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Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: Messaging Phase 1 - Integrate chat services with Moodle LMS description: . Background This is the first phase of reviewing and improving the messaging, notifications and chat in functionality in Moodle LMS This first step is to integrate Moodle with the Matrix ( open standard to allow teachers and students to more easily communicate while using Moodle for teaching and learning. Phase 2 will consist of a complete review of messaging, notifications and chat in Moodle. . Research The parent issue for this epic contains al large amount of the initial research and investigation. A good place to start is the summary below (see ) for more. External Research Summary | . User Stories The following are high level user stories for this phase: As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a Student I want the Moodle course short name included in Matrix chat room name and description so I know which chat in Matrix relates to which of my courses. As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a teacher I want to be able to enable or disable Matrix integration for my course from the general course settings. When enabled I expect a room in matrix to be created asynchronously in the background for my course and students in my course with active enrolments to be invited to that room. So I can control how my students communicate in my course. As a teacher I want to be able to set the Matrix room name for my course in the general course settings in Moodle. With a sensible name set by default. So I can customise the experience for my students. As a teacher I want students invited and removed from my courses room in Matrix based on their enrolment status in my Moodle course. Where an active enrollment means they are in the room, and a suspended or not enrolled status meaning they are not in the room. So that only students with active enrolments can participate. As a teacher when my course has been configured to create a matrix room for my course, I understand that there may be a delay in the room being created on the Matrix server. So I want a visual indication that allows me to check the creation status of the chat room for my course As a teacher when I explicitly configure a matrix chat room from my Moodle course, I don t want to be blocked from other actions while the chat room is being created for me in the background. As an admin I expect that matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I expect that matrix chat rooms for new courses are enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2 (providing I have configured my Moodle to connect to a Matrix homeserver). So that going forward new courses have a better communication experience. As an admin I want to be able to set a default for new courses to either have Matrix rooms created or not. To assist my teachers. As an admin I want to be able to enter the details of my organisations homeserver, including the administration user details. So my Moodle can connect to my organisations Matrix server. As an admin I want to be able to configure Moodle to create users in Matrix for my users in Moodle. So my Moodle users can connect to my organisation s Matrix instance, As an admin when configuring Moodle to create users in Matrix I want to define the users login type in matrix (SSO or password). So my users can log in correctly to my organisations Matrix instance. As an admin I want to be able to map an existing user profile field to a Matrix unique identifier. So that when a user in Moodle performs a matrix related action they are correctly identified in Matrix As an admin I want to be able to enable or disable the Matrix chat functionality via the Moodle LMS settings (subsystem). So I can control and evaluate how my organisation has access to this functionality. As a Moodle developer I want a Moodle subsystem that supports plugins with a suitable API so that I can write plugins that integrate with various chat systems like Matrix. . Development environment A development environment with all the things to setup Moodle and Matrix (Element and Synapse)with SSO by Keycloak (including HTTPS). Its available here: use the "omnibus" branch. The Readme in the branch should contain all the steps to get everything setup (it does assume a Mac OS based environment) Its a pretty aggressive fork of the standard Moodle HQ docker repo, so it may not be worth upstreaming it. But it will take out a lot of the work in setting up a dev env for the project
1.summary: Admin settings to control Matrix room creation for Courses description: Admins need to be able to control the behaviour of hour Matrix rooms are created for their Moodle instance. This means controlling the defaults for Matrix room creation at course level in the course settings. The below user stories outline the functionality. User stories: As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for new courses are enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2 (providing I have configured my Moodle to connect to a Matrix homeserver). So that going forward new courses have a better communication experience. As an admin I want to be able to set a default for new courses to either have Matrix rooms created or not. To assist my teachers. 2.summary: Add banners to indicate Matrix room creation status to teachers description: Since creating a room and adding course participants may not be instant, there needs to be an indication of its current status when a teacher views their course homepage (until its created and they are aware). . Requirements When Matrix has been enabled in a course, but the creation and/or adding of users has not yet been completed, users with the capability to enable Matrix should see a bootstrap banner (closable) on the course homepage indicating that the room is being setup. Once the ad-hoc task has completed and the room is created and/or populated, then a success/complete banner (closable) should be displayed to indicate that the room is ready. No polling is required, this should only be checked on page load, if there is a possibility it is still being processed or has recently been activated. The UX prototype| outlines the lang string and exactly how this should be presented. . User stories As a teacher when my course has been configured to create a matrix room for my course, I understand that there may be a delay in the room being created on the Matrix server. So I want a visual indication that allows me to check the creation status of the chat room for my course. 3.summary: Create new communications subsystem and plugin type description: . Subsystem The proposed approach for integrating Moodle with communication platforms such as Matrix is to create a new Moodle subsystem with each platform integration (such as Matrix) being implemented as a plugin. With the admin option to enable/disable the subsystem (default to disabled) See: This subsystem functionality will be flagged as an experimental feature (defaulted to disabled), which gives us more flexibility when landing features. The ability to enable the subsystem will therefore not be available unless the experimental feature is enabled. Also the whole subsystem and related plugins will be disabled if the experimental flag is flipped from enabled to disabled. There will need to be some minimal initial admin configuration around the plugins themselves, similar to the pattern for question bank (qbank_) plugins. We can initially differ handling of multiple simultaneous plugins until a future phase of work. The proposed name of the subsystem is: _communication_ . Plugin type Create a new plugin type that integrates with the communication subsystem, so that each integration with a communication platform (like Matrix) can be installed and managed. It will also provide a path for the community to create their own integrations. Each plugin will need to implement/override some core methods. For example how the default behavior for chat rooms for new courses is controlled. The proposed plugin prefix is: _communication__ . Folder structure The new plugins should be in the _communication/provider_ folder. Example: _communication/provider/matrix_ . User stories As an admin I want to be able to enable or disable the Matrix chat functionality via the Moodle LMS settings (subsystem). So I can control and evaluate how my organisation has access to this functionality. As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I want a visual indication of whether the configured chat plugin can successfully communicate with the configured external service. So I can easily tell if the entered details are valid and the server is reachable. As a Moodle developer I want a Moodle subsystem that supports plugins with a suitable API so that I can write plugins that integrate with various chat systems like Matrix. 4.summary: Create Matrix (Synapse) communication plugin description: Create the initial plugin to interface with the Matrix Synapse server. This will be the plugin that does the actual API communication with the Matrix server. It should leverage the Guzzle PHP lib () for comms and test mocking. The scope of this task is to create the basics of the plugin, which allows admins to set up their Matrix connection and configure the sitewide settings as outlined in the user stories below. Using admin settings pages. This plugin will likely need to implement webservices to support Matrix integration for the Moodle Mobile App as well as some Ajax related calls. For example linking/redirection to a Matrix homeserver. Some specific webservices will be added by other related trackers (such as creating rooms). Proposed plugin name: _comm_matrix_ User stories: As an admin I want to be able to enter the details of my organisations homeserver, including the administration user details. So my Moodle can connect to my organisations Matrix server. As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for new courses are enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2 (providing I have configured my Moodle to connect to a Matrix homeserver). So that going forward new courses have a better communication experience. As an admin I want to be able to set a default for new courses to either have Matrix rooms created or not. To assist my teachers. Admin Fields: The initial set of site wide plugins settings for admins, should be: Synapse Homeserver URL This is the URL of the Synapse Homeserver to connect to, for user and room creation. This is a required field E.g. or Access Token An admin access token to authenticate against the Synapse Homeserver This is a required field This should be a password field Refresh Token The admin refresh token to associated with the access token This field is required This should be a password field. Element Web URL The URL to your Element Web instance. This field is required. Create rooms for new courses checkbox When selected, new courses will have Matrix rooms enabled by default. Defaults to on. The original idea was to have an admin username and password to access the Synapse server. However, the rationale in the Synapse docs makes a good case for using the access and refresh tokens. See: For the first iteration of development we ll make the element web client url a requirement. This makes the workflow from Moodle to element for students and teachers easier. It will also give more time to work on the UX workflows for when an element web client isn t available and/or the dedicated element app is available. Existing plugin It looks like the Matrix team have made a Moodle plugin themselves, here: It would be good to review their approach, particularly around which Matrix API calls they used. 5.summary: Matrix test mock description: Create a test mock or server of the relevant Matrix APIs to aid in testing and development. Th mock follows the same pattern as what was done for BBB: See repository readme for instructions: TODO: (/) Update and publish docker container (GA etc.) (/) Clean up repository (remove BBB implementation code) (/) Mock remaining API calls (/) Add user to room (/) remove user from room (/) Upload media (partially done, needs testing and documentation) (/) Change room avatar (needs testing and documentation) (/) Get new access token from refresh token (/) Enforce uniqueness of `external_id` values (/) Add some existing authentication keys and/or a "backoffice" way to create them (/) Update documentation (/) Transfer to Moodle Github References: Synapse API docs: Matrix API docs: 6.summary: Create Matrix rooms from Course settings description: Devdocs: When the communication subsystem is enabled,there is a communication plugin successfully configured, and the admin has allowed it; display the chat options in the course wide settings page. . Settings Some initial settings for this are: Enable/disable setting for creating a room for this course. Room name: should default to course short name but be able to be updated by the teacher. UX input will be required to determine how a teacher can check on the status of a room being created and if there are any errors. This is still TBD. Room creation/updating/syncing based on configuration changes in Moodle should happen via an ad hoc task. These operations should be relatively instantaneous, but we don t want them to block. It will need to be determined what sort of room type we create in Matrix. Matrix supports both private and public rooms. It makes sense to initially create only private rooms, as this follows the pattern where a student in one course in Moodle cannot interact with students in another course. . User stories: As a teacher I want to be able to enable or disable Matrix integration for my course from the general course settings. When enabled I expect a room in Matrix to be created asynchronously in the background for my course and students in my course with active enrolments to be invited to that room. So I can control how my students communicate in my course. As a teacher I want to be able to set the Matrix room name for my course in the general course settings in Moodle. With a sensible name set by default. So I can customise the experience for my students. As a teacher when my course has been configured to create a Matrix room for my course, I understand that there may be a delay in the room being created on the Matrix server. So I want a visual indication that allows me to check the creation status of the chat room for my course As a teacher, when I explicitly configure a Matrix chat room from my Moodle course, I don t want to be blocked from other actions while the chat room is being created for me in the background. As a Student I want the Moodle course short name included in Matrix chat room name. Unless it has been overridden by my teacher. So I know which chat in Matrix relates to which of my courses. . Room Operations The following sections show API calls for various rooms operations. The full documentation related to these can be found here: . Create Room Create a new room from scratch: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_MGZMsmjMJocVcXpZbEIV_0V1eZi" \ -XPOST -d \"name":"newroom","topic":"room made by api","visibility":"public","preset":"public_chat","room_alias_name":"newroom","initial_state": \ " The response is like: "room_id":"!bYolbGubJnMDhJiPnz:synapse","room_alias":"newroom:synapse" We ll need to store both the room_id and room_alias in Moodle A further example that sets up end to end encryption for a room: curl -X POST -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d "name":"curl room","topic":"curly topic","preset":"private_chat","visibility":"private","initial_state":\\\\"type":"","state_key":"","content":"algorithm":"m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"|file:/// Documentation specific to this process is here: . Update Room Make changes to the rooms details. Most room details can only be changed one at a time. For example changing a room name and topic are two separate API calls. Changing a room topic: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"topic":"the topic updated" Changing room name: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"name":"new room name" Setting room avatar: This is a two part process. First the image to be used as the room avatar to Synapse. Next we need to set the avatar to the location of the image. curl -X POST -H Content-Type: image/png -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d This will return the location of the saved image: "content_uri":"mxc://synapse/ThJDXaRGnpFUdIjlUyiqVICQ" Next we update the avatar: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"url":"mxc://synapse/ThJDXaRGnpFUdIjlUyiqVICQ" All of these types of actions are known as events ( ). They will return an event id. 7.summary: Matrix user creation from Moodle description: For instances where an organisation doesn t have their users in their Matrix instance already and/or they want Moodle to create users as required, we need a way to have Moodle create them. As part of this Moodle LMS will NOT be managing the passwords of these users, and we won t be using Moodle LMS as an IdP. User stories: As an admin I want to be able to configure Moodle to create users in Matrix for my users in Moodle. So my Moodle users can connect to my organisation s Matrix instance. As an admin when configuring Moodle to create users in Matrix I want to define the users login type in Matrix (SSO or password). So my users can log in correctly to my organisations Matrix instance. As an admin I want to be able to map an existing user profile field to a Matrix unique identifier. So that when a user in Moodle performs a Matrix related action they are correctly identified in Matrix. Plugin settings form fields There will need to be several plugin setting form fields that will need to be created to support the functionality. Because some fields will only be applicable based on the settings of other fields in the form, hiding (or disabling) fields should be used. Matrix user id The Moodle user profile field that stores the Matrix user id ( ). Dropdown of all available Moodle user profile fields Defaults to user profile field created by plugin Create users in Matrix Checkbox (or maybe yes/no select) When selected Moodle will create users in Matrix if the user does not already exist on the Matrix Homeserver and the Matrix user id profile field in Moodle is empty. User Matrix authentication Hidden unless Create users in Matrix is enabled Select how users authenticate to Matrix. This needs to be known so the Matrix user account can be created correctly Dropdown select with the following values: Manual SSO via OIDC Matrix OIDC IdP ID Text field that contains the idp_id value from the Synapse homeserver (homeserver.yaml) configuration file for the IdP the users will log into Matrix via. This is a required field Hidden unless SSO via OIDC is select for User Matrix authentication OIDC Provider unique ID Dropdown of all available Moodle user profile fields Each OIDC provider will have a field whose value uniqiuely identifiers a user. The value of this field needs to be provided when the user is created. This is a required field Hidden unless SSO via OIDC is select for User Matrix authentication Matrix user id We always need to have a user profile field that contains the matrix user id, even Moodle is not creating Matrix users. The Matrix user ID in Moodle is how the Moodle user account and the Matrix accounts are linked. The format of the Matrix user id is: If Moodle is creating the Matrix users for an org, then Moodle will populate this field at user creation time. If Moodle is NOT creating the Matrix users, then an admin should populate this filed with the Matrix user ID for that user Only create users in Matrix for Moodle users who have an empty Matrix user id field If the Matrix ID field in Moodle is NOT empty do not create a user in matrix. This is so orgs can have some users already in Matrix and/or manage some users manually. SSO Authentication Synapse supports several methods of SSO: OIDC(OAut), SAML2, and CAS. However, for an initial implementation we re only supporting OAut as the SSO method. This will make the code and administration interface on the Moodle side less complicated. API Calls: Below are sample cURL calls to create and get users in Matrix using the Synapse API. NOTE: Well use the Synapse not Matrix API for this. Minimal example of creating a user: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_lshIQPQAFwUvxXYhBEha_41M0ju" \ -X PUT \ -d \"displayname":"testuser" \ This user won t actually be able to login, unless an admin sets a password for them. As there is no email set for them to use the Element reset password and they are not configured to use an SSO provider. An example to create a user with an email address and SSO server details: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_lshIQPQAFwUvxXYhBEha_41M0ju" \ -X PUT \ -d "displayname":"testuser","threepids": "medium":"email","address":"testuser ,"external_ids": "auth_provider":"oidc-keycloak","external_id":"43b3b9f9-4100-413f-9797-223b067b6e7c" \ In the URL a user ID (username) must be provided, in the format In the JSON payload: displayname is the users name displayed in Matrix. We should set this as: firstname + + lastname auth_provider is the value of idp_id in the home servers yaml configuration file with oidc- , saml2- , or cas- prefixed depending on the type of SSO used. External_id is a unique identifier for the user. Defaults to sub, which OpenID Connect compliant providers should provide. This will need to be mapped to a Moodle user profile field Getting a single user is: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_lshIQPQAFwUvxXYhBEha_41M0ju" \ -X GET The relevant Synapse API doc is: 8.summary: Update Matrix room membership based on Course enrolment status description: When a student s enrolment status in a Moodle course is changed we want to update the students participation in the associated Matrix room. Moodle has 3 enrolment states for a course: Not enrolled: The user is not in a course. They cannot view the content of the course of interact with any course activities, or other course participants Enrolled: The user is in the course and can participate and communicate with others. Suspended. The user is enrolled in the course and appears in the courses participant list. Any actions they did in the course before being suspended remain. However the user cannot access the course. It will need to be confirmed which action we undertake in Matrix when a students enrolment status changes. Matrix has several room operations related to this: Mute: This keeps the user in the room so they can still access the room and watch the content that is posted. But they cannot post any messages themselves in the room Remove from room: As it says, remove the user from the room. If the room is public the user can rejoin anytime. If the room is private the user needs to be reinvited or re added Ban: When a user is banned they cannot rejoin the room or be added until the ban is removed Remove recent messages: This is more of a moderation access than an action related to adding or removing users. Admins can remove a configurable number of the users most recent messages. More information can be found: As per the below the user story, an initial implementation makes sense to add a student to the Matrix room when they have an active enrolment in a course and remove them from the room when they are suspended or unenrolled from the Moodle course. From an implementation perspective there should be an event observer that listens for user enrollment change events that then triggers an ad hoc task to update the room membership via Matrix API. While this operation should almost always be instantaneous, we don t want to block operations in Moodle, waiting for a server that could be on another network or unavailable. User stories: As a teacher I want students invited and removed from my courses room in Matrix based on their enrolment status in my Moodle course. Where an active enrollment means they are in the room, and a suspended or not enrolled status meaning they are not in the room. So that only students with active enrolments can participate. 9.summary: Access a Matrix room from a Moodle Course description: There should be a clear action from the Moodle course main page and from the main page of any activity in the course that takes the user to the related Matrix chat room. There is a Figma prototype| which outlines the UX for this functionality. There is also consideration about if the user is accessing Moodle via a web browser or by the Moodle mobile app. It makes sense that if the organisation has a Matrix web client available, this should open in a separate web browser tab and the user be taken to that. -If Moodle can determine that a user has a Matrix client such as Element installed as an app we could also direct the user to that.- (Note: Directing to a dedicated app is out of scope for phase 1, as the initial implementation will only support the web client.) Using the Matrix API we should be able to determine if the user has ever accessed the organisations Matrix before or not. It would be worth exploring in depth what we can do on the Moodle side to make this workflow as easy as we can for users. User stories: As a student I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a teacher I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with my students. 10.summary: Create dynamic form fields feature for communication plugins description: Create a dynamic form fields api for communication plugin so that plugins can define their own form elements in the communication settings when selected. For example, Matrix plugin should be able to allow adding Room topic as a field in the communication settings when matrix is selected. As POC, implement this api in matrix and update room topic from matrix. Some important information: . Create Room Create a new room from scratch: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_MGZMsmjMJocVcXpZbEIV_0V1eZi" \ -XPOST -d \"name":"newroom","topic":"room made by api","visibility":"public","preset":"public_chat","room_alias_name":"newroom","initial_state": \ " The response is like: "room_id":"!bYolbGubJnMDhJiPnz:synapse","room_alias":"newroom:synapse" We ll need to store both the room_id and room_alias in Moodle A further example that sets up end to end encryption for a room: curl -X POST -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d "name":"curl room","topic":"curly topic","preset":"private_chat","visibility":"private","initial_state":\\\"type":"","state_key":"","content":"algorithm":"m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"|file:/// Documentation specific to this process is here: . Update Room Make changes to the rooms details. Most room details can only be changed one at a time. For example changing a room name and topic are two separate API calls. Changing a room topic: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"topic":"the topic updated" 11.summary: Add Behat coverage for Matrix room icon/link description: We need to create a Behat test that can test the function of the new communication room icon/link. It will need to communicate with the Matrix Mock server. I believe this will have some similarity to how the BigBlueButton one is currently setup. The icon behaves similarly to the ? icon that appears on most pages in the bottom right corner. The icon should only show under these circumstances: You have the experimental setting for communication rooms enabled You are on a course-related page There is a valid room link There is already a Matrix Mock server available at The test will need to check the visibility of the new icon that allows you to access the Matrix chat room. Desktop view !desktop_view.png|thumbnail! Mobile view !mobile_view.png|thumbnail! 12.summary: Matrix integration MVP - Matrix is available for use in courses description: This issue combines multiple other critical issues to provide the minimum functionality required for Matrix to be used in Moodle LMS. There are other additions which are considered "must have" for the initial release, however anything which does not prevent the functionality working has been left separate and will be marked as blocked by this issue. The key requirements for this issue are: A new communication subsystem and plugin type, which will house a Matrix (Synapse) plugin (and in future will include others). The Matrix (Synapse) communication plugin. The functionality should be behind an experimental feature flag. The ability to enable/create Matrix rooms from course settings. Automatic Matrix room membership addition/removal based on course enrolment. A hidden user profile field to manage users Matrix IDs, and on-demand (just in time) creation of any users who do not yet have a Matrix ID when they need to be added to a courses Matrix room. A UI element with in a course to link users to the Matrix room when it is enabled and they have access to it. Further details on each of these is included in the linked MDLs. . User stories The following are high level user stories for this issue: Student As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a Student I want the Moodle course name included in Matrix chat room name so I know which chat in Matrix relates to which of my courses. Teacher As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a teacher I want to be able to enable or disable Matrix integration for my course from the general course settings. When enabled I expect a room in matrix to be created asynchronously in the background for my course and students in my course with active enrolments to be invited to that room. So I can control how my students communicate in my course. As a teacher I want to be able to set the Matrix room name for my course in the general course settings in Moodle. With a sensible name set by default. So I can customise the experience for my students. As a teacher I want students invited and removed from my courses room in Matrix based on their enrolment status in my Moodle course. Where an active enrollment means they are in the room, and a suspended or not enrolled status meaning they are not in the room. So that only students with active enrolments can participate. As a teacher when I explicitly configure a matrix chat room from my Moodle course, I don t want to be blocked from other actions while the chat room is being created for me in the background. Admin As an admin I expect that matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I want to be able to enter the details of my organisations homeserver, including the administration user details. So my Moodle can connect to my organisations Matrix server. As an admin I want to be able to configure Moodle to create users in Matrix for my users in Moodle. So my Moodle users can connect to my organisation s Matrix instance. As an admin I want to be able to map an existing user profile field to a Matrix unique identifier. So that when a user in Moodle performs a matrix related action they are correctly identified in Matrix. As an admin I want to be able to enable or disable the Matrix chat functionality via the Moodle LMS settings (subsystem). So I can control and evaluate how my organisation has access to this functionality. Developer As a Moodle developer I want a Moodle subsystem that supports plugins with a suitable API so that I can write plugins that integrate with various chat systems like Matrix.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: Messaging Phase 1 - Integrate chat services with Moodle LMS description: . Background This is the first phase of reviewing and improving the messaging, notifications and chat in functionality in Moodle LMS This first step is to integrate Moodle with the Matrix ( open standard to allow teachers and students to more easily communicate while using Moodle for teaching and learning. Phase 2 will consist of a complete review of messaging, notifications and chat in Moodle. . Research The parent issue for this epic contains al large amount of the initial research and investigation. A good place to start is the summary below (see ) for more. External Research Summary | . User Stories The following are high level user stories for this phase: As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a Student I want the Moodle course short name included in Matrix chat room name and description so I know which chat in Matrix relates to which of my courses. As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a teacher I want to be able to enable or disable Matrix integration for my course from the general course settings. When enabled I expect a room in matrix to be created asynchronously in the background for my course and students in my course with active enrolments to be invited to that room. So I can control how my students communicate in my course. As a teacher I want to be able to set the Matrix room name for my course in the general course settings in Moodle. With a sensible name set by default. So I can customise the experience for my students. As a teacher I want students invited and removed from my courses room in Matrix based on their enrolment status in my Moodle course. Where an active enrollment means they are in the room, and a suspended or not enrolled status meaning they are not in the room. So that only students with active enrolments can participate. As a teacher when my course has been configured to create a matrix room for my course, I understand that there may be a delay in the room being created on the Matrix server. So I want a visual indication that allows me to check the creation status of the chat room for my course As a teacher when I explicitly configure a matrix chat room from my Moodle course, I don t want to be blocked from other actions while the chat room is being created for me in the background. As an admin I expect that matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I expect that matrix chat rooms for new courses are enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2 (providing I have configured my Moodle to connect to a Matrix homeserver). So that going forward new courses have a better communication experience. As an admin I want to be able to set a default for new courses to either have Matrix rooms created or not. To assist my teachers. As an admin I want to be able to enter the details of my organisations homeserver, including the administration user details. So my Moodle can connect to my organisations Matrix server. As an admin I want to be able to configure Moodle to create users in Matrix for my users in Moodle. So my Moodle users can connect to my organisation s Matrix instance, As an admin when configuring Moodle to create users in Matrix I want to define the users login type in matrix (SSO or password). So my users can log in correctly to my organisations Matrix instance. As an admin I want to be able to map an existing user profile field to a Matrix unique identifier. So that when a user in Moodle performs a matrix related action they are correctly identified in Matrix As an admin I want to be able to enable or disable the Matrix chat functionality via the Moodle LMS settings (subsystem). So I can control and evaluate how my organisation has access to this functionality. As a Moodle developer I want a Moodle subsystem that supports plugins with a suitable API so that I can write plugins that integrate with various chat systems like Matrix. . Development environment A development environment with all the things to setup Moodle and Matrix (Element and Synapse)with SSO by Keycloak (including HTTPS). Its available here: use the "omnibus" branch. The Readme in the branch should contain all the steps to get everything setup (it does assume a Mac OS based environment) Its a pretty aggressive fork of the standard Moodle HQ docker repo, so it may not be worth upstreaming it. But it will take out a lot of the work in setting up a dev env for the project ### Response: 1.summary: Admin settings to control Matrix room creation for Courses description: Admins need to be able to control the behaviour of hour Matrix rooms are created for their Moodle instance. This means controlling the defaults for Matrix room creation at course level in the course settings. The below user stories outline the functionality. User stories: As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for new courses are enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2 (providing I have configured my Moodle to connect to a Matrix homeserver). So that going forward new courses have a better communication experience. As an admin I want to be able to set a default for new courses to either have Matrix rooms created or not. To assist my teachers. 