“It’s hard, until it’s not.”
Manal El-Ramly
“Under the spotlight, of the streetlightsThat wait for me to shine Over the moonlight, it feels so rightI'm poetry in motionIt's part of my devotionI play with all emotion Under the spotlight, of the streetlights”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Running after my own dreamsTripping over my own feetHeld on to my self esteemWalking to my own loud beatSo stand tall or take a seat”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“A warrior sharpens his blade even in times of peace.”
Hamza Ahmed
“A full heart can enrich your life in ways that a full wallet cannot. Money can only satisfy your needs, but love can fulfill your desires. Love is the true wealth that money cannot buy.”
Srinivas Mishra
“Sometimes you aren’t meant to worry about the 'how'. Instead, you are being called to focus on taking things step-by-step. One foot in front of the other. It’s all coming together.”
Robin S. Baker
“Take care of your gut. This will help with your intuition.”
Robin S. Baker
“Sometimes you have to place your pride and fear to the side, and courageously ask for an opportunity. But make sure you’re 100% prepared if they say ‘yes’.”
Robin S. Baker
“Never miss an opportunity to incorporate learning into life.”
Jeremy Whitley
“Once to live, once to die; while you're living, live a memorable life.”
Lydia Simms
“A dream is like a child, it should be conceived, cared for, birthed, nurtured, and tender till it grows to become giant”
“A successful man is the one who does more of all he does in other to service humanity”
“The bank of knowledge is a sure bank of success; for it can birth any imagined good endeavor.”
“Maintain an undying relationship with God and enjoy all of His benefits; do not run to Him only when you feel you need Him; you may be disappointed.”
“Snap from the danger of your comfort zone; to enable you to become who you are meant to be.”
“I will reach out to the world from the corner of my little space and no devil can stop me from fulfilling this purpose.”
“When you hide from responsibilities, you hide from greatness and you hide from progress”
“The discovery of our calling is a great task; a task that is worth all of our efforts”
“Lazy people do a little work and think they should be winning. Winners work as hard as possible and still worry that they are being lazy.”
Lewis Caralla
“It's true that jealousy is a desease. So instead of shaming those who suffer from it, please wish them a speedy recovery.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“By being kind, you have already begun your journey to the self.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“I'm in the mood to study and absorb all of the knowledge that I can right now.”
Robin S. Baker
“If it doesn’t excite me, I do not pursue it.”
Robin S. Baker
“The greatest support you can get from a well-wisher is one question, “do you THINK you can do it"?”
Enoble Asuquo
“Intellectual product is the most creative of all products but appreciated by a few who are in the control of the majority that are mentally lazy.”
“A lazy hand cannot smell true success, no matter his level of faith, hope, and or aspiration.”
“Popularity is no guarantee of truth and human flattery does not bring God’s approval.”
“When you are not purpose-driven, anything goes, a purpose-driven man is almost a one-way jacketed man.”
“Maturity in any relationship makes the practice of love comfortable.”
“Reading will give you happiness, happiness will lighten up your face, and lightened face will attract favor.”
“The higher you fly; the higher they look up to you, fly up for their sake.”
“No one ever gets anywhere by being mentally weak.”
“History is written by the winners; strife to be one at all legitimate cost possible.”
“One piece of revelation can turn a man into a success story.”
“The things that pertain to your destiny are bought with time; the way you spend your time determines what you become.”
“Failure should not be a giving up point, it should give room for a restructured process”
“One of the origins of poverty is lack of respect for time.”
“Float your desire and don’t let it sink”
“Motivate yourself by practicing positive self discipline. Without self discipline, there is no self motivation.”
Adeleke Aishat - Tashia
“Crave for transcending or else it will become compulsive.”
Dr. Ronak Kelaiya
“On the road to your life purpose, you will hit bumps and potholes along the way. So buckle up, grip the wheel with both hands and keep your foot on the gas! Enjoy the ride.”
Augusta DeJuan Hathaway
“Everything that is due to me is going to be given to me.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Create something out of nothing. You are a vessel and your vessel is important. But if you don’t treat it like it’s important, then you’re not gonna have what it is you want to have. You’ll always be so close but no cigar.”
Nashanta C. Robinson
“Don't wait for somebody to give you something. You're strong. You're intelligent. Go out and earn it and work for it.”
Deloris Jordan
“Acknowledge that it will require blood, sweat, and tears. Many people will tell you to only work smart. But the reality is that you have to work hard, smart, and long.”
Antonio Reza
“The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.”
Gordon Ryan
“What does it really take to make a difference in the world? In a word, focus. Relentless focus.”
Allen Cheng
“Liminal space is the norm on the path of a spiritual entrepreneur because the nature of doing something tangible in the world, while maintaining a spiritual focus, requires constant transformation.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Despite the despair and suffering still on our planet, humanity is moving toward unity, justice, love, and peace.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Spiritual entrepreneurship is a collective community working together to expand love.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Who could you be if you didn’t know who you were?”
Sheri A. Smith
“Since love is the fundamental energy of the universe, aiming to expand love grows us—not just ourselves personally, but everyone and everything around us.”
Sheri A. Smith
“We can’t rely on our own limited vision but must seek to see through heaven’s eyes.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Learning to read and write is like sailing on a sea of knowledge, where every wave is a new opportunity and every shore is a new achievement. Happy International Literacy Day”
Srinivas Mishra
“Every enemy can be beaten. All you need is the right team at your back.”
