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Does anyone have a reason not to short this? Their products are widely despised, they have about -300M tangible equity at a 9B market cap, and GAAP P/E of around 350. They're up on earnings to $170 from $135 at Friday's close. I want to call shenanigans.
Anyone care to share their opinions? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5X2MyaTBkM2FDUHVISDA3RmJ5TXB4THM0VzRsS19fSjRYTGRjYko5SDlxdFlscjdSX1Jjc3p0RHZLLVpHdUhQMGNocnZ0NFZmeGVTTTlHaGo5UnVGM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwQ0JXWHBqdkdIVHIzMVdXSTVvMHZET3lFMGR3WktPZ1FPYldxYVk0c09uRU5HbEtrdWNmeHp3VWlSdXU1ZHhsQTI1emZodmtYUGh1MmdnWVlfR3AxVGJOVS1qOXE2cGZSSE5qbVRhck9CZTdwRG83bjRZVmRNb3pvUEIzN0RwbzJxakJpWGdyV2hoNnlUd2p2QlFMSXNaQkhsTlZ2Vi1zWDI4bmY2cjRleklrWWppd0NJb3ZNUzZ2emx6WlJPN0UyV1VEOWtxdGRFaVdPTVl1d3lQNTJ5Zz09 | 199 |
It seems all the Hype on Rocket Lab has died a death, just as things begin to shape up. I know a lot of people on here were bullish around 12 months ago, yet a lot has changed in the landscape since then.
The CEO of $RKLB Peter Beck recently stated in an interview that.
1. He expects 50% of Rocket Lab launches to contain their own payloads.
2. He’s focused on providing “services IN space”.
According to Quilty Report Starlink is expected to revenue $6.6b this year and to post its first FCF quarter.
Then ASTS comes along with news regarding the AT&T deal for their "direct to mobile service", a company with practically no revenue and one that still relies on launch vehicle providers such as $RKLB.
So what do we think happens when Rocket Lab announce plans of their own broadband constellation. Essentially de-risking the investment by bringing in recurring revenue and consistent FCF. (Whilst this is just my theory, I’m pretty sure that’s where he’s heading). If this is the case then Rocket Lab suddenly becomes investable for a LOT more funds and given how many people are short I can expect a big move.
Not to mention that Rocket Lab considers itself "They keys to space" for good reason, they have the income, know how and the launch vehicles themselves to move quickly on this opportunity.
We’ve already seen what $ASTS did. In my opinion we get a PR soon and it will seem so obvious after the fact. It feels as though the longs from a few years back may regret not keeping onto of their positions. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5bzBzbm90aVB0RTEwZTc4cWVZTGJ0SE5RT0JnWVR2bnJVY3huaDV4eldQX21tREtJOWxwaXRLbGt1MmdPb2FHRGJ1dkJ3ZFNEY2RBdnItTklBUmx4ZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVzdScDZtUzczSnZFMTVZNGl3aEVJclM4MFA1VDlKd2hwYmVsY3dNY1JoTkE2SVJmV0lhbTM5MG1fYXhtemFsX0E1SGZDNkxuWkM2TDJwMDlJXzB3M29MUWl3QnJTV2NKZ1cxQVNOVEVndEl5U0pZWXRYcVpvXzg5Y0ZNWnM1OXRGMzZTRmYzRzFyYUFTSnEzc1ViUnpaQWdZTWdnZE1MRXVUZHNnNnVYcHpOcDVMWXdJMC1vaVZ3bFpMZU5JdEhQVXVnYW5SdVNXTXdyZzhzemtzUUJuUT09 | 200 |
I've been thinking about this and I think that their next earnings report won't be that great of a beat and that they will rely on a split to keep up the stock's momentum.
[https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/05/20/history-says-an-nvidia-stock-split-announcement/](https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/05/20/history-says-an-nvidia-stock-split-announcement/) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5bktBekFEOXh3QmVGVWFjT0ZZVC1iUTNzOFdQREx0NmRQUHNDMlpuNDVIWWNGck44WWhKM3BtNWw3R1lrUVRrcDZUbXhBY2s1akZBZmZuSzJBYXM3RHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwYmZUamU4bGZUb3gxMkJ2Yjh0dFQ0SUxnYmF2TXM2T2p0dWFNWjJ0UGxIbjRrZDRYdUg0ZVYwWTNMOHJzeHV1RzNOSDJuZkx0RVRvZm0zQmdTcTViUzRWeHNZcW5Mcm8zN1BudGwxcUdZQzduaVAtelNwaW5WZnVNSDBHdUt0b0JmUXlJQ0NuUVpUOFhoNEZBcXFVeFJMMGE3X0FsN2tXRF9sQko4UG5sRDJaVm9UeDlwTTVLeEhNdGoycFhMYXo4 | 203 |
I am eyeballing Jun 2025 call option on $XLY for 195$ strike for 10.45 per contract.
The ETF has a previous ATH of 211 and change currently sitting at 177. That’s a 16% discount from the high.
The stock has moved from 147-185 in the past 52 weeks. I believe the 27 dollar move is quite achievable especially with TSLA making up a big portion (14%) of the ETF which is due for a run in the next year rolling out it’s robo-taxi network and higher projected sales.
What I’m worried about is AMZN being at ATH and being 23% of the ETF which could pull back. I’m also worried about the current rate environment as we don’t have clear guidance moving forward. I do think we’ll get guidance and good or bad it will be quickly priced in and the market will continue higher after.
P.S I will sell the option of the stock moves below 169$ and will sell for a 4x or once I’ve held for 75% of the duration of the option exportation.
Thank you! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5RHlHcnQySmRxVmZ0WEpvcm5PYUZYQnptNXZWVjNiR3ZEVTYtT180c0RYOVFLbFk2VWRYZE5sWlFTRmJ6cU9OY2lzYVc5OGo0dEhYZlhWOTdlWWtSNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwRlNRbTNiZ3JJWjRDY1hLX1pBMTJsREtfYTBCRUZmR2xIRnBiMUZhUjhhR2YtdU9LN1dDLUhzMjdGZEZCQ0xKd19vMTF3VHFWZWxPQUhDVTJzR2dlejhhR3Z6UnpfdGM0WmlFOWx6bmhiUm1xaWtJT0Nyck9uQjRXLVAzbERKbGZjdnEwVWNFMVdlUUwtZVdfRWJJMDNKSnlPV1lQQkxpQXZzajEzYjBQc1pjPQ== | 204 |
Many macro factors such as one of the lowest housing turnovers and lack of interest rate cuts and high debt contribute to holding this back
“Home Depot has more exposure to the professional channel, being 50% of sales. Lowes is only about 25% of sales. The pro market historically remains more resilient compared to DIY. People are pulling back on DIY”
I’m in home improvement sales and can see the lower sales across the whole industry in the professional space but also a decrease in DIY projects makes sense also as most people already finished those during pandemic times.
There’s historically the lowest turnover in home sales also indicating a lesser demand in home improvements.
Home Depot already reported last week and missed revenue and they are the leader in the space. People only go to Lowe’s when it’s not available at Home Depot generally speaking.
Would love to hear your thoughts on PUTS going into earnings. I’m holding four puts through earnings of $LOW strike price $230 at 5/31 expiry
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5QWd3WXBjb1pNSXZSN3hZS3JERUVRZE5CXzI2Qi1MSDh5MWNOZEF1UG40YVZoNFNWU1Vvb1Bzc1k1UlRzWEtjbnFET0xGUzBRcmtMdGI4SWRqWkJJU1dRTGpRNUh4YTV2b1ZtT3J2UTd0VHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdFJWMDI0UzNQWkMwN2tub2FCaWxkYVJmUmMwWlV4cWY0TUlYT0JrSDNEZG5KWV8tM1o5N3ltQ1kzUVZtbjVjWm9zN1lXLWdWYVFOU0ZvMUQwVUN0NkdQbzIxSzBqVlpVRlVVd0YtTFNsVHhqdExNQW90Rlh5VWt4RUg4Y1pHZXc3elgyaFFvVXAzTkFLVVl2ZVVYYm1vc0g0Q3ZndUl5X3FEMm51NW1kbVBXbGI1UVJSaXRCN3MtYWZVNm5yOFk0 | 205 |
The inverse WSB remains undefeated 😎 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5WnB6d0tqM2JZV1hEUUJUQ3BEUTduSkNFTFBsdTlPdWtGVEZqZFhvN2NQaVduY1E5bUswbmRhTm5OdWFNM3JycklzaGpVUFQySGxQQTNxWkdPWEJhZmlqenMtSnJiNTM0UzIwUDV2V3JRaG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwNDg1bDljbUU1ckItMU1hSXhKUU5TM0h0ZG9ZVEhEOTVUVUlMdmtvQ2JOWXN6R1VPb2YtLW1RYVg2bHQ3YUpkYUllckFGVmNqcUh5SU5tUGh5UC1oc3pKN1JWRjhuZnZ2U3dBMXJGbGh5SEhlTkN3MFRjdU5pZXJRVTk1M2pGUldrbFpsc1lHTVpIcEhHTE5qdm5lQkVWRFg4Y00ydS1ia3pubGkyQVZjd2NvWTczemRuYmlsXzJpTWVBWTkzczBoSXVkM25rSUZUczR6Q3pkc3JQTGhyQT09 | 207 |
I’m sure you have all seen the reports but if you haven’t, I will keep this brief.
1.) There are multiple short selling firms shorting globe life and alleging massive fraud in the business (ex: Fuzzy Panda and Viceroy)
2.) Warren Buffett completely dumped his position months before the allegations
3.) GL is currently being investigated by the DOJ and SEC regarding customer abuses and insurance fraud
4.) the entire business model is unsustainable, as it is an MLM that requires you to recruit people to make more money.
5.) there are kids under 25 (some with felonies) claiming to make multiple six figures, driving exotic cars and living lavish lifestyles.
Based on the above this smells of bullshit more than a cattle farm.
Full Disclosure: I have a small short position on GL and this is my second time shorting it.
EDIT: here are some sources:
https://fuzzypandaresearch.com/category/globelife/ | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5djF2UE5TNDE3RFdaLXZ6M252QWd4dXdYWTVfLUJyS1BzQ3B3QXpxajVGdGFfQzR2RkRTeWY5YlpQY0RwZlctSVE5MmtwLS14dHNuZ3Q5c0dNZzhDbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwR0ZONm1LbDEyZk52bnhGWDJkZl9Bald6dER2amQ2bHBscUd0MjI3ZDZrQThWNkx1MUh5R3o5V3dtblA1bk1xMTJVRlVOWkVXVE1fUjJ0cjVIY3Y0R0owdjdsWmcwaTFHcFhUdm5Pc1VVUEM5dXBVOUdGYkFrd2xGcDRUMk1OVF9nQTlTb19GaUhVbmtqbF9tb0JxWXJWNXhPQlZZUGt6ZEQ2Y3ZwWHNqeVZjRGhzTkhseDZvaUtEc2R3SnpxVVNt | 209 |
You can clearly see when I discovered options, blew my account, took a break and then hopped back in.
The recent volatility is all from bitcoin | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VmEydEhQVGUxNVdLc3NWbDZzQThGTURwdllzdXY4VkRwTndRU3dwMjZKWndaMGpoXzIyUk9YZzJtOTdJQWxZZ2V6VW43MDJlQTloVl9mUHVySG1FMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwX05rVC1PdFA2aldPMm1RVFM3WWJ3NUM5SHRkNW1zejNhRjNPTjBSSnlGU3phV3BaQWtCWV9nLWt3cWZLWkdxclRZdFNST002WERqLXI2UHVJVWhFbnJOZ3gzQXNTOG1pdzNYa3pSbkl6bEoxZTJ3SnNvS09pOG1rbkVtNEVOaEFDVjdwakgxd1hoYnZUOVRvc1ZnTE8taVFxZWxycnBRblVHc2ZYN01haGNfeUY0LUlMQkFUbURlT1RZMERxMHh0 | 210 |
It's good enough to screenshot, but I'm not selling. My personal price target is somewhere above $100/share by 2030. 🚀🚀🚀🚀 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5RjdDMUVVQ3lqTG5Nejc5YlZjMzVLVUNTRklwWVJvaTdtZ2VyWDhoZF95Q2F2RDBfZ0dNOS1Fd3dQTlVSZE9MRjZ3cnF5RUFoa1I3b0R4WUxFSG50VkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwQm1RQUlBQUV2ZFpsZ3hicXlTS3o1bVdRYUQ2QUVZbzMzdXp2elFpRXRvVS1iWEJkcENxS0szSklpVk1RYnRnVEs2YV9SclltRXVVUE91bFZ4R3NISE5HdU1IS0hRU2ZHUlBxUUM0el9vZTVDb0d0S3hEbngweG4tSC1nZ1l1ZVEyaTRCUUZQTVBVXzFiVi16aE93NjN0QUNfeWhsZUV3SWtRSTlpeUs3dEdjPQ== | 211 |
Alright, fellow degenerates, it's time to talk about why NVDA might just take a nosedive this earnings season. Grab your tendies and buckle up, 'cause we're diving into the bearish case for this chip giant. 🐻
**1. Valuation is Through the Roof 🚀🔫**
Let's face it, NVDA has been on a moon mission lately. The stock is trading at sky-high multiples that make even the most optimistic bulls sweat. With a P/E ratio over 75, we're looking at a company that's priced for perfection. Any hiccup in their earnings report could send this overvalued rocket crashing back to earth.
**2. AI Hype Bubble Ready to Burst 🤖💥**
Yeah, yeah, AI is the future and NVDA is leading the charge with their GPUs. But here's the thing: the hype train might be running out of steam. We've seen this story before with other tech darlings. If NVDA doesn't deliver mind-blowing growth in their AI market, expect a massive reality check. Remember, hype can only carry a stock so far before fundamentals need to catch up.
**3. Competition Heating Up 🔥🔥**
NVDA isn't the only player in the game anymore. AMD is snapping at their heels with competitive products, and let's not forget about Intel trying to make a comeback. Increased competition means NVDA's market share could take a hit, leading to slower growth and tighter margins. Wall Street won't be kind if NVDA's dominance starts to wane.
**4. Supply Chain Woes Continue 🚢🛑**
Global supply chain issues are still a thing, folks. NVDA has managed to navigate these waters better than most, but they're not immune. Any disruption or increase in costs could squeeze their margins. Plus, with the semiconductor shortage showing no signs of easing up, there's a real risk that NVDA's production and delivery timelines could be impacted.
**5. Macro Environment is a Wild Card 🎢📉**
We're living in uncertain times. Inflation, interest rates, geopolitical tensions – you name it. All these macro factors could weigh on NVDA's performance. Higher interest rates, for example, could hit tech stocks hard as investors rotate into safer, income-generating assets. If the broader market takes a hit, you can bet NVDA will feel the pain too.
**6. Insider Selling 🤑👋**
Always follow the money, my dudes. Recently, we've seen significant insider selling at NVDA. While insiders sell for many reasons, it doesn't exactly scream confidence when top execs are cashing out at these levels. It could be a sign that they think the stock is peaking.
**Conclusion: Risky Business 🚀🔫**
To wrap it up, NVDA is facing a perfect storm of high valuation, competition, supply chain issues, and macroeconomic uncertainties. This earnings season could be a rude awakening for those who think NVDA can only go up. Stay cautious, my fellow apes, and remember: bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered. 🐂🐻🐷
**TL;DR: NVDA's valuation is sky-high, AI hype might fizzle, competition is fierce, supply chain issues persist, macro environment is unstable, and insiders are selling. Be cautious before earnings.**
*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Do your own research and don't bet the farm on any one stock. 🐒💸*
[One word: YOLO](https://preview.redd.it/5dxxfvzfnm1d1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=e299359a255dd4db23a20d69cebd4bcf15066522) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5Tng0R1BpTGpqMmp5SzRjRjJuQzlxVnJRU1dacXE1Y0tzdExoRkI3S0dPczIyeW1uUUFvdW5fdnVkS0lCYjJsNGdybkFjTjliaHRWdWVRTkVobGVHTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwS0Y3TjFWYkI1TkJUdWNCNmhNUVU5VHJUOHF6V0xOWUJFZm1WQnJueU9QaG5FaV9iVHZjdWNSU2lOVnljNk0yXzduWG1YZkhrM3I3M3BTYjNkUzFkX0x3bU4wLUZXMXBYN25mUHJobEhNWFF5SVZadC10TkJNd3ZzbWtnOG43d1VRUWxfYmJtZzJCR1lBT19saWR1eVE0ZXJtamVuUnhjNnB5bWdZNWpvX2dFcGJBMU9jS01XWUROaF9BR3lwSVJCaEpUZmZHdGNxZ1F2bFlCNFl5SDRmUT09 | 212 |
Intel already has over 20 billions invested in Israel and is going to put 25 billions more into Israel. That is like 1/3 of the Intel's valuation. It would be really bad for Intel if something were to happen to Intel's fab in Israel.
