cant find my username

by archit11 - opened

why cant i find my username (, why wasnt i scraped? did i do something wrong?

I'm sorry your post was the 2,000,001st you just missed the cutoff.

You werent scraped because the data was actually anonymised, even though it technically did not need to be. so you can't identify ANYONE unless you cross match with third party private sources( at which point it doesn't matter)

You werent scraped because the data was actually anonymised, even though it technically did not need to be. so you can't identify ANYONE unless you cross match with third party private sources( at which point it doesn't matter)

you can get your username from did if im not wrong

You werent scraped because the data was actually anonymised, even though it technically did not need to be. so you can't identify ANYONE unless you cross match with third party private sources( at which point it doesn't matter)

you're wrong on both counts, impressive! unique id's that link back to a handle are not considered anonymous and are considered personal information under GDPR, and anonymizing the data indeed would have provided legal cover against most privacy violations.

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