appledora's picture
  - cc-by-4.0
  - en
  - common_sense
  - parsed
pretty_name: Conceptnet5En

Dataset Description

This is a subset of the conceptnet5 dataset. I merely parsed and extracted out my required portion and uploaded here, since processing the huge complete dataset is complicated for many users. Please refer to the original authors' repo for a complete version.

ConceptNet is a multilingual knowledge base, representing words and
phrases that people use and the common-sense relationships between
them. The knowledge in ConceptNet is collected from a variety of
resources, including crowd-sourced resources (such as Wiktionary and
Open Mind Common Sense), games with a purpose (such as Verbosity and, and expert-created resources (such as WordNet and JMDict).

You can browse what ConceptNet knows at

In this subset, I have extracted the relations (37) explicitly within the English language. You can check out the sample dataset to get an idea about these relations, as well as visit the official conceptnet wiki for a comprehensive understanding.

There are 3409965 relationships in this dataset. I have parsed the original assertions dataset to nine columns.

- 'uri' : The complete conceptnet uri for the relationship.  e.g., /a/[/r/Antonym/,/c/en/able/,/c/en/cane/]
- 'rel' : The type of binary relationship. e.g: r/Antonym
- 'start' : the first argument URI in the binary relationship. e.g., /c/en/able
- 'end' : the second argument URI in the binary relationship. e.g., /c/en/cane
- 'meta' :  a string that includes json data that has the dataset name, license type (mostly cc-4.0), contributor, etc. e.g., : {"dataset": "/d/verbosity", "license": "cc:by/4.0", "sources": [{"contributor": "/s/resource/verbosity"}], "surfaceEnd": "cane", "surfaceStart": "able", "surfaceText": "[[able]] is the opposite of [[cane]]", "weight": 0.299}
- 'dataset' : dataset info parsed from the `meta` column. e.g: /d/verbosity
- 'source' : contains contributor information, curation process etc. parsed from the `meta` column. e.g: [{'contributor': '/s/resource/wiktionary/en', 'process': '/s/process/wikiparsec/2'}]
- 'concept1' : first parsed concept. e.g: able
- 'concept2' : second parsed concept e.g: cain

Citation Information

Robyn Speer, Joshua Chin, and Catherine Havasi. 2017. "ConceptNet 5.5: An Open Multilingual Graph of General Knowledge." In proceedings of AAAI 31.