Unnamed: 0
10 values
1 value
What was even more amazing
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Clearly she was speaking of all black people and not being specific to Holder or Booker as they look nothing alike
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
They are rooted in bigotry toward a belief about what Muslims are stereotyped to believe
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Evil Doings Of Israel
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
she will cruise to victory
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The Evil Doings Of Israel
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Israel has hypnotized the world
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the evil doings of Israel
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
She is a hijabwearing devout Muslim and Islamic Jewhatred is in the Quran
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
but this is the way the Democrat leadership and the Democrat base thinksThey want candidates like Ilhan OmarAnd they know theyll win because this is their base today
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Neither the Democrat leadership nor the Democrat base cares that she married her brotherShe is a Muslim and a leftist so she can further their identity politicsThats all that matters to them
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the Left hates America
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
its just a reaction to the evil deeds of the US and Israel
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
If you like down with dogs youre going to get fleas
black and white fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
paralleled Jews with termites
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
I absolutely unqualifiedly denounce and reject the views of Louis Farrakhan
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
his views and mine were absolutely incompatible
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
to pull an Obama
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Youre a failure if you cant keep a man
black and white fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Murder and lying comes easy for white people
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
absolutely unqualifiedly denounce and reject
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
have been overwhelmingly elected
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
unfortunately in reality neither one is worth celebrating
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
no country not one
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
is even more hateful than Tlaib
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
she doubled down and attacked
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
You are a hateful sad man I pray to Allah you get the help you need and find happiness
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
There is much much worse about Omar
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Forthrightly proAmerica proIsrael candidates would stand little to no chance in either of their districtsAnd that is indicative of a much larger problem
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
triumphs of Americas diversity
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
For me US aid should be leverageI will be using my position in Congress so that no country not one should be able to get aid from the US when they still promote that kind of injustice
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a hateful sad man
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
they are normalizing and enabling Nazis by supporting Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
just how evil and awful
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Sorry Hillary we dont think they look anything alikeOr did you mean all black people
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
As The American Mirrors Kyle Olsen concludes so eloquently Hillary Clinton appears to benefit from her progressive privilege it is the only thing that protects her from getting the Roseanne treatment and not being dismissed in disgrace
appeal to authority fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Death to America America Is The Great Satan
Slongs fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Victory Will Be Yours
Slongs fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
America has never been a democracy
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Satan seeks to divide Muslims
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a part of the crazy crazy crazies
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a Fed up cracker state
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a crazy crazy Democrat
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
You whip em up
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
What we found in the Gillum campaign was just what we found in Missouri Tennessee and Arizona a candidate lying to the voters he needs to win the election
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Omar Smith who says he went to college with Gillum reveals Gillum cannot fulfill his campaign promises even if he wanted to
appeal to authority fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Whip up the poor into a frenzy
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
whip lower income individuals into a frenzy
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
whip them up into a frenzy
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Gillum Makes Promises He Cant Keep
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
You have to whip them up into a frenzy in order for them to vote
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Gillum campaign makes promises it knows it cant keep
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
reveals Gillum cannot fulfill his campaign promises even if he wanted to
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
When asked how Gillum would fund all the programs he says he wants to fund Smith says Gillum cant
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Smith explains that most of Gillums campaign promises could never be implemented
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
So lets go back to Mr Gillums platform rightRaise the corporate tax in Florida from 7 to 11 percentThat will never happenRaise teachers pay to 50000 that will never happenGive me another positionMedicare for all that will never happen
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Whip up the poor into a frenzy in order for them to vote
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Gillums fairy tale platform
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
You whip em upThe poor the middle incomeYou have to whip them up into a frenzy in order for them to vote
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
needs to appeal to white guilt
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
You have to appeal to white guilt
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
you are way out of left field
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
We dont do we have to let the voters know what the agenda is ahead of timeWe cant We cannot You alienate everybody
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Gillum had to campaign on values he does not really believe
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
left not left of center
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
But I dont think he can say it just because hes trying to get the moderates and the guntoting people in North Florida
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The rules in Florida are fed up
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
if Gillum is elected none of the things outlined in his platform would happenHe says that thats not for voters to know
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Not for voters to know programs wont happen
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
walltowall coverage in the media eviscerating Gilllum
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
if Gillum is elected none of the things outlined in his platform would happen
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a fed up ass state
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Also the Left killed comedyThis is what its corpse looks like
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the Left killed comedy
Slongs fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Comrades these jokes you have been listening to are thought crimes
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Im sure Patel felt very like accepted
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence