class label
6 classes
i feel like my life has been taken over by a video game and im doomed to repeat the same set of circumstances over and over again until i collect all of the special powers knowledge and treasures to finally advance me to the next level
[ 4.6015625, -0.51708984375, -1.2861328125, -0.81494140625, -0.5263671875, -1.6923828125 ]
im really happy but i just feel exhausted
[ 4.625, -0.1968994140625, -1.275390625, -0.90380859375, -0.83935546875, -1.5751953125 ]
i feel so guilty for putting my child in daycare
[ 4.6328125, -0.7861328125, -0.9794921875, -0.7900390625, -0.71630859375, -1.599609375 ]
i feel bitchy saying it but i think that next saturday i just want to be alone
[ -0.47265625, -0.998046875, -0.86572265625, 4.1875, -0.49853515625, -1.3037109375 ]
i realize how much my little family leans on me and it felt so overwhelming and i feel so inadequate
[ 4.58203125, -0.888671875, -1.173828125, -0.88330078125, -0.3828125, -1.3984375 ]
im lucky enough in life to meet someone who makes me feel safe happy secure and loved i feel theres no reason to wait
[ -1.162109375, 4.55078125, -0.33056640625, -1.091796875, -1.5732421875, -1.7392578125 ]
i know what it feels like to be scared into something
[ -0.81591796875, -1.3076171875, -1.34375, -0.228515625, 4.5078125, -0.29638671875 ]
i feel it is perfectly acceptable to consume homemade chex party mix for breakfast during the holidays given the fact that it is mostly cereal
[ -1.20703125, 4.4765625, -0.1260986328125, -1.1015625, -1.6015625, -1.6728515625 ]
i chant the invocation and feel his force supporting me as i teach
[ -1.302734375, 3.75390625, 1.267578125, -1.3271484375, -1.8095703125, -1.91796875 ]
i do feel welcomed but it s a little weird
[ -1.5693359375, 4.2734375, -0.262939453125, -1.291015625, -1.3486328125, -0.92822265625 ]
i feel like resolutions are boring and cliche
[ 4.515625, -0.365234375, -1.166015625, 0.0278778076171875, -1.4951171875, -1.642578125 ]
i could just take my beliefs and feelings and lock them in a safe somewhere until i get my human life squared away i and just about everyone i know would be a lot happier or perhaps not
[ -0.4619140625, 4.30859375, -0.84033203125, -0.744140625, -1.6689453125, -1.6513671875 ]
im feeling more lively than yesterday still not sure about food though
[ -1.052734375, 4.40234375, -0.86865234375, -0.87353515625, -1.4111328125, -1.435546875 ]
i feel if i completely hated things i d exercise my democratic right speak my mind in what ever ways possible and try to enact a change
[ 2.6640625, -1.0146484375, -0.73779296875, 2.509765625, -1.4208984375, -2.107421875 ]
i feel love se inscrie intr un rafinament lejer romantic si extrem de feminin
[ -1.310546875, 1.0029296875, 3.4921875, -1.3466796875, -1.5185546875, -1.2158203125 ]
i feel so greedy so needy so helpless
[ -0.257568359375, -1.349609375, -0.63232421875, 3.76953125, 0.326171875, -1.537109375 ]
im upset with myself because i really feel like i have a blank years from years old
[ 4.58984375, -0.56982421875, -1.439453125, -0.64208984375, -0.59716796875, -1.4794921875 ]
i feel intimidated by the tasks you feel overwhelmed by huge and complicated tasks
[ -1.302734375, -1.3994140625, -1.3779296875, -0.0828857421875, 4.33203125, 0.458251953125 ]
i feel needy but comfortable with it i feel vulnerable but secure i feel the urge to cum hard but i get no relief
[ 2.021484375, -1.4091796875, -0.65380859375, -0.287109375, 2.134765625, -1.7587890625 ]
im feeling energetic
[ -1.1181640625, 4.4453125, -0.72314453125, -0.80126953125, -1.5439453125, -1.5068359375 ]
i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it