Even if the war doesn't expend, let's just say one random rocket landed on the fab, that is going to pause production for a while. If the fab got hit, everyone gotta evacuate as the fab managers have to make sure the damage isn't just superficial. If the damage is worse, then those expensive ASML machines are just gone.
I'm thinking the stock market would panic at the news of Intel fab pausing production or losing the fabs.
Intel investments in Israel: [https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/corporate-responsibility/intel-in-israel.html](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/corporate-responsibility/intel-in-israel.html) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VWJmRVJJRGFvNU1EcW9YLTgxMWVoSlFsWXdqbDdkNllveTZ6MFNqbDNCV1NFQXNuX0lyREM3VmtidXVPNVU1NDR5Wjd6RTc1c2hPOWREY1h5NFdab2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVjBQckxTS0Z1b1NlcFF3VzZza3pzSElqcjlxNnowVklyQzVqNVhsSXFhdHJSU05zeHdPNkdSbzcxZGNaNFdsYmdKWFp2ejhBcXdXVG5zd3gtaC11endURXVFdjJuWkJoTDBIc3VSUkFfTENhQVRET0pMQVpuSm5OcHVqZ2YwcXpxS0VvM2c4SkJtak9xRFlxMVJWQUV4bGNacEkwOEd1dFlNY05EQnVySXFmajhZZGNSaGJfOFVmMlZQdDRHTnVaSkVvdEJNS0NMNUlKeGpmM1U4V18yQT09 | 215 |
FMC Corporation (FMC) produces and sells all 3 main types of agricultural pesticides: insecticides, herbicides and fungicides.
In early 2022, FMC traded sharply higher as the war in Ukraine began. It was up 24% in 3 months as the rest of the market declined. At this time, governments & farmers all over the world were concerned about disruption to the supply of grain and agricultural chemicals. So, they began to stockpile essential agricultural pesticides.
Commodity prices, including corn & soybeans, were also up sharply in early 2022. So purchasers were willing to pay much higher prices for pesticides to ensure high yields.
Since then, however, the stock has gotten crushed. It's off 60% from its ATH. And down 40% in the past 1 year alone. The primary reason for the decline is the large stockpiles that were created in 2022.
In 2023, instead of purchasing pesticides, farmers all over the world used significant quantities from existing stockpiles (destocking).
Total revenue in 2023 was down 31% year on year. With revenue in North America down 48%!
The first signs that destocking is coming to an end have begun to emerge. During their most recent earnings call, FMC announced expected 2024 revenue to increase 6% YOY. The stock went up 9% on this news. But it's still at a deep discount when compared to pre-2022 levels (down around 40%).
Also, what may be getting overlooked is that 2023 weather conditions in North America were incredibly unfavorable for pesticide sellers. And 2024 conditions are shaping up to be favorable and possibly exceptional.
Unusually wet weather means more total applications of all 3 main types of agricultural pesticides: insecticides, herbicides & fungicides. Heavy or more frequent rain can wash away pesticides, requiring farmers to repeat applications. Also, wet conditions are ideal for the rapid growth of weeds, fungus and insect pests.
So unusually dry weather means the opposite: a lower number of total pesticide applications required.
And 2023 was extremely dry! In June 2023, more than 90% of the Midwest had abnormally dry conditions. And in July 2023, more than 25% of the entire Midwest was experiencing severe drought conditions. https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/DmData/DataTables.aspx..
If 2024 is average or wetter than normal, total North American pesticide use will increase dramatically year over year. Currently, 70% of the Midwest has normal or wet conditions.
There's evidence that 2024 La Niña conditions will bring wet conditions to the Midwest. I don't really want to get into that though because it's too speculative.
Also, late winter 2024 in the Midwest was incredibly mild. The average high for the month of February in Cedar Rapids, Iowa was 50 degrees. This is 18 degrees higher than normal.
Why is this important? Extreme cold kills certain fungi and insect pests every winter in the Midwest. These pests can still be a problem, however. Winds from the south blow fungal spores and moths (that lay armyworm & earworm eggs) to the Midwest normally in early spring.
The difference this year is that these pests may have had a full extra month to get established in much of the Midwest due to mild weather.
So now we have 3 factors to drive pesticide demand higher in 2024:
1. Signs that the worldwide destocking of pesticides is coming to an end.
2. The change from extremely dry to normal or wet growing conditions in the Midwest.
3. A mild late winter in the Midwest that could allow pests more time to get established and thrive.
I don't know why on Earth this stock has a P/E of only 6.6. But I'm in for $15,000 worth of shares and I plan to hold until around earnings July 31st. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5QnZ5YkxvNlBjNVBMWWFEb3Q4QnNjQWtOLVhsSGdiUTlDVkh4ZWQ1YUJiaUUyTVhyZlg4QmNWUzVQbEp2WC1PekZwQm40TWlYWTI4NUl0NEtCNVVXaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwQnh0N0dtdDZvbVNMdXJPUDVIN2VyeXZvY0JWQlcyVjFPLWpYQVVzQk1WRFdTN3VsU0FWcWRZVzU3LWtKWVpaV3U3YTE5N1RrWWR0NTAtcjBJT2IzbWZKX0hwVG5MenRWb1YxQnZpUEpkamxVajdYRXplYTV6clotQXFRRXFvYUFCdnFKWmJDaE1UOHNxdkVmSU5Zc0kyQUR4R1BmLUVmc0VRWUp5NV9qc0Z5dmUyTUV4eGxESk1SamgtdlRwUXF2VkF1YWpvYTgxMHJZczE2Z3ZhdExVZz09 | 216 |
[View Post](https://new.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/post-viewer/1cwous5) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5NGZyeU1NM2FHYTJPWllHYWQ0T0ExZ185dUxFSEZId012b1g4dGlLS0ZYZnFXYmZhSE5lZDN4WkdUU3BxS3RocUxnTTBYakQ3U0Nmbk5lRnd6TTB6Nmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdzZJTkd6TF9sS0I3WDJQNV9VNVVsTEFkal9OczBmZ2NtOUJyczNHOEJuWmdlcGRzbEFlaGJoQVBLVkx0SlEzWmlJQWtXeE4tUGk3Z3ZkMnhDTlYyQWhfTlJZRW9TWFlUYkxnNHJKaDd4OXpyWDYyRGJuS2UzalV1YUhoem5ubUswNjZQWUVqUC1yUjlMV2F1b01LZGZ0MmlYeG9RUmNSX1MwUEh3THM0VTVTbkdlX0sxbElRaXE3MWE4bTVNcGs2YnROcFE1U3Vzc1lCeEpULUxEbGZhZz09 | 219 |
r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5Uk5uLWVtTnhGcTVtZWN5ZGExZ2JKZmRHTlZNSHB6R0h4Wl9DVGV4RGl5T3Nfb2pfZDliaXFDbkJkT18xVGR2WVdqZTY2ZW5EQ251X1Q5by1KalFtclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdC1OcjhQT05WM1JpVU90Wnp3QmpCekh4R3pkOGZxVnVtbFpPeGdueUtLTnBmcjNiZkpteDBnbzFzT1ZqTnBPMEZWZ3psSEFXM1piUE1sTlBWbEFkcHZyMnNLMnVkcFpGRnVVRUc0emVSUE9OS1puMktPZHppWXp3cm80dDVZck10cGpQc2N3b1FkMVNXa0c5eHo4U2I4WUpieXlGMWduNWtYS2M1c1pUUWRMRU0tVGRvRWJ3STRUVVpLalhkdVhWWmJ5VkR5cElaYko2UXlpT2xfcmFsdz09 | 221 |
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5V2hrQk5Cd3kyNi1JRlhPLTNNd0Zmc3d3NW43cHJTWHNrR1AwXzJVUk1zamxKcE9ZQXhnODc2dk1JNXNyZXF3SVdOdUZHcUY4LVg0dzZsX0p4ZTl3NkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwb2JvUk9WWnRBU2VoOGxualdRckk2VnN0VHNaT2RKVE0zUGk4c0RSb05PMVBLVVNtdjJfZktwaDc1ODEzQ0lnMFZEUmRzUWVYLU4zenVvRTM4X1lUVjFfM2hzNHNLcThqT1ppS3J6c1poekhUV0MzUlNCc1RTNDdzTmNzcnkxNzdteDM3bXZtd1VWcmFXVUFiTnRxeXp3PT0= | 222 |
So a lot of people liked the HIMS jump this week due to an early announcement of the weight loss injections. Here are my thoughts and my opinions on HIMS, as a European.
HIMS are in what I believe to be a very high demand market and they have the publicity and advertising to back themselves up. They deliver dick pills for Erectile dysfunction and sell viagra at what I read as being $120 a use. As a European and student of Biomedicine I know that this turnover rate is crazy.
Erectile dysfunction has been recorded at an all time high in recent years due to developing porn addictions. Therapists and Doctors can back this up. I’m going to be investing £50 every week into hims across the next year and possibly the next few.
Weight loss tablets are also in high demand they are in demand for those suffering from PCOS and suffer from weight gain or inability to lose weight as symptoms of their pcos. Its one thing to feel upset that you kay find difficulties getting pregnant but then its another thing to feel insecure because of weight gain you cant control. Young men trying to become as shredded as the influencers they see plastered over their feeds.
Discreet delivery and online prescriptions makes HIMS a appealing vendor to those with insecurities.
TLDR: Dick might not go up but stock sure will. ED is at an all time high and soon my ISA will be.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5akV4UUFQOHdzY0JWY2MyckNLc1VxdWpNWUtILXIyQllHNUJnelprY2twWW9wNkN2Znc3eWVCZzZBam90bENENlVVS2tEWXp0dzJOaHhZb0Nibk91Z0VibXVXelczeGZlUmNhTk1HMS1ROFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwTHdsbUw1eF83UFlvTmg2TVBvNDZ0eDVyVHJRMUVQWWNyQnhoYXdhQ0hHYUFZVW1Wa2Y1ZnlTR1luZmdCdzYzRHRqUXVoU0J0Rk5ibGhVM21IWUxXUDdSWEducEtZWmx5OWxia0lObkx0QXRpR2tKZW9qdHZuakpMZlRNSngtZFFCcXhaX296dW1YRjlRQ2pqQ1BIbFNWdTlIWURNc2JNeE93Rm9hbDBVNHZJV3Vla25JRGllUlNGM3FNNVNiVjBu | 223 |
I’m expecting a continuation tomorrow. If we can pass 17.50 then we sailing
Also a gap to be filled in 40’s (Leaps) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5cS1mdFRzTkM1UnBQOXZpcVNrZWYyQ1BoT0FHQlRLTmptVm02bm1DbHVjQ1hPRUlMUDZHU2cyRjA0YjRnQ1VSal9GN1BXM1JJUC1kNG5Uc1J5cG1idDFRdE9YaEtWMDhRYnZoU0sxeWJRSXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwS1VycWxpZWF3ZmxVeUcxbmFSR25QcDluRDAyVTc4QnZqMkpIZ0RoT1M1VU43Wl9jd0N3VXNuV0lmR3daem1uZnhDMTVtdnlIamRxdGRwNnh1QkZIZ2tiaEd3LW0zU2dKSWJKd0FXRVpWR29jX2NTdDR4VTRJUTZ5Nzg2Q00yYVNhM1lTVkpCNllfdV9abHIzZGJwTWptSGNYaTcxa0tVRU9JNXA2dEdrTTNnMERZcWRJY0lteGtxdktMRE5Zaldy | 225 |
Have another 150 of those calls in the old rothy | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5dTRHNnVGNUEzMUZiTjgxX3RpaUhEWGNlcF9ZSnA5LVNMOHlydVNKeV9SeFBFb0I2UVlQTUlqWTRESlNrRVhLb0VmSTVlTFZlVWdSZHdQWERxTWpRX2Y5MWlCMHE2UloxTnlqaEk2UVF3QWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwbHhvNEJ5Yk5FMy15V3FVZEpNRDNJXzZtdmQtaUdKbVZVdERxdlhEZnpJajNJLXdQdVFVU2I5UzFfSG5wN0hCVE4yX0pfc3FHdHdlU2wxX2tmV3l1LTdseHhGamRDX19BMHE4a2R1bHdzdUY3MjVzRFNmZ3l6dnhwLThNdVRZVWFRZ1BaQnI3dzlVZXctTVJFSlFNQy1uYnMwZndDQjFDTExCbXdiZnplbmp5RVN5UGM2S1VXVWtMQkp1aS1CRS0z | 226 |
Hello fellow WSB enjoyers, I interrupt your usual programming to write this about a hidden gem stonk from the Beaver State: Dutch Bros (BROS).
Dutch Bros is an Oregon-based company where they set up these [little huts ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Bros._Coffee#/media/File:DB_GPDowntownstore.png)and sell both coffee and sugary drinks that Americans are addicted to. There is very little real estate needed, no bathroom, and you best believe the products have a high markup.
Despite expanding rapidly (literally opening 45 stores in like 14 states) Dutch Bros had positive income last quarter, and everything from same-store sales to revenue is way up YoY. This is impressive, as opening new stores in new places could potentially raise revenue while lowering same-store sales because of the legwork it takes to advertise a new brand, but they are managing to profit, increase same-store sales, and enter new markets all at once.
Reading the bear case I found a few points people are making against investing in Dutch Bros. Here's why they're all wrong.
Ability to continue expanding: Dutch Bros has plans to open 4000 more stores in the coming years, and they have 800+ open today. I think that this is not only reasonable but they could honestly open even more stores long term. I'm from Oregon, and not only does my little town of 10k have a Dutch Bros but where I currently live, Eugene Oregon, *has 12 stores in a city of 200k*. We have Starbucks (though one of them was just vandalized) as well as small coffee shops, but Dutch Bros still manages to operate 12 stores in a 200k city that mostly consists of broke college kids. I highly doubt they will be able to operate at the same stores per capita in most other areas, but even managing a fraction of this would allow them to open thousands more.
Branding: The article I read raised questions about the moat (or ability to prevent opponents from entering the industry) as well as their ability to raise the brand's profile. While I am a WSV regard and not an expert I think that Dutch Bros is in a position to easily create a strong brand. Not only is Dutch Bros seen as a cool young person brand, they already have a number of aesthetic designs that they sell on products. I couldn't find any on the official store website (wtf guys you're dropping the ball here), but my friend used to work at Dutch Bros and would come over with everything from coffee mugs to shirts (a quick google search will show you some). I am a soft drink fiend and so I haven't been to Dutch Bros in a while, but I'l pretty sure you can buy these in stores.
The Dutch Bros Logo is straight up good-looking, their drinks have lots of pretty colors, and their drive through is an efficient and cost effective model. Dutch Bros is already a brand with a cult-following in the PNW, and there's no reason this won't be the case across the country.
I'll end with two more bullish points:
The first is that people are boycotting Starbucks because for Palestine. To be blunt this probably isn't going to stop because it's unclear how Starbucks is really helping Israel in the first place. An article I found from the University of Texas said Starbucks revenues decreased 20k and the other coffee shop had a 25k increase because of this, and if this happens across the country Dutch Bros will get more business, not to mention the loyal customers they may get when the people who start going to Dutch Bros keep going there by force of habit.
The second is that Dutch Bros has a lot of markets it can expand into. [https://www.dutchbros.com/locations-](https://www.dutchbros.com/locations-) This won't load for me right now but when I looked at it a couple of days ago I saw that DB is still absent from a lot of huge markets. The fact that they can operate without these markets and are still making a profit and rapidly increasing their revenue means that as they start moving into LA and the NorthEast states they'll have room to grow. \\
TLDR: Dutch Bros could be for coffee what Nike is for sports apparel. They are expanding rapidly and making money while doing so.
This is not investment advice, invest at your own risk.
