communications system design as an end-to-end reconstruction optimization task that seeks to jointly optimize transmitter and receiver components in a single process.", "We further present the concept of Radio Transformer Networks (RTNs) as a means to incorporate expert domain knowledge in the ML model and study the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on raw IQ time-series data for modulation classification.", "We conclude the paper with a deep discussion of open challenges and areas for future investigation." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7949000000953674, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.6154000163078308 ]
[ "Purpose – Apart from information retrieval there is virtually no other area of information science that has occasioned as much research effort and writing as “user studies”.", "Within user studies the investigation of “information needs” has been the subject of much debate and no little confusion.", "The aim of this paper is to attempt to reduce this confusion by devoting attention to the definition of some concepts and by proposing the basis for a theory of the motivations for information-seeking behaviour.", "Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes the issues of user studies and information needs within the context of information science.", "Findings – The paper finds that the problem seems to lie, not so much with the lack of a single definition, as with a failure to use a definition appropriate to the level, and purpose of the investigation.", "Originality/value – The analysis may be used as a springboard to research based upon a wider, holistic view of the information user." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7705000042915344, 1, 0.8033000230789185, 0.45899999141693115, 0.8278999924659729, 0.8278999924659729 ]
[ "Zadoff-Chu (ZC) sequences have been used as synchronization sequences in modern wireless communication systems, replacing the conventional pseudorandom noise sequences due to their perfect autocorrelation properties.", "We first study the problem of ambiguity between a timing offset and a frequency offset, which arises when a ZC sequence is used as a synchronization signal.", "We then show how a frequency offset can impair the timing property of a ZC sequence, causing irreducible timing errors.", "An analytical framework, particularly the timing spectrum, is developed, which fully characterizes a ZC sequence's timing properties and its fundamental limitations as a time synchronization sequence in the presence of a frequency offset between the transmitter and the receiver.", "This analytical framework provides a powerful analytical tool for timing signal design and performance analysis of ZC sequences." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5758000016212463, 0.42419999837875366, 0.4544999897480011, 0.666700005531311, 0.3939000070095062 ]
[ "A data model, called the entity-relationship model, is proposed.", "This model incorporates some of the important semantic information in the real world.", "A special diagramatic technique is introduced as a tool for data base design.", "An example of data base design and description using the model and the diagramatic technique is given.", "Some implications on data integrity, information retrieval, and data manipulation are discussed.", "The entity-relationship model can be used as a basis for unification of different views of data: the network model, the relational model, and the entity set model.", "Semantic ambiguities in these models are analyzed.", "Possible ways to derive their views of data from the entity-relationship model are presented." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 4, 4, 1 ]
[ 0.4571000039577484, 0.4571000039577484, 0.542900025844574, 0.542900025844574, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.628600001335144, 0.37139999866485596 ]
[ "This paper provides an in-depth view of Terahertz Band (0.1–10 THz) communication, which is envisioned as a key technology to satisfy the increasing demand for higher speed wireless communication.", "THz Band communication will alleviate the spectrum scarcity and capacity limitations of current wireless systems, and enable new applications both in classical networking domains as well as in novel nanoscale communication paradigms.", "In this paper, the device design and development challenges for THz Band are surveyed first.", "The limitations and possible solutions for high-speed transceiver architectures are highlighted.", "The challenges for the development of new ultra-broadband antennas and very large antenna arrays are explained.", "When the devices are finally developed, then they need to communicate in the THz band.", "There exist many novel communication challenges such as propagation modeling, capacity analysis, modulation schemes, and other physical and link layer solutions, in the THz band which can be seen as a new frontier in the communication research.", "These challenges are treated in depth in this paper explaining the existing plethora of work and what still needs to be tackled.", "© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.421099990606308, 0.39469999074935913, 0.4839000105857849, 0.5788999795913696, 0.421099990606308, 0.5788999795913696, 0.3684000074863434 ]
