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Collect images from danbooru website.

Post id range: 6019085 - 1019085

About 4M+ images.

All images with the shortest edge greater than 768 are scaled to the shortest edge equal to 768.

Some images not download in the range:

  • need gold account
  • removed
  • over 25000000 pixels
  • has one of ['furry', "realistic", "3d", "1940s_(style)","1950s_(style)","1960s_(style)","1970s_(style)","1980s_(style)","1990s_(style)","retro_artstyle","screentones","pixel_art","magazine_scan","scan"] tag.
Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on animelover/danbooru2022

Space using animelover/danbooru2022 1