Positions: 125 shares though I sold a covered call before earnings. I'm planning to add to my position as time goes on. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VmoydE44VlY0QTVVQ0ZuRGxQTEdhNUhfWlBIWmZfSkZhX2Q0VjVIWnRUSTRGYng2Vkk1NVJaUUhEektCZHV4SlZyZ0d3V1VCR21mRzZKSXM5UTBwd3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwR1RxNWlwbXA1T3hnS1FmRVdlUWhRaEkxM3BkVmkyWHR6Tng0LTFrU09yd21mc2JsZFhQM00wdGdoM1BxSzBQUjQyekYtZHMwUjB0aWVULW93SUhwQ3dHbkJXTlFWazhYYVY5dm1Eb1VLTjJtbDhiYmljcy1CZEdQZnI2U1hFdUpNNVpWUTJvU3VOSTNXeFl5clg1ZTF4X1JEejQtVEpqdmtyX0hndkxER3E3ZlNvS18tN1lXU0wtd1NXSVNoNDIw | 227 |
Wondering what earnings is going to bring in. Either way, it's going to be interesting
https://preview.redd.it/eofpdiv3ao1d1.png?width=3466&format=png&auto=webp&s=4067e2b9558271f30e9b0cf47b755792148874c0 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZmtRanpxdTFualdhS3M1OWxOdHFrYl9URVBuV0VWTjludXk5U0o5S1U2RUw5ZGNHZlhwdTd5YVhzN2Ftc0cydmtCTndhVVQxRXIyR18yN050U3p4WFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwaGpNUFZicWNGSVpVeEVHYnVlZjgzWlZRdFhMTWRfSFlKajVKbE1Eb3BySUFSdFp1ODJHRmVucWtsYTFtLUtwQ2FlVUtQUTZobF9ON3dhVUY3NjJNcENWNFNHbmc3ZC1sVUNGRnVuZW1ZSXJISEF3T0lKNUZRdk5JSGxpUk95UTFCeDh6ZEN2OGNXQWRfeEo0d0VpYjd0cmc4aDAzS290V2JQemN1VFg2RjhKam91dXlOeGItYWlRbFBwQkFSMHp1LThUMlA3ZUItSWxjdWZsM3Q1Y0hqZz09 | 234 |
[Saudi Arabia´s biggest ever plane order is placed with Airbus.](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/20/business/saudi-arabia-airline-airbus-biggest-order/index.html)
[In completely unrelated news, Saudi Arabia´s king has suddenly fallen ill...](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/20/middleeast/saudi-king-salman-lung-treatment-intl/index.html)
Get well soon, your majesty. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5RWxUWEFMMHpiajdybkgyZmRaVlA4bnk0UUVNQTNEVjF3WkJWZXZONmhNNGFtZzI4U3BqSWVSSFVRNnpXam44UDJrcEZqOUQ5dm9Mc1pCOGdsVHVwbEFRUmJkQVZNSEsxTUxCeDFqUE5rd0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdmw5M25hbHBOT3VoM29NRUZkUGQ5RkFfMlRfOHFRM3BRSVNsR0ZTNGVIdjJROWRkOWFlcTh2Ti13Z1FPY182VWVXcy0wcC05MzZVZEJCc05KLXpIR09jcGxqUHU5T19PYmVYNGpQdHlrd24weXJGMGpZU0JqcVR6VmlTUnZPemZ4bDB3UFR4eXVNVVpleGNBUi1hUkgzSnJmLWw3a3hLVzJ1MVR0Z1RZdDJaUkV2UnZGMG5YTjVhQkZyWUVUQS03YkdnbUYwd1M0QWNlZGVKZUNTcWkxUT09 | 237 |
NVDA's earnings call 22nd May, '24 is the most consequential event till end of June for the US equities.
I believe by the time of this post, bets have been cast: Calls & Puts, hedge funds have fed buy or sell parameters in their algorithms and analysts are looking for last minute cues to adjust their post earnings price target.
But this earnings call may turn out to be little different:
Market appears to be working on following assumptions:
1) NVDA will beat revenue & EPS expectations
2) Bullish to positive future guidance
This is why there is a lack of any meaningful pullback pre earnings as was in Feb, '24.
Call option sellers are actively delta hedging. Even if some fund managers and investors are trimming positions: it is not even making a dent.
As of 20th May, stock is at 97.5% of its ATH. Unlike in Feb, '24 when there was a 7% healthy pull back which made it attractive for investors to step in.
NVDA shall rise but in a more muted fashion than previously.
My prediction:
1) ATM Call Shorts shall cut out a sorry figure in the post earning
2) Significantly OTM Call Longs shall lose their premiums
3) Long Puts shall lose their shirts too
How to make a quick buck:
1) Buy ATM Calls with 3 weeks expiry
2) Sell significantly OTM Calls [>1050$] & OTM Put [<875$] weeklies [Edit: please consider credit spread if you are uncomfortable with naked shorts in Options. Manage your risk judiciously]. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5emN1aGh6dFgyYVpQbFNmcFhDS2MzMFdiNEVibEw2R3c2a05ZMFFOdjl6c1UzZ0I1UzdJaEE4N0hlSkR1T0R6SF9nVHFNemF1VWppNG1zSzdBaTFNZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwamRMdVFzNWFCYndlWGJ3N0k0TVdlc0VnbXh6RTZSanZQNGFRU0UxMnFUMERKSGlOSzNVQzlteUZTY29LNjZaRHpRRi1JNDVYVGFCVTZvZldlbmJrblRCczZYYTZKUUYzODRNeGJJN1I4SWo5TnZHTXlyOURXNTZZRlFNc2hva0lrZmppb0JGNzU5TC1wMTVqeDhGM3k4eWpNWlAtcmRwMmZGdjlkd2Z1Z2RfRnhPc0RMZXZ1Sm5zZGlZUHNnR3MyTkRYUWtFcTNJTlRzUWZPNUhadjIxQT09 | 240 |
Went full port into AAPL two weeks ago and made $3k -> Full port TSLA puts -2k -> full port Hood calls day before earnings -1k -> spy puts -4k -> amzn and goog calls -1k -> more spy puts -4k -> big debt | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5UW1GNTdDdDl1N2tUWGFfVVdma284aU5XREU0RGJxYmMzbzFzcl9oUE9MaTg5MHV0NU9CYUJWZW83bkhkV1RkNTVpUjBBQ0hpN3BPeUJleldxWnZjZjgxdjVYTDdmeWptWEt0WDJoUk9WVEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwMTJnNG5ZWFh2cmFHRC1sVEQ3d1JMcUR4VnpjNXptbF9LZDZLR245MzE3VGI0TklsM2tfbnBDVXBfRVRhWjZVdTM0cTVwZTJORXFxQkpLWVdyODNEUGc2MkFDbDNQampVUElyRW5PNHg4SjBBMEU4aWlBSTNwUjN2ODl1cmtUczBxVnhvb2NoM2dtejhGNTVMRkN6Y3ZNVXZxcVRXaXREU3RGallXRGRPaUpNPQ== | 241 |
T+1 for those who trade without 25k this is a huge advantage for you. For the whole market really. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5U003MzE1Qlo4N0U2RERSZzZtOHpUOF9zTDhtUi05d2NPTkNHNy1XUmxhSkxfMTdDSkRhdGNPNjdXbDVtR1Excm9ENXBDM25qencwcFp4a3Nhem9sZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwNkZWczN2MkpaUGF4LWVxaldCVFFrVTBZNC1uZzVJTjNMU3NRUnFVb1JvaFlUSjBSaXdQMm1TSHhiNURtSXNNVzd6cE5NUWJ3dlBiTnVlLXRsbGg0ZU5ZSUVPRlNmMDBaMWFiZ3ZPdElrZkxrR0FRX3dNZzFneFhBM0xIUDdyUHhKa3VySzg4dnZLOGQ3MTJ2ZlBTd2k1clVqMmZGOWN4YzQ1ZlAtcWRnbjBValY2eHF1X0sxN3RxaHpCV015Q0NZ | 244 |
The ETF, ticker **$OZEM**, is set to launch this week per [CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2024/05/20/roundhill-to-launch-active-weight-loss-etf.html) and [Roundhill](https://www.roundhillinvestments.com/etf/ozem/).
**From Roundhill** "weight loss drugs, including GLP-1 agonists, represent one of the most revolutionary advancements in the global pharmaceuticals industry"
The Roundhill GLP-1 & Weight Loss ETF (“OZEM”) is the world’s first GLP-1 ETF. OZEM pursues its investment objective by seeking to provide exposure to companies involved in the development of pharmaceutical drugs and/or supplements that can be utilized to help individuals lose weight, maintain an ideal weight, and/or maintain body composition during weight loss. OZEM is an actively-managed ETF.
Top holdings? You guessed it — Lilly and Novo Nordisk. Check out the top holdings and more here: [https://www.roundhillinvestments.com/etf/ozem/](https://www.roundhillinvestments.com/etf/ozem/) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZzBBVHZ3V0tsVFZYS1BnOTRQSXZKYlZvQzRabi1iMmNWYjBNb0VfVzBVSDB5akEwTk5US0s2X2hGQk5PeFRQb2cwb19DaEEyTW5ZSVFHRFNCNFhBVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwRndZckxuNFZoT2xBMHc0RzFiVjBycWU0aWV5b2QwaXczQTVrVjZlWXI1dmEzZDl0Rm1wNkNhM1VQSVJDcWhkVFM5STVmVGdOWmpCX3dfeU0zaVhtMW5EbWkxc2xOVXR0a3E0emp5ajFxSVp0WjFZZlJNYzBXWHVOMm1xVUJ6RS1jME4xY0g4T1FVSU9jRG9MRWU1U3RVNUFrZUpLSWFhcmhzSHhXOHFfdDVrMnVSeHlUSENSRl8xNTdjc3E1MElI | 245 |
Bought at the bottom back in 2022 knowing full well crypto ain’t going nowhere! 🚀
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5bFZ4U3RuRUpqZFhMVXkzOHNEYWFmRjdKLVZWanNaQkxDRGVNYzdnUFVPQTdzQnZWRTBmNzBGOE0xR1hhSzhWdjZUVnFEaVZoczdiQ3B5elNYMVlEU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZ2pZWWZHb01EdUUzTFNGdUE1dVhqOTVfMWJYYW1aQVdmZWFNX19qVVhoMU5KTFA0VTV1c1BIaE1tYWZmMWRSSDdXYUgxakxyQUdaZURpbWNvalJDaks2c0xrVnFQbVZGSFpGLW83S3lzdzMxYktjOFlPQ1liQV83YXc5SlR4OUluOFVaTEpLVGJ2RzIzM0EzR084d2ZESGg0eXB6RTJXQjEyd3lnRXg1a0VvPQ== | 246 |
The “call”? Okok🤑 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5R2lQMkFVYlhheC0wZ1J1Um5ucWhHX3VCWnJ6cVpKWVg5QllOSWp6cWpxcDFqMUtFRHNsZ0NveHRqVzd3ckYtMUwxbG5pai1VeW00Y3ZaNmd2ZzZ3ZVVCT0JXcTlSdVJvekItczFnamZDLTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdG5FcGtmejdQdnk5TExWV3pTd1daQ3VheWNpckJwOWV3VDliTjlLVXpiUGpJUTd1aERXd1A1Yy1IY19iRlpRTFluSkhKbDdTWlllNGpQejIxaGx5NjNxd2YzSmtmRTdJazQyUUxrWGZ4c0RPT2NvTFlIQnhmWTE3VUtnZTV4YTJhaWRqTjhJZS1DR3k5ZTFkX2ZhY2NnbzFxZUVmandOcnFVVlJob0J1WGRNaEk1OEVhYmxmSnp4cHk5UWRuVGx6X19yWlJBVjZMYXFPeHc1OEdoTWZ3UT09 | 247 |
The following presents the economic, fiscal, monetary choice we face.
TL;DR - bullish interest rate sensitive stocks QE is coming soon.
We can have a recession and the cycle can end OR they intervene with fiscal and monetary programs at the first signs of danger.
We can get inflation back below 2 percent through austerity OR the FED can act like we are trying and instead export the cost of the debt.
We can have the political courage and long term thinking to solve the problem OR politicians can focus on winning the next election via stimulus and buying votes.
We can have an honest discussion about jobless claims, wages, cost of living and the well being of US citizens OR they can scrub the data in the headlines and revise it months later so the optics of the economy is positive.
We can have an independent FED focused on price stability and max employment OR we can have a FED politically complicit with the needs of the treasury and debt monetization.
Congress can have a treasury and budget that is responsible, affordable and reduces debt OR we can increase debt borrowing more from our future to pay for today.
We could keep yields down by simply not issuing new debt auctions OR the FED cut rates and starts QE.
We can take the pain and reverse the stimulus over the past 3 years OR we can kick the can down the road and monetize that debt over time via inflation.
We could do the hard thing we should do OR we can do the easy thing like we shouldn’t but always do.
Pay it off OR cash out equity refi at a lower rate?
What do you think they will do this time?
Lower rates are coming. We might see a melt up if FED loosens “too early” and is too accommodating while treasury is still deficit spending.
What should you do?
Long financial assets especially interest rate sensitive stocks.
As an option buyer give your sell more time than you think - 60 day’s minimum. As a seller, sell put credit spreads 30-45 DTE rinse and repeat.
PS. The only way to protect purchasing power is to be invested in financial assets.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5eEV4WEUzMXIzMXJ1c2ZxY1I4bmJISlphS3h0YlJaUjdtUXpoaXRIUHpDNGQzdmRaY3BJVWNHQ2pMeXVqYm02MG93ZHg5WlpzUXF1LXpycnZaUWVDaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kweHRKem5SRVh1am55ZGs1TldDQkRTV2xZTlhMRU5LaDg1RGhUTE9zdWxuUm9vR19SbHVxcVp4TXJ3YWo0OGxKZDhqbjYtek8tTmI0aEw2UnVZWnZER3pHQURhX0dZTTJPRFl1NXJsLVVvcW1mdm1fYnE1QkJ1Vkp6elJlMGVUM1lrOEEtR3hYRXNoMU5UOXpCRFJGa3I5MkJDaEFxcVU1X3JyODF1Z0JSbkxMMThBTWNsei1vOTdDYlVYNklVWFVp | 248 |
Here's a chart that shows the change in FSD price alongside some tweets and news stories.
FSD went out of beta in October 2021, and an accident on the software was in the media the following month, in November 2021. Ross Gerber asked Elon if there had been any in January 2022, which he said there hadn't been.
I think the most frustrating thing is that the price for Hardware 3 kept on going up, and Elon kept rushing customers, saying "the prices will continue to rise", but then he pulls the rug out from under them and says that there's new hardware.
>The remaining claims, which arise out of Tesla's alleged fraud and related negligence, may go forward to the extent they are based on two alleged representations: (1) representations that Tesla vehicles have the hardware needed for full self-driving capability and, (2) representations that a Tesla car would be able to drive itself cross-country in the coming year. While the Rule 9(b) pleading requirements are less stringent here, where Tesla allegedly engaged in a systematic pattern of fraud over a long period of time, LoSavio alleges, plausibly and with sufficient detail, that he relied on these representations before buying his car.