2.summary: Add banners to indicate Matrix room creation status to teachers description: Since creating a room and adding course participants may not be instant, there needs to be an indication of its current status when a teacher views their course homepage (until its created and they are aware). . Requirements When Matrix has been enabled in a course, but the creation and/or adding of users has not yet been completed, users with the capability to enable Matrix should see a bootstrap banner (closable) on the course homepage indicating that the room is being setup. Once the ad-hoc task has completed and the room is created and/or populated, then a success/complete banner (closable) should be displayed to indicate that the room is ready. No polling is required, this should only be checked on page load, if there is a possibility it is still being processed or has recently been activated. The UX prototype| outlines the lang string and exactly how this should be presented. . User stories As a teacher when my course has been configured to create a matrix room for my course, I understand that there may be a delay in the room being created on the Matrix server. So I want a visual indication that allows me to check the creation status of the chat room for my course. 3.summary: Create new communications subsystem and plugin type description: . Subsystem The proposed approach for integrating Moodle with communication platforms such as Matrix is to create a new Moodle subsystem with each platform integration (such as Matrix) being implemented as a plugin. With the admin option to enable/disable the subsystem (default to disabled) See: This subsystem functionality will be flagged as an experimental feature (defaulted to disabled), which gives us more flexibility when landing features. The ability to enable the subsystem will therefore not be available unless the experimental feature is enabled. Also the whole subsystem and related plugins will be disabled if the experimental flag is flipped from enabled to disabled. There will need to be some minimal initial admin configuration around the plugins themselves, similar to the pattern for question bank (qbank_) plugins. We can initially differ handling of multiple simultaneous plugins until a future phase of work. The proposed name of the subsystem is: _communication_ . Plugin type Create a new plugin type that integrates with the communication subsystem, so that each integration with a communication platform (like Matrix) can be installed and managed. It will also provide a path for the community to create their own integrations. Each plugin will need to implement/override some core methods. For example how the default behavior for chat rooms for new courses is controlled. The proposed plugin prefix is: _communication__ . Folder structure The new plugins should be in the _communication/provider_ folder. Example: _communication/provider/matrix_ . User stories As an admin I want to be able to enable or disable the Matrix chat functionality via the Moodle LMS settings (subsystem). So I can control and evaluate how my organisation has access to this functionality. As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I want a visual indication of whether the configured chat plugin can successfully communicate with the configured external service. So I can easily tell if the entered details are valid and the server is reachable. As a Moodle developer I want a Moodle subsystem that supports plugins with a suitable API so that I can write plugins that integrate with various chat systems like Matrix. 4.summary: Create Matrix (Synapse) communication plugin description: Create the initial plugin to interface with the Matrix Synapse server. This will be the plugin that does the actual API communication with the Matrix server. It should leverage the Guzzle PHP lib () for comms and test mocking. The scope of this task is to create the basics of the plugin, which allows admins to set up their Matrix connection and configure the sitewide settings as outlined in the user stories below. Using admin settings pages. This plugin will likely need to implement webservices to support Matrix integration for the Moodle Mobile App as well as some Ajax related calls. For example linking/redirection to a Matrix homeserver. Some specific webservices will be added by other related trackers (such as creating rooms). Proposed plugin name: _comm_matrix_ User stories: As an admin I want to be able to enter the details of my organisations homeserver, including the administration user details. So my Moodle can connect to my organisations Matrix server. As an admin I expect that Matrix chat rooms for new courses are enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2 (providing I have configured my Moodle to connect to a Matrix homeserver). So that going forward new courses have a better communication experience. As an admin I want to be able to set a default for new courses to either have Matrix rooms created or not. To assist my teachers. Admin Fields: The initial set of site wide plugins settings for admins, should be: Synapse Homeserver URL This is the URL of the Synapse Homeserver to connect to, for user and room creation. This is a required field E.g. or Access Token An admin access token to authenticate against the Synapse Homeserver This is a required field This should be a password field Refresh Token The admin refresh token to associated with the access token This field is required This should be a password field. Element Web URL The URL to your Element Web instance. This field is required. Create rooms for new courses checkbox When selected, new courses will have Matrix rooms enabled by default. Defaults to on. The original idea was to have an admin username and password to access the Synapse server. However, the rationale in the Synapse docs makes a good case for using the access and refresh tokens. See: For the first iteration of development we ll make the element web client url a requirement. This makes the workflow from Moodle to element for students and teachers easier. It will also give more time to work on the UX workflows for when an element web client isn t available and/or the dedicated element app is available. Existing plugin It looks like the Matrix team have made a Moodle plugin themselves, here: It would be good to review their approach, particularly around which Matrix API calls they used. 5.summary: Matrix test mock description: Create a test mock or server of the relevant Matrix APIs to aid in testing and development. Th mock follows the same pattern as what was done for BBB: See repository readme for instructions: TODO: (/) Update and publish docker container (GA etc.) (/) Clean up repository (remove BBB implementation code) (/) Mock remaining API calls (/) Add user to room (/) remove user from room (/) Upload media (partially done, needs testing and documentation) (/) Change room avatar (needs testing and documentation) (/) Get new access token from refresh token (/) Enforce uniqueness of `external_id` values (/) Add some existing authentication keys and/or a "backoffice" way to create them (/) Update documentation (/) Transfer to Moodle Github References: Synapse API docs: Matrix API docs: 6.summary: Create Matrix rooms from Course settings description: Devdocs: When the communication subsystem is enabled,there is a communication plugin successfully configured, and the admin has allowed it; display the chat options in the course wide settings page. . Settings Some initial settings for this are: Enable/disable setting for creating a room for this course. Room name: should default to course short name but be able to be updated by the teacher. UX input will be required to determine how a teacher can check on the status of a room being created and if there are any errors. This is still TBD. Room creation/updating/syncing based on configuration changes in Moodle should happen via an ad hoc task. These operations should be relatively instantaneous, but we don t want them to block. It will need to be determined what sort of room type we create in Matrix. Matrix supports both private and public rooms. It makes sense to initially create only private rooms, as this follows the pattern where a student in one course in Moodle cannot interact with students in another course. . User stories: As a teacher I want to be able to enable or disable Matrix integration for my course from the general course settings. When enabled I expect a room in Matrix to be created asynchronously in the background for my course and students in my course with active enrolments to be invited to that room. So I can control how my students communicate in my course. As a teacher I want to be able to set the Matrix room name for my course in the general course settings in Moodle. With a sensible name set by default. So I can customise the experience for my students. As a teacher when my course has been configured to create a Matrix room for my course, I understand that there may be a delay in the room being created on the Matrix server. So I want a visual indication that allows me to check the creation status of the chat room for my course As a teacher, when I explicitly configure a Matrix chat room from my Moodle course, I don t want to be blocked from other actions while the chat room is being created for me in the background. As a Student I want the Moodle course short name included in Matrix chat room name. Unless it has been overridden by my teacher. So I know which chat in Matrix relates to which of my courses. . Room Operations The following sections show API calls for various rooms operations. The full documentation related to these can be found here: . Create Room Create a new room from scratch: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_MGZMsmjMJocVcXpZbEIV_0V1eZi" \ -XPOST -d \"name":"newroom","topic":"room made by api","visibility":"public","preset":"public_chat","room_alias_name":"newroom","initial_state": \ " The response is like: "room_id":"!bYolbGubJnMDhJiPnz:synapse","room_alias":"newroom:synapse" We ll need to store both the room_id and room_alias in Moodle A further example that sets up end to end encryption for a room: curl -X POST -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d "name":"curl room","topic":"curly topic","preset":"private_chat","visibility":"private","initial_state":\\\\"type":"","state_key":"","content":"algorithm":"m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"|file:/// Documentation specific to this process is here: . Update Room Make changes to the rooms details. Most room details can only be changed one at a time. For example changing a room name and topic are two separate API calls. Changing a room topic: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"topic":"the topic updated" Changing room name: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"name":"new room name" Setting room avatar: This is a two part process. First the image to be used as the room avatar to Synapse. Next we need to set the avatar to the location of the image. curl -X POST -H Content-Type: image/png -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d This will return the location of the saved image: "content_uri":"mxc://synapse/ThJDXaRGnpFUdIjlUyiqVICQ" Next we update the avatar: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"url":"mxc://synapse/ThJDXaRGnpFUdIjlUyiqVICQ" All of these types of actions are known as events ( ). They will return an event id. 7.summary: Matrix user creation from Moodle description: For instances where an organisation doesn t have their users in their Matrix instance already and/or they want Moodle to create users as required, we need a way to have Moodle create them. As part of this Moodle LMS will NOT be managing the passwords of these users, and we won t be using Moodle LMS as an IdP. User stories: As an admin I want to be able to configure Moodle to create users in Matrix for my users in Moodle. So my Moodle users can connect to my organisation s Matrix instance. As an admin when configuring Moodle to create users in Matrix I want to define the users login type in Matrix (SSO or password). So my users can log in correctly to my organisations Matrix instance. As an admin I want to be able to map an existing user profile field to a Matrix unique identifier. So that when a user in Moodle performs a Matrix related action they are correctly identified in Matrix. Plugin settings form fields There will need to be several plugin setting form fields that will need to be created to support the functionality. Because some fields will only be applicable based on the settings of other fields in the form, hiding (or disabling) fields should be used. Matrix user id The Moodle user profile field that stores the Matrix user id ( ). Dropdown of all available Moodle user profile fields Defaults to user profile field created by plugin Create users in Matrix Checkbox (or maybe yes/no select) When selected Moodle will create users in Matrix if the user does not already exist on the Matrix Homeserver and the Matrix user id profile field in Moodle is empty. User Matrix authentication Hidden unless Create users in Matrix is enabled Select how users authenticate to Matrix. This needs to be known so the Matrix user account can be created correctly Dropdown select with the following values: Manual SSO via OIDC Matrix OIDC IdP ID Text field that contains the idp_id value from the Synapse homeserver (homeserver.yaml) configuration file for the IdP the users will log into Matrix via. This is a required field Hidden unless SSO via OIDC is select for User Matrix authentication OIDC Provider unique ID Dropdown of all available Moodle user profile fields Each OIDC provider will have a field whose value uniqiuely identifiers a user. The value of this field needs to be provided when the user is created. This is a required field Hidden unless SSO via OIDC is select for User Matrix authentication Matrix user id We always need to have a user profile field that contains the matrix user id, even Moodle is not creating Matrix users. The Matrix user ID in Moodle is how the Moodle user account and the Matrix accounts are linked. The format of the Matrix user id is: If Moodle is creating the Matrix users for an org, then Moodle will populate this field at user creation time. If Moodle is NOT creating the Matrix users, then an admin should populate this filed with the Matrix user ID for that user Only create users in Matrix for Moodle users who have an empty Matrix user id field If the Matrix ID field in Moodle is NOT empty do not create a user in matrix. This is so orgs can have some users already in Matrix and/or manage some users manually. SSO Authentication Synapse supports several methods of SSO: OIDC(OAut), SAML2, and CAS. However, for an initial implementation we re only supporting OAut as the SSO method. This will make the code and administration interface on the Moodle side less complicated. API Calls: Below are sample cURL calls to create and get users in Matrix using the Synapse API. NOTE: Well use the Synapse not Matrix API for this. Minimal example of creating a user: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_lshIQPQAFwUvxXYhBEha_41M0ju" \ -X PUT \ -d \"displayname":"testuser" \ This user won t actually be able to login, unless an admin sets a password for them. As there is no email set for them to use the Element reset password and they are not configured to use an SSO provider. An example to create a user with an email address and SSO server details: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_lshIQPQAFwUvxXYhBEha_41M0ju" \ -X PUT \ -d "displayname":"testuser","threepids": "medium":"email","address":"testuser ,"external_ids": "auth_provider":"oidc-keycloak","external_id":"43b3b9f9-4100-413f-9797-223b067b6e7c" \ In the URL a user ID (username) must be provided, in the format In the JSON payload: displayname is the users name displayed in Matrix. We should set this as: firstname + + lastname auth_provider is the value of idp_id in the home servers yaml configuration file with oidc- , saml2- , or cas- prefixed depending on the type of SSO used. External_id is a unique identifier for the user. Defaults to sub, which OpenID Connect compliant providers should provide. This will need to be mapped to a Moodle user profile field Getting a single user is: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_lshIQPQAFwUvxXYhBEha_41M0ju" \ -X GET The relevant Synapse API doc is: 8.summary: Update Matrix room membership based on Course enrolment status description: When a student s enrolment status in a Moodle course is changed we want to update the students participation in the associated Matrix room. Moodle has 3 enrolment states for a course: Not enrolled: The user is not in a course. They cannot view the content of the course of interact with any course activities, or other course participants Enrolled: The user is in the course and can participate and communicate with others. Suspended. The user is enrolled in the course and appears in the courses participant list. Any actions they did in the course before being suspended remain. However the user cannot access the course. It will need to be confirmed which action we undertake in Matrix when a students enrolment status changes. Matrix has several room operations related to this: Mute: This keeps the user in the room so they can still access the room and watch the content that is posted. But they cannot post any messages themselves in the room Remove from room: As it says, remove the user from the room. If the room is public the user can rejoin anytime. If the room is private the user needs to be reinvited or re added Ban: When a user is banned they cannot rejoin the room or be added until the ban is removed Remove recent messages: This is more of a moderation access than an action related to adding or removing users. Admins can remove a configurable number of the users most recent messages. More information can be found: As per the below the user story, an initial implementation makes sense to add a student to the Matrix room when they have an active enrolment in a course and remove them from the room when they are suspended or unenrolled from the Moodle course. From an implementation perspective there should be an event observer that listens for user enrollment change events that then triggers an ad hoc task to update the room membership via Matrix API. While this operation should almost always be instantaneous, we don t want to block operations in Moodle, waiting for a server that could be on another network or unavailable. User stories: As a teacher I want students invited and removed from my courses room in Matrix based on their enrolment status in my Moodle course. Where an active enrollment means they are in the room, and a suspended or not enrolled status meaning they are not in the room. So that only students with active enrolments can participate. 9.summary: Access a Matrix room from a Moodle Course description: There should be a clear action from the Moodle course main page and from the main page of any activity in the course that takes the user to the related Matrix chat room. There is a Figma prototype| which outlines the UX for this functionality. There is also consideration about if the user is accessing Moodle via a web browser or by the Moodle mobile app. It makes sense that if the organisation has a Matrix web client available, this should open in a separate web browser tab and the user be taken to that. -If Moodle can determine that a user has a Matrix client such as Element installed as an app we could also direct the user to that.- (Note: Directing to a dedicated app is out of scope for phase 1, as the initial implementation will only support the web client.) Using the Matrix API we should be able to determine if the user has ever accessed the organisations Matrix before or not. It would be worth exploring in depth what we can do on the Moodle side to make this workflow as easy as we can for users. User stories: As a student I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a teacher I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to join the Matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with my students. 10.summary: Create dynamic form fields feature for communication plugins description: Create a dynamic form fields api for communication plugin so that plugins can define their own form elements in the communication settings when selected. For example, Matrix plugin should be able to allow adding Room topic as a field in the communication settings when matrix is selected. As POC, implement this api in matrix and update room topic from matrix. Some important information: . Create Room Create a new room from scratch: curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_MGZMsmjMJocVcXpZbEIV_0V1eZi" \ -XPOST -d \"name":"newroom","topic":"room made by api","visibility":"public","preset":"public_chat","room_alias_name":"newroom","initial_state": \ " The response is like: "room_id":"!bYolbGubJnMDhJiPnz:synapse","room_alias":"newroom:synapse" We ll need to store both the room_id and room_alias in Moodle A further example that sets up end to end encryption for a room: curl -X POST -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d "name":"curl room","topic":"curly topic","preset":"private_chat","visibility":"private","initial_state":\\\"type":"","state_key":"","content":"algorithm":"m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"|file:/// Documentation specific to this process is here: . Update Room Make changes to the rooms details. Most room details can only be changed one at a time. For example changing a room name and topic are two separate API calls. Changing a room topic: curl -X PUT -H Authorization: Bearer syt_YWRtaW4_KXUwoITuowupgGEIGNuK_4MLu3S -d \"topic":"the topic updated" 11.summary: Add Behat coverage for Matrix room icon/link description: We need to create a Behat test that can test the function of the new communication room icon/link. It will need to communicate with the Matrix Mock server. I believe this will have some similarity to how the BigBlueButton one is currently setup. The icon behaves similarly to the ? icon that appears on most pages in the bottom right corner. The icon should only show under these circumstances: You have the experimental setting for communication rooms enabled You are on a course-related page There is a valid room link There is already a Matrix Mock server available at The test will need to check the visibility of the new icon that allows you to access the Matrix chat room. Desktop view !desktop_view.png|thumbnail! Mobile view !mobile_view.png|thumbnail! 12.summary: Matrix integration MVP - Matrix is available for use in courses description: This issue combines multiple other critical issues to provide the minimum functionality required for Matrix to be used in Moodle LMS. There are other additions which are considered "must have" for the initial release, however anything which does not prevent the functionality working has been left separate and will be marked as blocked by this issue. The key requirements for this issue are: A new communication subsystem and plugin type, which will house a Matrix (Synapse) plugin (and in future will include others). The Matrix (Synapse) communication plugin. The functionality should be behind an experimental feature flag. The ability to enable/create Matrix rooms from course settings. Automatic Matrix room membership addition/removal based on course enrolment. A hidden user profile field to manage users Matrix IDs, and on-demand (just in time) creation of any users who do not yet have a Matrix ID when they need to be added to a courses Matrix room. A UI element with in a course to link users to the Matrix room when it is enabled and they have access to it. Further details on each of these is included in the linked MDLs. . User stories The following are high level user stories for this issue: Student As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with the peers in my course and ask my teacher questions. As a student I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a Student I want the Moodle course name included in Matrix chat room name so I know which chat in Matrix relates to which of my courses. Teacher As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from the main course page in Moodle. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to join the matrix chat for my course from any Moodle activity main page. So I can communicate with my students. As a teacher I want to be able to contact one of my peers using matrix from their user profile page in Moodle. So I can chat directly to them. As a teacher I want to be able to enable or disable Matrix integration for my course from the general course settings. When enabled I expect a room in matrix to be created asynchronously in the background for my course and students in my course with active enrolments to be invited to that room. So I can control how my students communicate in my course. As a teacher I want to be able to set the Matrix room name for my course in the general course settings in Moodle. With a sensible name set by default. So I can customise the experience for my students. As a teacher I want students invited and removed from my courses room in Matrix based on their enrolment status in my Moodle course. Where an active enrollment means they are in the room, and a suspended or not enrolled status meaning they are not in the room. So that only students with active enrolments can participate. As a teacher when I explicitly configure a matrix chat room from my Moodle course, I don t want to be blocked from other actions while the chat room is being created for me in the background. Admin As an admin I expect that matrix chat rooms for existing courses are not enabled by default when I upgrade to Moodle 4.2. So not to confuse the teachers at my organisation. As an admin I want to be able to enter the details of my organisations homeserver, including the administration user details. So my Moodle can connect to my organisations Matrix server. As an admin I want to be able to configure Moodle to create users in Matrix for my users in Moodle. So my Moodle users can connect to my organisation s Matrix instance. As an admin I want to be able to map an existing user profile field to a Matrix unique identifier. So that when a user in Moodle performs a matrix related action they are correctly identified in Matrix. As an admin I want to be able to enable or disable the Matrix chat functionality via the Moodle LMS settings (subsystem). So I can control and evaluate how my organisation has access to this functionality. Developer As a Moodle developer I want a Moodle subsystem that supports plugins with a suitable API so that I can write plugins that integrate with various chat systems like Matrix.
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: META: Create new icons for TinyMCE buttons. description: Moodles TinyMCE icons appear inconsistent with other icons in Moodle. As a starting point, we could backport icons from TinyMCE 4.X to 3.X.
1.summary: Implement Icons for TinyMCE 3. description: Create the code that will be used render the icons for TinyMCE 2.summary: Extract icons from TinyMCE 4.0 description: Remove the icons from TinyMCE and create an AI file for the main issue 3.summary: Create Icons from TinyMCE vector description: Create SVG and PNG icons from the AI file 4.summary: Create icons for non-default buttons description: There are a bunch of icons that still need to be created, but are unlikely to be seen, as they are not on by default. These icons are: delete_table delete_col delete_row insert_col_after insert_row_after insert_col_before insert_row_before table_props cell_props row_props advance_hr select_all absolute abbr acronym cite delete insert fullpage restore_draft spellchecker visualblocks backward forward visualaid I know these are a lot of icons, and these have all been moved to menus in TinyMCE 4 because they are so hard to represent in a 16x16 greyscale image, but I think if we are going to make the change to these new icons they need to be done properly.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: META: Create new icons for TinyMCE buttons. description: Moodles TinyMCE icons appear inconsistent with other icons in Moodle. As a starting point, we could backport icons from TinyMCE 4.X to 3.X. ### Response: 1.summary: Implement Icons for TinyMCE 3. description: Create the code that will be used render the icons for TinyMCE 2.summary: Extract icons from TinyMCE 4.0 description: Remove the icons from TinyMCE and create an AI file for the main issue 3.summary: Create Icons from TinyMCE vector description: Create SVG and PNG icons from the AI file 4.summary: Create icons for non-default buttons description: There are a bunch of icons that still need to be created, but are unlikely to be seen, as they are not on by default. These icons are: delete_table delete_col delete_row insert_col_after insert_row_after insert_col_before insert_row_before table_props cell_props row_props advance_hr select_all absolute abbr acronym cite delete insert fullpage restore_draft spellchecker visualblocks backward forward visualaid I know these are a lot of icons, and these have all been moved to menus in TinyMCE 4 because they are so hard to represent in a 16x16 greyscale image, but I think if we are going to make the change to these new icons they need to be done properly.
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle Community Sites summary: Upgrade community sites to use Boost and Classic as parent themes description: Along with the bootstrap base deprecation the Moodle sites need to be updated This epic deals with the various tasks related to this upgrade
1.summary: Upgrade plugins DB to use BS4 CSS and JS description: The Moodle plugins DB is build for Bootstrap 2 and contains a lot of custom styles. These need to be replace with Bootstrap 4 utility classes and tested for the new theme 2.summary: Upgrade local/moodleorg plugin pages description: The local/moodleorg plugin on contains a set of custom pages that need to be checked and upgraded for the new moodleorg theme The pages used are: This list of pages has been copied from /local/moodleorg/conf/ 3.summary: css classes need adding to the theme for displaying forum descriptions description: The forums in Moodle in English use css classes so that text from the forum description is displayed differently on the forum page, start a new discussion page and course page. For example, for quote Got a problem installing, upgrading or migrating your Moodle site? Documentation: Installing Moodle, Installation FAQ, Upgrading and Upgrading FAQ Forum moderator: Howard Miller Before starting a new discussion topic, please check the Installation FAQ and Upgrading FAQ and try a forum search. Remember to include in your post which version of Moodle (e.g. 3.2.1) you are using! (You can find your Moodle version via Settings > Site administration > Notifications.) Also provide as much relevant background information as you can about the versions and configuration of your server OS, PHP and browser. (including upgrading and migration help) quote normal-intro text is displayed on posting-intro is displayed on coursepage-intro is displayed on 4.summary: Move the GitHub quick uploader to the right description: In the plugins directory When adding a new version to an existing plugin So called GitHub quick uploader appears, allowing the maintainer to pick a version from the list of tagged versions The selector used to appear in the right space on the screen 5.summary: Unread forum posts missing yellow highlighting description: As reported by mina in : quoteUnread forum posts dont have a yellow background on the post title any more, which makes unread posts difficult to identify, especially when posts are displayed in nested form. quote 6.summary: Re-consider the colour of the messaging buttons on the profile screen description: The "Message" and "Add to contacts" buttons on the profile page have very shiny blue colour. I dont think it fully fits the colour scheme of the site. It is different shade of blue than the help icons or links use and they seem to be very dominant on that page.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle Community Sites summary: Upgrade community sites to use Boost and Classic as parent themes description: Along with the bootstrap base deprecation the Moodle sites need to be updated This epic deals with the various tasks related to this upgrade ### Response: 1.summary: Upgrade plugins DB to use BS4 CSS and JS description: The Moodle plugins DB is build for Bootstrap 2 and contains a lot of custom styles. These need to be replace with Bootstrap 4 utility classes and tested for the new theme 2.summary: Upgrade local/moodleorg plugin pages description: The local/moodleorg plugin on contains a set of custom pages that need to be checked and upgraded for the new moodleorg theme The pages used are: This list of pages has been copied from /local/moodleorg/conf/ 3.summary: css classes need adding to the theme for displaying forum descriptions description: The forums in Moodle in English use css classes so that text from the forum description is displayed differently on the forum page, start a new discussion page and course page. For example, for quote Got a problem installing, upgrading or migrating your Moodle site? Documentation: Installing Moodle, Installation FAQ, Upgrading and Upgrading FAQ Forum moderator: Howard Miller Before starting a new discussion topic, please check the Installation FAQ and Upgrading FAQ and try a forum search. Remember to include in your post which version of Moodle (e.g. 3.2.1) you are using! (You can find your Moodle version via Settings > Site administration > Notifications.) Also provide as much relevant background information as you can about the versions and configuration of your server OS, PHP and browser. (including upgrading and migration help) quote normal-intro text is displayed on posting-intro is displayed on coursepage-intro is displayed on 4.summary: Move the GitHub quick uploader to the right description: In the plugins directory When adding a new version to an existing plugin So called GitHub quick uploader appears, allowing the maintainer to pick a version from the list of tagged versions The selector used to appear in the right space on the screen 5.summary: Unread forum posts missing yellow highlighting description: As reported by mina in : quoteUnread forum posts dont have a yellow background on the post title any more, which makes unread posts difficult to identify, especially when posts are displayed in nested form. quote 6.summary: Re-consider the colour of the messaging buttons on the profile screen description: The "Message" and "Add to contacts" buttons on the profile page have very shiny blue colour. I dont think it fully fits the colour scheme of the site. It is different shade of blue than the help icons or links use and they seem to be very dominant on that page.
