stringlengths 48
| watchface_id
stringlengths 10
| watchface_name
stringclasses 133
values | watch_time
stringlengths 23
| time_format
stringclasses 3
values | shows_seconds
bool 2
classes | hour_visible
int32 -1
| minute_visible
int32 -1
| second_visible
int32 -1
| text
stringlengths 4
mEIzcGD6Yv/004_2021-10-15T02:25:53.806535_googlepixel2 | mEIzcGD6Yv | googlepixel2 | 004_2021-10-15T02:25:53 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
suhVgBIYAD/005_2021-03-10T22:02:34.722490_guesscassidy | suhVgBIYAD | guesscassidy | 005_2021-03-10T22:02:34 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 2 | 34 | 10:02:34 |
5TbLerT1xQ/003_2019-07-05T12:16:20.593696_huaweismartwatch4 | 5TbLerT1xQ | huaweismartwatch4 | 003_2019-07-05T12:16:20 | With AM/PM | true | 12 | 16 | 20 | 12:16:20 AM |
yywGjBS084/004_2021-02-28T23:35:14.433593_montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | yywGjBS084 | montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | 004_2021-02-28T23:35:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 35 | 14 | 11:35:14 |
lxTPU4doSb/003_2022-12-06T16:09:27.008365_lggwatchr | lxTPU4doSb | lggwatchr | 003_2022-12-06T16:09:27 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 9 | 27 | 4:09:27 |
nksEB700sr/005_2022-11-15T01:03:07.969558_samsunggearsport | nksEB700sr | samsunggearsport | 005_2022-11-15T01:03:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 3 | 7 | 1:03:07 |
4l1Vrrm7Xy/002_2023-10-17T23:12:48.597554_newbalanceruniq | 4l1Vrrm7Xy | newbalanceruniq | 002_2023-10-17T23:12:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 12 | 48 | 11:12:48 |
FAR1O4WdDj/005_2020-10-01T22:45:24.563395_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | FAR1O4WdDj | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 005_2020-10-01T22:45:24 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 45 | 24 | 10:45:24 |
GK8AyGuHqW/003_2020-03-10T16:28:52.862223_huaweiw1 | GK8AyGuHqW | huaweiw1 | 003_2020-03-10T16:28:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 28 | 52 | 4:28:52 |
5KFy1V7F1H/005_2023-09-08T09:45:51.418993_moto360 | 5KFy1V7F1H | moto360 | 005_2023-09-08T09:45:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 45 | 51 | 9:45:51 |
CpO1HxbjBA/006_2023-04-11T12:46:53.708669_gearlive | CpO1HxbjBA | gearlive | 006_2023-04-11T12:46:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 46 | 53 | 12:46:53 |
H2KpAUZ2nw/002_2020-03-11T01:33:02.019311_ticwatchpro3 | H2KpAUZ2nw | ticwatchpro3 | 002_2020-03-11T01:33:02 | With AM/PM | true | 1 | 33 | 2 | 1:33:02 AM |
e6TQHNLCGC/005_2024-05-15T13:07:04.794509_ztequartz | e6TQHNLCGC | ztequartz | 005_2024-05-15T13:07:04 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 7 | 4 | 1:07:04 |
FCd92Vnkdj/002_2021-04-15T13:38:20.087949_oppowatch | FCd92Vnkdj | oppowatch | 002_2021-04-15T13:38:20 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 38 | 20 | 1:38:20 |
IxE6F0FM1Y/004_2023-02-17T03:57:10.023337_ticwatchs2midnight | IxE6F0FM1Y | ticwatchs2midnight | 004_2023-02-17T03:57:10 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 57 | 10 | 3:57:10 |
b1FNTxDM7r/004_2020-02-01T16:51:11.408582_galaxywatch6classicblack | b1FNTxDM7r | galaxywatch6classicblack | 004_2020-02-01T16:51:11 | With AM/PM | true | 16 | 51 | 11 | 4:51:11 PM |
46VwLrmnmr/006_2021-10-06T18:56:04.711893_smartwatch3 | 46VwLrmnmr | smartwatch3 | 006_2021-10-06T18:56:04 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 56 | 4 | 6:56:04 |
yr3E672iFJ/003_2020-11-12T09:00:23.993275_michaelkorsbradshaw | yr3E672iFJ | michaelkorsbradshaw | 003_2020-11-12T09:00:23 | Without AM/PM | false | 9 | 0 | -1 | 9:00 |
HAx5KHBdAr/004_2022-05-29T09:15:01.048264_galaxywatch6silver | HAx5KHBdAr | galaxywatch6silver | 004_2022-05-29T09:15:01 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 15 | 1 | 9:15:01 |