- US District Judge Rita Lin
[Tesla must face fraud suit for claiming its cars could fully drive themselves | Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/05/tesla-must-face-fraud-suit-for-claiming-its-cars-could-fully-drive-themselves/) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5UDdJVTZsQXNhZFpIUHNOSThyUGlDck80WWlSRkJrVHRmTTJoaWpxUjREWmh5c1hrT2hudVNGSTlNWlhzcjBDelZQTGtJaWItcDF3TnBWTEtCQzFMZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZkZ5TGpsY09uMENZYTdYOHFDNkN4cnVqZWIwOVp2UTlUS0tBMkVGNDhydHlIMGwyYkZ1bDRZZGhyWC11RjU1UWhKUFltSWRaMDBSY0dhdlEtZGNJR2lVZkFYNFNod0JmZ1RsSE5Zd0VOSmFlQVlHSWhseS1BclIwZU5pUWtkRWF5LXJYQVh0REU4bWxFbll6NFB1RERSREE3UkpYZVppUjJiVjdmNDNiaE1IMk1oMTc1UzdLVTVPOWdBeVVaR3B0 | 249 |
DROP Token. Not out yet but a lot of exposure and team is connected to the big crypto people | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5R3FFcjI3VVcybDZ0b1VhRXZCOU10YWNRZ1ZPUXZEMlI1YjJfck9SY01EQ18tbGVpZTZCbHhIZmpmUGRpNDN2T2QzTW16SV9sT1V6WTZnaFhrRFRmNFRRdlJlR2tkcGFMUDBES05qVWN6TGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwaGtPcGEyT3ZCV3ZzUkc0ZlZaSGpEdkg0WHd1bTQ4WFFkMHZ6OWRnUlQ1eEE4ZGlBSTdUUFlOQ0x2UUVBTnpMeVZsV0s3bjcwYjFOeGExUUtlUm1neHpWTkl2OFMtMEN3Z01TdXNzMGhDRUMxVFJXNzRDdzd6UERvWFpnT1Nmbzc1c3hTSHpMMTYxajhYSUpTNENRM1V6bXJCRG1RVmFUMHE3UmoweWlKY3RFMmpxMlo3Z2NsRXptdU0yZ2VuMDZPZXVCOUpEZFpteXVUNmZxSFJSQnlfQT09 | 250 |
March 16 https://explorer.solana.com/block/0 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5MEpWUV9hODBDdjFOcV92SEw4aVRlUVEya3RfQmtnUmwzTy0yZ0hnQl9USTJ5bVhaTExFSGFxWEEzcHJ0Nk1sV0xJd1NwTVppVV9mWVBKTm1JUU81Y3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdzBuTUhkTEtBejR3Z1BWUjBtbk5oRWxHaVR3TElIcjN4Vlo4eTBJZTNKNkZjYW0xVkdCTEFma0VHQloyUGN2Nmg4QTRBZVpIRWZ0XzExZXp4V0k4TUdfWGV3OU5QMjhqYXJxS2JqU1Q3ZFczREh5SVc2dXBULWxFVDRsdUdUR2l0bjBDRWlZbEhOOXpUYWdDMm1IZFI4ajJndHQzS1hfcFlPQmZBYzI2ODFwa2hkdjREcnFCQmlud1dORmFoWXd2NUtRTVBuTnY0MGlnQUNUSU9NaEZudz09 | 251 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZDN4RkJuUFBGYTBuQk9IcXlPejRzdWlOUVo0YjItYkUtUjV3VE9MVnVZdUVrZ0tDLVhuLVlVbllVbGhSOHRIVFZUa1prZzg4UTMxRW8tbUtaTWxGMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwcEJZUk9rTGV3X3dxbEtiWEk0RnhCenhIWTdyRWtJMzd2Q1NzUkVnN3JGcFlvUExia3B2VzU2ZmtwYWJPczJzRU1nYS1PRGgwNVVxbHNZMjFWdURxSHZqalVsMDZvdjdRTUhLNzdEV0ZYMi11VWt0OW1WR2VOb1ZsRnRkTE1RaDJwZkNNX3pIVFJxM0llOFJPeTNEbk1wWnQ1dk9QNHBrd2dwRE12cUxTbEVTYVY2UmtPVW9pWnNyYzRQNGZsa0Y4d2YxX1BtN2ZDdFBtNVdVYXI3Wk5sQT09 | 252 |
lol speaks about investing while he buys rugs 😂 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5UERIZnJHeTlTd202d1lNUC1hc3RaNVM0ZExZTzRvWG40alZiX2x6NEVpT3RpcHVtZjBRcWpnUTdqblY2TjA5d0RzcmhZSXZDajdHR1dRQnktRV9MdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwQW02dVBUZVhwekMxQTEtUE9sNmZpVHBlUFVFTkVNN0NTMjZnLXFveDd0Uy12WVoxNVQ0aGtFeFFjSHZIR0ZUUFNxU25XWVVqdEd4N3lTWmFEenhTX05SeEFjYUkyUlgxRWR2bkdTSWY1LWZQM0hkTG1iNXV4RDFvWktsTGNBS01wYXNOenVuTk1NQW1zQlVzUFZ3YjdRMm5kX2FDWGhDdml5aFZVRk91VGstX18yQlk0YjVvX0VUeDR3WlZwSERl | 253 |
Your post has been automatically removed because your account does not meet the minimum age required to post (1 day).
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZEFqU3VvbWJDNUZWLWxDNjBBX2xDNHRESkxQNlJhTm5tX1VqV2NGMzZEMDRTQ0ZHSFh3SG5nQzJWZXJiZU8xZ0hfWXNqMl8tdVVaRWRfdEVPN3g1N0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwcFdPRjRrUks3VEhQNHhybUZOd1NVQjgwWUhxOUdkdWNmSnRoNVV5eTdOTGJpZkk0WWZnZXNWRFdSVDZUY0FIZWpEQklHWV9fcGNIYmVLZlFfUk4xTmdtQjNPVnlnc2E5ajFpajYwM3hVcS10djZ3N3hGM2pzZ01rWmI5bzBVU1NEZWE5cm5BREd3V283a2F1by1FcTZyVVAtUVItMkc2cWgtdG1GZktabzZYMU5DdEtpY0lXY09yRzRRWkU4VXFu | 254 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5Tk9BY0pxeW13eHdhT3NnREtIMWNiUnB4SU9ueVA3d0hDamhvOWdnV0VJazJiMXJTQVBVcEFmX2tuNXRJbDBBQ0hHOEhIUHRCNjVsQnFEandSWEVQSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOFdFWlViY1Badzl1aV9FS0hOdnJ4dlctX00zY3VJamJhT21MM0tSRzh1Y2FDaldkWlA1NDdicXcta2trMGNQS1A5TVJiY2JjcTZKUFVKZUt4MHZxNEV2LXJ3QlU2VkhSeHpKbFBadzRVTzFmQ3BoT1k3TF9nQ2d6OG5IR0VSNDN2Zl8wdjN0UnNCNWxPSXdxU1pmeWJLSWVNUkpjeC11VUNmaW9va3lIWjJyTXJMbnUza1VNSlZJWVIwcGFXSThPRGk0b0l2bVdpd3pLOS1OejU4NkVOQT09 | 256 |
Yeah bro, 22 year old miljonair here!
Buy my get rich course for only 99/m | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5UTNrZmRxTF9fbFhRU01ZUE1CcW4zMHVaMC1ITnMyWVQwVVJ4UjVOSHNYT3FtMXhWVzQ5eE9saDlWTDNwcWR2YnllUkFJWXoyUHdNZm9Dc1dLbkJWYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwWEJuTkpTN05XM0Y4VHdVMlo5ZXhuVngyWWY3SU1xX2s0c2toZVBKQ0RQZElvX3FDV1NwYnFxaGNnVl9RMFlxa1pPZDZVUXpLbnVNV3M1cmF2aVlvdjZjaGRZdi1OTnItZTFNb3g3TVQ2RmpQZ3c5Snc2aUp0Z1dOdVV3MzlyaWhrMF9BQ0ZZc0R3bFpiOEdUU2Nmbk0tNmdZbFQtdFNsZkdNbkt4dmdnbHVXRXRKbVI2LTA3cWFsaVNCbjBOX3ls | 257 |
May be... | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5eDZCNHg5cVRmVVJ2U1NiMjBoa3FMSFpzU2pJd3NLV2sydzNSNWVNNkZKb2ViVDI2Q2dRa201ODJrQTFoaVROX1lfYm5SMVhRN2ZZQzJiZkFLazhjTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOWZLeHlWdExNN3l4ZUYtekZQNDZoVkhNc0hVT0JERUpLZmRGelRNYWJBM2dxcTVHOEdqdC1FTVcwNnV2Z2JRSzFYQmNrdVJsSHhaT29qU1NwZ3E2akZFRXVwUVNGdGdybDlfbVdEdjJrcDlQVXdlUy1UaEsxYzkxOXBHRUc0bTQ5RWI0NlA1dzVfTjEwOFd4QTlaM05paHRPV1lZT1FlX29qVlFYR1pDcnN3RmpsN0ZFRG5maGhBVlJHeFlOelRGSUJwWG1KVXI2eHBpQTlOTVg0Z01PQT09 | 258 |
Shinobi Ninja
AI sniper bot (V3 coming out on Friday)
Validator with 30k solana staked 70k more in escrow
Staking of your $NINJA
Buy back and burns
Revenue share from bot fees
Hedgefund backed
Huge marketing campaign ready to roll out (waiting for the right time)
Don’t sleep. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5SkFKWFZnVlJUOU1TX3E5VGJCa1VxdUFqRTlpOXl4R0N1SXo2ZDV6WFVEbTFzbHU5czBvWDU4S0ItSGp1YVBRQVUwNklBUDB2TVp5bHFneTZMdmducHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwLUZkNXVmSEt1RDFlUnYyY3VQSUN4cWluYXpJamRqRzBCQ2dmMGRKQ1ZUbzJ6WE0xQUozUW1zYmJaYUdTbnpwSnB3YWQ1RTJZYnItMEV3c0xIQ3JEcGhoNGlVV2pDd2dOcGIxQ2p4Wld4Nmd5YnhYMFdMTE9qVnQtX0tmVVlPZU9oM2pIVWNLRUpUNmcyRl9SQ1BlbzRfY184WFM4d2dEeVMyZkZPYlZYVEJvdmdZemxHZ2Fkb1hRd1gyZnF3OFAyazNQWU1lclJfc1hVNWUxZlpidEk2Zz09 | 259 |
Learn. I'm trying to help you with complex subjects that take years to fully understand. I've worked in the industry since before this network was created, and am a public educator for this space. Ask me questions if you need more help. Otherwise, I'm not wasting more time. Everything was explained. If you need additional help or me to expand on something directly ask. I don't have time for your videos when you can't read the best information anyone here anytime is going to provide you.
(Try reading my history) | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5TGFzZ1BVUzRhTEs0LVB0UHBYaUlQYVVkUVNEaGlwa0J3cUd5NmlJb01qVTNCQ1FKdTdqVi1ydzMxRTBtNF9zRnZhVXFGTkJLZHhyMUFYSFpubVU5dlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwV3Z6c240QWdGNWU2NUNtSS1EcjFneUR4WVBIcnRReEtnZjJaNElWNmp4Z0xzSkpPQ0wtdmdubUtXc2JrSXNwQ0Y3YkZ1Rm1VOFFWZGZhMld4V1R3TE9MNXNjb0V4RXFGQjJfd1I3OXhHbEUyd1B1VXVTMXZGNktMQ05YV1JTSldkXzRPTDRxbk5qYzZ4MzBYNUJrTE15LWVKcjA4LVhIZUdta1FPT1hNVFYxUXJlSmJWejQtVGhlWG1scmlsZE9hY05JdDVPYWlUNmp6WnJXbU9vQm5yZz09 | 260 |
$FAM Token. Best community out there💪 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5NDJ1bnJvSG9laXpGU1NEU0FPLTFGNVFJTWNlSWQzeXdsNExTZ3B2dG9LdnI1QmNyREF4VE9JcHNnMVM3TEhxUmRsQ1U2WlVMRkExdnZZWURaN0hyV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwa2xLU0tnRGVlY1dHaWRFRWdQMmpxaXh0dHBjbDNJWFdrRHhGZ2oxUmFheWVDc2NaZUdOTGJPWmxmbHVRa0ZLMEZlVUJWR0paLWdWUlc4ZDQ1VlMzMG0tVmswSkl3bl9sZnNhS2EtVzRmT3JQQzF3WlJyZFVfOUJueHBqRkZVc09rQXZXYWRGVmdIMURHTkxYSjlCYlEwMm9WWm5qMnA0dU5GTFFzdWxFMTVoWV8xdzM1eDVtazM2MkUwQ2NIRUZPREI2V2F1eGlNb2w3MXZ6SXgwdF8yUT09 | 261 |
That’s the point of shitcoins. Remove liquidity so you can’t sell them. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZFpGVGNPS3R6YlFOZ3NMU0pLTVVDbTA4bzVSaTVTZjVVM3BvOFNwYWJueUZXTGVOYUUxbnZNTjQ1UEYtekFKOUhfVEVDTDZIdmJrbEFRQzV6YnZ5Mnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwbHVkOVFJRVo5UkxEYXhpbGR1ZzlpdG1IdER2MHRrMVpqMzRfYi1sNTR5S0swRGV4VVpuZXBsM1RSZ1lhNjYtc01IZ01NaUNocGNjdUFEX2JiUkg5WU83VXpDMmRuVWVVSU9xVHkxV2JNZzUxLW5iRWNicjd3RTR6blFRLW01LXltUVJwRnF6NzFVbnFMTGRmZ0FRendmSDI2TmhpMm1nQTk1RzlRMnVZMmJqOTRYTWNKemcyRWwtZk45YmpvOFRBQmtSbFZYdk5ndzZsZGlodHk5aE5zQT09 | 262 |
What are the token names? | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5SXdBZGFEWTF2OXNjbmk2LWt6WlNEX3F6dTJnQldyRFlxWGU5MTNxTEZRcExkVHlhT3ByWlVmQzM1SkVGaEk3bWpsVHF1ZGtOaC1tVEx1TVBkZ1dVelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOVk5Zmp3NHJSRTZ4emwxdkFJWTdZNUxYTkE0RFd2aUVocjJpdGlrRHVVNTd5cUlZRzVUaEFLT1BGV1AzaWZlT0M0aXZCdWxIMTFmRFZzcGhWZWo0dldnYnZXVjNvdU9oU0Z1NG5kUVp1MFBpZzdlTzcxVXB1czlRWHYtZkZ5NUV0dmplUlRRVjJ0Mk8yUXpYUTVuY0I5ay1vSFh0ME5VLXNrdzVqNWNraVFyUm1pUUVqaXBYejhIWjBhdWEwZ19ueE5CY0VhOWNmZEE3MHBKa1ZHakZ4Zz09 | 263 |
Do they have a send to burn wallet function? | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5dWdGbW9Gbjl3OU9NYmJUdktnQXd5MXUtN3BCX3VCN19UUVUyQk5LLUMzd3E3XzNFbmRtVHRMdGlIVTNtcVRjRl9FaGx4Q2d0TkRiY19weGhjU19BUU8yOUhXX2RQXzJKekNReE1ad0g2TGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwTVJjUWo1WXdscEt0ZTB0SFZ4YU94WWZLajhrSHRpOUJnSjRUeWx1anY2VmRmYzRZN1UzckszdEh0RjFkTXZHR3hYcG55ZkJERDBnd3FpRU4zRjdrTVVtT2VqRmdrelBvdzlIT0drcW1jeFNpcFFIR0F5NWMxaWZoRTNrelZvY29jckpzM2FlcFlXblZWMEsyRFZpWFllRmVpemdTcDYwWlhnWk0xOXp6MlBPenN3OFJkOTlaazA0SXZsTTQzc0ZTSzNiTjFsV2FxTEZMZ1p6azFHcnF6UT09 | 264 |
Your post has been automatically removed because your account does not meet the minimum age required to post (1 day).