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: LTI Improvement for Moodle 3.2 description: Improve the experience of using Moodle as a consumer and as a provider.
1.summary: Change the approach of the PSR autoloading and allow PSR-4 description: In core_component we have a facility to autoload PSR compliant libraries (it says psr-0 in phpdocs, but think it could be restricted to psr-4) which landed in . Its currently used by horde, and I am using it for GeoIp2 in ). Im not a fan of the current approach - because: a) we are bloating (169 horde classes atm) the core_component cache with this third party stuff. Im not clear exactly why we decided to define the classmap in its entirety in the cache for our own classes - but I feel like we certainly shouldnt need it for third party stuff, and we can keep this cleaner by avoiding it. We can load on demand if namespace matches (see below code snippet) . b) This is a lesser point than a) but Im not totally convinced that we should keep these third party libs always ready for inclusion. For example with horde, we only really use it one file, in it is only needed in one place, and there was talk of using it for google in - also in only one place. It just feels cleaner to me to have the libs restricted in their inclusion. We could fix a) regardless of b), but I think the two combined would mean we could consider doing something like: code core_component::autoload_namespace(Horde, $CFG->libdir./horde/framework/); code (as an equivalent to of require_once) in admin/tool/messageinbound/classes/manager.php and it wouldnt have much impact for the use of the library and would keep core clean of it. In fact I made a POC implementation of this: code / Register a namespace in PSR-4 standard with autoloader. Adapated from string $prefix The namespace to autoload classes from. string $path The fully qualified path to autoload the classes from. / function autoload_psr4_namespace($prefix, $path) spl_autoload_register( function ($class) use ($prefix, $path) // Does the class use the namespace prefix? $len = strlen($prefix); if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) // No, move to the next registered autoloader. return; // Get the relative class name. $relativeclass = substr($class, $len); // Replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append // with .php. $file = $path. str_replace(\\, /, $relativeclass) . .php; // If the file exists, require it. if (file_exists($file)) require($file); ); code 2.summary: Upgrade enrol_lti to support LTI v2.0 description: Currently we are not supporting consumers who are using v2. We are also using an unsupported library - so there is an added benefit of upgrading and using a library that is being maintained. 3.summary: Support memberships using the new library description: We were never able to verify whether the LTI providers memberships synchronisation even worked. Our best bet is to go straight ahead with the new library Add code to cron implementing the membership extension service. Verify it works in the same way as the old system (by checking code) so that if anyone was using it, their code wont break. 4.summary: Add LTI Content Item support to mod_lti description: Add support for the LTI Content-Item message to improve the workflow when adding links to external tools in courses. 5.summary: Offer cartridges in LTI provider description: Right now the LTI provider provides a launch url. Ideally we will want to instead give the url to an xml cartridge. We may want to use url rewrite to give a url that ends with XML, rather than uploading a bunch of xml files or just having a .php page as some LTI providers may not support cartridges that dont end in .xml Specification: 6.summary: Make terminology consistent and improve help for External tool and LTI provider description: Consumer side: -Say Tool URL everywhere- Say "Configuration URL" instead of "Cartridge URL" ? (not sure, only if it makes things more clear rather than less clear) -At the top of the second page when adding a cartridge, say "If you were given a consumer key and/or shared secret, input them here - -Help icon on consumer key and shared secret explaining what they are and what they do- Provider side: -Fix docs link- (Done using redirect) -Just have one column, instead of two. Call it "LTI 1" Then in each cell say Tool URL, and underneath that Secret- -At the top of the page "This is the information you need to paste into any system to add these tools. In other systems the Tool URL may be referred to as a configuration URL or "- We need help like that is relevant to each LMS supporting LTI (docs page) 7.summary: Read the LTI Spec and create issues in epic for anything moodle is not supporting description: also Missing features & bugs: ||Feature/bug||Issue||Spec|| |Content-item|| | |Problems with outcomes|| | |Services in LTI 1 (LTI 1.2)|| | |Cartridges|| | |Tool settings service|| sounds related to error passing custom parameters| |LTI 2.1|No issue yet| No spec yet | |Deprecated parameters in LTI1.2 & LTI 2|| |
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: LTI Improvement for Moodle 3.2 description: Improve the experience of using Moodle as a consumer and as a provider. ### Response: 1.summary: Change the approach of the PSR autoloading and allow PSR-4 description: In core_component we have a facility to autoload PSR compliant libraries (it says psr-0 in phpdocs, but think it could be restricted to psr-4) which landed in . Its currently used by horde, and I am using it for GeoIp2 in ). Im not a fan of the current approach - because: a) we are bloating (169 horde classes atm) the core_component cache with this third party stuff. Im not clear exactly why we decided to define the classmap in its entirety in the cache for our own classes - but I feel like we certainly shouldnt need it for third party stuff, and we can keep this cleaner by avoiding it. We can load on demand if namespace matches (see below code snippet) . b) This is a lesser point than a) but Im not totally convinced that we should keep these third party libs always ready for inclusion. For example with horde, we only really use it one file, in it is only needed in one place, and there was talk of using it for google in - also in only one place. It just feels cleaner to me to have the libs restricted in their inclusion. We could fix a) regardless of b), but I think the two combined would mean we could consider doing something like: code core_component::autoload_namespace(Horde, $CFG->libdir./horde/framework/); code (as an equivalent to of require_once) in admin/tool/messageinbound/classes/manager.php and it wouldnt have much impact for the use of the library and would keep core clean of it. In fact I made a POC implementation of this: code / Register a namespace in PSR-4 standard with autoloader. Adapated from string $prefix The namespace to autoload classes from. string $path The fully qualified path to autoload the classes from. / function autoload_psr4_namespace($prefix, $path) spl_autoload_register( function ($class) use ($prefix, $path) // Does the class use the namespace prefix? $len = strlen($prefix); if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) // No, move to the next registered autoloader. return; // Get the relative class name. $relativeclass = substr($class, $len); // Replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append // with .php. $file = $path. str_replace(\\, /, $relativeclass) . .php; // If the file exists, require it. if (file_exists($file)) require($file); ); code 2.summary: Upgrade enrol_lti to support LTI v2.0 description: Currently we are not supporting consumers who are using v2. We are also using an unsupported library - so there is an added benefit of upgrading and using a library that is being maintained. 3.summary: Support memberships using the new library description: We were never able to verify whether the LTI providers memberships synchronisation even worked. Our best bet is to go straight ahead with the new library Add code to cron implementing the membership extension service. Verify it works in the same way as the old system (by checking code) so that if anyone was using it, their code wont break. 4.summary: Add LTI Content Item support to mod_lti description: Add support for the LTI Content-Item message to improve the workflow when adding links to external tools in courses. 5.summary: Offer cartridges in LTI provider description: Right now the LTI provider provides a launch url. Ideally we will want to instead give the url to an xml cartridge. We may want to use url rewrite to give a url that ends with XML, rather than uploading a bunch of xml files or just having a .php page as some LTI providers may not support cartridges that dont end in .xml Specification: 6.summary: Make terminology consistent and improve help for External tool and LTI provider description: Consumer side: -Say Tool URL everywhere- Say "Configuration URL" instead of "Cartridge URL" ? (not sure, only if it makes things more clear rather than less clear) -At the top of the second page when adding a cartridge, say "If you were given a consumer key and/or shared secret, input them here - -Help icon on consumer key and shared secret explaining what they are and what they do- Provider side: -Fix docs link- (Done using redirect) -Just have one column, instead of two. Call it "LTI 1" Then in each cell say Tool URL, and underneath that Secret- -At the top of the page "This is the information you need to paste into any system to add these tools. In other systems the Tool URL may be referred to as a configuration URL or "- We need help like that is relevant to each LMS supporting LTI (docs page) 7.summary: Read the LTI Spec and create issues in epic for anything moodle is not supporting description: also Missing features & bugs: ||Feature/bug||Issue||Spec|| |Content-item|| | |Problems with outcomes|| | |Services in LTI 1 (LTI 1.2)|| | |Cartridges|| | |Tool settings service|| sounds related to error passing custom parameters| |LTI 2.1|No issue yet| No spec yet | |Deprecated parameters in LTI1.2 & LTI 2|| |
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle app summary: Improvements in messaging and notifications description: The messaging and notificaiton system in 3.2 has been totally refactored We need to make the Mobile interface consistent with the web one
1.summary: Press and hold to copy message does not work description: In our testing, users attempted to copy a message bubble, but the functionality does not exist. Users expect to be able to copy messages and paste them into another conversation or somewhere else. 2.summary: Display the count of unread messages description: We need to display the number of unread messages in the Messages side menu row, we could add a badge icon with the number of unread messages. There are new Web Services for that 3.summary: Display the count of unread notifications description: We need to display the number of unread notifications in the Notifications side menu row, we could add a badge icon with the number of unread notifications. There are new Web Services for that 4.summary: Configure the mobile notifications within the app description: Give the option to configure/change the mobile notifications settings within the app without having to go to the site. 5.summary: Display the online or offline status for users description: We should display if a user is online or offline under the user full name 6.summary: Replace "Messages" for "Chats" when displaying a conversation page description: When we are chatting with a user right now we display Messages, we have to change that to Chats. 7.summary: Fix the search and conversation windows on split window with the keyboard opened description: When I click on a contact at the top of my list, most recent chat, he is pushed off the screen by the keyboard Ideally the left plane should not scroll up, plus the latest messages should be at the bottom of the message pane. Also when searching in split view the search link goes out of the pane 8.summary: Support message search description: We should support message search as the web version does 9.summary: Long messages disappear off the screen as the user is typing them. description: Long messages disappear off the screen as the user is typing them. 10.summary: Update dinamically messages in the Message Discussions page description: The list of recent discussions should be refreshed when the app receives a push notification. Since we cannot detect when a push notification is received while the app is in background, we should refresh the list too when the app is resumed. 11.summary: Allow loading previous messages in a discussion description: The amount of messages displayed is limited. We should allow loading previous messages using an infinite loading or a button to load more. 12.summary: Allow loading previous messages in a discussion description: Right now we only display a certain amount of messages and there is no way to show older messages. We should allow the user to load older messages. Also, right now were always loading 50 messages sent from user A to user B and 50 messages sent from user B to user A. This doesnt guarantee that were loading the 100 more recent messages. If we want to load X messages, we should get X messages sent from A to B and X messages sent from B to A, sort them and then get the X more recent messages. 13.summary: Scroll down the list of mesages in new conversations description: When you start a new conversation with a new user (or an existing user without previous messages), the new messages sent are not displayed because the keyboard moves the complete app to the top. We should try to fix that scrolling down or positioning the messages some way in an area visible for the final user
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle app summary: Improvements in messaging and notifications description: The messaging and notificaiton system in 3.2 has been totally refactored We need to make the Mobile interface consistent with the web one ### Response: 1.summary: Press and hold to copy message does not work description: In our testing, users attempted to copy a message bubble, but the functionality does not exist. Users expect to be able to copy messages and paste them into another conversation or somewhere else. 2.summary: Display the count of unread messages description: We need to display the number of unread messages in the Messages side menu row, we could add a badge icon with the number of unread messages. There are new Web Services for that 3.summary: Display the count of unread notifications description: We need to display the number of unread notifications in the Notifications side menu row, we could add a badge icon with the number of unread notifications. There are new Web Services for that 4.summary: Configure the mobile notifications within the app description: Give the option to configure/change the mobile notifications settings within the app without having to go to the site. 5.summary: Display the online or offline status for users description: We should display if a user is online or offline under the user full name 6.summary: Replace "Messages" for "Chats" when displaying a conversation page description: When we are chatting with a user right now we display Messages, we have to change that to Chats. 7.summary: Fix the search and conversation windows on split window with the keyboard opened description: When I click on a contact at the top of my list, most recent chat, he is pushed off the screen by the keyboard Ideally the left plane should not scroll up, plus the latest messages should be at the bottom of the message pane. Also when searching in split view the search link goes out of the pane 8.summary: Support message search description: We should support message search as the web version does 9.summary: Long messages disappear off the screen as the user is typing them. description: Long messages disappear off the screen as the user is typing them. 10.summary: Update dinamically messages in the Message Discussions page description: The list of recent discussions should be refreshed when the app receives a push notification. Since we cannot detect when a push notification is received while the app is in background, we should refresh the list too when the app is resumed. 11.summary: Allow loading previous messages in a discussion description: The amount of messages displayed is limited. We should allow loading previous messages using an infinite loading or a button to load more. 12.summary: Allow loading previous messages in a discussion description: Right now we only display a certain amount of messages and there is no way to show older messages. We should allow the user to load older messages. Also, right now were always loading 50 messages sent from user A to user B and 50 messages sent from user B to user A. This doesnt guarantee that were loading the 100 more recent messages. If we want to load X messages, we should get X messages sent from A to B and X messages sent from B to A, sort them and then get the X more recent messages. 13.summary: Scroll down the list of mesages in new conversations description: When you start a new conversation with a new user (or an existing user without previous messages), the new messages sent are not displayed because the keyboard moves the complete app to the top. We should try to fix that scrolling down or positioning the messages some way in an area visible for the final user
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle Community Sites summary: Moodle community sites 3.9 upgrade description: Moodle 3.9 is scheduled for release on Monday 8 June 2020.
1.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 2.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 3.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 4.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 5.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 6.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 7.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description:
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle Community Sites summary: Moodle community sites 3.9 upgrade description: Moodle 3.9 is scheduled for release on Monday 8 June 2020. ### Response: 1.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 2.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 3.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 4.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 5.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 6.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description: 7.summary: Upgrade to 3.9 description:
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle Community Sites summary: Moodle community sites 3.0.4 upgrade description: Moodle 3.0.4 released Monday 9 May 2016 ( to be upgraded to 3.1 beta shortly)
1.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 2.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 3.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 4.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 5.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 6.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 7.summary: Upgrade sites to 3.0.4 description: 8.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description:
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle Community Sites summary: Moodle community sites 3.0.4 upgrade description: Moodle 3.0.4 released Monday 9 May 2016 ( to be upgraded to 3.1 beta shortly) ### Response: 1.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 2.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 3.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 4.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 5.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 6.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description: 7.summary: Upgrade sites to 3.0.4 description: 8.summary: Upgrade to 3.0.4 description:
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: Provide a more consistent and better way of selecting and deselecting all items in a list description: I see Select all / Deselect all controls as buttons/button-groups on other pages and links on others (e.g. mod_choice, mod_lesson). It might be better to make these consistent. I vote for these to be rendered as buttons since they act like buttons which are meant to perform actions. Update: From the discussions below, a check all/none checkbox would be a better way to improve the select all/none functionality.
1.summary: Add ability to bulk delete files in "My private files" repository description: Need a bulk delete files in "My private files" repository See this discussion: 2.summary: Create a toggle-all checkbox output component description: . Who is this project for? For Moodle devs!; and Ultimately for Moodle users! . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? dobedobedoh created the awesome core/checkbox-toggleall AMD module. However, to be able to use it, you will have to do various stuff first (e.g. import the AMD module, manually edit the HTML/attributes of the elements to add the required data attributes, etc). It currently doesnt have support for toggling the state of action elements (e.g. buttons that perform actions on the selected items. It currently doesnt support toggling of nested checkbox elements (e.g. master checkbox toggles all checkboxes, while another master checkbox that toggles a subset of those checkboxes) . Why does it need solving? It would help developers to easily use the checkbox_toggleall element! Well be able to provide a more consistent method of selecting/deselecting items on a list. . How does your project tackle the problem? The patch for this issue provides an easier way for developers to output a toggle-all checkbox that can control a group of checkboxes on a list. Developers will simply have to implement the following: Define master checkbox(es) - responsible for toggling the checkboxes in the list. Define slave checkboxes (Optional) Assign appropriate data attributes to action elements. Action elements are those who perform actions on the selected items. The improvements on the core/checkbox-toggleall will also enable support for toggling the state (enabled/disabled) of action elements. This will help us clean up the custom JS code for enabling/disabling the action elements scattered all throughout moodle. allow master checkboxes to belong to multiple toggle groups. In other words, this means that master checkboxes can control one or more groups of checkboxes. This is particularly helpful for selecting multiple items belonging to different groups. 3.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the SCORM package activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage SCORM package activities (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the "Reports" page of the SCORM package activity. This aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the attempts table of the "Reports" page. making the action button "Delete selected attempts" button enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 4.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the question bank description: As of Moodle 3.7, the question bank has started using the core/checkbox-toggleall AMD module. Though this is already great, using the checkbox-toggleall output component thats being developed in would also be cool and hopefully, help tidy things up. 5.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the quiz activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage quiz activities (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the quiz items list when editing a quiz. making the action button "Delete selected" button enabled only when theres at least one item selected. having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements for the quiz attempts table. making the action buttons "Regrade selected attempts" and "Delete selected attempts" enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 6.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the database activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can edit items in a database activity (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a single button for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the items list. making the "Delete" selected button enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 7.summary: Create a dropdown menu for the master checkbox-toggleall component description: As barbararamiro suggested, it would be great if the master checkbox-toggleall component can have a dropdown menu that can provide a list of toggle groups which will allow certain items on a list to be simultaneously toggled depending on the selected toggle group from the master checkboxs dropdown menu. !example.png|thumbnail! 8.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the feedback activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage a feedback activity (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by having a master checkbox in the Select column that controls the checkboxes in the list of non-respondents instead of having two separate "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons 9.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the lesson activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage lesson activities (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the items list. making the "With selected" select box enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 10.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the gradebook setup page description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage the grade book (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the "Gradebook setup" page. This aims to improve the UI and UX by replacing the "All / None" links in the grade categories with master checkboxes for toggling the checked states of the grade items under the corresponding grade category. 11.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the course participation report description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage a course (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the course participation report page. This aims to improve the UI and UX by replacing the "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons in the grade categories with a master checkbox-toggleall checkbox for toggling the checked states of entries in the course participation report table. 12.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the course participants page description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can a manage course participants (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the course participants. This aims to improve the UI and UX by replacing the "\Select all" and "\Deselect all" buttons in the course participants page with a master toggle-all checkbox for toggling the checked states of checkboxes of the users in the course participation report table. 13.summary: Use checkbox-toggleall in backup select all description: From danielneis: quote maybe ./backup/util/ui/yui/src/backupselectall/js/backupselectall.js could be changed to use the new toggle-all component from quote
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: Provide a more consistent and better way of selecting and deselecting all items in a list description: I see Select all / Deselect all controls as buttons/button-groups on other pages and links on others (e.g. mod_choice, mod_lesson). It might be better to make these consistent. I vote for these to be rendered as buttons since they act like buttons which are meant to perform actions. Update: From the discussions below, a check all/none checkbox would be a better way to improve the select all/none functionality. ### Response: 1.summary: Add ability to bulk delete files in "My private files" repository description: Need a bulk delete files in "My private files" repository See this discussion: 2.summary: Create a toggle-all checkbox output component description: . Who is this project for? For Moodle devs!; and Ultimately for Moodle users! . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? dobedobedoh created the awesome core/checkbox-toggleall AMD module. However, to be able to use it, you will have to do various stuff first (e.g. import the AMD module, manually edit the HTML/attributes of the elements to add the required data attributes, etc). It currently doesnt have support for toggling the state of action elements (e.g. buttons that perform actions on the selected items. It currently doesnt support toggling of nested checkbox elements (e.g. master checkbox toggles all checkboxes, while another master checkbox that toggles a subset of those checkboxes) . Why does it need solving? It would help developers to easily use the checkbox_toggleall element! Well be able to provide a more consistent method of selecting/deselecting items on a list. . How does your project tackle the problem? The patch for this issue provides an easier way for developers to output a toggle-all checkbox that can control a group of checkboxes on a list. Developers will simply have to implement the following: Define master checkbox(es) - responsible for toggling the checkboxes in the list. Define slave checkboxes (Optional) Assign appropriate data attributes to action elements. Action elements are those who perform actions on the selected items. The improvements on the core/checkbox-toggleall will also enable support for toggling the state (enabled/disabled) of action elements. This will help us clean up the custom JS code for enabling/disabling the action elements scattered all throughout moodle. allow master checkboxes to belong to multiple toggle groups. In other words, this means that master checkboxes can control one or more groups of checkboxes. This is particularly helpful for selecting multiple items belonging to different groups. 3.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the SCORM package activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage SCORM package activities (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the "Reports" page of the SCORM package activity. This aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the attempts table of the "Reports" page. making the action button "Delete selected attempts" button enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 4.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the question bank description: As of Moodle 3.7, the question bank has started using the core/checkbox-toggleall AMD module. Though this is already great, using the checkbox-toggleall output component thats being developed in would also be cool and hopefully, help tidy things up. 5.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the quiz activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage quiz activities (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the quiz items list when editing a quiz. making the action button "Delete selected" button enabled only when theres at least one item selected. having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements for the quiz attempts table. making the action buttons "Regrade selected attempts" and "Delete selected attempts" enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 6.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the database activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can edit items in a database activity (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a single button for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the items list. making the "Delete" selected button enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 7.summary: Create a dropdown menu for the master checkbox-toggleall component description: As barbararamiro suggested, it would be great if the master checkbox-toggleall component can have a dropdown menu that can provide a list of toggle groups which will allow certain items on a list to be simultaneously toggled depending on the selected toggle group from the master checkboxs dropdown menu. !example.png|thumbnail! 8.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the feedback activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage a feedback activity (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by having a master checkbox in the Select column that controls the checkboxes in the list of non-respondents instead of having two separate "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons 9.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the lesson activity description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage lesson activities (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component which aims to improve the UI and UX by: having a master checkbox for toggling the checked states of the checkbox elements in the items list. making the "With selected" select box enabled only when theres at least one item selected. 10.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the gradebook setup page description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage the grade book (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the "Gradebook setup" page. This aims to improve the UI and UX by replacing the "All / None" links in the grade categories with master checkboxes for toggling the checked states of the grade items under the corresponding grade category. 11.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the course participation report description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can manage a course (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the course participation report page. This aims to improve the UI and UX by replacing the "Select all" and "Deselect all" buttons in the grade categories with a master checkbox-toggleall checkbox for toggling the checked states of entries in the course participation report table. 12.summary: Use the checkbox-toggleall component for the course participants page description: . Who is this for? Moodle users who can a manage course participants (e.g. teachers, course managers, etc) . What is the problem that youre trying to solve? The inconsistent way of checking items on a list throughout Moodle . Why does it need solving? A consistent way of checking items on a list would provide a better user experience . How does this issue tackle the problem? The patch for this issue will implement the usage of the checkbox-toggleall output component in the course participants. This aims to improve the UI and UX by replacing the "\Select all" and "\Deselect all" buttons in the course participants page with a master toggle-all checkbox for toggling the checked states of checkboxes of the users in the course participation report table. 13.summary: Use checkbox-toggleall in backup select all description: From danielneis: quote maybe ./backup/util/ui/yui/src/backupselectall/js/backupselectall.js could be changed to use the new toggle-all component from quote
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: MoodleNet summary: Users should be able to moderate communities description: Users should be able to moderate communities that they started, and ones that they have been invited to moderate.