[ -0.402587890625, -1.2841796875, -1.361328125, -0.4814453125, 4.44921875, -0.51611328125 ]
i feel as if today was a positive gift delivered to us teachers on a very stressful week
[ -0.95654296875, 4.5625, -0.61376953125, -1.076171875, -1.609375, -1.640625 ]
i feel so blessed to have friends i can come to
[ -1.201171875, 1.1611328125, 3.0546875, -1.298828125, -1.521484375, -1.0947265625 ]
i am feeling much more relaxed
[ -0.9443359375, 4.484375, -0.5625, -1.0166015625, -1.5068359375, -1.6083984375 ]
im thinking well i could be a bit smaller but for health reasons and i should see a doctor more regularly because im feeling crappy
[ 4.49609375, -0.77099609375, -1.5341796875, -0.0289459228515625, -0.75927734375, -1.546875 ]
i feel devastated over things that i have lost i will remind myself to be grateful for what i still have
[ 4.58984375, -0.6298828125, -0.90185546875, -0.654296875, -1.021484375, -1.6171875 ]
i feel a strange gratitude for the hated israeli occupation of sinai that lasted from to for actually recognizing the importance of sinais history
[ -0.8515625, -1.74609375, -1.4072265625, 0.0762939453125, 4.15625, 0.57568359375 ]
i feel quite reluctant to pick up a dance with dragons book because once i m done with that who knows how long i d have to wait for martin to finish his next installment it took him years to release a dance with dragons after a feast for crows
[ -0.7763671875, -1.3203125, -1.076171875, -0.146240234375, 4.375, -0.5478515625 ]
i feel like ive lost my mind
[ 4.64453125, -0.53466796875, -1.1435546875, -0.94384765625, -0.74658203125, -1.4853515625 ]
i also tried after all that frustration when i was feeling none too energetic for more problems to work on the respirometry stuff which is going to be a huge nightmare
[ -1.103515625, 4.46484375, -0.8876953125, -0.8447265625, -1.4853515625, -1.4072265625 ]
i sit up and i feel awful about it as miles starts feeling up whoever s pants under his back for a cigarette box
[ 4.51953125, -0.81982421875, -1.1591796875, -1.0146484375, -0.451416015625, -1.205078125 ]
im feeling sentimental or in need of reassurance
[ 4.19921875, -0.65478515625, -0.485595703125, -0.192138671875, -1.310546875, -1.9951171875 ]
i check you when you re sleeping feel your nose and toes to be sure you aren t too hot or cold
[ -1.5947265625, 0.093017578125, 2.505859375, 0.78125, -0.92236328125, -0.79150390625 ]
i also miss the old curious child within me i just feel that the curious child inside me is dying slowly upon the shock of knowing that the world is not as beautiful as we thought it was
[ -1.5595703125, -0.92822265625, -0.8779296875, -0.76416015625, 1.775390625, 2.890625 ]
i am feeling a bit offended
[ -0.74560546875, -1.302734375, -1.0400390625, 4.015625, -0.096923828125, -0.81005859375 ]
i feel fine class pin it button count layout horizontal pin it
[ -0.96533203125, 4.5, -0.75390625, -0.99853515625, -1.490234375, -1.451171875 ]
i almost feel too stubborn to come back as i said that i was leaving
[ -0.67578125, -0.93994140625, -0.7490234375, 3.92578125, -0.041107177734375, -1.2998046875 ]
i feel frustrated or the world around me lies shattered i just go and walk in the rain so that no body could see my eyes full of tears this is the delivery system of justice as conceptualized by our courts which we are learning the hard way
[ -0.6298828125, -1.107421875, -1.185546875, 4.20703125, 0.04144287109375, -1.2275390625 ]
i remain hopeful that the feeling i have is actually excitement a long missed friend
[ 2.85546875, 1.759765625, -1.34375, -1.1943359375, -0.771484375, -1.7158203125 ]
i would really love to be with him but not as a friend and not because he feels guilty or sorry for me