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5Vk9GU09abkw4d2ZwUVVQT0VJQ0UyWENOUDhsVmw3ZVU4RGd2bGNaV0tjd2VpaG9BQ0lPMVJoUzJyTk1oalpkTTJIVUVsYTRtVmc1d1dEaS1OSmQzOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVy1SR3NjWlBUNlZCbko1cmRVcTRGc2JmdVZ2N1ZqeTAyTmVuOHowdmQwU0xsRG5QWGI1bzluT1pvY2JiZDFyTWFxbE5yU1ktejh4a3FDYnloX3pRZzBpVlhFdmhEa2ZFRlMxMWIzYUVwM25TTnVGOGs2VlJIRUdDU2hRclN4cnhSWkI5TEdQMlIxdGJudGF1alNiYXNPOTA2RWRlaml2cFc1NzZsSEpPT1JKWWQ3ZWxWZjhzMmtQRVJEeHR4RDJYeW95ZEFVVEQ3aUVzbUx5THpZT2Z6QT09 | 265 |
Gotta agree with that. Photon is the quickest and by far the best bot iv ever used. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZUh2M2llVUJXTE55RXZGTjFQRHJKS2oxeGdtb0h2aFA4MHpjNGN2WFJKbkJYZzA1RnFwRHlRSWNyN2k3TnE4S3RJeWpaVndVNTRVSExjQ25WcTJRWlBhdnNBZTA4eGxFMGV0SlhLcVRWMTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwNENGZk5SczlDMFgtTThCclExOC1sSm8tcGZDRVgwWk9sNXQ4RVlaOWE1OVJVQ1FfbVdsdG5MMXhpUFhUS3FRcDR3Wms5OHB5VHF1WVZCTU1FVlExd1BKWlZUd3paWUF6eDhnNFM1VzJOMENQRjY4X1NzZFVmUlpHUXk1VDZQdTFfWHptU3FjWWhCVW9UYmJKR01MdnJ2aWNFN0otWllsU0RDNVNHaGxnLW10Smc2SHJPSU8xREQ2bWVqUDNvR1dLbXBNcE04UllFdDFqcE9TZjdqSjRMUT09 | 266 |
You’re trying to get rich quick and chasing pumps, your basically current holders exit liquidity. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5UTFYdmstMHFYVGhyUUVNTUwwSFFKclJMbzYtNWVoajVhc05rUGIwRUZEeTU5RDRFRndXUGZ2WDdlZVZva0dtUjJzekNDMzVVWllFbUpsSXNFZnFhSlVkRldDLVpLa0x5bEptU2xBYlJFX0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwMDNKRmV5QjlWUUJ6WllWRVM1TlF3LUNIWmY1SzZ2S2hkZVZsUDlYNkxqUmhIZ1RSVUl3NHJ3eXRqU09BQl9uMDdmellFSlVUWDJIQXVkYmEyQ2RKWVZtUnEzaDFfU25Nb1lxc2dJOFVhMVppQXl5eDV4R3dacHQ2MEU3UGFzcng1WS1mWGdpQlN3YWx2am5NRGVSaEZBTmw4ZUJwazlIakFvZk1VVzJBUzd6X2Y1MXFkdG1WdTFST1dqdERpUUx6 | 268 |
Neon EVM | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5RkEtVDJOempaUHl2bnhwNndCZ0o4NlpIanBfM1V0aVozVjJyNldjbEZHa0c0anpUR2NYb1FyZmZMbFFEcUtCajVZT0N1Tzc5ZEFzZHl6dXlGZll2Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZmVZLUlRcHlrQ3BGX24zQmw0Mi1zTG10RklpSHVNelRyT0JfQ2ZXbzFYbEwyUm45YWM5RlVKUzJhLVd3WXpvQ0Y4eHZHWXdCM0hPUU8xT1VlaWtDZ1lOb2YwR1hnQXFqR1RQZ2hqT2xwdXQybW1mNldMdTVmQkp6SHpjRW0weEltc21KMkhEUXpmZUQzTjEzWjg0YlN0clVEX0JrRkpUM0I2TVktd290cE81UkZtMFk0TzF2cEFmZFB6Y0NmYm5vSGM0R3p2VWUxTUQ2Q1FtZTJhWEo5Zz09 | 269 |
For trading memes you should use sol rather than USDC as it’ll be a more direct route. And rather than raydium I’d probably use a telegram bot such as Trojan or if not then a browser bot like photon. Will automatically pick the best route for you and will be quicker/easier
Trojan: https://t (dot) me/solana_trojanbot?start=r-cd130291
Photon: https://photon-sol (dot) tinyastro.io/@cd1225
Alternatively try jup.ag, may be cheaper than raydium | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5RTBIWkRsaHZaWGtNbzZkT2ZzN0MycHNVRWl6NzlvU3E5S3BtMnc5N2ZjYzFjX3BvT0FtQWlIdjJrOFZVcElHTXFyMFVrZU5Gc1hYckZ4Y0pSQkN1akE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZUFERHVPeEhNdU5nZnIzUUdsZXpEem5VUVdNcEpJSTJRek1XaFN2M05vZjVsTVJTSHpjUGZLTjhPZUpYWXp5cWZaZEV0VUNETnloMmNMYl9lNmR6OGVuVHpMVV9Na1BMMWhvYnB3SHRKR0pQYWNZVUsyQ0lFS2c0NzdVelY1d2NDZWpEbVZKSExSUEdRRy1IX2JNLU53R2FQOTRaWGE4NVYxeFN6LW5TcUZLNHF5eldKcWE5bWxaOS1aWVVxQ2dz | 270 |
Tagging onto the other comment about telegram bots, Trojan is probably the most commonly used and has limit orders, will link it below.
https://t(dot) me/solana_trojanbot?start=r-cd130291 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VDJUZUc1MWxrVjFtQWNWNlFvdVlOeFdHWk9OLUpHXzFHOVY4NmZpNXpzZ1RqLXdnZU5KcExzbEhYREpmXy1IN3lGTkVXemNKak4yZHcyS3YzclRqVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwWWdhNXRKZERkV3FJUU5iTGkwV3VrTHVGMHpMTkNjYU5jbGttT3ZoM1dReFJMcXkzS2l5RGxzdlNPcS1mUmlqbmRRUEladXpWRnZvakhlaTdER1VpQ21ENWdHLU1YSmxtNUZGZTltbjBRbU5CdFVXa253UktCdnB0UjdGSDZkMVl3SVpMMjI3SE5IUkkyanVWeUJqajZEZXZsVElYbUtMMjRpUnR0MjNRd2tZPQ== | 271 |
Use a bot such as plonk to give you the edge when trading on pump, will make you way quicker than people who are manually buying/selling so you can get better entries/exits and also has some pretty good features such as selling if/when the dev sells.
https://t(dot) me/PlonkBot_bot?start=r_2f5e404ee4 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5WWUwUnMwRW5rNEZ0MWZuZTJkNnZoTEZQTDc4OVJoV1NkWnprcHFUbmFKVS1pZEtQY1JNSGd3bmpEeHRIeFFyR3RYNzJrRXptbTFpdlltQmxZbmZ2cEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwanNpRVdfZ2c3U0NOTFA1d0VvaXA3T3hxOUhpaHVkRXR3T2hYT2RqU2REM2c0QkxTbkJMdExUXzZKWDNHckEwX2EybnJfUUhPdzE3OHNleDR4LXRFaUJ6MFgtVGdBaTdTR0hyV0tleEdDX1pBNlNFRms4MWJmYlF0bWJhVWx4ZU1zTHFfeFcybktEa0ZMS29MalE3b0hCS09CbjhmMl9DUVY2Q1c5b0h6a2RUbVU5OWdrT3R2RmFsWU1VU2dxVzV5LVZhRWdaV19VaHUwcjhTY0NwYnlmUT09 | 272 |
If you do start to trade meme coins here are some of the more useful resources
Trojan: a telegram bot that basically allows you to buy/sell coins much quicker than if you were swapping on a dex or through phantom app. https://t (dot) me/solana_trojanbot?start=r-cd130291
Photon: a browser based bot with similar functions to Trojan, will be slower and lacks limit orders but has a better UI. I recommend to use both, photon generates its own wallet but if you note down the private key you can import it into Trojan and interchange between both. https://photon-sol(dot) tinyastro.io/@cd1225
Plonk: a bit more specialised, a telegram bot for a certain website called pump.fun which is where many new meme coins are made, 99% are rugs but if you do find a gem on there before it hits a dex you’re in for multiple Xs. https://t(dot) me/PlonkBot_bot?start=r_2f5e404ee4 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5a1NxTW9nMmlLMjEtb0RicEl3RHB0RXI0UW5iR3Vvdnk1LUVoMDFrWFJnaXJVXzVfOXVWZmVDNjJzTnZMZks2RTA0ejRsa1RZbmItbTFKaldpZG5SVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwQ21rUjVYb05EMDA1czlwR1gwNERaMExqcElmb18tNS1oS1Z4ZEFyZWdGMkJ0ajh2WnlMbzJ1c3F2N1l3SXBzYnp1Q1RwN3VuMzZFbXFDV1puTUxDdjlkdFQ2Mk12T0lSTHkzRFpXN1FJNW9RZ0hZTzV6VTF3RDB5Vlp6bGJiVlhHcG5PZlZfbDBPSDdBdEVUc1BTbjVsTnJJQ0ZmdmxqTjRSQ2dKZ0lhMVRJUXlmSHprQ3FyUnYxQ3R0eGZQaFhR | 273 |
Easiest way would be to use a telegram bot such as Trojan or browser bot such as photon.
Trojan will be quicker and simpler
Photon has a nicer UI
Trojan: https://t(dot) me/solana_trojanbot?start=r-cd130291
Photon: https://photon-sol(dot) tinyastro.io/@cd1225
Alternatively you can use jup.ag if you don’t wish to use a bot but that is similar vibes to manual swapping in phantom and etc | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5X0g3ZklfUEppMHNMdUdhemJhMjJQRU1oQUluNm5oRTRaMkxoX2RkUHIzTEd5M3hhN2s1emktTWl0UGJPOWRUcE9RbVRZcGtsRF9WUFo4ejVZUWJuWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOHgzTlJlSmdURDJDb2RDSTl5S1piOTVMX2c3VUJoLXFyVmRfZDBnOXNkRmhDQWFreHhQeDBEcF81ZnpjMUNpRWtNdDEtckFoalRSR1VmWWk3elpmb0FGX3RSQVRkSHVoRnhTQnFfQkVGaEZub3dxaGJBcVhBRzd5RDdrLVNxTjZSWU5EM3dDY3pjU3lNbWJIS2JwV1BFWmRZbk5LWUlodzBiQmlPX0M2ejR4TWx5T1dnbmRqTjhTaWJxRzhjSU1O | 274 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5M2EtT1dDZlJmRWduNmpyRlV5cVZlZG8xM0NNbHFxc0lfRkZwNm94Z1BSUWNjczg0Unl4bmIwcXZYYWtQT1JFQk5mZXZibTNJRzNxRlhWY3VmWFlPUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVHpNUzFjam1uWkFSUEh2UFBHc1Axa2RxMUtoc2dRX0diOGZ6LUJoTGd4dTFOUkNVMWpWUXFrTndZQUd0M2NaSm54TUFhbFFMT0JoLWdIcEltYjR6d0ZTZVVTNGpKMWhIQ05sMGJ5akM4Z3BkZndsRlRIbmtRSk1jOE5nMUtVQ0VQQTk5X3dsdDl6ekFpY3V4OFNNV2RvcGNNTkhnY3g4X3N0Skt3NXNzSjBwaHJWS3JuUS1NNnZiZTk5WmZreVlJ | 275 |
Pm | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5R05qaENPaFpqYVlxQkZSWkhmSVE4UExlQUJJRGxNb0VQMlIyMVB2eXJjVW1CaC12Z3BNRkpKMk9yYXN4bkxSSi1DX2FlWlg1RTF4a2didUZPUzc0V0RMLXZOblotbmVWZVVEb1N1WFE3bGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwTlFqYVJmZk83NDFOYmNSakZLalVxYVpyMWVFNi1TajNJcmhqb28zYlFJNzJKV0c0WEg0SENRNmltVDViRXpsR2tMU0tYMHlnOEw4LTFBSWgweUxPLUhjX2NnVEloOGUtMnNWRDc4Z1g3cE03b0E1MGxncGY1WTIxQlExbGJRX2NfZHMwY2V0NEkxbTJjdzlhRHlCNDhpRXVJeGFGcVhWQW5RYXl6am1MbFdLM1RjLUFKSDBqenk1cGNyVGpyR3d2Qnp1NGNCaDBobVRmOFBSMGNhbmZvdz09 | 276 |
You have not done an investment. You put money in a shitcoin casino without doing the necessary research. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5U1E1NkMtXzFrM2JMQkpwS2pqaU1GYjM3a1MxV092bUM1cHJkMDRNZkNfMFZXMTJLZTljajhJM3hkVzduNjdRWkV2Zk51MTVkTXEwQndPZ1NJaGQyM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kweVd2OU53YkY4dmZ4WWdRYll2MkJXd3I2VzYwSnZnY1FpZGFrNUg5ZlRoOUhBbDctNXd5cUpBbGJ6ZjRGUVNrNDNsZkFzb0dSb1Y2WV9TZ041U2lkbWVlSlV1TjZrN1dWUEgtdUZIaTltdkxHZ0xpNHhPXzBlM1JfenZrd01NdThJOC1wU0tBT2tnUmZiWEVpSUtMZkdNMXhYLXhDZDlQcXJhM250aGw1S0lMTkpfWTNTS0FrOXp0R2tBa180R0pJ | 277 |
Bro report this to Binance app before it’s too late. You Stand a chance for recovering money. Once stolen funds get to CEX scammer can be tracked | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZUh0SDg3bVM3ejZfSUhtdFVWcFFMOTFhN0Y1ZER2X25XanZHSGRFSXpyZVREWHRrYmxoSkI1aVJQQ1JBQVRZQzNzdGFicXhFZG42RS1iMVE5a1I3emc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdzNOQU5KeGRmVHZIbWlBaFVlR3gzTUpsOHFacjlGRGRSQlZhb1pBSHRqTHhWVjE4TVM1cFFQV1pvMUE5N1hQREpiUUExenZ0c21YV2tWc051YVkyb2pncnRfcnJXaW8xdm56SXBLNTlSWF9jYTNBZjM1MmVONmxabEdWazYwb3NIalJ6ejhpTy1GZVNpYWZqM3FZdVd1dXdsSTNCa0RpOVBOOWROeGlUWHhBTW1Sekg1RnhqVV94cGVXNS1LMUphaEIzOC1jbkZQNktUUjBiQ3AwMTBPZz09 | 278 |