1.summary: Investigate Reddits moderation tools for inspiration description: Reddit has a bunch of tools available to moderators, available here: We should have a look and see which are applicable, either now or in the future, to MoodleNet. 2.summary: Define roles & permission levels description: Define permission levels for community / collection / post (eg. resource) 3.summary: Investigate using Pleromas MRF to enhance MoodleNets moderation functionality description: As suggested by karenkleinbauer 4.summary: Scope out all of the places that users can flag/report description: Scope out all of the places that users can flag/report What needs to be shown in different contexts? Login Report instance (goes to Instance Admin) Discover Report Whole Network Featured (goes to Moodle HQ) Report Home Instance Featured (goes to Instance Admin) Report Popular Hashtags: Whole Network (goes to Moodle HQ) Report Popular Hashtags: Local Instance (goes to Instance Admin) Report comment on Instance Timeline (goes to Community Moderators) My MoodleNet Report Popular Hashtags: Local Instance (goes to Instance Admin) Report comment or resource in My MoodleNet Timeline (goes to Community Moderators) Community Report Community header image / name / description (goes to Instance Admin) Report comment or resource in Recent Activities (goes to Community Moderators) Report Popular Hashtags or Popular Categories (goes to Community Moderators) Collection Report Collection header image / name / description (goes to Community Moderators) Report resource in Resources (goes to Community Moderators) Profile Report user header image / user avatar / name / description (goes to Instance Admin) Report links (goes to Instance Admin) _In this case, the user might not be a member of the community in which the comment was made._ 5.summary: Create flagged content endpoints for MVP admin dashboard description: We need endpoints to ensure that we can show inappropriate things flagged by users across MoodleNet. Strawman for us to pull apart: Images: 6.summary: Create MVP admin dashboard description: We need an admin dashboard to deal with flagged/reported users, resources, collections, and communities. This can be super-simple to begin with, and should be available to instance admins only (i.e. the MoodleNet team). Given that KonouKaren is a Pleroma instance admin, shes probably best-placed to help us think this through for our needs. In addition, were going to need the ability to block instances, and to enter an API key to connect to the MoodleNet mothership. 7.summary: Users should be able to see who is a mod or admin on another instance description: According to this toot| (and related GitHub issue| Mastodon users on one instance cant see who are staff members on other instances. It would be nice on MoodleNet for people to see on user profiles who moderates which communities! 8.summary: Implement remove (hide) collection/resource/comment description: Implement when ready
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: MoodleNet summary: Users should be able to moderate communities description: Users should be able to moderate communities that they started, and ones that they have been invited to moderate. ### Response: 1.summary: Investigate Reddits moderation tools for inspiration description: Reddit has a bunch of tools available to moderators, available here: We should have a look and see which are applicable, either now or in the future, to MoodleNet. 2.summary: Define roles & permission levels description: Define permission levels for community / collection / post (eg. resource) 3.summary: Investigate using Pleromas MRF to enhance MoodleNets moderation functionality description: As suggested by karenkleinbauer 4.summary: Scope out all of the places that users can flag/report description: Scope out all of the places that users can flag/report What needs to be shown in different contexts? Login Report instance (goes to Instance Admin) Discover Report Whole Network Featured (goes to Moodle HQ) Report Home Instance Featured (goes to Instance Admin) Report Popular Hashtags: Whole Network (goes to Moodle HQ) Report Popular Hashtags: Local Instance (goes to Instance Admin) Report comment on Instance Timeline (goes to Community Moderators) My MoodleNet Report Popular Hashtags: Local Instance (goes to Instance Admin) Report comment or resource in My MoodleNet Timeline (goes to Community Moderators) Community Report Community header image / name / description (goes to Instance Admin) Report comment or resource in Recent Activities (goes to Community Moderators) Report Popular Hashtags or Popular Categories (goes to Community Moderators) Collection Report Collection header image / name / description (goes to Community Moderators) Report resource in Resources (goes to Community Moderators) Profile Report user header image / user avatar / name / description (goes to Instance Admin) Report links (goes to Instance Admin) _In this case, the user might not be a member of the community in which the comment was made._ 5.summary: Create flagged content endpoints for MVP admin dashboard description: We need endpoints to ensure that we can show inappropriate things flagged by users across MoodleNet. Strawman for us to pull apart: Images: 6.summary: Create MVP admin dashboard description: We need an admin dashboard to deal with flagged/reported users, resources, collections, and communities. This can be super-simple to begin with, and should be available to instance admins only (i.e. the MoodleNet team). Given that KonouKaren is a Pleroma instance admin, shes probably best-placed to help us think this through for our needs. In addition, were going to need the ability to block instances, and to enter an API key to connect to the MoodleNet mothership. 7.summary: Users should be able to see who is a mod or admin on another instance description: According to this toot| (and related GitHub issue| Mastodon users on one instance cant see who are staff members on other instances. It would be nice on MoodleNet for people to see on user profiles who moderates which communities! 8.summary: Implement remove (hide) collection/resource/comment description: Implement when ready
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: Upcoming activities due insight description: Moodle is a passive LMS. This issue is about making it a bit more active by sending reminders to users about their upcoming due activities. This new feature require different modifications: A new analytics model based on assumptions Modifications to the insights system so models can override the default access control system (a capability check) A review of the action events implementations in core (calendar API) to confirm if they work specifying a different user than $USER Most of the issues below are pending calendar API work to fully support passing a user instead of using $USER.
1.summary: Decouple action events APIs from the logged in user description: Some calendar APIs allow us to pass a list of userids to retrieve events (e.g. calendar_get_legacy_events) but, internally, calendar local APIs make direct use of $USER to calculate priorities, events overrides and event types restrictions, examples of this are: Core _is_event_visible implementations in core (both assign and feedback modules) contain uses of $USER and methods calls that internally rely on $USER get_raw_events_legacy_implementation, totally coupled to $USER and overriding its $courses argument external functions APIs do not have $user argument some new calendar local APIs do not have $user either (some of them have, although it may not be used because of other code restrictions) Would be nice to fix public interfaces (that is why Im flagging this as a bug) and also to keep internal vs external consistency by adding $user arguments everywhere. This would be really helpful for analytics as we would have another way to detect activities that required action. Most of the changes these points would require would fix 1 point above. This issue is related to (2 point above) Calendar api docs page ( includes references to calendar_get_legacy_events, which $users filter does not work properly as $USER is used internally. I am adding a note there about it. 2.summary: Create a new model for upcoming activities due description: This issue is about creating a new static model (based on assumptions, not a predictive model) that looks for upcoming events and generates insights about them. These insights can be seen as reminders. MOOCs offered in platforms like coursera or edX have similar automatic-notification systems. We should define when (approximately) these notifications will be executed. A new time splitting method would be required to define when insights will be generated. We would also need a new target and a new indicator. The indicator should not be tied to this particular model as it should be reusable across different models ( I imagine that the required indicator would be something like "Activities due". This indicator would receive the starttime and endtime from the time splitting method and would pass it to core_calendar_external::get_calendar_action_events_by_timesort ( needs to be implemented before this issue) The target is where the logic that is specific to this particular model should be implemented. This will be the first model to target students directly. We have different options here: To generate a notification which URL forwards the user to a view where the upcoming activities are listed (e.g. The dashboard) The URL should not be a direct url to /my, but a link to report/insights/action.php which receives a $forwardurl param. This action.php script records the fact that users clicked on the notification before forwarding them to /my. This will be useful in future for reporting purposes. To generate the standard notification which URL forwards to the insights page. Apart from the two default actions ("Acknowledged" and "Not useful") we should include a "View" action that forwards the user to the page where the upcoming activities are listed. 3.summary: Allow users to customise how often the upcoming activities due insights are generated description: We have two possible approaches here: We add a couple more time-splitting methods to core so people is not limited to weekly insights. We could have weekly and something like every 3 days and every fortnight. The upcoming activities due insight is based on assumptions and we dont allow users to edit these models because they can mess up the indicators list. We could allow users to edit models based on assumptions, but only the time splitting method they use. We could add a UI so people can customise when predictions are generated and the time frame use to calculate indicators. The 2nd option is obviously better, although we are 2 weeks away from the code freeze and I am not sure if we have enough time for it.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: Upcoming activities due insight description: Moodle is a passive LMS. This issue is about making it a bit more active by sending reminders to users about their upcoming due activities. This new feature require different modifications: A new analytics model based on assumptions Modifications to the insights system so models can override the default access control system (a capability check) A review of the action events implementations in core (calendar API) to confirm if they work specifying a different user than $USER Most of the issues below are pending calendar API work to fully support passing a user instead of using $USER. ### Response: 1.summary: Decouple action events APIs from the logged in user description: Some calendar APIs allow us to pass a list of userids to retrieve events (e.g. calendar_get_legacy_events) but, internally, calendar local APIs make direct use of $USER to calculate priorities, events overrides and event types restrictions, examples of this are: Core _is_event_visible implementations in core (both assign and feedback modules) contain uses of $USER and methods calls that internally rely on $USER get_raw_events_legacy_implementation, totally coupled to $USER and overriding its $courses argument external functions APIs do not have $user argument some new calendar local APIs do not have $user either (some of them have, although it may not be used because of other code restrictions) Would be nice to fix public interfaces (that is why Im flagging this as a bug) and also to keep internal vs external consistency by adding $user arguments everywhere. This would be really helpful for analytics as we would have another way to detect activities that required action. Most of the changes these points would require would fix 1 point above. This issue is related to (2 point above) Calendar api docs page ( includes references to calendar_get_legacy_events, which $users filter does not work properly as $USER is used internally. I am adding a note there about it. 2.summary: Create a new model for upcoming activities due description: This issue is about creating a new static model (based on assumptions, not a predictive model) that looks for upcoming events and generates insights about them. These insights can be seen as reminders. MOOCs offered in platforms like coursera or edX have similar automatic-notification systems. We should define when (approximately) these notifications will be executed. A new time splitting method would be required to define when insights will be generated. We would also need a new target and a new indicator. The indicator should not be tied to this particular model as it should be reusable across different models ( I imagine that the required indicator would be something like "Activities due". This indicator would receive the starttime and endtime from the time splitting method and would pass it to core_calendar_external::get_calendar_action_events_by_timesort ( needs to be implemented before this issue) The target is where the logic that is specific to this particular model should be implemented. This will be the first model to target students directly. We have different options here: To generate a notification which URL forwards the user to a view where the upcoming activities are listed (e.g. The dashboard) The URL should not be a direct url to /my, but a link to report/insights/action.php which receives a $forwardurl param. This action.php script records the fact that users clicked on the notification before forwarding them to /my. This will be useful in future for reporting purposes. To generate the standard notification which URL forwards to the insights page. Apart from the two default actions ("Acknowledged" and "Not useful") we should include a "View" action that forwards the user to the page where the upcoming activities are listed. 3.summary: Allow users to customise how often the upcoming activities due insights are generated description: We have two possible approaches here: We add a couple more time-splitting methods to core so people is not limited to weekly insights. We could have weekly and something like every 3 days and every fortnight. The upcoming activities due insight is based on assumptions and we dont allow users to edit these models because they can mess up the indicators list. We could allow users to edit models based on assumptions, but only the time splitting method they use. We could add a UI so people can customise when predictions are generated and the time frame use to calculate indicators. The 2nd option is obviously better, although we are 2 weeks away from the code freeze and I am not sure if we have enough time for it.
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle app summary: Allow submission of assignments via the app description: We should allow users to submit assignments using the Mobile app.
1.summary: Create a shared files area in the app and store shared files in it description: To allow attachments in assignment submission and other places, we should now store the files shared with the app in a "draft" area or something like that. In this issue we should store the shared files in a permanent folder inside the app (maybe we can leave them in the default folder) and allow the user to manage them (see which files he has shared and be able to delete them). We need to decide where to place the option to manage these files. Please notice that upload in My Files will stop working once this is done, it will be fixed in a latter issue. 2.summary: Allow users to upload a file from the apps shared area to My Files description: Implementing will break the upload to My Files in iOS (shared files). We should add an option to be able to pick a file from the shared area and upload it to My Files. We should also make the "upload" file view reusable, since the user should be able to upload file to other areas of the app, so we should probably turn the whole view into a directive. 3.summary: Allow submitting assignments with attached files description: We shoud allow students to submit an assignment using the app. We should allow him to attach files to this submission (showing exactly the same options as upload to My Files: record audio/video, take a picture, pick a file, ...). We need to apply the shared area picker for iOS. 4.summary: Allow submitting assignments with submission statement description: In Moodle 3.1.0 there is no WebService to retrieve the submission statement, so we decided not to allow submitting these assignments. This will be fixed in . 5.summary: Support submission plugins precheck_submission in assignment description: In Moodle, assignment submission plugins can implement a function named _precheck_submission_. This function is called when the user wants to send a draft submission for grading, and shows the warnings returned by the plugins in the confirmation view. The app right now doesnt support it because the core plugins dont use it, but it might be interesting to implement it for 3rd party plugins. 6.summary: Show grading status on assignment submission list description: Like in the web, when its graded show a message. To be done we need to add gradingstatus to WS mod_assign_get_submissions before.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle app summary: Allow submission of assignments via the app description: We should allow users to submit assignments using the Mobile app. ### Response: 1.summary: Create a shared files area in the app and store shared files in it description: To allow attachments in assignment submission and other places, we should now store the files shared with the app in a "draft" area or something like that. In this issue we should store the shared files in a permanent folder inside the app (maybe we can leave them in the default folder) and allow the user to manage them (see which files he has shared and be able to delete them). We need to decide where to place the option to manage these files. Please notice that upload in My Files will stop working once this is done, it will be fixed in a latter issue. 2.summary: Allow users to upload a file from the apps shared area to My Files description: Implementing will break the upload to My Files in iOS (shared files). We should add an option to be able to pick a file from the shared area and upload it to My Files. We should also make the "upload" file view reusable, since the user should be able to upload file to other areas of the app, so we should probably turn the whole view into a directive. 3.summary: Allow submitting assignments with attached files description: We shoud allow students to submit an assignment using the app. We should allow him to attach files to this submission (showing exactly the same options as upload to My Files: record audio/video, take a picture, pick a file, ...). We need to apply the shared area picker for iOS. 4.summary: Allow submitting assignments with submission statement description: In Moodle 3.1.0 there is no WebService to retrieve the submission statement, so we decided not to allow submitting these assignments. This will be fixed in . 5.summary: Support submission plugins precheck_submission in assignment description: In Moodle, assignment submission plugins can implement a function named _precheck_submission_. This function is called when the user wants to send a draft submission for grading, and shows the warnings returned by the plugins in the confirmation view. The app right now doesnt support it because the core plugins dont use it, but it might be interesting to implement it for 3rd party plugins. 6.summary: Show grading status on assignment submission list description: Like in the web, when its graded show a message. To be done we need to add gradingstatus to WS mod_assign_get_submissions before.
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: Collection of issues to be fixed from the findings of the Moodle 3.11 accessibility audit description: This epic contains the list of accessibility issues raised from the 3.11 Moodle accessibility audit report|
1.summary: Make html_tables responsive by default description: When zoomed to 400, the content of the table is cut off and cannot be viewed as there is no ability to scroll. It appears this is an issue with the "overflow-x: auto" attribute in region-main. This problem does not occur on a mobile device as its possible to swipe to see this content. This seems to be a problem related to all tables generated by html_table output component, so ideally we should try to find a solution that would fix the problem everywhere? Update: As the approach being taken here is to try and make html_tables responsive by default, this issue has been converted to an improvement issue.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: Collection of issues to be fixed from the findings of the Moodle 3.11 accessibility audit description: This epic contains the list of accessibility issues raised from the 3.11 Moodle accessibility audit report| ### Response: 1.summary: Make html_tables responsive by default description: When zoomed to 400, the content of the table is cut off and cannot be viewed as there is no ability to scroll. It appears this is an issue with the "overflow-x: auto" attribute in region-main. This problem does not occur on a mobile device as its possible to swipe to see this content. This seems to be a problem related to all tables generated by html_table output component, so ideally we should try to find a solution that would fix the problem everywhere? Update: As the approach being taken here is to try and make html_tables responsive by default, this issue has been converted to an improvement issue.
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: Competency Based Education description: Build learning plans.
1.summary: Identify the missing external functions for student views description: We need to ensure that we have external functions for all student views and actions. -We should not rely on tool_lp because that plugin may be uninstalled from Moodle.- Damyon says its OK. We need to create new blocking issues for each missing part. 2.summary: Create a way to import a competency framework from a set of Moodle "Outcomes". description: A simple way to create a competency framework from an existing set of outcomes. 3.summary: Allow the user to choose the location of the Competency while adding one description: When adding a new competency, the "Parent" field should be editable so that they can choose what competency should be the parent, if any. This field will be pre-filled as it is at the moment. Note that this should not allow the user to abuse the maximum depth of a framework. (UX review) 4.summary: Any mention of a taxonomy should be italic description: Anywhere one of the _taxonomy_ term is displayed we need to use italic. Italic may be added to language strings if needed. 5.summary: Add block_lp to default blocks on the dashboard description: As the summary says. 6.summary: user_competency_in_plan page should be in a popup description: When grading in a learning plan - there are many clicks and page reloads required. Not fun. Alternatively it should have a jump to competency navigation (sideways navigation). 7.summary: Provide a way to delete an evidence description: I think before CBE is officially released we should be able to delete an evidence if necessary. Maybe have a specific capability to do so, some kind of privilege that should only be allowed to "super users" because it is something we would only want to do in special/extreme cases (error/misspell in the note of a rating, a teachers rating that we should not take account of anymore etc). 8.summary: Review and merge Dans trivial code review description: Dan found a few things here: We need to review, fix, adapt, and merge them. 9.summary: Consistently use the terms (frameworks, plans, ...) description: We need to stick to specific terms. A mention of a template, framework, etc... should always be done using those terms: Learning plan template Learning plan Competency framework -The UX review suggested "Individual learning plan" but as we do not use the term "Individual" much were sticking with "User".- Weve decided to use neither of them, simply "Learning plan". 10.summary: All "Add" buttons should be displayed right below the title description: Consistent placing of the button came up from the UX review. damyon has indicated that the buttons should be displayed on the _left_, and below the _main heading_. Example in image: Before: !before-.png! After: !after.png! 11.summary: Add links to cohorts and users in edit menu of templates description: When managing the templates, the user needs to click on the number of cohorts or plans in order to add more. Add two new entries to the edit menu of each template to go to these pages. (UX review) 12.summary: Improving the help popup of scales description: "Make clear to the user the meaning and ramifications of _Proficient_ and _Default_ settings. This can be done by rewriting the text in the help window (which tells you _what to do_, not _what it does_)." (UX review) 13.summary: Sending competencies for review from the evidence of prior learning interface description: I realised that when I attach competencies to an evidence of prior learning I dont have a way to send them for review. That means that I should manually visit every single competency to then request the review. In order to improve this, I suggest that we: Add an option to bulk "Send linked competencies for review" in - As a checkbox, in the dialogue when picking competencies - In the page of a specific evidence of prior learning - in a new menu along with the delete option Display the current status of all the linked competencies, and name of the reviewer when there is one Make the competencies a link to the user competency (outside the plan) 14.summary: Revise defaults for capability tool/lp:template description: Currently _tool/lp:templateread_ causes the "Administration" block to be visible to any user. In my opinion reading templates should be reserved to "managers" to whom we do not want to give _write_ permissions. Suggestion: - Give _manage_ to managers. - Give _read_ to nobody. 15.summary: Behat tests for plans workflow description: - request review - cancel review - start review - finish review - make active - move to draft - complete plan - .... 16.summary: Only show course ratings / proficiency when viewing a competency in a course description: Currently, when a rating is suggested for a competency, it is only displayed in the list of evidences - and so becomes lost in the long list of evidence. We should provide a hint of the suggested rating based on the aggregate of all the suggestions. E.g. Suggested ratings: Met (4), Not met (1) (possibly with hyper links to scroll to the most recent suggestion for each scale value). When rating in a course - we should also limit the evidence list to only the evidence provided in that course. 17.summary: After creating a new competency framework - go directly to the manage competencies page for the framework. description: Better UX. 18.summary: Allow any plugin to identify a scale as being used description: In learning plans we attach the scale to frameworks, we must be able to prevent those scales to be deleted or everything will go nuts. 19.summary: Double check the name of the capability used in service definitions description: Some of the service definitions in admin/tool/lp/db are referring to non-existing capabilities. 20.summary: Do not store extraneous information in scaleconfiguration description: The scaleconfiguration property of the competency/framework should only contain a reference to the proficient and default values, not all the values in a scales. 21.summary: Create C(R)UD events for evidence of prior learning description: This issue will add, trigger and test the following events: Evidence of prior learning created Evidence of prior learning deleted Evidence of prior learning updated 22.summary: Behat tests for plans CRUD operations description: Test behat for: - create plan (form, template, et template cohort) - update plan - delete plan - view plan 23.summary: Add relevant record snapshot to existing events description: I failed to notice and explain what _record snapshots_ were and therefore most of the events in _tool_lp_ do not include any snapshot. This issue is about checking the existing events and where they are triggered from and add relevant snapshots where they are missing. I think this means: Adding self to the _create_from_()_ methods: noformat $event->add_record_snapshot(self::TABLE, $this->to_record()); noformat Add extra snapshots where they are triggered - For instance when a user competency is updated, adding the snapshot of the competency if we have it, etc... 24.summary: Create event for evidence of prior learning viewed description: Just an event for when a specific evidence of prior learning is viewed, triggered from the user_evidence.php file. 25.summary: Add behat tests for CRUD of evidence of prior learning description: Add some tests for when the evidence of prior learning are: - Created - Deleted - Edited - Viewed - Listed 26.summary: Create event for user competency viewed description: This event will be trigger when a _user competency_ is viewed, whether in a course, a plan or by itself. - When it is viewed in a plan (or completed plan), the _other_ field will contain the plan ID. - When it is viewed in a course, the context will be the course context. - Else, it is viewed by itself. Dont forget to add the _record snapshot_. 27.summary: Add behat tests for linking evidence of prior learning with competencies description: This behat test will ensure that user can link evidence of prior learning with their competencies. There are mutiple places where linking can occur, at this stage there is the list of evidence of prior learning, or the evidence of prior learning page itself. 28.summary: Create a statistics report for a learning plan template description: 29.summary: Big button to turn CBE on/off. description: One setting to rule them all 30.summary: Create events for plan workflow description: All the workflow actions associated with a plan should trigger a specific event. Here is a non exhaustive list: - Plan approved - Plan reopened - Plan review requested - Plan review request cancelled - Plan review started - Plan review stopped - ... You may find _update_ events in the relevant API methods, the new events should replace those. 31.summary: Add event for when an evidence is attached to a user competency description: This issue is about a single event, which is triggered when an evidence is added (api::add_evidence): - \tool_lp\event\evidence_created The event should include information in other such as: - usercompetencyid - competencyid - the action constant - the recommend flag Im suggesting these because they are integers and may be useful for observers. Also the evidence ->to_record() data should be attached as a _record snapshot_. Same goes with the user_competency if we have it. Note that the _actionuserid_ will be the _userid_ in the event, whereas the user the user competency belongs to will be the _relateduserid_. 32.summary: Create a user_competency_course model and populate it on suggest description: It has occurred that we need to store the suggestions that were applied in a course. Simply relying on the _evidence_ will make it hard to compute data for that course only, join, etc... so we will introduce a new model _user_competency_course_ which stores the proficiency and rating of a user in the context of a course. So, when a teacher is suggesting a rate from a course we will populate the table _user_competency_course_ and attach an evidence as we are currently doing. When a suggestion happens within an activity (e.g. triggered by auto completion) we will also record that at the course level. When the suggestion is in a context parent to a course we proceed as normal. will take care of displaying the information in the views. At a later stage we may decide to rephrase "Suggest" if another word works better. 33.summary: Create events for user competency workflow description: Create the events associated with the changes in status of a user competency: \tool_lp\event\user_competency_review_requested \tool_lp\event\user_competency_review_started ... 34.summary: Rebase CBE to latest Moodle core description: Fred needs to rebase CBE... 35.summary: Show the courses a competency is linked to from the competency summary in plan page. description: This allows students to discover courses that could teach them a skill or competency. 36.summary: Create a new page that can migrate a set of courses from one competency framework to another description: The use case is for updating to a newer curriculum, but leaving already completed competencies un-modified. The workflow would be to either duplicate the old framework and make changes to it, or create a new one and import from file, then choose which courses should be moved to the new framework and trigger a script that will look for competencies that exist in both frameworks (matched on idnumber) and update the course / activity competencies to point to the new framework. This process should produce a report of competencies that were mapped, competencies that could not be mapped, as well as new competencies that did not exist in the old framework. From the spec: "A competency framework can be duplicated, and there is an admin tool for migrating courses from one framework to another (as long as the idnumbers between the competencies in the frameworks can be matched)." 37.summary: Add a comment when marking or suggesting a rating of a competency at course level description: As discussed in issue , I think it would be an important feature for the teachers to be able to add at least one comment when marking or suggesting a rating of a competency at course level (Competency breakdown report). Proposition from Fred: Could be linked with the evidence, sort of additional "text" to the evidence itself. 38.summary: Plan created from cohort and deleted are recreated by sync task description: When we delete a user plan created from a template and a cohort all information associated to the plan is deleted from the database. So when the scheduled task to sync plans runs, it recreates the plan because there is no way to know that the plan was there before. 39.summary: When deleting a template delete or unlink derived plans description: When a user delete a template, we have to ask: Whether the derived plans should be deleted Whether the derived plans should be unlinked _No need to ask them when there are no derived plans._ Deleting relations/dependencies should be delayed to other issues. 40.summary: Deleting frameworks should delete associated data description: Currently deleting a framework leaves orphan competencies behind. 41.summary: Properly delete a competency description: When doing task , we realized that we had to first properly complete the deletion of competency before working on deleting the entire framework. The tech spec are, at the moment, not completed and must be before starting the development. See some possible spec scenarios in the comments of . To be determined: can we allow the deletion of competencies when some students are already marked as proficient in those? We could ask a user to confirm, or create a special permission for deletion of such competencies. Note: competency::delete() removes the course competencies, that shouldnt be done there. 42.summary: Create event for framework viewed description: This issue will create 1 event: - \tool_lp\event\framework_viewed This event needs to be triggered in the views that display the framework. As Ajax, and WS, do not access the page directly a new WS function needs to be created to trigger the event remotely. See _mod_book_view_book_ for example. I would say that the only view we have displaying the framework so far is _competencies.php_. The event needs to be tested. 43.summary: Create C(R)UD events for templates description: This issue will create 3 events: - \tool_lp\event\template_created - \tool_lp\event\template_updated - \tool_lp\event\template_deleted From the top of my head I dont see any information to place in _other_. Those events should be triggered anywhere where a template is created, updated, or deleted, if the code is well structured this should be limited to API methods. Tests are required for each event. See _events_test.php_ files. 44.summary: Create event for template viewed description: This issue will create 1 event: - \tool_lp\event\template_viewed This event needs to be triggered in the views that display the template. As Ajax, and WS, do not access the page directly a new WS function needs to be created to trigger the event remotely. See _mod_book_view_book_ for example. I would say that the only view we have displaying the template so far is _templatecompetencies.php_. The event needs to be tested. 