[ "Context: Big data has become the new buzzword in the information and communication technology industry.", "Researchers and major corporations are looking into big data applications to extract the maximum value from the data available to them.", "However, developing and maintaining stable and scalable big data applications is still a distant milestone.", "Objective: To look at existing research on how software engineering concepts, namely the phases of the software development project life cycle (SDPLC), can help build better big data application projects.", "Method: A literature survey was performed.", "A manual search covered papers returned by search engines resulting in approximately 2,000 papers being searched and 170 papers selected for review.", "Results: The search results helped in identifying data rich application projects that have the potential to utilize big data successfully.", "The review helped in exploring SDPLC phases in the context of big data applications and performing a gap analysis of the phases that have yet to see detailed research efforts but deserve attention." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8158000111579895, 0.6053000092506409, 0.8158000111579895, 1, 0.39469999074935913, 1, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "Smile detection from facial images is a specialized task in facial expression analysis with many potential applications such as smiling payment, patient monitoring and photo selection.", "The current methods on this study are to represent face with low-level features, followed by a strong classifier.", "However, these manual features cannot well discover information implied in facial images for smile detection.", "In this paper, we propose to extract high-level features by a well-designed deep convolutional networks (CNN).", "A key contribution of this work is that we use both recognition and verification signals as supervision to learn expression features, which is helpful to reduce same-expression variations and enlarge different-expression differences.", "Our method is end-to-end, without complex pre-processing often used in traditional methods.", "High-level features are taken from the last hidden layer neuron activations of deep CNN, and fed into a soft-max classifier to estimate.", "Experimental results show that our proposed method is very effective, which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.", "On the GENKI smile detection dataset, our method reduces the error rate by 21% compared with the previous best method." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.421099990606308, 0.8158000111579895, 0.8158000111579895, 0.6053000092506409, 0.631600022315979, 0.6053000092506409, 0.8158000111579895, 0.8158000111579895 ]
[ "Video games are often regarded as promising teaching and learning tools for the 21st century.", "One of the main arguments is that video games are appealing to contemporary students.", "However, there are indications that video game acceptance cannot be taken for granted.", "In this study, a path model to examine and predict student acceptance of video games is proposed, and empirically tested by involving 858 secondary school students.", "The results show that students’ preference for using video games in the classroom is affected directly by a number of factors: the perceptions of students regarding the usefulness, ease of use, learning opportunities, and personal experience with video games in general.", "Gender effects are found as well, but appear to be mediated by experience and ease of use.", "2009 Elsevier Ltd.", "All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 3, 4 ]
[ 0.5946000218391418, 0.7838000059127808, 0.4323999881744385, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054, 0.7838000059127808, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "The classifier built from a data set with a highly skewed class distribution generally predicts the more frequently occurring classes much more often than the infrequently occurring classes.", "This is largely due to the fact that most classifiers are designed to maximize accuracy.", "In many instances, such as for medical diagnosis, this classification behavior is unacceptable because the minority class is the class of primary interest (i.e., it has a much higher misclassification cost than the majority class).", "In this paper we compare three methods for dealing with data that has a skewed class distribution and nonuniform misclassification costs.", "The first method incorporates the misclassification costs into the learning algorithm while the other two methods employ oversampling or undersampling to make the training data more balanced.", "In this paper we empirically compare the effectiveness of these methods in order to determine which produces the best overall classifier—and under what circumstances." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8158000111579895, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.421099990606308, 0.8158000111579895 ]
[ "In this paper, we present a series of programming projects based on the Linux kernel for students in a senior-level undergraduate operating systems course.", "The projects we describe cover several key operating systems concepts, including process scheduling, I/O scheduling, memory management, and device drivers.", "In addition, we assess these projects along several dimensions, from their difficulty to their capacity to help students understand operating systems concepts, based on six terms (three years) of detailed student exit surveys along with observations and anecdotal evidence.", "Through this assessment, we conclude that our Linux-based projects are an effective means by which to teach operating systems concepts and, additionally, that students' response to these projects is overwhelmingly positive." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7778000235557556, 0.7778000235557556, 0.41670000553131104, 0.7778000235557556 ]
[ "The Internet of Things (IoT) is stepping out of its infancy into full maturity and establishing itself as a part of the future Internet.", "One of the technical challenges of having billions of devices deployed worldwide is the ability to manage them.", "Although access management technologies exist in IoT, they are based on centralized models which introduce a new variety of technical limitations to manage them globally.", "In this paper, we propose a new architecture for arbitrating roles and permissions in IoT. The new architecture is a fully distributed access control system for IoT based on blockchain technology.", "The architecture is backed by a proof of concept implementation and evaluated in realistic IoT scenarios.", "The results show that the blockchain technology could be used as access management technology in specific scalable IoT scenarios." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514, 0.7894999980926514 ]