j7BzDdxWJt/003_2023-10-25T18:14:42.445605_verizonwear24 | j7BzDdxWJt | verizonwear24 | 003_2023-10-25T18:14:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 14 | 42 | 6:14:42 |
vOjtk5D9Au/006_2020-04-14T12:32:00.076698_galaxyactive | vOjtk5D9Au | galaxyactive | 006_2020-04-14T12:32:00 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 32 | 0 | 12:32:00 |
x6SIt3bwSx/004_2023-01-31T15:23:46.128454_michaelkorsaccessgrayson | x6SIt3bwSx | michaelkorsaccessgrayson | 004_2023-01-31T15:23:46 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 23 | 46 | 3:23:46 |
n5wejTJoTY/004_2021-06-11T04:44:35.221308_gearlive | n5wejTJoTY | gearlive | 004_2021-06-11T04:44:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 44 | 35 | 4:44:35 |
TD2qf8WT2v/003_2022-06-13T00:04:46.319309_gears2 | TD2qf8WT2v | gears2 | 003_2022-06-13T00:04:46 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 4 | 46 | 12:04:46 |
VjMkoCWC4z/003_2020-09-07T06:24:43.307400_michaelkors | VjMkoCWC4z | michaelkors | 003_2020-09-07T06:24:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 24 | 43 | 6:24:43 |
0OW9vpXBNP/003_2022-12-08T21:38:04.771505_polarm600 | 0OW9vpXBNP | polarm600 | 003_2022-12-08T21:38:04 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 38 | 4 | 9:38:04 |
fYeGf6l1Q2/003_2023-02-19T09:48:07.152552_xiaomi_2_pro_black | fYeGf6l1Q2 | xiaomi_2_pro_black | 003_2023-02-19T09:48:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 48 | 7 | 9:48:07 |
JuY4gAFcWl/006_2021-11-19T03:31:41.276299_michaelkors | JuY4gAFcWl | michaelkors | 006_2021-11-19T03:31:41 | With AM/PM | false | 3 | 31 | -1 | 3:31 AM |
sZBMkzC0b9/006_2021-09-03T00:39:02.190053_fossil5thgen | sZBMkzC0b9 | fossil5thgen | 006_2021-09-03T00:39:02 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 39 | 2 | 12:39:02 |
y2eUZIUR08/004_2024-04-06T23:07:58.289253_galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | y2eUZIUR08 | galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | 004_2024-04-06T23:07:58 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 7 | 58 | 11:07:58 |
Fj1IEqM77x/002_2021-08-09T07:11:01.248040_misfitvapor | Fj1IEqM77x | misfitvapor | 002_2021-08-09T07:11:01 | With AM/PM | false | 7 | 11 | -1 | 7:11 AM |
eUc5EqaKjl/004_2024-01-01T15:24:36.269296_lgwatchsport | eUc5EqaKjl | lgwatchsport | 004_2024-01-01T15:24:36 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 24 | 36 | 3:24:36 |
DpUck9vX6D/003_2020-03-15T19:25:51.124821_ticwatchs2glacier | DpUck9vX6D | ticwatchs2glacier | 003_2020-03-15T19:25:51 | With AM/PM | true | 19 | 25 | 51 | 7:25:51 PM |
s4rMx57lbt/005_2021-09-30T10:39:49.807935_movadoconnect | s4rMx57lbt | movadoconnect | 005_2021-09-30T10:39:49 | Without AM/PM | false | 10 | 39 | -1 | 10:39 |
TLyQQmHc95/003_2021-07-19T23:10:39.059436_galaxywatch6classicsilver | TLyQQmHc95 | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 003_2021-07-19T23:10:39 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 10 | 39 | 11:10:39 |
kBb14Ry4UX/004_2023-03-17T20:16:57.026779_xiaomi_2_pro_silver | kBb14Ry4UX | xiaomi_2_pro_silver | 004_2023-03-17T20:16:57 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 16 | 57 | 8:16:57 |
SlknYYEO18/003_2020-09-05T13:39:16.053668_casiowsdf10 | SlknYYEO18 | casiowsdf10 | 003_2020-09-05T13:39:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 39 | 16 | 1:39:16 |
VeBWtcAFy2/006_2021-07-07T01:57:14.483272_montblancsummitlite | VeBWtcAFy2 | montblancsummitlite | 006_2021-07-07T01:57:14 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
tA16LMXFzh/002_2021-03-01T16:18:59.222975_ticwatchsport | tA16LMXFzh | ticwatchsport | 002_2021-03-01T16:18:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 18 | 59 | 4:18:59 |
wweiPBueVT/004_2023-10-27T06:31:09.391197_applewatchseries8golden | wweiPBueVT | applewatchseries8golden | 004_2023-10-27T06:31:09 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 31 | 9 | 6:31:09 |