45.summary: Create a universal block to display CBE related information description: We will create a universal block for CBE related content and information, typically used on the dashboard it will not be limited to there. The block will display: Plans - Current active learning plans - Progression of current plans - Link to all learning plans User competencies to review Plans to review Maybe at a later stage this block could also link to the "mentees" of the current user, as in the users in which the current user has a specific capability. The block will define its own pages listing the elements cited above. For example, the user competencies will be reviewed directly from a block page, extending tool_lp templates to avoid code duplication. In theory the block will only rely on the API methods provided by tool_lp and not include any logic of its own. 46.summary: Created event for competency viewed description: This event needs to be triggered when a single competency is being viewed. Mainly when the core of the information is the competency itself (not a template competency, not a plan competency, not a user competency, ...), just the competency is being displayed we will trigger the event. I can think of two places where we would do so: - When viewing all the competencies in a framework and selecting a competency - When opening the competency dialogue The event will be compatible via Ajax and triggered, not via templates, but from the "Controllers" which are responsible for displaying the information (e.g. view.php, AMD module rendering the template). Note that Ajax refresh of a portion of a page should re-trigger the event, in other words if you were to edit the title of a competency "in-line", and the code would then refresh the whole competency region, that should not retrigger a "viewed" event. 47.summary: Provide a way to hide/disable comments on competencies and plans description: In a situation where competencies, or plans, can not be sent for review, it is unlikely that comments will be used at all. In this scenario we need to provide a way to disable the comments altogether. So far we thought of this: Adding a capability to _cancomment_, and Hiding the "Comments" area when the user can not comment and there are no comments. 48.summary: Show the taxonomy level for a competency in the competency summary template description: IE - everywhere the competency summary is shown it should include the term from the taxonomy (Level, Skill etc). The generic term is still competency - ie when you are displaying a list or generating a notification. 49.summary: Only show evidence for a completency in a completed plan up to the timestamp the plan was completed. description: When viewing a completed plan, we do not want to see evidences created after the plan was completed. 50.summary: Create C(R)UD events for competencies description: This issue will add, trigger and test the following events: - Competency created - Competency deleted - Competency updated 51.summary: Add confirmation dialogue when removing a competency from a course description: As the summary says. 52.summary: The grading dialogue should show who is being graded description: Noticed on the prototype site, after the dialogue opens there is no reference to the user that were grading. (From the competency breakdown). 53.summary: Add an index on cmid + competencyid for tool_lp_module_competency table description: Noted in the review in 54.summary: Create C(R)UD + viewed events for plans description: - Create CRUD events for plans - Create viewed event for plans 55.summary: Better handling of template due date when creating plans description: When creating plans from a template we should: Handle due date validation errors during in the scheduled task for template cohorts Hide the option to create plans from the UI when the validation of the due date will fail Hide the option to add cohorts to templates when the validation of the due date will fail 56.summary: False positive intool_lp_external_testcase::test_search_users description: noformat 1) tool_lp_external_testcase::test_search_users Failed asserting that actual size 4 matches expected size 3. /home/fred/www/repositories/sm/moodle/admin/tool/lp/tests/externallib_test.php:2605 /home/fred/www/repositories/sm/moodle/lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php:80 To re-run: vendor/bin/phpunit tool_lp_external_testcase admin/tool/lp/tests/externallib_test.php noformat This must be caused because some of the randomly generated users first and last names are matching. 57.summary: Add ability to duplicate a competency framework description: The docs say "A competency framework can be duplicated," but currently this behaviour does not exist. A framework can be duplicated. When duplicating a framework all the competencies linked must be duplicated as well. However, the new framework and competencies must not be linked to any course or template. The idnumber of the new framework will be updated following the same process than the one used for updating course shortnames upon restore, basically adding n where n is the first unique number found. See restore_dbops::calculate_course_names(). 58.summary: Competencies can be related to other competencies description: You need to be able to link competencies to each other. This has no effect on the code logic, only display. Where we show the details we should also show the related competencies. In order for the migration from one framework to another to work we will only permit linking to competencies within the same framework at this stage. Note: duplicating frameworks should support this as well. Please consider this and raise another or report it to the related issue if its not finished yet. 59.summary: Remove unused ID number from learning plan templates description: See discussion in . 60.summary: Add ability to duplicate a learning plan template description: The docs say "Learning plan templates should allow "duplication" to create a new template for a new year (for example)" but currently this behaviour does not exist. 61.summary: A competency framework can customise the terms for up to 4 competency levels description: We will restrict the depth of the competency frameworks so that we can allow customisable language to describe each level of a competency. From the spec: "The taxonomy refers to the naming for each level in the framework. Up to 4 levels are supported, and the name for each level can be set from the following list: Domain, Competency, Behaviour, Indicator, Outcome, Level, Concept, Value, Practice, Skill, Proficiency" These will be provided by language strings, so they can be displayed in different languages (not taken from user input). All other screens should replace the word "Competency" and "Competencies" with the correct term depending on the depth of the competency. The number of terms will be fetched from a method in the framework class, just to ensure that later on we can change this number, or make it match a configuration variable. The term levels can either be saved in 4 columns, or in 1 column (_taxonomies_) with serialised data. The serialised data is less flexible but it seems unlikely that we will need to fetch just 1 term, or filter per term without loading the framework object. The terms are using constants and will be mapped to language strings, e.g.: noformat const TAXONOMY_DOMAIN = domain; const TAXONOMY_COMPETENCY = competency; public function get_taxonomy($level); public static function get_taxonomy_for_term($constant); noformat 62.summary: Create the evidence persistent description: This persistent will include the following properties: - usercompetencyid (mandatory, must exist) - timecreated (mandatory) - description (mandatory) (JSONd from a lang_string object) - URL (optional) 63.summary: Create a scheduled task to sync plans from template cohorts description: The task will observe check if new users were added to a cohort and create the required plans. Note that when a plan is unlinked from a template the original template ID is stored. The cohort sync should not re-create plans that were unlinked. 64.summary: Show the idnumber of the competency in the user learning plan (and template) description: Very small improvement I think should be made to make visible the idnumber of the competencies in a user learning plan for the following reasons : Makes it standard with the way it is displayed in the competency frameworks. Makes it easier for the user to know that a competency is a parent of another when the plan is containing multi-levels competencies. For example : Photograph S1 Compose S1.1 Expose S1.2 Note : Maybe having a method in persistent that returns the right output would be a good idea, since it would be used at many places. 65.summary: Template competencies page should not require manage permissions description: This page should be accessible when the user can read the template, of course in that case they should not be able to change anything. 66.summary: Add ability to unlink a plan from its template description: On the page that shows the details of a plan we need to add an option to unlink the plan from its template. This should show a warning explaining that this not a reversible action. 67.summary: A user can upload evidence or prior learning description: This issue is about creating a model and interface for a user to add evidence. User evidences are stored using the persistent _user_evidence_. They may contain a title, description, one URL and files. Only one URL can be linked, others should be added to the description, this can be clarified in the help popup for the URL. At this stage the evidence will not be linked to a competency. 68.summary: Users can link evidence of prior learning to their competencies description: Users can link evidence to their competencies if they have the capability _tool/lp:planaddevidence_. When they link an evidence to their competency, an _evidence_ is attached to the competency indicating that the user has linked evidence or prior learning, providing the link to the users evidence page. Note: discuss the capability name, perhaps its better to have _tool/lp:addevidence_ which would control both the upload of evidence and the linking of evidence. Confusion with the persistent _evidence_ need to be addressed as they are different. 69.summary: Apply competency rules when a competency is marked as completed description: We need to decide how to do this, whether in real time, or in a cron job. 70.summary: Validate the duedate of a plan description: The plan persistent does not validate the due date field. This issue should also ensure that updating a plan from a template will not cause problems because of this new validation. E.g. Can dates on templates be set in the past, or can latency in updating the plan be slow enough to fail due date validation? 71.summary: Create a competency breakdown report (in a course) description: 72.summary: Add a manual marking page for competencies in a course. description: 73.summary: Create a workflow for requesting a competency be reviewed, and reviewing outstanding requests description: See Spec: 74.summary: Create workflow for requesting approval, and approving draft learning plans. description: 75.summary: When deleting a template delete associated template_cohorts description: Deleting a template should not leave template_cohorts behind. 76.summary: Create C(R)UD events for competency frameworks description: This issue will create 3 events: - \tool_lp\event\framework_created - \tool_lp\event\framework_updated - \tool_lp\event\framework_deleted From the top of my head I dont see any information to place in _other_. Those events should be triggered anywhere where a framework is created, updated, or deleted, if the code is well structured this should be 3 API methods. Tests are required for each event. See _events_test.php_ files. Documentation: 77.summary: Add behat tests for CRUD operations on frameworks description: The tests will assert the well functioning of the competency frameworks CRUD operations. This issue is not about CRUD on competencies. 78.summary: Behat tests for templates CRUD operations description: Those tests will assert the well functioning of the CRUD operations on templates. This will not cover the creation of plans from template, nor linking cohorts with templates. 79.summary: Fix all PARAM_TEXT on persistent, and exporters description: I noticed that we should not have set PARAM_TEXT on the persistent for the fields that expect to receive HTML. We need to fix the following: - All fields with a _format_ need to be PARAM_RAW - In the persistent exporter magically apply format_text when PARAM_RAW and there is a matching format field. - In all the forms, fix the use of PARAM_TEXT for editor. 80.summary: Allow multiple competencies to be added to a course at once description: From a course, in course competencies, we should be able to add multiple competencies at a time. 81.summary: Export competency frameworks description: Provide a way to export an entire framework to a CSV. The framework should contain all the scale information to be able to recreate it should the scale was not found on the system upon restore. 82.summary: Import competency frameworks description: Provide a way to import entire competency frameworks from a CSV file. When importing a framework, we need to match the scale from the import file with an existing scale. The scale on the system must match exactly the scale that is in the CSV file. When the scale does not match, the framework is not imported. As all frameworks need a unique ID number, we will proceed the same way we when we duplicate a framework. Prior to importing the user should be presented with a preview. The preview will display scale errors, but also optionally let them decide whether a framework is going to be duplicated, ignored, or updating an existing framework according to the ID number supplied. Bonus: Investigate the file formats supported by Totara and create follow-up issues. 83.summary: Allow competency frameworks to be limited to a course category description: Competency frameworks should be able to be limited to a course category. Managers should be able to edit the framework if they have the correct capabilities on the course category context. Courses moved between categories will retain any linked course competencies regardless, the category "filter" is only considered when creating new links. 84.summary: Add an AMD wrapper for actionmenus description: Lets us use menus with AMD code that look like all our other menus. Over time, new code can use these menus and we can change it from a wrapper to call something other than YUI. 85.summary: Add an AMD wrapper for dragdrop reordering description: Add a simple YUI version of drag drop reordering and the AMD wrapper for it. 86.summary: Competency Framework description: Build a UI for creating competency frameworks, as well as the DB tables, webservices, unit tests. 87.summary: User Learning Plans description: Build a UI, db tables, webservices and unit tests to support user learning plans. A learning plan can contain courses or competencies. Capabilities are required to control who can create, update, delete, approve, or complete a users learning plan. Multiple learning plans can be created for each user. A user can see their draft/active/completed learning plans. A capability is required on the user context to create/approve/unapprove/complete/reopen learning plans. For any plan, a user can see a list of competencies, and which are complete as well as the evidence for completion (course completion, or evidence of prior learning). 88.summary: Learning plan templates description: A learning plan template can be created at the site level, and can be used to pre-populate a users learning plan (create from template). 89.summary: Add scales to the Competency framework. description: When creating a Competency framework allow the selection of custom scales and the configuration of the scales to show what the default level of competency is and mark which scale values are deemed proficient. 90.summary: Make idnumbers required for frameworks and competencies. description: Framework idnumbers must be unique, and competency idnumbers must be unique in the framework. 91.summary: Allow learning plan templates to be created/managed at a course category level. description: Learning plan templates should be able to be managed by an individual faculty/school etc. 92.summary: Create a coverage report for a learning plan template description: 93.summary: Add a callback to inject nodes in the category settings navigation description: A developer cannot inject news in the administration block in a category context. When doing this, remove the hardcoded addition of the competencies. 94.summary: Finalise the icons for competencies description: The icon used for competencies needs to be crafted with respect to the guidelines and be consistent with the other icons in core. For now, only one icon is defined in: - admin/tool/lp/pix/ 95.summary: Use new "ajax" definition of external functions description: Looking at the logs we can notice a log of debugging messages because we are using _is_allowed_from_ajax_. We need to update all the functions definition to support ajax and remove these definitions. Example: noformat core_output_load_template => array( ... ajax => true, ), noformat 96.summary: Add "completion rules" for all competencies in a framework that are branches description: If a competency framework is configured to use 3 levels - levels 1 and 2 will allow completion rules to be configured so that when the "leaves" are marked complete - the "branches" can be marked as complete (or recommended) by the rule. One last option would be to leave the competency unchanged regardless of the status of its children. 97.summary: Allow competencies to be assigned to a user learning plan description: Followup from . This issue assumes that there already is a competency picker, or existing code, to select a competency using Javascript. Also, this issue should allow for a user to remove a competency from a plan. Implement reordering if you wish to, otherwise please raise a follow-up. 98.summary: Create persistent model for user_competency description: This issue is about creating the basic API create CRUD user competencies. User competencies are links between the user and a competency, often they will be transparently created from a user plan. This issue should not be creating any external function or API yet as we will not even have a view, and also because the capability checks are tricky in this case as the model is only used to store information at this stage. Later on when we add competency reviews then we will have API and external functions. The _persistent_ model is the only thing we need. Non-exhaustive list of columns needed: int id int userid int competencyid int status (idle, in review, etc, will be defined later) (use constants) int reviewerid bool proficiency int grade (from a scale) At this stage we will consider that the linked competency cannot be deleted without deleting the user_competency, therefore we do not need to duplicate the competency information like scale, etc... 99.summary: Add page to list competencies in a user learning plan description: This page is linked in the menu, but doesnt exist currently. -Also, this issue should allow for a user to remove a competency from a plan. Implement reordering if you wish to, otherwise please raise a follow-up.- Moved to 100.summary: Frameworks scale cannot be changed once used description: Once a user_competency framework is set on a competency that belongs to that framework the scale cannot be changed. The scale configuration (Proficiency and default values) can still be changed but it will not affect any of the existing user_competency objects. 101.summary: Create a persistent model user_competency_plan description: This model will archive the _user_competency_ records for a specific plan when the plan is frozen. It should contain the same information than the user_competency with the addition of the plan ID. This issue is just about creating the model. 102.summary: Create a dialogue to view all the information about a competency description: There will be many places where being able to view the full details of a competency will be very useful. For example when a student is viewing their plan they should be able to view the information about a competency without having to leave the page. Or when a teacher is linking competencies to a course. Or when a teacher is grading a bunch of competencies. 103.summary: Create User Learning Plans from a Learning Plan Template description: See screenshot and description from spec: The data in easy user plan will be exactly the same as the template, but also include the template ID as a reference to the original template. The user plan will be updated so that it gets its competencies from the template competencies when a link is present, this in order make it more efficient to update a template and related plans. The most complex part of this issue will probably be about creating the user interface which allows to pick users and cohorts. We can raise another issue to resolve this if need be. Note: Perhaps we can use the newly introduced auto complete field (?). 104.summary: Improve UI for the change of states in plan description: It was said in that change of states in plan should work as follow : Always prevent a plan to be marked as completed from the plan editing form. Instead we will add an option "Complete this plan"/"Reopen this plan" in the plans page which will warn the user that reopening the plan will delete any customization done to the competencies. Note : A good implementation in api would be to prevent switching status (from/to complete) in api::update_plan and create a new specific method for that. This issue should also ensure that a plan cannot be modified when it is complete, only its user_competency_plan in some occasions (plan.php). 105.summary: Create a schedule task to close the plans that reached their due date description: The summary says it all. If you have any concern about timezones, lets talk about it. When a plan is completed, all the _user_competency_ associated with that plan will be copied over to _user_competency_plan_. 106.summary: Create an API to register evidence to competencies description: We need to create an API that can be used to attach evidence to competencies, or more precisely user competencies. Perhaps api::create_evidence is all we need. At present I do not think we need to create an external function for an evidence as its unlikely that an evidence will be added manually. Most of the time the evidence will be added following an event (course completion, manual grading, evidence of prior learning linked, ...). Evidences should never be removed or updated therefore we will not need other API functions for now. Note that a user_competency record must exist before an evidence can be attached to it therefore this issue will have to ensure that the record exists. 107.summary: Add completion rules to course - competency links description: For competencies linked to a course - the link should be able to be configured to allow either: The competency should be "Completed/Recommended" when the course is completed. There should also be an option to do nothing. The screen should explain that in any case when the course is completed an evidence attached to the users evidence for that competency. 108.summary: Fix all persistent sortorder handling to prevent "holes" description: There are a few problems with the handling of sortorder in the models. Those points are all related to each other: New sortorders are created based on the number of rows in a table When an entry is deleted, the sortorder is left untouched perhaps causing holes - E.g. sortorders 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3 is deleted leads to 1, 2, 4 Reordering is substracting/adding 1 to the sortorder, which is the problem when holes already exist. 109.summary: Remove the ability to change the userid of a plan description: Remove the user ID parameter from the external functions that allow a change of ownership in a plan. And ensure that the API methods prevent the change as well. 110.summary: Mark competencies complete when the course is completed description: Completing the course will complete any assigned competencies by assigning the default value from the competency scale. Note that depending on the course competency rule we could set the competency as "Recommended", or do nothing. 111.summary: Course competency links should be included in course backup/restore description: The course competency should be restored, if the competency exists in the site (match of idnumber of both the competency and the framework). 112.summary: Support custom scales per competency description: It may be useful for each competency to declare a different scale, though we wont exactly implement support for it just yet. This issue is about creating a getter in competency persistent to retrieve the scale and scale config. For now it will only be retrieving the scale from its framework but it will be useful in the future if we want to add support for scale competencies. 113.summary: Allow admin tools to add information to course backups description: For CBE we need the admin tools to be able to add some information to backup plans. 114.summary: Revisit the capabilities associated with plans description: We need to support more capabilities in a plan, to manage the drafts, etc... readowndraft The user can view the draft plans in their context. readown The user can view the plans in their context. readdraft The user can view the draft plans in any context. read The user can view the plans in any context. manageowndraft The user can manage the draft plans in their context. manageown The user can manage the plans in their context. managedraft The user can manage the draft plans in any context. manage The user can manage the plans in any context. 115.summary: Add a page listing all the plans created from a template description: That page will list the plans created from a template. 116.summary: Create a persistent for the cohorts synced with templates description: We need a persistent that keeps track of the cohorts being synced. 117.summary: Add a page that lists the cohorts synced with a template description: That page will also add an option to remove a cohort from the list. 118.summary: Create a user autoselect field description: Needs to support multi-select, searching, browsing, tree view, 2 panes - all items and selected items, extendable to support users/groups/cohorts/courses, custom rendering of items, accessible. Should be able to be embedded in a dialogue - or just inserted in a page. (There are some of these already existing - e.g. grade history). 119.summary: Add an API to create an plan from a template description: Add an API to create an plan from a template 120.summary: Add ability to attach a cohort to a template in the UI description: The page listing the templates will have an option to add more cohorts to the list. Also, well add an option to remove a cohort from there as well. 121.summary: Allow competencies to be linked to an activity description: (Exploratory - not part of spec for phase 1) 122.summary: Peer review and cleanup early prototype branch. description: I (Damyon) made an early start on the branch for some of the learning plans features, in order to prove the template/javascript/ajax new features. This branch should be the starting point for the learning plans tool, but it is in a "unfinished" state. Some things I know of that need doing before this will be a good starting point: Fix jslint warnings Move all JS modules to admin/tool/lp/amd/src Review / add missing phpdocs Review / add template docs Improve the styling - more specifically: The active node in the tree control is not obvious enough Some list things need the list-style bullet removed Thorough peer review on the action menu wrapper, and the drag drop wrapper The delete logic needs to be expanded to clean up all related records 123.summary: Create a technical spec for the competency based education description: Including a DB entity diagram etc. 124.summary: Require manage templates or manage frameworks to see any learning plans node in the site admin tree description: We do not want authenticated users to see the site administration tree for one node - they have all the information they need when they are creating their draft learning plans (in the picker). Also the picker should show the competency description as a tool tip (so you can see the detailed description before you add it to your plan). 125.summary: Add a user_competency page detached from course and plan description: When a user comments on a user competency we can not determine if they were in a plan, in a course, or potentially else where. Therefore the sent to other users notifying of a new comment can not produce a reliable link to the user competency... checking all the courses may be expensive, the competency may not be in a user plan. Create a page that shows the information about that user_competency, possibly including all the plans it is in, and all the courses with that competency the users is enrolled in. The links in the messages sent should then point to the user competency page, not the plan or course any more. 126.summary: Course competencies: Improve navigation to the manual marking page description: Im tracking this issue because it took me a while to notice that it was possible to click on a competency in the course competencies page to be able to manually mark students (User competency screen). I think it should be more obvious that you can click on the competency. Maybe just adding a link on the competency name (Like in the plan page) would be enough. It would also standardize the way competencies list are displayed. 127.summary: Filter by activity when grading(rating) course competencies description: Add activity filter to the breakdown report and link to the breakdown report from the course module navigation. 128.summary: Fix padding for competencies.php page in More theme. description: The competencies page (competencies in a framework) is missing some padding and looks odd in "More" theme. 129.summary: Competencies tree is not scrollable with the mouse. description: The size of the dialogue is changed after it is loaded, but the YUI backing code is not notified. This causes it to display fixed in the center of the page with no way to scroll to the offscreen content. 130.summary: Add courses and users to the cohortroles tool description: The cohort roles tool is a general tool for syncing roles to user contexts. If we extend it to allow selecting a course or a set of users as a source for the sync it will be better than requiring a separate tool to sync cohorts. 131.summary: Create a page to allow assigning one user roles for a cohort description: This is useful e.g. for mentees, and learning plans (who can approve users learning plans). Should support one user being assigned a role for an entire cohort of users. 132.summary: Add support for search for frameworks by name or ID number description: As the summary says. This is required for the _auto complete_ form element to work. 133.summary: Add generators for course module competencies description: See above. 134.summary: Show link for the learning plans linked to the competency in user_competency_in_course description: When viewing the user_competency_in_course page, it would be nice to display links for the users learning plans that are linked to that user competency. 135.summary: Wording "Course category - Entire site" is confusing description: We should be a bit more verbose with the lang string. 136.summary: Create a framework autocomplete form element description: As the summary says. 137.summary: Integrate CBE as a core plugin description: CBE is the acronym for Competency-Based Education, and also the name of the HQ project adding support for competencies in Moodle. It has been developed as an admin tool primarily to be self-contained and potentially backportable, but also to simplify the development spread over many months as it reduces the need and complexity of weekly rebases. CBE comes with several new concepts (basic "models", "serialisers", ...) which could be beneficial to other developers, they have been developed to be pushed to core. However, due to time constraint and lack of broader discussions we will not send those new concepts for integration and will leave them in the admin tool. We are thinking of preparing them for integration during the 3.2 cycle which would leave more room for improvement and full considerations. ( summarises the elements that should be moved to core). In order for the plugin to be 100 self-contained we have had to make some adjustments to core (adding support for backups, navigation, etc...). Most of these adjustments have been made through separate MDL issues which have been integrated following the formal integration process. However, a few have made it to the CBE branch. We will likely extract those to separate issues when required by an integrator, at this stage it is easier for us to have them there (rebase, ...). . New concepts Persistent, or Model The class _persistent_ represents an object in the database. It is typically what is called a model in general. It contains the list of fields present in the database table, as well as their PARAM_ types. Basic validation of the param types is automatically performed prior to any database write operations. Additional validation can also be added by developers. In essence, the persistent knows everything about its data and when it is valid or not. Persistents are able to CRUD themselves in the database. They are also the right place to perform complex queries which join multiple persistents together. There is never any access control performed within the persistent! However, CBE is oriented model-based ACL, therefore some of the persistents contain helper ACL methods (boolean function can_do_the_thing();). The main benefit of adding ACL methods to the persistent is to avoid repeating the capability names all over the place, and thus reduce code complexity and human errors. API The _API_ class contains all the methods which are publicly available to any code taking action on CBE related objects and data. No code should ever directly call the database, or persistent methods, unless they are within an API method. All public API methods MUST perform the capability checks relevant to the actions that they are representing. You will notice that none of the external functions contain logic, they all defer it to the API class. The API methods can be seen as the controllers, they are a mandatory step to accessing the data, even within CBE itself. Exporters When writing external functions and templates we often needed to explicitly specify all the properties of the persistents. For instance, when returning a competency from an external function, when creating a competency from an external function, when preparing the context of a template, when getting the context for a template from an external function, etc... As persistents already define their properties we decided to create _exporters_ (they are sometimes referred to as serialisers), and _persistent-based exporters_. Exporters are classes which convert objects to stdClasses. They may add more properties to the objects as they export them (E.g. generating a _timeago_ property from the _date_ property of the object). Therefore exporters are aware and define all the properties that can be read from an object, and all the properties that are saved in an object. They have 2 purposes. They export an object consistently wherever they are used, e.g. all properties will always be present They generate the external function parameters/returns structure automatically - The _parameters_ will be the _update_ structure, which contains the _real_ fields - The _returns_ structure will be the _read_ structure, which contains everything. Exporters can define _related_ objects. When specified those must be passed, mainly to improve performance. At this stage I find them a bit weak and difficult to work with as adding _related_ object to an existing exporter will require all usage of this exporter to be updated. Also, when nested, the exporters dont work as nicely as I would like, we have raised an issue to try to improve their design (hence the reason to not push them to core for 3.1 - ). Though, exporters have come very handy when we had to add new properties to persistent, or to export new properties from an existing object. They greatly simplify maintainability of external functions and _templatable::export_for_template()_. . Remaining work Weve had an internal soft-freeze during which we agreed on the feature set required for 3.1 and thus we are not adding any new feature. If some were to be missing at the time this branch was pushed for integration they would be finished within 48h. Our main focus now is to improve the user experience through UI changes. An external person to HQ is looking at the whole project as we speak. Once we get their report we will actively work on the user interface. Our other main focus is to improve the overall stability. The epic as it stands as I speak contains all the work remaining, including the work that will not make it to 3.1. More issues will be added there as we identify them. We will reorganise the epic once an approach is agreed upon by developers and integrators. . Walkthrough This is a very basic introduction to how CBE is organised, viewed from my own eyes. Competencies exist through a framework and are unique within that framework. Next to frameworks we have templates (and plans) which are a set of competencies setting the goals a learner needs to achieve (Fire safety training, Medicine Year 1, ...). "In order to be considered as proficient in Fire safety I need to acquire all these competencies". Competencies are rated (graded), the rating will determine the proficiency of the learner for that specific competency. Rating can happen either manually (by a teacher, a supervisor), or automatically (upon completion, when another one is rated, ...). Anything that may affect the proficiency of a learner should be recorded as an _evidence_. Evidence are plain text descriptions of what happened and how it has (or could have) affected the competency. When someone rates a competency an evidence will be added recording who rated, when, how, where and what rating was given. They could be seen as logs but cannot be logs as they are essential to competency based education. Learners also have the option to submit evidence of prior learning (user_evidence persistent) and request the review of the competencies affected by these evidence. Importantly, learning plans, records of proficiency, etc... and most of the things related to a user live in the user context. That is fairly different to how Moodle is structured in general where most things live in courses, or in the system. . CBE as a plugin While CBE is self-contained and would do just fine as a plugin for a little while, it has some implications: Third parties should be aware that the namespace