Whales bought over 200k worth of calls yesterday, Im in. AZN is all time high and theres plenty of space to go. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5SGxjZWtzZU9yMGlfaFB6eUtkV3ZtcXBlOTc0THdfNDNMejk3ZUJfaDJoeGRnWkVNUU1OaUd0RVg3NjJwTU1uaHowX0doZFF5WnBMVWc2VUVpejJPeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwb2RBSTIxTEg2dkhNTTR1Q3NTMW9aNWZNbndZM3BQampySmxCUWx5RDZjZzJyRklhY2JuZ2tZQ2pkc213YW43dFYyTEFnWmVEdk5JVk1YbmRET0NRNktCRG8wOHNNVFJRYl9iQlV2cHpYTXRJQWdLU2FZSWRzVlhOUUZYR29Ed2R1WjRCb2FtY0NGM3JZOFp4T1Npd1ZJVW9ISTBvUmJmUjdGZ2JfVVdSdExXRWxweTZkdWlqRHNVblhKSy14THdnd25QcGNDbUxUWkpqcGdNTTlsemx0dz09 | 279 |
Welcome to the jungle | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5X0FCTWczcU5qU3Rod3BMR0N4YS05cUVXVEQydnhBVVN2bmF0cy01RHBRTTZDUWNRRUpmY1VXb0RfakpKMFlHTjdpbkRUeWlpMm56OXpzMTJrdGlUVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwWFZVc3Y3dWZ3TUxqWXRQY0FsRjU2UnB6MFprMEUzeWR0bzVGQWc4dl83WHp1Q3lqUHBKWmRSZkppcDU1akNyR1o4RDVSRHZWR0E0enhrQTlqTFI5X2tnc25NU1YtUERKNHF5bF9VMGFpVDRiYkFSc1VLdGJaUkkwdDVHSXYyTmt1QlUzTVFzYzk5RlZtMnBTaU8wZHVOeGtBZVpoeFlMSUQtaWxWYUZoTzMyMHg0VUdLQnJuSW1xNktqWFdLcEpR | 280 |
It must be Solchan the 4chan of solana | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5LXZrM3V4V0xHRVZHanBPUE9GOVM0YmM4Si16WUNDMGluNS1VWHYtRmwxY2trUW4yeEZUM2E5aG9vSHdrdUduV3QyYWs2aXd3ZmJGalV1OHByUGhNVG1USF8wZ2tBZDR5SnNNWk1PWjRxNmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwaGJ5SGMxYVdIUElBNnhfYjdlNmVNNVhaMV9qX2RVb09fNVdjSkdaMEtYakFfNDNXTERoanBfeklwQ29kdGh5MzZSWk5QYzFGTGgtQWdLUlRJZG1XTUIwSm0tU1kwN3hXYlpKWDVvQTBlbHBHNlYzd0NMR002aTVOVTFYSWZKRzE0TmVjR2tid2cxRDF0M2dKb01UaDExUzY0ZDRRUDctZFJZb0prRzJ3ejF2ak1wM3o4RjZPTTh6c0xZREtvUmRVbkRIOW81M1JrRjZETHBMLU5HYTRGQT09 | 281 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5bDFrWERGMVNvMzgxV0FXdmV1UHQ4Zl9fY0lxQi1rOGx4N28zLXVmLTZGNzkzRzRaNGpQV0NINWZMVG5GYmRpQWxnUVBlemRtVExlMTlYbXMyTldxd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwamxCMFpDZnY2Sjd1MGlKelhOck91ZEY4eEt3YXpwT3RQYm1uM09Pa3pzazdkRWxsVHduN19sNUJpSDdBd0NMb0hjeW1lb2tIRERBMG1WMFQ5QU1KVmtRbWp1ZEtoOEZTSGZWX05mQUhmNkdVS1VEcEhnelM1Z2ZFamFLc295V0xpSEtidEFUQmY1Y0lmbTcyZmhJUldVSDVSenBGQ2RLOFFieFBWRUtpYzhfa0lyMERjQ1lJYjJqbjdrMUd4Q1BPR0FfUlRxT2VlM1BjMm8zZm9LUzdCdz09 | 282 |
That comment didn’t age too well 😅🤣 yeah I am gonna say, I hate being biased being a btc maxi but the Jupiter team are doing cool stuff and doing it correctly. Not investment advice here but I’m personally involved with the project and I love its simplicity and how you can just swap tokens directly from your wallet. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5eTQ4dkEzSU53SG8ycl84Q0piOVF2N0Nod0NSSlplWlo4b0VHVVdGUUlDdXZsbEZsZ1h2cTlZWkpPdGNDQnlFTzRfX3hCSzByOTY1a0R2S1ZxWk5LNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwUWZoNDJ6cFA4SVExMU9wcDJzRnJtOTNycTA5cEZmQzNSSVFFWlp0bk5WcDVnRzFneXU2YnMtMndfYkFoOWxWZl9SbVZsYS1tRkdpQ1I1cFlBYlNLVjVtQUlMdk5fMjJYaFpaNHdRdnc1ak0yemxST2hUaDZ1S1M3c2hlS2h4TWIxQzVJbm9xZ2JPTVJGa2tNQkxxclpoX0VRNkl2Sjc0RXpYbDJmd212RUZYWFZHeEoxeWJwb25LSmFnSEJFUzFs | 283 |
Lmao watchumean? LOL | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VTh0T0N3UE5nbC1jYWlUcWFKQmR6OUdBZE9WSGtjNk5DaGUtdDhQekY4QUZaY1ZBZEFBWkFheVp1anYzbWhiWFFRWUpyVFlONVl5MHhMbFRhU01INFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZVppbkZwbk9ES0Q1ZDdkQm1kMWRZcmtBQnI4bHY3N1dMZ09QVzNpVmRwWXRUbFBGUVFPaERSYng0bDFhMU03MHJYRkp3emQwNndlYzZiNjQ0ZWtYX3NMdDg2V3J0eGxUVENHbExydFdxeW05cHlWcERSOEZLVjBzRWNUUFV5RHJBNW0yZ0hRQllFay1Wcm5maUhhS3luRUsySFpCcllVQjE0ZTAwZW5OczAyNGZPNnpfMS1acXlKaE41ZDhjNG5fNGRuZG5OZ3JQTmNLNWxQaXVNSFlaUT09 | 284 |
Same I'm so air I breath the 💩 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5LTZBUWtFNHFON05ONzJlREl2dE9xeTVfUWRqRE1Jc3ZvLWF0bzk0bTg3RDJxcWdXNmMyWm9SZW5oUHlTc1lYQVlHTl95LXg5NFdUNC1KWFpmMTNXNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kweTRremViQUk5N3JHZ0hGYmtYVS1VU0N3bFh0VTN1b2dDX3g0d0cxc0I5MUtDbGNWb0R6OExRR1ZXQ191LUd1VVg5U2FoVFk2Q1NtNHNWOXN1Sl9wdGFwUVN6OGM1V3hHREY0WTZkRnd3Rmo0a0Rjc19VWG5zaXBKTHhEaWZ6MlhCUTZ0Q3gwdTJ1a09mU1BlaXg2bkV5X1VvQVVDSzlZd0VuWHhZSlpzTjlOQXQza2hTdXMyOGlZdC0zcVZQTl9h | 285 |
[View Post](https://new.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/post-viewer/1cx4ejo) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5bDlYdU9zbG1GYmlCNk1OXzRnN3Vhc3JpV2hfcjBDTXBqUkpQODJvM2FqdW5xQ2lja2xIQmlPMkxIYUEyMnBvbi1oTUdoTjRYaHlxZ2tUNXVOVzluT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwa2JoLXRvTm5zTXN5dmVsdkVheEJyS2lMcVpBMGY0QkhwM01rbkp5ZEd5bzdhNUM1bkxPdnhoSTd2a1FibXY4ZEFBM1ROdTVVaFZvNWViZEhtTFduNEdIZlpjaFA3THhkcFdLZ3AxUE1oT3Nja2tkZnB5V0QxbVlSdjJ6MFQtc1VfOFhfZW5HNjhxZEFFc3RJa2FxanRZZGc0NjFzSEpoSWJPREljV0NBdXlSSzFOR0NOQ2U3ZHV2TTQycDJ0UVhIZXU3V0pDc1NpVW04MzNyamY4emtfdz09 | 286 |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5Wi1DNHJIZjZUdlhhOEFEMzlueXFiRHRJYm5CZ3p2ZU5BR3RrY1pOMmFFTWEtdjB1SDNTLU52dlRXd1dYZXpQaUxuS0QyVmc1R0xfREhJNVIyMjdSZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwY3pJMXRRLVF3R3g5bEIxSlU2a0EyRW4xc2pHb3k3VWRiX0RJSFJ1LVk3QzNJRlc5UFdxRkRpVUVqUmxqT0dNd1RQUFQ3SUlHcGc4V2JGVDBjamVZMDNqM3haYjZQcFYxaERVNlFEM0VoeUhqcGtpTzFGNV95MnlULWxWNC1BMjdOSmNnT1NqZDBPRVBVY2tnQ1AyNmlLXzJVR3VibXJWZVY5Wi0tWXI0RDFRMTJodnZybGZEX2FTaGtZcXhXVGs2VGVmZENidTY3cjVNRnN4NmhzVTlZQT09 | 287 |
LOL | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5MnhFNmlyaEhUTXRta0p6bnJJMWV0OEpCZEpjbWo5ZHZtbnQ4VkZXd25UdEZLaWxubm4wNzZvYlV0U2tJQTRQYjBud1ZSVUhuNUhGU3VpWWUyM1NaYThWeVR4c29ZMTVaWjBMVzVzOVFEN1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVmdFMEs1eXJiM1pwcGpiRXppS0tGeU5nVzVpbmRhakgyMkRUa0kzRjRHLWh0OERpVDh3QjFxODFhUkFNNUxYa2tydDJ0YzdzLTF3N1prWkk1NXZvd1ZHWF9LRTMxdlQzSjBnTUFLd2ZHb1hhYlZ1UUlwTkppeWpaTHdtVkJ2M2R4ZjNndlh0STktZTZEY0IxUTA0aDJuUzB2SklIQ3BGWGdEUkd4MEllV3ZpUFN2TUpLeDFUejVhd3QteUxvYzdxSTJrRERvU3BuVkZ5MVBCVE0zUzNOdz09 | 288 |
High impact… why did you buy after getting this warning | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5aFBNN0pfalI3X25wN0ZXVHNyS2RqRTNFUXNFS0NJNWdscFZtbGtMX2Q3WGF0Nmh6QTRSQXBZWk9IV2dNTmVUcmYtdFo5bTRmaEdYZWdXVGwxLVhNeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwRnJ3QmtPbERvdXc5NDBrX0lhSTZyYzNyaDY4aDltVi1nZUFtOEZmY3MzcFZWb1h0c0NkN1F4clFJdkxkVkFGb1RDYTAxcHNwUUpucjN6dWRRTmtiQ04taV8zZ2lfbUEwbVVuNFg4Z1FNTkZaTkVwMWNhQWMwc2xYdVhrZ2gtM0hsWHEtd2IzUFp0VDZVVWNhWTM0Si1tM3BTcDljcmZ1ZmdIakloLTZjRmVZUExVZ2pNODlHb25fVVZTMGJBSTNJ | 289 |
can you give the course please | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZDlPNEh6LUFRdmVRdUw0MktFRjJuX1VoM2wySGhBUFJpcjZScGNkWXg2d2VsTzZ6aDhiRGo1Vm8taUVOQlo0OGlheVlXQkt6Wll5NHZVbDItdXdzMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZ25WMWNQa0huU016UzRrRHgyUlFzUGJRMUJSWGRmYXZ4Y1ljdnJqemNVcU92UUJPeXBxMkFVcnpOZVBsZXBhNU51X2w4elZRT2RMMUFTSklpWHJDNjdEVC1SS0YybHEyVmJYbmJjRVFVRU5zS0szcEcxa1BhZDJqbGhtRGRkRWRDTFNjelZZTFdjcnRvby1qak81TDZ2cGVaWHM1TENVMGtsSmloOHNJc2QzanpFSmE4cFpKZkE0Q3NCWkJCLWtFNGlFSkdrckxGM3J6VDZNRUxJRHlpZz09 | 290 |
I’m seeing that there are times for stocks pre and after market for when stock are predicted to go up. When would I know the right time to sell them during either time, or at the peak when the stock is at its highest | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5X3pxS01TSG9jYjg3VUFLbDNJemkyY1pmeVN3a2U0S3oxT3NhZkw1WGZONHRUSDJ3cmpBNXFPa3BVWUVMN21wckJsdERQV0oyd1Z1dlpaUnA4X09oUnB2RkFvbkd5LUpmVHBVMC15alhEQXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwcVNfSENxbkRQYTVfNDVoZmk5U1JpcTBxSUhnNHJ4N2pWSTZjNzFJakJCQ1JzVUV3bmlQMV82b09RbHFWaU1qTDJaQTBCTlY5Rmo3N2lWSHBsc1pOS3NmT1U2bTQtUmdIM3ljMEtHNjhCeXNYczhVa3ZsUjdYNVhCNUhZNFRweXFqTjYxc0lXVTU0UlZMNGlUR0hGdUR5MW9vRnREUG1XZ1JISW02c0xUTWxhb0xLLWxxQkwxTlU5R2pLdDFuOGZ2 | 291 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZXRDb1hiRko5UEx3MFROcDh6YXZlZ0VKWVVfeXVRQ0sxbldDR3RVLWZUcS1zTlRxeE9DZThFbUJKSzk2djk2TXJCZXl2bjlkbFU2b29VaTBtV0dMVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwazB1dEwtYmRuQmlyZHNkZnJ1cGlpR1dOaEwxMUlHQWZZVnNDMW10dVlEd1VBcmktcG9hNWNyMlNPN205UVZWNTNWdnV1NlZXZG4zQVBqakpNTUdsbHd0YlpqVm1DR2N5cWd2R0poT3h2Tl9pdk5IYnUtTHRacElKRktIeEVRNldkMGx1OURGdmlabHVBeFN0WWt6Y1oySmpFNHJEVmZQX3JaSEZUdDBJcm1qb05JQmxLbGxob09MOVd1M3dCLTBGd2RYdzljeG95eUJWV1RQQmFZUjQ5UT09 | 292 |
Please, develop it more, I would like to hear. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ZGE4MjlQVFo4d3J0QTZYdGQ1NVA1REtrX19Pb0R4cm1PQTk0dEQ3VUlXdmtUR2hzazY3NVFWNEhtZVUwOW9KWTNKQkJiYTg0SmpwZDRYVWtNR0YzcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwRUR2QjFOaG5fYlRrTVY5SGVyMDhoZmpyamtOWnFyMVlia0RDTnVYcXVBbzl5UGQzSDBnZDRiQmpnRERyZ1QxaW9HejMxQzVxcmJGeTZHSkgwNmczbm9QZmpnTndyT2R3RFlBVW84a2MxbnFQaHJqZ3NZcFQzRFd6Z2M4Tkx6d0R5VF9seDZqZnNLRU9TT2l2eE56d1ktaERHd3pHdjd2ZGhiOEduTkF5Zm1tUk9vWjlZc0ltZDhGdHNlUTlPT1pxa3gwdlVMQi1pRDhmSmNDUVNaeDJIZz09 | 293 |
Nu.fi | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5MnRoTEV5NVJ2NEpLZEt2djV0bFlHWUJfck1Uc2lpNURNYlJMdk9iaThtbmxlNXQ1enVMcGo5T0w2X3NEczdhNklJVFdDZWFBM2x6QlpHaXN3M3J3Rnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwMzhrbk05YUdaRUdxMHYwMHh2a0gwSFJoNjVYVE5wRUpzN2l3UzItVG9mckhpMTg0alJieHBiTGg5R2lsM2tRa1hxdldXSVlLbm9DZ0lkNG1IdmpWZ3I5SzJ3alh4aGNtc2VaTTVSSlR4cDZvQ2NpSDcxTzk5V2lJZVczMVhFazhzaEtmcmREckpUMVZBM1NpUUFJMWlxNGwwalZ0endkbDhtZEJSVHNfUDNyQmNUdjlKM0JfazZaRkVXcmJpRjZjWXgteXRHbFlXQ0Q4ZUtZNE4zTDZaQT09 | 294 |
#SLERF !! | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5d2pDVnlGc0QxUUtaT3ZyN0ZTaExFZmV3d1kzU3lBSTY5MXB4bnJXN1FEZ2g3ZURPTUFWcVhGeThfaExvaFNyVWZoMDRuVk82VG04eG01b3NTZTFzb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwT21UT0RPNE1fT294SHVBYU1HeXRGcmZGeEkzVXhBWXNyZHlDcDNIY0tzRDBsbVhpTkNtQ3B4d3hlYzJaRU55UFMzSWE1RWY2WjZ2STVhZG90MkRPSHFwVjJHdjZfY24wTnRXSzdBWDU4WXctQURwN1d0ZDE1Vzh3N3BiejYxaFVtZHllQThnSHFZSkxRYlhZUF9OYjdzVmF5djhCZk9hLWcwbS1VYk9QRVVEcXpJcUw1dl9RNHF1WWpGV2NvbUxQZHdSSFdKNWQzdmRwTkx2Q1lRUnF1Zz09 | 295 |
I like all the NOSANA fans
Sloth keeps getting hyped... still in pre-sale, right?