[ 4.390625, -0.794921875, -0.91357421875, -0.77490234375, -0.591796875, -1.5302734375 ]
i cant feel anything like they said why does everything always hurt so bad
[ 4.546875, -0.8642578125, -1.025390625, -0.5830078125, -0.732421875, -1.6640625 ]
i have come from the summer time and feeling like coach hated me
[ 2.771484375, -1.0751953125, -0.79150390625, 2.427734375, -1.3583984375, -2.087890625 ]
i ever recognized what it was to feel passionate about something was with music
[ -1.9482421875, 2.359375, 2.74609375, -1.2724609375, -1.6982421875, -1.322265625 ]
i was feeling weird the other day and it went away about minutes after i took my metformin
[ -1.1455078125, -1.4599609375, -1.2578125, -0.8505859375, 3.84765625, 1.529296875 ]
i assumed it would feel casual
[ -1.0283203125, 4.33984375, -0.68212890625, -0.68408203125, -1.427734375, -1.5478515625 ]
i am feeling better though i dont sound it
[ -0.5166015625, 4.35546875, -0.82470703125, -0.99169921875, -1.490234375, -1.6103515625 ]
i feel a bit lonely just writing this because its not face to face with someone and i cant get feedback
[ 4.625, -0.61083984375, -0.84619140625, -0.64453125, -1.0458984375, -1.6875 ]
i loved the feeling i got during an amazing slalom run whether it was in training or in a race
[ -1.7421875, 1.669921875, -0.292236328125, -1.40234375, -0.61474609375, 1.8037109375 ]
i have found myself overwhelmed with jealousy and self contempt and i have found myself feeling this towards the lives of my sweet friends and acquaintances as portrayed on social media
[ -1.72265625, 2.796875, 2.494140625, -1.4453125, -1.951171875, -1.5234375 ]
i really feel for the women who have to work with these obnoxious cretins
[ -0.463134765625, -0.82275390625, -1.0712890625, 4.22265625, -0.62109375, -1.234375 ]
i did enjoy the book however and i especially liked the characters of the brothers one fired up with the detectin spirit and the other feeling skeptical but willing to back his brother in a fight
[ -1.4638671875, -1.240234375, -1.169921875, -0.1522216796875, 4.078125, 0.63427734375 ]
i can feel that they are kind friendly and can understand my feelings
[ -1.5703125, 4.1796875, 0.452880859375, -1.0458984375, -1.6923828125, -1.6484375 ]
im not feeling very hopeful about the coming summer
[ -1.2412109375, 4.578125, -0.46630859375, -1.212890625, -1.40625, -1.494140625 ]
i feel a bit like a naughty kid who went and spent their last pence on a bag full of e numbers guilty
[ -1.88671875, 1.6943359375, 3.046875, -1.1494140625, -1.47265625, -1.060546875 ]
i feel about these individuals but that opening line shows how inadequate simple words can be
[ 4.609375, -0.9052734375, -1.2373046875, -0.6796875, -0.392822265625, -1.5859375 ]
i feel that it is of vital importance that those who care about me know this stuff
[ -1.1474609375, 4.44140625, -0.53271484375, -1.0166015625, -1.4755859375, -1.6806640625 ]
i feel agitated with myself that i did not foresee her frustrations earlier leading to the ending of our relationship
[ -1.150390625, -1.3271484375, -1.216796875, 2.46484375, 2.80859375, -0.9248046875 ]
i feel privileged to have played against him
[ -1.404296875, 4.3515625, -0.321044921875, -0.99951171875, -1.515625, -1.44140625 ]
i was really struggling to run with the discomfort i was feeling but was determined to continue as the crowds on the bridge are massive and i didnt want to be one of the first people they saw walking or stopping
[ -1.333984375, 4.0234375, 0.04461669921875, -0.5654296875, -1.4697265625, -1.880859375 ]
ive come to feel about a supporting character in one of my all time favorite films giant