1CtJJAlYel/006_2024-04-27T00:16:55.098217_montblancsummit2brownleather | 1CtJJAlYel | montblancsummit2brownleather | 006_2024-04-27T00:16:55 | No time visible | true | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
33b3QlPOrt/003_2020-05-21T01:02:19.469936_moto3602w | 33b3QlPOrt | moto3602w | 003_2020-05-21T01:02:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 2 | 19 | 1:02:19 |
6OmEjUNBUC/004_2023-02-12T06:47:11.800421_montblancsummit | 6OmEjUNBUC | montblancsummit | 004_2023-02-12T06:47:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 47 | 11 | 6:47:11 |
CYews3aocE/004_2020-09-28T03:38:24.479132_montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | CYews3aocE | montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | 004_2020-09-28T03:38:24 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 38 | 24 | 3:38:24 |
ERDESB1Vw9/006_2021-04-08T05:00:53.597184_dieselonfullguard | ERDESB1Vw9 | dieselonfullguard | 006_2021-04-08T05:00:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 0 | 53 | 5:00:53 |
uVoscG9grk/005_2024-02-24T20:43:40.177528_ticwatchpro3 | uVoscG9grk | ticwatchpro3 | 005_2024-02-24T20:43:40 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 43 | -1 | 8:43 |
CqMtX2ulv8/005_2019-08-19T11:05:16.466307_fossilqmarshal | CqMtX2ulv8 | fossilqmarshal | 005_2019-08-19T11:05:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 5 | 16 | 11:05:16 |
9uRyEiifT1/003_2022-08-09T09:49:56.206717_huaweismartwatch4w | 9uRyEiifT1 | huaweismartwatch4w | 003_2022-08-09T09:49:56 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 49 | 56 | 9:49:56 |
G5UxTXseSn/006_2022-08-01T20:49:41.403617_smartwatch3 | G5UxTXseSn | smartwatch3 | 006_2022-08-01T20:49:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 49 | 41 | 8:49:41 |
b9XGMNETFJ/005_2020-09-13T12:01:01.465809_googlepixel2 | b9XGMNETFJ | googlepixel2 | 005_2020-09-13T12:01:01 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 1 | 1 | 12:01:01 |
KgOGU0lBBZ/004_2019-12-07T06:02:34.768016_gearlive | KgOGU0lBBZ | gearlive | 004_2019-12-07T06:02:34 | Without AM/PM | false | 6 | 2 | -1 | 6:02 |
yN9XAYn17G/004_2023-11-22T12:22:31.580387_galaxywatch6gold | yN9XAYn17G | galaxywatch6gold | 004_2023-11-22T12:22:31 | No time visible | true | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
0shQTUqaSV/006_2020-10-16T03:05:28.803500_montblancsummit2brownleather | 0shQTUqaSV | montblancsummit2brownleather | 006_2020-10-16T03:05:28 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 5 | -1 | 3:05 |
F9YQOFHJHw/002_2023-09-05T09:23:17.259625_guessjemma | F9YQOFHJHw | guessjemma | 002_2023-09-05T09:23:17 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
fLZddIegii/003_2022-04-14T09:24:25.667243_suunto7 | fLZddIegii | suunto7 | 003_2022-04-14T09:24:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 24 | 25 | 9:24:25 |
u0arIzGJSA/002_2022-06-04T19:34:39.372339_armaniconnected | u0arIzGJSA | armaniconnected | 002_2022-06-04T19:34:39 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 34 | -1 | 7:34 |
OyNgE51d7J/002_2021-02-07T00:12:37.066145_xiaomi_2_pro_silver | OyNgE51d7J | xiaomi_2_pro_silver | 002_2021-02-07T00:12:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 12 | 37 | 12:12:37 |
UTkoUOZ6YK/002_2022-02-28T08:26:15.321249_montblancsummit2brownleather | UTkoUOZ6YK | montblancsummit2brownleather | 002_2022-02-28T08:26:15 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 26 | 15 | 8:26:15 |
McVrBTnM9L/003_2021-07-04T20:44:43.515486_montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | McVrBTnM9L | montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | 003_2021-07-04T20:44:43 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 44 | -1 | 8:44 |