could change without notice (tool_lp\api to \core_cbe\api for instance). Event names will be bound to _tool_lp_, but once moved to core they will not any more, e.g. will be _core_cbe_ We need to consider, address, and/or document these. Side note: Ignore the upgrade steps, they were there for us but they will be all removed as this is integrated. . Description of the models - competency: A single competency - competency_framework: A framework of competencies - course_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking courses and competencies - course_module_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking course modules and competencies - evidence: A piece of evidence relating the proficiency of a user towards a competency - plan: A group of competencies for a user to achieve. (Sometimes referred to as user plans) - plan_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking plans and competencies - related_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking competency to other competencies (within the same framework) - template: A template for a plan - template_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking templates and competencies - template_cohort: The cohorts attached to a template, from which we will create plans. - user_competency: The record of the proficiency and rating of a user towards a competency - user_competency_course: The record of the rating of a user towards a competency but limited to the scope of a course - user_competency_plan: The record of the proficiency and rating of a user within a plan that was archived, understand frozen. - user_evidence: A piece of evidence of prior learning - user_evidence_competency: Many-to-many relationship between evidence of prior learning and competencies --- Im sure I could write another thousand words but this is all I can think of now. Thanks! Fred 138.summary: Improve user navigation flow in competency frameworks description: The competency framework pages should have the same flow as the plan ones. Page: list of frameworks Should have two headings - Competency frameworks (heading) - List of competency frameworks (sub heading) Page: editing a framework Heading should be Name of the framework Sub heading: Edit competency framework The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks > Framework name (link to competencies) > Edit competency framework (link to same page)" Page: adding a framework Heading should be "Competency frameworks" Sub heading: Add new competency framework The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks > Add new competency framework (link to same page)" Page: competencies Heading should be the name of the framework Sub heading "Competencies" There need to be an icon _cog_ next to the title to go to the edit page - Note: clicking on cancel on the edit page should send back to the competencies page, but ONLY when we came from there. See plans _return_ URL variable. The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks > Framework name (link to same page)" Templates should implement a _returntype_ just like _plans_ do, so that we can redirect where the user came from. The default behaviour should be to redirect to the framework page (competencies list). _Clicking "Cancel" on a form should always send you back where you came from._ 139.summary: Improve user navigation flow in template pages description: The template pages should have the same flow as the plan ones. Page: editing a template Heading should be Name of the template Sub heading: Edit learning plan template The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Learning plans > Template name (link to template page) > Edit learning plan template (link to same page)" Page: adding a template Heading should be "Learning plan templates" Sub heading: Add new learning plan template The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Learning plans > Add new learning plan template (link to same page)" Page: competencies Heading should be the name of the template Sub heading "Template competencies" There need to be an icon _cog_ next to the title to go to the edit page - Note: clicking on cancel on the edit page should send back to this page, but ONLY when we came from there. See plans _return_ URL variable. The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Learning Plans > Template name (link to same page)" Page: cohorts The name of the template in the breadcrumb should link to the competencies page Page: users The name of the template in the breadcrumb should link to the competencies page _Clicking "Cancel" on a form should always send you back where you came from._ 140.summary: Use new Flash messages and remove usage of continue_button description: There are a few pages where when a user has created/edited something a new page is displayed with only a small message and a continue button. Lets use the new notification system in master and display the message on the page where they are redirected to. You may need to change the redirection flow with this issue. Look at the APIs: - \core\notification::success() - redirect(2nd param, 4th param) Editing templates Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new template redirects to the template competencies page Updating a template redirects back to where we came from, or the template competencies if unknown. Editing plans Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new plan redirects to the newly created plan page Updating a plan redirects back to where we came from, or the udpated plan page if unknown. Evidence of prior learning Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new evidence redirects to the newly created evidence Updating an evidence redirects back to where we came from, or the udpated evidence if unknown. Competencies Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new competency redirects to the framework competencies Updating a competency redirects back to where we came from, or the list of framework competencies if unknown Competency frameworks Updating a framework redirects back to where we came from, or the udpated framework if unknown. Double check if the rest seems OK, but it should have been taken care of in 141.summary: Improve navigation flow in competencies pages description: Editing competency Breadcrumb should be: Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks Framework name (link to framework competencies) > Competency name (no link) > "Edit taxonomy" Heading should be name of the competency Sub heading should be "Edit taxonomy" Cancel button should go back where we came from Adding competency Breadcrumb should be: Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks Framework name (link to framework competencies) > "Add taxonomy" Heading should be name of the framework Sub heading should be "Add taxonomy" Cancel button should go back where we came from 142.summary: All forms should at least have one fieldset description: Some forms do not declare the first fieldset, they should. E.g. (editing a plan) noformat // This is missing: $mform->addElement(header, generalhdr, get_string(general)); noformat 143.summary: Add parenthesis around ID number in framework list description: In /admin/tool/lp/competencyframeworks.php?pagecontextid=X Add parenthesis around the ID number. (UX review) 144.summary: Mark that scale/scaleconfiguration are required fields description: In the forms, the scale/scaleconfig should display a to indicate that it is a required field. Perhaps more work can be done to the whole scale configuration at a later stage (). Also add an asterisk in the scale configuration dialogue to indicate that a default, and a proficient value needs to be set. (UX review) 145.summary: Rename "related competencies" to "cross-referenced competencies" description: As the summary says. (UX review) 146.summary: Add consistency to "Add ..." buttons description: The buttons to add an object to a page: - In the list of frameworks - In the list of templates - In the list of plans - In the list of evidence - ... Should be placed on the top right rather than the bottom right. Perhaps later (in another issue) we can improve it further by introducing some sort of a standard "header" which contains buttons, etc... (UX review) 147.summary: Improvement to the button to add competencies to template description: The button position should be consistent with the rest (top right) The button should read "Add competency to learning plan template" (UX review) 148.summary: Any rating/suggesting happening in a course should be saved in user_competency_course description: Weve started saving the suggestion from the courses, but we should also save the rating. If a teacher rates a competency from a course they are effectively giving that rating for the course itself too. 149.summary: Add a statistics report to the course (competencies) description: Show the percentage completed, Top X users Bottom X users Top X competencies Bottom X competencies 150.summary: Forms section should not be collapsable at times description: Disable collapsibility of forms with only one section. And the ones with two sections when they are relatively small all opened by default. "Remove the accordian arrow from next to the _General_ heading" (sic). (UX review) 151.summary: Competency picker for templates should look in parent contexts description: The competency picker used to add competencies to templates should display the frameworks present in the category, and any of the parent contexts. At the moment it only looks in the current category and its children. 152.summary: Rename the word Context to Category description: There are multiple occurrences of the word Context related to frameworks/templates in CBE, mainly to indicate in which context the framework/template was saved. In this issue we should: Rename Context to Category Change the name of the context to the sole name of the category, e.g. without Category: prefix. Using the word _Category_ will make the wording consistent with cohorts. (UX review) 153.summary: Rename "Learning plans" to "Learning plan templates" in navigation description: Ensure that this applies to both: - site administration - category administration 154.summary: Show a progress bar with complete for each of a users learning plans. description: Very quick summary of complete. 155.summary: Migrate portions of tool_lp to competency subsystem description: As stated on . quote With regard to the split from the tool to a subsystem, our thinking is: events -> lib database tables & capabilities & message & all other db stuff -> lib competencies APIs & persistent & exporters -> subsystem name of your choice (no need to move persistent to dml nor exporters out of the subsystem, they can be moved in future releases) styles, classes/output & classes/form classes can be in the tool with amd & templates web services -> subsystem name of your choice Backup & restore -> backup/ behat tests better in the tool, but unit tests testing cbe apis would make more sense in the subsystem (or nearest to the classes they are testing) about settings.php, for what we have seen both existing settings affect the way the api works, not the UI (the tool to render this api stuff) so they should live in mdl_config quote
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: Competency Based Education description: Build learning plans. ### Response: 1.summary: Identify the missing external functions for student views description: We need to ensure that we have external functions for all student views and actions. -We should not rely on tool_lp because that plugin may be uninstalled from Moodle.- Damyon says its OK. We need to create new blocking issues for each missing part. 2.summary: Create a way to import a competency framework from a set of Moodle "Outcomes". description: A simple way to create a competency framework from an existing set of outcomes. 3.summary: Allow the user to choose the location of the Competency while adding one description: When adding a new competency, the "Parent" field should be editable so that they can choose what competency should be the parent, if any. This field will be pre-filled as it is at the moment. Note that this should not allow the user to abuse the maximum depth of a framework. (UX review) 4.summary: Any mention of a taxonomy should be italic description: Anywhere one of the _taxonomy_ term is displayed we need to use italic. Italic may be added to language strings if needed. 5.summary: Add block_lp to default blocks on the dashboard description: As the summary says. 6.summary: user_competency_in_plan page should be in a popup description: When grading in a learning plan - there are many clicks and page reloads required. Not fun. Alternatively it should have a jump to competency navigation (sideways navigation). 7.summary: Provide a way to delete an evidence description: I think before CBE is officially released we should be able to delete an evidence if necessary. Maybe have a specific capability to do so, some kind of privilege that should only be allowed to "super users" because it is something we would only want to do in special/extreme cases (error/misspell in the note of a rating, a teachers rating that we should not take account of anymore etc). 8.summary: Review and merge Dans trivial code review description: Dan found a few things here: We need to review, fix, adapt, and merge them. 9.summary: Consistently use the terms (frameworks, plans, ...) description: We need to stick to specific terms. A mention of a template, framework, etc... should always be done using those terms: Learning plan template Learning plan Competency framework -The UX review suggested "Individual learning plan" but as we do not use the term "Individual" much were sticking with "User".- Weve decided to use neither of them, simply "Learning plan". 10.summary: All "Add" buttons should be displayed right below the title description: Consistent placing of the button came up from the UX review. damyon has indicated that the buttons should be displayed on the _left_, and below the _main heading_. Example in image: Before: !before-.png! After: !after.png! 11.summary: Add links to cohorts and users in edit menu of templates description: When managing the templates, the user needs to click on the number of cohorts or plans in order to add more. Add two new entries to the edit menu of each template to go to these pages. (UX review) 12.summary: Improving the help popup of scales description: "Make clear to the user the meaning and ramifications of _Proficient_ and _Default_ settings. This can be done by rewriting the text in the help window (which tells you _what to do_, not _what it does_)." (UX review) 13.summary: Sending competencies for review from the evidence of prior learning interface description: I realised that when I attach competencies to an evidence of prior learning I dont have a way to send them for review. That means that I should manually visit every single competency to then request the review. In order to improve this, I suggest that we: Add an option to bulk "Send linked competencies for review" in - As a checkbox, in the dialogue when picking competencies - In the page of a specific evidence of prior learning - in a new menu along with the delete option Display the current status of all the linked competencies, and name of the reviewer when there is one Make the competencies a link to the user competency (outside the plan) 14.summary: Revise defaults for capability tool/lp:template description: Currently _tool/lp:templateread_ causes the "Administration" block to be visible to any user. In my opinion reading templates should be reserved to "managers" to whom we do not want to give _write_ permissions. Suggestion: - Give _manage_ to managers. - Give _read_ to nobody. 15.summary: Behat tests for plans workflow description: - request review - cancel review - start review - finish review - make active - move to draft - complete plan - .... 16.summary: Only show course ratings / proficiency when viewing a competency in a course description: Currently, when a rating is suggested for a competency, it is only displayed in the list of evidences - and so becomes lost in the long list of evidence. We should provide a hint of the suggested rating based on the aggregate of all the suggestions. E.g. Suggested ratings: Met (4), Not met (1) (possibly with hyper links to scroll to the most recent suggestion for each scale value). When rating in a course - we should also limit the evidence list to only the evidence provided in that course. 17.summary: After creating a new competency framework - go directly to the manage competencies page for the framework. description: Better UX. 18.summary: Allow any plugin to identify a scale as being used description: In learning plans we attach the scale to frameworks, we must be able to prevent those scales to be deleted or everything will go nuts. 19.summary: Double check the name of the capability used in service definitions description: Some of the service definitions in admin/tool/lp/db are referring to non-existing capabilities. 20.summary: Do not store extraneous information in scaleconfiguration description: The scaleconfiguration property of the competency/framework should only contain a reference to the proficient and default values, not all the values in a scales. 21.summary: Create C(R)UD events for evidence of prior learning description: This issue will add, trigger and test the following events: Evidence of prior learning created Evidence of prior learning deleted Evidence of prior learning updated 22.summary: Behat tests for plans CRUD operations description: Test behat for: - create plan (form, template, et template cohort) - update plan - delete plan - view plan 23.summary: Add relevant record snapshot to existing events description: I failed to notice and explain what _record snapshots_ were and therefore most of the events in _tool_lp_ do not include any snapshot. This issue is about checking the existing events and where they are triggered from and add relevant snapshots where they are missing. I think this means: Adding self to the _create_from_()_ methods: noformat $event->add_record_snapshot(self::TABLE, $this->to_record()); noformat Add extra snapshots where they are triggered - For instance when a user competency is updated, adding the snapshot of the competency if we have it, etc... 24.summary: Create event for evidence of prior learning viewed description: Just an event for when a specific evidence of prior learning is viewed, triggered from the user_evidence.php file. 25.summary: Add behat tests for CRUD of evidence of prior learning description: Add some tests for when the evidence of prior learning are: - Created - Deleted - Edited - Viewed - Listed 26.summary: Create event for user competency viewed description: This event will be trigger when a _user competency_ is viewed, whether in a course, a plan or by itself. - When it is viewed in a plan (or completed plan), the _other_ field will contain the plan ID. - When it is viewed in a course, the context will be the course context. - Else, it is viewed by itself. Dont forget to add the _record snapshot_. 27.summary: Add behat tests for linking evidence of prior learning with competencies description: This behat test will ensure that user can link evidence of prior learning with their competencies. There are mutiple places where linking can occur, at this stage there is the list of evidence of prior learning, or the evidence of prior learning page itself. 28.summary: Create a statistics report for a learning plan template description: 29.summary: Big button to turn CBE on/off. description: One setting to rule them all 30.summary: Create events for plan workflow description: All the workflow actions associated with a plan should trigger a specific event. Here is a non exhaustive list: - Plan approved - Plan reopened - Plan review requested - Plan review request cancelled - Plan review started - Plan review stopped - ... You may find _update_ events in the relevant API methods, the new events should replace those. 31.summary: Add event for when an evidence is attached to a user competency description: This issue is about a single event, which is triggered when an evidence is added (api::add_evidence): - \tool_lp\event\evidence_created The event should include information in other such as: - usercompetencyid - competencyid - the action constant - the recommend flag Im suggesting these because they are integers and may be useful for observers. Also the evidence ->to_record() data should be attached as a _record snapshot_. Same goes with the user_competency if we have it. Note that the _actionuserid_ will be the _userid_ in the event, whereas the user the user competency belongs to will be the _relateduserid_. 32.summary: Create a user_competency_course model and populate it on suggest description: It has occurred that we need to store the suggestions that were applied in a course. Simply relying on the _evidence_ will make it hard to compute data for that course only, join, etc... so we will introduce a new model _user_competency_course_ which stores the proficiency and rating of a user in the context of a course. So, when a teacher is suggesting a rate from a course we will populate the table _user_competency_course_ and attach an evidence as we are currently doing. When a suggestion happens within an activity (e.g. triggered by auto completion) we will also record that at the course level. When the suggestion is in a context parent to a course we proceed as normal. will take care of displaying the information in the views. At a later stage we may decide to rephrase "Suggest" if another word works better. 33.summary: Create events for user competency workflow description: Create the events associated with the changes in status of a user competency: \tool_lp\event\user_competency_review_requested \tool_lp\event\user_competency_review_started ... 34.summary: Rebase CBE to latest Moodle core description: Fred needs to rebase CBE... 35.summary: Show the courses a competency is linked to from the competency summary in plan page. description: This allows students to discover courses that could teach them a skill or competency. 36.summary: Create a new page that can migrate a set of courses from one competency framework to another description: The use case is for updating to a newer curriculum, but leaving already completed competencies un-modified. The workflow would be to either duplicate the old framework and make changes to it, or create a new one and import from file, then choose which courses should be moved to the new framework and trigger a script that will look for competencies that exist in both frameworks (matched on idnumber) and update the course / activity competencies to point to the new framework. This process should produce a report of competencies that were mapped, competencies that could not be mapped, as well as new competencies that did not exist in the old framework. From the spec: "A competency framework can be duplicated, and there is an admin tool for migrating courses from one framework to another (as long as the idnumbers between the competencies in the frameworks can be matched)." 37.summary: Add a comment when marking or suggesting a rating of a competency at course level description: As discussed in issue , I think it would be an important feature for the teachers to be able to add at least one comment when marking or suggesting a rating of a competency at course level (Competency breakdown report). Proposition from Fred: Could be linked with the evidence, sort of additional "text" to the evidence itself. 38.summary: Plan created from cohort and deleted are recreated by sync task description: When we delete a user plan created from a template and a cohort all information associated to the plan is deleted from the database. So when the scheduled task to sync plans runs, it recreates the plan because there is no way to know that the plan was there before. 39.summary: When deleting a template delete or unlink derived plans description: When a user delete a template, we have to ask: Whether the derived plans should be deleted Whether the derived plans should be unlinked _No need to ask them when there are no derived plans._ Deleting relations/dependencies should be delayed to other issues. 40.summary: Deleting frameworks should delete associated data description: Currently deleting a framework leaves orphan competencies behind. 41.summary: Properly delete a competency description: When doing task , we realized that we had to first properly complete the deletion of competency before working on deleting the entire framework. The tech spec are, at the moment, not completed and must be before starting the development. See some possible spec scenarios in the comments of . To be determined: can we allow the deletion of competencies when some students are already marked as proficient in those? We could ask a user to confirm, or create a special permission for deletion of such competencies. Note: competency::delete() removes the course competencies, that shouldnt be done there. 42.summary: Create event for framework viewed description: This issue will create 1 event: - \tool_lp\event\framework_viewed This event needs to be triggered in the views that display the framework. As Ajax, and WS, do not access the page directly a new WS function needs to be created to trigger the event remotely. See _mod_book_view_book_ for example. I would say that the only view we have displaying the framework so far is _competencies.php_. The event needs to be tested. 43.summary: Create C(R)UD events for templates description: This issue will create 3 events: - \tool_lp\event\template_created - \tool_lp\event\template_updated - \tool_lp\event\template_deleted From the top of my head I dont see any information to place in _other_. Those events should be triggered anywhere where a template is created, updated, or deleted, if the code is well structured this should be limited to API methods. Tests are required for each event. See _events_test.php_ files. 44.summary: Create event for template viewed description: This issue will create 1 event: - \tool_lp\event\template_viewed This event needs to be triggered in the views that display the template. As Ajax, and WS, do not access the page directly a new WS function needs to be created to trigger the event remotely. See _mod_book_view_book_ for example. I would say that the only view we have displaying the template so far is _templatecompetencies.php_. The event needs to be tested. 45.summary: Create a universal block to display CBE related information description: We will create a universal block for CBE related content and information, typically used on the dashboard it will not be limited to there. The block will display: Plans - Current active learning plans - Progression of current plans - Link to all learning plans User competencies to review Plans to review Maybe at a later stage this block could also link to the "mentees" of the current user, as in the users in which the current user has a specific capability. The block will define its own pages listing the elements cited above. For example, the user competencies will be reviewed directly from a block page, extending tool_lp templates to avoid code duplication. In theory the block will only rely on the API methods provided by tool_lp and not include any logic of its own. 46.summary: Created event for competency viewed description: This event needs to be triggered when a single competency is being viewed. Mainly when the core of the information is the competency itself (not a template competency, not a plan competency, not a user competency, ...), just the competency is being displayed we will trigger the event. I can think of two places where we would do so: - When viewing all the competencies in a framework and selecting a competency - When opening the competency dialogue The event will be compatible via Ajax and triggered, not via templates, but from the "Controllers" which are responsible for displaying the information (e.g. view.php, AMD module rendering the template). Note that Ajax refresh of a portion of a page should re-trigger the event, in other words if you were to edit the title of a competency "in-line", and the code would then refresh the whole competency region, that should not retrigger a "viewed" event. 47.summary: Provide a way to hide/disable comments on competencies and plans description: In a situation where competencies, or plans, can not be sent for review, it is unlikely that comments will be used at all. In this scenario we need to provide a way to disable the comments altogether. So far we thought of this: Adding a capability to _cancomment_, and Hiding the "Comments" area when the user can not comment and there are no comments. 48.summary: Show the taxonomy level for a competency in the competency summary template description: IE - everywhere the competency summary is shown it should include the term from the taxonomy (Level, Skill etc). The generic term is still competency - ie when you are displaying a list or generating a notification. 49.summary: Only show evidence for a completency in a completed plan up to the timestamp the plan was completed. description: When viewing a completed plan, we do not want to see evidences created after the plan was completed. 50.summary: Create C(R)UD events for competencies description: This issue will add, trigger and test the following events: - Competency created - Competency deleted - Competency updated 51.summary: Add confirmation dialogue when removing a competency from a course description: As the summary says. 52.summary: The grading dialogue should show who is being graded description: Noticed on the prototype site, after the dialogue opens there is no reference to the user that were grading. (From the competency breakdown). 53.summary: Add an index on cmid + competencyid for tool_lp_module_competency table description: Noted in the review in 54.summary: Create C(R)UD + viewed events for plans description: - Create CRUD events for plans - Create viewed event for plans 55.summary: Better handling of template due date when creating plans description: When creating plans from a template we should: Handle due date validation errors during in the scheduled task for template cohorts Hide the option to create plans from the UI when the validation of the due date will fail Hide the option to add cohorts to templates when the validation of the due date will fail 56.summary: False positive intool_lp_external_testcase::test_search_users description: noformat 1) tool_lp_external_testcase::test_search_users Failed asserting that actual size 4 matches expected size 3. /home/fred/www/repositories/sm/moodle/admin/tool/lp/tests/externallib_test.php:2605 /home/fred/www/repositories/sm/moodle/lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php:80 To re-run: vendor/bin/phpunit tool_lp_external_testcase admin/tool/lp/tests/externallib_test.php noformat This must be caused because some of the randomly generated users first and last names are matching. 57.summary: Add ability to duplicate a competency framework description: The docs say "A competency framework can be duplicated," but currently this behaviour does not exist. A framework can be duplicated. When duplicating a framework all the competencies linked must be duplicated as well. However, the new framework and competencies must not be linked to any course or template. The idnumber of the new framework will be updated following the same process than the one used for updating course shortnames upon restore, basically adding n where n is the first unique number found. See restore_dbops::calculate_course_names(). 58.summary: Competencies can be related to other competencies description: You need to be able to link competencies to each other. This has no effect on the code logic, only display. Where we show the details we should also show the related competencies. In order for the migration from one framework to another to work we will only permit linking to competencies within the same framework at this stage. Note: duplicating frameworks should support this as well. Please consider this and raise another or report it to the related issue if its not finished yet. 59.summary: Remove unused ID number from learning plan templates description: See discussion in . 60.summary: Add ability to duplicate a learning plan template description: The docs say "Learning plan templates should allow "duplication" to create a new template for a new year (for example)" but currently this behaviour does not exist. 61.summary: A competency framework can customise the terms for up to 4 competency levels description: We will restrict the depth of the competency frameworks so that we can allow customisable language to describe each level of a competency. From the spec: "The taxonomy refers to the naming for each level in the framework. Up to 4 levels are supported, and the name for each level can be set from the following list: Domain, Competency, Behaviour, Indicator, Outcome, Level, Concept, Value, Practice, Skill, Proficiency" These will be provided by language strings, so they can be displayed in different languages (not taken from user input). All other screens should replace the word "Competency" and "Competencies" with the correct term depending on the depth of the competency. The number of terms will be fetched from a method in the framework class, just to ensure that later on we can change this number, or make it match a configuration variable. The term levels can either be saved in 4 columns, or in 1 column (_taxonomies_) with serialised data. The serialised data is less flexible but it seems unlikely that we will need to fetch just 1 term, or filter per term without loading the framework object. The terms are using constants and will be mapped to language strings, e.g.: noformat const TAXONOMY_DOMAIN = domain; const TAXONOMY_COMPETENCY = competency; public function get_taxonomy($level); public static function get_taxonomy_for_term($constant); noformat 62.summary: Create the evidence persistent description: This persistent will include the following properties: - usercompetencyid (mandatory, must exist) - timecreated (mandatory) - description (mandatory) (JSONd from a lang_string object) - URL (optional) 63.summary: Create a scheduled task to sync plans from template cohorts description: The task will observe check if new users were added to a cohort and create the required plans. Note that when a plan is unlinked from a template the original template ID is stored. The cohort sync should not re-create plans that were unlinked. 64.summary: Show the idnumber of the competency in the user learning plan (and template) description: Very small improvement I think should be made to make visible the idnumber of the competencies in a user learning plan for the following reasons : Makes it standard with the way it is displayed in the competency frameworks. Makes it easier for the user to know that a competency is a parent of another when the plan is containing multi-levels competencies. For example : Photograph S1 Compose S1.1 Expose S1.2 Note : Maybe having a method in persistent that returns the right output would be a good idea, since it would be used at many places. 65.summary: Template competencies page should not require manage permissions description: This page should be accessible when the user can read the template, of course in that case they should not be able to change anything. 66.summary: Add ability to unlink a plan from its template description: On the page that shows the details of a plan we need to add an option to unlink the plan from its template. This should show a warning explaining that this not a reversible action. 67.summary: A user can upload evidence or prior learning description: This issue is about creating a model and interface for a user to add evidence. User evidences are stored using the persistent _user_evidence_. They may contain a title, description, one URL and files. Only one URL can be linked, others should be added to the description, this can be clarified in the help popup for the URL. At this stage the evidence will not be linked to a competency. 68.summary: Users can link evidence of prior learning to their competencies description: Users can link evidence to their competencies if they have the capability _tool/lp:planaddevidence_. When they link an evidence to their competency, an _evidence_ is attached to the competency indicating that the user has linked evidence or prior learning, providing the link to the users evidence page. Note: discuss the capability name, perhaps its better to have _tool/lp:addevidence_ which would control both the upload of evidence and the linking of evidence. Confusion with the persistent _evidence_ need to be addressed as they are different. 69.summary: Apply competency rules when a competency is marked as completed description: We need to decide how to do this, whether in real time, or in a cron job. 70.summary: Validate the duedate of a plan description: The plan persistent does not validate the due date field. This issue should also ensure that updating a plan from a template will not cause problems because of this new validation. E.g. Can dates on templates be set in the past, or can latency in updating the plan be slow enough to fail due date validation? 71.summary: Create a competency breakdown report (in a course) description: 72.summary: Add a manual marking page for competencies in a course. description: 73.summary: Create a workflow for requesting a competency be reviewed, and reviewing outstanding requests description: See Spec: 74.summary: Create workflow for requesting approval, and approving draft learning plans. description: 75.summary: When deleting a template delete associated template_cohorts description: Deleting a template should not leave template_cohorts behind. 76.summary: Create C(R)UD events for competency frameworks description: This issue will create 3 events: - \tool_lp\event\framework_created - \tool_lp\event\framework_updated - \tool_lp\event\framework_deleted From the top of my head I dont see any information to place in _other_. Those events should be triggered anywhere where a framework is created, updated, or deleted, if the code is well structured this should be 3 API methods. Tests are required for each event. See _events_test.php_ files. Documentation: 77.summary: Add behat tests for CRUD operations on frameworks description: The tests will assert the well functioning of the competency frameworks CRUD operations. This issue is not about CRUD on competencies. 