[ -1.3984375, 2.97265625, 2.052734375, -1.34375, -1.8232421875, -1.76953125 ]
im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing
[ -0.9443359375, -1.0556640625, -1.3837890625, -0.1910400390625, 4.4296875, -0.34521484375 ]
i persevered through the storm of rejections feeling confident that i was doing what god had called me to do
[ -0.97119140625, 4.24609375, -0.88623046875, -0.81201171875, -1.201171875, -1.4072265625 ]
i wasn t the person who was helping i realized that it was i who inspired all these people to start charity work and i can t help but feel proud
[ -1.1669921875, 4.421875, -0.371826171875, -0.96240234375, -1.7158203125, -1.423828125 ]
i still feel like there is a lot left to keep me entertained
[ -1.287109375, 4.484375, -0.162109375, -1.08984375, -1.7529296875, -1.4599609375 ]
i have tested positive but i have never taken drugs and i feel innocent says martina
[ -1.44921875, 4.328125, 0.5498046875, -1.22265625, -1.8369140625, -1.677734375 ]
i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so
[ -0.8544921875, -1.12109375, -0.86474609375, 4.12109375, -0.07666015625, -1.0029296875 ]
i suspect much of the country feels after the tragic events of last week
[ 4.53515625, -0.405029296875, -0.91259765625, -0.75390625, -1.1005859375, -1.6826171875 ]
i werent feeling crappy enough aunt flo decided to show up and im bloated like a balloon
[ 4.2890625, -0.78125, -1.7177734375, 0.186279296875, -0.505859375, -1.5869140625 ]
i feel terrible when i hurt peoples feelings worse afterwards and i always hope never to do it again
[ 4.55078125, -1.0322265625, -1.0830078125, -0.8369140625, -0.427001953125, -1.453125 ]
i feel for folks with tender plantings that may have been set out too soon it might actually dip below freezing over the next few nights
[ -1.6689453125, 1.4892578125, 3.2578125, -1.2666015625, -1.556640625, -1.3505859375 ]
i have been feeling so melancholy and alone
[ 4.62890625, -0.646484375, -0.798828125, -0.61669921875, -1.068359375, -1.740234375 ]
i stay the more distanced from others i feel it is strange because i sometimes feel like a new friendship is growing or forming
[ -1.1640625, -1.404296875, -1.1982421875, -0.76953125, 3.904296875, 1.3916015625 ]
i feel like i look like a miserable heap
[ 4.671875, -0.51513671875, -1.009765625, -0.5517578125, -1.208984375, -1.607421875 ]
i couldnt help feeling for him and this awful predicament he lives with on a daily and nightly basis and i was just so glad that once bel started to see the light he stuck it out and stood by daniel whilst no one else did including his family who im afraid i got really disgusted with
[ 2.845703125, -0.74072265625, -1.0927734375, 1.462890625, -1.1767578125, -1.5947265625 ]
i feel like a wimpy canoe floating towards a rising tsunami
[ -0.49169921875, -1.5146484375, -1.6806640625, 1.068359375, 3.935546875, -0.828125 ]
i feel shy because of what i am wearing
[ -0.61474609375, -1.48828125, -1.08203125, -0.4716796875, 4.375, -0.252197265625 ]
i guess it doesn t help that i got sick on black friday and was forced against my will to maintain my promise to stay in but being back in the city feels amazing
[ -1.3349609375, 0.433349609375, -0.9921875, -1.2001953125, 0.431884765625, 2.77734375 ]
i type these words i feel like i shouldn t be surprised
[ -1.32421875, -0.400390625, -1.072265625, -0.810546875, 0.8203125, 3.171875 ]
i had encountered before and as much as these dreams thrilled me they left me feeling even more terrified
[ -1.1357421875, -1.27734375, -1.3671875, -0.034423828125, 4.45703125, -0.0154876708984375 ]
im feeling really out of place and irritated
[ -0.91357421875, -0.85205078125, -1.017578125, 4.06640625, -0.280517578125, -0.9345703125 ]