pyHobdeO0U/003_2021-08-05T18:54:32.919429_skagenfalster2 | pyHobdeO0U | skagenfalster2 | 003_2021-08-05T18:54:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 54 | 32 | 6:54:32 |
g2AxKGMZsp/002_2021-07-29T01:45:53.855848_ticwatchs2glacier | g2AxKGMZsp | ticwatchs2glacier | 002_2021-07-29T01:45:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 45 | 53 | 1:45:53 |
C4isCxvNQx/003_2024-05-01T17:01:31.984443_montblancsummit2steelcasebluecanvas | C4isCxvNQx | montblancsummit2steelcasebluecanvas | 003_2024-05-01T17:01:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 1 | 31 | 5:01:31 |
U0QOwTN4Zd/002_2021-12-26T01:45:16.582650_guesscassidy | U0QOwTN4Zd | guesscassidy | 002_2021-12-26T01:45:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 45 | 16 | 1:45:16 |
xXE476rND5/004_2020-11-06T04:31:53.994365_casiowsdf10 | xXE476rND5 | casiowsdf10 | 004_2020-11-06T04:31:53 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 31 | -1 | 4:31 |
RQhxeqDpv9/003_2022-03-21T15:04:52.847132_misfitvapor | RQhxeqDpv9 | misfitvapor | 003_2022-03-21T15:04:52 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 4 | -1 | 3:04 |
xvQyTtwvuN/002_2023-09-07T20:04:52.379733_ticwatchs2glacier | xvQyTtwvuN | ticwatchs2glacier | 002_2023-09-07T20:04:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 4 | 52 | 8:04:52 |
e8IiPsSfKJ/005_2019-11-22T19:10:13.730547_moto360sport | e8IiPsSfKJ | moto360sport | 005_2019-11-22T19:10:13 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 10 | 13 | 7:10:13 |
mjgbXhtVTz/003_2023-10-18T06:32:47.101421_lggwatch | mjgbXhtVTz | lggwatch | 003_2023-10-18T06:32:47 | Without AM/PM | false | 6 | 32 | -1 | 6:32 |
txoKJXxlZk/002_2021-09-03T07:03:42.161897_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | txoKJXxlZk | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | 002_2021-09-03T07:03:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 3 | 42 | 7:03:42 |
eisROGxIY2/006_2024-03-15T12:23:03.524634_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | eisROGxIY2 | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 006_2024-03-15T12:23:03 | With AM/PM | true | 12 | 23 | 3 | 12:23:03 AM |
Qqsl8aWlmK/004_2024-05-30T06:05:51.104359_movadoconnect | Qqsl8aWlmK | movadoconnect | 004_2024-05-30T06:05:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 5 | 51 | 6:05:51 |
DgVHsDrTMo/003_2020-06-17T15:14:42.670024_galaxywatch6black | DgVHsDrTMo | galaxywatch6black | 003_2020-06-17T15:14:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 14 | 42 | 3:14:42 |
yPzP9tn99u/005_2022-08-23T09:45:33.840668_michaelkors | yPzP9tn99u | michaelkors | 005_2022-08-23T09:45:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 45 | 33 | 9:45:33 |
UieC17lj4w/006_2020-10-02T00:43:15.437579_gw5progray | UieC17lj4w | gw5progray | 006_2020-10-02T00:43:15 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 43 | 15 | 12:43:15 |
NNhQQlnslm/002_2023-01-26T16:32:22.420210_googlepixelgreen | NNhQQlnslm | googlepixelgreen | 002_2023-01-26T16:32:22 | With AM/PM | true | 16 | 32 | 22 | 4:32:22 PM |
V3hx1FGRI0/005_2023-04-24T21:24:30.514320_applewatchseries8midnight | V3hx1FGRI0 | applewatchseries8midnight | 005_2023-04-24T21:24:30 | With AM/PM | true | 21 | 24 | 30 | 9:24:30 PM |
ilkPu77qxH/006_2021-11-23T05:43:56.555705_fossilqexplorist | ilkPu77qxH | fossilqexplorist | 006_2021-11-23T05:43:56 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 43 | -1 | 5:43 |
n8mN2PJBCb/005_2023-01-23T05:29:00.575706_gw5golf | n8mN2PJBCb | gw5golf | 005_2023-01-23T05:29:00 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 29 | 0 | 5:29:00 |
vC668wBztr/006_2021-03-11T00:17:43.754745_lggwatch | vC668wBztr | lggwatch | 006_2021-03-11T00:17:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 17 | 43 | 12:17:43 |
FJFb5EUQrQ/006_2023-12-12T13:47:48.991262_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | FJFb5EUQrQ | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | 006_2023-12-12T13:47:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 47 | 48 | 1:47:48 |