I'm loving SOL meme coins!! PONKE has been very good to.me lately too | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5T0lIcHhLWDFEUHg3eGFvcUZwX3BZS3ltRHJjazdxdWxmVG5JYWtvSFN6ZklSelBfN3Y4SUIwRmhNa0lWNDJjWUJXSTFmbXpVOWZUbXB4Uk4ydUlFX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kweFRyLWlabDI4VEFES2hUSFNOU1lDS1JoV1pkU1RzSWpsQW1IV1FEaWdOZjRVTHlRc3lVOUZ1eGxfZXl0cG43V3JDdFhyT1ZTWHZIYk5PcS1tT3pwZEl5VWNYSDNZOVBEdVBxLTFiQmRsNC1KNnVLbHByNlB6S1NlbnM0Z29LNFhFU09mblAwTm9BeGdVcl9CRUdZcnNOZmxnU25rR01rWWt4MWJ2TW5KRE9JcVJIQ25zMkVsdFNPS193U2tHUF9wY1Brb01ZbWpBQU9qVlI4bl96cDhVdz09 | 296 |
How much was it? | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5WF9KTmpzMTJ1V1czU0dHTFRnRFptV21YZ2N6eG1SOC0tMXViSGNNWWtnMDExMmI1aWlnUTdpYlBnNy1WdGlaMzBxY2FNVUFDMkNRMEdSNEg3UW5JSGtUWmFTOG0yS3VPeHBkcnBoMmxHUmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwRXRIY1gxd194djNicncwVmFmSVdZMEhjcHI0R0FFanliMnl6d2tuV01EOWRtc0lPMThWWTFfOXA3T1dya2RhY0RUaVRSMi1uQXdhSmRVdWJWcjJYN3FuZ3hPWkVTUnN3aDNLZHZ4akhqc25XTXl0bXBvT0ZEU1ZUdlJCamcwalBjTnRRMzhwWGJKZjFKcnhEZlhBRlhyTEJMeXBWUUFHckl2V01yczZ5QnNOOGJvRjdVelNobWdMU1JYUUlrdlVvQk1BSVNUWlR2NFljNmhNOVRYQXpCdz09 | 297 |
Anyone know how I can buy a token before the creators even come up with it? | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5WlFGcmdEekpHOFJBdUZMRUR5bGdaYnluM0dyMjk2c3ItSllTdUh6d1d5QTJET3JrTkZXSzhBOXFEM3V1X0xDYWlMSUZLTDdxZHNaQ2xfYXNYeURfTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVElxMExQb2FMUXZDNDBrV3QxQkZTOFVyVTJEeHI3WnprZzhkWlBiVThnMFU2eVg1bjV3OEJqMDdlelhtdTNxNFg3aEFDR3ZkbGk0RnlNY2hGTDBOZHBnTUV3eFRKOWg2RmR6cGJCbGFjelYwaGNacVV1OFhUY2Zab1VmXzFRSVZfU2pOT0FDd1dwSzBjcGZjUjR3akNjTzFCT2ZUdF9rYWc0djV5RHpEMlpsUGplTnFPYjhkTWpLUzRQN3JtWlBmV0ZxMlVmYm91S0syakN1bkxBUVp5UT09 | 298 |
I'm in lad | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5TUZlRjZDdnVuRUxpaktfYWlMY1BycHptZEpuSThPSTd6cnMzTFRfQ0dOOHpXVzhpQThXQl9HMWYzOVQzSGZ4X2R4NllBN2Q4TWphck40UFo0b0kydlBkOFJVc1lkQXNKb3BuN1VNUEVBcWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwVjdudTFMV3lrNmJLVjlYeE9qTGU1bFMtb3dGcXVlTUwta1ZoQlgzcDdXbG9ndnB5S1hNUWZtMEZROUpPdHFuQlo5bXdFcHJRUnNDY0VwWnZMbVFDbkJGRWRuM0YwNzh0V21nZlZyZDllMXktN3JFcFhOUFFsemlJN2taMW9ZY1paRDBUejZCWW94Y0t6RWlJOW9CRGlrTGxVb1VtTGpKUG5WTFFVMXBRdDduYVlKdUJLbS1QbGx1TU1XcTBPU29Z | 299 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5bGJVVVVKZEJQajFUdWoxbEd3cTV1aVFCLTVBdUJRSnNJNUx0Y0pkXzI3STQtbmpGSHR0Ri1mVjJFbWh3QVBoQkRRZEw0QUMzNkZpaklvYnB0YWZXMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwT1BDcDB0b2hKRkpwU3FKTV9nYmdoQnZqMUhwSVRnMmg0OGxOOWlaN3hFV0djX2EyT2dfdk5meHpQVVIxSHkxbktBaEJlTXV5TmdjXzhGakRZSzdWMVVhNl9keVo3eVlZRHcyekZocmhYWElhRWJNVXhfOEdxc2ZZSzBUWk5nNGZTZHgySWVvVHMzWVBIbHBVS1RESFhKSmwzcE5iNkxiTTBHeDdsNjFfbUNfX3NoaFl2bUdMOXlidENheXFRT0Z3WGRDOGVfOWttc2R4dk55dmdORkJDQT09 | 300 |
Safest would be native staking with a reputable validator. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5N3ZxNWxMR1BpU01mRXRwWVlpek5BYnJaLWRYUHhLQUg1cE1ZOUlhUHJ3QzE1SVFRcFVTdUZSRmJfc3dOdWJpOXdVajJpalAtVDctdmxnUHdMRVRvSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwd2FCVE9WelV2Qy1oWERSVE5qY1pxZC1WdUlfXzh3aUE3WUM2NHRMXy1UU3pkRDVla1pGWFRxQ2V0RnltUFdPY2xyVG5XZG9yam0ybFhqbWxpazZxQzZudVJRSkpXNV83dE4tU0hzVE4zbkxPdzRESDZsdkRmNlFUZFlnanZaRURycENuNDRyWG8wdW9EODRPOWNLYnd2RUVSckN6dG1YZ0xSSWFhYVdCWXFsUW9oeGY4Y0VFWHpOTzkxRDRMQjJtMkJpVmFlekUxRG55MjN2bFA3cVB0Zz09 | 301 |
I wouldn’t go down to 100 though excerpted for small amounts. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5aHo1ZDVsZ0pBd3VTQllyV09zS0R5bU5sOWtodkFJVmotWmQ1TDNSby10YWhld3gwbHJ3Z3EwcmxTeXFabXlLTEJNaHVTcUhPOXQ2Tjd5VWtkY0hqaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwTFpoVlM2YWZkRG9qQmtkM0tvZTVubG9HM0NVc0wzRGlmQW1qeF9MVFlnWWFFMFFWcVQ1SXpWdDhrU0x0YWtWOUp0b3RCUXpiTmVjVXFGcGxEcnVZcEdhWGFwMGdMbWJocjNmYnVWeTY0T0VJUW9oam9CTENuV0k2Y1o0QW9DRUY5UzAzdXBScHp3YWJrMUx2THlrM0lBTjRSTm5CYVN3SjFXUjZlMXVsNWFiMXBqOUM0YXR1VXZXeEN4dDR5ejZP | 302 |
already rugged | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5S1ktQUxLX3owcEVYbmFyWUladWY3dG5DVGZ0YmV5UE5OY3dvTGo2dVFlTjhZQ2VJWkNHMlpxbGlhS0x6UGNiTFBUTHU3R0dpS1lrcDBvZzFTNHJSeW01bjQ3TVJEcU05cUlTcVI4ZWdRRms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOVVaXzZkM05uUzFjMk9UTHZza2JWT2FIVWx1dTlWdS1ENG5sUVRsbWY3ZUQ4ZVFxR1lST0dvenJQdGZFcno2cVF1bTAzVHd4RzVhc0J1dnZueGp2WDNMSEtGRExROVpHZUYzN1ltVzhZenMtaHNPYVdvS1MwWEpVQzRQVFlJajctU0J2blVyWnRGVGN2eEtmT1JEdGgwb0x5OU5pb2VqSEp4QUptZUh2ZHIxbHBiYncyNFg2Z3NMOHJuUTJEQ1VGcGpmOWp0V1JIdWNiQ213SmZkVGxSUT09 | 303 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5TnV2dWl0RWw5X012NWdWWms5TlhBNW5QZ2xkNWFxMUFnbDYwQkgtd1hoVXJIRUtMSk9QdzRXNGNBeFBlSzQ0VlhUVUg2TUdOOWdNT29mTlF5OEt5c2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwYnI5UThPa1RPdkRxVjFPd1o0TVEzNnIzV0ZPUWVPVVBZTzhORThNMW55X3N5V0lndUducTZrZjdJRVAtcDN3SzdWQmV1dW9UUlhxb2JIRlowMjdSbTl1T3VUOFVwa1lacjhhNWlPZHVwQ2xRRXRHVFkyRWtnQUZPVEZVcWNaWVpzYkVTVDJGdmNaVnNIWi1UZmc5d3E3UjlCQ25BZ2Z6YlhwX0lGako1WkZFaFBURFRrTHE1SGJQaEdCQVZobnFLUWRFMEZWSWV5dzFuMkpuZnlWV293QT09 | 304 |
Check out Cursed Cat - $FUK
People are fading an obvious winner, not all over the TL yet so the best time to get in is now!
OG meme from 2008, Team is active as $FUK and its only a matter of time before bigger accounts start noticing
5N955SkyYanYkt1krEfhSyQ5fFh2g9DVsr4ekWibZ9SG | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5c0xWQXZoTnlvbkc0dnFYVldHNHZnSXR4VkIxMTd1MFYzd2J3WFhaQ09KSXJNWVJZemw1ajBQazQwVjFVQmdxbXRabjZYVlRDQ3NDejZQbW95anBiX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwT0NBMVJGX2E4aEtLenhFb052Q2ZxRHNPd1JVZW8wTHRYLWhGSGNhNmZ4ckhkR3h3N2hzOWw3NUZGX2p3V2JZSnVKWVNVZmtpc3IxWjhwMzRndGk2cUFseDlXY1A1QWdNdXpTMV9fX1d1VEJVM2l1ak1FREtjR1VmM3JGSFplbDVHT1ByS0J4bm05b3VXZVQ1SnpzSXBUM0hUUzNfTHlEaXRWSWxMME1EbjZFRVdGdDk1VUZDUjducnA2Qk5JZDNMQ2gxQ2lXeGpYMi1FS3Y0NldBZHczUT09 | 305 |
Sure, here's a classic example of English being fucked…
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
In this sentence, "Buffalo" refers to the city in New York, "buffalo" as a noun refers to the animal (bison), and "buffalo" as a verb means to bully or intimidate. The sentence can be parsed to mean that bison from Buffalo who are bullied by other bison from Buffalo also bully bison from Buffalo.
☠️☠️☠️ | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5WDQwTG1ncGcyQ2tkSUM4dnNYZ0tNdzNERjR3dGtqdXdfV0JqZ3pDcWRLSXBIQ0wwRm5GaFBoNjBvdkJiQ08zU3VxaG95Q0F0WEZrYVZJTHhIa1l4a0FIWU9TZ3dJREE4SXVLM19YTjJwTms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZDZ0ME1PanVlSnVack5HZ3ZHUVFydTBGZWZNc2VKa3RiNVQ5T1V2Q3Bocml1UXZSOVhaSWlQY3F4WkV4d2JIZlV1ajFYWUlHNFgwOVE4V3ZxTmwyV180UjVUODdKc050aDZPSExCcFVzaURMR1JoSExJdzlJb0xSUHQ0ZjN2MURVNkQ0QXZrSkZSSkxrbXF0a1pWNDVBRWUxY3BMb3l1OEVxdmxRUUUzcFExWjdpSnlKMS15UVAwX1ZGdzE0N1hLUGVRQi1US2pYbFNRbTJsdzQwSXdidz09 | 306 |
Send me the invite please | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5QzAwRUZzS0l6MjctcVlfOFZ3NmdoVkdzX3FYeGlNUExyeXZkN0pXMjVQemx2OEhmLXQwTkhEWlNIQXNiMExIYmFocTF1VGlUdlZqdlRYX0FYOFBLOGtNNTNDcEZVZy1od3F5U09hQXQ5dmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwUm05Nlk4QlhzbjJjSXB6TnpGOUpyN2twZVRsYXpCU1QtWVB3T0Y4YVdidDFOU202SlRwR2RtN01KQzcxRTMzYnJNN2lLc19oVkJtZ0VNS1QyNEtKR2VleEFlZUxtNGpPSW1hRkdwVkVsQlBITDZpWk9VTzFNSC14NjFsWVdNSW9DeWdaRFF3Z2I4THJWWEVLcVY2LXhCWGZ5N0hRSE1fWGNlLUNnQzY5aUF4V0k5ZFJHWFplVnBoOUNGTUhNWkJTSXNKZjBxckxTMWVLZ0NKNHRMaEl5QT09 | 307 |
How ? It is still going up | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5c3dwajI0ZjE4djhKTjQtUlVMVFhpQ0lVQ2tVVEdzR1Nxc3V2cGhjZV9oUERlaHBpVmtPLTNPRUxXWlhXMk9mYllEQ1JleGwyWkhWYnNHR3RPRkF5a0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwMEg4X0toa1IxeEJkRVA3Y2M0cTFBWVdSN2V2cS1Uekw1a1pPNXFzM0FoQ19GLTZ0TFFrV0lyTjF3eldUU1NHczVnOTdtXzdCOUphc01CYW0zS1ZLbVBtLVRGSzZkaFhBejlrbm5yUmxlMHpPYjhBTVhualBOTU51ZGlscVBaT2R0b1dvel9UaFM5YjE2RkRpY3p1Q1QxU1I3eUdmclozdWptRko2R2JaLXRyWmhYSlNfaWp6QlEtUHh6NGd2Qlg0Rnl5VFk5QzBfdERQRG1mRHpqd3RpQT09 | 308 |
How to you find these projects? | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5MVJjdmhfUlRkNmk5UnI2TFhnVGVvYUs0Z0s2cFNvTzVXZUQ2SWZvamMwNDMzWnR1Wkl3WHBVRjZtN04xejhrdEZiU3FHMXhGdWpKRS05WGN2S3BZaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOVBoTkx0RFQ0UWxBLUlyZFBRR2tiMzR4dGZMVTgyVTBKS3ZTRkMydXptTE14S2tMdUxxVXZhbTJDM1g5NDhEMzB4QUdLeDdDRVBlOGRzWVprVkNZS2MwZHk1bnRyY1pFVTJhUmFHektBSzdmd1pkeTVvTXBsLXNRc0gwWGdTZEt1UHVIWUtSdHVhcXRYSlVSTDNVYnZXVzJBZHpmRlIwclVZTUZBYUh3Q3g2dE9XZ2gxaFhPck5Ha1EwLXBwc05pVXBScEZnT29vM1RDRXRYVUFpdGdHQT09 | 309 |
English being fucked pt 2:
(using homophones)
"I see!," said the blind carpenter as he picked up his hammer and saw. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5UDRuQWRNMTZXNFFkLVpFemU5YmFrSHBiM0s0TWVJU1lhMHFad3lacDlOejRvcS1oZnltZzZlZllOamhwanRCMlZVcHRLNS12XzBqWGhMcjd2Z3JldWU4enJMeEFPeHQ2RnB5RWpfMXNtM0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdG1YVTh4bUF1NVF0MVgyQ0VNYVJ5dUg3aFh6RkROVHBTVERSU0lnaWhiVDZEem9UbkhBeHFXd2xMS1pQTnNncVZhaW1lZElobEZ5bW90Mkl2d3lnN3dEUVBKTGxCQlY3UEhiTlFzaWFEbnV2bk00VmVUSG81Z1pPOVlHR0JFbVlhNW9pZENkMTBxQXRDU0s4bWxoM2pDbTZxTWxFWlZqbFlRNEZpa1l0ZUtJSmJhcDhWSE5sbDBnbzB6aS1pNWpxQVM1UHFoTTBWZWtUc1JKX2FhMlp2Zz09 | 310 |
Raydium | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5MUsyekVhcVFCMWVHYWpQY2hiaTg4ZGFqYTlueWkxMHBpWC1mcUt3bTl0OG5xbUNSd2VCVEVEMlZPN0s4eUM0bTJIVkxzZGU3TVFiQVotNFlxTVJYQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOExBUU1EQmIxNUdVX0RRX1o2bkJwQVdhZ1N3NEhLcC05LUI5cWZKRXdvb1UxWTdoSjlRZ3VTQ1BjOTVkX2drbEVsSlFiNkw4aUtNWEVhWEc5SkZmYmJpNzNlTzNCNkV1alRUTkR2UHFMb05nQzlva0d4VHhIcmFuRzMyMVhUTVdvdDNIZUlXNFZySV9YMUROcDdaa3VBdzc1U3NUUk45ampEdXpKd19TWS1VcHk2TGM0X0VvbU1zczlJS3NhbDhDZmhrU0F4Ty0wZHp0UVZlak5kcHEzUT09 | 311 |
None bcos they are all crawling with the worst people. Poorlanders!!! They'll try every trick possible to sham you out of your money.
Which will leave you salty. Question everything and try again less F given though. Gotta win.
Until you accept this ain't really working swapping constantly chasing the green dildos wait how much in fee?
*Noticed eth on trust wallet shows gas price on the chart now too. $1 eth fee. That's a better buy right now imo just cos fools jumping at sol but they'll jump out as one sooner or later and I'll be waiting ready wet and waiting that is*
Axelar and Eth are my intrest atm. Axelar because its my dogs name and my nick name together. I had to get some. Then I heard later things that made me happy I did. Coinbase pushing it. Black rock somehow involved? Ripple labs too which I think is a negative but then again I believe XRP is finished but it still has huge market cap. The most try hard diamond hands 💩 for brains 😆
If ripple labs folds XRP into Axelar even in small way then F yeah. Nobody is thinking this though. Not even me until right now. I told you I got it cos my dogs name with my name. Axelar... had to buy some. Let's hope it was wise.
2022 everyone was solana then too. Near. Layer 1 took the light.
Fantom was the one I chose. No idea why I started 2022 20% in profit from 2021 thanks to Shiba inu alone in October and the 160 trillion token unlock I was lucky to see happen in real time. I saw shib total supply just from 390T to over 400T. Whilst I desperately searched for answers found none. One hour later I looked again on 30th Oct 2021 and 😲 🫨 🫢 it says 549 trillion tokens now.