i suck up is the boring dull town and the feeling being missed by my family and bf
[ 4.7109375, -0.56103515625, -1.068359375, -0.55859375, -1.1494140625, -1.47265625 ]
i was studying i always had the feeling that the process was unpleasant but it was absolutely necessary
[ 4.18359375, -0.99853515625, -1.490234375, 0.035247802734375, -0.097900390625, -1.833984375 ]
i feel the creative juices beginning to flow again
[ -1.1572265625, 4.37109375, -0.85009765625, -0.8291015625, -1.400390625, -1.271484375 ]
i feel inside this life is like a game sometimes then you came around me the walls just dissapeared nothing to surround me keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust coz ive never felt like this before im naked around you does it show
[ -0.4326171875, 0.5263671875, -0.301025390625, -1.326171875, 1.6171875, -0.134765625 ]
i was lying in bed last night after a day of making experiments from the usual suspects fabric plastic and feeling agitated that my issues with proper presentation had not made any headway over the course of a mere six hours
[ -1.2421875, -1.326171875, -1.25390625, 2.138671875, 3.09765625, -0.748046875 ]
i hate feeling like this this is bullshit ok i m so done bye
[ 0.31201171875, 3.51171875, -0.86328125, -0.1865234375, -1.837890625, -2.10546875 ]
i don t know about you but sometimes i feel that the world is troubled deeply pathologically troubled
[ 4.46484375, -0.8603515625, -0.98876953125, -0.35205078125, -0.56982421875, -1.94140625 ]
i think and it feels a little weird
[ -1.1279296875, -1.4794921875, -1.275390625, -0.78076171875, 3.9296875, 1.439453125 ]
i only talk about how people make me feel and the only people i talk about are the ones that make me feel unhappy upset nervous or angry
[ 4.73046875, -0.65478515625, -1.2822265625, -0.363525390625, -0.857421875, -1.7578125 ]
ive also been feeling somewhat emo irritable lately
[ -0.70947265625, -0.88818359375, -0.87646484375, 4.11328125, -0.421630859375, -1.12109375 ]
i feel it so easily like that of a gentle rain that warms the earth and brings laughter and delight from all those that pause to take notice of such a blessing
[ -1.638671875, 1.4375, 3.24609375, -1.208984375, -1.5673828125, -1.4208984375 ]
i feel for all of you who have been supporting me is so extreme there would be no way to put a number value on it
[ -1.3466796875, 3.08203125, 1.94921875, -1.2998046875, -1.837890625, -1.8349609375 ]
i feel more violent than ever right now
[ -0.82666015625, -0.9541015625, -0.85107421875, 3.8203125, 0.482177734375, -1.2392578125 ]
i feel so awful she said
[ 4.3984375, -0.931640625, -1.12890625, -1.0068359375, -0.309814453125, -1.1845703125 ]
ive been getting have been making me feel suspicious like its someone elses great work they are trying to get credit for
[ -1.171875, -1.1142578125, -1.154296875, 0.219970703125, 4.14453125, -0.12396240234375 ]
i feel ashamed to type all this
[ 4.47265625, -0.8798828125, -1.021484375, -1.0087890625, -0.358642578125, -1.3515625 ]
i was feeling especially shy and awkward because i didn t know many people there
[ -0.438232421875, -1.466796875, -1.09375, -0.66552734375, 4.3515625, -0.275390625 ]
i start working full time next week where i m currently at and i m feeling a bit ungrateful at the moment
[ 4.6171875, -1.0576171875, -1.3642578125, -0.21630859375, -0.51708984375, -1.65234375 ]
i sometimes feel is carried in my heart just by loving my child so fiercely
[ -1.4072265625, 0.9296875, 3.4609375, -1.2431640625, -1.55859375, -1.1806640625 ]
im feeling weepy already
[ 4.36328125, -1.150390625, -0.765625, -0.5439453125, -0.556640625, -1.634765625 ]