78.summary: Behat tests for templates CRUD operations description: Those tests will assert the well functioning of the CRUD operations on templates. This will not cover the creation of plans from template, nor linking cohorts with templates. 79.summary: Fix all PARAM_TEXT on persistent, and exporters description: I noticed that we should not have set PARAM_TEXT on the persistent for the fields that expect to receive HTML. We need to fix the following: - All fields with a _format_ need to be PARAM_RAW - In the persistent exporter magically apply format_text when PARAM_RAW and there is a matching format field. - In all the forms, fix the use of PARAM_TEXT for editor. 80.summary: Allow multiple competencies to be added to a course at once description: From a course, in course competencies, we should be able to add multiple competencies at a time. 81.summary: Export competency frameworks description: Provide a way to export an entire framework to a CSV. The framework should contain all the scale information to be able to recreate it should the scale was not found on the system upon restore. 82.summary: Import competency frameworks description: Provide a way to import entire competency frameworks from a CSV file. When importing a framework, we need to match the scale from the import file with an existing scale. The scale on the system must match exactly the scale that is in the CSV file. When the scale does not match, the framework is not imported. As all frameworks need a unique ID number, we will proceed the same way we when we duplicate a framework. Prior to importing the user should be presented with a preview. The preview will display scale errors, but also optionally let them decide whether a framework is going to be duplicated, ignored, or updating an existing framework according to the ID number supplied. Bonus: Investigate the file formats supported by Totara and create follow-up issues. 83.summary: Allow competency frameworks to be limited to a course category description: Competency frameworks should be able to be limited to a course category. Managers should be able to edit the framework if they have the correct capabilities on the course category context. Courses moved between categories will retain any linked course competencies regardless, the category "filter" is only considered when creating new links. 84.summary: Add an AMD wrapper for actionmenus description: Lets us use menus with AMD code that look like all our other menus. Over time, new code can use these menus and we can change it from a wrapper to call something other than YUI. 85.summary: Add an AMD wrapper for dragdrop reordering description: Add a simple YUI version of drag drop reordering and the AMD wrapper for it. 86.summary: Competency Framework description: Build a UI for creating competency frameworks, as well as the DB tables, webservices, unit tests. 87.summary: User Learning Plans description: Build a UI, db tables, webservices and unit tests to support user learning plans. A learning plan can contain courses or competencies. Capabilities are required to control who can create, update, delete, approve, or complete a users learning plan. Multiple learning plans can be created for each user. A user can see their draft/active/completed learning plans. A capability is required on the user context to create/approve/unapprove/complete/reopen learning plans. For any plan, a user can see a list of competencies, and which are complete as well as the evidence for completion (course completion, or evidence of prior learning). 88.summary: Learning plan templates description: A learning plan template can be created at the site level, and can be used to pre-populate a users learning plan (create from template). 89.summary: Add scales to the Competency framework. description: When creating a Competency framework allow the selection of custom scales and the configuration of the scales to show what the default level of competency is and mark which scale values are deemed proficient. 90.summary: Make idnumbers required for frameworks and competencies. description: Framework idnumbers must be unique, and competency idnumbers must be unique in the framework. 91.summary: Allow learning plan templates to be created/managed at a course category level. description: Learning plan templates should be able to be managed by an individual faculty/school etc. 92.summary: Create a coverage report for a learning plan template description: 93.summary: Add a callback to inject nodes in the category settings navigation description: A developer cannot inject news in the administration block in a category context. When doing this, remove the hardcoded addition of the competencies. 94.summary: Finalise the icons for competencies description: The icon used for competencies needs to be crafted with respect to the guidelines and be consistent with the other icons in core. For now, only one icon is defined in: - admin/tool/lp/pix/ 95.summary: Use new "ajax" definition of external functions description: Looking at the logs we can notice a log of debugging messages because we are using _is_allowed_from_ajax_. We need to update all the functions definition to support ajax and remove these definitions. Example: noformat core_output_load_template => array( ... ajax => true, ), noformat 96.summary: Add "completion rules" for all competencies in a framework that are branches description: If a competency framework is configured to use 3 levels - levels 1 and 2 will allow completion rules to be configured so that when the "leaves" are marked complete - the "branches" can be marked as complete (or recommended) by the rule. One last option would be to leave the competency unchanged regardless of the status of its children. 97.summary: Allow competencies to be assigned to a user learning plan description: Followup from . This issue assumes that there already is a competency picker, or existing code, to select a competency using Javascript. Also, this issue should allow for a user to remove a competency from a plan. Implement reordering if you wish to, otherwise please raise a follow-up. 98.summary: Create persistent model for user_competency description: This issue is about creating the basic API create CRUD user competencies. User competencies are links between the user and a competency, often they will be transparently created from a user plan. This issue should not be creating any external function or API yet as we will not even have a view, and also because the capability checks are tricky in this case as the model is only used to store information at this stage. Later on when we add competency reviews then we will have API and external functions. The _persistent_ model is the only thing we need. Non-exhaustive list of columns needed: int id int userid int competencyid int status (idle, in review, etc, will be defined later) (use constants) int reviewerid bool proficiency int grade (from a scale) At this stage we will consider that the linked competency cannot be deleted without deleting the user_competency, therefore we do not need to duplicate the competency information like scale, etc... 99.summary: Add page to list competencies in a user learning plan description: This page is linked in the menu, but doesnt exist currently. -Also, this issue should allow for a user to remove a competency from a plan. Implement reordering if you wish to, otherwise please raise a follow-up.- Moved to 100.summary: Frameworks scale cannot be changed once used description: Once a user_competency framework is set on a competency that belongs to that framework the scale cannot be changed. The scale configuration (Proficiency and default values) can still be changed but it will not affect any of the existing user_competency objects. 101.summary: Create a persistent model user_competency_plan description: This model will archive the _user_competency_ records for a specific plan when the plan is frozen. It should contain the same information than the user_competency with the addition of the plan ID. This issue is just about creating the model. 102.summary: Create a dialogue to view all the information about a competency description: There will be many places where being able to view the full details of a competency will be very useful. For example when a student is viewing their plan they should be able to view the information about a competency without having to leave the page. Or when a teacher is linking competencies to a course. Or when a teacher is grading a bunch of competencies. 103.summary: Create User Learning Plans from a Learning Plan Template description: See screenshot and description from spec: The data in easy user plan will be exactly the same as the template, but also include the template ID as a reference to the original template. The user plan will be updated so that it gets its competencies from the template competencies when a link is present, this in order make it more efficient to update a template and related plans. The most complex part of this issue will probably be about creating the user interface which allows to pick users and cohorts. We can raise another issue to resolve this if need be. Note: Perhaps we can use the newly introduced auto complete field (?). 104.summary: Improve UI for the change of states in plan description: It was said in that change of states in plan should work as follow : Always prevent a plan to be marked as completed from the plan editing form. Instead we will add an option "Complete this plan"/"Reopen this plan" in the plans page which will warn the user that reopening the plan will delete any customization done to the competencies. Note : A good implementation in api would be to prevent switching status (from/to complete) in api::update_plan and create a new specific method for that. This issue should also ensure that a plan cannot be modified when it is complete, only its user_competency_plan in some occasions (plan.php). 105.summary: Create a schedule task to close the plans that reached their due date description: The summary says it all. If you have any concern about timezones, lets talk about it. When a plan is completed, all the _user_competency_ associated with that plan will be copied over to _user_competency_plan_. 106.summary: Create an API to register evidence to competencies description: We need to create an API that can be used to attach evidence to competencies, or more precisely user competencies. Perhaps api::create_evidence is all we need. At present I do not think we need to create an external function for an evidence as its unlikely that an evidence will be added manually. Most of the time the evidence will be added following an event (course completion, manual grading, evidence of prior learning linked, ...). Evidences should never be removed or updated therefore we will not need other API functions for now. Note that a user_competency record must exist before an evidence can be attached to it therefore this issue will have to ensure that the record exists. 107.summary: Add completion rules to course - competency links description: For competencies linked to a course - the link should be able to be configured to allow either: The competency should be "Completed/Recommended" when the course is completed. There should also be an option to do nothing. The screen should explain that in any case when the course is completed an evidence attached to the users evidence for that competency. 108.summary: Fix all persistent sortorder handling to prevent "holes" description: There are a few problems with the handling of sortorder in the models. Those points are all related to each other: New sortorders are created based on the number of rows in a table When an entry is deleted, the sortorder is left untouched perhaps causing holes - E.g. sortorders 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3 is deleted leads to 1, 2, 4 Reordering is substracting/adding 1 to the sortorder, which is the problem when holes already exist. 109.summary: Remove the ability to change the userid of a plan description: Remove the user ID parameter from the external functions that allow a change of ownership in a plan. And ensure that the API methods prevent the change as well. 110.summary: Mark competencies complete when the course is completed description: Completing the course will complete any assigned competencies by assigning the default value from the competency scale. Note that depending on the course competency rule we could set the competency as "Recommended", or do nothing. 111.summary: Course competency links should be included in course backup/restore description: The course competency should be restored, if the competency exists in the site (match of idnumber of both the competency and the framework). 112.summary: Support custom scales per competency description: It may be useful for each competency to declare a different scale, though we wont exactly implement support for it just yet. This issue is about creating a getter in competency persistent to retrieve the scale and scale config. For now it will only be retrieving the scale from its framework but it will be useful in the future if we want to add support for scale competencies. 113.summary: Allow admin tools to add information to course backups description: For CBE we need the admin tools to be able to add some information to backup plans. 114.summary: Revisit the capabilities associated with plans description: We need to support more capabilities in a plan, to manage the drafts, etc... readowndraft The user can view the draft plans in their context. readown The user can view the plans in their context. readdraft The user can view the draft plans in any context. read The user can view the plans in any context. manageowndraft The user can manage the draft plans in their context. manageown The user can manage the plans in their context. managedraft The user can manage the draft plans in any context. manage The user can manage the plans in any context. 115.summary: Add a page listing all the plans created from a template description: That page will list the plans created from a template. 116.summary: Create a persistent for the cohorts synced with templates description: We need a persistent that keeps track of the cohorts being synced. 117.summary: Add a page that lists the cohorts synced with a template description: That page will also add an option to remove a cohort from the list. 118.summary: Create a user autoselect field description: Needs to support multi-select, searching, browsing, tree view, 2 panes - all items and selected items, extendable to support users/groups/cohorts/courses, custom rendering of items, accessible. Should be able to be embedded in a dialogue - or just inserted in a page. (There are some of these already existing - e.g. grade history). 119.summary: Add an API to create an plan from a template description: Add an API to create an plan from a template 120.summary: Add ability to attach a cohort to a template in the UI description: The page listing the templates will have an option to add more cohorts to the list. Also, well add an option to remove a cohort from there as well. 121.summary: Allow competencies to be linked to an activity description: (Exploratory - not part of spec for phase 1) 122.summary: Peer review and cleanup early prototype branch. description: I (Damyon) made an early start on the branch for some of the learning plans features, in order to prove the template/javascript/ajax new features. This branch should be the starting point for the learning plans tool, but it is in a "unfinished" state. Some things I know of that need doing before this will be a good starting point: Fix jslint warnings Move all JS modules to admin/tool/lp/amd/src Review / add missing phpdocs Review / add template docs Improve the styling - more specifically: The active node in the tree control is not obvious enough Some list things need the list-style bullet removed Thorough peer review on the action menu wrapper, and the drag drop wrapper The delete logic needs to be expanded to clean up all related records 123.summary: Create a technical spec for the competency based education description: Including a DB entity diagram etc. 124.summary: Require manage templates or manage frameworks to see any learning plans node in the site admin tree description: We do not want authenticated users to see the site administration tree for one node - they have all the information they need when they are creating their draft learning plans (in the picker). Also the picker should show the competency description as a tool tip (so you can see the detailed description before you add it to your plan). 125.summary: Add a user_competency page detached from course and plan description: When a user comments on a user competency we can not determine if they were in a plan, in a course, or potentially else where. Therefore the sent to other users notifying of a new comment can not produce a reliable link to the user competency... checking all the courses may be expensive, the competency may not be in a user plan. Create a page that shows the information about that user_competency, possibly including all the plans it is in, and all the courses with that competency the users is enrolled in. The links in the messages sent should then point to the user competency page, not the plan or course any more. 126.summary: Course competencies: Improve navigation to the manual marking page description: Im tracking this issue because it took me a while to notice that it was possible to click on a competency in the course competencies page to be able to manually mark students (User competency screen). I think it should be more obvious that you can click on the competency. Maybe just adding a link on the competency name (Like in the plan page) would be enough. It would also standardize the way competencies list are displayed. 127.summary: Filter by activity when grading(rating) course competencies description: Add activity filter to the breakdown report and link to the breakdown report from the course module navigation. 128.summary: Fix padding for competencies.php page in More theme. description: The competencies page (competencies in a framework) is missing some padding and looks odd in "More" theme. 129.summary: Competencies tree is not scrollable with the mouse. description: The size of the dialogue is changed after it is loaded, but the YUI backing code is not notified. This causes it to display fixed in the center of the page with no way to scroll to the offscreen content. 130.summary: Add courses and users to the cohortroles tool description: The cohort roles tool is a general tool for syncing roles to user contexts. If we extend it to allow selecting a course or a set of users as a source for the sync it will be better than requiring a separate tool to sync cohorts. 131.summary: Create a page to allow assigning one user roles for a cohort description: This is useful e.g. for mentees, and learning plans (who can approve users learning plans). Should support one user being assigned a role for an entire cohort of users. 132.summary: Add support for search for frameworks by name or ID number description: As the summary says. This is required for the _auto complete_ form element to work. 133.summary: Add generators for course module competencies description: See above. 134.summary: Show link for the learning plans linked to the competency in user_competency_in_course description: When viewing the user_competency_in_course page, it would be nice to display links for the users learning plans that are linked to that user competency. 135.summary: Wording "Course category - Entire site" is confusing description: We should be a bit more verbose with the lang string. 136.summary: Create a framework autocomplete form element description: As the summary says. 137.summary: Integrate CBE as a core plugin description: CBE is the acronym for Competency-Based Education, and also the name of the HQ project adding support for competencies in Moodle. It has been developed as an admin tool primarily to be self-contained and potentially backportable, but also to simplify the development spread over many months as it reduces the need and complexity of weekly rebases. CBE comes with several new concepts (basic "models", "serialisers", ...) which could be beneficial to other developers, they have been developed to be pushed to core. However, due to time constraint and lack of broader discussions we will not send those new concepts for integration and will leave them in the admin tool. We are thinking of preparing them for integration during the 3.2 cycle which would leave more room for improvement and full considerations. ( summarises the elements that should be moved to core). In order for the plugin to be 100 self-contained we have had to make some adjustments to core (adding support for backups, navigation, etc...). Most of these adjustments have been made through separate MDL issues which have been integrated following the formal integration process. However, a few have made it to the CBE branch. We will likely extract those to separate issues when required by an integrator, at this stage it is easier for us to have them there (rebase, ...). . New concepts Persistent, or Model The class _persistent_ represents an object in the database. It is typically what is called a model in general. It contains the list of fields present in the database table, as well as their PARAM_ types. Basic validation of the param types is automatically performed prior to any database write operations. Additional validation can also be added by developers. In essence, the persistent knows everything about its data and when it is valid or not. Persistents are able to CRUD themselves in the database. They are also the right place to perform complex queries which join multiple persistents together. There is never any access control performed within the persistent! However, CBE is oriented model-based ACL, therefore some of the persistents contain helper ACL methods (boolean function can_do_the_thing();). The main benefit of adding ACL methods to the persistent is to avoid repeating the capability names all over the place, and thus reduce code complexity and human errors. API The _API_ class contains all the methods which are publicly available to any code taking action on CBE related objects and data. No code should ever directly call the database, or persistent methods, unless they are within an API method. All public API methods MUST perform the capability checks relevant to the actions that they are representing. You will notice that none of the external functions contain logic, they all defer it to the API class. The API methods can be seen as the controllers, they are a mandatory step to accessing the data, even within CBE itself. Exporters When writing external functions and templates we often needed to explicitly specify all the properties of the persistents. For instance, when returning a competency from an external function, when creating a competency from an external function, when preparing the context of a template, when getting the context for a template from an external function, etc... As persistents already define their properties we decided to create _exporters_ (they are sometimes referred to as serialisers), and _persistent-based exporters_. Exporters are classes which convert objects to stdClasses. They may add more properties to the objects as they export them (E.g. generating a _timeago_ property from the _date_ property of the object). Therefore exporters are aware and define all the properties that can be read from an object, and all the properties that are saved in an object. They have 2 purposes. They export an object consistently wherever they are used, e.g. all properties will always be present They generate the external function parameters/returns structure automatically - The _parameters_ will be the _update_ structure, which contains the _real_ fields - The _returns_ structure will be the _read_ structure, which contains everything. Exporters can define _related_ objects. When specified those must be passed, mainly to improve performance. At this stage I find them a bit weak and difficult to work with as adding _related_ object to an existing exporter will require all usage of this exporter to be updated. Also, when nested, the exporters dont work as nicely as I would like, we have raised an issue to try to improve their design (hence the reason to not push them to core for 3.1 - ). Though, exporters have come very handy when we had to add new properties to persistent, or to export new properties from an existing object. They greatly simplify maintainability of external functions and _templatable::export_for_template()_. . Remaining work Weve had an internal soft-freeze during which we agreed on the feature set required for 3.1 and thus we are not adding any new feature. If some were to be missing at the time this branch was pushed for integration they would be finished within 48h. Our main focus now is to improve the user experience through UI changes. An external person to HQ is looking at the whole project as we speak. Once we get their report we will actively work on the user interface. Our other main focus is to improve the overall stability. The epic as it stands as I speak contains all the work remaining, including the work that will not make it to 3.1. More issues will be added there as we identify them. We will reorganise the epic once an approach is agreed upon by developers and integrators. . Walkthrough This is a very basic introduction to how CBE is organised, viewed from my own eyes. Competencies exist through a framework and are unique within that framework. Next to frameworks we have templates (and plans) which are a set of competencies setting the goals a learner needs to achieve (Fire safety training, Medicine Year 1, ...). "In order to be considered as proficient in Fire safety I need to acquire all these competencies". Competencies are rated (graded), the rating will determine the proficiency of the learner for that specific competency. Rating can happen either manually (by a teacher, a supervisor), or automatically (upon completion, when another one is rated, ...). Anything that may affect the proficiency of a learner should be recorded as an _evidence_. Evidence are plain text descriptions of what happened and how it has (or could have) affected the competency. When someone rates a competency an evidence will be added recording who rated, when, how, where and what rating was given. They could be seen as logs but cannot be logs as they are essential to competency based education. Learners also have the option to submit evidence of prior learning (user_evidence persistent) and request the review of the competencies affected by these evidence. Importantly, learning plans, records of proficiency, etc... and most of the things related to a user live in the user context. That is fairly different to how Moodle is structured in general where most things live in courses, or in the system. . CBE as a plugin While CBE is self-contained and would do just fine as a plugin for a little while, it has some implications: Third parties should be aware that the namespace could change without notice (tool_lp\api to \core_cbe\api for instance). Event names will be bound to _tool_lp_, but once moved to core they will not any more, e.g. will be _core_cbe_ We need to consider, address, and/or document these. Side note: Ignore the upgrade steps, they were there for us but they will be all removed as this is integrated. . Description of the models - competency: A single competency - competency_framework: A framework of competencies - course_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking courses and competencies - course_module_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking course modules and competencies - evidence: A piece of evidence relating the proficiency of a user towards a competency - plan: A group of competencies for a user to achieve. (Sometimes referred to as user plans) - plan_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking plans and competencies - related_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking competency to other competencies (within the same framework) - template: A template for a plan - template_competency: A relationship table (Many-to-Many) linking templates and competencies - template_cohort: The cohorts attached to a template, from which we will create plans. - user_competency: The record of the proficiency and rating of a user towards a competency - user_competency_course: The record of the rating of a user towards a competency but limited to the scope of a course - user_competency_plan: The record of the proficiency and rating of a user within a plan that was archived, understand frozen. - user_evidence: A piece of evidence of prior learning - user_evidence_competency: Many-to-many relationship between evidence of prior learning and competencies --- Im sure I could write another thousand words but this is all I can think of now. Thanks! Fred 138.summary: Improve user navigation flow in competency frameworks description: The competency framework pages should have the same flow as the plan ones. Page: list of frameworks Should have two headings - Competency frameworks (heading) - List of competency frameworks (sub heading) Page: editing a framework Heading should be Name of the framework Sub heading: Edit competency framework The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks > Framework name (link to competencies) > Edit competency framework (link to same page)" Page: adding a framework Heading should be "Competency frameworks" Sub heading: Add new competency framework The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks > Add new competency framework (link to same page)" Page: competencies Heading should be the name of the framework Sub heading "Competencies" There need to be an icon _cog_ next to the title to go to the edit page - Note: clicking on cancel on the edit page should send back to the competencies page, but ONLY when we came from there. See plans _return_ URL variable. The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks > Framework name (link to same page)" Templates should implement a _returntype_ just like _plans_ do, so that we can redirect where the user came from. The default behaviour should be to redirect to the framework page (competencies list). _Clicking "Cancel" on a form should always send you back where you came from._ 139.summary: Improve user navigation flow in template pages description: The template pages should have the same flow as the plan ones. Page: editing a template Heading should be Name of the template Sub heading: Edit learning plan template The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Learning plans > Template name (link to template page) > Edit learning plan template (link to same page)" Page: adding a template Heading should be "Learning plan templates" Sub heading: Add new learning plan template The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Learning plans > Add new learning plan template (link to same page)" Page: competencies Heading should be the name of the template Sub heading "Template competencies" There need to be an icon _cog_ next to the title to go to the edit page - Note: clicking on cancel on the edit page should send back to this page, but ONLY when we came from there. See plans _return_ URL variable. The breadcrumb should be "Dashboard Site administration Competencies Learning Plans > Template name (link to same page)" Page: cohorts The name of the template in the breadcrumb should link to the competencies page Page: users The name of the template in the breadcrumb should link to the competencies page _Clicking "Cancel" on a form should always send you back where you came from._ 140.summary: Use new Flash messages and remove usage of continue_button description: There are a few pages where when a user has created/edited something a new page is displayed with only a small message and a continue button. Lets use the new notification system in master and display the message on the page where they are redirected to. You may need to change the redirection flow with this issue. Look at the APIs: - \core\notification::success() - redirect(2nd param, 4th param) Editing templates Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new template redirects to the template competencies page Updating a template redirects back to where we came from, or the template competencies if unknown. Editing plans Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new plan redirects to the newly created plan page Updating a plan redirects back to where we came from, or the udpated plan page if unknown. Evidence of prior learning Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new evidence redirects to the newly created evidence Updating an evidence redirects back to where we came from, or the udpated evidence if unknown. Competencies Use \core\notification (or just redirect()) to display the message on the next page Creating a new competency redirects to the framework competencies Updating a competency redirects back to where we came from, or the list of framework competencies if unknown Competency frameworks Updating a framework redirects back to where we came from, or the udpated framework if unknown. Double check if the rest seems OK, but it should have been taken care of in 141.summary: Improve navigation flow in competencies pages description: Editing competency Breadcrumb should be: Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks Framework name (link to framework competencies) > Competency name (no link) > "Edit taxonomy" Heading should be name of the competency Sub heading should be "Edit taxonomy" Cancel button should go back where we came from Adding competency Breadcrumb should be: Dashboard Site administration Competencies Competency Frameworks Framework name (link to framework competencies) > "Add taxonomy" Heading should be name of the framework Sub heading should be "Add taxonomy" Cancel button should go back where we came from 142.summary: All forms should at least have one fieldset description: Some forms do not declare the first fieldset, they should. E.g. (editing a plan) noformat // This is missing: $mform->addElement(header, generalhdr, get_string(general)); noformat 143.summary: Add parenthesis around ID number in framework list description: In /admin/tool/lp/competencyframeworks.php?pagecontextid=X Add parenthesis around the ID number. (UX review) 144.summary: Mark that scale/scaleconfiguration are required fields description: In the forms, the scale/scaleconfig should display a to indicate that it is a required field. Perhaps more work can be done to the whole scale configuration at a later stage (). Also add an asterisk in the scale configuration dialogue to indicate that a default, and a proficient value needs to be set. (UX review) 145.summary: Rename "related competencies" to "cross-referenced competencies" description: As the summary says. (UX review) 146.summary: Add consistency to "Add ..." buttons description: The buttons to add an object to a page: - In the list of frameworks - In the list of templates - In the list of plans - In the list of evidence - ... Should be placed on the top right rather than the bottom right. Perhaps later (in another issue) we can improve it further by introducing some sort of a standard "header" which contains buttons, etc... (UX review) 147.summary: Improvement to the button to add competencies to template description: The button position should be consistent with the rest (top right) The button should read "Add competency to learning plan template" (UX review) 148.summary: Any rating/suggesting happening in a course should be saved in user_competency_course description: Weve started saving the suggestion from the courses, but we should also save the rating. If a teacher rates a competency from a course they are effectively giving that rating for the course itself too. 149.summary: Add a statistics report to the course (competencies) description: Show the percentage completed, Top X users Bottom X users Top X competencies Bottom X competencies 150.summary: Forms section should not be collapsable at times description: Disable collapsibility of forms with only one section. And the ones with two sections when they are relatively small all opened by default. "Remove the accordian arrow from next to the _General_ heading" (sic). (UX review) 151.summary: Competency picker for templates should look in parent contexts description: The competency picker used to add competencies to templates should display the frameworks present in the category, and any of the parent contexts. At the moment it only looks in the current category and its children. 152.summary: Rename the word Context to Category description: There are multiple occurrences of the word Context related to frameworks/templates in CBE, mainly to indicate in which context the framework/template was saved. In this issue we should: Rename Context to Category Change the name of the context to the sole name of the category, e.g. without Category: prefix. Using the word _Category_ will make the wording consistent with cohorts. (UX review) 153.summary: Rename "Learning plans" to "Learning plan templates" in navigation description: Ensure that this applies to both: - site administration - category administration 154.summary: Show a progress bar with complete for each of a users learning plans. description: Very quick summary of complete. 155.summary: Migrate portions of tool_lp to competency subsystem description: As stated on . quote With regard to the split from the tool to a subsystem, our thinking is: events -> lib database tables & capabilities & message & all other db stuff -> lib competencies APIs & persistent & exporters -> subsystem name of your choice (no need to move persistent to dml nor exporters out of the subsystem, they can be moved in future releases) styles, classes/output & classes/form classes can be in the tool with amd & templates web services -> subsystem name of your choice Backup & restore -> backup/ behat tests better in the tool, but unit tests testing cbe apis would make more sense in the subsystem (or nearest to the classes they are testing) about settings.php, for what we have seen both existing settings affect the way the api works, not the UI (the tool to render this api stuff) so they should live in mdl_config quote
Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic.