Jessica Khoury
“The wrong people will only bring you only sorrow and grief. Good people will give you joy and comfort. Choose wisely whom you come close to, and whom you let go.”
Srinivas Mishra
“In the light of your success, they see you. In the shadows of your struggle, you see them.”
Srinivas Mishra
“So in life, sometimes we have to stay alone, but never give up our path to glory.”
Avijeet Das
“Failure can have a certain grandeur that success never knows.”
John Brooks
“some people live for themselves, good people live for others, successful people live for the present and others to come.”
Champions from Around the World
“Embrace who you areand blossom as you are.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“And once you realise that you've been me and I have been you, you'd be more understanding.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Being in a toxic relationship is a drug, and it needs to be treated like any other drug.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“I kissed your fist, and now you're healed.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“The more you try, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you grow. The more you grow, the closer you get to your destination. Don't let failure stop you from trying again.”
Srinivas Mishra
“Education is the key to unlock the doors of opportunity and prosperity. It elevates your mind and your income, allowing you to use your brain instead of your brawn, and enjoy the benefits of time and self-improvement”
Srinivas Mishra
“Being alone, helps you, find you.”
Steve Zeiger
“Put into the world the beauty of being yourself and the healthy energy you bring.”
Steve Zeiger
“Today’s work is the key to tomorrow’s happiness. Yesterday’s regret is the lock to today’s potential.”
Srinivas Mishra
“Personal growth happens when you transform your potential into action.”
Wayne Chirisa
“We find total peace when we accept that, due to our karma, we deserve the good and the bad that is happening in our lives.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Walk the walk that you guarantee about it in order to be bold.”
Nozipho N.Maphumulo
“Healthy food that you feed your spirit, mind and body keep you long enough to reach your destination.”
Nozipho N Maphumulo
“Every Thick woman say yes on solid and balance shoes sole for a firm legs.”
Nozipho N Maphumulo
“Mm.. I see you wondering how to take good care of your feet. Walk the journey that you’ll never regret.”
Nozipho N Maphumulo
“Continue on doing pedicures detox and treatment as you see it on my blogs out there don’t forget to do manicures on your short hands nails as well that will be extremely gorgeous”
Nozipho N Maphumulo
“Knowledge saves.”
Mitta Xinindlu
“Once, I was flying as usual.Some people called me ill.I, too, for a while, Believed them...Then I saw,Their sophisticated cage!”
Amogh Swamy
“It is not about hate,It is about Time....”
“The Masterpiece?Head down, she obeys...Her mind, a virgin canvas,World paints its own strokes.”
Amogh Swamy
“Milo's Way- A HaikuStrength sought in small steps,Like Milo's calf on shoulders,Grow with steady will.”
Amogh Swamy
“BLACK SHEEP - A HAIKUMidst a starlit dance,The moon emerges alone,Thus she steals the show.”
Amogh Swamy
“Well-being is a skill that we can develop with practice, preferably done in the morning to maximize effect throughout the day.”
Laurie J. Cameron
“Small acts of kindness and love rippled out and had more of an impact than they ever could have imagined.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Thank you for believing that all humans have intrinsic value and that our job has society is to ensure that all are empowered and have enough.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Can we measure love? Or connection? Or beauty? Or the feeling of being alive?”
Sheri A. Smith
“But there is value in telling a story from the perspective of the mundane, from the real perspective that many of us are in for most of our lives.”
Sheri A. Smith
“They say when you put language to something, it creates meaning. Language creates the ability for someone to communicate and explore an idea more fully in a way that is not possible without language.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Enoughness isn’t necessarily about getting rich; it’s about the idea that God provides for our needs, and it is our responsibility to share with those who don’t have enough any abundance God has blessed us with.”
Sheri A. Smith
“External failure has no real correlation to spiritual failure. For a spiritual entrepreneur, external failure is often essential for spiritual success.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Understanding who we are, how God created us, how we grow, and how we give those gifts back to others is core work of the spiritual entrepreneur.”
Sheri A. Smith
“There are as many unique paths to self-knowledge as there are souls in the universe. Therefore, one-sized advice can never fit all. One path cannot be judged by another path, and we must struggle to find our own way with God.”
Sheri A. Smith
“It is my hope that entrepreneurship can become a spiritual path for many who feel called but don’t believe they were worthy or haven’t been able to find the capital to make it happen.”
Sheri A. Smith
“The collective action of spiritual entrepreneurs and their allies can contribute to creating a world that feels like heaven on earth.”
Sheri A. Smith
“A one-size-fits-all approach is no longer an option for humanity. The world is too diverse, vast, and expansive, so we should expect spiritual entrepreneurship to come in all shapes and sizes.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Inherent in this new type of distribution of wealth is trust that providing more freedom to humans ultimately drives positive innovation and growth.”
Sheri A. Smith
“The rise of spiritual entrepreneurship will bring massive innovation to solving the world’s most pressing problems in unique ways.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Freedom is essential for any system to work, and love is the foundation for freedom.”
Sheri A. Smith
“Hello read and buy this book is always ready to contribute a great impact in your life.”
Titih Mardiah
“Sustainable living is the key to unlocking a harmonious coexistence between humanity and the environment.”
Pep Talk Radio