Shoot that 💩 into the sun. Son. Done. 11x out. 😉 saw 12.6x at the top.
It was awesome waking up 3x up over night buzzing. Telling myself I'll defo sell it at 4x. But then see its 6x now. OK 8x and I'm gone. 10x?
12.6x 😲 🫨 I want some Shiba inu canvas art I think 😆 🤣 😂
30th Oct UK 2am. 🐕 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
The Shiba inu market cap reached a new all time high the next day. 33 billion £. The highest market cap shib will ever have.
Yet at the same time the price was dropping which made no sense at all if you believed shib team saying no worry its just error. No it was not.
Hidden tokens off chain got unlocked. 20 trillion or billion is still unaccounted for. So talk about shib burns all you want lol. That 20 whatever will undo 20yrs of shib burns 😆 🤣 😂
Shib market cap at 30 billion £ ish with 390 trillion tokens then price reached around £0.00006300.
Tokens unlocked on the 30th oct around midnight uk time and the price dropped off to £0.00005700 ish.
It was my first rodeo so I was dead set on getting away with the bag 😉
I just moved house and wasted my carpet money on doge coin didn't I. So yeH ide run with the bag again cos its mine. I earned it. I got it when nobody gave a 💩 now they do. OK here have it.
I only had £120 into shib though. But was 10% of my wallet total spend over 2021 cos I'm broke lol. Like most but still fed the dream lol.
Shib 10% of wallet going 11x win paid that wallet off. My floors are better than I expected lol. I got the quality stuff in the end..
So I had all my other crypto 1000£ ish as profit. All my other crypto paid for by shib buzzing. Then 2022 lost 80% fast.
20% still in profit though. Lessons learned too. Many lessons learned. I haven't done anything this year. I follow coin bureau that's it. I buy 50£ worth tops each month but only if I think its ok to buy. I'm not buying when it's ready to drop.
Been there done that lol. I'm stern asF with crypto now. Fire and forget. I couldn't cash out now even if I wanted to.
I tried to cash profits on fantom coin sitting with all my stack at 4x up after the last year's. Fantom is my go to coin over 2022-2023 ide buy 300 coins ish for £50 each month or every other month or something else. But each £50 then is £300 now. So I tried to sell 500 coins on coinbase but nope. I ended up holding usdt on there for a week hoping it be time thing but nothing. So I got that Axelar and some bonk and they lost since lol.
But looking good today.
Last week I started to change my tune on etherium. 2wks ago mayb. I brought 0.1 😆 🤣 but despised eth for its fees. But when I saw the eth fees are less than $1 now I knew that's it. ETH is definitely back in the race now. It's pre existing stuff plus cheap fees. What race?
So yeah I really despise vitalik upthabum whatever his name is likadik bumeateron. The Shib Co founder as proven by coin bureau in 2021 showing photos of likadik and 💩oshit whatever his name is. Looking all shark tank meeting but ritalik looks docile drugged up on day trip allowed off grounds today to go walk a Shiba Inu dog on leash ice cream in his hand.
Has anyone else actually seen it? Cos its proof eth is probably built on rug pulls like shib but shib was way too big way to hot to smoke like that huh. So shitsonsticks burned 70% of his cut. Paid hush money 2x 10% each. One was covid India coins but not one bit of proof or name associated to it? Plus 10% was saved for later by likesDik bumeaton.
My only serious question about crypto now is.
How many erc20 rug pulls were just burned into etherium to raise its floor price and attention levels in most ways. Erc20 built on stolen money eth foundation probably took. Their job rug pulling for the good of erc20 the good of humanity lol.
Snake eyes truly believes that too. Just listen to him especially his hatred for dog coins. Dog coins that made him millions and millions of dollars. But they also out shon eth and snake eyes could not allow that. You want dog 💩? I'll give you the 💩 💩 💩 💩 est 💩 💩 💩 you ever saw how's this... 999.990.999.999.999 33% to me and Done.
It's about time he was asked and checks made. Coffeezilla could count the rugs that burned into erc20 seemingly no reason to scam. Unless you own erc20 lol. Then you can scam without question cos it's burned instantly gone no trail.
Except common sense. Who still benefit from that. I hate him.
But the people do what the people do and soon they gonna flock from one to the other again. Don't get caught up in them.
Start walking now. 😆 🤣 | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5WXFNWUh0ZDhHbno4Z2VjOHBPNjZsQXFRM3ltVGlqWkR0aU4xS245SnI3c2Qta2FqWFZKam1oWmFFZzlOdlNVYmhFbzJfclhRTWswcmM1UmZLc0pfcEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwS3c4UDZSLTNPLVZ5dElQU1d1Wk5lVkprcWtqNEpmU0Qta1NGRmIteFBOcjBHZGNqenlxelNPTHJBbU5EVzdyRHhYR1RjT0x2S1ZsUU42THl0N0t2Q2ZmT19YUXl3T1pRQzQ0QXdIcUpZQlVkNG9WYUZYWUF5UU1HUWQ0ejg5US1ybFVlSENoQTgteHVKcENzT3FXVDYyd3RkSU9wWmF2dEZ3Z090OGZMendSSmlwd2ZHelBMbm03RUdkVzVTT1Qwa2Q4NTR3ZTYyRzNSQUdaSHVPbF85UT09 | 312 |
TARS Protocol (TAI) - AI coin backed by solana | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5a2VTTTEwUkRZelhEcjZ1N3o0N0dnS3A5SFNBaTRGTzZJdEFWM05NV0owWE1qcHU1OFRRa2tGVXUxdmphVGM3NDlMTmxBdHIxc1d0VnA3VWpneksxNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwN21KODNIRFo1dWVfS25WYktOU2ZfS0FpdDZmV2NQRXhDSnVab2lFLVJRak9qX09PbHVXMGNnenJyMGFHdFB5RHpkZkwxQjM3VkRlTHRWdU1mY3J1bjdGSHNRX1phZEtBc1pLZlFEWW1qem1IcUppcEZaOEhkamlaazRyVFQxNk15QzlaM0xXeU43SG5vOS1MNkxiaUVKZUpxMFZ5Nll5bGlpbjBBZnBhSUxqbHEtcTFJRGJFa2hobnNwOHZWeGZaeDgxU3RVVEx1QnY0ZUZVUlhaWXZ0Zz09 | 313 |
Check the Liquidity | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5V0k4ZmtYcU9WaFh2bWF1eDFVTTVIRXpEV1UzMzZTTzBKQ1pYTnBRRTJrbFg2aWRDdHFkZmFZekVia1phT2NWVHZFdUxDTFlRLVpjZkk2OUlOM3hSSlZBcUF4ZzlWODFDV1ZQd0w3MERGMFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZmhkNFJ5dkFkVTQyc201TW8wc25nUE1HNXVGMjlEOC12Zlc2N3lxelRiMUg0b1cxR0RCMTZBcmtCVDNOZjRSV3Zrd2lKak9GTEhvMC14YWhUM1FxOE9iMkdwM1JrQVZjUzRLUDZXaHotQUNBNmk3SUx6ZE5yZmdkWVhJbzJrOG9GdjB5WXJjQ2NuaXNlWTFPblZ0RjFjdmwzQ3BXRzVFTC1pX0xsWjhGOV9CRFh6eDloZWp5UzdTYzFrY3lRSE9ObmtQTC1MQzRkS2h4d1JRZE11R3hPZz09 | 314 |
$HeeHee - fully doxxed dev burned his wallet worth $7M. Created on pump.fun so it’s rug proof | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5ckJDcHl0NWFYRHg1WldVbjY5SkZRZjhHZ2hHVEhzZi1IdThaRUU2czlaTF9xVjhpbE9lQlpGY2NjQ3YyWVk1NzA3YzBfeWsxaW85TDExb3ZCajc2bUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZGlUN3h1MDBlekt4dy1HVTIxSENTREF2SUdnbmlWV0xCRzR3eHZfV3NDck55Z1J0d1hrVlV3ZEw1MVJzbHRUdkFoc1RLWHFJRDJWSlh4eHk4d2x1UmdCR01TLW5pMEFSVjVoUVhnTnNnbllNSHUtMTk1anZrLVF6SG16a0tDaU5lTmpFXzVFT2c1SGJpZ19ueG9jQ0NlOU9mWUJKWkR0bVlTV3ZnMzRSM1NubzVROC1tdzVSNlZBcWNEVk1jQzJVV2NKZlhWUVYyMHlpeUhQQVM1cUpPQT09 | 315 |
1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/
2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)!
3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you.
4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5cnRkVkt2NGhMaE9YLU9JS3I5YTNzcmFJUWhUUTdST2VSQ0RDUFFzbWhZdmtMM2dQdGlDYUVTMWI1b3lUbnd1UUdjZGdCSWhXR0pwT0p0c19yb0dNYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZkl1Ullmdjc2RWpJLV9MdVF4X1ZqRUx6Y0JaUnRRSFB6b19uc18wejFfQWwteEd3bXNaVnJQV3VOU1JlTzd5bjJPQXVYUlNKN18td0JZajRRNUZyUTI2UnNKR3c3UUI0TnJsdEdtVVhJY1pMbE1OQTRyNUY5MUZFaFRMaG1jcjF0RzJweFBMQV9uR2dybWViem9XOUhnanIzTzI4U1pleF9QaFJwSzVXdC1aeTY4eDlFS3pWYmxBbFh4SUFSRGxRaVd0b093VHBqcHNWdGZZallad0VQQT09 | 316 |
Indian | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5aS14c1VPSFVhcF9CNkpZeVQ0MEVhbXhxYk9KS1pmeW0zRkk0cDh4aVRKR1FVQURSY25EMS05dHA0Q0xGcjJpTTJCakEzR05KbkZnS1J0V0paVnV3UlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwRzRzYjJKc3pjVjhid3BqcHQzR3Z6ZjNrdjRBQkg4NE05R0hvQ05TYUs3YVFOdE9xWFk1SktzeXlfSnUteGdjSXlzSmttSHFmZjNQTTNpdnFMbWVYYjlRUGdNUENXbGNtMXc2Skd1RWZKVXZ0ZnNQaFRaZXpGcFJsLXAxTklZVWlidUZyVC1tS1lmcm9OVzYzbXNjTHh3dnVBODMzODlJRTFaLVZwakdKellMYW93R2k4bFR0djJQenUzYlliRFZWMUs3LUdCUHJPTEQyQmdOc0hnLXhFUT09 | 317 |
Definitely follow Ansem he's crypto's main character this cycle and a huge Solana bull. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VS1oVjBlMXNnclVPM3Fnb1dkUloyMEZMM0dUcTBNaG5rU1VfSXFBdVhYMmZTM05pQUxrcXhuMjBicVoxY003Ukt5Sk1EeGtEY0lWa0N0aFZFLUQ3WEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwdHhza0phSGFTSmpLZ1E0QWFEQWprNUpmOFJRY1I4MGtxZDgzWEQ0YUVHRDAyRUkxVC1PXy0wd1NEdmowWUlsdGJJVWtIcG42MVY4ZHJJcnk3MDdTQ29ELUt1NkF4SWVPQ2lJZHdSTUoySDhkRnc4aEdNRnBqMHpPcGFvME9acVR2bmg1ZERfV0NERC1VTlJiYUN4emRrTWZWZlJCV013eGFwbWdkakh3enE3cmdxUFZGN1RPZ3MyUlJRM1U4WTloeUNiXzZjNlBCLWZlYUNnTzFoYmVlQT09 | 318 |
Also when you go chasing scams like this cos you are really. Your looking for that gold dust amongst 💩 and you know it.
The least you could do is create a bridge wallet or 10. Use any other wallet to F around with. Not your main wallets.
Have a separate wallet just for interacting with that one thing. So that one thing can only F you one way. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5VnBza1VyN0dMblB4NmhETWdOaWNGaXdFNmZCTkF5MWNqbUdPZ0t2ZHVjZ2YxM3RnY1FjM042aG9fX1h2R2FMX05vTzl4WlBkczJBMWhiTWdHdUxxaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwZ3JvSTM5SUhHQ2xYd0tNdjI0NzNNa0xmRzBmdm1aa2JEb3NiMk9udndIVzJmRVZfa0lLTENPV2g2SUx0OFo5WGtuaklkVC1TUlF3Ty1RVjhNVE1vMHJjT3RiTEpPWjctNTB2YVRCSVBjT3o0SlVGWUliUkI2UUVHYjNyN01oc1JyR203R1hidEVoem96SjF3Sk5WLVJEUkU4Y29pOFNBY1JuczJYU0J4Zm8tSWFIZEhXVG5rMTFrZVF2bG9JN0pVOUlnTUI5amtvenRlLUp6U3p1YnpuQT09 | 319 |
Yeah, but I don't get it. In Dex screener it's still not rugged. How are they(developers)doing this ? How are they profiting ? | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5cXVHTGRjUXNpblpRTTNwZC00dUVWVWVCSjhyUWhkWUJ6UDB3WjNpX21FeUpReUMxc1RVRHhvRndLcDRBOHlzWEpyN0RVWlhXbGR0cWxYMjd5UE56UWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwY2V6UUtqYS1xWG52SHc1cURfQVdjWjJxNEhXdV8zQ0lBZXhSWGM5VXdRWmdSUmItQTk1QmpwTzlXRktNd1lJd0FmejR6OEZnSHdnZ2FhZmkxQmhfX0FENTBkZnY4Q05oVWxvSVhqWktlNE50N19rMlFOZ0hqejJ2U041XzBxcm1rWWd4SjR4VEFCWGRWbE4weDVwZ1ZUTE5pMmZzYk9zVUtFOWRwTVdONDZQLVI1UlA4SHNuN2Mtei1HWVQwSjRlOWYwZXpjTTU4WmxLQ0pYM3kteHdfZz09 | 320 |
My algo bag got dusted every day for a month by two bots. One good bot one bad bot.
Bad bot dust me. So good bot dust me with warning message with it. I didn't want to touch that algo now though just incase. But I killed that wallet and sent that algo to its own new wallet and its been fine since. No new dust and all there still. | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5emtLWno3YXM1UnVObXFYT1ZIeklHbEZIQXVVZ3FiWHNGWVdlZVVMeWhCR2RFYmN6M3ZRa0JVN2dNejV2RG9XZ0dfSWZlUUhmcTk4aXZSa05VLXZOVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kweTBIckc1V0VLQ2M4eG1XVDZqLUhiZ0RxMllOLUQ2ZHNGbjRpTkdNSmJ2ZkVQRjdTTmJiM3Rnd3hhaFJRVjNsbkpleGJFR0djbU5lenlVR1NqVnJoY1VBQk5JLWxULThMcE1MVk1tcGsyZmNENzdoMld5anhWSmV6cHdMYXEyM2JGTEpPOVRNRTRCWEJmdHVJX2FOSHpxbm1TUE56T2FMMFl0U3k4cFdkVFBLSXAtclgxWmxKeDM4b3B0X0VSZmFieVJDcm9MZE5VcW4xZ2hvc21KeGJPUT09 | 321 |
Apparently CVS has good remote jobs - this is in all seriousness im not being an ass | r/solana | comment | r/solana | 2024-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2l5cFRfclJaeExxaDVoY3k4cmw2XzZuZTV0LTJWOXhtVkVVM0VuaXRIdmF6TFZ2bndtUmdnWWpPZllUZE5JNWt4M3dYR0pnb2VNS0IzWmxPQ2pzejBUOGZ5bDdmNms3cTBneURQd1UtNlBxd2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5HV2kwOFpmdWNuSzZ0ODVQVUVvYW5vSmoyYzBjS3Mzb2liYUptc25zSnppX0VhWkZPbWhhYjZqcXhlRXRsVG1wZUxwYWl0bXdmWEpnelFMbWlsMVhMQU91U19Na1BjUnZ2dzdwYjZkb1d3LS1WcHhSUVdZTWM2d2FmSEE0bnE0ejVCeFM2US1vSUlCSDZHem42aWRxX0lveFNYMDd5ZkRWanJrN2tjc2RfdFRXaVp0S1M4a3g1ZUM0b1hPSXRJNkhsNG9FWVl1MGNlR29uU0FEUWZ4M3NXRHhKdz09 | 322 |