OvVhz2gqCl/003_2021-03-20T07:03:29.704376_michaelkorsaccesssofie | OvVhz2gqCl | michaelkorsaccesssofie | 003_2021-03-20T07:03:29 | No time visible | true | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
FXdCi9qn68/002_2021-05-07T19:55:20.929480_fossilqventure | FXdCi9qn68 | fossilqventure | 002_2021-05-07T19:55:20 | With AM/PM | true | 19 | 55 | 20 | 7:55:20 PM |
IJPYX9tagV/003_2023-07-01T03:05:23.533608_googlepixelblack | IJPYX9tagV | googlepixelblack | 003_2023-07-01T03:05:23 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 5 | -1 | 3:05 |
MPtGd4WxCC/002_2020-11-16T22:50:53.231021_moto360sport | MPtGd4WxCC | moto360sport | 002_2020-11-16T22:50:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 50 | 53 | 10:50:53 |
N4AGnXEPzD/004_2020-07-23T18:43:39.765316_lgwatchstyle | N4AGnXEPzD | lgwatchstyle | 004_2020-07-23T18:43:39 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 43 | 39 | 6:43:39 |
wpRZwO881Y/006_2021-03-21T12:10:31.779014_galaxywatch4black | wpRZwO881Y | galaxywatch4black | 006_2021-03-21T12:10:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 10 | 31 | 12:10:31 |
JJVkZdfUDn/005_2019-09-13T06:20:42.654290_applewatchseries9winterblue | JJVkZdfUDn | applewatchseries9winterblue | 005_2019-09-13T06:20:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 20 | 42 | 6:20:42 |
nA8VBiELjU/005_2021-05-01T06:47:24.445577_galaxywatch6classicblack | nA8VBiELjU | galaxywatch6classicblack | 005_2021-05-01T06:47:24 | Without AM/PM | false | 6 | 47 | -1 | 6:47 |
vQGawZnmTB/005_2020-10-24T03:06:54.190907_suunto7 | vQGawZnmTB | suunto7 | 005_2020-10-24T03:06:54 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 6 | 54 | 3:06:54 |
PNb8TLaW9g/005_2019-10-24T05:42:07.736602_montblancsummit | PNb8TLaW9g | montblancsummit | 005_2019-10-24T05:42:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 42 | 7 | 5:42:07 |
rrZIf84rzx/002_2023-06-12T05:24:35.785095_moto360new | rrZIf84rzx | moto360new | 002_2023-06-12T05:24:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 24 | 35 | 5:24:35 |
GTVfw36h4k/002_2023-02-18T08:16:57.803899_lggwatchr | GTVfw36h4k | lggwatchr | 002_2023-02-18T08:16:57 | With AM/PM | true | 8 | 16 | 57 | 8:16:57 AM |
usqajQjrFl/002_2020-05-21T21:14:40.507229_ticwatchpro5 | usqajQjrFl | ticwatchpro5 | 002_2020-05-21T21:14:40 | Without AM/PM | false | 9 | 14 | -1 | 9:14 |
OxAKdLqNWo/005_2023-07-15T23:26:22.424437_galaxywatch42 | OxAKdLqNWo | galaxywatch42 | 005_2023-07-15T23:26:22 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 26 | 22 | 11:26:22 |
yu8GCLaOKD/005_2021-10-31T15:24:20.950499_montblancsummit2blackcasebluesport | yu8GCLaOKD | montblancsummit2blackcasebluesport | 005_2021-10-31T15:24:20 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 24 | 20 | 3:24:20 |
OweVqktMYe/002_2023-07-14T07:17:40.106445_zenwatch3 | OweVqktMYe | zenwatch3 | 002_2023-07-14T07:17:40 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 17 | 40 | 7:17:40 |
S8FaWQ8FYy/006_2023-07-19T01:08:51.340361_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | S8FaWQ8FYy | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 006_2023-07-19T01:08:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 8 | 51 | 1:08:51 |
XA9xaaSdRq/005_2024-03-28T13:35:23.711422_zenwatch2 | XA9xaaSdRq | zenwatch2 | 005_2024-03-28T13:35:23 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 35 | 23 | 1:35:23 |
vTO1vg0MB8/005_2022-08-20T01:39:53.263729_googlepixel2 | vTO1vg0MB8 | googlepixel2 | 005_2022-08-20T01:39:53 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 39 | -1 | 1:39 |
NZb0gvpQqF/005_2020-10-27T07:37:19.161669_moto360new | NZb0gvpQqF | moto360new | 005_2020-10-27T07:37:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 37 | 19 | 7:37:19 |