project: Moodle summary: Timeline block improvements for 4.0 description: Collection of bug fixes and UX improvements to meet the requirements of the timeline block improvements project for Moodle 4.0. The main aim of this project is to make the information in the timeline block clearer, behaviours more consistent, and address risks to students because of inconsistent/incorrect information being displayed.
1.summary: Write project specification document for the timeline block project description: Write the project specification document for the Moodle 4.0 timeline block improvements project. Once completed, add some high level info and screenshots from the spec doc onto the wiki, similar to how this is done (without some of the lower level/implementation details, so hopefully the content wont need to change much during the course of the project): 2.summary: Update timeline block dropdowns to display current selection description: Instead of the timeline block having the clock and filter sort icons, we should replace these with the actual value selected in each of the dropdowns so the current selection is clear at a glance. The options within these dropdowns is not being changed. The placement of the dropdowns also needs adjusting, so they are together as per the prototype. Screenshot of Figma prototype, with relevant section indicated: !timeline-dropdown-prototype.png|thumbnail! 3.summary: Improve the layout and usability of the items in the timeline block description: In order to improve the user experience in the timeline block, there are some changes we can make to increase readability and usability of the information and actions provided: In date view, dates should be shown bold/strong. In course view, dates should not be bold, but course names should be. The course name should not be a hyperlink to the course anymore, because it adds to the complexity/how busy the block is, course itself isnt the focus of the block, and there are other easy ways for students to access it elsewhere in the dashboard. Dates containing an overdue item should always have an "overdue" red pill next to the date. Times should be moved from the right of the block to the left (_before_ the activity icon). Call to action should be moved from a link below the details, to a button to the right (text strings unchanged). -Instead of the whole description linking to the activity, only the name of the activity should be linked so the information is easier to digest. For example, instead of "color:0747a6Online text assignment is duecolor", it would become "color:0747a6Online text assignmentcolor is due".- This requires a large enough amount of work that it will be separated out onto its own issue and handled separately. There should be a horizontal separator below each activitys row in the list. In the course view, there should also be a horizontal separator below the activity name. Move the existing "More courses" button to be left aligned instead of centred. In the "small" block view, the action button should wrap below (into the same position of the call to action in the current implementation). Also check for any changes required to behat testing, for example the links moving to buttons. Below are prototype screenshots with the relevant items above labelled: Dates view !timeline-dates-view-prototype.png|thumbnail! Courses view !timeline-courses-view-prototype.png|thumbnail! Note: There are some other new features shown in the screenshots, however only those listed should be completed in this issue. The others are either part of other issues/projects, or unconfirmed features at this stage. The following are items identified as still requiring some user testing (and/or were discussed after the above design was completed), and are out of scope for this issue. Any applicable after user testing will be raised separately: Listing the activity type and any other changes to layout/contents of the event text (including separating the activity name from action, as mentioned previously). Handling/truncating long activity names. Potentially removing separate call to action (button or link). Final placement of the teacher "counter" (eg how many to be marked), such as to a badge/pill. 4.summary: Add text search to the timeline block description: To help filter content in the timeline block in a meaningful and flexible way, we need to add a search box to the top of the timeline block, as outlined in red here: !timeline-search-prototype.png|thumbnail! For the base implementation, the search should include the following content relating to the events in the timeline block: Course name. Activity name. Activity type (eg quiz). Key implementation notes/requirements: Utilise and update existing timeline block web services (core_calendar_get_action_events_by_courses and core_calendar_get_action_events_by_timesort) and any other relevant services/methods to fetch and repopulate the timeline block consistent with the data they already provide, but applying the search term before returning the results. See for ideas/any reusable content, as it implements a similar feature for course searching (rather than activity), and there may be some overlap. Implement the backend method(s) to perform the search on the relevant events. Ensure the fetching applies usual checks to ensure only those events intended for the user are returned. The other filters/layout options applied in the block should be maintained when the web service returns the results, as should pagination/results size. Investigate whether an caching is applied and/or additional caching is required. The course overview version () does have some caching. The reason for implementing a backend search instead of just frontend searching the visible text in the block, is that the content fed to the block is paginated, and it will be more useful for students to be able to search and filter content from their whole timeline (within the filtered constraints), not just the visible content which might be as little as 5 items in a long total list. 5.summary: Change the display of the event names of the items on the timeline block description: Currently, we use the calendar event name of the items in the calendar block. Having the whole event name in a link is a bit hard to read. In order to further improve the readability of timeline block items, we need to update the layout as follows: The link of the timeline block item should only contain the activity name (eg "Organic Chemistry Lab Report"). The item description will be displayed on the line below via a generic string depending on the event type and activity, in the following format for dates view: code code For example, an item relating to an assignment being due in the "Chemistry 101" course, would be shown as: codeChemistry 101 Assignment is duecode This will look similar to the following (replacing the colon shown in the prototype with the space and dot described above): !prototype.png|thumbnail! In courses view, the second line does not need to include the course name, so will use the following format: code code The courses view will look as follows: !timeline-courses-view-.png|thumbnail! In both views, the second line (course/event info) should be truncated (with ellipses) when it is too long, with a tooltip or similar showing the whole contents of that line when hovered over. 6.summary: Replace timeline block pagination with "show more" lazy loading description: Currently in the courses view of the timeline block, there are left/right arrows to paginate between events within each course, which can be confusing, because there can be other courses shown below the arrows. To make this more intuitive to navigate, we are going to replace the pagination functionality with a single button to allow "lazy loading" of additional activity events into the existing list, below the content that is already loaded. Functional requirements In courses view, the arrows for switching between pages under a course will be removed, and replaced by a "Show more activities" button. In the dates view, both the arrows and the "show x" dropdown will be removed and replaced by the "Show more activities" button. Instead of the user choosing how many results to load in dates view (which is removed in 2 above), dates view should load 5 items initially, and with each press of "Show more activities", it should load an additional 10 results (if there are that many available). In courses view, the button should also load an additional 10, and the default amount loaded initially can stay as it is currently set. The "Show more activities" button should be left aligned, be a _button-secondary,_ use _btn-sm_ (so its similar size to the call to action buttons) and have padding such as "pt-1 pb-2", so that in courses view, the button is closer to the course listing it relates to, and has more whitespace before the next course heading. For consistency with the new button, the existing "More courses" button should be updated to read "Show more courses". To help differentiate the more courses button from the new activities button, and to help separate it from the course specific information, we should change it to be button-primary (instead of secondary) and also update the classes so it is centred in the block. Here are some mockups demonstrating the above requirements: !showmore-buttons.png|thumbnail! !showmore-activities-button-spacing.png|thumbnail! 7.summary: Improve displaying of overdue items in the timeline block description: Currently, the timeline blocks handling of overdue items only factors in past dates (it ignores items that have expired "today"), and lists it once per date. To improve visibility and reduce ambiguity/ thinking required to process that information in the timeline block, we should update this so that each overdue item shows the "overdue pill" next to the activity name of all activities which are currently overdue. This should apply to any overdue activity, including those due "earlier today". Originally, we were planning to continue to show "per date" (except for items that have expired "today"), but with the increased cognitive load for users and development complexity, it was decided that we should keep this simple and simply list the status next to all relevant activities. Dates view example: !MDL-72594overdue-dates-view.jpg|thumbnail! Courses view example: !MDL-72594overdue-course-view.jpg|thumbnail! 8.summary: Ensure sufficient padding between timeline block times and activity icons description: Once the new activity icons () and the timeline block UI updates () have landed, we need to ensure there is sufficient padding either side of the icons when displayed in the timeline block, so the times along the left side of the block are not positioned too close to the icons. With the current implementation with older style icons, it appears the space is insufficient, but we need to wait for the new icons to be inserted to check if that problem persists (and if so, update to more closely resemble the spacing shown in the prototype). 9.summary: Reduce footprint of courses with no events in timeline courses view description: Currently, we show the standard centered image and "No upcoming activities due" text in the timeline block courses view if a course contains no events for the current filtering, which takes up a lot of unnecessary vertical space. Its also centered while the rest of the courses containing events will be left aligned, so that also does not make sense in this context (compared to when the entire block is empty, where centered makes more sense). In this issue, we should remove the relevant image where the "no upcoming activities due" is displayed below a specific course in the courses view, and also left align the text. This should make it more consistent and compact, which will improve the user experience and understanding. The existing text can also be improved, as it mentions things being "due", which is not appropriate for all activities, and "upcoming" does not make sense where filtering could include events in the past (All and Overdue). For this reason, and for consistency with our generic fallback text for events in this block, it has been decided to use "No activities require action". Before: !-no-events-before.png|thumbnail! After: !-no-events-after-newstring.png|thumbnail! 10.summary: Only display courses in the timeline block if they contain events description: Currently in the timeline block, when you are in courses view it loads all courses, even if some do not contain any items (they show "No activities require action"). We need to update this, so that instead of showing that message, we do not show those courses at all, ie we only included courses in that view if they have any events matching the current parameters (time period, search parameters). !-to-remove.png|thumbnail!
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides an epic with this format: "project": "Name of the project" "summary": "Summary of the epic user story" "description": "Description of the epic user story". Write a response that appropriately completes the request.### Instruction: Break this epic user story into smaller tasks to help the developers understand the epic better, you can divide this epic into as much as you want depending on the complexity of the epic. ### Input: project: Moodle summary: Timeline block improvements for 4.0 description: Collection of bug fixes and UX improvements to meet the requirements of the timeline block improvements project for Moodle 4.0. The main aim of this project is to make the information in the timeline block clearer, behaviours more consistent, and address risks to students because of inconsistent/incorrect information being displayed. ### Response: 1.summary: Write project specification document for the timeline block project description: Write the project specification document for the Moodle 4.0 timeline block improvements project. Once completed, add some high level info and screenshots from the spec doc onto the wiki, similar to how this is done (without some of the lower level/implementation details, so hopefully the content wont need to change much during the course of the project): 2.summary: Update timeline block dropdowns to display current selection description: Instead of the timeline block having the clock and filter sort icons, we should replace these with the actual value selected in each of the dropdowns so the current selection is clear at a glance. The options within these dropdowns is not being changed. The placement of the dropdowns also needs adjusting, so they are together as per the prototype. Screenshot of Figma prototype, with relevant section indicated: !timeline-dropdown-prototype.png|thumbnail! 3.summary: Improve the layout and usability of the items in the timeline block description: In order to improve the user experience in the timeline block, there are some changes we can make to increase readability and usability of the information and actions provided: In date view, dates should be shown bold/strong. In course view, dates should not be bold, but course names should be. The course name should not be a hyperlink to the course anymore, because it adds to the complexity/how busy the block is, course itself isnt the focus of the block, and there are other easy ways for students to access it elsewhere in the dashboard. Dates containing an overdue item should always have an "overdue" red pill next to the date. Times should be moved from the right of the block to the left (_before_ the activity icon). Call to action should be moved from a link below the details, to a button to the right (text strings unchanged). -Instead of the whole description linking to the activity, only the name of the activity should be linked so the information is easier to digest. For example, instead of "color:0747a6Online text assignment is duecolor", it would become "color:0747a6Online text assignmentcolor is due".- This requires a large enough amount of work that it will be separated out onto its own issue and handled separately. There should be a horizontal separator below each activitys row in the list. In the course view, there should also be a horizontal separator below the activity name. Move the existing "More courses" button to be left aligned instead of centred. In the "small" block view, the action button should wrap below (into the same position of the call to action in the current implementation). Also check for any changes required to behat testing, for example the links moving to buttons. Below are prototype screenshots with the relevant items above labelled: Dates view !timeline-dates-view-prototype.png|thumbnail! Courses view !timeline-courses-view-prototype.png|thumbnail! Note: There are some other new features shown in the screenshots, however only those listed should be completed in this issue. The others are either part of other issues/projects, or unconfirmed features at this stage. The following are items identified as still requiring some user testing (and/or were discussed after the above design was completed), and are out of scope for this issue. Any applicable after user testing will be raised separately: Listing the activity type and any other changes to layout/contents of the event text (including separating the activity name from action, as mentioned previously). Handling/truncating long activity names. Potentially removing separate call to action (button or link). Final placement of the teacher "counter" (eg how many to be marked), such as to a badge/pill. 4.summary: Add text search to the timeline block description: To help filter content in the timeline block in a meaningful and flexible way, we need to add a search box to the top of the timeline block, as outlined in red here: !timeline-search-prototype.png|thumbnail! For the base implementation, the search should include the following content relating to the events in the timeline block: Course name. Activity name. Activity type (eg quiz). Key implementation notes/requirements: Utilise and update existing timeline block web services (core_calendar_get_action_events_by_courses and core_calendar_get_action_events_by_timesort) and any other relevant services/methods to fetch and repopulate the timeline block consistent with the data they already provide, but applying the search term before returning the results. See for ideas/any reusable content, as it implements a similar feature for course searching (rather than activity), and there may be some overlap. Implement the backend method(s) to perform the search on the relevant events. Ensure the fetching applies usual checks to ensure only those events intended for the user are returned. The other filters/layout options applied in the block should be maintained when the web service returns the results, as should pagination/results size. Investigate whether an caching is applied and/or additional caching is required. The course overview version () does have some caching. The reason for implementing a backend search instead of just frontend searching the visible text in the block, is that the content fed to the block is paginated, and it will be more useful for students to be able to search and filter content from their whole timeline (within the filtered constraints), not just the visible content which might be as little as 5 items in a long total list. 5.summary: Change the display of the event names of the items on the timeline block description: Currently, we use the calendar event name of the items in the calendar block. Having the whole event name in a link is a bit hard to read. In order to further improve the readability of timeline block items, we need to update the layout as follows: The link of the timeline block item should only contain the activity name (eg "Organic Chemistry Lab Report"). The item description will be displayed on the line below via a generic string depending on the event type and activity, in the following format for dates view: code code For example, an item relating to an assignment being due in the "Chemistry 101" course, would be shown as: codeChemistry 101 Assignment is duecode This will look similar to the following (replacing the colon shown in the prototype with the space and dot described above): !prototype.png|thumbnail! In courses view, the second line does not need to include the course name, so will use the following format: code code The courses view will look as follows: !timeline-courses-view-.png|thumbnail! In both views, the second line (course/event info) should be truncated (with ellipses) when it is too long, with a tooltip or similar showing the whole contents of that line when hovered over. 6.summary: Replace timeline block pagination with "show more" lazy loading description: Currently in the courses view of the timeline block, there are left/right arrows to paginate between events within each course, which can be confusing, because there can be other courses shown below the arrows. To make this more intuitive to navigate, we are going to replace the pagination functionality with a single button to allow "lazy loading" of additional activity events into the existing list, below the content that is already loaded. Functional requirements In courses view, the arrows for switching between pages under a course will be removed, and replaced by a "Show more activities" button. In the dates view, both the arrows and the "show x" dropdown will be removed and replaced by the "Show more activities" button. Instead of the user choosing how many results to load in dates view (which is removed in 2 above), dates view should load 5 items initially, and with each press of "Show more activities", it should load an additional 10 results (if there are that many available). In courses view, the button should also load an additional 10, and the default amount loaded initially can stay as it is currently set. The "Show more activities" button should be left aligned, be a _button-secondary,_ use _btn-sm_ (so its similar size to the call to action buttons) and have padding such as "pt-1 pb-2", so that in courses view, the button is closer to the course listing it relates to, and has more whitespace before the next course heading. For consistency with the new button, the existing "More courses" button should be updated to read "Show more courses". To help differentiate the more courses button from the new activities button, and to help separate it from the course specific information, we should change it to be button-primary (instead of secondary) and also update the classes so it is centred in the block. Here are some mockups demonstrating the above requirements: !showmore-buttons.png|thumbnail! !showmore-activities-button-spacing.png|thumbnail! 7.summary: Improve displaying of overdue items in the timeline block description: Currently, the timeline blocks handling of overdue items only factors in past dates (it ignores items that have expired "today"), and lists it once per date. To improve visibility and reduce ambiguity/ thinking required to process that information in the timeline block, we should update this so that each overdue item shows the "overdue pill" next to the activity name of all activities which are currently overdue. This should apply to any overdue activity, including those due "earlier today". Originally, we were planning to continue to show "per date" (except for items that have expired "today"), but with the increased cognitive load for users and development complexity, it was decided that we should keep this simple and simply list the status next to all relevant activities. Dates view example: !MDL-72594overdue-dates-view.jpg|thumbnail! Courses view example: !MDL-72594overdue-course-view.jpg|thumbnail! 8.summary: Ensure sufficient padding between timeline block times and activity icons description: Once the new activity icons () and the timeline block UI updates () have landed, we need to ensure there is sufficient padding either side of the icons when displayed in the timeline block, so the times along the left side of the block are not positioned too close to the icons. With the current implementation with older style icons, it appears the space is insufficient, but we need to wait for the new icons to be inserted to check if that problem persists (and if so, update to more closely resemble the spacing shown in the prototype). 9.summary: Reduce footprint of courses with no events in timeline courses view description: Currently, we show the standard centered image and "No upcoming activities due" text in the timeline block courses view if a course contains no events for the current filtering, which takes up a lot of unnecessary vertical space. Its also centered while the rest of the courses containing events will be left aligned, so that also does not make sense in this context (compared to when the entire block is empty, where centered makes more sense). In this issue, we should remove the relevant image where the "no upcoming activities due" is displayed below a specific course in the courses view, and also left align the text. This should make it more consistent and compact, which will improve the user experience and understanding. The existing text can also be improved, as it mentions things being "due", which is not appropriate for all activities, and "upcoming" does not make sense where filtering could include events in the past (All and Overdue). For this reason, and for consistency with our generic fallback text for events in this block, it has been decided to use "No activities require action". Before: !-no-events-before.png|thumbnail! After: !-no-events-after-newstring.png|thumbnail! 10.summary: Only display courses in the timeline block if they contain events description: Currently in the timeline block, when you are in courses view it loads all courses, even if some do not contain any items (they show "No activities require action"). We need to update this, so that instead of showing that message, we do not show those courses at all, ie we only included courses in that view if they have any events matching the current parameters (time period, search parameters). !-to-remove.png|thumbnail!